> Abreast Skills > by XenoS-Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Main Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a day. A long, boring, exhausting day. Anon mills his thoughts thinking that he has essentially “had it” with the tedium of domesticity and the necessity of chores. Walking home from the bus, the days’ tasks are behind him, despite being in the knowledge that they will eventually, as always repeat monotonously. The neighbours have once again left the bins out for the whole street to ogle at, and to demonstrate the unkemptness the complex is. A dog barks in the distance as some kind of emergency siren passes; no longer any of it surprising him. At his flat door, Anon opens it with tremendous effort, the rusty key nearing its tensile strength. He can smell the leftover from the previous night, a slab of lasagne bought cheap in a metal tin, along with some tasteless vegetables. The lasagne is lumped into the microwave and the cooking time is over compensated for the broken element in the back. He goes over to the bed and drops his rucksack and coat on the bed, while falling face first into a thin sprung mattress and rolling over to look into the damp brown-stained ceiling and sighs. “Why am I here?” He asks himself. Working hard is getting him somewhere; but not fast. Is this life now? After a few minutes, the microwave beeps and he goes to lift the tepid lasagne out and dive in with a table spoon because; why not? He is starving after all. Falling asleep with the TV on, the metal tin sitting empty with the spoon in it at the foot of the bed, Anon begins to dream. Pause The air and ground around him is a brilliant white colour and as he turns around, in the distance an off focus mirage appears. Walking towards it, Anon begins to see it more clearly. There is grass growing out of the ethereal white and some strange red trees with golden leaves. He steps on to the grass feeling it under his naked feet. A stream is running a pure clarity spilling into a miniature waterfall and natural pool. Gingerly, he places a toe into the water and pulls back immediately from the cool temperature. Suddenly a wooden crack emanates as a twig snaps. Turning around, Anon’s gaze is fixed on a creature not far from where he is standing. It appears to be, some kind of horse with a cream coat and auburn or scarlet hair. A pike-like appendage protrudes from the forehead with grooving, spiralling the length. “That’s; weird?” The horse tilts its head, looking at him with deep azure eyes, and then makes its way towards him, stepping with deliberate maturity. Anon steps back slightly, placing both feet into the pool. And then all of a sudden, a sensation of falling like there was no object beneath his feet. As he descends, slowly at first, the horse eventually reaches the edge of the pool, gazing down at the sinking body. The horse has its eyes closed with a bright golden glow on the horn of the head. Anon’s mind begins to spin and unexpectedly air begins rushing past his body as he falls from the sky. Anon’s vision has become obscured; only the vegetation infested ground in sight as it dashes towards him with an imminent demise. Anon’s life flashes before his eyes, re-experiencing most if not the little amount of happy and tragic scenes as they fly by like a play in a centrifuge machine. But suddenly, the air seems to have ceased its violent attack on his body, and as he open his eyes the ground seems a constant distance and strangely everything appears to have a light purple tint to it. A slow descent begins, his body orientation changing to that with him flat on his back. Anon’s eyes begin to close with heavy burden of shock weighing on his mind, as he slips slowly into unconsciousness. From within his mind he can hear himself talking. “What happened there? I just, stopped falling. And why was I falling anyway? Am I still dreaming? I better pinch myself to find out. Oh; wait; I can’t do that I’m unconscious. Ok. Don’t panic. Everything should be fine; right?” He isn’t aware of anything around him; in fact his mind is blocking everything out and is very different to the earlier dream. It’s all black. He can’t feel, He can’t smell. He can’t hear. “How long have I been out? It’s weird and creepy. The fact that I can’t sense anything just makes it scary.” Suddenly footsteps can be heard. Anon panics, thinking what could that possibly be with his mind racing to the worst possible scenario. Then a taste hits his palette. It is not pleasant flavour, which doesn’t go well with a stringy texture and an overpowering explosion of budding from what he thinks are seeds. It’s abruptly washed down with copious amounts of a tasteless liquid riddled with sediment. “Did I just eat; hay?!” It may be barley or the wheat, not quite sure but Anon was absolutely certain that he had never tasted it before. Not in that way anyway. The stepping sounded again, this time away from him. This might be his chance to leap out of bed; that’s if he’s still in his flat. Anon forced his eyes open and through tentative slit-lids, took in the room around