> A Fizzy Hearth’s Warming > by Inactive Pone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Time of Friendships > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, Hearth’s Warming Eve. A time where everypony gets excited about the best holiday in Equestria, and it’s a time for ponies far and wide to gather up together and spend time with each other. But this year was... A little different than usual, you can say. Today was the day before Hearth’s Warming. Twilight decided to spend the day dealing with the paperwork from the new School of Friendship she had opened not long ago. It’s been rough, but she’s getting more comfortable with it. She just finished marking the last few papers on her desk in the castle library. “Okay! Finally done!” Twilight sighed with a smile. “Phew, this new school idea really is stressful...” Spike came into the room with a plate of cookies for Twilight. “Hey, Twi! You finished marking those papers yet?” She turned with a smile. “Yes, I’m done,” She said before levitating a cookie from the plate. “Don’t mind if I do?” Spike let out a chuckle as she levitated the plate as well. “I made them for you. Pinkie Pie’s recipe. As always, it tastes perfect like any other of her recipes.” “Mhmm, definitely tasty. Thanks, Spike!” Twilight finished her snack, careful not to drop any crumbs. “I just wish my friends would stick around, though.” Spike’s face turned into one filled with confusion. “What’s the matter?” Twilight sighed a little. “Well... My best friends told me last minute that they’re actually going to visit their families this time around and spend time with them, instead of throwing the party at our castle. I told them it was fine, because it is the season for gathering and spending time with ponies you love, and family is a lot more important than friends.” “Huh, interesting,” Spike commented as he jumped up to sit on Twilight’s lap. “Why don’t you go visit your family, then?” The princess sighed again as she snuggled her assistant a little. “I wish I could, but it’s a little too hard to switch plans at this point and I don’t want to bother my family with a plan that’s not well-planned out.” “Still sticking to your habit of planning things, I see?” The two laughed. Then suddenly, a loud knock was heard, even though the doors are miles away. “Looks like somepony has arrived to keep you company,” Spike said with a smirk. Twilight thought for a little and gasped. “Could it be... Is she here!?” Just like she did a month or two ago, she rushed out the room to the castle entrance. Oh, and she didn’t trip over herself this time. Twilight took a moment to calm down from her excitement. She put her ear to the side of the big, golden doors. She gave a gentle tap with a hoof. “Hello? Who is this?” She asked. A familiar voice came through as that pony mirrored the action. “It’s me, Twilight. Your sweetest friend.” Twilight smiled and opened the door. Right in front of her, stood her new friend Fizzlepop Berrytwist, or known as Tempest Shadow. It was a bit cold outside, so she was wearing a pale green beanie and a purple scarf, just like Twilight’s fur color. Both of them shared a big smile. “Fizzle!” Twilight squeaked. Tempest chuckled as she was wrapped in a big hug from her best friend. “Awww, Twilight... Thank you for the warm welcome. Did you miss me?” The princess nodded and started nuzzling against Tempest’s fur. “Of course. I missed you a lot.” She got up a moment later. “Wanna come to the library to chat, just like last time?” “Sure,” Tempest replied as she gave Twilight a little nuzzle on the cheek. “Come on, it’s Hearth’s Warming. I literally just remembered so I only decided to visit you earlier today during the morning,” She said as her face turned a little pink. “That’s why I look unprepared.” “It’s okay,” Twilight told her as they finished walking around the giant Christmas Tree and into the hallway. As they came into the room, Spike was just finished helping Twilight tidying up her messy desk. “Oh, hi Tempest!” Spike noticed her entry with Twilight. “I certainly didn’t expect to see you today, how’s it going?” “It’s been... Alright, you can say,” She replied. “But still, everything’s fine, thanks to this little princess.” The princess laughed as she put a wing across the two of them. “Awww, you’re welcome,” She said sheepishly, then turning to Spike. “Would you please go and get two cups of hot chocolate for