"Where Are They?!?!"

by King of Madness

First published

Sonata wakes up to find Adagio and Aria missing. She... doesn't take it well.

Sonata wakes up to find Adagio and Aria missing. She kinda sorta maybe totally freaks out.

"Seriously, Where Are They?!?!"

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"...Mmm... Where you going sweet little taco man?" Sonata giggled in her sleep as she rolled onto her side. "Queen Sonata demands your delicious..." Sonata frowned as sunlight hit her closed eyes. She rubbed them and stirred awake. "Taco man?" She slowly sat up and looked around to find herself in her room.

After yawning and stretching, she got out of bed and subconsciously reached for her collar to find her magic siren gem still gone. She let out a sigh and made her way out of her room to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once that bit of business was done, along with another bit of business, she went downstairs expecting to find Adagio and Aria. Most likely one watching TV and the other making breakfast; who had which was a matter of either whose turn it was or who put up the bigger fuss.

"Hey, Aria! Hey, Adagio!" Sonata greeted once she reached the bottom of the stairs. "What are we gonna do to...day?" Sonata looked from the couch to the kitchen to find neither of her sisters. "Um... Adagio? Aria?"

No answer.

Sonata scratched her head. "Did I really wake up before them?" Sonata gasped in delight. "Now, I can berate them for oversleeping this time!" She let out a squee and quickly went upstairs to shower and get dressed, just to further show how much readier she was than the other two.

After a shower that was filled with as much dreadful singing as there was water, Sonata put on her favorite outfit and tied her hair into a ponytail before returning downstairs to find Adagio and Aria were still nowhere in sight. She smirked. "Now, I just gotta wait for them."

The blue siren then positioned herself in front of the staircase so that they could see she was already up and ready the moment they came down. She tried out a few poses for when they came down, but eventually she got bored and decided to just wake them up herself.

First, she went to Adagio's door and knocked. "Hey, Dagi! Wake up!"



More nothing.

"Adagio...?" Instead of Adagio opening the door and throwing something at Sonata, there was just a bunch of nothing. "Huh..." Sonata went further down the hall and knocked on Aria's door. "Aria! Wake up, you purple weirdo!"

A big plate of nothing...


...with a side of nothing.

"Aria there?" Sonata joked, but again, no one opened the door or threw anything at her. She rubbed the back of her neck, starting to feel uneasy all the sudden. "...Maybe I got the rooms mixed up again?" She knocked again. "Adagio is that you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you and Aria mixed up."

To nothing or not to nothing.

Sonata bit her lip and grabbed the handle. She opened the door and saw that it was indeed Aria's room. Her clothes were everywhere, trash was littered all over the place, her laptop and a few games were beside her unmade bed; all was normal except for one thing: No Aria.

Sonata stepped into the room and looked around. "Aria? You better not be trying to scare me." She looked under the bed to find nothing but some magazines and a bunch of used tissues. She even looked through the piles of clothes in case there was a secret door hidden under them like in the movies. Once again, there was nothing and now Sonata had to wash her hands because she touched Aria's unwashed underwear. "Ugh, nasty!"

After washing her hands in the bathroom, she checked Adagio's room. A bunch of perfume, a whole bunch of hair conditioner and shampoo, everything clean and organized, a few posters of sexy shirtless boys on the walls; again, everything was normal except for the lack of Adagio.

After a quick search that resulted in, you guessed it, nothing, Sonata found herself sitting at the top of the stairs with her head between her hands. "They're gone..." She shook her head as her eyes studied the stairs. "I don't understand... Where could they be? Did they go somewhere? Did they leave a note?" She rushed down the stairs and looked around the living room and the kitchen. The TV, the fridge, the couch, the fridge, the door, the fridge, the stove, the fridge. the oven, the fridge, the counter; heck, she even checked the fridge! Not a singe note anywhere.

Sonata suddenly felt very claustrophobic. This wasn't right. There was only one thing she could think to do. "Mr. Cuddles!" She rushed up the stairs and into her room, where she jumped onto her bed and grabbed Mr. Cuddles; a teddy bear Adagio had won for her at a carnival. She held the stuffed animal close. "I don't know what to do! Adagio and Aria... They're gone! I don't know what happened." She looked to the teddy bear. "Do you know where they are?"

Mr. Cuddles shook his head.

Sonata swallowed hard and looked around her empty room. Empty... Just like the house. "Okay... Okay. Let's try to think rationally about this. Yeah... Deductive reasoning, just like Adagio does. That's what we should do, right?"

Mr. Cuddles nodded.