him. With a fright; his eyes shot open, the heart beginning to pump oxygen enriched blood to his head filling it with bloody angst. The room is distinctly oddly shaped with walls made from un-planked wood that has been polished to give smoothness. It looks like the inside of a tree. Some shelves are stocked full and stacked high with books of varying shapes, sizes and colours. There is a leadlight window with lead cames that are countersunk into a cut opening of the wood. Some more discrete features were scattered about the room as well, including an ornate German cuckoo clock; lucky horseshoes and a tapestry, emblazoned with a golden sun and a cobalt moon. One half of the curtains were drawn shielding Anon’s eyes from what he thought was a bright summer sun judging by the shimmering dust in the room. “Wow this is really nice actually.” With eyes now open, the gears within his head began to turn and spark to life. His arms and legs feel very dense as he hesitantly lifted them from the mattress and cover. The weight felt incredibly cumbersome as if he had just been involved in the biggest stag-do; ever. With some stretching and contorting, his legs are swung to one side of the bed, bracing his arms to support his shoulders. With a great sigh he twisted his head, attempting to scout as much of the room as he could. He noticed no one else is with him but he was aware that something was somewhere else in the; tree? Pulling the covers back and away, Anon gasped with great surprise realising that he was completely naked. He lifted his hands to cover his dignity, scrunching his back to limit vision. Anon stood up and walked forward clenching his legs together and peered out the half uncovered window, with which he almost fall over in disbelief. The view from the window is not extremely unusual, except for the unsubtle “uncanny valley” humans donning the streets. On closer inspection the effect stems from them having skin; or is it fur, of varying colours, oversized ears and hooves for feet, somewhat close to that of a horse. They appear to be conducting their daily business, going to stalls and shops with literal saddle bags strapped to their backs. Some of them have horns that appear to controlling objects nearby surrounded by an aura matching that of the one on their horns. There is also some with wings flying about and moving; clouds and carrying other baggage. This has now hit the epitome of weird. The light hearted colour palette of the environment along with the new horse-people sets off a nerve in Anon, which almost makes him faint; again.  He looks around to find any form of clothing, spotting a tank top and elasticised jeggings lying on the footboard of the bed. The footsteps come again, this time on a staircase which he can see behind him. Realising that he has little time he quickly leaps into the jeggings which are a little big around the thighs and ankles. The creaking of wood hastens his pace, throwing the tank top over his head as he rushes to the window and opens it. With earnest intent Anon looks down comprehending the drop; and jumps. Landing on the ground shocks ripples through his legs, crumpling his knees. Anon’s hands steady the landing and he raises his head, he frantically looks around to find cover or some kind of escape. Two on-lookers cry out. “Ah! The horror!” After the outburst, the attention of more horse-people has been drawn to Anon and he starts running in the first direction away from every one of these creatures. They start to jump out of his way as he ran, everything zooming past him. Terrorising screams are heard ringing all around him as he continued to run, narrowly avoiding most obstacles in his way as he passed. “Everything is so; colourful?” Eventually Anon hit a gravel path leading to a forest. Still running, he is breathless with a more frenzied running style, flailing his arms no longer in tandem with sporadic legs. The path exchanges for soft grass and bramble, soothing blood ridden feet. Arriving at the outskirt of the forest Anon could feel himself no longer moving forward, and looking down he noticed his feet were no longer touching the ground. Again can feeling himself slipping into unconsciousness he heard a voice just behind. He caught a small glimpse of a purple figure that spoke. “Oh no, this is such a disaster! Let’s get you back to the library, where you’re safe.” Pause Anon wakes again. This time his body does not feel heavy, in fact quite rejuvenated. The sound of birds comes from the window as he stretches his arms above his head. At the bottom of the bed are his clothes appearing to be washed and folded, with a rucksack resting against the frame of the bed. Anon turns his head to see the figure from before looking at him with big, purple and nurturing eyes. “Ah your awake. You caused quite a scene the last time you woke up. But, I’m glad that you have rested now. Do you want something to eat?” He shook his head dreading the thought of more hay. She looks with a smile and lightly strokes his leg while standing up. “I’m so confused, where am I? What are you people? Who