> Trapped in Equestria - The Spirit of Fire > by Tropic_Turd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - The Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 - The Arrival Dark, damp and silent, this was the atmosphere of the magical shithole known as the Everfree Forest. The basic rule of thumb around here is that everything that is not you, is out there to kill you. The gloomy silence was broken by the opening of a rift in space and time on the forest canopy. Out of this rift fell a supply box and a large beige unicorn stallion that had a ahort dark grey mane and light brown eyes. He slammed into the forest floor with heavy thud The large stallion groaned while he rubbed his head. It ached like hell . He quickly sat up when he heard a strange noise coming from the forest. Where the fuck am I? He thought to himself as he looked around. He was all alone in the middle of the forest. He then felt something weird when he couldn’t feel a part of his front limbs. He held out both of his front legs into his face and saw that they were now hooves. It somehow felt wrong to him. Like those hooves weren’t meant to be hooves and used to be something else yet he couldn’t make up what they were. It was then when an important question came into mind. Who the fuck am I? He asked himself. It sounded stupid but it wasn’t. He has no idea what he was, where he is and most importantly, who he really is. His ears perked up when he heard howling in the distance. Wolves. His primal instincts kicked in and he tried to stand on his hind legs in an attempt to find shelter. He began to wobble awkwardly before falling backwards. He tried again, slowly this time. He managed to get up and stand awkwardly but it felt wrong, like he wasn’t supposed to stand up that way. He neighed in disappointment, and it was at that moment he realized. “I’m a horse!” The stallion was so shocked he completely lost balance and fell backwards crashing into a crate behind him. “Ow fuck!” He shouted as he rolled over and rubbed his back. “What the fuck was… that?” He stood on all four of his hooves as he looked at the partially shattered crate he crashed into. There was a note on top which he inspected. Have fun with your new life Creuset. This box contains something you asked for to help you in your travels. Happy Trails! -The Spirit of Friendship “Hah! What kind of dumbass is named, Creuset,” The stallion said before throwing away the note. “I guess he’s a special one since he left all his shit in the middle of a fucking forest,” Suddenly a flash of light appeared in front of the stallion and a scroll was thrown in his face. He picked up the scroll from the ground and dropped it because he had hooves. It took him a while but he eventually managed to open it with a stick he picked up using his mouth. Your name is Creuset. Dumbass! P.S. Your companion is arriving shortly, be nice to her. -The Spirit of Friendship Creuset sat down and tried to piece things together. So his name is Creuset and he was thrown in the middle of the forest by a person named The Spirit of Friendship and that this was his new life. But what about his old life, what was he back then and did he used to live at another world. And then there’s this companion. Well fuck it! I guess I’ll just play along with this shit! He thought as he got up and opened the damaged crate. Inside were a set of large travel saddlebags, 7 MRE’s, 7 water bottles, a compass, flashlight, lighter, rope, grappling hook, a swiss knife, a tent for one, a med kit and a map of what seems to be the continent he was it. “Equestria,” He read the map’s label. Creuset took the jacket and wore it, it was nice and comfy. While putting it on he noticed a strange tattoo printed on his ass. He took a closer look and saw a steel anvil with a tongue of fire in the back. “The hell is this!” He said as he poked it. He then began packing all of his equipment in supplies in the saddlebag. It took him a lot of effort since he can barely pick up an object with his hooves. “Damn! If only I had a claw or something,” he grumbled. While he was busy packing his stuff, he heard screaming in the distance. His heart raced after realizing they were screams of pain and agony. “Must be the wind, yes...” He reassured himself as he doubled his pace. “It’s nothing Creuset, nothing here is out to eat you!” He laughed nervously while he zipped the saddlebags and put them on. The screaming stopped for a while and Creuset stood up, ready to make a run for it if he needed too. The silence was broken by a howl. “Wolves!” A chill ran down his spine after he heard yet another scream. This time it was a high pitched sound that most likely came from a female. Then cane silence once more. Fuck this shit! I’m OUT. Creuset was about to run when he realized something. He’s in the middle of a huge forest. He looked left and right trying to find a safe looking path out of the forest’s small clearing. This place is a fucking deathtrap. His legs were already shaking in fear of the unknown entities that lurked in the shade of the forest. Creuset eventually scrapped his idea of running since that’ll most likely lead him to more danger. Where do I go now? He asked himself. He then noticed the tree standing not far in front of him on the edge of the clearing. It was big, probably about thirty meters tall. Creuset was sure that even in his past life he was never able to climb a single tree. But trying sounded a lot better than dying. He climbed awkwardly but fast using every ounce of strength he has, which was quite a lot considering his choice of perks. (See: Author’s Note - Chapter 1) He laid down on a large sturdy looking branch and waited. Soon Creuset heard hoofsteps coming from the forest heading towards his direction. He felt his heart beat faster than it ever had. “Help!” Creuset’s ears perked up when he heard a mare’s cry for help. He felt the urge to go down and help whoever it was but then he remembered the reason he climbed up the tree. A female unicorn pony suddenly burst out of the bushes over by the opposite side of the clearing. She stopped and leaned on a tree to catch her breath. The mysterious mare was wearing a white robe stained by dirt and tattered by the foliage she ran across and a pair of damaged glasses. Her mane that was a deep shade of lavender tied in a bun and her pure white coat was as unkempt as her clothing. And on top of that she was covered in scratches and bruises. Creuset instantly felt sorry for her condition but he is unable to bring himself down since he is just as frightened as she was. Another spine chilling howl came from the forest. It was a lot louder and deeper that the ones that came before. Creuset can see the terrified look on the mare’s eyes as she took a deep breath before running. Not long after, the unthinkable happened. While the white mare was running through the clearing she tripped over a plank of wood she was unable to notice in her fatigued and frightened state. It was a part of the remains of Creuset’s supply crate. The mare landed on the ground with an audible thud. “Fuck,” Creuset mumbled as he lightly banged his head on the tree branch he was sitting on. Now she’s gonna die because of me! He felt his chest tighten with guilt. There must be something I could do. The two of them froze when an earsplitting howl came from the side of the clearing where the mare emerged. Creuset focused his eyes and saw a large and imposing silhouette coming from within the shadows of the forest travelling at great speed. Creuset looked in fear as a colossal three story tall wolf made out of timber emerged from the trees. He noticed that the giant wolf only had one functional eye as a lance was sticking out of its other eye. He then turned to the mare who was still on the ground. From the looks of it, she’d given up. The poor mare began to weep, “I don’t wanna die!” Tears began to flow rapidly down her cheeks. Creuset felt even worse about himself now. Dammit, Creuset! You gotta think of something now! Creuset thought as he looked away from the depressing sight of a mare about to get herself eaten by a giant wooden wolf who was slowly approaching its prey. Creuset then felt the branch he was sitting on jerk downward with a cracking noise. “Oh no,” He whispered. The branch jerked again. “No… please no, plea-ahhhhh” He screamed as the branch broke off and fell. The branch hit the ground with a heavy thud. Creuset rolled off the fallen branch and quickly stood up. He noticed that both the mare and the timber wolf were staring at him silently. “Ah fuck.” The mare didn’t waste a second and ran towards the stranger standing before her. Creuset on the other hand just stood still in shock. I’m dead! He thought as he saw the wooden wolf move forward cautiously. The mare ran and took cover behind Creuset. “Help me! Please!” She held back her tears. Creuset looked down at the mare behind him. He was a lot smaller that he had originally thought now that he could see her up close. He was about almost twice as big as her. The giant wolf roared and that was when Creuset’s instincts kicked in. He turned around much to the mare’s confusion. He picked up the mare with his front hooves and he ran with his hind legs. It looked awkward but it was fast. The giant wolf decided to give chase. “What are you doing?” The mare asked in a rather calm tone considering their situation. “Running!” Creuset replied with a shout. “This is not-” The mare sighed. She took a deep breath while her horn began to glow followed by a flash of light. Creuset now found himself galloping on all fours. “What the?” He then noticed the added weight on his back. “Hey lady, where’d you learn to do that?” He asked. There was no reply. “Lady?” “Keep running…” She murmered with a labored tone. Creuset felt her head slum on his back. “Oh come on!” Creuset turned his head and looked at the unconscious mare. He noticed that the timber wolf was not far. He doubled his pace. After a while, Creuset no longer heard the creature’s heavy footsteps. He looked back and saw nothing. He laid the sleeping mare on the foot of a large tree and sat down beside her taking a bottle of water from his bag and emptying half of it within a few seconds. “Water…” The mare said weakly as she awoke. “Please…” She stared at him with her dark blue eyes. Creuset held her head and slowly poured a bit of water into her mouth. “More…” The mare demanded. “Okay,” Creuset said as he resumed. “So… do you have a name?” The mare pushed the bottle away from her mouth weakly. “Lavender…” The mare said as she sat up. “My name, is Lavender Oil. What’s your?” Creuset closed the cap of the bottle before shoving it back in his saddlebag. “Creuset,” He answered. “Thank you, Creuset,” Lavender said as she stood up. “You saved my life. But I should be going now, I need to find somepony.” “Your welcome,” Creuset replied. “Anyway, who’s this pony you’re looking for.” Lavender ignored that question. “Wait, where’s the timber wolf?” “Timber what?” Creuset asked. “The giant wooden wolf that was chasing us a while ago,” Lavender answered. “Where is it?” “I don’t know?” Creuset answered. The both froze when they heard a deep snarling sound coming from the other side of the tree. “Creuset,” Lavender called the stallions attention. “Yes?” Creuset gulped. “You’re an idiot… do you know that?” Lavender said. “Well, I’m kinda new to this world,” Creuset explained. “Wait what?” “Run!” Creuset said as he swooped Lavender out of the ground and onto his back. “What do you mean you’re new to this world!” Lavender asked as she looked at the giant timber wolf tear down the tree they were resting on with ease. “I can explain that later!” Creuset said. “We gotta get this thing off us first.” “I could do that… but don’t have enough mana for that kind of attack,” Lavender explained. “You’re out of what?” Creuset asked. “Mana! You know, the thing unicorns needed to cast spells!” Lavender answered. “Cast what?” “Spells. As in, magic spells!” “Uh huh.” Lavender suddenly remembered how Creuset picked her off the ground earlier. “Do you know how to use magic?” “I-” Creuset’s answer was cut short when he tripped over a large root sticking out of the ground. He and Lavender both rolled a couple of feet before their momentum stopped. “Ahh,” Lavender grunted while blood trickled from a small cut on her forehead. “Creuset!” “I’m alright!” Creuset replied as he stood up and walked towards Lavender. “I tripped over that root over there. Are you-” Creuset froze when he heard a familiar growling noise coming from behind. He looked at Lavender who was a few feet away from where he was. She looked at something behind him with a frightened expression. Creuset sighed. Guess I won’t be staying here long. “Lavender… I want you to run,” Creuset ordered. “Run.” “No, I can’t just-” “Run,” Creuset interrupted her. He took a deep breath and turned around and faced the humungous beast. “I can buy you time.” “Creuset… don’t do it,” Lavender pleaded. “Hey tree boi!” Creuset smiled. “Why don’t you leaf us alone!” He laughed. The timber wolf lunged at the laughing stallion. “Creuset!” Lavender screamed while she closed her eyes. After a while she began to wonder why she’s not dead so she decided to have a look at what was happening. Lavender saw Creuset gritting his teeth as he stood on his hind leg and held the beasts mouth open with his front hooves. “A little help will be nice!” Creuset grunted. Since when was I this strong? He asked himself. “You still there Lavender?” Lavender just sat there with her mouth wide open in disbelief. The scene was exactly like a painting she saw not long ago in her home city. And then she saw the mark on his flank and remembered the mysterious spirit’s words. Seek the black anvil engulfed in flame. This is the mark of the Spirit of Fire. After failing to crush Creuset with its teeth, the timber wolf decided to take a different approach. He lifted, Creuset who was still latched on him, off of the ground. “You know what! Forget it, just run!” Creuset ordered. Lavender stood up. “I can’t just run away now. Not when I finally found you?” Creuset blanked out for a few seconds. He turned his head and looked straight into lavender’s eyes. “What?!” The timber wolf began shaking its head left and right in an attempt to throw off the stallion holding its mouth wide open. Creuset lost his grip and went flying into the trunk of a tree. Creuset felt a leg bone and several ribs crack with the impact. He sprawled on the ground and screamed in pain. “You motherfucker!” He shouted at the timber wolf who growled and prepared to charge at him. So this is how I die. It seemed like all hope was lost. When suddenly, Lavender jumped in front of Creuset and let out a violently bright flash of light that temporarily blinded the wolf making it stager backwards. Lavender turned to Creuset. “I don’t have the mana needed to kill it. But I know you do,” Her horn began to glow a bright shade of pink. Creuset felt a warm glow envelop him. The pain suddenly subsided and he felt well again. “Lavender… what the hell was that,” He said as he moved his once fractured leg. “This is amazing. Lavender you’re-” Lavender vomited on the ground. The mare then collapsed. “Lavender are you okay!?” Creuset asked in panic, catching Lavender with his hooves before she fell. “Lavender!?” Lavender coughed several time in quick succession. “Mana Fatigue,” She uttered in a weak and labored voice. “I’ll recover…” She said taking a deep breath. “But I need you to win.” “How?!” Creuset asked in confusion. Lavender then lost her consciousness once more. “Oh come on!” Creuset shouted. “Really Lavender. Are you gonna do that to me every time we’re in trouble,” Lavender snored peacefully. “Fine! I’ll do it myself!” Creuset said as he threw Lavender onto the dirt. The timber wolf managed to regain its composure and was ready to attack once again. Creuset approached and looked at the large and intimidation beast. But was not afraid, for he was too angry to be afraid. “I’m gonna turn you into a pile of twigs and make a twigloo out of it!” Creuset taunted. The timber wolf attempted to crush him with a downward swipe of its large paw but Creuset managed to roll sidewards just in time. The timber wolf prepared to charge Creuset suddenly remembered the magical spells Lavender casted moments ago. How do I cast a spell? He asked himself as he rolled sideward to avoid a charge. Maybe be if I- He stopped his line of thought when he noticed that the timber wolf wasn’t charging towards him, but was after the unconscious mare instead. “Lavender!” Time seemed to slow down as Creuset looked on in horror. The mare he was protecting was about to get eaten and he couldn’t do anything. Why? Because he was weak. Rage and guilt envelop Creuset as if he was covered in fire. He felt a strange and warm energy flow along his body eventually converging at his horn. He then took a deep breath. “Get away from her!” He shouted as a large stream of fire shot out of his horn. The