In The Doghouse

by LewdChapter

First published

Scootaloo's budding boyhood gets him in trouble

Scootaloo is a boy, obviously. Most ponies think he's a filly, and he just doesn't care to correct them. But, when his boyhood spurs to life suddenly, he finds himself in a bit of trouble.

WARNING: This story contains foalcon, r63, interspecies sex, unethical treatment of animals, DubCon, eventual consent, M/M, and light feminization.

Commissoned by Akataja

The Golden Rule

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Scootaloo is a colt. He thought that was fairly obvious. His mane was short, his voice was scratchy, and he didn’t do anything that could be construed as girly, except for perhaps spending most of his time with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. But, besides keeping the company of fillies, Scootaloo couldn’t really understand why so many ponies thought he was a filly himself.

He didn’t particularly care, though. Scootaloo had thicker skin than that. It’s not like being a filly would change anything about himself or his friends, so it didn’t really bother him. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle knew the truth, and that’s all that mattered. So, when ponies made the assumption that he was, somehow, a filly, he made no effort to correct them.

He was happy with his looks. Ponies often compared him to his idol Rainbow Dash, in terms of physical appearance, which never failed to make him smile. They had similar body shapes, the same lithe, toned pegasus forms, and Scootaloo did tend to keep his mane styled up similarly to Rainbow’s.

He thought of Rainbow warmly as he made his way down the streets of Ponyville, with Sweet Apple Acres as his destination. He had just been hanging out with the mare he so admired, but their pseudo-sibling bonding time had to come to an abrupt stop when Rainbow Dash was called in by the Wonderbolts for an emergency practice for a performance that got moved up. This left Scootaloo with few options of what to do for the day. He decided he’d stop by Applebloom’s and see what she’s up to.

And so, Scootaloo made his way through Ponyville square, eventually leaving the boundaries of the town and finding himself nearer and nearer to Sweet Apple Acres. As she approached the apple orchard, she began to smile as she heard Winona yapping. Scootaloo had always liked that dog. Winona was nice and playful, and always happy to see him.

“Fetch, Winona!”

Scootaloo’s grin grew wider, the voice of his close friend making him beyond happy. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were Scootaloo’s closest friends, after all, and they meant alot to him. He always had this warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest when he was with the girls, particularly Applebloom.

Scootaloo found Applebloom and Winona just past the wooden fence detailing the boundaries of Sweet Apple Acres. Applebloom was just taking a stick from Winona’s mouth and tossing it far, watching the collie run off to retrieve it.

“Hey, AB!” called Scootaloo. Applebloom looked up and smiled widely, waving her friend over.

“Howdy, Scoots! What brings you ‘round these parts?” she asked. “Thought you were hangin’ out with RD today.”

“Spitfire called her in. Thought I’d come see what you were up to,” said Scootaloo. “Where’s Mac? And AJ?”

“AJ had to go out of town, and Mac is inside with the Missus,” said Applebloom. “Granny wanted to talk to Fluttershy about bein’ a mom. Not like she needs it. Fluttershy’s the type of mare that was born to be a mom.”

“Mh-hm. The baby’s supposed to be due soon, right?”

“S’far as anypony can tell. Month or two, accordin’ to Twilight.” Applebloom peered at her friend. “Don’t tell me ya came all this way to talk about Flutters and Mac.”

“Of course not.” Winona returned, dropping her stick upon seeing Scootaloo. She barked happily, and jumped forward to lap at Scootaloo’s face. He chuckled, petting her gently on the head. “Hey, Winona. How’re you, girl?”

Winona gave a gleeful bark, which told Scootaloo everything he needed to know.

“So, should we go get Sweetie?” asked Scootaloo. He took Winona’s stick and gave it a toss. “Haven’t seen her since Friday.”

“Sure. Been meaning to get y’all together, anyway.” Applebloom’s good-natured grin became a devious smirk. “She might be able to help me get the truth outta ya.” Just as Applebloom expected, Scootaloo became immediately confused.

