> They Call Me Johnny > by Dashie1791 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Eight Months Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They Call Me Johnny By Dashie1791 "Chapter One- Eight Months Later" A rooster made it's way to the edge of the roof of the rather large house on the outskirts of Ponyville. The noise it made into the air was announcing that it was now five thirty in the morning. The rooster continued his calls into the sky until thumping noises could be heard from the inside of the house. Rapid loud thumping noises from the newest resident of Ponyville, and even Equestria. He's not a pony, a griffon or even a dragon. He's in fact a human, the only human living in this colorful world of happy and smart talking ponies. The rooster ignored the thumping coming from inside the house and continued to bellow at the top of it's lungs till the human rapidly opened the window with his head out. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The rooster then took the hint that the human was now angry and quickly lept off the roof and landed down on top of the woodpile next to the house and made it's way into his little home. Meanwhile the human slammed the window shut and laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling. 'Unghhh, why did Fluttershy have to give me that fucking rooster? I already have an alarm clock, so I don't need that little bastard cock a doodle dooing every morning at five thirty!' Then the human tried to get out of bed, aches and pains pulsated throughout his body from his head right down to his feet. 'Guess I had too much to drink last night! That's Jack Daniels for you!' He then made his way into the bathroom and turned the light on inside giving him a view of himself. He saw that his eyes were bloodshot and noticed that his hair was now a lot longer than before and his beard was now bushier than ever. "I look almost like that guy from the Hangover movies!" He then looked at his rolex watch and saw that it was now five fifty five. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep now, not after that rooster gave him that annoying wake up call. He then shut the light off and made his way back into his bedroom to dress himself for the day. He looked around the room that had posters of different movies titles, anime shows and a couple pictures of two hot supermodels. He remembered that they were still on his wall, he hadn't noticed them for quite awhile as this was the first time waking up in his room in about four months. Most of the time he had been waking up on either the couch, on the floor in the living room or sometimes he would not sleep at all. Sometimes he would attempt to watch an old movie, or he would go into Ponyville and interact with the strange but friendly talking Ponyfolk, and he would even lend a helping hand around town to the ponies that required the use of his hands. But for the most part he spent his time in the garage with his music blaring loudly while working on getting his motorcycle going again. His Ducati was his only prized possession that he had when he came from his world to Equestria. The ponies who saw it for the first time were not sure what exactly this two wheeled contraption was or who was this strange creature riding it. But when he came into this world, he arrived while riding super fast and lost control sending him and his bike flipping front over forwards. He was hurt in the accident and made it with only a broken leg and some minor cuts and scrapes, but his Ducati was mangled and needed repairs. He asked if there were any motorcycle shops in Equestria that could help repair his bike for him, but sadly he figured out that these ponies had never seen something like this before and didn't know how to repair something of this design. He then knew the only someone who could fix his bike was himself, but he needed tools to do that! He then discovered that himself and his Ducati were not the only things that had arrived from the other world. He saw that at the spot near where he was found, was this large house sitting in the middle of no where. He then realized that it was his house! All of his personal belongings were inside, right where he left them! Like a time capsule! It included an entire garage full of tools, every piece of technology from an unknown place that ponies had never seen before, and a collection of certain objects that had been collected over the years back in the other world. The male human had to recuperate for several weeks before he could even walk, let alone work on his most prized possession. There were a few nights spent at the pony hospital that was definitely not used to having a strange creature like him being there. When he left the hospital, he would have to walk around on one leg with a set of makeshift crutches that were built for him by Applejack. He immediately became acquainted with the town folk of Ponyville, especially the most famous ponies that lived there. They were called the 'Mane Six'. Their names being Applejack who was known as the element of 'Honesty', Fluttershy who became known as the element of 'Kindness', Pinkie Pie representing the element of 'Laughter', Rarity as the element of 'Generosity', Rainbow Dash as the element of 'Loyalty' and Twilight Sparkle, who was not only the Princess of Friendship but the element of 'Magic'. At first he was a bit nervous to talk with these strange talking ponies that seemed to know about a lot of different things. Maybe it was the realization that talking ponies exist in this world, and know how to use magic, are incredibly strong and can even fly. At first it was too much for his tiny human brain to take in, but after getting to know them slightly he saw that they would not cause any harm to him and his nervousness quickly went away. The residents of Ponyville at first didn't take to kindly to this alien like being now living in their town, but when he started to help them out with different jobs that they couldn't do with their hooves, they soon took a liking to him and slowly began to welcome him in as one of their own. Meanwhile the tall broad shouldered man got dressed by putting on his Muhammad Ali shirt and his one of three pairs of blue jeans. He made his way down the stairs and staggered into the kitchen. He turned on the coffee machine and proceeded to make himself a hot cup of coffee to wake himself up and hopefully get rid of his throbbing head pain. He then opened the fridge to grab the glass jar of milk from inside so he could mix it in his coffee. When the hot beverage was finally brewed he poured the milk in with a couple spoonfuls of sugar and went to sit down on the large sectional couch and turned on the T.V and began to watch one of his old movies. It was strange when he arrived in this world. He was surprised to see that these ponies in fact have electricity for lighting up their houses, provided heat and even had running water. Even his house had power and water hooked up to it which puzzled the human tremendously, it was something that nor him or anypony else could figure out. The only thing that they didn't have was a television station and didn't have a telephone line or have any WIFI, which at one point the human wished that they had but soon discovered that he didn't need them to get by. The only thing he used was the television to watch old movies and play the occasional video game on his Playstation four. He knew that this kind of technology was unheard of here, and his use of them was used less and less. Only when he was really bored! He sat on the couch with his cup in his left hand and the remote in the other. The movie that he chose to put on was the classic western flick called 'Tombstone', it was always an excellent movie to watch but today for some reason after watching it for about fifteen minutes his desire to watch the film was not in his best interest. He then pushed the stop button on the remote and shut the T.V off. He then looked around the living room to see it's messy layout. He could see many photos in their frames that have been turned facing downwards so they couldn't be shown and he could see the amount of dust beginning to start forming on the table around the room. 'Man, I got to start cleaning up after myself more often! This place looks like a trash house now!' The human then finished his last mouthful of coffee and then walked out of the living room and walked into the garage. Inside the garage he saw the project that he had been trying to work on for these last few months. His Ducati was sitting in pieces, waiting for it's owner to put it back together so it could carry him to his preferred destination. He opened up the garage with the opener and then grabbed a lighter and lit himself a cigarette. He took a long drag of the tobacco stick and then began to get to work fixing his bike. He took apart all of the parts that he knew where not in the best of shape, and put them aside to be worked on, and the ones that he knew would be a little difficult to repair he put them to the other side and would work on them last. He had taken apart this Ducati of his apart numerous times and he knew which part was which and where it went like the back of his hand. He then turned on his iPod that was connected his gigantic sony boombox and let his music start to play. The sounds of music playing in the garage as he worked on his Ducati somehow made it easier for him to concentrate and figure out what needed to be done. After three hours he turned his head out of the garage to peer outside. The weather appeared to be good for today, considering that it was raining the day before. The human then turned his loud blaring music off and then wiped off his brow to stare at his work for the day. So far he had managed to tear the engine apart some more and put everything aside tagged and in a correct order. After lighting up another cigarette he then looked at his watch that now read fifteen minutes after nine. 'Oh that's right, I promised Twilight that I would help her and Spike sort through her books in her library'. ............................................................ He then went back inside the house to wash himself of the dirt and grime. After he was done he redressed himself and got his shoes on and grabbed his chocolate brown leather jacket from the closet and walked out of the door and headed into town. As the human walked along the path that led to Ponyville he noticed that he no longer had any pain in his right leg, which is the one that he broke when he came to Equestria. It took him awhile to even put weight on it since it was broken in three places, but the pain was something he could handle. He was used to experiencing pain like this, back when he was in his world he used to be a boxer, until he was forced to retire after taking too many concussions. For the first two months he was only able to walk around with the set of crutches that Applejack built for him, made out of the wood from a few old apple trees that were no longer growing apples. After the next month and a half he was able to get around with one crutch and put some weight on it but not too much. For the last four and half months he was able to walk on his own while carrying a walking stick with him at all times, but now he could walk around without any assistance. He then made his way into the marketplace of Ponyville and walked by all the different concessions with different items for sale. He walked passed Roseluck who had just put a batch of roses out to sell. She saw the familiar man and waved a hoof at him and smiled. "Hello there Johnny, I haven't seen you in a while! You are walking on your own now, that's fantastic!" The human smiled brightly hearing his name called. He had become good friends with the flower selling pony and had even helped her and her friends pick flowers for her. "Hey Rose!" He said happily. "That's a nice bundle of roses you have there! You pick those today?" "Yes as a matter of fact I did. I just picked them about half hour ago." She replied while picking out the largest rose from the bundle. "Here you take this one. It's the nicest one I have". "Thanks Rose, but I'm sorry I can't take that for nothing. I can pay for it!" "Don't be silly Johnny, it's a congratulatory gift for now being able to get around on your own and healing to a hundred percent!" She insisted while holding the rose closer to him. Johnny smiled from ear to ear as he accepted the gift from his friend. "Thanks Rose, you really are a great friend!" Roseluck giggled loudly while slightly blushing. "Your welcome Johnny. Next time you come by, we should go look around Canterlot for some new flowers and maybe go on a picnic." Johnny nodded his head in agreement and waved goodbye. He then proceeded to make his way through the market, with the rose tucked in neatly in the front pocket of his coat. He walked by many of the Pony folk who lived in the bustling little town and stopped to say hi and wave hello to them. "Good to see you walking on your own Johnny. Looking good!" Lyra called out to him who was walking with her friend Bon Bon who also smiled and waved to him. "Thanks Lyra. Feels good to be walking on my own." Johnny then looked above and saw a familiar grey pegasus with a yellow mane flying overhead. "Hey there Derpy." The pegasus looked down at him and smiled brightly. But then she bumped into a sign and fell to the ground with her saddlebag full of letters that she was trying to deliver. "Holy shit! Derpy are you okay?" Johnny asked worriedly. Derpy then quickly sat right up and gave her head a rub. "Hey Johnny. Don't worry about me I'm ok." She replied while then attempting to pick up her mail. Johnny then quickly grabbed the letters as gently as possible and put them back in her saddlebag. She was very grateful that he had fingers. Picking them up herself while using her mouth was more time consuming. "Thanks for that. I wish I had those things you call fingers! It would make my job more easier!" She said while putting her saddlebag on her back. "It's no problem. I'm sorry that I distracted you earlier, It's my fault!" Johnny replied while looking away feeling bad for himself. But Derpy then gave a reassuring pat on his arm and smiled. "Don't worry Johnny, it's fine. This kind of thing happens a lot. Trust me!" She said while chuckling. He couldn't help but chuckle in agreement and then he stood up on his two legs. "I'm happy to see that you're walking now on your own. How does that feel?" Derpy asked with curiosity. Johnny sighed in and stretched his arms into the air. "It feels very free-ing!" He replied with a smirk. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a muffin that he had intended to give to her. He learned how to bake muffins from Pinkie Pie, especially his favorite kind. Blueberry! When he first met Derpy she told him how much she loved muffins, and he thought it was funny as he also loved muffins as well. The night before he had made a batch of blueberry muffins and put one aside to give to Derpy when he would see her next. She was excited to see the muffin, and quickly took a bite out of it. "Mmm this muffin is delicious. It's probably the best one I have ever had!" This made Johnny smile brightly. "Well I should hope so. I made it after all!" Derpy blushed a deep color of pink and then finished off the muffin quickly which made Johnny give out a slight giggle. "Well you definitely have the knack for making muffins, that's for sure! Thank you very much for it." She said sweetly. "It's no problem Derpy, and if you want more of them come on by my house later." The grey pegasus giggled and then began to flap her wings. "Thanks Johnny, I think I might do that!" She then took off into the sky to complete her delivery of the mail. Johnny then continued to head for Twilight's castle till he passed by Applejack's kiosk that was full of apples. "Hey Applejack!" Johnny called to his farm pony friend. Applejack looked over at him and waved happily at him. "Well howdy there Johnny, Imma glad tuh see ya walking 'round on yer own." She said in her recognizable southern voice. "How's that leg of yours feelin'?" "Better. Much better thank you. I'm sure glad that I had those crutches that you made to get around, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't of made them for me!" Johnny admitted. "I just wanted to say thank you AJ, thank you for helping me get around too!" While Johnny was walking around with crutches, Applejack would sometimes offer him a lift into town or even come pick him up to help her and her family sort through apples at their farm Sweet Apple Acres. He enjoyed working at the farm, of all the different jobs he worked around town going to the farm was his favorite. "It's no problem there Sugarcube. Anythin' for a friend!" She replied while handing him the largest roundest apple he had ever seen. "Here ya go hun, one for the road." Johnny smiled and grabbed the apple from her hoof and took a bite out of it. It made a large crunchy and juicy sound, and it tasted absolutely fantastic. "AJ, that's probably the tastiest apple that I have ever had in my life!" He mean't it too. He enjoyed all the different apple treats that she and her family made, it reminded him of his mothers apple deserts from back home. "Aw shucks, that's good tuh hear. Well ah better be gettin' back tah work. These here apples aren't gonna sell themselves!" Johnny smiled, then nodded his head and waved goodbye as then went to head towards the castle. He promised to Applejack that he would help her and Big Mac with the next harvest. Johnny then continued to walk through town until he finally reached the front door of Twilight's castle known as the 'Castle of Friendship. He knocked on the front door three times till he head the sounds of scurrying feet approaching from the other side. He then could hear the door unlocking till it began to open up from the inside. Johnny waited and looked down to see a familiar face. From inside the castle stood Spike the dragon, Twilight's number one assistant, the savior of the Crystal Empire and his best friend. One of his best friends! "Hey Spike, how's it hangin?" Johnny asked with a smile. Spike looked up at Johnny and smiled back at his human friend. "Hey Johnny Boy, it's hanging in the same place as always!" The purple dragon replied. "How about you? How's it hanging with you?" "Same as you. Still in the same place". The two friends then laughed until they had tears forming in their eyes. Johnny then stepped into the castle with Spike walking beside him. "So you're helping me and Twi sort through the books in the library today?" Spike asked. "Yeah I told Twilight that I'd offer you and her a hand, as Starlight is away with Trixie on a trip to Vanhoover." "That's great. I tell you we sure appreciate you helping us out. If you didn't come by today this would take the two of us forever to sort through them all! Thank celestia you have those hands of yours!" Johnny looked down at Spike with a puzzled look. "What are you talking about Spike? You got those claws that kinda look like hands! What are saying? That you can't handle these books very well?" Spike looked back at Johnny with a bashful look. "No, but I guess what I'm saying is that two sets of hands is better than one!" Johnny then chuckled and patted Spike on the shoulder. "Its okay buddy, I'm just busting your balls! I'm more than happy to help you guys out, besides it's what friends do!" Spike smiled and nodded his head in agreement. He knew that Johnny liked to tease him about different things, mostly about how he was so small for a dragon, how he sometimes was a bit of klutz when it came to doing some of his chores and his incredibly hilarious puppy crush on Rarity. Johnny thought it was funny to see Spike get all flustered every time he saw her, it made him remind him of himself back in his younger days. They then entered the library where Twilight was already sorting through the piles of books that lay in front of her. As Spike closed the door, the Alicorn princess turned around and was met with the sight of her dragon friend and the tall beefy and scruffy looking creature. "Hey there Johnny, it's good to see you. I'm glad you could give me and Spike some help sorting through these books." She said kindly. Johnny looked at his purple alicorn friend and gave her a warm friendly smile. "Hey Twilight. It's no problem at all. I'm more than happy to help!" Twilight nodded her head in agreement and then looked back at the pile of books. "Well we better get started. I'm just hoping we can at least get these all sorted before sundown, I have been looking at these piles of books for the last three days and I have had enough with looking at them like this!" Johnny and Spike chuckled quietly and then set to work. Johnny wasn't and hadn't been much of an avid reader, but all the times he went over to visit Twilight and Spike he always went home with a book to read, or had his head filled with information from a story that she read to him during his visit. Well as it turned out it didn't take them all day to sort through the piles of books. With the use of Twilight's magic and the use of both Johnny and Spike's claws and fingers the job went by quickly, it was also easier considering that he was six foot seven inches tall. They were soon down to the last few books on the floor when Twilight looked over at Johnny and smiled again. "Thanks for all your help Johnny, this would've taken far more longer without your help." "It's okay Twilight, I said that it's no problem. I'm more than willing to help out a friend. Anytime!" Twilight blushed slightly and then proceeded to look at the last three books on her side of the pile. She remained quiet for another few minutes until she once again broke the silence. "It's been eight months today! It's hard to believe all this time went by since when we found you!" Johnny immediately stopped sorting through the small pile of books and just sat there stiff and still for another few minutes until he acknowledged her. "Yup! Hard to believe alright!" In a instant flash his attitude went from somewhat happy to completely still and quiet, he then felt numb deep inside himself and began to slightly tremble. Twilight noticed that Johnny had completely changed his attitude and became incredibly silent and had his back turned to her. "Johnny. Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. Johnny didn't say nothing at first, firstly because he didn't want her to see that he had tears trickling down his cheeks. He quickly wiped the tears away and did a loud sniff into the air before he responded. "Hmm...Yeah I'm f-fine. Just dandy". He then stood up and began to head for the exit from the library. "If you excuse me Twilight, I am going to get going and go home for a nap". Twilight was surprised by his sudden change in character, and the way he just said that he was leaving sounded strange to her. She knew that Johnny was a strange and odd guy but to her something was eating at him. Something was bothering him. Something that she just couldn't put her hoof on. "Oh, well okay Johnny. Me and Spike can handle it from here. Thanks for your help though, I mean that. Honestly!" Johnny didn't turn around to face her. He just simply waved goodbye with his head held down and his shoulders slumped over. Twilight felt sad for her friend. She had wanted to find out why he was acting so strangely and why did he want to be on his own most of the time? She had tried to go to his house several times to talk with him as well as her friends. But Johnny was a very private person and was protective of his house and wouldn't let her, Spike and not even the rest of her friends inside. Meanwhile Spike came back into the room after he had been off taking care of his business. "Hey Twi, where did Johnny go?" Twilight looked over at her dragon friend and simply shook her head. "Johnny had to leave. He wanted to get going so I told him that we can finish from here." She replied with a slight smile on her face. Spike just looked down at his feet and sighed. "Oh man. He said he was going to tell me about the greatest athletes who ever lived in his home world!" Meanwhile Johnny was walking through Ponyville with his head held down and his feet dragging slowly behind him. He just continued to stare at the ground while he walked through the same part of town he had walked through earlier. All the other ponies waved and said hello to him, but he barely responded as he was no longer chipper and eager about himself. He didn't even notice the familiar white unicorn with a purple mane with the curls at the front. "Johnny, oh Johnny darling. Over here!" Johnny then looked up and saw that he was walking by the carousel boutique and noticed that Rarity was standing out in front. "Oh hey Rarity". He responded quietly. Rarity then stared at her tall and long haired friend that seemed rather quiet today for some reason. "What's the matter darling? Did Rainbow Dash play another prank on you again?" Johnny just shook his head. "I'm fine Rarity, I'm just tired from helping Twilight and Spike over at the castle for the last few hours". "Oh okay, I completely understand darling. I just wanted to ask if you were still coming by tomorrow so I can measure for your new shoes?" Johnny had completely forgotten that Rarity had promised to make him a new pair of skate shoes, considering the once brightly crimson colored Vans that he had on were now darkened and faded from being worn too much. "Oh....Yeah I didn't forget. I'll be over sometime after breakfast Rarity." "Fabulous darling, I'll see you tomorrow then!" She said with a hint of excitement. She had made lots of different dresses for ponies, but she had not done something like make shoes for a human before. She was excited and looking forward to the task. Johnny just slightly smiled and then turned away. "OK. Thanks". He then continued to head back towards his house, unbeknownst to him that Rarity was watching him walk away. 