A Dragon's Treasure

by InLoveWithMysteries

First published

When Princess Cadence begins to cry at a royal meeting, Spike feels uncomfortable. But soon everypony's thoughts are interrupted by a mysterious knocking at the doors.

Princess Twilight is hosting a royal meeting and Spike is eager as ever to help out. However, when Princess Cadence begins to cry over her lost husband, Spike feels uncomfortable. He too has lost somepony special, but he isn't sure that he should voice his thoughts. Twilight tries to be helpful by encurraging the Dragon to share his wisdom but soon everypony's thoughts are interrupted by a mysterious knocking at the doors.

Chapter 1: Black Tea Talk

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A Dragon’s Treasure

Chapter One: Black Tea Talk

If the sun does not shine in Equestria, there are usually only one of two reasons: Either Princess Celestia is off sick and her sister, Princess Luna, has to raise the massive orb of burning gas – or there is a need for less sunshine lest the crops dry out or burn. However, today the sun shone a little weaker because the Princess had overslept and she had had to down her breakfast in a single mouthful to get back on schedule. Well, even princesses make mistakes. She would have to make an apology to the pegasi in Cloudsdale on her way to the Castle of Friendship and tell them not to bother covering for her mistake.

Princess Luna was mildly amused by her older sister’s antics. Two centuries ago, she would have sent Twilight Sparkle a note saying that she would be a bit delayed but the structured and disciplined work methods of the Princess of Friendship had rubbed off on the much older alicorn. It was mornings like these, that made her smirk to herself – and they made for quite the conversation on Wednesdays when she went to have tea with an old friend.

In the middle of Ponyville stood the Castle of Friendship. The Princess of Friendship herself enjoyed a healthy breakfast with her sister-in-law, Princess Cadence, and her best friend and most loyal secretary through the centuries, Spike. Chewing away on a bun, she looked up at the clock on the wall and almost choked as she realised what time it was. “Sweet Celestia! Is it nine already?! They can be here any minute!” realising that time was not their friend right now, Princess Cadence and Spike helped set aside the porcelain and the food. Spike told the princesses to go get themselves ready for the meeting as he put the kettle on.

Princess Luna was the first to arrive, followed closely by her sister. They received a heartwarming welcome consisting of smiles and hugs from their friends and co-princesses, Twilight and Cadence. Spike was a little more formal but still friendly in his approach. The purple dragon was not all too sure about how he was supposed to handle himself. Age had made him more adventurous but also much more self-conscious around the royals.


Around Celestia and Cadence at, that was.

This was mostly due to the fact that he had spent a good twenty years travelling around the world in an effort to clear his mind and learn his own lessons about life. In all that time, he had enjoyed himself and the ponies around him so much that he had forgotten to write. He had been too busy making friends in foreign parts. He was welcomed home with open hooves but time had changed the princesses to a degree that he did not really understand. Especially the Princess of the Crystal Empire had become much more melancholic and secluded.

“My dearest Princess Twilight!” Princess Celestia began, still catching her breath; “I must apologise for appearing so late. It has been a most dreadful morning! Of all ponies in Equestria, I awaken too late. I simply had to fly by Clouds Dale on my way here. I had to apologise for raising the sun in an inadequate fashion. They should not feel the need to cover for my mistake.”

Spike noticed the hint of suppressed laughter in Princess Twilight’s voice and eyes, as the purple alicorn hugged her guest, a wide smile on her face. She chuckled a little as she answered the Princess of the Sun: “Dear Celestia! You had no reason to rush yourself this morning. I am just as guilty as you are of getting up late. I really did think we had more time for breakfast. Say, have you had anything to eat yourself?”

“What did I tell you in Canterlot, Celestia? Leave the stressing over details like oversleeping to Twilight Sparkle. She does it much better than you, anyway.” Princess Luna teased as she entered the Castle. There was a moment’s pause and Spike thought he saw a hint of anger in the corner of Princess Celestia’s eye, as she let out an annoyed sigh. However, the dragon said nothing.

