Prideful Confession

by MysteriousStranger

First published

Sunset Shimmer receives love notes from the person she least expects.

This story and its sequel now takes place in the same Universe as My Chemical Reaction.

Sunset Shimmer is still not so popular in Canterlot High due to her past actions, so she's surprised when she starts receiving love notes from a secret admirer. What's odd is that the admirer is using a method to reach her no one uses anymore. Who is this misterious person?

This story is a gift to my proofreader, zalla661, as a thanks for all his help! :pinkiehappy:
The cover image was created by him :moustache:

Note: I know the cover looks scary, but I swear, it's a romance one-shot! The problem is the small size :twilightblush:

Old-Fashioned Approach

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I was the least person I would think something like this would happen. Me, Sunset Shimmer, has a secret admirer? Last I checked, only my friends like me.

The strangest part was how this secret admirer communicated with me. With notes. Notes in my locker after class. Sending notes or letters is quite normal in Equestria, but I know that no one does it in this world anymore. At least not in this country. I have kept all the notes, but I can remember what each one says. Especially the first one.

Sunset Shimmer

I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I like you. Not in the ‘I want to be your friend’ way, but in the ‘I find you attractive’ way. I admire you. It’s not easy to admit it, even in the form of letters. I still have a hard time accepting my feelings towards you, but I felt the need of telling you regardless how beautiful you are. I can’t help but to glance at you every time you’re around. I try to force myself to look away, but I can’t. Part of me wishes my crush fades away, but another part wants to keep feeling this way. I’m not ready to reveal myself right now, but I might do one day.

Until next time.

I have so far received three similar notes from this secret admirer in a month. I know it’s the same person because of the handwriting. The words the admirer used made me blush. They caused my heart to flutter and they brought a smile to my face. I have told my friends about it after the first note.

“Oh, darling, I’m so jealous! I wish I received love notes like you. It’s so romantic!” Rarity said.

“How is it romantic?” Applejack joined in. “If a person likes another, they should express their feelings face to face.”

“Besides, what if it’s a prank?” Rainbow Dash said.

“You always have to see the glass half empty, Rainbow Dash…” the fashionista was unamused.

“I’m just saying that it’s a possibility.” My athletic friend defended herself.

“Sunset,” Rarity said as she placed a hand on mine and smiled warmly. “I think you should wait for the following notes. See if you can learn who it is before your admirer decides to stop hiding behind letters.”

“I-I think Rarity’s right...” Fluttershy said.

“Or… I can find out the secret identity of this admirer for you!” Pinkie Pie said, grinning widely.

“N-No. I think I’ll follow Rarity’s advice.” I politely said. “Thanks, though.”

It was the only time I brought up the subject. I didn’t tell them when I received the following two notes.

Then, on a Friday after class, when I went to my locker, I found another note. I looked around me to check that no one was nearby before reading it.

Sunset Shimmer

After struggling with these feelings lately, I have come to the conclusion it’s no use denying it. I can’t lie to myself anymore. I’m convinced that my feelings won’t go away. I have to tell you, even if it won’t be easy. I’m taking the leap. I’ll be waiting for you at the school rooftop.

My eyes widened and my heart started to race. It was finally time to meet this person face to face! I ran towards the library and climbed the stairs to the rooftop, however, my hand stopped just before reaching the door knob. Someone who finds me attractive was on the other side of the door. I wanted this moment to arrive for a month, but now I think it’s happening so fast. This person made me blush with words alone, I acquired a small crush on my admirer. But what will happen when we see face to face for the first time? Will my crush remain? There was only one way to find out.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I closed it behind me and walked a few steps forward before seeing a figure by one of the edges of the roof. The sun prevented me from seeing properly. I could only distinguish a shadow. “H-Hello?” I called.

“So… you did come…” I gasped. That voice… I recognized it. Sure enough, after speaking, my admirer walked towards me until she blocked the sun, allowing me to see who it was. Before me, stood none other than Trixie Lulamoon. I wasn’t sure how to feel. I was certain she dislikes me. I even considered it might be a prank after all, just like Rainbow Dash said.

“T-Trixie…? You sent those notes?”

Trixie looked away and nodded slowly. She seemed embarrassed. “I-It wasn’t easy to write them while making sure not to be too obvious it was me.”

“I-I would never have guessed it was you. What you said, about me being beautiful, and that you look into my direction when I’m around… is it true…?”

Trixie held her own arm and nodded again. “Y-Yes…” she said before quickly glaring at me angrily. “Don’t you dare to tell anyone!”

“I-I won’t!” I got scared by Trixie’s sudden change of mood. However, she calmed down quickly. “Trixie…” she looked at me. I have never seen her like this. Is it possible that she had a soft spot? “You said you admire me. Why, exactly? I want to hear it.”

Trixie was surprised to hear what I said. “Y-You do?” I nodded and smiled. “W-Well… I never wanted to show it, but… I-I’m… I…” I could notice how Trixie’s cheeks turned pink and become darker as she struggled to speak. “I’m… i-impressed by how you… managed to change your life.”

My smile became wider. “Really? Wow… I had no idea…”

“Of course you didn’t! I didn’t want you to know!” Trixie became angry again, but this time, I could notice her voice was betraying her. “My admiration turned into something… stronger! Suddenly, Trixie couldn’t get you out of her head! You were in her dreams, on her thoughts. You were everywhere! All I could think of is on holding your hand, on hugging you. Writing you those notes made me smile. It felt nice telling you what I wanted to confess for a while.” After a short silence, Trixie covered her mouth, like if just realized what she said. She turned around to avoid looking at me.

My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe my ears. Everything Trixie just said, she couldn’t have made it all up. She has no reason to do so. What is it for her to lie like that? Not to mention that I could see her blushing. Her words got to me. My heart was beating fast and I felt my cheeks warm. I think she deserves a chance. I walked towards her and stopped right behind her. “Hey, Trixie…” my admirer hesitated, but she eventually turned around. Again, she was avoiding my gaze. But I got her attention when I took one of her hands. She gasped and focused her eyes on our hands. Then, she looked at me. I was smiling all the time. “I’m flattered by your words.”

“Y-You are? I mean, of course you are!” Trixie smirked, sure of herself before getting nervous and looking at me. “D-Do you… want to go out and… do something…?”

“You mean, like a date?”

“C-Call it whatever you want!” Trixie pretended to get mad and looked away, puffing her cheeks. I chuckled and started to walk, making her following me without releasing my hand. I think I won’t regret this.