> Keeping Secrets > by Stunt Monkey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Secrets and Discoveries. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four days after Stryker's 'incident'. Wow. What a year it's been, I fell in love with the most lovely mare I've ever met, me and my brother Stryker opened our club in Ponyville. And... best of all? We earned a lot of money, I am not going to lie, I am not even angry. Having money ROCKS! -KS! -KS! Hey? HELLO! OH! OH! ECHO! OH! OH! Haha, that's cool. I AM A RO- "Boxing!" Stryker yelled at him for the fourth time. "What?" Boxing responded. "You were doing that thing where you stare into space again." Stryker informed. His horn glowed and the cleaned drinking glass in his grip floated up to the shelf and joined the others he had cleaned. "What? Space? S-Sorry, I was having a moment." He said. "Yeah I could see, are you feeling ok? Do you need to take tonight off, I can-" "No. I'll be fine Stryker, thanks anyway." Boxing assured him. "Alright, you should mop the stage, we have a performer tonight." "Really?" Boxing asked. "Yeah, here in Ponyville, him and his jazz band." Stryker informed. "Ok then, I'll get right on it." *** There we go, all sparkly clean. And with plently of time to spare, I might go pay AJ a visit at the farm. With that Boxing yelled at Stryker that he was going to Sweet Apple Acres and closed the door behind himself, before long hew found himself walking down the dirt pathway towards the farm. It was a nice warm day, not too hot, but enough make Boxing sweat. In the distance he saw an all too familiar friend, he quickly approached the red workhorse with a wagon attached to him. "Hey Big Macintosh, is your sister around?" "Ah' believe little Apple Bloom is playing with 'er friends somewheres." "Actually I-" "Heh, yeah ah' know. Applejack is bucking trees in the west field." He walked off, pulling the wagon with him. Boxing continued walking further down the road, he could hear grunting off in the distance. Yep that's AJ. He thought to himself. He passed by another tree and Applejack came into view, "Hey! Applejack!" Boxing yelled as he waved his hoof. She stopped in the middle of bucking the tree trunk and lifted her head up. "Boxin'?" she trotted over to him. "What'r you doing here?" she asked. "Well, I've got the next few hours free until I have to go back to the Zone. So... I thought I'd come see you." He grinned sheepishly. "Aww, thanks. Ya know... Ah'm powerful hungry. Wanna go into town fer' a bite to eat?" "Yeah sure, I'd love that." Boxing turned and started walking. Applejack walked next to him with her tail entwined with his, she smiled at him as they walked. "So, what did you have in mind?" Boxing asked. "Ah' was thinkin' that new place that just opened." "That new place? AJ. That was a month ago." Boxing tried not to laugh as he approached their destination and looked up at the building. "Wait... The corner side cafe? I thought we'd go somewhere more fancy." "Gee, you sound like Rare sometimes." Applejack giggled. "Alright let's go inside." "Ladies first." He motioned her to enter as he held the door open with a hoof. The inside was quiet, other diner's were spread out among the few tables, Boxing spotted an open table near a window and pointed to it. The both of them sat down on the soft cushions and each grabbed a menu in their hooves, Boxing's eyes glanced over the menu and he mumbled something to himself. A pegasus with a blue mane and yellow coat walked up to them and took down their order, scribbling it down with the pencil held in her teeth. "You know I get this weird feeling about Stryker lately." Boxing started a conversation. "Is that so?" Applejack shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah he seems sort of nervous when Rarity is around. Do you think he's keeping secrets from her?" He moved his hoof as the pegasus from before placed their drinks in front of them, Applejack wrapped her lips on the straw in her mouth and began drinking. "Do you think he's gonna propose?!" "Pfffffffffffffttttt!" Applejack spat out her drink, soaking Boxing with juice. "Koff!" "Eww, gross. What was that for?" he shook his hooves to drain them. "Sorry Box, Ah' was jus- well... Never you mind, Ah'm sure Stryker is fine. Gettin' hitched, heh, and to Rare of all ponies. Knowin' Stryker, he has a better chance gettin' caught with his pants down at a waterin' hole. I mean if he wore pants." Her eyes shifted around as she took another sip of her remaining drink. Why's AJ acting so weird? Boxing thought. "Are you feeling ok AJ?" He asked as the pegasus placed a plate with a sandwich in front of both of them. "Do you know something I don't know about Stryker?" "Er... Nope." She tried to bluff. "Your a terrible liar, you know?" Boxing smiled. "Now. I want you to tell me why you and Stryker are acting weird." The Element of Honesty faked a smile, darting her eyes back and forth between her sandwich and Boxing. Her smile dropped into a frown of defeat. "Fine Ah'll tell ya'," Applejack leaned forward. "But y'all can't tell a single soul, understood." Boxing nodded. "Punchkissedstrykeranhedon'twantrarefindin'out." Applejack blurted out really quickly. "Could you say that a little slower please." He took a bite of his sandwich. "Ah said, Punch kissed Stryker and he doesn't want Rarity findin' out." "Berry Punch kissed Stryker?!" he shouted. Applejack jerked forward over the table and crammed a hoof in Boxing's mouth to shut him up. "No you feather brain, Ah' mean Tropical." she pulled back her hoof and sat down, Boxing's mouth gaped open as he stared in shock. "Tropical. Are you sure?" "Told me 'imself." She bit into her sandwich. "So you didn't actually see this happen." "Well... No. But why would he lie?" Boxing stood up are started walking away, leaving Applejack stunned. She dropped her sandwich and followed him, "Wait, where'r you goin'? Are you mad at me?" She trotted up to his side as he walked out of the door and curled her tail around his. "I'm not mad at you, I love you. I just want to hear this from Stryker himself." *** A short while later, Boxing and Applejack found themselves standing outside the Strike Zone. A nervous feeling filled Boxing, Applejack glanced over to him a noticed. "How do you think he'll react?" Applejack asked. "Well. We usually don't keep secrets from each other, I mean he was the first pony to find out I was gay." Boxing approached the door and place his hoof on it. "I guess I can only hope for the best." with that said he stepped inside. He scanned the room Stryker was behind the bar cleaning glasses in the grip of his magical blue aura. "Hey Box, AJ. What's going on? You wanna drink?" He placed the dry glass down and lifted a freshly washed glass. "Give me a salt block." he sat down on a stool, Applejack sat next to him. "Hang on an apple pickin' minuet. Since when do y'all sell salt?" Stryker placed a tall frothy beer in front of her and she nodded with thanks. "We don't. This is Boxy's personal stash." He cleaned another glass and placed it with the others. "So what's got you down Box?" "What do you mean?" Boxing took another lick of his block. "You only want salt when something's got you down." He placed the cleaned glass down. "Ok, you got me." He paused. "Stryker? Is it true you kissed Punch?" Stryker's horn fizzled as his magic aura failed and the glass fell from his grip, smashing onto the floor. "YOU TOLD HIM?" He shouted as he turned to Applejack. "Stryker. Ah' always said I weren't gonna' cover for ya'." Applejack took a huge gulp of her beer. "When are you going to tell Rarity?" Boxing asked. "What? Why should I have to? I mean it's just a simple mistake that Tropical made, I'm the victim here." Stryker pointed at himself with a hoof, then leaned in. "Boxing. We all make mistakes. And besides if Rarity found out then she would kick Punch out and she'd have nowhere to live." "I doubt she would so that." Boxing chuckled. "Oh she would." Applejack added in. "See! Straight from the horses mouth, even one of Rarity best friends says the same." He placed another cleaned glass on the drying rack with the others. Stryker heard the front door open as somepony walked in, he ducked under the bar hiding from whoever was at the door. Oh no! It's Rarity! The secret's out! Boxing you traitor! Game over! his mind ran wild with panic. "Excuse me? I'm looking from Stryker Malt-House. Have you seen him." a deep voice spoke. Hang on. That's not Rarity's voice. Stryker thought to himself and poked his head up to get a better look. "Yes Stryker is here, he's just..." Boxing stopped talking as Stryker slowly rose up from behind the bar. "An idiot." The earth pony stood before him, his coat was a slate blue colour and his mane slightly darker blue. "Hello sir. I'm Stryker Malt-House, can I help you?" Stryker spoke nonchalantly. "Yes. My name is Noteworthy, me and my band are preforming tonight." He offered his hoof forward. Stryker put his own hoof to it and shook. "Yes of course. The stage is over there," He pointed to the back wall. "you can set up whenever you wish, we will be opening in about less than an hour." "Alright then, my other band mates will be here shortly. Let's have a drink to pass the time." He sat down of Boxing's left side and winked at him. *** The club was in full swing, ponies left and right were dancing on the dance floor while the jazz band played their face paced tune. Applejack was nearing the end of her third beer while she watched Boxing from a distance, he was dancing wildly to the music. Tropical and Stryker were behind the bar serving drinks, Applejack remembered Rarity telling her that she and Twilight would visit, although they still remained absent. Boxing stopped dancing when a loud upbeat saxophone solo started, he walked over and joined Applejack, sitting at the bar. "I guess Rarity and Twilight couldn't make it?" he shouted over the music. "Ah' guess not." She spoke back. "Listen, Ah'm feelin' a might bit ill. Ah'm gonna' head home and hit the hay, if them two do show their faces... well, tell them Ah' was sick." She downed the rest of her drink in one shot and placed it on the bar. Sick. But not sick enough to down half a beer apparently. Boxing thought to himself as he watched Applejack get off of her stool. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" Boxing asked. "Sure ya will." She leaned in and placed her lips on his, enjoying every second. Boxing pulled away and looked into her bright green eyes. "Would you like me to walk you home?" "Don't bother yer'self none, Ah'm fine. Really." She quickly kissed him again and then opened the door and left. Before long she found herself walking down the dirt road that lead to her farm, Luna's moon lit up the dark sky, it was a full moon tonight. A beautiful sight that Applejack rarely had the chance to see, the moon shined brightly on her families orchard. She trotted up to her house and saw Big Macintosh sitting on the front porch with an unconscious Rainbow Dash lying in his hooves, he stirred as Applejack walked passed them and approached the door. "What'd she do this time?" Applejack asked. "She'll give you a run fer' your money, she went to that filly fooler bar with that pink friend of hers and got caught up in some drinkin' contest." Macintosh informed her. "Filly Foolers? But she ain't-" "Ah' know, but her pink friend is, apparently." Macintosh interrupted her. That don't surprise me. Applejack thought to her self as she pushed open the door and walked in. "G'night." she said and then made her way upstairs into her room. Her bed was just the same as she had left it this morning, she galloped and dived onto it like a swimming pool. Ah' that's nice. She thought to herself before falling into a deep slumber. *** Bright sunlight crept it's way through Applejack's bedroom window, she closed her eyes tighter hoping it would go away so she could get back to sleep, after a few minuets of tossing and turning, trying to avoid the sunlight, she gave up and flipped her blanket off of her. As she stepped out of bed she felt a sudden painful feeling in her stomach, she made a mad dash to her bathroom and flung her head into the toilet bowl. After a few dry heaves, coughing and spluttering, she stood up and walked over to the sink. Guess Ah' can't take a few drinks any more. She thought to herself as she stared at herself in the mirror, her mane was a mess. After brushing her mane into what Rarity would call 'barely acceptable', she walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs. Huh? That's odd, my head feels fine. I should go to the doctors, just in case. she thought to herself. After all coming down with the pony pox, or any sickness for that matter, only a few weeks before harvest was the worst thing that could happen. The smell of pancakes filled Applejack's nostrils, she followed the lovely smell and found that in the kitchen Rainbow Dash sitting at the dining table, cramming a whole pancake into her mouth. "Mornin' Rainbow Dash! Ah' heard you and Pinkie had yer'selves some fun?" She spoke loudly on purpose. "Please AJ, not so loud." Rainbow continued to chew her food. "Sorry, I'm just messin'." Applejack sat down next to her and lifted some pancakes onto her own plate, she poured herself a glass of apple juice that was placed on the table. "So if'n your so serious with mah' brother, why'r you messin' around with Pinkie?" "What?!" Rainbow yelled. "Who the hay said that? We were just drinking, that's all." "Sorry, Ah' just assumed-" "Come on Applejack, I mean Pinkie is sweet and all but she's... Well, she's Pinkie." "Yeah, s'pose so. Well," Applejack crammed the last pancake into her mouth and trotted to the door. "See you round." her muffled voice spoke as she shut the door behind her and headed straight for Ponyville. *** "Miss Applejack? The doctor will see you now, head right down that hallway," The white mare pointed to the empty hallway. "and enter the first room on your left." she instructed, Applejack did as she was told and trotted down the hallway until she found the correct door. She lifted her hoof and knocked. