> A Snack at Sunburst's > by Star Sage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This is the Story of a Stallion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crystal Empire in the deepening evening. The silver glow of the moon, softer and subtler than the sun’s golden rays, echoed back and forth between the homes of those who dwelt here. Most found the soothing light something to sleep to, their dreams dancing with images as they awaited the day ahead. Others worked through the long dark hours, the glow of the moon through their homes providing more than adequate light to toil under. One such hard worker was Sunburst, royal Magician, Crystaller to FlurryHeart, and studious, if slightly weak, wizard. His evenings were filled with books, as were his days, and oftentimes his dreams as well. Not that he would complain, as his eyes poured over the tome before him, sipping at the cup of coffee, his nose scrunching up at the bitter taste, even as the caffeine fueled his mind. His assistant, that is you, a tiny fly sized human, watched the huge pony work, feeling your own eyes droop more than a few times, as he carefully turned the pages. In your hands was a spoon, sized like a trident to you, one made specially to measure out the ingredients and mixtures that Sunburst needed in his work, but which now merely served you as a third leg, allowing you to stay standing. “Hmm, the matrix is quite complex here. It would collapse without an aniomorphic spell. An Escafil would work, morphing the energies, but it would...hmm, perhaps a Dracon to reinforce the baseline energy weave?” he muttered to himself, as he read over his notes, and then suddenly you felt the world tumble around you, as the thing you were standing on, his bookmark, flipped into the air. Your tiny form was shot upwards, and you went sailing into an arc, spinning round and round, unable to even cry out as you flew. Your instrument was taken from your hand, landing hard against the desk with a clatter, that seemed to startle Sunburst, at least until you landed with a thud on top of his muzzle, rolling along the soft, nearly ankle length, fur that was atop his nose, before coming to rest right before his eyes. “Heh, sorry about that, little one. I forgot you were up there,” said the unicorn, as he used his magic to pick you up, the tingling sensation of his power surrounding you in a teal glow as you were gently pulled from atop his snout, and then equally gently lowered to the desk, where you were tossed and tumbled a bit, until you were facing right side up, and able to set foot on the wood. “Heh, tired are we now?” he asked with a chuckle, noticing that you were yawning, despite the excitement of a moment before, you arms stretching far apart, and the pops of your joints audible even to him, despite your tiny size. You tried to shake your head against the idea, but he just chuckled again, before tapping his hoof against his beard(Spicy he called it), and then smirking. “Well, since I might need you on hand, just in case, I can’t let you go to bed just yet, but how’s about a nice, soft, and more importantly, warm place to take a nap?” he offered, and then breathed out onto you. His massive muzzle parted, and the wind from his lungs blew out over your tiny body, making goosebumps appear on your arms, reminding you of the chill in the night air. “Yes, I think that could work,” he said, and then lowered his chin onto the desk next to where you were standing. His jaws then creaked open, the top of his head, already higher than a building to you, rose up to the skies, revealing a cavern of flesh, which twinkled in the moonlight refracted through the walls, looking like a jewel encrusted space, which opened wide before you. Like a welcoming carpet, his tongue lolled out of his head, the tip of it slapped wetly against the desk, and making you smirk as he wriggled it in your direction, in a ‘come on in’ like gesture. This would have probably been a cute scene to anyone watching, and you actually could see a reflection of it in a nearby wall, as you walked forward towards the end of the tongue. The massive member was actually taller than you, even sitting as flat as possible on the desk, but you were able to place your hand on it, feeling the soft, strong muscles beneath the skin dimple at the merest press from your arms, sort of pulling down the edges of his tongue. Chuckling to yourself, you grabbed and put all your weight into pulling down the tongue, nearly making it go flat, as you stepped up onto it. The moment you were on the tip of his tongue, Sunburst rolled you forward, raising up that tip so that you slid across the slick surface of it. Your slide came a stop in near the center of his tongue, and you rolled over to look out at the world beyond, now framed by the stallion’s jaws, which moved slightly up and down, as he breathed in and out, subtly parting and bringing together the edges of just lips. Then he slowly closed those lips, sealing the view of the world away, and casting you into darkness. Like night itself falling, it began at the edges, which formed a seemingly solid wall of skin, before moving inwards, closing you off, and then letting you watch as his massive teeth came together as well, meeting with a low clacking sound that seemed to echo around you for a moment. After all that, you were left in darkness, but not silence, as you could hear the thudding of Sunburst’s heart, somewhere far below, its rhythm almost hypnotic as it kept on beating, getting a bit faster as he tasted your tiny body on his tongue. This was counterpointed by deep, powerful gusts that he tried to make sure came out his nose with a whistling sound, but still moved the air around you slightly, rustling your saliva slicked hair. All at once, the world moved, and you were forced to grab onto the tongue beneath you, taking handfuls of it tightly in your fingers, as the world ascended, and then turned, dipping slightly, as he began to lower his eyes back to his books, mumbling silently to himself, leaving you with a cute image of him trying to keep his lips from moving, and failing so that you were shown his mouth in detail by beams of light that slipped between his teeth. Giggling like a schoolboy, you stood up, despite the slight incline, and began to work your way back, feeling the wind of his breathing on your skin as you got closer and close to the opening of his throat, which moved in and out with each breath, like the yawning chasm of an abyss, the depths of which you couldn’t see, even in the light that came back this far, which tempted you to drop something down into it. After a few moments of staring down into that deep, dark hole, your eyes turned upwards, and you spotted Sunburst’s uvula, a dangling bit of skin at the back of his mouth, looking like a drop of flesh that seemed to have melted off the ceiling. It was softer seeming, even than the tongue on which you stood, and you got a childish urge to reach for it, one you failed to resist, and soon you were hanging over the drop of the stallion’s esophagus, your arm stretched out as far as it would go. With a cry, your feet slipped, and you nearly slid down into the throat below, but luckily for you, Sunburst’s tongue was springy, as well as soft, and so when your butt landed against it, it snapped back into shape, and you were bounced into the air, landing against his uvula with a splat, as it swung forward and back, making Sunburst feel an irritant in his throat, one he knew the source of. Without a word, the unicorn’s magic filled his mouth, the teal glow of his power nearly blinding in the darkness of his maw. Knowing what was coming, you took the few moments you had to snuggle into the uvula, feeling it move and quiver at the touch of your body, as you pressed yourself tightly against it, until the wave of magic came to you, and with a pop, you were pulled free. Floating, for just a moment, you were moved to the center of Sunbrust’s tongue once more, and then pressed against it in a gentle, but firm way, that told you to stay put. With a smirk, you did just that, curling up into a ball, and ‘fluffing’ a bit of the tongue into a pillow of tastebuds, into which you snuggled your head, before drifting off to sleep, as the stallion around you continued to burn the midnight oil.