Vinyl's New Wheels

by OctaScratchRock

First published

Nopony can catch Vinyl Scratch as long as she's driving her new monster of a machine.

In hopes of being as fast as the rest of the ponies, Vinyl decides to buy herself a sports car. The decision she makes turns out to be a good one, as she becomes invincible on the road with her shiny GT-R. However, when ponies driving newer, supposedly faster cars come in, will Vinyl keep the crown as the king of the street?

The Need For Speed

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As Vinyl Scratch flipped through the pages of her car magazine, she sighed. Looking out the window, she could see ponies having fun in their cars. Watching them have fun was practically torture to her. She sighed again and began flipping through once more.

She looked up from what she was reading. "Octavia, you're the richest one. Can't you buy me a car? A really good one?" she yelled across the room.

"Vinyl, quit begging me about it. I told you I'd give you thirty thousand bits to spend and that's it. No million-bit supercars around here, because they're just too expensive to own." replied Octavia.

Vinyl sat back on the sofa and began flipping through the pages once more. She was about to give up hope on finding a truly fast car for thirty thousand bits when suddenly, a tremendous stroke of luck hit her. She saw an ad in her magazine that would cause her eyes to flip open like window blinds. "1990 Skyline GT-R R32: Better performance than most modern supercars, imported from Japan, 30,000 bits."

Immediately she set out to buy this car. Something was telling her that she needed it. She ran up to the dealer that was selling it and purchased it. This was a decision that would forever change Vinyl Scratch.

The minute she drove onto the road from the dealer, the sounds of Nissan's RB26 engine, which was a 333 horsepower Inline 6 engine, poured into Vinyl's eardrums. It was a sound like no other, the sound of a monster ready to pounce upon its prey. She revved it, and the sound it made was one that gave Vinyl the need to go faster. She began to push her lower hoof down further on the gas pedal. Instantly, she felt as if she were traveling back in time. Everything around her suddenly faded out and didn't matter anymore. She felt invincible.

And invincible, she was. Another sports car, a Viper GTS-R, was just ahead. The two ponies in the car couldn't help but notice Vinyl's GT-R R32 in their rear view. They didn't get to see the R for very long, however, for at that moment it shot by them and vanished out of their view within seconds. "What a machine!" said one of the ponies. "A whole different level of acceleration!" said the other.

Vinyl couldn't have been happier with her decision. This new R32 was the fastest thing she had ever seen, and it was all hers. Simply being behind the wheel of such a monster made her want to just keep going faster forever.

Vinyl pulled up to their home, and got out of her R32. "This thing's amazing." she said. "Just wait until Octavia sees it."

Octavia quickly came outside. "I could hear you pull up in our driveway." said Octavia. "What kind of car is this?"

"It's an R32." said Vinyl. "The fastest of the fast."

"I see." said Octavia, not knowing what to expect. "Just don't get too many speeding tickets."

Octavia wasn't sure what to think, but she was pretty sure that Vinyl's relationship with her wouldn't be affected too much. She was wrong. As the days went on, Vinyl began to spend less time with Octavia and more time with her R. With this coming into matters, Octavia began to get worried about her friend.

Octavia's Discovery

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Octavia, worried about what Vinyl might be up to with her new car, began considering asking Vinyl what had been keeping her busy. When she did, she got an expected "Nothing." Octavia eventually decided that her best bet was to follow Vinyl and see exactly what had been up.

That night, Octavia found herself climbing into the trunk of Vinyl's R32. "I had better spy on Vinyl and make sure she isn't getting into any trouble." she thought to herself.

As expected, Vinyl walked outside and got into the driver's seat of her car and started the engine. She drove out rather roughly, pushing the clutch in hard. After about 20 minutes of driving, Octavia felt the car come to a stop. She lifted the trunk lid slightly and crawled out. As Octavia had a look around to see where they were, she recognized the place as a rundown warehouse district. She looked around to see at least fifty ponies and at least 20 sports cars around her. It was an underground car meet. Suddenly, she heard Vinyl's GT-R moving ahead without her. She turned to see it pull up at a starting line next to a tuned Porsche. The two cars revved their engines and shook the nighttime air.

