> Journey to Hope > by Not Enough Coffee > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Yearning for the Intangible > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal, This is rather strange, really. In all my years, I've never thought of keeping a journal, but right now I feel strangely compelled to do so. I will, however, give it my best effort. It’s like having a weight tied to your core, and it only gets heavier with time the more and more you ignore its calling. Waking up every morning only to feel the compulsion grow stronger and stronger to the point where it feels like it's about to crawl its way out, and consume you whole. Rather bleak when I put it that way, but it’s not so bad. To me, I guess, it would be harder not to have this feeling; It would be a hellish form of existence to only feel complacency for yourself, and all that surrounds you. This is what boggles me when I interact with other ponies in a similar position as I. They seem content, not having the same desire for more like I do. At least, that’s what I pick up on during our conversations. It could be that we all feel this way, and it is only I who is so vocal? That is actually a pleasant thought, that we all have this inner desire for more, and that we can’t help ourselves but to indulge on such feelings. Imagine if we all just put aside all our troubles, or whatever it is that stops us from striving forward towards our sudden vigorous urges, we could have some completely new society, for better or worse. Obligations may be cumbersome, but they aren’t obligations if they needn't be done. Can’t have a working society with no pony to work for it. That being said, I bring up this issue because I don’t feel this desire like I once used to. Before it was all about my passion in life, music. Yes, there was once a time when I would spend day in and day out working tirelessly on that which brought me the most joy in life. Well, besides family and loved ones, of course. That isn’t to say I don’t work on my music anymore, au contraire, I am now recognized as one of the forefront musicians in all of Equestria. Well, at least for the classics, since I mostly play the cello. If I was asked to describe this yearning from an earlier point in my career, I would have said it was my obsessive-compulsion to create music, and nothing more. Now, however, it has gotten much more complicated. Now it is all muddled up, filled with some sort of murky, foggy presence. Trying to make sense of it all only confuses me more and more, often to me asking myself if this was normal or not? However, I never let it stop me from creating music, it just happens to make my work uninspired. It is rather nice that most ponies who listen to my music happen to like the uninspired dribble. That is definitely one of my driving motivators to continue. There is also Vinyl, my roommate, and best friend. She may be quiet, but trust me, when she speaks it’s the only thing you can hear, engulfing all other sounds. This is getting rather silly, if a bit verbose on my part. Writing about my troubles rather than finding a solution to the problem. Well, if I can get the thoughts down on paper, then I should at least be able to address them in my daily life. I guess that’s what this journal will be used for more than anything, as a reminder to myself to solve these thoughts and impulses. I think I’ve drabbled on long enough on this subject to satisfy me for now, and I really must get back to work. With my performance for Dinky’s birthday tomorrow, I must be at my best. * * * * Octavia closed her journal, setting it off to the side of her desk as it’s leather bound touch left her feeling content. She then scooted her chair back, departing it, and tidying up her room before leaving for the living room of her shared home. What was nice with living with another pony who had a shared passion for music was the ability to take liberties with how one would properly organize a main living quarters. For one, the room was split down the middle with a clear distinction of whose side was whose. The left side filled with soundboards, turntables, and other devices for electronic music. The other side was much more organized, and brandished many different classical instruments, such as a piano, and of most importance a cello. A rather polished, and expensive looking cello at that. Looking to the left, Octavia noticed Vinyl sitting down at her equipment, already at work with her latest creation. “I see one is up early today,” Octavia said, followed by a prolonged yawn. “It’s… unusual to see you up anytime before noon, to say the least.” Vinyl merely shrugged in response, quickly going back to what she was doing before. “I take it this latest work of yours is truly something?” Octavia questioned, circling her hoof in the air as to show she was interested in what the mare had to say. The pony in question nodded vigorously, smiling as to let Octavia know that she wasn’t trying to dismiss her presence. “Well, it’s good to know that at least one of us has an idea of what they’re doing.” Octavia yawned once more, more forceful than the last. ”It’s been too long since I produced anything of real significance. Heavens me, I need some coffee.” She walked groggily out of the room, realizing that she’d need a proper dosage of caffeine before practicing for the birthday tomorrow. She went up to the coffee maker, it already having some delicious bean nectar inside as Vinyl had prepared some earlier that morning. “I’ll have to thank her for this.” Octavia said to herself, pouring a cup three quarters of a way full, before adding three tablespoons of sugar, and a moderate amount of prench vanilla creamer. She took a sip of the beverage, savoring it, before looking over at the clock on the wall. It read 11:25, letting her know it was still morning, but barely. “Slept in a bit longer than I’d like, but I was up later than usual last night.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Well, nothing I can do about it now.” Taking another swig of her drink, she hummed to herself softly before entering back into the living room. She gave a satisfied look towards Vinyl, raising her glass in the air as thanks. The DJ nodded back, a smile of her own adorning her face. Taking one more, albeit large swig of her coffee, Octavia set it down on the table in the center of the room before heading over to her cherished instrument. The finely made spruce top, accompanied by the maple back, sides, and neck giving it an elegant, and refined appearance. The smell of the resin she applied to her bow filling her with most pleasant memories. “I may not be as inspired as before, or have that same drive I once did, but I sure do still have a love for playing you.” She looked fondly at her favorite instrument. A giggle was heard from across the room, as Vinyl raised an eyebrow at Octavia’s action towards her instrument. Octavia’s face reddened slightly from embarrassment. “Oh hush, I see the looks you give your equipment, so don’t mock the looks I give mine.” Octavia quickly let out, almost certain she saw the DJ roll her eyes behind her rose colored glasses. Turning back to her cello she stuck her tongue out, shaking her head in a taunting manner. After finishing her ritual-esque process, she finally stood up to test whether the strings needed to be tuned. Noticing that the A and D string needed to be adjusted, she used the tuning pegs on the headstock. There was no need to use her piano to test whether the sound was two octaves below middle C, since she was able to tune by ear alone, a skill acquired over many years of practice. “Much better,” she quietly whispered to herself. Playing a simple musical trill that rose to a crescendo. She did this for each string, A through C. Afterwards she reversed the trill with a diminuendo, as to fully test her flexibility. Vinyl stopped what she was currently working on to admire the form in which Octavia played, even if it was simple warm-up exercise, followed by a scale of which she played every morning. She made her fascination prevalent as she let out a quick whistle in admiration. “Hmmm, oh, well thank’s Vinyl, but it was only a warm-up.” Octavia softly rolled her eyes, but in a humble way, rather than mocking. “Though, if you could be as so kind to look over this arrangement of Vivaldi’s spring from his four seasons, I would be most appreciative.” The piece typically focusing on a violin, but she figured the bass of the cello could add a new breath of life to the song. The song was filled with the fertility, and health of spring, one of joy and wonder. It was a party favorite, at least for those who preferred their parties to be more relaxing, rather than thrashing around in ecstasy. Not that Octavia minded parties as such, she was friends with Pinkie Pie after all, it was just nice to know somepony as young as Dinky enjoyed the same sort of music as she did, and was pleasantly surprised when her mother asked personally if she could be hired to play for her daughter's birthday. “You know, Vinyl, Ditzy Doo is a rather pleasant mother, don’t you think?” Octavia didn’t wait for a response, she just continued on with her thought. “I know it must be hard taking care of a child alone, but I think she does a fantastic job, especially considering they are part of different pony tribes.” Octavia thought back to her own childhood. “It was difficult for my parents to raise me as they did, considering they were both unicorns. Who would have guessed that their was a trace of earth pony blood that ran on my mother's side of the family, and even more astonishing the odds of me being born as such.” The skill of being able to converse and play at the same time astounded Vinyl to no end, never ceasing to impress her each time. Octavia, as humble as she was, never let it go to her head—her head was too far into the clouds to let her thoughts dwell onto herself. “Vinyl, dear.” Octavia slowly let out, taking a rather deep breath before continuing her comment. “Do you ever, oh how should I put this?” She looked up in thought, than back down towards her hind hooves as if to bring herself back down to the ground. “Do you ever feel like what you once wanted in life has vanished, or that it has changed, and morphed into a shape you no longer recognize?” Vinyl’s face contorted, deep in thought. “Not to say that I don’t adore what I do for a living, nor to say that I am unthankful for all the admiration people have shown my work over the years, it’s just I can’t stop this certain feeling from arising in my chest each and every morning.” Octavia faltered in her song, uncharacteristically stopping for just the briefest of moments. “Do you ever feel like what you do is never enough? Not to say in a bad depressing way, but in a gleeful type of melancholy, however much of a oxymoron that is, but that’s how I feel as of late.” She continued on with her song, simply admiring the youthful bliss of the piece itself. “I would be lying if this song didn’t amplify these thoughts. It is rather fitting, is it not?” Vinyl, to best of her ability, mustered up the will to speak on the heavy topic her friend presented to her. “Yeah, I guess it does fit, Tavi.” She sighed, the weight of it all crashing down upon her. “Here, let me answer your question with this.” She started to use her turntable to create a low hum, slowly rising in pitch before it dropped entirely welcoming itself to a soft tune that synced up spotlessly with what Octavia was playing. It was like their two minds melding in a musical bliss that only they could understand. “You know I’m not much for words, but this is the least I can do.” Vinyl smiled to her friend, letting the warmth of it enrapture her in its comforting glaze. “I can't say that I know exactly what you’re going through, at least I think I don’t, but what I do know is that you're doing well for yourself with all that baggage, so chin up.” Octavia was a loss with words, funny enough considering she couldn’t get enough of them before. “Vinyl, I.” She stopped, unable to form a complete sentence. She then sighed, but in a relieved way. “I’m glad you’re my friend, Vinyl, have I ever told you that?” She nodded in return, having lost her voice once again, or maybe just knew that no more words were needed to be said. “So.” Octavia started. “What did you think of the piece? Was it too rushed, or too slow, or maybe I lost the essence behind the piece by going off on my tangent?” She stared into the reflective glasses of vinyl’s, desperately hoping for the answer she desired. Vinyl, to the best of her ability, suppressed a smile before taking off her glasses, and giving Octavia the ‘really’ look that she has grown all too familiar. “Yes, I suppose it will do. Thanks again, Vinyl, I appreciate the invitation back to reality.” Octavia skittishly smiled with what could be best described as half-hearted. The embarrassment of her silly fumbles bringing much joy to her surprisingly wise roommate. > Chapter 2: Moving On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal, Today’s Dinky’s birthday, and a rather special birthday as well. She’s turning ten years of age; double digits! I do worry, though, she still hasn’t gotten her cutie mark, and that is rather peculiar for a filly her age. Then again, I was in the same boat as she when I was her age. Not that it really matters in the long run, everypony gets their cutie mark precisely when they need it most. That’s what my father used to say, anyway. I miss my father. It’s, well, it’s been far too long since we've last spoke. He always had a rhythm to life, a pattern in which he always followed. He’d wake up, have breakfast with me and mom, go to work teaching fillies and colts at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, then come home for dinner, and rest. It does bring meaning to his name, Ostinato, but it also made the times he broke this structure all the more special. You could see it on his face, like he was torn between his routine and his family. Honestly, it could have been something in his head, but he fought it with fury. Times like returning early from work to go get icecream with me and mom, walking through Canterlot park, and going to the movies. It was all so delightful, and among my most cherished memories. Thinking back on a time like that makes you realize just how innocent you were, and just how much you miss being so naive. The world, well, the world sure does take a dizzying spin once you step outside your childhood bubble. From the struggle of finding employment, to keeping up on taxes, it’s all frustrating, monotonous, and leaves you exhausted. How I ever wanted to grow up so quick when I was young, I could never imagine. If I could go back in time to rectify my infatuation with adulthood, I would. But, alas, that is only a far-flung dream. Though, dreaming isn’t so bad, after all, all great innovations in the world were caused by dreamers. I wonder if my dreams will have such impact as to change the world in some small, minute way? Well, I could never really know, and perhaps that’s for the best. Back on topic, as of late I have been bothered by these memories I once clung onto so desperately. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I can’t help but be brought down by them even if they’re so full of joy. I think maybe I’m starting to feel home sick, but it should be common knowledge that you can never go home again. At least in spirit, that would be the case. I’ve changed, we all change, and every pony must float on forever changing. Shifting and morphing is how we adapt to life, and it is what I believe causes us to lose what was once the place we called home. That is why it could be considered both a blessing and a curse. Funnily enough under the right circumstances a blessing can be a curse, and a curse a blessing. All very confusing, but such is life. I wonder how Vinyl would react if she read these two journal entries. Would she be fascinated, or more likely, would she be disappointed in how much I get caught up in the minor details? Maybe that’s why I need her, to keep me from becoming some mad mare trapped in her own mind. Not that I’m crazy, but sometimes I’m sure other ponies wonder if I am. Vinyl doesn’t think I lost my marbles, I’m sure of that, at least. Funnily enough, much like my father, she tends to make the moments I spend with her more memorable than those without. It is also a joy to know that my memories of her and my father tend to intertwine, given how I’ve known her since I was just a little thing. I should really be moving on, though. I can’t let myself be trapped in a past I have no control over. * * * * With a prolonged sigh, Octavia shut her journal, wiped her eyes, and departed the room ready to confront the day ahead of her. There was one thing on her mind though, one very vital aspect of her life she couldn’t live without. “Coffee,” Octavia mumbled groggily, rubbing the bags under her eyes. Making her way into the kitchen, she noticed that the coffee maker hadn’t been turned on. “I guess Vinyl returned to her regular sleep schedule.” Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she made her way over to her favorite machine in the house. After the brew was made a mixture of laziness and hastiness made her drink the beverage black, the bitter taste brought life to her sleepless corpse. “Oh, that’s much better.” She looked over at the clock. “Ten thirty. Well, It looks like I have a few hours to practice before heading out.” She downed the rest her her drink, more content with its effects rather than its taste. Savoring the concoction would only be a waste of time, and distract her from her duties. As she made her way into the living room, she took a deep breath allowing herself to fully immerse herself in the creative environment. “I’ll never get over the smell of this room. The fragrance is so divine, and leaves you with pleasant thoughts of comfort.” She giggled to herself. “Oh, Vinyl would make a scene over how I’m talking to myself.” She imagined the scenario, making her laugh just a bit more. She made her way over towards her side of the room, taking a seat at a stool that sat beside her prized cello. Undoing the straps and zipper that held the instrument within, she took it out admiring its form. Applying the resin, and a quick tune of the pegs and she was on her way to a proper warm-up. The room was filled with a cacophony of deep, rumbling cello music. A serene environment that would add an extra layer of life even to nature, and all of its dense greenery. Though it was not without its hardships. All musicians put themselves into their music, and Octavia was no exception.  If any could hear her they would be able to gaze into her very being. The melody continued on for hours, the time flying by like it was mere minutes. She finally came to a rest, laying down her bow, and sitting upon a lounge chair off to the side. “Not quite as crisp as I’d like to be, but it’ll have to do.” She said to herself, noting the little flaws in her performance. With the sound of her music gone, the noise of birds and nature could be heard outside as the beams of Celestia’s light came basking through the windows. A groan was heard from the other side of the house, the cause of which giving Octavia a short burst of laughter. Trotting down the hallway, Vinyl came to a stop as she wearily looked upon her friend, a small frown gracing her features. “Are you alright, Vinyl?” Octavia mockingly asked. “Urgh,” Vinyl replied, making her way to the kitchen, critical that she received her morning coffee. “It seems we are much alike, you and I.” Octavia called out to her. “We both can’t live without a cup of coffee in the morning.” Another grunt. Octavia closed her eyes, letting the beams of light that cast upon her warm her up, sighing as she immersed herself in her environment. She could stay like that the whole day, unmoving and uncaring, letting the entire world pass her by as she simply relaxed herself in the morning beauty. Vinyl found her way back into the living room sporting a rather different demeanor. The sagging, unpassionate, unenergetic look in her eyes now replaced with unbridled ecstasy. “I take it you had your coffee with extra sugar?” Octavia said as she opened her eyes, raising an eyebrow. Vinyl vigorously shook her head up in down in rapid succession. Hurriedly, she made her way over to her equipment ready to start the day off with a blast. With the flip of some switches, and a bit of magic, she started to produce a beat. The rhythm sinking into the sounds of nature giving it a wonderful blend of organic and electronic. A few minutes into the jam Octavia spoke up. “While this is rather lovely, Vinyl, it is about time that I take my leave. I’ll be back later this evening with dinner, so don’t make a mess of the kitchen.” Vinyl rolled her eyes, giving Octavia the stink eye. A playful one, of course. “I will hear none of it, Vinyl. You are the only pony I know in all of Equestria that can burn soup. Soup for Celestia’s sake!” Octavia threw her hooves in the air for dramatic effect before making her way over to her cello. The DJ facehoofed, concealing her small smile as Octavia began to slowly put her instrument back in its carrying case, taking extra care in her movements as not to put the slightest scratch on the tool of music. With that all taken care of she gave her friend a wave of her hoof before making her way out the door. “And please, Vinyl, don’t make a mess of the place.” The mare Octavia talked to merely nodded her head slowly, mouthing to herself what could only be distinguished as “yes, mom.” * * * * Cries of joy burst through the air, sending jovial chills down the spines of the ponies attending Dinky’s birthday party. Pinkie, like the party mare that she was, used all her knowledge of spectacular celebrations to make Dinky have the best birthday of her life. Well, at least until her next birthday. The event took place outside Ditzy’s residence, the front lawn being covered with all sorts of silly string, balloons, and other objects used to liven up a party. Fillies and colts chasing after each other in a game of tag, while the adult ponies off to the side were gossiping and laughing at the antics their children got into. Dinky, on the other hoof, left her group of friends to sit in front of Octavia who was currently playing music for all those gathered for the birthday mare's special day. Dinky tried to hold back her enthusiasm, but she failed miserably as she squealed in blissful delight. “That’s Serenade No. 13 for Strings in G Major by Wolftrot!” The birthday filly let out in a flurry of euphoria. Her passion overflowed into the mare who played the tune, the smile of whom grew tremendously in size. “I see one enjoys a bit of the classics.” Octavia said, trying her hardest not to melt under the pure adorableness of the filly before her. “Who wouldn’t enjoy such an icon?” The filly continued to vibrate with an overabundance of excitement. “Hmm, I could name a few, but it does bring me great joy to see one as young as you enjoy the music that I do. Ponies often forget how great such pieces as this really are,” Octavia explained never losing her focus. Dinky shut her eyes, head bobbing left and right as she immersed herself in the music. “I never did understand how ponies my age listen to what they do. Don’t get me wrong, it’s catchy, and does leave an impression, but they’re not masterpieces like this.” “Is somepony a critic?” Octavia asked, nearly reaching the conclusion of the song. The birthday filly gave a nervous smile. “Not intentionally, I just really enjoy music is all.” Octavia finished off the rest of the piece with a flurry of which beamed into the filly before her, only amplifying how much she was enjoying herself. “It seems we have something in common young one. I’d love to take a recommendation, it is your party, after all?” “Oh, hmmm.” Dinky brought a hoof to her chin, deep in thought. “I don’t quite know, to be honest. Play something you think I’d really enjoy.” She beamed up to the older mare, giving her the shiniest eyes Octavia had ever seen. “Oh, well, I have been working on this one piece. Traditionally a cello is not used, but a violin, however, I find it adds a bit of character. I’m sure you would enjoy it immensely” Octavia gave Dinky a smile in return, before starting the song she mentioned—Vivaldi’s Spring. The week leading up to the birthday was spent practicing, honing the ability to play Vivaldi’s Spring to its utmost perfection. The features upon Octavia’s face were calm, and collected, nothing giving away exactly what she felt. It was like a peaceful spring filled with nothing but the purest water, a true reflection of what the song established. All other noises were muffled out leaving only the sweet essence of pure euphoric music being played by a pony consumed by her very talent. The children stopped their games, choosing instead to sit down and listen with Dinky. The parents stopped their prattling, and began to take in the music as well with as much gusto as their little ones. Enraptured, they all were much like being under a powerful spell. Octavia, despite being an earth pony, still managed to play with her very own kind of magic. It was much like a Canterlot native to be able to be so elegantly refined and in tune with her inner artist. Everypony there saw her as more than what her birth signified. As the melody began to wither, and the ponies lost sight of reality, it all seemed to blend and mash itself into a cacophony of ever repeating want and need. Octavia put herself into the song, much like she did with all her music. The conclusion of Vivaldi’s Spring left all those present silent. The air itself stale in comparison to what it once was before and the world stopped like it was frozen in time. Octavia opened her eyes, to look upon Dinky the smile she had before never losing its warmth. “I hope this is a satisfactory birthday gift, young one.” Octavia broke the silence, the weight upon everyponies shoulders being lifted in an instant. The filly nodded quickly, barely able to stammer out, “I-It was more than satisfactory!” The kids surrounding her all began to nod in unison, agreeing with what Dinky said. In the adult area of the front lawn Ditzy Doo began to speak, unable to leave a proper comment on the song itself. “Alright everypony, I think it’s time we sang our little birthday filly her extra special song.” “While I adore the attention, I think somepony is needed.” Octavia gestured over to Ditzy, Dinky following along and getting what she was playing at. Everypony began to seat themselves at the tables situated at the far end of the lawn, a birthday cake was brought out by the very pink menace of the town, Pinkie Pie. Muffled noises came from under the cake she was carrying on her head, no pony being able to distinguish quite what she was saying. As she set the cake down in the center, she was finally able to be heard, “I said is everypony ready to sing happy birthday?” A collective “Yeah” rang out. As everypony at the party began the old traditional birthday song, Octavia chose to play the simple tune on her cello instead. Adding an extra layer of specialty to it, and making Dinky all the more happy. The distinct color of red flashing upon the young filly’s face showing the slight embarrassment she got from the large crowd singing congratulations for her existence. As the song reached its conclusion Ditzy spoke up, “Now blow out the candles, Dinky.” The little filly took a deep breath before letting it all out, making sure to make a wish. The ponies clapped their hooves on the ground, genuinely happy for Dinky, and for the fact that they were about to have some delicious birthday cake. As Pinkie was cutting the cake she asked Dinky, “So birthday filly, what part of the cake do you want?” The cake was double-stacked chocolate fudge mixed with a gooey cream filling that blended well with the other flavors bursting within the cake itself. On top written in blue and yellow frosting were the words “Happy Birthday Dinky!” “Hmm, I’d like the big center piece,” Dinky replied, looking at the piece with a watery mouth unable to properly handle its anticipation. “Oooooooh, nice choice.” Pinkie cut the slice using a knife she somehow was able to carry with the tip of her mane, no pony really batted an eye at the incident having grown used to the mare. The party pony gave the filly her piece of cake speaking to her in a not so much of a whisper voice. “Personally I like to have my cake, and eat it too.” Dinky giggled in reply. Each pony began to get a slice for themselves taking a whole ten minutes due to the size of the crowd. Pinkie had a way of getting a large number of ponies together for celebrations, and this was no exception. Masterfully preparing the birthday down to the tiniest little detail. As everypony got a slice, Pinkie noticed Octavia staying distant, and decided to pay her a visit. “Hey there, Octavia!” Pinkie beamed at her, an abnormally large smile. “Why haven’t you gotten a slice of cake yet? It’s really gooooood.” Octavia was broken out of the day dream she was currently experiencing. “Oh, sorry. Just lost in thought is all, Pinkie.” She took a step down from the pedestal she found herself standing on to get her music into the ears of every pony. “I’m actually quite famished. Thanks for the reminder.” Pinkie Pie replied with a, “Mmhmm,” and a quick nod of her head. Octavia was the last to get a slice of the birthday cake, the slice she got being rather small in comparison to others, but perfect for her tastes. She looked around, seeing if there was anypony she’d be interested in sitting with. Spotting a mint colored mare with a harp cutie mark a short distance away, she trotted over there and sat beside her. “Greetings, Lyra. It has been a while, has it not?” Octavia asked the mare, happy to see an old friend. Lyra gasped at the sight of Octavia. “Octavia, oh my gosh it’s been so long. How are you doing; what are you doing?” “Oh, well, just playing music for this party and performing for The Royal Canterlot Orchestra. Honestly, I want to hear about you, Lyra. It has been, what, three years?” Octavia smiled earnestly. Lyra smiled back, though a bit shocked being put on the spot. “Not as much as you, Octavia, miss Royal Canterlot Orchestra. No, I’ve just been running a music store in town, selling instruments and music. I rather like it, really, a change of pace from Canterlot, and the ponies are much nicer, too.” This peaked Octavia’s interest. “A music store? Well, I think that’s splendid Lyra, really. Sometimes I wish to be doing so simple myself. It may sound a bit funny, but I find these sort of events so much more fulfilling than any of my bigger shows..” “What, you can’t be serious?” Lyra let out quickly. “As a matter fact I couldn’t be any more serious.” Octavia used her hoof as a guide to point Lyra’s attention towards Dinky. “See the birthday mare over there?” “Of course, Octavia, but what does she have to do with you liking these sort of events more?” “Well, for starters did you know she has a liking for music herself?” Octavia asked, finding a sort of nostalgic happiness of the conversation she had with Dinky earlier. “As a matter of fact I do, she frequents my shop all the time. She’s a real good kid.” Lyra replied, enthralled by the conversation. “Then it should be of no surprise that she found herself glued to my hooves in excitement as I was playing earlier. Lyra, that sort of passion is just not present in the Orchestra. It’s all methodical, and lifeless. I don’t feel like I am really playing music there, but here, oh here is a different story.” Lyra sat silent for a moment letting the words sink in before following up with, “I never would have thought that sort of success could have it’s downsides. You should actually pay close attention to the gift I got her then, I’m sure it will strike your fancy.” “Oh, really?” Octavia asked curiously. “Yes, really. It’s something she couldn’t keep her eyes off of every time she entered my store. She never quite had enough bits to buy it, though, was the issue.” They waited in silence after that, Octavia getting a bit impatient as she was now excited for the gift part of the birthday herself. Something she hadn’t experienced since she was a young foal. As the time went by, and the day grew dimmer the time for presents was finally upon them, Octavia’s jovial attitude setting a different tone than what she previously established for herself. There were gifts of toys, gifts of cards, and even some bits thrown in there as well. Nothing out of the ordinary for a kids birthday, nothing standing