Equestria Falls no More: Kamen Rider Jam, Champion of Equestria

by KR Chrome

First published

Celestia and Luna are defeated. Dainn is about to rape Celestia in public to solidify his claim of Equestria, but Luna holds one last hope in her hands.

When the caribou invaded, it seems all hope was lost. Even Luna and Celestia were no match for the cruel King Dainn of the caribou. However, in their darkest hour, Luna called upon one last hope to save them all.

She summons a champion.

She summons a Kamen Rider.

Kamen Rider Jam: Savior

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Princess Luna lay on the ground, her body in pain.

Across from her lay her sister, Princess Celestia, with her dress torn to shreds. She too was defeated. Leering at her with lust-filled eyes was Dainn, King of the Caribou.

The caribou had invaded Equestria with the intent of conquering the entire land. In the eyes of the caribou, females should not have any rights. Females were only meant to be enslaved and used by their male superiors. A nation ruled by females was an affront to their beliefs, and thus the caribou came to rectify it.

They first invaded the Crystal Empire and took control of the Crystal Heart. They used their malevolent magic to change the Crystal Heart into a perverse version of itself dubbed the ‘Crystal Cock’ by the caribou. This was the start of Equestria’s fall. Stallions who fell under the influence of the Crystal Cock were quickly swayed towards the caribou’s point of view. Immediately, mares were taken against their will and raped.

Even Shining Armor and Cadance were not immune. Shining Armor was the first to fall and he raped Cadance who gradually became corrupted as well. She became nothing but a slut who craved for cock.

They even attacked Ponyville. Luna and Celestia only knew that Twilight and her friends, the Elements of Harmony were captured. They feared that the Elements of Harmony had become slaves and were being raped this very moment.

And now Canterlot, the Capital of Equestria, was being invaded. Their own guards had turned on them, and right down on the streets mares were being captured to become slaves. Some were raped right on the spot.

And King Dainn was ready to claim Celestia. He had beaten the Sun and Moon Princesses and he was going to show his might to the caribou and stallions by raping her right on the balcony. He would make them watch as he made Celestia into his bitch.

Luna couldn’t let that happen, but Dainn had somehow gained Discord’s magic and used it against them. What he lacked in creativity, he made up for in terms of raw power. In a matter of minutes, Luna and Celestia were defeated.

Luna gritted her teeth. There was one last hope. It was an item she received in a dream where she met a mysterious figure. He called himself Topper Liquer and he told her that she would need it.

She awoke with the object right under her pillow but never dared to use it...until now.

Now she was desperate and in need of a miracle. She just hoped the object did not bring forth something worse. But what could be worse than this?

Luna took out the object--a padlock with the image of a masked warrior. She pressed the switch and unlocked it.


The device called loudly as she activated it. At first, nothing seemed to happen, and Luna felt she was cheated. She despaired as the object she believed to be their last hope turned out to be nothing but a trinket.

Meanwhile, Dainn had just bent Celestia over the rail of the balcony. He was about to call his caribou and the stallions to see when something happened.

A portal zipped open in the ceiling to reveal a misty forest. Then, all of a sudden, a swarm of insects flew out of the portal and towards Dainn. Dainn opened his mouth to yell but was suddenly yanked away from Celestia. He was caught with his pants down, literally, as the swarm of insects wrapped around him like a hand and threw him to the floor.

The swarm of insects hovered over to Luna and then they formed into a humanoid figure before merging and solidifying into an unknown figure.


The stranger had a slender built and wore a silver bodysuit with black sides on the torso. The mysterious warrior had black bracers and boots with violet trim. The chestpiece and shoulders were noticeably spiked upwards, colored the same black with violet accents.

The warrior’s identity was hidden by a helmet which acted as a mask. The helmet was sculpted to look like it was on fire with black flames. The visor was covered by a sinister looking violet mask which resembled a stylized version of the Japanese kanji for the word ‘evil’. Sheathed on the left side of his belt was a sword and in his left hand was a violet scimitar that looked like an orange slice.

