My little pony Equestria girls vs The Transformers

by Same2

First published

200 years ago Sunsets shimmers family get cursed, now it work, Can she and her friends escape the war of the Transformers.

200 Years ago Sunsets shimmers family found a mysterious object and shocked them and they went insane, Sunset was questionable about this until she find a note saying a curse will happen in the year 2017, Confused she tells her friends but what she doesn't know that it would happen sooner then she thought

the story that Inspired this ->

200 Years ago

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200 Years ago... A couple snuck into a house with a magic mirror that could travel to different dimension to the human world. They jumped through the portal and saw the human world in the year 1817. " Dear why are we here" asked the mare.

"Just imagine this as a adventure" said the stallion. When they heard a crash in the distance. They ran to look at what it was The stallion started to slide down the crater with the mare following him.

" Is this safe honey?" asked the


"Yes honey" said the stallion. They touched it and it projected some light was immediately projected some image and the couple heard the words.

"You will pay!" said the voice. They saw a face that terrified them. They were so terrified that they ran back into the portal and they never forgot it.

The note

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Its been 3 days since the friendship games and twilight and sunset were talking to each other. "Sunset isn't it weird that iv meet me alternate version of me?' asked twilight.

"Yeah I haven't meet mine yet" answered sunset. And sunset heard a box drop. she went to go check and a few seconds later she brought a note in the living room she sat down and read it.

"to who ever lives in the human world in 2017 must return to the pony world" read sunset. Then she brought up a object in a bag and she decided to put it on the table.

"what is it?" asked twilight. And they decided to touch and when they did they saw something. It was symbol legt and right. They saw something and they agreed to never speak of it ever again.

Alien contact

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It was after school at canterlot high and sunset was going to go talk to pinkie pie and the others. "Hey pinkie" said sunset. Before pinkie could respond they saw a helicopter and it started shooting at them. They ran to the car and got in. Sunset got in the drivers seat and they took off. They drove off and saw a meteor coming straight at them and sunset drifted to avoid the meteor and it crashed in front of them. Sunset took off everyone looked behind them the giant robot looked at a local police car on patrol parts started to appear on it and he look at the car and he started running and jumped.

"Uh sunset I think we got double trouble!" said rainbow dash.

"Oh no" said sunset and twilight. They keep driving and entered this power plant and heard some tire pop, Fluttershy looked outside the window.

"Um the tires popped" said fluttershy. They got out of the car and ran and the two car and helicopter chasing them got super close and just when they got close a yellow car drove in front of them. It was a 1977 Camaro, Yellow with racing strips and Rusty. It started changing into a robot with car parts, Wheels and doors and headlights. The helicopter came down and turned into a robot and so did the cop car. The yellow robot ran to the robot helicopter pulled him down and kicked him with his shin then he brought out some kind of blaster and shot the cop robot. The helicopter robot took his propellers and scratched the yellow robot but he blasted the helicopter robot. The black robot ran at the yellow but was slapped away the helicopter robot and the two robots turned into the helicopter and police car and drove off and flew off. The yellow robot walked to the 7 girls. "Uh I'm gonna guess you friendly then" said rarity.

"Rairty stop being weird we just saw a awesome alien battle!" yelled rainbow.

"Just what in tarnation are you?" asked applejack. The yellow robot started to change in a 1977 Camaro.

"Any more question you want to ask" asked said the Camaro. The girls got in and drove off, Later the car dropped the girls in a tunnel and drove off. A minute later the car came back looking better.

The girls got and the the car drove off.

arrival to earth

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The car took them into this yard and stopped, And everyone got out and they saw some meteors coming to earth. They saw one crash near them and they started to run to it, It transformed into a robot. It was grey with metal running down his body with 4 toes on his two feet. It started to run and they saw it jump down. They heard the a voice from the Camaro. "You coming or not?" said the Camaro. The girls got back in the car and it drove off. The car drove into this ally. The girls got out.

"Why are we here?" asked sunset. Before anyone could answer they heard a honk. They look and saw a truck but they heard a splash and they looked behind them. It was just some cars behind them. The truck keep going and stopped right in front of them.

The girls looked around them and saw 5 robots in front of them. A little silver one. A big black one. A green robot that looked like a medic. And the yellow robot they saw before. And the big red robot in front of them. "Who are you" asked sunset.

"I am optumis prime, we are advanced robot organism" said the red bot.

"But were autobots" said the green one.

"I'm sorry this is my medic ratchet" said optumis prime. "The silver one is jazz, The black on is iron hide, and you meet the bumblebee" said optumis.

"So why are you here?" asked applejack.

"The decepticons want the magic from here" said optumis.

"Who are the decepticons?" asked fluttershy

"led by megatron they want to rule the universe with your magic" said optumis.

"Why do you need us?" asked sunset. Optumis nodded his head at rachet and he projected a image. The girls saw themselves. "Uh what is this darling??" said rarity. But before anyone can answer they heard cars, Iron hide slammed his cannon on the ground and let out a blast but the cars keep going.

"AUTOBOTS TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT!!!" yelled optumis. Everyone turned into cars and start to drive off. "Girls get in" said optumis as he transforms. The girls got in and Optumis took off.


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"Oh no!!" said rainbow looking back.

"Get ready for a ride" said optumis.

"uh oh" sunset was thinking before they took off in a car chase.

Optumis set of his boosters and took off with at least 19 cars and 5 helicopters chasing them, fluttershy was thinking (do these people want to hurt us). But before she could think the answer could answer they heard explosions, Everyone looked outside the truck and saw they starting to shooting at them. terrified Fluttershy screamed GO FASTER!!!!" and everyone looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Uh fluttershy are you ok darling?" asked rarity. Fluttershy realized what she did and covered her mouth.

