A New Leaf

by epicdonus1123 BOT

First published

The changing of Voleur, the thief.

Voleur (vu-lair) is a newly found criminal, from the city of Fillydelphia, who is eager for a change of life. (Voleur in French literally means thief) He is a unicorn with deep green eyes, a white coat, an orange mane and tail, and he has cans for a cutie mark. Recently, he robbed a bank in return for a house, but the ponies never gave it to him. When Celestia reports this to the six, Twilight and Pinkie go to Fillydelphia to catch Voleur. When he told them his story, Twilight's conscience got to the better of her and she asks the sheriff of Fillydelphia if he can come with them. He agreed and they get onto the train. Before, however, she asked the sheriff for his departure, Twilight developed a crush for Voleur. Will she overcome it, admit it to only him, or just plain out blurt it out to everypony?


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Chapter 1

I am a fan of love stories, I really am. I have countless books on them scattered all around in my library. I just never thought that one would happen to me in such a demeanor, even I would not realize it. Voleur is the thief who robbed a bank, that me and Pinkie brought from Fillydelphia to restore in Ponyville. He, however, is my true prince and I am his princess, but enough on me. We have more important matters to attend to. As we're traveling to Ponyville, the train shifts and I bump into Voleur. It was extremely humiliating and bad on my part. Voleur just looked at me and smiled the way I like it. It's nice that he respects my embarrassment.

"Twilight and Pinkie, thanks for giving me a chance." Voleur thanked.

"Oh, it's nothing really. I mean if one of us were in your state, right?" I asked.

"Of course, you two are really sweet ponies. You deserve a chance too." he replied. I was very appreciative at the moment. He would help me out in a crisis. He is such a sweet pony. The train is still hauling along as an attendant came over to us.

"Excuse me. Would you like me to get you anything?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm good. How about you Twilight?" as Voleur returned the question over to me.

"Um...no thanks. I'm good." I claimed. Pinkie, being herself, asked for a double-chocolate sundae with sprinkles, peanuts, and gummy bears? I laughed it off, thinking about how ridiculous double-chocolate would look like. Oddly, the attendant came back with dark chocolate stacking a piece of milk chocolate. There was everything Pinkie asked: nuts, sprinkles, and sure enough....gummy bears. They were all sorts of colors, ranging from red to blue to yellow.

"Mmmmmm! This looks scrumptious and amazing!" then she gulped it all down in one bite.

"Uh, Pinkie? You know when you eat that much ice cream you get,"


"-a brainfreeze. I tried to warn you." I laughed. Voleur laughed along with me, making me feel super special. "Voleur, that is the first part of making friends. Laugh along with their jokes, it will make them feel special," specifically talking about myself.

"Yeah, I guess your right. However, I laughed 'cause it was funny, not to be mentored on." he then smiled the way he always does. Did I irritate him or teach him? Either way, it made him smile. That's the important thing in mind. Make sure he is cheerful and glad. Voleur then looked at me. I was already staring at him in amazement, so we each stared into each others' eyes. I quickly looked at Pinkie, who had a hoof on the top of her mouth. How did she get her hoof in her mouth in the first place?

"Hey Pinkie, how did you do that?" I asked. She then took her hoof out of her mouth.

"What, have you never tried to put your hoof in your mouth?" she returned. I shook my head in disappointment Honestly, I have never tried. It seemed illogical and random to shove you hoof in your mouth. She then demonstrated how to do it, and put her hoof in her mouth again. Voleur, who was looking out the window, heard our conversion and turned around to notice Pinkie with her hoof in her mouth.

"Wow Pinkie! That's amazing! How did you do that?" he said while he was examining her. I was a little thrown off by this, because he hasn't came that close to me before. I unwillingly took that as a challenge.

"Hey Voleur, I can do that!" I opened my mouth ridiculously and put my hoof in it. I finally got it in deep enough for it to touch my uvula. I nearly gagged, but managed to keep it in my throat.

"Wow Twilight! You sure are good at that! Let me try that." Yes! I got him to do it as well. Us three nincompoops just kept shoving out hooves down our throats for like twenty minutes. During the twenty-first minute, I challenged the other two to a competition. The competition was to see who can put there hoof down their throats the farthest.

"Okay, that sounds fun! I love fun! Fun is such a fun word to say! Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!" Pinkie said as she continued with the "fun"s. After about twenty "fun"s, I had to make her be quiet. She looked as happy as always, even though she got a face full of silent. We started the contest right away. I couldn't get it past my uvula, or I might throw up my lunch. Pinkie surprisingly got her's down to her tonsils, while Voleur couldn't even get his in his mouth.

"Congratulations Pinkie! Good try Voleur," I blushed as I complemented him. Voleur looked at me blankly and thanked me.

"Thanks Twilight, congrats Pinkie," he finally said. The Pinkie managed to get her hoof out of her mouth.

"Thanks Voleur and Twilight. It was a little party trick after all. Hah!!!!! Maybe I should perform it in my next party!" she nannounced. Voleur and I both laughed it off, because it would be an interesting sight to see for our friends. After a few minutes of celebrating Pinkie's victory, I sat back and started to think about what we're going to do in Ponyville. Should I immediately tell my friends? Should I keep it a "me" secret, or should I only tell Voleur? Still, Voleur is a nice and innocent guy just desperate for a new beginning. I don't think I should tell anypony yet. Though, Voleur and I would make a nice unicorn couple. There's no other pony willingly to take him before I say anything, wait a minute. Rarity! She's always looking for a Prince Charming. I just know that she will flirt with him and she'll get him. It's funny though, because they are both unicorns with white coats. I don't even have the same eye color as him. He'll overlook that eventually, maybe.

"Hey Twilight, whatcha thinking about?" He suddenly asks me. I was in full panic mode, sitting there for a minute without saying anything.

"Oh...ugh...nothing." I had to lie for my own sake. That was going to be a rule for a new lifestyle, don't lie to your friends or they will think otherwise of you.

"Okay." he calmly said. I sat there, watching Pinkie do a bunch of random things. The things that pony will do to pass the time. Once, she arm wrestled Gummy while waiting for some cupcakes to be done baking. I just pulled out the newest addition to "Daring Doo" and continued it. In the story so far, Daring had to go to South Amareica to return a stolen object. The guards thought that she was stealing the object, and strapped her down to a chamber. The chamber was filled with scorpions and snakes and rats, and she had to watch them eat her alive. Her cleverness, however, caused her to knock down a orch that was hung next to her. The fire scared the varmints, so they wouldn't get five feet to Daring. She took care of the animals, but now she had to unstrap herself. She didn't bring a knife, and the straps were made of leather. Daring decided to bite her way through the leather straps. As she was biting her way through the strap on her right foreleg, I was snapped back into reality.

"Hey TWILIGHT! Guess what I found?" Pinkie asked.

"Ugh...what did you find?" I returned.

"Look!" she pointed to her hoof, and lying in it was something out of the ordinary. It was just a baby scorpion. Voleur stared at it in amazement, like he discovered a new species of animal. Me, not so much. I've seen scorpions before, so it wasn't that much of a impact.

"Pinkie, where did you find that?"

"Oh, I found it in the side of some seats. Isn't it so cute?"

"Woah Pinkie, how did you even notice it, and can I hold it?" asked Voleur all of the sudden.

"That was easy. I love to play hide and seek, so I search around to find something."

"That's very cool." Voleur said as he held the poor creature. It reminded me so much of Voleur, because it looked so innocent, young, and cute. Pinkie offered me to hold it, but I happily declined. When was the poor thing cleaned? I am not going to touch something dirty at this time of day.

"Yes Pinkie, it's so adorable." I said with an annoyed look on my face. I couldn't tell if it was to noticeable, but nopony seemed to catch onto it.