large timber wolf was tipped over by the force of the spell. The massive beast growled in pain as the fire began to spread on its body. It managed to stand up once more and charged it Creuset in anger. I can’t stop now! Creuset shot another stream of fire from his horn. It hit the wolf’s only good eye blinding it. The wolf yelped in pain. “Die!” He fired another spell further engulfing the timber wolf in flames. Creuset prepared his fourth and final strike. “See you in hell!” He attempted to fire another hate fueled attack but nothing came out. Only wild sparks and nothing else came from his horn. “What in the- Ahh fuck!” Creuset touched his horn only to have his burned by its heat. “Ow!” He said as he sucked his burned hoof. The timber wolf on the other hand began to run rapidly in a vain attempt to extinguish the flame. It ran back into the forest and began spreading the fire to the surrounding trees. Creuset watched as the surrounding forest was set ablaze. “Oh no,” Creuset ran towards Lavender. “This is bad; this is very bad!” He sat down on the ground in front of Lavender and began to shake her violently. “Wake up!” He shouted. “Wake up dammit!” He began to slap her but it didn’t do anything. Creuset suddenly remembered how hot his horn is. “I don’t wanna do this… but I have to,” He told the sleeping mare. He took her left forehoof and touched it lightly with his horn. Lavender screeched in pain as she awoke. She sat up breathing heavily and coughing. “What happened?” She asked as she sucked her left forehoof. “Mana fatigue,” Creuset answered. “Listen we gotta get outta here!” Lavender ignored what he and instead looked at the burning forest behind him. “Creuset,” Lavender said. “What?” He replied. “Listen we don-” “Why is the forest on fire?” She asked. “I played with fire,” Creuset answered. “One thing led to another and the timber wolf caught fire and ran into the forest. We really have to go now though.” Lavender smiled with joy. “It really is you!” Creuset finally lost his patience. “Okay, I don’t have time for this!” He stood up and ran. “I’m outta here!” Lavender stood up and staggered for a moment before retaining her balance. “Wait!” Creuset looked back. “Well talk about whatever the fuck you want later when we have time!” He shouted. “Now move your ass if you wanna live!” The pair went on a mad dash through the burning forest. The steered left and right avoiding falling trees and burning bushed while they dodged the scorched braches that began to fall of the trees. Unfortunately, one such branch fell behind Lavender and burned her hind legs causing her to trip, fall and cry out in pain. “Creuset!” She screamed. “Help!” Creuset heard this and immediately rushed to help the fallen mare. He picked her up with ease using his hooves and carried her on his back as he continued galloping through the blazing forest. He eventually saw something in a small clearing that could shelter them from the fire. It was a large and abandoned ruins of a castle. “Perfect,” he told himself. He knocked down the doors and settled his companion on the floor as he inspected her wounds. It was bad, she had second degree burns in her hind legs and she looks like she’s in a lot of pain. “Can you still heal yourself?” He asked. “I’m out of mana,” Lavender answered as she took deep breaths to handle the intense pain she felt in her legs. “I can’t do it.” “How do you get mana?” Creuset asked. “It’ll take a bit of time and rest,” She grunted. “Hold on, I think I got something here that can help,” Creuset said as he took the med-kit from his saddlebag and opened it. He took out a small bottle of salve and a roll of bandages and began patching up Lavender’s injury. “You feeling better yet?” He asked after he finished dressing up her burns. “Yeah!” She sighed in relief. “It stings a bit, but its fine now. Do you have any more water?” Creuset reached for his saddlebag and took out a bottle. “Here,” he handed the near empty water bottle to Lavender. The mare drank all of the remaining water of the bottle. “Thanks,” She said as she laid down on the cold stone floor of the building and stared at the ceiling. “Are there other ways to gain mana?” Creuset asked. Lavender looked at Creuset. “There are two other ways. You can either use potions or you can find another unicorn who has mana and do a transfer,” Lavender stared at Creuset. “What?” Creuset asked. “Is there something on my face?” “No you idiot,” Lavender replied. “Can you give me some of your mana?” “How am I gonna do that?” He asked. “Mana transfer,” She answered. “There are two methods. The most commonly used and practical one is horn-to-horn transfer.” “What’s the second method,” Creuset asked. Lavender blushed a bit. “It’s too complex and impractical,” She said. “Besides it’s for married unicorns only.” Creuset cocked an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean-” he then realized what she meant. “Oh,” he said as he blushed lightly. “Let’s do the horn-on-horn then.” Lavender sat up. “Okay then, give me your front hooves,” she said as she reached out to him with her front hooves. “Okay…” Creuset sat down and grabbed the mare’s hooves with his own. They’re soft. He blushed and looked away. “Hey,” Lavender grabbed his attention. “Hoof, horn and eye contact are necessary for a proper transfer.” Creuset stared at her bright blue eyes. “What now?” He asked. “Lean forward so I can reach you,” Lavender ordered blushing slightly. Creuset obliged and leaned forward as he was instructed. Lavender leaned forward until she was only inches away from Creuset’s face. He saw that her face was now beet red in color. “Touch my horn with yours when you’re ready. And remember, don’t break eye contact.” Creuset then proceeded to touch Lavender’s horn with his own. He felt a warm sensation at the tip of his horn. He felt the same thing with his eyes and hooves. Don’t worry, that’s just the mana flowing. What the! Who is that. It’s me, Lavender. How are you- Our minds are partially connected. Oh. How do I know when this will end? Right about… “Now!” Lavender said as she withdrew from the connection. Creuset blinked a couple of times and stretched his neck joints. “That was… weird.” Lavender casted a pain relieving spell on her hind legs. “Yeah, it’s also quite impractical as well.” “What do you mean?” Creuset asked. “You can only transfer a small amount of mana using this method,” Lavender explained. “They’re still improving it.” “So that means?” “I only have enough mana to remove the pain in my legs instead of completely healing them,” She replied. “Okay,” Creuset said as he stood up to stretch his legs. “So how much mana does the second method give?” Lavender blushed and was hesitant to answer. “It’s uh… substantially better.” “Uh huh,” Creuset said as he scratched his chin. “Anyway, about the thing you were searching for?” “Oh yes,” Lavender said. “Thank you for reminding me.” “So… is it me, you’re searching for,” Creuset asked. “I’m not sure yet,” Lavender said. “You have the same cutie mark, an anvil engulfed in flame. But the spirit was very vague so I’m not sure.” “Spirit?” Creuset asked. “As in ‘The spirit of Friendship’?” “Yes,” Lavender answered. “And let me guess,” Creuset said. “You’re supposed to be the companion of the… pony you’re searching for?” “Yes…” Lavender finally managed to put the pieces together. “So I guess it really is you. You’re the Spirit of Fire.” “My name is Creuset.” “My apologies. Thank you, Creuset,” Lavender said sincerely. “What for?” Creuset asked. Lavender looked at him in confusion. “You really are an idiot are you. You saved my life for like… five times already, you lent me some of your mana and you still don’t know why I’m thanking you!” “Oh,” Creuset said. “You’re uh… welcome I guess.” Smoke from the raging fire began to creep up on the structure. “Smoke’s moving in,” Creuset said as he looked back. “Come on, we need to get to a safer spot.” Creuset attempted to pick her with his hooves but Lavender gestured him to stop. “No,” She said. “Creuset, try lifting me up with your magic.” “How?” The confused stallion asked. “Focus your magic into your horn and concentrate,” She explained. “When you’re ready, think as if you are lifting me off of the ground without touching me.” Creuset nodded. “Okay,” He followed her instructions and he managed to telekinetically lift her off the ground. “Wow, this is so cool!” “Very good. You learn fast,” Lavender smiled. “Now move me onto your back. Do it slowly now, I don’t want you flinging me over to a wall.” Creuset did as he was told and managed to place the smaller unicorn onto his back. “Now get us someplace secure,” Lavender said as she took her damaged glasses off and wiped them with her dirty robe. “We have a lot of things to discuss.” > Chapter 2 - A Friendship is Forged > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - A Friendship is Forged “Do we really need all these books?” Creuset asked while he walked down the dark hallways of the abandoned castle’s dungeon. They had previously stopped in the library before heading deeper into the castle’s dungeon. “Why of course,” Lavender answered while she applied the Band-Aids Creuset gave him on her cuts and scratches. “How else am I going to teach how to be a proper pony without the necessary tools.” Aside from his companion, he was also carrying about twenty books on his back. The books were by pilfered from the castle’s extensive library by Lavender. “And how are these books going to help us?” Creuset asked. “Books are the foundation of knowledge. Knowledge which I must pass on to you as a teacher,” Lavender explained while dusting one of the books. “Besides, I think you really need this since I am certain that you weren’t a pony in your past life.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Creuset said as he adjusted the brightness of a lamp that he took from the library. His telekinetic controls are still a bit stiff but Lavender told him that this is quite normal considering Creuset’s inexperience in using it. “So where are you going exactly,” Lavender asked as she leaned on the pile of books balanced on Creuset’s back. “I found a map of the castle while we were at the library,” Creuset answered. “And if I’m right, we should be arriving by the castle’s armory any minute now.” Lavender’s ears perked up. “The castle armory?” She scratched her chin while she thought about it. “Ah I see, so you plan to search for supplies and equipment that might help us. That’s quite clever of you.” “Yeah, thanks,” Creuset replied. “I also wanted to find a place when I can rest, cause this load is really heavy.” “Well these are big books you know,” Lavender explained. “I wasn’t talking about the books,” Creuset chuckled lightly. Lavender took a book and lightly whacked Creuset at the back of his head. “Ow! What was that for?” Creuset asked. “I’m not that heavy you idiot,” Lavender growled. Creuset rubbed the back of his head with a free hoof. “Okay, okay, jeez,” He said. “It was just a joke.” “Jokes are supposed to be funny!” Lavender explained. “Well then, I that makes you a joke” Creuset replied. Lavender responded with another light whack. “Okay, stop it and I’ll stop as well,” Creuset pleaded. “I’m just trying to lighten things up. I mean, I almost died trying to haul your ass into safety a while ago. I really meant no disrespect.” Lavender looked down in shame. She had thought that she was of little help to Creuset since they had first met. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. Creuset didn’t reply, he just continued walking in silence. “I barely helped you in the fight against the timber wolf. I was just a burden holding you down,” Lavender began to weep. “What do you mean you barely helped,” Lavender saw a handkerchief float towards her. “From what I saw, we both nearly got ourselves killed while trying to fight off that thing. Hell, you almost got burned alive because of my carelessness.” “Creuset…” Lavender was moved by her companion’s words. She took the handkerchief and began wiping her tears. “Lavender.” “Yes?” “Unicorns only get Mana Fatigue if they force themselves to cast magic if they don’t have any mana right?” Creuset asked. “Yes,” Lavender answered. “Why do you ask?” “What are the other things that could happen if a unicorn experiences Mana Fatigue?” Creuset asked. “You know, aside from vomiting and fainting.” Lavender was getting worried with these questions she’s being asked. “Well, the effects of Mana Fatigue vary from pony to pony, but the more you experience it in quick succession the more you run the risk of… killing yourself.” “Lavender, if we ever get in a situation where I’m wounded and you’re out of mana,” Creuset gulped. “I want you to leave me to bleed out, I don’t ever want you to experience that again,” He said, remembering what happened to his companion when she pushed herself past her limit. “But-” “No, buts!” Creuset interrupted her. “And that’s the end of this, got it?” Lavender hesitated to give her answer. “Got it.” Creuset sighed. “Okay, now let’s lighten up and relax. I’ve had far too much stress for today already.” Lavender finished wiping her tears. “Okay,” She said. She then folded the handkerchief and tucked into the sleeve pocket of Creuset’s jacket. “Thanks for the hanky by the way,” “Where’d you get that?” Creuset asked Lavender. “What?” “The handkerchief, Lavender. Where’d you get it?” “You gave it to me.” “No I didn’t,” Creuset replied, taking the handkerchief off the pocket and giving it a look. “I’ve never given you this. I don’t even own this.” “Don’t be silly Creuset,” Lavender chuckled nervously. “If this isn’t yours, then who handed it to me.” Creuset began to sweat profusely. “Lavender…” “Yes?” Lavender whimpered. “Are… a-are there ghosts in this world?” Creuset asked her. A gust of wind suddenly blew off the light of Creuset’s lamp. “Run!” Lavender screamed. “Just run!” Creuset ran fast, faster than he had ever gone in the 2 hours he had spent on the world of Equestria. In fact, he ran so fast almost half of the books Lavender had were lost. But she didn’t mind. She just told Creuset to go faster. They eventually reached a dead end. Lavender casted a luminosity spell that made an orb of light glow on the tip of her horn. The light illuminated the barrier, it was a pair of large dark oaken double doors. Creuset tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge. “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” He muttered as he repeatedly tried to know the door down by bashing it with his front hooves. Lavender struggled to maintain balance on the back of the panicking stallion. “Creuset, calm down!” She said as she grabbed onto his head. “Heel boy, heel!” Creuset somehow managed to calm down. “Why the fuck, do ghosts have to exist in every plane of existence,” He said while hyperventilating. “Easy Creuset, easy…. I think it gave up on following us,” Lavender said while rubbing her companion’s mane. Creuset’s panic attack eventually subsided. Holy shit! Those calming techniques actually work. Lavender thought. Creuset looked up at the massive oak double door in front of him. “I think this is it,” He said as he placed a hoof at the door. “This must be the armory. But how do we bust this thing down.” Lavender began pilling what books she had left in front of her. “Move back twenty paces, I have an idea.” Creuset did as he was told and moved backwards. “What do I do?” He asked. Lavender smiled. “I want you to burn that door down,” She ordered. “But we might-” “Do you want ghosts to catch up to us!” Lavender interrupted before taking cover in her makeshift book shield. Creuset immediately fired a burst of fire from his horn. The resulting impact resulted in an explosion that sent a tempest of smoke flying towards the two. Creuset coughed as he wiped the smoke away from his face. “Did it work?” Lavender took a peek from her spot. She adjusted her light orb and formed a flashlight-like cone of luminescence. “No,” She sighed in disappointment. “I think it has some sort of enchantment.” “Rats!” Creuset grunted He then felt a ghastly presence approaching from all directions. “Did you-” “Yes, I feel it too,” Lavender replied. “Creuset I think-” “You’re not gonna take me alive!” Creuset roared while he fired a large and steady stream of red hot fire at the door. “Creuset stop! You’re going to-” Creuset increase the intensity of his attack eventually reaching his limit. His horn once again stopped sending out fire and began emitting sparks instead. “What in the!” Lavender looked at Creuset’s glowing, red hot horn. “You just overheated your horn idiot!” She sighed in disappointment. “Now you won’t be able to do anything with it. Not even telekinesis.” “What do you mean it overheated?” Creuset asked in panic as he felt the encroaching presence of the ghosts. “I’ll explain it late if we get out of here alive,” Lavender replied. Come on Lavender! Think of something! She then remembered something her mentor thought her. Remember, Lavender. There’s