The Hand Of Fate

by The saiyan brony

First published

Fallow Sam Evans and his new life at CHS after transferring from Crystal Prep due to an unfortunate accident over the summer vacation. Little does he know that his life would change for the better.

When an unfortunate accident cause the lost of Sam Evans left arm,forcing him to transfer to a new school to get away from the teasing and bullies of Crystal Prep , he soon finds Himself at the doors of CHS. What new beginnings will await him?


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Edited by Lolrainbowcat

Your name is Sam Evans, and you just transferred to CHS from Crystal Prep High one month into the new school year. Why you may ask? For multiple reasons, which all which have one thing in common; you've lost your entire left arm over the summer vacation. So not only did you have to deal with the trauma of the loss of your left arm and the cause that took it away, but the fact that you are no longer able to compete competitively in the sport you loved know as boxing . Which means in Crystal Prep that if you’re not an athlete for any of the school teams, or a high grade genius, you're basically trash to them. And trash is what you felt like at school over the first month back. As everyone either teased you about the things you lack with just one arm.

So you decided that you had enough and wanted to transfer schools. You remembered that one of your classmates had transferred to CHS after the Friendship Games, before she transferred you always noticed how alone she looked as walked down the halls of Crystal Prep. You would have talked to her but didn't think it would make a difference, then after she transferred you saw her walking down the street with a large group of friends, and she had the happiest smile that you ever saw. So who knows, maybe this new school might be a fresh start for the better.”Alright, beyond these doors is your new life,” you thought nervously to yourself,”All I have to do is not screw this first day up.” “Besides what's the worst that can happen on the first day?” you thought while gripping the handle of one of the doors.

Opening the doors to your new school, you’re immediately met with pain as a rogue soccer ball collides with your face, pushing both your head and body backward, causing you to fall flat on your back onto the pavement. As you lay there staring at the blue sky you see someone look over at you from above. She had cyan skin and magenta eyes, with spiky rainbow hair. “Whoa, sorry about that dude! I wasn't expecting someone to open the door all of a sudden.”

“Hey it's fine, what's a better way to start my first day here than getting hit in the face by a soccer ball,” you say in a playfully yet sarcastic tone. She gave you a guilty smile as she scratched the back of her head and offered her left arm to help you up.

When you didn't expect her left hand, she let out a huff of annoyance. “Hey listen, I said I was sorry and I'm trying to help you here!” you guessed that she probably hadn't noticed your lost limb yet, so you decided to clear your throat and look to your where your left arm would once have been. Immediately the girl’s eyes widened as she noticed that you had no left arm to grab with. “I-im s-sorry I hadn't noticed,” she stammered as she quickly switched to helping you with her right hand,which you took in your own as you slowly got up.

“It's fine don't sweat it,” you said as you dusted off your pants. You look to the rainbow haired girl extending your only arm out. “Name is Sam Evans by the way, and you are?” You saw that she was still in a bit of a daze and she was gently shaking her head, trying to focus.


“MISS RAINBOW DASH!!!” A loud voice called out from behind, and you saw a look of unmistakable fear on Rainbow Dash’s face. Leaning your body to the right you saw a woman in a violet shirt, standing menacingly in the doorway of the school entrance. She had a kind of light bluish and purple skin with dark violet hair. ”HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU NOT TO PRACTICE SPORTS IN THE HALLS!!!” the woman roared, making your ears hurt a bit.

“Heh heh, sorry Vice Principal Luna, guess I must have forgotten.” Rainbow Dash started to scratch the back of her head while giving yet another guilty smile. You didn't know what it was, but you get the feeling that this won't be the last time she'll get chewed out for something like this. Hopefully next time you won't be there to be another target of one of her stray soccer balls.

Luna simply shook her head in annoyance, knowing that this definitely won’t be the last time she'll have to deal with this situation. As she finished giving Dash the stink eye her attention was now entirely focused on you, causing your body to jolt in fear as she made eye contact. “You must be the new transfer student for Crystal Prep, are you not?” she asked, all the while never breaking eye contact with you, making you feel like a deer in the headlights.

“U-uh yes I am Vice Principal Luna….M-am!!” you give a courtesy bow as if she were royalty. This gains you a soft chuckle from her and a teasing snicker from Dash.

“You mustn't be too formal, we are not royalty.” you can feel your face burn with embarrassment and you straighten yourself out while looking back to see Dash holding her hand on her mouth with the other against her stomach trying not to burst out laughing. “Follow us so as to receive your schedule.” commanded Luna. She motioned with her hand for you to follow her.

As you started to walk past Dash, you felt a tap on your right shoulder. Turning back to her you could see that she had her right hand extended out for a hand shake.”Name’s Rainbow Dash, and sorry about what happened earlier"

You smiled back while taking her hand with your own and giving it a good shake. “Nice to meet you too, and don't worry about it. It’s not like you get hit by a stray ball everyday, am I right?" You knew that she was apologizing for not noticing your missing arm and whatnot, but you’d rather just play it off so she wouldn't think about it much. You let go of her hand and made your way into the school to catch up with Luna.


As you followed Luna down the hall, you made sure to lean your left side of your body almost right up against the wall to hide your missing arm from the other students passing by as they walked to their first period classes.
You soon reached an office door with Luna’s name and title written on it. You see her gesturing for you to wait were you were, standing straight as she made her way inside. As you wait you you felt a strange feeling of being watched. Turning your head back, you see the hallway is completely empty, but you continued to stare down the hallway until you felt a tap on your shoulder swiftly followed by someone clearing their throat.

Turning back, you see Luna holding a piece of paper up to you. “Here are you daily schedules for this semester. Be sure not to misplace it until you memorize it by heart.” Taking the paper in your hand you see her pointing past her to the end of the hall. “Your first class is with the math teacher Miss Cheerilee. Go down the hall and then turn left. She’s the third door from the left.”

You nod your head and begin to follow her directions. “Thank you Vice Principal Luna.” You waved your hand at her to which she returned in kind as she entered her office. Looking back down the hallway, you start to walk to your first class with the directions you were given. Turning around the corner, you saw the room you were supposed to be in. Gently, you knocked on the door three times, and stood while waiting for a response. Shortly afterwards the door to the room opened, and you were faced with a woman with pink-ish skin and magenta colored hair. “Is this Miss Cheerilee’s class?” you asked taking a look back at your schedule to make sure you were at the right room.

“Oh! You must the the new transfer student!” you nodded to her question, so she moved aside to allow you inside. “Please come inside, the class is just about to start. You should introduce yourself to the class since you’re new here.” she said in a cheerful tone as you walked in with the doors closing behind you. You both turn your attention to the entire classroom, who were all staring at you. “Class, we have a new student starting here today here at CHS.” Turning her attention back to you, Cheerilee handed you a piece of chalk. “Write your name on the board and introduce yourself.”

‘Talk about putting me on the spot’ you thought as you took the stick of chalk and turned to the blackboard behind you,and started to write your name on it. Turning back after finishing your task, you look to the class and tried to keep your cool. “Um hello there, my name is Sam Evans and it’s nice to meet all of you.” You soon noticed that all the other students seemed to have a look of curiosity as they stared at you. Instantly you knew why, as you could feel their stares aimed directly at your missing limb ‘Of course, why am I not surprised?’. Letting out an annoyed sigh you made your way through the desks of the various students to find an empty spot. The only one available was on the right side of the room and it was an end deck, second row from the back. Carefully taking your seat without losing your balance, you set down your backpack to the side of your seat, and pulled out some paper and a pencil. Miss Cheerilee could sense the tension that you had and decided to try and continue the class to shift the attention of the class back, as she started to write up problems on the chalkboard and explained how to solve them.

