
by Shakespearicles

First published

Apogee must choose between her career as an astronaut and her taboo relationship with her father.

Apogee has come a long way. No longer a filly, the young mare is on the cusp of greatness, poised to join the ranks of the Equestrian Astronauts. But on the home front, her concerns grow regarding her unusual relationship with her father, Jet Stream. Despite still living with him, their 'Tuesday nights' have gone from infrequent, to rare as both of their lives have become increasingly busy. Not to mention his regular dates with an older mare. At a crossroads in her life, Apogee must choose between her career and her family. In every sense of the word.

[Incest, Feels]

The Road Not Trotted

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It was a word that Apogee had been hearing a lot for the past few days. The pale-yellow pegasus had completed her astronaut training. And in just a few months, she would be on her first mission into space! It was a dream come true for the young mare who had been working for her whole life towards this goal. It made her focus on getting good grades in school, and it kept her green, multi-toned-tail out of trouble otherwise.

The other half of the equation was her father, Jet Stream. She had been living with him since she was just a foal. The beige pegasus always made sure she was cared for and had the very best opportunity to succeed in school and beyond. He was also the reason she didn't have a coltfriend to bring to her congratulatory dinner.

Not that he actively scared them away. Quite the contrary. He had been hoping for her to have a husband for some time. The issue was rather much more complicated than that. He was more than just her father. He was her lover. He had been for some time now. Ever since she'd had her first estrus, he was the one she sought to put out the burning flames of her heat. Neither of them were fools. They were well aware of the possible consequences of their secret. Which was why it stayed exactly that. A secret.

Well, mostly.

In a lapse of judgement, Apogee brought her best friend, Daisy Cutter, into her secret world. It was in response to Apogee learning that 'Dizzy' was likewise infatuated with Jet. At first, Jet was upset with Apogee breaking their rule. But it took little convincing for her to bring him around to her way of thinking. Dizzy was thrilled just to be able to enjoy a stallion of Jet's caliber. But soon she found herself more aroused by the idea Apogee and Jet together. On the rare evenings that included her, simply watching them go at it was foreplay enough for Dizzy.

It certainly wasn't enough to keep her from having a coltfriend of her own though. As long as he understood that she had an open relationship. A mare of her word, she kept Apogee and Jet's secret. Apogee, however, never wavered. Her father was enough stallion for her. She only wished that she were enough mare for him.

"Congratulations, Gee!" Dizzy said as she hugged Apogee. Apogee pressed her face against the maroon mane of the pale-blue mare. "Are you excited or what!?" she asked.

"It's been a long road. But yes!" Apogee said, presuming that she was referring to her graduation.

"No, I mean about tonight!" she said, her eyes lighting up.

"You mean dinner?" she asked.

"No. After!" Dizzy said with a mischievous grin. "Why do you think I didn't bring Fly Boy?" her nickname for her coltfriend. Dizzy opened the cupboard and took a pouch of Moon Tea from the box and made herself a cup. The tea was used as a contraceptive by mares.

"Oh. Oh!" Apogee realized what she was implying. "I- I don't know," she muttered.

"What do you mean? It is Tuesday, after all!" Dizzy said, drinking the cup. "I'm looking forward to taking part in your little... tradition."

"Yes. It is Tuesday." Apogee said with disdain. "It's just that... we haven't been... we haven't done... that... for a while," she admitted.

"Oh. Is something wrong?" Dizzy asked. Apogee resisted the urge to say yes.

"No. Not wrong per se, just... complicated."

"Well, all things considered, coming from you, that's saying something," Dizzy said.

And just then, something walked in, on the hoof of Apogee's father. Dizzy looked at Apogee, and then at Jet, and then at his date.

"Oh," she said.

"Yeah," Apogee grumbled. Her grimace vanished in a flash as she turned to face her father with a beaming smile.

"Hi, Dad!" she greeted with an enthusiastic hug.

"Hi sweetie!" he greeted.

"Hello again darling," his date greeted.

"Hello again," Apogee replied, staying diplomatic. Jet Stream introduced his date to Dizzy, and the four of them sat at the dining table as he unpacked the food he had ordered. It didn't matter that it was from Apogee's favorite restaurant. The older mare at the table (that was not her mother) made everything taste bitter. Apogee didn't let it show on her face or her voice as she fielded all the questions from everypony. She was still the mare of the hour, and she would not let her mood be sullied by some would-be usurper.

After dinner, Jet collected the dishes and brought them into the kitchen. Apogee followed after him to 'help clean them'.

