> The Dark Horse > by pretty-pegasus-wings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - These Dark Times > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sky drenched in red, clouds a thick grey. This is what a pony in dark armor looked at as she stood upon the balcony of the castle in the place formerly known as the Crystal Empire. The sun seemed a bit duller than it was some time ago, the mare pondered. To her, it was something of an omen of change to come. Her eyes shifted down to the bleak landscape covered in dark crystals and slaves marching, chained to their fate. The pony’s eyes moved across the ground seeing the guards overlooking the work, carts full of newly harvested crystals and minerals. Next to the despair filled plains was the gated off town filled with crystal horned ponies, a dark aura surrounding them. Her mind wandered as her gaze moved to the horizon ahead. So much has happened these past few days, developments which have turned the battle and today was to be the last. “Still wondering, are we?” In a quick snap, the mare’s head whipped around to meet the gaze of the dark king himself. “King Sombra!” She saluted to him. “It’s been three years of close work. Must we be so formal?” The king smiled at her calmly, his red eyes looked to her softly. The mare huffed quietly as she lowered her hoof. “All must respect your presence, why should I be any different?” Her head cocked back at him. Sombra stepped forward, metallic hoof guards clanking upon the cool marble floor. “As they should, but they must serve you as well. If they see you acting so, how will they find the drive to listen to you?” She looked away a moment before looking back, straightening up further. “I see your point, my king.” In truth, she wanted to disregard his assertions, but she refused to question him on such trivial matters. Sombra grinned before walking past the mare, his velvet robe brushing against her sharp, pointed armor. His hooves placed themselves upon the railing of the balcony as he surveyed his Empire. After a short moment, he raised his hoof and waved the mare over. “How long I’ve waited for this day.” His head tilted up to the sky, a pleased look graced his face. “A thousand years in stasis, waiting outside for that mare’s shield to falter and the inevitable conquest. The rush of it all brought life back into my still soul.” “It was a majestic triumph, sir.” He turned an eye her way, the mare’s gaze still lay upon the horizon. “Any hesitations?” “Of course not. Why would there be?” A slight snap rang in her words as she felt he was testing her. The shadowy stallion hummed thoughtfully for a moment. “You’ve already done so much.” “And I will see this battle to its end, even if it means I must perish.” She gripped the railing tightly. Sombra pouted at her. “I hope not. Who else will I bother to play chess with me?” “There are many other soldiers.” “None nearly as clever as you, my dear.” “Must you call me that?” Her head hung slightly in embarrassment. “Does it bother you?” A teasing grin crept across the sides of his lips. The mare could only sigh in retort. With great joy, the king let out a below of a laugh. “Once this is over, I only wish for you to lighten up; war is meant to have some end.” “Is this a command?” “If I need to make it one, I will.” She continued to stare out, as if ignoring his ridiculous statement. Without another word, he took a hoof and gently moved her head so their eyes could meet. “Don’t make me.” His voice went low a moment, almost holding the same tone he would give when hearing something had gone wrong. For a moment, the mare was silent, considering his words as she would of most others that came from his lips. “No, sir.” The words came out in the same tone she used for nearly everything. In this seemingly tense moment, they held one another’s gaze in a combat of wills before the pony brought her gaze back to the horizon. “That better be directed at my last statement.” For a moment, a twing rang in her chest from the disappointment which hung on his words. There have only been a few moments where that particular tone lay in his voice, none of which were moments she wanted to remember. In their silence, the crystal slaves could be heard working; guards screaming, whips cracking, chains rattling, and rickety carts shaking. To the mare, it was all white noise, the sounds she heard in the morning and dying as she made her way to rest. For a moment, she considered if they could be put to better use instead of shambling around like mindless drones waiting for the next command. When the war ends, this could be their next project; there’s no need to waste good labor if it could be put to better use. The silence was broken by the sound of hurried hoof steps. Both swung around to look behind them. A soldier came up to them and saluted, his posture stiff, too stiff for the mare’s liking. “My king, general, an issue has arisen with the weapon.” The king snorted, a fury building in his eyes, his dark mane flared as it would whenever his emotions flared. “What is it this time?” His voice lowered again, more than before, and with firm sternness. “The spell has worn off and the sorcerer is unable to put her back under.” “That damn alicorn.” His hate filled eyes burrowed into the guard’s. “I will take care of this.” The mare took a step forward. Sombra looked to