> Assassin's Creed: Dawns Rising > by Arceaion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Edited on 08/18/2018 ------------------------------- It all started with the Animus, a device built by the Templar Order though you know them better as Abstergo Industries. The device allows us to step into our ancestors and live there lives and through it I learned the truth of who my ancestors were, of my heritage, and of a secret war that my family has been apart of for over a millennia beginning during the Third Crusade. It began with Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad the greatest leader of our Brotherhood and my ancestor direct by blood. Once I learned of my ancestry I used his life to train then I moved on and trained with his son and so forth, I watched the Brotherhood fall and disappear deeper into the shadows and then I became Ezio Auditore da Firenze the Assassin that restored our order. Several weeks later the Brotherhood contacted me and I became the leader taking the mantel of my ancestors as Mentor and Keeper of the Orders Secrets. The first thing I did was retrieve the Apples of Eden that Altaïr and Ezio had hidden for if they fell into Templar hands then this was would end with our death. After that I sent the Assassins across the world to battle and fight, but it wasn't enough. We lost the war and the Brotherhood of the Assassins was destroyed... well almost. I'm still alive, I still possess the Apples and as long as I stand then so to does the Assassins! I have donned the black robes and weapons of Ezio Auditore and now I fight to save not only the world but our order as well and through the Apple I know how. the Apples has reviled to me a location and date that I believe will be our salvation. It's at a video game convention called PAX. I guess that is a good thing since I'll be able to wear my robes and bring the Apples. But the Templar's will be there and if I fail then not only will my Order die but so to shall the world. I am Orion the Last of the Brotherhood. I am its Leader, with over eight centuries of experience and I will protect Earth and save this Brotherhood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I walk into the convention center were Pax was being held and sigh, I really didn't want to be here. For most people going to one of the greatest video game conventions in the world would be a dream come true but for me it wasn't. I wasn't here for pleasantries I was here because of Altaïrs Apple. It had given me a vision of a location that was here. I sighed again and walk into the crowd. As I walk people complement me on my fine attention to detail for my robes. Fools, if only they knew that these were the genuine articles and not some stupid fake. Security didn't even bother to check if my weapons were real they just waved me through. Despite my best efforts I spot the booth with the new Assassin's Creed 'game'. I stand and watch for a moment before moving on. Quickly I glance around and spy no guards as I pull out Altaïrs Apple and activate it, I'm not far from the objective location. Suddenly I hear a yell and turn to see five men running at me, one of them I recognize. Samuel O'Kellen, current leader of the Templar Order and murder of over half of the Assassin's Brotherhood. While I could fight him there were too many people around so I took the second option and ran. Before I could disappear into the crowd a shot rang out and a pain flared in my chest. 'The bastard actually shot me!' I thought as I keep running dodging from left to right to try and make me harder to hit. More shots rang out and I gasped, stumbling but not falling I managed to lose my pursuers in the crowed and double back. I walked for quit a while before reaching the objective location and spying a man dressed as the Merchant from Resident Evil. "You gotta be shitting me!" I mutter and slowly approach him. "Your late." He said as I approached. "I-I don't believe it, the stories are true." I say and chuckle. "So the Apple brought me to you. No need to play coy with me Merchant I know who you are. Unfortunately I didn't come dressed as anyone and all my gear is real." The Merchant smiled and pulled from behind his stand Ezios Yatagan Sword. "Here is your ticket, 50 dollars." "I know I am in no position to debate upon when I will end up but could you at least tell me what season or at least something, please?" I ask before a coughing up blood. The Merchant looks over my form quickly. "Originally I was going to send you back before Nightmare Moon, thought it would be interesting to see what would happen. But in your condition I think I'll send you 20 years before Twilight Velvet and Nightlight have any children, well... on one condition. Properly trained their children could make a fine assassins." I laughed. "You get your entertainment and I get to live as well as at least four new Assassins." I reach into my robes and pull out my wallet but instead of opening it I simply hand it to him. "I've read the stories, I know I wont be back and everything in there will be worthless to me so take it." The Merchant looks shocked and opens it finding a it held more than fifty dollars and smiled. "Good luck." He said and held out the sword. I smiled and reached out for the blade but just as I could grab it a bullet ripped through my chest. I gasp for breath and grab the sword, a white light surrounds me and I vanish. The Merchant smiles. "You failed Templars." he said before he snaps his fingers and both he and the shop disappearing > Chapter 1 - Arrival and Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited on 08/20/2018 Pain is a wonderful thing isn't it? It lets us know that we are alive and keeps us humble. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I was in a large room laying in a bed with what felt like silk sheets covering me... wait, WHAT! I quickly moved the sheets away to find that I was only in my undergarments. I quickly looked around and found my robes, sword, other equipment, as well as the Apples laying neatly on a desk in the corner. I grunting in pain as I slowly got up and examined myself. There were bandages wrapped around my torso and chest as well as my left arm. "Great this will take a while to heal and I don't have time to wait." I sighed and slowly walked over to my robes and carefully put them on as not to reopen the wounds. Once my robes were on I approached the door and opened only to come face to face with a guard. "So your finally awake." The guard said. "Come with me Lord Nightlight and Lady Velvet will wish to speak with you." The guard turned and began to walk down the corridor. I hesitated a moment before following him. As we walked I examined my surroundings and after finding nothing of interest I studied the guard. The first thing that I noted was that the guard was an anthropomorphic version of an Earth Pony, this meant that I was in a anthro version of Equestria. This was good as it meant that I would have an easier time blending in and a much easier time training those in this world. the next thing of note was that the guards armor was not gold like that of the Royal Guard but was instead a deep purple. I didn't know much about the Sparkle Noble House but I'm guessing that this guy is more likely private security and by the way he acted and moved I'm also guessing that he is either trained better than the Royal Guard or he had seen in action by the way he moved and was watching all his surroundings. Before I could continue my study of him he stopped and turned knocking on a side door. "Enter." A muffled reply came and the guard opened the door and entered gesturing for me to follow. "Forgive the interruption Lord Nightlight, Lady Velvet. Your guest is awake and up. I brought him to see you as per your request." "Thank you Iron Shield. You may leave us and our Guest." A women who I assumed to be Lady Velvet said. The guard bowed and left closing the door behind him. "Well let's get introductions out of the way," A stallion said as he rose from his chair and approached me. "as I'm sure you know I am Lord Nightlight and this is my wife Lady Twilight Velvet. Now would you care to introduce yourself and tell us what you are?" "My name is Orion Hawk, I am what is known as a Human and I thank you for saving my life." I replied. "Now I assume you have many questions for me so please ask and I will do my best to answer." Lord Nightlight nodded and gestured over to a chair as he and Lady Velvet took a seat on a sofa. "So let's get the Minotaur out of the closet. How were you injured?" I chuckled and began to explain more in depth who and what I was. "As I said my name is Orion Hawk, what you must under stand is that I am not from your world." I quickly held up my hand to forestall the questions. "Please don't interrupt me I promise that if you only listen then all will be explained." The two nobles looked at each other before returning to me nodded. I smiled and continued. "I'm from another dimension, one I don't plan to return to for reasons I will soon explain. You see I am men... well now former mentor of an organization with the sole purpose of protecting our species. We have, for millennia, protected the rights of our people and their free wills, we