Harmony and Fate: A King's return

by Velvet-Fresh

First published

The King of Heroes, Saber displaced in Equestria

A servant's duty never ends. To her master, to her people. A story of a servant who was once king, shall lead once more. This is the story of Saber. As she fulfill her wish of a utopia.

Crossover: Fate/Stay Night [SPOILER WARNING for the Fate/Stay Night Saber's route]

Prologue- Dawn of One's Fate

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Saber's POV

So It has come down to this after all.The cold twilight air brushes against my face as i strode over to Shirou, my master. The red sky pulsed with the grail's corruption. "I shall destroy the holy grail." I called out. My master still holding Illya protectively in his arms. I strode on ahead, without looking back. This is the end, and I have to be strong for them both. "Master, your order please." I couldn't help hide my pleading tone as I asked. "I cannot destroy it without your orders." I could feel his mind reeling. But we can't hold back, it has came down to this after all. "Please use your last command seal." I requested Shirou. If only i can be strong as you. I turned to face him, smiling "Shirou. I wish to hear it from your lips." I can see his eyes harden. with inner resolve, and i know what must be done.

Watashi wa kara o ashiteru.
I love Shirou. I wish he can be happy now.

Kara no watashi master.
He is my master, I am his servant. I live to serve him. Always, to the end.

I had hope we could stay together.
Shikaishi. This needed to be done. So he can find happiness. He, Rin, Sakura and everyone else. we come and met.

Shirou, omea wa ikiru hitsuyō ga aru.
Live your life, be happy. Because, I love you.

Kono... This needs to be done
It has come down to this.

"Fulfill your duty." I hear his voice, his resolve. I can feel it resonating. I held my blade, letting my magic pour into it. It's blinding light cutting through this darkness as my master's resolve fills me with determination. As i and stare up into the Holy Grail. I steel everything i have. I released Excalibur's power into the oozing corruption.

Owarimashita. I reflect on everything. Everyone. My old master, Kiritsugi. You raised Shirou well. Ah, the dawn's breaking. The breeze pleasant it is truly over, the war, and my time has come. I can already feel myself fading. I face Shirou. Emiya Shirou, watashi wa shugin. waga... "Shirou, anata aishiteru." I smile fondly at all the fond memories we had. Of everything. As the sun's first light shines. I felt myself being called back. The sun blinded Shirou. I gave out a sigh. I wish I could see the utopia we could have made together. I close my eyes and submit to the void.

With a startling gasp. I lurched upward. Feeling confused, i look around to find myself in a clearing inside a forest as it's snowing heavily. Where am I? I thought i'll return to be with the other servant spirits. I can feel my breath in this cold weather. I can feel the snow against my exposed skin. The cool winter air brushing my hair, the beat of my heart. I'm Alive? I search, and I can feel Excalibur within Avalon. I stood up, snow crumbling under my shoe. I look down. Isn't this my dress? The cold doesn't bother me but I was wearing my armor previously. I felt something, a pulse of magic on my person. I searched and from within my pocket I pull out cards? I spread them out in my hand 7 cards all. My eyes widen at the sight, I recognize what these cards represent. Saber, Lancer, Rider, Archer, Caster, Assassin and Berserker. I fold them back into my pocket, when i sensed another source of magic in the distance. My body tensed, it felt wrong, dark and malevolent. I sprung into action dashing deeper into the trees towards the source.

Once I exited the forest, I spot the source after I was beheld by a sudden blizzard. The source of the blizzard; Spiritual beasts, monsters. They were howling inhumanly as they generate the storm. Battering what seems to be a cave. I spot a small flickering life in the cave. A campfire, they're going to freeze. My hand clenched into a fist, with a flick I summoned Excalibur and jumped high, towards one of them. With a shout I slashed, my sword was able to cut through the beast. Glad to know. I land back down, and jump on the mountains. Dodging their directed assault as I leap up slicing at one but missed as it veered back. I land down and was able to make it to the cave. I look in and was surprise to see three beings. They look human but at the same time not. The three huddled close to a meager fire, one clearly armored. Shivering with a sword clench in their hand. What surprises me is the wings on their back. I call out "Are you alright?"