her with an annoyed huff. “Quickly.” Without another second to waste, the mare ran with the guard through the eerie, crystal decorated hallways of the Empire and out the door. Their run declined to a quickened pace as they carefully stepped around the slaves. Hoof steps had to be watched, tiny hops over the chains that connected most of them, stopping at one point while one slave dragged his load to storage. Through the sound of their pained moaning and heavy steps grew louder, it still remained white noise. If anything, it helped her to focus her attention on the new problem ahead of her: fixing the mistakes of her buffoonish colleagues. It couldn’t have been the spell, no. The design was flawless, one of her own construction. She’ll have to do it herself. When it came to magic, she always has to be the one to take care of it as if she were their mother. At the entrance to the caverns, her mind snapped back to attention. Their pace picked up once again as they descended down into its ghastly depths. A new sound pounded on her ears, growing louder as they came upon the ground level. Tormented groans and cries from battered souls who rebelled against their king. She wouldn’t give them any notoriety. To her, they may as well be dead. Cage after cage after cage, they delved deeper into the darkness. Torches were the only source of light and warmth down in the dusty, old caverns. It would never be the sun, yet those fools would still reach feebly; the sight nearly made her laugh. Finally, their destination was in sight: one of the solitary rooms for the special guests in this merciless chamber. The guard grasped for his specially marked key that unlocked the door with a loud, hollow click, leaving the door to creak open. “General.” The sorcerer saluted to them as the entered. “At ease.” She walked up to the cage looking down at the pathetic heap of pink before her. “What’s this I hear about the spell not working?” The sorcerer’s body tightened at her words. She could see his thoughts now, how he may have insulted her. “It’s my belief she’s found a way to resist.” The words tumbled out in a hurried fashion. “Tch.” Out of all responses, this was only one she could reasonably give. “So you’re magic’s too weak. I should have known.” The mare’s ears twitched to the prisoner, her body stirred weakly. “You….” “I’ll take care of this.” Her body snapped forward, putting herself in front of the broken thing before her. “Don’t do this… please… you don’t… you don’t want to….” She looked up from under the comfort of her feathers, revealing her horn and pleading blue eyes. “Ha,” she couldn’t help show her amusement “as if you know anything.” “I know you don’t want to… this isn’t you….” “Alicorns.” Disdain lay on the edge of that word. The mare’s horn glowed a sickly red. “Please….” Her desperation showed through the messy strands of her gold and purple mane. “This isn’t you… this isn’t-” The alicorn became stiff, mouth agape which closed and opened at least a centimeter before moving again. The spell hit its mark right between her eyes. A purple magic grew out from the sides of her eyes as they narrowed, tears streamed down uncontrollably. “Shining… no…. No, not again, no… No….” Her sobs echoed against the cold walls. Despite her cries, there was a twisted smile on Cadence’s face. This was not one of malice or evil intent; more the kind you cannot control, a sort that would send shivers through the backs of those with warmer hearts. “Continue.” The armored mare commanded to which the sorcerer shot his magic at a nearby device. It creaked, thumped, and cranked before it glowed, letting off horrid noises as it functioned. Inside the cage, a strange, clear tube lowered over the former princess’ head. It began sucking the light blue magic from her horn and pulled it through its metallic chambers. “Was that all?” The sorcerer confirmed with a cautious nod. “Then I better not hear another peep.” The cold mare stepped out of the room and went back to the dreary landscape above. All that ran through her mind were the curses she wanted to lay upon the pathetic excuse for a sorcerer. Was he truly considered the best one for the job? How laughable it was. Her thoughts were quickly halted in their tracks at the sound of a guard scolding a slave caught her interest. Perhaps it was the plainness of the former issue, the need to distract her mind from days of strain and furry, or maybe some sixth sense about her when it came to problems. “This is third time this month! What do you think this is?!” His voice rung across the plain as he looked down at the pink mare who closed her body off from the guard in question. Her lips quivered as she attempted to deliver some viable response.