> Fire of the Heart > by Dracoliat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Fluttershy you home?" Rainbow Dash called out as she flew nearer to Fluttershy's small cozy wooden cottage. On the outside were many smaller plants including carrots and tomato plants. As usual all the plants looked perfectly healthy. As soon as she landed Dash remembered she probably wouldn't hear the response from the shy pegasus pony. Instead of calling out again, she just opened the door gently with her forehead and saw Fluttershy in the living room dusting of her pet's houses. "Oh, hi Rainbow Dash... sorry about how messy my house is right now," Fluttershy said in her usual quiet voice, as she gestured calmly at her house. Rainbow Dash's boyd shook with laughter as she looked around the cottage, saying with an amused tone, "this is more clean and organized then I am after cleaning day; It looks fine, really." "Thank you Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, her cheeks adopting a slightly more red color as she hid her face by putting the duster away. Her footsteps were almost silent as she went to the kitchen coming back with two large, orange, and succulent looking carrots. She handed them both to Angel who quickly scampered away with them into his small home. "Oh I'm sorry, do you want one Dash?" she asked sincerely looking at Rainbow Dash with her delicate soft eyes. "Nah, I'm good," Dash said, only a few seconds later her stomach betrayed her and growled in protest. "Actually, could I have an apple please?" she asked, her body shaking with light laughter. Fluttershy giggled slightly as she went into the kitchen and quickly prepared a apple and came back with it on an ornate plate. She set it down in front of Rainbow Dash delicately before thinking, 'I wonder why Rainbow Dash is here?' Almost as if she could read Fluttershy's mind Rainbow stopped eating and looked up at Fluttershy her mane blowing slightly because of the wind from the open windows. She was distracted for a few seconds by this new look and blushed before she regained her normal demeanor. "Fluttershy, I was thinking about getting a pet, maybe you could help me?" Rainbow Dash asked before immediately getting back to eating the apple. After only a minute she sat back and rested her hooves lightly on her stomach, "Ah that was good, thanks Fluttershy." Showing her perfect white smile Fluttershy said, "You're very welcome, now why don't I clean up that plate. Then we can talk about a good, possible pet for you, OK?" she leaned down and picked up the plate with her teeth and quickly brought it over to the kitchen, running the water for what only seemed like a few seconds as the left over apple juice came of easily. The water stopped and Fluttershy grabbed a towel before starting to dry the plate. ======= The the weirdest thing happened while Fluttershy was washing the plate; a carrot hit Rainbow Dash in the side of the head, as she looked over to see where it came from she saw the small bunny, Angel. Angel just stood there looking angrily at Rainbow Dash at the intrusion. from the kitchen Fluttershy's sweet and sensitive voice said; "Now you play nice Angel, ok?" After that Angel jumped back into his little house and slammed the door shut. Fluttershy thought to herself 'How can he slam the door without fingers? Oh well.' Fluttershy soon emerged from the kitchen and walked back to where Rainbow Dash was standing."Anyways Fluttershy, I was thinking about something that could fly next to me and keep me company like that, do you know any loyal pets that are good at flying?" Rainbow Dash asked in an eager voice. 'Uh, well lets see, there are cockatrices but those are way to dangerous, then dragons which take to long to grow, of course a phoenix is perfect,' Fluttershy thought before she finally opened her mouth, she took a deep breath before Rainbow Dash interrupted her, and all the air rushed out of her unused. "On second thought, I gotta get going, sorry about that Fluttershy, maybe you can tell me some other time?" Rainbow Dash asked as she walked towards the door. She stopped and turned around to face Fluttershy saying sincerely, "by the way thanks for the apple, it was amazing," and with that she jumped out of the door. Her wings stretching out magnificently, sending her soaring into the sky. "To bad she couldn't stay any longer. I wanted her to help me with dinner... Oh well, Angel will you please help me make dinner?" Fluttershy asked the rabbit next to her as he quickly jumped back into his small house. Sighing ever so lightly Fluttershy walked into her kitchen. Her delicate head and pink mane reached out the window, as she grabbed with her teeth, a few apple's from the branch directly outside. She grabbed her special knife made for mouth's and proceeded to make quick work of chopping up the apples and removing the cores. Once that part was done she quickly went outside and put the seeds in her tiny store shed. She had recently learned from Zecora that if you crush certain seeds and other stuff you can make effective, natural medicine. Walking back inside she brought a few other ingredients with her including pears and a few peaches from the healthy tree. Back in the kitchen, she added it all together in a stew of warm olive oil and left it to cook. With her soft hoofsteps, she walked back into the living room, there Fluttershy decided to take a load of her hooves for a few minutes. Her frame sank into the comfortable, yet small, plain sofa; she finally relaxed and allowed her eyes to close slowly. She dreamed she was in a large forest and all of her friends were there, however the one that really seemed to stand out was Rainbow Dash who, as she usually did, was showing of her tricks. Then it all changed so suddenly, the small animals around the meadow ran away, and her friends did the same as a foul smell filled the air, smoke was covering the forest and there was a fire, as she coughed from the smoke she woke up. ======= The scene she woke up to was almost no different then the one she had just left. There was a heavy gray smoke in the air, and the unmistakable smell of fire. She jumped of the couch, disoriented, she acted quickly and told each animal in turn, "Come on, it's time to get out now," coughing in between each breath from the toxic smoke. Once all of the animals were out she sank near to the floor and crawled to the kitchen, she saw that the pot of dinner had caught fire and made the wooden walls near to it catch also. It was still a pretty small fire but still. The heat quickly made large beads of sweat gather on Fluttershy's face. Fluttershy stood up and without thinking took a very deep breath, she started to cough loudly before trying to blow the fire out, only to squeal as a hot ember barely missed her ear while another ember landed on her head and fell of leaving a small burn. The fire got a bit smaller from her blowing but strangely the heat only intensified. She breathed again and coughed even louder before she blew causing more embers to spread, but the fire seemed to have gotten even smaller that time. 'Come on Fluttershy you can do it,' she told herself as she took one more deep breath and blew as hard as she could, the fire seemed to have gone out. She finally assumed that it would get cooler now. She smiled at her work until she realized if anything it was rapidly getting even hotter. She breather deeply as she tried to find the new fire only to figure out, she hadn't noticed the flaming doorway as she entered the room. Now there was no way out, she yelled as loud as she could yet only making a small squeal, "please somebody help me!" Her eyes started to get watery as she continued to cough. She soon was on the floor and coughing uncontrollably. Fluttershy looked up at the roof as a loud thud came from it. Her eyes started to get heavy and she heard a loud crunch noise. Something was picking her up and out of the heat and smoke of the fire. She opened her eyes a bit to see Rainbow Dash holding her. She fell unconscious completely. ======= Finally she breathed in fresh air and coolness, but she still did not stir, she was in a half awake place where nothing makes sense; however from that place she heard somepony yelling, "Fluttershy, open your mouth and breath, open and breathe, FUCK, she's not breathing!" Then the weirdest sensation someone pulled her mouth open and put their lips on hers, she was sure it was a dream at this point. Her tongue went forth and instinctively tasted the lips that touched hers, they were nearly indescribable. They tasted as if an angel had touched them, they were sweet but not overbearing and at the same time they were strong and forceful. As her tongue touched the lips again they drew back in surprise and then came onto hers again breathing into her deeply she coughed as she started to regain consciousness. They breathed again and her eyes flickered open for a split second, she couldn't make sense of what she saw. She woke up, her eyes worked furiously taking in many things at once, but the most obvious thing was Rainbow Dash kneeling next to her, their lips touching. "Um, Rainbow Dash, I'm awake now," Fluttershy muttered past the kiss and Rainbow Dash's eyes flicked towards Fluttershy's before she drew back faster then lightning and blushed a bright shade of red, but as usual Dash turned away to try to hide it. Fluttershy's own cheeks resembled cherries. After a few awkward moments Fluttershy said in a whisper, "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I thought it was all a dream, I really did, sorry." Looking back at her friend Rainbow Dash extended her wing and helped Fluttershy up. Supporting Fluttershy on her right shoulder they slowly walked to the town and finally to the doctor, along the way not speaking at all, Fluttershy's thoughts were reeling, and Rainbow Dash's blush didn't stop, it only got brighter as the silence persisted. ======= Soon enough Fluttershy felt like she was in heaven again, she lay on perfectly white sheets that were so soft. They hugged her body as her mind drifted back to the kiss, that she now had figured out, was simply to save her life. She convinced herself she had no feelings like that for Rainbow Dash but somewhere in her heart of hearts she ached because she wanted it again. Her mind faltered slightly as she fell into a deep sleep not dreaming at all; she was to tired to dream. Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw soft pink eyes looking down at her only a few inches way from her face. She squealed loudly at the proximity of them, quickly the eyes backed of, before the pony with the pink eyes said cheerfully, "excellent your awake, the doctor will see you in a few moments," Without saying another word, she ran of. Fluttershy quickly took in her surrounding and found nothing particularly interesting. It was completely white and bland the only real colored thing was a brown small table next to her with a clipboard, a letter, and a vase of flowers. "Ah, your awake I hear Ms. Fluttershy?" A kind sounding voice rang throughout the room as a earth pony with a white coat and glasses on entered. "Well that shows that your friend Ms. Rainbow Dash did something right, without her, you would probably not be here right now," he said before he continued, "oh I'm sorry my name is doctor Card, if only we could meet in better circumstances. Now I will not lie to you, what your friend did, how she swooped in and rescued you, is one of the bravest things I ever heard, and I have been a doctor for over twenty years now. Now, onto more serious matters." His face turned grim and he picked up the clipboard, "first know that you inhaled a more then lethal amount of smoke, however thanks to your friend's bravery it the negative effect have been reduced. Unfortunately not even that got rid of all the effect. Smoke was already sticking to the inside of your throat, as if you were breathing it in deeply. Why would you do that?" he asked. "Um, I was trying... to blow the fire out," Fluttershy responded in a shy whisper. The doctor stood there for a second before his hoof shot up to his face making a loud slapping noise. Slowly he dragged the hoof down his face. "For your future reference, don't try to blow a fire out, Ok? Now as I was saying, there is still smoke leftover in your body, and I will not promise you that everything will be OK. You took in to much smoke too quickly and even if you are OK, it will be very painful for at least two more days. The last thing I need to tell you is, you very well may owe your life to Ms. Rainbow Dash. right now, if it wasn't for her fast acting and knowledge, you would be deader then disco. I suggest as soon as you can, thank her. Ok your evaluation is over, however to increase your chances of getting well you need to stay here for two more days. I heard your house broke down so your friends already took care of your arrangements, which they will explain," he finished and stepped out of the room. ======= As soon as he was gone Applejack ran up to her followed by Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and finally Rarity. "oh, wow, you look awful!" Pinkie Pie shouted before Applejack gave her a quick glare. "It's true she may not look as good as normal, but she by no means looks awful," Rarity stated. After a few more nonchalant comments about Fluttershy's looks Twilight Sparkle hushed the others, "may I remind you all, we only have ten minutes to explain?" At this everypony went quiet and Twilight spoke again, "sorry Fluttershy I have very important studies right now, so that's why you can't stay at my house." Next applejack stepped forward and said, "As ya may already know, it's applebucking season and m'ah family needs all the help they can get to harvest it all in time, so sorry I can't take you." "Sorry my deary but my hooves are full of fabric constantly, recently. I would be of no use to you, so we decided it would best if you could spend time at sompony else's house." Rarity said with a slightly guilty frown on her face. Pinkie Pie said in her normal high pitched, overly excited voice; "I have nothing but parties going on, and I offered to take you in, but the doctor said 'parties are not good for recovering ponies' so I can't." Pinkie Pie's impression of the doctor was spot on and put a smile on Fluttershy's face before Pinkie Pie said, "Oh and we decided while your living with your new host I will be taking care of all your cutesy wootsy little animals." "And since that leaves only me, you can probably guess who your gonna be staying with. But don't worry, you'll love my place. There are plenty of animals up there, like birds and... well there are a lot of birds, you get what I mean," Rainbow Dash said, "So, ya, I already have a cloud and everything all ready for you; The worker pegasi made it this morning while you slept. So as soon as the doctor says we can go, I'm busting you out of this place." She walked away once she was done explaining and stood by the wall. "Thank you all so much for your kindness, I really don't deserve such nice friends. Especially you Pinkie Pie for taking care of my friends. But are you sure you can handle it?" Fluttershy asked cautiously and slightly scared. "Of course I can handle some cute little animals, after all animals love to party, and I love to party, so we'll get along great!" Pinkie Pie yelled loudly making Fluttershy's ears cringe slightly. In the corner of the room as she usually did Rainbow Dash had struck a cool pose with her arms crossed as she leaned on the wall. "Ok it's time to go, you have to let Ms. Fluttershy get some rest!" doctor card shouted into the room as he walked in. Rainbow Dash was so surprised by the shouting she lost her balance and fell onto her back. "Ms. Rainbow Dash, if you keep doing that you'll be in that bed soon enough," doctor card said jokingly causing everypony in the room to start laughing as they walked out of the door. Soon the room was empty except for Fluttershy and doctor Card who walked up to Fluttershy's bed and said, "I'm sorry but today I can't allow you to eat anything. That would not be good at all, so with that, good night Ms. Fluttershy," he said quickly and walked out of the room turning of the lights. ======= Fluttershy just laid there for a few seconds before she realized exactly how much she really owed Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy soon started to guilty for making the entire process that was saving her life, so awkward for Rainbow Dash. 'Even though I don't feel that way for Rainbow Dash, why do I wish it would happen again?' She asked her own mind as she fell into a blissful sleep. ======= Again, in her dream, she felt those same firm lips on hers, she felt not her tongue, but instead another tongue tasting her own lips, she opened her eyes and saw Rainbow Dash's eyes looking into her. With all her might she threw herself onto Rainbow Dash, her tender hooves around Dash drawing her in closer. The truly strange part was that her body seemed to be acting of freewill even as she knew that she shouldn't be enjoying it, she couldn't help herself. ======= She woke up and found herself crying deeply at the dream. Simply because even though he rational mind told her it was crazy she knew it wasn't any less true. She was in love completely and irrationally with Rainbow Dash. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day went by extremely slowly as no visitors came to her except Rainbow Dash who as soon as she entered the room, Fluttershy lowered her head covering her face with her pink mane, to cover her blushing face. Rainbow Dash had just come to check up on her since she had absolutely nothing better to do and after five minutes she left again. ======= That night she had the same dream as the last. Only this time it was even more intense. Their lips touched and their tongues danced. Her mind no longer fought against it and embraced it allowing all the feelings to fill her. She woke up with tears in her eyes again. She knew her dreams would never come true, but as Rainbow Dash walked in later that day, she couldn't help but blush brightly. This time Rainbow Dash noticed and asked Fluttershy, "Hey what's the matter?" "It's nothing," Fluttershy said looking Rainbow in her eyes trying to convey her feeling through that contact, Rainbow Dash just looked around for a while and finally saw Fluttershy staring and just stared back completely oblivious. Giving up Fluttershy's eyes dropped to the floor as the doctor came in. "Well, your two days are up and you are free to go Ms. Fluttershy." Doctor card said cheerfully before adding, "but please don't try blowing out a fire next time, OK?" Fluttershy nodded lightly at the doctor, and got up of the comfortable bed and walked slowly behind Rainbow Dash blushing several times at the remembered dream. ======= After a few moments they had finally exited the hospital and stood outside. Fluttershy took a deep breath feeling the cool air tickle her throat ever so slightly. It was an amazing day; there wasn't a cloud in sight. "Wow the Pegasus ponies outdid themselves this time," Fluttershy commented as Rainbow Dash stood there deep in thought. "What, oh yeah I guess so, how about we go to my house? I'm eager to lay on a real cloud." Rainbow dash said to Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded slightly and Rainbow Dash stretched her wings before with one powerful kick sent herself into the air before flapping her wings and making herself hover there for a few seconds as Fluttershy did similar. ======= After over two days of not flying Fluttershy's wings felt weak and they took it slowly at first for Fluttershy's sake. Rainbow Dash said nothing along the way and they soon were well above the ground. Fluttershy's eyes flashed over to a upcoming cloud. With a small use of force, they easily flew above it and Rainbow Dash showed of by strutting across its surface before diving of its surface. She fell straight down for about two seconds before she extended her wings fully and soared back into the sky up to Fluttershy. "That was amazing Dash," She said in her cheering voice, which was barely louder then normal. "Thanks," Rainbow Dash said as she regained altitude she had lost. "Hey once were back at my house, why don't we help you learn some cool new flying tricks Fluttershy?" "Um, If you want to." she said and then whispered in her softest voice, "I'll do whatever you want me to" It was true; she was in love and nothing could stop it now. The wind was pretty loud up there so Dash did not hear her whispering. 'Why do you love her though?' a voice asked her, that seemed to come from her own mind. Disturbed by this new contact in her own mind she stopped flapping her wings for a few seconds and started to fall before she recovered. It was her unconscious that seemed to be asking her. She thought to herself 'great now I know I'm going crazy, my mind is talking to me.' Looking over at Fluttershy fall a bit Rainbow asked concerned, "hey Fluttershy are you sure your OK? Maybe we should turn around and go back to the hospital?" "No, please, I'm fine; I just saw a... an animal, a pretty animal." Fluttershy said quickly making up an excuse and thought to herself, 'I didn't lie; some might call Rainbow Dash a animal, I mean they both have wings and legs right?' She stopped again and mentally slapped herself for talking to her own mind again. ======= About twenty minutes later a large cloud was finally in sight. It was magnificent, pools of rainbow's across the pegasus cities and in the background over fifty pegasus ponies could be seen flying about. Rainbow Dash put on some extra speed without even meaning to. She quickly realized what she was doing and slowed considerably; "sorry about that Fluttershy," she said embarrassed slightly. "Oh, no its fine," Fluttershy replied as she sped up to match Dash's speed, and continued flying towards Rainbow Dash's magnificent house in the clouds. ======= It was the first time she had touched a cloud since over two months ago. During that time she had almost forgotten how nice and soft the clouds were. She nervously took a step forward afraid she would fall through for some reason, tentatively she took another. Slowly her cautious little step led her to Rainbow Dash's home. "Your not going to fall, so don't worry," Dash said as she watched Fluttershy take her tiny little steps. "Now how about we get started on those tricks tomorrow, I'm sure your tired from today huh?