Clover the Clever. 2 BF

My name is Clover Fourleaf, and today I am going to die. Atleast I am with my newfound friends. If only our leaders were more open minded. The cold is starting to get to us, besides myself, there's Private Petunia Pansy the pegasus warrior shivering in her armor and Smart Cookie, the advisor to Chancellor Puddinghead. I smiled as i held Cookie's hand. Funny, we were so busy fighting one another but in the end we're still ponies. We live and die together all the same.. if only we find that out before we brought those cursed wendigos into our land. Now we know, our doom was all our fault. Our hatred will be our downfall. Why did it have to come to this? I look to our left, sighing with disappointment at the sight of our frozen leaders. They'll die soon, and we'll soon follow. "Clover" I look up seeing Cookie, her ear perked as she look at the entrance. "I heard something." I looked and listened closely. Through the howling winds i did catch the sound of snow crunching, the beast screaming in agony and battle cries. Hope rekindled, i look on in anticipation. But was surprised when i saw a female being, she's clearly not a pony. My horn itch as i look at her sword sensing very powerful magic radiating from it.

"Are you alright?" she asked in our language. I look up surprised and meekly nod. She gave a nod in reply. "Good. Stay back." she commanded, we complied without a second thought. I can feel she's going to do something.

I backed away suddenly by a sudden surge of magic, my friends did the same. Pansy was terrified so was Cookie, by Faust they felt it too? This is unbelievable! I can feel her gathering magic from herself and all around her and she's powerful. Very powerful, more so than master Starswirl. I can't look away as her blade radiate with magical energy. She steps forward, stood her ground not bothered by the wendigo's unrelenting assault. The ice, and snow around her melt just from her immense energy. We all can only look in awe and fear. As she screamed a word and everything goes white and the world shook.


1- Sword in the stone.

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Starlight Glimmer's POV. Circa: 3,205 AF

My name's Starlight Glimmer, a student and friend of Princess Twlight Sparkle. Today I went along with her to Canterlot. I have only been here once, not my proudest moment and it was only awhile. I came along because she said she wanted me to come see one great landmark I've been meaning to see it for awhile now. Now here I am; staring past the guarded perimeter. I can feel it's powerful runes still radiating power even these thousands of years. Excalibur, the legendary sword in the stone. The sword of King Saber, the stone it was embedded in is just as powerfully protected, Twilight explained to me the stone itself is covered in intricate runes that it cannot be destroyed. Even Discord can't nudge the sword nor the stone, I look upon it with awe. I can feel it's unbelievable energy even from this far. "Many tried, but all failed." Twilight spoke, I look over as she walked over, dressed in her casual blue dress shirt with the wingholes and a purple hemmed skirt. A necklace with a purple star hang on her nape.

"Tried what?" I asked. But it dawned to me when i looked at Excalibur. "Many tried pulling it out?"

Nodding she give me her knowing lecture face. "Yes, but all fail. Legends say only King Saber himself can pull it out or someone worthy to be his successor." she smirked "You felt it didn't you? Magic that even Discord or the Princesses can't seem to touch. Princess Celestia spoke fondly of Saber you know? She always smile and looks whimsical. Did you know Saber adopted them? Raised them before they ascended? I think this is why she never take the title Queen, because she just show so much respect to her father. The one who raised her and Equestria as best as he could."

"Woah. Well kinda figured he's their dad with him being the king. Did you or Shining tried pulling this out?" I asked in which she giggled.

"Funny you mention that, yes my brother did. But on a dare, he couldn't budge it even with his magic. No one can, thank Faust not even Blueblood couldn't.." she sighed at that.

I laughed agreeing with her. As I look at the legendary weapon from beyond the barrier and guards posted around. "Hmm, think we could ask the Princesses if we can look up more about King Saber? I don't really remember learning much about him. Besides he helped the founders out on the early days."

That got her to smile "You're right! Lets go ask her right now!"

"W-wait right n-??" before i could complete my question she teleported us into the castle just infront of the throne room doors. I look around at the sudden displacement. "Of course." I sighed but smile as I greet the guards with a nod. They open the door for us allowing us entry. I bow low with Twilight in greeting. I look up to meet Princess Celestia, as radiant as ever with her silk white dress with golden highlights.

"Twilight, my dear. It's a treat." she greets us with her motherly smile. "What brings you two here? Good day to you too Ms Glimmer." she nods at me, I smile and waved back.

"Actually, we're hoping to ask if you can tell us or help us learn more about your father; King Saber. We hardly learn much about him besides what I learned from school." Twilight explained, cutting to the chase. I nodded to verify our request.