Soon you began to take notes, even though you knew math all to well. It was your second best subject that you were good at, with the first bein sports. However now that you think about it, math might just be your best subject you were good at. As you continued to copy the various formulas as they were written up, you can't help but feel as if you’re being watched yet again. However, unlike with when your classmates were staring at your lost arm, this had felt different somehow. Careful not to turn your head, you slowly looked as far to left that your eyes could see without moving your head. None of the students were even looking in your general direction.Yet despite that the feeling on the back of your neck still felt like you were being watched. ‘Maybe I'm just paranoid ‘


After class had ended, you started to pack up your paper and pencil. “Mr Evan's, do you have a minute?” turning your head upwards, you saw Miss Cheerilee standing in front of you.

“Oh sure, what's up?” you ask, slinging your pack onto your shoulder.

“Well you see Mr Evans, I just realized that since you’re new to this school, you probably haven't decided to join a club yet.”

“Well no, but I wasn't really planning on joining any clubs. Is that okay?” you ask while tilting your head to the side.

You watched as a small frown crept onto Cheerilee’s face. “I'm afraid not. You see here at CHS students are required to take part in club activities.”

You can't help but quirk an eyebrow at this. “Really? You’re serious?” you watched as she nodded her head. ‘Great, so this is new. Well then again this isn't Crystal Prep’. Letting out a defeated sigh, you looked back to your teacher. “Okay, where do I go to sign up for a club?”

“If you go down the hall to your left you should find a bulletin board with a list of the remaining clubs that have open spots.”

You give a polite nod as you made your way out of class to find the bulletin board.

Fortunately it was on the way to your next P.E class, though you had mixed feelings about having to join a club, and the possible outcome of P.E. As you rounded the corner, you were able to see the bulletin board close to the P.E gym door. Finally, you stood in front of it and frowned as you saw very little options. Due to you transferring to this school one month into the school year, the options to choose from were few. Three clubs to be exact:

  1. Advanced Chemistry club
  2. Trigonometry
  3. Water polo

As you stared at what you can only imagine as a cruel hand of fate, you already knew which club you had to choose. ‘Damned water polo’, you thought bitterly as you knew the first two options were way over your head. Swinging your backpack to the ground and unzipping the front pocket you pulled out a pen and proceeded to write your name in the open space for the water polo club. While it's true that you were well versed in mathematics, Trigonometry is a whole other beast that you'd rather not tangle with. And you and chemistry are not a good mix, due to one class project that both figuratively and literally blew up in your face. ‘And thinking about it now, it's just a club, not a team so there's no way they'll expect you to play competitively right?’


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Edited by Lolrainbowcat

Once you finished signing up for the water polo club, you made your way to your next class. Gripping the handle to the gym, you pull the door and prepare for whatever life might throw at you. “LOOK OUT!!!”, is all you hear before you see a bright red dodge ball flying straight toward your face. ‘Oh Murphy you cruel man’, is all you can think before the ball collides with your face, sending you falling backwards to the floor for the second time today.

The sound of footsteps echoing on the wooden floor of the gym could be heard as a familiar face looked down at you. “Hey there Sam, good to see you again." Once again you’ve had a painful encounter with Rainbow Dash.

Pushing off of the floor with your arm, you turn to the blue menace that had caused you pain such pain twice today. “Please tell me this isn't how you greet new students at this school?” you groan while rubbing your sore face.

“Nah, you’re just unlucky I guess. That and you came in during a dodgeball game,” she shrugged as she helped lift you off the ground. “So I guess we have the same P.E class then?”

“Looks that way to me, though I'm starting to worry that this may become a thing with you around.” bending down, you grab the ball and toss over to Dash, who catches it and spins the ball on her index finger.

A voice coming from your right gets your attention. “You there.” Turning your head, you see a woman in a violet dress with golden hair walking up to you. “You are not wearing your P.E uniform. Why?”

“Um well…”

Before you could stutter anymore Dash steps in front of you. “Ms. Harshwhinny, this is the new transfer student.” Dash wraps an arm around your shoulder. “He doesn't have a set yet ,so how could he be in his uniform?”

Ms. Harshwhinny pulled up a clipboard from her side and scanned the paper attached to it. “Ah yes, Mr. Evans I presume.” she stated, glancing up from her paper. You nodded. “Well, since you don't have the proper attire I can afford to be lenient on this matter.” She soon pulled out a small piece of paper from her pocket and began to write something down on it. Once she had finished, she handed you the paper. ”This is for you. Go to the gym office later and exchange it to receive your P.E attire, but for today you will have to sit on the bleachers with Ms. Sparkle until you have them.”

Taking the piece of paper, you nod to her and start to walk off in the direction of the bleachers. You turn to Dash before you continue, and thanked her for her help, to which she mouths ‘I got you’. Continuing your walk to the bleachers, you hear the sound of dodgeballs being thrown around as the class continued on. Looking up, you see a familiar face sitting on the bleachers. Her skin was a light purple, and she had violet hair with a reddish pink and purple stripe highlights, all of it thrown into a ponytail. It was your old classmate from Crystal Prep, Twilight Sparkle. You had expected to eventually bump into her at some point, but never did you think you would see her on your first day here, or even have a class with her no less. Walking up to the top of the bleachers where she sat reading a book, you steel your nerves as you wanted to apologize for not helping her back at Crystal Prep. Taking a seat a few inches away on her right, you notice that she isn't aware of your presence. Not wanting to bother her while she's reading, you decided to watch the other students play their game of dodgeball. To which you’re glad you’re not participating in since Dash is currently mopping the floor with the opposite team. In less than 3 minutes she struck out all of the opposite team member. Ms. Harshwhinny blowed her whistle to signal the end of the game and to start up a new one again.

This however, snapped Twilight from her book at the sound of the whistle, making her look up to see that the game had ended. Before she could return to her book though, she took notice of you and a shocked look spread across her face. “Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there,” she said as she gave you a warm smile.

You wave your hand dismissively. “It's fine, I literally just got here,” you say as you returned the smile. In a moment though, you see that Twilight is staring at you rather closely. “ something wrong?” you asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable with how close she was getting.

“Have we met somewhere before? You look kinda familiar.” Her eyes kept their focus on you until they widened. “You’re Sam Evans, the star boxer for Crystal Prep!! What are you doing here?!”

You recoil a bit after having her yell in surprise, and from the fact that she actually knew who you were, even though you couldn't really say the same about her back then. “Well I just transferred here, and I WAS the star boxer for Crystal Prep.”

Twilight turned her head with her eyebrows raised. "Was? What changed?” Similarly to Rainbow Dash, she hadn't yet noticed your condition. You twist your upper body to show her your reason for quitting. Letting out a loud gasp, Twilight cupped her hands over her mouth in shock. After what felt like hours she finally brought her hands down as she looked back up at you. “I-im so sorry, what happened?” You could see a genuine look of curiosity and sympathy in her eyes.

“I lost it over summer vacation.” Gripping your left shoulder, you relieved the painful memories of that day as they flashed through your mind, along with the unforgettable pain you had felt. “After I lost it, life at Crystal Prep was just awful. I was kicked off the boxing team and no other teams would let me join. And most of the student body mocked me for it." Letting out a deep sigh you hung your head in shame. “So I decided to transfer to here in hopes things would be better.” You turn back to Twilight, only to notice that she wasn't alone, that at some point you weren't aware that Dash had joined in on listening to your conversation. You see a look of sympathy in her eyes as well.You can guess that she heard the last parts of your story.

