> Guiding Your Parents > by deadpansnarker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Time to clear the air > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a long day... no, make that week, for one Rainbow Dash. After Scootaloo unexpectedly made contact with her parents up in Cloudsdale for a project she was doing called 'My Most Inspirational Hero', the trio had exchanged many a story about their infatuation for the many-hued pegasus, including the exhibition of a ton and a half of memorabilia. Scoots had even deigned to keep half of her idol's favourite sandwich, a decision which she later regretted when a grossed-out Cheerilee decided to downgrade her final mark because of the overwhelming stench in her book. An unexpected side-effect of the orange filly's visit up above was that as soon as she'd informed Mr and Mrs Dash about their daughter being made a Wonderbolt, the elongated screech they uttered afterwards was the harbinger for a bizarre chain of events. It all started when they came down to ground level to see her triumph for themselves, and began to forcibly integrate themselves in her life again using the most distracting methods imaginable. Congratulating her for every little thing she did in the form of obnoxious chants was only the start, they also seemed to think it was acceptable behaviour to let loose fireworks in the middle of an aerial display, as well as intrude in her locker room without permission. It was just like when Rainbow was a kid, only now things were even worse. So, it was just after Scootaloo's assignment was concluded that Rainbow arranged to meet them both, along with her younger honourary sister. They were just about to head up home to the clouds again, so this would be the last chance she'd get to speak her mind. Greeting both Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles just underneath Cloudsdale, along with affording Scootaloo a sympathetic glance, she wasted no time at all in getting to the heart of the matter. "M-Mum, D-Dad... you know I love you both and I really appreciate all the 'enthusiasm' you've displayed over the years. It's helped make me become the cool mare I am today, the confident and determined pony who'll always give her very best to protect and help her friends whenever she can. It's also given me the strength to aid in saving the world on more than one occasion. For all of that, I can't thank you enough. B-But..." "I know, I know! We love you too, sweetheart!" Windy Whistles interrupted Dash's speech as usual to give her a tight hug. " Don't ever let anypony ever tell you you're not the best at whatever you do!" "WOO-HOO!! Best at showing appreciation for her parents ever!!" Bow Hothoof was the epitome of restraint. "C'mon... bring it all in now, Rainbow!" Realising that she was about to become an equine sandwich upon which a rapidly jumping Scootaloo would be the topping, Dash grit her teeth and took a step backwards, away from her confused parents and just managing to catch her filly admirer before she hit the deck. "No, please... just listen for once!" Rainbow did her best not to snap like she did in the locker room, seeing now that perhaps wasn't the best way of conveying her message. "I think it's great that the two of you love me so much that you want me to succeed in everything I do... but don't you think you could tone it down a bit? Or rather... a lot? " "B-But darling, I don't understand... didn't you say our devotion to you was okay? Isn't that why you put on that big, colourful Wonderbolts performance to show us how much you appreciate us?" Windy was unsurprisingly nonplussed at the mixed signals she was getting. "Yes, and weren't you cheering alongside us while Scootaloo here was giving her talk during the lesson?" Bow pointed out to his daughter. "What could possibly have changed between then and now to make you feel this way?" "Rainbow Dash? Is something the matter? I thought we'd sorted all this out already..." Scootaloo looked up at her big sister with concern. " Remember what I said about me not having parents, and why you should cherish yours and the love they give you?" Dash sighed internally. This would take quite a bit of explaining, especially to her youngest fan. But she'd come too far to turn back now. "Mom, Dad..." she started hesitantly. "Just think back over the last few days. The way other ponies have been looking at you whenever you yell enthusiastically at me in public, for every little thing I do. Doesn't that tell you something about how the way you're acting now might not be in my best interest?" "W-Well..." Windy flushed slightly, as even a mare as oblivious as her couldn't fail to notice some of the odd gazes she got. "U-Um..." Bow recalled seeing some of his daughter's fellow Wonderbolts snickering behind her back. Maybe that was the reason... "I know you had good intentions, but you