Zecora's Redemption

by The Mountaineer Brony

First published

The Mane Six travel to Zecora's homeland and help her redeem herself in the eyes of her people.

Princess Celestia sends the Elements of Harmony to Zecora's homeland as friendship ambassadors, and she gets asked to tag along as a guide. But Zecora hasn't been home in many years... and with very good reason. A terrible, mysterious incident from her past ushered her into exile. But upon her initially cold welcoming reception, she learns that her land is in danger, and she becomes determined to help save it. Along with her Equestrian friends, a young zebra with faith in her, and Princess Luna watching from her dreams, Zecora finally gets a shot at redemption, both in her people's eyes, and in her own.

Drudging Up the Past

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It was a scorching hot day, but then, most days in the city were.

The huge, sprawling city, built of cream-colored adobe bricks, thatched roofs, and long-dry timber bustled about in its daily activities, the citizens buying and selling in the market, children racing in and out amongst their parents' hooves, playing games of make-believe.

This relative peace was broken, however, by a cloaked zebra scout dashing through the city gates.

A tattered, dirty, dark green cape and hood concealed their identity, the shape and movement of their body telling only that it was a young stallion. On his back, he carried a knapsack and a short walking stick; behind him trailed a faithful Basenji dog, who'd been his companion during his long reconnaissance.

The scout pardoned himself as he made haste through the crowds, budging other zebras aside as he galloped at full speed towards the city center, and towards one building in particular: the palace.

Inside the luxurious throne room, the queen was laughing and chatting with her audience of caretakers as they served her food and groomed her, combing her mane and filing her hooves. Their pleasant banter was interrupted, however, by the scout bursting through the door and almost collapsing upon the cold stones of the palace floor. His dog obediently heeled beside him as he bowed on one knee, breathing like he'd almost drowned.

The queen whispered something to one of her attendants, who rushed to get water for this traveler. Her Majesty, meanwhile, dismounted the throne and strode forward towards her agent, curious as to what he'd learned.

"My queen, I bring grave news from beyond the rainforest..." The scout said in between labored gasps. "Soumaoro and his armies are coming to destroy us!"

Zecora was tidying up her hut with a straw broom when she heard a knock at the door.
"Now who could that be, coming to visit me?" she thought. Despite her best efforts over the years, her internal monologue still spoke in rhyme.

The old wooden floor creaked under her weight as she trotted towards her front step. Swinging open the heavy timber door, she saw who her guest was: the cross-eyed mailmare from Ponyville, clutching an envelope in her muzzle.

Zecora thanked her and took the letter; the postpony smiled and flew away above the trees. Opening the letter and beginning to read, she was optimistic at first; it was a letter from Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship! Ever since she'd helped Celestia's protégé prevail in her magic duel with Trixie Lulamoon all those years ago, the two had become good friends, and in a sense, teachers to one another. Twilight taught Zecora what she'd learned of magic, magic theory, their applications and more in Canterlot, while Zecora showed Twilight how her people channel the magic inherent in the earth and terrestrial ponies. Aside from this, though, Zecora was hesitant to share any more of her cultural background.

The letter was short and simple: it was an invitation for Zecora to stop by the Castle of Friendship the following afternoon. For what, it didn't say, but Zecora could only assume it was for something befitting the Princess of Friendship. Perhaps she'd found a new book she wanted to share, or wanted to partake in some tea and conversation. Either way, it had been a while since the two had spent some time together, what with Twilight operating an entire school now. Zecora would be sure to make it over... but hopefully, she wouldn't run into Rockhoof with any more beehives.

The next afternoon, Zecora stood in the shadow of the great crystal castle. It had been long since she'd traversed Ponyville, but at least now she didn't have to conceal herself to do so.

Rapping her forehoof against the tremendous door, she was greeted promptly by Spike. "Ah, hello Zecora!" The little dragon said cheerfully. "Come this way, we've all been waiting for you!" Spike proceeded to flutter above the ground on his immature wings, poking his head into the throne room to inform those inside of their guest's arrival.

"I hope that my questions are not too invading, but what do you mean by 'we all' have been waiting?" Zecora called after Spike as she was led deeper into the castle. As she entered the throne room, she was somewhat surprised to find every Element of Harmony, as well as Starlight Glimmer, seated around the Cutie Map.

"It is not that your presence doesn't fill me with cheer, but I had not expected all of you to be here."

"I apologize for the short notice, Zecora, but I just got some news so exciting that I wanted to share it with all of you here in person!" The alicorn across the room perked up. She levitated a small scroll of parchment in front of her, a look of excitement in her eyes.
"Princess Celestia says that she'd like to send the Elements of Harmony to Zebrica as an official friendship delegation---aaaaaaaaand she recommended that we bring you along as a guide to your native land!"

All the other ponies in the room cheered in excitement, but Zecora's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She had been living in the Everfree Forest for just a couple of years when she first met Twilight and company; now that nearly a decade had passed since that day, she felt so far gone from her homeland. Would she be able to make herself return? Would they even want her back after...?

"Isn't this exciting, Zecora?" Fluttershy asked her friend and fellow forest-dweller. "You get to visit your very first home with all your friends beside you!"

Zecora searched for words, her rhyming a bit slowed from the shock of it all. "Indeed, I look forward to the glorious morn when I arrive once more at the place I was born..."

In reality, she couldn't have dreaded it more.

That night, Zecora slept with difficulty. Tossing and turning in her simple bed, her dreams were tormented by thoughts of her past.

She stood before a court of her peers, with the queen, once a friendly face to all her subjects, now a stern, intimidating figure judging her very soul.

"I am prepared to issue my royal edict; tell me, dear jury, have you reached a verdict?"

One of the zebras in the stands rose to his hooves, bowing his head slightly as he began to address the queen.

"This young filly's actions have filled us with disgust! We no longer accept her as one of us!"

"No..." Zecora muttered to herself, too scared to speak in rhyme.

The queen zebra raised her noble hoof.

"It is with great sadness, then, I declare her guilty; her sentence shall be life in exile across the sea."

"NO! PLEASE!" Zecora screamed aloud, terrified, but her dreams did not heed her. The queen's hoof slammed down like a gavel, and Zecora felt herself falling through the floor.

After a frightening fall, she splashed down into a tumultuous sea. Zecora struggled to swim to the surface, but this only pulled her deeper into the briny depths. As she was dreaming, she didn't feel her lungs flood, but nonetheless she couldn't breathe. Her eyes closed, accepting her fate as she sank deeper.

"It is fair that I was cast out from my kin... I deserve to die for my terrible sin..."

But just as she felt the life slipping away from her, everything suddenly stopped. She could breath again, and she felt her flanks resting on terra firma. Zecora popped open her eyes, finding herself atop a mountain and under the light of the full moon. Casting her gaze up to that glowing orb, she spotted a familiar winged silhouette.

The zebra bowed deeply as the princess alighted in front of her.

"Princess Luna, you humble me with your presence here tonight. I thank you greatly for ending my fright."

Luna waved her praise away with a kind hoof.
"This is simply what we do every night, Zecora. We could tell that tonight, you needed help more than ever." She approached, bringing the striped mare up to her hooves and throwing a graceful wing around her. "Would you like to talk about what's wrong?"

Zecora lowered her head in shame. She couldn't but manage to cast a sideways glance at the Moon Princess.
"Your Highness, do you know anything of my unfortunate past?"

"Only bits and pieces." She responded.

"Needless to say, I performed a feat which made me an outcast." Zecora took a few somber steps away from the princess, still hiding within her shame.

"We know what it is like to do that, you know." Luna said with a soft smile.

"That, I do not deny..." Zecora continued "...but if you only knew my how and why." She paused; the two shared a brief look of consolation before Zecora lowered her head again and continued. "And although giving more information would befit..." The zebra shuddered slightly and rubbed her foreleg. "I personally would rather not talk about it."

Luna strode forward once more, this time patting Zecora with a hoof and directing her attention towards the stars.

"Well, nonetheless, Zecora, if ever you have need of me, I will be watching your dreams... from above."

They stared up at the glittering stars for a moment.

"You know who else is up there watching you, right?"

Tears began to streak from Zecora's eyes. "Yes... I do..."

Zecora awoke in a cold sweat. She was ready to return home.

Welcome Home... Now Get Out

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After a week or so of preparation, the Friendship Ambassadors along with their Zebrican Cultural Guide were loading their luggage onto Twilight's hot air balloon. Her Number One Assistant was being made to help, something which he was normally accustomed to, but now, he bemoaned.

"Come oooonnn, Twilight! Do I have to come along on this trip? Big Mac, Discord and I were going to pl--"

He was going to say "play Ogres & Oubliettes," a common activity they partook in when the girls were away; even though all of them knew about it, Spike still liked to keep an air of secrecy around his "Guy's Night" activities.

"...were going to plant new flowers and tidy up the castle!"

"Uh huh." Twilight responded snarkily. "Well, I'm sorry, Spike, but I need you to help me take all sorts of notes on Zebrican culture! I'm so excited to finally learn more of the home Zecora came from!"

Zecora stood off to the side, scratching the back of her head with an awkward smile. She didn't have very much to pack, keeping everything inside a single pack, strapped tight to her atop a drab brown cloak. Reluctantly, she boarded the balloon basket when all the other ponies began to.

"Starlight, are you sure you can handle things while we're gone?" Twilight asked from across the way.

Her student waved a dismissive hoof. "Don't sweat it, Twilight! I've already taken care of getting substitute teachers, and I'll make sure to keep our new substitute vice-principal on a short leash."

With her words, an ornery draconequus popped into being beside her.

"Yes, don't worry your little head, Twilight, the world's best vice-principal has got everything under control!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "I'm sure."

As Applejack untied the ropes holding them to the dock and Pinkie yanked down on the burner chain, the balloon began to lift into the air. Starlight waved goodbye normally, but Discord, naturally, had a flair for the dramatic. Rushing to the edge of the dock in a blonde wig and white dress, he waved a handkerchief through the air and called out goodbyes; when he blew his nose into the cloth, it turned into a white dove and flew away.

"You behave yourself, Discord!" Fluttershy called out from the balloon.

"Only if you stay safe!" He called back.

As the ponies drifted off towards the horizon, the tall being of chaos turned towards his temporary superior. "Well, Discord, now that they're off, there's some school business to attend to and--"

"Now hold up, Starlight! Can't the responsibilities wait?" Discord produced a deck of playing cards from thin air. "Would you care for a game of poker?"

"Poker?" asked Starlight. "I don't see why we shou--"

Before she could finish her thought, Discord's talon-hand appeared from the complete opposite side and jabbed her in the ribs. "You know, poke her!" he chuckled. Several more hands appeared from nowhere to boop the pony repeatedly on the nose, each one producing a different zany sound.

"DISCORD!" Starlight yelled in irritation, chasing the wily creature who now fled from her, squealing, in the form of a pig.

Several days of flight later and the delegation still hadn't reached Zebrica.

"Are we even heading in the right direction?" Rainbow Dash complained, circling lazily around the balloon backwards in a reclining position.

"The zebra lands are south o' here." replied Applejack. "We've been a-headin' south for durn near a week!"

"It's a good thing I packed plenty of adventure cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie chimed in, holding a tray of sweets aloft.

The party collectively groaned. One could not live on cupcakes alone, forget doing so while staving off airsickness.

"So, Zecora," Twilight spoke up, hoping to distract herself from the thought of another cupcake meal with learning "are there any interesting landmarks in your homeland? Spike brought along his camera and an empty scrapbook."

Fluttershy and Rarity both perked up upon hearing the word 'scrapbook', while Zecora turned, scratching her chin in thought, to address Twilight. "Mount Fillymanjaro is an astonishing sight, and Neighgoroneighgoro Crater is quite peaceful at night."

Rainbow Dash made another pass around the balloon, and her eye happened to catch sight of something glittering on the horizon. Upon closer inspection, it was a large, flat-topped mountain, capped with snow.

"A mountain?" she asked "Like that one?"

The five ponies, zebra, and dragon in the balloon all crowded towards the front to look at what had come into view.

"That must be Mount Fillymanjaro! We must be getting close!" Twilight blurted excitedly.

Zecora nodded. "That mountain is visible from my home! We have not much farther left to roam!"

The others all cheered; Pinkie produced a party popper from her mane and sent confetti showering over her fellow travelers.

Zecora spoke up again. "There is something I should tell you before we embark, something wise to know when you meet the monarch."

The ponies turned to her as she continued to elaborate. Reaching into her saddlebag, she produced an old, weathered map, long unused, of her native land.

"Though at its surface, Zebrica appears to be one united nation, it is not, though all zebras are tied by cultural relation. Instead of one country, like where you originate, Zebrica is instead ruled by many large city-states."

The Elements nodded thoughtfully. "It kind of reminds me of how the three tribes of ponies used to squabble over Equestria." Fluttershy pointed out meekly.

Zecora returned a nod. "Indeed, there have been squabbles and stress, though the things dividing zebrakind amount to even less."

"So, which 'nation' are you from, Zecora?" Twilight inquired.

"Though it has been long since I saw myself as one, I am a daughter of the Zanzebrar civilization."

"Then that's where we'll go first!" Twilight said, a look of determination in her eyes. She levitated the map over to Spike at the controls of the balloon. "Spike, bring us down outside the city of Zanzebrar!"

Zecora hid a gulp of nervousness. "Oh Celestia, here we go." she thought, unusually out-of-verse, as the Zebrican continent slowly came into view below them.

As the balloon touched down on the dusty savannah, Zecora pulled her hood tight around her head and made sure her Cutie Mark was well hidden. If anyzebra recognized who she was, she could put the whole delegation in jeopardy. She was more or less obligated to walk at the head of the company alongside Twilight; she was, after all, the officially appointed guide.

As they approached the great wooden gates, taller even than the great red dragon that Fluttershy had once warded off, Zecora couldn't help but get a little sentimental. Though she wasn't born in the city, she and her mother would come here to shop in the markets, visit the bathhouse, and, once a year on her birthday, see a play at the theatre. Despite her best efforts to hold them back, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Twilight was the only one who noticed this, and gave a soft smile.

"Memories?" she asked simply.

"I must stay collected as part of your committee, but... I thought I'd never again see the capital city..."

Twilight and Zecora shared a hug, and led the rest of the party in through the gates.

The central marketplace was just as crowded as Zecora remembered it, and several of the same shops were still in business, albeit now run by zebras her and Twilight's age. There were fine silks, rugs, and tapestries strung up on wooden frames, fresh fruit overflowing from baskets, and plenty of other goods strapped to the backs of camels. Perhaps the most familiar thing to Zecora, however, were the smells... oh, the wonderous smells! Scents she'd dearly missed from her past overwhelmed her senses: Jasmine! Agarwood! Frankincense and myrrh! Yes, Zecora still remembered the spices, in her opinion, the one true product of Zebrica!

As the Equestrian delegation passed throught the bustling streets, they were heckled by saleszebras beyond measure, enticing them to purchase their goods in rhyming speech.

"Zecora," Twilight began "does everypony here speak in rhyme?"

