Pinder: The Pony Petting App!- 1 Star Edition!

by Adorkable

First published

Welcome to Pinder! The number one website for all your pony petting needs! Meet new and interesting ponies with our app, hook-up to pet and chat with this lovely CYOA adventure!

Welcome to Pinder!

The number one website for all your pony petting needs!

Meet new and interesting ponies with our app, Hook-up to pet and chat with this lovely CYOA adventure!

Pinder is not at fault if you end up sent to the moon, killed or exiled into an AU. Pinder does not promise you will meet true ponies of your dreams to pet, everyone is locked into a rating system, so you might end up on one star rather than our elite five star program.

Cover Art By Yinlin

Lonely Nights.

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The sky is a dark abyss with no light shining through, the sound of nature has grown eerily silent for not even the sound of crickets could be heard.

It was indeed a night of horror.

It was a suffering with no escape.

It was a Saturday with nothing to do!

You stare up at your ceiling with a cold lifeless gaze, the outline of your body surely imprinted into your old worn bed.

Reaching a hand to your side, you feel around for the phone. It might be a little old, but when it comes to having all your favorite apps, it can’t be beat.


Barns and Stables.

Uber: Carriages.

Then your eyes catch a glimpse of the app, the one app that can turn this night into something special.

Pinder: The Pony Petting App.

It had been so long since you’ve just had a simple petting session with a pony, to be honest you were addicted to it at one point in time.

You chose to put the App away all those months ago, allowing your profile to fall into disarray and your life to get back into order.

Gazing around the empty room, full of half eaten pizza in their boxes, dirty socks and shorts tossed about and the many posters of action movies, anime etc.

You just know, how well that all worked out.

You think back to those better days, at a time you were a great partner for a pony petting session. Not to brag but most of your pet times, soon turned into cuddle sessions.

Smirking you know deep inside, you still have the flair that drives ponies insane. Tapping on the Pinder App, you watch the screen explode to life as your heart races with excitement.

Get Your Wake Up Call!

Bottom Of The Barrel.

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To be honest, it had been close to an hour now. Not one of the many ponies you swiped on have returned your smiles or winks.

Perhaps it had just been too long?

Tapping on the right hand corner you see your stats, they flash on the screen like a lashing from a whip.



Great listener and even better Pet-Pal. ( Really? You were proud of that line at some point in your life?)

Tagline: Let’s Make A Connection.

Rated: 1 Star.

That rating burned into your soul like a fiery coal. You knew deep inside you were at least a four star or five, it was time to build up your score once more, the only way you knew how.

From the bottom.

Quickly you swiped picture after picture in the app, searching for the bottom of the barrel on this site. Soon after a few minutes you came to the one star dregs, taking a deep breath you scanned through the few out of focus or odd profiles.

Queen C.


Single and looking.

Haven't eaten in weeks, willing to try anything new at this point. You bring the love and I’ll bring the lust.

Tagline: To Me These Are Just Hunger Games.

Rated: 1 Star.

The picture alone sent shivers down your spine, it was her or nothing at this point. You swiped yes on the profile, sending a wink for good measure.

You had your heart set on a loveable pony, though for tonight a changeling would have to do.

You just pray she doesn’t bite as your phone lights up.

She had accepted your date.

Get Dressed And Go Get That Smexy Changeling! "Cough."

If You Go Into The Woods Tonight.

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You weren’t asked to meet her at a lovely small cafe or a cozy sunlit park during a wonderful cool morning. No you were asked to meet her deep inside the dark woods, after the stroke of midnight and above all to come alone.

You’ve been walking past fallen trees and thorn filled bushes for the last hour, the night air so cold and wet, sending shivers down your lower back.

Coming out into a large clearing you gasp aloud, seeing a small bonfire set up beside a large log the flames burning a wicked green hue.

Walking over to the log you take a seat, only to wait for minutes that felt like hours. The creep factor of these woods causing you to feel a sense of dread and misfortune.

Suddenly pushing out of the darkness were glowing green eyes, you try to pull away in horror only to have a cold dark hoof to tug you back closer.

“Grrr! About damn time, I’m starving!” The Queen of all changelings spoke in a cold and soulless tone, her eyes burning into you like hellfire.