“I’m so sorry, sir. I thought if-” “That’s your problem. You think too much! You know what your job is?” The guard stepped closer to her, standing over her with an intense displeasure furthering his intimidation. In response, the mare fell down, staring feebly at her scolder. “To… to harvest the crystals, sir.” Her hooves moved in front of her face protectively. “Has this changed?!” “No.” The guard’s hoof slammed down. “Then stop messing around and-” “What’s going on here?” The mare stepped towards the guard, a lack of tolerance showed through the eye slits of her armor. “It’s this mare. She’s playing her tricks again.” He tossed his head back in disgust. “I heard for the third time?" “Yes.” A cautious tone crept into his voice. It could be hard to tell exactly with how their helmets would distort their voices, but over the years, it became easier for her. From this, she knew what she had to do. “Has she ever been properly punished?” “That won’t be necessary. We’ve already got enough out of commission as-” “And you question why she keeps doing this!” Her tone grew harsher, more so than a few minutes ago. The guard stepped back, slaves flinched. The demand was simple, yet held a tone of annoyance. “Give me your whip.” “No, please! I-I won’t do it again! Pinkie promise!” She placed a shaking hoof over her eye. Reluctantly, the guard unhooked the item from his belt and gave it over to her. “Bring her here!” The mare’s voice was cold and callous. Without hesitation, two other guards stepped forward. They unlocked her chains and dragged her before the temper-surged mare. Pinkie’s body slammed down before her hooves, flopping for a moment like a rag doll. “I only wanted to bring everyone’s spirits up…” tears welled in her eyes, “to make it easier….” “Excuses, hmm? That’s an extra three lashes.” “Please! I’m sorry!” With a quick flick of the whip’s handle in her magic, the cat tails slammed hard on the pink mare’s side. She shrieked in agony, body contorting. Another strike, and another; each shriek more wretched than the last as the cat tails tore into her skin, each wound turning red with blood. The nearby slaves couldn’t stand to watch: some stood emotionless, numb to it all. Each crack sent a sharp tone through every ear within range. After the twelfth strike, the cruel mare slapped the whip at the investigative guard’s hooves. “If she does it again, put her in the box.” Her words were finite; the guard stifled a shaky nod. In disgust, she glared down at the simpering mare, body shaking violently. “Get up.” She kicked Pinkie hard enough to roll her over. Desperately, she puts her hooves on the ground and pushed up, her attempts neared failure with every adjusted step. Before the cold hearted mare left, her eyes glanced over at the slaves who stared in horror, all except one: a white stallion. Her hooves hit the ground with force, the slaves backed off in fear as she stormed down the line to the unicorn, horn covered in dark crystals. “Too much for you?” He didn’t respond, not even a blink as her face pressed closer to his. “Look at me.” Her tone darkened further, yet the stallion did not comply. Forcefully, her hoof took his cheek and whipped his head to look her in the eyes. “When I tell you to look at me, your eyes will meet mine.” She didn’t need to yell this, her voice was enough to draw the attention of giants. “You disgust me.” Swiftly, the hoof once used to hold his cheek, smacked it with a tight snap. The action only moved his head to the other side, hanging there stiffly. “Proud?” “I hope you die soon… so we won’t have to suffer this anymore….” His tone became a dark gravel, almost chilling. The mare could only scoff as she jumped up and drove the edge of her hind hoof into his back. His body slammed onto ground hard, a cough escapes as his stomach makes contact. “See that he’s put into the box for the night.” Before receiving any response, she took off back to the castle, her tolerance thoroughly worn thin. Hopefully, this would be the last interruption. As she made her way to the weapon’s room, another guard approached her in near panic. “They’re coming.” His voice filled with alarm. Slight concern grew in her mind. “Get the squadron’s ready. I’ll check on the weapon.” He confirmed and quickly galloped off. Her pace quickened once again, heading for the room, knowing he would be there. Upon her entrance, the rush of power collected by the device hit her. The room glowed in the light blue aura emitted from chamber one. Inside is the alicorn’s light blue magic and a crystal shaped heart dulled in sheen and color. King Sombra’s hoof was placed upon the glass, staring at the crystal intensely. “My king.” She broke the silence of the moment. “Is it time?” “They have been spotted.” He let out a soft sigh, his hoof slowly slid back to the ground. Another moment of silence came between them before the mare spoke out quickly. “I will go and prepare to lead the charge.” “Would you prefer to stay back? After all you’ve done-” “I’m fine!” The words shot out of her without a moment’s hesitation. Sombra looked back to her, stunned. For a moment, the mare found herself shaken by her own language. Her mind ran at a lightning pace with potential responses, yet she managed to pick one. “My apologies. It’s been a long day.” His lips pursed a moment before opening to speak but was cut off. “It’s the stress, isn’t it?” The mare stayed silent, unable to look him in the eyes. “Possibly the need to prove something to me?” Silence settled into the room a second time, a heavy stillness lingering. “There’s no point in trying to hide anything from me.” He calmly strolled over to her. “With all the time we’ve spent together, it doesn’t matter what you try, you can’t help but tell me all.” The mare, her strained expression hidden safely under the helmet, quivered with each echoing, clack. She knew what he was doing, she didn’t deserve this. “And I fear, if you didn’t, I’d have a dead general on my hooves.” The moment his body was right by hers, he