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy who nodded slightly and followed Rainbow Dash upstairs. As she walked upstairs she couldn't help but start fantasizing about Rainbow Dash, she imagined that Dash would pull her aside and start kissing her. As they reached the top of the stairs Fluttershy held her breath but nothing out of the ordinary happened; as she had expected. She thought to herself, 'I have no right to fantasize about Dash that way, it will never happen so just stop hoping it will.' After her quick mental negative pep talk. The shy pegasus hid her head under her pink mane. Her silent hoof-steps, only made more silent by the clouds, cautiously followed Rainbow Dash. A few moments later, without looking, she accidentally bumped into Rainbow Dash's flank causing her to fall forward in surprise. "I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said quickly, as her cheeks started blushing deeply. Getting up, Rainbow Dash just laughed, "don't worry about it Fluttershy, you didn't hurt me. Anyways, here is your room." She opened the door slowly and inside was a single large spacious, white room. It was empty except for a single floating cloud, that dominated the majority of the space in the room. "Good night Fluttershy," Rainbow said as he shut the door softly leaving Fluttershy alone in the bland room. The pink Pegasus walked up to the cloud curiously and sat down on it lightly. She slowly leaned back and laid down on her side. Her entire frame seemed to be enveloped in it's warmth, yet at the same time the warmth was not over powering. She finally fell into a deep slumber. ======= That night her dream got even more detailed; this time she remembered and felt exactly the feelings she had when Dash was saving her life. Only in the dream it was different. Instead of shying away like she did in real their tongues wrestled over each other to gain access to the others mouth they drew apart every so often to laugh and smile at each other. It was complete and total bliss. ======= She woke up and at first worried she had died and gone to heaven, as her eyes tried to make sense of the white in front of her eyes. After a few moments she remembered last night, and the cloud she was laying on. Fluttershy laughed slightly at her own sillyness in her soft voice. Walking downstairs Fluttershy was surprised by the lack of creaking that usually came from her house's hard, wooden, stairs; before she again remembered she was on a cloud. Fluttershy's face turned a bright cherry red as she came into the living room and saw Rainbow Dash with her flank in the air and her hooves digging around the sofa. Fluttershy walked up next to her and asked, "Why are you doing that?" her voice barely louder then a whisper. Rainbow Dash said back to Fluttershy, "sorry I lost my breakfast in here this morning and I can't find it." After another moment or two, Rainbow Dash stood up and cracked her back before saying, "OK, there is breakfast on the counter. Once you're done with that meet me out front and I will start your lessons." Rainbow Dash gave a quick smile before she silently walked outside, leaving Fluttershy alone. ======= As Fluttershy walked up to the counter she saw two uncut, and unpeeled pears laying there. Her lack of cooking skills disturbed Rainbow Dash. As she ate Fluttershy wondered what Dash meant by 'training' until she remembered her promise a few days ago about the aerial tricks. Butterfly's soon filled her stomach as she imagined herself failing horribly in front of Rainbow Dash. After all, Fluttershy knew next to nothing about aerial acrobatics. ======= After about a minute Fluttershy slowly poked her head out of Rainbow Dash's house. Her blue eyes scanned the cloudy expanse, they quickly spotted Dash's rainbow mane and tail swaying in the wind as she waved wildly to catch Fluttershy's attention. Smiling slightly at this simple gesture, Fluttershy flew over to Dash. Even though the flight only took a moment it still seemed like an eternity to Fluttershy as every possible worry of failing filled her mind. The pink maned pegasus finally approached Rainbow Dash and Landed lightly on her hooves. Rainbow Dash smiled and commented, "nice landing Fluttershy, but are you ready to really learn how to fly?" Nervously Fluttershy's delicate head nodded almost imperceptibly, but it was enough for Rainbow Dash. "OK, in that case follow me," Rainbow Dash yelled down as she ascended with a powerful kick of her back hooves. She ascended about twenty feet before finally coming to a stop and hovering there for a few seconds before Fluttershy managed to catch up. Rainbod Dash said, without wasting anytime, "OK this first one is pretty simple. It's called the classic barrel roll. You can do it by lowering the wing you want to spin over, then raise the other wing and keep your wings like that. When your ready to stop spinning, level your wings out again and regain your balance, easy right?" "Ok, I think I get it, maybe" Fluttershy said in her high pitched whisper. Across from her a audible sigh came as Rainbow Dash saw she needed a demonstration. "Fine, just sit there and watch me," Rainbow Dash said as she started to speed up by flapping her wings faster and faster, after a while she turned, and started back towards Fluttershy. She slowly exaggerated the movement required and went into a quick barrel roll, soon, as she had explained, her her wings leveled out perfectly causing her spin to stop. "Um, I'm not sure I can do that," Fluttershy whispered as Rainbow Dash stopped in front of her. "Come on, this is one of the easiest tricks I know," Dash said quickly getting annoyed at Fluttershy's unwillingness. "How about if I coach you through each step mid-flight?" she said caringly. "Ok, please don't ever leave me," Fluttershy said under her breath. "What was that Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked concerned. "Oh, I said Ok," Fluttershy said. Her face flooded with red but she quickly hid it beneath her mane. "So... ready to go right now?" Dash asked Excitedly. "Yes," Fluttershy responded in her quiet voice. Rainbow Dash needed nothing more and started to fly faster. Fluttershy hesitantly also sped up; Rainbow Dash told Fluttershy gently, "Ok now lift your left wing up, and lower your right wing." Fluttershy's delicate, yellow feathered wing tips pointed up and down respectively as she slowly did a single twist, and then another, and another. She quickly lost control, and ignored Rainbow Dash's instructions on how to get out of the roll. Panicking Fluttershy's wings locked to her side. Her entire body shook as she started to plummet to the ground. "I'm coming Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash shouted as she dived down after her. After a straight nose dive she caught Fluttershy. Dash's wings opened and started flapping ferociously slowing themselves down as she brought Fluttershy back to the cloud. Before Rainbow Dash asked, "Are you ok Fluttershy?" in a kind caring voice. "Yes..." Fluttershy responded her voice still shaky from the experience. Her heart was beating as fast as a hummingbirds. Still scared, as soon as she was put on her feet, Fluttershy fell over like a fainting goat. "Your not much of a stunt pegasus, are you Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked sincerely, as she helped her paralyzed friend to her feet.. "I don't think so," the pink and yellow Pegasus replied to Dash as she regained her balance. "That really is to bad, I wanted to get a partner who I could trust," Dash said her voice trailing of somewhere. At this comment Fluttershy's face brightened and saw her chance, "what do you mean with a partner?" "Oh well since you asked there is a new Competition coming to Cloudsdale in a few weeks and It's only open to dual performances," Rainbow Dash explained excitedly as Fluttershy's face flushed with color again and she hid it not listening to the rest of Rainbow Dash's speech on why she would win this contest to. 'Fluttershy, give it up, she doesn't like you like that,' her mind told her. 'I know but I can't give up, not on something this important,' she replied to her own subconscious. Rainbow Dash called her back from her state. "Hey, Fluttershy, don't worry about not being my partner, I'll find another," the blue Pegasus said, before she walked back to the house. Leaving Fluttershy standing alone and silent on the training field. ======= In the distance Celestia could be seen using her magic to lower the sun, and Luna on the other side raising up the stars and the moon. Fluttershy however just sat there looking up at nothing in particular as she thought about what exactly Rainbow Dash had said. 'She needed my help and I failed her,' Fluttershy thought to herself. The the voice that seemed to come out of nowhere at times popped into Fluttershy's head, 'you know there is a way you could still help Dash. However, it will be hard and long.' 'Please tell me,' she pleaded with the voice in her head. 'You have to practice, not like Rainbow Dash practices, even harder then that, and don't say you aren't capable. You stood up to a fully grown Dragon. If you truly love her you will at least try,' the voice responded much louder then Fluttershy expected. Fluttershy felt overwhelmed as she realized the daunting task in front of her. What she was thinking was next to impossible, but then again so was her and Dash being together. Maybe if she accomplished the one the other would follow. Fluttershy's brows started to furrow and her heart started to beat faster and stronger. With one strong kick Fluttershy leaped into the air as she began to train. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Fluttershy woke up feeling like she had not slept at all. As she attempted to get up her hooves felt like they were filled with lead, she, embarrassingly, fell over onto her side as she lost her balance. Standing at the bedroom door she was extremely confused as to waht happened. She remembered practicing for five hours last night and then sat down for a moment. Fluttershy grasped with what must have happened. Rainbow Dash must have picked her up and brought her to the bed. Her eyes shot to the door as she saw something out of the corner of her eyes. Standing there was Rainbow Dash who laughed at the sight of Fluttershy actually falling of the bed. "What were you doing out there last night I found you on the ground sleeping in the weirdest position," Rainbow dash said as Fluttershy's mind raced. She couldn't tell Dash the truth yet, she wasn't ready. "I was, watching the stars," She made up as she put on her most innocent face, but couldn't hide a light blush. Rainbow Dash quickly took the excuse at face value and walked out of the room. After Rainbow Dash had left the room Fluttershy counted herself lucky that Rainbow Dash trusted her almost completely. 'You need your sleep still,' the now relatively familiar voice told her in her head. 'I know, I was just to busy to sleep last night, I had to get that trick down...' the pink maned Pegasus pony answered sharply to the voice in her head. After she answered herself she worried what she was becoming. She never would have snapped at anyone like that before. 'You're becoming more confident,' Fluttershy's unconscious answered her. ======= After eating a quick breakfast, Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy, "I'm going to be going into Ponyville; you however will be staying here. You are way too tired to fly right now. I think you would be dangerous to yourself, and me." Hearing this made Fluttershy's face blush again as she realized that even if it was just as a friend, Rainbow Dash did care about her. It was a start hearing her concern, "Fine, if you want me to I, will stay here," Fluttershy's whispery voice said. Rainbow Dash just gave a quick smile without reading into Fluttershy's last statement at all. ======= As soon as Dash was gone Fluttershy went outside to the training ground. She slowly stretched out her wings from her delicate yellow frame before touching the tips to each other above her head in a classic stretching technique. After a few more stretches she reared up on her back legs and kicked of the cool surface cloud surface, as she was sent high into the air. Her wings keeping her momentum she immediately did a barrel roll and followed that up with a quick flip to turn her momentum from upwards to downward. For the next three hours she practiced everything from quick turns, to barrel rolls. Her loops soon resembled perfect O's and her turns could happen on a dime. However it came at a price. Fluttershy's entire body felt as if it was being licked by hot tongues of flames searing through her muscles. After she stopped her last flip turn she landed heavily and walked back to the house. Her normal hoofsteps replaced with heavier ones, stronger one's. At the moment, she was to tired to muffle the steps, plus the clouds did it for her. ======= In the evening, Rainbow Dash finally came back and looked at the dinner Fluttershy had whipped up waiting on the table. Fluttershy quickly said, "Since you seem to be to busy to cook, I did it for you." "Thank you Fluttershy. I really am sorry I couldn't spend more time here. Unfortunately, recently the clouds have really been a nuisance and I might be gone like this more often. I know for sure the next week will be hectic to say the least." Dash explained to the Fluttershy who listened attentively. 