
by Arelak

First published

Join Shadow Moon as she plans to explore the world below on the biggest adventure of her life; but what will happen to her? Expectations are shattered and beliefs crumble with each new discovery.

Shadow Moon is a bat pony raring to go on her first expedition and eager to see the world. Armed with a flimsy spear, a copy of her grandfathers long lost map and rations. She sets off into the caves below Equestria hoping to discover the cause of her grandfathers madness but also chart this realm that none dare enter, known to those who live there as: The Underworld.

Sex = Nudity, there is no sex in this story.

Remember to leave a comment not just rate and run.

Chapter 1

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Barren, desolate, cold, boring and isolated. This cave was just one more cave in Equestria, one more dry, empty hole that had lacked any and all charm. To another set of eyes however it was fascinating; a world to explore, a yet uncharted (mostly) wilderness of wonder.

At least that is the way she saw caves and mines, any deep, dark hole really, it was also why she was here, Shadow Wing was overjoyed at the prospect of finding out what lay deep within, maybe a long forgotten dragons hoard? Maybe a part of the long forgotten Diamond Dog kingdom that fell from greed and internal fighting a millennia ago?

It did not matter to her, but what DID matter was that this cave was... Special. A DANGEROUS kind of special, the kind that kept anypony from ever daring to set foot in it after what had happened a century ago. The map clutched in her hands was the last proof of this, the only remaining memory of what had transpired in this cave: a simple well worn parchment map. It had belonged to her grandfather, an explorer for his unfortunate... Accident.

Whatever happened down there had scarred him horribly, both mentally and physically, his back had one hell of a scar to prove it. Everyone figured he had woken up some beast down below while not paying attention to where he was going, got attacked, fled, died huddled in a ball decades later still sobbing about it. Still, whenever he was lucid she loved listening to his stories, especially about caves, he had even drawn a complete map for her from memory after the original disappeared. Unlike her grandfather though, she was ready!

Like the rest of her species she could see VERY well in the dark, she had brought plenty of iron rations, water and a solid spear to defend herself with though she had no idea how to use it. Then again, it did not really matter, just point the sharp end at the target and let the charging monster impale itself, that or keep poking with the sharp point till it fled.

Years had she dreamed of this and now with one step she would be following the same trail he had, retracing his steps and going deeper than he ever had! Taking one last solid breath of fresh, forest air Shadow took one hooved step forward into the dark cave and started a journey that would take her farther than she ever expected as a pair of eyes watched quietly.

Two or three days? Her wind up watch ticked so loudly in the tunnel it made her nervous, she was dangerously close now to where her grandfather had left off, she had detoured around that area, well tried too... Unfortunately the system all joined at that one point, she would have to pass through it to go deeper. Well, hopefully whatever had BEEN there was now gone, easy, easy, unless it WAS a dragon that nearly got him so long ago.

Then again... Dragons did not burrow THIS deep into the earth, not unless it was a particularly large hidden hoard? Buried deep so no others would find it... Eh, oh well. Picking her pack back up she lazily flapped her wings and floated down the tunnel again, walking when her wings were tired or flying when her legs got tired... It had been a while since she had needed a torch though, the first day the caved had been utterly barren, pitch black, only her screeing helped her find the way without a torch. Here however, the cave had started to become... Glowy?

All around her strange fungi and moss grew in little patches giving off and eerie light, with her heightened senses though it made seeing in the dark much easier for her, still, she had never heard nor read about anything like this. Studying caves was a passion of hers, what critters lived below, plants (if any and what few did were VERY few) and so on. In all her years nothing came close to what these strange little fungi and mosses were.

Two things she DID make out clearly though without having to guess about it was a very clear cutting, clawing mark on the wall and a blood splatter, this must be where he was attacked. She immediately stopped, readied her spear and slowly began to inch her way forward, tufted ears perked catching the reverberations of her low screeing as she stalked forward. Nothing had happened, nothing at all, maybe whatever was here had left long ago, but be damned if she was going to drop her guard.

Inching forward she entered a narrower tunnel, to low for her to fly but narrow enough that anything that moved would be unable to get around her. Down and down past the strange glowing mosses till she entered and a small chamber, still to low to fly but another tunnel lay directly ahead. "This must have been that creatures nest" was all she could think though there were no signs of a nest of any kind in the cave. Oh well, onward. Entering the far tunnel she suddenly regretted entering this cave network.

"Demon from Tartarus" was all that came to mind, she was too caught up with looking around the cave as she was leaving it and failed to look ahead, from a small alcove a monster from the depths of hell had stepped out. All little Shadow could do was look up at it, at all over 6' 2" the thing loomed over her, claws, fangs, wings, red glowing eyes and... Made of stone?

Must be the odd light, but that no longer mattered, it moved forward and she moved back. Remembering her spear she leveled it and began to wonder just how effective a bronze spear would actually BE against a stone demon. With a heavy flick of its stone hand the spearhead was snapped from the shaft and it silently stalked forward at a quicker pace. Pray. That was all she could do, pray to all the sacred fruit trees of the world and the holy mango and plum trees that when she bolted for the far exit there would NOT be another one blocking the way.

Giving out a loud scree to find out if anything was behind her she readied to bolt when the monstrosity did something unexpected. It reached an arm up and began dragging its claws on the stone ceiling, the resulting screech mad her ears hurt and lay tightly against her head as she flinched. Well, that was it, best to just run like hell and keep praying.

Flapping her wings to propel herself backwards quickly she spun quickly and made to run like hell was on her hooves for it was. All this accomplished was a harsh stop and a grunt as something grabbed and threw her to the cave floor.

A figure sat in a chair holding a crystal with its eyes closed. This was interesting, a little bat pony had once again tried to infiltrate the cave network, strangely enough following exactly the same path as one had many decades ago. Since then new precautions had been taken, the last one got away, this one would not be so lucky. The last he needed was the outside world taking an undue interest in the caves and its goings on.

Still, better safe than sorry, last time he had elected to allow his stone guardians to deal with things themselves... That did not go so well, they were mighty useful but without a brain they... Well without a brain they could only do so much, this was why that last one escaped. Best to block off the exit, just in case and best to do it himself.

The little pony had passed right past him not a moment ago, a real pretty little thing too, midnight blue fur, slightly glowing blue eyes and some kind of dark purplish mane and tail with a light blue stripe, strange but it suited her lithe figure. Shame though, in a few moments she would be dead. Waiting till she was well down the tunnel and almost to the prepared chamber did he enter the tunnel after her and quietly walk along, arms almost folded in his robes.

A terrified shriek pierced the gloom, she must have run into the gargoyle, there was no sound of ripping flesh so she must have been able to avoid it in time. Oh well, this was EXACTLY why he had come along and also placed additional security, with a wave another gargoyle slid from a hidden side compartment and blocked the only exit, ordered to not move but to block the way he quickened his pace.

In his mind he could see her poking with her spear till the construct batted the spearhead off, followed by her sudden screeing. A smile came to his face quickly and with a thought the gargoyle cut off her screeing with its claws raking the ceiling. She was a smart one, he gave her that, using her screech to "look" behind her before turning on an enemy. Wings flaring out she beat the air rapidly and spun to escape launching her body across the chamber rapidly but unfortunately for her... Straight into his waiting hand, in an instant he had ripped her "staff" away and slammed her into the wall and watched as she slid to the floor dazed.

Her pack had taken the bulk of the impact, exploding and sending papers and other things flying. Tossing away the shaft he beckoned to the now waiting gargoyle to finish the job, it began moving forward from the far side of the room as he willed one of her papers into the air to get a better look at it. A map, a very FAMILIAR map...

Pain. Pain, dizziness and oh damn there were two of them now! Her senses quickly returned as adrenaline pounded through her small frame, eyes snapping up to the figure standing over her she realized this was NOT the same demon but a different one, robes, tall, hunched over her a little... Oh damn the other one is coming over, why is it taking my map? Curiosity died quickly as a clawed hand reached for her throat, one razor sharp claw extended, she started sobbing.

Scanning the map as the gargoyle reached down the sudden sobbing brought his mind back to reality, a quick mental command changed its orders and instead of slashing her throat it grabbed her and roughly hoisted her up for him to get a better look at her. As she dangled from its grip he opened his mouth and slowly began speaking.

"Where did you get this map?"

Well that took it all, almost die, survive, almost die again and now here she was dangling in the air, sobbing, knowing that as soon as it lost interest she was going to die a horrible death. The robed figure asked something but she could not make out anything over her sobbing and all she could mutter was "please dont kill me." It stared at her a minute, waiting before asking in a clear deep voice the same question. "My grandpa" was all she could squeek out.

Damn it all.

Quietly cursing in his mind he kept staring at her, that map had been taken and now sat in his collection, been a hell of a task tracking that crazy bat down and getting the map. Somehow, it had managed to make another and pass it on to family for some reason. The only reason he spared the gibbering wreck was because he WAS a gibbering wreck. No one believed him!

Killing him would have drawn too much attention. But now, in his caves was one of his progeny, carrying an exact copy, sobbing, begging for her life. Glaring into her eyes and letting out a small snarl words left his mouth that honestly she could not understand why he was asking: "WHY?!"

Not dead yet and that counts for something, it even bothered to ask WHY so that must mean there is at least some tiny, itty bitty chance of getting out of this alive. "I wont tell anyone! I swear by the moon and all the fruit of the world I wont tell a soul! Ever!"

A laugh was what she got and the monster holding her tightened its grip. "Killing you would silence you NOW and I would never have to give it a second thought."

"Others might come looking for me!" Well that was true, others might, she was young, obviously had family, the ponies were a very "homogeneous" group with large families and herds... "I can always just seal this entrance with magic and no one will ever know this tunnel network existed."

Now what the hell could she say to that? Her mind raced wildly before she blurted out "You would have done that already after my grandpa was here, so this path MUST be important!" Not the best choice of words she had to admit, in fact saying that would probably mean she WAS going to die, saying that made it sound like she was a scout for some army.

His mouth twitched at hearing that, smart girl this one. Maybe too smart, then again he was starting to enjoy this pointless banter, it had been... Well... Quite some TIME since he had talked to anyone. Lets see what happens when I really PUSH her...

"That just means I have all the more reason to kill you bat, turn you to ash on the spot and leave not a trace! I can just kill whoever else comes, hell I can even put a giant pony eating lizard down here and have it eat anyone who tries to follow! No one would know the difference!"

Still not dead, that means she still has a chance! "Yes but that would draw attention! Others would come to kill the lizard to keep ponies safe! Ponies will be CRAWLING through this cave with magic and weapons!"

"I will collapse the damned cave then and just dig a new one!"

"Your probably too lazy to do that!" Oh crap that was not what she wanted to say.

She was right, he was too lazy to do that, all that damned bother... The skeleton crews that would be needed, tools, oversight, the decades it would take... "I could always erase your memory..."

"If you did that then other ponies would know someone did it! My family would come looking for me and find out!"

"I could always stage your death outside in the forest..."

Well he had her on that one, but still, he kept talking so there must be SOME reason he was keeping her alive, was he amused? Toying with her? She was considerably calmer now that the immediate threat of death had passed. She had even stopped to just stare at this giant brute that was glaring at her.

Strange beast, bearded, blue eyed and sickly pale white flesh. It must have been down here a LOONNNGGG time... Its patience seemed to run out and the stone thing tightened its grip more and in a rush to stave off death by strangulation little Shadow blurted out words that she knew she would regret for the rest of her short, horrible life: "I'll be your slave!"

Chapter 2

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A cough escaped his lips, now he had been around a mighty long time, seen all manner of hell and usually been either the cause of or the focus of. This however, this was new, in all his uncountable years never had he expected anyone to beg for their life and offer to be his slave. Hell, he had plenty of others in the past in positions like this but NONE had ever offered to be his slave. None. Yet this little bat had just made the offer in exchange for her life.

Still regretting her words she also noted that those rueful worlds had caught her captor by surprise, even made him cough in surprise. She had nailed it, now just keep going! "I will be your slave if you dont kill me, letters! I can even fabricate letters to my family saying im fine! No one will ever know, i'll even tell them I am traveling the world, they'll never know or have a return address!" As she finished this another realization came to mind: HE could fabricate the letters on her behalf after the first few! Oh damn now what do I say...

Clever girl, he liked her, the sudden change of hope to worry on her face meant she just realized the same thing he already knew: He could fabricate the letters and just kill her, lost in a tragic shipwreck... Still, she was clever and he liked clever folks or at least he used too being utterly tactless himself. Hiding a grin that threatened to come to his face he decided to pretend he was unaware of that last fact of this newly proposed "deal" of theirs. Leaning forward and hissing into her face his words made her eyes pop: "Deal."


What have you gotten yourself into Shadow? The moment he hissed the word "deal" to her she knew her life was over, she might live a few horrible months, maybe a year... Then he would no longer need her, the crisis would be over and once again she would be expendable. What HAD made her offer that deal anyway? Was it the fact he was male and she was playing on it? Maybe so but it looked like he could care less, then again she had caught him looking her over or maybe that was simply... "Examing the goods before buying at the market" and by the moon she hoped to hell that was not the case. Looking back up all she saw was a pale hand reaching for her head and letting out a small scream all went black as she fell unconcious as it touched her.

If nothing else this should be a very... "Interesting" next few months was all he could think, his spell had put her out like a light and now all he had to do was get her back home. With a sigh he commanded the gargoyle to release her and gather the fallen materials and stuff them into a bag he conjured up. Sending the guardians back to their posts he carried the bag in one hand and floated her body in his magic with the other and started off. This was going to be a VERY interesting first month with his new "slave."


She woke with a start, jumping up screaming and thrashing, it had all been a bad dream! Just a bad dream! Then reality sunk in, she was in a pitch black room, stone, her scree told her no way out, she was simply sealed in a 5x6ft stone coffin. Her life as a slave was starting out just perfect... She thumped on the walls and shouted till she thumped on one side and the wall swung open, with a thud she fell out of the room into the light and looked around. All around her were tables, archaic lab equipment and other things she had no idea what they were. Brain in a jar, alchemical things? What looked like dried plants? Shadows eyes settled on a figure staring at her bemusedly over a table on the far side as it continued to riffle through her things. This was a lab, and that could be very bad for her health.

Staring at her face as it went from shock, curiosity and then to horror he decided it was time to pipe up. "Good, your awake, here is your first job slave bat: the shelves need put back in the closet and get all the cleaning equipment put away." The look on her face was priceless.

"Cleaning closet?" Turning to look back she realized that it was indeed a closet, stacked off to one side in the room were cleaning materials and shelves that had one been in the room. "You locked me in the cleaning closet?"

Letting out a sigh he stopped going over her journal "YES. I do not make a HABIT of keeping dangerous creatures and experiments locked in cages in my HOME. I had to have somewhere to put you so when you woke up you wouldn't immediately try to run away or break anything. Figured the cleaning closet would work, has a nice tight seal too so the chemical smells dont lea..." Dammnit why was he explaining himself to a slave? "Slave! Get your furry ass in gear and get that stuff put away!"

"I have a name asshole! Shadow Moon! And quit going through my diary!" Realization slapped her hard across the face as she finished shouting, she had not just told off just anypony, she had just told off the creature that "owned" her and could kill her at any moment she figured and by the look on his face, he just might.

A very interesting first month indeed... He had NEVER liked anyone talking back to him and being short tempered did not help matters any but being yelled at by his new slave...

Horror etched itself across her face as he slowly brought one finger up into the air while starring daggers at her. Well, this was it, puff your chest out, close your eyes and accept death with some dignity.


There never was any intention of killing her for this outburst, he found it quite funny in a way thought it still angered him but seeing her puff her chest out a bit, close her eyes, grimace and stand there shaking like a leaf made finishing his spell all the sweeter. A snap echoed in the room followed by a yelp as his spell shocked her rump resulting in her wings flaring and jumping into the air. Trying not to laugh he let out a growl at her "Back to work... Slave Shadow Moon."

That hurt, it was like getting zapped by a small lightning bolt when one flew too close to a rowdy one. Almost staring daggers back at him she caught herself and slammed her mouth shut before tempting fate again. Grabbing the first shelf and heaving it moved bit by bit, slowly being drug along as she worked it back into the cleaning closet. It took a while but she managed it and all he did was watch every now and then. After shelving the last of the strange jars of cleaning materials and closed the door and turned to her new "master" and coughed quietly.

Now what... Glancing up from his reading he studied Shadow: sweaty, worn and tired. Putting the materials away was all he DID have for her to do. Long ago he had created enough servants to take care of everything: laundry, cooking, cleaning, guarding... Hell he had been absently thinking on and off about what to have her do next the whole time while occasionally watching her struggle with the heavy shelves. Nothing had come to mind yet. Well, things HAD come to mind but those jobs were already filled or he simply did those things himself. The little bat just stood there quietly waiting further instructions, absently he thought a command for her to just sit for a bit before realizing that she was not one of the constructs who could just be "commanded" mentally. "SIT."

Simple enough, looking around though, finding a chair would be a problem, she made her way towards a chair before she was suddenly grabbed by unseen forced and plopped into a chair and swung around the room till she was sitting across from him. "When I give you an order carry it out QUICKLY." Faking a smile she nodded "yes masterrr....?"

Leaning back in his seat he eyed her, well he knew of one way to kill some time, get some answers and also learn a little about his new slave. "You will call me Master Valkardian." Then came the barrage of questions, height: 5'2", age: 20, family, friends, hometown, occupation, cutie mark: cave with a map and on and on. Shadow was fairly certain he was only half listening as he continued to thumb through her diary. What felt like an eternity finally ended and he stopped, dropped the little book on the table and stood rapidly. Shadow flinched thinking that something had not met his expectations but instead he waved her up. Simply pointing behind her he told her to follow the servants and bathe, change and be ready for further instructions.


What was behind her though, that made her freeze and the blood run cold, two skeletal creatures waiting quietly flanking the doorway, she had not heard anyone enter... Now she knew why... Hooves faltering she shakily walked forward, quick realization that THIS might be her fate if she angered him. Without a word one simply turned and left, the other waited, once in the hall the last followed behind her closely. "Still expecting me to make a run for it..." This thought hung with her as they guided her through the hallways, she had to admit the place was very fancy, wide halls, not very high ceilings though... Still, she had to admit the place was indeed VERY fancy. Elaborate carvings adorned the walls as well though after seeing what they depicted she quit looking: battles, carnage, death, destruction but also quite a few nice ones that appeared to tell the tale of how this place came to be... Sort of. That strange moss was growing in giant chandaleres above giving off a funny light that make it very easy to see and before long the leading skeleton stopped, swung open a door and stepped aside.

Now THIS was fancy, very, very, very fancy. This was what she expected a royal bathroom to look like, elaborate tile floors with various, what she assumed were cave flora and fauna depicted. Steam rose off the clear water which had an odd glow to it caused by the moss above. While Shadow stood there admiring the scene a skeleton of what looked like a weird lizard thing walked in carrying a bundle, presented it to her and left. Clothes, oh well, first a bath... And it proved to be the most relaxing she ever had, after just soaking in the hot water for a time she suddenly realized that "Master Valkardian" might come calling if she took too long. Then again, no skeletons had entered to usher her out either, it was spooky how they quietly stalked the hallway, she had passed a few on the way here, they simply wandered around carrying things, sweeping, dusting or just standing at doors waiting.

Slipping from the water and drying off she stared at the package that had been given to her, there was a stone table along the wall with towels and other things so she had left it there. Unwrapping the simple bundle her eyes nearly popped from her skull, he expected her to wear THIS?! Better question: what the HELL was he DOING with something like this in the first place?! Looking back to where she had left her clothes she found the pile gone, apparently while soaking one of the skeletons had checked in on her and taken her clothes away. Pulling the garments out and holding them up her face changed color just looking at it.

Valkardian had left the door to his study open so he could hear her, though the baths were a good distance off from his study (dampness wrecked havoc on his tomes) he had figured one of two things would happen. First, if she opened that ancient package first she would scream and try and run or two she would bathe first THEN scream and run. Either way, he could care less, she was his property now by her own admission. As such, if he could not put her ass to work then he would at least get to stare at her occasionally. Besides, that package had been left in storage for who knows how long after he would up with it when some damned fool had... Well that was a story for another time, she was on her way. Neither had she screamed and run nor refused to don it, the threat of death can do that, then again she WAS wrapped in a large towel as she stormed into his study escorted closely by his "servants."


Degrading, that's what this was... Maybe it would be best to have just accepted death back in the tunnel, no then she might be one of these skeletal servers. They didn't have their souls trapped in there did they? Oh pony gods she hoped not. On other hand she had bigger problems, he was staring at her over a massive book with a less than amused look on his face. Holding the towel a little tighter around her body she tried not to glare at him.

"You were to wear the clothes given to you not the TOWEL." With a motion of his hand the towel disappeared revealing her to him, he had to admit it fit quite well, then again the servant dedicated to keeping his wardrobe functioning had done a good job doing last minute alterations. He had eyeballed her properly and by the new look on her face as she desperately tried to cover herself with arms and wings. "SHOW ME." His voice was slow and hard but she got the point and with a mighty mental struggle showed him the outfit. To say it was skimpy was an understatement, more like "dancing harem girl." Still, he was a man not a woman so he had nothing stored away for anyone but himself to wear and he was not sharing his cloths with her, it would be too dangerous; especially with all the enchantments woven into his garments. Oh well, at least it fit so she would not be running around naked, that was a relief, it was distracting enough having her here.

Ogling, that's what he was doing the dirty bastard, he was ogling her! Well if he thinks she is going to dance or strip he can forget it, especially if he thinks she is going to sleep in bed with him! She knew how books went that had a girl like her dressed like this. Eyes shifting back to his hellishly large tome he waved her off and she was about to sigh in relief except for what came out next. "Take her to my chambers, you will sleep there, oh I dont want you damaging that, leave it on a hangar while you sleep or something..." Still waving his hand dismissively her jaw dropped. Like hell.

"Like TARTARUS I am going to sleep with you! I may be your slave but..." Her shouting caused him to look up, he had returned to his reading and his own thoughts after waving her off and now she was changing colors and shouting for some reason. Oh well, here we go again. "I can still just kill you and use you anyway." He beckoned at a skeletal servant but she did not take note of the gesture. Instead Shadows jaw dropped and a furious look crossed her face. "You SICK PERVERTED BASTARD!"

Chapter 3

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Confused, that would describe his mental state, he could understand her getting mad over the clothes but oh well, it was that or nothing and her old clothes were too dirty. Now she was standing there ranting at him calling him a "necrophiliac" and "corpse rutter" and other words and things that he had no idea what they were or meant.

She kept going till he suddenly lurched to his feet and stormed around the table and towered over her, this was the first time she gotten a good look at him. Intimidating and spooky were two very good words, standing at just over 6' tall with blazing blue eyes, pale whitish, pink skin, the kind of pale that allowed her to see the veins. A white silvery beard and long hair of matching color, he looked the portrait of a man who aged rapidly without his face aging beyond its late thirties.

As he looked down at her with a portrait of utter fury, the kind of fury that would leave her as nothing more than a dusting of soot on the floor Shadow realized she may have just overdone it a bit. He was a solid built fellow too she realized, maybe he would not burn her into the floor, maybe he would break every bone in her body. Still, ears laid back she found herself pinned to the wall as he kept yelling at her, fear had shut out everything he was saying but she did catch one bit. "And FURTHERMORE I am NOT having SEX WITH YOU!"

"Wait, what?" Her entire rebuttle was two short lived words as he stared her shrinking form down. "Your not... Going to have your way with me?" Now it was his turn to change colors and look confused again. "No of course not! I only have the one bedroom! Its not like I ever built this place with the intention of having guests! Where in the hell WOULD you sleep? On the floor?! I will not have any servant or slave of mine sleeping on the floor but YOU are trying my patience!"

Oh, well this is embarrasing. "But what about the clothes?" He leaned back from her and went back to his table and sat down again "Its all I had in storage, its a long story but it will have to do till clothes can be made." He already knew what started all this and his anger dissipated now that he knew she was drawing the wrong conclussion. "I have little to no use for my chambers anymore since long ago I got over the need for sleep, played hell on my senses for a time but..." There he goes again, explaining himself to his slave. Snapping his mouth shut for a moment he looked up and glared at her again "Go to bed, I will have my servants wake you when its time for you to continue your dutied. Leave." Waving his hand she found herself floating out the door with the other servants. The doors shut with a quiet thud and she was quickly ushered down the halls again.


Grand, opulent, overdone perhaps. Valkardian must have been bored when he or whoever designed this room drew it up, it was massive, more like a museum for all the random things laying around, an entire library was arranged on one side, a bed big enough for a large herd in the center, low to the floor but it looked very plush. She assumed the other doors led to wardrobes. Armor, weapons were also plentiful along with... Trophies... Skulls, a dragons head was mounted on one wall. Shadow gave the weapons a look then thought better of it, something told her that even IF she were armed it wouldnt make a lot of difference. For one thing all the armor and weapons were made to fit HIM and looked WELL WORN. Secondly, even if she got lucky, there were enough skeletons out there to overwhelm her wings or not and she had no idea how to get out ANYWAY. Best to just buy her time and pray that one day he slips and gives her a chance to get away.

Stripping off and laying on the bed left her feeling wierd, looking up she found out why, two servants guarded the door, armed. How had she NOT noticed them before? Oh well, the bed was plusher than it looked, she sank into the silk sheets and sighed, whatever tomorrow would bring, it would. There was nothing she could do about it so best sleep and be ready for whatever nefarious torture and hell he had planned for her. Yanking a sheet over herself Shadows mind drifted back to a concern of hers: what would become of her when she was no longer needed? It did not last long however, sleep overtaking her mind as she quickly slipped away in the beds silky embrace.


What to do with her... Hmm... At least she was asleep, he would need to figure out something for sleeping arrangements though... Letting a slave sleep in his bed... No, then again at least she had not tried anything after seeing his "collection." At any rate he had a short list of things for her to do now, too short but at least his new slave would have SOMETHING to do other than stand around. He had to admit, having her around livened things up for the first time in... Memory failed him but it was livelier and she was quite amusing if nothing else, a pain in the ass but amusing all the same. Tomorrow her work would begin, first she would dust the murals in the hallway then if she did not botch that... He would allow her to work outside the house in his garden but time would tell. Stopping suddenly he remember a very important fact: she needed to eat. No, a slave would not eat at his personal table, she already had his chambers and was using his bath. Sending out a series of commands that sent servants skuttling through the halls he was now certain that come "morning" she would be fully capable of being fed, watered and cleaned up after. A table would be set up in the banquet hall, he had commanded his servents to keep it "simple and primitive." A chair, table, what else would she need, food would be prepared from the stock available and that would be that. Clothes... Oh well he would get around to that later, she could wear some strips of cloth from storage if it came to that. Not giving anything another thought he turned back to his reading.


Poking, something was poking her, it just kept poking till Shadow opened her eyes whisking her away from a happy dream of orchards and succulent fruits. Turning over and looking up a servant was using a broom to poke her, eyes nearly bugging out she almost let out a scream before calming down, she was still HERE. Climbing off the bed she quickly dressed in what amounted to string and wishful thinking. Afraid, yes Shadow you should be terrified, PETRIFIED at this situation but for whatever reason it did not terrify her at all. True, she was scared of him but last night any terror she may have held melted away, he had not raped, killed or reduced her to ash after her outburst. However slaves were supposed to be treated this was likely not it, then again today was the day her work started and that might change. What WAS he anyway? Would asking get her zapped again or worst? Strange how a mortifying experience was turning more curious. Expecting to be given the broom she reached for it after dressing only for the servant to hold it away from her and leave. Following it outside another pointed and she dutifully followed.

These murals were damned disturbing, they were on every wall including the grand dining hall she now sat in. If this is how her new master treated slaves... She didn't mind one bit. Sitting at the head of a large table decked out in finery it made her feel more like a princess than a slave. Silk tablecloth, fine dining-ware, silverware, crystal goblet and some kind of wine jug all for her. Grinning like a fool Shadow waited as her skeletal butler loped its way over to her carrying a tray of something... It smelled good that was true, as it set the tray down and began to serve her she finally got a good look at it. Mushrooms... Lots and lots of mushrooms... And THINGS. The "main dish" assuming that's what it indeed was... Held an array of mushrooms cooked and seasoned three different ways, a bowl of what appeared to be black gruel was placed beside it. None of it smelled bad, it smelled delicious, taking a testing taste of the seared mushrooms a smile spread across her face, this was delicious! With some trepidation Shadow eyed the bowl, carefully picking up a spoon and poking the contents. "What is this?" Taking a spoonful she smelled it, whatever this stuff was it smelled sweet and after tasting it indeed it was. Bit chewy and had a crunch to it but very sweet. Unidentifiable Sweet Thing, that's what she would call this, reaching for the jug on the table a skeletal hand shot out making her jump. It did not go for her but instead grabbed the jug and poured the contents into her goblet before placing it down and stepping away, going rigid. Grand dining hall, full course breakfast, wine, fancy table, actual SILVERware, private butler to serve her... Oh yes, she could get used to this.


Yes, that might work, Shadow should be here soon too... Looking over at the doorway a servant led a beaming Shadow into the room, maybe she was one of those masochistic types. No one in their right mind would be smiling like that and nearly hopping in place while a slave and head nearly on the chopping block. Ack, orders, yes her orders. "Slave, your job for the next few days is dusting the murals in the halls, a servant will give you what you need, off with you." Waving a hand dismissively at her and turning back to the experiment he caught a happy "Yes master Valkardian!" before she was ushered away. Turning to look back he muttered and shook his head before going back to the experiment. Clothes would soon be in production for her in the next few days, getting the skeletons reprogrammed on short notice was no small feat, nor was getting the patterns! She had best be worth it.


Duster in hand Shadow lazily flapped her wings, the murals in this hall were much bigger than the others, this was a "primary" hall she guessed, this place must be HUGE! A true palace hidden away... Somewhere. Dusting was easy, every once in a while a servant would lope down the hall to check on her before leaving, that was another thing, there was nothing scary about them at all. The ones with glowing blue eyes ignored her, they seemed to be the soldiers, always armed and marching around quietly. The yellow ones cleaned, lavender served, whoever this Valkardian was he was a very organized stallion-thing. Even the doors had some weird script chiseled into them or above on the frame. The only scary thing down here so far was these nightmarish murals. So far she had cleaned quite a bit, most depicted history of some time long forgotten or simply not IN pony books. Shadow found herself dusting and studying the murals at the same time, every once in a while a servant would come along and bat at her with a broom to get her cleaning again but she had since learned to listen for their quiet clacking sound.

So far she had dusted off one depicting some "paleo-pony period" rendition showing the various ponies killing each other with sticks and stones, others showed bug ponies starting fights. The worst of them however was whenever HE made an appearance, in one mural he was harvesting them and their dead to make servants. Maybe he was not so nice after all... Actually, as she thought about it going back to dusting the next mural in the series, everything so far showed him either intervening to stop the fighting or downright stomping out the competition. Maybe he was an evil neutral? The day seemed to go on till some skeletons arrived and ushered her down, the little convoy carried a small table, chair and other things. They quickly set up a table for her and adorned it quickly, setting out food and more wine. Yes, life was good, very good.


Must be time for dinner... His stomach growled and standing he walked out into the hall. "I wonder where she is now..." A simple thought allowed him to glimpse her through the eyes of a servant passing by, she had made good progress but she could be faster. "Hmm... Best go see how good a job she is doing..." Muttering to himself and stalking down the halls he eventually rounded a bend bringing her into sight. What the devil was she doing? Ah, she is... Studying the murals? Quietly making his way over he stood behind her as the little hovering bat quietly beat her wings examining the mural she had just dusted off. A bit of pride filled him looking at it, one of his finer moments indeed. "Learn anything USEFUL or are you lazing about?"

Damn! Normally she heard them coming but, oh wait this is worse. Descending to the floor and turning slowly she looked up at the face of a bemused master. "Oh, um... Yes! Am I not allowed to study them or...?" Looking over her his eyes tracing over the mural "No, you are free to study them so long as you do your job." Lifting a finger and pointing "A proud moment, a hive queen almost took over the three pony races and enslaved them. Was not much interested in allowing the changelings to concentrate their power like that so I stopped it, best to keep the factions divided and feuding. She had it in her head to be empress and even march against ME one day!" Scoffing at the notion he continued "A few words in the proper ears however put a stop to it, got my revenge on the bitch too, while she was busy loosing the war on three fronts I harvested her hive from behind, dug right into it and wiped most of them out. When she returned to the hive I captured her and well..." An army swept to the left and Shadow followed it, her master was running the changeling queen through and then raising her body as a servant... How very... FINAL. The pony army that showed up later it seemed had no idea what had happened as no trace was left, not one body. They were none the wiser.

"Um, master, is something wrong? I know its only been... Two days? But you never personally checked on me before, is something wrong?" Valkardians head turned and looked down and a toothy grin showed, he always enjoyed teaching history but that was long ago, he could not help but smile. "No, I came to get something to eat."

Oh crap he has sharp teeth! Vampony! The pale skin, living underground, undead servants! No wonder he had wined and dined her! All this was to keep her blood nice and tasty! "AH! Um! Batponies are poisonous! Very bad for vampony health! My blood would only make you very sick master Valkardian! Oh please dont suck my blood, please dont suck my blood..."

The last pleading part came out a low mutter that she just kept muttering leaving him there to just stare at this deranged little bat. Utterly insane, bouts of madness, good worker! Cheery, but deranged. That or she was just very good at assuming the worst and he always did that but she made him look like an amateur at it. Then again... The pale skin and all the rest of it... With a heavy sigh he shook his head "I am NOT a vampire. Besides, if I wanted your blood I would just magic it away... Then again I SHOULD take a sample, see if you have lead poisoning or something..." Continuing to mutter Shadow sighed in relief but that old question popped back into her head. "Master? What ARE you anyway? I have never seen a stallion like you before nor read about anything like you..."

Stepping back to reality his gaze drifted back down to his little slave. "I am ME, if you refer to species well... I gave up those petty notions long ago, I am simply who I am and that is all that matters, not this fleshy thing. Also, I am not a stallion, I am a MAN. All that matters to you is that I am MASTER Valkardian." Looking around again he felt hunger pangs, oh well, time to eat... Might be nice to have an actual flesh and blood servant for once too... "Slave, come with me." Continuing to stalk down the hall she dutifully followed him to his own private dining room, this was not that darned banquet hall he had made so long ago only to have it become useless. Then again he had assigned it for her use but oh well, she could eat in that drafty barn till hell froze over. A wave of his hand brought the doors open and leading her into his dining room.

Not as big as where she had eaten... Smaller, more private, familial in a way. The decor here was not grim but more scenic, quite nice really. The table was as opulent as possible: solid marble and polished to a sheen with fancy gold inlay. What looked more like a throne sat at the head, the table seemed to be big enough for some sixteen or so ponies but there was only the one "chair." Doors lead off the far side and braziers brought a bright magical light to the room, this was concentrated royal dining room for one. Sitting down with a tired huff she followed over and stood waiting, duster still in hand. Moments later he looked up and it and floated off into the hands of a servant. "Follow that one, YOU will be serving me tonight." He really liked to wave his hands out. Following it brought her into a grand cooking chamber, most of the servants though stood around idly, the place was built to feed an army but there was no army. Why had he gone to so much trouble to do all this then just abandon it? A "waiter" brought a tray over for her to carry while another carried a bottle and goblet on a silver tray. Oh well, if this was the extent of "slave labor" she could put up with it.

Having a pretty little thing deliver your meal after hell only knows how long is quite nice for a change. Being served by skeletons forever gets old after a time and having a new, pretty face makes things less droll and drab. On the other hand, having said serving slave be an attractive little thing dressed in a skimpy outfit is simply an additional perk. Maybe having a slave wasnt such a bad idea after all... Then again...

I have no idea what I am doing. Shadow stood there with the tray in her arms, it was too large for her but she managed, bit heavy too... Remembering her breakfast she quickly placed the tray down on the table and removed the silver lid, it looked similar to what she had eaten but with more courses, all of them made of mushrooms or THINGS. He must REALLY love his mushrooms... Setting the plates before him carefully she haphazardly started to lay them out after the first three. A sigh escaped him as he began to teach her proper placement and soon she was done, stepping back the other servant came forward, placed two goblets, filled one from the red bottle then poured water in the other and stepped away.

Being served was nice even thought she had no idea what she was doing, then again the bat learned quickly and listened well. Taking his time eating he simply enjoyed having an actual SERVANT for once but the silence was boring. "Have you been given enough sustenance? Water? Did the servants show you where the bathroom is?"

"Yes! The food is quite good and the wine was excellent! I had no idea you treated your slaves so well, at first I thought I might get gruel and water or something, not a private dining hall, table and all this fancy... Dining stuff. Its very kind of you master!"

Wait a second. Spoon almost to his mouth he began to rethink the orders given out last night, he had ordered the servants too... Oh dammit. They were only programmed for serving lavishly. That means they... No wonder she was so happy and bouncing around. *Sigh* Too much bother to go through all that programming again to create a handful of specialized servants just for her though. At least the banquet hall was getting used and she was now less likely to cause trouble. Continuing to eat, other questions came to mind. "Tell me, what did you learn from the murals?"

"That you dont like getting involved unless it might affect you personally." Well that was very true, for the most part at least from what she gathered, only once had he done anything "nice" in any of the murals she saw not counting the bug pony one... That was more a "you rub my back I rub yours." A nod was all she got in response to her answer. "I also learned that you are... Ancient... ANCIENT, ancient. Old as the princesses old or older. Are you older than them?"

"Yes, keep dusting and you will probably come across a mural with them eventually. We are quite "different" in age though, on the other hand I never got out as much as they did or... Experiment... As much as they did either." A smile crept onto his face. "Tell me, how much DO you know about those two sisters?"

"They are the rulers of Equestria, bringer of sun and moon, peace, harmony, unifiers of the country..." On and on she listed what she knew of them, all of it textbook jargon hammered into her head as a filly. Still, he seemed to find it amusing, he had stopped eating and had leaned back in his chair to listen and occasionally chuckle or guffaw at what she had said only to motion her to continue. After finishing her little speech with the occasional question thrown in he stood quietly and informed her that was all for the day, to go get dinner herself and retire for the day. Many questions did she have, many, many, many. Especially about him laughing hard when she mentioned how Celestia and Luna had brought peace and prosperity. Harmony? He guffawed. Protectors who drove off evil invading armies? He gagged on his soup.

For an almighty, terrifying evil bastard as the murals depicted... Shadow was having a hard time believing it, yes what he had done was... Well, just EVIL but something was missing, especially with his reaction to her story, something was just plain WRONG in how he responded, like he knew a big secret or something, a secret she wanted to know. However, that would have to wait, master had left her alone, one last parting bit was that by going through the kitchen she could reach her own dining room. Indeed she did, then again Shadow could understand why he prefered the other room, it WAS nicer abliet much smaller. Then again, how often does one get to dine in a royal banquet hall at a private table, servants, fine wine, food... They even brought desert! Wierd stuff it was, was it pudding or cake? A hybrid? Oh well, it tasted wonderful. Still, it would be nice to have someone to talk to while eating. That one slapped her in the face hard, having her serve him, she suddenly understood what it meant having someone to eat with, talk to or even listen to while eating. Especially if he had been down here as long as she was supposing he had been.


A bath could wait for another day, he had to finish up that experiment, everything was laid out, commands given, all that was left was to carry on and wait for tomorrow. It had been the nicest dinner he had in... Forever, what a funny little bat she was, what grand, tall tales she regaled to him. HAH! She made those two sound like saints! They were anything BUT! Then again... If HE was any measure to go by... Well... They WERE saints. Still, he couldnt help but chuckle, she had really got into her story telling, if she enjoyed telling stories so much he wondered what else she might tell him if asked, maybe dinners would stay interesting for a time. Who knows, if she kept studying the murals she might just learn something NEW and... "Different" about her reveried leaders. Now THAT would be fun to see, what would the look on her face be when she started to dust... What section was it? Section TWO... Yes... Section TWO was where those two entered. He would need to leave a spy to record her expression after seeing that section.


Once again she was led to her... Well HIS/HER chambers, did he EVER sleep? The servant stood by quietly as she stripped making her feel wierd, placing her "clothes" down it picked them up and left, maybe it was going to clean them? Exchange them with something new? No, he said this was it till new clothes could be made and he did not want her prancing around naked to distract him. Kind of touching to know he thought of her as beautiful to the point of distracting... Then again kind of creepy when she associated the face with the thought. Never mind, the bed bad already been fixed at some point after she got up, if she could say anything about his servents they kept the place IMMACULATE. More dusting tomorrow but for tonight... Soft, oh so soft silky softness and sleep.

Chapter 4

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Valkardian was beating the stuffing out of the pony, literally, in every way possible. Shadow was still on dusting duty, so far most of the murals had been gory but this was special. Frankly, she had no idea what made the ponies so mad but they had tried to lynch Valkardian for it and were now suffering the concequences. Examing it all over again it appeared he taught them how to make a windmill to grind flour more effectively, as to WHY he would do so eluded her... Something made them mad about his appearance and some kind of royal pony had lead a mob against him. The result was the rest of the ponies were magically stuck to the ground unable to move while he absolutely throtted the royal. Little bits and pieces of him had come off, the mural was sectioned showing step by step what happened and frankly... It hurt to look at the mural. When it ended her master simply pulped the unicorn magically and left but not before taking quite a load of sacks with him. Flour? Had he seriously gone through of all that just to get some sacks of flour?


Lunchtime, grumbling and turning from the tome Valkardian shuffled down the hall, Shadow had been doing well, every night for the past two days she was his server at dinnertime. Frankly he was having dinner quite often now, eating four days in a row was quite new, usually he just used magic to maintain himself. Today though, today would bring something new, she had done well, narry a peep unless asked, he had something that NEEDED done and this would be the perfect time to start her on it. Maybe a bit too early but oh well, one must test the waters. Stalking the hall he found her, examining a mural he recognized quite quickly.

"Curious as to why I helped them, was attacked then reduced the one to jelly?" Upon hearing the voice Shadow nearly jumped from her hide, for whatever reason he liked to sneak up on her and always with a question. "Yes, why?"

"I wanted flour to make bread with, wheat, rye and barley does not grow down here naturally. Also, what they produced back then was far too course for my liking, I showed them how to make mills and power them with the wind in exchange for flour. However, the noble in charge after learning the secrets took exception to my nature and led a mob to burn me for the crime of demonism and sorcery." Leaning toward the mural and examing it further he stopped, read and leaned away. "Lord Scriptwrite. Yes that was his name." Pointing to a patch of writing Shadow looked, she had seen this wierd script all over the place but still could not read it. Frankly, this was the first time he had translated anything for her, up till now she was simply associating symbols with words she knew, like the wierd script over the kitchen doors. Walking away leaving her to think on it before remembering why he was there "Oh, tomorrow your job changes, I have more important things for you to do outside."

Watching him walk off Shadow could not help but wonder what that meant but there was one word which piqued her interest: OUTSIDE. He was letting her OUT of the mansion and out into... Whatever... A massive cave most likely. Still, she was going OUTSIDE! Dusting happily knowing that tomorrow would bring more freedom the rest of the "day" rushed by, more grusome murals, he did not have her serve him that night. Her own dinner was... Well it was wierd, she wondered if he was messing with him, a loaf of BREAD sat on the table that night. The servant brought it out and plopped it down with her mushroom stew, whatever it was made of... Black but most certainly not any kind of grainy smell or flavor that she knew. Still, it was good, along with the wierd "fruit preserves" that came with it, no butter but then again... If there HAD been "butter" on the table she would not have touched it, what kind of monster down here would be milked? A giant bug? None of that mattered, it tasted good and tomorrow she was going OUT!


Today was the day he let her out. Mistake? Maybe, with wings she might try to fly off but considering how deep they were it would get her nowhere. The slave could spend a lifetime trying to navigate this continent spanning labrynth of caves and tunnels and never get out without a healthy dose of luck, that and getting past more of his defenses. Collecting her after she was done with breakfast he led her to a pair of double doors. This had been hidden from her along with all the windows with a simple illusion spell till now, best to not let her get any ideas too soon. Then again letting her out was still too soon. Giving one of the doors a pull and stepping out into the cavern air Shadow followed. Before them lay his grand, immense garden, part food source, pleasure and alchemical. This was his pride and joy and it needed tending, servents were assigned already but some jobs were far to precise and delicate for skeletal hands to manage. Opening his mouth to begin giving instructions the words never had a chance to form, beside him a little bat was making the wierdest and loudest squeel and scree yet.

Shadow was bouncing, bouncing in place, wings flared out, excitement, pure, unrestrained excitement, what lay before her was why she loved to explore. A wall sealed this part of the cave off in the far distance from bottom to top but between the two... A forest, a forest of giant mushrooms, some kind of "trees" that had long, draping moss for instead of leaves. Some mushrooms went up to the ceiling, swaying gently, the ceiling of the gave glowed widly with blue moss and fungi. Everything was glowing actually, the ground was covered in vast sheets of something that glowed green, violet and other pastel colors. Plants, oh the plants! A brook bubbled in the distance leading to a large pond that snaked along a wall. Were those crops? On one side neat rows of mushrooms were being tended to by servants, a beautiful polished granite walk way led off into the distance towards the wall. So much to see, so little time!

Bouncing into the air his slave flew off quickly zooming one way then another, seeming incapable of making up her mind which way to go first. Squeeling, she zoomed up to a tree and began blathering and asking questions a mile a minute. Touching the moss that served as grass, sniffing the "flowers" that grew, poking, prodding, one of the fruit trees he had created though seemed to become a focal point for her attention. Grabbing a fallen one and smelling it she promptly blitzed up till she was in his face and asking a million questions about the fruit. Was it edible? What was it called? Name of the tree? A look of unbridled joy was firmly written on her face as she zoomed off to keep examining his garden. *Sigh* With a flick of the hand she appeared before him, held firmly in a magical grip. "You will be TENDING my garden and crops, your jobs are listed on this scroll, it is written in Equish so you can understand it. Follow the instructions to the letter and..." She was vibrating.


Shadow could not contain herself, the moment Valkardian said SHE was responsible for the garden, tending it! She could not contain herself, though held firmly by some invisible force she could not contain her joy, with a loud happy scree she was vibrating in place. All she could do was cheer "yes, yes, yes" over and over again. But wait! That meant she was responsible for the pond too! "Are there fish in the pond? What about crayfish? Are there animals that need tending too as well?"

Now the garden was his pride and joy, the pond stocked with cave fish and all manner of critter, but he had never gotten THIS excited over tending to any of it. True, great enjoyment was taken from this simple task but this crazy little bat slave of his was going over the top. "Yes, here." Dropping her uncerimoniously from his magical grip she immediately bounded up to him and snatched the scroll from his grip and began reading. "You will also need this..." A leather pack floated over to her. "Everything you need is in there, also there is a book detailing that is poisonious, if I catch you eating from my garden without permission you will be punished. Your lunch will be brought to you HERE, there are three crystals in the pack, the white one will produce a bright white light if you need it. Blue will aid you in some tasks, its all in the scroll. Use the pink one for questions. Oh, wear this." An amulet quickly found its way around her neck, it was quite elegant, silver chain with blue gem inlays. "That will keep you "safe" in the event you piss off my fauna or flora. A servant will retrieve you when the day is over, you will probably be at this for the next week or two." With that he walked off and left her there giggling in glee.


This was the best day of her life! She had come here to explore, been made a slave but now she had a book and was ordered to tend a garden that from what stories were told... DWARFED the royal gardens in Canterlot! Not only that! But she was also given leave to learn all about it from the book! Better yet, Master Valkardian had even given her a really pretty amulet to protect her! Maybe that should cause some worry as to what was in the garden but his parting words about "not pissing anything off" just meant he was concerned! It also meant she was not due for the chopping block anytime soon! Trusting her to a task that admittedly could not be done by the servents meant she was becoming more useful, maybe even indespensable! The scroll was quite long but detailed, apparently it started with the plants from the door and went out, there was even a map of the garden in the bag, basic though, no doubt to NOT help her if she tried to escape. Judging by the far wall... That would not be possible without GREAT effort.

Skimming the book as she worked proved enlightening, it was a VERY thorough, detailed book complete with hand drawn colored pictures. Bound in leather and in perfect Equish... WHY did he have a book, obviously written by himself in EQUISH when EVERYTHING she had seen so far was in that wierd alien script? The book was too old to have been made recently, did he have one made just in case one day? Still, her duties were easy, too easy even. Servants had already kept the garden in perfect health, her only job was to sow some seed or dust here and there, snip something back, collect two or three of this and that. Once in a while a servant would come by and collect the snippings and leave with them. Shadow had to admit, the glowing moss was soft as could be, made weird rippling, glowy colors as she walked over it though. Kind of enchanting really, then again the whole scene around her was surreal, turns out the tree was quite safe and was probably part of that weird fruit mix she was given.

Amongst all the other tools and things in the pack she found one of the outside compartments contained a leathery fruit snack wrapped in wax paper. He really was very kind to her despite it all, though something told her a good part of it was probably his own inattention and boredom. None of that mattered though, one additonal crystal tucked away even told the time! Assuming she knew how time worked down here and so it went on, each day, same royal treatment, then off to the gardens. Shadow loved every second of it too.

Sometime on what she figured was the fourth day Shadow found herself at the pond, taking a few minutes to explore it a little she found the water slightly warm and also... Full of life. This was one of many things that made her wonder, caves are COLD and DARK by definition, this cave was anything BUT. It was warm, bright and full of life, impossibly so. Magic or was there volcanic activity nearby that kept it warm? Both? The air was certainly clean from all the plantlife, walking along the edge of the pond she bumped into a servant by mistake. It stumbled to one side before turning to face her. Without thinking she uttered an apology to it seeing it was there throwing some kind of fungi out into the water for the fish and critters to eat.

"Parrdonn Misstresss." Shadow was floored. It spoke! THIS servant actually SPOKE! For DAYS she had greeted them, talked to them and tried all kinds of things to make them talk but none ever did! Yet this one was speaking somehow! The voice was slow, wispy and clearly female, hollow as if speaking through a tunnel and those ruby eyes... They had slits! None of the others were this unique! "Who are you?" Turning back towards her bowing its head "Ruby Althaxia." Turning back to its task Shadow kept examing it before a sick reality dawned on her: this was a bug pony. Had been... Looking at its jagged horn a memory flashed in her head: Her master had destroyed a hive long ago and cut down their queen... A queen with red eyes (the murals were VERY detailed) and oh... She understood what he had done with them now... They became more "servants" and this one... This one was probably the queen. "QUEEN Ruby Althaxia?" Testing the waters she got more than she bargained for.

The servant spun towards her, furry, hatered and pure rage burning in its eyes "Yesss, but no more, now..." The skeleton seemed to be at war with itself on what to do next. "Was queen, now servant of Master Valkardian, my liege, my lord, my... *growl* king." Backing away slowly its eyes followed her, reaching towards her amulet and praying it would keep this thing back the former queen suddenly seemed to be yanked away. "Doess mistress neeed annyythhingg..." It slumped back down and began to feed the aquatic life again, taking her chance Shadow muttered a quick "no" and fled.

It made sense now, perfect, terrifying sense: the other servants couldnt talk to her because they COULDNT, they were puppets on a string, they had no soul. This one however, THIS one had a soul TRAPPED inside it, fully aware of the world around it but BOUND to its tasks and incapable of lashing out, at least she hoped so. Thats also why he put her in the garden, the other servants were not just incapable of tending to things because they were not "smart enough" but because without the ability to THINK they COULDNT properly tend a garden like this. They were merely programmed to do as instructed over and over again except for one, a prisoner in her own "body," doomed to work as a slave out of spite or was it punishment? Whichever it was... Shadow had newfound fear of her master and also a longing hope SHE would not share the same fate. Her lesson today was "do not anger master."


The amulet had activated, he sensed it and just as quickly left his task behind and raced out to see what was going on, teleportation was impossible here, his defenses did not allow it; so much so HE could not teleport either... Well not ENTIRELY true. Stepping out and looking he easily caught side of the terrified little bat slave as she flew from one end of the cave widly to the other before setting near the fields. Glancing toward the pond in the distance he pinged the closest servants... Ah, that made sense, his little slave had met "the queen" in all her enslaved glory. It also meant she was just fine, most likely just shocked but that would fade. Deciding it better to leave her to think it over he stepped back inside and closed the grand metal door. It would give her something to think about if she crossed him, then again he only did that to his most hated enemies but she did not need to know that.

Commands were quickly sent out all the same, in one hour a servant would collect and bring her in for the day cutting it four hours short, guards would be added as well. A simple oversight on his part, so used to not being threatened in his own garden a little fact eluded him: while it was not dangerous to HIM it might prove fatal to her and too QUICKLY for him to respond. The amulet had been his precaution but thinking it over again it would be best to have some additional protection in place, just in case. That little bat was just too amusing and funny to have her die on him just yet.

Chapter 5

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Working in the gardens had been wonderful but the list had finally tarrowed, she was utterly bored to tears. Tending the crops was boring, painfully so, still, she knew where her food was coming from now, hundreds of long rows of mushrooms and even a field of some wierd version of grain. Once in a while a farmer would come along and rework whatever she had done wrong, all in all the days had become a blurr, not once had she been tasked with serving her master's dinner. For that matter, he was completely absent, her skimpy outfit was gone and replaced by simple but functional every day clothes. Once in a great while she would see the only true horror of the place limp by in the distance: Ruby. It still gave Shadow chills seeing her never mind thinking about it, yes, it was better to be around the regular, mindless, souless servants than the "special" one. Speaking of which, Ruby was walking along the path towards the entrace.


Fish, fish... Hmm, fish had not been on the menu for some time, that might taste good for a change... Also he could not remember if the bat needed the extra protein or not... Better safe than sorry, servants gathered what he needed and had it ready at the door. It was nice getting out and doing some fishing once in a while, stepping out, tackle and rod in hand Valkardian's eyes settles on one of his toys: Ruby. Loping up slowly to deposit her basket for another servant to retrieve, Ruby was forbidden from entering his home, doomed to labor away in the gardens and when he felt particullary spiteful: the fields.

"A wonderful afternoon to you my little cockroach." Beaming down at Ruby her skeletal figure went rigit and those red eyes so full of hate and malice darted up. "Master..." Her jaws were grinding, she was too easy to tease and that made it all the sweeter.

"I see you are being a good slave and staying busy as always, maybe I should assign you to mucking out the fertilizer bins... I have company now and she needs looking after. Wouldnt want my little bat getting so dirty she can not come inside." If there was one thing that always remained true of Ruby over the thousands of years was threatening her with the filthiest jobs.

A dangerous gleam came to the Rubies eyes before worry set in "I have been good master, I beg you not to demean me so." Well that was hardly true. "Good? You tried to attack my little bat just a few days ago. Yes, you will be mucking out the bins, if you ever so much as look at her wrong you will stay IN the bins for a few years." Ruby did not back off however, instead she lurched forward to attack before the magic which bound her halted Ruby just a foot away, clawed hands reaching desperately for his throat. Smiling, which only made her eyes glow with rage Valkardian kicked her away with a quick boot to the chest sending Ruby sprawling and clattering down the steps.

Yes Ruby, you are indeed persistent, had it not been for your undying desire to see me dead you might have become boring. Keeping such thoughts to himself and continuing the treck to the pond Ruby stood and glowered. "Remember cockroach, you are bound like this because it was YOU who broke the deal not I. No one even remembers you nor your hive having ever existed and I still intend to keep you around a few thousand more. Begone." Turning and loping away and letting out a long chain of curses Ruby went on her way, bound to always obey. It was a darn good thing he had put all those bindings on her so long ago, otherwise little Shadow might not have been so lucky. Ruby was the type to kill his only "guest" just to spite him if she found even the SLIGHTEST way around his compulsion and binding spells. The other day she had, but the amulet thwarted that, still a few months mucking the fertilizer bins would solve that AND keep her away from Shadow. Humming to himself at killing two birds with one stone Valkardian was on his way, today there would be fish on the menu.


Shadow had slowed work to an absolute crawl when Valkardian had come out, even slower when Ruby had lunged at him. A farmer began poking her with a hoe but she had an idea and played on it, so long as she APPEARED to be working at an acceptable pace they would leave her alone, another would always come along and take over and "fix" what she had done "wrong." A loophole and as she kept watching, one she prayed to all the holy beings out there that she would NEVER be caught exploiting. Only catching little bits and pieces as their voices rose and fell it was apparent he was goading her on and Ruby was eager to bite. Valkardian kicking Ruby off the porch though had made Shadow jump, it had not been a hard kick but none the less Ruby went sprawling. Never make master so angry he hits you, it might result in broken bones.

After the two had long gone Shadow was once again back to work, a small smile was on her face though, master was too used to being ALONE. So used to it that he never bothered to control his voice, she had clearly caught the threat to Rubies well being should she make any attempt on Shadows person. Having been down here so long her already acute batpony hearing was even sharper. Yet, master left with a fishing pole? Strange, she figured he had servants tend to everything, yet he was clearly going fishing, maybe he LIKED to get his hands dirty unlike the other stuck up nobility. He certainly fit the bill, to pull all this off he had to be smart, even acting like a stuck up noble at times the way he just gestured at her to go away. Later she spied him going back in with a few fish, guess that meant she would be on serving detail again, if there was anything Shadow learned from their "dinners" was that he called her out on "fancier" nights and apparently greatly enjoyed hearing her talk. Fish was fancy, a fish actually so odds were good she would be donning "that" again tonight.


If he was going to eat fancy then he was certainly going to have her serve the food, fine food served by a pretty slave made the food taste all the better. Still, she would need washing up after being in the fields, a new schedule for her was quickly sent out, bathe her first, dress up then to the kitchen to serve. This would also solve ANOTHER of his problems: one bathroom meant they both bathed in the same place, a slave should NEVER be allowed to bathe in their masters bathroom but still... It was that or have buckets taken outside all the time, too much bother. Since she would bathe first, he could bathe in peace later without having to concern himself with her and also she would smell less like a mushroom field and more like a good, proper, CLEAN servant.


Nailed it, not long after going in a servant came out and collecter her, ushering her into the bathroom first as always. Instead of the "slave harem" outfit as she dubbed it there was a much fancier dress waiting for her. Tight fighting, red, gold trim and went to her ankles, if this was her new serving dress she liked it, nowhere near as embarrasing, simple though, guess the servants had a hard time going from "stallion" to "mare" clothing on short notice. Off to the kitchens then, retrieve the tray, serve him, talk, eat, sleep.

Valkardian had to admit she looked quite charming in the dress, tonight though he felt like conversing, it was a good day, it had been... A century? Since he had last jabbed at Ruby let alone gotten such a reaction, usually Ruby held it in. It was a fun day. "Tell me Shadow, how are you faring in the fields?"

Well this was ockward, he never asked anything like that before. "Fine Master Valkardian, very boring compared to the garden, how was your day?" That had come out all wrong, like a serving pony at some fast food chain when asked the same question, then again, she WAS a serving pony now.

Questions went back and forth, most of it simple, pointless banter but the longer it went on the more concerned she got, was he getting bored of her already? No, he had this dress made... Did he really just want to... Talk? This might be her chance... As the banter went on the opportunity presented itself finally: "Master, why is Ruby different? Is that my fate or...?" Without missing a beat Valkardian gave off a small, twisted laugh.

"No, she is indeed special, one of the precious, precious few. Long ago we had a deal and she broke it, not only broke it but even tried to kill me, for her insolance and betrayal I harvested her hire for servants and soldiers. Ruby on the other hand... She I made an undead thrall, bound to me, doomed to forever serve me and call me her lord and liege so that she never forgets her place." Damn, he was doing it again, explaining himself to someone, a SLAVE no less! When someones curiosity became greater than their fear he had always been happy to explain things to the simple minded or just plain curious.

Such thoughts were quickly banished however, his little slave had apparently figured that out, this was not the first time she had done this and that she had slipped it in... Well, she was either daring or very concerned, probably both. That she WOULD slip it in rather than just confront him though... "Tell me, are you worried about yourself or Ruby? Or are you trying to find out if you can slip your own questions in my conversation to get answers?"

Shadow flinched, he figured it out, then again considering how ancient he was, there was really no surprise. A bigger problem loomed, now that he knew and threw it in her face, was he going to be angry or dismissive? Looking to her fasters face Shadows heart sank, if he had been angry... So be it, dismissive? Outstanding. Completely BLANK? That was bad, best err on the side of caution. "Concerned for my own soul master should I ever anger you or become useless."



Up a creek without a paddle. Doomed. In very, very deep shit. Run? No, nowhere to run too. Grovel? Maybe, he always seemed amused by whatever she did or said. That or stand here and just sweat and fidget until he says something else? No, he was still staring at her blankly. "You are correct master, I want to know more about Ruby, am concerned with my own fate and I also slipped the question in to get those answers and hoping you would answer them without being angry..."

This was indeed amusing, her ears were splayed back, wings twitching as if she wanted to bolt, downcast eyes. Shadow had told him the TRUTH though but not instantly either, she had thought about it a bit, he had almost opened his mouth again before finally speaking the truth. Others would have run, most lied further, precious FEW ever dared to think then speak the truth. The little bat had thought it through some and given a straight answer, smart girl.

Shadow did not know whether to be relived or worried as a smile graced his lips at first. "Very wise of you. I am going to retire for the night, you can go and eat your own dinner." Standing and leaving Shadow to her own thoughts she could not help but sigh in relief. Not only was her master not mad he had even smiles, amused apparently. "Shadow, you really should not flirt with death like that" she mumbled to herself while helping to clear the table. Dinner tonight was lavish, roast fish, sauce, "bread" and all manner of tasty treats. Her nerves however,did not calm, too scared to drink touch much wine less she become drunk which would only make matters worse... Trying to calm herself she accidentaly breathed while swalling food and wound up having a coughing fit. Grabbing her goblet to wash it down only made things go from bad to worse when the servant touched her back. No doubt it was trying to help but having a skeletal hand touch her resulted in a yelp, more coughing and one failed attempt to stand. Wine and food went everywhere, most of it however wound up on her.


"My little slave is not entirely truthful but cannot be blamed when the threat of death hangs overhead. Told the truth in the end though... Clever too, testing the water like that or perhaps extordinarily brave? Foolish?" Valkardian's thoughts rambled on as he slipped in the hot water to soak for a while. "Maybe she has more potential that as a simple slave... A test, yes that might work, give her a test, a book will do..." One spell later his head slipped under the water, air would not be a problem now.


At least he would not see her like this, especially the new dress which was now ruined, maybe a servant would clean it quickly before it stained so he would never know. Stripping off the dress and handing it off to a passing servant Shadow slipped into the bathroom and just realized her master might be there... No, it was empty, good! She needed another bath, her fur was soaked with wine, sauce and other bits and pieces of food. Washing off only took a minute but her nerves... Shadows stomach was still flipping back and forth, tonight had been too close, now with shot nerves a hot soak sounded wonderful. Stepping into the water she failed to notice the large shadow in the water.

Valkardian's eyes snapped open in an instant, the sound of something thudding on the marble so close snapped him from his thoughts. Water distorted whatever the sound was, a foot? Had a servant glitched and entered the bath? Turning his head and sitting upright quickly all was answered quickly as his eyes fell on a very naked, scared, no terrified bat that was also very naked.

When the water parted and something surged up from it Shadow's wings had shot out and now she stood there stiffly, when realization of WHO was in the bath with her sunk in well...

A deer in the headlights, that description was most apt for the situation, the bat just stood there, wings out, eyes bugging out, mouth slightly open. Millions of questions surged back and forth but none had a chance to escape his mouth before she started to babble and stutter widly. Not one word of it was intelligable though, instead his eyes wandered, yes, he could accept having a slave with a figure like her and with hips like that childbearing will never be an issue. Letting her shapely form sink in her babbling came to an end. "Please dont kill me."

Watching Shadow plop down into the water after her near whisper of a last request and begin sobbing was too much. She didnt even try to hide herself, instead letting him continue to stare.

Was a quick death her fate? If this kept up a heart attack would get her first. Shadow simply hoped that the punishment would be swift and relatively painless. Instead what filtered into her ears was laughter. Looking up Valkardian just sat there looking at her while laughing his ass off. Standing to take his leave she caught a glimpse of something else but that laughter drowned out all other thoughts. He simply left her there, sitting drooped over expecting the worst which would never come.


Closing the door behind him Valkardian decided it best to hide himself from her with distance, he could not stop laughing and he did not want to see his slave to see him in this state any further. Walking down the hall a simple spell dried him off and clothes would instead be delivered to his study. As he walked his eyes moved down his body, he had to admit, she was quite attractive and no others had caused this bodily reaction. It was a grand day indeed and continuing his walk he began humming to himself.

Chapter 6

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Days had passed, all of them the same: Breakfast, fields, bath, dinner, sleep and repeat. Valkardian was nowhere to be seen and despite having days to calm her nerves Shadow still made certain to poke her head into the bath and call his name before going in. Still on edge over it, especially with him just laughing it off and leaving. Today would be another day of dull drudgery, after breakfast though she was escorted by a servent in the opposite direction she was expecting. Twisting and turning, passing through a giant set of double doors and continuing down a grand hallway that she had never been in Shadow was curious as to where it was taking her.

Stopping in front of two silvery doors with depictions of all manner of creature and plant the servant stepped aside and motioned her forward. Looking up at the door which stood a good six feet taller than her and pushing Shadow had to admit, this door would make even Celestia rather jealous. The door swung in easily, not a sound despite its obviously immense weight. What she saw took her breath away: it was a library and not JUST any old library. The room was immense, polished black granite walls and floors, stone shelves that stood a full nine feet tall, stuffed with books and tomes. The far wall must have been over three hundred yards away and another set of double doors, was there another room just like this one?

Walking around since no servant was in sight Shadow took her time, each shelf was numbered and marked in alien script but below it was Equish. Apparently this room housed general information on history, biology, magic, engineering, flora, fauna and so it kept going. Each towering shelf held what must be thousands and thousands of years of carefully collected material. One thing that was missing however was a FICTION section, maybe it was somewhere farther in or beyond the other set of doors.

Shadow kept walking and examining for a time before finally calling out, no response. Maybe he was rewarding her? Giving her a day off? Never take a gift mango for granted, she decided to pick a book to read. Browsing was hard but she finally settled on history, Valkardian had asked at great length about the history of the world above only to scoff. If that was the case, he MUST have some books showing the OTHER side of the coin. Sure enough, the history section was set up by date, from the oldest to the most recent which was strangely up to date... Stranger still was it ended and there was so much space stretching off that Valkardian must be expecting many, many thousands of years MORE to be added.

He had scoffed at her telling of Celestia and Luna's history... Which meant the year must be... Yes! The heavy book slipped free easily and making her way over to the center of the room she took a seat at one of the several tables she had seen earlier. Lighting was no issue, crystals gave off a strong, bright white light that made it easy to read. The idea of looking up Rubies history had crossed her mind first, but then again she had no idea what year that would have been. Curiosity grew and grew however as to the "true" history of Celestia and Luna and quickly opening the book she began to read.

Time slipped by as Shadow continued to read, rivetted to the book, slowly, chapter by chapter she continued on. Story after story, event after event... Impossible things, impossible meetings, discussions, decisions... This was just not possible, never had she HEARD of such things let alone that CELESTIA or LUNA was behind it! To make matters worse Shadow checked the book and found it was just the FIRST volume of what must have been fifty-five on the shelf all marked similarly.

"This cant be right, they could never have done that, WHY would they have done that?" Valkardian must be a liar, there is just NO WAY IN TARTARUS that the regal, kind, generous and motherly sisters would ever do such things!


A simple invisibility spell was all it took followed by silence and with that he was able to walk along with her quietly observing her every move. These books were precious and he was not about to let her harm them not that she would, had he suspected she might he would NEVER have allowed her into the library to begin with. So far the test was going well, she had taken advantage of her situation and made a decision for herself without his having to tell her anything. Even better was she had picked a book from the Equestrian section, namely the Celestia-Luna timeline and began reading immediately.

Smiling as he stood to one side of the small circular room in the middle of the shelves Valkardian felt rather proud of her, she was trying to find out the truth. Not only had she NOT gone looking into the flora and fauna which was suspected, no, instead Shadow had looked at almost everything before settling on THIS particular book series. The true, unedited history of Equestria, written by none other than Valkardian, with lots of servant help of course; writing all of this was not easy let alone organizing each book chronologically.

When his little slave began mumbling about impossibilities the smile only grew and grew, not once did she stop reading, instead continuing on and on, one chapter after another. Never did Shadow toss the book aside, laugh or berate what was written. Instead she just kept reading and the look on her face became more intent, looking for any little error that might tell her what was written was a lie. Deciding to leave her alone to her own thoughts and reading material he silently left, Shadow never noticed one of the doors mysteriously open and close silents, too absorbed in her reading to notice.


One of the servants walked up to her and led her away for the day though "led" was a bit of a stretch. Shadow had fought with it to stay and keep reading which resulted in more showing up and carrying her out like a basket case. Bathing and eating in record time she rushed back to the library to find the doors barred with servants armed with brooms, apparently she would have to wait for another day.

Day after day she was led back, her meals were downed faster and faster in her rush to get more reading done. Not once did Valkardian call for her or show his face, apparently he was content to leave her there to read so she did just that. Some books were quite a bit smaller that others, apparently little had happened for some years then trouble would start all over again. Deals made and broken, backstabbing, insidious betrayals some deserved others not. A sneaking suspicion began to fill her that considering how the books never blamed anyone, simply stating who did what, when, where and how that what was written here... WAS the truth. Each book what perfectly written in chronological order, devoid of any personal opinion or insights. She simply had to keep reading to learn more. Once in a while a note was made to see another book for further details and now her table turned desk was piled high with books and tomes.

One day Shadow had found a servant and asked it for parchment and quill, sure enough it brought it to her and only after did she realize that this was probably a set up. "Oh well, too late for that" she thought and continued on, she was intent to learn as much as she could. By far the bloodiest and most gruesome of her reading though was the history of the three tribes. Every battle was laid out, assassinations, poisoning, it was all there but not in the books she had read growing up. Never was there a mention as to how a pony as ignorant, backwards, inbred and retarded as Chancellor Puddinghead in any of Equestrias history books, it was simply glossed over.

Here, on the other hand it was laid out in perfect detail, the previous Chancellor dying via poisoning by Celestia. Luna using her dream warping ability to convince the Earth Ponies to choose the most inferior candidate or the world would end, she learned a new word that day: Subliminal Messaging. Luna had kept up with it for months before hand, dropping little hints here and there, building them up and when the day arrived it hit the tribe like a freight train. Sure enough, they unanimously decided to put the village idiot in charge and their spiral to collapse began.

The same could be said of the other two tribes as well: careful control of breeding and pampering to result in the most snobbish princes taking over. An "accident" that left only Commander Hurricane left to take power, so hot headed and egotistical that she is the LAST you want leading a nation. All three of them poisoned slowly night after night with dreams and visions and so it went on, every grisly detail of their rise to power and fall. What made Shadow stop however was the windigo's, how they came to be and then released... It was the first time she had stopped reading just to sit back and sob quietly.


If Shadow was sobbing while reading that particular book then it must be time to drive the nail into the coffin. Valkardian had watched her via a servant for over three weeks, he doubted she had any idea that much time had passed. It was rather funny, just about every other day his servants had to cart her out, one day she had even gone down kicking and screaming not wanting to leave. Curiosity and the desire to know the truth FAR outweighed any personal bias or brainwashing, this endeared her to him greatly.

Walking up to her she never once looked up, continuing to scan the pages with a glare, occasionally making a note but never noticing his presence. Clearing his throat loudly had not worked either and not wanting to wait all day for his slave to snap out of it he floated her quill and ink away as a precaution before laying a hand on her head. The reaction was instantaneous, she tried to jump from her seat, wings flared out but nothing was knocked over. Her big eyes slowly traced up his form before looking him in the eyes.

"Enjoying your reading?" Removing his hand Valkardian glanced down at the book, she was coming along nicely in her reading. "Yes Master, I am reading about the aftermath of the tribes uniting now." Shadow stared at him, was he going to end her time here? Was she going back out to the gardens or fields?

"Master... May I ask a question?" A chair floated over and he took a seat beside and silently stared at her a minute.

"You mean can you ask MANY questions" he corrected her.

"Yes, many, many questions, but first... The Wendigo's, those are a creation of Celestia and Luna?"

A smirk came to his face, rather than ask if what he wrote was the truth, she was instead seeking clarity, good, very good. "Yes, they did, the three tribes had resisted their attempts to rule over them for about... What does the book say? Two centuries? Three? Been too long for me to remember the dates anymore... The whole plan was concocted by Celestia herself, to put the tribes in such a state that they could no longer resist their attempts to command them. This (motioning to the book) was just the first phase of her plan. ORIGINALLY she had planned to drive them down, scare them, make them desperate for a neutral party to lead them but then... Well, instead they formed a COUNCIL that would rule the three tribes. Her plan BACKFIRED. Still, she is no fool and had backup plans, just keep reading you will see how it worked out. I am rambling again... Wendigo's, yes... They were to drive the final nail in the coffin, the feud was set, the fuse lit and now she only had to watch. When the fighting reached it's peak the wheels ground forward, snow and ice blanketed the land, thousands began to die from the cold or starvation as the years wore on and supplies depleted. Again, the two came forward to "aid them" but instead of bowing down they left to find a new homeland. They did but again the feuding destroyed the land. To make a long story short, Celestia's plan did not put her in power but provided a permanent reminder as to WHY the pony tribes must embrace harmony."

Leaning back and watching her reaction he continued "Now if you doubt what is written is the truth lets apply some logic: First of all why is it that the flag the three tribes chose on that auspicious day was of the TWO SISTERS and not a combination of the three tribes?" He let that sink in a moment before continuing "Also, why did the sisters not just intervene from the START? If they are indeed "saints" they would have nipped it in the bud or at least pressured them to unite sooner than later. Instead thousands died from the cold and thousands more from starvation. Their only attempt was AFTER the fact not before." Shadow's eyes focused quickly "Wait, how do you KNOW what they were planning?"

"A damn fine question" he thought. "Simple, I stole their plans and copied them, the two have never been very good at keeping secrets, their plans were carefully written out and I simply nicked them, made copies magically and they were none the wiser. They are stored away in one of the other wings if you wish to see them." It looked as if a sledgehammer had struck Shadow, her face was contorted in rage and then it looked like she was going to cry.

"Why would they do something so cruel?" Her voice was beginning to break.

"Power, greed, lust for what others have, at the time the two were petty, self proclaimed "princesses" without a kingdom, only one castle. Now mind you, as you keep reading you will find they "softened" in time. This is where Celestia and Luna began to DEEPLY regret their actions and change their ways but unfortunately for many... It would be a few more centuries. The last great act Celestia made as tyrant was the fall of the Griffon Kingdom by denying them aid when they needed it to stay unified. Still, as she grew older I guess the weight of countless lives weighed heavily on her and broke her at some point. Now you simply know her as the kind, loving motherly ruler you all adore. I am one of the last who knows the truth, she on the other hand buried it or had all the books and scrolls burned to prevent any disharmony coming from this should it ever come to light."

Looking at him a minute before speaking a further question "So its not ALL a lie? Her personality, who she is... She really has become a better pony?" Shadow struggled with her words. "Correct, today she is a paramount of virtue but not so in her younger days, all that blood and terror tempered her. Back then I did try to talk her out of a great deal of her decisions but they were both so hard headed..." Ears snapping up Shadow perked up "You tried to talk them OUT of it? Why? Arnt you... Unspeakably evil or trying to be?"

Valkardian's eyes narrowed at this jab "Yes, because back then, before all... THIS!" He gestured angrily to the pile of books. "Began I was quite smitten with them, in fact I sought their hands. Now by pony logic and by MOST logic I am evil and shall make no attempt to DENY that FACT... Almost never have I TOYED with others like they did, if I am going to kill... I will, the end. I will not play cat and mouse, scheme, poison or anything of the sort unless it is most dire. Ruby is your best example that you know of when I go against basic principles, choosing to snare, trap, enslave and then toy with my enemy for millennia. My being close to them at times made it all the easier to steal their plans as well." Shadow could not believe her ears, Valkardian just admitted to seeking BOTH Celestia and Luna's hand in marriage? Curiosity wormed its way up but she crushed it, best leave that one be, then again, what would Equestria look like today HAD he succeeded?

"Master Valkardian... If you sought their hands in marriage and are not married to them now and instead live down here... What happened?" Looking at her he had no intention of telling her that, at least not yet at any rate, there was so much more to do and teach her, things were progressing wonderfully. "That is for another day. Now then, YOU have a letter to write." Giving her a piece of parchment, quill and inkwell he stood. "Write your letter home and address it, I will make certain it is delivered promptly."


Watching him leave she glanced back down at the writing materials; her family... Already forgotten in the rush of current events and now these revelations. This would be an interesting letter home, but remembering that her master would probably read it before sending it Shadow decided to be more cautious in her approach. The letter home turned out to be quite simple, she was fine, had found a world undreamed of and would tell them all about it when she got back one day and that might be some time. Standing from her seat a servant approached and held its hand out. Giving it the letter it in return gave her a note. She was to pick out a book or two from either the non-fiction or fiction (east wing) and take them with her, she would be back in the gardens for a short time and upon completion she would be allowed back into the library. Since she would be allowed back in she left the history books behind, deciding to read something more relaxing, another pair of silver double doors lead her off into the fiction part of the library. It was surprisingly well stocked, grabbing two that got her interest she left with the servant.

How many days, months or even years would it be before what she learned today would not plague her mind? Valkardian had no reason to lie, even offering her clarity and admitting to things she had not asked about. No, it was the truth, she hardly knew him but one thing stood out about his character: he was hopelessly honest.

Chapter 7

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Toiling in the gardens brought no joy the past couple of days, most of her time was spent just staring off absentmindedly into the distance. No matter how many times she tried to convince herself he had lied or not told the WHOLE truth it just never worked out, after all she read so much of Equestrian history suddenly made sense. The good, bad and ugly had been laid out for her to see and no matter how she tried to push it aside the thoughts kept creeping back to haunt her. In fact it was so bad she had gotten very little done the past few days, today she just sat and stared out over the pond.

Strangely no servants bothered her, they avoided her, only collecting her or bringing food. Valkardian must have left her here to think it all over, was he toying with her now? No, if that were true he would have put her right back to work, not given her all the time she needed. Sighing, Shadow stood up and went back to tending the mushrooms and mosses near the waters edge. If she ever wanted to get back into the library she would have to finish her tasks and quickly, though disturbing she was intent on learning the rest of the story about the rise of Equestria.


Preparations were complete, now Valkardian just had to wait for Shadow to finish her tasks. They were few compared to the first time she had been sent out, that was very much on purpose, until his slave calmed down she would not be able to focus on what he had prepared for her. It had been a very LONG time since he had done anything like this but the thought of it brought him a degree of happiness and joy. The real test was if Shadow recovered from her shock and was still willing to listen to him, if she recovered and wanted to know more...


All the tasks had been completed and Shadow had to admit that she felt calmer now, tending the garden had helped, she had to admit Valkardian knew what he was doing. Today however, instead of being ushered outside or to his study the servants had left her stumped. Gone were the usually work or serving clothes, instead there was a simple pair of blue tunic, trousers and red robe. After dressing and looking herself over in a mirror Shadow left the room and a servant waited patiently holding a book bag, handing it over and beckoning she followed. Going through the contents a bit it dawned on her what was going on, the contents were blank journals, charcoal pencils, ink wells, quills, parchment and... So THAT is what he was up to.

Stepping into the library she was led off to a different side and into another wing of the library, this one seemed to serve as part museum and library. A table was prepared on one side along with everything needed to hold a class for one. Tomes were stuffed and stacked high on library trollies, scrolls were heaped all over the place. Whatever he was planning she was going to be here for some time.


Grabbing the last tome that might prove useful and heading back to the "classroom" he had set up Valkardian was well aware of Shadows presence, the servant had informed him of her arrival. Walking up one of the long hallways created by the immense bookshelves he quickly strode up beside her. "Have a seat and lay your materials out, you have been to school before yes?" A small nod from her he continued "Good, sit, I will find out what you know FIRST then we will begin." Gesturing to the chair Shadow quickly sat and began to lay her journals and other materials out, without glancing back he caught the end of a question: why?

"Simple, when I first brought you here I figured you would make a useful slave and eventually get rid of you either by release or killing you. However, you became so amusing it intrigued me, not only that you showed intellect, curiosity, desire to know the truth, courage, daring and even bravery; all things considered that is no small feat. I decided to test you by allowing you into my library to see what you would DO when confronted with endless possibilities. That you would go straight for Equestrian history after I planted that seed of doubt in your mind, not only did you not scoff at what was written, you desired to know more. Your fighting tooth and nail with my servants proved your desire to KNOW outweighed fear of repercussions and also... Well more importantly than anything it showed you were willing to rethink everything you know about the world and its rulers. A willingness to "rock the boat" and see it for what it is rather than what you have been TOLD it is."

Taking a long breath he continued "This endeared you to me greatly little Shadow, I happen to believe... Unlike those ABOVE... That a mind is a terrible thing to waste, especially one that shows your degree of curiosity and willingness to learn. Never if given the chance will I allow a travesty like that to pass, therefor you will be my student from now until I say otherwise. Your mind is sharp along with your tongue at times, I will not allow that to go to waste. Bear in mind that does NOT mean you will be getting out of here (gesturing around him) and going home, it means you will learn and hopefully develop into something greater than..." Valkardian stopped to grit his teeth while looking up as if he was seeing the world above "Than some simple minded, inferior, though amusing and jolly... Brainwashed pony that thinks the world is all sunshine and cakes." His head snapped back to her and a glow was apparent in his blue eyes. "Does that answer your question and do you understand what I have said?"

Shadow let his speech sink in a moment before nodding slowly "Yes Master." How odd, he had never before called her by NAME, it was always BAT or SLAVE, maybe a combination. Never, EVER had he simply called her SHADOW. What wise the price of failure in his "class?" Best not to find out, who knows, this might be incredibly interesting if this room was anything to go by.


Week after week passed, each lesson was simple at first, mostly her listening, asking a question now and then, being shown around the various museum pieces. What had excited her was when he went into depth one day on the flora and fauna. Apparently when he first came the caves were mostly devoid of life, through magical tinkering and genetic manipulation (which usually ended in failure) he had managed to create a vast host of new plant and animal life. There were even a kind of "cave bee" that pollinated the crops and "flowers" throughout the cave system.

What struck her though was just how MUCH wildlife there was, apparently his garden was quite limited, it was made for his personal use and as such he would not permit the other creatures of life into it less problems occur. When pressed as to what kind he simply explained it as a "cycle of life and death" as one plant or animal gets out of control till it causes problems, dies off, replaced by another and on it goes. He preferred to keep his garden just the way it was and only occasionally (apparently every century or so) add a new plant here or there.

Journal after journal was filled, scrolls packed with scribbles and it was not enough. Shadow was enjoying every moment of her classes, including the ones on the servants themselves. When asked why he was allowing her to know something that might bite him in the flank he only smiled and said: "Betraying me is the least of your problems" and kept going with the lesson. That worried her, so he had figured she MIGHT use this information against him, then again... What was out there in those tunnels?

A question answered a few months later, he bounced her back and forth on history, alchemy, biology and even astronomy of all things. Creatures existed in those tunnels from before his time that made her shiver, true nightmares. Some would drain her blood, others dissolve her slowly from the inside out like the giant spiders. the worst though were the ones that put a parasite on the spine and attached to the brain feeding on it, laying eggs in the stomach and as he described it: "Infest the host from the inside, hatch, consume the organs leaving the vital ones intact so the host lives. The final stage the maggots consume the muscle and other tissues while a neuro-toxin keeps the host alive. After two days they cacoon in the body and..." To make matters worse he had a living "hologram" as he called it showing the process stage by stage. Not that it mattered, he never got to finish, Shadow was retching on the floor. All he did was smirk at this before magic cleaned the floor and herself as well.

Many horrors lurked down here, waylaying her fears though saying that they rarely left the deeper caves, preferring the deep, dark, hot and humid atmosphere to the dryer, cooler habitat above where they were. Also, it was easy to kill them and stop the infestation, even after infection one could break free, the parasite needed a few days to take effect. A simple cave moss killed them immediately, eggs included. Simply ingesting it was enough to stop it. Shadow had begun to memorize every single healing moss, plant and fungi in the caves. Oh how vast these caves were...

Riveted to her seat one class covered the vastness of the cave network, layer upon layer, some mere tunnels others grand caves like the one they were in, his home sat in a corner gallery. Cities could be swallowed up by the caves and despite their age some magic kept them stable, explaining it simply as the magic that bound all creation of this "pocket dimension" together.


A field trip! She was being taken on a field trip! She had written a few more letters home, even getting letters BACK somehow... Apparently he had set up a fake post office box somewhere out there on the world above just for her that kept moving so it seemed that she was always moving around as well, still exploring the world. He was thorough. Today though she was going to see a part of history, a "living museum" as he put it to "ancient history." Valkardian explained that they would be transported most of the way, the last two days hike would be on foot. He even asked if she intended to try and escape since she would be close to the surface.

Truthfully she had said no, there was so much more she wanted to learn and after the lesson on the caves... However evil he might be, it was still safer to be with him than on her own, not to mention she had no idea what part they would be in not that it would help to have known that either. The "portal" as he called it was housed securely in a side chamber, completely inert till special crystals were placed in a specific order, no one would be able to use it from EITHER end until this was done he explained. Kept anyone from sneaking in. Somewhere far away a group of servants were placing matching crystals in place, thus the system would turn on and a functioning portal would lead off to somewhere.

Placing the last crystal in place and gesturing the runes glowed and the portal opened, she could see servants on the other side waiting. She went first of course, twitching with each step before Valkardian finally told her to just push the fear aside and get on with it. Hopping through one side and appearing somewhere else made her feel funny for a second but it passed, he was right behind her and off they went. A large force of guards waited, these were... Different, to say the least. They looked more like true soldiers than simple guards. VERY heavily armed, covered in plate armor, helmets, burning red or blue eyes. Counting quickly there must be around two hundred of them, were they for her safety, imprisonment or... HIS safety? She did not want to find out.

Why not just "teleport" she had asked... That can be detected he said... The hike was rough and hard, once upon a time long, long ago a road had run through the caves to where they were going, but that was not near the "new" portal system the old one having been shut down because of whatever happened. A single large tent was magically produced each night, she had a cot to herself while he usually left and stayed outside doing... Something, she asked he brushed her question off.

The past few months she felt less and less like a slave and more a student, she WAS a student but still, he had kind of? Treated her like a slave at first though more like a maid, now however he called her by name regularly. What would happen when this ended? Was this field trip the beginning of the end? There is no way he would spend this much time teaching her to simply turn around and kill her, she knew that but it made her worry all the same. Was she to be a "protege" of his? Not possible, she had no magic and he was burning up with it, she was fairly certain he could give Celestia one heck of a run for her money, quietly admitting to herself she never found out one way or the other if that were true. Tomorrow they would arrive and her field trip would begin in earnest, staring at the canopy above with its strange blue glowing crystal she slipped off to sleep at its glow diminished.

Chapter 8

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Many things had Shadow expected to see but not THIS, the ruins that stretched out before her made her both curious and sick at heart. Once upon a time a small town had existed here, a lake stretched out into the distance, the remnants of fields and orchards remained. It was like something preserved the place, a testament to whatever calamity had struck. Burn marks, craters, buildings looked like they had exploded outwards while others caved in or simply burned as they stood. Everything was made from stone for the most part so the markings were clear, he ushered her into the town and told her she could stay as long as she wanted and look around. When her curiosity was sated he would explain what happened.

Walking down the alleys Shadow's heart sank more and more, charred skeletons or piles of ash were all that remained of the inhabitants, was this Valkardians doing? Going into a building that was better preserved she found a skeleton that had a spear stuck in its rib-cage, fear sunk in as she kept looking at the skeleton. How had she missed it? Was she so struck with what had happened she failed to notice WHO had lived here? The skeletons were not of cave creatures, gryphon, yak or any of the other lifeforms she had learned about from her Master, no these were ponies. Not all the same though, rushing building to building and skeleton to skeleton to find out more she found that almost all were her own species.

Shadow had to know what happened, running down the alleys she yelled his name and got an answer, racing on she popped out into what had been the town square. A blasted fountain sat in the middle and Valkardian sat quietly on one of the remaining benches patiently. So many questions overwhelmed her but there was only one real question: "What happened?"


Standing and leading her towards one end of the town Valkardian began the story slowly. "Around a thousand six-hundred years ago or so Celestia, Luna and myself came to blows. You asked me once what had happened between us, (gesturing around him at the ruins) this was the aftermath that solidified out hostility. I was not the only one who sough to woo them, the two had begun to calm themselves CONSIDERABLY compared to their younger centuries. It was at this time I once again had anything to do with them, when one is immortal the "learning curve" is skewed heavily, life becomes cheap, very cheap and to them it was cheaper for a long time. When the pain and suffering sank in they began to mend their ways quite quickly, seeking to alleviate the misery of the world around them. Mind you they were a far short from being saints, none the less something about their sudden change got my attention."

"They even began to listen to me, taking some lessons here and there to heart like not being tyrants that had to control every waking moments of their subjects lives. A century wore on and we grew closer and closer, I became somewhat infatuated with them their change was so deep... Another suitor came along named Lord Star Steelshod, strange name... A true manipulator that one, would have made Celestia proud back in the day. He tried to gain their favor as well and I must admit he was better at it than I was, the real problem though in it all was those two sisters."

"Because of their sudden change of heart they had begun to shut their ears, eyes and minds to the harsh reality of the world, they only wanted to see the GOOD in other's and the world around them. Even to the point that it would bite them in the ass quite often but they wanted to distance themselves completely from their past and become "good" monarchs. When Steelshod succeeded in wooing them I had already warned them about who he really was, that it would be a mistake. Rather than listen however, they balked at me believing this was some ploy to save face after having lost to the "better stallion" as they put it. Catch was that Steelshod was no fool, he never kept his plans in writing, only in his head and even then magically protected himself from Luna's prying eyes."

"Still, where there is a will there is a way, through spies and magical manipulations I had learned enough to know his plans for them, I shared what I knew anyway with those two sisters but I was thrown out. Let it not be said that I am entirely black hearted, I did what I had to do and the day before their wedding I slew Steelshod. Understandably the two went into a rage and vowed revenge on me for my "despicable, cowardly act." Precautions had already been taken in my domain but... (he stopped to look around) It was not enough that time."

"This cave was well defended against brigands and other creatures but with the recent change of heart that Celestia and Luna had I made the mistake of not fortifying this place farther. Now I HAD suspected they were spying on me, rightly so... Yet I figured they would not exterminate a town of innocents to get back at me. This town's name was Moss Dell, around six hundred lived here and they were mostly bat pony, they had some dealings with me not much. They would pay me tribute for keeping them safe and all was well, governing themselves and frankly I stayed away from them for the most part."

"Somehow Celestia learned of this place and on the night of their vow against me the two gathered as many as they could and rushed here. Back then I did not have the spy grid I do now and let it never be said that Celestia and Luna are not deviously clever when they want to be... Despite my precautions they slipped around them and struck, the small force I had stationed here was overwhelmed quickly and they, well you can see what they did. No one was spared, every last inhabitant was put to the sword on the spot, some escaped, most did not. Those two well and truly outwitted me here and I made my own vow: That it would be the last time."

"After the massacre they could not find their way deeper though they tried. The road that lead to the other portal was their first attempt but a brave few destroyed the crystals after letting others escape cutting them off for good. The two had no choice but to turn back when a few days later they got word that I had counter attacked and wiped out several villages towns and a city. Turning their forces around they rushed back to the surface while I then pulled back. A stalemate ensued, they tried to send forces down this path several times and even tried other caves, all were wiped out and the entrances sealed. The last force to come here found the entrance above sealed off and a stone stele in its place that said: "Dare to invade my domain again and a bloody harvest shall be brought against you." They heeded the warning and left, since then... Silence."

He stopped and looked at her with a hard expression for a long moment. "Make no mistake Shadow that if you assume the worst of me, that I am black hearted you are right, I have slain the innocent and harvested them in the tens of thousands willingly and happily. Any who threaten mine are dealt with one way or another, I do not go seeking fights or power, content with what I have and willing to leave the world above alone." Watching her reaction change to fear he continued "I preserved this place with a great deal of magic, a silent tomb, a mausoleum to my mistake and a silent reminder. You are free to look around, we will stay another day, take advantage of it."


What could she say to that? She was terrified of him now, he had so easily admitted to wiping out populations happily for the sake of revenge, then again so had Celestia... Looking at him was like looking into the past when as he said "life was cheap, very cheap." Life meant little to him, then again he did not go seeking conflict. True, he had assassinated Steelshod but that made sense, he cared for the sisters greatly and would not allow someone to use them. She needed time to think, walking off and exploring more of the ruins her heart sunk more and more. What he said was true, not even the fillies or colts were spared, one had an arrow embedded in their skull, another was pinned in place on the floor, the force of the spear blow so strong it pierced the stone.

All this innocent life lost and they were not even "his" people, they were more like trading partners, he offered protection, they offered something in return. Bodies? No, she doubted that, they would have FLED back to the surface or called for help! Maybe they had? No, he had left them alone, they even governed themselves. Stumbling Shadow looked up to see she was in front of some kind of larger building, almost like an ancient government building with its pillars and large double doors.

The doors had long been blown inward by what she assumed was magic, it was definitely a government building, the large room held a large stone table that once seated three, the wall had a clear imprint of a bat pony, blasted to atoms and the outline left marked perfectly against the wall. Part of her was delighted that he had so quickly wrecked havoc on the sisters people for this, she had to stop though, SHE was one of them, a citizen of Equestria. Was the purpose of today to turn her against them? If so, it was working to a small degree. The place was perfectly preserved, no flesh though... Maybe he had preserved the place years later? That made sense, the Equestrians used this as a route for attack he said. So they KNEW what they had done and did not care... Like those who died here were beneath them.

Picking up a scroll and unfurling it she could not understand a word of it, whatever language they used was alien to her. Leaving the building she kept wandering, orchards, fields had all been thoroughly torched, occasionally a skeleton or simply a blood stain on rocks. Sitting on the lakes edge and looking out she wondered how many skeletons lay at the bottom, those who tried to flee over the waters to never make it. Why in the name of Tartarus did his murdering all those ponies bother her less and less? Why was she feeling more and more anger at the two Deity rulers and less for her master?


Valkardian walked calmly through the streets, visiting buildings and looking in, solemn reminders of his failure to take things seriously. It had been a problem of his, always brushing things off for a later date, even now he was guilty of it but this time it worked out. His little slave was off somewhere doing something, a wraith was following her quietly, unseen from the shadows so he would know if she was in danger. Rounding a bend he came to his destination, the graveyard. True, he had never really visited this place much when they were alive, in fact he had visited it quite often, even fought and killed here years after. Another little vow of his was to not allow "them" to set one foot in the town again, it held true, none had. All had been slain in the tunnels above, one bloody battle after another till finally he sealed it up and placed the marker outside. Walking up to a tunnel and reading the inscription he stepped forward with purpose and disappeared inside.


Shadow had stared into the lake for some time, tears streaming both in sadness and rage when she caught sight of Valkardian on the far end of the lake. Watching him walk through what appeared to be a graveyard before disappearing into a cave she stood and flew after him. Spying would probably get her in a tremendous amount of trouble but right now she had more questions and curiosity as to where he was going and that outweighed consequences. The graveyard was more stone tomb's that actual "graves" in the traditional sense, no dirt, no grave. So the townsponies had taken to carving stone coffins and placing them, the poorer appeared to have been stuffed in a hole and sealed inside with names and dates written on the marker. All of it was that weird script she could not make out.

Shadow glided down and walked as quietly as she could toward the cave entrance, slipping inside and following the tunnel down, steps were hewn from the rock and the walls held stone shelves with skeletal remains resting on them. These were catacombs, so her master was not harvesting their dead in return for protection, that much was obvious now. Winding her way down the sound of his voice made its way to her ears. It stopped and she carefully made her way farther down before stopping to listen.


Curious as ever, still unaware she was being followed he had been aware of her following him and entering the catacombs. Now she was hiding in the darkness listening for him. "You can stop spying on me and just enter the chamber Shadow. You might learn something." The sound of wings brushing against the stone meant she had jumped, the quiet sound of hooves slowly approached and she entered the room at a snails pace. "Master, I am sorry for spying on you..." Cutting her off he waved her over "You are too curious to know better, it is in your nature, now come here, I want to show you someone." Standing beside him in the soft glow of a small ball of light in the ceiling Shadow looked down at a finely carved sarcophagus.

The being carved into it looked much like a bat pony, hands folded over her chest. "Shadow, allow me to introduce you to the late Councilor Redfang. A vampire or "vampony" as you call them in your mythology. One of the last three rulers of Mossdell." Staring down Shadow wondered something. "Master, if you preserved the town, how come she is buried? I thought you left it as it was." Valkardian turned his head towards her "Because this one was one of the very few I knew, she did not die HERE either, she was wounded fatally during the attack and died shortly after the portal closed. Her last request to me was to be entombed here amongst her friends and family. This chamber houses her entire family." Looking around another question popped into her head "Arnt vamponies evil? Your evil but are vamponies really evil like the tales say?"

She was curious as ever he noted "Not always, tell me Shadow, which makes for a better story: The Vampony that saved the hamlet from hellhounds or the vampony that burned the village to the ground using hellhounds while draining their blood and turning them into thralls?"

"Oh... That makes sense." Shadow had to admit the later made for a better bedtime story to scare fillies and colts. He pointed at the sarcophagi "This one fits a bit of both, Redfang or "Blood Lilly" as she preferred to be called could do both. It is why she was elected to the council, a perfect combination of virtue and devilry, scared of nothing and not afraid of getting her hands dirty. We wrote each other back and forth for quite some time, she was over... Four hundred? Years old I think. She had burned villages to the ground, enslaved some, freed others. Then again when "youth" left her, she was born a vampony by the way she calmed down and decided to viciously protect those she cared about. She had lost most of her "mundane" friends in her battles, with few left she wanted to protect them. Life gained value almost overnight and she moved here and with her little ragtag band of marauders in tow they quickly built this place up from a hamlet into a town. Over the course of one-hundred and fifty some odd years it became a town."

"I guess you could say she was the first REAL "ruler" of the town, before her the other petty chiefs never bothered to plan expansion or anything, she turned it all around and organized their growth carefully. Luna speared her in the street as she left her home to see about the commotion, take this whichever way you wish Shadow... Either fortunately or UN-fortunately for her it was not a killing blow, Luna went off to kill some other unlucky inhabitant and a friend grabbed her and drug her away in the chaos. They managed to get her to my portal where precious few other survivors made it through and sent her along with them. She died before making it mind you but they decided to send her anyway... A touching though illogical act, none the less it did serve a purpose."

"Seeing her dead enraged me and within two days the first hamlets were burning and two days after that the first towns were being put to the sword. If Celestia and Luna were willing to forgo their "wise and motherly" ways then you can bet your ass I was out for blood." He placed a hand on the cold stone surface and stared "Shadow, as you leave this room and travel the town above, there is a large mansion with long dead flower beds out front and an iron gate. Two pillars are engraved with Blood Lillie's cutie mark, that was her home. Go inside and look around if you wish and learn something about her." As Shadow left the room which felt colder and colder a voice trailed after her "When you live as long as we have you will find friends are truly a rare and precious commodity."


Finding the mansion was easy, it was the only one with two pillars with a cutie mark on it of lilies, what a strange cutie mark for a creature of evil. Was she really evil or was it perspective? Shadow pondered this as she entered the building, it was damaged, scorch marks here and there, obviously someone had put up quite a bit of a fight. Each room was the opposite of what she expected of an evil vampony, instead of dark, dull, drab and creepy it was quite pleasant. Beautiful murals adorned the walls, none grisly like Valkardian's, elaborate tile-work adorned the floors with frescoes of stars, plants, forests, cave life and ponies.

Climbing the stairs she checked the bedrooms, things were indeed remarkably preserved. Checking a bookshelf she found only one of them in a quasi-early Equish. This town must have been destroyed long ago before Celestia set forth the Equestrian Standard. That would make this place more than... A thousand years old at least? Scanning it and replacing it she kept browsing, some had pictures carefully etched out. Buried in the back one was that made her heart stop, it had ponies in it in all manner of positions. Placing it back quickly she tried another room.

This room was special, very special, so special Shadow felt her blood run cold. It was a little fillies room. She almost tiphoofed around the room avoiding one side, refusing to even look. It was sickening, the curiosity to go there and look, knowing, the revulsion but still that powerful compulsion to go look. Taking a deep breath she turned and walked awkwardly towards it, scared to death of looking in. Staring down was an empty crib soaked with blood, clearly somepony had taken a sharp object and driven it down with tremendous force causing the center to buckle slightly. Shadow fled the room, not even the newborns were spared.

Perspective rushed over her as she sat on the steps outside the mansion sobbing, she knew with all her being she should NOT be crying over the death of evil monsters. But she was. This was just a bad dream, there was no way this was real. Monsters and villains did not have families, everypony knew that. They just existed, they existed to be hunted down by a valiant knight or hero and be cast down or slain. Evil did not have families or children, they did not marry, prosper and have lives. No, evil was sick and twisted, incapable of love or compassion, evil did not like nice things preferring the grotesque. Everything she had seen just shattered that, everything she had been taught as a filly was crashing down around her.

Blood Lilly loved reading, nature, family, friends and was married, she even had a baby. Nothing about that building spoke of evil or wrongdoing, the babies room was not grotesque at all, in fact Shadow wished she could have a room that beautiful for her own one day if that day ever came. Blood Lilly even liked... Adult activities, perhaps a little too much from how well worn that book was. These ponies had done NOTHING to ANYONE yet they had suffered extermination for it, by virtue they ASSOCIATED with someone ELSE occasionally. In return as retribution, tens of thousands had been reaped like a field of grain who also had nothing to do with the feud, they too had committed the same crime: Association. Maybe a little more, they had been EQUESTRIANS and it was Equestrians who perpetrated this crime. Thoughts and conflicting emotions swirled and pounded her head and she swore her soul hurt. Lifting her head from her hands Shadow did the only thing she could do, she screamed with all her might.

Chapter 9

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The unholy, grief riddled howl that echoed through the massive cavern told him that Shadow had come to an inescapable truth: The world was not black and white and that she had just learned today's lesson: PERSPECTIVE. It would be best to give her another day just to be safe, there was one more place to visit on her little "field trip" as she had put it, one last place to BURN that perspective into place. Calling away his soldiers and wraiths to return to their patrols and stations, her howl had triggered a combat reaction in them; now the soldiers were in full combat mode and seeking targets. Sitting on his bench he watched the long empty and shattered fountain. Shadow had her regrets, he had his own as well, long ago he had promised to come visit his friend and her family, promises made and broken.

Staring at a blood stain and the skeleton smashed against the bench Valkardian turned back to his pondering, this place was indeed a lesson learned. Every plan set into motion since this crushing defeat was based on the lessons learned here, this place had never been his, hell he never paid them any attention, it was their lives and they all left each other alone. Blood Lilly had quietly hinted that he should take a little more interest, it would be good for him. Deaf ears. Now they had paid the price for his actions, as ancient as he was he should have known better, that Celestia would have aimed for the EASIEST target rather than assume she would be "wise" and calm down then listen to reason later. No, he made a mistake, a big one, one that he had rectified.

The howling had stopped, she was either too tired to scream or passed out, standing he took one last hard look at the destruction around him. There had been one thing Blood Lilly HAD gotten him to agree too and he was not going to let this one slip through his fingers.


Shadow was too exhausted from screaming and sobbing to move, she just laid there sobbing quietly now on the cold stone staring up. She jumped when a familiar face appeared and looked down at her, part of her wanted to scream why he had not done more, the other wanted to beat him for murdering so many. Too exhausted to do either she settled on sobbing and letting the thoughts stew, Celestia had wiped out a town of bystanders and in return Valkardian had repaid the kindness shown in spades many times over no doubt. What she did not expect was for him to reach down and pick her up.

There was no struggle, to words or fighting, just silence as he carried her off, evil was supposed to be cold but he was not, the warmth coming off of felt wonderful compared to the cold stone. He was still evil but he did not fit any of the cut and clean categories, too strange, one moment sinister the next caring and compassionate. Maybe he was just psychotic, a madman with the powers of a deity if he had beaten Celestia away so handily. An evil madman who had friends once, who cared so much for them he had burned part of Equestria to the ground for it. One who had loved, given it up and accepted the consequences. What was the meaning of good and evil then if the lines were so blurred?

She hardly noticed him entering the tent and placing her on the cot and covering her, he stopped near the flap and told her that tomorrow there was one more thing to see before they left back home. The way he said "home" made her shiver, was it her home now? Still a slave, part student, what was she then? Gripping the covers Shadow covered her head and curled into a ball and tried to shut it all out.


Too soon, it was too soon, she had only just woken up, just laying there and rubbing her face to get the fur unstuck from all the tears. A servant brought her a warm meal a little later along with a bucket of water and a cloth. Eating and wiping herself down she left the tent and looked around, master was sitting near a small magical fire, just staring off into the distance. It was eerie seeing him like this, the past few months she had come to know him a little better through his lessons. He was a good teacher, keeping things simple, easy to follow and understand, taking what she assumed to be joy in each lesson he gave. Honest, logical, straightforward, tactless and a bit of an airhead at times. The last part was a dangerous thought she knew, but still, she had to remind him of what the lesson was about several times because of his tendency to ramble on when teaching a subject he seemed to enjoy.

Now, seeing him like this, regret and a touch of sadness apparent in his eyes it worried her, she had gained a whole new perspective on the world yesterday and now she understood. Good and evil were not so simple to understand, she could not just brush things off one way or another, everyone had their reasons (usually) for doing what they did, sometimes it was wrong, other times right. Or... Other times it could be so muddied and gray it was impossible to say who WAS right or wrong, only a series of bloody back and forth battles; right and wrong having died somewhere along the lines at the start of it all.

Approaching carefully Shadow stopped a few feet away before opening her mouth to speak, it was hard to speak to him, she could see him with more clarity now but that only made things more conflicted. "Master, are we going home today?"


Looking over to Shadow their eyes met, his cold and calculating "Yes, but first there is one more place I want to show you, it will only take an hour to get there." Standing he marched off towards a road that led down a side tunnel, Shadow in tow along with a force of soldiers tailing.

The trip was grisly, skeletons speckled the road now and then, blood stains were everywhere, somepony had dragged themselves along the wall trying to stand before someone cut them with such force there was a deep cut in the stone wall and a severed skeleton below. Arrows poked out of some skeletons, all shot in the back as they had fled down the tunnel, young or old did not matter in the battle. Some held hands, others wrapped around trying to protect others as they fell. She could only imagine what this nightmare would have looked like then let alone now.

Blood stains seemed to increase as they got closer to their destination, shattered armor, weapons and helmets littered the road leading to a large archway, the metal doors blasted off their hinges. Some had died trying to crawl into this chamber, the road was so littered with skeletons now she had to step carefully, Valkardian walked through the archway and disappeared inside. Trying to follow quickly she gave up walking and flew inside being gentle with her wings to not disturb the bones. Inside was a mess, blood coated the walls and an inactive portal stood.

Shards of broken crystal covered the floor, somepony had even tried to shatter the portal itself, trying to deface the runes. Valkardian stood to one side quietly and allowed her to examine the room, it looked as if several had made a last stand here to keep someone from gaining control of the portal and at the last minute destroyed the control crystals robbing Celestia and Luna of access to any survivors.

Watching her for a minute, it was not until she looked at him that Valkardian spoke. "The battle ended very quickly, too quickly. Celestia's shock troopers burst through the defenses so fast my soldiers could not respond in time not that it would have mattered. The only thing that saved any of them was Celestia had ordered everyone put to the sword. By the time she realized they had an escape route already planned it was too late to get them all. Luna was left to finish mopping up those hiding while Celestia lead a force down the tunnel after those fleeing. Part of the deal I had with them was that if my soldiers FAILED to protect them, plan B was to come here, a magically sealed room and a small platoon of soldiers guarding it. The servants assigned to the portal would activate it, allow them through and then seal it behind them."

"A major problem in this THEORY of a plan was that it was never rehearsed nor did it have a contingency for what to do if the enemy was ALREADY inside the town when the order to evacuate was given. They all knew the plan true but not how EXACTLY it was to work. The town had its own guard's and militia force but most of them died near instantly in the first attack, the survivors rallied the rest and tried to cover the retreat which turned into a route. Most of those who made it here were those farthest away from the epicenter of the battle, while Celestia knew of the town, she had no idea there was a portal till the last second. Had she known I doubt any would have made it this far."

"The portal was held open as long as logically possible, when the first of her forces began to stream down the tunnel the doors were to be closed, soldiers ushered any of the surviving guard and militia inside before closing the doors and sealing them." Looking at the bones littering the room for a minute he continued "Some of them decided to stay behind and make damn sure no one followed, problem was they did not know about the plan and took it upon themselves to destroy the portal. The servants did not stop them of course, they were carrying out the final stages of the plan so they allowed it and even helped it along." Pointing here and there at skeletons with unique helmets and armaments "Some fifteen died here pointlessly thinking they were saving others without ever realizing that they did not have to stay behind. Celestia blew the doors open after a few attempts and you can see what she did." Valkardian walked to the back of the room where one body was mangled heavily. "This one, I have no idea what his name was and I had no intention then of disturbing his soul to find out, was tortured to find out where they fled. Judging from the torture he refused to talk." Shadow looked as he gestured, the pony had been cut to pieces apparently, fingers cut off and thrown away, then the hands, hooves and on up it went. Even the eye sockets bore scorch marks like his eyes had been burned out.

"Celestia and Luna let themselves go when they attacked, there was no mercy, pity or remorse on their part. It started a war which lasted some five years, this was their first and only victory, they lost every battle after this one. Over five major invasions were made into the caves from various points, two here, this being the aftermath of one. All met the same fate, less than half made it out alive and no bodies were ever found afterwords when they came back. I recycled their dead and used them as my own soldiers. Every battle they lost their numbers dwindled and mine grew or in the last battle, doubled. To this day their forces make no attempt what so ever to enter my caves, no magical probing, no scouts. NOTHING. So the silent, battle-less war rages on quietly between us. Questions?"


Looking at the tortured remains a question formed itself "What happened to the survivors?" Shadow looked expectantly at him, a glimmer of hope written on her face. "The refugees survived, they had to stay in a camp for a long time mind you, it was not easy getting what they needed to the location for a week or so but it all worked out for them in the end. Since I was busy burning the world above to the ground there was plenty of time to loot, frankly I could care less for looting but I took advantage of the situation and had my soldiers cart off enough to clothe and feed an army. It all worked out in the end." Valkardian began to leave the room but before he could leave she had another question: "Where did they go? Did they stay in the caves or go above?" There was no answer, she was left to make her own assumptions, they obviously never came back.

Following him back to town he told her there was one more thing he had to do yet, it would not take very long and to explore more if she so desired but be ready to leave. "Curiosity killed the cat" popped into her head, what could he possibly need to do? Make certain the magic was holding? Visit another grave? Deciding to follow him around he made his way to the outskirts of a small orchard, the strange trees were still an enigma, how they managed to survive in so little soil and that it had to be brought from above... A patch of flowers grew where the waters edge and orchard met, strange, red things that they were. Picking one he walked off to the graveyard, Shadow following a short distance behind.

Again he descended the steps, only this time telling her to hurry up and follow, to quit stalking him. Hurriedly catching up they wound their way down to the tomb of Blood Lilly. Making a quiet mumble over her tomb he placed the flower at the base where a bundle of them laid. Standing he turned to her "the fighting in the house was her husband, Irontip, he is entombed over there, her newborn Amethyst is over there."

Shadow followed his finger as he pointed out sarcophagi and even pointed out a few on the shelves. All but one of her family had died in the attack, the entirety of Irontips family and extended died in the attack. There was no trace that they had ever existed except this one tomb, unknown to the world above. "How old was Amethyst?" Shadow kept eying the tiny stone coffin. "She was... Six months old I think." Walking over he looked down at it, reading. "I marked each one as best I could for "date of birth and death" as best I knew it. Blood Lilly had written me when she gave birth so hers is the only one with an ACCURATE date of birth." He left the chamber not long after, taking one last look before walking out and heading up the stairs, Shadow followed quietly.

"You have a few minutes still before we leave, you can take one last look around if you want. I will call you when it is time to go." Leaving her at the mouth of the catacombs Valkardian walked off, she looked around at the graveyard before heading towards the orchard.

Through the eyes of the wraith that followed her Valkardian watched as Shadow picked a cave flower and walked back into the catacombs, going below she laid the flower at the tiny coffin and mumbled before standing and leaving quickly. This one was worth it so far, he wondered what would happen in the following months, it was almost that time again.

Shadow stood, something just seemed right about what she had done, not leaving a flower at Blood Lillie's did not bother her, she never knew her and frankly had no idea what kind of pony she was. It wouldn't feel quite right to have left a flower for her but Amethyst... This little one whatever her origins did not deserve what she got, it just wasn't right. As she left the chamber taking one last look at Blood Lillie's sarcophagi she noticed the single flower Valkardian left and the bundle beside it. How long had he been coming here?

Chapter 10

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The return home had been long and silent, not a word spoken, Shadow simply walked along quietly too caught up in her own thoughts to care. Even the servants left her alone to think, after entering the portal and emerging in his home she began to wonder what was next. Whatever she expected it was nothing more than a continuation of things as they were, more classes, lectures and learning. A week went by as nothing more than a blur before she finally snapped out of her stupor and began to ask more questions though not dealing with her usual lessons. His response had been to have her write them all down and wait till the end of the week when the lessons change.

Today was that day, it had been a week, she had several scrolls filled with questions left unanswered. Taking her seat and looking at the board it simply said: "History, Philosophy, Morals and Ethics." All the books had been removed from her table, even the massive pile Valkardian kept for himself was gone, replaced by four heavy tomes. Speak the devil, he entered not long after and quickly took his place and flipped open the first book before looking at her.


"As you should have guessed today I will be knitting everything you have learned so far together, we will be covering things more broadly and unlike before, I will add my own thoughts to matter and have you speak your own. Rather than listen you will be required to think on what you have learned and form your own opinion of matters and express them to some degree. It does not matter if they are not well formulated, you simply need to have your own opinion and speak it. While that covers the History and Philosophy, the Morals and Ethics will require you to challenge and explain your beliefs. Do you have any questions before we begin?"

A simply "no" was all she said and he immediately went into history and philosophy, most of it explaining what the ancient philosophies were, their morals, ethics, etc. Questions and answers, he would press her to explain herself whether she agreed with them or not. Now and then he would stop and ask if one of the questions she had written down applied and she would ask.

Two days later he was now back to the sisters timeline and her questions and the arguing began. "How could you possibly justify "harvesting" an entire town of ponies? That was morally and ethically wrong! No pony would ever think to do such a thing, well maybe Celestia and Luna but still!" He had taken to simply sitting down, no writing was done on the board, he simply stared at her blankly and answered: "I do NOT justify it morally or ethically. I did it because I needed more bodies, they were not my own, enemies no less, they had what I wanted so I went and took it."

Her jaw dropped. "That's HORRIBLE!"

Valkardian simply smiled at her "That depends on how you look at it, was it so wrong when Celestia burned Fisher's Cove to the ground? They were her enemies. Or is it you object because I killed them then took the bodies? Yes the ponies were "innocent" but they served a lord who was my enemy, one who had gotten it into his mind to war with me. All I did was simply kill two birds with one stone. I nipped a possible invasion in the butt and grew my numbers at the same time."

"That's hardly any excuse! You could have targeted HIM and left the ponies alone!"

"Maybe, but that would be a large risk, assuming I DID successfully kill him, some other noble would have taken over and maybe carried out his plans. My action was more straightforward, never underestimate the power of TERROR on your enemy."

Shadow balked at this "HAH! You certainly have the power to of singled them ALL out and dealt with them! There would have been no to little risk, all you did was make more enemies, had you singled them out then perhaps the ponies might have even, somehow, thought better of you."

Sighing he leaned back "You also forgot that then, like today, ponies believed their rulers were ordained by "gods." Their right to rule was and still is considered DIVINE, some today however now see it as more a genetic thing, they have proper breeding so they get to rule. No amount of singling them out would have worked and it would not have set a precedence. After my attack they clearly understood the price of challenging me."

She let out a "humph" at this "You could still of at least TRIED to spare them, you were older and wiser, you should be better than them!"

"HAH! Be BETTER than them? What is the standard then? Ignore them like Celestia does today till it bites her in the ass? Negotiate and they keep plotting? One should never leave their enemies alive unless there is some outstanding reason for it. I COULD have razed the entire kingdom to the ground but I singled out just the one town and wiped it from the map. Yes, I killed the babies in their cribs but all the neighboring kingdoms backed down immediately. By reaping my bloody harvest at the start it meant more would not die later. I SAVED lives by slaughtering a handful of innocents."

A shiver ran down her spine at this, he was too calm about this though history had proven him largely right. "Murder can never be justified!"

"Oh REALLY now Shadow? Murder can never be justified? What IS the definition of murder then? To kill without reason or just cause? Have they changed the dictionary for the millionth time yet to suit their political correctness? I killed, no I slaughtered those ponies for a damn good reason. You lack perspective Shadow, all you see is the bodies, families and lives lost. You do not see that had I not their army would have tried to march on me again and again as the decades wore on. They would have lost no doubt, but the cost in lives would have been higher as more forces were levied or conscripted. Families would have been torn apart, rage and anger against me would have mounted. Instead, by singling one town out and destroying it there was no rage only fear and terror if they dared to think of warring with me."
Taking a deep breath before continuing "Also I did not attack the town I was trading with, I attacked a different one, true some might of had family in the other but all the same I mitigated the damage somewhat."

Shadow was flustered "Murder is still murder. Master."

"Maybe to you Shadow, however I want you to remember this for as long as you live: All is simply a matter of perspective. One's freedom fighter is another's terrorist, murder to one is justice to another. The only thing that makes a difference is if you personally agree with the justifications given. It is all opinion at the end of the day or more aptly it can be looked at this way: Where are YOU standing when that first allow is let fly?"

The last part had her, that was correct, no one went about murdering USUALLY knowing it was wrong, they all thought they were doing what was right either for others or themselves. Where she stood when the arrow flew... That disturbed her, she had to admit silently that it was eerily true, she had no "dog in the fight" as he once put it, all the wars Equestrian's had fought so long ago did not bother her one bit usually. It was not HER family suffering through it, being enslaved by one side or cut down by the other.

*Cough* "Shadow, did you know, right now, there is a war going on the other side of this world? Right now what I call "Asiatic ponies" are butchering each other in a bid for the emperors crown. How do you feel about that?"

Her head snapped up "Nothing... Its bad but... Oohhh..." Shadows eyes grew as realization dawned on her.

His smile grew "You are catching on. Now lets continue with the lesson."


More lessons, they just kept coming day after day. More arguing, debate, Shadow had to admit this was FAR more interesting (thought scary and creepy at times) than any classes she ever had growing up. Why couldn't her classes have been this interesting? Her teachers only ever had them memorize definitions, dates and then cough it back up on demand, there was no requirement to UNDERSTAND what they were learning, no WHY's only absolutes. Valkardian though was making her justify her every belief and pointed out its flaws not that SHE was not doing the same with his. If she nailed him on one (which had been... RARE) it usually came down to "no one is perfect" and moving on.

"So tell me why is Celestia justified in her attempts to "rehabilitate" those deemed evil or why NOT?"

That had stumped her, Celestia had a history (only recent) of doing so, teaching others to embrace, forgive and forget. To simply welcome them back with open arms and have them join the great big herd and go on their merry way. "Umm... She is and is not?"

"Shadow, give a straight answer, do not answer a question with a question unless you require clarity."

"Oh, ah... She is, some have committed minor crimes, they can mend their ways, others though like Sombra are just too evil to be worth it."

"Like me?"

She flinched. "Well... Maybe? I really dont want to answer that one..."

"Go ahead, speak the truth."

"You are beyond redeeming, nothing would ever make you change your ways, nothing, you are set in stone and reinforced with steel. However, you are also not... All? Bad... Evil... Your not wicked or cruel most of the time, you uphold your end of the deal, help others, save lives in your own sick twisted way..." Valkardian just sat there quietly and listened as she kept going.

"So then, you would say that Celestia and Luna are redeemed and "good" now compared to then? So their crimes, though grand in scale are forgivable?"

What? Just a moment ago she finished explaining why he was not redeemable and forever "evil" and now this? "They changed their ways and now try to guide other ponies to a better future so yes."

"Would you have said that of them back THEN?"


"Allow me to clarify for you then, I am set in my ways, I do not argue that what I do is "moral or ethical" by YOUR standards, I have my own standards, written here in this book. I do NOT forgive NOR forget, I am not afraid of getting my hands dirty either. Unlike Celestia I do not see the world through rose colored glasses, I see both the good and bad and deal with it in the most efficient manner possible. Does this make me evil? Absolutely. Do I still care about others? Yes. Frankly I do not want to see any harm come to anyone less the deserve it, on the other hand I could care less, it is their lives, let them live it for good or ill. I do not kill wantonly, each time I kill it is measured and carefully calculated. My reasoning is my own and if others choose to see it as murder, so be it, all that matters is that I know the truth."

"Now Celestia, she is the opposite of me and that endears her to me in some ways, it is why I tried to win her hand so long ago. She believes in benevolence towards all minus a tiny few (pointing to himself) and is more than happy to allow psycho's back into the population so long as they have atoned somehow. On the other hand I would simply kill them now and never give them the chance to try again."

She had to admit that he was indeed hopelessly honest. "Master, you are either utterly psychotic yourself or just damned impossible to understand. I dont know which and it scares me." All he did was smile at her for a minute "True, then again one can not live as long as I have without being a little... Crazy."


Her brain was hurting, it had been more than one straight week of debate, from morning till a break at lunch, starting again till it was time for her dinner, bath and bed. Almost all of her questions were exhausted, only a few remained. Valkardian was off his rocker at times but he also made a great deal of sense as the lessons wore on, his approach was to "deal with it now and never allow it to become a problem later" and if that meant wiping out villages, towns or even a city, so be it. The Dog Wars had been FAR more interesting to discuss morally and ethically than it had been to learn about.

Greedy invaders that tore apart everything in their reckless lust for wealth. They warred with everyone if they even assumed profit was possible, enslaving whole towns and dragging them beneath the earth to dig up precious gems and metals. They had been utterly crushed over time and it took time, they bred and matured like rabbits... Eventually they were reduced to nothing, their underground kingdoms silent tombs of their past glory. Valkardian explained that they never really breached the cave system to the point it became a problem for HIM but all the same, he was not going to allow them the chance.

Strangely enough, Celestia was fighting them on the surface, hunting their colonies down while below Valkardian exterminated them one cave at a time. Neither side ever met, he made certain to keep his distance, something about her inability to see the greater threat at hand if they DID meet. Shadow admitted at the end of the lesson that the near extermination of the species had been justifiable, leaving only a handful of terrified remnants. Celestia had magically altered them to be less hostile and... Carnivorously inclined towards ponies. Cutting back their fertility and bringing the species to a slow crawl. Master admitted he had planned the same thing, the dogs proved to be an excellent source of skeleton workers and he hated to see them wiped out completely.

Today though she was giddy, he explained this was the last class before she moved on to "advanced studies" which he warned would be "absolute hell, but if she focused it would be worth the pain and misery." She had been a little scared at that but he brushed it off and told her it was nothing she was not more than capable of passing at this point. Today though, today was a special subject and THAT is why she was so giddy: Bat pony history.


The history of her race was usually absent in books, they existed but had never been a part of the unification, only appearing in the books much, MUCH later and then on the verge of Nightmare Moons attempt to take over. Those who sided with Nightmare had largely been her own kind and after the brief one month war her kind had been viciously persecuted and chased out. The books back home admitted this was wrong, that ponies acted rashly towards the whole not the few responsible. Still, no book ever said WHY they sided with Nightmare let alone how the bat ponies ever became Equestrians in the first place. Even today they were seen in a bad light, preferring to stay far away in isolated colonies. That was another question she had, why were there so FEW of them?