stopped. His hoof softly caressed her chin and tipped her head to face his. “You are one of the strongest, most capable ponies I’ve ever met, and there is no one I would trust more with this than you. No matter the troubles floating around in your mind or the worries that cloud your thoughts, I know you can do this. This victory is as much yours as it is mine, and if something were to go wrong, it wouldn’t be because of you or I.” He took his hoof away, her head stayed where it was. “And I have no doubt all will fall into place when the time comes.” Speechless. That was all she could be. There were few who could stop her when going, even fewer who could talk her into silence. In these moments, she knew exactly why she was so proud to be his general, the pride she took in every compliment and kind motion he gave toward her successes. The silence was broken a final time when the sound of alarm bells sounded. “Go. I will stay and cast the spell. Do what you can to buy me time.” “Yes, sir!” It was the most passionate sentence she’d given in so long. With a new rejuvenation flowing through her veins, she took off. Her legs held the strength to carry her miles, heart pounding furiously with excitement. She felt so alive. It wasn’t long before all were assembled for the march into the battlefield, all wore the standard armor of Sombra’s army. In sync, they stomped their hooves and moved through the streets as the citizens gazed at them. They marched to the snow covered lands beyond their walls. It wasn’t as much of a flurry as it was most days, yet the snow whipped against them with only their armor for protection against the icy bite. By the time the army crested the snow-covered hill, they could see the enemy. Those sisters, the two who once banished their great king into a deep slumber for a thousand years. Both glared upon the army before them with deep bitterness and regret. The white one stepped forward, head held high. “Your time has come, we have you surrounded! Stand down now or you will be forced to surrender!” Her voice was not warm nor motherly as many would describe, but stern and hard, the voice of a commander. All the mare could do was scoff. “Go ahead and try, princesses! We will not bow, not today, not ever!” The two mares expressions dropped to deep hurt and pain for a split moment before becoming cold once more. They have always been soft, even with the power of the elements, they couldn’t bring themselves to end their problems outright. There was no doubt they wouldn’t kill to stop them. This was their greatest weakness. Sternly, the dark blue one stepped forth, her right hoof extends outward with a powerful thrust. “CHARGE!” The force behind her words couldn’t be ignored, loud enough for all in the Empire to heed. In an instant, the charge from both side commenced, ground shaking from the their hooves beating down as one. The first strike landed as both side collided, bodies flung, magic blasts coming from both sides. Through the chaos the mare ran, prepared long before this day, her sights set solely on the two alicorns. She took her blades and slashed through all opponents, one by one. A leg flew, shrieks of pain rang out, bodies stepped on. She wove her way through the masses like a pro, using her magic to take down five who tried to surround her. Noticing the lack of flowing manes and tall bodies, she propelled herself up in the air using her magic and looks about from her vantage point. There they were! Her mind cried out at the sight of two regal figures frantically flying to the Empire. Not on her watch. She quickly descended and took off slashing through her opposition before jumping upon a soldier’s head, using him to get ahead of the rest of the crowd. Finally in the open, she summoned her magic, A spell surrounded her, bolts of reddish white lighting whipped about as her speed increased tenfold. Her prey were in insight, coming closer and closer, until she was right in line, magic prepared. With precision, her shot hit square at the young sister’s right wing. “AAHHHHH!” Quickly, her path drops south, the injured wing bending in. In a straight dive down, the older rescues her sister, holding her carefully in her magic while they slowly descend. The spell surrounding the dark mare faded as she planted herself between them and the Empire, stance offensive, eyes hard and focused. “You were always cowards.” A cocky grimace spread across her face. They didn’t bother to glance her way, each looking to one another, a sadness within their eyes. Gingerly, Celestia took Luna’s hoof and gave her a firm affirmative gesture, she returned in kind. “There is still time to turn back. I know, somewhere deep within your heart, you know this is wrong.” “Don’t toy with me!” Her dark magic flared violently, a determined hoof dragging against the ground. “Come and fight me! Give me your all!” “If you do this… there will be no turning back, no forgiveness.” Impatiently, the mare growled and let off a spell. The sisters connected their horns together to form a hardened sphere around them. “Are you deaf?! Fight me!” Celestia pulled away from her sister and stood up before the eager mare, Luna soon joined. All weapons rose up, eyes furrowed upon the enemy. The dark mare charged forward without a moment’s hesitation. Her first attempt ended in vain as they dodged and countered. Two blades