are known as the Brotherhood of Assassins. The ones who we battle are known as the Templar Order, who's ultimate goal is to unify the entire world under their rule, robbing everyone of their free will. While we both strive for peace it is our methods that vary and determine who we are." "For over the past millennia we have been locked in a secret war with we Assassins trying to prevent the Templars in succeeding while also protecting ancient artifacts known as the Pieces of Eden. These artifacts are similar to magic but are actually technology, unfortunately we lost this war. While I still am in possession of the Pieces of Eden the Brotherhood was destroyed and I am the soul survivor. In a desperate attempted to save the brotherhood I used one of Pieces of Eden known as an Apple. It gave me the location of which I was able to enter your dimension but the Templars were there and I was mortally injured but was still able to escape, after that I have no knowledge as to what happened. The next thing I know I am in a bed, my wounds treated." As I finished my explanation the two nobles sat there thinking. "You said that you were an Assassin does this mean you are a hired killer?” Lady Velvet asked. I looked at her for am moment before laughing. “We are not that kind of assassin. We would never harm an innocent, ever.” “But you have killed before, correct?” Lord Nightlight asked seriously. I sighed. “Yes, I have taken life before, the lives of murders, war mongers, death dealers and slavers. I will be honest I do hold some knowledge of your world, I am surprised that you are taking this news as well as you are.” I replied. “Do not misinterpret our peaceful ways as ignorance of war. We too have had troubles obtaining the peace you see here.” Nightlight said calmly. "But yes this is a lot to take in. However you mentioned that you hold knowledge about this world, how much do you know of it?" I thought for a moment about how to respond, should I tell them or not? Perhaps they should decide for themselves. "The knowledge I possess is not exactly relevant yet. To put it simply my old world had an the ability to see into this and many other world however the knowledge I have from seeing this world is in fact twenty six years in the future and it follows your children. I fear that divulging this information will be dangerous. However you have been nothing but kind and understanding with my so if you truly wish to know then I will tell you at least some of what's to come but I would like something in exchange." Nightlight and Velvet look at each other for a moment before Nightlight turns to me. "What is it you want in exchange for this information?" I smile. "The brotherhood was destroyed in my old world but I wish to rebuild it and you need only to look at your fellow nobles to understand that there is great risk to the freedom and rights of the people as a whole. In exchange for this information I want you, your family and any who you see as potential allies to be trained and join the Brotherhood of the Assassins." "If that is all then we accept your terms. We were already going to ask to join your order. It is a just and noble cause and something we believe is needed in this world." I nodded and began to tell them of there children and the adventures, by the time we were done night had fallen. "Thank you for your honesty it this matter it is quit a surprise what our children will do." Lady Velvet said with a smile. "You must remember that you can not intervene in what is to come, I've placed a great amount of faith in you by telling you all this." I said. "We won't get involved however I do have a question, will you train our children in your ways as well?" Velvet asked. I nodded. "Yes I plan to, they are vary powerful and I believe that it will make them even stronger and it will also prepare them for whats to come in their future. However it will not be easy to train your daughter, your son will be the Captain of the Royal Guard but your daughter will be the Princess's personal apprentice." "Could we wait a few years before she takes the entrance exam and have you train her?" Nightlight asked. I shook my head. "Unless the timeline is altered prior to that day I would dare not tamper with it myself. I will train her from the beginning but it is the Rainboom that startles her and causes the surge that not only gives her her cutie mark but allows her to become the Princess's apprentice and I don't know if she will be able to use the Elements if only I train her. It's possible but it will be far safer if we follow the time line I told you about." "We have twenty years to plan, when the time comes we will be ready and the Assassins will be there to help her if we fail." Velvet said smiling. "Speaking of the Assassins when will we begin training?" Nightlight asked. "It will take us some time to get in contact with some of those we feel would be capable Assassins and able to keep this a secret and then get together, so at least a week two at most." "Then we will start in two weeks." I replied. "The sooner we can start the sooner we will be able to make a difference. > Chapter 2 - Days of preparation and Nights on the Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited on 9/1/2018 I sighed as I leaned back into my seat. I was in the Iron well, a hole in the wall tavern that I had been told was frequented by many promising assassins by one of my new contacts. I had spent the first week walking around Canterlot, exploring and familiarizing myself with the area. However what I found was more disturbing than I originally thought. The first three days I decided to investigate the nobles and found that most nobles were involved in either illegal business or one of the many criminal syndicates in the city, sometimes both at the same time. On the fourth and fifth day I established contact with the few thieves guilds around the city and by the end of the sixth all the Guilds had united under the banner of the Brotherhood and were under my control. By the end of the first week I had done more work than I had expected and gotten a foundation for the restored Brotherhood to work with on information gathering and a way too keep tabs on the syndicates and gangs in Canterlot. Through the Animus I had learned to rebuild the Brotherhood and how to teach teach my new assassins what they would need to survive but it was exhausting work both physically and emotionally. I was depressed and more than a little emotionally drained and so I had asked one of the men in charge of a guild for a good tavern or bar to find worthy members. Surprisingly I learned that there were many Hole in the Wall taverns that sold some actual alcohol and that these were the location frequented by many who could have the potential I sought and so here I was sitting in an isolated corner of a little tavern with about thirty or so patrons and seeing many potentials. Suddenly the door burst open and almost everyone turned and drew a blade preparing for a battalion of royal guard to enter, instead it was only a group of ten. They wore full sets of shining white armor had sneers that immediately told me that they were nobles. "Well, well, well looks like the rabble have grown a backbone. You little shits think you can raise your blades to me!?" The one at the head screamed. Yep there nobles and by the looks of it there here to cause trouble. "Normally I would just kill you all but I just so happen to be looking for someone so if you could tell me where the stallion known as Bloodmoon is then I'll let you pieces of shit live." "What's yer business with me?" Asked a drunk Unicorn with a blood red mane and pitch black fur from the bar. Almost instantly the group of patrons parted and made room for the drunk Unicorn, I silently rose and jumped to the rafters using the support beams to get above the room for a better view with out being seen. The Unicorn was odd to the room and I had been keeping an eye on him the entire night. From what I had gathered Bloodmoon was a Unicorn born into a militant family with the status of a Minor Noble. He was well known for both his skill and unique technique that allowed him to channel Earth Pony magic. However after the death of his brother and father who were in the same unit as him, he 'left' the military. In my opinion a forced discharge isn't a 'left by choice' decision. "Oh nothing, I just decided to kill an insect. You've been a vary bad boy digging up all kinds of dirty little secrets about your betters and selling them off to the highest bidder. A mutual acquaintance of ours has seen fit to request me to solve the problem." The noble sneered. "Rip him to pieces!" The guards charged forward and the fight started. Bloodmoon simply stood there waiting for them to approach, when they had cleared a little over half of the distance Bloodmoon charged and slammed his fist into the lead guards helmet shattering it, he then grabbed the next guard and spun him around slamming him in to the guards on his left. A Unicorn charged their horn and fired of a spell knocking him back when he landed his head hit the bar. The ones the he had knocked down quickly got to there feet and began to beat the downed stallion as there leader approached. "Filthy