"Why is she here!?" Apogee growled quietly through her grit teeth. Jet looked over at her. He already knew what was up.

"Sweetie, give her a break. She's a nice pony and you won't even give her a chance. Is this about your mother?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know," Apogee said, not sure what she was feeling besides anger.

"I know nopony is ever going to replace Vee," he said of Delta Vee, his ex-wife, and Apogee's mother.

"What about me!?" Apogee said, blinking back her emotions. "This was supposed to be my night!"

"Her being here doesn't change that. She-"

"It's Tuesday!" she said, glaring at him. Jet sighed and put down the dish he was scrubbing.

"Gee, we promised each other that we wouldn't let this hurt anypony-"

"And YOU broke that promise!" she said, unable to stay her tears any longer.

"What do you want me to do, Gee? What do you expect me-"

"Send. Her. Away!"

"Sweetie, I can't just-"

"I have been at training camp, and I haven't seen you for months! And now the first night we get to share, and I have to share you with HER!" she said.

"Okay. Okay I- I'll go talk to her. Just give me a second."

Jet Stream dried his hooves and walked back out into the dining room. He waved Dizzy away, to go join Apogee in the kitchen. Apogee couldn't hear what he was saying to his date but after a few moments she looked over at her and then back at Jet. Her expression was some kind of objection. But after a few more words, she huffed, grabbed her things and left without a word.

Jet just sat at the dining table with slumped shoulders and stared at his place setting. After a couple of minutes he stood back up and returned to the kitchen. He looked back and forth between Apogee and Dizzy.

"What now?" he asked. The words dribbled out of his mouth like air leaving a deflated balloon. That was exactly what he looked like. Deflated. Defeated. Apogee didn't want to lose him to that other mare. But this wasn't how she wanted to win. She didn't want him to be a casualty.

"Dad, I-" Apogee tried to apology. She wasn't sorry for ridding herself of the other mare, but for hurting him in the process. He cut her off.

"We had all month," he said. "Four weeks of you on leave before your assignment. Three of those weeks you knew I had scheduled to take off from work, for you." He looked back at the front door. "And you couldn't even give her one lousy evening." He sighed and rubbed his face. "You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Gee. And sometimes... sometimes I think you abuse that fact."

Daisy looked back and forth between them and backed out of the room.

"Look, guys, I- I'm sorry. I didn't know this... this was how tonight was going to go. I- I should leave. I'll see you later, Gee?"

"I'll call you tomorrow, Diz!" Apogee said as the other mare left. After the door shut, Apogee and Jet just stood in the kitchen in silence. Jet was nothing if not patient when it came to his daughter. He would have stood there until dawn if she did the same. Apogee did not seek to test his resolve.

"Okay. I'm jealous!" she admitted. Loudly.

"I know," he replied, keeping his voice calm. He didn't want to escalate things.

"And yet!"

"And yet, what?" he asked. Again, keeping his tone even.

"And yet you're... dating some other pony!" she said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And you're jealous," he said.


"So what do you want me to do?" he asked.

"Don't do that!" she said.

"Is it really that simple to you?" he asked.

"Is it not!?" she asked back, incredulous. Jet replied only with a motion for them to walk into the living room. She sat down on the couch, and he sat down beside her. He looked at her. She looked at him.

When she looked at him, she saw the stallion that was her father. Her father, and her lover. Lover more so now. But he was still her father. Always a stallion. That never changed.

When he looked at her, he saw so much more than just the mare in front of him. He saw the little foal that he made. He saw the mistake that ended her mother's career. He saw the foal that became the beautiful filly he raised. He saw the young pony that made him proud in school. He saw the mare that was about to fulfill her life's dreams. And he saw his lover. And that came with equal parts joy and regret.

"You are... SO... incredibly smart, Apogee. I have always been proud of everything you've done in your life. And sometimes that blinds me from the fact that you are still so young. Wisdom isn't something that comes in a classroom. It's not something you can teach. It only comes with time." He rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked at the pillow beside her, the couch, and the glass dining table. He remembered that hazy evening he came home to her in the throes of her first estrus. And the series of events that transpired thereafter. He took a deep breath and continued.

"When I first told you that we shouldn't be doing this, you and I having a relationship, it wasn't just about the law, or being afraid that somepony would find out... It was because I knew somepony was going to get hurt."

"Yeah! Me!" Apogee said, still wiping away her tears.