“I'm so sorry to hear that.” Twilight spoke with tears building up in her eyes. Was she really crying for you?

“It’s fine, I’m honestly somewhat over it." You were lying. “Besides it was my own fault for not being careful that day. And since we are apologizing I'd like to say I'm sorry to you too Twilight.”

Twilight cocked her head to the side, confused as to what you meant. “Why are you saying sorry to me?” As Twilight asked her questions, Dash decided to head back to the game, but not before looking back at you.

“Well I mean, I'm sorry about not trying to comfort you during your time back at Crystal Prep.” You hung your head back down in shame. “I saw that you weren't making any friends there and were miserable. I could have done something, but I just the turned the other way and acted like nothing was wrong” Before you knew it, you felt a warm embrace overcoming you. Twilight was hugging you.

“It's alright, I forgive you, even though I wasn't really mad at you for it, but thanks I appreciate the thought.” Letting go of your body, Twilight sat straight up once more with a wide smile. “So how are you liking it here so far?”

You were left speechless, not because of the hug, but for the fact that she didn't hold a grudge against you. Had it been anyone else from your old school you would have been an enemy to them, but with Twilight it was completely the opposite. Maybe this school would be better than Crystal Prep. “Well this is my second period, and so far I've been beaned in the head by a ball from the Prismatic Wonder over there.” You pointed over to Dash who had just landed another headshot on another student. “But other than that it's a pretty nice place.” Soon Twilight was chuckling and you found yourself joining her. ‘Hey you, if you can't laugh at your own pain then you have a poor sense of humor’.


For the rest of your second period, you and Twilight start to catch up on the event after the Friendship Games. From how she turned into a demon (yeah, try to process that) to her adventure at Camp Everfree, and the boy she met there, which you of course tease her about, which earns you a playful punch on the shoulder. Once the class had ended, you decided to head off to your next class, but not before finding out why she wasn't taking part in class today. Turns out she forgot her uniform as well. The next two classes went on the same as the first. You introduce yourself, people stare at your missing arm ect,ect. It was lunchtime now, and you already had a lunch packed. ‘Now all you have to do is find a place to sit’. You were about to go a empty table in the corner of the cafeteria, when you saw Rainbow Dash flagging you down.

“HEY SAM OVER HERE!!!” Dash waved her hand up and motioned you to join her. Seeing as it would be rude to ignore her, you decided ‘why not’ and made your way there. At the table were six other girls, one of which you already knew as Twilight. Taking a seat at the end next to Dash, you started to unpack your lunch. “Guys, this is the new kid Sam.” she said after giving you a playful jab with her elbow. “Sam, these are my friends”. You politely wave as you’re now betting they’d all have noticed your condition by now.

A girl with fair white skin and purple hair was the first to speak. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance darling, I'm Rarity by the way.” You’re give a courteous nod to Rarity.

“The names Applejack, nice to meetcha” Applejack had light orange skin and golden blond hair with a brown stetson hat.

In the next second you were immediately faced with a girl with both pink skin and puffy hair. “HI I'M PINKIE NICE TO MEET YOU, HEY DO YOU LIKE PARTIES? WE SHOULD THROW YOU A WELCOME TO CHS PARR…..” Applejack decided to pull Pinke off you to which you give a thankful nod.

“I'm Fluttershy...” You couldn't quite hear the next girl who had pale yellow skin and long pink hair.

“What was that?” you asked cupping your hand over your ear.

“She said her name was Fluttershy. Don’t worry, she’s like this with every new person she meets.” Your attention turned to the girl beside Fluttershy. She had light orange skin with fiery red hair and a couple of yellow highlights. “I'm Sunset Shimmer by the way.” She extended her hand out to you.

You extend your hand out to shake, but as you did you couldn't help shake the feeling that you've met this girl before. Letting go you try to remember where you've seen her before. “Forgive me for asking this out of the blue, but have we met before?”

Sunset gave you a gentle smile. “Well you probably don't remember me, but we both have the same algebra class during first period ” Thinking back on it, you now remember possibly seeing her at the back of the class If it hadn't been for everyone staring at your missing arm you would have taken the time to look over your classmates before you went to your seat so suddenly.

“Oh, well that explains it then. Sorry about that.” Sunset waves it off to show you that no harm’s been done. You and the rest of the group start to eat your lunches and make small talk amongst each other.


After lunch you had only two classes left, which flew by in no time. You remembered that you had to go back to the bulletin board next to the gym since you hadn't checked to see when the water polo club would start or where they would meet up. Having finally made it, you see that the water polo clubs met at Mondays through Fridays everyday, one hour after school ends. You debated if you wanted to go today, or just skip it and go tomorrow. But you rather not be rude and decide that you'll participate today. And with that, you head off to your house to pick up a pair of swimming trunks and a water resistant shirt.

You're about eight minutes late due to having to run back to the school after you got your swimming gear and trying to find the pool. Turns out the school had both an outdoor pool AND an indoor one as well. Having finally found the door and hallway that led to the indoor pool, you gripped the handle, ready to open it. ‘hold up’. You stop before you could open the door ‘The last time two times I opened a door, I ended up getting smacked to the head by my a rogue ball. Oh ho not this time!!’. Quickly opening the door you immediately ducked down, and no sooner did you do so, did a volleyball zip over your head. “AHA!!! Not this time! I won't fall for it a third…” Before you could finish your rant of victory, you felt your head being hit from behind as the volleyball bounced off the wall behind you and smacked you on the back of your head, pushing you forward and causing you to fall into the pool with a loud splash. ‘Well...rule of three I guess’. You surfaced for air, and already knew who the culprit for your pain is.

“Wow, we have got to stop meeting up like this.” You’d recognize that raspy voice anywhere. Looking up, you saw the same girl who had caused you so much trouble in this one day. She bent down and extend her hand out to you. “Need a hand there?”

‘Did she really just say that. Oh it's on now’. Gripping her hand with your own, you gave her an evil grin. “As a matter fact..." Wasting no time, you pulled on Rainbow Dash causing her to fall headfirst into the water. “I'm good, but thanks for the offer.” Off to your right, you could hear other people laugh, you’d guess those are the other members of the club.

Dash surfaced and let out a laugh. “Ok, I had that coming.” Dash swam to the right where the other members waited. “This is my boyfriend Soarin,” she pointed to a guy with light blue skin and navy blue hair, “and there’s Spitfire.” Next was a girl with bright yellow skin and orange hair. “And then there’s Flash.” Next to Spitfire was a another guy with light orange skin with blue hair. “And you already know Sunset."

You hadn't expected to see Sunset here, but there she was, wearing a very beautiful black two piece swimsuit which left little to the imagination. You could feel yourself blushing as she gave you a playful wink, no doubt noticing you staring at her. That alone made your face heat up; even with you being inside a pool. “Uh, nice to meet you guys.”

“So, I'm guessing you're here to join the water polo club.” Dash asked while getting moving to the water edge next to Soarin. You give her a nod to confirm her question. “Great, now we have even numbers. Alright guys, who’s ready to play.” The rest of the members all hopped into the water, making a large splash that ended up hitting you.