out yet as the gift. The certain present that stands tall above the rest, and the one the birthday pony would remember more than all the others. That was until Lyra got around to giving Dinky her gift. What it was unclear, due to it being in a box. “Go ahead, open it up, kid-o.” Lyra said, prompting Dinky to have at the wrappings covering her gift. Not needing another word Dinky tore into the coverings of the present, and found herself gasping the biggest gasp of her life as she opened up the box containing what Lyra got her inside. A beautifully crafted Violin, finely polished to perfection. “O-O-Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.” Dinky sputtered out, barely able to compose herself. “I-I-I.” She cut out, the sentence she had in mind not forming into actual words. Tears began to form in her eyes. Lyra beamed, “So, do you like what I got you? I saw you eyeing this baby up every time you visited my little corner of Ponyville. I couldn’t just keep it all to myself, could I?” Dinky nodded furiously, still unable to form the proper words she had in mind. Instead she chose to tackle Lyra with a heartfelt hug, startling the mare and all the ponies gathered around, especially Ditzy Doo. “Dinky.” Ditzy spoke softly, tears of her own forming at the passion her daughter put into her embrace. “Whoa there, Kid, take it easy; It’s just a gift, Dinky.” Lyra stammered out as she was still caught between the hooves of the birthday filly. “No, Lyra, it’s more than that.” Dinky replied. The mare's heart melted into a mushy mess filled with emotions she couldn’t comprehend. She spoke softly to herself. “I guess this is what Octavia meant.” Octavia, for her part, found herself completely falling over the scene before her. If she was filled with glee before, then now she was completely taken over with feelings of pure, unsaturated happiness for both Lyra and Dinky. She found herself walking over to the mare, unable to stop herself. “Lyra, you were positively right.” She said, the first to speak up from the spectating ponies. “You really outdone yourself, truly.” She walked over to Dinky next who finally let go of the mare she had in a strangle hold of compassion. “May I see your Violin? I’d be honored to show you how to properly hold it, tune, and apply the resin.” The filly let out the second largest gasp she ever had, before quickly running up and tackling Octavia with a hug, as well. “Was it something I said?” Octavia questioned jokingly, getting some laughs from the audience around them. “Octavia, don’t you think you’ve done enough today already, you know, with playing for the party all day, I mean?” Ditzy asked, head tilted in bewilderment for the generosity displayed. “Nonsense. Dinky just received a very special gift, and I’d be a fool not to help her wield it.” She took up the violin and bow. “Now look closely, this is how you hold the bow and the instrument.” She held the bow in a way only a trained professional could. “Always hold the bow as such, it will bring out the most comfort, and will also play best on the violin itself.” She then leaned her head against the violin, not to forcefully. “And this is how you hold the violin. Take care not to be too firm, or too soft.” She then reached into the box, picking up the resin held within. “Now this is how the resin is applied to the bow. This is essential to making sure the proper sound is played.” After putting the resin onto the bow she then handed it to Dinky. “Lastly, I’d like to point out how to tune the violin. On the tip of the instrument, the headstock, there are four pegs, one for each string. If you use a tuner, one I’d be happy to provide you with as a present myself, all you have to do is play the selected string, and match it up to the proper tune.” She handed the Violin over to the filly, as she immediately began to hold it like Octavia instructed. “Now, play the string closest to you.” Octavia told Dinky. As the filly did a wonderful noise was heard by all, the ponies all captured by the lighthearted nature of it, and the soft caress it held upon their ears. Octavia’s ears, on the other hoof, flexed back. “See, that happens to be a bit sharp. Here, let me adjust as you play so you can hear the difference.” Octavia held the headstock of the violin, tuning the G string peg as Dinky slowly ran the bow across the string for a second time, the pitch shifty to an even more pleasant tune. “See, now isn’t that much better?” Octavia asked. A smile unmatched graced her features. “Much so.” Dinky looked over towards Lyra, than back at Octavia. “Lyra, Octavia, I am so very thankful for both of you. For the gift, and the little lesson. It means so much to me.” She was on the verge of tears again; she quickly set down her instrument to wipe her eyes dry. A light began to show, so brilliant that it almost blinded all the ponies at the party. When the brightness began to dim, and the ponies slowly opened their eyes again they all gasped in complete and utter shock for what they saw. On Dinky’s flank was a cutie mark in the form of an eighth note. “Dinky!” Ditzy Doo shouted running up to her daughter, both Octavia and Lyra speechless knowing they were the cause for Dinky’s sudden cutie mark appearance. “M-Mom! I-I-I don’t believe it, I finally got my cutie mark!” The tears she was holding back before broke the water ducts of her eyes like a dam bursting from a flood. She pushed herself so forcefully into her mother's hug that it hurt a bit, but in a good way. “I know, Dinky. I know.” Her mother spoke softly, running her hoof through her daughter's mane. The scene was touching so touching that the emotions of everypony else fluctuated with the sudden turn of events, the whiplash of it all slowly catching up with them. “I just wish Dad was here to see this.” Dinky spoke again, but with much more sorrow than before, and full of a long held onto ennui. Octavia’s heart sank to the deepest pits of her being upon hearing those words all too familiar. The smile she had vanished, the tears she held for Dinky no longer happy, but replaced with those of great pain. She forgot where she was, and fell deeper the more she repeated what Dinky said to her mother inside her head like a broken record. She felt cold, sick and started to lose her grasp on reality. She no longer saw anypony, just an approaching fog that began to envelop her like a blanket that held no warmth. “Oh,” was all she was able to let out, too soft for anypony to hear. She looked down at the ground, somehow helping herself stay in a semi-realm of reality. She somehow found a way to speak again, even quieter. “I guess we are one and the same, you and I. We both miss our fathers.” * * * * Octavia walked slowly through the front door of her house, delicately not making a noise as she entered. She carried both food for Vinyl and her cello solemnly, limply as if to have the weight shove her back down to the earth. She sighed before speaking up. “Vinyl, I’m home, and I have dinner.” She garnered no response. This only provoked another sigh out of the mare, as she went to set her saddlebags on the living room table, removing her cello and setting it aside. She decided to take a seat on her lounge chair, immersing herself with the nighttime darkness. “Honestly Octavia, this is silly. It’s been countless years, yet you still act like it was only yesterday.” She said to herself, trying to knock the funk she was experiencing out. She merely sat there a, lonely pillar in that ever developing, nebulous shadow of night. Her being serving as the only soul for the world to grasp onto, at least in her mind. She shook her head to and fro, trying her absolute hardest to loosen the grip her mind had over her. “Tavi, is that you?” Vinyl asked lowly from across the room as she yawned having just woken up from a short nap. “Vinyl, dear. Could you have a seat with me please?” Octavia asked her friend, almost desperately. “I know you are short of words, but I’d most appreciate the company right about now.” The DJ nodded, making her way across from her friend to take a seat on Octavia's couch. She looked deeply into Octavia’s eyes, trying to see what was the matter from the outside. It didn’t quite work like she hoped. Octavia sighed for what seemed like the serveralth time before asking, “Have you ever had a hard time moving on from a traumatic experience? I know, it may seem like something that would fade with time, but it still feels like a hole hasn’t quite healed itself up properly yet.” She looked Vinyl in the eyes, the magenta reflecting herself. “Today Dinky finally got her cutie mark, and it was with the help of Lyra and I. You see, Lyra gave her a violin, while I gave her a short lesson on how to use it. A beautiful eighth note graced her flanks.” A fragile smile formed upon Octavia’s lips. “It was truly a sight to behold, nothing quite like it in all the world, that is until she spoke to her mother about something all too familiar.” She grimaced, finding it a bit hard to choke out her next words. “She mentioned wishing her father was there to see the moment, Vinyl. Her father for Celestia’s sake!” Vinyl found herself in an uncomfortable position, knowing exactly what her friend was getting at. She decided to speak for herself, knowing now was the best of times to do as much. “Look, I really do understand, Tavi, I really do, but It’s not me who’s gonna be able to fully help you with this. I’ll try, but I don’t think I can truly take all the pain away.” Octavia was about to reply, but a hoof raised by Vinyl stopped her. “Listen, the only pony who can truly overcome this is yourself. It sounds daunting, and that’s because it is, but just know that I’m here for you, and so are all your other friends. Tavi, no, Octavia please know you don’t have to be afraid to talk about this stuff to me.” She stood up, and began to make her way towards her troubled friend. “Vinyl,” Octavia said in a caring tone, before getting up herself and meeting Vinyl halfway. They hugged each other deeply, sharing the pain as much as they could. “Thanks again. I needed to vent a bit. If you don’t mind, we could always make plans to go out into town sometime soon? I don’t start my tour with the Orchestra till the end of this month, so I have plenty of time till then.” They left their hold on one another, looking each other once again in the eyes. Vinyl replied with, “I’d really like that.” That was the last they said to each other that night, Octavia choosing to rest her weary head as Vinyl stayed up way past the healthy hour somepony should be awake. The peace finally bringing comfort to Octavia who just overcame a hefty day in her life. > Chapter 3: Letting Worry Pass You By > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal, Last nights sleep was the best I’ve had in months. For all was silent, and not a single chirp from the crickets outside could be heard. It was similar to a state of nonbeing, or like having myself wiped from existence. The last fading reminders of life being the few dreams scattered across my temporary unconsciousness. In short, I slept like a baby, and it was delightful. The sense of relaxation found in sleeping is something I think everypony takes for granted, because with all the issues that are brought about from the waking realm I can see myself and others constantly battling their stress induced displeasure. I know I lose precious time, half my life in fact, but I honestly think sleeping for that long is a gift in disguise. It’s also nice to know that I’ll wake up to a bright, sunny day. As much as I find beauty in the starlit night sky, Celestia’s glorious ball of happy purity will always be my preferred type of setting. Sorry Luna, but your sister just has a way of bringing life to the land. This leads me to the main topic I want to address in this entry, that being of the incredibly, tiresome feeling of worry. I know everypony experiences it to varying degrees, but I can’t help but find myself stuck on such a thought. From the words Vinyl had expressed to me these last couple days, it has only become more apparent. Celestia bless her kind soul, she really is a wonderful friend. Is it healthy to dwell on something so dreary, or is it best I simply cast it aside? I don’t know, and that’s what frightens me, at least a little bit. Not knowing if what I think, or what I perceive is really the factual reality of the world that surrounds me. Mystery in life is nice, but sometimes it can be a burden. I find this most applicable when it comes to looking for meaning in your own existence, that being the existential wonder of wanting more. This, of course, relating back to the first of these entries, and how I want something I can’t quite grasp. Like reaching for somepony’s hoof that is just out of reach. You’re able to see, and think about them, but you are never able to reach them. That constant barrage of stimuli in and of itself is a major factor for my fretting mind. I’m so very glad I don’t have to deal with traveling with the orchestra till the end of the month. This is not because I don’t like playing for them, far from it, but I haven’t exactly been myself as of late, and It’d be a shame if I somehow brought down the performance. I take great pride, and care for my work, and I don’t want the ponies to be left unsatisfied, because I didn’t give it my all. Yes, the rest of this month should be focused on clearing my mind, and finding that spark I once had before. I don’t know how, and I don’t know when, but what I do know is that I will try, and I will find what I’ve been looking for all this time. Drifting away from that wearisome topic, Vinyl and I have plans to hit the town today, and I hope it will go well. It’s been awhile since we’ve had some personal time to ourselves, and I miss it dearly. She knows more about having fun than I, so I’m sure she’ll find something we’ll both enjoy. I do wonder what, though? Maybe she’d be willing to go to the spa, or possibly we could see how Lyra’s music store is doing. When she brought it up yesterday I couldn’t help but be enraptured by the prospect of paying it a visit. I can’t help but be curious when it comes to discovering more about music, and I’m not ashamed of my enthusiasm. Well, I can’t just keep rambling here when I have a long, fun-filled day ahead of me. * * * * Octavia closed her journal, slowly taking a deep breath to prepare herself for the day ahead. Her desk had become a shadow of its former self, pieces of parchment, and scraps of unfinished works littered around haphazardly. The sight out of place compared to the otherwise spotless room. Not wanting to be bothered with the repairs, she exited her room pushing the thought of cleaning to the back of her mind. “I’ll just take care of that when I get back." As she made her way down the hall the sound of electronic beeps and boops could be heard, signifying Vinyl was awake early twice that very week. Very unsightly. As Octavia entered the living room she commented on the matter. “As much as I like seeing you alive this early in the morning, I can’t help but wonder if the apocalypse is finally upon us.” The DJ let out a short chortle in response, continuing messing with her current project. The sound was a pleasant backdrop compared to Octavia’s typical mornings. “Not that I’m complaining. With our day of fun, and relaxation It’s nice to know that you’re just as ready as I am.” Octavia followed up on her previous statement, a warm small finding it’s way onto her face. Octavia’s stomach grumbled like a whale would call out to the depths of the ocean. She found it hard to hide the slight blush that crept up onto her features. “Well, I guess I am quite famished. What say that I make us some breakfast this morning. It has been a while since I’ve last cooked us a nice meal, has it not? Vinyl nodded enthusiastically, her mouth slightly drooling out the sides as she forgot all about her music. “I see somepony's excited,” Octavia replied, followed by a cheerful laugh. She then made her way into the kitchen to prepare their food. As the time passed a delightful aroma found its way into the air, only intensifying the hunger of the two music ponies. A low “hmm” also found its way to mix itself into the scene. Octavia was getting caught up into the act, and couldn't resist singing a soft melody. “I need to do this more