'I've gotten to like him very much, but I can't help but understand what is wrong with him? I wish I knew why, he just looks so sad all the time. It's....It's....Heart wrenching!' Johnny then heard the distinctive sound of a pegasus flapping it's wings rapidly. He knew very well who that was! It was none other than the one and only Rainbow Dash. Equestria's fastest flier and member of the Wonderbolts. To Johnny Rainbow Dash was one of the coolest ponies that he had ever met. There was something about her attitude, the way that she always kept her head up even in the most difficult of situations, and the way that she showed a side of pure loyalty towards her friends and even him. They were somewhat almost exactly alike! They both loved things that go fast, they both had interests in things that fly and they were both very tough as nails. He told her about his times as a boxer, about the greatest bands of all time where he came from, and they would even arm wrestle each other. She would show him just how strong she really was and most of the time their arm wrestling competitions would end in a tie! But today, Johnny was not in the right mood to want to be around anypony. Even Rainbow Dash! He kept his head down as the cyan speedster began to fly over top of him. "Hey Goose!" She called to him with her own nickname for him. Johnny usually snapped at her when she called him by that name, but today he didn't respond to her normally the way he had done previously. He just kept walking and kept holding his head down. "Hey Rainbow." He quietly replied giving her a slight wave. "Do you think you can watch me practice my new tricks tomorrow? There is a couple of things that I have to nail down for the wonderbolts and I need somepony to watch and give me pointers. Any chance you can do that for me tomorrow? Might be a wonderbolts ticket in it for you if you do!" Johnny didn't respond right away which Rainbow thought was strange. He loved going to see the Wonderbolts perform. He said it reminded him of airshows back where he was from. "Yeah sure. Why not!" He replied glumly. He kept on walking through town and just continued to walk away from her. 'Something is definitely bothering that guy. I have seem him act strangely before, but I have never seen him like this! I wish he would tell me or the others but he won't say anything! Someday we will find out. Someday!' She thought to herself before taking off for home. The tall quiet human then made his way past Sugarcube corner, which always gave off the hint and smell of fresh baked goods. Most of the time that smell would shake Johnny out of whatever funk he was in. But today was a different story. He didn't react to the smell of the delicious goodies being made inside, and he didn't even notice Pinkie Pie shouting to him. "HEY JOHNNYYYYYYYYYYYY! You want to try my newest cupcake that I invented? It's called double fruit, double chocolate and double frosting cupcake! You want to try?" Nothing.......... The pink party pony was surprised that someone like him, who absolutely loved her baked goods and pies didn't respond back to her with interest in wanting to try the new cupcake. Her mane deflated slightly and her ears drooped towards her head. 'Huh, that's not like him to just turn down one of my cupcakes! I wonder what's wrong with him?" She asked herself before devouring the newest invention she created. Now she was saddened and the delicious flavor that the cupcakes gave off now didn't interest her anymore. 'Back to the kitchen to try another recipe!' Meanwhile a pale yellow pegasus mare with a wavy and flowing pink mane was waiting patiently and whistling a pleasant tune. Fluttershy was waiting for Johnny at his house. She wanted to know how things were going between him and the rooster that she had given him. She then heard the rooster crow loudly into the air from up above on the roof which made the animal caretaker smile. She then saw the familiar shape of a bipedal figure making his way toward the house, with his head held down and both fists jammed into each pocket of his jeans and his head looking down at the ground. "Hi...Hi Johnny. How are you doing today?" The shy pegasus asked kindly. She had taken a special liking to the only human of Equestria. She even helped look after him when he was in the hospital recuperating. As for Johnny he also took a special liking towards the kindest pony in Ponyville. There was something about her that reminded him of a girl he once knew back where he came from. Even though he was in a glum mood and felt miserable, just seeing her kind face and her aqua colored eyes made him feel slightly better, so he responded so not to be rude. "Hey there Fluttershy". He said trying to hide the emotions that he was feeling. "I'm doing fine. What about you? What can I do for you?" "Oh....I was just wondering if Norman isn't giving you too much trouble." "Norman?" Johnny asked with a confused look. "The rooster?" Fluttershy giggled while pointing to the roof where the rooster was earlier. Johnny felt rather stupid and smacked his palm against his forehead. "Oh yyyyyeah. That's what you call him. I completely forgot what his name was 'heh heh'." Johnny chuckled. He looked at Fluttershy who appeared to be entertained by his goof up. "But in all honesty Fluttershy, I really don't think I need him to be here! I mean I already have an alarm clock which can get me up whenever I want, but that darn Norman keeps making that racket every morning at five thirty! I ask him nicely to be quiet but he never stops his damn crowing!" Fluttershy then gave Johnny a slightly worried look. "Goodness, I'm really sorry Johnny. Norman usually doesn't crow that early when he was living at my cottage. Maybe I can talk with him and see if he can stop crowing so early in the morning." The little pegasus declared. She then flew over towards the rooster's den and poked her head inside and began to talk to the rooster. Johnny at first thought Fluttershy was crazy when she said she talked to animals. He had never seen anything like it before in his life! He then became used to seeing her how she cared for the animals around Ponyville, and would sometimes chuckle to himself whenever he saw her doing that. Especially today! 'She's probably giving that little fucker the business. Serves him right too the shithead!' He said to himself while chuckling. Fluttershy then finished her conversation and then came back to talk with Johnny. "He said that he will stop crowing so early in the morning and that he will do it later in the morning." She happily stated. "How later in the morning are we talking?" "Around seven in the morning. Give or take?" "Okay. Well that's better than nothing I guess!" He replied with a smirk on his face. 'If it gives me an hour and a half of extra silence from that asshole then I'll take it!' He mumbled to himself. "Thanks Fluttershy! If you didn't have the ability to talk to animals, I wouldn't have been able to get him to tone it down on his crowing." He said kindly. Deep down Johnny wanted her to remove him from his yard, but she was always so kind to him and he didn't want to hurt her feelings so he decided to give 'Norman' the rooster another chance. "You're quite welcome Johnny" Fluttershy replied while slightly blushing. "Say would you like to come over to my cottage tomorrow for tea with me and Discord?" Johnny looked at the little pegasus pony with his dark brown eyes and sighed deeply. "Maybe Fluttershy. Tomorrow I have an appointment with Rarity at her boutique so she can make me a new pair of shoes, and Rainbow Dash wants me to give her pointers on her new trick for the Wonderbolts". Fluttershy looked a bit let down as he gave her his reply. "Oh. Um..Okay that's fine". She quietly exclaimed. Johnny then began to feel bad deep down inside, he didn't like seeing her look so down. "But if I finish up with the others early, then I can come by for tea". Fluttershy looked up at the tall bipedal creature and smiled brightly. "Okay, that sounds good to me. See you tomorrow maybe". She said with a smile and a friendly wave of her hoof. Johnny watched as his kind and friendly pony friend made her way back to Ponyville. He felt slightly better when she came by to visit him, but as soon as she left his mood reverted back to the way it was before and felt even more saddened deep down inside in his chest. A part of his brain wanted him to call for Fluttershy to come back as he didn't want to be alone right then and there. But no matter how much he tried to force himself to call her name, he just couldn't do it! He went back inside his house and went up to his bedroom and laid down on top of his bed. So many thoughts were pulsating through his mind, it had gotten to a point that he didn't know where to begin. 'Has it really been eight months since I've been here? Shit it doesn't feel eight months, it feels more like a year or so.' 'And why did Twilight have to bring that up anyway? Doesn't she know what kind of pain I've been experiencing?' 'Well actually no as I have not told her or any of these Ponies about what's really wrong with me! And the less they know about me the better! I don't want them to worry about me, they already have enough shit to deal with! They don't need to hear my pathetic life story, it's no one else's business other than my own!' He then began to close his eyes, layed as still as possible and then began to drift off into the land of slumber. That was until the sounds of screaming, the sound of tires screeching and metal being crunched and scraped along a flat hard surface could be heard. "MOM! DAD! BRO? SIS? *pant pant* ANSWER ME! NO, THIS CAN'T BE?! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! *pant pant pant* NOT THEM! ANYTHING BUT THEM, NO PLEASE GOD NO!" Johnny awoke instantly while screaming loudly at the top of his lungs. He was cold and clammy and his t-shirt was drenched with sweat. He panted profusely as he felt like his lungs were on fire. He looked at his watch and saw that he had been dreaming and had only dozed off for twenty minutes. Now agitated and frustrated he jumped out of his bed and made his way downstairs. He then opened the liquor cabinet that was stocked with alcoholic beverages from his world and Equestria and grabbed the half drank bottle of Jack Daniels that he had attempted to polish off the previous night. He removed the lid and threw it on the floor and tilted his head backwards to begin drenching his sorrows with the bitter tasting beverage. He winced at the taste of the bourbon and burning sensation that went down his esophagus towards his belly. He looked at the bottle and clenched his teeth in anger while proceeding to down another large gulp of the bourbon. After downing another large gulp of the beverage he then began to feel the alcohol doing it's thing making him slightly tipsy and making him feel numb inside. After another few seconds he then placed the bottle against his mouth once again and this time he didn't take it away. Now used to the taste of the 'Jack' he began to chug the beverage rapidly and he didn't stop till the bottle was completely empty. After he got the last of the liquid from inside the bottle, he then panted desperately while trying to catch his breath. Afterwards he then shouted at the top of his lungs in a half drunken rage and then took the bottle and smashed it against the wall. The bottle smashed into pieces and put a rather large hole in the drywall, and then he took his frustrations out some more by punching the wall several times with both of his fists. Johnny then started to calm down and then slid down with his back against the wall, his fists trembling and bleeding. He then began to cry uncontrollably with tears streaming down his cheeks while he layed his head in the palms of his hands and bawled loudly. 'Why? Why did they have die? Why them? Why did this have to happen to me?' He asked himself while continuing to weep. 'And why am I still alive?' "To be Continued" > That Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night when Johnny came to Equestria still bore fresh in his mind. It was a calm and still June night, it was the day of his twenty fourth birthday and it was also the anniversary of when the most important part of his life was taken away from him. Six years earlier to that day was not only his eighteenth birthday, but was also his highschool graduation. His mom, dad, his brother and his sister all pitched in to buy him his birthday and graduation present. He was driving down the long narrow driveway that led to their house on his old Kawasaki dirt bike that he bought while saving up money from his job as a laundromat clerk and as a paper delivery boy. He came from a rich family and was the youngest one of his older siblings. He always got along with them, but when it came to deciding who got the last piece of pizza at dinnertime it was always a battle to see who would win. His sister would always back out early as Johnny and his older brother were both boxers. It was usually a arm wrestling competition that would settle their squabbles, but sometimes the two would sort to chucking knuckles which always ended up with their mother screaming and their dad having to jump in and break them up, sometimes the astray fist from either brother accidentally punching him in the process! But all in all it was a happy and loving family and Johnny was very happy to have them as his own. He was considered the baby in the family and his parents would spoil him like crazy. He didn't like to be spoiled, he wanted to earn his own money and work hard for it. Not have it given to him! His dream was to be a great boxer and be just like him and his dad's hero, 'Muhammad Ali'. As a child he was told bedtime stories about him from his dad, telling him how he was the greatest boxer there ever was and ever lived. As he grew older, he began to start boxing when he was twelve years old. It was difficult learning the aspects of the sport to start, but after learning about as much as he could from his dad he soon got the gist of it down. He began to win trophies and was beginning to look like a potential future boxer, like the ones he would see on television. In school, he had lots of friends who thought of him as their bodyguard. If they had a problem they always went to Johnny. After he beat the shit out of two bullies who were picking on one of his friends, not one other person laid a finger on any of them anymore. And no one was brave enough to take him on one on one. He never did like to fight out of a boxing ring, but he cherished his friends and thought of them as his family. So when someone messed with his family, all bets were off and he was right there to help them and have their back! Back on the day of his graduation he came home and saw that his family were waiting for him outside in front of the garage. 'That's weird. Why are they waiting for me out front?' He asked himself. When he pulled into the driveway, he dismounted from his bike and walked over to them, from the looks on their faces they were hiding something. Something big! "Hey guys, what's going on?" His parents and his siblings then turned towards the garage, his father pushed the button on the remote to open it up and inside the garage was a shiny brand new red Ducati. His dream bike! The one he had been secretly saving his money for, it was right there in front of him. Johnny was absolutely stunned seeing this beautiful machine sitting there proud and sparkling new with a big red bow on the handlebars. "Happy Birthday Johnny!" His parents said happily. "And congratulations on graduating bro." His sister and brother added. Johnny couldn't contain himself as he smiled from ear to ear and began to tear up. "Honey what's wrong?" His mother worriedly asked him. Johnny wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his coat and sniffled loudly. "I'm just so happy! I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have such an awesome and caring family!" His parents then teared up and soon had their arms wrapped around him in a massive bear hug. His brother and sister then joined in and they had an emotional and a happy family moment. Their neighbor from a few houses down came in to visit and took a picture of them all in front of his new present. It was a touching and heartwarming photograph, little did Johnny know that this would be the last photo taken with his loving family. Johnny quickly took his new bike for a spin around his hometown before he had to prepare for grad. His dad handed him a new helmet that was the exact same color as his bike, and had bright bold letters on both sides that spelled 'Ducati'. He then revved the engine loudly until he peeled out of the driveway and sped up the road, the wind whooshing past him and the rush of going fast on one of the fastest production bikes ever made! Later that night, he was busy preparing putting on his fanciest clothes for the grad ceremony. He was all finished and ready to go, but his mother was taking a bit longer than expected. He looked at his watch and saw that it was now six thirty. The ceremony started at seven thirty! He began to get slightly nervous, it was not everyday that you get to go to your own highschool graduation. Then at six forty five his mother was ready to go. They hopped in his parents Escalade and made their way downtown. He really wished he could take his Ducati to grad with him. He wanted to show all of his friends and make all the other kids jealous. The ceremony went as planned, and Johnny was now officially a highschool graduate and could now focus on his dream of becoming a professional boxer. He remembered how happy his parents were when he stood tall and proud with his diploma in his hand and a smile that lit up the whole room. They were soon all once again back in the car and heading for home. It was dark outside, and the traffic was beyond crazy. It was bumper to bumper with all the crazies trying to either get home or head to the nearest bar. They were no more than fifteen minutes away from their house when they had to wait for a red light at the last intersection. Johnny was sitting in the back seat behind his father who was driving, his mother was sitting in the front passenger seat, his sister was sitting beside him and his brother was sitting on the passenger side behind their mom. Johnny remembered what his parents said to him just before the light turned green. "We're very proud of you son." They both said in unison. Johnny smiled happily to hear those words. His brother and sister chuckled and nodded in agreement. The light then changed and his dad stepped on the gas and moved the car into the intersection. It was at that very moment when everything went black, and all Johnny could remember was the sounds of loud screaming and the sounds of tires skidding on the pavement. Johnny awoke with a start, screaming at the top of his lungs and trying desperately to catch his breath. The vision of that tragic night played out in his mind almost every time when he tried to sleep at night. Ever since then, he had troubles falling asleep. Most nights were spent just sitting around the empty house staring into oblivion, most nights were spent with him having the same thing with him waking up in a cold sweat and panting reliving his traumatizing past, but the other nights of him getting a good nights sleep was very rare. Those nights where he could sleep in peace were spent with his girlfriend, the one that he had known since he was nine and was the love of his life. His sat in his bed, thinking about how rough his life had been those past five years. His boxing career didn't pan out the way he wanted, his closest friends then disappeared one after the other, and his girlfriend too had also left him. As he got older he then developed an avid thirst for alcohol which all in all just made things for him worse. Soon afterwards he then became deeply and sorely depressed, and spent almost every day from then on wanting to disappear into the land of the unknown. After he regained control of his breathing, he then reached down beside the end of the couch that he had laid down on and grabbed his already half open bottle of Jack Daniels and began to chug it until the bottle was completely empty. His sleep medicine that he called it was not doing it's job for him that night. For some reason the thoughts, the pain and depression were so deep that his mind was not in the right place. He then looked at the picture of himself with his family standing beside his Ducati that he kept in his wallet and then began to cry. All the while his thoughts running himself ragged. It was then the voice in his head had made it clear, that he could no longer take this pain any longer. He was twenty three years old, was cold, sad and all alone. 'It ends tonight! I can't take this fucking pain anymore, no matter where I go or what I do I'll never be happy without them!' Johnny then tossed his cell phone onto the dirty and dusty coffee table, and then got into his leather jacket and his leather boots and made his way into the garage. He grabbed the set of keys off the wall and made his way to the red speed bike. He climbed on and turned the key till the one thousand 'CC' V-twin engine roared to life, the rumble from the exhaust echoing throughout the garage. He moved himself and the bike out onto the driveway and then climbed off to close the garage door. As soon as it was now closed, he then hopped back on and peeled out of the driveway doing a wheelie in the process. He drove up the long narrow driveway and then made his way onto the road that went into his neighborhood and drove to the very end of the road and stopped at the red light. He revved the engine with the throttle a couple times and then turned the handlebars to the left and positioned himself and his Ducati till they were facing the direction from which he came. Johnny breathed in and out a couple times as he looked down the dark, straight and empty road. As he looked around, all he could see was the luminescent glow of the street lights hitting the walls off the small houses around him, and the bright light coming from his headlight. The sound of his bike bouncing off the walls and returning the noise right back at him in an almost deafening tone. He then lifted his right leg and clicked back on the lever to put the bike in neutral and then began revving the bike several times till the sounds coming from the exhaust pierced through the quiet neighborhood, and then he leaned forward and prepared himself for what would happen next. He knew that in this particular moment that there was no going back from this, this was the night that he was going to die!!! Then using his leg, he kicked the lever into first gear and revved the engine loudly until the rear tires dug into the pavement and propelled the bike forward at an incredible speed. The roar of the bike echoed all throughout the neighborhood as he sped down the road and began to head down the long driveway towards the end. He knew once he got past this spot that there was no going back, if he were to chicken out he would crash and probably end up really hurting himself to a point where he probably wouldn't be able to walk again, or if he decided to go through with it he would end his life as quickly and painlessly as possible! But Johnny didn't care, his life was worthless to him and he didn't see any reason in chicken out. He just continued to propel the fast moving super bike down the road at an incredible speed and look forward to what would happen next. He soon began to see the solid concrete foundation wall directly in front of him, getting closer and closer every second that he was approaching. 