animal, you are a thorn in my mothers side and so I shall end you." He said as he drew his sword and swung down intent to plunge the blade into Bloodmoons chest. Only for a loud crack to sound across the tavern and the sword to shatter as if it were ice being hit with a sledge hammer. A black robed figure jumped from the rafters as he landed on two of the guards there cries were cut short as their throats were ripped out by two concealed blades strapped to his wrists. The figure turned to the leader the hood of his robes concealing his face. "Call of your men and leave this place this is your only warning." The man said as he looked into Flares eyes the light revealing his, they were the eyes of a wolf, Arctic blue and in them was nothing. It was as if the man had no emotion at all. "Insolent piece of shit do you have any idea who I am!? I am Flare Ruby the son of Duchess Ruby! Learn your place filth!" The leader screamed as he drew another sword and swung it at the man only for the man to raise his arm and block the blade "If I am filth then you must be garbage." The man said in a monotone. "Garbage!? Who do you think your talking to? Have you lost your mind!?" Flare Ruby asked with a scoff. "No your even less than garbage, you're just scum. And that costume you look like some sort of sad carnival reject." The man said as he took a step forward the sound echoing in the quiet room. "Just look at you traipsing around pretending to be a guard, have you know shame? I thought scum could at least feel shame." "I think it's time for you to die." Flare said as he looked at the other guards. The guards looked to each other and then laughed before charging at me. I sighed and drew my sword as well standing and waiting for them to come to me. The first guard swung hoping to strike my legs but I jumped over the swing and unsheathe the hidden blade on my left hand plunged the blade into his face killing him as I turned and parried the blade of the next guard who had tried to strike me down from behind. "That's four down." The next came at me screaming as I pulled my crossbow from my back and quickly placed a bolt in his and two others heads. "That's seven down the remaining two guards slowly circled me as Bloodmoon got back up. "You idiots kill him already!" Flare screamed. "Think you can take that guard?" I asked Bloodmoon. "I d'know, they kinda caught me at a bad time but I'll give it one hell of a shot." He replied with a smile. "Good then I'll take this one and the bastered." I said as I turned back to the guard and Flare. "Let's do this!" Bloodmoon screamed and charged the guard as I charged the other. Bloodmoon grabbed the guards arm and threw him into to the air as he came down he slammed his fist into the guards back with and audible snap. As this happened I approached the guard swung and I parried it before striking the guard who barely dodged the two of us exchanged blows till I grew tired of this farce and decided to ended it, I ducked under the guards next strike and rose faster than the eye could see and slit his throat. "Dam son of a bitch didn't stay around!" Blood exclaimed as he looked around for Flare Ruby. The door suddenly burst open and Flare stumbled in before collapsing on the ground and a man from the thieves guild walked in nodding to me. I nodded back as he turned and shut the door. "Anyone got some rope to tie this bastered up with and a back room I cam borrow?" "Ropes in the back room, I charge per hour of use." The bar tender said. I nodded and looked to Bloodmoon. "you want to do the honors or should I?" Bloodmoon smiled and grabbed the noble. "What you waiting for? Lets go." I smiled as I turned and walked toward the back room, Bloodmoon dragged the noble behind by the leg. As we entered Bloodmoon threw the noble into a chair and quickly tied him up before turning to me. "Thanks for the save back there, Names Bloodmoon Van Hellsing." He said and raised his hand. "Orion Hawk." I replied as I shook his hand. "And the pleasure is mine. I actually came here looking for men like you." "What you looking to kill me or are you one of those crime bosses looking to hire me for a job or join your gang?" Bloodmoon asked. "I'm here to recruit you to my organization but not to commit crime. I want you to help me protect the people from those who would seek to enslave them." I stated "What, you mean to tell me your looking for people to stop the nobles?" Bloodmoon asked surprised. "Not just the nobles, anyone who would dare to trod upon the freedom of others and seek to destroy the peace." I reply "Brother if you ever need me then all you gotta do is ask." Bloodmoon smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder. "If that's the case then go to Lord Nightlight and Lady Velvet, tell them that I sent you and to fill you in on whats going on and who I am." "And what about you and this little piss?" He asked as he pointed to the still unconscious Flare. "Oh don't worry, I'll deal with him." I said smiling. "But there is a lot to explain and it would be bad for you to get involved further as it sounds this Duchess Ruby will be a problem one I would prefer to get as much information on before challenging her." Bloodmoon nodded before turning to the door. "Ya probably for the best. If she was to find out that I even touched her son I'd be dead in less than an hour, see ya back at the Sparkle residents." with that Bloodmoon turned and walked out the door. I smiled and turn to the young stallion who was just starting to wake up. The moment he saw me he screamed like a little gi-filly. Damn it's gonna be hard to remember this stuff, oh well a problem for future me. Right now I have a job to do. "Hello Mr. Ruby, you and I have much to discuss." > Chapter 3 - Rise of the Brotherhood of Assassins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was not in a good mood. After almost a full two hours in the room Flare Ruby and what I had learned made my blood boil. After an hour I grew tired of using the conventional methods and instead used the Apple of Eden. I spent the rest of the time making his death as slow and painful as possible, after having the little brat dumped outside the Mansion of Duchess Ruby I headed back to the sparkle residents to discuss my findings. "Orion Hawk, a moment please." A voice called. I turned to find Captain Iron Shield approaching. "Captain Shield, it's good to see you, come I have something urgent to speak to Nightlight and Velvet about and I would like you to be there." As Captain Shied began to lead me down the halls he slowly cleared his throat. "I uh, I talked to Sir Bloodmoon earler, what you did for him..." The Captain sighed. "Thanks for what you did, Bloodmoon and I knew each other in training. He's a good man and I have no doubt that he will return the favor someday." I nodded as we approached the door to the siting room and Captain Shield knocked. "Forgive the interruption Lord Nightlight, Lady Velvet. Orion Hawk is here with urgent business." "You may enter Captain." the voice of Nightlight came from behind the door. Iron Shield opened the door and we entered. "It's good to see you this evening Orion." Velvet said as Nightlight and Bloodmoon waved. "So your an Assassin." Bloodmoon stated. "Gotta admit with how you dealt with those bastards I'm honestly not surprised and this Creed that these two spoke of, well I honestly am impressed. Though I didn't expect you to be from another dimension. that one caught me off guard." Iron and I laughed at that as I took a seat and Iron stood by the door. "Well, I'm glad you are fitting in so well Bloodmoon. Unfortunately I have some bad news and information on your attacker." As I said this the smiles from Nightlight and Velvet disappeared and were replaced with seriousness and Bloodmoon leaned forward. "Her name is Duchess Shining Ruby." "Shining Ruby," Velvet muttered. "I know her but only by reputation. A raciest and Extremist, She believes that Pegasus are the superior race, refusing to bow even to the Alicorns. She is a cruel and uncaring pony she believes that anything that is not of her blood is a stain upon this planet. If she is involved then I have no doubt that this is vary serious." I sighed "That about matches up what I've learned. Duchess Shining Ruby, she leads several Terrorist organizations though no proof has ever been found. She is also the leader of one of the largest Criminal Organizations in the world, she is also one extremely paranoid Pegasus. As I just stated she is a Pegasus, she has a red coat with an orange mane and tail and blue eyes. Her cutie mark is that of a quill and a ruby. She has lead several campaigns and attempted to commit mass genocide on the Unicorn, Earth Pony, Griffon and Minotaur races. She is the equivalent to one of the greatest villains from my home world, a man named Hitler and he was responsible for over three million people being killed. I fear that if this Duchess Ruby is permitted to live then the same will happen here." As I finished speaking the others in the room were left shocked. "Nightlight is there anyway you can get your acquaintances here tomorrow? With the recent discovery of this information I would like to move as quickly as possible." "I can arrange it, most of the Ponies I intend for you to meet are vary interested in meeting you. For them to meet on such short notice will be an inconvenient to them but they would certainly not miss the opportunity." Nightlight replied. "Uh, before we get this all started, what happened to that kid? He said he was her son and if you left him then he's going to return to that women and then our chance to stop'er will be over before it begins." Bloodmoon asked. "I think you know what I did." I replied with a sigh. "Orion, I would hope that you gave him a choice." Velvet said. "No I didn't. After an hour I was tired of using the conventional methods and instead used the Apple of Eden. The Apple allowed me to see into his memories and life, what I found made him almost as bad as his mother. He was probably the most sadistic bastered I've ever had the displeasure to meet, so to prevent him from continuing what he enjoyed I killed the bastard." I replayed as I rose and walked toward the door. "I want you all to know I don't kill the innocent, no Assassin of the brotherhood ever would and to do so make one life forfeit." With that I turned and headed for my room. 