MasterChef Special: Apples Versus Strawberries

by FlutterDashFan18

First published

Strawberry Sunrise is getting under Applejack's skin when she critizes apples. Applejack and Strawberry Sunrise then competes against each other on "Master Chef".

Gordon Ramsey comes to Equestria to host an episode of Master Chef there. When Strawberry Sunrise still talks smack about apples, Applejack finally had enough and challenges her to a cook off on Master Chef to see once and for all which is the surperior fruit. Apples or Strawberries? The gudges will be Twilight, Rarity, Hoity Toity, Pinkie Pie, Mr. and Mrs Cake, and of coarse, one of the most famous chefs, Gordon Ramsey himself. When the two put a bet on it, Applejack realizes that she might lose Sweet Apple Acres if she loses? Will she be able to defeat Strawberry Sunrise in the Master Chef showdown or will she fold under the pressure?

I do not own the cover, Master Chef, or My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Chapter 1: Apples Versus Strawberries

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In the Master Chef kitchen, Gordon had a apple and strawberry fruit tart in the oven and decides to watch the latest episode of "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic"while it's baking. Yes he is secretly a brony but doesn't want anyone to know because he thinks it will ruin his career and that everyone including his own family will make fun of him. On the T.V., there shows a Pegasus with red mane and yellow coat talking smack about apples

"Why are they having a petty fight over fruit? It's sad. The Strawberry pony sure does know how to get under ponies' skin. I wish that I can judge those two in a Master Chef battle to settle things. " Gordon said in a slightly annoyed tone. Suddenly, the television sucks him into the My Little Pony world.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! WHAT IN THE BLOODY WORLD IS GOING ON?!" Gordon yells as he gets zapped into the television. He gets formed into all sorts of weird shapes as he is traveling into another world. He then falls out of the air a few feet from the ground. He opens his eyes and begins to process everything that was in front of him.

"Where am I? Why are there ponies around? Don't tell me that I'm in Equestria?! Is this even logical? Am I dreaming?" Gordon asked as he uses a puddle that was in front of him. He looks at himself and screams in horror. He was a unicorn with a golden coat. He has a blonde mane and a blonde tail. He has green eyes and has a flame as a cutie mark.

"HOLY MOTHER OF! AM I A UNICORN!" he exclaimed. He then calms down when he sees two ponies arguing over something. One was an earth pony. She has a blonde mane and tail and has green eyes. On her flank was a cutie mark with three red apples. She also has a brown cowboy hat. The other was a yellow coated Pegasus with a curly strawberry red mane and tail. She has green eyes and a cutie mark that has three strawberries and a sun rising behind them. He recognized them from the episode he watched not so long ago. He then decides to trot up to them to see what was going on.

"How in tarnation do y'all think strawberries are better than strawberries?!" Applejack asked in anger.

"Because they are." Strawberry responded with attitude.

"If t you think they are better prove it. Ah challenge y'all to a bake off. We will make a pie. Mine will be apple related and yours will be strawberry related. We will get ponies to taste it and which ever dish they like better is going to be the tastier fruit." Applejack said.

"Sounds good but let's make a little bet on it shall we?" Strawberry asked with a devilish grin.

"Like what?" Applejack asked. Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice comes up.

"Excuse me ladies I can't help but overhear your little quarrel over which is the superior fruit and you two will be having a bake off." Gordon said.

"Um pardon me sir but who in tarnation are you?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah why are you snooping into people's conversation?" Strawberry said with slight anger.

"Excuse me but my name in Gordon Ramsey. Professional celebrity chef. I think that in order to solve this problem. I can judge you both to see which of the two fruits is superior." Gordon said.

"Pleasure to meet y'all. The name's Applejack." Applejack said tipping her cowgirl hat.

"My name is Strawberry Sunrise. Anyways about the bet, how about this. If you win, I'll say in front of everypony in Equestria that apples are better than strawberries and I will never eat another strawberry again and I'll assist you on the apple farm at Sweet Apple Acres for free. If I win, you have to say in front of everypony in Equestria that strawberries are better than apples and you have to close down Sweet Apple Acres forever and you have to assist me with my strawberry garden for free." Strawberry said.