“What do you mean?” asked Scootaloo. “The truth about what?”

“The truth about you and a little filly named Silver Spoon. ‘Bout how Sweetie found y’all crushin’ on each other behind the schoolhouse,” said Applebloom. Scootaloo’s confusion instantly became annoyance. He was definitely not crushing on Silver Spoon.

“No way! I was just asking her about the homework,” said Scootaloo. “She still thinks I’m a girl, anyway. Not that I care. I don’t want her icky cooties.”

“That’s not what Sweetie thinks.”

“I don’t care what Sweetie thinks, she’s wrong. I don’t have a crush on Silver Spoon.” Scootaloo pushed Applebloom, only managing to nudge her a bit.

“And I say ya do!” Applebloom shoved Scootaloo back, and the two turned to meet eyes. This was a pretty common event for the two of them. With such brash, headstrong personalities, butting heads was a matter of “when”, not “if”.

“You’re wrong!” Scootaloo gave Applebloom a sturdier push, sending her stumbling back a bit. Instead of getting upset, Applebloom grinned. When it came down to her and Scootaloo, everything was a contest. This would be no different.

“Sure you wanna keep on pushin’ me, filly-boy?” asked Applebloom. “Ya ain’t stronger than me. Betcha I can pin ya in a no time flat.”

“Is that so?” Scootaloo felt his face flush. Normally, he didn’t mind when his manhood was questioned. But something about the way Applebloom said it really set a fire in Scootaloo’s heart. He cracked his neck and approached his friend, his head stooped down slightly for the attack. “Think you can put your bits where your mouth is?”

“I don’t think so. I know so. Bring it, filly-boy.”

Scootaloo smirked defiantly, then rushed Applebloom. Almost as if she could read his mind, Applebloom sidestepped Scootaloo and bucked her hips into his side, knocking him to the ground. She leapt onto Scootaloo and pinned his shoulders to the ground. Scootaloo squirmed but, whether he wanted to admit it or not, working on an orchard definitely made Applebloom stronger than him. The best he could do is flail pitifully in the significantly more powerful filly’s grasp.

“Ya give?” she asked mockingly.

“Don’t count on it!” Scootaloo gave a wild kick, taking out Applebloom’s rear legs; Applebloom tumbled, her head clonking against Scootaloo’s. Used to crashes on his scooter and subsequent head trauma, Scootaloo recovered quicker than Applebloom, and managed to take the advantage. Applebloom landed on her belly, and Scootaloo climbed onto her, attempting to push Applebloom’s head down with his rear legs (which were significantly stronger than his front ones). With Applebloom’s muzzle in the dirt, Scootaloo thought that he had won.

Applebloom gave a firm, strong twist, flipping both herself and Scootaloo over. Now, Scootaloo was the one on the ground, sandwiched between the dirt and, unfortunately, Applebloom’s bottom.

“Get off me!” he demanded, trying to push Applebloom’s bottom off of his face. “Get your fat butt off of my face!”

“Not til you give up.” Applebloom pushed her hips down, smooshing Scootaloo’s head with her butt further. “Just tap out, and it’s all over, filly-boy.”

Scootaloo’s pride prevented him from giving up quite so easily. He squirmed and fought, doing little more than embarrass himself more as Applebloom sat on his head, hardly moving. It was infuriating. Emasculating. Humiliating. It made his cheeks flush red and his heartbeat quicken. Applebloom shifted again, further embarrassing Scootaloo until he was tomato-red.

Scootaloo’s nose pressed against something softer and warmer than the rest of Applebloom. He couldn’t see exactly what it was, but, judging by how Applebloom gasped, it was sensitive. Maybe she was ticklish? Scootaloo wiggled his nose, brushing against that same warm and soft area of Applebloom. It made him feel funny, but Applebloom’s squirming was satisfying to him.

“Scoot, stop!” hissed Applebloom.

“Get off me and I will!”

