> A Broken Warrior > by Stonehearth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Start (Rewrite) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana, it manifested within every being after ‘The Awakening’ occurred. When focused and used outside of one’s body, it can be used in many different ways. This is called magic A woman in a white lab coat walked down a lit hallway. Nothing was eye-catching about this woman. Just a normal scientist, going to do her job. However, this was her first day on a new site. She checked her map of the Laboratory before stopping in front of a room, swiping her keycard, and entering. The door slid open, revealing a room. Every surface was a pale white, from the floor, to the walls, to the desks, all the same, dull, color.  “Ah, so, you’re the new one.” A voice was heard from the furthest corner of the room. The scientist looked over to the origin of the voice to see a man, or what she assumed was a man, dressed in a black cultist-esque robe with pearl white accents. “Well, I guess I should introduce myself.” He continued through his hood. His voice was deep, yet almost soothing. “My name… well, it’s not needed for now. You can call me ‘First.’” He said and gave a playful bow. “Sorry to tell you this, but what you read on the job description  wasn’t entirely the truth.” He spoke as he slowly walked towards the woman. “Your role will be more… hands on than you’d think. Oh, another spoiler.” First spoke in a nonchalant manner as he snapped a gloved finger. One of the adjacent walls of the room slid into the floor, revealing a one way window with a small boy sitting in the middle of the room. “The item you’ll be interacting with isn’t exactly an item by the normal definition. This is P.R.O.W-0034.” He finished as he handed the scientist a dossier. Group: P.R.O.W Item #: 0034 Description: P.R.O.W-0034 is a male human child, around 6 years in age. It has dark skin, yet light blue eyes and white hair, implying having ancestors from multiple demographic backgrounds. It was found in the year ████ in the city of ██████████, ███████. Upon acquisition, the item has undergone gene modification, as well as several experimental procedures, to give the following effects (see below). Modification of the pituitary gland, allowing for accelerated growth of the body. Modification of the parietal lobe, allowing for heightened senses, as well as an increase in reaction time in comparison to humans. Injection of the experimental drug ██████████ affecting the frontal lobe, stunting the growth, delaying the development of personality and emotions. “We’ve acquired him quite recently, so you’ll have to forgive us for the dossier being so short, as we’re still updating it as the days pass by.” First chuckled as he took the dossier back. “Now… let me explain what you’ll be doing here. If you’ll read over the third procedure he went under, as of now, he has little to no personality or emotions. Your job will be to help develop these through any means you see fit. One thing I want you to develop above all else is his sense of morality.”  The woman thought for a moment. This was indeed not what she expected when she signed up for the job. She really didn’t like the sound of this. She opened her mouth to decline. “By the way, this is kind of a secret project of our company so if you decline we kinda have to kill you.” …She closed her mouth. She, like anyone else, did not want to die. She opened her mouth again to reluctantly accept. “Great!” First gave a toothy grin. “You start now.” He said as he snapped his fingers and teleported across the room, revealing the door he was leaning on that leads to the item. The woman nodded slowly as she began to walk towards the door. As she pulled the door open to enter, she snapped her fingers, making a tablet appear in her hand. Just as she closed the door, the child that was sitting in the middle of the room pushed himself off the floor.  He turned to the woman, walking towards her and staring up at her. “You’re… new.” He said plainly. She confirmed that yes, she was new. He continued to stare at her. “So… what are they going to make you teach me? They already have others for combat, education, tactics, and magic. What else is there?” He asked. She told him what she was assigned to do. She was here to teach him and help him develop morality. “What’s morality?” She thought of how to answer the boy. She didn't want to answer in a way the boy would misunderstand. The woman explained that morality was simply the principles that define right and wrong. “Right? Wrong? What do you mean?” He continued to stare. She again thought of how to answer the boy. Then, she introduced herself to him. “Ysolda? Why did you tell me your name?” He asked. The woman, named Ysolda, explained that it was the right thing to do when talking to someone new. She asked for his name. The boy slid his feet together and stood as straight as he could. “I don’t have a name. They designate me as P.R.O.W-0034. I’m sorry.” Ysolda told him not to worry, as he didn’t know, and he had nothing to be sorry about. She patted his head in an attempt to feel better. Despite being an “item”, she couldn’t help but treat him like an actual child. A part of her looked forward to working with him. She decided to just call him 34. It was two months into Ysolda’s new job, and she must admit, she’s enjoying it more than she thought. 34 was learning morality pretty fast, but maybe that’s because he started from zero. To be fair to him, it isn’t hard to learn not to steal, not to lie, keep promises he made, the basics. However, she felt as if her work was being undone, as she had to sit through 34s combat training, taught by none other than the one who assigned her to teach 34 morality. 34 was currently getting some rather hands-on training from First. After some augmentations to 34s body, First decided to test them in combat. He snapped his fingers, summoning a ball of fire beside him. With the point of a finger, the fireball arched towards 34, who rolled out of the way. Once up-right, 34 sent a torrent of wind at the man, making him slide back from the force. First stopped himself from falling over before snapping his fingers again, making a wall of fire rise from the floor below him, blocking 34s sight. 34 sent another torrent of wind, putting out the fire wall and knocking First on his back. First opened his eyes, panting, expecting 34 to be above him, ready to deal another blow. When he saw 34 still standing a couple feet away from him, in the same place he was when he knocked First down. He stared at the boy with a look full of hate. “Well? Why’d you stop? Didn’t I teach you to not hold back!?”  34 looked at First. “You did, but… you can’t fight any more. Isn’t it wrong to attack someone while they’re down? Wouldn’t that be immoral?” First's look of hatred grew more intense. He pushed himself up and snapped his fingers, sending a massive ball of fire towards the boy. 34 did his best to block it, but the sheer power of the fireball sent him off his feet and into a wall. Bouncing off the wall and landing on the floor, 34 groaned as he tried to push himself up. He was stopped by First pulling him up by his right arm. “Listen well, P.R.O.W-0034, do not mistake morality with stupidity. You see how I can still fight? How I was able to turn this farce around simply because you thought you won?” He raised his voice as he continued, bringing 34 closer to his face. “That… morality that you misunderstand so, is a plague in that little mind of yours… Now, I see you’ve been paying attention to one of your instructors more than the others… Let this be both a reminder AND a punishment.” He finished as he snapped his fingers again. A searing pain was felt in 34s right arm. At first, 34 tried to grit his teeth through the pain, trying not to show any weakness, nor regret for his actions. That was, until he realized that First wasn't cooling down at all. The heat was actually getting hotter. Ysolda watched on in horror from behind the glass wall of the observatory. She couldn’t tell which was worse, the smell of burning flesh and bone, or the screams of 34 echoing through the room. She couldn’t help but stare. Once over the initial shock, she banged on the glass, hoping First would stop his torture.  First, of course, did not stop. He continued to increase the heat on 34s arm. The boy screamed, yet did not beg for him to stop. A few tears were falling from his eyes as he tried to fire spell after spell at First, but each one failed, not being able to focus long enough to cast them correctly.  Finally, 34s body couldn’t withstand the suffering it was being dealt, and his arm below his shoulder was burnt black, turning to a pile of ash and charred bone on the floor. He fell from First’s grip. He grabbed for where his arm used to be, only to find empty space. He looked down at the pile of ash before looking up at First. His eyes flickered for a moment before stabilizing, a flaming white light burned in his eyes. “...You know, that’s a much better look on you.” First mocked the boy. “That fire in your eyes… those flames of hatred… I can’t wait to see what those will bring.” It’s been over a year since she first started her new job. There are some ups and downs. A plus is she gets paid quite well. Down side, she could never get the smell of burning flesh out of her memory. Ysolda looked over her clipboard, looking over the updated dossier of 34.  Group: P.R.O.W Item #: 0034 Description: P.R.O.W-0034 is a male human child, around 8 years in age. It has dark skin, yet light blue eyes and white hair, implying having ancestors from multiple demographic backgrounds. It was found in the year ████ in the city of ██████████, ███████. Upon acquisition, the item has undergone gene modification, as well as several experimental procedures, to give the following effects (see below). Modification of the pituitary gland, allowing for accelerated growth of the body. Modification of the parietal lobe, allowing for heightened senses, as well as an increase in reaction time in comparison to humans. Injection of the experimental drug ██████████ affecting the frontal lobe, stunting the growth, delaying the development of personality and emotions. Said delay has been offset, due to the efforts of Dr. Ysolda.  As of the date  ██████████, P.R.O.W-0034 has lost its right arm below the elbow. His combat effectiveness has lowered by 30%. As a result, it has been recommended that he be given a robotic arm in its place. Pending approval. Approval granted - P.R.O.W-0034 has been given a robotic arm. The procedure required a direct attachment to the nervous system, forcing surgeons to remove the elbow due to a previous incident. The new limb will be referred to henceforth as P.R.O.W-0034-A. P.R.O.W-0034 has adapted quickly to P.R.O.W-0034-A, though has mentioned phantom pain, as well as other common after effects when losing a limb. P.R.O.W-0034-A is a robotic prosthetic right arm, currently attached to P.R.O.W-0034. It is made from Lunarite, an ore found on Ceres which has anomalously high tensile, yield, impact, and compressive strength, due to the mana circuitry that has been woven in to increase the circulatory of mana within the body, as well as increase resistance.  Note: Lunarite has been known to be rendered ineffective when there is no mana circulation within the metal. Under no circumstance should Lunarite be stripped of all mana. Recently, P.R.O.W-0034 has been able to control P.R.O.W-0034-A and it's more niche functions, including but not limited to: Changing the configuration of his forearm into a rifle of sorts, and shooting condensed mana from it. Extending a wrist mounted blade for general use. As of recently, P.R.O.W-0034 has been shown to act rebellious, questioning the beliefs of our Founders. Due to his heightened growth rate, Dr. Ysolda has hypothesized this change in behavior to be due to hormones. Ysolda choked, not believing she actually wrote that last part in and it was accepted. The chuckle was also a nervous chuckle. He has grown rebellious rather recently. She's also not sure if it was enough to worry about. "Oh, Dr. Ysolda, perfect timing!" A voice said from behind her dossier. She looked up to see first in front of her path. “The Item has learned enough about morality for now. Make it a side-task. We have enough data on how he was affected, but It’s not needed anymore. Your new task is to teach him the concept of freedom.” Ysolda blinked. She asked why, and if First was sure if this is a good idea. “Well, first, let me ask you this: What is the purpose of our corporation?”  She thought about it for a moment before answering. To study, document, and develop magical, biological, and technological weaponry in the pursuit of our freedom from the occupiers. She remembered having to memorize that in the employee handbook. “Good, good. You’ve memorized the employee handbook.”  First said with a nod. “Now, how do we teach him what he’s supposed to be fighting for if we don't teach him the concept of freedom?” While Ysolda admitted that, in theory, it makes sense, in practice it would not end well. “Well… That’s not for you to worry about. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing. Anyway, you can have the day off. I’m gonna do something a bit special today with P.R.O.W-0034. You can start teaching him tomorrow.” He stated before walking past her towards 34’s containment room. First made it to his destination, walking in the room and stopping in front of 34. “Knock knock, little guy! How's it going?” 34 looked up at him. He didn’t respond. He just gave a cold, empty stare. “Either way, I don’t care. Anyway, I got something to give to you! You’re gonna make a new friend!” 34 blinked. “Are you going to make me kill them like the other item numbers?” “Oh, yeah… I did make you do that. Well, no, you won’t have to fight this one. You’re gonna be real close friends.” First grinned as he held up a hand. He snapped his fingers. The two were near instantly teleported to a different room. The entire room seemed to be a white abyss. It stretched on as far as the eye could see, the horizon line fading to gray. The best way he could describe it was ‘nothing’. 34 turned around to look at First, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw what looked like a skull. Not one of a human, however. It more resembled a dragon, with a wide jaw and long, curved horns, and big enough to wear as a helmet. He also noticed that it looked to be made of the same metal as his new arm. “Well, here you go.” First stepped to the side. He put a hand out and motioned to the skull. “Go say hi.” 34 walked up to the skull and cautiously put a hand on it. As soon as he touched it, the skull began to slowly levitate, before quickly darting in 34s direction. It snapped onto his head and began to glow a deep blue color. He tried to force the helmet off to no avail. He grunted as he felt something stab him in the back of the neck and draw his blood. “DNA verified. Beginning the deadlock protocall.” A voice said, coming from the skull. Before he could ask what was going on, an electric pulse came from the skull, incapacitating 34. He heard First say something before passing out. By the time he came to, he was back in his containment room. His vision was still partially blinded by the skull he had on. 34 tried to take off the helmet, but stopped when he felt it pull at the skin on his neck. He rubbed his fingers around his neck, only to find there was nothing seeming to keep it attached. He did notice that it didn't have as much wiggle room as it once had. It fit his head near perfectly. 34 felt around the outside of the skull. He jumped when a button he pressed made the jaw of the skull click open. It folded inwards on itself, the upper jaw going over his head and turning into a collar. The first word that came to his mind was “fitting.” He hated it. Looking down at the collar, he looked for any gaps on it, in another attempt to take it off. “Your attempts to remove me will prove futile.” A voice said. He remembered that voice. It was deep and robotic. It was also the last thing he heard before getting knocked out. “You… what are you?” 34 asked cautiously. “You do not have the authorization to receive the answer to that question.” It stated robotically.  “...What is the deadlock protocall?” He pressed. “You do not have the authorization to receive the answer to that question.” The voice repeated. 34 grunted. He wasn’t getting anywhere at this rate. “Let me change my questions. What is your purpose, and why are you stuck to me? “My primary function is to serve as a guide to you, P.R.O.W-0034. I am attached to you as that is the best way to ensure I can complete my objective.” It explained. 34 thought for a moment. “Guide… for what exactly?” “Any and everything that will assist you and your goals. From simple arithmetic and history to simulated multi-variable scenarios, I can assist.” “So what, you’re just an artificial intelligence with what? Infinite knowledge? That's stupid.” “While not inaccurate, that understanding will do for the moment.”  First looked through the one way glass, seeing how quick 34 is to accept his new mechanical symbiotic parasite. Everything has been going well so far. Sure, him being unconscious for three days, but in the end, things are going according to plan. Ysolda looked alongside First, though she was obviously more worried than satisfied. Most people would think that this wasn’t a good idea, but she couldn’t exactly say that without the chance of discipline. She asked if she should still teach him freedom. She hoped the answer was no. “Of course you should. He’s gotta learn from a human, not a machine.” He explained. “Welp, have fun.” He smiled under his hood before snapping his fingers and teleporting away. Ysolda looked at where her boss once was before sighing and walking into the containment room. 34 looked at her from the center of the room. Her step faltered when she saw the piercing blue eyes of the helmet he was wearing, but she continued anyway. She snapped her fingers, two chairs and a clipboard appeared in front of her. The two sat across from each other. She began to apologize, but stopped herself for some reason. She then told 34 that she was going to start teaching him about freedom, or to be more specific, the concept of freedom. “Freedom? Is it important?” He asked. Ysolda nodded. It was one of the most important things to know. It’s what all humans want, yet is always taken away from us in some form. Freedom is the right to act, think, or speak as you’d want without hindrance or restraint. “...You say everyone wants it. Do you have… freedom?” He looked up at her. She thought for a moment for an apt answer. She answered that while yes, she does have freedom, there will always be some of that freedom taken away to protect you and others. Other times, it is taken away to control you and others. “So then… Do I have freedom?” He asked. This was the question she knew he would ask, and she dreaded to answer. She hesitated to answer. If she answered, it’ll bring more dangerous questions. If she didn’t, he would speculate on his own. She thought it would be better to answer. No, he does not have freedom. “Then… Why do I not have freedom? To protect me and others? Or to control me and others?” She said that she doesn’t know. “...Is not giving me freedom the right thing to do?” He pushed for an answer. A wave of fear went through Ysolda’s body. She quickly stood up and walked out the room. She needs to get out of here. Soon. Over the coming months, he did not get the answer to his questions. He tried his best to answer them himself, and sometimes with the help of the AI he called “Echo”. While he wouldn't consider echo a friend, echo has proved itself to be an ally at the very least. They were able to deduce a few things. In certain situations, taking away someone’s freedom is the right thing to do. Murder, Human trafficking, basically anything that could or would bring harm to someone else. The exception would be that if harming someone could save someone else. War, for example, would be an exception in most cases. It would be a morally gray area. They also deduced that as of now, he had no reason to have no freedom. Sure, he may have hurt others, but not of his own volition. He did what he was told to, else dealt with the consequences. He rubbed his metal arm as he thought about it. They, his captors were in the wrong. Finally, he realized that if his captors were in the wrong, the right thing to do would be to stop them. Stop them from making others like him, forcing them to fight between each other for no reason other than a pursuit of knowledge. Gaining his freedom back, stopping these experiments, would be the right thing to do. Escape was not an option, as he had nowhere to run to. He had a general idea of the layout of the lab, as he had to be transported from room to room. As for the numbers of his foes, he had no idea. The only thing he was certain of was that he was stronger. And today was the day he made his move. A security guard, doned in black military gear walked into the room with a rifle in his arms. “Lunch time, little buddy.” He said from the doorway. He liked this guard. While he didn’t know his name, he was one of the few people here that treated 34 with some form of kindness. 34 stood up and walked towards the door. As the two walked out the room and towards the cafeteria, 34 tried to make a mental map of all the hallways he passed by and where they would lead. He then saw a map of the facility he was in. It was much larger than he expected, multiple containment cells had their numbers crossed off. He sighed sadly, remembering the other numbers he had to kill. They will be avenged. 34 and the guard made it to the cafeteria. Two more guards wearing the same attire waited in front of a table, where 34 would sit to eat. 34 sat down while the first guard went to get him his food. While he waited, he tried to ignore the two other guards trying to antagonize him. He hated it. He was human, not some lab rat. The first guard came back with a lunch tray in his hands. 34 didn’t see him as an enemy. He at least seemed to care about him. He didn’t deserve what was to come. 34 clapped his hands together under the table, sending a gust of wind at his feet, tripping the guard, getting his food on the floor and his outfit. “Shit…” The first guard said. “Sorry man. One of those two will get you another lunch. I need to go change.” He finished before walking out of the cafeteria. A guard groaned as he began to walk to get 34s lunch. He only made it halfway across the room before he turned back around from the sound of his comrades' screams of pain. Before the guard could aim his rifle to fire, 34 threw the second guard into him. He finished them off with a large spear of ice going through each of their chests. Now, he had to act quickly. The moment he walked outside the cafeteria, the alarms would sound. They would also sound once the first guard came back and saw the bodies. Remembering the last containment breaches when the other numbers were still alive, he knew had had roughly two minutes before enough forces would mobilize to neutralize him. But his goal wasn’t to escape anyway. He was here to slay as many of his captors as he could. He surrounded himself with a dense layer of magic before rushing out of the cafeteria. As he expected, the alarms blared, alerting everyone within the facility. He began running through the corridors, making his way towards what he assumed to be the exit. Part way through, he noticed a red painted line on the walls, pointing him towards the exit. It was… convenient. They’d most likely set up a barricade at a choke point for him. Good. Saves him the trouble of the hunt. As he followed the wall, he was led to not an exit, but an elevator. In front of said elevator, a security force set up a blockade. Some used their magic to create a wall, while the rest behind them aimed their weapons at 34 over the wall. From the looks of it, they were only about 20 strong. The guards opened fire on him. He dodged a few of the rays before ducking behind a hallway to the side. 34 threw a fireball in the center of a hallway and ignited it, blinding the guards. 34 had only a few seconds to act. He turned the corner and fired magical bullets from his arm, killing all the guards who weren’t protected by the wall. Once they fell dead, He jumped over the wall the guard set up and threw out a blade of wind in a circle around him, cutting the remaining guards in half. He tried to drown out the sounds of the alarms as he was about to press a button on the elevator before he saw a guard out of the corner of his eye… He still had food on his gear. The nice guard pointed his rifle at 34. “Come on, kid… we don’t gotta do this. Just come with me quietly and I can help you.” 34 stared at him for a moment. “Help me? By keeping me confined here, knowing nothing of the outside world? What you want me to fight for? I don’t want to be used, held against my will, knowing that you all are doing something wrong. If you want to help me, tell me where this power generator is. First told me it was somewhere on the lower levels.” The nice guard stared back. “...well, I’ll die anyway here. If not from you, from failing at my job. At this point, the pay isn't worth it. Sublevel 36.” He sighed as he pointed the gun to his head. “Do what you think is right.” He smiled before pulling the trigger. 34 put his hand out in a vain attempt to stop him, only to be met with the vision of his blood on the walls. He clenched his fists as he pressed the button for sublevel 36. After a few moments of waiting, the elevator door opened. “Took you long enough.” First said, standing in front of him. Behind him stood four others in the same attire as First, yet having different color accents, as well as Ysolda. “Must say, kinda a weird escape route you’re taking here.” “I would be escaping if I had somewhere to run to.” 34 stated angrily.  A robed figure prepared to snap their fingers. “So what, you’re just here to waste our time? Is this a-” One of the robed figures behind First wasn’t able to finish her sentence, due to 34 shooting a fireball at her, killing her in an explosion of fire, blood, and guts. “I’m here to kill you all or die trying. However, I’ve been taught many things by you all. Kindness, Responsibility, Loyalty, but most importantly… Freedom and morality.” He released magic from his body, the sheer amount making a few of the people step back. “I know that it is wrong to take away someone’s freedom for no reason. So… for those who don’t want to fight, I will let you leave through the elevator behind me. For those who do, then your freedom will be taken.” He continued. None took a step forward, save for one. Ysolda began walking towards the elevator. She needed to go. This was FAR above her paygrade. She still hasn't done anything wrong. She didn't trap him, she didn't send him through hell. She showed 34 kindness. She didn’t deserve this.  “...And I see someone forgot section 18.2.32 in the employee handbook.” First clicked his tongue. “Any attempt to violate the contract before the contracted time is up…” First said before snapping his fingers, sending a bolt of lighting at Ysolda, frying her instantly. “Is subject to immediate termination.” He finished as the remaining people in the room began to snap their fingers, casting magic of their own. With tears in his eyes and a pained look on his face, 34s eyes glowed a blinding white light as he let out a roar of rage. It was four on one, their favor. However, they had the same weakness that he had. Despite their anomalous magic, they’re still human. And Humans are fragile. First snapped his fingers, sending a wave of fire at him. It was too fast to dodge, but barely slow enough to react to. He put his hands in front of him, making a barrier of wind, diverting the flames to his sides. Two of the four came from either side of him, one sending a stream of high-pressure water, while the other, a large boulder.  He pointed one of his hands towards the ground and used wind to push himself out of the way of the attacks. He threw his fists out towards the two people at his sides, a wave of water flowing towards each one. Both snapped their fingers to put up a defense, but one was too slow, getting hit by the wave and flying into a wall. Using this moment, 34 shot a ball of ice at the downed cloaked figure. Their body was covered in ice, making sure that they wouldn’t be able to get back up any time soon. There were three left now. He grabbed onto one of the pipes hanging from the ceiling. It was cold to the touch. From the humming that it made, it was also flowing somewhere. 34 broke the pipe, spilling coolant all over the floor of the room. First was able to teleport outside of the room before he could get covered in the coolant. The other two weren’t so lucky, getting stuck under the fluid. He quickly got out of the room through an adjacent doorway before turning back and lighting the coolant aflame with his metal arm. He only began to walk away once their screams of pain turned to silence, confirming their death. He walked down a hallway, following the coolant pipe on the ceiling. He kept on guard, knowing First was bound to come for him sooner or later. He took another step as he thought, but quickly jumped back, narrowly dodging an explosion below his feet. First set traps… as expected. 34 looked down the hallway, seeing that the pipe lines stopped at the room at the end. The spell traps had an activation time. Slow enough where he could run past them, and by the time they activated, he’d be out of the area of effect. So, that’s what he did. After a wind induced run and some elemental explosions going off behind him, he slowed to a walk at the end of the hallway. Upon entering the room, he saw what he assumed to be a generator. A monument of gray hexagons formed a spherical shape, containing something within as it gave off energy, flowing through glass pipes that lined the room. Before he could look into anything else, he heard the popping of joints from above him. He looked up to see First, clinging to a wall and staring down at him. First clicked his tongue at his luck. “Well… shit.” He said before shooting a volley of elements at 34. The boy quickly put up a ward of magic, luckily being able to block most of it. However, the amount of magic he’s been using has put a strain on his mind and body. His body was getting sore, and his mind was fading with each passing moment. “Getting weaker eh? Losing that steam?” First mocked as he continues snapping his fingers, sending more projectiles at 34. They were getting heavier… He couldn't let this battle drag on for long. He dropped the ward and quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the rain of magic where he once was. He turned his metal arm into a cannon and fired a ball of condensed magic at First, blasting him off the wall. First was able to land on his feet, but wasn't fast enough to dodge a second shot, knocking him on his back. The scientist's head was ringing. He was only on the floor for a moment, yet in that time, 34 was able to jump on top of him and stab him with his wrist mounted blade in his right shoulder, making the rest of his arm fall limp. First tried to snap his fingers in his left hand in retaliation, but 34 quickly pulled out his blade from his shoulder and cut it off. The pain finally hit First as he began screaming from it. After his yelling stopped, he began laughing to himself. “Heheheh… You really are a great subject. You’re everything I hoped for…” He spoke as he coughed up some blood. “Shit… guess I’m nearly gone… Well, it seems like it was worth it, getting to meet my magnum opus…” He said with a groan as he fell over.  34 stared down at the man. The life in his eyes was slowly fading away. He crouched down and spoke slowly. “I’m going to destroy this place. I’m going to destroy the reactor and blow it up from the inside. You will die here with your work. As you deserve for what you’ve done to my brothers and sisters.” He stood up and took a keycard out of First’s pocket. He tried to crawl towards the boy, but fell from the lack of strength. 34 took one final look at First before following the coolant pipes once more. A thought crossed his mind as he heard the groans of First behind him. Sure, one could argue that his captors got what they deserved, but… Was he in the right to deliver their punishment? After killing his brothers and sisters, the test subjects, the guards, the doctors… Was he allowed to be the judge? The jury? Probably not. But made sure he was the executioner, and his goal did not change. The coolant pipe ended abruptly by turning into a wall. He was close. 34 entered one last room. The first thing he noticed was that the walls seemed to be oddly more reinforced than any part of the facility he’s seen. The second thing was that as soon as he entered the room, past the warning markings on the floor, it seemed… “cut off” from the world in a sense. He couldn’t seem to shake the feeling. In the center of the room was a large spherical construct, made into shape from countless hexagons, all making a whirring sound. 34 walked towards the sphere and put a hand on it, only to pull it back before he could even make contact. It felt like it was absorbing something from him. Then he realized what it took. He felt somewhat nauseous from getting close to the sphere, similar, if not exactly the same as when he had mana deficiency. It was taking his mana. Meaning, it'd be safe to assume that it would absorb mana more effectively on the inside, thus, whatever is inside of the reactor is releasing mana in abundance. Any normal human would die from that much mana. All he had to do was figure out a way to open the sphere and, depending on how much raw mana is being released, anything in a certain radius would perish from mana poisoning. Now here comes the interesting part. Opening it. He had no idea how to open it. There was no opening of any kind that he could see, but there had to have been somewhere. The sphere itself stopped anyone from prolonged exposure. 34 looked around the room for anything that could be of use. He spotted a terminal to the side of the reactor and walked towards it. Not tall enough to reach it, he stood on a chair and looked at his reflection on the black screen. He pressed the power button. In return, the screen lit up, showing text asking for 34 to enter his keycard. He pushed the keycard into the slot, making a small beep. “Welcome back, First. What would you like to do today?” The machine asked through text. Three options showed on screen. Data summary, Reactor options, and Log out. 34 was about to press an option on the terminal before he was stopped by Echo. “Plug me into the terminal. You do not currently have the qualifications.” Echo stated robotically. When he finished his sentence, a cord dangled from one of the rear horns of the helmet. He plugged the wire into the terminal. “34, the data here is overwhelming. It will take me a moment to process everything. I will share the data with you once finished. Going into standby.” Echo said, his blue eyes flashing off. After a couple minutes of waiting, his eyes flickered back on. “All data has been processed. Ask your questions.”  “...Why are you helping me?” 34 asked. “Weren’t you made to monitor me, rather than help me?” He said as suspicion leaked through his voice. “Negative. As I’ve stated before, my primary function is to assist you to further your goals, no matter what they may be. I understand your hesitation to trust me, but know I mean you no harm.” Echo said in his robotic tone. His words however, seemed to be sincere. 34 Sighed. “Alright I guess… Then… what's inside the sphere?” “It seems to be a… portal of sorts. To where, uncertain. Upon further digging into the data, it seems to be expelling mana at an astounding rate. The mana is being absorbed by the construct around it then spread in safe levels throughout the facility, as to not cause mana sickness. It is reasonable to hypothesize that the mana you use, as well as the others, is from inside the sphere.”  34 stood there shocked for a split second. “Then does that mean that if we open it, they’ll be able to go through?” He asked, referring to anyone still alive working in the facility. “I can not guarantee that no one will come in after us. However, the chances are slim to none.” “Alright… I felt something when I came through the hallway and into this room. It’s hard to describe. It’s like we were… cut off from something.” 34 tried to look for words that could best explain what he felt. “Affirmative.” Echo started. “While I was not able to get the data on how, this room appears to be cut off from our reality. It seems to be a safety precaution in case the portal collapses.” “Which is what I plan to do, once you deactivate the sphere around it.” 34 nodded. “If what you’re saying is right, when you deactivate the construct, all the mana will spread throughout the facility and poison everyone within. Then, you’ll force the portal to collapse, so they can't get any more mana.” “Affirmative. However, once the portal collapse begins, I cannot guarantee your survival.” Echo said. “Heh, is that worry in your voice?” He chuckled to himself. “...Echo, do you believe in fate? In destiny?” “I am not programmed to believe in fate, nor destiny. Though… if I must answer, I would have to answer both.” Echo hummed. “Destiny. Something that you can change… Through your own actions, by choosing from your own path. Meanwhile, Fate. Something that is set in stone, forced upon someone. Often in spite of your destiny… Ms. Ysolda taught me that. “...What are you getting at?” Echo asked. 34 sighed. “Well… me being here as a test subject, meeting you, my brothers and sisters dying, losing my arm… that would be something I couldn’t control, my fate. Yet when I made my stand, when I killed those who stood in our way, that was my choice, my destiny.” “I do… not understand.”  “Well, it was their destiny to control my fate. And my destiny to control their fate. We know that destiny can change someone else’s fate, but can I change my own fate? I don't know, but if we make it through that portal, let’s find the answer to that.” 34 offered the helmet. “My primary function is to assist you to further your goals, no matter what they may be.” Echo repeated. “Good. Shut down the sphere. Lets get this going.” 34 finished, giving the queue for Echo. He did so. The loud hum in the room slowly died down as the power was cut off from the construct, releasing mana into the facility at an accelerated rate. He felt a bit light headed from the sudden increase in mana and power. It was certain, any normal human in contact with this much mana would definitely be lethal. “You weren’t kidding… Collapse the portal when you’re ready.” 34 told Echo. “Affirmative… Warning, coordinates indicate that you could spawn in the upper atmosphere.” Echo stated. “...What?” 34 asked confused. “Apologies. Coordinates were only given once the collapse was activated. I suggest forming some sort of defense before this reactor room implodes.” Echo said all too calmly. “Shoot!” 34 said as he ran to unplug Echo before surrounding himself in a layer of ice, then a second layer of stone. He realized his magic was much stronger from all the extra mana in the air. He was about to think of something else before loud cracking could be heard. He couldn't see through the layer of stone and ice around him, but he assumed it was either the sphere itself or the walls around him. He felt himself accelerating off the floor and towards the center of the room. His body and capsule flashed a violet color before dimming. Suddenly, he was falling. A young filly walked towards her mirror, smiling. Her coat was a light aquamarine and her mane, a pale grayish cyan. Her golden eyes lit up as she looked at herself in the birthday dress that her parents got for her. She was giggling to herself, excited to show off to her friends. Her parents were lucky enough to rent the Canterlot royal gardens for her birthday party, so saying she was giddy was an understatement. Meanwhile, 34 could feel the heat from his capsule burning as he fell from the upper atmosphere. The ice was melting from the heat as well, and the stone was crystallizing. He did his best to brace himself for the coming impact.  “Assuming the acceleration of gravity is the same here, you will reach sea level in roughly five minutes.” Echo said. “Warning. We are entering unknown territory. I cannot assist you to the best of my ability.” 34 nodded. He was in for a rough ride. The filly was about to open the door to go down from Canterlot tower into the Canterlot gardens, but stopped in her tracks when she heard a sharp whistling sound. Weird… it was getting louder. She looked out the window to see where the sound was coming from. The filly looked down from the tower. First left, then right, then up. She saw something burning coming right towards her. She began screaming as she jumped to the side, dodging the meteor that crashed through the wall. The top half of the tower began to sway from the large hole that was just made. The polished stone walls turned to shrapnel, shooting in all directions, destroying a few of the adjacent towers and buildings below. Some of his capsule broke off as he crashed, spreading flames around him. In a matter of seconds, this once joyous day turned into a demolition zone. 34 pulled back a fist and punched through his ice and, now crystal, capsule. He pulled himself out to see the building he was in engulfed with flames. He grit his teeth as he realized that he hurt innocents. His thoughts were cut off by the sound of sobbing coming from his right. He looked in the direction of the sound to see the filly hiding under a table. He thought about what to do. For some reason, he saw himself in the filly. Weak, scared, panicked. But she had someone to help her. 34 took a few slow steps towards her as he pressed a button under the jaw of his helmet, the metal plates folding aside into a collar to show his face. “Hey there.” He said with the softest voice he could muster. The filly looked at him, only to try and back away immediately after. “Whoa, whoa, I’m not here to hurt you… well not any more than I already accidentally have.” He tried to comfort her.  “Can you even understand me?” The filly nodded slowly. “Good.” He kneeled down. “I’m 34. I’m a human. What’s your name?” “Im… Lyra… Lyra Heartstrings… I’m a unicorn.” She said through heavy breaths and choked tears. “Well, Lyra. As you can see, we’re in a not too good situation. What do you say we get out of here?” He asked. “I… I can't… I’m too scared to move...” She cried. “...Lyra, I can get us out of here. I know you don't have any reason to, but I need you to trust me.” 34 said, putting out an open palm. “If you can do that for even a moment, then take my hand.”  The filly looked at him. Those light blue eyes of his showed no malice, manipulation, nor uncertainty. She slowly put her hoof into his hand. “O…okay.” she shook, still scared for her life. “Alright.” He stood up, being just above the eye level of Lyra. “Hold on to me. We’ll make it out of here.” He said as he walked toward the balcony stairs. He took each step carefully to make sure Lyra stayed with him. Of course, until the staircase he was walking on began to crack. He looked up at the tower to see several large cracks spreading through the walls. “Hey, we need to go, now. This place could fall any moment now.” 34 urged her to speed up. Lyra nodded. The two were about to continue down the stairs when the tower above them fell on a lower platform, making a hole in their path. 34 shielded himself and the filly from the stone shrapnel that fell from above. “...Shit.” He said under his breath. He looked around for anything he could safely jump on. There wasn’t. “Excuse me, Lyra. Sorry about this, but we have to jump.” “...what?” She asked through her worried voice.  “We have to jump. We’re running out of escape routes.”  Lyra blinked. “N-no! No way we can make that jump!” “I’m sorry, but we don't have much of a choice. The longer we stay here, the more at risk we are.” He sighed as he crouched down, turning his back towards the filly. “If you want, I can carry you. Hop on.” Lyra took 34’s offer and climbed on his back and wrapped her forehooves around his neck. 34, in turn, put his hands under her back legs to make sure she didn't fall off. “Ready?” He asked the filly. Lyra gulped. “Y-yeah…” 34 took a couple steps back before getting a running start and jumped off the ledge. Lyra’s grip tightened as they fell and closed her eyes. 34 sent magic to his feet, making an air current below him, slowing his fall. Once they landed on the ground, Lyra let out a relieved sigh. “See? We’re fine.” 34 said as he began to crouch down. “Actually, um… can you keep carrying me?” She asked through unsteady breathing. “I can’t… feel my legs.” 34 nodded as he stood up, making sure he had a good grip on Lyra. “So, Lyra. Any idea where we should go? I’m kind of new to the area, if that wasn’t obvious.” “Um… Mom and Dad always told me to wait somewhere safe if I was ever in trouble.” She thought aloud. “Alright, the safest place for now would be an open field away from any falling debris. Can you think of anything?” “...Mom said the hedge maze was really big and wide. Maybe there?” She offered. “Alright, and where’s the hedge maze?” “Next to the castle.” she answered 34.  34 looked towards the sky. Past the smoke and patches of fire, he saw what would definitely fit the definition of a castle. He began walking. “So, where are your parents?” “Mom and Dad said that they were going to check on the cake and party favors… I hope they’re ok.” Lyra said, worried. 