often,” she told herself. “I often forget how much of a zen like experience it is to cook, especially breakfast.” She continued with her little tune, finishing up her creation. It was fried eggs and hash browns, a personal favorite of hers and Vinyls. Placing the scrumptious cuisine onto two separate dishes, she set them upon her back, trotting her way into the living room with a gallant fever. A kick in her step, so to say. She then looked at Vinyl giving her a playful look. “I’ll just set this on that table, Vinyl. It’d be nice to talk over breakfast.” Octavia said, reaching back to grab the food and set it down upon the table. The anticipation almost killing the two mares. Vinyl rushed over to take a seat, for as much as she despised small talk, she absolutely loathed being hungry even more. She wasted no time tearing into her meal, table manners not being her strongest attribute. “If I can command this type of attention from you just by preparing a nice meal, maybe I should do it more often. Maybe I could finally persuade you to finally take care of your living environment.” Octavia commented, a sly grin plastered itself upon her. Vinyl finished chewing her mouthful, swallowing before replying, “Well, you haven’t exactly been up to date yourself. I’ve seen how littered your desk has become, Tavi.” She then returned Octavia's grin with one of her own, tongue sticking out as to accentuate it. Octavia sheepishly faltered in her seat, giving a weak follow up, “Well, at least I’ve given the thought of doing so.” She then gazed with a frown at how sloppy her friend was eating her finely crafted spread. “Could you at least savor my hard work?” The DJ shrugged, scarfing down the rest of her eggs. A content smile greeted her has her stomach had been satisfied with its now full baggage. “Well, I’ll just take it as a compliment then, for a job well done that is.” Octavia facehoofed, hiding a humorous smile for her friend’s antics. She then went back to delicately picking at her own fried eggs and hash browns. The care, and finesse that went into every movement Octavia made was the envy of many other mares. It was almost as if each little detail of her life was finely crafted into polished perfection. “I see why you’d be so enthused to eat something like this, it is rather delicious.” Octavia muttered between bites, making sure not to break her impeccable table manners. Vinyl wolfed the rest of her hash browns, the last bite leaving her with a bittersweet feeling. She then lifted her plate with her psychokinetic magic, giving her friend a desperate plea with her puppy dog eyes. “No, Vinyl, I’m afraid I don’t want to give you any more of a gut.” Octavia laughed at her own joke, not noticing the frown her friend gave her. When she opened her eyes again after her little bout of laughter, she then took note of the upside down smile her friend was giving her. “Oh, don’t be like that, I’m only kidding, you look just fine.” That didn’t reverse Vinyl’s scowl. Octavia rubbed her forehoof, an uneasy smiling finding its way upon her. “Well, I guess I promise I’ll cook breakfast for us tomorrow, how does that sound?” Vinyl finally let go of her little, childish act, and greeting Octavia with a beaming grin. “That’s much better, not sure how much more I could take of that look of yours.” Octavia said sheepishly. Vinyl raised an eyebrow, “You calling me ugly again?” “What? Heavens no, Vinyl, just let what I said slide already.” Octavia was now flushed red, her appetite leaving her. She then picked up both their plates, and set them upon her back, making her way into the kitchen. “I’ll just clean these up, and then we can move on with our day.” Octavia called out, trying to move on from her embarrassment. * * * * Vinyl frowned deeply, as Octavia merely galloped her way through Ponyville. “Oh, don’t be such a sourpuss, Vinyl, I’m sure you’re going to really love our visit to the spa. Besides, I know you really need to loosen up those tense muscles.” Vinyl just, “Harrumphed” in dissatisfaction, following shortly behind Octavia. Her body was slumped, and her once chipper demeanor was replaced with that of a droopy, annoyed physique. Despite her best protests, Vinyl couldn’t help but be brought to some ease at how wonderful the air felt with the perfect spring time weather. The sun shining brightly down upon Ponyville, and not a single cloud blocking the pristine, blue sky. “Aloe and Lotus will probably fawn over you, dear. They always enjoy new clientele.” Octavia said to her grumpy friend, letting the air soak into her very being, as the tension from yesterday slowly began to slip away from her. “Urgh,” Vinyl continued to grunt, words no longer satisfying her insatiable annoyance over the whole situation. As the moments passed they found themselves at the doorstep of Ponyville’s very own spa and bath. Octavia beamed even wider than she had prior to their departure. “Here we are; aren’t you excited?” Octavia turned to look at her friend, her smile quickly vanishing. “Oh come now, stop the unnecessary frowning. At this rate you are bound to attract Pinkie, and I’m not built with enough energy to handle her, you know?” “You know as well as I that this type of stuff is just not for me.” Vinyl spoke deeply, and grumbly. “Well, just remember what we have planned after this.” Octavia twirled a hoof, prying Vinyl's mind onto what she was saying. Vinyl instantly turned her frown upside down. “Yeah, you said you would go to the bowling alley with me, and play some laser tag.” She fist pumped the air. “Yeah, get ready to get owned.” Octavia playfully rolled her eyes. “Of course, Vinyl.” She turned to open the door, but was surprised to see it enveloped in a magenta colored aura. “I guess somepony really wants to get to the bowling alley faster than I had planned. Still surprised they have a fully functioning laser tag arena in there, as well.” Vinyl just grinned, pushing her way past Octavia. The splendid smell of an assortment of fine scented candles finding a way to creep up into the nostrils of the two mares, as they entered into the building. They neither complained, nor minded the smell, for it was intoxicating. “My, my, this place is always fantastic, is it not?” Octavia asked her companion who merely shrugged in indifference. “Well, I certainly think as much.” “Oh, Octavia, Vinyl. A pleasure to see you this morning.” Called Aloe from across the room as she made her way over to her. “How may I help you today?” Her accent eliciting a fond smile from Octavia. “Well, I don't know about you Vinyl, but I could go for a deep muscle massage, followed by a nice warm bath.” Octavia turned to the DJ, waiting for a response. “Well, as long as I’m not getting a hooficure, or any other overly girly stuff, I’m okay.” Vinyl shrugged, her words causing Aloe to giggle slightly. “Guys come here too, so no need to worry. Bad for your health. Come, come, follow me.” Aloe prompted the two of them to make their way further into the spa and bath. As they made their way to the massage tables, Octavia spoke up. “So, where is your sister Aloe? You two are usually inseparable?” She tilted her head most curiously, much like a foal begging for attention. “Oh, Lotus. Yes, she is rather sick this week, so she’s taking the time off.” She walked to the side, revealing a large, muscular pegasus. “Not to worry, though, Bulk Biceps here is a very efficient employee.” Vinyl shriveled up, her tail tucked between her legs. She then let out a low whimper, her frightened form making Octavia roll her eyes. “Vinyl, this just means this massage is gonna be twice as good as before, don’t be intimidated.” Octavia stared deeply into her friend's eyes. Vinyl simply shook her head rapidly in response, her glasses almost flying right off her face, as she continued the motion more and more. “Vinyl.” Octavia said lowly to her friend, a shiver running up Vinyl’s spine. “But-” The alabaster mare was quickly silenced. “No buts, that is if you don’t want to go to the bowling alley with me?” Vinyl’s mouth hung open, as she finally found the will to speak again. “Fine, you win.” Octavia grinned mischievously, as the other occupants of the room laughed in a furious riot. The little display before them being too much for them to handle. Aloe then lead the two mares onto the massage tables, Vinyl’s fate being sealed as she felt a firm hoof ram its way onto her back. * * * * A delightful warmth wrapped around Octavia like a snug blanket as she let herself sink deeper into the bath. A sigh of pleasure slowly escaping her lips as the muscles in her body reacted greedily at the touch of such a wonderful feeling. She let her eyes close, the entire world becoming a blur as she felt a sense of drowsiness. “Isn’t this nice Vinyl?” Octavia asked with a slight yawn, the environment making her feel all the more cozy. A creek, and a sharp crack could be heard throughout the room as Vinyl wobbled her way over to the bath. “Urgh,” she let out, pain enveloping her entire face. Her spine was arched, and the vertebra were slightly visible under her fur coat. She looked to the mare across from her as she entered the bath, frowning intensely as she noticed how worry free the mare was at that moment in time. She, however, couldn’t be too angry, for the water did seep into her aching body. “Mmm, what a lovely sensation. I just love coming to the spa.” Octavia said, opening her eyes. “Thanks for coming here with me, it means more than you could possibly imagine. These past couple days, well, they have been a bit rough to say the least. I can’t exactly put my tongue on it, but I just feel so out of place, and odd.” Vinyl tilted her head, ignoring the sharp pain in her back to give her friend a ear to speak into. “I just hope things will turn out okay by the time I have to report to the Canterlot Royal Orchestra. I know I’ve been practicing to death, and my sore hooves surely show that. Something is just off, if you can understand what I’m trying to say.” Vinyl nodded, unable to really add onto what her best friend was saying. She just chose to remain quiet, letting the silence do the talking so to say. “I should really stop these rambles. This is not the time to worry, and certainly not the time to bare down this information upon you, no, most definitely not.” Octavia leaned further back into the water, letting the comforting liquid reach up to her neck. They stayed that way for what felt like hours. Time finding a way to stop, and just let them be in their own personal water filled world. Alone, and with nopony else to bother them, and their little moment of peace and quiet. “You know, Tavi.” Vinyl broke the silence. “You were right about coming here, this is rather relaxing, but that could just be me finally enjoying being away from that muscle bound pegasus. Seriously, I do not ever want to receive a massage from him again. You hear me?” Octavia giggled mirthfully, the sound like honey to Vinyl’s ears. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do next time we come here.” She sighed, but in a content way, rather than an empty way. “Vinyl, dear, may I ask how your next album is coming along? You’ve been more busy than usual.” “Honestly, not exactly how I want it to. It’s not hitting the right beats, if you understand?” Vinyl replied, rubbing a hoof across her face as the frustrating  memories started to flood into her mind, unable to vanish like she wished. “Yes, I can relate. Not to sound rude, because I absolutely adore the symphony, but they just have the worst taste when it comes to picking out what we’re going to be playing.” Octavia rolled her eyes for a bit of a dramatic effect. “It’s, as you put it, missing something. Maybe I’ve just become too bored of all these standard songs, who knows?” “Hehe,” Vinyl laughed a little, knowing full well what her friend was saying. “I never really got why you continuing to stick around with them, anyway.” “Yes, well, it pays the bills rather nicely. Not to say you don’t make quite the sum of bits yourself, but it just wouldn’t be enough to pay for everything we have. We do live rather luxuriously amongst all the other ponies in Ponyville.” They again sat in silence for a while, a smile never leaving their faces. The water began to lose a bit of its warmth, the heat slowly becoming frigid as the time flew on by. Vinyl was the first to step out of the bath, walking over to the side of the room to grab a towel and dry off. Her magic helping her with the process. “Indeed, we should be on the move now.” Octavia too departed from the once opulent water, joining Vinyl as she too started to dry herself off. “We do have a game of laser tag to get to, after all.” Vinyl gasped, pumping her hoof in the air twice as hard as before. “Awwwww, yeah. I’m so ready for this, you have no idea.” “I might have some idea, Vinyl.” Octavia said to herself, but was overheard as Vinyl shook her head with flattened ears. “I hope you know you’re going to get destroyed. I’m the all time laser tag champion, I’ll have you know.” Vinyl raised a cocky eyebrow, a grin plastering its way upon her face as she continued to push her point in. Octavia just decided to ignore her friend’s boastful comments, instead choosing to find Aloe. She picked up her saddlebags, and noticed Aloe was behind the counter across from her, so she made her way over to her. “So, Aloe. How much do I owe you?” Vinyl quickly made her way over to Vinyl. “Whoa there, Tavi. This day is dedicated to you, so let me take care of this.” “Dedicated to us, Vinyl. Dedicated to us.” Octavia corrected Vinyl, looking inside her saddlebags for her bits. “So,” Octavia spoke as she leaned her head back towards Aloe, “How much do I owe you?” “Twenty-five bits, ma’am.” Aloe replied, opening up a cash register as Octavia gave her the specified number of bits. “See Vinyl, was that so hard?” Octavia turned to the DJ, raising an eyebrow as she waited for a reply. Vinyl just put on a pouty face, as she left to go grab her glasses on the counter across the room. Octavia looked to Aloe once again. “Thank you so much for this, Aloe. It was absolutely splendid, and we'll be sure to come back real soon.” She gave her a wink for added effect. Octavia then made her way over to Vinyl, checking on her before they both made their way out the door back to the streets of Ponyville. The sun had made its way further across the sky, the shadows now shifted positions from what they were previously. The amount of ponies hustling, and bustling about had dwindled, and no longer was everypony in a rush to go about their daily activities. The most crucial morning tasks already taken care of, and out of mind. “Sunny days like this are simply the best. Don’t you agree, Vinyl.” Octavia spoke up, her friend giving her a brilliant nod of her head. “Sad, though, that in the next coming months it’s going to turn to frost.” Vinyl shrugged her shoulders. “That’s right, you happen to really love the fall, and snowy seasons?” Octavia thought back to days long past. “Well, I can’t say I’m completely against the prospect of a snowball fight.” A coy smile found its way upon her lips. “If I remember correctly, I was always the victor of those little disputes, much like how you’re going to have a bad time against me in this upcoming laser tag match.” Vinyl’s eye twitched, as she quickly turned to Octavia. A snarly look greeting the playful mare. “I jest Vinyl, I’m sure you’ll put up a decent fight.” Octavia laughed, but only by herself. Vinyl not having any of Octavia’s antics, as she quickly hurried her pace to the bowling alley. “Uh, oh. Perhaps I went a little far?” Octavia questioned herself, trying to match the speed Vinyl was trotting. It was not long, due to Vinyl’s aggressive movement, that they found themselves at the bowling alley. The sound from inside was loud enough to be heard a block away from the outside. Arcade machines, and loud dance music blasting into the ears of both Octavia and Vinyl. “ I hope you know what you’ve just walked into, Octavia.” Vinyl started. “Because I’m not going to go easy on you, like I was before. You understand?” Octavia gulped, some beats of sweat falling down her brow. “Uh, hehe.” She weakly let out. Vinyl made her way inside, Octavia shortly following. Octavia now on the receiving end of today's jokes, and merriment. The sweat only increasing in intensity, as