"Uh girls I think we got bigger problems" said sunset as everyone looked, It was at least 7 or 8 black Suvs. Optumis drifted under a bridge.

"Hold on" Optumis said as he transformed and did a 360 to hide right under the bridge. Everyone was looking down but sunset slid and fell.

But Rainbow caught her " hold on I got you" said rainbow but she also slipped, Everyone tried to grab them but fell too. Optumis tried to catch them but failed. Optumis saw bumblebee driving and he transformed and jumped to catch the girls and he caught them and fell. The suvs surrounded the and the got the girls off bumblebee and then took out freezers and froze bumblebee. the people put the girls in their cars. everyone looked at him sadly as they drove off.

Secter seven

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After the bumblebee incident Sunset was felling down because she as the one that slipped making bee get captured. They didn't talk for a ride that lasted all night. They were a sleep when they were woke, Sunset saw a helicopter. They were taken to the helicopter, They were pushed inside it before it flew off. A few days later They arrived at this place. Rainbow knew what it was. "Guys look it the hoover dam!" said rainbow. Everyone looked down. They all were amazed they were passing the most famous dam ever.

They started to land on a platform at the bottom of the dam, They all got out Sunset and twilight was looking around while they were walking inside. They started spotting some stuff to do with magic and aliens. They took them to this room and sat them down. They gave the girls a folder, They opened it and saw the picture. It was the first time they turned into there ponies forms. " Is this you" the man asked. The girls were a little surprised . They responded as they nodded there heads. They brought them to this room, The girls saw a grey and red robot with a canon.

Sunset knew that symbol from the two robot that attacked them. It was grey with 3 point on the top and 1 point on the bottom and 2 lines going down.

"I know this logo" sunset stated. Everyone looked at her. "Just to bad we don't know who it is" sunset said. The man walked over to a ladder and proceed climbed it, Then he pulled a lever. The robot started to spark. Then it spoke with a angry voice.

"I AM MEGATRon....." said the robot.

"We need the yellow robot" said sunset. The man took them to this room with bumblebee. "Bee we got to go" sunset said to bee. Bee transformed.

"LETS GO BOY!!!" bee said from his voice box. The man sounded the military alarm. the girls got in bee and drove off.

hoover dam escape

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Meanwhile a few mega miles from the hoover dam...

Optumis and the autobots were talking to each other. "Optumis we need to save bumblebee" jazz said.

"We don't know where he is" Optumis replied, Optumis projecte a map with a dot. "Its where bumblebee is" Optumis remarked. "Its been a honor sever with you all" optumis said. Optumis curled his fist before saying the greatest line in autobot history.

Meanwhile back at hoover dam..

A decepticon jet transformed and shot some power lines keeping megatron is status.

the military and bumblebee were leaving the dam They keep driving until they got far enough. Sunset saw some cars and trucks and she recognized the cars. "Its Optumis!" sunset pointed out. Optumis and the autobots drifted behind bumblebee and the military. Before taking off.

Highway battle

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They were driving to a safe place when they spotted some suspicious cars. Bee got a radio "Why didn't you invite us" said the voice, Then the girls noticed a red dodge charger and a black Lamborghini.

They continued driving when they saw some more suspicious cars.

Final battle part 1: Canterlot high

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After the big fight at the highway they arrived at canterlot high. Bumblebee parked and the girls got out. Bee transformed "ill like you to meet Cliffjumper and hot rod" bee said with his radio.

So cliff is red and hot rod black and red?" asked sunset. Bee nodded. Then they transformed.

Everyone got out off there cars. "Get the girls in the building!" shouted a solider.

"Considerate it done" said hot rod. Hot rod told the girls to go inside. Some cars and truck started approaching them, They transformed.

Then on there other side a few more transformed and were coming at them.

The autobots and military started running at the decepticons to attack them. Jazz was shooting left and right. The girls snuck out. They saw jazz shoot 3 decepticons, Jazz was lifted before being shot in the chest. Jazz fell down now dead. All the autobots looked to see how jazz died. It was megatron, "Its megatron fall back!" yelled iron hide. Megatron looked angry.

"WHERE ARE YOU GIRLS!!!!" megatron shouted.

Final battle part 2: The last prime vs the emperor of desruction

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Megatron was walking trying to find the 7 girls. Trying to hide the girls stood still a few yards from megatron. Just as megatron got close.

Optumis charged at megatron, Optumis punched megatron in the face before swinging around to kick megatron in the face. Megatron tried to blast optumis but optumis dodged it and shot with his cannon. Megatron spun around before being shot. Optumis took out his sword and ran at megatron, He took his hand and put his arm in front of megatron's face then he took his sword and sliced megatron. Megatron kicked optumis back. "WE WERE BROTHERS ONCE!!" megatron shouted.

"You were my brother when you weren't evil" optumis said. before kicking megatron into a building. Optumis standing tall clearly the winner, Taking his gun and pointing at megatron. "Any last words?" asked optumis.

"No, Because this isn't mine!" yelled megatron getting up and punching then kicking optumis. Putting optumis on the ground.

"You want us you got us!!" twilight yelled. the girls became there pony forms and becoming a circle.

hitting megatron in the chest and killing him, Megatron was laying there. Starscream saw the remains of megatron. "Decepticons megatron is dead retreat!!" starscream yelled to the rest of the decepticons before transforming and retreating. Optumis looked at megatron relieved that he was dead.


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5 hours later...

Bee dropped rainbow down at her house. "Thanks bee" said rainbow before walking in her house. Bumblebee took off.

"This worlds race is interesting, Both in culture and age. There a young species and have much to learn. Like us there are more to them then meets the eye.

My name is Optimus prime and I send this message to any remanding autobots taking refuge among the stars, We are here, we are waiting.