You had noticed that none of them at any point were staring at you missing appendage,or even questioned why you would join with just one arm.This was the first time that nobody decided to stare at your missing arm, you realized in surprise.They just acted like you were a normal person. ‘You know, I think I'm gonna enjoy it here’.


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Edited by Lolrainbowcat

It's been 3 months since you came to CHS, and life has been amazing. People have stopped looking at you like you’re a sideshow, and are genuinely trying to befriend you. Even your classes are great, P.E has been a challenge, but despite her name Ms.Harshwhinny has been very kind to you. Turns out she is well known throughout the sports world and has even coached handicapped athletes, and has been a great motivator to you. Another thing that seemed to develop is that you and Sunset Shimmer have become good friends. And at some point she managed to trade seats with a student so she could sit next to you in math class. And it seems good things come in three, as you and the members of the water polo club have become attuned and are able to compete against rival schools. You managed to score the winning points in 3 out of 5 games. Another thing that happened was that you found out that Flash was dating Spitfire, which you did not see coming. And with Christmas only another month away, things at CHS only seemed to become chippier.


You decided to get to first period early to catch up on some light reading before class started. Opening your book, you started to read where you had left off before you felt a tap on your right shoulder. Turning to your right, you saw nobody was there, but you soon felt another tap, this time on your left shoulder. Grinning, you knew exactly who it was. “Alright Sunset, I know it’s you.”

You watched as Sunset moved into view while pouting “You’re no fun.” You gave her a poke to her side, causing her to crack a grin. “So, you’re early. What's up?”

You shrugged, pulling up your book. “Thought I'd do some reading before class starts.” You hand her your book so she could read the title.

“Daring Do huh? I'm guessing Dash got you into it?” You nod as she hands you back the book.

“Never thought I'd find myself reading a book that wasn't a comic, let alone me enjoying it so much.” You smile as Sunset sits at her desk next to you.

“So, any plans for Christmas break yet?”

“Hmm….not really. Haven't really thought of anything yet.”

For a second you notice a small blush on Sunset’s face as she reached into her bag. A second later you see her pull out a small letter, which she holds out for you. “Here”

You took the letter and started to open it. POP! Confetti shot out, covering up your face with bits of glitter and streamers. Sunset burst out laughing as you dusted the glitter and streamers off your face while you read the card.

‘Dear Sam, you're invited to Pinkie Pie’s Christmas Eve Party!!! Be sure to be on time at the school gym. Party starts at 4 and ends when the last partier drops!!!!’

“Well, it seems I know where I'll be this Christmas Eve.” you say as you see Sunset taking her seat. Soon Miss. Cheerilee entered the room and the rest of the students were seated, waiting for the class to start.

“Alright class, today you’re all in for a treat. Instead of regular classes we’ll be watching a nature documentary.” The class let out a sigh of relief. Miss Cheerilee often surprised the class with these kinds of things, but only when the class as a whole performs well on their tests. “Today's episode is called Blue Planet.” Soon the lights were turned off and the overhead projector started to display the movie.

Most of the film was quite interesting at first, yet also relaxing. So much so that a few students in the back fell asleep while resting on their hands. You and Sunset however, were enjoying the movie. Whenever any sort of baby animal was shown, Sunset would let out a little "Aww", where as you enjoyed the beautiful setting of the clear blue ocean and the coral reef at the bottom of the sea. But the tone of the movie soon changed as the documentary soon shifted its its attention to one sea creature you all to well knew. From its rough skin, to its powerful jaws that could rip a seal to pieces, but for you it was those black soulless eyes that made your body shake in fear; Sharks.

The very same beast that had taken your arm on that summer day. You could remember the pain, the scream of terror, but most of all those soulless eyes staring at you. You started to clench your left shoulders, you could hear your heart beating loudly in your ears and thinking loudly in your chest. Without warning you bolted out of you seat and booked it to the door and out of the room. You quickly ran to the nearest restroom and started to soak your face with cold water as you tried to clear your mind. But the images of that day continued to flash through your mind as you breathed while heavily clenching the left side of your chest. You began to take slow, deep breaths as you tried to calm your nerves before you gave yourself a heart attack.

After 3 minutes you managed to calm down and you took a moment to try to breath normally. Once you felt that you could maintain your composure you started to make your way back to class. Once you entered, you saw that Miss.Cheerilee and the students were now fixated on you. “Are you alright Mr.Evans?” Cheerilee asked with a tone of concern in her voice.

The rest of the class all leaned in with bated breath as they awaited your answer. “Yeah, sorry Miss. Cheerilee, I must've had something bad for breakfast this morning, eh he he...” You watched as everyone let out a sigh of relief. You made your way to your desk and sat down, feeling as though you've managed to dodge a bullet there. But you noticed that Sunset was still staring at you. ‘Did she notice my reaction to the shark scene?


The rest of the day went on per usual, though you still felt that sense of fear in your heart, causing you to seem distant from everyone around you. During PE you requested to sit this time out. Though she didn't like the idea of you not participating, Ms.Harshwhinny allowed it. Most likely she could tell you weren't feeling well or had something on your mind. The rest of your classes were a blur as you didn’t pay them much attention. During lunch, you opted to sit alone in the back of the cafeteria. From across the room however you saw Dash and Sunset talking, occasionally taking a glance in your direction.

Soon the day was over and you wanted to do nothing more then go home and sleep away this bad day, knowing that would mean skipping water polo. But before you could make your way to the exit, Dash stepped in front of you. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked while folding her arms.

“Oh I was just heading home is all, it's been a busy day and I could really use a nap.” you lied while faking a yawn.

However Dash wasn't easily fooled. “Yeah sorry, but no.” Without warning, she hooked your arm with her own and started dragging you to the indoor pool. “You know, as well as I do that I won't let any of my members skip a day of practice.” Defeated, you let out a sigh. Dash knew that you kept your swimming gear in your backpack at all times ever since after the first day so you wouldn't be late ever again.

Soon after you changed you your clothes, you opened the door and walked into the indoor pool room only to see Flash and Soarin flexing their muscles, most likely to impress their girlfriends. You rolled your eyes at how some guys can act so macho for the dumbest reasons. After setting your pack down on the bench, you noticed that Sunset was eyeing you once again. You didn't really want to talk about what happened in first period and hoped she wouldn't mention during today's practice. As you and Sunset stared at each other, you felt someone patting your back. “Hey Sam, why don't you show us what you got man.” Flash said from behind gaining your attention.

“Yeah, come on man, you're always wearing that water shirt, let's see which of the three of us guys is more built. The girls will judge” Soarin said while sitting on a bench next to Dash.

“No thanks guys I'm good, I'm not really all that interested in competing like that." There was a reason you always wore that shirt and you weren't sure if you'd be willing to take it off.

“Oh come on Sam, we won't pic on you if your body isn't that built, besides I'm sure your more toned than these two” Spitfire added while pointing to Flash and Soarin who both crossed their arms.

‘This is getting bad, if they keep asking they’re gonna start to suspect something’. You tried to think of a way to change the subject, anything to get them to stop asking.

Before you knew it, Sunset was standing next to you looking you in the eyes. You both stood there for a few moments, staring into each other eyes. Soon Sunset placed a hand where your missing arm was. “Does this have to do with what happened earlier today in first period." This caused your eyes to widen, letting Sunset know she was correct.

Dash stood up from the bench and made her way over to you, placing a hand on your other shoulder. “Come on Sam, you know we only care about you, if you don't tell us what's wrong then we can't help you.” You figured that Sunset must have told Dash what happened earlier today.

