It's a Date

by Hillbe

First published

Capper is invited, Rarity's on a date so what about Spike?

Capper is invited to the Boutique, Rarity has a date, So what about Spike...Maybe? Spoiler? Wings? Movie?

Burn Baby Burn

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Burn Baby Burn

Capper Dapperpaws was a feline of flim flam & scam even his petty exploits were over looked recently , As saving Equestria entitled this homekitty a little slack and a pardon from princess Celestia with an invite to Carousel Boutique. He was enjoying the little trip immeasurably, such a quaint little hamlet this Ponyville. As he strode along the cobble stone path following the instructions to be prompt and ready for an evening of fashion and much needed relief. Capper was happy to help a friend in need. Especially a friend in need of relief! He stood at the front stoop of fashion central, the sign on the door said OPEN and it was unbarred. He entered thinking Capper you're going to get some tonight! "knock Knock, anyone in?"

He was quickly answered by a fillys sing song squeak "Come on in she's getting ready, Who are you?" Dapperpaws laid on the sweetness and sugar "Well what a Sweetie my name is Capper Dapperpaws and what is your name?"
"You said it".
"You said it? That's quite the unusual name!"
"You said it's not my name it's Sweetie Belle". Capper bowed "Ah Sweetie Belle , You must be the little sister, charmed" Rarity could be heard in the back room getting ready. Her entrance elegant as you would expect. "Hello darling I see you answered my call, I'm so looking forward to this as I've been off the dating schedule for quite some time if you may, please excuse me". She darted behind a screen and tossed a fine red cocktail dress over its edge "This won't do, this looks too gaudy, Oh! oh! yes this is the one! perfect! YES!" she exited the screen holding her outfit with a hoofful of accessories and glanced at Cappers threads "Oh that just won't do for tonight, If you please allow me". Rarity immediately set to work measuring, cutting, sewing, talking. "If you want a snack the refrigerator is in the back, the litter box is questionable as I'm not sure how Opal will take to strangers using her facilities but the bathroom is over to the left? After a long monolog and a song and dance number on not letting Sweetie Belle burn down the kitchen Rarity continued.

Dapper looked into the mirror a dashing kitty in a fashionable set of threads suitable for a night in looked back. A Bridalway tune seeped into his mind 🎶 A nice fitting bowler with cuffs and gloves for a kitty's mitts🎶 'putting on the fritz'🎵 looking like a million bitter trooper, Capper kitty's lookin super duper!🎵 His thoughts were shuffled as Rarity returned behind the dressing screen as Dapperpaws looked on. "A hem! It's not polite to stare even if you can't see her" the not so little filly scolded the fuzzy hooligan "You know she's tried dating princes and celebrities. It's nice she's finally found someone to go out with even if it's a little weird being different species and all".
Dapper smiled at the news "Little filly it's a whole new world". Cappers heart raced as Rarity filled his ears that continued to drown in honey.

"It's been ages since I enjoyed a simple night out to have a romantic dinner by candle light or dancing with someone who doesn't let the events of saving Equrstria get in the way of just being himself or maybe a little movie snuggling in the dark as the characters on screen play out their desires as we play out our own special dreams!" Rarity was still behind the screen as Sweetie Belle giggled talking under her breath while drawing her master piece. "There she goes again, throwing herself at a guy". Rarity continued bubbling with excitement "perchance a little stroll in the park under the stars ending in a kiss that begins a life long...". Capper sweated as Sweetie looked up at him "You okay there you look a little tense there". Capper was at a loss for words and went to the kitchen for a big glass of water to clear his mind.

Rarity exited from behind the dressing screen her blue hair accented with a sparkling purple bow her light violet cocktail dress hugged her curves and highlighted all the right places her socks matched her sapphire studded saddle, belt and blue diamond earrings she glistened and shined. She was dressed playing her A game. She was playing for keeps. Rarity pranced and posed "Well how do I look?" Sweetie squealed "Rarity you're a sure knock out. He'll love it!" Capper dropped the glass on the floor, its shattering the moment but not the mood, He quickly called out "Sorry I've got it!" and quickly cleaned the mess careful not to cut himself and leave a bad impression. Rarity squealed "Oh Sweetie what do you think if things get serious, You think he's the right one?"

"Sis you know him better then I do just let nature take it's course..." A gasping older sister scolded back "Sweetie how could you that's so scandalous!" Sweetie giggled "Yeah, Where's the fun if you don't tease him, don't let him know how you feel!" A gasping Capper could be heard as he reentered the lobby. "Lady's it's almost time".

Rarity smiled "Indeed its about time... Darling, how do I look?"

"Stunning my dear, Where do you desire to go?"

"Rarity you'll definitely going to get lucky tonight!" Sweetie darted away from an embarrassed fashion horse now galloping after her for such a scandalous statement. Capper thought All that energy boy tonight is going to be my lucky night!

A knock at the door stopped all hostilities as lone figure cautiously entered dressed in a dark purple suit a sapphire ruffled shirt nervously stepping in with a shaking bouquet of roses.

"I hope I'm not too early, Eh hi?" A pregnant pause was interrupted by a squeaky cough from Rarity's little sister as Capper spoke "Yo dude what brings you here?"

"Well I just got my wings and Twi said I could start dating, but I still have a one o'clock curfew". Rarity happily pranced in place.

The last words Capper heard from her were some cold "bla bla this and bla bla that" ending in flames "Spike and I might be back at one o'clock. If we don't spend the rest of the night at Twilights... Now Sweetie Belle you be sure to behave yourself".