"This was a mistake! A horrible mistake!"

"How cool is that. I too think you look sweet enough to eat."


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Chrysalis glares to you in anger, her fangs baring as she lunges to you from across the log. Pinning you down onto the ground with ease, her long serpent like tongue tracing over your cheek slowly.

Savoring your taste.

“It was a mistake! But I fear you’ve just met an unfortunate end!”

The Queen uses her magic to encase you in a unbreakable cocoon, the world fading away around you as all goes black.

Don’t worry she decided to save you for a later snack.


Munch-Crunch, Midnight Snacks Are Twice As Sweet!


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“Ha corny as hell! But I kind of like my food to be sweet.” Chrysalis speaks in a softer tone of voice, seeming to relax a little around you.

The fire blazes around you two as both of your shadows are cast through the woods.

"So are these woods just for effect? Or do you live here?"

"So nice place you have here. Love the log and does that stone belong to you? I really love that stone..."


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Chrysalis rolls her eyes with disdain. A soft hiss escaping from behind her lips as she gazes up towards the sky, lost in thoughts of the past.

“Well. If you just have to know, I am living out here. My children I fear have forsaken their mother.” A small sense of sadness shadows her face as if her heart has cracked ever so slightly.

"Don't worry all children abandon the mom at the nest. Sunrise, Sunset!

"So why are you alone out here? To be honest you seem very lovely."


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The Queen rolls her eyes with annoyance. She thought you might be different but the epic way you stumble and bumble with your words, just shows how wrong she was.

You continue to compliment dirt and other insects as she uses her magic to seal you away forever inside a cocoon. Quickly climbing atop it as she sucks away the life force from your body.

At least now.

She can get some peace and quiet.


Just Don't Know When To Shut Up Hmmm?


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“Wow! Such a kiss ass.” She snorts aloud with annoyance, yet her gaze locks on your eyes and she feels a soft wave of warmth wash over her soul.

“Huh. Your eyes say you are genuine.” The Queen sighs aloud and slumps down onto the log in a funk.

“If I had to be honest. I was thrown out by my family, they all turned against me like a rising tide.” Her eyes watched the flames dance across the darkness.

“All I could do is drown.”

"Then swim to me baby!"

"Maybe all you need is a second chance?"


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Chrysalis glared not amused at your joke, feeling a fool that she let her guard down at all. She should’ve known a human like you, would have just one thing on his mind.

In the end she would just shrug and sigh, was she really any different?

She too had one thing on her menu.

She chose the simple thing to do.

And give into those urges.

It would be a great night for her, not so much for you.


Wow Such A Corndog.


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Chrysalis simply blinks long lashes in utter disbelief that you exist, flipping her long withered mane over her shoulders she quickly lunges at you. Pinning you down with a surprising amount of strength, her fangs bare and drip with saliva in the pale moonlight.

“Don’t worry all idiots get eaten in the woods.” Chrysalis smirks as she digs her fangs roughly into your neck, a loud snap heard afterwards within seconds.


Sunrise, Sunset.


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“Fufufu. They would never give me such a thought, I’ve gone too far down my chosen path.” She sighed aloud in silence, eyes showing regret of the past.

You bit your lower lip softly and cupped the broken mare’s cheek, turning her muzzle to face you in the dark of the night. The flames of the fire giving you both warmth, both protection from the icy world.

“No child can hate their mother. She is just a creature of mistakes, like everyone else we are not perfect.”

“I do not deserve forgiveness.” She whispered while fighting back tears, pulling away from your tender touch.

"Maybe not. But you should at least try."

"One must fight to gain the heart's desire."

"Forget the children! Live for the now!"

"I can feel you deserve a second chance! I won't give up on you!"


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Chrysalis just rolls her eyes and pushes you away in growing anger, the mare standing high above you as those green eyes burn like wildfires. Her hoof slams down on the log causing you to jump in fear, Chrysalis leans in baring wicked fangs.

“Do you know what evil, I have done in my life!?” She snarls in rage and pounces onto you roughly, you fall over pinned to the ground unable to fight back.

“I’ve pushed away all in my life! I have brought forth this hell I live in!” She screams out into the woods like a wild animal.