"And me," Jet added. Apogee gave him a dubious look. "Baby, how did you think this was going to turn out, hmm? Ten, fifteen years from now, you still living at home with your old man?" he asked. "What would you think of somepony still living at home in their thirties?" Apogee didn't say anything out lout. But the word 'loser' came to mind. "And what about me?" he asked. "You've been gone for most of the last year. I'm a stallion of flesh and blood too. I have needs and wants of my own that you need to consider." Apogee was about to say something. "And I don't mean sex! At least, not just sex. Emotional needs. Do you think it's any easier now sleeping in an empty bed? Waking up with nopony to greet but the dawn? It's lonely."

"I was lonely too!" Apogee said.

"But you know what the difference is? You know what would make me happy? For you to come home one day with your coltfriend and tell me that you're getting married. I want that for you. But you won't let me have the same thing."

"You don't love me?" Apogee asked.

"Of course I love you!" Jet said, trying to mask his indignation at the accusation. "But I want to be able to have a special somepony of my own. Somepony who will be in my bed every night, and greet me every morning. Not one that I'll have to be talking to over satellite to space for pony-knows how long!" Apogee looked away. "I want somepony I could have another foal with," he said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm not that old yet. And being a father is the best thing I've ever done with my life." Apogee smiled briefly. They both sat there, saying nothing. After a while he said, "I... I should have talked to you about all this before I started... dating again."

"I'm sorry." She leaned over and hugged him. He hugged her back.

"Hi, Sorry, I'm Dad," he said, breaking the tension. Apogee giggled and jabbed him in the ribs. She climbed over and straddled his lap to kiss him. It was a small peck at first, and then another, more intimate kiss. He kissed her back and held her. For a few minutes it was nice to just not feel angry or sad. All the negative emotions melted away, replaced by the comfort of each other in their hooves. She pressed her face into his neck, smelling the faint remnants of his familiar cologne that he had splashed on earlier that morning. The scent of the same cheap shampoo he always used in his orange, crew-cut mane. And beneath it all, him. He smelled like safety and happiness. It reminded her of when she first learned to fly. That no matter what went wrong in her life, he would always be there to catch her fall.

To Jet, Apogee had an entirely different aroma. The moisture in his lap was indication to the same, of her seasonal state.

"It's still Tuesday," he said, trying to stay neutral. "If you want to... go make yourself some tea." Apogee knew very well what he meant. She glanced down between them. But unlike their early days, he had become much better at controlling his physical reaction to her.

"I think I'd like that," she said as she smirked, gyrating her hips in his lap. He didn't stand a chance as a testament to her victory began to sprout up between them. "Ooh, somepony has missed me," she said with a smug grin. "I've missed you, too," she said to his emerging penis. She shifted up and down against him, getting his shaft slick with her wetness. Each time she did, she got it a little harder until his tip pressed up against her-

"Tea. Now," he said sternly, putting his hoof against her chest. She huffed and trotted into the kitchen, heating a mug of water. She reached into the Moon Tea box in the cupboard.

It was empty. Daisy Cutter must have taken the last pouch. Apogee opened her mouth to tell him she needed to run out and get more. But her voice hitched in her throat.

"I want to be able to have a special somepony of my own. Somepony who will be in my bed every night, and greet me every morning."

"I want somepony I could have another foal with."

Apogee felt her mind at odds with itself. She had always wanted to have a foal some day. And she had always saw herself with her father forever. She always held the two beliefs to be equally true, despite their conflicting nature, somehow in parallel worlds. But now, a new thought bubbled up along with the water of the kettle.

They are never going to let a pregnant mare fly into space.

She wanted a foal.

She knew it was her heat talking. She was smart enough to know that. She wanted her father. Again, she knew where that thought was coming from. She wanted to go into space. She'd known that for a long time too. She wanted all three things. But she genuinely could not decide what it was that she wanted more. She wanted all of them in equal measure. She was paralyzed by choice.


The Ole Poneish words were on a magnet on the refrigerator. They were the same words inscribed on a stone placard outside of the Equestrian Space Center. It translated to, "A Rough Road Leads to the Stars." Apogee always took it to mean the challenges of ponykind reaching space. In general, it meant that worthwhile things meant persevering through adversity. But it had a much more personal meaning to her at the moment.

The kettle whistled. She poured the hot water into her mug. She poked around in the trash bin, finding the single-serving pouch that Dizzy had used. It was mostly gone. But there was still a little bit left. She put it into her mug. What little was left dissolved immediately, barely tinting the water.

"We'll let fate decide."

She drank the very diluted tea. She walked back into the living room, finished it off, and set the empty mug down, clearly displaying the tea pouch to him.

