(MLP-TEEN TITANS) We're Moving On.

by DakariKingMykan

First published

Twilight Sparkle is accidentally transported to Jump City

Beast Boy is horrible heart broken and despondent over Terra dumping him, but when a mysterious pony from another world appears, there just might be hope for him to find his strength again.

Intro: Blue Beast Boy

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It was almost the third Friday of the month, the day when Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike always traveled through their mirror portal from Equestria to visit their human friends at Canterlot High; just a routine check and a friendly visit.

For now, they were settling into bed, but Twilight was wide awake.

“I wonder how everyone’s gotten along since we last visited.” said Twilight “It’ll be nice to see them all again.”

Spike groaned in his basket, “I’ll tell you what else would be nice… GETTING SOME SLEEP!” and he pulled covers over his head and buried himself under his pillow.

Twilight kept quiet, and eventually she fell into a deep sleep.

Elsewhere, in another dimension, there was much more going on.

In a place called Jump City… and evil shape-shifting monster had been causing much trouble the past few days. Finally, it was cornered at a recycling plant, and was over powered by five strong teenage creatures known as THE TEEN TITANS.

The creature was finally captured, and taken away to a special high-tech security prison, and the Titans, with their work finally finished, they decided to head home, but on the way, it was very quiet and awkward, mostly due to Beast Boy, and rather the spiritless look on his face.

Robin, Starfire, Cyborg and Raven were very concerned, this was not like him at all, and his expression was hard to explain… cold, empty, hopeless… all the sorts of things that were no good for any individual to be feeling.

Even when they got home to Titans’ Tower, Beast Boy remained as silent and as expressionless as ever.

He slowly walked off down the hall to his room, and slid the sliding door shut.

“What’s wrong with him?” Cyborg asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Raven asked “Even I don’t have to read his mind to know… something must’ve gone wrong with Terra.”

The others had all been concerned with Beast Boy’s behaviour, ever since he claimed to see a girl he thought was Terra, he had been skipping out his obligations to the team.

“I know he misses her.” said Robin “But that’s no excuse for him to just ignore us. We needed to help track down that creature with his sense of smell.”

Starfire placed a hand on his shoulder telling him to knock it off, “The battle is won now, but I fear more for our friend. I have not ever seen him so down in the… dumps I believe.

Should we not speak with him?”

The others all wanted to do that, but Robin suggested against it. “I don’t think he’s really up to talkin’ right now. We should give him some space.”

“Do what you want,” Cyborg said “But I’m goin’ for It.” and he marched straight off to Beast Boy’s room, and before knocking he put his ear to door to listen, and he couldn’t hear anything. He was sure if Beast Boy was crying or not, or if he hadn’t just drifted off to sleep.

At times like this, with such obviously crushing feelings, you couldn’t help but want to be alone.

He softly knocked at the door, “Yo’ B’… you okay in there?”

He waited most anxiously for a response.


Cyborg sighed in relief, “Look, man, if you wanna come out and talk… we’re here for you.”

“Thanks.” Beast Boy responded. He sounded so quiet, so down-hearted, which really concerned the others.

They all left, hoping their friend would come round, and be willing to at least talk to them.

Unfortunately, he didn’t come out. He just stayed in his room all day, and all night, he wouldn’t even come out when his friends invited him out for pizza.

“No thanks.” he said softly “I’m not hungry.”

“Do you want us to bring you back some?” Robin asked, trying to show concern.

“It’s okay. I’m fine.” was his only response.

Starfire felt her own heart breaking, and she desperately wished to go inside and be there for him, and maybe hug him to comfort him, but Robin suggested against it. “Just give him some time, Star. He’ll come around, I know he will.”

“But what if he does not…?” asked Starfire “What if he sinks into further of the depression in which he may feel he cannot go on?”

“She’s got a point.” agreed Raven “You never can tell what someone will do when they’re hysterical.”

With that in mind, Cyborg decided to go out and just bring Pizza back, as all the others wished to stay to make sure Beast Boy wouldn’t do anything nutty.

Inside the bedroom, Beast Boy lay on the bottom bunk of his beds with his face buried deep within in his pillow, his mouth was wide open and twitching with soft sobs as his tears fell heavily staining the pillow case, but he was trying his best not to let his sobs be heard as he didn’t wish to worry his friends anymore.

He cried, and cried, and he finally cried himself into a deep sleep, and in his dreams he could see the images of what caused his sadness.

The two cold figures standing in that school hall, and yet the girl refused any offers to go with him insisting, “Things Change, Beast Boy. The girl you want me to be is just a memory.”

Then she disappeared and was gone from his sights.

“Terra…” he murmured softly “Why… Just tell me why…?”

When Cyborg got back with the pizza, the first thing he did was knock Beast Boy’s door softly, “Yo’ B’… Pizza’s here if you want some. I got a small vegetarian one, just for you.”

Naturally, Beast Boy didn’t answer, which worried Cyborg.

“Tell you what… I’ll just leave it out here for you.”

He left the small box on the floor, right outside of the door, and went off to join his others for dinner.

“Is he alright?” Robin asked.

Cyborg didn’t answer, which told the others enough, and they hung their heads low worrying about their friend as they ate.


Act 1: Depression Deepening

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The next morning, Spike stretched out over his basket, yawning and scratching his rear, “Morning, Twilight.” he said groggily, but then he noticed Twilight was not in her bed.


He got up and figured there was only one place she could be: in the chamber where the mirror gate was, and she was checking all its systems to make certain everything was a-okay for her big trip.

“Honestly, Twilight, not again…!”

“Oh, good morning, Spike.” she said to him “I was just… um… making sure the calibrated matrix was… um… charging electrically.”

Spike raised an eyebrow “That doesn’t make a bit of sense.

Look, I know you’re excited about our trip coming up, but you don’t have to go all overboard about it.”

Twilight sighed, “You’re right. I’m sorry… but sometimes I worry about this gateway. Sure, we can transport to Canterlot High whenever we want, but anything could still go wrong.”

“Like what?”

“Well, what if something strangely happened while we tried to use the gateway, and we found ourselves in a strange new world?”

Spike felt that WAS a possibility, but he didn’t seem to concerned “Well something like that hasn’t happened, and if it does, it just means a new world to explore and understand, maybe make new friends.”

Twilight’s eyes sparkled at the idea of such possibilities, but she decided not to go crazy about it and went off to get breakfast with Spike.

Beast Boy finally emerged from his room and came into the lounge with the empty pizza box.

“Friend…! You have emerged from your room.” cried Starfire, “And you have eaten all your pizza I see.”

Beast Boy shook his head, “I didn’t know it was there until just now. It was empty was when I picked it up.”

