Talion in Equestria

by Silas5399

First published

Guy get's sent to equestria as the corrupted Talion with a few more benefits

This is a story about a man who is sent to equestrian as a ring wraith and not any wraith talion from shadow of war will he be good or evil only time will tell as we follow his story of when he first got to equestria and has to make many difficult choices and how he deal's with them

first chapter proof read and edited by Zwillngen700 and nightmare darkness check out their story's and show them some love for helping me out on my story link to their story's down below

Chapter 1 edited

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Hello, my name is... Well, that doesn't really matter anymore. I have forgotten it long ago, but we are not here about that, you want to hear how I landed in Equestria don't you? Well here it is.
It was the day of the Gaming Convention in my town, I dressed up as one of my favorite video game character, the corrupted version of Talion from Shadow of War. I managed to acquire everything through various craft artists I found online but I was still missing Isildur's ring, I improvised and made one last minute, it barely looked anything like it sadly. I was adjusting said ring as my phone suddenly went off, I pulled it out of my pocket and answered the call.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice of my best friend James, he was currently enjoying a vacation in Hawaii.

"Hey James, how was your trip?" I asked him and just as I said that I heard a loud bang coming from his side of the phone. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Sorry about that, I tripped over something" he said, I was glad he was alright and chuckled. Clumsiness is one of his defining traits.

"You need to be more careful or your going to hurt yourself one of these days. Oh, and before I forget, I made it to the gaming convention." Just as I said that I heard him sigh loudly.

"You know, I didn't want you going there. You know what has been happening at those places lately." he said with a worried tone.

"Yeah, I know, but I just have to find a better ring for my costume and maybe few souvenirs as well. I know you have been looking for Reaper's guns from Overwatch for over a month. I'll see if I can find you a pair so you can add them to your collection." I said

I heard him sigh again. "Alright, but remember what I said, be careful." He said one more time before hanging up.
After that, I continued exploring the Gaming Convention for maybe an hour or so before I stopped at an interesting, and somewhat, irie merchant sitting at his stall. But that did not matter at the moment because I found what I was looking for, a perfect replica of Isildur's ring from Shadow of War at the merchants table.

I walked up to the stand. "How much for that ring." I said and pointed at my soon to be precious. He saw what I was pointing at and simple smiled.

"Twenty-five dollars, is there anything else you want to purchase sir?"

"Do you have the Reaper guns from Overwatch?" I asked him curiously.

"No," he stated rather bluntly. "But! I may have something similar, if you want it that is."
I thought about it for a bit before saying 'Sure'. The merchant nodded and knelt down to grab something from under the table, he found what he was looking for and stood up.

He presented me with a pair of guns, they were similar, but the guns had a few a different color scheme than the ones in the game. I thought they were only black, but these were black and dark green in some places.

"No I'll keep looking." I told the merchant, he shrugged and placed them on the table.

"Is there anything else you want, sir?" I heard him say.

I thought for a while and asked curiously. "If you have anything dark magic or dark powers related? I would like a look at those as well." Like I said, I want to buy a few souvenirs.

He gave me a confused look and asked, "Why so are you so interested in the aspect of darkness?"

I gave him a big smile and happily said, "Many people think a hero must stay true to the light, a warrior in shining armor who would never do anything wrong, but not all heroes have to be like that. Take Talion, for example, he could have stayed down and accepted his fate on that bridge, but instead, he took Isildur's ring and made the power his own and fought against the darkness for decades before he finally fell to the power of the ring."

He smiled "I never thought of it that way thanks I think you gave me a new perspective on things" he went back to rummaging under his stall and came back up with a large box covered completely in dust; seems like it hasn't been used in a while.
I saw him pull out a lot of books and a few other items from the box and placed it all on the table. I was surprised that he could lift that much without any problems.
I must have seen him put three dozen book and many items that have no name for out of the box; many of them looked very heavy. I was even more amazed that all of that managed to fit inside that box, that stuff could fill up to 5 boxes of the same sizes and still be stuff left over.
"Do you work out or something?" I asked, still amazed by the feat of strength I had just seen.
"From time to time, yes," he replied while he went back to the crates to grab one last thing that was wrapped up in cloth so I could not see what was hidden under it, but its shape and size looked similar to a staff.
'I don't think I could afford all of this, let alone one-tenth on it!' he coughed loudly in his hand, getting my attention
"Will that be all, sir?" he asked with a smile.
"Give me a second," I said as I opened the box. The first things I noticed were the books as I spotted some of the titles. The first one was called 'Dark manipulation' another one was labeled as 'Dark Arts'. I also spotted a book with a very familiar conjuration symbol from another one of my favorite games, Skyrim, and the last one I looked at was called 'Necromancy'. I didn't look at the others cause there was so many, then I spotted some of the none-literature items, I recognized the Palantir from the lord of the rings movies, and many other things as well.
"Do you have any masks?" I asked nicely to not annoy him with my requests. And, again, he went under his stall and pulled a cool mask. 'His stall must be like that box, small on the outside, limitless space on the inside,' I joked.
"Is that all?" he asked me. I took a look at the mask and inspected it.
"Yes, that will be all how much is this going to cost me," I asked the merchant. Expecting the price range to be astronomical and having to but only the things that interest me the most.
He thought for a moment and said."Usually, this would cost you a lot of money, but since you are my first customer of the day, how about I give you a discount. I guess about one hundred and fifty dollars should be enough." It was surprisingly within my price range.
I pulled out my wallet and took out the exact cost needed, handed it to him, and put everything back into the box. I grabbed it and started to lift it, expecting a great weight, I instead discovered a near weightless box!
I looked back at the merchant, and he smiled at my surprised face. I grabbed the staff that was wrapped in cloth as well, a gave him farewell and began to walk away. I was almost out of hearing range when he shouted, "Enjoy your new life!" I was confused, and just as I turned around, he was gone along with everything on his stall. I took a step towards it only to find no ground under my foot and I began to fall.

I was in a dark void for what seemed like an eternity. The concept of time seem to be nonexistent here, it could have been minutes, hours or days and still wouldn't have known. Just as I was about to give up the hope of escaping this infinite void, I saw a light. I reached out to it, and gravity resumed, colors started to rapidly return and I realized that I was falling through the sky and into a forest. Before even uttering a scream I hit the many branches of the trees, but the pain was nothing compared to the agony I felt when I hit the ground. "Oh god I think I broke something. Or many somethings." I rasped out through the pain.
As the pain slowly turn to soreness, I open my eyes to find myself in a vast forest with the box that I got from the merchant beside me with the ring laying in the center of the container. There was also a note taped to the side of the box. I slowly crawled my way over to it pulled it off and started to read,
'Sorry about the fall, I did not mean to drop you in midair. Also congrats on your new life! I suppose you want to know what happened to you? I will try to explain this in the simplest matter I can; first, don't overreact, you are not in any [immediate danger, you are simply on another world, and if you do not believe me then just wait till you see yourself in a mirror.
Second, I gave you photographic memory, so you do not have to worry about forgetting anything except for a few unimportant details here and there.
I have to tell you this though, I might have messed up somewhere and made you forget your name, I could have written it for you but you never mentioned it to me, but hey, you can now use Talion's name since you now look just like him.
Also, just so you know where and when you are, you are in Equestria, and you are one year away from the events of Nightmare Moon's return. So you have a lot of time to master a few of your new powers, and if you don't know what Equestria is then you can use that time to learn about it as well.
Now this is important so read carefully. Only put that ring on if you are absolutely sure. If you do put it on then the pain you will go through will be immeasurable, the process will turn you into a wraith and you will never again be truly human once you go through with it. There is no going back, and you will never be able to join the friends and family you make in death because you will be denied death no matter how many times you die, how you die or who kills you.
This is a choice you and only you can make. And don't worry about the ring controlling you, it will obey you and only you, anyone else who tries to put it on, if they even can get it off you, will become corrupted and will make its way back to you.
The Merchant
To say I was devastated was an understatement. As soon as I finished reading the letter, I rushed to the nearest source of water I could find, a pond a few feet away from me, and he was telling the truth. I looked exactly like talion before he got the corrupted ring!
And that was my very first day in Equestria.

chapter 2 edited

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The next morning I had a big question to answer "should I or should I not put on the ring" I said aloud. If I put on the ring I will never be fully human again not to mention the clear warning of absolute hell of pain and agony if I put it on.
If I don't put on the ring I might never find a way home but I could still live my life in peace here if I don't I thought. I gave myself much time to think of the problems I would face in both choices until I made my answer. "I'll do it I will put on the ring". But I was not going to be stupid about it I need to find somewhere safe to rest after this then I remembered that I saw a castle not to far from here during my fall.

Many hours of walking and hiking later

I finally made it to the castle of the two sisters with the box and staff tied to my back with makeshift ropes made of vines and wood. "Finally I made it here" I said as I made my way inside and to one of the tall towers.

When I entered the tower I noticed a set of doors with a crescent moon on both doors. " this must be Luna's room from the look of it" I said as I entered the large room and I took in the sight and it was amazing. The had a full moon in the middle as the star shined around it and I noticed that it was moving as I saw a few stray shooting star's going from the roof to the wall as I watched in amazement at the pure beauty of the room. I noticed the bed was a deep blue and looked comfortable as I laid on the bed as I readied myself to put on the ring.

As I pulled the ring from my pocket and closed my eyes as i put the ring on my finger and instantly I was in indescribable pain it felt like every cell in my body was tearing itself apart then putting itself back together only to tear itself apart again. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCK" I screamed even though no one would hear me.

It went on for hours and hours until it suddenly stopped a I took well deserved breath of relief as it was finally over. I noticed a mirror on the other side of the other side of the room and made myself towards it. My legs felt like jelly as I made my way slowly to the mirror and stood in front of it made admired my new look.

After an hour to get used to my new body I decided to look at one the books in the box but first to finally see what is wrapped in the cloth was shocked at what I was holding it was Saruman's staff.

"Now that mystery is answered time to hit the books" I pulled out darkness manipulation and I felt a rush of information in my mind that explained the spells how to use them and the different uses they have and I found I spell in certain that I could use very easily it was called shadow projection
Shadow projection

Allows the caster to control their shadow and see through it's eyes and the shadow will be invisible
I want to visit ponyville without being seen so this should be useful as I laid down of the bed and concentrated on my shadow I separated from my body and became a shadowy version of myself as I leaped through the window and made my way to town

Several minutes later

"That was awesome" I said to myself as I was traveling at inhuman speeds and I made it to town ponyville. It was the middle of the day and the first thing I saw was that the ponies walked on two legs and I saw applejack at her apple stand and she looked amazing.

Then I noticed her brother big Macintosh he was a huge buff earth pony and he was unloading apples from a cart not far from applejack.
Then I made may way to rarity's home and I walked through the wall as she was measuring a unicorn mare

(this is rarity)
I then decided to head to canterlot to see how twilight is doing and then started to sprint for canterlot

1 hour later

I had arrived at the castle I went to the garden's first and saw something that made me angry Blueblood insulting and harming a mare then i grinned as I got an idea I grabbed a good sized rock tossed it in my hand a few times then threw it at the son of a bitch my aim was true as it hit it's target head on and knocked him the fuck out after the maid ran off somewhere. "I guess I will go see Celestia but I can't be seen" I said.

made my way up to her tower where I saw here in her room teaching twilight lessons on magic but I saw celestia tense up when I entered the room but she looked around and saw nothing. Celestia was wearing a white dress as she was pointing to a board behind her while her rainbow mane blow in the nonexistent wind and floated in the air.

Celestia POV

I felt dark magic enter the room but I looked around and saw nothing but when I stealthy used my magic to see the magic around me and a saw I dark figure made of shadows and saw green eyes and when I felt it's power and it was enormous and seemed to only grow stronger every passing moment. I could not risk getting twilight hurt so I pretended I didn't see it to see what it would do it walked over to us but I sensed no evil intent if anything it was interested in what we were doing.
"Princess is everything alright" I heard twilight say and shock my head.
Then I saw the figure tensed up looked at me and was curious to what I was going to say.
"Everything is alright twilight" I saw both the figure and twilight relax and saw the shadow exit the room
"I am going to go in the hallway for a minute twilight" I said to her as I made my way over to the door and walked and only to find the shadow was already gone and its power was fading from my senses. After twilight is done with her lessons for today I am going to investigate that shadowy figure.

Talion's POV

"That was to extreme I thought she found me I know she sensed something there but did not see me" I said as I got out of bed. "I think it is time a learn more spell that first one was easy but I should not take this magic lightly" I said to myself I know dark magic is dangerous and I should look at some of the other books that the merchant gave me I grabbed a random book from the box and its title was the creation of magical constructs but I noticed that I did not feel the rush like last time "I should investigate that later" I said as I began reading. It was a interesting title in the first few pages it explained how to make golems and moving armor. I got to chapter 15 before I decided to take a break I noticed that the sun went down a long time ago but I did not feel tired it is possible sense I am technically I am a undead so I might not need sleep that could be useful but i should let my body rest for a bit sense that was my first time using magic.
As i went to sleep I woke up in a dark void "I guess this is my dream" I said I wanted to try something so I thought of a simple living room and one appeared around me and I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv it had a list of all my favorite shows and a game system as well "well this is cool" I said as I turned on a random anime.

Next morning

I woke up in a happy mood since I was able to watch some of my favorite shows in my sleep. "Ok back to work" as I sat in the bed and started to my wraith powers and started to head in the forest to find a timber wolf. I wandered around the forest till I found a lone timber wolf and hid in a tree.as the timber wolf neared i jumped from the tree in use my brand power to take control of the timber wolf. I was easier then I thought I thought it would be more difficult to take control of it as soon as I let go I felt a connection to the timber wolf commanded it to sit and it obeyed my command.

"Tell me where I might find a timber wolf pack" I commanded the wolf

"Not far from here master" not only was I shocked he could to talk to me telepathically but understand me as well.

"Lead on" I ordered as the timber wolf took me to a nearby cave. "Stay here I will be back shortly" I said to him as he lowered his head in is body in bowing looking motion.

As I entered the cave I found a pack of two dozen timber wolves growling at me and as they lunged at me I used my copy power that allowed me to defend against attack and brand enemies I brand them and any that got too close to me a used a copy to brand them as well until all of them were under my control. they were all stand in front of me waiting for orders

"Listen up until the summer sun celebration next year you guys will be my eyes and ears in the forest you are free to continue as you were before but you answer to me you understand and you are to keep me notified if anyone or anything that leaves or enters the forest now that you have your orders continue as you were"

"Yes master" i heard all of the timberwolves say in unison

I felt like a badass saying all that and satisfied with the results of my powers i made my way back to the castle with the first timber wolf I branded.

"Master" I heard he timber wolf say

"Yes" I said back.

"What is going to happen at this summer sun celebration" He asked me.

"Big things are going to happen big things indeed" I replied with a smile as we walked home.

chapter 3

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Before the story starts I will tell you again like I stated in the 2 chapter when their are " at the beginning and end of words it means they are talking out loud when their are ' at the beginning and end it is the thought of the persons point of view we are currently at when their are none surrounding it is means it is a action someone is doing now that this it out of the way lets begin the chapter

One year later POV Twilight Sparkle third person limited

Twilight spark burst through the door as she was wearing a short shirt with her cutie mark on it and blue tank top with a white undershirt under it and she had a c cup breast size.

"Spike Spiiike Spike oh there you are" she said as she spotted spike and ran up stairs "quick find me a copy of prediction and prophecies what's that for" she said as she spotted a present on spikes tail spike was wearing a white jacket and a black shirt with a pair of blue jeans he was about 3 feet tall with a foot long tail with the present on it as he took it off his tail.

"well it was a gift for moondancer" said with a frown as he looked at the crushed present from his fall

"Oh spike yo know we don't have time for that sorta thing".

"But we are on a break". Spike said as twilight lit up her horn with magic and brought a book down from the top shelf.

"No no no no uh spike" she yelled.

"It's over here" spike said as he brought her the book and handed it to her.

"Elements elements e e e" she said as the looked for the right page "found it the elements of harmony the mare in the moon" twilight have a confused look as she read that.

"Mare in the moon I thought that was a old pony tail" spike said as he put the books away.

"The mare in the moon myth from old pony times a powerful pony that once wanted to rule equestrian and cover the world in eternal night Legend states that on the longest day of the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escapee and she will bring night eternal" she gasp "Spike do you know what this means take a note for princess celestia"

"Ok" spike said as he climb down the latter.

"My dearest teacher my lesson in magic has led me to discover that we are on the edge of disaster" twilight said as spike continued to write everything down at a fast pace " for you see the mythical mare in the moon is not a myth and she is going to be freed and something needs to happen to make sure this does not come true I await your responds your faithful student Twilight Sparkle".

"Got it" spike said as he finished the letter.

"Great send it" she said as spike lite it on fire with his breath and it flew out the window.

"Are you sure she will answer it she must have a lot of stuff to like the nobles and celebration that is happening in ponyville this year" spike said to twilight.

"Of course she will this is a national emergency and need to be dealt with accordingly" twilight responded with as spike burped out flames and a letter formed from them with the royal seal on it "see I knew she would respond immediately" She said with a smile

Spike grabbed the letter and began to read aloud " dear twilight sparkle you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely but you simply must get your head out of those dusty old books" twilight smile turned to a frown as she went wide eyed

On the way to ponyville

"my dear twilight" spike said as he reread the letter to her " their is more to a young mares life than just studying so I am sending you to ponyville to check over the preparations for the summer sun celebration" spike said as twilight hung he arms over the railing of the Pegasus drawn carriage as they neared ponyville "but I have a two more tasks for you first to investigate the recent timber wolf activity we have revived report of them acting strangely for a year now and as for the second make some friends" spike finished the letter "look on the bright side twilight you get to stay in a library" spike said in a attempt to cheer up twilight.

"yes do you want to know why because I'm right I will check on the preparations as fast as I can then get to the library to find proof of nightmare moons return"

"Then when will you make friends and investigate the timber wolf activity" spike asked twilight.

"She said to check on preparations and I will do my royal duty and the fate of equestria does not rest on me making friends" twilight said as the carriage landed "thank you sirs" she said to the Pegasus guards and they waved her goodbye.

"maybe the pony's in ponyville have interesting things to say" as a pink mare approached she had a fluffy mane and she wore a shirt that showed her bellybutton with three balloons on the shoulder of the shirt and she had a pink shirt as she skipped carefree as she approached the two.

As soon as she saw them she jumped in the air and gasp and disappeared with nothing more than a smoke trail where she once stood.

"What just happened" spike said

"I have no idea" twilight said to him

location sweet apple acers

"The first thing on the check list is food and the apple family is in charge of it" spike said as he read over the check list.

"Yeeha" they heard and saw applejack kicking the tree and all the apples fall into buckets below

Twilight sighed "let's get this over with" she said as they walked over to her "hi I am here to check the preparations for the summer sun celebration"

Applejack then began to shake with her hand at a rapid pace and say "well howdy do pleasure meeting you here I'm applejack we here at sweet apple acers sure like making new friends" she said still shaking her hand

"friends actually I" managed to say be fore applejack spoke again

"So what can I do for you today miss uh" applejack said

"Twilight sparkle and as I said before I am here to check up on the preparation for the celebration and your in charge of the food" she said

"we sure are would you like a taste test" before twilight could say anything she table appeared and she was sitting as she listed off her family ( I am not going to write all their names so skips those) big Macintosh, apple bloom and granny smith rise and shine granny smith" she said to wake her granny up

"Soups on everypony" she said as she slowly walked over with her walking cane

"Well I can see the food is taking care of so I will just be going" she said nervously.

"Aren't you going to stay for brunck" apple bloom said gives her best puppy dog eyes she could at twilight.

"fine" she said

"Yeah" everyone yelled.

Location middle of ponyville

"Ok now that food is taken care of now for the weather" spike said with a smile

Twilight groaned behind him as she held her stomach "I think I ate to much apple pie" she said trying not to throw up and not doing very well as a few trail of vomit were at the edges of her mouth almost bursting out and as she held back the urge to vomit once again.

"Watch out get out of the way" heard and as she turned he head she saw a rainbow maned Pegasus and teleported a few feet away before she was hit.

"Are you ok" she asked the downed Pegasus she was wearing a workout outfit that showed her six pack and her curvy body and he rainbow main was short

"Of course I am I'm rainbow dash" she said as she got up unharmed.

"Wait rainbow dash" twilight said

"Yes you heard of me" she said

"Only that you were suppose to clear the weather today but have not yet" she said a she pointed to the clouds.

"I can clear that in 10 seconds flat" She said with a grin

"Really what are you a wonderbolt" twilight said sarcastically

"Soon will be" She said as she zoomed through the clouds clearing them 10 seconds.

"See I told you I could do it but I got to go see you later

As we went to the park to check on the music we heard the birds singing in the distance as we made our ways toward it we says a Pegasus having the birds practicing for the celebration she was wearing a green hoddy that hid her hug breasts and a pair of shorts

"Stop stop" she said quietly "mister robin you are a tiny bit off and you if you would not mind that is get on course" the robin nodded as they were about to start again

"HI I am supposed to check on the music for the summer sun celebration are you miss fluttershy" she nodded and noticed spike and flew towards him.

"Are you a baby dragon" she said

"yes" spike said

"I have never seen a baby dragon before tell me everything" she said as they started to walk to the town hall.

One hour later

" here we are" fluttershy said quietly hiding behind he mane and walking away from us as went to check on her animals

As we entered we spotted the mare in charge of decorations and as soon as spike saw her he fell in love at first sight.

"How are my spines do they look straight" as his eyes turned heart shaped and he stared longingly at her.

"Excuse me" twilight said

"I'm busy right now I'm in the zone as it were ah yes sparkles all was do the trick don't you think" she said as she turned around

"I was sent here from canterlot to check on preparations"
She gasp "Canterlot I have always admired canterlot the beauty the glamor the fashion were going to be the best of friends you and I" she said ah" I laughed nervously as I walked out of town hall with spike behind me still looking at rarity.

Location library entrance

As we walked in the library we saw the light's were off and as I turned them on we hear a hundred pony's yell

"Surprise" as the lights turned on we were sounded by ponies I was tired to deal with this as a pink pony was suddenly in front of me

"Were you surprised were you were you" she said smiling as she was bouncing up and down "oh by the way my names pinkypie"

"I'm to tired to deal with this" twilight said as she walked

Time skip town hall the celebration

On the stage was mayor mare was wearing a plain white suit as she begin to make announcement filly and gentlecolts I present to you princess celestia and as the curtains moved away from the balcony to reveal no one was their then their was a evil laughter in the air as a blue mist formed nightmare moon she was wear armor while she had a sword attached to her belt

"Oh my beloved subjects its been so long sense I have seen your precious sun loving faces" nightmare moon said while everyone coward in fear.

"what did you do to our princess" rainbow dash demanded.

Nightmare moon laughed and said "why am I not royal enough for you do you not know who I am does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned foe a thousand years do you not recall the legend did you not see the signs"

"I did" twilight said "and I know who you are your the mare in the moon nightmare moon" everyone gasped

"Well well well somepony remembered so you also know why I am here"

"Your here to bring eternal night" twilight said un afraid

"remember this day ponies for it is your last from this moment forth the night will last forever" she said while laughing evilly

"Get her she is the only one that knows where the princess is" the mayor said to the guards rushed her but were killed instantly the moment they got close to her and she fled.

Talion POV

I had watched everything that has transpired through the Palantir and I watched them enter the forest and conquer the challengers that nightmare moon left for them and finally arrive at the castle I made my way to the room they were in as they were about to fire the elements she dodged the blast and shot the main six with her magic leaving them heavily wounded but not life threating 'time to put my back up plan in effect' I thought to myself as I readied an arrow from my wraith bow and just as she was about to finish them I shot and hit her shoulder after she pulled it out and healed herself I jumped from the balcony and said "you shall not touch them"

To be continued


Chapter 4 Talion VS Nightmare Moon

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Twilight POV

'We failed' I thought before nightmare moon was going to kill us. But then I heard her yell in pain as I opened my eyes as I saw a green ghostly arrow in Nightmare Moon's shoulder and as she pulled it out and healed herself I heard a noise as I turned my head toward the noise I saw a strange creature in wear armor and wearing a strange mask

"You shall not touch them" I heard our savior say as I saw his arm and bow that looked like they belong to a ghost and as the bow disappeared and as his arm turned back to flesh and blood I sensed dark magic radiating from him

"Who are you to command me mortal" Nightmare Moon said glaring at the creature that wounded her.

"Oh I am anything but mortal" he said as he summoned a blade made of magic I have never seen before
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X-WUtjga9O0/maxresdefault.jpg (could not find a picture with just the sword alone so he only summons the sword in the picture not the axe)
"You think you can beat me" Nightmare said as she laughed "you could never hope to challenge me"

"We shall see" as he took a battle stance.

Talion's POV

'I can't risk fighting her with my sword since it is a moragal blade it will kill her and I can't use most of my magic because I need her to stay and not run away this is not going to be easy' I thought as I got ready to fight.

"If you will not start this then I will" nightmare said as she charged at me and swung her sword with expert precision. I blocked her blade with my bound sword and punched her in the stomach knocking her back a few feet away from me still standing as she readied another attack with her magic as I used my power to fly around the room with her firing spell after spell at me (he flies the same the Nazgul fly in shadow of war) after she stopped her barrage of spells I came down.

"Is running all your good at weakling" she said to me but I ignored her comment as I was waiting for my surprise to take effect.

"You'll just have to find out" I said mockingly and that angered her and she charged at me again this time with more furiously than before as I grinned and kept dodging and blocking her attacks as I noticed her movement begain to become sluggish.

"Give it up Nightmare I have already won" I said with a victories smile on my face.

"Oh really she" she said with a grin "you have not even laid a finger on me".

"Are you sure about that have you been feeling different" I said with a knowing grin on my face as I said that she nearly fell on her knees.

"What did you do" she yelled struggling to gain her center of balance.

"My magic is working it's way into every nerve in your body and paralyzing you" I said with a smile

"there is know no way you could hav" she did not even finish her sentence as her eyes widened in realization as she looked at her shoulder where my arrow hit and she began to shake in fear as she tried to get away only to realize that the creature had somehow knew what she was going to do and kicked her in the chest and on the floor.

"The only reason that you are still alive is so the elements can purify you I could have killed you at any time with or without the magic in your body right now you never stood a chance to began with" I said as I had a sadistic grin on my face as I whispered in her ear "this fight was over before it even started" I said as I pulled away to see the fear and terror in her eyes as I walked toward the main six.

"Please don't hurt me and my friend's" I heard twilight say in a shaky voice.

"I wouldn't dream of it" I said as I gave her a reassuring smile and started to heal their wounds "I think it's time to use the elements" I said as they nodded and as the floated in the air and their eyes began to glow I slipped away of out them room but to where I could still hear.

Twilight POV

After me and my friends used the elements on Nightmare moon we noticed the creature that saved us and deafted Nightmare Moon was gone "where did he go" I said as a huge ball of light flew though the window to reveal princess and me and the others cried as celestia was reunited with her sister.

"Were is he" Luna said looking around.

"Where is who" celestia said.

"The one that defeated Nightmare moon and helped rid me of her" Luna said as she tried to move but she was still paralyzed with that creatures magic.

"What is wrong luna why can't you move" said worrying for her sister and then looked at me with a series look in her eyes "what happened here" she said to me and as we told her of how we failed the first time to use the elements on Nightmare moon and how the creature saved us and how he defeated her Celestia's serious look did not fade as we told her what happened.

"So you say he used dark magic" she said for confirmation.

"Yes" I said back.

"I think I have seen this creature before" celestia said

In that moment pinkie was in her face "does he like party's what's his favorite color Does he have a favorite ice cream flavor what kinds of cakes does he like" she said super fast to where no one could understand her but celestia was able to get a understanding of it though.

"No pinkie I do not know anything about him"

"Then where did you see him" I said

"Do you remember last year when Blueblood was knocked unconscious and was sent to the infirmary" I nodded " that is when I saw him but he was covered in shadow and I could not get a good look at him and you were in the room at the time" my eyes widened "I could only see him when I used my magic to see the flow of magic in the air".

"So he has been he has been her for a year and no one knew about this" I nearly yelled.

"Yes" celestia simply said.

"So how will we find him" and as I said that I felt that dark magic again and I could hear his voice everywhere.

"So you saw me back then I had my suspicions that you did but you don't have to worry about finding me I will come to you in three days I will come to ponyville but I will come armed for my own protection but I will no harm any of your pony's you have my word and you do not have to worry about the timber wolfs they are under my control and have been doing a project for me over the last year and it's almost complete you don't have to worry about that just making a place to call my own but I will arrive in three days time you can send guards if you want but if they attack me I will show no mercy"he said as his voice went demonic at the end and the magic in the air faded.

"Everypony is to return to ponyville and await my arrival in three days so I can think about this" celestia said as she teleported luna and herself to canterlot.

Talion POV

I watched Twilight and her friends leave the castle as I started to walk away and a few timber wolfs were waiting for me "let's go home" I said as they started to head deeper into the forest as I followed.

Chapter 5

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Before the chapter begins I am not going to make Luna talk in the old way and before any one says anything think about this how was nightmare moon able to talk normally in the show when she showed up. Not only that I am going to have enough trouble with Zecora rhyming has never been my thing. also for some reason many of the links a put in this chapter will not work properly so you will have to copy paste them sorry about that.

As I walked through the forest we reached our destination a complete replica of minas morgul complete with catapults ballista's and trebuchet's.

I made golems and moving armor during my preparation for nightmare moon Stone golems where able to control the earth and plants around them while iron golems are able to refine earth into various metals and gave talion a stable supply of armor to create moving armor. The stone golems where about 20 feet tall and easily manipulated the stone and they continued to finish the bridge that connected the city to the forest. The iron golems where 29 feet tall and they absorbed stones boulders and rocks with their left and as metals came out their right and into giant metal containers that where to be put into a storage area under the city when night came.

As where walked across the bridge the stone golems acknowledged us then returned to their work and when we neared the gate I saw my archers on their rounds as they patrolled the walls.

As we went through the gates as through the levels of the city we saw many patrols of solider walking through the streets each group consisted of 20 spear men 15 sword's men and 12 berserker's.

As we reached the tower at the end of the city I noticed the tower guards guarding the doors to the tower doors.

I dismissed the timber wolf as they left the city I entered the tower the inside was a circler room with pillars around the room and the Palantir was in the center of the room on an alter with a protective force field around it.

I also added a throne at the back of the room the throne was made of gold with red cushions in the bottom the back and on the arms.
Once I sat down on the throne I finally took my mask off and put it on the arm of the throne. "I hope celestia does not do anything drastic this could turnout bad if she does" I said as a relaxed and took a deep breath. "But if she does I will be ready to defend myself" I said as I got up from my throne and looked out the window.

Pegasus guard

"We found him" I said to my partner "we should report to the princess.

"AAAAAH" I heard as I turned my head to see my partner had several arrows in his wings as I turn back I saw a group of armored archers aiming at me as I toke cover behind the tree I was hiding in I heard several thuds and then ran for my partner as I grabbed him and began to fly away to canterlot

Three hours of flying later

I finally reached canterlot as the other guards saw me and my partner they rushed to help us and as they took my partner to the medical wing of the castle I said "I need to report to the princess" they nodded as they began to escort me to the throne room and as I entered I entered the room the princess saw me and said

"Everypony leave the room" celestia said.

"But princess" One of the greedy nobles of canterlot said

"I said leave" celestia said in a angry voice and as everypony left the room only me and celestia remand in the room. "Did you find him" the princess asked me in a serious voice.

"Yes we found him in a large city in the middle of the forest but their were strange creatures made of rock and metal and their were archers along the walls of the city and wounded my partner" I said as the princess look changed to worry.

"Is he alright" the princess said with shaky voice.

"Yes he might not fly again for awhile but he will live" I said as the princess look softened and then changed back to serious.

"Is their anything else anything at all"

"The only thing we saw was that he lives in the tower at the back of the city but it is also the most protected and their must have been thousand of soldiers in that city"

"Ok take the day off to check on your friend" celestia said as I walked out of the throne room.

Celestia POV

As the guard left the room I prepared to teleport to ponyville before luna walked into the room

"Celestia what are you doing" luna asked me.

"I am going to teleport to ponyville to see if twilight has found anything on this creature.

"Then I want to come to" luna said with a determined look in her eyes.

"Luna you only just returned you need your rest" I said.

"No" Luna yelled "I want to thank the creature that helped free me of that nightmare".

"Fine" I said giving in to her request as I teleported both of us to twilight's house.

"Princess" twilight said happily hugging me "I think I found something" my eyes widened.

"what did you find" I said as she handed me a book with a bookmark on one of the pages.

"I think he is a wraith" my eyes widened as I remember the power of a wraith "but I don't think he is just any wraith from what I read his power only match one kind of wraith" Twilight said.

"And what is that" I said wanting to know what our new resident in the forest is capable of.

"A ring wraith" the moment she said those words my hands were shaking ring wraith's were able to learn anything dark magic related in an instant and could use it with ease and they had a nearly inexhaustible magic supply and they could never die. "What should we do should we reach out to him and try to make peace because the last recorded ring wraith in history was a warlord that nearly took over the world before he vanished into thin air.

"Yes we will try to reach out to him but we should prepare for the worst I will send a letter to canterlot and have them send a battalion of guards here and we will make our way to the city he created in the everfree" I said as I wrote the letter.

"But what if he see's this as an attack" twilight said with a scared look on her face.

"I don't know but we must be prepared" I said as I sent the letter

"Sister don't you think you are a little to worried if it is true that he is a ring wraith then he could have easily killed me and been on his way but he helped free me and did not harm me in anyway.

"I know" I said as I sighed "but we must be prepared for anything for all we know that could have been a act to trick us into false security do he can attack us.

Luna took a deep breath and sighed "Ok but I will be their as well to make sure you do not do anything drastic" luna said

The next day

Shining armor brought a force of 500 to ponyville with everything prepared we made our way to the city in the everfree to visit this wraith.

As we neared the city I saw was a force of 100 stone and iron golems we at the gates of the city across the long bridge separating us and them and I saw a few hundred archers with their bows drawn and ready to fire. As I was about to step forward a saw something flying in the air surrounded by black and green smoke as it landed in the top of the wall it was the wraith twilight described but with out the mask it was a creature I have never seen before all wraith were alive once before that became what they were but he was something I had never seen or heard of before half of his upper body turned a ghostly green as it amplified his voice simpler to the canterlot voice

"May I ask Why you have brought this army to my city gates princess" He said as the sky darkened "did I not tell you what would happen if your guards attacked me and yet you bring a army to my gates you better have a good explanation for this or else" he said with a demonic voice and as I continued to walk forward the guards stay behind and the gates opened as I walked inside to talk to the wraith and hopefully not start a war we can not win.

chapter 6

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Celestia POV

I was being escorted through the city by the wraiths guards to the tower at the back of the city I noticed that the wraith was flying though the air and into the tower

Talion's POV

"Dammit celestia" I yelled as I landed in my tower "did you really have to come here now" I sighed.

"My lord" I heard behind me as I turned my head to see my captain of the guard I created to think for himself so he can defend the city if I am away at the moment.

"The princess is nearing the tower should I go meet her at the entrance and escort her in" my captain said.

"Yes, me and her have a few thing to discuss" I said as I sat down on my throne.

Celestia POV

As I approached the tower I noticed one of the was different from the other he was intelligent I knew the other guards were moving armor which was a forgotten art and almost no one except a few remembered me and my sister seeing one of them but even I could not understand the complexity of the enchantments required to create a single one let only a full army.

"So your the princess of the forces out side the gate I am not impressed" the guard said.

"How can you be so sure" I about that a said with a grin.

"My master gave me the power to sense energy if we were to fight we would probably be on the same level but you would not stand a chance against my master" he said opening the door " I was told to escort you inside" he said as he made a gesture for me to follow him.

As we walked in the first thing I noticed is a alter in the middle of the room with a shield around it as I looked behind it I saw a throne with the wraith on it.

"Now then" the wraith said "would you like to explain your actions today or should I guess" he said as he stood up from his throne.

"First I would like to apologize for this misunderstanding" I said to him

"Oh really" he said as he continued "you come to my city with a force of 500 armed and ready for combat and you also sent spies to find me don't bother to deny it I have received report of your two scouts the other day" he said with a angry tone in his voice "but I am willing to hear you out" he said with a calmer voice.

"Ok the reason is that you are a ring wraith" his angry look returned "the last ring wraith in recorded history was a warlord that nearly took over the world before he disappeared" his look turn to neutral as he asked me a question.

"What was his name" he said

"Isildur" I said as his eyes widened "do you know him" I said as I readied myself to run if I needed to.

"He and I have a history I would rather not say" he said as he glanced at his ring" weren't exactly friends you could say.

"What happened between you two" I said.

"I killed him" he said

"That's impossible ring wraiths can not be killed" I said

"Under the circumstances I was able to maybe I can tell you the tale one day but now is not the time or place don't you agree" he said

"No I guess it is not but I would like to discuss relations between equestria and um" I said.

"Minas Morgul" he said

"Yes we would like to hold a peace meeting with other kingdoms as well at the grand galloping gala this year"

"Sounds reasonable though I will bring one or two of my guards in case something happens"

"Of course all representative of other kingdoms are allowed a few guards when they go to other kingdoms.

"So which kingdoms and races should I except to come to this" he said.

"The griffins, dragons, minitours, and buffalo" I said to answer his question.

"Okay I will make preparations to go to canterlot when is the gala going to happen.

"Two months from now I would also like to ask if i could leave someone here as a form of diplomate to negotiate trade" I said as he gave a smile

"No need we can settle that now" as he snapped his fingers as a table was table was brought into the room and he sat down "ok I think I already have a idea".

"What is it" I said.

"Rocks" he said as I gave a look of confusion "are you confused I though you knew about stone and iron golems abilities stone golems are control the earth and plants around them so i will use some of it for building and iron golems are able to absorbed stones and boulders and refine them into various metal and we can give you a percentage of the metals that are produced by the golems and you could also send traders here so they can have a stable income of metals and ores so they can sell them and give me a percentage of the profits they make selling them i am also trying to find a way to create gems as well so they can sell those as well and we could provide jewelry stores with them so we could also discuss trade for those as well as the other things I said" he said to me and i was amazed he came up with this in minuets and it would also bring many traders and reputation to equestria as well as Minas Tirith.

"I think that is a perfect idea I can set up roads to this city so they can safely transport the rocks and boulders you requested" I said as i was glad we found common ground so fast.

"Also since the everfree is a dangerous place my guards will patrol the roads to keep incidents from happening" he added

"I almost forgot I never asked your name" I asked him

"It's Talion" he said.

"Also i have been meaning to ask you what is that orb in the center of the room" I said pointing to the strange in the center of the room.

He frowned " it is a dangerous item if in the wrong hands not for what it can do but the mental strain it can put on someone can drive them insane" my eyes widened " it has the ability to view anything and anyone at any time but i think it is more powerful than that it could even have power we have never seen before".

"Then why don't you destroy it" I said with a concerned tone.

"It is to valuable imagine the ability to find any criminal in the world in moments and arrest them wherever the might be" he said

"But what if someone steal it" I about to fire my magic at it.

"See the shield around it is a combination 3 spells the first one will kill any living thing that enterers another one of the, blocks all magic and the last one block all forms of touch wither it be from a object or a living being so no one can go through the first spells is a trap if someone some way around it so it can not be stolen not only that this entire room is enchanted as well so I will know who or what is in here at any time" he said

"So it is safe" I said

"Yes I think it is time for you to leave it is getting late and I don't want to keep you waiting here'' he said

"Yes I have to lower the sun" I said as I walked out of the tower. As I walked out the gate my guards were at the end of the bridge readying to attack before I stopped them. "What do you think you are doing" I yelled at the guards.

"Captain Shining armor told us to get ready to attack so we can kill that abomination and I agree with him that thing has no place here and no right to claim this place" the guard said.

"Where is captain shining armor" I said.

"In his tent planning the attack with the others" he said pointing to the large tent.

As I walked over there I could hear them planning "what is the meaning of this" I yelled as l looked at shining armor he was wearing his armor and he had a shield with a star on it.

"Princess your alright I thought that abomination imprisoned you we already have a plan of attack to take the city and everyone is prepared" he said.

"You will stand down this instant shining armor" I ordered him.

He looked shocked and that look turned to anger "But princess that abomination could attack us at any moment and kill thousands of ponys" He argued as the others in the tent nodded their heads in agreement.

"You will all stand down this instant or you will all be trailed for treason" I said.

"Princess you can't be serious he uses dark magic you know that anyone that uses dark magic is corrupted by it and he commands and army and he has a city that could withstand a month long siege and still stand strong" shining armor said.

"And if that happens we will deal with it but now stand down you are officially demoted from captain" I orderd.

To say he was shocked was a understatement "now be reasonable princess we don't need to go that far" i of the guards said.

"Not only have you ignored my orders you completely disrespected me you are demoted from captain of the guard till further notice we are returning to canterlot now" I said as everyone prepared to leave as shining armor went around the back to speak to a hooded figure

Shining armor POV

You know why I called here" I said.

"Yes you want me to kill someone" the assassin said

"Yes the abomination in the tower" I said as I pointed at the tower.

"You know the price my services" he said as I handed him the bag of gold I had on my belt.

"You know what to do" I said as I headed back to camp to help pack for our return to canterlot.

Talion POV

"my lord if you are going to meet other leaders I think it would be wise to have a personal guard we have the tower guard but i do not think they will suffice for a meeting like this" my captain said.

"Your right I have been meaning to make one but I been busy lately so I will start making them tomorrow I already have a design for them" I said as I went to my room at thee top of the tower to my room it was a plain room with a bed with curtains on it and a table and book shelf with the books from the box i had when i first arrived here their were 38 books in total and I have yet to read them all And as I laid I went to sleep to wake up to a new day.

chapter 7

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It was the morning and I needed to get to work on the personal guard but first I grabbed a book from the shelf magic items and enchantments was the name of the book. I had a idea for my guard and then I felt a presence it my tower that was a uninvited guest. I made my way down stairs as I entered the main chamber where my throne was.

"I know you are here so come out" I yelled as my voice echoed through out the room

"How did you know I was here" I heard the intruder say as he walked out from behind a pillar he was a pony wearing a cloak and it was enchanted.

"The entire tower is enchanted to allow me to sense anyone or thing in here and you don't fool me with that enchanted cloak of yours so I am guessing you are a unicorn and the cloak hides your horn " I said as he looked impressed

"Impressive Not only were you able to see through my cloaks enchantments you also enchanted this entire tower" he said in a respectful voice.

"Trust me it was not easy it took me a whole month to do it also not a bad idea to hide that you are a unicorn in your line of work assassin it will make your targets not suspect that you use magic and make them lower their guard when they think they have you cornered is that what you were hoping to happen here" I said as he looked at me and sighed.

"Yes but how did you know I was a assassin" he said as he got ready to fight.

"Several things actually first the cloak and you snuck in here and the bag of gold on your waist but first" I used the power of my ring to summon my army of gondorian soldiers as they appeared around the room cutting off his escape.
"Don't worry they will only make sure you don't try to escape this is between you and me" I said as I summoned my bound sword I did not want to kill him I wanted to know who sent him to kill me.

He took off his cloak to reveal that he was actually a mare the cloak also hid her gender as well not only that what was most surprising was that she was tempest shadow wearing leather armor and her horn was broken.
Damn she was hot I thought as I got into a battle form.

I charged her with my flying ability and appeared beside he as she jumped forward t dodged my attack charged a attack to her horn even though it was broken it could do some damage as a beam of magic made its way towards me and I blocked. Her magic was very impressive I thought as I threw wraith knifes that exploded with black and green magic as she managed to doge them and she fired another beam of magic that broke through my shield and hit me good thing one of the advantages of being undead I dulled pain some I can barley fell the it if I could fell the full force of it I would be in immense pain though that does not mean I can be carless.

"Your are very skilled" I said with respect.

"You as well" she said with the same tone as me.

she charged me and I was ready I block her with my sword and focused my wraith power into my arm as it felt cold as I punched her and she was thrown backwards as parts of her body had frostbite as she struggled to stand up two of the soldiers grabbed her and made her kneel as I walked forward.

"What are you going to do to me" she asked.

"I'm not going to hurt you" I said as I put my hand on her head as I began to brand her I could fell her resisting but she was no match for me as I felt the link I let go I saw the brand on her check fade but I still felt the connection.

"What is your command master" she said.

"Who hired you to kill me" I said.

"Shining armor of the royal guard" she told me as my eyes widened.

"Thank you for telling me now then lets do something about that horn of yours" her eyes widened as I said that.

"You can fix my horn" She said with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know but I have been working on something I can create you artificial horn that will allow you to use magic but it will take sometime getting used to the artificial horn will be made out of metal and it will cover your entire horn it will have enchantments on it that will allow magic to be channeled through it like another horn and let you use magic I will see about having your horn restored but I can make no promises" I said as she lunged at me and clung to my chest as she cried in my chest. "Its ok" I said as I looked to the soldiers I summand and noticed some of them were smiling.

"Are you guys aware of what's happening" I said as they nodded.

We are unable to talk unless spoken to it is a curse the previous wearier of the ring put on us so we would be obedient servants" he said.

"All of you are dismissed" I said as they disappeared and I was left alone with a sleeping mare in my arms. I took her upstairs and laid her in my bed as I went back down stairs "it would be risky to just tell celestia she might lock her away somewhere or she could try to protect him and I have no proof" I said to myself. "Well now's not the time for that I need to get to work on the guard".

I made my way down to the forge Which was underground next to the storage facility with the metal made by my iron golems. Everything was automated by magic now I needed to supply the information for the armor I want as I sent the information to the forge it started to work and as it finished I stood in front of the armor to get a better look at it

It was made of black metal with a large spear it is back. I started to enchant it and it began to move "You will be the captain of my personal guard" I said as he saluted.

"Yes sir" it said as it walked away

"Now for the personal guard themselves I gave them the ability to use magic as well by carving runes in to the armor on inside their arms. They all stood at attention as I finished enchanting them "Now then what will I do about shining armor" I came up with a brilliant idea I went back to my room to find tempest still sleeping as I took a little of her mane as I chanted a spell and then I teleported to a safe room and dropped it. "It will only take a few hours" I said as I got ready to or my journey to canterlot.

3 hours later

The spell was finished as I was looking at a male version of tempest I changed its memory to where he had the life of a assassin that shining armor hired him to kill me after I stopped he immediately woke up and tried to kill me and I knocked him out dressed him up and put the cloak on him and I teleport us to canterlot.

Location canterlot

I landed in front of the gates and guards were ready to charge me "I need to talk to celestia".

"Why should we" the guards said.

"It seems someone of the guards sent a assassin to kill me" they went wide eyed.

"That impossible no one of the guards would do suck a thing" he said in a angry tone.

"Ok then who would it be then only the guards and celestia know of my location no one else plus I have heard how some of them wanted to storm my city no one else would have the drive to hire a assassin in the first place if they were not their that day" I explained to them as they stood there and puzzled what I said then looked to each other and nodded.

"Ok you will stay here while one of us informs the princess she will decide what to do" they said as one of them walked away.

A few minutes later

The guard came back "she princess will see you now" as he gestured for me to follow him.

We entered the throne room as the celestia was sitting on the throne "what happened" she said as she got up fom her throne.

"My guess someone from your guard sent a assassin to kill me" her eyes widened "I brought him with me since he is one of your pony I thought you would want to deal with this" I said as the male version of tempest fell on the floor.

"Who hired you" celestia said to the clone.

"I won't say" he said as he spat at the princess and I kicked him in the gut.

"I think we should just throw him in the dungeon maybe I few days in their might make him more talkative" I suggested as the princess nodded and the guards took him away.

"I am sorry I will find who sent him" she said.

"Ok I will leave it to you to find out he it was but for now I think I need to talk to you about something" I said.

"What is that" she asked.

"I think we need to get my existence out there so I thought I would go to ponyville and introduce myself to help pony get used to me and allow pony to better accept my city and maybe some will move there" I said.

"I suppose so I will send a letter to my student and inform her of your arrival" she said.

"I guess I will see you at the gala" I said as I left the castle.

chapter 8

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I arrived back at my city when I saw tempest waiting at the door of the tower "your back" she said as she hugged me.

"Yes I'm back so then how about we get you that new horn I promised you" her eyes widened.

"Really you weren't kidding" she said.

"No I was not come with me" I said as we enter the tower "here sit down" I said as she did I pulled out a horn out of a bag near by.

"What is that made of I don't recognize the metal" she said curiously.

"This is made of Mithril the is all we have right now but I am planning on mass producing this not only that my personal guards are made of Galvorn" I said.

"I have never heard of those metals before" she said with a confused look

"I will teach you later but now I have to attach this this might hurt a bit" I said as I put the horn over her old one until it meet the base of it that attached it to her skull and the rim of the bottom of the fake horn lit up with intense heat at tempest grunted in pain until it stopped "their now try to use your magic" I said as the fake horn lit up and a nearby book levitated in the air as tears came to tempest eyes.

"Thank you" she said as she hugged me tightly.

"Now then I must prepare to leave for ponyville" her eyes widened.

"Can't you stay here" she quickly responded but shortly after she started to blush.

I knew where this was going and I did not know what to think about this "is their something you want to tell me" I said as I put my hand on the side of her face as my thumb rubbed her cheek and her blush deepened. Then the unexpected happened she lunged forward and kisses me.

"I think I love you" she said.

"We only jut meet" she looked down "but if you still have these feelings for me after awhile a will accept you" I said as she looked at me again with tears in her eyes and then puts her head on my chest and relaxes.

"Can I come with you" she said.

"Of course you can come" I said as she smiled and leg go of me so she can get ready.

"My lord what shall we do in your absence" my captain said as he walked in front of me.

"Start the construction of better golems now that the city is built we can work on making improvements and start making better golems to produce stronger and more valuable metals and ores" I said as he nodded and walked away.

I walked to my room and stated packing "I think I will just bring my staff I have not been practicing my magic and I have been using my blade to much lately" I muttered to myself as I packed a few books I have not read yet and items from the box I have not tried yet and the grabbed my staff as I walked down and saw tempest waiting for me.

"You ready to go" I asked her.

"Yeah I have everything I need" she said as she gestured to her bag.

"then let's go" I said as we left the city and into the everfree towards ponyville.

Twilight sparkle POV

"Come on spike we have to be ready for when he gets here we still have to tell the mayor and announce him so that another Zecora incident does not happen again and rumors spread" I told spike as I was hurrying to get ready.

"I know twilight but can you calm down the princess she sent a letter to the mayor as well so we should be fine I think she might already be making a announcement" spike said as my eyes widened

"We are supposes to be there when she makes the announcement" she yelled with spike regretting saying anything as she grabbed him and started running to town hall and when they got there they made it before the mayor made the announcement as twilight walked on stage mayor mare was waiting for her.

"I was waiting for you" the mayor said to me.

"Sorry I was held up at the moment" I said to her.

"Ok I think we have kept the waiting long enough" she said as she walked up to the edge of the stage. "Ponies of ponyville the princess asked me to make a announcement" that got everyponies attention when she said that " today we will have a new resident in ponyville his name is talion he was the one who defeated Nightmare Moon so the elements of harmony could be used on her" everpony went wide eyed "so to prevent any rumors from spreading around from spreading around she asked me to tell you all the detail that are known about him he has a city built deep in the everfree" but before she could continue a pony interrupted her,

"What do you mean he has a city in the everfree there is no way anyone could build anything in there with the timber wolfs and manticores" the pony said as many others nodded as well.

"He had a few hundred golems build the city and he is going to be trading metals that his iron golems produce to Equestria and he will make a road from ponyville to his city and it will be protected by the enchanted moving armor that protects his city to prevent accidents from happening to traders and travelers" the mayor said as the pony stated to talk among themselves "also he will need someone to stay with during his stay here any volunteers" she said but no one stepped forward

"You don't have to worry about that" a voice said as everypony turned around to see talion standing with a unicorn mare with a metal horn. "I can make a few stone golems to make my house so you do not have to worry about that" he said as he walked away with the mare following.

"I think we have everything out of the way for now everypony can return to what they were doing" she said as everypony began to leave "twilight can you go welcome our new resident since you know you know more about him then us" she asked me.

"Yeah I will go meet him" I said as spike followed me to meet talion.

"Who do you think that mare was and what was up with the metal horn" spike said as we walked away from town hall

"I don't know" I answered him with

As we walked the direction talion and that mare went in we found them in a open area just at the edge of town I saw as he lifted his staff off the ground and slammed it down and as the bottom of the staff hit the ground I could fell the magi he infused into the ground and after a few minutes stone golems erupted from the ground and stood in front of talion
and then I saw him say a few words but I could not hear him and they started to work and after about twenty minuets they made a cabin

"Do you need something" the mare that came with talion said as I just noticed she was in front of me with a irritated look on her face.

"I was sent by princess Celestia and the mayor to welcome him to ponyville and ask him some questions" I said with a nervous tone in my voice.

"Ok follow me" she said as we walked inside and I was amazed by the interior of the cabin.

"Do we have a guest so soon" I heard a voice above me to find talion looking over the railing of the second floor "oh it's you I was just wondering when you would come by" he said as he jump from the railing and landed in front of me.

"I was sent by the princess to ask you some questions" I said as he sat down on the couch.

"Ok what are these questions" he said as he got comfortable.

"First is what are you every wraith is something before they become what they are so what were you before you became a wraith" I said the mare was interested to what talion was.

"I was human before I became a wraith" he said as my eyes widened.

"That's impossible human are nothing more that a ponytale" I said

"So was Nightmare moon but we saw her not to long ago did we" he said as my resolve faltered.

"Still it is impossible that humans that humans are real" I said

"Maybe in this world but not another" he said and that got my attention.

"Are you saying you are from another world" he nodded as I said that.

"I come from a world much different from this one but that can wait for another time because our time has been fun but it is getting dark and I think you should get home soon" he said as I looked outside and it was getting dark.

"I guess I will go then see you tomorrow I guess" I said as I walked out and back home.

Talion POV

"So" tempest said with a seductive tone as she sat on my lap facing me with he huge breasts in my face "your not from this world that's quite exotic and only makes me want you more" she said as she started to grind her hips on my lap as she moaned.

"And like I said before lets wait a bit before we do anything serous ok" I said as she kissed me and got of my lap.

"My feeling will not change for you" she said as she kissed me again and forced her tongue past my lips as they battled for dominance and she separated. "I am going to bed don't keep me waiting to long before you make your decision" she said as she walked away with a sway in her hips.

"Ok" I said as she entered our room. 'I need to do this' I thought to myself as I began the spell that will change my memories forever.

chapter 9

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The spell was complete as I got into bed and the spell was rewriting memory to fit talion's from the game and a few changes that put some my past into my memory as well to help me if I needed it well and tempest snuggled into my chest as I fell asleep.

Talion's Dream

I was in a large void and then I imagine one of the forts from Mordor then I felt someone trying to get in my dream I let them in and into a trap so I could talk to whoever tried to invade my dreams. It was princess luna I though as I deactivated the trap that held her "evening princess" I said as I helped her up.

"Evening" she said back to me as she looked around "where are we" she asked me.

"We are at one of my forts from my world" I said as she walked up next to me.

"Yes twilight informed us of your origin not being this world and you being a creature we thought did not exist" she told me as I looked at her.

"She works fast" I said.

As I said that I heard catapult firing and a orc walked in it was Ratbag he had green skin and was in his usual armor made of bones "Ranger we are under attack by Saroun's forces and who and what are you" he said looking at luna as luna looked back at him with a bewildered look.

"Ratbag this is luna she is a friend luna this is ratbag one of the overlord of one of my forts" I said as luna looked away from him and back at him "prepare our defenses and ready the troops" I said as ratbag walked out of the room.

"What is he" she asked with a curious look

"He is a orc but that is not the only thing here there are Graugs drakes and olog hai

"I don't know what any of those are" she said as I put on my armor.

"Trust me you are about to" I said as I jumps of the open widow and headed foe the gate as she flew through the widow to find me a and noticed she did not find me as a mess on the ground but jumping from rooftop to rooftop to the gate and she followed meand once I reached the wall I spotted a large force of five-thousand outside our walls "archers I want you to focus your fire on their graugs first then once their taken care of focus on the olog hai catapults I want you to focus on the olog hai and I want spear men and berserkers on the wall to keep their orcs from climbing the wall" I said "war chief " I yelled as one of them appeared "I want you to unleash your drakes make them attack their archers so they do not have a chance to fire and ready a graug incase they fall" I said as they all nodded and got into positions.

"So you have done this before" I heard a nervous voice behind me and it was luna.

"Yes I have done this hundreds of times before" I said as her eyes widened "after I became a wraith this became normal for me fighting back the darkness a never ending war that will last for all time" I said in a sad tone.

"There must have been someone that helped you" luna said.

"Their were some" this made her smile but I turned away and said "but they all betrayed me in the end" I did not see her face because I was turned around as the enemy war horns sounded their charge "archers" I said as they readied their crossbows "fire" I said as a wave of arrow were released on the graugs and they died instantly from all the arrow that were hammering them and then the archers focused their attention on the ologs and started to kill them and as the enemy orcs climb the wall most were killed by the spear men before they reached the top but those who got there were then killed by the berserkers the drakes were doing their part as the filled the sky with fire as they were slaughtering their archers.

As the last of the enemy were ether killed or fled the battle field the fort still stood strong as the orc that defended it cheered in victory.

"Talion" I heard luna say behind me as I turned around "thank you for saving me from nightmare moon" she said as she looked down nervously.

"It was not problem" I said with a smile

"Do you think we an meet again in real life" she said as she looked up with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Sure we can meet at the gala" I said as she smile and my dream started to end and I woke up.

Real life

I woke up with tempest laying on me with her breast in full view I slowly slid y way out of bed and covered her with the blanket and decided to get breakfast ready as I walked down stairs. As I finished making breakfast tempest walked down stairs in nothing but panties and a bra as I looked away "I know you are only trying to temp me tempest so can you please go get on some clothes" I heard her go back upstairs and then come back down with everyday clothes on.

"Can't you hurry up and decide I might not be able to hold back much longer" she said as she said down and began to eat.

"I don't want to rush things tempest" I said.

"I know" she said.

"Then why don't you" I asked her.

"I just want you more than anything" she sat as she sat in my lap again the same way she did last night and gave me a deep kiss and our tongues wrestled for dominance again and tis time she did not stop and as my tongue won the battle I explored her mouth inch by inch as she moaned at every movement I made and I began to pull her deeper into the kiss and she started to move her hips to mine and moved up and down against my crotch as our kiss ended.

"Ok tonight" I say as she looked at me with half lidded eyes "but I have things to do today so you will have to wait a little longer" I said as I groped her breasts and she moaned uncontrollable as I continued and I felt her shiver uncontrollable and moan loudly 'did she just cum' I thought as I gave her one last kiss before I had to leave "see you later" I said as she waved me goodbye

"I should probably head to town hall to talk to the mayor and see if their is anything I can do around town" I said as I walked down the street.

I noticed that many of the pony's around town were staring at me as I walked through town but I ignored them as I walked up to town hall and looked inside and I saw the mayors assistant she was a green mare with a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans "may I help you" asked me.

"I was wondering if I could see the mayor" I said as she looked at the list she is holding.

"She is free right now if you want to see her" she said as she led me to the mayors office.

"Mayor mare someone is here to see you" I heard her say in the room then I heard more talking but I could not hear them talking. The mayor's assistant came back out of the room "she will see you now" she said as she opened the door for me.

"Thank you" I said as she smiled as she closed the door

"I was told you wanted to see me" the mayor said as I sat down.

"Yes I wanted to know if there was anything I could do anything to help around town.

"There is nothing I can think of" she thought for a good minute before she answered again "I think twilight requested some help at her library yesterday " she said.

"Ok I will head there thanks for telling me I will head their now" I said as the mayor said goodbye as I left townhall and headed towards the library.

Location library

I knocked on the door as the small dragon answered it "I heard twilight wanted some help" I said as the young dragon smiled and opened the door for me and I walked inside and I spotted twilight near a stack of books "hey twilight" I said as she turned around and smiled when she saw me.

"Hey talion did you come to answer the rest of my questions" she said as I sat down.

"Sure ask away" I said. as she grabbed a not pad.

"Ok my first question how did you become a wraith" she said as I gave a frown.

"I would rather not talk about that" I said with a sad tone in my voice.

She gave a apologetic look "Ok next question legends states that each ring wraith has the own unique ability is that true" she said.

"Yes that is true I have fought a few ring wraiths myself and each of them had a unique power" I said

"Ok what is your unique power" she asked me.

"My unique power is necromancy" her eyes widened.

"But that was the power of the ring wraith Isildur" she said in fear.

"Not anymore Isildur is dead and won't be coming back" I sated as she stared at me in disbelief then to my ring.

"That's his ring isn't it" she said with fear still in her voice.

"Yes it is" I said.

"How did you do it how did you kill him" she said with a steadier voice.

"Because I was already a ring wraith at the time" I said and she started to sweat.

"And how did that happen" she asked still sweating bullets.

"It happen when me my wife and son were murdered that is all I will sat right now" I said

"Sorry for your loss" she said then she recomposed herself " ok next question what is with the mare with the metal horn" she asked

"The horn is made of mithril I do not expect you to know what that is but it has special property it is a light as a feather but as hard and sturdy as a dragons scales her horn was broken when she came to me so I used it to make a artificial horn her and that was all I had at the moment so it will take longer to make mithril golems" I said as she gave a curious look. "Ok the way it works is the golems produce mostly what they are made of if a iron golems was producing metal it would mostly be iron and maybe some other metal and if it was a gold golems if would mostly produce gold and I think you get it so a mithril golems would produce a lot of mithril do you get it" I said as she wrote it down and nodded.

It was getting dark and I needed to get home to tempest and then I remembered what I said to her before I left and I blushed "I need to get going" I said as I left the library.

Location Talion's home

I was at the front door as I gulped and I walked in to find tempest in a see though nightgown and I saw a collar around her name that said tempest "welcome home master" she said in a sultry voice.

"Kinky much" I said in nervous voice

"Well when we first I just felt submissive to you and felt like this was right" she said as she walked towards me with a sultry look in her eyes and a sway in her hips "plus I don't think you mind much" she said as she stroked my dick in my pants "I will be waiting in our room" she said as she walked away and gave me a good look at her ass before walking to our door and turning around to give me one last look before she slowly closed the door.

chapter 10 night of fun, party, confessions

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I was in front of the door preparing my self for a wild night as I walked into the room I saw tempest on the bed with her legs spread letting me see everything "well are you going to stand there or going to get undressed and join me" she said as she started to masturbate in front of me and moan loudly as I got undressed and walked over to the bed

"Well let's get started" I said as I stated to kiss and shoving my tongue in her and started to message her pussy and then inserted one of my fingers into her as she moaned in my mouth and I stated to slowly move my finger in and out as she moaned for more and I stopped the kiss.

"Please more" she begged me over and over again as I still slowly teased her.

"Oh you want more I thought a servant is supposed to serve her master needs and I want to slowly tease you till I want to speed things up" I said as I inserted another finger in her pussy and I started to suck on her breast as she put her hand on my head in a attempt to make me suck harder as I started to lick her nipples and then suck again as I stared to grope her other breast with my free hand.

"Please more I want more" she said as I stopped and sat on the bed and pulled out my 11 inch erect dick.

"Well if you want more you are going to have to work for it and pleasure me" I said as she got on her knees in the floor as she started to suck my dick at a rapid pace as I used my hand to slow her down " slow down I want this to last" I said as she stopped sucking and started to make long licks on my dick and nuzzled it at time and then sucked at times "lets change things up" I said I laid on the bed and she understood as she climb on top of me while she started to lick and suck my dick again as I licked her pussy as I closed my eyes to savor her flavor she tasted like black cherry and I started to shove my tongue in her as she started to quicken her pace as I neared my climax and I could tell she was as well as I doubled my effort she cummed before I did and she stopped sucking after she cummed much to my displease because I did not cum.

"Sorry I couldn't hold it any longer" she apologized as I changed our position as I was laying on top her with my dick lined up to her pussy and I started to push it in when I came on something in the way and I looked at tempest with a shocked look.

"Tempest are you a virgin" I said as she wrapped her legs around me and gave me a smile.

"I want to give you everything I have but just be gentle at first ok" she said as she gave me a deep kiss and stopped and looked deep into my eyes with a smile as I slowly entered her as I pushed past the barrier and she grunted in pain as blood rushed out and in between her legs and I slowly pushed in and out as she got used to it and started to fell pleasure as she moaned and I started to go faster and faster and I laid her on her side and lifted one of her legs so I could thrust deeper into her.

"Your so tight" I said as the inside of her pussy squeezed around my dick with intense pressure.

"Yes give it me gave me everything you got" she said as she moaned and I could fell her cum again and again as I thrusted in her and I was not even close to done with her yet.

"Get on your hands and knees" I whispered in her ear as she did as she was told as she wiggled her ass in front of me as I grabbed her ass and started to thrust into her pussy once more and I started to pull her tail as she tightened around me even more as I was about to cum "Tempest I'm about to cum" I said in as I was grunting trying to hold it in.

"Please cum inside me fill me up" she said as I released everything inside her as she gripped tightly around my cock so nothing could get out and after she laid on the bed drained of all energy from out activates but I was not satisfied.

"Ready for round two" I whispered in her ears as she gave a shocked look.

"You can continue all the stallions I've heard of can only go one round" she said still shocked.

"Well I fell sorry for your stallions then because humans can for hours and cum many times over and over again" I said as she started to drool as she looked at me with hungry eyes as I started to thrust into her again with renewed vigor and she wrapped her legs around me and made me go faster nd I started to grope her breast and started to kiss her and decided to let her explore my mouth for once and she instantly started to explore as she started to take a liking to my canines as she started lick them vigorously and I could fell her cumming again as she did so.

I stood up from the bed as lifted her up as well so she was positioned above my dick as I lowered her and entered her again as she wrapped both her arms and legs around as I started to bounce her up and down at a fast pace as we deepened our kiss as we toke turns in each others mouths and I stated to cum again as she was at the base of my dick as I filled her up again and her eyes rolled to the back of her head and I grabbed her legs as I turned her around still holding her up as I pounded into her again and again as she could not stop cumming and she lost her train of thought long ago as she was in pure ecstasy at the moment as she was living every mares dream of feeling this kind of pleasure for hours on end.

I decided to change things again as I laid her on the bed as I laid down as well she was insanely in here as she bounced up and down on my cock no stop as she could not think of anything else than this as I started to cum again and just when I cummed I grabbed her hips and slammed her down as I cummed filling her to the brim as some of it leaked it and as she collapsed on top of me.

"I guess we could stop for tonight even though there are still a lot of things we could have done" I said only to find out that tempest passed out from the pure ecstasy as decided to join her and went to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up I felt pleasure from the lower part of my body as I lifted off the blanked to find tempest sucking my dick and as she saw I was awake she popped my dick out of her mouth still stroking it with her hand "Morning master I'm dealing with your morning wood for you today" she said as she popped it back into her mouth as she moved her head at incredible speed as I cummed in her mouth as she drank every drop of it and popped it out of her mouth as she gave it a few long licks she as she stroked it as she popped only the head in her mouth as she moved her tongue around the head as I cummed even harder than last time as she struggled to swallow it all but still did it any way.

"I'm going to go down stairs and make you some breakfast come down whenever your ready" she whispered in my ear as she left the room giving me a wink as she closed the door.

"I got ready and headed down stairs as I entered the kitchen I saw tempest in nothing but a apron as she was not facing me and I could fell her grinning so I decided to give her what she wanted as I got behind her and pulled out my dick as I rub her cunt as she spread her legs "you are really a sex addict you know that right" I said as I started to thrust into her.

"Only for you" she moaned out as rested her upper body on the counter as I pounded her from behind and I pulled out and she looked at me as I repositioned me dick to her ass as she nodded as I pushed it in and got very rough as I pounded her and started to spank you till there were red marks on her ass as I pulled on her tail as she tightened around me she moaned as I could tell she was cumming again as she was dripping on the floor and I got even rougher as I pounded her even harder than before as her mouth was hanging open as her tongue was hanging out as well as I cummed full force inside her ass as I let go and she nearly lost her balance and fell on the floor.

"I think were done for now" I said as I sat down on the chair as she nodded as she put a plate boiled eggs and toast in front of me and she started to eat some hay bacon.

"I heard pinkie is preparing a surprise party for us a sugar cube corner today" She said with a smile as she looked at me "should we go" she said

"Yeah I think we should go it would give us a chance to meet everyone" I said as I finished my food and so did tempest as we walked out and tempest had her arm around mine as her head was on my shoulder as we walked towards sugar cube corner and as we entered their was a blast of sound that nearly knocked us off us feet.


all the ponies yelled.

"Were you surprised were you were you were you" pinkie pie repeated over and over again.

"Yes pinkie we were surprised" I said as she had the biggest smile I have ever seen as we came inside and started to mingle with the other ponies here and I saw tempest with a group of mare and all of them were blushing as some of them were looking at me with hungry eyes as some of them were breathing heavily 'what is she telling them' I thought as I started to get nerves as they looked at me and I noticed a red stallion was walking towards me

"Hey" he said as he held his hand out.

"Hi" I said as I gave him a firm hand shake as he gave one back in return.

"I'm guessing your big mac I've heard about you and how you don't talk much that right" I said

"Yup" he simply said as I smiled "thanks for saving applejack back at the castle" he said as he smiled back and walked away from me and started to talk to applejack as she started to bush after he stopped talking.

Tempest came back over to me with a smile on her face "hey honey" she said as she hugged me and I hugged her back

"You having a good time and what were you telling those mares over there" I said as I pointed to the still blushing mares

"Oh nothing just telling them how great you are" she said then "in more ways than one" she said quietly still smiling.

Then pinkie brought a cake in the middle of the room and handed everyone a piece as she bounced around with a smile.

"Hey talion" I heard behind me to find twilight with applejack rainbow dash and fluttershy and all of them were blushing including twilight and I was nervous at what they were going to say "we want to talk to you for a minute tempest can come to" she said as we entered a empty room.

"So what is this about" I asked.

"We were wondering if were um" she said then regained her courage "if were could be in your herd" she asked then her blush deepened and tempest smiled.

"Uh what's a herd" I asked.

"Well because of the low male population around the world we compensate with many mares in a relationship with a stallion like our saying for it is herding griffins are flocks and diamond dogs are packs and so on" tempest explained.

"We only just meet like only a few days ago" I told them.

"I don't know were you come from but females here have a connection when ever they meet the male that is meant for them sometimes it takes awhile but with us it was sudden when ever you came to ponyville we felt it and now we told you so what is your answer" she said in a nervous voice

"I am" I thought for a moment then made my decision "willing to try it but I want to take things slow ok" I said as they all jumped on me and hugged me. "Ok ok I know your happy but try to calm down right now we are not exactly alone in this building you know" I said as they got off me.

"This is going to be so much fun with more mare I could barley handle you last night and no matter how much I want to I don't think I can do that every time you need a little release" she said.

"What are you so worried about stallions barley last a minute" rainbow said.

"Not in talion's case he bucked me so hard last night I passed out not even an hour of pure ecstasy and I know I did not satisfy him last night because he was so energetic in the morning he bucked so hard again that I nearly lost feeling in my legs so counting last night and this morning he cummed like 5 times and he could still go for more" she said as they all looked at me with lust and hunger and even fluttershy but it was hard to tell since she was hiding behind her mane but from the moistness I could see between her legs I could tell she was thinking the same thing.

"Well then why don't you girls clean yourselves up before rejoin the party" as I said that they looked down and saw they were soaked inn their own fluids as I and tempest left the room to rejoin the party to find celestia and luna at the door and everyone bowing down to them and me and tempest did a small bow ourselves. When they spotted us I saw luna was blushing and walked towards us.

"Greeting talion I think we need to talk" celestia said with a happy tone in her voice as she headed for the room twilight and the others were in and walked before I could say anything as me and tempest followed her and as we entered the room I saw celestia blushing and I turned to where se was looking as I saw then were that had just joined my herd completely nude in blushing as well as they were completely frozen.

"So what did you want to talk about" I said to celestia as she looked at me and I noticed fluttershy was enjoying being watch for some reason as she was holding herself back from masturbating 'is she enjoying this does she have a exhibitionism fetish or something' I thought

"Would you mind explaining what is happening. celestia asked.

"Yeah why they are naked I do not know but they asked to join my herd and I said they could and the rest I don't know" I said as celestia looked at twilight and the others then back to me and tempest.

"So then shall we discuss our business somewhere else" celestia said.

"Yes please" I said as she teleported us to twilights library.

"Talion luna told me about the battle in your dream I want to know everything that happened in your world and how you became a wraith" celestia said and I gave a sigh as I concentrated my magic and the scene around us started to change.

we were on the walls of Mordor "before I was a wraith I was a ranger and I was stationed at the wall of Mordor I lived there with my wife and son everything was quiet for the most part until one day" I said as it suddenly started raining and the wall was under attack by an army of orcs there we saw the past me fighting alongside my son fighting the orcs.

"Remember your training son" the past me said as he cut down another orc and did my son.

"We were overrun and me and my wife and son were captured and sacrificed during a dark ritual" as I said that it showed the black hand cutting the throats of my son and wife then me "that is when I meet him the maker of the rings celebrimbor

"He is the one that made the rings" luna said with anger.

"The rings were nor intended for evil purposes but sauron is the one that made the designs for them and made celebrimbor make his rings the rings were supposed to bring prosperity to all races but they were all betrayed I still remember that little poem they said about the rings" I said as I started to say it "three rings for the elven kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die, one for the dark lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie one ring to rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie"(if you want to know where I found this here is a link) and as I said that poem the sky seemed to darken and the ground shake until I finished and celestia and luna looked frightened.

"Shall we continue" I said as the scene started to change and I showed them everything me taking down the war chiefs one by one meeting ratbag killing the hammer taking control of orcs then kill the tower and storming the black gate with my army but before I could continue I was interrupted.

So much death how could you still remain sane after going through all that" luna said.

"Trust me this was only the beginning of the story" I said as her eyes widened and the scenes of my past continued with the forging of the new ring meeting Shelob the fall minas Ithil and when and meeting Altariel we saw the wraiths the princesses were quick to react.

"How are their so many ring wraiths here" but did not even compare to when she saw Isildur her eyes widened in fear as she saw him "how is this possible" she said.

"Isildur was once a human king he was at the battle against Sauron e was the one who cut off his ring but instead of destroying it e kept it witch caused his fall to darkness" I said as we continued with the first fort I captured and then finally when we are on the bridge where Altariel and celebrimbor left me to die after I released Isildur from the ring and as they saw me grab the ring and say.

"As long as I have breath in my body my fate is my own" the past me said as he put on Isildur's ring after that I goes into detail how I held back the darkness until I fell to the darkness of the ring and joined the nine and then how the one ring was cast into the fires of mount doom as the library formed back around us the princesses did not know what to say as they looked at me in shock.

"I think we have company" I said as we were looking at all the elements and they were in tears except rainbow dash who was trying to hold it in but failed to.

"That really happened to you" fluttershy said.

"Yes" I said emotionlessly.

They all came over to hug me

"So has he talked" I said to celestia.

"No he has not but I have my ideas who it is" she said

"I think it is someone from the guard" I said as her eyes widened.

"Why do you think that" she said back.

"You and them are the only ones that knew were I was" I said as she nodded.

"I will be sure to run a investigation" she said as she and her sister left.

"Well I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow.

chapter 11 winter wrap up and first conquest

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"Here are the reports sir" the captain of my personal guard said as I was siting on my living room couch it seems that the new golems production is doing well and they already have 3 different types of golems now such as steel but it is more fitted for combat mithril and finally gem "Sir I think we should send some of your guard here shinning armor sent a assassin after you he might do it again" he said as I nodded.

"You can send 5 guards here that should be enough" I said as he bowed and walked away as tempest walked in with a bag and tea.

"Hey darling" she said as she sat down in front of me "are we going to help with winter wrap up" she said as she drank some tea.

"Yes we are but you need some winter clothes first I can't fell the cold but you can" I as she pulled a large thick coat out of the bag an put it on as we walked outside as everyone was busy cleaning up the snow and clearing the sky and as I looked in amazement I received a mental message from my timber wolf as I looked through their eyes I saw diamond dogs with several slaves that appeared to be from ponyville thry must have been taking this chance to kidnap ponies when they were working on winter wrap up "Tempest I need to go now tell the mayor that some diamond dogs have kidnapped ponies from town" I said as she started to sprint towards town and I flew towards the everfree.

Kidnapped pony POV

'Is this how we are going to spend the rest of our life's as slaves to diamond dogs' I thought as tears went down my muzzle as the tied us up and started to drag us across the ground and after an hour of dragging arrows filled the air as some kind of guards in armor I have not seen before came from every direction and began to fight the thirty or so diamond dogs that kidnapped us a few came to untie us as the others were killing diamond dogs and keeping them off us as some of them formed a protective circle around us when we were untied and when the battle the strange guards suffered no losses as there was only three diamond dogs on the ground with spears in their faces and after the were secured I saw a figure surrounded by black and green smoke land on the ground in front of us.

Talion POV

I looked at the scared ponies and said "take them to ponyville" I said as they bowed and started to escort them to ponyville "now then what to do to you three" I said as I stared at the diamond dogs and walked towards one of them and then to the other two as I pulled out my sword and looked at it then slashed the other two's throats and then to the last one as her looked at me in fear "If you want to see tomorrow you will tell me where your den is and how many more of you are their" I said in emotionless tone.

"Not far just a mile north of here" he said in a stuttered voice as I nodded to the guards and they let him go "your really letting me go" he said.

"Yes and no you can go to your den to warn the others and die or you can go I won't stop you from making either one" I said as he started running south. "Start the assault on their den and do not harm any prisoners and slaves" I said as more guards joined us as they marched north to free the slaves of the diamond dogs.

20 minutes later

We were at the entrance of their lair and I could hear distant sounds of pickaxes hitting stone I had 2000 guards a combination of my tower and personal guards and archers "Advance" I said as they started to charge in and I could already hear the sounds of blades hitting each other and arrows meeting their targets and as ran in and came into a huge cavern with a city in it and as I looked down I saw a massive battle between my forces and a force of 3000 diamond dogs but their poorly made weapons could barley put a dent on the enchanted armor they were facing as they began to be overrun and several began to dig escape tunnels at a rapid pace and leaving their comrades to die as many were beheaded and had their limbs cut off as the battle continued until they all fled and many of them died of blood loss as many of them collapsed as they ran "Sir we found the prisoners" one of my guards said as I followed them and we entered a dudgeon that had thousands of people from many races like griffons ponies and even other diamond dogs and as I walked to a cell I found a female diamond dog that was beaten to the brink of death as she looked like she had broken bones and cuts and bruises all over he body and fur looked like it was ripped off and several burns on her body as she looked at me like she was already dead I opened the cell door and rushed to her side and started to heal her as I un chained her from the wall and as I got a good look at her it looked like she was raped as well I healed all of the life threatening stuff but she still needed more work "take the prisoners to minas morgul and help them" I said as they were opening the cells and leading them to the city and I stated to make my way home with the female diamond dogs in my arms as she clung to me like her life depended on it

Location change Talion's home

I entered my house with tempest the elements of harmony and the mayor waiting for me "what happened" they said as I started to explain what happened as I set the diamond dogs on the couch and examined her while telling them al what happened and I noticed that many of the scare under her fur was at least 5 years old and when I told them that the color of their fur nearly turned white as they were scared out of their minds at what happened. "Twilight can you please send a message to celestia explaining to her what happened and that the rest of the prisoners are at minas morgul being taken care of" I said as she started writing and teleport the letter to celestia "ok can every one please leave the room for about an hour so I can work on healing our friend here" I said as they started to leave and I started to heal her as she sighed in relief that she was in no more pain as she lied there and looked at me and reached for my hand as I reached out grabbed it with gentle touch and she let go as she closed her eyes and I pet her head to help her relax as I continued to work I also noticed her vocal cords were badly damaged and it could take weeks maybe months for those to heal even with my help.

I finished an hour later as everyone came back in and the diamond dog that I found was sleeping on the coach and I looked at her again now that she is healed she looks a lot better and when everyone saw her they were amazed how she looked like nothing happened "she is doing a lot better but her vocal cords are to badly damaged they are healing thanks to my magic but it could be months before she can speak again" I said as I put a hand on her head as she smiled in her sleep.

"Celestia has sent me a message that you can bring guards to ponyville to help secure it and she is looking into the person that hired the assassin to kill you" twilight said.

"Mayor are you ok with my guards coming to ponyville" I asked as she nodded.

"Those diamond dogs kidnapped ponies out from under our nose and we never knew about it but you did so I agree with celestia that some of your guards should come here and secure the town and make sure this does not happen again: she said as she have a smile and I sent a telepathic message to my captions and she got up.

"Have a nice night" I said as she turned around and gave me a smile and left.

"I think she should stay here while she recovers" I said as they all nodded and the elements began to leave but not before I gave my herd mare a little attention as I approached fluttershy she turned her head away but I gently guided her back as I have her a deep kiss as I entered her mouth he latched onto me and deepened the kiss and she moaned and she shivered with every touch as I groped her ass checks as and as our kiss ended I began to kiss to kiss applejack as she did not shy away as she was on me in a moment as she jumped on me and wrapped her legs around me as I kept my balance she grinded her hips on my crouch as our tongue wrapped around each other as I used my hands to grope her beast and ass as she used her hand to stay balanced on me we ended our kiss as she got off me I turned around to rainbow dash giving me a seductive look as she groped her self as I approached and instead of kissing her I took off her short to expose her breasts I began to suck and she moaned and fingered herself and when she summed I stopped sucking a turned to twilight as she was mostly undressed and ready as I took off her panties and licked her pussy as she moaned and spread her legs even more as I shoved my tongue in her and her head shoot back in disbelief on how good she felt right now as I grabbed her legs to pull her closer to me as I was still shaving me tongue in her and tempest came over and began to kiss twilight and grope her breast as she took breaks from kissing her to sucking her breasts and then back to kissing until she had the biggest climax of her life as I stopped tonguing her to sucking her breast and fingering her at the same time as she cummed all over my hand as I put that hand in her mouth as she drank down her own cum as tempest gave her one last kiss as she drank some of her cum as well "that was amazing" they all said as they got dressed and got ready to leave and after they left I picked up the diamond dogs and laid her on the bed of the guest bedroom as me and tempest went to bed.

1 hour of sleeping later

I was woken up to the sound of yelping and I knew it was the diamond dog I saved I ran to her room with tempest behind me and when we entered the room was trashed there was claw marks on the inside of the door as well and I spotted her on her bed with her blankets around her and she was shivering in fear and when she saw me she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me tightly with no intention of letting go as she continued to whine in a scared tone and I looked around the room and there was no sign of someone trying to get in the house and she only started to calm down when I wrapped my arms around her as she cried in my chest.

"It looks like it is worse than we thought" tempest said and I nodded their is no telling the amount of pain and suffering she went through those five years and me as the only source of comfort for years she must have thought I abandoned her and left her and I that's when I noticed their was blood on her wrists and when I looked at them they were cut not deeply but enough for some blood to come out and I healed her and looked around and saw a knife with blood on it and I looked at tempest and she saw the same thing i did and she looked horrified and then I thought 'I am the only thing that's giving her the will to live' I thought as me and tempest nodded and we led her to our room where she would sleep with us from now on and when we got into bed she laid beside me clinging to my arm with tempest clinging to the other as we went to sleep.

Next morning

When we woke up i noticed that both of them were gone and I noticed there was a bit mark on my shoulder near my neck and as I walked down stairs when I entered the diamond dogs latched onto me and looked at me with terrified eyes as tempest walked over to me "I was trying to get her used to not being around you but she tried to kill herself again" I looked to the diamond dog and sat her down and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

"I want you to write your name" I as she wrote something on it and gave it back and it said.

"I don't have one" it said

"Then how about I give you one" i said as she hoped in my lap and started to like and cuddled into my chest "your name will be Aiko" I said as she hugged me.

"What does that mean" tempest said

"It means loved one her name will be proof that she will never again be alone" I said as I saw a tear leave tempest eyes as she sat down next to me and Aiko sat on my lap with a legs on each side of me and kissed me and wrapped her arms around me and stopped kissing me and gave me another note.

"I saw what you did with your herd mates and I want to be the first of your pack" it said as she kissed me again and got off me.

"I think we should let her" tempest said as I nodded as Aiko gave me another note

"And don't worry about other diamond dogs trying to seduce you the only way for them to join the pack is for them to talk to me because I left my mark on you last night it is a ancient magic that only diamond dogs can feel and they will know that you are claimed"

I looked at the bite mark I found when I woke up and saw it glowing slightly and I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it I found my caption of my personal guard along with 500 guards with him.

"Ok I want you start patrols around ponyville to keep them safe" I said as they nodded and walked away and as I closed the door and walked back in the living room I saw Aiko was shaking but when she saw me she stopped shaking.

"It's ok" I said as I hugged her " you don't need to worry I won't ever abandon you" I said as she closed her eyes and hugged me back and as we finished hugging a letter appeared in a bright flash of light and I began to read.

Dear talion
We finally broke through the assassins mental defenses and found out that is was shining armor was the one who hired him and we also found more evidence against him my niece was devastated when she found out he would stoop so low we have taken him into custody to await trail and we want you to be there as a witness in letter there is a train ticket to canterlot the trial will begin once you are here and I have already sent I letter to twilight
your friend princess celestia

We were on the train to canterlot with twilight but she was to sad to talk learning about shining armors recent activates has put her in a state of depression we arrived at canterlot and their were guards waiting to escort us I was in my armor just incase something happened and as we neared the castle we saw celestia luna and another alicorn probably the niece she mentioned in her letter and the next day the trial begins.

chapter 12 the trial and the parents

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The other elements arrived shortly after us Aiko was with us to since I could not leave her alone me tempest and Aiko were put in the same room and I was glad for that it seems twilight explained Aiko's situation as well and thought it was the best idea for her and I found out twilights parents are coming as well to the trial I saw them on the way to the dinning hall twilight mother was wearing a white button down shirt and blue jeans her hair was purple with streaks of white in her hair the father had a casual business suite in and her had a dark blue mane and a lighter blue coat of fur they were both unicorns after that I headed to the dining hall.

when I got to the dining hall every one was already sitting down and when I sat down twilights parents entered and sat down as well and some waiters came in after everyone had sat down and gave out menus every one gave their orders witch was mostly salads or other vegetarian meals "I will gave the steak with a salad and if you have any salad dressing that would be appreciated" everyone gave a shocked look except tempest.

"Your an omnivore" twilight said.

"Humans are omnivore but in my case yes and no after I became a wraith I no longer needed to eat drink or sleep but I can if I want to if I don't it just feels unnatural to me" I said and that seemed to calm them and as our food was brought in we started to talk again.

I don't believe we meet before my name is talion" I said to celestia and Luna niece.

"My name in Cadence " she said picking at her food " I can't believe shining would do this" she said in disbelief.

"neither can I" twilight said.

"Lets talk about something else for now twilight you said you finally found a coltfriend who is he" twilights mother said.

Twilight blushed and said "It's talion" she said with a small voice.

"What was that" she said as twilight's blush deepened.

"It's talion" and with that their eyes widened as they looked at me

"So your her coltfriend" her father asked glaring at me.

"Yes" I said with a confident tone I could tell he was trying to scare me but it was not going to work.

"Most ponies that I glare at least show some kind of fear but I see none from you I'm impressed but are you sure you can provide for her" he said as I nodded

"I have a lot of income about to start now that I have more golems producing more metal and I finished a few gem golems that means we can sell to jewelers and dragon but the dragons can wait until the gala so we are about to start trade with equestria now that the road is almost finished and now that we cleared out that diamond dogs city underground we can use it I plan on using it if ponyville is attacked so the ponies that live there can run to the underground city while my guards recapture the town" I said as he continued to look at me and nodded in understanding. "So what will you do about the guard they need a captain" I said as celestia nodded.

"I know but it would be best to appoint one after shining armors trial" she said as she finished the last of her salad and then a certain uninvited pony burst through the door.

"Aunty some no good made ruined my new suite I want her thrown in the dungeon" her said as he dragged in beaten maid in by her main as I flew towards her and knocked blueblood across the room in the process and started healing her as blueblood got up "How dare you attack me beast" he said as he fired a spell at me only to be knocked away by my shield "Guards" he yelled as twelve guards rushed in "arrest that beast for assaulting royalty" he said as they charged only to be stopped by my ghosts and before they could fight the room darkened.

"You call yourself royalty" I said as the room shacked from the intensity voice "You are nothing more than a parasite on this kingdom" I said as I approached blueblood as he looked like he was going to piss himself "a parasite I am more than happy to get rid of" I said as I drew my sword from it from my back and continued to walk towards blue blood as he started firing spells as they merely bounced off my magic shield and as I was about to finish blueblood celestia called out to me.

"Talion that is enough blueblood will be dealt with appropriately but you don't need to kill him" she said

I looked at her with anger "he not only beat the poor mare he dragged her in here and demand that you put her in the dungeon" I said as blue blood tried to run but I used a spell to break his leg as he screamed in pain.

"Yes I know but this is not the right thing to do I will deal with him after the trial" she said as I looked at blueblood then put away my sword as he was dragged away by guards the maid that I helped had a brown coat of fur and blonde mane and deep blue eyes as I helped her up I asked "what's your name" I asked.

"It's feather duster" she said.

"Why don't you have lunch with us today" I asked as she looked to celestia as she nodded and she sat down a one of the chairs and we continued to eat.

"The trial is in a hour we should get ready" I said as everyone agreed and we went to our rooms

Time skip beginning of the trial

"Shining armor you stand accused of high treason and attempt of assassination of an ally of equestria how do you plead" celestia said as she sat on her throne as she looked at shining with a disgusted look.

"That thing is a freak of nature and should not be allowed to exist do you know what ring wraith's have done" before he could continue his mouth was slammed shut by celestia's magic.

"Yes I know what ring wraith have done and I know that talion will not be like that" she said as she let shining go.

"And how do you know that" shining was yelling at this point "how do you know this is not an act to get us to lower our guard and enslave us" he said as many other nobles in the room nodded their heads in agreement.

"Because I have seen his past and I know that the ring wraith were controlled against their will to do the things they have done and I know who made the rings they were original made tp bring prosperity but they were betrayed and nine of the rings that were made corrupted their wearer and enslaved them" celestia explained as many of the nobles that agreed with shining withdrew their option until all the evidence has been presented "bring in the prisoner" the princess said as the clone of tempest was brought in and tossed on the floor beside shining armor "this is the assassin shining armor sent to kill talion" celestia said a glare "by looking in to his memory we found more than enough evidence to find you guilty buy we also investigated even further and found out that you have hired several assassins to get rid of competition for captain of the royal guard and sent many more to other kingdoms to kill ambassador's we from both their kingdoms and ours" everyone's eyes widened and looked at shining armor in anger because they remember their relatives that went to other kingdoms as a ambassador only to be killed by assassin's and then many were shouting for him to be executed as twilight her mother and cadence were crying not only in sadness because they can not help shining but in shame that they did not realize what he has been doing sooner.

"You are sentenced to death but I will allow talion to decide how you die" she said as she looked at me.

"What are you doing" I whispered n her ear.

"Its your right he sent this assassin after you" she said as I sighed an went into deep thought and I got my answer.

"You want a shoot at killing me now your chance you execution will be trial by combat" I said as many of the nobles smiled that they will be able to watch shining armor die for the deeds he has done.

"The trial by combat will commence tomorrow at noon at the colosseum" celestia said.

I looked over to twilight and her family as they looked at me back and nodded and I went to my room with Tempest and Aiko behind me. When we got to our room tempest closed the door and I went to take a shower to try to relax. A few minutes later while I was in the shower I heard the door open but I was to focused on trying to relax to take any real notice of it.

Caution clop scene ahead

When I opened the shower curtain to see who it was Aiko with nothing on and she walked to admire my body as she put her hands on my chest and I could feel her claws on my skin and I could feel her breathing on my skin as she laid her head on my chest I used my hand to bring her face to mine as we shared a long passionate kiss as my tongue entered her mouth and her tongue wrapped around mine as she stroked my dick as it hardened and I broke the kiss.

"Are you sure you want this" I said as she gave me a loving look as she nodded and got on her knees and started to lick while she fingered herself and she looked like she was enjoying herself as she continued to lick my dick and started to put it in her mouth as she was carful because of her teeth as she quickened her pace and I was about to cum but she stopped as she gestured to our room as we walked out we saw tempest wearing nothing and smiling as she saw us.

"Oh don't mind me I just want to watch and you to can be as loud as you want I cast a sound barrier around the room" she said as she sat on a near by chair as we laid on the bed and Aiko mounted me and as she inserted my cock 'man she is even tighter than tempest' I thought as she started slowly then picked up the pace as she bounced up and down and I looked over to tempest to see her masturbating and groping her breast as she watched Aiko bounce up and down as she moaned decided to change our position as I pushed her until she was on her back and I grabbed her hips as I lifted her up slightly and started to pound her as she moaned "Aiko I'm going to cum" I said as her eyes widened and she wrapped her legs tightly around me as a way for her to say for me to cum inside and started to go even faster as I approached my climax and I knew she was as well and as I cummed inside her she tightened around me greatly and cummed as well I could tell she was nearly exhausted but still wanted to keep going as she wrote me a not and handed it to me.

"I want you to keep fucking me even if I collapse I want you to be satisfied as well" it said as I tossed it aside and decided to give tempest a little show as I lifted up Aiko and sat in front of Tempest as I sat Aiko in my lap facing tempest with her legs spread as my dick was touching her belly as I lifted her up and lowered her down on my cock and once she had reached the base started to pound her pussy as I lifted her up and down and tempest was enjoying the show I was putting on greatly as she looked like she already cummed twice and after awhile she got up and walked over to use with me still fucking Aiko and started to lick where my dick was entering her pussy as she was still masturbating I was getting close to cumming as I ponded her harder and harder and as saw Aiko was limp I saw she was still awake but she just leaving everything to me and letting herself go and I started to flood her insides as she was limp on my lap and any that escaped was licked up by tempest as she laid on the and spread her legs and I knew what she had in mind as I lifted Aiko again and put her in front of tempest as she got the idea as she started to lick tempest's pussy on her hands and knees as I started to fuck her again from behind and tempest put her hand on Aiko's head and slightly pulled her closer so she add more pressure with her tongue.

Aiko started to shove her tongue insides as tempest moan in pleasure as she was doing a good job and stared to pull on her tail as she tightened and moaned at the pleasure it caused tempest decided to change things up as she stopped Aiko and crawled under her until her face was right under where my dick was thrusting into her as Aiko continued to do was she was doing at a quickened face as tempest was breathing heavily and cummed but that did not stop Aiko as she licked even harder and shoved her tongue inside tempest and made tempest blush as she stared at my dick pounding Aiko as he started to lick Aiko's pussy as my dick continued to pound her.

This time I decided to change our position as laid down with Aiko stated to bounce up and down on her own as I looked over to tempest as she smiled as crawled over to use and put her pussy in front of me as she faced Aiko and started to kiss her as Aiko did the same as I could see their tongue starting to intertwine as I got busy with tempest as I shoved my tongue inside her as I could hear her moan as she and Aiko kissed and when they stopped Tempest started to suck on Aiko breast as she hanged her head back as she was taken by surprise on how good it felt I could feel we were all about to cum and when we did I flooded Aiko insides once again and it leaked and tempest was quick to react as she lapped it up as she cummed as I drank every drop and Aiko fell backwards on the bed with my dick still inside her.

"I think the should rest me and Aiko are going to have some more fun" tempest said as I decided to close my eyes and go to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up to my surprise Aiko laying on my chest with my dick still in her and my body was sore as I could tell they had some fun with me as I was asleep by the soreness in body I could not tell how many times I cummed as I slept but Aiko was cover with cum and I saw tempest was in a similar position and as Aiko's breast were exposed and got me hard again as I decided to get back at her for fucking me in my sleep as I used my magic to make sure she would stay asleep during this as I rolled her off me and I got on top of her as I lined my dick up and pounding her harshly as I put my hand on her curvy hips and I heard her moan loudly and I began to lift her up still banging her as she clung to me in her sleep still moaning and was she was fully secured and she was not letting go of me I spanked her ass as she clung tighter and moaned again as she was enjoying this and I pulled her off me just a bit as I sucked on her breast and stated going faster and faster as I laid her on the bed but I was still standing while she was on the edge of the bed and with one final thrust I cummed a flood in her as I painted he insides white when I was satisfied with my work I decided to take a hot shower

Clop end

After I had my shower I looked over to tempest to find her still asleep but Aiko was wide awake but could not move because she in so much please "so how is my little wolf doing today" I said as I gave her to gave her a quick kiss and lifted her up "I suppose I will give you a bath because of this as I took her in the bathroom

1 hour and 30 minuets later

After I gave her a bath and had some more fun with her we left for the dining room and tempest was just getting ready as we left. When we got to the dining room everyone was already seated and was ordering breakfast "did everyone sleep well" I said as everyone looked at me with a sly grin on their faces.

"Not as good as your I've heard" twilights father Night light said as I gave him a confused look and then I realized.

"But there was a sound proof barrier around the room" I said.

"Those spells only last an hour and you tempest and Aiko went on for like 9 hours" he said as he looked at me with a jealous look in his eyes and he mumbled something under his breath.

"Thiers no need to be jealous dear you have me" twilight's mother said and got night light to smile as he hugged her.

Tempest came in after that and sat down as we ordered our food I ordered some bacon and eggs Aiko ordered the same thing and she sat beside me on my left as tempest sat on my right and she ordered some hay bacon.

"So is it true that she tried to kill herself when you were not around" celestia said in a concerned tone.

"Yes" I said in a quiet tone loud enough for everyone to hear.

"It was like that last night as well she would not stop shaking when you were taking a shower and she sat by she door shaking like you left her if I had not told her to go in there with you I don't know what she would have done" tepest said looking down at her food.

"The only way for her to calm down is for me to be in the same room or in line of sight but holding her seems to calm her down the most" I said as Aiko hugged my arm and put her head on my shoulder "but heir may be times I might not be able to be around" I said as I began to pet her and she relaxed in my touch.

"And talion" celestia said as I looked at her "After the fight I was wondering if my doctor could take samples we have never studied a wraith and this is the perfect chance" she said.

"I don't see any harm in it" I said as she wrote a letter and sent it somewhere as she finished her food.

"The fight should begin soon I think we should start heading their talion" celestia said "Aiko will come with me and everyone will be in the royal balcony of the coliseum don't worry she will be alright I will make sure she won't hurt herself" she said as I looked over to Akio and she was shaking and her eyes were begging me not to let her go.