A pony walked in front of the two monster machines. As their engines roared, the pony gave three words: "Ready, set, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The two cars roared ahead and the spectators cheered. Octavia was amazed yet surprised. What could have gotten Vinyl into an illegal street racing scene? The GT-R easily passed the Porsche as the two cars weaved between abandoned warehouses and factories. Nissan's RB26 engine echoed through the night as Vinyl's GT-R R32 was now 100 meters ahead of the opposing Porsche. As Octavia watched the event, she felt herself beginning to enjoy it. She felt it disturbing that she was enjoying it, but she was still enjoying it deep down. She watched as Vinyl's car skidded around a tight bend in the course, now 200 meters ahead of its opponent.

"That black car is just so fast!" a spectator cried.

"What kind of monster is that!?" another shouted.

The moonlight illuminated the "GT-R" emblem on the R32's trunk, which let the world know what monster they were watching.

"This car is amazing. Nopony can keep up with it!" said Vinyl to herself.

The R32 crossed the finish line 300 meters ahead of the Porsche. The cheers of spectators filled the night as Vinyl stepped out of her R32 to try and look cool for her victory picture. Octavia smiled.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt anypony if Vinyl was fast." said Octavia.

Octavia rode home in the back of Vinyl's 'R', and Vinyl never suspected a thing.

However, some other ponies surely did.

The Secrets Behind Speed

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The driver of the Porsche that had been defeated just happened to be Spitfire of the Wonderbolts. The entire Wonderbolts crew sat down at a table back at their HQ and began to discuss the event.

"How did that R32 beat me!?" she said out loud. "I had 500 horsepower and turbo power, yet I was STILL defeated! What could that R have been hiding?"

Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Some cars just have TOO MUCH power to get the job done." she said.

Everypony in the room looked at her, wide eyed and curious.

"Turbo power is a tremendous advantage in the straights." said Rainbow Dash. "However, it can also lead to a car's downfall. In this case, the amount of time in which Spitfire could use all of her 500 horsepower was very little. As soon as she could have lost her opponents, she would have to brake for the next corner. Considering turbo lag, and how much a turbo can actually slow down a car before it gets going, the R32 had an advantage."

Soarin spoke up. "But the GT-R has turbo power, too! In fact, it has a TWIN turbo!" he said.

Rainbow Dash looked over. "True. However, the GT-R is much more controllable with its turbo. Turbo cars that are rear-wheel drive, like Spitfire's Porsche, will take a long time before they can get back up to speed. All wheel drive cars, like the black R32 we saw last night, are able to use their turbo power as much as they want. They can even apply the gas through corners without sacrificing stability. Basically, the GT-R R32 has no weakness at all."

All the Wonderbolts stared at Rainbow Dash, amazed at her knowledge of power cars.

Spitfire looked at Rainbow Dash. "Perhaps we need to start using all wheel drive cars....." she said.

"I'm afraid that isn't going to work." said Rainbow. "The R32 uses a specially designed all-wheel drive system that is unique to the car. It's equipped with Nissan's ATTESA E-TS System, which is designed to keep the car fully stable at all times, even when the accelerator is being pressed. That way, the R32 is able to just keep going faster and faster no matter what the situation is."

All the Wonderbolts stared up at Rainbow Dash, amazed again.

Spitfire smiled. "We must know who was driving that R32." she said. Then, she looked at Rainbow Dash. "Hey, Dash. Go down to the DMV and see if you can't find out who drives a black Skyline GT-R R32 in this area. I think I remember the plate number even. See if they'll tell you who was behind the wheel." commanded Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash saluted to the command and set out for the DMV, hoping that she could see just who was driving that magnificent car.


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Vinyl sat back on the couch in her home. Octavia walked in with a cup of tea. Suddenly, a knock at the door startled Octavia, and she spilled her tea all over the floor. She sighed, and went to get a towel.

"Could you answer the door while I clean up the mess on the floor?" asked Octavia.

Vinyl nodded and went straight to the door. She opened it up to see Rainbow Dash standing on the front porch. From where she was standing, Vinyl could see a letter in Rainbow's left hoof.