'what a mess I've gotten into.' I thought as I collapsed onto the bed. Duchess Shining Ruby was not a happy mare, then again finding that her son dead on her door step would do that. While she had never loved her son, he was still a pawn. A knock at the door caused her to turn and smile. "Enter." She said as a thestral with a black coat and brown mane, with lime green slit eyes The thestral had a cutie-mark two crossed glaives over a peace symbol. and he bowed as he entered the room. "Greeting Duchess Ruby how might I be of service?" He asked. "Silent Bastion, I have a job for you. Someone has killed my son and I want to know who." Shining Ruby said. "You have my condolences Duchess Ruby, will that be all?" Silent Bastion asked. "Don't be, he was a simple pawn but the one who killed him must pay, he may have been a pawn but he was my pawn! I wanted to kill him personally!" Shining Ruby ranted as Silent Bastion shivered though weather it was disgust or fear was another matter. "If that will be all then I will take my leave to do as you have asked." Silent Bastion said as he rose and turned toword the door. "That's not all Silent Bastion." Shining Ruby said as she turned and faced Silent Bastion. "Who is the most skilled mecinary that you know?" "Iron Shield, Minotaur mercenary that lives on the edge of the Everfree Forest." Silent Bastion said. "Though I would not recommend him he doesn't work for nobles." Shining Ruby smiled. "Bring him to me. He will kill this man and bring me his head and if he doesn't then he dies." Silent Bastion nodded and left the room. "This will be interesting." He muttered as he walked out of the manor and down the street toward his home. As he walked he failed to notice that he was being followed. ------------ The next day ------------ I groaned and stretched as I woke up. 'I really need to start getting some actual sleep' I thought before I remembered what was today. "Oh god, It's orientation day!" I exclaimed. I quickly got up and walked over to the desk grabbing my blades and fastening them to my forearm. I then grabbed my swords, crossbow and sheath them in there proper place while placing the crossbow on my back and stepped out the door and walking toward the dinning hall. After quickly eating I walked to the sitting room and found Captain Shield sitting by the window looking out. "Good morning Iron." I said as I approached. "Morning Orion, I wanted to speak with you about something." Iron said. "Oh, What is it?" I asked. "Those concealed blades, where did you get them?" Iron asked. "I made them but I'll have to find someone who we can trust to build some more." I replied. "While I do intend for all members to craft there own they will need one to train with and until they are worthy to learn how. In the ancient days of the Brotherhood every Assassin crafted their own custom concealed blade following the traditional form but it's a sort of a right of passage stating you are no longer a apprentice but a fully trained Assassin." "I know a smith that we could talk to. His name is Coal Damascus, he's been making custom weapons for the Royal Guard for a long time and he's perhaps the best blacksmith in Canterlot." Iron said with a smile. "While I would prefer a professional, I don't know if that is a good idea." I hesitantly said. "If your concerned that he'll tell others then don't worry. Damascus has a one hundred percent customer confidentiality policy. He wont even tell the Princess about his customers." "Alright, tomorrow we'll go see this blacksmith and if I approve of him then we will hire him." A knock at the door signaled that someone was there. "Enter." I said as Nightlight entered. "Nightlight, you don't have to knock. This is your house after all." Nightlight just shrugged and smiled. "Well I figured I should give you some respect after today you'll our Mentor." I gave a week chuckle at that. "It's been a long time since I've been called that. I really hope I'm still up to it." A guard walked in and bowed. "Sir, the guests have arrived." Nightlight nodded. "Send them in and inform my wife and Sir Bloodmoon that we will be starting soon." "we're right here." Nighty Velvet said as she slipped past the guard and planted a kiss on Nightlights cheek before sitting down on the sofa while Bloodmoon walked over to a corner and leaned against the wall. The guard bowed and left. Nightlight took the spot next to his wife as I went and sat in a chair at the front of the room. A moment later ponies began to enter the room and fill the other seats around the room. once everyone had gotten situated Nightlight rose. "Thank you all for coming and I'm glad you all could make it." "From what you've told us about this guest of yours as well as the organization that he plans to restore here we would be fools to not." A pony with a white coat and flowing golden mane said as he examined me. "It is a pleasure to meet you all." I said as I rose and looked to Nightlight who nodded and sat down. "Now I believe you all know each other but I feel that introductions should still be done and I would like to know a little about you. I also wish to know why you seek to join the Brotherhood. I'll start us of if you wish." "I think it best if you save your introduction for last." Bloodmoon said as he walked to the group. "I'll start. Greetings my names Bloodmoon, I'm a unicorn born into minor nobility. I'm here because he saved my ass last night from being six feet under." He said as he pointed at me. "I wish to join the Brotherhood of Assassins because I feel this is my chance of redemption, a second chance to protect the people from what I lost." As he finished A mare with a dark gray coat and dark brown almost black main and tail stood up. "My name is Octavia Melody. I'm a cello player and I see the brotherhood as a chance to change the way Equestria is run but that's not the only reason." Octavia turned to me before continuing. "If you wish to know more then I will tell you in private." I nodded and she took a seat. The next to rise was Blueblood. "I am Prince Blueblood the Duke of Canterlot. As a result I have a large amount of political power here in Canterlot. Despite the way I act in public I'm actually not a snob or one of those moronic nobles. Unfortunately I have to act that way to get any where with those fools and that's the very reason I want to join the Brotherhood of Assassins. I will aid you by keeping you informed in the nobles political affairs and assist in the removal of the more troublesome nobles. If we can remove there influence and allow the people to gain more rights then you will have my aid." As Blueblood sat down a Stallion in a suit with a monocle rose as did the mare next to him. The mare had a white coat with a pink mane that reached to her waist. "My name is Fancy Pants and this is my wife Fleur de Lis. I am a decedent of one of the Original Five Noble Houses that assisted in the creation of Equestria." Fancy pants said. "I am a model though I was originally trained as a Special Operations Agent for Celestia's Secret Police. I'm retired now but I've stayed in contact with some of my former pupils." Fleur said with a smile. "The reason why I and my husband wish to join the Brotherhood of Assassins is because we wish to protect the innocent from the corrupt nobility." As the two sat down I rose and cleared my throat. "Well looks like it's my turn. Greetings my name is Orion Hawk. I am the leader of an organization that for millennia has dedicated itself to protecting the rights and free wills of people, we are known as the Brotherhood of Assassins. Recently the Brotherhood was destroyed and I escaped to your world. I plan to rebuild the Brotherhood and that is why you are here I have asked Lord Nightlight and Lady Velvet to gather those they believed were sympathetic to our cause, able to aid us and also able to keep a secret even from your Princess, Celestia. That is why you have been brought here today. For those of you who wish to join remain but for those of you who wish to walk out then this is your last chance, once you choose this life you may never