us, Spike? We’re probably gonna hang out for a while today.” “Not a problem,” He said as he started leaving. “I’ll be right back.” As he left, the two sat down on the couch to chat. It’s been a good one or two months since their last hangout so they had a lot to catch up on. “How're things going for you, Fizz?” Twilight asked. “It’s been awesome,” She replied. “I finished spreading the news that the Storm King was defeated so that probably means I’ll be moving over to Ponyville like you once asked me before I left after the festival.” “Yes!” Twilight gave a squeak of celebration. “That means you can come over to hang out whenever you like!” “Yeah, I’ll like that too. It will take me a while to get settled in and get comfy, but I know you’ll help, right?” Tempest asked as she lowered her head to plant a forehead kiss. “I’ll be there if you need me,” Twilight said happily as they nuzzled each other’s muzzle. “Like I always do.” “Thanks, princess.” Spike came back with the hot chocolate they had asked for. “Ah, thanks, Spike!” She clopped her hooves and levitated the purple mug for herself. She started sipping when she realized something. “Oh, uh, Tempest?” “Yes?” “I wonder what color your magic aura is. You said you’ve been getting used to your restored horn, right?” Tempest looked up slightly. The last time they met, Twilight fixed her horn, surprisingly. It was definitely a special gift- A symbol of their close friendship. Since then, they became best friends and even each other’s valentine. Not special somepony yet, but soon. She chuckled as she lit up her horn to levitate her drink, inside a navy blue mug. “The same as you.” “Wow, cool!” Twilight clopped her hooves again as she witnessed it. “I wonder if that means we’re... connected in some way?” “Hm, I don’t know. Probably we are, considering we’re kinda more than friends now.” The two shared a big laugh. “I’ll leave you to it?” Spike asked kindly. Twilight briefly turned to nod. “Yes, Spike. I want to have this conversation... Kinda between just us. After all, she is really the only pony that I’m hanging out with for today. But thank you for the heads up.” Spike left shortly after. Tempest’s eyebrows twitched upwards as if something was wrong. “You’re... Going to hang out with me for today? Just me?” Tempest giggled. “Come on, princess... You have your own friends, right?” Twilight’s face dropped into a slight frown. “They told me last minute they’re visiting their family or went to hang out with their other friends.” Tempest felt her loneliness, just like her in the past. She grinned and put a hoof around Twilight’s neck. “Well, it’s just you and me, then!” She said gladly as she pulled her friend close. Twilight grinned as she looked at her friend in the eye. “Yeah, just the two of us today.” The two both took a moment to finish their drink first and then talk. “So... School of Friendship, huh?” Tempest playfully nudged. The mare nodded. “Yeah! Did you see it? It’s right next door. It’s a new thing I came up with after our adventure, sorry I never told you. My friends and I teach there. It’s for everypony- I mean everycreature to study in, not just ponies.” “That sounds very interesting,” Tempest commented. “So I suppose you have a lot of different kinds of students? I mean, you have ponies, changelings, dragons, yaks, griffons and even hippogriffs! You sure you can manage?” “Definitely with my friends,” Twilight responded. “After all, I am the principal. There’s been a rough start but everything is fine now. I feel suspicion on the EEA, though.” Tempest sighed. “Oh, I’ve heard. They are kinda suspicious. Say, I wonder if I can enroll in the school?” “Oh, that’s a wonderful idea!” The princess gasped. “But you’ll have to wait till next year. Don’t worry, you’ll have a great time at the school now that you’re reformed. And there are tons of amazing and friendly students that we have from all across not just Equestria, but also other kingdoms too!” “That’ll be great, Spark,” Tempest smiled, her head slightly leaning above Twilight’s. “Haha, back with the nicknames again, Fizz?” Twilight giggled, before planting a gentle kiss. Tempest nodded and played with Twilight’s mane, making her giggle. The playful princess proceeded to nuzzle against her friend, slowly turning into a loving hug. Smiling, they locked eyes. “Oh, I almost forgot.” “What is it, Fizz?” “I’ll be right back, sweetheart,” Tempest said before teleporting away. A few minutes later she came back with something behind her. She revealed it to be a present, wrapped in purple wrapping paper, and had Twilight’s cutie mark on one side. There was a magenta ribbon tied neatly on the lid too. Tempest grinned. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Twilight.” The princess gasped as she levitated the present to her. “Did you design the wrapping paper, Fizz? It looks pretty.” “Mhmm, I did!” Twilight opened the present. She was expecting that Tempest would probably give something related to books, since she knows her obsession with books, after all. But it wasn’t- It turned out to be a Tempest Shadow plush toy, which was not very big and not very small either. It even had the cutie mark, which was colorful magic sparkles! “*gasp* Wow!” Twilight gasped in joy as she picked it up and started cuddling it. “Aww... I love this, Tempest! Thank you!” Tempest laughed. “I made it myself, so there might be a few areas that aren’t perfect. Still, hope you like it, took me super long to make it! I just wanted to give you this gift so that whenever you’re alone during the night, you’ll have me to comfort you by your side.” Twilight noticed the mistakes and had a smirk. “Oh come on! Not perfect? Uggggghhh my OCD is triggering so bad!” Of course, she was joking and she gave Tempest a big hug. A second later, she pulled away. “Ah! I just remembered! I was going to send you the present through the mail since you’re not settled in Ponyville yet, but since you’re here now, I can give it to you!” She explained. “So you prepared a present for me?” Tempest asked as she huddled up closer. “Aw, you shouldn’t have, Twi...” “*chuckles* I’ll go get it. You’re gonna love it!” Twilight said happily as she jumped off the couch and trotted back to her room. A moment later, she came back with a rose-colored present. Tempest levitated it with her horn and unwrapped it, and had a look of surprise yet confusion on her face. “What is it?” Twilight lifted the object- Two Heart lockets, one colored purple, representing Twilight, and the other colored dark violet, representing Tempest. She helped her friend to put it on her neck, then doing the same for herself. They both held each other’s hooves. “These Heart lockets, Fizzlepop,” Twilight explained, “I made them to represent our friendship. I understand we’ve once been each other’s greatest enemy, but all along... You were my best friend. I know how lonely you’ve once felt. I can’t bear to see you feeling so sad. That’s why I wanted to be with you. But one thing I didn’t expect, was that despite your past mistakes... You’ve been the kindest pony I’ve ever met.” “R-Really?” She nodded. “It’s only been a while since we made up, yes. However... You’re such an interesting friend to hang out with, Tempest. I know, this may sound weird, but... I want us to be together. I really hope to share what I’ve learned and shared every moment with you.” “Why me of all ponies, Twi?” Twilight closed her eyes and wrapped her wings around Tempest and a tear rolled down her eye. Tempest, surprised, returned the favor and wiped the tears. She closed her eyes and melted into the embrace, breathing with relaxation and warmth. “Because I love you, my sweet Fizzly commander,” The purple pony whispered, before giving a delightful kiss on the cheek. Tempest let out a giggle and clutched the princess tighter, smiling. “I love you too, princess.” There was a moment of silence as they melted and eased themselves into their cuddling. They started nuzzling against each other in content and all their minds could think about, was their beloved buddy. As Twilight patted her friend’s back with a hoof in comfort, Tempest was brushing her beautiful lavender mane, shushing and silencing the princess’ tears. It was then Twilight realized- They sat right below the fireplace, and of course, there was a mistletoe. The two glanced up at the same time, briefly hitting the other’s head and letting out an innocent chuckle. They moved their heads to look at each other. “Spark...” “Fizzle...” Without hesitation, they both leaned in for a tender and caring kiss. They huddled up even closer as their lips met. In an attempt to deepen the moment, Tempest parted away a bit and pulled Twilight down, and smooched her cheek. The princess felt a big blush and gave her friend the same treatment, then sharing more on the lips as