are you? Why am I naked?!” Anon asks as she stands and moves towards the curtain. She looks back over at him, drawing the curtain fully open and with a soothing voice; “Shh, don’t strain yourself. I’ll answer your questions soon. But first I need to do a bit of research to treat your;” She lifts a book, reading it with concentration; “feet...? they got quite badly cut. Plus, I have no idea what you are either. And since you still need to rest, this gives me an excellent opportunity to read up on you and your; *ahem, species.” She tilts her head slightly and smiles, her eyes full of wonder and excitement. Anon thinks to himself that he should probably calm down a little as the anthro-horse girl turns and moves towards the stairs carrying a tray with an empty bowl and glass. “And by the way, try and not to ruin my study clothes this time.” She says with a nigh unnoticeable voluptuous voice. Anon partially closed his eyes, the light of the sun ebbing on the horizon, creating a ginger hue in the air. He is not completely at ease but he does feel a little safer now there is nothing wanting to kill him. Not yet anyway. “Was that; flirting?” He thought to himself hesitantly. Of course not. Pause Anon could smell something from down stairs that immediately flared his appetite since testifying begrudgingly to a spoon of hay. Getting up, he put on his clothes, folding the bed cover back over and smoothing it out to make his way down stairs, rucksack in hand. The girl was stood at the hearth with a cooking pot and a hook tripod slowly stirring a simmering liquor. Sitting down at a table, Anon prepared himself for enquiring a barrage of probing questions. But before he had a chance to begin, a bowl of steaming fruit stew is placed down in front of him that distinctly smells of apples and oats. “Zap apple stew is the best for headaches, although none of my books say that it is, Granny Smith swears by it.” “It does smell good actually.” He replied, taking the wooden spoon next to him and tentatively lifting some steaming liquid up to his mouth. It has a light orange tint with a strange slither of rainbow snaking through it. Sipping it the taste hits his tongue and he felt invigorated as the sweet tangy flavour inspired another taste. The girl watches on with fascination, studying Anon’s actions. After cleanly finishing the bowl, he placed the spoon back down and noticed that the girl had just finished what looks like a sandwich with hay as the filling. Sitting back in a more relaxed manner, Anon opened his mouth; “That was delicious.” “Thanks. I know that you will have lots of questions for me.” “Yes, I do. I would like to know where I am.” The girl explains that Anon is in a place called Equestria, and it is ruled by two princesses in a castle in Canterlot that change the day/night cycle and are incredibly skilled in ‘magic.’ It is inhabited by pony-people called generally Homoequus which is usually shortened to Equus or Pony. There are some subspecies such as Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus and Alicorn. All of them have a variety of personality and biological traits. The girl continues to tell him much about the world and with little restraint, she places towers of books in front of him on the table. Anon’s mind begins to drift as the inhalation of knowledge begins to bypass his memory. Eventually the girl stops and sits back down. “Right ok, cool.” His mind straining to take it all in. “And, who are you?” The girl suddenly realises that she hasn’t even introduced herself. “Oh, wow, sorry. I am Twilight Sparkle and I’m a student of Princess Celestia and her school of magic, while also being the librarian of the Golden Oak Library.” She gestures to the hundreds of books surrounding them. “And what, may I ask is your name?” “My name is Anon, Anon Y. Mous. I’m a human.” Twilight looks stunned, realising his words. “Wow, a real human, that’s so fascinating. Us ponies have only heard rumours of their existence but to see one now, in the flesh; and so... detailed.” She trails off slightly and anon prepares for his next question. “Ah. Look Twilight, I really want home. As much as this is a fascinating place, I can’t stay here forever. I have a job and rent to pay... wait hang on, is this really good rationale.” Despite his inner quarrels, Anon explains how he fell from a dream into the world he was now in and as he looked up at Twilight, she had a slightly saddened but an understanding expression on her face. “Well as much as I would like to take you home, I don’t know how to make interdimensional portals, however I remember seeing a book about it back in the Canterlot Royal Library. I could get us there and we could test the spell to see if it will get you home. The thing is, I don’t know where home is?” Anon sighed with relief; there may be a chance for him to get home. Although the method seems incredibly farfetched and highly probability dependent, he anticipated that anything could potentially happen given the experiences this past day. “The only problem is, that the train to Canterlot is off until next week