That’s when Silkie slumped forth, looking a little pudgy, and he belched and a few pizza crumbs flew from his mouth.

“Anyway, I just came to get a bit of toast.”

The others thought it was good he was out his room and eating again, but the sadness still remained on his fast.

As he just stood there, buttering his single piece of toast with his back turned, the others decided to go for it.

“Beast Boy…?” Robin said softly not wanting to sound pushy. “Look, I know you must be depressed and all, but it’s not good for you to stay like this.”

Beast Boy sighed rather irritably. “I really don’t want to talk about it. I’ve already let Terra go, and I’ll try to move on, okay?”

He then turned to head for the stairs and Starfire caught up to him, “Friend… we realize that this girl you may believe to be Terra has broken your heart, but you must realize that you are not alone. We wish to help you.”

“Star… please, not now. I can’t take it.” Beast Boy said and he walked past her to head back to his room.

Starfire hung her head low, and Robin comforted her.

Cyborg and Raven shook their heads pitifully. “I’ve seen my shares of heartbreak,” said Cyborg “But somethin’ tells me, this ain’t like the rest.”

Raven said nothing, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, the alarms went off, and Robin checked the console. “TITANS, MOVE OUT!!” he shouted, and they all dashed out of the lounge and down the hall.

Beast Boy heard the alarms too, and decided to help his friends and not ditch them this time. “Are you sure you want to come?” Raven asked.

“I’m The Teen Titan… that’s Who I Am.” was all he said. Raven thought it strange for him to say it like that, but she didn’t have time to question it.

The Titans soon arrived on the scene, where a bunch of armed thugs were robbing from the bank during a shipment. The police and guards had all been stripped of their weapons and were now bound and gagged.

“The Titans!” shouted the leader.

“Titans, Go!” thundered Robin, and the Titans rushed into action.

The men loaded their machine guns and began to fire all about, but the Titans scattered about and Robin threw his boomerang, knocking all the guns away.

“Oh, yeah…?” thundered the leader, and he leapt forth with his knife ready to take on Robin and his staff, and he proved to be quite a skilled fighter, nothing for Robin to take.

Starfire flew past two more thugs, zapping their knives out of their hands, and then flew back to give the two thugs a good kick, sending them hurling to the wall. BAM!! They were out cold.

Another thug hopped into a huge fork lifter for hauling the gold and drove straight at Cyborg, “I’ll crush you like a tin-can!”

He rammed on the acceleration, ramming Cyborg with the front of the lifter and heading straight for the wall to crush him, but Cyborg, grabbed the ends of the lift and bent them downward, catching the ground, and grinding the vehicle to a halt. “Ride’s over, pal!” Cyborg taunted at the thief, and then he leapt up and over to the cab and tackled the creep out.

Two more thugs picked up two huge battering rams and charged at Raven like knights jousting, only for Raven to use her might power to bend the solid rammers and bind the two thugs together.

Then there was Beast Boy, taking on the biggest, burliest, and nastiest of the thugs. “Come on, Greenie!” he taunted at Beast Boy.

Beast Boy snuffed and began to charge, taking on the form of an elephant.

The two brutes collided together-- this thug was actually strong enough to match the strength of a fully grown pachyderm-- the two continued to push against one another, until suddenly, right before Beast Boy’s eyes, he saw an image of Terra, and heard her utter those awful words!

“Things Change, Beast Boy.”

He began to go numb inside, and this allowed the thug to gain the upper hand and actually turn the elephant over on its side.

Beast Boy changed back to his normal form, panting softly in anguish, but just as the thug tried to pounce on him, he changed into a leopard and dashed out of the way, then skidded to a halt and dashed back towards him a triceratops.

But as he got nearer, Terra and those words bothered him again…

“Things Change, Beast Boy.”

“Things Change, Beast Boy.”

“Things Change, Beast Boy.”

He slowed down, and the thug punched him hard in the face, again in the side, and then actually grabbed the dino by the horns and actually threw it at the wall.

Beast Boy changed into his normal self just as he hit the wall hard and fell flat on the ground.

“Beast Boy!” cried Robin.

“Somebody, help him!” shouted Cyborg, unfortunately, he and all the others were still dealing with the remaining thugs to get over and help him.

Beast Boy lay on the ground, very numb and sore both inside and out as the huge thug stomped his way towards him. “Look at the so-called “hero.” he taunted “This isn’t going to look good on your resume. I bet even the most desperate of girls would love to dump you!”

Beast Boy’s eyes snapped open at the mention of girls dumping…!

“If any girl was dating you already, I bet this is why she dumped you, because you’re a sad and pathetic little runt!”

Beast Boy, completely livid, bolted up right, and before the thug could react, Beast boy, as a T-Rex, had tail swatted him hard, sending him across the room.

Beast Boy then turned into an angry bear, and with his rage now fully showing, he jumped on that thug and began to beat him to a pulp!

“BEAST BOY…!!” Robin called to him, but Beast boy continued to mercilessly beat the thug up.

Even the Titans could see he was going much too far, and Cyborg armed his Sonic Cannon, “Sorry about this, man.” and he fired, blasting the bear hard, knocking him off the unconscious thug and sent him crashed into wooden crates.

All the thugs were beaten, and Robin freed the guards and police to apprehend them, but the Titans dashed over to the broken crates and found Beast Boy, in his human form, flat on his back, and crying with a look of intense fury and misery on his face, but again, it was all relating to his problem with Terra.

“Beast Boy…” Starfire cried as she knelt down next to him.

“I’m sorry…” he sobbed “I’m pathetic… useless… idiot!”

“Oh…!” Starfire held him close, letting him cry. Cyborg joined in, holding both his friends close. “It’s okay, man… it’ll be okay. You’re not pathetic, don’t you believe that!”

Beast Boy only wanted to cry his little heart out. He kept his eyes shut tightly, almost afraid to open them and face the world, but his tears continued to fall.

Robin and Raven hated to see the sight of it, and yet looked at each other with looks of concern and dismay. Robin even shook his head pitifully.

That night, when the Titans went home, Beast Boy was sleeping quietly on the sofa, but everyone knew he couldn’t go on like this.

They all stood together by the lounge door.

“I don’t know what to do with him.” said Robin “He’s just not getting over Terra, and I don’t think he’s in any condition to fight.”

“And still he will not even speak with us of what has troubled him so.” said Starfire.

Cyborg sighed “I can’t believe he thinks he’s so worthless. I don’t ever wanna hear him say that again.”

“Maybe… we should get some professional help?” suggested Raven.

The Titans were very skeptical and uneasy about that. “Look, we’ll give him just a little more time.” said Robin “and if he doesn’t show any sign of improvement, then we’ll call someone.”