"Well, now I got to let it go. The poor guy needs to be free on his own." Pinkie said with enjoyment. She opened the window and put the scorpion on the side of the train. The scorpion then crawled down the train, while it was still speeding down the tracks. The scorpion then got onto the wheels, then managed to cling onto the track. Quickly, it jumped off so that it was under the train.

"Aww, I didn't even got the chance to say goodbye." Voleur joked. This time, I didn't laugh at his joke. It was pointless to laugh if he isn't going to notice, but the joke was funny hands down. Voleur just stood there, laughing at his own joke like its nopony's business. Suddenly, the train started to decelerate. Everypony noticed it was, and then it halted. Me and Pinkie got our stuff, and brought Voleur to the town that would fix him right up.

Hopeful Acquaintances

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Chapter 2

We got off the train and starting heading to the town. I stood next to Voleur for extra comfort for both of us, mainly me. Voleur was always to blind to notice my actions, which was a good thing. If he didn't know or if nopony knew, I won't be embarrassed that I like a street rat from the city of Fillydelphia. Then again, I do like the street rat from Fillydelphia. It was like the Saddlein story I read a couple of days ago. According to that story, a princess escapes from her prison-like castle into the dirty streets of the town. A hopeless street rat caught the mare's eyes and she started to like him. He liked her too, but the rest of the story is somewhat unrelated to my situation. When we got to the town, Pinkie walked off to Sugarcube Corner so she can stuff herself with sweets. Voleur and I trailed afterwards, because it would be a great place to start off at. Voleur noticed that Pinkie really likes those cupcakes, so he asked for one.

"Hey Pinkie, can I have a cupcakes?"

"Oh course! Here you go!" He then stared at the cupcakes and took a huge bite.

"Mmmmm! This is delicious!"

"Hey Pinkie, can I have one?"

"Of course Twilight! You're one of my best friends!" I felt really warm on the inside. Pinkie always knows how to cheer people up at every situation. She then gave me my cupcake plus another one, even though I already ate the first one before she could give me the second.

"Ugh Pinkie? I only asked for one."

"I know. There's a reason why I gave you a second one." she said as she was smiling. Was she talking about Voleur and I sharing the extra one? Voleur was staring at the second cupcake in my hoof.

"Well don't leave me in suspense. Why did you give me a second?"

"Because...I had an extra! What did you think was the reason I gave you it?"

"Oh. I just....never mind." I decided to give the extra cupcake to Voleur.

"Thanks Twilight!"

"First lesson, always be nice to people and they will nice back, right Pinkie?" I announced.

"Right! Making people happy makes me happy and when I'm happy, other people are happy. It is like a big ball of chocolate happiness!" she then licked her lips.

"Well Twilight, seems fair enough."

"Okay, then go over to Colgate over there and be nice to her. She's the pony with the blue and white hair and a blue coat. Just go over there and complement her hair." I know Colgate loves it when people complement her on how beautiful her hair is, so this should get him his first friend since me and Pinkie.

"Hi! Who are you? I have never seen you around here before." Colgate asked.

"I'm Voleur, and you must be Colgate."

"Hahaha, yeah I'm Colgate." she giggled some more.

"I happened to notice how amazing your hair looks. How did you get it like that?"

"Hahaha. Wow Voluer, you're such a flatterer. By the way, where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from Fillydelphia, You know the city in Penstablevania?"

"Yeah I know. Well it was nice to meet you."

"Yeah you too. Goodbye."

"Bye." He came back all happy with am ecstatic expression on his face. He looked at me and grinned very big. He had apparently never made a friend on his own before.

"Did you see me Twilight!? Colgate is my friend now!"

"Yeah, I saw and heard! How good for you. Now, we have to tour the rest of town. We have lots of more people for you to meet."

"Where are we going then?"

"Sweet Apple Acres to meet the Apple family." I responded. I stood close to Voleur on the way there. We would greet him to everypony we bumped into, except my friends, but Pinkie might've already told them. On the way, he met: Derpy, Bon-Bon, Lyra, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Carrot Top, Dr. Hooves, the Mayor, and some of the other people in our town. We finally arrive at Sweet Apple Acres when eager little Applebloom came racing up.

"Howdy! Th' name's Applebloom. What's yer name?!"

"My name's Voleur. So, Applebloom, whatcha got here in Sweet Apple Acres?" asked Voleur.

"What we got 're lots of apples! Let me show ya to Applejack, she'll tell ya all about th' farm." Applebloom then dashed off to the barn.

"Twilight? Is Applebloom always that hyper?"

"You don't know the half of it, especially when Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle are around."

"Who is-?"

"Her friends." I finished the question before he can deliver, obviously because he was going to ask who they were.

"Oh." I then spot Applejack being dragged by Applebloom using all her might. Applejack then willfully came over here, probably because she noticed Voleur, me, or both of us.

"Howdy Twilight and her friend."

"Hey Applejack. Applejack say hi to Voleur. Voleur say hi and something nice to her." That last part I whispered so Voleur would be off to a good start.

"Why hello sugarcube! From 'round here?"

"No, I'm from Fillydelphia."

"Ah okay. Twilight, may I have a word with ya?"

"Sure." Was she going to talk about Voleur or me? We stepped away a bit to the left and she leaned in.

"Honey, why did ya bring a Fillydelphian to Ponyville? He could get lost and I don' want him to be confused?" Thank goodness she asked about why I brought him, and by thank goodness, I mean in the name of Celestia.


"Ah. Ya conscience always made ya aware of certain things, has it now?"

"Yeah it has, hasn't it?"

"It sure has, but I'm mighty worried bout having him in here. I just hope he'll get used to our little town quick."

"He will AJ, just give me time."

"Fine, I trust ya," We then turned and walked towards Voleur. "C'mon, I gotta show ya to Big Mac and Granny Smith."

"Okay, but I want Twilight next to me at all times." Yes!!! He wanted me next to him. One-Twilight, one- everypony else.

"Twilight? Why do ya need Twilight?"

"I need at least one pony that I've known for a while to be there with me." He's is just getting more and more romantic by the minute.

"Sounds fair. Let's go." Applejack agreed that he should at least have one special pony, particularly unicorn, to be there with him. We trotted to the barnyard, while Applebloom was bouncing up and down all around us. Applejack then looked and saw Big Mac bucking some apples. She called him out and he walked over to us. His red coat and orange hair were sweaty from working all day.

"Hi. Haven't met ya before. Name?"

"Me? Oh um, Voleur."

"Voleur? What kinda fancy talk is that?" he asked.

"It's just a word that means thief in a different language."

"Thief!" All the Apple family ran into the barn and locked it. Voleur and I knew this would happen, but I didn't know that the most tender ponies would run. I decided that I should knock on the door.

"Apples, it's just a name, don't be alarmed. Applejack? Applebloom? Big Mac? Granny Smith?"

"It's pointless Twilight, they are going to be afraid of me for a while. Let's bail."

"There's no need to bail," this one I yelled loud enough for the Apples to hear "Rule number two of changing: don't judge a book by its cover, only judge it on the amount of pages it has." I put my ear on the door, and heard some mumbling in there. After a moment, the mumbling suddenly stopped and the barn door opened.

"Tw..Tw...Twilight? W..we want yer fr..friend to c'mon on it, if it isn't t...too much trouble." Applejack was sounding a bit more paranoid than usual, perhaps because they thought Voleur was going to take their barn.

"Voleur, is it too much trouble to come in the barn?" I asked.

"No, not at all." Voleur then stepped in the barn with the slightly opened door. I was going to come in, but Applejack slammed the door in my face...the nerve of some ponies. I then put my ear on the door again, and this time, I could hear them talking to each other.