“No, really, s-stop.” Applebloom blushed harder than Scootaloo ever had. “That’s my… Filly area…”

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide and, with sudden strength he didn’t possess before, he pushed Applebloom off of his face. He blushed brightly, butterflies in his stomach as he sat up suddenly. He touched his hoof to his nose, wiping away the warm, sticky fluid that now clung to his muzzle.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” Scootaloo meant it, from the bottom of his heart. Even though he didn’t truly understand the depths of what happened, he knew he had done something he shouldn’t have. The embarrassment on Applebloom’s face didn’t make him smile like it should’ve. It made him feel weird and fuzzy, especially between his legs.

“It’s… It’s okay, Scoot,” huffed Applebloom. “I know you ain’t mean it. Things just got outta hoof. We just need to be more… Oh sweet Celestia…”

Scootaloo realized that he was being stared at. He followed the trail of Applebloom’s eyes, chasing her gaze down between his own legs. Scootaloo looked down, his eyes growing wide as saucers. Standing at attention between Scootaloo’s legs was his colthood, the dark fleshy pole throbbing and at the ready. It wasn’t until he looked down at it did he suddenly feel it, his erect penis twitching slightly, as if awoken by some call to arms that Scootaloo could only theorize about the nature of.

“Uh…” Scootaloo had no idea what to do! This had never happened to him before. He’d heard of sex, but didn’t know what it entailed, only that his aunts taught him that everypony had their private areas that you should never ever touch. He had no idea what his colt-bits were doing, or why it was happening, or what to do about it. He just sort of stared at it for a bit, willing for it to go away and leave him alone forever.

“Er… Ya know what, Scoots?” Applebloom stood up and turned her back to her friend. “I’m gonna go fetch Sweetie Belle. Mind keepin’ an eye on Winona while you… Er… Calm down?”

“S-sure thing, AB.” Scootaloo’s head swam with unanswered questions and strange feelings. Why did he feel this way? It’s not like this was the first he ever wrestled with Applebloom, and definitely not the first time he was pinned. So why did his body decide to get all weird and fuzzy this time? What was different? “Sorry about… That.”

“Ya don’t got nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout,” said Applebloom as she walked off. “It ain’t your fault. Maybe… How’s about we just don’t talk about it? Pretend it never happened.”

“Deal.” Scootaloo wasn’t sure if Applebloom heard him, she was almost past the gate by this point, but it didn’t matter. Scootaloo was speaking to himself more than anypony. Don’t think about it. Pretend it never happened.

Winona approached Scootaloo, stick held in her mouth, which she spat at his hooves. She gave Scootaloo’s face a lick, which did make him feel a bit better. Winona was such a good dog, so friendly and happy, Scootaloo couldn’t reasonably feel bad when she was around. He petted Winona on the head, scritched her behind the ears, rubbed her belly. By the time Winona rolled over and started wagging her tail, it was impossible for Scootaloo not to smile.

“Good girl, Winona,” he said, rubbing her beneath the chin. He grabbed her fetch stick and tossed it; it soared a bit further than he intended, landing near the barn. Winona began bounding towards the stick, skidding to a stop a few yards from the barn door. Scootaloo tilted his head curiously. Winona wasn’t an especially timid creature, so to see her nervously approaching what was supposed to be her home made Scootaloo a bit concerned. He approached the barn cautiously, straining his ears to hear something that could possibly put Winona on edge like that.

“Hm! Hm! Ah! Sweet Celestia, mhmf!”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. That sounded a lot like a mare in trouble. Without a second though, he rushed for the barn, running through the side door of the large red structure. He slipped quietly behind a bale of hay, peering over the top to get a look at the situation.

Big Mac was on his rear legs, using the front ones to balance himself against the wall. He grinned as he bucked his hips forward sharply, sinking deeper and deeper into the mare beneath him. Whereas Mac was standing nearly upright, Fluttershy was stooped down with her head nearly pressed against the bed of hay the two were doing the deed on, her round, pregnant belly just a few scant inches from the ground. Scootaloo couldn’t tear his eyes away from the scene unfolding just a few yards from him. He didn’t understand exactly what he was looking at, but it made him feel much the same he did after his wrestling match with Applebloom.

