The Cello and The Guitar: Reverberation

by Nyhll

First published

A gentle breeze follows the girl as she makes her way home to her beau after a long day's work as she reminisces about the past.

It's been a long, difficult year, but things have only gotten better over it. Now as the one year anniversary of that day comes closer, the couple could only pause to reflect on what has happened to them.

Rewrite of my original attempt at this Ship, and I feel like I could do a lot better~

A Good Day

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“[Thank you again, dear. Your skill with your instrument always helps set the mode for the customers.]” the balding man smiled as he pulled his head back, his eyes twinkling merrily as he grasped the hands of the girl standing in front of her.

“[Flattery will get you everywhere, Maison.]” the young woman chuckled as she slid her hands free and tapped a long, elegant finger off the tip of her employer’s nose. “[I still owe you for taking the two of us in off the street.]”

The man’s smile became somber as he took a half step back to allow his performer to start putting away her large instrument. “[My wife was quite upset with me those first two days, but…]”

“[She’s still trying to set me up with your grandson.]” the pair erupted into laughter as the girl started to zip her instrument’s protective case shut.

“[Only because you wouldn’t allow her to adopt the two of you.]” the man chuckled as he watched the girl stand back up and hoist her instrument back over her shoulder. He reached up into the pocket of his rather exquisite suit vest and pulled out a noticeable wad of bills before handing them over to the young woman. “[Here you are.]”

The girl gently grabbed the bills before slowly fingering through them, pausing and looking up in concern. “[Maison, this is-]”

“[Your anniversary is coming up, no?]” he said with a sly wink as he rested his hands on his hips. “[Think of it as a bonus for the last year on the job.]”

The girl gave a small, amused snort as she looked down at the bills one last time before pocketing them.

“[I also may have taken the liberty to talk to old friend Chive and reserve a table for two that night.]” the girl instantly shot back up to look at the portly man.


“[He still owes me for that poker game in the eighties. Now shoo! Employees only at this time.]”

The girl shook her head with a gentle smirk before bidding the man farewell and slowly walking out of the front door.

The sign of The King’s Finest swayed gently in the mid summer breeze, the sun still sitting high in the sky as the girl paused to run a hand through her flowing locks. Had it really already been a year? The time sure had flown if that was the case.

She started to hum softly to herself as she slowly made her way up the old cobblestone road towards home. She studied the slow passing by of couples on bikes or the odd motorized vehicle, the country air crisp from the lack of pollutants. More than once she waved to someone across the street. The community was small and tight knit, most everyone knowing each other in some form or another.

“[It’s her, it’s her!]” the young woman paused as childish shouts of glee erupted from the park beside her, followed shortly there after by the thunderous sounds of multiple smaller feet rushing towards her.

“[Teach us another word!]”

“[Yeah, yeah!]”

“[Another! Another!]”

The young woman chuckled as she was quickly surrounded by beaming faces, their cherubic faces alight with the kind of joy that only children could have.

“[Alright, alright! But you have to give me a little space, okay?]” the pack dispersed and all came to stand before the girl as she straightened her clothes.

“[Alright, how about… Oh, I know!]” the girl smiled warmly as she looked around at the waiting faces. “Bamboozle. Bam-boo-zal.”

Soon enough each of the kids were mimicking her, practicing the pronunciation of this foreign word.

“[What’s it mean?]” one of the girl’s asked, her head tilted slightly to the side.

“[There are a few meanings for it, but I most commonly use it to describe when I have tricked someone!]” responded the young woman with a soft chortle. “[Now shouldn’t you all should head home and get ready for bed? It’s way past your bed times!]”

The children groaned as they slowly grouped up and went their separate ways, waving farewell to one another and their mentor, before eventually leaving her alone to return to her solitary walk home.

She paused as she came to the edge of the garden that sat at the end of the park, looking down at the collection of colourful flowers, before reaching down and plucking a delicate white leafed one, holding onto it gently as she walked across the road and onto the next stretch of cobblestone path.

It wasn’t a long walk, maybe less than seven minutes, but the young woman eventually found herself walking up a flight of stairs leading to an older looking building in an already older town. Her humming paused as an enormous smile spread across her face, matching the immense joy and warmth spreading through her body. She reached forward and gently turned the knob, the door emitting a gentle squeak as it slowly opened and allowed her to enter the small two story home.

The soft whistling of a tea kettle wafted through the air along with a complimentary floral scent greeted the girl as she shut the door behind her, slipping off her shoes and gently storing them out of the way. She slowly made her way through the living room, the second hand furniture resting in an open arrangement to allow whoever was present to enjoy a pleasant conversation.