always a way to solve a fight without violence. Speak before you strike “What do we do now?” Creuset asked Lavender. Lavender took a deep breath. “I shall speak before I decide to strike!” Creuset cocked his eyebrow in confusion. “Lavender, this is no time for poetics!” Lavender cleared her throat. “Spirits of the damned! I implore you to reveal yourselves,” She ordered. Creuset just rolled his eyes. “Now this! This is how we die.” A dark and menacing silhouette with bright yellow eyes appeared in front of the door. “Who dares trespass into her majesty’s adobe!” Suddenly, more dark figures appeared around them. There are now about eight of them in total. A cold chill ran down Creuset’s spine. “Lavender,” He whispered. “I think we should just-” “I am Lavender Oil, fourth child and only daughter of Baron Diesel!” Lavender announced herself. “I serve her majesty, Princess Celestia as her seventh handmaiden and I have been dispatched by the Spirit of Friendship herself on a mission,” She said as she glared at the ghostly apparition. Creuset eye’s widened. What the hell is she talking about? Wait did she just say she’s a noble. And who’s this Celestia? His head began to ache as more and more questions popped up in his head. “I therefore require access to the castle’s armory to acquire weapons and supplies to aid me in my quest,” Lavender explained. “Do you have proof of your claim as a handmaiden of her majesty?” The dark figure asked. Lavender searching for something in her robe’s pockets. “Hold on, just give me a second to-” She took out her journal and drew something wedged between its pages. “Here, this is my ID,” She handed the ID to the figure using her magic. “Lavender… I don’t think ghosts can-” “You speak truly, Lady Lavender!” The Dark figure interrupted. “I apologize for my rude behavior,” It said while it and the other figures bowed. Lavender withdrew her ID and tucked it back in her journal. The darkness the mysterious figure disappeared and revealed it to be a young unicorn stallion wearing dressed in silver armor. The darkness enshrouding the other figures withdrew as well revealing an assortment of unicorns wearing similar sets of armor. “Appology accepted, guardspony,” Lavender replied. “But, but… How!?” Creuset uttered before Lavender held his mouth shut with her magic. “I apologize for my companion’s uncouth behavior. He’s been in a lot of stress lately,” Lavender apologized. “Now if you please,” she said while gesturing a hand towards the door. The eight guards positioned themselves in front of the wall. They then pushed the massive double doors open. After they were finished, they turned to face and salute the two ponies. “We wish you luck in your quest my lady,” The young unicorn stallion said while saluting. Lavender saluted them as she stood on top of her companion. Creuset also saluted out of formality. And with their task done, the ghosts of the fallen guards of the Two Royal sisters faded away into the darkness one by one. Creuset and Lavender silently entered the abandoned armory. “Were those really ghosts?” Creuset asked. “Yes,” Lavender answered as she hopped off Creuset’s back. “They used to guard this old castle until Nightmare Moon killed them all off.” “Who’s Nightmare Moon?” Creuset asked. Lavender suddenly remembered Creuset’s lack of knowledge. “Sorry, I forgot you’re new to this world,” She apologized. “I’ll explain it to you some time later.” “If you say so,” Creuset replied. He scanned the dark and empty room. There were shelves, armor stands, weapon racks and storage chests that were all empty. It seems that all of the usable equipment had already been removed by the former occupants when they left. Or that’s what Creuset thought until he noticed a shining piece of metal in the corner of the room illuminated by Lavender’s light. Lavender noticed her companion walking off. “Hey where are you going?” She asked. Creuset picked up the object from the ground and blew the dust off of it. “Hey Lavender. I think I found something.” Lavender walked towards Creuset. “What is it?” She asked. Creuset turned to face her and showed off his find. “It’s a really large knife,” He said as he handed her the weapon. Lavender inspected it. “This is a dagger idiot,” She said. The said dagger had a white ivory handle and a silver plated steel blade. It was also quite big for a dagger. The user was probably as big as Creuset, probably even bigger. It was probably used by the night guards since silver weapons are used against creatures of the night. “Well it looks like a sword now that you’re holding it,” Creuset grinned. Lavender glared at Creuset. “Do you want to get cut?” She said as she pointed the dagger at him. Creuset let out a mock expression of fear. “Whoa! Easy there kiddo, that ain’t a toy!” “Why you little…” Lavender sighed. “Can you just cut it out!” “Sure,” Creuset replied. “But are regular mares really that small?” Lavender blushed in embarrassment. “No,” She said with her head hung low. Creuset rubbed her head. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of Lavender,” he told her. “If you’re feeling bad about it, just think of this. If the sky begins to fall, we tall ponies will be the ones to die first.” Lavender chuckled a bit. “Thanks Creuset,” She smiled. “I feel a bit better now,” “Feeling a bit better doesn’t change the fact that you’re still small though,” Creuset roared with laughter. Lavender slapped him with the handle of the dagger. “You jerk!” Creuset staggered backwards and fell on the floor. “Okay, okay I’ll stop,” He said as he stood back up. “I’m just trying to see which mood fits you better.” Lavender snarled at him. “And?” “And I found out you’re cute either way!” Creuset said with a smile. “Though I prefer it if you were happy instead of annoyed cause I don’t want to get smacked every five minutes!” “I’m not cute!” Lavender growled. Creuset found it hard not to laugh. “Sure you aren’t,” Creuset chuckled. He settled the books down on the floor and sat down. “Tell me something, why’d you left your home and job?” Lavender sat down in front of him and cocked an eyebrow in confusion. “Because I was told to find you,” She answered. “That’s not what I meant,” Creuset replied. “What is the reason why you’d run away from society and risk your life just because some mysterious spirit told you to.” Lavender opened her mouth but couldn’t give and answer. She kept thinking, but she couldn’t find an explanation why she’d do it. Creuset stared at her. “Surely you have a reason why’d you do something as drastic as that.” Lavender found her answer when she reflected on her life on Canterlot. “Life is… very monotonous.” “Hmm?” Creuset was intrigued. “Being one of Celestia’s handmaidens. The life of a servant,” She explained. “It’s just so plain, so boring, so…” “Repetative?” Creuset said. “Yes… repetitive,” Lavender sighed. “Anyway, who’s this Celestia you’ve been talking about?” Creuset asked. “From how the ghosts reacted when they found out you work for her, I guess she’s very important.” “Important?” Lavender laughed much to Creuset’s confusion. “Celestia being ‘important’ is the very definition of an understatement.” Creuset cocked an eyebrow. “Is she some sort of God?” “Sort of,” Lavender answered. “To some she’s a goddess, but the majority of Equestrians consider her our sovereign monarch who has ruled over us for more than a millennium.” Creuset was skeptical but he played along. “So you’re saying she’s an immortal ruler?” Lavender nodded. “Yes. And I had the privilege of being one of her students,” She said with pride. “And I was given the great honor of working as one of her eight personal assistants!” “Which I guess is a… boring honor?” Creuset asked. “Yeah,” Lavender’s sighed. “We’re just basically over glorified maids. Though I also serve as the royal family’s personal apothecary.” “What’s that?” Creuset asked. “I make potions and medicines for Celestia and the royal family,” Lavender replied. “I see,” Creuset said. “Wouldn’t she be worried that you ran away?” “I left a note the night I ran away,” Lavender said. “What about your parent?” He asked. “Well… I just hope they ask Princess Celestia before they do anything drastic,” She answered. “Alright that’s enough, its my turn to ask questions,” Lavender said as she leaned forward. “What was your world like?” “I don’t know,” Creuset answered. “I can’t remember anything; I don’t even know if Creuset is my real name.” “Really?” Lavender asked. “But, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t a pony back then,” Creuset held his hooves in front of his face. “When I first came to this world, the first thing I found off were these. I’m pretty sure they used to be something else.” “Interesting…” Lavender scratched her chin while she stared at Creuset. The stallion suddenly remembered something important. “Hey Lavender.” “Yes?” “Can you tell me anything about the weird tattoo on my ass.” Lavender laughed. “What’s so funny?” Creuset asked. “That’s not a tattoo, Creuset. That’s a Cutie Mark,” Lavender explained. “It symbolizes a ponies talents and characteristics.” “So my talent is supposed to be forging?” Creuset said while looking at his cutie mark. “Hey can you lift up your robe so I can see your cutie mark?” Lavender’s face turned beet red. She took one of the books beside Creuset and used it to slap him. “Ow!” Creuset yelped as he wiped the blood off of his lips. Lavender may be small but she had one hell of a swing. “What the hell was that for.” Lavender then realized what she’d done. “Oh my! I’m so sorry I didn’t-” “You didn’t what,” Creuset glared at the small mare. Lavender looked at Creuset’s fiery light brown eyes and moved back a little. “Well you see… asking a mare to lift her clothes is a very perverse action,” She explained. “I acted on instinct when I hit you. Sorry about that.” Creuset found her reasoning as solid as a brick. “I understand. Sorry for that…” He said as he scratched the back of his head. Lavender took out her journal. “I made a sketch of it though,” She opened her journal and showed him a sketch of an Erlenmeyer Flask with a Lavender flower inside of it. “Nice,” Creuset commented. “You must be really good with potions.” While they were sitting down, Creuset noticed something not far behind Lavender. There was an anvil and a forge not far from where they were. Creuset stood up and walked towards it. Lavender stood up as well and followed him. “Hey! Wait up,” She called him. It was a small forge with all the basic equipment needed by a blacksmith. Creuset noticed a large book which he picked up and dusted with the sleeve of his jacket. “Oh! A book,” Lavender said as she snatched the book from him. “Hey!” Creuset complained. Lavender opened and flipped the pages of the book. “It’s a weapons catalogue with instruction,” She said. “Fascinating. I can probably get a replacement for my sabre now.” “Your sabre?” Creuset raised an eyebrow. Lavender’s then remembered why she lost her sabre. “The sabre that I broke while fighting off the timber wolves,” She said in a low tone while she placed the book on top of the anvil. Creuset can see the sadness in his companion’s eyes as she looked down. “Lavender, I want to ask you something again.” Lavender turned to face Creuset. “What is it?” Creuset took a deep breath. “When I was in the forest, I heard screams. Not just coming from one pony but from a group of them. Do you…” He trailed off. Lavender sighed. “They were a travelling merchant band I tagged along with,” She said as her eyes moistened. “They were good ponies, they sang, ate and travelled together and now they’re all dead. Killed by those wretched fiends!” “Lavender…” Creuset said as he took the handkerchief she found and wiped her tears away with it. “There were too many, Creuset. More than a dozen. I used up all my strength, wits and equipment to finish off the regulars. My sabre broke and I depleted most of my mana. I tried to save my friends but the alpha killed off those poor ponies,” Lavender gritted her teeth. “Before I ran away I jammed my lance into that bastard’s eye!” Creuset pulled Lavender closed and hugged her tightly with his head resting on her mane. “It’s okay now Lavender,” He reassured her. “I’ve made sure the alpha won’t hurt other ponies ever again,” He said while brushing Lavender’s frazzled mane with his hooves. Lavender then began to cry. She buried her face on Creuset’s chest staining his jacket with her tears. Ugh! This is so… cheesy! Creuset thought as he blushed. Still, she took down almost took down an entire pack of wolves with blade and magic. He reflected on her words. She must be one hell of a fighter as well. Lavender then withdrew from Creuset and wiped her eyes and glasses with her stained robes. “Feeling better?” Creuset asked. Lavender sniffed and nodded. “Yeah… Creuset.” “Yes?” Creuset replied. Lavender smiled. “Thank you… I really needed that.” “Your welcome,” Creuset said as he took the weapons catalogue. “I think I’ll try to make a new sabre for you. I mean, my talent’s forging after all,” He then paused when he remembered something. One, he didn’t have materials to make a sabre. Two, even though it was his talent, he didn’t actually know how to forge weapons. And three, did he really need to make her a new sabre. While Creuset was still zoning out, Lavender hauled some stuff she found lying around. “Hey Creuset, I found these over by the shelves over there. It looked like they only took valuable items and just left the raw and unfinished materials.” Creuset finally snapped out of his pause. “Huh, what!” He looked at Lavender. “Oh… yeah.” Lavender smiled. “Look, they even left a finished cavalry sabre handle so all we need now is a new blade.” Creuset gulped. “Uh, listen… Lavender, I don’t actually know how to-” Lavender took a book from the book pile not far from where they were and held it out in front of Creuset’s face. “I took this one from the library because I thought it would suit your talents.” Creuset grabbed the book and read the title. It reads as follows: Stellar Stormforge’s Beginners Guide for Magical Forging. “This is convenient,” he said as he began reading it. The stallion dropped his saddlebags, rolled up the sleeve of his jacket and prepared to get to work by igniting the forge. Creuset watched as the flames danced elegantly. Lavender went through her friend’s bags and found what she was looking for. “I’ll go and prepare dinner while you work,” she took out one of the MRE’s in his bag. Lavender prepared the food on a bench beside the forge while Creuset set it to work. He worked while simultaneously reading both books. Creuset found it hard to believe he could do such a thing, but little did he know it was actually quite common for his kind. It usually takes quite a bit of time to forge a proper weapon… if you don’t have magic like a filthy mudpony! It took him no more than forty minutes to finish and attach the blade to its handle. “Done!” Lavender took the sabre and began testing its performance. “Not bad for your first try! It’s a very fine blade,” She said. Creuset smiled. “Thanks, I couldn’t have done it without you.” Lavender set the sword aside. “Anyway, your meal got cold,” She said. “I hope you like cold beans.” Creuset ate his meal which was not as bad as he expected. “Hey, Lavender. I got a question.” Lavender who was writing another entry to her journal, stopped and replied. “What is it Creuset?” “Why does my horn get hot when I use it too much,” He asked. “Ah yes, horn overheating,” Lavender said while she closed her journal and set it aside. “You know that’s a really common problem for fire mages and wizards.” “It is?” Creuset asked as he faced the mare. “Yeah it’s common for those who cast luminous fire which is the most common type of fire spell,” Lavender answered. “This type of fire is produced when the ‘burning’ of mana isn’t efficient producing a bright yellow fire and since the combustion is inefficient you use a lot of mana to keep the fire going.” She explained. “And the more the mana flowing through your horn, the hotter your horn gets until you get to the point where you can’t cast anything.” “So…” He replied as he tried to take all of the information in. “…how do I fix this problem?” “You don’t,” She answered. “You know there’s a reason why there’s almost no fire specialists. Most prefer to cast bolts of light and magic because it doesn’t require a lot of mana and it’s almost as, and is sometimes more effective than fire magic.” “Okay…” He replied. “How do you know so much about this stuff?” “My father was an officer of a squadron of siege unicorns,” Lavender explained. “Siege unicorns are basically unicorns that specialize in highly destructive spells that are used to take down and dismantle fortifications. His squadron was composed of fire specialists.” “Alright moving on!” Creuset replied. “Is there a… style of casting that could decrease the amount of heat my horn gets?” “You can attempt perfect combustion,” Lavender answered. “Uhh… can you explain… please?” Creuset asked politely. “I only know one pony who could do this and she was a teacher at my old school that once served alongside my father,” Lavender answered. “I don’t really know the details on how to cast it because she refused to teach it to me some reason. But I know it involves turning luminous yellow fire into non-luminous blue fire.” She explained. “This ‘blue’ fire burns mana efficiently and thus only needs a small amount of it to be casted. She says it’s very hard to cast though.” “And this teacher of yours lives where exactly?” Creuset asked. “She used to live in Canterlot, but he moved out when I was like… eight,” Lavender answered. “But I’m sure she’ll be delighted to meet you if she ever had the chance,” She said. “And why is that exactly?” The stallion asked. “Why would she be interested in a nobody.” “You burned down an entire forest before your horn overheated and it seems like you’ve barely used any of your mana,” Lavender explained as she frowned at Creuset’s last statement. “You’re not a nobody, and I’m very sure she’ll teach you perfect combustion just to see how long it takes for your mana to burn out.” Creuset then thought of something when he saw Lavender’s sabre and dagger laid out beside her. “Lavender, I need your dagger. I have an idea.” Lavender didn’t question it and just handed him the weapon. “Just don’t cut yourself,” She said before opening her journal continued writing. Creuset took it and began searching for something in the empty shelves. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for, leather straps. “Perfect,” He smiled as he took them to a nearby crafting bench. Using the knife and his magic, he was able to turn the leather straps into a sword belt that could hold both the dagger and sabre Lavender has. “Oh she is going to love this.” Creuset quietly approached Lavender who was busy writing her journal entry for the day. He tried to take a peek but Lavender immediately closed the journal when she felt his presence. “Can you give a mare some privacy,” Lavender turned her head and gave a disapproving look at her friend. “Sorry about that,” Creuset apologized. “Anyway, I made you this!” He said as he handed her the sword belt. Lavender squealed with delight as she took the gift. “Creuset, this is… I-” Creuset placed a hoof at Lavender’s mouth. “I know… I know,” he said. “Now try it on.” Lavender stood up and wore the belt. It was a perfect fit. And to her surprise, it also had a slot for the dagger. “Thank you, Creuset! I will forever treasure this.” Creuset smiled. “I’m glad you liked it.” Lavender sat down and yawned. “It’s getting late,” She said, removing her damaged glasses and setting them aside. “I’m going to sleep. How about you?” Creuset sat down on a bench in the opposite side of the forge and took one of the books. “I’ll stay up for a while,” He said. “I’m gonna do some advance reading. You should get some sleep, it’s been a long day.” “Yeah!” Lavender replied as she lied down on her bench. “I’ve had a very long day and…” “And?” “Thank you!” Lavender said. “For protecting me from the timber wolf, saving me from certain death, treating my wounds, crafting me a new sabre and crafting me a belt,” She said as she yawned and closed her eyes. “Just be sure to return the favor okay!” He said as he yawned as well. “I’ll be sure to do it!” She replied as she smiled. “Good night!” “Yeah, Good Night!” He said as he read the title of the book. It reads: A Comprehensive Guide to Unicorn Physiology and Magic by Clover the Clever. “This is going to be a long night.” > Chapter 3 - Dark Tunnels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Dark Tunnels “We’re lost aren’t we?” Creuset asked as he walked along a dark tunnel. On his back was his companion Lavender who was using a light spell to light up the way. “We are not lost!” Lavender lied. “Well… let’s just remember that it wasn’t my idea to go to this suspicious looking tunnel within the ruins because it was a lot safer than going through the Everfree,” Creuset replied as he continued walking. “Alright… alright!” Lavender said as she sighed. “We’re lost. There! Are you happy.” “As a matter of fact, yes I am,” Creuset said as he put up a sly smile of victory. “At least we will die knowing that we perished on your account.” Lavender spent the entire day after Creuset’s arrival teaching him all he needed to know about Equestria. She also thought him a basic healing spell. Creuset also did some studying of his own that day. He had quickly mastered the basic combat techniques of his fire magic which included an assortment of fire related spells. The following day, they discovered an extensive tunnel system that was not spoken off in the records. Lavender decided that they should explore it much to Creuset’s dismay. And now they’re here, lost in a mazelike system of dark passageways. “We are not going to die!” Lavender shouted in annoyance. “Stop being so pessimistic Creuset. We’re going to find an exit soon.” “Sure thing boss!” Creuset replied. “And we’ll also find a rainbow bridge on the other side that will lead us to place called dream valley where all our dreams will come true!” He said sarcastically. Lavender groaned. Creuset was generally a nice pony. But sometimes he could be a sarcastic jerk. “Just keep walking,” Lavender said. They had been lost in the tunnels for about two days now. During that time, they learned a lot about each other. Creuset learned that Lavender liked to read and sometimes write. She’s also fond of fencing, which she claims to be very skilled at. Creuset didn’t question it because she had to fight off the timber wolf alpha’s pack somehow. Lavender on the other hand was somewhat disappointed with Creuset. She found out that even though he’s kind, he can also be an ass. She concluded that the more he gets comfortable with other ponies, the more he teases them. And even though he doesn’t mean it, he can be quite annoying and sometimes even hurtful. And then there’s the unnecessary sarcasm. “Hey!” Creuset said as he realized something and came to a halt. “Your legs were healed when you woke up the next morning in the armory.” He said as he rubbed his chin. “So?” Lavender asked as she cocked a brow. “Why am I still carrying you then?” Creuset asked as he turned his head his head around to the mare sitting on his back. “I don’t know!” Lavender answered. “But I like the ride though. I mean, you’re a pretty big stallion so you’re fine carrying me right.” “As a matter of fact I am!” He replied cheerfully. Oh no, here we go again! Lavender groaned as she prepared herself for the tidal wave of sarcasm. “I am fine carrying you Lavender,” Creuset said as he marched jollily. “I mean, two large saddlebags filled to the brim with shit necessary for our survival and junk that we looted doesn’t really weigh that much!” He said. “And mind you, that it is my solemn vow to help you, yes, you and other short ponies who can’t reach for shit, compensate and feel taller.” Lavender didn’t respond and instead slapped Creuset on the back of his head. “Ow!” He grunted in pain. “What was that for?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his head. “That’s for calling me short!” Lavender answered. “Now I’m sorry that I can’t help you carry all this stuff. But I’m just…” Lavender paused as she tried to find a better term for being short and physically weak. “Physically lacking!” “In short, your too small and weak to carry anything this heavy am I right!” He chuckled as Lavender slapped him in the back of the head a little bit harder this time. “OW! Okay, jeez!” He asked as he rubbed the same spot. “Keep walking!” Lavender answered with a very annoyed tone. “Hey Lavender!” Creuset grinned. “Can you return the favor in the future and let me ride you?” He asked as he put up a perverted smile. The stallion also had perverted tendencies. “Sure!” Lavender answered. She then realized what he meant after five seconds of silence. She blushed and her eyes widened as she punched Creuset in the back of his head so hard her glasses almost fell off. “You pervert!” She shouted. “Ow!” Creuset said after receiving the punch. “What! I mean you told me you liked riding me. So I guess it must really be fun to ride a pony,” He explained. “Hell, I bet it’ll be so fun I’ll ride you all day long!” He said suggestively. “Damn you!” Lavender blushed harder as she adjusted her glasses. “Can you stop being sarcastic and, and… lewd for once in a while and be a serious adult.” “Alright! Alright jeez!” Creuset replied as he turned his head to look at the blushing mare. “It’s just a joke Lavender,” He said as he smiled. “I mean; do you really think a stallion will ever fall for you!” He jokingly said as he chuckled. “…” Lavender was silent as she looked down with a very hurt expression on her face. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Creuset thought to himself. I fucked up haven’t I. He paused and tried to think of something to say. “Hey Lavender, I’m sorry!” He said as he turned. “O didn’t mean it, it was just a joke. I-” He was silenced by a wave of Lavender’s hoof. “I know it’s just a joke… It’s just…” She paused and tried to contain her emotions. “You’re right!” She said with a weak voice. “What do you mean?” Creuset asked cautiously. “No stallion will ever love,” Lavender answered as her eyes began to moisten. Fucking hell. Creuset gave a disappointed sighed. Here we go again. Creuset liked Lavender. But just like any mare, she had dramatic tendencies. Even though he can’t remember his past, he was pretty sure he hated it as well in his past life. “That’s not true Lavender!” Creuset said as he stopped and looked at her straight in the eyes. “You’re beautiful, kind and… strong. Anypony male or female will spread their legs for you, I guarantee it!” Creuset jokingly comforted the sad mare. Lavender chuckled and smiled at Creuset’s response. “Thank you Creuset,” She replied as she wiped off a tear. “But it’s a bit more complicated than that. It’s not that nopony would love me. It’s just that… no stallion will ever like me for being… me.” “Care to elaborate?” Creuset asked with a curious look on his face. Lavender sighed as she began to explain her problem. “You see; I grew up in a wealthy family. I was the youngest and the only daughter out of us four siblings.” She explained. “I had many suitors because of it and as you’d expect. All of them are in to me for my family’s money and not for what I am.” She sighed deeply as she laid on the large stallions back. Tears began forming once more as she struggled to hold them back. “I’ll never find true love!” She said as she began to sob. This mare’s been spending too much time reading romance novels. Creuset thought. He was silent as he turned his head forward. After letting Lavender cry for a short while he finally spoke. “So you’ll never find a stallion who’ll love you for what you are because you came from a rich family?” He asked in an unusually serious tone. “Yes, that’s sums it up pretty well,” She answered as she wiped her eyes and sniffed several times. “In other news, water is wet!” Creuset replied jokingly as he turned his head and faced Lavender with a wide smile while roaring with laughter. I’m such a mean pony. Lavender stopped crying and her sad expression was replaced by a face of pure rage. “Why you little!” Lavender shouted as she strangled the large stallions neck with both of her hooves. “I’ll kill you, you motherfucker!” She shouted as she squeezed harder. Creuset gagged as he galloped wildly across the mazelike tunnels. He ran left and right crashing into the walls several times while trying to keep himself balanced and ensuring Lavender doesn’t get crushed by the impact. ‘At least she’s no longer crying!’ He thought to himself as he struggled to stay alive under his current situation. “Yeah bitch, do you like that!” Lavender shouted as she rode the mad beast across the dark tunnels. She struggled to stay on his back while Creuset galloped awkwardly and swiftly. She continued to choke the stallion until she noticed they were about to hit what seemed to be dead end. She jumped off him at the last moment while the stallion hit the wall with a heavy thud. Lavender shook her head as stood up. She saw Creuset’s motionless body lying beside the dead end. ‘NO!’ She thought to herself as she ran towards her companion’s unconscious body. “Creuset wake up!” She shouted as she shook the stallion. “Wake up please!” She shouted again as shook him harder, but there was no response. “No… no, no, no, no!” The mare shouted as she picked up and cradled his head. “Please don’t die. I’m sorry it’s all my fault! Just please wake up!” She hugged his motionless body as tears began rolling down her cheek. Creuset began to laugh all of the sudden as he opened his eyes and smiled! “Gotcha!” He said while Lavender let go of him making his head hit the floor. “Ow!” He groaned as he shook his head and stood up. “You jerk!” Lavender shouted at him as she slapped him at his cheek. Creuset winced in pain as he rubbed his cheek. “Worth it,” He muttered as he smiled smugly. “So you do care for me.” “Of course I care for you, idiot.” Lavender replied as she slapped him again. “Uhh,” She groaned. “I can’t believe I agreed to travel with you.” She said as she wiped her tears. “God damn Spirit, why does it have to be me!” She shouted as she looked at Creuset. “And you…” She said as she pointed a hoof at him. “You, insensitive bastard! Look at what you’ve got us into. First we were lost, now we’re stuck at a dead end.” “Hey look on the bright side Lavender,” Creuset said as he stretched his legs. “At least you’re no longer sad right.” “Well… yeah, I guess,” She replied as she thought about her companion’s odd way of cheering her up. “But that still doesn’t change the fact that we’re lost and stuck at a dead end.” “First of all, you were the one who got us lost in this maze,” Creuset replied as he pointed a hoof at the mare. “Secondly, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure dead ends don’t have handlebars!” He said as he pointed a hoof at a handle bar attached to the dead end. “Wait what!” He said as he looked at the curios looking handlebar. “That’s not a dead end!” Lavender said as she gasped in excitement! “It’s a way out!” She shouted as she jumped up and down with joy. She climbed Creuset’s back quickly and sat down. “Onwards mighty steed! To freedom!” She commanded as she pointed her hoof forward. Creuset did as he was told and opened the door with his magic. He ascended a flight of stairs when an unanswered question from earlier came into mind. “You still haven’t told me why you loved riding on my back?” “Well…” Lavender said as she began scratching her chin. “I’ll tell you why, on one condition.” “Fire away!” Creuset replied as he continued walking up the stairs. Why do stairs always have to be so long! He complained mentally. “I want you to promise me that you will not laugh, or make any sarcastic and lewd reply about what I am gonna say,” Lavender said as she leaned to Creuset’s ear. “Do we have a deal?” She said calmly. “That we do!” Creuset answered merrily. “I like riding on your back because it reminded me so much about my foalhood,” Lavender said as she closed her eyes and remembered her younger days. “My dad used to carry me on his back when I was just a little filly and he would run around our manor while I squealed with joy!” She added as she sighed. “Oh how I miss those days, when I never had a single care for the world!” She smiled as a single tear flowed down her eye. “But the day came when my parents sent me to a relative in Canterlot so I can study in Celestia’s school,” She explained as she opened her eyes and rested her head on Creuset’s back. “And I ended up working there after I graduated. Since then, I’ve barely gotten the chance to see my parents and siblings… I really miss them.” Creuset was silent during the entire time much to Lavender’s surprise. She can tell that he was indeed listening though. “Where does your family live Lavender?” He asked. “In our estate outside of Fillydelphia,” She answered. “Let’s visit that place when we have time,” Creuset replied with a soft smile as he continued walking up the long set of stairs. ‘Dear lord will this ever end?’ He asked himself. “Yeah, let’s do that!” Lavender said as she smiled back. Creuset continued walking up for about half a minute more before he stopped at a large wooden door on the top of the stairs. “Finally!” Creuset shouted in triumph. “Freedom!” He shouted as he shot a fireball and blew the door down. The pair was blinded by sunlight that showered them. “Sweet Celestia, Creuset!” Lavender said as she coughed because of the smoke. “You didn’t have to blow open the door you excited prick,” But in truth she would’ve done the same. Her friend was just much faster. Lavender was the first to adjust and she immediately sniffed the fresh air while she looked at the great outdoors. “Ahh, nothing beats the fresh clean air in the afternoon.” She said as she looked at the position of the sun. “Fuck, my eyes!” Creuset shouted as he shielded his eyes from the blinding sun. “Where the hell are we anyway?” He asked as he attempted to once again look at the surrounding area but winced at the bright lights. “Hold on let me check!” Lavender replied as she took Creuset’s map from one of his saddlebags before she swiftly and gracefully jumped off of his back. She walked a few paces out of the entrance, opened her map and scanned the surrounding area. She came with the conclusion that they were somewhere in the east boundary of the Everfree forest somewhere southeast of Rambling Rock Ridge. “So… where’s the nearest village?” Creuset asked after he finally adjusted to the bright light of the outside. “We have two choices on where to go actually,” Lavender replied as she inspected the map. “We can go south to Dodge city. It’s a pretty western town filled with some very western townsponies.” She said as she looked at the other settlement near where they are. “Or we can go north east to the small town of Springrolls. It’s a small agricultural settlement that’s famous for their uhh… Spring rolls!” She added as she rolled up the map. “So, where are we off?” She asked. “A western town sounds interesting,” Creuset thought as he rubbed his chin. “But those spring rolls you mentioned sounds very appetizing. I mean MRE’s are good and all, but nothing really beats ‘real’ food.” Lavender’s mouth began to water and stomach began to rumble at the thought of some freshly fried spring rolls. “Alright, food it is!” She said she began walking towards Creuset. The large stallion lowered himself down so Lavender can climb his back easily. “Then we’ll figure out what to do with our lives.” She shouted. “I kind of already decided where I want to do though,” Creuset replied with less enthusiasm. Lavender raised an eyebrow. “Really now?” “I’ve been thinking a lot about how I was given a new life and how I would spend it. Then I realized, I could do something else… something grand.” Creuset said as his eyes glimmered. I do not like where this is going. Lavender thought. “Okay… so what do you have in mind” “Instead of finding my place in the world, I thought, ‘Why don’t I just see the world itself’.And that is exactly what I want to do. I wanna go see the world,” Cruset answered. Oh no, I didn’t plan this out well. Lavender thought. She had originally hoped her friend would assimilate into regular society. Which will give her a chance to keep her job since it hasn’t been that long since she ran away. “Not just from the perspectives of the books you gave me. But I want to see it for myself. To breath the air, to witness the scenery and experience the cultures of Equestria firsthand. I want to go on a grand adventure.” “Okay, I’m willing to support you,” She said with great uncertainty. Her friend smiled. “Now then, where are we off to my lady?” He asked in a mockingly aristocratic accent while he trotted outside. “Over the horizon and into Springrolls!” Lavender shouted as she pointed to the direction of the town they’re headed. “Hiyah!” She shouted as Creuset began galloping to their destination. I’ll just have to find a way to settle this out. > Chapter 4 - Spring Rolls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Spring Rolls “Why are so many ponies staring at us?” Creuset asked his travelling companion that was perched on his back. “Well you see…” Lavender said. “It’s not every day that you see two ragged ponies trotting into town,” she said as they entered the small town of Springrolls. It was a fairly small town with a lot of farms surrounding it. And ponies left and right were staring at the queer and dirty duo that has just arrived in town. Whispers can be heard and other ponies seemed to be holding back their giggles and laughter while some ponies looked at them with general concern. The two were in relatively good health. Lavender’s hind leg wounds have completely healed and she removed the scars after her magic recharged while Creuset was still healthily humming a strange tune that suddenly came to him, though he didn’t know where he heard it before. Their dirty and ragged appearance though, gave the false impression that they’re in a bad condition. The town was mostly populated by earth ponies aside from the occasional pegasi swooping above the sky. And judging from the banners, decors and stall littered across the street, they seem having some sort of festival. “Hey Creuset, I think the town’s holding some sort of festival,” Lavender looked at the elaborate decorations adorning town’s streets. “What, don’t be ridiculous Lavender,” Creuset replied sarcastically. “I hear earth ponies are just attracted to bright colors because they’re kind and loving creatures,” He turned to smile at Lavender. “Of course they’re having a festival what else why else would they put up all this!” Creuset got himself slapped on the cheek from Lavender who had quite enough of his shit. Creuset was about to say something clever when he was interrupted by the mare. “Don’t talk to me you uncouth swine. Find somepony else to entertain you!” Lavender crossed her front legs and turned away with an annoyed huff. “Jeez! Alright your lordship!” Creuset said as he rubbed his cheek. Creuset heard giggles coming from his left as he turned to see that it was coming from multiple earth pony couples. “Aww, they’re having a tiff,” Said a mare from the crowd. “What’s this festival about any anyway?” Lavender asked as she looked at the festive decorations hund up all around town. “I bet is a Spring Roll festival,” Creuset chuckled. “Hello there, strangers!” Shouted an unusually energetic Earth Pony stallion catching Creuset off surprise and almost making him fall over. “What brings you over to our fine town?!” “Damn it old colt! You almost gave me a heart attack,” Creuset replied as he sighed in relief. “Nothing in particular,” Lavender answered. “We’re just here to stock up on supplies.” “So you’re travelers huh?” The middle aged stallion said. “Adventurers actually,” Lavender corrected. “Adventurers! Guess the difference between the two is the type of clothes they wear,” The stallion replied as he looked at the duo’s oddly crafted gear. “Oh where are my manners. The name’s Rusty Trowel! I’m the mayor of this here fine town!” He introduced himself. “Nice to meet you Mayor Trowel,” Lavender replied courteously. “My name is Lavender Oil and this here is my friend Creuset,” She said as she lightly smacked the head of her friend. “Oww!” Creuset rubbed the spot that was hit with his hoof. “Hey! What gi-mpfff!” “He says hi,” Lavender said with a smile as she held Creuset’s mouth shut with her magic. “Okay…” The mayor said as he backed away a few steps. “I’ll leave you two alone now.” “Wait!” Lavender said stopping the mayor on his tracks. “I have a question.” “Well what is it?” The mayor replied politely. “What kind of festival is your town celebrating right now?” The mare asked. “Oh yes, the festival! I almost forgot. We are celebrating this towns annual Autumn Spring Roll festival to celebrate our bountiful autumn harvest,” The mayor explained with pride. “There’s a fair over by the town square. I suggest you visit it… after getting cleaned of course. There is a spa not far from where we are,” The mayor said. “Does the town also have an Optician’s clinic,” Lavender said as she pulled out her broken glasses. “I really need replacement for these,” “Yes we do have one. Just go down the road here and you’ll find it eventually,” The mayor said. “May I ask you a question miss?” “Yes of course,” Lavender answered. “Go on.” “Why are you… riding on his back?” The mayor asked as he pointed a hoof at Creuset. Creuset let out a muffled reply that was incoherent because of Lavender’s magic before Lavender finally gave her own answer. “He’s just being a gentlecolt.” “I see…” The mayor replied. “I need to go now. Enjoy the festival Miss Lavender and… Cusey or was it Kruste?” Creuset let out an annoyed groan. “It’s pronounced Creuset,” Lavender corrected. “Nothing special really. That’s just how they pronounce crucible in fancy-speak.” And with that the mayor bid them good bye before hurrying off. Lavender finally let go of the silencing spell she casted on Creuset. The stallion gasped for air. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to breath with that… spell on me.” “No… not that I care and all,” Lavender replied. “Is there any particular reason why you despise me so much?” Creuset asked. “I don’t despise you,” Lavender explained. “I just didn’t want you to cause a scene.” “What, you think I’ll just jump on and attack the mayor of the town?!” Creuset raised his voice. “I may be new to this world but that doesn’t make me a damn tard!” “I’m sorry…” Lavender whimpered in surprise at Creuset’s sudden change in tone. “I-I didn’t mean to-” “Look, how about we just get your glasses fixed, grab some supplies and get goi-” Creuset suddenly stopped when he realized one small problem. They didn’t have money. “Shit… I just realized… we’re broke.” “You’re broke,” Lavender replied. “You have money?” Creuset asked. “I’m the only daughter of an oil baron, of course I have money,” Lavender bragged. “Oh right! You’re a spoiled brat with a rich father,” Creuset chuckled. “I wasn’t spoiled!” Lavender growled. “Sure,” Creuset chuckled again. Lavender gave him another smack to the head. “Oww! Okay, okay stop it!” He said. “I’ll just drop you by the bank then.” “That won’t be necessary,” Lavender replied as she reached for a small pouch hidden inside her robes. “I still have a lot of bits. It should be enough for a week.” She said as she counted her bits. “Just drop me by the Optician’ will you.” “Yes ma’am!” Creuset said as he began to trot down the street. While they we’re walking a question came into Creuset’s mind. “Hey Lavender?” “Yes.” “You said your dad was a powerful oil baron right?” “Yes.” “And that you we’re his only daughter?” “Last time I checked I was the only one.” “And no one is aware of the reason why you’re away except for Celestia?” “Where are you going with this?” “Don’t you think your dad will assume you were kidnapped and send an army of mercenaries to come after us?” “I never thought of that…” Lavender answered as she scratched her chin. “I’m sure Celestia will pass on the note though… I hope.” They soon arrive in front of the Optician’s clinic. Lavender hopped down from Creuset’s back and landed down gracefully. “On second thought, I think we should get ourselves cleaned first,” Creuset suggested as he saw their dirty and ragged reflections on the glass pane in the front of the clinic. “Nah, that can wait,” Lavender said as she took out her bit pouch. “Do you want to wait for me inside or do you feel the need to explore and familiarize yourself with pony society?” “I feel like taking a look around,” Creuset answered with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll behave and be polite to the-” He cut his sentence short when he caught a few bits thrown at his face. “That’s thirty bits in all,” Lavender said. “Don’t spend it all in one place.” “Where will we meet up?” Creuset asked as he placed the bits in the inside pocket of his jacket. “Meet me by the town pub,” Lavender said as she opened the door of the clinic. “Oh and don’t forget to get yourself cleaned.” Creuset went over to the town square where the town’s festival was at full swing was being held. There were ponies dancing, musicians playing music, and performers doing their thing. Stalls lined the festival grounds and they sold all sorts of spring roll merchandise. Creuset walked over to one food stall in particular. “I’ll have the uhh… Spring Roll noodles.” He told the earth pony mare managing the stall as he took a seat. “Sure thing! That’ll be 5 bits.” The mare cheerfully replied before instructing the stall’s cook. “Tourist?” The salesmare asked while Creuset dumped the bits in front of her. “Sort off…” Creuset said as he took a seat at one of the stool chairs in front of the stall. “Just passing by really.” “Ah, I see,” The mare replied. “So, what do you think about our town’s festival mister….” “Creuset… the name’s Creuset. And I think your festival is uhh… pretty neat,” Creuset asked as he tried to keep the mare entertained. He wasn’t actually interested in a conversation at the moment. Just then another pony, a stallion wearing a bowler hat and a pair of shades sat down beside Creuset. “I’ll have the noodles,” The stallion said as he placed 5 bits on the counter. Creuset gazed at the stallion. He was a lot smaller than he was and had wings instead of a horn. He also had a small tattoo of a teardrop below his left eye. While preparing their food the salesmare looked at Creuset’s ash stained jacket “Hey, did you see the wildfire in the Everfree forest a few days ago?” She asked. “What fire?” Creuset tried to act innocent. “Oh you mean that wildfire. You see we were camping in the Everfree back then when it happened, we were lucky we got out without serious injuries,” He lied to the salespony who seems like she bought his deception. “Sounds awful,” The pegasus stallion beside him commented. “Sweet Celestia, that must’ve been terrible!” The salemare gasped in horror. She reached for an ice box and pulled out a bottle of cola. “You poor thing, here have a cold one, it’s on the house.” Creuset then felt bad for his action but he needed to play along lest he get arrested. “Thank you very much ma’am,” He replied politely as he took the bottle of cola and popped it open with his magic. He drank its sweet apple flavored contents, it’s been a while since he tasted something so sweet. He stopped and read the bottle’s label, it says ‘AppleFizz Cola’ and he read the manufacturer label that says ‘A product of Pear Food Corpotation (PFC)’ “You never had an AppleFizz before?” The salespony asked while she watched the stallion who looks more interested in reading the label instead of drinking the bottle. “It’s just that I-” He paused and remembered how he entered Equestria. “I came from overseas.” “I see, that explains your fancy name!” She replied cheerfully. “Though the accent doesn’t match,” “I’ve been practicing how to speak in the Mainland Equestrian way,” Creuset lied as a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. “I don’t want locals to get confused with my native accent.” “Fair point,” The salesmare smiled. “So I presume you’re from Prance?” “Yeah,” Creuset answered while he took another drink. “So you came from Prance huh,” Said the pegasus stallion who took a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass from his saddlebag and placed them at the counter. “I hear it’s lovely there this time of year,” “Yeah,” Creuset answered as he formulated his lies. “Especially in the countryside.” The pegasus stallion took another shot glass from his bag but he placed a few drops of a colorless liquid on it when Creuset wasn’t looking. He then poured whiskey on both glasses and handed the second one to Creuset. Creuset accepted the offer. “Then let us drink to your health my friend!” He said as he raised his glass. “Cheers,” Creuset raised his glass of whiskey only to have it snatched by a diving crow, “What the fuck!” “Sweet baby Jesus!” the stranger smiled as he drank his shot. He took the bottle and stowed it away in his bag along with the shot glass. “Well it looks like luck ain’t your thing kid!” He said as he stood up and began to walk away. What the hell’s a baby Jesus? Creuset asked himself mentally. “Hey wait!” The salesmare called him. “What about your order?” “I don’t know… I’m no longer hungry,” The stranger shrugged as he continued walking. “But you look like you could use something to eat.” “What’s up with him?” The salesmare asked as she placed Creuset’s order in front of him. Creuset looked at the bowl of noodles placed in front of him. As he expected, it was plain noodles with chopped vegetables; carrots, cabbages, peas, corn and leeks. The same kind of vegetables you will see in a spring roll made during autumn. “Damn bird came out of nowhere,” He grumbled as he slurped the noodles, it was surprisingly delicious. “Yeah!” The salesmare chuckled. “Didn’t know crows were whiskey drinkers. I always though they preferred something fancier like wine or something,” She jokingly said. After finishing his meal, Creuset stood up and decided to go around and explore some more while the salesmare went out back to have lunch. Meanwhile the stranger he conversed with a while ago leaned beside one of the fair’s stalls as he watched the large unicorn stallion go on his merry way. He took a small rectangular metallic object that had a glass screen from his saddlebag. It was his only link to his past life, his only mirror to an old reality. It was a smartphone. “Deja, I think I found our pony,” He said as he called an acquaintance, “Yes I’m sure it’s him. He was in the Everfree during the time of arrival, he’s acting like a damn tard who doesn’t know how to pony and on top of that… he has