'This is it!' He said to himself as he then pulled back on the throttle even more for at that moment for the last time in his life. He then leaned back and closed his eyes, preparing for contact with the wall, but when he thought his life was going to end, he opened his eyes and saw a large bright blue light that completely lit up the night and completely engulfed him in an instant. It only felt like a second as Johnny passed into the bright anomaly, he then felt the front of his bike begin to wobble and before he could regain himself, he lost total control and then flipped going head and ass over frontwards, which to him felt like it was in slow motion. After rolling around the ground several times and crashing into small trees and bushes he eventually came to a stop in the pitch black. Johnny then began to regain his senses as he could taste what seemed like the taste of fresh soil and it was not the most pleasant taste he had ever tasted. He then lifted his head and saw nothing but darkness. 'What the fuck?' He asked himself. 'Where the hell am I?' He then tried to stand up but then he felt a sharp and intense pain begin to throb in his right leg. 'Arrrggh, please don't tell me?' He tried to stand himself up once more but the pain was too intense and he then collapsed back onto the ground this time laying down with his head up. He then began to feel slightly woozy and the world seemed to begin to start spinning, then leaned over and vomited from the pain. As he tried to regain his lost thoughts, he then heard what seemed to be several voices call to him from what seemed over top of him. 'Hey are you okay?' As Johnny looked up he saw what appeared to be six colorful horse like creatures, but before he could say anything he then lost total consciousness and fell into a dark void. Johnny then seemed to floating in a dark, endless and silent world. A world he had never seen or even experienced before. But then the darkness began to dissipate and then he thought he could hear voices. It sounded like six voices to be exact and for some reason they appeared to be female. He couldn't see where the voices we're coming from but they seemed to be rather close to where he was, to him the sounds of these soft and kind sounding voices were almost enough to put him to sleep. But that wouldn't last long as he then was jolted awake as the familiar strong sharp pain in his leg came shooting through his body. "OWWW!" Johnny shouted loudly as he was suddenly awaken from his stupor. He then saw what he thought were the six colorful horse like creatures were again standing close to him. Johnny yelped slightly and the creatures did the exact same thing. "Ah that thing can talk!" The one horse said in a perfect english speaking voice, this particular one had a indigo mane that was done in a series of curls, the same as her tail and dark blue eyes and a light gray coat. She also had a horn on the top of her head. "I can talk? What about you? You're all talking as well!" Johnny loudly replied while holding his hands and arms in front of him. "Please don't hurt me! I don't know where I am and I don't know what you want, but please don't hurt me!" Johnny then tried to get up but he then remembered that his leg was more than likely broken, but he found out again the hard way by wincing in agonizing pain and falling right on his face landing some soft smooth surface. Grass? As he tried to get up he felt a hoof from one of the other horses put her hoof on his shoulder as he attempted to get back up. This one had a dark blue mane with a purple streak through it, she had violet eyes and a lavender colored coat. Like the other horse that spoke before her, she too had a horn on top of her head and also had a large set of wings on her back. "Don't worry sir, it's going to be okay we are not going to hurt you!" She said in calming tone of voice. Johnny then began to slow his breathing down and he slowly pit his arms and hands down beside his body. "Are you okay? You appear to be hurt, is something wrong with your leg?" Johnny then inhaled and slightly winced as he shifted his body more uprights to face these equine talking animals. "I'm fine, but I am sore all over my body and I think my leg is broken." "Oh my." The other female horse said. This one had a beautiful flowing pink mane that almost covered over her kind face, she had light turquoise colored eyes and had a slight yellow color to her coat. And like the lavender one she too had a pair of wings. She then walked slowly over to him and wrapped his leg in a splint. As she tightened it, he let out a small yelp. "Ah, fuck! Are you trying to hurt me on purpose?" He snapped. "I'm so sorry, I was trying to tighten the splint to prevent your leg from moving some more. Please don't be mad with me!" She said in a quiet and very shy sounding voice. Johnny then felt slightly bad for snapping at her. "It's okay, I'm sorry for what I said. I should learn not to be mean to ones that are only trying to help me." He said while looking into her eyes. She then quickly turned her head and looked at the ground, a slight blush appearing on her face. "So what are you anyway? Some kind of shaved monkey that escaped from the zoo?" The blue horse asked in a raspy tomboyish sounding voice. She had a light blue coat, had rose colored eyes, she had a pair of wings like the yellow one and her mane was the color of the rainbow. "Rainbow Dash!" The lavender one barked loudly while looking at her. "Don't be so mean to him!" "Well sorry, I don't know what he is. It's not like there is a bunch of them walking around Equestria or Ponyville all the time!" 'Equestria?' 'Ponyville?' Johnny said to himself. "Maybe he is some kind of deformed pony who escaped from the circus!" The horse that had appeared to be entirely pink with a poofy pink mane and tail and had light colored blue eyes. She didn't have any wings or a horn on her head and looked more like a real horse. "Ah really don't think that is what he is Pinkie. He's probably some strange talking monster from the Everfree forrest". The last horse said. This one had a orange colored coat, a yellow mane and tail done in a braid and had lively colored green eyes. She was just like the pink one, she looked like a horse that he would occasionally see out on a farm, but she wore what appeared to be brown cowboy hat, and had a southern accent. Johnny was tired of them making silly accusations as to what he really was, so he decided to break their little conversation. "For your information I'm a human. I'm not a monster, I am not a shaved monkey even though we are technically somewhat related and I'm definitely not a deformed pony! I'm a human and that's all!" The six then stopped talking and looked straight at Johnny with curious looks on their faces. "Hoo-man?" Asked the Pink one. Johnny then did a slight chuckle and shook his head. "No. Human. Hu-Man. Not Hoo-man!" He thought it was kinda funny on how she pronounced the name. The lavender horse then looked at Johnny with a bright look in her eyes and a slight smile on her face. "A human? I read a story about humans in an old book back when i was living in Canterlot. There was a rumor about a human in Equestria long before Celestia. There is no real solid evidence about it since it happened so long ago, I asked her what she thought and she thinks that it's just a rumor." Johnny's head was starting to spin as he then cut off the lavender horse. "Okay, first Equestria? Then Ponyville? And Canterlot? Ive never heard of these places before. Who in the hell is Celestia? and lastly, what are all of you?" The six equine creatures took a quick step back and one by one they explained to him to everything that he asked. "Equestria is the name of the country that we live in." The lavender explained. "Ponyville is the name of the town where we live and where you are right now!" The gray one said. "Canterlot is the royal city high above Ponyville on the side of a mountain." The rainbow maned one said brashly. "Celestia is thuh name of our leader of Equestria. She is a Princess and she raises thuh sun." The one with the cowboy hat said in her southern accent. "She also has a sister that lives with her in the castle. Her name is Luna and she raises the moon." The kind one said in a quiet voice that Johnny could barely hear. "And for what we are? We are Ponies!!!" The Pink one said in a bright cheerful mood. Johnny who now had received the answers to the questions he asked and was amazed at was he was hearing. They were not horses but ponies! And this country was ruled by ponies, and it was ran by two pony sisters. He then felt a lot better that these ponies were not going to hurt him. Right? "So you are all Ponies?" He asked. They all nodded. "And this country and this town is inhabited by ponies too?" They all nodded again together. "And you're not going to harm me?" They all shook their heads while giving him very reassuring and kind smiles. "No of course not. We wouldn't do something as horrible as hurt something like you!" The lavender pony said kindly. "That's right!" The cyan pony chimed in. "Why? Do we look harmful?" The rest asked him in unison. Johnny felt warm inside that the ponies were so kind. They had colorful manes and tails. They had gorgeous colored eyes, and had such warm and friendly voices. "No." He responded quickly, "You actually all look kinda......cute!" Johnny then noticed immediately that the expressions on these ponies faces changed from being normal looking to then all showing a bright color of red on each face. The farmpony had to quickly hold her hat in front of her face to hide her self, the pink pony was beaming from ear to ear, the Yellow one quickly tried to hide herself behind her pink mane but that didn't to much to hide her blush. The lavender and gray colored ponies both giggled and tried their best to play it cool, but the cyan pony's face was reddest of all and she appeared to be somewhat agitated. "Hey buddy, I am not cute! I am awesome! You got that?!" She said while trying to show him that she had a tough side. "Then why are you blushing then?" Johnny asked with a slight smirk on his face. "I am not blushing!" "Ya coulda fooled me!" The farmpony giggled. The rainbow colored pony then turned her face around to not show herself. "Shut up!" Johnny gave a slight chuckle to seeing them interact with each other. In some way, it kind of reminded him of his old friends that he knew when he was younger. "So if you are all Ponies, then why do some of you have wings and horns?" The Lavender pony spoke up again. "That's cause in this world, there are earth ponies, there as unicorns and then there's the pegasi." She explained with a teacher like voice. "Don't you have ponies where you come from?" "Yes as a matter of fact we do have ponies where I come from. But our ponies don't have horns and they don't fly. They are actually considered mythological creatures." He finished. "Interesting." The Lavender pony said with a hoof on her chin. Johnny gave a small chuckle, and then he gazed at this particular pony that looked different from the others. "Then what are you then?" He asked while pointing to her wings and horn. "You are the only one here with both wings and a horn." "Oh that's cause I'm an alicorn, just like the other three Princesses of Equestria." "Wait, there's three princesses?" "Actually there's four of us!" She chimed in with a smile. "I'm a princess too!" Johnny looked at the alicorn with a confused look. "Well if you are a princess, then where is your crown?" "I only where it to special events. I don't really like wearing it all the time." Johnny had to agree with her. "Well it's a honor to be talking with a princess of Equestria. It's not everyday I get to meet royalty." He said while slightly bowing his head at the princess. She gave a small smile and small giggle. "Human, you seem to be a very kind soul. May I ask you your name?" She asked. Johnny then looked up and quickly cleared his throat. "My name is Johnathan, but they call me Johnny." "Who's they?" Asked the Pink pony. Johnny sighed and then gave a reply. "My friends and family." The alicorn princess then smiled and presented her hoof to him. "It's nice to meet you Johnny. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, 'The Princess of Friendship' but you can call me Twilight." Johnny then moved his hand forward and shook Twilight's hoof. He was surprised by just how soft her hoof felt to him. It felt so different and foreign, but in the end he really didn't care. "It's nice to meet you Twilight." Twilight smiled from ear to ear. She then saw that there was a small stream of blood on Johnny's forehead. She then shot a strange purple cloud out from her horn and raised a rag to wipe the blood off of him. Johnny was amazed at what she just did, as he couldn't bring his jaw up from almost hitting the ground. This made all the other ponies laugh including Twilight. "What did you just do? What was that?" He asked. Twilight looked confused as to why Johnny all of sudden seemed so surprised. "I just used my magic. Alicorns and Unicorns both use magic, but the magic of an alicorn is by far the most powerful in Equestria!" Johnny went wide eyed for a split second. "Magic? Really? Wow that's cool. In my world the only magic I've seen is on the TV by a magician named David Blaine." Twilight giggled and then cocked her head to the side. "This David Blaine you speak of, is he a good magician?" "One of the best I've seen!" "And may I ask, what is a TV?" Johnny looked at the alicorn princess and it was his turn to look confused. "You don't know what a TV is?" Twilight just shook her head. He was just about to describe what a TV was until he began to feel a sharp stinging pain in his leg again. "You will have to wait for me to tell you what a TV is, but I think I need to see a doctor about my leg!" He winced loudly. Twilight then nodded her head quickly and then proceeded to lift Johnny onto what appeared to be a makeshift gurney. "Quickly, let's get him to the vets!" The yellow pegasus stated. Johnny gasped and then pointed in her direction. "Hey! I am a human, we don't go to the vets!" He declared. "We only take our pets there." "Oh I'm so s-sorry." The pink maned pegasus apologized. "I didn't mean to think you were just another animal." Johnny chuckled again. He thought the way this particular pegasus acted, and appeared to be shy made him smile deeply on the inside. 'She's so cute when she acts like that'. He thought to himself. "It's okay. Just take me to the nearest hospital." The pegasus nodded and soon he and the six colorful equine ponies began to make their way towards the hospital, with Twilight using her magic to lift the gurney. "Oh, I never got the rest of your names." He said kindly to the other ponies. The Pink pony spoke first. "My name is Pinkie Pie!" The Cyan pegasus spoke next. "I'm Rainbow Dash!" "I'm Applejack!" The cowpony with the cowboy hat spoke. "I'm Rarity!" The female unicorn smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you." "I'm Fluttershy!" The kind yellow pegasus replied in a low voice, again Johnny could barely hear her speak but he just shrugged his shoulders. "Well it's nice to meet you girls. Hopefully your doctor can figure out if my leg is either severely broken or not!" The six ponies all smiled and agreed with him. But then Johnny's attitude quickly changed as he remembered what he was missing. "Where's my Ducati?" The ponies then looked up at him. "What's a Ducati?" Rarity asked. Johnny groaned, but instead of asking why these pastel ponies have not heard of a Ducati, it was just best to leave it be and not ask the question. "My Ducati, it's my motorcycle! I was riding it when I ended up coming here." Pinkie then quickly started bouncing up and down, much to the surprise of Johnny. "Ooh ooh, is that thingy you are talking about red, has two wheels and is really loud?" "Yes. That's exactly what it is. We have to go back and get i- AHH!" Johnny yelped as the pain in his leg shot through his body. "Take it easy there Sugarcube. I'm sure whatever this contraption you're talking 'bout will be fine till tomorrow." Applejack said trying to calm him down. Johnny then let out a sad sigh and laid down on the gurney. "I just hope you're right!" So far Johnny was surprised but also intrigued on seeing what this new and different world would look like. And to him at that particular moment, his depression and suicidal thoughts had disappeared. For the time being! End of Chapter Two > The First Few Days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While he was in the Ponyville hospital, the nurses and doctors quickly examined Johnny and then got a good look at his leg. He was in excruciating pain when the doctors felt around his leg, it was obvious that they had not done an examination on a human before, so they really didn't know what to do till Johnny had to basically tell them what to do. While out in the waiting room, Twilight and the others where waiting patiently to hear of any good news about the newest visitor in Ponyville. The nurse with a nurses cap and had a white coat and light pink mane and tail then came into the room to address them. "How is he Nurse Redheart?" Twilight asked nervously. Redheart looked at the princess and then gave her a reassuring smile. "The patient known as Johnny is stable and is doing okay." She replied. "He's in room four if you girls want to go visit him?" The girls then quickly made their way into the hospital room where the human was being held. Rainbow Dash cringed as she walked down the hallway of the hospital. "What's tha matter Rainbow?" Applejack asked. "I hate coming back to this place!" Rainbow replied, "This place makes feel uneasy every time I come here. I haven't severely hurt myself since I've been in the bolts. Knock on wood!" She then tapped the wooden floor with her hoof, which made her friends laugh. They then entered the room to see Johnny laying on what looked to be a makeshift hospital bed, it was made up of two hospital beds that had been put together lengthwise. Johnny was looking over at the pony who was laying the bed next to him, he was severely bandaged up and was giving Johnny the most frightened look. Johnny then made several hand gestures to the pony next to him to try and calm him down. "Take it easy there man, I ain't going to hurt you or anything. Just relax and don't worry about me." The pony then gave Johnny a slight nod and then turned his head the other way. The girls gave a slight chuckle to what just happened and then walked up to him. "Hey Johnny, are you doing okay?" Twilight asked. Johnny then looked at the six ponies that helped him and kindly smiled. "Hey girls. I'm doing okay. Doc just gave me some painkillers to ease the pain, and I think it is working." They all sighed with relief as Fluttershy then examined Johnny's right leg. It was now wrapped in a full cast and held out in a straight line and was now stiff as a board. "So what did the doc say about your leg? Fluttershy asked in a worried tone. "Well Doc says it's definitely broken, but he is just waiting to see the final results from my X-ray." No sooner he said that, the doctor who had a jet black mane and tail and was wearing a lab coat and had a solemn look on his face. He made his way over to the group and cleared his throat to announce the situation. "Well I have to say as I have never heard or even seen a creature quite like you before it didn't take much to see from the examination that you're leg is indeed broken. We took some X-rays of your leg but we will not know how bad it is until the morning." He concluded by adding, "So you will have to stay here in the hospital until then!" Johnny understood what the doctor was saying and nodded his head. He then looked at the six ponies that had brought him there and gave them a small smile before letting out a yawn. "Well thanks for bringing me here girls. I appreciate all that you have done for me, but I am kinda tired and would like to try and get some sleep." Twilight and the others all nodded their heads and smiled back. "Of course Johnny. We will come back later in the morning to check up on you." Twilight happily replied. "I'm curious to know more about how you got here and where you are from!" Johnny chuckled and then waved to her politely. "Oh yes....Of course!" The rest of the group then all said goodbye and then made their way out of the room. As he began to make himself comfortable in the makeshift bed, he then looked over at the nurse who was walking into the room with a glass of water. "Excuse me nurse? Do you have any strong whiskey or vodka here that can help put me to sleep?" The nurse looked at Johnny with a slight frown and shook her head. "Sorry sir, but there is no alcohol allowed in the hospital." Johnny let out a sad sigh and then held his head down. 'Of course not! Well this is not going to end well!' He said to himself. The nurse then left the room, only to return about five minutes later with a little paper cup with a couple pills inside. "Here you go sir. These should help you sleep easily tonight!" Johnny looked at the oddly colored pills with an examining look. He then shrugged as he then grabbed them and popped them into his mouth and washed them down with the glass of water. He then looked at the nurse and returned her the empty glass. " I hope you're right!" The Next Morning: Johnny awoke the next morning with a stinging pain in his head. The pills that the nurse have given him had not done their work at all, and he kept having the same recurring nightmares over and over again. The only good thing was that he wasn't waking up screaming his head off, only waking up in a cold sweat and wanting to constantly vomit. In total, he only got about maybe two hours of sleep, but being a person suffering from insomnia for the last few years he was totally used to it. He placed his cold and clammy hand on his forehead as he wiped off the access sweat from his brow. But as he moved his arm, he caught a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye. He turned his head over to the right and saw that Fluttershy was passed out and fast asleep on the small couch next to his bed. Johnny was surprised to see the peaceful and beautiful pegasus asleep in the room, he did not expect to see any of the girls yet so early in the morning. He then attempted to adjust himself in the bed, but then the pain in his leg came back at full force and prevented him from moving anywhere. He yelped loudly as he then clenched his teeth and pushed the buzzer for the nurse. Johnny didn't have to wait very long as the nurse came quickly and was right by his side. "I have a severe headache and my leg is really hurting me right now!" Johnny said to the nurse. She then ran quickly but silently to the other room and soon returned with some pain medication for him. "Here you go sir, this will take your pain away in a matter of minutes." She said sweetly. And she wasn't lying. Johnny soon began to feel much better as the meds began to work their magic. He gulped down another large glass of water as he looked over at Fluttershy who by a miracle was still asleep, not awoken from the wincing and yelping from his pain. The nurse could see that Johnny was looking in Fluttershy's direction and smiled warmly. "She came in late last night. She said she couldn't sleep and was really worried about you, so the doctor and I said she could stay in the room with you and sleep on the couch." Johnny's checks went slightly red from hearing what the nurse had said and she then began to giggle loudly. 