she thought more and more of the upcoming match. * * * * Octavia and Vinyl found themselves in a dark room, lit only by the neon lights lining the floor below them, as they sat on an elevated platform. A TV screen in front of them playing a video about the rules of laser tag. “Does it play this every time, Vinyl?” Asked Octavia. Vinyl nodded her head in frustration, clearly wishing for the little presentation to be over sooner rather than later. “Well, I suppose this place is popular enough to get new ponies all the time, so I guess it’s necessary.” Octavia said, looking around seeing a group of fillies and colts, the energy welling up inside them like a balloon would take in air. Both of which ready to burst at any moment. Octavia then heard the TV turn off, a door to her right opening as the laser tag arena was finally revealed to all the occupants of the room. “Finally,” Vinyl all but jumped out the door, quickly making her way over to the laser tag vests, and guns. “Indeed,” Octavia added, she too making her way out the door. The arena was large, big enough to take up half the bowling alleys building. Funny enough that the actual bowling alley part of the bowling alley was rather small by comparison. The arcade at the entrance of the building taking up another quarter of space, truly giving the place a reputation among all the kids of Ponyville as the premier place to hang out. Octavia felt a nudge on her side, turning to find Vinyl waving a green vest in her face, a gun dangling by a cord attached to the equipment. “I see I’ll be green, and you orange. Not my preferred color choices.” Octavia put on the laser tag vest, holding the gun with one of her hooves. “Unfair that unicorns have magic to hold their gun. Gives then an unreasonable advantage, does it not?” “Excuses, excuses.” Vinyl tsked, as she made her way to the orange side of the arena. Stepping under a machine which used a sort of magic like technology to signify to the gun and vest that it was ready for combat. Octavia lowered her head, and shook it, trying to regain her composure. She then made her way over to her side of the arena, many little ponies following behind her like it was follow the leader. “Sorry, kids, it seems you have chosen the losing side of this war.” Octavia told them, taking her place behind a small barrier. “But we haven’t even started yet, “Began a blue coated filly. “How can you say that?” Octavia simply sighed. “Well, you’ve seen that pony with me, and the look in her eyes. There is a fire there we can’t help but be consumed by, trust me.” “Sounds like you’re giving up too soon.” Came a loud voice from one of the colts. “You’ve got me on your side, so you’re bound to win.” He stuck his chest out in boisterous pride. Octavia giggled at the display. “And who might you be?” “The names Rumble, and we’re going to wipe the floor with the orange team.” He replied, waving his gun in the air like they had already won the game. The sheer confidence radiating off of the young colt found a way to make Octavia feel a little better about the odds of winning the match. She readied her gun, taking a stance that would give her a fighting chance as the game was about to begin. “Alright everypony!” Came a voice from an intercom that blasted its way across the entire arena. “I hope you’re all ready, because the game is about to begin!” Everypony in the room shouted with cheer. It really helped boost morale on both teams, as the amount of tension eased up. “Alright, I hear you loud and clear. Now then, three, two, one, go!” The voice boomed, and the sound of lasers could now be heard. Of course they were not lethal, but the magic had a bit of a kick when it hit, enough to feel like a pinch from a crossed griffin. Octavia quickly found herself taking cover, narrowly avoided a blast of orange magic that would have struck her square in the chest. “Phew, that was close,” she let out. She then poked her head out, getting a sense of what her surroundings held in store for her. She noticed a pair of fillies surreptitiously making their way from one barrier to the next, trying their hardest not to be seen. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough, for Rumble got the jump on them. Shooting both of them faster than they could react in their backs. “Gotcha!” He shouted, running away before reinforcements could arrive to help. The two fillies had to make their way back to base to recharge their suit. A red, blinking light coming from the centerpiece, indicated that they were knocked out for the time being. “Nice one.” Octavia said to herself, as she went back behind cover. She knew she wouldn’t be doing much if she just stayed there, so she prepared herself for a quick run. Taking a deep breath, she let it out, and began to charge to another barrier across from her. “Oh, dear celestia!” She shouted as she noticed an enemy pony, this one being another mare her age. Without a second thought she let out a flurry of blasts, hoping for at least one to land. To her amazement one did, and it sent a wave of shock up the mares spine. She took cover from where the mare used to be, as they had to run back to their base. “Okay, take it easy. This is only a game. A game in which you almost had a heart attack over, but a game nonetheless.” Taking another peak around the corner of the barrier, she noticed that there was no pony in site. She took the opportunity to book it, praying to all the deities above that nopony spotted her. Luck was on her side, for she did make it to her destination, about halfway to the enemy base, the stronghold in which one could score the most points. That was when she heard a voice that she did not want to hear. “Oh, Octavia~” Vinyl spoke loud enough to be heard by all, uncaring if the enemy found out where she was taking cover. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.” “Uh, oh.” Octavia said silently. She looked over the barrier, taking a shot at a little pegasus filly that was unfortunate enough to be right in the middle of the arena. “Maybe if I’m lucky, I won’t even see Vinyl for the entirety of this game.” Octavia continued to try and console herself as the worry she was experiencing escalated to new heights. Her heart rate was off the scale, and the fir of sweat she was having before paled in comparison. “Oh, what am I saying. I’m boned, simple as that.” Octavia now panicked, too afraid to move from her current position. The time coming to a snail's pace as everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. It was as if time decided to take a holiday, and its parting gift was Octavia’s torment as she was unsure where her friend would pop out from. The sound of the magical lasers deafened, as Octavia's vision became blurry. The fear becoming too much to bear, as she felt herself drifting from the state of frenzy she found herself in. That was until she heard a voice right beside her. “Boo!” “Ahhhhhh!” Octavia screamed, letting her gun do the talking as she closed her eyes and fire, fire, fired. A buzzing sound graced her ears, but she was too afraid to open her eyes to see what it was. She just stood there, waiting, and waiting until Vinyl finished her off. It never came. “Huh?” Octavia questioned, finally opening her eyes. She gasped as she noticed Vinyl’s chest had a glowing red orb in the center, telling her that she had knocked Vinyl out of the game until she could recharge back at base. “Wait, what?” Vinyl wondered to herself, stupefied by the event that unfolded before her. She then looked up to Octavia. “Did you just?” She couldn’t finish her sentence, as she had to do a double take of looking down to her chest. The same crimson color of defeat greeting her with it’s horrid image. Octavia shook her head, also looking at Vinyl’s chest for a second time. A moment passed until it all clicked in, and that was when she found the biggest of smiles creeping its way upon her face. “It seems I’ve misjudged this game.” Octavia started, the worry clouding her mind vanishing from existence. “You’re not the one who’s going to get owned, as you would put it.” Octavia lifted her fun, a new found vigor in her step. Vinyl gulped, and slowly took a few steps back. “Now easy, Tavi. We can talk about this.” She desperately tried to find a way to calm her friend down from her new found high. “Oh, Vinyl. We are way past talking already.” Octavia stated, as she readied herself for a full on assault of the orange team's base. Vinyl ran the other way, not wanting to see the onslaught that was going to take place. Her quivering body as she ran past other members of her team filling them with dread, and hopelessness. “Araaaaaah!” Octavia let out a vicious battle cry, as she jumped over the barrier she was hiding behind, and pushed her way forward towards the orange team’s base. She took note of two colts that just hid behind parallel walls, and just before she reached them she jumped into the air aiming down at the two as she reached the highest point in her vertical ascension. One, and two, she launched a magical laser into both of their chests. “Hehe,” She giggled in delight, as she continued to rush at the base. Her hoof steps easily heard, but she did not care for any that heard her across the vast arena. She was in a fit, and the only thing that could satiate her was the enemy team’s complete, and utter destruction. As she was at the doorstep of the relatively small base, all things considered, she found herself accompanied by Rumble who dashed along side her. “You think I’m just going to let you have all the glory?” The colt said as he bent down, readying himself for the largest jump of his life. Octavia joined him, as they both launched themselves into the air, easily making their way into the window of the stronghold. As they landed, they found themselves surrounded on both sides by orange team members. Octavia turned to Rumble, and he Octavia. Both of them giving each other a nod before they ducked, elegantly dodging the barrage of lasers that soared through the air. They took aim, unleashing a dozen or so blasts at the last of the ponies that dared to oppose them. “Nice one.” Rumble spoke, the first compliment he gave that day. “Likewise,” replied Octavia as she turned to look at the glowing core of the base. The sweet smell of victory greeting her as she shot one last blast of magical energy straight at the sphere. As the tune of victory played throughout the arena, Octavia found herself dancing all the way back to the start of the room where they loaded up on their equipment. It was there that she was greeted with the unamused looks of many fillies and colts, as well as Vinyl Scratch, and what appeared to be one of the kids mother. “Umm.” Octavia rubbed the back of her neck, her face becoming a bit flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry.” She squeaked out, the word not having any effect on the ponies that surrounded her. * * * * Both Octavia and Vinyl sat in a diner at the outskirts of Ponyville. The place was called “The Prancing Pony,” and it was known for it’s quite unhealthy assortment of foodstuff. This, however, did not deter the two mares as they both chowed down on a bucket load of hay fries. “Have you ever seen the Princess of Friendship eat, Tavi? I’d think you’d get along just fine.” Vinyl said as she pointed at the stained fur cheeks of Octavia, her mouth full, and looking much like a chipmunk. Octavia chewed the rest of the food in her mouth, swallowing it, and following it up with her fizzy drink. “Well, today has been quite the day, has it not?” She tried to justify her absurd eating habit, as she quickly dived back into her meal. Vinyl just shook her head, but in a playful way. “Tavi, have I ever told you that I love seeing you like this? Because, I do. I really, really do.” Octavia was taken aback, pushing the rest of her mouthful down in order to reply. “What do you mean, Vinyl?” “This, I mean this." She pointed her two front hooves at Octavia. “Look at you, I haven’t seen you so full of life in ages. It’s like you simply just left what was on your mind behind in the dust.” Octavia scrunched up her features, her mind buzzing with multiple thoughts. She thought back to the spa, and how it comforted both her, and surprisingly enough, Vinyl. She also thought back to the game of laser tag, and how full of energy she was at the end of it all. Lastly, her mind drifted to the thoughts of yesterday, and how they no longer bothered her. “You know what, Vinyl. I think I understand what you’re telling me.” Octavia grew a smile, returning to her plate, but with a sense of ease she hadn’t felt in a very long time. “I think today has been a monumental success, if I do say so myself.” They ate the rest of their dinner, neither of them speaking, just sitting in a welcomed silence. The enjoyment that filled their day giving them life, and filling them with merriment that can’t be attained by oneself. > Chapter 4: Don't Look Back in Anger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal, I had the strangest of dreams last night. After such a relaxing, and fun filled day I was expecting some sort of peaceful slumber filled with, I don’t know, gumdrops and rainbows, but instead I was reminded of my own childhood naivete instead. What a joy that was, I will tell you. Well, I won’t, because this is my journal for my eyes only, but I digress. Now, I know it’s normal to have memories come flooding back at the most inconvenient times, and how it can make you squirm and wiggle in your own skin, but never in all my years have I had a dream where I felt angry at myself. I don’t mean a normal level of frustration, I mean the type of anger that leads ponies to make stupid decisions. Like, for example, I remembered times when I was teased for being the only earth pony in the Canterlot Conservatory, and how it would infuriate me. However, instead of keeping cool, and making sure to have proper composure, during one of the practice runs of a piece of ours I decided to let my discomfort be known. This only made the whole class turn even more against me, and even the very instructor had a word with me in private. I mean, I couldn’t have been more embarrassed with myself. Instead of handling the situation like any mare should, I instead decided to act irrationally, and it caused me to have a talking to. Worst part now is that I dreamt of similar scenarios as I rested last night. But, there is more to this that drives me absolutely batty. So, and here is the kicker, I actually miss my childhood memories. My chest burns with a desire to recapture the moments no matter how horrendous they truly were. The times that have passed have left me filled with a feeling I can’t describe for the life of me, and it’s driving me bonkers. Do other ponies experience this? Do they too understand how it feels to long for a time they can no longer recapture? It’s like looking at a very old photo of yourself, and having a wave of nostalgia hit you like a cart traveling at top speed down the streets of Manehatten. Well, if they do I’d like to hear their perspective on the matter, because it could hold some sort of insight that I need desperately. I heard this one saying from some foreign pony a fair bit ago. ‘For auld lang syne.’ They told me it basically means for time gone by, and I can’t think of a more apt description to associate with this sudden commotion I’ve found myself in. Time has gone by, and rather quick actually. I haven’t been out on my own in the world for many years, and the fact I’ve become acquainted with such prestigious musical groups is beyond me. Sometimes everything moves by too quickly for me to keep up, and I end up fumbling back towards the earth. I hate it, but at the same time I can’t help but be fascinated by it. I look back and all I see is memories that still hold meaning to me. I don’t care if they are sour, or sweet, I just want them back. I keep looking back, yet I can’t push myself to look forward. By Celestia’s name I don’t think I’ve ever been more unappeased in my life. Ahem, excuse me, that was rather too emotional. As I was saying, I can’t help but look back in anger. Not just for my actions, but for not being able to be what I used to be. Funny enough I find what I used to hate to be some of the most cherishable moments of my life. I believe I should consult Vinyl with this. Maybe she will have more to say on the matter than I could. Who knows, she understands these sorts of things, and always knows what to say. I admire that part about her, but I won’t lie that it can get a tinsy bit annoying if she decides to mock more with her wisdom. She can be too much of a smart alec sometimes. Well, there is also the fact I need to go up to the attic, and fix the place up. I know I’ve got some stuff in there that needs to be thrown out, and other bits and bobs to be moved around. Who knows, I could find something that I was trying to find earlier, only to stumble upon it in the most unlikely of places. For future reference, please don’t get overly emotional in these sorts of things. It only leaves the page messy, and unappealing to look at. * * * * Octavia set her quill down gently onto her desk. The droplets of little tears stained the paper she worked tirelessly over. Compared to her other entries it was rather sloppily thrown together. Never had she shown show so much emotion in a few short words. She sighed. “Well, the day certainly isn’t going to start itself.” She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Getting up from her seat, she decided that now was probably the best time to spruce up her little writing area. “Let’s just dump these in here.” She picked up the stray pieces of paper lying on her desk, and threw them into the trash next to the furniture. “And wipe off this here, and it’ll look good as new.” The dust that collected over the past week disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Octavia let out a more content sigh as a way to congratulate herself on a job well done. With that out of the way she began her little walk to the living room. The studio area always a pleasant sight to see in the morning. Vinyl was nowhere to be seen, but there was a couple of snores to be heard echoing down the hall. “He he.” Octavia giggled to herself, as she made her way towards the restroom. Inside she turned on the shower, and washed herself over thoroughly, and adeptly. A mare such as herself had to maintain appearances after all, plus she was a complete wreck from the tears she shed earlier. After she was all cleaned up, and dried off, she put on her most luxurious bow-tie, and made her way towards the kitchen. I know exactly what will wake Vinyl up. She thought to herself, opening the fridge, and grabbing a couple of eggs, and greens from the inside. A flare, and a sizzle then mixed into the cacophony of noise that was Vinyl’s relentless throat rumbles. It was a sound only to be associated with the morning. Octavia was crafting an omelet, with some daffodils, and bell peppers thrown into the dish. The smell was to die for, and the taste was bound to be even more so. When she finished cooking the eggs, she placed them upon two platters, one she set off to the side, and the other on the kitchen table. Taking a seat, she began to dig into her creation. I do wonder what is up there in that attic of ours. Been living here just long enough to forget exactly what we packed into that tiny room. I’m actually quite excited at the prospect; it’s kinda like our little own adventure into the unknown. Octavia thought introspectively. To the amazement of nopony, Vinyl made her way into the kitchen with eyes long and weary. She let out a hefty yawn, and waved a hoof towards Octavia. “Good morning to you too, Vinyl. Sleep well? I certainly could tell you were out of it.” She giggled to herself. Vinyl ignored her friend's words and snatched up the breakfast that was made for her. She sat down across from Octavia, and tore into the cuisine. The tune of munches, and glorps was the primary sound to invade both their ears. “So I’ve got to thinking we should clear out our attic. Been so long since any of us have actually been up there, and was most curious as to what we would find. Do you think you’d be willing to lend me a hoof, I’m sure it’d only take an hour or so.” Octavia relayed her thoughts to Vinyl in between bites of food. Vinyl looked up from the mess she was making, her plate looking like a warzone, and gave Octavia the biggest shrug she had ever seen. “Well, I don’t want to burden you. You know that I am aware of how much work you’ve put into this upcoming album, and how much it means to you. If you think you’d rather work on that instead, by all means just tell me.” “Nah, it’s all good, Tavi.” Vinyl spoke, finishing up her morning meal. “Oh, okay. If you say you’d rather help me, then I won’t make a single complaint.” Octavia beamed, quickly picking up the two of their plates, and tossing them into the sink. “Well, no time like the present to get started, am I right?” Vinyl raised an eyebrow, pointing directly at her tired eyes. “Well, I suppose I should allow you to wake up some before I can expect you to give me a hoof.” Octavia sheepishly replied. “Alright, Vinyl, I’ll be up in the attic in the meantime, so please wake up as soon as possible.” Octavia left the kitchen, and proceeded to the main hallway of the house. There was a little square hatch in the center with a little string dangling from it. Unfortunately for Octavia there was a great distance from the roof and herself. “Blast it all.” She cursed softly, and looked around to see if there was anyway to get the passageway open. Seeing nothing she grunted in frustration. “Why couldn’t Vinyl just have some coffee with her breakfast, then she could have just used her magic to solve this conundrum.” She walked over to a closet situated a few hoof steps away from her. Opening the room up revealed to her a couple of things. The first was an avalanche of different objects falling down on her, and two was that one of the objects happened to be a stool stuffed into the cramped compartment. Unburying herself from the newly made disaster, she picked up the stool, and brought it just below the string she had to reach. I can worry about that mess later, right now I have this task to focus on. She told herself internally. She stepped up onto the stool, and noticed how it didn’t give her enough height to reach the sting still. “Rrrrgh.” She grinded her teeth, now standing on her back hooves. Her balance was wonky, and she teeter tottered back and forth; to and fro. Luck happened to be on her side, however, because she managed to grip the what she was after with her front hooves. Though, and to her surprise, the luck she had ran out quicker than she had expected, and the stool she was standing on tipped over leaving her dangling by the string in her hooves. “Uraaa,” She yelled in a panic. The hatch also opened up, the ladder that she was trying to to get that lead to the room came crashing down along with her. She fell with a loud ‘thud’ onto the hard floor below. Her vision flashed, and before she knew it, it was like she wa seeing a set of stars floating around her. She shook her head and said, “Ouch.” Rubbing her head a couple of times, she stood up and did a little victory dance, which was greeted by the uproarious laughter of Vinyl just down the hall. Octavia turned faster than a bolt of lightning to greet her friend with a bright red face. “How long have you been standing there?” She asked with a squeaky voice. She gave the most coy of shrugs ever witnessed by anypony. The blunt force of it washing over Octavia like a category five hurricane. Octavia looked up at the newly opened attic, and then towards the ladder that led up to the place. “Well, you seem live and well, so come join me up here, and reorganize the disarray of random nonsense with me.” She climbed halfway up the ladder before adding. “I’m serious, Vinyl. I just have this feeling we’re going to find something worth the hard work.” Not wanting to protest, and also curious as to what was in store, Vinyl made her way up the ladder as well. Inside the place was a cart load full of dust, and grime. The place showing clear signs of how long it had not been seen by anypony’s eyes. Octavia coughed a bit. “Vinyl, could you please use some magic to light this place up a bit. It is rather dark, don’t you think?” Vinyl nodded in agreement, though Octavia couldn’t tell that she did for the life of her. Summoning her magic within her horn, Vinyl produced a ball of light that hovered in the center of the room. It’s cerulean aura encompassing the entirety of the attic. “Oh, my!” Octavia gasped as she laid eyes upon the place for the first time. The area, albeit small as it was, was jam packed with instruments, boxes, and other decorations that had gone to waste. Vinyl whistled as she scooted closer towards a large stack of boxes. She examined them from the outside, trying to see if there was any indication to what lay within. This lead to her frowning as the box only said the words 'Kitchen equipment' in black ink. “Hmm, how are we going to go about this.” Octavia wondered aloud. She sized up the place, particularly the larger instruments, and crates. “Oh, I think you’ll help more than you might expect.” She looked at her friend. “Vinyl, I see some stuff behind that there harp.” She pointed her hoof at the angelic musical tool. “Would you be a dear, and move it over to the other side of the room, please?” Vinyl gave her a salute, before enveloping the harp in her magic. The psychokinesis prowess of the mare more impressive than what others might have thought. She delicately handled the instrument with a graceful care as she slowly set it down where Octavia had instructed. “Thank you very much.” Octavia smiled, heading over to the now accessible stack of boxes. “Now I do wonder what’s over here.” She took the container that was at the top of the stack, slowly setting it down on the ground. “Alright. Oh, hey, Vinyl come over here, quickly.” Octavia beckoned the DJ. Vinyl did as she was told, and took a seat next to Octavia. “Look at what this says?” Octavia asked, pointing her hoof at the writing on the box. “Would you look at that.” Vinyl said, the words ‘Old photos’ plastered over the sealed surface. “Well, let’s open it up, Tavi. I’m eager to see what’s inside.” Vinyl used her magic to form a small, sharp blade to cut right through the plastic that covered the opening of the box. Octavia then did the rest of the work with filly like glee. Inside was, as expected, a huge bundle of photos. Taking a large sum of them out, Octavia began to flip through them, showing each one of them off to Vinyl. “Oh, look at this one. This was when we were dressed up as vampires for Nightmare Night. I believe that was the year we met.” Vinyl nodded, but prompted her to keep going. Nostalgia was running rampant in the room, and there was no leash in all of Equestria that could stop the beast. A couple of photos went by without a second glance, but Octavia stopped on another that peaked her interest. “This was when I first got my cutie mark.” Octavia said with a sigh. The pictured showed her as a filly in tears, as she clung to her cello like it would disappear if she dared to even lift a hoof off of it. Vinyl took some photos in her magic, flipping through them faster than Octavia was going through hers. She stopped halfway through, her head tilted, and a huge smile gracing her features. “What did you find, love?” Asked Octavia, as she scooted closer to Vinyl to get a look at what she had found. When she saw the photo, she cooed in delight, as she felt herself melt in her own fur. “Mom took that photo of us when I first brought you over to my place. My, she was so happy that I was finally able to make a friend.” Octavia went back to her pile of photographs, reaching the end without seeing any others of interest. “Well, that's the end of this stack, what about your’s?” Vinyl was silent, her grin replaced with a slight frown. “I’m not sure how you’d take looking at this, but here you go.” She laid the photo in Octavia’s hooves, almost wincing as her friend gasped in shock. It was a picture of her father, mother, and herself. She felt herself get teary eyed, while also having that same sense of anger she was filled with previously that morning. “This was the last photo we had taken before my father, well, passed on from this world.” Vinyl wrapped a hoof around Octavia, letting the warmth of her body comfort her as she felt more tears fall from her eyes. “Vinyl, you know what? I’m glad I decided to check up on this place.” She wrapped her hooves around the DJ, almost suffocating her with how strong the grip was. “I think I’ve learned something of value, and would love to share it with you.” Vinyl placed her head above Octavia’s, and whispered into her ears. “I’d be honored to.” She, as well, felt closer to her friend, the photos of them both almost begging her to give her bestest friend in the whole wide world the greatest hug ever to be had. “Today, I was so angry at my past. Angry at what had happened, and absolutely livid that I could never go back to revisit it. Now, though, now I’m just happy it happened.” She parted from Vinyl’s embrace. “Most of all I’m glad you were there to experience it with me, and that you’re here now.” Vinyl flushed, and rubbed the back of her neck. “Tavi.” She let out, unable to form any other words, but they weren’t needed. Octavia understood perfectly well what Vinyl had meant to say, even if there was no utterance. “So, should we get back to fixing this place up. I don’t know about you, but I few tears are not going to stop me from combating this sin against the cleanliness gods.” Vinyl giggled. “No need to tell me twice, this place is a little too thrashed, even for me.” The rest of the morning, and afternoon was spent with making sure that their attic would look just as wonderful as the memories they shared. The past no longer plaguing the mind of Octavia, as she found inner peace with what had already transpired a long time ago. > Chapter 5: Leave Out All The Rest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal, I’m writing this at a local eatery, because I figured it’d help inspire some sort of insightful response from me. Well, in a sense it has, but I’m not quite sure what to make of it. In fact, I’m not sure how anypony could. What I’m talking about is finding meaning in life, and knowing when you've finally made it. What sort of legacy am I going to leave behind when I pass on from this world, and I’m no longer able to have a say in what dictates who I am? It’s dreary, I know, but I think it’s healthy to discuss, because it’s something that I’m sure many others such as I have thought about. Now that I think about it, I think many have slipped in some sort of life philosophy in the middle of our conversations, but I was just too caught up in the whole thing to really pay it any mind. No matter, now is the time I get this written out, lest the thoughts drift off into the void, and be mashed up with all the other wonders of the pony mind. You see, I’m fixated on the validation of my existence. I know I’m quite successful for a mare my age, and especially so for a musician, but I can’t help but think I haven’t done enough, or that there is more for me out there to accomplish. It may be silly, but I’m afraid I’ll pass on with a legacy not of my choosing, or that I could have done more, and the I’ll never figure everything out. Honestly it’s the scariest thing I can think of right off the top of my head. I have striven to put this sort of feeling in some of my latest compositions, and yet somehow it all is empty, and mute. Not to say the song has no actual tune, but it just doesn’t have the impact I want to express. I could say the same of these writings. What am I writing for? Why am I plagued with documenting my experiences through the written word? Is what I say not enough, or am I missing something vital? I want to understand—I want to fully comprehend why the world is the way it is. The impossible odds of living even when you're long gone from the world. I’m sure somepony has figured it out by now, but who? Who among us has truly grasped at how to live a fulfilled life, and how to figure out all the oddities of the world? The Princesses for sure have knowledge of it all, but there is no way I’m ever going to have an audience with them about it. The best I could hope for is to find some old pony who has been around for far longer than I. Maybe I should visit the senior center, after all, the collective knowledge in that one building could fill an entire library. Not