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "Yes come in Miss Applejack." A muffled voice came from the other side, Applejack opened the door and stepped into the exam room. Nothing but a bench with a chair and a few colourful charts and medical instruments decorated the room. "My name is Doctor Stitch, please lie down on the bench and we will get started." Applejack climbed onto the bench and laid down on her stomach, the unicorn had finished sorting the papers held in his magical aura and walked over to Applejack. "Now, the nurse tells me you been experiencing vomiting?" He asked. "Yeah, didn't feel so well yesterday and this morning was worse. Odd thing is, Ah feel fine now." She answered. "Hmm, That is odd." He said as he placed his hoof on her neck and squeezed around her pressure points. "Does this hurt?" he pushed further into the softness of her throat. "Nah, kinda tickles." "Lift out your front legs please." Applejack did as she was told and moved her forelegs out. The doctor inspected them closely looking for cut or bruises, shortly after he flexed her forelegs up and down. "No pain?" "Er-nope." She responded. "Could you please turn over into your back." Applejack rolled over onto her back and the doctors horn glowed as a coloured chart floated over to him, he studied it for a moment before pointing his horn to Applejack's stomach. "Hey, watch where your pokin' that thing doc." "Relax Miss Applejack, you will be fine. Although you may feel a slight chill." His horn flared and glowed a bright green as it touched her belly, for a moment Applejack felt as if all the heat in her body had been taken away from her and replaced with ice. "Brrr." She muttered. When his horn stopped glowing, he stepped away from her. "Ah, that would explain it." He scribbled down into the chart with a pencil. "Explain what?" Applejack asked. "Congratulations." he smiled, clopping his hooves together happily. "You're pregnant." "Ah'm what now?" Applejack's jaw hung open in disbelief. "You are carrying a foal, about six weeks I'd say." He glanced at his chart once again. "No that can't be! Are yer sure?" "Yes, now, give this paper to the nurse when you leave and make an appointment for 4 weeks time. I imagine you have some very happy news for a special somepony." "Nononononono- This can't happen ta me, Mah' family has a farm to run." Applejack began to panic. "Miss Applejack, Don't worry. You will be fine for about four or five months, then you need to start taking a great deal of care in what you do. You wouldn't want to hurt the foal after all." With a big ear to ear smile on his face, he motioned her to exit the room. *** Applejack left the hospital in disbelief, she walked straight back to the farm. Upon arrival, she locked herself inside her room without speaking to any pony and sat on her bed, laying on her back, staring up at the wooden ceiling in shock. Slowly, her eyes drifted she looked down at her flat, muscular belly. She rubbed her hooves across it as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. Boxin' is gonna' kill me. To Be Continued... > Secrets Revealed. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That Afternoon "She's been in there for hours." Rainbow Dash whispered, she had her head pressed up against the wooden door to Applejack's bedroom. "Maybe she's sick?" Big Macintosh suggested. "Nah, she was fine this morning. When she rushed in earlier, she was crying." Rainbow pulled her head away from the door and looked back to Big Macintosh. "I think somepony upset her." "D'you think Boxin' had somethin' to do with this?" "Maybe. Let's go ask him." Rainbow said. Swiftly trotting down the staircase with Rainbows brilliant plan in mind, the both of them headed straight to Ponyville to confront Boxing. "Uagh... Finally they're gone." Applejack groaned to herself as she rolled out of her bed. She walked over to the locked door, unlocked it and stepped outside. She too had the wise plan of going to Ponyville, but not for the same reason Rainbow Dash did. *** "Why, Applejack darling? Please, do come in. Would you like some tea?" Rarity invited the sad looking orange mare at her front door inside, Applejack didn't speak, she just collapsed onto a nearby couch and started crying. Rarity galloped over to her and sat by her side, putting her arm around her shoulder. "What's the matter Applejack?" "Rarity, Ah' don't know what to do." Applejack managed to say as she collapsed into Rarity's embrace. "What ever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked. "Ah'm pregnant with Boxin's foal." She sobbed. Rarity's jaw dropped as she heard what Applejack had just said, she shifted in place uncomfortably for a moment as she tried to process. "Are you absolutly sure?" Rarity asked. "Yes. The doc told me this mornin'." Applejack wiped her eyes with a hoof. "How did this happen?" Rarity barked. "Well, It could'a been any number of time-" "No no no. I meant, did you not take any precautions?" Rarity interrupted. "Well, I've been eatin' some herb from Zecora. She said it would cancel the... Well, you know." She pointed to her stomach with a hoof. Rarity took her hint and quickly placed her hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "Applejack darling, I suggest you make haste and tell Boxing Glove what has happened. I'm absolutely sure he will be over the moon with joy." "Really?" "I'm positive. After all, Stryker and myself never keep secrets from each other." *** "I have to keep this a secret from Rarity forever!" Stryker pressed forward again, locking muzzle's with his employee pinned under him. Tropical moaned and pulled away, "I don't care if she finds out." she pushed forward again, losing herself in the euphoria. Stryker hoisted him self up, his unsheathed penis was ready to penetrate her. When suddenly the door slammed open. "Boxing! Ah' need to-OH SWEET CELESTIA!" Applejack quickly covered her eyes with her hoof and backed into the closed door behind her. "Applejack?! Oh my- uh- I can explain!" Stryker quickly removed himself from on top of Tropical and walked over to Applejack. "Just listen, I can explain." "Explain what Stryker? I just saw you two just about to hump like rabbits." "It's not like that, I swear." He paused and took a seat on a nearby couch, Tropical trotted over to join him. "The truth is Applejack, I think I have feelings for Tropical." Stryker smiled at Tropical, she playfully licked him on the nose. Applejack scrunched her face in disgust. "Stryker, how long has this been going on? You and Punch?" "Just this morning. Something you said yesterday made me think." He swung his arm over Tropical's shoulder. "Even if I can't have Rarity, treat her like a queen and take her all over the world, I know that I still have other ponies that will love me. What would you do if you did something that would make Boxing stop loving you?" "Shut up! Ah' came here to tell Boxing the truth because we love each other and we trust each other." Applejack shouted, Stryker jerked his head up. "The truth? Truth about what? What truth are you talking about Applejack?" Applejack scrunched her face up again once more as she tried to think of anything she could say that would stop him asking questions, fear ran through her like a train. "Nothin'! Just tell me where Boxin' is!" "He's upst-" Stryker didn't even get to finish his sentence as Applejack trotted straight up the staircase to her right, she made a right turn and found Boxing in his room, standing upright, hitting a red punching bag hung from the ceiling. Applejack charged in. "Did you know 'bout this?!" "Yes AJ, I found out this morning, Rarity is going to be torn." His arms dropped as he stopped hitting the punching bag. "An' you didn't try to stop 'im?" Applejack asked. "AJ, Stryker is... Well I guess you can say he's lucky." Boxing sat on the edge of his bed. "What do you mean?" "That red die on his flank. Do you know what's it for?" "He said it's for gambling." Applejack joined him on the edge of his bed. "Yes, that's true. But that die is for all games. Poker, Black Jack, heck even Bowling and Tennis. That's not how he sees it though, he thinks that the 'Lucky Dice' will help him keep Rarity." Boxing wrapped his hoof over Applejack's shoulder as she nuzzled into his chest. "But, he's wrong?" Applejack said. "That he is." Boxing brought his other around and embraced her into a hug. "Applejack, I want you to know that I will always love and I will never betray you, unlike Stryker." "Really? Always?" Applejack pulled her head back and faced him. "Always." He smiled gently. "I'm pregnant." Oh...... THUD! *** "Boxing! Can you hear me?" A distant familiar voice called as Boxing felt a blast of wind in his face, he forced his eyes open, but only saw complete darkness. Where in Equestria am I? Wait a second! The darkness around him started to fizzle and wobble as it began taking shape, giving depth and colour to the strange nightmare-like dimension. "Boxing! Wake up!" he instantly recognized it as Stryker's voice. "Stryker?! -er -er -er!" Boxing's voiced echoed. The darkness had completely vanished as Boxing saw the all to familiar village before him. Hoofington? I haven't lived here for two years. coloured blurs started taking shape as ponies, the blurs were crowded together around what looked like a big purple and blue wagon. Wait! I remember this. "Stryker?" he called out again, there was no echo this time. Boxing walked up to the crowd of ponies, pushing past to see what all the fuss was about. It was an azure mare with a purple wizard hat and cape decorated with stars, preforming various magic tricks. Right at the front of the crowd was himself? Boxing stood shocked as he looked at himself this weird nightmare version of himself was slimmer and slightly shorter, standing next to him was a pegasus with his wing draped over his younger clone and tail entwined with his. "Sunny?" he said to himself, the pegasus turned around and trotted towards him. "Box, you need to wak- oof!" Sunshine was cut off when Boxing reached out and embraced him tightly, almost tackling him. "This is incredible! How are you here?" Boxing started planting kisses all over his face and hugging him tighter every second. Something was off, the pegasus in his hooves was as cold as ice. "Box, you need to wake up." Sunshine repeated. "What?" Boxing stopped and gave a confused look. "This is just a dream, I'm dead. I died five years ago. You need to wake up." "No! It can't be, thi- ouch!" Boxing felt a harsh invisible slap across his face, all the colour around him started to melt and wobble in and out of shape. "No, Sunny! Don't leave me." the pegasus began wavering and wobbling as his entire body started to melt into a puddle of goopy colours. "Box, you need to wake up!" Boxing felt another slap across his face. His eyes blinked, the next moment they opened again, the world