'That's awful nice of her. I didn't expect her to care about me so much.' He thought to himself. There was then a small knock on the door from out in the hallway. Johnny looked forward and saw Twilight and the rest of the girls peering into the room and had smiles on their faces. "Hey Girls." Johnny said quietly as he then began to wave them into the room. They began to walk in when they noticed Fluttershy all passed out and curled up on the couch. They were about to ask why she was there but Johnny quickly put his index finger to his lips and shushed lowly. "She's still asleep. Just let her rest for a little bit longer." Johnny and the girls then had a very quiet discussion as Fluttershy continued to sleep. Johnny then saw Rainbow Dash grab a black felt pen from the counter inside the room and proceeded to write something on Fluttershy's face. "Rainbow, what the hell are you doing?" Johnny asked quizzically. Rainbow then turned her head and had a very sly and evil grin on her face. "What? I just drew a few things on her face. It'll come off! Eventually......" She grinned widely, showing off her terrible artwork. It appeared to be an attempt to write something funny but he couldn't make out what Rainbow had written, but he could see that she had drawn some glasses around her eyes and gave her a fake mustache. Johnny then placed his palm to his head and looked at Twilight who had a forehoof across her face. "Why don't you stop her? That's not exactly nice of her you know!" Twilight just shrugged and shook her head slightly. "That's just Rainbow being Rainbow! You'll get to used to that a lot. Trust me!" Johnny let out a small chuckle from hearing her words, but it was in that moment that the nurse had began to bring Johnny some stuff on a flat metal sheet that appeared to look like food. "Here's your breakfast sir. Eat up so we can give your other medications." Johnny looked at the food he received from the nurse. The food did not appear to be the most appetizing stuff in the world. It was what looked like to be a bowl of some kind of porridge, a couple pieces of toast and two small glasses, one filled with milk and the other was filled with juice. Probably apple. The girls glanced at Johnny with strange looks on their faces as he then began to pour the milk into the porridge. "You're not really going to eat that, are you darling?" Rarity asked with a eyebrow cocked. Johnny just gave her and the rest of them a confused look. "Yeah! Why?" "It don't exactly look like tha most pleasant stuff in tha world!" Applejack stated. "It's just that the hospital food a'int exactly the best tasting stuff around." Rainbow added. "Trust me, I know!" "We can go get you something else if you want?" Twilight asked. But Johnny just shook his head and politely waved a hand to them. "No thanks girls. I'm perfectly fine with this. You know the old saying 'Waste not! Want not!'." Pinkie then giggled loudly. "Oooh, he's right you know. I say the exact same thing while working with the Cake's!" Johnny smiled as he then began to put a small spoonful of the porridge into his mouth, but after a couple movements of his lips and then a gulp he frowned. "What's the matter? Is it not good? I told you!" Rainbow said with a smirk. Johnny then swirled the porridge around the bowl a couple times. "It's fine, but there is no sugar. And I like sugar with my porridge!" Pinkie then giggled and then put her hoofs behind her back and brought both of them to her front and presented them to him. "Here you go! Did you want brown sugar or regular sugar?" Johnny then winced as he saw what the hyper pink pony just did before him. "Wha...What? How in the world did you do that?" Twilight and the others just laughed, much to Johnny's confusion. "Oh that's just a thing Pinkie does. Don't ask me how! Trust me, neither of us can figure that out!" Twilight explained with a smile. Johnny then shrugged his shoulders and took the brown sugar from Pinkie. "Brown will do!" Shortly after Johnny finished eating, he then began to relax in his bed and continue his conversation with Twilight and the rest of the girls while Fluttershy continued to sleep. They told him about the elements of harmony and they explained that they were the bearers of the elements. They even told him what their roles were around Ponyville and in Equestria as well. Johnny was amazed. He knew these ponies were pretty cool and smart, but he didn't think that they were a big deal not only in their town but in Equestria in general. "So you girls are famous around here huh? You're all called the elements of harmony and you have all saved this country several times?" Johnny asked with bewilderment. They all nodded in agreement. "That's right. I know it sounds like a big deal, but trust me it's not that big of a deal." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Dashie, I wouldn't say its not a big deal, cause it totally is!" Pinkie chimed with excitement. "She's right Darling, think of how much the elements of helped us throughout the years." Rarity declared. Twilight didn't say anything, she just rolled her eyes and sighed with a smug grin. Johnny definitely thought that these certain ponies were different, but in a good way that made him feel warm inside. "So Johnny, are ya going to tell us more 'bout where ya come from?" Applejack asked kindly. Johnny quickly remembered that Twilight asked him what a TV was last night, so he quickly asked the girls to come sit by his bed closer so he could tell his story. He explained what they were and how much they were used in his world. He also explained the use of computers, cell phones and the use of the internet and all it's handy features that humans use every single day. "So you humans use this certain technology called the internet, which you use with these devices called 'Cell phones' and 'Computers' to look up certain things that you need?" Twilight asked. "Yes that's right!" said Johnny. "And on this thing called the internet, you can even do your own shopping and sell things on there as well?" Rarity chimed in with curiosity. "Yep you betcha!" Johnny then explained the different kinds of transportation that humans use. Like boats, trains, cars, and planes. He also explained the way humans used special modes of transportation to go into outer space called Space shuttles. "Humans use these machines called airplanes to fly to different locations, and certain groups use them for protection?" Rainbow Dash asked with a hint of amazement in her voice. "Yeah and they are really fast. They even can break the sound barrier and have really powerful weapons on them too!" Johnny explained with a smile. "And these other planes that take people to other destinations can carry between ten to over a hundred people at a time." "I bet I can out fly one of those fighter planes easily! They got nothing on me!" She then boasted with a cocky smile. 'I highly doubt that!' Johnny chuckled to himself. "You humans can go to the moon?" Twilight asked trying to keep her excitement under wraps. "How many humans can go there at a time?" "It's been a long time since mankind has been there Twilight. They stopped going to the moon sometime in the nineteen seventies, way before I was even born. They stopped going because it was getting really expensive, so they shut down the program. One day, they will return to the moon. One day!" Twilight sighed sadly. "Aww, I thought humans went there all the time. That's a shame." Johnny couldn't agree more. "And humans use contraptions called automo....automobys.......something mobiles?" Applejack struggled to say what she wanted to ask. Johnny tried his best not to laugh but he had to chuckle. "Nice try there Applejack but they're called automobiles! But we call them cars." "So what do humans like to eat where you come from?" Pinkie asked. Johnny then explained to them about the certain different types of foods that humans eat, the different cultures that humans have and religions. It was a lot of info for Johnny to process as this was a topic that he thought he would never have to answer in his life, so he tried his best to answer all their questions the best of his knowledge all while Fluttershy continued to sleep peacefully. 'She really must be tired. The poor thing.' When Johnny mentioned that humans eat meat, the look the five ponies gave him was enough to send chills down his spine. "You humans eat meat? Do your kind eats ponies? Are you going to eat all of us?" Rarity gasped and began to back away slightly, the others followed suit and did so as well. Johnny quickly shushed them and waved his hands in a defensive way. "Girls keep quiet, you'll wake up Fluttershy!" They then began to calm down and move in closer again. "And for your ridiculous question, no humans don't eat ponies! Yes we humans eat meat but we also eat vegetables as well. We're omnivores! And I wouldn't dream of eating a pony, I couldn't live with myself if I were to do something so unforgivable as that!" The group all then sighed with relief and wiped off their brows. "Well that's good to hear." Twilight said happily. "What kind of meat do you eat anyway?" Johnny looked away from her for a short while and then gave his reply. "Actually I don't eat meat. I am actually a vegetarian. Human's eat meat for protein which is good for our bodies, but I found that I can get proteins from things like beans, eggs and tofu." "Well that's definitely good to know at least." Came an unfamiliar voice. Johnny quickly jerked his head forwards to see a rather large white unfamiliar alicorn with a beautiful multicolored mane and tail like Rainbow Dash, but it had different colors like Magenta, Cerulean, Turquoise, Cobalt and Heliotrope. But that's not what caught his attention. For some reason her mane and tail seemed to be flowing in a non existent breeze which confused him. She stared at him with her strong cerise colored eyes which to him seemed to pierce right through his soul. Johnny felt extremely nervous as he didn't know who she was. That is until Twilight and the others all said her name at once. "Princess Celestia!" Johnny then remembered that name from what Twilight and the girls told him the previous night. 'That's Princess Celestia? Wow, she is extremely pretty! I have never seen anything quite like her before......Oh crap she has probably come to throw me out of this country! Shit...What should I do?' His voice inside his head was going a hundred miles an hour a minute as he began to start sweating profusely, and began to uncontrollably start panting loudly. His new friends saw that he was not alright for some reason and were about to see what was wrong, but Celestia began to make her way over to Johnny before they could. 'Fuck! She's coming right for me! Brace yourself man, she is going to pummel you into next week!' Johnny then quickly closed his eyes and moved his hands over his face to try and hide himself. But that ultimately failed as the Princess then used her hoof to move his hands away. 'Oh god, this is it!' He braced himself and waited for the worst, but to his surprise he wasn't met with a barrage of flying hoofs. He was met with a calming and soothing voice, something like his mother had. "It's perfectly alright Johnny. There is absolutely no need to be afraid." 'Wait? Did she just say my name? What the hell?' Johnny opened his eyes and was now face to face with Celestia, who had the friendliest smile on her face. It made him feel all warm inside again, like how the girls made him feel the night before. "Sorry about that your majesty. I was just a little nervous that's all." Celestia chuckled lightly and patted him on the head. "It's okay. I totally understand the feelings going through you right now. But I assure you, there is no need to feel threatened." Johnny then breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Well that's good to hear. I mean Twilight told me about you last night, but I just didn't expect you to show up here today. And another thing, how do you know my name?" Celestia then did a slight laugh when she was asked the question. " I was informed of your arrival late last night from Twilight when she sent me a letter. She told me that you were a human, that you were very kind and that your name is Johnny." 'Well that makes total sense!' Johnny said to himself. He then glanced over at Twilight who gave him a reassuring smile. "Well that's good that she is giving me a good rep." Johnny joked as he slightly chuckled while scratching the back of his neck. "But it is a honor to finally meet you Princess." Johnny then extended his right hand to which Celestia kindly let him grasp and shook it politely. "The pleasure is all mine, but you can call me Celestia." She kindly stated. Johnny felt somewhat uneasy about calling one of the co-rulers of Equestria by her name. It was okay calling Twilight by her name, but Celestia is a ruler of an entire country which makes her more of a big deal. Johnny didn't reply, but he did give her a nod with agreement. "Celestia, I didn't think you were coming here today." Twilight spoke with confusion, "What are you doing here so early?" "Well I couldn't wait till after lunch to come here to meet Johnny, so I decided to come a bit earlier to meet him, and see what the doctor has to say about his leg." She replied. 'Well, Twilight sure didn't leave out any details did she?' Soon after she spoke, the doctor came into the room and seemed to have a chart tucked in under his arm. He was surprised that Celestia herself was in the room, but he then began to act professional. "Well for a creature that we have never seen before, we were still able to make out your injuries. You have a few minor cuts and scrapes and some bruising to your body. But your right leg is broken in three places and needs some serious time in that cast to heal." The doctor finished while showing the chart to Johnny, Celestia and the others. "Do I have to stay in this hospital until my leg heals doc?" Johnny asked. The doctor just shook his head. "Not necessarily. You just have to spend one more night here just to be on the safe side, and then you can leave the hospital." The doctor replied before he left the room. Johnny really didn't want to spend another night stuck in this pony hospital. He wanted to get out there and look for his Ducati. "Well that's just great!" Johnny exclaimed loudly. "First I arrive in a different world on my Ducati which I have left behind somewhere, and now my leg is all busted up in three places. Great! Just great!" His body then quickly shifted and a slight pain shot through his body which made him stop moving right in his tracks. The nurse came in quickly to give Johnny some painkillers which he quickly took with a large glass of water. Applejack then patted him on the back as he slunk back in his bed. "Don't worry there Sugarcube. Me an' Pinkie and Rainbow Dash will go find your Doo..caty thing and find 'er for ya!" Johnny then felt slightly better as his new friends wanted to help him find his bike. "Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. Are you sure you know where it is and what it looks like?" Pinkie then smiled from ear to ear. "Of course we do silly! It was very close to us when you came here, I remember exactly what it looks like!" "And I'll keep an eye out for it from the sky!" Rainbow Dash added. Johnny watched as his three new friends then left the hospital room to go look. He was now left with Twilight, Rarity, Celestia, and Fluttershy who by a miracle was still fast asleep, despite of all the loud voices coming from the hospital room. "Johnny, you never did tell us how you ended up coming to Equestria last night." Twilight said while sitting in a chair next to his bed. Celestia took a seat next to him on the other side while Rarity sat in a chair at the end of the bed. Johnny then explained that what he remembered was that he was going fast and then he saw a bright flash of blue light that completely engulfed him and his Ducati and somehow brought him to Equestria. He didn't dare mention to them that it was actually a suicide attempt, he didn't want them to feel all sappy and feeling sorry for him and want to know his life story. It was his business and his only! "Interesting!" Celestia said. "I agree." Twilight added, "It definitely sounds like something that science nor the universe can explain". "Poor Darling. I'm sure that whoever knows you back where you come from must be worried sick about you!" Rarity said in a worried tone. 'I wish!' Johnny said to himself. He didn't have no family or friends waiting for him back in his world, back there he was completely one hundred percent alone and was also very sad and depressed to boot. "Yeah maybe, but I'm not too worried about it." Johnny assured. Celestia and Twilight were surprised that Johnny said those words, they would've at least thought he might want to return back to where he came from but if he was not so worried about it then they decided to not pressure him. Before long Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie returned from their little expedition. "Hey Johnny, we went and looked for your Doocatayy, and we found it!" Rainbow said happily. Johnny's eyes opened wide with both excitement and relief. "Oh thank god, I thought it was doomed to be lost forever!" He said with a large smile. "Where was it?" "We found it by this house near where we found ya!" Applejack replied. "I made sure to put your bike behind it." Pinkie added, "It shouldn't be harmed there I don't think. It didn't look like anypony seemed to be living there. Come to think about it, I don't think I have even seen that house before!" "That's definitely strange." Twilight thought loudly. Meanwhile Johnny sat listening to what his friends told him. They found his Ducati which made him feel slightly better, but then they added something about some house which was confusing to him. "Well let's go there tomorrow and get it!" Johnny exclaimed. But then he looked at his leg that was in a cast and his enthusiasm vanished. "Oh right, my leg is in a cast!" Applejack then gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry there sugarcube. Me and my older brother Big Mac can come up with somethin' to help ya get around." Johnny looked at Applejack with a cocked eyebrow. "Are you sure you can do that?" "Absolutely. Just give ma tonight and we can come up with somethin!" Johnny felt better knowing that Applejack wanted to help him out. She definitely was a very honest pony and Johnny liked that about her. Then Celestia stood up straight and gave her wings a gentle flap. "Well I hate to break this up my friends, but I am going to have to go back to Canterlot. There's so many things that I have to finish." Twilight and the others then said their goodbyes. Johnny then bid her farewell and put his hand out to shake her hoof which she kindly accepted. "It was nice to meet you and talk with you Johnny. You are definitely a nice young stallion." Johnny then chuckled. "I'm not a stallion, but I'll take it as a compliment. And it was very nice to meet you as well Celestia." Celestia then nodded and proceeded to make her way to the doorway. That is until she turned around and glared at him with a very serious and stern look. This made Johnny squirm. "I have one last question for you Johnny. As soon as you heal from your injuries you are not going to become a threat to this country, and become harmful to these kind ponies are you?!" The girls eye's then opened wide upon hearing her question and turned to face Johnny who had the most shocked look on his face. This was a question he did not expect to hear, and to be asked if he would harm his new friends made him almost feel like crying. He could never hurt these ponies. Not after what they had done for him. Johnny then sat straight up, cleared his throat and gave her his answer. "I have never been called a threat except in a boxing ring. I wouldn't harm these kind ponies Princess, and I am not going to become a threat to this country. I want to see more of this country once I can walk on my own." Celestia stared at johnny for about ten more seconds with a serious look and then gave him a kind smile. "Well that's good to know Johnny. But when your leg heals, be sure to come to Canterlot so we can talk some more." Johnny then gave her a nod. "Yes Celestia, I will." Then Celestia disappeared with a giant poof. Johnny was shocked to see her go away like that. "That's my teacher!" Twilight said happily. The others all laughed but Johnny just smiled. Then Fluttershy became awake with a start. "Um...Twilight? Johnny? Girls? When did you all get here? What did I miss?" Johnny looked at the calm and confused Fluttershy who was trying desperately trying to remove the sleep from her tired eyes. She had slept almost all throughout the day. He then looked at the others and gave Fluttershy a calm and reassuring smile, all the while trying to hold back a giggle at the artwork on her face thanks to Rainbow Dash. "Quite a lot actually. You are quite the sleeper! But I think you should go wash your face!" Fluttershy was confused as to what he was saying, and she did so and headed for the washroom that was in the hospital room. Then Johnny and the girls could hear a scream coming from inside which made Rainbow laugh loudly and roll around on the floor. "Oh Rainbow Dash, you are sure something else!" Johnny chuckled. Johnny sat and talked with his new friends for the rest of the day until the nurses told them that it was time for them to go home. Johnny really didn't want to spend another night at the hospital again, but the doctor wanted to make sure that his leg was healing right and that there wasn't any infections that could hinder the healing process. He said goodbye to the girls and he especially told Fluttershy not to worry about him and to go home and get a good nights sleep. Applejack then promised to have him a way to get around by tomorrow and that was a promise. Johnny knew that she was going to do whatever it took to make sure she kept her promise. She is the element of honesty and when she says something it's the truth! The next day: The next day found Johnny staring at a pair of wooden homemade crutches that Applejack had constructed for him. They were exactly the right height for him and they looked incredibly sturdy. "How in the world did you come up with these Applejack?" Applejack just chuckled and beamed proudly. "Well I done told ya that I would build you somethin to help ya get around. I used the wood from a few old apple trees on our farm to build them. Give em a try and see how they work!" Johnny struggled at first, but then managed to right himself onto his good leg and took the crutches that Applejack had made, and began put pressure down on to them. He was slightly nervous but then he found himself moving around the room without any trouble. Johnny smiled and chuckled loudly which made Applejack feel good about herself. "How do they feel sugarcube?" "They feel great Applejack. Very strong and supportive. Thank you very much!" "Aww you're welcome hun. Anythin' for a friend." Soon Twilight and the others entered into the hospital room. Johnny was happy to see them, but then he noticed a new face in the group. He noticed a unfamiliar unicorn pony. She was a lightly colored purple pony with a dark purple mane and tail and persian blue eyes and had a purple and white cutie mark with streams. "Hey girls, it's nice to see you. Who's you're friend? I have never seen her before." Twilight smiled and brought the unfamiliar pony towards him. She appeared to have a very nervous expression on her face, but Johnny could tell she was holding her ground. "Johnny, this is our friend and my student Starlight Glimmer. Starlight this here is Johnny, the human that I told you about. He is quite tall I know, but he is very nice once you get to know him." Twilight explained while holding her hoof over towards him. Starlight then slowly walked towards Johnny who was trying to hold himself up on the crutches and move closer towards the ground as not to scare her. Starlight took a deep breath and stared into his eyes with a nervous smile. "H-Hi Johnny, it's nice to meet you." She said nervously as while reaching her hoof towards his hand. Then to her surprise Johnny took her hoof in his hand very gently and shook it slowly. "It's nice to meet you too Starlight. I assure you there is nothing to be nervous about." Starlight was taken aback by Johnny's kind words and then slightly blushed. She had never meet a creature quite like him before, and she then began to feel a lot better being close to him and then started to warm up to him. Johnny then talked with Starlight for several minutes before he then met their other friend Spike the dragon. Twilight told him that he was her assistant and friendship ambassador to the dragon lands. Johnny was excited to meet Spike, since he could remember he had always liked dragons. At one time he even had toy dragons that he used to play with as a kid, but to meet a real live dragon in the flesh was amazing. Even though he didn't show his excitement.... "Well now that we are all here, let's take Johnny to where we found his red contraption." Rainbow Dash said excitedly. The others all agreed and Johnny was relieved to finally get out of the hospital. "Thought i'd never leave this place. Finally a chance to see more of Ponyville and get some fresh air!" He said happily while scuffing along with his new pair of crutches. "Let's go!" Soon the group was making their way through the town of Ponyville, on their way to the location to where they found Johnny the few nights before. Applejack was kind enough to bring a cart from the farm and offer it to Johnny to get around in. As Johnny rode through town he got a look at how the town was laid out, the design of the buildings and even got a first glimpse of the citizens of Ponyville. He noticed a lot of them gave him awkward stares, some seemed to be a bit scared and go darting away in a flash, but some did give him a kind smile and a wave which he kindly responded by giving them one of his own. One particular pony mare was more than thrilled to see him, and was trying desperately to get to him and talk to him but Twilight had to get in her way. "Lyra calm down. I'll make sure you can talk to him later, but right now we have important business to attain to! Plus he is injured so you have to be careful." Twilight stated. "Aww no fair Twilight! You and the others get to be around him all day and I have to sit back and wait! I'm not going to hurt him, I just want to talk to him!" "She said no Lyra!" Her friend with a curly blue and pink mane and tail scolded while grabbing her by the tail. "Aww Bonnieeeee!" "They said NO!" Lyra then calmed down and backed away from the group. "Thanks Bon Bon, we owe you one!" Chuckled Rainbow Dash. Bon Bon just smiled and waved her hoof. "It's no biggie. Happy to help." She then got a glimpse at Johnny who was the whole time feeling slightly nervous and also confused by what in the world was going on. "Sorry about my friend Lyra mister, she just tends to get overexcited when it comes to the subject of humans. She has a bit of thing for them if you know what I mean?" Johnny then blinked and gave Bon Bon a kind smile in return. "Yeah I think I can see that." Johnny replied. 