“H-harder, Mac,” panted Fluttershy.

“You sure, honey?” Big Mac’s voice, normally low and even, was trembling slightly as he spoke. “I don’t wanna hurt you, or the baby.”

“It’s okay. W-we can take it. We’re tougher than we look.” Fluttershy turned her head to look her lover in the eyes, smiling in between her pants and gasps and moans. “Do it. R-rut me harder, Big Daddy.”

Mac seemed to oblige, using one of his large hooves to hold Fluttershy by the hip and increased his speed. Judging by Fluttershy’s pleasured, giddy moans and pants, she was enjoying it. Mac was mostly quiet, save for the occasional grunt and breath through gritted teeth. The air was hot and heavy in the barn, heady with the smell of sweat and musk and a bit of something that Scootaloo couldn’t identify.

Just like what happened with Applebloom, Scootaloo’s colt-parts sprung to life. His little pole throbbed as he watched the two married ponies do… Whatever it was they were doing. Unlike with Applebloom, however, Scootaloo’s body showed no signs of slowing down. His little boyhood grew harder, firmer, more sensitive to the wind around it. Scootaloo touched it gently with his hoof, shuddering as electric jolts of pleasure ran up and down his body. It was strange, intense, but it wasn’t bad. Scootaloo touched it again, with similar results. He rubbed his hoof slowly, gently, up his length, letting out a short sigh. Scootaloo didn’t know what he was doing, but he was fairly sure he was doing it right.

“Oh, Mac!” Fluttershy let out a squeal, trembling and almost collapsing under herself. It was only Big Mac’s hoof that kept her in one place, and he didn’t seem to have any intentions of stopping to check on his wife. Scootaloo reasoned that maybe that was supposed to happen. He rubbed himself harder, faster, just like how Big Mac was moving harder and faster on his wife. A pressure of sorts built in Scootaloo, at the base of his boyhood. He wasn’t sure what the end goal was supposed to be, but he felt like he might’ve been nearing it. His breathing picked up, a thin sheen of sweat coating his tiny body.

“Hold on a sec longer, honey,” grunted Mac. “I’m about to put another foal in you.”

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide. So that’s where babies came from.

Before he had much time to dwell on things, Big Mac let out a deep, snarling, feral grunt, and pulled his wife’s hips back to press against his. He held her in place and, if Scootaloo really strained his ears, he could hear some sort of sloshing, as if a liquid was entering Fluttershy.

“Ooh, that was… that was a good time,” panted Fluttershy, a tired sort of joy displayed on her features. She rubbed her belly with her hoof. “Sorry for the disturbance, little one. Mama just needed Papa’s help with something.”

“I love ya, Shy,” said Big Mac. He kissed his wife, then gently lowered her to the ground and removed himself from her. A large amount of thick white liquid oozed from Fluttershy’s mare parts, the same liquid that coated Big Mac’s stallionhood (which Scootaloo couldn’t help but notice was beyond massive).

“I love you too, Big Daddy.” Fluttershy nipped at Mac’s ear, giggling slightly. “That took a lot out of me. I think I need to lay down.”

“C’mon. Let’s go getcha in bed.”

And, just like that, it was over. Big Mac helped his wife to her hooves and, supporting her as she swayed, escorted her out of the barn through the main entrance. Scootaloo sat and watched them leave, then looked down at himself. He was throbbing, aching, and, worst of all, confused. What did he just see? He was fairly certain he shouldn’t have watched, but he couldn’t possibly have taken his eyes off of the action. It was hypnotic.

Scootaloo jumped in shock as something soft and furry brushed against his leg. He looked down, beyond relieved to see Winona, carrying the fetch stick. She dropped it at Scootaloo’s hooves, but the poor colt was in no position to resume playing. His head swam, his body tingled, and he was aching in a way he never knew he could. He needed to do something, anything, or else he might just go crazy.