She slowed down even more as she made her way around the corner and into the small kitchen, her prey becoming visible as she entered the side room. The girl had managed to sneak up from behind and began to creep up, inch by inch before she wrapped her arms around them.

“Welcome home, love.” the warm, song like voice of Octavia sent a shiver down the spine of Sunset Shimmer like every other time the slate grey woman spoke.

“I don’t know which is better, the tea, or you, babe.” Sunset nuzzled her cheek affectionately against Octavia’s before stepping back slightly. “Turn around, I got something for ya.”

“Oh?” Octavia slowly turned around, her light summer dress flowing around her as she dried her hands on a floral print towel.

“Happy almost anniversary, Octavia.” Sunset held out the flower, a child like blush mixed with an equally childish smile on her face.

“Oh, Sunset…” a happy coo was Sunset’s reward and she felt her legs turn into jelly as Octavia slowly pulled the flower from the suddenly shaking hand of her partner. “It’s so pretty, thank you!”

“Not even a light bulb compared to the sun of your beauty.” Sunset couldn’t help but smirk as Octavia burst into a fit of giggles as she slid the flower into her hair.

“S-Sunset, st-st-stop!” Octavia took over a minute to say those two simple words thanks to how every time she attempted to look at Sunset the taller, amber skinned girl would start wiggling her eyebrows in a rather suggestive matter. “Your h-h-humour is so-”

“Corny that it should be sold in the produce department of every grocer here in Prance?” a lively smile spread across the girl’s face as she leaned forward and swung her arm in front of herself, causing the already giggling Octavia to fall back against the counter as she burst into full body laughter.

“P-Please, stop! I’m going to knock over the tea!” her delicate grey finger tried its best to wipe away the tears streaming down her face as Octavia continued to howl with laughter.

“Oh, we can’t have that now, can we?” Octavia gave a surprised cry as she was suddenly hoisted up by Sunset, resting in the amber girl’s arms like a princess.

“Oh, Sunset…” Octavia whispered as she traced down Sunset’s cheek and across her full lips. “Whatever did I do to deserve you?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s my line.” Sunset smiled as she bent down and pressed her lips against Octavia’s, the pair purring happily as electricity buzzed through them.

“Tell me again… When did you know?” Octavia asked as they reluctantly pulled apart.

Sunset chuckled as she looked down at the girl giving her a rather adorable pout.“Again? Well, you know I can’t say no to you, babe. Let’s see…”

First Encounter

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Sunset gave a tired yawn as she shifted her backpack around on her shoulder for the fourth time. She was still exhausted from the weekend spent with the rest of the Rainbooms following their victory over the Sirens. The girl’s had spent their time hanging out and doing whatever they felt like.

Sunset was just glad that it seemed like the school was finally forgiving her for everything leading up to the Fall Formal. She was much too old to be fully invested in every little thing that the other girls were interested in, but she knew if she brought it up to them they wouldn’t let her live it down.

“Oh! Good morning, Sunset!” a voice called out, breaking the Equestrian from her death like stupor and causing her to realize she was already at school.

“G’mornin’, Flutts.” Sunset gave a small yawn as she waved towards the buttercreme girl who stood with the rest of the members of the Rainbooms.

“I take it I’m not the only one who didn't get their proper sleep this weekend then.” commented Rarity as Sunset joined the rest of the band members.

An extremely dangerous snicker escaped from Rainbow Dash as she playfully nudged the pale girl in the side. “Hey now, you can blame that on yourself! I saw you sneaking off with Applejack Saturday night!”

“Rainbow Dash…” if the athlete’s short giggle had been dangerous, then the growl that emanated from Applejack was a universal extinction level threat.

“I’m surprised the two of you didn’t shake Pinkie’s house- Ow!”

“Seriously, Rainbow? Do you not understand what courtesy is?” Sunset shook her head as she shook her hand, the short blue girl rubbing her arm intensely. “Maybe they don’t want people to know their relationship status.”

“Hey, just cause yer a virgin doesn’t mean- Jeezus fucking christ, Sunset!” Rainbow cried out as her arm once again was assaulted by the tallest girl in the school.

“Are you gonna stow it yet, Dash?” Sunset glowered as she held her arm back, fist cocked and loaded for another devastating blow if need be.

The girl looked like she was about to start up again, her mouth opening as she turned to look at Sunset, only to throw up her hands in front of her face as an extremely girlish scream of fear erupted from her when she saw Sunset’s arm start to move.

“Wow, RD…” Applejack managed out between laughs that echoed around from the other band members. “Did ya see a spider or something?”

“S-Shut up! Her punches hurt, damnit! I mean, you’ve seen her guns!” an adorable blush spread across Rainbow’s face as she pointed vehemently at the tower Sunset.