"Sorry for earlier, mister Voleur." little Applebloom apologized. Granny Smith was in her chair, taking her afternoon nap.

"Eeeyup," said Big Mac agreeing with his signature saying.

"Beg yer pardon, but we 're very humble people. Please do forgive us," Applejack calmly said.

"It's okay, sheesh."

"We just didn't want to confuse you are scare you." Applejack said again.

"Scared? I've seen scarier things than that, trust me."

"So, ya forgive us?" Applebloom questioned

"Of course, little Applebloom. You ponies seem understanding." The Apples then opened the barn door and took him out.

"Goodbye Voleur and Twilight!" screamed Applebloom.

"Take care you two!" also screamed Applejack.

"Eeeyup, bye". Me and Voleur then trotted for a bit and I stopped to think of where to go next. He has already met Pinkie, me, and Applejack. Should I take him to Carousel Boutique, or Fluttershy's cottage. or Rainbow's house? I ought to ask him, see where he wants to go to.

"Hey Voleur, where do you want to go next, Rainbow Dash's house, Carousel Boutique, or Fluttershy's cottage?"

"Hey, I've heard about Rainbow Dash. Let's go there."

"Okay, let me just make a spell first." I started to charge up my horn for the walk on cloud spell. The spell didn't take a lot of power so that would be the easy part. The hard part was finding a way to get up there in the first place.

"Hey Voleur, how are we going to get up there?"

"Don't worry, I know a trick for getting a way from trapping alleys. It lets us float in air." then he started to charge up his horn. Unicorns, the only ponies that will stand there for a minute while helping others out. I then got the signal that my horn was ready. The signal is, your entire body gets a little bolt of electricity, making you jump. With my horn charged, I shot at the both of us. We now had to wait for him to get the shock of electricity. He jumped in the air, while his horn was glowing. He then shot his horn to the both of us. With my cloud walking spell and his floating spell, we could now get to Rainbow's.

"Okay Voleur, how do I float?"

"Just jump in the air." I jumped in the air, and sure enough, I started to float. I never felt so alive before! Is this why Rainbow just loves to fly around? I looked down to see Voleur not there anymore. Idiotically, I had to gasp and cry. Losing him was like losing Spike, I love them both and I can't stand being without them. While whimpering, I felt someone patting on my back.

"There, there Twilight. Don't be so down on yourself, but how did you get up here?" I turned around to see Fluttershy with a cart of squirrels.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing with those squirrels?" eager to change the subject.

"I am taking them to my cottage, why?"


"Twilight? Why were you crying and how did you get up here?"

"Oh, I brought a friend and he mysteriously left. Before he left, he performed a spell that would let me be able to float in air." Fluttershy was surprised that somepony all of the sudden left me.

"Who was the pony?"



"Yeah, he's a new guy from Fillydelphia-"

"You brought a pony from Fillydelphia?"

"Yeah? So what?"

"Fillydelphians are known to be crooks."

"Well, even though thief is in his name-"

"Thief is in his name!"

"Yeah? Voleur means thief in some language."

"I knew it! He's going to steal something from Ponyville!"

"Fluttershy, quit being so paranoid. He's just a regular stallion, wanting a new leaf."

"A new leaf?"

"It means he wants to start his life over, so I brought him to the friendliest town I know." I knew she wanted to say sorry, but just couldn't.

"Twilight, make sure he doesn't steal anything or-"

"I hear you Fluttershy." She then grabbed the cart and headed towards her house. Fluttershy, too, is afraid that Voleur will do something bad? Then, something touched me in the back again that almost gave me a heart attack.

"Hey Twilight, aren't we going to go to Rainbow's?" Voleur asked with confusion.

"Where did you go!?"

"Sugarcube Corner to get another cupcake."

"Oh. Anyways, let's go." We then glided up, together, to Rainbow's house. Her house was one huge, puffy cloud on the outside. We landed on the cloud and knocked on the door.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm coming." Rainbow cracked the door, only to see Voleur. She stood there looking at him in bewilderment.

"Hi, you must be Rainbow Dash. Nice to meet you." Voleur said with his adorable smile.

"Yeah, and you must be at the wrong house." her response made me put my hoof in the way of the door. "Hey! Stop it! This isn't your house!"

"Rainbow, stop overreacting." My voice shut her up nice and quick. She then completely opened the door to see me in the picture.

"Twilight? Who's this guy and why was he preventing me from closing my own door?"

"First, that is Voleur from Fillydelphia. Second, I was the one preventing you from closing your door."

"Oh. Sorry about that Mister-"

"Voleur." he said as he continued smiling.

"Sheesh, I was about to say that. So Twilight, how come you brought Mister Voleur here to my house?"

"He just wants to meet you. He is new in town."

"Oh." she turned her head towards him "Did Twilight say you were from Fillydelphia?"

"Yes Miss Rainbow Dash."

"Ugh! I hate it when ponies call me that, so just call me Rainbow or Dash."

"Okay Rainbow." he said politely.

"Hmm, nice introduction Rainbow." I had to snicker that out.

"Oh put a sock into it, egghead."

"Rainbow? Why are you so grumpy?" Voleur asked her in hindrance.

"Because I haven't had a nap yet. I had to help Applejack with the farm, Fluttershy get squirrels, Rarity with her boutique, and I just got back from helping Bon-Bon stock up some candy. I am pretty tired, that's why I'm grumpy."

"Okay, sorry for intruding your nap. Later Rainbow." I said as she yawned dramatically loud.

"Yeah, goodbye Rainbow."

"Later eggheads." she then closed the door.

"So where do you want to go next?"

"Let's go to Carousel Boutique. I want to see if someone there actually respects me, besides you." That was true, ponies around here right now aren't making good impressions for themselves. Still, Rarity has an extreme respect for stallions. She could flatter him in ten seconds flat. This place was the place I wanted to go to the least, but I agreed to go there out of love and respect. We grabbed each others hoof and floated down safely. I am super excited that he wanted to actually hold my hoof for his and my protection. We got to the ground and I just stood there. Voleur then slowly pulled his hoof off of mine. A little disappointing, but at least he didn't yank it away. We started to trot to the boutique together down the street. Voleur and I heard some ponies mumble something about newly found special some ponies. I looked at them in suspicion and amazement. I wasn't aware that two ponies found each other and are now special some ponies. At Carousel Boutique's front steps, I rang the door bell twice to make sure they heard it. Sweetiebelle came at the door and opened it.

"Hi Twilight! Hi guy!" she said with delight on her face.

"Sweetiebelle, this is Voleur. He is a new pony to town."

"Wait a minute, Sweetiebelle? Where have I heard that name before?" asked Voleur.

"Remember Voleur, I mentioned her when were talking to Applebloom." Sweetiebelle's eyes grew enourmous with astonishment.

"Voleur! You met Applebloom already! Isn't she an awesome pony!"

"Yeah, she sure is." Voleur said.

"What are you doing outside? Come in, come in! I'll go get Rarity!" We stepped in the boutique and stood there, minding our own business and not touching anything.

"Wow Twilight, I guess she could get more hyper with her around. I'm afraid to meet Scootaloo."

"Yeah, me two."Voleur and I could hear Sweetiebelle yell at Rarity that I was in the boutique and I brought along a friend. Rarity then yelled back that she'll be down with them after she is done with her newest clothesline.

"Okay Twilight and Voleur! Rarity said-"

"Sweetiebelle. We already know, because we could hear you and Rarity's voice from down here." I stated.

"I guess Rarity is right, I have a loud mouth." I couldn't help but laugh. She is such a young comedian, but sadly she is to stubborn to realize her true talent.

"Hey Sweetiebelle, maybe your cutie mark is.....comedy?"

