> Equestria Girls High School Bully > by Chaos04 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: New Student > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright sunny day as a young teenage boy walked the streets. His name was Discord. He wore a brown jumper over his yellow long sleeved shirt, his pants were red, and he wore different coloured shoes. Discord never ever had a friend when he was younger because he always thought friends made a person weak, and therefore never bothered to make a friend. As Discord walked past other people, some of them greeted him, but he ignored them, not wanting anything to do with anybody. All he was focused on was getting to Canterlot High. He had heard Canterlot High was a great place for friendships, so he didn't really want to go. However, his no good parents told him it was going to be a great experience. As he finally made it to the school he could see the Canterlot High horse statue. He made his way up the stairs that led to the entrance. Why did he listen to his parents? He could've gone to Crystal Prep – he had heard that school had a good reputation of no friendships and had a great education. He looked around and saw every student act friendly to each other. “All these different students being friendly, how sickening,” he thought to himself. He'd be dealing with this for the rest of his high school years. After what seemed like an eternity he finally made it to the Principal's office. “This is what’s going to start my sick journey,” Discord thought as he took a seat on a chair in front of the desk. In a chair opposite to him sat a woman. “You must be Discord, am I mistaken?” The woman asked. Discord didn't respond, he only nodded his head. “Very good, I'm your new principal, Principal Celestia, and on my left is Vice Principal Luna.” Discord looked to her left and saw another woman. She looked a little younger than Principal Celestia. “I do hope you enjoy this school. Other than your education, making friends is a big thing for CHS,” Principal Celestia said with a friendly smile. Discord could only gag. He didn't want to make friends, all he wanted was to do was finish high school as fast as possible. There was a knock on the door, Vice Principal Luna walked up to it and opened the door. Outside it stood seven teenage girls. They entered the office. “So who's the new wondercolt we're meant to be showing around?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He's right here,” Principal Celestia said, gesturing to Discord. He got out of the chair, backing away. Discord had heard of these seven girls before – he heard they were the best of friends and the reason this school’s second main focus was friendship. “Howdy there partner, mah name's Applejack—” Applejack introduced herself “—and these are mah friends: Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer. What’s yer name?” Discord didn't respond, he only turned his head away. They looked at him, confused. Normally people would respond, but he was different. “Girls, this is Discord,” Principal Celestia told them, “he’ll need the tour of the school.” “Great. I'll be going on a school tour with them, what a day!” Discord mumbled. “Fine! Let's get this over with.” “Hey, Discord, you need to turn that frown upside down!” Pinkie Pie said in a bubbly voice. Discord's frown turned into a scowl, turning away from the girls. “I don't need anybody! Especially not you seven!” Discord walked out, and slammed the door behind him. “That… was strange.” Rarity looked at the door that was slammed a mere moment ago. “What do you think has him upset like this?” Fluttershy asked. She looked to each of her friends, but they had no answer. Discord walked the hall, a fire blazing in his eyes. As he walked, he saw everybody getting along so well. “I can’t bare to look at this order.” When he saw three younger girls about to run past him in the hall, he lifted his foot, causing the three girls to trip. He laughed at their dismay. “What's so funny?” a red-haired girl – one of the ones he tripped – asked, before standing up. The other two girls stood up as well. One of them had orange skin with purple messy hair; she wore a grey jumper with green shorts and grey boots. The other had white skin with pink and purple curly hair; she wore a light pink top with three white stripes, and a dark pink jacket held by a belt and yellow skirt on top of that. The girl who spoke had yellow skin and a pink bow on top of her head; she wore a green top with jeans and dark yellow boots. “Just the way you fell—” Discord laughed heavily “—is too priceless.” He fell on his back, coughing a little in hysterics. “Who are you? I don't think we've seen you around before,” the white girl said. Discord didn't respond. He just stood there, arms crossed. The three girls looked at him in confusion. They had yet to meet a student that didn't properly greet them. “Well… mah name's Apple Bloom and these are mah friends,” the yellow girl said. “My name's Sweetie Belle,” the white girl introduced herself. “Scootaloo,” the orange one said. Discord looked at the three girls an evil grin on his face. “Girls, girls, it's so sad that three little teens have no friends—” “But we do have friends!” Scootaloo interrupted. “—Well, you must be mistaken. Whomever you say are your so called friends, they are all liars! Just using you for what they want,” he said. The girls looked at Discord, confused and hurt. Could their friendships all be a lie? Could their friendship be a lie? They gasped, not wanting to believe it. Could their bond with their sisters be a lie as well? Their eyes became a translucent green before returning to normal. They walked away from each other, arms crossed, not speaking. Discord grinned. He knew what he was going to do. He was going to turn this “friendly” school against itself. He was going to rule as a God.