You looked around to see the rest of your teammates all staring at you with looks of concern. Feeling defeated, you knew that this day would come, you only wished it could have come later. Nodding to your friends, you took a step back and reached down to grip the hem of your shirt, starting to pull it up. As your shirt rises over your midsection, it revealed an impressive four pack, causing Spitfire to whistle with appreciation, and causing Flash and Soarin to let out a defeated groan. You finally raised the shirt over your chest and off your whole body. You looked to your friends to see that their eyes had widened as they now saw the real reason you never took off your shirt during practice. There on your left shoulder were multiple scars, each one making a pattern that was unmistakable. The pattern of bite marks, bite marks left by a shark. Sunset cupped her hands over her mouth.

“I'm guessing you all want to know how I lost my arm and received these scars right?” You watched as they all slowly nodded their heads.
“Alright, I guess I've kept this from you guys long enough.” You walk over to the bench and slowly sat down before telling your story.
“It started as an ordinary day, I decided I wanted to do some road work and jogged to the local beach to run on the sand, helping to build my endurance and footwork.” You looked to make sure they were listening, each of them were eyeing you closely, waiting for you to continue. “When I got the beach, I decided to do a warm up by running up and down the pier to get started. Apparently there was a surfing contest, but I didn't think much of it at the time. I had just finished going up and down the pier two times and was about ready to hit the sand. But as I was jogging back down the pier, I heard people yelling and screaming. I noticed that a lot of people were close to the edge, looking down at the water. When I finally managed to get to the ground, I heard someone yelling, ‘SHARK!!’.”

Each of your friends were hanging on every word, no more so than Sunset and Dash who moved in closer. “When I looked down at the water, I could see the surfers all swimming back to the beach, but that was when I saw that the shark had something in its jaws. It was biting down on a surfboard, pulling it further out to sea, but attached to the board was a surfer. Apparently the surfer didn't take off his ankle brace and was being pulled farther out to sea. Anytime the surfer would try to take the brace off, the shark would start thrashing about, making it impossible to remove. And if that wasn't bad enough, the surfer was wearing an all black water suit and water cap making him look like a seal”.

You watched as everyone covered their mouths, and you could easily see the fear in their eyes. “Soon enough, the surfer was hit on the head by the surfboard, causing him to bleed which got the sharks attention as it circled back around. At that moment the people on the pier started to panic as they watched from above as the shark made its way to the unconscious surfer. That was about the moment when my body took over. I took a couple of steps back and sprinted until I reach the edge and pushed off and dove into the water. The moment I hit the water I had already landed onto the shark and wrapped my body against it. I could feel its rough skin against my hands as it started to thrash around changing its attention from the surfer to me. Soon the shark started to dive deeper into the water as it continued to try and shake me off. My grip was slowly loosening and I needed air soon. So in a last ditch effort, I moved my body further up it and clamped my hand over its gills knowing it wouldn't be able to breath without them. I could barely reach its gills as its body was incredibly wide. Soon the shark's thrashing started to slow down, in less the a minute it had stopped moving. But I too was running out of air and could feel my lungs burning for oxygen.

Clenching your trunks, you now knew you had to remember the worst part of your tale. “When the shark had finally stopped moving, I decided I would push off its body and make a break for the surface. I moved my feet so they were pressed against the body and beneath me and slowly moved my right hand off its right gill. But then in the next moment, the shark sprung back to life and turned its jaws open, shutting them down on my arm.

Everyone recoiled as they could only imagine what pain you were in. “The next thing I knew, I'm being thrashed around the water with its jaws still shut on my left arm. All I felt was a sharp stinging pain like my whole arm was on fire. As I was thrashed around I started to lose my breath and could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. But I wasn't about ready to die yet. Mustering what little strength I had left, I tried to focus and aim my right arm at the shark's eyes and I started to claw away at its eye. I had finally managed to get it in the eye and felt it let me go and swim away, but not before it hit me with its tail, knocking the last bit of air out of my lungs. Wasting no time, I started to swim my way back up to the surface, but my lungs where in so much pain and I could hear my own rapid heart beat in my ears. I was so close from the surfer, but soon everything went dark.

The room was silent aside from the water gently swaying in the pool. “The next thing I knew I was lying down in a hospital bed, every inch of my body was in pain, except for my left arm. But that was for a different reason. When I couldn't feel my arm, I turned my head to see that it was gone. When the doctors came in they told me when the paramedics found me my arm was already gone, they said that the shark must have ripped it off. And I spent my whole summer in the hospital recovering.” You started to clench your left shoulder as your body began to shake and tears flowed down your cheeks. “I guess you guys think I was an idiot for doing something as reckless as that huh? How I managed to ruin my chance at ever competing in boxing ever again or even going pro.”

Before you could say another word you were met with a warm embrace. Through your watery eyes, you could see Sunset holding you close as her arms wrapped around your body. Soon after, the rest of your friends joined in, embracing you in a warm caring hug. The tears began to flow even faster as you felt how much they all cared about you.

The group soon released you and they all looked at you with warm smiles. Soarin was the first to step forward. “Okay I'm not gonna lie man, what you did that day was the most…”

Here it comes’ you thought, knowing that you would get some playful hazing.

“EPIC THING I EVER HEARD!!” This caught you off guard as your jaw dropped. “I mean I knew you were tough guy and all, but to willingly go against a shark to save someone. Well that's just badass.”

“If it had been anyone else they probably would have just turned away and not watch, but you”. Now it was Flash’s turn to praise you. “You just jumped right in without a second thought, like a true hero.” If your jaw could drop any lower it would have fallen off by now. This wasn't what you had expected their reaction to be.

Finally Spitfire made her way. “Did you ever get a chance to meet the surfer you saved?”

You shook your head. “No I was unconscious at that point when the paramedics came and took me away I guess. And the doctor didn't say anyone aside from my family came to visit me in the hospital.” You saw that Dash and Sunset were looking at each as if in deep thought. Like they knew something that you didn't.

Flash started to pat your back, gaining your attention once more. “Well the most important thing is that your alive man, and I know this doesn't mean much, but I had to lose my arm I would say that your way would be the most epic way to do so.” You weren't sure if he was teasing you or being serious, but you could feel the care in his words.

The rest of that day went on to be better than you had imagined. Not only did you finally tell someone your story, but you also felt better for doing so and having great friends there for you.

CHAPTER 4(FINAL editied)

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Edited by DGJabberwocky

You felt as if you were light as air, as you walked to school thirty minutes early. It’s been a month since you told your friends your story. On that day, you were completely baffled that they thought what you did was anything short of heroic and selfless. In all honesty, up until yesterday you had considered your story that of a failure and felt ashamed. But now thanks to your friends. You could hold your head high, as they helped you find the silver lining in the once dark storm clouds that was your past. However after that day at practice, you couldn't help but notice that Dash and Sunset seemed a bit off, as if your story struck a chord with them. They weren't scared of you or anything, but something felt off about them.

‘I wonder if I did something wrong? Maybe I should talk to them today about it.’ Before you could finish monologuing, you found yourself at the school's front doors. Wow guess I wasn't paying attention. Oh well I'll just talk to them in class.’ Opening the door, you made your way down the halls of CHS. As you walked down the halls, you couldn't help but notice that people were either staring at you or whispering to one another as they looked at you, holding their phones out. ‘Okay, well this is weird. Did I miss something?’ Your train of thought was cut off when two girls walked up to you and moved to either side of you, so you were in the middle as they leaned in. One had light minty green skin and hair, while the other had cream colored skin and blue and purple hair. Just as you were about to ask what they were doing, a bright flash goes off in front of you, temporarily blinding you.