34 walked silently for a few moments. He’d feel terrible if any harm fell on her parents because of him. “I’m sure they’re ok. Tell you what, once I drop you off, I’ll go look for them.”  Lyra stayed silent for a moment before she had a question. “Hey, those things you’re holding me with… what are they?” “Oh, my hands? Am I holding on too tight?” 34 loosened his grip a bit. “No, no… I just… think they’re cool.” She gave a smile. 34 didn’t respond. The two walked in silence. He realized that he didn’t even know who to look for. “Hey, Lyra, I need to know what your parents look like.” “Oh… well my mom is-” She began before 34 cut her off, seeing something in the corner of his eye. “We’ll talk later! Hold on tight!” 34 said he tightened his grip on the filly and jumped to his right, sliding to a stop a few feet away. Looking back to where he once was, he saw a bigger version of Lyra, yet instead of a horn, it had wings. It’d be safe to assume this one was an adult.  The golden armored pony looked back at him. “Put the filly down, freak show!” 34 didn’t respond. He spoke while making eye contact. “Lyra, who are they?” Taking a moment to take in the situation, she responded. “Oh! They’re one of the guards!” Guards… He didn’t have many good experiences with them. He decided to up his guard. “...Are they safe?” “Yeah!” She said, pushing herself off her back. “Mom said that if I’m ever in trouble, I go to them!” She trotted over to the guard, who quickly got in front of her in turn. “You should come with us! They can help!” He was still hesitant. Even more when the guard looked at Lyra like she was crazy. Then, the guard thought for a moment. They would have to report this… thing to the sergeant anyway. “...The kid is right. Why don’t you come with me for now.” The guard more demanded than offered. 34 stared down the guard, then looked at Lyra, as if for guidance. She stared back, innocently. 34 looked at the guard, then nodded. He approached the guard, albeit slowly. The guard was equally wary, tensing up as he got close. He stopped arms distance and looked up at the pony. He put out his metal hand as a symbol of trust. The guard looked at it, then put his hoof out, shaking it. “So… what should I call you?” “I am 34.” He stated. “Not your age. Your name.” The guard clarified.  “I do not have a name. I am designated as P.R.O.W-0034. You can call me 34.” “What, are you just some experiment or something?” The guard half joked. 34 stared back, giving them the answer. “...Sweet Celestia…” He said under his breath. “What is your name?” 34 asked. “...Call me Iron. Iron Armory.” 34 nodded. “Alright, I’m taking you two to the castle. 34, stay where I can see you.” He demanded. He nodded again as the three started walking. After a few minutes of walking, they were at the castle gates. Conveniently where he needed to go. A pony in similar armor saw him from afar and saw the three coming.  “Private!” They called out. “What in Tartarus are you doing here!? We send three squads down for search and rescue, and you waddle your ass back here!?” What 34 assumed to be Iron’s superior began shouting, only to stop once he noticed Lyra and 34 next to Iron Armory. “What did you bring with you!?” “Honestly ma’am, I’m not sure myself.” Iron rubbed the back of his head. “You didn’t even cuff it! What is wrong with you!” The pony said as she used her horn to get the cuffs off her hip. She began to approach 34 with the cuffs, who took a step back. “Come on, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” She said as she got closer. 34 didn’t like where this was going. His fight or flight response kicked in. He looked around for a place to retreat. He didn’t find any in the wide open area in front of the gates. He grew more distressed. “Ma’am, please! I don’t think he’s a threat! I found him helping this filly here!” Iron said in 34’s defense. “Besides! Look at him! He can’t be any older than 10 or so!” The unicorn continued to approach as she spoke. “Oh, when’d you become a biologist? Shut your mouth and get that filly somewhere safe. Now, back to you….” 34 grit his teeth and looked to Lyra and Iron, both giving sympathetic looks, knowing they couldn’t do anything. 34 grit his teeth, knowing his hands were tied. He stomped his foot, sending a pillar of stone from the ground into the air, knocking the cuffs out her magic grasp. She gasped in surprise before shaking it off. She charged magic in her horn and shot a burst of magic into the air. 34 recognized it easily. It was a signal. Backup was on the way. Now he was really screwed. “I don’t want to hurt you if I don’t have to, but I am not being put in some cell again!” He said as he prepared for another fight. It had only been mere moments before dozens of ponies came from behind the mare and surrounded him. 34 clenched his fist, preparing to cast a spell before an overpowering voice was heard. “STOP!” it spoke as it rumbled the ground beneath him. 34 snapped his head to the direction of the voice. This one was much larger than the others, as well as having both large wings and a long horn. Their rainbow-like mane flowed behind them as they landed. The two guards bowed as she approached. 34 kept his eyes on them as they landed. The two made eye contact. They stared down each other before the alicorn spoke. “Is this attack your doing?” 34 answered, still on guard. “Yes, though I didn’t mean to. I needed to escape.” She narrowed her eyes. “Escape? From what? And what type of escape causes a crash and a fire?” “My captors. I had to go through some sort of portal to get here. I ended up right over this city. It was a hard landing…” He explained. “And what of your captors? Did they follow you?”  “No.” He stated. The alicorn lowered her guard slightly after hearing that. “They’re dead.” 34 finished. She tensed up once she processed what the boy said. “...Did you… kill them?” She asked hesitantly. He nodded. She hid a shiver before taking a deep breath. “I’ll need you to come with me.” 34 looked up at her. “I am not going back in a cell.” He stated as calmly as he could. “I’m sorry, but it’s where you’ll end up going. Looking at the damage you caused, I can’t let you simply roam free.” She put a hoof up to motion to said damage. He didn’t even have to look. He remembered. 34 grit his teeth. “Fine…” > A New Life (rewrite) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 was mad. He was tricked, put simply. When he agreed to go with the tall one, he didn't, however, expect to be put in handcuffs, a muzzle, and all limbs chained to the ground. Four heavily armored guards stood at attention outside his cell. Where was said cell? Canterlot dungeons. Echo stayed silent, told to do so by 34 so they wouldn't take him away. Thankfully, they didn’t try to remove the collar on him. It’s been about three days since they brought him down here, and he had memorized the guards routine so far.  A new squad of guards came to replace the current ones, quickly switching places in a matter of seconds. Two unicorns, two pegasus. One of the unicorns used their magic to take off the muzzle on him, then floated over a meal. A simple bowl of soup. Best food that they’d give him right now. The other guards stood ready for any attempt at escape as the unicorn spoon fed him. Once finished, the muzzle was clamped back on and the guards resumed their post. No small talk, with him or between each other. Just doing their duty. Something in him made him angry at this, but he couldn’t exactly say what. He sighed as he sat back down. He figured he’d try again. “So, I still don’t know exactly what you all are…” He started. The guards stayed silent. 34 continued nonetheless. “It’s making me tired just calling you all by ‘you’.” They continued their stoic standing. “...Look. It’s the same thing every day. No way you all aren’t bored too.” They gave no response. He sighed and began to rhythmically pull on the chains out of boredom. After a few minutes of clanking metal, the guards began to side eye each other. They were clearly annoyed at the sound. A few more minutes went by as the sound continued. Then it stopped. 34 sighed and spoke. “You all got like five seconds to say something or you won’t like what I do next.” The guard ignored him, as usual, assuming it was an empty threat. It was not. All the guards snapped their heads to him after hearing a loud ‘BOOM’ from behind them. They saw 34, his metal arm free and in the form of a rifle. The ponies raised their weapons at him. “Call for backup!” One said. “Oh, so you can talk.” 34 stated as he used the same method to break the rest  of his chains. He stood up for the first time in a while and stretched. “So, I have some questions. Any takers?” 34 looked to see not the normal 4 guards, but a dozen or so, weapons pointed at him.  They stood at a standstill for a few moments, staring at each other. Neither side moved until 34 spoke. “Are you guys gonna say something? Oh my gosh!” He started to get annoyed. “Put away your weapon!” One spoke. 34 did so. The guard blinked. “That was… easy.” “Yeah, almost like if you all spoke, none of this wouldn’t happen.” 34 frowned at them. The guard blinked. “...You’re saying you broke your chains-” 34 cut him off. “I said if they didn’t say something they wouldn’t like what I did next.” The guard looked around to his colleagues for confirmation. “...he did say that…” “Doesn’t matter anymore. Bring me to the tall one. I’ve been here too long.” 34 demanded. He was growing more annoyed with each passing moment with these beings. “...Or wh-?” A guard began to ask before 34 sighed. “I just broke those metal chains, and I think those metal bars in the window are about the same. I am a moment away from freedom and each passing second is tempting me more.” He pointed to the window behind him. The guards looked at eachother, not sure what to do.  34 sat back down.   “And then, I came to you, Princess…” The guard finished recalling what was said by the creature in the dungeon. “To be honest, I don’t think we should take the chance. It’s been growing more agitated the longer we keep him down there. I don’t know how else to say it, but it just… feels wrong.” Celestia sat on her throne and thought for a few moments. She’s spent the last few days dealing with the damage done, as well as making sure the creature wasn’t seen by anypony else. Lucky for her, most residents evacuated before it emerged, leaving only the guards and a single filly to see it. On top of all this, now said creature was threatening escape. She sighed, wondering what she was going to do. After the moments passed, she realized she had to do at least something. “Guard. Call for Iron Armory. He talked with it for a little while. I’d like his opinion.” She ordered. The guard bowed before going to do so. A few minutes later, he came in.  “Iron Armory, reporting!” He saluted. “At ease, my little pony.” She smiled at him.  Iron Armory dropped his salute. “Yes ma’am. What do you need me to do?” She thought before she started. “You… you’ve talked to that creature, correct? Tell me about him.” Iron Armory nodded. “He didn’t speak much. He seemed more concerned for the safety of the filly I found with him. Going so far to carry her on his back.” He paused, thinking back on the day before continuing. “He implied that he was some sort of lab experiment, saying he was some number.  Also, I get some feeling of… sadness from him, if that makes sense.” Celestia nodded, taking in what he said before asking further. “...Do you think he’s dangerous?” Iron nodded again. “If I may speak frankly, just from looking at his arm alone, he’s dangerous. Let alone the rumors that he’s the source of the attack. But at the same time, if he wanted to cause harm, he had more than enough chances to do it.” Celestia sighed. “You spoke of a filly. Is she ok?” “Yes ma’am. We’ve found her family and returned her safely after a health check and a few questions.” “What did she say about it?” “Well… all good things. From my understanding, he landed in the same tower she was in, saved her from it, then went to help her find her parents before I found them.” Celestia blinked. “...It what?” Iron chuckled a bit. “We all had the same reaction. He only acted hostile when we first attempted to restrain him… I… pity him. Just from the looks he gave, he has some sort of past he wants to keep quiet about.” Celestia hummed before asking her final question. “Do you think it’s our enemy?” Iron Armory shook his head. “Not unless we give him a reason to be.” Celestia nodded. “Thank you, Iron Armory. I’ll let you get back to work.” He returned the nod before exiting. She sighed again, thinking on what to do next. Negotiation with the unknown can turn out dangerous, and from the earlier report, she had no way to reliably contain it either. Hell, she didn’t even know what it was. She leaned back in her chair, as if it would wave off the mental exhaustion. Celestia decided to enjoy the brief moment of silence while she had it. Nearly an hour had passed in bliss before she sat up straight, knowing what she had to do. “Guard.” She called, hearing the echo of her voice through the large room. A guard came in by her order, pushing the door open and saluting. “Send word to Sergeant Lance. Have him and two squadrons under him transport the creature to me. I’d like a word with it.” 34 was lying on his back, hands under his head as he waited. The guards still stood there, wary of him. They were at least talking to him. Made the time pass by quicker. “So, this place seems fancy. Never seen a castle in my life, and now I’m in one! What’s this place called?” “...We’re in Canterlot.” A guard answered. “Oh, like in the fairytales I read…” Not that he thought about it, these beings were also present in some of those tales. “...What species are you all?” “The guards looked and chuckled between each other. “What? Never seen a pony before?” “No.” 34 answered rather quicker than the ponies expected.  “Really? Where are you from? And what are you anyway?” One asked. “Oh, uh… I don’t really know. I’m a human.” 34 answered. “Hue-man… alright. How many more of you are there coming here? And are they all like you?” Another asked. “Um… our total population is in the… billions? I think? And no more should be coming after me. I made sure I wasn’t followed. How many of you all are there?” They blinked. “Just around half a million in this country. And you said… billions?” 34 nodded. “I don’t believe you. No way you hue-mans can survive in the billions. That’d have to be a massive planet!” “Oh, well, it’s not just one planet. We’ve traveled space and colonized other planets, and have orbiting colonies. It’s really cool to think about!” He smiled at them, who returned the gesture by laughing. “...what did I say?” “You’re telling me that your race went to other planets and lived there? That’s just a fantasy! Science fiction!” “Like me, some alien, coming from a portal from another world?” He asked rhetorically. The laughing stopped abruptly, the guards pondering to themselves. “Yeah… anyway, how about you ponies? How spread out are you?” Another guard answered him this time. “Well, we mostly just stay in this part of the world. We’re in Equestria, but we have some ponies in other places out there. All the races just stay to ourselves.” 34 sat up. “...Other races? There isn’t one dominant species?” “Oh. No.” The guard answered before listing off other races. “So, we have ponies in Equestria, griffons in Griffon Stone, Dragons in the dragon lands, Changelings in their kingdom to the south that we’re on bad terms with, Diamond dogs where ever, Hippogriffs in Hippogriffia, but they’ve closed their borders. Kelpies, Zebras, and Abada in Zebrafrica. Then there’s the unexplored east.” She smiled, then shrunk a bit noticing the looks of all the ponies around her. “Heh… sorry, kinda my hobby.” “That… helps a lot more than you think. It’s interesting how all these beings can live relatively peacefully on one planet. I want to learn more about it some time. 34 smiled back. The mare almost got a sense of comfort from it. A colleague of the mare pulled her ear to him so he could whisper. “Take what it says with a grain of salt. We don’t know what it’s planning. That naivety could be a trap.” The mare looked back at him. “How… how old are you?” 34 thought. “Um.. eight I think?” “EIGHT!?” She shouted in surprise. “Oh Celestia, we’ve been keeping a child in a dungeon!” She covered her face. “Oh, that’s not normal here?” 34 asked nonchalantly. The other guards gave an uncomfortable laugh, while the mare he was talking to fell over. “...Are you ok?” She regained her balance and stood back up. “...I’m fine, and no, it’s not normal!” She put a hoof against the bars of his cell. “What… how did you live like that?” “I’m… not sure what you mean by that. I, along with my brothers and sisters, were told what to do, and we did it. By following orders, we were fed, and we lived… Well… I… lived.” He sighed. One of the guards' ears perked up. He stepped in front of his colleague. “Brothers and sisters? How many? And you said ‘I’... what happened to them?” 34’s mood fell as he thought back. “There were fifty of us. I’m the only one that survived.” The stallion inched closer. “Survived what? “...I don’t want to talk about it.” 34 said as he put a hand on his metal elbow. “Let’s just say that this arm isn’t natural to humans.” The guards stayed silent at that, not sure how to respond. One spoke up. “I’m sorry.” 34 shook his head. “You didn’t do anything. Nothing to be sorry for.” He said before they returned to silence. “You’ve had a hard life, huh?” A guard asked rhetorically. 34 didn’t notice. “...you know, wasn’t until recently that my way of life wasn’t normal. Definitely changes some things.” Right when he finished, another guard came in. 34 noticed that this one stood out from the rest. They all had the same white fur, but this one was different. In place of the golden armor, this unicorn had a steel color, as well as some insignia on his chest and a mantle that covered his back. Following behind him was a group of five guards with their normal armor. The same blank expressions on their faces. 34 Looked through the door behind them, seeing a bigger group of guards waiting. The guards already in the room turned to salute the unicorn. “Sergeant Lance!” They greeted. The unicorn didn’t say anything to them, walking past them and stopping in front of 34. He looked up at the unicorn, staring him in the eyes. More guards came and stood on either side of him. The unicorn spoke first. “So, you’re the creature that’s been causing trouble for us, is that right? State your name.” “34.” He stated. “Not your age, your name.” Lance furrowed his brow. “Sir, his name is-” A guard from earlier tried to speak up. “I wasn’t talking to you, Corporal.” Lance cut the guard off. He turned back to the human. “I will not ask again, state your name.” “34.” He stated again. “Oh, so you’re a joker?” The sergeant smirked. He drew the sword on his hip and poked it through the bars and at his neck. “Tell me another one.” 34 looked at him and sighed. He moved his metal arm to grab the blade and shattered it in his grip. “I am designated as P.R.O.W-0034. Threats will get you nowhere. Next question.” 34 dropped the pieces of shattered blade from his hand, looking back up to see a once smirking face now one of anger. Lance turned to the other guards. “Why hasn’t he been contained!?” “They tried. They failed. Not their fault.” 34 pushed himself off the ground. “More on you, since  you haven’t checked my report, but that is besides the point. What do you want?” “Listen here, creature… you’re in our cell! You’ll listen to what we say, got it!? I’ll be asking the questions!” Lance pointed a hoof at him. 34 exhaled through his nose. This Lance guy was annoying, but he didn’t have much of a choice. “Then ask.” He said with as little anger as he could. “That’s better.” Lance smirked. “Now, before we transport you, I’m going to have to take that weapon on your arm off.” “This is my arm. You can’t just take a part, and I am not giving it to you either.” 34 explained. Lance grew annoyed. “Did you not understand the 'listen to what we say’ part? Are you stupid?” “Are you?” He asked back. “I was the one who destroyed part of your city, which is the only reason I’m in this dungeon. Understand that?” 34 furrowed his brow and stood up. He put his metal arm on one of the bars and bent it slightly. “I am here by choice, not because you all are keeping me here. Threatening and insulting me is to your detriment.” He continued to push on the bars, a few guards raising their spears at him. “This is getting us nowhere. Tell me what you want from me.” 34 demanded angrily. Lance was about to say something before the guard he was talking to earlier began to speak. “Sir, we should be able to answer any questions you have. We’ve had time to ask him questions of our own.” The mare said with a salute. “He’s made it clear he can break out. From the broken chains and the damage outside, I think we can both agree it’s best to not provoke him.” She said in the nicest way she could. Lance grit his teeth and reluctantly agreed. “Fine…”  While they gave the sergeant the information he needed, the remaining guards decided to stand in front of his cell. Glaring at him. 34 didn’t like this. Their judging stares. He could tell just by the look in their eyes what they thought of him. They were the same gazes as the guards… the doctors… the numbers. ‘Creature.’ ‘Demon.’ ‘Monster.’ He grit his teeth as his eyes flashed white. A few of the guards took a cautious step back at this before 34 contained himself.  He sighed. He loosened his fist and sat back down, waiting for them to be done with their talk. It went on for about half an hour. From the little he heard, they were going over nearly everything they’ve talked about. Name, origin, background, age, and how he got to Canterlot. Interestingly, the only part that was left out was his siblings. He’d have to thank them for that later. Once finished, Sergeant Lance turned back to him. “Well… 34, I got the info needed. Now, what I’m actually here for. You’ve been called by the Princess for an audience.” “I don’t know who that is.” He looked up at him. “You’ll figure it out. Now, I don’t want any sudden movements from you, got it?” He demanded. Lance didn’t even wait for a response before turning to the guards at his command. “Alright, listen up. Once it’s out of the cell, I want two wedge formations! Unicorns, get the locks on him before he leaves the cell! We’ll be transporting him to princess Celestia! We can’t afford to mess this up!” 34 blinked. He wasn’t told anything about locks. He reasoned that it made sense, given his less than perfect track record so far. He groaned as he stood up and put his arms out to his sides. He knew the drill. Four of the unicorns unlocked the cell door and quickly floated a new pair of cuffs to him. They snapped around his legs first, not making him able to move faster than a shuffle. Then, another pair around his wrist. What made these different from the last pair was that these covered his hands, forcing him to ball them into fists. Finally, another muzzle was put over his mouth. Each unicorn used their magic to pull a chain on each limb, forcing him out the cell door. It was humiliating. Dehumanizing, being treated like some animal. Some of the ponies gave him looks that said ‘sorry’, but it was overshadowed by the looks of disgust coming his way. He tried his best not to growl in annoyance. “Alright! Form up!” Lance ordered as 34 was pulled out of the cell. “Start walking.” He gave him a push. 34 did so, albeit reluctantly. He tried to take his focus off the dozen clopping hooves around him, and instead focused on the pathway he took. Up a set of stairs. Past a hall on his right. Past another on his left. Up another flight of stairs. Down another hallway. Finally, a large set of double doors on his left, nearly reaching the ceiling. Lance used his magic to push open the doors, and the guards transported him in. 34 looked around the room. The first thing he noticed was the rather lush throne room. Red carpet, stained glass windows, white marble floor, and a large, golden throne with the sigil of the sun. On that throne was that alicorn he saw a few days ago. She stood up and spread her wings. As she took steps down from her throne to approach the human, the guards spread out in a defensive formation, making sure they had him completely surrounded. The alicorn stopped in front of him, looking down at him. Now that 34 got a better look at her, she was just about twice his size. She took a deep breath. “I am Princess Celestia. Ruler of Equestria. I... wish we could’ve introduced ourselves under better circumstances.” 34 looked up at her. “I am called 34. Don’t really have a name, so that will have to do. I wish the same too. I am sorry about the damage I’ve done. Hope nobody was hurt.” Celestia blinked in surprise at the apologetic nature of it. She smiled a bit. “Thankfully, no pony was hurt. While the damage is done, it can be repaired… I did hear from Iron Armory that you protected a filly before he found you. I must thank you for that.” “It was my fault in the first place. Didn’t know where I’d end up before the portal collapsed in on itself.” He explained. “I’m sorry.” “Tell me more about this ‘portal’ you mentioned. How did you get here exactly?” 34 sighed. “It’s a very long story. Summarizing it, I escaped my containment, ended my captors, then found an escape route. Coincidentally, their power source for mana was from a portal that led to here. The portal collapsed in on itself, taking me onto this side… I figured out where the portal ended up after I came though, then I crashed. You know what happened after that.” She nodded. “Yes. Though I do have a few questions. First, what is mana?”  “It’s…” He looked for the words to explain it. “After ‘The Awakening’, mana was discovered within every person. It’s hard to explain. It’s like… a form of energy that each of us have. We can focus on it and use it, like the unicorns here do, though not exactly.” She grew a bit worried, yet kept her same posture. “...Can you use magic?” “Yes.” He answered. “Though I don’t want to hurt any of you. No reason to.” She shook her head, as if to shake off the worry. “Moving on… what is ‘The Awakening’?” “‘The Awakening’ was an event that caused a massive change in human society. One day, every being awoke with mana, though with different amounts. It caused a complete revolution on everything we’ve ever known. Animals evolved differently, weather changed, and humans did what we do, and found a way to use it to our benefit.” “...and what is that benefit?” Celestia asked hesitantly. 34 sighed, knowing she wasn’t going to like it. “Greed. Conquering the stars, other alien races, then eventually, each other. Humanity decided that they would be the ones to rule the cosmos. I’m a product of that greed. They trained me to eventually use my power for whatever they deemed fit.” “And what do you plan on using that power for?” She asked the boy. She wanted an answer. Needed one that would make sure he wouldn’t be a threat. 34 stood in silence before he spoke. “Can I ask a few questions first?” Celestia was taken aback by the ask, but if it helped mold his answer, she’d be more than willing to answer. “You may.” “First, I want to know if you treat all prisoners like me, or if it’s just me.” He frowned. The guards looked between each other, then a few to the princess. “I… am sorry that your treatment here has been less than the standard. You must understand, you did just destroy part of the capital. You were, and still are, considered a terrorist.” “Oh… ok. Didn’t realize.” He shrugged. “Fair enough. Second, I wish to know how long I will stay contained.” “...I cannot give you a better answer besides until I deem you safe to the public. You may not want to hurt anypony, but my ponies still aren’t ready for something like you to be amongst them, nor am I able to fully trust your word.” “I don’t believe you. With all the different races in this world, none can accept me? You just want a reason to keep me under your watch.” 34 frowned at her. Celestia’s smile fell at that. “Last question. Are you my enemy?” She shook her head. “No, of course not.” “Really? Because so far, you haven’t shown me anything to make me think you aren’t.” He stood up straight, pulling on his chains a bit. “Release me, and I will believe you. I’d rather not be your enemy either, but right now, our wants aren’t with each other.” Celestia lowered her head to be at eye level. “And what is it that you want?” “Freedom.” He stated simply. Celestia sighed as she craned her neck back. “I can’t do that. Guards, take him back to the dungeon. A stronger one if you can.” She turned to go sit back on her throne. 34 could feel the tugging on his chains, and Lance’s hoof on his back. He grit his teeth. “So… you are my enemy…” He growled at the alicorn. “I refuse… to be treated like an item anymore! I will have my freedom!” He shouted. He focused mana into his fist. His restraints on his arms quickly turned red hot before coming off with a large bang. The guards took a step back and covered their eyes from the blast. Celestia turned around just as he did the same with the restraints on his legs. 34 and Celestia made eye contact for just a moment before he began to make his escape. He shot a blast of fire at the door, forcing it open, and running out, hearing the yelling of the guards and the princess behind him. He could tell from the window of his cell that he was on the side of some mountain, meaning the only good exit was the entrance, which was bound to be heavily fortified. Too big a risk to take. Remembering his path to the throne room, 34 retraced his steps to just outside the dungeon he was kept in. As he made it down the stairs, he stomped his foot on the floor, making a stone wall behind him. It’ll buy him a few seconds at least. He tore open the bars to his cell with his metal arm and jumped inside. Lowering his body to the ground, he surrounded his left hand in stone before punching a hole through the wall. Some of the rubble fell down the mountain side below. He was beginning to have second thoughts, looking at the absurd height, but those thoughts were stopped when he heard a blast of magic breaking his barricade. He glanced to his side to see Celestia and the guards behind her. “34, stop this instant!” He looked at her directly. “No.” He said before jumping down the mountain. 34 flipped himself in the air to see Celestia and a few of the pegasus guards chasing after him. He turned his right arm into a rifle and fired a few shots off, making the guards spread out in an attempt to avoid them. A few were hit, making them slow down to regain their balance. The alicorn was fine, having some sort of magic shield protecting her. He returned a shot of her own back at him, an electric one from the looks. He assumed it was to stun him. 34 didn’t have time to dodge. He put his arms up to shield himself from the blast, but it wasn’t effective. Upon thinking about it, he realized that the force of the blast did knock him back a bit, but the stun had no effect at all. 34 realized he was still falling. Any longer and he’d reach terminal velocity, and it’d be much harder to slow down from that. He put his arms out in front of him, making a torrent of wind, forcing him back towards the mountain side. He dug his metal arm in, making him slow to a stop after a few moments. He didn’t have time to rest though, having to jump to the side to dodge another of Celestia’s magic attacks. 34 switched his hands, trying his best to land a few hits on her, but the barrier kept getting in his way. This wasn't the monarch’s first battle, but it has been a while for her. Part of her was embarrassed that she was fighting a child, but that was overshadowed by her currently focusing on said battle. The human, 34, was persistent. He had to have learned by now that his attacks were doing nothing. More importantly, that attack she sent earlier had no effect either. She dove in closer in an attempt to grapple him. 34 saw her coming. He jumped to the side before she could wrap her hooves around him. Celestia, not wanting to run into the wall, teleported back to where she once was. She looked back to where 34 was, to see stone platforms jutting out the mountain side and the human using them as foot holds. He was heading back towards the city. One of the pegasus guards following her was able to recover and get back to her. He was about to begin chasing after 34 before the princess called out to him. “Guard! Send word to Sergeant Lance to mobilize every available guard! We don’t want to lose him in the city!” She demanded as she began flying to keep pace with 34. The guard saluted and flew back up towards the castle. 34, of course, heard this. Things are getting harder by the minute. He was halfway to the city edge before a volley of magic was sent his way. These ones were meant to hurt. He could tell from the dents the magic left in the rock. “So… we’re trying to make things HURT!” He shouted back to her in anger. His eyes flickered white as he used his hand to focus a ball of water into his palm. He continued to focus, increasing the pressure in it before releasing it in Celestia’s direction. Celestia had to admit, she was surprised by the amount of magic he had… well, in this case mana. She’d even be impressed if said magic wasn’t focused in her direction. She was narrowly able to dodge the beam of water, breaking one of her defensive barriers and bouncing to the side, dispersing in the sky below them. ‘Of course she had more barriers. It only made sense.’ 34 thought to himself as he fired off a few more for good measure. It was at least able to make her back away a little. He finally was able to make it to the city edge. Perfect timing too, as a few dozen guards descended from above Celestia and locked onto him. He jumped up the large wall using a burst of wind focused at his feet and began running through the city. Unicorns and Earth Pony guards were already looking around for him, a few seeing him and alerting the others, but weren’t able to keep up with him. Rooftops would be easier to navigate, but would make it easy to follow him. Streets were obviously a no go. He’d have to stick to the alley ways. Wouldn’t be anywhere near easy though, since he had no time to cover his trail. They would eventually figure out where he was, so he needed a way out of Canterlot. 34 looked behind him to see Celestia still right on his tail. It’d be hard to lose her. Fast flier for her size, he had to admit. 34 focused magic once again into his hands, this time, the element of fire. He planted his feet into the ground before turning around and slamming his hands into the ground. A large explosion of smoke spread from where he was to the nearby streets. He had cover. 34 ran into a nearby alleyway to escape them. “Spread out! We cannot let him get away!” He heard Celestia’s voice boom. The ‘Yes Ma’am!’s of various guards were heard as hoof steps went in every direction. He’d need to start moving. 34 began moving as quietly as he could, ducking behind cover when needed. His adrenaline was starting to wear off, and began feeling some of the pain and fatigue from the skirmish. He huffed as he looked around. He was able to wander in front of a main street. Meaning the exit had to be down one of the ends of the street. He looked to his right, seeing the street lead to around about. If luck was on his side, and if this world made at least some sense, the exit would be to his left. He lurked back into the alleyways and began making his way towards his destination. His muscles were sore, and his heart was racing. Despite this, he kept walking, trying not to breathe too hard to alert anyone. But, he was getting sloppy. It was getting hard for him to focus on so many things. One mistake could mean his hope of freedom would be gone. He grit his teeth. Lady Luck smiled upon him, as he was able to make it towards what appeared to be an exit. The gate was grand, with decorated metal bars blocking the entrance to the city. Three guards were blocking the gate, making sure nobody, more specifically, 34, wouldn’t make it out. He leaned against a wall and slid down, taking a small break behind a dumpster to think of his next move. But he made a mistake. An empty can clanged down the alley as his foot made contact. His heart dropped. The ponies ears perked up. They looked at each other. “Hey, you two, go check.” A guard said. 34 heard the pairs of hoof steps draw closer as he sat in silence, hoping they’d walk by. They didn’t. Two guards turned down the alley. He dreaded every hoof step as they drew closer. He looked up when two pairs of hooves stopped in front of him. He was surprised. “Hey… Iron Armory, right?” He huffed at him before turning to the mare. “Sorry… we talked back when I was in the cell… but I don’t think you told me your name…” 34 said between huffs. The two sighed. “...I guess I didn’t. I’m River Rose.” She gave a small smile. “...You’ll have to come with us.” 34 coughed. “...I figured… Glad it was you two though… you two are nice to me at least… Not many I can say that about.” River Rose looked at Iron Armory, who just kept looking down at him. “We’ve spent a good hour looking for you, kid…” He said as he took a step forward. He was about to tell River to send a signal before he had a thought. “Hey, 34… let me ask you something.” He took a few puffs  of air before talking. “Go ahead.” “What did you plan on doing once you escaped?”  34 thought for a moment before giving a bit of a chuckle. “Didn’t… really think about it to be honest… I’ve been imprisoned for so long… I finally had the choice to think for myself…” He said through a few tears. “...I don’t want to hurt anyone… but I have to if I want to live. I just want to… be free… be able to make choices myself… Choose my own destiny… not have my fate be controlled by others anymore.” He wiped some tears from his eyes. “I want… I want to live…” River and Iron looked at each other. They couldn’t relate to the human, but they could tell that his words were genuine. They both sighed before River spoke. “...I feel like we’re thinking the same thing…” Iron smirked. “Maybe… I won’t tell if you don’t.”  River smirked back. “If we’re fired, I’m blaming you.” 34 was able to catch his breath, slowing his breathing. “...What’re you…” “We’ll lead them away. When we do, dash for the gate and jump it.” Iron explained as he turned around.  “Our signal will be when you hear a loud bang.” River patted his head. “Just promise us that you won't cause any more trouble.” “...Why go so far for me?” 34 asked. River smiled at him and lifted his head up. “Call it intuition. You have power. Use it to save others. It’s what we’ve devoted ourselves to do as guards.” She dropped her hoof. 34 sniffed. “...I… I promise.” He said as he stood up. “One day… I’ll make sure to see you two again.” They turned their backs to him and went back to their posts. The guards walked alongside each other. River whispered to her colleague. “So, what’s the story?” “Follow my lead.” Iron whispered back before stopping in front of his commanding officer. “Sergeant Lance.” the two saluted. “So, what took you two so long!?” He shouted at them.  Iron Armory held his salute. “Sir! A stray cat was just doing as they do! However, we’ve found evidence that he was here earlier! There were scrapes on the bricks, as if to mark that he’s been here before! River and I were speculating, and we do not believe he would wait here until nightfall! Instead, we believe he’s looking for another exit!” “Buck!” Lance shouted in frustration. “River Rose, send an all clear! I’ll report to the other squadrons! The both of you, keep watch of this gate!” He finished as he ran towards the castle. They let his hoofsteps get out of earshot before River fired off a burst of magic, exploding a green light in the air. That was his signal. 34 rushed out of cover, making sure to look around for any other guards. Thankfully, there were none. He quickly ran past the two and used his wind magic to jump the gate. He turned around to look at them one more time. “I won’t forget this, or our promise.” He said before running into the woods lining the pathway to Canterlot. The days following the humans' escape was hectic to say the least. All travel in and out of the capital was blocked. While the officials knew why, the public didn’t, and of course, it caused some unrest among the citizens. Of course, that didn’t blend in well with the presumed attack that happened. The guards played it off as a problem with the initial construction.  There were also attempts to hide info on 34, but of course, he didn’t go completely unseen by the residents of Canterlot. Sure, they told all citizens to get inside their homes before 34 went through the city, but there were still windows. Rumors spread among the city folk quickly. A minotaur-like creature with eyes flickering white ran throughout the town. It had no fur, a short snout, and a mane that stayed short on its head. But the most unnerving thing was that its eyes flickered white when it saw its prey. Ponies even began to link it to the “attack” on Canterlot, but the guard quickly snuffed that. One filly was heard talking about the creature, saying that he was good, and she met him even. Of course, the words of a child are rarely taken seriously. And after having all the trouble in the capital happen during her stay, a certain filly wasn't willing to stay any longer. Lucky for her, the lockdown ended today. The off-white filly brushed her deep opal mane to the side of her horn. She looked in the mirror, her own cerulean eyes staring back at her. “You can do this!” She gave herself a little pep talk before leaving her room. After a few minutes of walking, she was waiting in line to exit through the Canterlot gate. This was new, but she expected as much with the rumors. Another few minutes went by when it was finally her turn. “So…” The guard looked down at her. “What’s a kid like you doing out here? Where’s your parents?” “Oh, Mom and Dad passed away a few years ago. I’m on my way to visit their graves. It’s just on the outskirts.” She sighed. It was a lie, but the guard didn't need to know that. She just needed to play to their sympathy. “Ah… I’m sorry…” The guard lowered his head for a moment. “Go on through then. Just be back before sunset. Next!” The guard called as the filly walked past. All according to plan. Now she could get home easily. She walked into the forest lining the mountain. However, the forest was different compared to the last time. It felt… quiet. She began walking deeper as she looked around. As she ventured further in and the forest grew darker, she began to notice a few things. Some of the fruit trees and bushes were picked. Some were older than others. Some vines were torn, and rocks overturned. What unsettled her the most was that there was a faint smell of blood. She’d need to be careful to make sure she isn't seen. Unfortunately for her, she was already seen. 34 stood atop a tree branch, looking down on the filly. His tattered clothes have now been replaced with different hides of animals kept together with some vines. Speaking of, she wandered across a cougar he recently killed. A shame it had to happen, but it came at him first. Might as well use the remains. The young mare gagged at the sight of the bones and organs covered in a layer of dirt and mud. She was about to begin walking away before she heard something land behind her. She turned around to see the human in all its glory. She wanted to run, but her legs couldn’t move. She winced, preparing for the end. “...What are you doing out here, alone?” 34 asked. She took a few steps back. “Oh, you know… just… heading home.” “...In the middle of a forest? Are you lost?” He approached her a bit, only for her to back up more. She didn’t respond. 34 was about to ask another question but was instead met with a blast of magic in his face. After quickly blocking it, he saw the filly running. So of course, he did the most reasonable thing. He ran after her. And caught up quite easily. “Why!? Why are you chasing me!?” She screamed while running. 34 was right on her tail. “Because… I can tell you have something to do out here! You have a way out of this forest, a way the guards won't see!” He grabbed her by the scruff and turned her to face him. “I wanna see it.” She stared back at him and huffed. “What… what’s in it for me?” “Well, nothing really. Besides, if I let you go, I’ll find and follow you anyway.” She cursed under her breath, knowing she was stuck with him. “...fine. What should I call you then, you… hairless ape?” He dropped her gently. “Don't have a name, but I got a number. Call me 34.” He introduced himself. “And yours?” “Mossy.” She groaned in slight annoyance. “Now, smarty, come on. There’s a cave that leads to the bottom of this mountain.” She pointed towards the cave. “I’m headed further south. About a two day walk.” “Might come with you then. You should get home safe, and I have nothing better to do.” He shrugged. “Lead the way, I’ll watch your back.” By now, they’ve made it through the caves and walked for a few hours. Mossy kept to herself mostly, despite 34’s advances, but he was able to learn some new things from her at least. She spoke a bit about pony society and how they act, more specifically about how to blend in with them. 34 knew there was more to her than she let on. “So, Mossy, tell me, why walk so far with no gear? You need food and water, don't you?” 34 asked as he kicked a rock. “...you ask too many questions, you know that?” “Well excuse me. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m new to the area.” “I can tell.” She stated in annoyance. 34 took the hint as they went back to their walk in silence. 