She chuckled, as she knew the question would come up eventually. "It is not entirely customary, and between situations, the custom may vary. Centuries ago, it became popular with the ruling classes, and then, through imitation, it was spoken by the masses. This rule tends to apply only to Ponish, you see, so speaking the native Zebrish will be easier on me."

"Ooh!" Twilight's desire to know more intensified. "Do you think you could sit me down for some language lessons sometime?"

"That's not a bad idea, my friend, though our tongue can seem difficult to comprehend. The least I can do is teach you our script; being able to read signs is helpful on any trip."

Twilight stopped in her tracks, her face lighting up. Zecora had her at 'read'. Excitedly, she held a forehoof in the air. "Spike! The books have been doubled!"

Zecora confusedly regarded the young princess, but Spike wasn't surprised. "She gets this way when you give her a bunch of new things to read." The dragon pulled Twilight along by her raised hoof until she snapped out of her excited trance.

Finally, the group of friends reached the doors of the royal palace. Zecora held her head down and pulled her hood forward as far as she could.

"Ah, you must be the Equestrian delegation!" One zebra guard greeted them, holding a spear. "Your arrival shall fill the palace with much jubilation!"

As Twilight politely greeted the guard and asked that the doors be opened, Zecora tried to steady her breathing. Her mind flashed back to the last time she stood in the Zanzebrar throne room: her trial. "Do this for Twilight! You must stay calm!" Zecora simultaneously comforted and admonished herself internally. "Keep breathing and quell this internal maelstrom!"

The great doors opened. The crowd of zebras cheered. Twilight nudged Zecora as the Elements of Harmony began to enter the palace. She had no choice but to follow.

Once all of them had made it in front of the throne, Twilight led them in a bow to the queen; Zecora bowed the lowest, trying to keep herself concealed. The queen zebra gave a small bow as well, recognizing Twilight's ascension to the title of princess.

"Your arrival here has filled me with cheer. It is my great pleasure to welcome you here." Spoke the queen.

Twilight's smiling face met that of her fellow monarch. "The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, and this," she swept a forehoof in the direction of her friends "is my delegation, the Elements of Harmony, as well as my dear friend and assistant and our guide."

Zecora winced and bit her lip as Twilight mentioned her, though nopony could see this. "My face, my identity, nopony can see! For the love of Celestia, don't mention me!"

"I can see by those striped legs, you've met one of my subjects." The queen remarked with a kind smile. "That you've already made friends here has earned my respect."

"If only I had Trixie's smoke bombs right now..." Zecora's thoughts raced. "Perhaps I can avoid her acknowledgment somehow?"

Unfortunately for Zecora, the queen was quite intent on acknowledging her. "Come now, and lift your hood for all to see. I can't help but wonder, who exactly are thee?"

Zecora froze. Well, there was no way out of this, was there? At least, she thought, she'd had a good run, and if they killed her, she'd be buried in Zebrican soil. She had no other choice now. Zecora lifted her hood.

The crowd gasped.

The queen's jaw dropped, her face going pale.

Zecora's eyes nervously met hers, and it was only then that she noticed something. This was not the same queen who had exiled her as a teenager. This was, in fact, her daughter.

"Princess Marwe! This is quite a surprise! The last time I was here, I met your mother's eyes!"

Marwe's face soured, her eyes narrowing. "I should hope you remember the last time you were here. You had my people shocked and in fear!"

The ponies were quite obviously confused over all this. "Your Majesty, if I may interject," Twilight began "Zecora had us all scared as well when we first met her, but we soon learned that she wasn't actually an evil enchantress after all."

"Perhaps you were wrong in such a judgement! Zecora has sinned such that she cannot repent!"

"That's ridiculous." Twilight scoffed. "My friends and I have proven more than once that nopony is beyond second chances... why, not even creatures that have attempted to destroy the world!"

Marwe gave a pfft of dismissal. "If only you knew then what she has done... instead of the moon, she'd be cast into the sun!"

"NOW LISTEN HERE!" Applejack stepped forward, scowling. "We might not know much about Zecora's past, but she's still our friend nonetheless. Now if y'all can't accept that, we'll pack up our little 'friendship' delegation and head back to Equestria, y'hear?!"

Marwe was taken aback by this orange pony's disrespect, but took a deep breath to collect herself. "Very well; we shall allow you to stay in Zanzebrar… but Zecora, I shall always know where you are." She tapped a hoof against her throne twice. "Please show our guests to where they shall be staying... and house Zecora in someplace decaying."

The stern reply had come from Twilight.

Marwe gave a look that oozed with "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but we won't stay in any place that is better than what Zecora would get. So you can either give her a good place to live or let us all live in squalor."

Rarity almost protested this, but quickly decided it was best not to.

Marwe almost sneered, but nonetheless, she admired this pony's gumption. "Very well; I know a place not far from town. It is not a palace, but it is a good enough place to hunker down."

"Thank you." Replied Twilight as politely as she could.

"You'll be staying with a zebra who helps tend these grounds. I'm sure you will find that his goodwill abounds."

"If only the same could be said of you." Twilight thought.

"That encounter certainly could have gone worse..." Zecora thought. "Though I'm already proving to be no more than a curse..."

Benevolent Lodgings

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Zecora managed to avoid drawing suspicion as the guards escorted her delegation out of the city walls and towards the small village which would be their living quarters, though she knew it wouldn't take long for news of her return to spread.

The ponies with her looked about curiously at the dusty cluster of huts as though it were completely alien to them. Zecora, however, just kept her head down to avoid undue attention; she'd grown up in a village similar to this, and quickly learned that if you've seen one, you've seen them all.

The guards ordered them to stop; one stood with the delegates while the other trotted into a wood-and-straw hut in the shade of a nearby acacia tree to speak with the residents. Outside the modest dwelling were scattered miscellaneous day-to-day items: farming tools, clay pottery, hollowed-out gourds, some stopped up with corks, and traditional masks displayed to say "hello" and "welcome." After a few minutes, the guard exited the hut, pointed backwards over his shoulder as if giving directions, then departed with his comrade in the direction of Zanzebrar proper.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to go in and introduce ourselves." said Twilight. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

As they made their way towards the curtain serving as a door, they were met by two zebras, a mare and a stallion. The stallion was larger and appeared to be close to the Elements and Zecora in age; his body was somewhat lithe, yet he was muscular, with a strong chest and legs. The hair of his mane and tail was long, unkempt, and colored like charcoal. His muzzle, face, and neck were largely greyish-black, and he possessed fierce-looking stripes down his legs and body, most of which did not wrap around him fully. He wore no jewelry, save for a single golden braid in his hair and a plain braid holding his tail up, and his Cutie Mark was some kind of sunburst, though it looked almost like a sun made of shattering glass. He scanned his new houseguests with dark green eyes.

The mare standing beside him was only slightly younger and somewhat shorter, but looked fairer. With minimal blackness on her face, most of her stripes were located on her legs and body, forming intricate and beautiful patterns. Like Zecora, she wore golden rings around her neck, as well as a braid in her tail and a few in her hair; several small, jewel-like studs pierced her ears. Her mane and tail, much like the stallion's, were long and unkempt, except hers was pure white, differing only on the tip of her tail, were it was greyish-brown from dragging in the dirt. Her eyes were a bright blue, and her Cutie Mark was a stylized crescent moon.

"I extend warm welcomes and greetings to you." Said the stallion in a midrange, yet powerful voice. "I am Sundiata, and this is my younger sister, Nuru."

"Greetings, Sundiata and Nuru! We're glad that Queen Marwe is allowing us to stay with you!" Twilight said, ever eager to make new friends.

"As are we, though our lodgings are meager, as you can see." Said Nuru, her voice somewhat tender, like Fluttershy's, though with a hint of gravelliness.

"Oh, it's quite alright. We're just happy to be here!" Twilight said with a smile. "Allow me to introduce the Equestrian Friendship Delegation, sent to you courtesy of Princesses Celestia and Luna!" Twilight hovered just above the ground, causing her zebra hosts' eyes to widen, never having seen an alicorn before.

"I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and this is my assistant, Spike." The little dragon waved.
"These are my best friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy." Each pony gave a gesture of greeting in turn as her name was called. "Together, we represent the Elements of Harmony: Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Kindness, and Magic, all key parts of the Magic of Friendship."

Sundiata and Nuru nodded. So far, so good.

"And this is our guide to the zebra lands!" Twilight pulled back Zecora's hood, eliciting an awkward smile and wave from her.

There wasn't as grave of a reaction as she got from the zebras in the palace, though the siblings' eyes widened slightly. Zecora could hear Nuru whisper in her native tongue "Is that Zecora?" into her brother's ear, to which he nodded silently.

"I take it you're already familiar with our guide, then?" Rarity asked, chuckling awkwardly.

"Indeed, all zebras in this nation know the tale," Sundiata replied "of the deed which made Zecora set sail."

Twilight alighted next to her striped friend. "Zecora, what exactly has everypony been up in arms about today? Do you mind me asking what you did that was so terrible?"

The outcast zebra sighed. "I promise to someday, Twilight, but not today." She turned to face the rest of the Elements. "Surely you can trust me until your worries can be allayed?" They all looked concernedly at each other, but agreed not to push the issue.

"If it means anything, Zecora, we do not think you are at fault." Sundiata tried to comfort her. "Having heard your tale, we do not think it's worth its salt."

"Indeed, we think any guilt should've faded with time." Nuru added. "What you did was essentially a victimless crime. And even if it was seen as a fall from grace, anyzebra could understand what you did in your place."

Though she tried not to show it on her face, Twilight's curiosity was piqued. Now, she really was curious about what Zecora did; it must've been construed as a criminal act, yet it was probably done for a greater, just reason. If only she could get any information about it. The other zebras seemed to think of it as being unspeakable, so unless she went digging through the town records (which she probably would do anyway if she found herself a library,) she'd just have to wait for Zecora herself to tell her.

Sundiata and Nuru were very useful in helping everyone move in; though it was a tight squeeze, their hut had just enough space for themselves, six delegates, their guide, and a dragon, though many of them would wind up sleeping in hammocks stacked atop one another. They spent the rest of the day sitting around talking, getting to know each other and exchanging pieces of their culture, though Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy were really the only ones interested in picking up local etiquette to any great degree.

As the sun began to set and the hearth fires of the various huts began to light up around them, the group of new acquaintances were enjoying a light meal and sharing tales from days gone by. Twilight had just finished sharing the tale of Nightmare Moon's fall and redemption.

Sundiata's eyes brightened as a tale he'd learned, yet long taken for granted, sprung back into his mind. "There's a story of our people that I'd much like to tell! Nuru, Zecora, do you remember it well?" Nuru returned a broad smile in response, and turned to Zecora.

Zecora nodded. "I know the story of which you speak, from 1,000 years ago, when our nation was weak." She turned to the six ponies and dragon sitting near her, trying to build suspense for the story to come. "While Equestria was threatened with Luna's eternal night, the Zanzebrari folk faced their own terrible plight..."

Nuru had produced a set of bongo drums from behind her; brushing hair from her eyes, something she could often be seen doing, she began to rhythmically beat on them and chant in her native language. Sundiata pounded his forehooves against the ground in the same rhythm, throwing dust into the air above the fire, and by some unique magic, Nuru's music and words began to warp the cloud into a simplified, moving image to tell the ancient tale. Zecora translated Nuru's Zebrish storytelling into rhyming Ponish.

"In Old Zanzebrar, we set our story, at a time when life was grim and gory."

The figures dancing in the dust, which appeared to be zebras, were soon overtaken by darker clouds in the form of various monsters.

"Monsters preyed upon our folk and villages were consumed by fire and smoke."

The girls, plus Spike, were at rapt attention as the "monsters" crept towards a walled settlement that they took to be the city of Zanzebrar long ago. Several zebras huddled behind the low walls with their spears, shaking with fright; the "sky" began to turn dark as the monsters drew close.

"As the zebras were being drowned in their fear, BEHOLD! In the sky, an eclipse appeared!"

Shortly after, the dark silhouette of an alicorn mare appeared upon the lunar surface.

"Just as suddenly, the shadow of a mare appeared in the moon..."

Twilight shot a smile at Zecora, happy that both of their cultures shared in the Nightmare Moon story.

In the dust cloud, a heroic equine appeared, zebraic in appearance, but with only sparse stripes on his front half.

"...it was then that a zebra named Mvemba knew exactly what to do." Zecora finished her rhyme.

Twilight's heart--and cerebrum--leapt up. "That's a quagga!" she said with excitement. "I've seen them in books! They're a kind of zebra that went extinct long ago."

Zecora nodded at Twilight's factoid. "Indeed, quaggas even back then were hard to find; it was believed that Mvemba was the last of his kind."

The noble zebra rallied his kin and had them put a plan into action. As the drumming and chanting grew louder, and the dust cloud became thick and billowy with ancient magic, the audience could see Mvemba and his warriors almost as clear as day. He directed the warriors to fashion great shields in the likeness of terrifying masks and charge forward making a great deal of noise. As soon as they did, the monsters attacking the village thought that there were even scarier creatures coming for them, and so, they fled in fear and were cut down by Mvemba's troops.

"Just as he had seen the moon put on a mask, Mvemba knew that that would accomplish this great task. This great victory made him quite the superstar, and so, Mvemba was crowned as the first King of Zanzebrar."

The crowd of seven all cheered for Mvemba as the dust cloud faded and Nuru finished with a loud strike of the drums.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, doing a little flip in the air.

"Because Mvemba was brave enough to rouse us out of our fear," Sundiata spoke up "all zebras celebrate his great victory each year."

Zecora continued. "We zebras put on masks to give each other a fright! It's a tradition you ponies know as Nightmare Night."

"OOOOOOOO!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping from her seat. "That's SO COOL that we both celebrate Nightmare Night! Are there any other holidays we share with zebras?! Hearth's Warming?! Hearts and Hooves Day?! Winter Wra--"

Before Pinkie could finish, Zecora kindly put her hoof over her mouth and smiled. "There are several others of which I can think, but I shall tell you them later, O Pony of Pink."

Pinkie's friends all chuckled.

"So, if Mvemba was the first King of Zanzebrar," Fluttershy posited "does that mean that Queen Marwe is descended from quaggas?"

Nuru shook her head. "Mvemba never married or had foals; at least, none that are recorded in ancient scrolls."

"Though he did appoint his best warrior to rule in his stead." Sundiata added. "It is from his bloodline future rulers were bred."

"You see--" Sundiata began another sentence, but was interrupted by the "doorbell"; having a curtain instead of a proper door to knock upon, he'd hung up a cowbell for visitors to ring.

"Excuse me." He said, smiling to himself at having salvaged his rhyme.

Upon trotting over to pull back the curtain, he was greeting by a cross-eyed zebra with a mailbag. He handed Sundiata an envelope bearing the royal seal, then trotted off.

"What is it, Sundiata?" asked Rarity, sitting closest to the door.

"To me, it is not addressed, but to Twilight Sparkle, and the rest." He passed the letter to Twilight, who opened it with her magic and began reading.

"It says that the Equestrian delegation is invited to a banquet being held in the palace tonight!"

Everypony was abuzz with excitement until Twilight's face showed disappointment.

"...Except for Zecora."