"That a girl," he said. "Now where were we?" She looked over at him, sitting on the couch. He had the same warm expression she'd always known from her father. That despite everything, all the adversity, and intervening years, he still loved her unconditionally. She was still his everything. He was still the same wonderful stallion that she had fallen in love with all those years ago. He still made her feel safe and secure in the knowledge that no matter what happened, somehow, everything would be alright.

"Right about... here," she said, sauntering over to him, turning to present her flank rather than straddle his lap this time. In the time it had taken her in the kitchen, his erection had wilted. But she didn't hold it against the stallion in his early forties. Besides, she knew how to get it back up.

She put her hooves on the corner of the glass coffee table and ground back against his crotch. He looked down at her freckled behind sliding up and down against his sheath. She pushed herself back, up onto him and sat in his lap. She turned her head to look back at him.

"Preen me?" she asked. She needed no other reply once she felt him pressing his face into her mane. She could feel his hot breath on her as he kissed his way down her neck to her shoulders. Her wings expanded outward as she felt him kissing between them in the space on her back. Eventually he worked his way out along her primaries.

As a mare in the space program, Apogee was now a model of peak physical conditioning. The feathers of her wings were perfectly groomed, not a single one out of place, making the preening session completely unnecessary. But it was hardly superfluous. Jet Stream knew exactly how to stimulate the erogenous zone of the pegasus. His daughter shuddered as he kissed along her wing and gently tugged at each of her feathers.

With a free hoof, he wrapped it around her waist and dipped it down between her legs. He teased the top of her slit with the tip of his hoof as he continued to preen her. Apogee grabbed his other hoof and pulled it up to her face and held it against her cheek as she bit his fetlocks. Not hard, but enough to stifle her moans.

Her rump was a bit bigger now that she was a grown mare. But it was much like the first time they had done this, when she'd had her first estrus cycle. And now, just as before, they were both desperate for physical relief. Apogee, having been in the closely monitored space program, and Jet at home without the touch of a mare. Apogee had seen to him swearing off the escort services he used to use to fill the hole his ex had left. That was her job now. But with her away, Jet had tried dating. He had hoped in vain that tonight was going to be his chance to get all the way with his new marefriend. He could worry about her later as he pushed the thought of her away.

His daughter filled his every sense. His vision was filled with her beauty, sitting in his lap. Her stifled moans were the only thing he could hear over the pounding of his own heart in his ears. He could feel the heat of her loins against his own. And her scent! Her scent more than anything dominated his consciousness. The sense tied closest to memory, her scent turned on every good emotion that he'd ever had. Every wonderful moment that they had shared.

The tip of his hoof continued to move in small circles against her marehood. She would quiver and shake each time her clitoris winked against his hoof. He felt her growing tense holding her in his hooves. Her leg started to make little involuntary kicks. He sped up his hoof.

"Daddy," she moaned against his other hoof. Her teeth bit harder on the tough keratin and she went rigid. "Daddy, DaddyDaddyDaddy!" she squealed, turning her head back to try to look at him. His lips met hers and they kissed as he felt a splash of her wetness against his hoof, and then another, dribbling down her pussy and soaking his lap and the couch beneath them. Like water to a garden, he sprouted fully against her in the wake of her orgasm.

She broke the kiss quickly as she panted for air. His hoof gave her marehood a momentary respite and brought it to his mouth, licking his daughter's juices from it. No matter how many times he had experienced it, it was always the most wonderful thing he'd ever tasted.

He rolled her off of his lap and onto her back, on the couch. No sooner was her head on the pillow, his face was between her legs. Unlike her mother, Apogee never smoked. It had always tainted the flavor of his ex. But with his daughter, her sweetness and subtle tart flavor came through all the better. As she got older, it evolved into more of a... umami flavor. A bit salty and sour, but in a good way. It was different, but wonderful nonetheless.

They had become exceeding good at knowing how to get each other off over the years. He had his timing down, and knew exactly when to switch up his long, slow licks with his wide, flat tongue, to firm probing into her foal hole, to quick little flicks against her winking love button. She reached down and ran her hoof through his mane before grabbing a hoof-full and pressing him into her harder, mashing his snout against her clit while his tongue set to work on her second orgasm.

He loved it when she took the dominant role during sex. The rest of the time, he needed to be, or at least act like he was the one in charge. But her aggression when they made love was always so reassuring to him that this was what she wanted. He wasn't some lecherous stallion taking advantage of some filly that didn't know better. It was what she wanted. What she initiated.

But he would have been lying if he said that he didn't want this just as much.