"Fine! Bring it on!" Applejack yelled.

"Gordon along with some other ponies will judge." Strawberry said.

"It would be an honor. I'll get everything set. The competition will be tonight at eight o' clock." Gordon says.

"Deal." Both mares yelled looking at each other in anger. They both trotted away. Applejack then starts to have surprised suddenly realized what she had done. She just put Sweet Apple Acres in jeopardy. If she loses, she loses the family farm for good and there will be nothing she could do. She will ruin the family name and no apples ever.

"Landsakes! Applejack cursed.

"Did I just put the apple farm in danger? What did ah just get mahself into?" she asked her self.

At the competition

"Welcome everypony to the cooking competition, "Master Chef". I am the host and one of the judges for the show." Gordon announced.

"Ah cannot believe she put Sweet Apple Acres in danger." Applebloom said with a sad look on her face.

"Me either." Big Mac replied.

"Ah swear to Celestia if she doesn't win and gets Sweet Apple Acres closed down, Ah will-" she was stopped by Big Mac when he said,

"Now now, calm down granny." Big Mac said.

"Allow me to introduce you all to the judges. First off we have the princess of Friendship and one of Princess Celestias students, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Gordon said. Everyone cheers.

"Thank you everypony. It's an honor to be here." Twilight said with a smile.

"I sure hope they won't serve quesadillas. Their so cheesy." Twilight hoped with fear on her face followed by a gag.

"Our second judge is a fashion designer who is also the owner of Carosoul Boutique and has her own Boutique at Canterlot. Allow me to introduce you to Miss Rarity." Gordon said. Once again, everyone cheers.

"Why thank you all. Your too kind. Don't forget to get an outfit from me at Caresoul Boutique." Rarity said. Gordon rolled his eyes.

"Right. Our third judge is going to be a major representative of the fashion world in Canterlot. Ladies and gentlecolts, Mr. Hoity Troity." Gordon said as the ponies in the audience applauses and cheers.

"Pleasure to be here." He said.

"Our last three judges will be ponies who are bakers from Sugarcube Corner. Allow me to introduce to you, Carrot Cake, Cupcake, and Pinkie Pie."

"Hi Mom! Hi Dad! Hi Maud! Hi Limestone! Hi Marble! Hi Cheese Sandwich! Hope you guys are watching me!" Pinkie Pie said enthusiasticly in front of the camera since this will be broadcasted all over.

"Thanks for having us." The couple said.

"Now let's move on to the contestants. Our first contestant is a Pegasus who loves strawberries. Please give it up for Strawberry Sunrise." Gordon says. Everyone cheers.

"Boooo!" Rainbow Dash, Applebloom, and Granny Smith yelled from the audience.

Strawberry Sunrise comes out wearing a white chef coat with her name written in red uppercase letters.

"Our second contestant is a pony who loves apples and works a family business on an apple farm called Sweet Apple Acres, give it up for Applejack." Gordon announced. Everyone cheers.

"Whoooo go Applejack! Win this for the Apple cider!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"That's are sis!" Big Mac and AppleBloom cheered.

"Y'all better win this!" Granny Smith yelled.

Applejack had a look of nervousness on her face from all the pressure on her face as she trots up next to Strawberry.

"Now. For this challenge, you both will be making." Gordon says as he uses magic to lift the lid off the plater.

"Pie." He says as he shows a pie on a tray.

"You both can get everthing you guys need to make your guys pies. You've got one hour starting now." He said as the timer stated. They two dashed into the pantry getting their supplies and in the pantry and begins the process. Applejack put her stuff down and adds the flour, eggs, milk, and butter and mixes them together. She puts it in a pie tin and bakes it in the oven. She waits while the crust bakes and takes it out. She begins chopping and putting the apples into the crust and puts it into to the oven. A while later, she takes it out and hears,

"One minute to go!" Gordon says.

They put the finishing touches on the pies while hearing,

" Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Hooves in the air!" Everyone shouted.

" Please bring the pies forward." Gordon commended. They brought the pies down. Strawberry had a smug look on her face while Applejack halted at her.