Zecora rolled her eyes and huffed. "That figures, if it's a party of hers." She thought.

Twilight walked over and patted Zecora on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, Zecora. I would bring you along anyway, but I don't think it wise to tempt fate with Marwe already upset with us. I hope you understand."

Zecora raised a hoof dismissively. "Twilight, my friend, do not think I feel spurned. The success of the mission is my primary concern."

The two friends shared a smile before Twilight turned to lead her "delegation" towards the palace.

"Oh boy, food!" said Rainbow Dash, rubbing her forehooves together. "I hope there's something spicy!"

"I wonder what they grow here instead of apples?" pondered Applejack aloud.

"I can't wait to try Zebrican desserts!" exclaimed Pinkie. "I wonder what their cupcakes are like? Do they even HAVE cupcakes? If not, hoo boy, am I going to have a fun time teaching them about 'em!"

Zecora waved goodbye to her friends as they left. Admittedly, she was a little disappointed at not getting to come along, but she supposed there would always be other occasions, perhaps when her translative skills were required. Besides, it wasn't all bad; she had two zebras to socialize with right here, the first such chance she'd had in ages.

At least she could speak in her own language for a time... which meant she didn't have to rhyme.


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Despite the fact that Sundiata and Nuru were there with her and quite friendly, Zecora couldn't find much to talk about. The three passed the time remembering old songs, poems, and customs common in a zebra's childhood, such as the song about how all creatures are connected, and the ceremony performed on one's thirteenth birthday, until the Elements of Harmony returned from the banquet late that night.

From a distance, Zecora could see Applejack and Rainbow Dash leading the pack; as they drew closer she could tell that the two reeked of spiced ale. The smell was familiar to Zecora, but it had been years since she'd had any... though after a day like hers, she could've stood getting drunk. Applejack stumbled about awkwardly on her hooves, and Rainbow's flight patterns were erratic like a fly.

The cyan pony hiccupped and laughed. "Hey Applejack, I bet you can't eat more of the soup than me...

"That was some party, that was... I must've eaten... FIFTEEN o' them little fruit thingies." Applejack managed to drawl out.

"Hehehe... the soup." Rainbow muttered drunkenly in a thought that went nowhere.

"I can't believe they went and got themselves drunk..." Rarity murmured to Fluttershy, trying to hide her shame over such uncouth behavior. She, after all, had only had a little bit of ale while nopony was looking.

"Somehow, I didn't expect anything less." Twilight butted in.

The two inebriated ponies entered the hut first and began to climb into their hammocks. Something they'd had with them now sat by the door; it appeared as though they had brought back some more corked gourds full of the festive beverage. Nuru's eyes perked up with a little smile before her brother quietly reprimanded her, reminding her she wasn't considered old enough to drink.

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII call the top bunk!" Rainbow said enthusiastically, drifting down into the fabric and belching.

"Can't hear ya, I'm asleep!" Applejack said sassily, clambering with difficulty into the hammock below hers.

The two had already fallen asleep as the other delegates prepared for their slumber, producing a noise equivalent to an Ursa Major with a respiratory illness.

"Great." Groaned Spike. "First a drinking contest, now a snoring contest."

It didn't take long for all of her friends to drop off to sleep, as well as Sundiata. Zecora, finding herself restless, chose to sit outside the hut, listening to the chirping of crickets and the crackling of the fire as she watched the fireflies dance. Before Zecora could get very deep in her thoughts, however, she was joined outside by Nuru.

"Nuru, why do you not sleep? Have you come to enjoy this night so deep?"

The younger mare nodded with a smile. "Though my name means 'born during the day', I've always enjoyed the night more, I daresay."

Zecora chuckled internally. "Luna would like this one."

Nuru continued to speak. "By this mark on my flank, I am a stargazer; stars tell tales of warriors and courageous trailblazers. By conveying their stories to those who will listen, I compel young foals into dreaming, into action!" Zecora smiled and looked to the stars herself. A storyteller, eh? She could remember dark nights from her distant childhood, sitting around a communal fire with her mother and listening to other stargazers weave their tales. It was hearing tales of shamans, mystics, and fakirs of the past that inspired her, and her mother before her, to become a healer.

"A fine profession you've found, Nuru. I see your Cutie Mark quite suits you." Zecora replied. "But what of your brother, what role plays he? What does his mark compel him to be?"

"My brother still searches for his true lot in life--" Nuru began, before being interrupted by a rather loud noise from said zebra's sinuses. "...I'll say this, I pity the colt's future wife."

Zecora chuckled. "With looks like his, I'm surprised he's unmarried. A stallion his age should have admirers most varied."

Nuru rolled her eyes and smiled. "Brother's job doesn't give him enough time to date, and a poorer-classed colt doesn't draw many mates."

"And what about you, a pretty young filly? At your age, I was getting proposals willy-nilly."

At this, Nuru blushed, giggling, and concealed her face before putting her nose to the stars and looking at Zecora from the corner of her eye.

"There have been some offers, but frankly, I don't care. If we're being honest, well... I'm only interested in mares."

Zecora blushed some herself and laughed, a little surprised at Nuru's forwardness. "A secret I'll keep for you in trust." She jutted a hoof back inside the tent. "I think some of the Elements are too, to be honest!"

The two zebras laughed under their breath, although the snoring coming from inside would've put a brass band to shame.

"What do you think they'd see in a girl like me?" Nuru added, inciting more laughter from them both.

"I've enjoyed getting to know you, Zecora. My sorceress' sense detects a kind, friendly aura." The younger zebra turned to enter the hut.

"I'm glad you don't believe what the other zebras think." Zecora said with a smile. "I'd like to move on; my follies are written in ink."

The two mares exchanged good-nights in Zebrish before Nuru went to lay down. Zecora remained by herself for several minutes, watching the stars as her new friend had been. After several years, she could still pick out the constellations unique to the southern sky and recall their names and stories. As she thought back to her mother first telling her the story of the crane who flew to the heavens, something struck her: this same group of stars was plainly visible from her own village. In fact, she could still remember how to navigate home by following those stars.

She wondered... could she find her old home even now?

Careful not to wake anypony, Zecora trotted off into the west.

Staring forward into the darkness, Zecora instinctively tore across the land in the direction of her home, occasionally glancing skyward to wayfind. The road from her village to Zanzebrar was long and little-used, but she knew it well. She'd been jogging along a path straight out of her past for about 20 minutes, and already she'd seen several landmarks familiar to her, unchanged from her childhood. Soon, she came upon a thicket of forest, and charged through it without hesitation, knowing her village to be just on the other side.

The cool night air rushed against her face, wicking away beads of sweat as she trampled through the underbrush. She could feel her childhood memories growing stronger as she went further along the route; this had to be it.

"Next is the large rock..." she thought, shortly before dashing past a large, moss covered boulder with a tree growing out of its top.

"Then, the sign..." Zecora galloped past an old, decrepit signpost, its lettering long illegible, though at one point it told the distance to her village.

"Now, the river..." As she came upon the calmly trickling waterway, Zecora noticed that the large wooden bridge that once arched across the river's run had since rotted away and collapsed. Undeterred, Zecora sped up and cleared what was easily an 8-foot gap in a single leap.

Feeling like a filly again, Zecora prepared herself to break through the other side of the woods, unsure of what she would see.

Zecora's hooves came to a hard stop on dusty ground.

She panted and looked around.

It was as she had expected: long-since abandoned.

Several clusters of vacant huts were scattered about, some practically untouched by time, but no less sullied by nature. Boards had rotted, thatch was leaking, stones had fallen out of place; even the plants were dead. Once beautiful flower gardens were barren and grey, and the little ornamental tree near the village center was a dry husk of its former self. Zecora walked slowly through this desolation, taking it all in and remembering what it was like when she'd last seen it. Nozebra had lived here for a very long time, and chances were this place had been forgotten by every zebra in Zanzebrar, most likely because it was already small, and because it was where Zecora came from.

Judging by the state the village had been left in, everyzebra had probably just moved out. Zecora couldn't see or sense anything to suggest that they'd been taken out by disease, monsters, or war. Most likely, it was just a little backwoods town whose time had been used up. Looking into what were once family yards, Zecora could see burial plots that had been there longer than she'd been alive. Countless generations of different zebra families had come into this world--and left it--from right here in this village.

And then, something caught her eye, bringing a lone tear to it.

Off, on the outskirts of the settlement, with its roof half caved in, was a very small, one-room hut: Zecora's home. The place where she had been born twenty-some years ago.

And in its shadow was the grave of her mother.

Zecora choked back the lump in her throat and made herself leave, heading back towards Sundiata's village.

Pax, Pro Tempore

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The next day Zecora found herself in the marketplace with the rest of the Equestrian delegation. Pinkie Pie was bouncing around between the stalls with food, trying to locate various sweet scents in order to sample local desserts. Rarity, meanwhile, wandered bright-eyed through tapestries and garments, trying to gather inspiration for the new fashion line she would surely make once she arrived back in Ponyville; she laughed upon noticing a small zebra filly playing amongst her delicately coiffed tail, herself having a cheerful time. While the other Elements looked about the shops for souvenirs and Spike took pictures for his scrapbook (all the while confusing the locals, who were unfamiliar with cameras,) Twilight stood with Zecora poring over a book she levitated between them: Introduction to Zebrish.

"I think you are ready; just speak clear and steady." Zecora told her purple friend.

Twilight nodded. "Here I go." she replied, trotting over to a nearby vendor. As the zebra approached the counter, Twilight took one last glimpse at her book before slipping it into her saddlebag. She then attempted to do business in very broken Zebrish.

"<Do bananas... are real?>"

The shopzebra donned a confused look, raising an eyebrow and pointing a hoof to a bunch of bananas hanging above him.

Twilight nodded and smiled. "<Good much. Cost be?>"

The zebra's confusion lessened, though only slightly. He slowly reached for the bananas and set them on the counter, his eyes not moving from Twilight. She nodded again happily. "<Cost?>"

"<Five.>" He replied. At least Twilight knew how to count. She magically brought forth the Zanzebrari coins from her saddlebag before giddily trotting back over to Zecora, smiling broadly. She shrugged and smiled awkwardly as if to say, "Well, good effort."

Twilight peeled one banana and began to munch on it. She offered one to Zecora, who politely waved it away. She told Twilight that she wished to wander the city alone for a while, to which the alicorn nodded with a mouthful of fruit. Pulling her hood tight, Zecora walked off amongst the crowds.

After years of bathing in rivers or indoor tubs, it felt unspeakably relaxing for Zecora to visit the bathhouse once again. Bereft of her jewelry and cloak, she had undone the braid in her tail, though her mane, for the moment, still stood upright. She walked into the spacious, quiet room, her hooves making soft clopping sounds along the brick floor. Amidst the steam, she wasn't alone. At the opposite end of the massive pool, she could make out two other mares, one a mother with her children. Not exactly enough to trigger Zecora's modesty; besides, she'd used the public baths for most of her life.

A few stone steps downward and Zecora felt her body slipping into the comfortably warm water. Gentle ripples lapped at her velvety hide, and she sighed in relaxation. For a moment she sat on the stone steps, water up to her breast, closing her eyes and focusing her mind amidst the calm and quiet. Not long after, though, she heard some disturbance from the other end of the pool; upon opening her eyes, she saw the mother mare pulling her foals close as both she and her companion scooted further away, eyeing Zecora worriedly.

Zecora sighed and sank into the water up to her chin.

Queen Marwe sat in her study that evening, her table covered in papers, the largest of which was a map with small wooden figurines laid out atop it. The young monarch sat regally atop a low stool as her generals told her of the March of Soumaoro, a cruel sorcerer-king and her nation's great enemy.

"<And you're sure there is no way to rout him?>"

"<The kingdoms of Mareputo and Mareitania have already tried, Your Majesty, and were utterly defeated. The King and Queen of Neighrobi are amassing an army at their borders to intercept his forces, but they are doubtful they can stop them either. Soumaoro's armies are simply too great and too skilled.>"

The queen turned to her elder general, her face changing from serious to confident. "<Then it's a good thing our armies are just as great and even more skilled.>" The general shared a smile with her, setting the helmet in his crooked foreleg upon the table.

"<My zebras will be ready, Your Majesty.>" he said, stroking his beard.

"<Good.>" She nodded, turning her attention to the map again. "<How long until he reaches this city?>"

"<At his current pace, one week at least, perhaps a little longer.>" A younger general piped up.

"<With luck, that will give us enough time to prepare. I'll make the announcement tomorrow afternoon.>" Marwe shifted into a standing position, the black silk of her gown billowing with every move. "<May the gods be with you all.>"

Her three generals saluted and bowed, a gesture she returned, before donning their helmets and leaving the room, closing the door behind them. Marwe sighed loudly; she collapsed onto her stomach atop a luxurious chaise longue, throwing one hoof over the edge. Reaching over to a nearby end table, she cupped a glass of red wine and brought it to her mouth for a sip. Talking about the fate of one's kingdom and people for a whole hour often drove one to drink.

She stared across the room to a painting on the wall, one of her mother, Queen Jaha, sitting with Marwe as a filly.

"<Oh Mother...> Marwe spoke under her breath. "<You warned me this day would come... but now that it's here...>

She set her wine on the table and rolled onto her back, toying with her single large French braid.

"<...I'm scared.>"

Marwe was glad she'd set her public emergency declaration for tomorrow afternoon; by then, she would've worked off the massive hangover she was about to give herself to drown out her screaming anxiety.

"<You fool! Don't you realize what lies within here?! You seek to destroy us all! You can't just--- ack!>"

The zebra guard couldn't finish his plea before having his throat slashed by one of Soumaoro's elite. As his form crumpled to the ground, his blood trickling down the ancient stonework, a dark figure strode into the long-concealed rainforest temple. Other dead guards lay around the columns; he strode past their waning lives and smirked in pleasure.

The sorcerer-king, though elderly, was an imposing figure. He was tall, a good head higher than most other zebras. He had little in the way of a mane due to age; what wispy strands were left were slicked back into a point against his neck. His beard was long and grey; the face upon which it rested bore wrinkled, sunken eyes and a cruel smile. He walked with a staff of gnarled wood, serving both as a cane and a mage's focus for powerful incantations. His black, ratty cloak trailed behind him like a jagged, malignant shadow, a reflection of his very soul. Beneath it, sprawled across his breast, was an ancient necklace of gold and beads, one of his few indulgences. He wore it in lieu of a crown to remind everyzebra that despite his plain appearance, he was, in fact, a king: a title that, like many things, he had taken by force. If he wasn't your king already, he would be soon enough.

His masked, elite assassins stood in rank and file as he walked past them. Of the many things of which Soumaoro was proud was the fact that his troops obeyed him, either through loyalty, like these and a few others, or out of fear, like the armed masses outside the temple. The bulk of his army he'd assembled from the brave warriors of Neightal, to the south. The kingdom had grown mighty in the past under the leadership of brave zebras like Shaka, but even their dauntless impi proved no match for his vile sorcery. Since then, he'd used most of the treasury to import superior weapons and armor, effectively modernizing Neightal's army; the soldiers themselves were not quite happy about having to abandon their traditional dress and practices, but Soumaoro's threatening presence quickly quelled any thoughts of dissent.