"It's ok Aiko I will never abandon you but you are going to have to be a little brave right now I can't have you with me when the fight start he could try to kill you" I said as I kissed her and she hugged me as she whimpered "It's ok It's ok you don't need to worry I will always come back to you" I said as it calmed her down a bit and I looked over to everyone to see they had tear in their eyes "I think we should go there together first then I will leave her with you" I said as she teleported everyone to the royal balcony of the coliseum and we went behind the curtain to find a royal suite inside with for some reason a lot of cakes and when I say a lot a mean a lot of cakes of various sizes shapes flavors and color's "what the" I muttered under my breath as I saw a few cakes levitate out of the room and on the balcony where celestia stood eating the cakes at a fast pace "ok Aiko I am going to go the fighting area and I want you to stay with celestia and the other I will be back and you can watch my fight ok" I said but she was still shaking and I looked to celestia and the others and they nodded as I walked out of the room.

Tempest Shadow POV

I saw talion leave the room and Aiko started shake but before she could do anything she held Aiko and tried to calm her down but it did little to help her shaking as she walked to the balcony and stared intently at the arena waiting for talion to show up and the coliseum start to fill up as the fight was about to begin.

Talion POV

I was getting ready for the fight and as I entered the arena I saw Aiko on the balcony and she was shaking but she spotted me and looked like she calmed down a bit and when I looked to the other side of the arena I saw shining armor in the standard guard armor and he had a sword and a shield in his hands and I drew my morgul blade from my back as I got ready for the fight to begin

"After I kill you I am going to kill that unicorn and diamond dog" shining yelled as he got ready to fight.

"The only one dying is you and you will not touch anyone ever again" I said calmly as I got ready to fight to.

"The fight between shining armor former caption of the royal guard and talion lord of minas morgul this will be a fight to the death and if shining is the winner he will be exiled from equestria forever and if he comes back he will be killed on the spot and if talion wins equestria will fully recognize minas morgul as a separate country and he will have full claim of the everfree forest" celestia said and I was surprised she would do that " the fight will begin in after the fighter say they are ready" she said

"Ready" we both yelled.



" celestia said in her canterlot voice.

Shining charged me as he tried to blast me with magic as I flew through the arena and in to the air and I was shocked to see shining following me even in the air and I looked at his feet he used his shield as a platform and used it to fly around very clever I then turned around and flew straight to shining and as we clashed in the air our blades collided and he was pushed back and onto the ground as a crater was left where he landed when I landed he got up he had cut on his body and some of his armor fell off and he fired a beam of magic at me as I did the same and as our beams meet in the middle waves of magical energy went everywhere I was barley trying but I could see shining was struggling to maintain his beam as I added more power to my beam as it was quickly overcoming his and when it got to him it exploded and his horn exploded into a thousand pieces as he screamed in pain but he quickly worked past his pain and got back up and charged me with his sword and shield.

When he reached me I easily blocked his attacks and punch him in the gut with my wraith power and set him on fire as he flew through the air about fifteen away he was rolling on the ground in agony and when he finally put out the flames almost all of his fur and mane were burnt off and he had many burns all over his body as he throw up blood as h got back up and limped towards me with just his sword.

"I" shining said struggling to even breath "will" he said as his legs nearly gave out with every step "kill" he said as blood leaked through his mouth "you" he said as he held up his sword I decided this was enough and I needed to end this and I started to walk forward towards him as my sword glowed green as I flew in front of him and thrusted my sword through his chest and after a minute he went limp and fell to the ground as I drew my sword from his body

"Talion is the winner" celestia shouted in her canterlot voice as people cheered as I walked out of the arena and to the royal balcony and when I entered Aiko jumped on me and was shaking and I kissed her and that calmed her down greatly as we sat down and Aiko closed her eyes as she lung to my arm and put her head on my shoulder.

"I must admit I have never seen someone with so much love for someone before and I don't doubt she would do anything for you and I mean anything" I heard cadence say as she looked at me and Aiko with a smile and as she said that there was a knock at the door and a guard came in and went to talk to celestia.

"Princess their is somepony wants to talk to talion he says he know him" the guard said.

"Let him in" she said

It was the captain pf my personal guard when he walked in the room I saw he had a list or something in his hands and he walked over to me "sir we need to talk almost all of the prisoners want to stay in minas morgul and some of them want to join the guard and me and other captain have talked about it and think it is a good idea but we thought it would be best to check with you and have you review the list" he said handing me the list with not only name but training routines and regiments there were people of many species wanting to join from what is listed griffins, ponies, diamond dogs, some buffalo, miniatures and a dragon all of which I freed from their slavers wait a dragon.

"I don't remember a dragon in the dungeon" I said as I looked back over the list.

"She was in the deeper part of the dungeon chained to a wall I believe her name was adrian" her said

"Ok everything looks in order so I guess you can train them" I said as I handed him the list and he bowed and walked away "looks like I am going to have my hands full with he new residents of minas morgul " I said.

"Looks like it" celestia said "and now that you are a separate country I guess we should call you king talion and the doctors are ready to take samples when ever you are ready" she said as she led me and Aiko to the medical wing of the castle and when we got there their was 3 doctors two of the nurses and when I sat down on one of the beds as one one of them pulled out a needle and took some of my blood and some skin samples.

"Ok last sample we need is a sperm sample" the doctor said as Aiko began to wag her tail but then.

"I think I can help sugar cube" I heard the undeniable voice of applejack as she came in.

"Ok I will leave you three alone for a few minuets" the doctor said as he walked out

Short clop

Applejack took her shirt off to expose her massive breast as she got on her knees undid my pants and started to lick mi cock and when it hardened and got to it full length she wrapped her breast around my did as she licked and sucked the head of my cock and when I looked at Aiko she started making out with me apple jack moved her breasts up and down as she stroked my dick with her breast Aiko decided to join is as she got on her knee and went for the head and started to suck and lick it as applejacks breasts messaged my dick I knew I would not last long like this but I just let it happen as when I came applejack filled most of it in a jar and she put she rest in her mouth as she mad out with Aiko for like 3 minuets in front of me as I goy dressed and after they stopped applejack put her shirt back in and the doctor cam back in and collect the sperm and put the jar in a container

Clop end

After that was finished we went to the dining room to get some dinner with everyone waiting for us I knew that twilight and her family were depressed and were trying to hid it.

"I'm sorry for your loss" I said as night light looked at me with sadness in his eyes and then took a deep breath and gave me a nodded as did twilight and her mother.

"I think it is time we settled our terms and solidified our alliance with each other" celestia said.

"I agree but what do you have in mind" I said as luna spoke up.

"Before we do anything could I talk to talion alone for a moment" she said as she shift in her chair as I got up and she followed me.

"So what do you want to ask me" I asked her.

"What do you think of me" she asked.

"I think your a beautiful mare" I said it was true she is beautiful and she blushed and I realized what she was talking about "do you want me to be your clotfriend" I said and she lunged at me and hugged me.

"Yes" she said in her canterlot voice

"Lets go back in the dining room with everyone else I am sure they will be surprised" I as we entered the dining room and Aiko clung to my arm and everyone was smiling "so what were we going to talk about celestia" I said

"I don't think anymore needs to be said" celestia said.

"So is there going to be a funeral for shining armor" I asked celestia as she gave me a sad look.

"Yes there will be a funeral" she said

And after dinner twilight decided to stay behind for a day or two to mourn as everyone else went back to ponyville

Time Skip 1 Week Later

everything went back to normal twilight came back after the funeral and I had constructed my first mithril golem and now have a steady supply of it and it is steadily increasing.

"Hey tempest can you gather everyone" I said

"What for "she said

"I think it is time to show everyone around minas morgul" I said as she smiled and nodded.

chapter 13 Return to minas morgul

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When Tempest got every one gave we were in my living room "I was wondering if everyone wants to see minas morgul" I asked and everyone smiled and rarity stood up.

"I think I speak for everypony here when I say we would love to come to minas morgul" she said as everyone else nodded.

"And I will bring spike" twilight said.

"So when do we leave" tempest said.

"When ever you guys are ready I will send for a carriage to be brought here" I said as everyone left to get ready.

2 hours later

Everyone was ready and it appears twilight sent a letter to luna to because she is here with her bags and a few carriages arrived and we entered luna tempest and Aiko were in my carriages and the others went into another and as we went along the road that had just been completed I spotted several patrols, traders, and merchant that were going to the city I saw several different races zebras griffins and many other I also saw immigrants that wanted to live at minas morgul for a new start and as we entered the city we exited the carriages "so then lets go to the tower" I said as we started walking and I noticed that Aiko and my herd mates formed a small perimeter around me for some reason and then I noticed that many females were giving me seductive looks I noticed they were all from the diamond dogs city and that most of the females giving me seductive looks were the diamonds that were imprisoned as well and I saw Aiko was snarling and that did not affect them and I noticed that most of the females that were looking at me were carnivores there were leopards griffins and others looking at me and when we finally reached the tower and entered I asked "what just happened"

"it is easy to explain" twilight said as I raised an eyebrow "we thought this would happen this is more common with carnivore that herbivores and since you are the one that saved them it most boosted the effect you see carnivores are able to naturally tell how strong somepony is even if they tried to hid it and their instincts makes them attracted to them and want to" she blushed "mate with them and like I said it mostly happens with carnivore races so they are naturally drawn to the strong and dragons are the most affect by it" she said as I nodded

"Well I guess I should be carful" I said and I saw Aiko was still looking at the door "what's wrong" I said as Aiko looked at me as she pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and began to write and then gave it to me.

"Those other diamond dogs will try to seduce you and try to get in your pack and they will try to bribe me and I can feel your power and this kind of power is one of a kind and I am feeling even more power within you even thought I can not feel the limit of it, it is almost intoxicating to be around you they might do anything to get to you" I read from her note and I hugged her and she relaxed In my embrace.

And when we let go of each other the captain of the guard walked in "sir I want to show you the new guards their training is going well and they are showing promise" he said as we walked to the training yard and as soon as we stepped outside I could fell eyes on me not only the females guards but somewhere else I knew it was somewhere but I felt no malice so I ignored it for the time being.

"So how many people are in the city at the moment" I said.

"the last time we checked a few thousand including the ones in the underground city as well and more are coming each day and I think several other kingdoms have noticed us I have seen reports of strange sighting in the forest" he said.

"Then maybe we should increase security on the walls" I said as he bowed then walked away and we walked back in only to find a dragoness behind us smiling she had green scales and a neckless with a ruby on it and two more rubies on he clothes.

"So your king talion I must admit I am impressed and I know you knew I was watching you I saw your muscles tense when you did" she said as she walked towards me and when Aiko got in front of her she disappeared for a moment then reappeared in front of me and then kissed and her eyes glowed white and when she stopped kissing me she bowed and said "I pledge my life to you from my body to my soul I belong to you " she said as I felt something on my hand and as I looked at it I found a strange mark and I looked over to twilight who had a shocked look on her face.

"What is happening" I yelled as I turned to twilight.

"This is a ritual practiced by dragons when a female dragon finds their mate they kiss them and that binds themselves to their mate forever and they can not defy them for as long as they live it is a ritual not to take lightly" twilight said.

"I have been looking for a strong individual to be my mate and now I have found you" she said as she stood up straight "I don't have to worry about other dragons trying to mate with me it is so annoying and they were so weak" she said tired tone.

"So you only pledge yourself to me so other dragons would stop bothering you" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yes and I have never seen someone as powerful as your even though most of it is locked away and you have all the stuff I want in my mate" she said as I raised a eyebrow.

"What do you mean most of my power is sealed away" I said.

"Yes it is sealed away but I have no idea why" she said.

"So if you are so strong how did you get captured by diamond dogs" I said as she frowned.

"I don't want to talk about it" she said.

"Well we should continue the tour of the tower we will begin with the throne room" I said as we started waling with Adrian now with us and as we entered every one gasped and began walking around the room I had the Palantir moved to a safe location so the alter was gone "now then let's continue" I said as every one followed me and I showed them the kitchens the staff rooms and once we had finished the tour I showed them where thy would stay for the night "and this is where you will be staying for the night" I said as I showed them their rooms "now I have work so Aiko you can come with me spike twilight and luna will sleep in this room" and as I finished say where they will be sleeping me and Aiko walked to my office and the captain of the guards handed me some papers.

"And when you are done with these there are some civilians that want to meet with you they are representatives of the prisoners we rescued that wish to discuss living arraignments for everyone" he aid as he walked out of my office and I looked over the paper most of them were requisitions for permission to sell gods and the list of their goods and I found a few fan and love letters Aiko took the love letter and looked over them but I looked over the fan letter mostly just thanks that I saved them and they looked like they were written by children "I guess their were children were down there as well" I said quietly to myself and I looked over to Aiko to see she tore up most of the love letter but she left some of them intact.

"So who sent the love letter" I asked and she began to write.

"Mostly by girls who just want sex and high status in your city the few that remain I can tell their felling are genuine" I read from her note and I felt something under my desk and I saw Adrian under my desk.

"Well hello dig boy" she said as she got out and Aiko snarled at her as she held onto me and Adrian giggled "You don't scare me little pup I just want to se what my mate here does" she said as she walked closer and sat on my lap and I pushed her off so I could get up

"Well I have work to do so can you return to your room while me and Aiko can head to the throne room" I said as me and Aiko walked out leaving Adrian in there and when we reached the throne room I sat down of my throne and nodded to the captain to let them in and I saw about a 16 people coming in and only about five of them were male their were 3 griffins 1 of them male 7 ponies 3 of them male 3 diamond dogs 1 male a zebra a leopard and a minotaur.

"So what is it that you all wanted to discuss with me" I said and a disrespectful griffin spoke first.

"first I want to speak to who really is in charge" she said with a arrogant voice.

"I am in charge" I said with a touch of anger with my voice.

"Their is no way a male could be in charge of anything all you males are good for are breeding and that it and I want to talk to talk to with is really in charge" she said

"Now you listen you disrespectful pigeon this is my city I and only I rule over it" I said a I stood up from my throne.

"What did you call me you pathetic weakling" she said as she threw a punch and I grabbed her by the arm stopping her punch and started to squeeze and she screamed in pain.

"Let me make this very clear you are nothing compared to me I could kill you right now" I said as I squeezed tighter to the point it nearly breaks her arm and then threw her across the room and I could tell some of her ribs broke and I looked towards the captain "heal her give her some supplies then throw her out of the city in my city everyone is equal regardless of gender or race" I said as a few of the females were shocked and the males smiled.

"Wait" I heard and looked to the other female griffin "please show mercy on my sister she was raised this way and she can not sense the strength of another please let he stay" she begged and I thought about it.

"Ok but if she causes any trouble or try's to attack me again there will be no more chances she will be banished from the city and if she tries to come back she be punished" I said as she relaxed " now than what did the rest of you have to say" I said as they snapped out of their shock and looked at me.

"Well" one of the female diamond dogs said as she looked at me "Many of the other citizen are not really trusting of us" she said and I understood why all the other were tortured and beaten by diamond dogs.

"Ok I think we could move the diamond dogs into another part of the city and with time the people will come to trust you more and become more comfortable around you" I said as she smiled and nodded to my answer.

"Ok miniatures next" I said as I looked at the female miniature.

"we miniatures are a very active race most of us are warriors and many of us smiths and craftsmen and we get rather uh you don't want to know" she said and I thought of something.

"my golems are producing a lot of raw metals that need to be melted down and changed into useful items such as the enchanted armor and many other things so the smiths can work there and we could use hunters in the everfree to gather meat and animals so the warriors can help there but I don't know about the craftsmen we can work out something about that later since we have most of it worked out so maybe we can talk tomorrow next zebra" I said as I turned towards her.

"I was just wanting to send this letter to my tribe in my homeland" she said as she handed me a scroll.

"Do you mind if I look over it other kingdoms have been taking notice of us lately ad we have spotted several figures in the woods the last few days to" I said as she nodded her head and I quickly looked over it, it looks like she is the daughter of a chief and the scroll explains what has happened to her "ok it will be sent captain gather some guards nd send them to her tribe and deliver this letter and yo can you go with him so you can explain where it is" I said as she walked away with the captain "now the leopard" I said as I looked over to her and she gave me a seductive grin and Aiko clung to my side.

"Because of your appearance most of the females in this city want to join you harem even those that already have a mate they were content with what they had at first but once a few ponies from ponyville came to the city and told us more about you especially your stamina they all wanted you and we were wondering if you were willing to accept more into your harem" she said as she put her hands on her hips.

"That remains to be seen" I said I highly doubt this is the last of the girls that will join my harem.

"Ok now the griffins" I said as I turned to them and saw the griffins that attacked me sister was helping her up.

"Well" she said " we wanted to tell you that was not the only diamond dog city in the everfree there are three more and we want to provide their location" she said and the captain of my personal guard burst into the room.

"You majesty we are under attack by a massive force of diamond dogs" he said as I heard fighting outside.

"How many are their" I said.

"35,000" he said.

"Rally all the guards and anyone will to fight and engage the shield we will hold and drive off this invasion" I ordered as he ran "the battle for minas morgul has begun" I said

(ok I am going to end this here and the battle will begin in the next chapter battle for minas morgul chapter 14)

chapter 14 battle for minas morgul and reclaiming ponyville

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I flew to the gates and readied for the attack while my guards rallied themselves to defend "are the shields ready " I said as the tower around the city shot beams of magic in the air and formed a shield "now they can not use catapults against us and the only way into the city is the bridge" I said.

"Sir it looks like there is someone of the bridge" my captain said as I looked to the figure walking towards us he was In a strange armor I could not see his face but his armor was black and a eye on the helmet and I could feel some kind of magic in it an as it reached the gate he said.

"I challenge the ruler of this city to a duel" he yelled as I jumped down.

"I accept" I said as he charged I was still getting a strange feeling from his armor so I proceeded with caution and wanted to end this quickly so I flew to his side a tried to set him ablaze with my wraith fire but it had no effect and he swung sword and I dodged I now knew for a fact something was up with his armor 'it must have nullified my power' I thought as I charge him and as I swung my sword he reacted in a instant and blocked it and kicked me away as I skidded across the stone blocks but I did not fall 'I need to find a way past his armor' I thought as I spotted a weakness the elbows and knees they were lightly protected and I charged again but every move I made he blocked and countered my attacks.

I had to think of a new plan his armor made my powers useless and he could read my every move I charged him again but with a new plan as I used my magic to make a copy of myself and made him go in one direction while I went another and we charged him together and he used his arm guards to defend against our attacked while the copy sword went through because he was a illusion my blade meet it mark and hit his arm it did not break through but it cut a good chunk of his armor off as I grabbed it and threw it over the wall so I could look at it later. The person in the armor still stood strong as he charged me and thrust his sword forward and it went through me and my blood coated the blade and I felt every bit of it my ability to dull pain did not work as I put every thing I had into one punch and it hit him a few dozen feet away and I hid my pain and when he got up he ran away and I flew to my city and fell to the ground as I landed and my guards caught me before I hit the ground "I want that armor analyzed now" I yelled in pain as a few guards grabbed I and walked away as a few of my personal guards came to heal me and I saw luna and the other running towards me.

"What happened to you" luna said as she looked at my wounds.

"We are under attack and a warrior in black armor challenged me I thought if I beat him the army would run but some how his armor nullified my magic and his blade was able to wound me I think it is made of the same metal" I said as luna's eyes widened.

"It can't be" she said

"What can't be" I said.

"When we were at war with the warlord we found a metal that was able to weaken and wound him it is one of the rarest metals of all it is what allowed us to match him and kept him from winning for hundreds of years as we fought against him" she said as I sat down.

"And what of the eye on his armor is was not just decoration" I said.

"It might be a oracles eye there are only a few out there but they are able to predicts a enemy's moves" luna said as I looked to the army outside my gate.

"We will hold we have the advantage they can only come though the bridge it is the only way in and with the stone golems we can produce food and we have several animals we can use to fed every one and I found a way to get meat with out killing them" I said as luna looked to the army.

"Sir the men and anyone willing to fight are ready" the captain.

"Good load the artillery and have archers on the wall at all times" I said as he gave orders and everyone started to do their part "I want spear men at the gate incase it is breached and I want civilian gathered at the tower and I want the captain of my personal guard to watch over them" I ordered and they were acknowledged " I want all of you to go with them luna you stay twilight, tempest can you keep an eye on Aiko" I said as they walked away and luna stayed behind with me.

"What will we do" Luna asked.

"Me and you will help and the gate they might try to climb the wall me and you will keep them off and that black warrior might come back and your magic might be able to stop him" I said as we got on top of the wall and we heard war horn as saw arrows and flaming boulders coming towards us and them were blocked by the shield. I saw the first wave of enemy coming over the bridge and the archers were ready to fire "Fire" I yelled as I wave of arrows flew through the air and meet the marks many of the enemies had large shields that slowed them to blocked the arrows but the comrades were not so luck as they were impaled by arrows as it took out a good chunk of the first wave and the archers continued to fire and I saw the shields were protecting ladders "swords men and berserkers I want you up here" I yelled as I heard heavy footsteps behind me and I turned around to see them standing at attention "they are going to try to climb the wall I want you to destroy their ladders and any who manage to get up here do not let them near the archers I want them dead" I said with authority and I turned back around. "Luna can you see their commanders" I said.

"No I think this soldiers ere sent to try to exhaust us" she said.

"Captain how many iron steel and mithril golems do we have" I asked.

"About 500 sir 250 iron 200 steel and 50 mithril" he said.

"I want them brought here they are suited for combat so if the gate is breached I want them to push them back while the spear men form a defensive line at the gat while they hold back the army on the bridge. "And I want some mithril armor brought here so I can fight that black warrior" I said as I saw a guard carry out my order

"the enemy were still pushing there assault and were losing ground fast as they were dying by the dozens. Then I heard the horn again and they started to retreat and after they left I went to the artillery. "Is their camp in range" I said and they nodded and I looked at their encampment and said "give them hell for attacking us" I said as they fired and I saw hundreds of boulders ballista arrows and explosives fired from the catapults and as they reached the camp I heard screaming and yelling as the artillery took out a chunk of there camp as they started to run
and after the artillery stopped they retreated inti the forest "How many did we get" I asked as the captain walked to my side.

"About 15000 were killed and we suffered some injuries some arrows made it past the shield and hit a few people but there are no dead" he said.

"I am going to the tower to check on everyone" I said as I started flying.

When I got to the tower everyone was waiting for me "The danger is over for now but they might come back I am going to send some of my guards to ponyville to secure it" I said as they nodded in agreement and Aiko hugged me and we went inside.

2 hours later

A few hours after the attack and I sent guards to ponyville a one them came back and reported that the town was taken by the diamond dogs all of the people escaped though the forest and to the underground city like they were supposed to but we needed to reclaim ponyville so I gathered my forces and we marched to ponyville I had armor made of mithril on but I gad a cloak on so no one could see it when we reached ponyville I signaled for my army to surround the town.

After they completely encircled the town we closed in and the diamond dogs charged it was an all out war when our two army clashed and I was looking for the black warrior I cut down every diamond dog I saw and I saw a the caption of m personal guard having trouble and saw the black warrior fighting them they looked evenly matched so I decided to intervene so i throw my cloak off and my armor was showing now and the shine of the armor got the black warrior attention and i signaled the captain to back off "remember me" I said as he charged and I did the same and when we meet in the middle our swords clashed and moved at inhuman speeds as we fought and we could not lay a hit on each other I could not find a opportunity to strike and even if I did that eye on his helmet and as I was thinking of a plan luna stepped into the fight as she launched a powerful spell at the warrior and he was pushed back and we rushed him together as I keep was on the frontline luna provided supported as we continued to push him back against a corner and I could see he was tired so I continued my attack and as I delivered the final strike he took the chance to shove his sword through my chest again missing my heart and I cut off his head and i fell to the ground and luna rand to my side.

"We have to get you some help or you'll die" luna said desperately and she looked around.

"Don't worry i won't stay dead for long ring wraiths are banished from death and we only come back if we die" i said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes "I'll be fine just take care of Aiko while I'm gone" I said coughing up blood and the world started to slip away.

And as I died I was throw in a black void and I looked around to see nothing and after roaming around for awhile i saw something a figure made of light and I saw it was coming towards me as I put my hands In front of me to block the light that was in my eyes and before the figure could reach me I woke up in a hospital bed in minus morgul and I saw Aiko sleeping next to me and I got out of bed and went to a window to see the city is still intact while I was out and I saw the patrols back on schedule as I saw them walking through the streets.

"Your awake" I heard behind me and I turned around to see everyone had a smile on their face as I looked at them.

"It appears everything is in order is everything ok in ponyville now because there is still much to do before this is over we still have other underground city to capture so we do not get attacked again after that we need to free their prisoners as well so I have much to do before this is over" I said.

"And me and celestia will help by send guards here and help take care of these diamond dogs" Luna said as I smiled.

"Was the armor that one diamond dogs was wearing recovered" I asked.

"Yes it was recovered and was put in a safe place by your guards so you do not need to worry much" she said as i sighed in relief.

"Ok for now we will relax but tomorrow i have to get to work twilight can you send celestia a letter and tell her what has happened and luna and you tell my captains to scout the forest and search for there city's" I asked as they nodded and walked away "tomorrow is going to be a busy day" I said as I got back into bed with Aiko and went to sleep.

Chapter 15 taking the city's

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It has been a week after the battle and we were busy the princesses sent some guards to help look for the city's and they were found we have preparing to lay siege to them I have increased the production of the guards at a rapid pace and me and the new caption of Equestrias royal guards and my two captains were in the war room that was recently built and planed our strategy "Now then we should plan our strategy to take the city I think it would be best to take them all at once if we just take one at a time it will only make it harder to take the next because the ones that run from the battle will just go to the other city and we will only face more number in each one and they know we will be coming since they attacked us we know there are more out there" I proposed and the captains agreed with me as we exchanged ideas on how to deal with them and the equestrian captain asked a question his name was onyx he was a black peruses with a brown mane.

"Is it possible they will use their slaves as hostages" he asked as he looked at the map with the locations of the diamond dogs city's marked on it.

"Yes it is possible but we have to do this if we don't they will only attack again and last time we got luck there was no death on our side but next time we might not be so lucky" I told him as he sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"I'm not cut out for this" Onyx said with a tired tone.

"We never are at first but we get used to it in time and so will you" I said sympathetically.

"We should continue" the captain of my personal guard said and we got back on topic.

"So counting the dead bodies from ponyville and here their are about 20000 dead so their was about 15000 that got away so we can guess that their forces are weak but we should be cautious that might not have been their entire army so we must divide our forces and we must hit them hard and where it counts" I said as I pointed at a one of the spots on the map "from what our scouts said this is their main fortress so it will be the most protected if we can break through their defenses we will lower their morale further weakening them and I believe their city's are connected so if we take one of them we can take the rest and attack from both sides and defeat them and make them answer or their crimes" I said as I moved a few chess pieces that represent my forces in to a formation

"That is likely otherwise they would have already been caught and exposed and then the royal guards would be alone in this battle but with you joining us we can take them" Onyx said as he moved pieces that represented the royal guards.

1 hour later

"Ok let's go over the plan again" I said as we finished planning "me and my personal guards will take their main fortress while most of the guards will attack the one to the south and the rest will join royal guard and take the last one to the west my attack on the main fort will start first and hopefully draw diamond dogs from the other two and after many of them are gone you will begin your attacks and after you take the city's you will travel through their tunnels and meet up with us at the main fort and join our assault" I said as we all nodded "Wait I think I will take some of my golems as well them will help fight the diamond dogs the majority will stay here to defend but we should take a few with us" I added as they agreed and we left the war room to give our orders.

Half an hour later

We were marching out of minas morgul the equestrian guards were already waiting in the forest for the guard to arrive their destination and many of the resident's of the city came to see us leave and many were cheering for our victory as the army and a few golems marched behind me as we left the city most of the golems that came with us were going with me and the timberwolves we also coming with me I gave the captain a crystal so we could talk through them "Is everyone ready" I asked through the crystal.

"Ready" I heard my captains say.

"Almost ready we are almost there but we should be in position in a few minuets so you could start" I heard Onyx say though the crystal and I agreed.

"It's time to begin the assault" I ordered as we marched through the tunnels to their main fortress and we kept an eye out for any trap there were none and when we reached the end of the tunnel when spotted the fortress and the diamond dogs on the wall spotted us and sounded the alarm an I signaled the guard to charge and as they did they brought out ladders from the tunnel and diamond dogs archers started to fire but to little effect and the ladder were placed on the walls and the guards fired spells to cover the ones climb and I started to climb as well and when we reached the ramparts we stared to fight the diamond dogs and they were flooding in as the troops below the wall could nor provide support as we fought and these diamond dogs were better trained and better equip then the last ones 'so these guys are probably their main force' I though as I cut down another diamond dog and I looked over to the other side of the rampart and saw one of my guards defeated as it fell to the ground but another one took his place as more were piling onto the rampart and a few made it to the gates and started to push and open it and the diamond dogs on the ground near the gat saw this and formed a defensive line of spears and archers were on the roofs of the building ready to fire as the gates opened and my golems were the first ones through the gate as their archers fired and did nothing to the golems as they used their giant blades to cute through their lines and my army charged in behind them and with their line of defense in shambles hey were no threat as they were cut down and I heard a horn on the far side of the fort and saw Pegasus flying through the fort firing arrows and flying down to join the fight and I saw magic going off in the distance and I heard another horn on the other side of the fort and I could guess that was my other captain and I jumped from roof top to room top to reach the keep.

Onyx pov

'we finally made it here' I though as fights around the fort continued and I cut a diamond dogs throat open and a golems block a few arrows from hitting me ' these guys sure are useful' I thought as the same golems grabbed a piece of a fallen building a tossed it at the archers on the room behind me and a few of my fellow guards were rushing past me to get to the gate and help with things there and I decided to join them and as I started o fly through the air I spotted talion jumping towards the keep and I decide to follow and catch up "hey" I said as i flew next to him.

"Took you guys long enough" he said with a laugh.

"We got held up and a few of your golems dealt with it" I replied.

"What happened" he asked.

"One of the diamond dogs decided to be smart and collapse the tunnel dumb bastard killed himself in the process" I said as talion jumped from another rooftop.

"Well we are almost to the keep you should head back i can deal with this" he said as I flew off towards the fighting.

Talion pov

As I watched Onyx flew away as i jumped from another roof and i reached the keep and the two guards at the door charged a me and I disposed of them easily and as their dead bodies fell to the ground I open the giant door to the throne room and saw a diamond dog sitting on the throne and several chained up slaves lined the walls "so you are the wraith I have heard so much about so much about you" he said as he got off his throne h had black fur and wielded a axe and had armor on (this is what he looks like).

"And you must be the top dog around here" I said back with a smirk and he growled and then he smirked as well.

"I heard you have been taking care of my little bitch for me what was the name you gave her Aiko wasn't it" he said as i gripped my sword.

"So your the one that put her through that now I have no regrets killing you mutt" I said with anger.

"She would not have had to if see marked me like she was supposed to after I killed her father and became ruler I saw fit to strengthen my rule by making the previous ruler's daughter my mate but she refused so I had to punish her again and again and unfortunately for her she was to stubborn so after I kill you I am going to storm that city next and I will have to punish her again so she can finally understand that she belongs to me" he said with a sadistic smile on his face.

I unsheathed my sword and pointed it at him s he charged me I could tell his axe was made of the same metal of the armor but not his armor so my magic will work against him and I waited for him to get close and when he swung his axe I ducked and used my frost punch which sent him flying and spots of his fur were frozen solid and slowed him down and he landed on his feet breathing heavily but he shacked off some of the ice and charged me again I wanted to be slow and agonizing for him and I summoned my bow and fired a arrow and instead of hit him I changed places with the arrow and dropkicked him and as he fell I grabbed the arm that had the axe and broke it making him shout in pain as I got up and threw the axe away and I stomped on him fingers braking them as I kicked his broken arm and broke it in a few more places and I moved to his legs as I summed bound blades in both hands as I stabbed with in both legs and I left them there as i moved on to his arm as I coated my hands in a black flame and held his arm in place as the arm burst into g=flames but did not spread further than his shoulder and it turned into nothing but a skeleton arm after a few minutes with nothing but a few bites of burned flesh and I got on my knees and started to pummel his face as he was begging for mercy.

"And don't even think that you will find peace in death" I said as I finished pummeling him and his face looked like it was hit with sledgehammer and I the hand I had my ring on his face and I started to take his soul from his body so he will suffer forever and as I stared at his lifeless body an I began to unchain the slave in the throne room as my guards began to rush in ready for a fight and they saw it war already over and they began to free the slaves chained to the walls.

"We lost a lot of guards your majesty" the captain of guard said "we are already moving them to minas morgul to be repaired" he said as he unchained a slave and helped him up and put his arm around his neck as he as the former slave limb towards the exit and I needed to talk to Onyx to see how he is doing and as I walked out I spotted him on a nearby roof and I climbed up there with him.

"So how were things on your end Onyx" I asked as he jumped in surprise.

"Oh it's just you didn't notice you there and I don't think we could have taken that city with out you guards their l have seen the other city you captured before the assault and these city dwarfed that one the city you captured before could be considered a small town compared to them" he said as I sat net to him.

"Yeah I read that in the reports" I replied "and I need to station guards at each one so they don't fall into the wrong hands I still have a lot of work ahead of me" I said as I sighed

"Yeah it looks like you do I am going to head back to canterlot to deliver my report" onyx said as he flew off.

1 hour later Celestia pov

"Princess why would you ever acknowledge that freak as a king he has no noble title or apart of any royal line" a noble said as many other agreed with him "We shouldn't even trade with that freak he has done nothing for us" he added as the nobles agreed.

"King talion has done many thing for us" I said as I continued "not only did he defeat nightmare moon he freed hundreds of slaves from diamond dogs and defended ponyville from them" I stated as the nobles continued to argue and my new captain walked into the room with a clipboard in his hand.

"Princess with have the report of the slaves from the other diamond dog cities and found several members of noble family's there" he said as the noble barley paid attention except a few how had a few members of their family going missing lately "One of them is noble Gold rushes daughter Gold digger" he said as gold rush jumped from his seat.

"Where is she" he said franticly.

"She was one of the slaves at the diamond dogs cities she is fine and heading back here with the rest of the noble members" he said as he listed the rest of the names of the noble family members and many were relived that they were alright "we would have never found them if Talion's army had not joined us we would have never won against them" he said and many of the nobles were regretting what they said about talion and I smiled as the nobles started to leave "come onyx we have to go over the rest of the report" I said as he continued to read the report.

Talion pov

"We need to increase production of guards so I am thinking of turning the fortress in to a factory and we can mass produce them" I said as my captain nodded in agreement we were facing a little problem most of the slaves that are here do not have a place to go back to because most of the homes and families were killed and burned down by the diamond dogs and there is not enough room in minas morgul to house them all so they will have to live in the underground cities I know it is not ideal but it is the best we can do and our guards are spread out so we can barley defend ourselves right now so we are increasing production of guards and since the cities are being used now we have to name the cities and we have to build road and dig tunnels to them so they are all connected so people can evacuate at a moments notice and now we have a total of 4 cities and 1 fortress the fortress will serve as a last line of defense if we are attacked.

"Sir we have 2 messages for you" A guard said as he handed me a letter and a scroll the letter contained tickets to the grand galloping gala and the scroll was from the zebra chief saying he is sending a few of his tribe to bring his daughter back and he thanks me for my help.

"The gala is soon can you send for a seamstress so I can have a suite ready" I said as he bowed and walked out of the room and captain can you deliver this scroll o the zebra that came to talk to me" I asked and he obliged as he took the scroll and walked away.

"Now I have to get ready to meet the world leaders and get everything prepared" I said to myself as I had to plan everything for when I meet them.

chapter 16

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I received the ticket to the gala a few days ago and I had my suit ready (just the clothes not the person) and it was the day of the gala and Aiko and tempest were getting their dresses made and Aiko has improved immensely she is able to stay alone without panicking for about an hour, tempest was the first to walk out she was wearing a grey dress and after a few minutes Aiko came out as well wearing a purple dress.

“So are you girls ready to go” i asked as they walked next to me outside to find a Pegasus drawn carriage and we stepped inside and we took off towards canterlot.

One hour of flying later

We landed at the entrance of the castle and I helped Aiko and tempest off the carriage and we headed inside and as we entered a pony announced us “now announcing king Talion, lady Tempest, and lady Aiko” he said as many of the noble and ambassadors from other kingdoms looked at us as we walked down the steps and joined the party, we were greeted by Celestia and Luna as we reached the bottom of the steps.

“Greetings Talion it has been awhile since we have seen each other” Celestia said.

“I have been meaning to send letter but i have been very busy lately as you well know” I said with a apologetic tone.

“Yes I have heard how busy you have been since the assaults on the diamond dog cities and you have gotten new residents traveling from all over to come see the city you built” she said with a smile.

“So are the other leaders here at the gala” i asked as she nodded.

“Yes they are here and i have been telling them about you and they are impressed with how you coordinated the attack on the diamond dogs not many could accomplish that so easily as you did even though you had our help but they only assisted in a little of the battle though” she said as she showed me the way through the crowd and I spotted twilight and applejack while we were walking but continued to follow celestia and we walked up to a couple of tables and I saw several different species were here I could see a dragon a griffin (just imagine her in a dress) and a minatour sitting at the tables and we sat down and Aiko and Tempest followed me.

“So you are the wraith I have heard so much about” the dragon said “I am dragon lord Torch I came to meet you” he said as he held out a claw and I grabbed it and gave him a hand shake.

“I am Phaenna queen of the griffin I have received word about your achievements for a awhile now” Phaenna said as she nodded her head respectfully and I nodded back.
“I am the king of the miantoures my name is Daron Stonepelt” Daron said as he popped his neck.

“I wanted to meet you all” i said.

“Yes we know and we are already discussing treaties with each other you are welcome to join us” Phaenna said.

“Of course but let me just grab a drink first” I said as I stood up and walked towards the food stands.

“Hey sugar cube” i heard from one of the stands and saw applejack selling apple cider “want a drink?” she asked handing me a bottle.

“Thanks applejack” I said as I took the cider from her hand.

“Anything for my stallion” she said which made me blush and I heard some arguing.

“No I will not join your herd” I knew that voice it was luna and I walked at a fast pace towards her voice and saw a Caribou talking to her “I already have a stallion” she said with a angry tone the Caribou had brown fur and blue eyes.

“I am sure I am better than any stallion could ever be” he said “We could take this chance and make a alliance with both our kingdoms” he added.

“Never I know how you work and I have seen reports on how you treat your females as slaves I will never join you herd Dainn” she yelled as she walked away and Dainn grabbed her arm and I decided to intervene.

“Let her go” I said as I grabbed his arm and forced him to let her go.

“Who are you to order me peasant?” he said.

“I am king Talion and she is apart of my herd” I said as he glared at me.

“There is no way she would sleep with a disgusting creature like you” he said with a sick smile and luna came to my side and hugged me and made Dainn grit his teeth with anger.

“He is my stallion and he is a thousand times better than you will ever be” she said and it made me smile as i released Dainn’s arm and celestia and the other ruler walked over.

“What’s going on here?” celestia asked.

“King Dainn was trying to force me to join his herb but Talion stopped him” Luna said as she looked to Dainn.

“King Dainn I don’t believe I invited you” she said with annoyance in her voice.

“The non aggression pact we made with the kingdoms says whenever there is a meeting of multiple royal families I can attend no questions asked” he said with a smirk.

“I know but you should have sent a letter ahead that you were coming uninvited like it says in the pact we made” she said right back with a smirk as his fell “so I must ask you to leave” she said as a few guards appeared and escorted him out and I faced celestia.

“Who is he exactly?” I asked her.

“He is King Dainn we know how he treats his people but we can’t do anything about it his army is massive and we would all have to join together to fend off his attack if he invaded “ she said as the rest of the rulers nodded in agreement.

“I want to help the people” I said and celestia agreed.

“I know but we can’t do anything” she said then I realized something.

“You can't but I can I don't have any kind of treaty or agreement with them and my army is ever growing and still growing stronger with the new metals we are making I just need more time to prepare” I said and there eyes widened and they began thinking.

“That is true you are not bound like us but you can we can’t do anything to help you however” the Griffin queen said.

“Yes and Dainn will try to get you to help in his war against me and you won’t help” I said.

“But he might invade us” the minotaur king said.

“And that will destroy the pact you made with him allowing you to help me and invade him, his hands will be tied as much as yours will be” I said as the information sunk in and he smiled and he nodded his head.

“Well you are a smart one not only will he be limited in his options but if he makes a wrong move we might be able to join you in your fight I support your plan Talion” the dragon lord said with a grin.

After that we decided to go back to the tables and negotiate trade and treaties. “So let’s get started we already have trade and a treaty with equestria so what do you three want?” i asked as they began to think.

“We dragons don’t need anything so I am willing to just have a peace agreement for now” dragon lord torch said.

“Same with us minotaurs we were never really ones to want much” the minotaur King said

“Us griffins could use help we have been suffering bandits and raiders from the sea for many years and we lack the power at the moment to deal with them so if you could provide soldiers that would be most appreciated” the griffin queen asked.

“Of course we can provide them but that might be some time we only just made enough soldiers to place around the cities that i now control so it might be a week or two before we can send you enough guards to drive them off” i said and that left some of them confused.

“What do you mean make them?” they all asked and i decided to use a new spell i leaned and summon the captain of my personal guard which shocked them.

“This is the captain of my personal guard he sees to threats that threaten me and the cites while the captain of the normale guard prevent crimes protect civilian and pushes back invaders” I explained.

“Yes but what are they” Torch asked.

“They are enchanted armor very useful in a fight” i said as their eyes widened.

“But i thought making enchanted armor was a lost art” the griffin queen said calmly.

“Yes to your people but it is very easy for me to make them” I said.

“So this is how you will fight Dainn” Daron said rubbing his chin.

“Yes and I plan on using necromancy as well to raise dead troops and add to my arms number in the fight” i said and that scared them.

“You use necromancy” Daron asked with a shaky voice.

“Yes it is one of my powers” I explained.

“So you really plan to fight Dainn” Phaenna asked and I nodded and she smiled “we will assist you to the best of our ability in your effort to liberate to people of Dainn’s kingdom” she said.

Now that discussions were over we could enjoy the part I had a dance or two with each of my herd mates and Aiko.

The party lasted a few hours before it ended and we had to go home the captain was a little confused when I summoned him and I explained that i learned a new spell and I told him of the events in the party and my plans for Dainn and he agrees that he had to go so we had to increase production so we planned to expand the fortress while we traveled home.

“So how long would it take to create an invasion force” I asked and he was quiet for a moment before answering.

“Well if the plans go forward without trouble it should take about a month and a half and I think you should take a vacation in the meantime maybe you should go to ponyville” he said but i could tell he was planning something.

“What are you planning?” i asked.

“Just want you to spend some time with your herd” he said but I could hear he held back a chuckle so I decided to go along with it and it could be fun.

“Ok I’ll play along for now” I said with a smile and he laughed.

“Oh trust me I think you will enjoy your time off” he said as tempest and Aiko were smiling.

Torch POV

I was flying back and i used my power to grow back to my original size when i meet up with my daughter ember.

“Hello father did you meet him?”she asked.

“Yes” I replied.

“So do you think he is the one was from the prophecy?” she asked.

“His action match it and he has enormous power even if most of it is locked away i noticed when Dainn got him angry some of it unlocked not much but some I believe he is the one from it” I said as my daughter and I entered the dragon kingdom

3rd person view Deep underneath Tartarus

Deep under tartarus were no living thing can enter there is a door and through this door a alicorn mare was being held by giant chains and wards suppressing her power and is now finally awaking from her slumber and let out a terrifying scream as the chains and the wards around her started to crack.


chapter 17

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I was headIng to ponyvIlle wIth AIko and Tempest and I had a few guards with me as well and I sent one of them ahead to notify the mayor of my arrIval. We were almost there when I heard Aiko and Tempest giggling and I looked back at them and they were acting like nothing happened and we contInued walking through the forest to ponyvIlle and we walked by the cabin my golems built and I told my guards to stay there till we returned.

We entered town and walked to town hall where we spotted my guard standing next to the mayor and they spotted me tempest and Aiko as we walked towards them

“Hello Talion” the mayor said.

“Hi I am going to spend a little time in ponyville while some stuff is going on in minas morgul” I said as she gave me a smile and we left town hall and returned home to find twilight fluttershy rainbow dash and applejack were there waiting for me and when they saw me they got up and hugged me.

“You came back” they said as they let go and we walked inside and we sat down “we are so glad you came to visit” they said.

“I’m glad to be back” I said as I could hear the guards outside taking positions around the house.

“We heard what you plan to do after you go back to minas morgul” applejack said as she looked down.

“Yes I plan to go to war” I said sadly.

“So how long will you stay” fluttershy said.

“If everything goes to plan with the making of the invasion force it would be about a month and a half” I said and that cheered them up a bit when they knew i was going to stay awhile.

“Well at least we get to stay with you awhile before you go” twilight said and I heard a soft thud outside I could feel my guards were still alive and they were fine but they caught someone I and messaged them to hide whoever they caught till I came to see who it was.

“Did anypony else hear that” rainbow said as she got up.

“It’s just my guards changing shifts” I said and that calmed her down.

“Hey we should have a sleepover” Twilight suggested and we all agreed as the girls left to get clothes and necessities they need.

“So a sleepover” tempest said as she sat next to me “we will need beds and blankets” she said

“I will send some guards to purchase some while we ready a space for them to sleep” i said as we got up and started to move furniture to make room and I also added a few games to the list of what the guard will buy while we are getting things ready inside.

One hour later

Everything was ready and the others arrived with a few extras they brought their little sisters and they introduced themselves.

“I’m Applebloom” Applebloom said.

“I’m Scootaloo” Scootaloo said “even though i am not rainbow dash's sister she wanted me to join the sleepover” she said as she walked in with rainbow dash.

“So what is first on the agenda” they asked as the guards I send out came back with blankets and games and they put them on a nearby table and the girls grabbed a blanket and looked over the games and they wanted to play truth or dare but the girls wanted to play checkers so they went to another room and played while i grabbed a bottle and we sat in a circle and i spun the bottle and it landed on twilight.

“Ok twilight truth or dare” i asked and she thought about it.

“Truth” she said and i thought of a question to ask her.

“How did you become celestia’s student” I asked I was honestly curious.

She smiled and said “at the exam to enter her school i may have accidentally turned my parents into plants and turned spike giant when he was still a baby” she said with a nervous laugh and I chuckled quietly as she spun the bottle and it landed on fluttershy and she jump slightly frightened “Ok truth or dare” she asked and Fluttershy thought about it.

“Truth” she said quietly.

“What do you like about Talion” she asked and Fluttershy calmed down a bit but blushed a little.

“Well he is kind and um he’s handsome” she said as she stopped and her blush deepened and we decided to move on as she spun the bottle and it landed on Rainbow Dash.

“Dare” Rainbow said.
“I dare you to” Fluttershy said looking around “ fly around the cabin three times” she said and rainbow dash was off and the came back 10 seconds later and spun the bottle and it landed on applejack.

“Ok applejack truth or dare. She asked.

“Dare” applejack replied.

I could see Rainbow had an idea and she whispered something in her ear and she blush as she stood up an walked over to me “Can you come with me for a minute” applejack asked and I stood up and followed her to my bedroom.

Clop ahead

“Can you sit on the bed” she asked and I complied and after I sat down she kissed me and shoved her tongue in my mouth and she explored my mouth with her tongue and she undid my belt and pulled down my pants as she stopped the kiss and she got on her knees as she licked my erect dick and put the tip in her mouth as she used her tongue on it and she began to bob her head up and down at a moderate pace and she began to masterbate as she savored the flavor and quickened her pace slightly not much but noticeable and I used my hand to make her go faster as I was nearing my climax and after a few minutes of bliss I blew my load in her mouth as she stopped moving when she reached the base of my dick as she swallowed my load as I could tell she came as well and after she drank it as she got up and pulled her pants back up as I did mine and she smiled and turned slightly and gave me a me view of her perfect ass as she wiggled it a bit in front of me and pulled her pants up and she walked out of the room with a sway in her hips and I followed her out.

We went back to the living room and joined the rest as they were smiling and we sat down and applejack spun the bottle and it landed on Aiko and she smiled as she asked her “Truth or dare” and I saw Aiko writ something on a piece of paper and hand i to applejack as she whispered something to twilight as she blushed and nodded and she walked over to Aiko and whispered something and I saw her smile as she looked at me and I looked over to twilight and she looked over to the room applebloom and scootaloo were in and closed the door and cast a spell on the door as she walked back over.

“The girls are asleep and I cast a soundproof barrier and magically locked the door” Twilight said as Aiko got up and walked over to me and pulled off my pants in a flash and kissed me as she removed the rest of my clothes and we only stopped kissing to remove my shirt and she removed hers and we continued as I groped her breast as she wrapped her arms around me as our kiss deepened and the girls watched us make out and when we finished Aiko was breathing heavily and she sat on my lap as she lined herself up with my dick as she slammed herself down and started bouncing up and down on my cock as the others watched and they started to masterbatue as they did and started to strip in front of me arousing me more and more as Aiko bounced on my cock and Applejack and Rainbow Dash started to Sixty-nine as they licked each others pussys as they moaned and Fluttershy and Twilight were making out while groping each others breast and Tempest joined us as she started to kiss me and Aiko used her hand to finger her pussy as we kissed and Tempest moaned and I decided to change positions as I pushed Aiko on her back as I thrusted into her and Tempest sat above Aiko as she got the message and started to lick Tempests Pussy as we kissed again as I quickened my pace and started to get a little rough as I pounded her pussy harder as I quickened my pace even more and I got a idea and used a little spell for when I climaxed and Tempest got off of Aiko and she was moaning like a bitch in heat as her tongue was hanging out as she looked like she was in pure bliss and I lifted her hips a bit to thrust deeper into her as she immediately reacted as she moaned even louder as everyone was watching her and they walked over to join as Applejack and Rainbow dash sucked on her breast and Twilight and Fluttershy began to make out with Aiko taking turns as they kissed her passionately and I could tell Aiko’s mind went blank awhile again as she could not think of anything else but this at the moment of being fucked senseless by me and the others as I was nearing my climax and Aiko cummed like ten times already as she was shaking from her sensitivity from increasing each time she came and I started to get relentless as I started to pound as hard and as fast as I could as Aiko eyes rolled back into her head as her pleasure increased a hundredfold as she came again and again and kept on cumming as I drew closer to my climax as the other stopped to watch me pound her and I kept going and held my climax back and lasted about another ten minutes and I finally climax and my spell took effect as it affected how much I cummed and when I finally stopped cumming she looked three months pregnant and I used a spell so none of it would leak out as she was still out of her senses as she rubbed her belly as withdrew myself from her and she whined that I did as she gave me a pouting face and puppy dog eyes and I thrusted back in her again and renew the processes as I cummed again and she looked 6 months pregnant and this time I did not pull out as I laid back and she laid on top of me with her breast on my chest and she passed out from the afterglow of her experience and the girls looked at me amazed.

“How did you do that” they asked.

I used a spell to control how much I cummed and I am able to turn my magical energy to physical energy to increase my stamina and recovery speed and regeneration so I can cum massive loads every time ” I answered and that satisfied them as we went to bed and Twilight undid the spell on the girls room.

Next morning

When I woke up Aiko was already awaking and looking at me with loving eyes as she kissed with much more passion then she has before and it looks like her belly has gone down not all the way though she still had a little mound on her and my dick was still hard inside her as she squeezed around it tightly and sat on my hips as she bounced up and down and I left everything to her as I closed my eyes and relaxed as she did her thing and I did not hold it in as I climax and few minutes later the mound on her belly expanded a little and she collapsed from exhaustion and she went back to sleep and everyone else was still asleep too as i got up and got dressed and walked outside where my guards were waiting.

Clop end

They lead me to a shed that was behind my cabin and they opened it to find a caribou falling onto the ground tied up and they handed me a bag that appeared to be his and I rummaged through it listing the contents aloud “poison dagger throwing knife Throwing needle coated in poison throwing stars a letter of employment smoke bombs bomb that seem to be filled with poison” I pulled out the letter and put it in my pocket and i pulled out strange stones that appeared to have a simple rune engraved in it and I cast a soundproof barrier and I threw one of the stones at a tree and it set the tree into a roaring inferno and I cast magic to put it out and out the rest of the stones in the bag as I continued listing “gold a book” I put the book in my pocket as well and I looked at his gloves and i took them off to find a blade as long as his forearm and it was triggered and it extended and stayed on his arms as I took it off and thought i could use it later and i pulled a few knives from his pants legs and now it was time for interrogation and I read the letter of employment.

This is the command from the great king Dainn you are to travel to equestria and get rid of a barbarian that dares to threaten the king and interrupted him from getting that moon slut from joining his herd and him becoming ruler of equestria and putting males in their proper place and pave the way for male to take their rightful place around the world.
From general Benjamin

After I reading the letter I decided to send it to celestia later and i decided to end this quickly “send him to minas morgul” I said as I pulled a piece of paper out and wrote something on it “and give this to the captain of my personal guard” I said as two of the guards I brought dragged the assassin away and I went back inside.

One hour later captain of personal guard pov

I was going over reports of the expansion of the fortress and a few of the guards from my guard came in dragging a caribou in and one of them handed me a note

This is a assassin that tried to kill me and the girls I want you to find out everything he know do whatever it takes just don’t kill him.

And as I finished reading the note I looked at the prisoner to see him glaring a me but i was unfazed “Take him to the dungeon i will deal with him later” I said as they dragged him away but when he tried to resist I kicked him in the gut and made him puck a little as he was dragged away.

Talion POV

It has been a hour since I sent the assassin to minas morgul and everyone woke up and we were having breakfast and Aiko was more clingy than usual ever since last night she hardly left my side and she looked so comfortable when she put her head on my shoulder and she wagged her tail as I pet her head and after breakfast the girls left and I had some work to do since I made a small portal to minas morgul so I could do the reports and everyday stuff that is needed in minas morgul and the other cities that I still need to name (If anyone can think of a few names and send them to me that would be appreciated) and a letter came through the portal I made and explained that adrian was coming to stay over since she is in technically in my harem since she has pledged herself to me and she would be here in a hour and then I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, it was Adrian standing in front of the door and I invited her in and Aiko clun to me and growled at Adrian and she paid her no mind as she looked around and then turned back to me as her tail swayed from side to side as she sat down on a chair.

“This is a nice place you have” she said as we sat down Aiko still clinging as she was baring her teeth at adrian as she ignored her.

Why did you decide to come over” asked.

“Well it is that time of the year again” she said which left me confused.

“What do you mean it is that time of the year” I asked as she gave me a smile.

“You mean you don’t know” I nodded my head no “ well I guess you will find out soon enough” she said with a seductive smile as Aiko stopped baring her teeth but she was still glaring at her as she put her head on my shoulder

One Hour later Personal Guard captain POV

In the dungeon the assassin screams of agony echoed off the walls as i took off his finger nails “ready to talk” I asked but received no answer as I looked over the list of torture methods and mark ripping nails off and decided to move to the next breaking hands with hammer and I grabbed a large hammer a brought in with me and slung it over my shoulder as I slammed it down on his hand as I heard breaking and he screamed in agony and when I lift the hammer up his hand was almost as flat as I pancake as I moved up slamming it down again and again up to his elbows on both arms and he still would not break and i moved to the next method on the list and i came up with something as I healed his arms and a few guards took him out of the chair and chained him up as he legs were spread and his arms were hung above his head and I ready my hammer and he saw where i was aiming as his eyes widened in terror but it was too late to say anything as I swung the hammer and it made contact with his balls as I repeated the process again and again “ready to talk”.

“Never and you made me numb from my waist down so good luck trying to do that again” he said as his balls were probably dust now but I used a healing spell that restored him fully and his eyes widened as he could feel again and he looked at me in terror as I swung my hammer again and repeated the process for a few hours.

Next morning Talion POV

It was a day after Adrian came to stay over and I just received a letter from the captain of my personal guard.

I have broken him and I have received useful information as such as fort and stronghold locations where they sell their slaves and high ranking officers and we have run into a little problem the forges were damaged and the ETA of the invasion will be extended by half a month and we have a sizable force right now and we are making more golems to make up for the loss of the forges.

That was was the note said and with the extended time I had a thought and sent a letter back to him so he can order the making of some and send them to me and I know the girls will love them once they are ready and Applejack walked in without her sister.

“Hey where is applebloom” I asked.

“She has a field trip with her friends and class in canterlot today” applejack said.

“I hope they have fun but which part of canterlot” I asked.

“The canterlot gardens next to the castle” she said and as she said that i felt a powerful wave of magical energy emerge from canterlot and twilight teleported to us carrying a letter with celestia’s royal seal.

“Hey celestia has called us to canterlot” she said as we rushed to the library where the others were waiting and I used my magic to summon my armor as we teleported to canterlot and we made it to the throne room where celestia was waiting for us and she told us our situation.

“Discord has escaped from his stone prison we need to use the elements to seal him back” celestia said.

“Who is discord” twilight asked as laughter filled the room.


chapter 18

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The throne room was filled with laughter as the stained glass that showed a being that looked like like a child’s failed art and craft project began to move “did you miss me celestia I missed you” Disord said as he moved along the stained glass “do you know how boring it is being turned to stone for over a thousand years of course you wouldn't because I don’t turn ponies into stone” he said as he left the glass and floated around the room allowing me to get a good look at him and celestia opened up a box in a hidden room where I guess the element where only to find out they were gone.

“Where are they” Celestia demanded as discord laughed.

“I just borrowed them for a bit” he said as he looked around the room and rainbow dash had enough of this as she flew straight for discord and he disappeared in a second and rainbow dash missed as she fell to the ground as she hit the roof and I caught her before she could hit the floor and she got back on her feet and discord reappeared.

“You must be the new element of loyalty” he said as he floated in front of her then floated away as he appeared in front of rarity “And you must be rarity the elements of generosity” he said as I sent a telepathic message to my captain's to prepare one of my side project I have been working on and I revised that they were getting ready as they were told as discord continued on and he knew all the elements until he saw me and he gave me a curious look.

“And who are you” discord asked as he circled me.

“I am Talion” I said.

“And what exactly are you” he asked as he rubbed his chin in curiosity.

“I used to be a human now I am a ringwraith” I answered as his eyes widened in surprise.

“Never met a human before but I have met a few ringwraiths in my time” he said as Celestia interrupted.

“Where did you hide the elements” Celestia demanded again.

“Ok I will tell but i will do it my way” he said as he vanished and his voiced echoed off the walls of the throne room “to retrieve your missing elements just make sense of the change of events twists and turns are my master plan then find the elements back where you began” the echoing voice said as it vanished. And we began thinking and twilight thought of something as she looked outside.

“He hid them in the maze let’s go” and before I could say anything they left but I still think there is more to the riddle because the maze did not make sense “where you began” I muttered as I got a idea as I flew towards ponyville and when i was halfway there Discord appeared in front of me and I stopped flying and he pointed to the ground and I saw point in trying to get past him so we landed on the ground and discord had a smug look on his face “So how did you figure it out so quickly” he said with the smug look still on his face.

“Back where you began” I simply said as discord raised an eyebrow “the library is where their adventure began how they became friends and how they became the elements so that part of your riddle did not make sense with the maze” I said and discord began to laugh and he held his hands behind his back and i knew what he was doing as I readied myself.

“Your smart why don’t you work with me I could use someone like you” he said as I felt a faint magic source in his hands that were still behind him.

“Sorry but no” I said as he quickly brought his hands from behind him and magic beam shot towards me and i jumps out of the way as I summoned my bow and fired off three shots that were blocked by a magic shield that discord summoned and I focused a ball of magic in my hand and launched it at discord and it destroyed his shield and discord flew up and his snapped his finger as a giant ball of ice the size of ponyville appeared above me as I decided to fly above it as I stuck to the side of the ice sphere as I flew above it and found discord waiting for me as we collided in the air and as we made contact with each other our magic collided as well making our surroundings explode, evaporate, or crumble to dust as we separated we flew at each other again and again as we flew higher and higher in the sky and we circled each other as we gathered our magic and fired a beam at each other as the beams met in the middle as even the air started to be affected by our magic as it caused random phenomenons and started to spread to the ground as some of the trees burst into flame and some were frozen solid and some of the ground turned to sand and plants started to die instantly as our beams only grew in strength and the phenomenons only grew more random and started to spread farther and farther as a mass of magic started to form between our beams and it exploded as the shockwaves blew us both away as the magic destroyed the area around us as we crashed into the ground and we got back up.

“You should have joined me when I asked” discord said as he popped his neck and I stretched my arm and it popped as well “Well I suppose we should end this fight” he said.

“I agree” i said as I drew my blade as discord smiled and snapped his fingers a blade in his hands it appeared to be a long sword and the blade on the sword was black and the was a orange gem was on the hilt of the sword and we charged.

When our sword clashed I focused magic into my sword and it glowed green and each time our swords et m it caused shock waves that caused devastation to our surrounding as slashes of air started to cut down trees and split boulders as we fought harder and faster as it continued.

Our fight continued to grow more intense and discord teleported above me and swung his long sword and I held my sword up and blocked his blade as we stayed in the air we struggled against each other as we pushed our blades with more strength and I pushed him and he flew through the air and landed on the ground and he threw a ball of condensed chaos magic at me and I held my arms out as I supplied my shield with more magic as it made contact and magic started to burst from the struggle between my shield and the ball of chaotic energy and the ball dissipated and discord stood where he was when he launched his attack and he had a smug look on his face as a blade burst through my chest and it was made of the same medal as the armor and the axe I secured during my recent battles and I looked behind me to see another discord as I blacked out.

Twilight POV when she left with the other to the maze

We were heading to the maze to find the elements and when we got there we noticed Talion was not here “where’s Talion” i said as the others looked around.

“We don’t know” they said as discord appeared “So you made it now for your second challenge” he said but he was cut off as he looked to the distance and teleported away and we continued through the maze and we found nothing even the guards joined us and we couldn't find anything and celestia found a spell that would allow her to track the elements and she found them in ponyville and I knew where so us Celestia and luna teleported to the library in ponyville and started to search and we found them in a book the same book that we read when we went to find the elements of harmony and Aiko and tempest walked in the library.

“What’s going on”Tempest asked and i could see Aiko shaking.

“What's wrong with Aiko” i asked.

“I don’t know she has been like this for the last few minutes and she won’t write what is wrong” she said as she sat Aiko down and put a nearby blanket on Aiko shoulder to try to calm her down and we heard a Sound outside and we put our elements on and got ready for a fight and we left the library and found discord waiting outside as began to use our elements and when the magic of the elements reached discord it dissipated and discord stood there with a smirk on his face and laughed.

“Did you really think I would not take countermeasures against them after last time they were used on me” discord said with a smug look as he snapped his finger and the elements disappeared and luna and celestia got into a fighting stance and fired spells at him celestia casted fireballs while luna provided support with ice magic to slow down discord and distract him but all of their spells bounced off his shield as he yawn and looked bored as he waved his hand in front of him and all of their spells were thrown right back at them as they use the shield to block but it left them exhausted and discord fired his own spells and we were instantly beaten and when the smoke cleared I saw fluttershy was missing an arm and applejack a leg rainbow dash was missing her wings and rarity her horn and when i looked at myself I could barely feel anything but I guess it was from blood loss and I looked at myself and my hand was completely crushed and my legs were broken and my head felt lighter so i guess my horn was gone and when I looked to celestia and luna I saw them running towards us and started to cast spells and stopped our bleeding but we still lost a lot of blood and could not move and luna cast a shield around us as discord spells continued and weakening luna and celestia joined in.

‘Talion please help us’ I thought as i heard a crash nearby and I saw talion standing in a crater he created and discord looked shock and me ad the girls blacked out from blood loss.

Talion POV

I woke up after being killed and i felt discord’s magic in ponyville and rushed their and after a few minutes of flying to get their and i saw discord near the library and i landed and he looked shocked i was still alive.

“How are still alive” he said with anger.

“Let’s just say I don’t stay dead for long” I said as I heard something to my left and I saw celestia and the girls but when I saw their injures and I don’t know what happened next I just snapped.

To be continued

chapter 19 the beast within awakens

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Celestia POV

It was after Talion saw us I knew something was wrong. I could sense his magic going wild and changing into something I didn’t recognize at first while Luna reinforced the shield around us. I felt the wild magic that was forming in Talion starting to leak out of his body, giving off a black aura around him.

Noticing this Discord got into a fighting stance and summoned a sword as he teleported in front of talion and thrusted his sword forward as Talion put his hand in the way. As the sword made contact with his hand it shattered as Talion forced his hand forward until he reached the hilt of the sword, where he started to crush Discord’s hand.

After but a moment Discord teleported away and healed his hand. Upon Discord looking at Talion, he in shock dropped the hilt of his broken sword. “That’s impossible there's no way that is made of the purist darkstone it should have killed you what are you?”

(A/N - Darkstone is the name the metal that can hurt ringwraiths.)

Discord spoke as Talion disappeared and reappeared in front of him, hitting him with a barrage of punches before kicking him through a building.


I was amazed as I looked at him and I heard Luna gasp as she said “It can’t be.” I looked back at him and took a closer look and I finally understood what his magic was turning into.

Discord POV

‘How is he doing this?’ I thought as I brushed off some rubble and walked out of the collapsing building. I then used my chaotic magic to create copies of myself and had them all lunged at Talion.

The aura around Talion turned into a sphere around him and burst turning all of my copies to ash and when I looked into Talions eyes they were pure black as he lunged at me like a crazy animal but he was too fast to dodge so I cast a shield that he cut through it like paper and he struck me and I flew several feet away upon landing I saw I was bleeding

‘That's impossible not even the other ringwraiths I have fought have made me bleed, no matter how hard they tried they only thing that can hurt me is.’ my eyes widened as I looked to Talion and their was no mistaking it he is using divine magic.

And as I got ready for another fight he was doing something and I saw the shards of my sword starting to move and the hilt flew to his left hand and the shards started to form the blade but they broke apart and started to form a new sword in his right hand while his morgul blade appeared in the left hand and I summoned a pair duel swords.

It was after a long few minutes did they finally decide to rush each other as they ran forward and before they reached the middle, Talion focused magic into his swords and swung them sending waves of energy at Discord. The right sword sent waves of ice and frost while the morgul blade sent his regular black and green energy, Discord managed to dodge the attack he was damaged when the waves of frost hit his leg freezing it.

“Damn it” Discord yelled as he lost concentration and his eyes widened when he looked back to see Talion swinging his swords right in front of him almost taking off Discord’s head. If he had not escaped through teleportation to a nearby roof as he freed his leg from the ice as Talion landed on the other roof looking at Discord. Talion jumped to Discord’s roof as he got into a fighting stance and slowly backed away as Talion ran forward, their swords clashing once more and Discord knew he could not beat him so he tried to fly away but it was too late as he was dragged to the ground.

Tempest POV

I woke up from the blood loss and saw Celestia and Luna looking at me with worry as they helped me up into a sitting position “Did we win?” I asked.

“Not yet but I think Talion is going to do that for us right now we need a way to calm him down when he does win.” she said as I heard heavy footsteps and I saw Talions guards coming our way and they were carrying strange staffs as the captain of Talion’s personal guard approached.

“What’s going on here?” he asked as he knelt down and he gasped softly as I followed his gaze and I saw I no longer had a left leg and right arm. I began panicking but he cast a spell to calm me down and I turned to Celestia and Luna. “What happened to me?” I asked them.

“It was Discord he used powerful spells that forced us to block, but we did not have enough time to protect you and the others.” They said as they cast another spell on me “This will keep any pain at bay for the moment right now we have to worry about Talion.” she said as my eyes widened and I looked around the corner to see Talion was going berserk on Discord and his eyes were black.

“Yes that is a problem if we used the staff we would only be able to hold him a place for a minute or two.” he said.

“That is all we need me and Aiko can calm him down she should still be inside and unharmed.” I said as a few of then went to get Aiko.

“Ok we have a plan now we have to wait for the right moment to intervene.” he said as the others began to wake up and we told them the plan.

3rd person POV

After Discord was dragged to the ground, Talion held up his icy sword as he yelled and plunged it down but before he could finish Discord off, a spell knocked him off. Before Discord could recover the bearers used the elements on Discord and in his weakened state he could not defend himself as he was turned to stone.

Talion’s personal guard started to surround him and when they encircled him them slammed the staff on they ground as they shined with magic as they formed a cage that contained Talion and he struggled to get free as Aiko and tempest put their hands on the cage.

“Talion, it’s us we’re ok.” Tempest said as Talion turned around to them “It’s ok you don’t need to fight anymore.” she said and Talion’s was starting to relax “Just calm down.” Tempest said as Talion’s eyes returned to normal as he passed out.

2 hours later Tempest POV

Talion was in the hospital and everypony knew Talion fought and beat him and they were cheering his name we were in his room, where Celestia told us to meet after we were checked out. Most of us were in wheelchairs and needed to be pushed in because of our missing limbs and Celestia walked in “Good evening my little ponies.” she said.

“Good enough.” Applejack said with a sad tone as she looked her missing leg.

“The reason I called you here is because of Talion.” she said as we looked at him he was in a coma after he came back to his senses. “If he does not remember anything i don’t want you to tell him,” and before any of us could object she continued. “I know you don’t want to lie to him but it is for the best, when he saw you girls injured he tapped into a power that was locked away inside him it is very dangerous. Thankfully it has been sealed away again but just from feeling that power his own power has grown greatly, when he wakes up he will be stronger both physically and magically and need time to get used to his new strength. So I will talk to him first and come up with an excuse and think of a way he beat him without his surge of power.” It’s true his power was unstable that’s a fact who know what could have happened after he killed Discord.

We all nodded in agreement and decided to keep it a secret for now and we were wheeled back to our rooms.

1 Hour Later Talion POV

I woke up with a major headache, “Oh my head it feels like a Warhammer dropped on it” I said to myself as I rubbed my head as someone opened the door and walked in, it was a white mare wearing a nurse outfit along with a hat marked with a red plus on it and she looked up at from her clipboard only to gasp seeing that I was awake.

“Your awake my name is nurse Redheart, I have been looking at your condition while you were in your coma” she said and I smiled.

“Thank you for doing that so I'm in a hospital?” she nodded “When can I be released?” I asked.

“Right now if you want if you follow me to the front desk.” she said as I grabbed the railing of the bed to help myself up but as I pulled on it and it broke in my grasp and I gave out a nervous chuckle.

“Just add that to my bill.” I said as she gave a chuckle of her own, nodded and wrote something down while I got up and we walked to the desk finding Celestia was waiting there for me.

“Hello Talion.” she sad as I greeted her.

“Hey Celestia,” I said “so what happened I don’t remember what happened?” I asked.

“Well after you saw their wounds you charged forward, you and Discord were evenly matched and somehow you broke your limits and unlocked some of your power, but somehow it caused a magic discharge which weakened both of you and allowed us to imprison Discord and also from our test when you were asleep we found you are stronger both physical and magically we don’t know if it is permanent or not but we should put a exercise plan in place so you can learn to control it.” she said and I agreed, then I remembered something.

“Where are the girls?” I asked and Celestia frowned and showed me to a room where they were and I saw many of them were missing limbs I saw Pinkie and Aiko were ok but when I looked to the others I was horrified. Rainbow Dash was missing her wings, Applejack was missing a leg, Fluttershy an arm and Rarity was missing a horn, Twilight looked like a wreck her arms and legs were in casts and her horn was gone. Tempest was being wheeled in and she was missing a leg. The horns I could fix with artificial ones like tempest but the other I don’t know where to start and I sat down on a nearby chair as I looked at the girls “How could this have happened?” I asked putting my head on my hands.

“It wasn't your fault.” Twilight said as she moved causing her to grunt in pain as she moved and a nurse came to help her.

“You should stay still or you could make it worse for yourself.” the nurse said as she got her comfortable.

“Sorry” she said still in a little pain as she nurse gave her some painkillers to help her relax.

“But I should have been there when it happened if discord had not stopped me when I was heading to ponyville I would have gotten the elements and headed back this wouldn't have happened” I said as Rainbow intervened.

“What do you mean if he hadn’t stopped you” she said.

“After you girls left the throne room i was still thinking of the riddle he said and i found out it was in ponyville but he met me halfway there and we fought we were evenly matched until he copied himself and he snuck up behind me and stabbed me in the back” I said and everyone looked at me in shock.

“You fought on even grounds with discord before you fought him in ponyville” Celestia said and I nodded.

“We were pretty evenly matched when we fought I can show you where” i said as she nodded as I teleported me and her to the battle ground and she looked around at the destruction we caused during our fight as many of the trees looked like the came from a frozen tundra and they ground was covered in sand and much of the ground around us looked like it was set ablaze as Celestia continued to look around i could tell she was thinking.

Celestia POV

‘If he could cause this is his normal state what would happened if he went berserk again?’ I thought as I looked around the frozen trees and burned ground.

“Something wrong?” Talion asked, “You look worried.”

“I’m fine.” I lied but it was for the greater good.

“Ok we should go back.” he said as we teleported back.

Talion POV

After we teleported back I decided to find a way to help them so I ordered some artificial horns be brought here and some of my research that I have been doing and my little gifts I ordered be made and opened one of them and I smiled “tomorrow is when I ask them.” I said putting it away and went to bed.

Chapter 20 the big question and a new threat

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The next day I woke up and I sent a message to Luna for her to come visit. The gifts I had for them arriving last night along with my research and I wanted everything to be perfect. After I was done getting ready a letter and a book arrived it was from my captains

“Sir we believe we have found a spell that can restore their limbs, but it say nothing about horns so they will have to use the artificial ones.”

After I read the note I looked at the bookmarked page and smiled, I left carrying the presents and the book.

I had sent a letter to the girls to come to Twilight's library. It took me a few minutes to get there and when I arrived they were waiting for me.

“Hey girls I think I have a way to restore your limbs,” That made them happy and I read through the book to memorize the spell “but Twilight and Rarity it said nothing about horn so you will have to deal with artificial ones instead.” They looked down but nodded slowly and I began to chant the spell and their missing limbs began to glow and they were slowly began to heal and reform their limbs.

After they were healed I grabbed a pair of mythril horns and placed them on the broken horns of Rarity and Twilight as the bottoms of the horn glowed with heat as before and cooled down, after it was all down they all jumped up to hug me.

“Hey what’s going on?” A tired Spike asked as he was walking down the stairs in his pajamas, his eyes barely open as he walked down.

“Hey spike, I got my horn back.” Twilight said as she hugged Spike and he hugged back with tears in his eyes.

Luna had just arrived after the touching moment between Twilight and Spike. “You sent me a letter?” she asked as I remember why I was here and I took out my gifts. They all levitated in front of Luna, Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Aiko, and Tempest before they all opened to show rings.

“Will you marry me?” I asked and they all jumped me and hugged me. They all put on the rings all the rings had different color diamonds Luna’s was a deep blue; Rairity’s was a white, Applejack’s was orange, Rainbow’s took a bit of work but I was finally able to find the right enchantment’s to make it the right works and it was a rainbow diamond; Twilight's was a purple diamond, Fluttershy’s ring had a pink diamond, Aiko also had a white diamond, and Tempest’s diamond is a dark purple.

“So when is the wedding?” Rarity asked.

“Well I was thinking next week in Canterlot.” I said and everyone was getting excited and their was a knock on the door. When I opened it, it was the captain of my personal guard, well I should say royal guard since I’m going to be a king now and he was carrying a package.

“May I come in?” He asked and I opened the door, he sat the package on a nearby table before sitting down. Nobody was around the girls were in the kicken getting something ready right now. “Sir I belive you know how you unlocked a bit of your power, correct?” he spoke and I nodded. “That increase in power allowed you to break discord’s sword.”

I was shocked to hear I broke it as he uncovered the object he brought in to reveal a sword. “After you broke his sword the hilt flew to your hand and a new sword formed from the shards of the old one creating this.” He spoke as I picked up the sword and felt a rush of power inside me. The runes on the sword briefly glowed blue. “Anyone else that tried to touch it was nearly frozen to death.” He continued as I put the sword on my belt and everyone came back and saw the sword and gulped.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Well that sword appeared when you fought discord and we have not seen it since.” They said.

“So what are you going to name it?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I hear a lot of cool sword are named.”

“I will name it Frostmourne.” I declared as the runes on the sword glowed again almost like it liked the name.

“Fitting name.” Luna said as we sat while Applejack brought in sandwiches and the captain of my royal guard left.

After we finished our food, Rarity and Twilight were getting used to their new horns while me, Aiko and Tempest decided to walk through town. We stopped at the park for a break and sat down on a nearby bench.

“Everything seems to be going so fast.” I spoke as Tempest took a deep breath.

“I agree.” she said

Captain of the Royal Guard POV

It was after I reached Minas Morgul that I was able to get back to work. However, one of my subordinates called for me. “Sir we have a problem.” he said as he stopped in front of me. “It seems a disease has broken out in one of the underground cities. We have already quarantined it but we have not found a cure yet and it seems life threatening. We should bring it up with his majesty.” he spoke as he handed me a clipboard with all the names of the infected.

“I want more guards to keep them there until we come up with a solution. I will also send a letter to him.” I said as he ran off. “More and more work keeps piling up.” I spoke as I began writing a letter to Talion.

Talion POV

It was a half a hour later when I got the letter. I told Twilight and sent a letter to Celestia, see if she could send anyone to help. We arrived at Minas Morgul to check on the situation and we were taken to the quarantined area to see the side effect of the disease. If we could figure that out maybe we can find an antidote.“ Is their any change with the infected?” I asked.

“We had a few close calls but everyone is alive.” the guard reported as we walked down the tunnels.

“Sir, Celestia has sent experts here to examine the infected.” A guard said as we entered the city.

“Good bring them here immediately so they can start their evaluation of the patients.” I said and he walked away to retrieve them.

After that we reached the quarantine area. “Twilight you should probably wear one of these.” It was a full body protection suit. She put it on over her clothes and we walked inside.

As we walked in we found a doctor inside. “Are there any patterns in the illness?” I asked.

“None we have noticed.” He responded, handing me a list of medical information for each patient and I did not see a pattern at first glance before handing it back to the doctor.

“Sir the experts have arrived and putting on their safety suits.” A guard said a four ponies followed him in safety suits.

“We are here.” one of them declared as they got acquainted with each other and we got started with the examination as we entered the sick room. I decided to look over the list again as the doctor handed it to me and I looked more thoroughly I looked at blood types, races and where they lived and I noticed something. Most of the infected came from the west corner of the city

“Wait!” I said and everyone looked at me. “Judging from this list most of the sick came from the west corner of the city. That could be where they got whatever this is.” I said handing them the list and they looked over it.

“You got a good eye, we should head there now.” One of them said.

“Yes but one or two of you should stay here to monitor them to see if this is just a coincidence.” I suggested and two of them volunteered to stay and we left and took some guards with us as we walked to the west corner of the city.

After we arrived most of the houses were empty and I ordered the infected houses to be searched and found nothing in the houses, so we moved to the water source we use for this part of the city.

“I want divers to explore the bottom to see if they can find anything. I also want this area to be contained. Close off the water pipes connecting to this place.” I ordered and they did so as some guards jumped in the water while some of the experts were taking samples of the water and testing it.

“Hey we found something.” One of them said and I walked over to them. “The water is poisoned but what kind we don’t know. However it is highly diluted so it is less dangerous but it is still deadly. Now that we have a sample we can make an antidote and we can purify the water in there.” They explained.

“You should head back with this so you can have a better area to work in.” I suggested and they agreed so they got packed up and left. The guards that went in the water pulled out a huge bag and opened it spilling it contents. Revealing that they were stone with runes engraved in them and I picked one up and studied it.

“You,” I pointed at a guard. “get me a glass of uncontaminated water.” He quickly left to get some and returned a few minutes later carrying a large glass of water. Handing it to me before I put it on the ground and dropped a stone in. Using a spell to observe the effect of the stone and the water I noticed it slowly spread across the water, turning it to poison. I quickly destroyed the glass, water, and the stone.

“I want the security in every city to be increased. More guards and patrols, I also want eyes everywhere. I want every new resident in every city questioned and I want checkpoints at the gates to run searches. I want to know who placed these stone and I want them now!” I declared with anger in my voice as they ran to fulfill my orders. I started walking back to the quarantined area trying to forget my anger.

It was finally.when I got to the quarantined area that I calmed down and I walked inside, the doctors greeted me. “We have been giving them the antidote and they have been showing good results so far.” They informed me as they were injecting the antidotes into patients.

“Good after you finish here do you think you and the experts can work together and purify the lake we use as the water source for the west corner of the city?” I asked and they nodded and continued to work.

“Talion.” I heard Twilight’s voice before turning around to see her smiling.

“Hey Twilight how are things?” I asked with a smile.

“Good now that all of this is over, so how will you deal with this now?” She asked with a worried.

“I have increased security in all the cities and I have ordered checkpoint to be made to search anyone that goes through them.” I said and Twilight relaxed a bit since I had a plan to deal with it before a guard approached me.

“Do you think it is a attack from Dainn?” He said and that got twilight confused.

“What does he have to do with it?” She asked.

“He sent a assassin to kill me when I went back to ponyville. We captured him before he could do anything though.” I said and Twilight looked worried. “All the more reason to fight him.” I said and she nodded and we left for the tower.

3rd person POV outside Minas Morgul

It was after sunset when this mysterious cloaked figure appeared in the forest outside Minas Morgul. “Sir the plan failed the river was only connected to part of the city and their were no deaths before they found the stones.” The cloaked figure said as a figure came out from behind the trees. It was Dainn’s general Benjamin.

“Damn it!” He yelled as he punched a tree.

“What should I do now sir?” The cloaked figure asked.

“Head back there's nothing else we can do here.” He said as both of them disappeared into the night.

Talion POV location war room

“We need to be ready for an attack at any time.” I said as my captains were thinking of strategies to defend each city if needed.

“With the new checkpoints being made and the increased security it will take even longer to make a sizable force to invade his territory. I’ve also received word that there will be a threat to Canterlot sometime during your wedding.” He said as he handed me the report and I read over it.

“Send troops to Canterlot to help there so they don’t have to worry as much.” I said as he sent a telepathic message to some guards. “Now that we have the plans out of the way we should talk about the information you got from the assassin not to long ago.” I said as he handed me a list of names and locations in Dainn’s kingdom.

“Your majesty there is a letter for you.” A guard said as he walked in carrying a letter with a royal seal and handed it to me.

‘This is the griffin queen and we need your help. It seems Dainn has been supplying the pirates and raiders with weapons and supplies. They’ve been attacking us in full force and we need immediate reinforcements to push them back.’

“I want every guard and golem we can spare to gather in front of Minas Morgul now so we can lend them to the griffin kingdom. It looks like our work isn’t finished yet and we need to hurry.” I said as we got ready to travel and I sent a letter to everyone so they would know why I’m gone before we began to move out.

Chapter 21 dealing with pirates and raiders and the war begins

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My forces were gathering outside the city as I grabbed Frostmourne and my morgul blade before walking outside the gate to find both the captain of my royal with the force I ordered to gather. “How many do we have?” I asked the captain of my royal guard.

“Ten thousand you highness.” He said I ordered for us to march to the griffin kingdom and as we were marching we marched near ponyville and the mayor came up to us and walked with us.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

“There is something going on in the griffin kingdom.” I said handing her the letter and she read through it and her eyes widened. “I need to head over there and help.” I told her as she nodded and we continued to the griffin kingdom.

5 days later

We finally marched to the border that connects to the griffin empire and a battalion of griffin soldier were waiting for us.

“We have been expecting you. You need to follow us.” One of the armored griffin said as we marched on towards the capital of the griffin kingdom but the Queen met us halfway. Phaenna was wearing battle armor that looked like it was made of steel and gold line the rims of her armor and she was with a group of griffins that looked like royal guard.

“I am happy you came.” Phaenna said as she landed and she stretched a bit from her long flight. “We need to hurry to the sea the pirates and raider are pushing my forces back and they have taken a few small towns along the way.” Phaenna said as we marched toward the small towns they captured.

“I think the best tactic is to divide and conquer if we only attack one at a time they will know we are coming and warn the others and the survivors will join the other captured town making it that much harder to retake them and we will have the element of surprise.” I proposed when we were planning our attack.

“I agree.” My captain said as Phaenna was deep in thought.

“Something wrong?” I asked and she looked at me with surprise.

“Were you talking to me?” She asked and I nodded. “Sorry I was distracted what were you saying?” Phenna asked and we repeated what we said and she agreed with the plan. So we divide our forces, there were only 4 towns so we would attack three at once. Then join up at the fourth then we would provide to advance towards the sea and drive them away.

One would attack the closest town and she took some of my guards with her and she gave some of hers to us so we would have aerial support and I gave her a crystal so we could talk not only that I outfitted my guards with crystal as well in their helmet so they could be better coordinated during battle.

I waited for a hour before a response came. “We’re ready to begin the operation.” They said as we began the assault. I had the griffins fire bows and crossbow from above while we advanced and when we would reach the town they would join us in the fight. When we executed the plan it went well the archers managed to keep the raiders from preparing a defense and keep them from moving around while we advance and they stopped firing as we neared the town and began to fly over as we engaged the enemy.

They were skilled I will admit that and because there was so little room around us we could not fight to our full extent but we still pushed them back as some guard left the battle and went around to cut off routes of escape for them as we began to get more breathing room and we fought better I was decapitating and cutting off limbs as I went forward as I saw a griffin was shot down and I rushed to there side and a few guards followed me.

I looked over the griffin soldier and saw the wounds they were deep but not life threatening and I noticed it was a female griffin but I did not pay attention to detail. “It’s deep but you’ll live.” I said as a few guard stayed with her as I continued to fight off the raiders in the town.

I drew Frostmourne and swung the blade as raiders charge me only to be frozen solid as waves of ice and frost came from my sword and the battle was won but we did not have time to celebrate we had to keep moving and reach the fourth town.

I saw the griffin that was injured try to join us as we marched forward and I stopped her. “You should head back your injured.” I said

“But I want to help fight.” She said as she tried to follow her friends.

“You won't be any help to anyone if your dead and on the ground.” I said as she admitted defeat and went back to camp and I walked to the fourth village to find it already being retaken and we joined in to find the caption of my royal guard was already here. “Sorry we did not make it time for the start of this.” I said as he looked at me and I saw he had several dents and some of his armor broken in some places. “You ok?” I asked worried.

“Yes I just had a little trouble there was no one in the other town so we marched here to find them here to fight us, and we lost a few griffins during the fight, we almost have them routed though and we cut off their escape.” He said as he cut down a raider that seemed to be a minotaur and a zebra took his place as he got a good hit on my captain but he got cut down as well after that.

After that we heard a horn in the distance and looked to the west to see Phaenna charging forward into the raiders and cutting them down.

Once the town was taken back we recorded casualties which came to be around one hundred and fifty griffin having died and three hundred of mine were badly damaged and couldn't fight on so they were told to go back to camp with any injured griffins.

When we marched to the coast when saw the boats and there were hundred and they were out of range of my archers “What should we do now do you have any boats?” I asked.

“Yes they should rendezvou with us shortly but we can’t take all of your guards.” Paenna said as I saw boats in the distance and they were coming towards us.

“Well there is something I can do but I should only use it as a last resort in case we are being beaten.” I said as we and all the guards that could fit entered the boat and started sailing towards the pirates and raiders.

“While we have the chance we should plan what we should do.” I said as we were sailing slowly towards our enemy.

“I don’t think their is anything to plan the only thing we can do is stay together.” Phaenna said as we got close to the target and as soon we made contact we charged on there boats and they were ready for us as more were pouring in as we fought.

We were being pushed back and I decided to do it as I poured a massive amount of energy into frostmourne and it began to glow brightly and I swund it toward the shore and it froze the ocean separating us and the shoar and I felt exhausted but I could still fight as the half of my upper body turned ghostly green and I lifted frostmourne in the air as a pillar of frost and ice shoot towards the sky and I yelled.

“Charge” and I could see all of the guards on the beach beginning to charge towards us as the pirates and raiders got their balance back after the ice foze the ocean and rocked the boat a bit, and we renewed the battle and when my archers were in range they started to shower the boats we weren't on with arrows cutting off their reinforcements and the battle took to the ice as many of the raiders tried to run but ran into my soldiers as they tried to flee.

“It looks like the tide is turning in our favor.” Queen Phaenna said as some of her griffins took to the skies as they fired arrows on those who tried to escape.

“It seems so but we can’t slow down now we have to finish this.” I said as we pushed forward.

After forty five minutes later we had dealt with all the pirates and raiders and we walked towards the shore and stood in front of the ice and focused my magic into a giant ball of fire and melted the ice. I would have collapsed if one of my guards had not caught me and Phaenna came to my aid.

“Are you alright?” She asked worried for me.

“I’m alright this is what I was worried about, I am not used to using this much magic at once so it exhaust me. If I do this often with a little work I will be able to do this easily.” I said as I sat down and my captain came over he was badly damaged and he was missing an arm and one of his legs were barely hanging together and I got up and put his arm around my neck and helped him down, “Don’t worry we'll get you fixed up and on your feet.” I said as he looked at me.

“Sir I feel strange I feel like fighting on but there is no fight.” He said as his voice sounded distorted and metallic as he was shaking and I couldn’t believe he was displaying the will to live and he is showing emotions.

“That my friend is the will to live.” I said as he looked at me.

“Will.” he said as he stopped shaking a little.

“Yes will I don’t believe it but you’re becoming independent as such you are expressing our own thoughts and feelings.” I said as a few guards were carrying a stretcher.

“I am afraid.” He said as they put him on the stretcher.

“That is why we must fight to face our fear.” I said as I looked to the horizon. “Imagine how scared the people of Dainn’s kingdom are and they can’t fight back like us that is why we fight, we fight for them so they don’t have to be afraid anymore.” I said as he looked the same direction I was and went into deep thought and he nodded as he was carried away and i walked back over to Phaenna who was looking at the ocean in deep thought. “We should head back.” I said and that snapped her out of it and we flew to camp.

Location change camp

We made it to camp and my golems were at work repairing my guards that were badly damaged and about three golems were working on the captain and the griffin were passing out food to amongst themself and started to eat their fill. “We should probably get some sleep.” I said as I entered my tent and went to sleep

Next morning

When I woke up I heard a lot of noise and I walked outside to see a few griffins arguing what about I don’t know but since I was up I should check on the repairs of my guards and I began to walk over to the repair area, and found that most of them were fixed but the captain of my royal guard was still in rough shape and still missing an arm but he could travel and they were packing everything, and getting ready to go and the golems were doing the heavy lifting carrying crates that had extra weapons we had brought along with us in case we needed them and we began to leave when Phaenna came to say goodbye.

“So your leaving?” She said as she looked at my guards packing and the golems having crates be tied to their backs.

“Yes we need to leave i have a wedding to get ready for.” I said and she smiled.

“Well I thank you for the help and a happy wedding.”She said as she flew away and got ready to leave and we began to head home and I saw a group of guards running towards me they are mine but they did not come with to the battle they were supposed to be at minas morgul.

“Sir there is trouble at minas morgul.” They said as they continued. “Mercenaries attacked the city they we dealt with but the people are panicking that there will be another attack.” They said as we rushed home and began to run instead of walked and I jumped in the air and flew towards Minas Morgul at top speed.

1 day later

I finally made it to Minas Morgul and I saw corpse littered the bridge and the wall, and the gate was damaged as I landed on the ramparts of the wall, the captain of the guard came to greet me with a few guards accompanying him.

“It’s that good your back sir the people are in a panic and are at your tower awaiting a announcement.” He said as he pointed towards the tower and I could hear the distant yelling. I flew towards the tower and landed in front of the crowd. I could barely hear any of their questions.“QUIET.” I yelled and everyone stopped talking and someone raised their hand.

“Yes you.” I said pointing at the one with their hand up.

“Who attacked us?” He asked.

“From what I have been told they were mercenaries.” I said as I heard many of the people whispering and someone else raised their hands.

“You next.” I said as she spoke up.

“Who sent them?” She asked and I could only think of one person.

“Dainn.” I simply said as many of them shiver and began to whisper again. “And this attack will not go unanswered we will fight him.” I said as many of the people gasped. “As of this moment we are at war.” I said as I walked away and entered the tower.

chapter 22 the wedding and a cliff hanger at the end

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After I went inside I went to a wall and pressed a hidden button. The wall opened up and I went inside, beginning my descent down the stairs that had been hidden while the wall closed behind me.
It was a long flight of stairs like it took 10 minutes to get half way down.
After I reached the bottom there was a huge door with wards and trapes around it and I opened the door and it closed behind me and I entered I large room with the palantir in the middle of the room with a 5 layed shield around it, and I walked through them as I picked up the palantir and it began to glow as it showed me Dainn

3rd person view

“You failed me again.” Dainn yelled as he looked at his general. “You can’t kill one freak even when he was drawn away from his city.” Dainn said as he sat on his throne. “From what my spys say he will be ready to fight in a few months.” He said as he pulled out a report and threw it at his general and the papers in it went flying everywhere. “We can’t do anything anymore without being obvious or sending an army which would be seen by Equestria as a sign of war and they will call on their allies.” He said as his general walked forward.

“I shall begin preparation on our defense.” He said as he left the room.

Talion POV

After the general left I placed the palantir down and left the room and back upstairs and walked through the hidden passage into the throne room and the captain of the guard was waiting for me. “Where is the other captain?” He asked.

“I had to rush here so they are still traveling they should be by canterlot in a few days maybe the day of the wedding I think.” Then realization hit me hard. “I have to get ready for the wedding and I don’t even have a suit ready for it.” I yelled as I flew to my room and looked to see if I had one and I didn’t but I still had enough time to get one so I flew to the shopping district of my city and entered a store.

“How may I help you.” The cashier said before she turned around and saw me and her eyes widened.

“Just here for a suit you don’t have to worry about anything.” I said but it did not calm her down as she walked to the back of the store and came back with a grey suit and I looked over it and nodded and bought it before flying back to the tower to try it on and check the day of the wedding.

After I checked the date of the wedding, it was two days from now about the time my army would return so I would spend the next day getting ready for the big day when I go to canterlot to meet up with the girls and leave and I went down stairs and meet up with the captain. “So how is the guard detail in canterlot since we sent some guards to increase security?” I asked as we walked down the halls.

“It is better but we have also sent some of the new recruits that joined the guard to help out and we received a message from our guards that the equestrian guards training is,” He stopped trying to find the right words. “Lacking.” he said as he could not think of anything else but I could tell what he was meaning.

“Ok then.” I said as we walked onto a balcony overlooking the city. “Any news on the threat to Canterlot?” I asked as he shook his head. “I might bring a few more guards with me when I leave tomorrow.” I said and he nodded in understanding. “Well we should get everything ready can you get some of the tower guard and the berserkers ready for travel?” I asked as he left to get them.

??? POV

“My plan was almost ready to put into action and Canterlot would be mine.” The mystery figure said as one of her minions came into view.

“My queen everything is ready and we have captured her so you can take her place.” The minion said as the queen smiled and she began to laugh.

Talion POV the next day

After I got up I put my new suit into a bag and walked outside to see about fifty of my guards, tower guards and berserkers waiting for me and we traveled to ponyville to meet up with the girls and as we were traveling to town we ran into some manticores they were no problem but I had them stored away after so I can test something later and we continued to town.

We reached town an hour later and I told the guard to start walking to canterlot while I picked up the girls and they were waiting for me at the library. When I got to the library I knocked on the door and spike answered it.

“Hey Talion.” He said with a smile as he opened the door and I walked inside and the girls were waiting for me with bags around them probably their clothes, dresses and things they need for the travel for canterlot and they all stood up to hug me, and we packed everything and headed to the train to get to canterlot.

After we reached the train station I noticed Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Twilight were more clingy than usual as hey held onto me as we walked to the train statin and boarded the train.

As we were riding the train Aiko clung to my right arm as Twilight clung to my left arm and the others were talking amongst themselves as we approached canterlot

1 hour later

We had reached canterlot and got off the train and I saw my guards already made it here as I saw them approaching the castle, and as we walked towards the castle I saw many of the nobles looking at us many with disgust but many smiled at us as we walked past and entered the castle after a few minutes of walking and the girls I would soon be married to stayed close to me as we entered and meet up with Luna and she looked beautiful she was a blue dress if she looks this great before the wedding I can’t wait to see her when we get married.

“It’s good to see you again.” Luna said as she hugged me and gave me a kiss and after a few minutes of making out we stopped and she nuzzled my check as she let go and we walked to the dinning hall and meet up with celestia.

“It’s wonderful to see you again Talion.” Celestia said as she stood up from the table to greet me and everyone as we walked in and sat down at the table and she sat down as well. “So how are your plans progressing?” Celestia asked as she looked at a menu.

“Not good with my army traveling back we are vulnerable, the attack proves that so we need to increase the guards at the city to better their defenses so it will take more time to build a sizeable force for an invasion.” I said as I picked up a nearby menu and Celestia sighed and put down her menu. “I know you don’t like it but this has to be done.” I said as she nodded and we ordered our foods surprisingly Rarity, Twilight and Applejack were not hungry so they did not order anything as we ate.

Captain of the guard

I was going over the reports I had received and a guard came in. “Sir we have more information on the threat in canterlot.” He said as I signaled him to continue. “We believe they are already in Canterlot and we received reports on strange activity near a mine below canterlot.” He said as I stood up.

“I will investigate myself and take a few guards with me.” I said as I left the room to gather some guards.

Talion POV

After dinner we went for a walk around the castle for awhile and we decided to walk in the garden and rest on the grass. After we reached the garden I came upon a familiar figure Discord.
He is trapped in stone but he could still find a way out again and the girls noticed my glare and looked at discord.

“It’s ok, he’s trapped and will be for a long time.” They said as we walked on through the garden until we found a comfortable spot under some trees, and we laid down and relaxed.

Captain of the guard POV

I had rallied a few guards to come with me a few spearmen, swordsmen, and berserkers so in total there was about 50 of them and we were ready to go so we left for the train station in ponyville to cut travel time.

Talion POV

After a few minutes of relaxing we went back inside and we went our separate ways so they can get ready for tomorrow and I have to make sure the day is perfect so I went to check on the wedding preparations, and I ran into my friend Onyx and we talked for a bit.

“So how are things?” Onyx asked as we walked down the halls.

“Busy.” I said. “With everything going on I barely have the time to rest these days.” I said as I sighed.

“Hey me and my friends are going to the bar later you want to come with I guess that could be your bachelor party.” He said as I smiled and nodded.

“Yes that would be nice.” I said.

Captain of the guard POV

We were on the train traveling to canterlot and everyone was looking at us. After a few minutes a child walked over to me.

“Sir, why are you in armor?” He asked and I took off my helmet to reveal nothing inside. “Cool.” he said as he walked back over to his parents and we continued the ride with silence as many people were still looking at us

Talion POV

We were at the bar having drinks and telling jokes among the guards and it appears I am immune to alcohol so I can drink as much as I want and I had finished the tenth cider when me and a random guard were having a drinking contest and he passed out.
After we left the bar we walked to the castle and walked by some of the ther guards and my own as we entered Onyx was drunk as fuck and he was close to throwing up and passing out right now and we went our separate ways once I took him to the medical ward of the castle and let him sleep and I went to the girls room and they were playing board games and talking when I came in and sat down and relaxed as the girls did their thing.