'Good thing Twilight and the others were here to stop her. God knows what that crazy unicorn would do to me if they weren't here!' The group then got back underway as Applejack towed the cart with Johnny inside behind her. Spike even abandoned walking as he was having a tough time keeping up with the group and hitched a ride with him. The two talked along the way what felt like hours but in fact had only been a few minutes until the group stopped again. "Why did we stop? Is there another crazy pony that wants to talk to me?" Johnny asked with confusion. Pinkie just laughed and then hopped over towards the cart. "No silly, we are at the spot where we found you!" "And the house with your 'Doocatnenn...somethin' is right over that small hill!" Applejack added. Johnny grunted loudly as he shifted himself off the cart. "It's called Ducati!" "Whatever. She was close enough!" Rainbow butt in with a smirk. Johnny then let out a small sigh and rolled his eyes. "Not really but that doesn't matter. I want to see my bike and see what if its still intact." Johnny then shuffled his way along with his crutches and made his way to the spot where he vaguely remembered crashing. The memories of that night came flooding back into his mind as he tried to move his way along, only to stop and right himself before he fell over completely. Fluttershy was quick to make sure that he didn't fall over and the others were also right there by his side. "Are you okay Darling?" Rarity asked with a worrisome voice. Johnny just slightly chuckled and got back to his feet. "I'm all good, just not used to walking with crutches." He then starting moving slowly towards the small hill. Pinkie was now standing on top of it and was looking downwards. "The house is right down there! That's where we put your red thingy!" Johnny then made his way to the spot where Pinkie was, but when he got a glimpse of the house he stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't blink. He didn't speak. He didn't even breathe! He just stood completely still while looking down the hill. Pinkie saw his strange reaction and tried to get his attention by waving her hoof in front of his face. "Johnny?" She asked. "Are you alright?" Twilight asked with concern. She then looked down and saw the house down below. "That's strange, I've never seen that house before!" "I know right?" exclaimed Pinkie. "It's like I told all of you yesterday, I have never seen this this house before, and I have not seen anypony living in it!" "I haven't seen it either." Added Rainbow Dash, "And I fly around here a lot! Something doesn't add up here!" "First Johnny and now a strange house?" Starlight put in. "This is definitely weird." Then Johnny walked forward slightly before opening his mouth to speak in a low voice. "It can't be?!" "Can't be what sugarcube?" Applejack asked. Johnny didn't say any other words as he then proceeded to make his way down the hill very carefully. His friends then followed close behind as he approached the large dark chocolate brown colored house. "Johnny, have you seen this house before?" Twilight asked. The others all surrounded Johnny who was staring at the large front door of the massive house with bewilderment. The architecture was not something of any house shown in Ponyville, it looked to them like a house seen in Canterlot or another larger city. "Yeah. I have seen this house before!" He replied. Johnny then shuffled over to the steps and began to climb them. With every step he made his way slowly up towards the top step, and then he used his free hand and proceeded to open the front door. It creaked slightly when he turned the door knob, and then it slowly opened inward to show the inside. Johnny took a deep breath and then turned around to look at his friends who all had confused and puzzled looks on their faces. He then leaned down and sat upon the top step and put his crutches over to the side. It was then he finally revealed to them everything. "I don't know how to explain this, but you guys........This house, is my house!" As Johnny walked throughout the familiar structure that was definitely his house that he grew up in, he had kindly asked his friends to wait outside as he investigated. He could see that everything was in the exact same place that he remembered being. Even his cell phone was in the same spot where he threw it that night when he was going to end everything! Johnny picked up it up and pushed the home button of the iPhone and saw that it still had battery life, but no network signal. As he stumbled along he finally made his way into the kitchen, he saw that the light from over top the oven was still on. How could that be? He then walked over to the fridge and opened it to get an immediate cool feeling coming from inside. He then flipped the lightswitch on the wall and the bright LED lights overhead came to life and brightened the kitchen completely. He then made his way into the living room once again and this time he grabbed the remote for the TV and pressed the 'ON' button, and zap the television sprang to life and the screen showed nothing but the white blizzard of no signal and the loud static sound that was all too familiar to his ears. He then opened the door that went into the garage and from what he could see, everything from his fathers tools to his mothers old gardening equipment were still hanging in their holders on the wall. He then looked down and saw his helmet lying on the floor of the garage, it was then he remembered that Pinkie had told him about his bike being behind the house. Johnny then opened up the garage door which made a loud squeaking sound as it opened wide revealing this totally new world to the unfamiliar being, the town of Ponyville that could be seen in the distance. As Johnny walked outside he noticed that his friends were now gathering in front of the garage, probably wondering what the noise was. Johnny didn't say a word as he made his way to the back of the house and then came across the one thing that he held dear to his heart. His bright red Ducati. He could tell just from looking at it that it was damaged and was in dire need of repairs. The bike's handlebars were slightly bent, the shocks were no longer springy and the exhaust manifold had completely come off and it was now dangling by one bolt. The engine had looked way nicer and cleaner in it's better days, it looked like it had been thrown in a mud puddle. Just seeing his prized possession in this state was almost enough to bring a tear to his eye. Johnny then grabbed hold of the side of the bent handlebars and placed his crutches on top of seat as he attempted to move the broken bike into the garage. As he turned the corner he was met with the friendly gazes of his new friends who for the ones who hadn't seen this machine up close except Pinkie were absolutely amazed. Johnny parked the bike in the garage by the work bench and brought the kick stand down so it would stay perfectly upright. "Well there she is my friends, my Ducati! Thanks for finding it and bringing it here." Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie smiled broadly. "So this is your bike?" Twilight asked. Johnny nodded. "It's unlike anything I have ever seen!" Rarity exclaimed. "It looks wild!" Pinkie chirped happily. "It looks fast!" Rainbow added. Johnny then smirked as he patted the seat with his hand. "You are right there Rainbow. It is indeed fast!" "How fast exactly?" Fluttershy peeped. Rainbow nodded her head. "Yeah how fast?" "Very Fast! This baby is capable of speeds up to two hundred and one kilometers per hour, or one hundred and twenty five miles an hour!" Fluttershy slightly shook when he mentioned the speed to her, Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up with excitement as she looked at the red slightly beat up machine. "I can't wait to see it run. It looks like a lot of fun!" Johnny chuckled to himself upon hearing her excitement. Twilight and the others rolled their eyes but even they too had smiles on their faces. He then positioned himself beside the bike and took a seat on top of the bike. He then turned the key that was still in the ignition and hoped that it would turn over and fire up. But sadly there was no noise to be heard from the bike which made Johnny's heart sink. He then proceeded to hop off the bike as carefully as he could. "It seems that you're bike is gonna need some work!" Applejack said while tapping the front fender with her hoof. "Yeah she is a little banged up, but she just needs a little TLC and she'll be good as new!" Johnny replied with a confident tone. "You ponies wouldn't happen to know someone who has a shop to repair bikes would ya?" His friends all gave him a confused look and a shake of their heads. "Sorry Johnny, but I'm afraid that no pony in town has a shop that can help you. And there is definitely not a shop anywhere in Equestria that exists because we don't have these kind of machines here!" Twilight said sadly. Johnny then sighed as he got off his bike. "Well this thing ain't going to be running anytime soon, plus I have taken this bike apart before several times. I can repair it myself, once my leg heals that is!" His friends showed their sympathy for their injured friend, but smiled when he showed his signs of commitment for his future project. Afterwards he then closed the garage door and walked back into the house. It was still all to much for him to take in, seeing the home that he remembered growing up in as a kid in a world that he didn't think existed and had no way of knowing what exactly it was that brought him to this strange world in the first place. 'I can't believe that it's here! And I can't believe that everything still works in here! This is going to be a real interesting experience that's for sure'. Johnny slowly made his way back to the front of the house through the front door and then closed it behind him. He sat back down on a step in the front of his house and laid back with his head looking up into the sky. As he relaxed he noticed that the others had gathered next to him and were resting on the steps with him. "It's hard to believe that my house is here. I thought I might never see it again, but here it is! Right here in Ponyville, right here in Equestria! The home I grew up in and has all of my personal belongings still in the same place. I wish I knew what happened for all this to somehow end up here. I wish I had the answers!" Twilight then patted Johnny on the shoulder. "I don't now either Johnny, but I promise you that I will do everything that I can to figure out how you got here and how to send you back!" She assured him with a comforting tone. Johnny then looked at Twilight and smiled. "Not only Twilight, but we will do whatever we can to help as well!" Rainbow Dash said boldly. "Darn tootin'" Applejack added. "We'll be here for you every step of the way, and make sure you get adjusted into Ponyville properly darling." Rarity smiled. "I am soooooooooooooo going to throw you the biggest 'Welcome to Ponyville' party ever!!!!!!" Pinkie said excitingly. "And I'll be sure to help you with your recovery." Fluttershy said in low kind voice. "And we'll be here to help as well. That's what friends are for!" Spike and Starlight added. Johnny looked at his new friends with amazement. Here were these seven ponies and a dragon telling him that they were going to do whatever it took to help him get home and that they would help him with his recovery and get adjusted to his new life in Ponyville and in Equestria. He almost felt like tearing up and crying but he didn't want to appear to be soft in front of the others. 'No matter how long it takes or no matter how long I'm stuck here, I think I'm going to like staying here!' A few months later. The months passed as Johnny slowly became adjusted to his new life in Equestria. He began to become new friends with the ponies in Ponyville, and soon the word spread throughout the country telling other residents about the new strange creature living in Ponyville and that he was one of the friendliest creatures that they could ever know. As Johnny began to become famous and become more acquainted with his new friends, he felt a warming and peaceful feeling in his body. But even deeper inside, Johnny was far from being a happy guy! Even after he found that his house was now in Ponyville, everypony who knew him wanted to see inside of it, but Johnny was very protective of his past and didn't want to get himself found out and have anypony trying to sneak away with his stuff! Even being in a new world Johnny still felt depressed about everything that had happened to him in his past, and how much he wanted to tell the others he just couldn't bring it upon himself to say anything. 'The lesser they know about me the better! It's my business and my business alone!' The Present Day: Johnny lay slumped against the wall in the hallway of his house, his fists were slightly cut up and had some blood trickling down from his knuckles and landing on the floor beneath him. He wiped away the tears from his face with his other hand and then made his way towards the cabinet where he kept his stash of different kinds of booze. Inside he could see bottles of all different shapes and sizes, some were from Equestria that he managed to get his hands on and the rest were from his world. He then grabbed himself a bottle of Applejack's homemade old fashioned cider and a bottle of Fireball cinnamon flavored whiskey. He then caught a glimpse of a large bottle with dark brown liquid inside and a label that read 'Johnny Walkers Blue Label'. Back from where he came from, this bottle of alcohol was worth almost four hundred dollars. It was purchased by his father when he was seventeen, and he remembered his dad telling him when he would turn twenty one that the two of them would drink it together. Johnny was now a lot older and had yet to crack it open and drink it, but deep down he just couldn't find the satisfaction of drinking it. 'One day, but not today!' He said to himself. Johnny then twisted the top off of the bottle of cider until he heard the cracking sound of the seal being broken. He then took a large swig of the delicious beverage and then stumbled his way to the front door and put his shoes on. He didn't know where he was going next, but one thing he knew was that he didn't want to be inside his house anymore tonight. He was going out for a night on the town! And it was going to be a rough night indeed! End of Chapter Three. > Missing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Day At the carousel boutique: Rarity was busy tidying up around her store. There was all kinds of different cloth and fabrics everywhere that she had previously ordered the day before and was stacking it and organizing it to correct order using her magic. She also hummed herself a playful tune as she went about her business. "Another five minutes until Johnny get's here!" She said out loud to herself. "I am so excited to finally get to try and make him a new pair of shoes. I know it will not be like making a dress for ponies but I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that it should go by without a hitch. Hopefully it all goes well." ~Two hours later~ There was no sign of Johnny. Rarity had completely finished all her tidying up around the boutique and had now finished her third cup of strong coffee. "He's still not here. The poor darling, I hope nothing has seriously happened to him! Now that I think about it he has not been acting himself these last few months. I wonder what's wrong?" She thought to herself. Rarity then finished her coffee and then headed out of the boutique and made her way to Twilight's castle. "Maybe he went to Twilight's, he is probably sitting through one of her books speeches." At the park: Rainbow Dash was flying around the park looking high and looking low. She was checking in behind some bushes and even up in some trees. She was looking for something. "Where could he be? He said that he would be here!" She said to herself. She was looking for Johnny who said that he would come to the park and watch her practice some of her new moves for the Wonderbolts, but surprisingly he was no where to be seen. "It's not like him to ditch me cheering me on! He said that he was a fan of the bolts and liked my moves. I guess something came up." Rainbow then shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to practice. But the longer she flew by herself the less exciting it was for her. "Maybe he decided to sleep in. I'll go by his house and check!" Rainbow then flew as fast as she could to the large house on the outskirts of town. She knew that Johnny was very against ponies wanting to come into his house, and was very adamant to ponies particularly Rainbow Dash thumping on his window to try and wake him up. She remembered the last time she banged on his window early one morning to ask him to hang out and he answered her question by throwing his slipper at her. She chuckled at the memory and then before she knew it, she was at Johnny's house. She first knocked on the door three times and waited. No answer. Sighing, she then flew up to the window that she knew was the room where he slept. Tempting her fate she knocked on the window a couple more times. "Hey Sleeping Beautymare, get out of bed and come outside already! You said you were coming to the park today!" Rainbow shouted as loud as she could. But just like the last time at the front door, there was still no answer. "Well that's weird." She said to herself. She then flew around the house and banged on every window and door on the house, but no matter what she got no answer. "Maybe he went to Twilight's to geek out over some books or something. Stuff that eggheads do...." She chuckled to herself as she flew towards the castle of friendship. At Fluttershy's cottage: Fluttershy and Discord were preparing for their daily tea party. Fluttershy was preparing a spot in the living room for Johnny who said that he was going to be there. "Almost finished" She said cheerily as she did the finishing touches on setting up Johnny's seat. Discord was now sitting in his usual place on the couch and was attempting to sneak one of the sandwiches that Fluttershy had prepared but she knew what he was planning on doing and stopped him from doing so. *SMACK* "Ouch, what was that for?" Discord exclaimed while grabbing his talon with his paw. "Discord, you know it's wrong to start digging in to the sandwiches before our company arrives here!" Discord just rolled his eyes. "Well of course I know that my dear Fluttershy, but I am simply famished and have not eaten since this morning. Just one little sandwich just to hold me over until our friend Johnny Boy gets here..." "No Discord, you will have to wait a little longer. Plus he said that he would be here, he must be running a little behind schedule." Discord grunted and then crossed his arms. "Fine, if you say so. But I'm telling you my dear friend, he stood you up the last time you invited him for a tea party. And the time before that and the one time before that one." As much as Fluttershy knew that her draconequus friend was right, she thought deep down in her stomach that he might just show today. "I know he will show up. He said he would try to. Oh I hope so!" ~Two Hours Later~ "What did I tell you Fluttershy, I told you that he would not show up!" Discord said annoyingly as he finished his cup of tea. He then finished his fourth sandwich after Fluttershy had finally given up listening to Discord's loud and gurgling stomach. "Yes yes I get your point!" Fluttershy said sadly while letting out a sigh. "I really thought that he would show this time." "Well there is no shame in thinking my friend, but look on the bright side. At least you get to spend all this time with little old me!" Discord said jokingly while wiggling his eyebrows. But Fluttershy paid him no attention and instead looked out the window. She began to think of all the times that she and Johnny had spent together, when it came to him helping her with her animals and going to the shelter and feeding them and even sitting down in the grassy field behind her cottage to talk about things. She remembered all the times she could see a look of sorrow in Johnny's eyes when she sat with him, and the small tears that fell down his cheeks whenever they talked about serious things. She was the only one that felt and knew that there was something not right with him, and she was the only one that he cried in front of. She remembered him telling her not to tell anypony about him crying and acting all sad. She had promised to him that his secret was safe and that she wouldn't tell Twilight or the others. She still didn't know why Johnny was sad. She had tried time and time again to get through to him but he wouldn't give up his secret. It bugged her, right down to her very core. She then swallowed and then made her way to the front door. "Fluttershy, where are you going?" Discord called out to her. "I'm going to Twilight's to talk to her about Johnny. Something is bothering him and if anypony can help me in this situation it's her!" Fluttershy then walked out the door and closed it behind her. Discord just watched as his friend trotted her way towards the Princess of Friendship's castle. He then sighed. "If there's anypony that can help that poor fellow, it's you and your friends. My dear Fluttershy" He said to himself as he then snapped his fingers and disappeared back to his home. Meanwhile Fluttershy was making her way to Twilight's when she heard a familiar voice call out to her from above. "Hey Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash called as she then landed in front of her pegasus friend. "Hey Rainbow, what's going on?