Slowly, Scootaloo’s gaze lowered onto Winona. Scoot wasn’t a vet, but he figured dogs and ponies must be pretty similar in terms of biology. And, if what he had just seen between Big Mac and Fluttershy was any indication, he was supposed to do… that to a mare at some point. If he didn’t have a mare… Maybe the dog would do in a pinch.

“Hey. Winona,” he whispered. “C’mere, girl.” Winona approached, slowly walking into grabbing range. “There’s a good girl. Now stay. Stay, Winona.” Winona was a very well-trained dog, and did as she was told, her tail being the only thing on her that moved as it swung back and forth. Scootaloo crept behind her, inspecting her for a moment. He had no idea what he was really looking for. He knew all the parts of the pony, that a stallion has a penis and a mare has a vagina, but he’d never actually seen one up close. Though, through quick deduction, he was able to find the appropriate “filly area” on Winona.

Scootaloo gulped nervously, unsure if he really wanted to do this. Nothing about anything was making sense. He just wanted to clear his head, and get rid of this aching, throbbing erection. He neared Winona, feeling her natural heat radiate off of her and onto his sensitive bits. That pretty much made his decision for him.

Scootaloo grabbed Winona, gently as to not frighten her, and pulled her closer to his aching organ. Winona squirmed a bit, but didn’t do much to resist up until the point where Scootaloo pressed his bits against her backside. She weaseled and wormed, trying to escape Scootaloo’s grasp, to little success. Scootaloo was just too strong for the little collie.

Since he was hiding behind a bale of hay when the deed was being done, Scootaloo didn’t get an especially good look at what Mac had done to his wife, but he figured it must be pretty simple. It seemed to be a matter of “insert tab A into slot B”. Scootaloo could definitely do that.

“Shh, it’s okay,” he promised, though he had no idea if that was true. He didn’t think it would hurt Winona, but he wasn’t one hundred percent sure. Fluttershy definitely seemed to enjoy it. But, by that same token, maybe it was different for ponies. “I’m just gonna try something real quick…”

Scootaloo felt his little pecker press against Winona’s entryway. The soft skin felt incredible on Scootaloo’s hard, throbbing member, and he wanted more. He slowly pushed in, spreading out her tiny puppy hole. Winona whimpered, trying yet again to escape, but Scootaloo wouldn’t allow it.

The feeling was like fireworks all up and down Scootaloo’s length. He let out a breathy moan as he buried more and more of his pole into Winona’s uneager hole. She was so tight around him that it almost hurt, but in the best possible way. The feeling was so intense that it took Scootaloo a moment to decide on what he had to do next. He shook his head, recalling Mac’s earlier actions and began mimicking them.

He pulled back, scraping his pole against Winona’s hot, moist interior, before thrusting back in. Scootaloo groaned, nearly losing his grip on Winona, but recovered quickly. He kept going, developing a slow rhythm of thrusts. Winona snarled and fought but, by this point, Scootaloo was far too focused on his goal. He thrust deeper and deeper still, until he had lost all of his little colt pole in the poor, faithful, obedient collie. Scootaloo pinned her to the ground, taking great care to not hurt Winona more than he already had, and rammed far harder than before.

It felt so good, just forcing himself onto and into Winona, Scootaloo could barely keep his thoughts straight. All he could really understand was how warm and tight Winona was, how good she was making him feel. Scootaloo grunted and groaned and rocketed his hips forward, slapping his hips against Winona’s rear. The sound of grunts melded with barks and yelps, coming together with the schlick, wet noises of Scootaloo’s boyhood sliding in and out of Winona’s poor, tender pussy.

