> Prismatic Soul > by Prism Sparkler > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you, Zecora!" Milky Way called out to her friend while walking with another out of her shop. She had once again collected enough herbs for her annual trip to Canterlot to make a few extra bits reading the stars for rich ponies. Not exactly her favorite past time, but it certainly kept her afloat with the help from that and help from other ponies everywhere. It was now getting dark, and she couldn't help but stare at the night sky as she walked. Her eyes glittered with admiration... Wishing she was up there with Orion, Sagittarius, Pisces, Horologium... And so many other wonderful, glittering night sky companions. She was brought out of her trance with a few pokes on her shoulder. She blinked and turned towards her lavender friend. "You okay there, Mil?" Twilight Sparkle asked, a small smirk tugging on the corners of her mouth as she looked at her daydreaming friend. "You need to start watching where you're walking, it's starting to get ridiculous," she continued, giggling a little. Milky Way's daydreaming got out of hand on several occasions, almost leading to her own demise just by not paying attention. Milky Way chuckled. "Sorry, sorry! Yeah, I'm cool. Just wishing the world was more like what it is up there. I mean... Just stare at it for a second with me..." Her creamy coat glistened brightly in comparison to the dark forest as her blue, purple, black, and white mane and tail shimmered in the moon's light cast in the clearing they stopped in. She lied down on the grass, nodding her head to the spot next to her, edging Twilight to relax with her. Twilight sighed, but smiled in content as she laid on the foliage next to Milky. Her violet and pink blended eyes gazed upwards, taking in every hue of the night sky. Every blue, purple, black, and white hue. It painted a picture of its own and was so beautifully captivating. Twilight smiled as she looked at Milky, who was still looking at the sky, her deep magenta eyes clouded with thought and longing. "You're right... It really is lovely..." "I knew you'd like it once you tried it..." Milky Way got back on her feet and yawned. Her stomach then grumbled. "Do you still not know how to cook?" Twilight asked, chuckling lightly. "Or have you just not tried yet?" She also returned to her hooves and continued to walk down the path. Milky Way stuttered and laughed as she spoke, a slight tone of panic in her voice as well. "Well!... Uh... Um... Let's just say my stove is a friend!" She paused for a few seconds, still and silent, before continuing. "...That I've been neglecting." Twilight winced before sighing and shaking her head. "Yeah, that's not good, Mil. You can't just keep spending bits on food, then you'll never be financially stable! Your trips to Canterlot will no longer be needed. May I suggest a thorough, thought-out plan that you and I can-" "Yeah, about that..." "No, none of that. I'm going to have Applejack and Pinkie Pie teach you how to cook starting tomorrow!" Milky Way cringed at the thought. She believed the two of them will be traumatized on her lack of cooking skills. Making inedible food was always used as teasing material in grade school, but it was completely true. Rarity thought that Mil could teach Sweetie Bell how to cook. That was a grave mistake. As the two continued to walk down the path, Mil observed her surroundings a bit more thoroughly than usual. The moon cast a more eerie glow than what she was used to when going during the day. She thought herself crazy when she thought she saw a shining mirror when passing another clearing. She stopped and turned to face it for only a second or two before Twilight called her back to reality. She sprang to her hooves and caught up with her friend, looking back the entire time. Twilight looked at her, a stern expression plastered on her face. "Milky Way, this is the route you must take. Going any other way is unexplored, and will most likely be dangerous. I want you to listen to me when I say to not go off this path. At least not on your own. Can I trust you to do that?" Milky Way was shocked at her friend's sudden serious demeanor, and swallowed as a lump in her throat formed. She cleared her throat before nodding and grunting in affirmation. But that didn't shake off her curiosity. She wanted to know what a mirror was doing in the middle of a so-called "unexplored" part of the forest. Was it the cause for the suspicious glow from the moon? Maybe she would go for a quick investigation tomorrow. Who says anyone had to know? She had to go back out for some errands anyway, and conveniently, she had to go through the forest. If anyone asks, she can just say she got lost, and try again later. It wasn't long before they reached Twilight's home. Spike came to greet them at the door. With Twilight making her give another confirmation about the forest, they said quick goodbyes before parting ways, leaving Mil to her own devices. She began to walk home, a small, but comfy cabin in Ponyville. She built it herself after moving out from Manehattan to pursue small-town business. Sure, it wasn't the most luxurious thing, but it worked for her, and that's all she needed. She opened the door and turned on the lights. She yawned and stretched, setting the bag of herbs on the dining table rug with her magic before going up to her room and lying on her bed. On her nightstand was a small, royal purple covered journal. Next to it was a navy blue pen with a small crescent moon on the opposite end of the pen's nub. She levitated them both with a silver aura emanating from her own, surrounding the items with it. She opened the book and began to write about the herb collections, keeping inventory on what she would need later. She then went to the opposite end of her room where a telescope was propped to face out the window. She lowered her body to take a look through it, before gasping and rushing back to bed. Milky had seen the brightest star in the sky that night. What was so special about it? It was located right above the Everfree Forest. There was no time to wait for the morning to come. She began to pack her bags for an overnight trip to the forest. > Chapter 2 - Meeting the Star Students! Milky Way Lost in a New Dimension? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Milky Way's POV Oww... Owie... Wh-Where am I?... I awoke on a hard, rough, frigid surface, my whole body aching from whatever hurt me. I groaned and went to reach for my muzzle to rub it, but was greeted by an oddly colored, multi-appendaged... Thing! I sat up as fast as I could, my body throbbing with pain. "What is this!?" I went to feel what I thought was my muzzle, but instead felt a smaller muzzle, some blood coming out of it. I sniffed and pinched my nostrils closed as I inspected the other cuts and bruises on my body. I looked around, wondering what in Equestria could've caused me this much pain. I took a piece of my mane, which had all four perfectly blended colors still intact, and observed it. I adorned a braid crown and baby side bangs, and whatever wasn't pulled into the braid had a wavy texture. Even though some patches of it were stained with blood, I was adoring how my hair looked. Rarity would've loved it, too. I looked into a glass window to see my eyes. They were still the gradient violet and pink but were much smaller than how they looked as a pony. I was also shocked to see that I was wearing actual clothes. Normally, I would only wear them if I was going out somewhere fancy but I've only been on one date so there was no need to wear them anywhere else. I was wearing a black loose tank top with galaxy leggings and black laced up boots. I was only able to inspect myself for a few more seconds before I heard the rumble of footsteps and voices. My body tensed as my eyes widened in fear. Whatever was there, I couldn't protect myself from it if I tried. I never learned any martial arts growing up, even though my father encouraged it. Now that I thought about it at this moment, that's probably something I should've taken part in. Just then, I heard a deep voice call out to me. "Hey! You there! You're not supposed to be out here, are you ok?" Over the hill, I saw seven other creatures with the same bodies as my own running towards me. My muscles tensed and I winced in pain, inhaling sharply. I took a look at each one. The first was a blonde haired girl, who sported some kind of uniform and cloak and white gloves, her hair in pigtails. The second, a young man with a nicely tailored black and white suit, golden eyes, and black hair with the exception of three white stripes on the left side of his head. Next was another boy with spiky, wild, blue hair with one of the strangest outfits I'd ever seen. There was a tattoo of a star on his right shoulder. Next to him was a woman with long, beautiful black hair, blue eyes, and an outfit with the boy's matching star on her breast. There were two girls wearing the same red tank tops and ties, cowgirl hats, and boots. One was taller and had brown hair, the other sported blonde hair, both showing blue eyes. The last person who caught my eye was another young man. Piercing, mysterious red eyes, sharp teeth like I'd only seen in monsters, but they didn't scare me for some reason. His fluffy white hair sported a black headband, which matched the color of his leather jacket and shoes. He wore an orange t-shirt underneath the jacket, and his khaki jeans finished the outfit. A warm feeling filled my chest and I felt the heat rising to my cheeks and ears. Who was he?... And why was he so good looking?... The girl with the pigtails next to the attractive man spoke up, extending a hand to me. "Don't worry, you'll be safe again soon. Can you stand?" I nodded and grabbed her hand with my own and she pulled me up, making me wince again. I looked around at everyone again in curiosity. She began to speak again. "I'm Maka Albarn, and this is the son of Lord Death, Death the Kid, and the assassin Black⭐Star," She pointed to the sharply dressed boy and the wild blue haired one. "The girls with matching outfits are Kid's weapon partners, Liz and Patty Thompson, and the girl next to Black⭐Star is his weapon, Tsubaki. And this," She points to the handsome albino boy. "Is my partner, Soul Eater." Soul Eater, huh?... The heat returned to my cheeks. "The battle with Asura just ended, but what are you doing out here? All citizens were told to stay inside." I felt the need to speak up, so I cleared my throat and began speaking. "Well, you see, I'm... Not exactly from here... I'm from a strange dimension, different to this one. I went through a portal in a forest, and ended up here..." I looked up at the night sky and found immediate comfort. "At least we share the same sky..." Death the Kid looked at Maka and Soul, concern in his eyes as he spoke sternly to the two. "Maka, Soul, can you take her to Nygus to get patched up and rested? Once she recovers, I'd like to take her to see my father. This portal she speaks of could be potentially dangerous to both worlds if we don't find it. Are you okay with that, Miss...?" "Milky Way." "Hmm.. An interesting name. Black⭐Star and I along with our weapon partners will come visit you once we clean up a few things from the battle." With those words, the boys and their weapon partners fled the scene. Maka nodded and looked at me with a smile. "It'll be okay, Miss Milky Way. You're in good hands now. C'mon, Soul." They began to walk and I tried to follow, my legs giving out underneath me as I began to fall. Just before I hit the ground, I felt two strong hands catch me as they swung my right arm across their shoulder as the other hand held my waist. I looked up to find those deep, mysterious red eyes and felt myself blush. Soul smiled at me as he kept walking and I almost lost my cool right then and there. We made our way towards a very large and perfectly symmetrical building. A skull as the centerpiece, the building was dimly lit by the four candles that came out of each side. I gasped as I admired the architecture. We found ourselves at the Nurse's Office a few minutes later. There to greet us, was a woman with ebony skin, raven black hair, and bandages covering nearly every inch of her body. She quickly took my hand and set me on the gurney, beginning to treat my wounds. She took a cotton swab with alcohol and began to dab my cuts with it. I whimpered, clenching my fist as my eyes teared up. Maka and Nygus made conversation about me and how they found me as I tried to endure the pain. I felt Soul's hand grab my own as I squeezed it to have an outlet for the pain. "You're doing well, it's almost over. It'll be okay..." His voice struck a chord with me and felt myself relaxing almost instantly as if the pain wasn't even there. Once the painful part was done, she covered every cut with bandages and started cleaning the dirt off the places that weren't bruised or cut. "She'll stay with me until she can walk. Until then, you're free to visit and check up on her." Maka and Soul both thanked Nygus for taking care of me, and Maka said she'll be back to check up on me tomorrow. Soul turned towards me and smiled warmly, making my spine tingle. He spoke one last time before turning and walking out the door, closing it behind him. "Be careful. I'll see you soon." > Chapter 3 - New Girl Taken to School! Milky Way Educated on the DWMA? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in the school's infirmary, my body aching with pain in every muscle. I looked around, hoping the students I met yesterday were here paying a visit, but they weren't there yet. I sighed, fiddling with the bedsheets, my eyes cloudy and half-closed from sleep. "Maybe I should sleep more... I'm tired..." I yawned and tossed and turned, hoping to fall back asleep, but I couldn't. So I waited... and waited... and waited... When suddenly, the door burst open and was sent flying with a great force. I screamed a little. A lot. "YAAAAAAAAAHOO!! The amazing Black⭐Star is here for his proper introduction!! Listen, young one! I am the assassin who will surpass God!" I held a hand to my chest, my eyes wide in surprise and a small amount of pure fear, my back up against the wall. I panted for a little, trying to catch my breath. The corners of my mouth turned up in a small smile as I remembered him from last night. But where was Tsubaki? Black⭐Star held a chain scythe in his hands, which then began to glow. My eyes widened as I saw the weapon warp into black smoke and start to form a woman's shape. Once the smoke had cleared, Tsubaki was suddenly standing