“We did it Lyra!! We got a photo with the shark fighter!!” the cream colored girl squealed.

“I know, I can't wait to post this on my blog, everyone is gonna be so jealous.” said the mint colored one.

Just when you thought you couldn't be any more surprised, both girls lean in and kiss you on either side of your cheeks. This causes your face to burn a bright red as they made their way to class. Not a second later did the rest of the students start cheering and chanting the name “Shark fighter!!” Soon the students started to crowd around you as if you were a movie celebrity. You found yourself backed up against a wall next to a door. Soon people started asking for selfies and autographs. The door next to you opened and a hand grabs you by the arm and pulls you into the room, causing you to lose your balance and land on your butt as the door behind you locks shut.

“Wow, that escalated quicker than we thought.” Turning around you saw both Flash and Soarin up against the door.

“Would someone please tell me what's the heck is going on!?” you shouted as everything that was happening had you completely bewildered.

“It's simple Sam, you're famous.” Turning back you saw Spitfire sitting on a desk.

“What do you mean I'm famous, famous for what?” you inquired, still not getting your answer.

“Well that’s on us man" Flash chimed in. “See, after you told us what happened last month, me, Soarin and Spitfire got a bit curious about whether or not there might be some footage of that day.”

“Okay and….?” You asked, while feeling like you knew where this might be going.

“Turns out there were actually two videos on that incident.” Now it was Soarin’s turn. “And when we watched them, we saw everything that happened that day. From the people screaming and panicking, the surfer in trouble, to you jumping in and tackling the shark, all the way to you being taken away by the paramedics.”

“Okay, and what did you do once you saw the videos?” you asked while grinding your teeth in a worrisome tone.

“Well, we kinda posted them on the school's web page yesterday.” You snapped your attention back to Spitfire. “And when we woke up this morning, the video had a whole lot of likes and comments. They even gave you the nickname name “The Shark Fighter” kind of a lame name, but hey, the damage is done.” She shrugged.

You were left speechless as you tried to soak in all this information. You‘d always wanted to be famous and have people crowd around you like you were a movie star, but then again, what person didn't want that at one point in their life.
You feel conflicted and confused. You went from that guy with the one arm, to famous shark brawler/hero. That was more than your mind could take as you fell back, whilst landing in a chair.

Your friends saw that you were taking this a little bit different than what they were expecting. “Um, Sam are you okay?” Flash asked while placing a hand on your shoulder. You simply shrugged in response.

“Well, you got two girls to kiss you, so that must have been cool, right?” Soarin playfully teased.

You gave off a light blush, knowing that your friends saw it.“Well, it was a surprise, but I think they only did that cause I'm famous.”

Spitfire gave a devilish grin. “I bet you wished it had been Sunset who'd gave you those kisses.” Your face grew a bright crimson as she spoke. Everyone started to laugh and clench their sides as they watched your face turn as red as a tomato. “I knew you had a thing for her, but judging by your reaction I bet you just realized that yourself.“

While it's true that you and Sunset became good friends, you couldn't help but notice some of the things that made her a great person. Her kind nature when she talked to people or how she was always there to help a friend in need. And her beautiful eyes that sparkle in the sunlight, her laugh that make you smile, and her caring smile that make your heart flutter……..’Holy shit I have a crush on Sunsets Shimmer’. As you finally come to the realization that you had fallen for her, your friends are all rolling on the ground in laughter as they can see that finally noticed your feelings for her. ‘what am I gonna do now!?’

Flash is the first to get off the ground and made his way over to you. “Hey man listen I'm sure you're probably wondering what your gonna have to do now.” Your eyes widen.’Is he psychic?!’ “But believe me when I say that you got this. All you have to do is be yourself, and when you think the time is right you should tell her how you feel." This was a shock to say the least, while your not surprised by his words of wisdom. It was the fact that he seemed okay with you dating Sunset, you did remember someone telling you that he and Sunset were a pair once and had broke up. But then again the fact that he's dating Spitfire might have something to due with him moving on.

Nevertheless his advice was what you needed to hear. “Thanks man I really needed to hear that.” He gives your a reaffirming nod. “Well now that we got that awkward moment out of the way, there just one last thing we need to think of.” everyone looked confused by what more there needs to be done. You simply point behind to the crowd of student that remain on the opposite side of the door.

“Oh no worries we got you covered” Spitfire added while opening a window.

‘You gotta be kidding me’ you thought bitterly as she nods ‘I hope this isn't going to be my life now ‘


After about five minutes of sneaking around the school to find a place to lay low until first period starts. You found a nice quiet room that was next to your first period class and decided to relax in there. There was only fifteen minutes until class starts so all you had to do was wait. That when a thought came to mind, pulling out your cell phone you logged into to the school web page to see if the videos were still there. Sure enough they were, you would have guessed the principal would have taken then down by now. You clicked on the first video to see that it was taken a view on top of the pier, everything from seeing the surfer begin pulled out deeper into the water, to you diving down in. However since it was taken from above you could only see the shark body along with yours for a brief moment before you two were out of view as the shark dove deeper down. The person who was recording this video had shaky hands as the video was being jerked around and could barely focuses. But in the next minute you could hear people screaming as the water started to turn red in one spot. This must have been the moment when the shark got your arm. And soon after the video ended. The video itself was about ten minutes long, had all that all really happened in the course of ten minutes?

You moved onto the next video which was taken from the view from the shore. Much like the last person who recorded their hands were shaky and people got in the way of the video. In the next few minutes you watched as the camera turns around and focuses on an incoming ambulance. The vehicle was put into park as four paramedics bursted out of the back with a stretcher. When the camera finally turned back back to the water you could see that the crowd had made a path for the paramedics as they made there way toward a body lying on the ground… was your body. There lying almost lifeless on the sand was your body, and much like the doctor said your left arm wasn't there. In the next instance the paramedics started to get to work as one of them performed CPR while another tried to stop the bleeding from your missing arm, the other two tried to get the crowd to back up and give them some space as the moved your body onto the stretcher. Now you were behind carried off on the stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. When the doors closes the video had ended.

For the next four minutes you were completely at a lost for words. It felt weird to watch it all happened from a different point of view. If you hadn't lived threw it you would have guessed that it be impossible for you to be still alive right now. You had lost so much blood and must have inhaled a large amount of water. And yet here you are alive and breathing with only your left arm missing. After watching that video you had come to a realization, that you are still alive. It had never dawned on you at the time since you were mourning your lost arm,but now you understand that you could have died that day,losing your arm was the least of your troubles.

Much like last month you feel as if a heavy load has been lifted off your shoulders. Yet again your friends have managed to make you feel good about yourself in way you never thought possible. Then something hit you in the back of your mind. You click back in the first video again and payed even closer to every detail of every second. When you didn't see what you were looking for in the first you moved onto the second video, but much like the first one you didn't see the person you saved face. You had hoped that the videos would have showed you the person you saved, but alas there was no such luck. Looking at the time on your phone you see that there is only two minutes until school starts. Placing your phone back in your pocket and slinging your pack onto your shoulder you carefully open the door and peek outside to see if there was still a crowd. There were quite a few students still out but the door to your next class was only a foot away. Careful not to make a sound you slowly creep your way to miss Cheerilee’s class. Once you were st the door you slowly opened it and quickly slipped inside. You sigh in relief as you walked over to your desk and sat down. However you didn't noticed that the entire classroom including miss Cheerilee were staring at you. It had almost felt like the first day here,but instead of being watched with curiosity about your missing limb,you were instead being watched in awe.