Sonata took a deep breath and tried to think. "Well... I know they're not dead, so that's good. Or... Or are they? No, no; if they were dead, their bodies would still be here..." Sonata stared straight ahead in horror. "Unless they became zombies! Wait, can zombies open doors?" Sonata rubbed her forehead. "No, that's not it. Maybe... Maybe they got kidnapped!" Sonata gasped. "And they'll come for me next!" With that in mind, she dove under her blanket. If it could shield her against monsters, it could shield her against kidnappers, right? Right?!

Sonata poked her head out. "Wait a minute, why would they kidnap them and leave me? That doesn't make sense." She dropped her legs over the side of the bed where she sat and tried to think of what else could have happened to her sisters. She held the teddy bear in front of her. "Do you have any ideas?"

Mr. Cuddles shrugged.

Sonata looked to the open doorway and continued to think when a terrible thought came to her. A truly terrible thought. Of all the worst possible thoughts she could think, this was the. Worst. Possible. Thought! "Did... Did they abandon me?" Sonata could have sworn her heart stopped, but she was too preoccupied to notice. "No. No, they wouldn't! Would they? I-I don't know... Why would they?"

Sonata dropped Mr. Cuddles to the floor and held her head between her hands. Her thoughts went to the many times Adagio and Aria had berated her for being stupid and screwing up. "D-Did they get tired of me? Did they... Did they think it was better to ditch me?" Her breathing became heavy as her eyes began to water. "I... I didn't mean to..." Tears ran down her face. She reached down and grabbed Mr. Cuddled, tightly bringing the teddy bear to her chest.

"How long? How long were they planning on doing this?!" She chocked on a sob. "I know I'm not smart and i-I messed things up sometimes, but I tried! Did I not try hard enough?" She fell back and curled up on her side, still holding the bear to her chest. "I can't believe they just left me here..."

Sonata's eyes shot open. "On my gosh..." She shot to her feet. "I'm alone... I-I can't pay the bills by myself! I can't live by myself!" She backed in a wall as if the room was closing in on her. "What am I gonna do? Who will take care of me?! I'll starve to death! I-I gotta get out of here!" She quickly left the room and made a run for it. She didn't know what she would do. Maybe she would find someone who would pity her and let her move in. Maybe she could live in someone's wall and mooch of them in secret. Maybe she could-

"Ow! Ouch! Ow! Owie! Ow!"

Sonata found herself lying down at the bottom of the stairs with a now sore body. "Oh, yeah. Forgot about what Dagi said about running down stairs." She said as she sat up and rubbed her back. "What was I doing? ...Oh, yeah." Returning to her panicked state, she got up and ran for the door. However, before the could open it, she stopped. "Wait... I can't go out there. I'm defenseless! What if I bump into some people we wronged? I'll be done for!" She backed away until her back hit the wall.

With no idea of what to do, she slid down onto her butt and hugged her knees, slowly rocking herself. She stayed like that for what, to her, felt like hours when she started softly laughing. "I'm gonna die... Hehehe... They left me here to die... I wonder if they feel bad for- hehehehe- for leaving me here." Her laughs mixed in with sobs. "After all we've been through together... Hehe... Ahahaha... " The house seemed so large and vast, but at the same time like it was closing in on her. Ever so slowly closing in.

She even started hearing things. Between her laugh-sobs, she could of sworn she heard car doors shutting. This was followed by what sounded like the front door opening. There were footsteps and shuffling of plastic bags as well, almost as if...

"Sonata, what on Earth on you doing?"

Sonata's eyes widened as she slowly looked up to see a young woman with a fuzzy planet on her head with a purple grump standing beside her.

"Uhh, are you okay, Sonata?" Adagio asked.

"Told ya she'd get freaked out." Aria said.

"Adagio! Aria!" Sonata yelled and she hopped to her feet.

The two barely had time to brace themselves as Sonata grabbed them and brought them into a tight hug.

"Sonata, that's too tight!" Aria wheezed out.

"You're suffocating me." Adagio seconded.

Sonata, still keeping a hold on them, backed up to look them in the face. "Where were you two?!"

"We were at the store." Adagio motioned to the plastic bags behind them. "We just decided to let you sleep."

"But why didn't you leave a note?"

"We thought we'd be back before you woke up." Aria admitted.

Sonata glanced down. "I... thought you both had ditched me. Like, forever."

The two exchanged confused glances. "Why would we ever do that?" Adagio asked.

Rather than answer, Sonata just smiled and re-embraced them.

The two sighed and put their hands on Sonata's back. "You know, you have to put up these groceries now." Aria pointed out when it became clear that Sonata wasn't gonna let up for a while.

"Just a little longer?"

The two reluctantly agreed and let Sonata continue to hug them.

"Next time, let's just wait til she wakes up and take her with us." Adagio whispered to Aria.

Aria groaned and rolled her eyes. "That's what I said before we left."