turned me into a bit of a laughing stock!" Rainbow tried to emphasise how much their disruptive behaviour was affecting her. "Congratulating me for cutting a ribbon. Thinking I'm a genius for hanging up a towel. Setting off fireworks when me and my teammates are in formation, which could have caused serious injury!!" With each new revelation, Windy and Bow's expressions sank deeper and deeper, while Scootaloo just looked more and more worried. The last thing Rainbow wanted to do was upset her little buddy... but this needed to brought out into the open, and she needed to hear it too. "Like I said, don't think for one second I don't appreciate everything you've done for me..." Rainbow adopted a softer tone now, and went to put her hooves around her parents' necks. "...But I'm not a little filly anymore. I did think at first it would be best if I brushed everything under the carpet and just accept the way you were this week was fine, but to be honest, it wasn't. I don't need you to cheer and shout at me all the time like I did as a cadet, it only gets in my way and makes everypony around you feel uncomfortable. I hope you respect me now for sharing my feelings with you, and I also hope you don't feel I was too harsh when telling you this like I might have been before..." After a few moment's pause, Windy lifted up her face to stare her daughter in the eyes. "I-I understand..." she concluded, with a few stray tears rolling down her cheeks. " Thank you for letting us know, darling." "I'm so proud of you, Rainbow. Not many ponies would have the courage to come to their parents and say that..." Bow seemed to acknowledge the lighter tone Dash used this time in her argument. "Best Point Maker Eve..." Upon receiving a stern glance from both Rainbow and Windy, Bow flushed a little and reigned in his praise. "I-I mean, we'll respect your wishes from now on." Having seemingly dealt well enough with communicating her feelings to her parents, now came the tricky part. Rainbow knelt down to Scootaloo's level to address her in a non-condescending manner, after all she was a big filly these days who'd achieved a lot herself. "Do you get it now, Scoots? Just because you sometimes have disagreements with your parents, doesn't mean that you love them any less. Telling them your worries and concerns in a respectful way is not a bad thing, and is much better than keeping your anger all locked up inside. After all, as much as you get on with the other Crusaders, I'm sure there are times when you've wanted to tear your mane out at their antics." "I-I..." Scootaloo remembered just yesterday when Sweetie Belle sat on her daisy sandwich, and the subsequent row which lasted all afternoon. Also, the occasion Apple Bloom accidentally knocked over her scooter. It was amazing she ever calmed down from that... "I can see by your face you know what I mean..." Dash couldn't help but grin wryly at this point. "The same is true of too much intensity in your loyalty to somepony. It can be very distracting and overbearing, as well as a teensy bit irritating. I've hopefully just reached an understanding with my parents on that, and I want you to see my point of view as well. I still love them with all my heart, but as much as their loud chanting helped me as a filly, now that I'm all grown up and living my dreams I don't need that level of attention anymore. Do you get me, Scoots?" "Y-Yes... I-I think so..." Scootaloo's mind was awash with conflicting emotions right now, but there was one more thing she wanted to make clear. "D-Does that mean..." "I'll always be here for you, I promise..." Rainbow scooped up the orange filly and deposited her onto her back. "Whatever the future holds. Even though I might not show it all the time, at least on the same scale as my parents, I'm your biggest fan. If you want, we can go for a little fly around Ponyville, as soon as we've said goodbye to a couple of ponies." Realising this was their cue to say farewell, Windy was the first to speak. "Thank you for a lovely seven days, Rainbow. And Scootaloo... feel free to come up and see us anytime. You're already like one of the family. Although next time, we'll pick you up... you don't have to arrive by catapult." "We'll be as quiet and peaceful as bunny rabbits from now on..." Bow made the zip gesture with his mouth. "But don't think we'll ever stop loving you or admiring what you've done with your life. We're keeping all our souvenirs, too. Well, goodbye to you both. We'll see you real soon..." With those final words, both pegasi took off at a swift pace, showing where Rainbow probably got her speed from. While waving them off, Rainbow had something to say to Scootaloo. "As much as I adore them, hopefully not too soon..." Meanwhile, the orange filly had something else on her mind. They've obviously never met Angel before, she concluded with a good deal of certainty.