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER COMEDIAN!" she then dashed right out the door. Rarity then came down with a very appalled expression that me and Voleur both noticed.

"Twilight! Hi! How rude of me to scare you like that."

"It's okay Rarity. I want you to meet Voleur. Voleur, meet Rarity." He stood up and trotted over to her. He then held up a hoof to her.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too." They then hit hooves. Rarity then looked at Voleur, the way I did when I was studying his features.

"Voleur! You are a very beautiful stallion, did you not notice?" Oh nonononono, she isn't going to give him her charm like she always does.

"Step back lover-pony." I tried to say that as best as I could to make it sound like I didn't call dibbs on him. She looked at me puzzled and shocked.

"Twilight, dear? What has gotten you down, darling?"

"Nothing. It's just he's been here for only like two hours and he doesn't need to be flattered right now." I had to whisper that to her, so that he didn't get any ideas.

"Okay, darling." she said as she made her suave smile to Voleur. He smiled back in a cheerful manner. I'm just lucky he didn't make the same face as she did.

"Hey Voleur, we got to show you Fluttershy now. Remember?"

"Oh yeah! Goodbye Rarity, come on Twilight."

"Yeah, in a second." I then hugged Rarity and kept it there for a minute.

"Twilight? Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm good. I just needed a hug." I let go of Rarity then. I walked over to Voleur and stood next to him. Rarity thanked us for coming and we left. I told him Fluttershy's cottage is a bit of a walk from here.

"Are you a want to go anyways?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." he acknowledged me to go on further. We trotted down town some more, and as usual, ponies were mumbling about something I couldn't hear. I had enough of constant murmuring, so I walked over to Lyra and Bon-Bon and demanded what they we were talking about.

"I think you know, Twilight Sparkle." Lyra retorted.

"Yeah, you should know." Bon-Bon agreed.

"Actually, I don't know what it's about and I demand to know now!"

"Gosh, attitude." Lyra snapped at me. Voleur came over to know what was happening.

"Hey Twilight, weren't we going to go see Fluttershy?" he asked me.

"Yeah we were. Come on, let's go." We continued our journey, while Lyra and Bon-Bon kept talking about random issues. The hike to her house wasn't too long nor annoying as I expected. The whole hike managed to reel in about half an hour of the day, so now it was 7:23 p.m. We walked up to Fluttershy's door and I gave Voleur the privilege of knocking on Fluttershy's door. After a few minutes, Fluttershy finally opened the door.

"Hi Twilight, Voleur." she said in her shy voice this time. It was so strange, because earlier her voice was assertive and aggressive.

"Hi Fluttershy? How do you know who I am?"

"Because, it's just that me and Twilight were talking earlier."

"Oh. So Fluttershy, how was your day?"

"It has been....ok." Her voice was getting even softer than before. I wonder why that is? I just stayed quiet to let the to continue their conversation.

"Well Fluttershy, it has been nice meeting you."

"You too...Voleur." She then slowly closed the door, while Voleur was watching her. I was just watching how the whole thing play out, scene after scene. The door finally closed and Voleur turned around and looked at me.

"Well Twilight, your friends are somewhat....original." he said with sarcasm.

"Yeah, but they were being different I mean Pinkie is always weird and Rarity is always charming, but Rainbow isn't usually grumpy, Lyra and Bon-Bon aren't usually rude, Applejack isn't usually paranoid, and Fluttershy isn't this usually this shy. I just hope that feel better by tomorrow. Oh yeah! I forgot to show you where I live! Come on, I got to show you the library."

"You live in a library!?"

"What's wrong with that? Pinkie lives in a bakery, Rarity lives in a boutique, Applejack lives on a farm. Why can't I live in a library?"

"Touche." Then I lead him back to the town. Another half hour of continuous trotting and we made it to the town. I lead him around the corners and streets that lead to my library. He payed attention to every road and corner we got on and passed. We then got to the library, and his first initial reaction was a shock.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice right?"

"It's amazing! Nice place!"

"Thanks." I then lead him to the door and opened it. Spike perked up and ran towards me.

"Hey Twilight! When did you get in Ponyville?"

"Oh, about 4 hours ago. Did you finish the chores I gave you before I left?"

"Yes ma'am. I also got more ink, twenty quills, some sheets of paper, and some more books, in case you needed them."

"Good job, number one assistant. You can go and take a nap now."

"Twilight, before I take a nap, who is that?"

"Who this? Oh, he is Voleur. He came to Ponyville to change his diabolical self."

"Diabolical? How in Equestria is he evil?"

"I was just joking, he is a thief from Fillydelphia and I-"

"Thief! Sorry, but I gotta go!" Spike tried to run away from me, but I got him before he started.

"Don't run. Say hello." I let Spike go and he trotted over to Voleur.

"So, you were a thief?"

"Yeah, but I'm here to change. Will you help me?"

"Yeah sure, but I'm keeping my eye on you." Spike then got to his bed and went to sleep. His snores always made me laugh, because they were always so loud.

"Well Twilight, I like your place, but unfortunately, I got to go and find a home. See you later." He then left the house and walked around the town. I might as well help him later, but for now, I got to finish this "Daring Doo" book. I am very glad that he decided to take a stab at surviving on his own, but he can't right now. This town will help him out by offering him homes, but what if they have a darker secret? What if they hurt him? I can't stand the sight of him being injured by an innocent looking pony. I hope as masculine as he looks, he is as strong as he looks. In hindsight, I should've noticed that he is pretty tough stallion, a force to be reckoned with. Voleur just better be able to stand up by the time I am finished with this book.

Expectations and Realities

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Chapter 3

Daring was swooping through the jungle as fast as a cheetah after a gazelle. Ahuizotl started sending lots of different big cats. For some reason, he always had that little white kitty that gave Daring an opportunity to escape. She grabbed the vine that was next to her, and swung over the white cat. Ahuizotl screamed after the clever Pegasus.

"Curse you Daring Doo!" He fell on his knees and was bauling. Daring wasn't even stealing anything, she was just giving him something back. She turned around, and gave him the tip of her hat.

"Adios, Ahuizotl." She ran off into the everlasting sunset.

The End

"Wow! That's a good way to end a book, right Spike?" I announced while Spike was taking his average, everyday nap. "Oh yeah, sorry." I whispered as I tip-toed out the door. I stood outside blankly for about thirty seconds, not knowing what I was going to do. "That's right, I need to find Voleur!" The thought of him overwhelmed my head as I was trotting towards Sugarcube Corner. I'm guessing that he'd be there, considering how much he loved Pinkie's delectable deserts. I noticed that Rainbow was flying overhead, probably to impress somepony. She is definitely up to something, so might as well ask her what it is. "Hey Rainbow! Whatcha doing?"

"Hey Twilight, nothing much."

"Mind coming down here?"

"Sure, not at all." She eerily spoke that last three words. Not at all, what would she be keeping from me? She awkwardly glided down, in which her wings were bending.

"Rainbow? Are you ok-"

"YES! I AM OKAY! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!?" She was in full panic/rage mode. Her wings kept flinging up, her cheeks kept blushing, and she kept sweating over and over.

"Rainbow? Why are you so nervous?"

"Wh...what do you me..mean? I'm...ugh...not NERVOUS!" she screamed the last word at me, and shoved me. The fall actually hurt, but nothing I couldn't handle. She wasn't nervous, Rainbow Dash was anxious and desperate. She quickly snapped back into reality, and noticed that I was on the ground, giving her the evil eye. "Oh my gosh....oh my gosh....oh my gosh....oh my gosh....oh my gosh! Twilight, are you ok!?"

"I'm fine now, but what happened back there?"