all that is known is written, and the thought of that is mind boggling. I guess all I can really add is that I hope to find this out not just for myself, but for the benefit of anypony who might ask me a similar question to what I propose in this journal entry. Perhaps I’d make an interesting teacher, but that is something for another day. For now I’ll just focus on the present, and try to understand this more as I carry out my day. I need to leave out these troubling thoughts from time to time. I’m sure others besides Vinyl are starting to take note of my recent odd behaviors. * * * * Octavia closed her journal, yawning for it was still early in the morning. She was sitting outside, a couple tables around her empty as she had a half eaten daffodil sandwich in front of her. She sized it up for a moment, but then decided she had her fill for the time being. A couple of birds flew overhead, chirping, and playing for her a lovely melody she found herself lost in. She was letting her mind relax from the numbing words she had written prior, and was trying to see what else she could be doing with her day based on what she could see with her peripheral vision. A couple of ponies trotted along, but nothing truly noteworthy. That was until an rusty-orange coated farm-pony walked along with a cart trotting behind her. Octavia called out to her as she passed by. “Hello, Miss Applejack. Mind coming over here for a second, or would it be best if I come to you. It has been a while since we last talked, and I was wondering if we could start up a conversation, if it isn't much a bother?” “Aw, shucks, sugarcube. I’m mighty busy right now, but if’n you want to chat, you can just come along with me.” She looked back at the cart she was carrying behind her. “Say, how are you feeling to makin’ a few bits?” Octavia thought for a moment, but ultimately her answer was made before she even gave it a thought. “What are you talking about?” She asked as she played along, knowing full well what the mare was going to say. The musical pony left a few bits on the table as a tip, already having payed for the meal prior to eating it. The waiter taking her plate, and bringing it inside to have it washed, and reused again. The tip quickly pocketed. As Octavia got up and approached Applejack, the farmer replied. “How ‘bout helping me sell some of these here apples this morning. I’ll pay ya thirty-five percent of the profit, and I tell ya what, these do sell like wildfire, so you’ll be makin’ quite a bit.” “Hmm,” Octavia began. “A conversation, and pay? I can’t say I can deny this offer. You have yourself a deal, Applejack.” She stuck out her hoof, as Applejack gave her a powerful shake, sealing the deal. As they strode into the market square, Applejack decided to start their whole back and forth. “So, what made you want to talk with little ol’ me just now? Plenty of other ponies who’d be much better conversationalist, just saying.” “Well, I was in the need of a distraction. Not that I find you in any way boring, or unworthy of talking to when I’m not busy, but I figured since it’s been awhile since we last spoke, and I needed a way to rest my mind, I knew you were the best candidate to have a talk with.” Octavia replied, giving the farm-pony a warm-hearted smile. “You also seem to be, as I would think, a pony who has figured out quite a bit with her life.” “Hmm, I’m not quite sure about that one.” Applejack unstrapped herself from her cart, and began to set it up in her respective lot. “Plenty of stuff I still need to get done with life, so I’d say I haven’t quite got it all together.” Octavia looked puzzled. “But you’re always so happy, and full of life. I mean, you do mostly the same thing day in and day out, yet I’ve never seen you once complain about wanting something more.” With a couple more adjustments Applejack’s apple cart was completely ready for business. “Not going to lie to you, sugarcube. There was a time where I was looking for myself in the world, and it lead me to make some questionable choices, but I’ll tell you what, I still haven’t truly settled myself down.” The two mares stepped behind the cart, waiting for their first customer patiently. “I just don’t think about this sort of thing often.” Applejack sighed. “Octavia, are you in some sort of mood or something? You just kinda called me out of the blue, and dropped this subject on me all of a sudden.” She patted the mare on the back. “Can’t say I’m not flattered you’ve come to me for answers, but this is the sort of thing you got to figure out on yer own.” Octavia was quiet for a moment, but then spoke up. “Well, I really don’t know. These past couple of weeks have been rather weird for me.” Octavia looked off into the distance. “My mind’s been busy with thoughts I can’t contain, and just have to get out there into the world. The success I’ve made as a musician has just started to weigh on me, you know.” She sighed. “I suppose maybe I’m not as grown up as I once thought, and that maybe I’m still just a foal on the inside.” “One sec, Octavia. I’ll get right back to you after I help this customer.” Applejack turned and greeted the stallion that went up to her food-cart. They conversed for a moment, before Applejack turned to Octavia. “Hey, could you grab a couple of  those golden delicious apples over there?” Octavia did as she said, and handed the bundle of apples over to her. The stallion paying the total amount needed to possess the foodstuff, before heading off with a wave of his hoof. No line behind him, leaving just Applejack and Octavia to their own devices. “So, back onto what you was saying.” Applejack took a deep breath, then exhaled. “Look, there are days where I feel as if I’m simply wastin’ my time and all, but never have I ever thought of myself as just some little foal who didn’t know wrong from right.” She stared deeply into Octavia. “And I’m sure you're a right and proper mare, in fact, I know you are. You just gotta get out of whatever funk you’ve found yourself in, and just live everyday for the moment, is all.” Octavia didn’t quite know what to say. She was awestruck by the words of wisdom Applejack spoke to her. The beauty in the honey-coated nature of them sending a wave of warm, wondrous feelings inside Octavia’s core. It was almost incomprehensible, yet was needed in her life. “Thanks,” Octavia said sincerely. “I needed to hear that, truly.” She brought the mare into a friendly hug. “Now I suppose we should focus on helping out potential customers. It’s the least I can do for the help you’ve given me.” “And I appreciate the service just as much, trust me.” Applejack’s eyes widened for a moment as an idea came to her mind. “Say, how about you come over to Sweet Apple Acres tonight, and have supper with us? Consider that pay for helping me out today. Maybe you could hear some more words of advice from someone more experienced than I, Granny Smith.” “Hmm,” Octavia thought to herself. “That sounds lovely, and all, but am I able to bring a friend along with me?” Her mind drifting to images of Vinyl as she knew she would appreciate the warm, home cooked meal more than herself. “I don’t see why not. You wanting to bring Vinyl along with ya, I assume?” Applejack asked, but then added. “No need to answer that, I already know what you’re going to say.” She laughed, and then turned to see if anypony was walking up for some fresh apple products. Octavia couldn’t help but let out a short giggle of her own. She berated herself on the inside for being so silly, but it wasn’t self-destructive by any means. She was just looking back at how much of a dreary pony she had become that morning. The rest of the afternoon was filled with Octavia helping Applejack sell as much apples of multiple varieties as possible. The cart almost empty by the time the sun began to slowly drift towards the horizon. They parted ways as Applejack got herself strapped to the cart once again, but their goodbyes would be only for a moment, as Octavia went home to retrieve her best friend. * * * * The clitter clatter of plates being set upon a large table was heard, as Applejack set everypony’s food in front of them. The smell was exquisite, and to die for. The mouths of everypony salivating as they were all too eager to dig in. “Again, I can’t thank you enough for this, Applejack. Same to you, Granny Smith, for accommodating us for the evening.” Octavia said as she took a glance at Vinyl beside her. “I know somepony who couldn’t keep her mind off this the entire walk over here.” She giggled, covering the brunt force of the laugh with her hoof. Vinyl lifted up her shades, and gave Octavia a deadpan look. It was soon replaced with one of desire, as she turned back to her plate. She then let her shades fall back down to her muzzle, as she picked up her fork to dig into the baked potatoes and carrots. “Eager are we?” Asked Granny, having a little fit of laughter for herself. “I’ll take that as a complement. Though, I’d like to say we’re happy to have ya two as guests tonight. Octavia did help out a lot today at the market, so it’s the least we can do as a reward, of sorts.” “I really didn’t help out that much. If anything, I should be the one thanking Applejack for being a kind enough pony to listen to me ramble the entire day. I’m sure she’d already told you about our little chat.” Octavia waved her hoof back and forth, refusing to take the compliment. “Nonsense, learn to take credit where credit is due.” Applejack pipped in. “Now eat your food, you silly girl.” Applejack took her own advice, and began to devour her dish like a starved timberwolf. “She’s got you there, Tavi.” Vinyl said, giving her friend a smug grin. Octavia grew silent, but too decided to take a bit of her reward dinner. She moaned in ecstasy, for it was divine. After she took a few more bites and swallowed, she decided to voice her compliments. “My word, this is absolutely fantastic!” “Aw shucks, do you really think so?” Applejack asked. “Wish Apple Bloom was here to hear you say that, but she’s spending the night at Rarity’s place with Sweetie Belle.” She let out a breath of air. “She always criticizes my cooking, and with absolutely no compliments. I swear, she needs a good whoopin’ from time to time.” “I’m being honest with you Applejack, you’re a great cook. This dinner is scrumptious.” Octavia backed up her words, and went straight back to eating. Making sure her moans of foodgasmic pleasure could be heard by all. After Vinyl took a few more bits of her own, she had managed to clear the entire plate of its contents. “So, what was it that you and Applejack talked about today?” She asked Octavia, her curiosity showing through her rose-colored glasses. “Well, you know how I’ve been lately. I was just curious as to how somepony could truly figure it all out in such a complex and vast world?” She sighed, shaking her head to clear the thoughts that began to infest her once more. “And maybe I added that I’m not so content with the legacy I’d be leaving behind if I were to suddenly disappear off the face of Equestria. As in my meaning in life.” Vinyl flinched, unsure of how to answer Octavia’s statement proper. She hadn’t seen such a deep, thought provoking topic escape her lips before, and honestly it startled her. With all the years they’ve known each other, it was not to be taken lightly. “Now listen here, youngling.” Granny Smith decided to speak up. “You may think since I’m old, and wrinkled now, that I hold the answers to everything, but that’s a load of horse apples.” “Granny!” Applejack exclaimed. “Well, it’s true.” She replied. “Anyway, I’ll have you know that nopony will ever hold all the answers, and I guarantee that includes the Princesses as well. You just gotta live life as is, and not care for what comes after, or for some higher meaning. You ain’t going to get anywhere with that nonsense.” “Eeyup,” Big Mac added, as he was silent the entire time Octavia and Vinyl were over. Vinyl turned to Octavia and nodded. “Listen to her, Tavi.” She was so sincere with how she said those words, that Octavia’s heart nearly melted inside of her. Octavia remained motionless, not sure how to follow up on the information that was presented with her. Nothing of real significance came to mind, so she just decided to speak to the best of her ability. “You know what? I think I now fully understand what makes your family tick.” “How so?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow. “You lot always stick together, and never worry about all the worldly troubles that could befall anypony. You just take the day as is, and deal with the more immediate issues. Honestly, I really admire that sort of attitude.” She smiled, her upset look from before completely vanishing away. “I think I’ve just acquired a new philosophy I’m going to practice immediately.” “Glad to know we could help you out, sugarcube.” Applejack tipped her hat. “I’m happy that you are, but I’d be even happier if you finished your darn plate already.” She gave the mare wink, as she laughed to herself. They finished up eating their dinners, after which Octavia and Vinyl said their goodbyes before heading home. On the pathway up to their house, Octavia turned to Vinyl and asked, “How would you like to meet an old friend of mine? Or, well, you’ve met before, but it has been quite a long time.” Vinyl nodded her head. “Who’d you have in mind?” “Lyra Heartstrings,” Octavia answered. The name didn’t ring too much of a bell inside Vinyl’s head, but if Octavia was excited, then she would be as well. In fact, she was probably more excited to meet the mare than Octavia, and she was the pony who had an actual idea in what they were getting themselves into. Vinyl didn’t talk for the rest of the night, though, but the two did go their separate ways as they reached their bedrooms. The air cool, and soundless as they dreamed of wonderful places. > Chapter 6: Frivolous Pursuits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal, I had the most horrendous dream last night, and I must write about it now before I forget. It was about Vinyl before we met, back when she was still an orphan on the streets of Canterlot. I saw her trying to steal some food from this shop owner, of what I can’t remember, but I do remember the terrified look on her face. One of a pony so desperate, and full of regret. The worst part was when she dove into a dark alley, and when she thought she was safe, she turned to see a shadowy figure lunge at her, stabbing her in her chest. I woke up after that in a sweat, short of breath. I know exactly what that meant, dreams like that have meaning, and I need to investigate the matter further. I know I have been in my own funk as of late, but I regret to say that I’ve been ignoring Vinyl because of it. She takes care of me more than I take care of her, and it’s about time I do something to repay her. We’re going to visit Lyra for this very reason. I know her and Vinyl are much alike with their interests, so maybe she could shed some light on this situation. Hopefully I only need to talk to her to fully understand how to combat this problem. Don’t worry Vinyl, I’m there for you. * * * * Octavia got up from her seat and stretched her aching joints, popping a couple of vertebrae in the process. She sighed in relief, and made her way towards the door, a goal in mind. Octavia wasn’t feeling the usual emptiness in the pit of her stomach that morning, but instead she was worrying for another, her closest friend who’s been there for most of her life. When she shut the door behind her it was like declaring to the world that the day had begun, and that she committed herself to the long process digging down deep inside Vinyl to find what could be troubling her below the surface. Each step Octavia took down the hallway was another step of confidence to her. She felt the drive to do what she wanted and needed to do, marching onward with a passion unmatched by any other mare that morning. As she reached for the door to Vinyl’s room, she gave it a couple knocks to let the occupant know she was there. “Vinyl, dear. Are you up?” Octavia asked, but received no response. “Don’t make me knock this door down, love. You always sleep way into afternoon, and that’s a terrible habit to have, you know?” It was still silent behind the door. “Well, I guess I’ll be knocking this door down after all.” “I’m