around him was back to normal. Stryker and Applejack were looming over him to his left and Tropical Punch was standing to his right. "Box! You need to wake up!" Stryker yelled as his swung his hoof across Boxing face once more. "Ouch! What was that for?" Boxing rubbed his cheek. "Oh thank Celestia, you're awake." "Why'd you wake me up! I was right there with him." Boxing pushed his brother away. "We woke you up because you blacked out and you were having some sorta' nightmare." Applejack retorted. "Nightmare? But it felt so... It felt so real." Boxing sat up, that's when he noticed he was on his bed, he leaned up against the huge wooden oak headboard. "You saw 'im didn't you? Sunny I mean." Applejack spoke. "I did. He was right there in my hooves." "Alright, we'll leave you two be, come on Punch." Stryker and Tropical left the room with a concerned look on their faces, the door closed behind them with a soft click. "Is it true?" Boxing asked, trying to avoid looking into Applejack's eyes. "Yes." She responded calmly. "Are ya' mad with me?" She scooted up to him and snuggled up to his left side. "No, I'm not mad. I guess I was just shocked is all," Boxing moved his hoof up and placed it onto her belly. "who else knows?" "Rarity. I told her." Applejack said calmly. "You know, I get that you are the Element of Honesty and all. But sometimes your too honest." Boxing laughed gently. *** That Evening. Knock! Knock! Knock! "Rarity? Are you home? I need to talk to you." Stryker called after he knocked on her door. "It's open dear, come in." Stryker obeyed and entered her home, in front of him, he saw Rarity and Tropical Punch sitting on Rarity's favourite cushions, each sipping a glass of wine. "Oh... I see you two have met." Stryker said nervously. "We live together darling." "Oh... hehe, right." He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. "Punch? Can I talk to you for a moment?" His eyes darted to Rarity just as she nonchalantly took a sip from her glass. "In private?" Tropical placeed her wine on the small table between her and Rarity, "Sure thing boss." she said as she stood up and walked over to him. "I thought you were here to talk to Rarity though?" Crap, this is really bad timing. "I was... but uh- since your here, kill two problems with one stone right? hehe." The two of them slipped into the kitchen, leaving Rarity to herself. Stryker peeked out through the slit of the closing door, after a short moment he turned to Tropical Punch. "What are you doing here?!" "I live here!" She retorted. "No! I mean with Rarity? Please tell me you didn't tell her about us?" He begged. "No, of course not!" She huffed. Stryker planted his lips into hers, Tropical let out a soft moan. Stryker pulled away and whispered. "Okay, now I need to talk to Rarity, privately. Go help Box out at the Zone, I'll pay you extra." He winked. "Alright." She turned and pushed the door open walking up to Rarity. "Terribly sorry Rarity, but Boxing needs some help out at the club." She downed the rest of her remaining wine and trotted to the door. "Don't wait up. Ta-ta." "Goodnight." Rarity waved at her as she left. Stryker walked over to her and sat where Tropical had previously sat. "Rarity, the reason I came here was because I've been keeping a secret from you." Stryker looked into her eyes. "I know Stryker, I've known since this morning." Rarity finished her wine. "What?! And your calm about this?" Stryker was confused. "Yes, in fact one day I hope we can have one of our own." Rarity said as she poured herself another drink from the wine bottle held in her magic aura. "Wait, what?" "Applejack's pregnancy, she told me this morning." "APPLEJACK IS PREGNANT?!" Stryker shouted. "Please, keep your voice down. Did you really not know about this?" "No, this is the first I've ever heard." "Oh please darling, you can't tell Applejack that I let it slip. She would be absolutely furious with me." "I won't." Silence fell over the room, both ponies sat awkwardly. "So... You want to have a foal?" Stryker broke the silence. "Yes, it's true. I know that my beautiful figure would be ruined for a year, but it's all worth it for our own bundle of love." Rarity took another sip of her drink. "Well, I think being a father would be incredible. When you decide on this Rarity, I will be ready to support you." Stryker scooted over to Rarity's side of the table and placed his hoof around her, embracing her into a hug. "What about tonight?" Rarity lifted her head off of his chest and looked into Stryker's eyes. "Are you absolutely sure?" Stryker's glance was intense. Rarity leaned up and kissed him on the nose. "Positive." *** "Hello Boxy, Stryker sent me here to help out." Tropical said as she entered the club and walked behind the bar. "What for? It's a dead night." Boxing lifted a hoof and pointed, Tropical noticed that almost no pony was in sight. She saw Twilight lying down next to Cheerilee on the soft cushions, over on one of the tables, Big Macintosh was nursing his own beer while he talked with Caramel. "Well, I'm still getting paid extra." She said. "Very well, but it won't be much." Boxing retorted. "Oh, no. I'm not getting paid money, Stryker and I have this thing where I scratch his back and he gives me a taste of his delicious vanilla co-" "OKAY! Did not need that image." Boxing scurried to cram his hooves into his ears. "heh- Sorry." "It's okay, just go measure the levels of the cider barrels and when you've done that, dry the freshly cleaned glasses." Boxing said. "Yes boss!" Tropical saluted and started her given tasks. Boy oh boy, business tonight is incredibly slow. Then again it is a weekday and we don't have any acts booked in. I wonder if Applejack ever get's bored working on the farm? Although in her condition she shouldn't be pushing herself, I'm sure Big Macintosh can handle it himself for the meantime. Boxing's glance drifted over to the red workhorse drinking his beer. He has nice, strong, big muscles. Oh Luna's Mane, what in Equestria am I thinking. To Be Continued... > Family Matters. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning. Boxing awoke in a sudden shock, the Nightmare kept repeating in his mind every time he tried to sleep. The orange mare sleeping next to him stirred and opened her eyes, he noticed he was lying on a familiar bed. Soft rays of sun leaked in through the window, "Ya' have that dream again?" Applejack asked groggily. "MmHm" Boxing nodded. "It happens every time, I fall asleep and I see myself standing there with Sunny. We are watching a show mare boasting and preforming magic tricks, and when he walks up to me, we hug. And then... everything melts." Boxing whipped the blanket off of him and got out of bed, he walked over to the window and looked out. Celestia's sun was rising slowly, at the same time, the loud sound of a rooster crowed. Cock-a-doodle-doo! Well, at least I got some sleep. "Box, why don't you come back to bed so we can finish what we started last night." Applejack said lustfully, stroking the bed sheet in circles with her hoof. Boxing walked back over to the bed and climbed in, he kissed her on the nose and put his hoof to her stomach, stoking her. Applejack twitched and giggled. "You know Ah'm ticklish there." "I know." Boxing said as he leaned in and kissed her, soft and gently, it lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away, Applejack opened her eyes and smiled at the stallion. *** Six ponies sat down at the large breakfast table. Applejack, Boxing Glove, Granny Smith, Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh and little Apple Bloom too. Many plates of baked good and bowls of fruit were laid out in front of all of them, there was an awkward silence in the room as Granny Smith eyed Rainbow and Boxing. "So, when are y'all givin' me great grandfoals?" Granny Smith blurted out. "-KOFF!- Blar... Granny?! Why would you say somethin' like that!? And in front of small Apple Bloom too." Big Macintosh hollered. "Y'all think Ah' don't know what's goin' on? Mah' folks build this farm! An' me and yer' Gran Pappy rebuilt it! Ah' know y'all are ruttin' behind those walls." Boxing, Rainbow, Big Macintosh and Applejacks faces went bright red. "What me and your grandson do is none of your business!" Rainbow shouted, which quickly escalated into arguing. Well, this is awkward. Applejack nudged Boxing in an attempt to get his attention away from Rainbow's argument, he looked to her, she scrunched up her face and nodded her head towards the elderly mare. "We should tell her." she whispered, Rainbow and Macintosh were still arguing loudly with Granny Smith. "Ok, fine." Boxing felt defeated, he wanted to keep this a secret as long as possible. He pushed back his chair and stood up, BANG! BANG! BANG! he bashed his hoof down on the table loudly. It caught every ponies attention. "Ahem." he cleared his throat. "I think it's about time. We have something really important to tell you." every pony stared at him, a small quiver of fear took over his body. "And when I say we, I really mean Applejack. AJ, you tell 'em." Boxing chickened out and sat down in his chair once again. "Son'bitch..." Now all eyes were on her. "Fine..." She stood up and playfully punched Boxing in the shoulder. "Me an' Boxin' are havin' a foal." The room was silent, Rainbow was trying to hold in her laughter, while Big Macintosh and Granny Smith darted a sinister expression at Applejack. "Y'all hate me now don't ya'?" Rainbow burst out giggling. "Shut up RD, this is serious." "Damn straight, I owe Rarity fifty bits. Why couldn't you wait until Pinkie got knocked up? I had money on this." "Pinkie ain't even into stallions." Applejack retorted. Rainbow's smile faded. "Well, Ah'm happy for the two of you, 'bout time." Granny Smith hooped off her chair and walked around the table full of food to Boxing and Applejack, she pulled the both of them into a warming hug. A moment passed and Granny Smith walked back to her side of the table. "Speaking of Pinkie Pie, I need to go see her today about the Zone's ice cream supply, apparently she has eleven new flavours." Boxing spoke. Boxing leaned over and kissed Applejack on the nose. "Alright. Ah'll come visit after I finished doing some morning jobs round the farm." Boxing got up and left, heading right for Sugarcube Corner. *** "Hiya Punch!" Pinkie shouted excitedly as Boxing entered the building "Pinkie Pie! You've know me for over six months, how do you still get my name wrong? Boxing Glove! Not Punching Glove." Boxing huffed in a small rage. "Relax Boxy! I know what your name is, I just like to play a little joke every once in a while." Pinkie giggled. "Come with me to the store room, you can taste my new flavours in private." Pinkie Pie said as she walked towards the door leading to the store room. "Good idea, we'll have to make this quick though, AJ will come looking for me shortly." Boxing followed her. 10 Minuets Later "Boxin'! Ah'm earl..." Applejack stopped speaking. She stood alone in Sugarcube Corner, which was strange, she could have sworn that she told Boxing that she'd meet him here. "Now where in Equestria could those two have gone?" Applejack walked around the room, finding nothing. "Woah! it's so BIG! Mmmm! It tastes to good! I want more." Applejack heard Pinkie Pies voice boom from across the room. She trotted over to the door that the sound was coming from, slowly she pressed her ear to the hard wood. "Okay, okay. Just hold still I don't to spill it all over your face or the floor." Applejack heard her lovers voice speak. "I don't care, I'll lick your cream off the floor if I have to, it's so gooooood! Mmmmm," She moaned. "don't stop! More! More!" Pinkie shouted on the other side of the door. Applejack turned around and bucked the door open, even though she could have just opened it with a gentle nudge of her hoof. "Just what in the hay is goin' on here?" "Oh hi Applejack! You can help us taste ice cream, my favourite is vanilla! What's your favourite? Chocolate? Strawberry? Caramel? NO WAIT! Let me guess... Is it apple?" Pinkie Pie drawled on about how many flavours of ice cream were her favourite. Applejack looked to Boxing, and sure enough, in his hoof was an ice cream cone balancing four scoops of ice cream on top. "Hi AJ. Gee Pinkie really loves vanilla ice cream. Would you like some?" he offered the ice cream cone in his hoof to her. Applejack shrugged. "No, but thank you for asking." "More for me then!