Sitting through the lecture which at times became part debate Shadow's ears kept lowering, her people were once a nation in the North Eastern part of Equestria, refused unity preferring isolation and neutrality. Vamponies were not common then but they did exist in numbers and largely stayed amongst the bat ponies to aid in obscurity, keeping slaves taken from elsewhere to stay sated in their appetites. The system had worked, at least until Celestia and Luna took over, logically, as Valkardian pointed out, they did NOT want a powerful nation sitting on their border. Especially one that had "evil" living in their midst keeping slaves and thralls, the catch being Equestria was not much better in that regard at this point.

Tension mounted and finally Celestia invaded, gained, lost, gained again and lost again. Her people were every bit as devious as possible in fighting, able to fight as well at night as during the day and being able to fly as a whole they wreaked bloody havoc. It came to head when patience ran out and Celestia decided to just burn all the forests away in that part of Equestria, driving them back bit by bit as the scorched earth policy destroyed farmland bit by bit. Not that it worked entirely either, many lived in giant caves in the mountains, they would remain the biggest and longest lasting holdout.

Fifty years, deforestation was no small feat and even with the two deity like sisters it took time. They even poisoned a river magically to wipe out towns and cities to bring the war to a close sooner, the river and surrounding land only recovered a few centuries ago Valkardian noted. Well that explained why the grasslands now existed... A surrender was forced when Celestia and Luna made a large magical attack on the population, nightmares at night and blazing forests during the day. Bit by bit in the last five years of the war more surrendered till the cave's remained, they were never conquered, they simply "vanished" en masse. Shadow probed for an answer as to where they went but he ignored her.

The nail in the coffin came with Nightmare Moon's coup de tat, volunteers joined her with the promise that in return they would regain their homeland, this backfired. Celestia won, banished Nightmare to the moon and took precautions of her own. Not willing to allow them to try again she had magically sterilized a large portion of them secretly through tainted food shipments, "gifts" to show her goodwill towards them. It also doubled as a modifier to their genes cutting back reproduction to a rate that would keep them where they were at present: around 2.5% of the total population of Equestria.

Since then Celestia erased their history, wrote them out of the rest, even burying their aiding Nightmare, harmony must be preserved at ANY cost. Valkardian had scoffed at this, harmony cannot purvey without its challenges and hurdles. Erasing all of it merely weakened the nation, without conflict they can not grow, only become set in their ways, slothful and ignorant of the truth. "One must be challenged both in mind and soul to grow, Celestia has gouged that out with a rusty spoon" he proclaimed.

There was nothing to say to this, no questions not that he would answer the one about where her people had gone that held out. Conflicting emotions were burning again, Celestia was not so motherly again, logical, but it still burned in how she treated others who tried to avoid her narrow minded view of how the world should work. Shadows ears perked back up when Valkardian placed a large book in front of her, it was written in that script she had seen in Mossdell.
"That, Shadow, is the REAL language of your people, it was called Krethe, that book is a copy of one given to me by Blood Lilly, she took to languages among other things and recorded your peoples tongue. This is your copy, one of my scribes finished it a few days ago. Once you learn your language you will be able to read the books of your ancestors, their literature, poems, philosophy, history, so on. First, you must learn to read and speak it."

"Will you be teaching me how to speak it?"

"Not for a while, languages were never something I could take to very well."

"Your not from this world, I know that now the more I know about you yet you speak Equus very well..."

Valkardian burst out laughing at this "Shadow, not ONCE have I spoken to you in Equus! I am speaking my OWN language right now, you on the other hand "hear" me because the magic of this world translates it." With a few motions of his hands he spoke again and it was the weirdest language she ever heard and a moment later she could understand him again. "That is what I sound like without the magic translating, then again I CAN speak Equus rather well but your language, your REAL language is one of the few I have any degree of mastery. Now, that concludes your lessons, tomorrow you begin your advanced studies, a servant will collect you and you will follow them wherever they go. A letter with instructions has already been prepared for you, all you need to do is read it and carry them out."

"How long will these advanced studies last?"

"Hmm... Probably five to six months, then your REAL training begins."

Leaving the library Shadow followed a servant to the bathroom. So it all started tomorrow, the "advanced studies" or whatever that meant. Worry worked its way up, what did he mean by her real training would begin after that?

Chapter 11

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This was hell, absolute hell but damn it all she was going to pass these so called "advanced lesson." The armor chaffed, the shield was too damned heavy and never mind the sword and gear she had to lug around. Shadow marched along at a rapid pace, hunched over, grunting with each step, wings drooped, arms limp at her side. The weight of that damned shield had made her arm go numb and the pack which was loaded with stones or lead bricks, she could not remember what the soldier had loaded it with today, made her bend over heavily. Three pilum in her spare hand along with a pickaxe, tent poles and a pot hanging at the end were slung over her shoulder precariously. If she dared slow the trailing soldier would start smacking her with that damned stick it had.

Vision was limited for a moment as her helmet slipped forward and obscured her vision, with a tired grunt and heave she lifted her shield and shoved it back into place, the heavy boots she wore thudded with each step. Shadow was convinced there was a lead plate hidden in there somewhere. Still, it would be worth it she kept telling herself, all those lessons about the dangers of the caves and now this... If this was the test she had to pass to be allowed out into the world again she would grit her teeth and bear it, at least that is what she convinced herself this was all about. She really hoped it was the truth and not just some ploy of his before going back to more lessons and lectures.

Day after day was the same, wake up randomly, eat fast, don her equipment, run like hell in a big circle in the cave, grab more gear and then spend hours on end hiking in said circle. All the while that damned soldier was right behind her, poking her to go faster or smacking her if she slowed too much or heavens help her if she fell again: grab her roughly, hoist her up with one arm and gut punch her and shove her forward again pointing with that thrice damned stick. She hated that stick, she wanted to break it over the skeletons head.

Every two days Valkardian would make an appearance though, checking and leaving just as quickly. The first visit she had raced, tripped and frankly made a fool of herself rushing over to him begging for the punishment to stop. Whatever she did wrong she was sorry and please stop the torture. He did not laugh nor smile, just looked down at her and informed her if she ever expected to leave his ground she would have to know how to defend herself, she was an investment now and he would not have her falling pray to some mundane death. "Suck it up and get through it" was what he said before leaving.

The food was decent though a far cry from what she was used too, now she was cooking more and more of her own meals. A small cookbook had been given to her with various recipes and all could be made in that one pot of hers which also served as bowl. What was worse was after the first two weeks the soldier had taken to waking her at odd hours and rushing her about wildly then returning her to bed. Being able to fall asleep in seconds was starting to come naturally, she had brought the book on Krethe language with her, it was the only thing she had been allowed to bring other than some simple pants, tunics and underwear. No time to read though, always too tired. She would kill Valkardian even if it was the death of her if this was not worth it.


One month passed and the routine suddenly changed, instead of just lugging all this around she was learning how to use it. Valkardian came daily for the first week, teaching her to use the shield and short-sword properly, adjustments were made to her armor, adjustments she had to make herself no less. "Being able to maintain your armor and weapons is imperative" he said. Well it fit quite nicely now that she had found out she was adjusting the wrong straps. He must have never told her how to do that out of spite or maybe he figured she would figure it out on her own.

Now every day she would get up at a regular time, eat, attack a pole, throw pilum's at targets that kept getting farther away, run around, allow a soldier to hammer on her shield as she tried to keep blocking and all around it was a great improvement. Still, Shadow wanted to at least stab Valkardian, that note had said nothing about any of this only to "obey the instructors to the letter and take only the bag provided, leave everything else behind, you may take one book of your choosing." Damn him.

Two more months passed and during the third she now two sparring partners, they followed her everywhere she went. A letter informed her more would be joining later, now as she loped along from one course to the next they either stood aside waiting or followed her, going through the same paces as her. Sometimes the soldier in charge would turn one of them on her and the fight was on, at first they went easy on her, as more weeks passed they became increasingly violent. Shadow was convinced that had they not been armed with either a wooden spear or sword she would have died several times had this been real.

All the cuts and bruises though were always healed come the next day, she already knew about the various medical flora and fungi and she had been issues a small pouch containing packets. Valkardian one day carefully explained each one in detail and how to use it, even how to neutralize poisons and neurotoxins. She listened closely, be damned if she was going to become a victim of one of those parasites in the lower caves. Sometime in the fourth month though was when all the training took on a whole new meaning.


"Aim for these parts, here... And here... Stab quickly and retreat, if the opportunity presents itself and the target has not gone down stab again in another location. Make short, quick stabs with the tip or cuts, remember never over extend yourself, dont worry about missing a chance, just bide your time." Valkardian kept talking as she sat on the cave flooring watching the hologram of an Equestrian soldier, the imagine would flick back and forth now and then between fully armed and nude. He just kept pointing out more weak points on the pony body, how to identify weak points in the armor and so on.

The lessons took on stranger and stranger meaning as he explained how to bring down pegasi, unicorns, yaks, zebras, hippogriffs, griffons, dragons and on the lessons went. Was he preparing her for a journey in the caves or all out war? And with WHO? He had even explained the various "deity" races of the world and how to bring them down, albeit with INSANE effort and an ungodly amount of luck if not caught unprepared. It was the final lesson on body anatomy in battle that she had an idea of what she was in for: Troglodytes.

Horrific, warped, dark, malicious and by the sun and moon were they ugly. Ranging between five feet tall or a towering eight they inhabited the lower caves, they multiplied rapidly once their numbers got going and would consume everything in their path. They were the machinations of a long dead "demi-god" that had wanted servants of his own and it did not go very well in the end. Now they would break loose, terrorize the world above and caves below every hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty years depending on the gestation cycle. Valkardian explained he had not wiped them out because they were THE "go to source" of bones and fertilizer for crops.

Shadow wretched only a little at that last bit, better them than her. Valkardian had kept them in check for millennia, harvesting them regularly so they would not cause problems above anymore which would mean problems coming back DOWN searching for the source of the infestation. Dumb, wild and unruly they were easily cut down, their sheer strength and numbers though was a big problem, he reassured her however that his forces had grown so great from their "donations" that their breaking loose and going on a rampage was near nill. Still, the odd scouting party would sometimes make a break for it, failing no less but still the danger was there.

They had even formed "communities" and a hierarchy, the biggest led, the rest obeyed or got eaten. Too small? Eaten. Their lives were primitive and simple, weapons of stone and wood from the cave trees or quite often: bone, lots of bone armor she noted looking at the hologram of the brute.


Training went back to normal for a day or two after he completed his seminars on how to kill just about any living and non-living thing she had ever dreamed of and wished she had never known about. Five months in and now she was marching around in a larger formation, listening to silent magical commands in her mind or loud, screeching ones from horns or bangs on metal drums. How a skeleton played a horn was beyond her but they did, without lungs... Must be magic.

Rarely did the soldier smack her with a stick anymore, each drill was so hammered into her that it came naturally now. Studying her language had been back on the list, no longer feeling too exhausted to read and it was a strange language compared to what she knew.

Six months later she was woken by servants not a soldier, the camp was deserted except for the one with its stick. Leaving her tent a servant gave her a note, scanning it her orders were very simple: This was the last test, she had to march in full gear down the road to the marker, touch it and march back again within the allotted time. When she could accomplish that the servants would bring her back. Donning her gear she quickly set off down the road not waiting, this was it, the last test and she intended for it to be the last DAY as well.

It had been a long boring hike, the almighty stick bearer on her heels the entire way to the marker and back again. Back in the camp before she knew it the tent was still there and the soldier simply walked off leaving her alone with the servants. Shadow wanted to leave and leave NOW, marching up to them she said "lets go" and they quickly led her away and to the portal she had used to arrive and stepping through left the training grounds behind.


Valkardian was tired, he had been preparing for the coming onslaught for months now when he was not instructing Shadow, if she intended to be allowed to roam the caves she had to be able to fight and fight well. He had fought off so many incursions he was fairly certain how this one would go only this time, little Shadow would be joining the fighting later on when it was time to clean up. It would give her a chance to put her training to use, see the blood and gore, get over it and then he could let her roam without worry. Should she do well in the coming cave war she would be rewarded though it was really just one more test.

That final marching test should keep her busy for a day more, that bat showed immense promise already not only as a scholar but a fighter. Going into his bedroom and quickly stripping down he looked around, the last day all to himself, not being able to sleep in his own bed at will had been annoying but the entertainment this situation brought was worth it. Climbing into the top of the bed he sunk down and yanked sheets over his head and quickly fell asleep, tomorrow she would be back.

Chapter 12

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Home at last! Servants quickly pulled the control crystals out of the portal after she was through, Shadow marched quickly down the hallway standing tall before she realized she still had all her armor and gear on. Never once had it crossed her mind to leave all this stuff behind, passing the bedroom she decided on a bath, stripping all the gear off she swore she was light as a feather. One of the requirements at the camp was to FLY as well wearing all her armor, later more weight was added at Valkardians request till she swore she could feel her back breaking but it never did. Scrubbing down and thinking back on the past several months she realized she could now probably outrun an earth pony with full pack and pass a pegasus like they were standing still since if she were not carrying a full pack.

Rinsing off she looked at the hot, steaming water and decided against it, she did not want to fall asleep and drown after having just finished her "advanced lessons." That would be a horrible end to a happy day, the torture was over. Sleep clouding her vision she slipped into the bedroom, dropped her towel and crawled into the bottom of the bed. Servants would no doubt have clothing ready for her tomorrow; may as well enjoy this wonderful silky bed as long as she can before Valkardian gave her another test.


Vision returned to him, something was wrapped around him snoring quietly. Eyes snapping open he glanced down to see an arm and part of a wing thrown over his chest. Valkardians head jerked to the side to confirm his suspicion, Shadow was wrapped around him snoring. When and HOW did she get back so quickly without his noticing? The last test should have taken two or three days at most, one day to judge her pace, the second to pass the test properly. Mind reaching out he found the answer: Shadow had aced the test on the first try and rushed straight back last night, nearly thirty hours on her hooves.

Well that would explain why she did not notice him when she got in, too exhausted; it also explained why she was back so early. What it did NOT explain was why she was naked and why he had never noticed. Hmm... Perhaps she was so used to being sheltered here and only woken by servants that she had forgone clothing? Perhaps... There was no threat to his person to cause any warning either... More loopholes to look into.

Shadow gripped his side a little more pressing in and mumbling, he could feel every detail and at his age it should not disturb him like it was. He liked it though. Sighing to himself a devious thought crossed his mind, closing his eyes he laid his head back down.


Soft and warm, so soft, so warm... Shadow kept squeezing into whatever it was that kept giving off warmth, after those six months of total hell this was the most relaxed she ever felt. Whatever the day would hold could wait, damn the servants and their incessant poking with brooms if they tried to route her from the silky heaven. She was fairly certain that if they tried she could take the lot of them now without breaking a sweat, sweat, that is something she did not want to do for many years, bathing had been... Rare... In the camp. Every third day two buckets of ice cold water, soap, washcloth and towel. This was civilization, the most wonderful civilization she could imagine.

A soft hum escaped her lips and she snuggled deeper into the warm thing when a stifled chuckle made its way to her ears. Mumbling and shifting she moved her head up causing more chuckling and cracked an eye open. She was so damn dead.


This was probably the most adorable thing he had ever seen and having been around as long as he had and spying on the world above just as long... That meant something. She was trying to bury herself in his side, her head laid across his stomach and when she began to move around it tickled like crazy. Sniffling his laughter did not work, he wanted to keep watching the scene unfold a little longer but she was waking up and as her head rubbed along his skin, two weary eyes cracking open and looking at him his chuckling could not be helped, her fur just tickled too much to hold it back. When her eyes finally opened and the gears ground forward she froze, he knew that look already, the fur on her face started to stick out forming a "blush" on her face.

"Morning Shadow, you passed your test early and I was not expecting you back so soon as you can see. Then again I was not expecting you to jump into bed with me and use me as a heater either..."

"Uhh, geh... Umm..." Coherent sentences Shadow she reminded herself, a rather wicked grin kept staring back at her. Slowly peeling herself off of him she sat back on the bed. "Sorry!... Master! I... Ahh... Was very tired last night and did not know you were here! Yes I passed the test, forgot to leave my equipment at the camp though... I should probably go now..."

Valkardian sat up and his gaze wandered down, she followed it realizing she was stark naked where he on the other hand was wearing something at least. "No, no, that's alright, you not only passed your test you aced it. You can sleep in as long as you want today and do not concern yourself about the equipment, it was for training only, I will have servants send it back eventually." Getting up from the bed he dressed himself and walked to the door. "Oh and Shadow... Nice tits."


Shadows mouth dropped open as he quickly stepped out and the door shut. Growling to herself she looked around for clothes but found none, if what he said was true the servants would not have prepared anything for her yet. She was NOT going to trapes around the hallway naked either, her towel from last night was gone. Here's hoping he has a servant deliver something soon... But... He had said she could sleep in as long as she wanted... Flopping back down onto the sheets and pulling them over her she closed her eyes again. Both nightmare and happy enigma, what WAS he? Each time she figured him out he would go and do or say something that threw her off.


Clothes would be delivered, gear sent off, new gear ready... Food, yes, inform servants to serve her again, everything is back on schedule... Yes that would do. Valkardian walked down the hallway with a dumb grin on his face, the last time he had pulled anything on anyone had been Celestia and it did NOT bear fruit like this had. At his age he should not have given that last remark but nor could he help himself either, the look on her face had been priceless, being able to see it through the guards eyes was perfect. A moment he would keep stored away forever whenever he wanted a smile.


Urg... More armor and weapons... Shadow donned her new equipment quickly, they were a perfect fit for her, the helmet did not slip around, the single heavy plate was gone, replaced by segmented armor. Her boots were also lighter, almost weightless, the bastard HAD put a lead plate in it she found out. The shield was half the weight and the sword as well, they were emblazoned with symbols and the shield was painted strangely, a combination of purple, red and gold. Entering the hall he waited for her and told her to stop and look into a mirror for a minute.

Two servants had brought a full body mirror and she could not believe her eyes, it was her alright but... Walking up to it she gawked at herself, she looked every part the soldier, her arms had grown a bit, getting thicker with muscle, legs, wings, all had cords of muscle now rather than the limp squishy stuff before the training. Everything was hardened, ready for a fight.

A clap brought her back and the servants pulled the mirror away and just as quickly she was ushered out into the gardens and along a side of the building. A perfectly flattened area covered in sand waited, she now knew what this place was for... Sparring. A groan escaped her as they entered the large area, when she had tended the gardens she wondered what it was for, now... She hated standing within its boundaries.

"Alright, lets see what you have learned, attack me." All she could do was stare at him, was he serious? She was armed, he was not, no armor either. "Come on Shadow, this is probably the best chance you will ever get to stab me to death and not face my anger for it. Come on now, attack me." Hoisting her shield and quickly drawing her sword she lurched forward.

The world spun for a moment and she was flat on her back. She had stabbed, missed, aimed for the leg to cut, he pulled away again and when she went for his balls he laughed and side stepped her. Turning to face him a boot had come up and hit the shield sending her spinning and flying backwards. She understood how Ruby must have felt when he kicked her off the steps. Jumping back to her hooves she shook her head and advanced again, there was no telling how long it went on, every time she would attack he stepped aside and would push her away or occasionally throw a punch or kick sending the bat pony to her knees or flat on her back.

Huffing she looked him in the eyes as they stalked each other "Master, do tell, whats the point of all this? Are you just toying with me or is there some point to this?" Valkardian suddenly stopped and pointed at her, she flinched thinking something was going to happen but it did not. "Simple Shadow, there is only so much you could learn in the camp, you learned to fight as a UNIT, now you are going to learn to fight ALONE. You have already stopped just going straight for the kill, you are now thinking before you act, you are minding your flanks and back..." His hand moved back and forth as he explained how her fighting stance had already changed.

"When will my training finally be over then?" A hum escaped him as he thought about it "Maybe never, one never stops learning until you die. Right now though, focus on the present." His arm moved so fast she could not keep track of it, a moment later a sword was in his hand, Shadow slowly stepped back as he advanced with it pointed straight at her. "Why are you retreating? You still have a shield, you can always block with it..." Grimacing she met his gaze "something tells me that wont save me."

"Oh? Then what WILL save you?"

"Divine intervention?"

"HAH! No it wont, courage and determination will. Remember your training and fight already!"

Lurching forward again she began to match his movements, he dodged to the left she followed stabbing quickly all along the way. When a servants came out with their lunches she could have sworn it had been longer than that. His mind games were horrible but she had to admit they worked, she was learning and quickly. As they ate she realized this was the first time they had eaten TOGETHER, at the same table no less. She decided to keep her thoughts to herself for now.

Training resumed only now she was being guided along carefully, her armor and equipment cast aside in favor of unarmed combat. The lessons were very simple but she was assured they would get much, much harder as time went along. She had a month and a half to burn all she could into her brain and then her life would depend on everything she knew. At the end of the second week she was doing better, he had begun to introduce her to new weapons as well.

"Recognize this?" He held up a spear and she recognized it immediately, tossing it to and catching it easily she examined it. A worthless, useless piece of crap. This was the spear she had come down here with, tried to stab that stone horror with and failed. It had been broken and then repaired, the spear head was loose as it had been then, the shaft half rotten. "Yes, this is my spear."

"Very good, do you want to fight me with it?"

"No, the head is too loose an the shaft to rotten and warped." She offered it back and he took it from her.

"Learning quickly... Have a look over here and take your pick."

Shadow followed his hand, a stand had been set up, pulling a heavy cloth from it an assortment of weapons presented itself. Axes, swords, spear... Things she did not recognize. "Take your pick and heft them a bit, when you are ready we will train a little with each one." As her eyes wandered some... Stood out... Troglodyte weapons. Picking them up she weighed them, swung them a little. There was no grace to their design, only pure brute force. One was a little to big to lift, it was not even on the rack simply set aside. "Beware the ones wielding those, big brutes, usually 8ft tall or thereabouts. One blow can crack a shield, two or three... You can imagine."

Settling on a longsword and stepping into place she stood at the ready and lessons continued, each day a new weapon. Before long she had tried them all including the troglodyte weapons, for those he had simply magicked up a target for her to swing at. Only a creature of frightening strength could wield such awful weapons with any degree of success. It was alright he had reassured her, they might be strong but their... "Intelligence" as he had explained it was something that left a lot to be desired.


Training was over he had declared one evening and leaving suddenly, a few days later she was to join him in his private study with all due haste. Shadow knew her way around pretty well now, many sections were still unknown but the private study was down the main hall, left and straight back. A servant opened the door for her and Valkardian never once looked at her, eyes closed concentrating as he held a large blue crystal in one hand. Blue wisps of magic escaped from the lids. One of the servants ushered her to a seat and she sat across from him looking worried. His face was in deep concentration, was the invasion starting? Were they going to leave and was she going to fight?

"Master?... Valkardian?" His one free hand stopped stroking his beard for a moment before he continued. "New events in the world above, I thought you might like to know about them..." She waited and waited but he never spoke. "Well are you going to tell me or not or did you have me come here for nothing?" She could swear his eyes locked on her THROUGH his eyelids for a moment. "Place your hand on the crystal." Scooting her chair forward she extended a hand carefully and touched the glowing crystal.

Energy shot through her hand and she was seeing the world above through the eyes of something else... A bird in a tree? "Focus on the beginning and you will see what I have seen." Shadow focused and she saw Princess Cadence fighting a bug pony, a queen, being beaten soundly then teleported away in a burst of green flame. The tall creature then assumed the others form... Things seemed to move faster or slower as she willed it, skipping boring bits and fast forwarding to more interesting parts. Mind controlled the captain of the guard, infiltrating more bugs into the population... She recognized the harmony bearers, everypony knew them.

It went on like this, skipping around from different viewpoints, blank spaces where his spies could not see. Soon she was caught up in events and now the time was current, only one of the ponies figured it out apparently and now joined the princess in caves, Valkardian must have a great number of spies in the capital and wherever those two were... The day went by with her watching events unfold one second at a time. One of the spies moved to gain a better vantage point when the shield over the city fell, all tartarus broke loose. Bugs were racing through the streets beating down anypony in their way, not killing though, capturing. The guards were overwhelmed and apparently couldn't even slow them down, falling near instantly.

Though disturbing as it was, she was now seeing the capital city from different views all at the same time and like she was THERE too. Her master did not cut corners on spying. The "battle" if she could even call it that was over in a mere moment, Celestia and the rest captured in the blink of an eye, Queen Chrysalis had taken over, the spies could even pass the voices along. Just as quickly as she won, she lost. All the spied suddenly fled the city, something about what the princess and her soon to be husband were doing. The ensuing explosion that blew the bug ponies away was all the explanation she needed.

As quickly as they had fled, they were right back again, keeping silent vigil, the vision began to blur and fade and Shadow was again looking at Valkardian. His eyes opened and he leaned back in the chair leaving the crystal on the desk, his jaw worked back and forth, a deadly serious look on his face.

"Master, whats wrong? Were you hoping Chrysalis and the bugs would win?"

Hands rubbing slowly in thought "No, I am troubled by something far more serious, oh and you know damn well they are called changelings, I taught you that, never call them bugs unless as an insult. Then pray you win the fight or that they kill you quickly."

"Then what troubles you? Did Chrysalis do something wrong?"

"Not really, I have "deals" with all the hives across the planet, the queens have long lives, Chrysalis knows I exist... More or less. I caution each new queen about lusting for power, doing so means draining others of theirs. To make a long story short, if she had won... I would have killed her. She would have left Equestria in ruins, caused me problems in the long run no doubt but that is all a moot point now. I didnt have to lift a finger YET and that is the problem."

"She will try again, is that the problem?"

"Oh no, she is too arrogant, she is a good strategist but... She underestimates her enemies constantly. The danger is that Celestias throne is weakened by this turn of events."

"I thought you hated each other, wouldnt that be a good thing?"

"Not at all, I actually like them in many ways despite being enemies. Celestia and Luna however are known quantities. I know what to expect of them, they will never challenge me again, they are content to keep the status quo as it is as am I. The problem is not everyon has agreed with Celestia being in power, Steelshod was the first, despite his demise others of power continue on. They would like nothing more than to usurp the throne for themselves, having been defeated so quickly and OPENLY no less... It is a major blow to Celestia's image and power base, she will appear less powerful and more meek, which she is mind you but no one called her out on it till now. A "meek" Celestia... Never thought I would say that..."

"But what enemies? The nobles? Zebras? Arabians? Griffons?"

"No, no... Well yes, the nobles will be a major threat to her power base now, enough disagree with her to cause serious problems if they tried but that is all. The others you named? PAH! They are a minor nuisance at best, in her back pocket at worst. I was not able to teach you EVERYTHING about Equestrian history yet, there are still chapters you need to know. Celestia and myself have made many enemies in our time, many still live though they keep to themselves. Some were banished, others turned to stone, this turn of events may give one of them that still lives the opening they are looking for to get the nobility to side with them and turn on her."

"So turn the nobles against Celestia and Luna then take over the country for themselves while everyone doubts her ability to protect them" Shadow was quite curious as to who these "others" were.

"Correct, her loosing so fast only added fuel to the fire, all they have to do is stoke it and allow it to breathe deep. I very much doubt that this will be last of it, but only time will tell WHO will make the first move against her."

"Are you not going to intervene and stop them before they act?"


Valkardian stood up and left the room with the crystal, Shadow sat there thinking it all over, why would he help someone who wanted him dead? Then again he wanted to keep the "status quo" as he put it, why not stop it NOW then? Why would he not act ahead of them? Was something stopping him? A servant tapped her shoulder and led her to dinner and a bath, when she was turning in for the night one brought another letter for her to write, one of many so far. Upon completion it gave a few in return, the one on top was from Valkardian: "We leave day after tomorrow, have your gear and weapons ready, the troglodytes are moving up from the lower caves a little late so there is a little more time to prepare." She glanced over the others, letter from mother and her sister Moonglow, they can wait until tomorrow.

Chapter 13

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Geared up and ready to go. Shadow waited in the hall, Valkardian said it would be a minute more and they would be off, something to do with realigning the portal and a last minute checklist. Nervous, that was the word she was looking for, they were going to face an invasion, not only that but SHE was going to fighting this little war. How? Not a clue. Considering how the caves looked (what little she had seen so far) the fighting would be cramped and from masters own words: very, very bloody.

Stepping from the portal room a servant beckoned her in and hefting her new equipment she walked in, the portal was ready and glowing, another room waited them lined with soldiers. They went through and emerged in the chambers, the portal quickly being shut down behind them. Valkardian stood still for a minute, his eyes glowing a bit more she noted, whenever he was commanding them be it the servants, soldiers, farmers or any of the other's his eyes always had a magical glow. With a quick gesture he took off and left the room, Shadow racing to keep up with his fast pace.

The building they were in quickly emptied out into a courtyard where soldiers were assembled in blocks, not just any soldiers though, these were troglodyte skeletons. So he was using their own against them... That certainly had a fear factor, facing down your own in battle, she asked as they quickly walked along and the only answer was "psychological warfare." Whatever works she guessed. Mounting a stairwell and climbing to the top they emerged on the parapet. The wall was high, dizzyingly high, there was a second, lower wall some two hundred yards out, deep spike filled pits and beyond that she strained to make out details.

The cave was wide and long with a slight downward slope, several tunnels connected here, she could make out two massive tunnels in the distance. The cavern floor was dense with glowing moss and what she assumed was mushrooms. No trees of any kind grew, just dense moss covering everything. The strange part was that there had been no moss in between the first and second wall let alone the courtyard.

"Master, why does the moss not grow here and what happened to the trees?"

"Simply put, I keep the trees cut so there is nothing to block the view or fire lines, also without trees there is no cover. The moss grows thickly down there because that is the FIRST wall ever built here, what we are standing on is the second built after the first battle. The moss grows only beyond that one wall because the ground there is a thick matting of dead trogoldyte's. The ones that could not use used as soldiers, servants and so on were left to rot, they turned into fertilizer for the various mosses and mushrooms and over the millennia soil formed and what you see now is the result. The moss is DENSE because it gets so much fertilizer every century and a half or two. This would be RICH farmland if it were not for the dangers lurking beyond these walls."

He scanned the caves one last time before heading down Shadow tailing close behind "Shadow, my fortresses in these lower regions are the dividing line between the "safer" upper levels and the nightmares below. They serve their purpose well, step beyond these walls and your life is in terrible danger."


The "keep" as he called it was carved directly into the cavern wall, rising some five levels with arrow slits and bigger ones that held ballista. The portal was on the ground floor and farther in, soldiers would arrive through it shortly she was warned and she was free to explore the keep, should the enemy breach the second wall this keep was her "last stand." Valkardian assured her the odds were ridiculously low of that happening again, the enemy had only twice managed to absolutely overrun the walls and courtyard before being thrown back. A second keep was across the cave, simpler in design, it only housed archers, ballista and a small company of crossbow soldiers.

Walking the narrow halls was boring though, no carvings, just rough floors and walls, this place was built for a single purpose: WAR. There were no frills, every turn was a choke-point, minimal rooms and doors. Standing behind a ballista she examined the beast of a machine, it was made of some wood but mostly metal. Even the "string" was metal, a dense woven cable of metal, even with the gears the sheer amount of brute power required to operate this thing was beyond her. Smaller ones existed elsewhere, so why did he have something like THIS put in? She knew all about the monstrosities down below already and that the troglodytes would use them to "breach" the wall if they got the chance. Examining one of the bolts laid against the wall she wondered if the monsters really WERE that strong or if this was overkill.

Most of the rooms held supplies, extra weapons, shields, armor but more than anything there were bins heaped upon bins marked arrows or bolts. One room held nothing but pilum, thousands and thousands of them right to the ceiling. Just how many troglodytes was he expecting to attack? That had been left out in her lessons other than to say "swarm." Two rooms had been prepared, one was Valkardians usual room, this time Shadow had a smaller room all to herself. They were the only rooms in the whole place that were cozy, polished floors and walls, bed, dresser, armor stand and a weapons stand too. Sitting on her bed she twiddled her thumbs, this waiting was boring.


A soldier had been sent to collect Shadow, he had everything in place, a force already waiting on the far side of the outer wall, it would appear Shadow would be getting some extra lessons ahead of schedule. Watching her arrive he led her off through the gatehouses and soon they stood out on the dense moss field, a large host of soldiers at the ready. She kept staring at him trying to figure out what he was doing.

"The enemy chief seems to be one of the very RARE "smart" ones, it only sent a few scouting parties up before we arrived. Rather than wait on it to "organize" its swarm I am going to draw it out by engaging one of its smaller groups. This will set off a chain reaction as the swarm itself rushes up to join the battle, we will be gone by then and once they have begun swarming they can not be stopped. Their leader will simply push them forward in waves to attack, whatever plan forgotten in the desire to slaughter and eat."

*Hump* "They are so hell bent on fighting they never realize they are up against the dead until the battle is on and even then their pea sized brains are incapable of changing their swarming behavior, they just keep coming till they are all wiped out. Frenzied, that is the word."

"Master, where will I be?"

"Oh, you will be with me the entire time, stay close and whatever happens do not get separated from me, when the order to fall back goes out we will be moving quickly and you do NOT want to be left behind."

Shadow nodded and just as quickly the first companies began to march down one of the massive tunnels, it was like watching a snake slither off the way the soldiers linked up one company behind another. Joining in the middle they set off. Looking at him a question popped up: "Master, why are you not wearing armor?"

"Who said I was not?"

He had not even glanced at her, near as she could tell there was no armor on his head or hands, maybe it was hidden under the robes? No shield but then he had hidden that sword from her during training under the robes somehow.

The march continued for a short time before a fight broke out, scouting party she was told. It only took a moment and the march continued and after many bends and twists, side tunnels and turns she was completely lost. If she were to be left behind now she would never find her way back now. With a lurch the pace suddenly quickened and soon she felt Valkardian pushing her to one side as the rear companies rushed past and began forming up.

This cave was not as grand as the other, smaller, narrower, only one entrance and exit, they were on the high ground looking down and looking farther down she saw a small group of the enemy. Troglodytes sat munching on one of their own and now were turning their large, milky white eyes up to the ranks of soldiers above.

"Come on you stupid bastards, you can see us already, what does it take to make your tiny minds work? Attack!"

Shadows head had snapped towards him at this sudden outburst, turning back the troglodytes kept staring and finally one jumped up, panicked and ran down the tunnel. The rest of them watched it go, turned back, acted confused then scampered after it. Valkadian had not been joking when he said they were "dumber than hell" and dense as a lead brick. A small electrical shock touched her ear and worked its way into her mind, jumping she saw he had touched her ear.
"Shadow, I linked you into the magic that I use to control my forces without the need for words, sound or signal, you will be able to hear every command now."

Never had his mouth moved, she could hear him in her head clearly, his face was watching the far tunnel intently. Curiosity wormed its way up as her ears suddenly picked up distant fighting and banging. Sounds echoed up and into the cavern, it was eerie hearing them and they were most certainly coming. Pounding of weapons and feet grew louder and louder. Gargling, howling and other strange noises greeted her ears and only grew in number and volume, a couple burst through the tunnel and raced wildly forward.

"Ready weapons."

Hearing the command Shadow watched as the ranks quickly brought their shields up and weapons were readied a moment later "hold ground, defend, kill" entered her mind and the first of the troglodytes slammed into the front ranks and were cut down instantly. Not a moment later the "swarm" emerged from the tunnel, fear lanced through her stomach, they poured out like a tidal wave, all manner of sizes. Some were huge, lumbering ones, other creatures were with them, "tamed" and used as war beasts.

"You are in for a treat today Shadow, they brought their siege breakers with them..."

Looking back and forth between Valkardian and the oncoming wave she was sick with worry and doubt, if he had not been standing there so calmly she would have bolted. This was too much, just too damned much for them to handle.
"Army, sheath weapon, pilum ready, first rank, throw, down. Second rank, throw, down, third rank..."

Commands flowed out as rank by rank threw their pilum with staggering force, they did not even arch out like her own did, Shadow had to aim high and allow it to drop into the target. The soldiers simply aimed nearly straight ahead and threw, ducked and the rank behind repeated the process. Four ranks hurtled their pilum into the ranks, the spacing in the command allowed a spacing that meant the pilum were rarely wasted.

"Army, ready weapons, hold ground, defend, kill."

All as one the soldiers were back up in a flash and as the troglodtyes slammed into the formations the killing began in earnest. Rarely did a soldier fall, very rarely, the enemy threw themselves, biting and snapping or flailing wildly which had no effect agaist the shields let alone armor. The bigger ones however would swing hard, usually killing some of their own in the process before lumbering in and getting cut down by the furious stabbing of the soldiers.

Two arms reached out at the enemy, Shadow watched back and forth quietly as Valkardian muttered something and an explosion of light shot out from his hands. Lightning burned and blasted its way through the enemy swarm, he had aimed for the largest concentration of "siege breakers" and now they fell dead, bodies charred.

It did not stop either, the killing just kept going, her ears hurt from all the ruckus, every once in a while the order to "rotate" would go out and the soldiers in front would slip back and another take their place. He had explained in one lesson this was to prevent their shields from breaking, the soldiers NEVER tired but the constant pounding could eventually shatter shields creating holes in the line. For HER it was a bigger threat, she could tire and fall or if the shield broke too...

How long had they been here? the bodies had piled up, he had begun to march them forward very slowly, in fact this was boring to her. It was like mowing grass, whenever the war beasts appeared he shot them down, if they grouped too much he burned them away.

Her attention was quickly drawn to the extreme right, some bigger ones had instead of just rushing head on now clambered up the wall and hurtled themselves over the lines and behind them. "Shadow, ready, face right!" Without even thinking she brought her shield up, faced them and drew her sword. Most of them died quickly when the rear rank about faced and cut them down. A few however had seen the two standing on their own.

Animalistic brains in gear they were racing towards the "weakest" of the herd, isolated and thus an easy target they loped and sprang forward with frightening speed. She was shaking when one of the smaller ones that was leading the way leapt at her. "Shadow! Stab it to death!" His voice rank in her head and with a scream that was part fear and panic and one part battle cry she shoved her sword forward and felt the blow land. She was thrown back by the impact of the creature slamming into her shield. Stabbing wildly now she just kept slamming her sword into it again and again, wet, sloppy sounds came to her ear as it gurgled and slid off her shield.

Panting and staring at it she never heard the command to get down, standing there first looking at the body then back up as the other two reached her. The one towered over her, a full eight feet tall and hefting its weapon, her ears would have flattened back had her helmet prevented it. Throwing herself to one side she avoided the blow and a split second later the creature fell dead, its body blazing. The next command she did hear: "Shadow, finish the last one quickly!" Back up she rushed forward and plowed into it, the last smaller one was staring at the one on fire trying to figure out what happened. Ramming it with her shield it fell back and thrusting quickly it let out a gargled cry and fell, standing over it Shadow kept stabbing till it stopped moving.

Standing back and looking down she nearly retched but she felt a solid "thump" through her helmet. Jumping and spinning Valkardian was eyeing her up and down, she relaxed a moment then the situation hit her all over again.
"Shadow, steady on, the battle is just about over, be ready to go or I will have soldiers drag you away."

He turned away from her focusing on the battle again, taking a deep breath and pushing it aside like she had been taught she looked forward again, sure enough the enemy wave was thinning out quickly. Some were already running away and soon it became a stampede as they flowed away from the soldiers and down the tunnel.

"Army, about face, section 1 return to base, section 2 follow..."

Commands went out for a moment as the soldiers quickly formed up and marched away rapidly. Remembering the warning she joined Valkardian again in the middle as they moved at a quickened pace. Along the way he warned her that no matter what just keep moving forward, they had to get back inside, seal the gate and be ready, it would be a matter of hours before the main forces combined and rushed the fortress.

Shadow felt like running, she wanted to get behind those massive, safe, well defended walls. The "nightmare ballista's" as she had dubbed them made sense, a pilum would have a hard time dropping the bigger ones. Praying all the way she hoped there were either too few beasts or more than enough ballista's to halt them. Valkardian knew what he was doing and had kept preparing the defenses over the millennia but still, she wanted to make absolutely certain.

Chapter 14

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Great haste was made when they came into view of the fortress to get inside, seeing it from a new angle gave her greater appropriation for its design. From the front it was truly formidable, the towers on the lower level held ballista on top and the second level back was dotted with small catapults and hellishly large ballista. The ramparts were now teeming with soldiers standing at the ready, the points of spears could be seen, the natural glow of the fungi making them glisten eerily. Rushing through the gates and onto the second level the soldiers peeled off and formed up in the space between the two walls, joining neatly into another force already waiting.

Behind them the gates ground and groaned as they were slowly shut and skeletons began to bar and reinforce them. As they passed beyond the second wall distant pounding could be heard echoing up the various tunnels, the sound though faint was gentle but held a foreboding of what was to come.

He led her back into the fortress and quickly about faced and promptly checked her over, looking down at herself Shadow realized just how much blood covered everything. Telling her to wait he took off and she paused to look herself over, her chest was mostly clean, her sword arm was drenched in blood, taking her helmet off for a moment it was no longer a steely color but painted dark red, almost black. Her shield was the worst, it even had a piece of skin stuck to it on the outside, the more she looked the more the bile rose in throat, stomach threatening to heave from the smell that now assaulted her. Somehow this had all been ignored but looking at it and thinking...

Such thoughts ended when Valkardian's voice caught her ears, he brought her a small bag and told her to follow him. His pace had slowed now, taking his time, examining more ranks of soldiers as they passed on their way to a tower. Climbing up he led her onto the parapets and took the bag from her and opened it. Eyes going wide he pulled first a bow then quiver from it and gave them to her. Quiver slung snugly over her armor she was given the pouch and told to attach it to her belt. There were over forty quiver's in the bag, each one containing twenty-five arrows. When she used up one, put it back and grab another, keep her shield close and lean it against the crenelations but do not leave it unattended or a passing soldiers might collect it.

"Master, I only ever shot a bow once and that was when you were training me... I fired five arrows and that was it." He smiled at her and patted her shoulder "Dont worry, your about to get a LOT of practice. You are free to wander this wall as you please, remember to duck when they throw stones or other objects!" Leaving her there he disappeared into a tower leaving her alone with the other soldiers. All around her archers were standing rigidly at attention, waiting for commands. As she walked down the line looking out, picking a place that would give her the best view she settled in beside a rank of crossbow soldiers.

Looking them over she decided to call them "crossbow's of doom," they were huge, more like a small ballista's than crossbows. Only the skeletons had the raw power needed to draw the string into place, she would need another pony to help and a winch to pull it back. Clacking caught her attention as the catapults began to be drawn back into firing position, even from her odd vantage point she could just make out the movements on the towers above. Staring below at the first wall the same was being done with ballista's mounted on the tops of the towers, two dense formations had drawn up below now, the gates were left open for a hasty retreat she guessed.

Thudding and pounding grew louder in the distance, glaring at the massive tunnels ahead she was almost trying to burn away the darkness to see just a little deeper. A shout caught her attention and looking at the tower above her Valkardian was peering down at her, and pointed with a heavily armored hand towards the tunnels. "About an hour and the first waves will arrive! Only start firing when the other archers fire, aim high on your first shot and see where it goes then adjust your aim!" He popped back out of sight quickly and Shadow looked back out over the cave. She had not signed up for this when she became an explorer.


*Thud... Thud... Thud...* It was getting a little louder as the minutes ticked by, she glanced to her little "clock" crystal she had kept from so many months ago. This waiting and pounding was going to kill before the trog's ever had a chance too... Trog's... Why was she calling them that now? Why was she not distraught over the idea of killing them? It was very un-pony like to actually look forward, however slightly, to killing another living being. No, she did not see them as living beings, they were monsters and deserved to die after what she had seen. Eating their own kind? Even stopping their attack to drag some dead away to start eating right there on the battlefield? How sick and twisted was the madpony that had made them?

No, they deserved to die and she was going to kill as many as she could. Wait, no, this was WRONG, ponies dont kill! Ponies believe in peace and harmony! Damn Valkardian and his mind games! What was he trying to do to her? The thudding suddenly increased in tempo and became louder, a kind of "war chant" was now audible though soft and distant. To her ears it sounded like gargling, hissing and screeching, maybe to them it sounds terrifying but right now it only put her more on edge. Fear was gone, now only the desire to kill remained, any as vile as the trog's deserved whatever was coming to them.

Looking at the time again she let out a sigh and leaned against the parapet, if what he said was true it would be another twenty minutes before they got there. Sounds really DID carry well in the caves. Unfortunately, the tunnels leading into the massive cavern were so far if that if one DID pop into the cavern she would not see it unless it was a bigger one. Commands suddenly flooded through her mind, she tuned them out, they were not meant for her. Archers notched arrows, the crossbow's were drawn and loaded.

"This is it..." Mumbling to herself, her own bow had an arrow notched as she waited impatiently, the sounds were much louder now, almost as loud as they had been in that first battle. "Any second now..." A mass of movement on the wall below caught her attention, archers suddenly drew and aimed then held ready. The ones near her had taken no action so she waited... And waited... A chorus of screeching and hissing blared out from the largest of the tunnels as the swarm poured out, massive war beasts at the front they barreled forward.

Below the archers let fly a volley and the ballista's fired shortly after, it hardly made a dent in the tide, a few beasts fell crushing some trog's that were too dumb to get out of the way. Each hole was promptly filled right back in and they just kept pouring out. Volley after volley, even the catapults were flinging stones into them grinding trog and beast alike to pulp. No matter how a big hole was punched it filled right back in again, soon the other tunnels were pouring more of them into the fight.

Around her the archers suddenly drew back and readied a volley, the command was audible in her mind but like the other crystal, she could tune the commands in or out with focus. Drawing her own bow back she found it was difficult but do-able. "Loose, repeat" the command was followed instantly all around her, they fired, prepared another volley and kept repeating the command over and over again. Her own lone arrow arched up and into the distance, with great difficulty the followed its path into the distance where it hit something. Well, with that many of them it was impossible to miss.

Adjusting her aim, the shots were now landing somewhere beyond the front of the first wall, every once in a while a magical blast would make the cave echo. Very quickly she fell into her own quiet rhythm, she could not even begin to keep up with the archers or the slower crossbows but Valkardian said to get in LOTS of practice. So she did, lots and lots of practice.

An eternity had passed, quivers had been used up, skeletons rushed along the parapet carrying more of them and issuing them out including to her, taking the spent quiver's away. Well, she was saving quivers now at least, she had only used three from the magical bag on her belt, the rest had been hand delivered. What worried her though was when pilum were being placed in and around her, were they about to breach the wall? Sure the Trog's war beasts had kept hammering on the gates to no avail, whatever magic guarded them was too strong to breach with simple pounding she guessed.

It had begun to get boring, notch, aim and fire, the pilums were laid out, three to each soldier on the wall including three for her, which made six since she had brought three to start with. Only once did she have to swat a soldiers hand that went for her shield and in a loud clear voice "NO!" This seemed to work, it simply stopped, looked at her a moment then lumbered off.

Below her new developments were starting to take place: ballista's were quickly unhooked and removed and rushed through the gate below. A few minutes later the archers rushed from the towers below then the walls and fell behind the ranks of soldiers below and reformed. It was not long before she understood why: the pile of corpses in front of the first wall was now so high it reached the parapet!

Not long after the wall was abandoned they swarmed over it, leaping to their death's on the other side. "Too dumb to use the stairs..." Shadow watched in mild amusement as the trog's blindly threw themselves forward, incapable of anything but a blood frenzy and unable or unwilling to realize there was a hefty drop at the back of the wall they just climbed. Bodies started to pile up quickly enough, soon some were only suffering broken legs and arms. Occasionally some would use the stairs, the war beasts seemed to figure this out the quickest. Yet they still drug their broken bodies forward, so pumped full of whatever it was they felt no pain. The archers and crossbows had kept firing but not at the "jumpers" she termed them, instead firing over the wall into the distance.

"And these are the "smart" ones... By the holy peach how can they get any dumber?" Shadow had long quit firing, instead just watching quietly, now and then Valkardian would peek over and check on her, she would wave. Once she called out how in tartarus these were the "smarter" ones and he just laughed. He was enjoying this...

Then again, so was she, very, very un-pony like. She should feel ashamed of herself but as she kept watching it seemed like this was more a case of pest control than killing. Kind of like putting out poison for cockroaches except instead of poison your using boulders, arrows, bolts and every once in a while a "doom bolt" would zip out and impale a war-beast or if it missed: make one hell of a furrow in the trog's ranks.


"Hey Shadow! Watch this!" He was pointing at the ranks below and she peeked down and the soldiers below began to bang on their shields and stomp an armored foot. *Thud, thump, thud, thump* she kept watching and listening and the result was near instant, an enraged noise rose up from the trog's, part gurgle part howl they came even faster, now hurtling themselves even farther off the wall below, bypassing the mounting corpse pile and splattering on the harder stone floor. Evil cackling was all she caught from the tower above as the soldiers stopped a few minutes later but the results continued for a while longer.

At some point during all of this a servant emerged from the tower Valkardian was in carrying a tray with a goblet and pitcher. Watching it make its way over to her it presented the tray and taking the goblet she took a drink. Watered down wine... Still, it was quite good, cold and refreshing. Placing the goblet back it turned and left her to keep watching. Moments later Valkardian yelled her name, they cushion of corpses below was now getting high enough that the trog's were surviving the jump and making it to the ranks of soldiers in number.

Readying her bow again she began to fire, missing several times. Steadying herself she kept practicing her aim and soon was more or less hitting her targets, the bigger ones just shrugged the blow off and kept going, the smaller ones usually fell almost instantly. Quiver after quiver her aim kept getting better, her arm was sore and her fingers hurt but she kept firing anyway. Below the wall the soldiers were now in a furious battle, the trog's were coming over the wall so fast the wall was now obscured from vision.

How many had she killed? Shadow had lost count after eighty nine, she had made a bit of a game of it even. Picking out one unlucky bastard in the lot, tracking it and bringing it down. A smile came to her face each time one fell on the first shot. Stopping for a brief moment to scan for targets she saw one climb into a tower holding a strip of something.

"Slingers!" Shadow did not even realize she said it aloud till Valkardian called back that they were rather "later" in getting to the battle and to keep her head down, one hit would put an eye out or crack a skull open. Taking his advice she ducked back after each shot. More of them clambered into the towers and soon the sound of stones smacking into the crenelations filled her ears. Valkardian seemed to not give two hoots about it, the soldiers heavy metal helmets protected them very well from these small nuisances. She, on the other hand...


There was a new game afoo: see how many slingers she could kill, not that it mattered. Her aim had greatly improved with all the practice, more than ten hours on the wall and still no end in sight. Notching another arrow she leaned out quickly, aimed and let the arrow zip off at the tower below, just barely peeking around the crenelation to see if it hit. A trog slipped from the tower and fell into the pile of bodies below, Shadow grinned.

"Kathdars!" Shadows head shot up to the tower, Valkardian leaned out for just a moment and pointed. She knew what that was, one of the biggest war beasts, normally they were the first into the fight but now they seemed to be the last. The trog's fury was starting to relent somewhat. Maybe it would be over soon, she was sore from all this archery practice.

The lumbering hulks entered her vision and her eyes grew, she had been told how big they were but actually seeing one was something else. Three of them entered the cave and crushed everything under them as they began to barrel forward. Magic, stone, doom bolts and everything else slammed into them and one by one they fell. The last almost made it, leaping forward before a bolt through an eye brought it down.

As the battle kept raging below more kathdars emerged and like those before were cut down. This seemed to have an effect on the trog's, their minds were tiny but entering a cave covered one end to the other in thick sheets of bodies and now their most fearsome beast caused them to hesitate. Sensing the battle was nearing its end the order to advance was given and the soldiers below though reduced in number marched forward on the attack.

It was the straw that broke the camels back, now on the receiving end of the assault the trog's began to scamper back bit by bit. Soon the slingers were throwing themselves out of the towers to get away. Shadow had taken back up firing at them again, below another formation of soldiers marched out and drew up behind those advancing. The route was on, by the time the soldiers marched up the hill of corpses to the wall the trog's were now in full flight, scampering down the tunnels gargling and hissing in terror as they went.

She watched for a bit as the soldiers stabbed any of the wounded to death as the advance continued. The cave was devoid of "life" now, the trog's had all fled leaving the dead and wounded behind. Cleaning this all up would be... Something else. Valkardian had a soldier bring her up to the tower, he simply ignored her and beckoned out over the battlefield.

From this vantage point it was a sight to behold, the tower was located at just the right height to give him a perfect view of the carnage, from her part of the wall she had only seen a fraction of what was going on at any given moment.

"You have a week to rest up and recover, by then most of the bodies that are useful will have been removed and prepared. After that we are marching down that tunnel and hunting their chief down, it escaped in the fight, this one is smart enough to not join the frenzy. The second time the walls were overrun was because one of the "smart" one got away and came back, they can live a long time and it knew just enough from the one defeat to try again. It had the front ranks run up with debris and formed a pile of stone and dead bodies for the others to climb. That one was a clever little bugger, it must have really burned its brain for a century to come up with that plan."

Turning Valkardian faced her, Shadow caught a glimpse of a helmet in one hand, so he WAS wearing a helmet during the fight, had she just not noticed, so bent on fighting to realize it? She was glad to have not noticed, it was a frightening looking thing of black metal with red and blue runes engraved on it forming patterns. His gauntlets were the same, poking her nose she realized she was staring and straightened up. "Go and get a bath, food and sleep." Waving her off she happily left the tower, climbing down the stairs and returning to her room. Servants brought some buckets of warm water, stripping, cleaning her equipment then herself she dropped onto her bed and staring absently at the ceiling Shadow wondered what her family would say if they could see her now. A pony that delighted in murder, no, not murder, killing... That was still wrong, no she had been right all along: this was pest control and she couldn't wait to kill more of them.

Chapter 15

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A skeletal hand gripped her shoulder and shook till she sat up in her bed, quickly dawning her regalia Shadow quickly left her room and went straight to the "planning room" to await her orders. It had been a week to the day now and the air was thick with a choking miasma that followed her wherever she went. Death and decay and over-taken the cave before the servants could even begin to move half the putrid corpses that filled it, their stench when alive was bad enough but now it was tenfold worse; the heavy use of lime did little to reduce the odor that perforated everything. Valkardian did not even look at her when Shadow entered the room preferring to simply beckon and point to a map laid out on the large table before her.

"We leave today and are going to follow this route... I doubt they will launch any assaults or have ambushes laid for the column. We should be to one of their colonies in about two days time..." Valkardian continued to drone on explaining his plan in detail to her not that it really mattered to Shadow anyway, she was simply a pawn in this little war of his that would go where she was told and when. "One squad will be assigned to you to aid in mopping up the harder to reach areas. Questions?"

Her head snapped up from the map at this declaration and stared at him wide eyed. He was giving her a squad to command? "No, yes! How do I command them?" This was indeed a surprise considering she was still a slave but then again he rarely treated her like one and as time went along that became more true, Shadow was more an armed servant than slave. Valkardian began to drone on about how to command them and even handed her a scroll with a list of commands to give before ushering her out of the room with instructions to simply go to the grounds outside and wait. It had been a short wait when ten soldiers marched up and waited for her and after going through the scroll a few times she had a good hang of things, Valkardian appeared a short while later and the ten departed to rejoin their cohort and Shadow found herself in an odd position just behind them and in front of another cohort on her own.

Marching out through the gates and being able to see the battlefield up close brought up an urge to vomit. Cave insects crawled over the corpses eating and breeding over the vast field of carnage. Fortunately servants had cleared a wide path through the field of slaughter and Shadow was grateful for her heavy boots as each step brought a sickening, putrid squelch; a path had been cleared but the oozing rot remained. The long column quickly turned and began to slither its way down one of the large tunnels while the pace quickened since there was no longer anything to slip and slide on. It took hours before the air became "cleaner" to her nose yet the stench had perforated her fur and clothing making the smell inescapable.

Long hours passed as the march continued on and every so often she would see a corpse off to the side of the path they followed giving the impression some of the wounded tried to escape but bled out at different points along the way. Shadow could not help but glance around her as they marched deeper into trog territory, the fear of an ambush still played out in her mind even though Valkardian had told her the odds were low on the first day or two of the march; after that however...


Shadow's ears twitched nervously as the column wound its way through the tunnel. A day and a half had passed already and now they would arrive at any time and her first "real" battle would begin despite being assigned as mop-up. This was so unbelievably different from the last two battles he had witnessed or partaken in. There would be no grand walls to protect her from hard nor any real assistance from Valkardian, Shadow would be on her own with ten soldiers and if she messed up well... The shattered remains of a soldier were a quiet reminder of what could happen to her at any moment or with a single false step, scouts had been sent ahead and discovered an ambush and destroyed it quickly but even from her position farther back the sound's had carried quite well. A monstrous trog had been waiting around a bend and as the soldier made the bend it slammed it so hard with a club that the skeleton shattered to pieces as armor was rent from sheer impact.

Eyes peeled forward she knew the odds of it happening to her right now were low but Valkardian had already explained her task in the coming battle with great detail that did little to quench her growing dread. Just a week ago she had looked forward to this quite eagerly but now that she would be fighting them on a much more personal and even battlefield doubts cropped up. "Remember your training and you will be fine." Yes, he had said that over and over as if knowing her thoughts (and perhaps he was spying on them) but it did little to allay concerns.

Banging and drumming began to echo up from somewhere in the distance and her heart began to battle for dominance of her throat. Sounds of battle began to increase and trickle back as the pace picked up again while a heavy, echoing *boom* made the cavern floor quiver ever so slightly. Valkardian had moved forward not long ago and if he was already slinging spells at them there must be a lot of them left than previously believed. A fast march became a loping rush as the soldiers surged forward into an expansive cave that continued off into the distance, everything seemed to wriggle and writhe with activity as Shadow jogged into the cave.

Eyes growing wide she beheld the troglodtye "colony" that stretched off into the distance and what a sight to behold it was. Pony architecture was either graceful or charming but there was no charm or grace to anything in this cave, instead it looked as if a madpony had created this place and used tartarus and a garbage dump as their schematic while sowing total chaos for good measure. Trog buildings haphazardly loomed up several stories winding their way around stalagmites and stalactites in bizarre patterns while other structures leaned against each other in a wild battle for domination and support. How this nightmarish city held itself together without collapsing or burning down was beyond her.

Each cohort quickly moved into position forming an ever widening line and Shadow followed dutifully behind hers as they took up a position towards the middle left of the ever increasing battle. Shadow found herself slowly moving forward with them as each rotation of the front line brought her one rank closer to the front. Holding on to the armor of the skeleton to her front she ground her teeth in anticipation of what was to come and what seemed like an eternity of wait ended when the word "rotate" slipped into her head again. In a flash the soldier in front of her stepped quickly back and to her right and pushed its way back between the tightly packed ranks and before she knew what was going on Shadow was confronted with a troglodyte throwing itself against her shield with reckless abandon, pounding and stabbing wildly with a short spear.

Shadow almost screamed for a second before her training kicked it and with one swift motion she drew her sword and stabbed at the creatures face. Bile rose up and threatened to overcome her attempts to hold it down as her blade slammed into the troglodytes eye causing it to burst and send slimy fluids over her hands, face and arm. Snapping her sword hand back she watched as everything seemed to slow down, the trog was dead and falling backwards as fluids flowed down its face only for another to push the body aside just as fast and slam its body into her shield and a fast duck on her part was all that saved her face from being torn off. Stabbing around her shield she felt something and stabbed rapidly a few more times for good measure, each trust made whatever was battering her shield slow to a halt.

Recovering and looking forward wide eyed and shaking slightly as adrenaline coursed through her veins she quickly stabbed another one much like the first then another and another. When the order to rotate buzzed in the back of her mind barely heard it let alone paid attention to the command. If it were not for a sudden yank on her armor that sent her backwards she would have remained there stabbing away furiously at them. Remembering the order Shadow began to scoot her way back down the narrow, tight corridor between the soldiers and soon found herself at the back of the ranks again sweating profusely and trembling while clutching her sword in a death grip and looking wild eyed.

Before she could rotate forward again though ten soldiers in front of her stepped back rapidly and marched to her left and she followed automatically as she had been instructed to do. Their path took them down the length of the first formation and towards a small alcove. Unlike the fortress cave this grand chamber had little nooks and crannies all over the place, most were smoldering high above as Valkardian kept pouring fire into them as the formation ground its way forward.

The cavern floor was a mess of corpses already, the army had advanced more than four hundred yards already by her guess and now her little group were stepping over bodies and the occasional shattered remains of a soldier. A small tunnel opened up before them and led into another, smaller chamber. First task at hand she stopped to consider her actions for a moment, she did want want to appear cowardly to Valkardian who was no doubt watching her even if only partially but then again she did not want to be the first one round the bend and wind up like that soldier she had seen.

"You, go first, kill anything that moves except me." Shadow had been assured that they would most certainly not attack or kill her without his express orders so there was no chance on her to foul up the orders but still it was better to be safe than sorry. Following the soldier close behind a part of her said this was cowardly but another part reminded her that they were not living to begin with and could be replaced while she on the other hand only had one life to give. "Better you than me big guy..." Muttering this to the possibly doomed soldier in front of her she checked behind her and the other followed in single file as they worked their way through the short passage into the adjoining chamber.

Not a moment after entering something jumped on the soldier from her right and began to batter at it and without thinking Shadow stabbed it in the side quickly and it fell away. "Form line! Advance! Kill!" The words had left her mouth before she even realized it and just as quickly the other nine soldiers rushed in and formed up and not a moment too soon either. Just as the last soldier stepped into line several trogs hurled themselves at them from the walls and in front. Shadow was busy beating them away from the soldiers backs as they advanced forward with a slow, deadly precise pace.

Two hundred yards later she ordered a halt and looked around the soldiers at the ramshackle buildings before them. Looking around with a small degree of wonder that her first little command had gone so well she took the time to examine the damage done: about fifty of them lay dead behind them and as her eyes scanned more could be seen cowering in their huts and one had its head stuffed under something with its body sticking out thinking it was hidden. They were indeed cowardly when you killed enough of them she though reaching for a pouch that held the next part of her orders: burn it all.

Pulling a red glowing crystal from a pouch she held it carefully and ordered the soldiers back to the entrance and form a wall so nothing would escape. Standing before them she lifted her arm and pointed the crystal straight ahead and using the command word fire spat forth and lashed its way into the huts causing them to burst into flame, the surrounding ones quickly joining in. Dropping the crystal back into her pouch she hefted her shield again and ran like a bat possessed towards her little line and realized she could have done this just as easily farther back. Any second thoughts or lessons learned from this first action were banished as the burning trog's surged out of their huts and towards her some howling angrily others gurgling in terror trying to flee the flames.

Shadow dove past her line and spun in time to block a blow and the battle was back on, most of them were on fire as they came the magical fire melting their flesh off releasing a sickening odor in the air of burning filth and something else that was indescribable. "Next time stand IN the line while using the crystal" Shadow chided herself they kept battling off the troglodytes.

Alcove after alcove it went on like this, Valkardian had assigned another ten to her for one of the larger alcoves and she was grateful for them and wished she had more still. A new tactic had made itself apparent to her: so long as she could clearly see the target the soldiers did not have to enter the alcove or cave proper. Instead they could seal up the exit and she could stand sandwiched amongst them and blast the huts from a distance for the same effect and less hassle. So far her little trick was working wonders and if she gave the cave another good blast or two depending on its size there was little fighting to be had in fact.

Valkardian was pleased with her developments and reminded her that he had given her all those crystals to use so use them! That little pouch was a true wonder seeing as it was stuffed with them somehow without bursting but magic is magic and she was not going to complain if it meant she could keep blasting them out of hiding without having to go in after them.

Clearing out another adjoining cave Shadow emerged from the tunnel coughing from the smoke filled air. Fire had taken root in the colony and the air was dense with a chocking smog that reeked of burning flesh yet despite it Shadow could still see where she was going well enough. Valkardian had called a halt now that the fires blazed out of control and was driving the trog's either into them or away and in all honesty she could see no point in advancing till the fired burned out less they risk themselves in the inferno.


"We will camp here and let the fires burn down a bit. Tomorrow the march will resume down the Eastern tunnel towards their largest hive..." Valkardian had the map out and was showing Shadow the route, order of battle and again reminding her of her own duties. The purpose of this battle was much simpler and more precise than the last: Kill their chief. Doing so would cause mass chaos and make the culling easier since the only one capable of holding the swarm together would be dead. Killing it would also mean they would be less likely to attack and make herding them into dead end tunnels easier.

"How are we herding them with just this one army? We passed a dozen tunnels on the way here and they can flee down any one of them." She had to admit it was odd that this once force alone would manage this, were there more columns out there?

"I never said this was the only army, there are nine others doing the same thing and driving them down the tunnel network towards assigned areas, other, smaller forces are sealing off side tunnels to make certain they go where I want them to go."

"Your commanding ten armies at the same time? How is that even possible? You have skeletal wizards or something I dont know about?"

Valkardian gave her a look that she could one of two ways: she was either insane or right and Shadow could not decide which. Instead, he simply ignored her, went back to explaining the plan then rolled up the map and released her for the night. There were benefits to being the only other living thing in the army Shadow thought as she left: A tent all to herself and servants bringing her food and drink, one even brought a bucket of water Valkardian had magicked up and she was grateful for it; it took a lot of scrubbing to get the gore and stench out her fur.


March, march, march... That is all they had done for days on end now and it was a routine Shadow did not care for very much. How far had they traveled? Were they really any closer or just winding in circles herding the enemy to their doom? The drudgery was only alleviated by the occasional spat now and that when some piddly little group of trog's was unable to flee fast enough or blundered into them from a side tunnel. A single assurance had been given last night though: soon. What a wonderful assurance that was, it was the same assurance given a few days ago and they were still marching.

Still, it was not all bad. Along the way her little force had grown to some twenty with another sixty in reserve that Valkardian held back as replacements for any she lost. So far Shadow had lost ten soldiers and in return her retribution had left her feeling rather happy; the number of trog's she had laid waste too were at least over one or two thousand at this point, magic had helped a great deal in that though... None the less every time she lost a soldier she could not help but become furious over it and more than once had burned out a cave while wearing a devilish grin.

Since that first colony they had only stopped three times to burn out the odd smaller one and staying only long enough to make certain the job was done properly before moving on. Every single time Shadow's little force had been sent forward to deal with the problem while the main column kept marching. Trog's were industrious little buggers though, each little colony burned so far had only been built recently and going on what Valkardian said they were remnants of the force that assaulted the fortress or fled the larger colony.


Finally, two days and they were finally going to finish this little campaign and head back! She was overjoyed when his voice echoed in her mind that they had arrived and would be deploying at once. A cacophony rose up in the distance once more in warning of their approach as the trog's began to stir themselves up into a battle frenzy but the columns of soldiers kept rushing forward down the tunnel. There was a problem in the coming battle that had been addressed somewhat long ago: unlike the first colony which was spread out in a wide cavern this one was very long and somewhat narrower especially at the entrance.

Whoever could shatter the front ranks of the enemy first could pin the other in and turn a large battle into a long, drawn out affair that Valkardian was trying to avoid. Like herself he was eager to kill them but also not interested in prolonging the affair and considering the numbers involved here it would not be hard to turn this battle into another siege.

Explosions made the floor vibrate and quiver from the shockwave that roared down the tunnel and Shadow found herself using her wings to hover at times to stay steady. One blast after another roared out in rapid succession making her ears pound and ache. The juggernaut of soldiers kept surging forward all the same, heedless of whatever awaited them and as the explosions grew louder and louder till it reached a deafening crescendo and in a sudden blast of bright light Shadow was no longer in the tunnel but the cave itself. All around her the cohorts fanned out forming up in large V's that were punching a hole through the oncoming swarm and widening the gap.

Total chaos reigned in this cave as Valkardian fired off one spell after another blowing great holes in the trog's ranks or the occasional blast of electricity that snaked through their ranks felling them in a fanning swath. Almost on instinct she pulled a crystal from her pouch and held it tightly using her shield hands thumb just in case. A moment later the cohort she was following surged off to the left and began plowing through trog's with reckless abandon while Shadow's little force followed hot on their heels picking off stragglers.

Unlike previous battles which were textbook this was farthest from it: the goal was to widen the gap by any means necessary and keep moving forward with all due haste. A silent mission has burning in all their minds to seize the widest part of the cave some eight hundred yards ahead and hold it so that the entire force could deploy in depth. Unfortunately the trog's had no intention of allowing it and were throwing everything at them including war beasts and two kathdars which caused more damage to the trog's than the army facing them.

Shadow quickly found herself without any real orders and left to her own volition on the left flank of the battlefield. Because of the chaotic nature of this engagement she would plug a gap here or there till another cohort would arrive and push past and keep moving forward again leaving her with nothing to do. So far only one side tunnel had presented itself and two good blasts from a crystal took care of things quite nicely. While the formations ground their way forward more weapons were brought to bear against the trog's and archers and crossbows showed up and began to decimate the oncoming waves.

Never had she dreamed of seeing a city put to the sword but she was witnessing it in full living color, audio and smell. A momentary lull occurred when the soldiers seized the widest part of the cave which was in excess of a thousand yards wide and as she watched Shadow gained an appreciation for how wild this battle really was. The colony had been built towards the back of the cave and the entire front patch they stood on had been a mustering field for trogs and war-beast alike. No huts adorned this wasted landscape.

Looming up and touching the ceiling high above stood the "colony" itself in all its decrepit glory, a truly mad mixture that hurt to look at and was covered in trog's clambering in all directions either trying to get down to fight or up to flee and many were falling off in the mad rush and splattering on the hard floor below. The single massive tunnel leading away in the distance was a moot point Valkardian had told her, it was a lake. Three smaller ones joined halfway in and would need to be seized rapidly and held to prevent them from escaping. Even now two columns carved a bloody swath through the enemies ranks in an attempt to seize them. Unfortunately the last one was on the other side and unreachable and Valkardian had sent gargoyles and special crystals ahead to seal it off somehow.

Which meant Shadow was stuck on the left flank of the city and would be responsible for whatever little alcoves she found and after watching the city for a moment as it began to burst into flame starting with the highest towers... She was okay with that.


Rounding the bend of a tunnel the trog's had carved long ago her little force popped into a nursery of sorts. Shocked for a moment by what she saw Shadow hesitated as her eyes drank in the scene before her.

Eggs. So many eggs. Hatched, hatching and the hatchlings of all ages scampered around the cave killing, eating or swarming over each other while some beat others into submission. They were a barbaric species where only the largest ruled and the strongest survived while all others served either as servants or food. She could not help but gag at the sight, this was the first actual nursery she had been in; the first colony had a large on in the center which had burned and the other three minor colonies had none YET. Revulsion filled her heart and soul as the little monsters kept up their bloody games of murder and cannibalism. Soldiers stood ready to advance but she recalled them as a crystal was raised towards the nightmare before her.

While total war raged outside in the city Shadow was at war with herself. The pony in her said what was about to happen was unquestionably wrong and evil while the other newer half Valkardian had taught her said this was a good thing and must be done. Dont! They are babies! They dont know what they are doing, simply acting as they have been taught from the moment they hatched! Another part screamed out in disgust that they deserved far worse than what they were about to get, that they were monsters and deserved no pity. Burn them, burn them all and be done with it!

During her hesitation the hatchlings had begun to take notice of the intruders in the nursery and began to eye them hungrily but none more so than Shadow. Fresh meat. Slowly they began to slink towards her as if they were stalking prey with hunger and malice burning in their glazed eyes.


To hell with Celestia and her teachings, these things do not deserve life or compassion. There is no such thing as reformation, some things must simply die and if that makes her a murdering baby killer so be it. While she did not agree with Valkardian on everything she agreed with him on this: Some things simply deserve to die. Their lives hold no value what so ever except as fertilizer and she was more than happy to help; should this make her less a pony... Well... That no longer bothered her. She would do what needed to be done not what was deemed "right" or "moral" by pony standards.

In a blink fire blasted out from the crystal in wave after wave setting the large chamber ablaze. Watching them scream in agony as their eyes popped from the heat and flesh melted from the bones Shadow just smiled as she watched them burn. Turning and leaving the nursery she left five to make certain none escaped and headed back into the warzone to find more targets.

Fighting raged on now in the city outskirts as the flames burned down the towers driving them into the waiting ranks below. Shadow watched in wonder for a minute as flaming trog's threw themselves to their death from high above. "Shadow, there is a tunnel to your front left, burn them out." Valkardian's voice snapped her back to reality and turning her head she saw the rough outline far ahead and ordered her soldiers forward.

Fear and worry were gone now, the last vestiges that challenged what she was doing had been stamped out or shouted down and all that remained was a desire to see this through to the end. Marching forward the din of battle continued but had quieted now that Valkardian was no longer slinging fiery death at anything that moved and as she glanced out over the cave he was simply hovering in the air and protected by a bubble watching the battle rage below.

Stepping into the tunnel she sent three ahead since it was so much wider while the other seventeen followed close behind her. As they kept going deeper into the carved tunnel she wondered if Valkardian had found and killed the chief yet, he was acting very calm now compared to when the battle first started; maybe he had found and killed it outright in the first rush to seize the high-ground.


Entering the chamber two of the three soldiers ahead of her were suddenly beset upon by a swarm of larger trog's that tore into them while the last one was simply smashed into the floor by the biggest club she had ever seen. "Attack!" was all she managed to below out before something grabbed her and yanked hard. Shadow was thrown to her right and began stabbing wildly and heard the gargles of a dying trog and jumping to her feet had just enough time to take in what had happened.

The trog chieftain had hidden itself in this little niche hoping to be ignored and leaving the rest of the colony to die. Her eyes kept going up following the contours of the giant wreathed in leather and bone armor as it kept swinging its club. Two more of her soldiers were simply lifted up and tossed like rag dolls sending them clattering into the far wall while others rushed the tunnel to seal it and her inside with them.

Staggering to her feet more attention was drawn to her as a few turned their gaze on her and attacked only to be cut down just as quickly as she nimbly dodged them. Drawing on her link with Valkardian she was going to call out but all that she managed to scream was "found hi..." before a blow lifted her and sent her spiraling deeper into the cave and into a rough hut.

While the hut had cushioned her somewhat it did little to lessen the blow from the chieftains club and it was already coming after her. Head swimming and having a hard time standing she sank herself deeper into the ruined hut as another clumsy blow splintered the building sending debris flying. Dodging deeper amongst the ruined hut and slipping out a large hole she began to play a dangerous game of hide and seek. Her shield was gone and from the throbbing in her arm she probably had a fracture or a break but fortunately her grip had been strong enough not to loose her sword. As the brute pounded more huts out of existence in its wild pursuit to find her she kept dodging, running and crawling.

The ceiling was too low to fly and though the huts had occupants they were too terrified of their chiefs berserk onslaught to care about one bat pony as they were too focused on scattering to find a new hiding place. Soldiers had forced the breach though and had entered the cave proper but a swarm of trog's was between them and her now. Hiding under some fallen rubble it passed by and kept swinging at the huts. Shadow retched as she slid backwards, the trog's skinned their own and used their leather to make the huts.

Drawing out a crystal she tried to focus the blast down as much as possible, too much she would immolate herself amongst all the rubble and too little would only piss the chieftain off and considering how it was acting already that was something she wanted to avoid. Doing her best to clear her head she left a blast loose and caught the chieftain squarely in the back but instead of killing it the creature simply ripped the leather covering off and tossed them down and lunged.

Snatching a pole and leveling it with the rushing beast she prayed hard this would work as she watched the chief fall on the jagged end and impale itself. "Yes! Got you, you bastard!" Shadow was elated as it stopped its forward momentum and pulled back but that happiness was short lived. Reaching a heavy hand up it yanked the pole from its chest and let out a snarl that gave her a grand view of its rows of jagged, grotesque teeth. Lumbering forward again Shadow snatched up her sword and made one last go at it.

Its attack was interrupted as a blast of fire seared through the creatures side nearly catching her as well. Spinning towards it's attacker it swung its club out in a wild, crazed arch and missed Valkardian as he ducked under it and with a quick swing of a longsword nearly cut its arm off. With a howl of anger it swung its partially amputated arm in a back-swing with the same effect only now the arm was shorn off by a second blow.

Staring in bewilderment at her change of fate she only caught faintly Valkardian yelling at her "Jump the bastard from behind already and sever its spinal cord like I taught you!" He was too busy to fight it alone, trog's swarmed him from all around and with one hand he fought the chief and the other sent magic lashing out into the oncoming rabble.

Lurching to her feet sword at the ready and racing forward Shadow flapped her wings a few times to pick up speed and close the distance faster and latched onto the creatures back burying her sword to the hilt and began sawing haphazardly but with great vigor.

Hanging on was near impossible as it began thrashing wildly to and fro while the only thing keeping her in place were the thumbs on her wings and a death-grip on the sword in the creatures neck. Blood was spraying everywhere blinding her but she held on and kept trying to saw through its immense next as muscle and sinew gave way to her sharp blade. Hitting bone she began to bend and twist the blade trying to find a gap between the plates and soon found one and with a couple quick sawing motions the massive bulk beneath her shuddered and fell to the floor twitching and spasming. A dull *thuck* sound followed not long after and without looking she knew Valkardian had given its brain a good hard stab just to be sure.


Valkardian looked down at the little bat hanging on to the creatures back like her life depended on it and it had, now however she just sat there shaking like a leaf with her hands still gripping her sword till he could swear the fur on her knuckles had turned white. Blood had soaked her so thoroughly that her fur had turned black and her eyes though open were vacant and somewhat black from blood getting into them, he would assume she were a statue if it were not for the shaking and sharp, haggard, heavy breaths.

Looking around the burning cave he sheathed his sword and walked over to the little bat pony and put a hand on her shoulder while another kept her sword in place. "Shadow, let go of your sword and stand up." Slowly she shakily complied and pulling her sword from the dead chieftain he sheathed it for her and began to look her over.

"You are very lucky, that amulet I gave you is probably all that saved you from being crushed, your wings are damaged but you'll be..." Valkardians words died in his throat as Shadow slumped down to the floor now that the adrenaline had died off. Pulling a vial from a pouch and placing it to her lips he managed to get her to swallow it down without coughing it up. Magic cleared her eyes of blood and grime as he kept examining her passed out form.

She would be just fine indeed and picking her up he worked his way out of the smoldering cave and back into the vast cave beyond.


She bolted to her hooves and drew her sword just as quickly and began to scan her surroundings with wild eyes. This was not her tent but the larger one Valkardian used and he was nowhere to be seen. A lone servant watched her quietly from the entrance as she sheathed her sword and examined herself, the aches and pains were gone and her eyesight restored but the blood and gore still soaked her head to hoof. Gingerly stretching her wings a bit and checking them they too were just fine almost as if she had not been injured at all. He had laid her on a sheet on the floor no doubt to keep all the blood from soaking the cot he had brought that was understandable, she would not have been happy if he had dumped her on her own bedroll like this.

Only the sound of distant crackling could be heard and stepping out of the tent she looked into the distance and watched as the colony burned brightly, illuminating the cave like an artificial sun. It was easy to find him floating above the ranks watching the city burn while the heat wafted over them. "Master, is it over now?"

"No, the fires have spread and now most of the survivors are caught down along the edge of the lake. Once the fires die down the attack will begin again and yard by yard the city will be cleared, I suspect they will try and burrow back into the ruins anywhere they can to hide." Valkardian turned his gaze down at her "You however, will not be taking part in the fighting, your job here is done."

Flapping her wings she rose into the air beside him and looked out at the burning ruins as his bubble expanded to encompass her. "So we killed the chief then?"

He chortled briefly before looking back at her "Indeed you did Shadow. I am not certain whether you are the luckiest pony alive or the most UN-lucky."

"What do you mean?"

"Consider your circumstances for a minute."

"Ah..." Shadow had to admit her circumstances changed wildly and at random but then again... "I am lucky."

He watched her for a minute as she just hung there flapping in the large shield bubble that held them both. "Really? How so." Turning his gaze back towards the city they watched a few trog's pop out of some burning huts far off on the Western side and scamper off deeper into the cave towards the lake.

"I know that my circumstances are bad and that you could still kill me at any moment but after what I have seen and learned... I would not trade it for anything, when I left home all I wanted was to explore and see the world and I have seen incredible things. Impossible things that no pony would ever believe. Despite my masters sociopathy and evil he has also shown great kindness when he could have just as easily left me to die since my usefulness ran out." Shadow was playing on a hunch on this one and she could only hope that it would pan out in her favor.

All she got in response however was a humm from Valkardian as he gazed at her thoughtfully for a minute then back to the flaming ruins. Whatever he was thinking he was unwilling to say at the moment but a lack of words or hostility on his part was also good. It meant that her life was still secure and that he was unwilling to send her back into the fight also meant her life had value to him be it out of kindness or ulterior motive she decided.

His own thoughts however remained his own as he watched the fires and the occasional collapse in the distance. Shadow was indeed correct, her usefulness had run out now but he would not kill nor harm her despite that fact. She had become too... Endearing and today was just one more example of it in how she fought so hard against the chieftain despite being incapable of winning on her own not that it stopped her from trying. This little bat was strange as could be and he liked it.

Chapter 16

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Shadow Moon lay sprawled out atop one of the giant mushroom that grew in the immense cave known as Valkardians "garden." It had been three days since he had sent her back ahead of him since he was too busy raising the dead trog's for use in his army or as servants, a process she had seen a little of and found too disturbing to watch and had instead been sent back to her new "home" to rest while be took care of that and "other matters" that she did not wish to ask about. One of the first things upon her return was to take a bath and clean weapons, armor and hand the now ruined tunic and pants she had been wearing off to a servant. Resting on the top of the giant, flat mushroom cap had been a whimsical idea to get a better view of the immense cave and also partly out of privacy from prying eyes; she had a strong feeling she was being watched at times and right now that was the last thing she wanted, this was her time to rest and relax.

Rolling onto her stomach and staring out at the distant gate that led through the impenetrable wall which sealed off the cave from the outside world many thoughts continued to plague her mind. Foremost was how Valkardian had simply left her yet again to fend for herself more or less without so much as a second though. He had not even bothered to collect all the leftover fire crystals that still remained in her belt pouch for whatever reason. Surely he knew that with so many days at her disposal it would be quite easy to collect enough water and rations to make an escape and with the crystals, a clear understanding of how his fortifications worked (or did not at times) as well as how the soldiers behaved... Well if nothing else she could make a damned good attempt at getting away and Shadow was certain there was even a map tucked away somewhere in the endless labyrinth of a library to aid in her escape if she had only bothered to look. Why hadn't she looked?

Ruby was mucking out the compost bin in the distance and that only brought more questions to mind: Valkardian was acting awfully strange towards her anymore. True, he was still staying locked away in his laboratory or private study but the more she thought about it the stranger it became. More than once she swore he had smiled at her not because of circumstance but just from seeing her assuming of course that twitch at the side of his face was indeed a smile. Little things that just kept adding up and making her wonder more and more about what he was really thinking and had planned for her. Then again how could she find out? Asking him would only cause problems and then again he could always lie though she not think of one single instance when he had ever lied to her; he was far too honest for that. The battle with the trog chieftain came back to mind and while it was quite fuzzy and put her nerves on edge a single image kept coming back to mind: Valkardians face.

While everything else may have been fuzzy one of the last things she clearly remembered was how he had put his hand over hers as she sat on the corpse shaking and stared into her eyes not with that blank, dead expression he always wore. No, she could swear his face was a mixture of pride and deep seeded worry for her well being. Valkardian had even carried her off to his tent and seen after her while also leaving a servant behind to keep an eye on her well-being. He could have just as easily left her at her own tent on makeshift bedding but had instead elected to keep her closer to his person. What game was he playing? Was it all a game? Once Shadow had caught him muttering to himself that she was too amusing but that would not explain everything only a part of his actions.

How could she find out the truth? What would she have to do, without asking that would result in a clear answer as to what he truly thought of her and find out once and for all if she was indeed still a slave or had become more. How... Sitting up and stretching her wings out till they shuddered slightly Shadow shifted into a sitting position and stretched her back. It was wonderful to be out of all that armor again. Blinking slowly and staring off at the lake as if it held some deep, hidden answer to her questions a possibility flared to mind. It was insane, risky, dangerous and could very easily get her into a whole mess of trouble but then again it might also yield everything and more. Shadow cracked a devious grin and gathering her clothing flittered up into the air and off to the lake. Valkardian had stated his intentions with absolute clarity more than two years ago now but that did not mean intentions did not change. This plan just might work.


Valkardian stepped through the portal and breathed a great sigh of relief as he walked briskly down the halls of his palace. Such massive summoning's always took it out of him for a few weeks, raising an army of skeletons in the thousands at one time was no easy task even with his extensive knowledge, training, crystals to enhance the spells power and a summoning chamber covered in runes and inscriptions all boosting his power. It would be nice to get out of his robes and dawn something clean for the first time in a week. Everything smelled like rotting flesh and other unmentionable things but that was the price he had to pay to maintain his empire of solitude, a price he was willing to pay if it meant what lay above stayed above.

First things first though, a bath, change of clothes and something to eat. Yes, that would do nicely. Shadow? Hmm... No, he wanted to sleep and that meant... Well he would make arrangements for that later, besides she should be waking up soon and they could simply trade off sleeping times. Why in the hell was he thinking that? He could just kick her out of the bedroom and lock the door. No, he was not going to do that to her. Continuing his brisk pace down the hallway another matter popped to mind: her broken amulet. It was ancient to begin with and was not one of his finest works, farthest from it in fact considering it was one of his most ancient attempts and was not really meant for what it had suffered. Well that mattered little now. The amulet had done its duty above and beyond in protecting her from a blow that would had not only killed a pony but reduced them to a puddle of goo or driven them like stake into the stone floor.

What to replace it with however was a new problem. He had taken one of the oldest left and given it to her figuring it would be enough and it HAD been but then again it was a museum piece more than anything else which narrowed the possibilities down. That only left the "newest" of the collection he had kept and they were... Unique... Compared to the older ones. Was it wise to give her one of his better ones? Maybe, maybe not. Shadow had made no attempt to escape during her week off despite having more than enough means to have done so now that he thought about it, she was no fool either and he was willing to bet she had thought about it and figured it all out but had chosen NOT to. Fear? No. One thing was certain now and that was she had little to no fear of him anymore not that she ever really "feared" him after that first week anyway. Oh well, she would be the recipient of one of his finer works of art.


A servant had come to collect her after breakfast and was now leading her off to her "masters" private study. Shadow had seen him return and his haggard appearance was all the indication she needed that it was now or never to put her little plan into motion. Though it was a simple plan, even childish it would probably work perfectly against someone who liked to overthink things like Valkardian did. The last thing he would ever suspect would be this little set up of hers and if it panned out...

The silver door was open as she entered the room and Valkardian quietly stood up and collected an ornate box from his desk and approached her. It was an opulent stone box with elaborate silver inlaid swirls and an engraving of a shield. Valkardian simply held it out to her and Shadow carefully took the box and opened it. Her eyes lit up at the contents of the box, while the box had been beautifully done the amulet inside was breathtaking in design and inlay. A medium sized amulet lay in the center of the box with silver chain and lifting it from its confines to get a better look her eyes only widened at finely crafted and detailed it was. It was made from gold with silver edges that seemed to bend and swirl gracefully outlining the amulet, runes were inlaid in a black or red metal of some kind in a rounded pattern that enhanced the beauty of the bright blue gem in the center which seemed to be pulsing as if alive with bending and twisting magical powers.

Jaw hanging open as she continued to hold the amulet as if it were a delicate flower that would be destroyed with the slightest movement Shadow began to wonder if she still needed her plan but decided she would enact it soon enough, tonight in fact, she had to know now more than ever.

"That is a replacement for the one you lost to that chieftain you killed. You will find this one has many more... Attributes to it than your old one if you focus on it, the rest is written on the inside of the lid and since you read Krethe it should not be a problem."

Staring at the inscriptions inside the lid Shadow smiled to herself. It was indeed written in her language and as she kept reading her smile only grew at what the amulet did simply by wearing it. Shadow topped reading for a moment as a thought panged in the back of her mind: when did she stop considering Equus "her" language and had instead adopted "Krethe" was her native language? Quickly looking up at Valkardian she beamed at him "Thank you Valkardian, this is a most wonderful gift! Thank you!"

It was her first little stunt and it had been ad-libbed to fit the situation at hand and it had worked! Not only did he not reprimand her for leaving off "master" but instead he had that weird little smile of his written clearly on his face and his eyes showed only happiness as he quickly went back to his usual dead look before sitting. So far so good.

"Good, now I am going to rest while you do... Whatever you were going to do, you will act as servant at dinner tomorrow when I am not as tired. Oh, you are also going to go on vacation soon so think about what you plan to take. Now off with you." Waving a hand Valkardian ushered her out and the servant led her away and back to the central hallway before leaving her to her own thoughts.


Putting on the amulet Shadow felt its power course through her body making her stronger, faster and in general much harder to kill, it was a good feeling, a powerful feeling. Was Valkardian insane? Who would ever allow a mere slave to possess such an artifact of immense power? Then again this was only her second enchanted item besides those crystals. Maybe he trusted her not to try anything? Arrogance? No, he had smiled and that meant there was far more to this. Continuing to walk slowly down the hall holding the amulet up in front of her face something else slapped her all at once: vacation?

So this week off was not her vacation? Where were they going? No he had said SHE was going on a vacation so that meant he was probably not going to follow her wherever it was she was being sent. The caves? Above? Another ruin? Where? It was not long before her pace became a happy little skip down the hallway and into the gardens. What would she take or would he pack for her again? How much would be provided or was he sending her off into the wilds to fend for herself? That sounded glorious but also terrifying to a small degree since she knew what lurked in the shadows of the expansive cave network beyond the protection of the walls. No, she would focus on her plan instead, she was going to be his serving girl again and that meant small talk but this time it would be more than that. Shadow could only hope this part of her plan did not bring his wrath down on her but still, it was worth a shot be it a long one.


Shadow dawned her special set of clothing for serving tonight and checked herself over in the mirror one last time to make certain. This was a wild risk but if this paid off she would have her answers even if they scared the dickens out of her. Valkardian was still showing signs of fatigue so he would be more apt to make mistakes and slip or so she hoped and this would be her last chance to play out the last of her plan and go fishing for answers. If the first part of tonight went well then there was always her "hail-Celestia" part that would either get her zapped right then and there or well... She was not sure what his response might be if it was in her favor. Sure it was embarrassing as tartarus but. No. She would not dwell on it, it was time for actions and there was no going back.

Entering the kitchen proper Shadow accepted one of the trays and walked off to the private dining room where her victim waited unknowingly in his grand chair with eyes half closed in fatigue.

Valkardian sat quietly without any signs of movement as Shadow and the other servants entered the room and laid the meal out, she poured him more wine than usual and stepped to one side and waited quietly. After a loud *ahem* on her part he finally stirred his eyes snapping open fully and head jerking towards her. Shadow smiled at him and adding some honey to her voice said "dinner is served Valkardian" before pretending not to look at him. No response. Good, she was getting awfully "familiar" with him for a slave servant and now that the water was tested and not boiling she could dip a little more.

Watching him eat for a little bit and drink she began to wonder what his alcohol tolerance was and considering his great age he might have a very high tolerance. Then again that was not why she had given it to him. The point had never been to get him inebriated to any degree but simply relax a little bit and with any luck at all it would also act as an indicator when she popped her last question. Shifting herself around a little to make some noise without it being too obvious, more of an antsy sound as if she were a little bored from just standing there than impatience to draw his attention those blue eyes of his moved over to her figure and expanded a little.

Now that she had his attention she moved and weaved her body just slightly enough to keep his eyes on her and considering how his facade had just cracked and continued to degrade it was working but it was time to do some fishing. "Thank you again for the amulet but aren't you worried I might use it to escape?" Shadow added just the slighest sway to her hips and watched as his eyes darted first then back up quickly. "No. You could have before and did not. Are you planning on escaping?"

Valkardians eyes narrowed a bit and criticize her carefully as Shadow stopped moving "I dont know." It was a truthful answer but also one that would change very quickly after tonight. "Are you planning on doing to me what you did to Ruby?" Hopefully this would catch him off guard enough that he would give a straight answer without thinking it through but to be sure she traced a hand across her midsection with just a hint of enticement and it worked as his eyes snapped to the new movement for a minute. "No, that is not your fate."

"What is?" Well she might as well keep fishing while she had him so distracted with eyes that kept lurching back and forth as she kept making small movements to keep him focused on her. Shadow was not sure how much longer this would work but she had to keep belting out questions as fast as possible before he recovered. So far her assumption had been spot on: he was ancient and well "traveled" but what she had picked up was that he had never "experienced" anything alluring or erotic. Playing on his lack of knowledge was a wild shot but it was paying off, at least until his logical side took over again.

"I dont know anymore..." Valkardians voice trailed off before his head jerked back to his meal and Shadow carefully went back to her bored stature. The moment had passed but the fish had taken the bait and been reeled in. There was just one last thing to do but that meant getting off topic and then slap him upside the head with her question which would be so random that it would catch him off guard.

"You said I was gong on "vacation" soon. Will I be staying here or going into the caves for a time? How long will it be?"

Valkardian ignore her for a few minutes, eating slowly and eyes narrowing a bit before he finally leaned back in his seat and stretched his back a bit. "That will remain a secret until I send you there, you will not be conscious when you go but you will be well protected." He pointed to her amulet for a moment. Shadow switched her tail as bit and shifted her body slightly to draw his eyes down and it worked. Bit by bit Valkardian was getting ever so slightly flustered by what she was doing but his iron will was holding him quite well so far.

This was a very dangerous game. He had gone back to eating but his eyes kept twitching and jerking towards her every so often now, she had refilled his goblet twice now so it was working to some degree at least. Now to flay the fish alive.

Shadow had gone statue still for a minute waiting for his eyes to focus on his dinner again. Waiting until he picked up his goblet again she held back her question until he had just begun to take a drink: "You still like my tits?"

The result was instantaneous, Shadow leaned forward and lifted her breasts and bounced them a bit in his face while Valkardian had a spasm attack in the midst of taking a drink and turning his head all at the same time. Coughing, sputtering and wheezing from wine going down the wrong tube his wild eyes were now glued to her chest as he kept wheezing. Shadow continued to feign total innocence and quickly grabbed one of the extra napkins from the servants wine tray and played the part of "concerned maid" to the best of her ability even touching him.

Valkardian did not push her away or zap her, instead he simply snatched up his own cloth and began to wipe himself down quickly and averted his gaze. Standing quickly she half expected retribution to fall on her but instead he simply gave her one last look which was a portrait of confusion, desire and a good deal of someone lost in the woods with no idea what to do next. Instead he simply turned and left quietly still coughing but never once saying a word just leaving her to stand there quietly as servants entered and began to clean up.

It had worked. Shadow's smile grew as she tossed the napkin onto a tray one of the servants carried. Valkardian was too honest for his own good but also had proven he had little to no experience with the feminine wiles and she had played on it heavily and came out with her life and a plethora of answers. He had no intention of harming her let alone killing her and using her as a servant and that was a great weight off her shoulders. As to why well... Apparently he had begun to like her more than he would openly admit.

Servants continued to clean up as Shadow hummed happily to herself hoping that if she waited long enough Valkardian would disappear to wherever thus leaving the coast clear so she could turn in for the night. Hopefully this stunt of hers would not cause him to cancel her vacation but something told her that was highly doubtful at this point.

Waiting for a little while longer than usual she finally headed off for bed with a smug grin on her face. Entering the bedroom Shadow began to strip off her carefully chosen garb. It had worked just as she had hoped it would, in fact it had done more than that by giving her a bit of entertainment to boot. Two years ago her hint had been when he had her dress up in that skimpy outfit and serve him and while that was before she had any real change of cloths the telltale hints had been there. How he looked at her changed ever so slowly, at first simply ignoring her most of the time and as time went along she caught him glancing at her more and more depending on what she wore.

Looking at her modified outfit Shadow wore an impish grin. Finding the tailors room last year had been a boon for tonight. All manner of cloth was available for whatever uses he needed them for from clothing, drapery or fine see through silks he used in his museum. She had added a see through silk wrap around her waist and some around the bikini to help draw his eyes to the movement. Whoever had made that skimpy harem outfit had been a real pervert but it also saved her sanity tonight. By copying it somewhat she had managed to make a sort of "replica" out of near see through silk and while her attempt was simple and far from perfect it had worked quite well. She would have to thank her sister for teaching her so much about sewing her own clothes if she ever saw her again.


Valkardian sat in his study with the door closed tapping his fingers slowly on the book he had been reading. His mind was far too distracted to read now after what had happened in his private dining room. Shadow had caught him so off guard with her subtle swaying, rubbing and... Damn that crazy little bat. A loud sigh escaped him as he slumped down in the chair and stared out beyond the ceiling with a thousand yard stare.

She had baited a trap for him carefully and it had started days ago when he had given her the amulet. At first he had simply ignored how she had addressed him since it mattered little anymore, he could frankly care less but that little omission had snared him. Now tonight, in his own home no less a pony had played him for a fool and made him look the fool.

As he continued to dwell on the questions asked it was rather apparent as to why she had: every question save the last one was geared to her survival or being enslaved forever like Ruby. It was a simple, straightforward plan and sure enough it proved to be so simple he completely failed to see it until it was too late. How long had she been planning this? Days? Months? A year? No, she had to ad lib when the amulet was presented, she had no idea he was going to give it to her. His jaw bent back and forth grinding slowly as the gears in his head tore away at her actions. That last question though...

Sitting upright again and stretching his neck around images of her kept popping back into his head. Shadow was devious and caniving in every way possible when she chose to be. Playing her feminine side perfectly and choosing her timing carefully he had milked him for information without a single complaint or rebuttal. A thousand or more years ago he would have zapped her then and there but it had been more than two millennia since anyone had well and truly tried such tactics on him and not in such a manner as this.

A small laugh escaped his lips. Shadow had actually brought out an answer for the both of them tonight and one he had not even bothered to stop and really think about: he cared more for her than he let on and now she knew it as well. She was not a slave anymore more a companion and sometimes maid or servant though she enjoyed tending the garden far too much to consider it servitude.

Laughter began to fill the room slowly at first then building up and morphing into a loud and joyous bellow. Valkardian clapped his hands a few times as he leaned back still laughing with a large smile on his face which was a most rare occasion for him; Shadow had played a dangerous game of guile and wit, not only had she played it quite well for a surface pony but had succeeded perfectly. This little bat had guts, a brain and used them both and more quite well. He liked her more and more as the months wore on and tonight she had proven why he liked her so much.

Chapter 17

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Valkardian had ignored her for three days after her little stunt, choosing to stay out of sight while he planned whatever dastardly punishment awaited her. Shadow had not thought about that when she drew up her plan: that he would just as quickly figure it out and punish her for it. Then again it was not unusual for him to just ignore her presence either. Shadow had begun to worry a little after the second day that it had been a mistake but now that she was following him down a stairwell lit only by a magical orb he had conjured up she wondered if he had a torture rack waiting for her deep below.

All of this was dispelled when they leveled out into another hallway with ornate doors and murals and approached a pair of grandiose doors that stood out more than the ones above with its runic inscriptions and symbols that warned of a painful end to anyone who dared to try and enter without permission. Valkardian stopped in front of the doors and turned to face Shadow and watched her for a minute quietly with that blank gaze of his which made Shadows fears well back up.

"Do you know what this is Shadow?" He gestured at the doors behind him eyes narrowing.

"Torture room?" It was a fair guess after what she had done.

A smirk came to his face as he kept watching her. "No, this is the treasury. You will need some money where I am sending you. Your performance during the battle was exceptional and you even killed a chieftain which is no small feat considering your lack of experience. Also, after that little game of yours a few days ago..." His voice lowered as he stooped over her ever so slightly making Shadow feel very small as his gaze bore into her. "I decided that if you had the guts to try something like that you should be rewarded. It is very doubtful any living being above would have the audacity to think up let alone try what you did under the circumstances. Especially since the art of seduction is all but lost to those living above. Well done Shadow." Valkardian gave her a dangerous smile and Shadow understood it perfectly: dont do it again.

"Now then, I have one final lesson before you go off on your vacation... Tell me, what would you do if you had all the gold and jewels in the world?"

The question hit her like a freight train. Just how much was he planning on giving her? WHERE was she going?! How long? "I... Ummm... Probably buy a mansion, lots and lots of land, hire lots of servants, finest clothing, food... I dont really know." Her expression changed as she began to think about it more and more.

"Take your time, what would you DO, what would be the most important thing you would do?" Valkardian waited patiently as she kept thinking the question over. If there was one thing she knew was that he never asked a question just because, there was always an ulterior motive behind it. This was not a lesson at all but just one more test that could result in her being smitten where she stood having fallen out of his good graces.

Shadow took a deep breath and let it out slowly and looked up again "I would probably use it to do what is good for me and my family."

Watching her expression carefully he knew she was telling the truth. "Really? Hmm... A fair answer, you would not try and save the world? End poverty and famine? Perhaps more?"

"No, I have a feeling no amount of money would solve those problems."

He smiled a little at her "True, now tell me Shadow, how much is this worth?" Valkardian turned and used a key and a series of mumbled words she could not understand before pushing on the great double doors. They swung inward easily and magical lighting flared to life in the vast chamber beyond bringing a bright glare to her eyes as she stared slack jawed at the hoard before her.

Valkardian led her inside and simply gestured out at the immense wealth that lay before her. There was enough gold and gems in this room to make dragons burn up with envy and rage, enough gold and silver to make the nobles of Canterlot swoon over whoever held the smallest fraction of it. Shadow walked out into the chamber and made her way around the vast piles of gold, silver, gems and now that she looked closer: jewelry, furniture, chalices and countless priceless artifacts and artworks made of gold including a massive gold statue of a pony that bore a resemblance to Celestia.

Flying above the hoard she flew slowly to and fro looking down in wonder at the glittering masses below, Valkardian simply ignored her taking a seat on an opulent golden throne that had been set out on one side choosing to just stare with a bored expression as the piles. Shadow flew back to him landed a few feet away unable to take her eyes off the piles of glittering treasure.

"Do you have an answer? How much is all this worth?"

Shadow barely heard him ask the question but he patiently waited on her and finally she tore her eyes away from it and stared back at him. "You could buy Equestria with this. Anything. You could buy all the dragons of the world and still have enough to buy nations."

Valkardian stroked his beard a moment gazing at her thoughtfully "Really? It is worth that much?"

"Yes and more, like that statue back there..."

"Ah that, a statue of Celestia and Luna's mother though I have forgotten her name." A smile broke out on his face "Stolen by the dogs long, long ago. It's theft helped push Celestia over the edge in declaring war on them, how they managed to nip that statue I will never know but they did. Catch is I found it in their capital city before Celestia arrived and nipped it from the dogs first and now it is a part of my collection. I guess she assumed they melted it down or perhaps... Perhaps she knows that I have it and is unwilling to risk trying to get it back."

Standing he slowly made his way towards the closest pile and magically brought a large handful up and floated it to Shadow. "So this here would do what?"

Shadow accepted the massive handful of gold that spilled out over her cupped hands and clinked on the floor below. "enough to buy a small house I suppose..." She held them up and examined them, some were ancient Bits while others were from other nations long lost, one was a dog coin emblazoned with the likeliness of some canid king from long ago. Looking back up at him she continued "I would have to count their value out to know."

"Hm... They are worth a kingdoms ransom and hold immense value to you. Why?"

"Their gold, golds valuable..." She wore a quizzical look as she stared at him.

"Says who?" Valkardian went back to staring at the pile leaving her to think it over.

"Uhh... Everypony? It's why everyone works so hard to get as many of them as they can, to use for food, shelter..."

"You miss the point Shadow, what makes the gold valuable, not as a medium for trade but what makes it worth suffering, fighting and killing for?"

Shadow looked back at the gold in her hands suddenly realizing their weight, it was a fair question that she had no real answer to "Rarity?"

"Not at all, silver is also used and once copper and bronze. Canterlot is covered in gold and silver to the point Celestia should have her "royal guard" handing out gold bricks for free on street corners." He picked up a rather large coin form the pile and held it up for her to see.

"The answer Shadow is that none of this has value, it is quite worthless. Absolutely worthless in truth. It is a medium of trade at best and a mark of avarice otherwise. You know what this is worth?" Valkardian dropped the coin and stomped on it. "Nothing." He ground his boot against the coin. "It holds value because you GIVE it value, you believe it has value when it does not, it is just one more metal among many that has its uses now and then. All of this is not worth one damned thing" gesturing out at the massive room.

"What has value is what you KNOW. Knowledge is more powerful than gold and silver, with knowledge you can control others and bend them to your will. You can even use it to amass great wealth though greed will blind you in time as your desire to have more takes over. If you were to die right now you could not take one coin with you for it is useless and meaningless. What you can take is your knowledge, no one can take that away from you. What you have learned here will be with you forever while this... Metal... Is just a fleeting moment in time. You may be able to purchase comfort with it but you can never purchase happiness, only distractions."

Shadow dwelled on what he had just said and stared down at her hands again while he walked off deeper into the chamber. It was true, you can not take it with you when you die but heavens above that has never stopped anyone from trying. Knowledge is worth infinitely more than any amount of gold... Looking out into the room she wondered why he had such a hoard if he believed that. Following him quickly she caught up with him "If you believe it is so worthless why DO you have so much of it?"

He never stopped or changed stride as he continued on his way "To the victors goes the spoils. Long ago I was at war with others quite often and took to collecting things like artwork, gold, silver and so on. All I did was have it piled in here as a measure of my accomplishments, proof of how many I had defeated, once upon a time I did put value on such things but that quickly wore off as anyone with any amount of sense realizes that money has no value, life does. For me that meant knowledge, the knowledge to crush anyone who got in my way or take whatever I wanted to further my own ends."

*Sigh* Eventually I had enough to fill this room and began to only take choice pieces like that statue, artwork that held value in its beauty. One can potentially enrich their lives with such things but in the end only knowledge matters for beauty itself is fleeting. I suppose you could also say all that well and truly matters is ones SOUL and again no amount of gold will improve a soul, instead it acts like a rot driving others to insane ends to hoard and protect it. Look at the nobles in Canterlot or any of the so called "wealthy" above, I doubt they have changed in millennia, eager to please those who have money and devilish towards others if it means getting more of it."

Stopping and turning to Shadow he gave her a long tired look "And for those who do not have enough of it... Well you are to blame and must serve your betters because if you do not have enough wealth you are lesser for it and must be kept far away and out of sight less it "dirty" them in some way. You are measured as a success or failure not by mind and spirit... But by this... Garbage..." A boot kicked coins away sending them skittering. "Bah... I will have you read more books on the problems caused by greed some other time. For now its time to get you ready for your trip. Follow."


Shadow quietly followed him out of the room and back up the stairs where a line of servants were waiting with hands grasping bags and other things. She had a strong feeling he kept that hoard as a silent reminder of something, what she did not know. Walking down the line of servants she collected the bags and other items offered including a longword and dagger which took her rather by surprise. No armor though. Dawning her equipment quickly Valkardian just beckoned for her to follow and led her to the portal room and through it to a foreign cave.

"You will be put to sleep for a time, when you awaken you are free to do as you wish so long as you do not cause me problems now or in the future. The pouch on your side has sufficient funds to see you through your vacation, when your time is up I will recall you here along with everything you have on your person or in these two bags. A crystal is in one pouch that tells you how long you have left, be ready in advance to leave because I am not sending you back for anything. Your destination is a little village on the surface that is out of the way, consider it a reward for killing the chieftain. You have two weeks to yourself. You can request a faster recall by using the crystal in the box in your backpack marked with a star. Questions?"

She was going back to the surface? He really trusted her not to run away or did he have something planted on her? Object? Spell? "I could try and run off..."

"You could try but you know full well I will come and GET you if I have too, running to anyone and telling them will only make matters worse for yourself in the long run. You are still my prisoner Shadow. Besides I doubt you will run off to tell Celestia anyway."

So now she was just a prisoner not a slave... That was a marked improvement. He was also right about fleeing to Canterlot for protection, she wanted nothing to do with the rulers of Equestria let alone the city and its stuck up inhabitants. A faint fear climbed her back at what might happen not at Valkardians hands but Celestia's if she got her hands on her, who would be worse? The one below who could care less or the one above who is trying to keep the truth buried? Her eyes darted to Valkardian who had a small grin on his face, is was as if he knew what she just realized.

"I am ready, but what is the name of the place I am going?"

"A coastal village called Brightflower. Population 540. Enjoy your stay." His hands began moving and Shadow felt herself drift off into a deep slumber as servants caught her before she collapsed on the floor.

She was out cold and would stay that way for a couple of hours, long enough to deposit her and be off. Another spell morphed his form into that of a middle aged white unicorn stallion with a long gray mane. Lifting Shadow up magically he teleported a short distance to the outside world amongst some trees and began the trek into the village. She would never know just how close some of his portals were to the surface.


Light was coming through the window as her eyes slowly opened and oh how it burned. Shadow covered her eyes from the suns glare and sat up in bed grumbling. Her eyes had become accustomed to the eerie gloom of the caves and magical lighting over the past two years and now being suddenly bombarded by the bright rays made her eyes water and sting. Still, she had two weeks to enjoy herself before going back down which she had to admit was quite the surprise and she had to admit rather inconceivable that he would make such a gesture.

Sliding off the bed and drawing the shades Shadow began to look around the room. It was a very nice room with a large bed and her bags were neatly set off to one side along with her sword, dagger and money pouch. Her amulet was wrapped around the handle of the sword, she recalled Valkardian had removed it from her neck during the rush to get her ready to go... So it would anypony from putting her to sleep magically... Handy. Putting it back on she had to admit it made her feel a great deal safer not that the ponies of this village would be a threat or ponies in general.

Strapping on her sword and dagger Shadow spied a paper magically "stapled" to the door, it was hard to miss with its flaring red glow. He did not want her to miss this paper whatever it said. Pulling it down it reminded her of the details and that she had two weeks paid stay at the inn, room #12. Keys were on the nightstand... She folded it up and tucked it into her pocket and quickly headed walked into the hallway. It had been two years and there were things she wanted to do and see and she was not going to waste any time.

Hurrying she made it to a set of stairs at the end of the hall and down below into the inn itself where a single yellow mare worked the desk reading a paper. Approaching her the mare looked up and smiled "Morning! Anything I can help you with?" Shadow thought about it a moment "Breakfast?" The mare looked at her strangely for a moment before pointing to another door "Breakfast is being served right now, that door leads to the attached kitchen and dining room."

Shadow thanked her and walked through the doors into the mostly deserted room. Only three others were present and they did not even bother to look up from their eating. A short stallion spotted her from behind a counter and brightened up immediately "Breakfast? Drink? Both?" Taking a set away from the others and with her back to the wall she simply nodded at him as he brought a menu over. "Just call when your ready to order." He walked off and into the kitchen where a hushed conversation made its way to her ears.

Right now she could care less, flipping open the menu was a shock for her. A diet consisting of mushrooms and other cave things for two years made things like flowers, salads, fruit, oats and other breakfast items sound like a foreign luxury. Checking her pouch she found it was more than loaded with gold bits of all demoninations she would ever need. As to how Valkardian got his hands on these considering all he had below were more ANCIENT coins... Well she didnt want to know what bank or mint he had knocked off to furnish her with such a wealth of brand new bits. Maybe he just traded in something for them?

The menu was more important right now and picking out a few small items she called for the waiter. He poked his head out and looked at her oddly for a moment as she beckoned him over. What a grand breakfast this would be too as she read off what she wanted one item at a time while he just stared at her with the most peculiar look on his face. Indeed the cook and the other customers were also staring at her and the mare at the desk in the other room was even poking her head through the door to stare.

Eyes scanning the others Shadow finally turned back to the waiter. "Well?" He kept staring at her for a minute fidgeting before finally speaking "Uhh... Could you say that again?" He pointed to items on the menu and Shadow growled at him and began pointing out what she wanted and repeated herself again. The waiter quickly jotted it down and took off quickly while she began to stare at her onlookers again. "What?!" Her voice was sharp and clear causing the other patrons jump and look away and go back to eating quickly.

Looking at the mare peaking around the door at her Shadow just eyed her with a quiet glare until she entered the room and walked over. "Mind if I sit?" The mare was worried and Shadow just beckoned at her and watched as the yellow pony sat down across from her. "Uhm, I have to ask because the stallion who brought you in last night spoke clearly but do you... Speak Equus?"

Shadow sat upright and raised an eyebrow at this. Of course she did! She had been speaking perfectly clear this whole time! "Yes of course I do!" Nodding at the other mare who looked worriedly at her "Well you might want to speak it because we dont have a clue what your saying..."

This little proclamation struck her hard. Had that bastard put a spell on her? No... Wait... Realization hit when she remembered that part of her Krethe lessons was to quit speaking in Equus and replace every word including in her writing. She had completely forgotten that minor detail for a year and now it was biting her in the flank. Struggling to remember she quickly belted out the first things that came to mind "Ah, yes... Uhm, I forgot for a minute..."

The other mare just smiled at her "Thats alright, you must be from a long way off if Equus is not your native language... Where are you from?" This situation was getting more peculiar by the minute and Shadow began to realize that unless she did something fast it would only get worse. "I have been exploring for years now but I am from Equestria, just got used to not speaking it... Ever..."

"Well my name is Lilac, what brings you back? I bet you have stories to tell!"

Oh how true that was. Leaning back and eyeing the eagerly waiting mare she decided to err on the side of caution and just give snippets starting from when she left to finding the upper level caves without giving anything away. Breakfast arrived and turning the tables Shadow asked Lilac about how things in Equestria had changed while she had been gone for years and to not leave out details. She regretting it to a degree but it worked as Lilac drolled on and on about Changeling invasions, Crystal empire and the list wore on and on into mundane pointless details that would bore anypony to death but being a polite pony she listened and nodded along anyway.

Chapter 18

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Lilac had talked Shadow's ears off for two straight hours. Fortunately she had managed to escape by telling her she needed to go back to her room and then go out and explore the village, a tale which though true was also partially a lie. Shadow figured Lilac would not follow her up to her room which would shake fer off Shadows tail for a bit allowing for an escape later. While the pony was indeed friendly and enjoyable to listen too the day to day drudgery mixed with local gossip, politics and Equestrian "politics" was so boring and unintelligent she was at risk of falling asleep while listening to it.

Having returned to her room at last she began to open up some of the "extras" that Valkardian had packed for her. He was thorough in his packing, making certain she would have whatever she might need that would not cause trouble either should it be found. As to why he though she would need some of these things... Well... Best not stop to think about it and also offer a prayer she would not need it. Placing the crossbow back into the magical bag and tying it off Shadow decided it would be for the best to hide this bag someone nopony would find it less they come into possession of all her armor and other equipment. Exactly what did Valkardian think would happen by sending her back up here?

The trip out of the inn was quick and Lilac had waved her off. First would be to get her hands on an Equestrian paper, not a local one if she could help it but one of the national papers to see what was going on in Equestria in general. On the other hand judging by what Lilac had said there would be next to nothing of importance in it not that there ever was anything important printed in it that Shadow could ever recall the few times she read the "Equestrian Times." Many odd looks were thrown her way strolling through down the main road towards the local bazaar mixed with the occasional hushed conversation and a good dose of fear on every other face.

Finding a pony selling papers was no problem and bits were no issue. Paper in hand Shadow headed off to a quiet corner to glance over the paper and upon looking at the front page a pang of worry struck her nerves. The headline read "Celestia battles rumors of leadership failures and inability to protect Equestria!" Putting the paper aside and glancing over the others she bought not one of them had anything what so ever about any rumors or anything at all really. All the other papers basically had headlines that read the same: Everything is fine, be on your way. It did not take a genius to know what was going on either, Celestia was controlling the presses and squashing editors or anyone who was trying to print anything against her but somehow one press in Western Equestria had managed to print out a whole bunch of these without getting shut down.

This realization made her worry just a bit that what Valkardian had said was true and beginning to boil over if one of the major papers dared to print this on the front page. To even admit that anything might be out of the ordinary was one thing but this was directly challenging her authority and that meant someone else with a lot of money and power was pushing back now. Going back to the first paper and glancing over the article quickly it was clear to see that somepony had a death wish. One failure after another was pointed out and not just little ones but massive, glaring ones that had threatened to overthrow ponies very lives and only through a lot of luck had Equestria made it out on top. Most recent was pointing out the near miss with a "Crystal Empire" that had come back from the dead somehow and an ancient evil along with it. Again, pure luck saved the day or so the paper claimed.

Reading between the lines it was clear to her that this article was carefully crafted giving mostly truth but also a dose of lies to plant seeds of doubt in the readers mind. To bend them slowly to another point of view by twisting one or two details. Stopping her reading and staring up and around at the ponies going about their daily lives Shadow wondered when she had begun to gain such an inquisitive and critical view of things. Years ago this paper would have been blasphemy and been tossed aside but now it was not. Instead it was something to be torn apart and studied carefully for details as to what was really going on.

Valkardian. He was the one who did this. He was the one who had taught her to think and see the world this way, to tear it apart and analyze it one piece at a time without believing anypony or anything until she had seen all sides. Folding the paper back up and shoving it into her bag Shadow stood and looked around for any other ponies who were reading the same paper. Most were gone already but here and there one or two were riveted by the paper's contents and two were arguing heatedly over its message.

"So its begun, just like he said it would..." It was time to start her vacation then, there was nothing that could be said or done and besides which Shadow could care less right now about what happened to Celestia or a bunch of nobles in a power feud. The beach would be a nice stop. Yes, that is what she was going to do, go to the beach, enjoy the water, sand and sun.


Stretching off into the distance the aqua blue waters gently bent and weaved in waves off and beyond the horizon while nary a cloud marked the sky and the occasional king-fisher flitted to and fro. Smaller waves gently lapped at the sands slowly removing any trace of her hoof-print at she walked along allowing the water to wash over her hooves as she strolled along. There was nary a soul to be seen on the beach and that was just fine, she had it all to herself just about without interruptions or prying, fear filled eyes.

It was almost surreal to her going from cave life one day and the vibrant colors, glowing fungi and mushrooms to such a bright world where colors were sharp and crystal clear. She had seen the ocean before but that had been near Manehatten and that was as close as she ever wanted to get to a metropolitan city. So many ponies crammed into one small space was just not natural and wrong, that and they were notoriously stuck up and rude, she was certain Equestria would be better off if the ocean welled up and swallowed them whole.

Kicking at a shell while continuing her little walk down the beach Shadow wondered when the world above had lost its majesty. Once upon a time the ocean was amazing in its colors the forests majestic in their depth and variety of life and colors. Now though it all seemed rather bland compared to what she had seen in the caves, the caves far below her were a bright, vast rainbow of all colors, hues even neon glowing plants that altered their color when touched. The world under the sun was just... Bland by comparison now. Looking out over the vast body of water it too lost its impressiveness compared to the cave lakes with their glowing fish and underwater plants that could be seen clearly from the surface.

Shadow let out a troubled sigh, this was not how vacations were supposed to go. One went on vacations to get away and relax not walk around in a daze missing and wanting to go back to where you just escaped from. Her ears picked up the sound of somepony approaching and turning quickly the pursuing stallion stopped dead for a moment before approaching again.

"Hey cutie, want to hang out for a bit?" Shadows eye twitched. The amber colored stallion just wiggled his eyebrows at her and smiled. "Come on, your a guardmare out on vacation right? Lets go somewhere private and blow off a little steam."

"Piss off." The words left her mouth before Shadow realized it and the stallion was taken back just a bit by the tone but still not deterred.

"Oh come on, well have fun! We can hit up the local tavern for a bit..." He kept droning on about how wonderful it would be and at no expense to her, he would take care of it all and they could have a nice long night together afterwords. No strings attached of course, just a night of drunken revelry and debauched sex.

Shadow grimaced internally. Was he seriously trying to quietly flex his body to entice her? Somehow this display of physique was supposed to impress her and convince her to partake in a one night stand with somepony she did not know, never would and who... You know what, if this was any indication of where Equestria was going it was doomed to tartarus or worse. Morals were slipping fast.

"I said piss off you damned slut." Leering at him the stallion eyed her carefully for a minute and started to turn to leave before opening his mouth but was greeted by a vicious snarl from Shadow that made his eyes bulge and he hastily walked off. Her eyes followed him back to his little gaggle of friends before her eyes went somewhat back to normal before she quickly turned and walked off a little quicker.

"So that's why he thought I was a guardsmare..." Shadow muttered to herself as she kept walking briskly down the beach thinking back to what she had seen: it turns out some Equestrian military was vacationing here as well and she had just scared one off. Well, no loss on her part so long as they did not try anything else.

Walking around back up from the beach and along some low cliffs Shadow passed a middle aged fisherpony with a long white mane who just looked at her and chuckled before going back to fishing. The sound of his laugh made her start for a moment and eyeing him carefully she continued on her way back towards the village. Two weeks. Two weeks and so far the first day was utterly boring.


Strolling back into the village and looking around for a minute a building quickly grabbed her attention: bakery. Even if this vacation turned out to be a bust there was one thing Shadow could partake in and enjoy greatly: sweets. Most ponies could eat their weight in sugar if given the chance but Shadow was not one of them usually. Today though would be an exception to this rule seeing as her diet of sugary treats was limited to cave fruit and that boiled fruit or those weird chewy fruit sticks that Valkardian kept around. He probably kept them in such quantities because they kept and she surmised he also forgot to eat quite often so they were a quick substitute.

Overly sugary treats greeted her eyes after opening the door and strolling in. The air was so sweet it could make teeth rot just by opening the mouth and breathing deep of the sweet, confectionery laden air. Cakes, pies, sweet rolls, jelly rolls, cookies, fudge and more were all stored neatly behind glass counters along with a magical ice-cream box advertising sundaes to milkshakes. Her eyes hungrily drank in everything in the room one at a time as a smile graced her lips. While enjoying the "great outdoors" might be a bust there was no reason not to partake in the other things of life and enjoy her two weeks. Starting today she would make it her duty to eat just about every sweet thing on the menu before her two weeks were up even if she collapsed in a sugar induced coma.

A purple mare stood behind the counter watching her with a large smile plastered on her face content to just watch Shadow greedily take in everything around her and drool slightly at the prospects before her. Settling on a chocolate fudge cake she ordered a double helping and ice-cream to boot and with a smile was served at one of the tables to enjoy her teeth rotting treat.

Shadow enjoyed every bite of the soft cake with its delectable frosting one slow bite at a time. The ice-cream was perfect as well with its nuts and fruits blended perfectly. She just sat there with a dreamy look on her face and wings twitching in joy as she took her time enjoying the sweet bounty she had purchased.

Continuing to eat her mind drifted back to the world around her and its goings on as now and then a pony would enter, order and leave or sit at a table and eat. Raspberry Tart had gone in the back to keep baking or do whatever she was doing now that there were no customers again leaving Shadow to sink into her own thoughts. Interesting pony Raspberry was she thought, they had talked for just a minute but from her she had gleaned a few things.

First was that the other "vacationers" were indeed a mix of guards from Las Pegasus or military personnel, they had arrived the same day as her out of the blue thus they mistook her as one of them since Shadow was armed. They were unfortunately staying at the same inn as her but that could not be helped, something else she learned was they had a local garrison of four that manned a guard tower on the Eastern side of the village watching for any dangerous critters that tried to sneak in not that it ever happened, save for the occasional racoon or opossum getting into town and terrorizing the local garbage cans.

Unlike her they were only staying one week which meant that she would have the inn all to herself again in a week and not be bothered by them if they failed to take a hint. She doubted very much they would cause problems unless their curiosity got the better of them but Shadow was not going to correct any notions that she was not in fact a guardmare if it meant they would avoid her for a little while longer. Every little bit of misdirection would make her vacation smoother. Then again when had she begun to hold such extreme distrust of them to begin with?

One last lick finished off anything she missed on the plate and Raspberry just smiled before coming over to take it away. "You must not get very good food if you polish the plate and bowl like that. They feeding you properly?"

Shadow just smiled at her and dodged the question "What other stores are around here?"

