> A Dragon's Tale > by Peewee the Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Journey Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 If you are to truly know me, you must first know of my past. You see, I didn’t always live in a castle on the outskirts of a forest. Before that I was and an inventor and before that I travelled across the land in search of a new home and before that I lived in small valley. A young dragon who lived with his family. Unfortunately for young dragons life isn’t easy, from the moment we are born we are taught to be fierce, as my father would say: We dragon’s stand for power, courage and loyalty.   And so when a dragon is born it is given a name, a name which will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies and it is only when we take flight for the very first time we earn the right to be called dragons and this is where I story begins, before I became the dragon known as Peewee I went by another name. Smite, son of Grimm and Morra, my father was our protector always keeping out intruders, he was always so serious always saying ‘Stay near the lair.’ but he did have his fun side especially when I was a hatchling I have such fond memories of trying to catch his tail. My mother was always so kind and gentle and her voice was so soft, as soft as honey dripping from a tree always telling me ‘You have your father’s eyes and my sweet nature.’ However growing in a family of dragons was not easy especially when you’re the smallest of the brood. My brother and sister who would always tease me on how I wasn’t the most terrifying dragon and how small I was, but even though they teased me we did have fun together from chasing small rodents to swimming in the river. I loved my family but none more than my grandfather, he was such a wise dragon, the things he saw on his journeys and the stories he would tell about dragons would always excite me. During that time in my life I wanted nothing more than to grow up a mighty dragon, just like my ancestors before me. But one day when I wondered next to riverside something strange floated ashore, it was a strange wooden box, cautiously I opened it inside was something strange. I didn’t know what they were but I was entranced by them, they were new it was then that something changed inside me as I as held my little treasures in my claws, it was like apart of me had been awakened however it was at that time that I would take flight for the first time, I stood at the highest as I my father stood behind me waiting and when the time came for me to fly and become an honorary dragon, I no longer wished to be one. My father said nothing, as he watched as I ran back to the lair for you cannot become a true dragon against your will. Then from out of nowhere a lightning storm came over the valley, it was different than most storms we had previously encountered, it was more wild like it had a mind of its own. It was at that moment I noticed that my grandfather was flying towards the lair to seek shelter from the storm, but before he could reach it he was caught by the storm. I watched helplessly as he struggled against the elements. Suddenly without warning lightning came from the sky and struck him down, my eyes widened as I watched him fall from the sky and crash onto ground below, as the storm began to pass I called out to him hoping that he would respond, again and again I called out but there was no answer it was only then that I realised that he didn’t survive. The loss of my grandfather made me blind with grief and rage in that moment I ran to the edge leapt with my wings wide open and in that moment I became a true dragon. In a flash, the memories of my ancestors came flooding through my mind, suddenly I saw everything that my ancestors had seen and felt everything they had felt. For centuries my kind had burned down villages, made empires crumble to the ground and feasted on those who had survived, I didn’t want that. In my visions I saw hundreds of victims, as if I had brought destruction upon them myself it was then I realised that we were monsters and that I had awakened a monster in me. Without even realizing it had already become dark and I had ended back on the ground so I went back to lair with my head held low, tears flowing down my face as I tried to make sense of what I had seen. It was in that moment that my father appeared at the lair entrance and placed one of claws on my head as I whispered, ‘Father… Tell me you didn’t do this…’ He stood there in silence until he looked into my eyes and replied. ‘Sometimes... We all must do things we don’t want to do.’ I slowly wiped away the tears and tried to forget about those who lost their lives but… I just couldn’t. Slowly i stepped away from him, after finding out the truth of what we really are I swore I would never give in to my primal instincts which left one option…. I had to become a nomad, it was the only way to make sure I don’t cause harm to anyone. So with a heavy heart I turned away, I opened my wings and flew off into the night leaving everything I loved behind… My home… My family… My name. To begin a new life as an exile. And it was then that my journey began… > Lom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 4 weeks had passed and still I roamed, a nomad in search of a place to call my own. I had spent most of my wandering life in the air, however after flying for so long I began to feel the soreness of my wings so I landed in what seemed to be some sort of secluded forest, little did I realise something was watching me. For the next few days I made a temporary home in a small cave until my wings had regained their strength. During that time I went out hunting and caught whatever I could find from deer to rabbits, I was growing stronger every day and had gotten more experience at hunting. But while I was struggling to drag a young buck back to cave, the unseen being which had been tracking me, had finally caught up and it wasn’t alone. The leader crept up with a few more of his followers they were holding a chain link net in their grip. The leader gestured silently, and the followers threw the net over the top of me. The large iron balls attached to the end of the net, hit the ground trapping me underneath. I roared in anger and fright as I tried to break free. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the leader slowly walked towards me as he had smirked at me. He appeared to be some kind of satyr, I remembered hearing that certain tribes of satyrs would always try to capture young dragons and destroy them before they reached adulthood. 'Who are you?' I asked, as I tried to break free. 'I am Lom, chief of the Frosthorn tribe.' the leader said. 'And you my little scaly friend are my prize. Pick him up.' he ordered his followers. They came and picked me up still caught in the net and they carried me away. We travelled for what seemed like days and yet no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t break free from the net. Eventually we reached what seemed to their camp. Lom and his followers took me to the centre, for what? I was soon about to find out. 'Now.' Lom said, as his followers placed me in the center of the camp and began to nail the net down into the ground, as I looked up I saw Lom looming over me with a cruel smile on his face. 'You dragons are troublesome creatures but don’t worry soon you’ll all be dealt with…. Enjoy your stay.' He laughed a cruel laugh as he walked away leaving me to wallow in defeat. I lost track of how much time had passed. Each day that went by Lom would check on me every morning to see I was still there and would tighten the chains as an extra precaution. Soon, as everyone does, I began to grow bigger and soon the chains began to slowly sink into my skin. Pitiful cries escaped my mouth every night as my body went through such pain. Still Lom showed no remorse, he revelled in the fact I was suffering. I knew it was only a matter before they disposed of me it was then I knew what I had to do to survive. So one night I decided to act, as soon as the Lom and his followers went their tents I slowly and quietly used my tail to move the dirt behind me so the chains would be loose enough for me to slip out. It was a success and as I finally slipped out I noticed that the chains had done a number on my wings and it would take a few days for them to heal, however it seemed I wouldn’t have the time as suddenly I heard a commotion as one Lom’s followers saw me and alarmed the whole camp to what was going on as a bunch of Lom’s followers came rushing towards me as I saw Lom standing there with them. 'Well well well, aren’t we a brave one!' He said as he and his followers slowly moved towards me cornering me at the pit, 'What’ll you do now? You’re far too weak to fight or even fly away! You’re not even a real dragon, you’re just a scared little runt.' In that moment I felt something, a hot burning rage deep within me, they caged me, treated me like a beast… They wanted a beast so I gave them one. I mustered whatever strength I had left, reared back, opened my wings, took in the biggest breath I ever took and released a torrent of flames at my captors. As I saw the flames engulf them all I quickly took this opportunity to leave, but with my wings out of commission I had no choice but to run. I ran towards to forest, running as fast as my legs could carry me until I stopped at a nearby river, panting heavily as I went closer for a much needed drink but as I moved closer I began to feel woozy, my legs wobbled, my spine tingled and suddenly… I passed out from exhaustion. The mass of flames I produced in the citadel had overworked my fire lung which in turn caused me to pass out in order for it to cool down. As I felt my eyes slowly close I suddenly felt something was next to me, I couldn’t describe it as it was blurry but I all know it was something I had only heard of in stories. > The Garden > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Over the next few days I was tended to by the mysterious being who had brought me to a secluded area of the forest, it tend to my wounds, brought food and water and kept my fever down and after what seemed a few days my strength had begun to return. I slowly struggled to my feet, trying my best not to fall back down but luckily I managed to stand and began to take in the surrounding smells of this unknown area as my nostrils were invaded by the scent of trees and flowers. I looked at my surroundings and saw I was in some kind of garden as I looked below and saw I had slept upon a bed of flowers, it was then that I heard something… Something was coming towards me. ‘Who’s there?’ I said as my eyes open wide and looked in every direction, adrenaline pumped through my body as I saw its shadow loom across the ground and it was then… I saw her. Eyes as yellow as the sun, legs entwined with the roots of the forest and a downy coat made of entirely of moss which ends at a leaf-like tail there was no doubt in mind she was a dryad. My grandfather had told me about them in his stories, he said ‘dryads are strange and mysterious creatures, they help bring life to the forests and tend to those who are ill but you must be cautious for they can be rather mischievous…’ But what did he mean by mischievous by looking at her she didn’t to be mischievous, she was actually very sweet. No more than a few seconds later she walked towards me and placed a cylinder on the ground filled with water and next to it a leaf-like plate with what appeared to be some berries. ‘Here, these will help you regain your strength.’ the dryad said as she moved the berries closer to me and without hesitation I began to eat them, in within a matter of moments I could feel my strength return to me. The sores and marks I had received from the net had vanished, it was incredible and without thinking I opened my wings and flew up into the sky to celebrate. It felt so good to feel the wind on my face again, so good in fact I started doing barrel rolls in the sky to show how happy I was, but as I saw the sprite standing there I realised I didn’t thank her properly so I immediately stopped my celebrations and landed back onto the ground. I stood before the dryad and lowered my head as a sign of respect, ‘Thank you for looking after me, I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t have appeared.’ I said as I raised my head up and saw that she had began to slowly walk towards me as she began to investigate her new guest. ‘Oh, it’s quite alright, it was the least I could do.’ She said as she stood closer to me and began to sniff, ‘Besides… It’s not everyday I get to meet a dragon.’ This was a rather strange moment that was occuring, my heart began to pound as I felt her sniff me, why was she so interested me? In that moment I stepped back but without even realising a tree right behind as it stopped me in my tracks. The dryad giggled as she sat down onto the flower bed and smiled, ‘There’s no need to be afraid, I was just curious.’ With a confused look on my face I slowly sat down and responded, ‘Curious? Curious about what?’ And in that moment she looked into the distance and said with a cheeky smile on her face, ‘I was curious if a pink dragon could blush.’ Suddenly she jumped up and began to jump in and out of the bushes, I couldn’t understand it a few minutes ago she was as calm as a stream but now she was prancing about like a newborn hatchling, I guess what grandfather said was true they are mischievous. In that moment I decided to take a small nap in order to process everything that had happened so without hesitation I laid back down onto the flower bed and close my eyes, but I was disturbed as I felt something poke me. Quickly I lifted up my head and turned around to see… The sprite, she was actually sitting next to me and waving as she spoke, ‘I’m Meadow by the way.’ With an irritated look, I shifted from my spot and covered my face with my tail. Suddenly I felt her snuggle up close to me as she whispered, ‘What’s your name?’ I sighed heavily as I looked at her as she looked back with her big yellow eyes, in the end I gave in and said, ‘My name is… I don’t have one…’  As I explained my heart began to sink as I remembered that when I left my home I left my name also. ‘No name? Well we can’t have that, now let’s see…’ She tapped her head as she tried to think of name to call me, suddenly she jumped and squeed as she came up with one. ‘I know, I’ll call you… Peewee!’ I tilted my head in curiosity as to why she picked that name, ‘Why Peewee?’ I asked when she pat my head, ‘Because it’s such a nice name and you are a very nice dragon.’ ‘But you hardly know me.’ I said, ‘Yes I do, because of this,’ she said as she touched my heart ‘You have a kind heart, full of joy but there is also sadness…’ And just as I was about to lower my head she raised it and whispered, ‘sadness is just a temporary thing.’ Over the next few days I stayed in Meadow’s garden, watching and learning the ways of the forest. Meadow was always so kind to me, showing me so many wondrous things, okay I admit it she was… Charming, in a cheeky irritating kind of way but she was growing on me and I could tell she liked me too. As the days past Meadow and I became the most unlikely friends and for a time I thought I had found the place that I belonged I was so happy, I thought I had found a home… But it was not to be. As we sat under stars she looked at me and said, ‘Peewee I have something I want to give you.’ cautiously I sat waiting for this gift as I thought this was one of her little pranks when suddenly she placed one of her cloven hooves upon my chest, it was then she began to glow as the flowers and the leaves began to swirl around us ever so quickly, I didn’t know what to do but before I could react it ended just as quickly as it started. Meadow shuck her mossy coat as she sighed whilst I sat their confused, waiting for an answer, ‘Oh, that was the gift! You may not think it now, but this will help you on your journey, just follow your heart and it will never fail you.’ She smiled as she let out a giggle, but this smile was different it was… Sad like she was hiding something and then I saw it, she was beginning to fade away. ‘Meadow? What’s wrong? What’s happening to you?’ I said as I looked at her with worried look on my face as she caressed my cheek and whispered, ‘It would seem my gift took much of my strength, I must now rest in order to regain it, I'm afraid we will have to say goodbye for now.’ As I heard her say this I was beside myself as I tried to hold her, ‘Meadow, no… Y-You can’t leave me, I don’t know to do, I don’t know where to go.’ I said as I closed my eyes, trying my best not to cry and suddenly I felt Meadow kiss my forehead as she said, ‘Oh Peewee… I'll always be with you,’ and as she slowly faded away she whispered something which will stay with me forever, ‘Promise me you'll keep your heart open.’ And then she was gone, she had returned to the garden to sleep and once again, I was alone… Slowly as the sun began to rise I left the garden, but not without keeping my promise, to remember you Meadow… My friend.