As much as he sometimes wished that he didn't. As much as he had tried to get her to date colts her own age. As much as he tried to find pleasure in the company of other mares. As much as he wondered about what pony hell was going to be like. When he looked up from between her legs at the expression of pure bliss on his daughter's face. Whenever she told him how happy he made her. Every time she told him how much she loved him, all his fear and doubt melted away.

But for as much as he wanted her for himself just as much as she wanted him, he knew it was a selfish desire. He could never have that life with her, without destroying hers that she had worked so hard for. That was why he always made sure to put her well-being first above all else.

"Daddy!" Apogee cried out, cumming for the second time that evening. Her thighs clamped together, squeezing his head. He cupped her marehood with his mouth, swallowing every precious drop of her nectar. His nose had just enough clearance to catch a quick breath. As soon as she finished, he kept as still as possible to keep from over-stimulating her. Her legs relaxed after a moment and he sat up next to her.

She turned herself around and laid her head on his lap. He slowly rubbed the fur of her belly while she came down from her euphoric high. After a moment, her eyes fluttered and focused on him. She smiled and held his hoof on her tummy with hers for a while.

"This is nice," she said, still smiling. It wasn't the wild grin of a mare in the midst of foreplay. It was just a sort of dull smile of contentment.

"What? That was just nice?" he said, sticking his tongue out at her playfully. She shook her head and smiled a bit more.

"No, I mean... this. This, right now," she said, squeezing his hoof in hers. She motioned between them and at the room around them. "Just... all of this. This is enough. I'm happy."

"Oh. Did you not want more?" he asked, pointing at his prominent erection.

"Oh course I want to continue!" she said with a giggle that was far too cute for her own good. "I just mean this. This life, what we have together. It's all I could ever ask for."

"Heh. Yeah. Okay." Jet Stream chuckled. He wasn't precisely sure what his daughter was getting at. Whether she was being sincerely sentimental or just not thinking clearly in her state. With his other hoof, he rubbed the back of her head, edging her closer to is dick. It wasn't in a rude, or insistent manner. He was just indicating that he was ready for the next part. They were both well aware of how much she liked sucking his dick.

It was an acquired taste, to be sure, the first time she had him cum in her mouth. But now she loved it. As she laid there, looking at it, she couldn't know for sure if he'd be able to resist from cumming in her mouth before they got to the main event. And subsequently, if he would be able to go another round tonight if he did. It was equally likely that they might just both pass out on the couch after the day they'd had. And even if she was sure he'd be able to cum twice tonight, that first load was always bigger. And there was only one place she wanted it to go.

"Take me to bed?" she asked with her adorable, pleading magenta eyes. He let go of her head, seeing that he wasn't going to be getting a blow job. It was okay with him. It was never something he ever pressured her to do for him anyway. She put her hooves up to him like a pleading foal.

"You know I can't carry you," he said.

"Pweese?" she begged. He rolled his eyes and stood beside her. She climbed onto his back. As a pegasus mare, she was smaller and lighter than her non-winged stallion peers. But Jet was no young buck, either. Just the same, with a grunt and groan, he managed to carry her the short ways to his bedroom. He leaned and rolled her onto the bed as gracefully as he could with an adult pony. The exertion had cause him to lose a bit of his rigidness.

But then she rolled onto her back, and flipped her tail up to cover her marehood in faux embarrassment. She looked at him with an expression of worry and covered her mouth with her hooves.

"Daddy, what is that?" she said in a higher pitch than normal as she pointed at his dick. "It's so big and scary!" Jet could only grin and play along with her 'little filly' act. He didn't have the heart to tell her to stop, despite the fact that it turned him on in ways that he didn't like to admit, even to himself. "Is that for me?"

"That's what you do to me," he said. He climbed onto the bed with her and moved her tail aside. With the tip of his hoof he gently pulled her pussy lip to one side to spread her open, revealing her pink entrance. "I'm gonna put it in here now," he said, playing along a bit. He knelt in front of her and she watched him take his cock in his other hoof and rub his tip against her pussy, getting it wet with her generous lubrication. He took his time teasing her since she wanted to do the filly act to tease him. Two could play at that game. Apogee shimmied closer, growing insistent. "C'mon!" she whined. He gave her a stern look.

"Is that whining I hear?" he asked.

"No." Apogee said with a pouty face. "Just c'mon already. Do it."

"Do what?" he teased, still rubbing her pussy with his tip. In truth he was just as anxious as her. He was just better at hiding that fact.

"Do it! Do... it! It. Put it... in," she said, getting flustered.

"That's not the polite little girl I raised," he said. Apogee huffed and groaned like a petulant teenage.


