
by Storylover-Vodhr

First published

Turns out, Twilight, sleep, and spaghetti don't mix.

Nothing says romance like your half asleep marefriend covering your wings in tomato sauce.

A preening may be in order

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As Dash looked over the horrible, painful damage, she found that, yes, it was a travesty upon Pegasi-kind. Red was mixed carelessly in with her normally stellar cyan, turning the coloration from it's normally breathtaking blue to a strange ugly crimson, the color warping, nay, staining the brilliant color until there was barely anything that resembled the original product.

It was just... everywhere. All over. And it was gonna take forever to clean it out. And never mind trying to get rid of the smell. Tomatoes didn't really smell bad, but now, Dash was certain that she'd smell it in her dreams, the overwhelming stench of tomato sauce turning every dream into a trip to a pizzeria.

But yet, no matter how much she wanted otherwise, Dash could only blame this one on herself, and as such could do precious little besides complain, loudly and often. This had been her plan, and as such, the consequences were hers to receive. Loudly and often.

It was probably even some backwards kind of karma in a way. She knew that Twilight got sleepy, for whatever strange otherworldly reason, once she ate spaghetti. But now, she wished that, before she made this plan, she knew the scope of how she got "Sleepy".

No, instead of a "I ate too much hay" kinda sleepy, the kind that made Twi cute, snugly, and on occasion, adorable, she got a "I haven't slept in a week because research, Dashie, so go get me some funny clown dust," kinda sleepy.

The crazy kind of sleepy.

Seriously, Twilight was completely out of it, and now for the millionth time, Dash wished that she would've chosen some other kind of stereotypical romantic food. Like, uh, grapes, or something. Maybe a nice, fancy Baguette. That was romantic, right?

Or, hey, maybe some of that weird, expensive, and foul smelling cheese from Prance that Rarity kept bragging about. The mare said it would make their night breathtaking, and if Dash understood Rarity properly, she probably didn't mean that it stank so much that they wouldn't breathe out of fear of angering the terrible-smelling cheese gods.

Yeah, she should've gone with the cheese, even if she meant that they'd be stunk out. Sure, she would've had to deal with the smell, but she wouldn't have to deal with Weird Twi.

Weird Twi was not a fun Twi. Weird Twi ate bookmarks and demanded that coffee become the legal replacement for water.

Weird Twi tried to change flight laws, raising minimum speed limits to speeds high enough for Sonic rainbooms, under the mixed belief that the speed limits dictated how fast pegasi could fly, along with the desire that she could "make the sky more colorful" by forcing everyone to fly via sonic rainbooms.

And, apparently, Weird Twi chewed on other pony's feathers, without even the slightest preamble. She just... went at it, without a single bit of hesitance. Just her, her mouth, some wings, and boom. She just went to town without a worry in the world.

Yep, look at her go. Not even the slightest amount of guilt for her staining her beautiful wings red. In feeding the Princess of friendship pasta, Rainbow Dash had, indeed, created the Princess of ruining feathers.

Indeed, her own hubris was truly the greatest monster of them all. After all, not even Nightmare moon had tried to douse her wings in spaghetti sauce. Nope, she just tried to make things darker than normal.

"Twi, Stop. You're screwing up my Primaries. It's gonna take forever to get the red out."

The Alicorn didn't seem to either care for her significant other's pleas, or simply didn't hear them, and, instead, continued to chew on the fluffy, yet semi-firm edges of the cyan mare's wings, forcing the Pegasus to groan as she, yet again, tried to pry her wing from the purple mare's mouth. Alright, the Primaries were pretty easy to clean, but her down? That'd be stained until the next set came in. Not cool.

Now she was gonna have to either wait, or forcibly remove the feathers to make the next set come in early.

Yes, indeed, What an end to what had been an amazing fifth date. And it had gone so well, too. A sappy, semi-romantic movie about a wolf-pony and a shiny dude fighting over a unicorn with no ability to emote to save her life, followed by a walk past the lake, where she led Twilight to her pre-set-up homemade dinner out underneath the stars, placed carefully upon a nice, comfy blanket. Then, a brutal mauling of Spaghetti via the beast of purple, and then, a small, tiny nap, where Twilight went all cannibalistic on Dash's wings, attempting to give them a fate similar to oh-so-many hayburgers.

Whoever said romance was dead?

"Seriously, I need those. I'm totally like a wonderbolt now. I can't just show back up to practice with frayed, stained feathers. I'd be a laughing stock!"

Again, the Princess could not be denied, and instead made a loud, otherworldly snort before making another sleep-addled attempt at her upper wing, forcing Rainbow to make another groan as she tried to keep the wing, and more importantly, the majority of her wing's down out of her reach.

All she wanted was a nice date.

Alright, and maybe a little bit of cuddling. Yep, some nice, sleepy cuddles with a sleepy, cuddly Twi. A smooch, at best, while she was tired, and thus, far more open to physical affection, the type of affection Dash wanted, nay, craved from her mare friend. But instead, She got a stained wing, a couple lost flight feathers, and probably some back pain, once she dragged her quite-a-bit taller-than-her marefriend back to her house, once she finally managed to properly calm down, and pass completely out.

"Yeah, this is what I deserve. Ha ha, that'll teach me to want some cuddles."

The mare's only response to her declaration was another snort, and using Dash's chest as a napkin.