“Hey Talion.” I heard tempest say as she walked over. “Want to play with us?” She asked as I nodded and got up to play

Captain on the guard POV

We reached canterlot and went around the side to the cave that led into the mine and we were walking down from what the plan we secured say it could take hours to explore the entire thing, so instead of stalling we began to walk down the tunnel.

Talion POV the next day

It was the day of the wedding and I was getting my suit on and getting ready and I chose Onyx to be my best man or stallion in this case as I left the room to get to the wedding and It began in a hour.

Captain of the guard POV

We finally found something it was footprints and we followed them to what seemed like a prison and we knocked it down to find someone unexpected inside and we rushed to the wedding with the mystery mare with them

Talion POV the wedding

I was at the altar and wedding music was being played and Celestia is acting as the priest and the girls started walking down the aisle Applejack was wearing a white dress that hugged her curves as she walked down. Luna was wearing a deep blue wedding dress and a veil that looked like it was made of stars. Fluttershy was in a long white dress that dragged on the ground and I saw some of her animals trying to keep it from dragging to much. Aiko was wearing a jewel encrusted white dress and her eyes were sparkling with joy. Tempest was wearing a short red dress as she walked the aisle. Rainbow Dash was in a dress as well even though I could tell she did not want one it was a plain white dress and lastly there was Twilight she was wearing a white dress with a large sapphire on the middle of the dress and I saw smaller jewels around it and everyone was silent as the wedding truly begun as we recited our vows but after I said mine the door burst open to reveal my captain and beside him is what truly shocked me something that should be impossible it was.

You want to know who it is well you will have to wait till the next chapter

Chapter 23 the wedding crashers and the wedding night

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Ok small recap on what happened last chapter the door to reveal the mysterious mare and that mare was Twilight and I looked between her and the one in the dress and she started to laugh as she changed as green flames consumed her and her dress changed as well. She was becoming taller and her horn turned crooked in some places but straightened out and she had insect wings and black chitin that covered her body. After she stopped laughing and several of Celestia's guards changed as well and my guards and the real royal guard faced them as they drew their weapon and prepared to fight.

“So you had help escaping the prison but now you have doomed yourself my army is already invading canterlot and has replaced most of your guards and when they are dead I will rule.” The insect like pony said as the other insect ponies and guards began to fight and I telepathically warned the rest of my guards around canterlot and I began to hear fighting outside.

“Who and what are you?” I asked as I summoned my armor and frostmourne and pointed it as her as a icy mist came from the sword.

“I am a changeling and I am queen Chrysalis.” she said as I felt a link to my royal guard and I decide to give them new orders and tell them to head to canterlot and help fight. “After I conquer canterlot we will drain everypony of all their love.”

After she finished talking celestia tried to attack her with a magic beam but Chrysalis countered it with her own and overpowered her. “Did you think you could beat me I have been feeding of their love for days and have gained power I never know I could reach before.” She said as her eyes glowed with power as the girls got behind me and my captain stood beside me he drew his sword and a changeling threw Chrysalis a sword and we charged I stayed a little behind since he can't cast spells so I had to provide support and cover him and Chrysalis swung her sword and the captain held the handle with one hand and he held the blade to where Chrysalis sword would hit the width of the blade and not the edge and put his hand on one side of the blade and her blade it the other side and he held her sword there as I jumped over him and lifted my sword over my head as I swung it down on her head but she teleported away and we stuck together and Chrysalis had a huge grin on her face and she fired spells at the girl and I flew in front of them and put a shield around us but to keep up the shield I had to stay inside so the captain was on his own in this fight and she turned to face him and I saw a few of my guards dealt with the changelings and went outside to help but a few of them stayed and stayed behind the columns and trying to sneak behind Chrysalis as her and the captain fought it out.

The Captain was skilled but Chrysalis had power but she was not very skilled so they were even in this fight as they battled and I decided to join and he fell back to protect the girls as I charged, and we clashed and I had the advantage since I had more power then the captain and I was as skilled as him. and I pushed her back and a few changelings entered them room and the guards that were hiding engaged them but a few of them got past and they had to fight the captain and celestia finally got back up and joined me and I heard a horn in the distance and Chrysalis looked outside and saw a massive army approaching in the distance and she growled and I had a smug look as I said.

“Like what you see they were passing by canterlot today so I sent a message to them to come help.” I said as she looked at me with rage in her eyes and she charged me and I got an idea but I had to wait till she was weaker and I kept on dodging her attacks as she began to tire and I kicked her in the stomach and she went flying into a nearby wall and she was dazed from the impact and I walked up to and put my hand on her head as I branded her.

To say it was difficult was a understatement they were all connect through some kind of hive mind I was fighting hundred maybe even thousands of minds at once and everyone of them were fighting back and I was fighting two neither me or Chrysalis could move we were both putting everything into fighting with our minds if I let up even a moment my hold will slip and if Chrysalis let up my power will overcome her mental defences and I will take control of her and the other changelings as well.

The others were watching me battle for dominance against Chrysalis and her hive mind and we were at a stalemate but I felt a few the changelings minds go unconscious and lessen their defense against me as I pushed in and I felt more and more going unconscious and I was winning and dominating them and I began to take control of a few changelings and they joined me in the assault on their hive mind and more and more were dominated until I dominated them all except the queen and she was the last as her eyes glowed and she finally gave in as the fighting outside stopped and I let go of her and nearly collapsed from from mental exhaustion.

“Did you win?” Celestia said and I nodded and sat down on a chair as Chrysalis bowed to me.

“What would you have of me my king.” Se said as I stood up.

“Order all the changelings to gather at the castle Celestia can you tell your guards that the changelings are no longer a threat.” I told them and Chrysalis send a message through the hive mind and Celestia walked outside to tell the guards and after about ten minutes we went outside to find the changelings and guards waiting for us.

“Order the changelings to go home me and you need to talk.” I told Chrysalis and the changelings left and she stayed behind and we went inside with Celestia and the others to do the real wedding and Chrysalis was in her true for as she watched us the girls and me get married.

After the wedding and the after party we walked to a room where we could talk and everyone could talk and we sat down on the couches that were in the room. “Now then why did you attack canterlot?” I asked and everyone was glaring at Chrysalis.

“My people are starving we feed on emotions to survive and grow love is the most effective and nutritious of them and if we don’t feed then our body cannibalizes itself.” She said as she lifted her dress a little to reveal holes in her legs. “We use emotions to power our magic as well so we need to keep feeding to stay alive and our number have been dropping for years and we were desperate so we had to we have tried to make peace in the past but we were met with violence and death.” she said as the girls had tears in their eyes as she explained her situation and I thought of something.

“You said it powers your magic right?” I asked and she nodded. “What is you were supplied magic what would happen?” I asked as she went into deep thought.

“I don’t know.” She said as I closed my eyes and used my link with her to transfer some of my magic energy and I heard her gasp as I opened my eyes and saw the holes on her legs were closing up and I smiled as I stood up and helped her off of the couch she was sitting on and she hugged me and she had tears in her eyes as well as I was feeding magic to the rest of the changeling leaving me a little weak and she did the unexpected and kissed me and put her head in her chest as she smiled and Tempest giggled and I looked at her.

“Not only have you won the heart of a princess and kind of became king of equestria you also won the heart of a changeling queen what do you plan next the griffin queen maybe.” she said sarcastically as the other smiled got up and joined the group hug and we sat back down and Chrysalis was relaxed her head on my shoulder as she closed her eyes.

“I think it is time we went to bed and the girls followed me and Chrysalis came as well and we walked into our room for the night and we undressed

Clop start

After we were undressed Tempest said something. “I think our newest addition to the herd should go first and have the first taste of our stallion.” She said as the other’s agreed even luna.

“Wait before we start I want to say something.” Twilight said as she pulled out a book. “I found a spell that will allow us to have children with Talion so if someone wants that you can step forward.” Aiko stepped forward instantly her eyes were practically begging for Twilight to cast the spell and she did as Aiko glowed for a moments then stopped and Tempest stepped forward next for the same thing to happen.

“Now that we're ready Chrysalis why don’t you get him ready.” tempest but Chrysalis cast a spell on herself and it was the same spell twilight used and she walked towards me and got on her knee and started to lick my dick and got it erect and she started to give me a blowjob as she bobbed her head up and down as the girls watched and got themselves ready as well for when it’s their turn.

I put my hand on her head and started making her go faster and she went to the base and went back to the tip and went back down and stayed at the base as I could feel her tongue wrap around my cock as I felt the pleasure go through my body and I could feel I was getting close. “I’m getting close.” I said as she started to bob her head again faster than she did before and I started to bust my load in her mouth as she went to the base of my dick and drank it all until none was left and she pushed me down on the bed and mounted me as she lined herself up and slammed herself down and she yelped in pain as blood came from in between her legs.

“Your a virgin I thought queens are the ones that lays the eggs and populate the hive.” Twilight said as Chrysalis explained.

“That is true but I only recently became queen and I had to find a mate and I want you.” She said as her grunt of pain turned into moans as she bounced up and down slowly as she gained some speed and put her hands on my shoulders as she moaned and started to slam herself down harder and the girls sat down on the bed to watch.

“So how is he?” Tempest asked Chrysalis as she looked like she was in bliss and I started to thrust my hips up as she collapsed on top of me and I keeped thrusting inside her and I squeezed her ass she she gasped in bliss.

“He’s amazing.”She said as she just gave up and left everything to me as I flipped her over on her back and I expected her chintin to be hard but it was soft and plushy and I lifted her on my lap and she wrapped her arms around me as I lifted her up and slammed her down again and again as she just went limp and rested her head on my shoulder and I could hear her moans. “Please more more.” She begged as I went faster and harder and I thrusted my hips as I slammed her down on my cock as I was nearing my climax and she did many times already as she shook uncontrollably with every thrust as she grew more and more sensitive everytime she orgasmed and the girls were enjoying the show as Chrysalis was being fucked by their stallion and he was about to climax.

“I’m going to cum.” I said as Chrysalis held on tightly as I used my spell to increase the amount I came and I pumped load after load into her as her tongue was hanging out of her mouth and she was shaking from the orgasms she was going through and she was definitely pregnant as she looked 5 months pregnant already and Aiko laid down on the bead and spread her legs as she used her finger to tell me to fuck her senseless like last time and I walked over to her and lined myself up to her and pushed it all the way in and started to fuck her at a rapid pace and she did not have time to prepare before I was pounding her as I kissed her and explored her mouth as her eyes went to the back of her head as I kissed her and we intertwined our tongues and I fondled her breasts and I changed positions as the upper part of her body was on the bed and the other half was hanging off as I started to fuck her again and I spanked her with every few thrusts and she tightened each time and I grabbed her arms and lifted her up and I pulled her arms and kept thrusting in her even harder as she was having several orgasms very quickly again and again as I pounded her.
The girls were really enjoying themselves and Rainbow Dash was licking Chrysalis’s pussy and get any of my sperm that leaked out and you could see on the look on Chrysalis’s face she was enjoying herself immensely Luna was behind Fluttershy groping her breast and fingering her as Fluttershy moaned but she was silenced when she started making out with her and her moans were muffled from her kiss, and looked over to the other side of them to see Twilight and Tempest making out and groping and fingering each other while they moaned in each others mouths and their mithril horns touched each other every now and again causing sparks of magic to fly through the air and I looked back to Applejack to see her watching us and she had her legs spread giving me a good view of her masterbating as she looked at me as I was pounding Aiko again and again without stopping and I was getting close to my next climax as I doubled my effects still looking at Applejack to see her doing the same as she fingered herself faster and deeper.

“Aiko I’m going to cum you sure you want this?” I asked and she snapped out of her bliss for a second and lunged at me and kissed me as I cummed and the tip of my dick entered her womb as pumped her full of my cum and I forced her down to the base of my dick making more of it go inside her womb as I touched the wall of her womb as it filled up with semen and I gave her a few extra thrust just to make sure it was all out and Aiko flopped on the bed with her arms laying at her sides as she breathed heavily and my magic restored my stamina and semen and I saw Aiko has a huge belly full of my cum and Twilight and Tempest walked over and Twilight started to make out with Aiko as she rubbed her cum filled belly with one hand as she grabbed her breast and squeezed her nipples every now and then as she moaned.

“Looks like it’s my turn.” Tempest said as she turn around and bent over and put her hands on a dresser to keep her balance as I stood up and didn’t waste time as I started to thrust into her as she moaned as she relaxed on the dresser and I spanked her as she gripped my dick tightly inside her and I grabbed her tail and I flipped her over to where she was sitting on the waist size dresser and she wrapped her legs and arms around me and she moved closer and closer to me allowing me to go deeper with every thrust and she held me tighter as she moaned loudly and I felt a presence and by scanning the magic I could tell it was Celestia and I used a spell of my own and though one eye I was fucking tempest but in the other I could see a naked Celestia mastervating infront of a mirror that showed us in our room and It was zooming in on me and I pretend to not see her as she used a dildo to fuck herself as she was dripping wet with sweat and body fluids as she watched us and I watched her even though she didn't know that yet. ‘I am totally going to bring it up in the morning after we are done.’ I thought as it got me more excited as I got faster and pounded her harder.

“Someone's hyper.” Tempest said in between moans and I shut her up with a kiss and I held her tightly as she was not moving as well as we clung to each other and she was off the dresser and we were in the middle of the room with everyone watching us as they continued what they are doing and celestia orgasmed again as she watched us and I came inside tempest as the pressure in her belly extended and pushed us apart slightly as we were still making out as my cum dripped from her pussy and she was not pregnant with my child as I placed her on the bed as she looked at me with a smile and she went to sleep.

“Ok who’s next?” I asked and Fluttershy stepped forward and she was blushing like crazy and I kissed her and she was shaking with excitement as my tongue entered her mouth and I could taste Luna’s saliva in her mouth as she sat me down and got on her knees as she wrapped her massive breast around my dick and she sucked the head of my cock as she moved her breast up and down and it was to much and I started thrusting between breast and into mouth as the pleasure I was feelin increased with every thrust as Fluttershy licked and sucked the tip and I could not hold it in as I blew my load in her mouth as she swallowed every drop and she laid on the bed as I slowly entered her and thrusted in the last bit as blood flowed from her legs and I kissed her.

“So are all of you virgins” I asked as they nodded and Fluttershy said she was ready as I started slowly at first but picked up the pace as time went on and I got as fast as i could go and Fluttershy was practically limb and couldn’t move an inch from the pleasure she was in and the only thing keeping her from passing out from this was my magic was keeping her awake she could feel everything she was going through and she was so tight as I pounded her and she was in so much pleasure she couldn’t stand it as she found the strength to wrap her legs around me and hold me tightly so I can go deeper and I pulled her a little closer so I can go even deeper in her as she moaned loudly and she could barely say anything except a few words.

“Fuck me harder.” She said as she struggled to say it through the moans.

“Don’t worry about that.” I said as I lifted her up and we were standing with me holding her in the air and she clung to me as I moved her up and down and head head was on my shoulder and luna came up in front of me and we kissed and out tongues battled for dominance as they intertwined and Fluttershy lifted her head a bit and watched us make out in front of her and I reached my climax and Fluttershy fell back but Luna caught her and she was almost straight I was holding her legs as I climaxed and Luna held her arms and supported her back to where she was like a sitting position and I pumped load after load into her as her belly grew bigger and bigger and I wanted to give her more and I started to thrust again as fluttershy was screaming and moaning in pleasure as she was being filled even more as I pumped her full of cum and kept going as she begged for more and I climaxed again and I decided to check on Celestia she was still watching us but she cast a spell on the dildo to where it wouldn’t stop pounding her as she watched us and I came again and again inside her till she looked like she was about to give birth and we set her on the bed next to Tempest as she finally passed out then I turned to Twilight who was licking Aiko’s pussy and drank any sperm that came out as I walked behind her and grabbed her ass and just rammed my dick into her pussy to get that out of the ways as blood dripped from her pussy and after she got used to it she started to lick Aiko again as I started to thrust at a slow pace I knew Twilight wanted me to go faster but I wanted her to beg for it and it looked like I did not have to wait long as she started to move her hips but I moved away to keep her wanting more.

“Please just fuck me already I’m yours.” She said and that was good enough for me as I started to pound her as she buried her face in Aiko’s pussy and Aiko grabbed her head and made her push her tongue in even deeper as she orgasmed on Twilight’s face but it did not faze her as she kept going as I was rutting her and I pulled on her tail as she tightened a lot too where I could barely pull out and push back in and it gave me great pleasure as I came inside her and she push herself back to the base of my dick making my cock penetrate her womb and flooding it full of cum as I pumped load after load inside her and pulled out and she collapsed.

“And then there were three.” I said as I looked at the smiling Luna, Applejack and Rainbow Dash as their legs were spread and I went for Applejack first as she wrapped her legs around me and I started to plow her pussy like there was no tomorrow even though she was a virgin she did not feel pain only pleasure as I rutted her like a wild animal and she was not holding back as she moved her hips back and forth and after a few minutes we went to the cowgirl position as she was facing away from me giving me a perfect view of her firm ass as she bounced up and down on my cock and I lend back to find my head in Luna’s lap as I enjoyed myself as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride as Applejack moaned loudly as she was riding my dick.

I was in bliss as I laid there with complete contentment and a smile on my face and my eyes were closed so I could enjoy the moment and relax as Applejack had her turn.

It was ten minutes later when I climax and filled Applejack to the brim with cum as she fell over on the bed and Luna took her place as she mounted me and she plunged down to get it over quickly and she was no longer a virgin and Celestia was really paying attention now as she looked at her sister in worry.

“You ok?” I asked as she only nodded and started to move up and down and Celestia stopped the spell on the dildo and only watched as she moved her hips up and down and I put my hands on her hips as she moaned and thrusted my hips up so she can rest a bit and she fell on top of me and I continued to thrust into her and she gave me a deep kiss as I was nearing my final climax and she was cumming non stop as she was on top me and I came inside her and flooded her insides as she fell asleep on top of me and celestia stopped her spell that let her watch us and I got out from under her and Rainbow pinned me down and instantly rammed my dick inside her as she rode me as like an animal even though she just lost her virginity as blood dripped down she did not slow down and I started to use my magic to increase my speed as I thrust I was 3 times faster now and she could barely see me move every second we had fucked I thrusted her ten times.

“Fast enough for you?” I asked with a smile and she shook her head as I doubled my speed and she was in ecstasy as she cummed again and again and I reached my climax and was still thrusting as I did making me cum even more as I filled her and I stopped at the deepest part of her as my dick entered her womb and the tide I was holding back was released and I pumped load after load till she couldn’t fit anymore and my cum was spewing out of her as she look like she was ready to give birth and I laid down and went to sleep.

Clop end Next morning

When I woke up all the girls were sleeping on me Applejack, Luna and Aiko were sleeping on top of me and the rest of them were clinging to me like their life depended on it and after about ten minutes I managed to slip out and went to the bathroom to take a shower and I was in their for about 20 minutes and walked out wearing a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans and the girls were up and ready to have breakfast by the time I walked out of the bathroom and we walked to the dinning hall and I had a wicked smile when I saw Celestia and we sat down and ordered our food and I was waiting for the right moment to bring it up and as Celestia aye some of salad I asked. “So Celestia.” I said and she looked up to me still chew the salad. “Enjoy the show last night?” I asked and she nearly choked on her food as she coughed and looked at me sweating a little.

“I don’t know what your talking about.” She said as everyone was looking at us and I still had my wicked smile.

“Are you sure I know you had a little fun with the mirror in your room.” After I said her eyes look like pinpricks as looked at me and she was sweating like crazy and everyone in the room was looking at her as she blushed.

“What happened?” Luna asked.

“Well you see Celestia was peeping on us last night when Tempest was having her turn until we all finished and she was masterbating with a dildo.” I said as everyone blushed and Twilight was muttering.

“My teacher was peeping on me.” She said over and over again as Celestia gave a nervous chuckle.

“Sister you pervert.” Luna yelled as she blushed and we finished eating and Luna wanted to come with me Celestia understood but I gave both of them and all the girls something It was wand.

“Knock three times on any door and think of where you want to go and the door will act as a gate to that location.” I said as everyone smiled and we went home Luna and chrysalis were now going to live with me so I sent a message to the guard for a gate to be built to act as a portal to Chrysalis’s hive Twilight and the others went home after we got to ponyville but promised to visit and we went home to Minas Morgul and walked through the gates. The citizens smiled and waved as we passed by and we walked to the gardens of the tower and found the gate was finished and it was being activated as the portal opened and we stepped through and we found ourselves in the heart of the changeling hive and they were waiting for us and they bowed when we came through and I saw all of their holes have closed up and we walked to what appeared to be a throne room and found a few changelings waiting for us.

“My queen.” They said as they bowed and Chrysalis talked to them for a minute and they walked off and shut the door.

“What was that about?” I asked.

“Just a few things I needed done.” She said as we walked back through the portal to Minas Morgul and returned home.

Chapter 24 experaments killing a dragon and a new foe

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After we returned to Minas Morgul I went to check on the dead manticore bodies and found they were in perfect condition and I wanted to test my undead magic on them and as my magic covered their dead bodies and their flesh started to melt off as they stood up revealing a undead manticore and now I wanted to try something else with my undead magic and I walked outside to find the captain of the royal guard.

He was by the training grounds where they were training the people that volunteered to join the guard and from what I could see most of them were minotaurs and they were making good progress with their training but they still had a ways to go before they are ready for combat and I spotted the captain in the shade watching the trainees and I walked over.

“Hey I need you to do something.” I said and he turned around to look at me. “I need you to bring me some of the mercenaries bodies so I can test something and can you bring them behind the tower?” And he walked of to get them and I walked to the other side of the tower and waited for him.

After a few minutes he walked over with a few guards and they were carrying body bags and they put them down and opened them and they seemed to be of different species and I looked over them there were miniatures, unicorns, pegasus, caribou, and a I noticed one of the dead caribou was the assassin that Dainn sent to kill me and I looked to the captain.

“He killed himself after we throw him in a cell in the dungeons.” He said as I walked over to the dead body and used my magic on it and something strange happened his skull started to cave in hand formed a different skull a human skull and a similar process happened with the rest of the body and when it was finished he stood up and I look at my undead assassin he had a few daggers and a axe on his back don’t know why.

I moved to the next body it was was a miniature and he had a sword and a shield and my magic washed over him and a similar response happened to him but he still kept his size and new armor started to form around him and it finished as he stood tall wielding his new sword and shield and wearing new armor he also had a human like skeleton but it had a pale greenish color and their looked to be fangs on his ribcage. ‘I think i’ll call these ones death knights.’

I thought as I moved to the next minotaur and he looked like a brawler and I did the same thing to him and something new happened the body just stood up and stood there and I looked him. ‘He must have turned into a zombie or something.’ I thought a I moved to the ponies and started with a unicorn.

As my magic entered his dead body it started to shake and have spasms and his skull caved in and it stood up and it was wearing a robe but it was torn at the bottom and looked like it had a little leather armor and a torn cape and on his head looked to be a crown made of bones and he had glowing red eyes.

“What is your bidding master.” He said as he got on one knee and had his left hand on the right side of his chest and he held his head down.

“Your name will be Morokei and you will assist the captain of my royal guard.” I said and Morokei looked over to the captain stood up and walked over to him and stood beside him and instead of doing the unicorns one by one I cast my magic on all of them at once and looked at the results as they all stood up one of them were female I will name her Morgana. “I will name you Morgana you will join Morokei.” I said and she walked over to him and I looked at the other 7 former unicorns the first one wore a black cloak with metal shoulder pads and he had a staff with a green stone at the top and his eyes were pure white he will be named Miraak.

The second one was covered in armor and his skeleton was engulfed in blue flames he will be named Krosis

The third one had a staff with a metal skull on it and he had a book in his other hand and a short sword on his belt he will be named Otar

The fourth wore armor and a book floated at his side he will be named Dukaan

The fifth wore a robe with a star stitched into it he will be named Vokun

The sixth did not have a lower body and he appeared to be floating in midair and he had a staff and a cloth that shielded half his face so all you could see was his empty eyes his name will be Vahlok

The last had a cloak that covered all of his body and the top of the cloak what look like blades on it and he had several horns on his skull his name will be Volsung and they all stood in a row next to the captain and I moved on to the pegasi and my magic started to change them and they just looked like skeletons with wings.

After the test were over they were told to be put in storage till they are needed but the elder lich's would stay out to help around and I walked into the tower to meet up with Luna, Aiko, Tempest, and Chrysalis I found Aiko and Tempest in the dining room having some food.

“Where are Luna and Chrysalis?” I asked.

“Luna went to check on Celestia and Chrysalis went to the training yard.” Tempest said as I walked to the training yard

It took a few minutes to get to the training yard and I spotted Chrysalis and she was training with the captain of the royal guard.

“Your using too much unnecessary movement in your attacked you need to use less movement to conserve your energy and last longer in a fight if we were fighting for real you would be dead.” The captain said as he blocked her attacked and knocked it out of her hand and it stabbed into the ground beside me and I picked it up and walked over to Chrysalis and gave it back.

“He’s right you fought the captain of the city guard last time and he can’t use magic he can.” I said as she took the sword.

“I know.” She said.

“The elder liches are using their power to create more undead soldiers and It turns out you and them can create undead without a body but it cost a lot of energy from what I gathered from them.” The captain said and Chrysalis looked at me shocked.

“Their are elder liches here?” She said.

“Yes you see mercenaries attacked us not to long ago and I wanted to test my ability to create undead and it yielded interesting results.” I said as I listed what happened to the dead bodies.

“That's interesting why did the minotaur the second time be different?” She asked and I had a idea why.

“I think it has something to do with their skill set.” I said and they looked at me with curiosity. “The first minotaur looked like a warrior so he was turned into a death knight but the second looked like a brawler so he became a zombie so I think their skill affect the spell in a way that makes the dead bodies adapted to the skill they learned during life and changes it accordingly but that is only a theory I need more bodies to test it though.” I said.

“That makes sense.” Chrysalis said.

“I can have more bodies brought out for you to test.” The captain said.

“Yes can you have them brought to the nearby warehouse?” I asked and he walked off. “Chrysalis would you like to join me?” I asked and she followed me and we entered the warehouse and and The captain and guard came in dragging a few dozen bodies and some of the bodies from the war with the diamond dogs and I walked over to a few of them and they seemed to be spearmen. “Take the weapons off them see if that makes a difference.” I said and their weapons were removed and I cast my spell and they started to shake and stand up with new spears and shields and they looked like human skeletons.

“Ok weapons do not affect the spell” I said aloud as I moved to a new body and this one was a young diamond dog girl looked like she was no older than 10.

“We found her in the ally with her throat cut open during our attack.”He said as I looked at her and the eyes were open and I gently closed them and cast the spell and I felt sorry for her and something happened her eyes shot happen and she started to panic and screaming saying she was going to die but I embraced her and calmed her down and she cried in my arms and I heard a camera flash and a teleport and the captain ran out of the warehouse to find out who it was and the diamond dogs girls stopped crying and looked up at me.

“What do your parents look like?” I asked.

“My Mom had brown fur and blue eyes and my father had black fur and hazel eyes and he was half blind.” She said as some of the guards heard the description and looked among the corpses and sat to of them up and they fit the description but they were badly damaged the mother had her arms torn off and the father was missing his head and the dobies were beaten and she turned around to she to see them and she began to cry again in my chest as I cast my spell and It reached them I wanted them to live again but something happened and the spell had not effect and I tried again for the same thing to happen,

‘Their bodies ust be too damaged to bring them back.’ I thought as I embraced her and pet her head.

“What's your name little one?” I asked and she looked up to me.

“Zoe.” She said.

“Well Zoe I will take care of you from now on.” I said as she jumped up wrapped her arms around my neck and cried in my shoulder as I held her.

After she cried for awhile she passed out and I took her t my room so she can sleep and now I got a good look at her she had black fur and blue eyes I laid her down and put the blanket over her as she slept and I walked down stairs to find the captain of the royal guard.

“I could not find who took she picture and from the looks of it it records even after the picture is taken for how long I don’t know.” He said.

“Let’s not worry about that now let’s get back to work” and we walked back to the warehouse to find Chrysalis still here.

“How is she?” She asked.

“Fine she is just sleeping for now we will tell the others later.” I said as we got back to it and I found some swords men and they were zebras and magic started to change them and they were now undead and I moved on to few other that looked like archers and started to turn them to undead.

After that we heard a loud roar


And we walked outside to see a huge dragon attacking and Adrian was running towards me and hid behind me and me and the black dragon shrunk and landed on the warehouse.

“You are coming with me Adrian.” The dragon said as the guards were aiming the ballistas.

“No I won’t I already have someone.” She said slinging to my arm and he breathed fire and I cast a shield as he grew and flew over the city and I decide to try a new spell as I said “Uthe Mejor” I said as a dark portal appeared and as I went through I grew in size and I was a little larger then the black dragon and I landed out of the city and we circled each other and I pulled out frostmourne and he charged me on all fours as I leaped to the side and struck him his scales were strong enough not to be cut but it caused some damage as he yelled in pain as he saw the frost on his scales and it spread to his wing preventing him from flying as he stood on two legs and roared at me as he got back on all fours and charged me and I grabbed him and he pushed me back a bit and I pushed him off.

Dark magic strike” and as I said that frostmourne charged up with dark magic and and I swung it at the dragon and a slash of dark magic left my sword and rushed toward the black dragon and hit him dead on and caused explosions around him throwing him through the air and on the ground in front of me and I lifted my sword for the final strike as I plunged it through his neck and he died and I cast a spell on me and the corpse so we would shrink down and I teleported the body to the warehouse and I teleported to the city gate and everyone was cheering for me when I walked in but I ignored them as I walked to the tower and saw Adrian.

“So tell who did I just kill?” I asked intimidatingly as she looked at me frightened as I gazed at her.

“He was the one I told you about the one that wanted me as a mate.”She said.

“You could have gave me a warning.” I said as I walked off and she followed me and we entered the warehouse to find his body and I cast my spell and he started to change and he became a skeletal dragon.

“Well now that I have a dragon preparations for the war will go complete sooner than planned.” I said as we left and Chryslies left with us as the elder liched began to make the rest of the bodies into undead and we entered the tower to have dinner and tell Luna Adrian Aiko and Tempest about Zoe.

I left the dining room to get Zoe and bring her down she had just woken up by the time I got there and I led her down stairs so she could meet her new mothers.

“Who is she?” Luna asked.

“She is our new daughter.” I said and before they could say something me and Chrysalis explained what happened at the warehouse and they understood what happened and they accepted Zoe into the family.

Canterlot Celestia POV

I was in the throne room signing paper when a guard rushed in say.

“New from from northern equestria your highness.” The guard said.

“Yes.” I said.

“I am simply to tell you that It has returned.” He said as my eyes widened.

“Call my niece immediately and tell her to head north she will know what to do.” I said as he ran out the door to inform her and I began to write a note to Twilight and Talion.

chapter 25 battle for the crystal empire

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I had just received a letter from celestia and I was flying to canterlot on my skeletal dragon and I told my army to be on standby even the undead soldiers and when I reached canterlot celestia looked ready for a fight but when she saw me she calmed down as I landed and dismounted the dragon and she walked over to me.

“I’m glad your here we need to talk now.” She said as we walked inside.

“I need your help the crystal empire has returned I know you don’t know what that is but I will give you the short version, about a little more than a thousand years ago the empire was taken over by a evil unicorn wielding dark magic and he used his magic to create a army of crystal monsters and enslave the city it was only after Luna and I fought him the empire disappeared and now with its returned Sombra had returned as well cadence is already their protecting it and I want you to help her.” She said.

“Ok I will head their and my army is already on standby and I have been using my power to create undead and with undead manticores I have a decent calvary and don’t worry about us hunting manticore we are able to create undead without the use of bodies so their population will not decrease.” I said as she nodded and I jumped on my dragon and sent a message to my army to head north and as I flew I noticed Twilight and the others getting off the train and heading towards the castle and I continued to fly north.

1 hour later

I was flying through the icy north to get to the crystal empire it wasn't easy to find it through all the snow but I found it and started to descend into the city and I passed through some kind of shield and I landed on the outskirts of the city and dismounted and entered the city and jumped on the roof to get to the castle and entered through a balcony and saw Cadence sitting on the throne she had her hair was three different colors yellow pink and purple and she looked exhausted as she sat on the throne and I stepped inside. “Hey Cadence Celestia sent me to help you.” I said and she looked up and smiled as she looked at me and got up from the throne and came over to hug me.

“I’m glad you're here.” She said coughing.

“You ok?” I asked concerned.

“Holding the shield up is draining me.” She said and I started to funnel my magic into her and she moaned as she began to look better and more rested.

“What did you do?” She asked shocked as she looked at herself.

“I funneled some of magic into you it seems it worked.” I said as she looked at herself.

And I looked outside to see the color of the shield changed a bit it now had traces of green in it and I received a message from a scout saying that the girls and spike got off the train nearby and I rushed to my dragon and mounted it and flew off to the train station and landed near them and the dragon flew back to the city.

“Hey girls we need to move.” I said as they were about to say something then they say a large shadow moving towards us. “Get to the city now!” I yelled and they ran and they shadow chased us and I stopped at the edge of the shield and they entered and I drew frostmourne and charged it with dark magic as magic sparked off it. “Dark magic attack” I said as a slash of dark magic went hurtling towards it and when it made contact it exploded and the shadow screeched in pain as it fled and I entered the shield and they girls were already heading towards the castle and I followed them.

I arrived after the girls and spike got to the throne room and meet up with Cadence. “Hey Talion did you know Cadence was my old foal sitter.” Twilight said.

“No i didn’t.” I said as the girls were having fun and now it was time to get to business.

“Now then how do we beat Sombra?” I asked and Twilight took out a book from her bage.

“Legend say that the crystal heart can destroy him but no one knows where it is.” and as she said that I heard a noise outside and walked out to the balcony and saw the shadow was forming a body as he stood a far distance from the shield he had a black mane and grey fur and he was wearing steel armor and wielding a longsword made of darkstone and I could feel the dark magic he was channeling in his fist as he plunged it into the snow and I saw the monsters Celestia told me about emerging from the snow and pulled themselves out and they stood at about 8 feet tall as they approached the shield and started to punch it. It wasn’t causing much damaged but it would not hold forever and I heard a horn from the east and the monsters turned towards it and formed ranks as the manticore calvary lined up from on top of a hill I saw the liches my captains were riding some of them the rest were being ridden by undead spearmen and swordsmen and archers were lining up behind them both undead and the armor archers drew their bows and the monsters started to advance through the snow as the manticore riders charged and the archers fired the arrows were faster than the manticores and the arrows made contact with the monster with little effect as the manticore riders made contact and took a few of them out as the rest of my army charged over the hill and sombra was still trying to get in and Twilight and the others ran off to find the heart.

My army was at a stalemate with the monsters and sombra continued to attack the shield and he punched a hole in the shield as he rushed in and the hole closed and we and cadence were ready to fight as he reached the castle and he smiled.

“You don’t stand a chance against me.” He said as he drew his sword and charged and I blocked it with frostmourne and Cadence stayed behind since she was not experienced in combat so it was up to me to fight him as I pushed him back and I swung my sword as a wave of ice and frost was sent hurtling towards sombra and he lifted his sword over his head and swund it down as the wave was cut in half and he was unharmed and he shot a beam of dark magic towards me and I intercepted it with a magic shield and sparks of magic went overwhere destroying building and the ponies were screaming and running for their lives as we fought and I felt a hand on my back and saw Cadence giving me her magic.

“Cadence no if you give me your magic the shield will fall!” I yelled but she did not listen as she looked pale and the shield started to fade and she passed out on the ground and the shield
around the city vanished and the elder liches were quick to react as they approached the city and started to create undead to keep the crystal monsters out it was taxing on them but many of the royal guard were supplying them with magic and they took turns doing it so they can regenerate magic even if it is only a little and a few lines of death knights were formed to keep them out not only did they match them in height they had great defensive and offensive capabilities with their huge shields and swords as they formed a shield wall but the monsters were more focused on my army than the city but with the shield down it good to know there are troops protecting the city and I felt Cadences magic kick in and my shield overpowered sombras beam as it shot forward knocking him off his feet and into a building as I dropped the shield and lifted frostmourne as he stepped out of the now collapsed building.

“Not bad.” He said spitting out some black blood from his mouth. “Now the real fight begins.” He said as the battle renewed and we charged each other and meet in the middle as our blades collided and our magic lashed out at each other destroying our nearby surroundings.

Captain of royal guard POV

We were being pushed back without the liches we have been losing troops and we can’t replenish them without them and I destroyed another minster and another one took his place as I fought and I saw a few death knights running to aid us from the city.

‘The liches must have finished reinforcing the city and now are send undead that's good no we have a better chance’ I thought as I was knocked away by another monster and a death knight caught me and set me down as a few pieces of metal fell off me. ‘But were still in a tough spot’ I thought as I joined the fight.

Talion POV

Me and Sombra were still fighting it out and i noticed Cadence woke up and was watching us even thought she was exhausted and couldn’t stand and I sent another wave of ice at Sombra as she shot it with a magic beam and I teleported out of the way and It hit a building and as I was distracted by the exploding building Sombra stabbed his sword into my side and I jumped away from him and I put my hand on the place that was stabbed and I was bleeding and my vision was starting to go hazy and he approached me but he was struck behind by a beam from Cadence as he turned his attention to her as he teleported in front of her and was lifting his sword in the air and then everything seemed to be slowing down as I heard my own heart beating slower and slower but I couldn’t give up as I fought the unconscious and I forced myself to stay awake and I felt something deep inside me and it was felt amazing and it was surfacing as I felt a rush of magic gather inside me and I could feel it giving me strength.

Sombra POV

‘It’s time time finish this bitch’ I thought as I was about to swing my sword to end her but I felt a strange my gathering behind me and I looked to the wraith and I saw his magic was forming a sphere around him and I saw his armor was changing and his wound healed.

After the sphere disappeared he was wearing new armor and he had a shield he still had the same sword though and his eyes the runes on the sword the shield and his ring glowed green and his sword gave off a green aura and he held his shield up as the eyes glowed green and short beams of magic shot from them and I dodged them and fired a beam of dark magic at him only for him to lift his shield up to block it like it was nothing and his shadow started to split and move towards me and I ran in the castle.
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=silence+in+the+libraries+the+shadow+spread&&view=detail&mid=F3805DE5CF2161BB9C9AF3805DE5CF2161BB9C9A&&FORM=VRDGAR (1:40)

After I ran into the castle I could hear something behind me and I saw the shadows chasing me and I heard the wraith started to sing in a demonic voice


“Ding Dong”

“I know you can hear me”

“Open up the door”

“I only want to play a little”

“Ding Dong”

“You can’t keep me waiting”

“It’s already too late”

“For you to try and run away”

“I see you through the window”

Windows started to shatter and the shadows poured in as I ran through the hallways.

“Our eyes are locked together”

“I can sense your horror”

“Though I’d like to see it closer”

“Ding Dong”

“Here I come to find you”

I heard slow heavy footsteps behind me and I heard a sword scraping the stone tiles of the floor.

“Hurry up and run”

“Let’s play a little game and have fun”

“Ding Dong”

“Where is it you’ve gone to?”

“Do you think you’ve won?”

“Our game of hide and seek has just begun”

“I hear your footsteps”

“Thumping loudly through the hallways”

I started running faster down the halls to try to outrun the shadows chasing me

“I can hear your sharp breaths”

“You’re not very good at hiding”

“Just wait, you can’t hide from me (I’m coming)”

“Just wait, you can’t hide from me (I’m coming)”

“Just wait, you can’t hide from me (I’m coming)”

“Just wait, you can’t hide from me”

I ran into the throne rooms and blocked the dark with black crystals and I ran to the throne and stood in front of it.

“Knock Knock”

“I am at your door now”

“I am coming in”

“No need for me to ask permission”

“Knock Knock”

The door to the throne room exploded and the shadows spread throughout the room

“I’m inside your room, now”

“Where is it you’ve hid?”

“Our game of hide and seek’s about to end”

“I’m coming closer”

“Looking underneath your bed but you’re not there, I wonder”

“Could you be inside the closet?”

“Ding Dong”

“I have found you”
I tried to run but the wraith teleported in front of me and he looked like he was made of shadows and I turned around to find anothers wraith and I looked around the room to see dozen of wraiths emerging from the shadows.

“Ding Dong”

“You were hiding here”

“Now you’re it”

“Ding Dong”

“Finally found you, dear”

“Now you’re it”

“Ding Dong”

“Looks like I have won”
I started to feel the life being sucked out of me as I fell to my knees and started struggling to breath and the shadows started to engulf me as my life slipped away.

“Now you’re it”

“Ding Dong”

“Pay the consequence”

Captain of royal guard POV

We were losing badly with the liches away even though they are sending death knightes they are to much for us and we were being pushed back and many of them started to head for the city and I looked to the castle and saw green magic started to circle it and the magic filled the sky as green lighting started to strike the ground not far from the city and snow went everywhere as both the monsters and us stopped fighting to see what was going on and as the snow settled we saw a undead army appear out of nowhere and they all wore black armor

And at the front of the army stood a figure wearing armor and I looked at his magic and I know it was Talion leading them and the monsters that used to be focused on us was not charging towards him and the undead army behind him and the spear men were lining up and I saw archers drawing the bows and I saw mages preparing spells to be launched at the enemy in front of them and Talion voice was amplified but his upper body did not glow

“Fire.” He said as a barrage of arrows fireballs ice and lightning spells flew through the air to meet their targets and their front lines were desomated as their forces scattered and we join but strange monsters appeared on the undead army sides and charged the crystal monsters cutting off their heads as the spearman and the undead behind them slowly advanced keeping thier formation together and when they got close to the battle they charged to join and then were we decided to join the fight as we charged to crush them from both sides and the battle quickly ended with our victory as we finished of the last of them and the city was safe but the crystal heart has not been found yet and I sent my subordinates to find it.

Talion POV

“Anything yet?” I asked and he said no it has been two hours since the battle ended and no one has found it.
“We found something” I heard from the hall and ran their to find a long staircase and I humped down not wanting to waste time and landed at the bottom to see a door. “Everytime we get close to it changes locations” he said as I studied the door and saw a black gem on the door frame and I had a idea as I drew my sword and sgot a weak beam of dark magic and it opened revealing more stairs as I started to ascend them.

3 hour later

“How long are these FUCKING STAIRS!” I yelled as I was still walking after like 3 hours and I finally reached the top and found the crystal heart and twilight and spike followed me up for some reason panting and exhausted as I grabbed the heart and walked towards them. “Tired?” I asked and they nodded as I looked outside and saw we were above the crystal empire and I wanted to make this fast so I jumped out the window and landed on the street next to the castle and the crystal ponies were cheering as I put the heart in it rightful place. As they lowered their head and the roads began to glow and funnel power into the crystal heart as it formed a protective shield around the empire and they were all cheering and Cadence walked out of the castle and we walked back inside were we meet up with everyone in the throne room.

“You did it.” Pinkie said as she hopped up and down and everyone gave similar responses.
“Hey Talion can you came over her/” Cadence asked as I walked over. “Thanks for saving me back their and sorry we didn’t get to be properly introduced at canterlot.” she said as I nodded were weren't really introduced at that time. “So to make up for it you want to hang out sometime?” She asked.

“Sure.” I said as she smiled and we had to go Celestia sent a little tell that Cadence will run the empire and I decided to give her a little support and some of my guards stayed their to help and I gave her wand like a gave the others and I fly away on my dragon and the girls and spike took the train to canterlot to tell Celestia everything and I made it out of the frozen north of equestria and flew home and after a few hours I reached minas morgul and landed to find Luna and Aiko playing with Zoe in the gardens.

“So how is everyone today?” I asked as I dismounted and walked over and Zoe tried to tackle me but I didn’t bridge and she hugged my legs as I picked her up and gave her a hug and st her down and she giggle and ran back to Aiko and Luna and I walked to the warehouse behind the tower and walked inside the find the captain of the city guard and he greeted me as I shadow grew larger and spat out a dead Sombra on the floor.

“So this is the infamous Sombra I read about.” He said as he used his foot to turn the body over on it’s back.
“Yes I want to see what will happen if he became undead he was powerful when he was alive so it might affect the outcome.” I said as my magi washed over him and at first nothing happened but it began to shake and lievatat in the air and power surged through the body as it changed and it fell and landed on the ground and as he stood up I saw his change.

“This is strange he doesn’t look like a elder lich.” I said as the captain agreed as we observed the former Sombra and it just stood there.

“What are you?” I asked.
“I am a shadow demon my lord.” He said as he bowed. “But i am one that has physical form other shadow demons do not possess a form like this one they are made of shadow and darkness I am Phantom.” He said as he stood up. “I would like to stay by your side.”

“And how would you do that without being noticed?” I asked as he turned to shadow and merged with my shadow.

“I will be in your shadow till you have need of me.” He said as me and the captain walked outside and entered the tower and walked to the dining hall and everyone was their even Twilight and her friends and pikie tackled me knocking me to the ground as she laughed and I saw chrysalis she was looked 9 month pregnant.
“What happened?” I asked.

“Changelings queens give birth faster than other species and we lay eggs instead of a baby.” She said and I calmed down and we sat down to have dinner and I feed some of my magic to chrysalis and she moaned.

“Something wrong with my magic?” I asked.

“The opposite actually it taste amazing to where it’s addictive did you do something with it?” She asked.
“No.” I said as I took a bite of my food.

“And the spell I mentioned to get Aiko and Tempest pregnant has no side effect and they will be born a full blooded diamond dog for Aiko and pony for Tempest the spell makes them the species of the one that gave birth to them.” Twilight said and I remembered they were pregnant I forgot about that spell.

“So I’m going to be a father.” I said with a smile as I closed my eyes and imagined what they would look like and I snapped back to reality as I said. “Hey I was think of enrolling Zoe into a school what do you think.” I said.
“I think that perfect.” Luna said and the others agreed.

“I will make a portal to ponyville since we don’t have a school built here yet we will enroll her in ponyville.” I said and they nodded their head in agreement and the captain walked in.

“Sir the army we sent to the crystal empire has returned and with the new undead and we have new on their armor it is highly resistant to magic and we don’t know what it is yet and we are already making a golems out of it but we will not be able to make moving armor from it so we will equip the undead with it after we forge it into armor.” He said as he handed me a piece of paper with the damages from the battle and many who were sent were beyond repair and need to be reforged and enchanted but with the new undead that makes up for what we lost and the liches are gaining more magic from constant training and casting so we were getting more undead troops and from what were have learned from the location from Dainn kingdom it is across the ocean and was about 2 days of sailing to get there the stone golems already made the boat we needed to make it their so we will rely heavily on the undead production when we get there and we will use the dead bodies of soldiers to replenish our numbers our plan is to take the coastal towns and ports first then wake our way inland taking towns first then the forts we have learned of and any we find along the way and a letter appeared on the table in front of me.

“Dear Talion I have received word that you can bring people back to life at first i didn’t believe it but when I read this it conformed it the news reporters are going crazy and some of the new reporters are coming to minas morgul thought you would like the warning.”

It read and a new article appeared after the letter and I picked it up and read the first page and the title said.

The new king of Equestria is he a god or something else


And I saw a picture below it and I saw it moving showing how I brought back Zoe and how I comforted her and it repeated it when it reached the end and it shows Zoe with her throat slit open like before she was brought back to life.
After I read the article I sighed and put it down and Luna read the article and the letter and gave a chuckle. “Look like you’ll have company tomorrow.” She said as she passed it around the room. “And from what I know they already know you use undead so you don’t have to worry about them being freaked out.” She said and I breathed a sigh of relief I was planning for the undead to help patrol the city.

“They should be here tomorrow to ask questions.” I said as I finished my food. “Well I should get ready to answer their questions when they arrive they will probably be gathered at the tower in the morning so I’m going to get some rest before that.” I said as I got up to go to bed.

Chapter 26

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Twilight POV after Talion left the dining room

After Talion left the room me and the girls talked amongst yourself.

“So he can really bring back the dead?” I asked and Chrysalis answered.

“Yes I saw it but I think it has limits when he tried to bring back her parents he couldn’t because their bodies were too badly damaged and their could be more limitations to it.” She said.

“Well we should be ready too, no doubt they will ask us questions to since were married to him.” Tempest said and we all went to bed.

Talion POV

It was morning and I saw only some of the reports have gathered for the moment so I had time to get ready so I put on some nice clothes and grabbed a apple and ate it and went downstairs to the door and walked to through to see the rest of the reports were here and my undead guards were using their tower shields to keep them from getting to close and they were all yelling and asking question and I couldn't make them out through all the yelling so I waited for all of them to quiet down and it took three long minutes before they took the hint and shut up and they raised their hands and I picked a unicorn mare towards the middle of the crowd.

“Is it true you can bring someone back to life?” The reporter asked.

“Yes and no while I did bring Zoe back I was unable to bring back her parents because their bodies were too badly damaged.”I said as I described their injuries and missing limbs and continued. “And we have yet try try to bring back someone that has died from a natural cause such as age or illness.” I said as they wrote it down and I picked another reporter from the crowd this one was a zebra male.

“Are the rumors true are you going to war against Dainn?” He asked and all the reporters were wanting to know the same thing and their was not point hiding it.

“Yes.” I said and they all started yelling questions. I waited for them to quiet down again which took 5 minutes and another reported spoke up.

“Is it true you killed Sombra.” He asked.

“Yes.” I said and another reporter asked a question

“How many undead do you currently have at your disposal?” She asked.

“I honestly have no idea I have been busy with other things so my captains and liches have been keeping track.” I answered.

“Where did you get the bodies to make the undead?” A reporter asked.

“From the dead bodies from the mercenaries and diamond dogs that attacked us and we found out shortly after making them that we don’t need bodies to make them even though it is more difficult it gets easier.” I said.

“So how many kingdoms do you rule now I know about luna but are their more?” They asked.

“Chrysalis queen of the changelings.” I said and they had no more question so they went away to give their findings to their newspaper companies and I walked to the others side of the tower to find the girls being asked question by mostly female reporters.

‘So you three are pregnant with his children?” They asked Tempest, Aiko, and Chrysalis.

“Yes we are.” Tempest said.

“Will they be hybrids?” a reporter asked.

“No, the spell we used makes them the same race of their mother.” She said.

I was listening to the question before I was pulled inside by Luna and she look both excited and scared.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Ok before you say anything after I say let me finish.” She said and I nodded. “I am pregnant.” she said and I gave her a neutral stare that was quickly going to turn into one full of hatred if she did not continue. “It’s your.” That keeped my stare neutral but I was highly doubting it I never saw her use the spell and we only did it once so she could not have done it secretly.

“Alicorn can’t get pregnant well at least that's what we thought until recently and I know it yours.” she said as she cast a spell that caused her belly to glow. Then her and a few string of magic radiated off her and reached towards me before latching onto my body.

“That spell tells me who the father is and it you.” Luna said as she approached me and kissed me and she held me for a few minutes before she let go. “Don’t worry I know you’ll make a great father” Luna said.

After our touching moment I looked back to Tempest Aiko and Chrysalis to see them still talking to some female reporters and I walked inside to talk to the captains and check on the progress of the new armor and weapons and saw a they were but on display so I could look at them and they walked into the room “you here that good and we can show the designs for the armor” they said as they pointed at a spear. “After we made golems from the metal we made these spears they can puncture any armor and shield” and then he pointed at the sword and shield. “These are the weapon for the new swordsmen and this is the armor for them and this is the armor for the spearmen and we made axemen as well” He saw as he should me the rest of the new weapons we would arm the undead with.

“And we have integrated the armor into the undead spell so we don’t have to worry about get low on weapons.” They said as the presentation was over and they said they were working on something for the archers. “And we found something after we came back when we fought the crystal monsters we we walked to your room and found out now only your and changed but also your staff.” They said as the picked up a staff from the other side of the room they staff looked like it was made from a grayish metal and a pale green ord in the top and I took it and it felt right holding it and I put it on my back and it stuck there and my armor disappeared and robes appeared in it place and I switched back to my armor and then my robes again at will and I grabbed my staff off my and used it like a walking staff and walked outside to the training yard to test the power of the staff.

After I reached the training yard and I saw some target dummies were already in place as I stood a feet dozen feet away as I took aim and launched a fireball at the middle dummy and as it made contact it exploded taking out the surrounding dummes and they stood ten feet apart so the and I barely used any magic. ‘So depending on how much magic is used the are of attack expands like this explosion destroyed everything within 10 of the center of the blast and satisfied with the results I walked back inside and I wanted to take a trip to ponyville as I gathered the girls I saw cadence was with them.

“Hey Cadence s you came to hang out we were just heading to ponyville.” I said and she came with us as walked to ponyville and the girls we home to pick some stuff up and me Cadence Chrysalis Aiko and Tempest walked into my cabin as Cadence was amazed by the decor inside and the girls went to their room leaving me and Cadence alone and we sat on the couch.

“So what do you want to do?” I asked.

“Actually I came here for another reason.” She said as she scooted closer to me.

“And what is that?” I asked as she got on my lap facing my and kissed me as her breast pressed againist my chest.

“When I first met you I will admit I did like you but after you saved me I just can’t stop thinking of you and I wanted you ever since then.” She said and after her confession I gave her a kiss of my own as I pulled her closer to me and I laid her on the couch as we kissed and I explored her mouth as she moaned with pleasure as she wrapped her arms around me as we broke the kiss and a string of saliva connected our lips and we sat up and she was blushing and the girls came down as I said we have a new mare in the herd and we heard a knock on the door and we saw rainbow dash had a panicked expression.

“We need help Trixie has come back and she is fighting Twilight.” I didn’t know who this Trixie was but I wasn’t going to let her hurt Twilight and we ran out the cabin and to the center of town and and we found the so called Trixie fighting Twilight and I switched to my robes and grabbed my staff of my back and fired a fireball in between them and when Trixie turned around I saw she was wearing a strange amulet and her eyes were glowing.

“Who are you to interrupt the great and powerful Trixie?” She asked as she looked at me.

“I am king Talion and I have every right to join this fight when you attacked my mare.” I said as she glared at me and shot a lightning spell at me and I cast a barrier and blocked the spell and my shadow rose from the ground and turned into a dragon head as he breath a dark flame at Trixie and she teleported out of the way and the dragon turned it head and lunged at her and she jumped out of the way but the dragon bit her legs and threw her into a building. “Phantom come forth.” I said and he rose from my shadow. “Bring her here.” I said and he walked to the crumbled building and pulled a unconscious unicorn from the rubble and dragged her over to me and I looked at the amulet again and saw it had currpion in it and maybe that is why she attacked and I grabbed the amulet and started to dominate it as it broke off her neck and started to change in my hand and it turned into a different amulet and I put it on and I felt a small surge of power and I know I grew a little stronger and I heard a gasp and I looked at Luna.

“Talions your eyes have changed.” She said and I conjured a mirror and looked at my eyes they were a bright red and you could see and they cat like and I took the amulet off but I did not feel any power leave me and my eyes were the same and I put it back on and I felt no power flow into me so I left it on and the other looked at me worryingly and me taking off the amulet and it did not change back was not helping the situation.

“Well have to check this out later.” I said and I found out was version was much sharper and I could see farther than before and I heard Trixie wake up.

‘Why did you attack ponyville?” Twilight asked.

“Because of you after you and your friends drove me from town everyone knew who I was and I was a laughing stock of every city and town I went to because of you my life is miserable.” She said and Twilight's eyes widened.

“I never knew” she said.

“I think you and Twilight need to talk alone so we will be at the cabin.” I said and she understood and we left them alone.

After we returned to the cabin everyone came for a sleepover and we told them about Cadence and they were all happy for the new addition to the herd and I sent a message to minas morgul for a gate to be constructed to the crystal empire and I told them all that happened with the armor and the reporters and we went to bed and cadence was sleeping with me and I did knew what was going to happen when she closed and locked the door behind me and we sat on the bed and I laid on the bed and closed my eyes and I heard her undressing

Clop start

I opened my eyes to see Cadence naked and she straddled me as she sat on my hips and I sat up and gently kissed her. “You sure you want this?” I asked and she nodded and I pushed her back a bit and sucked on her breast as she moaned and I fingered her as I got her off me and laid her down on the bed as I continued to pleasure her and I pulled out my cock as she sat up and as I laid down as she stroked my dick and then began to put it in her mouth as she went slow at first bobbing her head up and down at a slow rate then began to speed up and she wrapped her large breast around mr cock and moved them up and down she wasn’t as good at fluttershy but she was good and I was getting close but I didn’t want to cum yet so I stopped her so we could move onto the next step as I pushed her down and she spread her legs and I pushed it in and she wasn’t a virgin.

“Me and shining did it once only one time.” Cadence said and I started slow and speed up and she moaned and she was getting close already as she tightened around me.

“Talion I’m close.” She said as she clamped tighter around me and wrapped her legs around my waist and she held me tightly with her legs and she cummed but I still kept thrusting maker her more sensitive with every thrust. “Faster Talion faster.” She said as I speed up and I was getting close.

“Cadence I’m getting close.” I said.

“Inside.” She said and and I thrusted deep into her and into her womb as I came inside her and her stomach bulged a bit and Cadence wasn’t done yet as she got on all four and put her ass in the as I got on on knees and put my hands on her cutie mark and she moaned as I started to fuck her pussy and she was holding on to the bed frame to stay still and keep her balance and I grabbed her and pulled her towards me as she was know on her knees as her back was on my chest and I kpt thrust and I grabbed her breast and fondled them and we kissed and she moaned in my mouth as our tongues intertwined and I started to thrust harder and faster as we broke our kiss and she was panting and moaning as she came another two times and I released another load inside her as the bulge on her started grew larger.

“You know there's one place shining don't fuck.” She said as she presented her ass to me and I knew what she went as I spread her ass cheek and pushed inside her and I stopped when I was all the way inside and she nodded she was ready as I started very fast and she collapsed instily as she laid on the bed and I was pounding her ass again and again and I spanked her and pulled on her tail and she was drooling on the bed and I was already close and I continued to plow her ass and I came in her ass as I pumped load after load inside her as I withdrawed myself from her and I laid down but not even a second later she was on top of me. “We still have all night to have a little fun.” She said and I knew this was going to be a long night.

the next morning

I was drinking some coffee and reading the newspaper when the girls except Cadence came down stairs and walked into the dining room “Where’s Cadence?” Twilight asked and I drank a bit of my coffee.

“Passed out on the bed we only just finished a minute ago.” I said and Tempest sneaked away and the others sat down

Tempest POV

I entered Talion room to find Cadence nearly passed out on the bed with cum all over her as her legs were spread and she moaned and I walked up and sat down as I placed a hand on her and she came and I moved my hand downward and found her pussy as I used my finger to prob it and she came again and I took it out and put it in my mouth as I sucked all the juices off and I moved down and gave her pussy a long lick as she spasmed and I decided to help myself as I dove in and licked her pussy to get it wet and then shoved my tongue inside and I fingered myself and I used my other hand to bring her closer to my face and I could taste Talions cum inside her and it was addicting every time we fucked he made me want him more and more every time he's near me I want him to take me right then and there.

Cadence was moaned and thrashing around her time she cummed and it was a lot she came like every ten seconds and I stopped licking her pussy and started to lick her clean as I licked her belly and then up to her breast and i sucked on her nipples and I took extra time with hr massive breasts and then moved to her neck and then to her mouth as I made out with her and licked her tongue as I made out with her and she moaned and I placed my hands on her head and brought deeper into the kiss and I stopped and left the room.

Clop end Talion POV

After breakfast Tempest came back down and I had stuff to do today so I had to get started.

Chapter 27

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I had finished breakfast and went outside and pulled out my bow but something was wrong it wasn’t coming out every time I tried the familiar green glow only flickered in and out of existence and died out I tried my other power were fine but my wraith power were useless and the ring power to dominate was working fine as well.

After walking inside I sent a message to the captain's to come to ponyville and walked back out to test the new undead spell the liched made not only the one with the black armor integrated into it but others as well and I cast a spell and a spell seal appears on the ground and it made a undead it was about as tall as a golems and had a huge mouth on it stomach and the spell seal continued to make more of them until it ran out of magic. “Ok that test is a success.” The spell I used is supposed to one kind of undead until it runs out of magic and I think I will call these undead gorgers.

“Head to minas morgul and join your fellow undead I told them and they walked into the forest and I got back to work and I used a new spell I got the idea when I created phantom he said he was a shadow demon so can I create more of them as the spell went into effect as the area around me darkened and a shadow rose from the ground it had wings and long sharp claws and glowing red eyes.

I took a good look at it and it looked good. “ I want you to join the undead at minas morgul and wait for further instruction.” I said as he fly away and now for the final spell I wanted to do create a wraith not a ringwraith but a normal wraith if I combine my power of undead and darkness I might be able to make one and the spell took affect as I as a wraith appeared and I told him the same thing as the others and he left and I saw the captains coming into view as they walked over to me.

“What is it that you needed>” The captain of the city guard asked and I told them about my wraith powers not working and showed them and they went into deep thought trying to think of a reason for my powers not working.

“Let me scan your magic.” The captain of the royal guard said as He scanned me. After a few
minutes he stopped. “I think I know what the problem is.” He said. “Your magic is changing at a rapid pace and it is no longer the magic of a warith so it is nullifying your wraith powers your magic is not only increasing in quantity but also quality.” He explained.

“What do you mean quality?” I asked.

“Well you will be able to use spell with less effort since a little of you magic equals more in normale magic.” He said as I had no more questions right now. “But your magic is changing you into what we do not know but it will be revealed in time.” He said and I dismissed them and I had to get back to work when I heard Applejack.

‘Hey Talion want to go camping with me Rainbow Dash and Rarity?” She asked and I thought about I didn’t have anything really important to do.

“Sure i’ll go.” I said and she smiled and walked away and I decided to cast one last spell before I got ready and a purple spell seal appeared again on the ground and a elemental arose from it.

“Who has summoned me?” he asked.

“I did.” I answered as he observed me.

“Impressive normally I would just kill the one who summoned me and be done with it but you interest me you have powerful magic and you can control souls at your command I could get some fun from serving you we can negotiate the contract later.” He said as he stepped of the circle and it did not disappeared and the elemental was confused by this to and the seal turned red and a red claw slowly came out of it and then another as a figure climb out and the elemental was gripping his scythe ready for a fight and I held my staff as the ceal then turned black as the rest of the figure emerged and I knew it was a demon as it climb out and the demon was female and she wore a red dress and had red claws and four horns and two of them were red at the top and her eyes glowed red and she wore bead all on her dress and on her horns.

“So this is the mortal world very colourful” She said as she stepped off the seal and looked around.

“Who are you and what are you doing here you weren't summoned I was.” The elemental said holding his scythe at her as she smiled with amusement.

“Oh a elemental.” She said then pinoted a single finger at him and a burst of magic shot at him and he held up his scythe to block and the impact blew him away and he landed on the ground.

“Not only are you pathetic you are also stupid take a closer look at him.’ She said as he looked over to me and his eyes glowed and then they dimmed and then I felt a burning sensation on my hand and I looked at the back off my hand to find a seal on it. “That’s my seal it proof your my new master not only that you are my first ever master.” she said and I saw she was right in front of me and she held my hand as she kneels and kissed my hand as the burning stopped and the seal turned red as her eyes glowed brightly and the same seal appeared on her hand and she stood pack up and looked at me carefully. “You have nice eyes.” She as she stepped away. “You might be wanting a explanation tight?” She asked and I nodded. “Well you are a unique case few few beings can wield two types of magic even those who do are problem just using a subclass of their own magic but you are wielding two entirely different magic though they are related in some ways but they are their own elements.” She explained.

“So.” she continued. “A familiar is a being that responds to your magic when summoned and makes a contract with you so he was the first one to come out since he sensed your undead magic first but I sensed your dark magic so I followed him and that why i’m here and like him we can settle the details of the contract later but for now I will be by your side till it time.” She said as she changed into a demonic raven and perched on my shoulder and I looked at the elemental turned into mist and entered my shadow only for him to be kicked out and he reform and Phantom came out of my shadow.

“Theirs not enough room for both of us.” Phantom said and the crow on my shoulder looked surprised to see I commanded another demon and he was a rare shadow demon that had a real body and she spoke in her crow form.

“I have seen a few shadow demons but never one with a body before.” She said as Phantom looked at the crow on my shoulder.

“And what kind of demon are you?” He asked

“I am a magic demon there are many types of demon water demons fire demon and many others but I am a magic demon more specifically dark magic.” She said as he looked back to the elemental.

“Well where else can I go if i’m out in the open it will surely cause problems.” The elemental said.

“Can you change into anything else?” I asked.

“No I don’t have enough magic for that.” He said as I formed a small sphere of undead magic in my hand and threw it at him and it entered him and magic pulsed around his body and he changed into a raven with horns and he flew on my other shoulder.

“It's not really inconspicuous but it will do for now.” I said as he looked at himself and nodded his beak and I left to get ready for camping and I packed a magic tent and a few clothes and walked to Applejack house where Apple bloom and Applejack where waiting for me.

“Hey Talion.” Apple bloom said as she jumped at me but I didn’t budge and she hugged me and I patted her head.

“Hey Talion what's with the two ravens on your shoulders? She asked.

“I’ll tell you tomorrow but right now we have to get everything ready.” I said as she nodded and we grabbed Rainbow dash and Rarity and I levitated Rarity's things as we walked into the forest.

Rainbow Dash arrived before us to the campsite. “What took you guys so long?” She asked as we just arrived.

“Some of us didn’t pack a light as others so we were delayed.” She said looking at Rarity and her dozens of suitcases then we began to pitch up our tent and Rarity's tent looked like a house and Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell were here and every pitched up their tent Rainbow Dashes and Applejack's were standard tent.

“Rarity why do you always have to pack the biggest tent you can find even Talion brought a regular tent.” She said and looked at my and I put my hand on the back of my head and gave a nervous laugh and she raised an eyebrow. “It is regular right?” She asked as she looked at my tent and walked in it and then walked out wide eyed as she looked back at it and pecked inside it and took her head out of it and walked away and everyone looked at me.

“Want a tour?” I asked and they walked with me inside the tent to reveal it is bigger on the inside and after I showed them around they left the tent to get the fire ready and tell stories and I now had time to make the contract with the two ravens on my shoulder and after they left the turned back to thier original forms and the elemental was looking at his hand opening and closing it.

“You ok?” I asked and he put his hand down.

“I'm fine I just feel a little different.” She said as we sat down and began to discuss the terms of the contract.

“Now then how do we do this?” I asked and the demon answered.

“We settle the detail like the requirements you have to live up to to stay our master and or duties to you.

.”Well first I would like to know your abilities.” I said and the elemental explained his powers first.

“I can create revenets to fight for me and I can consume souls witch brings me to my price I want a thousand souls to consume.” He said.

“Well that won’t be a problem.” I said and he looked at me curiously.

“How?” He asked.

“I’m planning a war soon and from our maps and information Dainn kingdom is massive and he has conquered many kingdoms across the seas and he has massive armies at his disposal so you can eat souls to your heart's content but only the soldiers the citizens are not to be touched but there should be plenty.” I said and he had a malicious smile on his face and I moved on to the demon.

“Now then what do you want?” I asked and she looked at me.

“First I want to ask a few questions.” She said and I nodded. “I have heard rumors that you have brought someone back to life and from the stairs from the ponies in the town behind your back I thinks its true is it?” She asked.

“Yes I have.” I said and before the elemental could say anything his mouth was shut by magic.

“Well then my demands are simple when the time comes I want to be your right hand man or well demon is this case and your proxy and I will need to feed on your dark magic once in a while to survive I can eat normal food but I need to feast on dark magic to stay healthy.” She said and I knew she knew something.

“Is thier anything you want to tell me?” I asked and she smiled and shook her head.

“Now that we have everything out of the way we can finalize the contract.” She said.

“And how do we do that?” I asked.

“You need to give us names it will complete the deal.” The elemental said and four contracts appeared two in front of me and one in front of each of them.

I thought for a few minutes before answering. “I think I have a few names how about Thanatos where I came from her was the personification of death and wields a scythe?” I asked the elemental and he looked at his scythe.

“I like it.” He said and I thought of the female demons name “And for yo how about Hecale she was the Goddess of the underworld, witchcraft, graves and demons.” I said and she nodded and we signed our names on the contract and they disappeared into thin air and the seal on my hand glowed brightly as hecale approached me and got on one knee and kissed my hand and it dimmed and my ring began to glow and a chain started to come out of it and it went to the floor and made about a foot of chain until it went for Hekate’s neck and a steel neck shackle appeared around her neck and she was still on one knee as she held her head down.

“What's going on?” I asked.

It is part of the contract to ensure my loyalty when a demon becomes a familiar this happens to make sure they don’t kill their master.” She said as the chain disappeared but not the shakkel around her neck.

“The chain will only appear if you want it to or I disobey a order.” She said as she and Thanatos turned back into crows and landed on my shoulders and we walked out and they already finished their stories and we had smores and they told jokes and then I heard a sound from the bushes and a arrow came from that direction and Thanatos caught it in his beak and broke it as several figures came from the woods surrounding us.

“We’ve come for your head wraith.” One of the figures said stepping out of the dark revealing to be a minitour wearing darkstone armor.

I thought of something and I wanted to put it to the test as I pointed my index finger at him and a powerful this beam of magic shot from my finger and it penetrated his armor and out the other side and blood leaked from his mouth as he looked at the small hole in his chest.

“That's not possible.” He said as I began to fire a barrage of the beams at him and they first hit his shoulders and made him drop his weapons then his knees and made him kneel and then finally through the head and I cast a spell to turn him undead and all his flesh melted off and he turned into a skeletal minotaur and he wielded an axe and the rest off the bounty hunters charged and mu new undead swung his axe and behead three of them and there was a total of 25 left and I told the girl to hid in my tent and they ran for it and entered and runes started to form around it had formed a shield around the tent.

“Time to let loose.” I said as Thanatos and Hecate flew off my shoulder and changed into their original forms and Thanatos plunged his scythe into a black diamond dog bounty hunter and his lifeless body hung from it and a green misr emanated from the body as Thanatos opened his my and the soul of the bounty hunter was consumed and the body fell to the ground and it began to shake as his fur turned white and it stood up to attack his comrades and Hecate was using her sharp claws to slice the throats of her victims and they fell to the ground as she licked the blood off her claws and I used my staff to create undead swordsmen and spearman to finish them off and they were killed in minutes and the undead dragged the bodies to minas morgul and I used black flames to burn away the blood and Thanatos and Hecate turned back into ravens and perched on my shoulders and I undid the runes protecting the tent and the girls came out and I told them to go back to ponyville and I created a group of undead to escort them and they packed their stuff and left and I gave my tent to one of them undead and a letter to explain what happened.

After they left Thanatos said something. “So you have a price on your head i knew making a contract with you would be interesting.” He said as we walked back and we saw a few Equestrian royal guards and celestia and when she saw me she smiled but when she saw the raven she frowned.

“Talion can we talk in private?” She asked and we walked into Twilight's library and she closed the door.

What are they I know they aren’t real crowes.” She said as they transformed.

“They are my familiars I summoned them this morning.” I said as she looked at the Hecate.

“So a demon and a death elemental are your familiares?” She asked and I nodded.

“Well as long as they behave I have no problem but I have concern about the demon just so you know.” She said as she walked outside and they turned back into raven and we left as well.

Chapter 28 relesing discord pocket dimensions and saving ponies

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It has been a few weeks since our little camping experience and the bounty hunters and I heard Applejack had a family reunion and she saved Spikes life at one point and Celestia called out to the edge of town and we saw her flying in a chariot in the distance and I saw another chariot but I couldn't see what's inside.

“What do you think Celestia call us out for?” Pikie asked jumping up and down.

“No idea.” I said and they got closer and I saw what was in the other chariot and I was seething with rage when I saw the statue of discord.

After they landed and Celestia stepped out out the chariot and Twilight stepped forward. “With all do respect princess HOW COULD YOU BRING DISCORD HERE your majesty.” She said yelling the last part and the princess tried to keep her smile but she knew they were scared of discord after he nearly killed them.

“I am aware that the last time he was here he caused havoc and injured you and your friends.” She said.

“If you mean havoc you mean nearly killing us and her shot off a few of our limbs in the process.

“Yes I know but I have use for Discord’s magic if it can be used to serve good instead of evil that is why I brought Discord here because I believe you girls can help him do just that and with Talion here he won’t try anything because of their last encounter and he has gotten even stronger since then.” She said looking at me and she handed the girls the Elements of Harmony.

“Well I guess we can use the we can use the elements again if he causes trouble.” Twilight said as the other nodded in agreement.

So who will look after the varmint?” Applejack asked.

“I will.” Fluttershy volunteered and they powered up the elements and the rainbow beam hit the statue of Discord and it turned back to flesh and he yawned and stretched out

“Well it’s about time somepony got me out of that prison block.” He said as he steacted his lion paw and snapped his fingers transforming a squirrel into a larger more buff squirrel.

“What are you doing?” Celestia asked as she looked at him with a angry scowl on her face.

“Why stretching of course.” He said. “Being stuck in stone can really get someone cramped up.” and he snapped his fingers again and he did the same thing to a bunny.

“Discord stop this.” Celestia commanded.

“He’s cute as he is and I think it’s vut that you think you can actually reform me.”He said as he laughed and I walked up behind him and drew Frostmourne and held it beside his neck as he looked to his shoulder and then to me with fearful eyes.

“Ether turn them back or i’ll make you.” I said and he snapped his fingers and turned them back but I didn’t notice he used his tail to make fingers and snap them.

“Well I know where i’ll be crashing while i’m being reformed.” Discord said.

“How do you know that?” Twilight asked.

“Just because I’m in stone does not mean I can’t hear.” He said as he pulled off his ears and they played back that Fluttershy volunteered and he put them back on.

After Celestia left we walked to Fluttershy’s house and I had a idea. “I have a idea where you could live.” I said and he raised an eyebrow and after we reached the house I cast a spell on a nearby tree and a door formed in the the middle of it and it had runes in the frame. “Now can you focus some of your chaos magic in it?” I asked and his hand glowed as the runes glowed as well and it dimmed but still held a faint glow and I opened the door to reveal a pocket dimension made of chaotic magic.
“I think this will give you suitable accommodations.” I said and he stepped in and looked around and he stroked his beard and he had a grin on his face.

“The runes on the door create a pocket dimension based on the magic they are infused with so when you infused your magic in it and it create a dimension accordingly.” I explained and he walked inside the house and we walked outside the door and closed it.

“Hey Talion where did you find that spell.” Twilight asked and I frowed.

“I found it a few minutes ago and tried it and I didn’t like what I saw in my dimension.” I said and they had curious looks on their faces and I created another door and focused some of my magic in it and they glowed red and I opened the door and we walked inside and the girls looked around to see a wasteland.

“So this is your dimension.” I heard behind me to see discord was floating around.

“Where the sun this place is dreadful.” Rarity said.

“There isn’t one.” I said.

“But that impossible their can’t be life without a sun.”Twilight said.

“You forget this dimension was and is created by dark and undead magic and ruled by it.”I said as she looked around.

After I said that I heard snapping behind me and say discord. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Trying to make a sun to brighten things up but I can’t.” He said.

“But why don't you like this place it just a wasteland it's not that bad.” Rainbow Dash.

“It’s not the waste;and I don’t like I can live with that it’s something else follow me.” I said and they followed me and we walked up and saw a abandoned village and we walked inside and I stopped them.

“Fluttershy you should stay here you don’t want to see this.” I said and she stayed their and we walked further into town and the girls gasped when we turned around the corner to see skeletons everywhere and many of them looked like family trying to shield each other from something and I saw discord was even disturbed by this and we walked threw the streets to see more skeleton and we saw a school as we passed by and only Rainbow Dash was brave enough to look inside and she came out with tears in her eyes as she flew away and I saw her go through the door and leave and we walked into a bar and it was empty and I grabbed a bottle of alcohol and poured myself a drink and I gave the others water and their hands were shaking.

“We should go?” I said and we left the bar and meet up with Fluttershy and walked through the door were Rainbow Dash was sitting on a stump waiting for us and I noticed my staff was missing and I saw I dropped it in the wasteland so I walked back inside and picked it up and when I heard a terrible screech and screaming and I ran on top of a hill to see what was going on there shouldn't be anything alive here.

After I got to the top I saw figures running in the distance they were ponies and I watched them running for a few minutes and I managed to get a good look at them and looked scared like they were running from something and then I heard the screeching sound again and I looked to the horizon and saw movement and a lot of it but I couldn't see them clearly but I had to get them to safety and I lifted my staff and red lightning sparked from it and it struck the ground and magic appeared everywhere creating undead wearing black armor and they formed ranks the first line were spearman carrying tower shields and the next three lines were spearmen carrying regular shields after them were five lines of archers and the next 50 lines were swords and axe men and they marched forward and i noticed something was different normally I would be tired after something like that but I’m fine actually I felt stronger than before.

“What's going on” I heard behind and I saw everyone even discord and when they reached the top of the hill they saw the ponies running in the distance and the figure behind them.

“I heard screeching and screaming over here so when I got to the top of this hill I saw them and I saw the figures behind them.” I said and looked to the figures again and I saw it was a army and they were monsters the first line of them were some kind of demon and there front legs were like shields and the rest were some skeleton like monsters made of wood, there were some kind of plant like monster that looked like it grew from a skeleton, there were figures wearing a mask and had a axe on their back and there were many undead but the did not have armor and had poorly made weapons and towards the middle of the army I saw what looked like their leader and he had bodyguards that looked like demonized minotaures with four arms and my army was about to reach the ponies that were running away from them.

Scared pony POV

“We have to keep running or they'll catch up.” My husband said as I held our daughter's hand we kept running and I looked behind me to see the monster chasing us over the horizon and and I bumped into somepony and fell down and I sat up and my daughter hugged me and I could see tears in her eyes as I looked forward and I saw a undead army approaching and whatever warrior had left among us were already in front of us with swords drawn and were ready to fight even though they could barely stand and I held my daughter and closed my eyes and I knew what was going to happen but I heard not fight or sword getting metal and I opened them again to see the undead moving around us but not even looking at us as they split when they reached us and joined back when they got past us.

“What's going on why aren’t they attacking us?” One of the warriors said as he stuck his sword into the ground and walked up to one of them but he was ignored as they walked past him not even reacting to him or us as more ponies walked up to them and they did nothing but walk past us and to the monster behind us and we we saw figures on the hill but two of them weren’t ponies and I saw a hooded figure that looked familiar and he lifted his staff as red lighting shot through the sky and it stuck the ground in front of us as another undead appeared and he looked like a general and he walked towards us and the warrior were holding their weapon at him and he stopped and looked at them and he held out a skeletal hand and it was enveloped in a red glow as their weapons disintegrated.

“There’s no need for that.” He said as he put his arm back under his cape. “I’m here to help I was sent by my master to escort you and the others out of here the undead army will hold off the monsters as long as they can I will take you somewhere they can’t get you.” He said as he stepped to the side and held out his hand to the undead and they made a path through their army to allow us through I was the first one to step forward and my daughter was holding my hand as we walked through and everpony began to follow us and the general lead the way as we left the army behind and we walked up to a door and he opened it and a forest was on the other side I hadn't seen a forest since I was a small filly I said and many of the ponies were rushing past us and ran through the door and to the other side and we entered as well and we were really in a forest.

“My master has requested you stay here till he deals with the problem and returns.

Talion POV

“Ok now that the ponies are safe we can fight without restraint.” I said and I heard eating behind me and I saw discord sitting on a floating chair eating popcorn and I stared at him and he stopped eating and I raised an eyebrow as he swallowed a mouthful of popcorn and I just decided to ignore him and went back to what I was doing.

3rd person POV

The two armies we marching towards each other when they stopped and the leader of the monsters was furious.” Why did you stop keep marching.” He yelled as he made his way to the front of his army and one of his bodyguards followed him.

“It appears there is a undead army ahead of us.” The bodyguard said.

“Probably they need to be ordered again they have always been useless.” The leader said as they reached the front and faced the undead. “Get back to work toy useless piles of bones.” He yelled but they did not move. “I said get back to work.” He yelled again and they lowered their spears and and secured their tower shield in the ground and a few of the front spearmen cleared a path and a hooded figure stepped through the gap.

“They won’t listen to you I am the one who created them and the ponies are already out of your reach.” He said and the leader of the monster created a huge fireball and launched at him only for him to knock it away and he grabbed the ground and pulled up lifting a massive boulder and launched it at the monsters taking out a few dozen of the monsters and the archers fired there bows taking out hundreds but the frontlines were protected by the demons and the leader yelled for them to charge and the hooded figure walked back in the gap and the undead formed a perfect line of shields and their spears were pointing forward as the monsters charged.

Talion POV

‘Now that I have his attention they get get through the door safely.’ I thought as I teleported to a good vantage point to use a sonar spell to get a good estimate of thier numbers and after i cast the spell I had a rough estimate their were over 30 thousand and but my forces were a mere 10 thousand but for some reason I wasn’t worried a bit normally I would be thinks how would I stop all of them and what would happened if they found the doe to the real world but I fell none of that so I decided to just watch the battle as they were about to collide.

Erd person POV the battle field

The monsters were about to make contact with the undead army and we they did most of their front lines were run through by the spearmen but many made it through and started fighting as more monster and undead started to fight and the undead the monster fought alongside with started to act strange as they looked around to see their own kind fighting the monsters and then to each other and one of Talions undead warrior walked up to them and held out a hand and they looked at it and took his hand and they were now fighting with Talions army and against the monster and now Talions army increased by 5 thousand but they were still outnumbered but the were holding their ground as they fought and the tide began to turn as the undead and monsters were equal and then the leader of the monster joined the fight and started to destroy undead left and right as the as the scales were now tiping in the monsters favor again and Talion jumped from his vantage point and joined as well equalizing it again.

Talion POV

‘I have to find their leader’ i thought as we walked through the dead bodies of the battlefield and the undead were protecting we so I could save my energy and I spotted their leader and he was running towards we cutting down the undead around me as I jumped up to dodge his blade.

“Looking for me?” I said and I heard him growl as he charged me when I landed and I frew frostmourne and switched to my warrior armor as our blade collided and the shockwave blast the monster and undead around us away and we started out battle.

Twilight POV

“Can anypony see what is going on?”I asked and every could not see the battle clearly because we were so far away and it wasn’t safe to get any closer.

“I’m going to check on the ponies that went through the door.” Fluttershy said as she flew away and walked into the door to check on them.

“Well this is fascinating he power here seems to have increased and is only grow since he walked through the door.” Discord said as I looked at him and he eyes were binoculars.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well I guess i'll just tell you do you remember when Talion said that this world is ruled by death and darkness.” He said and I nodded. “Well somehow he is subconsciously drawing that magic into himself but when he leaves this place all the power he gathered into himself will disappear and return to where it came.” He explained and it was very possible since the world was created by his magic and after he finished the ground began to shake and crake appeared on the ground and red magic leaked out of them. “Ah this is a prime example the magic in the ground is be draw towards him but because of the massive amount of magic be moved it is causing tremor and it has only just begun.

“What do you mean?” I asked

“I guess it is similar to my chaos magic but his magic is more violent and destructive chaos only does what is wants and makes everything unpredictably while his magics of darkness and death will do.” He went into deep thought a the ground shook again. “Well I don’t know what t will do exactly never seen anything like this before.” He said shrugging

Talion POV

Why won't you just die.” The leader yelled as a fireball out of his sword and I blocked it and I felt the ground shake slightly but I ignored it and keep fighting the undead were overrunning the monsters as they pushed forward and I fought harder as I swung my sword and a wave of ice shoot towards him as his sword lit ablaze and he slicest the ice and the monsters behind him were frozen solid as he charged me again and the ground shook violently knocking us off our feet as it continued and we couldn’t get up and the it suddenly stopped and we got up and looked around and the ground burst open not far from the battlefield and a pillar of red magic shoot towards the sky as it stopped and started to form a giant snake and it observed the battlefield almost like it looking and then it saw it as it lunged towards me and I raised my sword but I was to slow and it was too close to defend now and when it touched me I absorbed it and the rest was being pulled out of the ground and absorbed into me and I felt to the ground and I felt normal at first but then I felt a almost uncontrollable mass of power flow into me as I stood up and I was in enormous pain I had never felt this much power before and I couldn't handle it for long so I had to end this quickly and I faced my enemy and he charged again and I focused as much magic as i could into one attack and a large sphere of red magic gathered in my hands as I shoot it at him but instead of the orb moving it shot a massive beam at him and it not only killed the leader of the monster it killed his entire army and I dropped to my knees and one of my undead held my right arm and one the the skeletons that joined us grabbed my left and they helped me up

“Get. Me. Out. Of .Here.” I said and I could barely speak and they put me and a stretcher and started to carry me towards the door and the others joined us and they looked worried and discord appeared above me.

“Good show.” He said clapping as we walked out we we walked by the ponies that got out and Fluttershy was tending to them as we head for minas morgul and we walked through the gate and the citizen were watching from their homes and the streets as we past and they had worried looks on their faces as we found the hospital were i was put in the emergency room and they looked over me and when they were finished they gave me their finding.

“It seems your body was given more magic than it could handle causing you to collapse and damage was extensive and it has made your magic unstable for them time being and it has numbed your nerves to where it could take days for you to walk again and you magic is very unstable so you won’t be able to use it for awhile.” The doctor said as he rummaged through his notes.

“So how long for my magic to stabilize?” I asked

“I don’t know I have never seen a case like this and you have more magic than anypony I have ever seen o there's no tell when.” He said and he left the room.

“Don’t worry you be better soon.” I heard a feminine and it was almost like it was in my head and I looked around to see no one was here so I thought I was hearing things but it spoke again. “Look at your arm.” It said and I saw a snake tattoo on my left arm and it began to move slowly down my arm as it grew in size as it left my arm and became a real snake and it was at full length 15 feet long and it wrapped around the bed and I still couldn't move and it spoke telepathically.

“Don’t freak out.” The snake said.

“What are you?” I asked.

“Well you could say I’m apart of you” The snake said as it laid its head on my lap. “I was born after you arrived on our world when you first arrived it was only a little but when you summoned the undead army all the magic around the world gathered to you and that much magic can’t be sustain in one place without a consciousness same thing with spirits they are masses of magical energy.” The snake said.

“So you were the red snake that was made of magic?” I asked.

“Yes and not only was I powering you I was also powering your undead as well making them temporarily stronger.” She said.

‘That’s why I wasn’t worried about losing” I thought.

‘Yes your subconscious could tell what was going on and calmed you’ She said in my head and I face palmed that I forgot we were speaking telepathically. ‘So after the battle and you collapsed I was bonded to you and that why I didn’t disappear like the magic you were given and I have my own magic as well’ she told me.

‘You said I was going to get better so what do you mean?’ I asked

“When I am fully bonded t you like when I was a tattoo on your arm I can manage your power and magic so I can heal you from the inside and stabilize your magic so it should only take a day or two for you to get better but you should sleep or now and rest so i can work.’ she said and she put her head on my arm and she was sucked in and she looked at me and winked then went still as I closed my eyes and went to sleep

Chapter 29

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The day after I went into the pocket dimension I asked Anna some question and that the snakes name by the way and I learned she could change to any size and she has a obsession for bacon for some odd reason but I was feeling alot better and she stabilized my magic and I can move a little but not fully yet but I was cleared from the hospital and I wanted to know what happened so I went to Fluttershy to see if she learned anything so after I walked through the forest to her cottage I knocked on her door and her bunny angel answered the door.

“Hello is Fluttershy home?” I asked and he shook his small head and he made a few gestures I couldn’t understand so I tried to think of where she would be and after a minutes I just started to walk to ponyville andI had a light limp as I walked through the forest since I was still recovery.

It took a few minutes to reach ponyville and I saw there was construction at the edge of town and I wanted to check it out and I saw the ponies I saved were here and Fluttershy and Celestia were here and they were looking over the construction plans.

“Hey.” I said and they looked us and smiled when they saw me.

“Hey Talion were making homes for the ponies you found.” Celestia said as she looked over to them. “They lost a lot of people from what gathered and we have seen many of them to the hospital since they were in critical condition.” She said.

“I have order my army on the other side of the door to look for more survivors so we could expect more people to come through.” I said and she smiled but we don’t know how long it will take to find them or how many are left. “I will ask them if their are more of them in their.” I said as I walked over to the group.

“Hey I would like to ask some of you a few questions?” I asked and they tensed up.

“Are there more survivors out their and if their are we need to know so we can get them out of there?” I asked and they looked scared to answer until a mare walked up.

“We have a base but we don’t know if it’s still their we left a day before we were found it about a few days to the north of the door.” She said and I sent that information to the undead through the door and they started to march. “Thank you I will see they are safely brought here.” I said and they relaxed and went back to what they were doing but I noticed some of them were staring at like they recognized me somehow. “Is there something else you want to tell me?” I asked.

“No it’s nothing it’s just that you look like our god.” One of the stallions said and it was understandable since I was the one that create that world but I didn’t want they to think I was some kind of deity or something so I didn’t tell them and I walked away.

“They have a base north of the door I sent my undead to scout it out so I can talk to them and tell them the others are safe.” I said and I saw Hecate flying above us and I sent a message to her to keep an eye on Discord and she flew away and Thanatos landed on my shoulder and I walked to my cabin to find Aiko Tempest and Luna waiting for me and they had worried look.

“Talion come quickly Chrysalis s giving birth a few of her changeling are already here but you should come to.” She said and I entered the cabin and entered her room to see her changeling handling eggs and putting them in cocoons and I walked over to Chrysalis and held her hand normally I thought I would hear her yelling at me or saying she is going to cut my balls off but she was calm and collected as she grunted in pain as another small egg was carried to a cocoon and when it was full it was sealed and wa carried away as Chrysalis catched her breath and relaxed as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

After she fell asleep I walked down stairs and I stopped limping and all of the numbness was gone now and I sat on the couch and Anna left my arm and grew to about 3 feet long and she wrapped around my arm.

“Everything is back to normal.” She said.

“That's good.” I said as I walked to the kitchen and grabbed Anna some bacon and I saw her staring at it following it with her head as she licked the air with her snake tongue and slowly inched forward and snapped at grabbing it in her mouth and out of my hand and I grabbed a bowl and walked to the couch and put the bowl of bacon on the table and Anna slithered inside it and I could hear eat eating from inside under the bacon and her tail was the last thing inside as she was not a the bottom of the bowl and began to eat and I heard knocking at the door and I got up and opened it and I saw Fluttershy and I let her in.

“So Fluttershy what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked with a smile and a small bow and she giggled.

“I heard you found a way to feed carnivorous without killing animals and I wanted to know how?” She asked and ir wasn’t a problem as I teleported us to a location under minas morgul. “This is our animal farm.” I said as we walked down in a clean area. “This is where we collect the meat.” I said as we walked up to a window and saw a sleeping pig and a few guards walked in carrying a large sword and Fluttershy closed her eyes as he swung it at the pigs legs and cut it off but there was no squeal or any kind of sound as she opened her eyes and saw the pig was still asleep and wasn't bleeding but was missing a leg and another guard walked in. “This is how we do it we put a spell on the animal to put them to sleep and chop off a leg or two then we cast a spell for the leg to regenerate and we repeat the process.” I said as the pigs leg was now regenerated and we moved on to where we keep them. “This is where we keep them they are well feed and taken care of.” I said as we saw many different animals and we saw some more pigs being fed and washed and I teleported us back to my cabin and before I could say more we heard a loud belch and looked to the bol of the table and Fluttershy was smiling as she looked in the bowl to find Anna taking a nap in the bowl and her retinas were closed but it still looked like her eyes were open.

After Fluttershy left Anna woke up and turned back into a tattoo on my arm and I checked on the preparations for the invasion and they were almost ready just a few more days. And we would be ready to go and the boats were already at the coast ready to be sailed to their destination and I decided to take a stroll through ponyville and I almost walked into Celestia.

“Hey Talion.” She said “So I heard your almost ready.”

“Yes after preparations ar completes the guards will stay here and protect the cities and the people the undead will follow me to fight against Diann.” I said and she nodded in agreement and we walked through the town and it was getting dark so we parted ways and I walked by the new houses some of the ponies I saved were still giving me looks from the windows but I kept walking to my cabin and walked inside to find Hecate and Thanatos arguing and I stepped to the side so I could hear what they were saying.

“You can’t just be his proxy your just a meager demon.” Thanatos said and Hecate did not like that as she used her magic to stick him to a wall.

“I’m tired of you saying that you want to know who I am the daughter of the demon lord.” She yelled but I didn’t move. “I was forced to do things I didn’t want to do I was even forced to kill children that were only just born.” Once I heard that I nearly gave myself away by gasping. “If I can become his proxy I never have to go back we both know what is going to happen to him and it won’t be long now before he ascends.” She said and I was wondering what she was talking about and what about this ascendshin they think i’m going to go through.

After a few minutes they stopped arguing and everything became quiet and I pretend like I just walked in as I rounded the corner and they were in their raven forms and perched on the two arms of the couch.

“So what did you to do today?” I asked.

“Nothing much.” Hecal said.

“When will the preparations be done I getting a inch to kill something.” Thanatos said agitated but I knew it was from the argument they had.

“In a few days we will be ready the guards will stay here while the undead will come with us and we will be taking the liches to to try to keep our numbers up while were there.” I said and A letter appeared in front of me and I read it.

“It appears they have sent a small army to attack us they will arrive the same day we depart go thing I already have idea for when they arrive.” I said.

“And what is that?” Hecal asked.

“Me and a small portion of the undead will strike the soldiers that made it to land they will be exhausted and tired from the long ride so they should be easy to deal with the rest of the army will board the boats we have ready and box them in the will be completely surrounded and we will send our flying skeletons with bows in first but we only have about two hundred of them so they will need to stay out of range of there arrows.” I explained.

After I explained my plan they flew off somewhere probably to argue and I watched the fire as Luna, Aiko, and Tempest walked in.

“Hey how are you girls today?” I asked.

“Were fine how’s Chrysalis?” Luna asked.

“Still asleep.” I said

“Well were going to bed want to join us?” She asked.

“Sure.” I said as I got up and we all went to sleep

chapter 30

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I has been two days since Thanatos and Hecal had their argument and Discord was now fully reformed and had become good friends with Fluttershy and I have heard from the undead in the pocket dimension they found the base and they were ready to escort them but I wanted to meet them first so I walked to the door and walked inside and I had Anna with me and she told me as long as I don’t get into fights the magic of this world won’t act as like it did before.

I meet up with a few of the undead that I sent here and they escorted me to the base it was going to take like three hours to walk there.

Twilight POV

Hey spike I got a book from Celestia it was written by starswirl the bearded and the looks to be a unfinished spell in the back maybe me and talion can complete it.

“That might be a bit I heard his undead found the survivors and he is going to go talk to them.” Spike said and Twilight sighed that she was going to work on it alone.

Talion Three hours later

I finally made it I was getting sick of walking and I saw their base was a large fortress and my undead army was in front of it and I saw many archers lining the walls of the fortress ready to fire and they were obviously malnourished as many of them looked like they were nothing but skin and bones and the undead made a path for me and I walked through and to the front and when the archer saw me I saw them shaking ether from fear or from exhausted from pulling back their bows for so long and I used my magic to enhance my voice. “I wish to speak to your leader” I said and one of them accidently let their arrow go and it flew towards me and I caught it with one hand like it was no big deal and broke it with one hand and dropped it.

After a few minutes the gates opened and a few warriors that looked like they were about to collapse walked out and I saw a earth pony stallion and wearing a necklace and looked to be thier leader walked forward. “You wanted to speak to me.” He said.

“Yes I have found your people and they are safe.” I said handing him a list of all the names of the ponies that were rescued and he let out a sigh of relief.

“So where are they now?” He asked.

“They are in a safe place the same place I want to take all of you and your people.” I said and he thought about it and then looked to the fortress to see many ponies miniatures griffins and they were all wearing the same necklace and they were peeking out and they looked like they were starving and I saw many were heavily wounded with their arms in casts and people wearing bandages.

“We don’t really have a choice do we?” He asked.

“You can stay if you want but they will surely perish from ether starvation or diseases.” I said and he nodded with his eyes closed and then opened them as he took a deep breath. “I’ll get everypony ready to travel.” He said as he walked into the fortress and they closed the gates and after a few minutes it opened again to see hundreds of survivors and they were carrying what eve they could and my undead took it off their hands so they could save their energy and carried their possessions and we began walking to the door.

Three hours later

“Are we almost there yet?” I heard the children whine non stop since we began.

“Yes we're almost there and have you ever see a forest?” I asked with a smile.

“No they were all burned down and destroyed before we were born.” One of them said.

“Well on the other side of the door is a large forest and were almost.” I said as we stood on top of a hill that overlooked the door and I pointed to it and we continued to walk towards it and we walked through it and they breathed in the fresh air and I ordered the undead to gather food from minas morgul that we could spare and bring it here and I left for ponyville and they followed me and when were at the edge of town I saw a bright light coming from the library and the light shot out towards me and I was transported to a empty place it was nothing but space as far as the eye could see.

Boring here isn't it?” I heard someone ask behind me and I slowly turned around to see a alicorn mare white fur and a reddish mane (I think it looks reddish from the pictures but sometimes I see different colors than other people) Blue eyes and she was wearing a white dress.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“You know who I am or well you did.” She said which left me confused. “I know you don’t understand but you will in a few minutes.: She said and I was suddenly hit with a major headache and I fell to my knees and I struggled to stand up and she helped me on my feet.

“What’s happening?” I asked.

“This place negates normal magic and reverses any spell such as the memory spell you cast on yourself.” She said as I had a rush of memory appear in my head and I regained my memory the gaming convention and everything else and I stood up straight and I took a few steps forward and I looked around and then back to the alicorn.

“Your Faust.” I said and she smiled and nodded and I took a deep breath.

“So why did you bring me here I know Twilight becomes an alicorn at this point?” I asked and she nodded then gave me a sad look.

“There is a threat to the world resurfacing.” She said as she looked away from me. “My sister her name is Circe.” She said then continued. “Me and my sister were born at the beginning of creation we were complete opposites I am the goddess of creation and her destruction my first creation wa equis and its inhabitants but my sister was growing restless and angry so I created a few things for her to destroy, and she left she was gone for a thousand years before I became lonely so I created a child but instead of one I got two and that is when I figured out that there always needs to be balance and that is when they received their powers and duties Celestia the sun and Luna the moon.

“Yes that I know but I had no idea you had a sister.” I said surprised.

“Yes and after they were born my sister returned and she was furious and tried to destroy them but I stopped her and she then tried to destroy equis and I stood in her way. We fought for millions of years before Celestia and Luna had grow up and joined me but we were still in a stalemate since my magic is mostly defensive and Celestia and Luna are not as strong as us so I had to protect them but somehow we finally defeated my sister and we trapped her but before we could she managed to cast a spell that turned Luna and Celestia into mortals but they kept some of their power and their control over the sun and moon and she was sealed away under tartarus but her power still remained and it went wild creating the demons that inhabit it today and I have no doubt she will use them to fight for her.” She said.