as the line is under maintenance. I guess while you’re here, you might as well get to know our culture.” Suddenly Anon’s hopes of leaving are tarnished, but in retrospect, it might be a good idea. “Ok Twilight. Getting to know the people here might be useful. Where do you suggest I start?” Twilights eyes open wide with glee and she claps her hands together on her chest. “Great! Ok follow me.” Twilight grabs Anon’s arm and hoists him from the table, yanking towards the door while she bounces lightly, grabbing her coat. He barely had enough time to pick up his rucksack and hoodie before being zipped out into the busy street outside. Pause The town outside is incredibly tranquil considering yesterdays event. Most of the ponies about are relatively un-phased, going about their daily business. Two female ponies or mares approach Twilight and Anon and start to converse, however Anon aware of apprehension emanating from them. Twilight introduces them as Lyra and Bon Bon to Anon, a Unicorn and earth Pony respectively. “So, who is your companion Twilight?” “He’s a visitor from the Undiscovered West. We’ll be visiting the Princesses as he’s a; ehm, dignitary, Yes.” Anon notices the cover being fashioned for him, and realises he will have to go along with the facade despite his distain. His mind races to think of the possible things a dignitary may or may not say. At this moment, those thoughts are really escaping him. One of the mares has a keen interest in Anon, looking him up and down and tilting her head slightly. She has an unexpected epiphany, as her eyes widen and she reaches for his shoulders. “Wow, are you a real human!” She yells in his face as he goes still, darting his eyes from side to side attempting to signal for help from Twilight. Anon looks at her with anxiety and gingerly speaks. “Uh, yeah. Yes I am, I eh; found myself at the edge of a forest after an expedition to find ponies. And then I just; uh, sort of arrived here, ha ha ha.” The girl appears to buy whatever he is selling and gathers that she is just interested in his features. With gleeful eyes she analyses Anon’s face, pushing and prodding his furless skin and cheeks. She then picks up his hands, closely inspecting the tips of the fingers and palms. “Lyra!, stop that!” The other girl barks at her friend with a mix of apology and frustration. “Sorry about that, she just really likes humans, ever since she read that book on them.” Twilights eyes flare and she looks at Bon Bon. “There’s a book? Where is it?” “It’s in Canterlot. I read it when I was a filly, when my parents used to still live there.” Anon and Twilight look at each other, a wash of relief passing over at the confirmation there is of course a book about humans. Anon thinks that the book might also detail the residence of human kind i.e. home, which solves the problem of knowing where the portal is going. Twilight and her friends continue to talk for a few minutes more, until they both wave their goodbyes and move on. “How do I pretend to be a dignitary Twilight?” “I’m not too sure, be imposing and commanding, that’s what I’ve thought when I met them.” “But what about a subject, I can’t command nothing.” “Just say stuff from your world, nopony will notice the difference.” He thought this rouse might as well be upheld, and he lifted his neck and shoulders to their full height and walked in a deliberate ostentatious fashion.  Twilight beams, studying the arch in his back as he moved. Twilight reveals the town in all its glory to Anon. The housing appears old-fashion and ornate with thatched roofing and lumber jointing. Something similar to pre-Georgian architecture back home. There was also the market which upon seeing, a shiver goes up his spine as ponies stare at him, however twilight unwittingly waves and smiles. The two of them walk up to a stall for flowers and the orange mare greets the both of them with a smile. “Hey twilight; who’s the friend?” Anon looks at her, attempting to put on the most imperious but not mocking voice he can. “I am a human dignitary from a faraway land, here to become acquainted with the other peoples, dear lady.” Twilight is looking at him with awe, proud that he is able to disguise an identity. The orange mare blushes and fidgets while responding. “Oh my, what a gentlepony, how kind of you. My name is Junebug and erm, we only offer the best here, is there a particular flower you would like or...” She says with some trepidation. Anon looks back at Twilight and she seems particularly fascinated with a particular cluster of Bluebell “Oh Anon, that one looks nice. I really like it.” She gestures to the flower and Junebug replies. “Oh, it’s free. Free for the dignitary.” She says, looking at him once more and blushing a crimson colour. He smiles back as he takes the flowers now wrapped in paper by the mare and hands them to Twilight. She smiles baring her teeth with glee and turns away waving to Junebug as the two make their way through the rest of the market. The surrounding buzz about the area is very vibrant he feels. Nothing like it is back home. Twilight begins to