> A Night I've Dreamed About > by UnicxrnPxnk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Night I've Dreamed About > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Rainbow Dash heard a knock at her door, she jumped up from her cloud couch to run and go answer it. She knew exactly who it was, as she had recently invited her over for a sleepover. "Twilight, it's great to see you!" Rainbow exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. Twilight blushed a bit and then made her way in. Before this day, Twilight had been thinking a lot as to why Rainbow Dash only invited HER over for this sleepover, and not any of their other friends, it seemed peculiar and suspicious. But it did kind of make sense, seeing as what happened last month, when they got very romantic in the teachers lounge at the School of Friendship. Twilight didn't want to be rude and ask Dash, and so she decided to just keep quiet and hold on until later that night. That's if Rainbow doesn't tell her before hand. "I have many awesome things planned for us tonight. Starting with sitting on the couch together, reading daring do books." Rainbow smiled, pointing towards the cloud couch she was recently laying on. Twilight gasped in her mind, as Rainbow might want to actually SNUGGLE on the couch. That is what Twilight hoped at least, but she was starting to get shy around this pony, and so she decided NOT to request it. She'd much rather if Rainbow was to bring it up. As the pair sat down on the couch, Twilight struggled to keep her eyes open. It was only 6PM, but the couch was super comfy, as it's material is mainly all clouds. "Now, Twilight. It's not bedtime yet!" Rainbow teased, nudging Twilight a bit to get her to snap out of it. Twilight shook her head in surprise, and giggled under her breath. She sat there, waiting for Rainbow to grab a daring do book from her shelf. Once she made her selection, Rainbow flew back onto the couch beside Twilight, she was pretty close. But not close enough for Twilight's liking. Twilight was tempted to shuffle a bit to the side, closer to Dash, maybe even close enough that it counts as snuggling, but it might ruin their moment and make Rainbow Dash freaked out for the rest of the night. Pull yourself together, Twilight. You need to remember what happened a month ago. You and Rainbow Dash KISSED and CUDDLED in front of a fireplace in the teachers lounge. I mean, aren't you technically marefriends already?! PUT YOUR HOOF ROUND HER ALREADY! Twilight flinched a bit at the sound of her own voice yelled at her inside her head, she tried her hardest to ignore it and pay attention to Rainbow Dash reading the daring do book. But it was merely impossible. "Twilight? TWILIGHT!" Rainbow yelled, waving a hoof in front of Twilight's zoned out face. She looked concerned for her friend, as she seemed very uncomfortable and scared. Twilight wasn't uncomfortable, but she was a bit nervous. "Sorry Rainbow! I was just thinking... about... what else we're gonna do tonight!" she lied, cracking an awkward smile. Rainbow looked at her suspiciously, but just shrugged and left it. She decided to just continue her reading instead of answer Twilight's question, as everything that Rainbow had planned was a surprise. • • ❖ • • It was getting darker, as it had just turned 6:25pm. Twilight yawned a bit, as the Daring do book that Dash had chosen was NOT one that she was too in to, but she said nothing as she was didn't want to cause grief. She knew that this book was one of Rainbow Dash's favourites. So she just pretended she was into it, gasping at the plot twists, and looking scared when Daring is in a situation in which she could die from. Twilight of course knew that Daring Do WAS a real pony, but she still wasn't into this one story as nothing really catches her attention. But what DOES catch her attention is Rainbow Dash's adorable smiles and laughs. Her smile could light up the whole globe, and her laughs are music to her ears. Twilight then got more feelings, such as, does Rainbow feel the same way about her? Once Rainbow had finally finished reading the whole book, she jumped up from her spot on the couch and returned the book to it's place on the shelf. Twilight was eager to get off of the couch, as it was making her super sleepy, and she didn't wanna sleep through this night. "So, what do you have planned for us next Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked, trying not to sound so tired. Rainbow laughed to herself, and quickly rushed into her bedroom to grab something. Twilight narrowed