Scootaloo didn’t know what to expect, but he no amount of time or preparation could have possibly gotten him ready for his first orgasm. Scootaloo let out a whinny of delight, and his little stallionhood erupted, splattering white cream deep into Winona’s freshly-used hole. Totally spent, he released his grip on the dog, letting her run off with sticky white dripping from her holes. Scootaloo was too tired to chase after her, and simply collapsed to the ground, exhausted.

A big, strong hoof grabbed Scootaloo by the mane, pulling him from his half-nap on the barn’s floor. He let out a panicked shout, relaxing slightly when he saw that it was only Big Mac. Then, Scootaloo noticed the anger etched onto Mac’s otherwise stoic face, and he felt that fear re-enter his body. The fact that the barn doors had been closed, leaving the only light to be provided by a few choice lanterns, only served to exacerbate Scootaloo’s anxiety.

“H-hey, Mac,” said Scootaloo nervously.

“I’m gonna ask ya once, and only once,” said Mac, his low, deep voice utterly terrifying. “And don’t ya even think ‘bout lying to me. What the hell did ya do to my dog?”

Scootaloo gulped nervously, his eyes darted from side to side in search of some sort of escape.

“I… I… I don’t know what I did,” said Scootaloo. “I w-watched you and Fluttershy doing something, and it made me feel funny and I started rubbing my thing and it felt really good and then I—”

Big Mac tossed Scootaloo to the ground, stopping his spiel immediately. Scootaloo tried to scurry backwards, only for one of Mac’s big, heavy hooves to stop him in his place. Scootaloo shrunk down at the pure, unbridled rage that Mac was displaying. He had never seen Big Mac this angry before, and he in no way wanted to be on the receiving end of that rage.

“Mac, I’m sorry, I just—”

“You done hurt my dog, boy! I oughta tell your aunts about this!” said Mac. Scootaloo shook his head, tears in his eyes, and begged him not to. “Ya can’t just go around, stickin’ your willy in whatever it is you like! That’s my dog, boy!”

“I’m s-sorry, just please don’t tell my aunts!” begged Scootaloo.

“If they don’t punish ya, I sure as hell will. So pick your poison.”

Scootaloo shook his head. No matter what punishment Mac had in store, it was better than her Aunts Holiday and Lofty finding out. He didn’t care how much farm work Mac made him do, Scootaloo would do it happily as long as his aunts never found out.

“I’ll take your punishment, Mac,” said Scootaloo. “Just please don’t tell Lofty and Holiday.”

“I’m gonna teach you a lesson ‘bout The Golden Rule,” said Mac. “Don’t do nothin to somepony that you wouldn’t want done to you.”

Scootaloo’s blood ran cold. Mac couldn’t possibly mean what he thinks he means. Right?

“What are you gonna do to me?” asked Scootaloo shakily.

“Same thing you did to my dog. But first… open yer mouth, filly-boy.” Scootaloo was too stunned to reply immediately, which only served to raise Mac’s ire. “Do what you’re told, damn it! Open yer fucking mouth!”

Terrified beyond belief, Scootaloo opened his mouth as wide as he could, utterly confused. Mac said he would do to him what he did to Winona, but Scootaloo never touched Winona’s mouth.

“Bite me and you’ll be dealing with a whole new batch of trouble,” warned Mac. Before Scootaloo could think about what he meant, Mac grabbed him by the mane and shoved his face into his crotch. Mac pushed his long, fat, hard cock into Scootaloo’s mouth, stretching out the tiny colt’s mouth with his girth. Scootaloo coughed and sputtered, and Mac withdrew his shaft for just long enough to allow him to breathe. When he was sure that Scootaloo had gotten some air, Mac plunged his dick right back into Scootaloo’s mouth.

“Be a good little filly and shine my cock up,” said Mac. “With where I’m putting it, I reckon you’re gonna want it as slick as possible.” Big Mac smirked as Scootaloo followed his direction, drooling over his meaty cock. Scootaloo was, obviously, a rookie at fellatio-type services, but he did his job well enough. This was never the main attraction, anyway. All Mac needed was for his dick to get nice and wet.