'Well that makes things easier to hide,' she thought to herself as Dash told her she would be gone more often then not. 'Now I can continue getting ready to help Dash.' A sharp pain shot through her back, but it only strengthened her resolve, she continued talking to her own mind, 'no matter how much it hurts I will help her.' She said as the flames of fatigue and pain continued to lap at her wings and chest, but all that she showed was a wince every so often which Dash didn't see as she dug into the stew Fluttershy had made. ======= That night the dreams returned stronger then ever, but this time in a different way. Fluttershy was in the flying stadium in a matching outfit as Rainbow Dash, they both kicked of and did a quick loop around each other. Flying straight up Fluttershy looked to her partner as the blue Pegasus looked back into those gorgeous eyes. They smiled in their moment of bliss before they came together and hung there motionless as they buried their wings against their side. Soon they pulled into a tight embrace as they started the dive down to Equestria. They got closer and closer as they picked up speed. They finally separated and unfurled their wings flapping them so furiously a high pitched whistling could be heard then a loud bang filled the air as Rainbow Dash went into her sonic Rain-boom. "Come on almost there!" Fluttershy yelled at herself, as the dull cone of air started to form around her, still gaining speed it sharpened until eventually a second bang was heard. She had did it, Fluttershy had done a sonic rain-boom however as she looked to her wings to check everything was ok. She was shocked to see her own feathers being ripped of, her skin slowly started to peel back and her wings steadily tore themselves to pieces. She woke up right before she hit the ground. ======= Panting Fluttershy jolted straight up on the cloud beneath her. She knew that it was just a bad dream but she couldn't calm herself down. Fluttershy sat there for a minute before she thought about if that's what had happened to her, what happened to Rainbow Dash. She jumped up and flew down the stairs to find a white note hanging on the wooden door that read, 'Dear Fluttershy. I'm in town again, cya later. Sincerely, your friend, Rainbow Dash.' She relaxed slightly before remembering that she had to practice still. ======= The rest of her days started to pass with more or less of a constant pattern. Her dreams now always involved Rainbow Dash. She found the same note on the door 99% of the time. After a quick breakfast she would go out to the training fields and fly until she couldn't any longer. It was hard work keeping awake for long enough, and even harder still, to keep improving. Finally Fluttershy thought she was ready and walked downstairs one morning earlier then usual. ======= "Oh hey Fluttershy, your up early this morning, is something on your mind," Rainbow Dash asked curiously as she stretched her wings getting ready to go. Her hoof reached to the door and took of the note since Fluttershy saw she was leaving. "Actually Dash, I really need to show you something, outside, if you wouldn't mind," Fluttershy said in her quiet voice, yet inside of it was a strange new tone, a tone of confidence. She knew she could do this. Rainbow Dash smiled and followed her friend saying, "You know, I guess I could take a break, since the trouble was said to have ended yesterday." ======= Fluttershy opened her mouth and with her slightly new voice she told the rainbow maned Pegasus in front of her, "While you were gone I really missed you so I picked up a hobby." Without saying another word she kicked of like she had practiced so many times by now. She rose and did five quick barrel rolls before leveling out. Her wings snapped to her side as she dropped straight towards the solid cloud and right before impact Dash gasped afraid for her friend realizing what she was trying to do. Fluttershy's wings opened perfectly and she glided at such a speed that directly below her the cloud surface was nothing but a smooth white blur. Her wings tilted slightly as she sailed into a perfect loop and turned around with a sharp corkscrew. She finished of with another loop and landed in front of Rainbow Dash softly and gracefully. Rainbow Dash didn't say anything she just stared, her mouth wide open at her friend. Fluttershy's face got redder and redder as the seconds dragged into minutes before finally Dash raised her front left hoof and pointed towards the sky, "how did you do that? When did you? wh, h, eh?" Her questions became noncoherent as she continued to stare agape before finally snapping out of it. "That was amazing Fluttershy, I never knew, who taught you?" She asked curious. "Um, I taught myself," Fluttershy said timidly her cheeks still resembling red roses. Rainbow Dash just stared and slowly took in what her friend had just told her, "you taught yourself how to do all of that," Dash was obviously extremely impressed. Regaining her normal demeanor Rainbow Dash just said, "impressive." Dash's mind was somewhere else; after a awkward few seconds she said, "hey I still need a partner for the upcoming contest in about two weeks, will you help me, I got the perfect routine, but the thing I need most, is simply a good trustable partner next to me." Fluttershy opened her mouth and squealed softly in her excited voice, "Oh Dash, I would love to help you." Her cheeks had only gotten more crimson from the exchange beneath her voice was something deep, hope. "Great, how about we start practice today?" Dash asked, her excitement burning bright in her eyes. "Ok Dash, i'll do whatever you want me to," Fluttershy muttered under her breath. Rainbow dash explained, "OK, the first thing we will do is a synchronized take of, then we do a loop around each other before heading straight up and spinning around each other. Afterwards the plan is to fly away from each other, do a quick flip turn before flying towards each other. When we fly past each other we will both pull up as fast as we can and rise into the sky. After that, I will teach you how to do a Sonic Rain-Boom. Fluttershy, I really can't think of a better Pegasus then you to learn it, I mean you worked so hard, I can't imagine what could drive you to practice that much." Fluttershy said kindly, "love" before she realized that she had voiced her thoughts out-loud. She bit her upper lip so hard that she squealed in surprise at the force. "What do you mean, 'love'?" the blue Pegasus asked confused as ever as she hovered in the air, her wings flapping at a constant steady pace. "Oh, um, the love of flying, and you of course," she replied, even more embarrassed then ever. "Ok then, how about we get started?" Dash said eagerly, as she landed and got into position. Fluttershy's head bobbed up and down slightly. "On the count of three. One, two, three!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she kicked of fiercely. Together they rose into the air, and as they did so. Fluttershy's heart skipped a beat as she realized how far she had gotten. 'Perhaps it's not impossible,' she thought to herself before she came back to reality and focused on flying. ======= That entire week was filled with hardships, as they slowly perfected everything in their routine. It seemed like every other day Rainbow Dash would add something new and flashier to the routine. But the main event was still going to be the double sonic rain-boom. The enxt week Dash stopped Fluttershy right as she was about to kick of. Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder and told her, "I don't think you get how far you've gotten do you? It's time to learn the sonic rain-boom." "Um, if you think I'm ready," Fluttershy's whispered voice replied as a fierce blush erupted in her cheeks. ======= The next solid hour was spent. Slowly Rainbow Dash taught Fluttershy every single thing about the sonic rain-boom that was related to how to pull it off safely. But more importantly, how to properly pull out of it; "the one thing you should never do," Dash lectured to the pink Pegasus, "is open your wings straight out, you will slow so quickly that your wings could get permanently damaged, even torn of some say. Now shall we?" Fluttershy again nodded her head ever so slightly. Dash's mane and tail swayed in the air as she casually climbed to a higher altitude with Fluttershy beside her. Getting ready Rainbow Dash put her wings near her back, exactly as she had instructed Fluttershy to do. Dash flew towards the ground as her wings beat faster then most Pegasi would have even thought possible. As Rainbow Dash got closer and closer to the ground a whistling started and steadily got louder and was soon high pitched enough and loud to make Fluttershy uncomfortable. Fluttershy continued watched her flying partner pick up even more speed. All of a sudden a bang came from Rainbow Dash as she broke the sound barrier. The gorgeous shock-wave and rainbow that the trick left behind stunned Fluttershy as she watched the pegasus quickly pull up by adjusting her wings ever so lightly, causing her to sail into a magnificent loop. Rainbow Dash soon, started to slow down by going straight up. The Rainbow Pegasus shot up past Fluttershy and slowly flew back down to her. Dash smiled at the rainbow she had left behind before turning to Fluttershy and saying, "don't worry you'll do fine." After a long pause and a single deep breath Fluttershy brought her wings close to her back as she took a nose dive faster then she ever had before. Her yellow wings beating the air to propel her even faster. She smiled as the heavy wind tried to push her back, but her desire pushed her onward and she went ever faster. The tell tale whistling came but it didn't get much louder. Fluttershy beat her wings as hard as she could but she soon realized exactly how close she had gotten to the ground, and pulled up right before she impacted. She flew up with her speed back to Rainbow Dash. Her face hidden by her mane she frowned slightly thinking to herself, 'of course you can't do it...' "That was good, really," Rainbow Dash said. Despite her words, her voice had an obvious dissapointed tone. Dash looked at Fluttershy's disappointed face and asked, "how about we try again later?" Dash's face soon changed, her lips turned upwards and she told Fluttershy, "You remember how I needed your cheering to help me, maybe I should cheer you on?" Laughing lightly Fluttershy readied herself again as Rainbow Dash inhaled a large amount of air. She was of again her wings beating as quickly as she could but it still wasn't fast enough. She knew Rainbow Dash was cheering but she couldn't hear it over the wind and the whistling. As she neared the ground again she knew she couldn't do it. She pulled up at a more reasonable distance this time. Her head hung deeply as she flew back up to Rainbow Dash. "I'm sorry, I can't do it," Fluttershy said a twinge of depression in her voice. "It's ok we can try again tomorrow," Rainbow Dash said smiling. After the hard day of practice they finally landed softly and walked back to the house. "There's still another week until the competition begins," Dash reminded her in a cheerful tone, "I'm sure you won't let me down." ======= The next morning as Fluttershy walked down the stairs she saw Rainbow Dash waiting downstairs. As Rainbow Dash saw Fluttershy, the Rainbow Pegasus covered her face and asked kidnly, "are you ready?" Fluttershy nodded as they departed the house. Their practice went on from dawn to dusk. Each and every single attempt failed, it seemed Fluttershy, despite her progress, would never be able to do it. ======= After they had finally gotten back to Dash's house Fluttershy commented how she didn't feel tired that day and told Dash she wanted to keep going. But Rainbow Dash told her she still had to go to bed after eating and washing herself. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash laughed as Dash's little speech reminded them of their mothers. ======= That night as Fluttershy sat in the large warm bath of water. She closed her eyes until she heard the wooden door creak slightly. Her eyes popped open and she saw Rainbow Dash come in. "Oh, hey Fluttershy, the other bath is not working so, can I share this one with you?" she asked nonchalantly as her mane blew over her face. Fluttershy acknowledged Dash with a quick nod of her head. Dash slowly stepped in the warm water, sighing in pleasure as the warmth took away the aches of that days practice. Rainbow Dash looked up and saw Fluttershy doing the same. They looked each other in the eyes and they smiled. They didn't talk they just looked at each other. Dash blushed slightly as something seemed to flicker in her eyes. Quickly the rainbow Pegasus announced that she was going to bed. She climbed out and didn't even dry herself of as she went up the stairs noiselessly and closed her door. ======= After about ten more minutes Fluttershy got out, looking at herself she smiled and decided the cloud would dry her and went straight to bed. That night the dream was completely realistic. She could see everything and feel everything, even the texture of Rainbow Dash's tongue. She could taste it and yet at the same time she enjoyed the pure bliss of the moment. The tongue tasted like the most sweet and delicious treat she ever had. But what truly made it heaven was when Rainbow Dash whispered in her ear, "I love you." Fluttershy woke up with tears welling up in her eyes. They overflowed and she started to cry silently, her entire body shaking. For she knew it was only a dream, and nothing more. ======= After three more days Fluttershy still claimed she did not feel tired. To a certain extent this was true as her love continued to make her try harder constantly. Yet no matter how close she came, no matter how high she started from, she could never seem to do it. Then two days before the competition Fluttershy was getting ready for yet another go. Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder lightly and turned her around. She looked Fluttershy in the eyes. She leaned in and hugged Fluttershy tightly as Fluttershy's entire face went completely red. Time seemed to slow down to Fluttershy. "That is for trying so hard, but you don't have to try anymore. We both have seen you can't do it, I'm sorry. We'll just cut the sonic rain-boom out, OK?" Dash said still smiling and holding Fluttershy at arms distance as they landed on the cloud. Fluttershy went completely silent as she realized what had happened. She had failed Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy felt the same force that drove her to stand up to the dragon, along with the cockatrice; flowing through her. Fluttershy said to her, "I won't ever let you down Dash." She slowly pushed herself away from Rainbow Dash and her wings flexed strongly, causing her to ascend. ======= As she approached the proper height she locked her wings near to her back as she had done a hundred times before, her form was perfect and she finally had found what she needed. Her wings worked so quickly that it was only a blur even to Dash as she watched with amazement. The wind buffeted her face and body like tiny little razor sharp knives cutting into her. Fluttershy's eyes furrowed deeply. She knew even with this speed she still wouldn't make it. Somehow she managed to make her wings go even faster. The whistling soon grew so loud she was deafened by it. A single loud pop and then immediately afterwards a thunderous bang shocked the area as Fluttershy's speed increased immensely, behind her the most beautiful rainbow was left and she quickly flew into a dozen barrel rolls and a extremely tight loop. With the remaining speed she launched herself up onto the cloud again. A minute later she flew down slowly and stood next to Rainbow Dash triumphantly. Her head was held high as she smiled at Rainbow Dash's shocked face. "Fluttershy, you did it..." Dash managed to say quietly still in shock. Fluttershy blushed and responded simply with, "I guess I did." Directly afterwards, Fluttershy's knees buckled under her own weight. Her eyes shut as a pain like none other rocketed through her entire body. As she hit the soft clouds she lost consciousness, simply as a way for her mind to protect her from the pain. The last thing she saw was Rainbow Dash's face leaning over her. ======= "Where, where am I?" Fluttershy asked out loud, as she felt a soft and warm bed beneath her. She opened her eyes, but all she saw was black. Scared out of her mind, her hooves shot up to feel her eyes and found out there was just a blindfold on. She took it of cautiously, not wanting to be blinded by any bright lights. As she did so she saw the hospital she was in only a short four weeks earlier with the exact same doctor. Standing next to her bed with the clipboard again. She took a deep breath as she calmed her neverse. The doctor waited a minute before he cleared his throat. "Well Ms. Fluttershy, welcome back. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? You practiced so hard, and so fast that your legs collapsed, your spine caved inwards on itself slightly due to the acceleration you put it through, but worst of all is your wings. Your wings bones have become brittle from so many powerful forces acting on them. Again, you truly are one lucky mare to still be alive. Your friend Ms. Rainbow Dash brought you here, yet again. So you need to thank her, again. You will not be able to fly for today, and you have to get a large amount of bed rest, after a few days, you should be good to go. However please promise me that after today you will more careful, and that trick of yours, the sonic rain-boom; You cannot do that for another month, or we might have to amputate your wings next time..." Doctor Card said frowning, his face wrinkled with worry. "I suggest you stay here for the night, is that ok with you?" He suggested in his old kindly voice. "If you think I should, then I'll listen," Fluttershy's timid voice said as she smiled at the doctor looking like a perfect little patient. Her smile seemed angelic as she laid back and closed her eyes. Satisfied Doctor Card called in a nurse unicorn. She was pretty, her blue mane and tail swayed lightly as the doctor whispered something in her ear. Directly afterwards the nurse and doctor began to leave the room. As Doctor Card turned of the lights Fluttershy found herself unable to move. she had planned to sneak out of the room, and then fly to Rainbow Dash's place. Walking back in the room smiling, Doctor Card turned on the light as he said, "oh, yes, by the way; I had one of my assistants cast a spell on you. We don't want you injuring yourself now do we?" He walked out turning of the lighst again leaving Fluttershy alone in the dark room. Fluttershy struggled for a little while and as she did so, somehow the spell seemed to drain her own energy. Her body soon became motionless as she became to tired to fight. Fluttershy knew she could not get out that night. Her eyes drooped slowly at first and then more quickly until they were completely covered by her eye lids. She quickly started to fall asleep until she heard a creaking as if a window was being opened. Scared she didn't dare open her eyes. She felt somepony's hooves lean on her bed. Fluttershy's ears twitched ever so slightly as she heard Rainbow Dash whispering in her ear, "sweet dreams." Rainbow Dash leaned in quickly, putting her delicate lips on Fluttershy's cheek before climbing back out the window and closing it silently. A tiny smile formed on Fluttershy's face, but as she went to feel her now tingling cheek she remembered it was hopeless, she was bound there. Her last thought as her mind drifted of to unconsciousness was, 'I love you Rainbow Dash, and no matter what I will always try for you,' and she knew it was true. It was odd to accept that fact, that only a month ago her mind tried to buck off that fact. ======= The warmth of Celestia's bright sun shone through. A single shaft of light reaching Fluttershy. Her eyes opened lazily. As soon as her eyes focused she saw the doctor already standing over her, at a very uncomfortably close distance. Her eyes jolted wide open as her thoughts turned to what had happened the last night and a deep blush followed immediately afterwards. Doctor Card looked in the direction of Fluttershy. "So your awake already, huh?" he said seemingly entertained by something he wasn't sharing. "How was your night Ms. Fluttershy?" he asked grinning sheepishly. "Oh, it was nice," Fluttershy responded, not saying anything more. "I bet it was," he said smiling at Fluttershy before asking, "you love her don't you?" "What do you mean, who?" Fluttershy stuttered, trying to act dumb. Her face turning a bright shade of red that resembled the skin of a cherry. "Ms. Rainbow Dash of course," he said more quietly, all the while stifling a small laugh, "she is quite a mare isn't she." "Yes, she is," Fluttershy said absentmindedly; her hooves quickly covered her own mouth, and her entire face soon looked as if it was going to explode from blushing so much.. Not chasing the subject any further, the doctor handed Fluttershy the clipboard and a pen before asking, "your not going to listen to me about not doing that trick are you?" "I am going to listen, unless Dash tells me to do it," Fluttershy said, whispering the last part as she signed the clipboard with her elegant script. "That's what I thought. Well I can't stop you but I just hope that you reconsider. Or you may be in here for a much longer time. I also suspect that stay may not be as pleasant a visit as this time," his voice turned from a friendly one to one of deadly seriousness as he issued his warning. After a few seconds of letting the words sink in the doctor went back to his normal demeanor and stood aside showing the door, "well you are free to go Ms. Fluttershy, and as always, I hold my patients confidentiality close to my heart. Please be careful, and as always, have a nice day." ======= Walking into the warm morning air made Fluttershy feel alive again, she stretched her wings and felt they were still slightly sore. She made a few slow experimental flaps of her wings before she saw Rainbow Dash sitting under a tree nearby. She was absentmindedly looking up at the sky. However as she heard Flutterhy's hoofsteps in the silent morning she smiled. "Hey Fluttershy over here!" Dash called loudly as she lifted her right front hoof beckoning Fluttershy towards her. Walking towards her, Fluttershy remembered the previous night, and yet again, her face's color soon resembled a strawberry. "So how are you Flutter?" Dash asked her curious, she completely ignored Fluttershy's bright blush as a blush developed on Rainbow Dash's cheeks. "Um, I think I'm good enough to fly, can we go home please?" Fluttershy asked, a small smile appearing on her face as she flapped her wings in a form of challenge. Grinning back at the pegasus beside her Rainbow Dash lowered her body close to the ground. Her mouth opened slightly as she said, "ready, set, go!" On go her body lurched forward as her legs flexed strongly sending her flying over Ponyville, Fluttershy emulated the movement exactly. For about two seconds they were neck and neck before Rainbow Dash grinned and put on an extra boost of speed sending her far ahead of Fluttershy. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arriving back at the house after only five minutes, Fluttershy landed next to Rainbow Dash. Smiling as they walked to the training field Dash said to Fluttershy, "thanks for the race, it was fun." A awkward silence persisted before Dash broke it a few seconds later saying, "don't worry Fluttershy, I won't make you do the sonic rain-boom." "Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy said blushing about what she was going to say. "Ya Fluttershy?" Dash asked her voice full of curiosity and questioning. Her eyes focusing on the blush. "I will do whatever you want me to do," Fluttershy said, hiding her face with her long pink mane. "Thanks Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash responded blushing slightly before saying, "but don't worry, we'll have a good time. We'll win the competition, even without the sonic rain-boom." Her small pep talk finished Rainbow Dash lowered her head and looked at the cloud she was standing on. Fluttershy smiled and walked up to Rainbow Dash silently. She leaned and whispered in Dash's ear, "Thanks you for believing in me Dash." she kissed Dash lightly on the cheek. She drew back and stayed silent as Dash's cheeks became blood red with blush and Fluttershy's mimicked them. They finally looked each other in the eyes and smiled before getting back to work. ======= The rest of the day was spent practicing their competition routine. Not much happened except the occasional addition of a new trick to their routine by Rainbow Dash. Their simple routine was now one so complicated they both struggled to remember it. After one particularly bad memory issue; that ended with them both blushing, having landed on top of each other; they decided to cut it down dramatically. ======= After a hard day practicing, their legs and wings sore. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash followed their familiar route that led back to the house and silently slipped into the bath together. They sat across from each other, smiling as the warm water seemed to suck away the troubles of life. Laying her head back lightly, Fluttershy's eyes drifted closed. They didn't stay that way as some warm water splashed her face. Opening her eyes she looked at Rainbow Dash who suspiciously was avoiding all contact and whistling lightly. After a moment Rainbow Dash stopped whistling and looked at Fluttershy before starting to laugh. Fluttershy's sweet and tender laugh soon joined in, together their laughter sounded almost like music. A minute later Dash decided she had enough of the bath. Her coat shined as the water reflected the light of it. The rainbow pegasus' rainbow mane seemed to flow in the wind as Rainbow Dash walked out of the room announcing she was going to bed. 'She really is something isn't she?' the voice in her mind said absently. 'Ya, she is more gorgeous then any other mare I ever met, both inside and out, if only.' Fluttershy thought to herself. ======= Fluttershy crept out of the bath as it started to drain. She put the cork she had pulled on the floor, and grabbed a small towel from the nearby shelf. Running the smooth surface against her skin she couldn't help but imagine it was Rainbow Dash, she stood there for a full minute rubbing the towel against her cheek before she finally put the towel back. Once she walked up the now all to familiar stairs, she crawled onto her cloud bed and smiled as the warmth surrounded her. Her eyelids drooped and her mind fell into the dream world. ======= The next day, Fluttershy's eyes opened ever so slowly. She awoke to the perfectly white cloud and thought about her dream, it was more graphic then she cared to think about. Fluttershy's mouth formed a big 'O' as she let out a loud yawn. She sat up and thought about what would happen that day. Her eyes popped wide open as she remembered there was only one day until the competition. She flung herself of the bed and flew down the stairs. Panting Fluttershy found Dash already waiting, excitement in her eyes. "Today's the last day of practice, are you ready?," Rainbow Dash said a nervous town began to develop in her voice. "Dash, please, don't worry, you'll do fine," Fluttershy reassured her with her soothing, quiet voice. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash soon left the house after a quick breakfast of fruit. They crossed eagerly to their training grounds. On Dash's signal they both took of and began their routine. Amazingly, only in a few short weeks, with Fluttershy's hard work, they had perfected it. The day quickly came to a close as Celestia's sun went down, and Luna's moon and stars started to shine brightly. ======= After their nightly bath, Fluttershy lay awake in her cloud bed. She heard the door creak open and Rainbow Dash walked in. "Hey, are you awake Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked quietly as Fluttershy sat up silently. The pink maned pegasus nodded her head slightly and Dash continued, "I was thinking, I want to thank you. You are seriously the best flying partner I have ever had, including Gilda. Don't worry, we will tomorrow, I know it, even without the sonic rain-boom. So, ya thanks, for everything." She obviously was having trouble putting her emotions to words. At her stream of compliments, Fluttershy quickly found herself blushing. Rainbow Dash turned around and began to walk away slowly. Fluttershy smiled brightly and said softly, "Rainbow Dash, I need to tell you something." She waited until Dash had turned back around. Fluttershy saw hope in Dash's eyes and knew this wasn't the time. The look in Dash's eyes made Fluttershy know exactly what to say to make her happy, "If I need to, I will do the sonic rain-boom." Rainbow Dash simply nodded and as she walked down the hall, almost inaudibly Rainbow Dash said, "I can't believe that worked." Fluttershy laid back down comfortably and thought about how happy her and Rainbow Dash would be after the competition. She smiled at a fantasy, before she heard the voice in her head, that was to familiar for her comfort say, 'you do realize that this could turn out differently then you imagine? She could think your a weirdo and never talk to you again, what then?' 'Are you always going to use that argument?' Fluttershy asked her own mind, 'I know what could happen.But if I don't try, I can't succeed, I've learned that now.' Before her mind could say anything she her own body to relax. Her mind had peace, she knew her plan. Fluttershy smiled to herself as she imagined how tomorrows competition would go, especially afterwards. They would go in as partners, and leave as partners. ======= The sun was just being raised above the horizon as Fluttershy walked calmly downstairs. Her resolution only stronger, she would tell Rainbow Dash, no matter the consequences. "Are you ready?" she asked the rainbow maned pegasus waiting at the door who nodded apprehensively. "Don't worry, you will do fine Rainbow Dash, nopony can out fly you, you should really be worried about me," Fluttershy whispered. "Now wait just a second Fluttershy, nopony, and I mean nopony, besides you, would I want flying next to me today. You will do an amazing job, I know this because you have never let me down before," Rainbow Dash said in her most kind voice. Both of the pegasus ponies now blushing, walked out the door before kicking of one last time from their house as they rose into the air smoothly and easily. Starting the short flight towards the large stadium. ======= Inside the stadium there were about twenty teams including Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. As they entered the preparation area they were quickly both handed a sticker to put on their flanks labeling them as pair number 14. As they looked together out of the preparation area Rainbow Dash gasped as she saw the judges, she remembered that the flier had never mentioned who was judging. There, high up was sitting two random old looking ponies. The third judge, was Spitfire, the Wonderbolt. Looking back to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash shouted to her, "do you see? Spitfire's here!" Gasps went out across the room as everypony rushed towards the door to look. Chatter came from all over as the different teams started to talk about abandoning their routines in an attempt to impress Spitfire. Soon they were so complex they made Fluttershy's and Dash's heads spin in confusion. Beckoning to Fluttershy, Dash quickly walked her out of the crowd and to a secluded corner. Leaning in she asked Fluttershy nearly silently, "I know you said you could do the sonic rain-boom, but were you serious? Please this might be one of the few chances in my entire life to impress a Wonderbolt, at least while they are conscious." Thinking about it for a second, a warning emerged from her memories. the doctors warning of imminent damage. But if she didn't, and it ruined Dash's chance to impress her idle, Dash might never forgive her. It was a risk, but she knew she could never turn down Rainbow Dash. Her answer came in a hushed voice into Dash's ear, "fine, I will do it, for you." Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded before she thought about what she had just heard. She quickly seemed to dismiss it as she shook her head, talking to herself barely loud enough for Fluttershy to hear she said, "I must be hearing things." Her hoof came up and slowly started to scratch her chin as she thought about something Before Dash could ask anything about it. Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash, her face hidden behind her flowing pink mane, "Dash, after the competition. Can I please talk to you, if you have time?" "Sure, but now let's get ready shall we?" Rainbow Dash said. Dash's voice said that she need to tell Fluttershy something also, her face furrowed slightly as she thought about it. Dash's wings reaching straight up and then down in a classic stretching excersise. Fluttershy soon joined her and they both went completely silent. Fluttershy looked up from the floor and looked at Rainbow Dash, only to find her doing the same. Her face turning a slight red. Dash tilted her head to the right slightly, a question forming on her face. The mare who was calling out the teams announced that they were the next ones in line. They gave each other one final looking before walking together towards the entrance to the stadium. ======= They looked out of the entrance and saw the pair in front of them finishing up their trick. They each were doing barrel rolls straight up, and then in the opposite direction of their barrel rolls they span around each other. An impressive routine however one of the Pegasus ponies lost her balance. Her wing span to far out causing her to flail and knock into her other partner. Their entire routine soon fell apart. Rainbow Dash took a deep breath to calm her nerves before she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked to her side, standing there calmly was Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked Rainbow Dash in her eyes, but there was something different. Rainbow Dash observed the exact same phenomena about Fluttershy's blue eyes. ======= "Introducing, pair number 14, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy!" The announcer's voice echoed as roars of applause came up from all around the crowd. The announcer continued loudly, "flyers, on your mark, get set, go!" They kicked of and Rainbow Dash flew into her barrel roll followed directly by Fluttershy. They had practiced the routine so many times they were in perfect harmony. The two pegasi tucked their wings and started to dive. They spun around each other quickly before pulling out of the dive and looping around each other twice. Their wings got so close they could feel the air from each other. Their wings worked hard as they began the final climb. The entire time Rainbow Dash was thinking about how Fluttershy had gotten so good, and thinking about the last month in general. She thought about the pink pegasus' willingness to take any complaints and would still not give up. She finally realized the truth. It had been there all that time and she had been denying it. Rainbow Dash slapped herself mentally at her ignorance. She had been so busy with the contest and the weather, she didn't think at all about Fluttershy. ======= They reached the altitude for the double sonic rain-boom far above the stadium where you would have to squint to make out the two pegasi. Rainbow Dash looked over to Fluttershy one final time who smiled and said, "for you Dash." With that she went into her perfect dive, her wings behind her back, her pink mane flowing wildly in the wind. Dash's eyes opened as she seemed to remember something terrible, she muttered to herself as she stopped flying, "the doctor said, 'permanent damage,' but then why would Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash started flying again, even faster now then before. She had to catch Fluttershy and stop her before it was to late. ======= Dash's wings worked faster then before, so fast that they became blurs. The crowd stood on their hooves in anticipation as the two ponies rushed past. All the while at the top of ehr lungs, Rainbod Dash was yelling, "Fluttershy stop!" Fluttershy couldn't hear anything as the whistling became nearly unbearable. Dash had to go even faster if she had any chance of catching Fluttershy. Her wings beat so fast they felt as if they were on fire, yet she somehow found the will to keep going. A loud boom and shockwave came from Fluttershy as she broke the sound barrier releasing a rainbow immediately followed by Rainbow Dash. 'My wings feel like their gone...' Fluttershy thought as she looked at her wings, the skin was literally peeling of and her wings started to rattle, she tried to pull up but had lost almost all control of her wings, except for the most basic flapping motions. She started to scream loudly which carried all the way up to cloudsdale. Spitfire and another pegasus pony flew into action. But there was no way they could catch Fluttershy in time. Fluttershy's body began to twist and turn as she flapped wildly. At one point she faced Rainbow Dash. The scariest expression was on her face, however even so Fluttershy knew she wouldn't live through this. Smiling Fluttershy said quietly, "I love you Rainbow Dash." A single tear flew of her cheek upwards before she closed her eyes. Somehow, Rainbow Dash heard Fluttershy. She saw the tear rush past her. "I'm going to fail her," Dash said almost silent before her eyes became almost aglow. Her eyebrows furrowed as she flapped her wings even harder, all the while saying to herself, "I won't fail her, not when she's tried so hard. After only two more seconds, Dash caught Fluttershy around her waist; but it was to late, they were so close to the ground now. There was no way she could pull up while holding Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash looked desperately around for help but the pegasus, Spitfire, was still more then a minute away from them. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash and mouthed at her as she met Dash's eyes, "please, let go." Dash understood but mouthed back to her over the deafening wind, 'I will never let go, not when I feel the way I do about you.' Her wings stretched out to the sides completely straight as they started to shake uncontrollably. Dash's words flashed through Fluttershy's mind, 'never straighten your wings out... some say even rip your wings off...' The pair lurched to a much slower speed before a sickening crack was heard, looking back at Rainbow Dash; Fluttershy saw Dash's wings bent backwards completely as if they had snapped. She knew that they would die unless she did something. She straightened her wings and flapped furiously beating the air, ignoring the heavy dead weight on her back as Dash fell unconscious. She was approaching to fast, and they were only five seconds from the ground now. A burst of energy seemed to come, almost out of nowhere as she realized what her death would do to her friends. But worse then that, she couldn't let Dash die like this. Her wings beat a few final times. ======= The landing was rough and fast, Fluttershy's wings struggled to slow them down as she crashed hard into the ground at an almost perfect diagonal. He legs crumpled temporarily as she fell into the ground almost crushed by Dash. Dash fell of her back as Fluttershy's hooves dug into the soft grass. Losing her balance during her landing did not help and Fluttershy soon found her face scraping heavily along the dirt, leaving the grass below a bright crimson. Her entire body lost balance and she did a single full front flip before her body lay still. She heard screaming as Spitfire and a few other Pegasi swooped towards them. Yells came from above, "Don't move we're almost there. Just stay down!" 'I've stayed down for too long,' she told herself. Fluttershy's legs wobbled as she stood on her hooves, she slowly walked over to Rainbow dash. As she put her back right hoof down, she felt it give way and a small crack was heard. Her mouth opened in agony as she struggled to continue going. Eventually Fluttershy collapsed by Dash who was awake at the moment and looking at Fluttershy. "I love you Rainbow Dash, I really do," Fluttershy said. "I'm sorry Fluttershy. I should have paid less attention to the contest and the weather and more attention to you. My friend, my partner, and hopefully, my mare," She whispered in between coughs. > chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behind them a soft thud came as Spitfire landed fast on the ground.Her bright yellow coat and orange mane blew slightly in the wind. Her flank had a cutie mark of a bright orange meteor that seemed to be surrounded by fire. She walked up to the new couple and smiled, "what you did," she pointed her hoof at Rainbow Dash, "was honestly, the most brave thing I have ever seen. You fly fast and strong, but most importantly. You care, you have to care about your friends, that is what being a Wonderbolt is about. Caring for your friends and team, while keeping people entertained. You do all of these things so well," She finished before she turned to Fluttershy. "The same applies to you," Spitfire said. ======= "Thank you, but if you will excuse me I think I need to drag Dash to the hospital," Fluttershy said kindly as she grabbed Dash's mane before hoisting Rainbow Dash onto her back. Slowly she walked away from the crash site as Dash, again, fell unconscious. The journey was hard but she found the energy, even though she could only use three of her legs. Her wings seemed to be useless again so they were dead weights limp at her sides. Any pony who asked if she wanted help, she immediately turned them down saying, "Rainbow Dash is counting on me, please let me make it on my own." She couldn't really logically explain to herself why she didn't take the help. She just knew this, it was a sort of payback for all the times Dash had helped her. "That is one powerful pegasus," Spitfire said to herself as she was amazed, watching Fluttershy hobble along. ======= About a quarter way through the journey to the hospital Dash started to stir and Fluttershy carefully put her down. Rainbow Dash got up slowly as waves of pain pulsed through her body from her head to her feet, he wings bent back completely. Rainbow Dash's eyes started to water up as she felt the nearly indescribable pain. Seeing this Fluttershy kindly put her hoof on her friends back lightly. Dash looked over and stared into Fluttershy's eyes before a small smile cracked from underneath her mask of pain. They walked together the rest of the way their heads touching together softly, just as Fluttershy had wanted it all along, as partners, for then, and forever. ======= 'Why does this bed seem so familiar to me?' Fluttershy asked herself as she started to regain consciousness. Her mind flashed back to what had happened and she sat up immediately hurting herself in the process. Next to her on a white bed similar to her own was Rainbow Dash, laying there, her wings bandaged tightly to her frame. Reaching across the gap between their beds, Fluttershy almost fell out of her bed as she reached for Dash's hoof. She smiled as she felt that it was still warm and relaxed a bit. "Don't worry she'll live," A nonchalant voice said from the middle of the room where the doctor was watching them. "I told you not to try it, didn't I?" doctor Card asked slightly bemused, "but then, I never thought you would follow that advice. Not if she told you otherwise." The Doctors hoof pointed lightly towards Rainbow Dash. "Ya," Fluttershy said, lowering her head, "I'm sorry." "However I assume, other then your body and hers, nothing was injured? At least judging by the way your holding her hoof," he said as his eyes flashed from Fluttershy to her hoof, which quickly dropped Dash's hoof to avoid the attention." Blushing deeply Fluttershy said nothing and picked up Dash's hoof again before rubbing it tenderly with her own. "You should know by now how this goes, so let's get to it," the kind doctor said as he raised a clipboard. "You have a broken leg, you'll need to stay of it for a while. You also broke the bones in your wings. We had to use some pretty strong magic to fix them, but they will be OK. You went to fast and your skin was still weak from the sudden change in your habits. This cause it to pretty much erode away partially, that particular injury is very nasty, and it will hurt quite a bit in the days to come. If you truly love your friend and she loves you, then she wont force you to do the sonic rain-boom again, not for another year at least," the kind old doctor told Fluttershy. "Thank you doctor Card, but what about Rainbow Dash? she's more important to me then my own health at the moment," Fluttershy said with an unusual amount of rudeness in her voice. "Very well," the doctor said picking up a similar clipboard from the foot of Dash's bed, "Ms. Rainbow Dash has been waking and falling