the devil’s luck, or plot armor whatever you wanna call it. I don’t care what the council says, I want you to get our boys ready we gotta get him before they do.” The stallion quickly hid his phone in his bag before walking away. Unbeknownst to him the salesmare of the noodle stall was not eating her lunch but was instead relaying a message to her superiors using a telegram. Creuset sat down at the local bar and was enjoying a tankard of apple cider. He had already cleaned himself and his clothes after he got tired of walking around in the fair grounds. He stared at the clock that showed it was already two past twelve as he waited for his friend to arrive. “There you are!” A familiar voice called him from behind. He raised his head and his ears perked up while the mare sat down beside him. “So, how’s the festival?” “It was great,” Creuset said as he took a sip. “They have some really weird spring roll themed shit in there.” “I’ll bet you 10 bits that I’ve found something weirder than anything you’ve brought from that place,” Lavender said as she smiled smugly. “You’re on,” Creuset replied knowing that no matter how this turns out, he will win. “Ta-da!” Lavender pulled out a Spring Roll themed tape measure, the type used for construction. She pulled the tape and revealed that it was painted to look like a spring roll. “Bet you can’t beat this!” Creuset reached for his inside pocket. “That’s nothing!” He said as he pulled out five Spring Roll flavored condoms. “The weird thing is, I got these for free and the mare said it’ll make my thing look like a Spring Roll,” Creuset chuckled. “Wanna try it out?” Creuset asked with a sly smile Lavender blushed. “N-no thanks…” She placed ten bits in front of Creuset. “I concede.” The mare said as she watched Creuset stow away both the bits and condoms in his inside pocket. “Oh yeah,” He said as he placed his tankard on the counter. “By the way, nice glasses,” He said as he stared at Lavender’s new set of glasses. He also noticed that she was clean. Her coat was now back to its pristine white color and her robes were also free from dirt and stains. “and uhh… nice saddlebags too,” He said as he looked at her newly brought white saddlebags. “Thanks!” She replied cheerfully. “I kind off noticed how you were carrying all out burdens so I-” “I’m also carrying you by the way,” He reminded her as he drank his cider. “Yeah… I really haven’t thought of that,” Lavender blushed in embarrassment. “But I did buy us some foodstuffs so we won’t rely on what’s left of your MRE’s,” She said as she opened one of her saddlebags. “I have some canned goods, a pot for cooking, pouched noodles, vegetables, some nuts and water bottles. And a small aluminum pot.” “Neat,” Creuset replied plainly as he drank some more of his cider while staring at the mare. “Anyway…” Lavender trailed off while she thought of a polite way to deliver her proposition. “Now that we’ve satisfied our appetites… do you want to come with me to Canterlot?” “To Canterlot!” Creuset was a little bit confused. “Why would I want to go there?” “Well… we can find a good use for your magic there,” She replied gleefully before she gasped. “You can settle down and be a royal guard. I’m sure they’ll accept you immediately. Come on Creuset, it’ll be great I promise.” “No thanks,” Creuset replied plainly while he drank some of his cider. “And then you co-” Lavender stopped after she began to process what her friend said. “What! Why?!” “I don’t wanna stay in one place Lavender,” He replied as he starred at his reflection in his cider mug. “I’ve been sent here for no clear reason. There’s a whole new world out there and I’m just gonna stay in one city! Might as well sign my last will and start digging my own grave don’t you think,” He replied sarcastically. “No, we’re going to go on an adventure.” “Okay…” Lavender replied and from how she delivered it, she was somewhat disappointed at the result of her offer. “…if that’s what you want,” She tried to sound enthusiastic but failed. “Lavender,” Creuset said stoically looking at Lavender straight into her eyes. “If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I’m going to start peddling you until you spit it all out.” “Alright fine,” She gave out an annoyed sigh. “It’s just… remember how I told you I went AWOL… I think I can still save my job and give you a decent new life while helping you. But no! You have a better idea. So let’s just go on an adventure and die horribly,” She said sarcastically. She looked at her friend only to see the baffled stallion staring at him with an open mouth. “Wow…” He said while trying to think of a clever respond. “And you call me a sarcastic jerk,” He chuckled. “It gets worse…” Lavender’s replied with a semi-hysterical tone. “I’ve been thinking about what you said regarding my dad. He must’ve went… apeshit when he heard what happened! Oh and there’s my mom too,” her head began to ache just by thinking of what they will say when they find her. “You know…” Creuset swallowed a lump on his throat. “You…” He tried to find the courage to let it out, but he really doesn’t want to let her go. “You can leave if you want,” He took a deep breath. “What!” Lavender was offended by Creuset’s remark. “Why! Do you think I’ll just leave you like that!” “Lavender I didn’t mean to offend you I just-” “No! NO, no, no, no, no!” Lavender slammed her hoof on the counter and startled everypony on the tavern. “I’m never going to leave just for my self-interest, do you think I’m a greedy mare” She shouted angrily at Creuset who recoiled back a bit. “I made a promise and I’m going to keep it. You and I are in this together whether you like it or not,” She pointed a threatening hoof at him. “Even if I have to give up my job, I will keep my promise. Together!?” She asked as she held out her hoof. Creuset looked at his friend’s hoof and thought for a while. This mare’s willing to stand by me even if she runs the risk of getting killed! He felt a warm and heavy feeling on his chest as if this is the first time someone was willing to do something like that for him. “Together!” He said as he slammed his hoof on hers. Lavender winced in pain and grabbed her hoof. “Sorry! I’m so sorry!” Creuset was about to stand up from his stool when he was pushed back down by Lavender’s seemingly powerful telekinetic magic. “I’m fine… I’m fine” She said as she stretched out her hooves slowly. “So where have you been all this time Creuset?” She asked with a worried look on her face. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” “And so have we!” A stallion called out. Everypony in the tavern turned to the doorway where the voice came from. There was a yellow unicorn stallion of an average build with a light blue mane who was standing next to a tall, slender and beautiful white unicorn mare with emerald green eyes and a silky blonde mane. “You think a forest fire is enough to set us off track. You have to try better than that.” > Chapter 5 - A shot of Brandy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - A shot of Brandy “Forest fire?” The barkeep asked as he wiped the counter with a towel. “The only forest fire that happened near here was-” he looked at Creuset and then at his cutie mark before looking at him again. Creuset smiled at him as he downed what remained of his cider in one big gulp. “Who are you guys?” Lavender asked as she rested one of her hooves on her sabre’s grip. The stallion ignored Lavender and started trotting slowly towards Creuset with everyponies eyes fixed on him. “On this very day over about a year ago, a spirit came to forth to me in the form of a cloud of smoke from the forge of my workshop,” He said as he snatched a bottle of cider from one of the tables, the pony who owned the bottle knew better than to mess with the intimidating stallion who casted a deadly aura that made him look as if he was engulfed in flame. “She gave me… an incredible set of gifts. There was a catch though,” He opened the bottle and drank its contents. “So you’re the one she sent,” Creuset sat on his stool chair, silently staring at the empty tankard. ‘A year ago! Oh man you have got to be kidding me. This guy has a one-year head start!’ He was starting to fell woozy but he wasn’t drunk yet. “Well… I guess it would only be a matter of time before you find me.” Lavender looked at Creuset in confusion. “What?” She was at a loss for words. “Who is-” She drew her saber and pointed it at the approaching stallion stopping him on his tracks. “I don’t know who you are and what you want with Creuset, but if you take another step I swea-” Before she could finish, a blinding flash of light engulfed the tavern. When it cleared Lavender found herself staring at the point of a rapier only inches away from her face. She looked forward and saw the tall slender mare that was with the stallion holding the sword. “You!” She growled recognizing the mare standing in front of her. “That’s it!” One of the local stallions stood up from his chair. “I came here to get wasted not to get caught in some High octane unicorn shit. I’m out,” He left and soon half of the tavern’s costumers were gone. The barkeep wasn’t complaining; he was just nervously cleaning the bar’s counter. “I see our companions are already acquainted,” The stallion laughed a little. “By the way I haven’t introduced myself, I am Branding Iron but folk’s call me Brandy,” He looked at his tall female companion who had her eyes locked over to a smaller mare. Their swords were both pointed at each other’s throats. “And this fair lady over here is Champagne, she’s from Prance.” He walked past the two companions and sat down beside Creuset. “Now. What do they call you?” He asked as he looked at the stallion who was sitting quietly. “Do you have a name, or do you prefer to be called by your sobriquet, ‘The Spirit of Fire’ as the spirit told me?” Lavender’s eyes lit up at that revelation. This pony knows who her friend is and had made contact with the spirit. Just who is this guy? She looked at Creuset who gave her a quick look before turning back to his drink. “Creuset,” He looked at the stallion sitting beside him and inspected him. His size was average for a stallion which meant Creuset looked down on him. ‘I guess the advantage I picked was worth it after all.’ He remembered where he spent those five ‘mana’ points that were given to him by the spirit when he chose to have a rival that’s better than him. That one trait is his only advantage against Brandy. “And that little fella over there’s Lavender.” “Fuck you!” Laveneder barked “Creuset huh,” He chuckled a bit ignoring Lavenders outcry. “Champ! Stop pointing your stick at Lav’s face. It’s rude.” “For the last time, my name is Champagne,” Champagne replied with a voice so cold and sharp it would probably cut through diamonds. “Whatever! I’m just trying to make a good first impression over here!” He shouted at the mare. Champagne whimpered slightly in surprise before sheathing her sword. She stared at Lavender before walking over to a chair and sat down. The whispers among the ponies that remained in the bar increased in volume. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how long have you been here?” “Just a few days ago,” Creuset answered staring at the smaller stallion. Their deathly aura was getting everypony in the room nervous and sweaty. It was as if two vengeful souls were staring at each other face to face. “About a few minutes before the fire broke out.” “I guess I also got a head start,” Brandy chuckled a bit before smiling mischievously. “About the catch that came with the… ‘gifts’ the spirit gave me. It wasn’t really a catch,” He said. “In fact, it was a gift. Because for the first time in my life I had something better to do than making branding irons. Now, I have to chase you all around Equestria to prove I’m better than you. And well… I think you already know it, I’m technically you, but better in every way.” Creuset was silent for a while but then he broke the brief silence by laughing menacingly. “That’s simpley not true, Brandy,” He said with a wide soulless smile. He stood up from his stool chair revealing just how much larger he was compared to Brandy. The boastful stallion almost fell out of his chair in surprise of how big Creuset was. ‘But… but how?’ he asked himself. ‘I thought I was supposed to be better. The why’s he bigger than me.’ Creuset cracked his neck joints. “You see my friend, you may be better than me in every way. But there is one trait I have that you don’t,” He dropped his saddlebags and unzipped his jacket before tossing it to Lavender who caught it. He stood there in front of the smaller stallion staring silently at him. He then flexed revealing how swole he really was. His bulging muscles glimmered and sparkled as the light radiating from the windows touched it. Brandy looked in horror and awe at the muscular stallion. Champagne on the other hand licked her lips as she stared dreamingly at the muscular stallion. ‘I’d ride that!’ She thought to herself. Meanwhile, Lavender was staring at him with her mouth wide open in shock. “I thought you were a flab,” Lavender said as she wiped her glasses to see if what she was looking at was real and real it was. She stared at him as her imagination began to run wild with dirty thoughts. “Uhhh…” The barkeep handed Lavender a clean towel. “Ma’am your nose is uhh.” Lavender wiped something that was dripping from her nose and saw that it was blood. “Oh dear,” She took the towel and wiped the blood with it before thanking the barkeep. ‘What is wrong with you Lavender!’ She thought to herself as she blushed. “Having dirty thoughts about that asshole! He’s not worth losing your chance at getting your job back after this is all done!” She muttered to herself. “You see Brandy,” Creuset said as he flexed with a different pose. “I’m you, but SWOLE!” He began rubbing his biceps in Brandy’s face. “Alright! Alright! I get it,” Brandy stepped back. “So the spirit gave you this one advantage. Sure you’re bigger, taller, physically stronger and…swole-er, but what difference does it make!” His horn began to glow violently yellow. Creuset can already feel the rage building up inside Brandy, and for some reason it felt good. He stood proud and tall in a manner that implied he was superior while the latter was small and weak. “Sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of my contracting muscles,” The ponies in the tavern burst out laughing at the reply. Brandy began to fume up being surrounded by ponies laughing at him. It even got worse when he noticed that even his companion Champagne was laughing so hard she began to tear up. “Quiet!” He shouted. And in an instant everypony was quiet. Brandy looked at Creuset with rage filled eyes. It was already bad the stallion pointed out that he was smaller than him and he just had to embarrass him further. “How about let’s take this outside and see who’s really better huh?” Creuset’s grin grew even wider after Brandy challenged him. It was the moment he was waiting for, he had the perfect insult and Brandy just gave him the golden opportunity to drop it. “Ohh I’m sorry but I can’t,” He said plainly. Brandy smiled as he felt his pride come back. “Well of course you ca-” “Sorry, but I don’t fight colts,” Creuset interrupted as his smile grew even wider. The entire tavern gasped out at that reply. “Damn son! That’s brutal,” The tavern’s barkeep said. “W-what!” Brandy stammered as he felt his rage return. “I prefer to take on stallions my own size,” Creuset looked at his rival with a smug smile that taunted him. “I’m not the type of pony that picks on little colts.” The entire tavern gasped out even louder this time and some of them even began to giggle and snicker at Creuset’s insults while some began to laugh. “I like this stallion,” Champagne said as she stuggled to control her laughter. “He got you good Brandy, he got you good!” Lavender began to worry about her friend’s actions and decided to take action. She trotted over to him and whispered at his side. “Creuset, I think he’s had enough,” She said as she handed him his jacket. “This stallion walked into this bar and threatened us,” Creuset whispered back while he put on his jacket. “He insulted my honor and I’m not gonna let that pass easily.” Lavender looked at the fuming stallion in front of Creuset. She can see in Brandy’s eyes that he was about to snap any moment now. She then looked at Creuset who had a face of pride plastered on his face and she knew that any attempt to stop him was futile. “If that’s what you want,” “Everypony shut up!” He shouted at the ponies in the tavern but to no avail. They continued to laugh as if they were no longer afraid of him. “You… you’re going to regret this!” He growled at Creuset who laughed lightly at him. “I’m going to toast you so hard no one will be able to recognize you.” “Aww, little Brandy’s having a tantrum,” Creuset spoke as if he was speaking to a little foal. “Does the little Brandy want upsies?” He asked in a mocking tone as ponies