there. Never, in all my years of knowing Twilight and researching magic had I ever heard of a spell that could turn people into weapons! I was absolutely dumbfounded. She bowed slightly and tried to find words. "I'm so sorry, Milky Way... He's a bit wild..." I laughed a little and shook my head. "Don't be sorry! I was bored out of my mind until you two showed up!" I continued to laugh and Black⭐Star and Tsubaki smiled. We started with introductory small talk, hobbies, stuff like that... Love interests... I kept my mouth shut on that one. Things started to get a little more personal as we talked and I brought up a question I don't think I should have. "Why do you have a tattoo of a star?" I felt the air grow thick with tension, but not really a negative energy. More like a positive one. Tsubaki placed a hand on Black⭐Star's shoulder and smiled at him. He smiled back and began to tell the story about the Star Clan, about Kishin, human souls, and this... Academy. He only referred to it as "the Academy" throughout the entire story, and I grew more confused and distracted by the second. Once the explanation of his story was finished, he sighed, then a big, goofy grin found its way to his face. His feet stood shoulder-length apart, a hand on his hip, and the other pointed towards the sky. "But don't you worry your cute little head! I am the great, almighty Black⭐Star! The man who will surpass God! A star as big as me can't drag myself down with dumb little backstory! So cheer up!" He held up his hand in a high five as a smile appears on my face and I take the high five gladly. As the pair looked around and talked to each other, my curiosity grew bigger and bigger. I knew we were in "The Academy", but I never asked or was explained as to what this place was or what it was for, or what it even studied. I furrowed my brow and looked downwards, pondering as to whether or not I should even ask. Eventually, I got the courage to inquire. "Excuse me, but... What exactly is the Academy and what do you guys even study? And how can she turn into a chain scythe!? That far exceeds my magical ability! Who taught you?" Black⭐Star and Tsubaki looked at me in slight shock, seeing as how I mentioned magic and how I asked something that is common knowledge to them. Tsubaki turned to me and began to speak. "Well, you see, this Academy is known as the Death Weapon Meister Academy; or more commonly known as the DWMA. Here is where weapons, who are humans just like you and I, with the exception of weapon blood that allows us to turn into a specific weapon, and meisters, who are humans compatible and able to wield us weapons who match our soul wavelength, learn how to work together to become even more powerful and to rid the world of evil." Black⭐Star continued the explanation once she stopped. "The evil we're talking about is known as Kishin, as I mentioned earlier. Those are former humans who ate too many human souls and are on the brink of pure evil. Now, meisters can match wavelengths with almost any weapon as long as they are able to match their soul wavelength with them... But no weapon can be perfect for me other than my best fan, Tsubaki!" He grinned and smacked her on the back, making her wince slightly, but she giggled and smiled along with him. Their whole friendship and partnership were incredibly precious to watch. Tsubaki's calm, gentle demeanor is able to perfectly balance and control Black⭐Star's obnoxious, loud behavior. I was snapped back to reality when the door began to open again. This time, the well-dressed Death the Kid strode in with Liz and Patty. Remembering them from last night was interesting, but one thing brought up one more question. "Hey, how can he have two weapon partners?" Kid smirked and gestured to his two partners. "That's not completely uncommon here. My two weapons are perfect for me in their weapon form. Twin pistols, each with the same mechanics and design, absolutely symmetrical in every way." Twin pistols, huh? That has to be useful in more aspects than one. He stood at my bedside, looking at me and observing. Liz and Patty were holding some things, a vase full of carnations, my personal favorite, and a little present. Liz began to speak. "Hey! I hope you don't mind us invading. We didn't get to say a proper hello last night, and we wanted to drop off some things for you!" She set the flowers on my headboard and Patty handed the box to me. I slowly began to undo the ribbons and wrapping paper. Set inside was the most adorable stuffed elephant toy I have ever seen. Perfectly plush, it was a pretty pastel pink fabric, soft to the touch. Its trunk curved at the end and it had a little tuft of canary yellow fluff at the end of its tail. I fell deeply in love with this toy and squeezed it tightly, grinning from ear to ear. I've always loved stuffed animals, I never grew out of them when I got out of my foalhood. "Thank you so much! I mean it! Thank you, Kid! Thank you, Liz! Thank you, Patty!" They all smiled and Patty had the biggest grin on her face, it was so lovable and adorable. "I picked it out!" Liz responded with a pat on her sister's back. "I know, sis! Great job, she loves it!" I really did, though it hadn't been 24 hours since arriving in this strange universe, I loved it here. Everyone I met was caring and thoughtful even though they barely knew me. We were all talking with each other almost as if we've known each other for years. Sure, this world might take forever to get used to. But I had wonderful new friends to help me out. I just wish... That I could find a way home. > Chapter 4 - Milky Way's Decision! Will This Stranger Really Attend DWMA? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I spent the rest of the afternoon hoping that Maka and Soul would show up. They said they would, so why would I think they wouldn't? I started to stress wondering if I came off too strong for a first impression, praying to Celestia I didn't. Black⭐Star and Tsubaki left a while ago, and Kid, Liz, and Patty left just a few minutes after them, insisting to give me space. I couldn't do anything except look around, taking in the bland surroundings of the infirmary. I shifted my gaze to my nightstand, and to an object on top of it. A handheld mirror. One last gift from Kid before they left. There was a sticky note stuck to the handle. I picked it up to examine it. The note read: Fog the glass to call upon Death himself. 