her brows in confusion, she wondered if what Rainbow had planned next was romantic at all. She wasn't too thrilled when Rainbow came down with a board game. "Dragon Pit! Starlight told me that this game would be fun to play with you." Rainbow said with enthusiasm, placing the game on a cloud coffee table - nearly EVERYTHING in her house was made using clouds. "Wait... you talked to Starlight about this sleepover?" Twilight asked quickly, just getting even MORE confused. Why didn't Rainbow just INVITE her to join the party? "Well, yes, because I want this night to be PERFECT and right up to your taste." she said, a bit puzzled at how strange Twilight was acting. But she just brushed it off, and set up the game. Twilight's voice in her mind was back, frustrating her even more, See, Twilight! Just ask her to kiss, ask her to hug, ask her to SLEEP together! You see, Rainbow wants the night to be absolutely perfect. And won't you just realise that she only wants YOU here! Not Starlight, not Spike, not ANY PONY! Just YOU! Just play Dragon Pit with her, then ask her the risqué question. Twilight was so angry she could just kick something. She didn't know why her voice wanted her to get romantic with Dash so much. Well... probably because she has had a crush on her since she fell into the mud when she first entered Ponyville. "TWILIGHT! What's this with you staring into space? This is the second time! If it happens again I am going to think that you are not comfy being here." Rainbow snapped, but trying to do it in a nice way. Twilight jumped a bit, but quickly saved herself from being questioned. "Sorry Rainbow Dash. I really am. I don't know what's up with me tonight! Let's just play Dragon Pit. Here, I'll be the purple dragon and you can be the red." she said, levitating two plastic dragon toys with her magic. Rainbow took the dragon from Twilight's glowing magenta, and placed it at the starting square on the board, and Twilight did the same. Rainbow then picked up the die with her wing and handed it to Twilight. "Here ya go, Twi. You can start." Twilight smiled, blushed a bit, then took the die and rolled it across the board. She got a two and a five. Seven. Twilight levitated her purple dragon and moved it across the board seven times. She was getting close to the volcano in the middle. Rainbow Dash rolled next, and got two one's which made two. "Darnit, why do I get the midget number!" Rainbow complained, moving her dragon across her path two squares, sloppily. Twilight rolled her eyes playfully. "Now, no complaining, miss whiny pants! Be a good sport." she teased, making Rainbow giggle cutely, which only made Twilight smile and giggle aswell. The game went on for a while, until Rainbow Dash rolled a bad number which causes the volcano to erupt. It rumbled and popped out an orange, plastic ball, and the square that Rainbow's dragon was on, opened and the dragon fell through, trapping it. Twilight laughed histerically, as she just thought it was so exciting. She got some serious nostalgia from when she played with Starlight and Sunburst, but it was 20% cooler and more fun playing with Dash. "Calm down, Twi! It's not that funny." Rainbow laughed, at the sight of her friend cracking up over a board game. Rainbow then suddenly started blushing like crazy, and tried to hide her face behind her rainbow mane. She suddenly realised how much she loved seeing her friend laugh so much, and be so happy. All Rainbow wanted right then was to kiss her, but she didn't know... was she ready?! Twilight finally stopped laughing and caught her breath. She had never laughed so hard over the dragon being trapped, and so she decided that Rainbow's pout when she lost was mostly what triggered her. "Oh gosh, I haven't laughed like that for a while." Twilight admitted, stretching a bit and wiping tears from her eyes. Her face had gone red, but so had Rainbow's. Twilight found this odd, as Rainbow didn't find it as hilarious as Twilight did. "Rainbow Dash? Are you... okay?" she asked quietly. She wasn't sure whether Rainbow was upset, or if she was... blushing. Twilight got a good feeling in her stomach. It was like she was having a journey on a love rollercoaster. This could be her chance to get Rainbow to kiss and snuggle on the couch with her! And then it would become her dream night! "Well... this is awkward, Twi... it's just... I like it when you are this happy... ya know?" Rainbow awkwardly and shyly said, revealing her blushing by brushing the rainbow mane away from her face. She then thought for a moment, and