Starfire felt a turn in each of her nine stomachs. “They will not… lock him in the room of the white, with the cells which are padded?”

Robin gave her a remorseful look, which suggested it was possible. “He needs help, Star. We can’t let him go on like this, he’ll hurt himself.”

For now, everyone just left him to sleep alone in the lounge.

Late in the night, Beast Boy awoke. His head aches, his eyes were burning, and he felt really hot. “I’ve gotta get some air…” and he went to the back windows, opened one up, changed into an eagle, and flew off towards the city.

The night was calm and quiet, and he didn’t feel so hot anymore, but he still felt plenty upset, especially when he looked down and noticed he was flying over the Murakami School where Terra attended.

The school was all quiet and closed up for the night, but looking at it brought on those bad images yet again. So he flew away to find someplace else to chill.

Meanwhile, Raven tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn’t seem to fall asleep; too worried about Beast Boy and the way he was behaving.

Now she herself was starting to lose it, and she knew that was dangerous. “I need to meditate.”

She decided the best place to go was in her own mind to be alone with her thoughts and think of how to deal with Beast Boy’s troubles.

She crossed to her dresser and took out the magic mirror from a drawer, which was the portal into her mind.

As she chanted her spell to activate the mirror, the light of the full moon shone through her window and hit the mirror itself, making it glow mysteriously.


At the same time, Twilight and Spike were getting ready for bed. “Tomorrow’s the day.” Twilight said with giddy.

“Yeah, yeah… you’ve only reminded me so many times.” Spike grumbled to himself.

On their way to their shared bedroom, they passed by the doors leading to the mirror chamber, and Twilight noticed odd lights shining from the crack under the door.

She opened up the door, and gasped…!

The mirror gate was glowing rather oddly. “What’s happening to it?” she wondered, and she tried and tried to shut it down, but it wouldn’t stop glowing.

Spike came into the room, “What now?” he asked.

“Something’s wrong with the mirror gate.”

Spike then noticed out the window that full moon was glowing, “Hey, how many full moons has it been since the last one?”

“I don’t know, about thirty I guess…” Twilight then suddenly realized and remembered, “Of course! Every thirty moons the gate way opens up automatically.” She also realized that perhaps because of all the equipment and gadgets she had attached to the gate was messing it up.

Raven couldn’t understand what was going on with her mirror, and she set it down on the floor. “That’s it! I’ve got to stop this… whatever it is.

Azarath… Metrione… ZINTHOS!!”

She blasted at the mirror with all she had, but the force seemed to go straight into the glass and didn’t shatter it.

At the same time, the gate’s glass began to glow and eerie darkness, which came out and grabbed Twilight as she was in front of it. “Hey!” Twilight cried “Let me go!”

“Twilight!!” cried Spike, and he watched to his horror as he friend was pulled back, through the mirror, “SPIKE…!!”

“Twilight!!” cried Spike, and he dashed straight at the mirror, only to crash into the solid glass hard. The gateway was no longer glowing, and he knew nothing how to activate it again. Poor Spike pounded at the glass.




POW!! A bright flash flared, sending Raven tumbling backwards and landing on her bed, and got tangled up in the covers.

She pulled herself out and caught her breath, but what she saw next made her eyes bulge and her mouth drop open!

There, on the floor, was a large horse-like creature, with a lilac coat, a dark navy blue mane with pink streaks, a strange sparkling mark on her rump near her tail. She also had a pair of wings and a horn.

Raven rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, “A unicorn… in my room?” she said softly to herself.

The creature began to awaken, and she groaned and called out, “Spike? Spike…?”

Raven was even more amazed that this creature could talk too.

“Where am I?” the creature wondered.

“Um… in my room…” Raven answered.

The creature turned and looked at Raven, and then all around the room. It was dark, in a creepy way, not just because it was night, and the looks of all the creepy artifacts, shelves of books, and how oddly the girl on the bed seemed.

“I’ve got a feeling I’m not in Equestria anymore.”

Act 2: Explain the Pain

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The door to Raven’s room busted down as the other Titans came in. “Raven, are you alright?” cried Robin.

“We had heard a strange noise…” said Starfire, but then she stopped as she gawked at the unusual creature in the room with them all.

“Um… hello…” the creature said “I am Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Um… ooooookay.” said Cyborg and he walked over to Raven “Did you summon… whatever this is?”

Raven blushed nervously, “Um… it was kind of an accident.

…Could we please not talk about this IN MY ROOM?!”

Before long, everyone was in the lounge and Twilight told them about herself.

“You’re a magical pony princess, from the world of Equestria?” Robin asked, again! Twilight sighed “Yes, I believe we just covered all that.”

“Then how is it you ended up in our friend, Raven’s room?” asked Starfire.

“It’s hard to understand, but someone it seems Raven’s portal has some connection with the portal in my world, but I’m sure I can go back the way I came.” replied Twilight, and she looked at Raven “All you have to do is hold that small mirror of yours in the light of the full moon and you can cast me back.”

“How do you know it will?” asked Raven.

Twilight snickered cheekily “I’m magical…” and she demonstrated her power by lifting up the coasters on the table and making them do odd tricks in midair. She even made several glasses of water appear for everyone.

“Whoa!” cried Cyborg “This is way AWE-SOME!!”

Twilight blushed, “So, tell me about you guys. I don’t think I’ve ever met creatures like you before.”

Robin showed her his communicator, “We’re the “Teen Titans” We help protect our city and this world from evil creeps and bad guys.

Here, maybe this will explain it better.”

He clicked on his com to show a small type of intro video that explained more about the titans, and even had their own theme song.


Twilight was amazed and a little shocked by what she saw, and she shook her head snapping herself awake. “So, anyway… I’d love to stay and chat, but I really need to get back to Equestria, because I’m due to meet some other friends of mine.”

She looked at Raven expecting her to send her home, but Raven was sorry to inform her, “I’m afraid I can’t.”

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight “All you have to do is hold your mirror to the full moon, and just do whatever you did before.”

The other Titans already saw the problem, “Except… there is no moon now.” said Robin and he pointed outside at the night, and surely enough the moon was gone; it had set over the sea horizon.

“Oh, no!” cried Twilight, and she began to panic “This is not good! Not good!”

She began to trot around the room, “How will I get home?! What will my friends think?! What’ll Equestria do without me?!”

“Whoa, whoa… easy girl.” said Cyborg “The next full moon’s just tomorrow night, and until then you can crash here with us.”

“Oh, yes!” cried Starfire “It will be the most wonderful thing. Our home, is the your home as well.”