But even with an army--no, a nation--at his command, Soumaoro wanted more. He didn't merely want to exact revenge upon Zanzebrar, he wanted to raze it... and for that, he would need greater power yet.

Such power was what brought him here.

Shoving aside the remains of one last guard with his staff, Soumaoro stood in front of a pair of massive stone doors, held shut by titanic chains and a single, great lock.

"<Sir, if I may,>" posited Hondo, the old warlock's general "<why are we here?>"

"<This is one of the few doors to the world below.>" the aged stallion replied. "<There lives here a creature who will swear fealty to me if I set it free...>"

Stepping forward and raising his staff, Soumaoro began the dark incantation; ancient words of a long-dead language flowed from his lips and the cracks and creases in the twisted branch began to glow. The enchanter's eyes lit up soon after, and dark, greenish-black smoke flowed forth like brackish water to tear the lock asunder. The heavy chains fell from the door with a noise like thunder, and with a slam of his staff, the entry slowly creaked open.

From within, several pairs of large red eyes flashed open to inspect the sorcerer and his general, who was now cowering behind him. A deep, earthshaking growl-hiss echoed from the darkness.

"<I have need of you, great old one... after 500 years, do you still thirst for blood?>"

Ghosts of the Past

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That next day, the Equestrian delegates found themselves exploring the town square; while Spike was busy taking pictures of the royal palace from various angles, Twilight sat out front, talking with Zecora. Even though she'd insisted that she didn't need to, Zecora was appreciative of the company, and Twilight didn't mind missing out on a few things if it meant cheering up a friend.

Glancing skyward, the sun was nearly overhead; Zecora reminded Twilight of how she'd wanted to treat everypony to lunch. Twilight looked down at an oversized sundial on her fetlock, a curio she'd bought in an antique shop and insisted on wearing, and indeed, it was approaching noon. She cast a magic spell, a quick glowing pulse from her horn, accompanied by a message to meet in the town square. Not long after, her friends slowly came trickling in to meet her.

"You know it's super weird hearing you in my head, right?" said Rainbow Dash, annoyed.

"And dear, while I won't discourage your trying out of experimental spells, please do refrain from the ones that give me a splitting headache." Rarity added politely.

"Sorry everypony." Twilight said with a chuckle. "Next time I'll just come looking for you instead."

"I was in the bathhouse, Twilight! It's super-duper fun in there!' Pinkie jubilantly proclaimed. "Just look at how bouncy my mane is!" The pink pony shook her freshly washed mane, pink curls springing about like tightly-wound coils set free.

"So, everypony," Spike interjected "where are we having lunch?"

Rarity chuckled and bumped her flank into Applejack's.

"Perhaps we should look for some of those 'fruit thingies'?"

"Or maybe they'll have some of that soup." Fluttershy teased Rainbow Dash. Both ponies in question turned bright red, resenting the mention of their drunken stupor at the banquet two nights prior.

Before Twilight could rattle off a fact sheet about Zebrican cuisine, a loud noise came from behind her: the sound of horns, accompanied by the opening of heavy wooden doors. A line of guards stood at attention as Princess Marwe stepped into the courtyard and a town crier announced the deliverance of an important message from Her Majesty.

Though already tall as zebras go, Marwe stepped up onto a crate the crier had set out so that she could be seen clearly above the crowd. Though even without a procession of guards, seeing her wouldn't have been a hard task. The blue-blooded zebra was decked out in golden jewelry: hoop earrings, neck rings, bracelets, and a resplendent bib necklace, a solid plate of gold inlaid with gems of all colors, glistening brightly, nearly blindingly, in the sunlight of noonday. The simple wooden crown she'd worn when within her own court had been replaced by a massive golden one, decorated with myriad feathers of exotic birds, along with even more gems. The cloak she wore trailed behind her; it was a light green, almost celadon, interwoven with peacock feathers. Its silken texture was astounding in the sunlight, and, if one looked carefully, tiny emeralds could be seen adorning the neckline.

Rarity did all she could to steady her knocking knees and stay conscious. Noticing a tear forming in her eye, Applejack wiped it away with a gentle hoof. Twilight and Zecora could overhear zebras talking around them, saying that Marwe almost never dressed extravagantly, and when she did, it was for something crucially important.

"Excuse me, my subjects, please listen and stay." Marwe began, her voice projecting throughout the square. "I have dire news to deliver this day."

The zebras all murmured amongst themselves; Twilight and Zecora shared nervous glances.

"From times long ago, history's long-forgotten scar, an old threat has returned to harm Zanzebrar."

Zecora pulled her hood tightly over her head. Surely this was some kind of public denunciation.

"From the south, death and destruction he brings: I speak of Soumaoro, the sorcerer-king."

Everyzebra gasped aloud. Even Zecora glanced up in surprise. Soumaoro? Wasn't he just a legend made to scare small foals? Even as she looked around, she could see elder zebras shaking their heads in despair... could they be remembering true events?

"As we speak, he brings an army to our city. For young or for old, he shows no pity. He wields countless soldiers from the Kingdom of Neightal, and with them, he seeks to make all of Zebrica fall. His army stops not to sleep or to feast; they will be at our gates in one week, at least. That's why I encourage anyzebra who can to enlist, to fight, help us make our stand! No stallion or mare will be turned away if they wish to aid the fight on our judgment day. Soldiers, medics, and mages, all are desired, though feel free to help in any way you're inspired. If we band together, for one and for all, we shall stamp out evil, and Soumaoro will fall!"

Some members of the crowd let up a cheer, though most still seemed fairly concerned. After her speech, Marwe turned to Twilight, telling her that she and the delegates were not required to get involved if they did not wish to; it wasn't their war, after all. The six ponies discussed it amongst themselves briefly, and decided that since they stood by Zecora, they would stand by her homeland as well. Marwe gave her solemn thanks, and returned back to her palace.

"I can't say I've ever heard of Soumaoro before, Zecora." Twilight said, turning again. "Although, then again, I'm only really well-read in ancient Equestrian sorcerers."

"Indeed, I thought him only a legend, 'til now." Zecora said, still taking in what the princess had said. "He is someone the zebras would rather forget about."

"Well, I think I'm going to find a library and read up on some history." Twilight said, determination in her voice. "Spike, do you think you can--"

"Uh, Twilight?" The dragon interrupted. "Zecora hasn't taught you how to read Zebrish script yet."

"...eh-heheheh…" Twilight chuckled sheepishly.

Upon their return to his hut that evening, Sundiata informed his guests that he was in the reserves for the city militia, and would likely be called to serve. Nuru said that she wished to assist the medical corps during the conflict; her brother forbade it, but it didn't sound like she was dissuaded from doing so. When asked what she was going to do, Zecora simply said that she didn't know. Inside, she was conflicted: she wanted to preserve this city, her home, yet she wanted to keep her friends safe as well. At the same time, she felt as though her people didn't want her any longer, and so didn't think herself obligated to do anything. She wasn't even sure Marwe could forgive her long enough to let her help.

Late that night, Zecora crept away once more to her former, ruined village.

On the outskirts, she found her slowly collapsing hut and her mother's dirt-mound grave.

She solemnly put a hoof to the humble tomb as she read the decaying wooden marker.

Zecora sighed deeply. "<Mother... I am sorry... but I need to tell our story. I must right my wrong if I am to save this land we held dear.>"

Without another word, Zecora sat upon her flanks next to the grave and began to meditate. It wasn't long before she was asleep.

"Now, Princess Luna... I am ready to speak of my past."

"Shall we start at the beginning?"


Zecora never knew her father.

And, from what she'd gathered as she matured, neither did her mother.

In fact, her parents had only met briefly, in the dark of the night on the streets of Zanzebrar, when he dragged her into an alleyway and forced himself upon her.

Despite the circumstances, her mother had chose to raise the filly as best she could, and about a year later, Zecora was born in the very same hut she sat next to, dreaming. Even though this was a child born out of wedlock to a dirt-poor mother with no living relatives, the little village accepted them both as their own.

Zecora's childhood was spartan, but enjoyable. She didn't have much, and didn't need much. She and her mother entertained one another by telling stories, either ones from lore, or ones they made up on the spot. Magic was another pastime: Zecora's mother was, by trade, a healer, and from her youngest years, Zecora learned at her mother's knee how to treat the ailments of the village zebras. They were always nice to her mother, and often brought her baskets laden with food; as a filly, Zecora thought that this was some form of payment for treatment rendered, but in fact, she later learned, it was simply generosity towards a poor single mother.

Generosity. Kindness. Magic. Long before Zecora ever met Rarity, Fluttershy, or Twilight Sparkle, she became familiar with these Elements of Harmony. She and her mother treated the ailing simply because it was the right thing to do, never asking for anything in return. They used the magic inherent in earthbound creatures, plants, and the earth itself to do so. And the kindness they received from their neighbors was evident, in word and in deed. It was because of them that Zecora was able to visit the theatre with her mother each year on her birthday: the zebras of the village started a fund to give the filly a present.

In dreaming, Zecora wiped a tear from her eye. Had it not been for the goodwill of others, Zecora and her mother might've been far worse off.

Suddenly, sunlight struck Zecora's eyelids, and she awoke. It was morning.

She had spent the whole night by her mother's side.

"Perhaps we'll pick this up again another night." She could hear Luna's voice echoing in her head as the Princess of the Night, across the globe, tucked herself into bed.

With a smile and a chuckle, Zecora stood, brushing her mane with a hoof, and sweeping the sandy earth from her rump with her tail. She gave one last pat to her mother, then proceeded slowly back towards civilization.

Sparring Partners

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Zecora arrived back at Sundiata's village a bit later that morning, just as the stallion himself was gathering some things to leave.

"<Zecora? Where were you last night? Everypony wondered what had become of you.>"

"<Oh, curses. I'm sorry, Sundiata. I, ah... I spent the night exploring, per se. Reminiscing. It's been a long time since I've been... well... home… I guess this is still home... and I wanted some time on my own to be reacquainted with it.>"

Sundiata held up a hoof, smiling and nodding. "<I understand.>"

He shifted his saddlebags into a more comfortable position on his back as he walked slowly past Zecora.

"<If you're not too tired, then, there's something I'd like to show you. I think I know how you can help Zanzebrar prepare for war.>"

Her curiosity piqued, Zecora fell into a trot alongside Sundiata. She followed him through one of the city's great gates, through the lines of cream-colored adobe buildings and along red brick walkways warmed by the morning sun, until finally reaching a small, fenced-in area in the rear of the city, dominated by what appeared to be sleeping quarters. As it turned out, this was the city barracks. Sundiata checked himself in with garrison command and handed over his saddlebags before leading Zecora out into the fenced area. Out of a small shed, apparently an armory of sorts, he grabbed two quarterstaffs, holding them in the crook of his foreleg, and led Zecora to a small postern gate in the city wall. Each of them leaned their weight into a wooden slab, swinging the doors open wide.

Once Zecora's eyes adjusted to the sunlight, she was astounded by what she saw. It was a massive circular area, enclosed by tall, sturdy palisades, supporting yet more small buildings, with the inner part of the circle being mostly dry grass and dirt. Within the central area, countless zebra soldiers were sparring with each other, using everything from staffs, clubs, and bare hooves to swords, spears, and shields. Other zebras were walking to and from the various buildings, watching the practice bouts from the sidelines, or off to the side lined with targets, firing upon them with bows and slings.

"<And here I thought I'd seen all of this city.>" Zecora said in awe.

"<It's an ikanda. A place where soldiers train.>" Sundiata added proudly, walking into the central area where sparring matches took place. He turned with a smile on his face, tossing his hair back out of the way.

"<I figured, why not teach you the warrior's way...>" He tossed a quarterstaff to Zecora, who caught it in her forehooves unsurely "<And in return, you can teach me the art of the mage? I've always wanted to improve my magic beyond storytelling, but I've never had the chance. But now-->"

"<But now,>" Zecora interrupted him with a smirk "<you've got one of the most infamous Zebrican sorceresses sharing your hut?>"

He shrugged, his forelegs open wide. "<Can you blame me?>"

Zecora stepped forward slowly to meet his challenge, a mischievous smile upon her face.

"<Very well.>" She began. "<If you can turn me into a warrior, I can turn you into a mage.>"

Zecora twirled the staff nimbly on the tips of her hooves. She wasn't completely clueless as to how to use one, but had never received anything like combat training.

Sundiata angled his staff diagonally towards the ground, digging one tip into the soil; he leaned his upper body upon it, a standard resting stance for a quadruped using a staff.

"<Don't worry, Zecora,>" He playfully chided her "<there have been plenty of strong female warriors.>"

"<I know six of them.>" She jabbed back, taking up a similar position "<And there have been plenty of males who couldn't defeat a mosquito.>"

Sundiata chuckled wryly. The two combatants stared each other down, waiting for one or the other to charge.

"<Don't go easy on me just because I'm handsome.>" He laughed and gave a manure-eating smile.

"<Don't go easy on me because I'm a beginner. Or a girl.>" Zecora replied.

"<I just want to make sure I won't be hurting you too bad. I mean, you know what they say-->"

He was cut off yet again by Zecora, who was now feet from him with her staff locked against his.

"<Oh, I'm sorry. Mares, who give birth, can't tolerate pain?>" She quipped with impish bravado "<If I recall correctly, there is one rather vulnerable place I can strike you, just barely, and you'll hit the dirt crying.>"

He smirked. This was what he'd been trying to bring out; he knew that if he could awaken Zecora's competitive side, it would make her training much easier.

Without a word, Sundiata swung the opposite end of his staff forward; Zecora ducked her head out of the way. With both of them now balanced on their hindlegs, he followed up with several swift strikes, which Zecora either avoided or blocked. Now on the defensive, she had to think fast. As Sundiata came in for another tight swing with the low end of his staff, Zecora blocked it with the same end of her weapon, repositioned herself with a sidestep, and brought the rest of her staff forward towards his head. The stallion had to swing his head back awkwardly to avoid being struck, then quickly stepped out to a safer range.

"<Good, good, but wild swings are rarely the best tactic.>" Sundiata said. "<You should always rely on the jab, keep it tight and punctual.>"

With a wide sweeping motion, Sundiata brought his weapon's point within inches of Zecora's snout; she backed away quickly, holding her staff like a spear and pushing his tip away with hers. Her back and thighs ached from this bipedalism, but she merely gritted her teeth through the discomfort. She would need to strengthen herself if she were going to fight.

When Sundiata tried to push her staff away, Zecora instinctively pushed back, drawing a small circle in the air in front of her, putting her staff on top. Her competitor drew his staff away and came in for a stab at her upper body. She quickly sidestepped to the right and, with a shuffle forward, put the end of her staff at her opponent's throat.

They locked eyes for a moment, Sundiata's mind racing to find a way out of range. Zecora chuckled. She had him.

She swung the opposite end of her staff rapidly in the direction of his groin. Instinctively jumping back with a shout to protect himself, Zecora instead caught one of his hindlegs by the cannon bone, unbalancing him and putting him on the ground.

Some of the other trainees standing nearby began laughing.