The taste of Mac’s flesh was almost too much for Scootaloo. So powerful, masculine. It tasted of sweat and salt and something Scootaloo just couldn't put into words. It was overwhelming, shutting down his senses for a while. Mac pushed his cock deep into Scootaloo’s mouth, holding his dickhead at the back of the virgin boy’s throat. Mac watched him choke and gag around his cock for a moment before pulling out his wet member.

“Good girl,” said Mac. Strangely, hearing that sent a tingle down Scootaloo’s spine. “Turn around and show me your cute lil filly ass.”

“Y-yes,” muttered Scootaloo. He blushed upon being called “cute”, but did as he was told; He tried his best to mimic Fluttershy’s position from earlier and pushed his head down near the ground, then raised his rear up for Big Mac. Mac pushed Scootaloo’s tail out of his way, taking a moment to admire the small boy’s physique. Mac ran his hoof gently up and down Scootaloo’s shaft, still sticky from his session with Winona, then brought his hoof to gently cup Scootaloo’s tiny balls, dangling cutely by his shaft.

Mac took his cock, at least twice the length and girth of Scootaloo’s, and pressed it to the younger boy’s virgin asshole. Scootaloo’s breathing quickened, his eyes shut, his front hooves digging into the dirt in fear and anxiety. Luckily for his nerves, Mac didn’t believe in much teasing before he got down to business. He forced his cock in, spreading out his tiny virgin ring painfully with his girthy, meaty cock.

“M-mac! Stop!” Scootaloo squirmed, but could do little to escape. Is this how Winona had felt? “It hurts!”

“Shut up, girl. It’s ‘posed to hurt,” grunted Mac. He didn’t slow his entry into Scootaloo. If anything, he pushed in faster to hear that tiny squeal of pain. “Wouldn’t be much of a punishment if ya liked it.”

As much as he wanted to, Scootaloo couldn’t really argue with that. All he could do was grit his teeth through the pain of Mac violating his asshole. Mac stopped about halfway in, then slowly began pulling out. Scootaloo could hardly believe it. Was that it? Was he good to go?

Mac grabbed Scootaloo’s hips and thrust forward sharply, ramming the entirety of his cock into the poor, unsuspecting boy. The pain was intense, enough to reduce Scootaloo to silent tears. He thought he’d tear in half, the sheer size of Mac’s cock too much for a virgin colt’s first time.

But Mac didn’t care about Scootaloo’s first time. All he cared about was fucking Scootaloo’s ass, which he did now. He slammed his hips forward, slapping into Scoot’s small, round ass faster and faster. Scootaloo’s tears did nothing to stop or slow Mac. If anything, they made him go harder.

Scootaloo tried not to let on just how bad it hurt, but it was impossible. It was just too much for him. He burst into proper sobs, trembling around Mac’s cock. To make matters worse, his own cock was acting up again. Now, it was slowly drooling a thick, clear liquid onto the floor. Scootaloo didn’t know what to make of it, but it seemed to amuse Mac.

“Don’t tell me you like this,” he laughed in his booming voice. “What kinda slutty lil filly actually gets off on a big stallion raping her asshole?”

“I’m not a filly,” said Scootaloo, clinging onto what remained of his dignity. “You know that, Mac.”

“That backtalk I hear?” Mac slapped Scootaloo’s flank harshly, tinging his orange ass red. “Ya best learn some respect, filly-boy, else I might go tell your aunts what you did to my dog.”

Scootaloo’s tear-filled eyes went wide, both from the slap and the threat. He shook his head, not sure if Mac could see him or even cared.

“I’m sorry. P-please don’t tell them,” he sobbed. “I’m so s-sorry.”

“I’m sorry what?”

“I’m sorry, s-sir.”

Mac swatted Scootaloo’s other flank, right on the Cutie Mark, then increased the speed of his thrusts.

“Wrong answer, girlie. Try again.”

Scootaloo struggled think of what Mac could possibly want to be called, the raw, rough pounding of his asshole clouding his mind. Mac rammed harshly with every passing second of silence, until Scootaloo finally put things together.