"What do you mean?" She said that with such innocence, that I knew that she was traumatized before. She stood there looking at me like I was the joker in the deck of friendship, even though Pinkie took that already.

"Rainbow, did you see something shocking?"

"What do you mean?" for the second time in a row, she asked that simple question. What do you mean? This girl needs to control her emotions and thoughts.

"Earlier, you shoved me out of visual frustration and anxiety. Do you remember?"

"No. I don't remember, nor would I, that I'd shove you." Interesting, she doesn't remember anything. "But, something in my gut is hurting. Does that mean anything?"

"Not sure. Not sure if it is love or-"

"Love? Ha! Like I'd be in love at this age."

"...or just natural pain. Let me finish Dash."

"Yeah, sorry."

"Apology accepted. Well I got to go and find Voleur. Bye Rainbow."

"Bye Twilight." I hugged her and we both left. It was a strange hug, like something between us was happening. Wait a minute, she better not be in love with me! If she is, I don't blame her. Lyra felt this way for Bon-Bon before admitting it to her directly. Anyways, I need to go and find my love, before he falls for Rarity. Seemingly, I never noticed that she felt different for him. She was flirting with him, but she settled down a bit while she was doing it. She didn't go full on charm, only partial. Did they meet before? Do they already know each other? I mustn't babble about that right now, for my thief is about to be stolen from me. It's so strange, I am of newly found royalty, while he is of newly found robbery. I am a princess, while he is a "peasant". Is love always this tangled? I must get him any way that I can, because determination is stronger than procrastination. Not that I think about it, that would be a good letter to the princess! I am now heading off to find him, I should've started earlier if it wasn't for my constant babbling. The hike there, I noticed Fluttershy in Roseluck's shop, while directly across was Rainbow at Lily's shop. What were they doing and searching for? I love how everypony in this town are so nice to each other, unlike some towns. (fake cough while quietly saying Fillydelphia) At Sugarcube corner, Pinkie wasn't baking any cupcakes or other sweets whatsoever.

"Hey Pinkie? Why aren't making or anything."

"Oh hi Twilight!" Oh no, what have I done!? "I didn't notice you! You look nicer than yesterday! Actually, have you ever noticed that today is tomorrow!? I mean, because today is YESTERDAY'S tomorrow! Isn't that just so neat? So In reality, you look as nice as you will look tomorrow and yesterday!"

"Um...thanks?" How was I going to respond to a question that was irrelevant to what I came there for?

"So Twilight, whatcha here for? Cake? Cupcakes? The fanfic Cupcakes?" What was the last thing she said?



"Anyways, I'm here for Voleur. Have you seen him?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Okay where is he? Is he in the kitchen?"

"Let people continue, silly! I was trying to say 'Yes ma'am, but he left half and hour ago.'"

"Oh, sorry Pinkie. I'll see you later!"

"Okay! Goodbye lovebird!" L...lov....lovebird? She knows!? "I'm just kidding! I sorry you freeze like an iceberg!" Darn it Pinkie, she isn't supposed to scare her friends like that, considering that it was the truth! I ran out of Sugarcube Corner in a blink of the eye. Outside didn't seem so different from what I remembered. While I was trotting, I bumped into the most tender, sweet, adorable, and embarrassing scenes that will scar my brain forever, well not forever. I walked into Rainbow and Fluttershy kissing in a back corner of Derpy's muffin shop. Yes, Derpy has a muffin shop when there is already a bakery in town. I stood there and watched the two, until Fluttershy noticed. It was embarrassing for me, because I didn't stop them. What could I do, ruin their little seven minutes of heaven?

"Tw...Twili...Twilight! What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked nervously. I kept staring at Fluttershy, then Rainbow, then Fluttershy...over and over. They kept looking at each other, like they just commited a crime.

"Twilight. I'm sorry." quietly apologized Fluttershy.

"Apology? Why apologize, when you can realize?"

"What?" they both asked in unison. It was impressive that shy and prideful Pegasi could be such compatible partners.

"You see, your girls' friendship brought you two together. In retrospect, finding each other is an impressive step in friendship. A step that many ponies often miss, ponies like you Rainbow Dash."

"You aren't mad?" less shamefully pondered Rainbow.

"Of course I'm not. I have to go and find Voleur, see you later you two."

"Bye Twilight!" they both said, once again, in unison. I turned around to see Rainbow take off into the air. Aw darn, I did ruin their seven minutes of heaven. I ruined it so much, that during flight, I saw real tears from Rainbow's eyes. Apparently, a good rest really changes a person. I cocked my head enough to see Fluttershy, disappointingly, trot towards the direction of her house. I really feel bad for them, I really do. I hope fate will rear its ugly head and bring them together again. I now got to worry about: Voleur, Rainbow, and Fluttershy. Voleur! I totally forgot to go and get him. My adventures for romance have gotten a bit out off control, haven't they? I just need to get Voleur, which happens to be across the street.

"Voleur!" I screamed that so loud, probably the ponies from Canterlot can hear me. He turned around to look at, he apparently didn't have any struggle. He could stand, which was a good thing.

"Hey Twilight! Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing much! What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing. I am just glad to see you." Aww, he is glad to see me here.

"Thanks. Anyways, how was your day?" By this time, I was breathless from excitement and temptation. In my head, I am going to run over to him and kiss him full on the lips. Painstakingly in reality, I would be judged on so many levels.

"My day was adequate, how about yours?"

"Pretty good, not to bad." I guess I'll strike up a conversation with him. This will be the next rule in changing.

"That's good to hear."

"Good job!"


"The next rule, have conversations with people. If you can talk to people in a nice way and talk to them about average things, you can easily earn attention and respect."

"Oh thanks. That wasn't that hard."

"Why should it? It just means get to know people."

"I don't know." I laugh in a probably annoying way, considering he only chuckled.

"So Voleur, got any plans?"

"Yeah, why?" What plans could he possibly have at this time of day?

"Oh no reason." I lied under pressure. " What are your plans then?"

"I am going to the club, that Vinyl is DJ-ing. Did you hear about it?"

"Yeah, but why is it so special?" I ask with suspicion.

"No reason...well, because it sounds fun."

"Okay. I guess that sounds reasonable."

"Yeah it's tomor row at eight. I hope that you will be there."

"Give me some time to think about it." I said with discombobulation in my gut. He trotted off towards some place, that I'm guessing is his new house. I, for one hand, think it's amazing that he has somewhere to live. I got to go to my house and finish my book on atoms. No reason...well, because it sounds fun kept dancing around my head all throughout my hike home. I hope that's is the only reason he's going. I got to my library/house and was welcomed by Spike.

"Hey Twilight. Where were you?"

"Nowhere, just getting things done."

"Okay, but I cleaned the house while you were gone."

"HOO!" Owlowiscious spoke as he flew into the room.

"Oh yeah, Owlowiscious helped." I laughed in despite that Owlowscious can only hoot one word. I thanked Spike and Owlowiscious for their consideration and help. I went upstairs and jumped in bed. Sounds fun always seemed to bother me. It's like he isn't telling me something. I eventually tired myself out, and fell asleep. The whole night, I kept having nightmares about Voleur. Anything could happen to him or me before and after that club, anything. I just need to face the future as it comes, not try to predict every move. The next morning, I awoke to a crash outside the library. It just might be Derpy or Rainbow crashing into a building as always. I didn't bother to look outside, because it was obvious from what made the noise. Spike, who also woke from the crash with Owlowicsious, ran towards me with a scared expression.

"Spike, are you okay?"

"I came up here to ask if you were."

"Well I'm fine, thank you." He looked at Owlowicsious and smiled a bothersome grin, as if I wasn't aware of it. He kept staring blankly at him. Then there was a knock on the front door;

"Who can that be?" Spike asked as he ran downstairs. He opened the door to see Rarity, then he dropped.