"<I'm not glad that happened to you, Sundiata, I'm just glad that happened.>" One of them remarked.

The few female soldiers in the ikanda cheered at Zecora's triumph. The mohawked mare put out a hoof to help her sparring partner to his.

"<Okay, so you beat me once.>" Sundiata conceded. "<You've a good eye for exploiting gaps in a foe's defenses, but you've still got more to learn if you plan on entering the battlefield.>"

And so, the two trained for the rest of the day, only stopping once the sun was beginning to set. By that time, they were tied for number of matches won. Zecora was definitely improving with the basics of combat, using staff and bare hooves, but the next day, Sundiata would begin training her in the more delicate art of swordsponyship.

That night, Zecora sat down in the hut with Twilight to teach her to read the local writing system, but as soon as the purple mare had cloistered herself away behind a book to study, Zecora made for her old village and her mother's graveside; there was more yet to remember.

Zecora and Luna stood unseen to one side as they watched a memory play out in front of them.

The little zebra filly couldn't have been more than seven or eight years old. A gaggle of rambunctious colts were trotting away from her laughing, having knocked her rubber ball up into a tree. They mocked her for her small stature and blank flank as they faded from sight.

"<Aw, come on, guys...>" The young Zecora said, looking up into the branches with dismay. She tried her best to jump up and reach her toy, or to buck the tree and knock it down, but there simply wasn't enough strength in her compact, juvenile body. Just as she sat upon the ground, her head held low in defeat, she heard something quite unexpected.

"<Here, let me help you with that!>"

Zecora looked up to see another filly, slightly larger though still about her age, standing next to her. She wasn't still for long before her hooves flew into action. She scrambled up the tree trunk, her simple cloak flapping behind her like bird wings; having ascended to the offending branch, she knocked the ball out of its clutches with a swift strike from her hoof. Zecora smiled as it bounced back down to her; she caught it on her snout, balancing it playfully as her new friend made her way back down the tree.

"<Gee, thank you so much!>" Zecora said, now holding the ball under a forehoof. "<Boys can be mean sometimes.>" The other filly rolled her eyes and nodded, clearly understanding where Zecora came from.

"<My name's Zecora, what's yours?>"

"<I'm Marwe.>" The larger filly replied. "<And hey, it's okay. Everyone's a blank flank once in their life. In fact,>" she chuckled "<I only got my Cutie Mark a few days ago. See?>" Marwe pulled back her cloak, revealing a thigh now emblazoned with three grey circles laid within one another, an ancient symbol of greatness, charisma, and leadership.

"<Ooh! Nice!>" Zecora said, observing the mark.

"<My mom's here on some important business or something.>" Marwe continued. "<She told me to go play until she was done.>"

"<We can kick this thing around!>" Zecora said eagerly, bouncing her ball up and down.


The two new friends ran helter-skelter through the village, kicking the ball and bouncing it off their heads and flanks, all the while laughing and enjoying themselves. Indeed, they frolicked about all day until, the sky lit by a setting sun, Marwe's mother called her home.

"<Will I get to see you again? You're a lot of fun, Marwe!>" Zecora squeaked excitedly.

"<Well, my mom doesn't usually bring me this far away from Zanzebrar, but I think I might be able to sneak away from the palace now and again.>" The young princess said with a wink.

"<Marwe! We're waiting on you to head back!>"

"<Oops! That's my mom. Gotta go! See you later, Zecora!>"

As the little royal galloped off, Zecora finally processed what had been said. This whole time, she'd been making friends with a princess.

"I had no idea you were so close to the princess!" Luna told the adult Zecora with surprise. "What on earth happened?"

Zecora wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Indeed, we were." she said, feeling little need to rhyme in her dreams "But as for what happened... I'll try to ready myself to face the music, but... I'm not there just yet."

The sun hit her eyes, and Zecora awoke.

A Line Crossed

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Zecora swung her head forward and to the left, the curved blade of the khopesh she gripped in her teeth clanging against the one Sundiata held. The sun beat down relentlessly that day, baking the earth of the ikanda beneath their hooves, even as the sweat from their brows wetted it.

"<Very good, Zecora.>" the young stallion said from around the hilt of his weapon. "<You've learned to handle the weight of the blade and let momentum work for you. Now, try to make me drop my weapon.>"

"<Is your neck killing you? Because mine is.">" Zecora said wryly through clenched teeth. Some of the other zebras watching them spar chuckled. The mare stepped back, sizing up her opponent as he shifted on his hooves. She gave a mock lunge at her opponent, who mistook it for another attack, shifting the sword in his teeth to block thin air.

The two zebras circled each other on the hardened earth, the eyes of dozens of their kin watching eagerly. Zecora furrowed her brow in concentration; Sundiata held a tight defense, and could maneuver his sword easier than her. How would she get through to disarm him? Zecora pawed the ground with her forehoof, emitting a quiet zebrine whoop whoop from her throat, daring Sundiata to make a move. After an intense few seconds, Sundiata swung his khopesh in a wide arc at Zecora; she ducked beneath its swing, using her lips and tongue to twirl her blade to face the opposite direction. She brought her head up with a small hop, catching her opponent's blade near the hilt and knocking it from his mouth, much to the delight of the crowd.

Having disarmed her opponent, Zecora dropped her own weapon with a laugh.

<"Wouldn't you know it! I'm better at this than I thought!"> She looked around for Sundiata and noticed him looking down at his hoof, reddened slightly by something. She quickly noticed a small cut on his jawline where her blade must have nicked him. The training weapons weren't terribly sharp, but they could definitely still hurt somezebra.

<"Sundiata! I'm sorry! I guess I should have been more careful.">

<"Oh, I'll be fine, Zecora. Besides, you're doing much better as a soldier."> The disheveled colt rubbed his jaw as the young mare approached. <"There's just one more lesson you need to learn.">

With a quick sweep from Sundiata, Zecora's legs were out from under her, and she landed on her back in the dust.

<"Never let your guard down until you're sure a foe is dealt with. I've heard many tales of colts who thought they'd dispatched their enemy, only to be stabbed in the back by a foe they thought dead."> With that, Sundiata helped Zecora back to her hooves. <"Altogether, though? I think you're ready.">

Zecora gave a knowing grin. <"Then I suppose you're ready to learn from me for a change?">

The two striped equines stamped their way through the undergrowth, cutting a path through the jungle near Sundiata's home. Zecora knew of a place near here, not far from her old village, a place where she used to meditate and hone her magical craft.

<"So, what sorts of magic do you think I need to know?"> The shaggy-maned colt spoke up from behind her. <"Anything that will be helpful in battle?">

<"Zebras that learn any magic beyond your storytelling aids tend not to use it for violence."> she replied. <"The great shamans and fakirs channel the earth's energy into spells that heal and defend; sometimes to disable, but never to harm.">

<"I have a feeling that Soumaoro doesn't care much for that tradition.">

Zecora fell silent and still for a moment, her eyes boring through thin air as her mind took hold.

<"...There are some lines which should not be crossed."

After a few minutes, the zebras found that which they sought: a small cave within a rock face, carved out by running water and the passage of years. Zecora could sense that this was the right place, but even if she couldn't, she could still make out the faded paint hoofprints she and her mother had left by the entrance so long ago. Her memories came flooding back, sweet and vivid: she could remember her mother bringing her here to begin her training in the ways of the shaman, and the look of pride in her eyes when she knew Zecora was ready. How the young mare wished she could see those eyes again.

<"Enter in, Sundiata."> said Zecora, sweeping aside a desiccated curtain of leaves. <"Your training is about to begin.>

Zecora couldn't help but think how much she sounded like her mother as Sundiata, then herself, entered the snug crevice in the rock. The entryway was narrow, much smaller than Zecora remembered it, but after some maneuvering, she stepped onto the cool, wet stone. On the inside, the cave was a single room, yet quite expansive. Moss grew on the slimy walls, there was a persistent coolness in the air, and at the center of the room was a large, vaguely circular pool of water, lit from below by bioluminescent creatures. Aside from the faint sunlight from the entrance, this was the only light in the room, but it was still bright enough to illuminate most of the chamber. In the corner, Zecora found an old oil lamp, still partially full, and brought it to life with a nearby flint.

<"What a place!"> Sundiata said, taking in the placid cave. <"You used to train here?">

<"Yes."> Zecora replied. <"It's been... many years since I was here last. I doubt anyzebra else knew about this place but Mother and I."> The young mare stepped over to examine her reflection in the clear, glowing water.

<"The art of the shaman takes time and dedication. I trained from my eighth year to the time I was a teenager to master my craft, and my mother said she worked until she was our age now. I wish I had more time to impart the finer aspects to you, my friend... but a few days shall have to do. Just as my mother trained me in this very cave, so shall I train you.">

Closing her eyes, Zecora put her forehoof to the surface of the water, making small circular motions with it as she muttered shamanic words under her breath. Sundiata tilted his head in confusion; his ears flicked about as they tried to listen in on the incantation. The ripples from Zecora's hoof grew larger as her chanting quickened. She sported a little smile upon her muzzle as she remembered practicing this spell with her mother.

Then, with one final utterance, Zecora planted her hoof firmly against the surface of the water, and it held her weight completely. Hoof-sized bubbles formed beneath the surface of the water as Zecora stepped out onto it and began to walk.

"WHOA!" cried Sundiata in amazement.

Zecora kept her eyes closed as she slowly moved out to the middle of the pool, bubbles magically appearing and vanishing with each step. She tried to pass an appearance of calm, but inside, she was taxing her concentration, having not cast such a spell in many years. After reaching what she suspected was the midpoint, she slowly turned and began to make her way back. Or at least, she would have.

<"Are you gonna teach ME to do that?!"> Sundiata proclaimed like an excitable colt.

Zecora's eyes popped open and her ears perked up as the echo bounced around the cave. Her concentration shattered, the bubbles disappeared, and she splashed down into the pool. Sundiata gave a look of embarrassed realization as Zecora's head emerged, her hooves treading water beneath her.

<"With luck."> she said with a face and tone of voice that were significantly drier than she physically was.

Zecora trotted slowly around her new student as he sat with his hindlegs crossed and eyes closed. He was using his forehooves to draw small circles on the stone floor; reaching out with his own energy to tap into that of the earth, he was making several small rocks move, magically arranging them into various shapes and stacks as they rolled by his command.

"As you saw earlier from my dip in the pool," Zecora began "concentration is the shaman's number one rule. On the battlefield, you will have many tasks, but you must center yourself before you can cast."

Sundiata took a deep breath and furrowed his brow as he tried to mentally arrange the rocks into a tall, balanced tower. Zecora still circled him, observing his progress and testing his mettle.

"No noise, no sound, no din, no fuss, must interfere with your focus."

Sundiata bit his lip. He was beginning to feel his resolve wear thin. The rocks were oddly shaped, with many bumps and craters; since zebra magic couldn't levitate objects, he had to roll them up each other to form the tower, which was proving more difficult than expected. He cracked one eye open to check on his progress. The rock tower, which had gotten about five high with a sixth on its way, suddenly crumbled to the floor. He sighed. Zecora put a hoof on his shoulder.

"You must have faith in the magic you control! Only then will you achieve your goal." Zecora thought for a moment about how she could show him what she meant, and, after some pondering, it came to her.

<"What are you doing?"> Sundiata asked as Zecora trotted over to the oil lamp in the corner.

<"Just watch.">

Closing her eyes and centering herself, Zecora slowly started to extend a forehoof towards the open flame.

<"Zecora, no!"> Sundiata leapt to his hooves and dashed over, knocking Zecora's hoof out of the way with his own. Both of them recoiled in pain as the flames tried to lick them. Zecora angrily stamped the ground.

<"Do you not trust me, Sundiata?!">


<"Do. You. Not. Trust. Me?""

<"...I trust you.">

Zecora nodded. <"Good. Then allow me to show you how to trust yourself.">

Reaching out her hoof once more, Zecora focused her mind. The hoof swept into the flickering flame; Zecora did not react with pain, and her fur did not singe. Her hoof scooped up the open flame, removing it from its source of fuel, even as it continued to burn. She opened her eyes, locking them with Sundiata's shocked expression.

Zecora brought the flame close to her chest, cupping her other hoof around it as if she held something precious. She closed her eyes once more and began to speak, the flame trying to reach up and tickle her chin.

<"Fire. The most violent of the elements. A giver of life, yet also a taker of it. Such a powerful force can consume anything it wishes... yet it is also very fragile, as such a simple thing as water will extinguish it from the earth. We may be fragile enough to be consumed by fire, Sundiata, but with the shaman's powers and a little belief in ourselves, we too can be powerful enough to resist it.">

She took a moment to observe his reaction. He seemed to understand so far, despite the shock and awe.

<"Water is also a powerful thing, a violent element in its own right; a giver of life, as well as a taker of it. Though all things need water to survive, great floods of it stand ready to sweep away everything in their path, and even the smallest amount can serve to quench a fire. Fire and water are much alike in many ways, even as one seeks to destroy the other. But, as you have witnessed, a shaman who believes in themselves can learn to overcome both. In fact, if a shaman truly puts their trust in that which they practice...">

Zecora swung her forehoof up over her head, arcing the flame through the air and onto the surface of the pool, where it floated atop the water without burning out.

<"...they can even help fire overcome water.">

Sundiata was speechless; he simply watched and contemplated as Zecora spoke. She rose to her hooves beside him, giving him a sideways glance.

<"But if we ever lose faith in ourselves...">

Zecora looked back to the floating fire. It quickly extinguished itself against the water, and the room grew darker.

<"...it is only a matter of time before all is lost.">

The two zebras turned to look at each other, barely visible in the darkness.

<"Think you're up to the task?"> Zecora said, the corners of her mouth turning up slightly.

Sundiata just grinned.

The two of them trained in various arcane skills, and Zecora was pleased to see that she was working with a fast learner. For many hours, she tested him, encouraged him to push his limits and tap into his higher self. Sundiata proved quite capable, and before long was performing some of the minor feats Zecora had shown him, though not quite to the level the mare herself could.

That evening, the zebras returned down the old dirt road as the sun ducked beneath the horizon. The torches and oil lamps lit the city of Zanzebrar quite beautifully, and the clay brick buildings could be seen from far away.

<"I haven't had fun like that in a while!"> Sundiata remarked. <"Made me feel like a colt again.">

Zecora hummed. <"When I was a filly, it wasn't play, but work. Though... I suppose it did have its lighthearted moments. I'm impressed with how quickly you learn, my friend... I'll make a shaman of you yet.">

<"Was there ever any doubt?"> The stallion playfully chided, bumping Zecora with his flank as they walked along.

Zecora corrected her course and returned the shove with her own body. <"Now, now. There's a delicate balance between believing in yourself and letting it go to your head.">

<"Then it seems that I'm still learning."> Sundiata smiled, laughing to himself. <"Same time and place tomorrow?">

<"It would be my pleasure.">

It was later that night under a pale moon that Zecora found herself sneaking away while her friends slept, bound for the place where she divulged her past to the listening ear of the princess.