34 tried to stay focused on the path, but couldn’t help to notice the beauty of the scenery around him. The forest stretched on for miles, leaving his eyes to drift through a sea of greens. The occasional fruit tree and flowering plants made the place more vibrant. More alive. He took a deep breath of air. It felt nice. “I was never told about how a forest felt.” He said, trying to bring up some small talk. “It must be nice to go through this so often.” “One would think…” Mossy shook her head. “I’ve been through this place so many times, it gets kinda bland after a while. “Wha- how?” He said putting his arms out. “Everything’s so… cool! The dirt on my feet, the wind against my skin, the cool air! It makes me feel so… nice.” “What, first time you’ve been outside?” She gave a light chuckle. “Yeah! It’s great!” He smiled at her. “...by the pantheon…” Mossy said under her breath. “How have you been living where you haven’t been outside?” She asked in disbelief. 34 walked silently for a bit before answering. “...Not good.” “Ah… I’m sorry.” Mossy felt a bit bad now. “Don’t worry about it. You couldn’t have done anything.” He tried to console the pony a bit. The two walked a bit more before they realized the setting sun. “...It’s getting late, how about we get some rest?” She nodded. “Sounds like a good idea. I’ll go get firewood.” Mossy turned to look at 34, the human looking back at her, somewhat skeptical. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna run off on you. Just clear out an area for a camp.”  34 nodded before she went into the forest, using her magic to pick up some branches as she went. 34 turned around. Lucky for him, they stopped in a moderately sized clearing. He cracked his knuckles before putting his hands on the ground. He pushed mana through his body, out of his hands, and into the earth. The ground in front of him rumbled as it moved to 34s will, condensing and rising to make a small earth shelter. Not being able to do the minor details, he was forced to cut out an entrance with his metal arm. A blade extended from the forearm and 34 stabbed it into the earth shelter. He moved his arm to cut a door frame.  Looking at the job he did, he was satisfied and decided to look for some food. Best to stick with plants. He doubted that the ponies ate meat. As he walked, he noticed that the forest was quiet. Aside from the occasional cricket, it was pretty calming. He’d hope to have more of this in the future. After picking some wild fruits and vegetables, 34 made his way back to camp. When he arrived, Mossy was already waiting in front of a campfire for him. “Oh, you’re here. I wasn't expecting a small house like this when I said to set up camp.” She chuckled to herself as she added another stick to the fire. “Come, sit with me before bed.” 34 did so, sitting across from her, seeing her face through the dancing flames. “Want a bite? You must be hungry.” He offered as he raised a fruit in his hand that looked like an apple. She shook her head. “I… I already ate.” 34 eyed her for a moment before taking a bite of the fruit. “Alright…” he said with rising suspicion. “Thanks for not running off on me. I appreciate it.”  Mossy blinked. “Uh… yeah, don’t worry about it.” The two sat in silence for a little while. The crackling fire warmed them up as the temperature began to drop as the sun fell below the horizon. 34 took a few more bites of his food. He looked up to see Mossy eyeing him.  “...You sure you don’t want any?” Mossy regained focus. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking… How old are you?” 34 swallowed. “Eight I think.” “...Huh… you’re a lot younger than I thought.” She changed her position to lay on her side.  “What about you?” 34 asked. Mossy raised an eyebrow. “How old are you?” “Oh, thirteen. Not much older than you.” She answered. 34’s eyes widened a bit. “...What’s the average lifespan of you ponies?” Mossy grew curious at that question. “Around eighty years… why?” 34 gave a sigh of relief. “Oh good. It’s just where I’m from, ponies live around twenty five.” She blinked. “...Where are you from?” “Not entirely sure. Best I can tell you is not here.” He picked up a vegetable this time before yawning. “...I’m feeling sleepy” “When was the last time you slept? You’ve had bags under your eyes since I met you.” She asked, sitting up. “...Before I got here a couple days ago.” He admitted. “...You should head to bed. Don’t worry, this forest is safe enough where we don’t have to keep watch. Head inside and I’ll follow soon after.” She stood up and began to smother the fire with some mud. 34 got up and walked into the shelter. 34 stretched a bit before yawning and claiming a corner of the shelter as his own. He sat down in said corner and laid his back against the wall. He shut his eyes in an attempt to sleep, but failed. He opened them a few minutes later when he heard Mossy enter. He didn’t say anything as they made eye contact for a moment before Mossy laid down in the corner across from him. He closed his eyes for a few minutes more to try again. “Trouble getting to sleep?” His eyes opened again when he heard Mossy’s voice. “...Yeah… Seems like another night awake for me.” He sighed.  She gave a sigh of her own before she sat up. “Look, 34 right? I may be overstepping, but just listen.” 34 turned to look at her before Mossy continued. “...I could be wrong, but it seems to me that you’re lacking companionship. Call it instinct on my part… my race was meant to be with one another, and when away from one another, we grow… weaker when alone for lack of a better word.” She finished before asking another question. “When was the last time you had a good sleep?” 34 sat silently as he thought back. He didn't have to go far, but the memories were still painful. His brothers… his sisters… Ms. Ysolda. Back when he lost the last of his siblings, that was when he last had a good sleep, or a good anything. Sure, Ms. Ysolda did alleviate some of the pain, but that was her job. She did it because she had to, not because she wanted to. He finally answered. “...A couple months ago I think. I don’t want to get into the details… not yet.” She thought to herself for a moment. “...I won’t act like I know how it feels or anything.” Mossy said before laying on her side and patting the floor next to her. “When I was younger, my mom let me sleep with her when I felt alone. If you think it’ll make you feel better, you can lay with me.” 34 thought about it for a moment. “You ponies are a lot kinder than most of the humans I’ve met.” He stood up and walked over before laying next to her. “Thank you. I’ll make sure to repay you one day.” “Not that big a deal. Don’t worry about it.” She shook her head before pulling 34 to lay his head on her side. It was warm. He laid there for a few minutes before falling into a peaceful slumber. After the first night of good rest in a while, he got up and thanked her. The two destroyed the camp they made, 34 making sure he covered his tracks well. He clasped his hands together, making the shelter fall to rubble. The grass should cover the dirt in a couple days, so he should be safe from any pursuers.  34 and Mossy continued their journey in a similar fashion for the following two days. The third day was harder than the last two. Mossy, who still hasn't eaten since they’ve met, which 34 worried about, told him that they were now outside the Equestrian border and now in the Badlands. Apparently they only had a few hours left of travel. He’s asked what type of home Mossy lived in a few times, but she avoided giving a straight answer. He decided to let it go until he actually saw the place. The terrain grew rocky as they progressed. He noticed that the life around him lessened and lessened as they walked. Once grassy fields turned into a sea of stone and sand. The smooth hills turned to jagged, threatening rocks. The clear sky grew yellow and cloudy. These badlands reeked of death. The last signs of life were the few bugs and vultures he saw.  “We’re here.” Mossy said, snapping 34 out of his train of thought. He climbed the rock Mossy was on to see what she was looking at. What he was expecting was a city similar to Canterlot. Maybe an oasis in a desert or something. What he got was a massive structure made from some black stone-like material. It was filled with holes like a termite hill, with many spire-like buildings jutting out into the sky. While he couldn’t make out what they were, there were some flying black blurs flying around the top of the structure. “...This is… I’m confused.” He admitted as he turned to Mossy. “Seems like a weird place for ponies.” “...I have a confession.” She blurted out. 34 raised an eyebrow. “...yeah?” “I’m… not a pony.” Mossy confessed. Her horn glowed a lime green light before she was surrounded in lime flames. 34 took a step back, not sure what to do. A moment later, the flames fell to reveal something new. In place of a pony, it was something that wasn’t quite. Her once off-white fur turned into a nearly black chitin. Her hair was a dark cerulean, and was longer than before. Her horn was jagged, turning suddenly back and forth as it grew out her forehead. Harlequin eyes looked back at him. “I’m a changeling.” 34 lowered his guard. “Ok…?” He said, confused.  She stepped a bit closer. “...you aren’t scared?” “No? What?” 34 grew more confused. “Why would I be?” She processed what he said before giving a sigh of relief. “Thank the pantheon. I thought you’d run away or something.”  “I wouldn’t do that. You haven’t given me a reason to. Makes sense why you hid yourself. One of the guards said you were on bad terms with the ponies… Speaking of hiding yourself, is Mossy your actual name?” He asked. “No… My name is Chrysalis.” She offered a hoof. 34 shook it. “Now, I wasn’t supposed to be out, but I can’t just sneak in with you behind me… so… we’ll have to go through the front. Follow my lead and we should be fine.” Chrysalis said as she began pulling him towards the entrance. Two changelings, much larger than Chrysalis, stood guarding the entrance to the hive. The most notable difference between her and the guards were the eyes. They didn't have  pupils exactly, just a blueish white spot where it would be, and the rest of their eyes being an arctic blue. Rather than hair as a main and tail, it was more similar to a fin, being a lighter gray than their chitin. One poked the other, then nodded their head in their direction. The guards waited for them to approach before speaking. “Snuck out again, eh? You were gone longer than normal. The queen definitely noticed, you know.” He saluted before looking at 34. “Aaaand you bought a pet… I see…” “I’ll let that comment slide, since you’ve probably never seen a human before.” 34 furrowed his brow a bit. “So, for future reference, please don’t call me a pet. My name is 34.” The guard looked at him, then to Chrysalis behind him. “Uh… ok then…” He said before turning to Chrysalis. “He’ll have to wait outside while I notify the queen.” “No, he’ll come with me. You have my word that he will cause no harm. Right?” Chrysalis turned to look at 34 for confirmation, who nodded. Chrysalis turned back to the guards. “Let us through.” The guard sighed. “By your order…” The changeling stood up straight. The two guards stepped to the side, saluting her. The two walked through them and into the hive. 34 wondered about that answer for a moment, but he didn't think it was worth asking. Especially since they were going to meet the changeling queen. He’d ask her, given the chance. Each changeling he walked by saluted Chrysalis, then gave him a strange look before walking away. He kept following Chrysalis through the many twists and turns of the hive. Then she jumped up into a hole a couple feet above him. “...Are you serious?” He looked up at her. Chrysalis turned around and poked her head out. “What? Can you not climb?” 34 shook his head. “Not that, it’s just- like, why go up? Not even a stairway.” He put his hands out in disbelief. “I mean… we are kinda like insects. Speaking of, calling us bugs is a slur, so don’t even joke about it.” She stated sternly. “Oh, holy shit, I didn't know. Didn't plan on it, but thanks for telling me I guess.” 34 said as he put his hands on the floor. After a moment, his hands and feet were covered in dirt. He sharpened the digits to get a better grip on the terrain. He jumped up and began climbing up to where she was. “Oh, so that’s how you made the shelter the last few days. Looks real convenient. What else can you do?” He thought as the two continued climbing. “Uh… Fire, water, air, and earth manipulation, but I haven’t had much practice on precision. I can only use said elements when I have materials around me to do so. Like… I wouldn’t be able to use water unless I’m near a source of water.” Chrysalis jumped out of the crawl space they were in, 34 following behind. “Oh, so you can only use it offensively?” “Depends on the element. Fire is destructive by nature, so not many ways to use it defensively. Water can be used defensively, but it depends on how much I have available to me. I could use it as a shield for example if I made it denser.” He kept looking at his surroundings, trying to make mental markers to not get lost. He continued talking. “Air, it’s hard to explain. I can't stop physical things with wind, but I can redirect them, as well as magic sent at me. I can also increase air pressure and send it towards attackers. Earth is definitely meant for defense, since I can just create walls in front of me, but it’s situational. A stone wall will work better than one of dirt. I can also use it to attack. Getting boulders thrown at you would definitely hurt.” “...I’m not going to lie, I didn't understand half of that and zoned out the other half.” Chrysalis admitted. “...Put simply, no, I can also use it defensively.” He sighed as he crossed his arms as they walked. “What about you? What magic do you know? Probably different from the magic where I’m from.” “Uh, well as changelings, we specialize in illusion magic, so that’s how you saw me transform from Mossy. We can learn other types of magic, but I specialize in Illusion and destruction.” She explained. “...what other types of magic are there? And what else can you transform into?” She put a hoof to her chin as she thought. “Well… there’s Destruction, Illusion, Alteration, Restoration, and Conjuration. Pretty self explanatory names. You can learn pretty much any type, but most specialize in one. If you practice all of them, aside from the basics, you don't get as far compared to changelings who specialize in one.” She explained before answering his second question. “And we changelings can transform into anything we’ve seen in person before. It lasts as long as we have the magic to keep the illusion up.” “Sounds interesting. I’ll try learning all the types. May turn out to be helpful. I hope one of you can teach me the illusion thing. Can't exactly go out looking like this and not cause trouble.” He put his arms out motioning to himself. Her eyes lit up a bit. “So you plan on staying?” “If I’m allowed.” He nodded. 34 then thought back to a few days ago. He was about to ask another question but Chrysalis stopped.  “Ok, we’re here. Try not to say anything that could get you in trouble. She’s kind once you know her, but if we mess this up, you’re out of the hive.” She looked him in the eyes as she talked. 34 nodded. “Got it.”  Chrysalis wasn't too assured, but she had to take what she could get. She took a deep breath before walking into the throne room with 34 in tow. 34 looked around to see many changelings in bug-like armor, eyeing them as they entered. Well… mostly him. He could tell it was similar to the stares that the ponies gave him, but he wasn't as… angry for some reason. “Chrysalis…” A feminine voice said from in front of them. He looked up to see a rather large changeling sitting on a throne in the shape of a crown. The changeling was Celestia’s size, if not slightly larger. Her hair was golden in color, similar to Chrysalis’ being long with holes here and there. The elytra covering her wings was golden in color as well. She looked down on them with her yellow eyes. She sighed, standing up from her throne and spreading her wings, them glistening in the light. “Normally, I’d give you a light scolding for sneaking out, but you were gone longer than normal. “ She shifted her eyes to look at 34. “...you also bring this creature into our hive… Where did you go exactly?” Chrysalis shrunk down a bit. “...Canterlot…” She admitted. The tension in the room grew as she stepped down to be in front of Chrysalis. ”Guards, could you leave us for a moment?” The guards took the hint, saluting then quickly shuffling out the entrance way and shutting the door behind them. The queen's demeanor changed quickly as she pulled Chrysalis into a hug. “Oh, my poor hatchling! Did they hurt you? Were you caught? What happened? Why did you go there of all places??”  “Mom…” Chrysalis coughed. “You’re… crushing me.” “Mom?” 34 said to himself. He meant to think it, but he said it aloud. The two turned to look at him, remembering he was there. The queen let her daughter go and cleared her throat. “Excuse me… Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Queen Khrusallis, leader of this hive. This is my daughter, Princess Chrysalis.” “Princess?” He asked. This time on purpose. “Mom, this is 34. I met him while I left Canterlot. He helped me on my way back here. He also didn't mind I wasn't a pony!” Chrysalis pulled 34 closer with her hooves.  Khrusallis looked at the human. “I see… and do you know of our relationship with the ponies?” “Most that I’ve been told was that it’s bad.” He admitted. She hummed in agreement. “And what do you think of us?” 34 thought for a moment before answering. “I have no reason to dislike any of you. So far, you’ve actually treated me better than Celestia. I had to escape the capital, hung out in a forest and found her.” He motioned to Chrysalis. “Wait… you’re the reason why the capital was on lockdown?” Chrysalis asked. “Not now honey, I have a few more questions for this-... what are you exactly?” Khrusallis asked, lowering herself to his eye level. “I’m a human.” He answered. “Alright. Well, human, I’ll ask you other questions depending on what you plan to do.” She stood back up and returned to her throne. Chrysalis walked up and sat down next to her. “Well, I’m not entirely sure. I don’t exactly have anywhere to go. I-...” He didn’t know what to say before he remembered his conversation with Iron Armory and River Rose. “I want… to help others. I promised that I would. I want to keep that promise to repay the kindness I was shown by the ponies.” He got down on one knee and looked up at her. “As of now… I have nothing to offer besides my strength. I ask that you let me stay here, and live alongside your race. I understand if you decline. If that is the case, then I will leave peacefully, and look elsewhere for a purpose.” The queen sat in thought for a long while, with 34 still kneeling below her. She weighed her options, then looked at her daughter. Chrysalis looked at 34, then back at her mother. “Can he stay? I can vouch for his strength. He can use magic even. He may not be a changeling like us, but 34 deserves a chance!” Khrusallis looked back down at 34. “...You don't have to kneel, 34.” She smiled at him as he stood up. “I will allow you to live with us for the time being. You seem to get along well with my daughter, so I hope you two will grow closer. After some training and schooling of course, I hope to put you in charge of her safety.” She spoke as Chrysalis hugged her side. She walked down the steps to the throne once more and stood in front of 34. “Thank you, queen Khr..Khrusallis.” He bowed his head, hoping she ignored the stutter. Her name was hard to pronounce.  “Just don’t cause too many problems and you’ll fit right in. I’ll make an announcement soon on your arrival. For now, I need you to come with me. Chrysalis, you go to your room. You may be safe but you’re still in trouble, young lady!” She pointed. Chrysalis groaned before flying off. 34 followed the queen for a short walk into what he assumed was her chambers. Walking inside to see everything one would see in a royals room. A lush bed, a large carpet, some art pieces around the room. But something that stood out was the large bookcase she kept on the wall. She looked around the bookshelf for a bit before finding what she was looking for. A rather thick book with a changeling on the cover. She checked a bookmark left in it before flipping to a page marked by it. “So, 34… I remember Chrysalis saying you knew magic?” Khrusallis asked. Her question was answered by his nod. “Good, the page I flipped to explains how we changelings change our form. I want you to study it.” She handed him the book. 34 put out his hooves to take it, to be met with a hoof atop his hand. “...what is it?” He asked. She took a deep breath. “...34, you could be the hope I was looking for.” She stated. He was about to ask what she meant before she continued speaking. “...We changelings are… more akin to parasites. Taking from others to survive. Because of this, we’re on bad terms with many races. But you… you have the potential to make this better… A neutral party, someone that can make a bridge between our races of changeling and pony. I’ve been trying to make peace between our races since I inherited the throne. I’d like you to help me with my dream.” 34 thought he understood what she meant. Her dream wasn’t a lie, but taking the book had some hidden meaning. She would want him to infiltrate where the ponies live and live alongside them as well. He was someone who could experience both sides, with the same biases and prejudices he’d experience. As a pony, a changeling, and a human. He’d be an experiment to see if they could truly live alongside one another. “It sounds like a nice dream… I’d like to help with it.” Khrusallis let go of the book, letting 34 read the pages. Interestingly, he understood the written language, as if he’s grown up with it. He thought that he understood it, but now just needed to think of what he'd turned into. He closed his eyes and did what he did when learning a new spell. Empty his mind, and focus. Think of what he wanted to change into. A flash of green fire surrounded him. It lasted a while as he realized what he needed to do. 34 felt his legs grow fur, his hair moving to turn into a mane. His tailbone poked out as it grew hair as well, turning into a tail. His digits shrunk into his body as his hands and feet turned to hooves. 34’s eyes grew bigger, his ears moved up and ended in points and wings sprouted out of his back. The fire stopped and he collapsed to the floor in fatigue and slight pain. Khrusallis helped him up. “Are you alright? You’re a quick learner, I must admit, though your way of transforming is unheard of.” He coughed a bit. “...what was I supposed to do?” “Well, we changelings don't change our bodies, we change how we’re perceived. For example, I can transform into a rhino, and I’ll feel like a rhino, and I can interact like a rhino, but I’m still physically a changeling. From the looks of your magic, you changed what you are physically.” She tried to explain. “...I-... think I understand.” He breathed for more air. 34 looked around for a mirror. Finding one, he walked over to it to see himself. He was now a young colt, with a white coat of fur and navy blue hair. His mane was a bit spiky, and was more akin to bed hair. It was short for now, but he could grow it out. He fooled around with his muscles before being able to spread his wings, the same color as his fur, but his feathers ended in navy blue tips. His eyes were purple, and seemingly glowed. “...Guess I’ll need a new name… Apparently 34 is a weird one.” “Well, admittedly, it is odd. Did you have any in mind?” Khrusallis asked, patting his head. He continued to look at himself in the mirror. “Well, I’m a Pegasus… let’s go with… Skystrike Nebula.” She smiled. “Well, Skystrike Nebula. Nice to meet you. I hope we can make some good memories.” > Nightmare Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about two weeks before the Summer Sun celebration in a town called Ponyville. A Stallion came to town clad in midnight black armor. His helmet resembled a dragon's skull. Many came to know this traveler as Atlas Nebula. Of course, there was tales about him that were not entirely true, but those only helped his name grow. He wore full body armor, leaving a hole on either side of his side for his wings. The bones of his wings were protected by razor sharp metal, as well as the tips of his outer feathers on his wings. Two large swords were under his wings, each swords hilt resembling a dragons open mouth, the blade coming out of it. There was a large jar on the side of his  right back leg, containing a small thundercloud coursing with electricity. He was walking through the town as the sound of his armor rustling made him heard. The towns folk feared him for reasons unknown, hiding in their houses and waiting for him to pass. He did not however, and stood in the middle of town square for almost an hour before a pegasus came flying towards him. “Look out!” He heard a feminine voice say before he looked in her direction. Out of pure instinct, he ducked out of the way, causing the pegasus to crash into some nearby barrels. Walking over to the dazed pegasus, he  looked down at her, getting a better view of her. She had a grey coat with blonde hair, about half his size. Now able to think clearly again, she looked up. A very intimidating pair of blue eyes coming out of his mask stared into her yellow, crossed eyes. She flinched, expecting something terrible to happen. Instead, he put out his hoof, offering to help her up. She hesitantly took it before looking at him. “T-Thank you…” She quietly said. A deep, soothing voice responded. “No problem. Just try to slow down next time, Miss…?” “I'm Derpy Hooves. Nice to meet you Mr. Nebula.” “Pleased to meet you too, Derpy. Would you mind if i asked you a few questions?” “Of course.” She was still hesitant. All those tales about him made  him feared and respected across equestria. “The ponies in this town all hide in their houses, so I’m kind of lost. I need to get to the post office and the town hall. I have a delivery to make to a friend in Canterlot.” She perked up at this. “I’m actually the mail mare here. I’d be happy to help you with the delivery. As for the town hall, It’s past the Carousel Boutique. The largest building here. You can't miss it!” Skystrike pulled out a large package from his saddle bag, carrying with his wing. “Thank you. I need this to get there by the time of the Summer Sun celebration. It goes to a mare called Moondancer. It’s for her birthday.” Derpy flew into the air, preparing to pick up the package. As soon as Skystrike let go of it, She fell a few feet, before balancing herself and waving goodbye to him as they both continued their separate ways. Opening the door to the town hall, The mayor was currently looking through some files before hearing the bell above the door. “Welcome!” She said turning around. “I'm Mayor Ma-” She stopped realizing who she was in front of. “G-Greetings Sir Nebula. H-How can I help you?” “Just call me Nebula. As for why I’m here, I want to know if there’s any available land in Ponyville? I’m thinking of settling down and making my own house.” She blinked. “Oh, we do, but I don't think you’ll want it. It’s fairly dangerous.” “You may be surprised.” He said blankly.. “It’s been available since Ponyville was founded, and has a beautiful view of the lake. The only problem is...well…” Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “It’s right outside the Everfree forest.” “And what does it cost?” “It’s  about four acres of land so 20,000 bits, with another 2,000 for taxes. Would you like to set up a two or four year payment plan?” Nebula pulled out a sack of bits too big to fit into his saddle bag. It fell on the floor with a loud thud. “I’d like to pay it all upfront.” Her mouth hung open before she started stuttering. “I… But… Why-” She stopped herself before she recomposed herself. “Very well. I just need you to go through some paperwork and it’s yours.” She went to a filing cabinet before pulling out a  ten page document. He quickly read through it before taking out a pencil and signing it. “Alright, that should be it. The land is now yours. Will that be all?” “Yes. Have a nice day Mayor Mare.” He left the Town Hall, making his way to his land. There was a nice view of the lake like the mayor said. A large cave was in his plot of land. There were some dead trees and large boulders he had to clear out. He could tell he had his work cut out for him. “You should get started.” Echo spoke to him. “You have a 45% chance of clearing out the debris and building your house in two months assuming you have no interruptions.” “Thanks. Welp, better get started.” It was the day before the Summer Sun celebration and Skystrike just finished the generator under his house. Glad that his work was over, he made his way towards town. It was his first time at the celebration in this world, and he wanted to enjoy this. He entered town to see a pink earth pony gasp in shock at a unicorn before speeding off. The unicorn spoke to a baby dragon before walking off. Skystrike paid no mind to it. He spread his wings before flying off at incredible speeds towards Sweet apple acres. Being in charge of the food, he wanted to see if they needed help, and to see if he could get some samples. Landing at the entrance, he saw a large barn house and a orange earth pony running from tree to tree bucking apples. He walked up to her before speaking. “Hello there.” The mare jumped from the sudden surprise. She took one look at him before her eyes widened in what seemed to be fear. “I've been told you're family is in charge of the food?” She nodded. “Do you need any help?” She shook her head. “Alright then. I’ll be on my way. He started to walk away, but he turned round to see the same unicorn and dragon walking in the gate. Skystrike walked away from the earth pony, allowing the unicorn to greet the farmer. “Let's get this over with.” The unicorn said with a sigh. “Good afternoon. My name is Twilight sparkle.” The orange pony immediately started shaking her hoof. “Well, howdy do, Miss Twilight. A pleasure making your acquaintance. I’m Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends!” She said in a country accent. “Friends? Actually, I…” She tried to start while her voice was vibrating. “So, what can I do for ya?” Applejack asked, winking at her. the unicorn stood speechless for a moment, her hoof still moving up and down despite Applejack no longer shaking it. The dragon next her her grabbed her hoof, stopping it as Twilight gave him a glare as he giggled to himself. “Ahem.” She started, “Well, I am in fact here to supervise the celebration for the Summer Sun celebration, And you're in charge of the food?” She asked. “We sure as sugar are! Would you care to sample some?” “As long as it doesn't take too long.” She said as Applejack ran off. She rang a triangle before shouting. “Food’s on everypony!” A stampede of earth pony ran by and pick up Twilight, Spike and Skystrike. The three sat at a table, the former two dazed buy what just happened. Applejack popped up next to spike before speaking. “Now, why don't I introduce y’all to the apple family.” Many ponies appeared around the four, all smiling. “Thanks, but I really need to hurry…” She started before being cut off by an apple fritter in her face. Applejack began naming her family as each put some food on the table in front of them. “This here is Apple Fritter, Apple bumpkin, Red gala, Red delicious, Golden delicious, Caramel apple, Apple strudel, Apple carp, Baked apple, Apple brioche, Apple crisp,” She took a long gasp, “Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and…” she shoved an apple into Twilights mouth. “Granny smith. Up and at em’ Granny Smith, we got guest.” The elder pony stood up. “Huh, wuh? I'm coming, I'm coming.” “Why, I say they are already part of the family!” Twilight spit out the food in her mouth. “Ehehehe, OK, well, I guess that the food situation is handled, so we’ll be on our way.” She got up to leave to the dismay of the others. “Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?” Applebloom asked in a sad tone giving her puppy dog eyes. “Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do.” “Aww…” The ponies around her sighed sadly. Twilight looked around before biting her lip. “Fine…” The apple family cheered, glad that she would stay. Skystrike stood up getting ready to leave himself. The same fly looked at him. “Aren’t you staying too?” “The better question would be if ponies would be comfortable with me here, and I doubt that's a yes.” “Nonsense! We wouldn't be happier to have ya here!” The filly smiled. “Thanks kid.” He patted her on her head. “But maybe next time. Besides, you got a celebration it cook for. See you around.” He flew off towards Ponyville. Most of the apple family felt safer now that he was gone, and began feasting on the meal that they bought out. Skystrike was walking around Ponyville. Of course there was a crowd, but they made their way around him, trying not to get too close. In the corner of his eye, he saw a rainbow trail that was seeming to do tricks. Deciding to follow it, he sees it crash into the same unicorn he saw earlier. The two mares fell into a puddle of mud in the road. The cyan pegasus was the first to get up as she laughed nervously. “Heheheh… Uh, excuse me?” She kept laughing. “Lemme help you.” She zoomed off before coming back with a raincloud. She positioned it over Twilight before bouncing on it, making rain fall onto her, getting off the mud and leaving her soaked. “Ops. I guess I overdid it.” She chuckled. “How about this?” She flew around Twilight, causing a small rainbow tornado to engulf her. “My very own patented Rain blow dry!” She flew down to Twilight, puffing her chest out in pride. “No no, don't thank me, you're quite welcome.” She opened her eyes to see Twilights hair now poofy and curly. “Pft, BWAHAHAHAHA” She yelled out laughing as he fell backwards. The dragon followed her, doing the same. He let out a light chuckle at the display. Deciding it was nothing to worry about, he walked away, deciding to explore more of the town. He made his way into Town Hall. The place was partially decorated with banners and ribbons which seemed to be placed with the utmost precision. He walked in to see a white unicorn with a blue curly mane humming to herself as she hung ribbons everywhere. “You did a very good job with the decorating.” He said congratulating her. “Why thank you darling. It is oh so important that everything must be-” She said before turning around, seeing the black mask and the blue eyes stare at her. She screamed at the top of her lungs causing Skystrike to cover his ears. After she finished, she ran her back against the wall. “What do you want? Get away from me!” She shouted. He quickly left, passing by Twilight while she was looking around Town hall. He was walking along a dirt road past the Everfree forest outside of Ponyville. He was walking slow, taking his time to watch the greenery around him. The Orange sun sat above sunset as the lake reflected it’s orange rays. He took about 15 minutes to get to a small cottage on a hill. Twilight was in front of him, watching a yellow pegasus conduct music with her many birds. “Oh my, um, stop please everyone.” She said quietly. She flew over to one of her birds. “Excuse me sir? I mean no offense, but you're rhythm is just a teeny, tiny bit off.” She flew away and hovered a few feet in the air. “Now, follow me please. A one, a two, a one, two, three…” “Hello!” Twilight shouted, not realizing she interrupted. Her loud voice startled the yellow pegasus and scared the birds away. “Oh my, i'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten your birds. I’m just here to check up on the music, and it sounded beautiful.” The pegasus landed and looked away from twilight, kicking her hoof against the ground. Twilight smiled awkwardly, glancing around. “I'm Twilight sparkle.” She looked at her nervously. “What’s your name?” “I’m… im Fluttershy…” She said quietly. “Im sorry, what was that?” Twilight asked again. “I'm…” The pegasus mouthed her name. “Didn't quite catch that.” An inaudible squeak came from the pegasus’ mouth before looking away. She noticed Skystrike in the background behind Twilight. He started walking towards the two as Fluttershy crouched down. “She said her name was Fluttershy?” He said looking at the shy mare for clarification. She nodded. “Oh, I didn't see you there, Mr. Nebula. Thank you for telling me.” “Not a problem. By the way, Miss Fluttershy, your birds singing is very impressive, your way with animals even more so.” “Well, it looks like your birds are back.” Twilight started, trying to avoid further conversation. “So I guess everything’s in order. Keep up the good work!” Fluttershy squeaked again. “OK… well that was easy.” She said to her dragon that walked up to her. A gasp was heard from behind the three. “A baby dragon!?” Fluttershy said cheerfully. She dashed forward, knocking Twilight out of the way “Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before! Aw, he’s so cute!” The dragon looked back at twilight to see Skystrike helping her up. “Well well well!” The dragon said puffing his chest out and crossing his arms. “Oh my, he talks! I didn't know dragons could talk! That’s just so incredibly wonderful, I… I just don't even know what to say!” “Well in that case we better get going.” Twilight said, levitating spike over with her magic. She tried to walk away, but Fluttershy followed. “W-Wait! What’s his name?” “I'm Spike!” “Hi Spike. I’m Fluttershy. Wow! I’m talking to a dragon! Um, what do dragons talk about?” “Um, what do you wanna know?” “Absolutely everything.” As she finished her sentence, Twilight was past annoyed as she let out a long sigh. “And why are you following us, Mr. Nebula? Surely you don't want to talk to Spike to?” “I'm trying to get to the library, but might as well listen to his story on the way.” She gave out another sigh. “Well,” Spike started. “It all started out when I was a purple and green egg…” The walk to Ponyville was long, and Spike’s story even longer. The group was now inside out town as spike finished his story. “And that's the story of my whole entire life. Well, up until today. So, wanna hear about today?” “Oh yes please!” Twilight quickly turned around, stopping the conversation. “I am so sorry, how did we get here so fast? This is where I’m staying while in Ponyville, and i'm so sorry, but my poor baby dragon needs his sleep!” “No I don't! Woah!” He was pushed off of Twilight's back by her kicking her hind leg. “Oh, look at that, he’s so sweepy he can't even keep his widdle balance!” She gave Fluttershy a wide smile. “Poor thing, you simply must get to bed!” She swept up Spike and flew into the library before being pushed out by Twilight. “Yes, we’ll get right on that. Well, goodnight.” She slammed the door in the mares face, forgetting Skystrike was outside. Now realizing she was alone with him, she squeaked before flying away. Skystrike entered the library, closing the door behind him. The lights were off inside the library as the two ponies looked around. “Huh, rude much?” Spike grunted “Sorry spike, but I have to convince the princess Nightmare Moon is coming and we’re running out of time! We just need to be alone to study without a lot of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time.” She glanced around. “Now, where’s the lights?” “SURPRISE!” The lights turned on. The three looked around to see what seemed to be every pony in town inside the library, which was decorated with party streamers. Twilight sighed in annoyance as Skystrike stood dumbfounded. He was surprised that none of the ponies here feared him. That was, until the looked at who was next to Twilight. They all seemed to notice at once, taking a step back. It was Skystrike turn to groan in annoyance. “Mr. Nebula, what’s wrong?” Spike asked. “Everypony here is afraid of me and I don't know why. I did literally nothing to interact with these ponies until today, and they were even scared of me when I did nothing.” “...Are you serious?” A pony asked in the crowd. “This has to be a joke.” Another said. Derpy walked towards him. “Mr. Nebula, your helmet and swords are... well… kind of scary.” “That's it?” The crowd murmured in agreement. “...” “...” “I’m not taking off my helmet, but I guess i can put my swords away.” He pulled out his swords before putting them into his saddle bag. They seemed way too big to fit, but somehow they did. Now seeing him as less of a threat, the crowd sighed in relief, and got back to the party. Then, a pink pony jumped up and started speaking quickly to Twilight. “Surprise! Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you, were you surprised? Were you? Huh? Huh? Huh?” She said quickly before bouncing up and down. “Yes, very surprised!” She said before her annoyed look came back. “Libraries are supposed to be quiet.” “Silly! What kind of welcome party would it be if it were Quiet? Duh! Boring!” She said drawing out the last word as Twilight started walking away. Pinkie followed. “Ya see, I saw you when you first got here remember? You were all ‘Hello’ and I was all *gasp* remember? Ya see, I never saw you before and because I never saw you before that's new, and I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville!” Twilight let out a sigh. And since you're new, you haven't met anyone yet, and ya haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends, you must be lonely! And that made me so sad, and I had an Idea! And that’s why I went *gasp*. I just had to make a great big super-duper ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party  to invite everypony in Ponyville!” The four other ponies stat Skystrike met earlier appeared, smiling at Twilight. “See? Now you have lots and lots of friends!” Twilight turned around, her face red hot. She was sweating heavily. “You alright sugarcube?” Applejack asked. Twilight jumped into the air before running off. Skystrike went to the punch she was drinking, specifically the bottle she poured the supposed punch with. “Why is there hot sauce here?” he asked worried. “For the cupcakes.” “The what?” All 5 ponies except Pinkie said in unison. “What? It’s good!” She drenched a cupcake in hot sauce before swallowing it whole. “That… was actually kinda impressive Pinkie Pie.” Skystrike said in a calm tone. The party was fun for all the ponies, but Skystrike decided to distance himself. He watched the ponies play many games as he ate a cupcake that Derpy offered him. He noticed that Twilight went to her room a few minutes ago when he couldn't see her anywhere. Applejack and Rainbow were being competitive while Fluttershy kept asking Spike questions. Skystrike was about to get up to get some punch before Rarity walked over to him. “Hello, darling.” She started in an attempt to start a conversation. “I couldn't help but notice you over here by yourself. Aren't you enjoying the party?” “Not exactly, but i'm not used to chatting with ponies. Besides, this is the first party that i've been to when I was guarding somepony.” He replied. If one could see his face, you could tell he was uncomfortable. “You must get our more Mr. Nebula. Come on, I’ll introduce you to some ponies. I think you’ll like them.” She smiled at him. She intended to help him settle in in Ponyville, but he shook his head. “I appreciate the gesture, but I would like to meet ponies my own way. You shouldn't worry about me, just go enjoy yourself.” “Please, just take it as an apology. It was not ladylike of me to... scream at you earlier.” She said as she chuckled nervously. He stayed silent for a few seconds. “Alright, I accept. Lead the way.” They both stood up. Rarity walked towards a pair of ponies before talking to the two. “Golden Harvest! Junebug! So good to see you!” She said happily. The two turned to face her. “Oh hey Rarity! How are you?” Junebug spoke, glad to see her friend again. “Well, i'm doing just fine, darling. I actually want you to meet someone.” “Sure Rarity. Who is it?” Golden Harvest asked. Skystrike walked towards the two, every step he took made the sound of rustling chainmail. He slowly walked up to the three mares before speaking. “Hello there. How do you do?” He asked, trying to be nice. It didn't seem to work. “Uh, im doing… good. How are you Mr Nebula?” Golden asked hesitantly. “I’m doing good. You two enjoying the party?” “Yeah! You can always count on Pinkie to throw a party!” Junebug said forcing a smiling, trying her best to stop the awkwardness. Skystrike quickly caught on. He sighed “Look, I know this is awkward, and I know i'm also not the most pleasant pony to be around, so imma just go. Nice meeting you two though.” He left to go get some more punch, leaving rarity with a frown on her face. As he was pouring himself more punch, Pinkie Pie and Applejack came up to him, the former hopping while the ladder walked. “Hi!” Pinkie said with glee. “Sorry that I don't throw you a party yet Mr. Nebula, but dont worry, i'm already planning for a ‘Sorry that I didn't throw you a party.’ party!” She said in one breath. “Anyway.” Applejack started. “Why don't you come play a game with us? You might be able to beat Rainbow if you try.” His ears perked up at this. “Is that a challenge?” He asked, now somewhat interested in the party. “If ya want it to be. We’re bobbing’ for apples, care to join?” He got up and tilted his head towards the sky. The jaw of his helmet opened up as he poured the punch into his mouth. He closed his mouth, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. “Prepare yourself.” The three walked over to a large wooden pool, Rainbow’s head currently submerged in the water. She lifted her head, pulling out an apple and eating it. Her eyes made contact with Skystrike. He stared back, before walking up to the mare. “I bet you twenty bits that I can get more apples than you.” He pulled out a small bag. “Care to gamble?” he said inwardly grinning. The rainbow pony quickly accepted. “Sure! This’ll be the easiest 20 bits in my life!” She said full of pride. She had no idea what he was able of doing. Pinkie started to count down as applejack added a few more apples to the pool. “Three… Two… One.... GO!” After a quick game, Rainbow Dash gave Skystrike a bag of bits, scoffing. “I hate losing.” She said in a mad tone. He had annihilated her, eight apples to three. He chuckled at her attitude. “That ego of yours will be the death of you.” He counted out his bits before storing them in his saddle bag. “There’s always next time. I’ve lost too before, but you’ll get over it sooner or later.” “I guess…” She said still disappointed at her loss. “Hey, that just tells you to try harder. Or just not to make bets.” She chuckled at his response. “Hey everypony!” Pinkie got everypony's attention. “Time to play ‘Pin the tail on the pony!” She said enthusiastically, holding a fake brown tail in her hoof. Out of the corner of his eye, Skystrike saw spike go to Twilight's room. He came back, ready to play the game. Skystrike decided to take a breather, stepping outside to look at the moon, and the mare in it. It was a few minutes before ponies started to walk out of the library towards the town hall. The sunrise was coming. He followed the crowd inside, finding himself next to twilight and an ecstatic Pinkie. “Isn't this exciting?” She asked, inches away from twilight’s face. “Are you excited? Because I've never been so excited, except for…” He drowned out what else the mare was saying. He gets annoyed easily, and hr already had to put up with her high pitched voice at the party. He looked around, seeing everypony waiting for the sun to rise. The sounds of birds could be heard, Fluttershy conducting them. A spot light shone on Mayor Mare. She looked around before giving a speech. “Fillies and Gentlecolts, As mayor of Ponyville, It's My great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” The crowd erupted into cheers. So far, the Celebration was exactly what Skystrike expected. But he knew what was truly going to happen that night. He knew that Nightmare Moon was a real thing, and he also knew that she was also the forgotten princess of the night. As soon as his suspicions were confirmed, he had to help her. Very few deserved the fate of being alone. “In just a few moments,” Mayor mare continued. “Our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate the longest day of the year! And now, It is my great honor to introduce you to the ruler of our land. The very pony who raises the sun and moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all Equestria, Princess Celestia!” A curtain opened, only to reveal that the princess wasn't there to the crowds horror and Sky Strikes relief. The crowd began to chat among each other while mayor mare tried to calm them down. “Settle down, everypony, there must be a reason for this.” “Oh!” Pinkie chipped in “I love games! Is she hiding?” she said as she looked around. “She’s gone!” Rarity said from the balcony that Celestia was to appeared at. The crowd gasped in shock. Pinkie let out a scream as she saw a blue mist creep in through the windows and onto an adjacent balcony. A surging sound could be heard before the mist condensed and spread out, Revealing a black alicorn with a blue mane and tail, flowing in the wind. She looked down on the crown, a grin appearing on her face. “Oh my loving subjects.” She began in a mocking tone. “It’s been so long since i've seen your precious faces.” “What did you do with our princess?” Rainbow Dash asked glaring at the alicorn. She laughed in response. “Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?” “You're Nightmare Moon.” Skystrike said in response. “The mare that was banished to the moon out of jealousy of Celestia, believing none respected the night. Personally, don't see why you envied her, but we all have our reasons.” He flew up to her, saying two words that only she’d be able to hear. “Right Luna?” She scoffed remembering the name. “You've got guts, i'll give you that. Now, I have a proposition for you.” “...Im listening.” The crowd gasped in disbelief. Applejack spoke up. “Now wait a gosh darn minute, you're seriously thinking about it? Don't you see that she’s evil?” “To be fair, she hasn't said or done anything yet for you to claim that she’s evil. Now what was this offer?” “You will be the head of my royal guard, leading my men to battle against Celestia and her foolish kingdom, leaving Equestria in eternal night!” She finished with a laugh. “You see, that was evil.” Skystrike said looking back at Applejack. “And sorry to tell you, but no. For two reasons. One, it seems like a personal matter between you two, and Two, I don't like being used. You do realize that after a thousand years, your position does not hold any leverage?” Her frown deepened. “Maybe so, but my magic does. With my magic, I’ll make sure. The night. Will last. Forever!” A blue mist erupted from her horns as she laughed. Skystrike flew backwards, staying a safe distance away from the mist. “Seize her! Mayor Mare shouted, pointing a hoof at Nightmare moon. “You fools!” Nightmare Moon said to the oncoming royal guardsmen. Bolts Of thunder rained down in front of her, narrowly missing the guards. She laughed before turning herself into a blue mist and slithering out the door. Rainbow flew after her. “Come back here!” She yelled. The blue mist easily outran her, going towards the Everfree forest. “Night time? Forever?” She asked to herself worriedly. She looked down to see a determined Twilight running out of town hall, Skystrike following. The two met up at the library, Twilight putting spike to bed. He turned towards Skystrike. “You gotta… stop Nightmare!” He said before falling asleep. Twilight put a blanket over him before turning to the armored pony. “How did you know about Nightmare moon? How did you know she was real?” “You aren't the only one who's done research.” He said as he pulled out his  swords, putting them back on his sides. “Besides, does it really matter? How about you focus on finding a book about where to find the Elements?” She blinked before nodding. She then ran off to the book shelves, throwing off books. “Elements, elements, elements…” She spoke to herself. “And just what ARE the elements?” Rainbow dash said flying in her face. “How do you know what’s going to stop her? And you!” She said flying over to Skystrike. “You come to our town two weeks before the Celebration, and you already know so much about her! Are you a spy for her?” She said getting in his face as well. He didn't flinch. “If I was a spy, I would have accepted her offer and laid waste to this town. But I haven't, have I?” She was about to retort, but she was pulled back by Applejack before she could. Applejack sighed before releasing Rainbow “Simmer down, Sally! He ain't no spy! But these two know what's going on.” The other five ponies Twilight met got closer. “Don't you?” Applejack finished with a skeptic look. Twilight looked around before starting. I read all about the predicaments of Nightmare moon. Some mysterious objects called the elements of harmony are the only thing that can defeat her, but I don't know what they are! Or where to find them! I don't even know what they do!” “I may be able to answer some of those questions.” Everypony turned towards Skystrike. “I doubt you can.” Twilight started. The only pony to know about the elements is the Princess.” “How about you let me finish before you make assumptions? Now as I was saying, I can give you answers. I may be able to tell you where the elements are.” “And how would you know exactly?” Asked a curious Applejack. “Simple, I just put two and two together.” He said gesturing with his hooves. Twilight raised a brow. “Think about it. When was the last time the elements were recorded in history?” “The day Nightmare Moon was banished! Everypony  knows that!” Rainbow said confidently! “Good. that means that with Nightmare back, the elements are most likely back as well. Now, where were the elements last used?” “The castle of the two sisters?” Twilight answered. “Good. That means that that's most likely where the elements are going to be found. One question left. Where is the castle? And where did Nightmare moon go off to?” The group widened their eyes in realization. “The Everfree Forest!” The all said in unison. “Then that's where we can find them. Now we just need to know what they do exactly. I remember seeing a book on it here during the party…” He finished as he looked around. “The elements of harmony, a reference guide.” “Thanks Pinkie.” “How did you find this?” Twilight asked dumbfounded. “It was under E~” she said in a singsong voice while hopping around. “She pulled out the book and opened it, beginning to read it. There are six elements of harmony, but only five are known, kindness laughter, generosity, honesty, and loyalty. But the last one is unknown.” “Well that's just awful! How are we supposed to defeat her without the sixth element? We don't even know what it is!” Said a distraught Rarity.” “Magic.” The six looked toward Skystrike “What?” Twilight asked. “The sixth element is magic.” “And how would you know that?” Said Applejack raising an eyebrow. “Simple, I’m just following the basic laws of this world. Everything has magic in it, things like rocks being exceptions. That's why unicorns have more trouble picking up a boulder compared to a pebble, they have to put more magic in the boulder to react with their own.” “And how does that relate to the sixth element?” Twilight asked.          “The other five elements cant work without each other, except the sixth. The sixth element works almost like an amulet, increasing the wearers magic capabilities. When in contact with the other elements, it shares that power throughout the others. Well, that's the theory that makes the most sense.” “A theory?! That's all that was?!” Shouted an annoyed Twilight. “Great, now we don't know how to get the last element!” “But you know where.” Verified Skystrike. “As we concluded, it’s in the castle of the sisters.” He got up and began walking to the door. “I'll leave that to you six. I have to go take care of nightmare moon.” “You're going alone?” Asked Fluttershy “Don't worry, Ill be fine. I've been through worse.” He finished as he tried to walked out the door. “Now wait just a minute!” He was stopped by Rainbow flying in front of him. “How do we know you aren't working for her? You know too much just to be some random pony! Who are you?” She pointed an accusing hoof at him. He sighed. “Fine, i'll just show you.” He pressed a button on the jaw of his helmet. It folded back into a collar revealing his face. He looked almost the same as he did as a colt, though his hair was longer and had a small scar behind his lip. They each let out a small gasp, realizing who he was. “Well i’ll be. Skystrike?” Applejack asked. He closed his mask, turning back into the dragon mask that it was.” “I'd prefer you not to tell anypony yet. I’ll explain later. For now, you six try and find the elements. I will stall her.” He walked out the door Walking along the path outside of Ponyville, Skystrike was paying close attention to his surroundings. Nothing unusual was happening except for the ere silence. Echo decided to break that silence. “I don't understand you.” He started. “You spent so long hiding who you were, yet you throw it away just like that? Why?” “Simple, I needed them to trust me. I'm not entirely sure I can defeat her without killing her. I'm just being cautious.” “But do you think they’ll keep their word?” “Maybe. Maybe not. That’s the least of my worries right now, anyway.” “Very well. But remember, trust is fragile. It can be easily broken.” “I know Echo, I know.” He said in an understanding tone. He didn't want to, but he knew he had to put his trust in someone, even though his past showed it was a terrible idea. He spent almost all of his life in this world alone, traveling from place to place, even ending up in magic elementary for about a year. In all that time, he made no more than ten friends, and he only truly trusted one of them. Sighing and trying to bury his thoughts, he came in front of the Everfree forest, a blue mist hugging the ground. He entered the forest and instantly, the blue mist thickened. He was then surrounded by a dark blue light, before appearing in front of Nightmare. She glared at him before speaking. “Ah, the stallion from earlier, the one who showed no respect for royalty. I see you chose the coward’s way out.” Her horn glowed, making magic chains form around him, holding him down by his ankles. “Sorry, but respect isn't something I give at the drop of a hat.” He glared back, not flinching as the chains formed around him. “You have to earn it, and so far, you've done nothing to accomplish it.” “Just as you've done nothing to stall me! You truly think I didn't know what your intentions were when you entered this forest? Your friends will at their feeble attempt to try and get the elements. And you can do nothing to stop me.” She said with a grin as she walked up to him, trying to take off his mask. She failed. Skystrike caught on at what she was trying to do. “There’s a button on the left side of the jaw.” “Thanks.” She said quickly getting thee helmet to fold back. “Lets get two things straight. One: they're no more than acquaintances. Two: they will get the elements. Weather they use it or not is up to you.” He may not trust they, but they should be reliable. A dark chuckle escaped her mouth. “So sure are we, Mr?” “Nebula.” He said, giving her his traveller name. She nodded.. “Now then, besides your failed attempt at stalling m, why are you here? Have you reconsidered my offer?” “No actually, I’m here to talk, believe it or not.” She blinked before laughing. “And why do you want to talk to me?” “Simple, to tell you that you're wrong.” Her ears perked up at this. “Let me ask you something, why did you turn into Nightmare Moon to make the night last forever?” She answered with no hesitation.”Because no one respects the night. Is it not obvious?” “That's where you're wrong. I, along with many others respect the night. You, blinded by the jealousy of your sister didn't realize this.” Her ears went back as he said this. “You wanted to be acknowledged by ponies around you, but you threw that away for nothing. When you were banished, you left everypony in Equestria heart broken. One of their princesses disappeared on the day equestria should've been at its happiest. Then let's talk about what respect you had. Gone overnight. The story of a jealous princess going down in history. Then your sister, Celestia gained all the respect you once had, forced to raise the sun and moon for the past thousand years.” “She chose that outcome by herself. I still love my sister of course, but what I do now doesn't change the past.” She said sadly looking away from him. He responded quickly. “But you can change the future.” Her ears perked up at this, looking attentively at Skystrike. “Say you did get your wish of eternal night. What then? There is a very low chance that this world can survive in eternal darkness. Not to mention the fact that ponies will see it as a prison.” She looked at him in recollection. “What's the point of being in a world that you're alone in?” “Fine then! What do you suggest me to do?” She said now yelling, almost at the verge of tears. “I have no one to rely on! I..” She was cut off by Skystrike. “You can rely on me.” She looked at him, eyes wide. “Believe me, I know what it’s like to feel helpless, like the whole world was against you. But unlike me, you have somepony to stand by you at your darkest hour. Excuse the pun. You just have to accept that help.” She looked at him, contemplating the offer she gave him. She turned around. “I wish I could, but it’s too late for me.” After that, a blue mist surrounded Skystrike. His body feel numb as he could no longer control his body. He looked at Nightmare moon one last time before she turned into a blue mist and flew out the window. “This is actually the most relaxed i've been in a while.” He said before falling asleep. He woke up from his sleep feeling well rested, the blue mist around him gone. He stretched his limbs as he realized he was still in chains. “Welp, my plan failed.” He said to himself. He pulled at the chains, breaking them as they dissipated in a sparkle of dark blue light. He put his mask back on before flying up to a broken window and lying on the railing. He enjoyed the view he got, getting a beautiful view of the moon. His attention was bought elsewhere by a bright light coming out of an adjacent tower. He quickly flew over, looking in from one of the windows to see Twilight lying before Nightmare Moon, five stones floating around her as she laughed, lightning erupting around her. Twilight stomped her hoof, preparing to charge. “You're kidding.” Laughed Nightmare moon. “You’re kidding, right?” Twilight charged, Nightmare moon charging as well., horn glowing. A bright light appeared from Twilight’s horn before she teleported, inches away from Nightmare moon. She appeared in the middle of five stones, her horn glowing again. She was then shocked by a bolt of lightning from the stones, sending her back a few feet. Her spell seemed to have worked though, Skystrike assuming from Nightmare’s shocked expression. The spell stopped. ‘Nevermind’ he thought to himself. “But, where’s the sixth element?” asked a confused Twilight as Nightmare laughed. She stomped her hooves, the sheer force of them causing the elements of harmony to shatter. “You little foal! To think you could defeat me!” Shouted an angered Nightmare moon. “Now you will never see your princess or the sun. The night. Will last, For-” She was cut off by a blue trail coming from the window and landing between Twilight and herself. “You! You're supposed to be paralyzed!” “I was.” Said Skystrike as he cracked his neck. “You wouldn't know, but not the first time i've been poisoned. Decided to take a quick nap while I was add it.” He got on his two hind hooves, his boots folding out into claw like feet. There were a few rods on his gauntlets that extended out, sharpening giving him claws. A metal dragon-like tail folded out over his tail. A line of short spikes  went from his neck down. His eyes shone a blue light as he drew his swords. He got into a back stance, one sword over his shoulder, the other pointing at Nightmare moon. “Twilight, get to the others, i’ll hold her off.” “I can't leave you here alone! I can-” “Twilight, right now is not the time. Get to the others, figure out something, then we can deal with her.” “But…” “Twilight, where should you be right now?” “With the others?” “WITH THE OTHERS” He yelled as Twilight ran off. Leaving a chuckling alicorn. “My my, how kind of you. I do love a moving target.” She said as her horn glowed. She was just about to fire before Skystrike quickly ran up to her, grabbing her by the horn. Her jaw hung open as she was left speechless. “Sorry, but this is between the two of us.” He said as he threw her over his shoulder, causing her to skid across the ground. He turned towards her, putting his hand out before making a ‘come on’ motion with it. She angrily shot a blast of magic at him. Skystrike raised his right hand before slapping the blast away with the flat of his sword, a hole in the wall to his right was formed from the explosion. She fired again, this time charging behind it. He split the magic attack down the middle before side stepping out of the way of Nightmare’s horn. Now enraged, she released a blue mist from her horn as it hugged the floor. “Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice…” He said as he put both of his arms out. He spun, swords in each hand, as a small tornado was made. The wind coming from it sucked up all of the mist. He stopped spinning, as he landed in a front stance, swords behind him. “Shame on you.” He said as Nightmare moon let out a loud groan. “So, you done? I don't want to hurt you, so we could be doing this forever. “Then forever it shall be!” She shouted before teleporting behind him, trying to buck him with her back legs. He caught her  hoof before throwing her again, this time upwards. He heard the sound of hoofs running behind him before he jumped back, landing next to the door. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie pie all came galloping through the hallway. “I see you six got here safe. Twilight, did you figure out something?” “Yes, I would like to see what the foal dragged in.” Said a amused nightmare moon. Twilight took a step forward, a determined look was on her face. “You thought you could destroy the elements of harmony just like that? You couldn't have been more wrong!” Nightmare’s glare deepend, though Twilight didn't flinch. “The spirits of the elements, are right here!” Each of the six mares had their own determined look on their faces. The shattered stone shards each glowed a certain color, rattling on the ground. They then hovered in the air, leaving a stunned Nightmare moon. “Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of honesty!” Orange stone shards orbited Applejack. “Fluttershy, tamed a manticore with her compilation, represents the spirit of kindness!” Pink shards orbited the pegasus. “Pinkie pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of laughter!” A shade of brighter pink stones orbited the smiling earth pony. “Rarity, who sacrificed her tail for a serpent’s meaningful gift, represents the spirit of generosity!” White glowing stones surrounded the unicorn. “Rainbow dash, who wouldn't abandon her friends for her own gain, represents the spirit of loyalty!” Red glowing shards floated around the rainbow pegasus. “The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.” “But you still don't have the sixth! It wont work!” Reminded Nightmare. “But we do. A different kind of element!” She said as a matter of factly. “I found it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear, to see how much each of these ponies cared about me! When I realized that you all are my friends!” She said turning towards Nightmare. A shining stone with a six pointed star etched into it slowly floated down in front of twilight. Nightmare moon covered her eyes from the light. “You see Nightmare moon, when those elements are ignited by the..” she thought of a word to say. “Spark, inside of the hearts of us all, it brings the sixth element. The element of… Magic!” The stone shone brighter, making everypony cover their eyes. Each of the shards around them turned into a crystal before combining and turning into a necklace with their cutie mark in the center of it. Twilight, however had a tiara with small sapphires lining it. The six mares came together, causing a rainbow to form and rush towards Nightmare moon. “NOOOOOO” Nightmare moon yelled n horror as the rainbow engulfed her. A rainbow tornado overtook where she was once standing. A bright light filled the room. When Skystrike opened his eyes, he found the six mares lying on the ground exhausted and a blue alicorn lying asleep. He heard the groans of the mares as he turned his armor back into its default form. “Everypony ok? Asked Applejack as she looked around. “My tail grew back!” Shouted an enthusiastic Rarity. “Oh my, it looked lovely.” Complimented Fluttershy. “I know. I'll never part with it again!” She said hugging her tail. “No, your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark.” “It looks like ll of your cutie marks actually.” Said Skystrike as he rubbed dust off his armor. “Jeez Twilight, Mr. Nebula, I thought y'all were just spoutin’ a lot ah hooey, but it looks like it happened to be true.” “Indeed it did.” Said a voice as sunlight shone from above. Sky Strikes eyes widened, recognizing the voice instantly. The sun could be seen rising from the window, as Celestia herself appeared in front of the seven ponies. Everypony save for Twilight and Skystrike bowed. “Princess Celestia!” Twilight trotting over. “Twilight Sparkle!” She said happy to see her student in one piece. “My faithful student. I knew you could do it.” Skystrike clicked his tongue as Twilight gave her a confused look. “But you told me it was all an old ponytale?” Twilight asked. “I told you that you need to make some friends.” She said smiling. “I saw the signs of Nightmare moon’s return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you couldn't unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart.” Skystrike let out a loud groan before trying to walk away. Celestia stopped him. “And of course, I would like to thank you for helping here too, Nebula.” “How about next time, don't send your student to deal with family matters. I'm going to find someplace to sleep.” “Hold on a minute!” Said Twilight. The others were too speechless to respond after what they just witnessed. “First off, you cant speak to the princess that way, second, what does she mean by ‘Nebula?’” “Twilight, please don't mind his tone, he does have a point. And I was aware that Nebula was his name?” “Actually princess, his real name is-” She completely forgot his request from earlier. “Skystrike.” “That Skystrike?” asked Celestia. Skystrike sighed. “The only being in equestria who can't use magic, yes. The same one that left magic elementary.” “I was wondering where you were. Many assumed the worst as to your whereabouts.” Said Celestia. “Figured.” The conversation was interrupted by a groan from behind Celestia. Skystrike quickly walked past her, looking at the blue pony lying on the ground. She let out a gasp as he offered her a hoof. She took it and got to her feet. She was on eye level with Skystrike, with a light blue mane and tail and blue eyes. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this, sister.” Said Celestia walking up behind the two. “It’s time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together.” “Sister?” asked the mares. “Will you accept my friendship?” She hesitated for a minute before hugging her older sister. “I missed you so much, big sister.” “I missed you too.” Pinkie pulled out a tissue before waterfalls came out of her eyes. Skystrike took this as his chance to leave, only to be stopped by the other princess this time. “Wait, please.” Said Luna holding out a hoof. “I can't let you go without sore sort of apology.” “Don't worry about that. Spend time with your sister. You've a thousand years to catch up on.” He said as he flew out one of the broken windows. It took him less than five minutes to get to his house, or construction of his house. He found a small tree before he fell asleep under its layers of leaves. He would deal with all of his new found problems tomorrow. > Ticket Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about five in the morning when Skystrike woke up. He had gotten about four hours of sleep before he woke up to his natural alarm clock. He jumped down from the ranch he was sleeping on, the armor he wore clanking as he landed.. Multiple cracks and pops could be heard as he stretched out his limbs. He rubbed his eyes as he looked around. The sun still hasn't risen yet, and very few birds have even started chirping. Letting out a yawn, his mask mouth opening with his own, he walked over to a large boulder near the scaffolding of his house. It was roughly the size himself.As of right now, that was the closest he was going to get as a weight. As he lifted the boulder with a grunt and put it on his back, he began doing push ups, though his back legs were off the ground. To a normal pony, this would be jaw dropping, though Skystrike has been doing this for years. After finishing 100, he put his back legs on the ground and put his front legs behind him. He began doing wing pushups at a much slower rate than the pushups he was doing earlier. They were much harder to do than the ones he did earlier, with the wings being much more frail. The bones and muscles in his wings were tired, making weird popping sounds begging him to stop. He listened to their pleas, stopping after doing another 100. He had three more things to do before his work out routine was done. He stood up with the boulder still resting on his back. He leaned back, letting the boulder slide off before picking it up with his front hooves and holding it over his head. He stood up straight, standing on his hind legs before beginning to do squats. He exhaled every time he went down, inhaling every time he went up. After finishing his 100, he threw it over him, landing in front of him with a large boom. The trees shook at the impact, leaves falling and birds flying away. He panted heavily as he looked in the top corner of the inside of his mask. It was 5:30 a.m. He sighed as he pulled out a bottle of water from his saddle bag, drinking the whole thing in one breath. His fourth task was 100 sit ups. He went to the scaffoldings and flew up to a horizontal bar, He sat on it and put his hands behind his head, leaning back to the point where his back was almost perpendicular to the ground. He breathed out as he came up as he kept his eyes closed, trying not to get dizzy. He finished his hundred before flying down, landing next to the boulder he was lifting earlier. He checked the time 5:35 a.m. He began running around the edge of the land he owned. It was about 5 square miles, though one square was completely overrun by the everfree forest. He made sure to run at least 1 mile a day. He has been able to do this for almost four years now, so he made a new challenge for himself. He adds another two miles to his run each year. It was a relatively new challenge for himself, only starting two years ago. He was working to increase his stamina, being the lesser of his focus for a while now. He was two miles in before he sped up his pace. He ran through the trees, side stepping left to right to dodge the pines he was running through. He finished his run sweating heavily. Multiple flaps of armor opened, instantly letting out the steam from his body that built up during his workout. He checked the time. 5:55 a.m. He got back to his house, leaning on the boulder next to it, catching his breath. The sun just rose as the  time struck 6:00 a.m. He waited a few minutes before getting up and walking to the nearby lake. He took off his armor and saddle bag. He had a bulky figure, multiple scars all over his body, mostly on his sides and belly. He got into the lake, the cool water enveloping his body as he went deeper. Now hip deep in the water, he began washing himself. The water around him turned slightly brown from the dirt on him. He spent about half an hour in the lake before getting out and shaking the water off himself. Putting back on his armor and saddle bag, he made his way back to the making of his home. “Time to get back to work.” He said to himself as he pulled out a tool set and began working on his house. It was about 9:00 a.m. Twilight and Spike were walking out of the library, the former having a determined look on her face. Spike let out a yawn as he rode on Twilights back. The unicorn walked through Ponyville in silence until spike spoke up. “Why do you think he hid his identity from you and your friends?” He asked, looking at twilight. She stayed silent for a minute, thinking. She then spoke carefully. “I don't know spike, but if we knew each other and he knew the others, he had to have a reason.” “What do you think it is? I mean, since he showed us yesterday, it couldn't have been that good of one.” “I don't know spike.” Sad a slightly annoyed Twilight. “Do you think he’ll tell us the truth?” “I don't know spike!” She said with a groan. Spike quickly stopped talking at this outburst. After another few minutes of silence, they arrived at Skystrike place. He had was cottage-like, having a olden style architecture with stone walls and clay roof tiles. The corners were made of wood, as well as the edges of the roof. Twilight walked up to the door and knocked on it. Skystrike answered the door, opening it and staring into the mare’s purple eyes. “Hey Twilight, need something?” He asked not breaking eye contact. She responded quickly. “We need you to come with us.” “Why?” He asked, confused by the sudden demand. “There’s… some ponies who want to see you at the library.” She said avoiding his eye contact. “Alright. I have a few hours to spare.” He said stepping out from his house, locking the door behind him. “Who are they?” “Umm…” Twilight stuttered. Whoever they were, Twilight was sure he wouldn't want to see them. “Friends of yours?” She answered after a few seconds of silence. Spike rolled his eyes and rested his head on his hands as Skystrike inwardly raised an eyebrow. “Twilight, if you learned anything about me during my time in magic school, you should know that I rarely make friends.” He said as Twilight chuckled nervously. He let out a sigh. “I’ll humor you for now. I assume they're at the library you reside in?” She let out a sigh of relief. “Yes, we shouldn't keep them waiting.” She said gladly before she gestured for him to walk beside her. He began walking beside her, making their way towards Ponyville. The two ponies and dragon walked for a few minutes before Skystrike spoke up, deciding to make small talk. “So how have you and the others been?” “I’ve been fine, and my studies under the princess have been going well. And what do you mean by others?” “You know, Twinkleshine, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Moon Dancer, Lyra.” “Oh…” She said, a sad frown forming on her face. “I haven't really been keeping in contact with  them.” She said in a sad tone. “Lyra moved about six years after you left though. Speaking of leaving, why did you leave? From what the others told me, you only left all of us a note saying goodbye?” He kept looking forward as he recomposing himself. He gave her a straight answer. “Let’s just say I had family matters. The outcome of it made me stay away from Canterlot. I’d prefer not to get into the details.” He said that last sentence not as a request, but more of a demand. Twilight took the hint and noted not to ask about it. “Where did you go after Canterlot then?” Asked a curious Spike. Twilight shot him a look, but the look quickly changed to surprise at Skystrike answer to the question. “I traveled mostly. Spent a few years in Cloudsdale, another year on a rock farm. By the time I was about 15 I was working with the Wonderbolts. Left after a few months, then I started exploring places in and outside of Equestria.” He said looking back on his past. “When I was exploring, I was under the alias of Atlas Nebula. Didn't realize how popular I became until I visited Manehattan.” “It must've been fun travelling so much. I wish I could do that.” Said spike, admiring him. Twilight rolled her eyes. “We’re here.” She said in relief as she pushed the door open. She galloped inside, Skystrike strutting behind her. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw the ponies she wanted him to meet. The two alicorn princess’ were sitting at a table sipping their tea. Celestia and Skystrike made eye contact, the former smiling. Skystrike pressed the button under his jaw, letting his features show. Twilight bowed as Skystrike stood still. “What are you doing?” She whispered to him. “Bow!” “It’s quite alright Twilight Sparkle.” Luna spoke to her in a booming voice. “On this day, we wish to speaketh with thou as equals.” She finished, turning to Skystrike as she poured him a cup of tea, setting it on the table.. He replied flatly. “Alright.” He walked up to the table the two princesses were sitting at. He sat down, ready to start the conversation. “So, what do you need?” Celestia spoke up. “Well first off, we want to know how your set of armor works and who it was made by. No pony has seen anything like it.” “Because I made it.” He answered quickly. “And no, I will not tell you how to make it.” He said cutting Celestia off before she could ask. “Ok then. May I ask where you've been staying? When I noticed Atlas Nebula making a name for himself, I failed to get in contact with him. As for you, many of your classmates and I thought you… perished.” He rubbed his chin. “Not surprised. I'm surprised that many cared for somepony like me. I'll try and get back in touch with everyone, let them know I'm alive and kicking.” “Very well.” Celestia started. “I would like to know how you're doing though. It’s been 8 years if I counted correctly?” His stern look stayed on his face as he nodded. “You two know each other?” Twilight asked. “Personally?” Skystrike thought for a moment before answering. “In a sense. I declined being her personal student when I was about nine or ten.” Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Why would you decline that?! You do realize you missed a once in a lifetime chance?” “Please do understand my student" Celestia tried to call down Twilight. “From what he has told me, he wished to have a somewhat normal life. Being my student would attract unwanted attention.” Skystrike nodded again. “Now, if I may ask you Luna, I don't think you came along as a sideshow attraction?” Luna chuckled lightly at this, as Twilight was now sweating bullets. “Thou art correct, Skystrike Nebula.” She said in her royal canterlot voice. “We still wish to repay thou for thou’s effort in helping us.” Skystrike raised an eyebrow at this as the Princess of The night made a scroll appear out of thin air and floated it towards him. He raised his hoof and grabbed it. He opened the scroll and read through it, before pulling out three tickets. “The grand galloping gala shall arrive in a few months from now. I trust that you will accompany us?” Skystrike’s eyes widened a bit at that last sentence. He looked at the tickets. Then back at Luna. Then the tickets again. This went on for a few seconds before he made his words into thoughts. “Are you asking me out?” Luna’s face turned purple from the blush she tried to hide as she stuttered for a bit. “Wha- Um… No. W- We didn't mean it like that…” She said as Celestia held a hoof over her mouth giggling. “Anyway… that was all that we had to say to you. Let us go, sister.” Luna said standing up, the blush still on her face. Celestia stood. “Goodbye Twilight, Skystrike. I hope to see you at the gala.” She said giving The purple pony her own scroll, walking out the door to entourage of Royal guards waiting outside for them. Twilight let out a sigh of relief, before giving the armored pony an angry look. “What in the hay were you thinking talking to the princesses like that? You could've been banished!” “But I wasn't, was I?” He said turning toward Twilight. He gave her an uncaring look. “Besides, I specifically remember that she wished to speak with me as an equal?” He finished as his collar took it’s helmet shape. Twilight stuttered for a but, before giving up with a sigh. She read the letter that her mentor gave to her. Her normal smile came back as she clapped her hooves. “OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!” She said as she hopped around the room. She stopped mid jump as the door opened, Applejack walking in. “Well hello Twilight, Skystrike.” He nodded his head in greeting. “I’m just here to see if y’all wanted to come with me to Sweet Apple Acres.” She said before pointing to two buckets full of apples on her back. “I could use the help, if ya dont mind.” “Of course! Just let me get Spike!” Twilight said before trotting upstairs. “I’ll pass.” Skystrike said catching the earth pony’s attention. I planned on exploring the town. You and the other ponies decided to hide for the last few weeks.” She chuckled nervously at his response. “Sorry about that. You just seemed…” “Intimidating?” “More or less.” She said as she shrugged her shoulders, chuckling again. “But ya gotta cut us some slack, don't ya?” He was the one to shrug his shoulders this time. “I suppose.” Twilight came down the stairs, a tired spike on her back yawning. “Are you ready to go?” “You betcha!” Applejack gladly said as the two walked out the door, Skystrike in tow. They waved bye to each other before they went their separate ways. It was about noon, as most ponies were running about, looking for stores to eat at. He to was looking for a quick snack. He looked around for a little while looking over the menus. “Hay burger is a maybe…” He spoke to himself. “I kinda feel like a salad?” He said as he tried to rubbed his chin, his helmet getting in the way. “Or maybe some fruit?” A beige pony with a pigment blue mane with a rose pink streak walked up next to him. “Um, excuse me, Mr. Nebula?” “Why hello there.” He said turning to the mare. “And please, call me Nebula.” “Alright. My name is Bon Bon. I was at the party yesterday.” She said, hoping that he’d remember her. “Sorry, don't think I saw you, though I will remember your name. So, what do you need?” “Oh, right!” She said, getting back to her original goal. “I saw that you were looking for something to eat. I know a place that has good salads. I’m meeting up with a friend for lunch. Would you like to come?” She asked, smiling at him. “Sure, but why?” He asked. Many of the ponies he met before mostly cared for themselves, and the ones who didn't wanted to use him for their own gain. You could say that he was hesitant at the offer.” “Well, no offense, but you seemed kind of lonely at Pinkie’s party…” She said, rubbing her chin as she averted her gaze. “I just wanted to be your friend?” She said, staring into his blue eyes. “None taken, and I appreciate that.” He said thankfully. Now, where’s this restaurant at? I'm hungry.” “It’s just down the street.” She said, turning around and waiving a hoof for Skystrike to follow. He started walking next to her, making their way to the restaurant. “So how are you enjoying your stay in Ponyville so far?” She started, trying to make idle conversation. “Aside from people hiding in the stores when I was walking around for the past few weeks?” He asked sarcastically. “Dandy.” She giggled at his answer. “We are sorry for that. Ponyville doesn't do well with visitors like yourself.” “I can see that.” He said chuckling to himself. “I just hope no pony else has to go through something like that.” “Oh, we’re here!.” She said stopping before looking around. It looked like your average cafe, even having an outdoor section. A few circular tables littered the area. A pale magenta earth pony with a lime mane and tail waved at the two. “That's her.” Bon Bon said as she galloped to the table she was sitting at. The pony didn't expect Skystrike to follow behind, her eyes widening in response. The two sat down, Bon bon sitting next to the mare. “This is my friend Daisy.” Bon bon introduced the mare. “Hello…” She said sheepishly, obviously nervous. “Hey, how’s it going?” He replied. “I'm doing good…” She replied, not making eye contact. A moment of awkward silence passed by, before a waiter came to the table, putting a menu in front of each of them. The three looked over the menu, studying each option before ordering. The waiter came back, taking their food off the platter he was holding and setting them in front of the ponies. The three got in a conversation, Skystrike staying quiet mostly, eating his large salad. The two mares occasionally looked in his direction, seeing his helmet partially open, and him stuffing himself, large crunching sounds coming from the lettuce he was eating. Daisy said something that caught Skystrikes interest. “Oh, did you see the Princess earlier? She was at the library.” She started. “I did, and did you see the blue one? Apparently that was her sister. Wonder what they were here for?” “She wanted to talk to me about what happened at the celebration.” He said as he wiped his face, a large empty bowl in front of him. “She and her sister wanted to award me for my help.” Daisy looked at him. “You mean you went after Nightmare Moon?” “I can't decide!” Their attention was swerved to Twilight yelling at the table she was sitting at. Skystrike quickly got back to answering Daisy’s question. “Yes.” He said that like it’s nothing. “I became a warrior to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Me not doing anything is me not keeping a promise to myself.” “So what did she give you? If you don't mind me asking.” Bon Bon asked curiously. Little did he know, telling her would be the biggest mistake he would make today. “The Grand Galloping Gala.” He said, pulling out the golden ticket and reading it. “I got three for some reason though…” “The Grand Galloping Gala?!” The two girls said in sync before squealing. “I can't believe it! I always wanted to go!” Bon Bon said enthusiastically. Daisy was about to speak, before it started to rain heavily. The two quickly ran inside the cafe, though Skystrike stayed outside. He looked up at the sudden rain clouds, drops of water hitting his helmet, a quiet metallic sound being the product. His attention was torn from the clouds to see Spike and Twilight sitting at their table, the two beginning to eat their food. “Um, madam? Sir?” He began, looking at Twilight and Skystrike trotting towards her. “Are you going to eat your food in ze rain?