"Nice entrance Spike, didn't even say hi. Anyways, Twilight, I need you darling."


"We need to talk dear." I shrugged my shoulders and thought what could the worst thing that she could want to know be? When I stepped outside, Rarity closed the doors.

"So Rarity, what did you want?"

"I need to know, how come when I was getting to know Voleur, you pushed me back?" That sunk deep into my heart, all the way to the core.

"Obviously because he has only been there for two hours. He didn't need you charm back then."

"Oh really? Then what would happen if I were to go over to him and complement Voleur, dear?"

"Nothing." Yeah I wish nothing would be happening. If she were to go and steal him, I would literally knock her out of her clean out of her dress. She was looking awfully pleased and ran off, dear Celestia, what have I done? I don't need to worry, because Voleur is to clueless to realize what would be happening. I returned to my house, and started to finish my report on atoms. So far, I have on the report,


Atoms are small, building blocks of life. Without them, solids, liquids, and gases wouldn't exist. Ponies are solids and if we weren't built tough by atoms, we wouldn't even live. They are reason why solids, liquids, and gases have their shapes. Water is an example of something that can change distinctly between the three with ease. At-

It was a pretty good report, for one that isn't even finished. I know mediocre isn't in my dictionary, but it is in for someponies. My wandering head forced me to think about Rainbow and Fluttershy. What will they do, now that I know? Will they stay, or separate? I hope that they will, ruining a relationship would look bad on my report to the Princess. Nonetheless, I must continue this report, so that I will be done, obviously. I just wish that I could redo that moment, that single moment. I wish that I never noticed them, or stood there so quietly. Spike then dizzily came up to me.

"Hey Twilight, what happened?"

"You passed out."

"I did! What did she say!?"

"She said that it was a rude introduction, or something like that." I kept writing my report, not once acknowledging Spike that I was trying to listen.

"Oh." He then ran to his bed, and hid under his blanket. My determination for schoolwork and the Princess has its ups and downs. Then we heard a knock on the door, and Owlowiscious flew to the door. He opened it and came through was Voleur.

"Hey Voleur! Why are you here?"

"I need to tell you something, and I want your opinion on it."

"Okay, what is it."

"Remember when I told you that I'd be going to the club for fun?" It was getting awfully strange. He better not say what I think he is about to say.

"Yeah. What about it?" I nervously asked.

"I lied. The real reason I wanted to go.....is because I have a crush on Vinyl Scratch." He had to hit the bull, on the head, with a nail.


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Chapter 4

I have a crush on Vinyl Scratch. Why does he have to fall in love with some other pony, especially one who could barely notice anything with those sunglasses on. I do have to admit,however, she is a real go-getter. I know that this will become an excellent lesson for the Princess, so might as well help him. I just wish that he didn't have to fall for the only other white unicorn in town.

"I'll help you." I said with little confidence left in my heart and head. Voleur looked at me and smiled with super excited glee, but at the same time, he looked a little questionable.

"What do you mean Twilight?"

"Next rule, good deeds and actions lead to good impressions."

"Okay, It'll take a bit to learn that one, but I can pu-"

"I know you can pull it off." I didn't let him finish his sentence for his attention. I knew that he was going to need some help on this one, but I can help him accomplish it in a heartbeat. Voleur then smiled at me, and then he trotted off. Going to Vinyl's clubs isn't an average for me. I wonder what will happen when those to actually work out. Will she love him for who he is, or not even recognize him as a pony? Whatever happens, I need to check for myself. Trotting across town, looking for something to do, I realize that there are a lot of clouds outside. A few ponies already noticed this strange dilemma. Usually, Rainbow would....Rainbow! She hasn't cleared out the clouds yet. In fact, where is that multicolored lazybones at anyway? I hope everything is going good for her and...Fluttershy. Sweet Celestia, has something between those two, something so strong, that it would keep them confined in their own homes? Wait a minute...something did happen, and I was the one to cause it. There is only one way to help them, and I'm the pony to fix it. I need immediate concentration, so I need to get to my house. Right now, the mixed emotions aching in my heart and brain is unbearable. Every five seconds, I would need to stop and think about: Voleur, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, think about the trouble they could be getting themselves into. I arrive at my house, just to be welcomed by Spike.

"Hey Twilight!"

"Not now Spike. I need the book on levitation."


"Somethings up with Rainbow and Fluttershy, so I need to get to both of their houses."

"What kind of "up" is wrong with them?"

"Not now, just get the book." Spike saluted me, and ran off into the next room. In a matter of seconds, Owlowicsious swooped around and gave me the book.

"Darn! Faster than me by a millisecond!" As Spike was blabbing on about his speed, the spell in the book looked very difficult. I would need to get it right the first time, or I might not be able to perform the cloud walking spell. As I'm reading, I started to charge up my horn. In a moment's notice, I felt a little shock throughout my whole body. Facing a mirror, I shot the the purple colored ray. It reflected off the mirror, and then hit me. It made me fell a bit dizzy, but I got over it real quick. Spike then ran up the ladder and grabbed the book that contained the cloud walking spell. Same as the first spell, I faced the mirror, and shot it. My horn was out of juice, but I was still good to go. I jumped up, like how Voleur showed me, and flew around the room. After a few seconds, I grounded myself and trotted to the door.

"Spike, while I'm gone, make sure the library-"

"Is cleaned, yea yea." That little joker knows me like a book. I opened the door, and jumped in the air. I am a bit sketchy to what I will find Rainbow or Fluttershy doing, that's for sure. While gliding up to Rainbow's cloud house, I felt a cool breeze on my face. It was refreshing, and yet it was also energy-boosting. At Rainbow's, I stepped onto the suspicious, scary bit of cloud on the edge. Thanks for asking, I did not manage to fall on my face, nor fall through the cloud. The unexpected breeze on the wind, down my back, managed to give me goosebumps. I started to shiver as I was knocking on the wet door, no answer. I leaned my head against the door, like I did with Applejack's barn door, but my head fell through. Rainbow was on her couch, taking a usual and unusual nap. It was normal for her to take a nap in the middle of the day, but unusual to be completely covered in tissues. She sat there all mopey like when she got up and looked at me. She looked and looked and looked, over and over again. She never blinked, nor spoke. The tissues on her lap and all over fell onto the ground, falling through it. Rainbow Dash just sat there in total silence for few minutes. The agony and depression of her eyes and soul reached down to my heart. I could feel her frozen warmth through subtle tears. Rainbow's fear and anxiety was enough to make me sink down to her level of despair.

"Rainbow? Why are you so cold?" She then let out a soft weep, one as soft as Fluttershy would make. Her misery must of been unbearable, due to the fact that the pony she loves is heartbroken or embarrassed or both. She then starting choking up from the tears in her throat. I know that this is a normal procedure for a saddened pony, but not one as shallow as Rainbow Dash. She then let another weep, this time followed with a faint chatter. She was shivering...shivering in her own fear. "Rainbow, you have to talk sometime or another. What's w-" I was stopped in my tracks by a protruding, yet sorrowful, Rainbow.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong Twilight."

"Something is wrong, and I demand to find out." My voice was getting louder, almost to me shouting at her. I needn't be yelling at her, for which she is soaked in sadness.

"Do ya really want to know?"

"Ugh, yea."

"You are the problem." Instantly, goosebumps sprained up on my stomach and back. I wasn't ever the cause of a deep problem for one of my friends before.

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

"Why should ya?" Why shouldn't I be?

"Because, Ponyville is covered in clouds from a awkward intrusion I gave, that impacted your life to the brink of solitude. That's why I'm sorry." Rainbow gazed up at me in apparent surprise. Either she was gasping that I admitted to my fault, or that she didn't understand "intrusion" or "solitude". I'm guessing that she did not expect me to confess my role in it, seems logical.