It was the autumn of Zecora's 15th year that she first noticed something unusual. Her mother, who was typically a bright and energetic presence, seemed atypically tired and fatigued easily. Her smile never faded though, and so when she told Zecora there wasn't any worry to be had, Zecora had none. She assumed she was just feeling her age, even though she wasn't terribly old; nonetheless, Zecora cared for her mother, always there to support her and pull extra weight around the house. It got to the point where she took over the majority of their business dealings, as her mother simply lacked the strength to leave home.

Over a year passed before physical symptoms appeared.

Zecora wasn't quite sure what to think when she first saw them. Hard, swollen masses beneath her mother's skin, almost like stones. Her mother said she'd only seen the ailment very rarely in her years of medical practice; she wasn't sure what it was called, but she knew that it didn't offer much chance of survival. Her father, Zecora's grandfather, had died from it, as had some of his siblings.

Zecora was heartbroken at the prospect of losing her mother, but her mother assured her that even if she passed, Zecora had become a fine young mare, and would do well on her own. Regardless, the young mare worked furiously to try and cure her mother, trying every treatment short of cutting out the masses, which would only have made things worse, as Zecora wasn't a surgeon.

As time passed, Zecora's mother grew only weaker. The swellings beneath her skin grew larger, as though they were sapping her strength. She became so powerless that she couldn't leave her bed. But through it all, she kept smiling for her daughter's sake.

Even on the day she knew she was dying.

It was the summer that Zecora reached the age of adulthood. Her little village would normally have held a grand ceremony to celebrate her coming-of-age; instead, they downsized to an intimate affair held near her hut, so that Zecora could be with her mother. A few days later, Zecora was cleaning the hut when her mother called her to her side.

<"My dear,"> she said weakly. <"I do not think I will be with you much longer. I can feel my grip on life waning.">

<"Please don't leave, Mother..."> Zecora whispered as tears began to well within her. <"Not today; I'm so close to finding a cure, I just know it! If you have it in you to--">

"Zecora." Her mother sternly cut her off before returning to a softer voice. <"My life is ending. Nothing can change that now. Even if these things that are killing me magically disappeared, I know I would not have the strength to live beyond a day. I can feel it, my daughter; I will leave you soon. But before I do..."> The elder mare stopped to catch her breath. <"...there is something... that I want you to know.">

<"Anything, Mother."> Zecora said, barely able to hold back her sobs.

<"You are grown now, my darling. My precious child has become a beautiful young mare. Though you would like to keep me around, you do not need me. I know that you are destined for great things, Zecora. I have seen it in the stars. And if there is one thing I'd like to be remembered for, it is you, my love.">

Zecora tried to speak, but couldn't find the words. She brought her mother close, giving and receiving a kiss on the head. Her mother was struggling to return her daughter's embrace. Her breathing was becoming shallow and slow.

<"I love you, Zecora, more than anything else in the world. Know that th... that though... I may die... I will never leave you.">

<"I love you so, Mother, and that's why I can't bear to see you go. If only I could--">

<"My vision darkens."> Her mother spoke one last time with strength. <"Zecora, let me look at you.">

Zecora's tearful blue eyes locked with those of her dying mother and best friend. A small smile crept upon the old mare's muzzle, and with the last of her strength, she reassured her daughter.

<"I will never leave you.">

Zecora gave her mother the smile she knew she'd want to see.

There was a light in her mother's eyes.

And then it was gone.

Zecora took a ragged breath. Her eyes darted about frantically.

Her mother was gone. Only this crude matter remained.

Zecora closed her eyes tightly and bit her lip. She lowered her head to her mother's silent chest and broke down crying. Her grief was so loud that several neighbors came to check upon her. After seeing her mother's decease, they stood silently away with lowered heads, allowing Zecora time to mourn. Later that day, they prepared her body with incense and herbs, wrapped her in finely woven cloth, and buried her next to the hut. Zecora maintained a silent vigil at the graveside for the rest of the day, bidding her mother goodbye and mentally scolding herself for not discovering a cure.

From across the way, Luna witnessed this tragic memory play out with shock and sorrow splayed across her face.

"Zecora… I'm... so sorry... I can't even begin..." The lunar princess said, slowly collecting her senses. "I knew your mother had passed, but... like this? I--"

Luna's words were interrupted by a sound to her right. She spun her head to look and found Zecora quietly sobbing.

"She said she only wished to be remembered for me…" the striped mare forced out of her throat. "...and here I am: banished by my own people! I've... I've failed her!"

Zecora gripped Luna's foreleg and began to weep into the princess' shoulder. Luna wrapped a caring wing around her friend, petting her with her opposite hoof and comforting her. She didn't know what to say, so she simply hummed a lullaby she'd heard from her own mother.

She would stay by Zecora's side until the sun rose.

In the depths of the night, Soumaoro's army marched.

Earlier that day, they'd won a decisive victory against the forces of Neighrobi. The king and queen posed quite a challenge to the old warlock; both of them were military geniuses that had fought many civil wars to unite their kingdom. Nonetheless, Soumaoro's forces had numbers on their side... not to mention the secret weapon their master had retrieved from beneath the earth. Their enemy was crushed in record time, and the king and queen were taken prisoner. Now, they marched across open plains, sparse forest to one side, towards their ultimate goal: the round-topped mountain in the distance, and the city that lay in its long shadow.

<"Sir, can we stop yet? The troops are exhausted--me in particular."> Hondo groaned, marching beside his master. <"It's well past midnight, and we should be--">

Suddenly, Soumaoro extended a hoof across his general's chest, bringing him--and the troops marching behind him--to a stop. Looking back at his armies, he took a few steps forward, then turned to face them.

<"Do you know what we have just accomplished?"> The old zebra's solemn face slowly began to turn to a malevolent, wrinkled smile.

<"Once you pass those rocks, as I just have,"> Soumaoro gestured to a sandy orange rock formation jutting from the ground about 200 feet away. <"you will be in Zanzebrari territory, and one large step closer to our grand victory! My grand design!">

The troops were largely silent, except for a few who called out in triumph and clattered their weapons.

Soumaoro frowned. He slammed his staff against the ground, producing a loud thunderclap and echoing his voice.


All at once, his army let up a great cry of victory, stamping the ground with their hooves, smacking their shields and armor, and chanting Soumaoro's name.

<"Are you ready to topple our hated foe?! Then follow me!">

Soumaoro marched his troops across the border to Zanzebrar, accompanied by the roars and thunderous footfalls of his secret weapon. After every soldier had made it past the rocks, he raised his hoof again.


He turned once more to observe his exhausted troops.

<"Now you may rest.">

Collectively, the troops dropped to the ground with a groan.


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Twilight Sparkle was very excited.

She'd finally gotten to the point where she could read Zebrish quite well (even though her spoken fluency left much to be desired,) and she had gotten up at the crack of dawn to search the city of Zanzebrar until she found it: the public library.

This is where the fun began.

It was a very large, very grand construct that looked like it had stood for a century or more, and Twilight could only hope to find some materials within that were as old. Its large central dome allowed Twilight room to fly between the floors and collect books, scrolls, clay tablets, all the library had to offer. It felt good to stretch her wings in a library, she thought; even better, to squirrel herself away in a corner surrounded by stacks of reading material. Twilight could spend the whole day like this, and fully intended to.

Sometime that afternoon, Twilight found herself treading air in the natural sciences secton, scanning through books on Zebrican geology, plant life, and weather. From up near the top shelf, she could hear other patrons moving about below her, and happen to catch wind of a conversation between two mares passing through.

<"What do you think of Zecora being back in town?">
<"It's a disgrace. She's clearly violated the late queen's decree by returning from her exile. I'm all for an Equestrian embassy or what have you, but we have laws for a reason. She should never have shown her face again after what she did.">

Twilight said nothing as the zebras passed by, but internally, she was piqued; just what did Zecora do that was terrible enough to get her banished? Nopony seemed to want to talk about the situation, and while Twilight held the utmost trust in Zecora, she was becoming insatiably curious.

"That's right!" Twilight said, chuckling under her breath. "I'm in a library!"

Somewhere deep within the rows of shelves, Twilight found the dusty, forgotten corner of the library labeled "city records." A few tedious minutes of searching and mental translation produced a series of leather-bound tomes that were filled with proceeds from the royal courts of various monarchs, going back several generations. Twilight located one from the appropriate time period, slid the heavy book off its shelf, and alighted at a nearby table.

"Proceedings from the Royal Court of Queen Jaha of Zanzebrar," Twilight read. "Volume Two... this should probably have some mention of Zecora in it, if she was exiled by royal decree."

Cracking open the book, Twilight was greeted with a face full of dust from the yellowed pages, scrawled with tiny, inked letters. After a fit of coughing had passed, Twilight flipped to the rear half of the book and trolled its pages until she spotted a name she recognized.

She read on to the crime being charged. Her heart dropped.


Meanwhile, Zecora and Sundiata continued their shamanic training in the jungle cave.

"<Focus on the tension beneath your hoof.>" Zecora said, just above a whisper. "<Step forward... now!>"

The two zebras leaned onto their forelegs and found themselves supported by the water's surface. Zecora promptly trotted out to the center of the pool; Sundiata, slightly unsure, followed behind her, bubbles rippling beneath the surface with each hoof-fall.

"<Now,>" said Zecora "<are you ready to try once more?>"

"<I think I can get it this time. No, I know I can!>" Sundiata replied.

Zecora playfully stamped the water, ripples echoing out from beneath her hooves. "<You know what to do, then.>"

The zebras each placed a hoof over their heart, feeling the steady beat and slowing their breath. As their eyes closed in focus, a strong gust of wind entered the cave through the curtains at the door. The firelight was extinguished, but the water beneath them seemed to glow with a soft greenish aura. The wind whipped about the magicians, slowly but surely lifting them into the air. Sundiata's long mane billowed like a flag; Zecora's mohawk rippled like savannah grass. She was the first to extend a hoof towards her opponent, pushing him back before he could raise a hoof to counter her.

The wind blew stronger and their focus grew more intense as they held a deadlock between their powers. From beneath the glassy water, shafts of light rose off the rock, pulled by the sheer force of natural magic. Between the two extended hooves, this light warped itself into Zebrican script, a word of power stretched between two sorcerers. Zecora felt a bead of sweat roll down her forehead; the longer she held the spell, the more her strength was taxed. Sundiata, too, was feeling the effects of the spell. He gritted his teeth and put all the force he could behind his casting, the power of the natural world flowing through his body. The lights from the pool flashed brightly in response.

Zecora wasn't prepared for him; her defenses broke, and she flew backwards, splashing down into the water. The bright lights ceased, and the pond resumed its normal state as Sundiata gently lowered himself into its waters, floating on his back and catching his breath. Zecora quickly paddled over to him to make sure he was alright; upon finding him alive and well, if rather tired, she let out a chuckle.

"<What?>" he asked breathlessly.

"Sundiata!" Zecora put a hoof on his chest and laughed. "<Don't you know what you've done? You did it! That was my trial, you cleared it!>"

Sundiata looked up at her and smiled. "<...I did? I did!> Haha!" The colt leapt upright and hugged his mentor joyfully. The two spent some time in the pool, laughing and cheering, splashing and diving like children. Finally, Sundiata was trained, at least well enough. Zecora grabbed Sundiata by the shoulders and rested her head against his.

"<Finally, my friend! Now, when the time comes, you will be able to channel the elements to your defense. >"

"<Thank you, Zecora. It wouldn't have been possible without you.>"

The two left the cave, stepping into the hot sun to dry out coats and manes. As Sundiata began to head back towards the city, however, Zecora stopped him.

"My friend, I would ask that you follow me. There is someplace nearby I would like you to see."

Curiously, Sundiata followed her down the old, overgrown trail which led to what was once her village.

"<You used to live here, Zecora? What happened?>"

"<That's what I'd like to know. If I had to guess, I'd say that it was abandoned with time... because of my reputation...>"

She came upon a small, decrepit hut next to a raised mound of earth.

"<This is your home?>" He asked. Zecora simply nodded.

Sundiata gestured to the mound. "<And that's... her?>"

Zecora nodded again. "<My mother.>"

Sundiata bowed his head. "<I'm terribly sorry.>"

"<I would be honored if you would meditate here with me, my friend. Calming your mind is a good way to regain strength after spellcasting.>"

Sundiata gave a simple nod and sat across from Zecora as they both closed their eyes in meditation. The sun was hot, but a cool breeze and the long shadows of the trees kept them comfortable. Birds chittered away in the branches. Ants crawled through the sand. In the back of her mind, Zecora could picture the village as it once was, and put herself there. She became relaxed enough that she unexpectedly dozed off.

Across the globe, in Equestria, Luna could sense Zecora's dream. She found time to slip away for a nap of her own, and quickly joined her there.

It had been some months since Zecora's mother had passed. Life had gone on as usual; Zecora kept up her practice of medicine and her shamanic traditions, but she dearly missed her mother. Marwe had come to visit her on occasion, to bring gifts and to console her; Zecora appreciated her friend's efforts, but they didn't help much. Her mother was the only zebra she'd ever felt she could rely upon, and she gave her wisdom and advice for the future. Without her, life felt scary and confusing, not to mention empty.

One day, after Zecora had suffered her fourth emotional breakdown over her mother's grave, she became determined to do something about it.

"<I could not cure your disease, Mother...>" the young mare said between sobs, the resolve growing stronger in her heart "<...but maybe... I can cure your death.>"

Zecora took two weeks to travel to Neighrobi, to make use of the grand library there. In addition to reading all she could about disease, shamanism, and Zebrican magic, she sought forbidden knowledge; when nozebra was around, she would slip into the restricted section, poring over stone tablets that told of ancient sorcerers raising the dead. She could barely read them, as Zebrish had changed much over a millennia, but she was confident in what knowledge she had gleaned.

After gathering rare and often costly ingredients, Zecora began a ritual not performed in several centuries. Bringing to boil a vile green brew, she chanted in ancient Zebrish as she stirred the pot. Either through Zecora's unfamiliarity with the procedure or the simple inefficiency of the procedure itself, most of it boiled away in a mist; it produced only enough potion to fill a small bowl. Zecora figured that it would be enough.

Continuing her chanting, she could feel arcane power flowing through her as she picked up the bowl and dug a small hole into the mound of dirt where her mother was interred. She prayed that the potion would work as she poured it into the grave, producing a green mist as it did so. Zecora stepped back after she was done, eagerly watching the mound. Did it work?

Nothing happened for a long while. Just as Zecora thought she had failed however, the dirt moved.

Zecora perked up, partly from morbid curiosity, partly from fright. The dirt began to churn. Soon, a frail, striped hoof emerged from the dirt, still partially wrapped in its burial shroud.

"<MOTHER!>" Zecora called aloud, rushing over to the grave and digging rapidly with her forehooves.

Slowly, the corpse sat up, groaning. Zecora cleaned the dirt from it and tore away the ratty shroud.

Her mother was alive... sort of.

It clearly wasn't the same mare whom Zecora was expecting. Her eyes were glassy and white, her muscles were withered, and the fatal masses hadn't disappeared, though they were softer and clearly dead now.