leave it. It will follow not only you but your decedents, forever, knowing this do you wish to follow this path?" When no one left I smiles. "Very well there are three tenets of the Brotherhood of Assassins. The first, Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent. The second, Hide in plain sight, be one with the crowd. Let them mask you. And the third, Never compromise the brotherhood, by actions either direct or indirect. We as Assassins live by a creed and as you are now Assassins you to must strive to live by it, listen and remember. Nothing is true, Everything is permitted." "What does it mean?" Fancy Pants asked intrigued. "To say that nothing is true, is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects of our actions and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic. I welcome you as Brothers and Sisters to our order, we work in the shadows to protect the light, we are assassins." > Chapter 4 - An Assassins Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please see authors notes at the end "This is not what I expected" I said as I stood outside the forge of Coal Damascus. "Ya, most people say that but he's legit." Iron Shield said with a laugh. I flipped my hood up. "If this is some joke then it's not amusing." I said as I entered the shop sighed on the left was a wall with every weapon you could think of on it while on the right was a florist shop and garden. "Of course, well everyone needs a hobby I suppose." Hand meet face, face meet hand. Well acquainted? Good because it's going to be one of those days. Iron walked up to the counter and rang the bell. "Just a minute." a gruff voice yelled from the garden. quickly a dragon with brown scales walked in and smiled. "Iron Shield, been a long time you decided to visit me in person. So, what can I do for you old friend?" "Who are you calling old florist? Still haven't found a more manly hobby?" Iron replied with a smile. "One feeds the pocket the other feeds the soul." The dragon replied. "I see you brought some one new, so who's this here?" "Orion Hawk, I'm looking for a blacksmith." I said as I stretched my hand out. "Well you came to the right place. My name's Coal Damascus I'm a blacksmith and florist though the latter is more of just a hobby. So what you need?" "I've been told that you have a hundred percent customer confidentiality policy, unfortunately I have a target that often comes here for repairs on his equipment. I need him found and the Princess will see you properly compensated." I sad calmly as I walked over to the wall of weapons. "And lose my customers trust! NEVER!" Damascus yelled in anger as he approached me. "Now you listen and you listen good. I don't care if your the princess herself, I will not break my promise to my customers! I guarantee my customers a one hundred percent customer confidentiality policy, one that I plan to keep even if I die keeping it." "Good. Looks like you were right Iron, we can trust him." I smiled and pulled down my hood. "I'm sorry for that but I had to test and see if you really were as loyal as Iron said." "So that was a test? Iron what are you roping me into this time?" Damascus asked curiusly. "Oh nothing, just a little plan to kill the corrupt nobles." Irion said with a smile. ~~~~~ Later ~~~~~ 'Well we now have a blacksmith and a quight skilled one.' I thought as we walked down the road. "Where to next?" Iron asked. "Next stop on our to do list is a quick stop by the Thives Guild Hedquarters after that we'll be heading back to the house to prepair for tonights ." I said as we walked down the street. "What's your take on our recruts?" "Lady Velvet and Lord Nightlight are skilled in magic and Lord Nightlight is a shiilled swordsman. I heard that Fancy Pants was once a shilled swordsman as well but age has slowed him down quight a bit. Fleur de Lis, I honestly couldnt say. If even half of the rumors about Celestia's Secret Police are true then she will become a master assassin an but a few hours. Prince Blueblood is isn't a fighter, but he is a master at manipulation so atleast thats something. And the last was Octavia Mellody correct? I nodded. "Well, she's a member of one of the oldest houses of Equestria. There are rumors that her family has some weird magic but they've never been proven." "Hmm... interesting." I said as we entered a inn. I quickly went and spoke with the manager and found the Guild was doing well. As I left I wasn't paying attention and someone slammed into me.I quickly regained my bearings and looked at the person I'd run into. "Holy shit." I muttered as I looked down at the Doctor from Doctor who and behind him was Derpy. 'Time Turner, this will prove difficult.' From what I remembered there were two versions of Time Turner. There was the version where he is the Doctor and the version where he an eccentric scientist, however both versions had an interesting quirk. He had knowledge that is similar to forth wall breaking, if anyone was to know who I am it would be Time Turner. "Oh, sorry I wasn't looking where I was go- I know you..." Time Turner trailed off. "I believe you have me confused with someone else, however I've heard of you, Time Turner. From what I've heard you are a skilled inventor." "Why yes, I am." Time Turner said surprised. "Um, excuse me I need to deliver this package." Derpy said as she slipped passed us. "It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of you both." I said as I walked past them. Once we were out of ear shot I turned to Iron. "Keep an eye on Time Turner. He is a skilled inventor. Long ago a man from my world by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci aided the Brotherhood. Many people considered him a mad man but he was perhaps the greatest inventor to ever live." And you believe Time Turner to have such potential?" Iron asked. "Yes." I reply and turn to him. "I also want you to keep an eye on that young delivery mare, she is has great potential and I think if given the chance she could become a skilled assassin." "I'll send some of our agents to monitor them." Iron said. I nodded and continued toward the manor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ That Evening ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I smiled as I stood before my group of trainies, we were in a room in the the lower levals of the manor. The room had once been a armory and ground but had fallen into disrepair do to it nolonger being used. "Welcome to your first day of ." I said as I approached them. "Now first things first, Lets get this room in order, I want this room to be set to my specifications. Now a few rules. I do not want you to use any magic unless I say so. This is a test of your strength as well as skill in following orders. Once this is done I have a gift for you all." The group nodded and I began to instructed them in how to organize the room. After several hours the room was completed. Well done. Velvet, Nightlight, Fleur and Bloodmoon, you have exilent physical fitness. Lord Pants, you have exelent physical abilaties for a stallion your age. As for you Prince Blueblood, I will tell you what a friend once said to me, you have a large frame with very few miles on it and quite a few doughnuts." “I’m not fat!” protested Blueblood, as he made quite a noticeable effort sucking in his gut. "Listen all of you, I don't care what your physical strength is, once I'm done you will become one of the most fit ponies in this world. I also don't what your stature or leval of athority is, I will not give you any special treatment, do you uderstand?" "Yes, we understand." Velvet said. I smiled and turned to one of the chests and opened it. "Now, as I said I have somethings for you all." I quickly pulled out six uniforms and blades. "These will be your training robes and blades. Once you have completed your training you will create your own blades and robe. In the ancient days of the Brotherhood every Assassin crafted their own custom concealed blade following the traditional form and were permitted to customize there robes but it's a right of passage stating you are no longer a apprentice but a fully trained Assassin. Now then, for the first few months we will be training your bodies and honing your reflexes. Once this is done we will work on your particular skills as well as your deception and combat skills." > Chapter 5 - The Mentors Notes - The Minotaur Mercenary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited on 10/05/2018 Entry 1 - 05 - 13 - 2745 Lady Velvet was nice enough to get me this journal so that I might keep track of there progress. I intend to write up a report each month or when something important occurs. Entry 2 - 05 - 31 - 2745 So it's the last day of the month, hard to believe that it's been only a month. Anyway as promised I will place a record of the months events. Once I passed out there robes and they changed into them I took them outside and began to teach them how to climb jump and showed them basic fighting maneuvers. They showed some skill and capability but from what I could tell none of them were naturals. By the end the first weeks I had noticed that Velvet and Fleur had a natural grace, but perhaps the most interesting was Nightlight. While at first he seemed to be