point out a few key locations including the Train Station; Carrousel Boutique; Sugar Cube Corner and the Town Hall to name a few. On their way back to the library, the two of them pick up a late dinner at the Cafe Hay, which was open to the last minute thankfully. Pause Arriving at the libraries doorstep, Anon takes off his hoodie as twilight removes her jacket and steps inside. Once inside he removes his shoes and places them at the side as twilight ignites the fire with a magic flash, to bring heat into the cold void. She places her Bluebells in a vase, gently taking in their scent before breathing a sigh and making her way to the table. The sun outside is once again drifting slowly behind some mountains as a distant moon peering from behind a set of clouds, finds its way into the darkening sky. Twilight sits down and opens her Wheat Club with extra tomato slices from the cafe. Anon sits opposite her opening the brown paper bag and brandishing his own Apple Pie, delicately sniffing it to test its edibility. After an intense and wordless tea session, they both look at each other, not sure of what to do next. “So, the plan is to wait until next week. Get the book that Lyra mentioned; get a portal spell and send me home.” Anon realised the sharp callousness in his voice, but unfortunately, as much as he had enjoyed his stay here; a taste of “normality” would be good. “Yes, that should be, the plan. Did you enjoy your tour?” “Yeah, it was great meeting everybody and seeing what you all get up to. Unicorns and Pegasi used to be just a fantasy thing that was never usually taken seriously. Your world is fascinating!” Anon smiles back at her attempting to make amends for the previous insensitive disposition. Twilight half smiles looking up from her brows, as she stands clearing away her plate and the rubbish. Anon looks up at her, and then notice something quite extraordinary. Her back, arcing down her slender spine down to the base of her tail bone, so exquisite he thought; but what really catches his eyes, is just below. Furtively whispering to him is a shapely rump, slyly adsorbing his gaze. It becomes clear to him now that the whole time, twilight has been flirting with him; throwing suggestions around but unluckily sailing past his ears. Looking back up he can see out the corner of her face she is glancing down, a cheerless look as she washes the dishes at the sink. Is this legal, Anon thinks to himself, acknowledging a possibility of hitting a base or two. Technically it is, as they are both of age and they both have human-esque features. Is it possible that fucking a human hybrid could be illegal or even immoral? Bestiality is, but that’s a full blown animal. Anon’s brain is so confused, however her attractiveness towards him has now reared its controversial head. Another feeling suddenly strikes him, however a more ferociously physical one than hoped, deep within his trousers. A growing pain that now has complete control over the blood surging from his heart, eager to fulfil a toiling war of tumbling and sheet ruffling. Perhaps, the best action is to ignore logic and succumb to instinct, as the universe intended. Prepare yourself Reader Anon stands and makes his way over to twilight, standing just behind her. He takes in her scent, smelling of books and Bluebell. He comes closer to her, feeling the warmth emanating from her back. “You know, today was fun.” Twilight sniffs a little and turns her head slightly looking back at him for a second. “Really, well that’s good at least you enjoyed it.” Her voice picks up a little, making Anon smile. “There’s only one problem.” She pricks her ears up, intently listening to his next line. “I haven’t experienced the night life; yet.” Her ears jolt upwards immediately understanding and spinning around to look at him with wonder and excitement. Again she brings her arms to her chest pushing her pillows aside as she claps her hands together. She has stars in her eyes and slowly, her surprised pout becomes a big smile. “Really? You want to consummate our; friendship?” What a weird way of putting it Anon thinks to himself. “Yes, I’ve realised that I have been ignoring your silent advances, and for your generosity, I feel indebted.” Twilight gasps slightly as he reached a hand to her shoulder, gliding his thumb up and down reassuringly; her skin on display due to her tank top. He unwittingly observes that she is wearing the white tank top and jeggings that he had donned the day before. This takes him by surprise. Twilight detects him eyeing her apparel. “Well, I didn’t want to wash them. They smelt so good.” Staring into each other’s eyes, he wraps his free hand around Twilight’s waist and pulls her in for a gentle kiss. Twilight drops her hands to her sides and then curls them around his own waist, feeling the base of his spine. With one hand on her shoulder, he pushes it back, feeling the cloth of her tank top strap rubbing on his fingers. He pulls them round to the nape of her neck twiddling with her shoulder blades. Twilight coos into his mouth enjoying every moment, as she pushes her