"Well the bazaar is the general place everypony goes but there is also Inkline's book store, Nick-Nacks trading post, Cobblers Smithy..." As Shadow listened to the short little list one thing stuck out to her "You have a bank out here of all things? Why? There are what... Five-hundred or so ponies?"

Raspberry acted like she was not sure how to respond to that for a minute before she just shrugged and remarked the bank owned large swaths of the surrounding land. They were a minor branch of a larger Canterlot corporate bank run by some far off noble that nopony knew the name off. The bookstore sounded like a wonderful stop but Shadow had an idea pop into her head and decided to do a little fishing instead.

"What did you think of that article I saw in one of the papers this morning? The one about Celestia..." Shadow had acted innocent in her question and the look on Raspberry's face changed from a smile as a flash of anger shot across for a moment. "Yes I did see that but I refused to buy a paper that would dare question her! Celestia has been nothing but kind, loving and forgiving to us all and to just attack her like that is... Its just wrong! She's not perfect but nopony is! I wish I knew who wrote that article so I could give them a piece of my mind!"

Shadow just smiled and nodded along as Raspberry continued her little tirade, it amazed her that they could be so ignorant of the truth. Celestia was not perfect, that was very true, she was a pony just like anypony else... However, she had so ignored problems and turned a blind eye to possible dangers they were biting her in the ass now. Was it arrogance? Or simply burying ones head in the sand and hoping no one notices your flank sticking up in the air?

Excusing herself she slipped out of the bakery after promising to be back tomorrow and every day after for more of Raspberry's sweet treats and happily strolled down the street towards Inkline's bookstore, maybe this vacation wouldn't be so bad after all.


It was a quaint little bookstore that hardly took up one small room of Inkline's home and the selection left much to be desired. Valkardian's private library had spoiled her terribly and now that she could see what most ponies considered a "decent" selection of material it made sense why he wanted nothing to do with them. Simple and small minded hardly covered it if this is what the bulk of the population considered top quality reading material.

Shelf after shelf held nothing but pathetic or trashy romance novels that made her brain weep or adventure stories that were laughable to anypony that knew anything about physics or had ever set one hoof outside their village. As she flipped through another book bored to tears with its contents she realized that once upon a time she fell into that same category. These were some of the same books she had read and thought good but now that she had learned so much more and could look back to where she was.

"Excuse me, is this all you have in stock or...?" Shadow had given up trying to find anything worth reading. Out of all the books she had poured over only one had gotten her attention and hoping that Inkline had more to choose from tucked away for those rare customers who were pickier in their reading material. He simply gestured her into a room that could be considered a closet that held older tomes and books.

"These are... Well. They are not cheap compared to what is out front but might garner your interest, I also have a box of books that just showed up today if you wish to see them later after I unpack them. I must warn you some of these are rather old and if you damage them you must pay for them." Nodding to him Inkline turned and left her to browse to her hearts content. This selection was indeed much better than out front but still quite stale compared to what she was used too.

So far three books stood out amongst the few lines, one was a very old book of tales, another of myths and legends which she had grabbed immediately and begun to leaf through quickly deciding she had to buy it, books like this reminded her of the books her great grandfather kept in his little library. The last however was rather odd in that it was brand new and about the Crystal Empire. Wondering if Inkline had unpacked his box yet she left the closet room and placed the four books on the counter and called out and waited.

Inkline quickly appeared and when prompted he showed her the new arrivals which were just as droll as the others on the shelves. One did stand out in that it was a very thin little black book without any markings what so ever. Its contents however were a whole other matter entirely. Within was a book written most likely by the same ones who published that article in the paper and went into far greater depth and even spoke of new ideologies that should be followed with a heavy dose of who should be allowed to govern in this new order they dreamed of. How quaint. Overthrow one monarch so they can place another unnamed one on the throne.

Haggling over the books took a little time, Inkline was not willing to bend very much on the private stock books but that was understandable to an extent and Shadow left his bookstore happy with the still rather steep expense but the books were worth it. Choosing to head back towards the beach to read quietly on the cliffs overlooking the ocean she sat under one of the trees and began browsing the black book.


The sun was going to set soon and it was time to get back to the inn for dinner. She had read right through lunch in the little black book of white lies and insanity yet still she had to keep reading. Something was just... Wrong. Not with the books message no. Something was missing from the book and every fiber of her being screamed that there was more to this little book that had been left out for convenience. The bulk of the book was dedicated to taking apart pony theory and philosophy, morals and ethics while warping and rebuilding them into something else more perverse. What had Valkardian called this system? Medieval?

Whatever this new philosophy was called it was a perverse blend of the worst of every theory out there that admired those who held power above all others and stomped on the rest if they got in the way, while also promising equality would somehow be maintained and that everypony would benefit from this system even if they were not smart enough or powerful enough to hold those high seats. It was the work of a madpony to say the least and if any bought into this it would end very badly for most.

Then again, if whoever was in power had enough sense to leave everypony else alone it probably would work. All would be left alone to their own ends until they had something that the tyrant wanted then they would learn the system is rather... Lopsided. Promises only worked if you had the power to keep it and since it excluded them well... Shadow flipped another page over and kept reading deeper into this madness knowing that soon it would probably pervade Equestria if whoever wrote it got their way. Even if they failed to outright take over if enough bought into this it would end in mass bloodshed and slavery if they won.

Looking up at the darkening sky as it changed colors to bright oranges, hues of red and pink that bounced off the clouds that had moved in she looked took a moment to look around at her surroundings again. All day and not a soul to be seen save that fisherpony who had been there all day long. He never looked around, just sat there focused on fishing happily and once in a while would bring something up, keep it, toss it back and then repeat baiting the hook and casting the line again.

Madness and mayhem was around the bend and yet she could bet bits to donuts that the rest of Equestria was like that fisherpony right now: blissfully ignorant of the hell bearing down upon them. Hell. What an interesting word she had been taught. Mmm... Donuts. Her mind bounced back and forth between subjects for a moment before she decided to pack it up for the day and go see if Raspberry's bakery was still open and if she had any donuts left. Doubtful, but just maybe. The fisherpony barely paid her any attention when she stood and left, simply going back to what he was doing, shoving another fish into a bag.


The return to the village was very quick and without interruption but there was a small commotion in the bazaar. Deciding to see what it was Shadow kept her distance and stayed within earshot of the bickering duo. Two guards were having it out with the newspaper stand pony over something she could gather, they were making demands and being refuted since the other had paid for them and wanted compensation.

Piecing things together as the argument continued it was clear now that on-high had decided to confiscate the papers but the orders had only just reached this little backwater village. Whoever gave the order to have them seized was playing into the authors hands perfectly. By lashing out more and more they legitimized the claims made and more authority eroded away since it made Celestia look afraid of what was being published. Or was she?

Whoever was behind this was being methodical in tarnishing her image further and it would not take any stretch of the imagination to believe that they could not orchestrate a "recall" on the papers. Was she overthinking this? No... Maybe... Still, this was more engaging than anything else today. Finally the guards settled on paying for half of what was left but the paper pony had to allow them to see what was being sold first. "Thus censorship was born in Equestria" Shadow thought to herself. Maybe all this was just one big ruse, maybe the other papers REFUSED to carry the article at all and only the one due to bribery or sharing political ideology.

Raspberry Tart was a standard example of Equestrian thinking now what Shadow thought on it turning and walking off with her bag of donuts. The other papers did not carry it due to Celestia censoring them but because of blind loyalty and faith. Now that faith was being slowly eroded soon others would pick it up eventually because each seizure legitimized them and when Celestia eventually did crack down on the publishers it would tip the boat over the razors edge. Loose, loose situation. If she suffered just one, single setback like the Canterlot Invasion or Discord getting loose...

Returning to the inn was quick and most now ignored the bat pony that walked down the street munching on her cargo. Lilac was happy as could be to see her and wanted to know all about her day and Shadow happily gave her a string of truth and lies to sate the others appetite before asking about room service. Lilac was more than happy to take an order to the cook and deliver it to her room. Shadow made her request and waved at Lilac with a smile as she mounted the stairs and made her way back to room #12. What would tomorrow bring? Probably less than today now that all the "mysteries" of the Equestria had already been laid bare to her.

Pulling the newspaper from her bag and looking at it Shadow decided to save it and show it to Valkardian when she got back along with that little black book. If she could get him to more than lift an eyebrow at it would be enough, he had predicted this would probably happen and though she knew he had his own "ways" of staying informed... Well it would be a gesture on her part to show she had taken his lessons to heart. Carefully putting them into her giant-little bag for safe storage she looked out the window and waited for her dinner to be delivered. Tomorrow would be utterly boring.

Chapter 19

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Laying wide awake Shadow glanced over at the clock beside her bed and read off the time for the hundredth time: 3:45AM. Damn Valkardian. Damn him. When she was in the caves keeping track of the time was never important since servants took care of everything and near as she could tell he owned not one clock in the whole damned place. For all this time he was sending her to bed at around seven to eight at night and waking her at 3:30AM sharp and now her body was perfectly adjusted to this routine and as she lay there cursing quietly she tried to focus on other things while waiting for the sun to rise in the next couple of hours.

Nothing was working though and no amount of willpower would force her to fall asleep again. She was wide awake and would just have to lay there or get up and do something until the staff awoke and opened the inn up for the day. Sliding out of bed and fishing out a book she lit a candle and brought it over to her rooms little table and sat down to read.

Thoughts plagued her mind and for one was her lack of dreams. All her life she had dreamed but since she met him they had all but stopped, relegated to the odd dream that only came over a concern of hers. Tonight was no different with a mind beset by questions and worry about what would happen now that somepony was making a go for the throne while Celestia still sat on it. Her family would undoubtedly suffer if the ones behind the article and book got their way since her family was far from noble and twice as far from having any degree of "power." Well save her far as she could tell considering what she had been killing in the caves. If that did not count for something nothing would.

The incident at the beach had come back to haunt her somewhat. Popping to mind now and then, not that she had acted wrongly for certain but it was what she had done. She had growled at a pony and told them to piss off. Not only that but had done so with enough force that it made a full fledged soldier back down but then again knowing far more about pony anatomy and psychology than before... Was not terribly hard to do.

But she had growled! Almost snarled at him! It made her happy but when had she gone from acting like a proper pony that simply said "no thank you" while smiling and walking off to what her mother would call a barbaric brute? Had she done this back in her village without a doubt her mother would have known in minutes and a stinging slap would have awaited her along with many hours or weeks of berating and reminders she needs to be civil. Why should she be civil to such... Halfwits? Insects?

Closing the book again knowing that until she solved this mental dilemma of hers no reading could be done Shadow sat back in the chair and stretched out best she could and stared off into the distance. Maybe this was how Valkardian felt, surrounded by idiots. Happy, jolly nitwits that wouldn't know the truth if it up and bit them on the flank. Was Raspberry in the same category then?

Locking herself deep below in the caves and left to her own ends for all time only returning to the surface to interact when it suited her, avoiding the foolish denizens above who knew not what they do or why... Valkardian's life sounded rather logical and not so terrible now. It made perfect sense in fact considering what happened the one time he stuck his neck out for those he cared about. He was willing to kill to protect them even from themselves and they had retaliated with all the violence they could bring to bear against him and killed... No murdered one of his closest friends.

Would she kill another pony for her family without a second thought?... Shadow's eyes turned down towards the book on the table as she ran her fingers along the spine thoughtfully. Light just appeared on the horizon, she had been lost in her thoughts for hours and had not realized it was 6AM now. Maybe the inn was finally open, maybe Lilac was up. However, that also meant the "other" guests were up as well and would be downstairs...

A groan escaped her lips at the thought of just seeing those fools again. "Give me the solitude of the caves back again" Shadow bemoaned.


Waiting another hour and a half had been near hell but hopefully it meant that the other guests were either staying in late or have already eaten and left already. The sounds of hooves had filtered through the door at seven and died off so most of them were up and gone now. Opening the door and heading down Shadow was greeted once again by a smiling Lilac who waved her over.

"Guards came and posted a note for everyone to read this morning!"

"Oh? What about? Racoon bandits wanted for stealing rotten potatoes?"

Lilac either ignored the sarcasm or failed to notice. "No, something about a newspaper, they are collecting them due to... Uhh... Well its on the note over there." She gestured to a board on the wall with a large sheet of paper stretched over it. Approaching it Shadow read it aloud "Attention! Equestrian Tribune papers recalled for... Yesterday... Due to libel, disinformation and defaming... Turn them in at local guard post... Yada yada..."

"Huh." Turning away and looking back at Lilac, Shadow feigned ignorance as to what it was about just shrugging and in turned asked Lilac if she knew anything about what was printed in the paper. Shadow had noted the notice had left out any details what so ever about WHY it was defamation and libel. The other pony had no idea since she had refused to read it due to the papers headline.

Heading into the dining room and taking a seat she ordered her breakfast and sat back. "Well, whoever is behind this is sifting the wheat from the chaff rather quickly. Only those with doubts will read it to begin with causing an uproar and giving them an idea of their support base before they make a move... Clever." Ponies were prone to bouts of extreme passion and they were playing on it heavily for their own ends.

Her breakfast arrived and was reminded about the flier out in the hall and politely shrugging it off she ate and headed out into the village for a walk. It was a nice little village, quiet and small with a homey feel to it. Strolling just beyond the village and into the outskirts a small gaggle of ponies were gathered near a home pleading with a very well dressed stallion carrying a suitcase with a guard backing him up.

Shadow felt like a spy this being the second time she tucked herself out of sight and mind in order to pry on what was going on. Then again it was not like there was anything else to do today or any day after this till she went home. Home? Which was her home now? The family home back in the forest or the one in the caves below?

"Overstuffed, strutting, fat, greasy, fat nosed, smelly peacock." Shadow could smell him from her hiding spot at a good distance which was another "gift" inheritted from living below for so long. Smells, sights and sounds were easier to pick up on now that her senses were more honed. The stallion in the suit was hardly looking at the other group with his nose held in the air as if to look at them would defile his person somehow.

Poverty sucked, that was true and now this family was getting the boot. Since they could not make the ever increasing payment demands they were being ousted for not making the newest demand. "So much for harmony at any price, well unless you have the bits to back it up." Muttering Shadow kept watching and listening as pleading fell on deaf ears while the other demanded they either uphold the contract or get out, it was not his fault they did not read the fine print.

The guard on the other hand was trying desperately not to take sides as if doing so would somehow get him into trouble and probably would. "Coward." When had following orders, the law and covering your own flank become more important than doing whats RIGHT? Even if it meant butting heads with higher powers you must do what you believe is right. Well that's what she had been taught as of late. Celestia more or less taught this but there was a stronger adherence to authority and law than anything else. Couple that with the general inability of ponies to make decisions for themselves preferring (and being encouraged no less) to hand over responsibility to government officials or Celestia herself only compounded problems.

It was all fun and games till the piper sent his bill then it was a mad rush to see who could grab a chair. This sorry lot had failed to grab a chair in time. The banker read off a condition loudly that the family could have at any time challenged and taken it up with higher authorities but failed to do so in the time allotted. A mare rebutted him saying the paperwork involved took longer to fill out than the time given and was always weeks behind schedule meaning they had to refile.

Not his problem, pay up or get out. Eyes bore into the guard who kept shrinking back in what Shadow found a hilarious turn of events. He was now trying to hide behind the banker who was demanding he "do his duty" and evict the family while the guard kept refusing to take sides. So this was what things looked like before a government collapses in on itself. She imagined this was going on all across the nation now that Celestia would soon be too caught up in political upheaval to "benevolently aid her little ponies" in their day to day lives. One fat pony was already playing his cards and too early at that not that he would fail most likely.

With a flair the stallion raised his arm high and shook his fist declaring that tomorrow the guards would be brought out en masse to evict them and to be out before then or everything in the house would be seized to pay off the overdue payment. Any attempt to stop them would result in legal proceedings and as the blathered on in an endless puff of hot air and legalese the family looked like somepony had kicked them hard in the collective balls.

Leaving them to try and work out their now shattered lives the banker strode off to a waiting cart with the guard closely at heel. An "old adage" Valkardian taught her came to mind as she watched him "obey the laws and his orders" no doubt to one day brag about his service: "He who pays the piper picks the tune." Dangerous and very true. She scoffed at him quietly as he ran after the cart trying to keep up with the bulbous banker. This would make a wonderful story for the foals one day: "what did you do daddy? I kicked ponies out of their homes and destroyed their lives because the one who controls the money told me too."

Turning and heading back into town she decided to stop at the bazaar and browse for a while scanning the nick-knacks and various fruits and vegetables being sold. All around it was a very good assortment that covered just about anything one needed day to day and one stall even had pots and cooking implements for sale amongst many other things.

It was about eleven going by her little time crystal when she entered Raspberry's bakery and scanned the selection again. While nowhere to be seen for a little while it gave Shadow plenty of time to browse without feeling watched until Raspberry came out with more confectioneries and put them on display.

"I will have that jelly roll and tea!" Shadow smiled at Raspberry and waited at the register for her to bring her order. When she brought the tea and went for the jelly roll however she stopped and looked back "Wait, you want a slice... Right?" Shadow shook her head "no, the roll." Raspberry looked a little surprised at this but brought it out and asked if she wanted it boxed to go as well whereupon she took the middle road of one slice to eat the rest boxed to go.

Sipping her tea quietly and enjoying the roll while watching Raspberry from the corner of her eye a thought came to mind. "Hey, do you know whats going on with the bank evicting ponies from their homes?" Yes, she was on vacation but considering her options were death by boredom, watch grass grow, walk along a lifeless beach or watch a fisherpony catch fish... Well that and read, she needed something to distract herself with.

"Oh that, yes, been several lately. The bank and realtor decided to advertise our village as a "retirement village" and they dont want farmer's or anything icky to be seen which might dissuade ponies with a lot of money investing here. We got together at the town hall and voiced our concerns about it. Even wrote Celestia! Anyway, since the bank and some noble own just about everything there is nothing she can do or us for that matter. Celestia said it was a great opportunity to develop our village into a town, grow, prosper and that there would be bumps along the way." Raspberry smiled but it was forced.

"How are a bunch of old dying ponies moving in going to make your village grow and prosper?!"

"Ah, well a few of us asked that but we never got a response. Frankly we like our village just the way it is and want to keep it that way! Everypony here knows everypone else and we get along great. Anyway the realtor and bank began to offer huge sums of bits for anyone willing to sell out and move away so half the farmers on the outskirts took the bits and left. Those that refused to being hounded legally and the bank paid to have our village "zoned" so now those farms are listed as being in residential zones so they have to stop farming or sell. So far they have refused."

Shadow watched Raspberries expression for a minute "What about the local guards? They could turn on the bank and realtor and refuse to have anything to do with it at least. Put them at the mercy of the angry public..."

Raspberry's jaw went slack at this. "That's vigilantyism! You cant do that!"

"And why not? Sounds like the only real reason things are falling apart around here is because of the zoning which is causing job loss making others loose their homes... It also looks like the bank and realtor are using this to increase payments since the land is valued more for development..." Shadow was prodding Raspberry along a path and hoping something would dawn on her.

"The laws the law! Our representative, who we elected... Promised us she would take this up and she did! There was nothing she could do since the motion was struck down immediately in Canterlot by the Parliament. We just have to live with it that's all. Besides, those of us who have lived here own our homes and are keeping them, no one is making us sell out. In fact since they built that subdivision and moved in all those old ponies my business had increased! I am making 7% more a year and growing!"

Raspberry was brain-dead. Completely, utterly brain-dead. Shadow would have groaned but kept it to herself, harmony came with a pile of bits. So long as you had the bits you had harmony and these self deluded fools could only see bits not their soul being squeezed dry. Looking back at her Shadow hazard another question: "What about those who just lost their home today?"

The purple pony moved her mouth to say something then closed it for a minute. "They will just have to move somewhere else and get a job there instead or take one of the new jobs being opened up here in the future."

"Has it ever crossed your mind that nopony should have to leave their home, not now or ever to find happiness because someone else wants to make more money? Your affixing a price to harmony and while your village with have it, it will not be true harmony, only purchased." Why in the name of tartarus was she starting to sound like Valkardian now?

There was no response to this just a moving mouth that tried to come up with an answer to justify her seeing old friends shunted away while those who came to make their lives got the boot all because of a 7% increase of sales that would probably compound in the next year or two. What was the price of friendship and harmony?


Leaving the bakery behind she wandered around for hours just looking and watching ponies go about their lives. If there was one thing she could appreciate about the surface compared to back there was life. There was life all around her now in every house and stall and street walking here and there going to who knows where but it was life and it was wonderful. Indeed a far cry from being one of two life forms in the caves and isolation was the norm not the exception. Valkardian showed this some times when he had her join him for dinner. He too got lonely now and then it would appear.

As she kept walking an older pony got her attention "You have wandered past here four times already carrying that box. You looking for somepony or lost?" This snapped her out of it and glancing over at the old stallion the gears began to grind. Shaking head she thanked him for his concern and made her way to the outskirts and spotted the house from the other day.

It was a small farm house that was being emptied out by guards under the watchful eye of what she assumed was the bankers assistant or a clerk who was recording everything being brought out and the family was nowhere to be seen. Walking up to them the clerk eyed her with suspicion "Anything I can help you with miss?" Her sweet voice belied the cold, dead look in her eyes.

"Where is the family that lived here?"

"Do you have business with them Miss...?"

"Ruby. Miss Ruby. I am just curious as to where they went." What a lie but every instinct told her to lie like her life depended on it.

"I am sorry but I can not give you that information." The gray mare turned away and went back to recording while a guard began to eye Shadow curiously. Choosing to go while the going was good "Ruby" walked away and back into the village, her vacation might be cut a little short if this kept up.

With a little luck and a lot of asking around she found them staying at another farm having moved into the barn for the time being while they figured out where they were going to next. Leaving them the box with a handful of bits Shadow walked off, it wasn't much but it was enough to help without drawing suspicion. With the local guard in the bankers back pocket and most of the others "unhappy" with what was going on up more than happy to keep their mouths shut in exchange for bits... Better to be safe than sorry.


Three days had passed and the family had left to another part of Equestria to rebuild their lives or at least try too. Already their home had been torn down a sign had gone up declaring it the site of a future housing development for retirees. Stopping by the town hall and talking to an aide resulted in the development plan being rolled out before her. Golf courses, senior center, tennis courts, the list went on. When the banker and realtor got done the forests would be gone replaced by carpets of buildings and golf courses.

With enough bits you can do anything and claim it to be for the good of others while lining your pockets from the suckers who answer the call. She left the office disgusted with the locals. They would keep their village but everything that made it what they love would be torn down, erased from existence in the name of progress.

Wandering into the edge of the forest and taking a seat below a large oak Shadow pondered what Celestia's so called harmony really meant. Maybe this place was an exception to the rule? This was only one location out of all Equestria after all but a sinking feeling told her she was watching the edge of a ship as it passed over the falls on its way to destruction. Even before meeting Valkardian and learning everything she had it was no secret Parliament was loaded almost exclusively with nobility and bankers who were corrupt but they always kept it low enough to not antagonize Celestia.

Still, that did not make it right and that Celestia had indeed locked some of them up for their crimes it was never for very long and always resulted in a public apology and a promise to do good. How blind was she? Was this a game of balancing the scales or had she become so self deluded in her own ideology she could no longer see the vipers surrounding her?

Shadow had to admit she greatly admired Celestia despite everything, she had done amazing acts of good for the ponies of Equestria. Literacy, health care, roads, rail lines, so much good had been done but now it seemed it was slipping away like all things did with time. Time was eroding it all away and now the empire she had built was dangling from the precipice and Celestia fiddled while the torch bearers set the world alight.

Meandering through the village and soaking in how it looked knowing that one day soon this would all be gone she made her way slowly back to the inn but was stopped along the way. Three ponies blocked her way one of whom was the fat banker she had seen before and was flanked by two guards one of whom she recognized from the day of the eviction.

"Evening Miss "Ruby," I understand you have been causing problems and I am just here to remind you that we do not like trouble makers in our little village."

The short, fat little greasy furred toad of a stallion in front of her smiled up but his eyes were hostile and seeking. He was more disgusting up close than at a distance. "If asking questions is causing trouble I weep for this little speck of a village and its inhabitants." She hid her glare as best she could but the odor made her cringe, he must have swam in cologne in an attempt to hide it.

"I understand you are here on vacation, I hope you enjoy it but just dont be causing problems young miss. Good day to you." He walked past her but the guards stayed still watching her carefully.

One of them finally spoke up after eyeing her up and down carefully. "What business do you have carrying lethal weapons?"

"I need no excuse to protect my person."

"I asked you a question, answer it."

"First who the hell are you to question me?" It was a fight starter but she was not about to back down to these bastards no matter what after what she had seen not that she would anyway if they were saints of virtue and kindness.

"I am guard of the peace by royal decree, now answer my question! Why do you carry lethal weapons?!"

"Because I can and dont care what you or anypony else thinks."

"Hand them over."

"Like hell I will." The response was automatic and without a second thought and already ponies were slowing down and had begun to gather and watch.

"That's an order! Now undo your sword belt and back away slowly!"

"Oh piss off. Your no master of mine and I sure as hell am not your servant." She thought about flying away but that would mean leaving everything at the inn behind, her words were not helping matters any but she also knew that they were already looking for an excuse to start with and they would have kept prodding till they invented one.

The blue mare on her left made the first move by stepping forward and attempting to grab her arm and a moment later the one to her front moved to her other flank and as one they rushed her. Shadow's movements were a blur as she stepped back and left rapidly and elbowed the guardsmare hard in the gut then grabbed her and used the mare as a bludgeon against the stallion by slamming her into him.

Ponies that had gathered to watch recoiled at this sudden change of events and seeing the two guards collapse and struggle back to their hooves made them back off. Shadow caught sight of the toad of a banker turning tail quickly and scampering off through the crowd calling for more guards. So much for her vacation. Oh well, may as well make it count.

Soon as the guards were back up they came at her again and once more Shadow went after the shorter mare landing a hard blow to her gut while grabbing the arm meant to strike her bending and twisting it violently still she screamed it pain. Bending her over fast and keeping the mare between herself and the other guard she bent her over and kneed her hard resulting in a sick thudding sound and a vomiting mare on the ground.

At first the stallion backed off a bit then changed his mind and slowly reached for his sword but Shadow was quicker closing the distance and putting her hand over the pommel keeping it trapped while kneeing him between the legs leaving him crumpled on the ground holding his jewels gurgling in pain.

As Shadow turned to go back to the inn and began to walk the crowd parted like water before her in silence. Well, they would be coming for her but she had taken out two of four local guards. Unless they brought that group of vacationers into it their odds were not good. Picking up her pace Shadow decided to gather her things and check out a week early, this was not a vacation, a vacation would be spending two weeks in the cavern gardens all to herself not this.

Lilac greeted her with a smile when she entered with a brisk step and informed her she was checking out early and would be back down shortly with the room key. Lilac went to ask why but Shadow just called back she had to get back on the road earlier than she thought. In truth she was more worried about Valkardian, he had left a crystal to get his attention if she were in trouble and right now she needed it.

Entering her room quickly and gathering up everything she had left out Shadow began to stuff her bags and prepare to make a hasty exit. Maybe she would leave the keys on the bed, just yell down the hall and go out the window or was she being paranoid? True, she had just beaten the hell out of two guards and most likely left one with a little internal injury but her instinct said she needed to get out right now while she could. Stuffing things into bags faster and faster and slinging her backpack on she almost reached the door when it flew open and a small mob of guards carrying spears and swords burst into the room.

Letting out a grumble of a sight Shadow eyed them down, they were the other vacationers drafted up quickly and armed and as it stood... Well she knew that the first two would die but the rest would get her, there was no way out of this one and with the window closed... Shadow dropped the bag she was holding and snarled at them. Even if they locked her up there was one promise she remembered: That if she did not make the recall Valkardian would come after her. She pittied the poor bastards who stood before her.

Chapter 20

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Shouting and screaming they circled her some eagerly others with a degree of trepidation. A myriad of commands and orders were being bellowed "put your hands up, dont move, drop your weapons" and many other contradictions. Their spears were aimed at her belly and the shouting continued as Shadow quietly watched them and cursed herself for taking too long to get out and more than anything for not opening the window FIRST so she would of had a second escape route open just in case. "Live and learn" was all that came to mind as pairs of arms reached out and grabbed her harshly and dragged her from the room and into the hallway.

Well, it would take at least another week and two days before Valkardian even noticed her failure to show and in that time where would she be? How long would it take him to find her and get her out or would he? Would he just leave her to rot in a cell till hell froze over or would he come with all due haste to rescue her from whatever deep dungeon they would stick her in? Whatever fate awaited her she would not make it easy on them. They disgusted her. Revolting, peasant minded rodents. Now she was thinking like him.

A crowd had gathered outside the inn as they carted her off to heavens only knew where but mostly likely it was the local jail assuming they even had one as most tiny places like this did not, that much she did know. Maybe they would throw her in a closet then lock and bar the door? Hm... Probably interrogate her first. That might be amusing.

Lilac and Raspberry had been there watching with mouths agape at Shadows passing through the crowd with a small army of some fourteen guards and soldiers carrying her away. Amateurs. They did not even cuff her or shackle her not that it would do her any good with a few pegasi and unicorn present. The odds were still against her and while her mind had struggled with the concept of killing fellow ponies if she even considered them such anymore wore on but not in their favor.

Arrogance. That had caused this. Too much arrogance in thinking they would not react this fast when the alarm had already been raised. Oh well, it no longer mattered as they had already taken her into a small building and down some steps and tossed her into the only cell in the place quickly locking the door behind them and leaving two guards to watch her. Shadow gave them a fanged smile which made one start twitching. Two guards just for her in case she tore the bars down, how touching.

Above voices informed her that they were tearing her belongings apart and probably looting them a bit. A cry of pain sounded not long after accompanied by a stampede of hooves and the sound of magic going off. Voices rose up in anger before being calmed down and the riffling continued but with a great deal more care by the sound of it. What had they gotten into that got one of them? Had Valkardian put a protective spell on some of her belongings to keep out prying eyes? With any luck one of the idiots would trigger a warning system if there was one that would alert him sooner than later.

One thing they had failed to do before tossing her in was to search her person at all. Amulet, time crystal, money pouch, it all remained at her side in their rush to incarcerate her. Damnable fools but it would work in her favor yet if she could just take out the two guards then gather her things and slip off into the woods. That was assuming they did not lock anything up including her emergency crystal for making a fast warp out of here to safety. Maybe the idiots would drop it and break it...

The longer she thought about the possibilities the angrier she became with her internment. Anger welled up till she was gripping the bars staring down the two guards and even hissed at them which resulted in a startled jump. One of them approached the bars carefully and smacked them with her spear sending a loud clang out. "Off the bars and stand back or else!"

"Or else what?!"

There was no reply except for her to go upstairs for a minute and exchange words with whoever was in charge Shadow assumed before returning with two more guards to keep watch. It had not helped her odds of escape but the situation was more funny than serious now but Shadow also knew this game was going against her quickly.

It was a long while after the riffling and hushed whispers stopped before three more came down. Leading the way was a tall unicorn mare with an orange coat and amber mane dressed in street clothes. Must be an officer on vacation were her thoughts as they studied the mare carefully as she entered the room and approached, standing a few feet away from the bars studying Shadow carefully before speaking.

"Do you know why you are here?"

"Two guards attacked me and I kicked their flanks for it."

The mare did not like this response judging from her ears laying back slightly. "No you assaulted two guards after refusing to answer their questions and disarm."

Shadow sneered at her and let out a small laugh. "Already made up your minds have you? So why ARE you here then? Gloat?"

"No. You are officially charged with crimes against Equestria and will be sent off to the closest city for trial. After conviction you will probably serve several years and be put through rehabilitation before being released. We know you have been gone from Equestria for some time and it has tainted your mind. Shame, put the authorities will be there to help you re-adjust and if you allow them to help you, your life will hopefully return to normal."

Rehabilitate? Normal? Re-adjust? It hit her like a sledgehammer. Shadow thought she was being arrogant earlier but this mare was out of her flipping mind and not only that had said all this with absolute conviction and even sadness in her voice. This one had really swallowed the pill.

"Laying it on rather thick are you? Did it ever occur to you now or ever that you haven't the right to stop me in the first place when I was minding my own business? Who ever gave you the authority to harass ponies on the street? Kick them from their homes?"

Shaking her head the orange mare let out a sigh and looked at her with eyes filled with pity. A look which made Shadows blood boil in anger. "Celestia."

*Thbpthhh* "Oh please, as if she knows best how I should live my life or anypony elses."

"I pity you. Life must have been very hard if you see things that way. However, I have questions and you have the answers..." Beckoning one of the other guards held out a tray with some items on them. "First, what are these..."

Shadow refused to answer their questions for the most part, lied the rest of the time and while she could tell the officer knew she was lying there was little she could do about it. That they refused to touch some items what so ever not even with magic gave Shadow a hint as to which items were magically protected against unwanted hands. One of them was the warp crystal she would need to get back.

"Care to explain your sword and dagger?"

"They are mine."

"I meant would you explain why none of us can draw them or will you lie about that as well?" Her eyes narrowed slightly as she waited on Shadow to answer.

"Not really, they are mine and have been. Maybe they just dont like you." It was a true enough answer, she really had no clue other than hypothesize that Valkardian had warded them and that meant only Shadow or he could draw them. What was so special about the weapons then? Why would he go to such lengths to keep these two weapons out of the hands of others? What properties did they have that made them such a guarded secret?

Simply nodding at her response the guard ushered the others away before holding up a piece of paper. "Do you have any idea what this might say?"

"I dont give a damn for mind games so spit it out already." Shadow snapped at her and the other guards sneered and glared at her outburst.

"A list of information on you. It will take a few days before we get a response from Canterlot about who you really ARE... Miss... Ruby? Or is it Shadow? Perhaps another name? At any rate you really dont get out and about much... Only visiting the bakery, book store and the inn. Made it very easy to gather some information about you and your... Purchases..."

She knew where this was going already.

"So tell me, where is that black book and the newspaper? I know you were informed about the public notice, you must understand such slander can not be allowed. It is your duty as an Equestrian to help us and maintain the peace and harmony of Equestria."

A thought suddenly popped into her mind "On who's order was the recall given for the book's and papers?"

Stopping for a minute the mare mulled it over. "By order of his Lordship Silver Chalice. Now where are they? I assume they are in one of those bags or pouches we have that no pony can open... Yes?"

Shadow smiled inside, damnable, honest fools. "Your right, they are locked inside and I refuse to open them so you can steal my property like you have the rest. Why didn't Celestia order the recall?"

Answering a question with another question quickly in the hopes they will blurt out more information. "It is not my place to question my superiors, only obey the orders given. Very well, this will be locked away with the rest and no, nothing of yours is being stolen. Everything will be help in lockup until it can be examined to make certain it is not dangerous to ponies. Your weapons will most certainly not be given back now or ever, they will probably wind up in Canterlot to be studied. Most likely all you will get back after your rehabilitation will be your clothes at this rate..."

"What is your rank and designation?"

"Captain Sharptip, Equestrian Guard." Her eyes darted to Shadow quickly and narrowed, she had just figured out the game and it was up.

"Strange you would know so much about prisoner handling for a soldier..."

"We all pull many duties and I once served as a warden before requesting a transfer. Fortunately for you it was granted and I was here on vacation with some fellow guards so we could stop you before any further outbursts. Count yourself lucky."

"Yessss, sooo lucky indeed." Shadow rattled the bars a little.

Sharptip shook her head again turning and leaving the room. "You will probably be transferred from here in a day or two someplace more secure where a psychiatrist can speak with you and determine your mental stability which I see as very lacking. I suggest you stay calm and quiet for the duration of your stay." She waved her hand dismissively while heading up the stairs and out of sight leaving Shadow to snarl at her four guards.


"I have no intention of waiting around here let alone allowing the bastards to send me to a shrink for defending myself or reading a book!" Violent thoughts coursed through her mind as anger pumped in her veins. The guards were doing a good job rotating and not falling asleep on duty which meant it would be a violent battle to get out but Shadow was certain she could take two or three of them down quickly.

So what was the plan? All that remained was a coin pouch, amulet, crystal clock and other useless items. Did the amulet make her strong enough to bend the bars? Trying would only result in more arriving and that would compound her problems. Below ground too so no way to just bust out and with stone walls and ceiling it would take a lot of magic she did not have.

The night wore on as she lay on her bunk facing away from the guards mulling over her limited, suicidal plans of escape. Two days and they would have her transferred. Maybe escape during transfer? Possibly and most likely with better odds and most likely her equipment would be going with her anyway. Well it was try and escape or wait another week for Valkardian to begin his search, maybe the amulet allowed him to track her? Shadow hoped it too was protected so nopony could remove it from her.

A slight pang of fear made its way through her. Fear of not knowing what would happen next and no longer being in control of her own life again while others dictated to her. It was a fear she had known that first day she met him but had quickly faded away and now was rearing its ugly head threatening to overtake her. Calming down again and forcing the emotions away only left her to grumble to herself about the situation again. Rolling over and glaring daggers at the guards she wondered what Valkardian would do to them anyway, how far would he go to get her back if at all?

Time passed and the guards rotated. Checking her clock discretely it was around three in the morning now which made Shadow feel more and more depressed with the situation. Maybe she should have acted differently. Actually she should have just stayed away and never gotten involved in the local politics. That is what landed her here, the guards could have cared less about her arms or presence. It was when she started to ask questions and "stir up trouble" that they came for her and forced an issue.

Yes, it was the fault of that greasy little toad. He was the one who started this whole mess and thoughts of revenge pounded away at her mind. Revenge for herself but revenge for those who's lives he was tearing apart to make himself wealthier while trying to appear a local hero by lining the right pockets. What was his name?

"Hey, you! Whats the name of the local banker? If I am being carted off I want my bits he is holding to remain safe! I wont have you bastards nicking my money!" Not the best wording but enough to throw them off hopefully.

A stallion sitting at one of the tables looked over "Goldbit. If you have business with him you can have a quill, ink and paper. We will deliver it for you."

Feining disgust Shadow rolled back over but smiled to herself. With a name she could hunt him down whenever she got loose and right now she was praying to break free before Valkardian came for her.


A thumping sound woke Shadow from her haze. Rolling back over the four guards were splayed out on the floor or where they sat. One slowly slipped out of her seat and flopped to the floor and lay unmoving. Bolting to her feat and rushing to the bars she tried to reach the closest pony to drag them closer hoping they had something useful on them but could not quite reach. Whoever or whatever knocked them all out cold was coming for her next if the soft hoofsteps above were any indicator.

Who would magically knock out the guards and come for her that was a pony? Valkardian had the power to pull this off but he could not have known so who else would take interest? Maybe they had interest in her things and were taking advantage of the situation? She was going to find out as the door that lead below opened and the sound of hoofsteps grew louder.

A tall unicorn stallion came down the steps and approached her cage slowly. Shadow backed away from the bars slightly not certain what to do now as they quietly eyed each other. His eyes studied her closely then the guards before turning back and holding up one of her bags. So he was a thief looking to make off with her unique items. She recognized him in a second as the fisherpony.

"Touch my things and you will get more than your bargained for! Now are you here to just steal my things or let me out?"

His eyes locked onto her own making her feel rather small for a minute. "Hmm... Why should I free you... Letting you out might distract the locals but leaving you here might be more beneficial, you being such a trouble maker and all."

"Leave me here and I will give them your description! You'll rot in prison with me!"

"Maybe." His horn glowed "Then again a good dose of amnesia spell will solve that little problem"

Fighting battles against a clear enemy was one thing but this was something Shadow had never prepared for. The trog's were a clear enemy who she could reach out and kill without a need for thought but this stallion was something else entirely. He was going to just wipe her brain clean and leave her here to rot and nothing in all the world would stop him. But maybe...

Grabbing her amulet Shadow held it up a little "You will find this will stop you from doing just that and you nor anypony else can take it off be. Fire away but it wont do you any good." A desperate gamble to be certain but it was all she had to go on. Relying on a hunch from when Valkardian had her take it off to cast a sleep spell on her gave her some hope this amulet protected against a whole lot more than a simple sleep spell.

Instead of retorting the stallion began to chuckle softly and smile ever so slightly. Shadow knew that laugh and smile anywhere. "Valkardian..." He nodded slowly in response. "So you have been spying on me ever since you let me loose here. Why?"

"Actually Shadow I have not spied on you at all, we are actually both on vacation. I like to take some time off now and then to see the world above and how it has changed though this time I decided to spend it fishing. Your little "conversation" at the beach was quite amusing but this..." Gesturing to the prison and grabbing the bars. "This Shadow is going above and beyond causing mischief and being greatly entertaining."

"Glad you find my imprisonment so funny."

Smiling at her he backed away from the bars making her worry that he might leave her behind. "Tell me then, should I release you... What will you do?" His eyes narrowed judging her expression and words with great scrutiny.

"I will grab my things, store them in the wood then go hunting. Pony hunting."

"Mmm... Really? Pony hunting? For which ones? These?" He kicked one of the guards gently.

"No. For one pony. The one causing the suffering around here. Goldbit."

"I see. Vengence perhaps? He is after all the one who helped in getting you locked up and yes I have done my own investigating."

"Yes, to sate my own vengeance but also for those he has wronged."

"Will it make a difference?"

"No. They will hate me and despise me for it but at least there will be some justice done." She could not see it but his smile grew.

"So why bother then? We could go right now and no one will be none the wiser for it except your pride. Besides if you kill him wont you be damned to the Underworld forever?"

"You make it sound like you are offering your slave freedom."

"Who knows?"

"Let me be damned then but I will be damned for having done what right."

Valkardian laughed openly at this which made Shadow's face flush with indignation. "Very well then. You damn yourself just as I did long ago." Holding up some keys he inserted one and turned it unlocking the door. "You are free then little Shadow. Your weapons wait above but I will take the rest and wait for you near the guard-tower.

"You know I expected you to rip the bars off or melt them into the floor..."

"Hah! No, that would be pointless and illogical since I took the keys off one of the guards. Only an overstuffed, flashy peacock of a wizard would waste their time doing anything less." Valkardian walked off and headed upstairs with Shadow in tow.

Grabbing her weapons and re-arming herself quickly she watched as he took the rest of the bags and walked out into the darkness beyond. "Goldbit lives in the mansion on the South East side of town." With that he was gone into the darkness.

Out the door and flying into the chill night air Shadow scanned for the mansion and found it very quickly and the guard tower in the distance. Why Valkardian would choose that as the gathering point she had no idea but it did not matter, all that mattered was getting inside that mansion and visiting her victim one last time.


Getting in was easy. No guards nor alarms of any kind and the windows on the upper level were even open slightly. "Arrogant little bastard." Slipping inside a window and looking around there was nothing in sight except expensive artworks and displays lining the hall. Maybe she should go back out and look through the windows till she found him? No, he might see her if he was awake, best to find the door first.

The layout was elementary at best with the main hall leading straight down and left to a massive ornate door. While nowhere near as grand as the doors she was used to it must have been very expensive none the less. Peeking through the keyhole a vast bedroom stretched out revealing a grand canopied bed at the far end. Plush carpet covered the floor leading to it and gently taking the handle and turning it slowly it unhitched and opened silently.

Slipping inside but leaving the door slightly ajar in case she had to make a run for it (the window outside was left fully open just in case) Shadow made her way quietly towards the bed dagger drawn. It had a dull, dangerous glow to it as if sensing what was about to happen as she stalked forward to the bed, it was the correct bed too judging from the smell. The room was decorated lavishly with only the most expensive paintings and busts including one of the toad in question. "An egotist" she thought. He could probably ransom the town away a few times over with just what was in this one room yet he kept clawing at more and more.

A loud snore made her freeze for a minute before continuing her approach in eerie silence. While it was near pitch black to most ponies the room was lit well enough that she could read with her glowing slitted eyes. Two forms lay in the bed. Husband and wife both looking one much like the other; fat and grotesque. So he was married, maybe he had children... Did it matter? No. All the more reason to cull them now and stop them from bringing any more miserable creatures into the world to walk in their parents hoofsteps.

Which to kill first? Goldbit. Absolutely kill him first as he was the reason for all of this misery. She wanted him to see her eyes though, to know his killer as the blade cut his bulbous throat open. Taking a cloth from the bedside table and layering it upon itself a bit Shadow stood slowly and prepared to make her fatal blow.

Slapping the cloth over his muzzle quickly to stop any attempt at screaming while drawing the dagger to his throat, eyes snapping open in alarm and looking up into a pair of glowing eyes. Had he been able to see in the dark a wide grin had formed on her face as the dagger drew across his throat in one swift, sharp motion. Gurgling on his own blood Goldbit thrashed for a moment before going still his eyes still locked on her own and left permanately open with fear burned into the lifeless orbs.

Slipping around the bed and approaching the mare she repeated the process quickly enough but this time did not bother to look the victim in the eyes. This one was also necessity but not a personal kill. When and how had Shadow begun to think and act this way she had no idea but there was one thing she did know: Tonight felt good.


Getting away was no issue at all and getting to the guard tower took less than a minute flying quickly leaving the mansion with its gory remnants behind. She could only imagine the hell her actions would cause and never again could Shadow show her face in the light of day in the world above now. Forever damned to hide in the darkness like Valkardian but not one fiber of her being said it was wrong but instead left a happy tingling sensation.

The tower was deserted which most certainly was Valkardians doing. He was waiting quietly at its base with two passed out guards at his feet once again in his original form. "So you are done then?"




..."Did you enjoy it?"

The smirk on his face told her he already knew the answer to the question but he wanted to hear her say it anyway.

"Yes. It felt good. Very good. Probably one of the better things I have done in my life even if not one pony will ever believe me and if they get their hands on me I swill probably hang for it." Her eyes were locked onto his own with an intensity that burned bright.

A large smile was what she got in return. "Very good, it is time for us to be off. While our vacation here has been cut short I still intend to enjoy the rest of my time and I did promise you two weeks. Lets go." Beckoning her over Shadow approached as he led her off to a little clearing where bags were laid out including his own she guessed. He traveled very lightly compared to her.

"So I still have another week of vacation time then?"

"Indeed you do Shadow, however after tonight I think I am going to extend it a bit." He patted her shoulder as they stood facing each other and his magic began to build up, fingers weaving a spell.

As a flash of light took them away from the surface Shadow pondered something that had made her jump slightly: never before had he ever touched her or at least never outside of training. Valkardian was smiling and had patted her on the shoulder and she could not bring herself to object to his touch.

Chapter 21

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He led Shadow down the hall towards his private study thinking about where they would be going next and considering what she had done staying even one week let alone two in Equestria was out of the question. So where to go that would be quiet enough and allow him to keep an eye on her that would also provide a nice diversion for himself... Asia? Saddle Arabia? Zebrica? Somewhere far, far away from Equestria and the hornets nest that had been kicked up.

Glancing down at her as she quietly walked beside him the events of the night came back quickly causing a grin to grace his severe face. Shadow had gone from just another annoying pony to a true Thestral like her ancestors. Calm, collected, vengeful, obstinate, manipulative to a degree and no respect what so ever for rules or authority. She was shaping up nicely and would make her ancestors proud to know that Celestia had not stamped out their deep rooted sense of right and wrong.

Despite warning her that killing the stallion would mean damnation from those above for the rest of her day's Shadow had still taken matters into her own hands and done what she thought was right anyway and damn the consequences. Not only that but she had even silenced any witnesses by killing the stallions wife as a precaution, he knew, he had watched through the eyes of a wraith that had followed her. Just about any life form on the planet would call her a murderer for tonight but to him it was fully justified since there would never be justice otherwise.

Revenge was a powerful thing and a most useful tool to wield and Shadow had done just that. Focused on the one causing the problems not just random bystanders though they probably deserved it just as much, her anger was focused at the root of the problem and the solution implemented perfectly. Still, it was no business of his if the dunces above dug their own graves again.

The best part was his omitting of a crucial detail: No one would remember her come the morning. A little magic went a long way when focused on those who had the most contact with her. Why wipe out the memory of an entire village when only ten or twenty actually mattered? Amnesia was his threat against her in the cell and it was true but not for her. The guards, innkeeper, baker and that captain would only have a fuzzy memory of last night, too much drinking most likely. Shadow did not need to know that however.

Servants bustled up and took their baggage away quickly as they reached his study. Ushering Shadow to a seat he walked around his large desk and took a seat and examined a crystal that had been left for him by a servant. She watched him quietly as his eyes glowed absorbing the details and images within.

Putting it back down he stared at her quietly for a moment. "An interesting turn of events are unfolding. Celestia's recent failure has fanned the flames and now others are already taking measures to dethrone her. One is even preparing an invasion."

Shadow watched as Valkardian leaned back in his plush seat thinking quietly to himself. She had been quite distracted since returning but the information she had sprung back to mind.

"I have some information you might find useful..."

Eyes darting back to her and narrowing Valkardian motioned for her to continue. "In my bag are a small black book and newspaper. I believe whoever seeks to dethrone her is responsible for writing both."

"Which of your bags?" A moment after telling him his hand moved and the bag was teleported directly into his hand and handing it over she began to riffle out the items required. It also answered another question, he did indeed have something planted on everything to track it. Pulling out the paper and book she handed them back and waited while he flipping through the book quickly.

"I already know about the paper, you can keep that... This book though is quite interesting. It does not match the philosophy of those I suspect would be looking to dethrone her at home no less... Does point directly to another though... Is this all?"

"No, I questioned the captain who captured me... She said that the one who ordered the recall of the papers was a Lord Silver Chalice. Celestia did not recall anything nor the book, it was only the Captain who wanted it. I found that strange."

"You questioned a captain of the equestrian guard? While her prisoner no less and got answers?"

"Yes, I used the methods you taught me. About ponies being hopelessly honest and truthful if you get them talking fast enough?"

"I am well aware what I have taught you. WHY did you do it though? None of this is your concern down here." His hand gestured around the room though she knew it held larger implications.

"Curiosity. I just wanted to know and thought it might be useful to know what was going on and who was behind it. Also my family lives on the surface..."

"Ah yes, them... Good. Knowledge is power. Now then about our vacation."

He was an airhead, Valkardian had completely forgotten about her family. Most likely her letter's were written onto a schedule somewhere so he would not forget. Still she had to admit the curiosity of who these foreign powers were intrigued her.

"Valkardian? Who or what is the foreign power you talked about?"

The question snapped him back to reality again stopping him from rifling through maps. "Not a what but a who, a him in this case. Celestia a long time ago failed horribly to heed one of my warnings and allowed an enemy to go free. Exiled, but free. Long story short he vowed revenge, took his supporters with him and started to build up a little empire overseas waiting on the chance to return. A very arrogant, pompous ass of a creature. Still holds an iron grip on the ancient medieval ways only... Warped. Very warped and twisted."

"I do believe he is utterly insane but keeps it to himself. Cant remember his name anymore, probably in one of the books in the library if you look it up. Anyway! They have remained quiet for over a millenia trying to eek out a living in their new "home" and barely surviving. Now that Celestia's hold is loosening they are building a fleet of ships to come back with. Probably plans to reclaim ancient lands long lost and put himself back into power."

"In about six months they will probably have enough ships to move his forces back and launch an invasion and if your little information gathering operation is any indication... He has a great number of supporters here in Equestria now."

Valkardian stopped and walked over to Shadow and leaned down towards her looking straight into her eyes. "Never forget there are ancient, terrible powers on the loose in the world. Powers and people who have survived horrible things, impossible things and with impossible powers. I am just one of them, Celestia and Luna are two others though they are quiet recent compared to the rest of us. He on the other hand is recent but well schooled by harsh reality and personal ambition. That is why he still lived as flesh and blood instead of being six feet under like so many others. Sometimes your greatest enemy comes with an open hand and a smile on their face hiding the poisoned dagger hidden behind the facade."

Leaning back and watching her face quietly he sighed slowly and went back to his search. "I suspect that within the year Equestria will be embroiled in a civil war or worse and that does not please me."

"They are rocking the boat and disturbing your status quo. Right?" Shadow piped up.

"Yes. However if Celestia can destroy them on her own I will not lift a finger and let matters be. I most certainly will not come to her aid so long as she still sits on the throne."

"Wait. What?"

Grumbling he sat down with a whump and dropped a pile of maps out and began to organize them. "Consider my history. If I were to march to Celestia's aid she is so altruistic and virtuous that she would attack ME while the REAL enemy beat down the door! No. Whatever happens, happens. Que sera sera. Should she fall to them I will allow them time to solidify their power and reveal all the enemies I need to kill and then I will march on them. To do otherwise would only make matters worse for me and I refuse to play that game of push and shove."

Glaring across the table at her a fist thudded down on the pile of papers. "If that arrogant bitch is unwilling to see the truth she will suffer for it. This is something I have been preparing and planning for... Lets just say a very... Long time and leave it at that."

Pushing some papers to her Shadow began to look over them. Maps of the various continents in full detail as if taken from a birds eye view and better than any map she had ever seen above. A lot of time had been spent drawing these maps up in such detail. "So... Ships?"

Valkardian let out a huff. "You want to know every detail of what is going to happen and you refuse to focus on your vacation until you have them then?"


"I will only answer this one then you will focus on your decision. It will take them about four months to make enough ships to move half their forces. Ships take a specific amount of time to make correctly thus I can hazard such an estimate. Two months will give them time to move their forces in two waves so long as those sympathetic to their cause keep anyone from finding out. The number of ships being made leads me to that conclussion, the number they would require to move them all at once would mean waiting a year since their resources are so limited. Now, if someone in Equestria were to take them supplies..."

Shadow simply nodded and looked back to the map. Was he letting her pick a vacation spot or would he put in his own two bits worth? "What about this place here? Whats it like?"

Leaning over and examining where she was pointing he hummed. "Saddle Arabian coast... Mediterranean climate in this region here... Turns into blasted wasteland beyond that line rather quickly though. Now. Over here..."


According to her crystal it had taken more than six hours to come to a decision not that he had tried to persuade her one way or another. Zebrica was just too... Dry. Flat. Now there were some really nice dense jungles that joined in but the idea of a vacation involving killing waves of giant mosquito's while sweating buckets was not appealing. The Savannah sounded nice except that if you could not outrun or kill the critters that lived there well... That left Saddle Arabia and the adjoining areas along a great inland sea. While hotter than tartarus is was by far the safest choice for relaxation.

Thus it had been decided they would spend two weeks along the coast all expenses paid by Valkardian's immense hoard. Shadow had to admit the coastal region sounded really nice in some areas with vibrant life, date, palm, olive and vineyards that stretched out over the landscape. Strange though that just crossing some rough terrain meant the difference between lush and vibrant coast and what Valkardian called a "burning nuclear wasteland." Two weeks to see it all though or at least as much as she could. Small schooners and reed craft bustled up and down the river ways so getting around would not be a problem.

There was one catch though: different clothing was a must. Not certain as to what effect the burning sun would have on her Valkardian had suggested she bring the bare basics of pants and shirts then sort it out when they got there which meant visiting some stores on arrival. This prospect excited her greatly seeing as she had never once thought about exploring overseas! Even if the trip had a rough start it sounded exciting all the same and after listening to him give a rough description of the architecture, food, culture and clothing Shadow as eager to be off.

How would they get there was a question. Maybe he had a portal hidden away overseas and judging by the number of maps he had and the little marks on them she guessed that those marks were portals. The planet was honeycombed with them granting him access to any continent on a whim and direct access to the largest cities no less. Not all of the cities still existed however according to him when she had inquired about one of them on the map. How old were these maps? Would the city still be there when they arrived?

A quick bath and sleep would help quiet such worries but there was one fear that would not go away: her family. An invasion was coming. Of that there was no doubt now, the gears were in motion and war was on the horizon and when it reached Equestria's shores her family would be above and probably dragged kicking and screaming into it one way or another. Could she make a plea with Valkardian to spare her family and allow her to spirit them away to safety? Maybe warn them in advance? What could she do other than just let fate take them away from her in the rapid course of events soon to come? Sliding into bed after making certain he was not there Shadow laid her head on a fluffy pillow and sank into the soft mattress, unable to quiet her giddy anticipation of a vacation overseas nor her fear for her family.


How long had it been since he had used these control crystals? Dusting the box off and coughing as the air filled with choking dust Valkardian passed it off to a servant and looked around his crystal vault. How many portals were there again? It had been so long... And soon he might be pulling down one box after another from one of the special vaults for an entirely different reason.

Meandering down the hallway thinking quietly about what to bring his mind drifted back to Shadow. War was coming and her family would be caught up in it sooner or later should Celestia fail to nip this problem in the bud and judging by what he already knew combined with Shadow's input it would appear the die was already cast.

"Alea, Iacta, Est." The words echoed quietly in the hallway. Soon they would be in Saddle Arabia and after two weeks return where Shadow would continue her training. His status quo was being disturbed and if events unfolded as he thought they would then it would be for the best if Shadow was made ready for her role in things. Such an inquisitive and curious mind was not to be wasted and she had proven to be the inheritor of a killer instinct.

With some honing and additional training it would not be hard to make this little bat cast aside the last of that disgusting "pony" and replace it with stronger stuff. Six months to a year was plenty of time to drill her and make her into a create of stone and steel. She even seemed to enjoy it if given the chance thought he doubted she would admit it openly. One thing that would have to be addressed though was her self doubt. It irked him to no end she did not trust in her training enough to take down that rabble of poorly armed guards and soldiers. He would remedy that when they got back.


*Poke, poke, poke* Shadow snapped awake and was about to tell the servant to buzz off before her eyes widened and she sat up in bed quickly. Valkardian was hovering over her with a staff in his hand poking her.

"I'm awake! Are we leaving already?"

"Yes of course, it does not take nearly as long as you think to activate a portal... My servants are quite efficient."

Climbing out of bed Shadow rushed behind a blind and began to dress rapidly while Valkardian left the clicking sound of his staff on the stone floor fading away in the distance. A servant waited outside with a single backpack loaded with cloths while her other bag was folded up and stuffed inside. She had emptied it out and folded it up figuring that its massive interior would be perfect for carrying whatever souvenirs she came across. Maybe Valkardian would allow her to box some of them up and send them to her family?

Racing down the hallway and readjusting her sword belt it remained a point of interest he was leaving her armed after what had happened but then again events were strange. Rounding the bend and passing more servants Valkardian stood by an active portal quietly, his own bag slung on his back, staff in hand while the other held... Botas?

"You will need to keep at least three of these on you at all time and full, the heat will dry you up quickly and death by dehydration is not pleasant or so I have been told."

She accepted her three and slung them quickly before looking him over again. Once more wrapped in the illusion of a stallion had he walked down a street in Equestria not one pony would have batted an eye. Knowing him that staff was probably more than just a simple staff but whatever secret it held if any was his and his alone. Beckoning her through the portal Shadow eagerly stepped through and into another room. Moments later he was behind her while Servants shut the portal down and keeping pace with him they emerged into a hallway which led into an underground building.

"How many portals do you have and how many of these fortresses are there?" Shadow asked with curiosity but his pace never slowed.

"I can go anywhere I wish whenever I want. Not as many fortresses however, more a precaution. Just in case someone (he glanced back at her) gets past the defenses or causes a ruckus."

They stopped in an empty chamber and stood inside a circle of runes that began to glow when he started to speak strange words. Soon the entire room glowed brightly and when the light faded both were standing amongst some trees under the blistering sun. "The portal must be very, very deep if it takes all that to get us up here..."

"Some are." With his quick retort done he was off again pushing through some brush and stepped out onto a road. Focusing for a minute Valkardian turned sharply to the right and started to walk down the winding dusty road.

Looking at the scenery around her Shadow was struck by its strange beauty. Palms and short, odd shaped trees grew all around and the sound of water could be just made out in the distance and not just a small body of water but the crashing of waves. One thing that disturbed her though was the heat. A very dry heat sucked the moisture right out of her making Shadow begin sweating and the burning sun made her wish they would get to wherever they were going a little quicker.

Prayers were answered not long after when a small caravan of ponies and zebra's passed them going the other way. Valkardian asked them how far and seemingly satisfied with the response he picked up the pace. The small forest gave way to fields of vines on one side and olives on the other that stretched out towards a great walled city. It was unlike anything she had ever seen with its dusty stone walls and towers that held brightly colored banners swaying in the wind.

The ponies that worked the fields were similar to Equestrians but also quite different with long muzzles and their build was strange to her eyes. They paid no mind to them despite her constant staring as they passed but once in a while a head would turn at her and eyebrows would raise before they went back to work or continued to walk down the road. It was the zebra's she passed that got her attention the most.

Though few compared to the rest of the locals their height, strong build and stripes made her gape at them. Jewelry was a favorite of the zebra's too she gathered judging by their heavy use of bronze jewelry and some gold that adorned their necks, ears and arms. Valkardian had to stop at one point to call her name because of her gaping at one group that was particularly well adorned with fancy bronze jewelry. It was a little embarrassing she had to admit when the staring had become mutual between the parties resulting in chuckling on their part before she hurried off.

"If it is this easy to distact you I wonder how you will act when you see what's running around inside the walls." He watched her for a minute before continuing on.

Guards stood outside the gates with spears and adorned in light, airy dust covered uniforms that covered their muzzles and most of the body protecting them from the sun. Valkardian just ignored them as he walked inside and a few watched her quietly before going back to talking quietly amongst themselves or checking the occasional hand drawn cart. If Shadow thought the fields and ponies outside were interesting what she now beheld left her awestruck.

A wide cobblestone road ran the length of the city and was packed with Arabians and zebras of all sizes, colors and shades. Brick and stone building soared up on both sides of the road offering cool shade from the sun as signs hung down emblazoned with strange symbols and undecipherable script's. Bright yellows, red, blue and a myriad of other colored cloth's stretched out on poles covering those dining and drinking while servers bustled to and fro amongst the tables. The air was heady with the smell of incense and spices that swirled and mixed together leaving her mouth to water while musicians played strange instruments and flutes that left a strange mysterious tune floating through the air.

Again Valkardian had to stop and just wait on her as Shadow was left stunned by the packed street and its vendors. She hardly noticed him leading her on to a less crowded area where he simply snapped his fingers in front of her nose and pointed up. Reaching into the sky magnificent buildings with ornate carvings and brightly painted brick rose around them. Spirals and towers soared upwards, their ornate patterns telling stories or holding visages of stylized animals.

Unlike Canterlot with its white washed buildings and towers this was truly a world apart. Here they preferred color and design. Perhaps this was where Valkardian got his ideas from when making his home, they bore a strong resemblance in some ways; a kind of mixture of two architectural types.

No longer stupefied by her surroundings they walked together towards a two story building and went inside. An ornate rug was thrown on the floor while tables and cushions lined the walls with a few takers. She recognized what the place was instantly: an inn or hotel.

Speaking with the Arabian at the counter and arguing for a minute Valkardian handed over a handful of coins and beckoned Shadow over. Calling out in that strange language the locals used a young stallion hustled over and relieved them of their bags and taking a key from the older one headed up a flight of stairs. Following them up to the second floor he took off down the hall and stopped in front of a door and putting the bags down unlocked it and ushered them inside.

She had to admit that when Valkardian went on vacation he preferred to do it in style. Her own room had been one of the finest and this room was no exception. In fact it was grander that the other with a huge bed with a fine silken net hanging around it, plush cushions set around a low table, balcony and adjoining rooms. He accepted the key and tipped the porter before asking some questions and after nodding the young stallion left and closed the door behind him.

Returning to her he stood there and looked around the room for a minute with her before checking the adjoining rooms. "Nice place wouldn't you agree? The only room they had though so only the one bed but there is a private toilet there... And a bathing room over there. They also have room service but I think you would rather wander the bazaar than sit around here... Yes?"

Shadow stared at him and nodded furiously with a large grin plastered across her face and eagerly followed him out of the room. There would be plenty of time to explore the contents of the suite later but right now she wanted to see what awaited her in the world beyond these doors.

Chapter 22

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As they walked the streets seemed to be less crowded than before. Looking around more and more seemed to be slipping away down alleys or into the various stores that Valkardian had said were selling tea, coffee or other cool drinks. With this came a warning that if she wandered off to avoid the opium den's with their white misty air hanging heavily in the rooms.

"Why are they all leaving? Is the bazaar and shops closing down for the day?" Concern marked her voice as various merchants were closing up their stands one by one while customers wandered away. Skirting around the bazaar he led her towards a cluster of buildings that lined the eastern street adorned with brightly colored signs.

"If one is wise they pack up for the hottest part of the day and wait until it cools. It would be most unwise to give yourself heatstroke just to sell one more pot. Heed this lesson well Shadow, there are times of the day best spent indoors."

"So they will open up again later?"

"Most will. Do not worry we will be spending a few days here before going down the coast then up the great river. If you are that worried about it though..."

Stepping left quickly and slipping around various Arabians and zebra's Valkardian walked up to a line of stalls that were still open and the merchants were showing no sign of closing up just yet. Shadow looked up and down the line of tables and blankets thrown out on the ground displaying a wide variety of items from pots and pans to necklaces and other jewelry.

"Avoid the jewelry here... Looks rather... Cheap. Should be some other's around here tomorrow that will be selling plenty of better pieces to choose from." He gestured down the row to her and stepped back a little "have fun."

Most of what was being sold held little to no interest to her. Scanning down the row a tall zebra mare was sitting on a mat with a wide variety of pots, bowls and cups laid out. Wandering over and taking a closer look at her wares Shadow had to admit this mare had a little something for everypony. Most was simple and probably for everyday use but some were finely glazed and even decorated quite well.

As Shadow kept looking over the pots the mare picked up one and held it out and started to speak but she had no idea what the words meant. What was clear however was the intent for her to buy something and the mare was trying to impress upon her the quality of the goods as she thumped on the pots and showed their storage capacity. Before she could look for Valkardian to ask for help he was already standing beside her and talking to the mare quietly. They bantered back and for for a minute before they finally stopped.

"I told her I doubt you are looking for cooking or food storage pots and she wants to know if you wish to see her better stock of decorative ones."

Nodding to the mare the zebra scooted back a bit and tugged a box open retrieving several pots that were masterfully crafted and decorated with bright colors, symbols and glazed. Shadow's eyes lit up and the mare just smiled as she passed them forward and even Valkardian took one and began examining.

"How much?" Shadow had taken a great liking to two of the pots and the mare did not need to speak her language to understand her question. Valkardian however took some exception to whatever the mare said and they went back and forth for a bit before he nodded slowly to her and dropped silver and gold coins into the mares waiting hand. Smiling the mare spoke what Shadow assumed to be "have a nice day" before they continued on their way.

"So you bought these for me?"

"Technically I have bought you everything since I am the one who gave you that bag of money to begin with. I wanted this one however so I argued that if we bought all three we should get a better price. Zafi agreed."


"Yes the zebra. Zafi. I asked."

"Oh... So you understand them or is this one of those magical language things?"

"Magical but also a degree of understanding symbology."

"Whats symbology?"

Leading the way onward into the sweet and spicy air of the restaurant packed street Valkardian stopped and pointed to a sign. "There is a good example. Much like ponies the Arabian and Zebrican's use symbols to get points across. Tell me, what is that store there?"

The sign was in that strange script but a clear symbol of a steaming cup was at the top. "Cafe?" Valkardian nodded and pointed to another with a stranger symbol of peppers and a dancing Arabian mare. "Umm..." Looking at him waiting on an explanation he let her mull it over for a minute before answering.

"That Shadow is a restaurant with dancers. Spicy Seduction. We will not be going there."

"So a whore house?" Two words she learned thanks to him but it was a fair question and the idea of such a place crammed into such a crowded place where foals and fillies ran around was unthinkable.

"No. Dancers. Belly dancers. I imagine the whore houses with the ones who do more than just dance are secreted away somewhere other than one of the main streets. Whores are looked down upon deeply here along the coast unless that changed since I was last here..."

"Whats a belly dancer?"

He stopped dead and turned looking Shadow in the eyes. "Remember that skimpy outfit you wore when you first arrived? That is a belly dancers outfit. Now imagine a mare wearing that and doing elaborate dance moves swaying to music and using her hips and "belly" to emphasize the dance. Also your outfit did not have any bells or whistles on it, more stripped down for a... Stripper."

"You had me wear a strippers outfit?"

"It was all I had at the time short of making you wear a bedsheet."

"Can I see them dance?"

"That might cause a riot."


*Sigh* Shadow that place is meant for men not women... Mares. You going in there for anything other than a delivery or dragging out a drunk husband would result in them throwing a fit, the rough equivalent would be you walking in on your parents making babies though still not the same. I hope you get the idea."

"I still want to see them dance. I did not come half way around the world to just pass up seeing something like this especially since I spent several weeks dressed as one!"

*Egh...* "Alright. I have an idea but it will have to wait until tomorrow. Now lets get lunch then find you some clothes."

She had to admit getting some better clothes was a good idea as the sun beat down on their uncovered heads. Her wings stung a little from the burning rays that assaulted her and looking around she noted that most wore robes or cloaks to stay out of the sun. Others wore strange cloth wraps around their heads that covered their ears and muzzles under light wispy cloth. Valkardian when asked called them "turbans" and shawls which were indeed meant to keep the sun off the face, neck and ears. Shadow also noted the ones who seemed to care the least about the sun were the zebra's who went more as "nature intended" preferring to wear enough to keep parts out of sight with the odd exception who wore more.

Perhaps the jewelry and clothing was a sign of status here as much as it was back in Equestria. Such thoughts were banished as they entered a bustling little restaurant and walked to a back wall sitting themselves with their backs to the wall at a small table. Having sat at a table using chairs all her life this sudden change of bending her legs around to sit on the cushions provided was... Different. Valkardian paid it little mind as he stretched out and leaned back against he wall after moving a few cushions around to support his back.

An Arabian stallion hustled over not long after and began to speak. After listening for a minute Valkardian began to sling out questions and the two went back and forth for a bit the plainly dressed serving stallion nodding or shaking his head every now and then. Satisfied with the others response after a minute Valkardian spoke a clear chain of words she assumed was their order and the stallion nodded and headed off quickly.

"So what did you order?"

"You will see. Oh. I should warn you now that the cuisine here is... Alien compared to what you are used too. When they bring the food you will understand but whatever you do..." He leaned towards her. "Do not turn up your nose or cough anything out, be polite and just smile. Do not offend them. We are their guests as much as we are customers. Now the street vendors are another matter but this is a more... "Posh" place to dine run by a family."

A finger extended out and pointed to the back where other servers talked quietly and Shadow quickly gathered just by looking that they were either family or very close friends especially if their similar features were anything to go by. One thing she had learned from him was that with a little quiet observation one could find out just about anything.

Looking back at Valkardian her eyes narrowed. "You asked them didn't you, your bullshitting me."

A small, short laugh escaped him as he sat back with his eyes closed and nodded. "You catch on quickly, better to be sure of whom you are dealing with than to make a mistake. Besides, showing some kindness and curtousy towards the host is good manners compared to being a snobbish bastard who gets their food spat in."

"True enough" she thought as a mare brought a large pitcher and two glasses over setting them down at the table and pouring them a minty smelling tea. Lifting her glass and taking a sip Shadow had to admit she enjoyed the flavor quite a bit and smiled at the mare. She smiled back and left the pitcher at Valkardians request and was on her way while they sat sipping their cool tea. It was refreshing and as Shadow examined her surroundings it made sense now to get inside out of the sun for a while till it cooled off outside.

Quiet, hushed conversations pervaded the large room while the sounds that drifted through the elaborately decorated windows died off as more and more left the streets and sun to find shelter from the pounding rays. One thing Shadow noticed that varied to the extreme from Equestria was that just about every single stallion and mare in the room, even the servants had a weapon of some kind. Most carried a small dagger on their waist either at the side or slung in front with ornate handles and sheaths.

What grabbed her attention was the myriad of sabres that adorned some while others had spears leaned against the wall. "Why does everypony here carry a weapon? Is it that dangerous?"

Valkardian barked out a laugh before shaking his head. "No, it is custom. Those daggers are a sign that they are no longer children but adults while others carry spears and sabres as a sign they are able to protect themselves and intend too. Be wary of the ones who carry only a dagger but are flanked by those carrying arms."

He stopped to look around the room and began to point. "Note the difference in head dress and clothing, in this region how one wears clothing is an indication of where they are from be it tribe, clan or family. Headbands are another symbol and that one there dressed rather plainly? She is a guest of another tribe."

Pointing out a group of zebra's he continued. "That little group are probably merchants, their garb is from the West of here. Remember Zifa who sold us the pots? They are dressed the same. Another sign they are not from here is their weapons, Zifa had a kopesh and they carry weapons not unique to this region. You would only see them in quantity if one traveled a couple of days away from here."

"So I could start a war depending on what I wore?"

"No, maybe... It depends on whom you offend and where. As a foreigner however it would probably only raise eyebrows and nothing more. However... If you dressed like that mare and strutted down the street you would probably have a fight on your hands in moments."

Shadow looked at the one he was pointing at. The Arabian mare was dressed somewhat plainly but with an elaborate sash hanging around her neck that went down to her waist. Whoever she was the mare was important judging from the company that sat around her table keeping a respective distance.

"So what is she?"


"Ah. How hard is it to offend them?"

"Rather hard actually. So long as you stay out of their business and do not insult anyone it is extremely unlikely anyone will take exception. They on the other hand can start a feud in the drop of a hat."

She remembered an important question that had slipped from her after seeing the pottery. "I forgot to ask but can I send any of the things I buy to my family?"


"Well... How?"

"When we get back I will provide you some boxes, just pack whatever you want and after I examine the contents it will be sent off."

"Still dont trust me to not try and warn the world yet?"

"Yet? Are you trying to earn my trust then Shadow? But no. More that I do not care for whatever you send off to arrive in pieces. It would not be polite."

A large platter was brought to their table carried by two servants who knelt down and began to unload the various dishes. There was a myriad of delicasies to choose from including fruits, flat bread and many things she could not readily identify. Smiling at them and thanking them the two servers smiled back and left them alone to their lunch.

Wasting no time Valkardian took a small plate and began to drop various bits and pieces onto it before sitting back and eating. Choosing was not easy for her as the smells that rose up were both enticing and confusing.

"Any suggestions...?"

"Start simple, try the fruit first then have some of the olives and cheese. If you feel up for it..." He leaned forward and pointed to a deep bowl in the center. "Take some of the pita and use it to dip up the hummus there in the center." He sat back after taking a few more items. "It never ceases to amaze me at how they have mixed and matched foods from so many different regions."

"What do you mean?" Shadow had put various fruits on her plate and had begun to eat as she watched him. It never ceased to amaze her that something that lived so deep underground and generally speaking could be called and evil, wrathful bastard could take such delight in simple things like food, wine or travel.

"Where I came from all of this would be spread out over a thousand miles not all jumbled together in one location. Yet through trade they have brought it all together in one large, elaborate and delectable spread for us to enjoy. That is why I started us here not far to the Southwest. This city is a trade hub for this whole region taking the best from all the passing merchants be they from the sea or land."

Shadow could only mumble over her mouth which was crammed with food. It was delicious but also so different. Spiced, roasted vegetables and oils had become her favorite over the hummus while the salty, crumbly cheese was perfect with fruit or the vegetables. Something that took a great deal of getting used too however was using her fingers or that "pita" to grab things with. Valkardian had offered her a fork he had sequestered away somewhere in his robes which made things easier. According to him this was considered "finger food" to the locals so getting dining implements was only possible on request.

"Valkardian... Can I ask you a question?"

"You may. But swallow first."

Gulping down her food sheepishly she leaned forward and began to pluck a few more items from the trays. "If war is coming... What will happen to my family?"

"Be careful of those dates, you have to spit their pit out or you might break your teeth or choke, that or just break them open and remove the pit..." He popped an olive into his mouth and stared at her thoughtfully.

"I do not know yet. I know where they live and considering their isolation nothing but depending on what happens between now and the war breaking loose... Well it depends on how the lines of loyalty are drawn. Logic and instinct tells me Celestia has all but lost the war as it is. Then again if things go well for her... Your family lives far AWAY from the enemies approach, they might just ride it out without incident."

"But what if they dont? What will happen to my family if the lines are drawn differently or something else happens?"

"Anything can happen in war Shadow. Anything. The trick is to be able to bend with the eb and flow of events so they do not break you... I have no answer for you at this time, it is too soon." Grabbing a few more items he glanced over at her. "Do not fret over what is to come. There is no stopping this course of events. Enjoy your vacation and push such things from your mind, worrying will not change your families fate one way or another."

He was right of course, she had to admit that much. No amount of worry would change anything and even if she were to sneak a letter to them somehow it would do them no good since they would think it a prank or madness then dismiss the warning. Tossing a pit onto a plate Shadow leaned back and relaxed. There was a good six months before anything would happen so she leaned back and continued to enjoy her meal, she would cross that bridge when she came to it.


After paying and making their way back out into the street a while later she could things had not picked back up yet and the heat was still quite intense. Music drifted on the air from the various buildings as they walked back across the city looking for a tailor that was still open and most were. Passing most stores by and giving them sideways glances Valkardian continued down the street looking for what she did not know.

Whatever qualities he had been looking for were beyond her at first but after looking inside and seeing the finery inside it was clear why he picked this place: if one is going to dress it may as well be the most comfortable available. Inside the store was a myriad of colors and styles to choose from. Sending her off with a mare after a short talk with the owner he made his way off to one part while she was led to another.

Not understanding a single word made matters a little difficult but the mare did not need to understand her to get measurements and was soon scurrying about gathering various clothes for Shadow to try on. Some were too fancy for her tastes and she wanted something that would protect her wings as well which had been a little difficult to get across but the proprietress found a solution with a large cloak that could be worn over the clothing.

Putting on the last of her clothing then throwing the cloak over it all Shadow was impressed by how light and airy it was. From an outside look it made one think she would suffocate but it was actually quite nice. After dawning the entire ensemble and choosing a few more sets the mare folded it all up safe what she was wearing and brought it to a table in the front and began wrapping it up.

Valkardian on the other hand was dressed rather fancily with a wrap that covered his entire head leaving only the eyes peering out with a band to hold it down. Flowing robes that suited his character protected his arms and legs. Well he looked the part of being a wealthy local now she surmised. He too had several sets picked out and a stallion was busy folding them up.

Both of them stood at the front and he haggled out a price quickly. Once they were back under the blazing sun she had to admit it was less noticeable in her new clothes than the old shirt and pants. Not only that but her wings no longer tingled from the exposure now that they were nestled inside a cloak that was held by a silver clasp. At first the fear of being unable to use her wings had brought about a great deal of concern but the mare had shown her how to wear the cloak so a simple flick of her wings threw it back and out of the way allowing her to fly. As to how the mare knew this she could only guess but since this city was a major trade hub it made sense many would come looking for "unique" clothing to match their species.

"A random passerby would probably think we are a wealthy couple."

His head jerked down at her as they continued to walk randomly down the street. Shadow stopped and turned to look him up and down carefully while he did the same.

"Probably. You look good in blue by the way, the cloak is a nice touch to cover your wings."

"Thank you. But why tan?"

"Makes it easier to blend in and not stand out too much."

"Might be true if not for that sash around your waist..."

"It goes with the rest of it and I like it."

Shadow smiled at him and adjusted her sword belt, she too had purchased a rather elaborate sash that caught her eye but wearing it and the sword belt was awkward but doable.

"So where are we going then?"

"I talked to the man while browsing and the gardens are still here and open to the public, figured it would give you a chance to see the local flora since you seem to love seeing new plants and animals so much. You will have to settle for birds though however I was told that just outside the city is a copse that is especially vibrant this time of year if you are interested."

"Very interested. But I dont have a journal to record all this with..."

"There are still several stores we can stop at along the way."

Turning away he continued his journey past stores only stopping at one which sold what she was looking for and after a quick purchase she had her journal and writing material in hand. A quick stop at the hotel to leave everything behind had been in order before they made their way to the city gardens.

Grand was hardly a suitable word for the abundance and variety of plant-life present throughout the gardens with its ornate stone walkways, fountains and small channels that ran water out and to the various parts of the garden irrigating the vast grounds. A massive effort must have been put in to make such a place with its opulent fountains and marble statues that were so lifelike they might just walk away.

His only remark had been to inform her that a grand library and university lines the gardens to the North before ushering her off into the gardens. He had some things to see to and she was free to enjoy all the sights and sounds freely. At first mention the library sounded fascinating but her inability to understand the local language would make it a fruitless en-devour.

"Wait! I cant understand a word being said or how to read their language! What should I do if I get lost or there's trouble?" Shadow had managed to run him down quickly enough when that epiphany came home to roost.

"Ah. Yes." Reaching a hand out quickly and muttering something he touched her ear leaving a tingling sensation. "There."

"So I can understand and speak to them now?"

"Speak yes. Read no. I would require some time to prepare a spell to share my knowledge of their written word and it is far from perfect but I get by."

Shadow could only nod as he turned and left her to explore the gardens and if she so desired the library. Weaving her way through the maze she came across several others either walking or sitting under the various trees and shaded cloths held up by poles. Most were studying scrolls or tomes. No doubt students and visitors to the library alike came her to read or study in peace and quiet with only the sounds of birds or the trickle of water.

Ah the birds. A mixture of small songbirds and the occasional larger bird that were no doubt coming up from the harbor. A single falcon sat among the branches of an acacia preening while the smaller birds splashed around in the shallow stone irrigation canals.

Picking out a shade tree of her own and sitting Shadow laid out her implements, opened her journal and began to sketch what she was seeing and writing descriptions. No doubt the library had a book on all the plant-life present but being unable to read it would not help her. Just about every kind of tree was present somewhere in her view including what she guessed were olive and tall date trees if what fruit they bore was any hint.

Time flew as she sketched away before going off to wander again to investigate the plethora of bright flowers that lined the walkways. During her wandering she almost crashed into an old stallion dressed in white robes. Begging his pardon for not paying attention to where she was going he simply waved her off before taking an interest in her journal. Explaining that she was writing down what was in the garden and doing sketches of the plant and animal life he hummed quietly and asked to see it flipping through and examining the pictures.

"You are not a student then if your language is... You must be Equestrian. Yes?"

"Sort of. But I am not a student."

"There are many books in the library that have the information you seek..."

"I know but I can not read your language so I am just sketching and describing the plants and birds."

The old stallion hummed to himself for a minute before smiling. "If you wish I can show you around the grounds and fill in the gaps for you should you wish it."

"Yes! Ah, yes that would be wonderful. Thank you."

He just smiled and made a short bow to her "Betu." She smiled back at him "Shadow Moon."

Their long slow walk through the gardens was nothing short of one of Valkardians lessons. Every plant was named as he walked even pointing out any medicinal values they held only to occasionally stop under a tree for shade so Shadow could get caught up in her furious writing while Betu just smiled adding little tidbits here and there as she kept writing.

They had taken a moment to sit under a large acacia tree so Betu could rest his weary old hooves and Shadow get caught up again when he had begun to question her.

"So you are not from Equestria but near to it... You know not its name and that the one you travel with is the only one who really knows... You are a mystery wrapped in an enigma little one."

"I suppose so. I was born and raised in Equestria though but anymore I just dont... See myself as Equestrian anymore after all I have seen and been."

"Hmm. Natural. Still if whoever this mysterious stallion is who you have traveled with garbs you so well and takes you around the world with him he must be something else indeed."

"I am not sure about that either."

"You are still very young so being uncertain about things is only natural. Perhaps in time you will have your answers but for now all I can tell you is your heart will give you the best answer." Shadow hummed at this and continued her writing.

"Ah! I have an idea! There is a bookstore in the university! If I recall they might just sell a book to help you understand our language if you are interested. It would be a shame for you to leave her to continue your journey without learning at least a little of our language."

"Where is the bookstore located and which part of the building is the university and the library?"

"Hah! Come along, I will show you."

Shadow followed Betu on the long walk to the tall building as he expertly navigated the corridors till they passed through large double doors into a great chamber packed with talking students and teachers. Leading her to a store he quickly pointed out a list of books to help her with the local plant and wildlife but had to ask and wait a while for the clerk to bring out some old dusty books. She never noticed the stares they were receiving or how conversations quieted at their passing.

Books written in Equus were very rare here but being a true university they were prepared none the less. Purchasing the entire pile which made Betu smile even more and led her back into the gardens so he could sit down again.

"Appreciate your tireless legs while you can Shadow, one day you will be like me. Old, worn and tired." Rubbing his joints he stared out across the gardens. "You like gardens then?"

She looked up from her browsing. "Yes, Valkardian has a wondrous garden of his own. I love how peaceful they are, the colors, variety of life..."

"Valkardian hmm? Interesting name but so is yours. It warms the old heart to see one so young enjoy the simple things in life."

The conversation drolled on for hours as he grilled her on everything she knew of the world and about everything she had learned from Valkardian. Leaving out a great number of details and large swaths of information he never pressed but just listened before posing a question. Halfway into their long hours Betu began to question her on philosophy and Shadow had to admit holding a conversation with somepony other than Valkardian who held such... Unique views was pleasant.

Betu had to leave sooner than he wished when a younger mare came searching for him and standing slowly he made a strange bow and wished her a long happy journey and followed the mare off. Valkardian arrived moments later and stood with her watching the old stallion walk away.

"Have a nice conversation?" His eyes roamed over her pile of books.

"Betu. He was very nice and helped me a lot with the plant life! We walked around and he showed me all the plants and told me their names and uses. Even helped me find books and a two on both Saddle Arabian and Zebra language, also a few history books."

"I see." His eyes never left Betu's fading form.

"We even talked about philosophy for a while before he had to leave. Must be nice being a professor here."

"That was no professor."

Shadow looked at Valkardian then at the distant form of Betu as he entered a building disappearing from view. "What do you mean?"

"Did you actually look him over?"

"No... Kind of got swept up in the flow of things..."

"Priests are good at that. Especially the high priests."

Shadow's head snapped back and forth mouth gaping. "High priest?"

"His sash and robes marked him as high priest of the local temple. He also wore a hood with gold fringe. So what did he say to you then before leaving?"

"Not much... He just made this... Weird bow." Shadow made a demonstration.

Valkardian raised an eyebrow before his eyes narrowed again. "You must have made an impression on him. You are making some high ranking friends Shadow."

He turned and walked away slowly taking in the gardens as she gathered things up quickly and following. She remembered letting his name slip and brought it up but he just ignored it saying it was no issue but his stride had faltered just a little. It was time for dinner and amongst his other busy work of getting her set up tomorrow with a school for belly dancers so she could watch and learn for a day he had also ordered their dinner to be brought to them at their room at the inn.

She had left a good impression on a high priest, purchased a large pile of books on history, language, flora and fauna. All in just one afternoon. Shadow had to wonder what tomorrow would bring if this kept up as they walked back to the inn, her arms loaded down with books and materials.

Chapter 23

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Dinner last night had been quite simple consisting of bread, fruit and cheese with hot tea. Sitting at the table on the balcony and looking out over the city as the people below began to go about their lives Shadow chewed slowly. Breakfast was elaborate and made dinner look pathetic by comparison with a large spread of fruits, yogurt, bread, cheeses and other little things she could not identify but they tasted good anyway.

Valkardian was also watching the streets in silence as he ate and Shadow's mind drifted back to last night. It was embarrassing in some ways, after dinner was eaten and done with she had asked about how the single bed would work with the two of them. He had kept a straight face and told her half was hers but had just as quickly given a jab about using him like a "giant teddy-bear" in her sleep. The comment had made her blush but also irritated by his quip but chose to ignore it while silently praying she would remain on her side of the bed. Waking up when the sun had just begun to rise he was already up and sitting on the balcony. Shadow was a little worried about what had happened last night because she had woken sprawled on the wrong side of the bed but Valkardian never brought it up nor showed any signs either.

Shadow ate her bowl of yogurt in silence as Valkardian explained what he was going to do today and where he would be in case she needed to find him before the conversation turned to her.

"Yesterday I visited the city's school of musicians and dancers and had a long talk with the mare who trains the dancers. It took little convincing to get her to agree to having you watch but it was not so easy to get her to set some time aside and teach you. It took less convincing when I showed coin to get one of the musicians to agree to teach you a little while you are there, you will be learning to play a simple flute by the way. Much easier than the other instruments they use here. That sums up your whole day today. Questions?"

She had stopped eating when he dropped the pile of bricks on her about actually learning to dance and play an instrument. As to how she could learn much of anything in just one day left serious doubts but he had already called her down multiple times for doubting herself and what she was capable of. Valkardian had already paid for the services to be rendered so it was up to her to get the most out of it before they moved on day after tomorrow to another city.

"No. No questions. Thank you." She ate another spoonful of yogurt with berries mixed in and looked out over the city. "It's amazing that a city this magnificent exists outside of Equestria."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Well... I dont know... We were always taught Equestria was the best and thanks to Celestia we have had a thousand years of peace. I actually never knew this part of the world existed till now... That it exists at all is just... Wondrous."

"Ponies need to get out more. Then again I am not surprised she does not allow you to know about the world. When one has something to compare their home to it tends to cause doubt. Allow me to surprise you further... This city and the entire region is not governed by any nobles, kings, queens or any kind of royalty."

Shadow was surprised by this. Equestria was a monarchy with a noble controlled parliament and the most a common pony could ever hope or aspire to was mayor or governor if they were extraordinarily lucky.

"So how do they keep the peace then if they have no princess to control the nation? It must be anarchy."

"There is a Council that rules and keeps the peace. It is made up of the high priests or priestesses, ranking military officers, tribal chieftains and representatives from the merchants guild's as well as another that represents the farmers and agricultural interests. There are forty some members to council."

"Must be chaos..."

"Not at all, the constant bickering stops them from interfering with the lives of others as well as a very... Strict set of rules concerning what they can and can not do. The idea is that they will never agree to anything with such varied and opposing ideals unless there truly is a problem. Not that is stops any of the groups involved from personally going and solving a problem on their own and they have. Crops fail so the merchants guild's bring in shiploads of cheap grain from other regions and dump it off to drive prices down so others can afford to eat. Serves to make people happy and that is good for business. Not that it stops the priests from smacking them up side the head if they try and weasel extra out of peoples pockets. All in all the system works very well."

"How does the military factor in? In Equestria have no control at all acting like... Auxiliaries is what you called them? To the Royal Guard."

"The generals have their own concerns, keeping the soldiers armed and fed, frontier safe, peace on the streets, etc. They could care less since getting involved in the writhing bucket of carnivorous worms and stinging hornets that is politics keep's them away for the most part. They are also elected to their post from amongst the soldiers by the public so there is a constant fear of being tossed aside and made a private. Also that none of them can keep their post very long without general consensus helps prevent corruption."

Valkardian paused and took in the city slowly. "Truly of the finest if not the finest city on the surface..."

Shadow's ears prickled. Had he just said "on the surface?" Did that mean there were other great cities hidden away below in the Underworld? Who lived there and what did they look like if this city was "one of" but not "the." There was no chance to bring this up as Valkardian seemed to catch what he had just said and changed topics before there was a knocking on the door.

He returned carrying two small scrolls and handed one of them to Shadow before sitting down and reading his own slowly. Opening the scroll and reading over the message written in Krethe. It was an invitation tomorrow to attend a ceremony at the temple in celebration of the ancestors. The signature at the bottom was Betu's and rolling it back up Shadow realized that the old stallion was far more observant than her but also slightly off. During their talks he had dropped little hints and questions now and then in Krethe but she had simply taken it as the curiosity of a professor wanting to learn more not as in interrogation.

"Shadow... Shadow!"


Valkardian rolled his scroll up and put it on the table "I take it yours is rather interesting as well yes?"

"What is? Oh the message... I have been invited to the temple tomorrow to watch a ceremony. Betu sent it and its written in Krethe..."

"Never underestimate the knowledge or power of the high priests here, they are masters at getting information from many sources both living and dead."

Nodding slowly Shadow asked about his own letter. Apparently he had to make a detour today to visit the temple and have a "chat" with Betu. She asked if this was a bad thing and he said no, long, long ago he had a few dealings with the priesthood and it ended well for all sides concerned, there was no animosity between them. Probably just curiosity but the way Valkardian eyed the scroll told her there was more to it than that but he was also unwilling to elaborate.


After breakfast Valkardian led her off to the colorful building that housed the cities best teachers of dance and music leaving her with a tall, silvery coated and curvy mare named Nata. A quick tour was given showing off the various rooms and adjoining buildings. The dancers stayed on one side while the musicians the other so they would not disturb one another while learning. The sound of off key instruments or singing occasionally drifted through the halls before being cut short and it made sense why they stayed on opposite sides of the building.

The dance hall was mostly bare save for the cushions dancers sat upon. Nata led her off to one side to sit and watch informing her that her own lessons would being later and in private and until then to sit back and just watch.

Shadow watched the display before her in a daze as they bent and twisted in elaborate moves swaying their bodies in an unseen wind for what seemed an eternity. After a while Nata clapped her hands and they changed the dance just as quickly to a faster paced dance that captivated her. How they moved Shadow understood why it was called "belly dancing" now as the small group of mares moved to and fro in perfect sync while Nata stalked around them calling out a name and what they were doing wrong now and then. If these mares were still learning she could only imagine how masterful they would be upon leaving the school.

When they were done they stood off to the side and Nata explained they would be learning a new dance and to pay close attention even glancing over at Shadow for a moment. Nata dropped off her robe revealing the most striking silken and gold embroidered outfit Shadow could hardly comprehend. Tiny gold and silver ornaments wove their way around her waist while a thin silk "cloak" hung around her arms and fastened at the wrists. Nata retrieved a head dress of sorts that dangled with gems and gold while a thin silk sheet hung from her muzzle.

Finished she instructed the students to watch and memorize each movement and step. If the dancers had been memorizing in their simple students outfits seeing Nata dance was something else entirely leaving Shadow awestruck at her slow precise movements. Dancing to completion slowly at first she began again and picked up the pace until by the third dance she was a mesmerizing leaving even the students enraptured.

Coming to a halt Nata clapped her hands and the students rose and took up positions and were instructed to begin the dance on their own. Approaching Shadow she led her out into a hallway where another mare waited quietly. This new mare would be her instructor for the afternoon and would then take her to the music instructor afterwords.

A small empty room awaited them along with a change of cloths. Introducing herself as Aliya and the private instructor Shadow was told to strip and change into the clothes provided so they could begin. Aliya informed her that she every intention of making certain that Shadow left here with at least one dance memorized.

Stripping out of her flowing robes Shadow's ears caught a gasp when her wings were exposed. Aliya had never seen anything like them and had at first though Shadow was a pegasi and was quick to ask what she was. It had been a little embarrassing for her to get dressed while a mare fawned over her with the curiosity of a little foal but her species was incredibly rare after all. Unheard of for the largest part even in Equestria.

Nata was a master dancer and Aliya was no exception either as she put Shadow through the steps having her mimic the moves while listening to her explain carefully how to move her body without getting cramps or catches in the joints. Still, a cramp would pop up nearly flooring her and Aliya was quick to remedy the problem with painful bends and twists that made Shadow want to cry at first before the pain went away only to stand her up and continue.

Hours went by with few rests. Standing on her own now while the instructor watched Shadow was now able to perform two basic danced slowly without tripping herself while Aliya only offered criticism now and then. So far things were coming along very well if the smile Aliya had was any hint.

Having her take a seat Aliya told her it would not be long before they would stop and Shadow would have to bathe before going to her next instructor. She had not even realized she was sweating so hard until now. Now she was just to watch as Aliya would demonstrate one last dance for her and to memorize as much as possible before they left.

Shadow had thought Nata was a master dancer and at least double jointed with the moves she had made but Aliya had to be triple jointed to bed and twist like that. Her mouth hung a little at the display before her but before long it ended. Aliya walked over and used a hand to shut Shadows mouth and just laughed and ushered her out.

Bathing was a simple affair with only the two of them present since the students and instructors were taking their lunch. Shadow's was waiting on her but a question had been nagging her the whole time and Valkardian's warning crept to mind but she asked anyway.

"Aliya? I have a question and I mean no offense but..."

Shadow was cut off quickly "You want to know the difference between us dancers and the whores on the other side of the city. How what we do is different. He warned us you would probably ask when curiosity got the better of you."

She only nodded as her instructor explained it. "We do not sell our bodies. We dance, perform and a few even play instruments. But we never sell our bodies nor allow any to touch us. The whores who mimic us use their bodies and dancing to entice buyers while we do it to bring happiness. Yes our audience is mostly stallions but we also perform for ceremonies and celebrations, even the priests come to us for dancers."

Aliya glanced over for a minute and judged Shadow's reaction with a critical stare before standing and beckoning. "Your question made no offense. Now it is time to get your lunch before going to your next instructor."

Entering the small dining area where students of the school at large gathered the two walked in and took a seat at a table while Aliya signaled for food to be brought. The entire room was dead silent and all heads turned gawking at Shadow making her feel incredibly self conscious. Still feeling overheated from all the dancing she had opted to wear only the shirt and pants for now carrying the rest of her garb over her arm revealing her wings and head clearly.

Even Nata was staring for a minute before she exchanged looks with Aliya and they along with a few other instructors clapped their hands loudly snapping everyone in the room out of their stupor. Shadow had even caught a few "ooh" and "aahhs" from them but now the room was wreathed in hushed conversation no doubt focused on her presence.

A scrawny stallion came over and sat with them introducing himself as Jaf and her next instructor. The conversation drifted on as they ate and most left. Shadow had taken the chance to inquire to Aliya about performing for the temple. The response was simple in that whenever a major celebration was held they would hire out the best dancers to perform in honor of the spirit's. A dance offering more or less as she put it. It also turned out that this one school was one of the very few for all of Zebrica and Saddle Arabia.

Before taking her leave Aliya informed Shadow that they had forgotten to tell "him" that the clothes she had borrowed today were in fact hers. It had slipped their minds at first but considering what he had paid for such short notice instruction they had decided that she would be afforded the same treatment as the other students including keeping her cloths since she had paid for them after all.

Jaf piped up and informed her that she would also be leaving with her own instrument today before jabbing at Aliya that unlike the dance instructors the music school was more lax and accepting of new students. All were welcome to come, learn or listen as they perfected their craft. Aliya blew him off scoffing as she left that while anyone could play an instrument only a few were fit enough to dance and dance well. Fewer still who had the body to pull it off. She sashayed her hips a little at him before leaving.

Shadow just watched in silence as Jaf chuckled before turning his attention to her holding his wrist up and explaining they were married and after all these years still very much at odds about the two school's of thought than ran deep here. Her only thought was how the two could look so different and yet be married. One a gorgeous mare build like a goddess the other a lanky stallion who could be blown away with a strong enough breeze who held no unique characteristics what so ever.

It was a short trip to a private studio where various instruments had been laid out on silk cloths for her to look over. Jaf informed her that though she would learn to play one of the various kinds of flute today that he would also instruct on the vast variety of instruments students learned here as well and even give demonstrations.

Names for every instrument were given before Jaf asked her to pick one that stuck out to her. Picking one that resembled a guitar of sorts back in Equestria he lifted it and took a seat before playing.

Nata and Aliya were masters of dance but Jaf was the god of music. One at a time he went through the instruments as she picked them out and played a short song for her on each that filled the air with either a happy flowing or mysterious tune that made the fur on her spine stand on end a little. He was doing it very much on purpose too as he watched her expression change with each tune making her go from happy, sad or mesmerized.

After the last instrument had been played he brought out two long wooden flutes and gave her the one that looked brand new. This was her flute he explained and she would leave here today knowing how to make up her own little tune as she went. A book was provided as well detailing the different notes and even had music sheets inside, he had asked if reading it would be a problem since it was in another language. Shadow told him it was fine that she was learning and would translate it later.

Smiling at her response he gave her a slow lilting demonstration of the different notes that flowed easily and with a mysterious tune. His playing soon turned into a small song that was very eerie and mysterious that left her feeling every note.

Her own attempt not long after had a very rough start with screeching and other sounds that hurt the ears but Jaf sat patiently with her and showed her how to correct things and adjust her posture so the air from her lungs could flow more easily resulting in longer, clearer notes.

Jaf was a wonderful instructor like his wife though while she was more severe he was far calmer and quiet preferring to encourage her to just keep trying till she got the note right. Sometimes he would play a note and have her match it testing her knowledge of the various holes that lined the flute. Apparently she was a fast learner.

When the day had wore on he had changed tactics and would play a simple melody quietly and have her play over it with whatever she thought would go best with while never once challenging her choice of notes even when they came out poorly. Jaf would just keep playing that same flowing tune while Shadow struggled to come up with a simple tune of her own.

By the time they finished he was quite happy with her progress and reminded her that if she just kept practicing it would not be long before Shadow would have her flute mastered. A wooden box with silk lining was presented to her for storage and reminded not to forget her "dancing cloths" when the day ended.

In the meantime Jaf allowed her to question him till she was blue in the face about anything that came to mind while answering everything with a smile.

It was almost time to go when a student arrived bearing a package for Shadow that contained three sets of clothes including the one that had to be cleaned. Before she could leave Shadow just had to know something though. "How did you ever marry Aliya?"

Jaf burst out laughing at her question for a minute. "Nata and a few others tease us about that now and then. We met here when students from both parts of the school were put together for practice. One group plays the other dances to the music. After seeing her dance as a student I made it a point to win her heart and did it with the instruments around you. Music is a powerful force when used correctly. It can make a crowd rise in anger, joy or woo a savage heart. Took me years but I won her heart eventually and her friend Nata was left floored."

Chuckling to himself he shook his head slowly before continuing. "I use my marriage as an example to my students before they graduate as an example of what music can do. Now Aliya on the other hand will tell you its the other way around, she stole my heart with her dancing." He shrugged. "I guess you could say we fell deeply in love after seeing past our physical appearance, I am no stunning example of stallion-hood, farthest from it... Though she did steal my heart at first with her looks it grew beyond that the more we talked."

"It is almost time for you to go and I was told your escort would be here waiting on you. Shall we go and see if he has arrived or do you have more questions?"

"No but would you thank Aliya and Nata for me?"


They rose up and left Shadow quickly dawning her street garb while Jaf waited patiently at the door for her. He led her to the main gate where Valkardian was waiting staring off into the distance lost in his own thoughts. Jaf waved goodbye and bid her a safe journey before going back into the school.

"What did you learn today?"

"I learned how to dance, play the flute and got to know what the goddess of dance and the god of music look like."

He laughed a bit before waving her on. "This is the finest school on this side of the world so I imagine so. What are the extra packages there?"

"Oh, they forgot to tell you that because of whatever you bribed them with to get me in for a day it included a flute and dancers clothes."

"The flute part I was aware of but not the other... Oh well. Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, Aliya and Jaf were wonderful instructors. I still can not believe they are married."

"Some do not allow the flesh to dictate their feelings or matters of the soul." It was a very true statement when she thought about it.

"How did your day go? What happened at the meeting you went to?"

"It was illuminating..."

"Cryptic. Does it concern me?"

"Indeed. But not right now, we will speak of it when we get back to the hotel and have dinner."


Valkardian had just seen Shadow off at the school and left to make his secret rendezvous when he caught a glimpse of a mare weaving her way through the crowd. The sight of her made him pick up his pace in an attempt to reach the temple faster. If she was here that meant another had her hands in the pot and whatever the high priest wanted to talk about was serious indeed.

Hustling towards the temple and entering the spacious interior with its tall pillars Valkardian was immediately greeted by an acolyte who ushered him off quickly to a side room and through a maze of corridors. Arriving in the inner sanctum of the priests two were present and waiting seated around a table.

They rose and greetings were exchanged before the old high priest motioned for them to be seated. Valkardian however simply leaned on his staff and eyed the old man quietly for a long minute.

"The last time I was here things got a little... Heated... However your message said all is forgiven and you need all the help you can get even... Mine."

"Yes indeed Valkardian. I think three centuries "exiled" from here though I suspect you have been among us plenty of times since then..." He looked him up and down slowly before smiling. "Still. You upheld your end of the agreement to the letter. It was my great, great predecessor who changed her mind at the last minute."

"Trying to kill me can hardly be considered "changing ones mind" Betu."

"True. Very true. What she did was wrong but I hope it will not tarnish our image though you did have your revenge on her. Bygones are bygones. I asked you to join us today because of some complications we are having and since you are by far the expert on such matters... If our archival records are anything to go by that is..."

"Spit it out."

The mare rose and went to say something but Betu silenced her quickly. "It is alright Rasia, have a seat. If you would have read up on him like I instructed you would know Master Valkardian has an... Intense? Distrust of us "surface dwellers." And rightly so I am afraid."

Valkardian tapped his hoof impatiently and shifted.

"Let us begone with formalities then. An artifact has popped up and I think we will all be in agreement it should REMAIN buried so it does not cause problems."

"And that is?" His voice was bored.

Betu just smiled and gestured for him to have a seat. "Please sit though, this might take some time. Oh and feel free to drop your... Illusion while we talk. I warned my assistant here not to jump with fright at the sight of you. I must say the curiosity at seeing YOU and not just an ancient picture has be burning this curiosity!"

The spell was dispelled quickly and Betu's eyes lit up with childlike curiosity while Rasia shuddered and tried to scoot back. Valkardian just sneered at her before waving his hand and taking a seat.

"Simple precaution against prying eyes and ears assuming what you want discuss in genuine."

"Understandable and wise. Now the last time you were here officially you were discovered quite by accident if I remember! Five parties all seeking the same artifact some to use its power against the world while the priesthood and yourself agreed to sealing it away."

"Yes, Celestia being one who wanted it for her own ends of "harmony" or some nonsense..."

"Hmm! Now it was sealed away quite well... I do believe dropping something into a volcano tends to do that... What has surfaced recently has us a little worried... A certain spear head has been found and we suspect it might not be a fake."

"Your worlds equivalent of the "spear of destiny" correct?"

Betu nodded and looked at Rasia who quickly passed a scroll over which in turn was given to Valkardian. Glancing over the contents he set it down with and furrowed his brow.

"Our conclusion exactly Valkardian. Such events would be impossible were it anything BUT the real one. Fortunately it is only one part of the whole and the others are still lost to time and the shifting sands as it should be."

"So that's why one of Celestia's spies is in your city..."

"Very observant." Betu's smile grew. "We have been aware of her presence now for the past two days. So far she has been unable to find any further leads but we suspect she has her means and ways. A course of actions have already taken place to make certain she does not find any further leads. There is only so much we can do though."

"So why not go and get it yourself or are you expecting her to watch you in anticipation of such a move? A race to see who gets it first."

"Precisely why we have made no move yet and she continues to wander aimlessly. The other day I visited the gardens to try and think of a solution in peace when I met your... Friend? Protege? Servant?... Slave? Shadow. I am impressed with the schooling you have given her. If only some closer to me would take to theirs with such eagerness..." Betu glanced at Rasia.

"At any rate! As we talked she let your name slip along with many other little hints to your presence in the city. I could not pass up such and opportunity! An outside force that is unknown to all but myself and Rasia that can act freely without being spied upon to solve our common problem."

"You assume it is my problem but with one of Celestia's agents in the city and her best at that... I have little choice but to agree with you."

"I believed you would see it my way. Now as to the artifact itself. I assume we are both in agreement it MUST be made to disappear once more?" Valkardian nodded. "Splendid. I will tell you everything we know but I leave it up to you on making certain that it is never found again."

"Assuming I will not take it for myself?"

Betu raised an eyebrow "If there is one thing that the archives have you marked down for consistently is that you may be an... How do I put this delicately without offending you..."

"An evil bastard that clawed its way from the bowels of the earth and hell itself."

"Yes. But you are honorable and have a strong noble streak. Like us you do what you believe is right and just. While we disagree on the means employed you have never betrayed anyone and worked to keep things as they are. Peaceful. Quiet. Boring. We want this as well and right now you are the only one with the means to beat the competition out and make certain the peace and balance is maintained."

"Everyone gets to keep their little corner of the world for themselves without outside involvement."

Betu nodded and turned to Rasai who began to speak slowly as if afraid of backlash from Valkardian. "A bandit far to the Southwest was being hunted down. Apparently he found the spearhead and since then has scored a series of victories and his little band is growing. While not enough to gain much attention the magical outpouring drew the spirits attention and we assume Celestia's scrying."

"Luckily his little bandit revolt is so small it lacks enough attention to draw any foreign agents to them and our own attempts to keep this knowledge from spreading has been largely successful but not for much longer. It is imperative that someone get to him... Kill him... Retrieve the artifact and hide it before the chance of it being taken by these outside forces increases."

Betu chose this as the best time to chime in "We also know that Sultan Raefal and his queen are now seeking an alliance with Celestia so they can be counted as enemies in this matter. His lands are dangerously close to where these events are unfolding. Should the bandits cross the border or word of their actions reach his ears..."

"It would be a matter of days before Celestia's agents made her aware and narrowed their search." Valkardian finished Betu's trail of thought for him and he nodded.

"Alright Betu. We have a deal. I will make it dissapear again as I do not care to see Celestia get her greasy palms on it no more than you do. There is just one little problem now."

"And that is Master Valkardian?"

"By bringing me here and sending me a message whatever spies have been watching you are now watching me as well."

Betu just laughed.

"Oh please... You who can wear a million faces at will worried about a spy? It would be doubtful they could track you beyond a hundred meters if you so desired it."

"Do not stroke my ego Betu..."

"I am not! I am well aware of what you are capable of doing! What you did to the High Priestess Vyla so long ago lives on even now in tales told to scare children!" Betu's tone had taken on a deadly serious tone.

"As such I know without a doubt you are more than capable of dealing with them with the utmost efficiency. However. I ask that you do not leave a bloodbath behind you when dealing with the spies. The bandits we could care less about. Wipe them out to the last for their crimes against the people. While we want this matter resolved we do not want a major diplomatic incident on our hands... Like say the mass death of every spy from Equestria in our nation. You can imagine the uproar that would cause when Celestia came demanding restitution."

A smile wormed its way across Valkardians face. "I can only imagine. You have my word though I will try to avoid a bloodbath if I can help it. The bandits however will die. The fewer witnesses the better."

"It is agreed then." Betu rose bowed.

"So you have taken a liking to Shadow then?" Valkardian poked the question at Betu as he rose and nodded back.

"She is a bright one and not like the ponies... Not that I have met any but only read about them and their ways."

"Indeed she is different now. More than even she could imagine. I do believe she is coming to your ceremony tomorrow."

"Good! It would be a pleasure to have her behold our little public spectacle! It is only twice a year we summon the spirits and give our thanks in such a fashion. Until we meet again Master Valkardian but I hope we never see each other ever again."

Both parties faked a smile and went their separate ways.

Chapter 24

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Dinner had largely been a silent affair. Valkardian seemed lost in his own thoughts eating slowly and only asking a few simple questions about her day and reminding her that tomorrow was their last day in the city. That and not to forget Betu's invitation to tomorrow's festivities at the temple to honor the spirits.

"Are you going to come with me and see the ceremony?"

"Did Betu mention my name anywhere in the letter?"


"Then I am not invited. That is why two letters were sent."

"Right. So what happened at your little get together then?"

"Tomorrow. Today I think on what I need to do."

Shadow continued to piece at the spicy vegetables. "Shadow... Don't talk to any strangers who approach you tomorrow or the day after that are curious about us being here... Or where we are going. Act like an idiot tourist."

She nodded slowly at this and watched while he stood and retreated into the room and began to go over the various contents of his bags. What exactly was said at that meeting and why did it have him acting stranger than usual?


Dawn had not yet come but there was no point in trying to sleep either, allowing her glowing, slitted eyes to take in her surroundings Shadow realized the awkward position her body was in. During the night she had scooted over to his side of the bed and wrapped herself around him and a blush burned across her face while slowly untangling herself and sliding away.

Valkardian had always been the first up the past two days but now Shadow wondered if he had been the one to get up first to untangle her but had chosen to ignore the situation they found themselves in each morning. Maybe he did not mind or was being exceptionally stoic about it. Thinking on it... She was not terribly bothered by it either.

Walking onto the balcony and watching the first crack of light show on the horizon as it cast many colorfully hued rays across the early dawn sky Shadow wondered what her part was in events yet to play out. They were on a quest now for something or other, that much was abundantly clear as she was no fool. A quest that bothered him to some degree though. Valkardian had promised to tell her the details today but not when however he was always good to his word.

Sitting on a cushion her eyes caught the slightest amount of movement from a balcony to the right but did not turn her head as that would give her away. Somepony was watching them quietly from a distance. How many? One? Two? Probably two as keeping an all night vigil would be impossible for one pony. So that is what he was concerned about. They were already being watched and he needed the time to figure out a way for them to slip off without drawing any attention causing a race.

So what then was so almighty important that warranted them being spied on? Today would tell.


His eyes were still shut but his ears listened as Shadow had untangled herself from him. Every morning had been this way. Waking up with a soft, furry and very feminine pony draped over him was not objectionable but also left a certain burning heat in the face that had been all but forgotten over the many millenia. Today though Shadow had been the first to rise and now that his eyes were open he could see she was now sitting out on the balcony.

The glowing eyes shifted every so slightly to the right and stayed there watching something. He did not need to guess that someone was watching them and now being watched in return by the little bat outside. Which room there were in was narrowed down now and would make it a little easier to find out which faces to look out for. Staying still Valkardian moved his hands under the sheets and closed his eyes for a moment seeing who exactly was keeping an eye on them.

Magic was a wonderful thing indeed, being able to hide from prying eyes or being those prying eyes made all the difference in "cloak and dagger" matters like this. Seeing the two spies clearly he smirked a little and wondered how long it would take to loose them or if they would be the first to leave having lost interest if things went as they should today.

Sun rising halfway up on the horizon Valkardian sat up in bed slowly and making certain his illusion was still in place walked onto the balcony with Shadow and sat down. Today would be interesting indeed.


Shadow nearly jumped from her hide when he sat down with her and blocked her view on the neighboring balcony. He also knew what she had been doing as he moved his fingers a bit and just smiled for a moment before looking out at the city. It all felt so strange... Only in books did anything like this ever happen but now here they were wrapped up the beginnings of one of her mothers favorite novels. Letting out a small sigh she wondered if the vacation would be cut short again but knowing Valkardian he had a plan for that too now.

The streets seemed livelier today though. Sweeping, cleaning and bustling about the Arabians and Zebra's below cleaned the streets to make them spotless not that they were not already while others hurried to load small hand drawn carts. All attention seemed to be focused on the gargantuan temple on the far side of the city. This place was truly massive, defending it must be a bitch.

Breakfast was served and the servant's were eager to collect their tip and rush off no doubt to partake in whatever today's celebration entailed. Having eaten Shadow sat looking at her note re-reading the time specified and to show the scroll upon arrival to anypony dressed as an acolyte or priest. How Betu knew she could tell the difference? Logical deduction? A hunch that she could just figure it out with common sense?

Valkardian saw her off with a smile that made her a little worried reminding her that today was the last day and tonight dinner would be special if he could get it sorted out. What did he mean by "special?" The meals here were already special enough as each day had featured different meals and not once had they eaten the same lunch or dinner twice.

Having joined the teeming masses in the streets as they wove their way to the temple she decided it might be best to just fly and escape the dense mob of bodies when they neared the temple. Pulling her little scroll out she fluttered up after knocking her cloak free and flew lazily towards the arched entrance to the temple grounds.

Perching on the wall as the entrance was too choked with bodies Shadow looked around for anypony dressed in robes. Finding a young mare on the other side of the wall counting out those allowed in and ushering off to one side those bearing what must be gifts to the temple Shadow lit beside her making the mare jump.

Holding out the scroll the other took it and read over the only part not in Krethe before handing it back and calling out a name. Another mare dressed very plainly in a white toga hustled over and was ordered to take Shadow inside and show her to some part of the temple she could not understand. Maybe it had a slightly better view or would be less crowded?

If the way into the temple had been a mass jumble of bodies pushing and shoving in a mad rush to get inside the interior was another matter. Offerings were being rushed up to the altar at the far end perched high up a flight of stairs overlooking the grand rotunda. Managing only a few glimpses of the floor it was one massive spiraled mosaic of brightly colored tiles. All around the walls were no less lavishly decorated with bright colors and engravings with the occasional statue along the wall.

Happy with the location her guide turned and gave a quick bow and rushed off. Pandemonium was a good word for the events all around the room. It made sense though that even if they had been prepared the "pony element" was taking its toll on the planning. Slowly but surely things began to settle down as time wore on and more filtered in to take sit on the floor and wait. There were no cushions anywhere in sight, everypony present just picked a spot and sat down as others came in and filled the place out.

Occasionally a priestess or priest would happen along and talk to the crowd quietly stepping carefully, weaving through the densely packed bodies. Shadow had received many odd glances from the locals but for whatever reason they turned away and focused on their own issues. Only twice had any actually stopped to talk to her and both had been priestesses, simply checking on her and the last had told her Betu had asked her to send word he was glad she could make it despite "outstanding circumstances" or whatever that meant. Probably whatever Valkardian was concerned with.

A point of note was that as the room filled they avoided filling the outer ring which she found herself in. Her two attempts to question why this was had simply been met with a smile from the priestesses and assurances that all was well. A dull thudding sound filled the room as a drummer slowly beat on a large drum somewhere to the far front. All the hushed conversations died in an instant as voices outside gave rise hinting that the temple capacity was met and any outside would have to celebrate there and hope whatever was said drifted out to their ears.

When the drumming died off the temple became silent as a graveyard while a procession of priests entered the room from the sides and began to walk the outer ring slowly. Incense burned its sweet scent filling the air as they walked quietly while acolytes carried burners. The last to enter the room were four colorfully dressed figures accompanied by six acolytes bearing boxes and elaborate cloths.

One of them was clearly Betu dressed in cloths that made what he had worn that day in the gardens seem pathetic by comparison. Climbing the stairs and standing directly behind the altar while two others flanked him the third standing farther behind with the acolytes. Silence reined supreme, the only sound the soft hoofsteps of the incense carriers.

Taking a deep breath as they walked passed she recognized what they were burning as frankincense and myrrh, two incredibly expensive incenses in Equestria she had only once had the privileged of smelling and never forgot their unique scent. Only one acolyte bothered to look her way slightly without loosing her step and continuing on. When the procession had made its way to the doors they turned inward and walked in a straight line towards the altar along a narrow path the priests had kept clear of occupants.

Fanning out at the base of the altar and turning towards the crowd Betu began to speak loudly and clearly. Whatever he was saying was more ancient than the Arabian language as it did not translate save for a few words. An acolyte quickly hustled up to Shadow and began to translate for her, Betu had taken a few precautions of his own it appeared.

Today they gathered to make an offering to their ancestors and the spirits that protected their great city. To remember those who had died to protect them, feed them, care for the sick and infirmed. Give thanks to the spirits that made certain the rain came and the crops grew tall and strong.

As he spoke the two others beside him began to accept items from the acolytes while the third priestess simply held her items quietly. Handing them to Betu one at a time slowly he laid the items out after holding each up and calling out various names and invoking great powers. Shadow had never been one for religion or spirituality but the scene playing out before her. Something for the superstitious to partake in that had no bearing on her life in any way possible.

The only time she had been to a church in Equestria is had seemed more of a "pay us or the pony gods will hate you" affair and she had never gone back. Here though it was different as even the poorest pauper was allowed in and given a place to sit amongst them without question or comment.

Music began to play from somewhere out of sight as dancers walked up some side steps onto a platform that blended in so well with the background altar she had not noticed it took positions. Recognizing two of them immediately as Nata and Aliya, focusing her ears and listening to the tune and the deep baritone horn playing somewhere she guessed Jaf must be present as well from the flutes playing.

Betu's words flowed faster and the music picked up till it filled the air, the dancers beginning to move and sway with the music. At some point the entire crowd had stood up as one homogeneous mass silently. The music picked up its tempo the dancers speeding up to match in a mesmerizing sight of fluid motion.

The throng began to clap slowly at first picking up pace to match the music as if to urge Betu, dancers and musicians on. High above the altar was now covered in silk cloth and items as he continued to chant in an ancient tongue urging something to happen. Turning to the acolyte who stood beside her having long stopped translating she just smiled back instructing her to just watch. "It" was about to begin.

All around her the sounds and sights melted together in her mind becoming a mass blur of riveting motion and enchantment. From behind the last priestess came forward finally and handed off her items to Betu. Taking them and continuing his chanting that melded with the music and dancing he raised his arms slowly.

Back in Equestria the most "divine intervention" any pony could ever hope or pray for would be not to get run over by a train when they crossed the tracks. Higher powers never responded to pleas for aid and most had simply taking to praying to Celestia for guidance and aid as if doing so would get results. It was a loosing situation no matter what they prayed too or how hard.

However here something was changing slowly. Her fur prickled a little at first when the dancers had gone from moving to and fro in silence to now moving in circles dancing around one another. Their hands rose up and began to clap along to the music while the crowd continued raising their own hands high above their heads.

During all of this the first signs that something far beyond her comprehension was going on made itself known. Fur standing up along her spine Shadow jerked her head around looking for whatever force was slowly making itself known. Beside her the acolyte just smiled back and reassured her everything was fine. The clapping had taken on a unique beat and tune all of its own, part of her wanted to bolt for the door while another demanded she stay riveted to the spot to see what would happen next.

Standing nervously rooted to the spot Shadow glanced around apprehension gnawing at her insides. The acolyte had since joined in the clapping and nudged her a little, Shadow brought her hands together slowly and joined in matching beat with the crowd. Betu never once faltered in his chanting, his hands were now raised high, his head looking up at the ceiling.

As her clapping continued her eyes began to bulge as little wisps of light began to weave through the air. All around more feeling was poured into the music, dancing, clapping and chanting. Before long the wisps had multiplied and small balls of light rose from the floor even pouring out from the walls and statues. All sizes and colors they began to weave their way around the crowd as if to join in with the clapping, others joined the dancers matching their movements giving the dancers an ethereal appearance.

Betu was wreathed in them. It was getting a little hard to see the old stallion as more lights formed around him circling while wisps spun and coursed around his arms in a stunning display of color and brilliance.

Shadow watched her mouth hanging open, her own clapping had faltered almost immediately as she tried to pick it back up. Fear and amazement filled her senses watching the lights dance and move through the crowd. Some approached her as if to examine the strange visitor before moving on while others danced and spun around her giving off a warm friendly feeling. Never in her life could she of imagined anything like this being possible. No it was impossible.

All the old pony teachings screamed in her mind to be afraid and run but she began to crush them and toss them aside, there was no evil here, no danger. Only joy and pure happiness filled this place as the crowd began to chant the same lines over and over again. As their voices rose higher the balls of light seemed to grow more and more powerful, the wisps of light becoming clearer and more pronounced.

This ceremony seemed to be making the forced gathered here more invigorated, powerful. Betu had stopped chanting and lowered his arms as the feverish dancing continued, the crowd lost in the blissful feeling that pervaded the temple. It was affected Shadow as well now, she could feel them not just in her heart and mind now but her soul has been touched by the powers here. More lights had begun to visit her and even touch her now and then before moving away leaving her with a profound sense of calm and peace.

Watching in wonder as the lights flowed around her she put out a hand and stared in utter amazement as one lit in her palm for a minute leaving a tingling sensation before moving on while wisps of light flowed around her arm.

"The spirits seem to like you." Smiling at her the acolyte watched for a minute before turning back and watching the spectacle continue to unfold. Shadow however had just realized this was not just some simple ceremony to honor the souls of the dead or the spirits but this was a full out summoning. All of this was to call them forth and invite them to join the living to enjoy the dancing and music.

Patting her shoulder for a moment the acolyte smiled then waved and walked off. Turning back towards the altar Shadow watched as the line of priests and acolytes spread out and that seemed to signal something else to the crowd as they too parted ways fanning out and up towards the wall crowding in on her.

Seeing over them was very hard now but she managed to fly up into the air to look over the gathering as they began to join in the dancing. One group of musicians stopped playing and another picked right up as the dancers slowed then flowed off the stone platform. All around her Arabian's and zebra's began dancing to the music while the spirits and souls flowed around them.

Sometime after a pair of voices called out to her from below and looking down she saw Nata, Aliya and Jaf standing there staring up smiling while beckoning her to join them.

"This is not the time to stand alone or fly, dance! Join in with the celebration!" Aliya kept smiling as she took Shadow by the hand and led her off the way they had come to a less crowded area.

"I have no idea what I am doing..." Shadow was a little worried as Jaf just laughed.