a bit slow I quickly realized that he perhaps had the most potential out of all my trainees, his movements were careful and each move was well planed he has the skills of a killer and coupled with his brilliance in strategy I believe he could be perhaps a challenge for most assassins even in this stage of his training. Anyway over the next few weeks they've shown a fair amount of improvement but it was nothing to worth celebrating, then again the training I'm putting them through is extremely difficult. Entry 3 06 - 19 - 2745 I think I should write only when important events occur or I am away from the Creed as a form of journal. But that little note isn't why I wrote today something has happened. In all honesty I was starting to grow suspicious as to why something had not yet. Call me paranoid or call me weary, it is what I have come to expect from the life of an Assassin and with over eight centuries of knowledge dating all the way back to Altaïr I have plenty of experience to call upon. Apparently shortly after I killed Flare Ruby his mother began to move against me. ---------------- Several week ago ---------------- A Minotaur stormed down the streets toward the noble district. He had a black coat with a scar over his left eye and his left horn is missing. He wore a set of heavy iron plate armor and strapped to he back was a large two handed battle ax made of dragon bone. Walking beside him was a thestral Royal Guard. "You know I don't work for nobles Bastion so why bring me here?" The Minotaur asked anger clear in his voice. "Because if I didn't then I would pay the 'Price' for disobeying the Duchess. And she is someone I'd rather not piss off. Word of warning Iron Shield just do as she says and keep her happy." Silent Bastion said in a disgruntled manor. "You make it sound as if she's a demon from Tartarus not some Canterlot pony." Iron Shield said slowly. "No she's not a demon from Tartarus, she's worse. She is a true monster." "Ha, were it not coming from one of your kind I'd find that hard to believe." Iron said as they reached the gates of a manor. "This way, Iron Shield. I fear that you've kept the Duchess waiting longer than we want." One of the guards said as they approached the gate. Bastion turned to Iron Shield "Well this is good bye my friend. If you survive come and see me later." He said as he turned and walked away. Iron Shield took a breath before turning to the guard. "Lead the way." He said. The guard turned and walked through the gate with Iron following behind. They walked through the manor till they reached a large garden. As Iron Shield walked through the garden he found it the most terrifying place he had ever been. Instead of flowers and trees with small ponds and hedges the garden was filled with poisonous plants. The flowers were Poison Joke, the hedges Poison ivy. There were brambles and thorns everywhere and the trees were choked with vines and dead. At the center of the garden surrounded by statues of ponies, griffons other creatures frozen in screams of pain was a table and two chairs. One of the chairs was available while in the other sat a Pegasus with a red coat, orange mane and tail and blue eyes with a quill and a ruby as a cutie-mark. "Ah, welcome to my garden, Iron Shield." Duchess Shining Ruby said with what could only be described a a madmare's smile. "I hope you enjoy it. There is just something so wonderful about this place. Oh, but where are my manors please have a seat." she said gesturing to the chair. Iron Shield froze as he saw the chair. It was made from the bones of a Minotaur. "No thank you I'd prefer to stand." He said in a calm voice. "Vary well, How about you guard? Have a seat for a moment." The Duchess said with a smile. The guard hesitated before slowly approaching the chair. "Well go on we don't have all day!" The Duchess snapped. and the guard quickly sat down only to immediately began to scream in agony as his body began to turn to gray and he tried to stand. Iron shield watched in horror as the guard screamed and begged as his body turned to stone. Once the process finished the statue began to crumble and turn to dust. "Worms should learn there place in this world. I am the one true mistress of this world all in it are my property, to do with and be done with as I see fit." Iron Shield drew his ax and pointed it at her. "What do you want witch?" He said cautiously. "I've heard of your reputation mercenary. You works for the highest bidder but if it's a noble then he just takes the money and leaves. However you came recommended so either you will work for me or become my newest statue." The Duchess said as she turned to him fully. "A man has killed my son Flare Ruby, I want this man found and his blood soaked head in my hands." Iron snorted in anger. "I find it hard to believe that a women of your reputation would care about your child." He retorted. "I wanted to kill that upstart my self!" The Duchess screamed as she rose and walked over to a statue. "I wanted to make him suffer, to feel his blood upon my flesh and to drink of it as it was still warm." She turned to him with a sadistic smile. "I wanted him to beg and plead for mercy and watch as he fell into despair as I gave him none. His death was my right and mine alone! And to have some filth kill him... This is something I can not allow!"The Duchess took a deep breath and then slowly let it out. "I want you to find him and once you do kill the man who would dare to defies my will." The duchess walked slowly to her seat and sat down. "You know I find it ironic in many ways that I hire you of all mercenaries. Years ago I sent my son to a Minotaur village and ordered to kill you worthless savages. Now the sole survivor of that attack and the defender of that village stands before me." Iron Shield gripped his ax tighter. "50,000 up front and another 120,000 after the job is done." He said between clenched teeth. "Agreed," The duchess said "now I'm sure you can show yourself the way out." Iron Shield turned and walked away. "One day soon I will gut you for what you did to my home and avenge my family." He said under his breath once he left the garden. As he approached the gate a servant approached him with a bag of bits. "Duchess Ruby asked me to give this to you give you this message, "I give you these in good faith,though I doubt you will live through this mission. This is the only reason I agree to your price, because I know you will die." Iron Shield snorted. "Well see." He said as he took the bag of bits and walked out the gate. ------------------------------ Meanwhile at the Sparkle Manor ------------------------------ I slowly walked around the border of the training field, my trainees were sparring against one another in a three V two. In the center stood Fleur de Lis and Nightlight while surrounding them was Velvet, Fancy Pants and Blueblood. "Remember, when you fight always remain moving, to those defending when in battle you must always expect there to be mere than one opponent never focus on only one opponent. As for those of you attacking remember to work together with your allies. Now, begin." Velvet made the first move and ran at Fleur unsheathing her blade and attempting to stab her in the chest. Fleur grabbed Velvet's arm and redirected it as she angled her body and doges the strike coming from behind her thrown by Blueblood. Fancy Pants slowly approached Nightlight and the two unsheathe there blades as they circled each other. Velvet and Blueblood were side by side keeping Fleur from assisting Nightlight. Suddenly Fleur charged Blueblood, Blueblood swung but Fleur simply grabbed his arm and used her momentum to leap over him before charging Fancy Pants from behind. However the moment she was within striking distance she leaped leaving her self wide open. Fancy ducked under her and she crashed into Nightlight. As they fell to the floor Velvet used her Shadowmancy to appear before them and place her blade to Fleur and Nightlights neck. "Match." I called out and approached. "You all are improving. Its been a little over five weeks and you all have nearly mastered the basics, your physical stat has improved and you have become skilled fighters. Now it's time I start customizing your training to your each individual skills. For example Blueblood, while you would be able to use a hidden blade at a nobles party, if there was an alternative to your blade what would it be?" Blueblood thought for a moment before responding. "While I would still keep my blade on me as a backup, I would probably use a poison to kill him and mix another to weaken. That way if the poison doesn't kill I can still be able to engage him and have the odds in my favor." I nodded. "Correct, some of you hold a unique opportunity to be skilled not only in conventional assassination techniques but also in your own fields as well ranging from Bleublood's skill in poison to Velvet's skills in Shadowmancy to even Fleur's skill in fencing combat. Remember each Assassin has there own skills and style as well as those they have learned from the Creed." "Mentor, where is Octavia and Bloodmoon?" Fleur asked. "they've never missed a lesson before." "Bloodmoon is already trained in combat and masters the basics weeks ago. I allowed