up, I’m up. Sheesh, can’t get any sleep around here, can I?” Vinyl finally responded to Octavia’s call, but the tone of her voice suggested she was not happy in the slightest. The sound of magic being used came from the otherside of the door, a clicking noise escaping from the doorknob. “Come in, Tavi. It’s unlocked.” The door shot open like a speeding bullet, startling Vinyl as she jumped back like a cat. She raised an eyebrow before letting out a pregnant yawn. “Could have gave me five more minutes, at least,” she grumbled as she looked around her mess of a room, finding her signature shades on a dresser off to the side of her bed. “Vinyl, do you ever clean up in here? There is no excuse acceptable for the pile of trash littered next to your bed,” Octavia pointed towards the rubbish, letting Vinyl, who now had her shades on, follow her hoof. Vinyl just turned to her friend and shrug her shoulders. “You’re a major pain sometimes.” Octavia face-hoofed, but was met with a raised eyebrow when she looked up. “What?” Vinyl tilted her head towards the door in response. “Well, you see, oh come on that’s not fair, I’m in here for your benefit.” Octavia gave Vinyl pleading eyes, but it was to no avail, Octavia could almost swear she could see Vinyl’s eyes roll through her glasses. “Why do you do this, though? Why do you make such a mess, stay up late, and hide away from the world unless it’s absolutely necessary for you to show your face?” Octavia stared straight into the alabaster mare’s rose-tinted glasses, unwavering. “Why must you pursue such frivolous things?” Vinyl flinched, then shrugged her shoulders before looking towards the window. “Would you please look me in the eyes, Vinyl. This is serious, I need to know why. This isn’t a healthy way to live. You’ve been helping me all these years, yet I’ve failed to even consider what’s been going on with you. Just please answer me.” “Octavia, if I knew the answer to that, I would have told you by now.” Vinyl said slowly, turning to face the mare once again. “Can we please drop this, at least for now. I’m not comfortable talking about it further, you feel me?” Octavia’s eyes wavered, before she sighed and looked towards the ground for answers. “I suppose, but that ain’t stopping me from at least cleaning that pile of garbage from the floor over there.” Vinyl simply walked past Octavia, leaving her alone in the room by herself. “I’m going to help you, love.” Octavia began to speak to herself aloud, a sort of declaration to push her motivation for helping her friend to the limit. “You will understand yourself, even if I don’t understand you myself” * * * * Octavia and Vinyl walked in silence through Ponyville, neither of them knowing what to say or how to follow up on the conversation they had prior. They even went without breakfast and coffee, which was unheard of from the two. It was in that silence that tension between the two seemed to rise, a sort of string that grew tighter and tighter until it was about to tear itself apart. It never came, however, since they both stood in front of the music store they were heading towards, causing the tension to finally loosen. The place was called “Vintage Vagrants,” and it’s name was lit with neon lights that gave it a modern look that Octavia knew appealed to Vinyl. “This is the place, Vinyl.” Octavia looked to her companion, only to notice her staring up at the neon letters above. “I see you’ve already taken a liking to the place.” Octavia joked, trying to alleviate any negative feelings from before. For the most part, it seemed to work, Vinyl nodding her head in agreement. They then proceeded to head inside, their first steps sending a jolt of shock up their bodies from the base of their tails, to the tips of their heads, as they were filled with surprise. The place seemed to be larger on the inside from what the outside lead them to believe, each and every inch the place decked out to look as appealing as possible. There were sections dedicated to different genres, instruments, and in the back there was even a mini-arcade. Vinyl was gone in a blink of an eye, as Octavia had to swivel her head to and fro in order to catch a glimpse of her looking over the electronic music section. She giggled to herself, not surprised in the slightest that’s where she’d gone off to first. “Hey, Octavia. Over here,” called a familiar voice. Octavia turned her head to meet the voice, “Lyra, this is a lovely place you got here.” She then proceeded to walk up to the counter Lyra stood behind. “Me and Vinyl here decided to pay you a visit, since you did mention this place last time we talked. Figured today was a good enough day as any to say hello.” “Glad to hear, though go have a look around, girl. I put a lot of work into this place, I’m positive there’s something out there your willing to buy.” Lyra beamed with glee. “You just want my bits, don’t you?” Octavia raised an eyebrow, which was met with a wink from Lyra. “Well, I’ll take a look in just a moment, for now I just wish to talk to you for a moment.” Octavia looked back towards her companion, “Preferably in private, if you wouldn’t mind.” “Sure, just follow me into my office,” Lyra laughed after she said that, causing Octavia to look at her in confusion. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to say something like that, makes me seem like a real professional, don’t you think?” Octavia lightly shook her head, “I suppose.” Lyra rolled her eyes in response, before they both made their way into Lyra’s office, which was hidden away behind the counter, which seemed like a smart enough choice in Octavia’s mind. What didn’t seem like a smart choice, however, was just how disorganized the place looked with papers and litter scattered about her counter and filing cabinets. “Oh my Celestia, you’re just like Vinyl,” Octavia face-hoofed for the second time that day. “Would it kill you to pick up this place just a little? So much for professionalism.” “Rude, what you think is disorganized is actually what I call my organized.” Lyra leaned up against her desk on her hind legs, crossing her front hooves. “So besides insulting my way of life, what is it you want to discuss?” Octavia looked back towards the door, then back to Lyra. “It’s about Vinyl, I know she’s having some sort of issue going on in that head of hers, but she refuses to talk about it with me every time I bring it up. At first, I just sort of forgot about it for awhile, too caught up in myself, which is selfish now that I think about it, so I want to give back that same generosity she showed me. I want to make her problems go away, I want to be somepony important in her life, much more than just a friend. She’s family, Lyra.” Lyra’s eyes went wide with how much passion went into Octavia’s mini-speech. “Well, umm, why are you asking me this? I don’t even know the mare, so how could I be of any help?” Lyra ran a hoof through her mane, “All I can really tell you is to try and be subtle with how you approach her, just trying to be there all the time is not enough to get her to open up, I’d think. From my experience, ponies tend to close themselves up when something close to their heart, that they’ve been hiding for awhile, is exposed to somepony they care about. She probably wants to talk about it just as much as you do, it just falls short each time she feels that bit of courage welling up inside her chest.” This time Octavia’s eyes went wide, “Do you really think so? I mean, I think you may have a point there.” Suddenly, she remembered the first thing Lyra said in her moment in the spotlight, “Oh, and I wanted to ask you, because I know you’ve been in some rough situations yourself. Figure you’d be good pony to chat up for some advice.” “So tell me more about Vinyl. You’ve mentioned her before when we lived in the same dorm room at the conservatory, but if I’m gonna be able to help you at all with trying to get her to open up to you, I need to know more about her.” Lyra looked past Octavia, “I mean, I could just walk out there and ask myself, but flooding her with questions after coming out of this room with you might look a little suspicious.” Octavia walked over to Lyra, standing on her hind legs as well, leaning against the office’s desk. Lyra just smirked at Octavia’s action. “I guess the first thing you’ll notice about her is just how quiet she can be. You think Fluttershy is hard to hear, just wait till you meet Vinyl, she’s in a league of her own.” Octavia slowly raised her head towards the ceiling. “When we were younger, I was the only pony she would talk to, the only one she’d share her secrets with, and the only one she seemed to trust. She’s gotten better at being more open with others, but it still seems like I’m the only one she’s truly herself with.” “Yet she has something hiding underneath what she’s telling you?” Lyra asked, as Octavia turned her gaze back to her. “Yes, there’s always been something bothering her. I’m not sure even she knows what, but I see it in her eyes. The way she acts, the way she lives. Her room is a mess, and I know some ponies like their rooms messy, but Vinyl used to be so organized. It’s so unlike her to have so much apathy for keeping a clean environment. She also used to be so motivated by her music that she’d wake up early in the morning, before me, and practice till the sun dipped below the horizon. I always imagined her chasing after the sun for the sake of it all, something there that’d hold something she cherished more than anything in life. Now, I can barely get her out of bed without a fuss.” Octavia exhaled, taking a deep breath to compose herself. “I don’t know what to do, Lyra. Please, I need something, anything to help her out. She’s been carrying me through my rough patch as of late, and I’ve been too selfish to even consider helping her out until now.” Lyra put a hoof on Octavia’s shoulder, “Hey now, no need to beat yourself up over this. You were having a rough time, everypony has a rough time every now and then, there’s no need to blame her issues on you. Trust me, you do that, and you won’t be able to live with yourself.” They both went back to standing on all fours, before Octavia replied. “Yes, I know, it just hurts to know I could have done something earlier.” Octavia had a few tears streaming down her face, the vent she was going through letting the emotions flow through her. “Hey, I think the best thing to do is just slowly approach the topic with her. She needs to open up to you, and you can’t force your way in unless she gives you permission. Maybe go visit some places you used to as fillies, have a laugh or two, because that’s always helped me when I’ve been itching to tell someone close about my issues.” Lyra looked into Octavia’s eyes, the tears ceasing to drip down her face. “Thanks, Lyra. Truly, this means more than you might imagine.” Octavia rubbed her eyes, trying to dispose of any evidence of her previous spout of emotion. “I guess we should go say hello to the mare of the hour, considering how long we left her out there by herself.” Lyra simply nodded her head in agreement, before she made her way towards the door, opening it up, and beckoning for Octavia to depart from her office. Octavia took the gesture, and left the room as instructed, noticing that Vinyl was now playing one of the arcade games at the back of the store. “Seems to me she kept herself occupied while we were doing our thing,” Lyra spoke, making Octavia shake her head to clear her mind of her reverie. “Say, seems she set something down on the counter here.” Octavia looked at what she was referring to. “Oh, seems she also left the necessary bits as well. I think we might have been in there longer than we might have thought.” “I guess,” Lyra simply replied. Octavia turned her gaze back towards Vinyl, “Vinyl, dear!” Octavia exclaimed, “You mind coming back over here after you finish that game of yours?” She received an enthusiastic nod in response. Looking off to the side, she took note of the store’s name once again, this time plastered onto a nearby window. “Say, where exactly did you get the name for this place from, anyway?” “Oh, glad you asked. Remember how I told you about the time I was without a home, and what not?” Lyra did not wait for a reply, “Well, you see, I figured I’d name the place ‘Vintage Vagrants,’ because the store holds a lot of vintage items, and that there’s a lot of musicians out on the streets playing music for money. They’re all vagrants, kinda like how I used to be.” “Mmhmm, then that makes it a wonderful name.” Octavia stated, but failed to notice that Vinyl was now in front of the counter staring at her, Octavia knowing behind her glasses lied a quizzical look. “Oh, Vinyl!” She said in surprise, taking note of how she was still on the casher side of the counter. She then exited from beyond the counter, taking her place beside the unicorn. “I see you found some records you were interested in. Say, could you show me what you got?” Vinyl grinned, before levitating the records in front of Octavia. “Oh, Trotvinsky, can’t say I’ve ever heard of him before, though I suppose that goes for most music you’re interested in. I’d be happy to give it a listen when we get back home.” From the looks Vinyl was giving Octavia, she could tell that she was beyond enthused at the prospect. It was not everyday Octavia offered to listen to Vinyl’s music, given that it wasn’t exactly her cup of tea. Octavia suddenly remembered she hadn’t introduced her two friends. “Oh, Vinyl. This is Lyra, the mare I was telling you about the other day.” “Hey,” Lyra said. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Octavia couldn’t shut up about you back at the conservatory.” She then gave Octavia a wink, as the mare blushed in embarrassment. “Yeah, quite,” Octavia replied, feeling Vinyl give her a bump on the side, and a cheeky smile. It only made Octavia’s blush more furious. “And Lyra, as you already know, this is Vinyl.” Vinyl took her cue, “Hey, right back at ya.” “Whoa, the mare speaks. Octavia just got done telling me how shy you can be before you walked over here. Glad I didn’t scare you off.” Both Lyra and Vinyl stared into each others eyes, though Lyra just got an eyeful of Vinyl’s shades. It was silent for a moment as they just continued to stare, some sort of battle going on between them. Vinyl turned to Octavia, “I like her, can we keep her?” Octavia had to summon all of her will not to fall over from the shock that question sent throughout her body. “Wait, what? No, of course not. What are you on about?” She tried to see past whatever game her friend was playing at. Unfortunately for her, she was easy to mess with. Vinyl shook her head over Octavia’s antics before looking towards Lyra, then back at charcol-maned mare. “She’s messing with you, you silly pony.” Lyra answered for Vinyl. “Also, speaking of Vinyl, here’s you records.” Lyra used her magic to lift Vinyl’s purchased goods into a nearby bag, before passing it over to Vinyl’s own field of magic. “Hey, if you don’t mind, could you put in a good word for this place whenever you get the chance? Still trying to get the business off the ground, and what not.” “Of, course. You can count on us,” Octavia declared, before making her way towards the store’s exit. She noticed Lyra waving them off, so she followed up with a wave of her own. As they exited the place, Octavia turned to her companion to ask, “Say, Vinyl. How’d you’d like to visit mom? A trip to Canterlot sounds nice, doesn’t it?” The mare simply shrugged her shoulders. “Come on, dear. I need an answer, because if you don’t want to, then maybe we shouldn’t. After all, that is a rather large trip to make, especially when half the party is uninterested.” “Yeah, sure. It’ll be nice to see mom again, and all, I just hate the locals.” Vinyl groaned as the memories of Canterlot flooded through her. “God, they’re intolerable sometimes.” “We’re in agreement there, and I’m glad to hear you’re on board with this. Umm? When do you think it’d be best to leave? I’d say in half-a-weeks time. It’d help save costs, cause if we decide to stay for a week, I wouldn’t have to travel far for my first performance with The Canterlot Royal Orchestra.” Octavia saw Vinyl nod her head. “Perfect.” With that, they headed back home, to listen to Vinyl’s purchased music, and to think about the upcoming trip.