Also, since she had been dead and buried for a few months, time had taken its toll. Flesh and bone were showing in places where decomposers had eaten into her. One of her ears had nearly rotted off. Her fur was dead and falling out, and her skin was shrink wrapped to her bones, but for what remained of her innards.

Zecora was shocked, certainly... but it was still her mother. She locked eyes with the soulless thing she'd created, and spoke to it.


Her "mother" turned to look at her, jaw hanging slack, glassy eyes glancing about. She gave a quizzical grunt.

Zecora felt a tear roll down her cheek as she swallowed any sense of disgust and embraced her mother's resuscitated corpse. The zombie had no idea what her master was doing to her, but she feebly attempted to mimic the act of hugging.

"<I'm so happy to have you back!>" Zecora said. "<I'm so sorry you had to suffer, Mother, but it will be alright now!>"

Zecora helped her new creation step out of its grave and take its first wobbly steps. Though her legs were weak, they had life in them again. Zecora was so overjoyed at her success, she almost wept. The zombie was looking around, seemingly very confused.

"<The potion may not have worked entirely like I'd hoped, but I think I'll get better at making it with practice.>" said Zecora, beaming with satisfaction. "<If I can give you more of it, perhaps it will restore your body further!>" Happily, the young mage kissed her mother's decayed cheek. The creature turned to look at her. Zecora simply smiled. Her creation attempted to mimic that smile, showing off her rotted teeth as a centipede crawled out of her nostril, falling to the earth.

As Zecora pondered where she was to get more potion ingredients, an unexpected voice came from in the distance.

"<Zecora? My friend, I have brought you a gift! Fresh fruit from the palace garden! Where are you?>"

It was Marwe, accompanied by three guards. Zecora whipped around in a panic, trying to figure out where to hide her undead mother, but before she could do anything to save face, Marwe came into view.

"<Zecora, I...>" Marwe stopped herself; her eyes grew wide and she recoiled suddenly, dropping her fruit basket.


The zombie took an uneasy step forward in curiosity. Zecora put out a hoof to stop her before rushing towards Marwe.


"<GUARDS!!!>" The princess screamed.

The stallions with her quickly planted their bows into the earth, aimed at the rotting mare ahead of them. Before Zecora could say anything to stop them, three arrows had flown, piercing deeply into the monster's weak flesh. Zecora rushed to her "mother's" side as she crumpled to the ground.

"<Mother! Mother, no...>" Zecora whispered as she hunched over the corpse. The creature let out a weak gasp and looked at Zecora before the life left its body once again.

"<Zecora?! What was that abomination?!>" Marwe asked, fearful and indignant.

Zecora stood, angrily slamming the ground with her hoof. "<DAMN IT!>" she yelled, and started to cry "<It took me months to gather those components! My mother is still dead and all of my work is wasted!>"

Marwe slowly approached her, looking shocked. "<Zecora, you did this?> She looked over to the empty grave; with a gasp, she pieced together what had happened. "<You tried to raise your mother from the dead?!>"

Zecora turned, her heart burning with rage and grief, and began yelling inches from Marwe's face.

"<YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS LIKE! You've ALWAYS had zebras around who cared for you, who were your friends! Who taught you, parented you! ME?! I've only ever had HER! My mother was the ONLY one I EVER had in my life! She birthed me, fed me, cared for me, taught me everything! She was my guide in life! She was my friend! I NEED HER, and now she's GONE AGAIN!>"

"<I AM YOUR FRIEND, ZECORA!>" Marwe screamed, the hurt evident in her voice. "<I've been nothing but supportive of you! Even when I wasn't allowed to leave the palace, I came out to see you! We've grown up together, Zecora! When your mother died, I knew it was hard on you, and even though I am a princess with duties of my own, I tried my best to be there for you! I know you miss her, and I know you want her back, but THIS?! This is WRONG! You can't undo death! That thing you created is no more your mother than a grain of sand is a mountain!>"

"<Shut up, Marwe...>" Zecora muttered under her breath, unable to look her friend in the eye.

"<Her soul is at peace, Zecora! Why can't you accept that? Trying to bring her back is selfish! But worse than being selfish, you've committed necromancy, the most forbidden form of magic, in an attempt to undo something you could never cure!>"

"<I said SHUT UP!>" Zecora gnashed her teeth and furiously struck Marwe across the face with her hoof. The princess tumbled to the ground with a giant mark on her cheek as the guards rushed forward and apprehended Zecora.

Marwe looked up from the ground, casting a steely gaze at her former friend. "<Arrest her.>"

The guards brusquely guided Zecora back towards the city, even as she angrily resisted. Marwe stood, wiping dust from her cloak as tears welled in her eyes.

"<You were my sister, Zecora! I loved you!>"

The adult Zecora sat with Luna under a shade tree, her head bowed in shame. Slowly, the night princess turned towards the dreaming zebra.

"...You hate me, don't you, princess?" Zecora asked amid sniffling.

"No." Luna replied. Zecora looked up as Luna turned back to continue watching the dream.

"Celestia and I loved our mother very, very much, Zecora. Sometimes, I... I still wish she were here to guide me. I do not believe what you did was right, Zecora… but I do believe it was justified. You have my sympathy."

The two were silent for a moment longer before Luna wrapped a wing around Zecora.

"Sleep well, my friend."

"<Hey, Zecora! Wake up!>"

The mare found herself awakening on the ground as Sundiata nudged her shoulder.

"<You must have fallen asleep while meditating. Hurry, the guard is being called into the city.>"

Indeed, in the distance, Zecora could hear the loud horn blasts that signaled for the guards to come within the walls. She got to her hooves as quickly as she could and galloped back towards Zanzebrar with Sundiata, hoping that the emergency wasn't what she feared.

Before long, they had returned to the great wooden gates of the city. As Sundiata led them toward the barracks, however, they found their path blocked by one Twilight Sparkle.

"Zecora!" She said, grabbing her friend frantically by the shoulders. "You were banished for necromancy?!"

The zebra gave a sigh. "Twilight, my friend, now is not the time--"

She was cut off suddenly by another horn blast. Along the ramparts of the city's walls, lines of zebra soldiers carrying tall, heavy wooden shields marched along, taking up positions to protect the archers that would follow shortly after. In other places, soldier and civilian alike boarded up windows and piled barricades in the streets.

"<The city is preparing siege defenses...>" Sundiata trailed off. The two zebras locked eyes.


A great roar and the cheers of an army could be heard from across the valley.

"Twilight," Zecora began. "I promise I will explain in time--"

Sundiata cut her off. "But now is not the time for rhyme!"

Zecora glanced at him, but agreed. "Twilight, I know my past has shocked you, but I need you to trust me. Can you gather all your friends together and protect the queen?"

Twilight seemed more shocked at the fact that Zecora had broken her rhyme scheme. After a moment to gather her senses, she nodded. "It will be done."

"Good." Zecora shared the nod as Twilight rushed off to gather Spike and the Elements. The two zebras turned to face each other.

"Now," Zecora said "let us both prepare for the battle to come."

The Battle of Zanzebrar

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Across the city, Twilight and her friends unceremoniously rushed into the palace, searching for Queen Marwe. For the time being, Twilight had decided not to tell the others about Zecora's sorcerous crime, figuring it was best that they hear it from the zebra's mouth.

The retinue of palace guards were preparing themselves for field service in the main hall and weren't as quick to respond to the sudden intrusion.

"<Be quick!>" Twilight proceeded to try--and fail--not to fumble a Zebrish sentence. "<Where does is Queen Marwe find lemons be?>"

The guards simply stared at her in confusion before Applejack stepped forward with a polite smile.

"We need to find the queen, y'all."

They were directed to the royal armory, where Marwe was being outfitted for combat. Her mane was tied up into a bun and her eyes decorated with war paint. A pair of zebras were attaching armor plates made of strong wood covered in metal while a third nailed on a set of sharpened horseshoes.

"What is it you want, Princess Twilight? As you can see, my nation readies to fight."

"Your Majesty," she replied "We want to know if there is any help we can be at all to your war effort. Zecora requested that we protect you, if we may."

Marwe's otherwise stern countenance softened--just for a moment.

"This is not the Equestrians' battle." she said stoically. "I wouldn't ask you to face sword's cut and shield's rattle."

"With all due respect," replied the alicorn "we came here to bring our peoples closer together. Zecora is our friend, and so are you and your people."

"And technically," Spike posited, "we don't have to act in our official capacity to participate in this battle. Think of us as... a third party."

"Mercenaries." Dash added with a wink.

"Soldiers of fortune with plenty of cupcakes!" Pinkie said, pronking about the armory while doling out desserts to the zebra guards she passed.

"No payment required." finished Twilight. "Though, if you'd consider extending amnesty toward Zecora, we'd all appreciate it."

Marwe glanced at the floor with a small chuckle. One of the armorers took the opportunity to place a golden helm atop her head and drape a cloak over her shoulders.

"I may have to consider it, Princess. I will at least let you assist us nevertheless."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash *yessed* between themselves and shared a hoof bump while Pinkie continued bouncing around, sharing her pre-battle snacks.

"Just show us how to get armored up!" Applejack smirked with a tilt of her hat.

"Fluttershy and I will gladly serve in a medical capacity, off the battlefield." Rarity said politely, putting her hoof over her friend's shoulder, who nodded silently. "She isn't much of a fighter, and while I can hold my own, I feel my skills are best put to use stitching wounds rather than creating them."

"I'll help too!" came a familiar voice from behind them. The six ponies turned to see Nuru, standing boldly in the doorway. She drew back slightly upon seeing all eyes on her, and realizing she didn't have a rhyme ready.

"<Young filly, you're not supposed to be-- wait.>" Marwe started to scold the mare before stopping herself. "<You live with the colt housing the Equestrians, don't you?>"

"<Yes, Your Majesty.>" Nuru replied with a respectful bow. "<My name is Nuru. My brother Sundiata is serving with the city guard, and I wish to help my people, too. I'm no shaman, but if there's anything I can do to help the wounded or the doctors, I'll do it.>"

The queen turned to face the teenage mare, just barely entering adulthood but speaking with strength beyond her years.

"<I've never met one so young with such a strong sense of patriotism, dear Nuru.>" Marwe said cordially. "<I find that quite admirable.>" Nuru shied away slightly from her praise.

"<If our friends Rarity and Fluttershy will have you, you are welcome to assist them in dealing with the wounded.>"

Nuru smiled with determination and looked at the two mares in question; even though Rarity and Fluttershy hadn't understood the words spoken, from the general tone of their voices, they could pick up what had been said...

..but of course, that didn't stop Twilight from trying to interpret.

"Oooh! Okay, let's see. I recognized 'heal' and 'friends', and maybe... 'lemon'? And well, pbbt, Rarity and Fluttershy, of course, and um... there were a couple new verbs thrown in there, I know they were verbs because of the ending! Would those conjugate like Class 1 or Class 2 verbs? I run, we run, she-he-it runs... I need to write this down, Spike-- could you take a note?"

The resounding voice of one of Marwe's generals could be heard from the ikanda as he rallied the city guard into a small makeshift army. Sundiata donned his armor and fastened on his weapons from within one of the adobe buildings; outside, he could hear the thundering, synchronized hoof-steps of zebras traversing the walls and city streets, preparing for war. The mbeba ngao with their heavy wooden shields, the mandekalu with chainmail and lance, the fast-moving pombos, lightly equipped to scout and skirmish, and of course, the levied citizen-soldier like himself. He had been trained well, and was confident in his own abilities, but still, the thought that he could die today made him uneasy.

He thought about his sister, hoping she would stay safe and keep out of trouble during all this. He thought about his friends, many of whom were about to take to the field with him, and many of whom might not come back. He thought about Zanzebrar, his home, and whether it would still be free, or even standing, by sunset. Lastly, Sundiata thought about the army amassing outside the walls. How many of its soldiers followed Soumaoro's wicked ways, and how many were following him out of fear? Likely, most of them were just ordinary zebras like him; they had tried to protect what they loved and had failed, and now, they were made to come and fight for the ambitions of a vile sorcerer-king. The fact that so many had been made to march to their deaths maddened Sundiata, and he was determined to take as little life as possible in this fight.

Reaching into a bucket of water nearby, the young stallion splashed his face and tried to snap out of his reflections. His unit would take to the field before long, and if he wasn't in the moment the whole time, his chances of survival were slim.

Sundiata shifted in his seat; from behind him came the gentle clatter of armor, and a familiar voice came from the figure in the doorway.

"<Are you ready, my friend?>"

Sundiata smiled. "<Never thought I'd see you in armor.>"

"<After what I did to Marwe, it's the least I can do.>"

"What in Tartarus is THAT?"

Princess Twilight and Spike stood slack-jawed on the city ramparts, gazing out across the arid fields at the gargantuan monster marching ahead of Soumaoro's main army, which shook the earth with each great step it took. It very much resembled the hydra that Twilight once encountered in Froggy Bottom Bog back home, but on a massive scale. It stood several stories tall, as tall as some of the skyscrapers in Manehattan, and its scaly body was pitch black. It possessed seven heads on serpentine necks, each with a single horn and blazing red eyes. Its jaws snapped and its mouths hissed and roared as it drew nearer to the city, casting a dreadful shadow across the plains.

"Whatever it is," added Spike "it doesn't look very friendly!"

"It's not." Marwe's voice came from beside them. Dressed in full battle regalia, she'd come to survey the battlefield before leading her troops out to their fate. "That's Kirimu, an ancient titan long forgot."

"I'm not well-read on Zebrican legends. Mind filling me in?" asked Twilight, her eyes still glued to the malevolent dragon.

"Long ages ago, Kirimu ravaged the land and proved quite the foe; it took many zebras' lives to lay the beast low. When at last those ancient warriors had won and shown their worth, they bound him and chained him deep below the earth."

Twilight and Spike glanced at each other.

"In Tartarus." They both said.

"But now that Soumaoro has set the beast free, I fear that we might not overcome this enemy..." Marwe was silent for a moment; almost reflective, Twilight thought. Finally, she looked back up and gave Twilight an affirmative nod.

"I'll gather my forces and take to the field. In victory or defeat, I shall not yield."

Marwe trotted back down the stone steps, her personal guard in tow. Twilight stretched her wings and checked her straps and armor; she and Rainbow Dash had had to make some adjustments to fit, since there were no winged zebras. She hoped that it would protect her nonetheless.

"Twilight..." Spike said, approaching his friend. "Whatever happens... I'll be with you all the way."

Twilight smiled gently and patted Spike's head. "I know."

Soumaoro's eyes gleamed with villainous pride as his army marched onward, mere minutes away from battle. Soon, the last of his hated enemies would fall, and Zebrica would be his alone. It was a day he'd dreamed of for years. He hadn't been sure how easy it would be, but once he'd discovered the gate to the world beneath and unleashed Kirimu, his victory had been certain.

He allowed himself a smile as the titan's shadow drew closer to the city walls. He could practically taste the fear of all Zanzebrar, and that feeling made him powerful. Soumaoro relished the thought of facing the queen in battle, whom he knew was a powerful sorceress, and seeing the look on her face as he ended her. He could picture himself sitting upon Zanzebrar's throne--and it was only a matter of time before he could.