"Just go with the flow and dont think about it."

Aliya and Jaf began to dance while Nata took Shadow and told her just to follow along. There was no sense in being here without joining in on the dancing. Watching as they began to dance together she matched her movements with Nata while watching Aliya and Jaf from the corner of her eye.

The pair was an amazing display to watch though Aliya was the better dancer. They wove back and forth together in sync with the music, an amazing pair indeed. Dancing continued till she lost track of time and now the lights that swam around her were welcome as they bent and wove with her movements. Aliyan and Jaf however remained a true sight to see as the lights danced and wove with them, coursing around their arms and hands as they touched and brushed in and around each other.

How long it lasted she did not know but finally Aliya stopped and took Jaf's hand as he breathed with a little difficulty. Slowing her own dancing at their approach Nata just waved them off and continued on while Aliya motioned for Shadow to follow.

"You must rest before you fall down Shadow." Aliya laughed happily before taking her hand leading them through the crowd. "Now we rest, drink and eat a little."

Outside the courtyard was a mass of writhing dancers, the air inside the temple had been filled with lights but it was no different outside with the air full of them. They slowly made their way to a different side that seemed to be for resting and eating. Great cauldrons had been set up at some point and bubbled with food being served by acolytes and what appeared to be volunteers.

"Eat little and slowly, you are too tired to eat very much... Wait here with Jaf, I will return with suitable food."

Aliya faded into the crowd leaving the two alone to talk. Jaf admitted he had been there before her arrival but stayed out of sight being so busy getting everything ready and that Aliya had seen her on the walk up the stairs. Seeing a bat pony along the outer wall with an accompanying acolyte was hard to miss.

Returning with two bowls in hand with some pita resting over one of them Aliya returned and they sat together. Fruit with some candied plantaine mixed in while the other contained a simple vegetable blend that was easy on the spices. Sitting and eating as music continued to emanate from the temple Shadow asked how often this occurred and Jaf informed her it was twice a year.

Aliya chimed in that originally it was only once a year but High Priest Betu had decided that because the fields were so rich and most went to waste why not celebrate twice. His reasoning was that why only call forth the souls and spirits once a year to join them in celebration, surely they would enjoy the chance to celebrate with them. He was right apparently, since the change had begun some twenty years ago the number of apparitions had more than tripled.

It had worked wonders too. With the increase of "visitors" sickness had dropped off in the city greatly and all around happiness had been boosted greatly. Smaller summons took place at the various homes around the city of course after a harvest so it was not like the temple cornered the market though none could compare to the vastness and lavishness to be expected here. Food was donated and none were turned away, all were welcome here no matter how low or high.

Shadow had to admit this was the most stunning religious act she had ever seen. Jaf however waved her off and told her that the region had no actual organized "religion" but instead a strong faith, for them there were no gods or pantheons to pray too in either fear or respect. A lesson taught to them long ago when those who held forced religious doctrine tried to invade long, long ago but lost in one brutal, bloody and hellishly violent and cataclysmic battle as spirits and religious dogma collided.

If she wanted to know more the statues inside were built to honor the various heroes who died that day to expel the invaders from the East. After that one brutal display of power they had never cross the mountain chain again but instead turned on themselves blaming each other for not being zealous enough. Either way it worked for them Aliya added not that they did not maintain strong garrisons just in case they would ever try again.

Festivities continued on throughout the day as the married couple led Shadow around to the various goings on including a couple stands set up by the temple and locals offering various items including jewelry. Aliya pointed out the bracelets and necklaces as something worn to remember those gone by or to the various heroes who died so long ago. Shadow followed along mostly in silence asking a question now or then but as the sun began to dip.

As much as she enjoyed being here with them it was time to go since they would be leaving tomorrow to continue their vacation. Aliya asked her to wait here for a little bit and left leaving Jaf and Shadow alone.

"You know Shadow... There is just something about you that makes you easy to like and trust. Your companion friend is... Dangerous. Nice, but dangerous, trusted even but you... Aliya and Nata like you more than you know and I must say that when we saw you writhed in spirits it solidified that with us. Shadow... You are very different. Special." Jaf beamed at her before his eyes turned back to the crowd.

"Thank you. But I just remembered we left Nata inside..."

Jaf barked out a laugh and had to take a minute to stop. "Oh that one could dance till the spirits died of exhaustion. Then again she is the future replacement to the head mistress at the school."

Aliya popped out from the crowd and handed an arm bracelet to Shadow. "Very fitting for one like you. The symbol is for one who honors the spirits and is asking for guidance and protection in return. Suitable for one like you who travels."

Smiling Shadow thanked her and pulling her sleeve up tried it on for size and it fit perfectly. Returning the smile Aliya remarked she had guessed which would fit and guessed correctly. Being time to head back Shadow thanked them and waved goodbye as she flew into the air and back to the inn. If only her family had been here to see this wondrous event. A little worry worked it's way up though as Valkardian came to mind, if the spirits protected the city so violently from outside enemies how would they react to him?

Chapter 25

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"I take it by your stunned expression you were expecting something else?"

Shadow came down slowly landing on the balcony gawking at Valkardians form. He had lights all over the place cautiously moving around him as if unsure of what creature or nightmare sat before them. None dared come into contact with him and her arrival had caused some to make their way to her moving around carefully at first but like the others at the temple settling on her before moving off.

"I was a little worried they would attack you."

"Feh. There is an... "Agreement" between us. There has always been. They also know why I am here and what will happen so they have thus informed me that there will be no attempt to stop us from doing what must be done."

"And that is?"

A wicked smile crossed his face. "Retrieve an artifact and make damn sure it is never found again." The lights seemed to bob in agreement.

"So they wont attack you for being evil?"

"Not at all, like I said long ago we made an agreement. They may not like me at all but they also know that sometimes the best way to fight fire is with fire."

"Ooookkkk..." Shadow sat down on a cushion and watched the little display continue on for a minute.

"Enjoy your day at the temple? You have a "deer caught in the headlights" look to you."

"I did not realize when you said the priests "had their ways" that it would mean anything like this."

"Marvelous is it not?"

"You admire them?"

"Yes of course. They are not my enemies. While we disagree most heatedly about a great number of things that does not mean we will try and kill each other over it. Being able to summon armies of spirits and souls to fight or protect their lands is an impressive sight."

"Speaking of armies... Valkardian... Did you have anything to do with whatever happened so long ago? The description given made me think you might of had something to do with it."

Shifting slightly he adjusted himself to laying with his back and head held up by a large pile of thick cushions while the spirits followed him. "Yes I did."

"Will you tell me?"

"I did not like the invaders nor their idiotic religious doctrine but I aided them because there was something far more dangerous involved. A certain spear which is also the subject of our discussion tonight mind you..."

"The powers in this land are ancient beyond even my knowledge and powerful enough to move continents if convinced to act. I helped them... Nudge... Those powers in their favor. Beyond that my role was rather minor on the battlefield, no armies of mine marched en-mass but I did join the battle to wrest control of the spear away from its holder. Long story short we won by a landslide but the region the battlefield took place is still a battle scarred hell millennia later."

Shadow watched the glowing lights closely for any indication he was lying but the impression they gave her was nothing but truth.

"Their powers are beyond imagination... I thought only unicorns and alicorns could use magic. Could I use magic Valkardian?"

"Yes of course. Not like the other two but there are ways you can tap into that magical force that this world is bathed in. Takes time and practice but you could do it. However, you would never be able to use magic like the unicorns or Celestia. Your powers would be quite different."


"Not really certain, depends on what interests you but I do know with enough training you could raise the dead or call on spirits."

"Are you saying I could seriously make my own undead army of servants like you have?"


That floored her. Common sense dictated that only and only unicorns and alicorns could use magic though it was taught that pegasi and earth ponies had some sway in their own ways. Tonight though all that had gone out the window seeing Betu summon thousands upon thousands of spirits and souls from beyond the grave without the need for pony magic. Just his chanting and actions had been enough and now she found they could even summon them to war and an army of spirits marching against an invading army was a terrifying thought.

"Arabian's and Zebra's have terrifying powers..."

Valkardian just smiled for a moment. "More than even they know or understand though I imagine Betu has figured out a great deal on his own..." He waved his hand at the orbs of light and they danced away to surround Shadow.

"Aliya and Jaf said they seem to like me a lot..."

"Indeed they do..." His eyes traced over her and locked on her arm bracelet as she peeled off some of her sweat soaked cloathing. "Found faith in something have you?"

"Oh. It was a gift from Aliya."

Continuing to watch the little light display around Shadow as they left slowly one by one drifting to the streets below a thought crossed his mind: How perfectly opposite we are, where you walk others smile and join you yet they cower from my outstretched shadow.

"Are you going to tell me about whats really going on yet?"

Her voice snapped him back to reality and slowly blinking he focused on her again.

"Yes... Come here."

Shadow moved over to him and sat where he pointed. "This will be a bit of a rush but do not fight it." Reaching out a hand he touched her forehead and power surged up his arms then into his hands before passing into her mind. Vidid color and imagery exploded in her mind as his meeting with Betu played out in its entirety before fading away.

"Now you know. I have already hired a small ship to carry down the coast and up the great river. This quest takes priority over our vacation but do not worry, we will enjoy our full two weeks on the way back."

"So the vacation has been extended again?"

"Yes, it is now a... Working vacation if you will."

"So this object is why you are worried about prying eyes? What about the spies next door? Wont they listen in?"

Valkardian was laughing quietly. "Oh my no. First a spell prevents any from hearing us or even reading out lips. Also I asked the spirits to... Occupy, our would be antagonists."

"What do you mean by occupy them?" Her eyes narrowed while he just smirked.

"They will wake up long after we have left thinking they got too caught up in the revelry, even now they are influenced heavily to go partake in the festival and are doing just that. By the time they snap out of it we will be long gone and they will be unable to blame us nor anyone else."

"I can imagine they will be highly suspicious..."

"Oh of course they will be! They are spies and thieves who work for Celestia after all."

"Wont it be easy to track us? I am... Unqiue, after all."

"Got that covered so no worries. Anyway, time for dinner."

"I thought the entire city was celebrating?"

"Oh they are but someone has to do the cooking and I took care of that in advance, I just have to go fetch it is all."

"Want help?"

The look on Valkardians face was like a child asking a parent if they were certain about what they were doing. "Pah!" With that he cast off a spell disappearing for a couple minutes before teleporting back many trays, pots, bowls and plates hovering around him. Floating down to the table carefully he spread them out before sitting across from her.

"What is all this?"

"Tangine, seafood and rice dishes, vegetables..." His hand moved back and forth before the top of the clay pot was removed revealing a tall pile of sweet, spicy food drenched in sauce. Eagerly tying into the banquet laid out he poured cups of hot tea and began to fill his own plate.

"So where are we going then?" She looked up from her food waiting on him to explain the plan.

"Far to the Southwest to a little village called Tatsu. The bandits have set up their camp somewhere in the desert near there or so the spirits say. That also means they have to stay within a certain range of the river for water or farther out at an oasis. Since they are ambushing caravns they must be close to the river. Tatsu however is now under heavy guard so they have shied away for the time being and may move up or down the river thus Betu's concern over their... Neighbors."

"The sultan who is trying to gain favor with Celestia right?"

"Exactly, handing over the artifact would be... Well it would be a very large feather in his turban."

"Why does Celestia want it?"

"Misguided altruism and ambition."

Shadow just gave him a blank stare.

"Celestia has her spies gathering artifacts and hoarding them away for her own personal use or to seal away someplace she considers safe." Valkardian let out a loud spiteful laugh. "Damn fool is only making it easier for other powers to seize them all at once." He leaned forward and stared into her eyes. "There are some things that must remain sealed away no matter how good the intentions are to use them. The risk of someone else getting a hold of them and using them for other purposes is too great."

Leaning back again he scooped up some of the sauce soaked fish with a piece of bread and ate before continuing. "While I myself could use the spear I know better unlike Celestia. Some things are just too dangerous and not worth the risk. That is why I had the damn thing shattered in the first place."

"So that's why you were here back then. To make them destroy it? Stop anypony from using it against you or others?"

"Correct. I like the balance of powers to stay as it is so no one can bother anyone else not that they dont try."

"What does the artifact do?"

"Well this worlds equivalent gives the bearer not only vastly extended life but also the power to bend populations to their will and imbue their armies with great power. That is why the battle back then was so destructive. The sheer overwhelming power it took to cancel it out was so great it damaged the landscape permanently but it had to be done." Going back to eating he began mumbling. "Now that damned alabaster whore thinks she will be any different than the previous owner."

"So Celestia intends to use it then?"

"Most certainly. One of her greatest desires after her change of heart was to see "harmony" brought to the world. Fortunately for the world she lacks the means."

"Do you have the means?"

"To do what exactly? Make the world bend its collective knee to me and declare me lord god?"

Shadow nodded and Valkardian gave it a little thought. "I suppose anything is possible. Given the right circumstances I probably could or at least give it a damn good try and give the powers of the world a run for their money."

"Why dont you?"

*Sigh* "Shadow. I already have great powers. Beyond anything I could have imagined ever having when I was a young man. One thing I have learned though is that it means nothing in the long run. Nothing at all. It will not bring happiness and neither would conquering the world. Besides. I hate bureaucracy."

"You just want to be happy? Is that what all this is about?"

"No. Not really. I also learned long ago that being happy is something that is... Beyond my reach. So I quit trying. Celestia and being friends with Blood Lily were my last attempts."

Shadow felt sad for the evil creature that sat across from her eating slowly though why she could not really figure out. Something inside just pulled at her a little when he said that.

"What about me then? Im your slave and your saying that I have not gotten you to feel a little happy?"

"Oh come now Shadow lets just drop the false pretenses. You are no slave and have never been and we both know it." He gestured at the table then beyond. "What master would treat their slave like this let alone train them and arm them no less."

"So what am I then?"

He was about to take a bite of food but that stopped him. His eyes betrayed him as he glanced at her then away again thinking.

"I have no idea anymore."

"Would you kill me if I tried to escape?"



Their eyes met, her boring into his for answers while he tried to figure out an answer to her question.

"At minimum you are a student of mine but I will not deny you have become... Important... To me somehow."

"What if somepony just up and cut my throat. What would you do?"

His eyes flashed a little anger. "I would flay them alive."

A smile spread across her face and she continued eating letting the matter drop. What Jaf said the other day had come back to mind just moments ago and she had played on it to see Valkardians reaction. He was awful at showing how he felt about anything which only added to his intimidating presense but deep inside he wasnt all that bad really.

"Thank you."

Curiosity crossed his face as he examined her raising an eyebrow and turning his head to the side slightly.

"For what?"

"So how many bandits are there then?" Shadow had decided to drop it and change the subject.

"Hrm. Alright. There are supposedly around two hundred or so of them."

*Urk* Shadow choked a little on a piece of shrimp at hearing that. "How are we going to deal with that many?!"

Valkardian looked rather offended. "First you doubt yourself to the point of inaction and now you doubt me?"

"NO! No... Wait. How do you know there are two hundred? Betu never said anything about their numbers."

"I asked the spirits here earlier."

"They can talk?"

"Oh yes. But you must be willing to listen."

She mulled that over for a minute before urging him to continue.

"That's couscous by the way... At any rate it just depends on where they are and how the force is deployed. I fully intend to attack them at night and get the spearhead first so there is one less variable in the ensuing fight."

"What role will I play?"

"None. On the way you will be a lookout for any of Celestia's spy's but otherwise you will play no role in the battle itself."

"Why not!?"

"You doubt yourself too much and would be a liability. You were unwilling to face down ten half assed guards and soldiers despite being superiorly trained and armed. How can I trust you now to join me in a battle against two hundred hardened brigands?"

His comment burned away at her and tore deep into her heart. She was no coward! True she had hesitated then and been captured but...

The flurry of emotions tore their way through her heart and soul struggling to come to grips with his words. They were true after all. It had been her big chance to prove her training and she had blown it choosing to be captured. "Try. At least TRY." But instead of giving it her best shot and taking the risk Shadow had backed down. In a one on one fight or two on one there was no doubt in her mind but ten to one... One hundred to one?

Biting down into a piece of shrimp angrily feeling its flesh shred from the force of her chewing Shadow calmed herself down a little. Somehow she would have to prove to him that all that training and fighting had not been for naught. Maybe she would get another chance to prove herself to him. Why did she care? What was so important about proving anything at all to him?

Looking over at him a moment before scooping up a few more spoon-fulls of seasoned rice Shadow remembered back to the time she had seen him fully unclothed. His body was covered in scars some large others small. Until now she had not realized what they were: a story of his own attempts and failures. Experiments and battles that had not gone as planned resulting in some rather vicious injuries. But he had tried.

Valkardian had not always been a powerful wizard or master of sword and spear, once upon a time he had been much like her but through millennia and countless battles he had carved out his own bloody little piece of the world for himself. How much misery and paid had he endured to pull it off? How much did he still endure?

Tomorrow would begin the journey to retrieve the artifact and make it disappear again. Not one bit of doubt crossed her mind that somewhere along the way a chance would present itself to regain his trust in her abilities beyond being a cut-throat. If he was willing to admit to flaying somepony alive for harming her and even giving her such grand gifts as this vacation... The least she could do was return the favor somehow and that would mean having faith in her training and proving those long weeks of hard training had not been for nothing.


When dawn came Shadow was raring to go which was a little surprising to Valkardian. There would be one stop along the way to the docks and if she wanted to say goodbye to anyone she met now was the time. Choosing to visit the school first Shadow left a note to Nata, Aliya and Jaf thanking them, it was poorly written in their language but she did the best she could using the dictionary to find the words.

Despite the festivities having died off in the night the temple was still crowded as some came to pray or meditate while others busied themselves with cleaning. A priestess told her Betu was quite busy but he had left a message of his own for her if she stopped by. Leaving one for him in kind the priestess smiled and left her to read the short message.



Good luck and may the spirits protect you on your journey. Should you ever find yourself in the city again never forget you are welcome here and I hope you speak with you again one day.



Valkardian had not put one hoof past the temple entrance choosing to just stand outside leaning on his staff while waiting on her. Exiting the temple and joining him they hustled off towards the docks. Along the way they passed through a small gatehouse that walled off the docks from the city proper.

Clanging greeted her ears not long after and soon they were among the many blacksmiths who kept the city's gears moving. Wagon wheel's, anchors and countless other bits and pieces of equipment were displayed while the smiths worked furiously at their anvils beating out metal.

"Alright, we have about thirty minutes now so if anything catches your eye feel free to stop and look."

Gesturing towards the long line of blacksmith shops along the way Shadow let her eyes wander over the merchandise before picking out one farther down. Many pieces of armor and weapons were being sold while two giant zebra's worked in unison to batter a piece of metal to death forcing it into the curve of a sabre.

Taking notice of her the stallion nodded to the mare who stopped and signaled to an apprentice to take her place. Quickly changing places the zebra came over and towered over Shadow, at least a good seven feet tall or more. While what was on display was excellent Shadow was looking for something more unique to remind her of the time here. Saying as much the mare just nodded and inquired as to what she had in mind.

A kopesh. Shadow had not actually gotten a good glimpse of the one in the market the pot seller had and moments later the mare returned with several magnificent weapons. Eyeing them with great scrutiny narrowed the selection down to two masterpieces. A small smirk came to the zebra's face as she put the others aside before exchanging glances with the stallion behind her.

Settling on the one with the strange layered pattern on the blade Shadow inquired about it.

"Layered steel. Many layers to make it stronger." Her voice was deep and heavy. "Damascus style steel, best you will find anywhere."

A quick glance at Valkardian who was eyeing the spears resulted in a small nod. She would take it. It was not a cheap blade but it came with an ornate sheath and continuing to browse the weapons for sale Shadow found a similar dagger and purchased it as well. Both the smiths and the apprentice were smiling ear to ear when she left belting the new dagger onto the side of her leg with a special leather holster the zebra offered up.

Valkardian came over at that point and said it was time to go and sword slung over her shoulder they departed the smithing area and were soon passing warehouses. Wagons were being pulled quickly about by teams of Arabians or Zebra's in a rush to get the goods loaded or unloaded from the ships.

Oh the ships. Grand galleys sat waiting with large eye's painted on their brow while others were slimmer and sleeker looking. Everything was abuzz as tall wooden cranes lifted the ships contents out and to waiting teams with wagons while others did the opposite loading huge sacks of grain, others amphora.

Their destination though was farther off to the side where smaller ships moored. Smaller fishing vessels were being prepped for the day while one was unloading its catch. Ponies would never so much as touch fish save for pegasi who sometimes did. Zebra and Arabians though seemed to have little qualms about eating fish and shellfish if last night was any indicator. That dish of rice, fish, shrimp and clams had been delectable. Shadow hoped she would get to eat it at least one more time.

What awaited them was a colorful little ship with three zebra's crewing it. Upon their approach a skinny mare with powerful arms approached and announced the ship was ready and they could set sail at once.

"What kind of ship is this?"

Valkardian went to respond but the sharp ears of the mare beat him to it.

"This is a dhow. Some are quite large but mine is smaller and faster. Her name is Lightning and I am the captain. Qufai. These two are my brother Yajfa and sister Kalai. Quickly stepping down the plank and onto the ship the mare hurried her family along as Yajfa undid the mooring ropes as they boarded.

"While the name sounds fancy without translation it is called Bariq."

The way Valkardian said it made Shadow stare at him oddly before remembering the magic was translating the words. Why had it not translated names though? Was there a translation for some names? Every pony had a name that meant something. Every. Pony. Maybe that was no the case here or it just did not translate?

Using a pole to push them away from the dock Qufai gave more instructions as the other two manned some oars to get them out into the water where the wind could catch. It was slow going at first but when they had manged to get out into the sheltered harbor Kalai shimmied her way up the mast and undid a rope before coming down then joined Yajfa in heaving on ropes to bring the sail up.

The tall angular sail quickly billowed out when the wind caught it and the ship lurched forward picking up speed. It did not take long to clear the harbor and put distance between themselves and the city as the little dhow zipped out into the open sea hugging the coast. Qufai steered them South past a lighthouse high up on some cliffs.

Everything settled down after a bit when Qufai was satisfied with preparations leaving the rest of them to dally about somewhat. Kalai and Yajfa busied themselves with checking ropes and the cargo for a bit before settling down to watch the coast past them by. Kalai pulled out a fishing rod and cast a line over the side as they sailed on looking rather bored.

Shadow stared out over the water for a while as Valkardian quietly talked to the captain before coming over.

"If you watch the water closely you can see the currents. There. See how the water calms and then changes direction?"

Looking to where he was pointing she watched the water weave an odd pattern along the coast.

"Qufai is keeping us in a current that leads south. Between that and the wind we are moving rather quickly."

Looking back at Qufai as she just sat on a cushion up on a small deck that looked out over the ship from the stern. She looked somewhat bored before catching Shadow watching her and gave a toothy grin.

"No worries, we will get there in just two days if the wind holds."

Valkardian took a seat near Kalai and began talking. He was not going to pass up a chance to go fishing. What an odd obsession with a being that lived sealed under the world above.

Qufai switched places with Yajfa hours later after Valkardian had materialized his own rod and begun fishing. Taking a seat near Shadow she looked the bat pony over for a minute before settling on looking her weapons over.

"Expecting a fight? Pirates perhaps?"

"Are there pirates?"

*Hahaha* "No. This coast is patrolled by the merchant's guild navy, it is very safe. Pirates only attack far out at sea towards the island in the far North. Sometimes bandits get some ships together on the river and try to rob a ship now and then. Very rare. Ends badly for them too."

Qufai's sinister grin told her all she needed to know never mind that by pulling a part of her robe aside revealed rows of knives, daggers and a scimitar.

"You are very... Prepared."

"There is no such thing as too many weapons. Especially knives." Qufai patted her well armed belt. "Many interesting weapons you have." All attention was back on Shadow again.

"Bought two of them before getting on the ships, the dagger and kopesh."

"How well can you wield them?"

"Well enough."

"Mmm... Wielding a kopesh is different than your sword. Remember that. Very nice one too."

Laying it out for her to examine Qufai went over the sheath before pulling it free and examining with diligence and care.

"Very good blade. Must have been expensive."

"It was."

"Ah well. If you can afford to rent a boat for a journey all the way to Tatsu then you can afford this." She ran her fingers carefully along the flat of the blade. "Best move your other dagger to the other leg and keep both swords at your waist. Maybe sling one dagger across your back with the handle down so you can draw it quickly without cutting your wings."

Shadow nodded as Qufai stood and began to examine the ship before standing at the front looking far off into the distance before joining her brother. Watching the coast go by fascinated her with its rocky cliffs or gentle slopes covered with trees and the occasional cluster of houses.

Pulling her journal out she began to sketch the landscape and even the crew. Lunch came and went with a simple meal of fruits and bread. By dinnertime her journal contained rough sketches of everything she could remember over the past few days including the temple. She was not a very good artist but she had done her best to capture the moments now lost to time. Turning to a new blank page Shadow looked down at it thinking about what else would be written here in the days to come, what new pictures would be drawn and committed to history. Would anypony ever see this book? Would they care or just dismiss it as one more curiosity.

Sun dipping low Kalai brought her dinner and began setting out the sleeping rolls, come dawn they should be more than halfway to the mouth of the great river.

Chapter 26

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Laying back on her bedroll and looking up at the night sky Shadow could hear the distant crash of waves on cliffs. A full moon lit up the vast sea as the dhow continued to skim the waters while Kalai quietly steered them farther South. There was no trouble seeing tonight so Qufai had opted to not bring the ship up to the coast for the night and drop anchor till dawn.

Staring at the mesmerizing lights above it only now occurred to her that since coming back to the surface not once had she made any attempt to look UP. A blue sky was boring by comparison to the multi-hued cavern ceilings but the stars tonight with a full moon lighting up the world around her was entrancing.

They had been assured that sometime in the morning the distant city of Obiad would come into view only requiring a few more hours of good sailing to reach the mouth of the river then begin to sail up it. When asked about sailing up a river against the current Qufai told her that the winds here flowed Southwest along the coast then bent South up the river making it possible to travel without rowing.

Qufai had however given her that toothy grin of hers and remarked that if they were not moving fast enough they could break out the oars and Shadow was more than welcome to join them. It had been a joke but the way it was said meant there was truth to what she had said.

Rolling onto her side and staring out towards the coast she watched as they slowly passed a distant village. While they were still well out in the waters the ship was still very much hugging the coast making her a little worried if one false turn would send them slamming into the cliffs. Then again considering the age of the ship... This crew was highly experienced at sailing and knew what they were doing even if Yajfa was a little slow.

He was a nice stallion. Very quiet. Like his sisters he was tall and scrawny with arms that did not match the body with their heavily corded and bulging muscles. On the other hand the few times any of them had talked to him it was short and to the point. The one time he had spoken his speech was slow but carried no hint of him being an idiot by any stretch.

What a strange crew they were, all family members working the same boat up and down the coast and rivers doing what she did not know. Today it was passengers, what would it be after they left? Shadow tugged her thin blanket over her body a little more as the dhow hit a rough spot sending a small spray of water into the air that tingled on her exposed fur.

Looking back at Kalai for a moment the mare's eyes turned to her for a moment going a little large for a moment before calming down and smiling to her before looking back out to sea guiding the ship onward. It was then she remembered her eyes had a glow to them in the dark and it was probably that which gave her away and startled Kalai a bit. Pulling the sheets tighter while shutting her eyes and willing herself back to sleep Shadow's mind drifted off as sleep overtook her.

Most of the rocking and rising of the ship had died off in the early hours as the sun began to rise again calming the waters some. Valkardian had gotten up with Qufai unable to sleep himself which was rather odd. It was not like that damned sleep invading pony could touch him especially beyond the borders of Equestria despite her high and mighty claims at being a princess of dreams.

Joining Qufai at the stern he sat down and allowed his hooves to dangle off the little rise and watched the coast slip past. Finding a crew so fast had been easy as Betu through his own means had arranged a very fast ship to be made available without tipping anyone off. In fact it was a little too easy as Qufai had approached him outright upon arrival to the docks.

Betu had given someone a description who in turn gave it to someone else and as it went down the pecking order it found its way into her hands. He had also not offered to pay even one cent for the voyage as Qufai had been quite innocent in her stating she had only been told he was looking or a very fast ship to get him down the coast. No details had been given but they were not needed, she had a ship and he had the coin.

Valkardian mused on how Betu's "kindness" only went so far. One more of the priests little reminders that he was most unwelcome but not forbidden either. Compared to his ancient predecessor he was a massive step up and in the right direction should events pan out as they should.

Qufai leaned forward a little resting her arms on the long wooden pole that controlled the rudder before looking over at Valkardian.

"Why all the way to Tatsu? There is nothing out there to see. I know. We were born there."

"Figured why not. We are here on vacation so may why not go as far as we can and see more than just the perfect cities with their perfect streets. To see a place and get to know it one must be willing to take it all in not just the best parts."

She nodded a little and shrugged. "Your coin not mine, we are happy to take you there and back again as agreed."

Shadow began to stir before sitting up and looking around rubbing an eye. "How much longer?"

"Feeling a little seasick?" Qufai grinned.

"No. I want to see the city from a distance first."

"When we pass by that cluster of rocks far ahead you might be able to see the city."

Shadow slowly rose up and moved to the front of the ship to look at the distant pile of rocks sticking from the sea. Most of the coast had leveled out that night and was now dropping rapidly in elevation revealing more beaches and distant orchards. Shuffling back again to sit below Valkardian and pulling out her bag from under the protection of the overhang she rooted around before retrieving her journal.

"Will we be stopping anywhere along the way?" Turning her gaze up at Valkardian he glanced down a moment before staring off into the distance again.

"Two or three. The first short stop will be the city, we will remain on the boat while Qufai drops off a few things, refill the water supply and we will be off again. The river may be freshwater but it is too dirty to drink from."

Qufai called out to Yajfa to fix something for a moment before turning to Shadow.

"Mail. We took on a bag of it and other things before setting sail since we had the extra cargo space. Passengers take up very little."

"So your a mailmare?"

"A what?"

"You deliver mail. That's what you do with your ship?"

"HAH! No. We move small cargo around, usually pricier bits and pieces here and there. Someone always needs a fast ship to make deliveries up and down the coast. Sometimes we fish though."

Valkardian turned his head a little. "A crew of many talents then."

She seemed to like the little comment but quickly called out for the sail to be raised again as a breeze began to pick up.

When the wind finally picked up enough to catch the sail they had neared the rocky outcropping. Shadow was again at the front looking out waiting on any sight of the city while Kalai brought around bowls of food and now day old bread that was getting a little stale and... Hard. Prying a piece loose and chewing on it along with some cheese she kept watch as the ship slowly sped up.

It had been a little while but soon a small ship in the distance could be seen heading their way. Or were they going to them? Everything seemed to work so strangely out on the waters and judging distance was impossible without looking at the distant coast first and comparing the two. Soon the tops of distant walls could be seen their towers poking up into the sky but from this distance they seemed so small she could obscure them with a finger.

Few ships could be seen at first but as the hour wore on more appeared moving slowly out into the sea of all sizes and shapes. The "little" ship she had seen earlier was now closer and getting bigger all the time. When another half hour had passed the city was looming high in the distance while the ship loomed over them as it slid past at a distance.

Two massive eyes were painted high on the brow as rows of oars dipped low driving it onward up the coast. Ballista and catapults lined the high decks while archers kept watch. One watched them quietly as they slipped past them but what had made her scratch furiously at her journal was the huge ram projecting from the front of the vessel. It blasted through the water just below the surface its golden glittering surface showing some signs of tarnish from the saltwater.

"Guild navy. Warship. Rams enemy ship to sink it or they come along side and throw planks then board." Qufai had been watching her draw the whole time.

"When was the last time the navy fought?"

It took a moment before Qufai could answer and it was a slow one. "MMmmmm... Five... Six years ago now? More?"

"What happened?"

"Pirate fleet from far north came down and began to raid ships. Navy sent a small fleet to deal with them and the pirates mistook the naval ships for a group of large cargo ships."

Valkardian turned his head away from the passing warship. "I bet that went brilliantly for them."

Letting out a cackle while keeping their ships far apart Qufai turned back to the front.

"Navy captured all the ships very quickly. Turned them south, sold them for profit and took the pirate crew and some of the rowers for slaves to row their own ships."


"Yes. Fitting for the pirate bastards. Their loot and steal now they must row the ships that captured them."

"Are all the ships rowed by slaves?"

"No. Many are paid to work on the ships. Very bad pay. But, they have a "home" and food. Others are criminals sent to row till they pay off their debt."

"You know a lot about ships and how they work... Makes sense though."

"My uncle is a mercenary on one of those ships."

Ah. That made a lot of sense. Shadow faced off towards the city starting a new sketch as more and more boats and ships left the harbor while others went in. Even from a distance there was a method to the madness but the massive lighthouse towering over the harbor held the most attention.

Soaring up well over the height of the walls and even the temple its polished white surface reflected the suns rays in with a blinding brilliance. Even without a fire burning this building could be seen over vast distances during the day with its tall, sharp angular bronze cap. She wondered what the world must look like from so high up.

Qufai steered them carefully through the teeming mass of vessels and into the harbor itself. Tall walls of stone guarded it on both flanks with towers and parapets showing signs here and there of ballista or the occasional catapult all covered in heavy tarps.

Inside the sheltered harbor the sail was left up for a short time pushing them towards a far side where smaller vessels could dock. Everything was divided up in sections, one for small vessels another for medium to large cargo ships. The farthest side however held a row of warships and even a shipwright where one was being repaired. A second shipwright was stuck in the dead center of it all where many smaller and larger ships were swarmed over by laborers doing repairs or what fascinated her the most: construction.

From this distance though it was not possible to make out a great number of details unfortunately. Yajfa brought the sail down finally at Qufai's order and the oars came out. They moved at a crawl till they were within throwing distance of a dockworker who waited on them, Kalai threw out a rope and he brought it to a large knob and wrapped it around and kept tightening as they got closer.

Yajfa was the first to act after they had stopped rowing grabbing the boarding plank and tossing it over the ships side so they could come and go. Qufai walked off the ship and talked to the dockworker for a minute before returning while the other left quickly calling out to somepony else.

It went quickly and smoothly as a large bag was hoisted out and signed for by a zebra who handed off a couple of silver and gold coins to Qufai before leaving with it. Others brought up a cart bearing water barrels and after a quick top off payments were made to both the water haulers and finally the dockworker who took a single bronze coin before undoing the ropes while Kalai brought the plank back on-board.

Qufai and Yajfa used oars to push the ship away from the dock before rowing while Kalai steered. All of them took turns at the various jobs, Qufai was captain but not too proud or arrogant to row her own ship. Making their way back out Shadow turned and noticed Valkardian had not once moved from his spot.

"We will be coming back here. Right?"

"Oh yes. First the artifact then we are on vacation again."

With the magic translating everything including her own words it was strange to hear him speak Krethe again as the magic tried to force translations. His hands began to move a little and they began to speed up a little. Jerking her head back Qufai gave Valkardian a quizzical stare.

"A little magic to save you all the rowing."

The two shrugged and gave up rowing as they slipped free from the harbor, he seemed a little eager to get under way again and not waste any time. They received a few strange stares as they glided out without the need for rowing or wind but after a short distance where the wind could be caught again they stopped moving.

Again raising the sail they moved around the city and to the mouth of the vast, wide river. What had been obscured by the city was dense banks covered in tall reeds that grew right down into the water line. The only elevation visible was either the city up on the banks of the only high ground or far off in the hazy distance.

A powerful wind shot them up the mouth of the river and past more boats that ferried passengers to and from the city, a small town lay on the far banks opposite and teemed with industry and large brightly colored bundles stretched out in rows resting on a system of poles.

Kalai followed her gaze. "Dye works. Smells awful so they make it out here not in the city. Wait until we are farther down then you will smell it."

She had been right too, approaching the smell had been hidden but now that they passed them it was horrible. The odor clung to everything making her gag and pull more cloth over her muzzle. Everypony else seems oblivious to the smell or at least ignoring it as best they could.

As the day wore on Shadow had collected a vast array of sketches showcasing the strange little reed boats that wove their way up down or across the river. Stranger still were the larger ones made of wood that had tall rises on both ends. These river craft were very odd but their speed was remarkable as the larger ones sped rapidly towards the sea being rowed or in the case of one, followed them by sail but slowly lost ground.

Shadow did not see any military ships on the river all day long but many reed craft built for two passengers and no more. Cargo moved mostly down the river but was sparse this apparently being the in-between part of the year for harvest. It would be another two months at least then the river would be clogged with barges and cargo ships eager to haul away the crops according to Qufai.

When the sun had dipped low on the horizon the dhow was piloted towards the shoreline along a part not covered in crops. It was one of the few areas that had a little elevation to it and a small cluster of shaggy looking trees.

When the bottom of the boat ground on the mud and slowly came to a halt Kalai tossed an anchor up on the shore while Yajfa prepared the plank for them. Qufai was the first off the boat and up the shore disappearing into the cluster of trees without a word. Valkardian walked down the plank and into the trees while the other two grabbed pots and pans along with various cooking implements onto the grassy knoll.

Looking up and down the river Shadow could see a few of the other rare ships doing the same as little fires began to pop up in the growing darkness. Qufai and Valkardian returned not long after Kalai had set up a cooking area with plenty of tinder and a little wood. Yajfa was busy setting up a large open air tent of sorts.

Fire burning and dinner bubbling away in small pots Valkardian was busy with Kalai preparing some fish they had caught along the way. Qufai on the other hand sat at the fire stirring and tasting the contents and tossing in small pinches of various herbs and spices.

"How much longer till we reach Tutsa?"

"At least two days. Probably three." Qufai took another taste of one pot seeming satisfied with its contents then slapped a lid on it.

"Is everything around here two or three days away?"

"By boat yes but the river keeps going far beyond Tutsa which is on the border of Kifa. You can follow the river for five more days before it branches off. I would not suggest it though."


"Very dangerous. The Sultan of Kufai is seeking to please some foreign power and has begun to make many changes that are upsetting the people."

"What kind of changes?"

Qufai only shrugged, everything was mostly rumor and the only real information was passed by merchants who traveled that far. She did not however instead preferring to stay along the coast.

They all ate in silence listening to the quiet lapping of the river on the Bariq's hull. Two more days then there would be a bloody contest to see who would keep the artifact.


Dawn came with it several large, long legged birds that flocked to where last nights scraps had been tossed. Smaller birds joined in as well fighting over the bits and pieces as they loaded the ship back up and got under way. As life returned to the river and the surrounding landscape marked by the occasional farming village Shadow wondered if the mental link with Valkardian was still there.

He had made it a point the few times they talked to avoid any further mention of why they were really traveling to Tatsu first even changing languages to prevent the crew from listening in. Trust no one. Focusing her mind and seeking out the connection hidden in the back of her mind she drew on it and called out.

Valkardian's eye twitched along with one ear before his gaze shifted over to her waiting.

"How exactly did the bandits get the artifact anyway? Wasn't it hidden?" Shadow focused and pushed her thoughts towards him through the link.

"Yes. Three parts were taken away after the battle, one by the military who put it in a great heavy box and sank it far out at sea. Another to the priests who buried it deep in the sands in a secret chamber and the last I took and hid away."

Hearing his thoughts in her head was always a little unsettling but he has also dodged the most important part of the question.

"How did they find it?"

"Dumb luck? In time the sands move and possibly part of the chamber became exposed, someone found it and broke it open thus retrieving the artifact. None of that really matters. What is important is that I get it first and hide it again."

Everything fell silent again as the ship sailed on bending and weaving around the river. Looking back at Qufai as she stared out bored Shadow asked why they wove back and forth. The rivers current would drive them back down to the coast was the response so they had to stay clear of it but on the return trip stay IN the current.

A day had since passed with the only sight being two small cities along the way. Something that had made her jump a little was when Kalai pointed out a very large reptile called a crocodile. Good for making expensive leather items but also incredibly dangerous to harvest. What amazed her was that some even bred the things for harvest along the river banks in area's less populated.

What worried her more was the way Valkardian eyed them as they passed close to the shore on one slight bend lined with them. It was a hungry look and it was very disturbing. Things came to a head when he asked if any of them had ever eaten one and Qufai and her family had laughed thinking he was joking. His deadly serious look though quieted them before Kalai said he was insane.

Valkardian just smiled sweetly at her making Kalai bristle, the other two just shook their heads.

Well into the day Yajfa became bothered by something in the distance and called Qufai forward. Moving forward quickly she joined her brother in a hushed conversation and lots of pointing before he hurried back and began to drag out a long bundle hidden away.

"Smoke. Small ship is floating towards us and may be on fire. Cant tell yet."

Valkardian stood and joined her in looking and began to toss off excess layers of clothing. Shadow did the same as Qufai yanked her robe off and retreated to the back of the ship with Yajfa. Shadow immediately stood and did the same joining the two as they unwrapped quivers and strung bows.

"Whats wrong? Shouldn't we help them if the ship is on fire?"

"Ship is smoking but not on fire. Also no one on ship that we can see. Dockworker warned us before leaving that rumors were spreading of bandits along this part of the river. Forces were sent but still be cautious."

Kalai continued to steer their ship away from the oncoming boat but it slowly matched them driving them towards the shore. Qufai was quick to change places with her sister suddenly changing course drastically driving them straight at the other ship and to the right away from the shore.

Watching Shadow's eyes caught sight of a head popping up for a moment before ducking back down as an army turned the rudder towards them. Valkardian on the other hand just stood quietly leaning on his staff with no expression. The logic of raiding their tiny ship escaped her but the lack of other ships anywhere in sight meant they had probably picked now because there was no help in sight along this stretch.

"Fight or run?!" All heads turned to Shadow for a moment before Qufai answered.

"Run if we can stay away from them. They would not challenge us unless they have numbers. If they grapple we fight, dont stay here, cross to their ship and fight, they wont expect us to attack them first."

"What if there are too many?"

"There already are."

Qufai passed out equipment and Kalai tugged on heavy leather armor with metal stud. Shields were passed around but Valkardian and Shadow were out of luck, they only carried enough for themselves.

Long hooked poles extended from the oncoming boat as figures rose up. Both ships were coming dangerously close and the larger one acted like the pilot intended to just run them over rather than attack. Qufai began cussing and swearing loudly at the sight of the poles and drew back her bow and fired hitting one of them in the arm causing the pole to fall into the water.

It was too late for much more than a lucky shot as a few raised wicker shields and hunkered back down. Qufai turned to Valkardian and asked if he would do something since he could use magic the retort being that if he set them ablaze they too would burn. Shadow knew this was a bold faced lie, there were a million things he could do to them, tugging on the connection she asked what his plan was.

"To fight and take their ship the old fashioned way. Using any large amount of magic like say... Blowing their ship to kindling would raise more questions than I care to answer. Even poking a hole in their ship and making it sink or veer away would not solve anything as we are coming back this way later. I intend for our return trip to remain unmolested so I am going to kill them all." There was a long pause before he turned to face her. "Or are you now scared of a few poorly trained bandits?"


Shadow drew her sword free and took shelter behind the mast as a very poorly aimed spear passed overhead splashing into the water well behind them. Meanwhile the zebra family was busy firing away at the ones holding the hooks and had managed to wound one but the bandit was immediately replaced.

At least thirteen were on the ship one steering so the ratio was not terribly unbalanced. This might be a good chance to prove she was not scared of a fight. When the two ships had almost ground their hulls together the two mares carrying the long hooks snagged the ropes and leaned back hard while a few others hurtled grappling hooks over and yanked them tight.

One ship tried to drift south the other trying to sail north made the two ships creak and groan as they slowly began to spin in the river. Tossing their bows away Qufai, Kalai and Yajfa wasted no time in immediately rushing forward and attacking the closest bandit dropping one of them immediately.

Mayhem broke loose as bandits made the short hop onto Bariq as Shadow lurched into action parrying a clumsy attack by one attacker before skewering him with a dagger to the stomach. From the corner of her eye she watched Valkardian use his staff to cleave a bandit's arm off with the still innocently looking piece of wood.

Everything was going very well as they quickly pushed onto the other ship the bandits falling back quickly by the sudden onrush of bodies. Qufai was a murderous blur with a sabre in one hand, dagger in the other while her two siblings battered them back. Yajfa was throwing his strength around plowing through shield and bandit alike wielding a spear that cracked skulls and broke bones on impact before skewering them.

To her right Valkardian had climbed on board the ship a grin on his face as he impaled bandits with this staff before flicking them out into the water as if they were weightless. One had shown some intelligence and tried to step behind him but had been zapped so hard his chest opened up felling him over the side of the boat.

Shadow had brought down three so far the latest had brought up a laughable excuse of a shield to protect herself and wondering what her sword could really do made a slicing motion and found the sword cut through her opponents shield and arm like a knife through warm butter.

Seeing another pony missing part of her arm and screaming made her hesitate for a moment but shuffling forward finished the bandit off with a quick thrust to the chest. Marveling at her sword Shadow drew the kopesh figuring this would be better than never at seeing how it felt and wielded.

A proud smile adorned her face as she stalked forward at her two new opponents who looking around at the carnage unfolding on the ship and stepped back a moment thinking before exchanging glances and fanned out to flank her.

Diving hard to the right Shadow's kopesh caught the first bandit unprepared and slamming her body forward while deflecting their weapon collided with their body sending them backwards and onto their back. Quickly moving away and towards the other who closed in parrying the spear to one side the kopesh swung into their unprotected side and sunk deep before a rib stopped it.

Jerking it free the bandit gurgled up blood and fell away while their partner scrambled to their hooves and swung at her legs. Flapping her wings and rising above the blow she landed a short distance away and surged forwards again as the other scrambled to get away. They failed. Pounding their body into the mast and driving both swords into their back she had to yank hard to free from the mast having pinned their body to the mast.

It had only been a few brief bloody minutes but the battle was already over. Kalai had been cut on the leg earlier which had resulted in a pained grunt bringing down the wrath of her sister who beheaded the offender almost immediately. Yajfa had just finished skewering his last opponent who had tried to dive over the side before pushing the body over the side.

Valkardian meanwhile had a mare by the throat asking questions in a calm soothing voice. Panic stricken she did her best to answer but not to any kind of satisfaction as he soon sent a violent jolt of electricity through his arm electrocuting her to death before absentmindedly flicking the body away like an old rag-doll.

Looking at his victims bodies it was clear his staff was something else entirely disguised to look harmless to the passing eye. Hacked off limbs and excessive goring marked his fallen enemies bodies. One was missing a head.

Qufai bandaged her sisters leg quickly before they took their time to examine the damage done. There were no survivors. Not one of them questioned Valkardian's choice of interrogation then execution of the final bandit instead content to start looting the bodies. Looking at her own kill's Shadow walked around and began to pick their pockets and pull away some pouches.

Behind her Qufai joked that her brother should not have tossed the last one overboard as the bandits had so little on them they would be lucky to get much out of this. A few chuckles were exchanged as they soon turned their attention to what little cargo was on-board. Shadow had a feeling that Qufai and her siblings had not always shared a simple life of sailing and her remark of having an uncle who was a mercenary came back to mind.

Yajfa opened up some containers and shook his head before wandering over to her and asking if she had found anything worth while. Shaking her head Shadow held up the few coins gleaned from the bodies before going back to searching her last victim. Passing her he checked on Valkardian who was watching the shoreline carefully before turning away.

"If there are any more of them they are hiding after what we just did."

Laughing Yajfa rejoined his sisters as they began to loot the few barrels and pots of their contents. Valkardian examined the bodies slowly and hardly picked over them before deciding they had nothing worth his time and motioned that she was free to have at them.

Two years ago the sight of decapitated and brutally mauled bodies would have made her vomit and run screaming but now as she stepped in the gore while covered in pony blood it seemed insulting.

There really was not much worth taking from the boat, what little they found of value was gathered and taken back over to Bariq and with anchors dropped holding the two ships safely in place they laid out their bounty.

Qufai's little group had killed half and had little to show for it but then again they could not brag either. Valkardian had done almost all the killing and all he had really gained was that they had seized the ship a day ago in the same place they were attacked. What little cargo the ship had been carrying was unloaded and taken away already and what had been left was enough to feed them till the next attack.

It was not all bad though, the old crew had put up a hell of a fight killing the vast majority of the bandits, their bodies had been dumped on the shore and covered farther up the bank. With this little revelation came the location of a small cache left behind in a bunch of reeds. The mare had tried to bargain with him but failed horribly and paid the price. Shadow felt lucky to have succeeded so long ago with her own negotiations.

Qufai went back aboard the other ship after divvying out the supplies captured between the two parties and began to walk the length of the ship over and over again examining it. Kalai had washed and re-bandaged her wound after applying a balm and was undoing the hooks and other objects that held the two ships together leaving only one that was not at risk of damaging the Bariq.

Crossing back over Qufai kept looking back and forth between the ships before settling her gaze on Valkardian.

"Not a bad ship, not as good as mine but worth something still... Not enough of us to crew both and sail it to the next town but you... You have magic and can make the ship move on its own... We tie the other ship to mine and tow it, you use magic to make it follow us then sell it. Yes?"

"Maybe. What percentage do we get?"

"Half. There is so little of value here only the ship is worth anything. We are not greedy, you fought and killed half so you get half."

He mulled it over a moment before nodding. Qufai broke out in a smile and they began to quickly gather ropes from the other ship and tie them to her own. Magic brought the anchor up on the larger ship and it slowly began to drift away. A series of motions made it stop and draw closer before stopping.

"Good. Now lets get ashore and find the cache!"

Lifting the anchor an eagerness filled them as Qufai brought her ship close to shore before dropping anchor again and jumping into the shallow water waded ashore weapons drawn. Valkardian tapped Shadow and then stepped out walking over the water while Yajfa jumped in and waded across. Kalai stayed behind to keep an eye out just in case but also because of her wound.

Walking on water was an interesting feeling as her hooves tapped down one at a time. Had she dove in the water would have been well above her waist. Seeing the water moving below gave her a little motion sickness and looking up she walked in a straight line quickly to the shore and joined the others. Yajfa was impressed by the simple spell and Qufai asked if he could do it again to make loading anything they found easier.

Finding the cache was very easy as the bandits had made no attempt what so ever to hide their tracks in either the mud or sandy soil of the reed patch. A slew of "ant trails" all led into the same spot pounded by a small throng of hooves. Valkardian wanted them to wait in case they left some "surprises" behind and took the lead for a minute carefully checking a path with the butt of his "staff."

Several barrels, bags, a few sacks and some amphora were all that waited for them. Indeed they had hauled almost everything away but left plenty of food and wine behind along with a few personal possessions.

Getting it all back on-board was trivial after casting his spell on all of them again. Kalai was the happiest with their newfound loot going through everything quickly and examining the food and setting plenty aside. Tonight they would dine very well.

Bags were checked and most contained lice infested dirty cloths that were tossed over the side immediately towards the shore. A couple more coins was their only reward for all the searching and opting for caution Qufai had them throw all the bags away just in case and began pulling the anchor up.

Not far from their current location was one last little town that had a dock. Qufai informed them they could make it in a few hours and spend the night hocking the ship and with any luck see if the local garrison would cough up a bounty for the bandits. Cutting an ear off the bodies still on her ship before dumping them over the side they set off with the other ship in tow following close behind.

The small town of Amanei had one single long dock jutting out into the water and a tall stone tower in the middle flying a lone blue flag. Its skinniness was a stark contrast to other towers she had seen and as they approached a villager wandered down the dock with two guards in tow.

Now that she looked around the town was bristling with soldiers keeping watch behind barricades. Drawing up to the docks while Valkardian guided their newest acquisition onto the other side before magically severing the ropes and retying them to the posts the villager and guards stepped forward.

Their immediate reaction was to take one look at the contents of the other ship and one soldier was off immediately shouting while the villager retched into the water. "Not long ago that was me" she thought as the other soldier and Qufai exchanged heated words before things calmed down.

More soldiers came running with what looked like an officer trailing behind. A young Arabian mare dressed in a bronze breastplate with red plumed helmet walked to the other ship first and looked in before shutting her eyes and looking away. Staring at them quietly she went from face to face before settling on Valkardian who just gave her a big grin that made her look away quickly.

"Okay... What happened to the Uras and its crew?" The officer eyed Qufai carefully while soldiers boarded the other ship.

"Bandits. They tried to seize my ship on the way up but we got the better of them. That one with the evil smile made one of them talk and we know where the bodies are buried down the river."

Looking around a minute before looking back the mare tilted her head slightly.

"And... Where is this prisoner?"

Qufai smiled and drew a finger over her throat. Letting out a sigh the officer called back to see what the others had found. Just dead, mangled bodies.

"Pile them and burn them. I suppose you are looking for a bounty since you are holding ears..."

"Yes." Qufai offered them up and another soldier took them.

"How many?"

"We killed fifteen total."

"I can only pay you for the proof you have present."

Qufai shrugged and offered to sell the boat. Since it was a guild ship from the markings it was out of the officers hand's but if they took it up with the local guild office they would probably pay something for getting it back. Looking back to the bodies and then at their armaments she stopped and stared at Valkardian.

"How many did that one kill?"

"Around half."

"Must be a very mean stick."

She stepped off the boat for a moment and fished out several coins and tossed them to Qufai who thanked her before asking where they were headed.


"Ah. Be careful up that way. A small army of bandits is gathering but between the soldiers and mercenaries the village is safe. Are you from there?"

"Yes. Our home village."

Looking them over again the officer settled on Qufai.

"Makes sense now."

Corpses were hauled off the other ship and body parts carried off to a pile up on the bank as Qufai motioned for them to go. Leaving the Bariq behind they went into the little village and found the local guild office. Angry haggling and shouting lasted for a little bit and when Qufai returned she held up a large pouch with a smile. Apparently the guild had decided to pay off the ships ransom rather than risk the crazed zebra burning it on the spot.

"Now we enjoy the spoils of victory. Yajfa go find a villager or two to cook for us then meet us on the river bank."

Handing off a few coins they left and she counted out the pouches contents and divided it up between them. It was handsome little pile of gold and silver but pennies compared to what they already had but something else made her curious.

"What did that officer mean when you told her about being from Tatsu?"

"Most of us are or were mercenaries. Being on the border of two nations we took well to fighting on the sand or on boats. We were mercenaries ourselves once but got tired of it and after making enough purchased the Bariq and have been living quietly since."

"Something bad happen?"

"No. Just boring. Tedious. We talked and decided a regimented and heavily disciplined life was not for us. Very good at it but not for us."

Yajfa returned with two villagers in tow carrying pots and pans not long after as well as a basket of burning material. Among the many things brought back was fresh bread which they tied into immediately, their own supply had run out but not before it had gone stale and rock hard. Kalai showed their temporary cooks to the ship and what to bring and before long fires were burning and pots simmering filling the air with a delightful aroma.

"You took to looting the bodies rather well joining in yourself rather quickly."

Shadow turned her head quickly to where Valkardian sat an arms length away. He was right of course. As soon as she had seen the others start to loot the bodies she had joined in as if it were perfectly normal. Natural. Nor did it disturb her now that she thought about it. In fact if it happened again she would do it all over again.

"I dont know. It just seemed normal. Natural."

"Well dont tell that to a pony back in Equestria or they will lock you up and have your head felt."

An amphora was finally set up after a little effort so it would not fall over and one of their cook's popped it open ladling its contents out. Soon cups of wine were passed around and Valkardian began sipping his own.

He waited until Shadow had just begun to sip her own before speaking.

"I take it from those happy little sounds you were making you enjoyed slaughtering them."

Coughing and sputtering heads turned to watch her little spectacle before he waved them off smiling at her.

"Now were even."

Chapter 27

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Last nights dinner had been a grand feast made from the looted cargo and cache of supplies including a decent supply of wine. Come dawn they roused themselves and loaded the Bariq back up with leftover supplies and some "extra's" just in case they were attacked along the way again though Qufai was doubtful.

Those extra's included a decent pile of javelins and arrows along with an additional shield for Shadow just in case. Valkardian had turned down the offer of a shield saying he would be fine with the use of a little magic. Qufai dropped the subject immediately but from the inquiring look in her eye's she had already started to figure out there was far more to this strange "unicorn" than met the eye.

A small crew had already taken the other guild ship back down the river to find the bodies and carry them off to parts unknown. Before leaving the officer had come down to see them off out of boredom wishing them well and hoping that they would make her life easier by killing any bandits along the way should they show themselves. While the river was still incredibly safe despite yesterdays events the road that followed the river higher up was a whole other ball of wax.

So far the bandits had severed the road and only well armed caravans could pass through unmolested but that was apt to change if their forces were not dealt with soon. There was still good news though: since the bandits had just lost their only known "navy" in one brief battle the river was again open for messengers to pass freely so contact with Tatsu would not be lost. Kalai simply blew off the officer saying that the day mere bandits could take Tatsu was also the day the world would end.

Mercenaries were the number one export of the tiny village with centuries of history to back it up. Qufai and her siblings were very proud of this fact and that it was also traditional for every last villager to be trained at a young age to fight first then live. Due to this the region surrounding them had always been very safe and still was, the last message had remarked that the locals had kept the bandits away to the point they were quietly "besieging" the village by staying away and hitting the roads farther down.

Valkardian asked Qufai if she knew why the bandits would focus so much on her village rather than move off to find easier targets. If it was too dangerous for them to challenge the locals why stick around? Her only answer was maybe ego kept them there, moving on might make them look weak so they hung around harassing the area in a paltry attempt to assert themselves and look stronger than they were. In a word she had called them cowards, too afraid to risk it all but also too prideful to know when to move on.

Sailing up the river more crocodiles could be seen but were few in number compared to the days before. Birds dipped down at the water snatching up smaller fish while taller ones waded the shallows. All in all Shadow found it a very boring morning leaving her itching for something to happen but it never materialized.

About noon Qufai was relieved by Kalai choosing to come sit near Shadow speaking idly about the events of yesterday probing for a little information quietly about Valkardian. She dodged it all but knew he could hear them anyway but was choosing to ignore it. Finally giving up she changed subjects.

"What is Equestria like?"

Shadow mulled that question over for a minute comparing the two lands.

"Greener, more rivers and mountains, hills. No bandits though roaming the water ways or lands beyond. Boring. Boring would summarize it very well. Ignorant of the world outside too." Turning and facing Qufai she looked her over. "Before coming here I had never heard of Saddle Arabia, Zebrica or your kind. None of this exists anywhere in Equestria. I visited the library often but there were no books even mentioning your existence."

"How odd... Most of us know Equestria exists and have for a long time. Long ago ships used to travel there but anymore just one or two a year."

"Only one or two? Why?"

"Don't know. I only know that from listening to ship's captains talking in the cities. Sounds like a nice place to live."

Was it anymore? The more she learned the more doubt was cast upon the "wondrous" land of Equestria.

"No. Corruption and covering up the truth are becoming more important. Ignorance is celebrated and it's problems are only growing. Honestly I do not know if anypony knows the truth anymore and I think all that ignorance and isolation is about to bite Equestria in the flank.

Qufai shrugged. "It happens but the world will keep turning. Nothing can last forever after all. "

"But at what price..."

Patting Shadow on the shoulder Qufai stood and went to check on Yajfa. Valkardian sat with her when lunch was passed around.

"How would you compare these two lands to Equestria then?"

"Eaves dropping were we?"

"I like to know what is going on around me."

"More violent, less harmony, troubled, morals have slipped but it is also a wonderful land with wonderful... People. I do not regret coming here and would find it a good place to call home."

"No longer using the word "ponies" are we?"

"It just doesn't... Sit right with me anymore calling everypo-... Everyone a pony. Maybe I am just disenchanted after everything that has happened."

"So now they are just... People."


"So how do they have moral problems?"

"The whore houses."

"Do you think Equestria is without such places?"


"One more reason ponies are so distasteful is their refusal to see the larger picture. They refuse to see the injustice, corruption and wickedness that surrounds them instead focusing only on the good and demanding everyone do the same. Just keep ignoring what is wrong and saying it is "only a few," isolated or a minor problem. Whores do exist in Equestria. Always have. Always will. Well... At least until they decide to deal with the problem rather than pretend it does not exist."

"How would you know that?"

"I keep tabs on the world as you well know and that includes keeping feelers cast far and wide to keep an eye on changes in attitude. Doing so is what alerted me to the coming war before you even knew of the possibility."

He stretched his back out a bit watching the shoreline for a minute before continuing. "You say this land is more violent but that is also not true. Equestria is just as violent only it is more spread out and isolated so it only appears to be quiet and boring. Truth be told there are so many critters running around causing chaos it is less safe in Equestria than here depending on where you go. Think about it, one major invasion that nearly succeeded already and another on the way but here they have had... Two is it? "Wars" in some six years with the current bandit problem being the most recent."

"Shadow. Remember to consider the whole picture first and not cherry pick what agrees with your view or belief. Personally I find these lands far superior to Equestria. The people are more honest and straightforward with conflict's being open and settled quickly. You will not find them lying about problems nor covering them up nearly as much either. Despite their problems they are more open and accepting."

"They do not accept you."

"Nor should they. However I remind you than unlike Equestria where if locations were reversed... Celestia and her "precious little ponies" would choose to fight me with everything they have while the true enemy tears at them from behind. Now here... I am not accepted but they are willing to work with me not against me to accomplish a greater common goal."

"Do you really believe Celestia would attack you if you came to help her?"

"Yes. She already has remember? Here is another fun fact for you... The one preparing to invade? He is Steelshod's son."

"He is Steelshod's son? Why would he invade?"

"Difference of opinion and he believes strongly that Equestria would be better off under his iron fist than Celestia's. That and he tried to conquer the sister's kingdom after his fathers death. Lost the war and was forced to flee over sea's with his followers and took a decent population with him."

"Let me guess... You know because you spy on him."

"Correct. Not nearly ENOUGH it would seem... But I will get all my answers soon enough."

"Like how a pony has survived for more than a thousand years without being an alicorn?"

"One among many questions I have."

Clearly Tatsu was well prepared for a fight. Tall mud-brick walls and short towers surrounded the village all garrisoned by a variety of troops be they militia or soldiers. A couple of small boats were moored at the dock's while others had been pulled up on the shore. Their arrival was marked by a small force fanning out on the edge of the village waiting on them to make the first move be it peaceful or hostile.

Along the banks fields were being tended by farmers who largely ignored the slowly passing boat save a few who were well armed. Kalai called out to one and received a wave back which calmed things down very quickly as they sailed closer to the village.

About the time they reached the dock the soldiers approached and one demanded to know who they were but was cut short by a local who called him an idiot. Qufai's boat was known by its markings and the other was being paranoid since she was standing in front of them as well. Tying the dhow up and crossing onto the dock the soldiers looked them over and left having lost interest.

Whoever the local was knew Qufai and they talked at length while Valkardian went into the village. Shadow hung around a moment before following him to see what was going to happen now that they had arrived. How long would they stay before attacking the bandit's and retrieving the artifact? Where exactly were they?

Every last villager she could see was armed with a motley array of weapons from spears to swords and a few axes and kopesh while other's had bows. Life appeared to be going on as if there was no threat at all however as they went about their business. One zebra weaving a basket examined Shadow curiously before returning to work. So far that was all the attention gained by the locals, they were too busy with other matters to care about two strange newcomers.

Valkardian on the other hand was outside a small building speaking with someone and after a few nods coins exchanged hands.

"We will be staying here tonight in the back left room."

"So tonight we...?"

"Maybe. For now lets walk a little and listen."

Absorbing the conversations going on there was little to learn so turning back around he brought them to a small open air building with tables and sat down. Qufai and her siblings passed by going somewhere else and she only stopped a moment to know how long they would stay before going off on her own errands again.

A large clay jug was placed on the table along with clay cups quickly enough before the questions started to fly. So far nothing had really happened, the bandits had made one attack on the village two weeks ago and lost handidly to the locals. The zebra who served them named Anub gave a strong impression the soldiers who had shown up before the battle had been largely useless but not unwelcome.

What upset Anub the most was two villagers who had left to join the bandits, they would not be getting a quick death if captured but instead have their eyes burned out with heated coins and left to wander the desert toungless too. Overall things were downright boring as most the locals had actually hoped for a real fight and a chance to cash in the bounty on more than two hundred and fifty some odd bandits.

Hearing the new number estimate made Shadow flinch a little, taking on so many and winning would be quite an interesting feat of madness and martial prowess. Looking around it also explained why the bandits had only made the one attack. Tatsu according to Anub had a population of three hundred or so depending on season as the mercenary bands came and went.

If the bandits could not take the village with surprise on their side they had no hope in tartarus of destroying Tatsu with so few since every last villager and child capable of bearing arms, was. More than anything though the locals were annoyed with the military for not agreeing to either go out and find them then kill them all or defend the village while a few warbands went out and did it for them.

Whoever was in command had been ordered (by Betu probably) to simply stand by and wait while the villagers were told to do the same. A force was on the way to deal with the bandits and to just let them handle it but of course there was no explanation as to who, what or how many were being sent but Shadow knew the answer: Two.

In the meantime the village went about their business doing patrols, spying on the enemy camp now and then while tending the fields and pretending nothing was going on. Leaving them to drink in peace Anub wandered off his little "brewery" he had set up on the other side of the building. Pouring out some of the alcohol and taking a drink of it she found it to be rather good.

A strong barley beer made in giant clay pots Qufai explained joining them. Valkardian made no attempt to wave her off allowing her to sit and join them before the questions started up again seeing if she had learned anything: nothing they did not already know. They had gone to the local garrison commander to demand explanations but found a burned and frazzled captain who was sick of the locals demanding that explanation twenty times a day and ordered them out.

Kalai had a feeling that if things did not resolve themselves soon the villagers would probably take matters into their own hands soon and go deal with the problem Qufai explained and agreed with her sisters assessment of the situation. Everyone here was on edge waiting for something to happen in order to break the deadlock. With the road cut and now raids on boats tensions would rise till one side snapped and lashed out to break the deadlock.

Conversation soon drifted off after Valkardian quietly probed Qufai for the exact location of the camp and its distance before inquiring about the village thus derailing things in another direction. Shadow watched Qufai closely and noted her slight twitch when Valkardian moved the conversation on, a slight tightening of grip gave away that she was beginning to wonder about a great many things and that it could be hazardous to her health.

Touring the village was an utter bore but she had found a nice woven basket and purchased it to send back home. Stuffing a note inside of it first saying "from Tatsu" before putting inside her magical bag Shadow sought out Valkardian and prodded him for answers.

Back inside their little room he cast a spell to prevent eavesdropping then laid out a small crystal and powering it up revealing a map of the region. While it was quite an old map it had Tatsu displayed and pointing to another location he remarked the bandits were somewhere in that area. Finding a camp of two hundred or more would be child's play at night from the fires they would have.

"So tonight then?"

"Yes. The power of the artifact is spreading out and with tension running so high it is only a matter of time before either the forces here act or agents find them and steal it."


"What made the spear so dangerous was not just its use in battle but the aura it generates. Unfortunately most of that power is concentrated in the spearhead and simply by having it in their possession their inner desires of power and wealth are flooding out. This unfocused desire and greed is like sending up a giant flare for others of like mind to come and join them. That is why their numbers are growing and two locals went to join them. It's power worms its way into peoples minds and calls to them."

"I can definitely see Celestia wanting something that can do that..."

"Which is why she must never have it nor any other. While diminished since it is broken up just having the one piece is dangerous enough and is already bathing the countryside in chaos and if not removed soon... Blood. At any rate I doubt the bandit leader has any idea of what they have or things could be a whole lot worse. In the rights hands with proper focus their little gaggle could become thousands quickly and even Tatsu being so well defended would be wiped out."

"So that's why the battle was so destructive back then."

"Yes. To cancel it out a hellish amount of power had to be used and it worked but now Celestia has it in her head to repeat history all over again. Mind you she will only use it for "good" and to bring "harmony" to the world but even IF that were true... It would only be a matter of time before it fell into the wrong hands again."

"So when do we attack?"

"WE? No. I am going to attack tonight an be done with this matter."

"WHAT?! I thought I had a part to play!"

"You do. That's to stay here and keep an eye on things while I am gone."


"You will."

"No I am going. I did not come all this way to be left protecting... Bags. Bags that are already protected!"

"And that is what you shall do tonight."

"Why? Why am I being left behind?"

"I can not trust you in battle."

That was a hell of a smack across her face. Shadow blustered for a moment before demanding what he meant by that, had she not proven herself capable?

"In smaller battles and in formation fighting yes. Tonight though will be very different with no one to watch your back if we get separated as the fighting progresses. While I intend to just slip in and grab the artifact I fully intend to kill them all without sending up a massive magical flare to any watching. That means doing it the old fashioned way. You cowed down to fourteen poorly armored but well trained guards and soldiers. How can I trust you now to go into battle when the odds are more than a hundred to one? Rest assured you will be facing at least ten or more at the same time and once they are alerted it will be fifty to one."

*Sigh* "Shadow, you are an excellent fighter when the odds are around five or ten to one but your self doubt is what cripples you from becoming anything greater."

"I am NOT a coward!"

"Never called you one. Nearly castrating a guard in broad daylight is proof of that. Being so eager to board that ship and slaughter its occupants also does not show you as having a single drop of cowardice in you anymore."


"When we first met. Since then you have learned to ignore fear."

"I want to go..."

"Not this time. Maybe with more training till you are certain of your abilities but until then you remain behind. The matter is closed."

Rising up he put the crystal away and left the room dispelling the shroud of silence as he went. Shadow sat on the bed fuming. This was her big chance to prove herself and now she was being told to stay like a dog until she was "better trained." Fighting and killing a hundred bandits sounded daunting but if they were anything like on the ship she was certain between her armor stashed away in one bag, amulet and magical weapons it would level out the playing field.

She was no slouch in a fight either having proven that several times. The only reason Kalai had been injured at all was pure chance and luck. Then again it only took one enemy getting lucky one time. You can only loose one battle. Valkardian would be busy in battle doing his own fighting to help her if any scored a lucky hit so his concerns were founded. Still, being left behind on something this important only because of self doubt burned away at her.

Tonight when he left she would go. He was leaving her behind not because of a lack of fighting capability but due to her self doubt, Valkardians words had been specific so tonight she would prove to him that indeed there was no self doubt in her abilities. Who knows when the next chance to well and truly prove it would show?

True he would be mad with her but it was a risk she had to take. It also meant getting ready to go right now because come nightfall he would probably leave magically since walking out of the village was out of the question without being seen. Flying or teleporting. If he teleported away that could be a problem but with wings persuit would not be an issue since he had shown where their camp was. With fired giving them away zeroing in would not be a problem.

So what to take? Speed would mean everything which meant leaving anything cumbersome behind but armor was needed. Being able to fly in it was helpful but the gambeson would add more weight than needed and in this heat... It stayed behind. Hopefully the amulet would make up for the loss of protection. Sifting through her bags contents mentally Shadow finished drawing up a list and pulling the bag open dug around and arranged things to favor a fast armament and departure. Taking Qufai's advice that meant leaving the heavy shield behind, it would be useless tonight in the dark and having a weapon in each hand was more important.

Keeping a close eye on Valkardian as darkness fell was easy but not a lonely task as Qufai seemed to be keeping an eye on him as well but if he was aware of the eyes tracking him never once did he show it sitting on the bank of the river. When darkness fell completely he stood slowly and rose into the air like a ghost floating higher and higher before drifting off in the direction of the bandit camp somewhere beyond the ridge line.

Waiting until he was a bit farther off Shadow took to the air rapidly wearing only the bare minimum of clothing and her weapons, the armor was tucked away in the bag on her back so she would not get tired very quickly if the distance was too great.

Flying quickly after his fading figure Shadow looked below to see if others were following and saw a shadow slip from the village gate and into the darkness following them. It was not a fast pace, meant more for searching than getting somewhere quickly. Once over the ridge line small lights could be seen in the distance.

So that was the enemy camp then. The closer they got the more the lights stood out till they were strewn out casting light on various tents, shelters and figures. Valkardian had made a soft landing on the hill overlooking the war camp and landing a short distance away Shadow watched and waited. Qufai was not far behind taking up a hiding spot as well but another figure soon popped their head over a small ridge watching Valkardian intently.

Spies were out in force tonight and they all watched him dispel his illusion before planting his staff firmly in the sand and undo a pouch from his belt. Armor was brought out and laid on the sandy soil before clothing up the pouch and dawning it. From a distance it looked like chainmail. So he too had decided to go light and fast.

Pulling his staff free from the ground after putting a helmet on obscuring his face Valkardian dispelled whatever illusion his its true form from sight revealing a halberd. Its dark form was marked with trails of small, soft glowing runes she guessed, it was too far away to see but just barely make the light out. An axe blade on one side, long spike on the reverse with another long spike on top. So that is why the ones he hit with his staff on the boat were so... Mutilated.

Bringing an arm up and talking so softly her ears could hardly make out the words Shadow had already opened her own pouch and started to equip herself without making any noise to alert him. Dark magical forms flew forth from his pouch and spread out and with a quick beckon they fanned out into the night.

Hardly lower his arm more words flowed out and in a blink he disappeared from view. Straining her ears and eyes Shadow just made out some sand shifting from an invisible footstep. Dawning the last of her equipment and sneaking forward Shadow slunk into his old position and watched the camp below.

Whatever those things were they remained unseen but from up here it was possible to see his boots parting the sands below with each step. All eyes remained glued to the camp searching for him before settling on the largest, gaudiest tent in the middle. A few guards hung around the outside while others sat around a fire arguing or fighting drunkenly. This entire camp was so disorganized and rowdy it was impossible to imagine then being able to fight a real battle. "Thus is the power of the spear" Shadow thought.

Motion at the tent gave him away, both guards fell silently from an invisible blow across their throats. None noticed however, too busy drinking and fighting to care even if they did. Tent flap opening and closing the world seemed to hold its breath waiting on something to happen.

Valkardian had finished dawning his light armor and dispatching wraiths to make certain none would escape. Many were out and about tonight including one he had told to stay behind. Bullheaded and eager to prove herself. "Maybe I should have worded things better. Never mind." A simple invisibility spell hid him from view and walking quickly down the ridge hill and into the sands that stretched off into the distance beyond he made straight for the largest tent.

Passing the one single perimeter guard made this whole affair seem rather insulting. Getting into the camp without the need for invisibility was more than possible even by a blind idiot. No chances would be taken though, until that spearhead was put safely in his pouch and teleported away to the waiting hands of servants all precautions would be taken.

Gaudy as could be the "bandit chiefs" tent had only two guards and the nearest help was twenty some yards off too drunk to notice when he swung the sharp spear tip of the halberd at the guards throats slicing them open. A little magic made them fall straight down quietly as blood poured from their throats.

Slipping into the tent and looking around a few forms could be made out sleeping on one side. Turning away quickly and searching fast the spearhead was easy enough to find, attached to a flimsy wooden shaft and lashed with rope into place. Seeing such an ornate and powerful artifact bound into place like this made him want to laugh as it looked like a child had done it but also sad to see just a marvelous piece of craftsmanship brought so low.

Undoing it and sliding it into a small pouch Valkardian held it up in one hand and with a few words teleported it away. Servants would soon have it before sending it off again, when he got back from vacation it would be retrieved and burried deep under a mountain which was under ten miles of ice on the northern pole. There were no caves there so any who desired it would have to know its exact location and dig down for at least ten miles to get it. It was good to save a few little nooks and crannies for such things when found through scrying.

"Now. That leaves one last thing..." His thoughts again turned to those sleeping behind him. Tonight the camp would burn and all those within would die. No witnesses. Well he would not kill the three spies but there would be no living witnesses to the artifact if he could help it.

Looking down at the pile of bodies he found the primary target and looked them over. So it was a she not a he that led them and she had certain... Appetites. A filthy Arabian mare with what could be a pink coat and blue mane lay sprawled out in the middle, the filth made it so hard to tell...

To either side were two more forms, one a very young zebra colt bound up and bleeding. His eyes while open were vacant, staring off at nothing and not moving an inch when he approached and the only show of life was his slowly rising and falling chest. A filly was on the other side looking much the same but facing away and it did not take a genius to know figure out what their purpose was.

Lifting his halberd up a few feet he brought it down quickly severing the bandit leaders head from her body. Neither of the kids moved an inch and the boy had not even looked his way. Drawing the blade back Valkardian brought the tip to the boys chest and drove the spike into his heart and twisted before doing the same to the girl. Watching the eyes partially close he walked to the tent flaps and threw them open and walked out.

Striding down towards the little drunken party they hardly noticed his approach before the halberd's edge flashed in the firelight and their bodies fell one after another. Looking around in disgust that even this had not drawn attention from the rabble he walked away from the fire a bit and decided to go with plan B.

A little magic could go a long way to amplifying a voice and garnering attention far and wide. Letting out a howling shout he sent out a wave of magic that rung the entire camp in a wall of fire.

"Hear me you bastards! Rise from your beds if you can and fight me! Come you cowards and whores! Tonight I shall send you to hell and for the rest of your tortured existence you will remember me!"

It was over the top, egotistical and pathetic but it had the effect he was aiming for as heads popped up and soon there was a mass scramble to grab weapons and charge him. It had been a long time since he had a chance to indulge in a fight like this but it would be entertaining all the same.

While they waited the various spying parties looked at each other, Shadow had given a little wave at Qufai who halfheartedly returned it. It was rather hard to hide out here in the desert, she supposed burrowing down into the sand might work but not standing or leaving your head sticking up like they were.

Nothing happened for a long while but eventually he emerged and walked over to the drunken revelers and with a few swift motions dispatched them before looking around in disgust. Had he really needed to be invisible? This was rather pathetic if they still had no idea he was in the camp just standing there for all to see even killing a handful and waiting.

For a moment she thought he might just leave but he raised an arm and flames erupted sealing the camp and those inside its confines from escape less they risk running through a wall of fire. His shouting had made them all duck a little and his declaration was rather laughable but it had an immediate effect.

Heads popped up and out of tents looking to see what was going on before disappearing only to re-emerge with weapons. So he wanted them to attack him. Was he crazy or have a plan? No, he always had a plan. This one seemed crazy but it was working as more flooded out and towards him as shouts of alarm carried up to her on the soft wind.

What was more pathetic than anything was the little shelter nearest him. A bandit raised his head and looked up, said something and went back to sleep. Well it was now or never. Join the fight and prove herself or tuck her tail between her legs and wait. Standing up and drawing her swords Shadow lifted into the air and flew towards the camp from high in the air to avoid the flames and began to pick out a point of impact and victims to indulge her savage side with.

A single bandit sleeping not ten feet away had only raised his head and muttered "Shuddup" before going back to sleep again and snoring. The indignity of it, the least they could have done was show a little desire to fight not pour out and look like idiots standing around trying to figure out what was going on. Even the shouts of alarm did little.

"Alright, time to piss them off a little."

Magically hoisting the offending stallion from his mat so all could see him Valkardian slashed his stomach open with the halberd and left him hanging there in the air screaming and fighting to hold his guts in for all to see. The effect was instantaneous as angry screams filled the camp and the hoard surged towards him from all sides. Flicking the stallion aside and holding his ground he waited on them.

Cutting down the first few with a simple sweep the rest pounded past the bodies in a mad rush to kill and maim the strange creature invading their camp. Swinging and moving now he aimed sweeping blows at legs and nearly diving for any openings to get around whatever mob had pushed ahead of the rest. If only they would cluster up a little more.

Pushing aside a wall of spears and sweeping at head level several failed to remember to duck and lost their heads or had their throats opened. Those that remembered staggered back a bit into the next mass of bodies before moving forward again. It was child's play to cow them down a little so he could move away and do the same to another group. If they had all kept pressing in as one they might of had a chance.

Instead they huddled together before charging in with a flurry of poorly aimed blows hoping that just one would land a hit. They failed. Again and again they would fail and he stepped aside quickly and returned their failed attack with a flurry of blows or stabs driving them back. A quick motion of the hand had sent one group running as the first six had taken bolts of magic to the chest resulting in a gory popping sound that tore their chests open.

Ducking a particularly brave soul that charged in alone after the magical demonstration Valkardian swept the blade at her legs but she jumped. Smart one. Quickly raising the blade into the air he caught her with the reverse spike and brought her back down just as quickly. Leaving her holding her severed tendon screaming he turned towards the next mob and charged them. They were still not swarming enough for the plan to work.

Shadow watched from above for a moment and picked out a group that was gathering up in numbers. A mare was organizing a little warband of her own to charge in all at once and deciding this would be her best target tonight the thestral dived hard at her target.

All hell broke loose when the bandits found their leader standing there one moment organizing them to overpower the psycho attacking their camp alone (and somehow winning) then the next moment she just... Well the only part their brains could register was one moment she was there yelling and the next only the body remained.

A creature of some sort landed not far away and all heads turned to see a nightmare dressed in armor with large flared reptilian wings and glowing eyes greeting them. Before they could act the thing rushed at them swinging two blades cutting flesh and tearing limbs from bodies. They panicked.

Shadow was giddy. Only moments had transpired from when she made a low, fast pass over their leader taking her head off in one quick blow before landing. The looks on their faces had been priceless but when she rushed into them cutting them down left and right. Now they were stampeding to get away from their attacker in mass pandemonium.

A few had turned to fight but they swung so clumsily and in panic she simply stooped down and aimed for their legs. It was amazing that despite being a good three feet shorter than many of them they acted like she was nine feet tall the way they ran and threw wild blows at anything that moved even hitting a few of their own in the rush to escape her onslaught.

Her body count kept rising as she chased them towards the wall of fire and only then did they stop and begin to turn. Valkardian had put this barrier up so odds were it would kill them on the spot if they tried or leave them running like lit matchstick's across the desert. Driving them onward a few made a leap of faith and burst into flame and went screaming into the night ablaze falling a short distance away.

Grinning like a madmare she dove into the mass of bandits swinging, cutting and stabbing. Waters parted as more bodies fell and two stabbed at her with spears hoping to keep her at bay. Her longsword sliced the spears into sticks and dodging slightly Shadow brought her kopesh around and under them cutting their bellies open before dancing away.

It was a dance. A violent, deadly dance. A dance of death. While Valkardian had taught her to fight alone Aliya had shown her motions she never knew her body was capable of. Adding a swaying to her movements Shadow found she could weave her way very easily through and around their blows driving a few of them to the point of madness.

One of the larger ones finally worked his way forward and threw a mighty blow with a spear, its incredibly heavy shaft left the air screaming at its approach and jumping above the blow he swung it back up. Flapping her wings a moment and driving her legs down canceling out what little upward momentum there was she stared into his shocked face.

He kept staring bug eyed at the creature on the end of his pear made from a boat oar as it looked back with glowing eyes, it just perched there for a moment then was gone. Turning to see where it went the world spun for a moment as his body fell to the ground.

Too easy. The big dumb oaf had just stared with his mouth open even while she darted past him slashing him neck as she went. His massive striped body fell with a soft thud in the sand as she tore into more of them. No matter how many she killed more kept coming.

Screams of panic and terror to his right alerted him to Shadow's arrival. While it complicated matters a bit making plan B impossible to carry out there was always the next one. She was truly bullheaded. It made perfect sense she wanted to prove herself capable and while annoying and a bit disruptive her joining the fray was not unwelcome. No sense keeping all the fun to himself.

Efficiency was of the utmost important but who said one could never have a bit of fun while they were at it? Parrying another blow and goring the attacker Valkardian made quick mental note of the enemies density before casting off another quick spell.

Farthest away from them the wall of fire began to close in burning everything in its path driving any stragglers to them and urging whatever mobs remained farther away in. It meant they would be pressed hard by numbers very, very soon but as he listened to the terrified shrieks he knew she would be fine.

As the fire closed in he fell back bit by bit towards her until his last sweeping turn gave him a glimse of what was going on. Bandits were either running away or chasing after her. Some that were trying to get away dove through the wall of fire. Turning away and letting off another blast of energy into a group getting a little too close felling them he pushing another group back closing the distance between himself and Shadow.

It was almost time to enact the last part of the plan, his wraiths ringing the camp from outside the fire were quite useful allowing his a birds eye view of events in short bursts between mobs. Checking on her one last time and seeing her perched on an oar with a rusty blade on the end before killing the stallion made him start laughing.

Smoke filled the air as everything was being burned by the encroaching fires. Shadow could see it when she had flown up for a moment before diving on a small mob hacking and slashing into their bodies felling them left and right while the sands drank up deeply of the carnage and gore.

Laughter was in the air now too, Valkardian had begun to laugh a few moments ago. A very happy laugh, he was enjoying this greatly. So what she. This felt good, better than killing the trog's. Trog's were instinctual vermin but these bastards deserved it Shadow had decided after the boarding of the other ship. They were doing the world a favor tonight even if it was not truly intended as such.

Numbers seemed to increase rapidly as more enemies crowded in trying to escape the flames causing a conundrum: many wanted to flee but knew they could not, others tried to escape the flame while more still shoved them all back in trying to get to the fighting. Bandits tripped and fell all over the place being stampeded in the rising chaos.

"SHADOW! Fly! Now! Fly straight up and get clear! NOW!"

His words screamed across their mental link and without thinking she flared her wings out and blasted into the air sending up a cloud of sand. Rising faster and higher till she could no longer feel the heat of the flames below she stopped and looked back down.

Seeing the damage from the air was remarkable, more than three quarters of the camp had been burned to cinders from the flames now and the only standing room left was a mass of writhing bodies turning in on him. What was he thinking?

"Conduit... I need another conduit..." Time was running out as the dense mass of bodies grew tighter and closed in on him, soon there would be nowhere to go but up. Catching a glimpse of a spear he closed distance and goaded its owner into thrusting it at him. Timing had to be perfect though and dodging he enticed another group to charge him.

Seeing the mass from the air it was all perfectly set up. Every piece was set just right for it to work. Slapping the spear aside and grabbing the shaft firmly he drove the halberd's point into the chest of another on his other side and gave a mental heave sending magic pouring down his arms and into the weapons.

Shadow slowly circled watching the events unfold but when he grabbed the spear and drove the halberd into another it all came together for her. She had seen him use similar spells against the trog's and he was doing it again but differently.

Electricity surged and sparked outwards and into the first two before bouncing to those around them leaping from one target to another. It was a domino effect as the lightning tore away at the densely packed throng of bandits blowing them either backwards or to their knees smoldering.

A mare was just outside of the blast holding her leg and screaming but the energy leapt from a nearby bandit and hit her in the chest. Bursting into flames when her greasy clothes caught Shadow watched her flail wildly at the sand trying to extinguish the flames that engulfed her form. She was the most unlucky one down there. At least the others fallen dead but having been just far enough away had given her a good jolt but not quite enough.

Wails of agony and torment kept rising up as the spiderweb of lighting raced outwards through them for a couple of seconds till only the crackling of burning shelters and tents remained. A dense mass of corpses lay strewn out below with Valkardian standing in the middle, his head slowly turning up to face her. She was in very deep trouble.

Chapter 28

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Which was more terrifying? The dead silence or his silent gaze? Shadow had landed close to him and they both just stood there quietly watching each other without making a move or sound as the crackling and snapping of the burning camp and bodies persisted. All the scorched flesh and charred, smoldering fur filled the air with a sick, choking odor.

Without a word Valkardian planted his halberd into the sand firmly and pulled a pouch off his belt and began to open it without ever breaking his gaze. Flinching slightly with worry building up Shadow wondered if he was going to stuff her in there with who knew what else but instead he just held it open. The ring of fire went out leaving only the burning camp for light and stretching his hand out to one side her eyes following the pouch.

A rush of air from all around brought with it an unnatural chill. Second's later the chill grew into a feeling of dread as her fur stood on end and goosebumps broke out across her body. The air around her seemed to drop to below freezing making her shake as the first of the ethereal beings shot past and into the pouch.

Her eyes caught a glimpse of another and sent a shudder down her spine. Ghost-like the thing was clothed in tatters and had a pale blue hue to its form with empty sockets and skeletal face of a long dead pony. More of them appeared and slipped into his pouch one by one. As one flew past part of its form brushed her arm and sent a deathly chill through her body.

Sixteen of them had entered the pouch when he jerked it closed and tied it back to on his belt. Armor was undone and returned to a pouch and Shadow quickly did the same in silence without looking away expecting at any moment retribution to fall for having refused to listen. None came however and reverting back to his pony form his halberd turned back as well and yanking it free from the sand he walked off towards the village.

From the ridge he once more flew back to the village landing along the dark riverbank while she flew behind him and together they slipped back into their room quietly and shut the door. Pointing at the bed he sat on the floor and leaned back against the wall while Shadow sat.


She flinched a little and her ears splayed back some while gears ground trying to figure out what to say that would not result in her getting in any more trouble than she already was.

There was nothing to say to her so he had chosen to ignore her while recalling the wraiths and dispelling the wall of fire. The return to the village had been quick and watching the two spies depart he knew there would be at least one interesting conversation tomorrow morning when they headed back down the river.

Entering the room and waiting on Shadow to enter Valkardian only pointed to the bed after shutting the door and leaned back against the wall. One word was spoken: Explain. Not that he needed one from her since it was quite obvious as to why she had done it.

Their little fight not so long ago about her staying behind had worn heavily on her and the remark he could not trust her in a fight while true had wounded her deeply. Ever so eager to prove herself Shadow had followed him and joined in the battle in the hopes of proving herself to him and remove any bad marks to her name and abilities.

Not that it was necessary of course but she did not know that. To her all that rang in her mind was his remarks on self doubt and lack of trust which drove her to act foolishly tonight but then again it was not all bad either. An inability to follow his command was a problem but she had meant well with her actions and done very well too proving that she did not in fact have issues of self doubt now.

Valkardian was faced with a real conundrum now, if he cut her down for joining in it would stunt her permanently as a fighter and her ability to think and decide for herself would be heavily damaged. To not would have a similar effect in that she might become too over eager and think it alright to disregard his instructions or warnings.

Words would have to be chosen carefully and as her ears laid back and deep seeded worry filled her eyes as she thought hard and rapidly to come up with a satisfactory excuse for her actions. No. He would not punish her, it was natural she would want to prove herself and had seized on every opportunity from the boat to now but it had not been enough. Seeking out the biggest way to prove herself she had dived in a larger battle desperately hoping to gain his favor again.

It had worked but she must also learn to listen, then again he should have known better than to trust such a hard headed and young individual would listen when their pride had been shattered with a chance to rebuild it was just around the corner. Another thing that made matters worse for her was having been raised as a pony not a thestral, her mind had been filled with propaganda and lies then poisoned with a philosophy fit only for the blind and deaf. Shadow had a long way to go but tonight she had proven more than willing to put forward the effort and for that there would be no punishment. Only a simple lesson.

"I just wanted to prove you can trust me in a battle even when the odds are against me."

It was short and to the point not to mention every last word of it was true. Shadow watched his blank face for any sign of anger. Anything. Anything at all would be nice but Valkardians features did not so much as budge but his gaze kept boring into her.

"I am sorry I did not listen to you."

"Never apologize for doing what you believe is right and necessary. However... You disrupted by plan tonight." Not entirely true but a point had to be made. "Tonight you did prove yourself very capable however you broke my trust in that you did not listen."

"It wont happen again."

"There may come a time when you should not listen to me but you need more training and teaching before you can understand such matters. I will allow this matter to slide because you are young and eager to prove yourself but the warning's and instructions I give you are for a reason Shadow."

"I understand."

"No, you do not. But in time you will. Had I been too embroiled in a real battle there is a chance your presence would have gone unnoticed until it was too late and you would have been struck down or severely injured by my spell. Rushing into the battle without knowing my plan was reckless and foolhardy but brave as well."

Shadow nodded.

"There is one promise I will make you however. After tonight I will not leave you out of future actions or events without first making certain you understand what is going on in case you become embroiled in them. You however must prove to me that you are capable of listening and following instructions."

Valkardian leaned his staff against the wall and with a quick motion of his hands both of them there bathed in a flash of light. Examining herself all the blood and grime of the battle was gone and he walked over and laid down on his side of the bed. Though it was smaller than what she was used too they both fit and drifted off to sleep.

At the crack of dawn they were up and on their way to the dock where Qufai was sitting studying them patiently. It was time for a great deal of explaining and lying or maybe he would just wipe her memory of events.

"So you are the ones sent to deal with the bandits."

Valkardian's gaze fell on Qufai. "Yes."

"What are you then?"

"Just a man with some extraordinary circumstances on his side."


"It remains the truth. Beyond that my only remark would be that I am a wizard... Necromancer and warrior."

"Feh. I dont know what they paid to have you destroy the camp but it must not have been cheap. When do you want to leave?"

"Now if possible, we are eager to get back to our vacation."

Qufai left to retrieve her siblings and Shadow stood relieved and stunned. She had mistaken them for mercenaries or agents representing someone. Well, whatever worked. Boarding the dhow and sitting they waited for a couple of minutes before the crew returned and got them under way.

Gliding out into the current the ship was guided back and forth following the weaving current towards the distant coast as Tatsu shrank behind them in the distance. Along the way they passed the larger ship they had "liberated" the day before now crewed by a handful of soldiers and sailors. Passing them quickly the smaller ship zipped along in the current.

Yajfa had brought some clay pots with him and opening them up spooned out the contents and breakfast was served. A dense mush of some kind with boiled vegetables and spices was their breakfast along with fresh bread and munching away Shadow remembered a part of Betu's conversation and turned to Valkardian.

"What DID you do to that high priestess anyway?"

"Kill her."

"Yes... But that you became "legendary" from whatever you did leaves me wondering. What happened?"

Valkardian stopped eating and put his bowl down.

"It was the... Second? Third? Time I had dealings with the priest's. Another artifact had been uncovered and long story short they wanted it kept under wraps like yesterday's events. After getting my hands on the object the others that were with me including the high priestess changed their minds about having it go back into hiding. She decided that it would be best if they kept it and used it to defend the nation and after quite a few words were exchanged... She tried to shoot me with a little crossbow she had hidden up her arm. Failed. The others attacked and after killing them I knocked her out."

"And then what?"

"Well they came looking and found a tanned hide nailed to a tree, a head on a spike missing its eyes was planted in the soil while hanging from a tree being pecked at by buzzards was the skinned body. A note had been burned into the hide with a few choice words I chose and the artifact gone. They did not take too kindly to that but apparently a few like Betu are willing to look beyond that and still work with me if it means keeping the peace. I made it very clear to them the price of betrayal was higher than what they wanted or were willing to pay."

Shadow grimaced at the thought of what he had done but he had not been the one to strike first, she had brought it on herself the moment they chose to betray him and break the deal.

"So you upheld the deal despite it?"

"Yes of course. Now if they had left out a very important detail in the deal... Well I would have at least hidden the artifact anyway."

"Did you strip her soul?"

"No. Does that question have to do with the wraiths?"

"Sort of."

"I have a small army of wraiths I use to spy at times but dont worry. They are gleaned from criminals and other less savory sorts. Kind of a pain raiding tartarus for useful souls though so there are not too many of them."

"You seriously raid tartarus for damned souls to use?"

"Not in a very long while. The time and power it takes to pull of a raid is just not really worth it. Also it is just too damned risky to raid the deeper parts for the more useful souls."

"You are insane and downright freaky."

"Thank you."

"So you store them in a pouch?"

"Oh yes, these bags are very handy! I even store bodies in them sometimes."

"Must be handy being able to just open a bag and have an army spring forth."

He cackled. "Oh that is true. Done it too. Bastard tried to betray me long ago before Celestia was born and I had a bag full of skeletons and a few wraiths. His little army thought they had me since I was alone till I opened the bag and all hell broke loose."

"I could imagine..."

"The best was when the dragon popped out. Their faces were priceless."

"You had a dragon stored in one of these bags? How the heck does that even work!? How much can one of these things hold?"

"Depends on how I make them. Not a live dragon though, dead one, skeleton actually. Hard as hell to make them with their magical resistance but where there is a will there is a way. That and a couple long centuries of study and experimentation..."

"How large is your army anyway?"

"My little secret. Now tell me, how do you feel after killing all those bandits? That was the first time you have drawn blood of species similar to yourself."

"Nothing. They were bandits and murdering people up and down the river. Why should I feel bad about killing them?"

"Just checking. We will be stopping in a place I call "Thebe's" by the way. Minor capital of this sub-region, cant even begin to pronounce its actually name."

Shadow looked over at Qufai and asked her what the name was and after the response settled on calling it Thebes.

Drawing up at the dock and tying up the ship they disembarked a day later and found a nice hotel to stay at and began to wander the streets. Shadow watched the uniquely dressed people walk past on the street and marveled at just how different this area was compared to the first city.

Decorations were less carved and more painted on and very heavy on symbology here but what it all meant was beyond her at the time. Most buildings were not heavy stone construction but mud-brick or plastered over with abode and if painted were white.

What fascinated her more was the clothing they wore which was by far quite different featuring one simple robe or dress with more emphasis on short wraps around the waist and chest. It was like most of the population here walked around in either bikini's or swimming trunks of some kind at all times. Then again most wore just the bare minimum and a good breeze would be quite revealing.

Turquoise and other colorful stones were a favorite for neck and arm wear while some wore bronze neck bands but they were few and limited to zebra's. She had seen quite a few like that in Tatsu but here it was less popular or maybe it was unique to tribe or region.

Head dresses were popular amongst the mare's but one thing that stood out was how almost all of them had their manes cropped short and straight or in many small tight braids with bronze caps or bands on the ends. The use of eye shadow was also heavy with even some stallions having designs painted around their eyes but the mares had it the most with long bending lines emphasizing their eyelashes and the corners of their eyes with some kind of black paint or charcoal.

Blue and black were very common for coloring of the eyelids but a few had other, rarer colors and were dressed better making it easy to tell who had the most wealth in the crowd. One or two were even being carried around in small little boxes with fine linen and silk covers to protect them from the sun while heavy, elaborate gold and gem encrusted necklaces hung down obscuring their upper chest from view.

"I have my own interest's today Shadow so why dont you wander a bit? I will meet you back at the hotel later."

She nodded and watched him wander off into the throng wondering how he kept any of them from nicking themselves on his halberd. Making her own way she found shops selling elaborate jewelry and even bracelets for her ankle's and began browsing for things to buy or send back to her family.

It was not hard to find a great number of exquisite pieces for herself or family and buying a few she slipped them into her pouch earning a wide eyed stare from a passing mare as they all fit inside a much smaller container. The elaborate head dresses fascinated her greatly and visiting a clothier found a large assortment available.

Caps, afnet's, seshed's, wigs and more were on display in an immense display of variations, designs, colors and prices. What made her almost loose focus though was the mare that bustled around selling it all. Medium height and build with tan coat and jet black mane no one gave her a second look despite her breasts being on display as the two straps that held up her dress were to either side hiding nothing.

Customers came and went but none batted an eye and looking back into the crowd searching Shadow found one or two others dressed like her and even one wearing less. The concept of modesty here was... Different. Focusing hard on the items on sale she lost focus when one entered and joined her in browsing wearing nothing but a short skirt with some kind of fish net thing with bronze disk's.

Desperately trying to stay focused Shadow was worried that if the salesmare came her way she would loose it but instead another mare came out wearing a full, tight fitting dress accentuating her hips with zig-zag patters and striking colors. Talking after all the distractions was a little difficult but making some fast purchases figuring her mom might like the cap and silver band with turquoise inlay Shadow hustled from the store past some new arrivals.

Back in the street and items stored away she kept walking and began to more critically examine those around her, none were dressed in the same layered clothing she wore not that any seemed to care. A stallion stepped out into the street to take a breather dressed in a long white robe and striped head dress of some kind, the way others avoided him he was someone important.

Actually now that she had spent more time looking around and getting farther away from the dock's and the passerby's the more Shadow realized just how incredibly different these people were compared to farther up North. Only a few days travel changed everything as the locals here cared less about modesty and more about staying cool compared to up North where modesty was very important.

The deeper into the city she went the less they wore till finally it looked like she had entered a working area where clothing was a suggestion not a rule. Turning around quickly and going back after getting an eyeful Shadow wandered the streets aimlessly and stopped only once to try something that smelled savory at a little shop before moving on. Barley beer was also a favorite here not wine, any time she walked past anyplace selling alcohol the smell was always similar.

Somewhere along the way an actual pony had walked up to her and asked for directions and inquired politely to her name and where she was from. Remembering Valkardians warning and finding it odd she would brush into the only pony in the entire city she dodged the questions somewhat and was on her way quickly.

Picking up the pace wondering if the sinking feeling was paranoia or instinct Shadow made a bend in the street and accidentally found herself in an alley. Turning back quickly and re-entering the street and making another turn to get back on track towards the inn she felt a sharp sting in her leg.

Looking down a dart was sticking out and yanking it free she focused on the mental link with Valkardian and tried to yell but collapsed before she could call out. Shadow never actually felt the ground though, arms grabbed her and drug her off quickly as her eyes closed and the world went black.

Murmurs and sharp exchanges of words brought her around slowly as something tugged at her body. There was a great urgency in their voices then a snapping sound and a pained yelp. She could feel her belt being undone and pulled away and the voices became clearer while sight slowly returned.

Looking up through the haze that clouded her eyes she could make out three figures working quickly to strip her. One was the pony from before along with a unicorn and Arabian. A fourth voice from somewhere farther off called back urging them to hurry up.

"She is coming around! You were supposed to give her enough to knock her out for hours!"

"I did! She never removed the dart! Maybe the clothes absorbed some of it! Want me to dose her again?"


A set of emerald eyes looked down at her as the indigo unicorn bent over her. The mare studied her for a moment before patting her on the cheek to wake her as if it would wear off the drug's faster.

"Wakey, wakey. Ah there we go... Good now just focus. I have some questions and would be very pleased if you answered them. Now first off how do we open your pouches?"

"Rggh... Fuck off..." Whatever they had dosed her with was rapidly wearing off and she wondered if the amulet had anything to do with it.

"Wrong answer. Now we need to see the contents of the pouches or else I have to use my magic to tear the memories from your brain which will hurt a great deal. Please just cooperate."

Shadow glanced over at the Arabian, there was no doubt that Celestia's spies had caught up with them and had taken a wild gamble that they had something to do with the artifact and had guessed right.

"Damn traitor to your people, how could you side with that alabaster bitch over your own?"

He jerked back a bit at this.

"I work for my sultan no others." This did not sit well with the unicorn who glared at him silencing the stallion.

She would have spat but her muscles were still not one hundred percent but getting there quickly. These were not the brightest spies but then again... Ponies were not very good liars and apparently the one Arabian they brought along was no better.

"Piss off."

Letting out a sigh the unicorn shook her head and instructed the others to make certain the bindings held while she retrieved something else. Before they could put their weight on her Shadow had recovered and sent out a mental shout.

"Remove that amulet" the unicorn called from not far away and the Arabian reached for it but was given a heavy shock. Reeling back she took advantage of the opportunity while he nursed his hand and heaved up testing the limits of her strength as modified by the amulet.

Bond snapped quickly as she rose up and seized the nearest by the throat and squeezing with all her strength felt the throat collapse and tossed them aside. The mares body spun and flipped sideways crashing into something as she flailed trying to breathe. A magical charge made her turn left and seeing the unicorn watching calmly while powering up her horn Shadow reached out for the stallion and grabbed him.

Yanking body off the floor despite its greater size she used his body as a shield against the oncoming spell that erupted from the unicorns horn blasting into him and knocking him unconscious. Jerking at the bindings around her ankles they snapped and Shadow rolled from the table onto the floor as another spell went off waking the stallion back up.

Pulling the table out from under him she spun it on end and used it like a shield looking for her weapons and found them against the far wall where the door guard was looking outside through a small opening and glancing back towards the fight trying to figure out what to do.

Their decision was made for them when the door exploded inwards sending them to the floor in a heap. Turning and firing blindly the unicorn sent a spell careening towards the doorway but it sizzled out with the wave of Valkardian's hand. Magic flew back crashing into the unicorn's body dropping her like a sack of bricks.

Driving the table forward into the Arabian knocking him to the floor in a heap Valkardian turned his attention back to the pony at the door and lifted them up and pounded their body into the wall with a cracking sound as bones snapped before dropping them.

Trying to get back up the stallion stumbled looking around wildly for an escape and bolted for a small window but Shadow was faster tackling him to the floor and grabbing his head began to pound it relentlessly into the floor.

Each crack of his head striking the floor made her feel a little better about the indignity of capture and her face contorted into rage and she pounded his head a little faster. The only thing that stopped her was an invisible hand that held them both in place.

"I would like to interrogate them first before you kill them..."

Letting out an angry sigh he released her and watched as he sealed the doorway up magically with an illusion before grabbing the unicorn and dragging her into a back room. Calling back he told her to bring the others quickly so he could begin and with her newfound strength dragged them into the back room with ease and laid them out in a row inside the small room.

The one with the crushed throat was quickly healed and tied up and left along the wall and while he sealed off the unicorns magic with a spell Shadow tied the others up. They would all be dead soon there was no question of that but what would happen in the meantime greatly intrigued her.

"Thank you for getting here so fast."

"Mmm. By the looks of things you were doing fine though. Still... How did they capture you?"

Her face turned angry again at the reminder. "They shot me with a dart in the street."

"No helping that then. Alright. Shall we begin?"

"Ready. Oh, that amulet... I know it had a whole list of effects but does that include dispelling the effects of drugs?"


"Cool." She watched as he hoisted the unicorn up magically and stapled her to the wall in the same fashion before slapping her hard across the face. With a pained groan her eyes opened and soon snapped wide as her eyes darted around the room before settling on Valkardian.

"Who the hell are you and what do you think you are doing?"

Valkardian began laughing in disbelief at the mares audacity.

"That is what I was about to ask but I already know the answer so... Do you know who I am or did she tell you?"

"Who tell me what?"

"Celestia. Never mind then, allow me."

Dispelling the illusion her eyes looked him over trying to figure out what and who he was. So Celestia had never told at least THIS spy about Valkardian.

"Alright. You were here after the spearhead but dont worry, its long gone."


"No. You will tell me how you communicate with Celestia and then I decide if I let you live or not."

Sending a concerned look his way Shadow asked across their link if that was wise but by the sideways glance he gave her there was no intention of letting them leave here alive.

"I dont know what your talking about."

"Stoic to the end then. We do this the hard way."

"Are you going to use a spell to tear her mind apart?"


"Good, the bitch was about to do that to me."

"Well then you get to enjoy seeing the tables reversed then. Now then..."

Grabbing the mare by the head and avoiding the horns Valkardian poured his power into her mind and she began to scream in agony as thoughts and memories were torn free no matter how deep they were buried. As it continued the other prisoners watched in absolute terror as the unicorns eyes glazed over and rolled back into her head as she kept trying to resist. Body spasming wildly and foaming at the mouth he finally let her go and stepped back before smiling.

"Got it. Now for you lot."

Turning to face the other prisoners they began to plead for and beg for mercy, one even managed to flop onto the floor and ground their head into the dirt sobbing to be spared.

"Hm. Shadow, do you have any questions?"


"Oh yes. You did quite a bit of damage yourself so if you wish feel free to ask some questions or just..."

He left the last part off but the way he moved his hand and wrist she got the idea.

"Well I do have one question..."

Approaching the mare who's throat she had crushed Shadow forced her to look up and gazed into her terrified eyes.

"How could you do this to anyone? Anypony... How could you just drug them, tie them up and threaten them like this? Even helping another who was going to do that (pointing to the mare on the wall) to anyone?! What the hell gives you the right?! This is not even your own country!"

She stuttered wildly at first but managed to spit out a few comprehensible words finally. "It is for the good of Equestria and the world."

"What the hell makes you think that putting something that powerful in her hands would be good for Equestria let alone the world? Do you have any idea what you were after or what it does!?"

"I just follow my orders!"

"And you died following them. You died earlier trying to hold me down so your friend there could torture me. Now I finish the job."

She tried to scream but Shadow's hands snapped out and grabbed her by the head and with a quick twist snapped the neck.

"A faster and kinder death that what you offered me."

Shadow left the room in a huff stepping over the groveling Arabian stallion swearing quietly leaving them to Valkardian. He let a low near inaudible whistle before looking down at the others and grinning.

She had sat on a box waiting on him to finish up listening to the quiet death throw's of the two prisoners as he dispatched them. A sliding thud meant he allowed the unicorn off the wall and lots of rustling sounds later he left the room once more looking like a stallion and joined her.

"Well. I have one official stop to make in Obiad before we leave for home. At any rate this was my fault for not figuring they would try something. Our vacation is still on and it is doubtful, very doubtful there are anymore agents in the region save one in Obiad."

"So vacation is still on?"

"Oh yes but we will make one more "official" visit with said individual before we go back. Oh and before I forget... That little thing you did standing on that bandits spear? Very nicely done. Also your little venting back in the other room was well deserved. Shall we go?"

Joining him at the door he magically dispelled it and they walked off as if nothing had happened. Passing through the streets they made their way back to the hotel and after eating called it a night.

Shadow could only keep thinking about the events at the little building however. A join spying operation had been undone in a few hours and she had not only helped but willingly and even happily helped Valkardian. One of the spies, an Equestrian no less had been killed (twice) by her own hands without any kind of regret. There was no regret over it even now, if she were back in that room all over again she would do it again and again.

Was she Equestrian? No. Pony? No. Shadow was now something else and while what eluded her one thing was clear: Shadow was now her own person and different from the rest of the ponies back in Equestria.

Chapter 29

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After being captured for less than an hour the city of Thebe's had lost a great deal of its curiosity and Shadow remained a bit jumpy. Valkardian had told her there was nothing to worry about and tried to break her out of it but little worked until they were back on the ship a few days later and back out on the river.

At first she had wanted to dawn some armor beneath her cloths but he told her that was just paranoia talking and to just keep focusing on calming down. Qufai had taken note of her incessant twitching when anyone moved too quickly and had inquired if anything was wrong. Valkardian told an interesting story that while true was also not entirely true with important details left out. Qufai had shaken her head but congratulated her on getting revenge on them despite it.

It was so strange to be in a land where killing was perfectly acceptable and even encouraged present company being former mercenaries not included. Watching the farmers work their fields along the wide muddy banks kept her occupied at least. Kalai had explained the annual flood left behind rich mud and when the water levels fell irrigation ditches were dug quickly and crops planted in the rich soil.

There was no such thing as famine here either, each town and city had vast granaries that rose high in the air or were dug deep into the ground forming massive brick lined pits that were covered over sealing the contents away from vermin not that it always worked. Most was stored in smaller brick silos ensuring there would be plenty of barley and wheat even if the crops failed for two years.

It had been a major undertaking long ago helped along by the priests and military but now that it was complete most cities could maintain themselves under siege for at least a year without any preparations. While the population might not be happy with nothing but barley or wheat bread to eat they would survive.

Arriving in the crocodile infested part of the river Valkardian had them steer the boat into a small village for the remainder of the day claiming that tomorrow he was going to do a little hunting. Qufai had said he was insane but considering how crazy he was anyway and what he was capable of... She washed her hands of it if he got his leg bit off or worse.

What had really made her jump was when he asked if she wanted to join him waving him off, while he was suicidal she was not and not skipping a beat had turned to Shadow and inquired if she would join him instead. Balking at first remembering the size of the massive reptiles and their sharp teeth Shadow had almost turned him down but decided to go even if it meant staying in the air while he hunted to see what would happen.

There were no inns or hotels in the tiny farming village but that was just fine. Pitching their shelters far up the bank and a little beyond the village on a small rise they could see the ship and the surrounding land. Valkardian had gone down and had a talk with the locals and found that walking down the river a short distance beyond the last field would provide more than enough crocodiles for the insane to hunt.

From their vantage point Shadow had spent a while looking into the distance and seen a few distance dots slip in and out of the water and silently prayed none came near the village. Qufai had told her that if she was going crocodile hunting then there was something Shadow needed to see first.

It did not take long to find a villager who had survived an attack and was missing a chunk of leg. They had been one of the lucky ones, it was also why so few villages were in this area. Despite the grisly display of what would happen with one false move Shadow decided she would go anyway. Qufai thought she was as crazy as Valkardian but let it drop.

He roused her early in the morning and they walked together quite a distance before finding a couple of the great reptiles laying along the riverbank. None were what he was looking for and they kept walking till Valkardian found what he was looking for.

"Alright, I am going to kill this one, would you like to try and kill one later after you have seen how to do it?"


"Just watch first then."

Valkardian really was insane. He walked up behind a larger one that was isolated from the rest and while the creature was still sluggish from the cold night got on its back and straddled it while using a lasso to snag its mouth and tie it shut. Sitting on its back calmly he pulled a dagger and began cutting and within moments the heaving body went limp.

Magic brought the beast up and towards her and dropping it far away from the others where it was safe Shadow got to see one up close. It was a massive reptile with a lustrous hide and very large sharp teeth. He let her look it over and touch it before shooing her away and began gutting and cleaning it for transport.

"You want to try now? Just fly above one from behind and land on its back and whack its head off with your dagger or sword. Locals wont mind one more croc going missing."

"As interesting as that sounds I think I will pass."

"Never know when you might get another chance..."

"Why did you kill this one anyway?"

"For its hide but also I want its meat."

"Your going to eat it?!"


"What about the hide? I never saw anything made from one of these back at your home."

"Not surprising actually. So after I am done here we going back or...?"

Shadow looked back down at the reptiles as they began to warm up and move around very slowly.

"What would I do with one anyway?"

"Have a nice hide to make something with if nothing else. Go on and kill one, if the bigger ones worry you aim for a smaller one. Be careful though, even in their chilled state they can move like lightning."

Debating her options and if she should do something so stupid Shadow opted to make a go of it. What the hell, why not. Sending a tanned hide home would certainly make for a unique once in a lifetime gift.

Flying up and looking for a smaller one Shadow settled on one farther up the bank on its own and flew down behind it. Valkardian had undone the lasso and given it to her along with a list of instructions and darting in to straddle it the beasts head began to turn making her hear skip a beat but it was too late.

Landing on its back quickly it lurched around mouth wide and eyes fixed on her. Getting the lasso on proved impossible and letting it fall she drew her dagger and drove it deep into the neck and began to saw. Thrashing wildly from the sudden attack and pain the creature on its back was inflicting it bend and twisted trying to grab her.

Finally striking the spine with blood flying she sawed faster and felt the body stiffen under her before relaxing and falling motionless. Valkardian yelled at her to drag it back up so they could get it cleaned and get back and climbing off Shadow grabbed it by the tail and heaved.

Hauling it up the bank towards him took a few minutes and dropping it beside Valkardian he simply rolled it over and began instructing her on gutting it. Both crocodiles were soon fit for hauling and using his magic he made their lives easier floating them along and back to camp.

Shadow was still quietly stunned at what she had just done, back in Equestria there was no such thing as "hunting" except when they were the hunted. Today though roles reversed themselves as the predator became the prey. Arriving in the camp eyebrow's were raised but little was said.

Skinning and magically tanning the hides then rolling them up Valkardian handed her the hide from the crocodile she had killed putting his own aside while getting a fire going. Bits of meat were roasting over the fire quickly as he kept cutting up the carcass and tossing more pieces into a bowl.

Deciding not to partake in the meat she just watched him carve up the creature and eat it one piece at a time while the siblings found other things to do too disturbed to watch the grisly display. Kalai had warned him against it but Qufai cut her off saying he would be just fine from eating the flesh of the crocodile. Looking at her tanned hide after rolling it back out Shadow ran her hands along its surface and marveled at its size and beauty.

Perhaps she would keep it instead of sending it back to her family, they would probably stuff it off somewhere and forget it out of fear or disgust if not throw it out. Best to keep such a prize for herself and maybe ask Valkardian what could be made from it. Kind of a waste though to cut up such a fine hide though.

Sailing to Obiad been a quiet affair but Qufai's siblings had become very wary of Valkardian, the only creature the knew of that was pony and ate meat. Eating fish and seafood was fine with them but never had they seen or heard of anything like that. With the journey almost over though they did not let it bother them too much and kept about their duties as they slipped down the river in the fast current.

The first thing to hit them was the stench of the dye works but it was just as quickly behind them as they rounded the bend and into the marvelous harbor. Little had changed since their last visit more than a week ago and coming alongside the dock they were tied up and traveling the streets proper.

Despite not being the capital it was actually the largest city by one simple virtue: agriculture. Every last ship had to stop here in order to reach the open sea and anything at all that came down the river found itself moored here before moving on. Immense stone warehouses line the docks holding nothing but sacks of grain while others held cloth made in towns and cities farther up before being dyed across the waterway then dried and shipped off.

It took an hour to fight and dodge their way through the teeming masses of carts and workers in their mad rush to get cargo moved to or from the warehouses. Getting through the gatehouse that sealed the harbor from the city they entered a built up area of cheaper stone buildings and continued down the wide cobblestone road.

Another gatehouse sealed everything off again and passing through they were now in a business district. Moving beyond Valkardian kept going till they arrived at an elegant hotel what seemed like an eternity later and leaving the blazing hot street behind entered the cooler shaded interior.

Their room was grand as ever and laying out their bags while sending off laundry to be washed they availed themselves of the soft cushions and jug of wine.

"Now that we are here there is only one piece of business to attend to tonight then you can spend the rest of your time however you please."

Shadow watched him for a moment and sipped at her drink thinking.

"How is this city different than the others?"

"Melting pot of both Eastern and river regions, you get a good mix of types here and interests. If you are bored and looking for something to do why not take a couple gold coins and find yourself some pretty boy and have him dress in nothing but a loincloth while feeding you grapes?"

"Speaking from personal experience?"

"No. Never, but to each their own if your bored."

"Huh. Kind of expected something else there."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you had me serve you all those times so I figured you would but then again you quickly call others who sell their bodies whores so..."

"I will never degrade myself by availing myself in the sexual pleasures of whores however that does not stop me from not enjoying the company of another especially when they are beautiful."

"Thank you for that... Compliment. Wait. So you have never?"


"Wife? Marefriend?"

"Neither, ever. Got close to having but..."

"How old are you?"

"Hmm... Somewhere around... Nine or ten thousand years old now?"

She gagged for a moment on her drink.

"How is that even possible?!"

"Magic. I came here long before your people or any others had learned to knock two stones together. It was not a... Pleasant... Experience."

"What do you mean?"

"Imagine waking up in the caves before they became the vibrant place you know them as without understanding magic yet or where you were. Total. Absolute. Darkness. No sounds save your own breathing and shuffling hands and feet. Blind. No light to see and crawling around in the darkness for years and years on end. Nearly falling to your death at times and finding that there is nothing to eat or drink. Then much to my surprise finding out I have no real need to, it is a deeply unpleasant and painful experience but can be done."

His head slowly turned to her and cocked to one side.

"Imagine spending what could be years. Decades or even centuries like that. Then slowly life is found, a glowing plant here or there as the caves come to life. Finding out about magic through a bout of insanity and pure rage so great it sparked something to life. As time keeps wearing on without meaning, learning to use magic to light the way and finally being able to see."

A cold look came to his eyes "Then finding out that being able to see again does no good while lost in that endless maze of tunnels and caves that goes on for THOUSANDS of miles. Despair but also hope of finding a way out, spending who knows how many decades trying to find your way to the surface and finally reaching it..."

Closing his eyes a moment he let out a small laugh. "Then finding out that what you desired so much was less than what you had wanted. All that effort and time spent was to find others who you actually could no longer stand. They had lost their beauty and spark in your eyes, now more an annoyance than anything else. Their antics and ways quickly becoming more annoying that endearing. Yet the deal is done. Now you just have to make the most of it."

Opening his eyes again he looked at her and she felt very cold "I think you know what happened after that. However I have seen the world above made and unmade several times but I have only begun recording it relatively... "Recently." Most of the records I keep of those times before are buried away in a private collection."

"Can I see them?" Her voice was a whisper but it certainly explained a few things about his psyche.


"So in all that time you have been alone?"

"Yes... Sort of but not always. A few times I had others to talk to but that is rare indeed. Eventually my true nature comes out and. Well... I wear this illusion for a reason. Being alone for so long drives you to madness but it also gives one a great deal of perspective. It is easy to be a tyrant who cows others into submission with his dark form but not so easy to get along in peace. My beliefs are just too different for most."

"It must be a lonely life never having anyone to love or hold."

"You get used to it."

"Sounds like something horrible to get used too."

"I never had a choice. Well not entirely true but I had little to no options all things considered."

"So you have never been with anyone then in more than... Nine thousand years!?"

"Never actually, on this world or the other. Well, present company not included that is."


"Congratulations Shadow. You are the first female ever to touch me in anything more than a handshake or short hug. Ever."

"Wow... That's just... Sad."

"Ehh. What about you then hmm?"

"Well I have a brother but... No. Never."

"Guess that makes two of us then! Well this was thoroughly depressing. I need to torture something to make myself feel a little better. Come on. Lets go pay a visit to Celestia's chief spy for this whole damn part of the planet and blow off a little steam."

Valkardian stood up Shadow following him into the streets and heading off to pay a most unwelcome and probably violent and painful visit to the spymaster. As she thought over what he had said carefully it was apparent he refused to sacrifice some morals no matter what or how bad things got. Not that his idea of morality was... Well, interesting to say the least.

Nine thousand years of near absolute isolation short of fighting and killing without ever once taking a wife or marefriend but not for lack of trying and all the while steadfastly refusing to even bed another just once for a little company... Valkardian took celibacy to near godlike levels and for some reason it made her feel incredibly sorry for him.

Shadow could only imagine what that would be like, locked beneath the earth in a stone prison then break free and find out the world above and its denizens would not accept you but shun you for being so different even when you meant well. A part of her wondered what that would be like while another mused over his remark that she had been the first to ever actually touch him.

Did she still hate and feel disgusted with him? Oh who was she kidding, despite his ways Valkardian was not all bad despite everything he had done and would continue to do. Somewhere under that pale hide of his beat a heart black as coal but it was not cold and unfeeling. Then again who could survive all that without having a darkened heart?

This was too depressing. He was right. Think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts of visiting whoever it was and having lots and lots of fun with them. Bloody fun, the kind that made others scream and run away but made the heart feel good.

Chapter 30

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Wandering aimlessly in circles Valkardian finally pushed Shadow into a small shop with no customers and led her around till they were out of sight. Before she could ask him what was happening a hand teached out and a jolt of energy went through her body. The color of her fur changed as her body morphed into an Arabian mare with lavender fur while he had turned into a dark blue stallion.

"Okay so... Were we being followed?"

"Just a precaution. Remember they tracked you and as a thestral you really stand out. Remember this is just an illusion so if you move your wings..."

"Got it. Now what?"

"We do a little spying on the spies."

Hurrying into the street they continued on their way now blending into the crowd better and Shadow had to admit that not getting a lot of stares was a nice change. Before leaving the store he had pulled her protective cloak away so that the magically hovering cloth would not gain any unwanted attention. While it exposed her delicate wings and the membrane to the burning sun she had little choice but to ignore the burning sensation and keep walking.

Passing through a very sprawled cluster of very nice houses Valkardian ignored them and kept walking till they were in a middle class area then made a sharp turn down a side street. The buildings were densely clustered together and they walked in silence as his eyes darted back and forth searching.

Smirking he spoke across their link saying that the building to their right with the blue pot outside was the one but walked past the building.

Shadow was confused a little and following the unspoken rule fired a question back on their mental link: "Why are we walking past it?"

"I have no idea what is behind that door."

"That did not stop you flow blowing a door off its hinges earlier!"

"True but that was an emergency while this is not. Time may not be on our side but a little caution is still in order."

"What do you mean time is against us?"

"We just killed the spy masters entire spy ring for this part of the region. It is only a matter of time before their failure to check in tips her off and they make a break for it."

"Then what are we doing?"

"In here."

Valkardian walked up to a house and looked it over a moment before opening the door and walking in uninvited. Shadow was worried that there might be someone home but that was not the case and going up a flight of stairs he stopped by a window giving a view of the other house in the distance.

"They might return at any time Valkardian..."

"True but an invisibility spell would solve that. Now let me focus."

Hands moving and eyes glowing slightly he watched the other building intently. Looking over his shoulder she was not impressed with the structure and its basic, no frills design. Then again if a spy master stayed in a mansion that would raise suspicion so it also made sense to conduct shadowy business farther from the spotlight.

"Shadow. I see absolutely nothing, just a hole. Care to guess what that means?"

"Magical protection?"

"Very good, but not strong enough to keep us out."