“I do this because I know what I am! A Monster! A creature who needs no pity!” Her hooves press down on your neck hard, you struggle in place as feet kick the dirt under your shoes.


“Don’t do this…”

“Just silence…”

“You don’t want to be the monster they made’re prove..them...right.” You gasp aloud as all around you starts to fade into the abyss.

“Grrrrr! GO AWAY!” Chrysalis lifts you high in the air with wicked green flames, tossing you across the campsite with ease.

The Queen screams aloud in anger as she uses her magic to lift the log, tossing it miles deeper into the woods. Her magic slashing across the nearby trees causing them to fall back in thundering explosions, her eyes falling upon a large boulder as she runs over and punches it roughly with a pop.

Strike after strike, her hooves smash into the side of the stone. Unable to destroy it like everything else in her life, tears streaming down her cheeks wildly as she slowly came to a stop. Ears folding down in defeat as she collapsed onto the dirt, desperately trying to catch her breath.

You gently walk up on this broken creature from behind, wrapping strong and caring arms around her waist. Chrysalis could only whimper as her soft sobs filled the night air, you slowly caressed the mane up and down, whispering a soft hum into her ear lovingly.

Rolling onto her backside she let you hold her close, her slender body falling across your knees as you almost seemed to cradle her. Hugging her ever closer you let her listen to the beating of your heart, hands stroking her backside down to her swishing tail.

You lift a spare hand and slowly began to rub her soft round belly, her hind legs kicking in place sweetly. Leaning down you placed a soft kiss upon her forehead, she only would close her eyes and snuggle you so close.

Never did she speak a word.

Though deep inside you knew, she was no monster.

Just a mother.

The cuddles warm and close would continue into the night, never breaking the embrace until the morning sun came into the sky. By then the soft snuggle position you two had taken was gone, you were alone in the woods beside a dwindling bonfire.

Standing up with a smile across your face, you wished her well.

The End.

Snuggle Ending.- Date.#1.Complete!


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“Maybe you are right?” She hissed in a wicked tone, you could feel an odd sticky substance form upon your legs as it locked you into place on the log.

“What is going on?” You asked in worry, The Queen draping those elegant hooves over your shoulders.

“Shhh. Live for the moment.” She would whisper into your ear seductively, muzzle pressing softly against your lips.

Taking in soft sweet intakes of air, she would waft an essence from deep within your soul. To the cold world outside, you could only moan in defeat as your love flowed outward. The stream of life and love, flowing into the mouth of this creature.

She would moan in ecstasy before her lips met your own, drinking away the very soul of your being, allowing you to fall over limp as she left nay a drop within.

As you slumped over and faded into the abyss, she sat in silence within the dark.

Forever alone.

The End.

Alone Ending.


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Chrysalis simply let her glowing green eyes lift to the star filled sky, her silence filling the air as you slowly placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Tenderly petting her slender frame with a sense of love, you let your hand slowly guide through her silken mane, hoping you can bring her some peace.

“What if I fight, but fail?” She slowly met your eyes, ears folding back in sorrow of a broken heart.

“Then you can live knowing, you did all you could do to mend the broken pieces.”

The Queen gave a gentle nod, placing her head on your shoulder with a small huff into the night sky. You slowly began to brush away her bangs from those elegant eyes, both enjoying the flames of the bonfire.

Your hand slowly scratched behind her ear as she would almost seem to purr aloud, a genuine smile forming over her lips as her head was placed on your knees. You both did not know what the future would hold, but for the time being you just decided on enjoying the now.

You let your hand glide across her lower back as she melted into your embrace, strong firm hand stroking across every strand of her smooth and wavy mane. The moon would shower over you both, the flames keeping you all warm.

Forgiveness would perhaps be found one day.

The End.

Petting Ending.- Date.#1. Complete!


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Chrysalis felt tears roll off her cheeks, falling to the damp grass below. Her heart visibly broken as she gazed deep into the bonfire, her eyes filled with a new sense of hollowness.

“If one doesn’t deserve. One should not ask.” She replied in a defeated tone.

Turning her head to face you, locking eyes on your own. She simply lifted an elegant hoof and waved you off, blinking in confusion you would stand and leave.

The Queen left alone to her heartbreak, forever alone.

Forever broken.

The End.

Broken Ending.