own hands down feeling his perk buns. Anon can feel the strain building in his jeans, a passion intensifying with each passing second. The kissing and kneading with hands continues for some time, sounds of exciting pleasure rising from both of them, moaning softly and giggling. Eventually after much tentative pecking and neck marking, Twilight breaks the motion and gazes at Anon with sultry lust. She pulls a hand round and feels his package, fondling a little, pressing individual digits between the breaks in his weight. Feeling furtively flirtatious, he plays along also bringing his upper hand round and pressing on to one of her nipples with eager fragility; all the while reaching the lower hand to the front of her jeggings. She squeals with delight, forcing her body against him to increase pressure. She obviously wants more. After the testing and teasing, he braces his hand around Twilights neck and the bend in her knees, hoisting her into a marital embrace for crossing a threshold. “This is so exciting; I’m going to be the first to “touch” a human.” “Is this an experiment?” He teases her and she giggles, as he made his way to the stairs, Twilight in his arms. “No, It’s just my first time is going to be so special. I don’t want to ruin it.” As it is her first time for intimate entertainment; Anon decides to make this as enjoyable as possible. “I can definitely say with confidence that this is the first time I have enjoyed being with a pony. This will be a lesson for us both.” His reassuring words make her smile and snuggle into his chest as he reaches the first landing. So close now. “After all; feeling is everything right.” “Absolutely.” Reaching the bed, Twilight looks at it with slight trepidation, darkness swathing her mind. An unknown for her, Anon’s intent to guide with compassion, as he lays her down, her head on the pillow as she assumes a wanting pose, hands raised above her head and her legs buckled slightly. She looks lovingly into his eyes, as he begins to undress. She interrupts him abruptly. “Ehm, could I, eh...” He looks at her and smiles stopping an interlocking his fingers, propping them on the back of his head. “You see, as much as I haven’t been with anypony else, I have practiced; solo. I think you’ll find the inclusion of my magic a more enjoyable experience.” Anon raises an eyebrow. He is are aware that magic does exist in this world, but to what degree he wonders, and how applicable is it. “What exactly did you have in mind?” Twilight smirks. “Let’s try this.” Her horn begins to glow a deep purple and Anon feels a familiar sensation envelop his body. The clothes on him begin to animate themselves, sliding away with no effort and serpent like consistency. They begin to fold neatly over a dresser drawer, the shoes unlacing and slipping from his feet as he steped forward a little. Twilight’s horn continues to glow, as the electric bulbs are extinguished, allowing lit candles to provide a more tranquil light. Anon notices, looking down, that Twilight has not undressed herself, however as the magic continues, she writhes in a sensual motion furling the bed sheets. All of a sudden, an intense tingling reaction occurs in the last of Anon’s remaining clothing, a cloth bastion guarding his swelling sensitivity. Shockwaves of pleasure pierce his body sending lust-ridden emotions throughout his mind exploding into muscle spasms, causing him to drop to his knees. His cock pushed ferociously like a feral beast through his pants, a noticeable purple aura surrounding it. The fabric gives way, riding up the inside of his thigh, as his full length bursts free, bloated balls falling out with equal enlargement. Anon is so preoccupied with the intense bliss, that he is almost unaware of Twilight moving to the foot of the bed, crawling on her hands and knees accentuating her hip motion and swaying a long Purple and Deep Blue tail, back and forth. His girth is the biggest he has ever seen it by at least an inch or two; practically bulging and pulsing at the sides, veins demonstrating the pumping blood. Twilight can see his expression and she smiles, happy with her “handy-work.” “I thought you might like that.” He looks up at her, his eyes dripping with tears of joy, with his tongue lulling over his bottom lip. He is quite speechless, breath escaping as he pants, clinging to consciousness. “Any requests?” He raises his head finally and with long, drawn-out words, he states. “I... particularly... like..; how cute your boobs look... pushing out of your top.” She looks down and folding her arms in her lap she pushes her chest in expressing the cleavage they leave in her tight white tank top. Again, she looks up with a lustful expression, raising an eyebrow and smirking. “Well there is one spell that I practiced after seeing a particular mare in Trottingham. Would you like to see it?” She puts a hand to his chin raising it for him to meet her eyes. He looks at her and takes her hand with his own, finally standing up while removing his torn pants, his length finding it’s full freedom and springing upward. She eyes it impressed