"Spitfire of the Wonderbolts wanted me to send this to you!" said Rainbow in a voice as friendly sounding as she could do.

Vinyl took the letter and read it aloud. It read:

"To Whom it May Concern,
I, the Captain of the Wonderbolts, was the pony whom you battled a few nights ago. I was so impressed by your incredible automobile that I have decided to invite you to join our street racing team. We meet up every two days and race every four nights. Hopefully you will make the right choice and join us, for we can make you even greater.
Signed, Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts"

Vinyl didn't know what to think. Of all the ponies who would be wanting to talk to her right now, Spitfire?

Vinyl eventually looked up at Rainbow Dash, who was still trying to look friendly. "It's tempting, Rainbow." she said. "But for now, I race for my own pleasure. I race when and where I want to. I don't think I can join a team of any sort."

Rainbow's friendly smile turned to a surprised stare. "Really? Out of all the ponies who would turn down an offer like this, you?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I was certain that you'd eagerly pile in!"

Vinyl shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you." she said. "But if you want to race me, I'll be attending a car meet tonight at 1:00 AM."

With that, Rainbow Dash decided that she had done all she could, and left.

Later that evening, Spitfire was absolutely furious. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'SHE WON'T JOIN US'!?" she asked angrily.

Rainbow sat in Spitfire's office, sweating and worried. "I, uh, don't know why, but she just didn't, you know, uh, want to, uh, kind of, uh, you see........"


Rainbow took off out of the room with tears in her eyes. Was she really just fired from the Wonderbolts simply because she couldn't get Vinyl to join up? Rainbow was furious on the inside. As she took off out the door, she was visibly eager to follow Spitfire's command to never show her face there again.

That night, Vinyl stepped out into her driveway and started the engine to her R32. The headlights came on and illuminated the driveway. She shifted into reverse and pulled out of the driveway.

What Vinyl didn't know was that there was somepony waiting for her on the highway.

Attack on the Motorway

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Vinyl drove through the night, her headlights illuminating the road ahead of her. She was on a busy, modern freeway, and there were other car around regardless of how late it was. She weaved between trucks and overtook cars, knowing only by GPS directions where she was going. Suddenly, a few other cars appeared in her rear view mirror. They stood out from the rest of the traffic, mainly because they were going fast enough to keep up with her. She adjusted the side mirror to get a better look at the pursuing vehicles. There were four bright red Dodge Challenger Demons driving up behind her.

"It's not too often you see four cars that look identical right next to each other like that." said Vinyl. "But who are they?"

Meanwhile, in the driver's seat of one of the Dodges, a Wonderbolt guard sat. He spoke into his radio. "The black R32. That's the one Spitfire ordered us to take care of. Get her off the road and make sure she's never heard from again."

Suddenly, Vinyl felt a sharp jolt. She had been bumped by one of the red Dodges! "PULL OVER!" one of the Wonderbolt drivers shouted.

Vinyl produced an angry face and shifted into third gear. The R32 suddenly blasted ahead of the four Challengers, scaring their drivers to near death. The four pursuers upshifted and practically stood on their accelerators. The five cars weaved through traffic at speeds of over 270 kilometers per hour, and Vinyl was more than shocked to see her pursuers still in her rear view.

Vinyl smiled. "They won't be there for long." she said. "I haven't even gotten serious yet."

Vinyl shifted into fourth gear and pressed the accelerator down as far as it would go. She was suddenly pressed back into her seat as if she were training to be an astronaut! Tears slipped from her eyes, and her gums became visible! She tried to turn her head to look into her rear view mirror. Her pursuers were nearly gone. Then, she looked down at the gear stick.

"It's worth it!" she said. She barely managed to get her hoof down onto the gearstick, and she shifted into the fifth and final gear. Now, she truly felt herself pressed back into the bucket seat as though she were being sat on! Her eyeballs just barely managed to roll to the side, allowing her to just barely see the rear view mirrors. Her pursuers were nowhere to be found. She tried to make a smile with her mouth (which was barely controllable due to the massive amounts of Gs she was experiencing at the moment), but what the DJ ended up making looked more like the face a horror movie character makes when they're cornered by the killer. Well, Vinyl still tried. Give her some credit.