him to skip this lesson since he is already aware of the next stage. As for Octavia I'm not exactly sure." I reply. "I'm here, I apologize Mentor for my late arrival. Unfortunately, we have a problem." Octavia said as she entered the training ground. behind her followed a mare with a white coat, electric blue main and tail and a cutie-mark of a music note. "This is Vinyl Scratch, she is my room mate and works as a DJ. She was snooping around in my stuff and found my blade and robes. Since I didn't know what to do with her and I prefer not to see her dead I brought her to you to decide." "Figured this would happen." I muttered. "So your name is Vinyl Scratch? What do you know about us?" "Not much." Vinyl said slowly. "Hey wait a minute, I heard about you!" She exclaimed "You were at the Iron Well a few weeks back and beat the snot out of that noble prick, what's his name... something Ruby? Anyway from what I hear your looking to recruit any pony with the balls to stand up to the nobles." "Yes I'm looking for people willing to aid me protect the innocent ponies from the nobles." I said slowly. "How well known are these rumors?" Vinyl shrugged. "They're not big but they're are spreading pretty fast." I sighed and thanked the mare before turned to Octavia. "Octavia , you know her better than any of us. The choice is yours, do we allow her to join or do we... deal with her? If necessary we can wipe her memory." Octavia didn't say anything. On the outside she was as stoic as ever but I could tell that this choice was eating at her. "Can she be trained?" She asked me. I nodded "Yes she can, there have been more difficult trainees in the past than her and they often become some of the best Assassins in the Brotherhood." "Then we train her." Octavia said calmly. "So be it." I say. "Go and fill her in on who we are." Octavia nods and walks to the manor, Vinyl running after her. --------------------------- Meanwhile at the Irion Well --------------------------- Iron Shield walked into the hole in the wall taverns known as the Iron Well. He had tracked the rumors of a hooded man who killed the Duchesses son here. As he entered he went straight to the bartender. "I need information on the man who murdered Duchess Rubies son." "Sorry, I can't help you." The bartender said not even looking up. "Look I don't want to do this but I'm sure we all know what happens if I fail." Shields said as he sat down and placed a stack of bits on the . "Give me a shot, whiskey." "Make that a double." A stallion said as he approached the bar and sat down next to Iron Shield. "So your looking for the Assassins?" "So he's an Assassin?" Iron asked as the bar tender pored him a drink. "Rumors are telling of a Brotherhood of Assassins who plan to challenge the Nobility and any who would challenge the freedom and rights of us common folk." The Stallion said as he took a sip. "Word is that the thieves guilds are already allied with him and several important members of the nobility are allied with him." "Anything substantial to these rumors and hearsay?" Iron asked. The man shook his head. "Most information brokers can't get a single thing and the ones that do are not speaking on it. If you want any information then you'll have to get it from the rumors." Iron sighed and downed his drink before passing a few bits to the stallion. "Thanks." As he left the tavern a unicorn with a blood red mane and pitch black fur dressed in white robes rose from a table in a corner and pull his hood up before followed him. Iron Shield sighed and rubbed his forehead as he walked down the allies. "This is stupid!" He groaned. "The thieves guild wont speak about this man, the brokers wont talk and now I find out he is an assassin and that there is a new Brotherhood as well. This job is just one big headache and on top of all this it's giving me a headache as well!" Suddenly a A white robed figure jumped from the roof, a concealed blade unsheathe as he dropped on Iron Shield who barely dodged the stallion, as the figure turned Iron saw that hood of his robes concealed his face. "Who are you!?" He asked the stallion. "Are you an assassin?" The figure didn't reply. "Are you here because of who I was hired to kill?" The figure once again didn't respond instead he sheathe his wrist blade and drew a sword. Iron reached for his ax before realizing that he would not be able to wield it in such a tight space. The assassin charged and Iron swung his fist at them, however the Assassin jumped over the swing and slammed the flat of his blade in to his neck hitting a pressure point and causing Iron to begin to pass out. "Clever Bastard." Iron said as he fell and passed out. The assassin looked at the Minotaur before lifting him and throwing him over his shoulder. "This will be interesting." Bloodmoon said as he maid his way toward the manor. --------------- two hours later --------------- Iron Shield groaned as he awoke and tried to shield his eyes from the fright light. Unfortunately he couldn't move his arms. "Uh... what happened..." He groaned before the memories the assassin returned. "Greetings Mr. Shield, I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of having your memories looked at." A voice said calmly. "Na, it's fine. Don't have anything to hide anyway." Iron said slowly. "Hey you mined turning that light off? Kinda annoying." The speaker chuckled before the silhouette of the man Iron assumed to be the speaker steeped froward into the light. "Unfortunately I will have to refuse you on that request. Tell me who hired you." Iron growled. "Oh screw you, you already know!" He yelled back. "I do but I want to hear it from you." The man said calmly. "I was hired by that bitch of a Duchess named Shining Ruby. Normally I don't tell who my clients are, bad for business and all that. But this bitch is special. One of my friends said she's worse than a demon from Tartarus, a true monster. At first I scoffed but after meeting her I say that his description is spot on." "Why were you hired?" The man asked. "Some guy offed her son and she wants to revenge skull fuck him. Said the guy had no right to do it as she wanted to do it her self... well she said a lot of things but that's the general gist of it. Anyway From what I learned the killing happened at this little hole in the wall taverns known as the Iron Well. Once there I spoke with the bartender and an information broker. The broker told me that there were rumors of a new group called the Brotherhood of Assassins and that supposedly this guy was a member. After that I thanked him and left, once I left an assassin in white robes jumped me. Gotta admit the guy was skilled and he choose the perfect place to jump me. I couldn't use my weapon without risking doing more damage to the surrounding area." "Thank you Mr. Shield." The man said "Look if your going to kill me just get it over with." Iron sad calmly as he looked at where the mans face would be. "I got no wife or kids though looking back that's probably my only regret. However if you could do me one favor, I'd appreciate it." "What would that be Mr. Shield?" The man asked. "Don't let that bitch get away with what she's done. If you can kill Duchess Shining Ruby then do it. That's all I ask." Iron Shield said calmly. "I didn't want this job and I've been prepared to die for a long time so with my last request stated, get it over with." The silhouette of the man nodded and raised his hand. though instead of death, the light behind him shut off. Iron blinked a few times before turning and looking at a black robed figure who's hood concealing his face. Slowly the man pulled back his hood revealing his face. "My name is Orion Hawk. I am the Mentor of an organization with the sole purpose of protected the rights and free will of innocent people, we are known as the Brotherhood of Assassins. I am also the man you seek." The Minotaur stared for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Names Iron Ore Shield. I'm a Mercenary." He said as the ropes around him came undone and he rose and put out his hand. Orion smiled and reached for the hand and shook it. "Iron Shield, I'd like to hire you to be the a close quarters combat instructor." ----------- End Log ----------- With Iron Shield around I will have more free time and from what I've seen so fare He is a skilled combatant. It also seems that the Duchess Shining Ruby is a greater threat than we originally thought. Nothing further to report at this time. > Chapter 6 - The Mentors Notes - Travels and Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry 4 - 06 - 13 - 2745 Today was entertaining to say the least. It's been a little one year since training began and I have to say that they have come a long way from when they first started. So the time has come to start there real training. Shame I will not be apart of it but I have some work to do abroad and I must travel. I need to work on locating a good place to start construction of Masyaf. While the original was abandoned by Altaïr because it became a symbol to others I feel it would be safer for the Creed to go back to it's roots and revive old traditions and a place for the Assassins such as the old fortress of Masyaf fits well with this world. Another advantage is that