they parted and met again, making kissy sounds as they go. “Haha, Tempest...” Twilight sighed as she nuzzled under her head, still lying down. “You are a really good kisser, I’ll tell you that.” Tempest smiled. “Oh, stop it. You know... I feel the same as you do. When I first met you, you were really annoying to catch for me... No offense. I never got to see your soft side before. When you asked me to stay, I couldn’t have felt any happier. Even after everything, you gave me a chance to change. It’s so, so kind of you.” “It’s what I do, Fizz.” Twilight chuckled as she nuzzled against her muzzle. “You know what? I agree with you, Twi.” “On what?” “I want us to be together,” Tempest replied. “There’s nopony else in Equestria that I would love to be with... Other than you. The reason? Because you are the one that made me feel loved again. After so long of being alone... You saved me. You taught me friendship. You cured my corrupted soul. The only way I see to repay you... Is if I can be with you, Spark... I cannot express how thankful, cheerful, and lucky I am to have met you.” “Thank you, sweetie. You’ve changed my life,” she continued. “Will you be my special somepony? Please?” Even though she has already asked a similar question last time, and they already agreed, Twilight didn’t mind to confirm it. After all, she really does love her. She helped them both get up, without leaving the embrace. “I will, Fizzlepop Berrytwist,” She answered. “I don’t want to spend a moment without you... Or even without thinking of you...” “I feel the same way.” Just outside the door to the room, the other six of the mane seven have returned from their visits. It was evening already, after all. They all desperately pressed their ear to the side of the door to hear what they were saying, and all of them were giggling hysterically. “I can’t believe it... Twilight has a crush on Tempest!?” Rainbow exclaimed. Rarity shushed her. “Shhh! Don’t let her know we’re listening!” “But come on!” Applejack said, unable to stop giggling. “It’s so gosh darn funny!” “I’m just glad that they’re best friends- No, make that a couple now,” Fluttershy said, grinning. “I know, right!?” Pinkie shouted in excitement. “Pinkie Pie!” Everypony shouted, shushing. But it was a tad bit late- For the two inside opened their eyes from their cuddling, realizing something isn’t right. “You hear that, Twi?” Tempest asked. Everypony outside panicked quietly. “Okay! We’re dead! Everypony, go!” Starlight said, and the group ran down the hall. Twilight placed her hoof in front of Tempest’s heart. “Don’t worry. I’m fine with them shipping us. For now... Stay in the moment, okay?” After a giggle, Tempest gave Twilight another kiss- This time a long one. When she pulled away, the princess can feel nothing but shyness. “*laughing* Aww, that’s so funny and cute!” Tempest clopped her hooves together and laughed like a maniac. The princess stared at her, joining in on the laugh. A second later, the two found themselves back-to-back, blushing and tracing circles with a hoof. “So, sweetie...” Twilight said, blushing. Tempest turned. “Yes, Spark?” “When will you move in to Ponyville so we can start dating?” “Oh, well...” Tempest couldn’t help but snicker at the cheesy talk. “Maybe a month or two.” “I see,” Twilight nodded as she sat in a more comfortable position and holding her marefriend’s hoof. “Oh, also... Happy Hearth’s Warming to you, Fizzle. I love you!” Tempest rolled her eyes and their eyes met. “Love you too, Twi.” Their horns touched at the tip, and they winked at each other. “So... Can you stay for the night to snuggle with me?” Twilight asked. They held each other’s hooves and blushed. “As long I’m with my sweet princess, time won’t matter to me.” Tempest pecked Twilight’s muzzle. “Under one condition.” Twilight playfully winked. “I’m listening, Fizzle...” “If you dare tickle me while I sleep, I am not gonna be happy.” The princess rolled her eyes, and slowly moved her hoof to launch a tickle attack, watching her friend die of laughter. “H-Hey! What did I just say!?” Twilight, wanting to push it further, teleported them to her bedroom, with all the big pillows free from the closet. They each grabbed one and walked back to each other, their foreheads pushing and their horns clashing. They both shared a cold, yet playful grin and said the same thing as they readied themselves for a pillow fight. “It. Is. On!”