You decide that you'd just let it be since you already know that this will eventually blow over. But one person in class did have your attention now, you slowly turn your head to look at Sunset who had also decided to look at you. The two of you locked eyes for a moment before quickly turn back facing forward. Now thanks to Spitfire you were incredibly aware of your feeling for Sunset, you can feel your cheek flush red thinking about her now. ‘what am I gonna do?’


The rest of your day was pretty much a chore to say the least. Once your first period class had ended you wanted to talk to Sunset to see if she was okay, but the moment you stepped out of class more students started to swarm you. Some were asking for selfies, others wanted to know in more detail about your experiences. You would have been drowning in fans had
Ms.Harshwhinny not stepped in and threatened the students that she would report them to the principal that they were all going to be late to class, this caused them to flee and head to their classes. You were about to thank her when you noticed that held up a blank piece of paper and maker. Never in your entire life did you think you would get an autograph request from Ms.Harshwhinny of all people,but nevertheless she did just save your hide. You carefully sign your name in cursive for her and the both of you made your way to class, though you could faintly hear Ms.Harshwhinny give out a small squeal of joy. As for saw another thing that you'd never thought you'd see. Rainbow Dash wasn't participating in class, you wanted to ask if she was okay but you could tell that she didn't want to be bothered.

The rest of the day went on pretty much the same. First you would be crowded by students then have a teacher help you out, and so on and so forth. What wasn't the same was that during lunch both Sunset and Dash were absent from the group. Rarity informed you that they have been both acting strange up until a month ago.

Now you know something is up,but no time for that as your personal bubble is invaded by the pink party queen herself, Pinkie Pie.

“So Sam your coming to my Christmas eve party tomorrow right? I mean you did get the invite from Sunset right?”

You had completely forgotten that tomorrow was Christmas eve, somehow it just slipped your mind. “Uh yeah of course Pinkie wouldn't miss it.” Pinkie squeals with joy as in the next second she's gone in a flash.

And speaking of Flash you notice him and Spitfire walking up to the table. “Hey man just thought we'd let you know that today practice has been canceled.” Your eyes widen with shock by this news. “Yeah Dash said something about not risking anyone getting sick before tomorrow's party.” and with that Flash and Spitfire started to walk off.

‘What the heck is going on?’

(Christmas Eve)

You wake up to a beautiful morning. As you look out the window you see that the streets are blanketed in a layer of white snow,it was absolutely gorgeous. You start to get dressed and make sure that your in tip top condition for the party today, but most importantly today is the day you will confess your feeling to Sunset.

Before you came home yesterday you decided to buy Sunset and Christmas gift, a sun shaped pendant. You had already custom built to look like the sun mark that was on Sunset’s T-shirt. You hope that after tonight that things between you and her will be better.

Checking the clock on the wall you see that there is only two hours before the party started. Before you decide to head out you make some effort to conceal your identity by wrapping a scarf around your mouth and a beanie over your head. And just to make it seem like your just another person you asked Rarity if she hand any mannequin arms you could borrow.

When she heard your request she was a bit put off, but when you told her that you needed it to blend in with the crowd she accepted. Now, with your disguise fully assembled, you open the door and make your way to the school.

As you walk along the sidewalk leaving deeper tracks in the snow behind you, no one has noticed your little disguise. With in ten minutes you arrive at the school and open the door and quickly shut it behind you. You were about an hour earlier, but you could afford to wait if need be. Walking down the halls on your way to the gym, your footsteps echo along the empty hallways. Once you reach the gym doors it immediately swings open and your pulled into to darkness.

“Um hello anyone there?” you call out as you raise your hands out in front of you trying to feel for a light switch. “Pinkie are you there?” as you finally touch a wall you slowly glide your hands across to until you feel the unmistakable feeling of a switch.

The moment you flip the switch you’re immediately blinded by bright lights . “SURPRISE!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS SAM!!!!!” Your slowly adjusted to the light and you soon see that all your friend are here and then some. From your water polo teammate, to Twilight and her friends. And a few other, Rarity and Applejack brought their families, Scootaloo was with Dash. And Twilight brought a tan skinned male with green hair, from what you remember he was the one dating Twilight, you made a mental note to tease them later.

“Hey Sam were you surprised? I bet you were seeing as you are the guest of honor.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hands you a cupcake.

“Wait Pinkie why am I the guest of honor? You guys just found out yesterday what happened right?” you place the cupcake down on a small table still confused.

“Oh silly that's not why your the guest of honor.” she only giggled still leaving you bewildered.

“Then why Pinkie?”

“Hehe sorry it's not for me to say I made a pinkie promise not to tell, but don't worry you'll find out eventually.” And with that Pinkie disappeared into the crowd.

Still utterly confused you decide to mingle around the crowd,but there is only one person who really looking for. And amid the crowd your eyes lock onto none other than Sunset Shimmer. She is wearing a long dress that matched her gorgeous turquoise eyes,and her hair was pulled up. You can feel your heart racing and your cheeks blush as she is by far the most beautiful woman you had even seen in your life. Before you knew it you became aware that your outfit is too casual and that you couldn't approach her now, with the way you’re dressed. But just as you thought all hope was lost you feel something tugging on your arm. Turning your head you see Rarity in a stunning purple and white dress holding up a tuxedo for you.

“If you plan to ask the lady to dance you should really look the part." You watch as she gives you a playful wink as thank her and take the suit and run off to the changing room.


After about five minutes you emerge from the changing room in a black tuxedo with a white undershirt and black bowtie. You received plenty of stares and whistles as you strolled up to Sunset who was currently talking to Twilight and her boyfriend. As you reach a good distance you cleared your throat and managed to get her attention. When Sunset turned,her eyes widen as she saw you in your attire.

“Oh I just remembered that I haven't introduced Timber here to Big Mac, we'll catch you two later.” Twilight gives you a wink to which you lean in and mention the mistletoe by the door next to the changing rooms. This cause Twilight’s face to turn bright red, as she and Timber started to leave you gave him a gentle nod to which her returned.

“So how have you been Mr. Shark Fighter.” Sunset says in a teasing voice as she grins at you.

“Oh okay first I'd like to set the record straight that the name wasn't my idea.” Sunset start to giggle. ‘Oh dear lord that giggle.’ “And secondly I'm doing good, though I must say that becoming a celebrity isn't something I thought I'd be here at this school.” you admitted scratching the back of your head. “But since we're asking questions. How have you been? After last month, both you and Dash been readistant. Is everything okay?”

Sunset takes a moment before answering you. “I'm fine I just been thinking is all. And the same for Rainbow Dash too.”

As you were about to ask her to talk alone a spotlight shine down on you. “Alrighty let's start the karaoke night with our guest of honor Sam!!!” Pinkie Pie had set of a karaoke machine next to the wall with some speakers attached.

“Well looks like your up ‘Guest of honor’” Sunset teased. “Unless you're too afraid to sing in front of everybody.”

“I was actually kinda hoping we could talk first.”

Sunset shooked her head” Nope not until you sing, and if you do good then we can talk.” she raises her left hand to you. “Deal?”

You knew there was no avoiding this. You take Sunset’s hand and smile at her.” Deal.”