She hums in thought. "Well that is something. Well all i can tell you two is all you'll learn will be back in our old home. Our 'father' raised us in the Everfree Castle. You'll find more answers there. I do suggest try the lower archives."

"There's a lower archive in the old castle?!" oh dear, Twilight is getting that look again. Celestia only giggled. "Yes, hidden away, just pull on the 5th torch on the left side once you climb down the stairs on the eastern wing of the Castle. And Twilight? Don't try teleporting all the way over there, I know you can be excited but do please take the train. Even if you can manage that distance, the strain will be too much."

She blushes, I giggled, she did thought of doing just that. "A-alright Princess.. we'll get back to Ponyville to prepare." she giddyly dance in place. She grab my arm. "Thanks Princess Celestia, bye!~"

"Twilight Wa-!" i didn't get to complete my sentence again before i knew it i'm at the train station. "..Sweet Luna your blinking isn't easy to get used too." I say abit disoriented. She blushed awkwardly as she shows her ticket to a conductor. Luckily the train was still here and our tickets were two ways. So we boarded and i eased into the seat. Sighing wondering what I'm getting myself into.

Half an hour later when we return, i found myself helping Twilight pull a wheelbarrow across the rickety bridge towards the old castle. "I still don't get why don't you asked some pegasus to help make a newer and sturdier bridge?" I complained. She only just rolled her eyes and with a glow of her horn the doors open before us.

"Oh don't complain, the planks held out well enough." Twilight shot back.

"Knowing you, it might not under the weight of all the books you would carry back home." I snarked back with a smirk. Getting whacked in the shoulder by a levitated notepad for my trouble.

"Ok miss smart aleck. You lead on" she opens the massive doors with her magic, stepping aside. I rolled my eyes and heads towards the east wing. I remembered Celestia's directions and levitated the wheelbarrow down as I walked down the stairs. If i recall correctly 5th torch on the left. Here it is, I reached for it and pull on it, it reclined back with a resounding click and a wall slid open kicking up dust as I peered into the new room. A well preserved room, stacked from both sides with ancient books and scrolls. I was almost bowled over by my excited friend whom rushed in looking around with a high pitch gleeful squee. Dear Celestia, Twilight.

"Hehehehehe! We hit the jackpot alright!" she zipped all around the place. She gingerly takes one book off the shelf. "Starlight, there's no dust!"

"What?! That preservation is that perfect?!" I was surprised and flabbergasted. They were able to preserve this room that well? I walked around trying out a book, i felt no dust indeed. It looks pristine untouched even by time. I open the book, and scrunches up. "Twilight , its written in ancient runes of the old languages." I stated as i try to translate the runic alphabet on the spot.

"Yeah i already saw" she hums as she closed the book and start levitating some to the wheelbarrow. I went to help gather, but one book made a click sound I almost drop it as one of the bookshelf start sliding to the side. Twilight stopped and watches it happened too. "A secret room within a secret room. Dash will be livid when she hears she missed out." she giggled as she goes over to the new room.

"Well as long its not booby trapped or anything." i remarked as I set the books down and goes over with her, I opened the new door. I gasped out. "A Tomb?" before us is unlit candles and a stone slab in the middle. I backed away. "Shoot!" i hope we didn't do anything disrespectful. "Maybe we should get out of here Twilight.." I look over, "Twilight?"

She seemed in kind of trance, spacing out. Staring ahead at the raised pedestal caring what look liked a card depicting a armored knight wielding a sword in a salute. "Twilight?" i called out again, but she didn't reply and just walked over as if transfixed on the card alone. I reached out but she started muttering something.

"I am thy blade. I shall be thy steel. Call upon me, unsheate me and call me forth to cut down evil. Call upon me; Saber" Twilight said out autonomously as if she just recited a ritual and something happened. My senses flared as the slab glow, sliding open, blinding light spew out. I fall back onto the ground at the sudden magical pressure coming from it. Twilight snapped from her trance and is backing away as well. By Faust, this power! As the light died, the tomb open. We could only stare as infront of us a woman sat up. Yawning out as if she just woke up from a long night sleep. She eases her joints.

A woman with strong magical power, blinked her eyes open as she look upon both of us. Her eyes zoning towards Twilight, she pushed herself off her cushioned resting place. Standing firm with an air of authority, her gaze fell firmly on Twilight. And what came from her lips a question; "Toe; anata watashi wa no master ka?"