“So you want me to fight them but why can’t you I already have a war planed?” I asked.

“I can’t enter the mortal plane of existence their are rule that both me and her must obey.”She said.” And she want to create the proper circumstances to enter the mortal world.” She said as she clutched her fists.

“But how can fight a goddess?” I asked showing no emotion but I was internally panicking.

“By becoming a god yourself.” She said and the panicking intensified but I kept my cool.

“But I would be bound by the same rules as you.” I said and she shook her head.

“Your not from our world so you are not bound by the same rules and laws as me so you can stay in the mortal world and you won’t have a opposite.” She said with a smile.

“So how do we do this.” I asked as my panicked diminished a bit and 9 different flashes of light appeared around me and i opened my eyes after the light disappeared and nine different appeared around me the other 8 wraith rings from the games and finally Sauron's ring bit it looked different it looked weak and broken and I walked up to it and I held it in my hand and showed it to Faust.

“What happened to it?” I asked.

“After Frodo cast the ring back into the fire it wasn't destroyed sauron's soul that inhabited it was destroyed and it drifted in the molten lava until I found it.” She said.

“So what do these have anything to do with me becoming a god?” I asked.

“You are already made good progress in becoming a god your fight with discord and sombra for example.” She said and another headache struck me and I remembered everything that happened during the fight and how Celestia lies to me about it.

“We don’t have time to wait for you to ascend.” She said.

“What about Hecal won’t she be under the control of your sister?” I asked.

“No she won’t she is bound to you and by your magic no longer by her’s.” She said and I was relieved.

After that the rings began to circle me and the glowed and a beam of magic shot from each of them and they made contact with my ring and they drew closer and they all combined into one ring and when the glow faded I saw my new ring it looked like Sauron’s but it was black and the words glowed blood red and frostmourne appeared it and it started to vibrate violently and broke apart and it reformed into a new sword with a black blade and it looked like the sword of the father from final fantasy 15 and I looked to faust and she had a frown.

“I’m sorry for what is about to happen next?” She said and I was confused then I was in incredible pain similar to when I first put the ring on but much much worse and I threw up black blood and I could see black veins across my arms and body and my skin turned snow white and I fell to the ground as I felt like I was dying and I could no longer breath and my vision turned red and the world darkened and I passed out.

3rd person POV

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy ran outside and looked around to see a bright light in the shy and they ran towards it and it flew to the ground and Twilight emerged from it and she was now a Alicorn and the girls gasped.

“Twilight your an Alicorn.” Rarity said excited as she hugged her and the other girls joined in.

“Yes she is my little ponies.” Celestia said as she appeared from the same light.

“But Celestia I thought you your sister and Cadence were the only Alicorns.” Fluttershy said as she hid behind her mane.

“Yes that was true but their is a away to become one but you have to earn it and prove you have a pure heart.” She said as she looked around and looked confused.

“Where's talion normally I can feel his magic from here even when he was in Minas Morgul?” She asked and a lot of ponies miniatures and other species came from the forest with worried expression and they were being escorted by Talion undead and they walked towards us and a pony that looked to be their leader stepped forward and Celestia stood in front of us and he spoke.

“Do you mind helping us our guide here seems to have disappeared.” He said as they others looked around the town.

“What did you guide look like.” Celestia asked

“He wore robs and he commanded these undead.” He said.

“That’s Talion what happened to him?” She asked worried.

“Some Kind of light engulfed him and he disappeared.” He said and Celestia eyes widened as she turned around and went into deep thought. “What are you doing mother.” She said quietly

Talion POV

I woke up suddenly and found my head in Faust’s lap as she shushed me and told me to relax and I rested my head in her lap and closed my eyes for a moment to collect myself and then opened them and got up closer and stood up as she got up as well and dusted herself off and I took a step and nearly lost my balance and she caught me before I fell and I regained by footing and I looked at myself and I was wearing new robes and I grabbed the sword and put it in my sheath and I looked around and then Fausted looked me over and she had a worried look and she created a mirror and I looked in it and saw myself clearly my skin was still white and I saw the black veins all across my body and then I looked at my eyes the whites of my eyes were black so my red catlike eyes were now more frightening to others.

“How do I look?” I asked but I noticed when I talked it sounded like three people were talking at once one was mine the second sounded like a demon and the third sounded similar to mine but it sounded menacing and cold which made Faust looked afraid for a second before she calmed down and looked at me worried.

“It seems it worked and it did not only change you physically but magically as well and you will learn to control your voice in time.” She said and the world around us shook. “It seems our time together is at an end say hello to my daughters for me.” She said.

“Yes but what am I the god of exactly?” I asked.

“The god of darkness and death.” She said as the world around me faded away

3rd person POV

The girls and Celestia were looking around before a dark orb appeared in the sky and it expanded and strong winds nearly blow them away and the necklaces of the survivors glowed brightly and they got on their hands and knees and bowed as it struck and descend to the edge of town and we ran to it.

After the girls made it to the sphere it opened it and a figure stepped out and it looked around and Celestia was in front of it extending her wings threateningly and she fired a beam of magic and it held his hand in front of the beam stopping it and the ther girls arrived and the were behind Celestia and her beam stopped and the figure lowered his hand.

“Forgotten me so soon” The figure said lifting his hood recaling to be Talion and the girls were relieved until they saw his new look and Celestia was still worried until she asked him a question. “Where were you?” She asked and he held up a single finger and said one thing.

“Faust.” He said and it was like three voices were talking and it scared and it sent shivers down everyone's spines and they back away slightly. “She asked me to say hello for her.” He said and Celestia appochd and he stopped her. “I know what really happened with discord I remembered everything after my little trip.” He said.

“So what else did she tell you?” Celestia asked.

“Everything and she told me she is returning.” Talion said and Celestia eyes widened.

After he said that the survivors from the pocket dimension appeared from behind the buildings and thier necklaces were still glowing and brightened as they neared Talion and they kneeled.

“There is no need.” Talion said as they stood up.

Location under tartarus POV

The Alicorn mare began to laugh wickedly as the chains and wards finally broke and she destroyed the door that kept her trapped for a millennia and she walked forward with a large smile on her face as she entered tartarus and some demons appeared in front of her and bowed as she laughed again and hordes of demons could be found all around cheering that their goddess has returned and she looked to the hordes as they lifted their weapons in their air to pledge their loyalty to her.

Talion POV

After the survivors left for minas morgul me and the girls entered the library and we all sat down so they could ask their questions Celestia was first.

“What happened to you exactly?” She asked.

“It was something that was going to happen anyway she just made it happen sooner.” I answered with.

“But what happened exactly?” Twilight asked.

“I became a god.” I said and they were all yelling questions and I lifted my hand to quiet them down. “I am the god darkness and death.” I said and they looked at me in fear but they calmed down when they remembered I wouldn't do anything bad.

“So did she tell you when she would be free?” Celestia asked.

“She is already free but she can’t enter the mortal world yet but she will use her demons to attack us.” I said. “Even more reason why I am leaving the armor guards here to help defend Equestria.” I said and Celestia was panicking.

“It’s ok Celestia after we deal with Dainn we will be right back here and with minas morgul still creating guards we they can help defend the citizens of Equestria me and the undead leave tomorrow to intercept the army Dainn sent to attack my army.” I said and the others were shocked and Celestia smiled and laughed.

“Yes he bucked up.” She said laughing loudly.

“What did he do?” I asked

“He can’t send any form of military into Equestria without informing me and asking for my permission.” She said and I grinned.

“Good but I don’t want to risk your people so they will only assist the flying skeletons in the first assault against their ships.” I said and she nodded.

“I think it’s time we left.” I said and everyone nodded and we went to our individual homes and I went home to get ready for war

chapter 31 defending the beach taking the port and holding it

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It was morning when I woke up and I could hear marching outside and looked out the window to see a small battalion of undead waiting for me outside and I walked down the tower to see everyone waiting for me the elements of harmony, Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis.

“We want to say goodbye.” Chrysalis said and I smiled at them and we all joined in for a group hug and I walked outside and my battalion of undead marched outside the city the citizens of my city cheering for our safe return and we marched to a underground cave were the other undead were waiting for me and we reached the end to reveal thousands of undead and as they followed me the earth shook as they marched to the coast and we meet up with Onyx and a a large battalion of pegasus behind him.

“Hey Onyx it’s been a while hasn't it.” I said and he agreed and we talked as we traveled and after three days of marching me made it to the coast and the major and Onyx already broke off from us and to the ships and me and 500 undead marched to where the caribou would arrive and were were standing on top of a hill and it started to rain were we saw a few of their ships already landed and we charged as we ran down the hill towards them and they were and they were dropping what they were doing and trying to grab weapons and we we reached them a caribou tried to swing his sword but i cut his arms off and I moved past him and I summoned my shield and the undead were charging into their ranks as some of the caribou tackled some of the undead and a axemen hit a carbiu with the blunt end of his axe knocking down then a swordsman stabbed him and another caribou tackled a undead but one of the swordsman bashed him with his shield to get him off and the undead started to shield bash them and knock them to the ground then stab them and one was trying to crawl away but a axe brought his axe down on his back killing him and three carbiu were running towards men and I slid and cut one of thier legs off and I got back up and sheid bash another then ducked under the finals sword and cut off his head then I killed another one that was on my left and I hit another one with the rim of my shield to my right and a caribou carrying a spear charged me and I knocked the spear away and stabbed him and I saw an arrow and blocked it with my shield and three more were on me and I killed the first one and the other attacked me from the side as I swung my shield to my left to block his attack and used my sword to kill the on on my right and when he was dead I twisted my body and cut the last ones throat and another one was in front of me and another one running towards me and I swung my sword killing and and are the one that was running roll over my shield as I dodged his attack.

And while my back was turned a caribou jumped from a large rock and a undead spearmen rushed to my side is he impaled him with his spear and slammed him into the ground and I ran towards two that were trying to run away and killed them and I ran to one of their ships and one of the crew threw a bucket at me as he tried to run but I stabbed him in the back as I ran up a plank onto a ship and cutting down three more in my way and I looked to the sea and saw their main ships carrying the most troops and I saw what looked like three general shouting orders and I grabbed a bow and drew an two arrow as I took aim and fired and killed two of the general and the other caribou were shielding the last one and my undead finished off the rest of them and the general ships fled before my ships could get into place and now the rest of their fleet was surrounded and I could already see the pegasus and Skeletons flying in the air firing arrows on them ships and my ships closed in and when the arrow stopped flying my undead boarded their ships and started to slaughter whoever was left alive. And they brought the ships to land and the remaining undead that survived the battle boarded them and the liched were now turned the dead bodies into undead with black armor and they boarded the ships as well and as I was about to get on the undead were escorting prisoners off the boat and I looked surprised they were already doing it and one of the liches awsered me.

“We have already ordered them to escort the prisoners.” He said and I nodded and a few of the undead stayed behind to take them to minas morgul and we set sail and Onyx and his guards flew to Canterlot to inform Celestia of our victory and I saw Hecal and Thanatos flying through the air and they landed on the ship and transformed and Hecal got on one knee and bowed and Thanatos glared at her and I motioned for her to rise and she stood up straight and smiled and she looked at the new me and looked surprised when she looked in my eyes and giggled.

“I like the new look master.” She said with a smile as she looked to the sea behind me and thanatos held his scythe with anticipation as we sailed to war.

Circe POV

“He is not far from here my queen.” The demon said as we walked up to a cage with a pathetic looking centaur inside it and he got up.

“Who are you?” He asked with disdain in his voice.

“Don't you remember me.” She said with a laugh and a smile as she looked at him. “I am the one that gave you and your weakling brother your powers.” She said and his eyes widened as he bowed and she tore open the cage that held him and dragged him out and tossed him on the ground. “I have a task I want you to take care of Celestia and Luna I don’t care what you do to them but get them out of the way.” I ordered and he galloped away.

Talion POV three days later

It was a raging storm but we still moved forward and we could see our target and the storm will help tremendously the ships we captured during the battle will go first to confuse the caribou then they will marched into the port town and then we will join them in the fight and the ships moved forward to and I looked through a telescope to see a few guards walking up to the boat and they were talking and they look like they were laughing

Caribou guard POV

“That things undead probably didn’t stand a chance against them.” One of my fellow guards said and I laughed and I felt that it was way to quiet and I stopped them and they listened as well and we had our weapons ready as we approached the boats and the two other guards climb up the latter slowly and then they were suddenly grabbed by undead and were dragged aboard and I could hear their screams as they were slaughtered and I ran for town yelling. “INTRUDERS AT THE BEACH!” And all of the light in town started to light up and I heard yelling and I suddenly felt something hit my back and I fell to the ground and turned my head to see a spear impaling me and I saw the undead that threw it and He walked up and pulled it out and I screamed and he set his boot next to my head as he grabbed my antler and dragged me away kicking and screaming.

Talion POV

We were nearing the shore and I already saw the undead engaging the caribou in the town and we made it to beach and the undead were lowering the planks and rushed for the town and thanatos flew through the air and flew to the town to feast and Hecal stayed by my side as we watched the slaughter

3rd person location manehattan

A unicorn stallion was walking around the streets of manhattan until he heard a ained grunt and he looked in a alley and saw a cloaked figure and he walked towards it.

“Are you alright sir?” He asked and he cloaked figure lifted his head slightly and said.

“I will be.” He said as he threw off his hood revealing to be Tirek and started to drain the unicorn of his magic and he collapsed and Tirek started to grow stronger as he put his hood back on and left the alley

Celestia POV

I was in day court answering the questions of the nobles

“How do we know the war won't come here?” One of them yelled.

“War is already here they violated the peace treaty when they sent soldiers without informing me but Talion has asked me to stay out of it but I’m not going to sit here and do nothing while he fights for us on foreign soil.” I yelled back and I felt a disturbance and I knew it was tirek. “No more question day court is closed come back tomorrow.” I said and before they could complan they guards escorted them out and i called for my sister and she teleported into the throne room with a panicked expression.

“Did you feel that sister?” She asked and I nodded.

“Yes we must send a letter to discord and the elements to come to canterlot.” I said as I wrote the letter and sent it.

Talion POV

The port town was captured and was under my control and the liches were already at work creating undead and I walked to the town square were I told the undead to gather the slaves and citizens and I hopped on top of a building and jumped in the air and landed in the square and I saw many caribou and several females that weren’t slaves and the males held them ‘so not all of them are bastardes that good to know ‘ I though and one of them spoke up.

“What do you want.” One of them yelled.

“To free the people of this kingdom.” I shouted calmly and I saw a few people smile but I saw some of the caribou that were bastards speak up.

“Those slaves got what they deserved and when Daiin kills you and reclaims the port all of you traitors are next.” One of them shouted before I set him ablaze and he screamed as he fell to the ground and tried to put it out and he died shortly after and his burnt corpse laid on the ground and he was dragged away.

“I will liberate this kingdom from his control and bring him down.” I said and most of the people cheered and I teleported to my liches that were gathered outside of town.

“So what do you have to report?” I asked and morgana stepped forward.

“The total of undead we now have is about twenty thousand right now but we are still creating more as we speak.” She said with a bow.

“That’s good and can you instruct them to build defenses around town we can’t know if Daiin will send a army after us or not but we should be prepared.” I said and the went to fulfil their orders and I walked to the beach to test my new power.

After I got to a abandoned part of the beach I saw a huge boulder and lifted my hand and prepared a spell and a dark fireball shot from my hand and not only destroyed the boulder it went past it and destroyed everything in its way for about three miles before it ran out of magic and was extinguished and I was just standing there dumbfounded to what just happened I didn’t even use a spark of magic and I caused this devastation as I look to the page the fireball made it was 20 feet wide and the fireball was only as large as my head. “I don’t think I should be in any flights until I have this in check.” I muttered to myself as I walked back to town.

Daiin POV

I was staring angrily at my general that he fled from battle and let his colleagues die so easily and a guard rushed in.

“My king one of the port town has been captured and being held bt undead they used our own ships as disguises so we wouldn't sound the alarm and they invaded.” The guard said and Benjamin was sweating.

“You have one chance to clean up your mess take a force of fifty thousand and crush them and tie that wraith to a anchor and drop him to the bottom of the sea.” I ordered and he left and I was left alone in the throne room to plan.

Talion POV the next day

It was the next day and we now knew he was coming for us as my scouts spotted a large force heading our way and the port town was surrounded by mountains so we could form a shield wall at the only entrance to the town I was sitting in a chair at the top of the mountain so I could observe the battle and my undead general walked up beside me.

“They are an hour away sir the should be in sight soon.” He said.

“ I want archers in the mountains to extend their range a bit so we can take out s many as we can before they make contact.” I said and he nodded and walked away.

1 hour later

The army was already in view and the archers were in place and they grabbed an arrow and the army stopped and waited. “They must be wanting us to make the first move but that would be unwise.” I said to the general and he agreed.

“They will grow impatient in time and they are on the edge of the archers range so as soon as they step forward they will be in range.” He said.

We waited for another hour and the enemy army were resting outside our archers range and they watched us and still no movement to attack and I was growing tired of their waiting so I got an idea.

“Tell the undead to brace themselves this will make them move but it won’t kill them all but it will get them motivated.” I said and he ran of to inform them and after half an hour he return and I readied a black fireball and launched towards the center of their army and those in the center were already moving but they were too late the the fireball exploded it killed everting with 100 feet I had a little more control over my power now and they started to charge as my archers fired and the wave of arrows flew the air as they meet their targets and th caribou fell but still kept going and the spearmen lowered their spear and steadied themselves as the caribou drew close and closer and then collided as spear punctured flesh and screams of agony could be heard from the frontlines and the line of spearmen were holding wit the other undead supporting of them ether by pushing their shields forward or se their spears to kill the caribou and the archers continued to fire and the liches were turning the dead bodies on the front line into undead so we could push them back and they retreated out of my archers range but I didn't fire a spell and they stopped mile out of range of the archers and I jumped off the mountain and landed safely on the ground and my general walked towards me.

“Gather the assassins?” I asked they appeared behind him.

“They are extraordinary at stealth they can even use invisibility.” He said.

“Good send them to kill the commanders after thier dead they won’t have any leader and the undead will advance.” I said and they disappeared again and now all thier was to do was wait for the screaming and my undead slowly advanced as we waited for the signal and they we heard the screaming and they charged into their encampment kill carivou left and right and they barely had time to react as they were quickly slaughtered and after an hour the screaming stopped

3rd person POV

Tirek was stealing the magic of another pony and he began to change in size and he turned around to see another unicorn and he approached him and when the unicorn turned his head it revealed to be discord.

“Discord your free.” He said surprised.

“As a bird.” He said as he morphed into a bird.

“Well I must commend you on your escape.” Tirek said give a few small claps and discord gave him a serious look.

“I’m afraid the feeling isn't neutral .” Discord said as he snapped his fingers and Tirek was restrained and her fired a small beam of magic at Discord but her shrugged it off.

“I’m should have known you would stand in my way you want the world to yourself.” Tirek said as he struggled.

“Nop not any more I have friends now but in truth I’m mostly doing this for Fluttershy.” Discord said.

“Can’t you see these ponies friendship is just another form of imprisonment clearly you’ve have to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces?” He asked Discord

“I have done nothing of the sort.” Discord said.

“I have seen this before but you are discord you are a living legend you can’t fall into the same trap as my brother.” Tirek said with a smile. “Help me grow stronger and you will be rewarded with something far greater than friendship, freedom.” Tirek finished but he was finished their. After I strip these ponies of their magic it would give me no greater pleasure to see their world turned upside down or do you want to be thier errand boy for eternity.” He said and that gave Discord something to think about.

Twilight POV

Me and the girls were celebrating that we found the keys to the box but before we could leave spike burpt up a letter and twilight grabbed it and read it aloud and the message was simply yet devastating

Discord has betrayed us.

chapter 32

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Talion POV

it was after the battle when we started to create undead and increase our forces and we were in the town hall of the port to discus our next move.

"I believe we should split our forces and we will split into teams of two Morokei and Morgana will go north and capture the forts and hold them and strengthen our hold there. Krosis and Otar you will go south I have gathered from the people that their are many people being sold as slaves and are being auctioned off. Dukaan and Vokun will stay here and defend the port. Miraak and Vahlok you will head north east and capture the city the cities there Me and the general will head east and head to the capital so we will need time to prepare before we move out." I said and they looked over the map we had and nodded in agreement and they got back to work on making the dead bodies into undead.

Twilight POV

Me and the girls were at Canterlot to see what we could do and we entered the throne room to see Celestia and Luna waiting for us.

"I am so glade you girls came we need to tell you everything that has happened." Celestia said. "Tirek now has enough power to take a Pegasus flight and a earth ponies strength and discord has been helping him."

"We should have left that varmint in stone we should have never have trusted him." Applejack said with a voice filled with fury.

"Yes I agree." Rarity said and so did the other girls but Fluttershy as she looked to the floor and she had tears in her eyes.

"What do we do?" I asked as she looked to Celestia.

"I have one but the girls will need to head back to ponyville." She said and the girls were hesitant but they left to the train station and Cadence walked out from behind a Colum. "Twilight we cant get Tirek get our magic so me, Luna and cadence have decided to give our magic to you and you must keep it safe at all costs." Celestia said and I wanted to argue but she couldn't she knew this was the best option as well and I closed her eyes and nodded as they gathered around her and their eyes began to glow and they horns glowed bright and I began to glow as well and magic shoot from their horns and formed a massive orb of magic and it neared me and it entered my horn and she fell to the ground struggling to control her new power and she slowly got up as magic electricity surrounded her and it faded and she slowly walked forward and looked at her teacher she was on the ground exhausted and weak and so were Cadence and Luna as they struggled to get up and I helped them onto their thrones and they sat down with labored breathing.

"You need to go Twilight he will be here in a few days you should be in ponyville and hid." Celestia said as she closed her eyes and went to sleep on her throne and I left for the train station.

Talion POV

I just had a chill crawl up my spine when I left town hall but it wasn't cold so I ignored it and went about my business and I saw the undead were gathered outside of town incase they were needed at a moments notice and more were joining them as the liches were creating undead from the dead bodies of the battlefield.

I took a stroll through town and saw many of the people were happy and content but their were still some of them that followed Daiin in town and they were watching me from the alleys and I looked up and saw Hecale flying through the air and she landed beside me and transformed into her normal form.

"Mind if I walk with you?" She asked.

"Sure I don't mind." I said and she smiled and looked around as we walked through town.

"You know I've only heard stories so I'm glad I came here and one more things we need to fulfill your end of the agreement." She said hen I remembered our contract to make her my right hand demon and proxy.

"Oh yeah so how does this go is it some kind of ritual or something?" I asked and she chuckled.

"More or less but we should find somewhere private." She said and we spotted a hotel and we walked inside and we spotted the cashier and we asked for a room and she handed us some keys and we walked into our room and she sat on the bed.

"So what do we do now? "I asked.

"First you need to cast a sound proof spell on the room so we aren't interrupted" She said and I snapped my finger and the room was now sound proof.

"So what now?" I asked and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"You need to take a piece of my soul so I am bound to you in both life and death." She said and I was shocked she would even suggest this.

"Do you have any idea what you are suggesting I will admit my necromancy gives me control of soul but taking a piece of a soul could be disasters of I slipped even a little it would tear your soul apart and you could be lost forever." I said but her expression did not change as she looked at me. "Their has to be another way." I said and she shock her head.

"No there isn't it is the only way." She said.

"what is something goes wrong you could die or worse." I said and she gave a confused look.

"What could be worse than death?" She asked.

"Trust me you don't want to know." I said but that didn't lessen her resolve.

"If you don't the contract will be null and void and I will be sent back to Tartarus." She said and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and opened them and looked at her and I gave up as I sat next to her and focused my magic in my arm and a ghostly red arms came from my arm I learned before I came here I could make my soul leave my body so if my body was destroyed I could separate and reconstruct my body somewhere else and my ghostly arm went into her chest as I held her in place with my other arm and she screamed in agony as I grabbed her soul.

"How much of your soul should I take?" I asked worried.

"Half" She could barley say and I took my ghost arm out of her chest and in my hand I was holding half of a red soul and it looked like a small orb and she nearly passed out from the pain and exhaustion from half her soul being gone and I held her in my arms and comforted her as I wiped away tears from her eyes and she was shaking and cold and I grabbed the blanket and covered us both and held her close.

"Now what do I do?" I asked and she relaxed in my chest as she held me tightly.

"You need to consume it, it binds me to you and allows us to talk telepathically and if I die the rest of my soul will return to you and you can easily bring me back to life after that we can move to the next step." She said and I looked at the soul in mu ghostly hand and brought it to my mouth as I open my mouth and the soul flew inside and my mouth closed automatically and I had no control over it as it traveled down my throat and I was captivated by the flavor it was like a full course meal all in one bite and my whole body glowed red as the soul was absolved by my body and it increased my power a little in the process and I put mu soul back in place as I used both arms to try to warm Hecal as sat in my lap and her legs were on the bed as she laid in my arms.

"Ok what's next?" I asked with a soft voice and she just laid their in my arms for a second before talking.

"Now you need to fill in the space of my soul with little of your magic then the process will commence." She said.

"What process?" I asked.

"By doing this a become a demigod and will be able to serve you properly as a proxy." She said.

"Will it hurt you?" I asked she didn't answer but it was to late to back out now so I touched our forehead together and transferred some of my magic where her soul should be and she instantly threw her head back in pure agony as she screamed for the heavens and I tried to comfort her as best I could as I stroked her head and held her and close and giant raven wings sprung from her back coating the room in blood and making her scream even louder as she threw up blood and her body grew and her clothes ripped a bit and she stopped growing when she reached about my height but the process of that wasn't painless as she felt every bit of it and I still held her and comforted her and her eyes began to bled as they changed into something similar to mine and more blood trailed from her mouth as she struggled to breath and the process seems to have slowed to a slow transformation but still caused her pain but not as much as before and I laid us both down on the bed as I wiped away she blood and tears and I kissed her forehead and covered us both with the blanket and her breath seems to have clamed and she passed out finally and I slept next to her.

the next morning

I was the to wake up and the first thing I see Hecal snuggling up next to me as she wrapped her wings and arms around me tightly he body grew in more places like her ass and breasts and her breast were practically bursting out of her very ripped dress and it wasn't helping that she wiggled her way on top of me and she was starting to wake up and she opened her eyes and looked at me with sleepy eyes and smiled as she snuggled into my chest.

"Uh Hecal can you get off?" I asked but she did say anything and she held me tighter.

"Thank you." She said. "Thank you for everything and for helping me during this." She said and I smiled and I managed to free one of my arms and ran my hand through her hair and she looked up at me and got off me and quickly covered herself with the blanket and I got up and stretched and mist came from my hand as it surrounded Hecal and it repaired and resized her clothes to fit her perfectly and she uncovered her self and got up as well and I now had a better look at her she now had long white hair that reached to her hips and she was brushing her hair with a large brush she found on the dresser and the beads that were on her horns were gone along with the ones on her dress.

"See something you like?" She asked with a smirk and I smiled.

"Yes you look lovely." I said and that caught her off guard and she blushed and I chuckled a bit. "What were you expecting me to get embarrassed and look away that's one of the oldest tricks in the book but you do look lovely." I said and she looked away and I used the spell to clean everything up.

after she got used to walking in her new body we walked outside to see Thanatos perched on a tree and he jumped off.

"So you really did it?" He asked and she nodded as she hugged my arm and draped her wing over me.

"Yes she is my proxy now that was our contract." I stated and he leaned against the tree. "After our contract is complete I can do the same to you but first their are things that need to be done." I said and he grumbled something and he turned into his raven form and Hecale took her wing off me as he landed on my shoulder and we walked to the battlefield to see how preparations were going.

After we crossed the mountain pass where we held them off we saw a massive army of black armored undead.

"So everything is complete?" I asked the liches and they nodded and they gathered their forces they had divided up and were ready to go and my general was on my right and Hecale was on my left and we walked to the army that we were going to use it was a force of 15 thousand since we were going to the capital we would need the most troops and we will get more along the way.

After we said goodbye to the locales we marched to our first target a fort that was along the way to the capital along with several others and a city other than the capital and maybe some towns as well.

Daiin POV

"He failed again!" I said yelling at the messenger.

"Yes and it seems he is trying to make a final stand at the fortress in their way to the capital and the writhes forces has split up and are heading for fortresses, slave trading town, and cities." The messenger said as he handed him the report and another caribou wearing a government officials uniform and I knew who he was.

"Is it completed?" I asked and he nodded and I gave a him a smile.

Talion POV

We were approaching the fort it was a good thing it was only three hours of marching away and when we cam into view I took in the deatail the wall were made of thick iron and archers lined the wall and archers maned the towers at each corner of the fort and I saw each one had a warning horn so we camped on the other side of the hill out o sight and me the general Hecale, and Thanatos were in a large tent thinking of a plan.

"From what I have seen their are no weakness except the front gate which is made of wood but from the hill I sat giant pots of oil o who ever is stupid enough to charge the front gate will be set aflame they try so that is a last resort.

"How about flying we still have some of those flying skeletons left so they could distract them for a while and target their archers." Hecale proposed and it was a good idea that could give us the time to get close and maybe climb the wall.

"Yes I agree the flying skeletons would provide us the necessary advantage to caught them off guard." The general said

"Thanatos will be on the front line and consume the soul of the dead and turn them into revenants" I said and Thanatos grinned as he held his scythe.

"So se agree on the flying skeletons but how about the ground forces?" I asked.

"The flying undead could open the front gate and keep them off the pots but for only a little bit before the destroyed." The general said.

"Hecale can you keep them of the pots?" I asked and she smiled

"Yes it will be an easy task with my new power." She said and I heard Thanatos grumble something.

"Well I think that about wraps everything off so we must prepare for tomorrow." I said as we left the tent and prepared for tomorrow.

location Tartarus 3rd person demon lords castle

"Where is that daughter of mine!" The demon lord yelled as he walked through the castle he demon lord stood at nine feet tall he had large black that pointed up giving him another foot and he had a human like face and his skin was pitch black and his eye glowed a faint red and he had hooves for feet and he had a large battle axe on his back and the other demons cowered in his presence as he walked through the hall to his daughter room and he swung the door open to see she wasn't here and a small winged demon fly up beside him.

"My lord see has been called to be a familiar and the bonds connecting her to Tartarus have disappeared." The demon said and the demon lord stormed out and walked to the scrying room the only place in Tartarus that could view the mortal world the scrying room had a large mirror like pool in the center of the room and he walked towards it and looked in the center of the pool. "Show me my daughter." He said aloud and the pool glowed with a white light as it cleared and it showed his daughter but she was different larger and more powerful and he was looking at her from the back and as she turned to gaze at the moon he saw he large raven wings and he connection to Tartarus was gone so she could not return through normal means.

"Daughter." He yelled loudly but only caused her to look through the pool with hate filled eyes.

"Why are you here?" It was after he said that that he noticed her eyes were different as well.

"You will return to Tartarus as once and resume you duties as my daughter." He ordered and she laughed and looked at him with a smile.

"I don't think so I don't need to do what you say anymore." She said and the demon lord was furies. "I am no longer a mere demon I am a proxy of a god." And now it was his turn to laugh.

"Impossible their no are gods in the mortal world" HE said as he continued to laugh and she lifted her hand and a symbol appeared on her hand and he stopped laughing and looked at it.

"What is that?" He asked.

"It is his mark and the reason you haven't heard of him is because he only recently became a god so he doesn't now about this yet and I will tell him tomorrow before the battle." She said with a smile as the mark disappeared and she put her hand down to her side.

"And what Is he the god of?" He asked.

"Not telling." She said and that made the demon lord more angry. "Well I have things to do so I need to go." She said as she lifted a finger and shot the magic of the scrying pool and shutting it down and the demon lord stormed out of the room to find his adviser. As he walked into the throne room he found them he was wearing a long rode and his short horns poked out of his hood and he had a long staff with a diamond at the top and it pulsed with magical energy and he bowed before his master.

"What is it master." He said.

"Are their any demons near my daughter location?" The demon lord asked.

"Yes he is bound to general Benjamin he is the reason he even became general by killing the competition and no evidence left behind his current name is John." He said.

"Order him to get intel on my daughter new master I have found out he is a god but of what I don't know I want to know everything he can gather." The demon lord said as the adviser staff glowed and he sent the message to the demon and the demon lord left the room and he didn't notice a shadow in the room and it was Cerci and she rubbed her chin.

"A new god wonder who he is." She muttered as she shrugged and left the room as well.

Talion POV

It was morning and I was getting out of my tent and the undead were already gathered and Hecale was walking towards me. "Hey I was meaning to show you this yesterday but I forgot." She said as she lifted her hand and a symbol appeared out of no where.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It is your symbol when you become a each god has their own unique symbol this is yours it will appear on you servants and proxies." She said and I nodded.

"And when you ,eave to take care of the pots I want you take some shadow demons with you we haven't seen what they can do in combat yet so these is a perfect time to do so." I said as 30 to 40 shadow demons crawled out of my shadow and entered her shadow and Phantom appeared at my side.

"You will help lead my forces through the gate once it open." I told phantom and he bowed and walked towards the main force and the flying skeletons were getting ready to take off and Hecale joined them as they readied to take off and she stretched her wings nd she loosened up and her claws extended to their full length to 8 inches and they could easily cut through armor.

"You ready to fight you sure you don't want me to make you some armor?" I asked and she looked at herself and then to me and nodded and a red mist radiated from my hands and it covered Hecale body and it was done she was wearing leather armor and it was enchanted to not restrict her movement and protect against hot and cold conditions such as fire and ice.

"It feels weird it fell like I have nothing on but it is very comfy." She said.

"The feeling of wearing nothing is a side effect of the enchantment that will allow you full movement so you will not be restricted." I said and she nodded but she still looked like it was bothering her but she was content she was comfy in her armor.

"Thanatos you ready." I said and he nodded and I looked to the fortress in front of us.

"Good it looks like the battle begins." I said as Hecale and the skeletons flew off

chapter 33

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I saw as they flew through the air and the archers fired but they were only just out of reach and the rest of the undead were getting into position and waiting for the gate to open and Phantom and Thanatos were in the front waiting for their signal to charge in.

I cast a protection spell on myself and an invisibility spell and my body was now invisible and my soul left my body and my soul could not be seem and I could not interact with the world around me I could interact with souls though so I could instantly kill the caribou I could get my hands on and I flew to the fort and landed on the ramparts and I watched as the skeletons and Hecale neared and they fired their arrows and Hecale fired shot of magic and she landed next to me not knowing I was watching her and she was kill the caribou near the pots and one snuck up behind her and I shoved my hand inti his back and he screamed in agony as I pulled out his soul and Hecale looked behind her to see the dead caribou with confusion as I consumed his soul and it tasted like a sundae and she moved on to destroying the pot and spilling it contents on the caribou and setting them on fire and the skeletons were already trying to open the gate but were struggling since they weren't that strong to begin with and some of the skeletons tried to defend the others trying to open it and most of the skeletons were destroyed by now and Hecale was by throwing the pots at the gate and setting it on fire so it will burn sown but that will take a bit.
I was eating the souls of another caribou when I saw a demon jump out a window and faced Hecale and I leaned on a nearby wall and watched.

"I have been told to drag you back to Tartarus by your father." The demon said and the demon had red skin and large bat wing and he wielded a long sword and he charged Hecale and swung his sword but Hecale used her claws to block his sword. "Who is your master?" He asked and Hecale smiled.

" He is a god and you couldn't fathom his power." She said

"But a god of what a god of weakling like you." He said mockingly.

"He is the god of darkness and death." She said and he grinned and I knew he sent a message telepathically but to where I did not know and Hecale pushed him off her and tried to stab him with her claw but her used his sword to knock them out of the way and he punched her in the gut pushing her back a few feet but she was left unaffected by the blow and I saw the gate was crumbling now and I heard marching outside and I saw the archers on the wall firing arrows and then they were shot with arrows as well and the fell of the wall and I saw their souls hovering over their body and I grabbed a few of them for a snack and I continued to watch them fight and I heard the undead ramming into the door trying to push it open and I looked back to them.
Hecale was dodging his swings as she used her wings to speed herself up and she flew through the air and The demon followed her and Hecale tried to slash him with her claws again but he blocked it but he was forced backward and he fell to the ground and Hecale was flying towards him and he rolled over and dodged her claws again and he stood up and held his sword.
I was watching Hecale and I saw she wasn't sweating or breathing hard and then she started to yell as she was surrounded by a magical aura and I could tell she was stronger then she was a second ago and she used her magic to increase her speed as she used her speed to appear behind him and stab is shoulder she was fast and she withdrew her claws from the demon and he covered his wound with his left hand and he held his sword with his right and his sword glowed with magic and it shot a beam of magic she wasn't prepared for and she was knocked to the ground and she demon was quickly on her as he tried to strangle her but she grabbed his arms and struggled to keep them from her neck and I walked up behind him and shoved hand in his back as he shouted in pain and I was reviled and his back glowed and Hecale looked at me as I pulled out the demons soul and he fell to the ground dead and I ate the soul and I returned to my body and I teleported inside the fort and help Hecale up and we were surrounded by caribou.

"Look like w have a fight on our hands." I said as Hecale dusted herself off and nodded as they charged and I stabbed a caribou that was behind Hecale and she used her claws to kill the one behind me and she rolled over my back and slit another's throat throat and we both turned around and stabbed the same caribou and I jumped over her and kicked another in the face a and he flew into group of soldiers and they fell down when he collided with them and the gate burst open and undead rushed in killing the caribou on the ground and more of them exited the buildings and engaged the undead and Thanatos killed too of them at once and consumed their souls and they turned into revenants as they fur turned white and they charged their former comrades and the door to the main bolding swung open to reveal the general and he brew his blade and charged the revenants and he cut off their heads and I teleported in front of him and he swung is sword and since I didn't know how much stronger my body was since my ascension I coated my arm in a magic shield and blocked it and his sword broke as grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up with one hand and he struggled for a moment before I snapped his neck.
After he was dead I saw some archers on the wall and I threw him with more strength then I usually use to see what would happen and he flew like lightning as he collided with the archer and the wall behind them was destroyed as they flew through the massive hole they created and they flew away about 30 feet from the fort before hitting the ground dying from the impact and making a crater where they landed.

"Well I think that does it." I said as I looked around and I held out my arms and the black mist form on my hands and it drifted to the ground and spread throughout the entire fortress and the bodies shook as they turned into black armored undead and stood at attention as they gathered at the gate.

"Most of you undead will stay here to protect the fort and keep it defended." I said and they saluted and Hecale walked over to me. "To bad we didn't get the chance to use the shadow demons." I said as they crawled out of her shadow and entered mine again and I felt contentment from them as they slumbered in my shadow and Phantom shortly joined them as he too slumbered.

"Yes and thank you for saving me even though I'm the one supposed to be protecting you." She said with a giggle and we exited the fort the undead that would be coming with us and we camped near the fort when we saw the sun had nearly set and now that we had the fort we could lit some fires and I could make something for Anna and I cooking a few strips of bacon and Anna left my arms and was curled up on a nearby rock waiting for it to finish cooking and once it was finished I placed the bacon on the rocks and she ate them and she slithered off somewhere and I walked around the camp the fort gates were being replaced with new ones and they were being reinforced.

After I walked around the camp I saw the general and I walked up to him.
"General what is our next target?" I asked and he looked at me and to some of the papers he was holding and looked through them.

"Some small towns and a city just before we reach the capital." He said I was surprised I thought this war could last months but if could be wrapped up in a single month maybe even less and I nodded and he walked off I wonder who the liches are faring.

Otar POV

"Are we nearing the town?" I asked Krosis and he pulled out his map and nodded and put it back in his bag and we travelled in silence and the only thing that could be heard was the undead marching with us.

"We should be able to see it soon." Krosis said and then town came into view it looked like a good town and you would never expected that it was a town full of mercenaries and slavers.
After we got a good look of the town to see the building and where everything is we planed out attack half the undead will approach from the south and when the guard try to defend themselves the rest of the undead will surround the town and close in and we will have them surrounded and they will have no escape.

The plan was put in motion when the undead began to march towards the town half approached the front gate and the rest beginning to incircle the town and the guards saw the undead and they began to shout and the rest of the guards showed up and charged and the undead the encircled the town began to close in and the people of the town tried to flee but were stopped and they ran back in and ran into their homes and locking the doors and the undead marched by the doors but most of the stayed behind to make sure they didn’t run and the undead that advanced made it to the gate and attacked the guards from behind and they were dealt with and we entered the town and saw the undead unchaining the slave and killing slavers that tried to run and the slaves were put into carriages that would take them to the port town we captured.

“So is that everything?” I asked Krosis.

“No we found a secret passage connected to most of the home and where they sell slaves we are about to check it out and see what's down there.” Krosis said as we approached one of the homes that was connected to the secret passage and entered the home and the undead moved a large bookshelf out of the wat revealing a hidden door.

“Any idea where it leads?” I asked.

“No I wanted to have all of the passages covered before we went in to check.” Krosis said as we opened the door and walked inside with a few undead following us the passage was a cave it was very narrow to where we had t walk in single file and all that could be heard was dripping water from the ceiling of the passage and the clanking of the armor of the undead as they walked behind us and we walked up to a intersection and we stopped walking.

“There are 28 passages that we found throughout town but there are 29 here.” He said and we heard clanking and saw undead come out of the other 27 we found and we looked to the one that was empty.

“Well it looks like we know which one were taking.” I said and he nodded and we walked down the empty passage and all the undead the went down the passages were now following us down the last passage and we walked into a large cavern that was rich with ores and gems and their were many bridges connected to caves and some led to the bottom so we split up the undead and they went their separate ways.

“So what do you think is down here?” I asked.

“I have no idea but this is probably were they sent slaves to work.” He said as we reached the bottom of the cavern and their tents everywhere.

“Assassins scout ahead.” I said and they disappeared and I could slightly see they but only a faint outline of them.

“After a few minutes of searching we heard nosis nearby and we entered a large tent to see a large miniature holding a sword up to a Zebra girl that looked no older than 10.

“One more step and she dies.” The minotaur said as his sword drew a little blood from the zebra's neck and she gasped and tears rolled down her cheek.

“No need to be hasty.” Krosis said. “We can make a deal.” He said and I saw a outline enter the tent and slowly went around.

“Yes you let me go with her and she lives to see tomor...” He didn’t get to finish as a sword went threw his gut and he dropped the girl and the assassin appeared and he pulled out his sword and pulled out his dagger and he stabbed him again and again and the minotaur died and I walked to the zebras side.

“You alright?” I asked as I healed the cut on her neck.

“Yes but where’s my mom.” She said.

“We haven’t found any zebra yet.” I said. “But we will find her.” I said and it looked like that was going to happen very soon cause after I said that A zebra woman rushed into the tent and looked around until she saw the girl and rushed to her side.

“Sarah are you alright?” She asked and Sarah nodded and she hugged her mother and the undead escorted them to the surface.

“Well that looks like everything.” I said and we left for the surface.

Talion POV

I was relaxing on one of the wall of the fort and I was beginning to miss Tempest and the others and I wanted to see them and I noticed the wind stopped blowing and I opened my eyes to see I was in a starry void .

And I looked around and I saw a large orb on the floor and I walked up to it and I saw it was a model planet until I noticed how life like it was their were moving clouds and I could even see the small waves of the sea.

“This is some sinbad legend of the seven seas stuff right here.” I said as I put my hands near it and it moved a bit and I moved my hand left and it turned left and I leaned forward a bit and my vision zoomed in on where I was looking and I saw staring at a zebra village and I pulled my head back and my vision returned to normal it was a bit weird looking down at them like that but this could be very useful.

After a minute I looked back to the planet and I adjusted it to where I could see Equestria and I looked at ponyville and the ponies were going about their business as usual and I saw Twilight in town and she was acting strange but it looked familiar and I continued to watch her and her magic was glitching out and my eyes went wide as I realized what was happening and my eyes returned to normal.

“No no no this isn't supposed to happen yet Discords plants haven’t even arrived yet.” I said. And I looked to the stars around the room and I remembered the move and I had an idea if this is like the one from sinbad.

Location canterlot 3rd person POV

“Where is you magic.” Tirek yelled as he held up Celestia but she wouldn't talk. “Fine enjoy eternity in the prison you made for me.” He said as he banished Cadence Celestia and Luna to Tartarus.

“I think I know where it is.” Discord said and tireck turned around.

“Where.” He said.

“Ponyville with the newest alicorn Princess Twilight.” Discord said and he and Discord Teleported to ponyville.

Twilight POV

“Why can’t I figure out this magic.” I yelled as I laid my head in a pillow and I heard a noise outside and some inside told me to teleport so I did and I managed to escape a explosion that destroyed the library and I was in a alley near the former library and I fell to the ground in tears that my home was destroyed and it was a good thing spike wasn’t there he was at Rarity's.

“Princess Twilight where are you.” I heard somepony yell and I looked around the corner to see Tirek and he looked at me and I teleported again and I found myself in between two rocks.

Talin POV

“I’m almost finished Twilight just hang on.” I said as I was out the last touched on the monster I was creating to fight Tirek bt it was going to take a while longer.

3rd Person POV

“Where are you princess Twilight.” Tirek yelled again.” I know your here.

“I’m right here.” Twilight yelled as I large boulder exploded and Twilight rushed Tirek and she fired a beam of magic at him and he created a barrier and it blocked the beam and Twilight flew through the air as tirek fired his own beam and she dodged it and flew towards him and ramed him leaveing a crater where he stood and she landed a few dozen feet away from the crater and Tirek stepped out of it.

.”It seems were evenly matched so how about a deal.” Tirek said as he snapped his fingers and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Discord were in magic bubbles.

“Ether you give me your magic or I crush your friends.” He said and the girls were yelling at her not to do it.

“Fine but release them first.” Twilight said and all of the bubbles besides discord were broken. “All of them.” She said and Discord was released as well and Tireck began to take her magic and he grew in size and he dropped her and raised one of his hoffs.

“Wait you already have our magic let her go.” Rarity yelled.

“Shut up your next I never said I would let you live only that I would let you go and I have never said you would get out of here alive.” Tirek said as he laughed and the sky darkened.

Talion POV

“Yes it’s finished but it not fully formed yet but that will not be a problem.” I said as I carried it to the planet and looked down at Tirek.

“It’s time my newest pet to unleash your fury now go and have fun.” I said as I dropped him and he became flesh and blood as it entered the atmosphere.

3rd person POV

The sky looked like it was night even though the sun was in the sky and a large creature covered in black smoke and it landed on the ground and it opened it mouth and let out a terrifying roar


and it spread it wings it had 4 fingers on each hand and he had large horns that were 20 feet long and it wings and chest had a blue glow and he had tush on each side of his chin and he had black chintin all over his body he was a little taller than Tirek.

After his roar ended tirek back off slightly before regaining his confidence and stood tall and charged his magic as he fired a beam and the monster took to the air and flew around and Twilight took this chance to get her friends and run and the monster flew towards Tirek and barley donging his blast as he neared and slammed into him tackling him into the ground and he grabbed him and threw Tirek in the air and he landed in the tree and a few of the puntered his back as the ground was covered in blood and yelling could be heard from the distance and an arm approached from the forest wield large shield spears and bows and they were charging Tirek and that made him furies as he fired a magic beam at them and they formed a shield wall and the beam git the large shield and it exploded and after Tirek was satisfied with his work him turned around to face the monster and he felt emonses pain through his back and he looked to she hundreds of arrows in his back and he saw the army was unharmed and when he was distracted the monster charged and punched him in the face and sent him flying.

“Damn you.” He said as he fell to the ground and the spear men charged and started to climb him but he got up and tried to shake them off but only got a few off a a few managed to on and started to stab their spears in him as his body was in pain as he fell to his knees and he saw a bright light in the sky and the spear men and the army fled.

“Impossible I took your magic.” Tirek said as he looked at the elements.

“Yes but their is one magic you couldn’t take the magic of friendship.” Twilight said as a rainbow shot towards Tirek and when it hit him a beam of magic shot in the air and returned the magic to all the ponies in Equestria and the massive amount of magic combines with the princess powers returning the princess were able to escape Tartarus and they returned to the castle.

After tirek was sealed back in Tartarus the girls walked back to where Tirek and the monster fought and the emerged from the tree line and saw the minas morgul guards and walked up to the caption of the royal guard.

“What’s going on what's that monster?” Twilight asked.

“We don’t know I only just received a message From king Talion to rally the troops and bring them here but I thought it was impossible he is at war across the sea and that is far out of rang of our telepathic link.” He said and the sky started to to thunder as dark mist fell from the sky and descended to the ground and it formed into a massive figure 20 times taller than the monster and it raised his hand as the mist started to fade and Talion was the giant figure and he was waving his hand.

“Hello.” He said and his voice was like a s powerful as a hurricane and winds nearly knocked us off our feet and he realized his mistake and then spoke in a quieter voice.

“Sorry about that.” Talion said as he looked down at them and Rainbow Dash flew towards him and tried to hug his nose but she went straight through him. “Sorry about that Rainbow Dash I haven't really completely figured this out yet but I do know that only those I have created or those that serve me are able to touch me when I’m like this.” He said and She flew back to the ground and landed next to Fluttershy.

“So what is that?” Twilight asked pointing two the monster that fought Tirek.

“He is a creature I created even though I rushed he came out well and he was able to stand his ground.” Talion said as he lowered his hand and lift the monster up. “Sorry I can’t stay but I need to go I have a war to win.” He said as he and the monster turned into dark mist and floated up into the sky

Talion POV

Now that’s their safe and everything is good.” I said as I looked around. “How the fuck do I get out of here?” I yelled as my voice echoed throughout the void.

Chapter 34

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3 hours of being trapped in the void I finally got out of there and I was exhausted and I laid on the ground panting and I got to my feet and I saw Hecale running towards me.

“Where have you been everyone has been worried about you.” Hecale said as she stopped running and she out her hands on her knee and tried to catch her breath.

“Trust me I has had a exhausting day.” I said and I explained what happened and we walked back to camp.

After we reached camp it was nightfall and I walked into my tent.

Celestia POV

Me and my sister were in the throne room still recuperating from out time in Tartarus and from meeting her again.

During their time in Tartarus

“Don’t worry Tia will get out of here.” Luna said as she struggled to stand. And her legs wobbled as she tried ro use a large boulder to get on her feet.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen.” A familiar voice said and I turned around to see Circe she hasn't changed a bit her mane was a blood red and her fur black as night and the tips of the feathers on her wings were blood red as well and her eyes were a deep blue and she had a smug look on her face as she looked through the bars of the prison that we designed to trap Tirek.

“What do you want.” I said with disgust as I looked at her.

“Just want to chat.” She said as she sat down a a nearby rock.

“I’ve heard about the new god and I have heard from the demons what he is the god of quite the combination isn't it darkness and death two seperate forces but they go hand in hand together.” She said with interest. “Not only that he is a creature that I never seen before and that only peaks my interest.” She said as she looked up to the ceiling of Tartarus.

“And what about him we won’t tell you a thing about him.” Me and Luna said.

“I don’t need you to tell me anything I already know enough about him I just wanted to confirm and show you how your student will die.” She said as she opened her hand as a large image appeared showing Tirek consuming Twilight’s magic and he was raising his hoof and was going to crush her but the sky around them darkened and a monster fell from the sky and attacked Tirek and the monster threw him through the air and he landed in the forest and I saw Talion army charging Tirek and they kept him distracted him long enough for the elements to use their power against Tirek and magic was restored v=but out magic has not returned yet and we saw Talion emerge from ist that fell out of the sky and he grabbed the monster and said a few words and left and then our magic returned and with all our strength me Cadence and Luna managed to teleport out of Tartarus.


“What do we do now?” Cadence asked me

“We must prepare for battle and we must double the training of the guards at once.” I said as I stood up.

“But what about Talion.” Luna asked. “He’s overseas right now and he doesn’t know we might be in trouble.” She said.

“We will have to manage with what we have for now but the minas morgul guards will help us if we are attacked by demons.” I said as I looked out a window and to the horizon. “Talion please come back soon.


“I want to see my new weapon.” I said to the lead scientist.

“It’s not exactly a weapon your majesty.” He said and I scowled at him and he looked afraid. “But it is something even better and I know you will love.” He said and he led the way.

“For your sake I hope so.” I threatened.

“You know the ponies have always outmatched us in magic correct because out connection are not quite as strong as theirs.” He said and I nodded.

“Will I found a way to turn the tables on that.” He said and that got me interested as I told him to go on.

“We caribou have been to use magic but it is weaker than the ponies well I found a way to sap the magic off them and inject it into another.” He explained and my smile grew as we walked through a door and walked into a room full of hundreds of sedated ponies unicorns specifically and there were rings attached to their horns and I could see magic being drained from them and bring stored in a massive glowing orb in the center of the room. “With this we could reach god like power.” He said as he check one of the unicorn and adjusted the settings.

“As long as we don’t drain all of their magic we could do this forever.” He said as he laughed.

“Yes but how much magic can be injected safely?” I asked.

“Any amount can be injected safely and without side effects except exhaustion after all of it is spent but that is easily fixed.].” The scientist said as he showed me the test results and all subjects were healthy and were showing promising results.

“So how long till that orb is full of magic?” I asked.

“A few weeks.” He said.

“Perfect when that wraith gets here I will inject myself with all that magic and show the world the might of the caribou kingdom.” I said with a grin and I looked to the horizon and saw the setting sun.

“Yes my king I will have it ready by then.” He said as he walked back to the consuls and got back to work.

Miraak POV

The city in in sight.” I said as we neared a city and it looked like it had multiple levels and he was built into a mountain.

“So what is the plan?” Vahlok asked me and he looked to the city and we heard alarms going off as the sounds of horns echoed from the city and through the air.

“Well looks like the already know were here so lets see the welcoming party the have prepared for us.” I said and we marched towards the wall and just outside their archers range.

“It seems there's a lot of them don’t you think we should fall back a bit and make more undead.” I suggested.

“Yes I agree.” Vahlok said and we pulled out forces back but the kept in formation incas they attacked us during the night and me and Vahlok were creating more undead swordsmen spearmen and archers the axemen were fine how they were for now and we created another 3 thousand when morning came and the new undead were lining up with the others and we looked to the walls and the archers looked worried that out forces grew so largely over night and the archers were approaching the front but stay behind the spearmen and they were drawing their bows back and were taking aim and they were ready to fire on our orders.

“Spearmen advance use your shield to protect yourselves.” I said and they matched forward and the archers on the wall fired and their arrows bounced off their shields and our archers moved forward a bit and fired their arrows and the struck many of the archers on the wall but many of them missed and some of the archers hid behind the stone and the spearmen were free to advance towards the gate.

“Sent the rams to break down the gates.” Vahlok said and some undead charged carrying large wooden rams and they struck the walls and the were casing damage to be shon of the gate as they rammed it again and again showing more and more damaged and me and Vahlok were walking towards the gate and we both raised our hands and fired fireball at it causing it to shatter to pieces and the spearmen charged in and the citizen ran towards the upper levels of the city and the guards were charged us and me and Vahlok combines our power is to a giant fireball and we tossed it at them causing many of the to fly through the air covered in flames and the shattered everywhere and the remaining guards ran to the gate to the 2 level and closed it behind them and the undead spread out through the first level gathering the citizen that were left here.

After a few hours mostly who we found were a few dozen salves and a few slavers and the slaves were given good food that was gathered and the slavers were put in the local dungeons and we put the now freed slaves in a mansion that was nearby and they were having a feast and they needed it especially the children they looked like they were barley feed anything and they looked bedridden and some of thems fell asleep eating their food and that got a few laughs from the adults that were near them and the undead carried them to bed and I walked inside to chat with the former slaves.

I walked up to a group talking about what their going to do now there free. “So what will you do now?” I asked.

When I asked that they jumped a bit that they didn’t notice me and then one of them spoke up.

“Well as soon as we leave the city me and my wife are getting out of the kingdom.” A male pony said as he held his wife's hand and she set her head on his shoulder and then a zebra spoke up next.

“Well when I get out of here I going back home and get my son and turn on my wife for betraying me to those salvers.” He said with anger in his voice. “I wouldn't be surprised is she sold him to.” he said with disgust.

After a few hours of talking I walked away and out of the dining room and walked to the gate of the second level of the city and I saw them barricading it with whatever they could find stone carts boxes everything that wasn't nailed down they used it to block the gate and many undead were watching them build it.

The next morning

It was morning when me and Vahlok would plan to take the second level and we meet at the mansion where we let the former slaves rest for the night and Vahlok had a surprise for me.

“What did you want to show me?” I asked.

“This.” He said as he stepped to the said and showed a caribou but he looked different he looked dead but he was standing and he had rotting flesh all over his body.

“He’s a zombie like the zombie minotaur that thing Talio made when he did his experiments on the mercenary corpses.” I said.

“Yes he is a zombie and he will spread the infection throughout their ranks and it spread like a wildfire.” He explained and it was a excellent idea.

“Can we control it?” I asked.

“No but we know someone that can I have sent a message to king Talion and he will control them since we can not.” He said. “ Even with our combined magic we can only control a few of them and their will be hundeads of them and Talion is a god of undead as well so they will obey his commands.” He explained and it was a good idea he is has reached power we could never hope to achieve controlling a few hundred of these zombies should be no problem.

“When should he get the message?” I asked.

“Well he should be reading it right about now if the messenger didn’t get into any trouble.

Talion POV

“They want me to control an army of zombies” I said rubbing my chin it was possible for me to control them with easily but I would have to return to that pocket demenshin to control them and I didn’t want to go back there but I didn’t really have a choice in the matter if it will help this war end quicker then I will do it.

After a few minutes of concentrating I found myself back in the dark starry void and I walked upto the globe and repositioned it to show me the city that was being captured and I viewed in to see the zombies and they were being contained with magic there was about a dozen of them and they were banging on the wall trying to get out they were very lively like the zombies from world war z and I waved my hand over the globe and they stopped moving and were awaiting orders.

After a few moments Miraak and Vahlok walked curious why there wasn’t any noise in the room and they looked to the zombies and saw they were not moving and they looked around and I sent myself their as the mist seeped from the walls and the floors and gathered in a corner of the room and I stepped out of the mist.

“I have read your message nad I think it’s a good idea but incase I lose control I want the undead ready to slaughter them before they kill innocent people.” I said and they nodded.

“I will control them during your assault I will keep them under control and tell them who to target so you don’t have to worry much about them for now.” I said and they left the room to get ready and I went back to the starry void to watch their assault they were lining up for the assault on the second level and the zombie were hiding behind buildings waiting for the gate to fall and it looked like they finished reinforcing their gate with the barricade they made overnight. And a small army was behind the walls ready to fight and Miraak and Vahlok stepped forward and a magic aura appeared around them both as they combined their power.

“It’s that aura again what is it.” I said as they summon a fireball in the hands and then combined them by colliding them together and what looked like a inferno appeared as it grew in size until it stabilized and formed a giant fireball and I could see them struggling to hold and control it and they threw it towards the gate and it exploded casing debris to fly everywhere and it flew into the small army behind the gate causing them to panic cut they quickly got back into place as the zombie came out of hiding and charged them and they jumped on them and many of them were implied but they kept going because they felt no pain only hunger as they bit them spreading the magic that turned them into zombies and it acted fast as they dead bodies got back in about ten seconds but those who were still alive when they were bitten suffered as they threw up bloods and seeped from the chunk the zombies bit out of them and some continued to eat them alive as they were turned and those that were left alone after they were bit started to fall to the ground have spasms and foamed at the mouth and then got back to their feet as they were now under my control.

“Charge.” Miraak said as the undead charged forward and past the destroyed gate and started to slaughter the panicked guard and move further into the city and they didn’t have the time to close the gate to the third level leaving it exposed as the zombies charged through it slaughtering the guards and turning them into zombies as well.

The last of the guards fled to the castle at the top of the city and the undead gathered in the courtyard at the front of the castle and they we ready to fight the guards inside and capture the lord of the city.

After a sizeable force was gathered they stormed the castle and they were immediately attacked by guards but they were dealt with easily with superior numbers and they captured the lord of the city he was wearing a classy suite he had brown fur large antlers and green eyes and I decided I wanted to meet him myself and the same mist appeared around the area and formed together to form me and I walked up in front of the lord.

“You city is mine now.” I said and he glared at me.

“Daiin won't stand for this he will crush you army to bits.” The lord yelled.

“He can’t do anything my army grows closer to his capital and is increasing with every victory by the end of the month Daiin will be dead.” I sated and before he could speak the undead put a bag over his head and dragged him away and I turned around to ask the liches a question.

“Hey before you started a magical aura appeared around you both what was that cause I’ve never seen something like that before?” I asked and they looked to each other and Miraak answered.

“It appears when a magic user taps into their full potential but there are risks that state requires full concentration and intense magic control during when we were at minas morgul were master magic manipulation and can enter this state but if you slip your magic will cause a backlash and render you unable to move for awhile.” He said

“Can you teach me I would like to see how powerful I can truly become if I am to fight a goddess of destruction I need all the power I can get.” I said and they nodded and showed me to a empty room in the castle.

“The best way to tap into this state the first time is meditation it allow the magic in your body to flow freely and without restraint so you can grasp your full potential but it won’t be easy it may cause illusions that can cloud your mind and present a challenge it’s different with everyone no challenge is the same as another.” Vahlok said.

I sat down on the floor and crossed my legs together and relaxed and closed my eyes and cleared my mind.

After a bit everything seemed to fade away and I could hear the faint flickering of a flame and I opened my eyes to see Miraak and Vahlok were gone and in the center of a room a candle with a black flame lighting it and I got up and walked around it.

Miraak POV

“Is he in a illusion?” I asked since he hadn't even moved in the last ten minutes.

“Yes and I think so we should lock the room so no one interrupts.” He said we stepped out and locked the door and stood on each side of the door to guard it

Talion POV

After I walked around the room a bit I opened the door and I walked through it and the door slammed closed behind me and I kept walked forward.

“Where do I go now.” I muttered to myself and then I was nearly knocked off my feet by an earthquake and it shook the entire castle and after it ended and I regained my footing I walked down the hallways to see what I could find and I walked to what seemed a throne room the throne was simple it was made of wood but it had a regal look to the design and I walked around and then I had my back to the throne I heard something and then again it was movement and I turned around slowly and I looked at the throne and something was sitting in it it was a dark figure made of smoke and fire as it got of the throne and walked towards me.

“Many have come to this realm but never a god before.” It said with a voice both feminine and masculine and it stopped a few feet in front of me.

“ have come here to obtain power that will help me fight Circe will you help me?” I asked.

“I do want to but I can’t I am only a guide and give those that enter this realm a challenge that bring out their true power that is all I can do and what I will do for you once you pass the challenge you can stand a chance against the evil goddess but you are not yet her equal but in time you will be.” It said as it held out its hand and a door appeared and it opened and it pointed to the door. “Step forward and face your challenge. It said as I stepped through the door.

After I stepped through the door I walked into a open courtyard and I few my sword ready for a fight and another sword being drawn and I turned around to see a warrior wearing black armor and I summoned my shield but it was different it was a large circular shield and it was made the same metal that was used to make the armor and weapons for the undead and it what looked like a large human skull in the center with glowing red eye sockets and bones were decorated across the shield and the rim was fitted with rubies and Onyx’s and lastly I could feel powerful magic radiating from the shield and once I was ready I held my shield in front of me and hid my sword behind it to keep him guessing where I will strike.

After a few minutes of just standing there I relaxed and out my sword back in its sheath and stepped forward.

“Are you here to fight me or someone else?” I asked and he pointed to something behind me and I turned around to see something in the distance an army was approaching.

“This is your challenge you are to defend this castle from that army you can use all the available resources at your disposal.” He said and he disappeared and I created an army of undead to guard the walls and the archers were lining them with swordsmen behind them I don’t plan to have them reach the wall because I am going to fight them myself.

chapter 35 sorry this chapter is a little short

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“I am going to fight them myself.” I said as I teleported out of the city and I looked to the army and back to the city I am suppose to protect. “They will just go around me If I take them head on so I will need a little help from a few old friends and I focused my energy and the souls of the previous minas morgul guards from the game.

“Sorry to call upon you again but I need your help to protect this city? “I asked and they looked to the army behind me and nodded as they got into position and watched their lines so they wouldn't outflank us and now that I ha a closer look at the army that was charging towards us it looked like it was demons attacking us the front looked comprised of mostly red looking imps and what was left equine in nature but they crooked horns and their magic felt different as well it was full of hatred and malice.

The ones in the back in the back looked like the ones that Hecale described demons of the elements such as water, fire, dark magic and many others and they were charging towards as and I walked forward and the ghost followed me and as they army neared we speed up until we were sprinting towards them and the ghosts drew their swords and I drew mine and I held up my shield and the eyes and the gems that were on the rim glowed with power and I felt it rushing through me and everything seemed to slow down before we made contact with the enemy army and I swung my sword and it seems I was slower as well and I cut the head of a head and everything sped back up as the armies collided and I was using my shield to block the spells the demonic unicorns were using against me.

“Push forward and show no mercy.” I yelled and the gondorian soldiers yelled as they charged into their ranks and began to fight and my sword was nearly taken away by a whip and I turned around to see what looked like a unicorn mare wearing very revealing clothing. “Are you a succubus or something?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and she nodded and I sighed as I used my magic to cast a lighting spell through her whip and she screams as she collapsed on the ground and now that she was dealt with I moved to my next opponent.

After a few minutes of killing demons I saw a few trying to enter the city but they were pummeled by arrows and I went back to killing demons. “This is to easy.” I said I thought this would be more of a challenge but it’s quite easy so I wanted to end this with a single blow so I ordered the ghost to pull back and my army was prepared to charge again and the demons were ready to attack as well and I focused my magic and wanted to take my power further and I noticed something that the demon army has only grown since we started and I was push as hard as I could to gather my magic and go beyond my limits to unlock my full potential and a faint red aura outlined my body and my magic grew significantly and I clapped my hands together and I orb the size of a marble made of massive amount of condensed my form in between my hands and it slowly grew in size and I struggled to hold it together as it expanded until it was the size of a bowling ball and it and lift it up in the air and it grew to the size of a small house and stopped growing as I held it above my head and I was breathing heavily and I breathed slowly to calm my breath and when I was relaxed and I got used to the power that now was unleashed within me and I could see even from here that the demons were worried and I threw the giant orb of magic and I still had a lot of power in me so I cast a shield across the field of battle that was prevent me and the city from being caught in the blast and it landed in the center of their army and when it touched the ground it shrunk to the size of a small orf and the exploded in a fiery inferno and it consumed the landed as the blast was it was stopped by my shield and the fire reached the sky and it slowly faded until it revealed the results and the battlefield was nothing but a scorched wasteland and I lowered the shield and the black warrior appeared again to congratulate me.

“Congratulations you have unlocked your inner power you are free to wake up now,” He said and I nodded in thanks and I wake up from my meditate and I stood up and walked up to the door and I stumbled a little bit because I used so much magic in my meditation and I tried to open the door and it was locked and my lich opened it and he helped me out of the castle and I returned to the void and I saw a door and I walked through it and I was in my camp now but I was too tired to think about and I collapsed on the bed.

The next morning

I woke up from my exhausting day yesterday and the first thing I noticed is that Hecal was sleeping beside me and I was wondering why. “Hecal wake up.” I said nudging her to try to wake her up and she opened her eyes a bit and she was still groggy and when she looked up to me she smiled and wrapped her wings around me. “Can you get off me please we need to get moving.” I said and she unwrapped her wings and got off the bed. “Why were you on my bed?” I asked and she blushed.

“Your’s was the only comfortable bed.” She said and I raised an eyebrow but I just let it go and we left the tent and Thanatos was waiting for me.

“I think it’s time.” He said and I understood and I told Hecale to get ready and me and Thanatos walked back into the tent.

“So I guessing I have to take a part of your soul and all that right?” I asked and he nodded and I put my hand on my forehead and sighed and I began the process as my soul arm moved from my body and it went in his chest and he didn’t move. “When I did this to Hecale she screamed are you alright?” I asked

“Yes I am technically dead so I am immune to pain.” He said and I took half his soul like I did to Hecale and I swallowed it and it tasted like spicy food and Thanatos nearly collapsed from the sudden exhaustion and I put my hand on his shoulder and focused some of my magic into him and the change began immediately and he was coated in dark magic and I heard flesh tearing and the energy dispersed and I was looking what looked like a different person altogether he now had four arm and was now 20 feet tall and he had mummy wrapping all over his arms torso and legs and he had a pharaoh's crown on his head and he had weapon all attached to his back in sheaths or magic attaching them and in his hands he had two scythes and I clapped in amazement from his new form and he looked over himself and put his scythes on his back and we walked out of the tent.

“I like the new look.” I said and he nodded in agreement and we got ready to go and the next target was a group of small town not far away from each other so this should not take very long and when we were in sight we could spot three towns I would get the closest one Thanatos and Hecale would get the other two and we evenly divided our forces and we waited till nightfall to approach.

“We will all attack at the same time and caught them off huard we strike in an hour.” I said and Hecale and Thanatos and walked off to get thier forces in place for the assaults and after time was up we walked up to town so we wouldn't make too much noise and when we reached the edge of town we hid behind the buildings and we saw the guards and a few of my assassins approached from the alleys and covered their mouths and dragged them into the alley and killed them allowing us to enter the town and we charge through it once we were at the center and we captured it without any problems and we controlled the entire town within an hour and the citizen were leaving their houses and saw the undead and they gathered in the center of town and I saw Thanatos and Hecale walked towards me.

“We finished our missions it looks like you finished two.” Hecale said as they walked along side me and we walked towards town square and I told Hecale to announce why we're here and I told my undead to find a vacant building where I could meditate and try to bring out my power.

After the undead found a empty warehouse I walked inside and closed the door and walked to the center of the building and sat down and closed my eyes and cleared my mind and I could no longer feel the ground beneath me but I didn’t let that bother me so I ignored it and focused and I could feel my power rising slowly.

Hecale POV

I had finished announcing our Talions rule and a few of the locals tried to attack me but I killed them and now I was looking for Talion and the undead pointed me the way to a abandoned warehouse and I walked in to see Talion levitating in the air and a red aura surrounding him and his eyes were closed and I walked up in front of him. “Talion can you hear me?” I asked and he didn’t move or talk and I think he can’t hear me and I in front of him and put my hands on his cheeks and smiled when he didn’t react and I moved closer and kissed his forehead. “If only I could tell you how I feel but I guess it would be inappropriate for a proxy to love their master but I don’t care.” I said and I only wish he could hear me right now and I walked out of the warehouse.

Two hours later

I wake up from my mediation and stood back on my feet and the red aura was still surrounding me and I tried to make it go away and it vanished but I still felt the power so I left the warehouse and I wanted to explore the town and after a few hours I got tired and went to my tent out of town but before I did that I wrote a letter to luna and used a spell to send it to her and I went to sleep.

Luna POV

“So has there been any reports on the gates disappearance?” I asked my sister because after we returned we found that the gates to tartarus was gone and we were still searching for it.

“No we still have no idea where it is.” Celestia and a letter appeared in front of me and I picked it up and opened it and read it aloud.

Dear Luna
We are nearing the capital and might be home within the month we only have a more city till we move to the capital and kill Dainn and the war will be over the liches will stay behind to conquer the rest of the kingdom and I will return when Dainn is dead I hope to see you soon.
Love Talion

My Sister was smiling as I read the letter and we were relieved Daiin would be no more and we would not have to worry about him invading anymore.

“What do we do sister should we send backup to help him?” I asked and he smile faded and she gave me a serious look.

“We can’t let him do this by himself Dainn has already broken the peace agreement and we are free to attack him as we please we should at least send a battalion of guards to help and we should send Onyx with them since he is friends with Talion.” Celestia suggested and I nodded and we told the guards to get captain Onyx and bring him here and after a few minutes of waiting he walked into the room.

“Princesses you asked for me?” He asked and my sister was the one to speak first.

“Yes we have a assignment for you we want you to take a battalion of guards and head to the caribou kingdom and help Talion he has sent us a message and he is nearing their capital but we want to provide him support and since your friend we think you are the best choice to lead them.” My sister said and he nodded.

“We will want you to keep this a secret we don’t want a panic spreading that were going to war.” I added and he understood and he left the room.

Talion POV

“It is time we move out to the next city.” I said as a I created another few thousand undead for the assault on the next city and I heard a few war horns in the distance and the undead lined up and marched towards the horns and Hecale and Thanatos now stood on both sides of me because they wanted to see what was happening.

“I think Daiin has sent a army yo try to slow us down.” Hecale said and it was possible or maybe it was a last effort to try to stop us and as we approached the horns that were blowing we saw a massive army approaching.

“He must have pulled the troops out of most of the areas and town surrounding the capital to make a army this large that means after we finish here the next city will already be weakened.” I said as I looked to the army approaching and my army getting ready to fight and the archers were pulling thier bows back and were prepared to fire and the army was still approaching and they were now charging and the archer fired and arrows clouded the sky as they meet thier target and many of the caribou died from the arrows but some survived but were unable to move and they were killed shortly after because they were trampled by their comrades and the archer continued to fire as they a[roched trying to kill as many as possible before they collided with my army and the tower shield in front lowered their spears and prepare for combat and the archers fell back so they would get caught in the middle of the fight and they could be used against the next city and all the undead drew their weapons as the enemy neared and the armies collided and the spearmen in front maged to kill a few before they broke through the line and the fighting started.

“I think it’s time we joined as well.” I sad and we charged towards the battle and we joined in and we stayed together and Thanatos grabbed two of the caribou and crushed their head and used his other two arms to grab a pair of swords from his back and killed another pair of caribou and Hecale rushed forward and used her claws to stab a caribou in the back and one of them tried to kill her and she lifted her claws and cut his word to pieces and then cut off his head and I was using my magic to create blades of wind that flying through the air beheading and cutting caribou in half and I cast a shield around myself so I won't be interrupted when casting my spells and they were being overrun by my forces and they retreated and we gathered the bodies into a pile so I could create more undead and black mist left my hands and neared the pile consuming it in the mist and turned them into undead.

After the new undead lined up with the old ones we marched to the next city we were cerian we could take it with now problem and move to the capital and this war will be over

Chapter 36

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We had been marching for a few hours when we reached the city that stood in our way it looked like an average city and didn’t have many defenses only a few walls and towers protected it and Hecale and Thanatos were looking at the city as well and were glad this would be easy and the undead marched for the city and there were horns sounding and a few archers manned the walls and drew there arrows and fired but they were blocked by the shield leaving their efforts useless and the undead charged the entrance trying to break through the gate and they backed up and charged it again trying to break through with their shields slamming on the gate as they charged and me Hecale and Thanatos walked through the undead and I was using my magic to block arrow from hitting us as we walked to the gate and when we reached it the undead back up and I raised my hand and a mass of magic formed in front of my hands and it shot towards the gate and it exploded and my shield blocked the debris and any guards behind the gate were bead but more charged from the streets and the undead charged in and meet them.

“We should let the undead handle them we will head for the castle to deal with the lord.” I said and they agreed and we jumped from rooftop to rooftop and Hecale flew beside us.

“So what will we do when we finish this war?” Hecale asked.

“We will prepare for the demos hordes that will eventually come to the mortal world sent by Circe.” I said and Hecale looked worried.

“Yes I could feel her Awaking a while ago but I didn’t believe it.” She said.

“Yes she is free now and now she will try to use her demons to destroy the world but we will stop them and defend the people of this world.” I said as we reached the castle and the guards charged us but Thanatos threw his scythes killing the guards and we walked inside and the lord was standing with a few dozen guards and they all had their weapons drawn and they charged but the lord stayed behind and Thanatos and Hecale charged the guards and Thanatos was grabbing weapons off his back and he was cutting caribou in half and Hecale was using her claws to cut their weapons to pieces and then she stabbed them in the chest and I walked forward and any guard that tried to approach me and killed by my barrier and their souls were taken from their body and I consumed them and I walked up to the lord and he tried to defend himself by seam a weak beam of magic towards me and I held out my hand and blocked the beam and he was still trying to kill me with the beam and I was getting bored so I sent my own and it easily broke though his and it incinerated him leaving only ashes.

“The city is ours now we have a clear path to the capital and this war will be over.” I said and I undead ran in and signaled for me to follow him and we walked outside and he pointed his boney hand to the horzen and I could see flying figures and figures on the ground.

“Prepare the undead but do not attack unless provoked.” I said and the undead ran off to inform the others. “Hecale come with me Thanatos join the undead.” I said and Thanatos ran off and me and Hecale teleported in front of the city to see who our guests were and after a few minutes I could see them better they were wearing golden armor ‘wait golden armor don’t only the equestria gard wear that armor’ I though as I got a closer look at them they were from equestria and Onyx was leading them and we meet them halfway and the pegasus and Onyx landed to meet me.

“Why are you here Onyx I told Celestia and Luna I could handle this We are already nearing their capital.” I said and he looked a bit worried.

“The princesses told we to come here with a battalion of guards and hep with the battle for the capitale.” He said and I used a sonar spell to see how many he brought about 800 in total 200 unicorns 400 earth pony and 200 pegusi.

“SO you brought about troops.” I said as I listed the numbers of each race and he was surprised.

“How did you know that?” He asked.

“Sonar spell it can be useful at times but most of the time it isn’t needed.” I said and he understood and we walked to the city and they undead lowered their weapons as we entered the city and they found their own accommodations amd Hecale walked up beside me and she looked like she wanted to ask me something.

“Hey Talio do you want to hang out today?” She asked.

“Sure we can move out tomorrow for the capital so I guess today we can relax.” I said and she smiled and he stomach growled and I chuckled and she blushed in embarrassment. “Look like someone is hungry let's get something to eat let’s head to the castle and the undead can make something I have altered the undead spell abit so they can do everyday task like cooking.” I said and I teleported us to the castle and we managed to find the dining room and I cast the new spell and blast mist emerged from the ground and undead wearing chef outfit and some were wearing butler uniforms and the we skelton and so were the cooks and they went to the kitchen to cook and I went to the dining room and Hecale was waiting for me and she was already sitting down.

“Dinner should be ready in a few minutes.” I said and she nodded with a smile.

After a few minutes of taking and making joked the chefs finished cooking and the butlers brought it in we were having a simple steak with a salad as the side and they also brought in salad dressing and I grabbed it and poured some on the salade and Hecale was already eating her steak and she was cutting it to pieces with her slaws then poking them getting them to stick to her slaw then putting it in her mouth and I started to cut my steak as well before she asked me a question.

“So after this war is over I have to ask you something but I want to think about somethings first ok?” She asked.

“Take as much time as you need to tell me I won’t rush you.” I said but I was curious to what she would ask me if she wanted to.

After dinner we went to bed and in my dreams I was running simulations on how we should begin our assault on the capital.

Next morning

It was morning and I was ready for the upcoming battle and I had to prepare a spell that will contact the rulers of the miniatures griffins dragons and Celestia and Luna and It was beginning to take effect as 4 screens made of magical energy and they were answered one by one and I was looking at King Torch, king Daron stonepelt, Queen Phaenna, Celestia, and Luna and they were looking at the screens with curiosity and then they looked at me and I had my hood on so they couldn’t see my new look but Celestia and Luna already know but the rest don’t and I didn’t want to freak them out.

“Don’t be alarmed this is only a spell that allows us to talk from very long distances but it is a very tick spell and it not perfect but it’s fine for now the reason I called you is because I thought some of you would want to watch the end of Daiin’s reign our next stop is their capital.” I said and they all smiled and nodded and I walked out of the castle and their was a palanquin waiting for me I wanted to gathers as much power as i can so I can overwhelm them with little effort and I sat in the palanquin and got into a meditating position and Hecale walked up beside the palanquin and smiled and she closed the curtain that allowed me to look outside and I could feel the undead lift the palanquin and start walking and I closed my eyes and began to meditate.

Hecale POV

“It’s time to go.” I said to Thanatos and I looked to the magic screen the floated in front of the palanquin and I stepped in front of it so I could greet our audience. “Hello I am Hecale I am Talion's proxy.” I said and many were shocked to see I was a demon.

“What is the meaning of this.” Phaenna yelled as did Daron and Torch.

“Well previously I was his familiar but after he became a god I became his proxy.” I said and that left Celestia and Luna speechless and the other three screens turned to look at Celestia and Luna's screen.

“Did I hear her right Celestia?” Torch asked and then Celestia and Luna’s screen turned towards the others and they looked worried.

“It was during the time when my student Twilight became a alicorn as I am sure you all know from my letters to you all.” Celestia said and they nodded. “Him becoming a god was not part of the plan.” She said and the screens turned back to me.

“Yes during our little war I became his Proxy and so did Thanatos.” I said and he stepped into view of the screens. “He is a elemental .” I said and he nodded.

“And where is Talion?” Luna asked and I pointed to the palanquin.

“He is in there he wants to gathers his power when he fights Dainn so he can crush him with overwhelming power.” I said and the screen turned around then back and he undead started to march for the capital

Dainn POV

“Is it full yet?” I asked aggravated because the force I sent didn’t even slow them down.

“Almost you highness just another hour and it will be at full capacity.” The head scientist said but I have estimated the time they get here their will be about 15 minutes left for it to be full so the army will have to hold out while it finishes.” He said handing me the papers that showed the math and I handed it back and I left to gather the forces I had gathered throughout the entire kingdom they force I sent was only a fraction of what I had gathered at my capital and were waiting for my orders.

45 minutes later Hecale POV

We were approaching the capital and the rulers were doing their own thing to pace the time while the waited for the battle to commence and once they saw the capital they got back to watching through the screen and I stepped in front of the screens. “Here we are ladies and gentlemen the caribou capital this is the battlefield where Dainn will meet his end.” I said and they watched intently and then in horror and I turned around to see a army larger than anything than we ever seen before and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was over 100,000 thousand and I rushed past the screen to open the curtain and I only opened them a little.

“Talion there is a massive army bigger than we have even seen before we need help.” I said and to glowing red eyes opened in the darkness of the palanquin and I was pushed back by a massive gust of wind coming from the palanquin and giant arches of red and black lighting shot into the air and the arches of lighting struck the ground but it did not damage it and the lightning continued for a few long minutes before it stopped and then the ground started to shake and it nearly knocked me and Thanatos off our fett and the Rulers that were watching were getting worried something bad was happening and then it stopped suddenly and we regained our footing and I looked to the capital and it looked like the felt the tremor as well because some of them fell down and were started to get back up.

“What did he do?” Thanatos asked.

“I don’t know.” I said and the ground started to shake again but not as intense as last time and then I heard a faint noise where the lightning struck the ground and skeletal hands burst from the ground and grabbed the ground and they pulled themselves up and a black mist rushed out of the palanquin and to the new undead and enveloped them and when it disappeared the undead where now wearing armor and weapons and they formed ranks and I flew up to see how many undead we had now and I was about a hundred feet in the air and I looked at the size of our army and it was almost the size of the caribou army but it was a few hundred soldiers smaller than theirs but it was still a massive force and I flew back down and I saw the screens were now facing our army and they were staring at it in shock and then they looked to the palanquin and the glowing red eyes were still looking outside and then the eyes closed and the curtains were was glowing in a red aura and they closed and then the screens turned back to the capital and the undead marched forward and the carivou army formed ranks in front of the capital and they planted their large shield in the ground to help hold their position and the some of the undead carried the palanquin towards the battle but far enough away so it could be protected by a small battalion and the screens floated over the undead since they wanted to watch the battle closely and see how the caribou and undead fight.

“It’s time we sound the attack.” Thanatos said as he grabbed his scythes off his back and I lengthened my claws to their full extent and we charged into battle and I was the first to reach them and I used my clawed to cleave the in half and Thanatos was spinning his scythes in his hands and he threw them and them and they cut off the head of many caribou and they flew back into his hands.

Dainn POV

“It is almost ready your highness only a few more minutes are need to fully charge the orb” the scientist said as they orb in the center of the room glowed brightly as it was begin to fill with magical energy.

“Good I want to know as soon as it does so I can crush them.” I said as the scientist checked the console and pressed a few button and the orb glowed brighter as it filled.

Talion POV

I could feel a massive amount of magic in the capital and I knew what Daiin was planning but it wouldn't work against me and I was going to prove it by crushing him in front of his army and then I can plan how to take care of the demons that are being led by Circe.

Hecale POV

‘There’s no end to these guys.’ I thought as I flew through the air dodging the arrows of the archers and I made a ball of magic in my hands and launched it at them and it exploded killing the entire group of archers and more took their place and I flew down before they drew their bows and killed quickly before they could fire and I was breathing heavily as a caribou charged me and I cut him in half and Thanatos walked up beside me and help me up.

“You ok?” He asked me and I nodded.

“Yeah I’m ok just tired.” I said as I sat down on a large rock as the battle continued around us and I felt a large amount of magical energy gathering in the capital and it looked like Thanatos felt it to because he was looking towards the castle at the center of the capital and I got back up and rejoined the fight

Daiin POV

It is complete.” The scientist said as he pushed a few button and the glow of the orb started to lessen as the magic was drained from it and it was being placed in a small needle.

“How did you get it in a needle?” I asked.

“The same why we kept it in the orb the needle is made from the same material as the orb so it is able to contain the magic.” He said as I sat down in the chair and I was ready for the injection and he approached me and he flicked the needle a bit and and gently jabbed into my arm and pressed down on the thumb plunger to inject the magic into and I instantly felt it;s effects as I felt the magic flow through my veins and I stood up from the chair.

“Fair warning when the magic is injected into the host it is unstable but it stabilizes over time making them more powerful.” He said and I smiled as I walk out out the lab and began to walk to the exit of the castle.

chapter 37

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Hecale POV

“Are we winning?” I asked Thanatos and he looked around and he shrugged his shoulders and we kept fighting and then there was a sudden surge of magic leaving the castle and was heading towards the battlefield and I was getting worried and I looked to Thanatos and he was sensing the same thing and then he looked to me and nodded.

“We need to finish this fast so we can deal with whoever is generating that power.” He said as I blocked the sword of one of the caribou and then stabbed him with my claws and he fell to the ground in the bloody mud that now was over the battlefield and I was breathing heavily and I could now feel the massive magic source has reached the battlefield and I could see explosions in the distance and they were getting closer and we and Thanatos were ready to fight and when the explosion appeared right in front of us it created a path and when the smoke cleared we saw Daiin and he was ready to fight and he sent a powerful beam of magic ourway and we dodged and charged him and Thanatos swung his scythe but they bounced off Daiin magic shield and Daiin grinned as he lifted his hand and a beam of magic hit Thanatos laughing him through the air and then I felt another surge of magic energy and I looked to the palanquin and saw the curtains were open and Talion was walking towards the battlefield and the undead that were protecting him were charging past him to join the battle and I have never felt this kind of power from Talion before and I saw his shadow was going crazy and the shadow demons and Phantom flew out of his shadow and joined the fight and the general of the undead and Phantom joined me and try to hold back Daiin unit Talion arrived so he could crush this tyrant.

“We have come to aid you.” Phantom said as he pulled out a very long chain whip from his shadow and the general held out one of his bony hands and it was engulfed in flames and we charged Daiin and Phantom used his whip to try to break his shield and it left cracks on the shield and the general launched a stream of fire on the shield breaking it and some fire got on Daiin burning his fleas but his newfound power healed him and he sent a fireball at the general and he tried to defend but the explosion blew him away and I charged him and stabbed him with my claws bit it didn’t bother him as he grabbed my head and tried to crush me and I screamed in pain and Phantom knock him to the ground with a shoulder tackle and I got away and Talion was nearing so we retracted until Talion could deal with him.

Talion POV

I was walking towards the surge of magical energy and killing any caribou that got near and I could feel Hecale, Phantoms and the general's magic near the surge and they were fighting with everything they had and they were losing and I quickened my pace and I ran through the battlefield and to the fight and I saw Daiin, Hecale, Phantom, and the general and they made way for me and I stood in front of Daiin and my red aura still surrounding me and Daiin had a smug look on his face.

“So you finally show up.” He said and I could feel his power slowly rising.

3rd person POV

The screens of the rulers were now watching the fight between Talion and Dainn intently and Dainn fired a powerful beam of magic at Talion but he didn’t move a inch and the beam was blocked by Talions shield and magic was flying everywhere as the beam tried to push past the shield but had no effect and Daiin smiled at first but he glared when he realized it wasn't working so he stopped the beam and moved to close combat and he lunged forward about 20 feet and punched Talion in the chest but Talion did nothing but glare at him and he continued punching Talion in the chest and sparks of lightning started to surround Daiin and his punches carried more power.

“Just die you abomination.” He said as he roundhouse kicked Talion in the head and he didn't even flinch all he did was glare from under his hood and Daiin was surrounded by a blue aura and he jumped back and forward again so he can add more power to his attack and Talion lifted a single finger to block his attack and Daiin was even faster that before and his fist appeared to turn into many and they all were trying to hit Talion but they were all blocked by Talion’s single finger and the aura around Daiin grew brighter.

They rulers were watching in shock at what they were witnessing and they watching Daiin and Talion fighting with enormous power and it looked like Daiin was fighting with all his might but it didn’t even bother Talion as he blocked every attack and he looked bored with how the fight was going like he was accepting Daiin to put on up more of a fight and Dainn back off and jumped away a few feet and he focused and stones started to levitate in the air and the aura around him turned white and the magic in him fully stabilized and grew exponentially and he charged Talion again and he punched him in the chest with his fist and it came from below and the force launched him in the air and Daiin followed as he jumped and they landed fairly close to the capital and he they touched the ground Talion was done waiting and he punched Daiin in the chest and several sicking creaks could be heard and he was launched through the walls that protected his capital and Talion followed him.

“It’s time we ended this.” Talion said as he grabbed Daiin leg and swung him around and he went through a wall and when he tried to do it again Daiin got free but releasing a sudden burst of energy and then he kicked him in the head when he was free and he jumped away and Talion jumped high in the air and headed for Daiin and Daiin jumped out of the way and Talion made a carater where he landed and Daiin fired a beam of magic again and Talion back flipped out of the way and he charged Daiin and he ran backwards shooting small orbs of magic at Talion and he jumped on the rooftops and Talion jumped high in the air again and Daiin jumped as well to try to intercept him but Talion kicked him and he crashed into the house he jumped off of and he tried again only for the same thing to happen again and this time he stayed down as he struggled to get up and Talion landed in front of him.

“How is this possible I have the power of a god.” Daiin said as he coughed up blood and the aura around him faded a bit but still held it’s glow.

“You are nowhere near the power of a god do you want to know why.” Talion said and Daiin only glared at him as blood came from his mouth and dripped from his chin. “You have the quantity but no quality.”

“What does that have anything to do about it.” Daiin yelled.

“Quality is everything let me show you a example let's say you were to use a normal fireball to attack someone.” Talion said as a fireball the size of his fist appeared in his hand. “Now lets me the exact same amount of magic but with higher quality.” He said and a fireball the size of a house appeared in his other hand. “Quality is what make a god so powerful and it is something you can never achieve.” After he said that Daiin charged him and the glow around him disappeared. “And it looks like you time is up.” He said and Daiin looked at himself and he noticed the power he had was now gone and he was worried and he tried to run but Talion teleported in front of him and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground

Talion POV

I was lifting him off the ground and I was ready to snap his neck and I jumped on the wall of the capital so his army could witness his death and the fighting stopped as they looked at me and Daiin and I snapped his neck and dropped him and he fell off the wall and to the ground with is head busting opened when he landed and I jumped down and I saw the caribou army lost the will to fight and they were quickly round up and relieved of their weapons and armor and I was now receiving reports that all the wraiths succeeded their missions and we now controlled all of the caribou kingdom and I let my mist wash over the battlefield and were turning dead bodies into undead and they were now patrolling the capital and I opened a portal to minas morgul and a ark was built around it so it could serve as the anchor for it and I stepped through and I was now in minas morgul and I walked to the tower and the citizens were throwing a parade for my victory in the war and once I entered the tower and went to my room and collapsed on the bed.

"War is exhausting.” I said as I laid on the bed and relaxed.

Celestia POV

We can’t find the Gate to tartarus anywhere.” The guard said as he handed me the reports they gathered from all the squad that were sent out to look and a messenger walked in the room.

“Excuse me for the interruption I was told to give you this letter it’s from the caption of the royal guard from minas morgul.” He said handing me the letter and I opened it

Dear Celestia I am informing you that the war is now over and we control the entire caribou kingdom and Talion is now home and resting in his tower

I was relieved the war was over and Talion was back we would need him in the days to come and with the gates missing the demons can come and go as they please and Circe will be able to unleash havoc on the world.

After the messenger left I looked to the guard. “I want the patrols increased and I want eyes everywhere in Equestria.” I said and he nodded and left and I began to write letters to the other world leaders so we could have a gathering and we could discuss what we can do together to defeat the demons that will soon come.


It was morning now and I got up and walked to the bottom level of the tower and suddenly someone jumped me and I look to me chest to see Aiko clinging to me chest and she was followed by Tempest and Chrysalis and soon I was being dogpiled by my wife's and they got off me after a few minutes and we walked to the throne room and I was ready to bo my daily tasks such as listen to the people of my kingdom and they first one walked inside and Aiko tempest and Chrysalis were standing beside me and I looked at the person that walked inside and it was a stallion and he had a worried expression on his face. “Yes you have a question to asked me?” I asked and he nodded.

“I want to ask if you can bring my mother back to life?” I asked and I got up and walked towards him.

“How did she die?” I asked

“She passed away just this morning of old age.” He said and I nodded and he led the way to his home and many people were watching us and we walked into his house and walked into a room and saw a old mare on the bed and I walked up to the side of the bed and put my hand on her head and I focused my magic to try to bring her back but their was no response and I tried again only get the same result and I looked to the stallion and shook my head and he collapsed on the ground in tears and I kneeled beside him and confronted him.

“I’m sorry but I can’t bring her back even with my power there are rules that must be followed whether we like it or not this is just the path of life all things live and all things die.” I said and he calmed down after a few minutes and I helped him to his coach and sat him down. “I’m sorry I couldn't help but this is how things are and now thing can change that I’ll leave you alone but I am always willing to talk.” I said and I walked out of the house and back to the tower and I sat back on the throne and waited for the next citizen to make a request and the next person to walk in was a zebra wearing a tribal clothes similar to Indians from my world and he walked up and gave me a letter and I opened it

First I would like to thank you for saving my daughter and getting rid of Daiin he has been planning to attack out tribes for years but our knowledge of the desert allowed us to take the advantage and drive them back but we lost many brave warriors in the process and I would like to meet you in person and I would like to schedule a meeting at the princesses castle she has sent me a letter and she wants all the world leaders to talk about the demon threat that is coming soon the meeting is in three days so we can meet then and I will bring my daughter with me so she can meet you again

After I read the letter the zebra left the throne room and the next one walked inside it was one of the griffins that I meet before the attack by the diamond dogs.

"I remember you, you are the one that asked me to forgive your friend when she tried to attack me." I said and she flinched and nodded. "Well what do you want?" I asked and she stepped forward.

"They have been rumors of break ins around the city and the people want more patrols around the city." She asked and it was reasonable and I nodded.

"Yes I will increase the amount of patrols around the city at night that should resolve this." I said and she walked out and there appeared to be no more people wanting to ask questions so I decided to practice my magic on the training yard and I walked outside and I saw the training was going well for the new recruits and they all stopped and looked at me and I walked over to a unused part of the yard and saw targets in place and I noticed a few of the recruits watching me and I closed my eyes and focused my power and I felt the glow around me and I lifted my hand and extended my fingers and I felt my magic gather in my fingers and then I made a slash move using my hands and I opened my eyes to see the targets were cut in half and I could tell the recruits were in shock at my precision with my magic and I turned towards them.

"Any of you want to spare with me for a few minuets?" I asked and a Minotaur stepped forward and volunteered and we found a large flat area and we walked in the center and to make things even I unleashed a large burst of energy.

"What was that?" The Minotaur asked.

"I lowered my magic quality when my quality is high it has a passive effect that strengthens my body so I lowered it so we would have a fair match." I said and I got into a fighting stance and he charge me and he lowered his horns and I grabbed him by the horns and the momentum pushed me back a few feet digging my feet into the ground and we stopped and when struggled to push the other and I flipped him making him fly through the air a and land a few feet away from me and he got up and he had a few scratches on him and he charged me again and tried to punch him and I threw my own punch and they hit each other and it was a battle of strength again and the recruits were watching us with interest and I swung my leg knocking him off his feet and he fell to the ground and I held out a hand to help him up and he took it and I pulled him up and the sparring ended.

"Well that was fun maybe we can do this again sometime." I said and I left the training yard and back into the tower so I could learn more spells and I sat down and grabbed a spell book from the bookshelf and started reading

Next morning

I learned a few more spells and I was walking down to the bottom level near the throne room and I walked into the living room and I saw it was a mess it was like a war zone passed though here and I looked around and I saw all the girls Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Luna, Aiko, Cadence, Rarity, Tempest, Applejack, and Celestia and they were trying to hid Luna Aiko Tempest and Cadence and Twilight walked up to me with a fake smile and I raised an eyebrow and I crossed my arms waiting for an answer.

"Um hi Talion." She said and I just stared and she started to sweat a little. "There is a reasonable explanation for this." She said as she started to tell me what happened

Earlier that day Twilight POV

"We should wait in here till Talion wakes up" I said and everypony sat down. "So Princess Celestia why do you want to meet him today?" I asked

"I want to tell him that their will be a meeting of the world rulers in the next few days and I wanted him to know." She said and then their was a loud breaking sound and I turned my head to see Pinkie knocked a expensive vase on the floor and broke it.

"Pinkie." Everypony said as we stood up and walked over to the broken vase.

"I'll cast a spell to fix it." I said as my horn glowed a lavender color and my focus was broken by pinkie.

"Hey everypony want to go to sugarcube corner after this." She said and I was about to say something and the spell fired towards a wall and ricochet around the room breaking everything it touched and Celestia put up a shield around me as t almost hit me and it changed color to a bright blue and it changed direction and hit Cadence, Aiko, Luna, and Tempest and we looked at them in shook an before we could do anything we heard steps approaching and we tried to hid Cadence and the others.

Talion POV present

"So what did it do to them?" I asked still glaring at Twilight.

"Well the spell was suppose to reverse time to where it wasn't broken but when it bounced off Celestia shield it changed the nature of the spell." She said and she nodded to the girl and they stepped out of the way to reveal that Cadence, Aiko, Luna, and Tempest were 9 months pregnant an they looked like they would give birth any day now and I was just staring at them with shock and I suddenly felt light headed and the girls looked worried and I passed out.

chapter 38

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3 hours later

I woke up on the coach and I was still groggy from passing out and I sat up on the coach and the girls were all around me and I saw Aiko, luna, Tempest, and Cadence were still nine months pregnant and I got up and hugged my pregnant wife's and then I looked to Twilight. "You and me are going to have a talk later." I said as I gave her the death stare and she sweated even more and I heard a few sounds of dripping water and I looked down to see liquid dripping from Cadence's, luna's, Aiko's, and Tempest's legs and their eyes widened in shock and I instantly teleported us to the closest hospital I knew and the nurses saw the girls and rushed to their side and the contractions started after the got on the gurney and they yelled in pain and the other girls arrived but only Celestia was allowed through because she was Luna's sister and the other were stopped from following and we walked into a sterilized room and they placed Luna, Cadence, Aiko, and Tempest and they were screaming as the contractions and after a few minutes the first one to give birth was Luna and it was a filly she had dark fur and a starry mane like her mother and she opened her eyes and she had her mothers eyes but they were slit like mine and she was a alicorn.