Ever since he had returned from his last journey, Spike had noticed something about the alicorns. He could not quite put his claw on it, but he was sure that their behaviours had changed more this time than ever before. He did not actually understand how they got here. When he left, they were all like sisters. Like best friends. But ever since he had come home, he had noticed something different. To put it bluntly, they behaved like actors on a stage – and Spike did not like it.

As the princesses made their way to the Map Room, Spike could clearly hear them make polite small talk. It felt as if the Princess of the Sun went on about the weather for an eternity. It added nothing but aggravation that Twilight Sparkle, of all ponies, went on about how the pegasi had outdone themselves this summer with the thinness of the clouds and…

Spike shook his head violently as he waited for the kettle to finish boiling. He had a bad feeling about what direction today’s meeting might take – and he would have rather cuddled up in his keep with a good book than to be present for whatever disaster was about to unfold. However, he was Twilight’s right hoof dragon. Always had been.

Always would be.

So he made the tea, took the biscuits out of the jar and went into the Map Room, where he found the Princesses already working.

As per usual, Twilight Sparkle had made an extensive to-do-list of everything that needed to be covered at this meeting. From the preparations of this year’s Nightmare Night to the Pillars’ arguing over some little thing that Spike had no interest in knowing about. From diplomatic visits from other countries to the celebration of Flurry Heart’s birthday. The list was just about 120 metres long. Literally.

“Oh, my Twilight,” Princess Cadence grinned, “only 120 metres? Are you sure that you’ve covered everything?”. She winked and everyone, even Twilight, laughed.

“Sure, Cadence. I thought we might actually relax today.”

Spike sighed as he entered the Map Room with the tea. He had known from the beginning that something would go South. Ever since he had seen the agenda, he had had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He would have vomited fire if he could. He had seen the first issue of the meeting: The captain of the Royal guard was getting married. Spike entered the room at the exact moment when Princess Celestia suggested a joined gift from the Royal family. Cadence began to cry.

Of course, she did.

“Oh dear. I’m sorry Cadence, I…” Celestia began, “I really meant no harm. Believe me. I know how much you miss Shining Armour. I shouldn’t have put it on the agenda, to begin with.”

Spike tried to ignore the conversation as best he could. He didn’t want to be mad at Princess Cadence, but the melancholic turn of the conversation made him feel sick to his stomach. He placed the tray on one of the empty thrones and straightened his back. The longer Princess Cadence cried, the more his throat began to tighten.

Compose yourself, Darling! Let the poor girl have a good cry.

Despite the voice in the back of his head, Spike felt extremely uncomfortable. He thought of his own family – the one he lost so long ago. He really wanted to tell Cadence to honour her lost husband by remembering the good times and finding joy in what life gave her now. But he couldn’t do it. He simply couldn’t bring himself to disrespect the Princess of Love like that. He began to fidget with a golden band on his claw and looked pleadingly to Twilight. As their eyes met, Spike knew that Twilight understood.

“I miss Shining too, Cadence – and I know that Spike misses Rarity. He just stopped crying.”

“How? How do you stop crying, when your special somepony isn’t there anymore?”

“I’m not sure,” Twilight began, turning to face the purple dragon once more; “I just know that it has something to do with what Rarity told him. Could you please tell us, Spike?”

As Spike was about to begin telling his tale, a strange knock on the door was heard. The princesses all looked at one another, and then they looked to Twilight Sparkle.

“This seems odd,” Luna noted, taking a bite of an oatmeal cookie, “Twilight, are you expecting other guests?”

“I don’t remember inviting ponies over.”

She consulted a large calendar on the wall before she turned to Spike: “Could you open, please? I may have forgotten something.”

Spike smiled, took a bow and went to see for himself, what was at the door. It seemed unlikely that Twilight had forgotten something, but…

Better safe than sorry.