at once, two blocks. There was a half beat of silence before an all out blade war commenced. All three going at one another, the mare formed a shield of slashes about her as the alicorns made their assaults, determined to end this. Yet she knew, they were still holding back; this wasn’t nearly what they were capable of. Each strike was reluctant while hers held the assurance she wanted from them. What did they see her as, a filly?! “ENOUGH!” Her horn exploded with a magic force which pushed them back. “Put what little backbone you have into this! Do you want everyone to die so badly?!” Her magic formed several sharp crystals that shot out from all directions, the sisters put up their fields. “There’s still time!” Luna grimaced under the weight of a thousand daggers. “It doesn’t have to be this way!” The shield quickly shattered into millions of pieces as the mare struck the sister down with a massive blast, sound drowned out her cries. When the magic cleared, a long dirt ridden ditch where the lunar alicorn’s body lay limp several feet back. “Sister!” Celestia felt a rage build inside, intense furry took over as she tore after the mare. “Finally….” She moved her position to face her enemy, blades at the ready. Upon impact, the mare could feel the force the alicorn push upon her, it was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. A thrill jolted through her veins. Passion, drive, it was all there. With a furious passion, the determined mare fought back, slashing, swinging. Many hits landed upon her armor, yet she managed to nick her perfect white coat, her face remained unflinching. Before she knew it, Celestia introduce advanced spells she’d never seen. Blasts of magic with spacial side effects leaving her often off balanced and disoriented. Quickly, she cast a spell practicing her from its odd effects, but could not foresee the elemental flaming arrows of light diving at her with extraordinary speed. Dodge, roll, shield: it was all she could do. So this was the full force of an alicorn. She’s relentless, powerful, majestic, and they’ve been holding back for years? How? In her moment of contemplation, the princess came upon her and smacked the bottom of her blade upon her face with more weight than she could ever predict. Crack went the metal under the force, her body tossed aside like a dummy, rolling upon the cold ground. The princess lightly descended, a stern look upon her face. Yet behind her eyes was pity, betrayal, and sadness. “Please, don’t make me do this….” The mare tenderly pushed herself using her front hooves, helmet falling off. “After all I’ve done for you, the moments we shared… my beloved student….” She looks the alicorn in her eyes, seeing the waves of emotions, nearing tears. “I’m not your student anymore….” “Try and fight this, Twilight!” Her pleas for a long gone pony fell on deaf ears as the dark mare stood back up and trudged forward. “I’m not Twilight, not anymore….” Her crystal horn sparked with magic. “And you are going down….” She continued her march forward, head still reeling from the hit. Celestia could no longer hold in the gasp within her chest. “Twilight… I’m so sorry… I failed you….” Celestia’s horn lit up. “This is all my fault… so I will release you….” Building speed slowly, now faster, faster, as she brought her blades up once more. Up close again, she slashed her blade at the princess with all she had left. She could barely manage to block again and again. Frustrated, she let off what spells she could, but they were nothing to her enemy now. “Fight me! Fight me!” Was all she could let out as she wailed upon the alicorn with all the might and strength she still had. “May you find peace in the end….” As the mare went to take another step forward in preparation for a big swing of her blades, she tripped. A tight chain wrapped itself around her back hooves. Disdain growing further, she looked back to see Luna holding her down. Soon, chains formed around her front hooves by Celestia’s magic. “Luna, NOW!” They raised their horns high in the air, magic surging. “No, NO!” She tugged at the binding chains in desperation, her magic attempting to release only to be stopped by the sisters’ combined might. In the moment they were ready to release their spell, a blast of intense, red magic came from the top of the castle and hit the sky breaking apart the looming clouds. Slowly, a red glow came down upon the battlefield engulfing the sisters. Their bodies quickly became weak until they could no longer hold themselves up. The dark mare chuckled, her laughter growing louder, more boisterous, until it turned mad. “You fools….” “What is this, ah, witchcraft?!” Luna tried to get back up, but found herself unable to stand. “Not witchcraft, love fueled alicorn magic mixed with the heart’s.” Celestia looks to her in shock and disgust. “It wasn’t hard. All we had to do was put that princess of love under a spell making her feel love and hope as if her precious husband was going to save her.” “Despicable… truly… monstrous!” “Isn’t that how war is?” She motioned to the battle still waging behind her. Soldiers of the alicorns dropping by the dozens, pegasi falling from the skies. Sombra’s forces were already at work placing magic chains and little black crystals where necessary. Triumphantly, she turned her dark gaze to them. “This is the end for you, princesses.”