and prepares herself rearing her head and closing her eyes. She pulls him over the footboard and he awkwardly clambers over on top of her, the two of them laughing at his movements, gingerly attempting to not hurt his tender member. Once he is on top of her, she rolls aside, straddling him, her magic flaring again but this time much brighter. She draws a long sigh as he notices the magic taking a peculiar effect. He begins to shiver in anticipation as her breasts begin to throb slightly, gaining in gradual volume. The top she wears begins to stretch, the fibres revealing more of her fur beneath. The low cut of the top begins to fill out with her chest mounds pushing ever closer, her nipples moulding shapes in the straining material, protruding outward causing Anon’s eyes to bulge as well. His gaze captured, the sight becoming increasingly more erotic as Twilight coos while sitting on his lap, grinding into his ever stiffening length. The bottom of her top has now passed her tummy and is beginning to reveal some of her under-boob, the sight causing him to buck intermittently into her thighs, making them bounce lightly. He feels her tummy, stroking the abdomen with amorous spread palms. She squeaks at his touch and desperately grabs his hands, raising them to caress the tender tit flesh atop her clothing. He slowly pushes them around feeling the maturing sensation intensify and pulse. Anon pauses suddenly. “May I?” Anon gestures to her top, tugging at it lightly, almost letting loose her breasts. Twilight appears too involved and she just nods while combing her fingers through her hair, still oscillating on his crotch. They appear to be almost football ball sized now, and swelling doesn’t even appear to be slowing down. He places a hand on her waist and pulls up and under her top, reaching the lower curve of her breast. He fondles lightly and Twilight responds with light moans and cries of absolute bliss. He brings his hand round, and still under the top feels her nipple, squeezing it gently and kneading it between the thumb and middle finger, eliciting even more moaning from Twilights smiling mouth. The aura on her horn glows brighter again, and then with a nova-like flash, her top and jeggings are gone revealing her birthday suit in all its glory, with an extra benefit. Her breasts have ceased growing with her horn no longer glowing, and she feels them proudly, her hands barely able to clasp even half the globular forms. Anon ogles them, his eyes magnetised to the glorious pillows as they jiggle in all directions. She leans forward gently and presses them against his chest, stealing a kiss from his lips. He can feel the heat emanating from them as his heart beat quickens and echos from within the immense bosom squishing from above. After a long and sensual kiss she rears herself back up again and lifts her torso an inch or two with a preconceived lust clouding her eyes. The two of them stare lovingly at each other with half-lidded eyes and the world stops for a brief moment as his thoughts hone in on one notion. The magic starts here. And with that Twilight guides herself down, one hand wrapped cautiously around his beating member, as the eager meatus finds its first contact with Twilight’s warm folds. They both gasp as Twilight pushes him further inside, exploring a hot cavern of moist delight and plunging a depth so sexually erotic his mind suddenly explodes, an ecstasy that recoils from the confined walls of logical thought. With it being her first, he can tell that she is a tight fit, every inch of him being rubbed by her hungry sex. Eventually Twilight reaches the base, his testicles rolling around slapping against her bottom and eager for more. Slowly, she begins to ride him. With her inexperience, she starts throwing her hips up and down, pummelling his head against her deepness, building the tension at a rapid pace. They both begin to moan and pant as Twilight quickens her pace further. Her breasts heave as well, causing small ripples on her belly and spreading them aside with majesty. His eyes are transfixed on her breasts as he gawk at them intently, feeling himself become even harder as Twilight brings a hand to one breast pulling it up to her face and lapping the top with fierce moistness. Feeling his climax approach as he is plunged deeper still, Anon placed a hand on Twilight’s thigh causing her to stop abruptly. “Oh no, you’re not enjoying this are you.” Anon shakes his head, words escaping him. “No, no. Just; let’s take it slow.” “Ok, got it.” She starts once more, this time oscillating more slowly and with smaller changes in height; like before. Once again she leans forward and kisses him still grinding and pulsing with her hips bucking. He takes her in further for the kiss and he wraps his arms around her back, pressing her mounds against his chest again. This time however, on her way back up, Anon grabs onto her breasts, tugging them around as she rocks. She sighs and pants as he fondled, finding her nipples and squeezing them; hard until he felt a minimal wetness. Twilight stops rocking then gasps