Robin didn’t mind, and neither did Raven…

Twilight felt a little better, but suddenly she realized, “Wait a minute, isn’t there supposed to be one more of you here? Like there were in the vid?”

This made the team realize that in all the excitement, they had completely forgotten, “Beast Boy…” said Robin, he and the others realized he was no longer on the couch, and the window was wide open.

“Oh, no…! He must have gone in the night!” cried Starfire.

“Ah, man!” cried Cyborg “I hope he didn’t do anything crazy!”

Twilight was most confused, but the Titans suddenly rushed for the door, slamming it right down with a crash on the floor.

“BEAST BOY… WE ARE COMING!!” cried Starfire, but the team suddenly skidded to a halt when they heard a soft groan…

“Oh…! That hurt…!”

They turned and looked back at the fallen door on the floor and how it was moving, and Beast Boy softly crawled up from under it, as well as being trampled on.

“Ohh… That hurt! That hurt!

That hurt…!

That hurt…!

Ah-ooooo That Hurt!

Dudes, I just went out for a flight, okay?” he groaned while flexing his neck, and cracking his nose.

The Titans stood where they were, frozen in shock and shame for what they just did, and Twilight used her magic to lift the door off of him.

“Um… Beast Boy, this is Twilight Sparkle.” said Robin

Twilight waved nervously at him.

“Hi…” Beast Boy groaned “Ohh…!” and he passed out on the floor. It was a very awkward for everyone else.

“Am I missing something here?” Twilight asked.

Nevertheless, Beast Boy was out cold, but sleeping peacefully. Cyborg picked him up, and soon he was tucked in bed.

“Eww…” Twilight groaned as she stepped in an old pizza box on the floor, “How does he live in such a pigsty!”

“You don’t know the half of it.” Raven said.

Twilight wasn’t going to stand for this, and in a flash of her horn, the entire room was spotless and shimmering a bit.

The Titans were ever so amazed, “Is there anything you can’t do?” asked Robin.

Twilight shrugged playfully, unable to answer.

Suddenly, Beast Boy began to stir deeply in his sleep.

“Uh, oh…” said Cyborg, and he scanned Beast Boy’s vital signs, “His stress levels are off the charts. He’s havin’ a nightmare.”

“Terra…” Beast Boy grumbled in his sleep “Please… don’t go! Terra…!”

“Who’s Terra?” Twilight asked “Is she a friend of yours?”

The Titans hesitated, “She… was our friend once, and very special… to Beast Boy.”

Twilight began to sense maybe there was some kind of problem here; a friendship problem. “Did something go wrong with this Terra?”

The Titans hesitated again, not really sure if they could tell her the whole story.

“You don’t have to.” said Twilight “In my home of Equestria, I studied about the dream realm, and I know a spell that can help us look into Beast Boy’s mind.”

Much as the Titans felt that was an invasion of privacy, they agreed to it because it meant they would get to the bottom of what happened.

“Do it.” Robin said “And let us see as well.”

“Okay… everyone huddle together around me.”

The second the titans did as they were told, Twilight concentrated hard, her horn glowed brightly, and she transferred them all within Beast Boy’s dreams.

Act 3: Unspeakable Nightmare

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Inside of Beast Boy’s dreams, it wasn’t like anything anyone expected. You’d expect him to have loads of crazy and bizarre dreams, like giant tofu, mopeds, and cool outfits and things like that… but all he had was just one dream at the moment.

Everyone saw it in the form of a bubble.

“I remember that…” said Robin “That’s when we all came home from after months of fighting the Brotherhood of Evil.”

“Brotherhood of Evil?” asked Twilight.

“Another bit of enemies.” said Raven “Long-story short: we beat ‘em.”

Everyone continued to watch the dream and the Titans remembered all the many changes they encountered since they had been away, but because the dream was form Beast Boy’s point of view, they only saw things through his eyes… including his encounter with a certain girl.

The Titans all gasped.

“It cannot be?!” cried Starfire.

“It is…” said Cyborg.

“…Terra!” added Robin “So she really DID return!”

As the episode continued on, they saw how Terra, or whoever this girl was claimed to have no memory of Beast Boy, the Titans or any of that, and no matter how hard he tried, Beast Boy just couldn’t seem to remember.

There were also flashbacks of the Titans past with Terra as Beast Boy tried to help the girl remember; everything from their first meeting, to her betrayal and turning to stone.

Twilight began to sense there was a little more to this. “I don’t think she’s forgotten. She doesn’t seem like it.”

“You can tell?” asked Raven.

“Well look…” Twilight said pointing out the flaws in the girl’s behaviour.

-A look of regret on her face
-Stuttering and hesitating, like she was trying to make excuses.

Then it got even worse…

“Who’s that?” Twilight asked. The Titans features hardened, “Slade…!” sneered Robin “We’ve had quite a few run-ins with him.”

As everyone watched Beast Boy battle with Slade, which actually turned out to be a robot duplicate, they heard him taunting Beast Boy about Terra.

“Maybe she doesn’t WANT to remember you.”

“If the girl does not use her powers, it is because she chooses so.”

“Don’t you see? She doesn’t want to see you anymore.”

The Titans all felt numbness creeping up on them, and finally all was confirmed during the final stages.

Beast Boy once again tried to reconcile with Terra, only for her to inform him…

“Things Change, Beast Boy. The girl you want me to be is just a memory.”

She even refused his offering her a communicator just in case she would ever be in trouble, and she refused to come with him…

“You go. You’re the Teen Titan, that’s who YOU are. That’s not me.

I’m not a hero.

I’m not out to save the world.

I’m just a girl with a geometry test next period and I haven’t studied.”

That was it!

The Titans and even Twilight couldn’t believe their eyes.

“So, Terra didn’t want to come to us.” said Robin “She just wanted to forget her past, and us, and even Beast Boy just to live a normal life.”

Much as everyone understood Terra’s reasons to move on, the way it was handled was just cold! It could not be ignored that Beast Boy didn’t deserve any of that; to be told by a girl he loved that she wanted nothing to do with him.

“No wonder the poor little guy’s so messed up.” said Cyborg.

“Oh, Beast Boy…!” Starfire sobbed softly.

Raven said nothing. What was there to possibly say? Heartbreak like this was just indescribable.

“I can’t believe this…” said Twilight “Dumping a friend who really cares about you, just because you WANT to forget, and you WANT to move on.”

The dream then went dark. It was all just Beast Boy standing in blackness all around, and singing a sad song of his heartbreak, while memories of Terra went past him, and how he now felt like such a loser!


In the end, Beast Boy’s dream faded away into nothingness, and his mind was empty, as if he hadn’t any dreams left to dream.