“S-sorry, Big Daddy,” he said, his voice low and shaky.

“What’s that, filly-boy?” Mac chuckled, then gave each of Scootaloo’s sore flanks another firm spank. “Speak up, girlie.”

“I’m sorry, Big Daddy.” Scootaloo spoke a bit louder this time, his cheeks tinging red. He wasn’t sure if it was his submission and using the nickname, or if he had just gotten used to the sensation, but things didn’t seem to hurt quite as bad anymore. If he put his mind to it, he could even find a few things he enjoyed about it. Hearing Big Mac call him a filly, praise him for his work, it made Scootaloo tingle all over. The fullness of having a thick, hot cock inside of him was also strangely satisfying, and, soon enough, Scootaloo was asking for more.

“C-can you… Can you go deeper?” asked Scootaloo meekly.

“You greedy lil butt-slut. That ain’t the right way to ask for somethin’ you want.” Big Mac slid his cock most of the way out of Scootaloo’s ass, just barely keeping the tip inside the warm, moist sphincter.

“P-please, Big Daddy,” said Scootaloo softly. “Please go deeper. I want it. N-need it.”

Mac smirked. He loved his wife, for sure, but nothing really competed with breaking in a fresh filly-boy.

“Well, since you asked nicely,” said Mac. He reached forward and placed his hoof over Scootaloo’s mouth and held him steady. Then, without warning, he rammed the entirety of his cock into Scootaloo, who let out a long, high-pitched squeal of pain into Mac’s hand. Tears soon followed the scream, then, a short second later, a satisfied moan. The initial thrust was shocking, but, from there, it was strangely enjoyable.

Mac picked up the pace, bucking his hips wildly into the tiny colt beneath him. His hot, thick cock worked Scootaloo’s insides, pounding him into a pile of tears and sweat and quivering, agonized pleasure. Mac grabbed Scootaloo up and fell onto his back, keeping Scootaloo upright and impaled on his cock. With the new position, Mac was able to thrust his hips more sharply, pound Scootaloo’s ass from a new angle.

“M-more, please, more!” moaned Scootaloo, unable to control himself. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he bounced on Mac’s cock. Now that he didn’t have a huge stallion pushing him down, he had regained a bit of control of the situation. He used this control to force his hips downward to get more of Mac’s incredible cock inside of him. “Please, Big Daddy, I need you!”

Mac obliged, thrusting deeper and deeper into Scootaloo’s ass at the filly-colt’s behest. Scootaloo couldn’t believe how things had turned out. How could this possibly feel so good? Why hadn’t he thought of doing this sooner?

“Hmf! Almost done, little filly,” grunted Mac. “I’m gonna fill your ass up, filly-boy. Let’s see if I can’t get you pregnant, too.”

Scootaloo didn’t think that was possible, but he didn’t especially care. He just wanted Mac to fill him up like he promised. If this was what it was like being a filly, Scootaloo could definitely live with that.

Mac groaned as his cock erupted, spewing fat gobs of sticky white into Scootaloo’s butt. The hot cum oozed from Scootaloo’s well-used hole, pooling onto the ground beneath them. As soon as Mac’s first spurt hit, Scootaloo let out a tiny squeal, followed by a small jet of his own cum. Mac wasn’t quite done with him, though. He pulled Scootaloo off of his cock and threw his filly to the ground, letting the last of his orgasm splatter onto Scootaloo’s entire body, downright drenching him in sticky white.

“W-whoa,” said Scootaloo, completely out of breath. Mac stood up with a chuckle and, after pausing to wipe his cock clean with Scootaloo’s hair, made for the door.

“Best to keep this our lil secret. Don’t want your aunts knowing what a slutty filly you are, do we?” asked Big Mac.

“N-no, Big Daddy.”

Mac snickered. He’d have to give Winona a hell of a treat to pay her back for making this possible.

“Good filly.”