2 - Servant awakend. The King?

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Twilight Sparkle's POV c. 3,205 AF

What is happening? I remember being transfixed by something calling out to me. Next thing I know a powerful magic surge caused me to snap out of my haze. I'm staring in bewilderment at this being, from the sound of its voice it's female. Wearing a white and blue dress that Rarity would appreciate, but what caught me off guard are her words. she spoke neighphoese? "Uh, what?" I could only uttered, slightly embarrassed by my reaction.
The being blinked as she looked at me. "Oh, pardon me. " she replied, clearing her throat. "Are thou my master?" holding her hand up "I am Saber" she bowed lightly.

I felt everything halt as my eyes bugged out. "Wh-what?! " processing what she said. "Um, what do you mean by master? And w-when you say S-saber? Did you mean the first King?" But how's that possible, the being is clearly a female from her frame and features. Saber was a king. Can a female be king? I have so many questions and so little time to process everything. Plus this 'Saber' had powerful magic, i can feel it, she radiate power and authority as equal or even greater than Princess Celestia?! I looked over to only find Starlight in the same situation, stunned into staring in silence. I can't blame her.

"Look at the back of your hands. If you find a red seal, you are indeed my master. And Yes I am called Saber, I'm glad to hear Equestria is still standing strong even with my absence." she nonchalantly explained. I hold my hands out and sure enough on the back of my right hand have an intricate 3 part symbol. Is this the seal she talking about. "Wait.. i'm your ma-master?"

With a flourished bow, the woman stood tall. "Indeed, I am your servant. Your sword. I shall protect thee henceforth as thy knight." She told me, and that did it. I can't handle this, my body shudder and i feel my vision fade, the last thing i hear was Starlight calling out my name before blissful sleep claimed me.

Saber's POV

How odd, my new master's mane looked frazzled as I watch perplexed as her eye twitched before her body stiffly falls back. The other mare catching her. "Twilight!" Oh, that's her name? Lovely name. I looked upon the other mare, must be a friend if they're inside the old castle together.

"Excuse me" I called out "Will she be alright? I hope i didn't frighten her." that caught her attention, she looked up to me. She gawked and gently shift my unconcious master.

"Yes, i'm surprised I'm not freaking out myself. Are you really Saber? The king of E-equestria? We like to apologize for out intrusion to your tomb!" she bowed. I looked over the room.

"Ah, yes it doth looked like a tomb. Doth had done nothing wrong. What is thy name? I heard her name is Twilight yes?"

"Oh yes. She's princess Twilight Sparkle. My name is Starlight Glimmer your majesty." She introduced herself nervously. I can't blame her. It's not everyday you witness something bizarre as a person waking up from a stone coffin.

"Greetings. A Princess you say? Hm, of course she is an alicorn. I should have noticed. Let's move this conversation somewhere more comfortable?" I suggests, nodding to the door. She nod in reply and carefully lift master Twilight by her arm. I walked over to help her as I guide them into the other room. I set Twilight down on a chair, dusting my hands. "Now, may I know what i missed over years I've been sleeping?" I asked as I pulled another chair and sat down.

"It's going to be a long story." She said as she sat down herself. "But let's start off with just the basic. Equestria has not seen any war for a thousand years now. Discord is reformed, sort of . He's still mischievous."

"Lil Discord is always mischievous, but what did he need to reform? He and Celestia are best friends when I ruled." I asked, getting her to winched. "Oh boy.. where do i begin" she replied "How about tell me what did he do that he needed to be reformed?"

So she told me how a thousand years ago Lil Dissy decide to try to take over the country but lost when Celestia and Luna sealed him into stone. They also had fought a tyrant sometime later that slain Amore . I was sadden when i heard my friend was killed. I would have wished i faced this coward Sombra myself. I'm glad those two pulled it off, but what she said next bothered me.

"Then after than Nightmare Moo.." she stopped, my interest piqued at her alarmed expression

"Da-re?" i asked getting her to nervously chuckle to wave me off "Don't worry about it" she tried reassuring me, my eyes only narrowed in suspicion. "How much can you tell me about my master?" I asked changing the subject for now.

Perking up she smiled "Oh, that i can tell you. She saved me from being a fool. I was angry but she pulled me out of making such a big mistake. Took me in as her pupil as I learn to better myself and make new friends. She told me she was just a unicorn just a year or two ago. I haven't asked how she ascended yet, but she mentioned something about the elements." I stiffen at the mention of them. Starswirl's project was a success? That was good news.