Masyaf was not only home to the assassins but also surrounded by a village, a village that for us would be home to our blacksmiths, families, and those who wished to live with us. I plan to make Masyaf our home and power base while we would have small hidden outposts in cities that would act as our bases. Nightlight and Twilight Velvet have already agreed that that there home would serve as the Canterlot base of operations, while Master Damascus has made ready plans too move to Masyaf when we are ready to receive him. Within this world lies many places that would suit Masyaf well but with the aid of Nightlight, Prince Blueblood and Lord Fancy Pants I've narrowed the location to build it to three locations. The first will be in the Macintosh Hills to the south of Canterlot, the downside of this it would be close to Appleloosa when it is created in thirty some years and it is near the train tracks and near the Badlands meaning that Chrysalis's Changeling Hive will be close as well and I don't want to interact with any hives yet unless necessary. I will still be looking into it but I feel it will be to risky while I am there I will be looking into a rumors of an evil wizard living on the edge of the badlands. I don't believe them to be evil lest Celestia be up in arms over it. In fact I think it's the ponies of the area being xenophobic. The next location is to the west in the Smoky Mountains, it is near White Tail Woods and the small city of Yanhoover. However I feel that the area is unsuited for what I seek as there is just something about it that I distrust. The final location and one I am fond of is a rumor place deep in the Crystal Mountains of the Frozen North. Rumors tell that long ago there was a mythical valley that was an unfrozen paradise, this sounds like the city of Shangri-La from my world. Myths tell of a mystical, harmonious valley enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains called Shangri-La and if it exists here as a legend I'm inclined to believe it exists. As such I intend to find this valley so that Masyaf may be built here. There is also rumor of a master martial-artist living on a nearby mountain with two children. If I can find this martial-artist and convince him to train the Creed then we will be even more prepared to protect this world. I will be leaving tomorrow and I plan to take two trainees with me. I feel it will be an excellent training for them. Though who to take? Bloodmoon is a given as he is the most well trained and prepared so who will be my second? Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis and Prince Blueblood are out as they are either political figures or nobles with large influence. So that leaves Octavia Melody, Vinyl Scratch, Twilight Velvet and Nightlight. I can't take Vinyl she's not ready quite yet to be doing this sort of thing, Twilight Velvet and Nightlight are out as thy have things during this time that can't be postponed. This is sadly unfortunate as they would be my next choice. I suppose as a matter of elimination that leaves Miss. Melody as the final choice. Odd as aside from Nightlight, Twilight Velvet and Fleur de Lis she is among my best pupils, not to mention her talents are... unique. Anyway, That will be the group. So tomorrow we will be taking the train to Dodge City and them setting out for the Macintosh Hills. Things I need to do: Stop by Master Damascus's forge and repair my equipment as it is getting worn. Gather rations and other necessities. Get more arrows and lead balls for crossbow and wrist gun. I stood before my trainees looking them over. There robes were pristine and there blades shined in the evening light. "Congratulations, to day it has been exactly one year since we started your training and I'm proud to say that you are ready to begin advanced training. To do this I will be bringing in a new instructor and I want you all to give him the same respect as you give me." As I spoke Captain Shield and Iron Shield entered and stood behind me. "Captain Iron Shield will be training you in more advanced weapon techniques while the Mercenary Iron Shield will be training in more advanced close quarters combat. Now I will turn this over to your new instructors." As I finished speaking I turned and walked off to the side as the two shields stepped forward. "Most of you have seen me around the manor but we haven't spoken so I will introduce my self. I am Captain Iron Shield, I served in the Royal guard for over twenty and when I retired I took the position of Captain for the Sparkle Noble House. I will be training you in everything from swords to spears. If you are to be an assassin you must learn how to not only defend yourself against these weapons then you will also have to learn how to wield them and that's my job. You all have the basics down but that's just the start, you still have a ways to go and I be there to teach you." As He finished he stepped back and the mercenary Iron Shield cleared his throat. "So I've only been around for a few months but I'm sure you all know who I am but for those who don't know I'll introduce myself. Greetings, names Iron Shield, I'm a mercenary that Orion's hired on as your marshal arts combat instructor. Now to prevent the confusion that will happen in the future call me Iron Ore and call Mr. serious over there Iron Shield. Now an assassin with a blade is all well and good but what happens when you are in a confrontation with no weapon? Well that's where my lessons will be coming in. I'll be teaching you everything from how to disarm your opponents to killing with your bare hands. Don't expect this to be easy because it wont. There will be bruises and maybe the occasional broken bone, but you'll be better for it." As they finished I approached and cleared my throat. "Now Originally the plan was to have me continue training you in assassination and stealth but at a much harder pace and with more advanced techniques but as some of you know this will not me happening. I as well as two of you will be leaving on a important mission. Where I come from and where the Brotherhood was started there was a place that was viewed as sacred ground, this place was Known as Masyaf. It was the ancestral home of the Brotherhood of Assassins however like many of the Creeds traditions and practices it was abandoned and left to ruin. I plan to rebuild Masyaf here in this world, it will serve as the home of the Brotherhood of Assassins and it will be here that those who wish may live with their families and be free from those who would fear us if we showed who we are." As I finished speaking everyone began talking at once and asking questions. I sighed and raised my hand to my lips letting out high pitch whistle. "Please, one at a time." I said as everyone looked at me. Prince Blueblood cleared his throat. "How long will you be gone?" He asked. "I'm not sure. It may be a month but I expect this will take as long as a year." I replied. "Who will be training us in assassination?" Fleur asked. "I wrote down everything you need in a book that Lord Nightlight has. After you complete you practice you are to study from that book and practice what you have learned for the same amount of time as we practice now for one week, after that week is over slowly extend your time till you have doubled it." Fleur and the rest nodded as I finished. "Next?" "Who will you be taking with you?" Vinyl asked. "After careful consideration and thought I have decided to bring Bloodmoon and Octavia. My decision was made by evaluating your skill as well as your role and if you were available during this time." "Why bring Octavia though?" Iron Shield asked confused. "Aside from her skills she was the only available trainee as all others are political players or have something." I replied. "Also, as a musician she can travel without suspicion to the areas we will be going." "I see, so I was simply the last resort master?" Octavia asked. I sighed. "Funny how me explaining that I thought it out made it seem I was looking to avoid you but no. I was simply being fair and you don't have to go if you don't want. Bloodmoon will be training under me during this time and if you come then you shall as well. The way I see it this is a perfect time for two trainees to get some real experience in what we of the Brotherhood do and you two were the lucky chosen." "My apologizes master, I will prepare to leave immediately." Octavia said calmly as she turned and left. As she left Bloodmoon walked over with a sad look. "Girls been more dedicated to training than any of us, she could learn to lighten up a bit." he said sadly. "Don't mind her Bloodmoon. it's not my place to tell, the story is hers but she's had a hard life. Perhaps if you earn her trust she will tell you." I said as I watched her go before turning to him. "We leave within the hour so go get ready." Bloodmoon nodded as he turned to the mansion and walked in. An hour later we stood watching the train pull into the station and passengers disembark, as we boarded a stallion dresses in a blood red long coat and broad-rim hat appeared in the corner of my eye but as I turned he disappeared. My eyes narrowed as I turned back and boarded the train thousands of warnings signs going through my mind.