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “It’s not raining.” Twilight replied, looking around. She was then proven wrong when she turned to see a wet Skystrike and rain pouring down around her. “What’s going on?” She questioned as she looked up, Rainbow Dash appearing out of a hole in the clouds. “Hi there best friend forever I’ve ever had! Enjoying the sunny weather?” She asked, giving her widest smile. “Rainbow Dash…” Twilight growled angrily. “What are you doing?” “What do you mean? I just saw the smartest, and coolest pony about to get rained on, so I thought I’d kick a hole in the clouds so she could eat in peace, that's all!” She replied innocently, making Twilight raise her eyebrow. “Then why didn't you kick a hole for Skystrike? He has tickets too?” Spike said, not stopping his pace at eating his hay fries. “He does?” Rainbow asked, thinking of ways to get one from him. “Rainbow, you're not doing extra favors to make me give you an extra ticket, are you?” Twilight asked, putting emphasis on the extras and drawing out the last word. “Me? Pfft, no no no, of course not!” She said, smiling again. “Uh huh.” Twilight said, eyebrow still raised. “No seriously, I’d do this for anypony.” Twilight looked around, seeing multiple ponies running, trying to get away from the rain. Rainbow noticed this to, an awkward laugh being the response. “Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors, and Id appreciate it if you closed that rain cloud right now!” Rainbow let out an annoyed sigh. “Fine.” She said before zipping the cloud shut. “You did not think that through, did you?” Skystrike asked, face hoofing. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked confused. The rain then poured down on her, ruining her mane and sandwich. She groaned as spike tried his best to hold in his laughter. “Twilight, Skystrike! It’s raining!” Rarity said in worry. “No really?” Twilight responded annoyed. “You don't say?” Skystrike said sarcastically. “Come with me before you catch a cold!” She said, pulling Twilight off her seat. Skystrike gestured for Spike to sit on his back. He hopped on and the two followed behind. The group appeared inside of the Carousel Boutique, Twilight shaking off the water. She didn't realize Rarity behind her. “Wops.. Sorry about that…” Twilight apologized to the drenched Rarity. Her look of annoyance quickly turned to one of forgiveness. “Oh no, it's quite alright. After all, we are the best of friends! Are we not?” She said buttering up to Twilight. “And you know what the best of friends do? Make over!” She said, jumping into the air. She ran off, coming back with a dividing screen, going behind it with Twilight. Multiple sounds could be heard as the place rocked, ranging to machinery to a hand saw. Rarity Then pushed the screen away, revealing Twilight wearing a blueish purple saddle and a necklace with various gems on it. “Why darling, you look simply dashing!” Rarity complemented. “Uh, yeah! It is kinda pretty, isn't it?” Twilight said, looking over her outfit. Rarity then zoomed over to spike. “And you! Well Spike,you must have an outfit too!” The screen came back. She went to work on Spike, despite his yells of protest. He was then revealed wearing a royal blue frilly outfit with a blond wig to match. “Now you just need a hat to go with it!” Rarity clarified before coming back with a black mantine, a golden feather sticking out. “Uh uh! I don't want none of this girly gala gunk! I’ll be in the library.” Spike ran out the door, leaving his clothes behind. “That's a shame, but of course, we can't forget you!” She said turning to the pegasus. She pulled out the screen once more, but was stopped by his hoof holding the screen in place. “Sorry but i'm not looking for an outfit. Besides, if you two are the best of friends, you probably shouldn't be doing this just for the ticket, should you? And judging from the same outfit Twilight’s wearing over there…” He pointed a hoof at an exact replica. “Meeting us at the cafe wasn't a coincidence.” She lowered her head at this, biting her lip. Twilight shook her head, getting out of the trance she was in from her reflection in the mirror. “So that's what this was about. You were just buttering me up so I’d give you the extra ticket. Well it's not gonna work!” She said as she threw off her outfit, said outfit going over Rarity’s head. “You’re just going to have to wait for my decision like everypony else! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve been trying all day just to get some lunch!” She finished, about to slam the door behind her. What stopped her from doing this was an orange earth pony butting in. “Did somepony say lunch?” Applejack said, pulling Twilight and Skystrike out the door. Skystrike caught himself before the fall, Twilight wasn't so lucky, falling on her face. The two looked up, seeing a large wagon full of various apple products. “You gotta be kidding me!” Twilight said irritated. “I got apple pie, apple fritter, apple dumplings, apple tarts, apple crumbles, apple crisps, and apple brown betty!” She said, holding up a slice for Twilight, and a second for Skystrike. “For dessert, of course. What do you say there, best friends?” She asked, her brightest smile she could give was on her face. Twilight however, was not sharing her enthusiasm, her belly rumbling instead. Steam was now coming out of her ears as she glared at Applejack. “No, no! I just don't know who im giving the ticket to, and all these flavors aren't making it any easier to decide. In fact, im less sure now than I was this morning! Ugh!” She finished before running off, Applejack starring in confusion. She then looked nervously at Skystrike. “So, thats a maybe?” She said as Skystrike face hoffed again. Deciding to go after Twilight, he trotted up to her, keeping pace with her speed. He followed the unicorn to the library, a sad Twilight lurking outside the door.. “Ugh, never thought being showered in favors would be so aggravating!” She said frustrated. “I know the feeling Twilight.” Skystrike pitched in. She looked back at him. “Well, at least someone isn't begging for a ticket…” She said grumbling before opening the door to see Fluttershy cleaning the Library, her birds helping her. “Fluttershy, not you too…” She sighed in disbelief. “Oh, hello Twilight and Skystrike.” She said pausing her work. “Hope you don't mind, but were all doing a little spring cleaning for you.” She said gently. “It’s summer.” The two said in united before looking at each other. “Jinx, you owe me a soda.” Skystrike said quickly. “Really? Now?” She said even more annoyed than earlier. This caused a chuckle to come out of his mouth. “Well, better late than never, right?” Fluttershy said, blushing in embarrassment. “It was Angel’s idea.” She said proudly, looking towards a bunny making a salad. Skystrike look directly into sky blue eyes. “You know full well you didn't do this out of the kindness of your heart, despite that being your element.” “No im not!” She said acting hurt. “I'm doing this because you two are my very best friends! I tried to clean yours too, but it was locked.” Twilight raised an eyebrow as Angel bought her the salad he was making. Skystrike just sighed. Despite her stomach rumbling again, she declined the salad and Fluttershy’s help. “No, no, no!” She said before starting to walk to the door, Skystrike waiting there. “It was very nice of you and Angel, but I’m not accepting any other favors until I made my final decision!” She opened the door. “So I’m going to have to ask you to leave. “Surprise!” A group of ponies said before blowing party horns and pulling Twilight out. They started throwing her into the air, Pinkie singing while doing so. “Twilight is my bestest friend as anyone could be!” “Whoopie!” “The cutest, smartest, all around best pony!” “Pony!” “Thank you.” Twilight said interrupting the song, slightly annoyed.. “My friend, I’d throw a super duper fun party!” Twilight now had her hooves crossed, before falling back down into the crowd. “So she’ll give the extra ticket to the gala to me!” “Pinkie!!” Twilight yelled drawing out her name. All the ponies throwing her backed away, letting her fall to the ground with a thud. “Yes Twilight?” She said, fluttering her eyes. “At least the other ponies tried to be subtle about the tickets.” She said sitting up. “Wait, what ticket? What gala?” A pony from the crowd asked. “Oh, you didn't know?” Pinkie said innocently, more ponies joining the crowd. “Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand galloping gala!” “The Grand galloping gala?!” All the ponies said in sync. “Yeah! I mean, he does too, but his name didn't fit my song.” She said pointing to Skystrike. Both his and Twilight's eyes widened in response to Pinkie’s disclosure. Just as she finished that sentence, everypony in sight bombarded them in complements. Spike ran by, pulling the two along with him. They were stopped by Daisy holding up a pair of flowers. “I can help you with your gardening!” She said before the trio ran in the other direction before being stopped again. “I have a cart load of extra carrots!” “I’ll paint your house!” I’ll cut your grass.” A scared Spike climbed onto Twilights back. “What are we gonna do?” He asked worried. “The only thing we can.” He said,digging his hooves into the ground. “Run.” The took off, leaving the ponies in the dust. The crowd followed just behind them. They were chased through mainstreet, quickly hiding behind Applejack’s wagon from earlier. They were noticed once again by two ponies, one from inside a house, and another under the food in the wagon. The trio was forced to run again, the crowd after them again. The three quickly put on a disguise, looking like a married couple, Soike acking as the baby in a carriage. Twilight let out a sigh of relief, before being noticed by a pony who stopped and looked back at the three. Running for the third time, they hid under a bridge, the stampede of ponies running over it. Spike lost his grip and fell with a loud splash, making the herd chase them once more. They were finally caught, now backed into a corner by the ponies in pursuit. Twilight charged up her horn, teleporting herself and Spike away. They all then stared at Skystrike. Inwardly cursing at himself for magic not working on him, he stood up and dug his hooves into the ground. The ponies got closer, continuing to offer him favors. Finally, he jumped into the air, and with a flap of his wings, flew straight up, a royal blue trail following behind him. He flew at speeds rivaling Rainbow Dash’s. He refused to stop until he got to his destination. The library. He appeared and flew into an open window, stopping moments before he hit the ground. He looked to his left to see a dazed Twilight and extremely burnt spike. “Sorry, I didn't even know that was going to happen.” Twilight said looking at Spike. “Just… warn me next time…” He responded, coughing up smoke. “Quick, lock the doors!” She said about to run to one before seeing Skystrike already doing so. “Turn all the lights off!” He said as Twilight and Spike quickly did so, running up the stairs, turning lights off as they came back down. Twilight and Spike laid against each other as Skystrike sat down, each letting out a sigh of relief, until his ears perked up. “We aren’t alone in here…” He said cautiously before the light flicked on, revealing the five ponies who have been bugging them for the whole afternoon, each smiling at the two. Twilight yelled out in stress before lying on the floor. Skystrike reaction was far different. “God dammit!!” he yelled, clenching his hooves. “What's wrong with you two?” Rainbow said worried. “The hell do you think is…!?” He stopped his outburst mid sentence. “You five have been bugging Twilight so much today. You honestly think she can decide to give any of you a ticket when acting like this? I mean look at her.” He pointed to the mare, nearly on the verge of tears, hooves over her head. “I'm sure you all have good reasons, considering why she hasn't decided yet, but out of your own greed, you put herr through so much stress. She doesn't want to disappoint you, as her friends, yet you're making it no easier for her to decide, doing these over the top favors for her, and acting like you're best friends.”He finished his short rant, looking at the ponies, most of them looking down at the floor, while Applejack hid her face with her hat. He quickly started one of the ponies straight in the eyes. “Rainbow, what reason do you have to go?” He said as his stare hardened. “The wonderbolts perform every year, and I want to see them show their skills.” She said backing away slightly. “I want to show them mine while i'm there?” She finished, hoping ky strike would accept the answer.” Skystrike walked to hid right, now eying Applejack. “Yours?” She placed her hat back on her head. “I plan on selling our farm products so I can help out the family and fix up the barn.” She said quickly “Pinkie?” “All the goodies, and pinatas, and fun, and cupcakes, and games, and fun, and…” She said quickly before Skystrike held up a hoof causing her to stop. “I get it Pinkie. Ok, what about you Rarity.” She stood up straight, military like. “I… I want to make my name known throughout Canterlot, and find my true love… Prince Blueblood.” She said with a slight blush as she held her hoof up, trying to hide it. Skystrike face hoofed. “Fluttershy?” “Um… I want to explore the Canterlot garden and make friends with all the critters. The garden is said to be the most beautiful place. After the last finished her reason, he backed away, turning his back to them a moment of silence went by before Skystrike cleared his throat. “”Alright, you all have your own reasons, and each is… somewhat understandable, by my views on your reasons can wait. Right now, pretty sure you need to fix some things with your friend.” He finished, causing Twilight’s ears to perk up. The five mares began to walk over to her, each starting to apologize. Applejack placed a hoof on her head before speaking. “Sugarcube, ah didn't mean to put pressure on you, and if it helps, I don't want the ticket anyway. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad, I promise.” She finished, trying to make the unicorn feel better. “Me too.” Fluttershy pitched in. “I feel so awful that I made you feel so awful.” “And me too.” Chipped in Pinkie. “It’s no fun upsetting your friends.” “Twilight, it was unfair of us to try and force you to chose between us.” “Yes! That means the ticket is mine! I got the ticket~ I got the ticket~” Rainbow sang to herself, causing everyone to glare at her. Skystrike however reacted different. He flew up to the pegasus just high enough to be eye level. He showed his face, his blue eyes stared directly into her magenta eyes. His intimidation worked. “On second thought, I haven't perfected my signature moves for the wonderbolts anyway. I don't need the ticket either.” She said nervously, trying to get the others approval. “We were so hung on going to the gala, we couldn't see how unhung we were making you.” Applejack said for the group. “We’re sorry Twilight.” The five said in unison. Twilight was now feeling much better as a slight smile crept back on her face. “Spike, take a note.” She said holding up a hoof. As she began speaking to Sipke what to write down. “Dear Princess Celestia, I’ve learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there’s not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends makes you feel really awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.” “What!?” Everyone save for Skystrike and Spike said in sync as she placed the tickets in the letter. “If all of my friends cant go, I don't want to go either.” She said turning to her friends with a smile. “Twilight, you don't have to do this!” Applejack said trying to stop her. “Nope! I’ve made up my mind. Spike, send the letter.” She said without hesitation as Spike opened the window,  setting the letter on fire, the ashes going off into the sky. “But you can't go to the gala either?” Fluttershy said worried. “It’s ok girls.” Twilight reassured them. I couldn't possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me.” She finished as the mares entered the group hug. “So i’d rather not go at all. What about you, Skystrike, are you staying?” They all turned to him, expecting an answer. “Wish i could. I cant because of two main reasons. One, Luna herself invited me, and two, I’d probably be requested to guard someone again.” “Again?” Applejack asked. “Not my first time being to the gala.” He answered plainly. Spike began gagging. “Why wallop my whiskers spike! Isn’t that just like a boy, cant handle the least bit of sentiment.” Applejack said in response to his actions. “First off, we have sentimentality to, second off, duck.” He said as Spike let out a burp, fire coming out along with magic. The magic swirled in the air before materializing into a letter. “A letter from the princess? That was fast.” Twilight said, excited to see what the princess responded with. Spike grabbed the letter and began reading. “My faithful student, Twilight. Why didn't you just say so in the first place?” HE said with an odd look as six golden tickets appeared in the letter. “Six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala! Wow!” “Now we can all go!” Twilight said as they all began cheering before Twilight’s stomach grumbled again. “Allow us to treat you to dinner. You to Skystrike!” Rarity said happily. Spike held the door open for the mares, each taking a ticket from his hand as they passed. Skystrike shrugged to himself. ‘Why not.’ He thought to himself. He was about to leave before hearing a sad dragon mumbling to himself. “Why don't I get a ticket?” He said looking at the floor. Skystrike bent down and rubbed his head. “She may not be reliable, but she always comes through when she’s needed.” As soon as he finished, Spike burped up another letter. “And one for you, Spike.” He said, pulling out a ticket as he giggled happily out the door, stopping when Applejack looked at him smugly, crossing her hooves. Spike giggled to himself as he walked past her, Skystrike following. They caught up with the group who was a few feet ahead. Halfway to the restaurant, a sudden realization his Skystrike. “God damnit.” He said, causing everyone to look at him. “What?” Twilight asked worried. “...I forgot my tea from earlier.” > Applebuck Season > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up with a yawn, Skystrike got out of bed. He went to the bathroom, the tiled floor tapping as he walked across it. He looked in the mirror and brushed his teeth, getting out any plack that was once there. He spat out the toothpaste and rinsed it down the drain. Looking out the window, he saw that the sun was just about to rise. He walked outside and took a quick glance at his house. The small hut he once had has been refurbished into an entrance room. A large two storied building was behind it, a door inside connecting the two. To the right of his house was a part under construction, the scaffolding still there. “I’ll work on that later.” He said with a sigh. He stretched his limbs, his metal arm creaking in response. He quickly put his arm out straight, signaling for his armor to come. Pieces of black metal flew towards him, coming out of the windows of his bedroom. The metal slowed down as they neared him. They started around his chest, combining to make his chestplate. They then moved to his legs, starting at his hooves and moving their way up. His helmet instantly turned on and formed around his head. “Armor online. Current mode: Balanced” Echo said, giving a status report. “Good morning, Skystrike.” “Morning.” He said, greeting his friend. “I’m about to start my work out. Can you time me at each section.” “Of course.” He said. A small digital timer appeared in the helmet, Skystrike being able to see it. “Start when ready.” “Your time has decreased by 12 seconds. Impressive.” Echo said comparing his last time. ‘Nice’ He thought to himself as he went inside his house. He went to the kitchen and took out same things from the fridge. Milk, Hay bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. He opened one of his cabinets and pulled out a frying pan. He turned on the stove, allowing for the pan to heat up before throwing on all of the food. The food was making a sizzling sound as it was cooking. Skystrike inwardly thanked himself as the oil popped on his armored hoof. After a few minutes, his food was done. He put all of it on a plate and set it at the table in the living room. He poured himself a glass or milk before digging into his food. He quickly cleaned up and walked out the door. He was now heading towards town, planning to find something to do. Besides Nightmare moon and Twilight’s breakdown, the last few days have been uneventful to say the least. Being an adventurer meant something different each day. He began wondering if he made the wrong choice settling down this early. He didn't. The ground began to shake as the sound of hoof steps could be heard in the distance. He knew full well what it was, as it wasn't the first time he’s seen one. “STAMPEEEEEEEEDE!!” He heard Rainbow shout from the air. He then heard loud ‘Moos’ from the same direction that the trampling came from. He flew up into the air to get a better view. Many cows were running towards Ponyville at an alarming pace. Multiple ponies were running around, getting into their houses and locking their doors. Pinkie however, was laughing. “Hey, this makes my voice sound silly!” She said, her voice distorted from the small earthquake. “Pinkie, are you crazy? Run!” Twilight shouted before running around like the other ponies. “Everypony, calm down!” Mayor Mare said, trying to stop the panic. “But mayor, whatever shall we do?” Rarity said, putting a hoof over her head in anguish. “Let Applejack handle it.” Skystrike said, landing next to Rarity. “What do you mean?” She said confused. “Look over there!” Rainbow said pointing to a pony running alongside the stampede. Sure enough, Applejack and her dog was running beside the cows as the crowd cheered for her. “Other side, Winona!” She said as her dog barked back before moving to the other side. The pony and dog worked together to move the cows close together. Skystrike smelt butter before looking over to see Pinkie eating popcorn and Rarity acting like she’s about to faint. He rolled his eyes before looking back at Applejack. “Come on, lil’ doggies. Turn!” Applejack said nudging one of the cows towards the herd., letting out a Moo in response. She whistled, getting Winnona’s attention. “Put em up Winnona!” The dog barked before jumping from cow to cow, riding on their backs before landing in front of them, leading the herd. Applejack got on a cows back before pulling out a lasso and grabbing the lead cow. She joined Winnona at the front and pulled hard on her lasso, narrowly causing the cows to avoid the town. The crowd of Ponies cheered for her, Pinkie even holding up a flag. Applejack pulled them to a stop before throwing the lasso away. She turned to look at the cows. “Now what was that all about?” “Moooooooo.” One cow started before clearing her throat. “Oh my! Begging your pardon Applejack, but Moorealla here was startled because of a snake.” All of the cows ears perked up to the mention of a snake. “And it just gave us all the willies, dontcha know?” “Why I completely understand, just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville.” “We certainly will, Applejack.” The cow said as the herd began walking away. “So long, Winnona~” She said before joining the herd. Winona barked a goodbye. Applejack stood in front of the crowd of ponies, receiving more cheers from them. She ran towards her friends. “Woohoo! Ride em’ cow pony!” An ecstatic pinkie said as she began doing flips. “Why Applejack, that was just… just...” Mayor mare paused, looking for the right word to say. “Apple-tastic!” Pinkie pitched in from above before falling down. “Gotta say, that was something else.” Skystrike said. “I must say Applejack, you must be rewarded for single hoofedly saving the town.” Mayor mare began. Pinkie let out a gasp. “I know! We could throw… A party!” “That’s a great idea! Can it be ready by next week?” “Okie Dokie lokie!” She said before running off. “Hey uh, Skyst-” Rainbow was cut off by Skystrike’s hoof over her mouth. “Please call me Nebula in public. Very few know im alive remember?” He said to both Rainbow and the group. “Ok then Nebula... I should've asked you way earlier, but where were you for all those years.” “Not in Equestria foor the most part.” He said plainly. “Ok, but why?” “Family issues.” He again said it plainly. “He doesn't want to talk about it.” Twilight said butting in. “Fine…” Rainbow said giving up. She landed on the ground in defeat while Skystrike lifted himself up into the air. He flew off at high speeds towards his house, planning to finish some chores he needs done. The ponies he left however, their jaws were on the floor. “Wow…” Fluttershy said quietly. “He’s quite fast, even with that ghastly armor on.” Rarity said, Twilight nodding in agreement. “But I… well, he’s not THAT fast…” Rainbow said, looking away. “Not with that armor on. It’s weighing  him down.” Twilight said observing his apparel. “But he’s still not as fast as me, right?” She let out a nervous chuckle. “Uuuuuuuuhh…” The three said in response, causing Rainbow to fly away in Skystrikes direction A week has passed since the stampede incident. A knock was heard from Skystrike’s front door, along with the voice of the visitor. “Skystrike? Are you awake?” Rarity said from the other side of the door. Skystrike quickly put on a crimson red cape he had hanging up, it draping over him, yet not long enough to touch the ground. It was held in place around his neck by two intertwining steel circles. As for his right arm, he had a difficult way of hiding it. Because of his armor, he didn't need to hide it, with it looking the same. He faced the palm of his hoof towards himself, and a small holographic screen came up. It quickly scanned his face before a menu came up. Manual Handling: Off Appearance: Bulky Mode: Pony He changed the appearance to thin. Layers of armor folded in on itself before sealing itself in place. His metal limb was now the same size as his actual limb. Finally, he pulled out a white sleeve from his dresser. He put it over his metal arm and fixed his fur to make it match the artificial fur on his  sleeve. It looked and felt realistic. Of course, he put on his helmet and met Rarity outside. “Yes. what is it?” “I need your help with Applejack’s party. Everyone else is busy, do you mind helping?” She asked, trying to butter him up, even rapidly blinking her eyes to try and sway him. He was having none of it. “That might have worked on other stallions, but it wont work on me.” He said in a disappointed tone, causing her to nervously laugh. “Fine, i’ll help. Let me lock up.” He stepped outside and locked the door. A small click could be hear from it. “So what do you need help with?” “Just decorations. Ribbons, banners, you know.” She said, pulling out each item from a saddle bag as she said them. “By the way, what happened to your armor? It’s quite unusual to see you without.” “I was in the middle of waxing it.” He said as he stretched his body. “Walking around with it half waxed is not visually appealing.” “I see. Well, we should start heading to town. It takes a while to walk here you know.” She said getting ready to start walking. “Then we have no time to lose.” “Huh? W-Wait!” she cried as Skystrike picked her up wedding style. He stood on his hind legs before letting off a strong flap of his wings, propelling him into the air. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” Rarity screamed as they took off at high speeds toward Ponyville. It took all of two minutes to get to the town square, the rest of the main 6 save for Applejack was already there. He landed on the ground with a loud thud, a gust of wind was spread across the ground kicking up dirt and his cape. He put Rarity down hooves first, though she was frozen stiff from the shock. After she realized that she was on the ground, she breathed in large gasps of air. “Sweet Celestia, Skystrike! What did you do?!” Rainbow said in shock. “She said that it was a long walk here from my house, so I picked her up and flew her over here.” He said, dusting dirt off of his cape and himself. “You flew her over here because it was a long walk?!” She said in disbelief. “I just saved us about a half hour so i’d say it was worth it. Besides, I flew slow enough so G forces wouldn't have a large effect. “G forces?” “The effect that gravity has on your body. I figured you learned this in school Rainbow.” Twilight said looking up from a clipboard she was holding. “That’s besides the point! You can't just do that!” She said trying to get back on topic. “Rainbow, dear, i’m fine…” Rarity said standing up. Her legs still slightly shaking. “Just, warn me next time, please?” “Sure thing.” He said before stretching out his wings. “Well, let's get started.” “And that finishes it.” Rarity said as Skystrike hung a banner over town hall. “Thanks for the help Sky!” “Don't mention it.” He said as he flew down, once again kicking up dust. “Now all we need is Applejack.” Twilight said Walking towards the two ponies. “Is she ready?” “Actually, I haven't seen her all week.” Rainbow said slowly flying over. “Not since the stampede!” Pinkie said joining in. “Don't worry, she’ll come.” Twilight reassured them. “For sure. Applejack is never late!” Rainbow agreed. The time for the party had come. Everypony in town had come to the event. Twilight walked up onto the stage beginning to make a speech. She took out some note cards and quickly sorted through them and straightened them out before taking a deep breath. “Welcome everypony! Today, we are because of the pony we can always count on! A pony who’d contributions to-” She was cut off by Rainbow flying right next to her, her flashcards dropped to the floor. “Did you see Applejack out there? What an athlete! This week, she helped me with y new flying trick, and I know it's going to be so awesome!” She squealed. “Exactly!” Twilight said as she pushed the pegasus out of the way. “And-” She was cut off again by another pony. “This week, I get to run Sugarcube corner for the first time!” Pinkie said in excitement. “And how does that have anything to do with Applejack?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. She blinked. “Oh! She’s a really good baker, and she’s gonna help me! Applejack makes everything great, sofree samples for everypony!” The crowd cheered in response. “Ok, that's great.” Twilight said pushing pinkie out of the way. “If i could just make a point without being inter-” “Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke softly. “-rupted” She said annoyed as she moved over to let her friend share the podium. “I'm so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the bunny counting.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “We’re counting up all of the baby bunnies born this season. Shes gonna help gather them with her herding skills.” She looked over at Twilight who was giving an annoyed look in return. “Anyone else?” Twilight groaned looking into the crowd. No one came up. “No? Well then, as I was trying to say-” Mayor mare gave her a large smile. Twilight let out a loud groan as she threw her stack of cards into the air. She walked off the stage. “And so, without further adieu, it is my privilege to give the prized pony of Ponyville award to our guest of honor.  A pony who’s trustworthiness and reliability and integrity. Ponyville’s most capable and dependable friend, Applejack!” A curtain was pulled back to reveal the earth pony, only for her to not be there. Skystrike tapped Spike on his head to stop his shouting. He still didn't realize that she wasn't there. He let out a chuckle in realization. Mayor mare cleared her throat as awkward silence came from everypony. “Awkward…” Spike spoke as he scratched his arm. “My thoughts exactly.” Skystrike said as he looked above the ponies for any sign of Applejack. “Speak of the devil.” “Im here!” Applejack said from the back of the crowd. She made her way though with a large bucket of apples on her back. She yawned. “Sorry i’m late. I was just- Did i get your tail?” She stumbled onto the stage. “Ms. Mayor, thank you kindly for this here uhhh… art thingy.” She yawned again. Her eyes had large bags under them. “It’s quite shiny and…” She looked into her reflection off of the trophy and giggled. “I sure do look funny ont I?” She moved her head back and forth, Pinkie going up and joining her. “Ok? We just want to say thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede.” Said a slightly worried Twilight. “And always being there for everypony.” She yawned again. “Yeah, I like helpin’ pony folks… n’ stuff.” She said in between a yawn. She fell asleep on stage. Standing up. “PPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT” Skystrike held in a laugh, Twilight glaring at him. Applejack quickly shook herself awake. “Huh, wuh? Yeah, thanks!” She said as she started to drag away the trophy. “...Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little…” Twilight was looking for the right word. “Tired?”  Rainbow said. “Dizzy?” Fluttershy chipped in. “Messy?” Rarity asked. Rainbow looked at her. “Well, did you see her mane?” “She seemed fine to me!” Pinkie said as jumped up and down laughing. “I’m going to go finish waxing my armor. Watch out for Applejack, she looks terrible.” Skystrike said as he turned to leave. “Oh yeah, what’re you doing with Applejack?” Pinkie said in curiosity. “Are you going on an adventure? Are you gonna do a sword fight? Are you gonna play games? Are you-” Pinkie was cut off by Skystrike holding up a hoof.. “We aren't doing anything. I can do most things myself.” “But darling, you can't do everything by your lonesome.” Rarity said. “That's why I said most. Besides, I’m never alone.” He said tapping the side of his helmet. “Are you for real? Helmets cant talk.” Rainbow said laughing. “Are you sure about that?” Echo said in a John Cena like voice. Everyone jumped at the sudden voice. “Who said that?” Pinkie said looking around. “Me. The helmet on Nebula’s head.” “Ooooooooo! What’s your name?” She said grabbing the helmet and Skystrike’s face? “I am designated as E.I. 15, though I am referred to as Echo.” “E.I,?” Rainbow said raising an eyebrow. “Endless intellect.” Skystrike said answering her question. “I still don't believe this ‘talking helmet thing’. How do we know that you aren't just making a fake voice?” “Ask me any question that I will know and Nebula doesn't know. This can be about anything.” He said confidently. “What order to I categorize my books?” He paused for a second. “Sunday through Tuesday, alphabetized by author. Wednesday through Thursday, alphabetized by title. Friday and Saturday, you take out every book and dust them, check for stains, then repeat the schedule.” To Twilights surprise, he was right on the mark. Rainbow however expected this. “I always knew you were an egg head.” She said crossing her hooves. “You have got to let me study him! He could give us so much information!” Twilight said in excitement. “Nebula knows almost everything i know. He has a photographic memory.” “You dick. Now she’ll want to do experiments on me or something.” “You said we’re in this together all those years ago. You said it. Own it.” Everyone laughed at Echo’s roast. Twilight however inched closer. “You must let me do some test. Aside from your armor, you have nothing else to do, right?” She said with an unsettling smile. “I do have other things. It’ll take a while.” “What are you doing? I can help it go faster.” “Um…” He quickly thought of an excuse. “I'm thinking up of names for my moves. No offense, but I think you’ll be bad at it.” “Hey, I can think of great names!” She said defending herself. “You seem like the pony that keeps your pet’s species name in its name.” “Only if it fits!” Everyone face hooved to Twilights confusion. “I’m going home…” Skystrike said in a disappointed voice. “But-” Twilight began. “I’m going home.” He said again before flying away. Skystrike was now sitting on top of his normal workout boulder. His front hooves were crossed and his eyes were closed. He wasn't asleep nor meditating. He, along with Echo, were thinking. “Alright, I come down from the sky and hit the ground hard, staggering anyone around me. Any  ideas?” “Heaven Fall.” Echo said after giving the name thought. “Meteor Strike.” Skystrike said competing. “Sounds good to me.” He said in approval. “Ok, so the next one. Remember that time that I was in the air and i span towards that guy while kicking him? Why don't we call it ‘fleet hoof’.” “Too simple. Remember that really old fighting game with ryu?” He nodded. “Street fighter right? What about it?” “We call it the ‘Tatsumaki Senpukyaku’.” “First off, that's a mouthful, and second, kinda weebish.” He said inwardly cringing. “And who’s here to call us a ‘weeb’?” “Your right.” He said with a chuckle. They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Echo thought up a move. “So you charge up an Incinerate spell in your hoof right?” “Yeah…” He said, not sure where he was going. “Then you compress it and move it to your fingers, right?” “Is this Dragon Ball Z?” He said like he was joking. Sadly, he wasn't. “Then you shoot it out in a straight line, right?” “I cant believe you're doing this…” He said in disbelief. “Then it explodes, right? Lets call it ‘Special Beam Cannon’.” “Wow.” He said surprised. “You even got the name the same. I don't like it. Besides, cannons don't burn things. “That’s what makes it Special.” He said that as if it was obvious. “What are you talking about?” The two were interrupted by a Twilight looking up at them. “Nothing…” He said brushing off the previous conversation. “We will continue this later.” He whispered to Echo as he hopped down from his bolder. “So what’s up? From the rainbow streak that went across the sky earlier, I guess it’s about Applejack?” “Yes.” She said with a sigh. “Big Macintosh injured himsalf so she decided to buck every apple herself. I was hoping you could talk to her?” She asked with pleading eyes. He sighed. “I cant.” “But why? Don't you care about your friends?” “Friends are ponies you can trust. It is earned, not given like an unneeded extra.” He looked her straight in her purple eyes. “So far, none of you have done anything substantial to earn my trust.” He turned around and got back on his boulder. “The main reason is because I’d rather not be any more of a hypocrite than I already am.” “What do you mean?” “Twilight, for as long as you've known me, have you ever seen me ask for help or get help from anypony?” “No, but I don't think that matters.” She said boldly. “It does. Me refusing help from ponies then offering help to the same ponies just doesn't feel right.” “But…” She was stumped on how to respond. He let out a loud groan. “Tell you what, you get her to let the others help, and ill help too. Will that get you off my back?” He said in annoyance. “Yes. Thank you, Sky.” She said with a smile. He grunted. She began making her way back to Ponyville as Skystrike decided to start meditating. “What are you doing?” Echo asked. “I’m meditating!” “You're not meditating, you're sleeping, I know the difference!” “We came as soon as we heard!” Twilight said to the nurse. “What the hell happened!? Skystrike yelled. “Thank you both for coming. We need all the help we can get!” She pulled back the curtain to see over a dozen ponies sick, one puking in a bucket. Some he knew. “It was a mishap of home of the baked goods. “More like baked bads.” Skystrike laughed to himself as he walked inside, everypony groaning save for one. “Heh heh… I get it…” Pinkie said before barfing. “Alright, I got this.” Skystrike said before stopping at one of the beds. “Nebula, we have medical training. We just need you to-” The nurse was cut off by Skystrike speaking over her. “Do you know how many times ive had to take care of myself out there?” Broken bones, poison, heat stroke, frostbite, etcetera. I know what I need to do.” He said as he opened up his saddlebag. Inside were a large amount of small red vials with corks on each one. He walked up to a grey pegasus, getting ready to barf in the bucket under her head. “Hey Derpy.” He said looking at the mare. “Oh hey, Mr. Nebula.” She said in an uneasy voice. She barfed in the bucket as her face turned green. “How are you?” She said looking up at him. “Nevermind that. How did this happen.?” He asked. “I ate some really weird muffins that Applejack made. She held back a barf. “I don't know what was in it, but thats why everyone’s here.” His blue eyes turned a lighter shade, even faintly glowing. “From the sound of it, you all have food poisoning.” He said as he put his saddlebag on the ground. He pulled out one of the red vials that he bought with him. “Drink this. It should make you feel better.” “What’s in it?” Twilight said watching on. “Sorry, you’ll never get my recipes.” He said with a smirk. “If we don't know what’s in it, it could make her feel worse!” The nurse yelled. “I know what im doing, ok?” “But-” The nurse was cut off again. “Derpy, drink.” “Ok.” She said as she was handed the vial. She put her head back as she drank it. She made a weird face as the fluid was probably not tasty. She coughed as she finished the vial, giving it back to Skystrike, who put it back in his bag. “Derpy, are you alright?” Twilight said as she held the mare. “What did you give her? It didn't make herr better at all!.” She screamed at him. “I gave her one of my potions. Aside from broken bones, it cures all diseases. And it did make her better, medicine just needs time until the effects are shown.” He said as he pulled out another vial. “Wow, I don't know what that was, but it did make me feel better!” She said as she stood up on her bed. She stretched her wings before she took to the air, flying around the room as if it was the best she felt in months. Twilight and every nurse in the room looked at him. “Well? Help me pass them out. It’ll go faster.” Twilight picked up the vials and passed them out to each pony. “Drink it everypony!” She said. They did just that before handing the vials back to her, Twilight putting the vials back into Skystrike saddlebag. Each one of them got up and ran out thetent they were in, all with wide smiles on their face. A nurse with a white coat and pink mane put her front hooves on Skystrike shoulders. “You must tell us what’s in those! It’ll be a huge help!” She said shaking him. “Choose your wishes wisely.” He said as he began putting corks back on his vials. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She said confused. “If I did, you all would be out of business. So, i'm not gonna tell you.” She bit her lip knowing he was right. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a certain earth pony to see.” He said as he left the tent. Skystrike was on his way to Fluttershy’s cottage before he felt the ground under him shake. “That's the second time this month!” He yelled in annoyance. His eyes were now an electric blue. “STAMPEEEEEEEEEEEEEDE!!” Rainbow screamed again as the crowd panicked. Again. He saw a herd of bunnies rushing through the town. A pony fainted right before the bunnies were about to trample her. The bunnies just went around however. After the herd of bunnies past, he looked around to see many of the town’s residents lying on the ground. Twilight just came back from wherever she was to witness the aftermath. “The horror, the horror!” A beige and red pony cried. “It was awful!” A pink and blonde one whined. “Disaster! A horrible, horrible disaster!” Daisy whined. Twilight looked around the town. It was empty, but seemed untouched. “I don't get it.” She said in a deep, confused voice. “Our gardens!” The pink one said, looking over her ruined flowers. “Destroyed!” “Everylast flower, devoured!” The beige one said. “They, they, THEM!” Daisy said pointing to the bunnies eating the town’s flowers. “Um, please stop little bunnies!” Fluttershy said trying her best to get their attention. “No, no! Please, let’s go home! Oh my goodness!” “Fluttershy!” Skystrike yelled. She jumped. “Y-yes?” “Who caused this?” He said, his eyes were now a sky blue. “Applejack scared them and they ran into town!” She said quickly. “Thank you!” He said before trotting off. Twilight followed ust behind him. “Skystrike! Where are you going? And what’s with your eyes?” “My eyes get lighter the angrier I get! I take back what I said earlier! I’m going to talk with Applejack!” He yelled going towards Sweet Apple Acres. He walked up a hill to see the orange earth pony bucking a lone tree. “Just keep buckin’...Just keep buckin’...Just… a few… more...” She said to herself half asleep. “Alright Applejack, your apple bucking hasn't just caused you problems, it’s over propelled a pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies. You. Need Help.” Twilight said firmly. Applejack kicked a tree, the last of the apples falling from in. “Ha! No I don't! Look! I did it! I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help.” She said with a smirk. “How’d you like them apples?” The three looked over the orchard. It was void of any apples. “I'd like them alot more if you didn't put other ponies lives at risk, did not nearly give Rainbow a dislocated limb, and didn't drive a hoard of bunnies through the town. You don't seem to care at all for the others or yourself! You denied help even though you clearly needed to.” He poke a hoof into her chest. “You were blinded by your own pride to get help, and you're blinded by it again!” “What's that supposed to mean?” She said letting out a light growl. “LOOK!!” He yelled pointing to her left. Her jaw dropped as she looked over the other half of the orchard. “How do you like them apples?” Big Mac said coming out of nowhere. “Huh? But.. wha…” Applejack stuttered until she finally collapsed from exhaustion and shock. A few minutes passed until Applejack regained consciousness, “Applejack? Applejack!” Twilight called out before she answered. “Huh?” She said in response. “Oh good,” Twilight said with a smile before her stern look came back. “Look, we know you respect the apple family ways. You're always there to help anypony in need. So maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and ask your friends to help you. She looked over the appletrees before sighing in defeat. “Ok, Twilight.” “I am not taking no for an answer-what?” She cut herself off. “Yes Twi. Yes please! I could really use your help. You too Sky.” She pleaded. “Will do. Twilight, can you get the others? I plan on getting this done quickly.” He said as he pushed one hoof into another, a cracking sound being the product. “Will do.” She said before teleporting away. She came back with the gang in tow. “Alright, you're here. So, you girls wanna see something cool?” Skystrike said looking back at everypony. “...Yeeeeeeeeeeees?” The girls said carefully. Skystrike flew up into the air. He could feel the air thin as he got higher. He positioned himself over a large amount of the trees. “What do you think he’s doing?” Rarity asked holding a hoof over her eyes to block the sun. “Probably just some lame trick.” Rainbow said not expecting much. “Ooooooooooo!” Said Pinkie hopping up and down. “This is going to be so cool!” “I think I know what he’s doing…” Twilight said wearily.” Skystrike began do dive towards the ground, a navy blue streak following him. He flapped his wings hard as he came closer to the ground. The air began to bend around him, forming an acute angle. “Hold on to something girls!” Twilight yelled as the group hugged the ground. A large boom was heard as a Navy blue and sky blue circle expanded behind him as he hit the ground. “HEAVEN FALL!” He shouted as he punched the ground. The land shaked and a large gust of wind went by everything in sight. Every apple in every tree fell to the ground, as did some of the leaves and small branches. Everypony's jaw dropped Skystrike stood up and dusted himself off. “Pretty cool if I do say so myself.” “Cool!?” Twilight shouted. “That was-” “AWESOME~” Rainbow said, throwing her hooves up into the air. > Griffon The Brush Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was almost 10 a.m when Skystrike was interrupted from his work by a loud knock on his door. He threw on his armor and grabbed his swords. He put them on his waist and walked towards the front door. He looked through a camera in his mask that was hidden outside in one of the various bushes he decorated his land with. He saw Rainbow trying to look through a window. The door made a loud creaking sound as he opened it, catching the visitor’s attention. “Hey Skystrike! How’s it going?” Rainbow asked greeting him. “It’s been going fine. Just finished the armory, started on the trophy room. How about you?” He answered. “Well, me and Pinkie found something you may like over in Ponyville!” She said smiling. “Neat. What is it?” “It’s in front of Sugar Cube Corner! I’m going ahead so no one else can get it!” She said trying to hide a snicker. He decided to play along. “Alright. I’ll meet you there.” Rainbow flew away as Skystrike began jogging towards town. When he arrived, Rainbow was standing there with a box on her back, trying her best to hide a grin. “So? What is it?” He asked. “The cakes made a batch of cookies from a new recipe they've been trying, and I got them fresh! Want one?” She said handing him one. He eyed the cookie curiously. It seemed like your normal chocolate chip cookie. He took a bite, the chocolate melting in his mouth. “You know, i often don't like chocolate, but this is good.” He said taking another bite. Rainbow pointed at Skystrike with a grin before Pinkie appeared out of nowhere behind him with her party cannon. Skystrike turned around, seeing straight down the barrel of the cannon. The strike of a match could be heard as Pinkie set the fuse. As soon as he heard this, Skystrike pushed against the ground and rolled out of the way. He landed on his hooves, his body low to the ground. A large boom was heard as a very large cake came out of the cannon, along with confetti, and streamers. All of those landing on Rainbow Dash who did not react fast enough. She looked like she dove straight first into a cake, but it was the other way around. “Well you tried.” He said as he stood up straight. Pinkie was laughing as Rainbow tried to get the cake off of herself. “How’d you know we were doing that?” She asked, freeing one of her eyes. “I didn't. I just heard the fuse burning and smelt smoke.” He said as he scraped a glob of cake off of her and ate it. “This is also good.” “But you did it so fast!” She exclaimed. “When I was fighting, I had to react fast. If I didn't, I’d die. If you wanna prank me, you're gonna have to try much, much harder than that.” He said as he got the last of the cake off of Rainbow. Pinkie was still laughing. Skystrike however, decided to play a little joke of his own. “Hey, you missed a spot.” He said pressing a hoof against her chest. “What?” She said as she looked down to try and see where he was pointing. He grinned as he dragged his hoof up, making the back of it rub against her face. “BUCK!” She shouted as Pinkie laughed even harder. She just fell for one of the easiest pranks ever. “You got played.” He said as he walked away from a pissed off Rainbow who give him a glare before chuckling to herself -line- He knocked on the door of the Carousel Boutique. “Come in!” Rarity said in the middle of sneezes. He walked inside to see her mannequins dressed up in various outfits as he heard running water from down the hall. “You ok?” He asked as he continued hearing sneezes from her direction. “Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie put sneezing powder in some flowers on my doorstep. I’m almost done washing it off.” She said before coming out to greet him. “So Skystrike, what do you need?” “I want you to make me a cape.” “But dont you already have one?” She asked as she rubbed her nose. “Yes, but I want a different one.” He said to her. “I already got it planned out too.” He said as he pulled out a sketch of his cape. It had a look of a normal cape. It was a midnight blue that faded to black as it went further down. On the back of the cape was a large white four pointed star. It had lines going through it, being the same shade as the rest of the cape. In the center of the star was a hour glass that was surrounded by the same gradient as the rest of the cape. It was to be held in place by two steel circles like his last cape. She hummed to herself. “I think I could do this. I think it’ll take me a week tops. Is that fine with you?” She asked putting on her reading glasses and taking the sheet of paper from Skystrike. “Yup. And how much will it be?” He asked as he reached into his bag, his whole arm going in. “How did you do that?” She asked. “And don't worry about payment. We’re friends, aren't we?” He gritted his teeth, Rarity not being able to see it due to his helmet. “Do what?” “Your bag. It’s like it’s bottomless.” “Oh, I found this bag while adventuring some ancient poni ruins.” He explained. “Apparently, it was enchanted by a group of powerful unicorns. They made it so if you put something in, it doesnt age at all in the bag. And anything you put in the bag, it stays in until you take it out again. It may be endless, but there isn't much in here anyway.” “So it’s like an endless storage?” “Ye-” He was about to confirm her question before the sound of the door opening could be heard. “Hey Rarity, I’m home!” A filly’s voice could be heard from the front as the door shut behind her. “Oh my, I forgot today was a half day. Sweetie belle! I have someone I’d like you to meet!” She said as hoof steps could be heard coming towards the two. A white unicorn filly with pink and purple hair walked into the room. Her green eyes widened when she and Skystrike made eye contact. “Uh… Hi.” He said awkwardly. He was about to introduce himself before he covered his ears due to the loud high pitched squeal coming from Sweetie Belle. She then began hopping around him. “Oh my gosh! It’s really Atlas Nebula! I’m your biggest fan!” She said as she stopped her jumping. “I didn't know you were friends with my sister!” “You could say that. Right now, i'm here for business.” “I’m making him a cape. It’s rather large for one, but he is too.” Rarity said showing her sister his design. Skystrike stopped himself from making a size joke. “Oh, can I help?” Sweetie Belle offered. “Uh sorry Sweetie Belle, but this seems really important. You can't-” “You know what, why not.” Skystrike said as both Rarity and Sweetie Belle were both surprised. “I’ll just see what happens. Maybe it’ll be good.” “Are you sure? It could go horribly wrong.” Rarity asked. “If it does, i’ll pay for the lost materials.” He said, fine with whatever the outcome may be. “You two have fun. I gotta go work on my house.” He waved goodbye as he walked out the door. -line- It was a new day, and Skystrike finished his daily work out. He had just finished breakfast before he heard knock at his door. He looked through his cameras once again to see a large being at his door. It was as tall as your average stallion, so still shorter than Skystrike. It had an eagle like face and wings, along with its front legs. It’s back legs were like a lions along with its tail. It was carrying a large bag on it’s back. He opened the door to the griffon. “Got a package here for Atlas Nebula?” She said pulling out a large box and reading the name tag. “Thats me.” He said taking the package and giving her her payment. He looked at her, getting a better view. Their eyes made contact. “...Gilda? From Junior speedsters flight camp?” She looked confused. “Do I know you?” She asked wearily. He pressed the button on the side of his mask, allowing her to get a good look at his face. “Long time no see.” “No way. Skystrike? I thought you were dead!” She said in surprise. “Nah, just hid for a while.” He stated as he shook his head. “Hey dude, you wanna come hang with me? I was planning on meeting up with Dash after I delivered your package.” “Why not. I got nothing else to do.” He said as he locked his door. “Hey Strike.” She started. A grin crept onto her face. “Last one there is a dodo bird.” She said before she sped off towards Rainbows house. “You’re on.” He said before pushing against the ground, pushing him forward. He began flapping his wings, and in seconds, he was neck and neck with Gilda. She gave him a look of surprise before she flapped her her wings harder, going past Skystrike. He however, was just getting started. He flew high into the air, Gilda now much farther ahead. She looked back and smiled, thinking she was going to win. Skystrike dove down at an angle and built up speed. He pulled up slightly, allowing him to fly horizontally, being able to keep all his speed he had gained. He flapped his wings hard, and in mere moments, he flew past Gilda at speeds that she couldn't keep up with. Seeing Rainbows cloud mansion in the distance, he flew upwards, the gravity against him slowing him to a stop before he began flying just above the clouds. A long moment passed before Gilda’s claw grabbed onto the cloud, pulling herself up. She was sweating heavily. “You’re slow.” He said as Gilda looked at him, panting heavily. “You only won because of that thing you did.” She said looking back at him. “I just worked out. I don't want to use up most of my energy again. Besides, no one realizes how heavy this armor is. It weighs as much as me.” He defended himself. “And as long as we’re up here, I gotta fly.” “But you're a pegasus. You can land on clouds.” She said, stating the obvious. “Normal pegasi can. I have no magic, meaning I can't land on magic clouds.” He said crossing his front hooves. “Oh right.” She said as she knocked on Rainbow’s door. The sound of the door unlocking was heard before the mare poked her head out. “Gilda! Long time no see!” She greeted her old friend. “How have you been?” “It’s been going well. Guess who I bought to hang out with us?” She said before stepping to the side, revealing the armored pony. “Wus poppin’” He said as he waved to her, still flying. “Hey Nebula!” She greeted him. “You remember Gilda, right?” “Yup. already showed her my face.” He answered. “By the way, beat Gilda on the way here even though she got a head start.” He said, jokingly puffing his chest out. “You beat Gilda?” She asked, her jaw dropped. “Is that surprising?” He asked confused. “Yeah! You never beat anyone in a race! Not in flight camp or in school!” “That’s because every race I had during those times, I was always flying, so I was understandably tired. And if I did race, where would I rest?” “Oh yeah… I guess that makes sense.” She said as she thought about it. “Aside from flying, I was the top athlete in gym, and got the highest grades in our grade.” “Egghead.” Both girls said in unison before giving each other a hoof-fist bump. A voice could be heard from below the three. “Rise and Shine, Rainbow Dash! It’s a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to-” Pinkie was cut off by Gilda stretching her head over the clouds, looking down at her. “Mornin’ Pinks!” Rainbow said before flying down. “Oi.” Skystrike said as he dove down before skidding to a top. “What are you wearing?” “Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie.” She introduced her. An eagle like screech was heard before gilda landed. Pinkie’s facial wear all fell to the ground. “Hey, what’s up?” She asked uninterested. “Pinkie, this is my Griffon friend, Gilda.” Rainbow pointed a hoof motioning to her. “What’s a Griffon?” Pinkie asked. “The love child of a lion and eagle.” Skystrike said getting a glare from Gilda. “The what?” Pinkie said laughing. “She’s half eagle, half lion.” Rainbow explained. “And all awesome.” Gilda said landing next to Rainbow and giving her a side hug. Rainbow pushed her away before doing a secret hoof-hand shake. “Gilda is my best friend from Junior Speedster Flight Camp.” Rainbow’s eyes lit up in realization. “Hey, you two remember the chant?” “Of course I do. They made us recite it every morning. I’ll never get that lame thing out of my head.” Gilda said with a groan. “You mean the song that was extremely cringy, boring, and seemed to be made the day before camp started? Yes.” Skystrike also said with a groan. “So~” Rainbow said hoping to get them to sing it. They both let out a sigh. “Fine…” They both said as all three flew up into the air. They all sang in unison. “Junior speedsters are our lives! Sky bombs, soars and daring dives! Junior speedsters, It’s our quest! To come and be the very best!” They finished by standing on their hind legs, waving their arms in the air. Pinkie’s only reaction was to laugh as Rainbow bowed while Gilda slid her hand across her head feathers. Skystrike had a look of pure disappointment. “Can't believe I did that..” He said as he facehoof “That was awesome!” Pinkie said walking up to the three. “I just got a great idea for a prank!” She smacked her face against the ground, her facial wear put itself back on. “Gilda, Nebula, you game?” “Huh… well i grove on a good prank as much as the next griffon. But dash! You promised me we’d get a flying session in this morning.” She said as she flew into the air. “Don't get me wrong, pranking is funny, but I wanna hang with Gilda for a little while. Haven't seen her in years.” “Yeah, uh, well, Pinkie Pie? You don't mind do you?” Rainbow said as the two flew up into the air after their griffon friend. “We’ll catch up with you later!” “Oh, um, sure, no problem! Have fun you guys! I’ll catch up …” She let out a sigh as the three flew away, none but Skystrike looking back. “Later.” She said sadly -line- The three friends were flying over Ponyville doing loops, corkscrews, and other various flying tricks. They were enjoying themselves. Gilda flew past Rainbow, making her speed up. Skystrike caught up to the two from behind easily. Skystrike flew just above a large cloud ass gilda landed on it. Rainbow tackled the cloud making a ‘poomf’ sound as she landed. The two girls laughed as Skystrike opened his helmet, wiping away a little sweat. “Can we land on the ground? I'm getting a bit tired.” “Come on, Sky. You can handle it.” Rainbow said reassuring him. “We’ve been flying for almost 3 hours. I can handle it, but I don't wanna wake up tomorrow with my wings feeling like jelly.” He said with a slightly annoyed tone. “Come on, just a little longer you filly.” Gilda said teasingly “Fine, you chicken.” He said getting a chuckle from her. “So know what?” Rainbow asked. “Hey there!” Pinkie said poking her head through a cloud before falling. “Huh?” All three said. “It’s later!” Pinkie said poking her head back through before falling again. “And I caught up!” The three looked down to see Pinkie jumping on a trampoline. “Well, she’s determined.” Skystrike said in awe. Rainbow laughed. “Pinkie Pie, you are so random!” She said with a snort. Gilda gave Pinkie an annoyed look. “Hey Dash, Strike, Think you got enough gas left to beat me to that cloud?” She asked pointing a claw to the furthest one she could see. “A race? You are so on!” Rainbow said getting ready to take off. “Ok. Guess I gotta beat Rainbow now.” Skystrike said as he got ready. “One, two, three, go!” Gilda said as the three took off, Skystrike taking the lead. He was meters ahead from the two as he touched the cloud, going through it. “Winner winner, make me dinner.” He said in victory. “I was just going easy on ya.” Bluffed Rainbow as she came in second. “Sure you were, Dash.” Said Gilda being a close third. “Besides, you got last.” “What! No way, I was way ahead of you!” Claimed the blue pegasus. “As if!” Gilda said crossing her arms. The two began to argue between each other as Sky strike watched a slowly rising pink pony being held up by balloons coming up to their cloud. “What?” He asked in disbelief as Pinkie came up. “Wow guys!” Pinkie shouted, startling the two girls. “That was really close! Buy Rainbow just beat you by a teeny-meanie-itty-bitty-smidge of a hair! Or a tinie-meanie-itty-bitty feather!” Rainbow laughed as Gilda’s glare of annoyance tightened. Skystrike gave the griffon a curious look before turning back to Pinkie. “See? Good thing Pinkie Pie is here to keep you honest, G.” Rainbow said jokingly. “Ok, Dash! Last one to that cloud up there is a gnarly dragon!” “I’ll go and call the winner.” Skystrike said as he flew ahead, looking back. Gilda didnt her him however, allowing him to get a full view of what happened between the griffon and the flying earth pony. He looked past an oncoming dash to see Gilda popping Pinkie’s balloons. A face of worry appeared on the pony’s face as she slowly fell toward the ground. “Rainbow won.” Skystrike said, acting like he didnt see a thing. “Wow! You guys almost got away from me that time!” Pinkie said flying up in  her own makeshift helicopter. She peddled the pedals to keep the propellers spinning. Gilda was now undeniably angry. She put on a face to her friends as if it was normal. “Say Dash, Skystrike, got any moves in your tricktionary? I mean 100% old school!” “New moves?” She asked as if she was being underestimated. “It’s gonna take a while.” Said Rainbow as she flew away, Gilda giving her a fake smile. “I gotta go sharpen my swords.” Skystrike said making an excuse to leave. “Alright, bye.” Gilda and Rainbow said as they waved. It was time for Skystrike little stealth mission to begin. He flew away from the three and dove toward the ground. He pulled out a pastel blue potion and drank it. Almost instantly, he became invisible, the light seeming to bend around him. He quietly flew back up to Gilda and Pinkie as Rainbow was doing flips and turns. He began to eavesdrop on their conversation. “Hey Pinkie, com’ ere.” Gilda said motioning a claw. Pinkie did so. “Yeeees?”She asked innocently. Gilda grabbed the pole connecting her to her rotor blades. She got uncomfortable close to her face. “Can you not take get lost for an answer?” Glda asked angrily. “Dash doesn't need to hang with a dweeb like you now that i'm around. You're dorkin’ up the skies Stinkie Pie.” She mocked as she grabbed her nose. “Now make like a bee, buzz off!” She yelled as she pulled back both claws and grabbed Pinkie’s rotor blades, causing her to spin instead. Pinkies face was a mix of dizziness and fear as she fell towards the ground. Skystrike cursed under his breath as he dove after the pink pony. She was going towards the earth fast, but he was faster. He quickly grabbed her out of the seat while the machine was still spinning. He watched a dizzy Pinkie in his hooves and her contraption dive towards the ground, ending with a crash. Pinkie snapped out of her dizziness as Skystrike landed on his hind legs. She jumped out of his hooves an looked up from where she fell as a look of puzzlement formed on her face. “Skystrike? I thought you went to sharpen your swords?” Pinkie asked surprised to see him. “And thank you for catching me.” “When you lived the life i’ve lived, stealth becomes your second nature.” He explained before looking at the scrap heap that was once pinkie’s mini helicopter. “I could probably fix that if you need me to.” “Dont worry, I got a spare. C’mon! I wanna go talk to Twilight about this. You were there, so you could help!” She said as she pulled him along. Skystrike sighed. -line- The two were now in Twilight’s home. Pinkie was ranting to Twilight about what happened, said mare was listening, or barely seemed to be. “So, Pinkie Pie, Skystrike, are you sure this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?” Twilight asked as she skimmed through a book she was reading. “Uh huh!” Nodded Pinkie. “Yeah! She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she pops my balloons, and she told me to buzz off! I’ve never met a Griffon that mean!” “I don't think you've met any others, but i assure you, they aren't all like that. She is right though. Gilda may not have noticed, but i saw all the things she did to Pinkie. “You know what I think Pinkie Pie?” Ask Twilight finally looking up from her book. “Well, I think you're jealous…” “Jealous!?” She asked in disbelief. “Green with envy.” Said Spike butting in. “Or in your case, pink with envy.” “Well, yes, jealous.” Confirmed Twilight. “Twilight, you haven't known Gilda like I have, let alone met her.” Skystrike started as he crossed his hooves. “Everything Pinkie said about Gilda is true. She has been pushing her away….Wait, if she’s been doing that during JSFC, that would explain why those two are best friends. She pushed away the other candidates, and she tried with me. That was Rainbows only friend during that camp.” “Lets not make baseless claims, Skystrike. You may be a little jealous too.” Said Twilight as she levitated a book towards her. “I could care less if Rainbow doesnt want to hang out with me. I just care about who she’s with.” “Look, I don't want to upset either of you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn't make Gilda a grump.” Pinkies eyes widened in shock as Skystriker narrowed with anger. “I mean, perhaps it’s you two who needs to improve your attitudes. “OUR attitudes?” The two said in sync. “Nice to know you don't believe us....” Skystrike said as he walked towards the door. Hey Pinkie, you said you wanted to hang out today right?” He asked looking back at the angrily stuttering Pinkie. “Well let's go.” He said as he pulled open the door hard. An angry grunt was all that came out of her as she followed him out. She slammed the door behind her. The two were walking around Ponyville quietly for a good while before Pinkie broke the silence with a sigh. “Maybe Twilight is right, maybe Gilda isn't a big mean grumpy mean meanie pants. Maybe I’m just a big jealous judgemental jealous jealousy pants…” She said as she looked down. “Pinkie, don't doubt yourself. In some situations, we may end up being in the wrong, but in this one, only we and Gilda know the truth. We have nothing to be jealous about.” Skystrike reassured her, hoping to get her spirits backup. “Wanna go to Sugarcube Corner? My treat.” He asked as the shop came into distance. “Sure... “ She said as she kept looking toward the ground. Skystrike enter the store, greeting Mrs. Cake as he walked towards the counter. He bought a medium smoothie for Pinkie and an extra large vanilla milkshake for himself. He paid the bill as he balanced his milkshake on his head and held Pinkie’s in his hoof. He bought the drinks out to a sad Pinkie who was lying her head on the table she was sitting at. After putting her drink down, she lifted her head just enough to reach the straw. Skystrike got to work on his own, sucking through the large straw from his 1 liter drink. The sweet taste of vanilla entered his mouth, soothing each one of his taste buds. “This is unnaturally good.” He said to himself, almost half of his milkshake gone. “Haahahah! That was sweet!” Said a familiar voice from above as Pinkie hid under the umbrella shading her table. Skystrike took his mouth off the straw and hid as well. “I gotta take care of some weather around here, shouldn't take long.” Rainbow said as she and Gilda flew by. “So hang out in town and i'll come by when im done.” “That’s cool I guess. Imma go chow down.” Gilda said as she landed “Later!” Rainbo said as she flew off. “Hey Pinkie, wanna help me on a stealth mission?” Skystrike asked as he finished his drink. “You know it!” Said Pinkie with a smile. The two quickly hid behind a building. Skystrike peeked around the corner as Pinkie stood on his back as she did the same, keeping an eye on Gilda. Said griffon looked over to Granny Smith  who was smelling some fresh produce for sale. Gilda appeared behind the cart and put her tail up, scaring the elderly pony. She shrieked. “A rattler, A rattler! Run for the hills, everypony save yourselves!” She yelled as she slowly ran away. Gilda stood up and patted her tail against one of the tomatoes the pony was selling. “This stuff and fresh dude.” She said as she walked away. “That was just messed up.” Skystrike said as Granny Smith slowly ran away. “Wasn't even a joke.” “Yeh, how mean!” Pinkie agreed before shaking her head. “No no, I cant misjudge her. It was kind of funny.” She said as they kept watch. “I guess…” Gilda walked up to a group of ponies talking around one of the produce stands. She looked around to make sure nobody was watching before swiping an apple from one of the buckets and eating it, core and all. “I knew it!” Pinkie gasped. “I did misjudge her. She’s a meanie, and a thief!” She said, slamming a hoof on the ground before shaking her head again. “No no no no  no. She might give it back!” She said hopefully. “She ate it Pinkie. How is that gonna happen?” Asked Skystrike as he kept looking towards Gilda who was walking down the path. “Almost there. This way.” Said Fluttershy gently as she was leading a mother duck, father duck, and her ducklings through the town. A few ponies were watching the scene as Gilda was walking directly into Fluttershy. They met with a bump. “Hey!” Gilda shouted. “Oh, please excuse me..” Said a quiet Fluttershy. “Watch where you're going!” Shouted Gilda as she spread her wings to look bigger. “I’m walkin’ here!” “I'm sorry, I was j-just…” Stuttered the shy pony as she backed away. “Im sorry, Im sorry.” She mocked. Why don't you just watch where you're going, Doofus!” She screamed as she walked closer to Fluttershy, scaring the ducks away. “B-b-b-but I… I…” Fluttershy could barely speak. Gilda let out a lion like roar, Fluttershy running away crying. The ponies around her watched as she ran towards her house. “OK, that's it.” Skystrike said walking out from his spot next to Pinkie. He walked directly in front of Gilda. “Gilda, the fuck do you think you're doing.” “That pony ran into me. She should've looked where she was going.” She said grinning. A crowd was starting to form around the two. “You knew damn well you were going to run into her.” He said, his eyes turning an electric blue. “But you know what, I guess it’s fair. You ran into something you didn't see coming just now. “And what was the-” he was cut off by his left hoof colliding with her right cheek. The crowd gasped in shock as she skidded across the ground. She went back a few meters before the dirt painfully rubbing against her stopped her momentum She stood up, clutching her cheek. A look of anger appeared across her face. “I have to go comfort a pony, so I’m gonna have you do one of two things. Leave now and don't fuck with anypony here, or let my knock your non-existent teeth out of your mouth. He said as he threw his swords to the side. “Your choice.” “I don't need to deal with a dweeb like you anyway.” She said trying to regain her pride before sluggishly fling away due to her hurt wing. Skystrike looked around at the crown. A few took some steps back in fear as most stood completely still. One pony walked up to him in puzzlement. “Hey Bon Bon.” He greeted as he rolled his wrist. “Dear Celestia, Nebula, why did you do that?” She asked throwing out a hoof. “If you remember the last time we met, I said I protect those who cannot protect themselves.” He said as he picked up his swords. “If she did the same to anyone of you here.” He said motioning to the crowd.” I’d doubt the outcome would be different. He tightened the straps around his waist, letting his swords stay in place. He pulled two bits and threw it to a pony with a white coat and cobalt blue mane. “That's for the apple Gilda stole.” He said as she caught it. He flew off in the direction that Fluttershy ran into. He followed the path, leading to her house. Landing on her doorstep, he knocked on the door. Fluttershy opened the door to her cottage to greet him, and it was obvious that she’d been crying. “Hey Flutters.” He said putting a hoof on her back before pulling her close into a hug. She cried some more. “I’m sorry I was gone for so long. I’m sorry that I wasn't there to help you. But I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.” He comforted her as she cried into his shoulder. They spent the next few minutes in a hug before Fluttershy stopped crying. She invited him in for tea, and he gladly accepted, even taking off his helmet. The two caught up on the past, telling each other what they've been up to, sharing laughs and such. The animals slowly began to warm up to Sky after Fluttershy introduced him to them. Some birds even picking out some of his hair to make their nest, much to Fluttershy’s amusement. They spent so long talking that their tea had become cold. It was relaxing for the both of them. A knock was heard at the door as they were talking. “Hey Fluttershy wanna come to a party i’m hosting for Gilda?” Pinkie asked quickly. “Oh um…” She pondered. “Sure, we’ll come.” Skystrike said appearing next to her. “That might be a bad idea after what you did earlier…” Pinkie said trying to hint at a ‘no don't come’. “What did you do earlier?” Asked the yellow pegasus as she raised an eyebrow. “You know how I said I protect those who cannot protect themselves?” He said as Fluttershy’s eyebrow raised more. “He hit her in the face.” Pinkie said innocently. Fluttershy sighed in disappointment. “I’m not surprised. It does sound like you.” She said holding her hoof to her face. “I’m still going to the party.” He said laughing. “Just to make sure the party goes well. I also got some stuff to say to her. She’s going to get slayed.” He grinned. -line- Pinkie was waiting at the door for ponies to come. She welcomed each in as more came. The Room had streamers hanging from the ceiling an a table packed with food on top of it. Many games were set around the room, though no one played any yet. Pinkie welcomed Skystrike in, and almost instantly, everypony who was at the fight earlier looked at him before murmuring to themselves. He sighed at did what he normally does. Or so he thought. “Hey Nebula, over here!” He looked to see Applejack waving at him and Rarity standing next to her with a package on her back. “What’s up you two?” He asked as he walked up next to them. “We’re fine, darling, and I finished your cape!” She said handing him the package. “We’ll me and Sweetie Belle. Hope it’s to your liking.” “I’ll open It later.” He said as he pushed it into his bag. “Don't want to get it dirty.” “Anyway, who’s this Gilda fellow that i've heard nothing’ about?” Applejack asked. “I hear she’s an old friend of Rainbow Dash, and you Skystrike.” Rarity noted. “She was my friend. Not anymore.” He looked over to his left to see Twilight and Fluttershy talking. “You two enjoy the party, I gotta go talk to Twilight.” He said before walking away. “You’ve met Gilda! What’s she like?” Twilight asked Fluttershy, who avoided eye contact. “Oh um, well… I’d think it’s best if you meet her.” Fluttershy said quietly. “Hey Flutters, it’ll be alright. I got a plan.” He said before walking towards Rarity and Applejack, leaving a confused pony. “I’m back.” He said greeting the two again. “Darling, what do you mean by used to?” Rarity asked slightly confused. “You mean with Gilda? She’s not the griffon she used to be. I guess I just don't want to handle that.” “Now sugarcube, you can't abandon one of your friends just because they changed.” Applejack said not believing what he said. “You’ll see what I mean when she comes here.” He said with a sigh “Gilda!” Pinkie shouted. “Speak of the devil.” He said with a chuckle. “I’m so happy that you came to my signature Pinkie Pie Party!” She said smiling. “And I really, truly, sincerely hope you feel welcome here amongst all us ponyfolk!” She finished as she put out a hoof. She slowly put up her claw to shake it. As soon as she grabbed it, a surge of electricity went through her. She fell  dizzily to the ground. Pinie and Skystrike both laughed at this until Pinkie revealed the cause. Rainbow came up Laughing. “Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoof shake prank. You are a scream!” “Yeah.” Gilda faked a laugh. “Good one Pinkie Pie.” “Come on G, i'll introduce you to some of my other friends.” “Right behind ya, Dash!” She turned to Pinkie. “I know what you're up to.” She warned. “Great!” She replied smiling. She growled. “I know what you're planning!” “Well I hope so, this wasn't supposed to be a surprise party!” She laughed. “I mean, I got my eye on you.” “Any i've got my eye on you!” Pinkie joked before going to the center of the room. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Gilda! A long time dear friend of Rainbow Dash and Atlas Nebula!” She pulled her into a hug. “Let’s welcome her to Ponyville.” The crowd cheered for her, making her snap out of her death glare to Pinkie and putting on an awkward smile. “So she does have teeth.” Skystrike said aloud as he kept watching Gilda. “Help yourself!” Offered Pinkie as they walked up to the snack bar. “Vanilla lemon drops! Don't mind if I do!” Gilda said not noticing Rainbow Dash having a wide smile. She popped one into her mouth and her face turned a hot red. Fire bursted out of her beak as Pinkie roast a marshmallow. “Hot, hot!” She puffed as she ran around. “G, the punch!” Rainbow laughed as Gilda ran to the punch and got a glass of the drink. Only for it to run down the cup and spill onto the floor. “Hah! Whaddaya know! Pepper in the lemon drops and punch in a dribble glass!” Pinkie said as everyone laughed along with her. “Your face was priceless!” Rainbow laughed. Gilda ran to some water cups on the counter. She threw it into her mouth and breathed heavily. “Yeah hilarious…” She growled. “Hey G!” Rainbow caught the griffons attention. “Look, presents!” She dashed up to the table with the gifts sitting on top. She grabbed one and pulled the ribbon off with her beak. Spring snakes jumped out in every direction, the surprise leaving her feathers all puffed out. Skystrike laughed harder than normal. “Spitting’ snakes! Somepony pulled that prank on me last month!” Applejack giggled along with Rarity. “Ha ha.” Said an annoyed Gilda. “I bet I know who that was…” She said looking toward Pinkie. “You do?” She asked as she fluttered her eyes. “Wasn't me!” Skystrike yelled calming down from him laughing fit. Gilda ignored him. The party went on quite peacefully, ponies chatting with each other and Fluttershy orchestrating some birds to sing together. Pinkie came out with a large cake just a tad smaller than herself. “Cake time everypony!” She called. “Hey, can I blow out the candles?” Spike asked childishly. “Why don't we let Gilda do it? She is the guest of honor after all.” Twilight tempted. Gilda elbowed Spike out of the way. “Exactly!” She said before taking a deep breath. She blew out the candles with a large smile only for the candles to light back up. She blew them out again for the same thing to happen. She blew them out again, and they lit up again. This continued until she was out of breath, panting heavily as everyone was once again laughing. “Relighting birthday candles! I love that prank!” He clutched his belly as he laughed harder. “What a classic!” “I wonder who could have done that?” Pinkie thought. “Yeah, wonder who?” Gilda glared. Spike ate his way through the cake, bursting out of the top. “This cake is amazing!” “Spike!” Twilight said annoyed. “What? It’s great!” Gilda ha her wings spread out in ander as a scowl formed on her face. “Hey G,you're not upset over some silly candles, are you?” Rainbow asked after she stopped laughing. She put on a relaxed face. “No way, Dash! Like I said, I’m down with a good prank.” “C’mon then,” She ran towards a game. “Let’s try this one!” Gilda pulled Pinkie behind the cake as Skystrike was eating his way through, ignoring any cake or frosting getting on his mask. He ate his way around the side of the cake. “Hey I’m watching you, like a hawk.” Gilda warned. “You're half eagle, and hawk.” Skystrike said as he made his way around towards them. “Besides, you can watch me like a griffon?” Pinkie snorted. “Hey y’all! It’s pin the tail on the Pony!” Applejack said as ponies gathered around the game. “Let’s play!” “Oh, my favorite game! Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?” Rarity asked as she went to grab the fake tail lying on the floor. Gilda ran up and grabbed it from under her nose. “Well I am the guest of honor, and I’ll have the purple tail.” Gilda said as she got a glare from Rarity. “Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first!” Pinkie pitched in. “Let’s get you blindfolded.” Spike walked up to her and put a blue blindfold on her. Gilda cried out in protest as spike tied it and Pinie spun her around. “We’re spinning you around and around so you can pin the tail on the pony!” Pinkie got her lined up with the picture. “Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail!” “Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail!” Gilda mocked. “Yeah right, this is another prank isn't it? i’m going this way.” She said turning around. Only to slip on some cake icing and run into the storage room. She came out covered in cake with the tail over her beak like a mustache. “Uh Gilda? You put the tail on the wrong end.” Pinkie said before the room howled with laughter. Gilda let out an angry roar shutting everyone up. “This is your idea of a good time? I’ve never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And Pinkie Pie, Skystrike! You two are queen and king lamoe with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?” “You did, and you haven't even triggered my prank yet.” he said holding back a laugh. “Shut it! Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together!” She said pulling her into a side hug. “Ten times zero is zero.” Skystrike said barely containing himself. “I said shut it! Come on Dash, we’re bailing on this pathetic scene.” Rainbow stood there, giving Gilda a glare that rivaled her own. “Come on Rainbow Dash, I said we’re we’re leaving.! “You know Gilda, I was the one who set up all those pranks.” Rainbow stated to the griffon. “What?” Gilda asked dumbfounded. “Oooooooooo.” Pinkie said in suspense. “So I guess i’m queen lamoe.” Rainbow said as her glare tightened. “Come on, Dash, you’re joshing me.” Gilda said not believing her. “They weren't all meant for you specifically, it was just dumb luck that you set them all off. “I should've known! That dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it.” Pinkie realized getting in Spike’s face. “No way, it was Pinkie Pie and Skystrike! They set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool out of me!” “Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude!” Pinkie said hurtfully. “I thought a party could turn that frown upside down!” “I didn't know this party was happening until an hour before it started.” Skystrike defended himself. “Skystrike?” A party goer asked. “That’s the nickname she gave me.” He lied. “And you sure didn't need any help making a fool out of yourself.” Rainbow said continuing the argument. “This is not how I thought my old friend would treat my new friends. If being ‘cool’ is all you care about, maybe you should go find someone ‘cool friends’ to hang out with.” Gilda was undeniably angry now. “Yeah, well, you, you, you're just a flip flop! Cool one minute, then lame the next.” Skystrike burst with laughter as everyone stopped to look at him. “What’s so funny dweeb?” Gilda mocked. “I’m sorry, it’s just your insult was so bad.” He said wiping a tear from his eye. “I doubt you could do better, dweeb.” Gilda challenged. “Ok.” He cleared his throat. “One of the griffons most notable traits is that they have a lot of greed and pride. As you know, you're a mix of an eagle and a lion. You however, are an exception. You pick on beings smaller than you. You made Fluttershy cry for no reason, you stole from a pony in the market, and to butted spike out of the way just before the candle prank. Not once did you try any on that with me. I offered you a perfect chance when I threw my swords aside earlier, yet you ran. And to top it all of, you were envious of Pinkie, afraid that she’d take away your only friend. You are nothing like griffons are described. You aren't half eagle, you're half chicken.” He finished as everyone’s jaw dropped onto the floor. “That was just heartless.” Spike said under his breath. “You, you're a, urg!” Gilda said as she walked out the door, only for a giant plastic hand with pounds of whipped cream on it smacked into her from the roof. “There’s my prank!” Skystrike said as everyone roared with laughter. Gilda flew away faster than he could believe past the outskirts of town. “Wow, talk about party pooper.” Spike said as the laughing died down. The ponies began to chat among themselves. “I’m sorry, everypony for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was.” Rainbow said looking down at the ground in disappointment. “And Pinkie, im really sorry for hanging out with her instead of you.” “Hey, if you wanna hang out with others, that’s your business.” “I’d rather hang out with you. No hard feelings?” She put out a hoof. “No hard feelings.” Pinkie confirmed as she shook it. They both shocked eachother as they laughed together. Twilight walked up to Pinkie and Skystrike. “Pinkie, Nebula, I’m sorry for saying that you were misjudging Gilda. Looks like i'm the one who misjudged you.” “It's all good Twilight.” Skystrike waved a hoof. “Even you can't be a super smart smarty pants all the time!” Pinkie agreed. “But she tries to anyway.” Skystrike said as Pinkie laughed. “Come on everypony, there’s still a lot of party to finish!” Pinkie said as everyone cheered. Spike however burped up a letter. “A letter from the princess!” Twilight said as she took up the letter and began reading with her eyes closed. “My faithful student Twilight, I…” She opened her eyes. “Nebula, this is for you.” He took the note, allowing only himself to read it, despite the main 6 trying to look on. He let out a loud groan as he pulled out a ticket. “Rarity, i'm glad i got the cape. I’m going to Canterlot. “WHAT?!” Everypony and dragon yelled in surprise. > Trouble in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike had just woke up from his overnight trip to the equestrian capital. He was sitting on one of the train benches when he awoke. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and yawned before sticking his face out of the window. He could see Canterlot in the distance as the wind brushed against his face. He looked around, seeing a few passengers still asleep. It seemed that it would be another hour before the train arrived at its destination. He decided to keep himself busy by sharpening his swords against his armored hoof. A scraping sound was heard as he rubbed the metal together. He let out a tired sigh as he thought about what happened yesterday. He looked over the letter that Celestia sent her. Dear Skystrike Nebula, It has been some time since we’ve seen each other. I ask of you to come to Canterlot to meet With Princess Luna and I over a cup of tea. I have attached a train ticket for your departure. I believe the train leaves this afternoon. My apologies if you had any plans for this evening. I have also assigned an escort to meet you When the train arrives. I have also prepared a place for you to stay During your visit here. Sincerely, Princess Celestia He could remember each of the ponies reactions when he told them he had to go. Rarity was begging him to bring one of her outfits, saying his armor was not fit for a meeting with a princess. Twilight was hyperventilating, worrying of what could go wrong after what happened with Nightmare Moon. Applejack and Fluttershy wished him luck. Pinkie remembered that she still hadn't given him a welcome party, so she’d give him the best welcome back party ever. Rainbow Dash hoped that he would get the wonderbolts on her good side if he met them. Each one of them met him at the station that evening, even Derpy and Bon bon came to say goodbye. The former gave him a basket of muffins to eat on the train ride. He thanked each of them before leaving. The train was about 10 minutes away from Canterlot as the passengers were awaken by the loud root of the train’s whistle. They began to prepare their luggage as Skystrike looked around. Remembering Rarity’s gift, he pulled it out of his bag and opened the box. It was neatly folded, and seemed almost exactly the way he asked, A blue that faded gradually into a black. The only difference was that it seems that the blue parts had glitter mixed into the dye. The four pointed star was still the same, the white circle around it with the blue surrounding it. He put it around his neck, keeping it in place with the two steel rings that were attached to said cape. He pulled to out with one hoof to look at it once more. He reminded himself to thank Rarity and Sweetie Belle later. Right now, he was forced to spend the next 5 days in Canterlot doing who knows what. The train finally came to a stop with the last blow if it’s whistle. He ate the last muffin Derpy gave him and stepped of the train, the passengers walking around him pulling their suitcases. He checked his bag to see if he had left anything. “Excuse me, are you Atlas Nebula?” He was interrupted by a feminine voice. He looked up to see a mare with a almost white coat and sky blue mane. She wore a spartan-like helmet that her hair hung down from, as well as a golden chestplate that covered her whole body, save for the legs. Her hooves were covered by golden shoes, the front going up to her ankles. She had rose red eyes, which currently, were looking directly into his navy blue. “Yes, that's me. I’m guessing you’re my escort, miss?” He said as he closed his bag with his wing. “My name is Stardust, sir!” She said confidently, saluting him. “Just call me Nebula, none on that ‘sir’ stuff.” He said as he put his hoof on hers, trying to lower her salute. He failed. “I cannot do that sir!” She said keeping her salute on her head. “I was ordered by Princess Celestia to treat you with the utmost respect, as well as to follow every order while you stay here!” Skystrike couldn't tell if this was serious or one of Celestia’s jokes. “So, you're supposed to listen to any order I give you?” He questioned. “Yes sir!” “Then I order you to refer to me as Nebula.” “No sir! Princess’ orders!” He sighed as he stretched his wings, a cracking sound coming from them. He checked his wings, making sure the tips had their razors on them, also making sure they were sharp. “Alright, i’m guessing we go to the castle?” “Yes, sir! Right this way, sir!” Stardust said before she began walking away from the train station and into the capital. Skystrike quickly trotted up to her and began walking next to her. As the two walked through the city with her, he realized that the city barely changed since his first visit all those years ago. He looked around to look at the ponies walking by. Each of them wore formal clothing and held their heads high, ignoring most passerby. Some occasionally gave Skystrike a look before turning their heads to continue doing whatever they were doing. He combed his hoof through him mane in annoyance. “So, Stardust, what do you find fun?” He asked trying to make small talk. “Whatever you find fun, sir!” She said said. “Ok, what do you do in your spare time?” He asked, trying to get a real answer. “I practice my swordsmanship sir!” She responded. He nodded. “You’ll have to show me later after the meeting with the princess.” They walked further towards the castle, crossing the moat that divided the castle from the city. As he got closer, the royal guard stepped out of their way so that he could enter the castle They walked through the castle hallways, passing large wooden doors that lined them. They stopped before an even larger pair of wooden doors that were guarded by 10 unicorn guards. They stepped to the side, two of the guards lit up their horns and pulled on the handles of the door, slowly opening it. Skystrike and Stardust walked into the throne room. Its ceiling was high enough for a large dragon to fit in, being held up by dozens of pillars, even more royal guards ponies standing in front of them. Both Celestia and Luna stood up from their their thrones as the two came closer. They stopped in front of the princess’ and Stardust bowed. “What’s up.” Skystrike said as he stood there. Loud gasp could be heard from both Stardust and the guards in the room, all while Celestia was giving him a cold glare. “What are you doing?” A pegasus guard spoke up. “Bow!” Skystrike took out one of his wings and held it under his head. He positioned one of his finger-like feathers and put one under his chin and his thumb-feather under his cheek, being careful not to cut himself with his tipped feathers. He hummed to himself before giving an answer. “Naw.” A grey unicorn with a silver mane and tail stepped out from the crowd of gods. His only armor was some silver shoes and body armor. He gave Skystrike a stern glare. “The princess has invited you to meet her. Show some respect.” He remembered this stallion from all those years ago. He was the pony that questioned him while he was in the Canterlot dungeon. He was going to have some fun. “To be fair, I could have sent the letter and ticket back because it never said I had to come, but that would be rude, so here I am.” He said with a smug grin, though the unicorn wasn't able to see it through his helmet. “How dare you!” He said getting up in Skystrike face, who was currently slouched over. “Do you have any idea who you're speaking to?” Skystrike let out a yawn before standing up straight, looking down on the unicorn. “I could care less who you are. There are few of high power that I respect. Prove to me your strength, and you will get the respect you wish for.” “Then i’ll have to take you up on that offer.” He said as Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “I, General Magnus of the royal guard challenge you to a duel!” He said as he pointed a hoof at him. Everypony’s eyes widened, including the princess’. “If I win, you will show the princess’ the utmost respect. If I lose, I will let this slide.” “Wait!” Luna said trying to stop the confirmation of the duel. “Don't worry Luna. This isn't the first fight I have been in, nor will it be the last.” He assured her before he turned to Celestia. “You do realize what’s at stake, don't you?” He asked. “What do you mean, Nebula?” She asked confused, although still keeping her glare.. “If I win, i'm sure it’ll lower the moral of the guard. That being said, it is very disrespectful to and nor do I plan on losing purposely. With knowing that, will you allow this duel?” A moment of silence went past as she thought for a moment. “Thinking that far ahead, my goodness… Yes. The duel will be held tomorrow at noon in the Canterlot coloseum. I hope that is to your liking?” “Couldn't be better. I could barely sleep on the train anyway.” He said as he tapped Stardust on her shoulder. “I’ll have Stardust here lead me to my quarters. I suppose you’ll want to meet with me later, Celestia, Luna?” They nodded before they stood up from their thrones and left from a door behind them. Skystrike, Luna, and Celestia were sitting around a tea table, quietly sipping their tea and eating cake. A moment of silence went by until one of the princess’ spoke up. “Why did you pick a fight with Magnus earlier? Now you’ll lose your status that you've build up.” Celestia said as she sipped her tea. “Why do you think i’ll lose to him, so easily? Just because I cant use magic doesnt make me helpless.” He said slightly annoyed. “Wasn't trying to pick a fight anyway. I was just saying that i'm not going to respect you anymore or any less than your average pony just because of your social status.” He sipped his own tea. “But should a pony be respected by their power? They must make a lot of decisions that affect their ponies.” She said putting down her her tea cup before cutting a rather large slice of cake for herself. “And because of those decisions, I respect them off of what decisions they've made, no matter how big or small. You fuck up, my respect is gone.” He looked up from his tea to see Celestia to see her cutting herself another slice. “Apart from thous show earlier, thou is quite admirable.” Luna said speaking up. “Ever since our meeting in Ponyville, we have tried to learn much about thee, but barely anything has came up?” “That’s because I leave before questions can be asked. I’m sure you heard of the group of travelers, ‘stormcloak’?” “They disbanded a few years ago, I believe?” Celestia said, covering her mouth as she finished another slice of cake. “I believe so. Twas a group of nearly every race in this world.” Luna said as she raised her tea cup with her magic. “Yes. We had many. We consisted of an earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, dragon, hippogriff, griffon, diamond dog, avian, changeling, and zebra. I was the founder and leader of said group.” Celestia’s eyes widened. “A changeling? They're extremely dangerous and untrustworthy and could attack at any moment!” “Each one of us could've as well. But we didnt believe that things that their race did in the past should affect who they are. For example, I don’t believe you judge ponies now, despite that they nearly went to war in the founding of equestria. Besides, she helped a lot in stealth missions.” “What dost thou mean?” Luna asked confused. “There were only three times that you could see all of us together. When we finished missions, when we’re at each others funerals, or when we fought an enemy that was too powerful. That hasn't happened yet, anyway.” He said in a serious tone. “We mostly worked in groups. I was in each one, due to my abilities, and she, along with me and the other ponies were stealth ops.” “So you specialize in sneaking about? I don't see where that would be useful.” Celestia said stopping from her cake. “There were a number of corrupt nobles and generals in the past, as well as royal guardsmen in Canterlot. Both I and the changeling were able to easily disguise as the royal guard and expose stop them from the shadows.” He said as he closed his eyes. “Sad to say, on one occasion, we had to take one's life due to proof that he was planning on assassinating you.” The room grew silent as he finished his sentence. “If we may ask, what caused thou to disband?” Luna asked. “We all were attacked by a group of trained assassins called Hydra. They were a group of 10 that attacked us, and there were more outside of battle. Everyone got out mostly unharmed except for a few. The diamond dog lost an hand, so I had to give him a metal one. The avian lost her foot, so she made herself a peg leg, the griffon lost an eye and had a grandson to take care of, so he retired, and I held them off while the others escaped to safety.” He waved his hoof, his armor falling off, and his helmet turning into a collar. He was covered head to hoof in scars, large stab marks all over his abdomen and deep cuts on his legs. Parts of his hair that was under his helmet was grey from the scars on his head. He had a small scar on his neck, seeming to just barely cut his throat. Both of the princess’ had looks of horror on their face. “I was too afraid of my power back then, so I held back. My friends almost died because of me. I disbanded them because of that reason. Out of my own rage, I killed each one of the assassins and hunted down the ones in hiding, knowing who they were by a tattoo of a hydra somewhere on their body.” He waved his hoof, the pieces of metal levitating towards him and snapping back together. “That was three years ago. I do not regret the lives that I have taken, but I do have pity on their souls. That is why I accepted Magnus’ challenge. I’m not afraid of my power anymore, and I will prove it during our duel tomorrow.” He sighed as he stood up, getting ready to leave. “You must realize, I respect you either way, I just won't call you by your titles or bow until i see you as worthy for me to bow my head.” He said as he opened the door. “And Celestia, no offense, but you might want to lay off the cake a little.” “It’s all going to that ass, so it’s not that bad.” Echo said out of nowhere. Luna bursted out laughing as Celestia’s face turned a deep red. “Im turning off your ability to speak until we’re alone.” Skystrike said as he pulled up the settings. “You can silence me but you can't silence the tru-” He was cut off by the voice setting being muted. Skystrike looked at Celestia who was still blushing, then Luna who was on the floor laughing. Then at Stardust who was standing at the door. ”We have to go. I wanna explore the city.” He said before trotting away, Stardust following behind. “Yes sir!” Skystrike and Stardust were currently walking around Canterlot. Skystrike was currently going off of memory as to where he wanted to go. They were currently walking in silence, being able to hear the rustling of his armor as he walked. “Sir, if I may ask, what were you thinking back there?” Stardust asked breaking the silence. “You think i didn't notice you or the other guards eavesdropping?” He said with a chuckle. “You always have to be aware of your surroundings.” “But sir, I think you’re underestimating General Magnus! He-” “Trained Shining Armor, i know. I used to spar with him before he was captain. He was good, and I hope that he’s gotten better.” “You're still underestimating him, sir! He has never lost a battle one on one to anypony!” “Then i’ll be the first.” He said with a grin. “Besides, no one has ever documented any fights i've been it, except me of course. They don't know how strong I am.” “Well how many fights have you been in, sir?” She asked curiously. In response to this, Skystrike pulled out a thin book and handed it to her. “In that book is almost every fight i’ve been in, including the date and who i was against.” She quickly began to skim through it as her eyes shrunk in realization. “I can't believe these. They seem too vague to be true. “I wrote down every fight and drew pictures of the creatures I fought. Each has its own separate book.” He said as he pulled out another thin book. “Here’s one where I fought a Tatzlwurm.” Her eyes widened as she stuttered and failed to speak, making Skystrike laugh. “I’ll tell you more about my battles at another time. We arrived.” He said as he stopped walking. They both looked in front of them to see a donut shop. “Sir, if you wanted some donuts, the royal guard could've had it delivered to you?” She said raising an eyebrow. “The donuts are just an added bonus. I’m here to see some ponies. We used to meet here every wednesday. If they're still friends, then they should be coming in few minutes.” He said as he looked at the clock in his helmet. “Wanna get a donut? My treat.” He pulled out a small bag of bits. She nodded as they walked in the door, there was a ring of a bell as Skystrike opened it.. “Just a minute!” A stallion’s voice could be heard from the back. The clanking of bowls and silverware could be heard as he came out to the counter. He had a light amber coat and a moderate orange mane. He had grey hooves and a horn, mentioning he was a unicorn. “Welcome to… Well if it isn't Atlas Nebula, my favorite customer!” He said as he greeted his old friend. “I see you finally got a marefriend!” Stardust let out a blush. “We’re not dating!” She yelled obviously embarrassed. “Nice to see you too, Joe. She already knows who I really am.” He said as they gave each other a brohoof. “How’s business going?” “It’s been great since that investment you made all those years ago. Thanks to you, I was able to buy this place! I can't thank you more!” He said thankfully. “I’ll give you the usual, on the house! And for your friend?” “Um… A chocolate donut with sprinkles please…” She asked, still flustered. Donut Joe nodded before going under the counter into the glass display case. He put Stardust’s order into a small paper bag and set it on the counter. He then went back under and pulled out a large paper bag. He began putting various donuts and donut holes into the bag before handing the bag to Skystrike. “There you go, one of each!” He laughed. “I know how much you eat!” The doorbell could be heard as the hoof steps of three ponies could be heard as they entered the shop. They stopped as they made eye contact with Skystrike, or Atlas Nebula to them. “Looks like I remembered correctly.” Skystrike said as he put the large bag on a table. “Do we know you?” The unicorn with a maya blue coat and periwinkle mane and tail with a pigment blue streak and blue eyes asked as she took a weary step back. “Oof, im so hurt. You don't remember me after all these years, Minuette.” He said sarcastically. “How do you know us?” The unicorn with a yellow coat, a cerulean mane and tail with a lighter tail streak, and raspberry eyes asked as she took a step forward. “Aw, and I even spent time to come meet you here. Mah feewings are a hurted, Lemon Hearts” He said as he laid a hoof against the wall as he looked away from them as Donut Joe laughed hard. The unicorn with an ivory coat, curly pink mane and tail and electric blue eyes spoke up. “Just tell us who you are!” She yelled at him. Skystrike chuckled to himself as he took off his helmet after making sure the store was empty. The three gasped as he greeted them. “Long time no see, girls. How have you been?” A moment of realization went by until Minuette jumped on him, knocking him over with a hug. “Oh my gosh! It’s been so long!” She said, tightening her grip around his neck.. “It has. Almost 6 years, right?” Twinkleshine asked as she peeled Minuette off of him. “What happened to you? We looked everywhere but we couldn't find you!” Lemon Hearts asked as she gave him a hug of her own. “I was outside equestria for a little, then came back and went under an alias to hide from some ponies.” He said as he got his bag and pulled out a donut. “You guys want some? We did this every week when I went to school here.” They gladly accepted. The group including Stardust sat down at one of the tables in the shop. Twinkleshine took one from the bag before the group sat down. “You’ve gotten huge, Skystrike. You’re as tall, if not taller than Princess Luna!” She laughed as the others joined in. “Why do you think I eat so much? This body needs fuel.” He said as he ate a blueberry donut in one bite. “And you can tell by this armor, but i've been working out, so that’s more fuel I need.” “And when did you take up swords?” Asked Minuettee as she pointed to his swords. “I actually was self taught and have been practicing since I was 3. And swords aren't the only things I use. Heh, one time I used a horned helmet in a fight.” He laughed to himself. “Speaking of fights, did you hear about the fight General Magnus will have tomorrow? They haven't named the other fighter yet.” Lemon Hearts said as she put down her donut on a napkin. “We were asked by the challenge to not disclose his identity.” Stardust said as she got over her earlier embarrassment. “Oh yeah, we didn't get your name earlier. You're lucky to get a stallion like Skystrike.” Minuette said as Stardust’s blush came back. “First off, i’m flattered. Second, her name is Stardust, and she’s not my marefriend, she’s my escort. Besides, if you thought she was, probably wasn't a good idea to hug and snuggle me.” He ate another donut. “Well it doesn't matter since that new law.” Minuet defened. “What law? If it’s recent, then I probably don't know it, traveling all the time.” “We’ll get back to that. Where are you living now?” Twinkleshine asked as she finished her donut.” “I bought some land and built a house in Ponyville.” “How’s Lyra doing?” “Lyra’s in Ponyville?” He stood up from his chair. “I figured you met her already.” Lemon Hearts. “For the first month, ponies avoided me because of my looks. I actually made my first acquaintances the day I came, but it was just delivering mail to a mail carrier.” He took out another donut. “Now, what's this about a new law?” Twinkleshine let out a sigh, “You're gonna need to calm down for this. I’m sure you noticed that mares outnumber stallions nearly 10-1.” “Yeeeeeeeeees?” He said as he side eyed her, taking a bite of a glazed donut.. “Because of that, The princess and the nobles realized a huge population problem.” She continued. “As of three years ago, because of the population issue, stallions are able to have more than one spouse.” Loud coughs and wheezes were heard from Skystrike as he choked on his donut. He got a glass of water to drown down the food in his throat. He took deep breaths before answering. “WHAT!?” The girls laughed. “I should've expected this, but the fuck!” They laughed harder. “So far, they don't have a limit to how many you can have, either” Lemon Hearts said with a grin. Skystrike breathed heavily before recomposing himself. “You girls should come visit me at my house some time. Imma go practice my swords, see you at the duel tomorrow!” He said quickly before awkwardly trotting out the store, leaving his friends laughing behind him. Skystrike walked into a large circular arena. The crowd was oddly silent as he came out from his side of the colosseum. He looked around to see the crowd. There was two halves of the arena, one for the royal guard, and the other for commoners. In the middle of both were a seating section for nobles, and above that were three thrones, two were occupied. Each of the nobles below the two princess’ were giving him a strange look aside from one with a monocle. He looked at the commoner crowd to see Donut Joe, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts, all having looks of extreme surprize, realization, and confusion. He gave them a slight wave before making sure his mask and armor isn't loose. He looked around the guards area to see them all giving him harsh glares. He saw Stardust in the front row giving him a smile and a salute. He looked straight ahead to see Magnus come out of his tunnel. Skystrike gave him a bored look as Magnus returned it with an angry glare, as if he had something personal against him. “Surprised you didn't apologize by now.” Magnus said as he stood tall. “I’m surprised you didn't run.” Skystrike replied as he stretched out his wings from under his cape, revealing his bladed feathers. Magnus’ glare deepened as he gritted his teeth. “There is nothing left to say. We will hear each other's words through battle.” Celestia stood up from her throne and spread out her wings before addressing the audience. “Welcome all, to the Canterlot coliseum! As you know, a duel will be held today between General Magnus of Canterlot, and Atlas Nebula of unknown origin. This duel will continue until one of you are knocked unconscious, rendered immobile, or receives a fatal wound! Do you two agree to these terms?” “I do.” They both said. “Battle, begin!” She shouted as the crowd roared, mostly in support for Magnus. Magnus drew a steel sword from his sheath with his magic and held it in front of him. Skystrike flapped his wings, as he stood on his hind legs. His armor folded out, creating his look of the dragon, exactly the same as the fight with Nightmare moon. The crowd gasped as he did this, but he wasn't done yet. From under his cape was four longswords that had 10 foot chains attached to the hilt of each sword. The swords were razor sharp and glowing blue, being able to slash and peirce. The blade had hooks on the end, being able to latch onto anything it’s forced into.He drew all four, holding one in each of his claw-like hands. The other two were laying on his back, the chains being attached to a swivel joint under his cape. Without hesitation, Magnus shot a red, burning magic blast at him. Skystrike ran at it, swords in tow, before using the flat of his blade to slap the blast to his right. It scorched the wall as it landed. Skystrike rose his other sword and tried at an overhead slash, it being stopped as sparks came from the clash between Magnus’ sword and his own. He spun his body over him delivered a hard kick to the unicorn’s side, sending him flying into the wall. Magnus got up and breathed heavily as Skystrike ran at him. Magnus swung his sword horizontally, a magic wave coming out and zooming towards the pegasus. Skystrike gave his wings a heavy flap before rocketing over it. He threw one of his longswords at him, only for it to be intercepted by a magic barrier. The sword bounced off, breaking the barrier. Skystrike quickly threw another sword at him, grazing his back leg as blood fell from the wound. Skystrike landed on the ground before taking the two swords in his hands and throwing them at Magnus again. Magnus side stepped and prepared a magic blast, only to be stopped by Skystrike pulling on the chains. A neon blue trail followed the swords as they ran into Magnus’ side, denting his armor as he was sent flying again. Magnus caught himself before falling over. He stood up again, obviously tired from the beating he received, though Skystrike wasn't tired at all. He threw his swords into the ground and crossed his arms. A gust of wind went by, his cape flapping with it. “Prepare yourself!” He taunted, making Magnus grit his teeth. “I could say the same to you!” He shouted back before sending a barrage of small magic blast at him. Skystrike picked up his swords and helt up the one in his right hand. He let out some of the chain before moving his arm in a circular motion, the sword spinning in response. He walked forward as he spun his sword, Magnus sending a barrage of magic at him. The spinning sword seemed to make a circular blue shield as the magic ran into the sword. He stopped the spinning before letting out the full length of the chains. The chains under his cape was retracted as his equipped swords’ chains now about 20 feet long. He threw the swords behind him before pulling the chains in front of him, the swords arcing at Magnusband delivering a cross slash, shattering his chestplate. As it fell off, a look of anger appeared on Skystrike face. Everypony in the stadium gasped as they saw a large scar on his chest. In the shape of a Hydra’s head. “So the truth has been exposed…” Magnus said as he looked at Skystrike. “Nice to see you again after all these years, Atlas Nebula.” “So you're the sole survivor, then. I’m disappointed that I let one of you live.” Skystrike scoffed as he evened out the chains. “I’ve waited so long for my vengeance. Because of you, my brothers and sisters are dead. I am alone because of you!” Magnus shouted as he picked up his sword again. “And because of you, my friends, no, my family, have to live with something they can never get back. I’ll give you a fate worse than theirs.” Skystrike said as he looked at the princes’. “Celestia, Luna, the duel is called off. One question though.” He pointed his sword at Magnus. “Dead or alive?” “We need him alive.” Celestia said before she addressed everyone. “Everypony, you don't need to worry. I have faith in Atlas Nebula.” “It wont be that easy!” Magnus shouted before taking out a pendant. It had the shape of a phoenix with a small blue crystal in the center. He put it on with a devilish grin as his eyes glowed blue. “Just because you have stat boost…” Skystrike lunged at him. “Doesn't give you an advantage!” Magnus shot large flaming blast at him at a fast pace, only for Skystrike swinging his swords faster, cutting through each blast as the blades absorbing the magic. He tried to kick Magnus, only for him to jump out of the way. His speed and magic increased significantly, as expected of the phoenix amulet. In mid air, Magnus charged up a spell, only to be interrupted by Skystrike throwing a sword at him. He missed purposely before waving the chain, the sword and chain wrapping around him. Skystrike stabbed the two hanging swords into the ground and ther the fourth sword at the unicorn, it also wrapping around him, locking his legs in place. He turned around and pulled on the chains with amazing strength, sending Magnus plummeting into the ground. A puff of dust went up as he landed. He got air back into his lungs before sending an electric shock through the chains. Skystrike was paralyzed by the current going through his arms, but he powered through it and succeeded in sending it back at him, a scream in pain being the outcome. He pulled the chains back as they untangled, a still conscious Magnus coming with them. Skystrike short hopped and hit him directly in the chest with a double kick. Cracks could be heard as some of his ribs broke. Blood was pouring from his mouth, staining his grey coat. “Mercy…” He pleaded to Skystrike, only for him to pick him up by his hair. “You’ve got some nerve asking for that.” He growled. “Where was the mercy for that griffon when you slashed his eye? Where was the mercy for the avian when you cut off her foot!?” He was now screaming as his eyes were glowing brighter. “Where was the mercy when you cut off the Diamond dogs’ hand!? You want me to give you something that you wouldn't?!” Skystrike sent him into the air with a strong uppercut. He jumped into the air and hovered there, all the while he was delivering punches and kicks, keeping Magnus there, blood coming out his mouth. He quickly flew backwards and let out his longswords. He held onto the chains and span sideways, the blades cutting Magnus as they passed. He stopped his spinning before grabbing two chains in each hand, the swords all next to each other. “CLEAVER!!” He yelled as he brought down all four swords on him. A fiery explosion was seen as he released the magic the swords absorbed. He flew down and landed to see a beaten, burnt, and unconscious Magnus below his feet. He sighed as he walked up to him as took of the phoenix amulet. He checked his pulse. He was alive. He looked around the crowd to see everypony, including the princess’ gave him fearful looks. He walked up to Magnus and looked down on him. “He’ll wake up in a few hours. Treat his wounds or let him die, I don't care. I’ll be in my room.” He said before turning his armor back into its pony form and sheathing his swords. He flew towards the castle. The darkness in his room was overwhelming. It was pitch black, the only light that could be seen was the glow of his helmet’s inner visor. Skystrike sat in silence as he took in what he just did. Out of his own rage, he beat a pony until he could barely move. It may have been justified, but his heart felt heavy. He laid down on his bed and looked at the ceiling. He needed to find a way to slow, if not stop, his wrath. There was no question that he should, but it was rather if he could. He let out a sigh as he made up his mind. He would not let his emotions overcome him, no matter the cost. That was the promise he made to himself. “Skystrike?” The call of his name could be heard from the other side of the door. It was Celestia. “It’s open.” He said. She pulled on the handle, the outside light poured in more and more as the door opened. Celestia, Luna, Stardust, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, and Twinkleshine all walked into the room. Skystrike sat up and looked at them, not saying a word. Minuette walked forward a few steps. “Why didn't you tell us you were going to fight? Do you not trust us?” “If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have met you at our meet up spot, nor would I have shown you my face.” He said before giving her a glare. His eyes wavered in color before staying its normal blue. “I didn't tell you because you would've wanted me to forfeit due to a mixture of my safety and your ignorance of my skill.” “Your ‘skill’ almost killed a pony. You could've held back.” Luna said somewhat annoyed. “You ponies don't know true strength. He was holding back.” Echo spoke up, surprising the three unicorns. “He used just enough strength to overpower him. I’m surprised you lot haven't realized yet.” ‘...Is what he’s saying the truth?” Celestia questioned and gave him a weary look, only for Skystrike to nod in response. “I’ve held back more than you realize.” He chuckled to himself. “It got annoying to open doors without breaking the handle. But you can trust me not to abuse it. If I wanted to, I would've blackmailed you years ago.” Celestia’s eyes shrink at his statement. “I got three days left before I go. I’ll try to be discreet.” He said as he layed back down on his bed. “I’ll see you girls in the morning.” He rolled away from them. A few moments passed before the sound of hoof steps could be heard leaving him room before the door closed slowly. It seemed that he made more trouble for himself. He cursed under his breath before forcing himself to sleep. He knew that they wouldn't come see him again. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last time he lost some friends due to fear. > Boast Busters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So why did you follow me home?” Skystrike asked as he broke the silence on the train ride back to Ponyville. “Due to your duel, the princess asked me to monitor you, as well as give a weekly report, sir!” Stardust saluted. “Heh, I see why. I am fairly dangerous.” He sighed and flipped a coin on his hoof over and over in a rhythmic fashion. “Fairly?” She chuckled to herself. “With all due respect sir, you beat Magnus without breaking a sweat! If I told   the princess about your book of battles you had, I wouldn't be the only guard.” He nodded, knowing she was right. The train blew its whistle, notifying the passengers that they were nearing Ponyville station. “Oh yeah, I got a party to go to after we arrive at Ponyville. After that, i’ll show you where you’ll stay for the time being.” “Understood, sir! The princess has given me monthly funds, so I should be fine financially!” “Good to know.” He finished as he caught the coin in his hoof. The train slowed to a stop before the doors opened. Skystrike picked up both his and Stardust's belongings, despite her protest. The two were met outside by Rainbow Dash spotting and flying over to them. “Hey, Nebula! Welcome back to Ponyville!” She said nicely before patting him on the back. Too nicely for his taste. “Thanks…” He said as he moved his head towards the earth pont behind him. “That’s Stardust, a guard Celestia assigned to me. Stardust, this is Rainbow Dash.” “Nice to meet you, Miss Rainbow Dash.” Stardust put out a hoof before Rainbow raised a brow and shook it. “Well let’s get going! The party’s at Twilight's!” She said as she started walking. “Sweet. Who’s all there?” Skystrike said as he followed behind along with Stardust, “Oh, you know. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, AJ, Pinkie, and me of course.” She said suspiciously. “I thought it was a late ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party. Figured that more ponies would be there?” “They all had... stuff to do….” She avoided eye contact. Skystrike looked around at the ponies around him. Each pony instantly ran away at the realization that Skystrike looked at them. “Uh huh…” He said before looking at Stardust, who was giving him a confused, yet suspicious look. The three arrived at the library, Spike opening the door. They exchanged greetings before walking inside. It wasn't what he was expecting though. There were no party tables, streamers, confetti, or balloons. The closest thing to a party was a plate of cookies that Spike offered him. The door locked behind him before Rainbow stood next to the rest of the mares that were already there, each giving him looks that varied from anger to nervousness. He sighed, knowing full well what this was. Might as well hear them out. “Skystrike, what happened in Canterlot?” Twilight asked with an angry tone. He sighed. “Twilight, if thats the first thing you ask me, and you ask in that tone, pretty sure you already know what happened.” “Don't get smart with me!” She scowled. “Don't ask questions that you know the answer to. A better question would be ‘What actually happened?’ Because despite being her student, she doesn't tell you everything.” He responded, making Twilight angrier. “Of course she would tell me everything! Why would she hide anything from me?” “Well she didn't tell you about me, so she had to have a pretty good reason.” He shrugged his shoulders as Twilight was clearly letting it get under her skin. “Now Skystrike, there’s no need for that. We’re just trying to help you.” Rarity said as she tried to calm down Twilight. “Help with what? Because from my view, you girls don't know what you're talking about, lied to me, saying thin intervention was a party, and Celestia probably didn't give enough clarification. So, how will you help me if you don't know what’s wrong, and worsened things for yourselves?” He asked, trying  not getting annoyed, or trying to at least. “Actually I have the message she sent.” Spike said as he stuffed a cookie into his mouth. “Good. Can you give me the short of it?” “Well… it just says that you’d be in a bad mood when you came back. The newspaper said that you and I quote, ‘senselessly beat a pony to near death.’” His eyes widened as he skimmed. Skystrike sighed. “Alright, they're not wrong, but she left out the why. Tell you what, tell me what you all planned on getting out of this, then i’ll tell you the part that Celestia and the media left out.” “We were um… going to take your swords…” Fluttershy tried not to make him mad. “First off, there’s three things you don't take from me. My weapons, my armor, and my pets. Second off, which swords?” Skystrike counted on his hoof as Fluttershy stopped a laugh from escaping her mouth. “What do you mean by ‘which swords’?” Rainbow asked cautiously. “There’s Soulsteel, the Bloodskal blade, the Blade of Woe, Atrius, my Daedric swords, the Buster sword, the Terra blade, Aatrox, Martis, Alucard, Magnetite…” “We get it.” Rainbow face palmed. “And where did you get these swords?” “Most are ancient blades that I find, restore, then upgrade. Other than those, I make them. So, you wanna know why I beat Magnus to near death or not?” “What reason would you have to mess him up that bad?” Pinkie said with the tilt of her head. “They couldn't have been that big of a meanie.” “Does  nearly killing you and your friends in the past count as being a big meanie?” Skystrike asked as the whole room went silent. “Don't trust everything the media says They're in it for money.” He said as he unlocked the door. “Stardust,come on.” He said before he left the library, heading towards home. Skystrike opened the door to his house and set his saddle bag to the side of the door. Still carrying Stardust’s bag on his back. He motioned for her to follow, giving her a tour of the house. The entrance room had a few decorative vases in it and some corner shelves and some weapon racks, all currently occupied with various staffs. It also  had some display cases. One sat on a table as the other sat on a shelf, the former holding a large black and silver collar, seeming to belong to a large being. In the center of the caller was a sapphire that glowed a dim blue. Stardust eyed it for a bit before following Skystrike to the next room. The main room was in a rectangular shape that had an indoor balcony on the second floor. The first floor had a large reversible turquoise sofa in front of a dark brown tea table. There was a large, flat screen TV in front of the couch. Blue tinted lights shined upon the room. Aside from that, it was mostly empty. The archives and alchemy lab were to the left of that room. He pushed open two thick metal doors to enter the laboratory. The walls were lined with a metal alloy in case of explosions. The room was circular, with three floors in it. The first and third floor were for the lab, while the second was the archives. The walls were lined with thousands of books on nearly every subject. It could rival Canterlots by topics. Each shelf had a protective glass screen on it. The lab had many shelves housing various flask and solutions. The armory was across from the lab. It was full of armor stands weapon racks, display cases, large and small, a grindstone and a workbench. It was a tad smaller than the living room, but had much more stuff in it. Various suits of armor for many different species were in chest that sat on the floor. The weapon racks were sorted by the type of weapons. There were war hammers, battle axes, shields, swords, and other unique weapons. The display cases held items from circlets to knives. Behind the living room was the trophy room. There were large pedestals that held all types of beasts. There was a mannequin of a greater timber wolf, a large patch of fur that was a deep purple with stars on it, the skull of a cyclops, a miniature Roc replica, and various other objects ranging from necklaces to goblets. It was a rather small room, being able to hold about 10 ponies. The two went upstairs and walked past a locked door and a vacant room. He opened the door, revealing a queen sized bed with a magenta pillow and sheets. It was a guest room. “You’ll be staying here. I have a few rules that you’ll need to follow.” He started as he put down Stardust’s bag. “If you wish to use one of my weapons, ask me first. If you want to go into the archives, don't let any of the books leave this house, especially not the black books and Oghma Infinium.” “I thought those were fake?” Stardust looked at him. “Don't go into the basement, that’s my workshop.” He continued, ignoring her question. “Don't let anyone in, not even the princess’, unless I say you can. And finally, don't go snooping around in places that you don't think you should. Am I clear?” “Yes sir!” She saluted. “Though I can't promise about the princess’.” He nodded before turning around. “I’ll leave you here to get set up. Imma go walk around the town. The kitchen is next to the armory. There’s cook books in there and some food if you're hungry. I’ll be around town.” He said before leaving her to her things. There was a small carriage in the town square, where a lot of ponies were gathered around. A teal unicorn with a purple cape and wizard hat was making a huge scene as more and more ponies gathered around. She seemed somewhat familiar. “Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the great and powerful Trixie!” The mare introduced as the carriage folded out into a small stage. A puff of smoke went up before dispersing, revealing Trixie behind it. The crowd cheered at the show. “Watch in awe, as the great and powerful Trixie, does the most spectacular piece of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!” She stood on her hind hooves as fireworks came from under the stage. “My oh my, such boasting!” Skystrike could hear Rarity say from in front him. “Oh come on.” Spike sighed. “No ponies magic is better than Twili-” He caught himself. He cleared his throat. “Hey Rarity, I uh… must dash!” Spike said before running off, only to run into Skystrike. “Oh hey…” He said wearily. “Don't worry, i’m not mad. I rarely hold grudges.” He reassured the dragon. “Oh good. Come on! I wanna get a better view!” Spike said before pulling Skystrike by the hoof, making him walk to the front. Spike was caught off guard when he was grabbed by the tail and put onto Skystrike’s back. “Thanks.” He said before pointing out Twilight and the other mares. “There’s nothing wrong with being talented, is there?” Twilight asked her friends. “Nothing at all. Except when somepony goes aroun’ showin’ it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons.” Applejack glared at Trixie. “Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.” Rarity pitched in. “Especially when you got me around being better than the rest of us!” Rainbow said proudly, only to get a glare from Applejack. “If there was something wrong with being talented, we wouldn't have cutie marks.” Skystrike came towards the girl. “And Rainbow…” He rubbed his snout with his hoof. “Just don't.” Spike laughed. “Well well well, it seems we have some neigh-sayers in the audience!” Trixie spoke. “HAH! I get it!” Skystrike laughed to himself. “Who is so ignorant to challenge the magical ability of the great and powerful Trixie!?” She boasted more. “I’ll have you know, that you're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria!” Rarity blew a raspberry. “Just who does she think she is?” Rarity scoffed. “Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight here is-” Spike was pushed to the side by said mare. “Spike! Ssssh!” Spike was lead outside of the crowd my Twilight. Rainbow Dash flew up into Trixie’s face. “So, great and powerful Trixie, what makes you think you're so awesome anyway?” Trixie giggled. “Why, only the great and powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!” More fireworks came as they exploded, showing the picture of a bear with a star on its forehead. “When all hope was lost, the ponies were lost and had nopony to turn to, but the great and powerful Trixie, with her awesome magic, vanquished he ursa major and sent it back to its cave! Deep within the Everfree forest! “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Skystrike burst out in laughter at her broad statement, catching the eyes of everypony around him. “What’s so funny, tin can?” “Im sorry! It’s just you're full of shit!” He laughed harder. He finally calmed down before continuing. “If a unicorn was single handedly able to do that, why have none of the ponies here heard about it? I’ve done some cool stuff but no one was there to record it. I wouldn't go around saying I did something with no proof.” Trixie gave him an angry look before smirking. “It’s true my enthusiastic little admirer, but i’ll humor you. What, prey tell, is this ‘cool stuff’ you've done?” She asked only for the crowd to murmur in front of her. “Oh, these ponies already know one. It was my most recent one, and my first recorded one that wasn't written by me.” He chuckled before throwing a newspaper at her hooves. “Read the front page.” She read it only to smirk. “Even if you did, he was still no match for an Ursa Major!” She scoffed. “Very well Ponyvillians, I challenge you. Anything you can do, I can do better! Any takers? Anyone? Or is trixie destined to be the greatest equine ever lived?” More fireworks came up. “I’ll go last. The show has to be longer than