Flying down the highway at 320 kilometers per hour, her GPS told her to take the next exit. She slammed on the brakes, and the car took her from 320 Km/H to 190 Km/H in a matter of seconds! The mass of inertia that hit her could have made her fly through the windshield, had she not have been wearing her racing seatbelt. Still, the force of the seatbelt holding her in place throughout the massive shock of inertia made her feel like she was being punched in the chest! The car easily took her down the exit still at high speed, and took her straight to the car meet.

"That..........was...........AWWWWEESSOOOOOOOMMMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she said to herself once the ride was over.

Here's the Plan

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Vinyl got out of her R32 and began to look around the car meet. It was similar to all the other car meets she'd been at, but what she didn't know was that she was being watched. Two of the Wonderbolts' hench ponies were looking over at her, having just received the message that the highway team had failed to catch her.

"Let's go talk to her and try one more time to get her to join us. If she denies again, then let's go with plan B." said one of the hench ponies.

The two Wonderbolts walked up to Vinyl, trying to look friendly and non-intimidating. "Greetings!" one of them said.

Vinyl instantly recognized the blue and yellow Wonderbolt uniforms. "Ah, hey guys!" she said. "Are you racing here tonight?"

"Yes," said one of them, "But first we must ask you if you'll join our racing team. We could use somepony with a car like yours."

Vinyl frowned. "I already sent my reply. And if you didn't get it, it was no." Vinyl replied.

The two Wonderbolts looked at each other, and one of them nodded. Then they turned to face Vinyl. "We were sent here by Spitfire herself. She wanted to make a deal with you. You see, we can't have somepony out there who's faster than us. It would make us look slow. That's why we're here to challenge you." the taller one said.

"What's your deal?" asked Vinyl, now a bit nervous at the Wonderbolts' sudden change of tone.

"You see," one of them continued, "We're challenging you to a street race. The first one to the Town Hall wins. Here's the bet. If you win, you'll never hear from us again. If we win, you owe us your car."

Vinyl's eyes widened. "I would never make a bet on my car! She's precious to me!" she said, offended.

"Oh, really?" asked one of the Wonderbolts. He turned to face Vinyl's R32, and suddenly a group of Wonderbolts emerged from the bushes with axes and baseball bats. They surrounded the car and held their weapons in the air as if they were about to start hacking at it.

"If you don't do our deal, you'll still lose your car." said one of the Wonderbolts with a menacing grin. "Any second thoughts?"

Vinyl was breaking out in sweat. "All right, fine. I'll do your race." she said.

Vinyl drove her Skyline out onto the road and pulled to a stop. A few seconds later, a dark orange Corvette ZR1 pulled up beside her.

Vinyl frowned. "No big block V8 is capable of outwitting Nissan's RB26 I6 motor." she said to herself.

A pony who was evidently one of the Wonderbolts stood in front of the two cars. The two drivers waited for his signal. "THREE! TWO! NO TIME FOR FULL COUNTDOWN! JUST GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he cried!

The two cars rocketed out of the starting gate. Of course, Vinyl's R32 immediately took the lead.

Underground Racing, Underground

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The GT-R easily took the lead, rocketing ahead while still only in first gear. Vinyl looked in her rear view as she shifted into second. The Corvette was quickly vanishing into the darkness behind her.

But the Wonderbolts knew this would happen. Just ahead of Vinyl lay a trap. As Vinyl turned the first corner, she was greeted by a Wonderbolt standing on the inside sidewalk of the turn, holding a handgun! Vinyl swerved out of the corner and suddenly found herself driving though the grass! The car rocked and bounced, and Vinyl felt the urge to throw up, partially from fear and partially from motion sickness. Suddenly, the car's ride smoothened. She looked straight out the windshield to see that she was now driving down a storm drain!

Most ponies would slam on the brakes and forfeit in this situation. But Vinyl, who was well aware that the car which made her invincible was on the line, pressed harder on the accelerator!

"I think I know this drain." she said. "If I remember correctly, there's a subway tunnel in it that leads straight to the town hall."