Twilight saw this as a good time to send everyone out again.

Beast Boy was sleeping peacefully, but he looked very unhappy, almost pale, like he didn’t want to wake up again. They honestly could not blame him for wanting to.

The gang all left Beast Boy to sleep in peace, and they talked outside.

“Whatever are we to do?” asked Starfire “Should we not go and speak with Terra?”

“I don’t think so, Star.” said Robin “If she wants to live a normal life, we don’t really have any say in forcing her to come back. Beast Boy respected her wishes and left her alone. We should do the same.”

Twilight that was very brave of everyone…

“But, what do we do about Beast Boy?” asked Raven “He hasn’t really let go of the past, and he’s getting worse.”

Everyone was worried that if Beast Boy kept on this unhealthy path, he would most likely die of heartbreak or stress.

“He just feels so useless.” said Cyborg “And it’s no wonder he didn’t want to talk to us about it either.”

“Well, I think it’s obvious…” said Twilight “You need to show Beast Boy that’s he not a loser. Make him feel like he has a reason to move on and live.”

Everyone looked at her taking deeply into the profound words she had just said. “You sound like a psychologist.” said Robin.

Twilight rubbed the back of her head, “Well, it’s kinda my thing. I help lots of creatures with their friendship problems, and learn to appreciate things.

Now, I’m going to help you and Beast Boy. I can’t just go back to Equestria and leave good friends unhappy like this.

I promise you… on my honor as Princess of Friendship.”

Robin smiled and patted her on the back “Thank you.”

The others all felt the same, but for the time being, they all decided to get some sleep as it was still late.

Raven stopped and took a last look at Beast Boy’s room, and she used her power to stick her head through the wall to see he was still sleeping softly. “I’m sorry, Beast Boy.” she said softly.

Act 4: Accepting Acceptance

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Beast Boy managed to make it through the night, but he didn’t really look too well rested mostly due to his depression.

“Hey, Beast Boy.” said Robin “You feeling okay?”

“I don’t know.” Beast Boy said in a tired voice. “Why was my room so clean this morning?

…Never mind. I’m too tired to think anyway.”

He got his usual piece of buttered toast and nothing else, and Twilight approached him. “Good morning, Beast Boy.” she frightened him and made him jump. “Whoa! It wasn’t a nightmare. I thought I got slammed by the door too hard.”

Twilight ignored all that, “Look… I know you and I still haven’t been properly introduced, so, let’s start at the beginning.

I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I’m going to help you with your friendship problems.”

Beast Boy blinked once “Yeah… I’m going to go back to my room.”

“Beast Boy, don’t be rude.” said Robin, Twilight raised her hoof, having reminded him earlier that this would all be part of the process, and to take it gently.

Just as Beast Boy made it up the steps to exit the lounge… POOF!! Twilight appeared right in front of him, making him jump again, and fling his toast of his plate.

“Beast Boy, I know this is hard, but I want to help you and so do your friends.”

The others all agreed, and Starfire hovered up to him, “Beast Boy, we understand now of your troubles. It was most saddening how Terra did not wish to come back to us, and wished to change.”

Beast Boy blinked “Wait… How do you know all that?”

Twilight explained how she and the others looked into his dreams the other night, which no doubt made Beast Boy feel violated in privacy “I can’t believe you guys did that!”

“Sorry, man… we didn’t like it either.” said Cyborg “But you weren’t giving us much of a choice. You wouldn’t talk to us.”

“There was nothing to talk about. That’s why I didn’t tell you.” retorted Beast Boy “It was depressing enough, I didn’t want you guys to go through the same pain as I did.”

There was a moment of silence as everyone stared at him.

“You didn’t want to hurt us?” asked Raven.

Beast Boy nodded softly, “I knew you didn’t think Terra had returned, but if you did I felt you feel just like I did… or somewhat, but it’s not all that.

I didn’t want you to go looking for her and try to bring her back. She made it clear she doesn’t want to come back to us, or anything to do with what we once shared. She doesn’t need any more of that.”

Another moment of silence followed and Twilight approached him, “You sound… happy… that she’s moved on.”

Beast Boy clenched his fists trying to supress the depression taking him over again, “I AM happy for her… but I’m not happy for me.”

His mind began to trail back to all the wonderful times he had with her, “I had a real connection with someone for the first time; a girl who liked me just for who I was, and laughed at my jokes, and didn’t think I was annoying.

…I really thought… she was “The One.”

The others all felt deeply heart struck by what he had just said. It all made his depression and heartbreak more understanding.

“She even said I was the coolest guy she’d ever known, and then… she just… chucked me out like I meant nothing to her.

Pretty pathetic, huh…?”

The others, at first, didn’t know what to say, but Twilight walked up to him, “You’re not pathetic, just because someone dumped you.”

“She’s right…” said Cyborg “You gotta stop beatin’ yourself up like this.”

“Truly, Beast Boy, you have done many wondrous things.” added Starfire.

Robin and Raven nodded in agreement.

Beast Boy blinked once, unsure if he could believe them.

Robin then nodded over at Twilight, and she nodded back at him, and she magically transported Beast Boy onto her back. He wasn’t heavy for her at all.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“Trust me.” said Twilight, and she teleported herself and Beast boy outside. “Whoa!” Beast Boy cried and held onto to Twilight by the neck, nearly choking her. “Please…!” Twilight begged “Can’t… breathe!”

He let go, but was still rather scared, “I’ve never actually rode a horse before, let alone a flying one.”

Twilight thought this odd, “But you turn into birds all the time.”

“Yeah, but then at least I have control of my flight.”

Twilight sighed, and used her magic to hold him steady so he wouldn’t fuss, and then she cast herself and Beast Boy in a magical sparkling aura before she flew off towards the city.

“Where are you taking me?” Beast Boy asked, “And what’s with all this sparkly stuff?”

Twilight didn’t answer and continued to fly.

The others all watched from the window, “Should we not go with them?” asked Starfire.

Robin shook his head, “Let her do her part first, then we’ll help in whatever way we can.”

Suddenly, the alarms sounded. Robin checked his communicator, and there was trouble happening at the Jump City Bridge.

“Shouldn’t we call Beast Boy?” Cyborg asked.

Much as Robin knew better, he felt it would be best to leave him and Twilight to their work, “We can always call him later if we need him.

Let’s go!”

The first place Twilight took Beast Boy was where that new office complex was being built; which forced many places to close up, like the candy shop where Beast Boy loved to get his peanut butter squares and jelly worms.

“Why have you brought me here?”

“The Titans and I talked early this morning, and they showed me a map of Jump City so I know just where to take you. We’re starting here.”