around him broke out in hard laughter. Champagne almost fell from her seat while laughing. “I will END you!” Brandy snarled angrily while he stomped his hoof on the floor. “Aww isn’t he cute when he’s angry,” Creuset said as he rubbed the smaller stallion’s head. Brandy immediately slapped his hoof away. “Creuset, stop!” Lavender attempted to stop Creuset. “He’s had enough,” She tried once more but he didn’t listen. “I swear to Celestia I will-“ “Boop!” Creuset interrupted Brandy by booping him in his snout. Creuset giggled as Lavender stared at her friend in shock and disappointment. The was a brief moment of silence following the boop. And in that brief moment, Creuset found out what kind of face a pony makes when he’s about to murder somepony. Brandy’s horn glowed followed by a small yellow flash and the small stallion disappeared from Creuset’s line of sight. Creuset remembered two important things in a split second. One, He may be stronger physically but Brandy is slightly better at him in every aspect of magic. Two, Brandy had a one-year head start so he’s probably more attuned to his abilities than he is and since he lived in Equestria most of his life, it probably isn’t beyond him to know teleportation. “Creuset! Behind You!” Lavender shouted before Creuset heard a loud bang and everything went black. “Ugh!” Creuset groaned but to his surprise he wasn’t able to hear it. All he can hear was the heavy ringing of his eardrums. His eyes were clamped shut by the excruciating pain he felt all over his body as if he was thrown into a wall like a ragdoll. He coughed up dust as he tried to move but he couldn’t feel his limbs, he couldn’t feel anything at all except for the pain. This is it! He thought to himself. I’m gonna fucking die. He breathed heavily as he waited for the dreaded moment where he’ll lose his consciousness. But then, something unexpected happened. He felt a warm liquid like substance cover his body. The warmth of the substance took away the pain and he could finally move and open his eyes. Even though the pain was gone, his senses were still pretty numb and he could barely see shit. And even though the ringing of his ears was beginning to subside he can still barely make out anything he heard. But in front of him stood a kind and gentle white figure that seemed to whisper an angelic serenade. And even though his vision was blurred, he knew this pony must’ve been the most beautiful of its kind. “Are… you an… angel?” He asked as he gripped his chest, who knew speaking could be so painful. “Am I… dead!?” The angelic figure responded by slapping him hard across the cheek. Creuset’s vision and senses were restored to their former glory and he turned to the pony that slapped him… it was Lavender. “Can you hear me!” Lavender shouted at his face. Creuset responded with a confused nod. “Oh thank Celestia!” Lavender sighed in relief. “If I hadn’t casted that bubble shield you would’ve been killed. Still, you’re very lucky you only got minor injuries.” Creuset looked around to see where he was. He found out that he was in the other side of the street in front of the Tavern. He looked at the tavern and saw that its entire front half has been blown up and smoke is rising from the building. Some ponies in the sidewalk were shivering while others ran away. To his relief, nopony aside from him was hurt. A whole fucking year and that’s how powerful he becomes! He stood up awhile Lavender tried to assist him stand. I thought he was only supposed to get a slight advantage. This has got to be a fucking joke. It wasn’t. “Creuset!” Lavender called her friend’s attention. “Is there something you’re not telling me.” She looked at the damage done to the Tavern. “Who is this guy?” “You already know that,” Creuset answered a while he dusted off his jacket. “He’s me… but better.” He looked at the wrecked tavern “Shall we continue… my dear Creuset!” A shadowy figure emerged from the smoking building. His red eyes burned with both hatred and passion as he smiled wickedly while three large fireballs floated above him. “I’m going to show you how much of a difference one year makes!” Brandy’s aura intimidated every bystander to the point where they all galloped away screaming in fright. Creuset stood in an aggressive stance and was prepared for the worst. But to his surprise, his friend Lavender stood in front of him in a defensive stance. She covered herself with a bright pink colored bubble shield made out of light while five floating sunlight lances hovered above her head. Creuset felt weak and useless. a while ago he was bragging about how he’s stronger than Brandy and now here he is, dazed and weak while his friend stood between him and his enemy. “Lavender…” He said as he swallowed his pride. “I’m sorry, I should’ve-” “We’ll talk about this later!” Lavender barked at him and Creuset could’ve sworn that he heard himself whimper. He felt his grief and shame overtake him. He was weak and his actions were a proof of that. The small mare then turned to Brandy who was laughing at them. “The great and muscular Creuset is whimpering while a small and cute little mare is protecting him from me!” He roared in laughter. “Pathetic!” Lavender drew her saber and dagger. “My name is Lavender Oil, fourth child and only daughter of Baron Diesel Oil.” Lavender announced with pride as she stood in an aggressive stance pointing her sabre at her adversary. “And I am not Cute!” She launched her five lances at Brandy while the stallion sent forth his three fire balls. The three crashed and exploded with three of Lavender’s lances but two went through and were heading for his head. But they were stopped in the last possible moment by a green barrier that stood in front of brandy. “Perfect timing Champ!” Brandy smiled as Champagne trotted to his side. She held out her rapier and cracked her neck joints before speaking. “My name is Champagne!” She looked at her companion with the same annoyed look she gave him earlier. “And you will address me as such.” The Prench mare demanded. “Whatever,” Brandy replied with a smirk. “I’m just glad you’re on my side.” He looked at Lavender who was still standing in front of Creuset. That loyalty… I wish Champagne could show me that kind of respect. He thought as he looked at his companion who just stood at his side and avoided eye contact. “By the way Creuset, my companion’s also better than yours in every way. Hell, I think you’re better off without her babysitting your ass.” Brandy’s low-key insult at Creuset’s friend sparked something inside of the large stallion. For some reason he was filled with the determination to stand up for her friend who would go to hell and back for him. You just made this personal bitch! The stallion thought. Brandy can throw as many insults as he wants at him and he’ll just laugh it off. But if he throws even the lightest insult at Lavender, a treasured friend who stood up for him even against all odds, he will never find it in his heart to forgive his rival. “You know what…” Creuset walked over to his friend’s side and charged his horn with magic. “I don’t give a shit!” He said with a smug smile. “My Lavender is the sweetest, kindest and hottest mare in Equestria!” He roared proudly as he looked at Lavender and smiled while she looked away in an attempt to hide her blush. “Anyway. Your companion’s an ugly motherfucker,” He looked at the duo while acknowledging his friend’s unexplained hatred against Champagne. Champagne gasped in surprise. “She’s a goddamn toothpick,” Champagne looked at him in disgust. “And I bet she’s just some half used whore you found on the sidewalk!” “Now you listen here you disrespectful Piece of shit, I’ll have you-” “Die!” Champagne interrupted Brandy’s reply by shooting a large beam of pure light at Creuset and Lavender. Creuset and Lavender dodged the attack by dashing to their right. “How dare you insult me!” Champagne nagged. “I’ll have you know that I am Champagne Glass the eldest daughter of Champagne Cork the Duke of Champagne.” She pointed her rapier at Creuset. “And I will hang you by the neck on the highest tree in Equestria!” Creuset leaned towards Lavender’s ear “I’ll take Brandy, you take the toothpick,” He ordered. Lavender looked at him with a smile. “Consider it done!” She replied with a gentle smirk. “Nice insult by the way,” She said as she charged up her horn. “For a second there I thought you were gonna ditch me and run.” “Anything for you hot stuff,” Creuset replied with a wide smile as he confidently walked to Lavender’s side. Lavender felt her face heat up and looked away. “Whatever!” She huffed while Creuset giggled. Brandy looked at his adversaries in envy. He always wanted his relationship as a companion with Champagne to be like that. He wanted that sweet and kind friendship. He was supposed to be better than Creuset yet his standing with his companion is leagues below his rival’s ‘Why… why does he have to be better at that aspect. Why can’t I be happy like that.’ Unbeknownst to him, Champagne was also thinking about the same thing. ‘Why does Lavender of all ponies get such a fine and humorous stallion to travel with her.’ Even though she hated Creuset for his earlier insult, he admired the pony for his ferocious loyalty and respect for his companion. Something she never felt while being with Brandy. ‘And why do I have to be paired with such an idiotic lowlife like Brandy.’ “Alright Fillies and Gentlecolts!” Creuset announced sarcastically with confidence and poise. “Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?” He asked his rival’s mockingly as he and Lavender lunged forward. > Chapter 6 - Toasted Spring Rolls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Toasted Springrolls “Come out and face me coward!” Brandy roared as he fired an explosive fireball like a mortar and destroyed one of the festival booths on the festival grounds in the town square. “Come on Creuset, I thought you were the stronger one so come out and face me to prove your point,” He shouted in frustration as he torched another booth. “Come on asshole! I’m waiting.” The town was immediately evacuated the moment the fighting started between the two rivals. Civilians hurried out and left most of their belongings in favor of keeping their lives as two incredibly powerful fire mages fought in their town, burning buildings and tearing down most of towns infrastructure with ease while turning the sky black with smoke. But surprisingly none of the two stallions barely got hit and they only suffered cuts and minor burns. It was clear to Creuset from the very start of the fight that taking brandy head on and fighting him with magic is suicide. The small stallion’s magic is slightly more powerful than his and the bastard already has a year of experience using it. So he decided to lure his rival to the town square where there was a wide open area as well as a sizable amount of booths for cover. But by doing so they were separated from their companions and now the two stallions are stuck in a cat and mouse game in the burning festival grounds. Creuset peered out from one of the booths near Brandy and casually observed him. This guy sure knows how to manage his cooldown time. The stallion thought to himself as he observed how his rival rarely used his spells in quick successions to ensure that he doesn’t overheat. He also noted how his rivals low profile made it easier for him to dodge the his attacks. I need to get close to make sure he doesn’t get a chance to dodge my attack. Or I could slam a piece of wood on him, he looks like he wouldn’t even be able to stand up after a little beating. Creuset exited the booth quietly keeping his head low and while holding a wet towel he picked up from one of the booths over his face. He began to silently stalk his rival. I just need this bastard to expose himself! Brandy's eyes shifted rapidly as he searched the festival grounds for a sign of his rival. “Come out beefcake!” He taunted as he coughed. The air was already beginning to thin out and smoke has already engulfed most of the town square. Brandy was sure his rival was also suffering from the smoke but he fears that he will be the first to die for he is indeed physically weaker. “Fuck!” He shouted as he continued to cough. How could I not find that huge fuck, he’s like a fucking tower. He began to feel dizzy as he blasted another booth with a fireball. I wonder how Champagne’s doing? The eerie silence of the town square was broken when a pillar of light shot out off the ground and into the sky somewhere in the merchant district. Brandy stopped and stared at the amazing display of power. “Well it looks like she’s having a lot more fun than me,” He said as he spat on the ground.” Now’s my chance! While his rival was distracted, Creuset took a heavy hardwood stool chair from a festival stall ran up to him. Brandy smiled. Works every time. He thought as he heard soft pad hoofsteps rushing towards him from behind. He charged his horn with magic and readied himself. Three… two… He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. One. “Surprise motherfucker!” Creuset let out a deep throated roar as he swung the stool chair downwards at Brandy with the force of five angry gorillas. To his surprise, Brandy disappeared after being shouded with light for a spilt second. The chair shattered as it hit the ground. Creuset took several steps back looking left and right for any sign of his opponent. “Up here!” Brandy shouted. Creuset stopped, turned around and looked up and saw a familiar looking silhouette obscured by smoke standing on top a lamppost a fair distance away from where he was. The two stood quietly for a while as they stared into each other, waiting for someone to make the first move. Creuset quickly took the initiative to run away and find cover. Just as Brandy predicted. The small stallion took aim and waited for a clear line of fire before sending a lance of pure heat flying towards his rival. Creuset saw the projectile from the corner of his eye and acted on instinct as he took another stool chair from one of the booths and threw it at the projectile. The collision of the two objects caused an explosion about three meters away from where Creuset was. The blast was so powerful that it cleared the smoke in its surrounding area. Creuset grunted in pain as wooden debris from the explosion was sent flying towards him ripping off bits of his jacket and injuring him. He staggered onto the ground because of the small shockwave the explosion cause while his ears rang from the sound of the blast. Brandy saw his rival fall back onto the ground after trying to stand up once more. He’s dazed! Now’s my chance! He fired the single largest fireball he can conjure without it destabilizing and burning out. Creuset managed to regain his composure just before Brandy sent the fireball flying towards him. It was big, but not big enough. The large pony didn’t even bother standing up and instead crawled rapidly towards one of the booths for cover eventually reaching one just in the nick of time. Is he dead? Brandy asked himself as he leaned forward to get a better look. “Shit!” He shouted as he began to lose balance and fall forwards. He tried to lean back but instead of balancing himself he began to fall backwards. “Fuck, fuck, Fuck, FUCK!” He shouted as he completely lost balance. Meanwhile. Creuset stood up and fired a stream of fire at Brandy while he was losing his balance. The spell missed Brandy’s face by and inch as he fell backwards. “Dammit!” Creuset shouted as he tore a long plank of wood from one of the booths intending to use it as a club. He charged towards his rival’s location ravaging any and all obstacles that stood on his path. “Oh fuck!” Brandy muttered as he tried to catch his breath. I almost died! He thought as he got up. He looked over to where Creuset was and saw booths and other debris fly upwards as he heard a pair of hooves thundering towards him. “Oh shit!” He said as he ran away without a second thought but not before firing a fireball at the direction where the sound was coming from. The fireball destroyed the last set of barriers that hindered Creuset from getting a clear line of sight. The buff stallion fired another stream of fire that was dodged by brandy when he went prone. Creuset used this opportunity as a way to close the distance between then. Brandy looked back and saw the large stallion charging at him. He immediately fired a fireball out of instinct. Crap, Crap, CRAP! He thought as his heart raised. Creuset fired a third stream of fire to cancel out the fireball that would’ve surely hit him. He continued to charge forward as he fired another stream but cursed himself when only sparks came out of his horn. “Fuck!” Creuset shouted as he doubled his speed. This is bad. This is bad! He thought after realizing his horn has overheated Seeing Creuset’s condition and inability to cast a fire spell, Brandy took advantage of the situation by creating a wall of fire to keep his rival from reaching him at the cost of making his horn overheat as well. “Eat my shorts beefcake!” He taunted Creuset before running away. “Eat my wood asshole!” Creuset replied as he hurled his wooden plank like a javelin at Brandy. The plank found its mark and slammed into Brandy’s left hind leg. An audible cracking of the bone was heard by both of them as Brandy screamed. “Ah fuck!” The stallion screamed as he limped, determined to get away from his physically superior rival. "Where are you Champ!" Lavender called out as she twirled her sabre, dagger and rapier. "Come on, stop hiding," SH demanded as she walked in the streets of the burning residential district of the town. There was no response, but Lavender was certain she's being watched from afar. "What! Are you scared now that I disarmed you!" She taunted. "And you used to be the confident one. My, my, have times changed." Her ears shot up when she heard laughing. "I admit I underestimated you Lavy," Champagne replied from a secure position. "I never thought you'd be able to best me by blade. But then again... I did underestimate you." Lavender gritted her teeth. This is bad. She can see me but I can't see her!. "What! Are you too afraid to be bested by magic as well. That was quite a light show we pulled off earlier," She said. "How about we finish it!" Her rival just laughed once more. "The meek and weak filly I bullied has now become a strong and confident mare! How amusing," Champagne said. "But are you sure that you still gave the strength to carry on fighting against me using magic?" Shit! Lavender began to sweat profusely. She saw through my bluff! This is bad. This is very bad! She had carelessly tossed spells which all missed her opponent during their engagement. Champagne on the other hand barely used magic. "If you're so confident I can't last long. Then why don't you show yourself." There was silence. "Very well," Champagne said. "I no longer see sense in continuing this deception. But before I reveal myself I want you to promise not to fire or attack," She demanded. "I have a... proposition." Oh! This has to be some sort of trick. Lavender thought. "Now why in the hell would I do that!" She began to scan the surrounding areas. She must be in one of the buildings. "I'm not in the buildings by the way. That would be far too obvious," Champagne said. "As for why you should trust me. Didn't you remember her saying. Now what was it again?" Wait a minute. She couldn't possibly be referring to... "She used to say it a lot to us young ones. 