"What will we call her?" Luna asked me and I had an idea.

"How about midnight?" I asked and luna held her close and went to sleep and the baby was taken so she could have a check up and she if everything is good Next was Aiko and we had triplets the first was a girl she had white fur and light blue eyes the second was another girl and she had grayish fur and yellowish eyes the last was a boy he had grey fur like his sister and blur eyes like his other sister and I wanted to name them and Aiko looked tired and before she went to sleep I wanted to name them." The white one will be Snow Bell out little grey one here we will call Grace and our little boy's name will be Zane." I said and Aiko cuddled them and they yawn and went to sleep next was Tempest she struggled at first but the baby was delivered safely. It was a colt with a purple mane and dark fur and he had his mothers eyes and Tempest held him close and Tempest was the one that named him

"Dante." She said as she fell asleep and the last to give birth was Cadence and I was surprised who she gave birth to it was Flurry heart I guess some people are just destined to be born no matter who your parents are and before Cadence could think of a different name I said it.

"How about Flurry Heart for this one." I said and Cadence looked at me with a smile and nodded and she hugged her and have her to the nurse so she could be looked at and make sure she is healthy.

After a few minutes Luna Cadence Aiko and Tempest were resting and me and the rest of the girls were sitting on the waiting room and some of them were reading the magazines and when they realized I was in the room they all looked at me excepting the results.

"They were all successful deliveries." I said and they relaxed a bit and I told them the names of the babies and we waited there for a few hours for the others to wake up and the check ups were done and were ready to go and they woke up not long after that and we brought them to the tower and we got cribs for the babies and put them to sleep and Cadence Luna Aiko and Tempest went to rest some more and me and the other will keep an eye on the new born's and the press were already going crazy over the children and were at the door to the tower shouting questions but the tower guard stood there motionless and not answering any question they were asked as they blocked them from trying to get into the tower and I received reports that there were still some resistance in the former caribou kingdom so Thanatos and the liches would stay there for a bit and Hecale decided to tell me what she wanted to say and we walked into a empty room and I sat down on a chair but she stood in front of me standing up and she looked like she was trying to put the words together what she was going to say.

"I have been wanting to say this for some time now and I have been looking for the right time to tell you." She said and I saw she was struggling to say what she was trying to tell me and I stood up and put my hands on her shoulders and she looked at me.

"It's ok just relax there is no need to rush and tell me just tell me when your ready." I said and she smiled and she lunged forward and kissed me and she wrapped her arms around me and I tried to talk but my voice my muffled by her kiss and she tightened her grip around me and shoved her tongue in my mouth and I fell back on the chair and she sat on my lap and wrapped her legs around me and I looked into her eyes and saw she was in bliss and she stopped the kiss and she breathed heavily as she looked at me.

"I love you." She said and she put her head on my shoulder and she loosened her grip around me and closed her eyes ad relaxed and I lifted her head and I kissed her gently and she looked at me with loving eyes and she got off me and we walked down stairs to tell the others our the new addition to the herd and Cadence, Luna, Aiko, and Tempest were up and awake and were sitting down and eating some salad and the rest of the girls were talking among themselves and I cleared my throat to get there attention and they all looked at me and Hecale.

"I have something to announce we have a new addition to the herd." I said and I gestured to Hecale and they all walked up and hugged us and they were congratulating Hecale and they were all talking and I smiled and I head for my office so I could read the reports that have been piling up since I was gone and I opened the door and saw the pile of work I had ahead of me

"Oh boy this is going to take awhile." I said as I sat down and began reading the reports most of them were minor like requests for house to be repaired and rancid smell coming from the sewers and requests for it to be checked out and fixed probably a blockage in the sewer lines and the former nobles of the caribou kingdom were investigated and only a few were had good heart and the others were imprisoned so it was hard to run everything properly when we are short handed at the moment. "Well I should get this over with."I said and started to fill them out.

3 hours late around 11:00 pm

this is so boring I haven't even got through half of it yet and I closed my for a second and I heard a zipping sound

clop start

I looked down and saw Hecale under my desk unzipping my pants. "What are you doing." I said and she looked at me and grinned as she reached in my pants.

"Just pleasing my man during work you just keep working and I'll take care of you." She said a and I just shook my head and tried to get back to work and finish this paperwork and I felt a wet feeling and I looked down and she had a very long tongue and it wrapped around my cock and started to stroke it and I tried to ignore it and try to do my work and I felt Hecale put mt dick in her mouth and swallowed my entire dick and she does have a snout like Ponies and Diamond dogs so I could fell my cock in her throat and I closed my eyes for a second and said. "fuck it." and I scooted my chair back and Hecale followed and continued to shove my dick down her throat and it was so tight and I put one hand on her head and pushed her head back and forth.

"My god your throat is tight." I said and I could feel her laugh at bit though my head and it threw me over the edge and shot my seed down her throat and I used both hands to pull her head to the base of my cock and she pulled on the back of my chair to make sure she had my entire dick down her throat and after an entire minuets of my cum flowing down her throat and I let go and she popped my dick out of her mouth and her eyes were closed as she licked her lip and swallowed any cum that remained in her mouth and she rubbed her stomach and moaned.

"That was amazing and tasty we should do this more often why everyday when you work I can sneak in here and enjoy myself." Hecale said with a smile and giving me a sultry look and she stood up and I noticed she wasn't wearing anything and I got a good look at her body everything about her was perfect her massive breast and perfect ass and she had a hourglass figure and her wings spread and I used my magic to turn my chair into a couch and she sat on my lap facing me and her breasts were in front of my face and she lined my dick up and slammed herself down and she grunted in pain and I kissed her forehead and I released a bit of magic that lessened the pain and she recovered quickly and started moving her hips and she first starting slow and I fondled her breasts and she started to go faster and she wrapped her wings around me and I stopped fondling her breast and groped her ass and I licked her nipples and then sucked them and she moaned and she was already reaching her climax and I grabbed her ass and speed her up and she climaxed and she nearly screamed but before she could I cast a spell that blocked all sound from exiting the room and while she was screaming from her climax I kept pounding her making her climax more and I wasn't about to stop anything soon.

"please slow down a bit." Hecale begged but I knew she was in paradise from how she is clinging to me and she is starting to put more force into her hips and trying to speed up and I helped her in that endeavor and speed her up and she nearly screamed again and she climaxed again and I was near my climax as well and she held me tightly wig her wing and arms and she was no longer on her knees on the couch she now had her legs wrapped around me and her head was on my shoulder and I could hear her labored breathing as she moaned and I climaxed and she forced her hips down along with me pulling her closer to me so I could push my entire length into her and I penetrated her womb and flooded her insides and I could fell it expanding as i felt the small bulge on her stomach and I felt her hold me tighter as she came again and I stood up with her still holding me and I sat her on the desk and started again and she came again when with the first thrust and the second thrust she had a look on her face that was a mixture of happiness and complete ecstasy and I grinned and I stopped to see how she would react and she looked at me with begging as and she moved her hips but it wasn't enough for her.

"please keep going I meed this." She begged me."I need you to fuck me senseless i want you make me pregnant." She said and she speed up." I want all of me to belong to you." She finished and I grabbed her ass again and started thrusting and her tongue out of her mouth and her eyes were half closed and The desk was shaking and the papers were about to fall and I levitated the one that were done to the left corner of the room and the unfinished to the right and I pushed Hecale off me and lied her on the desk but her legs were still around me and I fondled her breasts again and Hecale's eyes were closed but she was still awake and I climaxed again and and still kept thrust during it and I stopped at the tenth thrust and I kept cumming inside her and her womb expanded and I was ready to go again and Tempest was twitching from cumming so many times and I started again


"How can your still want more Hecale?" I asked and Hecale would stop begging me for more.

"My mother was a succubus not only that why would I ever want to stop and even you are even losing steam the stamina of a god is amazing and never felt so." She was stopped before she could finish by another one of my orgasms and I pulled out from the pressure that has built up in Hecale's womb and I covered her in cum and I walked over to the other side of the desk.

"Let's finish this with me cumming in your throat." I said she held her head down as she laid on her back creating a straight line to her stomach through her throat and she opened her mouth as wide as she could and I jammed my dick down her throat and I could feel Hecale's tongue wrapping around my cock and I could see my cock going down her throat till I got to the base. "Are you ok?" I asked and then magic writing appeared in the air.

"Ir's fine I can use magic to create oxygen for myself so you can go as hard as you want." It said and I understood and started to thrust in and out at a rapid pace and her throat was as tight as ever and it wouldn't take long before I was pushed over the edge and I could feel Hecale Moan and it only worked to quicken my climax and she started to masturbate and I fondled her breasts and I climax and she greedily tired to swallow my entire dick along with my cum and her throats suction was amazing and after I finished I started again.

"Just one more time." I said and the suction only grew stronger as Hecale as she neared her climax and I stopped fondling her and fingered her pussy with one hand causing both of us to go over the edge at the same time and I filled her stomach with cum and she cummed all over my hands and I pulled out of her and she sat up and rubbed her stomach and tried to stand up but she fell and I caught her and chuckled.

"I guess I can proudly say I fucked you till you couldn't walk." I said in a teasing manner as a red mist came from my hands and covered Hecale and cleaned her and gave her a new dress it was red with a black trim and straps that went over her shoulder and she had stomach and womb full of my seed so it gave a her a pregnant looking belly.

Clop end

after finishing the paper work which took about four hours I was in the dinning room awaiting lunch and the girls walked in and sat down and Hecale was the last to walk in and they all sat down and were looking at me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked them and they all chuckled and Twilight answered.

"We hear had a lot of fun last night." She said and I looked to Hecale and she as rubbing her stomach and smiled at me.

"There the ones that got me to sneak into your office when you were working and I wasn't kidding about wanting you to get me pregnant and yo definitely did." She said and I guess I should start thinking of another name for a baby.

"Well now that I'm finished with my work I have a free day so we can hang out." And just when I said that the sound of babies crying could be heard through out the castle and I teleported to the babies room and found them crying and I levitated around me and the girls walked into and I was getting a bottles ready for them and a change of diapers and the girls helped out and Flurry Heart was every hyper and couldn't hold still when Cadence tried to change her diaper and Cadence was going to have to go back to the empire and she will announce Flurry Hearts birth so she will use the portal there and now we have fully operational portals to Canterlot the caribou capital and the Crystal empire. 'I should visit sometime' I thought as we started feeding them with the bottles and today I'm going to check Aiko vocal cords to see how they have healed.

"Hey Aiko come here so I can check your vocal chords for a minute." I said and she walked over and I gent;y place my hands on her throat and sent a small magic pulse and I could feel her vocal chords and they were mostly healed to where she can talk without any problems and I smiled.

"It looks like you can talk again without issues now." I said and she got excited and hugged me. "But we should start small first." I suggest and she understood so I call for a local teacher to come by and Zoe was next to her and she run up to me and hugged my leg and I looked to the teacher again and I saw it was Cheerilee. "Hello miss Cheerilee how are you doing today?" I asked and she smiled.

"I've been fine and Zoe has been doing very well i will admit I had my doubts when she first joined but she is a fast learner." She said with a smile and I showed her in and I showed her to the living room where Aiko was waiting.

"Let me introduce you to Aiko her vocal cords were badly damaged but they have almost fully healed but I wanted her to start small first to get use to talking again that is why I called you here." I said and she greeted Aiko and me and Zoe left the room and I took her up stairs to introduce her to her brother's and sisters and we walked into there room and Zoe looked excited and walked up to the cribes to see the sleeping babies and she saw Snow Bell, Grace and Zane first and she looked at them.

"These are your new brother and sisters." I said and he showed her the rest of her new family

After showing her the babies we walked back down stairs and into the living room and I saw Cheerilee and going through vocal lessons AIko voice was quiet and rough because of her not using it for sometime and the coughed every timed she talked and Zoe sat beside her and hugged her and Aiko hugged her back and I saw down and Zoe was between us.

"So how are her lesson so far?" I asked.

"She is doing good she is able to do short sentences with out coughing and her voice will clear up with use and time but she should still take breaks from talking every now and then but I will come by every now and then and help her and you should take her to a doctor to help the progress." Cheerilee said.

"Thank you." I said and Aiko looked at me and smiled and Cheerilee left the tower and back to ponyville.

Chapter 39

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It has been a few days later after Aiko's lessons began her voice became a little better but she was still quiet for now and didn't speak often and the doctor came by and said she was doing fine and her vocal cords were healing nicely and would be fully healed in a few days and today at the Zoe's school was parents day where all the student would bring there parents with them and we me and Aiko were getting ready to leave and Zoe was already ready and was eating breakfast down stairs.

"You excited were going to school with Zoe today for parents day?" I asked Aiko and she smiled and said

"Yes" She said in a quiet voice it had gotten better and her voice wasn't rough anymore and was more gentle and she didn't cough the time and I kissed her forehead and we walked down stairs and saw Zoe was ready but still had a piece of cereal on her lip and I keeled and plucked it off and we walked outside the tower and I instantly saw the reporter walking towards us and instead of walking to ponyville now I teleported us there instead and we walked to the school and I saw all the kids running around and the parents were talking and laughing and they say us come in and started to whisper things they thought I couldn't hear but I enhanced my hearing to hear what they were talking about.

"Is that him the king of the caribou kingdom and equestria?" A mare asked the group around her and they looked t me and I was looking a in different direction then them but I knew they were looking at me.

"Yes I think that's him and he also rules the everfree and the under ground cities we went to after the diamond dogs attacked." Another mare said and they continued to talk among themselves and mentioning me every now and then and Zoe walked outside with Sweetie bell Apple bloom and Scootaloo and me and Aiko walked around the school abit even though it was a little small and I heard yelling outside.


I was outside playing with my friends when the school bully Diamond Tiara walked outside.

"hey blank flanks playing with your mutt." She said with a smug look.

"She's not a mutt she's our friend." Apple bloom said angrily at the bully

"No she's not she is a useless mutt." Diamond said

"No I'm not and my father is a god from what everyone has told me your just jealous." I said.

"Your not his daughter he only brought you back your not even related to him in any way you are nobody." Diamond said and the air suddenly got cold and we could even see our own breath and I turned my head and saw my father walking towards us with a angry look on his face and he stood beside me and faced Diamond and glared at her and it started to snow because the clouds above us started to freeze.

"Stay away from my daughter or else." My father said and the parents started coming out of the school and was wondering what was going on and Diamonds dad Filthy rich stood beside his daughter defensively.

"What are you doing." He yelled and my father held out his hand and a orb formed and it floated in the air and grew in size.

"Your daughter has been insulting not only my daughter but Apple bloom Scootaloo and Sweety bell as well and I want her to stay away from them from now on." He said and the orb glowed and showed them what just happened between me and my friends and Diamond tiara. "your daughter is nothing more than the school bully because you refused to raise her right.

Filthy rich looked very offended and I could see his anger was rising." What did you say." He said.

Talion POV

"If you had paid more attention to her you would have known she was a bully to the entire school and she has only gotten worse." I said and Filthy rich looked like he was about to throw a punch at me nut he only turned around and started walking away.

"Come on Diamond were getting out of here." Filthy rich said and they walked away and left the school grounds and we walked inside and the clouds unfroze and and it started to warm up and after school hours ended we went home and the moment we walked in the girls were exhaustion and were trying to sleep but the endless whining of the babies kept them up and I shook my head and levitated the children and carried them upstairs and I changed their diapers and feed them and put them to bed and as soon as I walked out of the room the started cry and I walked back in and it stopped and I walked outside the door but kept in open and I was looking inside and they didn't cry but I walked away a bit and they cried and I put my arm in the door and they stopped crying and the girls walked up and I walked in the room and I told them to stay in here and I walked out of the room and they cried but I put my arm in the door frame and they stopped and the girls looked around and I walked back in the room.

"Why did they stop crying when you walked in." Twilight asked and then we heard foot steps and a exhausted Cadence walked in with a crying Flurry Heart in her arms.

"Hey Cadence back from the crystal empire." I said and when Flurry Heart saw me she flew over to me and I held her in my arms."Flurry Heart can already fly I see."

"She wont stop cry no matter what I do I've tried everything even asked other moms to give me advice I haven't had a good night sleep in days." She said and I sat down with Flurry Heart in my arms and Cadence noticed Flurry Heart stopped crying and looked at me.

"For some reason they stop crying when he is around them or in line of sight." Twilight said and to discover what was going on they call Celestia and she came by an hour later and I stayed in the room to keep them calm and they came up and Celestia stay outside the room and cast a spell over the door way and it almost looked like a shield but it didn't posses any kind of protection magic in it.

Celestia POV

We were looking through the sensory spell I cast to see what was happening and and we looked at Talion and saw something pulsing from him every now and then and the babies were doing the same thing but they were much weaker and they resonated with Talion's pulsing and it looked like Talion was the primary pulse and they kids were the secondary and I had an idea what was happening but I didn't know yet and then Zoe spoke up.

What is that coming from my dad?" She asked.

"I don't know has there been anything weird happening when he is around lately?" I asked her

she thought about it for a moment and then answered. "yes at school Diamond Tiara was bullying me and my friends and dad got mad and it got really cold and started snowing." She said and my hypothesis was correct but it did not explain why the babies wont stop crying when he is not around yet and I stopped the spell and we walked in the room.

"I have an idea but I don't know why they stop crying when your around." I said

Talion POV

"So what is it?" I asked

"it seems your emotional state affects your surroundings like when your were angry at Diamond it started to get cold but I think if you got furious it would make the area around you burn maybe why your presence makes them calm I don't know and they seem to be pulsing a similar energy but much much weaker and they are resonating with yours." She explained and I understood I notice the pulsing inside myself as well but I though it was nothing so I didn't really pay any attention to it.

"So the only way for them to stay calm is if I stay with them but I cant just stay in here I have responsibility's to uphold and take care of the paperwork that has piled up today." I said and Celestia tried to think of a solution and Flurry Heart was trying to nibble my finger which made me ad the others chuckle at how adorable it was and Luna picked Midnight out of her cradle and held her high and she was giggling and laughing as Luna spun her around in the air and then luna held her close and kissed her forehead and Midnight held out her short arms and grabbed her snout and giggled.

"how about I take care of the tasked you have to do until we can come up with a solution." Luna said.

"You sure luna my kingdom is much larger than equestria since I captured the caribou kingdom my kingdom is at least three times the size of equestria." I said and she paled."Trust me it the only reason I'n not tired is because I don't have to sleep and it is very boring and the caribou are starting to treat females equally now it is a slow process but it is working so I need to keep an eye on the progress to make sure it stays going in the right direction." I said and she looked utterly defeated at how hard my job was."The benefits of being of being undead is the only reason I have not collapsed on the floor." I said with a smile but I was internally screaming.

(put here because I think it is goes with the story a bit)
the girls could tell I was screaming on the inside and gave me worried looks and we continued to talk about what we could do and we couldn't think of anything so I had to leave the room and they all started crying and all the girls sighed and tried to calm them down and I walked down stairs and started the paperwork and it took longer than I expected and I walked back upstairs and I looked out a nearby window and saw it was night and I walked to the kids room and saw the girls were collapsed on the floor and they somehow got the kids to go to sleep and it looked like Celestia was already gone and Luna was sleeping on the chair and the girls were on the floor and Hecale walked up beside me.

"It took hours for them to calm them down." She said as she looked at the sleeping babies and they were snoring peacefully as they slept and I put them all to bed and Hecale went to her own room and I was about to walk to mine when I heard a faint noise and I walked towards it and when I noticed it was from the babies rush I ran inside and saw a figure wearing a black body suit that covered his entire body and I grabbed him by the neck as he reached for Midnight and I threw him outside the room and her went crashing through the wall waking the babies and everyone else in the tower up and the tower guards restrained the kidnapper and out cuffs in him and chains along his body that restricted his movement and the girls were walking down stairs and saw me.

"What's going on?" They asked.

"nothing much just a kidnapper who got caught and most likely has a few broken bones from being thrown through a solid stone wall and maybe a ruptured organ or two but that is easily healed." I said as I pointed to the kidnapper and they glared at him and I tore of his mask revealing a caribou he had only one horn though so I guess it was broken off somehow and he was dragged to the dungeon and the girls were to worried to go back to bed now and they were pacing trying to figure out who would do this .

"Worrying would solve our problem we already caught the kidnapper and we will learn if he was working alone or not I will keep an eye on the kids tonight you try to get some rest." I said and it got them to calm down slightly and the went to their rooms and I walked into the babies room and calmed them down and they went back to sleep and I sat down on the chair and started to read a book until morning.


I had read about three book and nothing happen the rest of the night and I ordered a guard to protect them at night and I levitated the children down stairs and put them in their chairs and made sure they wouldn't try to fall off and the girls came down stairs and sat down and the girls were trying to feed the children but they wouldn't hold still and I chuckled at their attempts to feed them and I walked to my office and finished the work that I had left which wasn't much and when I walked back to the dinning room I found the girls covered in baby food and the babies laughing and giggling at their mothers and it was taking a great deal of effort now collapsing on the ground in laughter at the sight but some of my laughter escaped my mouth and they looked at me. "How goes the feeding?" I asked still struggling to hold back a laugh and I walked over to help them first I walked over to Snow Bell and I had an idea and I scratch behind her ear and she did the thing with her leg and I feed her much to the girls amazement.

"How did you do that?" Luna asked.

"I remembered something from my world we have dogs in my word just think of them as timber wolf but made of flesh and blood like us and they are on all fours." I said and they nodded. "Well they are called man's best friend and I know many dogs that love being scratched behind their ears and they do that with one of their legs and it means they in joy it." I said and I did the process with the other children it seems all of them likes their ear scratched. "Now that, that is done I have a prisoner to interrogate." I said and I left for the torture room

torture room this will not have torture but it will be list what he did a little later

I was in the torture room prepare to get the information I wanted out of the kidnapper.

"You can't break me." He said and I turned to him.

"Well see about that." I said as I have him a smile revealing my my mouth full of sharp teeth

"Normally I would just break into your mind and pluck the information out of you but this is a special case." I said still smiling.

"And why is that." He asked.

"You messed with my family." I said as I grabbed a small hammer and walked towards him

living room after torture session

I walked into the living room with everyone waiting for me. "So what did you find out?" They asked and I smiled and sat down.

"It was several factions some of the canterlot nobles who don't like me and many of the rebel caribou that still linger in the former caribou kingdom." I said.

"And how did you get this information I can see spots of red on your clothing" Tempest said.

"Well I don't think you want to know." I said and she gave me a serious look.

"Fine everyone except Tempest and Luna leave they are the only ones that can take this." I said and they were hesitate at first but they left and I turned to Tempest and Luna.

"You sure you want to hear this this is not what one can just forget what I did to him outclassed everything kind of torture you know and you will never be able to unhear this." I said and they looked worried but nodded

"Well first ask your questions at then end and remember you asked for this." I said as I began to tell them what I did. "First let me tell you he was the most stubborn bastard I have ever meet her had to die multiple times to tell me what I wanted." I said and their eyes widened in horror." After hearing that are you absolutely sure?" I asked again and they looked to each other and nodded.

this part is the details if you want to skip it you can and I was kind off bored and might have out some messed up shit in it

"Well first thing I did was use a small hammer to crush all 27 bones in each hand to dust then I slowly ripped off his finger nails followed by his toe nails then I broke everyone of his ribs when he didn't talk and then I took out his eyes with my fingers then skinned him alive keeping him alive with my magic and then proceeded to remove his organs and then allowed him to die then brought him back then removed his organs again and made him watch but still he didn't break then I broke 206 bones in his body then shoved his organs down his throat then cut off his balls and then took out his eyes and replaced them with his balls then I broke off his horn and shoved it up his ass and his will still held strong so I restored him again then I cut off his tongue and nose and removed all the skin off his face then showed him a mirror revealing his skinless face and he screamed in pain and horror then I proceeded to beat him senseless then slowly cut him to pieces with a small knife and made him eat it and the rest involves tearing his limbs off and repeating some of the other things I mentioned when some one messes with the people I care about trust me I have no mercy or pity for them." I said with a smile as if nothing bad or horrible had happened.

it's done now

I looked at Luna and Tempest and saw Tempest puking in a trash can and luna was in a similar state."That's everything I warned you it would be bad and you didn't listen." I said and the girls walked back in the room to find Luna and Tempest in a sickly state and wonder what i said to make them like that and we went about our day and I sent a message to Celestia informing her of the nobles that were involved in the attempt kidnapping of the children and I sent a message to my liches of the rebels that remain and the kidnapper would spend the rest of his days in the mental ward after our little talk in the torture room.

chapter 40

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Some of my liches and Thanatos were returning today and I was there to welcome them. Myself and Dukaan noticed that Thanatos and Morgana were curiously close together. "Hey Thanatos come over here for a sec." I said and he walked over. "Are you and Morgana a thing?" I asked with a smug grin, he was caught off guard and started panicking looking around trying to come up with an excuse, he couldn’t even muster a word out. "It's alright I won't mess with your relationship just wanted to know." I said, he calmed down a little and walked over to Morgana and left. I went about my work I was in the process of choosing nobles to help out with all of this and I had two good candidates so far, a unicorn mare by the name of Sunshine and a local blacksmith by the name of Iron Fist he might not come from nobility but he is well respected by the city so he may be a good choice as a representative of the people, that being said I still had some to choose so I started looking through my list once again, trying to find the perfect candidates.

"Any luck so far?" Luna asked me.

"So far I have two candidates that would do nice for nobility and I am looking through a list of other possible nobles." I said as I handed her the profiles of the two that I choose, she looked them over and handed them back to me nodding with a smile. "So how are the kids doing?" I asked.

"Still crying when you leave the room but at least we manage to calm them down now." She said and I was glad they were calmer now so that I could leave them alone for some time, but the pulsing is still a mystery, one that everyone was working on to discern.

After Luna left it was time to get back to work but Chrysalis walked in, she had been gone for a while, probably at her hive dealing with the new changelings.

"Hey honey." She said as she walked over to my desk and sat on the edge of the desk with a smile. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to the hive today I already brought it up with the others and they agreed with me. You need to get away from the tower to relax a bit and a change of scenery would help you with." She said and she was right, I had been working almost nonstop since I returned from the war, add to that the kidnapping and the requests around the city that needed to be filled out, hunting down the rebels and preventing more attacks from any kinds of resistance that could try to attack the cities and many other things. Yeah I needed a little vacation.

"Ok I'll come, it will be a nice change of pace to take it easy for once." I said and she smiled, then left the room, I packed a few clothes and walked outside where Chrysalis was waiting for me at the portal to her hive, we walked through and arrived to the other side the changelings were surely doing better these days, since they are fully fed they are able to use their magic much more freely this in kind allowed them to fix the hive up and make it look nicer. "It looks like things have changed around here." I said as I looked around the hive as we walked through the tunnels.

"We have been very busy since we started obeying you, we have also been trying to contact other hives so they can join us." She said.

"Wait there are more hives out there?" I asked surprised, she nodded.

"Yes I believe there are about three more out there maybe four." She said as we walked around the hive, she showed me around the place and finally after a lot of walking and touring we were at the doors of her room, I could tell it was getting close to midnight because most of the changelings were going to what looked like homes built into the walls of the hive. We decided to go to sleep as well, I was the first to walk in the room and I heard a clicking sound behind me, I turned around to see Chrysalis locking the door behind her and casting the fertility spell on herself then she walked towards me.

Clop start

She stripped off her dress and it fell off to the floor revealing that she was wearing nothing underneath it, I sat on the edge of the bed and took off my clothes. She had a sway in her hips swinging her tail from side to side while her wings fluttered a bit every now and then, when she approached me she got on her knees and kissed me, then she moved down and started stroking my dick getting it hard she then proceeded to kiss the tip with the utmost care and kissed it a few more times before licking it like a lollipop.

I laid down on the bed and immediately she understood what to do, her mouth hovered over my cock as she moved onto me bringing her pussy over to me I fingered her causing her to gasp and then she engulfed my cock in her mouth. I gave her a good lick before exploring her depths with my tongue I stopped for a bit, licking my lips clean to feel her.

"You taste like green apples." I said but she wasn't listening to me, she was too busy for that I smirked at that and began to thrust upwards into her mouth. I then used one hand to reach for her breast and fondled them and used my other hand to pull her closer to me as I used my tongue to explore deeper into her, I could feel her moans so I opened my mouth as far a I could and shoved as much of my tongue as I could in her. I could feel her getting close as her walls tightened around my tongue when she cummed she did so with a loud moan that sent shivers through my body which pushed me over the edge as well and we cummed at the same time, with my mouth widely open every single drop went down my throat. Chrysalis drank every drop of my cum and got up, her pussy was still in front of my face and she turned around and sat down again so I started to pleasure her again using my tongue to lick her pussy, she moaned as she fondled her own breasts to add more to the pleasure. I grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to me as my tongue entered her, she grabbed my head and pushed her hips against my face grinding her hips to my face I moved my tongue around inside her and then took it out and looked at her. She moved her hips down towards mine she then used her hand to get my dick in place and lowered herself down onto it.

"Fuck." She said as she reached the base of my dick I immediately felt it enter her womb and her pussy tightening around it. "Is it just me or is you cock bigger than when we last had some time together?"She asked, I smiled and shrugged my shoulders she started moving up and down her pussy felt wonderful so closed my eyes and relaxed, suddenly though she got very tight and I opened my eyes just to see a small Chrysalis bouncing up and down on my cock.

"Surprised?" She asked and I nodded. "I can alter my size to suit my needs, like if I need to make myself look like a child I would first need to shrink myself and then change. When we change our entire bodies changes inside and out so you can have any mare you want at any time you want." She said with a sultry voice and making me a very tempting offer but that will have to wait for another time.

"You've made a very tempting offer but I want you right now, you can change your size whenever you want but I want you, and no one else right now." I said she had a green blush sporting over her chitin, I grabbed her hips and started thrusting on her now tighter pussy and she nearly screamed from the sudden surprise and extreme pleasure from being plowed by a now bigger dick, from her perspective, then she was riding before. I sat up and grabbed her small ass, I lifted her up leaving only the tip of my dick in her and slammed her down with force.

"Your feel so good." I said as she wrapped her arms and legs around me and dug her face into my chest, her breath was heavy as she moaned then her breast grew in size and she looked like a loli with huge breasts. I immediately sucked on them making her cum instantly but I kept going bouncing her up and down on my cock, after a bit I came for the second time my cum blasted straight into her womb and I held her at the base of my dick, forcing my full length in her. Chrysalis screamed from the sudden feeling of her womb completely filled and still expanding. She grew back to her original size and collapsed on me, her head resting on my shoulder. "You’re done so soon?" I asked with a smug look on my face.

"Do whatever you want to me I can barely move you can enjoy yourself." She whispered in my ear. "You can do anything you want to me." She said and nibbled on my ear, I laid her on her stomach and hanged her lower half off the bed I then got behind her and grabbed her ass with one hand and spread her cheeks with the others. Chrysalis understood what I planned to do and prepared herself as she spread her legs wide open, I slowly pushed my dick in her ass inch by inch I slowly but surely reached the base of my cock I gave her a minute to get used to it and then slowly I pushed in and out of her, then I began speeding up, quickly.

"So this is anal." Chrysalis said between moans as I pulled her up and wrapped my arms around her chest and fondled her. “It's amazing." She said as I thrusted harder in her ass it was such a wonderful sensation that I quickly reached my peak.

"I'm close." I said.

"Inside me don't waste a drop!" She said eagerly and with one final thrust I put as much of my cock as I could in her ass. I came at full force and her ass made sure none of it leaked out, I pulled out and only a few drops managed to leak out of her butt, but I wasn't done yet I laid her on her stomach once again on the bed and whispered in her ear.

"Turn into someone I know but I'm going to close my eyes when I start, then I will see who you turned into at the end." I said and she nodded I shoved my dick into her pussy and closed my eyes I could feel her pussy change around my cock, and it felt amazing as I thrust inside her she didn't change her voice so I couldn't tell who she was.

"So how do you change inside?" I asked turning her over and spanking her big ass while I grabbed her hips and fucked her as hard as I could.

"It just happens, we even tested it a long time ago to see if there was a difference from the real thing." She said and pounded her as roughly as I could feeling her amazing pussy, I spun her around and lifted her she clung to me with her arms and legs and I could feel wings on her back so I thought she was a Pegasus. I kept my eyes closed and turned her around again and she used a wall as a support as I fucked her and spanked her harder then before. I grabbed one of her legs and lifted it so I could reach deeper in her new form, I suddenly felt her shrinking and tighten around me, I lifted her up again grabbing both her legs pushing her back against mine I came inside her once again and heard a dripping sound. I laid her down on the bed and opened my eyes, what I saw was a younger Celestia with a pink mane instead of a rainbow one, my eyes widened and Celestia, I mean Chrysalis, looked at me with a smug combined with a sultry look on her face as she spread her legs revealing her cum leaking pussy.

"What? Are you surprised on who I am?" She said with a younger Celestia voice. "I thought you would like this, and you certainly were. You became so rough with me after I turned into her and you certainly did enjoy this form." She said as she ran her hands down her side and on her beautiful curves and huge breasts.

I couldn't take it any more and I approached her and started pounding her again and again all night long.


I was still pounding her pussy when morning came, she was nearly unconscious and she was still in her young Celestia form. "So good." I said as I was nearing my final climax. "I'm cumming." I said as a wave of cum rushed in Chrysalis’s womb I pulled out to see my handy work, she was completely covered in cum and she was twitching wildly from the night we had, I kissed her on the forehead and it made her cum instantly as she screamed in pleasure squirting across the room, I pull out a nervous smile. "I'm sorry but you are the one that kept tempting me again and again and you got what you wanted so you should be happy." I said and her eyes closed as she fell asleep.

Clop end

After I got dressed I decided to explore the hive, I locked the door so no one would see her in her state and try to take advantage of her. I walked around the hive and after an hour I was lost, I felt a familiar pulse inside me like if it was leading me somewhere, and since I had nothing better to do I followed it. after a few minutes of walking I found myself in a large room where some changelings approached me. "Sorry sir this is a nursery, you shouldn't be in here." She said.

Before I could even respond I was tackled from behind by several small changelings and fell to the ground. ”Daddy!” They all yelled. I got up and dusted myself off and looked down at them and I could feel the same pulsing I felt when I was with the babies, I kneeled down and looked at them. They all looked alike except their eyes, some of them had green ones others blue and two of them had white eyes. There were a total of twelve of them.

“Hey there kids.” I said and they all clung onto me. “How are they talking and walking already?” I asked the changeling, probably the nurse here.

“Changelings mature at a fast pace and can be fully grown within a few months from their birth.” She said as she tried to get them off of me. ”They should be in class right now but they said they could feel you near so they ran out of class and you can guess the rest.” She said as she managed to pry them off of me. They remained behind her and after waving me goodby the returned back to class..

“Well that was a surprise.” I said. As I continued to walk through the hive I found myself in the throne room so I decided to wait there for Chrysalis.

One hour later

I was taking a nap when I heard the doors open, I saw a slightly limping Chrysalis walk towards me. I got up. “So how was last night?” I asked with a smug look on my face, Chrysalis smiled

“The best night I have ever had, especially after I sent a message to Celestia about our night together and how you loved her body.” She said and I stuttered.

“What!” I yelled. “Did you really do it?” I asked.

“Yes I did, she wanted to know how you felt about her but she didn’t ask me personally, it was Luna that did it right before we left for my hive. She has been worried about her sister ever since she had Midnight and she saw the look on her face when she looked at you.” She said as she sat down next to me.

“So what should I do?” I asked her as she looked down in deep thought.

“You should go see her and see how she reacts to the letter I sent her.” She said, I nodded and after our conversation we left for the portal that led to Minas Morgul, she bid me goodbye and I entered the portal to Canterlot then headed for the castle and walked through the main doors.

After going inside I walked towards the throne room to talk to Celestia, I found her on her throne reading the letter over and over again. I saw her shifting her legs and her wet panties as I approached her I noticed that there were no guards in the room. The door made a creaking sound when I opened it and Celestia looked towards me and blushed hard and looked away, I walked towards her and she stood up and walked towards me as well and we stopped in front of each other.

“Celestia how are you?” I asked her and she looked at me trying to think of an answer. ”I know what Chrysalis sent you today.” I said and she got even more flustered.

“So, do you like me?” She asked.

“Yes I do but I didn’t want to say anything. I thought you might have your own love interests by now.” I said immediately she wrapped her arms around me and held me close, her head rested on my shoulder and I could hear her soft breathing on my skin, she started rubbing against me and she was quietly moaning in my ear, she lifted her head and looked at me with hopeful and lustful eyes.”Sorry maybe some other time.” I said. She looked away, disappointed.”But then maybe Luna can join us.” I said, she blushed at the thought but before she could reply a guard suddenly bursted through the door, Celestia let go of me and looked at the guard who was panting because of all the run it did.

“Yes what is it?” Celestia asked calmly, the guard caught his breath and stood up straight.

“The dragon kingdom is under attack.” The guard proclaimed.

chapter 41 fixed

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“The dragon kingdom is under attack.” The guard said, immediately we rushed out of the room. I hastily sent a letter to my liches and captains with orders to gather the army, Celestia in the meantime was gathering any guards she could and got them ready to fight, she had a total of 500 guards ready to travel in less than ten minutes.

“Are you ready?” I asked, Celestia nodded, in the time she ordered her guards she also went off to wear her personal armor, a beautiful piece of smithing, filled with arcane symbols and commemorative engravings, the whole piece was of a golden colour which shone under the light of the Sun. The armor covered her entire figure leaving an opening for her wings and horn, when she finally strapped it on fully a multitude of runes light up in awakening showing off the true power of the armor, and the mastery of the one who crafted it. Even then there was no time to admire her, there was a battle to win. We immediately rushed out and went off into the air with a chariot.

“So the demons have made their move, I was hoping to have the meeting tomorrow before they had a chance to attack.” Celestia said as we rode the chariot which was being pulled by pegasus guards, in little time we moved to the open fields below canterlot where I could see my army, ready and prepared for battle, marching off towards the dragon kingdom. Waiting for them would have been a waste of time so we decided to arrive there before them and start the council as soon as possible.

“We better try to come up with a strategy now while we have the chance to, I don’t think we will have the time when we get there.” I said, she thought about it and nodded. Celestia pulled a map out of thin air then it unrolled and flattened in the air showing us the dragon kingdom. The dragon kingdom was filled with mostly mountains and volcanoes, there were very few traces of green on the map but that was to be expected, the map though showed some marks on it. “The markers is where they are being attacked?” I asked and she nodded.

“Right here is where the bulk of the demons are from what we heard.” She said as she pointed to a base of a volcano. “It is the dragons stronghold, unfortunately the battle is going south pretty fast they won’t resist for long.” She said as I looked over the map and came to a conclusion.

“We should send the guards to the other areas that are in conflict, the volcano could be too much for them to handle especially the extreme temperature of it, if we can help the dragons in the other battles they can use their forces to sustain the stronghold’s defenses, I can also send my undead there, they are immune to the effects of the scorching heat.” I said as I pointed to the other areas around the kingdom.

“I see you’re right it would be too much for them they were trained to handle high temperatures.” She said agreeing with my plan and told the guards to be ready for battle since we reached the border of the dragon kingdom already and we were above rocky terrain.

“We will reach the battle shortly I guess?” I asked her, she nodded but remained silent afterwards. After some time we landed on the ground, the guards got off their chariots and grabbed their weapons making also sure their armor was on correctly, the pegasi in the meantime were resting on some rocks not too distant from us.

“I’ll scout ahead to see how the battles are going.” As I said that I jumped up on a few large rocks and started climbing it till I got to the top of the small rocky mountain and looked around the area. I could see several battles around the area the closest one was with a few dragons and demons, the demons were large and wielded great swords and warhammers. There were many types of demon but the most common were two, one had a bright red skin, with a pair of ram horns and a long slim tail, they sported a well defined body but not to an extreme, they wielded black greatswords which seemed to be their weapon of choice.

The black demons had snake like features, they had the head of a snake and the body of a minotaur, with their massive size they wielded massive warhammers. I hadn’t have the time to check through all the other kinds of demon, I had to be quick. I rushed down the hill and spoke to Celestia letting her know of the many battles around us and more importantly, the one that was ragin just a few hundreds meters away from us. We regrouped the guards and marched towards the battlefield, fortunately the demons didn’t see us coming so we took them by surprise sneaking up on them from the flank. The battle was quick and with very few injured, not surprisingly considered mine and Celestia presence. After the battle we helped the injured dragons while also directing the others to the stronghold.

“You should head to the stronghold we will help with the surrounding battles my undeads should arrive shortly.” I said, they were a bit reluctant about leaving their fellows in battle but understood that the main objective was to defend their most powerful position. In the end we managed to finish off the remaining demons from the different battles mostly thanks to the fact they didn’t know we were there.

“The dragons should have a better chance of defending their stronghold now.” I told Celestia, she didn’t answer immediately so I looked at her, she was breathing heavily probably because she wasn’t used to fighting especially after thousands of years of peace and… Cake eating.” You ok there Celestia?” I asked and she gave me a thumbs up while sitting down on a nearby rock. I could feel my undead approaching the main battle and I decided to join them, I explained this to Celestia and she just nodded still winded. I teleported to the front of my army and saw the general and the captain of my royal guard, they were busy leading the troops to battle doing a fine job at that too, I walked over to them and joined them in the march to the stronghold at the volcano.

“Nice of you to join us, we already finished the other battles only the strongholds needs defending bring the manticore riders and the Centaurerkers,” The same centaur like creatures that showed up during the fight in the crystal empire. ”at upfront we will charge with cavalry first then the main force will follow.” I explained, with my orders given I saw the creation of the undead manticores thanks to a necromancy spell, this way we didn’t have to hunt them down first..

“We will arrive soon.” The general said as we marched to the stronghold.

“Have the archers prepare their bows same goes for the foot soldiers, we strom in after the chavalry opened us a window.” I ordered, the undeads immediately followed the command and readied themselves behind our mounted infantry. We marched forward maintaining our formation, we neared the stronghold and saw situation. The demons were numberend in the thousands the picture was grim the dragons were losing ground even with their aerial advantage, there were simply too many. Fortunately for the dragons I was there to see that rectified.

“CHARGE.” I yelled, immediately the chavalry shot out in a wild run towards the enemies the infantry was right behind them waiting for them to open the road. The manticores and the Centeraurkers smashed into the back of the enemy force like a hammer on an anvil leaving behind them a trail of dead demons.

“We will hang back for a bit let’s watch for now.” I said to the general and captain and they understood and we watched the battle unfold.

The zombies and the rest of the infantry made contact shortly after the passage of the chavalry, the plague spread by my undeads was decimating their numbers bringing them back to life again on our side. While the blunt of our formation was massacrating the demons our archers started firing on the back of the demon’s force, killing their archers thus giving the dragons an easier time with the rest of the attacking army. With the newly acquired breathing room the dragons managed to lift up safely into the air and wash the earth below them with a torrent of flames. I immediately ordered to the zombies to back off and retreat but left the rest of the troops there.

“Let’s wrap things up here.” I said as we decided to join the battle, the demon force was at the breaking point and us joining in the battle only served to make them die faster. After the battle ended I set the undead around the stronghold for extra security while me and Celestia entered the stronghold. We didn’t have to walk much so we immediately encountered Torch who sported a broken limb and an injured wing. Torch himself was also different than before he was way bigger, his frame and figure shadowed ours and filled the majority of the room we were in.

“Sorry we had to meet under these circumstances Talion.” Torch said with a deep and ancient voice, one that made the air tremble. He tried to get up but grunted in pain and sat back down. “I was ambushed before the fighting started and got these injures.” He said, Celestia ignited her horn and channeled a healing spell which would help him heal faster and also helped easing the pain.

“Yes I was with Celestia when we got the news, we rushed as fast as we could to get here and help out.” I said, from there the conversation shifted to how to push back the demons but not for long. We decided to keep our ideas for the council the very next day, but then a thought entered my mind.

“Hey Celestia how did the demons get here isn’t the gate to tartarus under Canterlot?” I asked her and she looked at me with worry.

“The gates… they disappeared. I should have told you sooner but I wanted to wait for the council before, what a mistake that was.” She said, I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

“I will try to look for it with the palantir when we get back.” I said and Torch looked at me with confusion but also curiosity.” I will tell everyone at the meeting and I will bring it along with me to show everyone there.” I said and he nodded, deciding to just wait for me to get more information. “Now that that is out of the way, we need to make some repairs to your fort don’t you think so Torch?” I asked, he gladly accepted so his dragons and my undead worked together to patch the stronghold up, it wasn’t a one day job but at least we could make it a bit more solid in case of another offensive.

“You should head back too you look exhausted from all the fighting.” I told Celestia she nodded a bit unsure but teleported nonetheless. With the the most importants repairs done I ordered the return of my troops back leaving only a small contingent of them there just to be sure. My orders given I teleported back to my rooms and immediately Luna rushed to me. I stopped her before she could speak and motioned her to the couch.

“Is there something you want to discuss Talion?” Luna asked me as we sat down on the couch.

“Yes, why did you ask Chrysalis to do that?” I asked, Luna had a nervous smile on her as I looked at her in the eyes.

“I have been worried about my sister since my return, she often wandered the halls of the castle in the middle of the night, she has been growing distant from everypony lately. I was worried that she might just detach from everypony else, I couldn’t bear the thought of her doing that so I thought, if you two got to know each other better she would be more open around others.” She explained.

“Well I think she liked your idea, we now have another herd member and she looked pretty flustered when I said she would be in the same bed as you and me.” I said and she blushed just like Celestia. “Just remember you are the one that caused this so you better be ready for the outcome that comes with it Luna.” I said and she nodded still blushing from the thought of sleeping with her sister and me very soon.

After that she went to bed and I went to the secret chamber where the palantir was so I could locate the gates.

Next morning

I arrived to the castle early in the morning, with me I had the Palantir covered in a thick blanket covered in runes to protect others from its power. I made my way into the castle and reached the council room, I was the first to arrive so I just relaxed on a couch while I waited for the others. I didn’t have to wait much, Celestia and Luna arrived after a few minutes and kept me company while we waited.

The guests and dignitaries started to arrive and fill the room, we waited for everyone to arrive before calling the council officially starting the meeting. I sat down next to Celestia there were around 15 people in the room with us, several of them were of course familiar faces, the dragon king Torch, Daron Stonpelt and Queen Phaenna. The latter seemingly brought with them their heir, a young zebra with long braided hair, she wore a long silver coloured dress and a necklace she was maybe fifteen or sixteen years old and was obviously not comfortable with the situation often looking left and right to avoid eye contact, but even with that I could notice a long scar right under her right eye which was completely white. Obviously the injury costed her her sight.

“Who is the newcomer and where is Dainn.” A booming voice asked, the voice belonged to a lion, his figure was imposing with golden hair under his crown, a rather simplistic one at that with very few jewels in it but probably made out of pure gold, the design was also simplistic in nature with few and scarce details. He wore an elegant suit but nothing too frivolous, on his chest he sported a lot of medals from war, on his hips a sword was strapped, on his shoulders was draped a long red mantle with a fine line of gold adorning it. The king obviously didn’t take the throne without a motive, he seemed a skilled fighter and probably a well experienced general.

“I am a new king, as for Dainn I am glad to say he is no longer with us.” I said simply, many gasp rose from around the table but the lion king silenced them all.

“What do you mean?” He asked in a low threatening voice.

“He is dead and I have taken over his land overseas.” I said and that shocked everyone in the room beside the people I knew there.

“That’s impossible! His army is massive and his land is vast, I know about his secret research that can draw magic from unicorns and inject them into caribous.” The lion king said as he banged the table with his clenched fist sporting a lot of rings that I previously missed. I snapped my finger and several screens appeared around the room, the screen showed how I contacted Torch, Daron, Phaenna, Celestia, and Luna, how my undeads fought against Dain’s forces and how they all contributed to our final victory. Lastly the screen showed how I defeated and killed Dain.

“This should cover why I am present here, now unless there are other question I suggest we starts this council. Celestia if you may.” I said, everyone remained silent and let Celestia use her magic to create a map that stretched along the whole table.

“Demons have been coming to our world and started attacking our nations, the first attacker was unfortunately the dragon kingdom, before we discuss any strategy though I suggest we all introduce ourselves to our new member of the council.” She said and the lion spoke up first.

“I am Regem and this is my son, Leo.” He said pointing to his son, a young boy in his teens. He wore a pregiate suit that showed off his title as prince, he also had a small sword strapped to his hip, his hair was like his father’s golden in colour. He also had a small crown, this one silver in colour probably to show that he was a prince and not a king yet, he like his father also had a cape over his shoulder with the same golden patterns and coloration. The boy simply nodded, then the Zebra chief spoke up in turn.

“I am the chief of the Zebra tribes my name is Toa Kaha of the white clan, you’ve already met my daughter her name is Wairua Kaha.” He said gesturing to his daughter she blushed and hid her face behind her hands. The zebra chief was a tall man, his eyes were brown and his mane was a deep black, short but not too much he kept it in a maokai like style. He wore a pelt armor with a diagonal leather strip. The armor showed off his impressive musculature and the many scars he gained in time. Wairua instead wore a simple cloth made out of leather and fur which covered her breasts and hip but left her stomach uncovered, the armor also covered her legs in the same brown like texture.

The final one was a rather interesting one, for I’ve never seen something like her. She was a tall woman, her eyes were a deep purple while her hair were straight and long with a combination of violet and cyan, her skin was an alabaster white similar to Celestia’s. She wore a long white dress which also showed a lot of her voluptuous breasts, the dress was long enough to cover her legs, it was short sleeved but a pair of long gloves covered her hands up to her elbow. At her neck there was long necklace made out of pearls with one in the center that was especially big. She had a pair of wings but her body figure wasn’t one of a gryphon. “I am Queen Novo, ruler of the hippogryphs. This is my daughter Skystar.” She said presenting her daughter, a cream coloured girl with a similar dress to the one of her mother but without the necklace. “Hi.” She said happily.

“It is nice to meet you all.” I said nodding and we got down to business.

“The reason we are here today is because the gates of Tartarus are missing and demons are roaming free in our world.” Celestia said.

“That reminds me.” Torch started looking at me. “ Have you found it Talion?” He asked, I pulled out the Palantir and answered his question.

“Yes and no. Every time I found it it changed location making it difficult to track down.” I said as they all looked at the cloth covered orb.

“What is that?” Torch asked as he looked at the cloth.

“This is the Palantir I mentioned it in our encounter at the fort.” I said as I uncovered it revealing the orb. “It holds great power and it can only be used safely by one that has a great will and mind. It allows one to view what they want to see and I have been using it to track the Gates but like I said it moves everytime I find it.” I said, the others showed interest in the item but many hid it well, queen Novo especially showed a great deal of restraint towards the orb putting on a stone like face. The same couldn’t be said for her daughter who was looking at it with wide eyes. I put it high enough for everyone to see it and used it to find the gates, as previously stated the gates disappeared immediately after their discovery.

“So if you can’t find it with your fancy orb thing we will have to do this the old fashioned way.” Regem said still looking at the Palantir.

“So why did they attack my kingdom first?” Torch asked.

“From what I believe they were just scouts.”I said and he nearly shouted.

“What do you mean they were only scouts?” He asked enraged. “ They came by the thousands and nearly won the battle if you had not come.” He yelled and that got everyone worried, if my analysis was correct that meant that the demons were far stronger than I anticipated, if just scouts could almost destroy one of the toughest fortress on the planet then their main force was something to fear. And everyone there knew it.

“From everything I have gathered from Hecale, my proxy, there are demons that are immune to flames. The question is why would they send an army that was not immune to your fire and why would they send them in the first place if they were not going to be serious about it.” I said.”Dragons by far are the strongest species in strength and are perfect for battle, their size and fire breath gives them a lot of advantage in the battlefield.” I said.

“So why would they hold back?” Novo asked.

“They were testing their strength to see what they were up against and with their near victory they will much more bold about their movements. They will be far more vicious and aggressive, their forces will completely stomp any of us if we act Independently.”I said, this made them hum in thought.” If we do not join together to fight the demons, all is lost.” I said and then I remember something from the lord of the rings movie and I quietly chuckled but Regem heard it.

“What’s so funny?” He asked growling and I was surprised he could hear me.

“Just remembering something from my world.” I said simply.

“What do you mean from your world?” Novo asked actually surprised.

“I am not originally from this world.” I said, this made them all fall, the silence was broken by Leo.

“You can’t honestly think we would believe such bullshit right.” Leo said as he crossed his arms.

“It’s true, he is from another world.” Celestia said and everyone in the room looked at her.

“You can’t be serious.” Regem said and she shook her head.

“It’s true he is from another world.” She said and Regem, Novo, and Toa Kaha started whispering to their heirs but then they stopped shortly after.

“So what was that funny from your world, which obviously outweigh our current situation.” Novo asked me looking at me with cold eyes. I wasn’t scared by that so I just continued and explained myself.

“There was a situation just like this in my world Celestia knows about this.” I said and she looked at me.

“You mean Sauron?” She asked and I nodded.

“Who is Sauron?” Phaenna asked.

“He was the dark lord that tried to take over the world with is army of orcs.” I said.

“So how did your stopped him?” Torch asked

“Well first I need to explain the rings I guess, first I will recite the poem that was written about them let me see if I remember.” I said and I thought for a moment then it came to me and I started reciting it.

“Three rings for the elven kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die, one for the dark lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie one ring to rule them all one ring to find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.” (Link in case you forgot where I got it) I said and the same thing happened when I first told Celestia and Luna it and I started to explain the rings.” The rings were created by an elf by the name of Celebrimbor but the designs were created by Sauron, after they created them they gave them to the rulers of each race but Sauron forged his own ring after that and made an army of orcs and a last alliance of men and elves was the only thing that could stop them, but after the war instead of destroying the ring a human king took it for himself. But the ring had a will of its own, Sauron poured his malice and will to dominate all life in it this in turn corrupted the foolish king and plunged his kingdom into darkness.” I said finishing it and I snapped my fingers and a hologram of Sauron aperred behind me.

“Well I guess we have a common enemy don’t we.” Regem said and we all nodded, then I noticed that Leo was missing, I looked around and saw him sneaking up on me. When he noticed that he has been caught he shot off and grabbed the Palantir in both his hands looking into it.

“What are you doing you fool?” I yelled.

“This thing can’t be that dangerous.” He said with nonchalance, the Palantir immediately glowed and a red eye opened in the middle. Suddenly Leo started screaming and thrashing around as he fell to the ground in pain, I ran over to him and knocked the orb out of his hands making it roll on the floor meanwhile the cloth that I used to bring the palantir there flew off of the table and covered it. The last thing I saw in it was the red eye looking at me maliciously before it was covered by the cloth with that done I focused my attention on Leo who was just starting to breath normally, he then opened his eyes looking around scared.

“Is he ok?” He asked and I nodded, then I turned my gaze to the boy.

“What did you see?” I asked and he tried to collect himself but he was still sweating and still looking around like a scared animal.

“I saw fire everywhere and a desert with a village and what looked like a celebration.” He said but I needed more information.

"Anything else that stands out" I asked.

"A statue in the center of the village." He said and Toa stood up.

"That's my village and the celebration is next week in 6 days." He said and I stood up.

"we need to get there and defend the village but first we should wrap things up here and Regem was checking on his son and he stood up.

"Yes I agree I need to get my son home so he can be checked I approve of this alliance any other that approve." He said and everyone agreed and we finished our meeting and I left with Toa to gather my army.

chapter 42

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I was at Minas Morgul already gathering my army and the chief of the zebras, Toa, was with me so he could show me the way to his village after I finished preparing. Toa though wasn’t looking at me, he was gazing at the undead, he looked down to them fearing them, I could see it into his eyes. He was afraid.

“Are you ok?” I asked and he looked at me and faked a smile.

“I’m fine.” He said but I knew he wasn't, I didn’t have time to care though I was thinking of ways to improve our fighting forces and then I remembered something, I still had magic from Skyrim.

“I have an idea if you will excuse me for a moment.” I said and walked into the tower and then into the throne room, I closed the door and walked to the center of the room where I focused my magic into my hand which immediately got surrounded by the same energy from the game and I thought of the undead I wanted and Lifted my hands. Immediately a purple cocoon like shell appeared but as soon as it appeared it faded leaving behind a boneman archer. I waited to see if it will disappear like in the game but fortunately it didn’t, with that in mind I tried to summon an specific undead that couldn’t be summoned in the game, I focused my magic and created yet another purple cocoon, from it a draugr stepped through. It had a two handed ancient nord greatsword but it was just a regular and weak undead, I wanted the best. I used more magic and this time I managed to summon a few restless draugr three Death lord draugrs and one Death Overlord draugr, which should be the strongest one if my memory is right.

“Are they ready?” I asked to my captain, he nodded and motioned to me to follow him outside. I did so and exited the tower the draugrs I created also followed me, I just managed to get out of the tower and immediately I noticed that Celestia and Luna were there as well. ‘Strange I didn’t know they would be here.’ I idly thought. “You want to come too?” I asked them.

“ Yes, while I witnessed first-hand what the demons are capable of my sister didn’t, I wish for the both of us to come with you so we may be more prepared to the nearing conflict.” Celestia said, she then focused her sight over my newest undeads. “What are they?” She asked.

“They are Draugrs they were originally found in ancient nordic ruins, some says they were ancient followers of the dragons and after their downfall they were cursed to roam the land forever. This is a story for another time though, let’s just say that I found a way to magically create some of them.” I said, Hecale showed up shortly after and led the way to the balcony where we could gauge to my arranged army. Toa was there too and tried in vain to not look directly at the undeads and failed to do so.I put a hand on his shoulder and that actually broke the trance he was in, he shook his head and pointed on the map where his village was. Our calculation gave out a five days time of march to arrive there. With that settled we began our journey.

5 days later

We have been traveling for five days, while my army could march forever the same couldn’t be said for Toa and his daughter, especially Wairua looked completely worn out, she wasn’t used to walk for days under the unforgiving heat of the desert.

“We should stop for a few minutes it looks like your daughter is tired.” I told Toa, he looked at her daughter and decided to stop as well. In the meantime while we were walking I managed to summon more draugrs unfortunately only weak ones, Death lords and Overlords completely burns out my energy for some reason. Further more they completely ignore all who tries to command them if I am not the one that does it, why they do that is a mystery to me but that will be an inconvenience.

After a short rest we resumed our march, we didn’t waste any more time and finally arrived to the village. I ordered my undead to remain out of it while we scout. We entered only to find a lot of zebras that warmly welcomed us, and their chief who had a serious look on his face and immediately rounded up his warriors to discuss on what transpired at the meeting.

“It’s very nice here.” Hecale said as she looked around the village.

“Yes it is.” I said, Toa then motioned for us to follow him in his house. A simple wooden hut, the inside was well decorated with a nice fireplace and a table with a set of chairs. On the table there was a wooden bowl filled with fruits.

I sat down on a chair and waited for the chief and Hecale to follow my example then I spoke out. “First of all we must understand from where the demons will attack, we can’t surround the entire city that way we will just cut out our escape route and possibly condemn the civilians still in the village if we lose.” Toa nodded at the statement and replied.

“I already have my warriors scouting the area around the village to see if we can find any sign of them.” Toa said as he pulled out a map and laid it on the table then he pointed to a region right in the center of it. “This is where we are and the surrounding area.” He said.

“Yes but without knowing where they are coming from we can't plan a proper defence against them.” I said again which made Toa scowl at me before a young zebra entered the house. He rushed to Toa’s side and whispered some words in his ear, Toa immediately freezed and the sported a very serious and worried look.

“It appears we have a problem.” He said and we waited for him to finish.” We found the demons and they have already surrounded the village, it seems they are only camped right now but they will probably strike tomorrow it’s a miracle we didn’t run into them when we walked here with your army. There is no other alternative we will have to hide all civilians and then we must win.” He then looked down with a very saddened expression. “Or everything is lost.”

“I can help with that, the liches can use their magic to build an underground shelter for them before the battle.” I said and he sighed in relief that his people would be safe. ”My undead should start moving into town you should warn the people of their arrival.” I told him at which he nodded and exited the hut, we remained inside waiting for him until after a couple of minutes Wairua entered.

“Hey did your father tell everyone yet?” I asked and she nodded with a smile and we all walked outside, I immediately sent a message to my undeads to come into the village. I then ordered the liches to create the shelters for the civilians, swiftly and silently they started to move the earth and create the underground bunkers. I on the other hand was busy creating as many dradur and restless draugr as I could before the battle, I managed to test some of them to see how strong they were and they came out as a bit more powerful than my normal undeads. Unfortunately I was the only one who could summon them so they had to remain with me at all time to fight.

I had successfully created 30 more normal draugrs and 15 restless ones before I got tired, I then went up to bed and rest for a bit. I was awoken by Celestia telling me the Sun was rising so I stood up and went outside, before the battle I created yet another death lord just to be sure then positioned my undeads. I had more than enough to cover the whole village, unfortunately due to the scarce numbers of draugrs I couldn’t let them roam into the city so I kept them closer to the bunker except the death lords and overlord, they were strong enough to remain at the forefront of the battle. I climbed up to a roof where my boneman archer was positioned and looked around to find the demons.

“They should be coming any minute now.” I said and Toa walked up beside me.

“My warriors want to fight for their home.” He said and I expected as much from them.

“I know and they will get their chance if the demons make it through us, but I won’t allow that to happen.” I said, to that he just nodded and returned back to his warriors, meanwhile Celestia, Luna, Hecale and I all remained there to face the demons head on. Celestia and Luna both wore their armors, Luna’s armor was ebony with a multitude of silver engravings that adorned the masterfully crafted breastplate, the armor split at her shoulder leaving her arms unarmored. Her hands and wrists were protected by an armored glove, her legs were protected by a black chain mail while only the joints and feet were armored. In the center of the chest plate there was depicted her moon which shined and pulsed with life, all around it several runes and arcane incantations rotated around the symbol. Her hand rested over the hilt of her sword, a beautiful broadsword entirely coated in silver, the blade of the sword was glowing in a pure pearly white. The sword pulsed with rage towards the enemies of her mistress.

“You are about to see the demon horde, are you sure you two are up for this?” I asked Celestia and Luna they both nodded, Luna lowered her visor and readied her sword. My undead in the meantime planted their shields in the ground meanwhile the restless draugr, death lord, and death overlord waited in the back for the battle to begin, then the demons showed themselves. From all angles the demonic troops charged in a frenzy towards us, swinging their weapons around in a crazy fashion.

The first ones I saw were the fire demons, their skin looked like it was made of coal and they had fangs made of flames, their armor and horns were made of fire, they all used diverse kind of weapon but all of them were rigorously made out of pure flames. Next I saw completely black demons with ancient and seemingly powerful runes engraved on their flesh humming with light and magic, the runes were radiating pure black magic. They looked similar to Hecale before she became my proxy, I then saw many other demons, some were the same that attacked the dragons while others were completely new to me.

‘How many are their?” Celestia asked as she looked at the charging demons.

“I have no idea but that doesn't matter right now we have to protect the villagers.” I said and they nodded confirming my orders, the undead were readying themselves, they all pointed their lances forward and awaited the incoming assault. The restless draugr prepared their frostbite spells, the usual frosty magic coated one of their hands showing that their spells were ready.

With a thunderous impact the demon forces smashed against our formation, the sound of battle started with steel clashing against steel and flesh being ripped. The undead hold their ground as long as they could but the demons quickly overwhelmed them and destroyed our first line of defense. The draugr then started to battle, they showed a lot of mastery with their weapons and the usage of frost like magic really helped against the fire demons. With our first line shattered Luna and Celestia dropped on the ground and joined the fight slashing and maiming left and right, Hecala and me remained on the back line to prevent any back stab.

The demon sorcerer started to fire their magic wide hitting everything and anything without care, they were acting as artillery meaning that they were extremely dangerous to be left alive for long. ”ZUN HAAL VIIK.” I heard from my left, I turned towards the source and saw one of the death lords using one of the most annoying shouts in the game, the disarm shout one of the reasons I preferred to be a mage than a warrior in skyrim. Immediately the shout took effect and with a powerful blast it blew away the weapons of the demons that were too close, after that they were easily disposed off.

Two death lords were sniping from the roof using their ebony bow to shot down as many enemies as they could, the boneman archer was there too and despite its look it was very good with its weapon. I looked down to the battle and saw that Luna was in difficulty, struggling against to fire demons. Before I could do anything the boneman struck them both down with a swift headshot, then it avoided one of the many spells the sorcerer were firing. The boneman looked at them and readied two arrows at once, it then shoot them and struck good killing them both in a single shot.

“I need to make more of them after this.” I said with a very impressed tone in my voice.

“Yeah you do.” Hecale said sharing the feeling, we returned to watch the battle ongoing when a loud roar made us look away and into the distance towards the forest. There we saw two demons, they were very different from the normal ones, the first one had wings they started as white feathers but soon they turned into bat like wings, his hair was long and white, blue runes of some kind highlighted his well toned body while also humming with raw power, his tail was thin but strong as it moved side to side, he had black chintin that looked like spikes that traveled from his feet to his thigh, the same with his arm from his hands to his elbow and his horns were black as they went in opposite directions, his skin was milky white and his face was human in nature but it looked shriveled and withered.

The second one was much larger than the pale one, this demon was covered in a full plate of black hellish armor, his face was covered by a helmet with very long horns on it, his eyes shined through the visor showing a rare kind of malice, his weapon was a large, maybe too large, cleaver, the demon though swung it like nothing decimating my undeads. I looked back and saw that the pale demon was gone, immediately I searched for him and found him battling Celestia which was showing a lot of strain trying to fight him off. I tried to run to her side when I got interrupted and blocked by the giant cleaver almost cutting me in two.

“Your opponent is me.” The demon said in a raspy and ancient voice, he arrived in front of me in a second an grabbed his giant cleaver, then he swung it at me where I jumped back to avoid the hit. I drew my sword and stared down to my opponent.

“Who are you?” I asked as he cleaned his sword from blood and guts that accumulated in the battle.

“I am Pharaxurath.” He said coldly as he pointed his sword at me and charged, immediately a death overlord came to my aid.

“FO KRAH DIIN.” The death overlord said as as waves of ice started to cover everything in front of him and it hit Pharaxurath covering him with a layer of snow and ice, soon though the demon shook it off. “You can not hope to defeat me with cheap tricks, I am Circe’s proxy.” He said as a fiery aura surrounded him then he charged at us with his cleaver ready to strike.

The death overlord was quick to react as he used the unrelenting force shout.”FUS RO DAH.” He said as a wave of energy collided with the demon throwing him away, but he stuck his sword in the ground and used it to resist the powerful shout. Before it ended I seized my opportunity and jumped in the air lifted my sword over my head and swung it on his helmet unfortunately the hit bumped off from his sturdy armor, when I started to think that the attack was a failure I noticed that there was a giant crack on the helmet, and quickly it worsened spreading through the entirety of the head. In a burst of metallic fragments, Pharaxurath’s helmet was destroyed.

The demon had green skin, a powerful squared jaw and two big, thick tusk that exited from his mouth. He looked at me with untold fury and once again charged at me, the overlord quickly intercepted him but the demon this time swatted him away into a building collapsing it onto the draugr. I charged my magic and blasted him with a powerful energy wave which made him recoil back a few feet.

“Not bad.” He said, he tried to stand up but the archers immediately shot at him with an endless barrage of arrows. The demon used his cleaver to protect his exposed head and I quickly used that to stab him right in the chest, with that the demon lowered his weapon and started coughing blood. He fell down on his knee and glared at me.

I raised my sword and cut off his head and as his body fell to the ground I felt a presence in my mind but it was gone almost immediately, then a bright light illuminated the sky.

Celestia POV just before Pharaxurath’s battle with Talion.

I heard a sound from behind me, I turned around to see a white winged demons staring me down. “Your time is over, Princess.”He said and launched himself at me, I couldn’t react fast enough when his nails grew and impaled my shoulder, I cried out in pain and jumped backwards where I clutched my injury with a hand and held my sword with the other. “You are weak, can't even handle a little pain.” He said with a grin on his dead face but when he tried to attack me dozens of Talions undeads swarmed him so I could recover. Unfortunately they were easily dispatched by the strong demon.

I looked away trying to find Talion but only saw another wave of demons pouring from the desert, the Draugr, I believe Talion called them, fought them head on using magic and weapons. The demons though were simply too many so they easily ran into the village, that’s then I saw the zebra’s warrior exit their bunkers and joining into the fight. I could have continued to watch but I had a battle myself to finish.

“So far you have fallen to rely on others to protect you Celestia, you are weak, worthless! But you are also a thorn in my Mistress side so it’s time for you to die, today the Sun sets forever!.” The demon said, he walked towards me after killing all the undead. I tried to raise my sword to fight but I was too weak, I lost too much blood. ‘ this is not the end.’

“What is that?” I quietly said as I looked up and the demon followed my eyes and looked to the sky as the light plummeted brightened and crashed into the ground lifting dust everywhere, the light was so powerful it blinded me. After a bit I could see again and witnessed the giant crater the light formed, in the center of it a sword rested. The blade seemed ancient, from the hilt a soothing light shined, the light traveled through the whole blade making it shine with pure energy, a series of runes also brightened with a red iron intensity.

I don’t know why, but the sword called me. I was attracted to it like a moth to a flame and without even noticing it I grasped it firmly. The light engulfed me and healed my wound, attached to the hilt there was a letter, it as for Talion so I took it and hid it in my armor.

“What is your name demon.” I said as he recovered from the light.

“A dead body usually doesn’t need a name. But for you, I will make an exception I am Harellus.” He stated and quickly flew to me with a murderous expression.

The demon was quickly approaching but I didn’t fear him, somehow the light of the sword gave me the strength to face him fearlessly, when the demon was close enough I swung my blade and in a swift motion I severed his wing.

“Damn you!” He shouted angrily, he attacked once again but this time I felt my body move on its own, I just looked through it without any control. But I wasn’t scared, the blade sung and in a movement too fast for the eye to see I slashed at his torso, where the blade hit a powerful light shined and became brighter by the second. Finally the light died down and me and the demon stared at each other, then he coughed up blood and fell on his knee. A giant cut opened on his chest and quickly ripped the demon in two, the light burned his body in a blue flame devouring it completely. With that my body shut down and I feel down exhausted.

Talion POV

I saw Celestia fight the powerful demon, when she fell down I quickly scooped her up and brought her to a safe location, with that done i joined the fight once again after that I checked on the death overlord, he was stuck under some rubble but aside from some minor injuries he was fine.

It had been hours since the battle started and the demons were losing steam, since my army was undead they could not tire out the fight was in our favor. Before we could deliver the final blow on their forces they retreated back into the desert where the gates awaited them, then they disappeared through it and the portal with them.

“It’s finally over.” Toa said as he limped and his daughter helped him stand.

“What happened to you?” I asked him as he gestured to his bleeding leg.

“One of those bastard got me when I wasn't looking.” He said as he sat in front of a statue that Leo told me about when he saw the attack.

“What’s the statue for?” I asked and he looked at it.

“Its is the statue of the great chief Tecumseh, hundreds of years ago our lands were in constant wars with the other chiefs of Zebraca thousands died during those dark times.” He said saddened, but then he perked up. “ But one day one of the chief decided that there had been enough bloodshed and little by little he won the trust of the other chiefs. He created the council, he stopped the war and gifted these wounded lands a long era of peace.” He said and that cleared a few things up, but I still had a few question, like how did Faust send Dawnbreaker to Celestia and why.

“Well thank you for telling me this story. I need to check on Celestia, excuse me now.” I said and he nodded so I walked away and into a makeshift hospital. I saw Celestia, she was fine now and already up, I approached her and asked her.

“Hey you feeling ok?” She looked at me and smiled.

“Yes I’m ok and I have something for you.” She said as she took a letter out of her armor and handed it to me, I took it and begun reading.

Dear Talion, I need to warn you the veil between worlds is weakening, I don’t know how Circe is doing it but she is getting closer to be released from Tartarus. I was able to send Celestia Dawnbreaker from your memories, I need some kind of memory or image to will my power into a physical object and I only have enough power in the mortal world to make two more things. I want you to decide what to make and I will send it to you, I can make one now and one tomorrow there is a seal with my magic imbued in it just write what you want and I will make it for you.

With love your mother in law Faust.

I folded the letter, I already had in mind something to ask her but first I had to revive those who died in the battle. With that in mind I exited the hospital excusing myself to Celestia and walked towards the bodies of the fallen. I channeled my magic and healed their wounds while also recovering their souls, with those I brought them back to life. Many were obviously shocked to know that they were still alive, but grateful nonetheless.

With that done I went inside Toa’s house and wrote down on the letter the weapon I wanted. After a few seconds a bright light appeared on the table and a sword rested on it. The sword was long and narrow the blade itself was interrupted by teeth like piece of metal, the blade was mostly red and hummed with power, the hilt was spartan looking with little to no engravings, the blade on the other hand was filled with ancient incisions and symbols. “A wonderful blade, I always loved the bloodskal blade.”

The next morning

I woke up and found a ton of gifts and food at my door, I didn’t want to make them fall so I opted to exit through the window, I then gave the gifts and the food back saying that I really didn’t need them and that the village needed them more than me. With that done we departed from the village with happy children waving us goodbye.

chapter 43

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After we returned to Minas Morgul. Celestia and Luna returned to Canterlot to retrain the guards so they could hopefully stand a chance against demons and I was in the war room with the liches and my captains.

“We need a larger force.” The captain on my royal guard argued and the liches objected.

“We can only do so much and the undead can only do so much against natural abilities like the fire demons attacks.” Morgana yelled at the captain and I decided what we should do.

“We have been neglecting our other undead like the death knights they could have taken care of those demons and we need to make new kinds of undead that can help counter the demons we have seen so far.” I explained in a calm voice, the liches and captains thought about it and agreed to my plan to continue to make all the undead we know of and search for others.

I was making more undead from skyrim and I was experimenting with what I could make so I tried to make a keeper but it took awhile to figure it out and it needed more than magic from skyrim it required dark magic as well but I had enough of that to make a few of them and a giant cocoon appeared and a keeper appeared he was at least 15 feet tall wearing dragon bone armor and wielded a dragon bone battle axe.

I looked him over and created more keepers they all had dragon bone weapons and their were 24 in total and they were easy to make so I moved onto to another undead I remember the corrupted shades they were easy to make as well.

I decided to check on the progress of the liches so I went to the warehouse they were making the undead. Most of them were making undead we already knew of the others looked like they were deep in research trying to make new undead.

“So anything yet.” I asked morgana she was one of the ones researching.

“We have one but we have not tried it yet do you want to see?” She asked and I nodded.

She turned around and joined the liches that were helping her and they formed a circle.

“We found this one in one of the books you keep in your room it says it is a ancient undead that is the only one of its kind and can’t be created but we also actually found another one but that one can wait.” Morgana and they started focusing their magic and the room started to darken.

“Is this supposed to happen?” I asked but they didn’t answer and a portal started to form in the center of the circle and air started bursting from the portal and a sudden burst of magic blew the liches away closing the portal.

“What happened?” I asked morgana as I helped her up.

“I don’t know maybe we were not powerful enough.” She said and I picked up the book that they found that undead and read the instructions it was pretty simple but cost a massive amount of power.

“It seems so it might be impossible even if you all joined together.” I said as I kept reading into its history it seemed to have been locked away in a pocket dimension that could be way it needs so much magic to summon him. I kept reading as the liches were getting back to what they were doing.

The undead they wanted to summon would indeed be helpful in the legend and stories are to be believed that is.”I could do it if I use my full potential.” I said aloud and the liches looked at me with worry.”Don’t worry I’ll be fine.”I as said as I closed my eyes and reached deep down into myself to make my power surface.

“Are you sure.” Medusa said and I nodded as a aura wrapped around me empowering me. I began the spell as the portal appeared and their air struck again trying to push me back but I stood firm as I tried to stabilize the portal and the air lesson as it stabilized.

“Is it working.” I heard one of the liches behind me but I could not make out who not only that it seemed that everything around me seemed to fade away as I was now in a dark void with only the portal in front of me and I could sense something trying to get through but was struggling but was making progress.

The first thing that emerged from the portal was a armored hand followed but they other and they held onto the edges of the portal to try to keep itself from being pulled back in the next thing I saw was a hood followed by the rest of his armor as he fell out of the portal.

He had a great sword it looked like it was made of some kind of dark stone and a skull like face was on the hilt as the eyes and nose glowed with blue energy and the blue energy extended to the blade a bit. His armor had the same energy on his shoulder and his gauntlets he his hood was brown and he had a cloak that looked like it was made of shadows and it moved in the nonexistent wind similar to Celestia’s and Luna’s manes.

He was in a kneeling position but it was not from exhaustion but then I heard a voice in my head.

“I have awaited your arrival master.” He said still kneeling.

“How do you know me?” I asked.

“I have know of your arrival since the dawn of time and I have waited.” He answered.

“Then why were you sealed away” I asked him.

“I was found by ponies they thought I was a monster and they tried to get rid of me when that failed they turned to the princesses for help but they could not defeat me so they sealed me away.” He said but I want confirmation from Celestia and Luna before I let him run lose and I noticed the room started to fade back into existence.

“Are you ok?” The liches asked and I nodded but I looked back to the undead I summoned.

“You will wait here until I come back.” I said and he nodded his head and I left the warehouse. As I saw the captain of the city guard running towards me with a glowing piece of paper and he held out and I grabbed it it seemed to be the paper Faust gave me I guess this means I can request another item from my memory so I wrote what I wanted down and it diapered and a bright light appeared but it quickly faded revealing the arcane enchanter but it had a letter on it so I guess she want to talk to me so I took the letter and said.” Can you have this brought to my room please.” I said and he saluted and walked off.

I opened the letter and began to read.

Dear Talion I have been watching you and have seen the undead you have summoned I do sense he is lying but I do not remember ever seeing anything like him in the dark void that me and my sister were born from so I do not know if he is telling the truth or a lie I just wanted to warn you incase he causes trouble.
With love Faust

After I read the letter I folded it up and put it in my pocket. Now that that was done I headed to the forge that created the enchanted armor and began making plans for a weapon for luna.

3 hours later

“Well that was a pain.” I said making that plans for the weapon that I want to make for Luna and it was not easy to make and not that it was finished it was time to place the enchantments and that could take a bit and then I will bring it to her.

1 hours later

It was finally finished and I told the undead I summoned to come with me I need to give him a name if he doesn't have one already but maybe Celestia or Luna know his name but we had to get thier first.

After we reached canterlot we walked towards the castle I saw some of the nobles giving me dirty looks but some smiled at me respectfully after we walked inside we were about to walk into the throne room when I heard a familiar voice.

“Auntie you can’t be serious you can’t possible love that beast. That monster Nightmare Moon I would understand but yo...SLAP” I knew that was blue blood but he was stopped from finishing his sentence as a slap echoed through the room after the slap echo ended I walked in.

I saw Celestia standing in front of blue blood with her hand raised and a red mark on blue bloods face from the slap.”DON’T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT AGAIN.” Celestia yelled in Blue Bloods face as he rubbed his cheek and he was about to throw a punch at her but I stepped in.

“It’s a wonderful day isn't it.” I said as I walked in the room stopping blue blood from trying to throw a punch but instead hire fired a beam of magic at me it was a pathetic attempt to kill me but instead of just blocking it I let it hit me and the only thing that happened when it hit my chest is it bounced off me and hit multiple parts of the room my internal magic acted as a shield blocking the attack. I yawned at his attempt to kill me but I needed to stop him before he collapsed the throne room so I teleported in front of him and grabbed his horn and squeezed it and the beam stopped and he started screaming.

“You should already know you can’t kill me.” I said as I let his horn go I knew a unicorns horn was their most sensitive part part of their body and he walked out of the throne room trying to ease the pain in his horn.

“I thought you said you took care of him?” I asked Celestia and she sighed.

“I temporally striped him off his titles and forced his to work like a common pony but he only came back more stubborn than ever.” She said.

“If he tries to hurt someone again I wont show mercy like last time so I suggest you keep him on a short leash.” I said and she understood.

“Where is luna?” I asked.

“She is in her room but she should be here soon.” She said with a smile and the doors opened revealing luna as she walked in.

“Good evening.” She said as she waved at us.

“I have something for you Luna since you didn’t get anything from your mother I thought I could make you something instead.” I said and she had a sad look at first but she smiled shortly after that.

“Thank you Talion what is it?” She asked me as I held out a weapon covered in cloth and she grabbed it and began to uncover it.

It was a long sword with a crescent moon on the bottom of the handle and on the blade with blue gems in both sides of the hilt and down the center lighter color metal and the edges a slighter dark metal. She held it in the air so she could examine it she was amazed by it.

“Do you like it?” I asked.

“No I love it.” She said as she hugged me.

“I put a few enchantments on it as well it has a vampiric effect when it hit someone so whenever you attack you can heal yourself and it can deal frost or fire damage depending on what you want.” I explained.

“Can you do anything for this sword.” She said holding out Dawnbreaker.

I took the sword from her and examined it.” It is called Dawnbreaker your mother managed to make a replica from my memories though I don't know if I could add anything to this so I don’t think it would be safe to try.” I told her and she giggled.

“Dawnbreaker sounds fitting.” She said with a slight laughter in her voice.

“What is the name of my sword?” Luna asked with interest.

“I never really thought of that let me think.” I said as I rubbed my chin.” How about mjesec it meant moon in I think Croatian.” I said as she nodded with a smile as she wrapped her sword up in the cloth.

“Now I have a plan to stop the gate from moving.” I said.

“WHAT HOW.” Both Celestia and Luna yelled in my ear.

“Hey hey quiet down but I will need help from discord.” I said and then there was a sudden flash in the room.

“You called.” Discord said as he drank some tea.

“I need your help to stop the gate from moving I thought of this when I was making Luna sword I think the gate moves use the same magic as you.” I said and he looked at me shocked.

“What makes you think that.” He said.

“I don’t think you are helping the demons if that is what you are think but if we want to stop it from moving we need to work together if we overload our magic we can send a shockwave that will stop it from moving but it will also prevent me from using the palantir to find it.” I explained and he took a deep breath and nodded

We stood next to each other and began bringing out our power and when we were at full power were pushed all out power out casing our magic to combine and sends a shock wave throughout the entire world and then we collapsed. Luna helped me up and sat me in a cair Celestia helped discord.

“Are You ok.” The undead said as he entered the room. Celestia and Luna turned around and saw him and before they could attack I stopped them.

“Stop he’s with me.” I said.

“Do you know what he is?” Luna yelled at me.

“He is a undead we found in one of my books I got some information from him but I wanted to bring him here so I could hear the rest of the story.” I said as I stood up.

“He was discovered thousands of years ago when equestria was first formed he was found in a underground fortress that we have sealed off from the rest of the world.” Celestia said.

“Did he hurt anyone?” I asked and they shook their heads.

“No he did not but we could not risk him roaming free.” She said.

“Well now we have that out of the way I will keep an eye on him for now until we know he is trustworthy and do you know his name by any chance?” I asked they shook their heads.

“I don’t have one.” He said and I already had a name in mind for him.

“Ok then how about Nekros.” I said and he accepted the name.

“Now that the gate is stopped in its tracks we have a better chance of finding it but we still need to keep watch for the demons armies that might leave tartarus.” I said but I remembered something.” Wait you said he was in a fortress when you found him right?” I asked and they nodded.”Where is it?” I ask and they pulled out a map and pointed to a spot near the everfree forest near the mountain.

“This is where it is but we collapsed the entrance so no one could try to get in.” Celestia said.

“I will check it later but now that we can find the gates we need to get ready and prepare our armies I will inform the other rulers so they know what has happened so far.” I said and after we said goodbye and they said they would try to come by today.

“So are you satisfied with the information you gathered.”Nekros asked me.

“Yes I will trust you for now but Faust sent me a letter that counters your story she and her sister were the only ones born at the beginning of time.” I said but he didn’t show any sign of shock or worry even if he is undead so undead can retain their emotions which is mostly reserved for sentient undead even then undead no matter how emotionless they are they can make their own decision if it does not impede their masters wishes.

“I expected as much during that time I never had a form I was only a small mass of energy drifting through the infinite void.” He said I couldn’t tell if he was lying or not but I wanted to ask him one more thing.

“Ok then if you work born here then where is the other one Faust had a twin to keep balance in the world.” I said he had to give a reasonable answer for this one or his story is false.

“He is in the fortress underground he went into a deep slumber shortly before I was found.” He said.

“Well will see but for now I have t prepare for the battle that are to come so it will be maybe tomorrow before we can go there so for now my guards will keep an eye on you.” I said as we passed through the gates of Minas Morgul.

After we returned to the tower I got to work creating draugr and creating battle planes for several different scenarios but now it was time to inform the other rulers now.

I snapped my finger and several screen appeared and a few moments later the rulers of each kingdom popped on the screens Regem, Toa, and Noa were surprised they were looking through the screens the rest weren’t surprised since they had seen this before.

“Greetings I have great news on our current situation.”I said as I looked at each of them and I saw Regem trying to poke through the screen so I cleared my throat to get his attention.”With some help I have stopped the gate from moving so now we have a chance to find it but we must vigilant if we want to win this war.” I said and then I explained what happened at Toa’s village.

“This Circe is going to make this difficult if she keeps making proxies like the one you described.” Noa said and the other rulers nodded her head but then another screen appeared and Celestia and Luna appeared on it.

“Sorry we are late we have been busy remaking the guards training regiment.” Luna said.

“It’s ok I have already caught them up on what has happened already so we only have a few more things to discuss.” I told them.

“So what I guess what we are doing now is tracking down the gates and the armies that may have come through already.” Noa stated and I nodded.

“Yes we need to track it down the sooner the better and with the gate now stuck in place we can find it.” I said.

“So where so we look first?” Regem asked and we all went into deep thought.

“Well for now we can’t just randomly send scouts we have no choice but to wait for their next move then we might be able to narrow down it location.” I said.

“Yes your right we can't make any unnecessary moves without more information.” Noa said and the rest agreed.

“I suggest we make portals to each others capitals that way we can quickly respond to any trouble I can send the plans for them through the screens so you can make one.” I said.

“Yes that is a excellent idea.” Celestia said.

I started sending the plans for the portal so they could make them they said it would be difficult since they never seen anything like this before and they said they could not power them but I said that I could power them even though the are far away so now that the meeting is over I had more to prepare for the upcoming days.

chapter 44

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It was just after the meeting I decided to check if any new undead we made yet so I went to the warehouse.

“Your back we have two new undead if you want to see them sire.” Morgana said as she gestured to the two undead standing beside her the first one appeared to be a royal knight his armor looked like it was made of iron he wore chain mail under his chest piece he wore a circlet on his head that looked similar to a crown and he had cloth over his skull that led to a cape that hung off his armor. His sword looked like it was made of iron as well and it a an insignia that looked like a skull with a snake going through the eyes.(I could not tell what was on the shield so I put a differant design on it)

The second one had four arms the bottom pair were holding a battle axe the other two on his left arms was a shield and his other a great sword he had a circlet similar to the undead knight he stood at a total of 7 feet tall. His armor looked stronger than the knights and looked newer.

“So what should we do with the new undead?” Morgana asked.

“The undead knights will join the royal guard.” I said as I turned to the four armed undead and thought of a name. “And the executioners can join the other undead in storage till they are needed” I said and they led them away so they could start making more of them so now it was time to find that fortress so I left to get Nekros.

“So do you remember where the entrance is to the fortress?” I asked him as we left the city with a small groups of guards and golems with us.

“Yes it is no far from here it is at the base of the mountain the cave that leads there collapse though if what Celestia said is correct.” He said as he point towards the mountain.

1 hour later

We were at the base of the mountain walking along it to find the cave we found it but it was as Celestia said caved in and collapsed I ordered the golems to get to work and moving the boulders and making supports to keep it from collapsing again it was slow progress it would be nightfall before it would be cleared so we had to wait for them to finish so I called some of my timberwolves here so they could scout the area they found nothing so there were no defenses outside the mountain.


They had finally cleared the way for the cave entrance I sent a few guards ahead of us to check things out and me and Nekros walked in.

“Anything we should worry about when we get there?” I asked him.

“Nothing we have to worry about a few skeletons were posted as guards but I doubt they are still active after this long and if they are they will be incredibly weakened over the ages.” He said as we neared an opening and we heard fighting.

We walked into a opening to find a large cavern and in front of us was a fortress it looked to be made of old stone bricks many were chipped and some were missing revealing metal layer in the center of the wall. I saw the guards trying to break down the gates but I saw Skeletons on top of the wall throwing rock and whatever they could find at them.

“They do seems weakened they can barely throw those rocks.” I said as I observed them. “I will take care of them.” I said as I was about to walk towards the fight but Nekros said something.

“It’s not their fault they are only doing what they were told.” He said.

“Can you stop them?” I asked.

“No my connection to them was severed when I was sealed away they wouldn't recognize me.” He said.

I sighed.” Ok I will see what I can do without destroying them.” I said as I teleported to the ramparts of the wall they say me instantly and tried to throw rocks at me but one of the threw to hard and his arm flew off and I caught it mid air. The rocks they threw fell short as they hit the ground in front of me.

“We mean no harm.” I said and they stopped for a moment and I walked forward with the skeleton arm and reattached it to the skeleton they looked at me suspiciously but they put down their rocks. I opened the gates and the guards walked in Nekros shortly after.

“No that we are in the fort let’s meet your brother shall we.” I said as he lead the way.

As walked throughout the fort we saw more skeletons but they were very weak and many were falling apart.

“So what is he like your brother?” I asked him.

“He is like me but he is a bit more serious.” He said as we walked into a room with what looked like a capsule in the center and he walked up and knocked on it. It opened a few seconds later revealing a figure wearing armor that shined like pure gold he had wings on his helmet and it looked like his weapon is a bow that shined just like his armor and was made of the same material.

“So what is your name?” I asked.

“Apollo.” He said it was fitting for him he got od of the capsule.

“So what elements do you represents?” I asked them

“I represent death before you arrived and he represents life.

They began to tell me how they were born and what they have been doing before Apollo went to sleep and Nekros was sealed away they seemed to be mostly training for the final battle with Circe and they told me that my presence was now crucial to this world with Nekros no longer the embodiment of death if I was to ever return to earth the realm of the dead and the living would collide.

“So how were they kept apart when you were sealed in another dimension?” I asked.

“Even though I was sealed I was able to keep them apart but in turn I did not have the power to escape and holding them apart like that for so long left me weakened to where I could not escape after you arrived.” Nekros said.

“And why did you decide to sleep?” I asked Apollo.

“I did not want to wait for you to arrive so to help increase my perception of time I went into a deep slumber so I would not have to wait so long from my point of view.”Apollo said as he checked his bow for any damages it could have gotten over the ages.

“Ok now that we have everything sorted I think it is time we got out of here and we will take you undead with use maybe I can help them.” I said and we headed out the undead followed us but we took constant breaks to make sure none of them fell apart but we finally made it to Minas morgul.

“Morgana can you see if you can help these undead they are very weak and probably won't be able to walk much longer without falling apart?” I asked her and she nodded and let them to the warehouse and I led Nerkos and Apollo to the tower where they would help me plan my next move against the demons.

“So tell me what you know about circe her magic and spells would be helpful?” I asked.

“Circe’s magic most consists of combat magic while faust was mostly healing, defense, and support spells.” Apollo said.

“So I ave the edge in defense and support but she might outclass me in offensive magic I suppose we are evenly match but I am still not as powerful as he I need to find a way to.” I paused for a second as a idea popped in my head.

“What?” Nekros asked.

“I have an idea but I do not know if it will work but if it does will get me on the same level as Circe.” I said and they followed me to my room and I walked to the arcane enchanter that I got from Faust.

“What are you planing?” Nekros asked as I made a clear glass orb with my magic and placed it on the enchanter.

“Let’s just say I have a plan if this works.” As I began to enchant the orb with several enchantments after I was finished I held my masterpiece in the air I enchanted it with soul trap and several of things as well but now I have to see if I can bind the enchantment to weapons so I teleported me, Nekros and Apollo to the everfree where I saw a group of manticores.

“I made a plain bow from a nearby tree and connected the magic of the orb to the bow and I readied an arrow and fired.

It flew through the air as it hit a manticore in the head killing it instantly, then I looked at the orb to see if there was any reaction it took as few seconds but a soul soon appeared in the orb as it flew around inside the other manticores charge but I quickly kill them with the bow and their souls were captured in the orb.

“It works now there is just one more test to perform.” I said as I picked up the orb and the souls began to be sucked out of the orb and into me increasing my power ever so slightly even though it only increase my power slightly with future battles coming closer everyday it won't be a problem and with this I can hopefully I can reach Circe’s power.

“Interesting.” Apollo said as he looked at the orb.

“Yes it is and it will help with the upcoming battle if Circe’s proxies are a strong as me I have a long way to go” I as I teleport us back to the tower and we walked down where we met the liches at the living room.

“I have a task for you guys.” I said and they await my orders.”Bind the power of this orb to all the undeads weapons.” I said as I handed the orb to Otar and they walked off to complete their task.

“Now that the orb will now collect the soul of those my undead kill I can focus on making more undead to help even the odds against the demon armies

Circe POV

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE GATES WON’T MOVE” I yelled at the imp that delivered the message as I held his throat in my hand.

“The gates teleportation ability was powered by chaotic magic but something has destroyed it with a magic surge.” He said as he struggled to breath as he began to black out and I dropped him on the ground and he flew away.

“BRING THE DEMON LORDS HERE NOW.” I order the surrounding demons and they ran out of the room.

Talion POV

The liches were binding the weapons of the undead to the orb and they will now gather souls of the demons they kill.

“Has there been any demons activity?” I asked the captains and they shook their heads.

Circe POV

The seven demon lords were kneeling in front of me as I sat on my throne.

“We need to speed up our planes” I sat plainly.

“But if we do the mortals will figure out where we are.” He object and then he suddenly caught on fire and burned to death.

“Any other objections.” I said agitated tone in my voice and none answered. “The gate is already in place so we can push our plan forward now where will we strike next.” I said with Authority.

“Noa’s kingdom would be to difficult at the moment so Regem’s would be the best course of action at the moment.” One of the demons lords said.

“Yes it seems so.” I said bored that this would take longer than expected.” Begin preparations at once.”I said and they left the room.

Talion POV

The bindings were completed and we were ready for their next attack all we had to do was wait for them to make their move.

Celestia and Luna just arrived after we finished the binding of all the weapons and they were in the living room right now.

“So why did you want to come over today?” I asked.

“We want to see if his story check out?” Celestia asked

“Yes it did and we found his brother in the fort you told me about his name is Apollo.” I said but they still looked a bit worried.

“You ok?” I asked.

“Yes it’s just with everything that has happened lately it has taken a toll on us.” Luna said and I nodded.

“Yes with everything that has happened it wouldn’t be a surprise you girls are tired.” I said and Luna chuckled.

“Sometimes I wish was undead like you.” She said lazily.

“Trust me you don’t it’s not that fun at times.” I said.

“Like what?” Celestia asked.

“Like it was extremely difficult for me to sleep before since I could never get tired and it gets very very boring staying up all night so if you were undead like me you would quickly change your mind's.”I said.

“I see.” Luna said with disappointment.

“So now that we have that our of the way why did you want to come over?” I asked and they smirked.

“Well you promised me a night with you and Luna.” Celestia said as she sat closer to Luna and they both gave me seductive looks.

“I guess I did.”I said with a grinned and I singled them to follow me.

Clop start

I led them to my bedroom and they were already undressing when I turned around so I did the same.

After they were done I looked at them they were perfect Luna hips and breasts had grown a little larger do to her giving birth and Celestia had perfect curves and large breasts and an hourglass figure.

“Wow.” I said as I looked at them as they did several poses and I got hard almost instantly.

“Looks like somepony is ready why don’t you have the first taste sister.”Luna said as she stood beside me and Celestia got on her knees and grabbed my dick and started licking it.

She used her long tongue to lick my entire shaft before she put it in her mouth her mouth was very warm and wet she wa already deep throating me. Luna was starting to nuzzle me as I started to massage her breasts and kiss her. I was close to climaxing when Celestia stopped.

“The only way you are cumming is inside me or Luna.” Celestia said as she pushed me on the bed but I looked to Luna.

“Are you sure you want another baby?” I Luna and she nodded but Celestia was first as she mounted me and I laid down as she inserted my dick she was tight and felt amazing.

“This is my first real dick in a thousand years.”She yelled as she started bouncing on my dick Luna was masterbating next to her sister while watching us I brought her closer and sucked her breasts she was still make breast milk she moaned as her breast milk went down my throat it was sweet.

I grabbed Celestia's hips and started thrust as she bounced on me. We went on for several minutes with me and Luna making out and me drinking her breast milk and Celestia was none stop riding me the entire time only getting faster and rougher as she watched us and I was getting close.

“Celestia you sure about this?” I asked her one finally time.

“YEEES.”She screamed as we both came and I shoot my seed straight in her womb but I continued to come to make sure she got pregnant so I sat up and grabbed her and forced her down further on my dick and we started making out and my tongue entered her mouth and they wrapped around each other.

It was Luna’s turn now and Celestia was laying down with her eyes closed she was still awake but she had enough for tonight but I had other planes I got Luna to her on her hands and knees over Celestia and I first started with Lunaas I quickly started to fuck her Celestia was not reacting yet and it continued for several minutes before I changed to Celestia she reacted instantly as she moaned but she was soon silenced by a kiss from luna and they started making out and every few minutes I switched between them they started groping each other and they stared into each other's eyes.

It was time for my next climax as I came inside Luna he screaming was silenced by Celestia as she grabbed her head and kissed her Luna collapsed on her sister as she closed her eyes so I went back to Celestia she was ready so I started on her again.

“Please more.”She said so I doubled my speed.

She was pinned under Luna unable to move as I fucked her I was still sensitive and I was about to come soon so I got faster it was a whole minute and Celestia came twice so far and was about to reach her third and I was almost finished as I came one last time inside her as she came with me she passed out shortly after and I joined them as I covered us in my blanket and went to sleep.


I woke up the next day to see some of my herd mates decided to have fun with me again Hecale, and Aiko were sleeping on me covered in cum.”Why am I such a heavy sleeper.” I said to myself as I removed myself from the bed and I noticed Hecale stomach had bulged a bit and I remembered something she has said to me previously after our first night together during breakfast.

I check her with my magic to find out she was pregnant with my child and it was growing nicely I could not tell which gender he or she was but I was happy.