42-42-564 Pretty straightforward instructions. However, I wasn't quite sure why he would ask me to "call upon Death". With the situation I was in, Death was the last thing I wanted. I chuckled and set the mirror back down, hearing a creak from the infirmary door. I froze briefly, slightly frightened and concerned. Was someone breaking in? Nygus's calm voice answered that for me. "Ah, Maka, Soul. Glad to see you. It's almost 7:00 in the evening. I believe she was worried about you for not showing up." She gazed towards me with that last sentence and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment and averted my eyes, pursing my lips. I saw the partners walk around to the side of my bed that faces the window and sit in the chairs there. I looked back up to meet Maka's green orbs. Her eyes seemed to smile alongside her lips. It was a contagious, cute smile, so I ended up smiling back at her. She began to speak. "I'm sorry we took so long to get here! We had a mission until about 4:30 then we wanted to go home and make a little something for you. Soul, did you bring it?" The blonde girl looked at the albino boy, and he looked back at her, holding up a present. "Relax, Maka, of course I did. If we spent all this time making it, it'd be a shame to just leave it. Here you go, little lady." Little lady... I felt my soul screaming in silent victory on the inside as he spoke those words. He handed me the package and I instantly smelled something familiar. My mouth watering, I tore off the wrapping paper, setting it aside to find a tin box with similar designs and decorations to Hearth's Warming Eve. I ignored it, for now, knowing I would ask about that later, and taking off the lid. Delicious, warm smells wafted through the air as my eyes darted to one of the most beautiful-looking apple pies sat in the box before me. I was put in a trance, it looked absolutely delectable! "Thank you both so much, it looks so good!! Applejack and Pinkie Pie would've loved this!" After hearing myself say that last bit, I shut my mouth, my eyes wide with regret as I sighed and laughed at myself for making such a slip. Not only did I know these students for less than 24 hours, but now I'm saying names that appeared completely out of place for this world! Ugh, it was a mess! With hesitation, I looked at them both again, putting the lid back on the tin box, setting it on my nightstand. They were looking at me, confused, yet intrigued. Now was the time to attempt to clean my own mess! "Oh geez, wow, I'm sorry about that!... Those were, uh... Nicknames for my old friends back home! They both loved to bake, and each of them owned a little establishment of their own, Applejack owning Sweet Apple Acres, an apple farm famous nationwide, while Pinkie Pie ran Sugarcube Corner, an adorable little bakery at a street corner of my hometown." Their confusion faded and was replaced with fascination. I felt my heart start to beat again. Sure, I would tell them eventually! That is... if I stayed in this world long enough for me to grow closer to all of them. I missed my friends back home dearly, but these new people I've been getting to know are truly fascinating individuals with unique personalities! I thought of what I would be doing back in Equestria, rather than be here in Death City. Would I be this excited to see new people? Ponyville was a small town, so I knew practically everyone and everything that lived there. Meeting new ponies didn't come by often with the exception of Trixie and Starlight glimmer. I've heard rumors about changelings and other dragons coming to town, but I never had the chance to meet them with my business. That led to disappointment. I got lost in thought until Soul's husky voice spoke up. "You okay?" I felt my blush return to my cheeks when I knew he was addressing me. I looked into his deep red eyes. "O-oh, yeah! I'm sorry, I got a little lost..." He nodded, then Maka gasped slightly as if she remembered something. "Oh, that's right! There was another reason we came to visit. Well, Soul and I have been talking to the rest of the group, as well as Lord Death and other familiar academy staff members, and we have a proposition for you. When we found you, you were clearly hurt from falling, but staying on the street alone is no safe place to be, especially without a defense tactic. And seeing as how you're not from around here, we have no clue if you'll have weapon blood to defend yourself, much less a weapon partner! We'd hate to see you get hurt again, Milky Way." My blush stayed as it was. These people... Really cared about me. Even though they barely knew me. I found myself sitting upright more to show my interest. It was Soul's turn to present the situation. "That's right. Then, by invitation of Lord Death, we would like to offer you a spot in the Death Weapon Meister Academy as a full-time student. Board and room will be paid for, and we'll try to accommodate you with either a meister or a weapon partner, depending on if you have weapon blood or not. And you'll be training with the rest of us, the best of the best. Of course..." He paused, looking away from my gaze, closing his eyes. "I don't think we'll ever find a partner as cool as me to be with a pretty cool girl like yourself..." He tilted his head in my direction again, his sharp teeth glistening in a mischievous grin, and flashing a wink. With that one gesture, I felt my heart stop and I heard my soul absolutely screaming like a Feather Bangs fan. I felt my right hand grip the sheets in an attempt to keep myself from gushing out all my feelings about my red-eyed crush. If I was going to get trapped in this world forever, at least I'd be with... Him... I shook my head to get rid of my jitters and looked back at them. Then, the situation finally hit me like a brick. I was being offered a place at THIS academy with THESE amazing students and having everything PAID for!? If the academy and new friends weren't already a plus, all my financial problems wouldn't even be problems!? I was so excited, I could barely stay lying down any longer. I heard myself gasp and my eyes widened as I looked at the two of them frantically. "W-Wait, are you serious!?" Then another realization hit me. "And... Why me? You all barely know me..." Maka smiled and nodded her head, her pigtails bouncing a little. "Why wouldn't we be? We take the city's safety very seriously, including everyone in it. As for the other question, we're... Not quite sure ourselves on why he offered, but when we were describing you to Lord Death and how you got here through a portal. He went silent for a few seconds before saying you had a sort of... Potential. But Milky Way, do you accept our offer?" After hearing that response, I didn't even think. "Of course!!" > Chapter 5 - New Name, New Life! Soul Helps Her Fit In? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month had passed since I stayed in the infirmary, getting loads of legal paperwork for my transferral into the DWMA, signing up for a boardroom, personal information, the whole nine yards. It was dreadfully dull... The only problem was, I couldn't use my real birth name since that would be completely out of the ordinary here! I needed to blend in as much as possible... Like a super sweet ninja... Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything! I couldn't attend the Academy until this paperwork was done, but I had to think of something! I tapped the pen against my chin, lightly kicking my feet in frustration as I lay upside-down on the couch. Maka and Soul were kind enough to let me stay at their place until I was ready to move into mine! While they weren't at the Academy, they taught me basic human functions since I..."forgot"... all of them in the fall. (Hey, I had to come up with something, cut me some slack!) Which, of course, included writing. My handwriting wasn't too legible, but it was a little similar to my original cursive type that I used back in Equestria, which isn't too shabby. I dropped the pen suddenly, bringing me back to the present. I groaned loudly and turned back around, laying on my stomach. "I don't wanna get uuuuuuuuupppp..." Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door before it slowly began to open. They were home! Finally! Not even Blaire stayed home with me today. Said she had some "business" to take care of at the bar. Only Maka's dad goes there anymore. I huffed. What was so important that even she had to leave?... "Milly, we're home!" Maka's cheery voice rang through the apartment as it brought my spirits back up. I got up from the couch, picking up the pen and putting it on the coffee table. They were always the highlight of my day. I hugged Maka first. Our friendship grew nicely, often going shopping while dinner was being prepared, trying to learn how to cook together, (keyword: trying...) anything friends could do together, we've done it in just this one short month! We broke the hug and I ran to the other figure, hugging him and burying my face in his chest. Seeing them was always the highlight of my day! Especially... "Hey, cutie. Miss me?" Him... I found myself choking on my words. How was this man allowed to be this handsome? Not to mention he called me cutie... I took a step back, looking at Maka, finding her with an expression I couldn't place... She quickly shook it off and smiled before retreating quickly to the kitchen. I looked back at Soul, grinning and blushing heavily. "Of course I did! I don't like being here by myself... I want to go with you, but-!" He cut me off. "Still can't think of a name?" I shook my head, sighing and looking at the documents and the pen. Thinking of a name coming from a place that is completely different from my own? Easier said than done. I've gone through five different pages, front to back, writing down potential names, but none of them sounded human! It was downright aggravating, so eventually, at some point I gave up and just layed upside-down, letting the blood rush to my brain, hoping it would do something to make me think. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. "Hmm... Well, let me set these groceries down and I'll come sit down and help you think of a cool name, okay?" He grinned at me and my heart lost it. It bounced off the walls and there was nothing I could do to save myself from this man! I nodded and sat back down on the couch. "Okay!" I tried taking deep breaths to stop my heart from fluttering, but nothing could stop its high. If only we were together... All the things we could do together! Picnics, ice skating, movies, everything that I've never done with a boyfriend before! Including stargazing, of course... I found myself smiling like a complete idiot as I thought of these things, placing my hands on my chest. Suddenly, my ears picked up Soul and Maka's voices in the kitchen. "Soul, you know how being that way with anyone would affect your work at the Academy..." What?... What way?... With who?... I kept listening, my brow furrowing in curiosity and concern. "I know that, Maka. But... No, never mind. Just don't worry. I'm too cool to let anything ruin my chances of becoming a Death Scythe." I felt my heart crack... Is this boy married to this school?... Is he just trying to please me by complimenting me all the time? Does he have any intention of actually dating me? Is he... Playing me?... I got up and ran up to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I was probably overreacting to this whole situation. But I couldn't help but curl up in the corner and sob... He... really is just playing me, isn't he?... I wouldn't know... I've never had a boyfriend, and I never got to hear about anyone's relationship drama in Ponyville because of my star studies... I guess I had to be careful. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. A face I used to think was pretty now turned... Undesirable in my eyes. My hands found their way up to my face and covered my eyes as my knees gave out, bringing me back to the floor. My fingertips dragged downwards and pulled my skin as they went, leaving a red trail of irritated skin. Looking back in the mirror, I sobbed silently as I placed a damp, cold washcloth over the redness of my face, hoping to get rid of it before meeting back up with Soul. I wouldn't want him to know I was weak. I'd rather just let him believe that my depression is something he doesn't have to know about. Yeah... That sounded like a game plan to me. I took deep breaths, calming myself down and waited for my eyes to reduce their puffiness. Once that happened, I gathered my courage and emotions and headed back down to the living room, still taking deep breaths. I saw Soul sitting on the couch before he turned his head to look at me. Our eyes locked and my heart melted, but also cracking just a little bit more. His deep, soothing voice brought me back to reality. "There you are. Are you okay? I've been waiting for the past five minutes. Your face is a little flushed... Do you have a fever?" I stuttered, choking on my words again. "Oh, this?... N-No, I feel fine!... Just a little hot today, so I went to cool myself off!..." I laughed nervously, hoping he couldn't see the sadness in my eyes. He raised an eyebrow and a small smile before looking down at the documents. "If you really say so. Anyway, I think we came up with the perfect name for you when we first started calling you by nicknames. It's the closest to your original name without sounding... odd. Are you ready?" I nodded excitedly and sat down next to him, patting my legs in a drumroll to create false enthusiasm. I forced a smile and showed my face. He wrote something down on the papers and faced them away from me, turning his body toward mine. He grinned and slowly turned the papers around. "Milly Whey!" I felt my eyes widen as my drumroll stopped. He wasn't kidding! That really is the perfect name! I started bouncing in my seat, smiling like a complete idiot again, forgetting my previous emotions. My gradient eyes met his deep red orbs. His shone with confidence and calm, something I've lacked ever since I was young. I was jealous of him and the rest of his friends. It didn't take me long to spring from my seat and embrace him, despite knowing the possibility that he might not even be interested in me. "It really is perfect! Thank you!" I was expecting him to delay his hugs like he normally does with his "I'm too cool for that" nature, but to my surprise, his arms caught me and embraced me tighter than he ever has before. My stomach fluttered with butterflies and my face instinctively buried itself in his warm chest in affection. My heart soon completely stopped when I felt him rub his nose on the top of my head. I gripped his shirt in the embrace, trying to prevent myself from screaming in pure delight. In this one moment, it felt like time had stopped... Just for us... Minutes felt like years as we just stayed in this embrace, enjoying each other's company. I felt his husky voice whisper to me. "I'm glad I could help, cutie..." He then spoke in a normal volume. "Now that we have your name figured out, what say I take you to some of the coolest parts of the city? I know you like to take walks and you haven't gotten many ever since you were discharged. What do you say?" His eyes showed a softness that I've never seen until this point. They only made me fall even deeper in love... "I'd... I'd love that! Thank you!" "It's settled then. Maka, Milly and I are heading out while you're making dinner. Blaire should be home soon, anyway." Maka's