"Who are the bearers?" I asked

"Oh, besides Twilight? Her friends. Their names are Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity. Fluttershy and Applejack" She listed off, I nodded in appreciation. Surprise to hear the Apple line had survived this long, and the name Applejack still carried on to the generation. Hopefully this bearer is just as hardworking and diligent as her ancestor. She explain what their elements represent and what they do on the side. She doesn't know of all their adventures but I'm interested in meeting this bearers soon. Our conversation cut short when we both hear stirring.

I looked to my master watching her slowly wake up groaning."Starlight, that was a weird d-.." she start to say when her eyes focused on me. I greeted with a slight nod. Starlight gave her a strained grin. "It's not a dream isn't it?" Starlight shook her head.

"It's not master. We're simply discussing about your friends, i would like to meet them." I watched her sitting up straight.She look as if shes trying to calm down.

"Ok, yeah that's a good idea. I h-have to return anyway and and write a report to the princess. Let's head back to ponyville" she stood up dusting her skirt off. Awkwardly shuffling off towards the entrance.

Standing up to follow her, I looked over to ms Glimmer "Are thou sure she's alright?" I asked, unconvinced by their forced smiles. She sighed and followed along "Hopefully." she can only mustered in response as we continue our trek through the old castle towards the entrance. Along the way I pulled an old sword from one of the displayed armors, you can never too careful when you travel into the Everfree.

3 - Everfree Encounters

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Saber's POV. C, 3,205 A.F

As I inspect the sword I retrieved from the display armor back at the castle, we crossed an old decaying bridge. Hm, correction. An old bridge that looked like it's been recently repaired and changed, it still groan and sway under our weight but it never gives way. Sword in hand I follow my new master and her friend as I looked back forlorned at the sight of our ruined home. How many years has it been? Tia, Lulu. I hope you're both doing well.

"Master, how long ago was the founding?" I asked as we enter the old Everfree Forest. Even the forest changed, now wild and untamed, claimed once again by mother nature.

"It has been 3,205 years Saber" She answered, even surprised at her answer I noted her nervousness as she walked besides the other mare.

"San sen ni hyaku zen?!" I asked shocked "it has been that long?" she looks down muttering. "Apologies, its surprising its been over 2,000 years i've been asleep by my estimate." she stepped forward walking ahead as she kept her wits about. "Tell me, are there still timberwolves and manticores living here?"

Her master couldn't answer her as she's currently muttering to herself with an odd crazed look, repeating 'two thousand' to herself with an eye twitch. And did her mane made a springing noise? Her companion replied "Yes, they're still very notorious" she looked ahead as he held master as she guides her forward.

I perked up as I stepped forward them with my hand stretched out to stop their movement. "It's seems they found us" I said as the brush on the western side rustled as three timberwolves lumbered out growling at us. I held the old sword at ready, I was right to bring it with me. Even unused for many years, the blade's not as dull and rusty I would have thought. Before they made their move I made the first move by lunging forward with a diagonal slash, slicing one of the vanguard's paw as it tries to reel back. It howled in pain but I didn't give them a second to retaliate as I went on the offensive.

Twilight's POV

As this 'Saber' as she calls herself fend off the timberwolves. I watched on in awe, I can't seem to look away at how skilled and precise her strikes are, they look like she's wildly swinging her blade. But no, every swing meet their mark as she deliberately aimed for the wolves limbs to drive them to retreat like she know how to fight them. My eyes widen as I see wolf breaking away from the pack to try attack her from behind I shouted as my horn glow "Look out!" i send a magic blast that caught the timberwolf on its side. Which she follow up by cutting upwards slashing it and sending it flying towards a tree with its momentum. I winched as it crashed hard shattering to pieces upon impact.

Saber then raised her sword to block a lunging bite. She didn't even flinch as she held the wolf aloft as it tries to bite through the ancient iron. A magic blast whizzed by me and slammed hard against the wolf, causing it to yipe as it was thrown off from the impact. "Be careful Starlight!" I warned her as I went on the defensive keeping an eye out for more surprises.