The construction crew was working hard to break up the old buildings and build the new one. They even passed a couple of men working on a high lift. They just flew right past them and the men acted like they weren’t even there.

“Why didn’t those dudes see us?” asked Beast Boy.

“Because I’ve cast an invisibility spell on us.” replied Twilight “The Titans agreed it’d be best if no one else in the city knew about me. With all the bad guys and enemies you guys have, I wouldn’t want them to learn about me and my magic.”

Beast Boy thought this was amazing, and he called out to the workers “HEY…!! YOU-HOO… OVER HERE!!” and the men didn’t respond at all.

Twilight bucked once to get him to knock it off, “Try to focus. I’m here to teach you something.”

“What would that be?”

Twilight chose her words carefully, “I know it feels hard to accept change sometimes. Believe me, I know how it feels.”

She went into a flashback of how she and Spike used to live at Golden Oak Library before she got her Friendship Castle “The library has been long since destroyed, and I still miss it to this day.”

Beast Boy felt sorry for her, and amazed she knew how it felt to lose things you loved, “But you got a huge castle now. Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”

“Yeah, it is.” replied Twilight “Believe me, I have no regrets, but I’m trying to tell you that it’s okay to miss the things you once had.

Just because things change, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Sometimes it can be a good thing.”

She then flew off!

“WHOA!!” groaned Beast Boy “Warn me when you’re going to do that!”

Next Twilight flew higher above the city to show him a better view of it. “Just look how big this town of yours is.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen it… even from a higher point… so what?”

“So… the point is, what do you do for it?”

Beast Boy snuffed “Duh, I fight to protect it. It’s what a super hero does.”

“Exactly…! And if you didn’t protect it then who would?”

Beast Boy was suddenly starting to feel soft spark lighting deep within him, either for the very first time, or just coming back after being neglected.

Twilight felt she was making a connection, and then she flew down towards the park, and over the urban area, where they saw so many people just going about their daily lives without much of a care.

Beast Boy couldn’t help but snuff softly at them.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“They all look so happy. They don’t know what it’s like to fight bad guys the way I do, and they don’t understand the pain I have to put up with when I lose things.”

“That’s exactly what we just talked about.” said Twilight “These people can live their lives happily because of people like you, and the Titans fighting to protect them.”

Beast Boy shrugged, “Well, yeah… but still, we always do so much for them, and we hardly ever get rewarded for what we do. I know I don’t. All I ever got was laughed at and things were taken from me.”

“Oh, I see…” said Twilight “Sorry to sound like this, but I guess to you the simple satisfaction that you helped saved these people just isn’t enough?”

“No…! I mean yes… I mean!” Beast Boy held his aching head “I just wish sometimes I could be shown a little more appreciation, instead of none at all.”

Twilight wasn’t so sure she could help him with that.

Suddenly, Beast Boy’s communicator went off.

“Beast Boy! We need your help at the Jump City Bridge!” cried Robin “Get here as fast as you can!”

There was a big explosion forcing Robin to sign off, and Beast Boy could see this was serious.

“Can you take me there?”

Twilight nodded, “Hang on!” and they flew off towards the direction of the bridge.

Act 5: Back in the Brave

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Cars, trucks and busses were halted on the bridge, unable to proceed, and all the people inside the vehicles were scared out of their minds.

Reason being: Two men were piloting large robotic like suits, which stood to be the size of small houses, and armed with strong armor, huge cannon-guns, and big swords. Just one of these alone was enough to cause serious damage to the bridge, and seriously more harm to the people the men were holding as hostages.

If the people made any attempt to escape, they would blow them to bits!

“Titans, Go!” shouted Robin, and he and the other three dashed into action.

Robin threw his disc-bombs at once of the robots, but the bombs hardly did any damage at all.

Starfire tried firing her starbolts, and Cyborg fired his sonic cannon.

No results!

“Those suits must be coated with a special armor!” cried Cyborg.

One of the pilots laughed, “That’s right, Titans. We heard about your super powers.”

“That’s right,” cackled the other pilot “So we supped up our battle-bots here so they can stand up to anything you try and throw at us, but you won’t be able to do the same to us.”

The two bad men charged their bots’ energy cannons to fire.

“Don’t let those guys hit the civilians!” shouted Robin.

Raven moved herself into position, and concentrated all the power she could. Just as the powerful plasma shots were fired, she had raised a dark wall of black power before the vehicles, which took the blasts and left the vehicles and the people unharmed.

“I can’t hold it up forever!” cried Raven.

“You won’t have to.” Laughed one of the pilots, and he leapt his bot over to the huge support cables of the bridge and hacked them with his huge sword, slicing them like plain string, and weakening the strength of the bridge.

“Oh, no!!” cried Cyborg and he rushed over to try and make any necessary repairs that he could. But the two bots cut him off, and one of them gave him a huge punch hard sending him crashing, and bouncing along the road.

Raven couldn’t leave her post or the civilians would be exposed to the danger.

“I am coming, Friend Cyborg!” cried Starfire, and she lifted him out of the way just as one of the bots tried to slash at him. Instead he sliced more cables, which weakened the bridge even more.

The bigger supports of the bridge were starting to vibrate as they began to break apart, and the road would start to crumple soon.

“What’s wrong, Titans? Can’t stand the pressure?” one of the pilots taunted, and the other one just laughed at how the Titans and the civilians all seemed so hopeless.

Suddenly, the second bot got rammed hard from behind and knock forward a few paces, “What the…!” snapped the pilot, and he could see through his rear-view mirror, a green T-rex was responsible.

“Beast Boy…!” Robin called.

“Yo’, Beastie!” Cyborg called.

“Ha!” the first pilot thundered “Now that you’re all here, you can all go down together!”

“Look out!” Starfire called to Beast Boy, and Beast boy quickly dashed out of the way just as the two bots fired plasma blasts, blowing huge holes in the bridge road.

“Dude!” cried Beast Boy “are you nuts! You’ll blow this entire bridge apart!”

“Duh…! That’s the point!” the second pilot sneered “And once we’re done here, the city is next. Unless you’re willing to meet our demands…”

“As if…!” shouted Beast Boy “Me and my peeps will make you sorry you ever thought of trying to mess with things!”

The other Titans nodded in agreement.

“…WRONG ANSWER!!” The pilots both shouted and they rushed over to attack again.

“Listen! I’ve got an idea.” said Robin, and he whispered to the other titans, except Raven, and they all agreed with his plan.

“Titans, go!”

The titans split up and scattered around, Cyborg and Starfire continued to blast at the bots.

“Don’t you ever get tired of that same old trick?” the first pilot mocked, and he fired a plasma-shot at the duo, forcing them to dodge, which cause the bridge to suffer more damage.