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she dived for the cone in Boxing's hoof, taking it all in along with most of Boxing's foreleg. "Pinkie, gross." Pinkie opened her maw and released him from her grip. "Oops, sorry Boxy." *** Meanwhile, at Carousel Boutique. Rarity and Stryker collapsed in a pile over each other, their manes were ruffled and damp with sweat, a result of their love making, that lasted through most of the night and most of the morning. "Oh Stryker, Darling. That was incredible, we have to go again." Rarity said with enthusiasm. "I'd love to... -Huff- Rarity, but I am exhausted." Stryker panted heavily as he rolled over to his own side of the bed. "You used that same excuse for the last three times, and that didn't stop you." Rarity retorted. "-Huff huff- Raity, you wanted a foal. I think... -Huff- I gave you one... -Huff- or two." "Really? Do you think we could?" Rarity asked, filled with excitement. "Rarity," Stryker rolled over to face her. "You know I love you with all my heart. Having two foals would be the greatest gift I could ask for, but I don't think I'm even ready for one." he placed a hoof on her cheek and stared into her eyes. "I'm doing this because I love you." he leaned in and kissed her on the nose. SLAM! The door burst open, Tropical Punch stood there with a shocked look on her face. "How could you?!" her cheeks were already stained with tears. Oh great, here we go. She must have been listening from the other side of the door. Stryker thought to himself. "Tropical, darling what is the matter?" Rarity asked. "You haven't told her?" Topical looked right to Stryker, Rarity did the same. "Told me what, dear?" she raised an eyebrow. "Rarity, I meant to tell you sooner. I just wanted... I don't... No. Here it is. The truth is, me and Tropical have been involved for the last few days... Romantically involved." Stryker finished and tried to hold a smile. "You have been rutting one of my best friends, your employee, behind my back?" Rarity said calmly. "Yes, I know. You must absolutely hate me right now, I'm the worst kind of pony. I don't deserve your love." Stryker fell silent. "Stryker, I'm really disappointed in you. I'd like you to leave now." Rarity said, Stryker lifted himself off of the bed and walked over to the open door where Tropical was standing. "Rarity, I want you to know. I love you." Stryker said before he left, Tropical followed him. "Go away Punch." he reached the front door and turned before leaving. "Don't bother coming into work tonight, you're fired." This is the worst day of my life. Boxing was right, I am a terrible pony. To Be Continued... > Cessation of Anger. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Months Later... It had been four months since the day Rarity had disowned Stryker Malt-House as a friend and lover, even though she succeeded in becoming pregnant with his foal, she still locked herself away. She rarely spoke of her feelings to any pony, she went out occasionally, but always surrounded by her five best friends. Rarity had kicked Tropical Punch out of her home after Stryker reviled the truth of his forbidden one day romance. Although Tropical and Stryker both betreyd her, she secretly hoped that Tropical did not fall pregnant with Stryker's foal too, she looked down at her belly, she stroked it with a hoof as she remembered what the doctor had said on that fateful day. "Congratulations Miss Rarity! You are pregnant with a beautiful little boy." I wonder if this is how Applejack felt when she first found out. she tried to ignore her roaming mind and shuffled in her bed. Rarity had been lying in her bed since the sunrise, she wanted to stay in bed but even her beauty sleep had its limits. She got out of her bed and headed downstairs the to kitchen. On the kitchen bench was a vase with flowers and a card decorated with hearts, Another one of Stryker failed attempts I assume? She thought to herself. Dearest Rarity, I know that I still love you everyday, I hope you still feel the same. I am writing again, to let you know just how much I love you. I love you so much my sweet, not even Celestia herself could keep me from loving you. Please forgive me, I feel so very bad for the pain I brought upon you. Even with our fallout, I want you to know that I will support you and our child. Same ridiculous nonsense as always. When will Stryker learn, he is the worst poet. Rarity thought to herself after reading the card attached to the flowers. Sweetie Bell must have left for school early this morning and brought these inside. What time is it anyway? She looked to the clock and saw '10:34am'. "Well better go the the market for some groceries." She said to herself as she grabbed a scarf and headed to her front door. *** "Well, howdy there Rarity." Applejack greeted her friend. "Good morning Applejack, how are you?" Rarity replied. "Ah'm good, but...er, are you good?" "Oh, I just have Stryker on my mind again. Would you believe he had the nerve to write me another letter this morning." Rarity informed her. Applejack placed two red apples into a brown bag and handed it to Rarity, which she took hold of with her magic. "Ah' just don't get it, he loves you? Dosen't he?" "Yes." "And you love him?" "Of course I do, he is the father of our child." Rarity retorted. "Then why're you tryin' to ignore him, he cares for you and wants you to be happy." She paused, she noticed Rarity's sad look. "Y'know it's been four months since Tropical showed her face, Ah' heard she moved back to Manehatten." "No Applejack, that's not the point. He has to earn my forgiveness." "Y'know, for somepony who supposed to be the Element of Generosity, you sure are being picky." Rarity started back at her with her mouth agape. "It's true, all y'all do is mope around your house makin' yer' fancy dresses. You should give Stryker a chance, Ah' reckon you'll be pleasantly surprised." "You really think so?" "Damn striaght. Ah' was a filly when my parents passed on to Celestia's holy grove. And little Apple Bloom even younger, just a week old foal. Ah' would never want any foal to experience the loss of a parent, you need to let Stryker be there for you and your child." "Fine. I will give Stryker one more chance for the sake of our child." Rarity surrendered. "That's the spirit!" Applejack patted her on the back. "When you see Boxing, ask him to tell Stryker to visit my boutique. Thank you darling. Ta-ta!" Rarity walked off with her purchase. "Was that Rarity?" Applejack heard a familiar voice behind her, "Boxin'! We were jus' talkin' about you." Boxing reached her and smiled. "Really? About what?" "Ah' finally convinced her ta' give Stryker another chance at bein' a family." "That's great! I'm so proud of you." Boxing leaned in and pecked her on the cheek. "Finally! Maybe Stryker will stop moping around the house." Boxing nuzzled into her neck gently and moved his hoof to her belly. "And how is my little girl doing." Boxing whispered into Applejacks ear. "Leave her alone, she'll come out when she's ready." Applejack giggled as his hoof brushed up against her. "Alright, alright. Do you want me to tell Stryker to arrange a date with Rarity?" "Y'all read mah' mind." "Very well, but I won't have to convince him, he will jump at the chance to prove himself to Rarity." Boxing leaned in a kissed Applejack on her cheek. "Alright, I'll see you later." He trotted off, heading straight for his home. Finally! Stryker will stop drinking himself drunk and singing bad love songs all the time. Then he can get back together with Rarity. Boxing thought to himself. Before too long, Boxing found himself entering his house. "Stryker!" He called out, the sound of gentle trotting came from the other room. Stryker appeared before him, "What is it?" he asked. "You get tonight off, I'll work your shift." Boxing smiled. "Oh? How does that work? We both own the place." "Because you will be too busy on your date." "Date?" Stryker snickered. "I don't date." Stryker turned and started to walk away. "Not even it the mare was Rarity?" Boxing said, Stryker stopped instantly and turned back to his little brother. "Don't even joke! How did you convince her to take me back?" Stryker's constant frown turned into a ear-to-ear smile. "Hang on, I never said she would take you back. But AJ convinced her to give you a chance at being a family," Boxing paused, Is he crying? "and don't mess up this time. You still have to convince her to take you back, or you might never meet your son." "Thank you little brother, thank you so much." Stryker wrapped his forelegs around Boxing's neck and hugged him tightly. "Ok, enough mushy stuff. Go ask Rarity on a date and sweep her off her hooves." Stryker pulled his head back, tears streamed down his cheeks. "Thank you. And Applejack too, please tell her for me." "I will, now get goin'." Boxing smiled. Stryker galloped to the door and opened it, he turned back to face Boxing again. "Thank you." "GO!" Stryker slammed the door behind himself and galloped as fast as he could to Rarity's boutique. YES YES YES! This is amazing, Rarity will forgive me and we will happily ever after. Wow, it feels like a fairy tale. Stryker thought as he continued to gallop at full speed. I'll hand over some chocolates and flowers and she wil- OH NO! FLOWERS?! I can't turn up without flowers, that is unforgivable. Stryker stopped in mid-step and turned 180 degrees and continued galloping. What in Equestria was I thinking? Turning up without flowers... "ROSE!" Stryker shouted as he skidded to a stop outside the market stall. "Hi Stryker, the usual?" Rose asked. "No, this has to be amazing, give me the best tasting flowers you have." he said. "Ok, sure." Rose turns around and looks to the vases behind her, after a moment searching through her vases, she turned to one made of crystal. She turns around to face Stryker again, "These were delivered this morning, rare Blue Pansies from the mountains surrounding the Crystal Empire." She placed the crystal vase in between them. "But they are expensive." "Okay, like what? Fifty bits?" Stryker said. "This bunch is ninety five bits." Rose informed him. "Ninety five?!" Stryker stammered. "Fine, your lucky that my love for Rarity has no limits." Stryker's horn glowed as he produced a platinum white coin marked with '100.' and dropped it on the counter. "Keep the change." Stryker gripped the bouquet with his magic and ran off. Rose picked up the coin in a hoof a crunched it between her teeth, testing to see if it was a legitimate coin. Happily satisfied she placed it in her coin pouch. *** Okay, this is it. Just knock on the door and ask her out on a date. Stryker lifted his hoof to the door and knocked loudly three times, his heart was racing. The sound of slow clopping hooves made their way closer to the door, the door opened and Stryker saw the love of his life before him. "Rarity." he spoke. "Good afternoon Stryker." Rarity replied flatly. They both stared awkwardly at each other in silence. "So I was thinking..." They said in unison. Rarity blushed and smiled, "No, please. You go first." she offered. "Rarity, I've been thinking a lot lately, every day since Tropical went back to Manehatten. I know what I did was wrong and I know you may never forgive my past actions, but I want to take you out for diner. My last chance at proving my love to you." Stryker looked down to the ground waiting for her to answer. "You don't have to apologize Stryker, It's equine nature. I know that events of late have been somewhat inconvenient, but I still have the same feelings for you. I'm not angry at you any more." She paused and looked into his eyes. "Now, pick me up at eight and make sure you are dressed nicely." Stryker smiled. "I will. Here I got these for you" Stryker's horn glowed and the blue pansies floated over to Rarity, he turned and began trotting back in the direction of his home, he stopped shortly afterwards and craned his head back to Rarity. "Thank you Rarity." he winked. *** "Boxing! Boxing!" Stryker called at he burst through the door to their house. "Boxing!" "WHAT?!" Boxing's voice called from up the staircase. "She said yes little brother! YES!" Stryker continued to shout as he ran up the staircase. "I need to get dressed! NO! I need to bathe! So much to do in such little time!" *** "Oh my goodness, whatever shall I do Opalescence?" Rarity said as she paced around the room searching through her draws searching for the perfect dress to wear for her date tonight. Her cat simply answered with a low toned 'Meow.' "Ugh! You're not