She drove at 120 kilometers per hour through a tunnel in the drain which led straight into the subway. Her car drove along the tracks, bumping along uncomfortably. Still, she wasn't going to lose the car that changed her life.

"I HAVE NISSAN'S ATTESA E-TS TRACTION SYSTEM!!!!!! I CAN GO ON!!!!!!!!" she shouted to herself as her car roared through the underground tunnels at over 170 Km/H.

Suddenly, she saw an incredibly bright light getting brighter and brighter ahead of her. It was a train! Vinyl's hope quickly turned to fear as the distant shape of a train got bigger and bigger. But all of a sudden, a strike of luck hit her when she noticed a subway station just ahead of her! Just before the train could hit her, she drove straight up onto the platform, missing a fatal collision by mere centimeters!

Ponies jumped out of the way as Vinyl's R32 drove through the station like a madman. The car drove straight up the stairs leading to the sidewalk above, and the sports car emerged from the subway entrance like a crow flying out of a bush! The car jumped onto the tarmac and zoomed off, leaving many nearby ponies with priceless faces.

Meanwhile, the Wonderbolt driver was very pleased knowing that Vinyl had been sent off her course, and had possibly crashed. However, any hope she had died when she saw Vinyl appear in her rear view mirror! Vinyl easily passed her; or TRIED to pass her, for the second Vinyl pulled alongside, the Wonderbolt driver cranked the steering wheel and side-slammed the R32! Vinyl tried to avoid a crash as she was pressed against the guardrail at the side of the road! Vinyl quickly tried thinking of what to do. The Wonderbolt driver had stopped thinking logically and was now fully aimed at wiping Vinyl and her R32 from the face of the planet. Suddenly, Vinyl slammed on the brakes! She slipped out of the Corvette's grasp and fell behind. The Wonderbolt driver was shocked and confused. Why did she slow down!? After a second of thinking, the Wonderbolt driver put her eyes back on the road. There, she saw the reason why Vinyl hit the brakes. A large sign reading "ROAD CLOSED" lay ahead. The Corvette's brakes were applied about a microsecond later, but it was far too late. The Corvette had no traction control, nor did it have enough time. The car went sailing over the edge of the unfinished highway and burst into a cloud of fire and smoke below.

Vinyl got out of her GT-R and looked over the edge. All she could see was a ball of flames at the bottom which used to be a Corvette. The night was now disturbingly quiet.

Vinyl didn't know if she should have been happy for her victory or sad for her opponent's death. Sure, she tried to kill her and all, but she was still a pony, and her life was still a life. Vinyl stood at the edge looking down at the burning debris of her opponent's car for quite some time, at least 20 minutes, before she finally started walking back towards her car.

"She was a pony." said Vinyl. "But nothing can come between me and my beloved R32. That's my final decision."

Vinyl drove off, trying to be proud of her victory. But something in her still made her feel slightly upset over that Wonderbolt's fatal crash, and that's the way she would forever feel about that night.

With Beginnings Come Endings

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When Vinyl got home, Octavia couldn't help but notice how visibly shaken Vinyl was.

"Is anything the matter?" asked Octavia.

"No, I'm just fine. Just get me some coffee and turn on the TV for me." replied Vinyl.

"Well, okay. But only because I can easily tell you aren't fine." said Octavia.

Octavia brought in a blanket and some fresh food for Vinyl to munch on as the TV played the nightly comedy acts. Vinyl curled up on the couch, trying to feel better. And after a few days, she did. She eventually went back to racing in her beloved R32, and had come to develop a very close relationship with the car. And yet, she still didn't even know that Octavia was aware of her racing.

Fortunately for Vinyl, the Wonderbolts' racing team held up their end of the bargain, regardless how how unexpected it was. After that race, she hasn't heard from them or seen them to this very day. Not to mention, she's still tearing up the tarmac and winning races in her R32 to this day.

However, just today, Vinyl recieved a most unexpected letter in the mail. It was from Rainbow Dash. And even more unexpected was the fact that it was a request.

That is, a request to form a team with Vinyl and to allow Rainbow in.

THE END........?