added something, "And part of me thinks that you feel the same... when I was reading the daring do book, I felt your body heat get closer to my fur. And I just felt like you were trying to... um... snuggle. Twilight took a breath, and decided that this was now her time to speak out. She just hoped and prayed that Rainbow wouldn't find it silly... "Well, Rainbow Dash... you're right. I was trying to get closer and snuggle up with you, but I was just worried that you'd find it weird and push me away. Also, the book you were reading wasn't really one of my favourite Daring Do books, and so I pretended I was in to it, for you. And the reason that I have been zoned out regularly, like, during us playing the board game etcetera, is because my voice has kept on telling me, to... um... ask you to... uh-um..." Twilight suddenly stopped and hyperventilating a bit under her breath. Rainbow Dash looked confused when she stopped talking, but she also looked, happy. She then put her arm around Twilight and calmed her down. "It's okay, Twilight. You can tell me anything." Rainbow assured. Twilight's eyes glowed for a moment, and then she gave in and finished her speech. "I just wanted to ask you to kiss. And hug. And... sleep together... like, in the same bed." she said, ending with a sigh as she was very unsure as to how Rainbow Dash would react. But it could not of been better. Rainbow smiled, blushed, and then pulled Twilight close to her chest, and nuzzled her cheek lovingly, "Oh Twi. You're so sappy, and that's why I love you. I have always loved you, since we first met. And you didn't have to be nervous to ask me to do all those things! Don't you remember our romantic moment a month ago in the teachers lounge? You didn't seem as nervous back then. And if I remember correctly, we kissed, hugged, and snuggled in front of the fire place. So if you don't mind me asking, why were you so nervous to ask to do that again?" Twilight was blushing uncontrollably, and she most definitely had her answer for Rainbow. So she pulled herself together and answered it, making sure it doesn't come out wrong. "Well, I just want us to be dating. And I remember exactly what happened in that teachers lounge. The reason for me being nervous, is because we haven't done anything romantic since that day. And so I just thought... that... you didn't really feel like we classified as marefriends… even though we DID kiss." she said, looking down to the ground guiltily, as she saw the expression on Rainbow's face. But she quickly grabbed onto Twilight and hugged her tight. "Of course I want us to be marefriends, Twilight! I just thought you'd want to take it slow. But now I see that you truly want this. So I am going to give it to you." she whispered, ending with giving Twilight a compassionate kiss right on the lips. Twilight's thoughts and feelings all finally washed away from her brain, and her hyperventilating inside her stopped. She felt like she wanted to just fly in the air and squeal, but that would really ruin this moment. And so she wrapped her arms around Rainbow so they could cuddle as they kissed. This was so perfect. Twilight knew deep down that Rainbow did love her the same, and she was relieved this whole fiasco was over and taken care with. Twilight has never been happier, and now she was positive that they could sleep together in the same bed tonight. And she couldn't wait. "So, it's getting late... whadya say we get in bed and watch a film?" Rainbow winked. "In the same bed?!" Twilight squealed as she blushed. Rainbow giggled and held out her hoof so they could hold hands. Twilight took hold of her marefriends soft blue hoof, and the pair walked upstairs, and carefully got into Rainbow's soft cloud bed. • • ❖ • • The movie had now finished, and Rainbow dashed switched off the TV with the remote on the bed side table. The pair were in a comfy position. Rainbow had her hoof around Twilight by her back with her head on her mane, and Twilight had her arm across Rainbow's tomach and her nose nuzzling her chest. This was the position that Twilight had always wanted to sleep in, ever since they first kissed a month ago. "I sure am tired. Goodnight Twilight." she whispered, kissing Twilight on her forehead. Twilight quietly giggled. "Goodnight, Dashie, and thank you for this perfect night. This has been a night I've dreamed about." Twilight responded, closing her eyes to go to sleep in this comfy position, held tightly onto her marefriend. This most definitely has been the best night that Twilight and Rainbow have ever endured.