back unconscious randomly. Every time she wakes she stays awake for longer so she should be OK. Her wings, however, had completely snapped, the bones were broken to the point where we had to call in a specialist all the way from Fillydelphia. It took days of hard work to finally get them into half decent shape. The rest of the healing process will be natural, so after a week in here, you both will be able to leave. But you must promise me to take the flying easy for a little bit, nothing major. It will be a struggle to get up to your house in the clouds, but I am sure together you two can make it. Once their take good care of yourselves, or you will be, yet again, in here. Now that both of you are in here I doubt you will try to hurt yourselves by leaving early. So I feel no need to put a binding spell on you this time. Please don't prove me otherwise," he said smiling before turning to leave closing the door softly behind them. ======= Fluttershy sighed loudly as relief swept over her. Her hoof slowly continued to go in small circle's around Dash's hoof. As Rainbow Dash slept, Fluttershy could swear she saw Dash smile. Fluttershy stayed there holding Dash's hoof for two hours before, finally, Rainbow Dash started to awaken. Her eyes popped open much like Fluttershy's did and she looked nervously around the room before her eyes found Fluttershy's. Fluttershy squeezed Dash's hoof lightly. The rainbow pegasus' eyes flashed down to their hoofs. Dash's face developing a red color, yet she didn't pull away, instead she slowly tightened her own hoof around Fluttershy's. "Good morning Dash," Fluttershy said completely casual. Dash responded in earnest, "good morning Fluttershy," They blushed and stayed there before Rainbow Dash called out for a nurse. A young mare in pink walked in and asked curiously, "yes, Ms. Rainbow Dash?" "Can you please move our beds next to each other?" Dash asked as Fluttershy started to blush. Without another word the mare walked up to the side of Fluttershy's bed and pushed hard, causing the wheels to squeal in protest as they rolled next to Rainbow Dash's bed. Quickly the nurse left. The two ponies were alone. They slowly lowered themselves back onto their pillows and rolled towards each other looking into each others eyes. Fluttershy told the rainbow pegasus what the doctor had told her, however, Dash simply responded with, "I don't care how long we stay here." Fluttershy looked up to Rainbow Dash and said quietly, "Rainbow Dash, I lov," she was cut of as Rainbow Dash slid closer to her. Lifting Fluttershy's head up to show her face from behind her pink mane. Just like they had weeks before, their lips touched, only this time it seemed more natural and relaxing. Dash tasted incredible, much better then before. A few weeks ago Dash had cringed back as Fluttershy's tongue invaded her mouth, this time Dash was doing half of the work, and neither wanted it to end. Their tongues started a complicated dance before Fluttershy finally broke it up saying, "Dash I don't want to stop, but we both need our rest." Nodding her head Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash fell asleep in each others embrace. ----------------------------------------------------------------PROLOGUE-------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy spent their week in the hospital laying next to each other and laughing at each others experiences. Their minds almost constantly struggled with the pain. The other parts of the day Fluttershy and Dash spent complimenting each other, giving massages, or just kissing. ======= Finally the day came when they walked out of the hospital together, clean bandages covering their bodies. Once outside they walked slowly through Ponyville getting stares from everypony. They thanked what seemed like hundreds of ponies who wished them good health. However word did not seem to have spread that they were a single item now, for which they were extremely grateful. ======= After a few more seconds of walking, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were blocked by Pinkie Pie, "Hey, we have a surprise for you Fluttershy!" she said in her overly excited voice. Fluttershy looked at Dash, who quickly gave a shrug indicating she had no clue about it. They followed Pinkie Pie as she jumped around the two pegasus ponies. They struggled to the town center and there, near the bell tower was Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack. Pinkie Pie skipped forward and stood next to them as Rainbow Dash slowly walked up with Fluttershy a bit behind her. ======= "Well, we've been thinking, Fluttershy; about how you lost your home," Twilight said before continuing, "So we decided to draw up a plan for your newest house, if you like it, we can start building right away." Twilight stepped to the side and showed a blueprint of a gorgeous cottage before Fluttershy walked up to it. She asked for a pencil and quickly got to work editing the design. She made the master bedroom bigger and added a bath just like the one in Dash's house. Finally she handed the pencil to Dash and said to her, "where do you think my new house should go?" "I think you need to completely redesign it," Dash said grabbing the pencils eraser. She erased the entire thing before she started to draw. Ten minutes later Rainbow Dash stepped back and examined her work as the other ponies looked at the paper curious to see what she had drawn. "But Rainbow Dash, that's... just your house next to the tall hill with a bridge going from your house to the hill, isn't it?" Fluttershy asked slightly confused. "Exactly, I figure instead of making a new house, you can live in mine, and the bridge is so your little animals can come to. Of course ill make the floors wooden so your animals can walk on it and we can have visitors but it will mainly be the same," Rainbow Dash explained as she started to blush fiercely. Blushing just as red,Fluttershy responded with, "I would love to move into your home, and I thank you for the wooden floors, I know my friends will be very happy there. "Ok it's decided then, once you can, you will just help move Rainbow Dash's house and live there? Well if that's what you really want; who are we to say no?" Twilight Sparkle said smiling at the two ponies as she figured out the situation. Quickly Twilight left along with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. "Thank you Dash," Fluttershy said as she leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Blushing deeply the two ponies walked away from the bell tower and continued on their way to their home. ======= Once they had reached the cloud they wondered how they would make it up until they remembered the doctors words, and they were true. They had each other, taking of each others bandages they stretched their wings and held the bandages in their mouths. They kicked of and flapped hard as they started to climb. It was strange for something that should be so easy, to provide such an intense struggle. They flapped strongly as they slowly gained the altitude required. They looked at each other as they both struggled. Dash grabbed Fluttershy's hoof tightly in her own before a final push. ======= They collapsed in front of their house before they started to laugh knowing it was their own ignorance and foolishness that had caused that, they laid there for a minute looking up at the gorgeous sky, hoof in hoof until a voice interrupted them. "Hey you two pegasi, come over here will you?" a familiar voice said to them. Slightly annoyed at the voice ruining their moment, Dash stood with Fluttershy and turned to face the voice, it was Spitfire. Her cutie mark now covered in the blue and yellow uniform, next to her was Soarin, and a third Wonderbolt who stayed behind the other two. "I heard how impressive your flying was, both of you. Just as I would have expected from the mare who won best young fliers, and saved my pie," Soarin said kindly and fondly as he remembered. "Anyways," he continued now looking at Fluttershy, "I never pegged you as a stunt pony." He stood there for a second, obviously waiting for an answer from Fluttershy. "Well I wasn't, I mean I'm not. I mean..." Fluttershy struggled to talk in front of the two new pegasus ponies. Rainbow Dash smiled at the pink pegasus next to her and took over, "What she is trying to say, is that she tried very hard, and learned on her own." Fluttershy went quiet and nodded slightly. "Well that certainly shows you are dedicated, and I feel it's only right to make this decision. As one of the two co-captains of the wonderbolts, I hereby officially extend to you a invitation to join us. Once you have healed of course," Soarin said formally as he nodded slightly at the third unnamed Wonderbolt who stepped forward. He slowly walked up to the two ponies and spread his wings over Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's backs. Two sleek blue and yellow uniforms fell from his wings down on them. On the flank on both sides of the uniforms were yellow lightning bolts. Rainbow Dash stood there completely speechless before Fluttershy nudged her side lightly, "Their waiting, Dash try it on," her soft voice said in Dash's ear as she pulled on her own uniform. Dash scrambled with the uniform and halfway in got her hoof stuck. She lost her balance and fell flat on her face. everypony soon started to laugh including her. She jumped on three hooves as she stuck the last one in and stood tall next to Fluttershy. Smiling at the two new Wonderbolts Spitfire nodded approvingly and took in how well the uniforms fit them before declaring, "they look like they fit great, what do you two think?" They looked at each other and both confirmed how snug they were before they took them of. "Well I expect to see you both at canterlot. Go to a bar named, 'Bill's,' it's a good place. You'll see us there sometime around 5 in the afternoon." Soarin said as he stretched his wings. Dash and Fluttershy nodded as they were still overwhelmed by the turn of events. The wonderbolts turned and left. As soon as they were gone Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy turned around and walked silently into the house. Finally breaking the silence Fluttershy asked, "so how do you feel?" "Amazing," Rainbow Dash responded simply before continuing, "so many things and dreams are coming true at once. I'm a Wonderbolt now. I get to fly with my heroes as my job, and better yet, I found the exact right mare for me. One that's kind and compassionate, yet not afraid to stand up when she needs to. Your beautiful in every sense of the word, and I lo" She was cut of by Fluttershy this time. After a quick passionate kiss Fluttershy leaned back and said, "Sometimes actions speak louder then words and sometimes, you just need to be quiet, if that's ok." Laughing lightly Dash teased her by saying, "You know I never thought of you as a filly fooler, Fluttershy." "There are some things you still don't know about me," Fluttershy responded blushing brightly. Rainbow Dash grinned and said, "how about we explore what we don't know about each other then?" As she pushed Fluttershy lightly to the floor, they locked themselves into an embrace and kissed. Their tongues dancing. ------------------------------------------------------------------END---------------------------------------------------- > Sequel information > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is part 1 of a three part story, currently the second story, "Ice of the Mind" is being uploaded, and will be up soon. However the third story is still under construction. I thank you all for your patience.