Some of the debris hit Raven’s shield over the civilians. “Whatever you’re going to do… MOVE IT!!” Raven called “I CAN’T HOLD OUT MUCH LONGER!!”

Beast Boy, as a triceratops stampeded forth with Robin standing on him holding his metal staff.

“Are they nuts?” the first pilot said to his comrade.

“Never mind…! Just get ‘em!”

The two bots stood at opposite ends and came straight for the boys, and took a swing with their swords, “Now!!” shouted Robin, and he leapt high off of Beast Boy, and Beast Boy changed into a tiny mouse…

…Causing the two bots to miss and accidently STRIKE each other hard, making thin gashed in the huge machines. They were built to withstand the Titan’s powers, but apparently not from each other’s.

“Watch it!” snarled the first pilot.

“Me…?! It was you!”

The two were so busy squabbling at one another…

“Beast Boy, go!” Robin called to him. Beast Boy nodded and approached one of the bots. Changing into a fly, he flew his way up and into the gash, entering the bots circuitry.

Once inside deeply enough, he changed into a mighty whale, stretching the structures apart from within.

“Hey!!” the pilot cried as his systems began to malfunction and spark “What’s going on!” and his bot suddenly flew apart in so many angles, causing the punk to fall from his seat and hit the ground hard.

“No way!” the other pilot called, and that’s when Beast Boy eyed at the bot and charged at it like a bull, literally.

“Take this!” the pilot shouted, trying to blast Beast Boy with his plasma gun, but Beast Boy dodged the blast, changing into a peregrine falcon, and zoomed over towards the other huge gash in the bot’s chest, and repeating his same strategy-- fly, enter, whale, expand…!

KAPOW!! The second bot was destroyed and the pilot was launched clean over the side of the bridge and fell into the water below.

Starfire retrieved him, and the two pilots were bounded and gagged and ready for the police to come and take them away.

The civilians were now all free and able to drive safely off the bridge and to safety.

The civilians couldn’t help but gets out of their vehicles to cheer for the heroes, and ask for autographs and selfies… especially around Beast Boy, being the one who destroyed the bots.

“You’re the coolest.”

“Awesome, man…!”

“Can I have your email?”

So much respect, and so much praise, Beast Boy… well… he liked it. He liked it so much, he couldn’t really feel upset anymore, and he even smiled for the first time in a while.

The Titans all saw this as the most wonderful sign.

“Hey, look at the bridge.” said a teenage civilian boy. “It’s all fixed.”

“Like, how did that happen?” asked a girl “That thing was totally ready to fall apart a few minutes ago.”

The Titans were confused as well, until… they could see just a tiny bit of Twilight’s face appear, and she winked at them-- implying she had used her magic to quickly fix the bridge back to normal, but was still keeping out of sight to avoid unnecessary attention.

Finally, when all was said and done, and the civilians all went back to town, the Titans went home to the tower, and met up with Twilight, now no longer invisible.

“Guess you’re not such a loser after all, eh, Beast Boy?” said Robin.

Beast Boy’s smile only widened, “I guess not.”

Cyborg grabbed him and gave him a guy noogie, “Booyah! My little buddy’s back!”

Starfire came in and hugged him tightly, “Oh, I am so happy you are no longer weeping, Beast Boy.

“Yeah… sure…!!” he groaned feeling a little squeezed.

Raven just smiled softly at him, and it wasn’t often that she did smile.

Easily, Twilight was the happiest, and that’s when Beast boy approached her, and hugged her softly, “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. I feel like I owe you.”

Twilight shook her head, “You don’t owe me a thing. Friends help friends all the time, and remember… the satisfaction I have for helping is more than enough for me.”

Beast Boy smiled at her and nodded softly.

There was however one last thing he felt he had to do and he wished for Twilight to take him and the others there.

Soon, they were all at the Murakami School, outside the gates, but Twilight was keeping them all invisible with her magic.

The bell rang, and the students began to emerge from the building as school was out.

The gang waited, and waited, and suddenly… there she was.

“Terra…” Robin murmured.

The others all gawked with strange expressions and feelings as they saw her walking with her two friends and chatting happily without much of a care in the world. Even as if they had no idea of all the danger that just happened at the bridge.

Terra… she looked so incredibly happy; happier than anyone had ever seen her.

Though it was still undeniable that how she treated Beast Boy was cruel, none of them wanted to call her out on it, or even go near her.

She was happy now, and that was all she ever wanted. Now they all felt they had the power to really leave her in peace and look forward to their own futures.

“Goodbye… Terra…” Beast Boy whispered softly. A soft tear rolled down his eye.

The others all comforted him.

“You okay?” Cyborg asked.

Beast Boy nodded “Things Change, but not all changes have to be bad.”

With that settled, the gang all decided to head back to the tower. They all flew up into the sky, keeping close by Twilight to stay invisible.

Beast Boy was an eagle, and as he flapped his wings, one of his green feathers floated away from him, and out of the magical aura, making it visible!

Terra looked up and saw it, and noted its green color.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” one of her friends asked.

“Yeah, did you see something?” asked the other.

Terra smiled softly, “Nah… it’s nothing.” And she and her friends walked off down the street.

Closing Act: Tearful Farewell

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That evening, the Titans had a big party to celebrate, as well as a chance to let Twilight have some fun before the moon came out and she’d have to go back to Equestria.

There was big music playing, and Robin, Starfire and Cyborg were booging on the floor with Twilight. “Got some pretty neat moves for a horse.” said Cyborg.

“Ha! Wait until I get going…” said Twilight, and she began to cut really loose on the dance floor, doing incredible moves almost like that of another human.

“You are amazing.” commented Starfire “I do wish you could stay with us a little longer.”

“I wish I could too,” said Twilight “But I really should get back to Equestria. My friends are there, and I have my duties to perform. Plus, I was supposed to go off on social visit too.”

“We understand…” said Robin “But we’re still grateful to everything you’ve done for us, especially for Beast Boy.”

“Where is Beast Boy?” Twilight asked, and it was then that the others realized he wasn’t there, nor was Raven.

Beast Boy was on the roof, watching the sun go down. He had a rather downhearted expression on his face, and in his hands he clutched the heart-shaped mirror box he had made for Terra.

He opened it and looked at her reflection, and for a moment he swore he could see Terra right beside him and smiling at him, but he snapped himself to his senses.

Then he could see Raven’s reflection, she was standing at the doorway. “How come you’re not at the party?” Beast Boy asked.

“You know I’m not that fond of parties.”

She slowly walked up to him. “Why aren’t you at the party yourself?”