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm on my way to Twilight's. I have to talk to her about something!" Rainbow replied. "Is it about Johnny?" another voice called from beside them. It was Rarity. "Yes it is actually." Fluttershy nodded. "Have any of you girls seen him? He was supposed to come over to my shop and have me try and make some shoes for him." Rarity explained. "He was supposed to come to the park and watch me practice!" Rainbow added. "And he told me that he was going to come over for the tea party with me and Discord." Fluttershy included. The friends all then looked at each other with confusion. They then began to get worried that something must've happened. "Let's go to Twilight's and see if he is there or if she knows where he is!" Rainbow Dash said. "Right!" Fluttershy and Rarity replied at once and then began to head for the castle. ~At Twilight's Castle~ Twilight and Spike were once again organizing her book collection after she discovered that she had made a mistake in putting them on the shelf alphabetically. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were also there giving them a helping hoof as much as they could. "C'mon Twilight. My claws are aching from all this sorting. Can we just take a five minute break?" Spike asked. "Go ahead Spike, take as much time as you need. I am almost finished with this one section and then I'll join you." Twilight replied as she continued to sort through her books using her magic. "Here's another book you missed in the 'A' department!" Pinkie called out. "And here's one ya missed in tha 'D' section." Applejack added with a chuckle. Twilight groaned loudly as she then brought all the books she organized back down to the floor. "Great! Now I have to organize these sections all over again!" Pinkie and Applejack along with Spike chuckled at her little mixup when the sounds of the front doors being opened frantically echoed through the whole castle. "TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy called out loudly. "Goodness what's got them all in a commotion?" Twilight wondered to herself. The three elements then burst into the library all panting and out of breath. "Girls, girls! What in the name of Equestria is the matter?" Rarity and Fluttershy were too out of breath to answer. Rainbow Dash flew up to the princess. "Twilight. Have you seen Johnny?" ~A few minutes later~ Twilight along with her friends and Spike were now gathered around in Twilight's den to discuss about Johnny. He had been rather distant for the last few months and seemed like something was definitely wrong. "So he didn't go to the boutique?" Twilight asked Rarity. "Afraid not darling, he said that he was going to come over but he didn't show up. I put off several dress orders just so I could make him a new pair of shoes." Twilight frowned and then turned to look at her Wonderbolt friend. "And he didn't show up to the park to watch you practice?" She asked. Rainbow just slouched and let out a sigh. "Yeah he never showed up! Which is weird cause he is a fan of the bolts and likes my moves. He has always come to watch me, but today he was a no show!" The speedster explained to her friends. "I'm really worried about him you know!" Twilight couldn't agree more with what Rainbow Dash said. She then turned to Fluttershy who had a somber look on her face. "Fluttershy, is something wrong? Are you also worried about what's going on with Johnny?" Fluttershy looked up at Twilight and then to her friends. "I'm not worried about what is wrong with him. I know that there is something definitely wrong with him." She replied in a quiet tone of voice. Her friends and Spike looked at her for what seemed to be the longest time. "What do mean Fluttershy?" Spike asked. "Yeah Shy, what are ya sayin'?" Applejack added. But Fluttershy didn't say anything. "Fluttershy! What is going on?" Twilight asked in a higher voice and more direct tone. "What do you mean that there is something definitely wrong with him?" The poor shy pegasus pony knew that she had to tell her friends Johnny's secret when he would spend time with her. She knew that he would probably get upset with her for revealing to Twilight and the others what was going on. She took a deep breath and slowly but surely revealed what she wanted to say. "I didn't want to say anything because Johnny trusted me with this secret and he didn't want all of you to know and worry." She admitted while then looking at the floor. Her friends then leaned forward to hear what the rest of this reveal could be. "Johnny is very sad. He is by far one of the saddest creatures that I have ever seen and have ever known!" Her friends looked at her with confusion. "He's sad?" Pinkie asked with her head slightly cocked. "What makes you think he's sad darling?" The fashionista pondered. "What did he say Fluttershy? Please, tell us!" Twilight added. She was now starting to slightly panic with what was being said. "It's not what he said actually. It's what he did! Or what he has done the few times we have talked." Fluttershy explained. By now the girls were beginning to show sighs of panic. Did Johnny do something to Fluttershy that she didn't want anypony to know? "What was it Fluttershy?" Applejack demanded, "What did Johnny do?" "If it was something really bad I'm gonna throttle him when I see him!" Rainbow Dash huffed loudly. Fluttershy quickly came to her senses and started waving her hoofs in a defensive manner. "No girls, Johnny didn't do anything bad or inappropriate!" She concluded. The others all then sighed a big huge sigh of relief. "Well that's good to hear that he didn't hurt you," Twilight said happily as she wiped off her brow with her wing. Fluttershy then stood up one all fours and faced her friends with more determination. She then took a deep breath and then revealed Johnny's big secret. "I know Johnny is sad because the few times we spent together.....He s-started.....C-crying." The room went silent after the shy pegasus told them what Johnny had done. Twilight's and the others ear went flat and their faces showed such sadness for their human friend. "How can Johnny be sad and then start crying? It's not like him to be that!" Spike exclaimed. Twilight then began to think of the day before when Johnny came to help her and Spike organize in the library. At first he seemed to be in high spirits and then for some reason he got all quiet and then left without barely saying goodbye. "Now that you mention it, Johnny did seem to act oddly yesterday when he came to help organize." She mentioned to her friends. "Like what exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked with a raised brow. "Well, when I mentioned to him that it was coming up eight months that he has been here in Equestria, he then started to act strange and then he left." "So that's why he left when there was those books laying on the ground." Spike spoke up. "I was wondering why he left without saying goodbye to me. He always does when he comes over." The rest of the group then began to think about how Johnny acted yesterday. "He seemed rather fine to me yesterday when he stopped by my apple stand." Applejack mentioned. "He did seem a little down when I saw him by the boutique." Rarity explained. "And when I saw him about going to the park to watch me practice he didn't even seem to be that excited." Rainbow Dash admitted. "I also called him by that nickname I gave him and he didn't even flinch to it." "I asked him to try out my new cupcake recipe and he completely ignored me!" Pinkie Pie said with her mane deflating a little bit and her eyes watering up slightly. "It made me sad. Johnny totally loves my cupcakes!" Pinkie then began to tear up and Rarity went by her friends side to comfort her. Twilight didn't like it when she saw her friends all upset, especially seeing Pinkie cry! And on top of that their human friend was somewhere in Ponyville no where to be found and had an issue that they needed to try and help fix. Twilight then grabbed her saddlebag, positioned it on her back and began to head out of the room. "Girls. Spike. Let's go find Johnny and see what's going on!" Her friends immediately agreed and proceeded to follow her out of the room. This was going to be a search that was going to take some time as they had no idea where he could of possibly gone, and needed to see if anypony else had even seen him. ~Five Hours Later~ It was now later in the day and Celestia's sun was now starting to disappear from sight, and the sounds of worried voices could be heard throughout the town of Ponyville. Twilight, Rarity and Applejack had teamed up for their own little search party searching the north part of town in hopes of finding the only human in Ponyville and in Equestria. Pinkie, Fluttershy along with Lyra and Bon Bon who came to help them later on were helping them search the south part of town. Rainbow Dash, with Spike riding on her back and Derpy tagging along behind them were searching the east and the west sides of town. Some of the other pony folk in town also chipped in to help as much as they could, but as the day went on there was still no sign of Johnny. With the sun now almost behind the mountains, the search parties began to thin out. As the groups met in the center of town all except Spike, some of the ponies that had volunteered to help search had now gone home as it was getting late. Lyra and Bon Bon could barely contain their yawns as they proceeded to make their way home. "Sorry girls, but it's getting awfully late. I'd love to stay and help you all find Johnny but I have a early morning music practice session with Vinyl and Octavia and I have to be there." Lyra explained while trying to keep her eyes open. "And I have to get my shop opened up early tomorrow as well." Bon Bon stated. "I hope you all find him, let us know if you do." "We will. Thanks for all your help." Twilight called to the two friends. Derpy then flapped her wings and let out a loud yawn herself. "I sure hope Johnny is not hurt, please find him and tell him I am worried about him." She said kindly as she then took to the skies. "Okay Derpy, I'll keep you informed of what happens." Rainbow called to the mailmare. The group was now all looking around the lower parts of Ponyville and trying to see if they could pick out the odd shape of a human in any of the back streets of town. Twilight let out a sad sigh as she then turned to her five friends. "I'm sorry all of you, but I don't know where he could be. I will send a letter to Princess Celestia in the morning and see if she can offer some help." She declared with a hint of sadness in her voice. The others then nodded their heads until a loud screaming voice could be heard coming from one of Ponyville's back street. "TWILIGHT! GIRLS! COME HERE! HURRY!" "Sounds like Spike!" Fluttershy said as the group took of down the alley way. The elements then saw Spike rushing down the alley with a look of sheer panic on his face. "Spike. Calm down!" Twilight called as the young purple dragon approached them. "What the hay is wrong?" Rainbow asked. Spike had to calm down and take a couple breaths before he told them what happened. "I found him! I found Johnny and we need to hurry! He's hurt!" Fluttershy let out a large shriek as she then picked up Spike with her hooves and began to fly rapidly back down the alley. Twilight and the others were right behind them, the sounds of panic and rapid panting coming from their muzzles. Spike then pointed out to where he claimed he found Johnny. And sure enough when the group finally made their way they were stunned as what they saw. It was indeed Johnny. But by the look of the humped over mass that was sitting in the alley against the wall could've fooled anypony that flying far up way above. The right side of his face was completely swollen and had small trails of blood streaming down his brow, down from his nose and out of his mouth. He also appeared to have been in quite the tussle. His clothes were also partly shredded and the left pant leg of his jeans from the knee on down was missing. "JOHNNY!" The group shouted as they were soon at his side. "Johnny. Johnny can you hear me?" Twilight called out to him. There was no response and that made the group freak out even more. "No no no no no, please Johnny don't do this! Speak to us!" Rainbow Dash shrieked as tears began to form in her eyes. Pinkie Pie was now full on crying and had Rarity and Applejack wrapped in their hooves. Fluttershy was trying her best to not panic as she then attended to his battered body and began to inspect. After a couple seconds she then saw that his chest was moving. Then he let out a small grunt which told them that he was still conscious. "Johnny are you okay?" Fluttershy asked worriedly. Johnny didn't say a word, he just nodded his head and then attempted to position himself up against the wall, which his friends helped. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" Pinkie Pie asked, her tears slowly running down her face. Johnny again didn't say a word, but this time he shook his head as to say no. "What happened Johnny? What in the name of Luna has happened to you?" Rarity asked. This time Johnny moved his head up and opened his left eye which was bloodshot red and his right eye completely swollen over. He then let out a large cough and spoke very quietly in a slurred tone. "I..mpf..Got my ass ki-kicked!" He spoke slowly. "And I d-don't want to g-go to the hospital again!" "Then where do ya wanna go sugarcube?" Applejack asked as she held her hoof under his chin. Johnny then looked up at her and then the rest of his friends, and in another slurred voice stated. "Home!" before his eye closed and his head leaned to the side, the sounds of snoring could be heard coming from him. Now the girls didn't think this was the time to giggle on account of the situation, but by the way Johnny stated that he wanted to go home made them giggle a little. They were used to seeing Johnny intoxicated and even some of them even got drunk with him on some nights. But tonight was a state that they were not used to seeing their friend in. All banged up and bruised. "C'mon girls, let's get Mr. Johnny here home!" Twilight said as she then grabbed a hold of one of his legs with her magic and began to hoist him up. "Yeah let's get him home." Rainbow Dash replied. "The guy is six sheets to the wind!" "It's three sheets to tha wind Dash!" Applejack snapped as she corrected her friend. The group of friends sighed and then chuckled as they made their way to Johnny's house. All except Fluttershy who stayed pretty quiet. 'Oh Johnny, just what is going on with you?' ~At Johnny's House~ By the time Twilight and her friends managed to bring the battered, beaten and heavily intoxicated human Johnny to his house it was now completely dark outside and Luna's moon was seen high above in the night sky. The noises that the six ponies and the purple dragon made was enough to wake up Norman the rooster who then came outside and began to raise a commotion. Johnny was then dropped to the ground as Twilight and the others had to cover their ears from the loud noises that Norman was making. The fall to the ground would of probably hurt Johnny and startled him but he was way too passed out to even notice. "WILL SOMEPONY PLEASE SHUT THAT STUPID ROOSTER UP?" Rainbow Dash shouted at the top of her lungs. Fluttershy could barely hear what she said but she then quickly made her way over to the obnoxious rooster and gave him 'The Stare". Something that she didn't like to do very often. "Now Norman, I apologize for us waking you but you need to be quiet now and get some sleep!" Fluttershy said calmly to him. Norman nodding his head in understanding then proceeded to make his way back into his little home. "Nice work Fluttershy." Twilight whispered. "Yeah ya done good sugarcube." Applejack called. Fluttershy just gave a slight blush as she made her way back to the group. "Seriously Shy, why did you even give Johnny that annoying bird?" Rainbow Dash asked with a cocked eyebrow. "He told me that he wanted a pet so I gave him Norman to keep him company." She answered. "Did you think that maybe he didn't want a rooster?" Dash questioned again. Flutteryshy didn't say anything. She just looked down at the ground and began to drag it along the ground. "No. I guess not." She admitted. "Girls let's continue this conversation another time. Now let's get our friend here into the house and clean up his wounds!" Twilight called again, proceeding to lift Johnny off the ground with her magic. As the others then gave her a helping hoof, they then began to lift him up the stairway and towards the front door. "Won't he get mad that we went into his house?" Rarity questioned. "Yeah, I seem to remember him not being very happy whenever we tried to come inside." Pinkie added. "Okay first of all." Rainbow Dash pointed out. "You were the only one of us that tried to come in here unexpectedly, and second it's all because of you that he won't let us in his house cause he now thinks we are going to freak out inside an unfamiliar house from an unknown world. You get what what I'm saying?" Pinkie's ears then drooped and sighed sadly. "You're right. It was all my fault that he won't let anypony in his house. I'm sorry you guys." She said. "It's not us who ya need to apologize too Pinkie." Applejack pointed out. The pink party pony then jumped to the front door and proceeded to open it using her poofy mane to pick the lock. Twilight and the others just rolled their eyes. "I can see why Johnny won't let us in now!" Spike scoffed. The others nodded in agreement. "I know and again I'm sorry about that. I will apologize to him when he wakes up and hopefully he will let us all in more often." Pinkie Pie explained. She got some more nods this time, but no more words were said as they then started walking Johnny into his house. The group then laid him flat on the couch in the living room. Pinkie then told her friends from what she could remember where certain things were. She directed Rainbow Dash to the kitchen to get some water and Rarity to the linen closet in the hallway to where the blankets were. Fluttershy then used some warm water and a small towel that Rainbow got from the kitchen to begin wiping off the dried blood off Johnny's face, and put a blanket behind his head that Rarity found. "It took me forever to find a clean rag in that so called kitchen." Rainbow Dash admitted, "His kitchen is a disaster". "Not now Rainbow!" Twilight snapped. Pinkie then came back from up the stairs. She remembered where Johnny's room was, as to why he got so upset with her because he happened to wake up with her staring him in the eyes with her face against his. Scared the shit out of him..... "His bed is all made for him when you're done Fluttershy." Pinkie called. Fluttershy nodded as she finished wiping off Johnny's face. Twilight managed to find a first aid kit that was sitting by the couch on the ground by the reclining chair and began to spread some antiseptic ointment on the cuts and scrapes while Rarity using her magic placed the bandages on Johnny's forehead, on his cheek and his right arm. She then looked at his battered clothes and clicked her tongue. "The poor darling. His clothes are tattered. I'll have to repair them for him." "I'm sure he will like that Rarity." Twilight smiled to her friend. Then with help from Rainbow Dash, Applejack then carried the snoozing Johnny on her back and began to walk him up the stairs to his room as Pinkie led the way. Then with a mighty heave she placed him on his bed and put his head on his pillow. She then decided to take a quick glance at the surrounding walls of his bedroom. She was astonished by the size of the room, and even by the size of his mattress. 'Well I reckon he needs an awfully big mattress to support that mighty tall frame of his!' Applejack said to herself. Now Johnny was all cleaned and patched up from his rough adventure, and was soon changed into some clean clothes by the help of Twilight, who made sure to take everything off all except his boxers of course with her magic. Rarity then put Johnny's battered clothing into a bag, as she stated that she would repair all of them. The six ponies and young dragon looked down at their two legged bi-pedal friend and all they could do was smile. His attitude that he had been displaying for the last few months was definitely not uncommon for him. But for the first time that they have known him, they knew that there was something deeply wrong and something had to be done. And Fast! The group then made their way downstairs to the partly lit living room, and by now it was very late in the night. "All right everypony, I think it is best if we stay here the night!" Twilight stated with a serious tone. "Yeah okay. I'm cool with that." Rainbow Dash nodded. "I'll stay here." Applejack joined in. "Me too!" Pinkie said too loudly that she had to be shushed by the others. "I'm staying to make sure Johnny stays out of danger." Fluttershy said quietly. "I'm too **yawn* tired to go anywhere. I'm staying here." Spike mumbled covering his mouth with his claw and letting out a huge yawn. "I'm all to stay too for my friend darlings, but won't Johnny be upset when he finds us in his house in the morning?" Rarity asked with a worried face. "He did state that he didn't want anypony in his house and that he likes his privacy!" "This is important you guys! We all mentioned and seen that something is severely bothering him, and as his friends it is something that we must do to show him that we care!" The rest all nodded in agreement, and began to settle down in the living room for the night. Tomorrow would be a day that Johnny would not be expecting, and a day where he finally opens up his true feelings and what is going on with him. As the elements and Spike now each had a blanket and were laying down, it's when Rarity noticed something that didn't sit well with her. "Oh my goodness. Johnny has got to learn how to take better care of this place, this house is a mess!" The rest all chuckled and agreed immediately. "Something we will run by him in the morning, don't you worry." Twilight giggled as she then began to rest her eyes for the night. Thinking of the events that would transpire in the coming morning. ~In the middle of the night~ The sounds of tip toeing could be heard throughout the house as a unfamiliar pony made her way up the stairs and headed towards Johnny's bedroom. Fluttershy caught a small glimpse of the figure heading up the stairs and she immediately reacted by quickly flapping her wings and heading towards where her friend was being intruded by an unknown visitor. She burst into the bedroom with the most frightening look on her face and a small growl escaping from her throat. The unknown pony was standing over top of Johnny and looked like she was going to do something to hurt him, until Fluttershy found the light switch and turned it on in a flash. "Stop right there!" She growled loudly as she was ready to protect her friend, only to see the one pony that she did not expect to see. "Princess Luna?" Indeed it was the princess of the night, and she was cringing with a hoof overtop of her eyes and letting out a small squeal. "Yes it is I. Please do me a favor and shut the light off It's hurting my eyes!" Fluttershy let out a small *eep* as she then quickly turned off the bedroom light. She then could see Luna who was now lighting up the bedroom using her horn. "I'm so sorry Luna, I thought you were some unknown pony who was trying to hurt Johnny." The Princess let out a small smile and then starred at the sleeping human. "It's quite alright my dear Fluttershy, I apologize for interfering where I shouldn't be. But I have to admit, he is a stubborn creature he is!" Luna replied in a quiet soothing voice. "Whatever do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. "What I mean is I have tried time and time again to come into his dream realm as he constantly has bad dreams almost every night!" Luna explained, "But he doesn't want me coming into his dream so he on purposely wakes himself up or he locks me out of his dream. I honestly don't know in the name of Equestria how he does it!" Fluttershy was surprised by Luna's words. A human blocking her entry into his own dream realm? Was that even possible? Well.....By the sounds of it, Johnny was stopping her from seeing something. She then remembered why Johnny stated that he drank so much before bed or even during the day. "Well he did mention that he had trouble sleeping." She quietly admitted, "But when me or any of my friends ask him he just says and I quote 'Non of our Business or Concern!' I personally am worried about him and so are the others, but I fear that we will not succeed in helping him at all." Fluttershy then began to slightly tear up, and stopped when Luna put her hoof under her chin. "Fear not my kind friend. Just believe in yourself and your friends and the truth shall be revealed. Sit down with him, talk with him and let him know that everything is okay and that he should trust in you and the others." The princess of the night said in a kind and bold statement. Fluttershy was in awe of Luna's words, and knew very well that she was right. "Yes. Myself and Twilight and the rest will do everything we can to help our friend and make him feel better!" Luna nodded with a large smile on her face, and then turned around to face the doorway. "I'm sure you will." And then in a flash using her horn, Luna disappeared from view and was now gone. Fluttershy could only smile at the interaction she had experienced tonight, and then looked over at her friend who was still sleeping soundly and was slightly snoring. Fluttershy giggled at the sight, and then she let out a large yawn. 