"Cant you just... Power past the defenses?"

"That would trip the alarms."

"Ah... So?"

"I want you to go out and walk down the street a few buildings till you can no longer see the building then fly up onto the roof. Work your way along quietly and slip behind them and make sure no one runs out the back. Oh and here."

Another jolt went up her arm.

"A little extra protection never hurt. Now hurry up."

"What about you?"

"Well knocking on the front door never hurts now does it? Would you really expect your enemy to come right up to your front door and knock?"

"No... Alright then."

Heading out and down the street Shadow walked calmly till the house was out of sight then flapped her wings and flew atop the row of houses. Walking quickly she could just make out Valkardian walking up the narrow street and getting her bearings from him found the correct house and swerved till she could see the back.

A small overhang of cloth obscured the back and squatting down to watch carefully she noted there was no one in the tiny back yard that divided this row of buildings from the next. No escape routes either unless they blasted through a door or back window but farther off was a metal gate. She could make good time swooping down on them if they tried.

With an ear turned the other way she listened intently and waited with bated breath when the sound of muffled knocking reached her. A muffled yelp sounded not long after and below her Shadow could make out little of what was going on but someone had just been thrown hard enough to break something. A mass flurry of hooves pounding gave away a second occupant along with a shout.

Patience was not a virtue for Shadow as the commotion continued before going silent a split second later as hooves again pounded away only going up and towards the open window below.

Watching the open window like a hawk the sound of Valkardians boots pounding on stairs echoed heavily as magical blasts went off and she could feel whatever magic protected the building had just been shattered.

A pony sprang from the open window and fell down from the second story onto the cloth overhang below crashing through with a pained grunt bag in hand. Flaring her wings out and readying to dive they stood staggering for a moment before breaking into a dead run for the far gate. Valkardian's head poked out of the window seconds later as Shadow dove off the building.

Walking up to the door Valkardian waited a moment before knocking spells in mind and ready to fire off. A young Arabian stallion answered the door and when he opened his mouth was met with a fist. A yelp left his mouth as his body fell backwards. Stepping inside quickly Valkardian grabbed him from the floor and pounded him into a wall shattering the shelves and knocking him out cold.

During all of this a mare had called out from upstairs and after the first blow fell hooves announced their fast approach but when she reached the bottom in time to see him pounding her companion into the wall she turned tail and fled back up the stairs.

Letting him fall to the floor he raced after her and after getting to the top had just enough time to see her grabbing a bag and running for the window. There was not enough time to fire off a spell as the panicked mare blasted through the open window.


Her target hardly had time to look back before Shadow collided with them knocking the bag free and sending them both to the ground in a heap. Springing up the mare made a dash for the bag but magic yanked it away and into the air. Chasing it for a moment before realizing who was moving the bag away the mare changed her mind and fled the other way in an attempt to escape.

Barreling into her they again went to the ground as Shadow pounded her opponent down and straddled their back wrapping her hands around the others neck and tightening.

Legs and arms flailing to get a grip on her Shadow heaved their chest up and slammed them down into the dirt hard but it had little effect. Twisting and turning to face the bat sitting on her back the mare was unable to fully turn but managed to push enough to make a swing catching Shadow in the upper shoulder.


Shadow beat her wings and grunted bringing both of them into the air till they hovered just above the rooftops. Looking down Valkardian was waiting below and beckoned.

"Drop her."

The mare was gagging and flailing her legs now that they were high in the air with Shadow's grip acting like a noose and loosening her grip she let the mare fall. Before hitting the ground magic grabbed her from the air and she dangled there in front of Valkardian while Shadow landed beside him. A jolt of energy from his other hand knocked the mare out and nodding they both turned and walked into the spymasters house.

"Well that was intense..." Shadow had finished tying the two up while Valkardian studied the bag quietly. "You going to open that?"

"I am not the only one who knows to put protective spells on important containers. Whatever is in here is well protected but not well enough."


"Later when I have more time, its not going anywhere. Now for these two. Shadow allow me to introduce Tulip the spymaster and her cohort Dahliad."

"Alright, so torture time?"

"No. I want you to search the place for anything out of the ordinary, even something small and obscure could be important but be careful, while I have dispelled the overall protections on this place any other traps will still be in place."

Nodding Shadow left and began exploring while Valkardian sifted through their pockets and undressed them looking for anything that might hide something useful. Everything looked perfectly normal in the house though save some broken items in the hallway near the door. Books but no papers. No writing implements of any kind could be found which was a red flag.

Kitchen was empty and after tearing everything apart and even seeing if they stored anything in the jars Shadow was getting a little fed up.

"Nothing yet, the place is empty. Too empty."

Joining her he scanned around then looked at the floor for a minute before going upstairs.

"The bag came from up here so maybe they have something here."

"Wouldn't it be easier just to you know... Rip the information out?"

"Yes but I want them alive for a little while longer. Just... TAKING the information is no fun."

"You mean we have been doing all of this for fun?"

"Yes of course. Life is about enjoying the little things like destroying one of Celestia's spy rings. Using magic to solve everything does not always work but it also becomes boring after a time."

Tracing her fingers along the wall she made out a slight bump and poking it felt the wall give just slightly.

"Found something."

Looking it over and touching it he looked at the nearby table and retrieved a flat long knife and began sawing under the bump. No debris came out though as the cover slowly slipped free revealing a small compartment full of papers. Pulling them free carefully he laid them on the table and told her to keep looking.

Very little was in the room and walking around did not help nor checking under the bed or its frame. Shadow had read a spy novel now and then but this was more boring than the books made it out to be. Entering the primary bedroom little stood out except a decorative piece made from glass.

Taking a closer look it appeared to be rather pricey and held a crystalline orb in the middle. Shadow almost touched it but stopped herself remembering the warning, if this was important it would be protected magically since it was in the open unlike the papers which were simply sealed inside the wall.

"Well these papers are interesting. Bet the locals would be rather ticked off if they found out what this little gaggle was up too. They didn't even bother to encrypt anything... Find anything useful?"

"Yes, what is this?"

Shadow pointed to the ornate glass display. Valkardian walked up to it and watched it quietly before smiling.

"Communication orb."

"With who?"

"WHOM. Now guess."


"Very good! Hiding it in plain sight like this was clever since no LOCAL would know to pay much attention to it and the people's of this region have no magic like this so they would not know either."

Waving his hands around for a moment he plucked it up and looked closer.

"Just one problem with these things. Once in the wrong hands that know how to use them they work as a two way conduit for information. Depending on where the other is anyone with the right word can gain control and spy on the receiving end."

"How long till they know?"

"Lets go find out."

Both spies were now pinned to wall while the windows and doors had been shut tight with spell's laid in place to prevent calling for help. He had even placed a spell blocking them from mentally calling out just in case but what really made her grimace was prying their mouths open and searching. The Arabian had a loose tooth and he yanked it out violently and examined it before tossing it aside.

"Umm... Why did you just..."

"Oh that. Thought it might be a suicide tooth. Fake tooth with poison inside, knock it loose and bite to release the poison. Turns out he just had a loose tooth was all."

Ouch. She kept watching as he went over their bodies with a fine toothed comb looking for anything out of place before stepping away and snapping his finger. The first to wake up was the stallion groaning in pain that only grew before he gagged on the blood in his mouth from the hole left from the torn tooth.

He was of little interest though, Shadow wanted to know about the mare. Tulip. Almighty spy master for Celestia in all of Zebrica and Saddle Arabia, she just had to have some stories to tell.

Tulip was slower to awaken than her friend but when her eyes finally opened and realized the position they were in the mares body went rigid. Holding up the papers for her to see Valkardian asked some innocent questions about their purpose and other mundane things but only got tight lips in response.

"Tell me Dahliad, do you know what a gelding means?"

He nodded slowly but refused to talk.

"Well dont worry, I wont be doing that to you. Only amateurs stoop that low since once the parts are gone there is no pain to play upon. So instead I am debating what else to do and right now I only want to use you as a demonstration to your friend of what waits for her if she fails to talk."

Straight faced without a smile and almost in a monotone his words sank in causing a silent debate as they two looked at each other. Tulip shook her head but Dahliad was not quite so convinced. Dropping his illusion for a moment got a choked gag from Tulip.

"So she has told some about me... Now lets find out how much. Tulip, enlighten me as to who stands before you."

"Valkardian. Murderer, psychopathic and sociopathic madman."

"Short and to the point but your gagging means she told you far more than just that. Alright that means YOU are the one with information I want while your friend here is expendable since he is looking rather confused by all this."

Returning to Dahliad he brought a hand up and a small wisp of electricity formed.

"Alright Dahliad I am going to torture the hell out of you till she talks. Reasonable right?"

Shaking his head furiously Valkardian gave him a zap, just enough to make him panic but not much else.

"Okay Tulip since you know who I am care to enlighten Dahliad on what will happen to him?"

"Burn in Tartarus. Celestia will avenge us!"

"No she wont. In fact she will never know who took you. Dahliad I have something I want you to see."

Opening his pouch and allowing a wraith out the stallion gave a strangled scream.

"This is your fate. Don't worry about dying because when you finally do your soul will be trapped and turned into one of these. Care to tell me anything Tulip?"

Grinding her jaw she looked away.

"Okay. Now hold still this is going to hurt."

A jolt went up his leg making his body convulse and Shadow felt a little ill by all of this. Just killing them was one thing but this... Ripping apart their minds killing them was also okay in her book somewhat since they died quickly enough.

Pulling on their link she asked him what was the purpose of all this, it was most certainly not fun or amusing. His only response was to just watch.

One set of questions and another jolt had the stallion looking wild eyed as the wraith reached out and caressed his face. Staring at Tulip pleading she puffed her chest up in defiance and looked away.

"Promise not to do... That... To me and I will tell you anything you want but I refuse to betray my sultan!"


Shadow let out a sigh of relief she did not know was being held as the wraith departed and the confessions began to flow. While threat of death was one thing Valkardian had not offered death but undeath and an eternity of torment. It was all unnecessary but now that she could see what the plan had been it was rather amusing to play one against the other like that. Then again the sultan should train his spies better.

Confession's continued for quite a while as he spilled every detail of Celestia's involvement in the region but would not touch on his sovereigns involvement or planning. Valkardian told him he had no interest what so ever in that but to just keep talking about Celestia. Tulip on the other hand was furious with him and spitting fire but Dahliad just kept blathering a mile a minute.

Celestia was indeed after the spear, that they knew but she had hatched a plan to use magic after getting the first piece to find the other two. Now with the only known piece missing again that had put the kabash on her plans. Spying on the military and priesthood, bribing people in the guild for information, the list kept growing.

One tidbit that made Shadow's ears perk was a plan to utilize the bandits to impress upon the locals the importance of her ideal of a unified government under her careful gaze to ensure harmony would prevail. Hearing that and knowing Celestia's past made Shadow wonder just how much she had changed or if somewhere under that sweet smile some of that viciousness still remained.

Valkardian had simply listened quietly and held out a small crystal, when Dahliad was done Tulip just hung from the wall with her head hanging having long given up. Pocketing the crystal he asked if Tulip would like to add anything and she tried to spit in his face but a slap stopped her halfway sending spittle flying.

Grabbing her head Shadow knew what was coming and soon the sounds of shrieking filled the room before her body went limp and slid free of the wall. Opening a pouch he lifted the body and did something to it before stuffing it inside before turning to Dahliad.

"We have a deal..."

"Yes and I am going to uphold it. You will not be turned into wraith or anything else."

Dahliad let out a sigh of relief and relaxed. Motioning for her to step back Shadow moved away from him as the magical hold let go and Dahliad stepped free and looked around ready to bolt. Before he could however a bolt of power left Valkardians hand and blasted the stallion leaving nothing but a smoldering pile of ash.

"But you never agreed to let him to alive."

"Correct. Also I did not want to leave a body to cause us trouble while we enjoy the remainder of our stay. A pile of ash can be swept away a body not so much and I did agree not to raise him from the grave."

"Makes the agreement we had back then seem interesting. I never agreed to be your slave while alive."

"It was implied. Besides letting him go free would mean more problems if he rounded up any friends he kept secret from Tulip and I am certain there are no short supply of them."

"So it was necessary to kill him."

Nodding Valkardian walked to the door and opening waved a hand sending the ash into the street before walking out. Nothing was said on the way back till they reached their hotel room where he laid out their collection of papers and items.

"How long will it take you to open the bag?"

"Not long."

Waiting was a pain but after a few hours the bag was opened and a variety of papers and items came free. Laying them out Shadow looked them over and found them to be very unremarkable items, mostly bureaucracy but the papers were very interesting detailing a great amount Dahliad had not spoken of.

"So what are you going to do with all of this?"

"Well its useless to me but I know someone who would be thrilled to have all of this including the crystal orb, Tulip's sacrifice was not in vain as I now have the control word for it."


"Betu. You are going to send him a box with all of this in it. A present. I am certain he will be thrilled with your gift."

"Why would you have me send it to him?"

"To annoy the hell out of Celestia that's why. Consider it extended retribution for your kidnapping. Also it will keep this part of the world out of her grasp for a great deal longer."

Shadow nodded as he gathered everything up and gave her some instructions on what to write while also making out his own letter to Betu including the password. Valkardian was right, when the priests got their hands on this heads would roll as they hunted down informants and wiped the slate clean. The government would not be pleased with this information and if they made it public Celestia would have to keep her face hidden for a long time to come.

Chapter 31

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A simple box had been used to stuff the papers and a heavily wrapped orb into along with the other small items found, with it all was a note written by Shadow laid atop the pile before sealing. Sending it off was easy enough and afterword's they were back to enjoying the remainder of their vacation.

It was not until the second day that they actually traveled the streets to examine the various wares and sights. Shadow's main interest was going to the lighthouse and climbing its considerably long flight of stairs gained a marvelous view of the city and sea.

From high on her perch the mighty city of Obiad was laid out for her to see its peoples mere ants while the ships below looked like miniature toys. Seeing the ships at sail up close was one thing but seeing the large vessels gliding along with billowed sail or oars dipping low to drive them on was truly a spectacular sight to behold.

Valkardian had waited down below until she was finished ogling the various environs and after climbing back down the stairs only wanted to know if she had anything in mind, his own interest's already played out. Strangest of all was when she offered him a chance to join her but why she could not fathom yet for some reason he accepted.

The dye work's were intriguing but smelled horrible, a small ferry took them across and browsing their vast stock of vibrant bolts of cloth Shadow's curiosity continued to grow. What would her family think sending them several bolts of such nightmarishly expensive cloth in Equestria yet here was so cheap.

One thing that stood out to her were the workers. It was easy to tell who worked with the dye's the most since their fur was permanently dyed from the knee or elbow down. None of them seemed to mind however, it came with the job. She visited the neighboring buildings where workers turned the fine strands of brightly colored thread into long bolts of cloth and made jaws drop after purchasing several and dropping them into her larger magical bag one by one.

Curiosity abounded as to how she had done that but waved off their questions saying it was just magic and kept stuffing one bolt after another inside. When her parents got this parcel their minds would be sent reeling, assuming they could find a large enough box, or crate.

Returning to the city Valkardian ushered her off to one side to examine another local creation: perfumes. Vast quantities of perfumes and cosmetics were laid out in small stores that she had missed and browsing their selection found many that were... "Unique" but many more that tickled her fancy.

Picking was impossible so Shadow decided to just buy a little of everything that she found interesting from the various shops and stuffed them away. Valkardian was rather amused with her choices making little jabs now and then but she ignored him.

Moving away from the sweet smelling shops he pulled her aside again to visit a clothing shop and after a short conversation stood aside while she found herself being dragged away by a pair of seamstresses. Stripped to her underclothes Shadow was doted over as they measured and searched their stock for anything that would fit a being with wings.

Offers to make alterations were given and accepted by Valkardian as he called back now and then. It must have taken hours but when Shadow left the store her new ensemble fit with the locals on the conservative side. Dressed in a one piece dress that hugged her hips and with alternating colors and zig zagging patterns.

Stepping into the street she felt rather self conscious being dressed so well and hauling her off again Valkardian purchased an elaborate silk cap for her head with gold trim with an ornate band to hold it in place. When he was finished buying she got a look at herself and gaped at the sight in the mirror as an unknown thestral stared back looking every bit the well to do noble.

Gold bracelets with lavish designs and insets, another arm band and stylish jeweled sash for her waist adorned her form. Shadow bent and twisted herself to get a better look from various angles at her changed form.

"Alright. Why?"

"You earned it. Besides why come all this way and not bother to look the part at least once hmm?"

"My other clothes looked the part."

"Different region. Now you look like the locals here and frankly it suits you quite well. You are quite bewitching in that ensemble."

"Well at least you did not buy me one of those dresses that do not cover the breasts."

"If I had?"

Shadow opened her mouth a moment before stopping and looking at Valkardian's blank stare and closed her mouth. Turning her attention back she quickly strapped on her sword belt but had to give up slinging her bag across the back. Valkardian took it without complaint and the two left the shop and continued to tour the various stalls and sights.

Their elaborate dinner had been consumed and now they sat sipping tea quietly in their hotel room. This trip had raised so many questions Shadow had no idea where to even begin but she had to try to find answers. Valkardian was himself an enigma but the few times he talked about his past only confounded her that much more. Still, he was honest and answered questions freely.

"I know you said its depressing to think about but I really do want to know... What kept you from having any relationships for all those... Millennia? You said something about when others finally learn your nature?"

Valkardian set his cup down and let out a heavy sigh.

"Think about the time we have spent around one another, our words and actions then piece it all together."

"Killing, raising the dead, torture but only under extraordinary circumstances, sociopathic but also you care more than you admit... Yes. You are completely messed up but you never harm anyone unless they deserve it somehow."

"Who decides who deserves anything?"

"Judgemental. Still, your not mean towards others, over all that time at least a few mares would have looked past your faults."

"I do not consider anything you have named a fault but an advantage and a powerful one at that. What is the point of having family if you are unwilling to wipe out a few cities to protect them?"

"That's rather... Extreme. But in all that time only those two ever took interest in you?"

"No, I took an interest in them."

"My question still stands. What happened? You had to have tried more than just twice."

"Let me give you a shining example of what happened on two different occasions: First time around they did not mind me at all till they found out about my carnivorous side and I was exiled on the spot. Second time I slaughtered a group of bandits and raised them from the dead and offered them as servants to help them in the fields. You can imagine how that went."

"It sounds like you bring it on yourself."

His eye twitched.

"I will not hide behind a mask and lie about who I am to impress others. It is better to be honest and straight-forward with everyone. Also living so far underground and having little interest in living above deters most."

"So they all seriously hate you because of trying to help them?"

"Close enough."

"How exactly have you stayed sane?"

"Never said I was. Living as long as I have one tends to be rather insane after a time but venting my frustrations on the troglodytes and on the occasional spy or group of bandits also helps. Fishing too. Very relaxing. Also being so darned busy trying to scratch out an place to call my own was a rather tiresome and occupying experience and after a time those living above became too annoying for me to care about getting involved with them."

"So you just gave up?"

"Not worth the bother. Now what about you?"


"You have been prodding me for information so now it is time you reciprocate."

"Worse than you, at least you tried. I was always too busy perusing my own interests in exploration to get involved."

"Got more than you bargained for then hm?"

"Yes but... I still want to know something else. A long time ago an expedition went into your caves and only one returned alive."

"I remember. That is why I was there the day you arrived, to make certain none would escape this time around. I too got more than I bargained for."

"What happened?"

"Long story short... The survivors was far enough behind that the guardians missed him, when he investigated he caught the tail end of the battle and made a run for it. His map gave him an edge on knowing where to go and after a three day chase he escaped. Had to visit him and retrieve the map too."

"That's why you had so much interest in my map then..."

"Yes. I have the original in my collection somewhere. Who was he to you?"

"My grandfather."

"I see, how did he die?"


"Do you blame me for that?"

Shadow had to stop and think on that one. It was true he had killed him in a way but also had just admitted to having a chance to finish the job and had not allowing him to live.

"Why did you let him live?"

"I do not really recall but probably because killing him would have been pointless at that point and drawn more attention that it would have been worth. Then again who would believe him anyway? Escaping my sentries is no easy task so maybe I did it to reward his tenacity and will to survive."

She stared down into her cup of tea for a little while letting his words sink in slowly. He could not remember. Hearing that had upset her but considering how long he had lived and the lives lost and taken life must be rather cheap.

"So life is that cheap then?"

"NO. Despite all my troubles and isolation, the killing and slaughter, life is something I hold dear. Locked away in those caves for how long I shall never know in the darkness taught me to appreciate the lives of others and not take them for granted. Mind you I have no aversion to wiping out whole cities with no mercy but I do not carry out such actions on a whim. If life were so cheap why would I have avenged Blood Lily?"

"At least one of us has an answer then."

"Care to elaborate?"

"After meeting you I just dont know anymore. Life. Death. It is all blurring, the value of one life versus another. I am actually assigning value to the lives of others like its perfectly normal and seeing those die who are held in lesser light is perfectly acceptable to me now. Never would I have imagined nor heard of slaughtering bandits happily let alone do it myself. Torture. I have actually been tortured a little and then done the torturing or at least stood by and allowed it then afterwords... I still do not and can not agree with how you treated that stallion but it is no longer unconcionable to me. What the hell are you doing to me?"

"Nothing. I only show you the possibilities and have given you a chance to learn. The rest was up to you and what you have become was as much your own doing as my own. At any point you could have tried to stop me or refuted everything but did not."

"Valkardian... Would my ancestors have approved of what I have become?"

"And what exactly have you become?"

"I dont know! Murderer, pirate, bounty hunter, warrior, I have no idea!"

"Have you murdered? Hm. Well think on this then. To kill without reason or justification is murder while to kill with reason and justification is either justice or justified. The only difference is perspective on who is right or wrong. What would ponies say about what you have done?"


"What about Qufai?"

"She enjoyed it and called it bounty hunting."

"So who is right and wrong?"

"I dont know..."

"Sure you do. YOU know the answer because all that really matters is that you did what you believed was right. The opinions of smaller minds that seeing killing others as atrocity must never be allowed to weigh on your mind or actions. Do what you believe is right no matter what anyone says."

Shadow took a breath and held it for a moment then released it slowly and glanced over at him.

"I am not a murderer. They deserved it."

"Good. Then quit worrying about it. Besides if they had not died they would only have gone on to kill or destroy lives. If anything it should make you feel happy."

"But it does! That's why I am so confused by all this! I enjoyed killing them! Enjoyed it!"

"So did I. Whats your point?"

*Urrrg!* "You are an ancient evil that can get away with it! Its not acceptable for people to enjoy killing others!"

"Really? Hm. What does your heart tell you?"

Settling back down and thinking it on it she had to admit her heart was happy with how things had turned it. A few hitches like the torture but nothing she had done was objectionable.

"That is all okay."

"Quit fretting over it then. Doing whats right should never be objectionable especially when you kill to do whats right. Besides. That is only the pony talking not the Thestral."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Celestia's teaching are battling with your true nature and what you have learned about your peoples past. So tell me who do you side with?"

"My people."

"I will remember you said that. Now to answer the question of if they would be proud of you. Most likely. You have been born and raised a pony but have broken free of it and continue to embrace them over the pony. Yes. I would say they would be proud of you."

Shadow nodded slowly but did not look any happier.

"I will get all your gifts sent off after we get back. Tell me Shadow what would you do if I just walked off and left you here free to your own ends?"


"Hypothetical. Not happening but I am curious now after all you have seen and learned."

"Explore more then go home to my family I guess."

It was getting late now and rising Valkardian bid her good night and retired for the night leaving Shadow to think to herself. What would she do if her freedom was regained? Stay with him or go home? Why would he even ask that? No. He would not let her go, that much was apparent. Everything she had learned and seen made her a liability to him and he could not risk allowing her just walking away.

What would happen when she got old? This new fear made her blood turn to ice at what would happen when she was no longer able to uphold her end of the bargain, though changed it was a very real fear.

Events had rushed by after that night, Qufai had born them back to their point of origin and wished them well. Making a quick exit of the city they slipped back to the little clearing and one spell later reappeared in the caves again. Bouncing from portal to portal they were finally back "home" again and Valkardian had instructed her to prepare everything to be sent home.

Shadow had arranged everything carefully with notes attached saying who got what including a collection of coins she had saved from her journey, perhaps her brother would find them interesting. Valkardian arrived some time later with a very large crate and had her pack it with everything but she kept the crocodile hide for herself. Magic would protect the contents and servants bore the crate away along with a letter giving away no real details and that her trip had not been recent but several weeks ago, this being caution on Valkardians part.

Settling back into the day to day events he grew distant again telling her only to be ready for more training. Remembering his comment on having journals about his arrival to this world she searched the library high and low but found nothing. She even asked a servant but got no response, it just went back to dusting the shelves.

Obscure. Where would he put something that was obscure... Two places. Bedroom where no one would ever look or his private study where it can be carefully watched. Since he was in his study that ruled one possibility out so that meant searching the bedroom.

Going over everything in detail took time and revealed a few books of interest but nothing else. She still hesitated to ask him directly but decided to try anyway. Calling out softly from around the door-frame he called her in and the question was popped.

"So you searched the library, bedroom and now you think it is in here?"

"You said obscure."

"Well you would be wrong. They are not kept here. Out."

What did that leave then? What would be obscure? Not the treasury she hoped but what else remained to search? Shadow had the run of the place now except he lab and a few other rooms that always remained sealed and under guard. A few did remain however that were not.

Picking a door and entering the dusty interior with rows of bookshelves mostly empty a pang of hope rose up. This room was certainly obscure but had been surprisingly close to the main bedroom, its small polished interior hinted at once having been planned for use then quickly forgotten.

Walking around the piles of ancient crates and containers she browsed the shelves and their ancient tomes. They were so old and bound with reptilian hide... Pulling the first free and hefting it over to a crate and laying it down gently she pulled it open and froze. This tome was not written on paper but leather, page after page of velum.

There was not enough light to read in the room so taking it with her Shadow retreated to the library and laid the heavy tome out and flipped it open. This was it. The first in the series of what had happened to him.

Most she already knew, his arrival in the dark caves and such. This was the long winded version and skipping ahead she found more interesting tidbits. Having first arrived on the surface the world was a wild place, ponies were little more than wild animals running in small herds through the trees or pastures trying to avoid predators.

Contact had gone very poorly despite magic allowing him to speak with them, they were just so wild it was impossible but not for lack of trying. Giving up he had set up his first "home" in a cave on the surface for quite some time and got rather good at living off the land.

Eventually he went back below having decided it was not worth it to remain above. While he had been driven mad in the caves Valkardian loved them all the same and felt better down below than above now.

On it went, his experiments, testing of cave life and learning the hard way. Meeting a basilisk had held her attention as he avoided the various dangers rather than fight them which sounded quite the opposite of him now. What would it be like if she met a basilisk?

While it was interesting reading about how he had managed to carve out an existence in the sparse caves it had no real value otherwise. So many attempts and failures only to try again and again. Somewhere out there was a cave packed with failures and shattered stone marking his many attempts at learning stone-carving and masonry.

Deciding to check the second book in the series Shadow returned the first tome and grabbed the second in the series. Time had no meaning till about halfway through when he had learned to use crystals to keep time and record rough information. Having figured enough time had passed he visited the surface again but found little had changed except the pecking order had been established.

Large dogs and other predators preyed on the ponies and others and figuring it would be a good a chance as any used magic to burn away a hunting pack. The ponies had not been very grateful, throwing stones in return.

Thus it went for century after century that turned into millennia. When the first stone age huts popped up he had been there to watch but did not lift a finger when they got wiped out by marauding predators. Now his time was spent mapping the entirety of the cave network magically and cataloging the various species.

Valkardian's remarks on hunting down the critters above for their hides was chilling but his discovery of what he called "necromancy" was fascinating. Having long guessed it might be possible he had tried many times to figure it out now that survival in the wildly dangerous caves was less bothersome.

A dead "feral gnoll" as he called it was the first experiment that went well and from there his tests blossomed out to include all forms of dead animals and even ponies. What truly grabbed his attention back then was learning to scry magically and learning who else was above.

Large sentient lizards had carved an empire out on the southern end of the continent amongst the jungles and crossed the mountain range to hunt and harvest in order to sate their growing appetites. That included ponies he noted.

What really stuck out to him though was finding the first ponies living in the caves. Purely by chance scrying revealed a colony surviving in the upper levels and he had gone to investigate. Unlike the ponies on the surface these had been bat winged and more... Welcoming... They did not try to attack or flee on sight which was an improvement.

Over a century later they had grown in number and deciding to take a small hand in things gave them the foundations of written language and agriculture. Testing continued to see how they would react and eventually he was no longer seen as a threat.

Unfortunately during this time a plague swept through and killed many and not being terribly adept at healing anything other than himself there was nothing he could do but watch. In time they rebuilt but at some point something went horribly wrong.

Flipping through the pages to find out what since events were chronological Shadow found the continuation and it revealed that the "gnolls" had dug into the cave and started a brawl. They had won and carted off the inhabitants. Pursuit was given but failed to find them instead finding a catacomb where the dead had been interred.

Valkardian still being shaky at necromancy managed to raise the dead and used them to spread terror after finding her ancestors but the repercussions were severe. While he had saved them they no longer wanted anything to do with him. Indeed they were grateful to no longer be on the menu but using the dead was an atrocity to them.

As each chapter went by detailing new encounters, most going awry as his patience was wearing very thin. Dogma, taboo and downright out of control superstition marred any attempts to help, not to mention killing was beyond abhorrent to the ponies above but he noted that was soon to change.

Chapter 32

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"Enjoying the reading material?"

Shadow let out a frightened yelp having failed to notice Valkardian's arrival nor that he was standing directly behind her looking down at the open page scanning it.

"Well you said the books were not in your office so I-..."

"I had the room unlocked just in case but forgot to mention where. After our little "chat" in Obiad it was clear you needed a little perspective."

"So you seriously tried to help my people and not be evil?"

"Oh no. I have always been "evil." Thestral's were the only race not immediately out to kill, maim, eat, enslave or do something worse to my person. Quite welcoming really, far more welcoming than the ponies and that never changed. Also isolation makes one very eager to find another to talk to now and then. Or at least listen to them. Helping them was sincere but also because living off one or two varieties of fungi and mushroom gets old very fast after the first century or two. "

"But there is so much life an-"

"That has not always been the case. I did a great deal of engineering to create what you have seen. Mind you a great lot did exist but little was edible beyond medicinal use."

"Like the cave wheat?"

"Yes. You will also find my strain of cave wheat is one of the oldest wheat strains on the planet unlike the so called "flour" used in Equestria now. Has more nutrition to it but alterations made it come out black instead of brown."

He leaned back with his hands held behind his back and walked away leaving Shadow to keep reading. Pouring over the rest of the tome it was clear he had lost patience and again gone into hiding but took a great deal of plantlife with him to experiment on.

Somewhere in the caves out there was a primary laboratory where he crafted the various flora of the caves, multiple levels carved from the stone by skeletal "gnolls" then smoothed and fleshed out with crude equipment.

Not all plants took to the caves but some did like the wheat while edible mushrooms from above did very well with some alterations. The flowers were a point of pride for him, sketches showed what they used to be before being altered into their new glowing form. Shadow recognized one of them as being an ancient strain of a long extinct flower above.

The more she read the clearer it was how many treasures were hidden down here, things long gone extinct still grew here but altered to survive. Not all experiments worked though. Chickens were a horrible failure so he settled on modifying cave lizards with some disastrous effects till he got it right resulting in large six foot lizards that laid eggs like a chicken but were not as... "Violent."

How he put that last part was interesting and made her wonder if he had eventually given up since there were no lizards of that size in the garden though eggs did make an appearance on the menu now and then. One part of her shuddered knowing where they came from but then again they were not all bad.

Cows were another failure, they could just not survive no matter what was done, always becoming sickly, pale and eventually dying. An amazing amount of effort was put into creating the world below and it made perfect sense why he did not want others trampling all over his creations.

Tapping on her shoulder brought Shadow's head up from the tome. A servant was waiting patiently and glancing at the time realized she had missed lunch and now it was dinner time. Closing the book and rising from her chair she followed it to the banquet hall and took a seat across from a mirror.

How and when had a mirror become a centerpiece of her table?

There was nothing remarkable about the mirror, tall and wide enough to see herself in clearly but was entirely out of place sitting there in the center facing where she sat. Servants brought the meal and laid it out and looking over everything found it rather simple and straightforward compared to what she had become accustomed to on vacation.

Eating with her eyes darting up to the mirror constantly it began to sink in as to what its purpose was. She could see ever bite made and the motions of her body as she masticated on the food. Shadow almost gagged once catching herself slurping up the soup and seeing it from another angle made her quite self conscious.

Was he trying to say politely that she needed to work on her dining habits? Slowing down and taking her time Shadow watched herself closely and changed a few habits. Meals at home had always been polite but also kind of a free for all as they dug in to whatever her mother had prepared.

This was something to bring up with Valkardian later but for now just focusing on not eating like her older brother was a task in itself.

After dinner a servant led her off to his private study where a myriad of crystals and papers were laid out with more coming and going magically as he sifted through books searching for something.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Because of how events are shaping themselves I decided before we left to give you additional training. Still sorting everything out."

"Okay... So more weapons training?"

"Oh no nothing like that. Having you around gives me more options on forcing my enemies to bend how I want them too. Also having an extra on the battlefield who is trained in command and control will alleviate many problems and reduce the strain on myself."

Shadow's eyes grew a little.

"So you are going to have me command forces in the coming war?"

"If you pass then yes. However you will still have to complete all the training I am going to put you through and not only that but you will have many, many other duties before the war begins."

"Like what?"

"Later. Right now I need to warn you of some things before we begin tomorrow. First off it would take you a couple years, at least two in order to develop a true grasp of warfare and commanding my forces. As you already know... We do not have that long. What I have done and am still doing here is to compress everything down into six months, maybe seven or eight."

"Alright, that sounds a little... Intense."

"Impossible actually. Without magic that is. To cut corners and make things go faster I have to directly transfer the information required into your mind, while this is easy enough the sheer volume of information that will be transferred would probably kill you. So instead I am breaking it down into lots and every so often I will download more information into your head. This will probably hurt and be deeply disturbing but it is the only way, the alternate being two years."

"How much pain?"

"Never done anything on this scale before. It will also require me to put you out at times but that is just the beginning. You must also put the information to practical use in field demonstrations to show you have absorbed it and can utilize the information properly."

"So surface again?"

"No. I have means of getting around that but another little requirement of mine will be that you become more "cultured" during all of this."

"You lost me on that part... What does that have anything to do with preparing for war?"

"Nothing at all. However it will serve to get you to relax in between training and allow your mind to rest and divert itself to other things. If I were to just force all of this you might snap under the sheer weight of how much is being dumped on you all at once."

"That mirror have anything to do with this?"

"Yes. Anyway I need tonight to get the rest sorted out and tomorrow we begin. Shadow, I am physically throwing you off the deep end here. It is very risky so you must be willing and not fight it or..."

Shadow nodded. The way he trailed off made no illusions that it could kill her if she resisted it and that meant accepting the pain not fighting it.

"Alright. I agree."

"Good. Go to bed and in the morning your first "lesson" will begin."

It took a good while before the anxiety died down allowing Shadow to fall asleep but morning came all too soon. The time from closing her eyes to opening them again was a brief instant and hurrying through breakfast she was brought to a room lined with very tall shelves cut directly into the stone and each bearing a small stone box.

Valkardian had two tables ready in the room along with a chair and having her lay down he also instructed her to remove the amulet for the time being. Placing it beside her on the table Shadow watched him open each box in the series and lay out a series of crystals.

"Alright, how this would normally work is one crystal every so often. However you are going to get the lot of them."

"What are they?"

"A creation of mine from long ago. Just in case I ever forgot anything or had the notion to teach another I stored information in the crystals. Took a great deal of practice and constant revisions but by the time I get done in a few months there will be very little you do not know about warfare."

Valkardian floated them over and ringed her form with them before putting her to sleep.

With a concerned sigh he began to transfer copies of the information directly into her mind. It was very slow going at first but began to speed up as the hours wore on and on as one lesson after another was directly implanted.

Shadow's body spasmed now and then but there was very little resistance which was a good sign. Breathing picked up after the first two and heart rate increased but showed no signs of deep stress.

Monitoring her carefully Valkardian continued on till the last crystal had been used and all were safely back inside their boxes. Three weeks of instruction had just been implanted and this was the smallest batch just to make sure she could handle it.

Tomorrow Shadow would have a headache but that would pass with the use of her amulet. Waiting on the information to take and sort itself out was another matter entirely and only time would tell. Currently the best way to see if it had worked was to have her use the basic information to do something without having been given instructions. The more she drew on it from instinct the better.

Sitting in his chair and watching her sleeping form the next phase of the plan came to mind and all the trouble it would entail. Doing such to a fully grown thestral was questionable but with any luck it would work.

There was a pounding pain in her head when Shadow lifted herself up slowly from the bed and looked around. She was alive so it must have worked but the idea of a steady stream of headache's made her wary of whatever came next.

Wary of what though? That drawing on the link she could potentially command hundreds of thousands if she formatted their ranks properly and bounced the signal off controllers or used command crystals to organize...

Eye's going a little blurry Shadow laid back down and wondered how she knew all that. It felt like her brain was a raging river tearing down a narrow chasm trying to get out all at once while she was desperately trying to control the torrent and sort it out.

Letting out a groan and holding her head she clenched her eyes and tried to relax and sort through it all.

"Time to get up."

Looking up there was no one present but the voice had been clear.

"Head hurts..."

"You will get over it. For now get up and openly recite whatever comes to mind."

Scooting to the edge of the bed Shadow lowered her legs over the side sat hunched over speaking whatever came to mind.

"Now focus on force details."

Shifting her attention and trying to remember anything having to do with what he had said numbers and names flooded her mind and she recited them easily.

"Good. Now lets continue..."

Never once had he been in the room speaking only across their link but it seemed clearer now, less hazy, like she could feel it and control it to some extent rather than it being just a background noise when drawn upon.

Valkardian changed subjects frequently and jumped back and forth constantly poking and prodding at her memory till finally stopping satisfied that it had worked. Unfortunately for her it would only get harder, these were just the overall basics. Inquiring if she would learn anything about magic he had said yes then dropped it.

Laying back down the torrent continued but after his barrage of questions it had seemed to calm down somewhat and closing her eyes the headache began to fade.

Having fallen asleep Shadow was awoken the next day and brought to the training area. Long gone now was here old armor and tower shield being replaced with plate armor and a kite shield. Valkardian assured her the armor and shield were again much heavier than what she would be wearing and training began all over again.

Fighting in the old suit had been simple since it mostly protected the chest and shins but fighting in full plate was another matter. She had gotten sick of falling down so many times not used to the weight but each time he had told her to get up and try again. It was like being back in that cave with the stick skeleton all over again.

One thing she liked though was the kite shield. Her old one had been made to protect the entire body but this was not allowing for her to more easily make lower cuts and stabs without having to lift the entire shield up while ducking low.

Also being able to hit something with the shield to break bone was a nice addition, Valkardian had instructed her to use the end tip to stab down into a leg to break the knee or use the edge to crack bone. It had so many more options than the old one but at the expense of greater protection.

He had even lined up a few soldiers and had her get used to the strengthened link she now shared with them. Before there had been some hesitation between commands and carrying them out but now it was perfectly fluid. Explaining it as a lack of understanding and also having never given her a strong link to begin with Valkardian drilled her over and over again.

"Today will be a second lot. You have had one week to recover so you should be back to normal. Ready?"

"What will it be this time?"

"Historical overview of ancient military tactics. Normally divided into epochs you are going to get the lot of them rather than one every week for three months."

Laying her head down and closing her eyes it began all over again.

With Shadow out he could now begin the second phase, Shadow had taken very well to the procedure which meant there was little risk now of causing harm when he tampered with her.

While she was indeed strong and capable Shadow would need a greater boost to survive and carry out what he had planned for her. Magic would only go so far and sometimes would cause more problems than it solved so that left directly modifying her body.

Scanning her had been no issue and now that she falsely believed that upon waking there would be three months instruction downloaded it left him room to work. It was a blatant prevarication but necessary, to tell her might cause problems later. Best to just make the modifications now and allow her to believe training was the cause.

Focusing on her resting form he took aim at the first problem that would prevent further modifications: Celestia's magical tampering. It was a very slow process but soon the ancient limiter was removed not that he really had to, still it was necessary in his own mind. Shadow had long broken free of it but removing it made him feel a little better.

Now came the delicate part. Checking her one last time Valkardian began the next modification that would hopefully safe her life if needed but with any luck never be needed. Doing this to a thestral was quite different compared to the modifications made to his own body which had been far more painful since he had to remain awake to carry them out.

This would be a long day.

Sitting upright in bed quickly the first thing she noticed was the pain in her head was still there but fading faster and to be honest with herself it felt as if a small weight had been lifted from her. Nothing had been all that scary but now she had to wonder why it had made her so unbelievably scared to begin with.

Hopping from the bed his voice returned and began to drone on and on with questions while she shot back long strings of answers about ancient historical events. In a way this was a little fun compared to the first set.

Closing her eyes she could actually see the ancient battles and skirmishes taking place between the original masters of the continent and how they slowly evolved their tactics and armaments. Then again it was also frightening seeing what they used their new tactics and weapons for: not just to kill each other for dominance but also enslave any they could get their scaly claws on.

As the events drifted through her mind Shadow found herself poking holes in their tactics and ways finding little things that could be their downfall had anyone preyed upon their overbearing arrogance.

Shadow hoped that future lessons would be this fun and entertaining as the images of a large pitched battle between reptilian forces played out in her mind. This was not studying history, she was living it.

It had been a few days but now Shadow found herself sitting in front of an elegant dress. At some point a servant had placed it on a stand for her while she rested from the days training before possibly continuing before dinner.

The note in her hand said otherwise however, tonight she would be joining Valkardian at dinner and with any luck becoming a little more cultured for it. Looking the dress over she marveled at its deep red color and flowing design and striking pattern' woven directly into the fabric.

Putting it on took a little doing but once she had it on Shadow looked herself over in the mirror and smiled at the reflection. It fit perfectly and stepping into the hallway made her way to his private dining room.

Valkardian was not dressed in his usual robes but had dawned clothes that looked more ancient and made him appear somewhat more intimidating than normal with its use of fur and metal clasps.

Nor did she have to seat herself either, acting the gentlestallion he pulled a chair out for her to his right that had been added at some point before seating himself. As to which was more concerning: his acting like a gentlestallion or the dress she was uncertain.

"Do you know why you are joining me tonight instead of serving?"

Shadow shook her head.

"One, it serves as a chance for me to teach you a little more, test your knowledge and also allow you to learn some social etiquette and maybe rub off on you some of your peoples true culture."

"So you did not just invite me to dinner and have me dress up because you want the company of a beautiful mare hm?"

"Only makes the experience more enjoyable."

"And the dress?"

"Rather unique wouldn't you agree? It is a later design your people came up with long ago and I had one commissioned."

"Commissioned? Must have been busy running around to the surface and back again while I slept to pull that off."

He remained silent on that matter though and turned their attention to something else.

Carefully he explained how and why everything was laid out the way it was and what utensil was for what and when. He admitted it was tedious and boring even to him but it never hurt to learn such things just in case it might be needed.

"And thus dinner is served."

Now that their dinner was laid out Shadow understood finally what all those extra utensils were for and began to eat while he popped a question now or then but as the meal wore on she had some questions of her own.

"May I ask why so much is missing from your journals?"

"I prefer to keep those events to myself. What tipped you off?"

"First you never spoke about before you came here and avoided heavily some of your earlier mistakes. They all seemed rather petty so I guessed you decided to glance over or ignore them entirely."

"True but I will not fill in the gaps for you. That will remain one of my secrets."

The way he said that was almost sinister as if thinking about those events brought up dark memories. Shadow decided to change the subject.

"While the lesson included what they were... Who exactly were those reptiles and when did all that happen?"

"Some eight thousand years ago perhaps. Maybe seven. Maybe longer as I have no idea how long it has actually been. It is all a guess on my part. They were the first rulers of this part of the world and partially of another continent, Vsali were what they called themselves. Vile. Evil. Wicked creatures. This planet was not always harmonious, they conquered and slaughtered out an empire for themselves before turning on each other."

"Ponies and thestrals came later?"

"Oh no. All the other species were already present just not... "Evolved" enough yet. Your species evolved a little bit faster since they lived in the safety of caves but the others were not so lucky. Pegasi did poorly as the dragon's back then found them to be a tasty snack."

Shadow gagged a little at this revelation.

"So dragons used to eat ponies? Why not anymore?"

"Honestly I have no idea. You would have to find an ancient dragon and ask them but since they have been killed off so heavily that would be near impossible."

"Oh. So what happened to the Vsali?"

"Millennia of war broke out between three factions and they nearly wiped themselves out and tried to drag the world down with them. For me it was one of the greatest harvests there ever was. Millions of skeletons and bodies to experiment on... Good times."

"They never noticed?"

"Oh of course they did but one crazy man was not worth their attention. Worked for me. Their end came when they... How do I put this... Shadow. How many times has the world ended?"

"Not yet."

"Once. That I know of."

"You survived the end of the world?" She was deeply skeptical of this lofty claim.

"When Celestia talks about harmony there is far more too it, whatever power or powers watch over this world have a tolerance level. Now so long as some degree of harmony is kept it keeps itself at bay but if you tip the scales..."

"It lashes out?"

"Lets just say the ball is thrown out of the court. Slavery is a harmony of its own, absolute order and peace enforced with iron rule. The Vsali however not just rocked the boat with their all out war but began to sink the boat and whatever is out there put its boot down on them hard."

"Wiped them out huh?"

"Not entirely but it goes without saying the Vsali ceased to exist and are now relegated to the anals of long forgotten history."

"So they still exist?"

"On the southern end of the continent their empire did begin and still remains buried deep, deep within the earth under the shifting sands it has become. Once upon a time a vibrant jungle covered that whole area but it was blasted away. Currently the devolved, slow witted reptilian inhabitants that still reside there in scattered settlements are all that is left of them. Just looking at them you would never guess they once walked upright like us with slimmer, powerful frames and keen intelligence."

"So their destruction allowed ponies to evolve finally?"

"Pretty much. Also all that blasted wasteland gave me many an opportunity to solve my own problems."

"I do not understand, what problems? You already had access to their bodies and skeletons."


"How could soil be a problem? The caves are full of it."

"Not always so. Used to be very precious and sparse but after the Vsali died off that left a portion of a continent with rich soil waiting to be used."

"How did you... Wait you seriously moved the entirety of this continents southern soil down here?"

"Finest moment. All those skeletons put to use hauling soil non stop for a millennia and dumping it out over the length of the caves allowing life to truly take root."

"I can only imagine what that looked like. How many servants do you have then?"

"Oh they are long gone, the constant toil took its toll on them and they broke down over time becoming fertilizer themselves as the bones were ground up and added to the soil to make it a little richer. From above I imagine it would have looked like long trails of ants scurrying around day and night shoveling, packing and carrying off the soil."

"That must have been an almighty undertaking."

"Oh it was. But worth it! Made living down here not only bearable but also possible for your own kind to make settlements if you recall. "

"You willingly shared space with them then even after things went badly? You must really hate being down here alone."

"Whatever you may think of me I do not run around slaughtering others for no reason. Now while I have said that before I remind you that the only and I mean the only race that ever remotely had anything to do with me outside of trade is the thestrals. Also I do not hate the caves, never have. In fact I love them dearly and everything about them both good and bad."

"So is that why you spared me? Because I am not a pony?"

"That had something to do with it yes."

"So they had something to do with you for what reason? That you tried to help or were they just more accepting?"

"Never knew or cared to ask. Be grateful for what you got."

"That is one way of looking at it."

When they finished eating both went their separate ways but not before he made one last remark: Next time it was her turn to answer his questions.

Chapter 33

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A small click under her hoof made Shadow cringe as a voice in her head called out "Death number 33, keep going." This was probably the worst week yet, at least the rest of her training was more straightforward but Valkardian had deined that her training would include stealth, evasion, assassination and the ability to get in, seize a target be it living or otherwise and get out.

Wanting to give out an annoyed scream she held it back knowing that the voice would add one more tick to the number of failures at trap detection be it magical or otherwise. So far her batting average was less than twenty-five percent avoided and not looking up but it was still better than the last pass.

So that she would not memorize the traps he changed their location but how was unknown to her but their annoyance remained.

*Click* "34."

Damn it all. Why was he even doing this? Who was he planning on having killed or captured that warranted this madness? Was there someone she had to kill who hid behind miles of traps both magical and otherwise? Picking her way along he narrowly avoided tripping another but failed to detect a simple magical trap.

*Click* "35."

"Alright. That's it. I know the crystal was supposed to have taught me to avoid all of this but it is just not working. I cant see a damn thing! Not to mention I have yet to miss a single magically hidden trap!"

"Relax and just focus. It will come to you. Continue."

Swearing to herself Shadow took another step and flinched waiting on him to chime back. All this new knowledge and yet it was not quite open to her yet. Taking another maddening step she continued down the tunnel towards the various chests laid out which would mark the next step in training.

Pass or fail she had to walk all the way down the tunnel then pick locks, avoid more traps, figure out this or that and something else then turn around and do it all over again. Finally reaching the chest's and begining the next task the anger and feeling of futility welled up but also made her burn with the desire that when the time came to use these skill she would get to kill the target not pick their pocket.

Dinners had continued on with both always present and she noted he was even having breakfast now with her present. It remained an awkward occasion as his own "social skills" were severely lacking but all the same it was quite the learning experience.

More often than not he kept probing her knowledge and what she had learned that day while pushing her hard to make comments and even critically examine her successes and failures. Not only that but Valkardian even had her critique her training and point out any flaws in either the method or theory.

Tonight however he had eaten without saying a word then brought them both to another room she had never been in that appeared to be a lavish living room. It was in stark contrast to the rest of the place with its simplicity but here ornate rugs and finely crafted chairs, couches, tables and entertainment abounded.

Sitting in a large plush chair Valkardian sank in and motioned for her to sit. Shadow took another larger seat nearby and stretched out a little while eyeing the ornate chess board on the table. He made no motion for them to play a game however but just closed his eyes a moment. Picking up a piece and turning it in her hand she marveled at its polished surface.

"Dragon bone."

"Did you hunt down a live one to make this board or?"

"Raided a graveyard for bones to use in experiments and decided why not make a chess set while I was at it."

"They are finely crafted."

"Thank you, I would like to think my time has not entirely been wasted on nothing but the pursuit of knowledge."

She put the piece down and watched him quietly. So far she had worn something different to each dinner after the first one, his instructions were to dress well so she had gone down the list of clothes bought. Each dinner felt more and more formal as the weeks had worn on.

"Now its your turn."


"Your family remember? Since sending that crate off you received a reply. You know perhaps a little too much about me now so tell me about yourself."

"How much?"

"Start from the top and end where you please. There is still plenty of time."

"Why do you want to know if I may ask?"

"Curiosity. Also with what is to come I need to know something about them just in case, it would do no good for your mind to be elsewhere while there is a war on."

"Alright, I was born and raised in North-Eastern Equestria in a little hamlet near Hollow Shades. Lived there my whole life and never left till I came here. I have a mother, Shadow Dancer and my father is Bright Moon. Older brother is named Night Ray and younger sister called Night Streak."

"While very much blunt and to the point I want you to elaborate. What is the name of this little hamlet? Also are all your names just puns or borrowed from each other?"

"I guess... Never thought about it that way. The hamlet is called Glowstone and there is nothing there but glowing stones sticking up in some places. My mother stays at home but my father works in a local orchard. Night Ray does repairs and also works in the orchard with my father but my sister is in Canterlot."

"Sounds like an utterly boring little place to live. Must be nice to have all that peace and quiet to yourselves. So why is she in Canterlot?"

"Night Streak wanted to get out and see the world a little, said that she would start in Canterlot and go to a university there. Now that I think about it if the war hits she will be directly in line of the attack..."

"Non-issue actually. So what is she studying? Agriculture to help the family or is such a subject too demeaning for the strutting peacocks that infest the place?"

"Art and literature."

"Scholar then."

"Not really, she wants to be a teacher whenever she gets back, we have one small school building and parents share teaching the students."

"Too poor to get a teacher to stay?"

"Yes and thestrals are rather taboo still because of the whole ancient "Nightmare Moon" thing."

"So was it being cooped up that drove you to explore?"

"Yes. Glowstone is wonderful but... Everyone acts so much the same and talks the same."

"Which is why I like my seclusion down here."

"I can understand that. Anyway it was my grandfather that made me curious about the caves and gave me the desire to travel. Whenever he was lucid I would ask him questions and listen to his tales of traveling around Equestria to find anything that remained hidden. He is also how I got the map."

"He drew it from memory?"

"Yup! My father said he always had a really sharp mind for remembering details."

"Considering his sharp mind got you into your current situation would you say that was a bad thing or good?"

Shadow had to think on that for a little while but Valkardian did not press her for an answer allowing her to formulate a response first.

"Both. Being a prisoner or whatever I am is bad but I would never of had the chance to see and learn so much otherwise."

"Which outweighs the other?"

"The good I suppose."

"Did they get your crate?"

"What? Oh right. Yes. They still thought I was in Equestria traveling and had no idea I was overseas, their letter was almost a book it was so long wanting to know more and how I managed to afford all that."

"What will you tell them?"

"Nothing. Something but not the truth..."

"Actually go ahead and tell them the truth. Tell them you were kidnapped and taken away on a journey and lavished with gift's and money. They will never believe you of course but its the truth."

"Hah. Hah. Very funny."

*Canterlot, one day later*

"This meeting of the nobility today here at parliament is called due to a string of events that can not go ignored any further!"

A chorus of applaud and shouts of approval rang out as Lord Silverblood waved his hands to quiet the nobles. Celestia sat beside her sister worry burning in her eyes and on her face while Luna sat fuming at the indignity of it all.

"While we love and respect our princesses it has become apparent that the burden of leadership may be growing too great and the responsibilities too many. For a thousand years she has lead us and never once astray but in just three and a half short years we have been plunged into chaos and even invaded, conquered and only by pure chance and luck remained free."

Many nods of approval and a few raised voices rose up making Luna grind her teeth and Celestia fidget.

"We called this meeting to help alleviate these problems. It is clear to us all that Celestia need's help and even with her sister returned to us... It has not been enough. Our military might is in such a poor state we could not resist the changelings and many of us fear a second attempt. The escape of discord proved another point of contention for us though this time it worked itself out. Something must be done to assure Equestria remains protected and after many attempts to persuade her Celestia and the other princesses have made not taken one step to bolster our defenses against the next catastrophe."

"I object to that accusation."

Celestia slowly rose from her seat while keeping a hand on her sisters shoulder to prevent an outbreak of fighting that would do little to help her case. Lord Silverblood brought his arms out waiting on a response as all eyes fell on Celestia.

"The Crystal Empire is now a part of Equestria and with its power we are secure on our northern frontier... Princess Twilight and her friends bear the elements and have proven themselves quite capable of defendin-."

A dark coated stallion rose to his hooves and cut her off.

"Yes that is all fine and well but it does not bolster our defenses. Is it not true that the elements are only useful to us AFTER the disaster has fallen? What precautions have you taken to stave off the next disaster BEFORE it happens?!"


Celestia was cut off as her enraged sister sprang up from her seat shoving her steadying hand away.

"How dare you question your sovereign ruler! While you may be nobility you are not royalty though I imagine many of you would slither on your bellies to us at night for the chance! You... Plebeians exist to serve us!"

Celestia flinched hard. Luna had not taken very well to rehabilitation and learning that the world had changed and still saw the world in a very... Medieval light. To her roles were still absolute and to be obeyed no matter what came to pass.

Luna's outburst had also done a great deal of damage to her case as eyes that had before been curious and even supporting turned angry with dark murmurs beginning to spread.

"Please forgive my sister, she did not mean that. Tensions are running high and I only want to assure you measures are being taken to make certain this does not happen again."

"We are still waiting on you to name at least one of those measures you speak of..."

The Duke of Trottingham had now stood up and waited patiently.

"They must remain secret for national security..."

As the chorus of angry voices broke out she felt her stomach tighten into a knot. Things were going very poorly and what few actions she had taken were to be kept secret it did little to help her case even if they had known.

Lord Silverblood just kept watching her quietly, he was the ringleader she was certain of it but for every voice against her at least one supported. The nobility was divided heavily on the matter but worse was what the proposal was.

"I put it to a vote then." Silverblood raised his hands. "It is clear to all of us that she will not answer our simple questions nor address other matters like the growing unrest on the streets of our cities. Let us vote on the proposal to retire Celestia and the other Royalty from controlling the military and civil affairs with absolute control and require them to share that power with us. It is only right that we be allowed to get a grasp on matters before it gets out of hand. Also we must be able to raise our own forces should our people be threatened and as recent events have played out... There is no doubt in my mind it will happen again. Sooner than later."

Celestia sat gripping her dress tightly with one hand while restraining her sister with the other as Luna had taken to shouting at the nobility before her golden magic managed to silence her outbursts. Now Luna sat glaring daggers around the room as the nobles argued back and forth for an eternity.

Finally there was a consensus and hands raised, counted, lowered and raised again. It was the Baroness of Manehatten that read off the results.

"By a vote of 34 to 35 that Celestia will retain her control and authority as is."

Nods of approval and disgust showed clearly on their faces as they began to bicker again. Silverblood stood and faced Celestia.

"We concede then. However we implore you to do something less we become more divided. Please. Prove us wrong in doubting you."

While it was heartfelt the look in his eyes made Celestia shudder, he was playing all of them and had put her in a most unwanted spotlight. Even one small slip now would result in an immediate calling of an emergency session and the matter would be brought up again.

Worst of all was that if it did there was an absolute certainty that the next vote would go entirely against her. She had many die hard supporters but the promise of greater power, wealth and prestige was enticing.

Letting out a sigh the sisters departed and returned to the private hallway of Canterlot Castle and entered Celestia's chambers before sitting.

"Sister you must put your hoof down! How dare they try and vote us out of power! I will not share power with those... Peasants! They are not fit to be called Nobles!"

Luna fumed and ranted on till Celestia's ears hurt.

"Calm yourself Luna. We must think of our little ponies and do what is best for them. We only have to prove we are still capable and the matter will soon be forgotten. They are afraid and a few rotten apples are trying to stir things up is all."

"A FEW?! Were you even in that room!?"

Celestia motioned for her sister to calm down but it did nothing, Luna stood and stormed out swearing revenge and making oaths against the nobles as she went.

"It will all be just fine, friendship and harmony will prevail in the end dear sister."

Her words however fell on deaf ears. There was nopony else in the room but her now as she began to draw up plans to prove the nobles wrong. She just had to quiet their fears before anything happened no matter how small. One slip is all it would take and while it pained her heart she knew they were also only doing what was best for the ponies of Equestria.

Or so she had convinced herself.

Lord Silverblood closed the door to his study and sat down with a smile on his face. Today had gone just as they had planned it. Make certain to loose the vote while making valid points and heartfelt pleas. Celestia was doomed. Their newfound allies and future king was well under way and in just a few more months the map of Equestria would change forever.

Letting out a happy hum the old sea blue stallion smiled at the window and looked out over Canterlot. In the next three months they would manufacture their own crisis or allow one to happen and then seize the reigns of power. By the time Celestia gathered her followers and made any effort to push them back it would all be over.

Then again even if she got wind of it and made a move tonight it would not help her any, after today's events and the papers are flying off the stands the disappearance or incarceration of even one noble would cast so much doubt on her it would probably cost her the crown. "Tyrant Celestia strikes down nobles for questioning her."

His smile grew. She was so blindly altruistic it was too easy.

"Care to read today's headline Shadow?"

Valkardian was holding an actual newspaper which astonished Shadow greatly and more so that it was current! Eagerly accepting the paper from him she glanced over the bold headline.

"Celestia retains power narrowly at a vote of 34-35. Ouch."

"Their plan is working. Read the names in the article and you will learn a little more of who our targets will be. Every step she makes now is a trap, no matter what Celestia does now it will be perceived poorly. What do you think of his little speech?"

"Well rehearsed. Anything she does now will make Celestia out to be the bad-guy even if it works. Luna's screaming did not help either, says at the bottom one noble who remains anonymous is worried about their safety after her outburst."

"Do you think the reporter's were coerced or are they actually reporting without realizing what they are doing?"

"Bit of both? I would say they probably bribed a few to make it happen then set up the vote and worded everything knowing Celestia and Luna's reactions."

"How could they do that without a great deal of knowledge on them?"

"Outside help, that king. He is pushing things along because he knows their true nature and just how to prod them to force a reaction."

"A good hypothesis but we will never know unless we grab one of them... Like Silverblood and ask them directly."

"Are we going to grab him?"

"No. Not now at any rate. My plan is to allow them to carry all of this out remember? Its funny considering Celestia's past and that now she has her head to far us her own ass she can no longer see the truth as it chews her flanks away. Celestia has convinced herself so completely to the goodness of her "precious little ponies" that it has never crossed her mind more than just a few are planning to stab her in the back."

"So they are going to succeed then no matter what happens?"

"Most likely but there are always variables to be accounted for. Now that new princess... Twilight. That is one who will probably take greater insult to all this than even Luna and begin drawing up plans."

"Is that a problem?"

"Not even a little bit. You forget the concept of WAR is so foreign to Equestrians that when it strikes no amount of planning will save them since they only know to plan for PEACE not war."

"So she is a what then? Non-issue?"

"Until her circumstances change yes. So far her domain is a piddly little village that will have to be taken along with Canterlot. I suspect Steelshod's son has his own plans drawn up right now for dealing with every last princess."

"Do you?"

Valkardian gave her a chilling smile. "Of course."

Chapter 34

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It was an amazing display of magic but Shadow was too on edge to care. Lush grass and tree's surrounded her and the small force at her command as they slowly worked their way through knowing that somewhere out there was the opposing force that as this very moment was hunting her.

Valkardian had decided to start her out small since fighting on the surface was vastly different than in the caves not that she had not been "trained" in cave fighting. Unlike the caves where walls and ceilings kept them safe from flank attacks or dive bombing pegasi from above this fake world showed just how vulnerable they could be.

To make matters worse this was her first run through the gauntlet and the goal was to destroy the other force first and knowing that somewhere out there in the dead silence was a group hunting her down had caused a great deal of hesitation and apprehension. He had made not one comment so far as to the speed or lack thereof to her overly cautious probing of the dense forest.

How hard could it really be to see a bunch of multicolored ponies hidden in the woods anyway? Well apparently not as easy as she had thought it would be. How this was all supposed to work magically she had no idea what so ever since all weapons had been taken away in favor of wooden training swords or spears. The skeletons that moved forward slowly some ten yards ahead fanned out stood out like sore thumbs with their armor creaking and grinding.

When the ambush was sprung it was over in a flurry of movement as they found themselves surrounded while she on the one hand had a "blade" to her throat. His only comment was to try again, her mind straining to orient the information she had received the day before for use.

Again with her little force at the starting line Shadow changed tactics and formed them out in a protective V with her in the middle while a single skeleton was sent out on the far flanks and rear with two at the lead. With any luck this would prevent another ambush and at least give her time to react.

React. Shadow was reacting and had given up trying to flush them out already. Stopping her formation for a moment new commands flowed out and the soldiers shuffled into new formations. Now in a larger V made up of three smaller ones Shadow stood in the center protected on all sides so that if they got jumped again she would remain protected but also have better odds of flushing them out.

Her idea was that no matter where they came from the flanks could turn hard to meet them while whatever group found itself on the outside edge could flank. Unlike a long strung out formation that could be rolled up or easily flanked this formation would work better for her purposes.

Advancing again she would have them suddenly veer off ninety degrees to one side or another at random and watch the surrounding brush and trees for movement. There was still too much apprehension in her choices and movements but hopefully this would lure them into a hasty attack. Now it was a question of blundering into each other or... Wait there was a better way.

A flash of information sent her outward scouts farther away from the formation quickly and again moving around erratically Shadow rushed them in a semi-circle through the trees before suddenly stopping and having them all crouch down.

Four scouts waited quietly out of sight but still easily locate-able with her link. If any one of them went silent she would attack in that direction by swinging out around them. True the objective was to find and destroy them but never once had she been ordered to go on a goose chase.

Nothing happened for a long time and deciding to take a small risk had a few soldiers make muffled noises by shifting their armor and weapons or bump into the vegetation. When silence fell again they waited and before long two lone scouts picked their way forward very slowly.

Watching them through the eyes of her forward scout Shadow knew why they had not "seen" the enemy, their scouts were camouflaged to blend in. Deciding to bait the trap a little better Shadow had the soldiers turn away from the approaching scouts save a few and face another direction as if she were planning an ambush.

The scouts watched, waited then one moved off. Sending one of the other scouts to follow them the other was sent forward silently to attack from behind to silence the remaining scout. A magical blur meant it was over as the scout disappeared and the tracker was still tailing the remaining scout.

It worked perfectly, the scout led it back to the main body of troops and began to lead them towards her while her own soldier quickly put distance and swung away allowing them to approach unmolested. Standing them up and closing the distance Shadow had them stop short and threw them out on two sides. The main path of the advance would remain unmolested but their left flank would face two of three while the last would hit from the rear after their attention was drawn.

"There is a big gap between theory and application."

Valkardian's words hung in her mind but refusing to second guess herself Shadow crouched down with the rest and waited. Less than a minute passed before the other force was visible moving forward rapidly in a column. Waiting until the front of the column just passed Shadow gave the order and her forces rose and threw their pilum into the flank of the column.

A major difference between these soldiers and real ones was they were nowhere near as powerful, their throw's worked but had little power behind them as the pilum passed through the magical visages before falling harmlessly.

Her little ambush had also gotten their attention and their rearmost group swung out to flank her immediately as the survivors turned to fight and drew up ranks. Ordering the attack they were among them before they could close the gap and the illusions popped out of existence rapidly. From behind came the reserve tearing into them scattering their ranks allowing Shadow to shuffle the forces to beat off the flanking force with ease.

Everything was gone just as fast, the mass illusion dispelled as control was taken away from her.

"Well done. Return."

So that means she passed, his warning had been to pass at least two of three and there would be precious few days like this so make the most of it. Putting an illusion on a large cave like this was a strain on him therefor he had drilled her verbally in a room for days before filling in the gaps with the crystals.

Returning to the portal and walking through she was quickly returned to the mansion and waited on him outside his study. Every week things got harder and harder, the strain was building up slowly and Shadow could feel it. When the door opened and she was allowed in a tired Valkardian sat at his desk putting orbs and crystals away now that the session was over.

"I want to know something, how exactly am I supposed to keep up? I know you warned me about how hard it would be and yet I feel like I am burning out from it all."

They shared a long look, both of them looked tired, one from the training and mental strain the other looking strained from the amount of magic required to pull it all off one week after another.

"I have already calculated that in. You are halfway through your training now and will be taking a short "break" so you do not snap. As for the strain I remind you that while you are learning in a safe, controlled environment I was not so lucky. I had to learn the hard way and risk being killed for every mistake made, be grateful. Strain. You are not used to it so it is only logical that it is overwhelming but you will get used to before your training is over. Look at it this way, if you can survive this then any mental strain of the future will look paltry by comparison."

Nodding she was questioned heavily and required to tear her own actions apart not that he did not do so regularly while offering suggestions. Exhausted, Shadow took a bath and went straight to bed. Physically the training was easy, she was used to it however mentally it was hell.

A break from the training came two days later after he was certain the information had been absorbed and being put to good use. Now Shadow was standing in a mostly empty room waiting on Valkardian to arrive. This was the first time she was ever ahead of him too, normally he was always there in advance but considering he had to keep up with developments above, her training and who knew how much more being late was understandable.

When he did arrive carrying an ornate box Valkardian walked to one side of the room and began laying out items before turning his attention to her.

"I had already planned a small break to give you a chance to adapt. However. A storm blew in on the west coast and it would seem their plans are a little "delayed" until things calm down again. Their first crossing was a success and advanced forces are in place if you are wondering."

He moved the largest crystal around and began to power it up.

"A long time ago a certain thestral got it into her head that I should learn to dance. She was successful by convincing me to record her lessons to these crystals, as far as I know these are some of the only original surviving records of your peoples dancing. Now before I have it start I want to give you some insight."

Valkardian walked over and took a seat along the wall.

"Unicorns rarely if ever touch while dancing. It is more a contest to move very slowly back and forth with the nose held as high in the air as possible. Arrogant. Pompous. Earth ponies dance more wildly in a jumbled mass while pegasi prefer more... Aerial acrobatics, to be involved."

Turning attention to the middle of the room Shadow followed his gaze as the crystal hummed to life and a full bodied image appeared. The mare was dressed very well in clothes similar to what Shadow had just received and was clearly a thestral.

"My name is Blood Lily and I will be instructing you on traditional thestral dance. Whoever watches this... I have divided up the lessons starting with easier dances and ending on harder dances. Oh. With any luck you will actually watch this Valkardian and learn something rather than remain locked up in your dusty mansion. Let's begin."

Shadow watched and listened riveted to Blood Lily's ghostly visage as she went through some history and tips. The first few lessons she danced alone showing how to move before her husband joined her and repeated the dances together. Shadow had never been a dancer but had read about it and never took any interest.

However, the dancing before her was completely alien to what was in the books she had seen, the movements, positioning of the body, it was all different. There was a great deal of elegance to the movements as she watched the pair move around slowly giving out hints now and then.

For three days they watched one crystal after another but never once was she required to practice the dancing preferring to watch in silence. When the last crystal was viewed there was no doubt it would take a tremendous amount of practice to pull of the rapid movements, turns, spins and dips without tripping herself.

What made her eyes widen and mouth hang slightly was that unlike pegasi, thestrals used their wings in conjoinment with their partners to dance, intertwining slightly and touching at times.

Blood Lily had commented on this giving a warning that while their dance was far more... "Sensual" as she put it the practitioner should never do a list of things unless the one they danced with was very close to them. There was a way to dance with friends, family, strangers and lovers and each was examined making it all rather overwhelming.

When the visage faded away after the last dance Shadow looked over to Valkardian and found his jaw locked holding a blank stare. She knew this meant something was bothering him and it did not take a genius to understand what it was.

Long ago his only real "friend" had worked with him to record all these dances and then been slain by the monarchy above. All that remained of her memory was these crystals, the last link to the face and voice of a long dead friend. No. Murdered friend.

"Are we going to dance now or is break over?"

"Of course we are going to dance, it would be rather hard for you to learn without a partner after all."

Smiling Shadow stood and waited as he rose from his chair and led her to the middle of the room. As her dancing practice began it was clear to her that he had watched these recordings so much they were memorized as they danced together though she stumbled more often than "danced."

"So you learned to dance from those recordings?"

"Blood Lily had me practice whenever I was visiting and she had her ways of making certain that was... Often."

"Hard to imagine anyone being able to make you do anything. What did she do?"

"Anything and everything she thought would bring me out of "hiding" as she put it. Once she got me to go by claiming fissures were opening in a nearby system then another time that some kind of pest was invading their crops and wanted me to identify them. That is how it started at any rate, she got more creative as time went along."

"But you kept going..."

"I will not deny that I enjoyed visiting her family and the town. After about two or three decades of visits I found myself going rather often... I think it was once or twice a month though she kept pestering me to visit more often. Blood Lily was convinced that if I remained as I was that my reclusiveness would take over till I was incapable of speech or interaction with others on any level."

"Was it true?"

"Very much so. If it were not for our shared link I doubt you would have heard me half the time."

"Do you regret not spending more time there now?"

Valkardian did not falter in his steps as they continued to practice together but let out a low sigh.

"No. Yes. That time is lost to me forever along with those who were there. I regret not spending more time but I also do not regret it. If I had spent more time there the blow would have fallen harder than it did."

"Protecting others or yourself?"

"Both. My very nature makes others a target but also I have found that it is best not to get too involved or else... Events like Blood Lily happen. Best to keep a reasonable distance."

Shadow sighed to herself, Valkardian could be one miserable cuss to be around sometimes.

Her blade was drawn but her arm was shaking uncontrollably as the dilemma tore at her heart. Valkardian had orchestrated today's lesson to test her morals and ethics to the maximum and it was working perfectly as Shadow looked down at her opponent.

A young filly was armed with a dagger shaking just as much but closing in slowly on the thestral. Dodging the stab easily they circled with the filly following and trying to get a hold of Shadow. To lash out and strike one so young was making her stomach lurch even though she knew this was just an illusion.

Making an attempt to disarm the target she aimed for the blade hoping to smack it hard enough to knock it free and then maybe knock them out. Taking a quick swing her eyes grew in horror as the filly lurched forward and unable to slow the blade saw it connect with the arm and blood poured from the open wound.

Freezing in both shock and horror at what she had done Shadow watched the filly scream in pain dropping the blade and dropping her own blade tried to grab the other to help them out of pure instinct. The illusion did not go away but his voice rang out that she was dead and realized too late the filly had slipped free and stabbed her.

"What purpose does this have to do with anything?!"

"We do not get to pick and choose our enemies or who we fight all the time. Sometimes your enemy might be a misguided ne-er do well or like her... One very scared child that believes killing you will get them something in return."

"Are you really expecting them to throw foals at us?!"

"No. But this is one lesson I want you to learn very well: Whoever your enemy is, kill them. Big. Small. Young or old does not matter. Should they turn on you or take up arms slay them now and be done with it or risk taking a dagger in the back later."

"She is just a filly! There has to be another way!"

"Killing of the young is almost always highly questionable for the various races out there but in a fight there is no time to reason with your enemy or subdue them. You are dead now. That child will continue on to kill others till killed. A child running down the street away from you in battle is no threat but when they take up arms against you do not hesitate to kill them."

"Wherever you come from must be a nightmare."

"Tell me Shadow... What would you do under these circumstances?"

Illusions faded away quickly before reforming to show her sister in full detail on her knees with the same filly holding the knife to her throat and screaming in a panic to surrender.

"Your turn."

Shadow was lost for what to do, how could she save her sister? In a panic she put her hands up and watched in horror as another illusion "restrained" her before the filly cut her sisters throat. Howling that it was all fake and trying to stay calm did not stop the strangled howl from escaping her as she spun on Valkardian and charged.

Laying flat on her back moments later she scowled up at his blank face.

"Your next lesson is never throw down your weapon. Your sister was dead the second she was taken prisoner, you killed her and yourself. Sometimes the only way to save another is to kill them."

Illusions rearranged and she watched wide eyed as Valkardian cut through the illusions with a quick sword stroke "killing" both.

"Lesson three. If you have the chance to make an attack that could spare your ally by all means do so. However, should the chance not be available do not hesitate to strike anyway. War is not kind nor pleasant. People die in vast numbers like bugs under a carts wheel. If you wish to save some be my guest and try but do not handicap yourself by trying to save them all, you never will. Save who you can."

"That is horrible advice and downright despicable."

*Heh* "Maybe to you but I learned these lessons a very long time ago the hard way: war. Fortunately I have never been the altruistic type so I survived why that kind died in droves trying to save everyone. Call my lesson's whatever you want but they are well founded through hard earned experience."

His eyes were not lying, he meant every last word of it and deep down Shadow knew that it was the hard truth.

"Up. Do it again."

Standing she took her position again as the illusion reformed only this time the filly held a small crossbow and began to aim. Grinding her teeth and springing forward she hacked the crossbow away and kicked the filly down before backing up. With great effort she rose back up and drew a dagger then limped forward.

There was no way out of this. Valkardian was going to keep putting her through the ringer until she learned to suck it up and deal with it. Slashing down Shadow closed her eyes as the blade cut through the target not wanting to see how realistic the illusion really was in its aftermath.

"Better. Now lets continue."

Should she burn the village to the ground or leave it standing? They were supporters of her enemy and had some fortifications to boot which would make sparing the village harder. Three thousand lives were at stake as her own forces waited nearby to attack, the element of surprise still on her side.

Today's practice was simpler being a magical projection with a birds eye view of events as they unfolded. It was like a live action chess board with ranks of soldiers instead of chess pieces and in real time with no stopping to think about her moves. Valkardian had let her loose for an entire week going over hundreds of battles since this took less energy to keep going than the full sized living simulations in the cave.

Looking over the village again but remembering her mission it was boiling down to seizing the bridge first then wiping them out. It was imperative she not allow them to send word to a larger force nearby before her own troops had a chance to escape and take up better positions. Worse, leaving a population dead set against her behind would result in more trouble than it was worth.

A previous battle she had opted to spare them and gone around only to find the local militia turned out and began to attack her rear with hit and run attacks slowing them down so much the larger force caught up and nearly wiped her out. No chances. Not this time.

Arranging the ranks and establishing the order of battle Shadow set events into motion and watched as the magical blocks began to move into position. She also understood why he was doing all of this without asking: when the war hit there would be no shortage of enemies and they would be more than eager to take advantage of any kindness shown. His comment about Celestia fighting him first while the real enemy took over came to mind.

Minutes passed by slowly as events played out rapidly as first the bridge was taken then the village was pressed in upon from all sides in one great rush her formations broke through the gaps in the defenses. Seeing the village put to the sword and burned from above even without any little running minature ponies but instead red blocks she could easily imagine the chaos anyway.

It was done. The village was hers and crossing the bridge burned it behind her slowing the enemy at least a few hours or at best a day.

Madness and deep concern were the three words Shadow would use to describe the events of the past few days. A creature had gotten loose and raised nine kinds of hell across the entirety of Eastern Equestria before finally being stopped and banished back to Tartarus. Valkardian had been aware of its existence but never knew much more than that since its imprisonment had happened outside of his realm of knowledge.

Whatever the invaders were planning seemed to be put on hold again as they had altered the plan and even their landing site to an area just outside of Equestria's borders. Meanwhile a certain lavender princess was now sitting in her own castle, elements gone, Celestia had been swept aside hard in the backlash as now power was heavily shared.

Valkardian was also redoing plans quickly but remarked the enemy had little choice but to proceed and their recent vote had proven the point that they were most certainly not deterred but more dedicated. The moment Celestia had lost control of a good portion of the military the petty forces that "protected" the nation began to be reshuffled rapidly.

To the casual outside observer nothing had actually changed but internally gears were spinning wildly as various nobles used the change of power to raise their own smaller, loyal forces from the disenchanted ranks of Equestrians. Protests took place but it was clear they were staged to give the false impression of greater dissent but most ponies taking everything for face value never noticed the shuttling of protestors from place to place, to them it was real and the veneer of harmony was cracking.

"Why do you think they changed their staging area to outside Equestria then?"

"Too many setbacks but also to buy time, the recent rampage is too big an opportunity to pass up and by allowing tensions to fester it will only make them stronger. Attack now and they would face a more unified Equestria than if they waited a few more months."

"Possibly. Maybe they just need the time to get more of their army across the ocean, the staging ground is not all that far from a major rail line. Perhaps they are buying time to train a larger army here in Equestria..."

"The ponies would never openly fight Celestia."

"Of course, but if loyalist's are isolated for both sides and kept quiet it allows the invader to launch a more precise attack, remove the opposition and afterwords the "new" Equestrian army is without a figurehead."

"So they are planning to castrate the royalty quickly, fill the power vacuum and after its all over the only forces remaining were those not entirely certain of their leaders?"

"Makes sense if you ask me. It will make them look less like an invading army and more the savior if they do not rock the boat any more than they are about too and allow those in their back pocket to keep the peace."

"Are you sure the ponies will side with them?"

"For one single reason: the spice must flow."


"They will side with whoever wins so long as the bread and honey flows. Yes there will be unrest but the traitor nobles will keep them at bay with their new armies. After that it is only a matter of buying more time to solidify their power base and hunt down any who would try and start a rebellion."

More than a few things could go wrong with their plan, they both agreed readily with that assessment but by removing specific factors that could swing things back in their favor. Valkardian argued that while the elements were gone the six ponies that wielded them became more the target. In the north all that had to be done was steal the crystal heart and one power was knocked straight out of the game.

A game. To him it was all one big game of chess. Pieces were being lined up carefully above and below while deals were made in back rooms to ensure certain parties remained in power or were cast from the board at the appropriate time. She also had to admit it was rather fun, all the plotting and planning, watching the political betrayals playing out as all sides scurried for cover from the encroaching storm while a brave few tried to hoist the sails to get the ship away from danger and to safer waters.

Part of her training had become to sit with him and look at a large map of Equestria and discuss what she thought they would do while he countered with his own ideas and the ideas and arguments flew.

"How long would an open rebellion last against them anyway?"

"Ponies have not fought a real war in... Hell I think the last war they actually fought was against the dogs and they did not do very well either."

"Why did you call them gnoll's back then but dogs now?"

"They look more like oversized mutated dogs than gnoll's."

"Alright, but what if a rebellion did start, would the new military side with the rebels or?"

"He who pays the piper picks the tune. They will do as they are told."

"How many do you think will side with the invaders anyway?"

"Probably a third outright but that is all it takes. Just a dedicated few."

"Wouldn't picking off all the princesses and the elements not to mention Discord be a problem? One slip up could cost them everything."

"True but they probably have their backup plans."

"And with all your spies you have no idea what those plans are?"

"Shadow, sometimes it is too risky to pry. HOW they go about winning does not really concern me, my focus remains after the battle is over and how to destroy them efficiently and quickly enough that they have no time to react. I am sure as things unfold details will arise about how they won but for us we hold the luxury of riding it out on the sidelines and seeing them play their hand then calculate for it."

"Because they have no idea we are down here right?"

"Oh I imagine Steelshod JR up there knows I exist but his knowledge of me is so limited I doubt he fully understands what is coming his way. The last known record of my forces was in the tens of thousands and they retreated rather than stand and fight. Afterwords it became a long drawn out siege through-out the caves. All he knows is I can lash out with an army smaller than his own but am unable to do more than that in a prolonged war."

"Feeling secure are we?"

"I know what I have and am certain of what I can do with it."

"Care to elaborate on what exactly you "have" at your command?"

Valkardian just gave her a lilting smile and returned to studying the map pointing out what route they would have to take and how to move their army into position to seize Canterlot rapidly and with minimal resistance. A point of contention though was how exactly they planned to catch the royalty by surprise at the same time while also removing the other bumps along the way.

Only time would tell.

Chapter 35

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Shadow read over the letter from home but unlike the usual letters this one did not bring any joy or happiness only a feeling of greater worry for her distant family. Now that the nobles held the reigns of power to a greater extent they were wasting no time and had already begun to build up their strength of arms while the propaganda campaign continued to erode Celestia.

Despite it a large majority were remaining loyal to Celestia but as time wore on the malcontents gravitated towards the nobles and while her mother thought it was not going to be a problem Shadow knew better. Another month had passed already and the nobles had amassed a sizable little army so far numbering about a hundred thousand. Scattered around Equestria they were no threat but should they all be brought together it would be a real problem.

Making matters worse was Valkardian keeping tabs on every little thing going on above including stacks of newspapers and viewing crystals and whenever she was not training Shadow would read and watch. It put her on edge seeing the world slowly unravel, going feral as different factions sought to suck just a little more power out of the situation thus hoping to guarantee their future.

Luna had not helped much as far as "public relations" had gone, raising her own forces to match the nobles but Celestia had cut her off trying to avoid an internal "cold war" as Valkardian had put it. Civil war was out of the question as none seemed willing to rise up against Celestia just yet but that had already been accounted for.

It did not take long to see what they were planning and how they would act "innocent" in their treachery. Equestria was divided into large states and only two remained under Celestia's direct control, the same two directly in the path of an oncoming army. When the hammer fell it would be blamed on her since the Nobles had indeed protected their own regions but it had been Celestia once again who dropped the ball.

With most of her forces now under the command of nobles it also meant that the grand total she could muster was in the tens of thousands at best and Lord Silverblood had already taken care of them: fodder to be swept aside by the larger army or scattered across the southern frontier since the nobles all strangely refused to garrison the outposts.

Shooting back Luna had with-held her own forces and kept them close at hand which was being used as an excuse by a few nobles to raise fears that Celestia did not trust them. It was a complete nightmare and nothing seemed to be working one way or another now.

Shadow flipped to a letter from her brother and he was not so optimistic. So far the bat ponies had remained neutral much to the anger of Luna who declared they were her personal servants, something to do with "the night." Their small numbers however meant that the nobles overlooked them so it would appear that they could ride the war out but her brother had no idea war was even on the books.

Still, he somehow believed that once all the anger and bad blood died off a little things would quiet down somewhat but his words were marred with doubt. Raising armies was no cheap task and taxes were rising rapidly and if things kept up the economy would be taking a nose dive.

Folding the letter back up and putting them all away Shadow let out a long sigh and fidgeted wondering how much longer this game would play out before either Luna or Steelshod made the first move. While Celestia was still convinced in the goodness of others with "harmony and friendship" was somehow going to win out while Luna was slipping back to her "ancient ways."

"Thirty-Four nobles... Each commanding a small army that continues to grow. Loyal, hand picked officers..."

"So what is your assessment then?"

Shadow let out a startled scree and jumped from her seat as Valkardian walked past her and sat down.


"Why do you insist on sneaking up on me?!"

"You asked me once how I stayed sane after all this time. Enjoying the little things is one of them."

Gritting her teeth she glared back at him.

"I am glad you find me so entertaining..."

"Mmm. Now about your muttering when I came in..."

"It still seems impossible to pull off but now with Luna sitting in Canterlot with a small, loyal army of her own... How could they pull it off now? Lure them out and hope they fall for it? If they tried the other noble armies would have to make a move against Steelshod immediately or face desertion and even mutiny."

"True. However I already know a few answers to your questions which is why I am here. You will be taking a day off from training to tie up a loose end for me."

"Loose end? Wait. All that stealth training was not to prepare me to slit some ponies throat was it?"

"No, no, no. Nothing like that but maybe later. Before the war begins there are certain items out there that would be better off sealed away till it is all over. You will be tasked with retrieving one of the most important."

"Which is...?"

"The crystal heart."

Shadow's face went blank for a moment as his words sank in before her features contorted.

"Are you insane?! STEAL the CRYSTAL HEART?!"

"Quite sane actually. If allowed to fall into Steelshod's hands he could use it against me."

"How exactly?"

"Lets just say the "power of love" does not mix well with necromancy and leave it at that. While it would not be an insurmountable issue it remains one that can be nipped in the bud now before he nips it."

"Don't the crystal ponies need it to stay alive?"

"Not at all. It protects them and drives off the arctic cold but they can live without it just fine though they would have to move further south."

"You want me to turn the Crystal Empire into a bunch of refugees?"

"No. You are going to swap out the crystal heart with a fake that will do basically the same thing for a shorter period of time."

"You made one?"

"I was around when it was made. The replacement will do all the same things the current one does but it has a few select flaws I built into it. They will be none the wiser till it is too late anyway and Steelshod will be denied a powerful artifact."

"So I am supposed to just slip in, nick their most treasured artifact, replace it and run back here with it?"


"If they catch me what are my odds of not being hung?"

He smiled. "Not very good considering the circumstances."


"Dont worry you will have plenty of help should you need it."

"Such as?!"

"A company of soldiers and some gargoyles if you need them. A wraith will be added too but I must warn you not to get them close to the artifact until it is sealed away properly."

"Okay so when are you sending me?"

"I suspect Steelshod is almost ready to make his move. As of this morning his army is in the first staging area in its entirety, all he has to do now is make the final move. However, he is showing signs of hesitation with Luna controlling her own army so I imagine whatever plan he is cooking up needs a little more time to finalize."

"How long do we have?"

"Well the old plan they followed was a four to six month time table, you are four months into your training now and they are holding for another month it would seem. Two weeks then you go."

"Why two weeks?"

"Trading out the artifact too early or seizing it in their case would tip everything off too early. What I have is a fake, convincing but still fake and will be detected in time. Two weeks gives them time to make up their minds and set things into motion once more yet still allow you to head them off. Timing is key for all of our plans."

Shadow nodded and looked down at her letters from home running her fingers on the only connection she had left with them.

"Shadow. Do not concern yourself with the fate of your family, it is out of your hands."


"Because it has already been taken care of."

*Two weeks later*

As the train screeched to a halt at the station a myriad of ponies waited to greet them. Tourism was booming with the heightened tensions and with the Crystal Empire pushing for tourism it was now the place to go in order to escape the madness. Stepping off with her one suitcase and looking around Shadow followed the throng as they were ushered off towards the crystalline city.

So far everything was working perfectly. A special pouch was attached to her side but Valkardian had changed his mind and given her an extra company of soldiers to use if need be while her recall crystal hung around her neck as a fake amulet. Seeing things with her own eyes instead of from his "spies" perspective she was convinced he was being paranoid.

Still it was critically important to not botch this no matter what and that meant taking all precautions available to them. A funny thought crossed her mind as they continued to hustle towards the city: visit the princess here and spill the beans.

Fatal? Maybe. Would it actually help? No. If there was one thing Shadow knew now was that even warning them would solve nothing not that they would listen. "Oh hey. Crazy bat pony says she was sent by evil wizard living underground to steal the heart before enemy army does!" While she could provide locations and names by the time they actually looked into it she would be drugged up in the nearest mental institution.

Leaving the gaggle of tourists to wander on her own Shadow pretended to know where she was going even smiling and waving at the occasional passerby. Twisting and winding her way around the streets she slipped into a storage building and flew up onto a tall stack of boxes and waited while replaying the plan over and over again in her mind.

As night fell her hiding spot remained unchecked and opening her suitcase Shadow pulled out her sword belt and the pouches she required. Making one last check of her equipment and the pouch holding her little army Shadow peaked out the window and watched as the sun and moon traded places.

Cracking the door open and peering out into the gloom light from windows cast shadows on the streets while street-lamps gave off an eerie glow that barely illuminated their surroundings. Exiting the building and shutting the door Shadow flapped her wings a few times and glided along from rooftop to rooftop zigzagging away from areas that showed more signs of activity.

If there was one major fault of the soldiers here it was that they never looked up. Shadow avoided their patrols but never once did any of them even bother to look up. In the distance the Crystal Heart was clearly visible for any and all to see located directly below the castle in probably the most brightly illuminated area in the entire city.

Landing on a roof carefully and trying not to slide off its smooth crystal surface she watched the guard's come and go for a short time figuring out how best to snatch the crystal and run. Flying closer and leaving her pouch of soldiers on the roof she flew in a semi-circle around the castle till she was looking straight towards her former roost.

Removing the fake heart from its protective pouch she took a deep breath and shot off the roof flying as fast as her wings would allow. Zipping over the heads of two guards that never left their positions Shadow slowed as she approached the crystal and yanked the sealing bag open and stuffed it over the heart and yanked the cord sealing it inside. Shoving the fake heart into place it began to slowly spin and glow like its predecessor had.

Flapping her wings hard and lifting up the first shouts of alarm sounded from the guards she had flown over and two more on the far side began to turn. Rushing forward to grab her Shadow darted over the heads of other's as they turned and shot into the night sky snatching her pouch on the way.

There was no great cry of alarm behind her only confused shouts, they had not seen her change the artifact.

"That quick then? Nothing more to add?"

"No. They saw me but I do not think they noticed me changing the hearts."

"If they had of it would not really matter... What would Cadence say anyhow?" He shook his head a moment. "My fellow citizens, a bat stole our beloved crystal heart last night but replaced it with this other one! Why, we have no idea."

"So you don't think they will tell anyone even if they find out?"

"Would you?"

Shadow shook her head.

"Where did we go wrong sister?"

Luna stared out at the silent streets below as large patrols marched along them from her tower. Celestia was half asleep as it was and just finishing going over a scroll that had just arrived from Lord Silverblood inviting her to a party at an estate in Western Equestria.

"We have not gone wrong. So long as we hold on to harmony this will all blow over eventually. They are half right after all, I neglected the military for so long it came back to bite me."

"Are you not worried about a military coup?!"

"No. My little ponies would never do that and you know in your heart it is true."

"Yes but there are those that would and if gathered..."

"Sister, please. I am exhausted enough already, how many times have we discussed this? You already have an army sufficient to challenge the other nobles."

Luna let out a sigh and sat on one of the plush chairs.

"Whilst true I feel we are missing something... Will you be going to the party?"

"Hm? Oh. Yes. While Silverblood may be... Problematic at times he is trying his best to keep ponies from turning on each other. It is a good plan you have to admit, hold a large party for various nobles and dignitaries to show goodwill and quel public fears."

"What if-"

"No Luna. Those times are long behind us. Everything is different now, we saw to that remember?"

"Yes sister."

"Hmm... Next month on the thirteenth... Plenty of time to prepare. Will you be coming?"

"No, one of us should remain here just in case-."


Princess Luna stood and ruffled her wings in agitation before walking onto the balcony and flying away leaving Celestia to examine her invitation again.

"Sire. The mercenaries have arrived."

Steelshod looked up from the map's and piles of documents as the messenger walked up and handed him one more scroll to add to the pile.

"Very good then. LEAVE."

Head still looking at his hooves the messenger backed away quickly before turning away and leaving the large tent. Unrolling the scroll and reading over it he smiled to himself, it had been rather pricey but hiring as many cut-throats as he could find was going to pay off.

Reading over their numbers his smile fell a little but it would still be worth it to have a cadre to call upon to terrorize any that got in his way. Once the ponies were outraged he would have them hung to appease the teeming throngs and their small feeble minds would rejoice that justice was being carried out.

Glancing back at the other message that arrived a few days ago from "Lord" Silverblood he read over it again. The time table was locked now, it was the thirteenth or never. Celestia would not be missed for a couple of days allowing his army to make use of the rail system to breach Canterlot's new defenses.

Mulling his options over again he grabbed a quill and began to write out new orders for his agents in Canterlot. It would not hurt to have a backup plan.

Shadow watched through the eyes of whatever was keeping tabs on the enemy fleet. That morning a flurry of new activity spread as ships began to take on additional soldiers while the camp was prepared for movement. Some fifteen thousand soldiers were preparing to leave while a small force of a few thousand rabble gathered up.

It would be a slow march along the coast to the nearest rail line but trains were already being diverted slowly with one boxcar after another to ferry as many of them as possible. It was surreal seeing everything play out slowly for months then watching the world suddenly lurch into action all at the same time.

The Crystal Heart was not missed, life was continuing on as it always had but she knew better. Valkardian was busy doing "something else" again allowing Shadow to spend her time freely now that the last crystal had been utilized. Now it was a waiting game. Wait to see who blinked first or stumbled and she did not like it one bit.

Shadow Dancer flipped through the various letters tossing most into the fireplace before settling on another letter from her daughter Shadow Moon. Quickly tearing it open and reading over it she smiled happily, her daughter was still somewhere in Saddle Arabia and moving towards Zebrica at the moment.

As to when she would return again... Well that had been brushed off again but a few months ago her "package" had arrived. Looking at the various items sent Shadow's mother smiled at how bright their little home had become with its new additions, how she could ever have afforded this was beyond her comprehension but none of it was stolen.

"Bright! Another letter from our little Shadow!"

Turning into the dining room where her husband and son at finishing breakfast they began to bicker about their forlorn family member but were cut off by a knocking on the door. Handing the letter to Bright Moon and hurrying to the door as another set of hard knocks rang out Shadow Dancer quickly pulled it open and stared at the tall unicorn standing outside.

Looking him over curiously for a moment she did not have much time to consider his odd appearance before he handed her a box and asked her to sign for it.

"What is it?"

He only shrugged and said no payment was due and signing for it walked off. Watching the stranger go she closed the door and brought the package back to the dining room. Curiosity abounded as they all wanted to know who if it was from Shadow Moon but it was instead marked as having come from a tourist-bureau.

Opening it up and peering inside they pulled out a small pile of papers and a series of tickets.

"All expenses paid... Three week vacation to... Appleloosa? Where is that?"

Night Ray put it down and looked to his mother.

"It says we won a trip... Did you sign us up for anything?"


Bright Moon took the papers from them and read with care before sitting back down confused.

"It says we were put in by our daughter Shadow... Huh. Must have been... How many years ago was it when she was down that way? Guess our name came up, says if we want to reject the offer to send an immediate telegram so they can do a new drawing."

They all exchanged looks for a minute before Night Ray spoke up.

"So its real?"

"Yup! Here are the tickets, hotel reservation and that upon arrival a check will be given by a representative... Just one problem. Night Streak and Shadow Moon's ticket is here but they are not HERE!"

"Well we can telegraph Night Streak in Canterlot."

"What about my sister?"

"I figure she knew we would be the only ones going if we won."


Looks were exchanged before smiles broke out.

"Lets go. Says here we need to be there before the tenth of next month. Plenty of time to inform your sister."

"Just try it."

"Its black paste. It even smells funny."

"Just eat it."

Shadow took a careful bite of the bread covered heavily in the black paste and chewed cautiously.

"Two questions... First off how did you make peanuts grow down here and second why is is black and smell this way?"

"Magic is strange that way."

She kept chewing as the flavor of the strange substance danced across her taste buds. Today he was treating her to the more... Unusual aspects of cave flora. It also served as a good way to spend time waiting on things to resolve themselves above. An army marched quickly south while a fleet followed, rail cars were in position and everything was a dull as ever down here.

One perk though was that since everything had been stalled it meant she now had more time to train without having it forced in and go back to having free time again. Yet while she had time off Valkardian was busier than ever, constantly rushing off after their dinner's or conversations and locking himself away.

"So why did you have me set up the chess board like this?"

Shadow looked back down at the board and its carefully arranged pieces. As to why Valkardian had placed all his pieces in various positions then told her to arrange her own however she wanted rather than just play piqued at her curiosity.

"I want to prove a point to you on how one or two pieces can make all the difference in war. Sometime a single piece can mean so much loosing it costs you everything."

"Like the king or queen?"

"No that is too obvious. Too many focus on those two powerful pieces without ever realizing how much damage a simple pawn can do."

Shadow took another bite from her bread with its tar black topping.

"Today you learn how quickly things can unravel. You are finished now yes?"

He gestured at the board and she nodded quickly.

"Good... What would happen if I yanked this piece here? How has your plan changed?"

Watching him remove one of her rooks she cringed a little but shrugged before swallowing.

"Not much, I just shift this piece here to compensate."

"Good but..."

His finger traced a path across the board showing a new opening in her strategy allowing him to alter not just her plan but the security of her pieces on that side.

"Now if I remove this one here too..."

"Alright. Whats your point?"

"All too often plans are created that do not allow for a great deal of leniency. They are rigid. Hard as stone. When that stone is cracked from an unforeseen event it takes little to shatter it. Furthermore a plan set in stone does not account for unpredictability."

"Right. So?"

*Sigh* "Shadow. When you arranged this board you did it in such a way that you never expected me to break the "rule's" by removing a piece from play. You trusted I would act fairly."

"So your saying its okay to cheat?"

"Yes. Cheat. Lie. Be underhanded to your enemies and subvert them, never assume they will play fairly or openly on an even battlefield. When you form your plan's make them malleable so you can adjust them as events unfold."

"By your own logic then I should lie and cheat when I deal with you?"

He looked up from the board and tilted his head slightly.

"Am I your enemy?"


"What am I to you then?"

"Warden... Teacher." It was true she knew but there was more to it than that now.

"True enough."

Valkardian stood and began to leave the room but she had a question.

"When ARE we going to attack?"

"Soon enough. Another month or two at most if they proceed normally."

That left her one month to get in as much training as possible, it was strange though. At first she had headaches from the process involving the crystals but it had stopped halfway through and while that part of training was over the bulk of her time remained spent on using that information. Things just seemed to flow better and her thinking had become sharper, more violent when confronted with a new scenario rather than hold back.

"One month left..."

Shadow looked at the board and shifted a few pieces around before sitting in his old chair to see things from his perspective. A lot could happen in one month.

Chapter 36

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*10th of May*

Celestia's carriage glided across the sky towed by a team of pegasi and flanked by a small swarm of guards. Another small force had been sent well in advance to Tall Tale to make certain all security measures were in place not that it was necessary. It had been two weeks since the invitation arrived and still Luna refused to accompany her on the journey insisting on manning her post in Canterlot to the bitter end.

Luna's lapse back into her old ways was deeply concerning, they had both agreed long ago to bury that ancient past and be better than that, ponies truly worth aspiring too. Another lapse long ago had resulted in a thousand years of banishment but the damage had been minimal and quickly forgotten. Now it was happening all over again.

Looking out the window watching the Unicorn Range in the distance Celestia prayed that her sister would not grasp onto their past once more and allow that ancient murderous rage to overtake her. She understood how her sister felt though, a thousand years banished to the moon only to return and find that just after being accepted it was slipping away again.

Celestia could only imagine how maddening it must be for her but in a few days it would all be over. All the ponies needed was assurance that this was not the beginning of the end and Silverblood had been quick to head off discontent and offer up a chance to reconcile the various injured parties to ensure harmony would prevail. A tiny part of her did scream however but it was a part of her that was better left buried with the past.

There was nothing to learn from such ancient history after all, it was the past and held no bearing on anypony in the present and it should stay that way. Locked up and forgotten for all time. Better to focus purely on the good in her fellow ponies and the future than dwell on matters that were settled so long ago.

A pegasi flew up to her window for a moment and announced they were within sight of the city and would be landing within the hour at Silverblood's private mansion where the meeting and press conference would take place followed by a small party of select guests. Security was already provided and would serve to allow her to view the new "Noble Armies" that had sprung up.

Frankly it sounded utterly boring and dull. The real entertainment right now was back in Canterlot as her sister ruled the throne room with an iron fist no doubt howling threats and insults at terrified nobles. Oh well, she would fix all that when they got back.

With a soft bump the carriage landed and rolled slowly to a halt outside a grandiose mansion on the far edge of Tall Tale. A security detail was already waiting but dressed in tabards that marked them as Silverblood's private army.

Stepping from the carriage and exchanging a few words with her lieutenant Celestia was quickly led into the mansion's interior where a small group of nobles had already gathered a day ahead of schedule. Rushing to her they began to babble away about unimportant matters trying to curry favor. The next two days would be very long indeed.

*12th of May, Crystal Empire*

"What do you mean its GONE!?"

"Princess... The Crystal heart is missing and several guards were found unconscious early this morning. We have no idea who stole it or where they are! No train has arrived nor left the station either-"

"What about tracks? Surely there is a trail somewhere in the snow!"

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor had been eating breakfast in the royal dining hall when a guard had burst inside, both were early risers and they had hardly a chance to eat when the disturbing news arrived in a rush of panic. Shining Armor was already thinking desperately of a way to figure out a solution, without the Crystal Heart it was only a matter of time before the icy north would overrun the city.

"None my prince..."

"Impossible! There has to be something you missed!"

The panicked guard became more flustered as both royals argued with him being the center of attention. Shaking under the weight of their questions and yelling Cadence calmed the situation down after a few minutes.

"Alright. We need to send a message to Canterlot at once, warn Celestia and Luna... No wait Celestia is in Tall Tale... Luna will have to be informed then. Oh and send a message to Twilight at once!"

"What about the citizens?" The guard was looking worried.

"Tell them it is being polished! Seal off the castle to any guests... Did any of the guards who were attacked remember anything?"

"They are still unconscious princess..."

Slumping back in her seat Cadence looked to her husband for any ideas but got a grim shake of the head.

"Alright. Lets get the letters written and sent then."

*Tall Tale, One hour later*

"It was a pleasure having you here princess. I am sorry you could not stay longer but the pressures of leadership are indeed heavy."

Silverblood handed a glass of wine to Celestia with a smile and received one in return.

"Luna has me a little worried and she was supposed to send a telegram this morning but it never arrived..."

"Ah well. You will be home in a few days and find out! A toast then to a successful meeting and conclusion to events."

They raised their glasses and a soft *clink* sounded before they both drank.

"This is very good but a little odd. What wine is this?"

*Hah!* "Very ancient wine, very ancient. So old the label is long gone but it is many centuries old. Been passed down for a special occasion and I believe today warranted popping the bottle open!"

Celestia took another long sip of the wine.

"It was a pleasure to visit you and dissuade any public fears. I had always thought you were rather... Oh dear I do not want to use the word but "hostile" towards me."

"Indeed it is true. However I understand you are only doing what you believe is best for the citizens of Equestria and while I do not agree with you all the time that does not mean we should fight each other."

"Thank you. Now I must be go-"

Celestia staggered a moment.

"Are you alright princess?!"

"Yes. Yes I am fine, I think the past two days have worn me down somewhat."

"Lets get you a chair to sit on then for a few minutes to regain your strength. Best not fall down on your way out."

He led Celestia off to a side room and helped her to sit down. Within a few moments the princess was sound asleep and poking his head back out the door called quietly and two servants quickly brought him a bag.

"Alright. Just as planned, take this bottle and mix it in with the barrel of wine very well then serve it to her guards. Tell them she fell asleep and I do not want her disturbed for a few hours. Oh and if a few "insist" on seeing her allow them in but no more than two or three!"

Nodding the servants departed quickly and Silverblood walked over to a table and opened the bag and removed a few items from within laying them out. Soldiers arrived a few seconds later bearing the markings of Steelshod and took their positions inside flanking the door, waiting for their guests should they come to check on their princess.

Returning to Celestia's sleeping form he looked her over quietly and began to attach the various chains, rings, choker and braces to her sleeping form. It took a little effort as she slowly slipped from the chair but soon she was sealed up quite well and harmless as a newborn filly. Now whether or not Steelshod's tools would do their job and keep her subdued until he sent for her was another matter.

Minutes passed and soon a servant returned announcing a lieutenant wanted a word with him. Nodding the young mare stepped into the room and went wide eyed seeing Celestia sprawled out on the floor but before she could act the doors were shut behind her as the soldiers skewered her with their swords.

Blood rushed onto the fine carpet and Silverblood grimaced at the sight.

"Should have changed the carpet to a cheaper one..."

He approached the twitching body and used a hoof to roll her over and stared into the lieutenants burning eyes as anger and rage faded slowly as the life drained from her.

"WELL! That is that then!"

Silverblood clapped his hands and left the room to see about the welfare of his other guests. Soldiers were busy dragging bodies away while others prepared the carriage for flight.

"Sire! The carriage is prepared as you ordered and wagons will carry the guards to the drop site. Everything is ready to proceed."

He looked at Steelshod's officer a moment before nodding and returning to Celestia. It was a damn fine plan he had to admit. Stage a fake meeting, drug the lot of them and bind Celestia's magic while a smaller force "mopped up." Carriage and guards alike would be hauled away from the area and into the direct path of the oncoming army.

Throats cut and bodies left thrown around it would look as if they were overcome and killed protecting Celestia when her carriage was blown from the air. The real reason though was to remove any kind of blame against the nobles, they had no part in this what so ever after all! Celestia was in her OWN military corridor protected by her own forces that just so happened to fail at the one critical moment when she needed them most.

Of course, by the time HE found out about this dastardly plot it was far too late. She was gone and the army had taken the train to Canterlot with princess in tow. Oh well. Celestia failed once more so all the more reason to accept the new king and in his benevolence Celestia and Luna would live as his "wives."

He snickered at the thought. No doubt they would howl about how they were set up but them being locked away and used against one another as leverage it would be no issue to keep their mouths shut. Also Steelshod assured him it would also keep any pesky "revolutionaries" from taking up arms for if they did well... Punishment would be in order for Celestia and Luna.

They would hate and despise their new king and his order but they would learn to accept it, after all he was not really interested in rocking the boat. Steelshod was from a long line of conquerors and Equestria had eluded them over a millennia ago. Now he was going to finish the job and the nobles could either join and enjoy the fruits of victory along with increased power as was their right as noble born or die.

Smiling Silverblood sat at his desk and quickly wrote out a message on the scroll provided by Steelshod's agent after exchanging a few words. Everything was falling into place nicely.

"Mission Accomplished. Proceed."

*Tall Tale, Eight minutes earlier*

"Fluttershy, darling, we mustn't be late!"

Rarity and Fluttershy hurried along the street to their destination. The tickets were very specific on time and place but they were running quite a bit behind schedule since Fluttershy wanted to help some furry little critters.

While this sweetness was very endearing to Rarity it made her antsy about getting there faster. One does not keep a noble waiting, after all they had both been invited there specifically by name to help pick out a line of fashion which Fluttershy would model before the decision was made.

Fluttershy had not wanted to go having left modeling behind her but was easily convinced to go since it would boost Rarities band name. It was a little strange at first getting the letter but it made sense in the end. One a famous designer the other model of the year. Between the two of them the noble in question would be able to see the fabulous clothing but also see it modeled.

Reaching the building they were stopped by two guards but pulling their invitations out they were quickly ushered inside.

"You are very late Miss Rarity!"

Rarity stiffened up at the accusing voice to her right, Lady Emerald was tapping a hoof and looking very displeased.

"I apologize bu-"

"Enough! Now hurry up!"

Leading the way Emerald left the room quickly with Rarity and Fluttershy tailing behind. A few turns as doors were opened and closed they arrived in a large circular room where Emerald stood facing them waiting.


"Yes of cou-"

Rarities words were cut off as something struck her on the back of the head. The floor rose up to meet her as she slumped forward landing with a soft thud. Fluttershy had little time to react before she too was knocked out by one of the guards.

"You may enter now!"

Steelshod's agent stepped into the room and checked the bodies before nodding and instructed the guards to bind them up while he placed a ring over Rarities horn.

"I will send for them tonight. Until then keep them locked up and sedated until instructed otherwise."

Lady Emerald glared at the agent for a minute before sighing.

"What about the other three?"

"Celestia's spies are to be put to death immediately. Do you have them?"

"Yes of course I do! Never expected one of my own kitchen servants to be a spy..."

The agent gave a fake smile.

"Of course not. Now kill them and have the bodies buried after dark no less than twenty miles out in the forest. Understood?"


Her word was more a long hiss than speech as her fury rose at being ordered around by a lower born but to make matters worse he only smiled at her and left.

*13th, Canterlot*

"What do you mean the telegraph lines are out?!"

"We do not understand ourselves Princess Luna! Teams are already being dispatched as I speak to check the lines and fix whatever break's there may be!"

Luna was outraged. First her message had never garnered a response and sending another resulted in the same, then one was sent to the Crystal Empire with the same result. Buried deep inside her a beast screamed and howled wanting out, something was going horribly wrong but her sister would never let her live it down should she listen to that inner voice.

Tapping a finger on the arm of the throne Luna stared out and rocked her head from side to side slowly as her ethereal mane bent and twisted with the motion.

"Send a flight of pegasi to Tall Tale and the Crystal Empire at once... Another to Ponyville and warn Twilight that the lines are out and to exercise some caution... Send her the fourth battalion as well. They must be on the train before morning, seize one if you have too. Raven, quill and ink."

One of her officers snapped to attention quickly and ran from the room while the overseer of the telegraph lines bowed and departed just as quickly. Luna quickly scrawled out one message after another sending the first off to her sister in a puff of magic, another to Cadence the same before finally writing out a much longer one to Princess Twilight.

There was no doubt the sudden arrival of an entire battalion would be most unwelcome by the Princess of "Friendship" but there would be no arguing. They would be under order to remain till Luna personally recalled them and that all of this was just a precaution on her part. It would not be the first time in Equestria's long history an enemy tried to blind them before striking.


*Ponyville, 13th, noon*

Twilight watched nervously as the fourth battalion disembarked from the train dragging with them everything needed to wage war against a small country. At first she had argued with Colonel Bright Lance but he simply handed her a scroll from Luna, it was out of her hands.

The Fourth would be camping around her castle and digging their hooves in against an enemy that did not exist and only scare the bejezus out of the local ponies. One thousand soldiers from Luna's private army would be taking over control of everything until further notice and Twilight was forbidden from leaving without a full company accompanying her wherever she went.

"Colonel... Could you at least let Mayor Mare keep control of the town? Please? You are making everypo-"

"NO. I have my orders and my gut tells me something bigger is going on. When I departed no response had come from Celestia nor the Crystal Empire yet. Luna knows what she is doing and you need to trust her judgement."

"I do but-"

"Let me remind "princess" that in your time here you have taken not one single bit of advice from Luna about fortifying the town. My soldiers will now spent days trying to construct fortifications to keep just your dinky castle safe from attack. Not only that but you have also refused BOTH Celestia AND Luna's instructions to stockpile supplies!"

Twilight felt very small under the hard glare of Bright Lance, she was already imposing enough for an earthpony but now that she was finding out the details of the situation her anger was rising.

"I understand but Celestia also agreed it might send the wrong message to ponies!"

"That they should prepare in case Equestria is attacked again? Take a few extra precautions like stockpiling food just in case it is needed, as it is now? Do you have any idea how hard it would be for me to keep my ONE battalion supplied here if the line to Canterlot is cut?!"

"No... But I can imagine."

"Please do princess... As of now the local food supply and mill is under military command. When the train is unloaded it will be sent back for additional supplies and hopefully another battalion. I can not defend this town, it is too strung out and has no walls."

"No town in all of Equestria has walls anymore..."

"Damn shame that is. Damn shame."

*First Class Train Car, North of Unicorn Range Mountains, 13th*

Steelshod held the letter that had been magically sent from Luna to her sister in his hands and read over it carefully while his officers stood around a his temporary war table. The gentle rocking of the car as the multiple engines strained to haul their long, drawn out car train made a few glance around nervously, there were no trains where they came from.

"It would seem cutting the telegraph lines worked wonders. Luna is still blind but has made a few good guesses however it would appear she forgot the golden rule of military secrecy: Never lay out your plan on paper then send it to an unknown location."

"Perhaps she is lying?"

Steelshod looked over at his old general and shook his head.

"Noo... This is accurate. The fourth is in... Ponyville... Here... Flight teams are scanning and looking for Celestia as we speak and the missing Crystal Heart is still not known to her. That means she has around nine thousand soldiers to protect the city."

"Substantial numbers my king."

"That is why our guest here accompanies us."

Celestia was bound and gagged on one side, her horn was missing, cut off and locked away as one more precaution just in case she somehow broke free or was "rescued."

"Thank you, Celestia. From the bottom of my heart thank you for making my fathers dream become a reality."

He yanked the gag free and took a seat pouring out a glass of liqueur and watched her quietly.

"How could you betray your fathers memory like this?! He wanted peace not war! A unified Equestria AND Italia!"

Steelshod choked a moment before bursting out in laughter.

"Still never figured it out? He was bedding you two only to control you. It was all a ruse to see me on the throne. You Equestrians have lost your sense of legacy. My father was obsessed with it, to ensure our family name would live on forever."

"It still could have if only you had come in peace not war!"

"Not true, it would only mean you are in control and my people would be reduced to what? A bunch of pastel colored nitwits that run at the sight of their own shadow? Never."

"I know how you treat your people, they are nothing but serfs and slaves!"

"But they are mighty! Ruled by a strong nobility and royalty that is not afraid of shedding blood to do what is necessary! While you did manage to drive us from the western part of Equestria so long ago we licked or wounds and waited. My fathers death caused a civil war that lasted for centuries yet here we are, once again a mighty nation."

"The ends does not justify the means!"

"That is... HAH! That is truly astounding! Hearing that from you of all ponies!"

Celestia glowered at him and growled.

"Come now, growling like that only makes me want you more. I can see what my father liked in you so long ago but now... *Sigh* Now you are a shell of what you once were. Once you were a mighty queen, truly deserving of the title. Vicious. Cruel. Temperamental. How far you have fallen..."

"I am not that thing and will never become her again!"

"True. I can see it in your eyes. The spark is long gone but that does not matter anymore. You are my hostage and will be one of my wives thus granting me right to rule over Equestria! Maybe you will sire me a few children worthy of your ancient name and heritage. I am an exceptionally patient stallion Celestia. I have waited lifetimes for this and I can a while longer."

She gagged.

"Never. Never!"

"It is no longer your choice. In just a few days we will arrive at Canterlot and you will force your sister to surrender to my army."

"The other nobles will stop you!"

"What nobles? Those with armies? I OWN THEM!"

Celestia's eyes widened and she shook a little.

"Yes Celestia, they are in my pocket, bankrolled by me and commanded by my agents. Did you really think I pulled all this off alone? You must think very highly of me but even I have limits much like you do. If you think any armies are coming to your aid you are sadly mistaken, it has already been taken care of. Oh and about your forces here on the frontier... They will be dead within the week."

"Bastard... Twilight and the others will stop you!"

"A glint of your past was there for a moment... But no you are wrong. I already dealt with the elements mostly. Oh and Discord... Well he is locked away again, putting Fluttershy in danger worked like a charm to lure him in."

"What did you do to them!?"

"Nothing. I am not a murderer Celestia. Until they rebel they have committed no crime against their rightful sovereign. Discord is locked away courtesy of a few choice artifacts and ancient magics you have long forgotten I imagine. Oh dont give me that look. I am not going to even hint as to where."

The other officers chuckled and shook their heads as they turned their attention back to the map and began altering their plans to fit the change of events but Steelshod glanced back for a moment.

"You know something Celestia? The day my father was murdered by that lowborn bastard actually scared me. It did. I honestly thought he would come for me next but you were so swift and vicious I guess he was too busy staying alive fighting you to come after me. Thank you for that, you saved my life and chased away your only ally. Well done."

The mocking applause she got from Steelshod made her bristle with anger. How dare he bring that thing up, that murderer, monster from the underworld. Steelshod's father was a good stallion who dreamed of great things and would be ashamed of his son.

Chapter 37

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"Where is General Storm Bolt?!"

Luna was howling with anger as her officers clustered around the table arguing over what to do. No response from Celestia in three days and now a message from Cadence asking for help as the Crystal Heart had been stolen. Already the city in the north was being abandoned as refugees were piling onto the only train available to bring them south and set up a refugee camp in the north on the edge of the icy wasteland.

The telegraph lines had been severed from Canterlot to kingdom come and not one message could be sent out to warn other nobles to bring their forces to bear let alone get a message to more loyal forces near Tall Tale. All of Equestria was now a dense fog that encroached on them with every passing hour.

To make matters worse her best officer was still missing and they were waiting on his arrival before making any plans. Supplies were being loaded for Ponyville at Colonel Bright Lance's request since Twilight had chosen to ignore every. Last. Warning. So caught up in being friendly that now it was biting them in the flank.

Could it get worse? Assuredly. Forces had to be sent north to help the crystal ponies rebuild until the heart could be found, agents were being dispatched far and wide but many had failed to report in and with the telegraph system down it was not easy sending out waves of magical letters even with the aid of unicorns.


All voices became silent as a guardsmare burst into the room running hard.

"General Storm Bolt was found dead in his home!"

A chorus of disbelief and anger quickly rose before Luna silenced them.


"Unknown. Looks like he died in his sleep. One doctor suggested heart attack."

"He was only fifty seven!"

The mare shrugged and shook her head before being waved out by Luna and instructed to keep her informed. Died in his sleep. Until they could find out if he was poisoned there was no telling one way or another. Turning back to the map Luna promoted a reluctant Colonel Ironshoe and planning continued.

"Send a battalion north to help the crystal ponies..."

"That would weaken our position here."

"There is only one road up the mountain side colonel. We control it with at least eight thousand pony-at-arms. Any that would try and force the gap would face defeat, we can spare a thousand."

"As you command Princess Luna. What about Ponyville?"

"Hmm... Write orders for Colonel Bright Lance to conscript as many able bodied ponies as possible in the meantime to supplement her forces."

"That could cause a great deal of trouble..."

"General Ironshoe I am well aware but better to have a few plebeians with hurt feelings than DEAD plebeians."

"What do you mean you never heard of the Equestrian Tourism Bureau?"

"Sorry ma'am but your tickets, rooms and fancy ones I might add! Are all in order! Oh and there is also this stipend for your stay! Congratulations on winning... Whatever it was!"

Shadow's family looked at each other curiously as the heavy sack of coins was signed over to them, a small ransom really.

"Well I for one am not going to stand around here gawking all day!"

Night Ray took a key for one of the rooms and walked off with his parents soon following. It was a shame that Shadow Moon would not be able to join them but that was understandable. Now Night Streak was another matter.

Lots of apologies had been given a couple days ago saying she would love to join them but could not leave Canterlot until the nineteenth due to exams and would be joining them sometime after.

Opening the first door they awed over the first class room's that had been reserved for them. Every amenity was present and room service had already been paid for by third party. Three weeks of blissful vacation in a burning desert...

Dodge Junction could certainly use the tourism but three weeks was a little much to spend even in a minor city like this. Whatever bureaucrat in Canterlot that signed up this scheme must be rather desperate to get ponies to come all the way out in the middle of nowheresville in the name of tourism.

Shadow Dancer looked out the large window in their room at the bustling streets below and shook her head before looking at her husband.

"Three weeks in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do."

"Well even if there is nothing to do we get to keep this rather handsome sack of gold! All we have to do is stay for three weeks and I intend to!"

"I suppose... Well, lets enjoy our stay and save as much of that as we can to take home. How much did we get anyway?"

A few quick knocks on the door and Night Ray entered the room.

"Well the telegraph lines are out to Canterlot but... Wow that is a lot of bits."

Bright Moon had upended the heavy bag and they all marveled at the pile of shiny coins.

"I think we can manage to keep ourselves busy for three weeks if it means getting to take all this home. Right?"

They all nodded eagerly.

*15th, Underworld*

Shadow twiddled her fingers nervously as Valkardian carefully laid out tokens on the map of Equestria with his eyes glowing blue a crystal in the other hand. Events were fully in motion now and everything was on the verge of having all hell break loose.

A massive train column was screaming along the North rail line in a straight line for Canterlot like he had predicted. Celestia was a prisoner already, fake heart stolen, refugee's pouring south to avoid dying from the cold... As each day passed the problems kept compounding themselves tenfold.

Crazily enough Shadow was relishing it somewhat now that the Equestrians were getting similar treatment as what her own kind received so long ago. Another part was sad, there were only two alive... Well three counting Steelshod who had been alive during that time and only two of those three had anything to do with it.

Pity and remorse. Pity for the ponies who had been lied to and were now on the chopping block as higher powers toyed with their lives and used them as pawns in a chess game. Remorse for the part she would soon play in having to kill how many she did not yet know but if his hints were any indication it would be a true bloodbath.

After Valkardian's eyes stopped glowing Shadow leaned over and tapped the token near a little town called Ponyville and looked at him questioningly.

"One battalion of Luna's forces. They are digging in, trenches are being dug and palisades being raised around the castle. A single train arrived bearing another small contingent of soldiers with additional supplies. My guess is they are settling in for a long wait."

"There wont be a long wait though..."

"No. They are facing a full siege once Canterlot falls, they are lucky enough and unfortunate enough to be sitting on one of the primary rail lines going south. The alternative is to travel East to Phillydelphia then turn south but there is no rail line to Dodge Junction. Ponyville has to fall for Steelshod to have full access to the rail lines."

"You would think a place that strategically important would receive more than a token force..."

"They have not been at war in many centuries, a REAL war. Most no longer have the ability to think in such terms but obviously Luna has not forgotten..."

"Your smiling."

"Yes I am. Luna is trusting in her instinct's not her sisters teachings. Not that it will save her."

"You still love them. Dont you."

Valkardian looked at Shadow and stared for a minute with a strange expression on his face that made her feel a little wierd.

"Yes I do. I hate them. I love them."

"Your insane, how can you both hate and love your... Immortal enemies?"

"I can not truly explain it but we have a long history and believe me when I say they are wonderful mares. Truly wonderful. They care deeply for each other and those they consider their own. They are doing their best to do what they believe is right and though I would gladly kill them for it... That does not mean I can not love them for it."

"Deep rooted respect for them?"

"No... Yes I do respect them, they have earned the right to be taken as a serious threat mind you but it is more than that. I very much doubt I could ever explain it to you."

"So now what? Is my family safe?"

"Yes. Three of four are safe."

"Three of four?"

"Your sister ignored the summons to Dodge Junction and opted to remain in Canterlot. Lines are already cut so she will not be getting out in time."

"Do something!"

"Shadow, I already did. I moved a small mountain for your sake. Be grateful."

"I did not mean it that way..."

Shadow slumped down in her seat and looked at the Canterlot token with worry etched into her face

"There are things beyond our control at motion now one of those being free will. Your sister chose to stay and there are too many risks involved to snatch her away from Canterlot when the city is on the verge of siege. If I were to make a move now it would expose my hand prematurely and warn both sides to my presence before I want it known."