Clop end

I went downstairs to make breakfast for them and to check the progress of my forces they were progressing nicely but the production of each undead has gone down since we are creating all of them again and not just the black armored ones so that is a problem that can't be avoided right now.

Everyone was eating their breakfast and I was working on trying to use the palantir to find any demon armies but it was proving difficult with the gate now sruc it is radiating energy that is stopping me from finding it and it has rubbed off on the demons that have passed through but it is only temporary and should not last very long.

I saw glimpses of the demons but only every now and then and it did not last longer than a few seconds so it was very annoying and frustrating.”Damn it this is so annoying not being able to see them.” I said aloud as I stared at the palantir but I soon a messenger ran in the room out of breath he was a black panther he was almost 6 feet tall with blue eyes and a scar over his left eye he had armor that looked like a royal guards armor with golden rim with several gems in it the rest of his armor shined like silver in the moonlight.

“Who are you?”I asked.

“I am part of the Regem’s royal guard we have spotted a demon army in the kingdom and he is calling for the other kingdoms aid.” The guard said and I was quick to react as I got out of my chair.

“We will leave at once.” I said as I sent a message to Hecale, Thanatos, and the liches to get ready.

chapter 45

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Everyone was gathered in the courtyard where we built the portals to the other kingdoms the undead were slowly gathering but we did not have time we would leave the portal open to let them through and it will close when they all got through. We were now in Regems kingdom. It was a very large city the building had a roman feel to it as I looked around to see Coliseum behind me.

“Welcome.” I heard as I looked forward and saw Regem in armor the armor looked like it was made of gold with many precious gems on the chest piece such as rubies, sapphires, and diamonds.

“Hey.” I said as the panther guard walked up to the king and bowed. “Where were the demons spotted?” I asked and he leads me to a nearby building that has been made into a war room of sorts after we walked inside I saw Daron Stonepelt was already here with Torch.

“So where are they headed?” I asked

“We don’t know yet after they found out we found them they changed their direction every few miles.” Daron said.

“Well are they headed in any general direction?” I asked

“Yes and we have narrow it down to two possibilities here and a port city about 50 miles from away.”Torch said.

“The port city is the most exposed,” I said.

“Yes it is Torch is going to take his dragon and head over there we will stay here and see if they attack here if not we will head over to the port and help Torch it is the best plan we have at the moment.”Daron explained it was a good plan the dragon could hold their own against the demons if needed.

“I agree that is a good plan the dragons can hold them off long enough for us to arrive.” I said but I still don’t know the size of their army.”How large is the army?” I asked them.

“From what we have seen around 30,000.” Torch said this may be the biggest force of demons we have seen so far.

“How many do we have here.” I said

“Well me, Torch, and Regem have about 15,000 how about you?” He asked.

“The portal is powerful but it has its limits the most we can probably get through is 4,000 to 5,000 but I can create more undead and so can my liches.” I said.

“I suppose we are about even I guess.” Daron said and we nodded.

“How far are they now?” I asked.

“About an hour from here. Torch should be heading to the port right now.” Daron said and Torch took his 700 dragons to the port as they grew to their full size in a few seconds.

After that, about 5,000 undead made it through the portal before it shut down and started to recharge.

I started creating bonemen, mistmen and wraithmen they were powerful and useful undead I tried it once during my other life how a wraithman would fare against a deathlord it would take two of them to take down one and I figured out why deathlords and death overlords cost so much magic it's their shouts when I make them I am basically creating dragon souls for them to use shouts take a soul is one thing but creating one from nothing is something different.

So there was now 9,000 undead ready to fight and most of them were put underground because they were taking up to much space in the city so myself and the liches made shelters for them to be stored in until the battle.

“Have we figured out where they are going?” I ask Regem.

“Yes we have confirmed they are coming here I just sent a messenger to the dragon but it will take a while to reach them.” Regem said as he looked to the horizon.

“Let’s hope we can find the gates after the battle.”I said to him and there was movement on the horizon. “Get the civilians to safety I will get my undead archers on the walls and at the gate,” I said as the undead left the shelters and the civilians took their place in them. The bonemen and mistmen were on the walls the undead knights and death knights were at the gates ready to fight and the liches bound the new undead weapons to the orb that I now have attached to my belt wrapped in a bag made of leather.

The demons stopped right outside our archers' range after they got here but they were in range of the mistmen but I had them hold fire for now until we figure out their plan.

After a minute two figures walked through the army of demons they were wearing regal looking armor.

The first one’s armor was made of steel with a red gem in the middle he had steel shoulder guards his helmet had goat horns and a spike on the top. His skin was red he was about 6 foot 5 he wielded a sword with a dark blade with a few runes engraved in it his eyes were blue with a bit of green in them.

The second one was female she was wearing a large coat that went down to her feet with fur at the collar of the coat she was a succubus but with a dark magic demon appearance she had no weapons so I guess she uses magic I heard the flapping of wings beside me Hecale landed beside me and was shocked.

“Mother.”She said my eyes widened as I looked back at her there was definitely a similarity to their looks.

“What should we do with her?” I asked.

“I would like it if you captured her alive she was the only one that was ever kind to me in Tartarus,”Hecale said. “The other appears to be one of the seven demons lords. Be careful around him.” She said.

He didn’t look that dangerous but if Hecale is worried I should be careful.

“Fire,” I told the mistmen as they fired ice spikes at the demons they all hit their marks causing the demons to panic and charge. The archers fired immediately seeing as how they were now in range the wave of arrows wash over the demons as the orb glowed inside the bag as it gathered their souls.

“Ram the gates.” One of the demons yelled before being shot in the neck with an arrow.

Some of the demons were lifting battering rams and they were now trying to break through the gates any demons who had shields were blocking the arrow from hitting them.” Bring them down.” I said as my bonemen and Regem’s archers started to join the fight as they got on the wall.

They were starting to break the gates and the death knights were using their massive shields to plug any holes that appeared.

They were now breaking through the gates. The undead were the first to fight them as Regems guards were trying to get the civilians to safety. I looked to where the demon lord was but he was gone, however Hecale’s mother was still standing there.

“Where did he go.” I said looking for the demon lord but no one could find him.

They had now broken down the gate and I jumped out the wall to join the battle but I was flung through a building as soon as I touched the ground.

I got up out of the rubble and looked around for what attacked me then out of nowhere the demon lord appeared in front of me and jump kicked me into another building. “What the fuck.” I shouted as I went through another building.

I got out of the rubble again he appeared but I managed to dodge his next attack by jumping on top of the building I sensed no magic when he attacks so it must be his speed.

“You're not using magic are you?” I asked and I saw him grin under his helmet.

“You are one of the few people to figure it out before they die. My speed is what made me a demon lord.” He said.

He lifted his sword and disappeared again only to reappear in front of me and for some reason, I was feeling a bit of deja vu from what I did not remember. Our fight continued as we crossed blades he was slower for some reason when we were fighting close quarters so he is limited to what he can do when he has little room to move.

He thrust his sword forward but I swung my sword around so it only grazed me on my shoulder. He then looked to a nearby building and vanished. I quickly looked at the building and he reappeared, still in the stance he was in when he vanished that is when it hit me. After seeing this I had a theory, however it was very risky but had a good chance of succeeding.

He got in a low stance with his sword at his side and vanished again and instantly reappeared in front of me. I put my sword to my side and blocked his blade. “Yes, it worked.” I said.

“What do you mean and how did you block my attack.” He said.

“It was risky but it works I figured out with your speed you have little control over it. That is why you have to stop to attack; you can only travel in line of sight. That is why you looked at the building. Not only that but you can not speed up your attacks in a close quarter fight, so you use your speed to get a jump on your opponents.” As I explained he became more and more furious as his movement become filled with rage and much more predictable. Suddenly I remembered where I’ve seen this before. It was Dispo all over again. Even though this demon had little control over his speed he was still difficult to fight. Even though I could read his movements he was still very fast.

He tried to swing his sword at my head but I leaned back to dodge it. Even still it scratched my cheek. I got back in my stance and tried to stab him however he jumped back only causing my sword to get caught on his helmet pulling it off his head.

He lunged at me with his sword pointed forward. I saw that this was my chance. Ducking below the blade I thrust my sword forward through his gut. He fell to the ground behind me with my sword still through his stomach. He started coughing up blood as he got up.

“You will never win this war. This is only the beginning of the end for you and every mortal on this planet” The demon lord said as he tried to pull out my sword casing him to bleed faster. “Circe's demon army is endless it is hopeless to fight us.” He said as he pulled out the sword which was the only thing that was keeping him from bleeding out. He collapsed on the ground from blood loss dying shortly after that.

I heard clapping behind me and turned around to see Hecale’s mother standing with a smile. “Handsome and clever I like you already” She said I held out my hand and my sword flew towards me and into my hand as I pointed it at her.”There's no need for that I came to surrender to you.” She said but I doubted that.

“Forgive me if I have my doubts.” I said as she took off her coat. She wore a black skintight bodysuit that nearly blended in with her skin the only thing that revealed the suit was the ends of the sleeves being red showing she was actually wearing something. She had no sword or any kind of weapon hidden under the coat.

“I am unarmed,” She said I lowered my weapons as my undead grabbed her arms and put magic suppressing cuffs on her, taking her away.

“Master I believe it is time to use the shadow demons,” Phantom said as he left my shadow he was right we never tested them and we did not know their capabilities.

“Hmm yes, I suppose you’re right. Go have some fun.” I said as my shadow started erupting. Shadow demons starting flying out and letting out terrifying screeches that caused demons and citizens alike to cover their ears and cower as they heard them.

The shadow demons were using their long claws to rip through the demons armor and weapons they were also grabbing them and carried them high in the air and dropped them to their deaths.

We heard roaring in the distance as the battlefield outside the city was suddenly covered in flames, the dragons had arrived just in time to finish off the rest of the demons.

Torch, Regem, and Daron walked towards me Regem was covered in demon blood but Daron was perfectly fine. “Hey, Daron where were your warriors during all this?”I asked him and he laughed nervously then Regem stepped in.

“I asked him and his warrior to watch over the people in case the demons found another way into the city,” Regem said and I nodded and the shadow demons started flying into my shadow. I looked back to Regem and the others and they had angry looks on their faces.”Why do you have demons under your control!” He yelled.

“I created them a while ago but never had the chance to test them they seem to be effective in the fight they are shadow demons they are made of shadow and most of the time reside in my shadow when they are not fighting for me they are no danger to us but to the demons that is a different story,” I explain they still had an angry expression but they understood and put it to the side for now. “Now I must return to Minas Morgul to resume my duties,” I said as my undead left through the portal and I did shortly after the undead went back into storage except for the undead knights which rejoined the royal guard.

The captains and Liches joined me in the tower so we could make think of the area the gates are in.

“It would probably be in the area.” The royal guard captain said as he drew a very large circle on a map the area he was suggesting was vast and would take a long time to find the gates and they would surely attack again before we find them but we will have to deal with it for now but now that we have an area to scout we can finally end this before it is too late.

“For now we keep an eye on the area for any demons activity but we must prepare for their next attack we will mostly bring the royal guard next time we go into battle we will need the numbers especially if we fight in the open the city gave us the advantage this time but next time we might not have that opinion,” I said and they left to prepare for the next attack.

It was now time to see the prisoner I walked down to the dungeon I tried to make her comfortable since she was Hecale’s mother and since she surrender willingly I gave her a proper bed and a few books along with a candle for light I reached the lower levels of the tower where we were holding her.

I walked past the iron door that separated the dungeon to the rest of the tower above I walked in view of her cell I heard her moaning I looked inside her cell and saw her she still had her suit on so she was just rubbing herself while groping her breasts she noticed me but kept going. “Hello.” She said.

“Am I interrupting something?” I asked as she stopped and stood up I never really paid attention to her figure before but she was just like Celestia with large breast and an hourglass figure and large ass.

“No, but your welcome to join me if you want I’m sure Hecale won't mind me borrowing you for a bit and thanks for the accommodations the most I got from Hecale father was a cell until he was horny enough to fuck me.” She said as she looked at me with a sultry look.

“Sorry but no and are all succubuses like you?” I asked.

“Yes we are.” SHe said simply as she showed off her body by showing off her assets.

“We should head upstairs and get Hecale,” I said as she smiled and we headed upstairs where Hecale was waiting for us.

“Mother.” Hecale struggled to say through her tears as she hugged her.

“Shhh it’s ok I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” She said as she hugged her back.

“So why did you surrender?” I asked her as they broke their hug.

“I sick of Tartarus it was bearable before but when Circe returned it has been nothing but torture there are many demons that don't want to fight being taken and experimented on especially their newest project.” She said.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Circe knows of your power to bring back the dead and its limits she is making weapons that will destroy bodies of those they kill.” She explained and me and Hecale were horrified I needed to warn the other kingdoms.

I cast the spell as several screens appeared they were answered shortly after.”What do you need?” Regem asked Toa, Torch, Daron, Celestia, Luna, and Noa asked simpler things.

“I have bad news the demons now have a weapon that will destroy the bodies of the dead so I can't bring them back to life,” I said and everyone was horrified.

“Where did you get this information?” Toa asked as I pointed to Hecale’s mother.

“What makes you think we can’t trust her,” Daron said.

“She has nothing to gain and even with this information, it does not change our plans in the slightest also if she isn’t telling the truth it won't affect us at all,” I explained to them it was true if she was lying it won’t change anything.

“True it won’t change anything but this is important information that will need to be taken into consideration with every move we make it will cause trouble along the way if it is true.” Torch said.

“Yes we will have to put that into consideration but we don’t have much of a choice so, for now, we must keep watching for the demons next attack,” I said as they all nodded and I ended the spell. “Now that they know that should help them make countermeasures against it” I said to Hecale and her mother then she collapsed.

“Mother, what’s wrong?” Hecale asked as red marks start appearing around her mother's body.

“Circe is trying to bring me back to Tartarus I need a contract to stay here.” She said and started the contract we didn’t need any conditions so it was easy.

“Now all we need is a name how about Lotus.” I said she nodded and the contract was finished and just in time she was almost engulfed in the red marks and now they were starting to fade and return to normal she was breathing normally too.” It is done now we can breathe easy Hecale can you get her a room I need to absorb the souls that were gathered during the battle.” I said and she took her to a room and I went to the room I kept the palantir I placed some guards in there to even since Leo touched it I have felt a little uneasy leaving it alone.

“Move it for a minute,” I told one of the undead they were unable to use it so it is safe for them to touch it they took it out of its place so I could place the soul orb as I am now calling in its place the orb illuminated the entire room with red light as the souls of the demons floated around inside.

I placed my hand on the orb and the glowed brightened and then started to fade as the souls were being absorbed at first everything was going well but then I was suddenly in pain and I was unable to remove my hand from the orb the undead in the room except for the one that was holding the Palantir cam to my aid in trying to remove my hand from the orb they were trying to pry it me by grabbing my arm and then the orb and pulling opposite directions but to no avail the pain only increased as more soul were absorbed into my body and soon after I passed out.

1 hour later Hecale POV

All the girls had gathered they were not told anything and this is being kept from the public.”What’s going on?” Celestia asked I was wondering the same then but the captain of the royal guard walked in with a doctor.

“Thank you all for coming here.” The doctor said.

“What happened to him?” Luna asked worried for Talion.

“Well from what I have gathered from Thanatos the liches the captains and medical books he was absorbed to much power from what the liches said he can gain power through souls and he used demon souls.” He explained but it does even if it is a magic overload I would not cause him pain like this it would only prevent him from using magic for a while.”His power has nearly tripled from the power spike.” He said and I swear I could even hear a nail drop on the floor.

“That is not possible that much of a power increase should have destroyed him,” Twilight said

“We can thank his dark magic for that as we all know dark magic clings to its host even after death it very nature is to corrupt and improve their host bodies but since Talion is immune to its corruption it only improved his body just in time for him to barely survive the power spike but we have also made a new discovery demons soul have a much higher quality than our souls he probably didn’t notice at first but I think I know why.” He said but he looked hesitant to say it.

“Well, what is it,” I said.

“I think demons are fragments of Circe’s soul.” The doctor said quickly and then the room was silent again. “And it is possible if he continues to consume her soul fragments for him to inherit some of her abilities and powers but that is only my theory and opinion.” He said.

“And what do you base it off of?” I asked.

“In accent legends magic was said to originate from our very souls but since it could not be proven it was just written off as folklore but with what we have gathered recently it might be true and Thanatos told me about the process to make a proxy he removes half of your and replaces it with magic and the soul absorbed it and makes a connection between the two.” He said.

“Yes that does make sense but what makes you think makes you think they are parts of her soul,” Twilight asked.

“There was only one soul left in the orb that Talion had we have scanned it with magic sensors only to find out it is fractured and small but still incredibly powerful a soul in normally complete and much larger that is why I think they are fragments.” He explained as he looked through his notes.

“Well, when should Talion wake up?” I asked

“In a few hours it seems his body was forced into a deep sleep so it could adapt to the magic that now courses through his body and he may have trouble controlling his new strength when he wakes up so he will need to practice to control it,” He said.

“Is there anything else we should expect?” I asked.

“Yes, it involves you and Thanatos.” He said. “It is possible his magic might also course through you and make you stronger so you should keep power in check just in case you have a sudden power increase.” He said it was a good thing he warned us it could have caused trouble if we suddenly couldn’t control our power but for now we have to wait for him to wake up from his sleep.

Chapter 46

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3 hours later Hecale POV

“Has he woken up yet?” I asked a nearby nurse.

“Not yet but he has shown signs of waking up soon so he should be alright for now.” She said I was relieved he would wake up soon but I was still worried about him.

“Can I see him?” I asked.

“Yes, his magic has stabilized so it is safe to enter his room now.” She said as she pointed to his room.

I walked into the room and saw him sleeping I sat down on a chair next to the bed to wait for him to wake up.

A few minutes later Talion POV

My body felt heavy for some reason but I managed to open my eyes to see I was in a hospital.” What happened?” I said not noticing anyone else was in the room.

“You absorbed too many souls at once and got too powerful for your body to handle.” I heard. I turned my head to see Hecale sitting in a chair with a smile on her face.

“I guess I should be more careful from now on,” I said as I laid my head back down on the pillow but I did not have time to relax there's a war going on I got up out of bed and stood up I reach for the doorknob.

“I don’t think that is a good idea,” Hecale said as I grabbed the door handle and attempted to turn it only for it to immediately break off the door. “Now you've done it.” She said as she sighed.

We managed to get the door open after that and left the room we informed the doctors I was alright and we went back to the tower but when we were walking Hecale told me what the doctor said about the souls of the demons it was surprising they were only fragments.

“So there's only one soul left I the orb?” I asked she nodded. “Well, I don't think it will be a problem it if is only one it took thousands for me that to happens so it should not be much trouble,” I said as I walked inside.

Hecale went to go see her mother I went back to the Palantir room where the orb still was, the undead was still holding the palantir and the soul orb was back on the pedestal.

“Well let’s get this over with,” I said as I reached for the orb but something was different about the soul inside it was much more powerful than any other soul I have seen so I was hesitant to absorb it.

‘Why is this soul or fragment different’ I thought as I observed it was a much larger fragment than the others.”Could it be the demons lords soul.” I said to myself as I placed my hand on the orb the soul was absorbed I felt a little different and I could feel my power increase. “Well, that felt a little strange,” I said as I face the door and took a step then found myself on the other side and crashed into a solid stone wall creating a crater in it. “What just happened,” I said as I healed my broken nose I turned towards the door to see it had a human-shaped hole in it.

“What happened” I heard and I saw the captain of my royal guard looking at me.

“I don’t know but get me someone to carry me up the stairs it seems I can not control my speed and get Lotus two I have some questions for her,” I said he walked away and came back with an undead he carried me up the stairs and set me in a chair in the living room Lotus came in not long after.

“You needed me,” she asked.

“Yes it seems when I absorbed the demon lords soul I got his speed and now I can’t control it,” I said she gave me a worried look.

“I thought this might happen after I heard about what the doctor said but to explain what is happening to you I have to tell you the history of the demons.” She said as I got comfortable. “When we were first born there were three that rose to power very quickly they were the first demon lords there was Lucifer, Sarsha, and lastly the one you killed was Abaddon each of them had a unique power Lucifer with his immeasurable strength Mania with her incredibly powerful magic and Abaddon with his speed but through time the demon lords came to be but they were not unique like them.” She explained.

“So they must be larger fragments than the others and inherited some of her power,” I said quietly to myself. “So how will I control my speed,” I said she shook her head.

“I don’t know maybe you can somehow control or seal it.” She said and I had two ideas.

‘Ok I can try.” First I will try to focus my magic into my brain and eyes so I can hopefully increase my the speed they can perceive the area around me I could feel everything slow down around me I got up I could move freely I did a few test movements like jumping in the air but I almost crashed through it I moved around the room for a bit so I could think of a way to seal my speed or at least stop myself from using it all the time Lotus has not even moved a finger since I have been doing this I was seeking my magic for the demon lord's power it was like finding a needle in a haystack and with my magic so large it was more like the haystack was as vast as the ocean but with me in this state it will not take much time for them it least for it it will take awhile.

Much much later for him

‘FINALLY’ I thought as I finally found it I looked at lotus she was starting to stand up with her arm on the couch as she inched her way up I sealed the demon lords power for now so now I stopped focusing magic in my eyes and brain and everything started speeding back up.

“Where did you go?” Lotus asked as she looked around searching for me until she saw me.

“I increased my perception by focusing my magic in my eyes and brains to speed them up so I could control my speed I put a seal on it but it can partly be unsealed so I can increase my speed whenever I want,” I said she kept looking at me for a moment but nodded. She left the room soon after she said there were three original demon lords the rest are merely normal demons that have moved up the ranks.

“Well, at least I learned something about the demons today so that should be helpful for upcoming battles,” I said to myself.

It was time to prepare for the next battle but before that Hecale and Celestia walked in.” Hey talion we need to talk.”Hecale said.

“Ok, what about,” I asked.

“We were wondering if we should speed up the process of our children's birth,” Celestia said and the room went quiet.

“Why do you want to I thought you might want to take your time and learn as much as you can before giving birth,” I said they gave me mixed looks of confusion and apologetic.

“We did think of that at first but Celestia said had everything planned and ready for them,” Hecale said and I looked to Celestia who had a smile on her face.

“I have lived for thousands of years I know how to plan for things like this.” She said with a big smile.

“It is your choice to do this or not I won't stop you,” I said and they smiled and walked out of the room. “I hope they don't regret this,” I said as the door shut behind them.

Now that they were gone I had time to get some work done so I went to my office and got to work it was boring more complaints and requests was there less work now that I got some nobles to help with the work but thier was still much to do.

A guard walked in and handed me a few papers it seems the trainees were finally ready to officially join the guard I should probably plan a ceremony to welcome them it would help boost their morale and help them get used to their new jobs inside the guard.

“Good have the trainees join the guards as soon as they can we need as many people watching outside the walls as we can at the moment if the demons decide to attack Minas Morgul we have to be ready to fight,” I said and he left to carry out my orders I finished the rest of the paperwork and walked back to the living room to find Twilight, Celestia and Hecale getting ready to cast the spell.

“So you girls are really going through with this?” I asked them and they nodded and Celestia cast a shield at the corner of the room away from them and Twilight cast the same spell she tried to use to repair a vase that pinkie broke. It bounced off the shield and hit Hecale and Celestia there was a bright flash of light but it soon ended and faded reviling Hecale and Celestia ready to give birth at any time.”Are we sure this is healthy for you and the babies?” I asked.

“Yes I check it after Luna had he filly it is completely safe for them and us,” Celestia said she looked at me with a smile then started breathing heavily.” But the added weight almost threw me off balance for a second there,” She said.

“Well, I think we should head for the hospital before it is too late,” I told them and they hurried off to the hospital and I followed not as hurried as them but I went at a fast pace so I could be there when they gave birth I reached the hospital and the nurses were already working overtime getting everything ready for Celestia and Hecale.

‘Which room are they in?” I asked one of them and she pointed to a room and I walked inside. They were already on beds getting ready to give birth it was still unknown what gender they were but we were about to find out they had just gone into labor and the contractions started soon after the doctor noted how long between each one.

“Are things going well?” I asked the doctor he is a pony with brown fur blond mane and green eyes he held a few pieces of paper with some notes on them and he wore the average doctor attire.

“Yes they are doing well but I must ask how did this happen again.” He said as he stared at me with a bored expression on his face.

“They did not want to wait and Celestia said she had everything planned for the children I didn’t really have any right to stop them from doing what they want,” I told him as he sighed and went back to work.

It has been a while since they entered the hospital and I was in the waiting room I knew everything was going to be fine. I asked them to tell me when they were about to be born so I could be there for them.

A nurse ran up to me and informed me it was happening and ran into the room and Celestia and Hecale were screaming I stood in between them and held their hands so they could relax a bit since I’m here. After several minutes they were finally born Celestia child was a filly with white fur like her mother and a pink mane she opened her eyes were blue she yawned and went to sleep and Celestia soon went to sleep as well Hecale gave birth to our new child as well it was a girl she had black skin like her’s and two small wings were on her back. She was snoring so we put her a nearby crib that was placed in here so she could sleep Hecale and Celestia were taken out of the room to be checked for any problem that may have happened during this.

I brought them to the tower and put them in their room I could hear a teleportation spell not far from me I could tell it was Celestia’s spell and Hecale and Celestia walked in they looked a little tired but ok for the moment.

“So have you thought of names you thought of a few good ones when the others were born?” Hecale asked me and I had a few ideas.

“I was thinking Sarah for mine and Celestia filly and Alice for mine and Hecale’s baby girl.” I said and Celestia looked disappointed a bit.

“I thought it would be a colt.” She said but she looked at her filly and smile.”But I am not disappointed,” She said as she looked at Sarah and she giggled.

“Well we have work to do I will post some more guards in the room the news of you giving birth will spread like wildfire and I sure many of the nobles will not be happy.” I said and she frowned and nodded.

“Yes there are many how are trying to use old laws that hold little value to try to get me away from you I have been trying to remove those laws but they are difficult to remove.” She said.

“And what are those laws?” I asked.

“Like only someone only noble birth and marry royalty.” She said with disgust in her voice.

“Well their planes plans won’t work that is for sure,” I said and she smiled again and nodded. “It would be best for her to stay here if she is brought to canterlot the nobles that oppose out relationship will try to take her and use her for their own purposes,” I said and she agreed and put her back in her crib.

“Yes I agree here is the safest place for her for now.” She said.

“So where do you think the demons will attack next?” Hecale asked.

“It is either Noa’s or Phaenna attacking here would be foolish since it is so close to canterlot and I have a massive army at the ready so they are the only two they can attack I have my troops ready for when they make their move and I have made more deathlords so we will be ready to fight when and where ever they attack,” I said to reassure them.

“Well that is good the demons will not rest until they win and with the barrier between Tartarus and our world continues to weaken we will need every warrior we can get I have heard some kingdoms are hiring as many mercenaries they can find to fight for them,” Celestia said and I was surprised but it was understandable their kingdoms were at risk.

“Well I can't really blame them even if mercenaries only care about the money they will be an asset to the war if needed,” I told them and they agreed but Celestia was not going to hire them.

After they recovered a bit from that they went to sleep Luna said she would cover for her today so she could sleep and recover. After Celestia and Hecale went to sleep I went back to making more undead and at the end of the day I had made 3 death lords 30 mist men 25 bone men and 50 wraith men.

Next day

I was already up before Celestia rose the sun and I was working on creating more undead and thinking where they would attack next I think Noa is next but I am not sure yet so I could only plan for it I had no idea where he kingdom is located but I had to be ready for anything.

Circe POV

“We are ready to attack Noa’s kingdom.” A general said as he kneeled.”And the new weapons are ready to be used.” He added.

“Good proceed with the assault.” I said

Talion POV

“Well, there is today's quota,” I said as I finished making the last of my undead for now I might make more but I have made enough to last for now also it have been easier making death lords now so I guess a I am growing strong while I have been creating undead so that is good it gives us a better chance if Circe escapes.

“Sir we have received reports on demons activity we believe they are planning an attack but we don't know where yet.” a guard said as he handed me the papers it explains where they were sighted and what they looked like it was strange it seemed many of seemed had to fish like appearances then I realized.” Oh no I can't believe I forgot.” I said to myself I thought since everything was so different in this world than the shows and movies that her kingdom might be somewhere else and since it is underwater m undead will not be able to fight effectively.

”Guards.” I yelled and they came in.”Open the portal to Novo’s kingdom I need to warn her that an army is heading her way.” I said and they ran out and I had an idea but it won't save her city but it would help evaluate the city if needed. I started creating as many mistmen as I could with the little time I had.

After n hour the guards returned.” Sir the portal has been stabilized but there was a problem.” He said.

“What was it?” I asked.

“Whenever we opened it seawater pouted out preventing anything from passing through but the liches have put a shield that will keep it in while you go through with the undead you will take with you.” He said as he lead me to the portal that led to Noa’s kingdom.

A large dorm was formed around the portal trapping the sea water inside all the mistmen at my disposal were here ready to pass through the portal.

We went through the barrier and so did the mistmen and my plan was already bearing fruit as the mistmen were freely able to move around in the water with no difficulty but I only had a few hundred of them.

We went through the portal to find there was already some guard waiting for us I did not need to breathe since I don't really need to since I am undead but I could not talk to them.

“Why are you here?” One of the guards asked I was surprised he could talk under water but he quickly realized that I could not talk to them so one of them left for a minute and came back with some kind of weed.

“Eat this it will temporarily give you the abilities to breathe underwater and talk.” He said and I ate it and suddenly I could breath.

“I need to see Noa now there is a army coming here right now.” I said and they started panicking a bit and they took me to Noa I got a good look at their city and since it is underwater it does not have walls so they will be able to attack with little difficulty it was different than the movie it was in the open sea on the seafloor open from all direction.

We got to the throne room and my arms were getting tired from the constant swimming but we finally got to Noa.” What is going on?” She asked

“There is not much time an army is heading your way and I can't provide much help all I can send a mist men they are the only one that can move freely in the water we have to evacuate the city” I said but before I could continue I was cut off by a nearby explosion. We swam to a window and saw there was a passive portal not far from the city and the fishlike demons were pouring out of it and their was another demon she had large wings and red skin she had horns on her head as well and she was surrounded by a large bubble.’She must be Sarsha’ I thought as she fired as spell and the demons were all wielding tridents that were firing beams of magic from the tips and when they hit a guard he evaporated the mistmen were quick to react the fired ice spikes at the demons they traveled like harpoons and skewered the demons they hit there was panic everywhere and I went to confront the demons lord I used my new speed to kick off the castle and launched myself towards her she did not see me coming as I hit her bubble popping it caught her off guard and making her drown a bit before she made another bubble around her head.

“So you must be Talion nice to meet you I think you know who I am so not that the formalities are out of the way,” She said and she fired a beam of magic from her hand towards me I swam out of the way and kicked off some coral and tackled her before we hit the seafloor I adjusted myself a bit and kicked her off me making a crater when she hit the bottom and she kept going as she went through several large pieces of coral she got up and she had cut on her body from the coral she quickly healed and launched a spell at me. ‘She is weak to physical attack taking her on magically might be a bad idea but n I know her weakness it might give me a chance to take her out.

“You’ll pay for that.” she yelled through her bubble and created a massive orb of magic and launched it at the city. I teleported in front of it and created a shield the shield began to crack under the pressure of the powerful orb but it held out long enough for it to dissipate I looked at the demon with anger and she grinded

“All right time for round two,” I said

Chapter 47

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“All right time for round two,” I said as she fired another beam and I launched my own and as they collided the following explosion caused a massive burst of energy that pushed all the water around us away and created a massive dome of energy around our battlefield she stopped both of our beams by sending another orb in the at the center of the contact of our beams causing an explosion sending both of us off balance with the shock wave.

After I fell to the ground and regained my footing I had to dodge another spell from the demon lord and she was quick to fire another spell this one seemed to create a type of acid I created a shield and the acid coated it but soon started to melt it.

I jumped away from the shield as the acid began to get through and the spell that sustained the shield collapsed.

I created a spear made of black flames and threw it at her, she created a shield to block it but it was not ordinary flame. When it came in contact with the shield it managed to block most of it but the end of the spear managed to get through and landed on her arm and started growing she screamed in pain and she used a water spell to try to put it out only for it to do nothing as the black flame started to spread on her arm she had no choice but to cut it off.

Her arm fell to the ground as the black flames completely consumed it turning it to ashes.” What the hell was that?!”She yelled and I smirked and answered.

“It’s called hell flame it is a fire so dangerous it can burn the very soul of those it consumes and it appears your shield was not able to withstand it so,” I said as spears made of black flames appeared in my hand and her eyes widened in panic as she created more shields most of them were behind other shields clever she thinks if one can’t stop them maybe multiple can.

I threw the spears and they traveled in a right beside each other the shields managed to block them but they barely held the demon lord started levitating all of the coral in the surrounding area and they started to fly towards me at a rapid speed I could not cast a shield that could stop all of them in time so I started charging up my magic and as they closed in a ball of energy formed in between my hands and it exploded sending a shock wave destroying the coral and when I looked at her she had healed her arm but it was limp so it will be some time before she can use it and she may be powerful but her skills are unrefined she must not have had much of a challenge with other demons so she never practiced.

I unsealed some of my speed and in seconds I was in front of her and I punched her in the gut sending her flying and she hit the dome casing cracks to appear and water started to leak in and she cracks started to slowly spread but it was holding for now I have to end this the demon lord regained her balance as she conjured a sword made of magic and it glowed red and I summoned my bound sword and she charged me her first move was a downward slash followed by a side slash I dodged the first one and blocked the next one with my sword she was faster than I excepted but it was no problem to block or dodge her attacks with my new speed she tried thrusting her sword forward but I hopped to the side and swung my sword she tried to jump back but my sword cut her chest a massive cut from her shoulder to her hips it was not too deep but she was losing blood.

“Damn you.” She said as she tried to heal her wound it was very slow but I did not let her have time to recover as I continued to strike at her and she struggled to defend herself.

He back was up against the cracking dome and the water started to soak her as she touched the dome it cracked even more as it spread faster across it casing several spots to break allowing the sea water in and it started to fill up with water it was already waist level I had to end this now she looked at me with pleading eyes not to kill her but I didn't have a choice I ran her through with my sword and he soul went to the orb in Minas Morgul and now I turned my attention to the city and it was being overrun I hurried back and I saw the guard despite trying to fight the demons and the mistmen were holding their ground but they were losing some of their comrades I teleported to Noa in the castle and she nearly screamed when she saw me.

“Get your people to the portal I will alert the guards to supercharge the portal with as much magic as they can so they can all get out my undead will hold them off,” I said and she nodded and alerted the guards and went to get her daughter.

‘Captains,’ I thought telepathically.

‘Yes sir.’ They answered.

‘I need you ro pump as much magic as you can into the portal so we can get everyone out of here and get death knights over here so they can form a dome around the portal with their massive shields.’ I told them and they got to work the death knights were already coming through they were slow underwater though but they were forming the dome only allowing the guards and citizens through the dome into the portal they were climbing on top of each other to form the dome but it was working on blocking the demons new weapons I created more mistmen to hold off the demons and the demons continued to destroy the city and began to break columns that held up several buildings and were now working on the ones that held the castle in place. I teleported to the dome of shields and waited for everyone to get through several mistmen came back carrying children, babies, and wounded adults.

“Get them to the other side and return here to help fight,” I said and they did so.

I used a sonar to make sure no one else was in the city except the demons once I was sure I went through the portal and so did the death knights and I cut the connection to Noa former city.

some of the citizens were either getting critical treatment or holding thier loved ones close to them as they cried for the ones they lost in the city.

Novo was just standing there with her daughter with a sad look on her face as she looked at her people and the people here were only a small percentage of them all of the others were teleported to the other cities so there could be room for them all and they could be treated as soon as possible.

“Why did this happen.” Novo as she collapsed on the ground in tears and I went over to comfort her.

“It’s ok you did what you could just be glad we saved who we could, ” I said.

“I didn’t do anything all I could do was watch as my people were slaughtered right in front of me and you risked your life and your kingdom to save us not only you came to warn us right after you found them.” She said and her daughter tried to help her as well.

“It’s ok mother at least the people survived such an attack.” She said.

“You will be given a room in the tower until we can retake the city.” I said and they stood up and Novo just looked at the ground as the guards led them to a room in the tower.” Make sure they are all taken care of.” I told the new guards and they all saluted and went to work.

I went to get dinner ready for everyone I created undead cooks like the ones that I used during the war with Daiin when I had dinner with Hecale and in an hour it was ready and everyone gathered and Celestia and Luna came by they have been busy in Canterlot lately.

Novo and Skystar came in next they all sat down.” Today we are having a Caesar salad with dragon fruit juice.” I said and I was surprised when I first found there were fruits from my world here that is why I decided to add it in today's menu so I could have a taste of home.”For me and Hecale we will have manticore steak with barbecue sauce and with a side of plain salad.” I said and she smiled as her plate was put in front of her and I looked at Novo she was just poking her foot and she got some salad on her fork but she only watched as it slowly slipped off and back into the bowl.

Skystar was taking this better than her mother she was eating her food but still had a sad look on her face there was nothing I could do for now I will talk to them later in private.

After dinner, I asked Novo and Skystar to meet me in the living room and we sat down.

“I would like to talk to you two about what happened,” I said and they looked at the floor.

“Yes I have calmed down a bit but I just can't get rid of the feeling that this happened because I got too confident that they could not reach us,” Novo said as she closed her eyes and relaxed a bit.

“Well, you and your people can stay here as long as you want,” I said and they gave me a small smile.

“Somethings has me thinking about their attacks,” I said and Novo then became serious.

“What is it?” She asked and I pulled out a map and laid it on the table it marks the places they attacked.

“See anything?” I asked and she looked it over and gave me a confused look.

”What is it?” She asked

“They are all evenly spaced between each other if we measure them like this we could figure out where they strike next,” I said as I did the measurement and then found something very bad. “This can’t be,” I said as I doubled checked it and Novo and Skystar looked worried and I started drawing what I thought it was it was a pentagram.

“What is it?” Novo asked.

“It’s a pentagram this is what she is using to get here she has been attacking capitals to create this so she could cross over from Tartarus I need to warn Phaenna and send my undead their immediately,” I said as I rushed out of the room in a hurry and contacted Phaenna and informed her of this new information and of my undead’s arrival to increase her defenses.

Circe's POV

“Goddes there is an emergency.” A low ranked demons as I got dressed from a bath.

“What could be so important,” I said as I fixed my hair.

“Talion has figured out your plan.” He said and I growled in frustration but I had a thought the barrier was between I could send a copy of myself to the world of mortal and learn Talions weakness all I had to do was alter the appearance of my clone to look like somepony else she thought as the demon left and she got to work but with Talions undead now in the griffin capital my demons won't get anywhere near it without dying before they get there it might take a month for the gate to build enough energy to let army that size pass through it but I need to make a convincing back story for my clone.

Talion POV

The undead we now in the griffin capital and were keeping watch for any demons and if they see they the will rush out to meet them I don't know what they do to set the points so the only thing to do is to keep them from even reaching it will hopefully it will stop them.

“Now that we have sent the majority of our undead we must build up our forces again so they don't attack us when our army is away,” I said and the liches started working on creating more undead to protect minas morgul and my other cities the new guards were doing well but they are new and my enchanted armor are not strong enough on their own to fight a demons horde but before I could think of anything else a guard burst into the room.’What is it?” I asked.

“There are strange plants invading the city.” He said I knew what the plants were and I looked out a window and saw black plants spreading through the city.

“Get the guards and tell them to get torches and burn the plants and I want undead to get waster to incase any house catch fire with the plants,” I ordered and he left and I could hear screaming from the city and I jumped out the window and landed unharmed on the ground and I started burning the plants with my magic.

The guards arrived and started burning them and I teleported to ponyville to catch Twilight and the others before they entered the forest.

When I saw them it seems Twilight already drank some of Zecora’s potion mixed with her magic her eyes glowed white as she murmured words and cried at some parts and it ended and she looked at Discord.

“You did this you’re the reason Celestia and Luna are missing.” She accused which was true he planted these things.

“Well it was a long time ago and you can’t expect me to remember something that long ago not only that I was trapped in stone most of that time.” He said as he sat in a floating chair and I cleared my throat to get their attention they looked at me in a few seconds.

“From what I have gathered the source of the plants is near the tree of harmony,” I said and they gasped except discord.

“Ah yes the tree harmony,” Discord said as he rubbed his chin.”Its power is what kept it suppressed for so long and with the elements gone it weakened allowing them to thrive,” He stated.

“So the only way for the plants to be destroyed is to return the elements to the tree of harmony,” I said and the girls looked sad.”What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s just we might need the elements again and they are what brought us together in the first place if they weren’t here we would have never been friends with each other and you would not be our stallion.” She said and the rest of the girls agreed.

“But the tree of harmony has given you the power to evoke it without the elements so even if they are gone physically they will always be with you in the form of friendship, ” I said and Twilight puff her cheeks.

“Hey giving advice about friendship is my thing,” She said and we all laughed and so did she but now it was time to get serious and we entered the forest discord stayed behind so he could enjoy the chaos that was occurring. We traveled through the forest and got two the tree there were to figures that were wrapped in vines and plants and as the vines tried to grab the girls I burned them and once the elements were back in their rightful place the plants began to wither away and Celestia and Luna were freed.

“Well that was easier than I thought it would,” I said and the others agreed and we left the cave but before I could leave some barrier kept me from leaving I tried using my magic but it deflected off

“Talion what’s going on?” Celestia said as she tried to run towards me only to be stopped by the barrier that prevented me from leaving.

“I don’t know,” I said and the tree of harmony began to glow and started getting brighter and then a flash of light blinded me and when I recovered I found myself in the same void where I meet Faust.

“Hello, Talion.” I heard behind me and I turned around and saw Faust behind me just standing there with a smile on her face.

“Good Evening,” I said as I turned to face her.

“I have good and bad news.” She said.

“Bad news first,” I said.

“The veil has weakened to where Circe can create a clone of herself and send it here it will have nowhere near have the power she has but it is powerful but it won't be her either so she will have to create a personality for it.” She said then she said the good news.”But my power is not as destructive and chaotic as hers so I can come to the human world and be with my daughters because my power is more stable and pure it will not affect the world of mortal like Circe’s would.” She said that was good news for everyone with Faust here we could stop the demons for good.

“So when are you coming?” I asked and she smiled.

“Now when you were blinded by the tree of harmony it opens a pathway to my dimension I will come through shortly.”She said and I was blinded again and I found myself back in the cave and a figure stepped through the tree. She was covered in pure light but it faded quickly as she left the tree it was Faust Celestia and Luna were crying as the looked at her mother and Celestia fell to her knees as she put her hands over her mouth.

“Mother,” Luna said as she wiped away tears from her eyes and they ran towards her and with her here the barrier that once was there vanished and they hugged their mother.

“Yes it’s me and I’m not going anywhere.” She said as she hugged them.

“We should give them some time alone,” I told the girls and we left the cave to give them privacy it was a few minutes before they came back from the cave with Faust.

“Faust will accompany me to canterlot so she can get better acquainted with the world then we will come over and show her the children,” Celestia said as she led her mother out of the forest.

chapter 48

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After Celestia and Faust left Twilight and her friends went back to ponyville but said they would be back tonight Luna came with me to the tower so we could talk after we returned we went to my room and when I closed the door she lunged at me with a kiss.

Clop beginning

She jumped a bit and wrapped her legs around me I walked to the bed and set her down I snapped my fingers and our clothes flew off us and I stood up and she sat on the bed as she stroked my dick as it hardened and she put the head in her mouth and she used her tongue to lick it and then she began to bob her head quickly.

I put my hand on her head as she closed her eyes and I stopped her and I lied on the bed and she climbed on me and continued and I started to finger her she moaned which send shivers up my spine.”Good to see you are enjoying yourself.” I said as I licked her pussy I was getting close and I thrusted upward to signal I was close and she was too with one final thrust I came and my cum went down her throat and she came and her’s went down mine.

She was breathing heavily as she continued to swallow my cum but my dick was engulfed once again and I looked at who it was it was Lotus Hecale’s mother.

“What are you doing!” I yelled at her as she sucked my dick and I had just came and was about too again before Luna could react to lotus she was still enjoying the afterglow of cumming I came again and lotus’s mouth glowed for a second and I couldn’t stop cumming and she was swallowing all of it.

She stopped after 15 seconds of nonstop swallowing cum and she popped my dick out of her mouth and started licking it and kissing it but then Luna noticed what was going on.” What are you doing here?!” She yelled at lotus but she did look up she only continued to lick and kiss my dick making it twitch and I moan and her eyes looked like there were hearts in them.

“ I have never tasted cum this good before.” She said as she was about to pop it back into her mouth but Luna grabbed her and pulled her away and Hecale ran in.

“Mother!” She yelled as she looked around the room for her only to she Luna restraining her then she looked at me.” I am so sorry Talion I didn’t know she was this low.” She said

“What do you mean low?” I asked.

“Succubi are demons that survive on magic and they are able to create magic by taking one own essence into them self such as cum espesuly cum I can transfer my magic to her so she does not need to have sex with anyone she does not want to be with.” She explained and she dragged her mother out of the room and we got dressed since the mood was ruined.

Clop end

Now that we had our fun we went downstairs and found Faust and Celestia in the kids room Luna went to join them but I had things to do but as I made my way downstairs the tower I went to the palantir chamber to absorb the demon lords soul I placed my hand on the orb and absorbed it and I could feel my magic rising and as I walked back up the stairs the ground shook and I could hear a massive explosion outside and I ran up the stairs and outside and saw a tear in the sky and Faust stood at my side soon after.

“I was hoping this would happen later.” She said and I looked at her.

“You knew this would happen,” I yelled

“The veil is what connects all world with it in a weakened state a tear is appearing between this one and another world which one I do not know but if it spread it will cause disaster everywhere we need to close it.” She said

“How?” I asked

“A strong enough energy surge should fix it.” She said simply

“Should,” I said and she shrugged.

“Well let’s hope this works.” I sad and Celestia and Luna walked outside to meet up and I levated in the air so she could explain I was not ever far from the tear when I thought I was close enough to it I charge my magic in an orb and it was a lot bigger than I thought it would probably because my of recent upgrade with my magic I threw it at the portal at first it began to close but suddenly it expanded sucking everything near it in that included me and I struggled to keep myself away but I was slowly being sucked in I saw Faust Luna and Celestia flying towards me but they stopped when they were almost caught in the vacuum of the tear and finally I was sucked in as it closed completely

Faust POV

‘It can’t be’ I thought as I saw Talion sucked into the portal and Luna and Celestia were already on the ground crying and Taions liches, Hecale Thanatos and the captains were already gathered here.

“What has happened” Thanatos demanded.

“Talion is gone,” I said.

“What do you mean gone?” one of the liches asked.

“I don’t know maybe dead or maybe somewhere else,” I told them.

“Well he is not dead if he was the undead would collapse and Phantom is with him and the shadow demons.” A captain said,” So where did he go?” He asked.

“Another dimension,” I said and everyone gasped.

“What do we do?” Luna asked.

“He will come back but when we don't know he consumed the demons lords soul before he left so he is stronger than before but time between dimensions could be different would be longer or shorter for him.” he said and we went to the tower to where all we could do was wait.

Talion POV

I was spinning in a black abyss endlessly but soon there was light and I was falling through the sky but I managed ti get control and safely land on the ground.

“Where am I?” I asked myself and I started walking and I found what looked at a small arena and it was familiar.

“Man filth” I heard as well as several thuds behind me and I turned around to see orcs from shadow of war standing before me and they charged me there were three shields tour berserkers two ologs and 10 regular orcs a chain whip emerged from my shadow and cut down most of them only leaving two ologs and a berserker and it appears the berserker was a captain.

“I am Gruk the scorpion and you shall feel my wraith,” He said he wore a gold chest place and on his helmet was a skull with gold nails in it he wore one shoulder guard with horns on it he drew two war axes from his back coated with poison.

The ologs charged in first the first one I slid under him cutting his legs off the second one tried to punch me but I cut off his hands then his head Gruk tried to swing his poisoned war axes but I blocked it but knocked them out of his hand then grabbed his head and my hands glowed red as I branded him.

“Where am I and where is Sauron?” I asked.

“Not far from seregost sir and he is no more.” He said as he kneeled I remember the way form the game if the arena was here then it was this way and straight forward after walking for a few minutes with my new orc captain we could see the fort they appear to be repairing it they all seemed to be branded with a blue hand there is only one with that brand.”Eltariel and Celebrimbor look like they want to build another army” I said and we continued to walk I wonder if they have done the game from Eltariel’s POV because I have not played that I only know a little about it.
Eltariel POV

“After we have reinforced Seregost defenses we will take Cirith Ungol next” Celebrimbor said to me and I olog rushed in.

“Bright lord there is someone at the gates with a captain.” He said.

“I feel a familiar presence approaching but it is different than before I do not know who it is,” Celebrimbor said and we left the throne room to the gate once we were on the ramparts we saw our guest he wore strange robes and the captain had a red brand on his face.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Forgot me so soon well I guess I have changed a lot since we last we saw each other you too Celebrimbor.” He said and I and Celebrimbor looked at each other then I felt something dark coming from our guest.

“We don’t have a choice,” Celebrimbor said.

“Open the gates!” I yelled and he walked through the gates.

“Who are you?” I asked again as I landed in front of him with my daggers drawn and he reached for his hood.

“Well my memory is a bit hazy beyond a certain point but the clearest thing I can remember is you leaving me for dead on that bridge.” He said and I could feel my hold on my daggers grow weak as he took off his hood his skin was pale white with black veins on his neck and his red cat-like eyes that almost looked like they could see into my soul it was Talion that stood before me.”Miss me.” He said

“Impossible when Sauron feel the ringwraiths went with him,” Celebrimbor said as he stood beside me.

“All except me when he fell I was taken to a new world filled with creatures that could use magic and many things we thought to be myths such a minotaurs.” He said and I looked at his ring and he seemed to notice this.”Like the new accessory.” He said holding it up it held a striking resemblance to the one ring but it was black and the words were red.

“What is that,” Celebrimbor demanded.

“It is the power of ten rings in one the ringwraiths and Sarons ring you stand no chance against me I may not know how to use the other ringwraiths power but I have attained power beyond your comprehension,” Talion said as the words on his ring glowed brightly then dimed.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“Just seeing what you to are doing you see I just got back to this world but I don't want to stay any longer than I have to I just wanted to tell you if you get in my way you won't be coming back to life if you face me.” He said and he left with the captain.

“What should we do?” I asked Celebrimbor.

“I don’t know,” He said.

Talion POV

‘Well now that, that is out of the way I can try to find a way out of here’ I thought as I headed back to the arena to pick up some “souvenirs” that I can bring back after repairing the bodies I turned them into revenant their skin turned white and their eyes glowed red I would like to find out if there is a way to make them the olog are strong but if they not effective against demons they can at least serve as meat shields for the people so they can escape.

“Are they any outposts she does not control?” I asked my Orc.

“Yes, she only controls the fortress in the region nothing else.” He said and we headed to the outpost on the south part of the region.

One of the orc saw us and had rung the alarm the orcs were already charging and the my ologs and orcs charged as well I joined the fight soon after. The fight was soon over and I was turning the orcs to revanents and I decided to stay here for tonight so I made camp at the center of the outpost.

Next day

I woke up the next day ready to find a way home I could try to replicate the tear but it might tear this world apart as well so I need another way and I only know one who could possibly know.”Shelob”.

Hours of traveling later

I reached her cave but I didn’t even know if she was still here.

“SHELOB.” I yelled and my voice echoes throughout the cave but no answer.

I walked inside for a bit until I saw her spiders on the walls.

“Who are you, you are familiar but your presences is different.” I heard and I looked up to see a giant spider on the ceiling of the cave and she slowly made he way down and transformed into a woman.

“It’s me Talion,” I said as I took off my hood and she gasps but before she could run over to me a wound opened up on her shoulder.

“What happened?” I asked her.

“When Frodo Baggins entered my cave I tried to take the ring from him so I could kill Sauron myself but his friend stopped me.” She said and I healed her.

“How?” She asked.

“I have more power than before and I need to ask for your help but first I must show you something,” I said and she nodded and I put my hands on the sides of her face and I tapped into her mind and showed her my memories of Equestria and how I got here.

“So can you help me get back?” I asked her and she went into thought.

“Well I don't know much about other worlds but I know someone who does he came to me long ago and gave me something I don't know what it is but it might be some help to you.” She said as she got up and grabbed something from a nearby rock. It was a letter and she handed it to me and as I touched it, it glowed and opened at first the writing inside looked like gibberish but it changed into readable words soon after.

Hey Talion I thought you would eventually come here and by now you are trying to find a way back and the reason the tear appeared is because the space between worlds has weakened and you were not anchor to that world so it pulled you in and threw you into middle earth Now the only way for you to return is to make a token and send it into the void so displaced such as yourself can call for your aid when you go to help your world will freeze in time till you return.

Sincerely the merchant

‘So he is watching out for me that is a good thing I guess’ I thought and I got an idea for a token and Shelob read the letter to me and she understood what I was doing.

MY hand was wrapped in dark mist and it gathered and form a large ball in my hands then faded revealing a black skull with glowing red eyes that seemed to follow you.

“I am Talion king of Minas Morgul and Equestria slayer of demons and King Daiin and God of Darkness and death for those who fight for good hear my words If you call for my help I will answer.” I said in all three of my voices at once and I dark rift appeared next to me and I threw it in and it closed then another opened it and showed my City. and I said goodbye and stepped through it and I was back in the city right in front of my tower and I stepped through and my revenants entered the cave and followed.

“Hello.” I said and I could already hear the sounds of running in the halls ways and I saw everyone and they jumped on me.

“Hey, I have only been gone one day you don’t have to pile on me.” I said then they gave me confused look then Rainbow Dash said.

“What do you mean a day you have been gone two weeks.” She said and the royal guard captain walked in.

“I thought this would happen the time difference to where you went is greater than I thought.” He then I explained where I went.

“I went to Earth.” I said and everyone got off me

“You mean where the orcs are?” Luna asked and I nodded my head and I pointed outside and they saw the revenants I brought with me.

“Take them to the liches and see if they can make more of them.” I ordered.

“And what of me sir.” Said the orc captain as he walked through the revenants I forgot about him I thought.

“When it is time you will lead them into battle under my orders is that clear,” I told him and he went with the captain.

“What will you do now that your back,” Faust asked me.

“For now I am exhausted and need to rest for a bit so, for now, I will go to bed and recover,” I said and they took me to my room and I wondered who will get my token.

chapter 49 crossover part 1

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Circe POV

“Has he returned?” I asked the demons spy I sent to the mortal world.

“Yes my Goddess” HE said and I smiled.

“Good get everything prepared we attack now”

Talion POV

I had rested for a few hours and I was back on my feet then as I was about to leave my room there was a loud yelling in my ears.”HEY TALION COME OVER HERE!” I heard and I covered my ears.

“Why the fuck did he have to yell and I followed the voice to its source and I closed my eyes and suddenly I was in what looked like an inn and I saw a human girl with coal-colored wings and I could sense divine magic from here so maybe she was so kind of fallen angel.

“Who called me,” I asked her and she opened her mouth to speak I was punched in the face by a small dwarf with a crimson beard

“AH!!ZOMBIE!” He yelled as I went through the wall so say I was mad was an understatement and I used my speed to burst out of the wall grab the dwarfs head and throw him through the window”OH IT’S ON” I heard and I was suddenly be dragged through the floorboards and onto the streets and he and switched to a thick Scottish accent, holding out a bottle from somewhere. “Yeah, it’s on!! It’s on like-zzzzzzzzzzzzz…”

‘Did… did he just fall asleep?’

I stood in front of him while he slept on the ground and the girl that was in the room rushed out of the inn.

Phantom appeared from my shadow and intercepted her

“please don't hurt my boyfriend!”

With my attention drawn to her, I didn’t react to the statue erupting out of the ground, a still image of the Dwarf uppercutting with the bottle. “SURPRISE ATTACK, BITCH!”

The attack didn’t hurt but it pissed me off and I grabbed his arm and started to swing him in the air till he gained speed and I let got making him fly through a few trees.

Suddenly the Dwarf sped towards me like a whirlwind, axe in his grip and just as suddenly music plays from the air around him. I drew my sword and unsealed some of my speed and sped towards him and he slowed down from my perspective as I charged him I decided to use his spinning against him as I tripped him as he spun then things sped back up.

I watched as he flew out from under his feet… then disappeared into the earth with an odd *splash* as if it were water.

It was dangerous on the ground so I flew in the air to avoid an attack from underground.

Although it seemed that when my opponent realized I wouldn’t get down to the earth, he’d bring the earth to me.

“RANDOM LANDSHARK!” he declared like he was in some strange anime, proclaiming accurately his attack, although a call from the Royal Canterlot Voice caused the shark to pause in mid-air, physics be damned.


When the Dwarf, the Angel, and I stood in front of Princess Celestia, once Phantom had returned to my shadow the Dwarf saw fit to speak first. “Oh this is Thalya, another displaced from a different Equestria.”

“My name is Talion.” I said.

“Oh right, Falchion.”

“You’re doing this on purpose aren't you?” I asked.

“You’re only just now figuring that out? For a big-shot general of a horde of Uruks, you’re not very smart… then again anyone would get stupid hanging around orcs.”

“You're really pushing my patience,” I said angrily as hells flames appeared in my hand.

“I thought I was pushing your buttons.”

Suddenly a chain whip burst from my shadow and wrapped around the dwarf and Phantom rose from my shadow again.

“BOYS BEHAVE!” The celestial yelled at the dwarf and me.

“What is he gonna do? Kill me? I think you’ll get this, Mr.Gravewalker.” The Dwarf took a deep breath, before opening his eyes, revealing black pits, and his chest opened showing a pulsing green black heart. “I am banished from death.


“Then tell him to get his kink whip off me!”

I snapped my fingers and Phantom withdrew the whip and went back into my shadow.

“Thank you, could you learn to relax a little? I know you’re some badass who has gone through hell but I at least hoped you’d take this opportunity to relax!”

“Well where I come from there is a crisis going on and I have to plan ahead to keep everyone alive,” I said with a glare.

“Unless you’re at war with Caribou who worship beings of entropy who desire eternal worship and endless death for their enemies, your Crisis doesn’t Dwarf mine! ...hehe.”

“Already dealt with them and I am facing a much worse problem,” I stated. “I thought I said I killed Dainn in the message that was with the token,” I said.

“A king does not make a species, and you want to get serious then? How about we start with how my enemy killed my homeland and allowed the Caribou to pillage the leftovers? How about the fact they plan to use their slaves as meat shields and use the creations of MY PEOPLE for their conquest? Or how about the leader of all this is a powerful demonic dark god which I LOST to! And was only killed temporarily because someone bound their lives together then killed himself? I make ONE fuck up and my world will be a perverse and devastated wasteland which will be the first step to them jumping to other worlds and other Equestrias to do the same thing, you do not get to assume you’re in deep shit because if you fuck up, your world is doomed! I fuck up? THE MULTIVERSE IS DOOMED!” I watched the Dwarf breath heavily before the flames on his body died down… then he collapsed to his knees.

“Well let me tell you one thing.” I said and he looked at me.”If I don’t win there won't be a multiverse.” I said.


“Well, it’s your aunt that is fucking my world up,” I told her

“What, I don't have an aunt!”

“Well in my world you do your mother is Faust goddess of creation while her sister is the goddess of destruction my world is being attacked by demons leaving many dead and families broken apart she is using them to leave Tartarus and destroy everything that we all hold dear and when she destroys mine I highly doubt she will stop with just my world she will move onto others eradicating them one by one for her own amusement,” I told her.

The Dwarf groaned as he recovered. “Well, now that I have that out of my system, do you still have Celerybrimbor with you?”

“No I was corrupted when I first arrived in Equestria and what is your name?” I asked him.

“I’m Orgran, Last King of the Dwarves, I think we could actually help each other.”

“What do you mean?” I asked Orgran.

“After the Nightmare Moon situation blows over, I’ll make you a new weapon as an apology.”

“My sword appeared when I became a god I think it is a symbol of my power and is an extension of me, if I grow stronger it might as well,” I told him.

“I never said it’d be a sword, and you just so happen to have met a legendary Forgemaster! I’ll get you something you can be proud of!”

“Well it should be easy to fight her I can just do what I did last time,” I said.

“Well don’t bet on it, you’d be surprised how the multiverse can take your confidence and kick it in the nuts.”

“If things go south I have other means to fight her and I don't think you can fight when your Paralyzed,” I told them.

“Alright, but first let’s have Eva make her token while we wait for Twilight… and a certain Alicorn needs to get ready!” he calls nonchalantly.

“Yes I want to get back to my wives and kids as soon as possible,” I said and we looked at Eva.

“How do I even do that?”

“Take an object you believe fits you, put your essence, message and traits into it through willpower, then let it go, it will drop into the void which will do the rest.”

“For example, my token is made from my magic in fact where is it anyway?” I asked.

Eva points to my head.

“Oh, you’re… kinda it.”

I put my hands on my head and felt around for a bit before pulling on something then a sudden pain and a skull popped out of my head, it was my token. I felt my head again and felt my real skull was still there, they looked at me like I was crazy when I sat the skull down on a dresser. “Well that was something but let’s get back to Eva,” I said.

“Would I get the item I used back?” Eva asked.

“If it’s important, then yes, you’ll get the original copy back,” Orgran said.

She took off what looked like a sword bracelet and said.”My name is Evangel Lucretian. I am Seraphim and I stand for all that is good and just in the world. If you also hold these ideals tap this bracelet twice and hold the sword aloft and I will come.”

“Now what?” She asked.

“JUST TOSS IT AWAY,” Orgran yelled and she dropped it and it disappeared into the void only for two of them to pop out.

“Welcome to the multiverse, Eva.” The dwarf said.


“Now then I believe I should introduce myself to this worlds, Celestia,” Talion said ”I am Talion god of darkness and death, ” he told her

POV change Celestia

I stared dumbfounded at this supposed god of death and of all things darkness and grinded my teeth. Through gritted teeth, I said, “I must test you to divine your intentions.”

“Sure but we must make it quick with your sisters return coming closer we should hurry.” He told me.

Suffice it to say my jaw hit the floor. “How do you know about that?” I inquired.

“I have fought and defeated her when she was corrupted by Nightmare Moon in my world.”He said

“So you're from another Equestria?” I asked.

“Yes I thought we went over this a few minutes ago,” he said

I start to blush “I kind of forgot!”

“Well not everyone is perfect but what is this test?” He asked.

“You see, Twilight Sparkle, along with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy are destined to be the six new Element Bearers of Magic, Laughter, Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity and Kindness respectively, this destiny and bond reaches far back into the past where due to Dash’s first Sonic Rainboom, they all earned their cutie marks at the same time! I’m sure Celestia can pin down the exact date but then again she probably knows all that thanks to her vision powers, ain’t that right, Celly?” Orgran explained.

“But-But-But how-how did you know all of that when even they don’t?” I asked

His response was to walk up to me with a rather sincere smile. “On my Equestria, Celestia had to suffer through generations of drinks that could never give her a buzz thanks to nobles hating alcohol, when I came into the situation I decided to give her a free supply of my own Dwarven ales, and now we’re official drinking buddies! We commemorated this by trying to drink each other under the table at the gala!”

“Now what is that test, Celestia?” Talion asked.

“Your test is to kill a young manticore.”

“no,” he said with a blank expression

“Why not?”

“I only kill when I have to,” he told me.

“Well done you have passed my test,” I said.

“What do you mean?” He asked

“The actual test was to see if you would kill my sister just for being corrupt and a threat,” I said confidently.

“Even when I fought her the first time I was stronger than her but I had to hold back to avoid hurting her.” He said.

POV Change Orgran

“Yeah, honestly the only one you needed to worry about actually causing bodily harm to Luna was Eva since she didn’t know before that your sister was currently not in the driver’s seat,” I commented.

“Is this true Eva?” Celestia said turning to Eva to which she nodded. “OH, my Sun what have I done.”

“What happened?” Talion asked

“Oh, nothing, nothing at all… Nightmare Moon murdered Eva’s Dad figure, but other than that, nothing of importance.” I said, using sarcasm to hide my rage at the situation, sure I don’t blame Luna, but that demon was SO going to pay. “Hey Celestia, to clarify, how much would you care if I imprisoned the Nightmare’s essence in a soul gem for vengeance reasons?”

“Hey Orgran you are going a little too far, if you just remove her it could harm Luna greatly it would be safest for me to do it since I can manipulate souls to my will,” Talion said.

“Hey, I never said I’d be pulling it out of Luna, I meant when the Elements proceed to remove her.”

“The Nightmare has no soul,” Celestia and Eva said simultaneously.

Actually demons are entities composed of magic, either dark or corrupted in some way, in truth their physical forms and essences are their soul, and with enough skill, said form and essence can be trapped in a soul gem.”

“Not in my world they are fragments of Circe’s soul so they are kind of demigods if you think about it.” Talion said.

“Different world, different magic, different physics, try and keep up… oh hey, look! Twilight’s coming!”

POV Orgran

I rushed off to prepare for her arrival.

I had the BEST idea!

POV Change Twilight, two minutes later

“Hey, Twilight? Why is there a landing pad saying ‘Nerds Land Here!’ in front of the town?” Spike asked me.

“I don’t know spike but we should stay away from that,” I said.

Suddenly the sign changed to add the words <that means you, Twilight.>.

“Fine,” I said.

When we landed, we were greeted to a red-bearded Dwarf who yelled, “Ha! You’re a nerd!”

I just stared at him with a blank expression to show I didn’t find this funny.

“Relax, Twilight, I’m a friend of Celestia, I heard she’s doing the Celebration here and I thought I’d drop in to meet this ‘personal student’ I’ve been hearing about, name’s Orgran!
“Pleased to meet you I guess but I need to get going,” I said as I began to trot off the platform.

“Fair enough, have fun making new friends!” he called out before going his own way.

“...That guy was weird.” Spike commented.

“And he is just your size,” I said jokingly to spike.

Suddenly the Dwarf appeared in front of us. “You calling me short?”

“No I said your Spikes size there is nothing wrong with your height,” I said

“Riiiight…” he then disappeared into the ground slowly.

“Let’s get going Spike,” I said and we went into town.

POV Change Talion

“HEY TALION” Eva calls

“What do you need Eva?” I asked.

“Do you know anyone that can teach me to fly?”

“Yes, but before I do that I need to talk to you and Orgran,” I said.

“You called?” he said, appearing directly behind me with no sound or warning.

“Ok before I bring anyone from my Equestria I need to tell you both something they think I am the real Talion not long after I meet them I changed my memories to fit his and now the spell is gone I don’t want them to know the truth about me so you need to keep this quiet ok,” I told them

“Ok,” Eva said.

“Of course… so who are we meeting?”

“My proxy and she is also one of my wives,” I said

“Wives as in plural?”

“Yes,” I Told them.

“Have you met Tempest yet? I haven’t and I’ve been practicing something for when I meet mine and I want to see if I’ve got it perfect, I got it right just not sure if I got it perfect.”


“She was my first wife and what are you making her a horn or something?” I asked.

“More like a Crystal Lattice Horn-Gauntlet Combo for more ease in basic spellcasting and more precision in advanced spell Matrices, the only reason I can’t test it is because only a unicorn can use it and only after a horn amputation, I thought the best choice would be someone who lost their horn would be better than someone I asked to let me cut the horn off of.”

“Well, maybe this could be of use to you,” I said as I pulled a mithril horn out of my robes. “I made it to replace horns that have been broken off it attaches to the horn and melts on it and it can allow unicorns to cast spells as if they never lost it in the first place,” I explained.

“Hmm… yeah fuck it I’m over that idea, got a better one.” he pulls out a strange pearl the size of a walnut. “How about you give her this if you can safely remove mithril prosthesis.”

“Well the horn is made to grow with the unicorn and we never thought we would have to remove them,” I said.

“Well this thing should work even if you have to take a bit of skull with the removal, this is a replicative life-culture, it multiplies when exposed to water, and placing it on an amputated or broken part of something causes it to mutate and grow until it truly becomes a natural replacement, it’s based on the healing magic I use to restore horns that Caribou cut off.”

“Well, you can have the horn if you want I already have hundreds of these it might help you in some way later,” I said and I took the pearl and he took the horn.

“I knew that already.” He looked at the horn, then smiled as he rushed off to somewhere that looked very much like a Blacksmith’s shop.

“Ok, now I will summon her, stand back Eva,” I said and I began as a pentagram appeared on the ground and Hecale started to rise from it Hecale had horns, and black skin with eyes like mine she had large breast and ass she wore a red dress and had large ravens wings on her back.

“Where am I.” She said.

“It will be a long explanation it turns out there is a multiverse out with infinite Equestria's and I was one of the ones sent to them,” I told her and I explained all that happened while I was here.

“So you want me to teach Eva here to fly?” She asked

“Yes,” I told her. “And while you do that I will make preparations if it is true that this Nightmare moon is different I want to make preparations just in case,” I said and I walked off.

POV Change Hecale

“OK, where will we start,” I said to myself.

“Well, what would you recommend to a six-winged flyer?” Eva Said

“Well just flapping your wings up and down won’t work it is the rotation of the wings to provide lift,” I told her


“Here just watch my wings carefully ok,” I said as I started flying then landed back on the ground.”Did you pay attention.”

“Yes ma'am, I did but how would that translate to six wings?”

“I don’t really know.” I said, “Maybe try moving them all at once or at different times.” I told her.

“Uh, how do I move them?”

I facepalmed and walked behind her and touch her back between her wings and they all sprung out and stiffened and she was blushing like crazy.

“Uh, what are you doing that feels weird?” Eva said.

“It is a wing-boner it happens when we get touched here or get very horny since you have had little practice it did not happen naturally but will in time but can you feel the tension in your back, try to relax those muscles then you can move your wings,” I told her.

“Ok, I’ll try to do that.” She said. You could see the physical and mental exertion she was using to try to relax those muscles.

“You're getting there just a little more, ” I told her.

“I'm trying but I just can’t seem to find it!” she said exasperatedly

“You can’t force it, you have to go with the flow or you will be met with resistance they are part of you, not the other way around,” I said.

She takes a shaky breath sits down closes her eyes and just relaxes her body and just like that her wings drooped down. She opened her eyes with a dopey grin and a giggle. “I did it, I did it.”

“Good but don’t celebrate yet we have a lot of work to do by the time we’re done your wings are going to feel like they are on fire,” I told her causing her to go *gulp*.

{3 hours later}

“So your wings feel like they are on fire yet?” I asked Eva.

“Most definitely well at least the middle two are,” She said and then the sound of flapping wings could be heard from behind us.

“That’s because you are putting too much strain on them than the others you need to regulate the strain between your wings and keep them from going faster than the others.” A certain rainbow-maned pony said.

“What do you mean by that?”

“You’re focusing most of your energy in you middle wings if you had distributed the energy among you other wings they would not hurt right now.” Rainbow Dash said.” And where is your dwarf friend I owe him some payback.” She added.

“Oh? Please enlighten me, I’m all ears…” The Dwarf said behind her sinisterly, a giant statue of himself just behind him mimicking his movements.

“I already reported you to the guards for attacking me with your metal boot.” She said.

“Well I don’t think a King of Dwarves would take being called a Gnome lightly, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Well, that title holds no value here.” She stated. “And if you fight back you will be the most wanted in Equestria.”

“Oh? Does that title not hold merit? How about Master Forgesmith? Last of his natural born kind? Celestia’s drinking buddy? How about the guy who was called a Gnome, which is about as bad as calling you a Bird Whorse Bitch Timberwolf-fucker! And yes! It is that bad of an insult to me!”

“But does it require you to attack me when I had no idea about that and I did nothing to provoke an attack!” She yelled

In response, he pulled her close to his face, with solid black eyes. “Those reasons are why I made sure I left no permanent damage, and your lack of provocation when you said it is why I didn’t decide to cut your head off.” he let her go, letting his eyes return to normal.

“It doesn't matter the guards are coming anyway and it did leave damage.” She said as she lifted her shirt that revealed a large black mark near her rib cage. “The doctors said it could have ruptured an organ and it nearly broke my ribs.” She said

“RAAAGH!” he got seriously mad and punched her in the face, the magic in the hit somehow completely healing her. “FUCK YOU! I’M LEAVING!” he stomped off.

“Thanks a lot, you prismatic bitch, you just pissed off my boyfriend,” Eva said pissed and I rushed to Rainbow’s aid and I picked her up and placed her somewhere comfortable.


“YEAH, HEALED HER!” She yelled


Suddenly, Orgran came back, flicked her ear, causing her to wake up, then left again.

“Lesson is over I am taking Rainbow to a hospital to have her checked,” I said and began walking.

“Wait I’ll come with you!” Eva said

“Why you're on your boyfriend's side aren't you.” I said not even looking at her “And from what I heard she had every right to be angry.” I said.

“They both had a right to be angry but it is my duty as an acolyte of the Order of the Faceless Horned God’s The Winged One's chapter it is my duty to help the sick and helpless.” She said

“And what did you do during and after he first attacked her?” I asked

“I tried to calm him down”

“Is that all?” I asked

In shame, she shakes her head no.

“I have a feeling that is not true,” I said, “What did you do?” I asked.

“I lost myself to my base instincts and we fucked,” she said in shame.

I just continued to ignore her from then on and headed to the hospital with Rainbow once I was inside I told them to check her and I left the hospital.

“Hey Hecale what’s wrong,” Talion said surprising me and I told him everything that I heard and he just sighed heavily as I finished talking.

“Well, I guess we should just get ready for Nightmare Moon to come.” He suggested and I nodded.

POV change Talion

“Talion may I speak to you?” Eva asked.

“Sure,” I said I didn’t really want to but I thought I should hear her out. “Hecale wait here for me please?” I asked and she nodded.

“I figured you would want to hear my side of the story before you passed judgment on me?” she said.

“Yes, and as I walked through town I heard a few rumors as well,” I said.

“Oh, you heard did you?”

“Yup how you fucked in the middle of town covered in mud,” I stated.

“I don't know what has come over me these past couple of days, I haven't been able to control my baser instincts, it's almost like I'm in heat,” she said looking away from me.

I leaned up against a tree and crossed my arms.”Well, I don't know what to say to you.” I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head.

“And now Pinkie Pie put the idea that I am Pregnant into my mind and I can’t help but wonder if it’s true,” she said with a scared tone to her voice.

“Well, I can check if you want,” I said

“You would do that for me?” she said with an excited yet still scared tone.

“Yes but it would be too soon to tell the gender and I could speed up the process to where you will give birth in a few minutes,” I said

“I agree with the first part but can we wait until after Nightmare Moon to accelerate it if I am?”

“Ok,” I said with a nod.”So where is Orgran now?” I asked. “It would be best to ask him too,” I added.

She pointed towards the local forge and I walked inside. ”Orgran,” I said.

“Oh? Come to take everyone’s side against me too? Gonna say I was in the wrong because I felt my honor and pride was being spat on? Or maybe you’re gonna say you can kick my ass or something?! I hoped that when I left earth I wouldn’t have to deal with people making me out to be an asshole because I thought differently from them, and on my Equestria? I was right! But now in some other world, it’s happening yet again! No-one can see it from my perspective so they just set out to make me the bad guy! So you can just walk out of here and let me make you your weapon, then you can FUCK OFF!” with his rant over, he turned back to the forge and hammered away on something.

“I wasn’t even going to say any of that I was just going to tell you something,” I said and he turned back towards me.

“Well be quick, as you can see, I’m not in the best of moods thanks to Rainbow Dash and your wife.”

“Your girlfriend Eva asked me to see if she is pregnant and asked me to speed it up after Nightmare Moon is dealt with thought I would tell you so you two can talk about it,” I said.

“She shouldn’t need to, I agree with checking and speeding it up… though thanks to Rainbow, I’m not gonna be able to care for our child…” he moved his goggles, his eyes red from tears. “Haven’t you heard? I’m a wanted criminal here now! Equestrian enemy #1! Gonna fucking drag down a beautiful woman and an innocent baby just because of me!” he yells out with the fakest smile.

“Look I will see what I can do about that you would be surprised what a god can do,” I said as I snap my finger making sparks of dark magic fly through the air.

“Yeah, but your wife is still gonna see me as an asshole, you can do very little to change that, and it’s a shame too because honestly? I think we could’ve been good friends.”

“Maybe I will see what I can do and will bring my other proxy here as well for insurance,” I said.
“I… thanks, and hey, a little hint about your weapon, I’ve been giving it a soul link, so like your sword, not only will you be the only one able to use it, but it will get stronger with you.”

“Thanks, and do you want to see my other proxy? his name’s Thanatos,” I asked.

“Eh, fuck it, why not? Bring ‘im out Talons!”

“We will need to go outside he is 20 feet tall after all,” I said and we walked outside and I started bringing him here, a giant pentagram appeared and he slowly rose out of it he was 20 feet tall like I said with mummy wrapping all over his chest arms and legs her had four arms and many weapons attached to his back including two massive scythes and a pharaoh's crown over his fleshy skull

He was confused like Hecale but I explained what is happening.

“Interesting this should be fun.” He said as he held one of his scythes in his left hands.

“Hm… hey, Thanatos! So you’re one of those big honorable war guys, right?” Orgran asked.

“I was an elemental.” He answered. “Then I changed forms when I became a proxy.” He added.

“Ah, I was asking because…” he proceeded to summon a giant barrel, then slapped on a handle to its side. “I was gonna offer you a beer!”

“I can not taste food only souls.” He said as he knelt down to get a closer look.

“Hmm… AHA!” he ran off… through a mountain, then came out with a large sapphire. “Let’s see if this works…” he crushes the gem in his hand and punches the barrel, the ale launching out of it and into a rift. “Behold! The mug is now full of the Ale’s ghost!!”

“Where is it,” I asked confused to why he punched it into a rift.

“I sent the now dead and stale liquid into a volcano, now if you focus, you will see the original essence of the ale made into an ethereal form resting within the magically infused mug.”

I focused and looked into the barrel and saw an almost clear like substance and from it came a blue mist, I cast a spell that made souls visible and Thanatos picked it up and drank it slowly.

“I can taste it.” He said as he continued drinking.

“It’s a technique that the original-I mean, that I developed based on the concept of dreams and imagination, using magically attuned gems, one could sense the true essence of an item, what makes the object in question what it is, and with enough force and will, separate that from its physical vessel, making that essence into a ‘ghost’.” he pulled out a scroll. “Here’s the technique so you can practice it yourself.”

Thanatos took the scroll and shoved it in his wrappings on his chest.

POV Change Orgran

“Well I think I did a good deed today, right Tali-oh hey, where did Talion go?” I asked, as when I had turned around, he was gone… “wait… DID I JUST GET FUCKING BATMAN’D?!”

Thanatos pointed in a random direction, curious I decided to look to where he was pointing.

When I saw nothing, I used Nature’s sight to find the trail of dark magic our wraith friend had left, I decided to follow the trail to eventually find him, as he’d have to stop sometime.

I also took out a comically sized magnifying glass to inspect the trail as I followed it for comedy reasons.

For one I was getting several stares, to which I respond with, “I’m on an investigation! I must find who stole Celestia’s last slice of cake!” and move on.

The ponies just shrug it off as commonplace and go about their days.

Eventually, the trail ended at my target’s feet, smiling in success, I stand up and take a look at my surroundings.

“What are you doing?” Talion asked.

“Doing something random and goofy for the sake of a joke… I swear I am the last person that should get Chaos magic, I’d just make nothing but references.” I said.

“Oook,” he said.

“So, why are we in a Guard station? Wait… Guard station?! Ninja defense plan omega!” I say as I proceed to light myself on fire.

Talion arm was then covered in a black mist, then pointing his arm at me, his mist converged on one point and turned into black water, putting out the flames.

“You fool! Now they can catch me!... and now I realize it’s not an effective counter to ninjas!!” I yelled.

“Why didn't you do a ninja vanish.” Talion suggested.

“BECAUSE I’M NOT A NINJA! And no matter what skills they have, I am not taking lessons from the three Caribou Ninja that became Zecora’s BDSM harem!” I declared.

“Just go away I am trying to find a way to clear your name.” he said

“But I’m boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-*siiiiiiiip*- ahem… ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored!! And I don’t want to make your job harder by breaking something by accident.”

“Then why don’t you have fun with Eva you will probably be busy with the kid after thus so have as much fun as you can for now.” he suggested.

“Talion, I’m a Dwarf, not a fucking Satyr, I don’t entertain myself with sex, I entertain myself with games and sparring!”

“Then how about Thanatos,” he said.

I think back to it… then have the unsettling image of the Netherlord. “His size brings up… too many bad memories of… someone the Original Orgran faced.”

“Phantom,” he said.

“Actually, that’d be okay.” I said as phantom rose from his shadow.

“You should probably go somewhere else to fight though.” Talion said.

“Well I’ve heard of an old coliseum on a hill outside Ponyville.” I say as said Coliseum appears thanks to my earth magic.”let’s go!”

POV Change Talion

With that, he and Phantom head off to this supposed Coliseum and I got back to what I was doing.’

POV change Eva

Suffice it to say when the doctors came in and told me they couldn't find anything wrong with RD's body at all not even old fractures, well Hecale was livid when I went to tell her the news.

After I told Hecale the news I started to wander around Ponyville taking in the sights and seeing if I could find Twilight.

Funnily enough, it seemed she had encountered Rainbow after she was let out of the hospital.

And behind them, I saw Orgran casually walking around in a much better mood than before.

I also saw Applejack and Pinkie Pie talking. I wonder when I should talk to her about Betsuni.

It seemed that conversation was going to come sooner, as when Pinkie turned to leave she saw me and hopped over. “Evie! Just the Seraphim I wanted to see! I need help, see there’s this new pony in townandIwanttothrowherabig’welcometoponyville’partysinceshelookssolonelyandIwanttohelphermakelotsandlotsoffriendsbutit’ssosuddenandIneedtogetitdonetonight! Can you find Gran and Tali for me so we can all set up the party at the library?”

“Sure pinkie. Hey have you ever met Betsuni?”

“Oh, Betty? Sure! What do you want to know?”

“I need a book on my powers and the contract said you were the pony to see.”

“Ooooh, so you want a manual? Sure! Come into my office, I’ll see what quest would be fitting for such a reward.” she said as she opened a door that wasn’t there before and hopped through.

Deciding not to question it I followed her through the door into what could only be guild hall. I have no idea how I knew that but I did so I just rolled with it.

“Hmm… it seems all the other quests are locked, you’re gonna have to take the tutorial.”

“Ook?” I queried.

As soon as that word left my mouth I found myself in a field near a cave.

“Oki doki.” Pinkie’s voice echoed through the cave. “Your first tutorial is movement, first move forwards then backward.” She said.

I comply and do what she said because this is a quest.

“Now side to side.” She told me.

I did exactly what she said.

“Ok now we will focus on magic attacks your spells are light and holy spell first will be the holy spear then the light javelin for the holy spear you must focus on thoughts of holiness and purity and form them into a spear then thrust forward.” She explained.

I tried to follow her instructions but I just couldn't get the spear to form.

“Okay, don’t worry, this may be a bit tricky since you don’t have a firm grasp on divinity… hmm, oh! I know, maybe try imagining the sun as a starting point!”

I did as she said and it seemed to work once I imagined the sun a ball of pure gasses forming into a spear and when I open my eyes I held a spear in my hands made of pure holy light.

“There you go, now focus on what you want to hit and then throw it! Don’t worry about him, the magic in the spear will make it home in on your target!”

I focused on a nearby stalagmite and threw the spear it was off a bit but it corrected itself and meet its intended target destroying it.”What now?” I asked..

“Well next is the light javelin, it’s a smaller weaker version of the spear but you can make lots of them, just aim with your palm and imagine the javelins launching out, you can specify targets or let them aim at anything you see as an enemy.”

I thought of a smaller sun this time and it forming into a javelin and a javelin made of light appeared and I saw three stalagmites side by side and I threw it to the side and it changed direction and headed straight for them and cut them all in half.

“Great! The cave should be filled a bunch of monsters, clear it out and find the book at the end!” Pinkie said.

I ran through the cave at first I found nothing but when I walked into a large area a giant snake appeared from nowhere it had to be a hundred feet long. It lunged at me and I jumped to the side it reeled back it head for another strike and I made a javelin and threw it and as it opened its mouth to lung at ne the javelin burst through the back of its head and it fell to the ground and spasmed.

I continued through the cave killing several monsters and creatures along the way until I found myself in another large room with a pedestal in the center with a book on it I walked up and looked around for any traps and as I grabbed the book the cave started to shake and a stalagmite fell on the pedestal splitting it in two.

“Thank you for taking the book! This cave will now self destruct for no reason! Isn’t game logic exciting?”

I started to run as the cave collapsed behind me and many of the monsters that I did not encounter were crushed under the rocks, I made it back to where I started and a door opened on a wall leading to Pinkie’s office, I jumped out of the cave collapsed and the door closed.

“Congratulations! You’ve done your first quest! With that victory comes your Special Status Book! I’ll make sure to prepare a bunch of quests for you tomorrow since Betty said you’d be very busy tonight!” She said.


Part 2 of crossover

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I step out of the door to the quest room and I end up right back where I started but in front of my two Displaced comrades.

“Hey, honey!” Orgran casually called to me.

“Hey Eva,” Talion said

“Hey Orgran, Talion what have you guys been up to for the last few hours?” I asked

“I have been trying to clear Orgran’s name,” Talion answered.

“Wait, hours? You’ve been gone for a few minutes at most!” Orgran said.

“That's not possible I was on a quest with Pinkie Pie for over three hours!!” I said surprised

“It is possible it was a pocket dimension I have one of those,” Talion said.

“So a time dilation field?” I queried.

“It different for every dimension but when it stays open to another it slows or quickens to match them and it seems it closed when you went inside so it returned to normal.” He told me.

“So what’s up?” Orgran asked.

“Also I think it would be best if we held a strategy meeting and tell each other our powers and abilities so we can work together better,” Talion suggested.

“Ok, but who goes first?” I asked

“Well, first we should go somewhere more private,” Talion said.

“Well, it doesn't get more private than the Colosseum no one knows about,” I said.

“How’d you know I made a Coliseum??” Orgran asked.

“I saw it when I was flying around earlier,” I said with a shrug.

“Ah… okay, let’s go to the big arena,” he said as he marched off in the direction of it.

“So how did you make the arena?” I queried.

“Earth control, I literally hold the source of my magic in my very blood, a gem-like ore known as Arcanite which endlessly produces mana to the point where large enough quantities can severely mutate life in an area.” Orgran explained.

“Isn't it where you said you would spar with Phantom?” Talion asked.

“Oh we did that already, we settled on a draw since it was just in good fun.” Orgran said with a smile.

“Well that’s good to know but we should hurry every second wasted is a chance for Nightmare to get stronger,” Talion said to Orgran.

“Oh don’t worry, we’re already here.”

“Wow, that was fast!!” I said.

“Yep, so, who should go first?”

“I think you should go first Orgran, ”I said.

“Alright… with the birth of our race, the God King Dranlun gifted the Dwarves with the strength of the stone they were carved from, not only were we made immortal, incredibly durable, and given unmatched strength, having the strength of the earth was very literal. With the Arcanite in my veins and my bond to the earth, I can control anything earth-based, stone, dirt, sand, metals and even magma while also being able to take on traits of the earth at will. In fact, if it weren’t for our flesh and blood bodies we would honestly be considered the highest form of earth elemental… oh, and we treat molten rock and metals like jacuzzis, just like Dragonkin.” Orgran said.

“My turn now.” I pulled out my new book and look at it and this is what I saw


Evangel Lucretian (Seraphim)
HP: 2424
HolyPowerPoints: 2000
MP: 2480
Atk: 124
Str: 124
Int: 800
Wis: 800
Spd: 480
Charm: 420
Charisma: 620
Luk: 360

“I feel your charm and charisma need to be higher,” Orgran complimented.

“Let her finish Orgran,” Talion said.

Lifespan: 9999



Holy Spear: Unlocked
A spear made from a holy light it can seek out a single target and pierce it. Armor and physical shields hold no sway over its piercing power. Does extra damage to undead, demons, and creatures of darkness.

Holy Solar Flare Spear: Unlocked
A more powerful form of Holy spear that uses the power of the sun. Explodes on contact with undead, demons, and creatures of darkness.

Healing Spear: Unlocked
A spear that heals a single ally. Will cause enemy undead and creatures of darkness to be dispelled.


Lesser Light Javelin: Unlocked
A small Light Javelin made from pure light that can seek out multiple targets and cut and pierce them. Can only pierce light armor. Does extra damage to creatures of darkness.

Light Javelin: Locked
A medium Light Javelin. Can pierce light to medium strength armor and shields. Does extra damage to undead and creatures of darkness.

Greater Light Javelin: Locked
A Large Light Javelin made from pure light. Can Pierce all armor and physical shields. Does extra damage to undead, demons, and creatures of darkness.


Will: Unlocked
By training your mind and body you have unlocked the ability to use your sword and shields special powers.

Holy Light: Locked
A skill that can heal multiple allies the stronger the caster the more allies you can heal. Will not regrow limbs. Will cause enemy undead, demons, and creatures of darkness to be dispelled.

Trumpet Blast: Locked
A skill that can summon your allies to you and be a rallying cry.

Summon Cherubim: Locked
You have to figure this one out on your own

Holy Shields: Unlocked
The ability to summon shields of holy light. Harms enemy undead, demons, and creatures of darkness that come into contact with it.

Ancient Language LVL1: Unlocked
Through careful study, you have gained a basic understanding of the Ancient language of the Winged Ones and can summon {Minor} elementals of Fire, Water, Light, Dark, Air, Aether, and Earth/Tree.

???: Locked
A group of hidden abilities


Sword of Uriel: a sword said to have been wielded by the Archangel Uriel and

Aegis: a shield that is said to house Medusa's head

Divine Armor: armor pieced together from the armor of famous heroes and heroines


“Ok, I guess it’s my turn now you already know I am the god of death and darkness but it comes with several benefits for one I can freely interact with souls and if my body was destroyed my soul will go somewhere safe and make a new body. I can also create undead that obeys me through using bodies is easier they can be created without them and I do not only of the powers of Talion I can use magic from Skyrim as well and I can use the bounds weapons and create all undead from the game but those that had shouts are difficult because for them to use shouts I must make dragon souls for them to learn them but it has become easier over time and with my recent power boost it should be easier. I can also consume souls to grow more powerful and sometimes gain the abilities of the soul such as one of the demon lords from my world I inherited his speed when I consumed his but.” Talion said.

“But what?” I asked.

“The first step I took after consuming his soul I left a human-shaped hole in a steel door and face first into a stone wall,” Talion told them

“HA!” Orgran laughed.

“Ouch!!” I said.

“And recently I have consumed another and it has increased my magic from what I know there is one more demon lord that can give me another ability.” Talion said, “Abaddon and his strength though we have not met I think we will soon, and I can create a mist that can create undead and can bring people back from the dead but it has limits.” Talion said

“Tell me more, please” I pleaded.

“I cannot alter the natural course so those who have died of natural death I can not revive and also those whose bodies are to badly damaged if there is even a body at all if it is rotten only a bit I can restore them.”

I was heartbroken I would not be able to see my Grand Master again.

“Hmm… The Black Heart gives me something similar, I can call and bring back those from the grave if they cannot move on, though I can make a window to talk to those who have moved on… then there’s the respawn totems, though that requires someone who knew them to carve their story onto the artifact if they’re already dead… I never realized how much a gift from an undead warlock would give me such mastery of soul communion and necromancy.” Orgran said.

“Talion is there any way for you to help?” I asked hoping against hope this would work.

“Umm yes I could open a portal to the afterlife but you would not be able to go through it, and I could find whoever you want to talk to but it will not last forever I have never done this before.” He said.

“Well, I’ve got some Arcanite on hand in case of emergencies, so I can make an uncarved totem right now, if Talion makes the portal when we activate it, it should pull him out and perform a respawn, though Eva, do you want it single-use or constant? That’s an important decision if I make it constant it won’t stop reviving him to his prime, even with age, but if I make it single-use, he’ll be just as mortally vulnerable as before once he’s alive again.… and I only have enough Arcanite for one totem.” Orgran said

“Can the totem be broken?” I asked.

“Yes, though the destruction of the Totem will cause it to seed the earth with raw Arcanite, which can be dangerous as chunks can get too big and cause mutations,” Orgran answered.

“Now back to my power with my dark magic I can create shadow demons and weapons and I can create hell flames that could even burn the target's soul and I think I might also have the powers of the other ringwraiths my new ring is the combination of all the wraith rings and sarons and I might have many more as well when I first bought something from the merchant I just asked for everything he had related to dark magic or powers,” Talion explained and finished.

“I made a decision I want to revive my Grand Master Bronze Courage,” I said.

“Great!” Orgran pulled a large, golden gemstone out. “Lemme know the totem and I’ll get to work on my part!”

“I want to do a constant totem,” I said with confidence.

“Alright! Talion, you prepare the portal, I need to go set up a gemworks station and a refinery.” he turned and headed out.

{Two hours and a lot of carving later}

“Done!” Orgran called, hefting a large pillar of golden crystal covered with rings of sparkling metal.

“Good now I will make the portal,” Talion said as he drew his sword and stabbed it into the ground and cracks formed around where the sword stabbed into the ground and leaked red magic then the ground started to shake and a large archway started rising from the ground and energy formed in it make the inside look like a see-through veil.

Eva goes up to it and looked in seeing many souls she tried to touch them but Talion stopped her and said “Bad idea only undead can safely travel between life and death if you were to touch the veil between them your soul would be ripped from your body my soul, however, is not as attached as yours so I will bring him closer.” He warned and his body fell limp as his soul left his body it was he was see-through with a red outline and he entered the veil.

“Alright, I’m gonna go babysit, you get to work on carving, toots!” I heard a new voice as a tall man adorned in crimson waved to me as he passed, walking through the portal.

POV Change Talion

I walked through the veil and was now in the afterlife.

“Wow, nice place, digging the grim vibe here… course Hell had the better climate.” a voice jokingly commented from behind me. “So, you’re the Tomb-strider, wait no, that’s not it… Sarcophagus-skipper… Crypt-leaper?”

“Grave Walker,” I said as I turned around and saw a familiar figure.

“There it is! Can I call you Gray for short? Your expression makes it fit so well!”

“Only if I can call you Al, Alucard even though I did not expect to see you here, ” I said with a grin.

“Oh I’m starting to like you, out there you were a bit too dull if Orgran wasn’t the one in the driver’s seat I would’ve found a better way to clear up my boredom, but nooo, he wants to be nice and make you a gun! So, who’s the old dust bag we need to find?” Alucard said.

“Eva’s Grand Master, they share a connection they shared in life we will use it to find him, and he’s making me a gun?” I asked him.

“Yep! He got more of that Mithril stuff and he’s made you a god gun… say, this guy wouldn’t happen to have horns and a lingering wisp of nightmare moon’s magic stuck on him, would he?”

“Yes he would and I didn’t really find it surprising where I come from Mithril was usually used by the dwarves they say it was as light as a feather but hard as a dragon's scale,” I said.

“Oh, then you keep looking over there, and I’ll go talk to the lingering soul over here that’s clearly our target.”

“I already knew he was there while we were talking I was following the connection I can multitask,” I said and we walked over to the Grand Master.

“So, who bets the nightmare stuff clinging to him is gonna make him violent and attack us?” alucard asked.

“Most definitely so be ready to restrain him if needed,” I said as we approached.

I heard two guns cocking, and looked to the vampire wielding them. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Alucard asked.

“Nothing much just be ready for a fight,” I said and we were close to him now he was silent at first but then he twitched then vanished and punched Alucard in the face.

The vampire simply grinned in spite of the blow and backflipped using the momentum, leveling his handguns for a volley of holy bullets. “Alright Casper, say cheese!”

“Don't worry about killing him in this place he will only reform after a few minutes,” I told Alucard and I used my mist to create a black long sword.

“It’s not Big Beef Combo I’m talking to!” he started firing… at the dark silhouette that was floating behind him, but it dodges the bullets. I teleported behind the silhouette and swung at it cutting into his back.

Eventually, the dark silhouette could not handle the two-pronged assault and screamed out a death cry before fading into the Aether.

“What-what happened, where am I, and who are you two? an undead and a deity working together?” The Grand Master said.

“How did you know?” I asked him.

“Rescue now, questions later, sup pops! We’re here to bring you back to life and see your pseudo-daughter again!”Alucard said as he tried to grab the Grand Master.

“Impossible no one can resurrect the dead from here!” The Grand Master said sadly.

“You realize you live in a world where Discord is an established entity, correct? Don’t you think the concept of impossible is a bit… stupid, at this point?” Alucard said

The Grand Master gets a look of realization and understanding when it finally sinks in what was said. “I guess you're right.”

“Well we need to get out of here now there is no telling if evil souls will try to get through the portal when we are away,” I said.

“Yeah, come on, then we can set up adoption papers and make you officially Eva’s dad or whatever!”

If ghosts could cry the Grand Master would be crying and we continued to lead the Grand Master out of the afterlife and I was right there were a few souls trying to breach the portal but to no avail.

Alucard took on the biggest grin as he readied his guns. “Oh good, the nightmare fight was too short,” he said as he rushed in and started shooting up the specters.

“Well you can deal with them real quick I will get him through the portal,” I said as I put my hand on his shoulder and we pushed through the souls as Alucard dealt with them. We passed through and I felt something trying to pull the Grand Master back but it only got stronger when I attempted to take my hand off the Grand Master.

Alucard leaped out shortly after, the vampiric form fading away to reveal Orgran as he turned to Eva. “Hey, is the Totem done yet?”

“Not quite he had a really long life and I know most of it,” Eva said.

“Hey he will only be able to stay as long as I keep physical contact with him,” I told them

“Alright, but we should hurry, I don’t know how long Talion can keep your dad here… and before either of you say it, yes, you raised her, you cared for her, and you loved each other as family, you’re her dad.” Orgran said

“Your right I think of him as my father,” Eva said.

“And her my daughter.” The Grand Master said.

Once the final letter was etched in, the totem shifted to show the head of Bronze Courage on the top of the pillar, a chain connected to a sort of spiritual life preserver launching out and linking to the soul of the Grand Master, having the pull towards the gate disappear.

Next, we watched as the minotaur’s spirit was absorbed into the Totem as magic swirled around, picking up streams of water, earth, and fire in a whirlwind that began to form the shape of his body. Finally, the new physical body of Bronze Courage, the form of a Minotaur at the peak of his youth, set hoof onto the ground as the spirit was siphoned into the new body from the Totem through a river of golden mana… and the eyes opened.

In disbelief, he looked down at himself. “I never thought I would say the words ‘I live again’ but here I am so I LIVE AGAIN!!”

“Alright! Welcome to the land of the living! I think we should make sure your new body is working right, starting with the heart.” Orgran stated.

“So how ya gonna do that?” Bronze Courage asked.