'Goodness, I'm more tired then I thought.' She said to herself. Fluttershy was about to head out of the bedroom when she then overheard Johnny start to mumble something in his sleep. "mmmmm..no......No. Don't leave! p-please don't l-leave m-me!" He mumbled with a slight tear rolling down his cheek. Fluttershy's heart then started breaking upon the sight of her friend. She then decided that she was not going to leave him all alone in his bed tonight. She then gently flapped her wings and landed on the bed beside him. He was sleeping, but now had even more tears coming down his face, and his whimpering was getting louder and louder. Fluttershy then slowly leaned over him and gave him a small peck on the forehead and began to run her hoof gently through his hair. "Shush shush, please don't cry. It's okay, everything is going to be alright Johnny." She said quietly to him. And then after that, Johnny then stopped crying and then a small smile appeared on his face, not opening his eyes and began to snore quietly once again. Fluttershy smiled deeply and then rested her head on the pillow and brought her wing over top of him, kinda like a blanket and continued to stroke his hair on his head with her hoof, and then she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile out in the hallway, Twilight and the others had watched everything and were saddened at the sight before them. For them they all knew, that something had to be done. For their friend. Johnny. End of Chapter Four. > We're your Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Morning: The feeling of what felt like his head being squeezed in a vice made Johnny absolutely sick to his stomach, as well the incoming rays of Celestia's sun didn't help matters much either. He quickly brought his hand to his face to cover his eyes, but even doing this felt like everything was in slow motion and made him feel nauseous. He then began to try and roll over to look away from the sun, but as he was doing this, he noticed that there was a certain pressure on his sheets and covers which made it harder for him to move. 'What the hell?' Johnny then turned over to the other side and this time lifted himself up to see what could be possibly sleeping on his bed with him. He squinted his eyes to get a better look at the small figure that was completely passed out and not making a sound. He could see what looked like yellow feathers and some strands of pink hair alongside the bed on the pillow beside his. 'Fluttershy?' He asked himself, 'What is she doing here? Why is she in my house? And why is she in my bed?!' He was just about to raise his voice and awaken the sleeping intruder, but as the rays of the sun slightly disappeared he then saw just how peaceful and cute she looked when sleeping. And he then remembered that she is a shy and frail pegasus and doesn't like it when she is startled. Johnny could only chuckle lightly to himself as he then proceeded to cover her with the remaining parts of his comforter. As he tucked her in his bed, he then felt his stomach beginning to make strange sounds and then his head and vision began to get blurry and everything then began to spin! Johnny knew what was coming next! And he didn't want to be anywhere near Fluttershy when it happens. Struggling through the pain and dizziness, Johnny stumbled his way into the bathroom and shut the door. He turned on the light and stared into the mirror in front of him. He was shocked to see what looked like himself but in fact was completely different with bandages on his forehead, cuts and scrapes along his face and some bruising around his right eye. The events from last night were nothing but a blur inside Johnny's head, which immediately made him feel dizzy and even more sick to his stomach. He turned on the tap until he got the water all nice and cold and slammed three glasses of water to try and get himself feeling better. At first he then began to feel better, but the strong gurgling sounds from his stomach came back in an instant and he knew what was definitely coming now..... Johnny then made a mad dash over to the toilet, and as soon as he lifted the toilet seat he put his head down and released the most foul looking and smelling vomit he had ever seen! Johnny continued to puke into the bowl in a rapid fashion, and the dry heaves afterwards didn't help either as he just continued to release all that he had in his stomach from the night before. 'Fuck I hate puking!' After he finished his fourth release he then felt something resting on his shoulder. He looked over to see that Fluttershy had now entered the bathroom and was doing everything she could to make sure he was okay. For her to see him like this made him feel sad, but before he could get a word out he then humped himself over the toilet and retched into the bowl once again. Fluttershy then began to repeatedly rub his back with her hoof as he continued to throw up into the bowl. Johnny thought for sure that Fluttershy would have bolted from the smell that clung in the air, but to his surprise she didn't go anywhere! She just continued to rub his back and soothe him with a gentle humming of a song. "It's going to be okay Johnny, get it all out! You'll feel much better afterwards, trust me. I'm not going anywhere!" She said calmly and sweetly. Hearing her kind words made Johnny feel warm inside, and he wasn't going to lie. The feeling of her hoof rubbing him down on his back did feel nice. After he completely rid himself of whatever contents where inside his stomach from the night prior, Johnny then went and laid down on his bed once again. Fluttershy then came into the bed with a warm rag, a glass of water and some little pills in a small dish that was all laying on a tray while lying flat on her back. Johnny was enamored by how she could balance all that on her back and not spill anything, he guessed that probably after taking care for so many sick animals in her time she must've of gotten used to it. "That's very impressive Shy. You really are a talented pony!" Johnny croaked out slightly as he took the glass of water from the tray and gulped down the pills that she had brought for him. Fluttershy just managed to blush slightly as she fiddled with her mane that covered her right eye. "I-I don't know about that. I am not talented like Rainbow Dash with her flying tricks or even Twilight, Rarity or even Starlight with their magic. All I can do is look after sick or injured animals and take care of them the best I can!" But Johnny quickly raised his hand up. "Don't second guess yourself Fluttershy, you are one of the kindest ponies around, and what you do for the animals around Equestria and how you look after me, I'd say that you definitely are talented. No matter what anyone or anypony says, you my friend are talented and are very special!" Fluttershy didn't know what to say to respond to his high praises of her. All she could do was show him a big smile and give a small chuckle in reply which was good enough for him as he then laid back down on his bed and placed the rag on his forehead. "Ugh, my head is killing me! I drank way way way too much last night! That's the last time I mix a bunch of different drinks together at once..." He stated as he closed his eyes. He then patted his eye which was still slightly swollen from last night but was slowly going down in size. "By the way, what happened to me last night? How come my face is all banged up and bruised? I don't remember a thing from last night!" Fluttershy then sat beside him on his bed and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I don't know Johnny. Spike was the one who found you first and then we came and took you home. You were already beat up and in bad condition when we found you." She explained as slowly as possible. "You then said something about....Um I don't really don't want to say b-but you said you got your 'Butt Kicked' and that's all you said..." Johnny didn't say a word as he then opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. After a few seconds he then began to chuckle slightly. "Yeah, that definitely sounds like me! Leave it to me to get shitfaced drunk and completely forget every little fucking thing!" Johnny then removed the cloth and placed it on his night table. For some strange reason the pills that Fluttershy had given him had now began to work their magic and his headache was starting to disappear. Fluttershy noticed this and began to rub him on the back. "Are you feeling better?" Johnny nodded in reply. He then moved his legs over to the side of the bed and sat straight up. He then cleared his throat and then looked at Fluttershy. "Thanks for helping me out Shy. I appreciate it." Fluttershy giggled and nodded her head. "It's no problem Johnny, I am always happy to help a friend." Then Johnny got serious. "But I have to ask you? Why were you in my bed this morning? And how come you are in my house?" Fluttershy then began to get nervous and started fidgeting with her hooves. "Umm, w-well when we found you, we brought you here and began to clean you up and then we put you to bed. Twilight and the others helped with cleaning up your wounds and scrapes, and then we put you to bed. I stayed because I wanted to make sure that you would be okay and were going to be alright, so I umm slept in y-your bed... I hope you are not mad at me..." She finished and then looked at the ground waiting for Johnny to flip his shit. But he didn't.... Johnny then placed his hand on her head and began to rub her on the top of her mane, and also gave a scratch in behind her ears. She was surprised by what he was doing, but she was also comfortable with it as he gave ear scratches to all them. "It's okay Fluttershy. No I am not mad at you, a little pissed but I am not mad. I knew it was going to be a matter of time before you ponies would start coming over to my house and want to come inside again." Flutterhsy then looked up at Johnny and gave him a kind smile, but then it faded as she remembered the other guests that were asleep downstairs. "Umm Johnny?" "Yes?" "If I told you the others were downstairs and they were also worried about you, would you be mad about that?" Johnny then looked to the ceiling. "It depends really..." He then looked at Fluttershy who now had a guilty look on her face. "Their all downstairs aren't they?" Fluttershy squeaked and then nodded slightly. "Oh for fucks sakes!" Johnny then got himself dressed and made his way downstairs with Fluttershy right behind him. He could now see that his living room was now a hostel for five sleeping ponies and a dragon. Johnny wanted to be cross about this whole situation, but seeing his friends all passed out on his living room couch reminded him of his younger years with his old friends from back home and for some reason it brought back good memories. Memories that he thought he had lost forever...... He chuckled slightly to himself as he made his way into the kitchen to make some coffee. "Do you need help with making the coffee and do you want me to wake up the others?" Fluttershy asked quietly. Johnny looked down to his pegasus friend and shook his head. "No thanks Fluttershy, I got this. And don't wake the others up, I've got something up my sleeve to wake them up with." He replied. Fluttershy didn't know what he could possibly be thinking, so she decided to just wait and find out. She nodded her head and just watched as Johnny began to prepare the pot of coffee. Once the coffee was finished, he began to pour the beverage into each medium sized cup that he could find. Today Johnny was going to make them the best damn cup of coffee that they have probably had in their lives. He didn't really like the coffee that the ponies drank in Ponyville. He found it too weak and tasting like dishwater. 'I'm going to blow their minds with this stuff. They have never had the coffee I make, and I bet they will never want to go back to their weak ass stuff ever again!' When he was finished, he then presented a cup to Fluttershy who was more than happy to receive it. She blew into the cup and then took a small sip from it. 'She'll probably hate it! Even my old friends didn't like the way I make my coffee.' He thought to himself. But to his surprise Fluttershy was wide eyed and starting to drink more of it. "Johnny, this coffee is amazing! How did you get it to be so tasty?" She asked with amazement. Johnny snickered and then showed her the inside of the holder that held the coffee grounds. "Easy, I made it nice and strong. The way I have liked it since I was two years old." Fluttershy then sputtered. "Y-you were two years old when you started drinking coffee?" Johnny then shrugged. "Yeah, I used to like it black but now I need to have milk and sugar in it. It's funny, people from where I'm from said that coffee stunts your growth. But look at me! I'm over six foot seven, so I guess that all those people who said that were full of shit!" Fluttershy then laughed slightly before taking another swig. "That's a funny story Johnny. Now I don't know about these people you are talking about, but this is the best coffee I have had in a long time!" Johnny slightly smiled and then nodded his head. He then placed the rest of the cups of coffee on a tray that was in the cupboard and began to head out into the living room. "C'mon Flutters, we've got six sleepyheads that need waking up!" Soon Johnny began to go to each one of his friends and held their cups just inches from their muzzles. The aroma from the strong coffee was more than enough to wake them from their slumber with a start. "Wakey wakey!" Johnny teased as he watched Twilight and the rest of the group come to their senses. They all stared wide eyed at the human who was still holding the cups of hot coffee on the tray. "Oh my gosh Johnny, we're so so sorry! We didn't mean to stay here for the night, we didn't mean to trespass in your home and we sure didn't mean t-" "Twilight!" Johnny yelled out to cut off his Princess friend. "It's okay. Here I've got some coffee for you guys.." Twilight then grabbed the coffee using her magic as Johnny began to go to each of the others with the tray. "Well thank you very much darling. This coffee smells absolutely divine." Rarity said. "Wait till you try it!" Johnny replied with a smirk. The others then followed suit and did as Johnny had told them. And from what he could see on the look of their faces it was more than enough for him to see that they liked the coffee. "Wow! This coffee is sooooooo goooood!" Pinkie Pie cheered happily. "It's even better than Rarity's coffee!" Rainbow Dash joked. "Hey!" Rarity hissed. "And it's way better than tha sludge Twilight drinks." Applejack added. Now it was Twilight's turn to get all flustered. "My coffee is not sludge! I'll have you know that I like the coffee that I make, and I think it tastes just fine thank you very much!" "Yeah yeah, if you say so Twilight." Spike chirped in. "Why do you think I don't drink it in the mornings? You're coffee is terrible!" Twilight glared at her assistant. "Well excuse me for-" "Girls please, it's way way way to early to hear your bickering. Now just drink your coffees and please 'SHUT THE FUCK UP'! I just got rid of a headache and you're already starting to give me another one!" Johnny hissed. That was more than enough to quiet down the group. They soon averted their gazes and began to slowly drink their coffees quietly. Johnny sighed and then sat down in the recliner chair nearest the window. He opened the window and then lit up a cigarette and began to drink his coffee. He stared at the ceiling as he listened to his friends continue to drink their beverages. He took drag after drag of his smoke and then finished off his coffee before the others could. His morning ritual of drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette was complete, except that instead of listening to the sounds of silence, he had seven of his friends in his living room. They were used to seeing Johnny smoking, and were even comfortable around him whenever he lit up, but they didn't think he smoked in his own house. "Why do you smoke inside the house? Wouldn't it be better if you smoked outside?" Rarity asked, the first one to break the awkward silence. "Cause it's my house, and I can do whatever I want!" Johnny replied with a hint of agitation. "Oh, well sorry I asked then darling." Rarity replied as she looked away with a sad look on her face. Johnny sighed quietly to himself. He wasn't trying to be a dick to her, but he just didn't like it when he was told what to do. Especially in his house! He then moved forward and placed his empty cup on the dirty coffee table and threw his smoke out the window. "Look, I didn't mean to be rude. I just have a bit of a pain in my head and don't feel right after last night." He stated as his friends looked into his eyes. "I'm also not used to having this much company over here in the morning, especially you guys. I know you always want to come over here and check out my house, but after what Pinkie did, I really didn't want anyone else to come barging in." "This is my home, my place of solace and peace and I didn't want you all over here ruining it! But I realize that I wasn't a very good friend these last few months. You've all been so kind to me ever since I came here and I can't thank you enough for all you've done. So if I have been an asshole to you guys since I've come here, I just want you all to know that I'm sorry." He finished. Twilight and the others then smiled and nodded their heads in approval. "You were not a bad friend to us Johnny. We all think that you're one of the nicest beings that we know." Twilight sad happily. "Yeah you're one of the coolest things that we have ever seen. And you are also pretty funny, especially when you get a bit flustered when I call you goose!" Rainbow Dash chipped in. Johnny then glared at her but shook his head. 'I should of never told her about that movie or that guys name!' "Yeah you're also super duper fun to hang around with and always enjoy a good party here and there!" Pinkie Pie said while appearing on his shoulder. 'How the hell does she do that?' "You're also very helpful." Rarity said with a flick of her eyelashes. 'Did she just seriously do that?' "And you're also very strong. Especially when it comes to helping out at tha farm." Applejack stated. 'She definitely is an honest one.' "And you also give out some great advice!" Chipped in Spike. 'I don't know about that.... Just wish he'd take my advice and tell Rarity how he feels about her already!' "And you are also very kind. I think you are one of the most kindest creatures in all of Equestria!" Fluttershy said in a calm and low voice. 'I'm never going to get used to being called a creature! I guess I'll have to deal with it, me being the only human around these parts after all!' "But most importantly, we forgive you Johnny!" They all said together in unison. Hearing all these kind words made Johnny feel better inside. He was definitely lucky to have them as his friends, but deep down he still felt sad for himself and for hurting his friends feelings over the last few months. Pinkie Pie then sat beside him and placed her hoof on his leg. She had one of the saddest most guilty looks on her face he had ever seen. "I am again also sorry for what I did the last time I was here. I know I shouldn't of barged in as this is your house and I need to learn how to respect others privacy. Please forgive me and please let us come over here more often!" She wailed with little rivers of tears flowing out of her eyes. Now Johnny couldn't bear to see others cry, especially someone as bubbly and happy as Pinkie Pie! He sighed and then began to scratch her behind her ear which made her leg start to thump up and down like a dog. "It's okay Pinkie, I forgive you. And yes you can all come over more often." Pinkie sniffed and then began to show a small smile. "R-really?" Johnny then slightly smiled and nodded his head. Then the pink party pony began to vibrate and then jumped into the air almost hitting the ceiling. "Yayyyy!" "BUT!" Johnny cut her off as she froze in mid air. "But only when you knock on the door like civilized beings, and not touch anything without asking me first! Got it?" Pinkie then nodded her head while still in the air. "Good, that settles things. And for love of god, stop doing that! You're creeping me out!" Pinkie then dropped from her place in mid air and landed safely on the ground. The others all sighed and smiled hearing that they were now allowed to come over to his house more often. Johnny could only shake his head and chuckle as he then began to sit upright and do a slight stretch. "Okay, now who's up for some breakfast?" About an hour later, Johnny had finished his cheddar omelette which he liked to make really cheesy! The others had the same, except Twilight's was not as cheesy. Each one of his friends were really enjoying their meals and were also excited as this was the first time that Johnny had cooked for them. No one was saying a word as the only sounds that were made was the sounds of munching and mmmmm's coming from each other. But Johnny thought this was too quiet... Johnny then finished his third cup of coffee and then leaned backwards and let out the mightiest and loudest burp he had probably ever done. All eyes were on him as he looked at the group of his friends at the table. Rainbow, Pinkie, Spike and even Applejack had tears in their eyes as they couldn't stop laughing. Twilight let out a small chuckle but then tried to look all serious. Fluttershy blushed as the words just couldn't come to her mind. But Rarity was the one who didn't laugh and who didn't chuckle. She was borderline put off and disgusted. "Seriously darling? At the table of all places?" The laughing group finally managed to get a grip on things as they all wiped away their tears and held their stomachs. Johnny just looked at Rarity with a big shit eating grin and replied. "Well it's better out that in! And don't be mad just cause you can't burp that loudly." Rarity's face then turned a bright shade of red, and then she turned away. The others couldn't figure out if Rarity was that upset or was about to blow her lid. But then Rarity turned back, inhaled deeply and then released a similar sounding belch that echoed throughout the whole house. Her friends especially Spike were absolutely shocked that Rarity of all ponies in Equestria would do something as rude and impolite as that. Rarity looked to the others and then to Johnny who was now completely still. He didn't say a word nor let out a single chuckle. He just shrugged and then picked up his mug and held it up to her. "Nice one!" Then the entire group then all burst out into a fit of laughter once again, even Twilight and Fluttershy had to join in on the action. Johnny didn't laugh, he just chuckled and then stood up and began to take all the empty plates into the kitchen to clean them off. Twilight noticed this and remembered full well why they were all there in the first place. She then leapt down from her chair and went into the kitchen to talk with Johnny. Johnny now had the hot water running and began to wash off the plates by hand. He did in fact have a dishwasher, but he didn't have any dishwasher detergent left so until he found another type of detergent to use in it he was doing the dishes by hand. Which didn't bother him the slightest. As he rinsed off the first plate, he could feel the presence of eyes staring directly at him. He turned around to see Twilight who was sitting at the entrance way of the kitchen and was giving him a solemn look. "What? What are you staring at?" Johnny asked, starting to feel uneasy with the Princess looking at him like that. Just then the rest of the group of his friends joined her and were giving him the exact same look. Twilight then cleared her throat