Friends, Maybe

by Vixie

First published

Sunset has been best friends with Twilight for years, but maybe she wants to be more?

Sunset and Twilight have been inseparable since Twilight moved into town, and have been just that until young Sunset develops an unexpected crush.

Lovers, Hopefully

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Twilight smiled at me, making the blood rush to my cheeks. "Happy birthday, Sunset!" She held out a small gift, wrapped in red with a yellow ribbon tying it. "Welcome to the double-digits." She added, giggling. She was older than me by about a month and a half, even though I was much taller, something I tried not to brag about.

I gave her a nervous, crooked smile. Honestly, I had no idea what was going on. Was I sick? Maybe I was. Just yesterday, I was fine. Now, my heart beat faster, and it was hard to breathe. I hoped the butterflies in my stomach would go away soon.

"Sunset?" She touched my shoulder.

Something like electricity ran through me. I was suddenly overcome by happiness, and was afraid I'd melt into a puddle of goo soon. Why was I so excited? Well, tenth birthdays were a big deal. "Y-Yes?"

"You okay? You're all red."

"Am I...? Uh, sorry! I'll be right back!" I rushed into the bathroom. What was happening?! My skin still tingled where she had touched me. I looked in the mirror to see I had a goofy smile plastered on my face. Did this have something to do with Twilight? She had organized my birthday party since my parents were away, and had been my best friend since she moved into town four years ago, but this had never happened.

I splashed some water on my face. "You're fine, Sunset." I said to myself. My redness had disappeared, along with my grin, as I forced myself to make a serious face. I walked back out, and I immediately started blushing again when I saw that Twilight was waiting by the door.

She was still holding the present. "Here,"

I took it slowly, my hands shaking. Our fingertips touched, making that electric-shock feeling again. I took the box, looking at it. The tag on it read: To Sunny, from Twilight. She only called me Sunny a few times, and I didn't really mind. Now, when I read it, it took all I had to not let my emotions overwhelm me. "T-Thanks, Twi," was the only thing I could say as I opened it. Inside was a red dragon figurine, something I had wanted for months. There was also a small drawing, which was of Twilight and I, holding hands. I stared at it for a moment, feeling my heart beat even faster, which I didn't think was possible.

"Do you like it?" Twilight asked.

"I-I... I love it." I smiled again. I had to stop myself from trying to hug her.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. "That's great, I thought for a moment you-"

"Cake time!" Twilight's mom announced.

"C'mon," Twilight held my hand and led me into the dining room.

Everything faded away, and I couldn't feel anything except her touch. I felt like I was flying.

Twilight let go, snapping me back to reality.

After blowing out my candles, we went to open my presents. All I got from everyone was a store-bought card. Only Twilight bothered to get me anything meaningful. Party games started, but I didn't feel like playing. Neither did Twilight.

"This is the most cliche birthday party ever," I groaned. "N-No offense!" I added after seeing she was right next to me.

She nodded. "Yeah. Wanna go hang out? I know just the place."


She went to go get her scooter, which she left in my driveway, and I took my bike. I put my helmet on and gripped the handlebars tightly as breathing got harder and harder. Just as I thought I was okay.

Twilight pushed off with her leg, rolling down the pavement. I followed. She was so majestic, her hair flowing in the wind like that. Wait, no! I couldn't get distracted. I would crash. But why was I getting distracted? Nobody told me that turning ten would make you feel like this.

We ended up down at the creek, where Twilight put her scooter on the grass. I did the same with my bike, taking my helmet off, but still holding it. I had to pull myself together.

"This is my favorite place to relax," Twilight explained. "The sounds of nature are so soothing and it's the perfect place to read a good book, especially if you sit on a picnic blanket."

Once an bookworm, always a bookworm. It was kinda cute how much she loved books. Wait, did I just call Twilight cute? Well, she was, at least a little. I hugged my helmet tighter. What was wrong with me!? "Y-Yeah..."

"Well, sitting on the grass is fine, too." Twilight continued.

My legs became shaky as she turned to me, making the most adorable facial expression ever. I slipped on the mud and fell right into the small river.

"Sunset, are you okay?!" Twilight grabbed my arm, and I immediately went limp. Well, because I was too heavy, she also slipped.

And fell on top of me. Our lips were almost an inch away from each other. I could feel her warm breath on my cheeks.

She could have moved, but she didn't. Instead, she blushed.

I, on the other hand, was completely frozen. I couldn't control my own limbs. Again. My arms wrapped around her, and I expected Twilight to scream and run away, or something, but she didn't.

"S-Sunny..." She whispered. That name again. She stared into my eyes before finally pulling away. She got out of the water, her cheeks still a bright red.

I regained control over myself once again. Please tell me I didn't try to do what I thought I tried to do... I prayed silently.

Twilight sat down on the grass, looking away.

I tried to do it... I tried to kiss her. I walked out of the water, kneeling beside her. "I'm s-sorry."

There was a moment of silence. The sun was starting to set.

"I'm sorry for acting weird all day and trying to... Y-You know..."

Twilight didn't respond.

I made one stupid move, and now our friendship is over. Worst birthday ever. I sat cross-legged beside her, staring at the grass.

Suddenly, I felt Twilight's arms around me. I turned to face her, and her lips made contact with mine. The electric-shock was ten times more powerful, the butterflies increasing in number.

Birthdays are magical.