The crowd starts to cheer as you make your way over to the machine. Checking the list you noticed that there all Christmas based. There is one song you knew by heart that was sure to win them over. After scrolling down you found the song you were looking for. You pressed select and turned to face the crowd, you already know the lyrics by hearts

As you finished your song you gaze out at the audience to see they were completely in awe and erupted in cheers. As you walked back you see Sunset’s jaw had dropped and was still in shock from your preference. “So did I do good?” you winked, causing her cheeks to flush red. You gently raise your hand to carefully close her mouth.

Sunset shook head to clear her mind. “Come with me there something I've been meaning to show you.”Before you knew it Sunset had hooked her arm around yours and started to lead you towards the exit. You simply followed her lead.

Sunset has led you to the front of the school in front of the school statue once had been. As you both make it outside you notice Rainbow Dash stand next to the statue with a something tall covered by a white sheet. Sunset nods to Dash who makes her way back to the party, leaving you and Sunset alone.

“Um Sunset what's going on? And what's that?” you ask pointing to the long covered object leaning against the statue.

She looks back to you before walking up to the cloaked item. “Sam does this look familiar to you at all?” before you could ask what she meant Sunset pulls down the cover revealing a white surfboard with what looks like a bite take out of it.

Upon further inspections you take a few steps closer due to the lack of lighting to confirm what you thought the marks came from. As you are with arms length of the surfboard you deductions was clear, the creature that took the bite out of the board was a shark. When you turned to look at Sunset she was holding up a black surfer suit and swim cap. Suddenly as though a pile of bricks landed on your head you make the connection.

“Sunset. Were you the surfer I saved that day?” You could feel your voice crack as look from the board to the suit once more.

Tears began to flow down her cheeks as she nods her head. “I-i didn't know at the time when we first met.” she started to lightly sob as she continued.”But on that day Miss Cheerilee played that documentary and you freaked out when you saw the shark I believed it was you. But I didn't want jump to any conclusions.” she slowly began to wipe the tears from her eyes. “So I texted Dash if she could help me find out for sure. I asked her to try and see about you removing your shirt during practice that day.” More tears flowed down her cheeks.

You wanted to get closer,but thought it best to let her have her space.” And then when I saw the bite mark and how you told us how you lost your arm I knew right there and then it was you. You were the one who saved my life.” Sunset started to fall to her knees, but before she could hit the ground you moved in to cushion her fall and let her gently rest on her knees.

“I don't get it, why were you at a surfing contest that day?”

“Before that day me and the girls went to the beach for some fun.” Sunset started to breath normally again as she continued. “And when Dash saw how I was good on a surfboard she convinced me to join the surf contest the next day for fun.” Before you knew it Sunset had her arms wrapped around you as she cried into your shoulder. “I'm so sorry that you lost your arm because of me! If I had stayed calm I wouldn't have fallen into the water and gotten knocked out!” Her grip tightened around you more as you can feel her body shaking from the sobs.

You slowly slide your arm out and start to pat her back. “Sunset it's not your fault okay?”

“But it is!!” she protested.

“Sunset I never ever blamed you for even a second of the lost of my arm.” You gently lean back so you were facing each other. “ What I did that day was of my own decision. Even before my body could react I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew that what I was gonna do would be dangerous,but I had shoved those thought in the back of my mind and let my instincts take over." You start to wipe away some of her tears as the flowed down her cheek.

“But because of me you can't box anymore, or anything that requires two hands!” she start to sob again. She brought her hands to her eyes as she continued to sob.

You let out a sigh and smile. “Truth be told I'm kinda glad that I lost my arm to that shark.”

“WHAT!?” You feel her gripping your shirt as she yelled .” How can you be glad that a shark bit your arm off?!”

You hold up two fingers. “Two reason. 1. I got a pretty neat reputation because of it.” You could see a bit of rage build up in her eyes, to which you hold out you hand to tell her to you finish. “And 2. It what lead me to transfer here and meet you Sunset Shimmer”

Sunset expression softened as she looked to you with still watery eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I mean if I hadn't lost my arm that day I would still have been at Crystal Prep and never got the chance to meet my teammates and friends. But most importantly I would have meant I would never have met you.” You smile warmly as you raise your hand to cheek and brushed it softly with your thumb. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Sunsets eyes started to water again but her frown slowly blossomed into a warm smile as she pushed in and embraced you in a warm comforting hug. You returned the hug and hold her close.

“Awww that was so beautiful”

“Like something out of a romance novel.”

Both you and Sunset turn your head back to the entrance of the school to see that everyone from the party was standing there watching you. The two of you were still holding each other when you were looking back. “How long have you guys been there? You asked looking at the grins on their faces.

Since you said.”Sunset it's not your fault okay?” Pinkie added mimicking your voice exactly.

“So you all saw me confess my feelings to Sunset then?” You ask and immediately everyone nods their head. “Well this is awkward.”

“I don't know, thinking about it now I'd say that it was very romantic.” Sunset teased as she playfully strokes under your chin making you face burn red.

“OH WOULD YOU TWO JUST KISS ALREADY!!!” Dash yelled from behind the crowd.

“Well you heard her Sunset” You gently turn her face back to you with your hand, and you lean in and start to press your lips against hers. Her eyes widen for a few moments before she closes them and wraps her arms behind your head. You feel her soft lips pressing back against your own creating a much more passionate kiss. The crowd start to whistle and cheer.

[Crowd POV]

As Sunset and Sam release each other from their kiss the statue behind them begins to glow. Sunset slowly backed away, an unaware Sam remained in front of the light. Soon a stream of rainbow light emerged from the stature and started to lift Sam’s body into the air. The stream of light slowly engulfed his entire body and began to glow brighter. The crowd and Sunset covered their eyes as the light glowed as bright as the sun,the wind began to pick up as leafs started to blow. When the light started to fade Sam was lying down on the ground

[Sam POV ]

You slowly start to sit up straight and saw Sunset running to you “SAM!!” Sunset called out your name as she quickly moved in and hugged you tightly “Are you alright does anything hurt?!”

“I'm fine Sunset just a bit woozy from whatever that was.” You smile as you return the hug and embrace her in your arms……….’wait a second……... arms? Slowly turning your head to your left you see the most inconceivable thing you ever thought you saw. As if you never lost. it was your left arm. The crowd gasped as you raised it up, Sunset however hadn't noticed yet as she was still holding you close. You take them this time to take you left arm and place your hand on her cheek and gently stroke her cheek with it.

It took Sunset a moment before she realized that your right arm was still wrapped around her back. Slowly she pulled away and see your new arm. “Sam!! Your arm!! Its its back,but how!?”

You look to the statue and remembered that bright light. “Maybe it was cuz of that bright light from before?”

“Equestrian magic?” Sunset Shimmer added.

But now realizing you have now both arms you can make the next move without any trouble. Getting down on one knee you pull the box with the pendant out and hold the case in your right hand, this causes Sunset eyes to widen as tears began to flow down her cheeks. But unlike before these where tears of joy and not sadness. “Sunset I've been meaning to ask you this since yesterday but never had the chance to ask you. But now I think the moment is right.” raising your left hand to the lid of the box you lift it open to reveal the sun pendant. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Yes!!!” Sunset tackled you to the ground as she buried her face in your chest while tears rolled down her face with joy.The crowd cheered and yelled with joy, and in the distance the sound of a clock tower rang signaling that it was Midnight and Christmas day

‘Best Christmas ever’

The end