“Simple!” Orgran clears his throat, then takes a deep breath. “I’m banging your daughter! Who might be pregnant with my child since we did it three times these past few days! And she was the one who initiated the first two!” Orgran said.

Eva gives Orgran a swift kick in the jewels.

“GAH!” He doubles over slightly but seems rather unhurt. “Hey, if you have a better way to give a father a heart attack I’m all ears!”

Eva kicks him again right in the same spot but harder.

“ARGH!!” He stumbles… but recovers. “Easy! I’d like to give our kid some siblings at some point!”

“Well, I guess it is time for introductions I am Talion god of darkness and death,” I told him.

“That explains how you were able to bring me through the portal you’re a shinigami type deity.” The grand master asked.

“Yes, I guess you could say that,” I said.

“I’m Orgran The Red, Last King of The Dwarves of Mylinia.”

“And?” BC asked.

“I’m the first other Displaced that Eva has met due to her summoning me through my token, I originated from an alternate Equestria.”

“So that is how you met Evangel!” BC said. “Now is what you said true?”

“Yes, for the sake of me sacred pearls, I won’t give you the play-by-play, but yes, we did bang and now I’m in a happy relationship with her.”

“What is that on your finger?” He asks, Pointing to a ring on his left ring finger.

“Oh! That’s my wedding ring, don’t worry, Eva knows about them already and my two wives are very much into bringing other girls into the relationship… as long as there’s a proper emotional connection, that is.”

“Uh-huh ok.”Bronze Courage said, “So talion how many wives do you have?”

“Well let me think there is Hecale, Aiko, Cadence, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis, and Tempest so 11 I think,” I said.

“Holy fuck, you’re lucky you’re undead or your heart would probably explode from all that bedtime affection… how the hell did Shining fuck things up with Cadence anyway? Normally in Equestrias, he’s rational and good-hearted.”

“Well shining sent tempest after me she used to be an assassin and also hid her gender with a magic cloak and he also killed his competition for the captain of the royal guard and many ambasers of equestria and other kingdoms” I explained.

“Fucking hell such dishonesty and backstabbing.” Bronze Courage said surprised

“I’m with Grand Master on this one, your Shining Armor has such dishonorable practices that makes my Dwarven blood boil, the only good thing that seems to come out of his scheming is that with Tempest on your side, The Storm King of your world is short one very capable commander.”

“We have not seen him yet so he might not even exist in my Equestria and the punishment I gave him was more than shining deserved,” I said.

“Actually, and this is my inner scientist talking, but Equestria’s always seem to have constants, such as the races from the show existing in one form or another, but an important thing is if the Storm King is not a major player in your Equestria, then in your high status, you should’ve gotten word of Hippogryphs being an active society outside of Equine borders, but I’m guessing they’re not?”

“They are,” I said sadly as I went back in my body sat down and looked at the ground.

“Let's move on to happier topics shall we?” Eva asked. “Let’s find out if I’m pregnant!!” she said excitedly but still nervously.

“Is it ok if I put my hand on your stomach to cast the spell?” I asked Eva”It allows for a better reading.” I told her

“Sure go for it.” Eva said moving the front of her dress to the side.

I put my hand on her stomach and cast the spell her whole body glowed for a moment before stopping and I took my hand off. “You’re pregnant with twins,” I told her.

Suffice it to say Eva passed out.

“WOO!” Orgran was on the opposite end of the spectrum. “I’m gonna be a dad! I’m gonna need story books, baby formula, training weapons for small hands, OOH! Maybe I can make a raid to Mylinia and get them each a ‘Dwarfling’s first Pickaxe’! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” he was running around us as fast as I could with unrestrained demon power, but I was not paying much attention, Orgran asking me about the hippogriffs was bringing back memories of how I was unable to defend them from the demons and now the survivors now take refuge in Minas Morgul.

In a spaced-out voice, Bronze Courage said “I'm gonna be a grandpa to twins at 1124 OH BOY!!!”

“And they’ll have Dwarven blood in them! I remember the little Dwarflings running around Stonecross, moment they started walking they were excited to train with their parents or grandparents… and if they weren’t training, they were showing off and getting some poor sod in the nuts with a roundhouse!” Orgran said.

At that all the males winced.

“Ahem… anyway, point I’m making is, I’m absolutely certain in a few years or so you’ll be having them wanting to learn ‘Grampa’s awesome fighting style’ from the Grand Master!”

“So what do we do next?” I asked

POV Change Eva

“Well first thing we need to do is come up with a gameplan on how we are going to take her down.” I said as I recovered.

“Well I have insurances in place if we fail hopefully it won't come to that.” Talion said.

“And I got my hellknight… oh crap, I never got to show that off! It’s so fucking cool!! Oop!” he glanced to my stomach. “Sorry! Should keep the swearing down around the kids.”

“And I can give you two enough bits to get a house or something, displaced help other displaced,” Talion said.

“Thanks, but don’t be surprised when we nickname you ‘Uncle Talion’ though.”

“I thought I would be the godfather or something,” Talion said jokingly.

“...did you just make a pun?!”

“Yes, I did.” He said

Sheepishly I said, “About that.”

“Hm?” Orgran turned to me. I nodded towards Talion.

“You mean I will be the godfather?” He asked.

“Well you are a displaced like both of us and you are the second male I met that isn't part of the order and is still alive so yea would you do us the honor of being their godfather?” I asked and Talion smiled.

“Yes.” He said

“EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” I squeed.

“Alright, but be on your best behaviour around Eva, I don’t want the kids to develop your dark and gloomy side, they’re still impressionable souls after all.” Orgran said.

“Yes I can tell and the only reason I was like that is because I am stressed because Circe’s is getting closer to being free every day.” Talion told us.

“You know that Circe is starting to sound like a real B-word, and right now I want to kick that B-word in the C-word until she can only utter F-words!” Orgran said with anger.

“Trust me you couldn’t not even I am strong enough to take her on yet and you have not even seen my full power yet so what chance do you think you have?” Talion asked.

“Just because I know I can’t doesn’t mean I still don’t want to! What I could do is get you in contact with the five God Kings to see if they could help, Circe is a god, no matter how much power she tries to gain, she can’t handle being outnumbered by other gods which have far more power and experience, especially in combining their own powers together.”

“She has been around since the beginning of time and she can make proxies just like me with divine powers and magic.” He told Orgran.

“The God Kings in my world were the first things to exist, and it only took a fraction of their power to make everything else, they’ve been gathering power for apocalyptic scenarios by simply resting within their castle, it’s like… five Odin's that can combine megazord style.” Orgran said.

“What are their powers?” He asked Orgran.

“They bear the power of dreams along with their elements, literally every myth or legend that has been made about them is true because those myths and legends exist, such as Rintae’s fire being so strong, it can turn a sun to ash.”

“And I can try to commune with the Faceless Horned God of my order and ask for his assistance.” the Grand Master offered

“Well that is all well and good we have problems right now we can deal with,” Talion suggested.

“Right and… how long has the moon been up?” Orgran asked.

“About twenty minutes,” I said.

“Aaaaand the face is gone, F*** WE’RE LATE!”

Talion snapped his fingers and we were at town hall where Nightmare moon would show up.

And upon the balcony we saw Nightmare Moon, much larger and more imposing than before… flanked by a countless number of constructs bound to her essence.

“...well f*** me that wasn’t in the show.” Orgran said

“Interesting,” Talion said as he rubbed his chin

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You were right Nightmare does not have a soul but she is pure dark energy and she is suppressing Luna’s soul and the constructs seem to be attached to the dark energy and I see chains binding them perhaps they were previous beings the darkness fed off of.” He explained

“But if that's the case then the Nightmare corrupted angels!!” Eva said.

“They are not angels anymore their souls are gone and they are only empty husks tied to Nightmares will,” Talion said

“Hot damn, that’s a scary thought…”

Suddenly, I felt two sets of power flow into me, giving me a strength boost.

“Wait, they can do that already?!” Orgran said, poleaxed.

“They can do what?” Talion asked.

“You know how mothers tend to give their power to their children to protect them? Well Mylinian kids can do the same, using their soul energy to empower their mother, it’s not dangerous to the children but usually they need to be more developed unless… OUR TWINS ARE GONNA BE DEMIGODS!!” Orgran shouted with glee.

“Well if they are bringing their A-game I guess I should too, I can’t unleash my full power through it could harm the babies souls and could damage everything around me ” Talion said as he relaxed and a red aura started to surround him and it as almost as thick as blood and then an overwhelming power came after.

Suddenly my book began to glow with a gentle light


Holy Light: Unlocked
Because of a sudden boost in power, this skill unlocked. A skill that can heal multiple allies the stronger the caster the more allies you can heal. Will not regrow limbs. Will cause enemy undead, demons, and creatures of darkness to be dispelled.


“Sweet I unlocked Holy Light because of the twins!! But how do I use it?” I said.

“Figure that out on the job! Now let’s fight these fallen angels!” Orgran declared as he summoned his ‘Hellknight’ mech from a fire portal. A massive steampunk giant that drooled magma and wielded a chainsaw/sword hybrid of flame and a shield that burned as hot as the sun, with a ‘roar’ of steam, Orgran jumped into the mecha and charged into the fray.

Going by instinct she raises her left hand and yells “HOLY LIGHT” and a beam of light shoots down from the sky and envelops eight of the enemy combatants cleansing them and freeing them from Nightmare Moon’s control. To my surprise, I saw the freed angels give me a salute before charging in to restrain the still possessed soldiers.

I recast my ‘HOLY LIGHT’ spell freeing another eight angels and a manticore but the manticore collapses lifeless once freed. With enough of the angels freed, they were able to work on freeing the other possessed with their own light magic, causing Nightmare to start falling back as her numbers were turned against her. Once over half her numbers were against her they retreated into the shadows and fled. Once she was gone all of the angels turned to me and one that was wearing slightly better armor who I assume is the commander stepped forward. “What are your orders Ma’am?”

“I thought their souls were gone, even though they are almost shattered to pieces,” Talion said as he rubbed his chin again.

After composing myself and looking to Orgran “My orders are as follows Protect Ponyville from Nightmare Moon's forces purify if able kill if not.”

“And in the meantime, we’ll be kicking some Nightmare Arse for you and seeing if we can’t get some more of your Brothers and Sisters!” Orgran declared.

“Thank you King Orgran The Red, that is most kind!!” the commander responded

“Well before we leave I will repair you souls you are unfit for battle with your souls practically falling apart right now.” Talion said.

“Thank you Lord Talion of Minas Morgul.” the commander said

“And how do you know us?” Talion asked the commander as he started fixing their souls.

“I saw all you did and all that was said while under her control,” the commander admitted with a slight blush.

“Well, we should hurry the girls will probably be going into the forest by now.” Talion said.

“Mistress Evangel would you and your companions care for an aerial escort?” the commander asked

I turned to Orgran and Talion and asked “What do you think Orgran? Talion?”

“I think we’d do better if we didn’t have to worry about accidentally hitting one of you with ridiculously flashy attacks.”


“It’s fine.” He said and Hecale and Thanatos landed at his side.

“Sorry dear its two to one,” I turned to the commander and said “yes we would love one pick your strongest and fastest flyers we need one to carry Orgran to the edge of the forest.”

“How the f*** are they going to carry this thing?” he gestures to the mech he’s in.

“Get out and summon it to you once we get to the forest.” I said exasperatedly.

“I have a better idea!” He says seconds before a chasm opens up from below him, swallowing him up.

I just roll with it and take off along with the commander’s chosen angels and Talion towards the Everfree forest and where I hope Orgran is.

Thankfully we find him shortly after arriving, though it seems that Nightmare has switched to golems for attack, which would be much harder to dispel or destroy.

“Do you think they are already there?” Talion asked.

“Yes Lord Talion I can see them from here they are standing in a copse of trees laughing at them.” one of the angels said.

“That’s the test of laughter.” Orgran replied. “It’s an important trial they must handle alone.”

“How many trials are left?”

“I believe that was the first one.” Talion said.

“No, it’s the third, Generosity and Loyalty are next, with the final confrontation with Nightmare Moon revealing the final element.”

“We need to hurry, soldiers pick up the golems and drop them from high up.” I ordered

“APOPHA-PIX-TET” I intone and a small bipedal wolf with arms made of wood (A.N. that but smaller)

“What do the golems look like soldier.” Talion asked.

Tall, black, and with an oval gem for a face

“Ok then.” Talion said back

“Apopha-Pix attack with your root arms” I said.

“And keep them away from the heroes, they’re not prepared for actual combat.” Orgran said before caving one of their faces in with a punch. “Even one of them could prove fatal.”

In a voice that sounded wiser than an old oak grove it replied “Yes Master Orgran.”

Talion just sat back and watched the angels fight and the elements travel through the forest.

“You could help anytime Talion!!!!” I yelled.

“I am you’ll see.” He said then a volley of arrows flew from the forest and at the golems cracking their control gems. “When I went to prepare I created a undead army that surrounded the castle I told a few of them to come here and help.” then from the many undead where black armor charged from the treeline the spearmen were use their spear to keep the golems off balance and the swordsmen went for the kill stabbing the oval gems then massive boulders came flying from the forest crashing into them. “I also created stone golems as well, they can control the stone and plants around them.” He said and from the tree line massive creatures made of stone appeared.

“...are they sentient?”

“Which ones the undead or Golems?” Talion asked Orgran

“The golems, in Mylinia, Golems are a true race in Mylinia with their own culture and everything… sorry, I’m just wanting to feel like in some way they didn’t all…”

“Well I don’t really know if they are sentient all I have asked them to when since I created my first golems was help me make my city and make various metals and gems I have not given it any real thought if they are or not but they have always done what I asked.” Talion said.

“Right… maybe you… no, nevermind.”

“Speak your mind you might not get another chance to any time soon.” Talion said.

“Would I be able to take some home with me? So that even if they’re not sentient, I can find a way to bring their kind back?”

“Yes you can and I can give you the plans to make them and several other kinds of golems like gem golems, iron golems, and more.” He told Orgran

“Lord Orgran, Lord Talion I see them near the old castle they are waiting for the prismatic pegasus pony to return.” said the lead soldier.

“The final trial before the castle, Rainbow will return to them, just ensure they’re not physically attacked.” Orgran said.

“A fog has rolled in should we do something?” the lead soldier asked.

“Continue to observe, the fog is merely an illusion of nightmare to ensure the others don’t try and interfere.”



Part 3

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After we finished off the golem's the angels rejoined us and the undead returned to their posts near the castle.

“How long do you think it will take for the fog to disappear Orgran?” Talion asked.

“It will dissipate once Rainbow returns to the others, as Nightmare will need to gather her power for the final confrontation.”

“What if she doesn't return to them?” I asked.

“Then this world would be doomed, this is a test of loyalty for Rainbow Dash, Nightmare is currently using illusions of ace flyers known as ‘shadowbolts’ to convince her to abandon her friends, but she’ll refuse them and fix the bridge, earning her place as the Element of Loyalty.”orgran said

“So really bad?” I queried.

“Yes if she does not it would be very bad,” Talion confirmed.

Thankfully I had nothing to worry about because ten minutes Rainbow Dash fixed the bridge and flew back to her friends.

“They should reach the castle in a few minutes,” Talion said as we watched them walked over the bridge.

“Come let us catch up with then we may assist them if need be,” I said.

“This is the one time it’s an honor to be a meat shield for the main hero!” Orgran said

We continued to follow them till we reached the castle once they were inside we landed.”Well, I guess it is time.” Talion said as he drew his sword and Thanatos grabbed his scythes and Hecales claws extended.

As we rushed in, we saw the Mane Six ready to unleash the power of the Elements, yet Nightmare Moon was also ready with her own attack.

“You may have figured out the elements but you shall never get the chance to use them,” Nightmare Moon said firing her beam attack but I threw up a Holy Shield in front of them which barely was scratched by the blast.

Talion launched a ball of conceded red magic at Nightmare blowing her away and into another room.” we need to get them out of the way for now so they can have a clear shot when the time comes.” Talion said.

“Agreed but we are on her turf now where can we hide them?” I asked

“We can’t hide or even move them, the elements are active right now, all we can do is ensure that Nightmare doesn’t kill one of them as they ready the blast,” Orgran answered before punching away one of Nightmare’s spectral swords.

“You seem to forget darkness is my domain,” Talion said and the room began to darken and the girls along with the elements vanished then the room brightened. “I hid them away they are safe for now.”

“How… can you be so STUPID?! The Elements require line of sight! Why do you think they’re used directly in front of the target?!”

“They are still there they are invisible I just told them to keep quiet till we can restrain her,” Talion said.

“Oh, smart move I guess if it wasn’t for the elements working by themselves without any input from the Ponies in the first place other than their bond.”

I tap my bracelets and my sword and shield come out. “Come at me Bitch,” I said

“Oh don't worry, I'm not going to kill you I am going to enslave you just like I did with those angels!” Nightmare shouted as she flew towards me.

As our weapons clashed my sword catches fire and I send a jet of flame at her catching her mane and tail when she dodged, burning half of them off.

“You think you can stop me? a puny angel that doesn't even deserve her wings or power, angels are the symbol of purity and strength and you have shown none of-”


The room was silent as we both turned to see Orgran behind Nightmare, holding a dented frying pan, and sporting a sheepish grin. “Bitch you talkin’ smack about an angel’s purity when you go name yourself after the moon and yo ass ain’t even fat!” he says, though oddly his tone reminded me of a sassy dark furred minotaur woman I met in the past for some reason.

“My ass is bigger than that flat ass.” Nightmare Moon retorted, pointing at Eva.

“Oh no, you di’int! That’s it! Rainbow, you’ll remember this! Crunched Taco 2: The Sequel!” he cries out before swinging his foot out.

And unfortunately for those in the room, we actually heard a very loud *CRUNCH* as the strike connected and everyone in the room visibly winces.

Nightmare Moon fell to her knees as she tried to stay conscious through the unbearable pain but she looked up at us and her eyes were pitch black and she said.”You might have beaten me but you will never save Equestria.” She said and a force of magic started pushing us away as she collapsed and thousands of screams and sadistic laughter could be heard as a darkness started to seep out of her rapidly leaking out of the castle and into the forest and once it was over Nightmare laid on the ground almost lifeless and the main six reappeared. The elements purify Nightmare Moon turning her back into Luna.

POV change Talion

‘I guess I was not much of help’ I thought then I felt a massive surge of power outside the castle and I flew up to a nearby window and I looked at the forest and saw the darkness that seeped from Nightmare spreading through the forest and forming figures the darkness full materialized into thousands of corrupted husks that Nightmare has possessed over it long life they were cockatrice, manticores, ponies griffins almost every single living creature except dragons and hydra’s I reached deep down and brought my full power out and I was enveloped in a red aura as thick as blood and black mist started swirling around my arms then started to swirl all around me then it left me my and was now growing above my head and I flew through the window leaving everyone confused and the ball of black mist continued to grow above me and I threw it in the part of the forest separating Ponville from the massive army of corrupted husks and the mist spread the forest making every single undead that didn’t use Skyrim magic.

I created spearmen, archers swordsmen, death knights, undead manticores, Centaurerker, undead knights, executioners, and zombies that had rotting flesh from several races like ponies caribou, and miniatures after that I summoned 15-foot keepers to protect the elements and I saw hundreds of figures starting to fly in the air ponies, griffins, and angel filled the air and among them was one seraphine like Eva he had a gold chest plate and a hood over his head and he had 6 whits wings and he had two swords strapped to his sides.

“Fly my shadow demons but leave the Seraphine to me,” I said and my shadow demons started flying out of my shadow letting out an ear-piercing screech.”Anna.” I said and a snake tattoo started moving towards my hand and started materializing out of body turning in black snake with a red belly.

“It’s been a while I excepted bacon when this is over.” She said then looked at our opponents.

“Try to only disable them only kill if you have to they can still be saved,” I told her and she sprung from my hand and suddenly grew in size turning into a massive hundred-foot snake and now that I was away from Eva I could release my full power and I brought all of my power to the surface and my aura started going wild as I unleash my full power.

Suddenly I see a huge Holy Light go off around the seraphim causing all of the flyers but the Seraphim to be cleansed and freed. All but the angels fall to the ground lifeless and with the ones in the air taken care of the shadow, demons turned their attention to the ones on the ground. Eva comes barreling out of the castle brimming with rage.

“Eva you should stay away from me with me at my full power it could harm the twins,” I told her and she flew straight at the angels who flew to her and saluted, she said something I couldn't hear and the angels saluted and flew down into the battle to start purifying the enemy and healing my army the undead now were trying to restrain as many as they could so the angels could purify them and I started flying towards the Seraphim and the shadow demons blocked Eva's path to the Seraphim and at first she looked furious but then saw me and my aura going wild then held her stomach and flew away.

“.....” The seraphim said nothing but drew his swords and prepared to fight.

He suddenly lung at me with one sword I blocked it but then lifted his other sword over his head and tried to cut my head off but I summoned my bound sword and threw it off its path then I head-butted him causing him to flinch and pushed him away.

“HOLY LIGHT” he shouted and I cast a shield to protect myself and after the light washed over the shield and ended he then held what looked like a spear made of fire and he launched at me.

I managed to dodge in time but the spear tore through my shield and I made a spear made from hell flames and he made another flaming spear and we threw them at the same time and they meet in the middle and they collide they turn into a ball of flames that continued to grow bigger then exploded and from the smoke the Seraphim flew towards me at supersonic speed by unsealing some of my speed that I have kept suppressed matched his speed.

“APOPHA-TIST-ENT come to me Sapling Ent heed my call,” He said and on the ground, a tree started growing but then formed arms and the bottom half of his trunk turned into legs and his vines grabbed me and flung me towards the ground.

After landing on the ground the husks attacked me from all sides and I used a shockwave spell to send them flying but the vines from the ent were still attached to me so I used my hell flame on them and it traveled back to the ent setting it on fire until it burned to a crisp.

The seraphim attacked me from behind as he slashed at my back but it healed soon after but it stung and burned even after it healed I roundhouse kicked him in the head sending him flying through some trees and boulders, three of his wings were broken, two on the left and one on the right but he still kept going. I grabbed my sword, unsealed more of my speed and from the perspective of someone else it was almost like I teleported in front of the Seraphim and punched him in the chest sending him flying again and his chest plate flew off and he collided with a fallen tree and its wood stabbed into him and exited out of his chest and finally he died and then I lowered my power then relaxed and I sheathed my sword.

“Well, that was epic,” said Orgran as he walked over to me.

“Eva’s holy light had no effect on him it could not be helped,” I said.

“Is it safe for me now?” Eva asked

“Yes, my power won't harm them now,” I told her.

Seemingly relieved Eva walked out with a slightly noticeable belly. “Uh, are they supposed to grow this fast?” She asked

“Is it possible they absorbed magic from the battle and if so we should get you to a hospital so I can cast the spell?” I asked

“I’m scared for my babies now!!!!” she said nervously and I placed a hand on her stomach and cast a sonar spell, they had absorbed some magic but nothing harmful and they were still perfectly healthy.

“They are perfectly healthy and they have absorbed some magic but nothing harmful,” I told her.

“To be honest them being demigods is more of a guarantee now, the tales of those in the past had stated that the great heroes of old could turn the power of their enemies against them… plus, I think you’ll be glad to hear this Eva, said heroes always fought for those they loved, and in turn, the love they were given worked to make them invincible!” Orgran said.

“But they might have absorbed magic from the corrupted and from me as well Eva was getting pretty close before my shadow demons stopped her,” I said.

“Well for Mylinians, magic is magic, it’s how it’s used that has it be considered dark or light, partially because the Arcanite in our systems tends to eat purposed magic when we absorb it to turn it into raw mana.”

“Then they are going to be really strong because one drop of my magic at full power is equal to a massive amount of normal magic but I don't know the exact amount though,” I explained.

“But should they be this big already?” Eva asked.

“Let’s just get you to the hospital so I can cast the spell then we check on them properly,” I told her.

“OK, SOLDIERS TEN HUT!!” Eva called and all of the angels landed and formed ranks. “COMMANDERS FRONT AND CENTEEEEEER!! I need your strongest soldiers to carry Orgran back and the rest of you are to split up half of you will bury and clear out the rest of the enemy and the other half will fly to Canterlot and find Princess Celestia. NOW GO!!!”

As the angels carried Orgran off, all we heard was the loud monotone, “Weeeeeeee.” The Dwarf was uttering as he flew off.

My shadow demons returned to my shadow and one of them dragged the corpse of the Seraphim into my shadow.

“What about his armor and swords are they salvageable?”

“I did not really damage the chest piece and his swords should be around here… oh there they are.” I said as I saw them and picked them up and I also picked up the chest piece. “Do you want them?” I asked her.

Eva eagerly nodded and went to retrieve the cuirass along with the two swords that turned out to be short swords due to her larger stature.

“And what shall we do with my undead and golems?” I asked.

“Can you transfer command of them?” Eva asked

“Yes but the keepers I created will only listen to me anything Skyrim related only I can command,” I told her.

“Well, I will take command of anything you can give me and whatever you can't can you dispel them?” Eva said

“Never tried I always stockpiled undead so I could have enough to fight demons but I can try,” I said and I focused on the keepers and they disappeared and I gave orders to my undead and golems to now accept orders from Eva.

“The keepers are gone and now you can command the undead and the golems,” I told her.

“Thank you now I have the ability to fight undead, and creatures of darkness instead of purifying them.” Eva said with a big hug that pressed her breasts against me.

“Your welcome I guess.” I said blushing.

“Well, we should get back” Eva said with a blush after noticing what she just did then took off towards Ponyville Hospital.

When we got inside we found Orgran sitting in the waiting area, completely silent with a bug-eyed expression.

“Whats with that look?” I asked.

“Talion… you know how I said I’d contact the Five God Kings for you…?”

“Yes,” I answered.

“Don’t need to anymore…” he said, pointing to the door next to him.

We walked in to see five people standing in the room with us. They were all adorned in different attire save for the five matching crowns on their heads, the Dwarf of the group walked up to us cheerfully and gave a wave. “Oh hey there, multiversal adventurers, so nice to meet you, personally I’m glad to meet the Seraphim who’s gonna be helping revive my race!”

The elf merely rolled his eyes. “Of course you’d be excited about your race’s return being the first one.”

“Oh piss off, Elnir, your elves were a bunch of pretentious asshats anyway! So, pleased to meet ya, we’re the Five God-Kings of Mylinia, I’m Dranlun, over there is Elnir, the undead Olthok, the Dragonkin Rintae… and Eric… what is it with humans and having such boring names?”

“Fuck you!”

“That’s the spirit!”

“I am Talion god of darkness and death in my Equestria,” I said.

“You the god of shitty titles too? At least we put effort into our god titles, ‘darkness and death’? Why not something like ‘God of the Shaded Crypts’ or something like that? Just because your job is straightforward doesn’t mean you can’t be a bit creative with how you introduce yourself! Plus it makes for killer intimidation.”

“Well when you are fighting a goddess of destruction that is trying to destroy the world with her demons and when you are a father and husband to 11 wonderful women you and I basically rule three races you don't really have time to come up with good names,” I said.

“Actually making up a flashy title is one of the best things to do when facing other gods,” Elnir spoke up. “Gods reside on a similar power scale, so it’s rather difficult to gauge how powerful they are, having a creative and excessive title can add onto the confusion as well, from what I can tell, with her straightforward title it was easy to understand her ability types and intent, focused on destroying and making creatures to destroy. However, take my title ‘The Will of Life’, it’s rather easy to assume that means I can control any living thing, however my abilities actually only reach to wildlife and plants, however I can control those aspects whether living or dead, so it throws my enemy off when they try to hide within a ruined forest or a castle which holds any form of wood.”

“Well first she did not intentionally create the demons and I don’t have time to make fancy titles I need every second to increase my power and my army if she escapes Tartarus,” I said.

“No, but she does intend to destroy your world… though I guess a good start to increase your power is to build a church in your name, as a god, worship is a very effective supply of power, and is normally the factor that tilts any divine conflict in one’s favor. A god must never rely on his aspect alone to gain strength as that can easily be taken away as the world changes, but faith and worship is much more resilient and can ensure a win. On another note, making a successful religion can garner a large mass of followers who believe in your word and cause, such willing to fight for you, while in your case you wouldn’t want them as frontline soldiers, raising a convent of acolytes to assist in raising a much larger army of undead than you could do alone would be very advantageous.” Olthok explained.

“First necromancy and darker magic corrupt anyone that uses them in my world except me so acolytes are out of the question and there are…” Before I could finish a nurse entered the room and her eyes wandered around the room but then they stopped on a window and she screamed and ran out.

“Uh what was up with her?” Eva asked then she looks out the same window the nurse looked out of then she fell to the ground in shock. “G-G-G-G-GIANT SNAKE!!!”

“Oh yeah almost forgot about her,” I said.

“Riiiight…” Eric said. “And Olthok never said they’d be necromancers, they’d be more like extensions of you, bound to you so they gain a fraction of your power yet also your immunity through their faithful devotion.”

“Before we continue let me introduce my friend here,” I said as I opened the window and Anna shrunk down just enough to where she could slither through the window she was still giant but she could now fit in the room. ”This is Anna before I was interrupted I was going to explain that I have people who worship me but I have not checked up on them yet but I meet them in my pocket dimension when I first found out how to make them I went to mine the first time I just left and I brought everyone with me including discord and he was unable to use his magic in my world and after we walked into a town we found it was filled with nothing but bones and death even the sun was no longer in the sky but when we were about to leave I heard screams that is when I found them.” I said and I waited to see if they had any questions before I continue but no one said anything.

“They were only a few but they were being chased by demons and undead alike, I summoned an army that was going to hold them off so they could run for the portal but somehow I felt stronger and my undead matched them even the enemy's undead joined me in the fight and after a giant serpent made of pure magic emerged from the ground and I absorbed it that snake was Anna but first I was so full of magic that it nearly destroyed me and I unleashed everything I had at once and my undead took me out of the pocket dimension after that the survivors told me there were more and we went back in the next day and brought them out after that I meet Faust and became a god,” I said finishing my story.

“You gained so much power because of all the death and dark magic there, even when you weren’t a god, your affinity for it empowered you in that world.” Elnir stated.

“Yes and no,” Anna said. “He may have not been a god then but the entire world was made from his magic so when he was fighting it felt itself threatened and gave him and his undead power to protect itself and that magic turned into me and the people there knew of him and worshiped him as if he was a god.” She explained.

Elnir gave a nod. “Either way, if you do have followers, you do gain worship from them, those that devote themselves to you should be given the offer to become acolytes, not necromancers but extensions of your power, not powered by corrupting darkness but by faith, with which they’d be blessed with your undead and dark powers along with the protection you have, they’d be able to summon larger armies, and if they came together, could make much more powerful constructs like Grave Golems or even Eidolons! Such a force would be integral to facing the goddess of destruction, as having such titans on your side would put you on even, if not greater footing than her own demon forces. And to top it off, having such worship close by would put you at a great advantage over Circe in a one-on-one.”

“What are Grave Golems and Eidolons?” I asked.

Olthok decided to answer this. “Grave Golems are earth golems born of undead magic, formed from the graves, tombstones and even tombs themselves within cemeteries, these are both heavy frontline warriors as well as carriers of several undead soldiers that could leap out from their graves or act as archers from them to support the hulking creature. An Eidolon is in a sense, the revenant’s big brother, it is a massive collection of skeletons all brought together by a single purpose, on their own that would be for revenge, but for a strong enough undead controller it would be for service, the bones all join together to make a much larger construct until you have a mountain of skeletal fury, cloaked in darkness like a titanic grim reaper, and even a formed bone scythe to fill out the package… as long as they have enough power given to them, this colossus can’t be destroyed, it would just continue to reform over and over until its mission is complete.”

“Momma wants,” Eva said

“I believe I could do the grave golems easily the other one might be more difficult,” I said

“Like I said, having multiple focal points, like the acolytes that wouldn’t be corrupted, would allow at least one Eidolon… though in that case, one Eidolon would really be all you need.” Olthok stated.

“Didn’t I hear about a Revenge-oriented Eidolon violently rip apart a tyrannical dragon lord while singing?” Dranlun asked, to which the other four nodded.

“Isn't Eidolon also another name for a type of angel?” asked the original commander.

“I believe they were four winged angels.” I said but I walked to the window and magic a ball of condensed undead magic and dropped it and it sunk into the ground and the ground began to crack open as a stone fist punched through it and it pulled itself out of the ground it’s body was covered in tombstones and on it front a statue of a knight it did not have the coffins that he described so maybe it is a different kind of grave golem.” Olthok do you know why this one is different?” I asked.

“You didn’t have actual corpses already inside when it formed, so the magic could not create the warriors within the necrotic earth.”

“Well let’s see what he can do let me summon a few undead to fight it so we can see how it fights do you agree,” I said.

“What about our babies?” Eva asked them while looking at Orgran.

“Oh don’t worry about them,” Eric said. “Your young will emerge happy and healthy, even if a little earlier than usual, they’re just excited to see mommy with their own eyes.”

“You can hear them too?!” Eva asked surprised and since I did not get an answer I summoned a few but I waited for them to finish before making them fight.

“We’re their gods, it’d be rude not to hear every soul under our protection… also yes Talion, you can have it fight, though expect it to be more of a tanky brute rather than a thinking fighter.”

“Well, we won't know until we watch.” I snapped my finger and the undead I made charged the golem, a spearman tried to go for the statue but the statue’s hands grabbed the sword and cut the tip off the spear and the golem threw a punch at them, the spearmen gathered and formed a small shield wall and they almost went flying when the punch hit the shield, then its other fist glowed green and it punched the ground and the ground shook again and several undead warriors appeared from the ground they had ram horns and shields that looked like they were made from skulls and rib cages, they held small scythes as well. They charged the other undead and they were quickly dealt with by their new opponents.”Well it seems my grave golems have different powers than the ones you know.” I said.

“But there are some constants, the Grave Golem still grew more effective when it brought out undead support.”

“Well perhaps they would made better commanders or bodyguards, as well as front liners but now it is time for me to cast the spell,” I said aloud.

“Yes, let us bring out the children so we can give our direct blessing,” Rintae said.

I stepped in front of Eva and I had the spell ready. “Are you ready?” I asked.

“As ready as one can be to be giving birth,” Eva said.

I placed my hand on her stomach and she suddenly glowed brightly nearly blinding everyone in the room and when it dimmed she was ready to give birth at any time now.

We waited for about five minutes before *SPLASH* her water broke.

Orgran was the first to react, rushing over to Eva’s side as she began the first stages.

“OOOOOOOOOOOH” Eva moaned loudly.

“This reminded me of something but it can wait till this is over,” I said

“Somebody get the doctor, please!!!!” Eva lamented I got the doctor and brought him in and he got to work and we were told to get out only the mother and father could be allowed in so the other gods and I were in the waiting area.

{six hours later}

POV Change Eva

After being in labor for just over six hours I had a boy elf and a girl dwarf but both had wings Father arrived shortly after I gave birth.

“Welcome to the world Juntos,” Father said.

The two cheered happily and reached out to me and Father.

“It seems even though they are newborns they can understand the Ancient Tongue,” both me and Father said.

“Nah, they just want to play with Grampa’s horns.” Orgran said. “What does Juntos mean anyway?”

“It roughly translates to grandchild or grandchildren,” I said still thinking they understood at some level.

“So how did they come out?” Talion asked as he and the other gods entered the room.

“Well by the looks of their energy absorption, they’re developing rather quickly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they went through any growth spurts or started speaking.”

I turned to the Five God Kings and asked, “What did you all mean by giving your direct blessings?”

“Essentially we are going to give a piece of our essence to them so that they’re guarded by our divine energy.”

“Liathróidí!” the Dwarven child blurted out before giggling.

“What did she just say?” I said surprised she knew that kind of language.

“I don’t know why, but I feel that it was a swear?” Orgran said cautiously.

“It means balls in Celtic a forbidden language,” I said.

“I… am so proud!” Orgran yelled, causing both of them to cry.

“Well if they are giving them gifts I guess I should as well,” Talion said as he went into thought.

“Actually dear since you’re a Winged one it is not forbidden,” Father said.

“I got it how about a pet,” Talion said.

With a careful and cautious voice, I asked “What kind of pet?”

“Well it would only make them sad if a pet were to age and die so how about a skeleton dog that can repair itself and it won't age so it can be with them forever” Talion said.

“Sounds like a good one, though I think you should make two undead so they can both have a familiar.”

“Ok and I can give them a few abilities like howling to summon skeleton wolves to protect them.’” He said.

The two babies cheered and clapped for Talion, until we heard a pair of grumbles, causing them to whimper and reach for me.

“What's wrong babies are you hungry?” I said.

“Well they were just born, I think they would need feeding,” Orgran suggested.

“Well, I guess it’s time for lunch for them,” I said as I pull aside my dress and place them at my breasts to breastfeed.

Orgran just had this wholesome smile on his face as he watched… “you know, I don’t remember having any elves in my family… it’s like that incident where the Cakes, two Earth Ponies, ended up with a pegasus and a unicorn.”

“Well for all we know I have elven blood running through my veins somewhere,” I said.

“Fair enough.”

“Well in Mylinia Angels were a demihuman race that had Elven roots, maybe the Arcanite picked up on that?” Elnir suggested.

“What Arcanite?”

“You bred with a Dwarf, obviously with all the Arcanite in his blood, a fair amount of it would have entered you through his sperm, plus all that raw magic in your system might’ve caused mana to crystallize and become more Arcanite in the presence of the existing samples.”

“Ok, I'm finished.” Talion said and presenting two skeleton dogs the first one looked more like a wolf and the second one looked more like a dog.”I have given them both the ability to create skeleton wolves to protect the children by howling.” Talion said

“Thank you ‘Godfather’ Talion, they will be perfect additions to the family,” I said.

“Your welcome.” He said.

Right after he said that the twins stopped feeding and started to fuss. “What's wrong now little ones?” I said unsure about what was wrong.

“I think they need to be burped,” Talion suggested

I put them down and facepalm at not seeing it then I handed our daughter to Orgran to burp as I picked up our son. “There there baby it's alright everything will be fine,” I said as proceeded to burp him, and Orgran did the same for our daughter.

“Now comes the hard part,” I said.


“What is that,” Talion asked.

“Naming them,” I said.

“Well this rambunctious little Dwarf’s gonna be Pentil, I can see it in her eyes, cute little Pentil the Berserker!”

“And how about Legolas for the boy” Talion said

“That is a perfect name for him, Legolas, Legolas the archer,” I said

“go n-áirítear ach mar cheann amháin!” Pentil yells out suddenly.


“What did she say?” Orgran asks.

“Roughly translates to ‘that still only counts as one’ that makes no sense,” I said.

Orgran however, was doubled over laughing, Pentil back in my arms as he finds it too hard to stand in his laughing fit. “Oh god, it’s so funny it hurts!!”

“What's so funny?” I queried.

“That’s a f***ing lord of the rings reference!!”

“I think we should move on before Pentil starts making jokes in English,” Dranlun suggested.

“I would have to agree,” I said.

The five kings gather round and focus on their right hands, forming crystals in each, then mirroring the same with their left hand. With a small gesture, the crystals from the right hand turned to mist and flowed into Pentil, and the crystals on the left turned into ethereal leaves and flowed into Legolas, the two babies glowed for a little bit before the aura faded, causing their wings to change into forms that matched their element, said element also forming little crown like halos above their heads.

“That was interesting,” Talion said

“So now that that's taken care of let's get back to the matter at hand what the f*** is lord of the rungs and how did Pentil know about it?” I queried

“Is it possible she learned from absorbing some of my magic and she saw a few of my memories?” Talion asked.

“Maybe but what is lord of the rungs.” I queried

“Well what you’re talking about is possibly a fantasy movie involving the most powerful magic ladder, but what we’re talking about is an epic fantasy movie involving a dark lord, Talion here is actually from the Lord Of The Rings universe, his actions ensuring Sauron’s downfall even after he fell to corruption.”

“so what kind of corruption was it?” I asked afraid he might snap.

“The corruption of the ring when they were first made they were given to each race’s rulers three to the elves, seven to the dwarves, and nine to mortal men doomed to die when the nine kings got the ring they were corrupted and became ringwraiths the servants of sauron.” Talion explained.

“Where do you fit into this?” I queried

To be continued....

Part 4

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“He needed help to create the ring so he went to Celebrimbor a master elf craftsmen and a lord he help unknowing of his true plans and when he was done Sauron tried to use his ring to brainwash him but he resisted and took his ring. After a long battle he was defeated and he reclaimed his ring and brought war on to middle earth and a last alliance of man and elves stood against him they defeated him and when they tried to destroy the ring a human king by the name of Isildur took it for himself then that is when he too became a wraith creating the nine nazgul and a group of his loyal followers attacked the black gates were I was stationed along with my wife and son they were all killed including me but something kept him from dying Celebrimbor bound his soul to me so we could take our revenge on Sauron and after many battles and becoming allies with a certain elf they both betrayed me and left me to die but they had killed Isildur and I took his ring and put it on and was slowly corrupted but I held on for decades before falling to the ring.” Talion said.

“Wow, holy $@%# that is some deep s***,” I said.

“Yes it is.” Talion confirmed.

“Hey wait a minute, I thought only I could pull off pronouncing the asterisk!” Orgran said.

“Hey ya Orgry the author wanted you to know you can shove it and to stop breaking the walls of his apartment!” pinkie pops up and said then just disappears leaving a note.

“Oh I know where to shove it alright.” The Dwarf grumbles angrily, picking up the note before reading it aloud. “Dear Everybody, please come to sugarcube corner first chance you get.”

“Does that mean what I think it means?” I asked.

“PAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!” Pentil yells in a strangely deep baritone.

“...okay, now I’m really proud, our daughter’s got some lungs!” Orgran cheered.

“You all get going to sugarcube corners and have fun I’ll see you when you get back,” I said.

“I think this is a baby party, honey,” Orgran said.

“What makes you think that?” I asked

“We just get a letter from Pinkie after a visibly pregnant woman headed to the hospital, that plus pinkie sense means it’s a party for the new twins,” Orgran stated.

“Plus she kind of called it,” I said.

“Exactly, and the twins here would hate to not have you there with them.”

“But I can't walk,” I said.

“Then I shall be your walking bits!” he declared as he picked up the bed I was on.

“Just get me a wheelchair dear.” I pleaded.

“YOU ARE A SERAPHIM! And even more so my girlfriend, you should not lower yourself to a mere wheelchair, you will be carried on a bed like a divine beautiful goddess and like it!”

“Awe dada loves mama!” said a sweet voice that came from Legolas.

“Aw his first words,” I said.

“Ha! Lego talk kiddy!” Pentil laughed, then huffed and pouted as she also had trouble with sentences.

“We should hurry or we will be late and we all know how pinkie is,” Talion said.

“She can’t start without the two guests of honor,” I said as we got outside my Minor Tree Sprite showed up and kneeled then I heard in my head, ‘mistress why did you leave me?’

“I didn't mean to, there was much going on.” I said and I started telling him he events that have transpired.

I understand now mistress and I volunteer to be their guardians’ it said in my head.

“Alright! No more mind speaking let’s get on with the foot movement!” Orgran said quickly before rushing out with me, still on the bed.

“Here I have an idea I will just make another skeleton and she can ride on it.” Talion said and he snapped his fingers and a skeleton cheetah appeared.

“I NEED NO HELP! GET THAT SKELEKITTY-WAIT!!” Orgran proceeds to mount the cheetah while still carrying me on the bed. “Onward steed! The cat that can outrun death!”

“Oh nothing can outrun me Orgran.” Talion said.

“Aww, Talion’s adorable, thinking that being the god of death means he’s the grim reaper of his world.” Orgran said, patting him on the head like a dog. then Talion vanished and reappeared on the other side of him and hit him in the back of the head. “Ow! Anyways, you’re the god of it, not the physical manifestation of it, at best you would be able to call on the reaper as one of your servants.”

“I have never called him I thought I was him,” Talion said.

“Oh nah, because the manifestation of death is never the god of death, more a servant… plus if you were, you would bear the Reaper’s scythe, yet you don’t.”

“I guess you're right but let’s get to the party.” Talion said and Anna turned back into a tattoo and went back on his arm

“Right… now where was I?” Orgran asked.

“Onward skelekitty?” I said.

“Right! Run off with unholy speed that should be impossible for a creature with no muscles! AWAAAAAAY!!” And as soon as he said that the cheetah booked it down the street and Talion was the only one able to keep up with the cheetah and the dogs were barely half as fast.

Orgran decides to go ahead and use earthbending shenanigans to carry the dogs along on stone slabs.

After we arrived at the party the gods arrived shortly after us.

“What took you guys?” Orgran asked.

“Took the scenic route.” the five kings intoned simultaneously.

And a whole planet of pans died.

“Let’s just get inside.” Talion said.

“K!” Orgran said as I carried the bed into Sugarcube Corner.

“I also added a little addition to the cheetah.” Talion stated.

“What does it do tricks?” I asked

“No it is linked to me so I can see through his eyes and control him at will so if you need any advice when I am gone or you need help you can talk to me through the cheetah and it has the same power as the dogs but when I am in control I can use all of my powers through him.” Talion said.

“Thank you Talion that will be a big help,” I told him. “Now LETS PARRRRTEEEEEEH” I yelled.

“YAY!” Pentil cheered and claps happily, now having a little dress for some reason while Orgran whistles nonchalantly holding a box of sewing supplies.

“Orgran are you responsible for this?” I asked pointing at the dress with a smile.

“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe?” Orgran answered. “I also may be responsible for the adorable tunic on Legolas.”

“Well thank you I wouldn't want them to not be presentable for their first party now would I?” I said.

“Yeah, didn’t help that they were in no clothing this whole time.”

“True,” I said.

As we entered, the expected “SURPRISE!” rung out through the building, followed by a scream.

Next thing we knew, there was a mountain in the center of the bakery.

“...I can fix that.” Orgran said sheepishly as Pentil giggled at what she did.

“Oh, Pentil not even a day old and already making mountains I'm so proud,” I said.

“Well let’s not just stand around let’s get this started.” Talion said.

“Hey that's my line!” Pinkie Pie said

“Well you were to slow to say it.” Talion said back.

“Touche!” Pinkie said.

RANDOM SONG TIME!” Orgran said as he somehow invoked music to emerge.

“Here let me fix your legs real quick” Talion said as he cast a spell on my legs “Ah there’s the problem there was little blood flow in them making them numb they should be good now.” He said and I got up off the cheetah and my legs were fine.

Orgran then pulls me onto the dance floor to dance with him.

Pentil and Legolas were playing with the dogs while the cheetah and tree sprite watched over them Talion was sitting in a chair with Hecale sitting sideways on his lap and resting her head on his chest but was also accidentally showing off her assets making the mares around her jealous and the stallions envious of Talion then Pinkie appear beside him and appeared to be holding a humongous container that was about three times her size and she opened it and pulled out a piece of bacon and Talion held out his hand and Anna lunged out and took it then grew in size and slithered into the massive container then several crunching and rustling sounds then it settled but quiet crunching could be heard from inside the container and when I looked back at Talion he looked a little down.

“what's wrong Talion?” I asked.

“Let's go outside to talk about this.” He said

“ok?” I said and led him outside.

“Well it's just that everything that has gone on it my world is worrying me greatly everytime we have been able to push back the demons but with their recent victory and the loss of the hippogriff city to the demons the survivors and the queen and princess now look to me for protection and my forces as of late have proven not very effective against the that is when I had an idea.” He said

“What's your idea?” I asked.

“trying to mix my undead magic with my dark magic I thought if they could be combined into a soldier it could turn the tides in our favor I tried to do it several times when we were waiting for you to give birth and every time it either collapsed from the two different magic or just vanished they just can't mix every single one of my creations is one or the other they can not mix.” He explained.

It was at that point that Orgran had noticed we were gone and came out. “Hey Tal, I heard the Kings suggested something about Acolytes, but you don’t trust people with your power, seems you both are missing the most obvious way to upgrade your army.”

“And it appears you did not hear everything my powers can not mix let me show you.” Talion said as two ball of magic appeared in each hand in his left was a dark ball of energy while the other was green. “These are dark and undead magic let me show you when they mix.” He said as he began to close the distance between them and sparks of magic started sparking between them it was obusies they were trying to push each other away and when they touched the green ball let out what sounded like the screams of tortured souls and the black one let out screams that sounded like a banshee.

Orgran then stepped forward then smacked the two orbs into orbit with a magic-boosted backhand. “Could you at least listen to my suggestion before you assume I’m gonna say something completely different?”

“And you should let me talk for a moment the reason I am still here is because I am the god of these two elements what would happen if somepony got both of them in their bodies?” Talion asked.

“Again, you’re doing it again, I’m here to tell you that their idea is a stupid one, they keep forgetting that dark gods with official cults and churches create fanatics even when the gods themselves are okay guys. You don’t need Acolytes, you need Icons, high-tier constructs of both Undead Magic, and constructs of Dark Magic. You’d have no need for Necromancers and Shadowmancers if you could use your skills to raise Liches and Dark Generals.”

“I have liches that work 24/7 at making undead and Phantom is my dark general he is made of my dark magic, I have something for you.” Talion said.

“What you have at your base are Cryptkeeper's at best, I’m talking battle-ready war-liches that can direct and combine their magic to turn your undead warriors into giant necrotic constructs directly on the battlefield, and when I mean ‘Dark General’ I refer to a kind of Shade Demon that can turn the shadows of its enemies into loyal warrior duplicates.”

“I do have undead mages at my disposal but I have only used them once let me show you.” Talion said as from the ground an undead emerged. “That’s weird he looks different than before.”

“That’s a war-lich! If you can make more of them, they can act as commanders, relaying orders to a much larger horde, and changing entire battalions into giant war-monsters on a whim to suit the battle at hand, it would give you more freedom to deal with the major threats while they handle the minor ones. A good ruler, and god, knows a command structure is a much better alternative than trying to multitask and direct every soldier, and having more leader types that can summon even more soldiers for the battle, even if the undead are weaker than the demons, you’d win by sheer insane numbers.”

“Changing the undead after they are created is out of the question, every single one of the has armor that is highly resistant to every magic even mine.” Talion explained.

“It’s not predominantly magic, remember what Olthok said about Eidolons? A mass of undead forming together from a single intent, in that case the Lich in charge of them assumes full authority and commands them to have that single intent, forming on their own using the necrotic magic already in their bodies.”

“So they are basically a mass of skeletons formed together and I also said I have something for you?” Talion asked.

“Yep, requires either an overriding will or a lot of extreme teamwork, so what’s the thing anyway, trade my gift for yours?”

“The blueprints for stone, steel, mithril, and gem golems when you learn the basics you will be able to create different kinds if you want and they can create their own metal by absorbing rocks like steel can make steel and so on you might be able to make a arcanite golem if you want,” Talion explained as he pulled a book out of his robes.

“That implies I have any usable Arcanite left.”

“if you give a golem a little it is possible for them to make it even though it will be rare for them to make any different ore or metal they are not made of and I also added a few blueprint of moving armor you can make they make good soldiers or guards.” Talion said.

“Well I guess if I use a gem golem I might be able to get around that issue, since Arcanite is considered a gem in itself, and using a golem with similar enough properties should give me a higher chance… now for your gift.” Orgran said, pulling out a chained metal box that shook and rattled, trying to fly out of his grip towards Talion.

“What is that and should I be worried?” Talion asked.

“The opposite, this is your new weapon, and I decided to do the ‘soul-bond’ part of it early.”

“When did you do that?” He asked Orgran.

“Well, remember how you said Undead and Dark Magic can’t fuse? I kinda found a loophole and harvested all the magic you’ve been ambiently letting off, then forged it into the Mithril. Turns out your power was really fucking strong so the bonding made it partly sentient and it is very angry about being out of your possession technically against your consent. Don’t worry, it won’t be talking or anything but it will be very useful in situations where you can’t get it in your hands… could you tell it to calm down so I can show you it?”

“Your lucky you soul bonded it to me or you would likely be dead well anyway.” Talion said and he put his hand in the box and it settled. “There should be calm for now.”

“The soul bond is what made it smart in the first place.” he opens the case to reveal a shining mithril revolver that shimmered in the light, meticulously carved with depictions of various predatory animals, with Talion’s face on the side of the handle. “I gift to you, ‘Final Predator’.”

“It looks amazing did you base off the xvr 460 magnum?” Talion asked.

“Well the outer shell yes, but the inner workings make it anything but.” he takes out the pistol and shows Talion from all the angles. “The chambers are filled crystals made from a mix of Dreamfruit juice and Fireruby essence, with the soul link that means if given enough of your magic, upon the strike of the hammer-which I am proud to say is the first ever Mithril-Refined Arcanite alloy-your very will is unleashed from the crystal ‘bullet’, and anything you desire will emerge out of the barrel. I’m not shitting you here, you could literally shoot out an Ursa Major going as fast as an actual bullet out of this.”

“that sounds interesting” Talion said.

“The reason it is possible at all is Dreamfruit, it is not an actual physical plant, but collections of raw dream energy that exist within the Dreamscape, as I said to Eva, Luna taught me the aspects of Dreamwalking, and knowing that objects in the Dreamscape can be pulled into the real world, I essentially pulled objects made out of raw, undirected imagination into reality. I call them Dreamfruit because when in reality they alter their shape to mimic fruit, and can be eaten to taste like any kind of fruit the consumer imagines.”

“And can I change the bullets to something else if I want?” he asked.

“You can’t physically swap out the crystal forms in the chamber, unfortunately, but you can still use your will to fire any kind of ammo with no need to reload, and I’ve set it so it can also use magic in the air if you don’t want to use up your mana for smaller shots.”

“Well I guess my original idea is out the window when Alucard told me it was a gun i had a few ideas for bullets.” Talion said and reached into his robes and pulled out a bullet that glowed green.

“Hmm… gimme a sec.” he turned his back to us and started to pour magic into the weapon, then handed back to Talion with the chamber open. “You can now have Final Predator absorb bullets into the chamber to give it charges for that kind of ammo, added the little aesthetic too that when you use up a bullet charge an ethereal shell flies out of the chamber.”

“And the bullet remains so it can be used again?” Talion asked.

“Yes, but it can’t take multiple charges from the same bullet, you’ll have to wait until you’ve expended that bullet’s charge before you can use it again, though you can get one charge from each individual bullet.”

“Good because I had plans for this bullet, this one is packed full of undead magic so when I fire it I could trigger it to turn them undead whenever I want, but this one is made to create a Eidolon, it will stay inside a dead body until enough dead bodies are around to create one, then it will gather them and attack the enemy.” Talion explained.

“Hmm… with that, the Eidolon would only be able to do one task before it dissolved, but in turn it would never stop until said task is completely… I think if you whispered to the bullet to ‘kill Circe’ you’d just have this unstoppable Eidolon charging to the Goddess of Destruction, it wouldn’t be able to get the job done, but imagine how distracted you’re going to be with a giant, undying reaper-esque skeleton monster constantly running over to stab you and you couldn’t destroy it because it’d just reform and keep trying.”

“I think you did not pay close enough attention to when it was explained it can reassemble itself but if a part is destroyed entirely that is that and it can be captured if done correctly so yes it can be useful but it is not invincible and we do not know all the powers of Circe.” Talion said.

“Talion, we’re talking about an Eidolon fueled by your undead magic, the same kind of undead magic that seems to keep creating corpses out of nowhere?” Orgran said, trying to get wheels to turn.

“And how do we know she just won’t go beerus on it and just destroy it like that like I said we have little intel on her powers.” Talion said again.

“Well an Eidolon is a collection of multiple bodies with a single goal, it’s not considered a singular
entity, it does have the limits of not having any actual magic-based attacks aside from the scythe being covered in necromantic power so it can’t kill a god… but! It’s not meant to kill in this case, even Beerus had to focus on the one body to completely annihilate it, Circe would need to have enough patience to do that with a horde’s worth of skeletons, and by the time she gets to the second one the Eidolon will have replaced the first. Let me finish before you say anything, the big planet destroying abilities still leave debris, and an Eidolon can reform from that, I’m not saying it’s an assassin, it’s a distraction, a delay or a disadvantage during the final battle, it’s just going to keep stabbing her even if it does nothing to her… and in fact even in the final fight you could have it help by suggesting it uses its weight to hold her still so you can kill her. After all an Eidolon doesn’t really care how its task is fulfilled so long as it’s done as quick as possible.”

¨I suppose we will see what they can do in time remember my powers are different then there's my Eidolon might be different just like my grave golem.” Talion said.

“Actually from what I’ve seen in mythology back on Earth, aside from size or shape differences, an Eidolon still bears the same traits, the only time it hasn’t is when you refer to the Warframe Lore involving Sentient Eidolons.”

“let’s get back to the party maybe the Grand master has called the faceless horned god he worships.” Talion suggested.


Orgran decided to head to the voice, and when we arrived after, we heard Orgran yell. “Oh hey FHG! Did ya like my beer?!” to see a 16 foot tall Faceless Minotaur staring down at Bronze Courage.

“Me oh Great One. Grand Master Bronze Courage I come with a petition.”


“That would me or well half of it I brought his soul back to this side but I must explain all that has happened before you pass judgment on anyone,” Talion said as he started explaining the situation from when he first came here then up to now.


“All but one of them the Seraphim that led them he was too powerful for her to cleanse so I had to deal with him.” Talion said said as he was thrown out of his shadow.


“Hate to burst your bubble but I am not Shinigami I am the god of darkness and death and I will not stand to be insulted.” Talion said and his shadow started to engulf the town.

Then Orgran smacks him on the back of the head. “Ease up edgelord, you realize the dude has no eyes, right? Anyways, your Facelessness, yes that is true, but it helps that Eva was pregnant with Twin Mylinian Demigods who knew how to empower their mother using their soul energy, plus Sartorius had probably lost the fight with the corruption due to possibly how hard he fought against Nightmare while uncorrupted for the sake of his brethren, all that was left was most likely an empty husk. Also you can thank me for helping to bring back Bronze Courage using my skills, oh! Should I take you to see my gods?”


“Good! They’re all directly behind you!” He said cheerfully and the Seraphim was once again engulfed by Talions shadow and Talion rejoined Hecale and he still looked pissed like very pissed.

The Faceless Horned God turned around and upon seeing them frowns then said “OH IT’S YOU FOUR, RINTAE, GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN.”

“Joyful greetings.” The Dragonkin bows. “Did the judge of our last exhibition regain his sanity long enough to claim a winner?”


“Hm, unfortunate, perhaps next time when we call for an unbiased judge, we do not pick a Breezie?”


The lizardman simply shrugged. “I honestly thought he was made of stronger stuff, at least it was better than the last judge, seriously what made you think the Smooze was a good observer? He seemed more interested in your golden pauldrons than the actual fight.”


“That was not my idea, I lost a bet with Dranlun, could-could we please forget that? It’s bad enough we let that thing around mares during it’s mating season.”


Meanwhile Dranlun was giggling madly.

“Hmmph, Mischievious imp.” Elnir says snidely, and the Dwarven king responds with a quick heel-shot to the Elven Acorns. “*squeaking* that… was cheap…” *thud*

YOU CHEEKY DICK-WAFFLE!!!!” The Faceless Horned God said cheerfully.

“Father is that who I think it is?” I queried pointing at the FHG.

“Yes Eva it is, it's the Faceless Horned God your creator.” Father said.

“Well more like her summoner since it’s like that at FHG’s request, Betsuni pulled her from earth to be this mighty champion or some other bullcrap which is far better than meeting the merchant, buy shit then *fart noise* welcome to Equestria! Hmm… I think I could do better… nah, better not risk sharting myself.”

“Well hello gentleman,” Said something beside the gods, revealed to be Anna right now she was about 20 feet long and had bacon grease all over her.

“Looks like somebody had a good time.” Orgran flatly commented.

“I got my bacon so i'm happy.” Anna said.


“Well I could change my size if you want.” She said and changed to 12 feet long.


“Why thank you by the way my name is Anna.” She said holding out the end of her tail almost like a hand shake which the FHG took and shook.


“So you are the one that the Grand master said that could help Talion.” She looks over to Talion” Why is he mad?” She asked.

“He’s being bitchy about being called a japanese god of death.” Orgran answered.

“It is obvious he is not a Shinigami and I would know I am technically part of him.”She said.


“I guess you could put it like that but how I was born from his pocket dimension, I was born from pure magic, you see what happened is Talion made the pocket dimension from his own magic before he became a god when he first passed through he found the town that was filled with nothing but death the second time he brought his friends and discord and good timing two he managed to save a group of people that survived demons, monsters and undead that were trying to destroy all life on the planet if you want I can take you there and show you the battle.” She said as she touched the floor with the tip of her tail and a door rose from the ground.

“Hm… can I go on an undead smecking spree?” Orgran asked.

“Well there are no more of Talion’s undead in the pocket dimension so I don't see why not? how about you and the gods?” Anna said and looking to me and the other gods.

“We’re in.” the five kings stated, Olthok strangely being the most enthusiastic.

“These undead we heard of are cruel and ruthless, having no care for the balance of life and death! If their souls are so envious of the living, then they shall not live either!” The Undead King Declared.

By the time he finished however, Orgran had already charged through the door.

“I can't leave the babies, ” I said.


“Didn't Talion yell you the time difference between dimension this one 60 times slower than this dimension.” Anna said.

Suddenly Orgran rushed back into our world again, adorned in an entire battlefield graveyard’s worth of bone gear, roaring into the sky with clear joy on his face. “That was so much FUN! There was like, this dark bleeding well that was just making endless hordes of undead monsters, I think it was made by some asshole necromancer that went mad? Not sure, but I made it so they can’t get out of that pit and so it’s just free reign to bash skulls in! It was awesome!”

“How long do you think you were gone?” Anna asked.

Orgran shrugged. “Dunno, couple of months in there I guess? Couple of minutes out here?”

“Well I guess you can't really tell time if there is no sun I guess.” anna said.

“Oh it does have a sun.” Orgran then pulled out a large spherical diamond, that looked grey as stone. “But I think it’s broken.”

“That is not a sun I have been around that around since it was created there has never been a sun I guess i will have to look at that.” Anna said as she snatched the diamond to get a good look at it.

“Really? Because its aura looks like Equestria’s sun, I guess the pocket dimension tried to make one but didn’t have the right pieces with all the death and darkness and no existence of light.”

“And where did you find that well?” She asked.

“Funnily enough, it was this sort of inverted temple built in the ground at the northern pole of the world, I didn’t get a good enough look because the weird upside down gravity made me a bit unnerved and I sensed that something was watching me in there, like something truly evil, so I just NOPED out of there.”

“Well let's get back to what we were doing before let me show you all the battle I already know what that is.” Anna said.

“So what is it?” I asked

“I guess you could call it the beginning of that dimension where dark and undead magic are strongest in the world but do you want do go or stay.“ Anna said

“I don't want to leave the babies alone and I also want know the story of the battle but I don't want to expose them to trans-dimensional travel just yet, ” i said confidently.

“That is fine I guess Orgran and the other gods can tell you when we return.” Anna said.


“That is fine too” She said.

“OH!” Orgran pulled out a blue gem… then slammed it into a slot on his chest. “Recording gem, a gift from Twilight.”

“Well now you can record it for eva to watch later.” Anna said and she, Orgran, and the other five gods went through the door and it slammed shut.

POV change Anna

The door shut behind us as we walked through or in my case slithered.”Over there is the door to Talions equestria but only he and I can open it.” I said as I pointed the tip of my tail to the door that was a few dozen feet away from the one we came through and we look around the land to see a wasteland where nothing can grow.

“Interesting… though we will thankfully have our own methods to arrive and assist you.” Rintae stated.

“Ok now let's move to the battle field.” I said with excitement.

We walked forward and spotted the town that Talion found when he first went through then moved onto the battlefield it was filled with the dead bodies of the demons and monsters that fought Talions army. “Here we are the sight of the battle field and the place I was born.” I said.

“So… how are you going to show us the battle? Are you gonna use time or memory shenanigans?” Orgran asked.

“it will appear very real but it will be a memory I am basically the history book of this world i know everything that ever was or is in this world.” I said with pride and I tapped the ground with the tip of my tail, dirt and sand started to swirl around us then it settled and all of the corpses were gone and we could hear screaming in the distance.

“Who are those screams?” Elnir asked?

“The Ponies that were running from the monsters.” I said then there were sounds of marching and the ponies came into view they were heavily wounded and there were few warriors among them but even they were wounded and weak. “That's them they were running from the demons before Talion found them” I said and far away you could see the monsters in the front were demons that walked on all fours and their front limbs were shields then there were skelton like monster made of wood a plant like monster that looked like it grew from a skeleton then figures wearing mask and wielded axes then there was their leader and the body guards and there were many skeletons but they wielded chipped weapons.

“Do you have any names for them?”

“No not really didn't have the time to do that” I told who ever talked.

“Not even the goat one?” The person said again, this time having me recognize it as Orgran.

“What goat one?” I asked in confusion.

“The giant goat-skulled one walking behind them all, he’s got a bunch of screaming ponies strapped on him like trophies.” The Dwarf then pointed to… thin air, with enough confidence in his words and stance to show that was what he genuinely saw.

“I don't see anything do any of you?” I asked the gods, who shook their heads.

“I’m not crazy! There is a giant goat-skulled undead giant right there! It’s got that same stupid grin like that painting of it back in the temple!”

This was getting out of hand “If there is someone there reveal yourself.” I said and the ground began to shake with my power returning, with me back on this world I am gaining more power.

Then the ground shook again, surprisingly causing me to stumble as words were spoken and yet not. “I do not hide, I merely care not for the demands of lessers, the Dwarf cheats by having seen my visage once before.

'Talion can you hear me?’ I said telepathically.

“Yes, what is wrong?” He asked.

'We are in a bit of trouble here we are facing someone we can not see except Orgran we need your help.’ I said.

Yes, come Talion, Gravewalker, ‘God’, come to know what you have wrought.” the voice again, somehow transmitting his own voice for Talion to hear.

I could feel Talions return to this world and he was not holding back his power and I could feel the distress of the world and was giving him power.

I think you’ve had ENOUGH!” A wave slammed into us, and while Talion seemed unhurt and not weakened, it was clear he was not getting stronger.

“I can see you.” Talion said in all three of his voices.

I would be disappointed if you couldn’t, you know who I am, what I am, don’t you? Even if you don’t realize it, some part of you knows the truth of me.

“You are my corruption.” Talion said, yet it was impossible, he was immune.

The creature chuckled as slowly shadows began to rise up on the ground in front of Talion. “Yes, you and your allies, and even your enemy has always been childishly naive about what kept you sane. ‘It’s merely immunity’ ‘he’s a god, the power bends to him’, corruption is much more than simple power-hunger or some primitive curse.” the more he spoke, the more a shape began to form within those shadows. “Corruption is a very real, physical, thinking thing, and you have been shoving it off to this plain for a long, long time instead of letting it take hold, and so without a host it used what it could to make a body itself, I awoke in your personal trash can of a reality and decided to put it to good use, but I never forgot. I am still a piece of you, one you deny yet it will always get stronger with you, always at your side and always at your level.

With a burst of energy, the figure finally emerged in all his glory, we could see him, him and the screaming trophies of pony souls as he cackled madly. “So now I say to you! Welcome home brother, how do you like my decorating?!

“...” Talion said nothing as he snapped his fingers and the souls vanished..

Predictable, no matter, in this land the souls will have only one place to go… a shame you had to turn my trophies into more soldiers… and after all those gifts I gave you, didn’t you like not having to look for all those corpses yourself?” it asked, causing Orgran and the kings to be shocked as one part of Talion’s powers was explained.

“They were made from pure magic.” Talion said.

Oh please, you’re smarter than that Talion, Necromancy is like Alchemy, there needs something there to work with, though I can’t say you’re completely wrong, all the creatures that roamed this dark land were born of your very power, I just did all the hard work in making sure they couldn’t roam anymore.

“You’re a monster they were innocent.” Talion said.

And you believe yourself to be the ‘good’ one in this encounter? I am born of corruption you refused to bear, I am what you should’ve been, and at least Equestria would have been better for it. A loving husband that you left vulnerable to be gripped by Paranoia and fear! I didn’t even need to do much because your cold dead words sealed his fate, yet another life ruined because you pushed me out of your body, only then you didn’t have your pesky pocket dimension to trap me in.

“If I had kept you Equestria would be a wasteland by now and everyone dead.” he said.

Petty excuses, I would’ve let the stallion die in the arms of the mare he loved so purely, not disgraced him and caught the princess on the rebound like she were a common whore!

“Shining brought his death on himself and cadence loves me he killed many and do you think he really loved cadence!” Talion yelled.

I do not think, I was there in his mind! The irony is I grew his paranoia by telling him that you would take Cadence away, funny how you made sure I was no liar… but let’s get on to a tastier subject… do you truly think Cadence loves you? A mare just so easily falling for a man whom killed the Stallion she had Loved first? I do not think a mare like the Princess of Love herself would be that easy to love again.

“Do not think you can trick me, I have seen how corruption whispers into one's mind and make them weak and desperate your words mean nothing.” Talion said as he drew his sword and stabbed the ground and it was now a battle for dominance over this dimension.

A fair deduction…” the Creature, Orgran suggested calling it ‘Noilat’, stabbed its bone claws into the ground to fight back. “If I desired to take over your body, but no, I find that end-goal to be pointless, I have my own body now, why would I waste my time and effort trying to take yours? To take your world? I have my own to do with as I please!

Talion used his speed and punch him in the face sending him flying.

Noilat crashed, yet immediately recovered, shrugging off the blow like it was nothing. “My words may sting, but with your head in the clouds and your other head taking over your thinking, I think it’d be family that should rein you in and have you consider the rational instead of emotional. I know for certain that Tempest doesn’t love you like you believe.

“Your words are nothing but lies.” Talion said.

Oh wake up, Brother, do you not remember what you did, the first thing you did once you had her in your custody? You branded her Talion, the mark isn’t there but it’s damn well obvious!

“Even with the brand you still have free will to choose and I never ordered her to love me.” Talion said.

But not your true will, think back to the game, the Uruks became unusually chummy, didn’t they? The moment you stuck your hand on their face and turned them they were completely alright with you, rather friendly even, despite having the raw urge to kill you moments ago. If they were still themselves they would at least be a bit more begrudging about serving you, but they’re alright with you. And now an assassin that cared only about pay is suddenly nice after a little mindrape and you think her love was not influenced?

Talion pulled out the gun “You know what this is right and what it can do shoot anything I want.” Talion said.

Alright then, God of Death and Darkness, go ahead and shoot me, shoot me and kill me so all my corruptive essence is free to rush back into the body it was supposed to be in all at once! I double-dare you Talion! Kill me and doom yourself!

“Oh trust me your corruption won't be going anywhere.” Talion said.

You really don’t get it, do you? I am all of your corruption, all the corruption you’ve pushed away, and all of the corruption that you keep producing, without me you will stumble and fall to it and you’ll be what you were trying to stop… or keep pushing it off, and then I’ll just reform and come back.” the creature loomed over… then sighed? “You can’t truly kill me, and I don’t want to kill you, you have your world, and this is mine. I am content, happy even, to stay in this place for eternity and not bother anyone who visits… but if you wish to see me as some evil bad guy you can simply kill with no consequence, I will not be silent.”

“You have tried to lie and trick me this entire conversation and I have a way to kill you without consequence want to hear it?“ Talion asked.

“Alright Brother, what is it?”

“What is corruptions opposite? It’s only true enemy is purity, what would happen if they meet? No answer they would tear each other apart if I fire purity at you with the same amount of corruption both would evaporate and after that I will destroy this pocket dimension.“ He said as he pointed the gun.

“You… you truly are stupid, you cannot see that I am literally a piece of you! I should just make it more obvious!” Suddenly the creature pulled on something, revealing a sort of ethereal chain connecting the two, with black inky spirits draining from Talion, going down the chain, straight to the Corruption. “THIS IS WHAT WE ARE! You and I are linked, I am what stops the corruption from tainting you, and you think when you kill me you’ll actually be immune? Grow up! This is not some childish story where you kill the monster and the hero lives happily ever after! If you even consider pulling that trigger, I will forget this arrangement, slide back down the chain and then I will MAKE YOU WATCH AS I JACK THE RIPPER ALL YOUR LOVERS! I’ve had it with your self-righteous bullshit!

Talion then points the gun to the chains and pulled back the hammer on the gun.

To be continued...

Part 5

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...And Orgran proceeds to punch the god in the face. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING IDIOT?! Don’t you know a soul-chain when you see one?! Could you at least consider that maybe he wasn’t speaking bullshit?”

“So you're saying my wives don’t love me too.” He said to Orgran with a glare as he shook his head and just left.

Orgran was having none of it and hit him in the back of the knee. “I’m not saying that but if you don’t shut up and listen to me, not that asshat, I’m gonna cut off your bedroom activities permanently, and I’ll curse it so you can’t grow it back!”

“Did you hear what he said he is the one that corrupted Shining, said my wives did not love and killed every living thing on this planet.“

“And so your solution was to get yourself corrupted so the new dark Talion could then walk through that door only you can open and then doom your Equestria to becoming a wasteland and possibly having your corrupt self join up with Circe for some unholy evil power couple? Talion, haven’t you figured out what he is yet? Fully what he is?”

“What is he then, a mass murderer the person who rid an entire planet of life causing genocide and almost extinction-oh wait he has done all those things and more,” Talion said.

“Talion… he’s you, or rather, born of everything negative about you, not just Corruption but things you refused to think about, your rage, your stress… your doubts, this being has not lied once because he speaks the doubts you had but refused to acknowledge, the possibility that Cadence might have lied in order to get closer and take revenge, the possibility that Tempest’s brand influenced her emotions. These are doubts that would be in anyone’s mind, but you had a way to forget those doubts and push them out of your head. You can’t beat this foe because he is as much a part of you as you are a part of him. I’ve seen this kind of trial before, the idea is not to fight him, but to take a page out of the Ponies’ book and accept him, work to turn him around, and if you can do that, not only can you work to put these doubts to rest, but you can also ensure your corruption will no longer be a problem, as you’ll have befriended it.”

I looked to see him clenching his fist as dark magic wrapped around it and his sword was soon wrapped in dark energy as well his magic was going unstable I lunged for his arm and merged with him trying my best to keep it stable. “Orgran if you don’t calm him down we are all dead if his magic goes wild here it will destroy this dimension,” I yelled.

Orgran seems to gain a hard look in his eye, which becomes a steeled expression. “Sorry Anna, but just calming him down isn’t enough, he needs to see the truth, if he can’t he’ll just repress all this and try to kill Noilat again.” He then walked up to in front of Talion. “You’ve been shoving every negative feeling into him since day one, every upwelling of anger, every burst of hatred, envy or distaste, the doubts of what is true or not, the fear of Circe, and he knows it all comes from you. Yet even from his own twisted perceptions, what does he do? He tries to help you, he fills your pocket dimension domain with darkness and death which in turn powered you, provided corpses to help empower your army. Yes, he went about all of this the wrong way, but for something spawned from pure negativity, that’s an achievement. Look, I’m not saying to forgive him from the get-go, that’s impossible, what I’m saying is to accept, not reject, this part of you to find balance within… and he’s actually willing to try, despite how he’s been acting, he has been sincere when calling you ‘brother’, so he does see you like actual family.”

I managed to get him stable but it was still difficult to control his magic “I can feel every one of their souls you know that right.?“ Talion asked.

“And you think he doesn’t? Talion, put yourself in his shoes, you woke up, having a bunch of anger and paranoia that was not your own but from somebody else, stuck in a dimension and forgotten about like garbage, then the one time you meet the person who you are linked with tries to kill you. To be honest, he’s been pretty tame considering the circumstances, anyone going through that would probably end up a raging beast.”

“And the souls he used to decorate himself,“ Talion said.

“As I said, he’s not been in the best mental state considering his introduction into the world, in all fairness he probably wasn’t even self-aware when he influenced Shining like that, and the souls he was covered weren’t really in pain… I think they were just freaking out for the most part… okay, why the fuck did you strap pony souls to yourself?”

When we turned back to Noilat, he was a lot smaller than before, and the air in the world smelt a lot less dead, and he kept muttering to himself. “I’m not nothing, I do exist, I’m seen, I’m heard…” This was repeating over and over.

“...Holy shit he was keeping them to remind himself he was a real thing, that’s just sad.”

I could feel Talion calm a bit.

“Yeah, okay, it’s obvious now that this isn’t some dark overlord, this is just some spirit that didn’t know how to handle all the rage and fears it was getting, this is like serious psychotic break shit.”

Talion was completely calm now and was taking deep breaths. “Anna why did you even bring them here?”’Talion asked.

“I just wanted to show them the battle you fought here,” I said.

“And then I ended up seeing Noilat in the past fight while no-one else could because I saw his painting in the temple.”

“Well, what do I do?” Talion asked.

“The simplest thing is to try and accept him, work to reform and redeem him, this problem happened because he was ignored and forgotten while being pumped with negative thoughts, helping him out might allow you to turn him good.”

Talion's expression softened and he relaxed he then looked to the ground and just stared into nothing until he said. “I forgive you.“

Noilat looks stunned at the statement… then takes a deep breath. “Thanks… sorry about losing it and killing the world you made… if it makes you feel any better I think I killed a bunch of pony nazis when I was doing that.”

Suddenly a mark appears on Talion’s arm opposite of my own… it was that of a goat skull.

“Wait, did closure with your dark self actually make him your summon?!” Orgran said shocked.

“It appears so but let’s go,“ Talion said and went back through the door.

As we get out, Orgran decides to speak first. “Well that was a stressful situation, now if you’ll excuse me…” his eyes then roll back into his head and he falls face first to the ground.

POV Change Eva

I quickly ran up to him and tried shaking him to make sure he was alive only to hear a loud *snore* come from him.
“He fine he is just stressed.” Talion said.

“Diggy diggy hole… digging a… zzzzzz…”

“Too bad we never got to see the battle,” Anna said.

“Well we got to see part of what was going on, and we still have that recording crystal.” Dranlun pointed out.

“But the battle never started it didn't record it,” she said.

“What all happened in there and why was he so stressed?” I asked.

“It's a long story,” Talion said as he walked by and i saw his arm had a mark on it one that was not there before.

“Cool ink where’d you get it?” I asked

“That as well is a long story I need to sit down can you guys tell her what happened?” He asked.

{Half an hour and one explanation later}

“And that about covers what happened.” Eric said

“If you will excuse me i need to return to Talion and show him the crystal Orgran gave me I have had a feeling about it and he might need to see it.” Anna said as she slithered away carrying the crystal she talked about.

It was dead silent for a good minute. “Well now what the fuck do we do?” The Dwarf King asked.

“Anyone want to play poker?” I asked.

POV change Talion

“Hey Talion you should see this.” Anna said as she handed me a crystal and it felt strange when I held it.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I don't know.” She said so for now it will be in my shadow and that reminded me that i still had that Seraphim in my shadow as well I should probably turn him into an undead so I went outside and he was spat out by my shadow.


“I was going to turn him into a sentient undead they keep the memories they had in life but have total allegiance to their master.” I explained.


“What do you mean?” I asked.


“You have no idea what Circe can do and with the time she has been given during my absence the gate has built enough power to let an army of demons large enough to topple a nation overnight, we have barely been able to stand against them I need every advantage I can get for the upcoming battles,” I said.


“Thank you now can I do what I came here to do you can watch if you want?“ I asked as I took the horn and placed it in my shadow.


My hand was wrapped in green magic. “normally I could release a mist that could do this but with him being an angel he might require more power to turn.” I explained as I touched him and the magic flowed out of my hand and spread though his entire body and he started to have spasms.”That’s not normal.“ I said and he continued to as his body continued to spasm and become contorted then his body became shrouded in magic and as it finished it dissipated revailing a black armored Seraphim with six black feathered wings wielding two swords that are strapped to his hip. “You will be my grave knight.” I said and he nodded then looked at FHG.


“I am sorry I failed you.“ Grave knight said.

“YOU FAILED NO ONE!!!!” The FHG said louder than normal.

“But I was corrupted by darkness and so was the legion you gave me to fight the same darkness.” He said.


He simply nodded and said. “what do I do now?“ He asked.


He then looked to me and drew one of his sword and kneeld with his sword stabbed in the ground. “Geallaim féin duit máistir.”(I pledge myself to you master) he said.

“Let‘s get back to the party and maybe he can teach Eva a few things.“ I said to them and we went inside.

The party had died down a bit and only a few people remained and I saw Eva and the other gods at a table playing poker and Eva was winning.

At this point Orgran was awake and had decided to make the pot ‘interesting’ by placing an exact duplicate of his hammer up for grabs.

“Well we saved the day and we had the party what happens now?” I asked Eva.

“Now we plan for our next rendezvous in Orgran’s world.” Eva said

“That would be interesting to say the least so I guess we should go soon shouldn't we,” I said.

“Yeah… I still got things to do back home… but I’m gonna make sure I can be here for our kids, and when I’m done I’m getting the merchant to link our worlds so we can settle down.” Orgran said firmly.

“And remember if you ever need help or advice talk to the cheetah to contact me and if you move that door somewhere safe I can come over from time to time.” I told her.

“Well you are their Godfather!!!!” Eva said putting down a royal flush.

“Well this is the end of the adventure for today but there will always be more ahead especially for me and what happen to your wings?” I asked.


“I guess that is good to know but now…” Before I could continue I heard the sound of Rainbow dash's voice.

“Hey we had a deal and I want to make sure you honor it!“ She yelled as she landed not far from me I almost forgot about our deal to clear Orgran’s name I made a few *Deals* to clear his name and one was with Rainbow dash so she does not just report him again.

“And what kind of deal was that?” Eva asked.

“A deal to clear Orgran‘s name

{Flash back}
Location the guard station

I walked into the guard station and looked at the wanted board Orgran had not been added yet so there was a chance for me to change their minds normal protocol would Rainbow would want to talk to the chief so he could issue a warrant for his arrest.

“I have something I have to tell the chief if he has the time.“ I said to the receptionist.

The receptionist looks up at me then back down and pressed a button then a few moments later a green light showed up.”Go on ahead just take a left at the offices and straightforward it will be there.” He said as I followed the direction he gave me and walked into a spacious office it was mostly empty with only one desk and a few boxes around the room the chief was a unicorn in golden armor like Celestia's guards.

He was holding a picture and stared at it sadly.”Hello.” I said and he nearly dropped it but he caught it and put it face up on the desk.”I would like to talk to you about a recent problem between Rainbow Dash and a dwarf.” I said and he pulled out a file.

“yes but I have not gotten it ready yet I have been busy lately.” He said and I looked at the picture to see him with a mare they look alike so maybe their siblings.

“Who is this,” I asked and he looked at the picture again and I could see tears forming in his eyes and they dropped on the picture.

“My sister she was murdered by one of our own that was paid by a criminal.” He said and I smiled for a moment then got serious and cast a soundproof spell on the room.

“What if I told you, you could have your sister back,” I said and nearly jumped up and hit his hands on the desk.

“How!?” he yelled and I took off my hood and scaring him with my appearance.

“I want to make a deal you forget about the crimes he has done up until now I will bring her back any crimes he commits after will not be apart of the deal so what do you think?” I asked with a grin and he went silent amd sat down only to look at the photo again.

“Deal.” He said

“So where is her body? I asked.

“In the morgue right now” he said.

We headed there and he had the file with him and we entered the where they kept her body.

“What now?” he asked.

“Just sit back and watch.” i told him and dark mist covered my hands and as it touch the mare she breathed deeply opening her eyes for a moment then passing out.

“Take her to a hospital where she can be checked thoroughly.” I told him.

He handed me the file and I burned it with black flames then I walked to find and talk to this universe's Rainbow Dash.

I found her napping on a cloud an I flew up to her.

“Hey.” I said she snapped awake almost falling off the cloud then she looked at me with confusion as to how I was flying without wings.”I need to talk to you about a certain Dwarf if you don’t mind?” I asked and she had an angry expression.

“That psycho? he should be in custody by now.” She said.

“Well about that,” I said.

“What.” She said back

“They won’t be doing anything against him anytime soon,” I told her.

“But he broke the law he deserves to be in jail!” She shouted.

“Well, I am also here to offer you a deal,” I said and I peached her interest.

“What is it?” She asked.

“I can grant you almost anything you want just say it and if it is within my power I will grant it,” I told her.

“Can you make it to where I can get a good hit on his face I know I am not strong enough to fight him?” She asked.

“Yes I can but it will have to for a bit first make something like that takes a bit of time,” I said I could easily make something that could hurt him but if things go south I will need him to help Fight Nightmare.

“Fine but if you are lying I will just report him again.” She told me and I nodded.
{End of flashback}

“And that is what happened.“ I said.

“...nothing below the belt and I want her to hear my counter-offer before she decides to clock me.”

“What is it?” Rainbow dash asked.

“I am an artist in my craft, whether it being to shape the earth or crafting weapons, while Hearth is certainly not like most of his kind, I picked up some ideas, and with Rintae’s help… alright, let me clarify, you’re a martial artist and an ace flyer, correct? I’m offering a way to make both of those things more awesome.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

“Dragonkin are basically a monk-like race, so dedicated to their craft that they refused to wield traditional weapons, instead they honed the skill of enchantment into the molten rock they had as they shaped it, creating gauntlets and boots that channeled their fire magic for massive martial power at melee or range, the same skills can easily be passed on into metal, I’m offering to make you a full Skytanium set of Dragonkin Martial Armor with wings as a bonus. With your unique pegasi magic, I think you’d find it cool for your karate to shoot prismatic fireballs or rush forward with rainbow blades, fun thing about it is since it’s all your magic, you can set it all to be non lethal no matter how dangerous looking they are.”

Rainbow thought about it for a few minutes. “Fine but if it does not do what you say your in trouble.” rainbow said to clarify.

“Ma’am, if I can’t get it to work I’d jump into the void itself out of shame, now if you want it to be a soul-bonded work I’m gonna need pieces of your essence, nothing weird, just a couple feathers or hairs.” Orgran said, and Rainbow pulled a few strands of her mane and gave them to him. “Alright, be back in a few, come see me if you wanna see the magic happen.”

With that, Orgran launched himself back to Ponyville’s blacksmith shop using a stone obelisk.

“Well i guess these will go to waste.” I said as I pulled out gauntlets from my robes.

Pentil gasps and snatches them out of my hands, cuddling them like a teddy bear.

Legolas started to pout and tear up at this.

Pentil noticed and looked a little guilty, giving the gauntlets to him even though it was clear she really wanted them too.

“I guess Pentil can have them and I can give Legolas something else.” I said and I decided to alter the gauntlets a bit and I touched and they dissolved and reassembled into smaller one that would grow with Pentil over time.

“What did you do to them?” Eva asked with curiosity.

“ I altered them a bit want to see what else they can do? “ I asked her as I took the gauntlets and they grew Eva took them and put the on and suddenly the gauntlets glowed and it covered her body after it stopped she was wearing female wraith armor.

“I feel so-so powerful!” Eva explained

“But… Lego sad! Lego have armor so he not sad no more!” Pentil whimpered.

“Don‘t worry I have something just for him.“ I said as mist gathered in my hand and formed a black ring and I put it on and dark mist surrounded me and made armor along with a sword and bow then I took it off and it shrunk in size to fit legolas it will also grow with him and I gave it to him and Eva gave the gauntlets back to Pentil.

POV change Rainbow Dash.

As my curiosity got the best of me, I had decided to see the Dwarf working on my armor.

As I headed in, I heard heavy clangs of metal on metal in a steady rhythm, the Dwarf humming a tune I had never heard before. Entering the forge I saw him, using that giant hammer to hit a gauntlet on the anvil, every strike charged with magic to force the hot metal to shape, then he began to sing in what I was hesitant to admit was a beautiful voice.

“Cold, the air and water flowing.
Hard, the land we call out home.
Push, to keep the dark from coming.
Feel the weight of what we owe.
This, the song of sons and daughters.
Hide, the heart of who we are.
Making peace to build a future.
Strong united working ‘til we-” he suddenly swapped out the two finished gauntlets for new metal.
“Fall, the air and water flowing.
Hard, the land we call our home.
Push, to keep the dark from coming.
Feel the weight of what we owe.
This, the song of sons and daughters.
Hide, the heart of who we are.
Making peace to build a future.
Strong united working ‘til we fall!” he swapped the finished boots for new metal.
“And we all lift!
And we’re all adrift together! Together!
Through the cold mist!
‘Til we’re lifeless together! Together!”

With his final hums he takes the batch of red hot armor pieces and gently lowers them into the water, steam hissing as the metal cooled.

“You know just staring silently from just outside the room is a bit rude, unless you’re in silent awe, in which case please continue.”

“What were you chanting?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s not really a chant, it’s a work song, one of many I’ve learned to remember, it’s said singing a song with a steady rhythm helps when you need to hammer at a steady pace.”

“That is interesting so when will it be done?” I asked.

Suddenly I found the Dwarf pressing a button on his stomach and lowering his goggles, the armor peeling away and shifting to reform into a white lab coat. “Well now I need to saturate the armor with magic to ensure it’s working.” he then, like something I’d expect in a sci-fi movie, pulls out a ray-gun and starts shooting at the armor, cackling madly.

“So is that it.” I said as he finished shooting.

“NO!” he declared, now back in his normal attire. “There is one important thing we need to do, to truly make it complete, and I want to entrust you with this last part.”

“What do I have to do?” I asked.

He held out the completed looking armor pieces to me, the hairs forged into the metal adding prismatic patterns that were flush with the shape, and the feathers adding an almost scale-like pattern, the gauntlets and boots were articulated at all the right joints, and the wing parts seemed to cover only the main limbs while long wires stretched down in a pattern, longer than my feathers. “I want you to name it.”

“I will call it Rainbow Melee” I said.

The armor glowed, and he handed the pieces to me. “Try it on.”

I put them on, and the wings react, a prismatic energy field emerged between the wires, acting to direct the field around my feathers. “That is part of the enchantment I like to call the ‘Absolute Defense’, the armor itself will react to any threats and protect you from them even if you aren’t aware of them yourself, like so.” he winds up a kick I didn’t notice until the last moment, yet my body moved on its own, dodging out of the way then kicking him in the nuts. “GAH!! I would like to point out, in order to ensure it doesn’t do things you wouldn’t be comfortable with, the armor’s consciousness is an imprint of your own mind.”

“That’s weird to say the least.” I said.

“It’s better than leaving it on random chance and risk your armor becoming a pervert.”

“So this is it what else can it do?” I asked.

“That’s what it does on its own, essentially the armor is directly tapping into your natural magic, while it’s not as effective as a unicorn horn, you’re able to direct the energy into weapons or projectiles, your mind choosing how they form. If you want a ranged attack, simply imagine you’re punching out a fireball, or throwing your fist into the distance, as you make the action… try it on that scrap armor over there.”

“Well I guess you held up your end of the deal and I will uphold mine.” I said.

“Thanks… it’s not just punching though, kicks and even slashing with your wing will have the same effect, also imagining weapons will cause them to form BUT! I have a warning for you.”

“What?” I asked.

“This armor is based purely around intent, whether in rational thought or not, you will need to learn an extreme amount of mental discipline to safely use these for non-lethal combat, because no matter if you truly want to or not, if in your anger your thoughts turn to killing your target, your attacks and weapons will be lethal and will risk actually killing them.”

“Ok.” I said and we left the blacksmith.

“Oh, also the moment I noticed you watching me I’ve been casting a spell called ‘Teacher’s Pride’.”

“What’s that?” I asked him.

“Well instead of telling you, why don’t you tell me what the difference between Raw Arcanite and Refined Arcanite is?”

“I don’t know.” I said.

“Why don’t you guess?” he grinned.

“Raw Arcanite makes magic and refined directs it.” I guessed.

“Exactly! I bet you’re wondering how you knew that, right?”

“How?” I asked.

“Well happy Graduation day Miss Dash, you now officially know everything about forging and metals at the level of a Dwarf.”

“That’s AWESOME!” I said nearly screaming.

“Yep! You’re now able to handle maintaining your armor set, and it’s official!” he had the biggest smile on his face as he yelled out in public. “RAINBOW IS A FORGE NNNNEEEEEEERRRD!!” before disappearing into the dirt.

POV change Orgran

I popped like a fucking daisy in front of Talion and he had something in his hands in his left a small bag and he has something else in his right. “Hey Tallywacker! What’s shaking?”

“Nothing just with my undead not as infinite as I thought I came up with new soldiers these.?” He said as he show me the bag and it was filled with black marbles but they radiated dark magic.

“I thought the Blood Pit became a replacement for raw corpses when your dimension realized how much of a finite resource, so it’s just propagating a massive culture of living cells to constantly kill and form new undead, the dark sacrificial method of doing so also calling upon all those dark demon creatures.” I said.

“But there are no living cells for it to replicate since there is no longer life in that dimension I was thinking of a plan to restore life there as well but have not worked out all the details.” he said.

“Would this be a bad time to mention that the ‘blood’ pit is a magically fed primordial well filled with nothing but a collective mass of constantly reproducing biomass?” the goat skull on his arm informed. “I mean, this was a good idea, having new avenues of army growth should someone figure out how to cut you off from that dimension or destroy it, but you’re not going to run out of reserve troops on it.”

“But you forgot one thing.” Talion said to the goat skull.

“What’s that?” The goat skull said.

“Magic in my world and in that dimension originates from the soul so magic in the pool will soon run out, but if I restore life the magic of the new living souls will have just a bit of there magic drained every now and then and fuel the pool, and new sentient life will come back, in time. At first it will mostly be animals but in time hopefully sentient life will return.” Talion explained and then he pulled out the bullet he showed me earlier and he pumped as much undead magic as he could into it.

“Fair… wait did you just imply I don’t have a soul when we mutually share one?” The goat skull said.

“I am not saying you don’t have one but we can not fuel it if we are not in that dimension so it will soon run out of magic and then my undead will soon be destroyed by Circe’s demons, so there must be life in my dimension or we are all doomed.” He said.

“Brother I am in the dimension, this is just a link to me for summoning.”

“CAN WE MOVE ON?!” Orgran yelled. “Now, where did you get the idea for demon gems?”

“From the diamond or crystal you gave Anna it looks like it used to produce magic but it was fully drained and with its energy drained it could not make more so I crystallized my dark magic and programed them with bodies and abilities.” He said.

“Talion, like I told Anna, that’s not a diamond, that’s the failed attempt of your dark magic trying to make its own version of a sun which died… say, if it’s a dead sun of darkness, would you be able to make it undead?”

“Maybe but the larger the crystal the more powerful it is that is why I made small ones first so they can be mass produced but we will need to be out of town to test it.” Talion suggested.

“Whatever, if it was probably still working it would have no solid matter anyway… wait why do you have that undeadifier bullet, isn’t your plan to bring life to the planet?”

“If I use the power of the gun to alter the power to life magic it will bring life and with it being my magic it will work and I will try to amplify the magic of the bullet as much as I can when it fires which will be ten times it current power but unlike my two magic we don't know if these two will mix but death can not exist without life so it might be possible for them to mix.” He explained.

I was silent for a time, then shook my head as I spoke. “I’m sorry, I’m just finding it hard to imagine any scenario where a GOD OF DEATH’S MAGIC was responsible for giving life and not undeath.”

“But the gun will change the nature of my magic I have seen it done before with Celestia’s magic and her magic is divine just like mine.” Talion said.

“It’s not allowed to Alter charges, if you’re doing this, why not just fire the gun and tell it you want it to shoot life? Hell, you could probably have it shoots bullets that upgrade soldiers or fully resurrect people regardless of afterlife rules, it is a gun loaded with pure imagination.”

“But it would be the guns magic not mine that does it so it might have some effect but not much it has to be my magic to does it or nothing will happen and Anna can help me alter it she is good with magic manipulation.” Talion said.

“Talion it draws your magic into the gun directly through the dream gems to fire, the gun itself has a minimal amount of magic that allows it to move and think and fire, but not enough to create to bullets.”

“Well we can try that follow me we will go to my dimension.” He said after we entered his dimension we looked for a good spot to do it “Here should be good but I should warn you beforehand.” Talion said. “As soon as I fire start running.” he said which confused me.

“You make it sound like we’ll be in an all mares convention during Estrus.”

“When I do this one of three things could happen first the undead and life magic tear each other apart destroying this world second it would be like a factory reset that restoring everything before Noilat destroyed everything and three trees could start sprouting up from the ground and life will slowly return Noilat will be safe as long as he stays in the temple.” Talion said.

“Can we get a better name for me?” The skull said on my arm.

“How about Baphomet?” Talion said.

“That works.” Baphomet said.

Talion pointed the gun and the ground and looked at me and I was prepared to run and he look back to his gun and pulled the trigger and I started running and before I knew it Talion was carrying me under his arm and and where talion shot the ground a pillar of light emerged from the ground and started spreading fast and was catching up fast then before I knew it we were through the door and my beard and hair were going through whiplash right now and the door closed.”It looks like the second one happened and it reset but at what point.” Talion said.

“What the FLYING FUCK IS GOING IN HERE?” Eva asked angrily.

“Let’s just say we just reset an entire dimension.” Talion said.

“Yep! Turned it off and on again! Wait… does that make your dimension a computer?” I asked.

“I don't fucking know but at least we got out of there in time.” Talion said

“You do know the twins are sleeping right?” Eva said

“And where are they?” Talion asked.

“Unky Tali get hit!!”Legolas said right before Pentil smacked him upside the head while wearing the armor from on top of Pix.

“Well hello Pentil sorry I woke you up.” Talion said as he took her off Pix’s head and set her in his lap not affected by the hit.

“It k uncle Tatas, you teach me new funny word!” Pentil said cheerfully.

“What is that?” Talion said.

“Fuck!” She declared in response.

Eva walks up to Pentil picks her up gives her to Orgran then shouts ‘HOLY SPEAR’ and throws it at Talion and he holds up a finger and it was wrapped in black flames and block the spear and the spear started to disappear as it burned away.

“Sorry about that we didn’t know and we nearly died in there, when we went in there I was trying to restore life in there and as soon as I shot the bullet I told him to run and we did and the world just reset as we rushed out the door.” Talion said.

“Pentil, Legolas, cover each others ears please mommy needs to have a grown up conversation with your uncle Talion real quick,” Eva said..

Pentil went a bit further and got Legolas to make some big cotton plants, then stuffed the resulting buds in,Itheir ears.

“What the FLYING FUCK were you thinking bringing Orgran with you there you both could have been ERASED FROM EXISTENCE!!!!” Eva said lividly.

“I originally wanted to go alone but Orgran got involved in it and he came along that's on him I am the that got us both out of there.” Talion said calmly.

“I could’ve run out myself asshole, I’m a Dwarf, not a fucking stubby-footed Leprechaun.”

“Well you are magically delicious.” Eva said.

“Well I certainly am to you since you kept ‘eating’ me last night.”

“Let’s not talk about this here.” Talion said as he peeped through the door.


Final part of crossover

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POV Orgran

“Hey, honey?” Eva said.

“Yes, sugar lips?” I promptly slapped my overtaken face. “NO! Bad Alucard! No making me look bad in front of Eva!”

