Twilight cums to you

by Sherbert Music-Guard

First published

You, A human living in Equestria finds out that mares in Equestria are fuckin' horny, Especially Twilight Sparkle, The princess of friendship but should also be called Princess of Sex.

You, A human living in Equestria finds out that mares in Equestria are fuckin' horny, Especially Twilight Sparkle, The princess of friendship but should also be called Princess of Sex.

Contains: Pony Dominant Pony on Human buttsex, Blowjobs, anon, Futa Twilight wanting to fuck you ass and more I'm probably forgetting

Chapter 1

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You were just roaming around Ponyville on your day off,
And you had went to the shop to get your lunch and then eat it at home,
But as you went to your room and get the newspaper that you bought earlier that day,

You see Twilight Sparkle in your bed and she greets you by speaking in the most sexual voice you've ever heard she says "H-h-hi Anon".
You say back to that "You want me to fuck you, don't you?",
Twilight tries to hide her blush but failed and said "Yeah, PLEASE Shove your monkey dick into my lovely pony butt!" and because you have a crush on Twilight you ask "Do you really want me to put my teeny dick inside your ass?".
She responds by saying "Yes, Anon, Please fuck my ass!",
You answer saying "and if I don't?" in a really bad ass way.
She says "I can always get my futa spell out, Then I could fuck your asshole"
You decide between being fucked in the ass by Twilight or fucking Twilight's hot, sexy arsehole, Then you say quite quitely "fuck me in the ass".
Twilight said "I can't hear you, could you please say that a little louder".
then you say "PLEASE FUCK ME IN THE ASS".
Twilight says "OK, Just wait a second" and then she became a futa Twilight.

Twilight says "Now just wait one more second" then you feel something going into your ass and then she said "That will help me, NOT kill you".
You say "That wasn't your futa penis?".
Twilight said "Nope, That was my horn" then she starts to insert her futa penis into your anus while saying "THAT was my futa penis.

After over 10 minutes of intense pony dominant pony on human butt sex (and you moaning like a mare who's never had sex before), Twilight screamed "I'M GOING TO CUM".
You are waiting for her to cum all over your ass until a ton of cum came out of Twilight and into your ass but because there wasn't enough space in your ass, cum got EVERYWHERE around your bedroom and got all over your body and you and Twilight start panting.

After 5 minutes of catching your and Twilight's breaths, You decide to put your mouth on her futa cock and she starts to grab your head with her hooves and push you into her futa cock while she fuckes your mouth and you start to gag for a sec but you start to get used to it and also vigorously try to force your mouth as far you can to her cock and back and then you froze at the farthest point you could get your mouth and then Twilight started to grab your head and started to pump your mouth harder and harder until she came again and then you started to drink the cum. Then Twilight started to lick your penis and then started to suck and then she hit you on the ass to tell you to fuck her mouth, so you start humping Twilight's mouth and she's fine with that, for a couple of minutes then she hits your ass with her hoof so you pump her mouth harder and then this continues, until you were cumming inside of her mouth.

Then you and Twilight start sucking each other's dicks until both of you came inside of the other's mouth. Then after that you both started to snuggle and then Twilight said "T-That. was. AMAZING" then you said "Well, you can sparkle my twilight anyday, Twilight".

Ten minutes later Twilight teleported you to her library in her castle in the other side of Ponyville, after all, Your house was barely in Ponyville mean while Twi's house is a house made out of crystal.

The end of chapter 1

Chapter 2

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When you were transported to a library that had a queen sized bed in the middle, covered in books, Strangely wet and sticky books, as if she's either had sex with the books all over or she clops on the books.

She says in a very sexy voice "Come on to the bed, I've been a naughty mare, punish me" and before you can say a word, she uses magic to pass over a whip to you and uses magic to put a gag on her muzzle.

Then you went over to the bed, You were hit by Twilight's hoof until you started to whip her, when you started to whip her, she went and lay down while she hit you with her back hooves until you also started to fuck her, in her pussy.

You went on all fours and started to fuck Twilight while whipping her with his writing arm and then after a few mins, got the whip out the way but still continued to fuck Twilight until you came inside of Twilight's mare pussy.

Twilight said "Have you been a naughty stallion?", You start to say "Yeah, I've been a really bad man" then she lay on-top of you, Grabbed the whip, used magic to keep you to the bed and she stood up a little bit and started to insert her horn in your anus and took it out of your ass and then put her horn back in and out until you felt a liquid going in your ass and your body started to change forms every second and you said "WHAT'S HAPPENING".
Twilight said "Your body is reacting to my magi-cum, It'll fade, in a minute" and after the magi-cum faded, You both snuggled and then said at the same time "I-I-I l-l-love you".

Twilight said "You were looking worried when you came into the room, what's wrong?", You say "How are your books wet and sticky", Twilight says "I'll tell you when we know each-other a little more".

The world was going on around you both but you nor Twilight wanted to stop snuggling at this point so the both of you grip onto the other as tight as you could, then you both dosed off in each-other's embrace.

The End (or is it?)