"Please what?" he said, pressing his tip just at her entrance.

"Please put it in!" she all but shouted.

"Well since you asked so nicely," he said, giving the slightest increase in pressure. And with that, the tip of his penis was inside his daughters vagina. For a brief second, he didn't move. Apogee opened her mouth to whine again, but just as she did, he pushed deeper into her.

"Daahh-ooOOHH!" The falsetto filly tone in Apogee's voice dropped an octave as she moaned out in carnal pleasure. And he was only a third of the way in. Even so, he relished the feeling. Despite his insistence to do so, Apogee never dated other colts. But Jet could remember that the escorts he used to frequent were, well, not loose exactly, but none were ever as tight as his little Apogee. Her pussy was wrapped so snugly around him.

He pulled out slowly while he waited for her to catch her next breath, leaving just the tip inside. She tried to say something again and he pushed back in, deeper this time until just his medial ring remained.

She reached up with her hooves to grab his face and pull him do to her to kiss him. Her mouth opened first and his quickly followed. His hips began to thrust as their tongues danced over each other. It wasn't the buck-wild rutting of horny teenagers. They weren't fucking. They were making love. He moved slowly, deliberately. Savoring every sensation he was feeling in her burning hot pussy's vice grip. He could tell she was enjoying it too. She had to break the kiss to gasp, feeling the veiny texture of him moving in and out along her sensitive walls. He loved the way her eyes would cross a little and she'd bite her lip. The way the blush grew across her freckled cheeks.

In bygone days, he'd usually rut her from behind whenever she insisted on one of their 'special' Tuesday nights. He'd close his eyes and try to be someplace else. With somepony else. Anypony else. He tried to justify it to himself that it would be okay as long as he just did it for her, and didn't enjoy it himself. That if he did that, he could still be a good pony. That as long as he didn't fall in love with her, he was still a good father.

Apogee caught on quickly, sharp as ever she was. She wanted to look at him. She wanted him to look at her. She wanted him to be present in the moment, making no mistake that this was her he was having sex with. She was in love with him long before he would admit the same. Even going so far as to say outright that what they were doing was okay, "as long as I don't fall in love with you."

As Jet Stream leaned over his daughter, looking at her under him as they made love, watching his shaft moving in and out of her, making a little bulge in her abdomen, hearing her moan out to her daddy, he knew it had been a fool's hope. He looked into her eyes. She smiled at him. He realized that he was smiling too. Her smile became a smug grin. She knew he was going to fall in love with her a long time ago.

She reached up and wrapped her hooves around him, pulling him down into a tight hug. She wrapped her legs around behind him and pulled her deeper into her, feeling a bit of resistance. It had been a while since the last time they had been together.

"Gee-" Jet tried to say. Apogee flexed her legs a little hard, feeling his medial rind pop through her already-stretched opening. She let out a little yelp into his shoulder but just held him there for a moment. Her legs flexed a little more. Not enough to move him, but enough to tell him to keep going.

He slowly pushed in the rest of the way. She felt his balls resting against her pert bottom as he hilted and bottomed out inside her. His girth was just the right amount to make her feel stretched full, slight discomfort without actual pain. And his length was just enough to let him hilt, with his tip just lightly kissing her cervix, so he could rut her as hard as he wanted without worrying about hurting her. His shape and contours fit inside her perfectly like lock and key. No surprise, given the closeness of their biological relationship.

He started moving again. Slowly at first. Apogee met his motions with her own, moving in opposition. Each time they came together, their hips would make a wet 'slap'. Their rhythm grew faster and more frantic as Jet kept trying to keep up with his energetic daughter. Jet moved himself upright. His daughter had gotten him so hard, it was like trying to bend a piece of rebar. She arched her back and stretched out as his dick angled up against her tummy. His medial ring moved back and forth across her Apo-G-spot.

"C-Cumming!" she squealed out as her third orgasm came on without warning in the new position. Her marecum sprayed from her tightly stuffed pussy in little spurts, soaking Jet and his bedding as her whole body trembled and shook. Her vaginal muscles squeezed and milked his cock.

Watching his daughter cumming on his cock, feeling it, was too much. He felt himself nearing the point of no return. His balls tightened and Apogee felt his cock flare inside her, signalling his imminent climax. She felt him start to pull away.

"NO!" she cried out, holding him tighter with her legs, pulling herself upright in front of him, knocking him backwards onto the bed as she came down impaled on top of him. The new position made him bottom out deep inside her. His tip was poised, pressed flush against her cervix. His flare swelled wide deep inside her, stretching the tiny entrance to her womb in front of his perfectly positioned urethra.