"<Sir.>" said Hondo, his general, trotting to his side. "<All units have reported ready to deploy.>"

"<Good.>" Soumaoro replied. "<Have them arrange themselves in line formation and block any escape routes from the city. Kirimu will advance on my signal and crush the walls, after which the troops can flood in.>"

Hondo nodded and briskly galloped off, relaying orders to the company commanders. Kirimu screeched in bloodthirsty excitement, eager for the battle to start. Soumaoro laughed to himself.

"<This city will be mine by sunset... and all of Zebrica will answer to me...>"

Zanzebrar's armed forces solemnly marched out before their great city, grimly determined to face whatever lay ahead. Marwe was at their head, her armor gleaming in the harsh sunlight. Her retinue of guards had been replaced by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, all outfitted in zebra-made armor and equipped with little other than horseshoes, also determined to avoid dealing in death. Marwe admired their principles, but she knew that battles were seldom won without bloodshed; she would protect her kingdom and her people, even if it meant ending the lives of Soumaoro's enslaved soldiers.

Behind the royal party, Marwe's three generals led great contingents of zebras, brave stallions and mares who were just as determined to protect their homes and families. Sundiata was among them, and he couldn't help but notice somezebra making her way up towards the queen.

Marwe was surveying the enemy forces before her, and didn't notice Pinkie Pie pronking out of the way to let someone through. When she turned and looked, beside her stood Zecora in full battle gear, including war paint. The two former friends shared a silent glance; Zecora smiled. After a moment of hesitancy, Marwe returned it.

From across the great field, Soumaoro stepped forth from among his armies, which let out a great chant to herald him. The old warlock stood atop a flat rock to announce himself to his enemy, and the savannah became quiet.

"<Queen Marwe of Zanzebrar, I offer you this one chance only:>" He magically amplified his voice to be heard from far away. "<Surrender your nation to me, or die.>"

Marwe called back to him, likewise amplifying her unshakable voice.

"<I fear neither death nor pain, Soumaoro, and I most certainly do not fear you.>"

The Zanzebrari let up whoops and cheers in support of their queen.

"What are they saying?" whispered Rainbow Dash to Applejack.

"Like I'd know." the farmpony replied. "Prob'ly just trash-talk."

"<All of Zebrica has learned to fear me,>" continued the sorcerer "<and you shall as well. Perhaps.. if you fear not me, then you shall fear the great Kirimu...>"

The black dragon's many heads screeched at the mention of its name.

"<...who once ravaged zebrakind with its mighty hunger and unstoppable strength? I assure you, Queen Marwe, that between my monster and my armies, there is nothing on this globe that can stop my ambition, not least of all a petty sorceress such as yourself!>"

"<We shall see who is the more capable sorcerer, you foul husk of a creature.>" Marwe replied, her eyes almost glowing with energy. Soumaoro's eyes seemed to take on a similar sheen as he bore his rotten teeth in an overconfident grin.

Though their contest was invisible, Zecora could sense immense magical energy across the battlefield, like nothing she'd ever felt before; Marwe and Soumaoro both possessed magic like no zebra Zecora had ever known. From all the way back at the city walls, Twilight could feel the burst of energy as well, and temporarily became woozy. After some time of competition, with their armies chanting and beating their shields behind them, Marwe seemed to gain the upper hoof, though not without great effort.

"<Soumaoro!>" she called through gritted teeth. "<You... have no power here!>"

As soon as those words had left Marwe's lips, the knotty wooden staff on which Soumaoro leaned exploded into splinters with the sound of a thunderclap. He staggered for a moment, and the armies became silent again. Zecora's eyes widened, hardly believing what they'd just seen. The warlock seemed injured, but not defeated; Marwe took his moment of weakness to address her enemy.

"<You zebras who would take up arms against me, tell me why it is you fight. I believe the answer is simple: you fight because you fear Soumaoro. He came to your lands with foul magics and proclaimed himself your leader. He turned once proud warriors into his legion of slaves--well, fear him no longer! This old stallion is no match for the might of Zanzebrar, and he knows it! If you join me, we can be rid of him easily! No aged conjurer could stand against so many swords--even his great monster will flee when we turn our wrath upon it! So I encourage you, take back your pride! Cast off his yoke and side against him!>"

The savannah stood silent for a moment, aside from a light breeze and the rustling of armor. Finally, one brave colt from among Soumaoro's ranks cast off his helmet with a clank and broke into a full-bore gallop across the field. But Soumaoro, who had recovered from his minor defeat, would not have deserters. He angrily slammed his hoof to the ground and, with another great thunderclap, a bolt of lightning descended from the heavens to strike the fleeing zebra. A gasp went up from both armies; in a moment, the colt was reduced to dust on the wind.

"<THEY ARE RIGHT TO FEAR ME!>" Soumaoro exclaimed with an anger in his voice that was audible for miles. "<I brought their kingdom to its knees by myself! I laid low many more with the great Kirimu! And I am still just as powerful without my staff, Queen Marwe! But when you are laid low, your friends and your kinsmares dead around you, your city in ruins, how powerful will you be? It is the law of nature that the strong rule the weak, and I am the strongest creature in all of Zebrica!>"

"<If that is the case, then what need do you have for armies and monsters?>"

It was Zecora. Marwe felt her heart drop into her stomach as she stepped forward to taunt Soumaoro, and she instinctively wanted to protect her childhood friend. From across the field Soumaoro scoffed.

"<My armies show that I am powerful.>" he replied. "<And they do my bidding without question. If they were not here, I dare say that conquest would not be nearly as enjoyable to me.>" The old stallion paused for a second, squinting his eyes to try and see who the stranger challenging him was.

"<You are brave, young zebra, to speak so boldly against me.>" Soumaoro stroked his beard in contemplation. "<Tell me your name.>"

"<My name is akin to a curse among my people.>" Zecora replied, scowling with narrow eyes and flattened ears. "<But even so, your foul tongue would not do it justice.>"

The army amassed behind her roared with cheers for Zecora. Even those that still did not trust her admired her audacity in standing up to Soumaoro. Meanwhile, the old enchanter simply chuckled.

"<So be it, nameless one...>"

The sorcerer-king raised a hoof, and the front row of his army readied their weapons.

"<...you will die just the same."

Soumaoro gave the order to advance, and his troops began an implacable march forward.

Marwe turned to face her people.

"<Zanzebrar now!>" she called out.

"<Zanzebrar forever!>" the army replied.

She shared one last glance with Zecora, and they drew their swords together.

With a rear and a whinny, they led the charge side by side.

The two sides met in the middle of the field, looking and sounding to all the world as two great tidal waves crashing together. Arrows flew, spears splintered against strong shields, and glinting swords caught each other in the hot afternoon air. As the battle lines entwined, the melee became more chaotic, with pockets of fighting across the savannah. Within the first crucial minutes, the Zanzebrari had managed to hold their defense, though they were fewer in number and a retreat seemed likely. Both sides of the conflict steered clear of Kirimu as the monster continued its unstoppable march towards the city.

On the field of battle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie served as an effective fighting force, to the simultaneous amazement and detriment of their foes. Rainbow Dash, a seasoned Wonderbolt, was far too fast to be caught, zipping between arrow volleys and bristling spear arrays to deliver disabling kicks or lash the air into a whirlwind and clear a path for her allies to advance or retreat. Applejack's mighty hooves rang against the enemy's helmets like the striking of a bell, and the KO'd zebras would awake to find themselves hogtied with strong Equestrian rope.

AJ's armor clattered as she tightened the rope binding three of her foes together. Rainbow Dash swooped to a stop near her and wiped sweat from her brow.

"Gettin' tired, Rainbow?" Applejack said with a chuckle.

"Not a chance!" the Pegasus replied. With a noise of exertion, she lifted the three zebras in her forehooves. "I'll keep movin' 'em to the back of the column. I'm sure they'll be happy to get away from Mr. Old and Crazy over there."

"In that case, I'll keep introducing everypony to my hooves!" The orange mare gave a laugh and ran in place to limber herself up. "Anypony steps to me, they're gonna see more stars than in Luna's night sky!"

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie's shrill voice came up over the din of battle.


Instinctively, AJ dropped low to the ground, pressing her hat to her head.

"What?! Where?!"

Pinkie smiled and pointed to the sky. "Up there. A duck!"

Glancing skyward against the sunshine, Applejack could make out what did, in fact, appear to be some kind of duck flying overhead.

"Pinkie! Focus on the fight!"

"Don't worry, Applejack, ya silly pony! With zebras like Zecora and Marwe on our side, we've got this in the bag!"

The mares' conversation was interrupted by a fierce-looking zebra brandishing a sword charging towards them from among the fracas. Applejack readied herself to fight, but before she could even step towards him, Pinkie's forehooves were moving almost too fast to be seen; she was giggling hysterically as she pelted her foe with a seemingly infinite supply of cupcakes from her mane. AJ wisely decided to pull Pinkie away after the zebra had nearly disappeared beneath a pile of sugary treats.

Across the field, Sundiata's fight wasn't progressing as smoothly.

His unit was being pushed back by a rising tide of adversaries, and several of his allies had fallen around him. Every ounce of his concentration was on his defense, blocking or dodging or countering attacks that could come at him from any direction. His jaw felt like it was about to be ripped off, and his sword felt like it grew heavier in its grasp with each second. Nonetheless, Sundiata had fought valorously beside his fellow soldiers. He had fought one-on-one with three different enemies now and had managed to defeat all of them; he was confident he had disabled two of them with his attacks, but the third he had likely killed when they reacted to his strike in an unexpected way. It wasn't something he could dwell on right now, Sundiata knew: he had to stay alive and help his allies.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Sundiata found a sharp spear being thrust towards him, its iron head glinting in the sunlight. He briskly jumped back, teeth clenching around the hilt of his khopesh, and pawed the ground as a new combatant approached. A smallish zebra, carrying a spear and shield, outfitted in the uniform armor Soumaoro had given his forced conscripts. From their softer face they seemed a bit young, and Sundiata couldn't quite tell if they were a mare or a stallion; whatever the case, it was likely they didn't need or want to be here.

Sundiata told himself he would try to subdue them... but if they died, they died.

He needed to live.

The young soldier lunged at him with another thrust of their spear. Sundiata dodged to one side and tossed a foreleg around the haft, pulling it close to him so his foe couldn't make use of it. With a quick step forward, he bashed his forehead against that of his foe, the noise of their helmets resounding almost as loudly as the pain consuming the inside of his skull. The other zebra staggered backwards, their grip on their weapon loosening enough for Sundiata to toss it aside. After a moment, they'd cleared their head and raised their shield, ready to counter whatever their foe might attempt. Sundiata simply stood in a ready stance, the taunting whoop whoop of zebrakind coming from his throat as he pawed the ground.

All was still for a moment. The chaos and bloodshed around them seemed to fade away as this fight became each zebra's whole world. Neither particularly wanted to make the first move, but both of them knew it had to happen. Even if one or two soldiers here or there mutually agreed to stop fighting, there would still be countless others ready to strike them down, or commanders to brand them as traitors. Sundiata would defend his home to the last, and the other zebra dare not cross the sorcerer-king.

Sundiata made a mock charge, causing his opponent to flinch behind their shield. The younger combatant reached their snout to retrieve a dagger strapped to their shoulder, and Sundiata took this moment to attack. A wide swing of his curved sword was caught by the shield, and this was intentional; he could see his foe had been shaken by the close call, and he continued to press his attack. Unable to pry the sword free quickly enough, Sundiata swung his body into that of his adversary, knocking the smaller zebra to the ground with a grunt. As his opponent tried to get up, he carefully aimed a kick right to their face, laying them out for good.

Turning to retrieve his sword, Sundiata took a brief moment to check on the zebra he'd defeated. The edge of his horseshoe had left a cut across their cheek and a trickle of blood flowed from their nose, but the young one was still breathing. After wrenching his sword from the wooden shield, he made sure their head tilted to the side to prevent them from choking, then proceeded to rejoin a cluster of his allies.

"<Sundiata! Over here!>"

The stallion quickly dashed to the side of several of his fellow militia. They were falling back with a number of other soldiers; their attempt to use a large acacia tree as a rallying point had failed, and the pursuing enemy wasn't far behind.

"<The commander wanted us to regroup and hold back that incoming wave!>" said a shield-bearing mare. The cut above her eye and the sweat of the day had covered her face and neck in blood. The others that followed her weren't in much better shape.

"<Wanted?>" Sundiata said, his jaw barely strong enough to speak. "<Why isn't he here with us?>"

"<He's dead.>" she replied. "<They got him pretty deep with a spear. He... told us to regroup and leave him behind...>"

The cry of a frantic stallion came up from the other side of the group. "<Shields up, shields up! Here they come!>"

A line of heavy wooden shields quickly formed a line in the dusty earth, with Sundiata and the others taking shelter behind them. A cry of "Zanzebrar forever!" was taken up to counter the noise of Soumaoro's charging minions. Sundiata wasn't sure how well he and this band would be able to stop the charge, but he prepared himself to enter the fray...

...when suddenly, a great line of fire shot across the earth some distance in front of the shield wall. The charging enemy practically crashed into each other to avoid running through it. There was a brief moment of confusion before a lone figure trotted in front of the shields, the flames seeming to obey her command.


She looked back at Sundiata and smiled.

"<Don't you remember what I taught you?>" she asked almost cockily. "<The elements will come to your defense!>"

Sundiata's eyes brightened and a smile crossed his face. How could he forget? He supposed he had been so anxious during the combat that his pleasant days of training with Zecora had slipped his mind. He trotted out from behind the defenses towards his friend and ally, already feeling the magic inherent in the earth ready to receive his command. With a deep, calming breath, he channeled his thoughts and energy into his hooves. He slammed a forehoof hard enough to pierce the earth, and a great rock about his height rose up before him. He swiftly spun and bucked it with his hooves, sending it careening through the wall of flame and into the enemy formation. Those that weren't pummeled by the mass of earth decided to retreat; very few stood their ground against such sorcery.

Sundiata and Zecora shared a smirk. Zecora turned to face the band of her allies.

"<If you would see Zanzebrar saved, then charge with me!>"

A cheer went up from the group as they readied their weapons. Zecora quenched the flames she'd summoned, and led the charge with Sundiata. Now it was the enemy's turn to retreat.

On the far opposite side of the field, Applejack had gathered Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to her side once more, fighting alongside the Zanzebrari as Soumaoro's forces crashed against them. Pinkie Pie had now retrieved a small party cannon and was successfully introducing the zebras to confetti warfare.

"Hey! AJ!" Rainbow Dash called out as she cracked a horseshoe off of somezebra's jaw.

Applejack finished her technique of lassoing an opponent, tossing them into the air and slamming them back to the ground.

"Yeah?" she said between breaths.

"Twilight said we were supposed to protect the queen," RD continued, zipping overhead "but where did she get to?"

"...I'm not sure..." Applejack looked about. "Pinkie, do you have any idea whe--"

Pinkie eyes widened with worry as she absentmindedly shoved a cupcake into an enemy's mouth.

"Yeah... I see her."

The girls' faces all paled. Marwe was facing down Soumaoro alone.