loudly and with a deep inhale, pulls one breast from his hand and begins to suck on the teat with her lips. She obviously enjoys milking. “If you like milking then, why don’t we go for broke and see how far they can go.” Twilight nods and panting her magic begins once more. Her breasts swell rapidly, pushing out and forming a basket ball size, perhaps bigger than his head. With a final surge she stops as milk begins to pour lightly out of her ducts and onto her areolas. Anon sits up right, pulling himself up and out from under Twilight, his dick making a sticky sound as he left her. He brings his back off the bed raising his chest up to hers and taking her shoulders he pushes her backwards onto the top of the bed sheets. Twilight is now panting heavily, occasionally giggling and looking into his eyes. He gently caresses her massive teats, milk pouring from each and then slowly he pushes one towards her mouth for her to suckle. She takes it with eagerness and begins to suck and slurp small amounts dribbling past her lips as she closes her eyes. He now grabs onto the free breast, squishing the bountiful mound and fondling the flesh, massaging it. He leans forward and presses his lips against her teat, and; begins to suck. Twilight lets go of her breast and gasps as the milk from her teat shoots into his mouth, a creamy taste that’s sweet and saturated with flavour. He continues to suck, wriggling his tongue around the tip extracting more as he goes. With his member standing at full attention he, pushes it forward feeling Twilights glove again. Anon begins to pump, graciously sucking and pumping as Twilight writhes underneath him moaning loudly with pleasure. He stops and pull out and moves his way further up. He pushes his cock in-between twilight’s mounds and she gasps, opening her mouth and letting in the tip with her tongue. She raises her head and takes his own head vacuuming it against her slightly puffed cheeks as it glides up down the slit in her breasts. The sheer volume in her breasts is enough to cause continuous contact, making him shudder as he comes close. The combination of her warm breasts sliding around and her tongue fondling his head, it becomes too much and he bursts, spurting load, after load of his sticky seed into her mouth. Twilight licks her lips allowing a small amount of his semen to dribble down her chin and onto her breasts. He reels back until he is face-to-face once more. Twilight brings her head forward and pulls him into a squishy embrace, kissing her lips and cheeks. He tastes his own fluid, the saltiness surprising him but overall not too bad, as he returns the kissing, taking in her neck and the top of her chest. Anon grabs once more onto her bountiful vessels and kiss her teats, pushing them from side to side as she moans loudly. Twilight now rolls him aside, upending the sheets. “Ready for more mister?” She asks with a sultry grin. And he nods, his member is still rock hard and he thinks he is not spent, not yet anyway. Twilight throws her head back giggling and flaunts her bigger size for him to admire again. She has already positioned herself, waiting for him to pounce. He thrusts upwards delving into her slick cavern. She starts pumping in time with his thrusts, rising and falling with elegantly enlightened dexterity. He continued to oscillate sending waves of pleasure through both of theri bodies. Twilight looks down at him, tongue hanging low, a mixture of saliva and semen dripping from the tip. She has gone slightly cross eyed and she brings a hand to her chest to squeeze and a hand to her rump to allow him more access. Her back hand is not as fruitful as she had hoped and so he does it for her, grabbing onto her flank and grasping it tight, pulling it out and in with his thrusts. Twilight’s pants get louder. “Oh, Celestia; I’m gonna, gonna...” Twilight announces before she goes silent suddenly and then; screams of bliss and exaggerated happiness filling the room, the sounds of sex tipping him over the edge as he drives the last of his cum into her icky sex. Anon continued to thrust, Twilight’s slit milking his cock for all the cum it’s worth. Once the last of the dribbles spring forth from his head, he leaves his softening dick inside as Twilight leans forward, pushing her huge chest against his own. She tilts her head closing her eyes and sighs bringing her hands up for a cuddle. Smiling he looks down at her peaceful and cozy body. She lifts her head once more and looks into Anon’s eyes. “So is this how you imagined the night life?” “Oh yeah, this, was fun.” “Best first attempt I would say. I can’t wait to document this experience.” Of course. “I know that you still want home, but is the thought of staying a while better now?” “Very much so.” “Good, well to get the best knowledge would be to experience it; yourself.” And on that, the both of them roll onto their sides cuddling flirtatiously considering their deed, embracing once more for a long kiss. Anon thinks to himself, that home can wait. He might as well enjoy the view as he looks over to the sleeping Twilight. What a day.