and sat up on her hooves. "Johnny, we have to talk!" Johnny then turned back to his dishes and began to wash the next plate again. He didn't say a word as he continued to do his thing. Twilight was stunned that Johnny had completely ignored her and she tried again to tell him. "Didn't you hear me? I said we have to talk!" She stated loudly which made her friends cringe slightly. They didn't like seeing her get loud, but they were also worried how Johnny might react. They all watched as Johnny then rinsed off the last of the plates under the running water. He didn't turn his head before he gave her a cold and quiet reply. "There's nothing to talk about!" Twilight cocked her head. "What do you mean there is nothing to talk about?" "You heard me! I said there's nothing to talk about, so just stop saying we need to talk!" He snapped. Twilight backed up slightly but was not backing down. "Johnny! There is something seriously wrong going on with you that we need to talk about. Now the reason we are here is to talk about this and we're not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on with you!" She stated in a stern demanding tone. *BANG* A plate went hurling across the kitchen at full force and broke apart on impact and landed everywhere in about a hundred pieces. Johnny then using his right fist forced it against the wooden door of the cupboard three times making solid connections with it until the door broke in half down the middle. The group was wide eyed and shocked! In all the time that they knew Johnny, they had never seen him lose his temper and had never seen him destroy anything. By now Johnny's hand was shaking uncontrollably and blood began to drip from his knuckles. He clenched his teeth together and let out a massive shout which echoed through the whole house. His friends then all covered their ears and closed to their eyes to advert their gazes from what could possibly be a sight of destruction. But after a what felt like had been an eternity but had been a few seconds, the sounds of screaming and smashing came to an end. They all looked up to see Johnny with his left hand covered over his mouth, his eyes were shut tight and there were streams of tears flowing down his cheeks, and was now sobbing terribly and shaking all over. He then leaned against the sink and slid down slowly until he was now entirely on the floor. He slumped forward and began to cry loudly while resting his forehead on his arms all while his whole body shook. Fluttershy then moved towards her sad, broken and hurt friend and sat beside him. She placed her hoof on his back and began to rub it in small circles as she tried her best to calm him down. She was then surprised when he then embraced her in a tight hug and brought her closer to him. She didn't deny this motion as she then draped her wing over top of him. Then Johnny could feel warmth around his entire body. He opened his eyes a crack to notice that Twilight, Spike, and the others had now surrounded him and now had him in a hug. To Johnny, this warmth that he felt was something that he had not felt since his he was with his parents and brother and sister. After a few minutes Johnny's crying then began to die down. He tried to wipe his tears away with his right hand, but he was still in a tight embrace from his friends and he saw that his hand was still cut up from hitting the cupboard. Luckily the bleeding had stopped. Rarity using her magic then began to wipe away his tears with a handkerchief, Twilight and Fluttershy began to bandage his hurt hand, Spike got him a glass of water while Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack sat around him and rubbed his back trying to make him feel comfortable. When his hand was finished be bandaged, Twilight then stood up and sat beside him while resting a hoof on his shoulder and then cleared her throat. "Johnny, I am really sorry that I angered you, and wanting to find out about what's going on. I should've respected your decision and let it be, but I mean it when I say that we do care about you and that we're really worried about you!" Johnny then tilted his head forward and looked at the ground. He couldn't get any words to come out at the exact moment so he said nothing. "We're really worried Sugarcube". Said Applejack. "Yeah, we don't like to see you when you're sad." Pinkie choked with tears in her eyes. "C'mon bud, please tell us what's wrong." Rainbow said while patting his back. "Or you can tell us when you're ready. Whatever works for you will be fine, but when you do I'll be sure to do what I can to help." Fluttershy said kindly. "That's right darling, and so will I." Rarity added. Johnny then looked up to his seven friends, and asked them in a croaky voice. "Why? Why do you guys care about me so much? And why do you want to know so much about my problems?" He asked with a few small tears in his eyes. His friends then all had shocked looks on their faces as he asked them the one question they never thought he would ask. Then all at once, in unison they looked Johnny right in his eyes and gave him his answer. "BECAUSE WE'RE YOUR FRIENDS!" Johnny all of a sudden could feel his heart beginning to break. He knew that he was having problems, not only with his drinking but also the pain that he had locked inside himself that he didn't want his friends to know. He didn't want to bother them with his problems, but seeing how caring they were and how worried they looked was too much for him to bear. And he knew he had been distant from them and had been a real shitty friend. He then wiped off his tears once again and tilted his head down and then raised it one again. "Okay." He said in a low voice. "If you really want to know what's going on, then I'll tell you." The group of friends all then wound up back in Johnny's living room, all sitting on the floor together in one big circle. Johnny had Fluttershy to his left, Rainbow Dash to his right, Twilight sat directly in front of him while Spike sat beside her on her left and Pinkie Pie on her right. Applejack and Rarity took up the rest of the spaces until they had formed the perfect circle. In the meantime, Johnny had managed to crack open a bottle of Grey Goose that he had inside his liquor cabinet, and had poured some of it into a small glass. Normally he would've drank it out of the bottle, but after the rowdyness from last night that was still a blur in his mind, he decided to pace himself and take things slow. Twilight then cleared her throat which caught the attention of the group including Johnny. He sat up as straight as he could and looked at Twilight directly in the eyes. "Johnny, what has been bothering you these past few months?" Johnny took a swig from his small glass of vodka and placed it on the table. "I have been like this a lot longer than a few months Twilight! In fact I have been like this for quite a few years now!" The group of Ponies then all got confused looks on their faces as he finished his sentence. "What? What do you mean for the last few years?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You've only been here for eight months!" Johnny scratched behind his neck as he shifted slightly in his place. "I know I have been here for eight months Dash. But i'm talking about before I even came to Equestria, back when I was still living in my world." The others stared at Johnny with eyes wide open as he finished off his glass of vodka and placed the glass on the table. He then looked down to the floor and and breathed in slowly and sighed deeply. "Guys, I am not happy! In fact I am far from it!" Twilight scooted over towards him a little bit and placed a hoof on his leg. "What do you mean you are not happy Johnny?" Johnny then cleared his throat and then looked up into his friends eyes and to the others. "I mean that I am depressed! I have been dealing with depression for along time now, since the day of my eighteenth birthday and the day that I lost everything that I loved...." There was silence in the room for about thirty seconds until Applejack broke the silence. "What did ya lose sugarcube?" The others leaned closer, waiting for their friends answer. The answer came after Johnny then wiped away a small tear from his eye. "My family." Pinkie then came over and wrapped her forehoof over his shoulder. "Aww, you miss your family. Oh well I'm sure that you will see them again. I'm sure that Twilight will find a way to get you back to your world so you can see them aga-" "She can try all she wants!" Johnny replied while cutting her off and slamming his hand on the floor. "But I will never see them again! Even if Twilight did find a way for me to go home, they would not be there waiting for me!" "Well what happened to them darling?" Rarity asked. Johnny then huffed loudly and looked away. "They died.... They all died on my eighteenth birthday!" The entire room went so quiet, that even the sound of crickets chirping could be heard. Johnny could see that his friends all had looks of shock, sympathy and sadness. Fluttershy leaned against him and spoke in a low low voice that he could hardly hear. "Th-th-they d-d-died?" Johnny immediately nodded his head. The reaction was too much for Fluttershy as she then wrapped both forehooves around him and began to cry. Twilight and the others were still trying to catch their bearings. They knew that Johnny was sad and had problems but they didn't expect it to be this bad. "I-I thought you said you had family back where you came from?" Twilight asked. Johnny didn't say anything. "I can't believe that happened to you." Rainbow Dash said in a low raspy voice. "I'm so sorry!" "That's horrible darling, I feel so terrible right now!" Rarity sobbed slightly. "Ah'm so sorry to hear that hun." Applejack added. "I went from being sad to super duper sad!" Pinkie Pie wailed as rivers of tears began to flow from her eyes and her mane completely flattened. Spike tried to say something, anything to say to his friend but the words just seemed to not want to come out. He just sat in his place quietly and wrapped his arms around Twilight's right forearm, which she responded by placing her wing over Spike and holding him next to her. Johnny was now sitting in a circle with his seven friends who were all shocked and some were even crying. None more than Fluttershy who had still not taken her head off his leg. He could feel a wet spot forming where her head was laying it. He didn't want to see his friends get all sad because of what happened to him in his past. That was the last thing he wanted to do! So he tried to calm every pony down and get everything straightened out. "I'm sorry you guys. I didn't mean to keep that away from you, but that's why I lied about my family still being alive cause I didn't want to get you all upset." His friends all then seemed to calm down and moved in closer to him. "It's a hard thing to talk about you know. It ain't easy telling others what you're going through. I dealt with my sadness and my depression for years after the day that they all died, but no matter what I just couldn't run away from it." "It turned me into a broken down mess. My boxing career went for shit from that day on. I couldn't get my head in the game and I then started to drink my sorrows away thinking that it was the answers to my problems!" He stated as poured himself another small mouthful of vodka. "But in reality all it made me do was turn me into a really really big fucked up mess! I then couldn't spend my days without having a alcoholic beverage near me whenever I was sad or even when I tried to sleep." Johnny then told his friends how his parents car was struck by a drunk driver and that the car rolled over several times and he was the only survivor. He made it out with a broken arm, and had cuts and scrapes all over him. He then explained when their car then burst into flames which really horrified him from that day on, and it even horrified his friends when he told them. He then explained that the crash and the sight of the car on fire became etched into his mind, and that the event haunted him still. "I have had troubles sleeping at night ever since then!" He explained. "Every time that I close my eyes and drift off to sleep the same events keep playing in my mind like a movie set on replay, it just keeps playing over and over and over again. It just never stops! I wake up in the middle of the night screaming and have sweat running down my face, and tears just coming out of my eyes. It's just so painful to keep living through the same events and the same tragedy over and over." "Which I why I also chose to keep drinking. It seems to help get rid of the pain and it seems to help me sleep as well. I sleep much better when I am shitfaced, but doing so has turned me into a really bad alcoholic! I pretty much can't go on a single day without consuming some kind of alcoholic beverage, and I know if I keep it it up I'll eventually hurt myself or even die! Which is what I wanted to do the night that I came here!" As soon as he said those words, Fluttershy immediately stopped her crying and looked up at Johnny with red eyes and a look of confusion. "W-what do you mean?" She asked. The others all agreed with her. "Yeah Johnny, what do you mean that is what you wanted to do?" Twilight asked with a slight frown on her face. Johnny knew that eventually he would have to explain to his friends that he was in fact suicidal. It was not the easiest thing he wanted to tell them since he wound up in Equestria, but the feelings of the darkness still lingered inside him ever since that night. He took a deep breath and revealed his biggest secret, which would be even more shocking than revealing that he was depressed. "The night that I wound up in Equestria, was the night that I wanted to take my own life." He revealed. "I hopped on my Ducati after consuming a lot of booze and decided that I couldn't be happy unless I killed myself. So I drove down the road near my house and then down my driveway at fast speeds. I was aiming at the concrete wall that was at the end of the driveway and was going to crash into it. I knew that hitting that at high speeds would kill me for sure but I didn't get that far because I somehow ended up here!" His friends all then remembered the night that Johnny came to Equestria. The sight of the unknown object appearing out of a massive blue entity at incredible speeds, the sight of the foreign creature all banged up and bloodied, and then remembering the last eight months he had spent with them. There was no doubt that they had become quite attached to Johnny, they all saw that he was the coolest and most kindest being from another world that they have ever known. But now their friend was revealing that he tried to take his own life, and by the sounds of it he still had some interest in fulfilling his plan. Twilight then cleared her throat and then spoke up to be heard. "Is that true Johnny? Is everything that you said to us the truth?" Johnny didn't say a word, he just nodded and turned his head the other way. The others were shocked to hear what their friend had said. They all thought he was a fun loving guy who liked to take things to the extreme with his drinking, but they never thought that he would do something as drastic as this. "But why didn't you say anything to us if you were feeling bad?" Asked Pinkie, "We would of been more than happy to help you to try and feel better. Why didn't you say anything?" Johnny then lifted his head and gave his reply. "To be honest it's not an easy thing to talk about. And the reason I didn't say anything to you guys is that I didn't want to bother you with my problems and have you all feel bad about my sorry ass! And also it's not your business to worry about what is wrong with me!" Twilight and the others gasped to what he had said. All except Fluttershy! She quickly sprang to her hooves, and then she connected her hoof against the side of his face and sent him backwards onto his back. Johnny was wide eyed as then the supposedly shy pegasus then towered over top of him. She was huffing loudly and had tears forming in the corner of her bloodshot eyes. Johnny was scared! He had never seen Fluttershy this mad and never in a million years thought she would hit him. Her friends were shocked and speechless! Johnny then tried to sit up but was quickly pushed back down by his friend. "Fluttershy? What the fu-" Fluttershy then shouted loudly. "A BOTHER? NOT OUR BUSINESS? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS AND YOU SAY IT'S NOT OUR BUSINESS AND THAT YOU ARE A BOTHER? DON'T EVER, EVER SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!" Johnny was completely stunned. Never in all the time he had been in Equestria he had never seen Fluttershy so mad and yell so loudly. He had seen her upset at her animals before but had never shouted at them, so this was a side of her that clearly did not show very often. Even her friends were surprised by her outburst. He tried to say something to her but he couldn't, Fluttershy then choked up again. "Please! Please don't talk that way anymore! Please don't think of yourself as a bother, don't ever keep things like this to yourself... We are your friends and we would do anything to help you, doesn't matter what it is if you feel depressed or even feel like taking your own life, we would do anything for you. If you do harm yourself, think about what it would do to us? So please, don't talk about harming yourself anymore!" She finished while holding back her tears. Johnny's whole spirit inside was now completely crushed. He had never felt so bad about himself in a long long time, and he knew that he had hurt Fluttershy and his friend's feelings. He became teary eyed once again as he looked over at the open bottle of vodka on the table. His first instincts told him to take a sip, but then he clenched his teeth and moved away from the bottle. "I'm sorry Fluttershy. I'm sorry the rest of you. I know that I have been a really shitty friend these last few months, and I am sorry that I didn't tell you the whole truth. But there is actually another reason why I didn't tell you!" The group then looked up at him as he proceeded to put the cap on the vodka bottle. "You see, when I said that I had friends back where I'm from, I- I lied about that too! I don't have any friends back home at all!" There was silence in the room as Johnny told them his other secret. "Why don't you have any friends Johnny?" Asked Twilight. Johnny then cleared his throat again as he told them the rest of his story. "Well I came from a very wealthy family. And when my parents died a whole lot of money was left to me in my name. So I went from being in rich family to being a very wealthy individual. And once I became rich, all of my friends who I thought were my friends then started to act like different people". "They didn't seem to care that my family had all died, but were then all interested in me because I then had a lot of money and all they all started coming to me looking for handouts! One by one, they all came and bummed money off of me! And then when I did give them some money they all took off and I never saw them again. Of all the people I expected to screw me over and treat me like that....My friends! My so called fucking friends all stabbed me in the back and took off! Even through all tough times in school and all the years that we spent together growing up they all showed their true colors and vanished!" Johnny finished while clenching his right fist into a ball. "And that is why I don't have any friends back home. I couldn't trust anyone after what they all did to me! I thought I couldn't find a true friend that wanted to be friends with me for 'ME' and not because I was rich. I didn't want to experience being lied to and treated like that ever again so I told myself that I would not try and look for any more new friends!" He explained as he then covered his face with his hand and sighed deeply. "And that is why I didn't tell you guys anything. Because I wasn't ready to make any friends and I wasn't really that ready to trust you guys either. I just thought in my mind that you would all treat me the same way that my other so called friends treated me." He then finished. He waited to see what Twilight and the others reaction would be to his big reveal, but then quickly he had his answer. He was then fully engulfed in a huge hug by Twilight and the others. "Johnny, it's awful that your friends betrayed you back in your world. But we would never ever treat you like that. We really like you and you are our friend!" Twilight said in a comforting and heartwarming tone. "Yeah, forget about those losers that went behind your back! You have friends that would never go behind your back or treat you like garbage. We've got your back big guy, and don't you forget that!" Rainbow Dash said sternly. "Yeah, we are best friends and we will always help ya whenever we can!" Applejack added. "Hear hear!" Said Pinkie Pie. "Friends till the end darling!" Rarity chimed in. "No matter what situation, we'll be sure to figure them out together!" Spike said proudly. Twilight was happy with what Spike said and rubbed him on top of his head in approval. Fluttershy spoke last. "And you know that if you ever need to talk about anything and if you ever start to feel sad or down, just know that we will be here for you. No matter what!" Johnny then started to cry once more. His tears trickled down his face as he choked up from every breath as he tried to get it together. But the more he cried the more tightly his friends hugged him. Rainbow Dash began to rub his back as Fluttershy rubbed him on his head. To Johnny, this sensation of getting hugged by his friends and having them comfort him was a feeling that he had missed for a long time. And also he then began to feel an overcoming feeling of relief from telling them about his past and his problems. 'Maybe......maybe this is what I should've done from the very start. I should have told them what was going on with me and told them I was struggling. Cause now I feel better inside, no I feel extremely better inside.' Then to the ponies and the dragon's surprise, Johnny then began to laugh. In the whole eight months that he had been living in Equestria, they had never seen or heard Johnny laugh but now he was in a full out laughing fit. Johnny laughed and laughed as he held onto his friends, his dear friends as he laughed away his sorrows. "Johnny?" Rainbow asked. "Are you okay darling?" Rarity wondered. Johnny then released his friends as he then wiped away his tears and got hold of himself. "Hehehe, yeah I am just feeling so much better and also very relieved. I just can't remember the last time that I have laughed that hard before, it just feels so good right now." He explained as he looked to all his friends. "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I can do anything that I couldn't do before!" Johnny finished. His friends all then smiled as he then began to stand straight up. He then took a long look around his house and noticed that it was indeed very messy and disgusting inside. There was dust on all of the tables, as well as on the TV and the entertainment stand. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling which made the house look like something from a old fairy tale, garbage was covering most of the floor as well as several empty liquor bottles and particles of drywall from the walls with holes in them from many late night drunken ragers. "Like clean this freakin house! Oh my god, I can't believe I let this house get this dirty. My mom and dad would have my head if they saw their house look like this!" He finished as he then walked over to the small closet near the front door and brought out a contraption that had a cylinder shape at the top, a long tube down the middle and a rectangular box at the bottom. This was of course a vacuum cleaner, but he knew that the ponies didn't have anything like this Equestria. "Do you...Do you guys want to help me clean this place and get to check out the cool technology from my world?" For Johnny, he didn't have to ask twice as his friends all bolted up to their hooves. Rainbow Dash immediately had a broom and dustpan in her grasp, Twilight and Rarity's horns were charged up and the others all had cleaning supplies with them, which was somewhat strange to Johnny. "Yes of course Johnny!" They all said at once. Johnny tried to say something but he just sighed and smiled brightly as he then grabbed a rag from the closet. "Alright then. Let's get to cleaning!" End of Chapter Five