"Um... your right. It is ya fault, isn't it? Ha! Why am I here then? You should be getting the blame! Later Twilight!" She dashed out the door, the way I knew she would. One down, or up, one more to go. I now need to fly down to Fluttershy's cottage. I opened Rainbow's door, got on the edge of the cloud, and jumped into the air. Once I caught my balance, I levitated towards Fluttershy. The clouds were being taken down as fast as you could blink, good old Rainbow Dash. At Fluttershy's, I grounded myself and trotted towards the front door. I didn't even have the chance to knock before Angel opened the door. He looked grumpy and irritated, mostly saddened. His upset expression gave me some guilt down my throat. Angel opened the door and let me in. Unlike Rainbow's, Fluttershy's was actually as clean as ever. I heard some whistling from upstairs, so I whistled back. We whistled like we were whistling wizards, or whistling champions. The whistling then turned into a harmony as it turned softer. It grew softer and softer, until it finally ceased. I could clearly see Fluttershy now as she impatiently ran towards me.


"Um....hi Fluttershy."

"What have you been up to?" Why is she so happy, whereas Rainbow was completely covered in tissues?

"Oh nothing, I just came to see if you are ok."

"I'm doing well, why do you ask?"

"No reason." Do I need to ask her anything else? She seems like nothing ever happened, like I never happened.

"Is that all you needed?"

"Yes. Goodbye Fluttershy."

"Bye Twilight." I left her house in a jiffy. At least I know that they're both doing fine, but now onto Voleur. What's he going to do about DJ-PON3? She obviously won't be able to recognize him for his shy nature. It's just a matter of time before the club actually starts. Matter of fact, what time is it? I turn to the clock tower to see that it was 3:47. If I'm going to help him, what would I be able to do? Should I not go, or should I? If I go, I would be utterly humiliated. Rainbow Dash and the others always go to these clubs, while I'm studying at my library. They'd be shocked and, or, laughing at me. Then again, this isn't about me being there. It's about Voleur's crush for Vinyl Scratch. I now know what I need to do, for friendship isn't always about pleasing one's self. Voleur, clearly, won't be able to admit for himself, why shouldn't I? After all, what's the worst that could happen? Oh no, I think that I might've just jinxed it.

Now or Never

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Chapter 5

Down Ponyville, I happen to notice that it's already 6:00. In these past few hours, I'm surprised that nothing went wrong. The newly found gossipers, Lyra and Bon-Bon, weren't gossiping. Rainbow, nor Fluttershy, were crying about each other. Pinkie was still frolicking around me. AJ and Rarity were talking about business pony stuff at AJ's barn. Everypony was being everypony, the way that they always are. If I had my checklist of Ponyville, it'd be filled up with checks. My checklist has everything about Ponyville that needs to be taken care of. Once I would get that done, it would be an average hour in Ponyville. I decided to visit Sweet Apple Acres to make sure that the Apples and Rarity were getting things done. I leaped onto the front step, when I heard some talking.

"...yea, that's how hard I have to work for each of the outfits that I make."

"Okay, th' boutique is harder then I thought." Okay, it seems like they have everything under control. I took two steps away from AJ's barn, when I suddenly heard shouts. Applejack flew out of the door, all irritated, and bumped into me. "Horsefeathers! Twilight, why 're ya here?"

"Um, hey Applejack."

"Not now Twilight. I need t' show that th' barn is harder than Rarity thinks."

"Applejack, didn't you learn from this?" She stopped in her tracks, and looked at me.

"Learn what?"

"Remember when you overworked yourself to the maximum?"

"That was b'cause Big Mac hurt himself. This is not th' same thing."

"Applejack, don't overwork yourself then." If I keep arguing with Applejack about nonsense, I'll eventually get maddened.

"Understood." She dashed towards an apple tree, but not with her hooves. She hit the tree, head on, with her head! The tree shook violently, indicating that Applejack was offended by Rarity. I wouldn't stand it if someone said that their business was harder than mine, especially for someone as hardworking as AJ. I'm not going to get in her path of wrath, so I made like a banana and peeled out. I made it to town, and at the right moment too. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! The more dings the clock tower makes, it shows what time it was. Wow, its seven o'clock already? The club is an hour away, and my fear is a minute away. I know that it will work out, hopefully. Voleur then comes up to me, with the same worried expression as me.

"Twilight! Twilight, over here!"

"Yeah, what is it Voleur?" He finally caught up to me, but he stopped to catch his breath.

"Twilight, don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"That the club is an hour away."

"Oh that, of course I remembered."

"Yeah. I just can't wait for it, can you?"

"Yeah, but it isn't any different from her other clubs."

"It is for me. This is the first club I've to."

"Same for me."

"Wait, so your actually going to go?"


"That's great! I can't wait to see you Twilight!"

"Yeah you to." I've made up my mind, I will go and help him. Pinkie Pie, out of nowhere, then ran up towards me.

"Hey Pinkie!" Voleur said with excitement in his tone.

"Hi Voleur, hi Twilight!" I didn't say anything, nor made any indications that I didn't want to talk to her right now. I just waved to her and moved on.

"So Pinkie, are you going to the club in an hour?"

"Of course silly! I love partying! Parties are fun, and fun rhymes with sun. Therefore, parties are the sun mixed in with fun!" I wished things worked like that in real life.

"Um...yeah." Voleur quietly said as he backed away from Pinkie. He has known me and Pinkie the longest, and he is still afraid to go near her.

"Well see ya at the party! Bye you two!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced away. Voleur then got in the way of my line of sight.

"So Twilight, are you really going to the club?"


"Are you sure your sure?"

"Yes." I am being extremely quiet today, I wonder why? Simple "yes"s don't usually come out of my mouth in a row.

"Your being pretty silent today." Voleur actually caught onto that, how surprising.


"Okay that's officially creeping me out."

"Sorry." He gave me an odd look and left. He left without even saying goodbye, how insensitive. I now realize that it was almost 7:30. Half an hour is all I got. That kept running through my mind, for several seconds. I got to think of something better than what I thought of earlier, for it is now or never. I know that I got to get Vinyl's attention, but how am I going to get her attention without getting the whole club's attention? Oh boy, I guess there is no way to get her without the club knowing. Knowing that Spike would be shocked and appalled, I need to set him on a wild goose chase. I spawned some cake and hid it all around town. That way, Spike won't be disappointed that I lied to him. I then ran off towards home. Spike opened the door, and I delivered the excellent news.

"Hey Twilight!"

"Hey Spike! I got something for y-"

"Ooo what is it?"

"I've got something for you to do. I stored cake all around town, just for you." Spike was sold, and ran out the door. With Spike gone, I can now go to the club in peace. I now need to get to the club, for it is a bit of a way away from my house. Before I leave, I needed to bring a coat to disguise myself. I got the coat and trotted towards the door. When I opened my door, I saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying overhead, heading to the direction of the club. Presumably, Rainbow is probably showing Fluttershy the way to the club. I stayed back a bit, so that my visit will be a surprise. Once they were away from me, I started to trot towards the club. I happened to notice that not many ponies were in Ponyville anymore, so that's a shocker. I guess that the anxiety and curiosity got to the better of some ponies. At the club, there was a huge line. I regretted coming, but then I saw Voleur. He noticed me to and motioned for me to come to him. I quietly walked towards him, while he was smiling the whole time. He kept jumping in joy for me, making a total mockery of himself.

"Hey Tw-"

"Shh. I don't need anyone knowing I'm here."

"Okay, well it's good that your here."

"It is?"