Beast Boy couldn’t keep it from anyone. “I’m going to move on, but…” he paused and looked at his reflection again “I still miss her a lot, and memories don’t just disappear. Even Terra knows this. She’s just trying to put it all behind her.”

Raven felt worried that he was a relapse of his depression. Then again she knew that such feelings didn’t just go away overnight… and sometimes they just didn’t go away.

“You’re allowed to have those emotions.” she said to him “No one can tell you how to feel, and sometimes you just can’t help how you feel. They’re part of what makes you human.”

Beast Boy gawked at her in shock. “How do you know all this? You barely show that much emotion yourself.

No offense.”

Raven didn’t mind “Just because I can’t or don’t show much emotion that often doesn’t mean I don’t have any. It’s what I DO with them that matters.

You have emotions, but don’t let them rule you. Don’t do things that can harm you, or others, and no matter what happens you can always count on your friends to help you.”

She was sounded much like Twilight, but her words really meant to him, and though it was somewhat regrettable of what he did next…

He took the mirror box and gave it a huge throw off the roof, sending it into the ocean, never to be seen again.

“You didn’t have to do that?” Raven said.

“I know... but like you said: don’t do anything that harms you… like hanging on.”

Raven didn’t smile, at least not visibly, but she was proud of him.

They were both about to head back inside… when suddenly…!

POW!! It sounded like a shot, “A’UHN!!” Beast Boy shouted as she shot went right through his chest and out through his back.

Raven gasped in horror!


More shots were fired from out of nowhere, and struck Beast Boy hard all over, and he fell over backwards groaning in pain.

“BEAST BOY…!!!!!”

The Titans heard her scream, while the music was stopped, and they and Twilight rushed to the roof, only to see the terrible sight of Beast Boy, wounded and drenched in blood, in Raven’s arms.

Everyone gawked in extreme horror and ran up to Raven.

“What happened?!” asked Robin.

Raven looked up with tears in her eyes, “He… he was shot.”

Cyborg quickly scanned the area, but his readings showed absolutely no one within a hundred mile radius of the tower. “Whoever it was must’ve got away!”

Starfire frantically panicked at Twilight “Please! Can you not help him?!” but Twilight tearfully shook her head “There’s nothing I can do. My magic doesn’t work on these kinds of things.”

With his last bit of strength, Beast Boy reached up and grabbed Raven’s collar with his bloody hand. In a fading, raspy, dying voice he said to her, “Don’t… do… anything harmful.

You’ll… have friends… to help you through!”

He coughed a whole lot of blood through his mouth, and then he expired. Raven’s mouth was twitching as her tears fell hard, splashing on his dead face.

“Ah, man…!” sobbed Cyborg.

“Beast Boy…!” wept Starfire.

BOOM!! Robin smashed his fists on the ground, and he was quivering painfully with woe and trying not to show his own tears behind his mask.

As for Twilight, she never felt so devastated before. Never before had she actually helped someone overcome their friendship problems, and they didn’t live to go on.

Beast Boy’s bod was cleaned of blood, and he was placed in a casket for everyone to mourn over. It was truly a painful moment for them all.

Then, right in the middle of the night, the full moon was shining brightly, and Raven had her mirror ready to send Twilight home to Equestria.

Though the Titans were going through a sad moment, and Twilight herself felt sorry for Beast Boy’s death, even she agreed it was best for her to go now while she had the chance, or risk being stuck in the Titan’s World for an undetermined amount of time.

“I can’t stop saying how sorry I Am.” she said to her friends.

“It’s not your fault.” said Cyborg “At least you were able to help him so he didn’t die thinking he was a wimp.” He stopped before he felt he would say something inappropriate that would hurt everyone even more. “I’m sorry, I’m just so upset!”

“We all feel the same!” sobbed Starfire “He was our friend, and he was there for us, just as we were there for him.

We will miss him, but…” she paused and wiped her eyes “We will try to be brave, and live on.” She was quivering hard trying to not burst out and cry again, not when they wanted to try to send Twilight off in peace.

Robin went up to Twilight, and shook her hoof in his hand “Thank you, for everything, and please come back to visit sometime.”

Twilight nodded feeling that was a definite promise, “That’s what friends do.”

She looked over at Raven, who sadly nodded back at her.

The moonlight then shone brightly on the mirror making it glow. It was time. Twilight stepped in a position directly over it, and Raven cast her magic…!

In a bright flash, Twilight was gone, and the titans were left to once again grieve over the loss of their friend.

Twilight appeared safely within the chambers of her home castle.

“Twilight…!” Spike cried, and he ran over and hugged her leg “Oh, I thought I’d never see you again! Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?! I…” he stopped when he noticed how sad she looked.

She began to walk sadly off to her room, not saying a thing.

“Twilight…? Are you alright?”

Twilight didn’t look at him, and she didn’t have to as he could see the tears in her eyes. “I will be, Spike. I will be.”

She used her magic to softly lift him off her, and she disappeared into her room to have a small cry, much to Spike’s concern.

Worse than that, he noticed Twilight’s message book was glowing with a message from her friends at Canterlot High wondering why she hadn’t come for her usual visit, and he answered back.

“This is Spike… Twilight’s not feeling very well right now. She’ll visit when she feels better.”

He just hoped it wouldn’t be too long.

Back in the Titans’ world,

The papers had the front page covered about Beast Boy’s mysterious and shocking murder, which was to alert the city not to expect to see him anymore.

The entire city was in shock, and many of people were very horrified and upset to hear the news.

The Titans received many messages from sympathetic people, offering their apologies and heartfelt wishes.

The Titans had also buried Beast Boy in a cemetery, and gave him a special monument stone.


“A Beloved Hero

A Teen Titan

A True Friend”

Every day, or whenever they had a chance, they would visit, and pray for the soul of their dear friend. Starfire brought a flower to the grave every day.

It was always heartbreaking for them.

Robin still wanted to know who it was that shot and killed Beast Boy. “When I find out who it is… I’ll make them sorry!” he grumbled to himself.

The others all felt the same way, and they left the grave in peace.

No sooner had they left did one other person show up; Terra… who had just come from school, and had been waiting for the Titans to leave, not wanting them to see her.

When she heard of Beast Boy’s death, she was most devastated, but didn’t let any of her friends or her schoolmates know this.

She approached the grave, and placed a huge bouquet of flowers by it. Her tears were falling sharply, and she fell to her knees and wept, “Beast Boy… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

That was all she could say, while deeply in her mind, she couldn’t help but wonder who in the world would want to kill an innocent boy.

Still, there wasn’t much else she could do. Things Changed after all, and she had to live with it, just like everyone else.

“Rest in Peace, Beast Boy.”