"Right. Strawberry Sunrise. What did you make us today?" Gordon asked.

"Today I made a strawberry Rubarb pie." Strawberry Sunrise said. Gordon then cuts the pie using his magic and makes a crunching sound as it cuts. It was a beautiful slice of pie.

"This looks beautiful and I had good texture." he says. He then takes a bite out of the pie. He smiles and says,

"Wow this is delicious. Good texture, good flavor. I love it." Gordon says. The other judges took a bite out of it.

"I like it. This is so good." Twlight said.

"How lovely." Rarity says.

"Incredble. Most magnificent pie I had." Hoity said with enthusiasm.

"Super yummy." Pinkie said with enthusiasm. She put the whole pie down in one go.

"Best pie I've tasted." Mr Cake said.

"I agree." Mrs Cake said.

"Thank you." Strawberry said with condfidence. The croud cheers while Applejacks face boils. She had thoughts in her head.

In her thoughts

" This pie in raw! Absolute rubbish!" Gordon yelled.

"And I thought quesadillas were horrible but this takes the cake. Just for that, I am kicking you out of the elements of harmony and you are no longer an element." Twilight said.

"This is absolutely dreadful."

"This is one of the ugliest pies I've ever seen oh for shame." Hoity said sticking his muzzle up in the air turning away. Pinkie, Mr and Mrs Cake threw up.

"Ha! Say goodbye to the farm." Strawberry says using a wrecking ball destroying the farm. Suddenly, the entire Apple family came up with angry and disappointed looks on their faces. Granny Smith said,

"Thanks a lot Applejack. You soiled are good name and just for that, you are no longer an apple."

"Nooooooooo!" Applejack yelled with tears in her eyes.

Back to reality,

Applejack snaps out of it.

"Applejack. What did you make?"

"Ah made an apple pie with with cinnamon." Applejack said. Gordon cuts a slice and tastes the pie.

"It's very scrumptious. The pie it's almost glazed. I like how the different types of apples mix in harmony." Gordon says. The other judges tasted the pie and they said,

"This is amazing." Twilight said. She gobbles the whole slice up.

"Simply lovely." Rarity said.

"Spectacular." Hoity said raising his hoof in the air.

"Super duper good!" Pinkie shouted bouncing out of her seat. Mr and Mrs Cake were enjoying it so much that they are too busy to talk which shows they like it.

"Wow. This is going to be very close." Gordon says. He along with the other judges trotted to a sound proof room. A few minutes later, they all came out. Gordon says while Applejack is sweating. Ponies were on the edge of their seats. Rainbow was biting her hoof nails while Applebloom covered her eyes and said,

"I can't watch. Tell me when it's over."

" It was very close but the winner who just have the slight edge is. Congratulations...."

Too be continued

Chapter 2: And the Winner Is...Congratulations...Huh?

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"The winner is...." Gordon says. Everypony in the audience were on the edge of their seats. Ponies were nibbling on their hoofnails.

"Going to be determined after this upcoming pressure test." Gordon announced.

"What?!" Both Applejack and Strawberry shouted in unison with anger and confusion.

"What?!" Applebloom and Rainbow Dash yelled in unison.

"What?!" Lyra and Bon Bon shouted backstage.

"That's right ladies. That was just a warm up round. The real competition starts here." Gordon announced.

"Oh my Celestia! You have got to be bucking kidding me!" Strawberry cursed stomping her forehoof down in anger.

"Consarnit." Applejack said has she takes her hat off and slams it onto the ground.

"No protesting or you'll both be disqualified." Gordon commanded with a stern voice. Both ponies got scared faces and quickly replied.

"Yes chef!"

"Good. Now for the real deal. You will be doing something a losing team of a team challenge usually does to fight to avoid elimination but this case, this will determine the surperior fruit." Gordon says as he uses levitates the cover off the tray revealing fritters, pies, cakes, and we'll all sorts of pastries and baked goods people can think of.

"You both will have to bake different types of pastries using your chosen fruit. You both have to make fritters, cakes, ice cream, tarts, and of coarse pie."