"So you are sacrificing her..."


"No. Your right." Shadow looked up and stared straight into his eyes with sincerity. "My sister ignored her chance to get out and nothing will ever change that. Even if I went it would be too late to change that now. It just doesn't sit right with me, expending one piece here in favor of another."

"Thus is war."

"Do you think she will survive?"

"She is not a soldier right?"

"No, student."

"Unless she stands directly in the way of an oncoming fireball the odds are very good she will walk away from this was without a scratch then. Steelshod wants Canterlot intact not burnt to the ground not that he wouldn't if put in such a situation. That also means not turning the population against him until after forcing them to kneel before his throne."

Shadow let out a shaky sigh and buried her face in her hands while clenching her eyes shut. Her mother, father and brother were all safe because of the monster sitting across from her and he had truly tried to save her too but could not. It was completely out of their hands now and all she could do was pray that her sister stayed out of the way.

"Well look at the map and tell me what you think we should do then."

Pulling her hands away she looked over the map quickly.

"If we attack Canterlot after it falls that would leave us exposed dangerously to these other forces unless we can escape in time. Only one way up and down favoring the defender not the attacker so we would have to lay seige for... Months."

"How do you think Steelshod plans to do it in one afternoon then?"

"One afternoon? He must have a... What did you call it?"

"A hail Mary."

"He must have a few saved up to pull that off. Sneak in and breach the gates? He would be spotted marching up..."

"Alright. What about Ponyville?"

"Doomed. They can hold for a short time if the entire population is put under arms but it will be a slaughter. A couple of days at best unless Princess Twilight pulls one good out of her flank."

"Now about the other traitor armies..."

"Okay stop. How exactly are we going to destroy THIS many armies without all of them banding together to stomp us?!"

"Hmm. I have my own answers but you tell me. What would you do?"

"...Use... Your portals. They link you to any part of Equestria you choose. Take one army and attack them one at a time in rapid succession before they can unite. Destroy rail lines here... Here and the bridges here. Cut them off."

"Or channel them to one major focal point. Continue."

"Also we should do something to lure them away from Canterlot."

A light seemed to go off as Valkardian grinned and motioned for her to keep going.

"I dont know how... Do something they can not ignore... Steelshod will have to prove he is worthy of being king right? Okay so do something so brazen he has no choice but to move his forces away from Canterlot to engage us on more even terms. Something so big he risks being dethroned like Celestia if he ignores it."

"What would it take?"

"An army... I mean a BIG army. There are how many of them?"

"Steelshod has over ten thousand with mercenaries in the few thousands backing him up. After the war is over the traitor nobles could unite their armies to form a force some... Three hundred thousand strong if they ALL came together at the same time which is no small feat."

Her eyes lowered to the map in defeat.

"Unless you can pull an army numbering in the quarter to half million or more from your bag of magic tricks I doubt there is much we can do to make him leave the safety of Canterlot. Even if we drew him out I dont think that after what you told me he would actually risk his forces unless it was dire."

"Hmm. We shall see. But wouldn't a hoard of soldiers like that make him RUN rather than stand and fight?"

*Augh!* "I know! But the threat has to be convincing enough to make him risk it or loose it all! Like a diversion-!"

"Catching on are we? That will be your part to play. Luring the fox from the hen house long enough for the hunter to shut the door behind it and block any chance of retreat."

"Each of those tokens numbers in the tens of thousands right?"

"Just about."

"So am I to run out there with my two companies and just... Charge down the ballista's and pray for the best?"

Valkardian broke out laughing and slapped the table making the pieces shift.

"No. You will have more than enough soldiers to accomplish your task. Trust me."

Trust him? She did trust him but this was taking their trust to new extremes.

Chapter 38

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*Canterlot, 16th, 8AM*

Private Silver Bell stood on the outermost rampart watching birds flutter from their nests and off into the crisp mountain air. She was overjoyed to be on the ramparts this morning and not in the castle after Luna's outburst a few days ago. The princess had been walking along calmly before suddenly stiffening and letting out an unholy howl of rage and anger.

What caused it none knew and she was not about to tell them but whatever had happened sent her into a blind rage and now all efforts had been redoubled to fortify the city against an attack she was screaming would come at any time. Also the sun was rising a little later than usual lately.

Yet no attack came. One general had died in his sleep so far and life in happy pastel colored Equestria continued on as it always had. Letting out a bored sigh and leaning over the rampart and looking below a series of trains could be seen approaching rapidly with enough box cars and sleepers for an army.

"Sergeant! Trains are coming up!"

"Only one train is scheduled."

Joining Silver Bell the sergeant peered off at the distant train and looked back and called for an officer. They watched it getting closer and closer while the officer scratched her head looking at the paper.

"Well Prince Shining Armor is supposed to arrive this morning, can you make out the markings on the train?"

"No ma'am."

"Alright. Send a few pegasi down to see what is going on, I will send a messenger to Princess Luna."

Silver Bell watched as the gears were put into motion but there was no great rush. The train was expected and so far they concluded Canterlot was about to receive a batch of refugees from the Crystal Empire. The only news coming in from Equestria at large was that a calamity had struck and the city had to be abandoned, so far the culprits who stole the heart had not been apprehended but would be soon enough. Celestia was said to be after them even now which explained why she had not returned as planned.

Two pegasi flew over the walls lazily and towards the train which was minutes away and landed before disappearing inside the forward passenger car.

Whistling a little tune to herself Silver Bell watched and waited but the pegasi never emerged from the car. The guard was due to change any time now and the next shift was running a little late but that was not unusual. Most had next to no training as it was and were being forced from their training camps and into active duty months ahead of schedule at Luna's "request."

How bad could it be? Sure they were down two battalions but there were still eight thousand of them fully armed and waiting. Half were fully trained the other half... Not so much. Weight of numbers though could hold this tiny entrance to the sprawling city behind though.

Choking smoke billowed up from below as the train passed under her and into the city proper heading for the station. Counting out the box cars she wondered just how many there really were in the long chain as they kept coming one after another as the engines strained to push them forward.

Whatever was inside of them must weigh quite a lot.

*Canterlot Castle 8:25AM*

"Yes, yes what is it?"

Luna was busy taking one report after another and when another messenger arrived they had been waved off to one side to wait like the rest. Now it was their turn to deliver the daily report and receive the usual "yes, very good, carry on" or sign whatever papers needed signed.

If it were not for her little cadre of officers Luna would not have slept in days and the strain of raising and lowering both the sun and moon was a trying experience not to forget keeping up the facade. Her outburst when she felt her sisters magical link being severed had been the last straw. Something was coming and that meant every able body was to man the walls and be ready for the battle of the millennia.

Having read over what had happened during her absence enemies had come and gone, Tirek being the only real threat. Armies marching to and fro were unheard of now but she had given in and listened to that other part of her and taken extra precautions by yanking the recruits from their camp to bolster her ranks. So long as the enemy did not breach the wall the plan would work.

Shining Armor had been requested to lend some additional strength to her officer corp until Celestia could be found, dead or alive. Luna's heart said she was still alive but another part of her screamed in anguish at the thought of loosing her after only just getting her back.

"Yes, yes. Next."

"Report from Lieutenant Glimmer. Gate. Train coming in."

"Ah yes. Shining Armor."

"Asking for confirmation, largest train convoy I have ever seen or heard of."

Luna looked up in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Must have most of the trains in Equestria pushing that thing. Hundreds of cars."

Her ears drooped back.

"Where is this train?"

"Oh they must be at the station by now."

Panic burned in her gut as she rushed to a window and looked out over the city towards the station. Sure enough the longest convoy in Equestrian history had pulled in and still could not fit inside the station as one section was unhitched, diverted and pushed forward onto another line.

"No... SOLDIER! Was anypony sent to confirm who was on board!?"



A shrug was all she got as the scared recruit backed away.

"Raise the alarm! Seal the second gate and castle! YOU! I want a pegasi flight sent there RIGHT NOW to find out who is on board and if they do not return in the next three minutes they are assumed dead! Move all the forces forward to the second gate and hold it with your lives!"

Mass panic broke out as officers raced off in all directions yelling orders to confused attache's and messengers as they ran or flew. Luna grabbed her squire and shook them violently.

"Armor. NOW!"

*Canterlot Train Station 8:27*

Silver Bell watched in wonder as the convoy was pushed into the station, still the pegasi had not come out and only shadows could be seen through the window's as conductors and station managers tried to get on board only to disappear. Tension was written on the captain's face as he paced before finally snapping.

"Sergeant take a squad and open one of those things up!"

Hooves pounded away on the stone wall as the sergeant took off gathering a few as they went and approached one of the nearest cars. It was an impressive sight, the convoy was so long it was unable to fit and was still backed up out to the primary gate.

All eyes watched the squad approach one of the cars and when the yelling started a collective flinch along the length of the wall. Doors flew open and figures poured out and tore into the squad as red sprayed out on the green grass. Somewhere a piercing horn sounded making their ears splay back before the doors on all the train cars flew open and figures poured out and drew up ranks before rushing off.

"Wow... Hey Captain whats going on?"

Silver Bell watched as the captain's face turned to her in disbelief and held a strong "are you just stupid" look before their mouth opened and the start of an order began but was cut off as an arrow embedded itself in the captains chest.

Eyes wide the captain stepped back looking down in surprise before slumping down just staring at the shaft protruding from their chest. Along the wall soldiers began to run as conflicting orders were screamed out in rapid succession. Somewhere in the distance their own alarm's howled into the air.

Silver Bell fell back and leaned against the parapet as pain tore through her throat. Reaching a shaking hand up she left her throat and found a shaft sticking out as her body slid down. All around her one volley after another cut down the soldiers on the wall as they ran in panic, unicorns tried to bring up a magical shield but were cut down by concentrated volleys.

Blood poured over her hand as she grabbed at a passing soldier for her and tried to call to them but all that came out was a bloody gurgle. Her hand was beaten away making her grasp more desperately at the next soldier only to have them collapse over her legs dead.

Trying to scream for help no answer came, only gurgles while the screaming on the wall died down and soon only the dead and dying lined the wall as the soldiers below turned away and ran hard towards the city. She was alive and needed help but none was coming and with that sudden realization cold terror held her as she tried to crawl with one hand.

A hoof on her side stopped any movement and looking back with some hope in her eyes a strange pony stood over her in a foreign red uniform. Looking her over a moment he stabbed his spear down as Silver Bell struggled to get free.

*Canterlot Train Station 8:29AM*

Night Streak was in a very big hurry to get to the train station in the hopes of catching a train to Dodge Junction. Exam's had ended and now it was time to join her family on their vacation though she had missed a portion of it. Three weeks though was a long time and by now they had seen plenty and could show her around now.

While there were few ponies in sight large train cars were crammed into every available space and not one train was in sight. Walking quickly she saw a group of soldiers outside one far down the line shouting something before a pile of bodies swarmed them.

Moments later a piercing sound made her stop and cover her sensitive ears as doors flew open and soldiers poured out. Stumbling back she watched as they drew up rank's then surged forward in her direction and dropping her bag she yelped and ran.

Legs pounding hard she raced towards the nearest group of ponies only for them to turn tail and run. Pandemonium was spreading as they ran away from the station and into the city with pegasi taking to the air in a flurry of feathers and fur trying to escape the oncoming tidal wave.

A small group of soldiers quickly came into view running but several of them collapsed when a flurry of arrows tore into them stopping their advance. Running harder their screams were silenced as metal struck metal making the stampede move faster for the second gate.

Night Streak would have taken to the air but more soldiers arrived and the hissing of arrows made her change the plan from flying to running as she dove down an alleyway. Looking back she watched as two formations crashed into each other, the local forces were thrown back immediately and cut down where they stood.

Heart racing she turned another corner but found a dead end and flying up scrambled onto a roof hoping to hide but found her perch gave her a perfect view of the battle.

Columns of soldiers streamed from the second gate and into the streets but the invaders did not pour everything straight forward. Instead they would branch out down side streets and immediately flank the columns and wipe them out before repeating the bloody process over and over again.

Bodies lined the streets and she felt ill and was about to vomit when a soldier below pointed up at her and yelled. Archers spun in her direction and fired making her duck down screaming in fear as they whistled overhead.

Scambling backwards she propelled herself off the roof and back into the streets below and kept running hoping to reach the safety of the wall. Flying would get her there faster but when a group of pegasi guard flew overhead and were cut from the air fly a flurry of arrows, their bodies crashing into buildings and sliding off roofs into the street around her she decided running was safer.

Screaming, clashing of metal and howls of pain rang out all around her and now the invaders were passing her on all sides. The wall was so close now, archers manned the wall firing wildly over the buildings as magic blasted back and forth sending archers and unicorns flying from the wall with each explosion.

Rounding a bend she ran into a soldiers back and stumbled away before recognizing the armor and sighed in relief. It was short lived as a hand from behind yanked her away and tossed her to the ground giving her a perfect view of her then savior being run through with a blade from behind.

All around her the red clad invaders rushed forward slaughtering the trapped forces in front. Crawling away and huddling up outside a building to make herself look small the fighting continued for a few minutes more before everything fell silent.

Shouting and yelling went back and forth then the soldiers around her relaxed a little and checked themselves over. A stallion with a plumed helmet noticed her and walked over. Shrinking under his gaze he studied her like a buyer at the market before nodding.

"I will keep this one as spoils. Corporal, tie her up."

"Sir we are under orders -"

"Yes we are, but the fighting is over. I want you to stuff her into... There. I will get her later. Oh and you... If you try and flee I will clip those marvelous wings you have and sell you to my soldiers. Do you understand?"

He meant ever word of it. She nodded.

*Ponyville, 8:52AM*

"I am telling you a convoy passed before the sun was up and I thought it was you!"

"It was not me, the rail had been knocked out farther up and it took hours to get it fixed!"

Colonel Bright Lance and Shining Armor argued about who it was then that had passed through the town earlier but it was clear to both that whoever it was had been in a big hurry and was moving a great number of something from Western Equestria. Shining argued it might just be more supplies ordered by Luna but Bright Lance refused to believe it.

"Hey. Whats that?"

Arguing stopped as Spike finished speaking and pointed towards Canterlot. In the distance a small pillar of smoke rose above the city and occasionally a bright flash could be seen, nearly as fast as it came it went.

"Twily, where is your telescope?"

Glaring at the colonel she hissed at her. "Requisitioned" by that one."

"I need it. Now."

It was set up on the highest balcony for keeping an eye on the surrounding area and yanking the protective tarp off Shining spun it to look at Canterlot. A large building was burning having been blown apart, flags had been torn down from the ramparts and straining his eyes to their limits he could just make out something happening at the second gateway.

A belch made heads turn as a scroll manifested itself and snatching it from the air Twilight looked at the blue crest and tore it open before she began to shake uncontrollably as the scroll slipped free of her grasp.

Snatching it Bright Lance opened it up and read before letting out a sigh and passed it to Shining Armor.

It was from Luna, the enemy had managed to get inside but was checked at the second gate. However, Celestia was alive but in their hands. His gaze fell as he handed the scroll back to the colonel and took a deep breath and they looked back at Canterlot.

The war was over. Luna had surrendered. All hail King Steelshod.

*Canterlot, 8:45AM*

Fighting had ceased after a soldier holding a white flag approached the wall. It had cost Luna dearly in lives but the smaller strike force had been checked at the second gate but at the expense of three battalions. She could not remember a time when such a bloody and vicious battle had taken place in Equestrian history.

Ten minutes is all it took them to utterly annihilate three battalions. True, they had been almost entirely composed of recruits but they had fought so hard and for what? Snarling down at the bearer of peace she demanded explanations and even their surrender.

Laughter broke out in the enemies ranks at her proclamation and even the messenger had to choke back a laugh.

"Your true King demands your immediate surrender!"

"Piss on him!"

"Your sister is his prisoner and he wishes for me to inform you that if you refuse to surrender now he will not be held accountable for what he must do!"

"You are outnumbered and we hold the high ground AND the wall!"

"True. But for how long?"

Luna had to admit that even while they squared off the enemy was preparing to breach the gate and wall with siege engines that were being reassembled. All had been tucked neatly away in the various train cars for their own use and they were moments away from pouring deadly fire into the city proper.

Evacuation of the soon to be war-zone was already underway but she knew that Steelshod had his ways and would make her pay for each and every life her soldiers would take from him. A price she knew from past experience would be too high. When backed into a corner he could do anything and their failure to simply kill him when they had the chance so long ago cost them for it and now had come back to haunt them. There could be no hesitation when dealing with one like him.

Morale was hanging by a thread as they watched the war machines rise up before being cranked and loaded.

"I would see my sister first before believing anything he would dare to proclaim!"

"Very well."

A booming voice carried out as the messenger turned, bowed low and moved off into the ranks of soldiers. A tall unicorn stepped out from the ranks a few feet and watched her.

"Bring her."

Luna paled as her sister was brought forward chained but the missing horn made her choke back a sob.

"As you can see she is alive. Safe. You will surrender right now, lay toss your weapons over the wall and open the gate. NOW."

Damnable coward... She would have done the same long ago but still. To be hoisted by her own petard.

"Is that the fate that awaits me?"

"Depends on you. Now throw down your weapons!"

Could she buy time? Turning quickly she called for some writing material.

"Princess! Quickly!"

Turning back as a soldier shouted in alarm Luna watched as Steelshod put a knife to her sisters throat and began to press in till a tiny trickle of blood showed.

"I said now. Not later. Open the gates."

"FINE! I surrender... Just, dont harm my sister. Lay down your arms and open the gate..."

Disbelief and sorrow showed on her soldiers faces as they hesitated before a few dropped their weapons. The sound of weapons being dropped sounded like thunder along the deathly silent wall. Below Steelshod did not budge an inch until weapons were tossed over the wall. Standing Celestia up she was led away as soldiers formed up to pass through the gate.

Turning slowly Luna hopped from the wall and glided down and landing near a small group of pegasi began writing furiosly. Sealing it with blue wax and stamping her seal on it she grabbed a yellow pegasi by the throat and yanked her close until their noses nearly touched and snarled.

"You will deliver this message where I tell you to. If you must all die to deliver it then DIE!"

Spitfire nodded furiously as Luna shoved the scroll into her hand and laid out her orders rapidly.

Chapter 39

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*Ponyville, eight days later*


A shrill scream pierced the air as another firepot tore through the air before exploding inside the barrier. Fire blasted out catching a crate on fire but had little effect. It was not the fire or the explosions though that scared her anymore, it was the screams of terror as ponies battered on the shield begging to be let in.

Whatever magic the invaders were using made Shining Armor's shield almost useless against their larger projectiles. The smaller arrows, crossbow bolt and mini-ballista shots could be deflected with ease along with some magic but the rest would just pass right through.

War was an art-form for them, they had arrived via train one day after Canterlot fell and without so much as a word tore into any soldiers in sight while making preparations for a long siege.

It was not their fault though. It was hers. Hers and Shining's and Bright Lance's fault. When Luna's letter had arrived they all agreed to hold out as long as possible in the hopes that Cadence would muster a force and come to their aid but that would take time, time they no longer had. But they still resisted.

Not that it stopped them from trying. Shining had at first put a shield over all of Ponyville but it was immediately breached. Ponies ran everywhere before the stampede to her fortified castle began in earnest.

Bright Lance had already put most ponies to work after first arriving but after that letter she had grabbed every last pony in sight and put them to work felling tree's, drawing water and turning a portion of the town into her own little fortified hell bristling with spikes and pits.

Nothing deterred them however, it was painfully clear the forces laying siege were better trained than any in all of Equestria and were a crack team of siege experts at that. Every tactic in the book was thrown at them but brushed aside day by day as more of Ponyville was taken over with few losses on their side.

Bright Lance had lost more than a quarter of her forces and at best they could figure the enemy had lost a platoon mostly to wounds. Twilight had to admit she was not trained for this, heck Celestia never had her so much as glance at a book on war.

Twilight looked from the balcony as more of Ponyville fell to another onslaught and her brothers shield shrank to accommodate the loss. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity were missing and had been since the first day. Pinkie and Rainbow had been with her when it all started thankfully so she had someone to talk too at least.

Walking into the castle proper the wounded and dying lined the halls, their blood painted the crystal floor red making it slippery as an orderly mopped hurriedly. Sharp screams echoed from the makeshift hospital as another amputation was carried out, the limb to be tossed in the pile outside with the dead that were stacked like cord-wood.

Two days was all it took her to stop vomiting at the sight of it. Now she walked across the blood bathed hallway praying that Cadence and the other nobles would come to their aid soon.

Her brother and Bright Lance had agreed that it would be possible to hold out far longer if they cut their losses and sacrificed all of Ponyville to the enemy and focused on keeping their fortifications. Twilight was opposed but since there was no food stockpile... Well at least water was not an issue at her castle but without food the siege would be over quickly and only enough had arrived to keep the fourth battalion supplied for a month at best.

Another scream sounded out followed by a bang meaning another projectile had landed somewhere inside the camp. Fortunately Bright Lance had forcibly conscripted the hospital staff and most of their supplies in advance moving it to the castle just in case.

Twilights leering at her actions earlier made her feel small now that the Colonel's planning was paying off. Turning into the hospital Twilight gave a depressing nod to Nurse Redheart as she held a soldier down while a surgeon cut their leg off.

Amputations... Just a week ago they would not have lost their leg but now with magic and medicine in such short supply there was no choice. At least two of her friends were safe and living. Pinkie was trying to keep spirits up but failing and it was wearing her down badly. Rainbow Dash on the other hand had been sent to find Cadence and hopefully link them with other noble armies but the plan fell flat on its face.

Rainbow had barely left the shield bubble when the soldiers fired on her. The fastest flier in Equestria could not outrun a volley of arrows enchanted to hunt her down. To her eternal credit most had missed anyway as she ducked and dived but two found their mark and felled her. One to the leg and another in the side brought her back down to earth.

The silver lining was that the supplies had not quite run out yet at the time and the leg wound had not been bad at all. No flying for a while though and she had to stay in bed. Was she a bad princess of friendship for having Rainbow use her own bed while so many others suffered? Beds were in very short supply and so many others were wounded so horribly yet she deferred to the comfort and well being of her own friend.

Flying up to look out one of the broken windows higher up to get a better view Twilight sobbed quietly to herself as Ponyville smoldered. They had been ordered to surrender and take their chances but most refused holding onto hope that somehow their last princess would save them.

A mob of them pounded on the wooden gate below but were ignored as soldiers ran from place to place carrying water or messages, sometimes more arrows. They were running out of those too now. So many that Shining had extended his shield one night so soldiers could climb over the walls quietly and nick the ones that fell short or embedded themselves in the palisade wall.

Another firepot whistled by and burst near some tents. Most slept inside the castle walls now, a brave few slept on the parapet.

How much more could they take before the wall fell?

*Five days later, upper tunnels, Underworld*

Spitfire and her team picked their way forward carefully. Luna's instructions had been absolute along with the assurity that one false step would get them all killed before the message could be delivered. Their torches cast a strange glow on the smooth walls of the passage.

The mouth of the cave had been right where she said it would be along with a stone obelisk with strange runes cut into its surface. No plants grew near the marker and the energy it gave off made them more than a little worried about whatever was to receive the message.

Their hoofsteps echoed down the tunnel and off into the darkness as Fleetfoot and Soarin followed her. The light of day was long behind them now and being lost was becoming a greater fear.

"Go straight and do not deviate from the main path for any reason." Spitfire grumbled as Luna's words rolled around in her head. They had been betrayed on a massive scale, every noble army was against them now so that meant seeking outside aid. From Luna's reaction to speaking the alien name it was one she loathed and was hesitant to bring up.

A stone door came into view blocking their way. No handle, knob or any means of opening it were visible. Scanning over it she looked at the mural carved into its surface.

It was an ancient door covered in dust with depictions of negotiations taking place between the world above and that which lived below. This was it then.

Pushing on the scroll being passed between the two parties it sunk in slightly before clicking. Moments later the door pulled in and slid aside quietly making dust fly and coughing they entered the room.

A single large stone table waited in the middle of the room with two chairs on either side. Statues of nightmarish creatures surrounded the room facing in. Spitfire walked to the table and took a seat telling her friends to not say a word and remain silent.

Placing the scroll on the table they waited till the torched had burned out. Fleetfoot was getting another one out when a crystal above lit up bathing the room in a pale blue light. Their breathing stopped for a minute before they relaxed and waited.

Across from them another door made a clicking noise and slid open revealing a robed figure. It walked in quietly and sat down across from them and waited.

"I come to deliver a message on behalf of Princess Luna."

"Do you now?"


"What is my name?"


He was gone and Spitfire found herself in the air, held in place by a statue while Soarin and Fleetfoot shared a similar fate with sharp claws held to their throats.

"My name?"

He was standing in front of her now giving her a cold uncaring look, the scroll left on the table. Spitfire remembered Luna's first words and ground her teeth.

"Your name is Valkardian, my lover who I betrayed."

Spitfire was forced into the seat as a blade was placed against her throat.

"A most interesting choice of words. MOST interesting. Tell me then. Why are you here?"

"The scroll."

"To hell with the scroll. Tell me why you are here."

She thought it over a moment.

"Canterlot fell. Celestia is a prisoner and now Luna is as well. She ordered me to bring this scroll to you even if I have to die to give it to you."

"Is that all?"

"No. Celestia had her horn cut off and Luna knew she would be next. We were sent because we are the fastest and most loyal."

"Would you object if I cut your throat now? Maybe if I demanded you to cut your own to prove your sincerity."

"What in the name of tartarus is wrong with you!?"

The blade tightened and Spitfire took a wild leap of faith in hoping Luna knew what she was doing.

"If that is what it takes... Yes. I will die here and now if that is what it takes to make you read that scroll and listen to her."

Spitfire gasped and held her throat when the knife was removed. Valkardian picked up the scroll and examined it closely.

"Dehorned you say?"


"Where is the horn now or did you leave before?"

"I have no idea where the horn is but I intend to find out."

"No. You WONT."

"It is my duty to go back and fight to-"

"Only to get yourself captured and interrogated. No. No, no, no. You will be staying. My... Guests. Until this is over."

"So you will help us?"

"I think you know your answer to that already but I doubt my definition of "help" is one you would agree with. Goodnight."

Spitfire sat up but he waved his hand and the world went black.

Shadow waited patiently as Valkardian rolled the scroll back and forth on the table. He had scanned it magically so many times it made her eyes hurt but still he would not open it.

"Well what happened!?"


"Are they still among the living?"

"Oh yes. It would not be polite nor a sign of etiquette to kill the messenger. They are in stasis till after the war is over."

"Then what did they say that is making you act so funny?"

He froze and looked across the table at her before turning the scroll slowly till the seal faced him.

"Your name is Valkardian, my lover who I betrayed."


"That was the message. Long, long ago I gave my name to a select few. My name is so obscure that only a handful would ever know it and use it so I figured it would be a good way to make certain the messengers are where they want to be. Follow that by something that only the sending and receiving party know ensures some security and sincerity of the sender."

"Okay so the "my lover who-"

"Correct. Only Luna knew that but her adding the "betrayed" part has me wondering."

"That she knows what happened then was for her own safety and that Steelshod's father really was out to get them?"

"Yes, maybe she realizes that now or is trying to use it as leverage against me. It does not matter though, that she would send a message at all means Luna had little hope of me becoming involved otherwise due to the rift between us."

"Then open the damn letter and read it!"

Valkardian glared at her a moment before popping the seal and unraveling the message. A burst of laughter broke out as his head rolled back a moment before shaking his head and rolling it back up.


"Luna figured it all out. Guess that feral side to her is not completely erased after all. Long story short she knows I do not "love" her anymore but asks just one thing."

He held the scroll up with a smile.

"Avenge me."

"You already planned on attacking Steelshod but this kind of... Officiates it?"

"Yes. Yes it does. My price is whatever I demand of them and Celestia be damned."

"So Luna just gave you the official stamp of approval to invade and slaughter the hell out of Equestria so long as Steelshod and his ilk die?"

A grin spread across his bearded face.

"Yes. It also means that any loyal forces out there can be ordered to stand down."

"Like the survivors at Ponyville?"


"Well the last time you checked they were about to loose so that means we attack... NOW right?"

"We attack tomorrow afternoon. Well you will attack at any rate and get this whole ball rolling. But tonight, tonight we celebrate."

"Celebrate what?"

"The battle to come and that it might be our last moments spent amongst the living."

"You want to celebrate war, death and destruction?"

"Partly, but more to celebrate that we are still alive, to enjoy our time before the chaos and fury of war consumes us."

"You are a very strange stallion."

Chapter 40: True Evil

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Both were dressed very well for dinner that night and Valkardian's servants had pulled out all the stops on providing a true banquet for them to partake in. Roasted cave fish and boiled cave lobster and crab with no shortage of fruits or vegetables.

Somehow he had nipped a decent supply of fruits and vegetables from the surface in less than eight hours so that the table would have plenty of colorful foods to partake in. Shadow admitted it was impressive, a little bit of everything was laid out and she was free to piece at any little bit she so desired as they ate.

Not that she had to do it herself either, a simple point and a servant would bring the plate or bowl over so she could take as much or little as desired. This was probably the most civilized meal they had eaten together yet.

"What price will you ask?"

"Of Luna and Celestia or Equestria?"

"All of them."

"Making demands for my participation in this war never occurred to me... After all the invitation to their party is a last ditch plea for help and not truly genuine."

"So they are going to betray to in the end?"

"Probably. Not that it would stop me either way, what must be done shall be done."

"What about that other "force" that keeps the peace more or less balanced?"

*Pah!* "They will do nothing one way or another. Steelshod brings harmony of his own kind and so long as some semblence is held why would they care? He is not rocking THEIR boat so long as everything returns more or less to normal."

"You make the gods sound like real bastards."

"Oh they are. They are. Enjoying your dinner?"

"Eh? Oh! Yes! It's just that knowing it all starts tomorrow has me a little... Wound up."

"Normal. Do not worry it will all work itself out."

"Where are we attacking?"

"My little secret but it will serve to help you cut your teeth on fighting a real "battle" before the real thing."

Conversation ebbed and flowed as Shadow tried to pry a little more information out of him but he kept dodging her constantly. When dinner was finished they rested for a little while before he stood and offered her a hand.

"Care to dance?"

"I am a little worried now. This is not like you."

"You have known me for around three... Four years now. Not certain myself. I have been around for more than eight thousand years and you think that you know everything about me in just a few short years?"

Shadow shrugged but accepted his hand. Stepping into the hallway he led her to the empty room where they practiced dancing and with a movement of his free hand the room lit up and music played.

"My sister..."

"You are a bubbling cauldron of questions tonight. Your sister is very much alive but still in Canterlot."

As they moved around slowly she realized that for once there was not tripping over her own hooves as they danced and that this was not a lesson either. Tonight they danced for the pleasure of dancing and nothing less.

"Why did you want me to dance with you?"

"With me? Hm. I thought you might enjoy dancing after a fine meal."

"So my feelings matter now?"

There was no response. Instead they continued dancing slowly as Shadow's mind wandered to whatever events were in store for her tomorrow. Maybe he was just trying to get her to relax, the more wound up she became the greater the chance of making a mistake.

Closing her eyes and trying to relax she focused on the music and the moves.

Valkardian looked down at Shadow as they danced, her eyes were closed and she seemed to have finally begun to relax. He was fond of her now. Shadow was truly a marvel of how life could be random and so quick to change.

The distance between them was also lessening till finally she was all but hugging him. It was like a child hanging on to a parent hoping for the assurance that everything would be fine. Everything was fine but her actions were leaving him surprised to say the least.

This would only complicate matters when the war was over.

Come morning Shadow bolted out of bed and dressed in a hurry, rushing to the dining room and inhaling her breakfast before going straight to Valkardian's study. He was waiting on her with a map out and tapped a spot with his finger. Looking down at the map she read the name off.

"Sunny Vale. Is that where we are going to attack?"

"Sort of. You have a very important part to play in the battle so listen closely."

Shadow listened and slowly her ears fell flat.

"You have to be joking..."

Valkardian just smiled.

Shadow walked down the road slowly wearing her fancy suit with coat-tails. A top hat adorned her head as she walked towards the hamlet of Sunny Vale. This was embarrassing. Demeaning. Dressed up like some kind of circus master that yelled out to the crowd to toll them in.

That was the plan too. Valkardian wanted prisoners. LIVE prisoners. Specifically he wanted the seven soldiers and officer Steelshod had left here to make certain the locals did not tamper with the rail line nor the newly re-established telegraph line. The perfect target, locals too scared to resist and would bolt immediately, soldiers who would send off a warning that was not to be sent just yet.

Of course this meant that they had to join Valkardian in his giant tent down the road willingly and that meant putting on a show to entice them away from their posts. Valkardian was pinning that despite being rigidly disciplined the ploy would work anyway because they had to keep track of the locals. That meant some of them would have to follow along to make sure nothing was amiss.

Even if a message was shot out what would it read? The circus was in town?

Groaning as she arrived on the outskirts she stopped and surveyed the densely packed hamlet and train station where soldiers were clearly visible standing guard or milling about. It was fifty yards to the tent and they had no idea one had been raised so close to the hamlet... That was also the distance she had to be able to run in case they attacked rather than look.

Her only protection was a few spells and the amulet she wore. It was early dawn and the ponies of Sunny Vale had begun to wander out into the streets, most stopped to look at her with odd expressions. Shadow did stick out in her fancy suit after all.

Valkardian had gone all out in his preparations for this and the least she could do was play along to provide the desired prisoners. Locals did not count, they would go free she was promised.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out she held a small crystal high in the air and informed it she was about to begin. With confirmation she sent a command to the crystal. Little balls of light shot up high into the air as she quickly tucked the crystal away and forced the biggest smile she could. Valkardian was off his rocker.

Fireworks popped above in dark colors clearly visible in the light of day and grabbed the attention of all fifty-six inhabitants of the hamlet including the soldiers. Heads spun and soldiers braced themselves while one ran into the station before more joined them.

Strutting down the street towards the station she pulled her gold capped cane from under arm and gave it a spin as she walked.

"Ladies and gentlecolts! Fillies and Colts! Come and see the greatest show in Equestria! A show packed with marvels and wonders beyond imagination!"

Ponies poured out of the houses and the soldiers exchanged looks, talked, shrugged and watched. It was working.

"Come with me to see a show of wonder and curiosity! Creatures and acrobats performing impossible feats! Beasts thought to be extinct! Dancing monsters and singing skeletons!"

It was getting easier now, she had their rapt attention and the young were tugging at their parents trying to drag them after her. Wings spread wide for all to see she added a little sway to her movements.

"The greatest show ever unearthed awaits! Come with me and see what awaits! All for a small fee! The fee being FREE! Pay only if you enjoy the show or walk away free!"

An officer was watching her intently from the station as she approached and beaming at him Shadow made a short, sharp bow and popped her top-hat off for a moment.

"Wont you come and see?"

Turning away and walking back down the road the entire population was crammed onto the road following including most of the garrison. A little magic had been put on her allowing Shadow to see if they were following or not and sure enough only two guards remained. The officer, the primary target, was following.

Grinning maniacally knowing what was going to happen she added some spring to her step and egged the crowd on with promises of delights and laughter being just a short distance away.

Ushering the crowd into the giant tent was easy, they nearly fought to get inside but the soldiers stopped just outside as the officer took another long look at her.

"You first bat thing."

Smiling at him she bowed low and removed her hat before standing upright and gave it a quick flick bringing it back onto her head and snapped her finger on the edge making a thumping sound.

"Of course. Follow me!"

Screams and howls sounded but few in fright, most in wonder or that mixture of enjoying a good fright. Shadow had done her little introduction before the illusion show began, Valkardian had a veritable zoo of skeletal creatures but all had an illusion on them making them appear as fresh as they had been thousands of years ago.

It was amazing what a little magic could do to manipulate a pile of bones as creatures danced and even one gargoyle "sang" an opera piece somehow. Unbeknownst to the crowd however was that the soldiers had already "left" the tent and not voluntarily.

The two at the back were simply knocked unconscious by two gargoyles that were invisible, that part was easy but the officer and his two guards almost put up a fight. Shadow tried to use the sleeping crystal but it had no effect on them but it did get their attention. When they began to turn she enacted plan B and the other gargoyles snatched them quickly while she stuffed gags into their mouths.

Kicking and thrashing they tried to get free clearly terrified by what was suddenly happening to them but it was useless. Since magic did not work she pulled a mace free from a gargoyle and knocked them out one at a time with heavy blows before they were stripped naked and tied up.

One filly had turned around and watched with her mouth hanging open but Shadow just smiled at her and held a finger to her mouth before slipping a gold coin into her palm. The fillies eyes gleamed and quickly turned away to keep watching the show.

Continuing the show even after Shadow announced they were stripped, shackled and even chained Valkardian's voice whispered in her mind to just keep up the show and carry out the plan.

Stuffing them and the gargoyles into a magical bag was easy, the gargoyles dragged them in one at a time and sealing up the pouch Shadow handed it off to another that quickly walked off to deliver it to Valkardian.

Watching the show progress to its end was enjoyable but spooky. Seeing the trog's jump through flaming hoops made her laugh but the basilisk doing a jig got the most applause. As to why Valkardian wanted to have the show continue to the end she had no idea. Maybe to keep up appearances or because he enjoyed the macabre display.

When it all ended the crowd cheered and slowly began to file out, there was no shortage of donations either for the show and holding her hat out Shadow accepted them with a smile and winked at the little filly as she left.

"Everyone is gone. Time to pack it all up."

"Alright. Out of the tent this will only take a moment"

With a magic clap the tent shrank and bounced in on itself before packing itself up neatly inside a small box. Valkardian picked it up and walked over to Shadow and with a touch they teleported away to a portal fortress.

"So why was it so important to keep the show going?"

"I found it rather amusing. Also it is important that the locals think nothing is wrong, makes more a rather dull report when those other two send their call for help off to Steelshod."

"You have a warped sense of humor."

"You enjoyed it. Admit it."

"Yes. Yes I did enjoy it. Especially the trog display, having trogs which fear larger fires jumping through flaming hoops is both ironic and funny."

"Glad you enjoyed it. Now I take it the officer is in your bag?"

"Yes. I also have three hundred bits."

"Keep the bits."

Shadow began to giggle as they stepped through the portal into another fortress waiting on the crystals to be changed out. Valkardian watched her for a moment before coughing.

"Oh. I was just imagining what their report to Steelshod will say."

"Ah. Yes. Dear King, I am sorry to report but four soldiers and one officer were kidnapped by the circus. Please advise."

She burst out laughing at what that would sound like and how much trouble those two would be in.

Each prisoner was taken and in their own cell in Valkardian's laboratory. It was a nightmarish place she had to admit with every tool imaginable for dissection of any creature great or small laid out neatly. All around the stone floor and walls were permanently stained from millennia of use and blood smears on the floor hinted at unlucky creatures being drug away after their use was up.

Walking around but not touching she wondered what he was going to do first. Torture them? Cut them up? Talk to them? All the options were laid out around the room and waiting along with one table in the middle just big enough to hold a pony firmly.

Looking at the drain under the table Shadow winced seeing the streaks that led into it, so much blood had flowed down that drain the surrounding stone was forever stained black.

"Shadow. Room 12."

Jerking her head around Shadow walked into the hallway and walked to room twelve. It was by far the least intimidating room in the entire building. Walking inside again and looking around the brightly lit interior Valkardian was sitting in the middle with the officers armor laid out neatly in front of him.

Room twelve was his enchanting room. Made for the study and creation of enchanted items or creatures, all around the walls books and display items rested on shelves.

"I found out what that clever bastard did."

"Like how they were immune to the sleep spell?"

"One among many more. Look here."

Leaning over and examining the armor she saw runes were carved into the surface of the officers uniform.

"He is using runes to add magical protection to his soldiers just like you do."

"Indeed. Go look at the other piece of armor over there."

Examining the second piece it was clearly not the armor of an officer with its simpler design but it also lacked the degree of magical protection the other afforded going by the sparse use of runes.

"Rank has its privileges?"

"Correct. Steelshod is not a fool. Somehow he or I should say his FATHER figured out how to use ancient runes to grant power and protection. Looking this over he did not fully figure it all out but more than enough to give him quite the edge over Celestia and Luna."

"It must have taken a lot of time to do all of this... Tens of thousands of soldiers with enchanted armor and weapons must have taken... Forever."

"That is probably why he did not come back till now, believe me when I say that enchanting is no small feat. Long ago I figured it out and have been doing it ever since but the time and power it consumes is great depending on the strength of the enchantment."

Valkardian turned the officers helmet over slowly in his hand.

"Even the helmet is enchanting but not the leggings. Only the breast plate and helmet... He cut corners. Saved time."

"Still took more than a thousand years..."

"I figure a good deal of his time was spent protecting himself back then. Using runes to make himself immortal and more powerful. Maybe he burned them into his flesh or something... I do not know... Still, he would of had help eventually to speed things up."

"Alright but does that change anything?"

"It means using magic directly against him or his forces will not work. However there are a million ways to get around magical defenses like this if you are creative enough. Like aiming for the ground beneath them and turning it into deep sticky mud rather than trying to cast a slowing spell on them."

"Well that changes nothing then since your armies are devoid of spell casters."

"Ehh... True enough... His army his tailored to kill Equestrians not my own..." *Hehehehhe*


"The Noble Armies are to fight me in his stead."

"So he knew before coming you might try something so he had the traitors build up armies so that he could stay in Canterlot while they do all the dying for him?"


"Then how are we going to get him OUT of Canterlot then!?"

"Easily enough, we do enough damage and he will be forced to act. His hold is tenuous at best and if we make a big enough ruckus he will have no choice. The catch is that the noble armies will comprise the bulk of his forces and take the brunt of the attack while preserving his own."

"Bastard knows how to play chess very well."

"Indeed he does. While we hack away at the fodder he watches, learns and prepares counter measures."

"So strike him hard all at once and leave no witnesses?"

"Or pander to his expectations."

"I dont get it."

"You were not alive back then so you are forgiven, also I did not have time to teach you that little bit of history either. Anyway... He expects me to attack in the tens of thousands... Correct?"

"I dont know."

"Historically speaking. His drafting up all these armies means he knows for certain I have been building up my forces since then but figures that without a source of bodies my army could have only gotten so big since there have been no large, open wars between myself and anyone else above."

"He does not know about the trogs then..."

"Nor that I have been harvesting them. Steelshod has taken many precautions against my return and that scattering of forces is not only to occupy and keep the peace but act as a warning system. Each force at least ten thousand strong which is roughly the size of my last reported army."

"There are at least two hundred thousand up there now Valkardian."

"Correct. He is being "excessive" in his preparations but still has no idea what he is up against let alone when or where the blow will fall. I suspect he is hoping I pick off one of the noble armies and harvest them giving him justification to call the others in to "defend Equestria" or something of the sort."

"Will his plan work?"

"No. Now that I can see what he planned for the princesses..." Valkardian plopped the helmet back down. "I can counteract his plan and draw him into a situation that favor's myself and not him. You my dear Shadow are about to play his game and make him believe all is going according to plan."

"Sounds like fun. What about the prisoners then?"

"Lets go visit one of them shall we? Pick one."

They left the room together and spoke a little more along the way and arriving at the cells Shadow walked down the row looking the captives over, most stood proudly at attention as she passed but one tried to spit on her.

"This one."

Nodding Valkardian zapped him with a spell and two gargoyles entered the cell and dragged him out depositing his unconscious form on the table. Strapping him down tightly another spell went off and the soldier was awake.

"Afternoon. Shadow there picked you to be the first experiment for today and while this will hurt horribly I want you to know that it is for the name of science and genetics."

Valkardian walked over to the table and picked up a few tools and returned laying them out on a small moveable tray table he brought over.

"Alright. Shadow please gag him."

Shadow took a gag off the table and stuffed it into the soldiers mouth and fastened it securely and stood aside waiting as her heart pounded and stomach flipped.

"First a test to see if any magical modifications have been made... No. One standard non-Equestrian earth pony."

Pulling a blade free he brought it over to the soldiers chest and pressed down then stopped.

"Hmm? Shadow undo his gag a moment."

Releasing the gag the soldier went on a short tyrade and Valkardian just waved at her to gag him again. Tracing the blade along the soldiers chest while holding one hand against the back of his head the stallion let out muffled screams.

Shadow knew what was going on now, Valkardian was forcibly removing his memories while putting on a show of doing a live dissection to the horrified soldiers peering through the still open door in the next room. It was all a large act to get what he wanted quickly without having to expend any more time or energy than absolutely necessary.

The body fell limp before the blade had finished moving but it did not stop. Shadow did her best to not look away as Valkardian opened the dead stallion up and began to study his internal workings one piece at a time while the officer screamed threats and swore revenge. One soldier however was having a hard time taking it all in.

"Well. You lot are no different than the local stock really. No modifications what so ever. A little more robust from a life filled with hardship but at your core all the same. Amazing what a little training and a lifetime of not being indoctrinated by Celestia can do hmm Shadow?"

Shadow could only nod while looking at the dissected soldier as Valkardian undid the straps and gag before stepping back.

"Waste not. Want not."

Moving his hands the body laid silent a moment before sitting upright and climbed off the table. She almost puked seeing it but he never batted an eye, simply waving a hand and watching it join its former compatriots in the other room, standing silent guard over them as blood continued to flow from the body.

Another movement made the lights in the other room go out and the door slammed shut and a servant slowly loped in with a bucket of water and a mop to clean the mess up.

"Was that really necessary!?"

"Yes it was. There is only one way to find out if he modified his people to any degree, my magical scan at first turned up nothing so I dissected the subject to be certain. It also doubled as a means to examine his memory for anything pertinent and found nothing. He was long dead before the blade had moved very far."

"That was just... Wrong..."

"Come now Shadow. You know me so well after all. He was an enemy, given half the chance he would have torn your throat out with his bare hands."

"You tortured him!"

"Yes and no. The pain of the cutting would have been nothing compared to having his memory forcibly examined. He was going to die either way so why not make an example of him to the other four?"

"Is everything cold logic for you?"

"No. I would never do this to you nor any other unless they were my enemy. Think of me what you will but there is a method to my madness. Those other three have little to no information but the officer is still useful. He too will be on this table soon enough to see if their rank gives them any perks or if everything is focused on the armor."

"What are you hoping to prove?"

"Nothing. I hope. With any luck only the armor is enchanted despite rank, meaning that unless they are a very high ranking officer they will be no different than the slightly above average pony. That is one more reason I picked this target: a captain was left to guard the station not a paltry lieutenant."

"I dont know if I can handle seeing you torture another pony to death."

"They would not tell me otherwise. Besides I think one of them was on the verge. The other three will never talk no matter what I would do to them but with one more demonstration I can save time."

"The end justifies the means?"

"Rarely if ever but this one of those rare circumstances."

They waited a while as the servant cleaned and left before the door swung open again and it was the officers turn. Gritting her teeth Shadow watched the spectacle play out again with the same ends.

"Good news... It would appear only the armor is enchanted, none of them have any modifications to their bodies that would make them a greater threat."


"Don't be so depressed. Look at it this way: your not liking my actions fits in nicely with your ancestors. Happy?"

"I suppose."

"Alright lets talk to that one that was sobbing then."

Things had gone smoothly after that, while he knew absolutely nothing the stallion was more than happy to try and bargain for the lives of his surviving comrades much to their anger. No promises were made and a few hours later the entire plan had been laid out from the eyes of one more nobody within Steelshod's army.

A second wave of ships were due any time now and when all preparations were done some twenty thousand more would be at his command to keep Equestria under his iron reign. That was also the extent of what he knew, Steelshod kept tight lips when it came to allowing even his own officers to know his plans let alone the fodder.

Valkardian thanked the soldier and killed him quickly then the other two now that they knew there was nothing at all to be gained from continuing the questioning. He was not very happy with the lack of information on Steelshod's inner workings but knowing that he planned to bring over more forces was enlightening.

He already knew the ships were bringing another wave and now that the soldier had given a hint as to their purpose it meant it was time to put everything into motion. One army to subdue Equestria, one army to subdue Valkardian, Steelshod's precautions had proven to not be quite as airtight as he had probably hoped.

"Tell me you have a navy."

"I do not."

"Then how are you going to sink that fleet before it arrives?"

"Who says I have too? They are trained to fight in caves just as much as the world above. Their weapons are tailored to destroy the undead true but by fighting them above they loose that critical element they trained for."


"No I am still going to sink as many ships as possible before they arrive but many will get through anyway. What I am really aiming for is to hamstring them and get the invasion into my domain canceled before it can even begin."

"Attacking them will tip them off."

"The fleet is still at sea, one week away roughly. A simple storm will sink quite a few of them and gut his forces before they arrive."

"So you are going to call down a hurricane on them? Wont that sap your energy too much?"

"Normally it would yes but I have learned to store vast quantities of energy in crystals giving me an edge."

"It would take... Tens of thousands of pegasi to make a storm so violent it would destroy a fleet."

"Care to watch?"


*Steelshod's fleet, Western Sea, six hours later*

The fleet was making good time, calm waters and a good strong wind drove them towards Equestria and bore them directly towards the port at Van Hoover. By now the city was theirs and when they arrived in just under a week they could begin to unload their cargo.

Looking at the mass of ships the admiral admired his new fleet and its strange cargo. About a month ago they had ferried one wave after another of soldiers and now again they ferried them but with them went special siege equipment, magical drills, mining equipment and things he had no idea what they were or what purpose they could serve.

It was not his place to ask either. Asking too many questions or prying into the plans of another got you the noose in Steelshod's army. Everything was compartmentalized heavily so only those directly involved knew what was really going on, not that it stopped the occasional rumor from spreading.

Rumor had it that Equestria had a pest problem beneath its surface and this cargo was going to solve it. Every ship had been loaded in total secret as ordered and at night to boot, massive tarps hiding the contents. Strange orders but everything was followed to the letter.

He smiled at the thought of all that unused, rich, fertile land just waiting to be carved up. Steelshod had promised his officers of all ranks parcels of land to call their own in return for distinguished service and the admiral intended to prove his worth by getting the cargo to where it needed to go.

Better yet he was two days ahead of schedule! If this did not prove his worth nothing would!

"Admiral! Storm blowing in from the North!"

Turning his head he passed the ensign and looked at the storm clouds gathering.

"Mmmm... Signal the other ships to button down just in case to ride it out. It is coming our way but is too small... Carry on."

Returning to his cabin the admiral sat at his desk and looked over the map again double checking. Even a storm would only blow them off course a little, maybe put them behind a few hours but nothing more.

Laying on his cot and closing his eyes for a minute the ship began to lurch a little more than usual. Opening his eyes again he waited for the motion to ease off, hitting an occasional rough spot of water was normal on the open sea.

Instead the rocking got worse and a howling wind began to pick up outside. A frantic knocking on his cabin door quickly followed by shouting made him rise from the bed quickly and out onto the deck.

Just a few minutes ago the distant storm had been harmless but now a raging storm was kicking up as black clouds covered the sky blocking out the sun. Howling winds tore at the sails as crew's desperately tried to lower them and tie them off at the risk of being blown overboard. All around the waters were beginning to churn violently making the large transport ships rock wildly with each great heave of water.

"Turn into the storm! We have to ride it out!"

It was his best hope, if the storm was moving this fast the sooner they turned into it the less likely any ships would be overturned and with any luck they would be through it all the faster.

Whatever powers above were looking down on them though had other ideas as minute by minute the storm got worse until it had engulfed the fleet in darkness. Ships groaned from the strain as each massive wave tore over them washing away crews and flooding the decks below.

A few of the heavier ships began to snap under the pressure and due to their heavier cargo were having a hard time turning into the storm to avoid being rolled over. One by one the larger ships cracked and snapped before breaking apart and sinking and cursing wildly into the wind the admiral could only watch as he held desperately onto the rail.

Lightning flashed and came crashing down illuminating the tormented fleet as it bobbed helplessly in the raging sea. Another bright flash made the stallions face go pale as a bolt struck a larger ship opening it up and sending debris flying high into the air.

This was not a storm. This was magic.

*Underworld, Same Time*

Shadow watched as Valkardian peered into a large crystal orb straining with sweat on his brow. Four mammoth crystals had been brought earlier and now fueled the storm with their stored energy directed by Valkardian. They glowed brightly but she could tell their energy was draining rapidly and silently hoped the damage would be done before they wore out.

At first they had simply observed the fleet closer before noticing that some ships hung lower in the water than others, their cargo was so heavy it threatened to pull them under. He had no idea what was on the ships but had decided that it was better to not find out and marked them for destruction above all others.

Watching the crystal she could see the helpless fleet bobbing wildly and trying to turn into the storm to avoid the waves that rolled some ships over. Lighting was directed to strike the few that had managed to escape the waves and winds while the troop ships remained mostly untouched. On the other hand the heavy cargo ships were being annihilated rapidly and only two remained.

A bright flash in the orb and one of them exploded as the crystals in the room dimmed slightly. Valkardian had wanted to save back as many of these special energy crystals as possible just in case but after seeing the fleet a second time decided it would be better to take no chances and simply sink them now.

Shadow doubted Steelshod had realized that magically shielding the cargo of the ships would bring about their downfall but after a few failed attempts at scrying their fate had been sealed. Now the troop ships were all that remained along with one larger command ship as the winds whipped them and tore away sails or even ripping masts free.

It must be a nightmare to be caught up in that. Troop ships were now being targeted but there was no time left and still too many of them left as the crystals finally dimmed heavily under the strain. Forcing every last bit of energy out of them Valkardian kept his focus doing whatever damage he could in the time left before the crystal returned to its normal clear form.

Landing in his seat with a heavy thump he laid quietly and un-moving while breathing heavily.

"Its done?"

"Yes but even I have my limits and must conserve my energy for later."

"So you are not too exhausted to fight? No week long hibernation?"

"There is a difference between mental strain and magical strain. I used very little of my own energy to do that but the mental strain has made me quite tired."

"How long until the next battle then?"

"Three days. First I rest a while then tomorrow you will be given your orders. Third day you will go into action."

Shadow nodded before leaving the room to wander the halls. Three days.

Chapter 41: One Empire Falls, Another Rises

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*Crystal Empire Refugee Camp, Day after fleet sinking*

Cadence was terrified. Pregnant with her husbands foal and facing the possibility of loosing him had made her a wreck after the first magical message arrived detailing what was happening. Fortunately Steelshod had ignored her camp entirely and she was grateful for it.

While she had a small army at her command numbering around eight thousand they were mostly occupied trying to get shelter built for her displaced people. Her people. Closing her eyes and shaking the shame burned away at her for having failed them. Now homeless and facing war there was no time nor able body to spare in finding the Crystal Heart but she knew full well who held it. Steelshod.

How long before he would come for her and demand surrender? Should she? There was no doubt in her mind that if captured he would use her against Shining Armor to force Ponyville to surrender and if that happened any hope of rescue by the noble armies would become impossible.

With all four princesses firmly in his grasp and with Twilight's friends missing or trapped Equestria was doomed. Looking at the papers piled on her makeshift table Cadence began to read over the reports again. Food was all but exhausted now, the last train from Manehatten had given them a fair boost in supplies but none had come since the first.

Medicine was gone, not enough supplies, the cold was causing injury to the old and young as the number of tents were too few. Doing a march South into a warmer climate had been put on the table but quickly dismissed when the news came that Canterlot had fallen.

Should they go West across the plains? Hide? No, how could she hide an entire civilization in broad daylight. They would be tracked down quickly and over-run. Messengers had been dispatched but never returned save the one who injured themselves before getting there.

Putting a hand on her face and trying to calm herself and think of solutions to their current plight nothing was coming to mind. Steelshod was letting them rot until they would beg for his help.

Standing up and leaving her tent Cadence decided they would not beg, they would hold out as long as they could and march East towards Manehatten and with any luck find out what was going on and why the nobles had not rebelled despite the order to surrender from Celestia.

Even with Canterlot fallen they outnumbered their new "king" ten to one and could mop the floor with him if they united.

Taking to the air she glided above the camp and watched in sorrow the despair below. They had survived Sombra's banishment, returned, survived him again and now had lost everything. There was no love or joy in the air only crushing despair.

What little remained of food was being rationed out carefully from large cooking pots in the form of watery soup that did little to quell their hunger. A blanket was worth a life and a tent to sleep in made you royalty.

A fight broke out below when a pony bumped another making them loose their bowl of water and fists flew as many backed away holding their bowls as if their lives depended on it while others were drug into the fray tearing at each other.

Landing beside the fight Cadence's magic enveloped them and moved them apart. Anger and hate burned in their eyes as they glared and snarled, desperation had reduced them to acting like animals.

"Calm yourselves! You are friends and neighbors! You should not be fighting!"

"Says the one who cost us our homes and lives!"

Cadence's magic faltered and they landed on the ground as she backed away wide eyed at their outburst. Soldiers burst through the crowd and an officer came to her side asking about what had happend but she could only shake her head before turning away and leaving quickly as tears streamed down her face.

Cadence began running and did not stop till she reached the rail line and looked South willing a train to appear with food and medicine. Anything. Even a letter saying an army was coming to join them in the hopes of retaking the country.

Her prayers were answered as smoke rose far on the horizon, a locomotive was grinding forward slowly towards them. Others saw it and murmurs spread and soon she was joined by a throng of crystal ponies eagerly waiting on the train to arrive. When it got closer cheering broke out but a gut feeling warned her that this train was not there to help them.

Grabbing a nearby soldier Cadence ordered for the crowd to be pushed back and the soldiers gathered at once and ready for battle. The ponies were confused at first but as more soldiers arrived and ordered them back while others drew up in formation panic spread as the cheering died off.

It never slowed or sped up however, the train kept a steady pace before finally applying its brakes and came to a slow halt three hundred yards away. Doors opened and soldiers poured out and drew up and looking inside she could see ballistas being removed and quickly assembled across from her.

Should they fire it would not matter if they missed their intended target, with so many ponies in the camp behind her soldiers one shot would absolutely hit one of them. The thought that they would willingly fire into a crowd of unarmed refugee's was terrifying but a small group marched forward quietly.

They stopped less than twenty yards away and ignored Cadence entirely, speaking loudly to the arrayed soldiers and refugees cowering behind.

"By order of his majesty King Steelshod, rightful ruler of Equestria, husband of Princess Celestia... You are ordered to lay down your arms. Amnesty is offered to all who will accept it. His majesty promises that the thieves who stole the Crystal Heart shall be punished and until then offers you refuge within his kingdom. Land will be cleared and proper housing constructed for all those who swear fealty to the crown!"

Turning away for a moment the officer beckoned and several sacks were brought forward.

"As a show of good faith he has sent us with food and medicine. Sadly we could not bring enough and must ration it but rest assured if you agree to lay down your arms and move farther south supplies will be sent!"

Cadence gaped. Steelshod had left them till they were desperate and now pretended to be the savior. Husband of CELESTIA?! He had almost executed her! Dehorned her!

"Do not listen to them! Steelshod holds Princess Celestia and Luna prisoner! Do not fall for his lies! HE is the one who stole the Crystal Heart and drove us out!"

"Princess Cadence... Do you have any proof to back up your accusations against your rightful sovereign?!"

A hushed silence fell across the crowd.

"I have no proof that he stole the heart but I have a message from Luna herself stating the truth! The timing was too perfect for him not to be the culprit!"

Shaking his head the offer opened his arms.

"So you have no proof. You leave me no choice then. I hereby order in full faith and within the boundaries of the law that you Princess Cadence are to be arrested and held in his majesties custody until trial. I plead with you crystal ponies to not heed her false accusations and lay down your arms in peace. You have suffered enough. Accept our majesties generous offer and save yourselves. Please. Accept our gifts of food and medicine even though your princess will not."

Cadence was furious and her general was showing signs of worry as the situation turned against them.

"Princess. What are your orders?"

Already some ponies pushed past the soldiers and made their way towards the ranks of enemy soldiers. Most however held back looking to her for answers.

"My citizens! Luna send word as the city fell that Steelshod is responsible and while I have no proof that he is the one who drove us from our home I implore you to think and realize that he has orchestrated all of this! Their kinds words mean to enslave us and never again shall we see our beloved home if we accept! FIGHT!"


When the last word was spoke her general grabbed her and shielded her as a volley of ballista shots crashed into her soldiers tearing holes in their ranks. Those that had filtered over to the other side were ushered away quickly and onto the train cars before being sealed inside as the opposing force rushed forward closing the gap quickly.

Her soldiers were thrown back for a moment before they began to push back desperately. Wails and cries for mercy rose up from the ponies as they fled before the onslaught. Ranks quickly buckled as enemies broke through to the rear and began to tear away at the flanks of her formations.

Yanking her upright the general pushed her away and screamed out orders to no avail as ranks quickly collapsed and Candence's soldiers began to flee for their lives throwing away their weapons as they ran.

A captain rushed to her side and drug her away as her personal guard fought a loosing battle to stave off their attackers but thankfully no ballista shots were let loose, they were not needed. Dragging her away quickly and into the crowd ponies parted like water as enemies poured in amongst them.

A glancing blow made the captain loose his grip on her as he stumbled and fell bleeding. Cadence lifted herself up shakily and looked around as her last guard was cut down. Trying to power up her horn a fist slammed out knocking her flat before a blade was placed against her throat.


Cadence leaned back and sobbed as the soldiers drew up ranks once more and the officers clear, booming voice rang out once more.

"PLEASE! We do not wish to harm you unless we have to! Cadence left us no choice! Calm down and surrender so we may tend to your wounded! Lay down your arms! It is over!"

Craning her head back she watched as the crystal ponies slowly put their hands up while the last few surviving soldiers did the same. Soldiers began to filter forward and force them to their knees while the civilians were ushered away towards the rail line and forced to stand in a dense line.

Looking back towards the battlefield she watched as her soldiers were left bleeding as the officer approached her.

"Princess Cadence by order of King Steelshod you are hereby stripped of your rank and crown on charges of insurection. You will stand "trial" in Canterlot for your crimes against his majesty."

He stopped and looked her over slowly before his eyes settled on her bulging belly.

"Do not fear for your life or that of your unborn child. Your king is not a monster. No harm shall come to either of you so long as you do not resist any further."

Cadence knew he was lying but had little choice, the officer had picked his words very carefully to appease her own people within earshot but also to remind her of who held the upper hand.

"Your king IS a monster. A monster mascarading as a saint."

He cracked a small grin and knelt down beside her and placed a ring over her horn before leaning close to her ear whispered so low she could almost not hear him.

"Lets keep that our little secret. Princess."

*Canterlot, One day later*

"Citizens! I present to you Emperor Steelshod the Second!"

There was no applause but that suited him just as well as he walked onto the balcony with his hands up. Celestia stood beside him looking down but ever bit as beautiful and regal as she had always been. Her horn was still missing but a fake had been put on making it appear as if everything was normal while the severed part was locked away safely along with the horns of Cadence and Luna.

It had been a very good day. Very good. Crowned emperor, wed to Celestia and the only opposition that remained was Ponyville. Cadence was rushed in early that morning on a private train and now could be used as leverage against Shining Armor but there was no rush. Ponyville was isolated and while it was strategically important it would not actually matter for another week when his second army arrived.

One week to get here, a few days to unload, another to bring them here and then go visit that pest scurrying around in his dank caves. Steelshod had a bone to pick with him for the murder of his father and he intended to collect.

Beaming out at the massive crowd below he lowered his arms slowly.

"My people! Long have you been left under the neglectful eye of Celestia, but no longer. I understand your fears and anger at what I have done and forgive you. A leader must do what they have to do when the time calls on them and after seeing Tirek tear away at your peaceful nation I knew something must be done."

"With heavy heart I invaded your lands and seized the throne but you must understand that I am not a tyrant. What has been done is for your own safety and in time you will hopefully come to realize that I am your friend, not an enemy."

"Yet there are still those who seek to divide us, to turn us against one another and unfortunately they are loud and violent but thankfully few. As you already know Cadence is a prisoner now having refused to accept aid for her people that I had sent in hopes of peace."

"Cadence called upon her army to fight the relief force sent with food and medicine to help the crystal ponies and my forces were forced to fire on her army."

He raised his hands again as murmurs spread.

"Be at ease, no civilians were harmed, only saved. Even now they are being given blankets, food, medicine and all the care my soldiers can give. Tents, supplies and other necessities are also being sent even now but those who oppose me try and wreck the trains bearing these desperately needed supplies!"

It was a massive lie but the looks on ponies faces showed it had the desired effect.

"Please, be at ease! These vicious, uncaring and monstrous creatures will be brought to justice soon enough! This war is over and we must come together in peace and harmony if we are to survive whatever evil is thrown at us next and rest assured my army WILL be there to PROTECT you!"

"As you can clearly see Princess Celestia is free, unchained, unharmed and as a gesture of my good will I have married here so she will not have to step down as princess. Her bright light shall continue to shine for as long as I can protect it."

Heads nodded in approval and his smile grew.

"Luna unfortunately continues to fight us, slipping into her old ways once more. It saddens me to inform you she must remain locked away until she can calm down and I hope and pray that she will so that once more you can enjoy her glorious nights. But until then..."

"Other forces that have threatened you will also be hunted down and dealt with. Celestia allowed Queen Chrysalis to go free and even though it is unbecoming to say this with her present... Refused to hunt her down and bring the monster to justice. I will not make that mistake, once Equestria has calmed itself I promise that the vile creature WILL be hunted down and stand trial for her crimes against Equestria!"

Applause and cheers rang out.

"My apologies to my wife but it was necessary."

Reaching a hand out to Celestia he made a soft beckoning movement and she hesitantly joined him as he took her hand and raised it up.

"United as one people there is nothing we can not accomplish but first we must put aside our differences, anger and hate. We must embrace one another and work together to rebuild a land stricken with centuries of neglect. The Noble Armies have all surrendered to my authority and even now move to keep the borders safe while others make haste to hunt down the culprits that seek to tear our new peace apart."

"Together! Together there is nothing we can not do but we must do it together! One people! Once voice!"

Celestia was grinding her teeth but keeping up the facade quite well. Lowering their arms he did not let go of her hand however. He motioned with the free hand to calm the crowd down.

"Together we must forgive and forget the recent tragedies to move forward. Even now I fear that there are forces out there seeking to destroy us."

Murmurs spread through the crowd, he had them wrapped around his finger now and he smirked at Celestia a moment making her flinch.

"Fear not! Whatever trials are to come I will be there to face them and protect the peace and tranquility you enjoy! I am certain you can agree... Equestria can ill afford another Tirek!"

The crowd howled and Celestia choked back a sob.

"As your Emperor and divine ruler I swear to you now that Equestria will remain safe and secure under my careful watch!"

There was a long heavy pause that made the crowd jittery with anticipation before he continued.

"But there is something I need... Something only you can give..."

Below the voices rose up in curiosity as to what price he wanted for their safety and security.

"I require only your loyalty, friendship and support. Nothing more. Hah! Well make certain to also pay your taxes so I can keep the schools up and trains running! But that is all I ask of you. Nothing more."

"Many changed lie ahead and they will not be easy to adjust too but together we will prevail. Uphold, obey and respect the law less chaos overtake us."

Steelshod raised his hand in a wave to the crowd but it also gave a signal as the soldiers below banged on their shields and howled out together.

"All hail Emperor Steelshod! All Hail Empress Celestia!"

It caught on and soon the throng below was stomping and howling wildly giving praise to their new emperor and empress. Steelshod stood there basking in the howling praise as it thundered up from below the balcony.

Turning to Celestia he embraced her and whispered in her ear.

"Keep it up or else."

Celestia returned the embrace and accepted the kiss hesitantly which only made the crowd howl all the louder.

"Now wave you conceited bitch..."

Turning back the two waved to the crowd with their hands held together raised high giving their best fake smiles. Steelshod's personal detail of newly minted "Royal Guard" grinned knowingly.

Retiring after a few minutes from the balcony guards grabbed Celestia and led her forcibly to the throne room. Only Steelshod's soldiers were permitted inside the castle now and officers awaited their arrival along with Luna, bound, gagged and kneeling on the floor in tattered rags.

"Sire, I enjoyed you speech. I almost believed it myself."

"It is still true. This is my country now and be damned if I let any upstart take it from me. They will remain well protected but they will find the price a little steeper than what they currently believe. Of course we will get LOTS of help from a certain someone in making them accept these measures."

"About that one. He could be anywhere."

"Drilling down will make him show himself sooner or later. When my forces arrive with the needed equipment his musty old army of bones will be hard pressed even if they have multiplied in the past millennia. Do not assume me arrogant either now that I have won general. It will be a fight but one we can win."

"And if he does not show?"

"The crowd out there thinks Chrysalis is out to get them again so she will do. A few fake attacks here and there will convince them. Wipe out some small hamlet and blaming her will do just fine. Hmm... Find a small hamlet and draw up the plans now just in case."

"Yes sire. But what about the... Report... We received?"

"Hah... That... Five soldiers missing because the circus kidnapped them after giving them a show... Feh. If they are dumb enough to be overtaken by a gaggle of rebels dressed as circus clown's and show ponies we are better off without them. *Sigh* Have a warning order sent out to watch for a traveling circus act... Never had I imagined the day..."

"Yes sire."

"Wait... Where is this place? What was it called again? Sunny?"

"Sunny Vale."


"Mmm... Less than eighty I believe."

"Perfect. Draw up plans to have them put to the sword, we will blame Chrysalis or him for it... Have the smiths craft some changeling weapons first... I have a book in my chamber with details on them, craft a set of weapons in secret. Even if we do not use them on this hamlet they can still be used later to scare the ponies into doing whatever I want."

"At once."

"Now Celestia. You did VERY well! As promised I will not chain you to your bed tonight. A little cooperation goes a long way does it not?"

"You are holding my sister hostage and threaten to kill her if I do not!"

"Oh no, no, no!"

Steelshod walked over to Luna and stroked her face lovingly.

"No... No... I promised that if you did anything or so much as sneezed wrong I would torture her. I will have her beaten, raped over and over again by my soldiers till she BLEEDS! That is just the begining of what I can do to dear Luna here without ever killing her or permanently damaging her very... Fine... Body..."

Luna gagged and struggled.

"But dont worry! So long as you uphold your end of the bargain no harm will ever come to her."

"I thought you hoped to win me over still?"

Steelshod looked Celestia over and shook his head slowly.

"Not now... I had hoped at first to resolve this little problem peacefully and win your hand but the past few weeks... No. You buried your true nature so deep you would never come around to seeing the truth and accepting my hand openly. Your loss."

"I pity you."

"How could a slave pity their master? I defeated you all, conquered the nation, lost a handful of troops while mopping the floor with your own... Not only that but did you see the crowd? They love me now. ADORE me. Soon you will be forgotten and become expendable... I can blame Chrysalis for that in the future... That's a good idea... When she denies it they will only demand her head and I will GLADLY deliver that..."

Steelshod shuddered a minute thinking about the insect queen.

*Ugh* "That repulsive insect's head to them. I will even behead her myself before the crowd just to rid the world of such a disgusting thing! Anyway. There is nothing to pity. I own you. I own it all."

Celestia glared at him as Luna continued to struggle against her bindings even trying to lunge forward at Steelshod only to be yanked back by two soldiers.

"Hrrg hrmm hurr!"

"Oh take the gag off her and lets hear what she has to say, I am in a very good mood!"

Spitting the gag out when it was loosened Luna growled.

"You will pay!"

"Oh I very much doubt that. Gag her."

Luna was gagged and drug away to her cell while Celestia was taken off to be sealed in her tiny room. Steelshod sat on his new throne for a minute before removing Cadence's horn and rolled it in his hand.

One princess left to go. He was not a cruel master though... He would allow her another week before the town would fall and for her crimes... A simple... "Accident" during the fighting would suffice. Handing the horn off to a soldier waiting with a lock box it was placed inside with the other three and quickly removed from the chamber.

Rising from the throne and heading to the dining hall Steelshod wondered what he would have for dinner tonight with his officers to celebrate their rise to power.

Above him an unseen and most unwelcome guest clung onto the ceiling hiding in the shadows and morphed to blend in with the surroundings. It almost buzzed its wings in anger over what it had just heard and trailing its eyes down to the lone soldier slid free quietly and stalked after him.

Chapter 42: Revelations and Newfound "Allies"

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Shadow was roused early the next morning by a servant and surprisingly had breakfast delivered on a tray. Eating quickly and dawning the new set of clothes presented to her she hurried to Valkradian's study. Last night he had informed her that there were important matters to attend too and when woken to hurry.

Jogging down the hallway she burst into his study and he was nowhere in sight, a servant stood quietly before beckoning to her and departing. Following down the hallway it stopped in front of a wall and motioned for her to "enter."

Looking the wall over she gingerly placed her hand against it and moments later it slid aside revealing another passage that went deeper into the earth. Stepping inside the hallway the stone door slid closed behind her and the only light was a single crystal to her right. Peering off into the inky darkness she pulled it free gently and began walking.

Having been trained to spot traps Shadow could tell this hallway was heavily protected but all the defences were silent, inert. Reaching the end she had three doors but one was open and turning into it she walked down a hallway then a flight of stairs.

Whatever was down here Valkardian had gone to great lengths to make certain no one would ever disturb it. Multiple doors became present and one was open, walking inside she was greeted by the sight of a vast armory. Weapons of every kind lined the walls including racks of armor for a small company.

One set however was set apart from the rest, standing on its own in the middle facing her. Beside it two racks with weapons, equipment and a shield waited her. Shadow approached the suit of armor and marveled at its exquisite construction and design.

Every fantasy book she had ever read always had armor designed by "evil" being inky black and wicked looking with spikes and blades hanging off to scare others but this was not the case. The full set of plate armor was a deep, dark blue with red and gold runes bending and twisting in elaborate designs across its surface.

No spikes adorned its surface but the gauntlets with its carefully jointed fingers held a small row of sharpened knobs. Running her hand overs it polished surface she was mesmerized by its beauty but practicality in design. It was a tight fitting suit of armor made just for the wearer and would fit them like a second skin while allowing them to turn and pivot as if they were not wearing armor at all.

The breastplate was sectioned off into many carefully joined plates leaving no gaps to stab through as they overlapped but the helmet grabbed her attention the most. It was truly a thing of beauty, made to fit a pony perfectly and allow the ears to move freely but remain fully protected. A crest ran along the back with a purple plume that stood up proudly and arched down the back.

However it was the design's on the surface that grabbed her attention more than anything. While the suit was elaborately decorated with runes and design's the helmet was absolutely smothered in them. Each line of runes was carefully placed to make it appear as if the wearer was bestial in some way. Feral. While it was a truly beautiful design it made her wonder what she would look like wearing it.

This was hers right? Looking it over carefully Shadow checked the back and found two spaces for wings and a long chain of smaller armor pieces to attach to the wearers rings. It was not made for a pegasi though because of how it lacked any under cutting straps, the segments were designed to adhere somehow directly to the wing securely without having to pierce the wing or membrane...

"Eeeehehehehe!" Shadow bounced in place happily. This was indeed her armor.

"Well dont stand there put it on already."

"AHH! Oh its just you..."

"Yes it is "just" me. Now put it on and make certain it fits properly."

Shadow tightened her gambeson then pulled the breastplate free and slid it on, Valkardian helped her with the wing attachments explaining their function and how to get them on and off. It took quite a while but after she had donned her armor Shadow openly admitted it was much lighter than the training armor she had been forced to wear. That was the point however.

A mirror was on one side of the room and looking herself over she smiled at her reflection. The armor suited her so perfectly it was scary and slipping the helmet on a strange sensation washed over her causing Shadow to jump slightly.

"This armor has enough enchantments to keep you alive without the need to eat, drink or sleep for weeks. However, it must be allowed to recharge if you call on that power. Most of the enchantments are neutral and active at all times such as granting you greater stamina and the ability to regenerate your wounds. Others must be called upon such as seeing heat, cold, living creatures, magical aura's, etc. I have a small book for you to read on the suit so you understand it better."

"Doesnt the enemy have weapons that cancel out magic?"

"Yes but this armor is also very special in another way. It is made of pure dalthrick."

She shook her head.

"Dalthrick is one of the most rare metals on the planet. When I say RARE I mean it is so rare I have to recycle every scrap piece of metal I can get my hands on to remake anything. In six thousand years I have only found maybe five hundred pounds of it. The metal is extremely durable and accepting of enchantments but also so hard that well... Hammering one piece out to make one of those segments can take days. Easily."

"Must be frustrating..."

"Well worth the protection though. You will find MOST weapons will fail to penetrate the armor what so ever. Powerful magic will still be a danger but so long as you keep a shield handy you can let it adsorb the blow instead of your armor. That shield is made of a lighter metal but is plated to give extra protection. It weighs less than your tower shield so you can move it easily. Oh and you will find that the end point on the kite shield... Just hit someone's out stretched leg and it will most likely cut into it armor or not. Don't hit your own leg with it mind you."

"This is awesome..."

"I am glad you like it. Also there are no open eye-holes, long story but you can still see out clearly. Technically speaking though I never tried it myself if you shielded yourself in a bubble you could stay underwater for quite a while and breathe normally. It is a very handy suit of armor..."

"You made this specially for me?"

"No... It was to be my gift to Blood Lily but... I did not get around to delivering it on time."

Shadow looked down at her armor letting it sink in. She would probably be alive or at least died of old age had she gotten the armor on time. A gift to one of his only friends that failed to arrive when it was needed most.

"I will make certain it is put to good use."

"Please do."

"Valkardian, lately I have been thinking and when the war comes to its close that would mean we have to "rescue" Celestia and Luna..."


"I finished reading another book on my peoples history and what was done to them... I have been wanting revenge for what happened. It makes me so angry I do not feel like lifting a finger to help either of them, let them die for all I care."

"Will you?"

"Part of me screams yes but another says there are more important things at stake."

"There is nothing wrong with desiring revenge, it is a very important part of being ALIVE. The desire to see justice done when the world has refused to see it carried out. Your other half is correct though, greater things are at stake and any feelings or desires of revenge must be pushed aside for this to work. I too want revenge for some things but know better. That is simply how the world works sometimes."

"It's not right that they will walk free again."

"I never said they would "walk free" now did I?"


Valkardian nodded.

"A price is to be paid one way or another and they will deliver. Ancient promises were made and I intend to collect. Now. Grab your equipment there and follow me."

Shadow nodded and quickly dawned her new equipment or put it into the provided "bag of holding" as he called it. She grinned while looking the shield over before putting it away. Emblazoned on the front of it was a cave lily. While Shadow may not have known Blood Lily in life she could seek out her own little revenge in this war by making bastards who were doing the same that had been done to her family pay dearly.

"Oh... Here, watch this before we enter."

Valkardian stopped and handed Shadow a viewing crystal and accepting it she closed her eyes and permitted the energy to bypass the armors shielding to watch its contents. A spectacular birds eye view of Canterlot Castle was laid out but it was the two standing on the balcony that drew the most attention.

Watching and listening as Steelshod went through his speech she felt disgusted and angry. As the ponies went from silent loathing to absolute joy at the promise of endless milk and honey she almost severed the connection. How could they be so gullible? It was obvious to anyone with half a brain-cell that he was toying with them!

His remarks about new enemies made her prickle but it was when he had stopped talking and turned to Celestia that the situation sunk in quickly. While the crowd was incapable of hearing his whispering whatever kept silent vigil heard every last word of the threat.

It faded to black and handing the crystal back he waited a moment before speaking.

"That was yesterday. Two days ago the Crystal Empire fell in the shortest battle yet, it lasted all of five minutes. Cadence is also prisoner now and that leaves Twilight. Now. Before we go in I want to warn you to be on your best behavior. Act every part the soldier. Understood?"

"Yes?" Shadow watched him nod slowly before tapping the door, it slid open quickly and walking in she glanced around the vast room and froze when her eyes fell on three figures that terrified her.

"Shadow. Allow me to introduce to you General Herr Blutlanze, Ritter Albtraum and Graf Nacht Klinge."

She stared as the three pony skeletons stared back at her with their glowing orbs for eyes. Two were armored similarly to her but had different crests on their breastplates. Blutlanze simply nodded to her as his eerie yellow orbs traced over her before going back to the massive map on the wall. Albtraum ignored her entirely while Nacht Klinge was dressed in robes and continued to study her with a piercing stare from her green orbs.

"Shadow, draw your attention to the map."

Valkardian walked over to the map and stood beside them examining the map and walking carefully as if they would tear into her at any moment she followed and stood beside him.

The map was truly immense going from floor to ceiling some ten feet up and wider. All of Equestria was laid out clearly on the crystalline surface as magic powered it giving them a more three dimensional view of everything. Tokens with numbers attached were all over the map and some had lines drawn showing where they might be going.

Blutlanze was more focused on the North Eastern part of the map and Albtraum was looking back and forth with what she could only guess was disinterest save for one narrow corridor. Natch however made Shadow shiver she never took her eyes off of her for one second.

Tugging on her link with Valkardian she pleaded to know what was going on and who they were but more than anything why the one in robes kept "glaring" at her.

"Blutlanze and Albtraum are death knights in my service, Nacht is a liche."

"That does not explain very much!"

He raised his hands a moment and beckoned them all away from the map for a moment.

"Very well then, if it bothers you that much. Herr Blutlanze is one of my generals, he commands my forces in another part of the caves keeping the trog's contained whenever they try and break out. Ritter Albtraum does the same but also aids me in keeping tabs on the world above. Graf Nacht Klinge commands some of my more... "Special" troops in battle that require a more magical touch and greater focus to control."

"I thought you were alone down here..."

Nacht spoke up first with a voice that seemed to echo up from her chest. "Our High Lord is truly a recluse, rarely venturing out nor allowing any in so it is only logical you would assume that."

"Graf Nacht Klinge, we are not here to observe but plan for war." Herr Blutlanze seemed annoying with the interruption as his low voice echoed around the room.

Albtraum had already turned back to the map again. "Forgive Herr Blutlanze, he lacks a sense of humor and despises wasting time... Now. Who are you then hmm?"

"Shadow Moon. Valkardians... I am not really sure."

"You are one of my generals as of today Shadow. Congratulations."

"You have much to prove of yourself to deserve such an honor at so young an age!" Blutlanze appeared to be glaring at her before turning away.

"He is right Shadow but your knowledge of the world above and how its terrain works far exceeds that of any other officer or general I command."

"How many do you have like them then? What is a Death Knight? Liche?"

"You really thought I was doing all of this alone? You must think very highly of my abilities. No, I require help to carry out things on this scale, the strain of having to command multiple armies across the vast Underworld would be to great. Now then."

"A Death Knight is exactly that, an undead knight. Mind you they are quite different from the living ones above, they have... "Special talents" when it comes to combat and command. A liche on the other hand is an undead wizard that can control death as easily as breathing, does it surprise you to see a non-unicorn a liche now that you know what she is?"

Shadow looked Nacht over and nodded.

"Good, because she is from a time when ancient magics were still known in many circles. That one harnessed them and pickled herself so well with runes that when her body gave out she continued to live on."

"What about the othe-"

"They made an agreement with me long ago, one for revenge on a large scale the other... You will have to ask Ritter Albtraum."

"You are forgetting something Valkardian." Nacht's voice still made her shiver.

"Ah. Yes. Shadow, you will be learning to use rune magic, a crash course but Graf Nacht here will explain how it works because you will most certainly be going up against it. Now your training also included plenty of explanations but she will give you greater detail and even show you how to harness it."

Nacht nodded slowly.

"So what kind of forces does she command then?"

"I am standing right here little one. Valkardian has placed his Bone Dragons at my command, they can be... Temperamental because of how the magic of their life still clings to them so a direct hand is needed to keep them under control."


If Nacht could smile she was, Shadow could feel it in how the air in the room changed slightly. Watching them talk quietly was less physical and more mental as their tones, glowing orbs for eyes and little bodily movements expressed their emotions in place of flesh.

One High Lord, Lord, Lady and knight. With saints only knew how many more of them stalking the dark tunnels in preparation for the war. Looking at he map Shadow noticed a good portion was fogged heavily blocking her view of a good portion of the Underworld.

"You are hiding things from me again!"

"Of course. Security reasons only, I do trust you Shadow but some things are better left unknown to you for now."

She nodded as plans were laid out. It seemed that the other three already had their own instructions before her arrival and were now fine tuning things. Herr Blutlanze was to join Valkardian with his own army when the final trap was set, in the meantime he was to keep track of Shadow's movements and aid if needed.

Ritter Albtraum had the most interesting assignment though, besides being the spy master he was also going to be carrying out a few hand picked assassinations here and there to sow a little chaos and keep them off balance.

His assurance that the assassins would be more than a match for their unsuspecting prey made Shadow wonder. If Valkardian considered skeletons soldiers, gargoyles as guardians, wraiths for scouts... What freakish invention of his counted as an assassin? She did not want to find out.

The sheer number of forces that waited below was mesmerizing though. Shadow knew he had more than just a division or two but what she was seeing went far and beyond that. How long had he been planning to invade? The time involved to make such vast hoards was astounding and glancing over the force compositions it was clear to her that if Steelshod thought this would be an easy victory he was sorely mistaken.

Somewhere in that mass of tokens was her own forces, waiting.

A small blip on the top of the map drew her attention when the map flickered back to the surface again. The Crystal Empire refugee camp was clearly marked with soldiers present and civilian population but there was a little mark indicating infantry to their West. Shadow focused on it trying to read it and jumped with a small yelp when a translucent magical text popped in front of her face with the pertinent information.

*Sigh* "Calm yourself girl! The map is not going to eat you! Harness its power!" Herr Blutlanze had annoyance in his voice but never turned around. It was a little embarrassing to be a "general" now and have the other's see her as unworthy of the honor. Maybe they were right, she had done little to earn their faith.

"Crystal Empire Rebels? One regiment... 376."

"Aye. Some of the soldiers refused to surrender, ran, regrouped and are now camped some forty three miles West of the refugee camp. Most of the soldiers however were loaded onto trains and taken over here... Many were sent back to the camp later but some remained and have since... Lets just say "disappeared" hm?"

Albtraum had turned and watched her for a moment before pointing out locations and what was going on.

"So Steelshod took the ones who would resist despite the surrender and "resolved" the issue quietly without raising alarm?"

"That is what my spies have reported. Going to be many new rows of well fertilized pine trees out there now."

"Any other rebel forces?"

"None outside of Ponyville. Look at the newspapers behind you."

Turning around and shifting through them each proudly proclaimed their new Emperor and Empress, a new day for Equestria as Celestia had buried the hatchet despite the bad blood. All that remained was a new enemy for them to focus on.

"So we are the new enemy. He is playing us."

"A bit of both actually. We have to invade no matter what so the ponies hating us is a moot point. Chrysalis will probably be perturbed by this as well but we shall see. More importantly is that his plan to invade my realm is put on hold now that his fleet is bereft of its war machines."

The map flickered back and forth between the Underworld and the surface again as they continued to argue about her course of action now.

"I believe your best course of action will be to invade Western Equestria and move South East. The plan is to make him think you are on a harvesting expedition in a mock attempt to build up my forces. Dont worry about the bodies after a battle, Nacht will take care of that. You are to focus on keeping up the illusion and convince him your ultimate target is somewhere... Here. East of Los Pegasus"

"Steelshod will think we are going to attack Dodge Junction then the other cities right? Pick of the various noble's along the way to limit his numbers, he will actually think we are growing an army because you lack the numbers to attack him directly right?"

"Close enough."

"Okay. So where is my army?"

"Prepared and waiting, what I want you to do now is memorize this..." The map flickered back to the Underworld but with new markers. "Those are entrances to the Underworld and portals you can use if need be. MEMORIZE THEM! You will have a map of your own but you will NOT mark ANYTHING on the map! Keep it locked away in your mind."

"Are you worried I might be captured?"

"Not really but if the map gets dropped for whatever reason I do not want them gleaning anything from it."

"Wont your plan make him throw everything at Ponyville?"

"Not really no. They are toying with them and having a new enemy suddenly appear I will become priority over them. As of four days ago the rail line leading south is firmly in their hands. Taking Ponyville is basically... Past tense now. They already control what is most important so this little plan will not give them any great worry."

"But they still might."

Herr Blutlanze turned. "Your Lord knows what he is doing. Trust him! You are his general whether I approve or not. Follow your orders and carry out the plan!"

"MMmm. She is right though. Unfortunately the only way to bolster them so they wind up in a prolonged siege would be that little rabble up North. Not that it would help, they need a few battalions not a regiment."

"My lord we can ill afford to send our own forces to aid them, it would give everything away."

"Yes but there must be another solution waiting somewhere, not ALL of them could have so easily thrown in the towel already. Someone must be ready to rebel in number somewhere. Graf Nacht Klinge. Take Shadow and teach her."

"Yes my lord. Shadow?"

It was eerie following the liche out and back into the mansion and then into the garden. A large table had been set up with papers, stones and crystals laid out.

"Now first let me warn you that unlike unicorn magic the use of runes drains your own energy more heavily. Use it too much and you will die though I do not expect you to master anything over the next three days you will still have a good grasp of how it works and what to look out for. Ready?"


"Very good. Now let us start with how to channel power."

Graf Nacht Klinge was an outstanding teacher surpassing Valkardian's abilities by far. Perhaps being dead for so long gave her the patience only a saint could hope for but after a day and a half she never slowed or showed a shortage of patience.

It was weird not having to sleep or eat though, the lessons took priority and that meant sticking with it. Not that she did not enjoy the lessons either, understanding how her armor was made and how to play on flaws in anothers armor if she could see and understand their runes it truly was valuable information.

Ancient powers long forgotten... Any sentient being could potentially use the runes and channel energy through them but the risks were great to those untrained in their use. It came to an abrupt end however when Valkardian arrived and asked Shadow to join him so she could see something.

Hooves clacked along the corridor as a green light bathed the walls in its eerie glow. The little group of creatures walked quickly and with purpose only stopping when they reached a stone door. A clawed hand reached out and tapped a button opening it and filing in they took their positions while the largest one sat in the chair and waited with her hands on the table, fingers interwoven.

Patience was a virtue for her kind but it was not a terribly long wait before the other door opened revealing two figures one decked out and ready for war.

"Worried are we?"

"Not at all Chrysalis just a little surprised is all. This little room of mine has had quite a bit of use these past few days."

"Mmm... Interesting construct you have there... So life like. When was it we last spoke?"

"The first time was the last time. Your mother introduced you before trying one of her little stunts and then you both left. Alive."

"As if you did not enjoy her little stunts."

"Why are you here?"

"One of my drones was in Canterlot during Steelshod's little "speech" and learned some valuable information. Perhaps a trade is in order?"

"Are you saying my own spy network is inferior?"

"Not at all!" She shifted a little give him a better view. "I just thought you might like to know a few little tidbits that were picked up."

"What could you possibly know that I do not already? That Steelshod plans to attack me? He has the princesses save one held prisoner in Canterlot? Using them as leverage? What do you know."

*Tut, tut* "First a deal."

"No deal. Either you tell me what is so almighty important that you risked coming here after breaking our agreement or I walk out that door."

Chrysalis twitched slightly.

"Very well... As you should already know Equestria's new "Emperor" plans to use us both as his scapegoats. Whichever of us he goes for first will be the focus of his armies. As for myself he plans to exterminate a little hamlet called Sunny Vale and blame me for it."

"Wouldn't be the first time a population disappeared on your account."

*Hisss!* Her face contorted in anger before she calmed down. "I do not murder! Not like you anyway."

"No you just parasite off a host until they drop dead of "natural causes."

"I do what I must or my hive's survival."

"How does his intent to kill you in any way affect me?"

"None what so ever but during his little private speech a few tidbits slipped out but more importantly... I know where their horns are kept."

"Joy to the world. I intend to take the city and you know it. They will be in my hands either way."

"Mmmm. Perhaps. But I imagine you having a princess to use as leverage against either the rebels or him would be advantageous... Correct?"

"You have a princess hidden away in your bountiful cleavage then?"

She leaned back a moment and smiled broadly.

"No but I know when one will be available for... Transfer."

"Transfer? I take it then he plans to send Cadence to Ponyville to try and force a surrender."

"Yes! But only I know which train she will be on!"

"Could be useful..."

"Oh it will be more than useful because I know more! Shall we... Strike a deal?"

Valkardian eyed her for several minutes as Chrysalis slowly slid forward leaning onto the table and laying her head in the palm of her upturned hands and acted all the part of a charmer.

"What is your price."

"Excellent! I know you have no use for Equestria and only want to keep your precious "status quo" maintained and I will do so. Just give me half."


"Half of Equestria, to do with as I please. They will be in no position to negotiate after the war is over and even with my own forces... Depleted as you well know from your spies..."

"You intend to use it as a chance to rebuild then conquer the other half. Do you really think I will fall for that?"

"I am telling the truth! *sigh* This war will leave them so riled up that by the time I am at full strength again they could destroy me. Had Steelshod never come I would not be here but his little war changed everything for the worse."

"Not so easy to infiltrate anymore?"

"No... I have already lost several drones to his forces."

"So how exactly did you sneak into Canterlot then, the lions den."

She closed her eyes and growled.

"Luck. Lots of luck. My drone almost died trying to get out. While I may have broken our earlier deal I will not break this one."

"No deal but I will give you one in return."

"Oh? Do tell."

"When this is all over you can have at them for all I care but you will avoid North Eastern Equestria and until I say otherwise Dodge Junction. If you ever so much as send a single spy into those two regions I will burn your hive to the ground and you will join your grandmother as my slave."

"Ohhh... Kinky!"

"Cough up your information."

"Cadence will be on a train bound for Ponyville day after tomorrow. First train, third car. Do not worry they did not find my other spy, only the one that found the location of the horns."

"And where are they then?"

"I could get them for you..."

"Oh and what are you asking for now?"

"What my mother offered you..."

Chrysalis leaned forward and pulled her arms in emphasizing her breasts while giving a seductive look.

"Right. I am not interested in marrying you."

"Oh come now, just give me some of your gene's to propagate a couple of drones, that is all I ask."


Shadow watched quietly standing at attention. This was becoming a little too much as the insectoid pony tried to seduce Valkardian. Chrysalis leaned forward even more threatening to have her breasts spill out revealing just the tops of her neon green aureola's before stopping. Valkardian's eyes traced down and he smiled making Shadow worry.

"You know Chrysalis. I really do enjoy the show you are putting on. Truly, it would be wonderful to see the full package standing on the table but... Pass. I intend to keep my testicles right where they are."

"Come now! I rarely do that and only to my enemies! It would be the best night of your life!"

"I imagine it would be but no. I would sooner sleep with Celestia while she holds a dagger to my back."

"Hmp. Your loss. I must admit it was hilarious that she wore a white dress during the coronation. The queen of black widows... She should have been required to wear a black dress and dye her coat black. Never will I understand what you saw in that caniving bitch."

"A change of heart. Taken too far however."

"Feh. My mother offered you the world not... Cakes and dancing pastel ponies."

"Still not interested. I enjoy what I have and can KEEP it."

"No drive... No ambition... Well you have ambition but you could be so much more... Think about it, you would rule below and I Equestria from above. I do not care to rule the world like my mother and it would be perfect."

"Except for the constant headache of putting down endless rebellions."

"Comes with the crown dear."

"Not in my case."

"Touche. Such a waste... So our deal stands then?"

"Yes. One princess and I will not lift a finger after the war."

"Oh you want me to grab her now?"

"It would be best. I understand you two have an interesting history."

"Not really but her husband... Hmhmhm!"

"Deliver me one Princess Cadence and not only will I slaughter your greatest enemy before he smites your gorgeous ass but you also have the guarantee of neutrality. I remind you of Ruby if you think of betraying me."

"Pah! While I may have broken our little agreement I made certain it would cause you no trouble! While I have my plans I do not care to risk my hive's survival like she did. Oh and here is another tidbit as a show of good faith..."

"I am listening."

"Steelshod is calling a gathering of Celestia and Luna's old officer corp in Caterlot today. He is hoping to get their forces to sign on and fight you. I give this information freely in good faith and as apology for any inconvenience I may have caused you."


Chrysalis stood and approached Shadow and examined her closely. She did not budge and inch and remained as still as a statue while the creature looked her over.

"Whoever you are... You are doing a very good job pretending to be a statue or are very disciplined..."

Turning she walked off with a seductive sway in her step keeping a close eye on Valkardian as he watched her leave. When the door had closed behind them he stood and beckoned Shadow over.

"Queen Chrysalis of the changelings..."

"She has a thing for you?"

"Not like that, for her it is all politics and power, mind you she could make a wonderful wife in bed but she has a heart darker than a black hole. It is the way of her species however." He shrugged. "I can not blame her for being as she was made but that does not mean I am going to play along. Time for you to return to your studies."

"Is she going to betray you?"

"Maybe. Probably. It is their way. So long as you keep a strong face and iron fist held over them they will adhere to any agreement. Blink and they strike."

"Cheery bunch. Did you ever take their offers seriously in the past?"

"No. I must admit having such a fine specimen for a wife would be a joy her insidious side far outweighs it. A shame."

"You never told her where to deliver Cadence..."

"Here. This is a meeting point and also transfer area. I suspect that after you have left there will be a royal guest chained below."

"Chained below? Your not going to actually save her?"

"Oh yes but mostly to my own ends. If Chrysalis can pull this off and mind you she WILL pull it off... That one is as underhanded and deceitful as they come... I can use Cadence as leverage against both sides. Ponyville will refuse to surrender so long as she lives and can be used to rally the Crystal Ponies to try and break the siege or at least drag things out."

"And the meeting taking place?"

"Time will tell. However if Luna has lapsed back to her old ways Steelshod might be making a serious mistake in trying to rally her old officers to his cause. We just have to wait and see."

Chapter 43: The Gauntlet is Thrown

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A large group of officers were gathered in the castle from the lowest lieutenant to highest general. All bore a sash marking themselves as the old officers of Celestia or Luna's old armies. Steelshod had requested their presence to behold their former rulers and make them a deal.

"As I have stated you are not the enemy, there are more than enough of them above and below for us to contend with. Your former leaders are here... Safe and sound as you can see. They support me and all of us hope you will once again bear the banner of Equestria in its defense."

Steelshod smiled inside, with the arrival of Cadence he could not keep these two on display while the third was held hostage, holding the pregnant mare over them as leverage had worked after promising the newborn would be made a whore if they did not play along. Celestia had agreed very quickly but Luna had again put up a fight before eventually relenting.

It was working perfectly. The officers of the Crystal empire that had been to boisterous had been put to death but only after the ranks had been filtered for trouble makers. The rest had rejoined their family, stripped of rank but would soon be offered the same deal. Only a small faction had managed to escape but were so few it did not matter.

"What do you say? Shall you return to your old ranks and stations or will you retire peacefully?"

An older officer stepped forward. "I am well aware how you massacred the first and third battalions near Tall Tale even after they surrendered!"

"I did not such thing. Unfortunately I was forced to hire mercenaries and they disobeyed their orders. Those forces were to be taken prisoner and disarmed not wiped out but their lust and greed for loot got the better of them. Rest assured, today justice will be carried out!"

He beckoned and heads turned save a few as a few mercenaries were drug into the throne room in chains. What none but Steelshod knew was that they were magically gagged and suppressed to be docile.

"As you can see I have the officers in question here."

That was a lie, he had asked the mercenary captains to pick out seven from their ranks that would not be missed and would be glad to be rid of. They had been paid handsomely in return.

"These seven are the ones responsible, the general in command of the forces was unaware of what was happening. Now I do not blame the common soldier for what they have done, they were only following orders. The blame lies on the officers and as such these seven will be punished here and now!"

A tense air filled the room as Steelshod approached the hapless group while a soldier presented him with his two handed claymore.

"I want it known that I take full responsibility for the error made and am not afraid to do what needs to be done. There is no excuse in what happened. Let this be a lesson to those who would commit such crimes!"

Hefting the blade up he brought it down with a swift stroke removing the griffons head sending it rolling on the marble floor. Blood sprayed across the marble finish tainting it red as he moved to the next mercenary and repeated the process.

They watched in tense silence as the executions proceeded, the only sounds were his blade striking and heads falling on the floor before the bodies were let loose, slumping quietly to the ground.

Not all heads however watched his display. Several were turned slightly towards Luna.

Even before he had begun to speak Luna was already playing her plan out, so long as Ponyville stood Steelshod would be forced to occupy his loyal forces with the siege rather than fight Valkardian if he ever came. She prayed he would.

Getting a message to her officers was no small task but Steelshod had made a simple error in organizing their number based on which princess they had served. Standing across from her own officers who had been hand picked for their dedication, intelligence and most of all loyalty it gave her a golden opportunity.

Folding her arms slightly before things began so Steelshod would be unable to see her movements as the other soldiers in the room were too occupied watching the officers gathered she moved her fingers rapidly to get attention.

Eyes had slowly moved towards her and with a few gestures that at first confused them they began to play along. Keeping their eyes on Steelshod so he would not become suspicious of her actions she managed to get Colonel Fleur's attention and hold it while the others covered for her.

A wordless conversation went back and forth as they both spelled out their intentions in short sentences using their fingers. When Steelshod stepped away to carry out the executions and continue his little speech it became easier. Major Night Bane had joined in after a flurry of hand movements they nodded quietly before turning away.

The wheels of Luna's plan were now in motion and with any luck would severely undermine Steelshod buying Valkardian more time for whatever he was planning. Somewhere deep down she knew he was going to come for them but whether it was out of long lost affection or cold logic she did not know.

She prayed it was a bit of both.

"Who will join me? Step forward."

Steelshod had the bodies left there for all to see quietly and playing along her officers pretending to mull the situation over. Celestia's officers were the first to step forward after watching her for a long moment. She only nodded and soon about half of them stepped forward, the rest refused choosing quiet retirement.

Steelshod only smiled at them and wished them well in their new lives while promising those who were old would recieve payment for their many decades of loyal service. It appeased them.

Nodding to them ever so slightly her own began to filter forward promising to reform Luna's army and serve to defend Equestria from all its enemies no matter who they were. Not all did however, many held back pretending to not be interested choosing to retire into obscurity.

It was working and they also understood it meant they might have to kill each and every one of Celestia's officers before it all ended. Luna held back a smile keeping a somber face and even acting a little betrayed which only made Steelshod smile wider. Luna was proud of them no matter what fate awaited them good or bad.

With any luck they would be able to break free in just a few days and prolong the siege of Ponyville and with a little divine intervention... Throw Steelshod's plans into total chaos. They were under orders that no matter what happened to her, no matter how bad it got, keep fighting. If she were found dead by a nameless assassin: Avenge her.

*Ponyville, same day*

"I call upon you to surrender to your rightful Emperor and Empress! In the name of Steelshod and Celestia lay down your arms!"


An arrow shot across the distance at the soldier bearing the white flag but was stopped when his companion raised a shield.

Colonel Bright Lance was very vocal despite having lost half her forces and done little damage to the enemy. They held on anyway simply to spite their enemy knowing they were all doomed to die but had accepted their fate. Shining was becoming terribly fatigued from keeping the shield up even with Twilight's help but they had all agreed that whatever end awaited them was better than surrender.

"Lay down your arms! No help is coming! Princess Cadence is to stand trial for sedition and insurrection! Shining Armor! Lay down your arms and Emperor Steelshod promises to show great brevity towards your wife and may even forgive her actions AND your own!"


"If you require proof that she is prisoner it shall be provided!"

"Then show her!"

"She is not here yet but will be, lay down your arms!"

"Show me my wife first!"

Bright Lance glared at Shining.

"You can not be serious..."

"I'm not. But executing a pregnant mare is something I doubt he is willing to do. It would turn Equestria against him."

"Mmm... Lets hope you are right. YOU! PISS OFF!"

Another arrow shot out and missed as the party backed away.

"You have little time left! I suggest you take his majesties kind offer before it costs you your lives!"

They left the parapet and headed towards the castle grumbling about what to do. Food was all but exhausted, there were no medical supplies left and the wounded kept piling up. Rainbow Dash was up and about now but had to lean on a spear, Pinkie was a sobbing wreck hiding in the basement.

"They are really going to let us have it now..."

Twilight looked at Bright Lance.

"What do you mean?"

"How many siege engines do they have now?"


"How many fire on us at any given time?"



"Oh. Why?"

*Urg* Bright Lance turned and faced Twilight after they were safely inside. "Because they are TOYING with us!"

"The Colonel is right Twily. They could have taken this town any time they wanted. I bet they could have breached the palisade in the first two hours and swarmed over us if they wanted."

"Well why didn't they?!"

"My guess is that despite their tactical, strategic and numerical superiority they are unwilling to risk the loss of lives it would have taken. Bright Lance put enough spike pits, oil pots and ballista in their way that their first wave would have suffered heavy losses."

"Damn right they would. They had the ladders and planks required at the start of the siege to just run over the wall too. I dont think Steelshod can afford to take even a handful of losses. Yes, I admit we are going to loose but even now we still have enough equipment held back to make they pay for breaching the wall."

"That doubt is probably the only thing keeping them at bay for now. They were very quick to seize the southern rail line though... We are no longer much of a priority since the castle and fortifications sit so far away from the rail lie. With Ponyville abandoned and forced to who knows where so they can not see what is going on..."

Twilight felt like a third wheel during all the planning and fighting, she had done her best to come up with magical solutions but with so much energy required to keep the shield up her idea's were useless.

"So why would they let us "have it" now then?"

"Oh that's simple my dear. Using Cadence as a hostage? It means they are now more certain of their position and no longer need to worry about the likes of us. This little charade they have going is just to get us to throw our hands up to save them the trouble."

"Then why dont we surrender? It would only save lives."

Bright Lance and Shining glared a moment before he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Sometimes its better to die free than live as a slave. I swore an oath to protect Celestia once and then to my wife. I have a gut feeling if we surrender imprisonment will be the least they do to us at this point."

"Your no good to them dead!"

"Twily, we were dead the moment we resisted."

Her ears drooped at the realization that none of them would be allowed to walk away alive now, they had proven themselves to be too stubborn and vocal to be worth keeping. Any attempt to force a surrender was for the enemies sake not their own, it was not worth storming the gates and risking their lives when they could just wait them out.

"Princess, I suggest you have the wounded moved away from the windows and move anything flammable from the rooms themselves."


"They have only fired on the compound or at the wall. The only reason any windows blew out was from concussion or near misses that were aimed elsewhere. I figure tomorrow or the day after they will aim for the castle itself and try to burn us out. Those giant windows are an easy target and they will be aiming dead center."

"Hmm... Your a genius right? Draw me up a map of all thirteen catapults and mark their trajectories for me. Figure out where they are really aiming and then we can better prepare. If you can figure that out and they do not move them that might give us an edge."

"On drawing this out?"

"I intend to make that bastard pay for every inch in blood! Half my soldiers are dead, wounded or dying so believe me when I say to you I dont give a damn!"

Nodding she began to walk but Rainbow stopped them.

"I am going to try again."

"Not this again. Rainbow you are injured! Stay in bed!"

"I still have my wings! I can fly to get help!"

"You were shot down moments after leaving, you were lucky to have glided back into the shielded area!"

"Yeah well if I go at night-"

"No. I already lost most of my friends and I am not loosing you too!"

"She's right... It might work..."

Twilight turned to her brother with shock written on her face.

"How could you say that after what happened!?"

"Rainbow is right. They have no pegasi in their ranks only unicorns and earth ponies. Going at night would give her a chance, last time she flew straight out and was shot. I cant believe we didn't think of it before. Rainbow, if you flew straight up above the cloud and then veered off you might make it. However, if you get hit again the fall would kill you instantly."

"I'll take the chance."

"Good. But where can you go? Canterlot fell, the refugee camp fell..."

"Surely not all your soldiers are dead or surrendered?" Bright Lance watched him carefully.

"Maybe. I hope not. Alright, fly north and find the camp, sneak in and see what you can find out and if you can find any who fled and regrouped see if they can march south and lift the siege."

"That would take too long, by the time they marched here..."

"Trains... Maybe there is a train they could commandeer and use, you will have to figure it out on your own... Are we agreed then?"

"Agreed." They all nodded and went their separate ways leaving Twilight to return to her study to examine a fire pot that had failed to blow up properly.

Looking over the two runes carved into its surface she understood now how they had managed to bypass the magical shield. Maybe there was a way to augment their own firepots that were being held in reserve with similar runes...

*One day later, 4AM, train-car*

Cadence was bound up and gagged in a cage in the corner while the squad of soldiers sat at a table playing cards. She had the honor of being used to force Ponyville to surrender and if she could pull it off her unborn child's future would look less grim. That and her husband would be safe or so Steelshod promised.

Not one fiber of her being believed he would really honor the deal, instead using her like he had Celestia and Luna, playing one against the other as leverage to prevent rebellion. Closing her eyes she remembered the conversation the three of them had when Steelshod allowed them a small quiet gathering but under the watchful eye of soldiers.

Luna had been vocal about not playing along and holding out, eventually he would slip and civil war would break out giving them a chance at freedom. The soldiers had found this rather hilarious as they watched and listened.

Even she had refused to play along at first until a soldier spoke up about pregnant mares and the future of their offspring. It had the desired effect of making them rather somber about their situation. He had not allowed them to speak to plot against him even if they dared to do it openly but remind them of who controlled their lives and fates.

In the end Celestia said she would side with Steelshod, the safety of her ponies was priority and now that the die had been cast it was their duty as princesses to ensure their peoples future. What applauded them was that somehow Celestia thought that they might be able to reform Steelshod.

Reform him? Was she mad? He was the worst monster she had ever heard of! They had said so as well but Celestia held firm that all can have a change of heart if shown some compassion. She had known his father and he was a very good stallion but in need of understanding, his son was acting out of revenge from the loss of his father and the excuses kept coming.

Luna and stood at that point and asked to be returned to her cell, it was preferable compared to hearing this.

Cadence's eyes snapped open when a soldier walked to the door and peaked out for a moment. Another joined and both went out and the door shut. Leaning so close to the wall she could just make out the sound of a brief scuffle before only the rocking and creaking of the train car could be heard again.

*Train convoy, three minutes earlier*

Pharynx watched the train approaching in the distance, its conductor was in no hurry as it slowly steamed down the mountain and into the last set of rough hills. Nodding back at his team they slipped into the tunnel and grabbed onto the ceiling and faced away from the train and waited.

Moments passed and soon the dull grinding of gears and puffing of smoke announced the trains arrival. Everything vibrated slightly as it entered the last tunnel before it would make the final descent to Ponyville, this was their narrow window to carry out the operation.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

The count continued silently in their heads as the train passed blasting them with smoke but none coughed or closed their eyes despite the stinging sensation it left. Counting the cars he watched as the target passed below and then the next and at zero they grabbed onto the top of the train car landing softly.

Motioning forward the group moved forward quickly and split up. Five to the front, five to the rear. Two stayed on top as Pharynx slipped down onto the back ramp of the car and crouched, another was across from him and one knelt above ready to grab whoever came out.

Leaning over he made a soft scratching sound at the base of the door and listened carefully to the voice of another changeling in his mind as they peaked through a window. One soldier stood and walked overlooking out the window but saw nothing and calling another soldier over they both stood at the door.

Pharynx waited a moment and made another scratching noise but a little farther away and waited and soon the door swung open and the two quickly stepped out shutting the door behind them.

In a blink he drove his blade into the chest of the rearmost soldier while the other across from him did the same. From above a changeling snatched the first soldiers body and hoisted them up and away before tossing their corpse off the train and into the night.

Dragging the body back he dropped it off the side of the steps, the door was not locked.

"Ready crossbows."

From both sides of the train they unslung their weapons and notched bolts while the other team had a changeling power up their horn to blow the other door in since it was still locked. A voice from inside called to the missing soldiers and sending out a command the changeling that had peeking in the window reared back and brought their weapon down shattering it.

Heads spun towards the broken window as one door exploded in a green blast while the other flew open. Aiming inside quickly they fired into the cluster of soldiers clustered around the table along the far wall, a few slumped down immediately but two sprung up drawing their weapons.


Dropping their crossbows they surged in from both sides as the survivors fought to get clear of their comrades bodies. Plowing into them one was grabbed around the throat through the open window and heaved backwards slamming him into the wall. Burying his blade in his chest the other managed one fruitless swing before being overcome in a flurry of blades.

"Find the key."

Yanking the bodies away from the table they tore away until one found a gleaming key hidden away under a breastplate, it hung on a chair around the soldiers neck and yanking it free handed it to Pharynx who turned quickly to their prisoner.

Cadence stared at their blood-soaked forms in horror. The last time the changelings had attacked there had been some violence but most was simply to subdue their opponents not kill or harm them. Seeing them dressed now in full armor that only added to their terrifying appearance she tried to push herself farther away in the small cage.

Pharynx snickered as he unlocked the cage and looked at their enemy.

"Don't worry "princess" we are only here to retrieve you. Someone else wants you and we are just the delivery boys."

Grabbing her by the leg as she thrashed he hauled her from the cage and dragged her across the floor and dropped her. Two others grabbed on and began to bind her up quickly.

"Sir, what about the train? Burn it?"

"No. The queen said to kill all the soldiers in the car and bring her alive and unharmed, the train is someone else's problem now. Move!"

His strike team quickly departed carrying Cadence like a basket case with them and onto the roof of the car. Below the doors were shut quietly and signaling the team they buzzed up into the darkness and disappeared.

Cadence shook in terror as they flew on but had quit struggling, someone else wanted her that was not Steelshod nor her husband obviously so who did that leave? What had Chrysalis been offered in exchange for her freedom?

Landing amongst some trees they dropped her quickly in a small clearing and quickly moved away while the taller one waited at her side. Sitting up and choking on the gag he stiffened a moment before reaching down and removing it before returning to attention.

A pair of green glowing slitted eyes she had prayed to never see again emerged from the gloom as a familiar figure sauntered forward.

"What a pleasure to see you again!"

"Why? Who are you working for Chrysalis!?"

"I work for myself, this is all part of a far greater deal! All I have to do is deliver one little pink pastel pony princess and I am free to do whatever I want!"

"So you have a controller now?"

*Tsk* "It is impolite to start a fight with your rescuer. Your soon to be handler has an agreement with my people, one he is willing to forget if I deliver you into his hands. Be grateful he sees you as important or you would be rotting in that cage."

"Thank... You? Why does he want me and who is he?"

"You will find out soon enough. Oh this is so precious... What happened to your horn mm?"

Cadence glared as Chrysalis traced a finger over the stub grinning wickedly

"Sadly for you my dear... He did not see fit to make your horn part of the deal! Oh well... Phalanx, bag her, we have a delivery to make."

"Yes my queen!"

The gag was shoved back in and tied off while a large sack was opened up, they stuffed Cadence in and tied it off and soon were in the air again moving quickly to deliver a terrified Cadence into the clutches of something else.

*Canterlot, One day earlier, 2AM*

"Well? How many!?"

"Ma'am... It is not easy with Steelshod spying on us be we were able to spread the word to at least three battalions. It will take time to go down the roster and find every soldier then inform them..."

"I dont care about that, what we need are numbers and quickly."

"What about the Celestial's?"

"Major Night Bane joined a group of them at the old officers club, they are serious about backing Steelshod all the way. There will be no help coming from them."

"How are we to form up our forces and escape the city?"

"Leave that to General Ironshod. He has a plan on getting us all out without raising alarm. We will know by morning if it is going to work, until then keep finding as many as possible!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Colonel Fleur looked around the room at the few officers still present. Most were gathering the former night guard using the old roster and were risking it all to get the formations drawn back up. Luna had been specific, they had two days to get out before the hammer fell on Ponyville. After that it would all be over.

As to how Ironshod planned to sneak out over three thousand soldiers under the careful watch of his forces were beyond them but he had promised it would happen by morning. A few had raised the idea of visiting those of Celestia's old guard to had refused to join and get them but it was too big of a risk.

Instead they had opted that a few old veterans who were too injured to join them would deliver some messages well after they had left and hope for the best. Fleur looked down at the map and tightened her grip till the table shook. One screw up and they would all be put to death if they were lucky.

Letting go and looking out the window of her house she wondered how her daughter was doing. Not a whole lot had changed as Steelshod promised and the nobles were eager to retain their power, swearing loyalty almost from the start. A few had refused and lost their titles but remained in their homes and her daughter just so happened to be living with one of them.

What would Steelshod do to Fancy Pants and Fleur-De-Lis if he came after them? Luna was being used and they all knew their families would be rounded up one way or another to be used against them. There was no choice though, they had to dethrone that bastard somehow.

"Ma'am! Good news!"

A younger officer bounded into the room smiling.

"Seventh battalion is mostly on board with us. Found them still in their camp on the other side of the city!"

"That makes it... Four thousand. Half the surviving forces. Any indication his spies are tailing us?"

"No ma'am, the night guard know all the back streets to use and are reporting his spies have not moved from their posts. No messengers of any kind either."

"Good... The operation ends at four AM and then we dig in and wait."

"What about weapons?"

"I have no idea what the general is planning. It is in his hands."

*Canterlot Throne Room, 7AM*

"Your majesty about what I talked to you about yesterday..."

Steelshod looked over at the older stallion warily as he poked at his food. Ironshod. What an ironic name.

"Yes, yes. You wish to have two battalions of engineers sent to the Crystal Empire to help build their new city."

Ironshod nodded.

"Also I would like to use a couple of the airships to move building materials to help in construction as well."

"My sources tell me that your little army is popping back up overnight..."

He never blinked or showed any sign of his intentions on hearing this.

"Indeed! They are eager to help."

"Planning a little coup are we?"

"No my lord. When Luna had us formed we were made up mostly of city guard and engineers. Protecting and building is what we know best."

"Truly... You do realize that your armor and weapons will remain HERE..."

"Sire this is purely a ponitarian mission. We do not need nor ask for weapons only food, medicine and the building materials we need, tools are also required."

Steelshod leaned back in his seat then handed his tray off to a servant. Dining in your enemies throne room was indeed luxury.

"Consider your wish granted. You will be sent by train and via... "Air ship" to the refugee camp with whatever materials you require. How many are you taking? Two thousand?"

"Yes sire. Two thousand."

"Hm. Very well. When will you leave?"


"Today? Thinking rather highly of yourself."

"I have three thousand waiting and if your own pitch in we can be loaded all the faster. I would ask that a regiment goes with the airships."

"No. That will not be necessary. They will only take up space. So be it. You have my leave to carry out your mission."

Steelshod held out his hand and Ironshod approached and knelt before kissing the ring.

"Thank you my lord."

After he had left the emperor turned to an adjutant.

"Send a platoon with him, if he so much as twitches wrong kill him."

*One hour later*

A train had been loaded with food and medicine in the largest rush ever beheld, no one was even counting what was being loaded from the emergency granaries and stockpiles Luna had ordered built. What was not known to most however was that hidden in with the boxes and sacks of grain were spear heads and pins nicked from the hidden armory only a few officers knew about.

The shafts were going via airship as part of the "building materials" and marked as tent poles. A few blades had been stuffed into grain sacks while helmets were stuffed into boxes. Armor was the tricky part but Ironshod had figured they would pack them into crates marked "Nails, 25,000 count" and no one would know the difference.

Soldiers raced in columns like ants hauling supplies on their backs while others pushed wheelbarrows or pulled wagons. Colonel Fleur however had the most important job of all: making certain the ballista parts were loaded without tipping off Steelshod's soldiers who kept a very close eye on them.

They were not fools and used similar machines and knew what the parts looked like but she had the idea of hiding a few inside piles of grain sacks stacked on top of sliding planks. To the outside eye it appeared the system allowed them to just yank the great heap aboard without having to toss the sacks on one at a time. In reality a partially constructed ballista was being loaded into a train car or airship.

Catapults had been left out of the plan, too hard to move and would take up precious space. They were taking only a fraction of what they could in way of siege engines not that they had access to very many either. Take too much and the enemy would notice, too little with the same result.

By one o'clock the train had departed carrying two battalions in sealed cargo carriers. No doubt to keep them from seeing Ponyville in the distance before the train turned farther north. Even now it was hard to keep quiet what was happening since the town could be seen from here.

So far the story was rebels were holding the village hostage and Steelshod was waiting them out and even Celestia had pleaded for their surrender to no avail. It was a good cover but they planned to make one hell of a bang making it obvious it was all a lie.

"Ma'am? Time to go."

Fleur nodded to her lieutenant and they walked towards the warehouse. Ironshod was about to begin the hardest part of the charade, sneaking out two more battalions in broad daylight while the enemy walked with them.

Two airships were already under way and the last two were their ticket out. A great switch was about to be made inside the warehouse as ponies who had been masquerading as soldiers earlier now loaded crates packed with soldiers. Many would escape tonight via flying off into the dark and hopefully bypass the gryphon mercenaries.

The other one thousand, three hundred and twenty-two were stuck gambling. Part of keeping up the rapid pace of movement was to allow family members dressed as soldiers to cover for them while real soldiers trickled onto the airships that left earlier and now the remainder had to make the best of it.

So far everything was working and the added chaos of the movement helped them as the hours wore on. Steelshod's soldiers never checked a single crate or pile of grain. None even checked the airship and any that got close almost got run over by wagons and carts in the stampede.

Making one last check she slipped into the box with the others and it was nailed shut quickly before a yell sounded out and the wagon was off. They did not even check the warehouse anymore after the first hour.

Despite the diminishing number of ponies running around no alarms were raised either as part of the ruse was calling off most for "lunch" since there was so little left to load. Grinding and a hard thump jarred their teeth announcing they were safely packed onto the ship. Once they were well out the soldiers who had snuck on earlier would pop the boxes open and let them out.

Fleur sighed as the airship's cargo door was slammed shut a while later and the magical engines fired off driving them forward with a heavy lurch that sent everything sliding.

It was a mad plan to say the least. Commandeer the airships en route and land them within half a day's march yet out of sight from Canterlot. The train would be jumped along the way and its occupants freed then it was a race to get everything prepared for the second phase.

The four airships would be used to drop supplies directly into the besieged fortress with the full expectation they would be destroyed in the process. With any luck one low pass would allow them to kick out as much as possible and even if it splattered across the ground at least it would arrive.

Meanwhile half the formation would fight their way in from the neighboring forest and with any luck would break through the line despite being out numbered. Doing this at night would be a big help but the risk was great. Elsewhere Ironshod would be waging his own private war against the rail lines, breaking them up and causing as much chaos as could be sown.

Eventually his aim was to get to the refugee camp and liberate it hoping the soldiers there would join him. They had brought enough weapons to arm their own but little else. Hopefully they would not be opposed to looting their enemies bodies for weapons.

*Officer Train Car, thirty minutes later*

Ironshod sat at the table with his officers and quietly played a game of bridge, they had all taken note of the platoon that joined them at the last minute in the neighboring car that was attached also at the last minute. Ten were crammed in with them and other supplies but they ignored them and the sealed, covered windows.

Every one of them knew why the soldiers were there so they played their card game keeping score on a piece of paper. Only two kept watch over them while the rest played their own card game, while the two were hawk's they were bored stiff.

Magic was out of the question, the enemy was largely immune, all each of them had was a small dagger they had hidden under their uniforms before boarding and that would not be enough.

Lazily looking at the major beside him he leaned back to stretch and dropped one hand into his lap. Picking the seat closest to the wall had been on purpose and having them take the smallest table was also purposeful.

Reaching over carefully he traced letters out on the majors leg then across to a captain that was jammed in beside him. The message spread quickly and the two unicorn officers started at him before nodding gently.

When the time came their magic might not work on the enemy but that did not stop them from blowing up the train car while shielding their little table.

Chapter 44: Forces Deploy

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*Next Morning*

"Alright Shadow, you understand your orders?"




"Follow me."

Valkardian led her through a portal, he had many, many things to do while she was off waging a small war in Western Equestria and the longer she kept their attention the better off they would be.

Watchful eyes had taken note of a sudden deployment of forces from Canterlot but not much else, they were headed towards the refugee camp but more importantly Cadence had been liberated and was being brought in. This meant it was time to deploy the first forces and make contact with the enemy setting the entire chain of events into motion.

Shadow was very eager to see what kind of forces she would command and had been promised a pleasant surprise as well. A letter to her family in Dodge Junction laid out what was happening in Equestria and to remain there no matter how bad things got.

Of course Valkardian had to drive the point home so a wraith was sent bearing a crystal for them to watch, hopefully they would listen to her and not do anything stupid. So far they were staying put.