With an appreciative nod Saber vaulted overhead the pack and with a scream she slashed the air but i felt wind getting pushed as i could clearly witness the pack was blown back by a gust of wind generated from the force of her strike. It's outstanding what she can do! With a whine and whimper I watch the remaining pack of timberwolves scamper away. We kept tense and look out. With a sigh of relief I still keep an eye out thought "We should hurry back to town before more or something else show up." I heard Starlight suggest, and I nodded in agreement "Let's go" i called out and quickly walk down the pathway still looking about. "We should check on Zecora to see if she's doing ok on the way" i suggested so we head down the path and diverging to the side until we make it to our friend's home within the forest. Nothing seem amiss outwards, which is a burden off my shoulders but I have to make sure.

With trepidation I head over to knock "Zecora? Are you alright?" I called out as I knocked as I peeked in the window to see a light from her cauldron's fire and I heard her voice so thats a relief.

"Ah Twilight my friend, do come inside. Welcome to my home" she calls out so I opened the door and walked in with the others. Zecora was in the middle of preparing another potion. She stop to look at us smiling welcomingly but when her eyes landed on Saber, her motions stopped and I saw her eyes widen. "Such power, such poise." she didn't rhyme this time. This must be serious.

Saber step forward, placing a hand on her chest to give a small bow "Greetings shaman, we hope we're not imposing." she politely said, I blinked as I saw she had slung her sword to her side using vines, she's resourceful atleast.She said nothing else and stood aside. Zecora seem to recover from her haze as she blinked and looked back at us, she quickly stoke the flames and step back from her brew. "Its seem you have quite the tale. Come sit, as the young would say put up your manes" she step towards her kitchen to start pouring us tea. I want to protest but i felt there's more pressing matters, so i accept the tea "Thank you Zecora, we're dropping by because we were jumped by a pack of Timberwolf. We were worried they come here. They seem more active." I explained to her as I took a sip and furthermore I relay the sequence of events from going into the Castle with Starlight, finding the tomb and waking the woman calling herself Saber.

She seem to contemplate what I told her while Starlight added her own details especially talking about the sword in the stone in Canterlot and why we head into the castle in the first place. Out of the corner of my vision I swore I noticed 'Saber' perked up at hearing about that. Is she tied with that legend? So many questions, one foremost is brought to my attention with a quip from Zecora. "Twilight my friend, why do you bare the mark of masters? You are magically intuned with a powerful servant, it is no laughing matter." she said, my eyes widen as I look down at the back of my hand. I completely forgotten about it, the red mark still glowing in my hand as I tried to scan it but it seems to come to nothing or something is interfering with my magic. The mark of masters? I look at Saber, I have many questions. But I know where I can get my answers from.

4 - Cold Beginnings

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Clover the Clever's POV c. 2BE

I dare not move as the wind stopped howling. Staring with wide eye at this being who effortlessly drove away the winter spirits away, The cold air doesn't feel as bad even after our meager fire was snuffed out from the power she displayed. I watched and tense as she swipe her sword aside. Wait is the sword disappearing? it's fading away as she flexes her fingers with an audible sigh as she turned to us. "Are you all alright? Do you need any help with thine companions?" she motion to our frozen leaders, whom are slowly starting to thaw from what i can see as water slowly drop from the ice.

I groaned, I knew I'm forgetting something. "No thank you, i can manage." my hands glow with magic as I slowly start melting the ice, taking time and not heat it all up at one go. My ears perked up as one of my friends seem to get up, peering I see it was Smart Cookie as she walked over to eye our savior up. By the gods, please don't antagonist her.

I heard her chuckle as I tense when she start patting the being's shoulder with her hand "You're pretty strong milady!" she laughed. "By the gods Cookie, don't bother her ladyship!" I scolded her which she had the audacity to give me a cheeky grin in return. She waved me off dismissively, I huff as I turned back to continue thawing our leaders out.

"Many thanks your ladyship. Why don't you sit with us?" she return to our campfire, I watched as she tried stoking a new flame as our previous fire was extinguished. I called out to her telling her she would need new branches. I watched as Pansy tentatively replace the old burnt wood with new sticks and broken branches. "Thanks Clover, Pansy" she smiled as she manage to flick a new fire alit with her flintstones. The soft warming glow is a welcoming sight as our savior sat down watching the cave entrance.

"Your ladyship, you can come join us" Pansy offered. She just shook her head, declining politely.

