Birds of a Feather

by Applefai

First published

a story featuring Gallus and Silverstream narrated by a unseen character

I never thought i could open up like that, all my life i practically raised myself. No other griffon paid me any mind, not a very friendly mind at least. That all changed when a friend maybe even more helped me embrace my feelings and let others into my life and into my heart.

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Birds of a Feather

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Ponies' voices fill the night. Yes, Hearth's Warming Eve is indeed here once again, and happy hearts are full and bright all except one heart that is full of gloom and rain. That heart belongs to none other than Gallus from Griffonstone who attends Princess Twilight's school of friendship.

It has been one year since his Hearth's Warming Eve prank that caused him and his friends to stay at school so he'd have more time with them, but this year he didn't have such plans, even though they all had a good time, he still felt guilty for keeping them from their families, so he decided to suck it up and go back to Griffonstone this year. Before coming to this conclusion though, he talked to Starlight a week before the holiday. but she had no idea how to tackle this situation, and just told him to, follow his heart, but unbeknownst to them, Silverstream had overheard the conversation and left undetected.

When the day arrived for Gallus to pack for Griffonstone, Silverstream came into his room to see how he was doing.

"Gallus?" Silverstream spoke as Gallus was packing, to which Gallus took notice and responded. "Oh, hello Silverstream, Happy Hearth's Warming." To which Silverstream could hear the sadness in his voiced and hugged him then responded with "Happy Hearth's Warming to you too." Gallus being from Griffonstone didn't know how to respond to this sudden display of affection, he had never been hugged before so he just stood there in shock.

After a few seconds of hugging Silverstream let go and told Gallus that she had heard what he told Starlight and that he didn't have to go to Griffonstone for the Blue Moon Festival, Gallus wasn't angry to hear that Silverstream heard and instead hugged her back, Gallus said that he appreciates her concern, but he had to, to which Silverstream asked why Gallus just hung his head and looked out the window and began to speak.

He said, "I have to Silverstream, even though we all had a good time last year, I still feel guilty for making you all miss your holidays and traditions with your families, I'm glad you all stayed with me, but I don't want to keep you all away from your families just because I don't have one".

Silverstream with tears in her eyes just hugged Gallus again and asked about his mom and dad to which Gallus said he didn't know where they are and that he had been living on the streets until he came to the school of friendship.

Silverstream just hugged him more vigorously and said that he had her condolences that he felt that way and that she never knew, to which Gallus said it was ok and that he'll see her after the break.

Before Silverstream left she had an idea and turned to face Gallus, "you may not have to go to Griffonstone this year, why don't you come with me and celebrate the Three Days of Freedom Celebration with me and my family?" Gallus just looked at her in shock not sure what to say.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I mean, I wouldn't want to impose." To which Silverstream assured him that he won't and that they'll all be happy to invite him in.

At the train station, Gallus was feeling nervous, he had known Silverstream for a while, but this would be the first time he was going to meet a friend's family, but Silverstream assured him everything was gonna be fine and that he would love her mother's kelp fritters.

Once they arrived at Mount Aris, Gallus was a little scared of going underwater, but Silverstream just held his claw and said everything will be alright as she turned them both into sea ponies.

After the transfiguration, Gallus looked down into his reflection staring back at him from the pristine waters. He was quite the unusual seapony, he had the usual tail and fins, but retained his feathers, beak, and talons on his front half. It was at this moment Gallus was getting unsure again asking Silverstream if her family and the rest of her friends will accept him.

At this moment Silverstream just grabbed Gallus's taloned hand and reassured him that she is positive her family and friends will indeed accept him. She then turned to Gallus, leaned over and gave a kiss on the cheek which left him with a blush and in complete shock. He asked her what that was for causing her to blush even more than he was and she started stuttering.

"I-II-It's just a friendly peck on the cheek, I kinda do it to everyone. Let's just get to my house, I can't wait to see your reaction when you try my mom's kelp fritters."

She held out her fin inviting Gallus to take it and when he does they plunge into the pristine blue depths as they begin their journey to Seaquestria.

As they travel to Seaquestria they are greeted with warm smiles and welcoming waves passing houses adorned with lights and festive decorations, when they arrive at Silverstream's house they are greeted by Terramar who hugs his sister and says how much he's missed her, they are then greeted by Ocean Flow and Sky Beak Silverstream's and Terramar's parents who hug their daughter welcoming her home for the holiday and then welcomes Gallus with open fins.