“Ok for one I kind of like it and two I just remembered I don't have a place to live,” Eva said.

“I mention some time yesterday I would buy you a house,” Talion said.

“Oh yea but do we even know if your money is good here?” Eva asked.

“Well with a door here and in my world I could bring over gems and precious metals and sell them,” Talion said.

“I checked our wallets, the bits we have are compatible for all three worlds,” I said.

“Ok, that’s good.” Talion snapped his fingers and a very large bag appeared and it hit the floor with a loud thud. “That should be enough and then some,” Talion said he opened the door and it revealed a forest and he grabbed the small bag that had the marbles off his waist and he walked through.

“Huh… neat.” Orgran said.

“It looks safe right now,” Talion said.


“OOH! Let’s go explore!” Orgran said eagerly before walking through the door.

After I gave the skeletal animals and the tree sprite the order to watch the twins I stepped through the door before it closed.

“Wow,” Talion said as a screen popped up in front of him.

“What is that?” I asked.

“It appears to be some kind of command setting like controlling the time dilation of this dimension” and he tapped something and it grew twice in size. “Well, this is useful,” Talion said.

“What did you just do?” I queried.

“It looks like I pulled up a map but everything is different though the town that used to be there is gone now and is nothing but forest but there is a city not far from here in the opposite direction,” Talion said

“I vote we head to the city,” I said

“Yes, that would be a good idea,” Talion said and as we walked in the right direction Talion found a way to make the screen appear and disappear at will and when we say the city we were ambushed and there were ponies, minotaurs, zebras, and other species among them.

“Who are you state your business.” One of the Pony soldiers said and Talion had a few of the marbles in his hands.

“Visitors,” Orgran said pulling out a mug. “Free beer?” But they did not lower their weapons.

I tried to intimidate or get them to back down by flaring my wings but it had the opposite effect as it caused them to tense and take a more aggressive posture.

They charged and Talion said. “Leave them to me.”He said as she threw the marbles and magic start rush out of them and take forms there were two types the swordsman and the one that wielded a great sword that glowed with red magic and a smaller sword at their side and some of the swordsman swords turned into spears and their shields into tower shields but the rest stayed the same and the ones with great swords swung make a slash of red energy leave their blades and towards the guards it it hit the ground causing an explosion and they stopped.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the cloud of dust cleared and it showed all of the soldiers still alive but on the ground groaning from the shockwave.

“What is going on here.” A voice said revealing a female zebra priest and her robes were black and red and she had a staff that had a symbol on it and that gave Talion a look of surprise.

“Ooh, fancy! What kind of staff is it? Magic?” Orgran asked.

“This is the staff of a high priest of our god.” She said agitated as she approached..

“Really? Hey Talion, God of Death and Darkness, did you know about this cool symbol that fits your style perfectly?” he bluntly stated.

The zebra prist looked at Talion then the staff and she pointed it at him and walked slowly towards him and it glowed bright red as it got close and all of the soldiers dropped their weapons and kneeled and the zebra got on one knee.

“Uh what's going on why are they kneeling?” I whispered to Talion.

“Because I am their god you all may rise.” Talion said and they all stood up.

“Wow, you take getting attacked well… though I don’t think I’m one to talk, Dranlun encourages it, Olthok’s too nice to even pretend to hit, Rintae doesn’t care and would just kick the guy’s ass, Elnir is a pretty scary guy when provoked and Eric… well a lot of people forget his power is over water and that ‘bloodbending’ is a thing.”

After that was all cleared up we got an actually good look at the scenery, there were healthy, fully grown trees and there were the dead ones and there were a few made entirely out of bones when we reached the city their were undead living together with the living and as we walked by their was a skeleton merchant selling meats. ”Get your meats here!” He shouted and as we walked their was glowing everywhere every symbol that was like the priests was glowing as Talion passed.

“Hey! Do any of these shops sell beer or other alcoholic beverages!? Preferably fruity and flavourful!” he called out to the crowd.

“There is a bar near the church you can go their after we get our god in the church we can cause a giant panic like the end of the world or something else.” The priest said and we continued to walked through the city and into a church. “The bar is that way.” She said pointing at a building.

By the time we looked to where Orgran stood, there was instead a comical smoke cloud in his shape instead, off in the distance we heard the distinct scream of “BEEEER!!” As he rushed to the building after we walked into the church she had a smile on her face.

“Well here we are.” She said as she closed the door it looked like a normal church but instead of a cross it was Talion’s symbol.

“What does that symbol mean exactly?” I asked.

“It means several things really to some it means darkness and others death but sometimes resurrection you saw the skeletons outside walking among the living and selling their merchandise right.” The priestess asked.

“Yes, what about them,” I said

“They used to be alive but now they are undead they can choose to go to the afterlife whenever they want and most of them used to be guards, priests, or people that helped others it is seen as a reward from our god for our actions in life.” She explained.

“Ooookayyyy?” I said.

“Let me get us a few drinks to lighten the mood a bit.”She said as she walked out of the room.

“This is not what I expected for this world to be like but I’m not complaining.” Talion said.

“It's kind of what I expected!!!” I said.

Suddenly the door swung open and a griffon rushed in. “Priestess there is trouble!”

“What is going on.” Talion asked.

“There is- there was… it’s some kind of- it-it’s a creature and... it’s made of...” He continued to ramble.

Suddenly his attempts of trying to explain the circumstances were cut off by music, then the main doors burst open to reveal a massive construct made up of beer barrels, flexing dramatically as the wood and metal rings shimmered in a light as if it were heavily oiled.

“What is that.” Talion asked in confusion.

I exist to quench the thirst of the masses.” it spoke in a booming voice before blasting us without warning, causing us to hold various alcoholic beverages that seemed to fit our preferences.

“I have returned.” The priestess said as she walked back through a door holding a bottle of wine, then she sees the construct in the doorway and nearly drops it.

“Oh sweet, wine!” Orgran says as he casually walks in, grabs a glass for himself and drinks some. “Ooh, excellent vintage!” he then proceeded to give the glass to the ‘beer golem’, which then absorbs it.

I am honoured to add to your list of beverages, master.” It boomed, proceeding to flex again.

“Hey that is one of the few bottles of Death berry wine that we have you can’t just take some!” The priestess yelled.

“Oh! Sorry, Beerus, please compensate the mare.”

Dispensing product at request!” it declared before a bunch of casks and bottles of that very wine landed next to the zebra.

She tasted it and she shrugged her shoulders and said nothing but she mumbled something.

“Hey, don’t worry, that’s still your technique there, I haven’t figured out how to get him to make his own stuff yet, that wine is only good because you made it that good, and I should know, I’m a Brewmaster, one of the highest honors for a Dwarf!”

I put on my new vambraces, walked up to Orgran and socked him one and said “that's for making a twelve foot golem without, mind you, mine or Talion’s permission.”


The priestess grabbed two glasses and gave one to me and Talion and pours us some, the wine was almost completely clear but it had a sweet aroma.

“It is made from a very rare berry only found in a few places the death berries they are completely white and almost see through they give off a sweet aroma that attracts many creatures and makes them dangerous to be around for too long.” She said.

“Huh, a berry that causes fights and makes wine… could we rename them to Dwarf Berries? They sound very similar.” he joked.

“No.” she said flatly.

“Relax, I’m kidding, what is a serious matter is that Eva shouldn’t be drinking.”

I pouted but put down my glass anyway and said “why the hell not?”

“You’re breast-feeding Legolas, an elf like that would be at risk from the alcohol in your system, Demigod or not.”

“Well I guess I’ll have some then,” Talion said as he drank some. “This tastes amazing” He said.

“Hmm… don’t worry Eva, I think I have a solution, Priestess? Could you come here with your water affinity?” Orgran asked

“Sorry but what?” She asked.

“In my world, every creature has an elemental affinity, while you may not originate from there, it seems in some ways the concepts still apply, be it through how your aura reflects your very self or body language, with your love for winemaking and the calm flowing nature of your movements, you are very much bearing an affinity for water, and I need that to help give a small gift to my girlfriend.”

“Well sorry but I don’t have magic.” She said.

“I don’t need your magic, just your water affinity now just come here please,” Orgran asked and she walked over to him. “Alright, now I need you to hold absolutely still… since I’ve never done this before, but really when would I have a reason to temporarily hijack someone else’s body through earth dominion?”

“Wait what?” She asked.

She went silent as Orgran put his hand to her back and both their eyes glowed a soft yellow, the Priestess jerked her hand towards my glass, causing all the wine to lift out. With a flex of her fingers the wine split into two different liquids, one the wine and the other the pure alcohol. The wine was placed into the glass again as the alcohol floated to Orgran, to which when he released his hold on the Priestess he snatched the entire ball of fluid out of the air like a dog and gulped it down.

“...huh, guess beer really has flavour, raw alcohol is quite bland.”

“You should try Minotaur ale that stuff is five hundred proof that will put some hair on your back.” I said.

“Yeah! I’d take some home with me, I bet something like would really brew competition between Minotaurs and… oh right… aww, now I’ve made myself sad.” he said as he sat on the floor in a solemn mood.

“What happened?” the priestess asked.

“Congratulations, you’ve been a focal point for a spell.” He said, starting to curl up at remembering the loss of his race.

I turned to Orgran and raised my Vambraces and said in a sickly sweet voice “Oh Orgran honey!!!!”

“If you’re gonna hit me, do it… I don’t care.” he said in a broken, dull monotone of emptiness.

All of a sudden a portal appeared in front of Orgran and Legolas shot out on Pix's head and glomped him quickly followed by Pentil being carried by Olthok, and immediately he was happy again, cuddling his son.

“Okay, I’m better now, hey Olthok… where’s Pentil?”

The undead king looked at his arms to find the little Dwarf gone, though I notice her… currently crawling towards the casks and bottles of wine with a curious gleam in her eye.

“No-no-no.” The priestess said as she picked her up.

“Orgran we have a problem!!!!” I said.

“What, why?”

“Our daughter was crawling towards the wine,” I said with a worried tone.

“Oh! Right, that’s not safe!” he marches up to Pentil. “No young lady, you can’t drink stuff like that.”

He then proceeds to take a bottle from the pile and puts on one of those nipple lids and passes it to her. “There you go! Now you won’t spill it!” Orgran said.

The little Dwarf cheered and took it.

“Can you two take her back?” Talion asked.

“Yea, I think that's for the best,” I said dejectedly.

“I am going to stay here for a bit I will be with you shortly,” Talion said.

“Ok,” I said then turned to Olthok and asked. “Can you do that again?”

Pentil burped as in the surprise and Talion’s suggestion, nobody thought to take the wine bottle away from her, though unlike what I worried about, she seemed happy and a bit more energetic and attentive even after going through half the bottle.

“I don't think she should be drinking that,” I said.

“Ah, don’t worry, she’s a Dwarf! We’re built to be tough from the get go, one bottle of wine isn’t gonna hurt.”

“Ok fine but when she is hyper YOU are dealing with her.” I said

“Eva, it’s better she gains a love for the finer alcohols when she’s younger, I don’t want my daughter growing up to think grog is good enough for her.” He visibly shuddered.

Right after my little man said that, here comes his excellency, The Faceless Horned God who proceeds to say “and what is wrong with grog, it's a perfectly respectable drink?”

“Dwarves are the artisans of two things, steam-powered mechanisms, and alcohol, and while Grog is an okay drink, at the end of the day it is a crude thrown-together facsimile of beer made of fungus, I want Pentil to know as early as possible all the possibilities of Ale and other alcoholic beverages, while she still has that childlike sense of wonder so she knows she doesn’t need to settle for the simplest and cheapest beer to enjoy herself… thankfully this Zebra here has produced the most delicious wine I have tasted and created the perfect balance of alcohol content and flavour, this is the perfect drink to start a Dwarf on that path… Legolas will have to wait because Elves start off really weak in all but magic potential… like, even as a demigod he’ll need to be very careful not to get too sick or hurt himself.”

“Well the ring I made him will help make him stronger.” Talion said and the priestess was gone.” Where did she go?” Talion asked.

After a minute she came back in carrying a book and gave it to Talion. “This is an ancient book on magic that we excavated from an abandoned mine a few years ago.” She said and he looked through it.

“We should head back now it is still late in Eva’s world and the children should go to sleep.” Talion said.

“Okay, I’ve had my fun.” Orgran agreed.

“Before we leave I must try the wine you synthesized for me” I said. I picked it up and took a swig and my taste buds exploded with flavor

“You ok Eva you have standing there for a few minutes?” Talion asked.

Snapping back to reality I said. “Sorry about that but that's the best damn wine I have ever had the pleasure of drinking!!!!” I said and the priestess nodded.

“Agreed, happy I could ensure you didn’t miss out.” Orgran said.

“No, I’m fine I had some the other day during a celebration and may I ask your name?” She asked Talion.

“It’s Talion.” He said and she smiled after that me, Orgran and the kids went back to the door Talion said he was going to stay a bit before returning.


“Keep your voice down the twins are trying to fall back asleep,” I said following him carrying the twins, who were cuddling each other.

“Now that’s just adorable.” Orgran commented.

“Honey?” I said.

“Hrm? Wait! Hold that thought.” he takes a long waterfall swig from his ale mug. “*burp!* okay, continue.”

“Two things; one, manners dear, and two, could you call Pix for me with your earth magic?” I asked.

He blinked, eyes wide. “I can do that?!” he looks to the ground, then sends a pulse into it, followed by Pix emerging from a tree. “Holy shit, I CAN do that!”

“You called Master Orgran? And please mind your language around the twins!!” Pix said into his mind.

“Wait, is it me or did Alucard sound nice for a second? Ah, no wait, he just told me ‘go f*** yourself’, everything is right in the world.”

“No that voice was me, Pix, master Orgran!!” Pix said again into his mind.

“Oh, fair then, Pix, I need to give you a word of advice for you and Eva… don’t deny Pentil her alcohol, it’s not gonna hurt her but if you don’t get her it, she’ll get it herself and break through several walls to do so, like any Dwarf would… oh, also help Eva with the kids please.”

As you wish master Orgran.” Pix said walking over to me and I put them on Pix's back who then continued to walk alongside me.

“Well, let’s all go home and finally buy that house.” My Boyfriend declared.

As we walked through the door into the early morning light I felt at peace with the world and this situation.

“Well… I guess with everything stable, it’s time for me to go home.” Orgran said solemnly.

“Dear, can you take Pentil with you to teach her the ways of the Dwarves?” I asked hopefully.

But Orgran sighed and shook his head. “I can’t my Equestria is too dangerous right now, with the Caribou and the Netherlord breathing down my neck I can’t afford to risk her life… plus I couldn’t bring myself to separate her from Legolas.” He gestured to the cuddling twins.

“Can you at least stay for a bit longer so we can buy a house together?” I pleaded.

“Of course, I’ll need to know where to go once my business is finished and I move here to settle down with you, Hella and Chryssi.” Orgran said in a sweet voice.

“Shall we head to the town hall and see what there is available?” I queried.

With a pleasant nod we headed off to see the Mayor.

Once we reached the town hall we found out it didn't open for another four hours.

“...really? They’re really extending the story with wait-time?”

All of a sudden Pinkie Pie showed up and said “Hey Orgran the author says f*** you for putting a hole in his wall again!” after saying that Pinkie Pie just bounced away.


“Honey what was that about?” I queried.

“Honestly dear? No F***ing Clue.”

“So what should we do for the next four hours?” I asked.

“... give Pentil and Legolas some extra siblings?” He shrugged.

With half-lidded eyes I replied “Let's do just that~.”

“Hey.” Talion said as he popped out of nowhere.

“Mother******, don't do that you scared me!” I said

“Sorry I just wanted to tell you something I found out how to mix my dark and death magics.” He said.

“Oh? So what’s this recipe for dark and death gumbo? ...that sounds tasty, but it’d have too many bones.”

“Well I need another familiar like Anna they would both work together and it would be possible to mix the two magics.” He explained.

“Sounds complicated.” I said

“Almost as complicated as Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia!” Orgran declared.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“Oh it’s the fear of long words.” He said. “I WISH I was fucking with you.” Orgran said

“Do you too want to see him?” Talion asked.

“Sure!” I said a little scared of what it's gonna be and he lifted his arm and something was moving inside it and it slowly made its way to his hand and when it did it crawled out revealing a spider made of bones and he lifted one of his front legs and waved.

“What’s up.” The spider said.

“HOLY SHIELD” I intoned in a shrill voice.

“Wow-wow calm down lady I ain't going to hurt you.” The spider said.

I dispelled my HOLY SHIELD and slowly approached the spider. “Sorry about that I have a big fear of spiders and you look really scary.” I said sheepishly.

“Well I was born from undead magic and Anna was born from dark magic by the way you can call me umm how about Dave.” He said as he held out one of his front legs towards me and I took it and gave it a shake.

“Dave… the spider?” Orgran asked.

“Yeah got a problem with that.” Dave said.

“Nah, just that you and Fluffy both win the award for least fitting names.” Orgran said.

“Well I like my name.” Dave said.

“Fair enough, I’m Orgran the Red.”

“And I'm Lady Evangel Lucretian.”

“She’s got Arachnophobia.”

“Well it is a pleasure to meet all of you.” Dave said

“Sorry again about the overreaction.” I said rubbing the back of my head

“It's fine.” He said.

“Well, we got four hours to kill.”

“Talion can you watch the twins while me and Orgran go for some private time?”

“Sure.” He said as Pix handed him the twins.

“Thanks Talion! Come my mighty Dwarf we have some fun to be had.” I said as I dragged Orgran into the bushes.

“Oh I’m gonna rock your world!” he replied back, then surprised me with a pounce into said bushes followed by a dome of privacy.

{Three and a half hours later}

The dome pulled back after we cleaned up, however it seemed Orgran had been a bit more eager this time as my legs were still jelly.

“well we still have half an hour before the town hall opens what should we do?” I asked.

“I think we should buy Pentil some drinks, I wasn’t kidding when I say Dwarves can get antsy without alcohol on hand… in fact when we get sober we get a bit… weird.”

“Well it’s about time you finished.” Talion said as he walked up to us in his left he hel Legolas and in her right Pentil and his shadow was off the ground holding a bottle to Pentils lips.

“So what’d you get my daughter? Better not be some crap brand or you’re a dead motherf***er!” Orgran warned.

“It’s death berry wine and I also have seeds so I can plant them at my home.” Talion said.

“Oh good.” Orgran said with relief.

“*burp* uncle Tatas give fun bubbles!” Pentil said as she shook up the wine for some more sips.

“Bubbles? “Talion asked.

“She’s using her strength to fizz up the wine.” Orgran explained.

“Oh well here you go.” Talion said as he handed Pentil to Orgran and he held a small bag of seeds. “These are some of the death berry seeds she seems to enjoy the wine very much.” He said.

“Indeed she does, Uncle Tatas.” Orgran teased with a grin.

“I would much rather have her call me Tali but that’s fine as well.” He said.

“You Uncle Tatas because Tatas are funny!” Pentil giggled.

“well I think it's kind of cute!” I stated.

“Whatever you say Evee.” Talion said jokingly.

“Ok, what does that mean?” I asked Orgran.

“He called you a nickname which is coincidentally the name for a species of adorable magical creatures known as pokemon, think a brown furred fox with a short muzzle like a cat that adorably says ‘Evee! Evee!’.” Orgran explained.

“And she is as cute as one as well.” Talion said with a chuckle.

Pentil giggled happily at that.

I punched Talion in the arm and said “that's for making a reference I didn't get.”

“I wasn't lying when I said you are cute though,” Talion said.

“Easy now, that’s my future wife you’re talking about,” Orgran said.

“I know but you better take care of her,” Talion said.

“I will! And we’ll be happy! And have a big wedding to celebrate, I might even get the five kings to form Penticate so he can attend!” Orgran said and Talion smiled.

I was tearing up a bit at that as I pulled Orgran into a big cuddle hug.

And with our little emotional moment finished, the Town Hall finally opened.

“Well, shall we go buy the house so I can send you home?” I asked sadly.

“Well I need somewhere to set up the gate.” he said. “You know, the permanent dimensional gate that will permanently link our worlds together!”

“Well mine and Eva’s world are already linked so you don't have to build one to mine.” Talion said.

“I mean mine and Eva’s.” Orgran clarified.

“Oh ok.” Talion said.

With a firm nod, Orgran headed in with me to the Town Hall.

After buying the house we went straight there.

“Well here we are.” Talion said as we approached the house.

“Wow it looks so much better in pony than in the pictures.” I said.

Orgran carried several runed stones into the building.

“So what do we do now the bad guys are gone and everything is normal?” Talion said.

“Relatively.” The Dwarf said as he exited the building. “I’m personally upset to go, but I do have responsibilities to my Equestria, and leaving them to face down such horrors alone wouldn’t sit right with me.”

“And I have my own problems to deal with,”Talion said as well.

“Honey, what were those stones?” I asked.

“Gate stones, I just made a permanent gate to my home so we can visit each other whenever.”

“And I made these for you Eva.” Talion said as he handed me a bracelet.” That will let you enter my dimension so if you need to hide the kids or maybe you want to come visit you can.” He explained.

“Thank you brother Talion and here this is for you,” I said as I handed him a medal with a depiction of the Faceless Horned God on it. “This will get you access to any and all meetings of Minotaurs no matter if they are closed to outsiders and non-Minotaurs.”

“Thank you, Eve,” Talion said bowing his head.

“Well… this is it.” Orgran said.

“Yeah I guess it is.” I said sadly.

“Yes it is for now but this is not the end we will meet again.” Talion said as he hands his token back to Orgran. ”You almost forgot that Orgran.”

“Thanks! Oh, almost forgot.” Orgran smiled as he kissed me on the cheek and slipped something into my pocket before heading home through the gate.

“How do I send you back?” I asked.

“I’ll just go, I can leave at any time, I just wanted to make sure you had nothing else to say before I left.” He said.

“I can't think of anything I want to say!” I said.

“Well then this is goodbye, it was nice meeting you and keep your kids safe.” Talion said as he turned into black blood and vanished into the ground.

“There goes two of the finest pieces of ass I have ever seen. Come on babies, lets go inside and see our new house.” I said walking towards the front door.


Chapter 50

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I had returned to my world and I was thinking if thing we did and will do in the future I brought Hecale and Thanatos back over here and we went downstairs to tell everyone what happened after explained everything they all went quiet.

“Well I guess you had a exciting time didn’t you.” Faust said giggling and we went back to what we were doing after an hour we meet back in the living room.

Everyone but Thanatos Lotus Faust and Thanatos were not here.”So now we must plan for what is next.” I said and everyone agreed but Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight looked deep in thought.”Is there something wrong?”I asked them and they looked at me and blushed.

“We have been talking about it.” Fluttershy said then hid behind her mane.

“We are ready to have kids.” Twilight said and she was rubbing her legs together and so were Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow dash and everyone else was smiling.

Clop beginning

“Well don't wait on our account go ahead we’ll just watch.” Hecale said with a grin and she got on the couch I was on and sat beside me.

“I don’t mind watching.” Celestia asked and the others agreed and Twilight and the others undressed and I took off my robes Rainbow and Applejack were lick the sides of my dick and Twilight was sucking and licking the tip and Fluttershy sat on my other side and she clung to my arm as she breasts wrapped around it and we kissed.

“They really like this don’t they.” Hecale said as she gently grabbed Twilight head and slowly moved her head back and form on my dick making me moan in Fluttershy’s mouth and she was getting more aggressive as she continued to deepen our kiss.

“I want to go first sugar cube.” Applejack said as she stood up and Rainbow dash and Twilight backed off and Applejack got on my lap facing the other way and me and Fluttershy ended out kiss and Applejack angled my cock and sat down and started bouncing and I grabbed her hips and made her go faster and Fluttershy and Hecale made out infront of my face and they faced me and both kissed me and our tongues intertwined between us and we took turns kissing each other then going back to intertwining out tongues.

Rainbow and Twilight were doing the same thing with Applejack as she bounced up and down on my lap I was ready to burst at any moment and Twilight cast the spell on herself and her friends and I thrusted up and slammed her hips down as I cummed and I made sure she got pregnant by continuously cumming till there was a large bulge on her stomach and Celestia levitated her off me and placed her on the couch on the other side of the room now it was Twilights turn.

“You have no idea how much I wanted this.”She said as she sat in my lap facing me and wrapping her arms around my neck as she stared moving up and down Hecale grabbed her ass then spanked her making her tighten around me and she got behind her and grabbed her breasts and ass again and I was enjoying the show they were putting on and Fluttershy was kissing my face as she tried to bring my attention back to her.

“Why don’t me and you have some fun.” Hecale said as she turn twilights head and they kissed and I could see their tongues entering each others mouth.

“I hope you ready twilight because I going to rock your world.” I said and I grabbed her and pulled her close to me and her face was infront of mine and I used both hands to grab her ass and force her up and down at a much faster pace then she was able to move her hips and I started thrust upward.

“More-more.” Twilight pleaded as she collapsed on top of me and I fulfilled her request and I went as fast as I could without unsealing my speed and she cooed in my ear as I continued as she came again and again then finally it was my turn and my hips meet with hers as I began filling her up and I lightly kissed Twilight a few times before Celestia put her on the same couch as Applejack and now Rainbow was next and she grabbed a chair and she put her hands on the back of the chair for balance and she leaned forward showing her ass and I got up and got to work.

“Hope your ready big boy it won’t be as easy as last time.” She said shaking her ass a bit before I grabbed it and lightly squeezed and I was already thrusting inside her and I grabbed one of her legs and lifted it to give the girls a good show they were watching very closely watching my dick ramming into her pussy with every thrust Hecale was eating out Fluttershy’s pussy as she watched me fuck Rainbow and she looked like she was cumming I kept pounding Rainbow’s pussy for about 5 minutes before Rainbow started begging me to fuck her brains out and I was eager to oblige and I grabbed her and made her face me and I bear hugged her and kept thrusting her pussy.

After a minute I came inside her and I set her on the couch and now it was finally Fluttershy’s turn and Hecale was still eating her out so I put my dick near her mouth and she greedily swallowed it whole boding her head back and forth and she swallow all the cum that belong to me, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow after I took it out of her mouth it rested on her face and she licked it clean and Hecale stopped and she licked her lip and hse stood up and kissed me and forced her tongue in my mouth and Fluttershy swallowed my dick again and I grabbed Hecale’s hip and pulled her a closer and i made Fluttershy bob her head faster by grabbing her head.

I stopped kissing Hecale but I speed Fluttershy up and I was ready to burst.

“You ready to pump a baby in her?” Hecale asked as she grabbed her head as well and speed her up.

“Almost just little more than I want you to join us.” I said and I snapped and her clothes vanished and I kissed her and fingered her and I cam in Fluttershy’s mouth and she swallowed every drop and I snapped again and the couch turned into a bed and I pushed Fluttershy on the bed and Hecale climbed on top of her facing me and I thrusted into Fluttershy and she was now eating out Hecale while she sucked Fluttershy’s cilt and licked where I was thrusting into Fluttershy.

“You ready for you prize Fluttershy.” I said and she tighten to where to almost hurt around me and the girls had woken up and were on the bed.”You girls want a little more too?” I asked and they nodded and I got an idea and I came on FLuttershy but I cast the spell so I couldn't stop cuming it coverted magic in physical energy and bodily fluids such as cum and her womb slowly bulged to hold all the cum that I was pumping out and Hecale know what I wanted to do and she opened her mouth wide and after Fluttershy could not take anymore I quickly took it out and shoved my dick in Hecale’s mouth and the girls watched as they saw my dick go down her through and fill her stomach with my cum and they lined up with their mouths open and after Hecale was full I moved to Rainbow and she didn’t back down as she took it in her mouth and she grabbed my hips and puller hed head closer till she reached the base and she inhaled deeply as she swallowed ever drop that was pumped into her mouth after she was full she popped it out of her mouth and let me spray my cum on her face and breasts.

Now it was Applejacks turn she swallowed my dick and Twilight watched her throat as she swallowed it it did not take long for her to become full and she took it out of her mouth and stroked it as my cum covered her body and she kept her mouth open and she caught much of it in her mouth. Then it was finally Twilight’s turn and she accepted my dick with glee as she only put the tip in her mouth and Applejack and Fluttershy we licking the side and then Hecale laid down beside Twilight and spread her legs then fingered her pussy giveing me a knowing look.

Twilight was bobbing her head slightly but she left enough room for the girls to have a taste after drink all she could the four now pregnant girls got in front of me and and they let my cum cover their entire body then I thrust in Hecale Pussy and began filling her and she cooed in delight as she was pumped with cum and when she had a bulge it disappeared and Hecale suddenly cummed three times in a row at once.

“What did you do?”I asked and she could barely speak.

“I can absorb sum just like my mother so I could get as much as I could.” She said and I grin and continued the spell watching her making faces of pure pleasure and after half an hour of watching her she passed out and I was feeling low on magic and I withdraw myself from Hecale and it seemed during my time watching hecale the girls were licking each other clean.

Clop end

After we all got dressed I consumed some souls of some mantocres that got to close to the city to restore my magic.

“Well that was fun.” I said as I sat on the couch and Hecale sat in my lap with her arms wrapped around me and the girls were resting.

“Well that was a good show.” Chrysalis said and Celestia and Luna agreed and they went to check on the kids.

“Their has not been any demon activity for a while what are they planning.” I said to myself.

“We don’t know but it is something big.” Celestia said as she looked at a report that they still haven't found anything yet.

“Well we need to prepare for a worst case scenario.” I suggested to Celestia and she nodded.

“I now and my mother had gotten more use to being here and being with us again it has been a great thing for all of us.” She said with a smile and she looked so happy.

“Yes we are all glad to see her.” I said with a smile then there was a loud boom and I could hear the shields activating around the city and I ran to a balcony and looked outside, Circe’s army was attacking Minas morgul and the guards were already working on getting the people into the tunnels to the other cites, and the undead and golems were making their way to the gates and I grabbed my bag of marbles and I jumped out the balcony and landed on roof and made my way to the gate and I eoried the bag on the ground and the began to form( archers, other swordsmen and the ones you say before.) and they took their positions on the wall the golems stood in front of the gate incase it was destroyed and my undead archers took their posts on the wall demons with wings started flying in the air and my archers were working on taking them down and the demons were try to ram the gates of the city with battering rams the earth and iron golems were trying to reinforce the gates with rocks and metal but it only slowed thier progress they were already making holes in the gate.

The enchanted armor had finished get the citizens out of the city and made their way to the gate and formed ranks in front of it preparing for a fight. Then I saw one demon in particular and he was making his way through his fellow demons he had large muscular arms and legs and chest his head a little small for his body his skin was ocean blue he had no weapon his eyes were bright yellow and his horns on his head wee pure black.

The demons made a path for this demon to the gate and were he walked up to the gate and he lifted his fist and punched through the rock and iron blocking the gate and started ripping out of the way and the demons were cheering at the site and the earth and iron golems were trying their best to repair what the demons ripped away. The demons in the air were dealt with now it was time to deal with that brute.”kill that demon!” I yelled and the archers turn their bows to the demon and fired upon him but the arrow did not penetrate his skin and they bounced off and he continued to tear through.

The demons were now making their way through the torn gate and were engaging the undead and guards the archers were fine and they were firing arrow at the demons on the bridge the soldiers that were from the marble we're keeping the demons from the archers but they were still out number the demons that tore open the gate was gone but them I heard a loud crashing sound at the tower and smoking rose from the courtyard and I rushed their.

After I reached the courtyard it was hard to see through the smoke so I jump down from the rooftop.

“Glad you could join us.” A voice said and the smoke cleared revealing the demon that tore apart the gate.

“Why are you here?” I asked and he grinned.

“To get rid of the spawn of Faust.” He said and he held up Celestia she was beaten and bruised and unconscious.

I clench my fists in anger as I looked at him.”DAMN YOU!” I yelled as I charge and drew my sword.

He pulled back his fist and punch forward and it came in contact with my balde and the sound was almost like it was hitting metal against metal and he dropped Celestia and threw another punch but I jumped away and he charged after me now allowing me to gain to much distance from him.

‘I can't cast spell effectively with him so close and I can't do any really powerful ones with Celestia so close.’ I thought as I landed and he pulled back for another punch and I held up my sword to defend and as he punched her launched me through a building.

“You blocked it your everything I thought you would be good.” He said.

“So you are Abbadon I guess.” I said and he smiled.

“So you heard of me?” He asked as he took a stance.

“Yes I have and I fought your colleagues they had their weaknesses and I used that against them the first was his speed but her had no control and the seconf magic but she was weak to physically attacks you I don’t know yet you show cleverness bring Celestia here to where I can not fight to my fullest and you keep the distance between us short to where I can’t use magic you are brains and bronze bad combination to fight against.”I said as I shook the dust and rubble off myself.

He grinned and charged again but with this distance I can use magic and I use an ice spell to coat the courtyard in ice it would slow him and limit his movement.

He started to slip as he fell and continued to slide until he hit the building I was in and I jumped away.

“Bastard.” He said and he climbed out and I was trying to keep my balance and he saw my struggle.

“You are effect by your own spell.” He said and laughed.

“Yes but it will affect you more sense you are heavier than me and my body is not affected by the cold.” I said with a grin as I now had the advantage in the fight and he snarled as he picked up rubbled and started throwing them at me and I slid out of the way this continued for a few minutes before her stopped.

“ Now what are you going to do.” I said and he jumped and landed on a pile of rubble and my eyes widened their was rubble everywhere he wasn't trying to hit me he was creating stepping stones. ‘Out of all the demons I faced you by far are the challenging but you forget your are still limited and I can destroy your stepping stones’ I thought as I pulled out my gun and started shooting the rubble around him with explosive rounds but he managed to get to the rubble before I could destroy it time to switch to different bullet and I thought for a moment for before firing cero’s from my gun like and large beams of spirit energy shoot from my gun and my cero was red with traces of black in it.

“He jumped it the air to block my first cero but I fired another and when it hit him it exploded sending him flying and he crashed into a house and it collapsed on him.

The rubbled exploded revealing Abbadon with his left arm bleeding and burned from the cero he was hit with. ‘So he sacrificed his arm to survive the blast smart but you now can’t hope to win.’ I thought as I prepared another cero and he jumped out the way by side stepping.

“One more step and I snap her neck.” The demon said as he picked up Celestia by the throat and I clenched my fist and lowered my gun.’Damn it.’ I thought as I started at the demon lord.

“You coward fight me light a warrior you are.” I said and their was another large figure behind me him he saw me looking at something anf turning her head only to be hit by a large mace that sent him fly and a Olog stepped out of the shadow holding his mace and my liches came out from behind him

“Sorry we took so long finding a way to make theses was harder than expected.” Morgana said.

“Grave knight, Phantom take the shadow demons and join the battle.” I ordered and they flew out of my shadow and into the air and they flew across the city leading the shadow demons to the battlefield.

I went to check on Celestia.” Are you ok where are the others?”I asked.

“They went with the citizens to check if the others cities were under attack.” She said weakly and I cast a sleep spell on her and she closed her eyes. ”Take her somewhere safe I will take care of the rest.” I said and the Olog carried Celestia inside.

The demon lord was now on his feet again and I pointed my gun at him but I made a dark magic bullet to see what it would do and I put it in the cylinder and it was ready to fire.

“Now die.” I said as I fired and the dark magic bullet made its way towards him and when it hit him it exploded in hell flames andI removed his soul as fast as I could and sent it to the orb and his body burned to a crisp.

I needed my troops to push back the demons so I made fur grave golems and they started charging towards the battle and as they past they release a dark mist turning any corpses they past into undead and I hurried back to the battle as well.

We were losing badly we have managed to keep them at the gates for no but they keep pouring in from the bridge and they were beginning to push further into the city it was time to create the Elbion but it would disappear after it finishes if perpus so I have to choose my words wisely just incase I need it later.

I put the bullet in the gun and thought of what to say before I shot it.”Kill the demons trying to attack the city then await further orders.” I said to the bullet as I pointed it to a large pile of bodies near the bridge and the body i shot started to shake and the other bodies were starting to be attracted to him and thier flesh started to melt off and the first skelton I shot started to grow and contort as the other skelton stayed the same size and they attached to him then it’s right arm turn into a massive blade( just so you know it is nito from dark souls plus more powers).

Hey was already getting to work making his way onto the bridge it used its massive sword arm to cleave the demon that faced him in half and greatly lesson the demon that entered the city allowing us to deal with the demons we already inside the walls then the Elbions blade was covered in undead magic made all it killed into undead that joined him on the bridge and the demons stopped getting on and they were now being held back on the bridge.

“Archers take your positions and fire.” I ordered they had been attacked by the demons but most of them survived and they took their places on the wall and rew their bows and fired arrows at the demons getting on the bridge.

“We’ve almost won we just have to push them back.” I said to myself and the demons were dropping like flies now that they were being funneled into a narrow space where they can be openly attacked from the sides with arrows and from the front with the undead.

After an hour of slaughtering hundreds maybe a few thousand demons they retreated back into the forest.

“Finally it’s over.” I said and Celestia sat down beside me.

“Yes it is and when will the citizens come back?”She asked.

“When we remove the bodies then they will come back and we will begin rebuilding the houses that were destroyed and any house that was destroyed will stay in the tower till they are fixed.” I said and she smiled and nodded and we got to work dragging the bodies underground to be used to create undead and the Elbion was put in storage as well.

“Sir we found civilians that were not able to leave the city in time they are ok but they say thier homes are destroyed.” A guard said.

“ Take them to the tower and prepare rooms for them and look for anyone else that houses were destroyed and prepare rooms at the tower for them as well.” I ordered and he went to carry them out out.

Circe POV

I was waiting for news of the operation to arrive and one of the demon lords walked in it was the one called that daughter betrayed him he will prove useful in future battles.” So what happened?” I asked.

“Abaddon is dead but the clone is inside the walls of the city.” He said and left to carry out his other tasks and I was left to plot my next move.

Chapter 51

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“We will start reconstruction here at the center of the city,” I said pointing at a map of the city I was talking with people that wanted to help repair the city it was going to take at least a week to repair everything that was destroyed and damaged from the demons attack nut we were getting there.

“Yes, your highness but what about the others parts of the city.” A Minotaur said.

“The guards are still dragging out bodies and cleaning the blood that was splattered everywhere,” I said crossing my arms and he nodded but now it was time to check my sides casualties.

“Captains, what is the count?”I asked.

The captain of my royal guard spoke first.”50 percent of the enchanted armor of the royal guard is destroyed beyond repair 10 percent are being fixed the city guards are mostly fine no living casualties and any moving armor is being repaired.” He said them the other captain spoke.

“Most of the undead we had here are destroyed and the golems sustained little damage.” He said and this was worrying our undead is the bulk of our force we need to recall some of the undead we sent to the griffin kingdom I will need to inform (remember to put name here) about this.

“We should wrap this up you will start at the center and work your way outward to the edges of the city,” I said to summarize what was decided and they nodded and left and I opened a screen to Phaenna and she answered.

“Why have you called I have important matters to deal with like finding you undead a place to be stored and demons are starting to show up on the border.” She as she looked up from her papers.

“Minas Morgul was attacked,” I stated and she dropped her papers and looked shocked.

“What happened over there?” She asked with a shaky voice.

“We drove off the demons and I killed another demons lord nut they might be back I need to recall at least of the undead that I sent to you it seems they realized with me around they will have no more victories as long as we keep making undead warriors to fight them but the other half will stay with you to make sure your city is secured,” I explained and she but her claws together and rested her head on them and sighed.

“It’s not like I can stop you take them.” She said and the screen closed and i went to open the portal and it opened and my undead started marching through and into storage where they will be readied for use again now it was time to check on the orc development.

I walked to the warehouse where we create new undead and study my books for new types of undead after I walked in and I noticed some of the new undead orcs were getting quite lively and they almost looked like they were talking but I did not pay enough attention to tell, I walked up to Morgana. “What is going on?” I asked and she jumped and turned around.

“Well, it seems there has been a new development and we make new species of creatures as well.” She said nervously.

“What is going on?”I asked.

“It seems when we were creating orc undead and ologs we also somehow created living ones as well.” She told me and I looked back to the orc they were talking but she said she created new species as well.

“What else did you make?” I asked.

“We made more grave knight but they only have one pair of wings and are weaker, as for the rest we found blood of several creatures on the blades of the orc you brought with you the captain told me they went ghoul and caragor hunting before they meet you and we used the DNA to make clones we have one dire caragor and 30 normal ones the dire appears to be a rare mutation that makes them stronger and fast than others, the ghouls are already reproducing underground and they have been docile so far and we have been feeding them all so they can be content.” She said it was good they were docile for now but it would be best to check on them for myself.

“Can you take me to them, I want to see them myself?”I asked and she leads me to another warehouse and we walked inside all of the caragors were sleeping except for a few that were enjoying a meal of manticore legs and other animal parts.

“Where is the dire one I don’t see it anywhere?” I asked and she looked around for the dire caragor(a dire caragor is basically a pure white version of a normal one) but could not find it.

I heard growling behind me and I turned around to see the white caragor it walked up beside me and sniffed my hand as it passed then looked at my ring and as my ring glowed so did the caragors eyes glow red and the other caragors started to wake up and their eyes glowed too the went back to sleep.

‘So I do have the powers of the other wraiths this is the power of helm hammerhand he could control animals’ I thought as I looked at my ring and the dire caragor rubbed its head on my hand and I pet it.

“So where are the ghouls you talk about and how many are there?” I asked as the dire caragor lied beside me.

“They very easy to make but we used the same amount of magic we used to make the caragors and it did not require that much to make them.” She said worryingly.

“What happened?” I asked with authority.

“We created hundreds of them without meaning too and like I said they are already reproducing they have to made nests underground all over the city the only opening to their nest in the garden which is behind the tower and that is where we place the meat for them and they take it after a few minutes.” She explained.

“I will head there in a few minutes to see if I can find the matrons.” (matrons are basically the queens of a nest this is a matron and this is a normal ghul in case you didn't know) I said and she bowed as she left me in the warehouse with the caragors and I left and the dire caragor followed me.

“I should probably give you a name but that can wait for a bit, with the caragors we can have more riders that are a good thing and we should start making armor for you and the others but now we must see the ghuls and see what they can do even though I have a few ideas ” I said to myself as I walked to the garden with the dire caragor.

When i got their there was a piles of dirt everywhere and holes in the ground it was very quiet not even the sounds of the wind could be heard as we walked around what remained of the garden.

“Where are you.” I said to myself as I looked at the holes in the ground waiting for something to happen.

The dire caragor was sniffing the ground as it walked around and looked in the holes as it passed them then moved on to the next one.

I put my hand to the ground and send a sonar spell into the ground and as it traveled through the ground I could see the tunnel the ghuls dug through the city and a little in the forest but it seems theses are the only opening to the tunnels.”They work fast they can be very useful.” I said as my sonar continued to look for them then I found something there was a massive space about a mile below the surface the tunnels all connected to it and their were holes all around it that housed ghuls and matrons and their were roots forming bridges that allowed the ghuls to travel easily in the space their were some many of them.

‘Captains.’ I said telepathically.

‘Yes.’ they both said.

‘Increase meat production their are more ghuls than we thought I need to tell Morgana about this.’ I said and they started doing what I told them to do.

I meet to Morgana and she was talking to the other wraiths.

“What were you thinking make more ghuls their are already to many of them!” Morgana shouted as them.

“What’s going on?”I asked and they turned to me.

“Some of them continued to make ghul’s after they make their nests underground and now there could be thousands of them down there.” She said as she rubbed her skull with her boney hand.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.”well we can't do anything about it now I already told the captain to increase meat production to feed them.” I told which calmed them a bit.

“I a still need to get to them to see if I can control them if not we will have to take care of them if they can't be controlled we cant let them stay.” I said and they nodded and we tried to come up with something then we had an idea.

“So we will put the meat near the holes and draw them out and then I will take control of the ghuls and they can bring the matrons to me then I can take control of them and the others should follow after that.” I said and we all agreed and the guards grabbed a few huge chunks of meat and put it near a large group of holes and they walked away.

We wait for what felt like hours for the ghuls but nothing happened.”Where are they.” I said as I continued to look at the holes and waited for at least one to come out.

I heard the sound of digging and a ghule popped out of the hole and started to sniff the meat and started to gorge on it I walked up behind it and a stick snapped as I was three steps from him and he turned around and took a offensive posture on all four ready to lung at me at any time and I clenched my fist and held it up showing my ring.

The ghul eyes turned red as he relaxed and bowed his head.

The ground started to shake as I nearly fell to the grounds from the sudden shaking. Ghules started to rush out of the holes and surround me.

My guards we already here and had their weapons drawn but they held position till I gave the word to attack.

I held up my ring again and it light up and the ghules eyes began to glow the same red and they all bowed their headed and I form a ball of magic that gave off the sa,e glow and had some of the power of my ring in it and i sent in down the tunnels.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the ghules went back down the tunnels and I walked towards the tower to relax for a bit.

POV Change unknown

‘What are those things?’ I thought as I peeked from behind a corner looking at Talion as left the garden and to his tower and I snuck away after an hour of walking around I returned to the tower were the guards made me a room to stay in and I sat down on the bed my room was rather plain right now but the guards said they would put more furniture soon.

“I need to make my report.” I said quietly and I pulled a mirror from under my pillow and held it up and the mirror was invelupt by a bright light before it dimmed revealing Circe.

“Report.” She said as she looked through the mirror.

“I have infiltrated the tower they are bringing civilians in since many houses were destroyed during the battle.” I said and she nodded.

“Anything else?” She asked.

“His military might has only increased he is using the dead demons to create new undead and he created new creatures that are troublesome.” I said to her and she grew interested.

“Such as?” She asked.

“A new soldiers I think they called them Orcs and Ologs the orcs are like foot soldier and ologs are very strong from what I gathered and they have undead and living ones as well, next is 2 new species I have never seen before the first ones I saw were the caragors they are some kind of carnivore but I have not seen them clearly yet but Talion has his own personal one and it is pure white, next is what I heard are ghule they are creatures that live underground but they appeared weak but there are many of them.” I said explaining what I saw and she rubbed her chin in thought and she slammed her fist on the chair she was sitting in breaking the arm rest.

“What else have you gathered?” She asked calming down a bit.

“He has set portal in each of the kingdoms capitals to assist them quickly.” I said.

“After all that work on influencing the past kings and queens on where to build their capitals thousands of years ago.” She said biting her nail then looked at me and said.”Here is you new mission.”

Next day Talion POV

“This is a problem demons are starting to surface in the griffin kingdom.” I said as I looked at a newspaper then looked at a report I got form the blacksmiths that I hired to make armor for the caragors and from my magic forge I have below I now making armor for them as well it was going well and we already had enough for most of the caragor and we were cloning more of them there were already enough ghules.

“We have made all of the demons that died in the battle into undead and with the demons growing closer to the griffin kingdom we are readying the royal guard for battle.” My captain said as he sat down.

“It is time we get the people breakfast and tell them we have made progress.” I said as I walked out of the room and down to where everyone was eating but they got quiet when they say me.

“Good everyone is here I just wanted to tell you we have made good progress in the reconstruction of the damaged parts of the city and some of you may be able to return to your homes soon not only that the end to the demon threat is within sight and victory will be ensured.” I announced and everyone cheered as I lifted a glass to my lips and drank some water.

I looked around the room and saw everyone talking and celebration that the demons are being pushed back but there is still much to do like reclaiming Nova’s city and the people of her kingdom are fleeing the sea and are coming to land.

‘I should check in with Phenna and see if she had any new information.’ I thought and I left the room to contact her but as I walked out I heard a explosion outside and I teleported outside and saw a column of smoke it was in the direction of the caragor warehouse and I rushed there the caragors were safe but the warehouse was burnt down.

“Sir we found something.” One of the liches yelled as he ran up tp me and handed me a torn up and burnt bag.

I took the bag and examined it, it was familiar and I searched through my memory and I found it, it was the same bag that the caribou assassin that tried to kill had when I was in ponyville.

“This used to belong to a assassin but my is it here.” I said then remembered something crucial Faust said Circe could make a clone of herself and send it here but was she in the tower I thought as I looked at my tower then I thought of my other cities underground could this clone be there.
I opened a telepathic link to all of the guards including the recruits.”This message goes to all guards and the royal guard there has been an attack on the warehouses I have found evidence of a spy in one of the cities all cities are increase security and there will be an increase in partols and everyone guest in the tower is to have their room searched for anything that can be related to this incident.” I ordered and I could feel their worry and uncertainty of a spy among us and she could be anywhere.

“I want the city on look down no one leaves of enters without my permission that is the end of this message to you all.” I sad finishing my orders and I cut the link to them and I lifted my hands and water started to spray out and onto the fire that remained.

“Where will we put the caragors now?” The lich asked.

“The dire caragor will stay with me the rest can be placed in other warehouses.” I said and then said.”You will do that for now I have to try to find Circes clone and destroy her then I will make sure the original stays in tartarus forever by destroying the gate.” I said and he nodded and left.

Chapter 52 fixed

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It has been three days since the accident and not only the spy but the demons as well have also been quiet almost no reports of demons anywhere except a few remaining in the griffin kingdom but they have not attacked yet. During this time most of the city is locked down and a curfew has been put into place most of the homes have been repaired, and the people have been moving back in but there were still a few destroyed houses that remained. Right now I was at my desk receiving reports from one of the new guards that joined not to long ago

“Anything that related to the spy in the city?” I asked wanting to know if we made progress.

“No your highness we have searched the castle and the guest all they had were clothes and personal items such as mirrors, books, jewelry, clothes and other things but nothing that could related any of them to the spy.” The guard reported and I let out a heavy sigh.

“Keep the security tight and report on any changes.” I said and he left and I went back to work.

After an hour I sighed and said.”Things just keep getting more difficult it is exhausting.” I said and the door opened and I heard several people walk in and I looked up to see Adrian, Aiko and Tempest.

“Adrien where have you been since the dragon attacked?” I asked and she looked away.

“Gathering my treasure from the dragon kingdom and moving it here dragon that wanted me kept giving me things over the years and I had several caves full of treasure and I moved it into the mountain and now that I have returned I am ready to fulfil my duties as your mate.” She said turning back to me.

“And me and Aiko came to help her pleasure you since she isn't experienced as me and Aiko.” Tempest said.

Clop start (I was having a little writer's block so I am putting this because I could not think of anything else to type write now I also saw it as a chance to bring Adrian back)

Tempest’s and Aiko’s clothes fell to the ground but Adrian decided to put on a show by slowly take her shirt off exposing her breasts, and she fondled her breast as she used her tail to remove her skirt and fling it to the side Aiko and Tempest stood at me side completely undress and holding my arms in between their breasts.

Ardian got on her knees and took off my pants and grabbed my limp cock and she used her long tongue to lick it as it started to harden as she stroked it.”It is defiantly different than I imagined but the scent is very pleasing.” She said as she took in deep breath and she started breathing heavily as she then shoved my dick in her mouth.

“My god.” I said as the heat from he mouth surrounded my cock and as she started to slowly move her head back and forth the cool air cooled me off only for Adrian to heat me back up causing me to feel even more pleasure, then Aiko got on her knees and started to lick my balls then lick my dick as Ardian pulled back then moved back to my balls when she engulfed it again.

I laid my head on the back on the chair and Tempest left my side and got on her knees.

“Let us have some room.” She told Adrian and she pulled back till she was at the head and kept it in her mouth and used her tongue to swirl around it, then Aiko and Tempest lick everything they could on my balls and dick I couldn’t last any longer and I blew my load in Adrians mouth and I could see her swallowing it then took it out of her mouth and the rest went over all over her.

“That tasted good you girls want the rest?” She asked Aiko and Tempest and they started liking her clean Aiko was very persistent on getting everything and more when she reached her pussy and shoved her tongue inside her and Adrian grabbed her head and made. her reach deeper into her. Tempest was licking my cum off her breast and as she got to her nipples she used her tongue to swirl around it then started sucking the stopping make a and lick up the rest of my cum.

“I think it’s time for the main event.” I said and they moved away from Adrian and I picked her up and she grabbed her legs around me, and I used both my hands to grab her ass. Aiko angled my dick to her entrance and I slowly lowered her down she gave a few pained grunts at first but she quickly got used to it and started moaning when I hilted in her.

Adrian wrapped her tail around my hit and he insides suddenly got hotter, and I started lifting her up and slamming her down and she was about to scream in pleasure but Aiko forced her lips onto hers and Tempest was next to me and she grabbed Adrian’s tail and inserted her tail in her pussy and Adrian was subconsciously thrusting her tail in her and she nearly fell down from the surprise but I caught her in my magic.

Aiko broke the kiss between them and Adrian's tongue hung out as he head flung back as she came, and then I laid her on my desk as her tail pulled out of Tempest and wrapped back around me. And he tight pussy combined with the heat where about to make me cum.

With one final thrust I came in her depth and into her womb and she latched on to me her claws trying to pierce my skin and he breasts pressed against my chest.

After a minute she let go and laid on my desk and I stepped away to looked at her her arms were spread as were her legs revealing her cum dripping pussy, and I sat down and Aiko started sucking my dick while Tempest was in between her legs licking her pussy.

“Your turn Aiko sit on my lap.” I told her and she obey as she stood up and turned around and sat down with my dick in her pussy and I wrapped my arms around her and started thrusting I had not just cum so I wasn't going to last long so I had to go allout to make her cum when I did

“More.” I heard her say this was the first time I have heard her voice completely healed and I went faster and I turned her around she she faced me and I grabbed her hip and started moving her hips up and down in sync with my thrusts and finally we both came at the same time and I filled her womb as Tempest finished with Adrian.

Aiko just laid on my as my cock slid out of her pussy and twitches every now and then making it touch her other entrance.

I was breathing heavily then relaxed because I finally had a chance to forget about that spy but then I was caught by surprise when tempest engulfed my dick in her mouth.

“Give me a little time to rest.” I said but she did not listen and I was go to burst again and she could tell so she started making seductive sounds, and Aiko was now awake and liking my face with her tounge and she moved up a bit and pressed her breast against my face.

I came again in Tempest mouth and she was still on her hands and knees as she turned around and inserted my dick in her pussy and started moving back and forth. ‘They just can't let me rest for a moment can they.’ I thought as Aiko let me suck on her breasts.

Tempest was already getting faster as she rammed her hips against mine and I came within a minute with no rest inbetween climaxes I can't really hold it in anymore and Tempest hilted my dick inside her let every drop of cum in her womb.

“I think we are done for now I have work to finish.” I said and they all got dressed and left me to my work

Clop end

I finally finished my work and got it all out of the way and I was no going down stairs to see the last of the civilians to their homes.

After reaching the bottom of the tower I decided to make a quick detour to my hidden chamber where I kept the palantir and the orb of souls and I quickly absorbed the soul of all of the demons and the demon lord and when I absorbed it I suddenly grew a little in size and my muscles grew larger and more defined and I put my robes on to hid them and went out side.

When I got outside I saw the last of the people that packed their things and were now leaving the tower.

“Looks like things are finally back to normal.” I said and Luna walked up beside me.

“Yes it seems so.” She said and as we walked down the steps were were suddenly interrupted by a large explosion near the tower and me and Luna teleported to the area that exploded to see what happened.

The portal was destroyed and nothing remained. “Look over there!” Luna yelled pointing to a female figure running away and Luna started to chase her but I didn't have time to waste so I unsealed my speed and walked up in front of the female figure she was a pegasus with black fur and wings and her eyes were a sapphire blue, she was in mide sprint with both feet off the ground as she looked like she was stopped in time.

I grabbed her by the throat and sealed my speed and everything speed back up and i held her in the air and she struggled to breath.

After a moment the guards were here and they dragged her to the dungeon.

“This is bad now that the portal is down we can send any support to the griffin kingdom unless.” I said and I thought of the best solution I could come up with.” Bring all of the undead manticores and caragors we have and bring everyone we can spare were are riding to help the griffins!” I yelled and they began running to get everything ready

1 hour later

After waiting for everyone to get prepared we were read the manticores were fitted with new sattles to let the new guards sit on them and the caragors now had mithril armor that shined in the daylight.”How many?” I asked.

“3000 undead manticores but most of them do not have riders but they can fight on their own and 1000 caragors almost all of them are mounted and those who are not are fine it is and we also have a few living orcs riding them, it is a three day ride to the griffin capital.” The captains said as they mounted their caragors and I mounted my dire one we we rode through the city and across the bridge and the the rest of the undead manticores joined us as we rode through the forest the city was to small to hold them all.

Third person griffin capital

In the underground storage of the griffin capital two guards were counting the undead.” I’m telling you these undead are creepy no matter where you go it feels like they're watching you.” A griffin guards said as he counted.

“Just ignore it were almost finished then we can leave this place and report to the Queen.” The guards comrade said but then the ground beneath them shook causing them to fall to the ground and the undead began to move and march out of the storage facility in perfect unison.

“We have to the was is going on.” One of the guards said and they rushed outside and flew through the air to see hordes of demons right outside their gates and the undead were mounting the wall the archers already taking aim and firing and swordsman, knights, assassin and other types of soldiers stood behind them all those who could not fit stood in front of the gates ready for them to come through.

“We must tell the Queen.” One of them said and they flew towards the castle.

After flying to the castle all of the griffins were already gathering everyone and getting them to safety and they landed in front of their Queen to give their report.”My queen there are thousands of demons out their the undead are already engaging them but we do not know if they can hold them on their own.” The two guards explained and the Queen was terrified and another guard appeared.

“My Queen the gate to Talion city has been destroyed and nothing remains of it what do we do?” He asked.

They had nowhere to go they were surrounded and the undead could only hold them back for so long”Get the civilians underground and gather all the guards and troops we have the only way to survive this is to fight and pray someone comes to help.” She said as they prepared for the worst.

Four hours later Talion POV

“Sir the caragors need to rest they can't keep running like this.” The captain on my royal guard said and we slowed to a halt and we dismounted.

“We camp here for tonight and move out at first light.” I said and everyone was finding a comble place to sit down and the caragors were drinking water from a nearby river.”How long do you think they can hold out?” I asked the captain.

“With the undead and thier troops combined and if the demons don't have any surprises we should get their just before they get through the gates from what I heard their gates are made of reinforced steel and it is three feet thick they won't get through it and they dont have anymore strong demon lord if what lotus said is correct the rest just rose to their positions through other means than power.” The captain said.

“Yes that is true but that mean they have different means to fight us other than power gave you teleport lotus here so she could maybe tell us who is leading this attack?” I asked and he nodded and walked away to teleport her here.

After a few minutes she was here and I asked her.”Who do you think circe sent to lead this assault?” I asked and she went deep into thought.

“Through process of elimination she probably sent Osiris he is a ectordanrt streagist and not a bad fighter he would be the best choice for a surprise assut like the demons are doing but he also has a habit of doing the same thing.” She said.

“And what is that?” I asked.

“He always surrounds the target before moving in then traping them and waiting them out and starve them of resources until they ether surrender or die he likes prolonging things but he will probably have the bulk of his forces at the front gate so there is where he will be.” She explained.

“So we will start their and move on to the rest of the arm after that thank you for telling me everything you know the captain will send you back now.” I said and she waved me goodbye as she was teleported away.

Next day

“It’s time to move out we don't have time to waste!” I yelled and we all mounted and started going to get to the griffins in time.

Third person griffin capital

The city was olding for now but their were many casualties on both sides the undead held the wall while the griffins took to the sky and rained death from above by shooting arrows or dropping large rocks on the heads of the demons and the demons were shooting griffins down with the same weapons they used to to take Noas city.

The undead assassins turned invisible made their way into the demons ranks killing whoever looked important or was getting too close to the wall or gate but they were soon found out but their were still many among their ranks killing demons and getting rid of whoever they thought were high ranking demons but then soon returned to the walls to avoid losing to many assassins.

Phaenna was trying to stay calm in the time of crisis but was not doing so good.”We have passed around rations to the troops and civilians but we don't have much.” A guard said.

“Do what you can for now Talion would have surely noticed the gate to our city destroyed by now and is on his way we just have to hold out until then.” She said.

Then came another explosion right outside the walls that shock the castle and crying could be heard from nearby.”The underground storage can not hold all of them so we led them to the castle for shelter.” The guards said and the Queen nodded her head in agreement and understanding.

Then more explosion could be heard outside the walls of the city as the demons started to get more furious in their assault from the persistence of the griffins and undead .

The demons were trying to climb up the wall now but were shot down or stabbed by the archers and assassins after a bit they made a tactical retreat out of the archers range and made camp and now the griffins had some room to breath the only chance the had to relaxed since this assault started.

Most of the guards were wounded, exhausted or both but now they had a little time to recover and rest and maybe find a way to turn the battle around.

Chapter 53

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The second day since the assault started the demons were still out of range for the archers waiting for a moment to attack and take the city but with the undead that do not rest guarding the walls was making it difficult for them but there was a new problem occurring the griffins rations were not going to last as long as they expected they were almost out and hunger was affecting a few of the griffin soldiers but not many right now.

The demons on the other hand had all the supplies they needed for the assault on the Griffin and more. The demon lord still would not show himself and the demons still surrounded the capital and left no opening for any of them to escape.

For the Griffins, one minute felt like hours as they waited for the demons to make a move and now they were finally doing something. They were changing formations in the front were very large and bulky demons that stood two times taller than the demons behind them.

The undead saw the demons were about to attack and they drew their bows and the rest drew their sword or lifted their weapon over their shoulders and let them rest there. The demons stood there for a few minutes before a horn blow and their charged and the archers fired and a volley of arrow traveled towards the demons many going over the front lines and hit the demons behind the tall one but the ones that hit them penetrate their armor and skin but they kept moving they were just large meat shields for the arrows, and when they reached the walls they knelt down to the 15 feet high wall and more tall demons got on top of them form a staircase of demons the undead swords and spearmen moved up, and readied their weapon and the archers continued to fire arrows at the demons that ran up the staircase of demons but there were too many for them to shoot down and they neared the top of the wall at a fast pace and the spearmen thrusted their spears stabbing many of the demons and those that did not get were now fighting the swordsmen.

The Griffins were now joining the fight as the flew down from the skies and fought demons that were getting on the walls, and many of them lited the demons in the air and dropped them over the army of demons injuring more and more of them but not many died from this tactic.

In the distance griffins could be seen carrying large vases, and dropping them on the demons on the staircase and their broken on top of them and covered the demons in a strange fluid then some of the flying griffin the threw torches on them setting them all on fire and making the demons that made the staircase scream and they all collapsed to the ground making the fires spread to the other demons that were below them the front of the wall a giant bonfire that made the demons back off and the archers started to fire again, and as the arrows went through the fire they started to catch on fire then continued to their target making the fire spread among the retreating demons.

And again the demons were out of range of the archers and held their positions as they looked at the flames that nearly engulfed the front of the walls

Third day

The third day was here it was here and we would see who would succeed would the Griffins hold out long enough for Talion to arrive or would the demons break through their defenses and lay waste to the city.

The walls were holding for now but the demons were trying something new now they had now made wooden shields from a nearby forest and now formed a line the one behind the front lines held their shields above them to prevent arrows or rock from above and the ones in front held their shields in front of them and they marcher forward maintaining their lines.

The archers fired but their arrow but they had no effect on the shields the demons carried and they reached the wall and stood there doing nothing and in the distance, shields were moving and fire and smoke rose from the cracks between the shields.

When the fire reached the gate a fire demon jumped out of the shields and in the archway, the gate was where the archers could not fire, and the fire demons put his hands on the steel gate and the steel started to heat up at an alarming rate and it started to melt at a very slow pace.

The undead on the other side could see the steel gate starting to heat up and readied their weapons. The Griffins and archers continued to fire their arrows and drop large rocks on the shields some arrows making it through the openings between the shields and hot a demon but they still held strong and held up their shields but that did not last long as a few collapsed and archers fired thought the holes and taking out a few demons and their comrades quickly filled in the holes with their shields.

There was now a small hole in the gate and slowly grew with every second. A few archers were trying to get down from the wall so they could shoot through the hole but the walls were crowded by the other undead and they could not move.

The hole in three minutes was twice the size it was before and only big enough for an arm to go through but it was slowly expanding. The hole continued to grow and the demons readied to rush in as soon as it was big enough for them to get through than there was a sound in the distance.

The fire demons stopped and the demons looked towards the direction of the horn and in the distance there was movement and along the horizon, an army lined up on mounts but the demons and griffins could not see them clearly.

Talion POV

‘I don't know why but this feels very familiar’ I thought as I looked to the left and the right to look at my calvary but now was not the time to get distracted I need to say something to boost morale and I rode in front of my mounted army and started to speak.

“Today is your first day of battle, today you become heroes to your families and friends do not fear these demons if anyone should be afraid it should be them they fight for death and destruction we fight for our families and our way of life, today we ride and face the demons that march on our allies and drive them back to the pits of hell where they belong and if we die we die fighting not for not ourselves but for the people that believe in us and we will not let them done not today not ever!” I yelled and my voice echoed through the air and they all raised their weapons and cheered and I turned to face the demons army.

“Once we break through their lines lead a group of riders towards the gate and make sure they don't get anywhere near it,” I yelled and the captain of my royal guard nodded and gathered a group of moving armor. ”FORWARD.” I yelled and the manticores and caragors started to move forward slowly then went in a sprint.

Third person

Talion's army was now charging forward towards the demon army and the demons on the side Talion was charging dropped their shields.

“Spears upfront archers behind!” A voice shouted from behind the shielded demons and they did as they were told three lines of spears were formed and the spearmen upfront knelled and planted their spears in the ground while the others held their spear in their hands and pointed them forward.

“Kill them all.” The griffins shouted from behind the walls.

“Fire the voice behind the demons said and the archers fired, and arrows flew through the air and Talion pulled out his bloodskall blade and swung releasing the red energy and it destroyed all the arrows leaving the calvary uninjured as they charged closer to the demons.

Talion and his army were only a few feet from the demons now and were about to charge into their lines Talion lifted his sword and releasing the red energy again cutting many of the spears the demons held in half and the mounted army began trampling the demons those some of the mounted soldiers were not as lucky as others and the spears kill their mounted and they were through off luckily their allies were able to avoid trampling them to death but there were still many injured.

The captain was leading his troops to the gate to clear the demons near it the captain went for the fire demons while the other went for the ones near the wall. Talion was leading the rest of the army right down the middle of the demon army trampling all in their path.

Talion POV

‘Where is he.’ I thought as I looked forward looking for the demon lord Osiris but he was nowhere to be seen. I continued to look as I trampled the demons that were foolish enough to stand in front of my caragor then one of the living orcs rode out ahead of me normally I would be upfront because I can't really die but with the battle how it is going it is fine for now.

A few moments later he changed direction charging though demons to what looked like a small circle of demons holding shields gathered around one demon who looked rather important his skin was red and he had four horns one pair of them only a few inches long with the other pair a foot long on his arms were pieces of razor sharp metal that looked like they were apart of his skin on his knees where a chintin like armor that covered only his knees he wore no armor except his shoulder pads that looked like they were made from dragon scales and his chest was exposed his eyes looked like they were made of fire and pieces of bone stuck out of his knuckles almost like spikes his finger was like black claws that were about an inch long.

The orc charge through the shield wall but the caragor he was riding died from a spear and he was flung off and they closed the circle traping the orc inside now that I really looked at the orc he looked like an orc from the game I think the name was Kruk the hell-hawk.(differences is everything blue is red)

Third person POV the fight

“So one of the orcs I heard from the spies report came to me what a pleasure, I will enjoy finding out how you tick,” Osiris said as he popped his knuckles.

“The dark lord wants your head then after that I’m getting a promotion,” Kruk said as he pulled his spear and shield off his back and his spear lite on fire and he took the regular battle stance the same as in the game and Osiris charged.

Kruk held up his shield and Osiris threw a punch at him and his spiked fist bounced off the shield. “Demon filth,” Kruk said as he moved his shield and lunged forward with his spear and stabbing it into his side.

Osiris yelled as he threw another punch only for it to make contact with his shield but it still sent him back a few feet and his spear pulled away with him and the wound started to bleed badly.

Osiris charge again and lifted his fist high as he swung it down and Kruk defended but the ground around his was now a crater and Osirises other fist punched him in the gut sending him out of the small carter and on the ground but he quickly got back up and he coughs up black blood (I believe that is the color of their blood I looked it up some said black and other a very dark red) and he used his spear to support himself, then Osiris stepped out of the crater, and Kruk regain his composure and got ready to fight. Kruk pulled out a black curved dagger and he charged forward and disappeared in black smoke then reappeared in front of Osiris and stabbed him in the leg with the dagger and slid between his legs cutting through his leg forcing him to one knee.

Kurk was back on his feet and dusted himself off and walked up behind Osiris with his spear in hand and shoved his spear into his back and lifted him up and his own weight forced the spear deeper into his back and he slammed him, head first on the ground. A few moments later Talion charges through the shields and grabbed the orc and put him on his dire caragor and they rode out of the circle.

“Where did you get that dagger.?” Talion asked.

“The captain gave it to me he said he stole it off another captain from the mystic tribe,” Kruk said he put the dagger away the demons were soon retreating with their commander dead and no one to give orders they fled in fear of being trampled to death.

Talion POV

‘Thank goodness we got here in time.’ I thought to myself as we rode up to the front gates and they opened and I looked at the molted hole in the middle of the gate showing how close they were too from getting inside the hole was the size of a person now and the metal was still very hot as it glowed with intense heat.”All of you scout the area around the city the captain and I will meet with the Queen and see if there is anything else we can do,” I said and my army left to scout the surrounding area for more demons while we headed for the castle.

The undead still patrolled the walls searching for any more threats. I rode up to the castle to meet up with Phaenna.

“Talion you finally arrived thank goodness.” I heard behind me as I dismounted my caragor and I turned around to see the griffin queen standing there her feathers were unkept and she looked sleep deprived and ready to collapse.

“I’m glad I got here in time but you should get some sleep you like look you will fall at any moment,” I told her and she lost balance for a second before regaining it. “See you need to rest your people need you to be fully awake to lead them and with Circe finally have the final piece of her plan in place she can now step into the mortal realm,” I said and she nearly collapsed in shooked.

“What do you mean?” She asked shakily.

“Her attacks were not random or just trying to get rid of us, they were making a pentagram that she would use to make the gates powerful enough for her to travel here from Tartarus and now they have all their pieces in place but now we know where they are, they have to be in the center for her plan to work so now we can throw everything we have at them at most I think we only have a week to prepare before she activates it,” I told her and she passed out, and her griffins carried her to her room.

“Gather everyone I can teleport us back now,” I said and my captains left the only reason I did not Teleport here is that I had not been here before. After everyone was gathered I teleported us home and the liches were informed of the time limit and got to work I weren't below and consumed all the souls in the orb and got to work creating undead from skyrim most were draugr wight or greater also the bone, wraith and mistmen and a few keepers with my new power creating all of them were no longer difficult and the death overlords were easier to make now they will be y personal army the others have their commanders or captains and we need more forces that can be spread out undead are not very smart without someone constantly giving them orders or they are very specific with them.

I began to send a telepathic message to all of my liches and captains. “This is a message for all of you all undead and guards are to be ready to move out and golems are to be prepared for combat, and mithril armor will be given to caragors, orcs, and the new guards and call for caribou soldiers that have been cleared for combat,” I told them and ended the message to continue making my newest army.

Over the next three days the army grew rapidly beyond count and I told the other rulers to prepare and I heard that they were preparing for the worst Celestia, Luna and Faust never left their castle after hearing that she was returning I couldn't blame them Faust would have to fight her sister and Celestia and Luna their aunt.

We Found the gates but it was heavily guarded by the remaining demons lords and their armies all that was left for them to do was wait for their goddess to be ready and then the final battle will be decided.

The production of the marbles I made when I was with Eva is steadily rising adding to my military might. The other kingdoms were gathering whatever they could for the battle and the mercenaries they hired started to abandon them not very surprised though not everyone can fight a demon without trembling with fear. The golems were to be used to transport them by putting them in crates and carrying the marbles.

The next day I invited Luna, Celestia, and Faust to the tower to talk for a bit and once we were sitting down I started. “How do you all feel about this?” I asked already knowing what they could be feeling but I wanted to hear it too make sure they were ready for this.

Faust was the first to speak.” I can’t believe I have to fight my sister again after all this time.” She said with her hands on her face as she rested her elbows on the table.

Celestia held Luna as tears rolled down her face when I spoke.”When the time comes I will fight her, I am the only one of us that can.” I told them and Faust nodded

Over the next hour we talked about things and the mood changed from depressing to joyful in no time and they stayed the night and during the night I created more grave golems and the marbles have been stockpiled and ready for transport but tomorrow we need to move out we are already behind schedule so we might arrive after everyone else the next day Faust Luna and Celestia left they told me their forces were already moving now it was time for me to move as well I was out of the everfree where my army had gathered.” How many we got?” I asked the captains.”300 caribou 50 thousand undead, 10 thousand enchanted armors, 1 and a half thousand caragors, ghules unknown, 1 thousand orcs and we have not counted your personal army 15 thousand shadow demons and lastly 2 thousand grave knights all ready for battle, and Nova and the sea ponies that wanted to fight are already gone we couldn’t stop them, they left before we even knew what they were doing.” He said and I sighed and nodded

“It can’t be helped now we don’t have time to waste right now,” I said as I whistled and the skeletal dragged flew over the mountain and over my air and just hovered there and the Eldion joined the army and we marched and I planned then I got a good idea a scare tactic to weaken the demons will to fight and we continued to march as I thought how to do it.

Chapter 54

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Two days later

We were getting really close to the battlefield now and I had a good idea what to do when I got there then I thought. “Where are Apollo and Nekros?” I said aloud and Thanatos answered startling me.

“They said they would meet us there after they got a few things from their fortress.” He said and I calmed myself.

“Thank you for telling me but can you gather the others I want to tell them something so we can maybe lower the moral of the demons,” I told him and he went to get the others.

Next day Celestia POV

We were all gathered in a large tent in the center of our camp planning when Regem yelled. “Where is Talion!” Regem yelled and two figures stepped in one I already knew one if them

“He will be here soon,” Nekros said.

“So what is the plan of attack here.” The one next to Nekros asked.

“There isn’t really one from what we have seen there are over 5 million demons out there the only reason we aren’t dead is that they probably have orders not to attack yet.” Torch said then added.”All we can hope for is that Talions forces can hopefully even the odds and then the only thing we can do after that is trying to break through their lines and destroy the gate.”

My mother nodded. “Yes, that sounds like the only way to stop my sister.” She said as she looked at the map of the battlefield the place was once a large grassland with a large forest nearby but now it is a wasteland and the forest and reduced in size and the forest is now a mile away from here.

We continued to argue about our battle plan the Zebras and Minotaurs wanted to fight them head on like warriors we all thought that was foolish Nova didn’t really talk much she was still a little in shock that so little of her people remain Regem actually presented a good strategy we would focus on one point while using our strongest warriors to push through to the other side of their forces but it had massive flaws we while we push through they will easily surround us then they will slaughter us.

We continued to argue over what to do until we heard a war horn from very far away and we rushed outside to see massive dark clouds forming behind us and thunder could be heard.

“I think I know what he is doing.” My mother said as she rubbed her chin.

As the clouds moved closer figures could be seen in the sky and on the ground my mother clapped her hands together and a screen appears in front of us magnifying the figures and now we could see them clearly.

The skies under the clouds were filled with shadow demons wraiths and grave knights and in front of them a skeletal dragon that let out a roar that sounded like thunder and the shadow demons let out an ear piercing screech.[and yes there are wraiths they only appeared in one chapter until now]

On the ground Centeraurkers were on the front lines with the death knight right behind them weidlind their massive sword and shields and behind them different kinds of undead mixed in with carbiu and enchanted armor with weapons in hand even from here we could feel and hear the sound of marching as the headed towards us and in front of the Centeraurkers Talion Hecale the captains were riding caragors and Thanatos walking beside them with scythes in all four hands.

The horn was blown again as the ground started to shake and ghules burst out of the ground by the thousands and they continued to march towards the camp and when they did stopped right in front of the camp when we started to approach we could feel the ominous energy in the air and Talion dismounted his caragor and he looked around.

“Talion.” I said and he didn’t appeared to hear me as he got on one knee and put his and on the ground and picked up a little of the dirt almost like he was examining it.”Talion.” I said and he looked at me and got up.

“Sorry I was just trying to see what was going on with the ground it is filled with demonic energy and preventing anything from growing.” I said and let the dirt in his hand fall to the ground and he clapped his hand and I could feel a sonar spell and he frowned.

“We have less soldier than I expected wit all our forces combined we barely reach 3 million.” Talion said.

“And the demons army reaches 5 million.” Regem added and tallion reached in his shadow and pulled out a horn and Daron spoke.

“What is that I feels like I have seen that but I have no memory of it.” He said.

“Lets just say once I blow this we can hopefully even the odds.” Talion said as he put the horn to his lips and blew the horn four times.

Third person POV

At this all the Minotaurs including Daron kneeled and said as one “HE COMETH ACROSS DIMENSIONS. HE COMETH TO ANSWER THE CALL OF THE BLOWER. WE FOLLOW THE CALL OF THE BLOWER.”

After this the clouds part and four figures come through a rift in the sky. As they get closer one of the figures resolves into the form of Evangel Lucretian leading three other Seraphim in chariots. Other than Eva they all were male. Eva is wearing armor that looks brand new and super light on her. The rest of them are wearing armor that looks like something a paladin would wear.

They touched down in front of Talion and saluted. “Reporting for duty sir” all three males said.

“Hey.” Talion said waving at them.”Where is the Facless Horned God?” Talion asked

Eva stepped forward and gave him a hug. After the hug she said “He will be here he just wanted to make a grand entrance. In fact I think I feel him coming now.” She said as the ground started to shake and a loud bellow is heard coming from the South of Talion’s army. Looking that way a horrifying sight is approaching. Four Balrogs are coming closer carrying a palanquin draped in blood red cloth. Behind the Balrogs came twenty, twenty-four foot pitch black and muscular minotaurs.

After the palanquin drew up even with Talion the Balrogs put it down and out stepped the Faceless Horned God. “HAIL GRAVE WALKER WELL MET.” He said in his usual loud voice.

“Not a wraith anymore so that does not really hold anymore meaning but it is good to see you again and where did you get the balrog?” Talion asked

“I CAN SUMMON THEM.” the FHG said.

We’re suddenly drawn to the sound of something akin to a thunderclap, the sky opening as five giant spherical gems lower from the resulting rift, one orange, one white, one brown, one green and one blue. As they each land the perfect crystal visage shatters as each one bursts in a small wave of each element, being fire, air, earth, nature and water respectively, revealing the king that represented those elements, adorned in armor.

Before anything else can be said, Elnir doubles over in shock and looked close to throwing up as he set foot on the barren land. “My word, the land feels so… dead, not even the stone tunnels of the Dwarves are this devoid of life! Gravelord Talion, what is responsible for such devastation?”

“I just checked a moment ago with the gates fully open now demonic magic is pouring into this world and seeping into everything the ground the air everything it is what killed the wildlife here.” Talion said.

He manages to stumble back onto his own two feet, and begins to raise his arms. “I let demons send our life’s work to a desecrated tomb already, I will not allow it again… all magic can be altered, can be changed.” the air in the area seems to feel cleaner as a large, crimson orb appears above him, changing from its bloody coloration to a natural forest green. “I can change the power of these monsters.” and with the help of the other four, slams it into the ground. I find nothing to have happened until I see a flower bloom, then a few more, then the cracked, dead rock we stood on was ripped away to reveal strong, vibrant greenery.

Celestia, Luna, Faust and the other rulers were amazed to see the sudden change in scenery and Talion put his hand to the ground to observe the change.”it is fixed for now but demonic magic is still flooding through the gate it won't last for long it is already trying to kill the plants but they should last for maybe a day.” Talion said as he stood up.

Elnir scowled as he knelt at the centre of the field. “I did not bring life to this land so that it would die again, I brought it back so that it may have a say in this.” he begins channeling more of the demons own magic, this time it changed to be a mix of reds and greens. “Heed me, nature of another world, these beasts choke you, kill you, with a magic that does not belong in this world, you have witnessed the pain first hand but I have brought you back from that brink to ask you. Do you want it to happen again, will you let them kill you?! Will you let them kill your kin?!” Talion and the group had to dodge as the grass around him rose up into large thorns, and with a smile, he sends the energy to pulse through the ground. “Then rise.”

The four fellow kings smiled at the show Elnir conducted as the flora of the land grew more exponentially, and then changed, turning into a multitude of different beasts, some I recognized like Timberwolves, but then there were much larger beasts like Treants, Forest Dragons and Bog Beasts. As each one rose they looked upon the city like revenants, and much like them they had the same intent…


Yet they waited, because Elnir waited, he wanted permission from Talion to release the reins and let them march. Then Talion remembered something else that could help and he snapped my fingers and suddenly there was a massive source of magic above them.

“What’s that?” Olthok asked.

“While I was overseas fighting the caribou, Tirek attacked and I was unable to help but I was able to create and send something in my place.” Talion said and suddenly there was a massive gust of wind above us that seperated the clouds and suddenly, The sky looked like it was night even though the sun was in the sky and a large creature covered in black smoke and it landed on the ground and it opened it mouth and let out a terrifying roar as it spread it wings. It had 4 fingers on each hand, large horns that were 20 feet long and its wings and chest had a blue glow, he had tuft on each side of his chin and he had black chitin all over his body, it flew to the ground in front of Talion and kneeled.

“Alright, better question, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!” Dranlun stated.

“I honestly have no idea he is something I threw together in a few minutes to fight Tirek but now to decide where to place them.” Talion said pointed to the new army of plantlife.

“What is your plan?” Elnir inquired, seeing concern from the large demon.

“The only thing we can do, when we are outnumbered and out flanked, get to the gate and destroy it, without it, Circe can not get through. The gate is not strong enough to let her through yet, it is the only way, after that the liches will find whatever demons corpses they can find and turn them into undead to maybe even the odds.” Talion said.

“I understand, but the champions of nature do not bow to you, I am doing all that I can to have them wait for the attack, but once I let go, they will charge in with unrelenting numbers and will not stop, not even in fear or in pain.”

“That is fine but keep them away from Hecale.” Talion said.

“They do not bow to me either, they side with you, but the Spirit of Nature in this world will follow its own agenda, I have roused it into vengeance against the demons and it will work to kill all of them.”

“Can you at least contact the spirit of nature in this world and explain that Hecale is on our side and we couldn’t have made it here without her?” Talion asked.

“It knows, it associates true bonds, Hecale is as much connected to Circe and her armies as Faust is, being not at all, they will not harm her, but this is an ancient power, if it has declared vengeance, do not get in its way.”

Talion amplified my voice and said. “Thank you for fighting with us but what I need you to do is attack their flanks if they manage to surround us it is over and they win.” Talion said and returned my voice to normal.

“Faceless Horned God can you take command of my aerial troops since you have the most experience with them?” Talion asked


“Olthok can you take command of my undead I don't think I have enough commanders but I will still command a portion of them?” Talion asked.

“Let me just… get changed.” he snaps his fingers, turning into a dark spectre, taking the form of a legitimate manifestation of death, cliche scythe and all. “Payback Time.

Talion looked at the dwarf god and said.” Think you command my ghuls I have never brought them into battle before? Talion asked him.

He looks at the Ghuls, then back at Talion, then hums to himself. “They any good at diggin’?”

“Yes they burrow underground to surprise their prey when they re-emerge from the ground.” Talion said.

“Then they’re good enough for me!” Dranlun declares, stomping at the dirt, engulfing the swarm in stone only for them to emerge as larger, razor clawed, stone-scaled beasts of what they were. “Come, children of the earth! Let us undermine these freaks and show them they can’t fuck over the other worlds!”

Now that all the armies were gathered they looked towards the demons and it looked like they were done waiting and some seemed to be already charging.

“It seems our time to prepare is up.” Talion said as he mounted his Dire caragor and they all began to charge.

KILL!!” The Undead god decrees, sending his forces.

“FOR THE MULTIVERSE!” The Dwarven God of earth yells aloud, rushing in with his own forces.

“FOR ME!!” The Faceless Horn God cries out as he takes to the skies.

Talion pulled out the bloodskall blade and pointed it at the demons and yelled. “Attack.” Talion yelled as his caragor charged and the skyrim undead followed him and all of the ranged undead in his army fired their arrows or spells and they traveled past Talion and it the army of demons as the spells and arrow caused confusion among the demons he charged in.

But one was steady, lobbing an orb of dark malevolent energy at Talion, before it was blocked by roots from an exhausted, but clearly terrified Elnir.

“Why did you do that it wouldn’t have hurt me?” Talion asked.

“It… it would… that, that was a Nether Sphere.”

“Nether sphere I remember Orgran something about that But I don't really remember.” Talion said.

“That is a Netherborn spell! How do they know a Netherborn spell?!”

“Well well well look who it is the gods that failed.” A mysterious voice said and heavy footsteps could be heard and metallic clapping could be heard.

“Who… who are you?!” Elnir yelled and the hargin demons made may and a demon lord was approaching.

“ I am Arisoteth the destroyer of your world.” He said as he drew his swords they appeared to be made of some kind of stone.

“You… you made the Netherborn?” Eric said as he arrived with the other kings, overhearing the situation.

“Yes I did and once I kill you and then overthrow Circe I will make more to dominate the multiverse, the first batch was hard to control so I let them loose but now I am stronger than ever before now that Circe was foolish enough to make me a proxy.” He said with a laugh.

“You… BASTARD!!” Dranlun roared as he charged in, fist raised. “TECTONIC FIST!” he declared his attack, hitting the demon hard enough to shake the land and dust clouded the area where the demons lord stood.

“HAHAHA.” The demon lord laughed as the dust cleared and it revealed that he blocked his fist with his sword that showed no cracks or breaks.

Though he wasn’t prepared for Rintae, who delivered a kick to his head while he was focused on the Dwarf. “We will not let your acts go unpunished! You are no match for us five!”

The demon lord was launched in the air by his kick but he used his wings to land safely and only a small dent was in his armor. “Do you really think I came unprepared I knew I would meet you five at some point.” He said while chuckling as he readied his stone swords.

“Dafuq you made those things with?” the Dwarf King asked.

“Why don't you ask Talion he might have an idea.” The demon said using one sword to gesture to Talion as he got of the ground and dusted himself off.

“Talion? What does he mean?” Eric asked the Gravewalker.

“From first glance it looks like it is made of dark stone it was used to kill wraiths long ago from what Celestia told me but it looks and feels different from my time as a wraith I can tell when darkstone is near but this is much more powerful.” Talion said.

“Correct it is somewhat dark stone but not entirely.” The demon said.

“Oh yeah? What’s the difference?”

“Darkstone is more like an ore and inside it are traces of the rarest metal in the multiverse it doesn't have a name but it is why it can kill wraiths many beings think gods are being beyond death and so are wraith but they are not all powerful so you could say wraiths are a type of demi god and this metal has divine properties over hundreds of thousands of years I have gathered what I need to make these swords and they can kill gods like you six and much more they can not only kill you but they are immune to your powers.” He said.

“So that’s how you’re gonna fight us? By cheating?” Rintae asked angrily.

“Are you really going to say that? it’s five against one here.” The demon said and they could all feel the smug grin he had under his helmet.

The five seemed angry as they all worked to try and break through, all pulling off combination attacks to see if they can overwhelm the Dark Stone’s durability, such as leaf blades carried forward by wind, and mobile pressurised geysers.

“Do you really think you can break it like that? this metal can’t break do you think it took all three of the major demon lords just to grab a little of this? all of their power combined into one just to grab small chunks because the metal could repair itself I might not have been born with their powers and abilities but I surpass them in one thing, persuasion, I made them all believe that I was making these sword for Circe but they had no idea! and Talion here got rid of them for me so I was the only one that knew of the weapon’s existence.” The demon said as they all tried to attack at the same time but their attack was nullified by the sword and he lifted and slashed one of them slashing Rintae across the chest, thankfully the blade did not go too deep but it was still bleeding.

The five gathered and looked at each other knowingly. “There is still one power you can never overcome Arisoteth.” Olthok said.

“And what is that?” He asked.

“Reality!” they all intoned together before they huddled up and exploded in a ball of light, when vision returned to Talion and the demon, before them stood a glowing white construct, the five elemental symbols of earth, water, fire, air and nature were formed into a star on its chest. “Arisoteth! Meet our greater form, the Avatar of Existence.

Arisoteth gripped his sword as he flew in the air but he was not flying away and he started throwing Nether spheres at him most look inaccurate though.

New Law: Nether Magic is changed to instead have the properties of water.” the amalgam stated, before the spheres splashed harmlessly onto the ground.

“Ok then how about something new.” Arisoteth said as he clanged his swords together and lightning sparked between them and it began to go wild as it launched towards the avatar and the lighting turned into a dragon head as it rushed forward with its mouth open.

New Law: Weapons made of Dark Stone and Dark Stone based materials instead harm the wielder!” it spoke again, suddenly having the Dragon form turn around and lunge for the Demon Lord.

The demon lord looked angry for a second before calming and suddenly a portal opened up in front of him and the lighting was sucked in, this surprised the avatar as a new portal opened up beside him and the lighting dragon came through and there was no time to react.

But it seemed that was wrong as the Avatar of Existence proceeded to eat the lightning dragon whole, now sparking with energy. “New Law: Demons burn themselves when using any magic.

“Nice try but that won't work exactly how you think.” He said.

The Avatar’s eyes squinted, and it stepped closer to it. “New Law: Demons constantly burn when in contact with any molecule, including air.” he said and a portal opened below the demon lord and he dropped through and reappeared several dozen feet away from where he was before.

... New Law: Rocks hold no weight nor friction.” it said before picking up a stone and throwing it, when it came out of the Avatar’s field of influence it was going like a bullet towards Arisoteth.

“It will take more than that.” He said and he portal opened again and the rock went through but now before a few fragments of the rock broke off and went past the rock itself and into the demon piercing his armor in his left leg and a little in his side and then the portal opened over the avatar with the rock heading towards him.

He simply shifted to dodge the attack. “Talion, I am running out of time, I need him back in the field so I can kill him.

“I will do what I can but that portal magic is strange.” He said as he flew towards the demon and he lifted his Bloodshal blade and swung it realising the red energy within and the demon cut through it with his swords and Talion and the demon lord were now in a feice sword fight.

The fight had Talion on the backpedal because of the sword, but Arisoteth made one big mistake as his skin began to grow hot while he focused on Talion.

He took his eyes off the Avatar, which was able to get close enough for all those laws to take effect, including the one on his swords as they turned and got him in the chest.

“Crap.” HE said and he opened the same portal but not before Talion could grab on to him and they were both dragged in and they appeared just out the Avatar’s range and the demons flew away from Talion and landed on the ground wounded and bleed heavily and his sword slipped out only making it worse.

The demon was to weak to stand as he fell on a rock that supported him and he chuckled. “Looks like I don’t have long I guess before I go I can answer some questions if you have any.” He said

The Avatar split, and the five rushed over. “We… we have merely a few.” they said.

“Can the Nether’s Corruption be reversed?”

He thought about it for a second and chuckled. “Yes but it takes time after I die it will slowly die with me but that could take a while.” He said.

“How do we stop your creation, the Netherlord, what’s his weakness?”

“I am. As long as I was alive he could not be killed but now that I’m dying so will his invincibilty and the other netherborn will slowly die as the corruption does but he will stick around till someone kills him.” He said.

“Last question… do you regret anything? Has any cruel act you’ve committed made you feel even a small fraction of guilt?” Olthok asked.

The demon looked up towards the sky for a moment before saying. “There are some things I regret but let’s not go into it now I have little time left anything else?” He asked.

“It is important…” the five huddled up again, then looked at him, before Olthok asked. “Circe was your creator, but you wished to turn against her, meaning you do not share in her vision… if you had the chance, if you had even the smallest opportunity to become something greater than her servant, would you take it?”

“Likely but I don't think I have any chance at that anymore.” He said and he collapsed but still lived.

The group smiled. “Guess it is official then.” they proceeded to then blast a combined force of energy at the dying lord, who became changed, and healed, and new. “Welcome to the new Council, Arisoteth, Devilkin King.” he got up and he looked at himself and their was a flashing green light in his armor and he reached in and pulled out an amulet.

“You’re now one of us, we’ll need help from you and a lot more new kings if we are to restore Mylinia one day, you will control the sub-element of hellfire, and will be tasked to rule Mylinia’s netherrealms when our work is done.” Rintae explained.

“So, new brother! How’s it feel to be a god?” Dranlun said with a chuckle.

“What about the nether lord the reason I sent them away is because I was not strong enough to control them and what about the corruption?” He asked and Talion was looking at the amulet.

“That’d only be factored in if you were still in your old body.” Eric stated. “You see, you didn’t change, you just died but then got reincarnated as a Devilkin god.”

“What is that amulet?” Talion asked as he killed a few emons that approached and the armies were now rushing past us.

“It is a stone I found in darkstone it is able to manipulate transdimensional energy is is how I sent them away and how I have been redirecting attacks here you might need it.” He said and tossed it to him and Talion caught it. “She knows your coming and she is waiting for you.” He said and walked towards the five other gods.

“So, Ari, wanna go kick Circe’s ass like the six kings do?” Dranlun asked with a grin.

“She won't show herself unless Talion faces her, to her he is the one thing she needs to fear the rest she is leaving to the demons.” He told them.

“Alright then, how about we go kick some Demon ass and let you test all your new god king powers?” Dranlun said and they all ran off leaving Talion behind so he can push forward.

{POV change Talion}

After leaving them to do their thing i ran thorught the battle field slaying demons until I saw the gata.

Beofore I could get any closer a massive power moved through the gate and then the gates began to crack and fall apart.

"We're to late." I said as I saw Circe fly into the air.

"HAHAHAHAHA FINALLY FREE!" She yelled as her voice echoed through the battlefield.

'I have to end this' Thought as i took off into the air and faced her and she grinned.

"I was looking forward to this." She said with the grin still on her face as she summoned a sword.

I drew both my swords with the bloodskall blade in my left and the other in my right.

"This is the end their will be no next time." I said.

"Something we can agree on." She said as she flew towards me with her sword pionted at me.

I dodged her attack and swung my red sword sending a wave of red energy at her thst she easily destroyed with her sword.

{POV Change Hecale}

I stabbed abother demon with my long claws as i heard.

"Hello daughter" a familer voice said as I tirned aroubd to see my father standing their with his great sword in one hand.

"Is this how you want this to end?" I asked and he nodded.

"Only one of us is walking away from this ether with you dieing by my sword or me by your claws." He said as he charged with his sword held high.

He swung and i stepped to the side, then i used my claws to cut his right arm.

He passed me as he seemed unfazed by the wound, and he charge with with his sword as his side and i steped back as he swing and he cut my stomach but not very deep.

I took off into the air and flew by him stabing my claws into his shoulders as i landed behind him.

He fell ti his knees as he yelled in pain unable to move his arms.

"Im sorry but this ends here." I said as h took my claws out of his and cut off his head.

I looked uo in the air to see Talion and Circe fight both sending powerful spells at each other but missing as the other dodged.

{Talion POV}

'Long range battle is getting us no where.' I thought nad it seemed she thought the same things as she flew towards me breaking the sound barrior and I did the same.

As we collided we sent a visable shockwave over the battlefield.

My right sword was against her's and I swung my other sword in a attempt to cut off one of her arms, but she this and teleported away but she was still in front of me.

She had a angry look on her face as she gripped her sword.

Her horn glowed as a ball of magic formed and started growing larger untik it was bigger than her, and then she lowered her horn at me and fired.

A giant beam of magic shoot towards me, and I couldn't move becuse the beam would hit the battle field below killing thousands on both sides so, fired a beam of my own.

When they collided they tried to push each other back.

Circe's beam started to push mine back.

'Damn it.' I thought as I brought out all ny power and I started pushing back until we were back at a stalemate.

This was getting us no where so I told Phantom to attack her from below.

Suddenly a chain wrapped aroubd her leg and pulled her down caughing her off guard and making stop her beam casing mine to engulf her and explode.

When the smoke clear she was un harmed but she was pissed.

She roared in rage before an black aura surrounded her and she charged me impaling me with her horn as we crashed into the ground

I kneed her in the stomach making her pull out but i grabbed her horn.

"Unhand me!" She yelled as I kneed her in the head and her horn cracked then proceed to do it again breaking it off.

"AAAAAAAH!" She screamed as she held the stump where her horn used to be.

"You'll pay for that." She said as she punched me in the face sending me into ehat remained of the gate.

As i stood up i held her horn in my hand as she tackled me into the ground then proceed to repeatly punch me in the face.

I stabed her in the side woth her horn and she stops as she screamed in pain, and then I flipped us holding the horn in the air and brought it down bit before it stabbed her the grabbed my arm stopping just inches away from her bothchest.

We both use all of our strength in this stuggle but then I started useing my bosy weight to push down.

It slowly started going down and her eyes widened with fear', and then her hands slipped as her gorn stabbed her heart.

She gasped as she felt the pain in her chest and hey eyes slowly starfed to close theb I stood up and walkingonto the battlefeild to see all of the demons Except Hecale dieing instantly.

"It is finnaly over." Celestia said as she and Luna flew to my side then Faust appered in front of us with a smile before she collasped.

"Mother." Celestia said as she rushed to her side and we saw a wound in her chest hwere hee heart was and I realized what happened.

"Why didnt you tell us?' I asked and Celestia and Luna looked at me confused.

"Her life in bounded to her sisters." I said then they looked at her shocked.

"Yes in order to make sure one force does not grow to strong when their embodiment dies so does their opposites embodiment." Faust said coughing up blood and her body begain to glow.

"Mother." Luna said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry this was inevitable there was no other way." She said put a hand on her check.

Luna gently held her hand and Faust then did the same to Celestia as she said her Final words.

"Please live your lives dont let this lose break you are this world hope and their future." She said and she slowky fadded away.

{A week later}

I was standing in front of the allied army and the familes of those who have fallen before I said. "Today we gather at this spot not only to grieve for our fallen comrades but to honor them they gave their lives for our future and the future of our world. We have lost much in such a shirt time Brothers, sisters, fathers, mother, friend's." I said and Celestia and Luna were crying and I used my magic and. Hundreds walls of stine appered behind me with names inscribed in them.

"During these last few days I have gathered all of the names of those who have fallen and now they will forever remain her where they will be rembered for all time has heros of our world who will never be forgotten and now the darkness has passed and their is much to rebuild so I say this know that all of those who died are looking at ud know with smiles of joy that they know that they died ofr those they loved and they will forever watch over us." I said finsiheding my speech and then someone started clapping, and as that clap continued more joined in ubtil everyone was cheering and severial were at the stone walls with tears in their eyes but they also had smiles.

"I think its time we went home." I told Celestia and Luna as they looked at me with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

"Yes mother was right were will continue to push forward and strive fore peace between all kingdoms and now that the danger has passed we can now rebuild." Celestia said as her and Luna spread her wings and took off but I looked at the stone walls one last time sewibg the families of thise who had fallen searching for their loved ones names.

"Well if you can hear me Faust thank you for everything." I said shedding a tear before following Celestia and Luna