“Who...WHO DARES!?” Dainn roared as he pulled his pants up. He glared at the interloper.

The masked warrior ignored Dainn and looked at Luna who was clutching the padlock--the Jam Lockseed.

So, you’re the one who called me.

“Y-yes,” Luna confirmed with a shaky voice. What had she brought to Equestria?

“DON’T IGNORE ME!” Dainn snapped.

Jam looked at Dainn and addressed Luna, “So, is he the one I’m supposed to defeat?

“Yes! His people have conquered our nation and enslaved our ponies! You must stop him!”

Well, since I’m here and all, I might as well hop to it,” said Jam as he drew his sidearm--the Musou Saber.

“What is your name, warrior?” Luna asked.

It’s Jam. Kamen Rider Jam.”


Dainn watched as the scrawny warrior approached him with his swords. Dainn scoffed. This was their final attempt at stopping him? How pathetic. Dainn drew his mighty battle axe off his back. He gripped it tight. Oh, he was going to enjoy this. He always worked up a good appetite after a fight. Then, he would screw Celestia much harder after he dealt with this welp.

Roaring, Dainn rushed at Jam and swung his battle axe. Jam ducked the blade and kicked Dainn in the stomach. Dainn’s eyes bugged comically as he reeled back before Jam started swinging at him. Dainn used his ax to shield himself, sparks flying as the masked warrior performed a flurry of slashes.

Dainn gritted his teeth and his eyes glowed. He empowered himself with Discord’s magic and swung, sending Jam sliding back. Dainn gathered the wicked energy into his battle ax and swung, throwing a disk of dark energy at Jam.

“WATCH OUT!” Luna cried out to her champion.

Jam raised his hand and formed a portal like the one he came in through. The attack flew into the portal which closed, leaving Jam unharmed. Dainn gawked at this but then let out a yell as Jam crossed the distance in the blink of an eye and slashed him across the chest.

Dainn reached out in a flash and grabbed Jam by his throat and slammed him to the floor. His head impacted the pristine floor and cracked forms around it.

“Now, you DIE!” Dainn raised his ax but then he was no longer gripping the warrior as he dissolved into a swarm of insects. Dainn was left gripping nothing and staring stupidly at his hand.

The warrior reformed, sitting on the throne and mocking Dainn.

I almost thought this would be boring, but you’re really making this enjoyable,” said Jam.

“Is this a game to you!?” Dainn snapped angrily.

Naturally, a fight is like a game. There’s always a winner and a loser,” Jam answered casually. “And the winner is the one who rigs the game.”

Jam took out a Lockseed, but it looked like a black eyeball with a red iris. Four claws seemed to clutch the eyeball-like lock.

Let me show you what I mean,” Jam said as he unlocked the Lockseed.


A thick fog spread out in the throne room. Luna watched as it surrounded all the occupants, concealing everything. It was hard to tell what was right in front of them with sight alone.

Dainn just grew annoyed and charged at the throne just as the fog emerged. He smashed it with a swing of his ax, missing his opponent.

And then he heard it again.


Dainn yelled as moments later he felt a cut across his bare arm. Blood spilled from his arm. Dainn swung but hit nothing. He then received several more cuts on his body. His armor protected him, but his legs, face, and arms received more and more bloody cuts as he swung around for his opponent.


Luna couldn’t see what was happening due to the fog, but she could hear Dainn’s shout of frustration.

Dainn gritted his teeth and then yelled out as he was literally stabbed in the back. Roaring, his antlers glowed and he slammed the battle ax to the floor. The shockwave blew away the fog, enabling him to see his surroundings again.

He could see his opponent, and so could Luna.

Jam had changed his attire. His armor was different now. He sported a black overcoat which had patches of red like blood on it. The chestpiece resembled a blood red rib cage. His helmet also gained a new accessory. It was a top hat of all things.

Gripped in his hands was a pair of knives that were stained with Dainn’s blood.