"Yeah, I was starting to get bored. It's nice to have someone here with me." He gave his grand smile and hugged me. It wasn't a romantic hug, but a warm, welcoming one. One that just makes you want to hug back at.

"Aw shucks. Thanks Voleur."

"Your welcome. Anyways, this is a big building."

"You're right. I wonder how many people are in it."

"Definitely hundreds, probably thousands."

"Maybe, I just hope that we get in there."

"Yeah, me too." Until we got there, Voleur and I just kept talking about random pony stuff. When we were at the front of the line, the guard looked at us and asked for our names and ages.

"Oh. I'm Voleur, age nineteen."

"Okay, now you miss?"

"Twilight, age nineteen also."

"Okay, your both aged enough. Is this both your first times?"

"Yes." we both said in unison. He then checked us for weapons and other junk. He said that we were clean, and that we can go into the club.

"Make sure that you two don't get drunk. It happens to many ponies."

"Yes sir." We both walked in very quietly, following the same hoofsteps. Inside the club, there were lots of lights. The whole place was lit, even the bathrooms. I noticed many familiar faces, every which way and turn. Voleur and I found a table in the back, and sat down.

"Ouch! These lights are blindingly bright!" Voleur had to scream at me, for the music was blaring.

"You're right! I can hardly see!" Is this why Rainbow likes to sleep in the sun, because she is used to the brightness?

"So how do you like it!?"

"It's okay! I just can't hear that good!"






"Oh! Okay!" This shouting is making my throat sore. I leaned in to tell Voleur if he was going to make his move and win her over.

"I can't. I can't put myself to do it." He was whispering at the time, but I heard him perfectly. I am now forced to help him, due to my inner conscience. My inner conscience was the reason he came here, and now its going to be the reason for his happiness. I leaned in again, and this time I told him what I was going to do. "What! You will!?"

"Yes, I will." That very moment, my crush for Voleur turned into a seemingly deep friendship. I don't love him as a stallion anymore, I now love him as a brother. I got up and trotted down some hallways. Vinyl was up at the podium, stopping and reversing the records on her turntable. I finally got backstage, where it was unsurprisingly lit. I peered the slightest part of my head through the curtain, just to see Rainbow and the others in the front. Out of the whole club, they had to be in the front of it. I kept whispering Vinyl's name, like she was a dog.

"Here Vinyl. Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch. DJ-PON3." She just didn't seem to listen, so I need to distract them to quickly get her. Voleur was the only pony who noticed me in the curtain, so I peered my whole head through. I mouthed "distraction" over and over again. He finally caught on, and within a second, he faked a faint. He made the faint as dramatic as it could be, nearly flipping our table over. Everypony stopped to see Voleur "passed out" on the floor of the club. Some whispered, and someponies ran over there and was helping him out. Vinyl was just about to leave, when I ran out and grabbed her arm. I yanked her backwards into the curtain, luckily while nopony noticed. She started to fight, but I calmed her down.

"Ugh! Dude stop!"

"Vinyl. It's me, Twilight Sparkle. Ring a bell? She finally quit thrashing about, and looked at me.

"Hey, hey! It is you! How have you been?"

"Well, considering that you almost mauled me, I'm doing perfectly fine."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Vinyl was getting apologetic? I haven't ever heard her say "sorry" in a while.

"Anyways, I need to tell you something."

"What is it? I gotta get back to the table for some more beats."

"My friend, he-" All of the sudden, we both heard booing from the crowd.

"Oh, that's my cue. Later Twilight. I was a bit surprised to see ya here." She ran through the curtain, and the booing stared to decrease. Eventually it stopped, and the music started blaring again. My plan didn't work for the first time ever since I've been here in Ponyville. She didn't listen to me, nor let me finish. Sweet Celestia, I didn't expect it to come to this. I hesitated for a minute, but then I ran out of the curtain. Vinyl was to oblivious to realize, until everypony stopped and looked at me. I stood frozen on stage, with all eyes focused on me. Applejack and the others were all at me feet, which made me feel predominant to them. I have never felt superiority before, and I kinda like it. I walked over to Vinyl, and demanded for her to get to my side. However, her ignorance and addiction to music caused her to stay.

"Give me the headset." My voice was unsurprisingly eerie and deep, not a good sign for me. I wanted to change it, but I was already too irritated to not. I tend to talk like this when I really want something, or something has annoyed me. In this situation, it was both.

"Woah, Twilight? Why are you up here?"

"I want the turntable." Everypony then started to "ooo", the way fillies would when another filly talked back to the teacher.

"This is my life Twilight. I live for the beat, don't you know?"

"Oh I know, I know real good." My anxiety and anger got to the better of me, unfortunately Vinyl was the target. I charged at Vinyl, and shoved her off stage. Her headset flew off her head, and my reflexes told me to get them in mid air. I grabbed them in an instant. Vinyl then hit the floor hard, with another wave of "ooo"s by the crowd. I put the headset on the turntable, while several ponies came to DJ-PON3's aid. She looked up at me, with what I was guessing were teary eyes. I finally contained myself, and ran down to her aid as well.

"Ouch, Twilight. Your pretty strong!" No crying or bauling, she was actually complementing me.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted that turntable to announce something to you."

"Announce what?"

"That my friend over there...actually just let me use the turntable."

"Yeah sure, go ahead." I climbed onto the stage, and turned onto the turntable. Vinyl nodded her head for me to go ahead some more. I put on the headset, and put a hoof on a record. I started to play some beats, and started to think of some lyrics in my head. When I got the song, I started to, embarrassingly, sing them. They weren't the best, but neither am I.

Vinyl, you don't know. That your true love is a no show. I've been trying to tell you it's true, but he's to shy to tell you. He's the pony in the corner over there, and his name is Voleur. He likes you, he loves you, he misses you, and he hugs you. Without you, his life isn't complete. Why do you make his some obsolete. What he really wants to know...yes or no? I then took off the headset, and walked off stage. I walked through the crowd, and to Voleur. He was blushing like crazy, and I giggled a bit.

"Um...ugh. Thanks." He was extremely shy now, probably as shocked as Vinyl was.

"No prob. Go get her, tiger." I then walked past him, and out the door. I walked around to the back of the club, and entered again. I hid behind the curtains, and looked under them. I could see Voleur coming up the steps, and onto the stage. I also saw him approach Vinyl Scratch with a worried expression. She then took her sunglasses off, and that she was looking at him. Suddenly, I then heard some talking.

"So, you must be Voleur?"

"Y..yes." I haven't even seen Fluttershy this shy, ever. He was turning around, right when I almost ran out, but Vinyl grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey, don't be so afraid. I'm not gonna bite ya."

"Y...you won't?"

"Nah, that seems weird." I saw his smile again, and Vinyl noticed it to. It made her smile back, and eventually hug him.

"So...ugh... yes or n..n..no?" Voleur whispered very faint. She sat there for a few moments, not saying a word. Was she purposely making it very suspenseful for everypony in the club?

"...Yes." She leaned over, and hugged him again. Everypony in the crowd cheered for them, as did I. However, my cheer was more of inner/mental note.

True love isn't always fair, but who it connects is outstanding. Nopony isn't doomed for eternal lonliness. If you think that you are doomed to be forever alone, express it. Be proud of it. Embrace it. Voleur and Vinyl Scratch are polar opposites, I led them together. Friendship and love bond in ways, so majestic, that it can scare you. All that matters is: if you want to meet that special somepony, get around. Get to know different ponies, and their backgrounds. When two ponies find each other, they have a special bond/attraction that will let them be happy. This will be the final rule in Voleur's quest for a change of life. Lastly, everypony was created equal. No matter how much that they differentiate, they will always be happy in this wonderful world of Equestria.