“True… How often do you go to the gym, Sunset?” Rarity turned towards the amber girl who was busy wiping away the tear streaming down her face.

“Gym? You girl’s know I can’t afford that!” Sunset’s laugh carried a different tone as she shook her head. “No, I’m usually out doing a run after school and basic stuff like pushups and sit-ups.”

“Bullshit!” Rainbow gave a very fake sneeze to try and cover her comment, causing more giggles to trickle out from the gathering.

“Hey, believe what ya want, Dash. Now are you all gonna keep heckling me, a being from another world, about not having a human partner?” Sunset waved her hand above her head as she shook it, before bringing it down to rest on her hip. “Like, come on! How the hell would I be good for anyone?”

“I bet ya a dollar that ninety-nine percent of the boys in the school would cut off their left nut to spend a night with you!”

A tired sigh escaped from the amber girl as she grumbled in annoyance. “Damnit, Dash…”

“I, erm…” Sunset’s shot over in amazement to the normally prim and proper fashionista as she uneasily shifted from side to side. “I would have to agree with her, Sunset. I don’t know very many in CHS that would turn down that offer.”

“{I’m surrounded by children…}” Sunset’s face met her palm as she stood there and listened to the rest of the Rainbooms comment on Sunset’s appearance. “Look, girls, I’m not gonna deny that I could probably get, like, a good… eighty three percent of the school if I really wanted, but I’m just not not interested. All of you are still teenagers, and that’s not what I’m looking for.”

“Well if’n that ain’t tha pot callin' tha kettle black, then Ah don’t know what else could be.” Applejack chuckled as she crossed her firm arms.

Sunset’s brow furrowed as she looked around at the rest of the girls agreeing with the farmgirl. “Excuse me? What do you mean?”

You.” Rainbow Dash pointed a finger to the Equestrian before pulling it back and motioning to the rest of the band members. “Calling us, teenagers.”

“We’re the same age you big silly!” Pinke snorted as she giggled goofily.

“Um, what?” Sunset’s comment paused the other five girls as other students started to arrive at the school and greet the sid of them warmly. “No I’m not.”

“I know you’re taller and got bigger tits then the rest of us, but-” Sunset scowled as she clamped a hand forcefully over the blabbering mouth of the pixie sized athlete.

“Time works differently here compared to Equestria. I was in my twenties when I left, and Twilight looked to be the same age as when I returned, so while I’ve been here for about four years now, around a decade’s passed in Equestria.” Sunset explained in rapid, hushed whispers to the girls, looking around at each of them intently.

“Oh, so you’re an old granny then, huh?” a mischievous, Cheshire like grin spread over Rainbow Dash’s features as she slipped out of Sunset’s hold.

Sunset’s response was short as she responded to the obvious jab. “What I’m saying, Dash, is that I’m looking for more in a relationship, which pretty much all teenagers are unable to provide, but I also know that there is things that I’m unable to provide.”

“S-Shouldn’t we be getting to class now?” Fluttershy spoke up, alerting everyone to just how few students where now passing by.

“Aww, shit! Harshwhinny’s gonna give me detention if I’m late again!” Rainbow cursed loudly as she dashed off, leaving the other girls alone.

“Yeah, uh… I guess we should get going as well…” Sunset shrugged as the group marched into the school before breaking up and heading their separate ways.

She soon found herself in a near empty hallway, a few students rushing off and leaving her alone to quickly sort through her things and grab her binders for her first classes, only to pause when a sombre melody echoed down the hallway.

She shut her locker with a confused look as the music soaked into her, the sound suffusing her every fiber as she followed the noise with a hypnotized fervour. It dragged her through the halls, as if it were physically pulling her by the ears until she found herself standing in front of the practice room that the Rainbooms frequented. Sunset slowly crept forward, noticing the door wasn’t fully closed, and took the opportunity to peek inside the room.

She was greeted by a figure clad in a black-as-midnight suit that seemed tailor made to alert viewers to the generous curves of the wearer’s body, and generous they were as the girl slowly swayed with her playing. Her long, ebony locks slowly swung back and forth in time with her movements, sparkling in the light like diamonds.

Delicate, slate grey digits deftly and masterfully danced across the strings as the other hand shifted between delicate and forceful bows across the bottom part of the strings.

The girl’s full lips were pulled close in delicate thought, matching the rest of what Sunset could see of the girl’s face, shrouded in concentration.

Sunset couldn’t deny that the view was breathtaking, her vision evermore slowly focusing on the seemingly towering girl standing behind the massive wooden instrument. She wasn’t one to focus on looks, but this girl, and the way she wore her performance suit.