Looks like you took out my fog,” Jam remarked.

Dainn’s eyes glowed as blood red vapor trailed from the corners. His antlers crackled with energy as a sphere of energy formed between them and grew. With a shout, he fired a blast of crimson energy at Jam. Jam leaped over the blast, dodging it. He then threw his knives, hitting Dainn right in the shoulder. The knives pierced his armor and he screamed as he recoiled.

“I’ll have to get rid of those antlers then,” commented Jam as he unlocked a blood red eyeball-like Lockseed like his previous one.


Dainn rushed towards Jam just as the long coat and hat vanished, leaving him only in his bodysuit. Then, shooting out of his chest was a disembodied suit of armor. It smashed into Dainn and sent him tumbling on impact.

The newly summoned armor lacked legs. It was just the torso portion, colored crimson with silver trim. It was made of a set of interlocking plates with wide pauldrons. Plate armor that ended in thick spiked gauntlets hung from the pauldrons. Long flaps of armor like coat tails hung from the waist. The helmet was hollow with a pair of large bull-like horns.

Jam switched Lockseeds, loading Mordred’s into place.


The armor draped over Jam and fused with him. The gauntlets secured to his forearms and he flexed his fingers. The helmet fused with Jam’s helmet. This armor made Jam look like some kind of wicked dark knight, but Luna was sure that he was on her side.


A two-handed silver broadsword with a red edge appeared in Jam’s hand. Looking up at Dainn who was recovering, Jam smirked and approached him.

Dainn refused to show fear or be defeated here. He was destined to rule all. It was his right as a male to put females in their place. He was going to become Equestria’s ruler, turning their princesses into his bitches to use as he pleased. The mares would be slaves for his caribou and new stallion supporters.

He was so close that he could almost taste it! This was his victory! And he wasn’t about to let some freak take it away from him!

Roaring, Dainn used his magic to boost his power. His muscles expanded and he grew in height. He charged at Dainn who was coming for him.

Dainn swung his empowered battle ax. Just one strike would bisect the fool who dared to oppose him.


Jam raised his sword as the battle ax came down. There was an explosion of power as a shock wave burst from the impact. Luna was blown away by the power, but not as much as Dainn at what happened next.

His sacred battle axe shattered to pieces, pieces flying like shrapnel. Dainn was hit by the shrapnel and recoiled in pain as he screamed.

Despite losing his weapon, Dainn was still able to fight. He threw a punch, but Jam blocked it with his spiked gauntlet. With a swing aimed for Dainn’s head, he sliced off one of his antlers. Dainn recoiled, in shock and horror as one of his antlers fell at his feet.

“MY ANTLER! YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Dainn roared. He still had his magic and he threw a devastating punch. Jam jumped away at the last second as Dainn drove his fist into the floor. Jam then lunged forward and chopped off the other antler. Dainn reeled back as he lost his second antler.

As the King of the caribou, Dainn possessed the grandest of antlers. But now, they had been chopped off. He was practically bald now. For the caribou, losing their antlers was their greatest shame. Losing their antlers showed weakness.

As Dainn froze at the loss of his antlers, Jam drove his sword forward, piercing the king’s enchanted armor. Dainn fell from the blow and landed on his back with a sword sticking out of his stomach.

As a pool of blood spread around Dainn, he glared up at Jam who had bested him.

“At least...I wasn’t beaten...by a bitch.”

Jam looked down at Dainn.

Sorry,” Jam said unapologetically as ‘his’ voice shifted to a feminine tone, “But you were.”

Jam closed ‘his’ Lockseed on his belt. ‘His’ armor dissolved into insects which flew off him.

Dainn’s eyes widened in horror. He did not know what this being was, but the curves identified it as a female.

King Dainn, the mightiest of the caribou, had just been bested by a FEMALE!

The realization struck Dainn more violently than the sword embedded in his belly.