voice called back from the kitchen. Something about her tone sounded different. "... Okay! Be careful, and don't stay out for too long, okay?" "Yeah yeah, I got it. See ya later." He grabbed his black jacket from a coat rack near the door and I grabbed a navy blue coat I bought not too long ago. With that, Soul opened the door and strode out, me following suit. The autumn air was warm that day. I spread out my arms and closed my eyes, taking in all the scents of fall. It was my favorite season and smelling all the baked goods people make always made coming into Ponyville from my home a bit more cheery. I noticed Soul was down the stairs already and walked quickly down them to catch up. We walked in blissful silence and traced the city with our footsteps. He took me to a cafe where we met a few of the other Academy students, their names being Kilik, Kim, Jackie, and Ox. They seemed nice enough, but I could not find words with new people for the life of me! We then bought some pieces of apple pie someone was selling on the street and found a place to sit and talk. A nice little park where people were giving their dogs a nice walk before it got dark. We sat on a bench and sat in silence, eating the pie. This silence was a bit tenser. I didn't like it... My mind began to flood with possible things I could say, but nothing was happy conversation... I desperately wanted to ask what he really thinks about me... If he's... Using me... He had to have sensed my tension and turned his body to face mine. My body tightened as he put his hand on my shoulder, his expression soft and his eyes wistful. "Hey... Look at me." Hearing his voice shocked me slightly as I jumped and my eyes widened, looking at him. His eyes shifted to see every part of mine. I gulped in anticipation. "I... Heard what you were doing in the bathroom. I didn't want to bring it up in front of Maka because she's all work and no play..." He laughed a little at his own statement before looking back at me. "But I don't care what she says. And I know what I said hurt you. But I didn't mean it. Yes, I want to become a Death Scythe, but I'm not a firm believer in just working... I also need to relax sometimes. And... Ever since I met you, I've been able to do that a lot more. Such a cool girl like you allows me to just chill and talk with people easily. I had a hard time expressing myself before, but... Let me try it again now..." He moved closer to me and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ears... Placed his hand on the back of my head and began to lean in... My heart raced in anticipation... What was he doing?... > Chapter 6 - Falling So Deeply in Love! Are They Really Going to be an Item? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What was he doing?... I found my body gravitating towards his as his hands found their way around my hips, my own placing themselves on his chest. There was a comforting warmth that only made me fall in deeper... Keeping his right hand around my waist, he trailed his left up until they reached my chin, tilting it up so that my eyes could meet his... Those eyes... Their deep red hue showed a hint of something I've never seen in someone's eyes before... Our faces grew closer together, our noses rubbing against each other, making us both smile... We felt our lips graze together... Before they finally connected... Our eyes closed as he pulled me in closer, both of us wanting to savor this moment forever... My heart was aflutter and my knees grew weak, as I came to the sudden realization that my biggest crush of the past 6 weeks was kissing me... Kissing me... I could barely believe it. His lips were soft to the touch despite his looks being so rugged, and his hands were gentle when moving me. Minutes once again felt like years as this moment occurred... And I know that I never wanted it to end... The kiss was soon broken, and we didn't do anything but stare into each other's eyes in blissful silence. It felt as if the world has stopped time just for us. My heart was firing off celebratory fireworks as the realization hit me again but like a freaking brick. Soul kissed me! And I wasn't the one to make the first move! I was worried I would have to because I literally thought he wasn't into me just a few hours ago... But I'm glad it didn't end up that way. I don't think I would've been able to do it! The sun soon started to shed its final rays of light onto the Earth before the stars started to come out. Soul tucked my hair behind my ear again and kissed my forehead, making me blush like crazy, before getting up and offering his hand to me. "It's getting dark, so we should probably head back if we don't want to run into any Kishin. I especially don't want you to get hurt..." I blushed again and smiled brightly. I knew that things were going to be alright between us. The planets are aligned for me this month, after all. Mercury is in retrograde, too! Things were doing just great today. I really hoped that nothing would ruin this day for me, especially running into a Kishin. I took his hand and he helped me up, pulling out his phone to text Maka that we were on our way to eat dinner. I smiled and looked at him when he put his phone away and he looked back at me, a grin on his face. "What's that look for?" "I... I've known you for a month and a half, and yet it feels like I already know so much about you... And... You've always been so incredibly sweet to me... I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I didn't expect for this to happen!... It was amazing, though..." His eyes were wide for a second before he smiled again. "Why would you think it wouldn't happen?" "Well... I'll explain once we get home. I don't want to stay out for too long, either!" I smiled and he nodded, taking my hand in his as we took a 15-minute walk back to his apartment. We opened the doors and set our coats back on the rack before a wondrous smell hit our noses almost immediately. It was heavenly! Did Maka really cook something good on her own? "Maka! We're back!" "Geez, Soul, took you both long enough! What held you up?" I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, not knowing whether or not to tell. Soul looked back at me and winked, then turned back to Maka. "We were checking out the autumn market. Anyway, what's for dinner? It actually smells good!" "Shut up!" They laughed at each other jokingly, then looked back at me. Maka began to speak to me. "Why don't you get washed up? I'm dressing the plates now." I laughed a little and went to my room upstairs, which used to be a large closet for extra clothes, but they made do and I wasn't picky. It was nice and cozy! Sure, there were shelves everywhere, but that just meant I had to watch where my head was at all times so I could avoid head injury again. I got changed into some comfortable pajamas which normally consisted of an oversized t-shirt of some sort and some athletic shorts, but today was special so I changed into my super duper special... Unicorn onesie! You couldn't really blame me for picking that one, I did used to be a unicorn before coming here and it gave me a sense of security with being away from home! Speaking of security... I rolled up my sleeves to take a look at my scars. Several were visible all around my forearms, indicating plenty of injuries. Everyone