> The Tale Of Worst > by Moon Quil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone has three sides to them the good, the bad, and the worst. Well, what if the worst side of you took true form? Well in this tale you will witness the birth and life of a person who is twisted, evil. and undying. You all shall learn why we keep our dark sides locked with chains and locks. We start off this tale on the outskirts of Equestria in a dying town on the worst of days, Friday the thirteenth. A mother in labor and a doctor helps her give birth as a storm begins to brew, the hard rain hits the broken windows as a cold chill enters the room. As the earth pony gives birth she screams as if her very soul was being ripped apart piece by piece finally the unicorn pulls the baby foal out the baby is pale, lifeless, and does not cry. The foal is a unicorn, his skin shows his veins as he is silent but barely alive. This child's name was erased from the record under Equestria law the tragedy of what he did no pony wishes to remember nor live through again. A few years after he was born the young unicorn began to show strange interests in surgery, dissections of animals, among surgery. The young foal grew raven black mane messy and short, the other files would not dare go near him. Rumors talk of if they go near him they would never be seen again and there limbs possibly somewhere in public bleeding and marking the dirt underneath it. Rumors have spread around his village talking of the strange things he does in his room, animal cries, and bone-chilling howls of pain and cries of help. Soon the village had hundreds of the missing ponies and finally traced all the missing bodies straight to the child but there was no proof only rumors, so the mother and her foal ran away so her child would not be executed for something he did not do. Each place they go and call home more and more ponies vanish soon adult ponies started to vanish, soon ponies everywhere started to make curfews for all ages and all types of ponies. Time has passed his mother put in jail his son on the run a step ahead of the guards and police ponies, Celestia commanding that this unicorn must be captured thousands of dead ponies found, slaughtered and mangled and stitched together. > The Middle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years of the young foals terror now in his teenage years his strength grows, his mental sanity still questioning. The unicorn changed as he has already cut himself and stitched himself as he looks like he crawled out of the grave. His skin grey and pale his body so many stitches as he performed a miraculous surgery, he removed his own heart and his nerve system gone he walks the world with no pain or feeling no mercy or compassion for his test subjects as he calls them. The unicorn thought all life forms were his test subjects to perform on for his sick twisted and mentally psychopathic tests. Celestia and Luna stressed and angry that they are unable to capture this unicorn. Though one group of five royal guards did find his shelter but only one came back his eyes missing and his muzzle sown shut. The guard scared for life tells what this unicorn did as he set up traps that captured each of the guards, the last thing he remembered was that he heard screaming from the other guards as he saw the room he was in. The room walls were warm and wet as they were skin from ponies of every kind, dragons, and griffins. their bones used to make furniture along with some muscle to make the solid top, their organs hung to make curtains their spines as flutes. The skulls were used to make bowls and cups, he used all parts from his subject the died and the guard was scared but he was set free as the young unicorn took his eyes and his ability to speak, it took time for the injured guard to return to base, But as soon as Celestia and Luna and an army come to the location of the guards description but the home was found to be on fire all the evidence gone as Luna roars with anger. The unicorn with a grin of placement traveled again throughout Equestria as he found a home of his own in an abandoned town he set up his home in an asylum where he plans to redecorate with the failed subjects he finds. > This Is Just The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twenty years pass the mental hospital the unicorn calls home filled with bodies upon bodies hung on the walls, the walls decorated with the skin and stained with copper blood. The years of the past of him stabbed and burned as they had no effect on the unicorn as he felt no pain or bleed, all that came out of the cuts were sand and dust. The body count he has raised in the thousands all of the fears of the world this monster as every royal has banned together to find this unicorn and capture him and make him pay for the crimes he has committed. The ponies, griffins, yaks, and dragons have made an army as they march like thunder to the ghost town the unicorn calls home, They hear a moan and wails of in pain creatures as coming from the homes comes undead creatures stitched together by the deranged Unicron, one part pony part dragon, another yak mixed with a griffon. The army of the dead and the army of Equestria fight in this ghost town as the unicorn sips on his skull cup as he watches as his creations defend there master and creator. Celestia and Luna reach the asylum and them and the unicorn fight in epic combat, at the end of the fight Celestia and Luna cut and hurting finally captured the lunatic of a unicorn. As the unicorn was put in a prison made especially for him all of Equestria named this unicorn one name that fit him well that even the unicorn loved so much, his name is worst and he is Equestria's number one top serial killer and one of the top smartest minds in Equestria other then Starswilred the Bearded. When the princesses put him in his final resting spot he speaks the first word to them but not his last, "It's just the beginning my little ponies.". He laughs as the princesses leave him to rot for the rest of his days, or will they see him again?