On the other side of the portal was another fortress and walking down its halls she started to shake with anticipation, beyond the walls an army awaited her command. Shadow was going to make good on it too with high hopes of sending them reeling from the first blows before making them follow her on a wild goose chase.

Herr Blutlanze be damned, Shadow was going to prove to him that she did indeed deserve this.

"Before I open this door, tell me why Equestria lost the war so quickly."

"Arrogance. They thought no one could or would invade and conquer their nation. The idea that an enemy would show up with such numbers and occupy their lands with an iron fist while playing the princesses against each other is unthinkable in pony logic. Few preparations were made either and those that did are traitors. Celestia refused to see the truth and hampered her sisters attempts-"

"That will be enough, you understand. ARROGANCE. One word is what cost them a nation. Do not become arrogant yourself Shadow, you may win or loose your first battle but fight each one as if it might be your last. Do not hold back. Be vicious. Cruel, caniving, underhanded, make them scream in fear at your approach. That is how a war is won. Kill them all!"

"Yes sir."

"What are you?"

"I... I am your general."

"Are you an Equestrian?"


"Bat pony?"

"I am a thestral."

"Are those you are to march against friend or foe in your heart?"

Shadow took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"My enemy. Your enemy. I know what I have to do Valkardian, I will not hesitate nor falter."

"What stake do you hold in this fight? Why is it your fight?"

"They are a threat to my family and be damned if I kneel before a bastard like Steelshod!"

Valkardian tapped her shield's crest.

"It was not intended to be this way but by keeping that shield you also fight in memory of another."

"Valkardian... You are worrying. I see it in your face. I never knew her and never will but I will carry this shield and wear her armor despite it. What was done to her and those people was wrong and if I slaughter those above who plan to do the same, then I honor their memory by preventing it from happening again."

He smiled at the sterness in her voice, it had taken on a steel like quality. "Getting rather personal and vocal hm?"

"We became more personal the moment you began to teach me."

"True. Now come along."

With a touch the heavy stone door ground open and moved aside allowing them onto a balcony. Stretched out below their perch a large army stood in formation quietly waiting.

"This is the 3rd division, second army group. Thirteen thousand total. They are now yours to command."

A tap on her shoulder sent a shock through her body, she could feel them, each and every one them was now hers to command.

"You should already know what the force composition looks like but yours has a few additions. Three battalions of archers make up your forces rather than two. A flight of gargoyles will help with any pegasi problems. No artillery, too heavy and slow for your mission. Eight wraiths are in this bag, use them as your eyes and ears. Deploy them like you were taught and then focusing will give you a birds eye view of the battlefield to provide you with better command and control."

Taking a long breath he motioned and they both reappeared below in a flash of magical light.

"Remember, Steelshod's second wave will arrive tomorrow, it will take a day to unload and reorganize while getting new orders. You have one day to strike then begin your retreat while burning everything along the way. Four Noble Armies are in your area of operation and will give chase, destroy one of them before they get wind of your presence. That will leave thirty some thousand against you. Reinforcements will be available at the first way-point."

"Understood." She was ready to start bouncing.

"Remember, this will be a strain but nowhere near as much compared to the crystals. Stay calm and think. If this army were alive you would not be able to command them at all. Remember that."

"Oooooh! Whats that?!"

Shadow was hopping while looking at the monstrous creature that waited farther down the column. It was a hulking monstrosity of a lizard on all fours, its skeletal structure was plated over in armor with a saddle on it. Razor sharp teeth lined its jaws and two glowing red eyes watched her.

"That is your mount. Such is unheard of to ponies and most creatures on this world but you will ride this creature. Not only will its height give you the ability to see over your own ranks should the wraiths be destroyed or fail but it can also fight, scale walls, dig and most of all... Get you from point A to B without having to use your own energy. Also if you are wounded it is your mobile hospital."

"Can I?!"

"Yes, you remember the training correct?"

"Yes but I never thought I would actually get to see one or RIDE one!"

Shadow flapped into the air and landed on the monster, there were no reigns, it did not need them as a simple thought would send it into motion.

"Remember, this works the same way as the training table, think your commands and they will respond."

"So is Herr Blutlanze doing the same elsewhere?"

"No. The others will be joining me in taking care of other matters and making certain the armies are in place when Steelshod gives chase. Do. Not. Be. Taken. Alive!"

"I wont. Trust me!"

"Funny you saying that... Give your forces a few commands to get a feel for it, the gate will open allowing you out when ready."

Nodding she turned her mount around and was surprised by its speed compared to regular soldiers.

"Oh! Remember! Being on that thing makes you a target!"

She waved over her shoulder as the great lizard rapidly moved along till she was at the front of the column.

"Alright... Ready!"

The entire army shifted quickly into a battle stance.


In perfect sync they marched down the tunnel past her slowly and calling a halt had them shift to ease then forward again at a faster pace. Starting, stopping, drawing, sheathing, one command after another went out and was received.

Testing the response of each battalion went just as well and quickly memorizing their number she began their march again. Ahead the cave wall got closer then began to open allowing sunlight to filter down.

Leaving the tunnel first she sent three wraiths into the air to act as scouts as the army marched out into the light of day for the first time.

"EEEeehehehehe!" Shadow bounced up and down in the saddle delighted as they streamed past.

It was a straight shot to her first victims at a small outpost just a few miles away. About a hundred soldiers guarded it and her first order was to burn it to the ground and collect the bodies into a pile, place a marking crystal on top then leave.

Attacking in broad daylight would give them away but that was the point, raise the alarm and get the ball rolling. The sooner the Noble Armies gave chase the better and the closest army would be Baron Hightower's. Roughly eight thousand strong made up mostly of earth ponies and a handful of unicorns and pegasi.

Turning her mount and moving with the column at a rapid pace she figured they would get there within an hour or two. Skeletons moved slowly but never having to sleep meant they could double their travel distance easily.

As they hurried towards their first target Shadow closed her eyes a moment and remembered what the terrain looked like from above. She had less than a day to figure out how to kill one force, draw a second then plot where to engage them.

*Two hours later, Northern Rail Line to former Crystal Empire*

Steelshod had only eight soldiers on both airships, stripped of their equipment and tossed over the sides Colonel Fleur's soldiers were now arming the ballista's quickly on the deck while others tore into the cargo collecting weapons and armor.

One had been stabbed despite the element of surprise but they would be fine. Now however they had a train to stop, going by air allowed them to cut the train off far ahead but getting it to stop was going to be a feat in and of itself.

A last minute messenger had tossed a note into the cargo bay detailing the trains change of plans. A platoon now went with Ironshod and they all understood their purpose. Some were loaded into the train car with him others in one behind. They knew which train car to aim for but could do absolutely nothing about Ironshod's predicament in broad daylight.

Once the train slowed to a halt or was forced to brake all at once there would be a massacre on the train-car. Still, the plan was to go forward, there was no backing down now or ever. Fleur and the others hoped the old stallion had another trick up his sleeve.

Landing the airships beside the rail they quickly disembarked the bulk of her forces leaving only the ballista crews and archers behind. A new plan was drawn up, while one would make a "crash landing" on the rail forcing the train to brake hard as planned the other would now fly in from behind and drop teams onto the roofs of the car's containing soldiers.

With any luck they could break the locks Steelshod's soldiers had placed on them allowing those inside to jump free and be ready for a fight. Landing on Ironshod's car would be a horrible risk and only tip them off faster. He knew what was going to happen and hopefully try something. Still, landing one on the top to take a peak could not hurt.

As for the tailing car with the remainder of the platoon in it... Well a few jugs of lamp oil poured through the top vent and thrown through the windows with a torch would take care of that little problem. If nothing else it would flush them out and make them more worried about the flames long enough to catch them unprepared.

Distant smoke alerted them to the trains approach and rising high into the air to avoid being seen the first airship waited while the second moved South to get behind the train and begin its descent.

It was a wild guess as to how far the train would go before screaming to a halt but they hoped it would stop just before reaching the waiting battalions.

Time ticked by slowly as the train meandered along, Fleur gave the signal and the airship quickly lost elevation. Ropes were ready and tossing them over the port side as the airship hovered above the caboose's teams began to climb down.

Watching she realized it would take too long so they lowered even more cutting the distance in half and some opted to just jump the short distance landing with heavy bangs on the car roofs. Hanging over the side they began to batter the locks off while others called to the occupants.

Moving down the line another team was quietly dropped onto the car containing Steelshod's platoon while a single soldier was lowered onto the officer car. Things were looking up as jugs of oil were lowered down along with torches but the frantic waving of arms meant something was not going right.

Climbing back up the rope and hearing the bad news Fleur let out an irritated sigh, the windows were blacked out with heavy cloth, they could not see inside. Up ahead the train engineer finally saw them and began shouting.

"Shut him up!"

Two pegasi that had been brought along as couriers shot off down the line and tackled the engineer. Well, it was out of her hands. Even if they put a team down to storm the officer car they could not fit enough on to make a difference without knowing where the enemy was in the car. Signaling to break off and fly higher the other teams were left behind to wait.

Up ahead the other airship began to lower itself rapidly onto the rails as the engineer was held hostage and forced to apply the brakes hard. Sparks flew in long streaks as the whole line ground to a halt.

Hanging on for dear life the teams waited out the forward momentum. As the train finally slowed enough to regain themselves the vent was kicked off the soldier car and oil jugs tossed in while others threw them through the windows. A single lit torch was dropped inside as soldiers bailed and rolled upon hitting the ground.

Flame engulfed the car as screams of pain rang out, doors flew open as matchstick ponies poured out flailing from the inferno. Most eyes however watched the officer car praying Ironshod did something soon.

Seconds later their prayers were partially answered as the car exploded in a ball of fire and smoke, a handful of figures jumped free and began running like hell was on their hooves seconds later.

Angry screams sounded out as enemy soldiers jumped free and gave chase.


Fleur screamed at the waiting archers and ballista crew's while pointing at Ironshod's pursuers.


A flurry of arrows and bolts streamed down from above, some missed but the soldiers stopped chasing and huddled together with their shields raised.

From two directions her soldiers rushed forward to surround them but she signaled for them to halt short as the ship lowered itself more. Ironshod was safe having reached friendly lines and the ballista were being cranked quickly.

There was a great deal of confusion for the last eleven soldiers as they went over their possibilities. Their backup was already dead, burning, wounded or already huddled in with them.

"Aim the ballista's for the center!... FIRE!"

Yanking the pins free the two bolts screamed into the densely packed ranks and skewered them with shields firmly pinned to bodies.

"Archers! Fire!"

A hailstorm of arrows tore into the gaps and felled several more before weapons were dropped and hands raised.

Landing and joining the other officers Fleur was happy to see the smoke and dust covered general.

"What happened?"

"Oh I figured you would keep with the plan anyway and these two had a few magical tricks they knew. We knew when the train stopped they would kill us but hearing the screaming behind us we decided what the hell we got nothing to loose, burn it!"

Pounding the dust off his uniform he smiled at the others.

"Worked to. Bastards never expected us to blow up a train car with us on it. Now lets see who we have as prisoner here."

Looking over their four prisoners quietly it was apparent they were not officers and had little value.

"I dont suppose you would be willing to tell us anything of value?"

"We are your prisoners. You will get nothing from us."

"Alright that answers that. Come with me."

Ironshod becked a few of his officers away and out of earshot.

"We do not have time nor means to keep prisoners and I know Steelshod would never ransom them. Nor can we take them with us or release them."

"Shackle them to the train and leave them behind?"

"No. We still need the train, Crystap Ponies need these supplies too. Like I said most will go on the airships and be dropped into Ponyville the remainder goes North. Some will be carried on our backs when we fight our way in. Hopefully we can get enough supplies in to make the siege last a few weeks more."

"So three battalions are going in?"

"Plan has not changed one bit, one will remain with me to liberate the camp then turn south. Hopefully tonight the flight teams can escape and tear up the rail line leaving Canterlot and shatter the three bridges. That should slow them down. With any luck my attacks on their rail lines will keep them occupied for a while to come."

"That still leaves the prisoners general..."

A long pause hung in the air as he looked at the soldiers.

"Execute them."

"WHAT!?" It was a chorus as eyes widened.

Ironshod raised his hands to silence them.

"None of us were trained for this. Hell, none of us ever expected to ever fight a real war let alone fight even a single real battle. Luna gave us our orders, they dehorned her! This is war and that means killing which includes executing prisoners if need be!"


"ENOUGH! I am not going to waste time or supplies on the enemy, kill them and their wounded. We have until nightfall to get into position and have both airship's cargo switched. There is no time for this!"

Looking at each other they slowly nodded and filtered away but Fleur and Major Night Bane remained behind with the general and followed him to the prisoners. They had been stripped of their armor and were wearing nothing but pants and shirts, taking a sword from a nearby soldier Ironshod stabbed the first one then another.

Joining in the other officers quickly dispatched the other two and ordered the surrounding soldiers watching in horror to kill the wounded and get ready to switch the airship's cargo.

Night was falling when the job was complete, a train steamed North once more carrying Ironshod with a single battalion and earlier the telegraph line had been cut. Below the airships three battalions marched south rapidly towards Ponyville. If everything went well they would arrive sometime tomorrow morning.

*Hours earlier, outpost #6*

Outpost #6 was manned by a skeletal crew of five including a single pegasus for the sole purpose of carrying messages. Not that it mattered, they were nearly in the heart of Equestria and the only reason they even existed was because Lord Hightower required one to be built.

Staring out at the forest was utterly boring, its dense canopy hid anything below and other than watching tree's grow they could stare at the open green fields as wind swept across their surface bending the tall stalks of grass. Behind them was their camp roughly a mile away, nothing ever happened there either.

Equestria was now an empire though complete with emperor and empress, it had been a shock reading the paper proclaiming this new dawn in Equestrian history. Some wanted to know if they would try and liberate Canterlot but the officers and Hightower conferred with them. Celestia had accepted this and even taken a husband. Now it was their duty to keep vigilant watch for any enemies that might try and disturb the peace.

Newspapers showed up regularly, everything was fine, relief was being sent to the refugee's in the north, stores were still open, theater's had plays and all in all nothing was different. Payday had come and gone again as if nothing were out of the ordinary.

Only one of them ever kept watch now, two were supposed to stay awake at all times but they had adopted their own little "quiet rules" about that. So long as an officer did not show up they followed the rules but when they left it was back to normal.

Today the pegasus was keeping watch while the other four slept or played checkers. Staring over the grassy plains and letting out a sigh she wondered when they would be rotated out again.

Eyes scanning for movement she spotted a distant cloud rise up from the forest. Turning and watching the birds taking flight in a great cloud before flying away the mare tilted her head and kept watching. Another flock shot up in the air and flew away a few minutes later.

"Hey! Take a look at this."

Rousing from their slumber or tedium they joined her on at a time and watched as the occasional flock of birds took to the air.


"Something has then spooked. Maybe a timber wolf?"

"That's only in the Everfree you idiot!"

"Well else could it be?"

"Don't know but its coming this way..."

"Uhh... Hey Spark's why dont you fly out there and have a look?"

"Cant see a thing through that dense cover."

"Well walk then."

"You first."

Squabling continued until two were sent, the pegasus would fly above while another walked below. Another puff of birds took flight and now it was clear from the squawking they were panicked. Hovering over the trees and looking down Spark could see nothing and glided on hoping Chip's was keeping up below.

Flying directly over where the birds had lifted off from she could see nothing and flying lower she passed through the dense cover and faltered. Below her a swarm of creatures from her nightmares stood in formation without moving.

Beating her wings to lift up something pounded into her from behind sending her hurtling to the ground. Crashing amongst them she jumped up as a few armored skeletal heads turned towards her. Pain screamed through her body as blades sank into her sides and somewhere else a sharp scream spoke of Chip's fate.

Laying on the forest floor bleeding out they began to move forward again in perfect unison and looking around widly she caught sight of a horrific creature coming her way. The rider was dressed in dark armor with leathery wings folded up behind.

"Help... Mercy..."

No response was given as the creature lumbered past but the rider looked down making Spark wish she had remained silent. Peering into the eyeless helmet the figure looked away as the army continued on nodding.

A passing soldier slowed only long enough to drive a blade into her chest before continuing on.

"See them yet?"

"Nope. Wait, look at that!"

A hulking beast emerged from the forest carrying a rider and stopped a short distance from the tree-line.

"Woah, what is that thing?"

"Where is Spark and Chip?"

"Hey look, its doing something!"

"Raising it arm?"

"Maybe its wav-"

The sergeant was yanked backwards sharply letting out a yelp and spinning around the other two screamed as winged creatures grabbed them and tore into their armor and flesh.


Shadow's army moved forward again emerging from the forest in three columns. Ahead of her was a road leading straight to the enemy camp and now that the gargoyles had silenced the only outpost within sight she was free to advance on Hightowers army with impunity.

Two wraiths were already far ahead and spying on his camp, their siege equipment was limbered and covered in tarps waiting to be moved so there was no threat there. A handful of companies were armed and marching in a circle around the camp in an endless cycle of boredom.

No walls, pits, spikes let alone a ditch blocked her from just marching in and taking them. Lord Hightower however was nowhere to be seen so she assumed he was at his nearby mansion. Killing him was important but also somewhat optional, so long as his forces were wiped out he would no longer matter as much.

"Kill them all" had been the order but it was also a contradiction, Valkardian wanted her to make certain a few did get away to raise the alarm, going in without being noticed was important but after that... Maybe letting Hightower live would serve as a warning to get things in motion.

Mulling over the options Shadow threw two columns out wide to encircle the camp while the last would keep going forward then draw up at the edge of the forest. It was fortuitous that no attempt was made to clear the forest from the edge of the camp nor two of its sides but very unfortunate for them.

As they continued forward more wraiths were sent out but her thoughts slipped back to the over all plan again. Valkardian could just go and TAKE Canterlot at any time, that was true. However, he was aiming to destroy all those who betrayed Celestia thus restoring the balance of power.

Unfortunately for the various Noble Armies that meant they had to die. Indoctrinated into doubting Celestia and now worshiping Steelshod meant they had to go and today it was her solemn duty to ensure his command was carried out.

Fanning out the column into a line backed by two of her three archer battalions Shadow kept advancing while riding at the rear. Although her eyes could see absolutely nothing more than a hundred yards ahead now the wraith's were the true eyes and ears allowing her to see the enemy army perfectly.

Everything was now in place, all she had to do was squeeze. Playing the battle like it was on the table back in the training room her forces all began to move forward at the same time forming a stretched out triangle. The bottom she sat on would drive them through the camp and into the center while the other two column hemmed them in. Move quickly enough and she would have them trapped then it would be a matter of time.

As the first lines marched from the forest and into view of the camp a company of enemy soldiers yelled out in alarm and turned to face her forward ranks. Now that they were free of the tree's they could pick up the pace and sending them forward at a fast pace they closed the distance before suddenly stopping a few yards short.

Arrows flew in from the flanks and peppered the camp's more densely populated area's on the fringes. It worked, the companies soon backed away and fell into the center of the camp as soldiers ran to collect their weapons. Driving forward again now that all the columns were in place they poured into the camp and began carving a bloody swath through them.

The more her enemy clustered together the easier it was for the archers to massacre them in their densely packed camp. Most however ran from the encroaching forces in a terrified stampede to get away only to slam into others fleeing from other directions.

Although time was running out quickly for them they had begun to rally and form up their ranks, unicorns began to fire off spells that mostly had no effect on the undead ranks. Not taking chances the gargoyles flew up and dived down onto the officers she picked out spreading pandemonium among the enemy ranks.

They had not been prepared for this, squeezing them in the six thousand or so survivors were now densely clustered and fully encircled, rotation orders went out every few minutes now that her ranks were packed enough to be worth the bother.

Flying up quickly and looking into their ranks Shadow drew two crystals into her hands and aimed. Fire spat out and ripped through their ranks in one burst after another breaking up any groups that had managed to form ranks.

The smell of burning fur and flesh filled the air as black clouds of smoke billowed into the air after each burst. Unicorns began to bring magical shields up or fire energy bolts at her but they plinked off her armor or missed entirely.

Landing back on her mount and putting the crystals away she surveyed the battle again through her wraiths eye's before turning her attention to the distant mansion. One had been sent to check and sure enough Lord Hightower was inside with other officers screaming and scrambling to try and figure out what to do.

Wraiths could technically pass through walls and materialize enough to attack but she decided against risking one of her precious observers and recalled it. Hightower had settled on sending a telegram to the other forces in the immediate area instead and was now going to flee for his life.

"Another day then." Shadow mumbled to herself ignoring him entirely now, focusing instead on the slaughter in front. Their numbers had diminished heavily and those few that could fly were cut down the moment they lifted off by the circling gargoyles.

If any officers were still alive they were hiding now too afraid to yell or move their arms for fear of being lifted into the air and torn to shreds only to rain down in pieces on their own soldiers.

Checking the time it had taken her some twenty minutes to drive them in and wipe almost the entire force out but now things were picking up pace. Watching patiently the last were quickly cut down and moving her forces back the last phase began: piling the bodies up.

It did not take as long since most were already packed in tightly but stacking them up into a large heap still took an hour. Flying over the pile with her crystal she moved her forces away and started their march to their next destination before landing in the center and sending out the mental command began the countdown.

Flying away rapidly and landing on her distant mount Shadow looked back and watched eager to see what would happen. A blinding flash obscured her vision for a moment before revealing nothing, the bodies were gone. Knowing other eyes still watched she hurried her mount onward knowing that soon enough Steelshod would be forced to gather the various armies and hopefully Valkardian's trap would work whatever it may be.

*Canterlot, 5PM*

Steelshod had spent all day staring at the reports and plotting his next move. First a train had arrived bearing an empty cage and bodies, Cadence had been nicked and the telegraph line cut in several places. It had gone back up but not before the two battalions had departed.

Making matters worse the one train had been delayed all day in Ponyville then got stuck on a side rail waiting for the other train to pass. One thing that was obvious in the whole situation was that Chrysalis was behind Cadence being taken, the bolts buried in his soldiers chest's were proof enough being of changeling design.

Then came the arrival of another telegraph saying Lord Hightower had lost his entire command to the hands of an army of undead. He believed the report, the bodies were all missing, only blood remained. A short eyewitness account of what happened came along with it not that it was needed.

So he was building up his forces by harvesting the scattered Noble Armies... That meant he had time to counter him by bringing them together now and avoid being harvested. Three armies were to come together and give chase to keep the pressure up and deny him a chance to harvest any more bodies so that was covered as well.

If they could catch his retreating force of around ten thousand they could certainly cause some real damage if commanded properly... That was very much in doubt though.

What made him more angry than anything however the failure of the fleet to arrive on time. The siege equipment on board was needed now more than ever to drill down and invade, not only that the time it would take to move it into position...

Ancient maps of Celestia's failed invasion into his domain were on the table in anticipation but now were utterly useless. Leaning back and heaving out a sigh he closed his eyes and mulled over the other thorn in his side: Ponyville.

Any chance of forcing a surrender were not completely out. Without Cadence to use as leverage it would be impossible to contain the Crystal Ponies nor the town if word got out. Word... His word had been given that she would be brought there to force their surrender... Never arriving would only make them resist harder thinking she had escaped dragging the affair out.

"Orderly! Take a message... To General Baros, launch the attack ahead of schedule, end the charade. NOW. No prisoners."

Scribbling away the corporal bowed and sealed the message and ran from the room. Come tomorrow morning Ponyville would be a true ghost town.

Looking back at his map he hummed quietly tracing his finger along trying to guess his enemies next move. If he was harvesting that would mean having to attack another force and that left... Ah. Lady Opulance. She had... Nine thousand... Not enough. If Lord Goldcrest and the other one could move fast enough that would give them thirty thousand. In an open field that would make those ten thousand hard pressed and susceptible to flanking...

"Bah!" Steelshod shook his head, they had already been ordered to give chance immediately and press forward with all haste. Aggression was required to drive the undead back and below. Still, it would be wise to take a few precautions.

Writing out a letter quickly he waited on the orderly to return from delivering the message to a runner. Upon their return they were sent off again bearing orders for the other armies. All would be shifted around and moved from the North East and East to a more central location.

The Unicorn Range would be their gathering point along the rail line, from there they would be driven south rapidly to cut off the undead or force them below then reshuffle the formations into larger blocks to prevent harvest. It would take two weeks to pull it off but the hassle would be worth it.

Letting out a sigh Steelshod leaned back and looked out the window. It was time to lower the sun and raise the moon. Standing he walked from the room and moved deeper into the castle to the most well guarded of all: the treasure room.

The name made him chuckle for there was not one single gold coin inside, instead it housed the horns of Equestria's former rulers. It was not terribly hard to raise and lower the sun and moon on his own but it always brought a smile to his face when looking at the horns before turning day to night.

Chapter 45: Reinforcements

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Cadence gasped for air and kicked free of the bag unable to see anything in the darkness. Just a short while ago Chrysalis had the sack containing her dumped off and spoke with someone before leaving. Moments later she was floating in the air listening to the quiet thump of the creature that bore her away.

Still gagged and trussed up heavily there was nothing she could do but wait until her release but now that she was free it all seemed pointless. Trying to sit upright on the cold stone floor her head turned in rapid shaking movement's trying to see who it was that wanted her so badly.

The gag was yanked free and the bindings undone freeing her and standing shakily in a darkness so absolute it made even standing hard she teetered with ears held back.

"Hello? Thank you for freeing me but who are you?"

"Valkardian. I see you were not harmed..."

"No but why did you want me bad enough to make a deal with that monster?"

"I am more a monster than she will ever be. Now I have something for you to do, it is very important you do it quickly so I can get it delivered on time."

Cadence flinched as the magic that encompassed the room was dispelled revealing her new captor. Looking the being over she nodded slowly.

"What is it you... Want?"

"A letter. Just a simple, little, letter."

"Okay... But what-"

"You will write to your husband in Ponyville. Once that is done you will be going on a little... Trip. With me."

He beckoned out and a skeleton entered the room bearing writing instruments and paper. Cadence shrieked and slammed herself into the wall trying to push through it to escape.

"It is not very polite to scream and run from the one who is going to set you free Cadence..."

Her eyes shot back and forth between the strange skeletal creature and Valkardian and taking a few shaky steps forward approached the undead creature and accepted the implements before sitting at the table. He joined her and explained the situation in Ponyville and at large quickly before holding a small bag up.

"Just to encourage you to write the letter... Tell me. What happened to the Crystal Heart?"

"Steelshod stole it" Her eyes followed the little bag.

"No. He stole the FAKE Crystal Heart."

"You stole it!?"

"Yes and no, I stole the real one and replaced it with a fake, it is all part of a bigger plan. Would you like to see the real one?"


Opening the bag carefully and showing her the contents she could just make out the heart inside. Cadence felt like lunging forward and grabbing it but thought better and sat back in the chair.

"If you stole the real one and will give it back there must be a price."

"The price will be paid much later by Celestia and Luna, not you. Oh, read this."

Sliding a scroll over with Luna's seal she opened it and read over it before her jaw went slack.

"Good. We have an understanding. Are you going to resist?"

"No. Why did they never say anything about you?"

"Oh I imagine you could get an earful from Celestia one day but... Well I will put it this way: I am the one who executed Steelshod's father. Understand why I am going to war yet?"

Nodding her head slowly she looked down at the piece of paper.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Tell your husband you are just fine, free, safe and that they must hold out for as long as possible. Order him. Order him to resist to his last breath and keep Steelshod's forces occupied."

"Do I tell him about you?"

"No. Best to leave that little bit out but tell him a MUCH larger force is on the way but it will take time."

"You want me to order my husband to die?"

"If need be. You ponies... Stop and consider the larger picture if you would. With half of Steelshod's forces occupied in Ponyville they can not fight ME. The Noble Armies are... Cannon fodder. Meaningless. Steelshod is about to land more than fifteen thousand soldiers and I would like to keep as many of them as possible occupied while I plot their destruction."

"As you wish..." Cadence began to write her letter. "What about the Crystal Ponies?"

"By giving you the heart and sending you off sans-horn your image will be regained in their eyes. Also it will serve as excellent proof of Steelshod's betrayal. While it will not matter one damn bit during the current war I am thinking long term. So let me ask you a simple question..."

"Tell me Cadence, when the war ends and Celestia ORDERS you to kill me... Will you?"

"WHAT?! Why would she do that?!"

"Answer my question. Will you?"

"NO! You are helping us!"

"Good. I am glad you came to that realization."

"Wait! What do you plan on demanding in return?"

"That an ancient wrong be made right on their part. That is all. Restitution."

"What crime did they commit?"

"Want to SEE it?"

*Ponyville 5:15AM*

The sun was due to rise any time now. For whatever reason the enemies time table had suddenly changed and now they were watching as final preparations were made with the dim glow of large torches and bonfire's illuminating their preparations.

Not that they were just sitting idly by, Colonel Bright Lance had been very busy as well having the soldiers dig new rings of pits and piling the earth up to be used for putting out the oil fires. Excess earth was packed into empty sacks and crates then piled high to block off windows and form arrow slits. They might not stop a head on strike but even slowing the firebombs down would help.

A new urgency had taken hold over them when Twilight and Shining had the fright of their lives. Ghosts were not real, everypony knew that, just a myth, a legend or tale used to scare fillies and colts. Well it was no longer myth. Passing through the shield somehow the ghost of a pony drifted into the camp from above bearing a message.

It only stopped when it found Shining and seemed to become more "solid" for a moment, handed the letter over then left just as quickly.

Opening it carefully his eyes had widened before a happy sigh escaped him. Cadence was alive, free and doing just fine. An "ally" of sorts was about to intervene on a massive scale but it was important that they held on to the last to keep the five battalions outside their walls occupied by any means possible.

No mention of who they were was made however but a footnote remarked that others had escaped Canterlot and were in the process of rebelling and could be expected. As to how long any of these forces would take to arrive was not mentioned.

The three of them sat in the "war room" as the good news was spread, help was on the way. It was a desperately needed bit of news and it did wonders to lift morale as they redoubled efforts on staying alive till then.

Outside the enemy was moving enough ammunition forward to level the entire town so perhaps this was why they were hurrying.

Rainbow Dash had left at midnight and flown straight up then North so with any luck she might bump into whoever was coming and be back just as quickly but as the hours ticked by they began to wonder if this other force was day's away not hours.

Stepping out onto the fortified balcony of the highest tower they looked below at the preparations being carried out by both sides.

"Think we can keep them back a week or two more?"

Twilight's concern was well warranted considering how few remained, even the wounded had to fend for themselves now, helping each other to get water or clean their wounds. Not one hand could be spared anymore.

"We'll find a way. This castle took a few hits already and is not going to buckle from those firebombs. They will have to storm the door and if we brace it right... Well I dont know how long we can last, probably longer than the food supply did!"

"Something passed through the shield..."

Their eyes followed Shining's as they looked up and waited a moment, Rainbow landed quickly on the balcony.

"There here. Let them through."

Looking up again two airship's dove down hard threatening to crash into the courtyard before leveling out and driving forward. Cargo doors were and great heaps of sacks and crates were shoved out the back, many exploded on impact but just as many did not as the soldiers in the fort scurried for cover and watched.

When they had lowered as much as they dared crates were driven out one after another as the ships slowly moved forward creating a chain of supplies on the ground.

Turning toward the enemy camp everything seemed to have frozen in time as they too stared in bewilderment. A mountain of supplies had been thrown on the ground before the first screaming started as catapults and ballista were rapidly cranked back.

Firebombs were loaded and not wanting to waste any precious time Colonel Bright Lance was already yelling to those below to bring the supplies in before it was all torched.

"Ohhh! I forgot! You need to let the others in through the back gate!"

Shining spun on Rainbow and growled "You should have said that FIRST!"

Braces were soon being yanked free but not fast enough, they watched in horror as the first firebombs were cast into the air at the ships, many hit bathing the upper deck's in flame. Increasing their speed they surged forward to escape the compound before crashing. The crew's kept kicking out supplies before jumping off the burning hulks preferring to take their chances with the hard ground.

One ship escaped the fortress just barely before its engines blew and came crashing down into Ponyville scattering enemy soldiers and destroying a siege engine in the process. The last had careened wildly as the large balloon caught and burned sending it first higher then crashing down harmlessly beyond the lines.

During all the chaos three battalions had sprung from the nearby forest and raced wildly to close the distance quickly overrunning and slaying the pickets. Rushing into the enemy lines they hacked and chopped their way through destroying anything they could along the way including setting piles of firebombs ablaze.

Catapults burst into flame and supplies burned but the surprise was already spent. Surging in from both sides the enemy ranks closed in on them and exacted a bloody toll for their passage and threatened to stop their advance.

From above pegasi swooped down and tried to pepper their ranks with arrows but were quickly driven off as hailstorms of arrows rose up hunting them down one by one. Whoever was commanding them had clearly decided it was time to use it or loose it. Whatever they had stored back for a rainy day was now being emptied out in a wild rush to stop them from breaking through.

They failed, pouring through the gate the battalions raced in then formed up to cut off any enemies that might get inside. Any help from above had been dashed almost immediately, the pegasi had to leave or risk being slaughtered even in the dark. None were willing to take a chance and find out just how many of those seeker arrows they kept in storage.

Chasing them down an enemy battalion surged in to seize the open gate but were stopped by a hurricane of ballista bolts, arrows and flaming oil pots. Colonel Bright Lance too had saved for a rainy day and had put everything on the line and now it paid off.

For the first time they watched as their enemy was forced to halt, shield themselves then fall back leaving their dead and wounded behind. Cheers rang out as they watched them retreat but it was cut short as orders were issued to get the supplies to safety.

Medicine was the first to go since hardtack did not burn so well. Fire rained from above but they ignored it as supplies were rapidly brought inside and piled high in every nook and cranny, the wounded had to be moved aside then laid on top of crates to make room for more.

Of the thirteen engines one had been crushed to pieces while five others burned. It was a major blow to whatever plans they had. Keeping careful watch on the enemy from the tower they watched as they quickly drew up ranks and brought planks forward.

"They plan to storm us tonight then... Alright, wait until the barrage passes then put them on the wall, hand out the fire pots and throw them on the planks then set them ablaze."

Watching the orders being carried out in the chaos below as both forces raced to recover from the shock the little cadre of officers watched the enemy blast a section of wall then charge forward.

Major Night Bane's forces were first there, climbing up onto the parapet and throwing oil pots at the enemy. It was not easy throwing something meant for a catapult at them but it worked all the same bathing the planks in oil as magic set the oil ablaze.

Falling back the enemy tried again two more times with the same results before retiring.

"They will wait until daylight when they can see better and focus their fire on us."

"We bought one more day at least. Tell us... Colonel?"

Shining Armor turned to the new officers and waited.


"How long until this other force arrives?"

"What other force?"

"My wife sent me a letter saying you would arrive but also somepony else was coming."

"Luna did inform us of an ally but that was all, who told her about us? She was not with us when we left nor informed. We did not even know she had escaped!"

He shrugged. "Well we will just have to wait and hope they bring enough soldiers to drive them off. Might be a while though..."

"Dont worry. We brought enough to hold out for however long it takes if we ration it. Right now we just need to make certain they do not get over the walls."

Nodding in agreement they walked below leaving a few sentries, Twilight was giddy at having something to do again and taking inventory would keep her busy for days as even Fleur had no idea how much had been dropped in.

Chapter 46: Shadow in the Fog / A World Crumbles

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*Days after reinforcements arrive at Ponyville*

Shadow Moon had driven her forces forward hard drawing the enemy quickly after her. Everything was working perfectly, three armies hunted her down as she raced towards another.

Another army was located in a town between her and the first marker, numbering roughly the same as her own but with artillery they had turned North and now camped along a lake with their other flank anchored along a rail line.

They knew she was coming but had no idea when, Valkardian had been in touch informing her that another force was being loaded onto train's farther South near Los Pegasus and to make haste to destroy the forces camped at the lake before their arrival.

Steelshod was also shifting the entirety of Equestria's Noble Armies but due to problems with the rail line and bridges was being hampered. Not that it really mattered, using the Eastern Rail Line they shuttled armies to a location North of Dodge Junction and were planning to march by land Westward.

Overall it appeared they hoped to drive her "underground" or get caught between two colliding hoards. While a long shot it was still working but the real news had been that Steelshod's reinforcements had finally arrived.

Back at home they had not stopped their buildup of ships and even sinking as many as he had the great swarm of ships had landed. Some twenty thousand or more were now ashore and being marched after her. They were quite a while behind however and would not arrive for some time.

Meanwhile Ponyville still held out and it looked as if Steelshod was falling for it, half of his forces trapped in Canterlot while the other half kept Ponyville contained. Rebels tore up rail lines and cut telegraph lines till the enemy had given up trying to repair them for the time being communicating by courier or magic instead.

Shadow wondered why they had not done that to start with but Steelshod probably had his reasons and thinking about it she guessed it had to do with others listening in on magical communications.

Having passed a minor tunnel the day before granted several new additions to her forces. Shadow had suffered minor losses in the first battle, roughly two hundred but it WAS a surprise attack after all and the ranks had been spread thinly at first...

Now the ranks had been filled back in along with a new rank of lumbering monstrosities. He had sent her only thirteen of them but the beasts were impressive anyway. Standing over her at fourteen feet tall the bone golemns would be perfect at breaking up enemy ranks. Made of recycled bones they sported four arms with long blades attached, that or they could just lift their giant feet and stomp on a pony.

Smiling to herself they marched on day and night leaving the other forces far behind. Pegasus scouts had been sent but her rear guard had flown up and cut them from the skies in one ambush after another. Now they sent none preferring to keep their scouts much closer to their own forces.

Looking at the enemy camp through her wraith's eyes Shadow watched the fires burning. It was still dark out and a dense, heavy fog had billowed up from the lake smothering everything in a haze so dense only magic allowed her to see them.

At sunrise her forces would arrive and gears ground, this force kept ready at all times and come dawn like the day before they would have half fall into position on their perimeter most likely. Unlike her however they could not see through the fog most likely and even if they did... It would not really matter.

She would attack.

*Battle of Lonely Lake*

Lonely lake was just that, a lonely lake in Western Equestria with absolutely nothing around it but a small mountain chain to the North East that drained into its waters. Forests reached forward through the dense fog that normally coated this peaceful land giving it a mysterious yet majestic appearance from above as the tops of pines poked through the mist.

Today like all others they drew up their ranks outside of the camp for roll call and inspection, Lord Goldbit Sr. was a stickler and liked to find any excuse what so ever to dock their pay. Since the murder of his son and daughter in law he had become increasingly paranoid and the dense fog did not help matters.

Four days they had been ordered to wait until another force arrived then they would march North to destroy another army half their size. Well so long as others did the dying for him.

Letting out a cough he walked down the line with his suit of armor straining to cover his bulging form.

"Curse this fog!" *Cough*

"Sir do you wish to cancel the inspection?"

"No!... You! Two weeks pay docked!"

The soldier looked back in confusion then down at themselves to see what was wrong.

"Three more days docked for being out of order!" *Cough, cough*

Moving down the line holding a cloth over his face he glared at them, as long as they feared him it did not matter. They were eager to get paid and would put up with him so long as the bits flowed but that did not stop him from trying. Officers backed him up saying they just needed to do better. Feh. Peasants.

A crashing noise drew attention towards the distant tree's as the sound of heavy marching filtered through the deathly silent morning air.

"Major, find out what that damn noise is."

Scurrying off the mare yanked a few from the ranks and departed through the fog quickly vanishing in its chilling embrace.

Continuing his inspection of the ranks screams pierced the air followed by the sound of armor being rent and torn to shreds as flesh and bone cracked and snapped.

A single terrified soldier blasted through the fog screaming for their lives and drove through the ranks and kept running on and into the camp.

The sound of marching had picked up its pace while even heavier thudding sounds filled the air, it sounded like tree's falling but too uniform. Looking into the fog his adjutant quickly suggested they tighten the ranks and face the trees.

Nodding quickly while backing away the order was shouted out and the army sharply turned. As they did eyes widened in fright as the first lumbering monster made of bone came crashing through the fog. Swinging their arms they charged forward slashing holes in the ranks or sending soldiers flying through the air.

Pegasi flew into the air rapidly but were quickly snatched up and into the fog screaming. After passing through the ranks and continuing on into the camp a wall of skeletal monsters surged into their ranks with an unholy fury.

Goldbit ran. Tried too. Hard to run when the tub of lard that made up his gut made the armor bounce wildly on his frame as he huffed and puffed. Only screaming could be heard from behind him as officers tried to rally the soldiers.

Not that the camp was much safer, the hulking monsters were tearing tents apart with heavy swings of their blades. Blood and body parts flew in all directions as they butchered anything that moved or stomped on those that tried to crawl away.

Those that had survived the attack now raced past him throwing their weapons away making for the safety of the water. Many were already swimming but in the fog it was impossible to see.

Unable to go any farther Goldbit stopped and tried to breath before shuffling forward, the strain on his body was so great his breakfast was threatening to come back up. Steelshod had promised him immense wealth and power if he would betray Celestia and without so much as a second thought eagerly agreed.

Now it looked as if he would be lucky to make it to the water. Skeletons swarmed past him driving his surviving soldiers onward in a complete route. The sound of splashing water in the distance made it clear many had made it and were trying to swim away but howls and screams said otherwise.

Sweating profusely and leaning over with his heart threatening to leap from his throat he looked around and realized he was surrounded. None made a move but just waited and looking back Goldbit began to shake as a beast approached him.

Perched on top was a nightmare that watched him quietly.

"I surrender. I am Lord Goldbit and I am your prisoner. As a Lord you must afford me-"



His words came heavily and with great effort between wheezing.

"How is your son and his wife doing? Still smiling ear to ear?"

He looked at her confused for a moment before going rigid.

"How do you-... You... Your the one!"

No words were spoken by the rider after that but the beast leaned forward while turning its head sideways and snapped him up biting down hard. Screaming and kicking Goldbit howled out in pain as the creature bit through his armor and bone as if it were wet paper before letting go.

Two halves fell to the ground with a thud as gore dripped from the lizards jaws. Gathering of the bodies began soon after as the last survivors on the lake were snatched up and killed by the gargoyles.

Looking down at the body Shadow smiled.

"Saving Equestria's gene pool one Lord at a time."

Turning the mount away and moving on she waited for the collection to finish before placing a crystal on top. She did not stick around to watch though, the bright flash from behind was all she needed to know. Aiming her forces farther South they disappeared into the fog once more.

*Farther South*

Lord Diamond Smith was furious. Rains the day before had damaged the train bridge farther up and would take time to repair, time he did not have. While apologetic the train engineer could do nothing so they had sat for two days as the final load of his forces were brought up.

Supplies would have to wait for another day, his priority was to link up with Lord Goldbit and so long as they stayed near the rail line they could get supplies anyway. Setting off they had marched up the road for another day before stopping near the train bridge. Another one lay across the slow moving river a little farther up.

No tree's grew here on either side giving an excellent view of the winding river as it disappeared in the distance amongst the pines. Calling a halt for the day they had set up camp along the riverbank while his communications team hooked into the telegraph line to restore communication with Goldbit.

So far not one word had been received nor a courier in sight. A soldier came a few minutes later and shook their head, they were still unable to contact him.

Staring into the dense pine on the other side of the river Lord Diamond worked his jaw back and forth.

"Still no word from my couriers?"

"No sir."

"How many axes do we have?"


"Never mind, return to your post and keep trying."

Returning to the camp Lord Diamond gathered his officers and ordered them to move the camp back one hundred meters from the riverbank and fell trees. He had no idea what was going on but no chances would be taken, both bridges were to be fortified immediately and the camps too.

*Canterlot, Evening*

Steelshod had the patience of a saint but recent events were truly testing him. Having reverted to using magic to communicate brought some risks but there was no choice and the news was grim.

Every last piece of equipment for besieging the bastard below had been sunk at sea. Troop ships had survived the raging storm just barely but the slower moving cargo ships had been too slow and destroyed. He knew who was responsible too.

Grinding his jaw and crumbling up papers that held plans that were now pointless he threw them onto the floor while his orderly picked them up.

Closing his eyes tightly he growled softly before calming himself and looking at the map. Overall nothing had really changed, in fact it had gotten better. Luna's soldiers had exposed their treason to the world and offered him new opportunities yet untapped.

Using the old roster's his forces had gone door to door checking to see who was gone and who remained, some families were still present but others had disappeared no doubt into the old mining tunnels under Canterlot. Oh well, they would have to come out eventually. When they did no punishment would be given but instead welcoming arms and all forgiven.

After all, Luna had a recent lapse, she was Nightmare Moon once more. No one was allowed to see her of course, but the explanation was the strain and her defeat had driven the poor mare mad. Her sister was keeping up public appearances under a far closer eye and had offered the public fake sorrow. They had bought it too.

Their love of Celestia was so great he could make her say anything and get away with it. That and at night she had begun to try and twist his mind and make him "mend his ways." What a load of crap.

Looking over the map his forces were on the move despite it all, the twenty-seven thousand from the fleet had landed. His fleet had doubled in size thanks to controlling Equestria's own shipping and everything in the West had been siezed for his own use. That and back at home more ships had rolled off the lines just in time to bring in the recent wave.

Thankfully the general in charge had survived the storm therefor still commanding them and now marched after the undead, driving them farther south. Even if they managed to smash through the three armies in front of them it would make hardly a dent in his overall ranks.

Any thoughts of desertion quickly came to an end with the threat of Nightmare Moon, undead attacks, changeling attacks and the list piled high. Urging the public to do their part his favor was higher than ever as he announced one fake victory after another. They came at a price however... Not that any really knew what was going on.

Farther south armies gathered quickly and would soon number enough to drive the undead below or even wipe them out in a single swift blow. Forty thousand... That is how many he might gain in this harvest but that paled compared to what was gathering.

Recruitment and training had never once stopped and now the total strength of Equestria's army numbered close to three hundred thousand. Add his own forces in and the number spiked.

While most would be poorly trained it did not matter, they would make excellent fodder in the battle to come, soaking up the blows while his own forces waited it out before attacking the weakened enemy. Such heroic sacrifice would be rewarded of course, the public would be overjoyed at such a glorious victory despite the cost.

Sunny Vale had been put on the back-burner for now, they would live until the current threat was dealt with. The crystal ponies had risen in open revolt marching north but without their army and weapons... He had time. Also their precious princess lacked her horn.

First would be the undead then swing north, crush Ponyville and continue to the Crystal Empire. Magic be damned he knew they could take the city or at least... "Remove" the princess from her throne with a well placed bolt in the night.

Ponyville... Reinforced with roughly three battalions and resupplied. He had enough to keep them contained till tartarus froze over so it did not matter, the siege would go on and Luna's fanatics would be blamed.

This was now Equestria's great chance to cleanse itself of subversive elements that had chosen now as their chance to rise. Already contained and controlled he could bend the story any which way he wanted. So far he had proclaimed great victory over them, they were trapped inside the town while the population had been spirited away to safety.

Half true but no one knew any better and even those who had been in Ponyville knew little. The last to leave had been taken aside and put in work camps freeing up soldiers to fight rather than wash, cook and other menial tasks. After the siege was over they would disappear just like the Crystal Empire's officers had. With the mass graves having to be dug who would notice an extra hundred or so tossed in?

Running his finger over the map tracing the paths each force was taking he decided that for the time being it would be best to ignore central Equestria and focus on keeping Ponyville locked up tight. Let the rebels led by "Ironshod" raise hell.

Their days were numbered and they lacked enough strength to launch another surprise attack on the well prepared forces at Ponyville, the worst they could was go west towards the docks at Van Hoover. Even then the public was so incensed with their actions he doubted there was much they could do.

With Celestia boisterously decrying their actions in public any support they might hope for was severely hampered now.

"Hmm... Orderly. Tell me. Where do you think they are going?"

Keeping her head bowed low the mare shuffled over and looked at the map as he pointed to the token indicating the undead.

"Perhaps here my lord."

Looking at where she pointed his eyes narrowed. It was a very good guess and one he had thought about. They were fleeing to a point west of Ponyville between two mountain ranges. Perhaps there was a tunnel there? It mattered not, it would be so well hidden they could never hope to find it.

Plans had to change anyway, with the rail lines being cut in the north the original plan of gathering along the Unicorn Range was scrapped. Instead they had been diverted farther south. That meant moving the Eastern Army quickly over land to Dodge City, load onto trains then passing Dodge Junction they would be carried west to the bridge far south of Ponyville.

From there they could march west towards a pass in the mountains then cut off the undead in the hopes of holding them in place and prevent them from moving towards the Unicorn Range. Catching them on the hilly and low ridge covered terrain would favor the larger army.

Timing was critical though, if they marched now they could make it but waiting a few days could cost them the chance. Both forces had to come together quickly and sandwich the enemy between them and so far it was working as they had already skirted many small villages in their race to escape the larger forces closing in.

Quickly jotting their orders out and sending them off in a puff of smoke he hoped no one would intercept the magic but with his enemy so occupied he doubted they had the time.

Staring at the map again he hummed to himself. The final battle would take place somewhere west of Ponyville near the mountains and White Tail Woods... It would be one sided too. Three hundred thousand versus maybe thirty or fourty thousand undead.

Steelshod stretched in his chair then looking at Celestia, smiled.

Chapter 47: A Bridge Too Far

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*Crystal Empire*

It had taken a few days to hike back to their abandoned city but the large column of crystal ponies followed Princess Cadence dutifully through the frozen tundra and into the buried city. Her sudden arrival several days ago had shocked them including the crystal pony soldiers who had been reformed under Ironshod's command.

Though still missing her horn it none the less served as a solemn reminder to all for what awaited them if they failed to resist: Steelshod had no interest nor intention on keeping his word, they were serfs bound to the land and meant to be used.

Hope also came with her in the form of the crystal heart. Displaying it for all to see upon her return thus proving Steelshod was the enemy had solidified her place as their monarch and any thoughts of accepting Steelshod's offer had blown away on the wind.

Ironshod had been more than pleased with this new development as it meant that once she sat on the throne he would have a safer place to keep launching his attacks from, stock supplies and not to mention somewhere to send the wounded.

Standing below her crystal palace Cadence held out the crystal out and watched as the palace came to life snatching it from her grasp. Hovering above the floor magic poured out shooting through the palace and ground blasting away the ice and snow revealing the city once more.

The magical blast continued out clearing a vast ring around the city making agriculture possible once more. Cheers rang out from the crowd sending out waves of energy into the streets streaking along and into the heart powering it further. A powerful burst of energy shot out from the top of the palace sending out a multicolored aurora across the sky.

"Well Princess Cadence, I hope you have a little more than colorful lights to protect the city with. Steelshod will probably try something after a display like that."

"So long as he does not steal the heart back we will be safe here for the time being General Ironshod."

"I will keep most of my forces here then and post most of them on guard here."

"That would be wise..."

"You never did say who freed you and have been dodging me for days."

"Part of the agreement is that for the time being I keep that knowledge to myself. Perhaps when the war is over."

"Very well. I would we watch our backs, we just made ourselves very large targets."

*Canterlot, Minutes Later*



Steelshod watched the colorful aurora shoot across the sky with growing ire as an eyelid twitched. Moments ago he had felt a magical burst somewhere inside the castle and knew what had happened.

"Bring my spymaster here at once."

Waiting until the orderly had left the room and shut the door behind her he turned slowly and sat on his throne. Cadence had not only escaped but somehow managed to steal the crystal heart away from him. Powerful magic was needed to breach the storage room but it did not matter, he knew where the heart had gone.

He had underestimated the pink princess and the ability of her agents to breach the storage room. Well, he would not make the same mistake twice. No doubt the heart would be more than well protected but it was no longer the target.

Watching his spymaster arrive and beckoning him over he pointed out the window.

"Take your team of assassins and pay a little "visit" to my wayward prisoner. Make certain she is DEAD."

"At once sire... But the rail lines are out and with the rebels cutting lines it might take a few days."

"No. It wont. A noble as of now just "donated" one of their private air yachts. Find the fastest one and depart at once, I want her dead within seventy two hours!"

"... We will manage it somehow my lord."

Giving a short, sharp bow the agent left the room in a great hurry. Three days was pushing it but if they embarked within the hour they could pull it off.

Steelshod continued to stare out the window as the aurora faded slowly and sighed. At least the other plans were panning out so far.

*Western Equestria, First Army Group*

General Baros had marched with haste along the rail line going South, no trains were available anymore for transportation of the soldiers. Instead they had been relegated to some other task far to the East but a handful remained for ferrying supplies.

Not having to pack anything other than the bare essential's had allowed his army to double their pace and get caught up with Lord Silverblood and Lady Opulence's army. Others had joined in along the way slowly and now the forces under his command comprised almost the entirety of the western Noble Armies.

It was a large force to behold true, but now it moved slowly along cramped roads. A message from the Emperor had arrived a few days ago warning him not to move so fast the enemy might out run them but keep a steady pace and avoid a general engagement unless he was certain of absolute victory.

The nobles thought they could manage it or so they thought but Baros knew that it was better to stick with their emperors plan whatever it was. They were nothing more than sheep dogs driving the sheep towards the slaughter house.

Mercenaries had joined in complimenting their forces with added numbers and fodder for scouting ahead with. So far they had seen nothing of interest but knew something had happened to Lord Goldbit. They did not have rail lines or telegraph's back at home but the merits of having them was much to his liking.

Goldbit and Diamond Smith had both failed to signal them for a week. Arriving at the Lonely Lake had given him a good idea as to why there was no word from one force: they were gone. Harvested. All that remained was the shattered tents and weapons, long lines of blood and gore, maybe a severed limb here or there.

Missing was every last corpse, following blood trails down to the lakes edge they realized that they had walked the wrong way. Soldiers had tried to swim out but were killed and brought back to the camp. They had been ready too, the formation had been drawn up facing the tree line but whatever came out swatted them aside like flies.

Blood was their only tool for finding out what happened and walking through the camp Lady Opulence called out bringing the other Lords and Ladies over. She held up the lower part of armor that had been cut away from the upper part.

It had been made for a very fat, wealthy stallion so they knew who it belonged too. What disturbed all of them including Baros he hated to admit was what the pieces looked like. Something had not just CUT the fat stallion in two, no, it had chewed him in half.

Holding the rent armor in his hands and examining the size of the tooth marks he placed his fingers in one of the grooves and began to measure first two then three fingers.

"Whatever ate him must have been huge!"

Baros looked over at Silverblood then back to the armor before dropping it to the ground.

"How many other pieces of armor have you seen like this?"

They all shook their heads.

"So only one then. We can handle one of them easily and have we the ballistas to do it."

"What about the armor pieces that were cut cleanly?"

"Undead are powerful creatures or so I have heard. So long as we do not underestimate them there will be no problem. Move the column out."

The army began its march again as the nobles and general climbed into their hand drawn carts. Baros closed his eyes and remembered the map he had studied for days now. Diamond Smith should be just a few days ahead of them now.

If he had never made it here then they would either find it camp much like this one or if lucky he might be camped at the river crossing. Hoping the other Lord was brighter than those currently under his command Baros wondered where the undead were.

*Forest Opposing Diamond Smith's Camp, one day later*

Shadow's army had remained silent since morning and it was noon now as she kept watching the enemy camp. Two wraiths hovered in the tree's far ahead giving her a birds eye view of the fortress that had sprung up overnight.

Lord Diamond Smith... This one was not a fool. It would take siege equipment to blast through the barricade that sealed off both the wagon and train bridge. A smaller force protected the bridge farther up but it was so narrow they did not need many to hold it indefinitely.

Turning her attention back to the bridge she had to cross Shadow studied the camp again before flying from her mount and landing on the ground. Clearing away nettles till the soft sandy soil was visible she took a stick and drew out the camp as she was seeing it.

Two primary barricades to hold the bridges, one was detached from the main camp. Stretching from the end of the bridge up and down the river bank a palisade had been thrown up and ran the entire perimeter of their camp forming a rough square.

Ballista lined the wall facing across the river but worse covered the bridge in what would become crossfire for anything trying to get across. Two catapults were also thrown up hastily a little farther back facing her side of the river as well.

They knew she was coming and had wasted no time in preparing. Letting out an annoyed sigh Shadow kept drawing, the camp was sectioned off into four blocks. Take one section and she would have to launch a whole new siege to break into another. Even now soldiers put the finishing touches on the interior defences and pits were being dug deeper unfortunately and showed signs of being readied for flooding.

Three gates gave access to the camp, one at the bridge which was sealed then one directly opposite following with the road the camp was built on. The final gate led off to the other small barricade farther down the river.

Almost everything was facing across the river though and it made sense. No other bridges were available however so there was no option but to cross here unless she could figure something else out.

Drawing away at the map and trying to figure out how to assault across the bridge Shadow growled, no matter what she did the odds were against her. Facing a force of roughly equal size that could bring artillery to bear while she had none made the situation grim.

Forcing the bridge her soldiers would be massacred and even sending the golems to break down the gates might not work in such cramped conditions. They would have to cross one at a time, batter away or climb order while being shot at and frankly Shadow was not willing to risk them so soon.

There had to be another solution she had not seen yet. Watching the river move slowly her eyes narrowed and focusing the wraiths gaze she watched a piece of driftwood move at a snails pace down the river and under the bridge.


Calling on the link she hoped to get a response without having to use a crystal. An idea had come to mind but it required a little conformation from the one who knew the smaller intricacies of these soldiers.


"I have a problem. An army of roughly the same size is occupying the bridge across from me and is dug in, they have heavily fortified their camp with ballista and catapults. If I cross the bridge they have a fair chance at winning but I have an idea."


"Before I tell you the plan I need to know something very important. My mission is to draw their attention and make them chase me. Make them think we are weaker than we really are correct?"

"Yes. Get to the point."

"You said "kill them all" but what if I made a "botched" attack on them? Wipe out half the camp then make a run for it as if I am too weak to carry out a larger siege. Make it appear as if I am desperate to get away with what I have."

"Sounds like a good idea. Can you pull it off and still get away with your forces intact?"

"That is why I need to know something else... Can these soldiers travel underwater?"


Skeletal archers waited in loose formation ready to advance from the far bank to the rivers edge before firing over and into the camp. It was a prelude to an attack across the bridge but it would never come. Drawing their attention to the wrong side of the fortress it would allow Shadow to attack from the lake and into the eastern side of their camp.

Valkardian had confirmed her suspicion: so long as the waters current was not strong and the mud not too deep they could walk across easily enough despite their heavy armor. Unfortunately it meant the archers would loose their arrows unless ordered to remove and hold them all. Bow's would also become water logged and useless and require time to dry out but there were no other armies in front of her for at least a week now.

A very large army nipped at her hooves from behind while another was being gathered rapidly south of Ponyville. By the time she entered the plains before turning north into the Unicorn Range they would already have crossed the mountains to the south and be closing in quickly.

Shadow faced more than eighty thousand to her back and even more to the front if she did not hurry. Decision made she had opted to attack that night and give them a good scare while pandering to their expectation's that Valkardian's army was small and weak.

What none knew was that it was her little army now not his, leading them on a wild goose chase while forcing them to gather almost everything they had into one large army. Why he had not opted to kill them all of piecemeal... No idea. Maybe this was just easier than chasing down thirty some smaller armies. Well that and doing so would make Steelshod either give up on Ponyville or sack them outright allowing him to fortify Canterlot...

Shielded from the water as they moved slowly through the darkness Shadow held on tightly to her mount as the slow current threatened to tug her free gently. Only one battalion had been left behind to draw attention and fire. During the assault they would cross the river directly and move down the road.

Getting around the fortress had been a bit of a chore. Having to march the army farther up the river to where the enemy could not see them they slid into the water and marched back down following its winding trail.

Her enemy had made a simple mistake: they had only barricaded the one gate. Not suspecting a force to go under the water and emerge at the bend farther up from them they had even left the gate open all day for water gathering and moving more trees. It only shut at night and had a single small tree to brace it.

Two bone golemns would rush the gate, shatter it and allow her soldiers in, moving with them they would break the other gate dividing the eastern side of the camp up and the battle would truly be at its apex. Eye's closed Shadow focused on her wraiths that monitored her progress carefully. One wraith was kept at the front of the column so she would know when the move them from the river.

Turning her forward battalion to their left they marched slowly from the water and onto the grassy field beside the camp. One by one they emerged in the moonlight and turning again they moved straight for the gate.

Her two lead golemns were already ahead of them and moving quickly, in just a few more minutes they would reach the gate and tear them open. Shadow would have to join in the fight tonight though, while the gargoyles would focus on the artillery she wanted to make certain this Lord had no tricks up his sleeve.

One ballista happened to be dangerously close to where she would emerge and opting to destroy it immediately had decided to deal with it herself. There were enough gargoyles to deal with pegasi but not enough to deal with both that and the plentiful ballistas.

Making matters a little harder they also kept half the camp under arms at night to protect the wall the siege engines sat on. Perhaps her mount would make them scatter, if nothing else her climbing the wall and killing the crew would draw attention away from the gargoyles long enough for them to do their job.

This was her first battle where the numbers she had could not be deployed at the same time but only a few at a time here and there due to the walls. It made sense why Valkardian wanted Steelshod to keep his armies away from Canterlot now.

Leaving the water with a gurgling sound her behemoth rose up and turned towards the wall and its ballista. Racing forward to catch up the alarm had not been raised yet but they would probably see her golemns any second now.

From the far tree line gargoyles rose up rapidly and raced forward climbing high, ready to dive in on the hapless crews. Order's flew out and focusing on her target watched as the first flurry of arrows slammed into the palisade and over the wall.

Soldiers fell here and there but the wall did its job and protected most of them. Shouts of alarm rose up as the crew's began aiming across the river into the darkness as unicorns fired off flares in the wrong direction.

A horrible shattering and rending sound rang out as the two golemns hit the gates furiously and tore them to shreds allowing her soldiers into the camp. Other golemns simply grabbed onto the wall with their blades and climbed over easily before tearing into the camps.

In front of her the ballista crew unlocked the mechanism and began to rotate it around towards her. Shadow's heart skipped a beat as she wondered if the armor could take a direct, point blank shot from a ballista but breathed in relief as they focused on the golemns. They had not seen her. Yet.

Reaching the wall as they fired Shadow's mount crashed into the wall with it's claws and heaved its body up and over jaws snapping at the terrified crew.

Time stopped for them as they fell away from her as the ballista was shattered under one of the beasts legs. Tearing into their officer it lifted them up and bit down before tossing the body off into the camp and grabbing another soldier.

Crawling backwards and rolling off the earthen parapet other soldiers hunkered behind their shields as panicky unicorns tried to fire off spells. Aiming for the first mob she let loose a blast of fire sending they running, some threw themselves over the wall and ran for the river burning and screaming while others fell thrashing. A couple ran through the camp setting tents ablaze as they thrashed adding to the chaos.

Down the line Shadow watched as the gargoyles continued to rip into the other crews but were beginning to have trouble. From the far camp unicorns were firing away heavily and missing but she could see they were now beginning to focus their fire.

Plodding forward and finishing off another crew while her mount slipped and slid along the wall an idea came to mind. If she could grab their attention for just a second or two her gargoyles could finish the job and they could begin their retreat under considerably less harassment.

Heaving itself up over the next wall she sent the command to her mount and watched as it lowered its head.

During training she had learned that Valkardian had placed on some creation's a few little "gifts" could help at times. Fear was an almighty weapon when used properly and right now she was pinning on this one.

Head lowered the skeletal creature let out an unholy, echoing howl that made all the fighting stop as heads spun so fast their necks threatened to break. Ranks of archers and unicorns backed away quickly from the nightmarish creature and firing off a few blasts of flame all hell broke loose as they turned and ran.

Ballista crew's quickly zeroed in on her and turning away and dropping off the wall quickly their shots either missed or were never fired as her gargoyles finished off a few more crews.

Her archers had already crossed and were at the road while her army streamed away into the night and quickly following them raced through the camp. One camp had emptied out for the most past into a safer, neighboring camp but just as many failed to make it.

One camp was annihilated with no survivors but roughly two-thirds of the enemy army remained intact by virtue of fast thinking officers. Speeding away her golemns disappeared into the darkness as more magical flares went off searching for her.

It was far too late however, the attack was finished and her forces were escaping. No sign was shown that they had any intent nor interest in pursuing her into the night and come tomorrow morning they would be a few miles away.

If they did decided to follow her south they would have to leave the safety of their camp and risk an open battle with a larger force minus their artillery. Shadow figured that after tonight's scare they would stay right where they were until help or new orders arrived.

No harvest had been carried out either, everything was left right where it was in the hasty "retreat." For all they knew their plan was working and would carry on just as Valkardian wanted them to.

*Camp, 10 minutes later*

Lord Diamond Smith gave out a relieved sigh. They had come very close to being overrun but his defense plan had saved them. How they had crossed the river without him knowing did not matter right now, what mattered was getting word off quickly both to Canterlot and the approaching relief army.

Sending a pegasus come daylight would be easy now that the enemy was gone, the telegraph line was still functional but would take time. Due to outages the message would have to be bounced heavily but with any luck the lines could be restored tomorrow and communication with the forces to his north would resume.

Chapter 48: Assassins

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*Crystal Empire, Palace, One day after river battle, 1AM*

Everything was quiet and peaceful once more in the Crystal Empire. The ponies were tucked safely away in their own beds once more and life had returned to normal as if nothing were wrong and war was once more a myth.

Guard's kept a far closer eye on the crystal heart not at all time of day and night. At all times at least one hundred were required to stand guard at the heart while two companies now kept watch on the halls, rooms and balconies of the palace itself.

Cadence had a hard time sleeping, a fact that had not changed since the war began. Having the crystal heart back had done little to ease her fears that Steelshod might try something anyway. Her diminished army of five thousand was not enough against his elite troops and word had arrived a much larger force had landed.

They were not coming after them however, upon arrival they turned south and along with the entirety of the Noble Armies rushed into the region west of Ponyville giving chase to what she had no idea.

Ironshod guessed that whoever had saved her was orchestrating something and Cadence nodded but said no more. Something big was about to happen in the next week when those forces converged.

It was the largest army build up in Equestrian history and it made her toss and turn wondering if Shining would be sacrificed in Valkardian's grand "plan" whatever it was. Part of her trusted him though, she was the princess of love and knew a thing or two about others and their personalities.

Remembering him and the feeling she got around him made her cringe but deep down knew that he would keep his word. An agreement had been struck and so long as she made no move to violate it his word was good.

A magical pang went through her head making her sit upright in bed. Horn or no horn the crystal heart had means of warning her when something evil was near, the last time had been Sombra now it was something else. Tossing her sheets off Cadence stood and walked towards the door and called to the guards outside.

They responded and she informed them that something was nearby and to pass the word on. She could hear one of them take off running down the hall calling out and raising the alarm but a feeling deep inside told her they were already inside.

*Five minutes ago, outside*

Their airship had glided over the city at night and lowered them onto a balcony without being seen nor heard. Truly the ponies had little understanding of warfare but were learning quickly enough though the price for this knowledge was blood and lives.

The spymaster climbed down one of the ropes and onto the balcony while the rest of the team quickly followed. There would be no chances tonight, he had brought most of his cadre with him and the twelve hand picked assassin's behind him were the best Steelshod had.

Runes would prevent the heart from expelling them but not detecting them unfortunately and listening to the shouts they knew their time table was already shot to pieces.

Four guards had been on the balcony but well placed bolts had killed them instantly. Looking down the hallway before signaling the airship up and out of sight they listened for a moment before moving inside.

Magical lights had come on but none had entered their hallway yet. Racing forward and checking any side rooms they passed the team halted and parted to the sides hiding behind some pillars as a squad ran past towards the balcony.

A second later the decision was made and signaling they aimed and fired three at a time into their backs dropping them like dominoes. Reloading and moving forward again he sent a few out to check the other hallways.

Hoofsteps announced more would be coming quickly enough to hold the central stairway but one of his assassin's looked back and motioned quickly. Twenty. Too many for a head on fight, they were not armed for that. Letting them pass... No.

It was their ace in the hole but they had to buy time and fast. Special tools were drawn out covered in runes that disrupted magic. If this place ran on magic then they could disrupt it enough to maybe make it go dark again long enough to slip past.

Attaching the objects to what looked like magical conduits they set them off and the lights dimmed and flickered wildly before going almost going out entirely.

Motioning they sped on and kept looking for a door that was more heavily guarded than others. Going up a flight of stairs word came back that seven guards were outside a door on the next level up.

His team raced up and peaking around the corner he smiled and nodded. Applying a few more magical disruptors the lights in their section of the castle went out entirely making the guards brace themselves.

Magic was fired up but it illuminated the head of the caster and resulted in the rapid delivery of a well aimed bolt. Raising their shields up and drawing up against the door they almost shouted out it was too late as the assassins were already among them.

When the last had dropped to the floor the spymaster listened at the door for a moment then stepped back and knocked before stepping aside. A single scared voice answered quickly and nodding they tested the door and found it locked.

For a magical crystal palace the place still used a standard keyhole and it was quickly picked as the voice inside yelled for help. None was coming however. Door picked they threw it open and poured inside fanning out and looking for their target.

There, huddled behind a dresser where they could not shoot was Princess Cadence. Around them the castle tried to fight off their magical tampering making light's flicker on and off again.

Moving forward the spymaster approached and drew his dagger, proof would be needed of the kill and her head would suffice though it might take a minute to remove.

Pained grunts sounded from behind as the two door guards were yanked away and turning they aimed their crossbow's at the door waiting for a moment but nothing happened. Turning back to Cadence he reached for her but the sound of cutting and thrashing reached his ears again.

Spinning around ready to stab whatever was behind him the spymaster watched his teams final moments as their throats opened up from unseen blades. Others were jerked backwards harshly, their mouths muffled before the same fate befell them.

Turning away quickly he lunged at Cadence hoping to at least kill her before they got him but was stopped as something grabbed him from behind yanking his head up exposing the throat as cold metal drew across the exposed fur and flesh.

His body slumped to the floor as blood gushed from the wound some of it spraying onto Cadence.

Cadence sat huddled up in her corner shaking and sobbing trying to figure out what had just happened. One moment the lights were on, off, partially on revealing twelve assassins then the next moment they were dying left and right as one approached her.

They lunged after seeing their comrades slaughtered but had been pulled back quickly and held with their head pointed up as much to her horror their throat quickly opened.

Tucking her legs in tighter and holding onto her belly looking around wildly her eyes caught the glimpse of a figure standing over her. The winged creature watched her with glowing, blue slitted eyes before turning away and leaving.

"You made a deal and it will be upheld."

She gave no response, just sat there shaking for several minutes for the yelling of guards reached her ears and moments later they poured into her room. Everything was fine they said, the assassins had killed quite a few but they were already removing the strange objects placed on the power conduits.

Lights flicked back on fully and being able to see the dead assassins in proper light as their blood flowed freely on the floor. Captain Thornberry helped her back up and led her to the bed so sit down as the bodies were removed.

"What happened Princess?"

Cadence watched them drag the bodies out while others called for water and mops. She was assured they would have it all cleaned up very quickly.

"Captain... Bring General Ironshod. I made a deal and we are going to uphold it no matter what happens."

*Canterlot, 8AM*

Steelshod was furious. Unable to keep up his public facade he had left the throne room and gone to his chambers with Celestia and a few officers in tow. A magical scroll had arrived from the wayward airship and with it came thew news of his spymasters fate.

His entire team had been wiped out and Cadence still lived, the ship had to flee a good distance for risking communications. Steelshod however was not very worried about interception anymore but caution was still important.

How they had been killed no one knew, just that they had all died. Loosing his spymaster had been the biggest blow of all, he was a very reliable stallion and having to promote a new one made him cringe. Twelve of the best were dead giving him slim pickings.

It was fortunate then that he had dispatched Celestia's forces away from the city, though few it was better if they remained far away and out of sight and mind till this was resolved. All of this also meant yanking a battalion from Ponyville and he ground his teeth at the thought.

There was a silver lining however, his enemy in the west was still on the run.


Everyone was rather chipper today strangely enough. Bellies were somewhat full for the first time in forever, the wounded had received proper care and Spike was no longer being used as a living cauterizer for wounds.

For days they had watched as train cars were moved south or east. From the highest tower they could just make out the line that left the Canterlot Mountains heading towards the east coast. Something big was going down and Steelshod had even rearranged his forces around Ponyville.

A single battalion had been yanked away from the siege and sent back to Canterlot for some reason making the disparity in numbers somewhat less. It was also clear that there would be no assaults on their fortress anytime in the near future either as half the enemy ballista had been removed.

Daring the night sky a courier had managed to get in the night before with a little information before departing again. News and couriers were rare and precious to them but what the last one brought had left them floored.

Steelshod had packed up all of Celestia's forces and shipped them out in preparation for a large battle somewhere to their west. Trains ran around the clock moving hoards of soldiers and supplies to the mountains south of them before marching through the narrow pass.

If this build up did not stop it meant that around three hundred thousand soldiers would be poured into the plains to their west. As to their unknown "ally" little was known but sightings had reported a division of monsters was terrorizing its way towards them killing everything in their path.

Nothing else was known about this force and it was too dangerous for the rebel spies to gain any more information. Luna was alive though, they thought... Well she had to be or Celestia would probably rebel against Steelshod.

The light show a few days ago announced the Crystal Heart had been returned putting one more thorn in the emperor's side. So far he had made a single move against them, a lone air yacht had been "borrowed" and sent north but no word beyond that.

Shining feared assassins or thieves to steal back the heart but with Ironshod in the north protecting it while also waging his little war they knew Cadence was safe for now.

Looking at the map of Equestia and making updates to the force dispositions the crowd of officers, princess and a rainbow pegasus stared. Steelshod was aiming for serious overkill against that little division. Whoever they were it was clear that he wanted them very, very dead.

"Three hundred thousand versus ten thousand..."

Speaking the number aloud everyone glanced at Colonel Bright Lance before looking back down at the map.

"That has got to be the biggest act of overkill in history or one battle I would very much like to see. Especially if it takes that many to kill so few. Damn shame we are going to miss it."

Chapter 49: The Undead March to War

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*Somewhere in Western Equestria*

Shadow had done it, the last way-point had been reached without so much as a single hiccup. Far behind her the enemy was two days behind but catching up quickly enough. Her little attack on the forces at the bridge had the desired effect spurring them onward and when the news had reached the other forces in the east they too increased their pace.

Roughly four days is all it would take for them marching in from both directions now to close the gap and form into a much larger formation. This also meant that Valkardian's plan had worked.

Watching the last of her forced march through the mouth of a "gate" before disappearing into the darkness she looked back at the field. To replace her ten thousand another ten had taken their place.

During all the trog wars and time some inevitably wound up too damaged for further use. They had been gathered up and marched out earlier and sent off at a slow pace to entice the enemy to keep up the chase. Her part in this phase of the war was now at an end and although somewhat relieved of the burden, she also wished it had not ended so quickly.

Moving her mount into the tunnel as the other force shambled away leaving a clear trail for the enemy to follow the gate closed behind her. To the outside worth the gate appeared just as another wall of dirt and rock, a little magic was all it took to remove any traces of a trail leading to it.

Any who would come could only see the trail passing the tunnel and heading off towards the Unicorn Range.

Valkardian was waiting on her down below and teleporting them both away mount and all they now reappeared at another fortress but it was also different from the others. Some of his fortresses held small portals, other's held portals that allowed whole armies to pass through no matter the size of the construct.

This portal however was huge. Powering it up he waved her through and into another fortress.

"We will rest here for a few days. Once the enemy army has combined and turned north we will depart while I begin the final deployment."

"Where are you leading them?"

"Long ago I found terrain in my wandering that would suit a battle like this perfectly. Trees to the far read to hide the approach, ridges running east to west keeping any but those flying from seeing or hitting anything beyond. A massive swamp on one side that is boggy enough to deter any army except the dead. Soft, wet soil that is perfect... It really is the perfect battlefield."

"Flanking attack?"

"No I plan to envelope them."

"The numbers required for that are-"

"I know. Rest."

*Two days later, plains south of Unicorn Range*

General Baros was unhappy that the other's had failed to catch the fleeing undead in time but they were not far ahead. Fanning out the Noble Armies into columns they turned north quickly and gave chase. Pegasi kept tabs on the enemy as they fled towards the swampy area hoping to loose them but by tomorrow morning they would overrun them and it would be over.

With three hundred-thousand at his command it was truly a dream, never had he imagined of having the honor to command so many in the name of his emperor. Artillery was plentiful but slowing them down yet they brought it with them anyway.

This little force had proven to be quite capable of itself and he was not about to risk it all when there was no need to.

An order of battle had been established as well, Steelshod's orders had been specific: make the locals do all the dying.

Mercenaries would be used to make certain none got away by flying ahead and picking off any that fled assuming the undead would break and flee... The various nobles had been played off against each other for who would get the honor of carrying the battle forward to victory.

Damnable fools. It had devolved into a shouting match as each wanted to gain more favor and praise with the hope of reward being dangled in front of their noses. Not that there would not be rewards for their service of course but thinking over the cost in lives... Less Equestrian's to rebel later.

*Canterlot, afternoon*

As to how they had gotten their hands on a printing press no one knew, but they had. Papers had been stuffed into mailboxes decrying Steelshod as a monster with full details including the mass grave of crystal ponies he had executed.

Cadence was dehorned but back in power, the rebels in Ponyville were not rebels but true Equestrians and on it went. There was even a short bit on how Luna and Celestia were prisoners and being used against one another, they too lacked horns but now wore fakes.

Milk and honey flowed however so few paid it much attention, Steelshod had shot back already saying the mass grave was from the unfortunate clash between his forces and Cadence's.

Some rumblings had shown through though and it made him all the more eager to see this ended. Orders had been given to Ponyville to continue the bombardment immediately. Five thousand held them in place while the remainder of his original forces were now concentrated in Canterlot.

His concern was no longer the distant battle to be but now much closer, if things were not wrapped up soon rumblings might become open rebellion. Promises had been made and the veneer was cracking unless he could deliver a few swift, decisive blows.

First seal up the underworld for the time being, wipe out Ponyville when General Baros returned then north and put an end to the crystal ponies.

At least the harvest had been brought to a halt.

*Unicorn Range, next morning, sunrise*

Shadow and Valkardian sat on their mounts on a ridge overlooking the path his army would take. To the south the enemy approached rapidly and had already caught up with the fodder Valkardian left behind. Within a few hours they would be over run but not before leading them into the trap.

Approaching in great columns that had kicked up clouds of dust they now marched along the soft wet earth of a region with a very high water table. She was eager to see what surprises he held in store for them as she peered far to the south through a telescope watching the two forces approach.

From their view all they could see was tall ridges and forests, the perfect cover for an army.

"Alright. Where is the army?"


Turning to where Valkardian was pointing she watched and waited for a few minutes. Nothing happened at first but she never looked away and her patience was rewarded as the stone parted along a long cliff face looking like gaping wounds.

From these massive holes a steady stream of soldiers marched forth in dark, wide columns. It was impossible to count their number as they poured out and into the forest moving south quickly.

A cold chill ran down her spine as the hulking skeletal frames of kathdar's lurched free of the tunnels bearing ballista's on their backs with bundles of "doom bolts" strapped on. Shadow had assumed gargoyles were limited in number but thousands poured out along with entire ranks of bone golemns.

Following their ranks Shadow furrowed her brow in confusion. Banners and flags flew above the ranks as they marched onwards. Many differently colored banners flew but only one color marked each column. Trying to see the symbol on the bright blue flags was nearly impossible.

Several other flag's flew as well here and there but the blue flag was always at the front, farther away a red flag flapped in the wind and bringing her telescope up and straining Shadow could make out a cave rose. Closer was a rather colorful flag of black, gold, white and red with a familiar symbol on it. Herr Blutlanze was obviously commanding that column.

Shadow counted out some twenty different flags as they watched the army advance.

"What is the blue flag?"

"That is my symbol as this is my army after all."

"I cant make out the symbol on the flag, only one farther away but just barely."

Valkardian shifted the shield off his back and showed it to her, on its surface was the symbol of a helmet with two crossed swords behind it. The helmet was the same design as the one she wore but without the finer details.

"Why bother flying the flags though?"

"A shambling hoard should scare them well enough however the flags and banners give the impression of a thinking enemy. They will see an army arrayed before them much like their own with banners, flags and symbols, the sheer numbers will make the soldiers themselves hesitate. They are not up against just an undead army but one that is alive."

"Make them think your army is even bigger and scarier? Why bother?"

"Not that I plan to let any escape alive mind you but should they... I want them to flee this battle remembering what they saw."

"If the survivors reach Ponyville..."

"Oh they probably will but we will be right behind them giving them little chance to prepare or fall back to Canterlot. Especially since rebels keep destroying the rail line leading to Ponyville."

"Very fortuitous for you."

"Indeed it is."

The dull pounding of their marching rose into the air, the kathdar's slipped through prepared gaps in the forest yet the endless wave of undead kept coming.

"How long have you been preparing for this?"

"Since the first day I learned how to raise a skeletal servant. Thousand and thousands of years."

"With lots of help..."

"Lots of help."

"Will I ever meet them?"

"You already met a few."

"Where is Nacht?"

"Already in place. She is waiting on us."

"Herr Blutlanze? Albtraum?"

"Down there and very busy."

Straining her eyes Shadow could make out several war beasts with figure's mounted

"That is a lot more than just two Death Knights."

"Never said they were the only ones."

"For a recluse who hates ponies you have a lot of them in service to you."

"I cant stand the ones up here. Besides, I like making certain others underestimate my capabilities."

Moving his mount away Shadow thought about his words. "Up here?" There were a great many secrets he still kept from her. Looking at the forces below she quickly caught up with him but kept watching as they descended down the ridge to join the army.

"How many?"

"Over half a million with reserves."


Chapter 50: Armageddon

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*Battle of the Unicorn Range*

General Baros was very pleased. It was early morning and they had already caught up with the undead forces and even wiped out a slower force that had fallen behind. It appeared that everything would be ending very shortly.

Emperor Steelshod's grand army was stretched out across the plains with one flank resting along a stinking swamp while the other almost reached the forest on the far right flank. Far ahead of them a tall ridge blocked their view somewhat but here and there in the distance the tops of tree's could be made out with a telescope.

The abundance of pony power meant the artillery had kept up quite well while his own forces rested safely in the middle of the large formation drawn up in a large block formation. Suspicions had been raised the undead might try and ambush them again but with their superior numbers it was doubtful.

Ten thousand ahead and the harvested still missing meant that maybe thirty thousand or so were out there somewhere. So long as the army stayed together they were perfectly safe from them even if they slogged from the swamps to attack. Three nobles had been placed on either flank with their forces to ensure they were not ambushed from either side.

Sixty thousand was a drop in the bucket but it was enough to keep the undead away. Pegasi held been held back for the time being due to Lord Diamond Smith's warning about the enemies own capabilities. While it would have been perfectly acceptable to just send them anyway and stop the enemy advance they were held back.

General Baros was going to make this an infantry battle and his own forces which were specially armed with maces and axes to batter away at the skeletal structure's of the undead would be held back. Right now it was more important to keep up the pace and slowly roll up the undead forces from behind.

They had offered token resistance as they shambled on with great difficulty, damaged quite heavily from recent battles it looked as if Baros could keep his own forces safely in reserve. Silverblood and Opulence were at the front driving them on while surrounding them one battalion at a time and wiping them out.

Spirits were higher than ever as they up a steady pace. The night before Baros had spread word to the various nobles to raise morale even higher by regaling their soldiers in tales of revenge for those murdered at the hands of the enemy. Glory would go to those who distinguished themselves today.

Driven before them was the enemy in full flight as they tried to escape their wrath. All around the thunder of hooves pounding forward began to ebb over time as the ground became more boggy.

Far off to his right flights of birds shot into the air as the army passed the great forest drawing a great deal of attention. General Baros's eyes narrowed as he watched a pattern in their flights, they were not fleeing him but something else coming along his right flank.

"Bring me a courier!"

One more advantage to commanding the army was he now had extra pegasi to send off as couriers and jotting down a message to his commanders on the right the pegasus shot off into the air hanging low over the teeming throng of soldiers into the distance.

If the missing forces that had been harvested and raised to fight them were indeed along the right flank perhaps they were driving them harder than he thought. Sacrifice everything gained in order to escape? Maybe. Scanning the ridge far to his front no distant birds could be seen rising into the air.

"So they mean to flank us on the right in order to escape..."

Humming quietly to himself he pondered detaching another force to join the right just in case but decided against it. They were packed in quite well but still had freedom of movement, best to keep the forward momentum.

Another fraction of the fleeing force had been overrun and were now passing up and over a tiny rise in the terrain. The land itself had bowed down slightly forming a great boggy area that encompassed the entire force now, the mist covered swamp was clearly visible as the terrain also had a very slight dip to the left.

Peering into the fog with his telescope nothing was visible but it held a foreboding presence none the less. There was a sudden rush forward that made him wonder, a courier shot to him and asked for an increase in the pace, the undead had doubled theirs and were passing over the rise.

Nodding the signal was given and horn's blared out for an increase in the pace to get caught up. General Baros was not taking any chances in having his two leading forces cross the hump and get ambushed so they were under orders not to outpace the army itself.

Doubling their pace they moved forward jerkily at first but soon were surging forward to close the distance quickly. It was time to end it, no more games or chasing, destroy one force ahead then pile into the forest and wipe out whatever was waiting.

Order's were being jotted down when horns blared out far ahead in alarm slowing the advance. Two couriers zipped towards him in a panic saying a large force was arrayed at the base of the far ridge. As to how many they guessed some hundred thousand were waiting on them in perfect order.

Ordering the advance to continue his cart was lifted off the ground by several pegasi and with a little magical help flown over the army quickly. Looking below at his forces in perfect formation Baros smiled as they landed on the small ridge.

It had been a simple optical illusion, from the enemy's ranks they could see his advance with absolute clarity but for him they would have seen only the tops of their heads. Even now they had a good view of most of the army. Nothing was on the tall ridge, Silverblood and Opulence were waiting while their forces had drawn up quickly into a line and waited.

Looking at the other army General Baros never lost his smile but only increased it. Even with so many enemies this would be perfect. A battle large enough to kill off Celestia's loyal troops and any others still in doubt yet not so big that winning was in question.

"Perfect!" Looking to his couriers orders shot out quickly, the army would be brought up and assembled here on the plain in front of the other force. Ballista and catapults would sit on the little hump they controlled to fire into the enemy ranks which had no artillery giving them an edge.

Looking to his right flank orders went out to draw up into formation now and simply hold off whatever was going to attack from the forest. Nobles were flown in quickly on their pegasi drawn chariots.

First they would advance within two hundred yards, catapults and ballista would zero in with a few test shots aimed higher than normal then reload and wait. When the flares were fired off the archers would fire then after a count of three the artillery would all fire at the same time.

This would open great holes in the enemy ranks and allow the infantry to charge forward closing the gap and breaking into their ranks. Pegasi would be held in reserve just in case they were needed but it was a consensus that with their far greater numbers they would be relegated to the reserve or used as general infantry.

Looking at the other force's Baros became a little curious, they had not moved one inch while war machines were drawn forward. They simply stood there quietly. Waiting. Examining them closer he spotted several figures riding atop large creatures here and there. Mulling over if he should use the seeker arrows now or wait he opted to hold back the best till it was needed if at all.

Arrows did little to nothing against the undead so it would make little difference anyway against the undead riders except to annoy them. New orders were given out to two catapult batteries to aim for the figures, they were clearly officers so killing them would make things go easier.

Behind them the army quickly marched over the ridge with their banners and the new flag of Equestria flying high. In the center of the old flag that bore images of Celestia and Luna was Steelshods royal crest making it appear as if Celestia and Luna were paying obeisance to him.

Ballista were unloaded and prepared, catapults were pushed into position and loaded as the formations closed in then halted. The first test shots crossed the great divide and pounded harmlessly into the far ridge line, a few shots fell short and nicked at the ranks of undead but did little else.

Recounting their zero the ballista and catapult crews began to crank back their machines slowly. It took quite a while to fire a catapult or ballista but they only needed one good barrage.

No sooner had they seen the shots impact beyond the undead ranks than banners and flags were lifted up from their ranks. General Baros watched from beside a catapult standing on a tall rise that had been thrown up for him to observe the battle from. Flapping in the wind two great blue flags billowed out.

He almost chalked it up to theatrics but the earth gave a small tremble bringing an eerie hush to the army as they waited for it to pass. Instead it became a rythm, a constant small tremor. Ordering a flight of pegasi to fly up and have a look he watched them soar into the air before they quickly bolted back to the earth.

Their words fell on deaf ears however, General Baros did not need to hear them to know what they had seen. The tall ridge was now covered in dense ranks of undead soldiers. Their heavy steps sent out a thudding sound as more banners and flags came into view.

Vast ranks came across in perfect order as horrific lumbering monstrosities came over the ridge before stopping long enough to drop off their cargo then continuing on. Towering skeletal creatures with four arms marched forward fanned out in front of each break between lines.

Many more riders could be seen now accompanying each rank forward and giving a yell to bring forward every seeker arrow he had. Unfortunately most had been diverted for use by the first wave to invade and were even now mostly tied down at Ponyville or Canterlot. Still, he could manage two good barrages.

The undead had brought their own archers though and far more, ranks of skeletons bearing giant crossbows marched forward and drew up on the side of the ridge. Unicorns could deal with them easily enough but there were too many undead in general.

Baros had a choice, aim for the hulking monsters with all the magic at his command or the ranks of archers and crossbows. They would fire on the largest beasts they could see. It was clear their purpose was to break apart his lines so they had to be stopped first.

That still left the right flank though, all pegasi would be sent to the right to reinforce them but that still left the wall of enemy ballista on the ridge. Looking at them through his telescope he scowled. If even one of those things hit his ranks and they most assuredly would it would open massive gaping wounds. Hopefully magical shields could stop them.


"They entered the killing fields."

Shadow watched Valkardian eagerly even drawing on the link they all shared with the throng's of wraiths in the air to watch. As planned they had entered and passed a boggy area before drawing up for battle.

This left the foreign forces at the rear trapped on the soggy ground. Shadow could see the ballista and catapults brought up being cranked back slowly. In the time it would take them to fire one shot their own ballista's could easily fire two or three time minimum.

Unlike the ballista in the fortress these were not only hand cranked but drawn back like a simple bow by a team of undead creatures. There were no catapults however, they had all been left behind in favor of bringing as many "doom bolts" as possible.

"Are you going to let them fire first?"

"Yes." He looked at her a moment before turning away again. "I need to test their munitions with the wraiths."

"Okay but why?"

"You will see..."

The enemy fired and Shadow watched as the nearly invisible wraiths altered their path somewhat before moving away.



Sitting upright quickly she watched as the formation that was held behind the ridge moved up the gentle slope and crested before marching out of sight on the far side. From the eyes of the wraiths flags and banners had been raised back up moments before acting as a second signal far and wide to the encompassing columns.

Before the enemy had ever come close enough a large portion had already crossed the ridge and dropped low to hide in the gentle slope while two other columns flanked off. One detachment marched into the swamp along the only fordable area hidden in the mists that were magically held in place.

To their left the other column of over a hundred thousand had marched into the forest but it was Nacht that left her wondering. Where was she? Not a single gargoyle was anywhere in sight either now having departed long ago to the east and out of sight.

Watching the kathdars drop their cargo before shuffling forward Shadow again peered at the enemy ranks through the link. A great rush was taking place as the artillery was cranked back to fire again while their own was prepared and ready to fire long before the Equestrians.

Far to the enemy rear archers raced forward through the narrow gaps, pegasi moved to the enemies right flank and unicorns were drawn up behind shield walls.

Cresting the ridge and finally being able to look upon the army below Shadow watched with some fascination as their armor glittered in the sun. A small formation had been pushed to the front flying gold banners had arrayed themselves in a small block at the center of the line.

A general was giving orders from the far ridge line that barely afforded them much of a view. When the movement of their army stopped she watched as the distant figure shouted something. Magical flares fired off into the air and pins were yanked.

Valkardian quickly spoke two words: "All, down."

Only an undead army could pull off what she saw next. As ballista bolts shot through the air the undead ranks ducked down perfectly allowing them to pass over harmlessly before impacting into the ridge line managing to only damage or destroy a paltry few.

Catapult rounds were arching up into the air but began to falter and drop short as wraiths altered their trajectory but there were not enough of them to alter every last shot. The few that made it through did little as the undead stepped aside in quick order allowing the firepots or rocks to land harmlessly. Any that did hit their mark were few and the gaps quickly filled back in.

Immediately after a flurry of arrows rose into the air as infantry began to surge forward. Whatever the enemy general had planned for the archers at their rear it was not to join in with the others yet as they were still drawing up as new ranks of infantry moved forward to replace those advancing.

Valkardian did not need to send out any orders. A Death Knight below had things well in hand as the whisper of an order went out. Preparing their pilum the ranks of soldiers raised up to throw and on the mark hurtled their missiles by rank before ducking down.

The effect was horrific. As each wave of pilum ripped into the charging infantry it threw them back from sheer impact dropping them in waves. Valkardian watched for a moment before their own archers drew back their enormous longbows and sent a hailstorm of arrows out and into the enemy ranks.

Unicorns that had been preparing to fire off magic had to stop and duck down behind the safety of shield bearers but not all were aimed at them. Arrows rained down over the ranks and even raising their shields many were hit and thrown to the ground.

Below a rank of golemns had moved to the front and now the formation was advancing rapidly to close the distance as new formations drew up.

Crossbow's let loose a hurricane of bolts seconds after the archers had fired. They reached out into the ranks of the unicorns like angry wasps as they began to poke their heads over the shields to fire. Hitting harder than the arrows the bolts ripped into their ranks piercing shields and bodies easily enough making them back away.

No attack from either flank had started yet but she knew it was not long off now.

A mighty clash of arms rose up from below as golemns shredded the enemy ranks before the surviving unicorns could fire on them. One or two went down in the flurry of magical attacks but it was not enough. New ranks of unicorns had been drawn up from the rear and began firing quickly but in the chaos as bodies were thrown left and right many panicked and the shots were going awry.

"Officers. Shields up."

Raising her shield up quickly her only view was from the wraiths as arrows rose up from the special ranks and soared higher before zeroing in on them before altering their path and darted in for the kill. Huddled behind her shield Shadow could feel the arrows pounding into it pushing her back in the saddle and threatening to toss her from the seat.

A few Death Knights had been thrown from their mounts but slowly stood and climbed back on. She understood why too: the armor they all wore had done its job very well. She too had taken several direct hits on the legs while thankfully her wings had been untouched.

Not a single arrow managed to penetrate but the constant hits had felt like someone was hammering on her legs with a mallet. It was painful but nothing more.

As she felt the magic in the armor heal over the bruises another flurry slammed into the hulking frames of the kathdars and golemns. Sheer volume had an effect on the golemns as the arrows battered away at their skulls in waves cracking them.

"Ballista. Fire."

Peaking over her shield now that the arrow barrage was over Shadow watched the pins come free and listened to the horrific screaming and grinding as the machines launched their hellish bolts into the distance.

Their impact on the ranks of the Equestrians must be nightmarish to see from up close as the bolts ripped through them leaving furrows in their ranks. Pressing forward harder the enemy did not relent though, they were very intent on winning this battle as enemy ballista's began to focus all their fire on the golemns and kathdars.

Watching a kathdar was a delightful fright, the beasts had stepped through some gaps created for them and now were swinging back and forth cutting a path straight to the ballista's and catapults.

Use of magic was increasing as well. Sensing their own desperate plight should they fail to stop the monsters unicorns focused everything they had on the legs slowing them down and even felling one.

"Time for your part Shadow. You have seen the enemy general yes?"


"He dies. Do you understand? We will not allow his escape. The third phase of the plan is about to start."


Shadow hurried her mount off and down the ridge line, her forces were waiting in the swamp on the far side. Her job was simple: cut off their retreat. There were not enough to stop the entire army from passing through but that was not the entirely her purpose. The enemy general had to die along with his specially armed forces at the rear.

*General Baros*

Staring at the slaughter taking place he let out a small sigh of relief. Whatever the enemy had on his right was sitting still and not moving granting him time to press forward and reform the lines.

Already a few of the hulking creatures had been brought down but not enough yet. Ballista's were taking too long to fire but the few crews that had managed to focus their fire had brought down one of the largest creatures that had nearly reached them.

Using the Equestrian's as fodder was working. Celestia's ranks were gone now, no survivors. Lord Silverblood and Lady Opulence had fallen back quickly and now huddled nearby since their forces had been wiped out in the initial attack.

Slowly he was grinding the enemy into a set piece battle. Their forward momentum was not very much to start with but their power was something to behold. Unicorns were getting the hang of how to stop the enemy from advancing and had calmed themselves. This was good.

His gamble on using seekers had failed entirely, not one of those damn bat winged riders had died. Whatever armor they wore was too strong and he wanted a suit of it for himself when this was over.

Catapults heaved their firepots and rocks into the air again at the golemns. Seeing that first batch mostly fail had made him almost loose his temper but he chalked it up to the misfortunes of war. This time however the catapults fired directly into the oncoming golemns shattering a few of them.

Fire had no effect on the undead he knew so they aimed whatever firpots they had to the enemies rear at their archers. Hopefully the bows would burn.

Thankfully their fire was limited to a wave now and then not a continuous stream. Most of it was reserved for picking off the unicorns he noted.

Watching the distant ballista's he thanked whatever divine being that looked over him that none had been aimed for him. Twice they had fired. The first volley had torn gaping holes in formations while the second had gutted ranks of soldiers on the right flank firing down their line. Reinforcements had been shifted their way though.

Seeing one of the riders on the ridge depart quickly and disappear made him wonder if the enemy would finally attack the right flank.

*Shadow Moon, Valkardians Right Flank, Swamp*

Splashing through the shallow swamp water was easy on her mount, it was nowhere near as deep as it looked at first. Passing the long rows of soldiers after a quick ride Shadow passed a Death Knight and spun in her saddle to look back before the mist hid them again. She could have sworn they had wings like hers.

Twenty thousand were arrayed just for her along the extreme right flank of the line and they were still waiting on the command to advance. They were situated somewhat to the rear of the enemy and the advancing forces had not quite driven them back into position yet for them to make a perfect flanking attack.

Keeping one eye on where she was going while looking at the battlefield from the air it made her curious as to what exactly would be the tipping point. As the minutes wore on the ranks compacted themselves towards the enemies front but Steelshod's private army at the rear had not budged an inch.

Fodder. They were using the Equestrians' as fodder and "tiring" Valkardian's army out before advancing in for the kill. Sick bastards!

Through the eyes of the wraiths she watched another wave of doom bolts fly out and rip into the enemies right flank that continued to watch the woods. Body parts flew as the bladed rounds sliced through the soldiers in their perfect formations. Not that it mattered, reinforcements were soon on the way replenishing their ranks.

Overall the enemy was not doing terribly, whoever commanded them knew what he was doing.

Coming to a halt and turning Shadow looked through the magical mist and waited. The enemy had just taken a large step backwards to solidify their forward ranks.

*Valkardian, Center*

They were sufficiently packed in enough now. Far below the front ranks held the enemy perfectly and slowly drove them back. Kathdars and golemns had been sacrificed to push them to their current point and it was about to pay off.

"Ballista. Aim... Fire."

Implanting a target quickly for each ballista crew the weapons turned slightly and aimed for center of mass on the enemy artillery pieces. Letting loose their bolts the shots screamed out and fell on their targets.

Valkardian watched the giant bolts crash into the enemy artillery sending pieces of wood exploding out as the tightly bound cords and bows shattered from the pressure wounding or killing some of the crews. Not all shots hit but it did not matter, even if the bolt missed it passed over the ridge into the ranks behind or if it fell short impaled the tightly bunched infantry.

Half their artillery was gone leaving mostly the useless catapults to continue firing.

"Close their flanks."

*General Baros*

Baros flinched when he saw the ballista on the ridge fire and again gave praise none were aimed at him on his little perch. Thanks soon turned to bewilderment and rage as the damage the volley had done became apparent.

Ballista had been shattered or outright blown to bits as the bolts had slammed into them. Some had missed but again left bloody, limb and body streaked paths through his ranks of soldiers. Wounded screamed out in agony all around him as he looked at the crews.

Each time a ballista had been hit the tension in the limbs and cord that acted as a bowstring made them lash out like blades severing limbs or shattering bones. A few feet away two soldiers rolled howling in agony as limbs bent the wrong way and bone poked through their fur.

Another rank of monsters was waiting behind the wave he was currently engaging. So that was the plan, see what he could do before committing to the battle in earnest. Well two can play that game. Reinforcing his right he ordered his personal army to begin to move forward. They were equipped and trained to fight magical things and now it was time to earn their pay.

*Valkardian's Left Flank, Forest*

Sitting atop their mounts the figures watched quietly. Even now more forces peeled off from the enemy right flank to oppose them. Herr Blutlanze heard the command to close the enemy flanks and with a quick look to his left just made out the other figure who nodded back.

"All, down. Ballista, aim for... Them... Fire!"

From the left a hand was raised and the ranks rose up rapidly after the ballista fired drawing their bows back. With the drop of the gauntletted hand the arrows shot out into the panicked ranks of soldiers.

"Archers, rotate to rear. Infantry. Advance."

*General Baros's Right Flank*

Pandemonium broke out the moment the giant bolts shot from the tree's and tore through their ranks. A volley of arrows had been moments behind creating larger gaps in the line as soldiers fell away impaled from the point blank firing.

Looking around frantically Lord Silver Lining backed away from the severed body of a baron. Mere inches had saved his life as the bolt ripped through the ranks in front of him sending blood spraying. Now, he felt like running.

Instead he shouted orders to redraw the line quickly as the wounded yelled for help but were ignored. He had a job to do and Baros had promised any that ran would be put to death immediately noble or otherwise.

Ranks were advancing forward through the carnage to fill in the gaps as rows of undead marched from the trees. Panic spread quickly up and down the line, he was the last surviving noble on the entire right flank.

*Shadow Moon*

Emerging from the dense mist the undead army marched forward steadily and appeared quickly on the enemy's left flank less than a hundred yards away. She was so far off on the right she was actually in a position to attack them from behind somewhat.

Throwing her archers out quickly as they advanced she looked at the flag bearer to her right and smiled. Valkardian had given her a little "gift" that had not been visible in the mist until now.

Shadow had noted how many flags there had been marking the various Death Knights and their formations making it easier to see who was who and where. She was no different now. Her own flag fluttered in the wind. It was purple and bore the image of the moon casting a shadow on the land below. A pair of bat wings were spread out behind the image with two eyes looking over the moon. Her eyes.

She listened to cries of alarm announcing they had been seen and quickly the enemies left flank spun to face the approaching formations as the bat winged Death Knight rode quietly behind emerging from the mist.

Magical blasts shot out at the figure but their shield deflected them. Focusing on her own task Shadow halted short as she had been ordered and chose to follow the other advice and have her archers fire a few volleys into the enemy generals private forces from behind.

Notching their arrows and letting them fly Shadow watched with a smile as the arrows arched out and into the backs of Steelshod's special army. They fell in droves before spinning around and raising their shields.

They had been advancing forward earlier but now were trapped at the rear unable to move or risk being shot from behind. Now she had to hold the enemy ranks right where they were on the boggy ground.

*General Baros*

Turning to his left after receiving word of the enemy's attack from the forest he smiled grimly. Despite their number there were enough to keep them back while he prepared to drive forward again.

Horns sounded to the left and turning he watched as another line emerged from the swamp and drove into his left. That was impossible. Swamps were too deep and muddy to allow passage on foot. Still, it was fine, the nobles on his left had already turned and drawn up their line.

From behind a familiar horn call sounded and turning to his rear looked on in fury as a force of undead had slipped behind him and killed a number of his soldiers. Should he drive them towards the enemy at the rear or hold there?

Taking another look around and deciding that the enemy numbers were still not enough to warrant a great concern as they had already been checked and were being held back he decided to focus on moving forward.

Closing his eyes a moment he thought over another possibility and turning his telescope to the rear looked at the small army behind. He out numbered the force on their farthest right flank...

Looking at the purple flag blowing in the wind he silently cursed at them, before this was over he would have their heads.


His force would advance and wipe them out then roll down their flank along the edge of the swamp. Pegasi would be sent in full numbers to soak up whatever this force would throw at him and preserve his own troops.

*Graff Nacht Klinge*

Her force of bone dragons and gargoyles had taken to the air from behind a distant ridge and pounded their way high into the air before spinning to face the enemy army.

The trap was fully sprung now and a swarm of pegasi had begun to lift off as her own forces reached their required altitude. Now that the long dead dragons had a target it was easier to control them, ancient greed and hunger was magically burned into their very bones along with rows of runes to keep them in check.

Looking down Nacht watched the rearmost part of the enemies ranks begin to slowly advance on the farthest right flank. A great deal of faith and trust had been placed on a very young thestral and she would either prove worthy or die trying.

Leaning forward in her saddle and gripping the dragon harder she marked their targets and ordered the gargoyles to follow closely behind before breaking off and engaging the pegasi.

Nacht kept a close eye on the most dangerous force in the entire enemy army before making a quick decision. She liked that little girl down there, it would be shame if she died so soon.

*Shadow Moon*

Tightening her ranks and firing another volley into the encroaching ranks of soldiers Shadow let out a growl. It would not be easy to win this battle. They advanced in perfect order with shields up and only a few lucky shots had gotten through the shields. The boggy ground made it hard for them to advance and had provided the gaps but they only tightened their ranks.

Preparing pilum and giving them a volley did not deter them either, many had ducked quickly minimizing the impact. They were no undead army though, enough had still been standing that the missiles had done some damage but not enough.

Shadow mulled over another throw but never got the chance.

"Shadow, take one step back. NOW."

Valkardians voice made her jerk a little, her attention was so focused she had not been ready. Ordering her forces to take one step back she watched as the boggy ground bubbled for a moment.

Enemy soldiers sank to their knees in the mud and began to struggle, looking up she saw a large swarm of pegasi coming her way and firing off another volley of arrows watched as they darted to get away.

Their dense numbers did not help however as arrows tore through their bodies and wings. Their falling forms bent and spiraled to the ground. Their attack faltered a moment before they began to dart forward again but with greater purpose.

An unholy cacophony of roaring came down from the heavens and heads snapped up to look. Shadow's eyes widened in wonder before slowly lowering to her enemy as an evil grin spread across her face.

Skeletal dragons with glowing eyes and ghostly membranes for wings swooped down on the army from above, behind them came a dark flock of gargoyles aiming straight for the pegasi.

Opening their great maws glowing lights surged up from their chests as they dove low. A magical breath that made her flinch inside the armor spat out from their open jaws in long streams that ripped through the ranks of Equestrians.

In front of her two dragons made a pass over the enemy ranks as they struggled in the knee deep muck. Their enchanted armor protected them from the magical attack mostly but the change in temperature made the air so cold they choked and gasped.

Smiling even wider Shadow watched with great amusement as their ranks were frozen knee deep in the muck and unable to pull themselves free. They were now almost entirely trapped and incapable of moving.

Above the gargoyles careened into the pegasi and began to slash at them tearing away armor and feathers or the occasional limb. Try as they might the pegasi could do little with their spears or bows against their stony hides. Though faster than the gargoyles it was not making much of a difference as they were quickly being pushed to the ground.

Blood and bodies rained from the sky making sick popping and snapping sounds as they impacted. A few even landed near her own ranks but her attention was drawn to the one that had splattered onto her mounts neck.

They were still alive and gasping as a gargoyle swooped in and yanked them free sending blood spraying over her armor as it ripped them open before dropping them and flying away.

Dragons kept circling the battlefield giving one blast after another. Whatever artillery remained was long destroyed now as the crew's had been frozen to death where they stood.

Turning back to the trapped ranks in front of her Shadow threw out her battalion on the farther right to flank the trapped enemy. Two golemns went with them and would simply walk the line cutting them down like stalks of wheat.

On the left she did the same and watched as the horrified enemy soldiers struggled to get free. Sensing the danger the unicorns posed she moved archers to the front and watched up and down the line intently.

Every time a unicorn would fire up their horn she would respond with a furious attack of arrows silencing them. Unfortunately there was only one of her and more than twenty thousand of them to keep an eye on, any one of them could be a unicorn.

From the flanks her battalions carved into them, working their way forward easily with few losses. Despite being in such a dire predicament they refused to give up and fought back but it was largely fruitless not that they were failing to give it their all.

Her eyes snapped to the right as a bright flash caught her attention. Soldiers suddenly climbed free and onto the frozen ground before an officer looked straight at her. Pointing with an axe and yelling they surged forward.

*General Baros*

Baros was back in his cart and being brought away. Gargoyles had killed any pegasus that dared fly and were now picking off officers. His personal detail was so far untouched but around him the dragons continued to dive down and spray out long lines of their icy breath turning soldiers into ice statues.

Those on the fringes were more unlucky, their limbs froze to their shields or weapons, a few had lost legs as they were turned to ice. They hobbled, screamed or sobbed as they tried to hide from the circling demons. Some crawled, their limbs shattered as their panicked comrades shoved them aside in an attempt to flee.

He had been had. A message had been fired off magically but no sooner had it begun to flit away magically that something seized it. Baros ground his jaw as the cart lurched over bodies carrying him away.

The last straw had been seeing his forces mowed down from the flanks like stalks of wheat. Damn that thing. There was no choice now but to try and escape while he could and it made him sick to think that his own forces which he had so carefully trained would be left behind. Maybe he would get luck and save a few of them on the way out but it was doubtful.

Ducking low he looked up as a dragon and its rider shot overhead, moments later a hurricane of arrows and bolts crashed into everything around him killing two of the cart bearers. His personal detail was also hard hit but still moving, conscripting two huddled pegasi nearby his adjutant beat them into position to pull the cart with the butt of his mace before driving them forward.

A large gap remained and with any luck they would make it and be free and into the forests themselves allowing them to loose the dragons and flying monstrosities.


The general was fleeing for his life and Shadow was mopping up his little army quickly by tearing into their flanks. Nacht's plan had been a grand idea he admitted. The plan had been to turn the boggy ground to deep mud anyway and stop a retreat in general but her idea to physically trap them in place was perfect.

Their armor gave them a degree of magical immunity but that did not mean they could not use the very ground itself against them. Flanks were collapsing rapidly, great holes had opened in formations and nobles were fleeing for their lives.

Below the front ranks had begun to drive forward again with little opposition as the enemy fled back towards the open plains.

Taking one last, long, hard look at the situation and any chances the enemy might have of rallying he sent out the order.

"Mop them up and prepare to move out."

*Herr Blutlanze, Eastern Flank*

(Blutlanze's theme song for all proceeding scenes is: 13th Warrior, the warriors)

Hearing the order made him smile inside. His bony frame was incapable of smiling but deep inside he was smiling like a fool but he hated to admit it. His force had taken a little beating at first but had just as quickly taken bloody retribution on the enemy.

Not too distant from him was the other rider and looking their way he asked if he could have the honors. They nodded.

It had been more than a millennia since he had last the chance to enjoy a good joust. The surviving noble on this flank had continued to fall back and even managed to survive several passes by the dragons.

Watching the enemy lord as he fled the battlefield with a small cadre of royal guard Herr Blutlanze transferred control of his forces to his compatriot and hefted his lance. There was very little to stop him from passing straight forward through their ranks as it was but parting the ranks a little the other rider allowed him through.

One other standing order was to make certain every last enemy noble died and Blutlanze was going to live up to his name by carrying the order out in gentlemanly fashion.

Enemy soldiers scattered as his mount bowled them over or tore them apart at his advance, they did not even attempt to fight him as they were too terrified and concerned with their own survival.

A great stampede had started towards the distant gap in the hopes of getting free but it was slowly being closed as high above him Graff Nacht Klinge dove down again and again with her dragons to push them back into the killing field while below a column of soldiers slowly closed the gap.

Sitting high in his saddle as his mount raced after the fleeing noble. They would not stop running so urging his mount on he called out to them in a voice that boomed over the din of the battlefield.

*Lord Silver Lining*

They had lost, even now they were running for the narrowing exit in the distance. Things had been going so well too. He had stopped their advance cold at first but now knew they never had any intention of driving forward till now.

It had all been a trap, a trap laid on a truly fantastic scale to encircle and exterminate the largest army ever raised in Equestria. General Baros's carriage had already passed towards the rear and it was clear he was leaving them to die while he escaped.

Not that he blamed him, he would be doing the same thing right now, there was no hope and the few nobles that tried to get away with pegasi drawn carriages had been ripped from the air by swooping dragons.

This was a nightmare. No. This was a living HELL come to life and playing itself out all around them.

Soldiers pushed and shoved each other aside in the mad rush to escape, the wounded were trampled to death by the pounding hooves of survivors even as they reached out begging and crying for help.

His personal guard had mostly been killed off but five remained and loyally ran with him beating ponies out of their way as they ran.

A hand grabbed onto his leg as a stallion clung on pleading not to be left behind while looking at him in desperation with his last good eye. Trying to shake him loose did not work so Lord Silver Lining began kicking furiously at the soldier who refused to let go but instead began sobbing and begging louder.

Snatching a spear from one of his guards he began to stabbed furiously into the soldiers face and throat as another dragon made a low pass letting out one of its ear splitting roars from hell before slaughtering another hapless group of soldiers.

The arm went limp finally and kicking it away they began to run again but froze. Behind them a booming voice called out making them stop and turn.

"Halt! Verdiene mir selbst und bekämpfe mich wie ein wahrer Gentleman von edlem Rang!"

*Herr Blutlanze*

(Keep that 13th warrior, the warriors playing)

Blutlanze smiled as his target stopped and turned. What a despicable little coward killing one of his own. He would enjoy this.

Raising his lance higher in challenge he watched as the confused party looked at each other for a moment then at their leader.

At first they were confused and acted terrified before it clicked in their minds and the guards quickly began to back away from their lord. The enemy lord shouted at them but they shook their heads and kept backing away before fleeing into the throng of fleeing soldiers leaving the noble behind.

Holding onto his spear his opponent looked on terrified before snatching up a shield from the ground and yelling at other soldiers as they passed. One look was all it took before they shouted back angrily and kept running leaving the noble to stand alone.

Moving his mount forward slowly at first he began to pick up speed as the noble hunkered down behind his shield and leveled the spear out but Blutlanze did not care: he was overjoyed. At least the coward was doing himself some credit by dying like a gentleman and not as a coward.

Urging the mount forward faster he lowered the lance and locked it in place as they sped forward towards the target. This was going to be the happiest moment he had in a very long time.

Staring into the terrified eyes of the noble he aimed the lance carefully and with a sudden surge of speed sent the reptilian skeleton forward at the fastest pace it could muster closing the gap in a blur of movement.

A crash rang out as the lance connected with the shield and glanced to the right and into his targets chest, the momentum of the charge sending the sharpened tip clean through the breastplate and into the chest skewering the target and dragging them along the ground till the mount came to a halt.

Even now none dared attack him, they gave the beast a wide berth as the last of the survivors ran past and away from the oncoming ranks of soldiers.

Letting go of his lance and slipping free from his mount Herr Blutlanze approached the fallen noble, he was almost dead with eyes staring up into his helmet while gasping desperately for air but only to bring up blood.

"You are a coward, but one that stood and accepted the challenge in the end willingly or not."

A confused and frightened gurgle was the only response.

"As a fellow noble it is your right to know who bested you in combat. I grant you the honor and privileged of seeing my face and knowing my name."

Pulling his helmet free Blutlanze gave a short, sharp bow to the stallion as he struggled to move away.

"Herr General Blutlanze."

He watched as the life drained from the stallion before putting his helmet back on and yanking the lance free he remounted and looked out at the fleeing enemy forces and let out a happy sigh.

*Shadow Moon*

Their army was in a complete route and the force in front of her was almost entirely wiped out even as magic freed some of them. The first group to get free had charged in quickly and torn through a small gap between ranks.

She knew they were intent on killing her at the cost of their own lives and spun her mount to face them. It snapped two of them up easily and crushed them while she pushed it forward and into them staggering the group back.

Hefting her halberd she aimed low at one that had gotten around her mounts initial attack and swung. The blade connected with their shield and sparks shot out wildly as the officers shield deflected it.

He hammered at the side of her mounts leg with his axe but failed to penetrate the armor. Spinning her would and sweeping its tail into the soldiers knocking them down as soldiers poured in on them she took another swing at the officer below but they ducked then ran forward and swung at her hoof.

Swinging free of the blow as it crashed into the side of the reptile she realized this was not going to work. Standing quickly and flying away from the mount an idea came to mind as she landed a short distance away. It would be hard to wield the halberd and shield at the same time but with her newfound strength she could manage.

They raced forward shield up and tried to bash her away but her halberd reached out quickly and grabbed the shields side and yanking hard while stepping aside sent the officer sprawling as their hold on the shield faltered.

Jabbing forward she caught the shield again and yanked with the spike dragging them back before cutting down at their leg.

Making a snap decision they let go of the shield and kicked free before rising back up and drawing a dagger free. Stalking each other Shadow caught sight of the last enemy soldier being cut down before her ordering her forces forward to end the battle quickly before more got free.

Racing forward at her hesitation as orders went out they swung their axe in at her side while the dagger stabbed forward at a leg.

Dragging her shield to block the dagger Shadow did not fall for the trick and blocked the axe blow with a counter stroke from the halberd. Stepping into them she cracked them with the shield driving them back.

Quickly stabbing the point of the halberd at them they swatted it away with the axe before trying to close the gap. Sweeping the halberd low and flapping her wings hard she propelled herself backward catching their unprotected leg with the spiked blade and cutting a tendon watched as the officer fell.

They refused to give up, up on one knee they growled out in pain and tried to advance on her again.

Shadow called upon all her strength and that afforded by the armor in a test of might and brought the halberd arching in at their neck. They tried to duck the blow but she kept arching lower.

In a split second as they ducked they raised their axe to shield themselves from the blow but it was violently thrown aside as her strength pounded it from their hand. Morbid fascination filled her as the blade continued on shattering the bone of the arm that had held the axe and threw them aside.

Screaming in pain they tried to rise back up quickly but stepping forward Shadow leg go of her shield and grabbed onto the halberd with both hands and swung again. This time there was no axe or shield to slow or deflect the blow as it passed through their neck sending the head rolling through the grass as the body flopped backwards.

Taking a quick breath Shadow grabbed her shield and walked over to the body and looked at it for a moment then remounted and moved forward with her soldiers as they finished off the enemy formation.

To her extreme right the first enemy soldiers fleeing the battlefield made it into the open fields.

"Shadow. Their general is escaping below me on a cart. Would you like the honors or should I? The battle is already over and several nobles will already be joining my collection."

Looking up at the dragons and spying Nacht she nodded and agreed. It was so strange to consider it an honor to kill an enemy of rank but it also made her feel deeply appreciated. Turning her mount to where Graff Natcht Klinge had indicated she quickly saw the target from the eyes of a wraith and spurred her steed onward.

Behind her the army was doing fine on its own, nothing opposed them now. Picking up speed she watched as gargoyles swooped down on the soldiers running as one of the other forces quickly marched out closing the gap.

The general however had cleared the gap and his carriage was racing away but had only one pegasi to lift it and that was not enough. If there had been another towing his carriage they were dead as only a bloody spray along the right side of the cart gave a hint to their end.

A head poked from the cart and looked her way before yelling at the soldiers running along side. They too looked and ran faster towards the distant tree line. His cart was bouncing wildly and was nearly uncontrollable.

Closing the gap between them two soldiers kept looking over their shoulder before turning and forming up to block her way.

"Graff Nacht Klinge, I do not have time for this, two are-"

She never finished the sentence as two gargoyles dove down and snatched the hapless soldiers into the air screaming before goring them and allowing the bodies to fall. There was nothing between her and the cart as it sped onward.

Picking up the pace she closed in as a head again poked free before something began hitting the pegasus towing the carriage. Flapping their wings they tried desperately to put distance but they were already exhausted and it did nothing to increase the gap between the two.

Looking over their shoulder for a moment and seeing the skeletal beast charging them down she could make out the panicked scream of a mare as they tried desperately to run faster and harder but to no avail.

Leaning out slightly to the side to get a better shot at the carriage Shadow arched her halberd back and waited. Lumbering up beside the cart the pegasus mare let out a scream and stopped pulling diving to the ground and getting hit by a wheel that snapped bones and a wing as it bounced over her body.

Leaving the screaming and howling soldier behind the cart began to slow and a figure inside began to struggle to hang on as the cart careened wildly.

As she raced past it Shadow swung her halberd hard while leaning the mount in at the last second. A terrible snapping, cracking and ripping sound rang out as the upper frame was blown to pieces by her strike and from inside a howl of pain rang out as blood splattered the insides.

Rearing her mount back and spinning it slid to a halt and turned quickly and looking inside Shadow could see the general in his armor clutching the stump of his severed arm. Racing forward she closed in on him as he tried to get free, letting go of his bleeding stump and drawing a sword.

Jumping down from her mount and closing the distance quickly she slapped his sword aside and slammed the bladed point of the halberd into his chest and drove it deep before twisting the handle.

Slipping free of the carriage and staggering she held his form up against the destroyed vehicle and pushed harder making the carriage lean backwards. Looking into his eyes he gasped before slowly going limp and with a sharp yank freed the point of her halberd and watched a moment.

Taking another swing to make certain she nearly severed the head before turning to the mare shaking and sobbing in the tall grass. Walking up to her Shadow looked down at the broken wing which had been crushed so badly it would probably have to be amputated.

Her leg was better looking but it was fatigue which held her in place even more than the agony of her injuries. Shadow moved around the soldier carefully and looked at her cutie mark.


A head rose up from the grass streaked with blood and tears at the alien thing standing over her before giving a shaky "yes" in response.

"Why are you here and dressed like a... Soldier?"

"Who are you!?"

Shadow almost responded but held back a moment as her eyes widened in realization.

"Answer my question."

Choking out an answer the mare looked at her. "Corporal Minty, Celestia's guard, courier."


"Who are you?!"

"That does not matter now."

"Wait... I know that voice... Shadow Moon?"

Well that complicated things somewhat. She let out a sigh and drew on her link with Valkardian.

"I know we are to kill every last officer, noble and such but what about the wounded and prisoners? We never covered that one."

"Oh yes. I forgot. Hmm. Why do you ask?"

"I have a prisoner."

"One you know I take it..."

"Yes. A pegasus I grew up with. I will kill her now if-"

"One of Celestia's or Noble Army?"

"Celestia. Courier. Minty Fresh."

"...Do as you will."

Shadow looked at the broken mare and smiled before crouching down making the mare scoot back.

"Today is your lucky day. Had you been of a Noble Army you would be dead."

"You damn traitor!"

Shadow's eye twitched.


"You betrayed your princesses and Equestria!"

"I am not the one who marched to war under Steelshod's banner Minty. Celestia and Luna are prisoners of Steelshod, I have seen it. The ones you just fought? Me? We are SAVING Equestria!"

"Then why did you kill us?!"

"The nobles that betrayed Celestia and had to die. You had the misfortune of being a part of their army, that is all. You should have stayed home."

"You mean... We all died for nothing?..."

"No..." Shadow squatted down and pointed with her thumb at the distant battlefield. "THEY died for nothing. YOU are still alive and will live."


"Because you are wearing the right uniform."

Minty choked out a sob.

"Aww... Don't worry. I am sure Valkardian will heal you up... Maybe... Well he wont kill you unless you do something stupid okay? Just act nice and dont say anything but please and thank you."

"Who is Valkardian?"

"The man that commands the army that just kicked Steelshod's armies collective flanks."

"Why didn't you tell us?! Why not warn us!?"

Shadow stood and sighed before reaching into her medical pouch.

"Because you never would have listened anyway."

Chapter 51: Ponyville

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Shadow Moon went over the dead generals body and cart for anything useful, several maps were set aside along with logistical sheets but nothing was present on Ponyville or Canterlots force dispositions let alone a single defense plan. The general had not been sloppy and kept all that information carefully stored away where few could reach it: his mind.

It had been a long shot to start with but Valkardian had suggested she dig around anyway just in case. With nothing else left to look for she looked down from the cart's chest and started at the generals body.

Going over his pockets, pouches and anything everything else proved just as fruitless but her eyes settled on his sash and sword. Digging in the chest Shadow had found his red silk sash with gold trim that was lined with medals and tossed it out earlier. His sword was richly decorated with gems and elaborate gold design, unbelting it she examined it before drawing it.

