
by ShadyAwesomeness

First published

After weeks of complaining and crying due to of back soreness, Rainbow Dash thinks that enough is enough.

It's been little over a few weeks since Scootaloo was given a supply of pills to help her with the soreness of her back after she had back surgery. But what seems like an eternity due to of her crying and lack eating from all the pain she's feeling, I think that enough is enough.

Special thanks to my sister who came up with the idea and proofreading it.

This takes place into the near future. Not filly Scootaloo, Aged-Up.
Original Art By- PrincessSilverGlow
Cover Text Provided By Me. Go check out my profile!


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The first week after Scootaloo was discharged from the hospital after having back surgery, I was told by her parents that she was prescribed with some temporary post-op medication. She was given about a two-week supply of pills, that helped lessen the soreness of her back but contained side effects. The pills helped with the pain, but also made her really tired and neurotic. She'd wake up and groggily take her meds with breakfast, then proceed to cry and complain of headaches off and on for a while and then she'd fall asleep for a few hours waking up sometime in the afternoon to have lunch, but she would remain fairly sleepy through dinner. A second dose would be given with dinner, followed by more off and on crying and headaches, and the day finally concluding with Scootaloo calming down and dropping off to sleep at a decent hour and sleeping through the night like a rock. Then she'd take it all over again the next day. It seemed like a never-ending cycle.

It was hard for me to watch her in such pain, but I just had to keep reminding myself that it wouldn't last forever and that I still needed to be there for her as always. But no matter how many times I've said that to myself, it feels like a losing battle with her. The biggest reminder came about halfway through the third week when her parents dropped her off at my place due to of a family emergency in Fillydelphia.

I came back from Wonderbolts training and walked into the kitchen where I found my husband sitting on the table working on bills. He seemed oblivious of my presence but as soon as I got behind him, I wrapped both of my arms around his chest, catching him by surprise, and burying my face onto his mane. Without turning his head, he grabs one of my hooves and rested his face gently against it, taking in its softness while I took in the softness of his cheek. I don't know why but I always find it cute whenever he shows his affections towards me. After all, he is my husband and I am his wife so that pretty much leaves it like that.

"Your home early." he said getting up from his chair, turning his head to face me, and kissed my lips before pulling away.

"Yeah. Spitfire gave me and the guys the rest of the week off since she and Soarin will be leaving for their honeymoon this Friday." I said brushing his cheek with my hoof.

"So who will be taking over?" he asked.

"Lighting Dust I think."

Sky Blaze soon let out a heavy sigh after hearing her name. "Really her? You think Spitfire could trust her?" he said.

Knowing that he has a history of being bullied from her and her friends when he and I were young up until high school. But eventually stopped as when we went to college together and became close friends. Although Sky has always been keeping close tabs on her lately.

"Aw come on she isn't like that anymore." I said giving him a hug. After all she's been showing a lot of improvement ever since she came back and has been training the recruits and cadets lately."

"Hmm guess I can't argue with that." Sky says as he hugs me back.

"So, where are the kids?" I asked.

"Oh their sleeping over at Fluttershy's place for the night. She and Discord are taking them camping out in the woods tomorrow with their kids."

I let out a small laugh knowing that they'll be having the best time of their life. Before I could have a chance to say anything, I heard, of what appears to be crying coming from the living room. It took me less than a second to realize who it was.

"Has she's been feeling any better?" I asked looking at Sky.

"No. In fact she's been crying all day and has refused to eat anything other than drink water and sleeping in her room." he said.

I let out a soft whimper. It's been little over three weeks since she's been taking her medication and despite its been helping her with the pain, the side effects keep in messing with her.

"Why don't you see her. I've been taking care of her all day and it looks like she could use you right now." said Sky.

"Alright then." I said. I then let go of Sky's embrace and gave him a kiss on the lips before away.

"I'll see you in bed in a little bit." he said.

"Alright." I said before making my way towards the living room.

I walked into the living room, only to see Scootaloo laying on the floor on her stomach, her face buried in her hooves sobbing uncontrollably. Undoubtedly, she had just taken her meds. I sat on the couch and chuckled, cracking a half-smile. Honestly, after almost three weeks of dealing with her medication-induced meltdowns, scenes like this became common and almost comical, especially considering that she was in too old to throw tantrums. Not to mention that she's been dating her childhood friend, Rumble for the past few months and never once saw her getting all emotional in front of him before. But I knew she needed comforting. She just looked so helpless there on the floor, fresh out of surgery and out of her head from pain pills.

"What's the matter squirt?" I asked sympathetically. Scootaloo said nothing but responded by slowly crawling up onto the couch and into my lap, where she buried her face onto my chest and continued to cry hysterically. I wrapped my hooves around her in a reassuring hug. It was almost like she was still a little filly, sick with the feather flu and needing me to rub her aching tummy. Then again, I consider her as my little sister... and now she had grown so much. I held her tight (but not too tight out of respect for her back) and loved her as I always had.

Again I asked what was wrong. She sobbed harder, but this time managed to utter three words:


Although a minute ago I laughed, now my heart broke for her. The pills were messing with her head and she just couldn't control herself. I brought my face into her ear and softly asked,

"Do you want me to rub it?"

I felt her nod against my chest and once again erupted into a fit of tears. I put my hooves on her back and slowly, gently began to rub. Up and down, up and down, up and down I went. She was so fragile, so precious...

Gradually, her sobs subsided and I kept on rubbing. She got quieter, and more relaxed until eventually she was asleep, and the only audible sounds in the room were her soft snores. As carefully as I could, I carried Scootaloo up to the guest room and tucked her under the sheets. I watched her face for a moment, so calm and relaxed and so deep in sleep.

Scootaloo and I have been close since...well, forever! But as we've gotten older, we've rarely gotten to share moments like the one we'd just had. And now that it was over, I'd enjoyed it, but I wanted it back. I miss when she was little, so young and delicate, needing her big mentor to comfort her in her most critical moments. Now she's growing into a young mare, and I couldn't be more proud of her. And although those close moments we'd had before were nothing but distant memories, and another one had just come and gone. Before I left the room, I gently took both of her hooves and held it for a few brief moments.

I let that be enough.... for now.