here assumed that those were from my fall and they just healed unbelievably fast, but... That wasn't the case. Those were the result of lonely nights, swamping work, troubles, heartbreak, and loss. Those don't heal quickly. It's a slow... painful... process... It takes time, support, and faith. But often times, those are struggles we keep to ourselves because we don't want anyone to worry. I'm especially guilty of that. But tonight will be different! I'll come clean about my problems, and all I can ask is for them to be patient with me. But fear still found it's way into my heart as it always has, worrying that they'll leave me on my own because they can't handle my problems... I took a deep breath before covering my forearms again and washing my hands. I made my way down the steps and all the plates were set on the coffee table, the smell still as fresh as when she walked in. The dish was a beautifully plated Cordon Bleu, something Soul had made once before, but... How did Maka make this!? She smiled proudly to herself as Blaire, Soul and I took our own seats. I tore into it, not leaving a scrap behind. Sure, eating chicken was weird at first, but to my surprise, it was delicious when I first tried it! I finished my meal in 10 minutes flat and leaned back on the sofa, placing a hand on my stomach. I looked at Maka, grinning. "C'mon, there's no possible way you made that without instruction. Who taught you!?" She giggled and responded, "Blaire helped, but she didn't teach me, silly." "Then what!?" "Weeeeeeell~... Maybe I cheated. Just a little!" "Cheated? Enlighten me." Her face flushed and her cheeks grew red, knowing she slipped up by saying she cheated. She looked down at her feet, barely mumbling out the words. "It was one of those pre-measured meal kit services you see on T.V..." My eyes widened and I tried so hard not to lose it. I didn't want to make her feel worse, so instead, I found my best words of encouragement that I could muster. "Ah, I see... Well whatever it was, you really did great! It was delicious! Maybe it even rivaled Soul's cooking..." I flashed a mischievous grin and winked at him, and he gave me a surprised, yet amused look. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and pointed at me with his left hand, beginning to speak. "You know that's not true!" "Yes, yes, I know, you're just so cute when you're competitive!" I giggled as his cheeks were dusted a light pink as he chuckled and began to clean his plate. Maka looked at him, confused, and something else I couldn't quite place... Jealousy? No, that can't be right... Maka wouldn't be jealous of me for a small comment, right? I hope not... In her cat form, Blaire jumped on Maka's shoulder and meowed a goodnight to us before they both headed up to bed without much of a word spoken. I didn't even get a chance to tell her... Oh well. Soul would listen like he always does. He must've been reading my mind because he leaned against the wall to the living room, an eyebrow raised at me as he spoke to me softly. "So what was it you wanted to say earlier at the park?..." My smile left my face as I looked down at my feet. "Could we... Talk about it somewhere private?... Please?" He walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder for comfort as he led me upstairs to his own room. He turned on a lamp, the overhead light off, and opened the blinds so the lamp and the moonlight would be our light source. It was incredibly comforting and I felt myself immediately relax. He was so sweet to remember that I loved the night sky... He took a seat on his bed, patting the spot next to him. I sat there, my hands shaking slightly as I tried to find the words. His voice brought me back as he took both my hands in his. "Milly, I can see that this is a difficult topic for you, but I'm all ears for you... But you don't have to say anything until you're ready, okay?..." I nodded and swallowed a lump in my throat, squeezing his hands a little, still thinking of what to say. I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "Soul... The reason why I didn't think the kiss would happen is that... I've never thought of myself as beautiful... At least... Not for a long time... I have Persistent Depressive Disorder... I have for a long time... And that was something I wanted to deal with on my own, thus... The scars that you've seen... But I don't want to suffer anymore, and I want to feel better!... You... You gave me a reason to be happy again, and I just want to be able to know that I can have someone there for me, especially in this new world where I don't have my old friends to look to... I..." My eyes were filled to the brim with tears as I looked away from his eyes. I let go of his hands and held my head in my own, rocking back and forth, sobbing. My heart was hurting, and I wanted it to stop!... Tears fell in an endless waterfall out of my eyes and into my hands... They wouldn't stop... Suddenly, I felt strong arms pull me into the lap of their owner. Those same arms wrapped around me, one of them tilting my face up, wiping the tears away and holding me tightly. I looked up into those red orbs I fell in love with... My lip quivered and threatened to let out a sob... "S-Soul..." He kissed each area underneath my eyes and my forehead, holding his forehead pressed to mine. I then felt something drop onto my lap and I looked up at him again, only to see... He was crying, too... My eyes were wide with surprise, worry, and sympathy... He sniffed, smiling sadly, and wiped away his tears. "So uncool, Milly... You made the coolest man alive cry... But... I hate seeing you hurt... And I promise you... I will always... Always... Be there for you... Don't you ever doubt me when I say that... You mean too much to me... I also promise... If you accept... I'll be the best damn boyfriend I can for you... Milly Whey... Will you be mine?..." My heart stopped... All I could do was hug him tighter than I ever have before, crying into his shoulder... The one person I wanted more than anything... Wanted me to be his... I was so unbelievably happy! "Of course I will, Soul!... You've given me every possible good reason to accept... And I also promise that I will be the best damn girlfriend for you, too..." He suddenly pulled me in for another kiss, this one bittersweet from all our poured out emotions. His hands around my waist, mine around his neck, we felt as if we were one, once again savoring this moment in time, burning it into our memories... > Chapter 7 - Growing Jealousy! Tension Between Maka and Milly Rises? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke early in the morning in my own bed, my eyes fuzzy with sleep still in my eyes. Soul and I had stayed up until at least three in the morning just talking and enjoying each other's company. Staying up so late wasn't really abnormal to me, as my job did involve studying stars which, in fact, came out only at night! (Woah, really? I never knew!) So staying awake wasn't too much of a problem, but once Soul got tired, I told him it was okay for me to sleep in my own room. He carried me there and tucked me in before practically crashing on his own once he got to it. I looked at the digital clock on the shelf above my bed. 10:30. Huh. I can say that I actually slept in for once in my life! Not even bothering to change my clothes, I got up from my bed and opened the door. Almost immediately, the smells of Soul's cooking filled the house with sweet aromas like french toast and syrup. I was in heaven... I quickly made my way down the stairs, hoping to see Soul in the kitchen, but then I remembered they had school... I huffed but still made my way to the food source. On the counter was a plate with two pieces of french toast with butter and syrup, scrambled eggs with cheese, freshly cut strawberries (my favorite fruit, hello!?), and some apple juice on the side. He left a note propped up on the side of the plate. It read: "Eat up, Milly-Baby! I won't be home for a while, the boys want to meet up for some night time basketball. But Maka wanted to take you shopping once she gets home so you can get yourself a phone and earbuds. Have fun! - Soul" Aww! It was so sweet of him to leave that note with my breakfast! But... He was the biggest, sweetest cheeseball in writing unlike how he acts in person... Don't get me wrong, I'm still super into him and glad we're officially going out now, but it was so different! In person, he acted like he barely cared about anything that wasn't for his interest, but I was blushing like mad over his writing! I think there's more to him that I don't know... He's much more of a complex human being than expected. But that's what I liked about him. I like a little mystery in my life. He never talks about his family, and he never plays the piano unless it's during their team's soul resonance link. He always just kind of keeps his business to himself as I do. Which is completely fine, but... I can't help but want to know more... I happily started to eat my breakfast while watching cartoons, my new favorite form of entertainment, which we didn't have the pleasure of enjoying back in Equestria! Sure, the Equestria Games were fun, but I'm not real big on sports and tend to just cheer when everyone else was cheering. I heard footsteps coming down the downstairs and I look towards them with a mouthful of french toast. Maka just woke up! I wave frantically and hum a hello, hoping she hears me. She takes a glance towards me and flashing a small smile before quickly looking back forward as the corners of her mouth turned downwards. I stop waving and swallow my food, getting a little self-conscious as I continue to eat in silence. I hear Maka get some food and warm it up before sitting down in the dining room and eating by herself. What was going on with her?... I finish the rest of my breakfast before heading back up to my room to get dressed for our day out. I've gathered a few more pieces of clothing since our first shopping trip when I first arrived here, acquiring shirts and flatbills from my favorite shows and games! Feeling casual, I slip on one of those shirts, brush my hair, and put on a hat and denim shorts. Hearing Maka start to come up the stairs, my mind suddenly panics as I quickly get into the bathroom before she sees me. Why am I scared? I didn't do anything to her, did I? Her voice called me back from my thoughts. "Come on, let's go, Milly!" She yelled that with a kind smile and a nice tone, but I couldn't shake the vibes I was getting from her earlier. We made our way to the mobile store and took awhile trying to to get all my new phone's necessities like a data plan (ew), earbuds, a case, screen protector, stuff like that. While we were waiting for the employees to get everything settled, Maka cleared her throat and turned to me, catching me off guard. "So... You and Soul seem to be getting along well! More than just 'well' actually..." She mumbled that last bit and averted her eyes away from me. I was taken aback, not sure how to respond at first. "I-I mean, yeah! I... Guess so! You all are really wonderful people, how could I not get along with any of you!" I laughed a little at that last part, trying to play it off like she wasn't bothering me. "Don't worry, I already know. I heard the two of you talking last night. I'm happy for you!" Maka said that with a smile, but her eyes and tone were cold. Oh no. "Y-you did? I'm sorry, I was really going to tell you but you turned in early, and..." "No no, it's ok! Really! That just means that there will be more happiness at home! Soul's still my weapon partner, so of course, we'd still be ok!" Wait, did she mean 'we' as in all of us living there? Or just her and Soul? Was she really ok with it? I couldn't tell, and it was scaring me. Why do I suddenly feel threatened by someone who has done nothing but care for me and took me in? I gulped, a lump forming in my throat as the employee came back with our things. We said thank you, I took my phone, and we headed back to our place. The rest of the day was quiet. Eerily quiet. We kept our distance from each other, eating our meals at different times as I hid up in my room, fiddling with my new phone. Did we need to talk about this? Is it really only because Soul and I are together? Is it best to stay out of it? These questions raced through my mind so fast I could barely keep up. Starting to feel sick to my stomach, I put on some comfy footy pajamas and curled up in bed. As I was turning on my nightstand's lamp, I saw a small sticky note. It was Soul's handwriting. "702-394-2205 (A/N: I completely made that phone number up based off of Las Vegas' area code, don't try that number please!!) Love, Soul" Is this a phone number? I picked up the sticky note and went into my texting app and put in the number, adding a random greeting. "Guess who!" I sent the message and waited for a reply, hoping to get one soon to distract myself. I turned on some music and listened to it through my earbuds as a distraction. Wow, this music was completely different from Equestria's! No random music bursts here! Not long into my song, my phone vibrated and I picked it up. He responded! "Hey baby. How was your day with Maka?" This made the knot in my stomach worse as I thought of a variety of responses. Do I tell him that it was perfectly fine and have him come home wondering why she and I were never talking? Or do I tell him the truth and leave him with a lot of pressure? In retrospect, the second option seemed like the better one, as Applejack would've suggested. Honesty's the best policy in this case. Wait. Applejack... Before I could reply to his text, overwhelming homesickness hit me like a truck as my eyes started to well up with tears. The girls back in Equestria would've solved the problem between Maka and I already. Here I was in a new world with a brand new species that only Twilight ever got to experience, alone, with no way of communicating with them, and having problems with friends that they could solve so easily. I loved all of them. And I really miss them. But hey... This world has people that can turn into weapons! Maybe there's something in this world that can help me get back home! Or at least to communicate with them... Next time I'm home alone, I'll start my search. Maybe I'll get just what I'll need. With a newfound confidence, I took a deep breath before finding the right words to describe my day with Maka. "Actually, I'll tell you when you get back, K? I'm not sure how to handle exactly what's going on. :(" I sent the message and put my phone down. Now all I had to do was wait for him to get back.