Everyone in the room gave their own startled cries as Sunset found herself in an unceremonious pile on the floor. She had been startled by the class bell suddenly going off and pushed forward a little too much as a result.

“Who the hell is this!? Where did she come from!?” fury and brimstone in the form of a female voice rained down on Sunset as she slowly pushed herself up off the ground, brushing herself off.

“Do calm down, dear. You are in public right now.” the exact opposite came from the man slowly standing up beside his wife, Sunset assumed.

“S-Sunset? What are you doing here?”

“Heh, nice performance, Octavia.” Sunset gave an extremely sheepish grin as she got up on her feet. “That suit is amazing, by the way! I’d almost say you should wear it all the time.”

The attention of everyone in the room was drawn to the slow clapping of the Principal and Vice Principal of the school as they stood from their seats and walked over towards Octavia and her parents.

“Thank you, Octavia. A splendid display as always.” Celestia said, a warm a smile on her face as she complimented the cellist.

“Maybe even better than The Battle of The Bands.” Sunset nodded, before taking a large step back from the scowling mother of Octavia, as well as a stern look from Luna.

“Shouldn’t you be in class, Miss Shimmer?” Luna didn’t so much ask as much as she heavily implied to the girl to leave.

“Wait, Shimmer? As in Sunset Shimmer? One of the harlots that falsely won that scam of a competition?”

“Mother, please!” Octavia cried out, her face flushing with embarrassment as she begged her mother to calm down.

“Woah, hey now lady! I don’t even know you, so why all the hate?” Sunset took two steps forward, a look of annoyed confusion spreading across her face as she loomed over the irate woman. “Look, Octavia is the single best musician in the whole school, if not the city-”

The woman gave a loud, bitter scoff.

“-but one person does not a band make, so no wonder she could only make it so far in an event called the “Battle of the Bands”, right?” Sunset crossed her arms as she looked down at the woman who was shaking in indignation.

“Bah! You will hear from my lawyers, Celestia!” the woman spat before storming out of the room, her husband giving an apologetic smile before he followed shortly after.

“Well, uh… That happened…” Sunset shrugged as she looked around the room. “My apologies, I guess. I probably should have played that better… Or not been peeking in, heh…”

“Well regardless, you ended up here instead of class.” Sunset started to sulk as she felt Principal Celestia’s gaze burn into her side. “But you being here ended up helping us, so thank you.”

“We suggest you two head to your classes. Octavia, you may come get the key to the faculty washroom for you to change in.” Luna paused at the open door and looked back as Celestia walked through.

“Oh! Erm… I am afraid that I only have my gym clothes here today…” realization slowly dawned on Octavia. “And my parents…”

“Celestia! Catch them!” Luna yelled, her eyes wide as she rushed around the corner.

“On the bright side, you should half the school busy drooling at you.” Sunset smirked as she turned back towards the girl who had started to pack away her instrument.

Only to freeze when she saw Octavia bent at hips, her pants drawing tight against her rear as she fiddled with her cello case.

“I appreciate the praise, love, but I’m pretty sure most of the school would rather focus on you.” Octavia gave a songbird like giggle as she finished hoisting her case up onto her shoulder, the strap running between the middle of her sizable bust.

“{By Celestia’s beard…}” Sunset muttered. Maybe she was just another teenager…


“I’m serious, babe!” Sunset couldn’t help but joining her girlfriend in laughing as the pair cuddled in bed. “You in that suit is the single, fucking, hottest, goddamn thing I’ve ever experienced!”

“Of all the things to first draw your attention, though!” the young, slate coloured woman reached up and wiped away the tears streaming down her face. “A suit?”

“You could stop a bullet train in that thing, girl! Let alone my heart!”

“...I miss that suit…” a sad smile spread across Octavia’s face as she remembered back.

Sunset reached out and slowly stroked a finger along the cheek of the suddenly quiet girl. “If I could afford to, I would have every piece of clothing ever to grace your body be made from the morning dew resting on the petals of roses, strung together by the gentle gleaming of the morning sun…”

“You are such a helpless romantic, Sunset…” a happy sigh escaped Octavia’s lips as she reached up to grab hold of Sunset’s larger hand with one of her own. “You know I love you regardless of our financial standings… I had that for all my life, until you showed me that there were still things I couldn’t buy…”

“I’m just lucky you chose me… I…” Sunset faltered and never finished her statement; she lunged forward and grabbed hold of the girl she had shared the last eighteen months with, crushing her in a loving embrace.

“I love you too, Sunset Shimmer…” Octavia said as she ran a hand through the silken strands of her partners hair. “Nor do I blame you for any of the events that occurred…”