She felt him twitch and throb inside her. And then she felt the first splash of his hot seed spurting inside her. Each pulse flooding her womb with more of her father's virile seed.

He hadn't even had time to recover from being tackled when he felt her grab his face and kissing him. He tried to kiss back while trying to catch his breath, even as his cock continued to twitch with the last throes of his orgasm, releasing the last of his cum inside her.

"Gee- Sweetie- I-" he panted between kisses. "Can't breath," he said. She stop kissing and shifted her weight off of his chest. Her hips stayed where they were, though as she pressed her cheek against his. He felt a wetness on his. He turned to look at her. "Apogee, you okay?" he asked. She nodded without looking at him. "Are you crying?" She shook her head.

"No I-" she wiped her eyes on his pillow case. "I'm just so happy."

"Are you sure?" he asked. She nodded, smiling even as her eyes were still misty.

"I just missed you so much," she said, hugging him again.

"I missed you too, but, You gotta let me up, okay?" he groaned.

"Nooo," she moaned playfully, rolling sideways, pulling him back on top of her. He felt himself pull a muscle.

"Dammit Apogee," he groaned "I'm not an acrobat like you. Now let go!"

"Okay okay," she pouted. She let go and he lifted himself off of her, pulling out of her at last with a wet plot. As soon as he was clear, she rolled back over onto all fours and leaned down on the bed, propping her hind end up to keep any from leaking out. This time, not just to prevent a mess. Jet limped to the bathroom to wash up. A few minutes later he came back, suggesting that she do the same. He laid back down on the bed to rest. She stayed there next to him in her same awkward pose.

"You going?" he asked.

"I just want to stay here with you," she said. He glanced back at her elevated flank.

"Well you really should. It's been a while for me so I'm sure there's... a lot." Apogee blushed. She didn't need him to tell her that. She could practically feel the volume of his cum sloshing around inside her. "Go on, before you make a mess." he told her, shooing her off the bed. Apogee walked very carefully with clenched muscles into the bathroom and closed the door.

She caught herself in profile in the mirror. She was very lean and toned from her astronaut training. She brought her hoof to her tummy, rubbing it over it, imagining what it could look like in the coming months. As she rubbed it, she felt a dribble from her nethers. She moved with haste to clean herself before she went to bed.

To his bed.

The rest of that week, Apogee was anxious to continue to make up for lost time with her dad. He would keep telling her to take her moon tea. She would keep pretending to take it. A week later, Jet was rummaging through the cupboard. His hoof bumped into the moon tea box. He noticed that is was empty.

"Apogee, we're out of moon tea. Run down to the apothecary and pick up some more, okay?"

"Okay," she replied. She trotted over and gave him a kiss before she left. It lingered far longer than any daughter ought rightfully kiss her father. He kissed her back and gave her flank a playful squeeze. She finally felt more like a wife. She was in heaven.

At the store, she picked up the box of moon tea. Beside it, in the same aisle, were the pregnancy tests. She looked at the box and counted the days in her head since that first night. She bought the tea and the test and went home. She put the tea in the cupboard and quietly brought the test with her into the bathroom.

She followed the instructions, took a sample of her pee and added the reactive dye and waited. She sat there on the toilet and stared at the test kit. It was the longest two minutes of her life.

Once she had the result, Apogee discarded the rest of the kit and walked out to the living room. She sat down next to her father and turned to look at him.

"D- Dad?" He saw the serious expression on her face and set down his newspaper and coffee.

"Is something wrong, Gee?" he asked.

"Dad... I'm pregnant."

"Hello Pregnant, I'm Dad-OhMyFuckingWHAT!?"

After all these years of him telling her to watch her language, it was so strange to hear him cursing, himself. His eyes were the size of dinner plates. His eyebrows could not have gone any higher while still being attached to his face. His jaw had dropped so far that it almost looked unhinged like snake. His fur turned whiter than his collared shirt.

"I'm pregnant."

"Wha!? No! Wait! WHAT!? I-" Jet's brain struggle to form complete thoughts. "Are- Are you sure!?" he asked. She held out the indicator.

"Blue," she said, indicating the positive result in the instructions.

"How? Wait, don't answer that! Who?"

Apogee just smiled weakly at him.

"Actually no, don't answer that either. It doesn't matter!" He jumped up from the couch and grabbed her hoof. "Come on, we need to get you to the clinic!" he said.

"The clinic!?"

"Yes! To fix this!" he said. "To... you know!"