helping." "Meooowww." "I'll just have to make a new dress, a fabulous dress!" Rarity's horn glowed and several rolls of fabric floated over to her from the shelf. *** That evening, 8PM... Knock! Knock! Knock! After knocking on the boutiques door with his hoof, Stryker stepped away and adjusted his bow tie. "Rarity? It's Stryker! Are you ready?" Stryker heard the faint sound of hooves and smiled, a light click came from the door and it slowly opened. Rarity stood in front of him, she shined in the moonlight. Her dress was something Stryker had never seen before, jewels decorated a silver tiara on her head. Her white gown flowed from her neck to her flank, her cutie mark was hidden by the silky fabric. "Your beautiful." "You look positively entrancing yourself Stryker." Rarity looked Stryker over, he was wearing a suit similar to a tuxedo but with a few minor differences. The hem was much shorter, complete with shiny new buttons, and he had an electric blue bow tie that matched the colour of his mane. "Thank you. We should get going now." Stryker turned and gestured to a horse drawn carriage behind him, two ponies were strapped in at the front ready to pull the carriage to it's destination. Stryker opened the door to the carriage and motioned for Rarity to enter, she stepped up carefully and sat down on the silk cushions inside. "Wow, this is amazing, this must have cost a fortune." Rarity gasped, the inside of the carriage was made of the finest materials she had ever seen. "Rarity, you are worth everything to me." Stryker sat opposite her and knocked his hoof on the wall behind him. The carriage began moving. "So where shall we be dining tonight?" Rarity asked. "That's a secret my dear, however Twilight has told me that this is one of your many favourite restaurants." "Well, there's only one in Ponyville... No, you didn't? Did you?" Rarity said as she suddenly realised. Almost as if no time had passed, the carriage pulled to a halt and Stryker stepped out and offered his hoof, Rarity took his hoof and stepped out after him. "Rarity my dear, welcome to Horsia's." "But... How?!" She gasped as they walked through the entrance, a smartly dressed waiter lead them to a table. His horn glowed and a small sign saying 'RESERVED' floated up and out of sight. "Please have a seat, I will be back momentarily with your menu's." The both of them sat down and stared at each other, Rarity was first to speak. "How did you get a table here on such short notice?" "I'm a very lucky stallion Rarity." Stryker winked at her. Rarity smiled weakly. "No. Seriously?" "Ok, ok. I know the guy who owns this place and let's just say we made a business deal. He gives me a table, and I let him drink for free at the club." Stryker gently laughed to himself. The waiter returned with two menu's and placed them infront of the two diners. "May I interest you in our wine list?" the unicorn asked. "Yes, we will have the Marelot." "NO!" Rarity shouted, a few other patrons looked at her with a strange look. "What's wrong dear?" Stryker asked. "The foal, I can't-" "Of course! How could I forget? Hmmm, well, I'll have a beer. And you dear?" Stryker looked to Rarity. "Just pineapple juice will do. No ice." she smiled. "Excellent choice, I will be back with your drinks and ready to take down your meals." He walked away. "I can't believe I forgot about our foal, oh I'm a terrible pony." Stryker smacked the side of his head with a hoof. "No Stryker, it's okay. I understand it's been a long time since we have seen each other." "I feel terrible now." *** The night went swimmingly, so incredible that it took all of Stryker's mental will not to push her onto the dining table and rut her right there in front of every pony. Both Stryker and Rarity sat side by side in the horse drawn carriage, Rarity embraced in his arms. Eventually the carriage came to a stop outside the boutique, the door opened and Stryker stepped out, once again offering a hoof to Rarity. She took it and stepped out. They walked side by side up to the front door, Rarity's curly tail was entwined around Stryker's. "Darling, tonight was amazing, I can't remember the last time I've had such a great time." Rarity exploded with happiness. I'm glad she's happy, that makes me happy. "Not a problem my dear." "Would you... Uh maybe we should... I mean if you want, we can..." Rarity began babbling. "Yes Rarity?" "Would you like to come inside?" She opened her door and waited for his answer. "I would want nothing more. Just one moment." Stryker turned and walked back to the carriage, the two ponies stood to attention once they saw him. "Shut down Mr. Malt-house?" the one on the left said. "No, quite the opposite actually," his horn glowed and he produced a brown pouch of bits. "here take this, thank you lads for doing this tonight." The pouch landed beside the Earth ponies hoof and Stryker returned to a anxiously waiting Rarity. "Ok my dear. Let's go upstairs and I can really show how sorry I am." Stryker winked. Rarity shook her head, Stryker's smile disappeared. "No monkey business tonight darling, not while I'm with child." "I don't mind Rarity, as long as I can hold you in my hooves and wake up knowing that this ins't some weird dream. I'll be happy." Stryker walked in, suddenly Rarity pounced and pressed her muzzle against his, enjoying the deep kiss. Please don't let this be a dream. To Be Continued... > Marriage?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boxing was lost in another nightmare state, the dream had come less and less since the first. The same old dream; floating, hugging, kissing, and then melting. "Oh look, another weird dream... Why can't I just once have a dream about rainbows and happiness." Boxing's voice echoed, he walked over to the melting water fountain. "That's it! I'm in control! I'm not going to the magic show, I'm sitting here until I wake up." he huffed and crossed his hooves. "Boxing!" The familiar voice shouted. Nope, I'm not here Sunny, go away. "Boxing, there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." Sunshine shouted as he flapped his wings and slowly floated towards Boxing. Sunshine landed beside his lover. "Come on, your going to miss The Great and Powerfu-" "NO!" Boxing shouted. "I'm not going to that stupid magic show, you'll just melt." "Melt?" Sunshine snickered. "You know I only melt with you." He giggled. "Sunny. Your not real, see this goo I'm sitting on? It's supposed to be a water fountain." "Boxy... That is a water fountain." And sure enough when he craned he head behind him, the warping stone had moulded itself back to it's original form. "Oh, by Luna's Mane! Wake me up!" "Luna? What's a Luna?" Sunshine asked. "The Mare in the moon? Saved from corruption by the bearers of The Elements of Harmony?" Boxing said, Sunshine tapped his chin with a hoof. "Hmmm... Nope." "Oh, right, that hasn't happe- Wait! What in Tartarus am I even doing, you are me! Your inside my head, I'm asleep and your just my imagination." Boxing protested. "Okay, then wake up." Sunshine replied. "What?" "If you are really asleep then wake up." He folded his arms as if to prove his point. "I can't, it's complicated." Boxing got up and walked over to his ghostly lover. "Sunshine. I'm doing this because I love you, I always will. But you don't exist." Boxing pushed himself up and stood on his hind legs. "What are you doing?" "It'll be over soon." Boxing's distance grew smaller as he walked forward. "Boxing?" Boxing raised his hoof to head hight, ready to strike. "Goodbye." With incredible speed Boxing swung his hoof forward, landing the blow right to Sunshine's face. The ghostly apparition did not move, Boxing slowly removed his hoof from Sunshine's face. "Sunny?" Boxing stared at the hoof-sized hole in Sunshine's head. "Wake up Boxing." The hole began to melt and take shape again. "I'm trying!" Boxing swung his hoof forward again, striking the melting grey flesh before it could reform. Punch after punch eventually forced the apparition to the dirt, where Boxing straddled and pummelled it over and over again. "Wake up Boxing." The pile of goopy flesh echoed. Boxing felt himself shaking, Yes! Wake me up! he stopped punching and started shaking violently. "Wake up Boxing!" He heard his brother's voice call. "Yes Stryker! Wake me up!" Boxing closed his eyes. *** When Boxing next opened his eyes he saw his bother, Stryker. "Boxing?! Thank Celestia you're awake!" he shouted with glee. "Yes. I'm fine, thank you for waking me up." Boxing sat up, he noticed he was in his room, sitting on his bed. "What happened? You were thrashing about like a mad bull." "I had another dream." Boxing told him. "Are you sure? It seemed a lot more aggressive than just a dream." "I killed him Stryker, I was on top of Sunny and I was punching the life out of him... And... I took pleasure in it." Boxing said calmly. "Well, it's just a dream, we both know you don't feel that way about him. Do you?" Stryker gave him a shady look. "Of course not." Boxing replied. "What time is it?" "Just after seven." "I should head to Sweet Apple Acres." And with that Boxing flipped his legs off the bed and stood up. *** Gently trotting, Boxing made his way to help Big Macintosh with the day's harvest at his request. The sun had just risen, painting the land with the warmth of golden light. "Hrhuh!" Boxing heard a grunt in the distance. Is that Applejack? Why is she making that weird noise? Boxing sprung into a gallop as he feared something had gone wrong, causing Applejack to hurt herself. "Applejack?" he called as he galloped closer towards her, where she was lying up against a tree. "Box? What are y'all doin' here this early?" Boxing stopped right in front of her, "I came here to help Big Macintosh with today's harvest, he asked me for help yesterday. What are you doing out here?" he inquired. "Buckin' apples." She said bluntly. "Are you mad? You can't do that! Your five months pregnant! Remember what the doctor said? No booze and no straining yourself." "Pssh, you and yer' doctor's, Ah'll be fine. Ah' got at least a fortnight before you need to worry." Applejack aligned herself with the tree and bucked hard, "Ungh!" a single apple fell from the tree and into one of the buckets waiting below. Boxing gave her a confused look. "That's it. AJ you need to rest and take it easy, me and Big Mac will handle this for today." Boxing said. "Fine." She replied, feeling defeated. "But, if'n y'all need any help don't be afraid to ask me." Applejack turned and started trotting, Boxing galloped to her side. "Where are you going now?" He asked. "Goin' ta get Mac ya' bonehead." Applejack grunted. Oh? Right, heh heh. *** That afternoon, Boxing found himself standing in the huge expanse of Sweet Apple Acres, thick tree trunks surrounded him. He heard the soft grunting of Big Macintosh fairly close by, Boxing reared his legs, ready to strike the trunk behind him. Hey this is going by pretty quick, we'll finish this field within the hour at this rate. Boxing thought to himself as his hooves made contact with the trunk. THUD! A few dozen apples fell into the wooden buckets waiting below. "Boxing? Can Ah' talk with you?" The red workhorse appeared out of nowhere. "Sure Big Mac, what's the matter?" Boxing walked over to him. "It's about AJ's future." He saw Boxing's joyful smile disappear. "Now, Ah' know you have only the best in mind for her, but so do the rest of us." "What are you getting at?" Boxing cocked his eye up. "Marriage. Now don't freak out and panic, Ah'm not forcin' this on ya'. But it's just the way it's always been done in our family, Ah' mean what with Applejack havin' her foal and all. Mah' Ma and Pa got married before they had me, and Granny before that, it's just the way it's always been." He lifted a hoof and placed it on Boxing's shoulder. "As Ah' said; Ain't forcin' you to do this, just consider it. It would mean everything to the Apple Family clan." "I think you're right Big Mac, I love Applejack with all my heart. And I could seriously see myself spending the rest of my life with somepony as trustworthy as her, it would make me so happy." "Thank you Boxing. That means a lot to us." Macintosh placed his hoof back on the dirt and smiled. "Big Macintosh?" "Yeah?" "I could really use your help in planning this. I really want to impress her before I pop the question." "Ah' think I have an idea." *** Meanwhile at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie sat around a table with Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash. Each on them had a cup of tea sitting in front of them, aside from Rainbow who decided on drinking juice. Suddenly when Rarity put her cup to her lips, opposite her, Pinkie Pie began shaking violently. "Pinkie? What's wrong?" Twilight panicked. "Brrrr, that was a doozie." "What is dear?" Rarity asked. "One of the Elements is getting married." Only Twilight smiled at the good news, Rarity and Rainbow Dash gave each other a very concerned look. To Be Continued... > The Rodeo is in Town! Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boxing sat at his carved oak desk, with a quill gripped in his teeth. He had been sitting there for hours, devising a plan on what to say when he popped the question of destiny to his lover. The only other pony who knew of his intentions was her older brother; Big Macintosh, who had already given Boxing his family's blessing. Hmmm. My idea's are terrible. Boxing thought to himself. Maybe if I... No, no that won't work. Hmmm.... He blinked his eyes in frustration. "I think maybe Mac was right, I have no idea what I'm doing." He tapped his chin with a hoof as her pondered, the candlelight flickered as a small wind blew through. Somepony had opened the door. "Box? What are you doing?" Stryker asked. "It's so late." He walked closer to his younger brother, Boxing quickly jumped and scurried to cover up his scroll. "Are you writing a letter to somepony? Who?" Stryker was pestering him and Boxing knew it. He gave an unsure smile. "Uh... right scroll. YES! I am writing a letter." Boxing remained smiling. "Okay... to who? And why so late?" Stryker asked. Horseapples! "Uh... oh you know... Just uh..." Quick think, THINK! "To our sister! YEP! Just a friendly family letter to our beloved sister." Boxing's smile began to fade as his eyes started shifting left to right, Stryker walked closer and look over to his brothers hooves covering the scroll. "You're writing a letter to our sister, and you didn't ask if I wanted to write something to her as well?" "Uh... I forgot?" Boxing's smile vanished completely. "You're not writing a letter to Valley Wind are you?" Stryker asked blankly. "No." Boxing answered, defeated. "Then who are you writing to?" Stryker asked again. "I'm not writing to any pony in particular, I'm coming up with ideas of what to say to Applejack at the rodeo this weekend." Boxing said. "Applejack is dragging you to a rodeo?" "No-um, actually, I invited her." "WHAT?!" Stryker shouted. He couldn't believe it. "Let me see this letter." Stryker's horn glowed as the scroll floated out from under Boxing's hooves. "Stryker! Give it back!" Stryker tore his magical grip away from boxing and began reading the scroll quietly to himself, mumbling out loud every few words. "Applejack, I love you blah blah blah, forever in each other hooves blah blah, do me the honour of being MY WIFE?!" Boxing smiled meekly. "Boxing? You're going to propose?!" Stryker asked, refusing to believe what he had just read. "Well, I was planning to. Is there something wrong with that?" "No. Not at all, but this is a big step forward in a relationship. Are you sure about this?" Stryker said. "Yes! Of course I want this, we are having a foal. Stryker. A little girl." He paused and looked back to his desk. "I love her with all my life." "Relax bro-" "No! Stryker! I'm going to ask her! You would do the same for Rarity, wouldn't you?" Boxing asked, his brother didn't react. "For the sake of the Sun! Really? You've never thought about asking Rarity to marry you?" Boxing shouted. "Well... No, not really." Stryker's horn glowed and Boxing's desk draw opened, a new scroll floated out and over to him. "Hey you can't steal my idea!" Boxing reached for the floating scroll but missed. "I'm not. I will ask Rarity to marry me, but not just yet." Stryker continued scribbling on his scroll that floated before him. "Well What are you doing then?" Boxing asked, Stryker smirked then smiled at his younger brother. "Well..." He finished writing and rolled up the scroll. "If you're not writing to Valley Wind, then I am." And with that, his horn lit up the entire room as the rolled up scroll fizzled and burst into a smoky haze. "Valley?" Boxing whimpered. "Yes." Stryker replied. Oh fantastic. *** The next morning... "LITTLE BUMBLEBEE!" A girlish voice cried and woke Boxing up from his sleep, his eyes flashed open as panic filled his body. Oh Goddesses, kill me now. "Wake up little brother!" The irritating voice called. "Ung! Val, what are you doing here?!" Boxing sat up in his bed, his sister was in his door frame floating on her wings peacefully. She was a pegasus mare with a greyish white coat and a spiked electric blue mane. For her cutie mark, she sported an orange sonic sound wave that looked squarish and pixilated. As luck would have it she and Stryker were twins, with the exception of Valley being delivered three minutes before her twin brother. "How are you even here? You live in Cloudsdale, it would take all night to fly here." Boxing groaned, he rolled out of his bed and walked over to his carved oak desk, the one with the big mirror; his favorite. "Hypothetically? Yes. The moment I got that letter and read what Stryker had written, I just had to come down to visit." She floated over behind Boxing, he could see her approach from the reflection in the mirror. "And what did Stryker write exactly?" He asked nervously. "Oh y'know, just the usual. How am I? I should come visit. OH! And you're GETTING MARRIED!" Crap. "Hang on, I'm not getting married. I haven't even asked her yet." Boxing protested, Valley landed on her hooves and smiled to the mirror. "I know, I know. I'm just messing with you." She lifted her front hooves and placed them on her brothers shoulders. "So when are you going to ask her?" She asked, Boxing opened his mouth to answer only to have Valley cut him off "But more importantly. When do I get to meet her." Boxing glanced away from her and spoke. "I'll take you to see her. But," His gaze went back to his sisters reflection. "you have to promise me you won't try anything. I don't want you messing with her mind, like you did to Sunny." "I can't make any promises." She smiled then stuck out her tongue, Boxing simply groaned. *** It was a nice warm morning as Valley walked along side her younger brother, Boxing had agreed to take her to Sweet Apple Acres and meet Applejack as well as the rest of the Apple Family. "Gah! Why is it so hot?" Valley complained. "It's the middle of spring!" Boxing retorted. "You've had your head up in the clouds too long, literally." "OOHH! Who is that hansom hunk of stallion!" Valley gushed, all Boxing saw was a grey blur. "Well hello there." Valley landed gently next to the big red stallion. "I'm Valley Wind, who might you be?" She flashed her eyes, Big Macintosh looked past her and saw Boxing running towards him. "Pleasure t' meet you ma'am." Big Macintosh nodded his head like he does to every new pony he meets. "I am Big-" "BIG MAC!" Boxing hollered. "I am so sorry about my sister here, she's uh..." Boxing darted a look to his sister. "She's a pegasus, you know how energetic they can be sometimes." Boxing apologized profusely. Big Macintosh gave a low chuckle. "No harm done Box." "Sooo..." Valley stepped in front of her mumbling brother. "Is there a Mrs Macintosh?" "No ma'am, but Ah' do have a special somepony I care about deeply." He gave a weary smile, Boxing rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. "Sorry about this Mac. I promised my sister that I would introduce her Applejack." "So that's the lucky mares name?!" Valley shouted. King Platinum's ghost! How could I forget. "Sorry, I thought Stryker would have said in his letter." "Nope." Valley said as she pushed herself into the air once more. "Let's go meet her!" She flew off towards the house a short distance away, a puff of cloud trailed behind her. Boxing started running after her but stopped and turned around to look back at Big Macintosh one more time. "Sorry about her Mac, can you forgive me?" "Eeyup." "Thanks." Boxing turned back and bolted. Eventually he caught up to Valley, she was just standing at the door. "Val?" He called out nervously, she turned to him and smiled. "Why'd you stop?" He asked. "Cause it's rude to walk into someone's home." "You're one to talk." Boxing snickered. "What was that?" She darted her gaze to him. "Nothin'." He opened the door and walked through, "AJ? Where are you." Being a regular guest in the house, he knew his way around. "Th' kitchen." He lead his sister to the kitchen, Applejack turned to see him. "Ah' was expectin' y- Stryker? What happened to you? Did Rarity try that gender switchin' magicy who-ha again?" Applejack tilted her hat and looked straight to who she thought was Stryker. "Again." Boxing asked. "Who's Rarity?" Valley asked. "Never mind, Stryker will introduce you to her. Applejack, this is my sister, Valley Wind." He pointed a hoof towards his sister then cast a glance to her. "Valley, this is Applejack." His hood moved to Applejacks direction. "Please ta' meet ya'." Applejack took Valley's hoof and shook it vigorously, Valley remained stunned. "Uh... Somethin' wrong?" Applejack asked unsure if she would snap out of her blank staring. "You're as big as a rain cloud!" Valley gasped. "VAL!" "Relax little Bumble Bee, I was just kidding." She giggled. "Stryker never mentioned this in his letter, how far along are you?" "Five months." She answered and walked up next Boxing, placing a gentle peck on his nose. "Eeyup, six more and we will have our own little girl." Applejack smiled. "I can't wait." Boxing smiled back. Alright time to ask her. "Say AJ... The rodeo is coming to Ponyville this weekend and I thought you would like to come with me?" Boxing asked, "But you can't challenge Rainbow to a drinking contest like last time." he added and patted her belly. "Why, I'd be honoured, you know that Ah' would not miss the Rodeo. 'Sides, I had Rarity's word she'd try the bronco buck next time the rodeo was in town." She really doesn't get it. "AJ... Uh, Rarity can't do that in her condition." "Right... hehe, I knew that." Applejack let out a fake laugh. "Say Valley, would you like to stay fer' lunch?" "I'd love to." To Be Continued... > The Rodeo is in Town! Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ahhhh!" Valley fell back in her chair and patted her belly with a hoof. "Applejack, that was delicious! You are such a great cook." "Why, thank you. I appreciate it. You up fer' seconds?" Applejack smiled and offered a slice of apple pie to Valley. "No, I couldn't. But thank you." Valley flapped her wings and rose from her seat. "Stryker said he would show me around Ponyville today, and I don't want to disappoint him." She opened the door and turned back to Boxing and Applejack. "But you guys have fun." She vanished in a blur of grey. Applejack darted a gaze to her lover. "So... Bumble Bee?" Boxing's faced went bright red with embarrassment. "It's a nickname. You know cause...Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Boxing gave shy smile, Applejack smiled, she loved it when he gave that innocent look. "Come on, don't look at me like that." He spoke up. "Sorry, I jus' love when you give me that look." Applejack leaned in a planted a kiss on his lips, Boxing returned the action and parted his lips darting his tongue across her lips. As she invited it in, she moaned lightly, she was loving the familiar taste of salt and honey. After a moment Applejack pulled back and stared into his eyes. "Y'all wanna roll around in th' hay?" Applejack kissed his cheek. "Are you sure, I don't want to hurt th-" "Will ya' quit worrying. It's a foal, not a balloon, ya' won't pop it. Now come here." Before her knew it, Applejack led him upstairs to her bedroom, he knew how to get to it himself, he just loved playing along. Her door opened and Applejack pushed him inside with some force, he launched onto her bed, a familiar place to him. He gave her a sultry look and she walked up to join him. Climbing into the bed and under the covers was an easy task for her, she was instantly greeted by wandering hooves and a deep loving kiss. She moaned as he pressed into it, one quick maneuver as she pulled back and she was on top of him, straddling with one leg on each side of him and her front hooves placed on his chest. "APPLEJACK?" Shouted a small filly's voice from the doorway. Applejack roughly turned her whole body around to see who was there and in the process nearly crushed Boxing's fully erect member. OUCH! "Apple Bloom?!" Applejack lifted the quilt to cover herself up to her neck, as if to cover up her shame. "Ain't you never heard of knockin'?" She shouted. "The door was open!" Little Apple Bloom protested. OUCH! "Well. Shut the door Ah'm busy." "Applejack maybe you could- Ow!" Boxing winced in pain. "Oh! Ah'm so sorry Box." She lifted herself off of him and sat beside him." She looked back to Apple Bloom. "Now, go on and play with yer' friends or sumthin'." "But Big Mac says he needs Boxing's help real quick like." "Well tell Big Macintosh that it's gonna have to wait." "AJ, maybe I should go see what he needs." Boxing sat up and spoke again, Applejack pushed him back to the bed with a hoof. "No, Y'all are gonna stay here and rut me." She turned back to her younger sister. "Apple Bloom you tell ya' big lug brother that Boxin' is gonna be a half hour." "Ok, sis." Apple Bloom started to close the door and leave. "Apple Bloom, wait." Boxing called out, she stopped and turned back. "Make that forty five minuets." "Ok, Boxing, Ah'll tell him." She closed the door and galloped off, Applejack looked at Boxing and he gave her a wink. *** Boxing walked out of the Apple Family house with a wide smile on his face, more than forty five minuets passed while he was... occupied. And that made Big Macintosh furious. Boxing saw the red farm pony walk slowly towards him. "Hey Big Mac? Apple Bloom said you needed me for something?" Macintosh just ignored him and continued walking passed him, "Uh, Mac?" Boxing followed him. "It don't matter now Box." "What do you mean?" Big Macintosh stopped and craned his head back to Boxing. "You had one job Box! One!" The rest of his body turned to face him. "Ah' sent Apple Bloom to get y'all attention cause I had to herd up the pigs that escaped from the drove. I don't want to know what you were doin' fer' two hours, but if you want to continue workin' on this here farm, I need you to listen to everything I say in future." Macintosh's face was a dead serious look that almost scared Boxing. Two hours? Really? "Mac, I'm sorry." Boxing apologized. "Don't worry none, we'll call it a day. If you need me Ah'll be in the smoke house. Ah' need a good soak after chasin' all them pigs around." And with that he trotted off. "What'd Big Mac want?" Applejack voice cooed from the front porch step. "He really needed my help herding the pigs, but we were busy." Boxing trotted up to her. "Oh!" she caught on. "Yeah." "Well, what about Winona? She's a great herder." Applejack said the first excuse she could think of. "AJ, you know he's not one for words. He didn't say much." "You're right." Applejack leaned in and pressed her lips to his, she let out a soft moan as the taste of salt and honey assaulted her tongue. She pulled back before sinking any further into euphoria. "Mmm, ya' taste like honey." "You taste like apples... as always." He pecked her on the cheek. It suddenly dawned on Applejack, she had the best idea she had ever had in a while. "I got it!" She proclaimed. "Got what?" Boxing raised an eyebrow. "A name fer' the foal." She paused. "Honey Apple." Honey Apple? "Well, I can't say I like it. But, it far better than what I wanted to call her. I was going with Apple Punch. Get it? Cause..." He stepped back and reared into his hind legs and threw some quick jabs into the air. Applejack looked at him with a blank stare on her face, Boxing's jabs slowed as he saw her expressionless face. "What? I thought it was a great name." "Macintosh hit you in the head? This is a child's name, not a pun you can make jokes about." "Alright, Honey Apple it is. *** The next day. "Applejack! Applejack! Wake up! Today's the day!" Applejack heard the familiar voice of a small filly, at first she thought it was an earthquake. When she pried open her eyes, she saw Apple Bloom on her bed, bouncing up and down in excited glee. "Hnnngg." Applejack groaned. "Apple Bloom what're you doin'?" A sleeping Boxing shifted under the sheets uncomfortably. "Today's the day Applejack. The rodeo!" Applejack pulled the blanket over herself in an attempt to block out the noise and return to the land of sleep. "Just think about it! All the food! All the games! All the different kinds of animals!" Apple Bloom crossed them off her mental list as she imagined them in her mind. Applejack peaked out from her darkness, her bedside clock read 8:43. "Ung... Apple Bloom, why ain't you left fer' school yet?" "Ah'm leavin' sis, I just wanted you know about tonight." Apple Bloom smiled. "Well now Ah' know, leave me t' mah' sleep." She rolled up into a ball, taking comfort in the soft warm blanket. "Sweet dreams sis." Applejack grunted as Apple Bloom quietly closed the door as she left the room. "You know she loves you." Boxing stirred from his sleep. "Ah' know." She wrapped her arms around Boxing and attempted to sleep once more. *** That evening, at the rodeo. Every pony walked side by side, Applejack and her siblings, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh. Boxing walked beside Applejack and beside him was his brother Stryker, and Rarity. Sweetie Belle, who had taken a fondness to Valley Wind, was perched on her back. Riding her like a common pet, but having a blast at the same time. Valley had a camera hung around her neck which she used every so often to take photographs. "Wow! This is fantastic." Applejack exclaimed. "It seems every year they manage to out-do themselves." "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Applejack." Boxing smiled, he turned to see Stryker and Rarity who had fallen behind them. "Uh, Stryker?" He saw Stryker standing next to his lover, Rarity was freaking out over the amount of mud around the area. Small cries for help escape her mouth, Stryker looked back to his brother and put his hoof to his face, sighing in embarrassment. "Eew! Disgusting! Get it away! Away!" The white mare cried. "We'll catch up." Stryker said. "Rarity! Will you please calm down? It's only a bit of mud." "Only a bit? ONLY A BIT?!" "Sweetheart please." Stryker smiled nervously, Rarity face was starting to glow with rage. The rest of the group ignored it and walked off, leaving Rarity and Stryker to their arguing. "Anyway... So Applejack? What would you like to do first?" Boxing asked her. "Well, Ah' reckon we shoul-" "Applejack! Applejack! Can me an' Sweetie Belle go pet the animals?" Apple Bloom interrupted. "Go on, have fun! Don't get into any trouble." Applejack answered. "We promise." They said in unison as they vanished instantly in a puff of dust. "Alright, bucking contest it is!" Applejack cheered. "Applejack! Remember what I said about you and Rarity?" Boxing spoke. "A lady never spits?" She answered. "No! Not that. You can't ride. Not in your condition, remember?" "Ah' remembered. What Ah' mean to say is; we can still watch, I wanna' see Big Macintosh take on th' champion title. Not many in th' Apple Family have champion titles." Applejack said. Really? "Uh... Applejack. You hold a champion title. Remember Manehatten? And I don't want to toot my own horn but," Boxing buffed up his chest and knocked his hoof on it as if knocking on a heavy door. "middle weight boxing champion of Equestria for six years. Well... Until I quit anyway." "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Big Mac?! You up to it." She turned to her older brother. "Eeyup." I just got an idea! "Big Mac? Can I talk to you for a moment?" The red workhorse looked back to the rest of the group. "Excuse us." He walked to a nearby bush where Boxing started talking. "I have a great idea. Tonight is the night." Boxing whispered. "I'm entering the rodeo." "Y'all are you sure 'bout this? Have you ever done this before?" Big Macintosh whispered back. "Well... No, but how hard could it be?" Boxing smiled. "Alright, if'n you wanna' do this, Ah' won't stop you. But here's a tip; Don't let go of the rope. And don't lean too far forward or too far backwards. You'll throw yer' balance off. Counter it by leaning the opposite direction." Big Macintosh took his leave and returned to the group. "Was he hitting on you? Cause I can have a chat with him." Valley Wind hovered over to Big Macintosh. "Nothing you need ta' worry yourself about. Just a talk, stallion to stallion." Big Macintosh replied. The group continued walking to the spectator stands, Big Macintosh stopped and cleared his throat. "Me and Box are gonna' go register. Have fun." "Wait! Box?!" Stryker shouted. "Are you really going to enter this rubbish-er... competition." "Yeah, why not. It'll be fun." "Hypocrite." Applejacks voice boasted. "AJ, Sweetheart, you're pregnant. I however, am perfectly healthy." Boxing flexed in an attempt to rub it in. "Who knows, maybe by some miracle I might get first place?" Applejack laughed. "Don't make me laugh Box." She wiped her face with a hoof. Wow, what a confidence killer. "Let's go sign up Box." Big Macintosh spoke. *** Boxing Glove and Big Macintosh stood in line, waiting to register. There were four others waiting with them, "Amazin', more ponies signin' up than last year." Big Macintosh said. "What? How many usually sign up?" Boxing asked. "Well last year it was five. Although Ah' can't say Ah' recognise any of 'em this year." Big Macintosh said after identifying the other competitors one by one. "MAKE WAY FOR THE CHAMP!" Yelled a raspy voice. "Oh Celestia..." Big Macintosh sighed to himself. Behind him a cyan pegasus with a vibrant rainbow mane floated. "Rainbow, for the love of apples, don't embarrass me." "Well, get used to it! When I whoop your flank at this rodeo, you'll go home with nothing but embarrassment." Rainbow flexed her wings and kissed her biceps. Well... this is going to be interesting. Some time later, all the contestants had signed up and were waiting to be called up to take their turn. Before he knew it, Boxing was called up. "Come on! I don't have all day." "Oh... Right, sorry." Boxing approached the bull and looked at his bare back. "Uh... Where's the saddle." "You must be new at this. Just get on! It ain't sexual, let's just get this over with." The bull grunted. "Alright." Boxing draped one leg over the bulls back and adjusted himself, he gripped the rope in his front hooves. "I'm ready." This was it, the moment where he either embarrassed himself or by some miracle survived and made an impression on everypony. The bull bucked and made it's way into the centre of the dirt circle, the area was decorated with puddles of mud, which splattered around. Boxing gripped the rope tighter, in reality, only a few seconds passed, but in his mind it felt like minuets of fear-filled bull riding. Twisting his body left, the bull bucked again, hard. Boxing lost balance but quickly regained it. Big Mac was right after all. He felt a strange tingling sensation in his stomach. "Ha-ha!" Boxing laughed. "Hey kid, don't laugh, this ain't -Hruh!- no amusement ride." He bucked again to the right. Usually by this point most first timers would have lost grip or fallen off due to poor balance. Every time he felt like letting go, he just gripped tighter, when he leaned too far forward or too far back, he countered it by leaning the other way. This is SO much fun! "Hahaha! Wooo!" Boxing howled, it was clear to the on-lookers he was loving this. "Lookit 'im go!" Applejack shouted from where she sat, Valley looked to her. "It's like he's riding a roller coaster, he loving it!" Boxing continued to ride the bull as it continued bucking harshly in every direction, he heard a loud bell that signified he had beaten the current place holder for lasting the longest without falling off. Woooo! This is so much FUN! The bull bucked harder than ever before, a bead of sweat ran down the side of his forehead. Boxing felt himself starting to lose grip, he clenched his hooves tighter. The bull bucked again, and again, and again. Finally he could feel the gaps of time where his riders grip loosened, the bull was close to throwing him off and he knew it. "AJ!" Boxing called out, she could barely hear him but she replied regardless. "What?!" "Throw me your hat!" He shouted back. "Mah' hat?!" She was confused, why would boxing ask such a strange task of her at a time like this. "Yes! Throw it to me!"w Applejack took off her iconic hat and gripped it in her teeth. Craning her neck, she threw the hat. As luck would have it she managed to throw it perfectly, Boxing released one of his hooves from the rope and caught the hat. "Whoa!" Boxing felt himself lose balance. "I got you now kid!" The bull bucked again, almost causing Boxing to lose his grip completely. "Val! Take a photo!" Boxing shouted. "Quick!" "Are you mad?!" She yelled back. "Just do it, I'm-Oof!" Another strong buck caused him to lose balance again, Boxing countered and leaned forward. "I'm starting to loose grip!" "Ug, fine." Valley reached for the camera hung around her neck with booth hooves and held it up to her eye, she aligned the shot. "Say honey!" "JUST TAKE THE DAMN PHOTO, QUICK!" Boxing shouted back as he lost grip of one hoof and waved it in the air. A bright white flash was the last thing he remembered before he blacked out. To Be Continued... > Boxings Nightmare Question. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bright white flash of Valley's camera was the last thing Boxing could remember before he woke up in the familiar black void that he had visited on many occasions during his dreams, he was lying on his back when he noticed his surroundings. With a grunt of pain he rolled over and stood on all four hooves, he wasn't standing on anything in particular, it was like seeing darkness all around himself but somehow still have a shadow. "Celestia damn it!" He started walking in one direction hoping that it would take him somewhere more familiar, as it had done in past dreams. "Another dream hallucination. I have to give up the salt cubes." He continued walking. "Come on brain," He knocked on his head like a door to a house. "take me to Hoofington." At the mention of Hoofington the black void around him wavered a blurred into bright vibrant colours. Just say the name I guess? He thought to himself. In a short amount of time the world came to a still, all the colours had formed the shapes of buildings, trees, and other things like fountains and chairs. scattered throughout the false world was blobs of grey goo, that wavered and started to take on the shape of various ponies. "Good job brain. Now bring Sunny to me, like you always do in these weird dreams." And like a genie granting a wish, a nearby grey blob took on the form of Sunshine Glory the pegasus, Sunshine galloped towards Boxing. "Boxy! Come quick, you're going to miss The Great and Poweful-" "Let me stop you right there Sunny." Boxing interrupted him and put up a hoof to Sunshine's muzzle. "I don't care about your stupid unicorn magic show, I don't know how long I'm going to be here." Boxing removed his hoof. "What do you mean? Are you going somewhere?" Sunshine asked. "Not really, I'm staying here for now." "Well great, let's get back to the magic show." Sunshine pulled at Boxing's hoof, Boxing recoiled his hoof in protest. "No Sunny, I need to tell you something very important." Boxing walked over to the same fountain he had seen many times before, he sat down on the edge. "What is it?" Sunshine approached and sat beside him. "I'm in love." Boxing said. "So am I." Sunshine replied, pushing his body up against Boxing's. "No, Sunny. It isn't you, it's a mare." "You love a mare?" Sunshine started up at him with his jaw hung open. "When did this happen?" "About six years from now." Boxing took a hold of Sunshine's hoof. "What? I'm confused..." Sunshine gave a strange look. "I'm going to ask her to marry me." Boxing confessed. "B-but, this is so sudden. Don't you love me any more?" Tears formed at the corners of Sunshine's eyes. Boxing reached an arm around him and pulled him in tight, he have Sunshine a small kiss on his forehead. "I do, Sunny. With all my heart. But where I'm from, you are dead. If I could bring you back I would." "Even if you had to go to the hellish depths of Tatarus and back?" "I would do anything." Boxing closed his eyes and pressed his muzzle to Sunshine's, he could feel a strange sensation course through his body, a similar feeling to what sky-diving would feel like to an earth pony. Boxing pulled back and opened his eyes, the world around him started to waver again, just like it had when he arrived. This is it, time to return to Ponyville. "Goodbye Sunny. Never forget, I always love you." Boxing embraced the fake pegasus and shut his eyes tight, when he next opened them he saw bright white flashes passing him by. He could feel the softness on his back, Why am I lying down? Where am I? This isn't the rodeo. Boxing thought to himself as the ceiling continued to rush by. *** Beep Boxing saw darkness, a soft steady beep echoed in the room every so often. What is that beeping? He asked himself as he shuffled uncomfortably in the soft bed he laid in. Another sound filled his ears, the familiar voice of sweet Applejack. The mare of his life. "Sugarcube, please wake up. Can ya' hear me?" Her sweet voice said. Beep Boxing forced his eyes open, everything is blurry and groggy, but eventually focused into perfect vision. He sat up in the bed, to his right sitting in the chair is Applejack, wearing her iconic hat as always. She got her hat back? Good, good for her. "Oh thank Celestia yer' awake." "Applejack? -cough- Where am I?" He looked around and saw white walls, he was lying down in a bed with a flimsy metal frame on wheels. Across the room was where the source of the annoying beep, a stallion pegasus who had bandages wrapped on all four hooves and wires hooked up to him. "Am I in a hospital?" He panicked. "Why am I in a hospital?" "Keep your head on, your not hurt. It's just, when you got thrown off th' bull, an' you didn't get up. Box, you were knocked unconscious, so Valley flew you right over here quicker than a hog in a truffle harvest." "Val flew me? Where is she then?" Boxing asked. "Everypony is outside waitin', they all agreed to leave you alone until you woke up, if you woke up." "Oh, well I'm awake now, get 'em in here. Oi! Bozo's! Get in here." The door clicked open and one by one everypony walked in and stood around Boxing's bed. Valley Wind, Stryker Malt-House, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Big Macintosh, Rainbow Dash and even little Apple Bloom too. "Hey gang. How's it goin'?" Boxing asked blankly, the group stared back at him. "What is there something on my face?" "Not at all Boxing, darling. Everything is fine, but we were all deeply worried for you, the nurse said you might not wake up from that bump on the head." Rarity spoke up first. "She said that? How long have I been out?" "Only a few hours." Valley answered. "Really? She made that decision in such a small gap of time? doesn't seem very professional." He glanced down his own body, as if by some miracle, there were no bruises or cuts. "AJ you said I'm not hurt, why are we still here? Let's go back to the farm, I'm so hungry I could eat a wagon full of apples." Boxing flipped his legs off the side of the bed and landed on his hooves. "Wait Boxing!" Shouted Stryker. "Can you tell us what you saw?" "What I saw? What do you mean." Boxing stared back with a confused look on his face. "Well, I noticed you were fidgeting in your sleep, like you were having some sort of nightmare." Stryker said, Big Macintosh nodded too. "That wasn't a nightmare, I just- I don't know how to explain it, let's just all head back to the farm and I will explain there over dinner, I'm really hungry." Boxing said. "Alright, but you promise to tell us." "Trust me, you won't want to miss this." He winked to his brother. *** A short time later every pony from the group plus Granny Smith sat around a long wooden table, many plates of food were placed along it. Boxing had agreed to share what he saw in his nowhere-near-death experience, unfortunately, he also agreed to let Rainbow Dash tell a story of her own too. "And then, in ten seconds flat, I flew to the speed of light right to the centre and KABLAM!" She shouted as she tossed her hooves up in the air, at the same time almost giving Granny Smith a heart attack. "A Sonic Rainboom!" She waved her hoof up and down from left to right. "Alright champ! Your turn to tell your story." Rainbow sat down. "Champ?" Boxing asked. Everypony looked at Applejack, "You didn't tell him?" Rainbow said. "Gimmie' a break, Ah forgot." She retorted. "Tell me what sweetheart?" Boxing turned to Applejack. "Do you remember the rodeo?" Applejack asked. "Hmm," Boxing tapped his chin with a hoof. "You'll have to be more specific. Hey, ouch!" "Ya' numbskull, you know what Ah mean." Applejack punched him playfully in the arm. "You won, you got the highest time during yer' heat on th' bull." "Only by default!" Rainbow protested. "If me and Mac hadn't been fooling- er. What I mean is, if we weren't disqualified, then I would have totally kicked your flank." She darted a hoof at him. "I won?" Boxing was speechless. I can't believe it. I WON! "Yeah, isn't it great? Now, enough chit chat. Tell your story!" Demanded Stryker. "Ok, then buckle up." Boxing said. Alright, this is it, it's now or never. "It started like it always does, a dark place, much like the night sky except with only one star. When it fades into colour, I find myself in Hoofington, like I always do. The beautiful fountain where I first met Sunny-" "Who's Sunny?" Apple Bloom interrupted. "He was a colt I loved a very long time ago." Boxing answered. "Aww, how romantic." Sweetie Belle added. "Anyway," Boxing continued. " I walk over to the fountain, and Sunny comes running up to me. Every time he is so excited, he wants me to go see a magic show with him, some sort of Great and Powerful mare. But, I just- I ignore him and tell him that I'm not interested." Boxing shifted in his seat and turned to Applejack. "I feel bad, even when I know it's just a dream. We sit down together on the fountain, sometimes we just hug until I wake up." Boxing blushed as his cheeks went red. "Sometimes we would make-out for a bit, but It's not always the same, I remember once, I killed him." Rarity and Valley gasped loudly in unison. "Yep sometimes I would just get sick of it, it was only a dream after all." Boxing took Applejack's hooves into his. "But, just this evening I saw him again, and I told him I loved a mare." Applejack smiled sweetly. "And I told him that I was going to ask that mare a very important question." He paused and cleared his throat. "Applejack. I know that today has been really crazy, I didn't want tonight to go like this but now is as good as ever. Applejack you are the most trustworthy and honourable mare I have ever met, just having you with me makes me happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." "Applejack? Will you marry me?" Silence filled the room. Boxing didn't really need an answer, the fact that Applejack launched onto him and almost suffocated him was the best answer he could hope for. *** Epilogue. "Hurry up Honey, y'all are gonna' be late for school!" A voice called up the stairs as Honeycrisp Apple frantically styled her mane. "Just a minute, Mother!" Honey called back. "I want to look good on my first day of school!" "Not much you can do to help that!" Jested her father from the lower level of the farm house. "Hey, ouch! What was that for?" Boxing complained. "You ain't helpin' ya' bonehead!" Applejack blasted back, Honey rolled her eyes and giggled as she made way for the staircase. "So? How do I look?" Honey Apple asked her parents from the top of the staircase. They both stared back with awe. Honeycrisp Apple was an earth pony like her parents, sharing the same orange coat colour with her mother. Her golden mane was tied up with a red bow, it was given to her as a gift from Apple Bloom, who was also waiting at the front door. "Beautiful sugarcube, No get goin' or you'll be late fer' school." Honey made her way down the staircase and stopped in front of her parents. "Here, take your bag sweetheart." Boxing gripped her saddlebag in his teeth and placed in on his daughters back. "Thanks dad! Is school fun?" Honey smiled "-Pfft-No." Boxing felt a firm elbow jab into his ribs, causing him to let out a whine. "I mean, yes. Yes it is. Lot's of fun!" Boxing added. "Don't worry sugarcube, your cousins Zap and Emerald are in your class also. Just remember to do what Miss Cheerilee says an' you should be fine." Applejack said as she kissed her daughter's forehead. Honey Apple gave her father a warm hug and walked through the door. "Bye." Honey said as she trotted up to Apple Bloom and walked by her side. Applejack turned to Boxing, "She's growin' up so fast." she said as the two of them watched from the front porch. "So... want to fool around?" Boxing asked. "Did you even need ta' ask." Applejack practically tackled him onto the porch and pressed her muzzle up against his. The End.