"So you are one of the friends Silverstream has told us so much about?" Sky Beak said, "we welcome you to our house with open fins, I truly hope you will enjoy your stay.

Ocean Flow then spoke. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name, I will go prepare the guest room for you, we are truly grateful that our daughter has finally found her special someone."

"Mom!" Said Silverstream as she blushed a bright red.

"Oh, I'm just kidding dear." her mom said while laughing.

At the family dinner, they all said grace and began to eat asking each other of current events and what's new in their lives as they all shared a meal of soup, kelp fritters, and clam juice.

Ocean Flow realizing that they are being rude, asked Gallus to tell them all about himself, which sparked a nervous twitch from Gallus tightening his grip on the spoon he was holding.

"I'm just your everyday griffon with a home and a family, I just wanted to see how others celebrate and got permission from my folks to spend it elsewhere," Gallus said though his words were not true.

"May I be excused for a moment?" Gallus asked, to which Ocean Flow said he didn't need to ask.

Gallus took a swim outside to where he stopped at the edge of a drop off and started thinking to himself.

It wasn't long until Silverstream joined him. she quietly sat down beside him and put a fin over his talon.

A few minutes passed before she asked "why did you lie to them?''

Gallus just hung his head and sighed.

"I know I shouldn't have lied, but I'm just not used to opening up, all my life I was on my own, no one to pick me up when I fell down, no one to turn to when I needed help, no one to calm me down when I was scared or awoke from a nightmare. I don't know where my parents are or if they're still alive, that's why I was living on the streets, I had to steal food to survive, sometimes I would get caught and beaten from the vendor and other times I would just get beaten for the heck of it. I've never known what it was like to feel a gentle touch of affection."

Silverstream upon hearing this had her eyes filled with tears and gave Gallus a big hug, she offered for him to come back and tell her folks what he has just told her, that they won"t judge him for it, to which Gallus does and after he is done telling his tale of woe to the rest of her family, he is treated to a group hug from all of them.

Later that night Silverstream is awakened by Gallus pacing the floor, well kind of, she goes to check on him and asks what's wrong.

"I'm just thinking Silverstream, I never knew what it was like to have someone truly care for me while I was in Griffonstone. That is until I met you and the others. I never told anyone this, but I love to sing."

Silverstream just smiles, touched that he is opening up more, and assures him everything will be okay. She tells him that he is always welcome to spend the holidays with them if he wants to before she went back to bed.

The next day they then begin the festivities and celebrate under the sea thanking it for protecting them from the Storm King, while singing with the whales Gallus begins to feel at home and starts singing in harmony with the whales as light fills his eyes.

After he is done singing he gets an applause from Silverstream and her folks complimenting his beautiful singing voice which he kinda gets embarrassed about, but his smile adorns his face.

On the second day, they all head up to land and celebrate the Storm King's defeat by singing in Harmonizing Heights where Gallus sings his heart out as he flies about. His singing voice attracts the attention of others who applaud him for his beautiful voice, Gallus embarrassed thanks them sheepishly and admits that when the Blue Moon Festival came around he sang to drive away the sadness of not having a family to which Ocean Flow said that now he has one.

On the last day, they celebrate on land and sea with singing and lots of good food. A group brings out a Storm King piƱata and decide that the guest of honor Gallus should go first to which Silverstream encourages him to take a swing. Gallus puts on the blindfold and takes a swing releasing the goodies inside on the first swig with the entire party congratulating him.

That night Queen Novo hands out the gifts with Gallus's being a shard necklace with Queen Novo saying he can come back and visit and celebrate with them anytime he so wishes. Gallus, extremely grateful puts on the necklace and with tears in his eyes hugs Queen Novo and thanks her to which she embraces the hug.

After the festivities, Gallus and Silverstream sat at the shoreline looking at the moon as it glistened off the water and Gallus asked why Silverstream invited him to which she replied with it's what friends do and I didn't want you to be alone for the holidays. Gallus with tears in his eyes just thanked her and instead of hugging her, he kissed her and thanked her for her generosity and admitted his feelings for her while she blushed. After she recovered from the shock she also confessed her feelings for him saying that she lied when it was just a peck on the cheek, she told him that she always had feelings for him.

Gallus just smiled and took her now taloned hand in his as the two just sat side by side snuggling up to each other in the light of the full moon.