It was a very good sword. Sheathing it Shadow dropped it into one of her pouches then leaning down lifted up the sash and looked over the medals wondering what they meant. Tossing it onto his dead body she remounted and moved away, Minty was going to be fine now but with so little room it meant leaving her behind or stuffing her into a pouch.

Minty had been... "Grateful" for the medical aid but would "travel" with Shadow in a pouch. She was not thrilled at the thought but it was that or be left behind. Riding on and back across the battlefield Shadow marveled at how efficient the undead soldiers were. Without missing a beat they had already drawn back up and were branching off into columns towards the distance pass in the East.

A living army would take two days to make the pass but they could make it in one since there was no need to stop and rest. Not all the columns would be going east towards Ponyville however.

Valkardian had split his force into thirds and one third would be returning to the Underworld while the other two would make the march and wipe out the forces laying siege at Ponyville before marching directly on Canterlot in a mock attack.

Approaching the gathered officers she got her first look at a bone dragon up close and was awed by its size and ethereal wings. Only six had been created to date due to the sheer effort of making them functional but they had been absolutely worth it in her book. Not only had they sent the enemy into full flight but their howling had turned a route into a stampede.

Joining Valkardian, Herr Blutlanze, Graf Nacht and two others Shadow waited as Valkardian addressed her.

"Your prisoner?"

"Alive and sealed up in a pouch. I will drop her off in Ponyville after the battle."

"Very well. Graf you will oversee the collection of bodies and the forces left behind."

"With pleasure."

Spurring their mounts onward they left the lich behind as she directed the collection of bodies. Shadow had already noticed a method to her collection, the ones that were too damaged got left behind but those not shattered to pieces were quickly drug and stacked like cord-wood.

"Nothing useful on the general then I take it?"

"No. Lots of maps but not very good ones by comparison to ours. None had a single marking on them and the logistical information is useless now. Dodge Junction is the site of a supply depot and five hundred "volunteers" that keep it organized. Most of the trains are probably still running far off to our east bringing supplies forward for a non-existent army."

"How many of them?"

"Roughly three thousand that were grabbed in Manehatten, Phillydelphia and elsewhere to act as cargo ponies."

"Will they be arriving here?"

"No. It looked like the plan was to carry as many supplies as possible with them on the way here then double back."

"Starve the troops a day or two but it gave them the speed they wanted... Anything else?"

"Yeah he had a fancy silk sash and sword on him."


"I left the sash and his medals on the body but took the sword."

Herr Blutlanze turned slightly.

"The fortunes of war. Is it a decent sword at least?"

Shadow retrieved it and held the sheathed blade up turning it to give him a better view before putting it away.


"Herr Blutlanze, you at least got to have your own fun even if you were unable to take anything away worth remembering the battle with."

Valkardian watched him a moment longer and no words were exchanged but something piqued Shadow's curiosity.

"Graf Nacht Klinge told me I could have the honors of killing the general since she had already collected enough officers for her "collection." What did she mean by that?"

"She has a seething hatred for useless nobility, especially those that are too "pompous and arrogant" to do it themselves. So she collects them and uses them as her personal servants. Been millennia since she had the chance so she was quite eager."

"Like what you did with Ruby?"

"No, Ruby is sentient her servants are not. I believe she would not like having to put up with them if they were."

"So how many are in your service then? Generals and officers that is."

"You saw plenty of them today. Where is your prisoner anyway?"

"Stuffed in my other pouch."

Herr Blutlanze let out a cough that she thought sounded like a laugh as they moved on as Valkardian watched her before turning away.

"In one day we will reach Ponyville. The attack will be in daylight so we must not allow them to flee in advance towards Canterlot, stick to the plan."

As they rode on Shadow looked around at the columns that surrounded them before opening her pouch and looking inside.

"I will be dropping you off in a day or so."

Closing it before her prisoner could respond she followed along with the other two as they moved east leaving the gore streaked battlefield behind.

*Ponyville, 6PM that evening*

Everything was on fire. Absolutely everything. At night a courier would occasionally arrive some days bearing a newspaper or information snuck out of Canterlot or from the Crystal Empire. It was their only link to what was happening beyond their walls.

Several attempts had been made to breach the gates but failed thanks to the new stock of munitions but worse, Shining had to drop the shield days ago because of the strain. Arrows now freely tore back and forth across the camp. Wounded were once more beginning to pile up in the already cramped castle.

Sappers had dug under one section but flooding their tunnel with water magically had driven them off to try again elsewhere. Ladders and ramps had been brought forward again and again but met similar fates. The last two however had allowed a small force over the wall before they drove them back in a bloody brawl of a battle.

Runes had been inscribed on it making the ramps immune to magical attack and even fire. Their saving grace was having enough archers now to pound at them as they raced up the ramp in tightly packed formations allowing the new ballistas to tear into their ranks.

A powerful wind spell had taken care of the rest sending the ramp crashing away. One major problem that remained was the number of unicorns trained and capable for any degree of combat were few enough, the number that knew the spells that bypassed their enemies defenses fewer still.

Twilight was in her element teaching them but there was so little time they had to run out immediately and gain "hands on" experience with the spells. Seeker's would zip over the wall whenever a spell went off but everypony was becoming rather "experienced" at ducking behind the wall or shields after firing a shot.

While the soldiers might be immune to magic their tents, barricades and other equipment was not. By the time they figured this out the other side had already realized this new threat and protected their artillery first.

Once more it was a stalemate. They could not get out but the enemy was unwilling to risk any more lives to get in but that did not stop them from pounding away at their defenses. With the shield down they increased the intensity of the barrage but it did little good.

"We were lucky to get that second wall up to contain the last attack."

"Now that they know its here they wont attack the same place twice. Towers are already being erected farther away and observation posts have been spotted in some of the taller buildings in town."

"Burn em out."

"Towers are too far away but the buildings should be within reach of spells."

Twilight listened as they drew up plans, changed their minds, drew up new ones then settled on doing something else entirely after the means of carrying them out was revealed to be less than what was required.

Loosing one of their battalions had made the enemy far more slow and cautious about attacking which was a boon they had needed. Empty crates had been filled with earth and stacked high as new pits were dug forming an inner ring.

Now the enemy was stuck preparing enough ramps to cross the first wall, more pits and then the second before even attempting to breach the castle itself. Firebombs had no effect thankfully and even rocks failed to damage the solid structure but that did not stop them from aiming for windows and balconies.

Trains had long since stopped moving, wherever they had gone was far away and now they were no longer needed in the area save the one which brought supplies to the besieging army whenever the rail line was open.

"How many ramps do they have now?"


Turning back to the conversation Twilight listened as Fleur and Bright Lance continued their discussion on the next attack coming their way.

"So tonight?"

"Maybe, or tomorrow. They usually wait until a train arrives to carry the wounded away before attacking and it has not arrived. Nothing from Canterlot yet either."

One more day then.

*Day later, 8AM*

Far in the distance a train was coming with several cars attached to haul the wounded. A bridge had been knocked out again so it had been delayed in Canterlot their courier had told them. However it was once again on its way so the attack would begin probably the moment the train arrived.

It was impossible to see where they planned to attack from, the ramps had been moved during the night and the battalions were arranged in such a way that it did not give their intent away.

Everything was silent as they waited for the train to arrive and looking through her telescope at the distant speck of a train Twilight felt ill again. Watching it for an hour she looked at it knowing that within another two hours the battle would begin all over again.

Shining had recovered enough to keep the shield up for a short duration so they would only have to worry about seekers and the firebombs.

The train was rounding a bend far off in the distance following the cliff's on its way before going into the last tunnel. Not long after it reappeared and steamed steadily on towards the last bridge which had been destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again and then rebuilt so many times they had lost track.

There was no guarding it either, neither side could spare the soldiers to keep it so they kept their cat and mouse game up while the more important, larger and harder to rebuild bridge farther up the mountain was garrisoned. Ironshod had made one attempt on it but its defenders had repulsed them, barely, but the cost had been too high for another attempt.

It was strange how the forces defending her castle had been nearly wiped out at first due to a lack of experience but now were almost an even match for the enemy. The fighting had hardened them greatly and now they were more capable, even the newcomers had learned quickly enough from harsh reality but also from the veterans who filled in the gaps.

Closing her eyes as the train began to cross the shallow bridge Twilight called back that it was well on its way before opening her eyes again. It was gone.

Blinking a few times and looking harder the locomotive was gone but smoke billowed up from the ravine as cars piled forward and dropped in one after another. A distant explosion of smoke and steam spoke of the trains end but made her wonder what had gone wrong.

"Their train crashed! The bridge is gone!"

Major Night Bane ran over and took a long look as the smoke rose into the air and sighed in relief.

"They wont be attacking today then, they will be too busy trying to figure out what happened and rebuilding."

Leaving quickly he yelled out the good news as Twilight went back to watching before looking at the camp below. Angry and confused shouts could be heard, they had also seen the wreck but had no idea what had gone wrong. A regiment was quickly assembled and marched off towards the distant wreck and looking back Twilight furrowed her brow in confusion.

A dark line had stretched across the distant horizon blocking off the wagon bridge.

*Shadow Moon*

Valkardian's plan was elementary and it did not need to be complicated to work either. During the night they had arrived a little ahead of schedule and throwing her off into the distance with a division her orders were to seize and hold the wagon bridge.

Her second objective was to destroy the train bridge farther away so she would not have to divide her forces. Beyond that... Just hold them off as they retreated from Ponyville. A defilade allowed her column to stretch itself out and remain unseen as they marched up into the mountainous terrain but the going was slower than it had been.

Two wraiths were all she had as scouts along with a small group of gargoyles just in case. One kept watch on Canterlot and had seen a train leaving far off in the distance, a mere speck even with its enhanced vision.

Shadow had thought of an idea hearing that and sent the gargoyles to the unprotected bridge having them tear away at the supports until they were so weakened that the train passing over would cause the bridge to give way.

Only military trains were allowed out of Canterlot and onto the southern rail line so there was no risk of killing the locals, their train had to turn east and link off towards the coast exiting a long tunnel farther away.

Keeping her forces low in the dip between the two low ridges she waited as the train approached then held her breath as it began to cross the bridge. Supports groaned and bent before breaking away just as the train was about to cross before shattering and dragging the locomotive backwards and into the ravine.

The trail of train cars were quick to join in as they were dragged in after it one at a time before shattering. Shadow had smiled as she watched but ducked behind her shield when the engine exploded.


Shrapnel blasted into the air but thankfully she was enough away nothing reached her, any falling bits landed quickly enough and looking back towards the town below ordered her forces up and into formation to block passage of the bridge.

*Ponyville, three minutes later*

Twilight kept staring at the large force arrayed in front of the bridge and wondered, the other officers had appeared to look and now they too wanted to know who it was up there that had destroyed the train and bridge.

"They have a flag?"

"Ehhh... Purple flag. Cant make out anything else."

Arguments broke out over which nation or noble had a purple flag. The only two that did were both traitors so they were out and that left no others that came to mind. Allies however meant foreign, even Chrysalis had come up in the conversation before being just as quickly dismissed.

The regiment that had been sent off was already recalled and the camp was now fully prepared for a fight.

Twilight's castle sat a distance away from the forest and ever since the first attack from there the enemy had thrown up additional defenses facing that way to stave off attacks that had never come. Ears turned towards that direction as yelling broke out and moving to the other side of the castle they looked off at the enemy barricades.

Farther away a column emerged marching down the road from the forest quickly before bending off and moving in a straight line towards the castle. A column broke off and swung out wide moving to engulf Ponyville from one flank and before long another went the other way.

They were horrified with what they saw however. Any thoughts of cheering and celebrating the arrival of a friendly force died in their throats when they finally got a good glimpse of the creatures bearing the flags and banners.

Teeming throngs of skeletons in armor hurried along in total silence as larger, hulking things came in from behind following their columns as they branched off.

"What do we do?"

"Luna said help would be coming, she never specified as to what kind..."

Shining Armor grimaced as he watched them pour out of the forest.

"I think we should inform the soldiers not to fire on them..."

They were all in agreement as they rushed off to spread word that something was going to happen and just wait it out. Twilight however kept watching in fascination as the riders appeared and moved off one after another accompanying their columns.

A few flags were visible and summoning a piece of paper and writing implements began to record and sketch out what she was seeing quickly.

Shining returned a few minutes later and looked below, their enemy had decided not to fight as the undead continued to pour out one column wave after another. Vastly outnumbered they quickly abandoned their posts and began to draw up by battalion and race off towards Canterlot.

"They are going to take their chances with the force up there rather than get caught between us."

Continuing to watch in total silence as the undead drove their enemy from the town new concerns were raised about the prisoners they had kept. They all knew about the slaves used to take care of menial tasks around the various camps that encircled them. Would they be killed or freed?

Two detachments quickly tore through the camp beyond their walls and kept moving searching for any who had remained behind, none had however. Wounded were kept in the nearby hospital till they could be removed and watching as the undead went inside they listed to the screams for a few minutes before everything was silent again.

"Not taking prisoners are they."

"How could Luna make an alliance with such horrible monsters?"

"Twily, they just saved us. They are monsters but right now we are not in a position to criticize them."

A rider had brought out a long row of pony slaves from the camp and other riders began to bring more of them over, collecting them not far from the gate.

"Guess its time to go down."

Twilight followed her brother as they went below, there was no means of removing the barricade now so they stood on the earthen parapet and looked over for a minute before teleporting to the other side.

Shining had a his spear firmly in hand while Night Bane followed behind, Twilight felt her stomach lurch wildly the closer they got to the beasts and their riders. They rode monsters and wore armor that was quite frankly terrifying from her low angle as they stared down at them.

Goosebumps covered her body as she breathed shakily, all the prisoners had been lined up and stood shaking and crying while looking to them for help.

"I am Prince Shining Armor. Thank you for saving us and these prisoners, but, who are you?"

"Read this."

The middle rider tossed a scroll to him and waited as Shining looked over it confused at first then let out a sigh of relief before throwing it back.

"Its alright, these are the allies Luna spoke of."

A great sigh of relief spread through them but the fear remained as the rider slid off his mount and approached them.

"One of my generals found this one and saved her, she is your problem now."

Pulling out a pouch they watched confused then shocked as a pegasus was pulled free from the tiny container and laid on the ground in front of them. Without another word he mounted and they moved away to continue a slow chase of the fleeing enemy.

"Its alright everypony, we will get you out of those shackles as soon as we can."

Turning and moving away with the prisoners shuffling after them they walked back to the wall where Bright Lance watched.

"Explains why they needed all those soldiers... I dont think any survived the battle either."

Twilight looked up at her.

"One did."

"One survivor out of hundreds of thousands... *whistle* At least the traitors are all dead now."

Hearing that did not sit well with the princess of friendship, it made her feel sick and nauseated.

*Shadow Moon*

There were not enough wraiths so gargoyles were now used to scout ahead and keep an eye on the enemy, so far all she had heard from Valkardian was they had quickly abandoned their posts and were now fleeing in her general direction quickly.

Watching their movements something struck her as odd. They were not going for the bridge but moving farther west of her position and picking up the pace the closer they got.

"Valkardian, they are not moving towards the bridge."

"Figure it out."

Sending two more scouts off quickly she watched them fly away before drawing on their sight and watching the terrain pass by rapidly below them. There was nothing she could see from their height so lowering them she watched as they dove lower, searching.

At some point long ago a part of the ravine had shattered and fallen in at a low point leading towards a distant cliff. This pile of dirt softened the terrain just enough that someone might just maybe be able to cross over it without the need of a bridge.

Shadow was in a bind, leaving half her forces here then closing the gap she could make it ahead of them but it would reduce her effective numbers greatly. Move the entire force and she knew they would probably make a run for the other bridge and get around her then keeping a rapid pace slowly outrun her slower forces.

Nor could she destroy the bridge, it was needed to march the column up the mountain side. Eying the terrain quickly she sent the wraiths up and marched her forces forward and into a dip. So long as they could not see what she was doing they could not alter their path and without pegasi to guide them...

Her army quickly moved along closing the gap with them as the enemy sped on towards the other gap. Until they saw her forces they would have no idea which way to run and that suited her just fine.

An hour ticked by and they did not alter their course but had slowed somewhat, no doubt guessing as to which path the enemy blocked. Farther behind them the undead army slowly snaked up and after them giving them no choice but to take a chance.

Driving their ranks hard to the west they aimed for the cliff edge hoping to pass through the clear gap they could see and make the earthen bridge in time.

Shadow watched them quietly and realized they would close the gap and make it just ahead of her unless they were forced to slow.

In their last game of chess so long ago Valkardian had crushed her strategy by being more than willing to sacrifice lesser pieces in order to win a larger battle. Driving her gargoyles onto the front of the enemy ranks Shadow hoped to slow them just enough to allow her to envelope them.

*Steelshod's Soldiers*

Diving down on them and tearing away at their upraised shields as they stabbed pointlessly at their tormentors the ranks of soldiers slowed. Archers fired on the few flying terrors as they pecked away here and there but the arrows little to deter them. So low were they flying now the archers had stopped firing or risk shooting their own ranks as the creatures swooped low and snatched or clawed at the soldiers below.

Yelling for them to continue to move forward the general urged his force onward after looking back at the dark lines following them from the town below. So long as they kept their shields up they would be fine for now but making the narrow earth bridge was more important. Somewhere to their right was the other force trying to block their path and they had to beat them to it.

Running forward they increased the pace now that their safety line was well within view. Hopes were quickly dashed however as a line of enemies drew across in front of them blocking the way and ordering them to keep running they now hoped to simply pound their way through the line.

*Shadow Moon*

Keeping a close eye on them Shadow watched as they once again picked up their pace but it was too late. Her first three battalions had swung in front of them blocking the path and two golemns waited on them. It would not be enough however but that was just fine, she had no intention of fighting them directly from the front anyway.

The terrain here allowed her forces to hunker down becoming harder to see and with the enemy so busy with the gargoyles they never saw her on their right flank. Rising up and moving forward quickly the rest of her division quickly fanned out while archers fired.

With arrows pounding into them as their shields remained upraised towards the sky had an unexpected but happy outcome: nothing was blocking the arrows. They caught on quickly and the ranks closest to her quickly switched shields from one hand to another and blocked any further harassment, their archers however were not so lucky.

Riding forward with her forces as one force threatened to blast through her lines and another threatened to bowl them over on their flank Shadow sent out the command to her detachment.


A hailstorm of pilum shot out and crashed into the lead battalion in the enemy column scattering them but more importantly stopping them. From behind other battalions continued to rush forward but began to trip on the bodies or crash into the stalled soldiers in front of them.

From her position another order to fire was given but to her soldiers on the right flank. Again the enemy slowed as they tried to form up into a protective ring, now fully stopped she ordered her forces to advance on their ranks for the kill.

Surviving archers aimed at her and fired but it did nothing as their number had been reduced heavily from her own pounding away at them with her own archer battalions.

Smashing into their ranks from two sides as they tried to reform the enemy began to step back quickly. Pushing them harder with the golemns their first ranks fell and the ones behind began to almost run backwards to get away.

Driving them to the cliff's edge Shadow watched as the first soldier turned to run but stopped dead and looked down before turning back. Hearing their shouts of alarm as they realized they were about to be pushed off a cliff and to their deaths she gave no new orders but just waited.

There was some concern however that her soldiers might pursue them over the cliffs edge and watching closely from the wraiths above kept a careful eye on the ranks making certain they stayed in a perfect line less she risk a battalion getting slightly ahead and going over.

Soldiers began to fall off the cliff as they were driven back screaming as they fell to their deaths far below. Watching them fall at first one at a time then in greater numbers she smiled as the plan bore fruit.

Completely encircled with no gaps to flee through they had lost any forward momentum in a charge and were now trying desperately to push back against the advancing ranks as they pushed in between other battalions that faced in holding the enemy in a vice.

Seeing their bodies begin to tumble off the cliff in greater number Shadow watched them fall before splattering on the rocks below sending blood heaving out as their bodies turned to pulp. It was like watching oranges being crushed.

Ordering them to halt the last few hanging on the edge breathed in relief for a moment and dropped their weapons.

Their end came from behind however as gargoyles yanked them off the ledge and threw them backwards into the open air quickly before grabbing another soldier and repeating. When the last had been yanked free from the ledge and thrown she moved them away and reformed quickly in a safer location.

Looking the bodies over she spied the enemy general and looked at her broken form a moment before turning away and joined her forces as they marched back towards the bridge.

"I could have used another division."

"It happens, had I known about that little land bridge another would have been sent, there is only so much you can see from the air after all."

"Look harder next time."

"I very much doubt there will be a "next time" Shadow."

Looking up the mountain side that left Canterlot and Steelshod to be dealt with. Fortified, ready and fully prepared for a siege. It was a very narrow gap at the top and it would be incredibly hard to force it open.

Chapter 52: Siege of Canterlot

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*Canterlot, 9AM*

Steelshod stood looking down from the watchtower still gripping the telegrams that had arrived earlier. The first message had been that the train sent to pick up the wounded from the battle that had been planned to wipe Ponyville from the map had crashed. Going to the tower and training the telescope on the rail system he had followed it down to the smoking ravine the locomotive had fallen into.

They would have chalked it up to bad luck but the distant black line of a small army blocking the bridge said otherwise. At first they had thought perhaps their wayward friends in the Crystal Empire had rallied and come to the towns aid but that was quickly dismissed as one column after another snaked out of the White Tail woods and began to encircle the town.

Another telegram had been sent just moments later in a great rush from the train station in Ponyville informing him that his general had decided to lift the siege and fall back to Canterlot. Steelshod agreed with the decision but had not sent a reply, the town was already abandoned before a message would have ever arrived.

Following his soldiers flight up the mountain towards the other army he had watched the other force move to intercept them, they had succeeded but just barely. Grinding his teeth as the battle progressed he could only watch helplessly as his forces were slowly surrounded and pushed towards the cliff then finally off the cliffs.

Steelshod was a tower of patience but this made him slam a fist into the railing making it shatter. Other officers had gathered to watch and jumped at seeing him loose his temper for the first time in living memory. Spinning on his officers Steelshod took a few deep breaths before taking a quick look at the city below.

"Rally the soldiers and seal the gates. I want the drawbridge pulled up immediately and the train entrances bricked over within the hour. Tear down any stone houses nearby and use the masonry to reinforce the main gate, I want the main gate sealed so thoroughly not even a battery of trebuchet could breach it"

Steelshod scanned the mountain face before narrowing his eyes.

"The traitors families are still missing yes?"

"Yes my lord. They are still hiding in the old mining shafts."

"Seal them. All of them."

Officers hurried away but he kept one behind.

"Build barricades in the streets as well, see there? Boutique Row and how it joins into the main road network? I want those buildings on the north side sealed up and used as walls. I want walls within walls. If they breach the main wall let them come, we will stop them at the second then third. Conscript every carpenter in the city and seize every workshop, every mason as well. Be prepared to seal off the roads one after another in succession as they advance."

"What about the castle defenses?"

"If they get that far we let them have the city. The walls here are enchanted heavily against any attempt to breach them and the gate too. Celestia is a damnable fool but she at least did that much."

Motioning with his hand the officer left quickly. Perhaps he could draw up a last minute militia? Levy the locals to fight and feed them into the fire, slow the enemy... General Baros had not contacted him in many days making him worry. The last message had been that the enemy had drawn up a larger force blocking their way but they still outnumbered them.

This was the problem with magic and the undead. Magic could block them from communicating and had obviously been used to those ends. However, had that army been a diversion or a trap? Both? He knew full well his enemy had means of traveling quickly as the ancient records indicated but no record existed saying where those ancient roads were.

Staring at the dense columns streaming up the mountain in the distance he growled. General Baros was dead then along with his army. By now if he had won a message would have arrived one way or another and the fact an army had marched out of that region was proof enough.

Scowling and tracing the path they would take his eyes settled on the incredibly narrow ledge the road and rail line ran along allowing entrance into the city. It was already impossible to bring enough food in via road and rail as it was and airship had become a major means of cargo transportation. Even now his own forces within the city were fed on supplies brought in using the cargo ships.

A handful could hold off a far larger force indefinitely at such a narrow pass so long as the wall was kept up.

Walls within walls...

Steelshod mumbled to himself and continued to draw up more plans before looking at the distant columns. It was impossible to tell their numbers exactly but there were hundreds of thousands of them. Still, he held two princesses hostage and that was a bargaining chip for keeping Twilight and Cadence out of the battle.

Trapped in his new capital city, no armies to aid him and one of his best generals dead in the field. Anger welled back up inside him.

"Baros you bastard! Give me back my army!"

*Shadow Moon, 5PM*

It was slow going forcing the entire army up the narrow pass but slowly they had peeled off one division at a time so the enemy would not notice the diminishing numbers. Ancient mining tunnel's honeycombed the mountain and Valkardian was planning on putting them to use.

A smaller portal had been unearthed earlier and now that it was active these divisions were slowly making their way through. It would be a day before they could make an actual attack. Mounts had to be left behind, this would be a street battle and due to size limitations the golemns were also left behind.

Shadow stepped through the portal and into dimly lit room, stepping aside she watched as the skeletal soldiers continued to pour out and march off into the various tunnels in silence. Valkardian and Albtraum were standing to one side talking quietly back and forth as she joined them.

Steelshod had complicated matters a great deal in the past several hours. Canterlots first gateway was now thoroughly sealed and due to how narrow it was nothing would be getting through without a long drawn out siege to wear down the defenses. Behind that more walls and barricades popped up quickly until any advance would be severely hampered.

What got her attention the most was the plight of a few thousand ponies trapped in the upper levels of the tunnel network. During the escape the families of many soldiers and officers had been hidden away in the tunnels since there was no hope of getting them out otherwise. Supplies had been taken with them but they had been exhausted along with the water supply.

Now, with the tunnels sealed by Steelshod's unicorns they were incapable of sneaking any additional supplies in. To make matters even worse they were also responsible for the circulation of a paper decrying Steelshod and now that too was blocked allowing him to say whatever he wanted over the coming days.

Valkardian and Albtraum were in agreement that while there were more pressing issues the lack of a simple sheet of paper could cause problems. It had been a happy accident that no one had anticipated but the paper they printed had caused a great deal of trouble for Steelshod the past couple weeks and would have been very useful in keeping the locals out of their way.

Without it, Steelshod could say anything he wanted and decry the oncoming hoard of undead as a common enemy and rally the locals to fight them in the streets which would only slow down an advance that would already have enough trouble advancing as it is. Not all streets were blocked off properly however so there were gaps in the defenses they could bypass but in time they too would be sealed off.

"Why not free the ponies and get them to print a few papers?"

Valkardian and Albtraum stared at her a minute before Abltraum spoke up first.

"If we free the ponies and have them make the prints then have them somehow distributed Steelshod will know we are in the tunnels and double the defenses."

"What if we held back delivery until right before the attack?"

Valkardian hummed a moment before looking at Albtraum, the two stared a long moment before shrugging.

"Might work. Gargoyles could scatter them on the streets a few minutes ahead of the attack."

"It might also give Steelshod a chance to shift his defensive lines."

"True but he must still hold the main gate with his soldiers, they will be divided anyway..."

Shadow listened for a moment before tapping her hoof softly and coughing.

"What if we brought Princess Twilight here and had her order the locals to stand aside? She is not that far away. I know you want to keep the portals a secret but-"

Albtraum nodded.

"A decent enough idea. She is close by and would be useful for making the locals stand down, we can always bag her to prevent the discovery of the portal network. I doubt Steelshod has enough soldiers to cover every last street and tunnel as it is, she might be able to get the locals to clear some away for us or at least get the process started."

"Fairly risky though..." Valkardian thought it over a moment before looking at Shadow. "I will go along with it, since it is your plan you will explain only the part she is to play, nothing more and if she agrees to play a role: bag her. Bring her here and we will begin. We have a day before the army is in place."

Shadow gave a quick bow and darted through the portal.

*Ponyville, 8PM*

Shadow had never flown so fast but it only took her around two hours to make the distance. Landing outside the gate she had yelled at them to bring the princess out and after receiving a mixed bag of results ranging from fear, curiosity to happiness in seeing an ally again word was passed along.

A colonel came after a short time and after some bickering Shadow was told to enter the fortress and that the princess was waiting. Flying up and over the charred walls and walking into the castle Shadow felt a little proud, standing tall and moving forward with a purpose none dared to get in her way.

Even those with fear written across their faces made her smile to herself, they were not the enemy but the idea she could make these hardened soldiers cringe as she passed brought a modicum of joy. Entering a large room with a round table and chairs she laid eyes on the gathering of officers and royalty.

"Why did you demand to see my sister?"

Shadow studied the white stallion a moment before turning to the princess ignoring him entirely.

"Master Valkardian has a proposition for you."

The stallion opened his mouth a moment but the princess quickly raised a hand with worry working its way across her face.

"Uhhh... What kind of proposition?"

"Steelshod is fortifying the city heavily and a plan was put forward to break the deadlock before the battle begins. The families of the soldiers who defected to both you and Cadence are sealed inside tunnels and starving since the new "emperor" had them sealed inside the tunnels."

Faces turned and exchanged looks, some seemed relieved to know at least some families had escaped one fate but were not facing a new one.

"They are also responsible for printing a particular paper decrying Steelshod but now are unable to do so. Valkardian is concerned that without it Steelshod might use this as a chance to rally the city against him complicating matters. With the help of both you and those trapped it might give us an edge on getting the population to part the way for us when we attack."

"You want the ponies to rise up in revolt!?"

"I have told you only what I have been instructed too, the rest of the plan you will learn from him upon your arrival."

"You make it sound like my sister has no choice." He was glaring at her again but it was almost a laughing matter considering the past few days.

"Twilight. Yes?" Shadow watched the lavender alicorn nod slowly. "You have two choices here. First off you can say no and Canterlot will probably be burnt to the ground from the fighting. Two, you can agree to Valkardian's plan and see how many lives you can save while making our job easier. Make no mistake, the city WILL be taken one way or another and Steelshod killed."

Twilight fidgeted a little and ruffled her wings before looking at her brother. Waiting quietly Shadow listened quietly to their hushed conversation that continued to get more desperate. They had family in the city or so they assumed, their parents may have been rounded up already and taken away.

While there was a degree of trust in the room towards the undead forces there was far more apprehension. Coming to an agreement they stopped and took their seats while Twilight laid a scroll out on the table.

"I never got your name...?"

"Do we have an agreement or not?"

Shadow knew this was important but they were stalling for some reason. Valkardian would not hesitate to put Canterlot to the sword if it meant victory but he had been willing to extend a hand, Shadow hoped they would be wise enough to take it.

Twilight flinched a little before unrolling the scroll and reading.

"Cadence was attacked by assassins and saved by your own... Again. Something else that made its way into her hands a day ago was a list with the names and locations of my friends except one. Why?"

"You will have to ask him."

A rainbow streak shot out and tried to get in Shadow's face but her hand shot out and snatched the pegasus from the air before driving her into the table. The short struggle ended with Shadow holding the mare by the throat while squeezing so hard she was choking for air while in Shadows other hand a blade was drawn to the blue mares belly.

"Explain. Now."

Weapons were drawn as minds caught up with the blur of motion that had taken place and magic tried to separate them but failed, it had no effect due to Shadow's armor. Easing her grip a little she brought the mare up to eye level and repeated the question. Twilight was panicking but none dared make a move as the pegasus sputtered.

"You know where Applejack is!"

"And you thought the best way of finding out was to attack me?" Shadow re-tightened her grip a moment before removing her blade and shoved the mare aside. "Fool. Valkardian probably knows but you will have to ask him not me."

"Rainbow... You alright?" Receiving a nod Twilight beckoned for everyone to calm down and with relief they did. "I am sorry about that. Your... Actions... Have many of us wo-"

"What she means is we are all a little worried considering you murdered a hospital full of wounded and even destroyed a medical train."

"They are the enemy. They die."

"Rather black and white?"

Shadow sighed before looking at the stallion. "This war IS black and white. Have you even bothered to learn what the enemy believes? Perhaps you have read that little black book they published? You know what? Never mind. You wouldnt listen anyway, its why we had to come here and save your worthless flanks."

Anger rose up quickly making accusations of one kind or another before Shadow slammed a fist onto the table making everyone in the room go silent.

"Do we have a deal or not princess?"


"I am going with her."

That stallion is going to be a pain in the flank Shadow thought as he put a hand on Twilight's shoulder and gripped it tightly.

"Two then. Fine. Lets go."

The mare from earlier tried to argue but was told no, to stay and wait. Once outside the two waited quietly as Shadow opened a pouch and removed a few items she had been given.

"You will be magically nullified until our arrival. You may not leave your confinement either. Understood?"

"Why the secrecy?"

"Shining, please dont antagonize her..."

Shadow walked forward and opened the bag before placing it on the ground.

"Because Valkardian said so. Get inside."

"You cant be serious! How are we going to fit inside that tiny bag!?"

"It is much larger inside."

Twilight became fascinated with the bag but Shadow reached out and gave her a small push, her brother "Shining" did not like this but followed quickly. Yanking the bag shut Shadow tied it off and flew off towards the mountain. The magical nullifier would hopefully keep both of them contained until delivery.

*Canterlot Throne Room, 9PM*

Come tomorrow morning the undead would begin their siege, three catapults had appeared from nowhere but that did not matter to him. What mattered was that only three could be fired at a time due to the narrow space, this narrow space also constricted his own deployment but considering their numbers that suited him just fine.

Tonight however things would be finalized. Come morning he would address the local population and rally them to defend the city against the undead. While the overall plan had been shattered to pieces Celestia remained his ace in the hole. Informing the two of the undead approaching had been telling.

Luna did her best to remain stoic but a flicker in her eyes told him all he needed to know. Celestia on the other hand... Steelshod leaned back on the throne remembering the look on her face. Rage, hatred, anger, pain and so many other emotions had flashed for a moment before she could calm herself down. This was also why Celestia was the one standing below him.

"I take it you understand the risk the enemy army poses?"

"Yes and I agree with you they must be stopped."

"Good. Tomorrow morning we will greet the public and you will be the one to rally them to my standard to fight off the invading forces. Yo-"

"They will fight, I have not forgotten how he betrayed me and I shall not allow him to take over Equestria! Return my horn and I will help you in destroying them!"

Steelshod had not allowed someone interrupt him in at least a few centuries without being killed, this little outburst however made him raise an eyebrow. Looking to the left Luna was struggling furiously against her bindings and trying to spit up the gag with anger written in her eyes.

"No. You will not get your horn back. Your turning the public in my favor will be enough."

Smiling at Luna only made her struggle harder as the two soldiers had to heave her back to prevent the former princess from crawling across the floor towards her sister. Waving quickly the two were taken away leaving him to relax, with Celestia so eager to support him this would be much easier.

*Canterlot, 10PM, Mines*

Twilight and her brother Shining Armor had been dumped from the bag and were staring at Valkardian, a map had been laid out on a table down one of the side tunnels on a level stretch to prevent them from seeing the portal or knowing where it was if they ever back tracked.

Looking at the map it was clear to see which barricades were the most important as they had more guards than the others. Most of the attention was facing down the mountain but just as much as prepared to stop any attempt to clear away the collapsed tunnels and surge into the city.

One battalion had been reserved for defense of the castle itself but due to the cities side and how it wrapped around the mountain Steelshod's forces were at risk of being stretched too thinly.

Twilight and Shining however were feeling somewhat insulted by the situation. Twilight had been transported to one of the camps farther up earlier to get the process going before being brought down to learn the other part she would play. During this little trip the princess discovered her parents were just fine, Steelshod had seen her as being so petty and worthless that he never bothered to collect Velvet or Night Light to use against her as hostages, it was a little insulting.

"Your job will be to grab the attention of every last pony in the city and make them listen, get them to clear away barricades, I do not care which ones but so long as they clear them that is all that matters. How you do this without getting killed by Steelshod's archers or unicorns... I have no idea but you are well aware of the risks involved."

The siblings nodded as he continued on with how the papers would be scattered over the city, Twilight had a few ideas that would work well and in just under an hour the two were sent off to the camp above until they were needed.

Shadow however was worried, somewhere in the city was her sister, assuming she was still alive.

"Do you know where my sister is held?"

"Yes. Fortunately for you when the attack begins she will be far from the embarkation line, Steelshod is using the old Royal Guard barracks and officers quarters just outside the castle wall for his own personal guard now. It just so happens your sister is being stored away in one of them."

"Am I permitted to free her?"

"You will have little choice but to free her." He pointed at the map and traced a path. "That is the route you will take. He has sealed off the main castle gate but not the secondary at the back allowing supplies to be brought in and soldiers to move back and forth freely. Your objective is to follow that path and clear away an enemies while making a feint on that back entrance."

"So my attack is a diversion? How will we get inside then?"

"We will go over the walls. Celestia spent time making certain the castle walls were well warded against attack but there is nothing to stop an opponent from going over them."


"Do not worry about that, your task is to convince them you are going to seize that back entrance and make them alter their positions while the other forces cut off any retreat from the front line at the main gate. As it happens your sister is there, feel free to let her out but be warned it might be just as dangerous to free her as to let her stay where she is at."

"I can stuff her in the pouch. What about Herr Blutlanze and Albtraum?"

"The first is keeping up the facade at the main gate for the time being. Maybe he will get lucky and breach the first wall in under twenty hours but I doubt it. Albtraum has his own mission to attend too."

Shadow looked over the map and nodded, she had her own copy of the street layout with the enemy barricades marked on it but her own path was kept quietly in her head not that it would matter.

*Canterlot City, 9AM*

Celestia's little speech had been short, sweet and packed with emotion spurring the citizens on to help defend the city. A greater call to arms had gone out across Equestria but due to a sudden shortage of nobles and anyone to train an army it was very doubtful if those precious few left would be able to manage. Several of her officers who had chosen retirement came forward to fill in the gaps here and there but it was not enough.

Steelshod had assigned them off to the forces levied at the last second which were now mostly assigned to helping improve the barricades which were not nearly high enough. At the first gate the undead had already begun to hammer away at the walls and gates with a great intensity that at first made them wonder if the walls would hold. They did.

His engineers figured that without back bracings behind the walls they would hold for at least a week or more despite the accuracy of the boulders lobbed at them. A tower however had been damaged, the top was blown clean off when a rock crashed into it but that was of little consequence now.

Luna had been allowed onto a higher balcony to listen to Celestia's speech without the other knowing it, from what the soldiers said Celestia's little speech had left her sister livid.

Surveying the city from his high perch as airships brought in cargo despite the siege he smiled to himself. So long as they could keep the enemy away just a little longer the new defensive lines would be completed in short order. It would take months to break through it all and by then the officers from Celestia's old guard would be well under way in drafting a new army for him.

It had been a calculated risk, sending them off despite the loss of Ponyville and the Crystal Empire but they would only be able to train a tiny force to begin with and trickling them into the fight would relieve the pressure on his own forces as the months wore on.

No sign of digging had been detected near the tunnels, those trapped below seemed to have resigned themselves to their fates and nothing "else" was trying to get out either.

Rebels... Strangely enough they had remained very silent in the whole affair, perhaps they were too afraid to get involved or knew the odds, either way it worked just fine for him. So long as the papers would carry Celestia's newest plea it did not matter.

Still... The work crews could be moving faster, most had an aversion to getting their own hands dirty he had noticed despite Celestia's urging. Barricades were being improved but not fast enough.

At least the threat of an undead army hammering at the door had stopped them from raising any questions.

*Canterlot, 11:45PM*

A lone spy quietly stalked the hallway wreathed in a shroud making them invisible to all but the most prying eye. This was a thankless task but required none the less, one last look over to make certain there was nothing the "invisible eyes" had missed and that required a personal touch.

Guards came and went frequently but most minds were focused on the enemy beyond the walls not the one within. Targets had been provided along with points of interest that needed investigation.

A war room had been too well guarded to check and slaying the two would raise the alarm so they had moved on. Only Steelshod's soldiers patrolled the hallways and slipping into the throne room they stopped and looked around carefully.

Eye's lowering to the large circular marking on the floor the spy studied it carefully before signaling back along the link inquiring about the discovery. At first it looked like a new decoration on the floor but further study showed it to be far too recent and specific.

Runes ran in an elaborate circle and moving forward quietly they lifted the carpet just slightly and peaked under. Crouching beside the circle a dagger was drawn and lifting the carpet up higher before pausing and looking around they began to carefully and quietly chip away at the runes before lowing the carpet to hide the damage.

Moving to the far side and repeating the process before moving away quickly and down another hallway the search for other items became the new priority.

It was not a long search, more than seven guards stood outside a single door that was not marked on the diagram as being bedrooms. Debating what to do they left it for last and hurried away.

Steelshod's quarters were heavily protected but the dungeons were not. Luna was sound asleep along with a myriad of other's that had been locked up. Celestia must be locked away in Steelshod's quarters then.

Standing in the main hallway that housed the higher ranking officers they glanced both ways. There were so many guards in the hallway to slip into the bedrooms and wipe out even a fraction of the officer corp would raise the alarm, then again attacking the treasury room would get the same result.

More could be done tonight, much more but they were one as sending others would have alerted the defenders to the magical intrusion. Leaning their head back the spy caught sight of a door opening farther down.

Guards stopped and looked for a moment before moving on as an officer stepped out and walked towards them before turning off and moving towards the war room.

Late night idea?

Following behind them the hidden figure closed the gap quickly and followed them inside the room. Going over the defense plans the officer took a roll of parchment and jotted down a few forgotten details before leaving the note on the table. Looking over the scrolls in the room while the officer wrote they quietly yanked a few that were laid out in prominence and stuffed them away.

Tailing closely behind the officer as they left the room none were the wiser for the additional intrusion. Returning quickly to their room the officer went inside and began to undress rapidly.

A hand reached out and tapped them on the shoulder, spinning to see who had invaded their privacy the officer choked as a hand held their mouth shut while a blade sank into their heart. Pushing the body down and onto the bed they quickly adjusted the body and threw covers over them.

A momentary lapse in the patrols allowed them to escape, this would be the best they could do tonight on the one end which left something else to take care of.

Returning to the most heavily protected door in the castle they watched it a moment, there would be no getting inside without the two keys due to the sheer quantity of magical defenses placed here.

However, that did not mean markers could not be placed for future use. A statue nearby served perfectly to hide one marker and returning to the dungeon another on Luna's cell. Steelshod received one as well and thinking back over anything else they missed the assassin slipped away quickly to the courtyard.

Digging a small hole they placed a crystal just beside the door frame and covered it up again before waiting at the gate for it to open. There was one other thing they were aware of that could use a little attention.

Moving towards the old officers barrack's the figure moved inside quickly and began searching room by room for the new target. Moving to the second floor they repeated the process and found what they were looking for but the door was locked and even magically barred.

Peeking through the keyhole revealed why easily enough and looking the hallway over they reached up and using their dagger quietly scratched a symbol into the wall where none would look unless they already knew.

Hoof steps announced a late arrival and moving to the stairwell they watched as an exhausted captain slowly made their way up the stairwell in the dark. When they reached the last step and lifted their leg the spy leaned out and with a quick motion snapped their neck and gave the body a little push backwards.

The sound of armor crashing filled the night air as the body rolled and crashed away into the darkness raising a chorus of voices. Stepping over the body quickly on their way down they waited as soldiers ran into the building before slipping outside and walking away briskly.

Standing behind a shed the recall request was sent and in a dull flash the figure was gone.

Chapter 53: A Capital Falls

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*Canterlot Main Gate, 5AM*

Listening as another boulder whistled in the soldiers along the wall ducked and waited for the inevitable impact, moments later the rock crashed into the wall sending a small shudder along the wall. For a day the undead had been pounding away relentlessly on the wall without much effect. Creation of back braces were already underway and soon the wall would be even harder to breach.

Despite cracking in some places the ancient walls had proven to be well built and were resisting, at first the concern of sappers had been raised but was quickly dismissed as the length of time it would take to carve through the hard rock would be daunting even for an army that never slept.

No attempt to bring forward ladders or even the hint of siege towers had been seen, they were content to just hammer away at the walls and the gate which had at one point been damaged so badly they had to call soldiers off the wall to help build a new section of wall behind the gate.

Their ballista had fired at the undead but the ranges were so great it had no effect, use of magic was held back just in case they made a rush for the walls. Yawning a captain looked up at the dark sky before wandering down the rampart, a quick promotion had been in order after their predecessor tripped and fell down some stairs earlier in the evening breaking their neck.

*Canterlot Throne Room 5:45AM*

Steelshod was an early riser and sitting on his throne he mulled over the first reports of the day: one idiot fell and one of his advisors was found dead in their room. A search had commenced and a check on the treasure room yielded nothing, everything was still in place except for two scrolls in the war room.

The scrolls were a minor loss, by the end of the day anything the enemy could glean from the information would become null and void. With the new fortifications holding so well there was no risk of a breach before then and teams had scoured the mountain side looking for any sign of breaches, none were found and even a team sent to listen to any vibrations in the rock which would indicate tunneling came back empty handed.

Luna was still locked up along with a pony named Applejack, Celestia had been quiet all night as well. Steelshod had a feeling something was up but had no idea what the enemy was planning. Perhaps they still planned to force the main gate and had stolen the plans to find out what lay beyond not that they could not climb a short distance and look for themselves.

Maybe there was a tunnel they had missed... But why wait this long to attack in order to take advantage of it? Even now there was no indication of a large scale attack, quite the opposite in fact; they were just waiting.

Something was missing from the picture but what was it? No signs of tunneling, sapping let alone a single attempt to over run the outer wall, did they know this would be a long siege and had only tried to figure out just how difficult it would be?

Staring at the runic circle on the floor he had some relief at least, if they did manage to breach the castle walls he could always fall back on that.

Steelshod stood and left the throne room, he wanted to see for himself, in person, what the enemy was doing at the main gate.

*Canterlot Mountain Mines 5:47AM*

They had been over the map dozens of times now marking routes then doubling back and making new ones. Gaps would soon be closed up but not before the attack would commence, their forces were in place waiting in total silence as unicorns combed the mountainside beyond listening and "looking" for any sign of tunneling but drew up nothing.

As fortune would have the crystalline nature of the mountain made using magic rather hard as the energies tended to bounce off or zig-zag wildly making it near impossible to see very far. Long ago new tunnels had been made in secret linking the portal with the route they would take. Though it had been planned long ago no buildings had ever been built up against the mountain side nor any walls allowing the forces free access after only a short time of tunneling.

Now that the enemy unicorns were busy on other matters and no longer thick as flies on the mountainside tunneling had begun and by 6:20 to 6:30 it was figured the last section could be "removed" using special crystals to blast the last bit of distance without worry of back-blast. A magical shield would go up anyway just in case something went wrong.

Most of the barricades blocking their path were defended by local conscripts but the more important barricades were held by Steelshod's soldiers. Printing up fliers all through the night the trapped ponies had created quite the pile of leaflets and at the appropriate time they would be dropped.

They were quite lucky that their camp was located in a part of the network away from the dense crystalline layers so prominent in the mountain. Whatever powers were out there favored them this much at least but there was still no way out for them save magical teleportation in small batches which would not help them any.

Shadow and Twilight had brought it up with Valkardian and his remark was when the fighting began to dig in a specific direction linking them with the tunnel they would use to invade the city, dig fast enough and they would make it within a day. It was up to the princess however to procure her own picks for them later.

It made sense too, once the attack began hiding the tunnels and portal would become impossible so why bother.

Celestia's speech had complicated matters but with any luck Twilight's little speech would have the desired effect and coupled with the fliers a number would go home allowing the invasion to proceed somewhat smoothly.

What surprised Shadow however was when Albtraum told her about a little gift he had left behind hidden under a barracks that night and it was hers to use whenever she wanted in order to draw more of their attention in the wrong direction.

"5:54... Alright, Twilight should be ready to begin, the papers are ready to be dropped."

They nodded as Valkardian stood and led them away towards the front of the waiting column, only one breach could be made so it was important that they kept up their speed while always pushing forward to deny the enemy a chance to solidify any new positions. Canterlot Castle would be an interesting nut to crack if they were given the chance to dig in further.

Her formation would be the second to emerge, the first would follow Valkardian and cut off retreat from the first and second gate while she would make a feint on the rear castle gate. Now it was not terribly important to take it but if she could actually breach it... All the better. Odds were against her however, they would have it sealed long before she got there.

Ritter Albtraum had left behind more than enough markers for her too, every key point of the castle had been marked and unless a unicorn or alicorn knew where to look the odds were low they would be able to pick up on the minor magical pulse. Not that it mattered either, she had almost memorized the layout as it was for where she needed to go in advance.

Standing at the front of the column with the other Death Knights, Shadow took a slow breath and waited as up ahead servants rapidly carved through the stone. Even if detected at this point the distraction outside would more than cause the enemy hesitation, it was still fortuitous that Valkardian had these tunnels dug so long ago to near completion.

*Canterlot 6:15AM*

At first panic had spread when dark gray demons swooped down from the mountain passing overhead scattering the locals in all directions. Soldiers had fired off at them rapidly but due to the pushing and shoving as people ran for cover it was impossible to hit anything.

Confusion had replaced the fear and panic quickly enough as paper filled the air, fluttering down across the cities' more densely packed areas. They did not stay either, leaving as quickly as they came. Ponies began to pick up the papers and read as a growing hush filled the air, readers soon looked around before settling their gaze on the soldiers.

Uncertainty filled the air as officers bellowed to continue strengthening the fortifications, work began to resume but halted again when a familiar voice filled the air. Staring up they watched as a magical projection hovered in the air calling for them to flee and hide in their homes, to not interfere or aid Steelshod's soldiers.

Looking at Twilight's projection work halted again for long moments and slowly some began to trickle away seeking out shelter. Soldiers tried to force them back to work but for every one or two they managed to drag back three or four got away in the chaos. Equestrians were not predisposed to fighting as it was and as Twilight continued on with her speech, even addressing what Celestia had said more left the work details.

Those that remained willingly went back to work seeing this as another betrayal but the damage had been done.

*Canterlot Main Gate, 6:17AM*

Watching this and fuming in rage Steelshod let out a snarl, ignoring the warning that another rock was incoming he watched the distant magical spectacle as it thudded into the wall below where he stood on the rampart.

Their portion of the city had been ignored entirely and it was clear to him that the enemy was about to attack from the mountain somewhere, a tunnel had been missed or was being dug and he had little time to scrape a force together and prepare while still not knowing exactly where the attack would come from.

Running from the rampart Steelshod sent his messengers running, two battalions would be pulled free from defense of the main gate in favor of fighting off whatever was coming and if they could find the breach quickly enough: push them back in and seal it up.

They planned to catch the largest portion of his forces at the first and second gate allowing them free reign of the city and access to the castle. As he ran along towards the second gate more soldiers fell in quickly and followed, with any luck he could make the first improvised defensive line.

*Tunnel, 6:24AM*

A glimmering shield protected them from any back blast that would result from breaching the last section magically. Long ago ponies had dug their tunnels following the gem rich crystal vein's that ran through the mountain but they ignored the areas that were devoid of them and this was one area; it also meant magic could be used to blast a precise hole.

With everything in place time was running out, Steelshod had figured it out and was rallying some forces to find and seal the tunnel before they could fully deploy and thus get caught in the narrow streets which favored him not the undead.

Shadow flinched as the blast went off blowing out a tunnel connected with the city, eyes adjusting to the light quickly she could see buildings a short distance away and without waiting the column began to stream forward through the chocking dust.

Rushing outside with the others as wraiths shot into the air to keep watch she could see Twilight's magic still at play high above, the urging had become frantic now that Twilight could see the attack commencing from her hidden post higher up the mountain.

The column had to bend because of how the houses had filled out the area but they just as quickly were on the road and moving off at their quickest pace filling the air with a grinding and clattering noise.

Moving out and onto the main road she looked down the path her own forces would take once they had emerged, this area was largely unprotected but at the next bend she would have to wipe out the first barricade, then a second, third, fourth... Looking at the buildings along the road she noted the faces peaking out the windows. They were terrified.

*Steelshod, 6:24AM*

A small tremor shook the city and he could see a great cloud of dust and debris in the distance, the enemy had breached the poorer residential area and that meant they would have to seize the park and the road that ran along it. They needed space to deploy.

Picking up the pace they all but sprinted towards the barricades which were still quite a bit distant from them. If he could cut them off at the junction a new line could be formed, it would be thin but the barricades were in place and just might give him the edge he required.

If that failed, they would at least keep the path open for a retreat of his forces to the castle.

*Herr Blutlanze, Main Gate, 6:32AM*

Valkardian had agreed to his plan long before the battle at the Unicorn Mountain Range: why waste time sitting at the main gate when the enemy could be pressed from both sides? During the night preparations had been made and a few "lucky" hits on the main gate had the desired effect.

Now that drawbridge had been shattered to pieces and the gate behind damaged there was nothing to stop him for making a more serious breach. Thankfully the enemy had made the mistake of not adding further magical protections on the stole wall they were building behind the gate so that was immaterial.

A couple well placed ballista rounds that night had skewered the magical gate and begun to nullify its magic to a point he could carry out his plan: blowing up the gate.

Once the gargoyles had finished with their errand they reverted to his control and quickly rearming them they dove in one suicidal wave after another onto the wall and began attaching the charges.

Though they were not really meant for this Albtraum and Graff Nacht Klinge had assured him that even against such a heavily fortified position it would cause enough damage a few golemns could charge forward and smash through. Crystal's brimming with energy were useful tools indeed.

A hurricane of magical blasts and arrows furiously assaulted the gargoyles with few results but some were shattered to pieces but not before the charges set. Ordering them away he focused and set them off.

The air filled with electricity and fire as crystals meant for use as wands went off all at once shattering the gate and reinforcing wall heavily and even blasted holes in them. Golemns were already rushing forward and though one had been shattered the other four closed the gap with soldiers close behind.

Moat's meant nothing to the towering golemns as they forded the water quickly and grabbed onto the drawbridge and broke it free allowing them inside, moments later the inner gate was forced open using the ballista bolts as giant levers.

Patience was a virtue however and the soldiers on the walls had already begun to focus their fire on the soldiers trapped in the open but short of magic it had little effect. With a heave the golemns made an opening in the stone wall that had been built almost overnight and pushing forward Blutlanze's soldiers streamed through the gap.

Following his column forward he watched as they flooded into the towers and onto the ramparts silencing the one working ballista the enemy had left. Steelshod had weakened the position too much but that still left the second gate.

Herr Blutlanze marched through the gap, stepping over rocks and remains before taking stock of the situation: it had cost him two companies to force the gap open but this was the hardest nut to crack and considering how many were waiting behind him... It was an affordable cost.

*Shadow Moon, 7AM*

It had taken far too long for her column to emerge but it could not be helped, somewhere off in the distance another explosion earlier had rung out meaning Herr Blutlanze's kamikaze attack on the main gate had begun and a few minutes after that as she had waited while tapping her hoof impatiently he had proudly announced it had worked.

Now he just had to clear the second gate and hope Steelshod did not call for an immediate full retreat or they would be facing an uphill battle. His plan had been a good one, who would expect such an attack when they were expecting rocks and bolts?

Still, if he managed to keep them tied down it would mean one less battalion fleeing to the castle thus it had been an acceptable risk.

When her column finally reached the street she waited on Shadow sighed in relief and ordered them to follow. Shield and crystal ready they quickly moved down the side street to make their feint on the enemy castle. By now they most certainly had the gate locked up.

Rounding the bend she caught sight of the first barricade that stretched from one apartment building to the next, it was too tall to climb either but that was just fine: it was made of hastily laid bricks and crates.

Raising her hand quickly she aimed.

Heads peaked over the crates but they were few and aiming for the center she sent the command to the crystal and watched as the blast hit the improvised wall sending pieces of wood and dust flying. Windows on the street shattered from the concussion and doors rattled in their frames.

A small V like gap had been created and flying up she took a quick look for herself before diving down on a soldier that was standing up. Her soldiers poured through the gap while others began to widen the gap, kicking her opponent back down she punched them in the throat before standing and delivering a hard stomp onto their muzzle.

Putting the crystal away quickly she drew a dagger and stabbed a few times before standing back up and sheathing it. The gap had been widened enough to allow her soldiers to continue their advance uninterrupted and the few guards that had been assigned to the barricade were dead.

Picking the pace up she viewed the battlefield from the air for a moment, only two wraiths were available for her use but she was still on course and though delayed it should be easier going until the next barricade.

*Valkardian, Earlier*

Being able to blast their barricades away was handy but most were minor ones, the real barricades were focused on the last stretch leading to the castle and Steelshod was somewhere in front of him drawing up a new line of defense. Most of the locals had quit the moment the explosion rang out but die-hards held on believing Celestia wanted them to fight to the bitter end.

This was exactly why he did not nip this invasion in the bud before it had a chance to start.

Around the next bend a serious barricade blocked the way and was protected by several unicorns, looking around quickly he ordered some crossbows forward and to follow him. Kicking the door of the bakery in he passed the horrified occupants and climbed the stairs towards the roof.

From the rooftop he could see the street below well, Steelshod had beaten him to the punch on reinforcing the barricades which meant he was planning on a general retreat. There was no time for delay and leading his platoon across the flat rooftops which was a very rare thing to see in this city, he stopped above the enemy barricade and checked to make certain they were situated right.

Ordering the soldiers below to round the bend he waited until the defenders were focused on them before advancing to the edge and looking down. Below his firing line the unicorns fired off bolts into the first ranks shattering several but they never looked up, pointing down and sending the orders crossbows were aimed down and channeling his own energy they fired.

Bolts hit just moments before his spell pounded into the barricade making a large hole, firing again he widened the gap as smoke and flour filled the air. Soldiers that had survived the first barrage looked up and began firing at the rooftop but it was too late, undead marched through the gap and began to cut them down.

Leading them back across the rooftop and below he passed the bakers who were huddled in a corner, he stared at them a long moment as the crossbows marched out to rejoin the ranks and the killing frenzy outside.

"You may retrieve your sacks of flour in one hour."

*Steelshod, 7AM*

The retreat was on, first gate was breached handidly but the second would hold them off for a time. Braces had been locked in place to slow down any attempt to batter the gate down but it was only a matter of time now that the workforce needed to seal it up was largely depleted.

If he could pull this off somehow it would be a long hard battle to conquer Equestria by the sword but he could still pull it off even if they were in near open revolt.

An explosion moments ago near a barricade farther up warned him of a breach and knowing that the undead had no intention of assaulting this area he called all the defenders away and to reform on the next line.

Another order was sent to the second gate, yank every last soldier that could be spared from the wall and send them at once to the new line. Each line of barricades was slowing them down a little and those moments were all he needed to save more of his depleted force.

Once they got through the castle gate they could mount a true defense and hold off the enemy, the outer walls had little to no magical protection and it was clear to him the original plan had been to fall the population back on the castle.

Its large open areas were perfect should the outer walls fall but he had no intention of allowing the local's inside. Maybe the workers who had stayed would be brought along to help fortify things further and carry out menial tasks.

Running from their positions towards the next line he caught sight to his right of a few fleeing soldiers being pursued by the slow march of an undead column. Looking back and left he could see his own columns from the second wall running at break neck speed for the next defensive line.

Tearing through the gap and looking back Steelshod watched as his soldiers poured through before the gap was sealed but they would not stay, they would have to move back again to block the enemy at the next street up.

*Herr Blutlanze 7:05AM*

Golemns had made it to the gates and were cutting it away easily enough but it was taking time, time he did not care to spend waiting. Siege equipment had been left entirely behind now and his ranks were drawn out along a street running parallel to the second wall firing a volley once in a while to keep them from sniping at the golemns.

Most of the defenders had fled earlier and seeing from the wraiths it was clear the enemy was in full retreat, while orderly it was still rushed and the defenders of the second wall had all but been left behind.

Maybe they would only hold till the wall was breached.

Another cracking and snapping sound filled the air as another piece of gate was torn free by a golemn and tossed aside. Above the defenders peaked over before ducking and moving towards the towers.

Blutlanze signaled a formation forward quickly and led them towards the small gap created in the gate, while it was not large enough for his forces to pass through it was however large enough to allow a small group through.

Ordering the golemns to pry the gap open a little more his smaller force climbed through the hole quickly and looking around he took stock of the enemy retreat. To his right the defenders poured out in greater numbers and off towards a distant park, on the left a smaller group was trickling out.

Turning left he ordered the attack while the golemns resumed their attack on the gate. Soldiers turns and yelled in warning spurring others to run faster but others drew up in a tight formation. Killing even a few of the enemy would make a difference in the end and Blutlanze intended to pick off however many he could.

Bringing his broadsword up he moved ahead of his soldiers and closed the gap. A shield slammed out at him but a quick backstep allowed him to dodge it but before the soldier could pull the shield back he reached out with his free hand and grabbed the top of the shield and yanked hard.

A soldier popped free of the defensive line as Blutlanze yanked him free violently. They never let go of their shield but tried to stab him as they were hurtled towards his armored form. Flicking the the enemy sword away he drove the point of his broadsword into their stomach and twisted hard before shoving them away.

Undead had piled in on the ranks and were battling it out as he looked across at his new opponent and stepping forward began his next attack as behind the gate was finally shattered allowing his forces through.

*Shadow Moon, 7:17*

The advantage of her flanking attack was that because Canterlot was drawn out along the side of a mountain she had less of a distance to travel to cut off the enemy retreat, unfortunately Valkardian was assaulting the widest point blocking direct access to the castles main gate.

A house had been built blocking her path and it had slowed her greatly as the only other way around was through more heavily defended areas, it was here or nowhere. Blasting away at the building and making gaping holes made the surrounding buildings shake and walls to crack.

Eventually a hole opened and moving her forces through they became deeply embattled with the defenders on the other side holding the gap.

Flying overhead she looked down while putting the crystal away. There were very few of them here but even all that magic had failed to open a gap big enough so it would have to be taken the old fashioned way: with steel.

Diving towards their rear she targeted an officer who was too focused on the battle in front of them to look up and landing on them she drove her sword through their neck and to the hilt before flying back up and pulling it free.

Unaware of the enemy behind them she walked forward quietly then ordered her soldiers to raise their shields and push forward hard. Straining the enemy pushed back and it afforded her the chance to begin her assault from behind. Stabbing quickly she began dropping enemy soldiers from their line as yelps of pain and confusion rang out.

A couple spun on her but the effect worked, their line was weakened in the panic of thinking they had been surrounded allowing her soldiers to push through and widen the gap. Flying away quickly she watched as they yelled at her before turning back in an attempt to plug the gap, it was too late.

Fleeing their position they ran off down the street towards the castle but there was nothing she could really do without gargoyles to harass them. Her duty was to remain with her column and keep advancing. Farther up and down the defensive line she could hear horns as more soldiers abandoned their post and ran towards the castle, she had successfully breached the last line.

That left just the castle.

Moving down the street with her column she put her sword away as they made a bend and came face to face with a small group that had not quite made it in time. Looking at her they drew up their ranks quickly and began to back away as she closed the distance while pulling out a red crystal.

Their shields made them immune to the attack but looking at the two trees beside them she quickly drew out another crystal and fired twice blowing the trees apart at the base collapsing them behind the enemy soldiers. Drawing the red crystal free again she quickly aimed once more and set the trees ablaze blocking their retreat, fire may be their enemy but it was useless against her soldiers and she could always fly over.

Halting the front rank, pilum were readied as the enemy hunkered behind their shields and giving the order Shadow watched as the first wave pierced the shields and drove them back into the flames, another wave killed a few and by the final rank there were no survivors.

Flying onto a roof she ordered the advance and watched as her soldiers marched rapidly through the flames untouched.

*Unknown Soldier*

Ranks had been drawn up but the falling trees had knocked him down and clambering free moments before they burst into flame the soldier found himself on the safer side of the battle. Peering through the blaze he tried to make out what was going on but could not, yelling and screaming was all he could make out.

Figures moved in the flames and soon the first ranks of undead emerged marching from the flames. His attention however was not so much on the undead as the creature that landed in front of them and now walked towards him.

Raising his shield up he charged forward and stabbed but nothing was there, looking to his left he saw the figure and spun to attack; if he was going to die today he would take at least one of them with him.

A mighty crack rang out as his shield was hammered aside by a counter blow of his opponents shield and parrying a thrust from the blade he tried to close the gap but was again hit with their shield sending him stumbling sideways.

Trying to turn he felt their blade drive into his side for a moment staggering him, heaving his shield side ways to catch their arm it failed to connect and swinging his blade as he turned, aimed for their side.

Their blade flashed out quickly knocking his blow aside before a swift kick to an over extended leg sent the soldier to his knees. Grunting and looking up he saw their blade dive down and into his chest before it was yanked free.

*Valkardian, 7:30*

Steelshod was doing a good job of staying ahead of him but the gap was closing rapidly, even if he made the gap at least half of his forces would be trapped and encircled. Herr Blutlanze had breached the second gate easily enough after making a small hole and taking through a smaller force to assault those trying to retreat while others had loosened the braces.

Shadow was farther off and almost to the rear gate, she was doing better than the rest of them for making good time but then again she was not up against nearly as much resistance. One barricade after another had been destroyed but each one slowed them down allowing the enemy to put more distance between them.

As luck would have it he had breached a line and found the road largely undefended allowing him to close the gap a little quicker but still not quickly enough.

One detour after another they bypassed barricades they were still heavily defended in favor of assaulting the smaller, weaker ones. Blasting another to pieces his soldiers marched through and began to close the gap as Steelshod's soldiers raced across the street in front of them.

Driving his forces hard and right they surged onto the next street and moved ahead to cut off the enemy, gargoyles had been waiting and deciding it was time to slow them he send them diving down on the enemy slowing their advance somewhat.

The real target however was Steelshod himself, he had caught a glimpse of him earlier and knew he was at the rear of this column. Due to the strung out nature of his forces as he tried to preserve them meant he had begun to slowly fall behind the leading column as they manned each new defensive line.

This had been the enemies only Achilles heel in the entire battle so far: rather than just keep running they had to stop and wait for others to get caught up. Had they kept running Steelshod would have been inside by now but the barricades would have had so few defenders it would have been trivial to push them aside.

Seeing the break he needed the column turned quickly and closed the gap with the column controlled by Steelshod. Crashing into their lines as they turned and drew up Valkardian scanned up and down their line looking for the self proclaimed "emperor."

Finding his target surrounded by a small group of guard's the gargoyles turned their attention on them and began to try and drive a wedge.

Steelshod however was not interested in standing and fighting, still moving down the line as they battled to hold off the undead he yelled for the following columns to bypass the battle and keep moving towards the castle.

Valkardian ran down an alleyway with a few soldiers following and emerged on the enemies flank and zeroed in on Steelshod charging while the soldiers flanked the enemy. Blasting the ground beneath their feat the enemy soldiers staggered and fell away as Steelshod lurched backwards and regained his footing.

A gargoyle tried to slash at him now that he stood alone but was shattered to pieces by the blow of his claymore. Fighting for their lives as gargoyles tore into them the guards tried to reform but were pushed away by the flock of living stone leaving the opening Valkardian needed.

Swinging his halberd forward Steelshod slapped it away with his blade and stepped forward making an upper cut at Valkardian's chest and arm. Stepping back and aside as the blade whistled past he twisted the halberd in his hands and drew it back onto his opponents leg.

Stepping free and bringing the claymore back down both were forced away from each other for a moment before Steelshod quickly moved forward to attack. Keeping the blade extended somewhat so he could parry at cut from the halberd he closed the gap with Valkardian and stabbed.

Twisting sideways and stepping quickly the blade passed and another sweep of the halberd narrowly missed Steelshod's leg as they quickly circled each other trying to cut. Valkardian ducked rapidly under the blade and sprung forward before Steelshod could sweep the blade downward and freeing one hand slapped the blade away.

Slamming his body into Steelshod the other grunted and stepped back drawing a dagger and thrusting quickly. Dodging free Valkardian brought the spiked end of the halberd back to catch his opponents leg but Steelshod sidestepped the blow easily and sheathed the dagger.

Panic was breaking loose as the soldiers saw their leader battling it out and it threatened to interrupt their battle if it was not brought to a quick close.

Firing a spell into the ground Steelshod stepped back quickly but the second stumbled him. Blasting back with his own spell it plinked harmlessly off Valkardian's armor and a chuckle escaped his mouth.

Stepping forward Steelshod brought his claymore down in a swift downward cut. Valkardian however than back away moved into the blow and holding the halberd upright slammed the end into the ground.

Magic poured through the shaft reinforcing it as the blow connected threatening to shatter it, as the blow struck Valkardian shot out a free hand and grabbed the blade firmly and pressing his thumb into the groove he heaved with his body bending the blade.

Steelshod smirked and letting go of the claymore sprung forward drawing his dagger and stabbed heavily towards Valkardian's unprotected side while grabbing onto the halberds shaft.

Spinning slightly to his side Steelshod's dagger glided along the chainmail that protected a small gap in his armor, not missing a beat he closed the gap and tried to bowl Valkardian over.

Lifting his knee quickly he slammed it into the emperor's leg before bringing his head down rapidly. Aiming around the horn a crack rang out as helmets collided violently but it was Steelshod who staggered backwards from the blow. A quick punch to his face made him fall back a little more before he moved forward again.

Drawing his sword quick Valkardian slashed at his enemies arm and felt the blade connect. Steelshod let out a howl of pain as the lower part of his arm was severed and the dagger fell free but there was not enough time to attack again.

His guards had managed to fight their way back with the help of passing soldiers and with with cries and shouts of "protect the emperor" they pushed their way in surrounding Valkardian.

They did not attack however, Steelshod yelled something and gripping his stump quickly moved away as one soldier snatched the severed limb from the ground while another fetched the claymore which had sprung away a short distance when it had been allowed to fly free from its bent state.

Cutting down a soldier near him there was nothing Valkardian could do as the soldiers fled with his own in pursuit. What did catch his attention however was when a soldier passed the limb back to Steelshod who held it in place for a little bit before letting go. It had reattached itself.

So thats how you did it... Clever bastard.

Valkardian turned his attention back to the other forces now trapped by his own column and Blutlanze, Steelshod had succeeded in getting part of his forces away but not all of them. Encircling the unlucky battalions between their forces they squeezed them, it was now up to Shadow to keep their true intentions hidden.

*Shadow Moon, 7:42AM*

Shadow was in place now, the enemy had just closed the gate and were firing away at her ranks as they poured into the area, archers fired back keeping up the appearance and racing into the officers barracks she began her search.

Just like Albtraum had said there was a mark above one door on the second floor but she would not be able to use the door. Moving into an adjoining room she looked at the wall a moment before driving her fist through the wall, it amazed her just how strong the armor made her.

Panicked screams filled the air from the other side and looking through the hole he looked around, the door had several runes carved into it but not the walls, the window however was protected.

Stepping back she rummaged around in her little armory and drew the halberd out and began to hack a hole through the wall while outside her soldiers used a makeshift battering ram "borrowed" from the training ground to hammer away at the gate.

Sobbing and screaming continued as the hole grew larger until she could fit through it and once inside the room Shadow began looking for the source of the screams. A hoof was just sliding under a bed and grabbing it she tugged the pony free with a quick yank sending them sliding across the polished floor.

Her sister Night Streak slid across the floor before stopping and scrambling to get away but the shackles around her legs made it impossible to move faster than a shuffle. Looking her over it was clear someone had been beating on her now and then, judging by her attire...

"Nighty, its alright! Its me!"

Her sister looked up with wide eyes in a panic as her body shook uncontrollably, eyes searching the strange figure desperately for any trace of familiarity.

"Who are you? Where is the master? If he finds out you broke into his room you will be punished! And me too..."

Her eye twitched, much like herself years ago her sister had been made a slave but never once had Valkardian done anything like this. He had zapped her on the butt once but that was to bring an end to her tyrade, her sister however had wound up with the short end of the stick.

"Its me! Shadow Moon!"

Checking to make certain things were safe first, Shadow removed her helmet for a minute to let her sister see. Instead of familiarity with her however Night Streak pushed away in confusion.

"You dont look like my sister, your eyes are... Mean."

"I just found sister chained up in a room, beaten, enslaved and probably worse. Yes I am pissed off... Never mind that, its me! Let me get you out of those shackles..."

Testing just how strong the armor really made her she grabbed the shackle and began to pry it open, it took some effort but the iron rivet popped allowing one leg free and soon the other as well. Standing her sister up she looked her trembling form over.

"Mom, dad and Night Ray are just fine, they are far away and safe!"

"Whats going on?!"

"Canterlot is under siege and Valkardian's forces now occupy everything but the castle! Dont worry! Steelshod will be dead soon enough! Who did this to you?"

"What? Who is Valkardian?"

"Never mind that, who did this to you?"

"Captain Fier..."

"What does he look like?..."

Shadow listened for a moment, it took some convincing that everything was going to be fine and that her sister was indeed free but being able to find the one responsible would be near impossible in the chaos of the battle.

Realization that she was indeed Shadow Moon had been slow and looking herself over in a mirror in the room explained why: the rage burning in her eyes and blood splattered armor did little to help others recognize her older, gentler self.

"Now listen closely... You will have to stay in my pouch until the battle is over and its safe to come out..."


"It is that or you risk getting killed in the fighting outside, my pouch is really the safest place for you to stay!"

Night Streak tried to run for the hole in the wall but Shadow grabbed her quickly and one brief struggle later had her subdued, sobbing form pinned on the floor.

"Just get in the bag... I will deal with you later."

Opening the pouch and fighting for a minute or two Shadow finally had her struggling and screaming sister sealed away and pulling the pouch shut tightly she placed it in a secure location then crouching moved through the hole she made and left the room.

Outside she walked along quickly as magical blasts flew from the wall now and then, her soldiers would not be able to breach the gate but that suited her just fine for now. Looking up at the wall an idea came to mind.

"Captain Fier!"

Things calmed for a moment as a head poked out and stared at her.

"Just checking."

Shadow walked off and called away her soldiers to a position out of range before turning around and watching the wall. She knew his face now and could hunt him down later, pulling on her link with Valkardian and informing him of the situation it was quickly agreed upon that the original plan would be followed through with.

Remembering Albtraum's "gift" she smiled and waved at the wall before sending the signal setting it off. A cloud of smoke and fire shot up and the ground shook a little leveling the officers barracks and sending soldiers scurrying along the walls to avoid shrapnel.

It was time to rejoin her forces with the main body and join in the larger attack.

*Steelshod, 8:27AM*

Looking out over the city from one of the towers along the wall he counted up the enemies numbers quickly before grimacing, they had failed to dent them. Now the strongest wall protected them including magically braced gates, from here they could hold out and wear the enemy down.

Sacrifices had been made but he still had enough to man at least this part of the city but if they took the walls only the castle itself would remain and it was far from defensible. An abortive attack had been launched on the rear gate yet no attack was followed up on the main castle gate.

Perhaps they knew it would not work which brought up a greater question: what were they planning?

Scanning their ranks as they drew up in preparation for an attack he furrowed his brow in some confusion, perhaps they were going to try and use ladders? Ramps? Could the undead even use ladders? There was so little known about them it left more questions than answers.

Looking at the handful of golemns he wondered if they planned to just hack away at the gate in an attempt to blast through again, it would not work against these gates however.

"Captain... Collect Celestia and Luna, bring them to the throne room and keep them under guard."

Waving the officer off he continued to watch the undead, if nothing else he would see those two dead at least. Luna had a hand in this somehow and win or loose she would be punished till her sister wept tears of blood.

*Undead, 8:22AM*

Herr Blutlanze, Albtraum, Shadow Moon, other Death Knights and Valkardian stood in a sheltered area away from the prying eyes of the defenders. Since the two gates could not be forced open that meant they would be going over the wall but as to how had been a secret.

Shadow recognized the crystal pillar that had been ferried in from the tunnel and set in the building they now occupied, it was devoid of any residents and made the perfect meeting place since it held a good view of the castle wall.

"This section of the wall is the only one that has no obstructions between the wall and where the army is gathered. While forcing the gate would take time and power that I do not care to expend there is another method: going over it." Valkardian pointed to the crystal for a moment before continuing. "That, will provide the energy I need to build a ramp for us to pass over the wall and down the other side and into the castle grounds. There are enough buildings close by that materials will not be a problem and once they are woven into place forming a ramp you must each move your columns forward quickly as the ramp forms."

Valkardian pointed at Shadow Moon.

"You must get inside quickly and find the prisoners and secure them, Albtraum will take care of the horns but they will be meaningless if the owners are dead. I will be after Steelshod, he is heavily modified and you must avoid him if you can. If not, use numbers. Remember: He can regenerate the worst wounds easily so anything short of decapitation will only slow him down. Herr Blutlanze, you have command of the army and must wipe out every last enemy soldiers." Looking around the collection of officers he paused a moment. "Understood?"

They all nodded and were sent off to rejoin their forces and looking at Shadow he stopped her. "Find your sister?"

"Yes. She is in my pouch, unwillingly... But safe."

"On your way then."

*Shadow Moon, moments later*

Shadow Moon left the building and joined in with a column of undead soldiers and waited, the enemy had tried several times to drop them with seekers but had failed horribly, they were excellent against the living but not so much against the undead.

The golemns had been held back far enough they could use buildings as cover but now had begun to advance forward, gargoyles would not be helping them, attrition had taken a toll on them and they would be reserved for fighting in the castle itself and several of them would be hers to command once they got inside.

Standing still and waiting patiently for the signal to advance she watched as the golemns were finally in place, beyond the enemy had ballista and unicorns ready to blast away at them but the real threat was now the overwhelming number of infantry waiting behind.

Sometimes the biggest target is not always the most threatening.

Magic began to pour out into the buildings along the road, pulling them apart rapidly and watching with curiosity a wide ramp began to form in front of the castle wall, the order to advance was given and the columns marched forward towards the ramp as the defenders began shouting in anger. Ballista bolts screamed overhead, one missed Shadow barely but tore several soldiers to her left to pieces.

Magical blasts were thrown into the ranks as they climbed the ramp as it continued to rise higher and higher into the air and any gaps blown in the ranks quickly filled in, most fire was aimed at the golemns destroying three quickly but onward they marched.

Fifty yards to her front the ramp finally connected allowing the first ranks to pour over onto the wall and the sound of metal crashing and hammering against shields filled the air. One golemn to her front cleared a section of rampart with one heavy swing sending the defenders bodies flying through the air as it kept moving forward and down the next ramp that was forming on the other side.

Reaching the wall and hopping down onto the rampart Shadow looked around quickly and saw soldiers all along the walls running for the towers and slamming the doors shut while the courtyard below was a teeming mass trying to hold the undead at the base of the ramp.

The last of the golemns continued to hammer holes in the enemies ranks before slowly being blown to pieces by unicorns but the gaps continued to widen. A few more bolts passed into their ranks with some effect but the slow grind forward was driving them back inch by inch.

A few feet away from her Albtraum pointed to a balcony on the castle and signaled her forward. Spreading her wings Shadow flew from the advancing tide of soldiers and raced for the balcony, as to how Albtraum was going to follow was unknown but he would make it somehow.

Landing on the undefended balcony she quickly looked back to make certain the gargoyles were following, they landed with a heavy thud on the stone and ordering them inside they rushed down the hallway leaving the embattled armies behind.

*Steelshod, As the ramp is formed*

Jaws dropped as buildings were pulled apart only to be reformed into a wide ramp leading up to the castle walls, undead had begun to march up almost immediately and panic spread up and down the line. Ballistas fired off at the golemns and enemy officers but missed and now the unicorns tried to shatter the ramp but it was impossible as each new layer was rooted firmly from its top to the ground.

Below soldiers were formed up and readied to fight off whatever came over but he knew it was only a matter of time now. Turning and ordering his small cadre of ranking officers to follow him they began their slow descent down the tower as the undead slowly ascended.

When they reached the bottom and walked into the courtyard the undead had just begun to overrun the walls and now a new ramp was forming allowing them access to the courtyard itself. It would be a short walk to the castle but the ramp was descending faster now and not nearly as secured as the first ramp going up, not that it mattered anymore, undead poured off it and into his waiting ranks, golemns hacked and chopped before being felled with great effort.

Steelshod glanced upward a moment as a figure flew overhead and into the castle followed by a large group of winged golemns, they were going to try and rescue the princesses but they had already been moved.

Officers opened the door for him and walking inside without a single bit of worry or hurry in his steps he began walking down the long hallway towards the throne room.

*Shadow Moon*

Racing down the stairwell with the gargoyles in tow to the ground level Shadow emerged and was about to make the turn towards the dungeons but the sound of someone struggling and trying to scream over a gag got her attention. Stopping for a brief moment she sent a wraith after the sound and waited a moment as it shot away down the hall before stopping.

So they moved the prisoners.

Turning her little force around they raced down the hallway towards the throne room with their heavy steps announcing their presence long before they would arrive. The door was still slightly ajar as shouts could be heard inside as soldiers struggled to keep Luna contained while a wraith watched from above.

Throwing the doors open and sending the gargoyles forward they slammed into the large gathering of soldiers, to her left the main doors flew open as officers poured in running with weapons drawn before skidding to a halt on the carpet.

Sword in hand Shadow turned towards them and pulling two gargoyles away from the fight charged.

*Valkardian & Steelshod, moments earlier*

Steelshod was halfway down the hall when a familiar figure teleported in front of him blocking the way, both groups stared for a moment before charging at each other weapons drawn, the emperor however ordered his officers away, they were to execute the princesses immediately.

Valkardian had a longsword in one hand and a dagger in the other as he charged at them, the officers parted ways and were not interested, he knew that Shadow was in the throne room now so it did not matter, it was up to her now.

The first swing from Steelshod was avoided by teleporting away before it could connect and reappearing behind him the dagger was thrown quickly into the emperors leg but rather than stop to pull it free Steelshod growled, turned and swung again.

If his opponent could ignore pain this well and not hesitate to keep fighting despite a dagger being lodged in their leg it meant pulling out all the stops, this one was far too dangerous otherwise. Pulling another dagger free Valkardian moved forward enticing Steelshod to take a swing at him.

He did not fall for it but kept his steps even and properly paced despite the wound and circling each other his magic suddenly flared and yanked the blade free before hurtling it back at its owner.

Ducking quickly the dagger firmly lodged itself in the stone wall to the hilt as another spell went off, the carpet threatened to be yanked from under him but pointing down with his dagger he fired off his own spell obliterating it sending up a heavy cloud of smoke and soot. Seeing his enemy through the smoke cloud making an upper cut with his claymore Valkardian backed away quickly allowing the blade to pass as it hissed through the air.

Darting forward to close the gap he swung for his opponents wrist but they were already gone, he had teleported a short distance away himself and was making for the battle in the throne room.

*Shadow Moon*

All hell had broken loose as bodies were flung, torn apart or fought desperately to stay alive, Albtraum had burst through a door and joined the fray seconds before the next party fought their way inside.

Shadow was busy battering an officer away from the princesses as her two gargoyles were brought down but just as quickly Albtraum filled the gap wielding a war axe and dagger with brutal efficiency slaying an officer quickly.

Doubling her own efforts Shadow brought the officer in front of her blocking the one behind him from attacking, they quickly stepped away to flank her again but she dodged the blow and using her shield as a battering ram heaved herself into the one in front of her.

They fell away and crashed to the floor, turning rapidly she parried another blow before bringing the edge of her shield into their arm snapping it, pushing forward as the blade fell from their hand she stabbed up and into their throat before moving away.

A blow struck her left pauldron as she turned but glanced off quickly, one was standing back up to her right and now the colonel in front of her was trying to yank her shield free to give him a better target. Slapping his fingers with her sword he screamed in pain as his severed fingers fell away but he made another thrust despite the injury.

Drawing the shield across her body and backing away it glanced off and blocked another blow coming from the other officer. Jerking sideways she stepped into the wounded stallion and hammered him with the shield rapidly a few times before diving the bottom point into his extended leg as he tried to move away.

Blood bubbled from the wound as he collapsed on the floor allowing her to face down the other. A mace crashed into her shield sending painful vibrations through her arm and with a quick swing aimed at his arm he stepped away quickly and raised his shield.


From behind him a shout made the officer partially turn as a dagger was driven into his side, Shadow watched as he turned quickly groaning in pain before a leg shot out kicking him down. An axe fell onto his head cutting through the helmet cleanly before being torn free, Albtraum took a quick look at her before pointing into the fray.

"You take that one."

Just as quickly the fight started up again as she rushed to cut off an officer that had managed to bring down a gargoyle and was now racing towards the captives.

Throwing her shield out to block the blow she almost failed to make it in time as it fell towards its target. With a loud bang it deflected away and throwing herself sideways she collided with the officer and drove them to the floor, straddling their body Shadow drove her blade into their chest and began to twist it back and forth as the coughed up blood.

Standing quickly a small group of soldiers burst through the door she had used earlier, one of them she recognized.

Turning on them she raced forward and crashed into them scattering the few survivors of the battle outside. Jabbing one in the side quickly Shadow struck another in the back as they tried to stand felling them, back on her feet the two left quickly moved to flank her and charged in.

Blocking a blow from her left she turned and used her shield to push the still stunned soldier into the other before moving forward and slashed their sword arm, a howl of pain and the sword fell free and keeping the wounded between her and the officer she circled quickly before impaling the soldiers on her blade.

"Captain Fier."

The captain across from her was a nervous wreck as he looked at corpse and blood streaked floor of the throne room. Whatever soldiers were left huddled together for protection fighting back to back in the hopes of surviving just a little longer.

Shadow pounded their shield with her own bringing them back and bringing all her strength to bear hoped that whoever or whatever made this sword was a better smith and enchanter than whoever made the captains.

One is not supposed to strike edge against edge in a sword fight, but her own was heavily enchanted and not made of simple steel. Heaving her blade against their own with all the power the armor could allow her to bring her blade struck the captains and cut it cleanly as the enchantments that were once bound to it burned and fizzled away.

Terror and shock filled his face as he quickly drew a dagger but a hard kick to his shield made the trembling officer stumble. Hooking the edge of her shield around his she yanked it aside quickly and cut the hand holding the dagger free before stabbing him in the leg and twisting.

Screaming in pain the captain let go of his shield and tried to grab onto her but a quick slap of the shield broke his arm. Stabbing him in the stomach she worked her way up his body one stab at a time before stopping at his throat and letting her shield go she yanked him up and into a sitting position.

Drawing her sword back she swung quickly and watched as the decapitated head rolled across the throne room floor with satisfaction.

Taking a quick glance of the battle as it ended she caught sight again of Valkardian and Steelshod as they continued to hammer away at each other like stallions possessed by a spirit of rage, hatred and revenge.

What she saw as the fight ended however as the floor bubbled and things crawled away from Valkardian made her gasp and choke in revulsion.

*Valkardian & Steelshod*

Steelshod was a master swordsman and frankly Valkardian had to admit was better than himself, if it were not for the armor and magic Steelshod would most certainly win in a "fair" fight. This was not a fair fight however, teleporting around each other since magic was useless against each other they continued to battle their way around the throne room.

Valkardian knew what Steelshod was aiming for but due to the mass of bodies struggling for that particular stretch of floor it was not possible for him to use the runic circle yet, not that it mattered, Albtraum had seen to that.

As the two bent and wove their way around avoiding blows Steelshod powered his horn and began grabbing weapons from the floor as soldiers fell one by one, each was driven at Valkardian from different angles in the hopes of creating openings but a quick teleportation or counter spell blew the weapons from the air or left them striking at air.

From the corner of his eye whenever opportunity allowed he could make out Albtraum and Shadow now and then doing well, it would not be long till Steelshod was the last one left standing their brutal gladiatorial king of the hill battle.

Steelshod grabbed a soldier near him that was not heavily engaged and shoved him towards Valkardian at one point hoping to flank him, instead Valkardian used the soldier as a living shield before sending him straight back at his emperor with a solid kick that sent the soldier flying.

Dodging the body and racing in to make another blow he swung the claymore and just barely did Valkardian dodge it, the two kept their deadly dance going waiting for the other to make a small mistake that would cost the other their life.

Another swing missed and stepping forward Valkardian closed the gap but Steelshod once more dodged away and tried to catch him with a back-swing, it too missed.

Gambling on an odd chance of success Valkardian waited on the emperor to make another downward swing and when it fell towards his right he stepped into the attack and raising his sword up rapidly to cut the blow short twisted the handle catching the blade with the quillions. Yanking down hard his dagger arm reached out and it too locked the blade in place preventing Steelshod from pulling it free.

Not to be outdone the emperor quickly lifted a leg and kicked hard into Valkardian's leg just as the dagger had locked his blade in place, the blow sent him backwards unlocking his blade and making him limp.

Moving in for the kill he made a quick swing with his blade but it failed to connect as he limped out of range, Steelshod stepped in quickly and twisting his blade around brought the pommel into Valkardian's stomach with a savage thrust.

The blow did not dent the armor but the shockwave that passed through the metal made his insides lurch and bending over Valkardian let out a loud grunt, twisting he swung with his right hand as he stood up somewhat and making a quick uppercut with a gauntletted fist punched Steelshod in the lower jaw, the quillion missed lodging into his jaw by a mere fraction of an inch.

Lurching backwards from the blow Steelshod looked around quickly and rapidly backed away and into the runic circle and powered his horn up as Valkardian recovered and began moving forward again. Firing off the spell the runes flared a moment before dimming, trying again he had the same result.

"An associate of mine found your teleportation circle last night and altered it."

Growling the emperor moved forward quickly and smashed a gargoyle to pieces with a blow.

"That will not stop me from taking you out with me!"

Alright, Valkardian thought, time to stop playing "fair."

Standing upright Valkardian fired off a spell now that his opponent was too blind with rage to notice his surroundings. The stone floor bubbled up and grabbed his legs, he almost tripped before looking down and laughing before smacking one leg free with a quick slap of his claymore shattering the stone to pieces.

Instead of coming free his body was pulled down into the floor slowly making him struggle faster and harder. Steelshod was one powerful bastard too, using his sword to cut away at the floor and heave himself free of the magic tendrils dragging him down chunks came free with each pounding blow and magical blasts cratered the floor around him but he was still unable to get free as he sank first to his knees then almost to his waist.

Sheathing his dagger, Valkardian opened a pouch on his side and summoned his writhing swarm forward, they skittered out and down his body and legs in a steady stream towards the trapped emperor. Swinging his sword at them Steelshod cut away furiously but the writhing mass continued to move forward undettered.

Clambering onto his body the emperor began to swat them away with his hands as they began to burrow their way into his body, chewing holes and tunnels that closed up behind them as the power that kept him alive tried desperately to repair the damage.

Scarabs could be seen moving freely up his arms and the movement his armor was making meant they had infested his chest as well but still he did not die, the magic that preserved him was too strong.

An unholy, agonizing scream pierced the air as blood poured from the wounds the scarab swarm continued to make as they burrowed through his body trying to force it to succumb.

Celestia and Luna watched in horror, Shadow was fairing better though, she was not on the verge of retching on the floor. Albtraum had continued to watch and by his stance and the way his helmet moved to face Valkardian seemed curious as to if this was entirely necessary.

Valkardian moved forward and using the tip of his sword flicked the claymore out of reach before resting the blade on Steelshod's neck.

Sensing the danger the swarm shifted itself and raising his blade Valkardian brought it down quickly removing Steelshod's head from his body. Whatever magic had kept him alive all this time burned off rapidly as it tried to seal the wound but without a head to control the regeneration it went awry and flesh reached into the air as blood gushed from the opened arteries.

The grisly spectacle continued for a minute before dying off and the body went limp, the magical powers having dissipated. Recalling the swarm it flowed from the body and back into his pouch and sealing it he walked over and picked up Steelshod's head.

"This one is going with me." He said, looking into the hollow eyes of the severed head before tossing it to a gargoyle. "I will not allow you two to have access to whatever magic he used to stay alive with all this time. Albtraum?"

Nodding, Albtraum walked over while sheathing his weapons before removing a large, long box from a pouch, holding it out to Valkardian he took it then looked at the two princesses.

"Alright then, time to settle matters."

Chapter 54: Worlds End

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Valkardian held the box and examined it a minute carefully before passing it to one of the last three surviving gargoyles, pulling a cloth out he wiped the blood from his sword before sheathing it and tucking the blood streaked rag away.

Walking to Luna he stood her up and removed the gag and undid her bindings slowly before stepping away.

"Luna... Tell me how to shut down the magical field that keeps others from teleporting in or out without using one of..." He pointed at the runic circle. "Those."

Celestia gagged in protest while starring daggers at the both of them as Luna hesitated before nodding slowly. Her sister tried to crawl towards her screaming through the gag in rage as she carefully explained how to disable it, nodding Valkardian brought his hands up and channeled a spell.

A magical burst went out leaving the air tingling for a moment.

Looking at Shadow he informed her across their mental link that until they left she was not to speak her name aloud and would instead be referred to as "General."

"Your sister remains bound and gagged until further notice."

Examining the box again as the construct held it firmly he turned to Steelshod's corpse and with a little magic freed it from the floor and started to sift through the pockets and pouches. Undoing the buckles and removing the breastplate he opened the gambeson and kept digging until he removed a small key.

His blow had shattered the chain causing the key to fall down and become hidden but looking its blood covered form over for damage he turned to the chest and inserted the key and turned it. A soft click emanated, opening it slowly Valkardian put his hand inside the velvet lined interior and examined its contents before shutting the box and locking it again.

"Everything is where it should be, let us begin then."

Removing a crystal from his pouch he looked into it making it glow and humm slightly before walking away and placing it on the floor, another was removed and repeating the process he placed it a few feet away from the other before stepping away and raising a hand.

A bright flash of light filled the room before dissipating, the crystals were still there but now Cadence filled one spot while Twilight and her brother Shining filled the other, rings had been placed over their horns to prevent them from using magic while behind them two Death Knights stood quietly to make certain they did not try anything.

Seeing Applejack bound up and gagged Twilight cried out happily and started to run towards her but was grabbed by the guard behind her and held firmly in place.

"No, you will wait. Right now there are more important matters to attend too, your friend "Applejack" will be just fine."

Luna took a deep, shaky breath before stepping forward.

"Name thy price."

"The price is you agree not to draw alliances against me, use your knowledge or funding to... "Encourage" others to invade in your stead. You will also forfeit a tract of land as specified in this document."

Removing a scroll and passing it to Luna she looked it over quickly before grimacing.

"A high price to pay."

"For land you do not even use nor ever will."

"It will make a hole in Equestria."

"One that already exists, now Celestia..." Valkardian walked over and stood over her as she tried to spit fire through the gag. "I am going to stand you up, undo the gag and I expect you to act civilized. The war is over, you lost."

She recoiled from him as he reached out, stepping forward he grabbed her and yanked her upright and undid the bindings on her hands before stepping away. Celestia tore the gag free and snarled at him.

Joining her sister she tore the scroll from Luna's grasp and without looking it over tore it to pieces.

"You do realize Celestia that I control your horns... I could just... Teleport them away and leave you destitute forever."

Valkardian removed his helmet and passed it to the gargoyle holding the box.

Celestia looked at Twilight and Shining a moment then finally looking at their horns before calming herself.

Removing Cadence's horn from the box Valkardian walked over to her.


Slowly kneeling down the princess lowered her head as he reattached the horn and resealed it before retrieving Luna's and within moments her horn was reattached. Celestia however would not budge till her sister almost pushed her down, once attached Celestia sprung back up.

A yellow aura flooded along the horn as she tried to grasp a weapon on the floor but a yelp of pain made her stop.

"You will find that your horns will require at least forty-eight hours to properly attach themselves, I did not make it a perfect mending on purpose."


Wide eyed the other princesses and prince watched as Celestia marched towards Valkardian with her wings fanned out and rage burning on her face.


Luna's howl echoed in the chamber stopping Celestia.

"Sister, do you know how many this thing has murdered?! And you want to make a deal with it?!"

"I know all to well dear sister, but I also know that the ones he killed were traitors, if they had not died by his hand they would have died by mine."

"He's right Princess Celestia..." Twilight piped up with a nervous twitch. "He even freed the prisoners that the besieging forces held in Ponyville, another was a prisoner and she was left with us."

"Sister, I made a deal with him and intend to keep it no matter how... Distasteful, it may be."

Celestia turned to Luna with her mouth hanging somewhat open before she righted her posture.

"Do you forget how many he murdered in his last invasion?!"

Valkardian interrupted Luna before she could talk however: "I will remind you Celestia that I killed Steelshod's father in order to save you, in return for my gracious action you invaded a small town named Moss Dell and slaughtered even the foals in their cribs..."

"That does not excuse your actions!"

"Really? You sacked a town that had nothing to do with anything or anyone for that matter, you even had limited trade with them and yet you still burned it to the ground and slaughtered every last one of them including the foals in their cribs. If you are trying to claim a moral high ground here you are even dirtier than I am since I invaded to force you to stop your invasion of my domain. It worked too, three large populated counties were harvested to fill out my ranks but you still INSISTED on invading."

"Lies! They were under your protection and were nothing more than an extension of your own empire!"

Jaws dropped as Celestia did not deny her involvement in the attack nor her actions, the captive audience exchanged looks and became more nervous as the heated argument continued.

"Oh? Well lets consider your own track record shall we? You YANKED protection from city-states that would not bow to your will allowing them to be slaughtered by the gnoll's or various other parties. Hell you even unleashed Windigoes on the population to make them obey you and yet you blame me for extending a hand to protect those that needed it?"

Realizing the audience was watching Celestia turned her head towards the others quickly.

"That is a lie!... I had to remove my forces because they no longer wanted them there!"

"Only because your price was their absolute subservience..."

"And you did not demand anything!? What about those nobles you executed!?"

"They broke the deal Celestia, all they had to do what pay the tithe of wheat, barley and oats but they refused to even pay a measly five percent of the crop in exchange for my knowledge of how to construct windmills and water powered mills. Yes, I made them pay the price for their betrayal but the locals were still very much alive afterwards."

"Sister, you must calm down, this is not helping matters..." Luna laid a hand on Celestia's shoulder and tried to calm her.

Shoving the hand away Celestia fumed. "You murdered our fiance! We were to be wed!"

"Oh hell not this again. I spent months trying to get you to break it off and even showed you his journal and records of what he planned to do with you. His son now lies dead right over there as proof of the plan and you still refuse to believe he betrayed you?"

"Those journals and papers you brought were either forged or written by his son! I showed them to him and he dismissed them, once married he was going to rebuke his son!"

"Its like talking to a stone wall..." Valkardian grimaced as Luna leaned forward holding onto her sister again.

"He is right sister... Did you not listen to what Steelshod said?"

"That monster murdered our future husband!"

There was a long pause as the gathered ponies looked back and forth trying to keep up with what was happening as Celestia let out a sob. Valkardian shook his head slightly before slowly moving his jaw back and forth.

"Stinging bitch is it not? Being betrayed by those you love and not wanting to believe it... Kind of like how I felt towards you for a time when you rebuked me despite my attempts to warn you."

Twilight stammered a moment trying to speak before finally formulating her words: "You were in love with Celestia and Luna?"

He nodded. "Correct, I was, while I accepted their decision I could not stand by and allow Steelshod Sr. to carry out his plans and that meant dealing with the problem quickly, so I slipped inside his castle and removed his head."

Shining Armor was showing signs of anger and it finally boiled over.

"Celestia and Luna would have never destroyed a town and murdered everyone! This is impossible!"

"No Shiny, they did." Cadence had her hands up as she slowly walked towards her husband, none of the guards stopped her. "I saw it, Valkardian took me there and showed me what they did, Celestia's crimes go beyond even that however."

"Very true, shall you tell them about the thestrals or shall I Celestia?" Valkardian waited a moment as Celestia and Luna looked at each other quickly, Celestia spoke first.

"Something had to be done, they are the source of vamponies and their beliefs are a complete contradiction of harmony and friendship!"

"By who's standard then? That they believe in revenge? Harsh punishments? Or... Is it that you wanted their land and they were not interested in becoming your docile servants? Equestrias' destiny was greater than their small nation and you wanted to bring all the races to heel?"

"That is not true!"

"Actions speak louder than words Celestia, YOU are the one who invaded THEIR land and put them to the sword. Poisoning rivers, burning away forests that even today have failed to regrow, while I myself believe in treating my enemies with a scorched earth policy you take it to a whole new level."

"You allied yourself with them! We had to!"

"Actually it was the other way around but then again who wouldn't seek out help even from an evil bastard like me when they are facing extinction at the hands of a kind, accepting and loving goddess?"

"And so you took them in and protected the vile demons!"

"Vamponies are not "vile demons," yes they drink blood or "life force" but your little fanatical religion has continued to picture them as terrors in the night out to murder ponies in their sleep. Good job by the way, your religious doctrine did marvels."

"How they exist is an abomination and any race that would willingly accept them is-"

"Sister you should stop-"

Celestia pushed Luna away. "-no better than them! They enthrall their victims to do their bidding and carry out kidnappings and murder!"

"Cherry picked arguments. Just admit you can not stand them because they survive differently than you, thralls? Hardly, you can and HAVE enthralled others in the past. Just because a regular pony marries a vampony does not make them a thrall or tainted."

Another Death Knight entered the room and nodding towards Valkardian took a place along the line of spectators. Celestia looked at the figure and pointed.

"Are you telling me your army and that thing is not an abomination? Does it even have a face?!"

"I will have you know madam that I have a name." Looking at Valkardian a moment the Death Knight removed its helmet. "Herr General Blutlanze and I take great acception to being called an abomination!"

Twilight was standing closest to him and backed away slightly as he turned her way and looking her over shook his head and put his helmet back on.

Valkardian looked at Luna for a long moment before turning his gaze back to Celestia.

"I know how this ends then, Luna will agree to the deal anyway, you will play along to survive long enough to rebuild then the war starts all over again."

Albtraum spoke up, "perhaps we kill her and be done with it?"

Celestia shot an angry look at him as the others fidgeted, Luna stepped in front of her sister and pushed her back a little.

"The deal was to save us not kill us and that includes my sister."

"I know and she will be safe for now..." He watched as Celestia continued to channel small amounts of magic into her horn trying to repair it faster, there was still time before she would attack.

"Very well then! Luna do you agree to the terms I gave?"


"Cadence, you will uphold your end of the deal yes?"

She nodded.

"Good that just leaves Twilight and the "prince" here to announce their intentions. So tell me what are your intentions when Celestia orders you to kill me hmm?"

Cadence gripped her husbands arm so hard he winced and whispered in his ear, he still looked angry but finally nodded leaving Twilight standing alone.

"Well Twilight?"

"I... Um..."

Cadence put a hand on her shoulder and whispered a moment making Twilight's eyes widen for a moment and looking at Celestia she slowly shook her head.

"Very well then Twilight, it would appear Celestia that you have one still flying your banner."

A snarl escaped Celestia making the others jump or reach for weapons as she powered forward at Valkardian with her horn glowing, a blade lifted from the floor into her hand and driving it towards his chest at a blinding speed Valkardian had no time to draw his own weapon.

The sheer impact of the blade sent both flying backwards as Celestia continued to propel herself forward trying desperately to pierce the armor and Valkardian used one hand to grip the sword and another to push her back.

As the blade finally broke past the magical defenses and threatened to pierce the armor he brought a leg up and kneed her in gut hard and swung her sideways while grabbing her face and clawing at the eyes.

Celestia sprung free and tried to attack again but Albtraum kicked her hard from behind in the joint behind the left knee making her howl in pain and collapse forward. Rising up Valkardian grabbed her sword hand quickly and squeezed until bones popped and her grip on the sword loosened.

Yanking it free as Albtraum pulled her back by the wings Valkardian threw the sword one way while the Death Knight heaved Celestia in another. Grasping for another sword to renew her attack it was not the Death Knights or gargoyles that tackled her but Luna.

Luna wrapped a hand around her sisters horn and yanked back making Celestia gasp in pain as the two flailed on the floor, one trying to get free the other trying to save her sisters life.

Retrieving his helmet and putting it back on Valkardian snarled at Celestia.

"This is why I cant stand you damned ponies! Utterly blind to reality unless it somehow fits into your perfect little world!"

Cadence held her hands up as Twilight and Shining were restrained by their guards, Shining had largely quit struggling and was now more confused as to what he should do while Twilight was struggling out of pure panic.

"Please! Don't harm her! We agree to your terms!"

Valkardian looked at Cadence then the writhing mass of fur and feathers on the floor as Luna finally subdued her sister.


Celestia spat blood and continued to struggle against her sisters grasp.

"Don't think I do not know about your kingdom! I know who you shelter and you will pay for murdering so many of my ponies!"

"Then my armies shall march forth again... With the same results."

"You cant kill me, I know that! You are as trapped as I am! When I find you down there, wherever you may be hiding, I will erase you and all of them from existence! You are not the only one who spent time preparing for war!"

"I would not doubt your word for one second except I have been well aware of your research into spells to destroy the undead. Unfortunately for you... I can strike anywhere, at any time." Valkardian turned to her and looked down at the alabaster princess. "Maybe I do not even have to strike, maybe you have already sealed your own fate."

Celestia slowed her struggling for a moment as confusion crossed her face, Luna looked worriedly towards Valkardian as he motioned towards one of the winged figures in the room, they held up a crystal and with a motion is began a replay in living color of the events in the throne room before another wave silenced it.

"Consider this extortion princesses. You agree to my terms and stay away from my domain and peace will reign across the lands above and below. Refuse..." His hand motion towards the corpses littering the room gave them the general idea. "Celestia... You are right, we are both prisoners in our own ways but unlike you I will not try and force everyone to agree with me or genetically alter the various races and breeds of ponies to make them more docile and agreeable. If you attempt to break this deal I swear I shall not target you but burn the world around you to ASHES! You will be Empress of a charred wasteland."

Looking at the crystal she struggled harder but failed as he walked towards the other alicorns.

"Cadence, for the record, speak aloud your intentions."

"I, Princess Cadence swear that Celestia shall receive no aid from the Crystal Empire if she attempts to wage war against you." She nudged her husband and he spoke the same begrudgingly.

"Last chance Twilight."

"I cant, she is-"

"Very well. Next time I will not be saving Ponyville then and its fate rests firmly on your own head." Stopping he looked at Cadence and removed a folded piece of paper and handed it over. "While I made one agreement, I never swore not to inform others of how it might affect them."

Cadence unfolded it and looked it over before glaring at the paper. "Thank you for the warning."

One of the Death Knights in the room had never taken their eyes off Celestia the entire time and now turned to Valkardian as if glaring through their helmet, he nodded and recalled the gargoyles from their posts.

The figure walked over to Celestia and held up her royal regalia.

"I claim this as blood-price for what you did to my family since I am not allowed to take your life, it is not enough but it will have to do... For now. This was given to you by your mother was it not?"

Screaming in rage Celestia tried to rise up but failed as the being walked away slipping the items into their pouch, behind her Celestia howled out curses and screams of revenge but they were ignored as the Death Knights began to file out of the room.

Valkardian looked back at the gaggle as they stood in the shattered throne room.

"The rings on your horns will come free in twenty-four hours, any attempt to follow us will result in the destruction of the city, uphold your end of the deal and there shall be peace."

Valkardian knew they were not going to try anything, Celestia was the only one who would remain a problem but the balance of power had been restored even if it was not perfect, but it was not a perfect world.

*Shadow Moon, outside the castle*

As they walked through the streets the army was long gone and even the bodies of Steelshod's soldiers had been removed while their emperors corpse was being carried by a gargoyle along with the head.

Walking up the ramp and over the walls Shadow looked out over the city as the few fires that had started from the fighting were put out as ponies came out of hiding to see what had happened.

They lined the streets to gawk at the procession of Death Knights as they moved through the streets but there was no celebration, only a sombre reminder of what had just happened. Relief filled most faces, even without being told they knew the ordeal was over and soon life would hopefully return to normal, there would be no occupying army this time.

Shadow kept her gaze on the one who had taken the royal regalia, it was a she from the voice and had bat wings just like her, this one was not one of the undead.

"Valkardian... Who is that?"

"Blood Rose."

Her gut clenched realizing what had almost happened today and it made her wonder just how much willpower she had to exude not to have taken a bloodier price on the one responsible for her daughters murder.

"She does not object to my wearing her daughters armor right? Or the shield?"

Valkardian turned towards her slightly and laughed. "To her it was poetic justice so she did not object."

"Will they uphold the deal you gave them?"

"Oh they have no choice at this point without exposing themselves. That little crystal recorded it all in perfect living color and if they dare to try anything there is nothing to stop me from projecting it around Equestria, not only that but if she tries to say we must be stopped well..."

"We left in peace and she has no legs to stand on, we saved them."

He nodded. "We have left her with no justification and since the capital was preserved so well and I have the recording of Twilight as well... Any attempt to twist things will fail not that she may not try anyway."

"She will put her own hoof in her mouth if she tries."

"Close enough."

Their walk continued in silence as they bypassed barricades that were being torn down by the locals, they stopped and backed away at their passing but did nothing otherwise. It was strange to her, it had taken over an hour to fight through the streets but now it had taken them only thirty minutes to reach the tunnel.

Once they were well inside Valkardian stopped and triggered a series of explosions collapsing the tunnel behind them, if Celestia meant to follow them she would be very hard pressed to do so along this route. During the exchange of words in the castle the army had already been withdrawn and sent back to the safety of the underworld leaving only a couple of golemns to make the long trudge home.

Filing through the portal Valkdian stayed behind, he would return later as the control crystals had to be permanently removed from the two sites, Celestia would most certainly try and seize them despite the deal so best not leave her anything to find.

Walking through the portal Shadow stood in a fortress with the others as they filed off or gave commands to the servants once the portal closed. Shadow desperately wanted to talk to Blood Rose but decided it was best to leave her be for the time being as the vampony stood to one side turning Celestia's crown over in her hands slowly.

One by one they left to various fortresses to oversee the task of repairing and rebuilding now that the war was "officially" over leaving Shadow alone with Blood Rose. Standing the vampony sighed and gave out a new command and the portal was powered up again and motioned for Shadow to go through.

On the other side new orders were given and again they waited before passing through again but at the next stop she waved for her to follow, they would have to wait on Valkardian to get caught up now.

Sitting around a table in the interior of the fortress Shadow kept fidgeting until Blood Rose finally put the crown on the table and stared across at her.

"Say it."

Shadow visibly flinched. "I... Uhh..." She sighed. "I dont know what to say."

"About my daughter or myself?"

"You, but Lily too..."

Blood Rose sighed, "whats done is done, I understand why he did not kill Celestia on the spot and although I hate it... I agree. Whatever sick powers watch this world require a certain "balance" to be maintained and it requires her to remain in power... For now." Her head looked down at the crown. "This is the best I can do, my daughter and grand-daughter were taken from me but at least I can take away the last thing those two have to remember their mother by."

"Rather... Vengeful. Not that I object!" Shadow watched as the helmet turned upwards at her. "I was wondering though! What did Celestia mean by "those you shelter" and-"

"Only he can tell you that, we are not allowed to tell you anything for the time being."

Shadow slumped in her seat at hearing that, more secrets were being kept from her but for how long? Blood Rose titled her helmet a little sensing the others dismay.

"Shadow... Whatever you choose to do... Choose carefully, no world you choose to live in will be perfect."

Before she could ask her what she meant Blood Rose stood and left the room, Valkardian had returned and would take of things from here. Looking him over as he arrived she asked what had happened, the portals control crystals had been removed and the portals overloaded until they exploded denying Celestia or others anything to study.

The last one at Canterlot mountain had been used one last time allowing him through before it exploded, atomizing everything in a controlled blast.

"So you are back to square one if you have to invade Canterlot?"

"I have no intention of invading that city again, if she intends to start the war and somehow manages to successfully raise an army to do it with the ponies in the other cities will pay the price like they did back then."

"So will she?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Luna learned the truth and will serve as a counter balance for a long time to come and without Cadences support..."

"You trust her?"

"She owes me her life twice over, the life of her husband, sister-in-law, unborn child too for that matter... Her kingdom and lastly one little warning."

"About Chrysalis?"

"Yes, while free to terrorize Equestria I never said I would not warn others... It also served as a nice way to make certain her invasion will result in another stalemate keeping Celestia in check for at least another century. It helps to make certain they are all looking over their shoulders too worried about each other than me."

"Wont Celestia just ignore it like she did Steelshod?"

"Certainly, but Chrysalis is targeting her directly so... Turn her back on me and wind up a prisoner, it all works itself out in the end."

"I hate politics."

"So do I but you get used to it."

*Valkardian's Mansion*

"Home at last..."

Shadow looked down the hall after leaving the portal room, it was strange to feel happy to see her prison again. A loud sigh from Valkardian caught her attention though.

"Get your armor off, bathe and meet me in the living room in an hour."

Hurrying away she took off the armor and laid it out near the bed, servants collected it and took it away quickly but she held onto the pouch holding her sister. This would be... Interesting.

"Valkardian, my sister is still in the pouch-"

"Keep her there for now."

Shadow nodded despite herself, being able to telepathically communicate was still odd but had become almost second nature now.

"A little food and water for her?"


Retrieving a little bread, water and dried fruit jerky from the kitchen she opened the pouch a little and peaked inside, her sister looked up with terrified eyes but Shadow just smiled and handed the food down.

"Its alright now! Battle is over and your perfectly safe! I think... Just hold tight, I will let you out later!"

Yanking the pouch closed despite the screaming she shuddered at how she had just treated her own sister but knew it was for her own safety. Keeping it close she bathed and put on the clothes servants brought her and moved to the living room quickly and stretched out on the cushions and relaxed for the first time in forever.

Valkardian came a little while later, back in his robes once more and sat in his plush chair and let out a sigh as he leaned back and relaxed. Cracking one eye open he watched her a moment.

"You sister?"

"Here. Safe... Right?"

He waved his hand, "I will not harm her. You have my word."

"When I first came here you almost cut my throat."


"Do you... Regret not killing me?"

His eyes snapped open as he looked at her.

"No, you have brought some life to this place that was sorely lacking."

"Blood Rose said I should carefully but what was she referring too? Oh and what did Celestia mean by those you are sheltering?"

"Care to throw your own ideas at me?"

"Those thestral cities did not just disappear, did they."

"Hmm... Alright, before I answer that there is something you need to know."

He sat upright and turned to face her, he was deadly serious and it made her squirm whenever he gave her that intense gaze.

"Remember your assassination of Goldbit?" Shadow nodded. "What I did not tell you is I wiped a few key memories of you, it was easy since they were only aware of you for less than ten hours, others will remember you but without those key witnesses, namely the guards, you have a clean slate."

Shadow furrowed her brow a little. "Why?"

"At the time... I dont know, it just seemed like the right thing to do, I will not deny I like you a great deal which brings me to the most important thing we have to discuss..."

As she watched it was clear he was uncomfortable with what he was thinking about saying.

"I am giving you two choices: One, you can remain here and I will answer all your questions or two you can go home, just... Do not get caught. Also I will have to remove the memories you have of the tunnel network and the portal locations. I will take my time and you will not be in pain."

Sitting upright she looked at him to see if he was being serious. She could go home? Just like that?


"You have served me well and as I said you have become quite endearing to me, perhaps even too important to me... I refuse to keep you imprisoned here."

Part of her prickled while another was left confused, she liked him a great deal as well despite it all, only in fantasy stories did anything like this ever happen and he had gone out of his way to help her. He had even gone above and beyond to spare her family then even allow her the time to rescue her sister in the middle of an all out battle going so far as to send her column on a direct path to her sister while Albtraum had been sent to find her and mark the location.

Two vacations one of which she could only have dreamed of opened her eyes to a whole new world that none in Equestria knew about and though she had been taken prisoner and almost tortured he had come for her immediately and tortured a pony to death over it; he even allowed her to take revenge on one of them.

Revenge, he had taught her a whole new range of emotions and beliefs that had been alien before, training her to fight and so much more, he had opened doors for her.

But what about her family? Would she ever be able to see them again? Secrets must be kept and after seeing Celestia she understood why he guarded his realm so well against intrusion. Would her sister have to remain here or would she be allowed to go free?

"What about my sister?"

"She will be returned to your family immediately."

"No mind wipe?"

"...Do you want me to erase her memories of you and recent events?"

Looking at the pouch she pondered it seriously, on the one hand if she stayed it would not matter but then again... Did she want her sister to have such horrible memories? There was a very long pause as she pondered what to do.

"She must learn from it..." Shadow choked a little as a sob threatened to escape her. "Remove her memories of me though, if she ran to Celestia or others they might come for my family."

"Logical..." Valkardian nodded slowly and looked at the pouch Shadow now cradled.

Shadow looked at Valkardian as he stared back, long ago he had been a terrifying figure, a wizard and necromancer that did unspeakable acts but as she looked at him now what she saw was not someone terrifying. Though his hair and beard were snow white his features were not of a worn old man, a few creases in his features spoke of his age but he was far from being the old evil wizard she had first seen.

When had it begun to even matter?

"If I stay... I will no longer see my family."

"Not true, you may still write letters and visit them occasionally but you must always keep this realm a secret."

Her head shot back up, "Really?"

"You will no longer be a prisoner but there are rules to maintain security."

"Oka- Wait! I will be staying... HERE, here right?"

"Yes, if you want."

"So that makes me what... Your, marefriend?!"

Valkardian almost said something but stopped and kept looking at her quietly.

"I had seen you as a protege of mine but I will cast that illusion aside and simply admit that yes, I like you a great deal more and considering how many times we have slept in the same bed, that would be a... Fair conclusion."

"Wow... Uhm... You know what? Screw it. Nopony in all of Equestria would do what you did for me, none, zero. Yes you almost killed me and even enslaved me but you gave me my freedom right back again and even took me with you around the world. You even let me command a small army! I... I cant believe this but part of me wants to go home and just run away from it all but I still want to stay. I want to know more and see what else is out there and I can never do that by going back."

"You realize that if you agree to this..."

"You will watch me grow old, wither away and die, I will never be allowed to simply go back to being a "pony" again."

"Actually about that... When you were unconscious I undid Celestia's tampering with your species and gave you a few... Boosts."

Her eye twitched. "What kind of "boosts?"

"Well for one you are faster, strong and have increased regenerative abilities... Also that means your lifespan is somewhat increased."

"Somewhat increased?"

"You will probably outlive all the ponies above by a few decades. Except the princesses."

"Still doomed to kick the bucket?"

"Not really, a long time ago I figured that one out but if you walk down that path you will live to see everyone around you die including your family."

"I will anyway... Thank you though for... Whatever it was you did."

He nodded, "do you have more questions or would you like to make your decision? You can take your time, your sister can be tended to and sent off while you decide."

"No!... I want to bring her back myself." Shadow brought her hands up to her face and dragged her fingers down in exasperation. "I cant believe I am saying this and I hope it is not a mistake but... I'll stay."

"You will stay then but not as a prisoner, you are free to come and go as you please so long as you do not speak of this place to others nor reveal the secrets of the Underworld. Agreed?"


Valkardian clapped his hands making her start a little as he stood up and walked towards her.

"Before I answer all the other questions lets get your sister taken care of first."

Taking the pouch from her he looked inside quickly before placing it on the table and stepping back, a terrified bat shot from the bag and hit the ground running but was yanked into the air by magic and left floating as she struggled to free herself.

"Nighty? Meet Valkardian..."

A terrified scree emanated from her before she fell limp.

Valkardian let out a sigh and brought her closer. "Fainted. Well that makes this easier. Hold her if you would, she only needs to loose a couple hours worth of memories so this will be easier."

Accepting her sister from the magical grip she restrained her a little as Valkardian held her head and closed his eyes, her body began twitching now and then she never awoke. Moving back he held the pouch out and putting her back he closed it up.

"Where do you want to take her?"

"My family is still in Dodge Junction, right?"

"No, they left a day ago to get home, if you want you can beat them ther-"


Valkardian showed her from the room after giving the pouch back and led her to the portal room as servants collected the necessary crystals. In a short time her sister would be back at home safely and none the wiser as to what had really happened.

Shadow looked at the pouch with a heavy heart, her sister would not remember the lengths she had gone through to save her but it would be for the best, she would not understand anyway.

*Underworld, hours later*

It had been very easy to put her sister to bed and lock the front door again and with so few about at that hour none had seen them slip into the village or their departure. Back inside the mansion Shadow took a shaky breath and turned to Valkardian.

"Okay, now what?"

"Now I answer your questions about what Celestia meant and any others you may have."

As they walked down the hallway she caught sight of the tunnel that had never been finished again and pointed.

"First, what is that?"

"Long ago I had planned this building to not only act as my home and private library, treasury and minor research facility but also to house a family if I ever had one. I called off the digging a very long time ago because that would never be a reality and instead focused on the library and treasury."

Looking up at him her eyes narrowed.

"Getting any new ideas?"

"Are you?"

Stepping out and onto the grand porch she looked over the private garden and off at the towering wall.

"Now, you asked what Celestia meant."

Shadow followed him as they walked down the road towards the distant gate, Ruby glared at them as they passed but continued to muck the mushroom fields, after meeting Chrysalis she did not feel anywhere near as sorry for Ruby anymore.

"Even before Celestia began her war against your ancestors there were those that wound up wandering deep into the caves, in time they naturally encroached on my borders as I continued to expand my reach. At first things did not go so well but other times it did, as millennia wore on wars drove more below until only the last few city-states remained."

He paused and opened a large, heavy, metal door and beckoned her inside the tower and began climbing the stairwell.

"Refusing to surrender to Celestia and Luna they instead came to me asking for help but the damage had been done, they were trapped inside and no amount of aid would stave off the inevitable. The agreement struck was they would be sheltered in my domain and remain self governing in return for their services though I would ultimately have the last word on matters if I ever cared too. I did not care to meddle in their affairs though mind you."

Leveling off he stopped at a well secured door.

"They agreed to the terms and a great migration took place, the result, was this."

Unlocking the door and removing the braces he pulled it open and motioned her out and onto the parapet. Walking to the edge and looking out Shadow was awestruck by the majestic city that stretched out before her.

This was the largest cave she had ever seen, a great, gaping maw hidden deep in the earth with natural stone pillars that supported the caves roof, they were big enough to swallow the largest buildings in Manehatten that she had seen pictures of. Nestled between all of this the sprawling city reached out in all directions with sleek stone buildings that varied in height and shape, some were mansions that rose up with sleek, elegant curves while others were smaller but no less elaborate.

A road reached out from the gate below her and ran the length of the city and off into the distance with several other adjoining roads and streets, she could make out gardens, parks, markets and even figures moving about in great masses while others flew overhead.

Everything had a glow to it from the mosses that lined the streets and the towering, glowing mushrooms illuminated things further, lamp posts lined the streets and road casting bright light over their surroundings.

There was too much to see and so much more she could barely make out due to the distance, the city tapered out the closer it got to Valkardians's wall before finally ending a few hundred yards away from it. Looking directly below the parapet she could make out fields of plants with a few farmers tending to the fields.

Valkardian stood beside her looking out at the city.

"Thestrals were the only ones not immediately hostile to me and also I did not care to see Celestia do to them what she was doing to everyone else. They are allowed to stay and in return they aid in defense of my domain, construction of my armies using runes since they lack magic to do so otherwise... Mining, smithing and so on."

"How are you so alone then?!"

"Rarely do I get along with others as it is and after a time I just quit bothering to try. Not worth the effort."

"How many?"

"Oh... Millions and millions, not really certain how many, you would have to ask at the city hall over there, that tall one with the two glowing obelisks outside. There are several other cities and towns of varying sizes throughout the Underworld, this city is called, ironically enough... Last Hope."

Shadow looked at the city a moment, she was free to explore all she wanted and lifetimes worth of exploration awaited her.

"So you are what... King? Or is it Emperor since you hold the last word."

"I am just me, no titles though many took to calling me either master, lord and even a few high lords now and then but I could care less, they handle affairs on their own quite well."

"It still confuses me as to how you could stay locked up and remain alone when there are so many out there. You are just... You are either lazy or just so jaded and pessimistic it boggles the mind." Shadow looked at him, "you need to be broken out of it too."

"Is that a declaration?"

"Yes, yes it is. I dont know how but you are going to have something to do with others again starting with me."

"Making it official that you are my, what did you call it? Marefriend?"

"Uh... Yes, alright, but I have no idea where to start."

Valkardian looked out over the city and watched the thestrals going about their day.

"How about... Talking, lets start by talking."