'Remember. There’s always a way to solve a fight without violence. Speak before you strike'" Lavender's eyes widened. "How-" "What? You thought you were the only student Celestia gave that sort of attention," Champagne interrupted. "I was her student as well you know. And I took most of her teachings at heart. Hell, I even took her advice on what career I should take." Lavender sighed. "Fine!" She dropped her weapons on the ground. "Enough dilly-dallying! Show yourself." Lavender then heard the sound of clacking roof tiles. "Over here!" Champagne called out from the roof of one of the buildings. Lavender glared at her. "I thought you said you were bot in the buildings." Champagne laughed. "Still the gullible idiot I see. Its all in the wording Lavy. I said I was not in the building because in reality, I was on top of the building!" She taunted with a grin on her face. Lavender gave out an annoyed sigh. "Just get on with it! And stop calling me Lavy. I'm not twelve anymore." Champagne jumped off of the building and softly landed on the street. "Now about that proposition," She looked at Lavender. "We need to stop this." Lavender stared at her in confusion and disbelief. "What!?" Champagne sighed in annoyance. "Oh y Celestia! Can't you see you naive prick!" She said as she waved her hooves around. "Look around you!" Lavender looked at the surrounding areas. The entire town was burning. There were no longer any ponies because the royal guards had evacuated them. The fact that they weren't attacked by the guards spoke volumes of how dangerous they were. At this rate they'll be branded terrorists. She bit her lip. "Do you see now Lavender! We need to stop fighting," Champagne said. "We need to get Brandy and your..." She couldn't remember the name of Lavender's companion so she just improvised. "Coltfriend? Is he your coltfriend?" Lavender blushed. "Heavens no! Creuset's just a friend and nothing else!" Champagne gave an impatient sigh. "Fine, fine, whatever," She said. "My point is we need to stop fighting now. Because we are going to get into even more trouble if we do. What do you say?" Lavender can see her point. "Its a temporary truce then," She replied. Champagne gave a satisfied smile. "Deal!" She said as she stretched out her right hoof. Lavender approached her. She was sure that her opponent won't do any tricks because even though they're both enemies, they're still students of the same teacher. "Deal!" She said as she shook Champagne's hand. "its good to see that your grudges haven't blurred your vision," Champagne smirked and withdrew her hoof. Lavender glared at her. "And its good to see that you've learned to have manners," She replied. Champagne laughed. "You'll learn a lot of things in the military!" Lavender's mouth was wide open in shock. "You! In the military!" She then laughed. "Oh you were always the clown weren't you." Champagne just stared at with. "Not anymore apparently." Lavender stopped laughing. "Army?" Champagne nodded. "Army," She walked over to her rapier. "We should find those two before this gets worse," She said as she picked up sheathed her rapier. Lavender snarled. "We're not through though!" Champagne gave out another annoyed sigh. "Yes, yes, yes! There will be lots of opportunities to hack each other to death over stupid things we did when we were young." Lavender glared at her. "WE! Last time I checked, you were doing all the-" "Shut up already!" Champagne shouted. "The more we talk over this... shit! The longer our prison sentences will be." "Fine!" Lavender said as she took her weapons. The two of them began they're search. "So, Lavender. How's life?" Champagne asked casually. Lavender rolled her eyes. "Are you going to gr-" "I'm just curious," Champagne interrupted. Lavender wanted to scream at her in anger, but she held it back. "Well, I work at-" "As Celestia's handmaiden, her seventh to be exact. And you're also the royal apothecary." Champagne interrupted once more. "She wrote about to me once. I want to know more about what you've been doing lately" Lavender raised an eyebrow. "You were pen pals?" "She's pen pals with all of her students. Except for the ones who live next door," Champagne explained. "So, how did you and Creuset meet." Lavender was baffled. Normally, Champagne would've already began her alpha bitch mode. But she hasn't been that mean to her at all. In fact, she was more serious. There was that sudden outburst in front of the tavern, but it was justified because who wouldn't attack Creuset after being insulted like that by him. Perhaps she matured. She thought. "Well you see. It all started when I met these travelers at the Everfree...." I will skin that son of a bitch!The enraged Creuset thought as he hid inside a blacksmith’s shop. He and his rival and a wild goose chase that ended in the edge of the merchant’s district when Brandy decided to fight back. The resulting battle ended in a stalemate forcing the two to retreat to the building in the opposite sides of the street. “Fuck!” Creuset shouted as he cauterized a cut on his leg that was inflicted on him by Brandy. “I swear I’ll get that cunt for this. I’ll-” He stopped when he saw something displayed on the wall inside the shop. A smile crept up in his face as he finally found something to balance the odds. Oh this just keeps getting better and better! Meanwhile on the opposite side of the street inside a merchant house on its second floor. Brandy moaned in pain as he applied a splint on his legs fracture. He didn’t receive any serious damage from his second engagement with him only getting a bruise on his left cheek as opposed to the cut he inflicted on his rival when he threw a knife at him. “I’m keeping this,” Brandy said as he looked at the same knife he used while he struggled to catch his breath. Unlike his rival, he was not physically fit. In fact he was rather thin and unathletic. I fucking hate running. He stood up slowly. But I hate that son of a bitch more than anything else. He thought as he applied a minor healing spell on his fracture. “That should do it,” Brandy told himself as he slowly trotted over to the window and took a peek. The street was empty and nothing interesting was coming out from the building where Creuset hid in. “Say your prayers motherfucker! He stepped in front of the window, opened it and threw every ounce of magic he can muster in to a single explosive fireball. The spell hit its mark and it completely destroyed the shop sending a pillar of smoke flying up at least a kilometer into the sky. As the smoke cleared the only thing left standing was a large blackened crater in the place the blacksmith’s shop once stood. “That should take care of that!” Brandy said as he sat down and smiled. He felt his fatigue overtook him and he was almost asleep when he was startled by a loud sound. From what Brandy heard, it seems that someone has kicked down the front door on the first floor of the building by force. “Swoogitty swagitty! I’m coming for that Brandy booty motherfucker!” Shouted an all too familiar stallion. “Oh shit,” Brandy felt his adrenalin kicked in as he stood up near instantly. He heard heavy hoofsteps and metal clanging as if some heavily armored stallion was moving up the stairs. “Oh shit he has armor,” When he turned to the door, a longsword slashed through it lengthwise in a crude manner stopping at the midpoint of the door. “Oh shit, he has armor and a sword!” The longsword was pulled out and a face peered in from the slashed section of the wooden door. The face was completely covered by a metal facemask but Brandy could make out who those light brown eyes belonged to. “Here’s Crucy!” The armored stallion crackled like a madpony before he stood back and began hacking the door with his sword. Brandy just stood there in shock. “You messed with the wrong unicorn Brandy!” Creuset said as he kicked the entire upper half of the door open. “You should’ve just walked away when you had the chance,” He said as he opened the locked doorknob of the room from the other side through the open part of the door. Brandy had a split second to decide his next action. Fight or flight. In the end, he decided to jump out of the window and make a run for it. But that plan was scrapped the moment he landed on the ground as he felt the pain of his broken hind leg return. “Oh no,” he whispered to himself. I need to get out of here! He began to limp away and was stopped when he heard something big and heavy land in the building behind him. The small stallion turned around and saw a tall fully armored pony with a sword raised forward and a shield slung on his back looking at him in the eye. “Let’s end this,” Creuset said as his horn glowed. It’s over! Brandy thought as he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. He heard Creuset cast a spell and he was sure that he was going to die. So he waited, and waited… but nothing happened. He then noticed something odd, his hind leg was no longer hurt. He turned forward only to see that his rival had casted a healing spell on him. “I want to end this properly,” Creuset said as he pointed his sword at Brandy. “So no more running! This ends here.” Brandy smiled. “Sure!” He said. Well it turns out he isn’t that bad after all. He thought. At least he has the decency to not strike an injured pony. “Now let’s see who will win,” Creuset said as the two began to circle each other. “One year of experience and a slightly more powerful version of my fire magic,” He twirled his sword around before pointing it at Brandy. “Or a large heavily armored stallion with a big fucking sword.” Brandy didn’t reply. Instead, he threw a fireball at Creuset who sidestepped and galloped forward simultaneously. “Die!” Brandy threw a second fireball bigger that the first one while he ran backwards. Creuset didn’t have the time to dodge it. He held his front hooves out to block it and hoped for the best. Brandy looked at the smoke cloud and waited anxiously. Did I get him? He asked himself. But then, he saw something in the smoke. It was the silhouette of a large pony running towards him. “Shit!” He shouted while preparing another spell. Creuset emerged from the smoke screaming an incoherent battle cry. His helmet and most of his armor were stripped away by the blast leaving only the chestpiece. “Die!” Creuest rapidly closed the distance between the two of them. Brandy knew that it was too late to cast another spell to stop him so he did the unthinkable. He galloped forward, his horn pointing at his rival. Just give me an opening! Creuset was undaunted by Brandy's sudden change of pace. Your bluff won't work! He thought. He swung his sword sideways at his enemy when he reached striking distance. Now! Brandy used the momentum he built up and slid down on the ground. He went down under Creuset with ease thanks to his small size, avoiding the massive blade that would've decapitated him while giving him an opening to attack at point blank range. He fired a single heat lance at Creuset's chestplate piercing it without much effort before standing up after he had exited his rivals underside. Creuset ran a fair distance before he realized what was wrong. What the.... He coughed up blood and turned around to face Brandy who was looking at him with a wide smile. He then heard his own blood dripping on the street, realizing why he had a stinging pain in his chest. His vision was now beginning to blur. "Damn you!" He roared as coughed out more blood before he tried to charge once more before collapsing on the ground. "Fuck!" “I win,” Brandy said as he began to laugh in victory. This angered Creuset more that it should have. While the his rival was distracted with his supposed triumph, Creuset took the shield slung on his back and tossed it at Brandy using all the strength he had left. The shield slammed into Brandy’s chest shattering several ribs and made him vomit blood. He then fell onto the floor and lied down on his back. A brief moment of silence followed as the two ponies lied down on the ground. Creuset looked over to where Brandy was while he kept pressure on his chest wound with a piece of cloth he ripped out of the sleeve of the jacket he wore underneath his armor. “Are you dead!?” he shouted and was surprised when his rival’s body began to twitch. “I… don’t know,” Brandy mumbled as he coughed. “Are you?!” “I don’t think so,” Creuset answered as he groaned in pain. His vision was getting worse. He was beginning to loose his peripheral vision and everything was gradually going black. Damn, I got hit really bad didn't I. The large stallion began breathing heavily as his head began to feel light from his injuries. Brandy began to laugh much to Creuset’s surprise. “What’s so funny?” He asked the injured stallion laying on the ground. “That was the best fight…” He took in a deep breath before groaning once more in pain. “-I’ve ever had!” He laughed and laughed like a little colt who finally found a playmate worth hanging out with. “It was kinda weird though.” “What do you mean?” Creuset asked. “You barely used your fire magic,” Brandy replied before coughing a few times. “Well, you’re kinda better with it so I decided to use my one advantage,” Creuset explained before coughing. “And that’s why I charged at you with a fucking longsword.” “Is that also why you ran away and hid like a little bitch?” Brandy asked the large stallion. "You know. The stunt to tried to pull off in the town square." Creuset laughed a bit at his rival’s remark and coughed. “Good one Brandy!” His head suddenly felt lighter. “How about we call this a draw” Brandy said. “Yeah!” Creuset smiled. “How about we also do this again some other time?” Creuset asked his rival. “Yeah… but next time, I’m gonna win!” Brandy sat up and smirked at Brandy. “In your dreams shorty!” Creuset replied as the two laughed. Though they had reasons to hate one another, but their rivalry was not very personal and both considered it to be a friendly one since the only reason they’re doing this is because some random spirit told them to. “Suck a fat cock Creuset!” Brandy taunted the large stallion. “No seriously, eat a fat cock you size shaming shithead.” Creuset didn’t respond. “Hey Creuset!” Brandy called out. “Creuset!” He managed to find the strength to sit and look at Creuset. His body was motionless and blood was pouring out from his wound in a slow but steady pace. “Come on dude… You’re scaring me!” Creuset didn’t respond. “Oh, no…” Brandy muttered. “Help,” Brandy cried out. “Somepony… help!”