"Oh my Celestia! I want some! Gimme gimme gimme!" Pinkie shouted as she tries to charge forward to cow down the pastries only to be stopped the the Cakes when they're holding her down.

"Ya'll expect us to bake all of this here pastries in an hour?!" Applejack said with her mouth wide open.

"Exactly. You have one hour to go into the Master Chef pantry to get all the ingredients and supplies bake one dozen of each pastery. Starting now!" He said. The two ponies dashed into the pantry pushing each other to get their supplies. They were fighting overs bag of flour until the bag spits open letting all the flour out getting themselves completely covered in flour.

"ACHOO!" They sneezed in unison because of the flour. They dust themselves off and they get back to getting their ingredients. Applejack sets up the oven then mixes all the flour and other ingredients into multiple bowls. She then power mixes all the ingredients and puts them all into the oven. Meanwhile, Strawberry Sunrise wasn't nervous one bit. She had a bunch of bowls out in front of her and mixes all of her ingredients and she uses a power mixer that could mix multiple things at once getting her mixtures and dough perfect. She places them all into the oven and nearly passes out of exhaustion. She then looks over at Applejack who was waiting for her baked good to get ready who was also not feeling or looking so hot. They were both so tired and sweaty and they felt like passing out. This didn't stop Strawberry from trying to stir the pot by getting under Applejacks skin.

"Just give up already. Apples are rotten and they attract worms." Strawberry said.

"Never. Apples are way better than strawberries." Applejack said with slight anger.

"Apples are so ugly that they have to trick or treat through mail." Strawberry said. Applejack got do angry that she hadn't really thought better and decided to shot back some insults even though she knows better.

"Well, strawberries are so ugly that if bein' ugly is a crime, they would get the electric chair. " Applejack said.

"Apples are so ugly that people put pictures of them on their bodies as an anti-theft device." Strawberry said.

"Strawberries are so ugly that they can model for death treats." Applejack said.

"Apples are so ugly that when their in the sand, cats bury them." Strawberry said.

"Strawberries are ugly that they make onions cry." Applejack says. They continued fighting for the past half hour forgetting that their was pateries in the oven while ponies were looking back and forth. Some even said,

"Oh! Woah!"

"Do you smell something burning?" Lyra asked Bon Bon.

"Oh no! Someone call the Fireponies!" Bon Bon said as she ran out of the building with Lyra following her.

"Ladies! The pastries! Their burning!"

"Oh Celestia!" Strawberry says as she notices the oven burning.

"Tarnation!" Applejack screamed as she runs out of the way. Soon both oven caught on fire burning the stage. Everypony ran out of the building avoiding getting burned. Later on, the sounds of sirens fills the air as the Fireponies put out the fire with their hoses. Everyone was able to escape the fire and nobody got hurt.

"Well I hope y'all happy now because your lil argument over fruit nearly got everypony killed!" Granny Smith yelled in anger to two ponies who had remorseful looks on their faces.

"That was scary." Applebloom complained with tears in her eyes hugging Big Mac.

"Don't worry AppleBloom. It's all over." Big Mac said trying to confort her little sister.

"Ah'm really sorry everypony. I let a silly lil argument get in the way of everypony's safety. We will fix everything. Isn't that right Strawberry." Applejack said in regret followed by nudging Strawberry.

"Ugh. Yes." Strawberry Sunrise said.

"Excuse me ladies. Since the competition was cancelled due to the fire, I thought that maybe we could have a rematch and this time, I will be hosting a full length competition. You guys along with some other ponies who are willing to participate will be a part of it. The winner will hold the title of Master Chef and get a trophy along with a cash prize." Gordon said.

"Really? Money and a title? Anything to prove that apples are better than strawberries." Applejack said.

"Oh come on we all know that strawberries are better. I will also be the one who is the better chef and get the cash prize." Strawberry said with a smug look on her face. Applejack's blood boils and they continue having this argument while other ponies are leaving.

"Let's settle this once and forall at the rematch." Strawberry said.

"Bring it! I can beat you and the rest of the competition blindfolded with one hoof tied behind mah back." Applejack yelled. This rematch will this time determine the superpriror fruit.

The End