"To terminate!?"

"Yes! Obviously!" he said. Apogee yanked her hoof away.

"Do I not even get a say in this!?"

"Well I would assume that you would agree with me!"

"Well maybe I don't!" she spat. "You don't even want to know who?"

"It doesn't-"

"It's yours, by the way!"

Jet Stream grit his teeth, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath in through his nose, trying to stay calm.

"It doesn't matter. You can not be pregnant! I am going to sue that moon tea company!"

"I haven't taken my tea all week!" she shouted.

Jet Stream somehow turned a whiter shade of pale.

"Yeah! That's right! It's not an accident!" she yelled. A myriad of confused expressions ran across Jet's face. His mouth formed silent words that never came out. He had so many questions but above all others, there was just one simple query.

"But- But WHY Apogee!? Why do this!? To me! To yourself!"

"Because I LOVE YOU!" she cried out. "You told me about how lonely you had been while I was away, wanting somepony in your bed every night. A special somepony to have another foal with! I didn't want that to be somepony else! I couldn't stand the idea of you f-fucking some other mare! Making me call her mom some day! I didn't want to lose you. I wanted you for myself. I wanted to be the one for you. Your special somepony!"

"Apogee, this is NOT about me! Don't make this about ME!" he said. There was no anger in his voice. Only terrified concern. "This is entirely about you! You've been waiting your whole life to go to space! Don't- Don't do this again!"

Jet Stream started to cry. Like, actually, openly sobbing. Apogee never saw him cry before except for when he talked about her mother, Delta Vee.

"Apogee don't do this! Don't make the same mistake she did! We were young and reckless and we made a m-" he stopped mid sentence.

Apogee glared at him. "Is that what I am? A mistake?" she asked. She had know for a long time that she was an unintended pregnancy. But this was the first time she was called, to her face, a mistake.

"I love you, Apogee. You are my daughter, and I would die for you. But please, you have to listen to me! Don't go down the same path as her. Don't throw everything away that you worked so hard for."

"Dad, this isn't a mistake. This isn't an accident. This is choice. A choice that I'm making," she said. Jet just fell onto the couch, literally unable to stand it. "Dad, I'm not going to end up in some junkyard like Mom. I'm not going to hate you and resent you for this like she did. She had a choice to be a mom."

"Apogee, she got pregnant by accident," he said.

"Yes. And she had a choice to BE A MOM, and she made her choice to not be!" The words stung. The words stung everypony. They stung Jet to hear somepony say that about Delta. Part of him would always love her. It stung Apogee just as much to say it about her own mother.

"But you're going to be an astronaut! Don't throw that away just to try to keep me!" he begged. Apogee looked out the window, towards the southeast, where she knew the space center's launchpad was.

"Do you know why I wanted to go to space?" she said.

"You- you've always wanted to be an astronaut. That's been your dream forever!"

"But did you ever know why I wanted to go to space?" she asked.

He thought about it for a moment. He couldn't rightly recall her ever telling him the reason. He shook his head. She smiled at him. It was a sort of sad smile.

"I wanted to get away," she said. "I wanted to get away from you and mom fighting, from all the anger and sadness and... just everything. I wanted to get as far away as I could. But I was never brave enough to run away on you. I always thought that if I went to space, like the astronauts do, that I'd..." Apogee chuckled as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I guess I thought I'd find whatever peace I was looking for. That I would finally be... happy."

Jet Stream was crying too, now.

She looked at him sitting on the couch. She sat down next to him and laid down with her head in his lap.

"But that last Tuesday night, when I was laying here like this..." she pulled his hoof onto her belly. "And you were rubbing my tummy I realized... that I didn't want to run away anymore. Not to space, not anywhere. That I want to stay here with you and have a family, a proper family! I realized that I'm finally happy." She looked up at him and asked, "Aren't you?"

He looked at the beautiful mare that he loved with all his heart, laying in his lap. He looked at his hoof, resting on her belly, pregnant with his foal. He held her close to his chest and laughed and cried at the same time, in a sort of strangled bark.

"Yes! Yes, I'm happy, Apogee!" he admitted even as he was ashamed to do so. "You're all I've ever wanted. I love you! But what are we- what are we going to tell ponies!?" he asked, feeling lost and scared and desperate.

"We'll figure it out," she said, strange to find herself the calm one for once. "We'll find a way."

"Apogee, this- being a parent, dealing with society, all of this! This is not going to be easy!" he warned her, ever the concerned father.

"No... it won't be," Apogee agreed, sitting up to kiss him. "It's a rough road that leads to the stars."