"No thank you, I'm fine. I'll watch out for anymore ice spirits." she told us as she look back, keeping a vigilant eye out. I turned back to watch as the ice block containing our leaders thaw out even more as water drip down its surface as if it's sweating. I smiled as i increase the flow of my mana, heating the block up faster. Soon I watch the block melt at accelerating rate and soon I can see the top of Commander Hurricane's helmet coming to view, the plum lay damp and wet as water drip down her face.

Sky Hurricane's POV

Spluttering as I groan, coming from unconsciousness gets you everytime. Why in spirits am I wet and cold? I look down spotting the faces of the other tribe leaders still half frozen and I look down to spot my frozen body. "Huh, so that happens" I muttered, shivering slightly as I felt the cold water run down my neck. Ugh, by the gods that's off putting. I craned my neck to look to the side to see prissy's assistant is the one thawing us out. For a horn head he isn't too bad, I arch my eyebrow as I spot a figure among them "Private!" i called out, seeing her tense up as she usually do, she sprang up saluting me. I rolled my eyes, that's Pansy for you. "You three manage to get help to drive out those damned blasted spirits?" I asked, my eyes going over to eye this stranger up. She has a posture of a soldier, tensed and ready. I should keep my eyes on her.

"Sir, yes Sir!" Pansy answered automatically. "Her ladyship drove away the maleficent spirits away with a powerful blinding attack! The spirits froze you whilst you were arguing with the other tribal leaders and was about to freeze us. But sir, she saved all our lives!" She explained, seemingly excited, and terrified which is normal. But she seems more than at awe in her tone.

Arching an eyebrow as I look at the mage thawing us out "Care to explain horn head?" I quip, she gave me an eye roll. Such audacity I tell you, but don't think I'm not grateful you're freeing us though.

"Her ladyship slew the spirit beasts with ease. You won't believe me if I tell you, her attack? It took them all down in one swoop, I can't say it's a spell but it's very powerful " she lean closer to seem to whisper "Please don't antagonize her, trust me. She's powerful, and i do mean it. She drawf Starswirl in terms of magical power and I don't think she's an Esper" she told me. I arched an eyebrow but her serious tone and expression doesn't convey any deception. I look back at our strange savior and I can believe her, She has the posture of a warrior, I'm now curious. Turning back as I saw the others starting to thaw out same as me. That silly loon Puddinghead was out like a light, even snoring. Ugh! I winched as he sprayed water from his wet mane unto the prissy princess' face. Oh joy she's awake now.

"Waaa-haa-haa!" She shrieked as she sputtered and shook her mane as she frantically look around "What, where? we can't move! Hark, is doth fault of yours ruffian?!" she demanded at me, I scoffed at her with a glare.

"Quiet you. We're all stuck together for a few more minutes, your advisor is freeing us now and for your information its not my fault those things came and freeze all of us!" I glared lightning at her and she had the audacity to gasp and glared back.

"Excuse me?! if it's anything it's your foolish brashness got us into this predicticment with those winter monsters! They cause blizzards, like thou tribe!" that did it, I snarled and lay it onto her verbally. I can't wait for my hands to be free so I wring this wench's neck!

Puddinghead's POV

Hi, Puddinghead here. I've been awake for awhile now, and zowwee! They're at it, I won't repeat what's being said between these two silly heads. I have a new person to greet and thank. "Hiya! Cookie, I'm fine! Thank you strange strong lady for the rescue. Name's Pudding Pie, head chancellor. You can call me Puddinghead. Cause, get it. I'm 'Head' chancellor!" I chortled at my own joke. Cookie groaned as usual. Well excuse you, I think I'm funny, where was I? Oh right "Nice to meet you!"

She nodded in response "Greetings Sir Pie." If my arm was free I would have waved her off.

"Psh, it's nothing. Don't call me Sir Pie, that's my father's father. And I don't I'm that old. Am I? Cookie, is my mane greying?!" I asked frantically as I look up to my mane.

Sighing she responded "Your mane's fine, just wet is all. We'll have you out of there Pudding, don't you worry." she gives me a reassuring smile. Whew, arrow dodged. Let me tell you I ain't ready to be an old timer yet. No sirree, I'm too young to be called grandpa Pie.

Anywho. These two are still bickering, jeeze you think they just get it over with and smooch or something. I shrugged. "Eh, I leave courting between their descendants." I giggled getting me odd looks from Cookie and that pegasus private. Hmm, something to talk about later. We'll be free soon it seems. Hurray I can feel my arms again, gosh I'm wet all over. Oh well, I'll be dry the next time you'll see us again. Till next time~