Dainn let out a roar of denial, thrashing in fury as he gripped the sword in his stomach. He could not accept this! He would not accept this! A female could not defeat him! A female could never defeat him! They were weak! They were pathetic! There was no way!

Jam reached behind her back to her sword and pulled it out of the scabbard. It was long, single-edged blade of oriental design. Dainn was losing blood and weakening, but he was still very much a threat.

Luna should stop this. Dainn was beaten, but then she remembered what Dainn claimed he would do. What he was planning to do to her and her sister. Eyes narrowed, she gave Jam a nod.

The blade cut right through Dainn’s neck. His body spasmed as his head was sliced off.

Jam picked up the head by its scruff and walked over to Luna who was shocked at the identity of her savior.

“You’re female,” said Luna in awe.

Jam dropped Dainn’s head in front of Luna.

“Never said I wasn’t,” Jam retorted. “So, I guess my job here is done.”

Luna looked at Dainn’s head and then up at Jam.

“Yes, thank you,” Luna said gratefully. She looked to Celestia who was still bent over the rail of the balcony in an undignified manner. She was naked and exposed. Jam followed her gaze.

“Well, I guess I could help a bit more. You should take that head with you. They all are going to see this.”

Luna blinked. Dainn’s head, of course. He was the one who spearheaded the caribou’s campaign. Perhaps the sight of it would break their will and whatever spell Dainn had cast on her subjects.

Luna picked herself up. Already she could feel her magic restoring her injuries. Meanwhile, Jam had carried Celestia inside and covered her with a curtain she ripped from one of the windows. Jam watched as Luna approached the balcony with Dainn’s head.

“Oh, and claim you were the one who beat him,” Jam advised.

Luna nodded. It might be deception, but it was for the good of her subjects.

Luna raised her voice to the volume of the Royal Canterlot Voice and shouted, “CARIBOU AND PONIES! BEHOLD, THE HEAD OF KING DAINN!

The chaos below stopped and the caribou’s eyes widened as they saw Dainn’s head. The antlers had been broken off and it was in Luna’s grip.

Luna watched with cruel satisfaction as the caribou froze. As for the stallions that were assaulting the mares, the spell on them seemed to be broken and they immediately turned on the caribou. Luna dropped the head like garbage and it bounced off the steps of the castle down to the ground below.

Luna turned to Jam who had vanished. Luna then looked at the padlock in her hand to see it had gone as well. While she was still bewildered by the mysterious champion, she was grateful nonetheless.

“Thank you, Kamen Rider Jam.”

Legendary Hero Lockseed Data


Jack the Ripper Arms: This Arms form is based on the legendary serial killer, “Jack the Ripper”, this who terrorized Whitechapel in the late 19th century (31st August 1888 to 9th November 1888) by murdering prostitutes and mutilating their bodies, receiving his infamous moniker as a result.

Jack the Ripper murdered and mutilated a total of five prostitutes before the killings abruptly ended, with his last documented victim being Mary Jane Kelly. The case of Jack the Ripper remains unsolved and in spite of the long list of suspects, Jack the Ripper’s true identity remains unknown to this day.

In Jack the Ripper Arms, Jam is capable of generating a thick fog that acts as cover so she can kill her victims using the Jack Knives she is granted by the use of the Arms. In the fog, the finisher announcements from Jam’s SengokuDriver are silenced so she can ambush her targets. Any indication that a finisher has been initiated is from a faint glow around the Jack Knives.


Mordred Arms: This Arms form is based on the legendary Mordred from Arthurian legend. He is known as a notorious traitor who fought King Arthur at the Battle of Camlann where he was killed after he fatally wounded Arthur. In one interpretation of the tale, he is depicted as the illegitimate son of King Arthur and his half-sister Morgana. In Mordred Arms, Jam is clad in powerful armor and armed with a two-handed broadsword named ‘Clarent’ which is the same sword wielded by Mordred.

Sparking: Clarent King Slayer. Clarent is charged with energy and Jam strikes the target with a powerful stab.