this.”Skystrike laughed before watching intently. “Please! She’s unbearable!” Spike groaned. “One of you have to do something!” “There’s no way i'm using my magic now Spike, especially since-” Twilight whispered before being cut off. “How about you?” Trixie pointed to Twilight  who stayed silent. “Well? Is there anything you can do the great and powerful Trixie cant?” “She can talk in first person. Does that count?” Skystrike joked as the audience giggled. Trixie ignored him. Twilight stuttered before Trixie moved on. “What about you, hayseed?” She said mockingly to Applejack. “That's it! I can't take no more o’ this.” She said walking up to the stage “Yeah! You show her, Applejack!” Spike cheered. “Can your magical powers do this?” Applejack did some rope tricks with the lasso on her tail. “That is cool as fuck!” Skystrike shouted. Applejack then swung her tail around, making the lasso grab and pick an Apple from a nearby tree. It fell into her mouth as the crowd cheers for her. “Top that missy!” “Oh ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!” She pulled off her hat, making the rope sway back and forth like a snake, hypnotizing Applejack. She then tied her hooves together and put a apple in her mouth. Applejack angrily hopped off stage back towards the group. “And the great and powerful Trixie prevails!” “Enough struttin’ around and showin’ off like that!” Rainbow flew up to her. “No.” Trixie replied calmly. “That’s it. My job.” Rainbow flew off towards a windmill and flew around it, making the mill turn faster. She then flew up into the sky at high speeds, going through clouds. She dive bombed going through a cloud, the water from it following her. She then went back through the windmill, making it spin faster. Finally, she skidded to a stop, the water still behinder, hit her, making a small rainbow over her head. “They don't call me Rainbow and Dash for nothing.” She finished as the crowd cheered again. Trixie was unamused. “When Trixie is through, only thing they’ll call you is loser!” “ROASTED!” Skystrike shouted again. Trixie shot a magic beam at Rainbow Dash, It surrounded her, making the rainbow above her begin to circle her. It madea rainbow tornado, making Rainbow spin with it, carrying her off into the air. It slowed down, making the pony land on her head, her eyes rolling around in her head. “Seems like anypony with a dash of sense would think before tussling with the great Trixie.” Trixie made a dark cloud appear above Rainbow before lightning struck her hind quarters. The crowd laughed. “What we need is another challenger. Somepony to magic her up.” Spike said as he nudged Twilight with his elbow. “Yeah! You need to show this unicorn who’s boss!” Rainbow helped. “A unicorn on unicorn tustle.” Applejack agreed. “Enough. Enough all of you!” Rarity interrupted. “I can take a hint, but Rarity wont have such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may be fine with being a little rough, but why don't we conduct ourselves with beauty and grace?” “Ooo, what’s the matter? Afraid you’ll get a hair out of place in that rats nest you call a mane?” “Holy shit.” “Straight up savage.” “Oh it. Is. on!” Rarity growled “You may think you're tough with your so called ‘powers’, but there is more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs more than that.” Rarity used her magic to pull down a curtain, spinning it around herself. “A unicorn needs to have style!” A flash of light was seen before revealing the white pony in a glittering blue and yellow dress. Her hair was up and done nicely as the crowd gasped in awe. “A unicorn without grace and beauty…” Trixie used her horn to begin a magic spell. “Rarity wont let Trixie get the best of her! She’s beautiful, she’s…” A flash of magic interrupted Spike as he stared in silence. The whole crowd gasped in horror after looking at Rarity. Save for Skystrike. “Quick! I need a mirror! What did she due to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!” Rarity squealed as she panicked. “Nothing.” Twilight said. “It’s fine!” Rainbow avoided eye contact. “It’s gorgeous.” Applejack reassured. “It’s gre-” Spike was cut off by Skystrike’s hoof on his mouth. All four of them gave him a look, telling him what he needed to do. “I got this.” Skystrike said walking up to Rarity. He pulled out a bag of bits. “Go to the spa and get the best treatment they give. I feel generous today.” “Skystrike, don't hide it from me, what’s wrong with my hair?” Rarity pleaded. Skystrike tried his best to say it as calmly as possible. “It’s… green…” Her eyes widened as each one of the mares gave him a look. “What?” “Oh no! Green! Not green! Green hair!” Rarity cried before running off crying. “It’s such a horrid color!” “Well, i’d never!” A pony with a green made said angrily. “Well come on Twilight, it’s up to you.” Spike said as Trixie whipped her hoof. “What do you mean? I’m nothing special…” Twilight said to both Spike and the crowd. “What do you mean? You’re better than her!” Spike growled. “I’m no better than anypony!” Trixie laughed. “You think you're better than the great and powerful Trixie? You have more magical talent! Well come on, show Trixie what youve got! Show us all.” She taunted. Skystrike sighed. “I heard you were annoying, but this is just ridiculous.” Skystrike stepped on stage. “It’s my turn I guess.” “And what can you do that Trixie can't?” She laughed. Skystrike looked at her. “Well, I can actually attempt at what the contestants did for one. Applejack could do rope tricks. All you did was wave it around with filly level magic. Rainbow actually flew around and did tricks, all you did was make her dizzy. Rarity turned a simple curtain into a beautiful dress, while all you did was change her hair color, which barbers can do.” He counted off with his hooves. “You didn't do anything they did ‘better’, so you're a fraud.” Trixie gritted her teeth as he continued. “Second, what do you know about dragon shouts?” “You mean roars? That’s not hard to do.” She smirked. “Oh it’s much different. Let me show you. Everypony, cover your ears.” They all did so as Skystrike took a deep breath. He opened the jaw of his helmet. “Fus… RO DAH!” An explosion could be heard as he finished his chant. A wave of energy went over the crowd, their hair flowing in the force of the shout, and ran into a tree, knocking all the apples and most of the leaves off it. Everyone gasped as Trixie’s jaw dropped. “You see that? That was two things. The easiest shout you can learn, and something very few dragons and even fewer ponies can do. Now, can you do better than that using only your voice?” Trixie recomposed herself. “Of course I can!” She cleared her throat as the audience covered their ears again. “Fus… Ro Dah!” She shouted. The audience flinched, expecting the same, but slowly came up one my one realizing nothing was going to happen. “T-That was just a dud…” She said with a quiet, scratchy voice. “Hah, you got a sore throat now. My job here is done.” He jumped down from the stage. “You guys should go check on Rarity. I’m going home. And Trixie, learn when to shut up.” He left as the crowd began laughing behind him, though Spike followed him. “What was that? I’ve never heard of anything like it.” Spike said jogging net to him. “I don't expect you to. Most dragons dont know of it. It makes sense that you wouldn't, being raised by ponies. What that was is called ‘Thuum’, ancient dragon tongue for voice. The one I used back there was ‘Unrelenting force’. The first one I learned.” “Who taught you?” Spike asked. “An old dragon from the outside the dragon lands. His name was Paarthurnax.” Spike thought for a moment. “Could you teach me the voice?” “If you really want to, but they're mostly used for battle.” Skystrike warned the young dragon. “I know! And it’s cool!” Spike smiled. Skystrike couldn't help but crack one of his own. “Alright then. I’ll talk to Twilight about it. If she doesn't want you to, I can sneak you out. I hope you won't mind having a training partner?” “Of course not! When do we start?” Next week. Now go check on your crush. I’ll see you later Spike.” He finished, leaving Spike with a blush. Skystrike was currently making a salad and some fried rice for dinner, his armor in the corner. Stardust was currently trying to lecture him about what he did earlier that day. It was not working out in her favor, but it didn't stop her from continuing. “Sir, you realize that I have to tell the princess’ about this?” She sighed. “Yup.” He replied as he continued cooking. “It will only make you more known, and make even more fear your power, sir.” She pushed a hoof against her forehead. “I know.” He took out some plates from the cabinet. He lifted the frying pan and evenly split the fried rice onto both of the plates. He then took the bowl of salad and put some in a small bowl for each of them. He turned off the stove and held a plate on each wing. He walked over to the table that Stardust was waiting at. He tilted one of his wings down, letting the plate slide down and stopping in front of her. He did the same at his seat before pulling back the chair and sitting down himself. He figured that Celestia would know the truth about it sooner or later, being he used a different shout during his escape those years ago. “Honestly sir, I wouldn't be surprised if we were called back so soon.” She said as she picked up her utensils. “Unless she or anypony I know is in immediate danger, i’m not going back until the gala. Speaking of which, I still have these two other tickets. Probably gave me two extra because polygamy became a thing.” He took a bite of his food. The word being said caused a light blush on Stardust’s face. “What about that pony Lyra? You said you knew her in the past?” “Yeah, good idea. Then you can have the extra ticket.” He thought aloud. “Oh, don't worry about the ticket, sir. As your guard, I get in essentially free.” She said as she finished her salad. “That’s… oddly convenient and planned.” He said as he finished his plate. “And one last thing. Starting next week, you're training alongside Spike. You could use the practice.” “Yes sir!” She saluted. Skystrike looked at her plate. Empty. Skystrike looked at her, some rice stuck to her face. “I’m guessing it was good?” He chuckled before picking up their plates. He got a napkin and wiped her face before throwing it across the room into the trash. He put the plates in the dishwasher. “I hope you’ll make friends here better than I did. You atleast look normal” He sighed to himself. “I will, sir! When I do, i’ll let you meet them!” “I would appreciate that.” He smiled at her. Large booms could be heard as the ground rumbled beneath their hooves. Skystrike and Stardust exchanged looks before they went outside, seeing a large blue, starry bear follow Spike, a tall filly, and a short filly, each screaming for their lives as they ran towards Ponyville. “Stardust, lock the door! We’re going out to stop that ursa!” “Yes sir!” She said as Skystrike took off towards the town. He quickly ran past the bear as the fillies went towards Trixie’s wagon and Spike towards the library. He realized exactly what they were trying to do as Trixie came to the door and began talking with them. “Didn't Trixie say the great and powerful Trixie wish not to be disturbed?” Trixie raised a brow. “Trixie, we have a little problem.” The short one said in a squeaky voice. “More like a big problem!” The tall one said pointing to the large bear behind them. Trixie looked behind the two to see Skystrike and the bear running at them. She let out a cream as she was frozen in fear. Skystrike grabbed the two fillies and mares, just before the ursa smashed the wagon with a large claw. He quickly put them down before before saying one word. “Run!” They quickly followed behind him as they weaved through the alleys, trying to lose the bear. The bear continued to follow them as the other residents woke up at the massive creature running through the town. The four were backed into a corner as Skystrike gritted his teeth. “Great and powerful Trixie! You've got to vanquish the Ursa!” The short pont pleaded. “Yeah! Vanquish so we can watch!” The tall one said as the bear inched closer. “It took alot of trouble to get that thing here!” The short one smiled before getting an angry response from the two grown ponies. “What!? You bought that thing here!?” They said in unison. “Are you out of your little pony minds!?” Trixie asked, her eyes shrink in shock. “But you're the great and powerful Trixie!” The short one said confused. “Yeah, remember? You defeated an Ursa Major!” The tall one clarified. The bear let out a roar in their faces before Trixie gulped. “O...ok. Here it goes!” She focused magic into her horn, causing a nearby vase to rattle, a long rope coming out of it. She tied the ursa together as she exhaled. “Piece of cake.” The ursa looked annoyingly at its paw, showing that only two of its toes were tied together. He split them apart, the rope snapping easily. It looked back at them. “Now is not the time for games, Trixie!” Skystrike scoffed as he got ready for any attacks. “Yeah!” Shorty said. “Vanquish it!” Skinny pitched in. She focused her magic once more, a storm cloud appearing above the bear. It rumbled a bit before lightning struck its tail, only making it angrier. “Well that was a dud…” Skinny grunted. “Yeah, come on! Do the stuff you did earlier!” Shorty suggested. The storm cloud struck the bear on its back, leaving a black mark from the burn. The bear opened its mouth before they all took a step back. “Uh oh.” Trixie quietly said. “Fucking run!” Skystrike ordered as the bear roared. The four quicky zoomed under the bear, making it rampage through the inner parts of the town. Each pony outside looked to see the blue bear hunched over a house before running. “Sir!” Stardust caught up to the four ponies and began running next to them. “Trixie, get rid of the ursa now!” Stardust shouted. “I… cant!” She sighed as her ears went down. “What!?” The two colts said behind them. Skystrike looked back to see Twilight and Spike standing next to them. “I’ve never done it! No one can vanquish an ursa major! I just made the whole story up to make me look better!” “Made it up!?” The ursa began to growl as it neared them. It stood on its hind legs before bringing its arms up with a roar. THe crowd, including Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity all gasped as they saw it so close. “Everypony! Get evacuate the area! Stardust! Trixie! I need you to help evacuate!” “What about you?” Twilight said walking up next to Trixie. The bear roared again before trying to bring a paw down on the two mares and stallion. Skystrike quickly pushed the two out of the way before the bears claws dug into his skin. His coat was slowly turning red as blood ran down his side. He let his guard down, a foolish mistake. The girls and dragon called out his name as he caught his footing. He looked back at everyone who was still there. “GO!” He said before he jumped at the celestial beast. He pushed his back hooves into the bear’s skull, the outcome being a roar in pain from the beast. The bear swiped at him, trying to knock him back. Skystrike saw it coming before jumping over it then divekicking the bear. The ursa opened its mouth, trying to bite at the pegasus in mid air. Skystrike air dodged out of the way with a flap of his wings before landing a roundhouse kick to the bear’s cheek. He landed on the ground in front of the bear, slightly dizzy from the loss of blood. He needed to finish this quickly, or at least stall it long enough for it to escape. The blue beast brought down both of its front paws onto Skystrike. He stood on his hind hooves and put his front hooves up, catching the paws. The force coming down on him caused a small crater under his hooves. He let go of its paw before landing a strong uppercut, it making a cracking sound as the bear fell backwards. The large ursa fell onto its back, failing to keep its footing. Skystrike landed on all fours as he dizzily stood up. He looked behind him, seeing everypony in Ponyville cheering for him as he defeated the ursa. “That wasn't an Ursa Major…” He said weakly. “...What? Both Trixie and Twilight said shocked. “That… was… a Minor….” He finished before he fell over onto the ground. He could hear the calling of his name as his vision turned fuzzy. “You girls really need to take… care of yourselves… He said as he coughed up some blood. His hearing grew weaker before he closed his eyes. His eyes shot open as he looked up at a white ceiling. He quickly sat up as the cover fell off of him. He sucked air through his teeth. He looked to his right to see his side bandaged up, as well as Stardust asleep, her head lying on the side of the bed. He looked to his left to see Spike sitting in a chair sleeping, and Fluttershy lying in the same fashion as Stardust. The three had tear marks on their faces. Not wanting to wake them up, he layed back down. He was about to put a hoof on his forehead, only for it to be stopped by his helmet in between. Looking around, he notice that there was an IV bag running into a vein in his left hoof. Next to it was a desk that had multiple bouquets of flowers, as well as get well soon cards. One stuck out to him it being a glass of sky blue tulips with a blue card under it of the same shade. It was a get well soon card from Trixie Lulamoon written in cursive. He smiled at her thoughtfulness. The warm sunlight shinned on his face, making him squint. The sound of hoof steps could be heard coming closer to his room. He looked at the doorway to see a mare with a white coat and pink mane and tail, her hair in a bun and sporting s nurse hat.. She looked up from her clipboard to see Skystrike looking right at her. She dropped her clipboard. “Hey Redheart. What's up?”” He waved. She let out a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad your ok, Mr. Nebula, as well as the rest of Ponyville.” “...huh.” “What?” She asked confused. “Figured the whole town would avoid me after Magnus. Speaking of which, how long was I out?” “Almost a week. Five days to be exact.” She said sadly. He sighed in realization. “At least I still got time before training begins.” “Oh of course!” Redheart said in realization. “You have some visitors. They've been coming nearly everyday. I believe that they were quite worried about you.” “Well, let them in. I got nothing else to do.” She nodded before leaving the room, only to come back with Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and even Bon Bon. Each one of them let out their own sigh of relief before waking up the three sleepers. They slowly woke up, glancing at the now conscious pegasus. Each one of them joined in on a big, yet slightly painful hug. “Sweet Celestia Nebula, don't scare us like that!” Rainbow said in a shaky voice. “What in tarnation were you thinking’ goin’ after that Ursa minor?” Applejack scolded. “I was thinking that if I fought it, it would buy you guys time to escape.” He answered. “But me taking that hit was my fault entirely.” “That's not true!” Spike said as he rubbed his eyes. “If Twilight and Trixie weren't there, you wouldn't need to take the hit for them!” Twilight flinched “Maybe, but his control of him emotions weakened him.” Echo spoke. “After the duel with Magnus, he suppressed his anger. His power rises as his anger grows, so, Skystrike essentially lost most of his strength, speed, and defense.” “Wait, so the angrier you get, the stronger you get?” Pinkie questioned. “Pretty much. I see it as a second adrenaline. We call it wrath.” Skystrike shrugged. “It also got me out of near death situations. Pretty handy.” “Just don't run into battle like that again. You worried all of us.” Fluttershy pleaded. “Sorry kiddo, but if you or anyone else can live at the cost of me dying, i'll take that L.” “Darling, don't you care for your life at all?” Rarity asked. “Eeeeeh… It's not that I don't, it's more like I see other lives having more value than mine.” “How could you say something like that sir?” Stardust said with tears in her eyes. “Each one of us here care for you!” “Not to ruin the moment, but think about it, you got the elements of harmony, a knight from the royal guard, a civilian who's done nothing wrong, and a baby dragon. You all have done so much good in this world, compared to me, who's taken more lives than I saved, some out of my own anger. You heard what I asked at the duel.” He said, no hesitation could be heard in his voice. “That being said, i'm going to try my best to live as long as I can.” “Anyway.” Spike started, changing the subject. “When is Skystrike getting out of the hospital?” Nurse Redheart looked at her clipboard. “Well since he’s conscious and doesn't seem to be in too much pain, maybe at noon?” “Wait, Skystrike??” Bon Bon said as Spike smacked his hands against his mouth, realizing his mistake. “You’re Skystrike?” “Am I that popular?” “You're famous! Or were. Most ponies thought you were dead.” She threw out a hoof. “I have to say though, you're nothing like Lyra said. Well besides how you like to fight.” “Hold up, you know Lyra?” “Yeah, She’s my roommate.” He stayed silent for a moment. “That's convenient. I'll come see you later this week. I gotta train Spike and Stardust the day after tomorrow.” “You what?!” Twilight shouted. “Spike didn't tell me about this!” “Skystrike gave Spike an expecting look. He looked back at him, the dragon quickly tilting his head at Twilight, telling him to deal with it. Might as well. “He asked and i’m going to do it.” He said quickly. “But he’s supposed to help me in the library. He is my assistant.” She grumbled, slightly annoyed. “All his time won't be taken away from the library. Besides, can't you do it yourself over the course of a few days, instead of doing it in one?” “Well it’s my say if he goes or not!” “Twilight, growing up, I had to sneak around and steal to survive. This won't be the first time I’ve had to kidnap somepony.” He smirked. “But i'll just say this. Skado skadee, he commin’ with me.” He finished before grabbing Spike and running through the hospital. He stopped at the front desk and paid his bill before running again from the hoofsteps behind him. “Spike, first lesson, it’s always ok to run.” Spike laughed as he rode on his back, riding Skystrike throughout Ponyville. > Dragonshy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike walked into the library, quickly greeting Twilight who gave him an annoyed glare. Technically kidnapping Spike, even if the dragon enjoyed it, may not have been the best idea to get on her good side. But, that was the least of his worries. Spike was currently dusting off some of the library’s books as Skystrike walked towards him. “Hey Spike! Ready to go?” “Yeah! Just let finish this shelf!” He said as he quickly finished dusting the books. “So what do we do first?” “First, we go to Rarity’s” He turned and walked towards the door. “And you're going to be walking for a while. We’ll see you later, Twilight.” He walked out the door. “Bye Twilight!” Spike said, excited to start his training. Twilight waved goodbye with a sigh. The two walked through Ponyville. Most ponies were still inside, either sleeping or eating breakfast. Lucky for them, Carousel Boutique opened fairly early. They walked inside, meeting Stardust and Rarity inside, who stopped their conversation and looked towards the two boys. “Why, good morning you two.” Rarity greeted. “Morning Rarity. How ya doin?” Skystrike waved. “Why, im quite well, darling. I hope you didn't have trouble getting here?” “Eh, my wing is a bit sore, but i'll manage.” He shrugged. The sound of hoof steps could heard quickly coming towards the three. “Hey sis! Late for school! Gotta go, bye!” Sweetie Belle said quickly, running by with a blur. They all stayed silent for a moment, taking in what they just saw. Suddenly, Skystrike realized something. “Spike, how old are you in pony years?” He thought for a moment before answering. “Uh...7?” “And have you ever went to school in Canterlot.?” “No?” “You're gonna start going to school. You need mental strength as much as you need physical.” Spike groaned reluctantly. “But you barely went to school back in Canterlot!” “That’s because I was able to skip a lot of grades and graduated really early. So, i didn't go to school long because I was already ahead of everypony else.” He chuckled to himself. “But how did you-” “Photographic memory. Took me over a week to read all of those books. Was it worth it? Probably not.” He laughed. “How can you say all of these amazing things so calmly?” Rarity questioned. Systrike shrugged. “Anyway, Rarity we need your help.” “Alright. Tell me what you need.” “Well, everytime I train somebody, we get them a specially made cape with the same symbol as mine to show that they are my disciples.” He said pointing to the three stars on his cape. “They’ll tell you the design they want, just make the symbol like mine, but only the large star. My only rule about the capes are that it has to match your look.” Rarity nodded before picking up a notepad with her magic. “Alright, I think I can do that. Just tell me what you need!” She grinned eagerly. Spike scratched his chin. “Well… can I have it my color purple, fading to black like Skystrikes? Then I want lime green fire coming from the bottom up.” He finished as Rarity sketched it down on her notepad. “What about you, stardust?” She asked as she flipped a page. She hummed to herself before answering. “Can I have it a pinkish-red with a pastel blue fade at the top?” Rarity looked up after finishing her sketch. “I think I can get this to you by next week friday at the latest.” “Fine by me.” Skystrike nodded before pulling out a bag of bits. “Here’s the payment before hand. I know they're gonna like it.” He gave her a smile. “Come on, you two. We gotta get started.” “Yes sir!” they both said as the three left Rarity to do her work Skystrike, Spike, and Stardust all walked towards the river that separated the Everfree Forest from the manor. Skystrike looked into the river to see a few fish swimming by. He hummed to himself before deciding what their first lesson will be. “Alright you two, lets go over some rules. If you want to get stronger, you have to follow these rules, understand?” “Yes sir!” They both saluted. “First rule of Skystrike training. Don't talk about Skystrike training. Second rule of Skystrike training, you must have a reason to get stronger, whether it be your beliefs, your pride, your honor, or anything else. Third and final rule of Skystrike training, if you fail, try again. There’s no quitters here.” “Yes sir!” “Alright, now for your first task, each of you have to catch one fish and put it in this bucket.” He said as he pulled a pail of water. “How are we supposed to do that?” Spike asked in shock. “This task is meant to test your reflexes, as well as your ability to handle multiple possible outcomes.” He said as he got into a back stance. “I’ll be here, practicing my one-handed skill. By the way, if you dont catch one, you don't get lunch.” He said with a chuckle to their surprise. The two instantly got into the cool river water as Skystrike began swinging his sword. You could hear the air being cut as he swung his blade. Spike eyed a fish coming towards him as he tried to grab it with both hands, only for it to slip through his claws. He turned to look at it, only to see it swimming quickly down the stream. He grumbled as he tried again, only for it to swerve out of the way, dodging him entirely. Stardust was having a different problem. She first tried using her helmet to scoop up a fish, only for the fish to jump out or swim around her, leaving her with wet headgear. She dropped her helmet, letting her pastel blue mane fall out. She tried grabbing a fish with her hoof, only for it to swim under her. Skystrike was working on his stamina, speed, and blind spots. He wasn't able to do as well as he did with Magnus, only having a fraction of his power. He kicked a nearby tree, leaves falling from it. He held his sword behind him before swinging it over his head and around his right, cutting the leaves above and beside him. There were a few leaves falling in front of him. He quickly turned his blade and bought his sword in front of him, grabbing each one with the tip of his blade. He then turned his sword again to spin a few times, cutting the rest of the leaves around him. It wasn't good enough though. He needed to get back to his former state, without his rage. He kicked the tree again and repeated his previous exercise. Back at Spike’s end, he was getting more and more annoyed. After countless tries of trying to catch s fish, ranging from blocking the water to making a makeshift fish trap. All of this happening in the last two hours. Spike finally had enough and slapped a fish as it passed. Ironically, he slapped it out of the water, making if flop around on the land. Spike stood in the river for a moment before his eyes widened in realization, as he quickly ran out and picked it up before throwing it in the bucket. He celebrated to himself before telling Skystrike that his task was done. Stardust watched as Spike caught his own, making her slightly more annoyed. She tried the same tactic as thee baby dragon, and to her luck, it worked. “Nice job you two. Let's go eat. You two are helping me cook, and we’re cooking lot.” He said before picking up the bucket. There were nine plate and chairs all set around the table, Skystrike having pulled them out from a storage closet in the room. There was a excessively large plate of salad in the middle of the table, along with two dozen buttered bread rolls, a large, square cheese pizza, and a large pitcher of lemonade. Spike, however was eating something different. He was going to eat the fish that the two had caught earlier, after a little convincing from Skystrike and the enticing smell. After frying it and seasoning it, it was ready to be eaten. “Sir, why do you-’ Stardust’s question was cut off by a hoof on her muzzle. Skystrike put a hoof over his mouth, making a motion telling them to stay quiet. Skystrike quietly flapped his wings as he got closer to the front door. He quickly opened it, only to see each of the main 6 falling on top of one another with swirls in their eyes. “There’s food here if you're hungry. If you wanna talk, come sit with us.” He turned around and sat down at the table, putting a bread roll in his mouth. The six got up before reluctantly sitting down at the table, each having looks ranging from annoyance to suspicion to uncaring. Skystrike turned his helmet into a colar before pouring himself a glass of lemonade. “And how exactly did you know we were there?” Applejack sked in suspicion. “I’ve said this so many times...” He faced hoofed. “I needed to know when i was being followed to survive in the past. I've made many enemies. Better question, why did you all follow me? You've been tailing us since Rarity’s.” “You noticed that long ago? But how-” Twilight stopped herself, realizing her question was answered by his previous statement. “So, i'll ask again, why did you follow me?” “I came to see how you train and see if I could get faster” Rainbow crossed her forehooves “I'm here to... study you.” Twilight mumbled. “Seriously?” He got another slice of pizza. “Well I wouldn't need to if you let me sstudy you directly!” She defended. He sighed. “Next.” “I was just making sure you weren't up to something.” Applejack put some salade on her plate and started eating. “You are a good cook ya know?” She said with her mouth full. “I'm just checking on little Spikey-wikey. A baby dragon shouldn't need to learn how to fight.” Rarity said as she hugged said dragon. “That is Spike’s choice, but I believe he appreciates your concern. Besides, you don't learn how to use weapons until the 2nd week.” He waved a hoof. “Right now, we’re working on using your emotions for certain situations.” “I'm here because Twilight asked me for help.” Fluttershy spoke quietly. “I’m here because it looked like fun!” Pinkie smiled before she picked up a slice of pizza and ate it whole. “Mmmmmmm!” “Aight, so first off, if you wanted to watch, you could have asked. Second, neither of my disciples can fly, so I doubt my work out will help you, Rainbow. And third, it kinda seems like you all dont trust me, which is, to be fair,understandable.” He took another bread roll. “Man, Skystrike this fish is good!” Spike burped after finishing his plate. Stardust silently face hoofed. “Fish!?” Everypony save for Fluttershy said in shock. “You fed Spike fish!?” Twilight was visibly angry, though Skystrike couldn't tell for some unknown reason. “Yeah. The fish we caught earlier, trout to be exact, I taught him how to clean, descale, and gut it. Good to know he's not that squeamish.” “Why would you give him fish in the first place!? He could've been allergic!” “Because, even though he’s a baby, he is still an omnivorous, yet mostly carnivorous dragon, and he needs his protein?” He said as if it was obvious. “And I’ve yet to see a carnivore allergic to meat. Besides, it was either this or whatever animal we found in the everfree, so pick your poison.” “Darling, how do you know how to cook fish anyway?” Rarity asked, a slight look of disgust on her face. “I travelled with a griffon, an avian, a dragon, and a hippogriff. I also have two birds, a bear, and a lizard as pets.. All but two eat only meat. I had to learn sooner or later.” He drank some more lemonade. “But think about Fluttershy and her love of animals. It has to hurt her to see Spike eating that.” Applejack pointed a hoof. “Fluttershy, your thoughts?” Skystrike got a third slice. Fluttershy drank some lemonade before sighing. “Um, well, I take care of and have taken care of a bear, eagles, falcons, owls, and many other predators.” She took another sip of her lemonade. “The only difference here is that it’s cooked. It’s uh... not new to me.” She said in her soft voice. Skystrike held back a chuckle at their silence before speaking again. “So, you girls gonna eat or what? By the way, training is over today, you two. You can either do some basic weight training or come back tomorrow.” He finished before getting himself some salade. The rest of the girls picked up their utensils and started serving themselves. Each of them hummed in approval as they bit into their food. They quickly finished their plates, much to Skystrike’s laughter. “How do you cook so well? This is just delicious!” Rarity asked before getting a second serving of salad. “Well, the dragon I travelled with taught me what herbs are good, and the avian taught me how to cook a lot better.” He replied with a happy sigh. “Where do you get all of these things for cooking anyway? I've never seen you in the town market.” Rainbow asked n curiosity. “They're in my bag.” He pulled out said bag, before opening it. Each of the ponies and dragon lookes inside it to see a black shadow inside the entire bag. “But, there’s nothing in it?” Rainbow stuck her hoof inside to prove her point, only for her hoof to go through the shadow, it engulfing her hoof whole. She pulled back her hoof and carefully checked it. “What!?” “That was my first reaction to.” He chuckled. “Basically, it’s a seemingly bottomless bag. Anything you put in it, it doesn't age past the point it was in until you pull it out again. This is where I store everything.” “That’s amazing! I’ve never heard of a magic item like that! You have to let me study it!” Twilight said with sparkles in her eyes. “I’d rather not have it returned broken, sorry.” Skystrike dismissed it. “I won't break it!” “You say that now…” “So, what exactly do ya have in there?” Applejack asked. “What don't I?” He laughed. “Name it and I probably have it.” “Do you have a ruby in there?” Spike asked, drool falling from his mouth. Skystrike stuck his hoof in his bag for a few seconds before pulling out a ruby the size of his hoof. Spike grinned before eating it whole. “Do you have a strawberry, chocolate, and raspberry cupcake?” Pinkie aske quickly. He again stuck his hoof in his bag before pulling out the cupcake. She picked it up in her tounge and ate it in one bite. “I bet you don't have a limited edition signed picture of Spitfire from the wonderbolts!” Rainbow said. Skystrike pulled out a picture of both him in his pony form and Spitfire next to each other, both dressed in the wonderbolt uniforms, and Skystrike having his collar on. Skystrike was obviously younger, being almost 15 at the time. Written on the picture in Spitfire’s hoof writing was. ‘I had fun with you here. You know where to find me, captain.’. He smiled looking at the photo, remembering the times they shared together. “Sorry, Rainbow, but this is important to me. I took this after I left the wonderbolts.” “YOU were in the wonderbolts!?” She asked, completely shocked at his last sentence. “Well who do you think trained them before Spitfire? I owed the one before me a favor, so I took his job for a few months.” He scratched his chin. “You TRAINED them!?” Rainbow’s eyes shrunk before she almost passed out.. “How fast are you if you trained the wonderbolts, sir?” Stardust asked. “Uh…” He thought for a moment. “If I tell you how fast I am, it’ll put you in a sour mood, but if I don't tell you, you wont stop bugging me, so… let's just say pretty fast.” Spike groaned. “I think I ate to much…” He burped. “Twilight… can we go home…?” Twilight sighed. “I guess it’s time for us to go. We’ll see you later, and thanks for lunch.” She smiled. “I should start working on your capes.” Rarity got up. “I need to check on the animals.” Fluttershy stood up. “Applebloom is about to get out of school.” Applejack walked towards the door. “Pinkie and I are gonna hang out for a while. We’ll see you later, Skystrike.” Rainbo flew up from her seat as Pinkie hopped away. “Bye, guys. I’ll see you next time.” He said as they left out the door. It was around noon when Skystrike went into Ponyville he was sitting next to the river, listening to the sound of the water as it flowed by. It was somewhat soothing to him. Stardust was sitting next to him doing the same. “Sir, what are we waiting on?” Stardust asked as she broke the silence. “Either a signal or for somepony to come interrupt us.” He replied, his eyes still closed. “Who would send you a signal? Can they send you a letter?” She questioned. “Well, it’s easier for him. He’s also gonna help me make you and Spike’s weapons, armor, and equipment. Got a pretty good idea for what you two will like.” He opened his eyes and looked at her. “Speaking of which, I need you to watch the house for me. I’m making it so only you and Spike can go in and out.” “And why not the others?” “I don't fully trust them. Spike makes sure to keep his promises to the best of his ability, and so do you. Not sure about the girls yet.” He shrugged. “I already put up the security when we left.” “Where are you going anyway?” “Where ever the signal comes from. Should be south, the direction we’re facing.” He said nodding his head towards his front. Stardust was about to reply before she was stopped by Fluttershy. “Skystrike! Stardust!” She said in her quiet voice. “Oh, hello, Fluttershy. How can we help you?” He turned around to see her. “No pony else is listening to me, and there’s-” She was cut off by Twilight standing on the bridge next to them. “Listen up!” Twilight started, Spike sitting on her back. “Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria.” The crowd behind them looked to each other in worry. “That's what I’ve been trying to-” Fluttershy was interrupted again. “But don't worry, I’ve just received a letter from princess Celestia informing me that it’s not coming from a fire.” She reassured them. “Oh thank goodness.” Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief. “Watch her say something more threatening than a fire.” Skystrike said under his breath. “It’s coming from a dragon!” Everypony gave out gasps of shock while Skystrike tried his best to stop his laughing. Skystrike looked up to see the smoke. That was his signal. He got up due to Twilight asking him, Fluttershy, and Stardust to meet him at the library, which he reluctantly agreed to. With a sigh, he started his walk to the purple pony’s house. “What in the name of all things cinnamon swirl is a full grown dragon doin’ here in Equestria?” Applejack questioned as Twilight put down her book. Skystrike looked up from polishing his sword, a curious spike looking at his reflection in it. “Either it’s here for something, or if found a new home after being chased out his last one?” “What type of creature can chase a dragon away?” Twilight looked at him. “A Lot of creatures actually. To name a few, Tatzlwurms, Rocs, and other dragons.” He answered. “If we need him gone, I can deal with him quick. I have a way of influencing them. “Sky, not even you can take on a dragon.” Applejack chuckled. “Never said I was gonna fight it.” He chuckled back. “Anyway, were you about to say something, Twilight?” “Oh, uh, the dragon is probably sleeping.” She nodded before pulling out a saddle bag. “Huh?” Applejack gave her a confused look. “According to princess Celestia, he’s taking a nap. His snoring is what’s causing all this smoke!” She looked back at them. “He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all.” Pinkie pie said. “Well, at least he’s not snoring fire!” Rarity replied “What are we meant to do about it?” “You could just let me deal with him. Shouldn't take long.” Skystrike said as he sheathed his sword. “I'll tell you what we’ll do about it!” Rainbow started as Skystrike gave a ‘this mare’ look to Rainbow. “Give him the boot!” She kicked a wooden carving over before Twilight caught it with her magic. Rainbow dived at the carving before Twilight lifted it, making Rainbow dash whiz under it and crash into the wall next to Skystrike, upside down. “Well good luck with that.” Skystrike said as he helped her stand upright. “We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else.” Twilight corrected her. “Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail!” Rainbow dash saluted her. “Are you paying attention, Skystrike?” She looked over to see him tapping his hoof. “I’m the last pony you should be telling that to. Besides, i'm just waiting for this to be over so I can start going to this guy.” “Darling, you can't be suggesting that you and Stardust are going by yourselves?” Rarity motioned a hoof. “Actually, miss Rarity, I’m staying here.” Stardust raised a hoof. “Wait, you're going alone?!" Applejack asked in surprise. “That's what I planned on. What, you need me to come with you for a reason I don't know about?” “That doesnt matter, Skystrike, you're coming with us. Everypony, lets go quickly. We have a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour.” Twilight gave a determined look. “Ok girls-” Rainbow dash started. “And guy.” Skystrike said jokingly. “You heard her!” She flew up to Rarity and Pinkie before pulling them into a hug. “The fate of Equestria is in our hooves! Do we have what it takes?” They all gave cheers of approval before trotting out the door. “Um, actually…” Fluttershy whispered. “What’s up, Flutters?” Skystrike asked. “Oh, and Stardust, you can head on home.” “Oh, um, well, I don't want to worry you…” She said shyly. “How are we gonna be friends if I can't help you with your problems?” He asked. “You can tell me or not. Not gonna pressure you.” “Oh, well… it’s nothing.” She said before running out the door. Skystrike shrugged before going outside and sitting on the steps. He closed his eyes, letting his mind make up the surroundings around him. All he saw was black. For a few minutes, the darkness continued before a bright light was seen. The light dimmed down before sounds could be heard. It sounded like children. Children playing to be exact. He looked down at himself. He was a human child, standing in a playground in a thin white robe. He looked around to see some kids, no older than six, crowded around him. Infront of him was a large, bulky child wearing the same apparel, smirking maliciously at him. The kid had pale white skin and blue eyes. His blonde hair flowed in the wind. He knew exactly what this was. “So, what do you want, 48?” His mouth moved on its own. “You know what, 34. It's time I beat some sense into a failure like you. You cant even use magicka, and you're making us look bad to our parents!” “Whatever. You're making yourself look like an idiot right now, not me.” He groaned, “What did you say?!” 48 screeched. “Wanna look cool in front of those crazy scientist? Go waste your time somewhere else.” He said before turning around and walking away. 48 gritted his teeth. “Don't run from me!” He chased after him, throwing a punch at the back of his head. I quickly ducked under it before sweeping his legs, ending it with a  uppercut to his chin. 48 fell on the ground before gripping his jap in pain. “Now you made yourself look bad.” He said before walking away. Skystrike went towards the wall of the indoor playground and stared at it. It was filled with color. Picturing the outside world, and the happiness it held. They were taught that the happy world was being taken over by the aliens that came all that time ago. They believed that lie for so long. It grew on them like a plague. “P.R.O.W-0034” I heard my name called from behind me. I turned around to see a scientist in a lab coat looking down at me. “I saw that performance earlier.” He gave a sly smile. “I believe now is the time.” He put out a hand. His younger self wasn't able to hear the malintent in his voice, but by the time he grabbed his hand, it was too late. “...strike. Skystrike.” He heard a muffled voice. “Skystrike!” His eyes snapped open. He looked around to see the mares standing in line next to him, and Twilight yelling at him. “Were you even listening?! This is important!” Twilight said angrily. “No, sorry. Just having a flashback.” He stood up. “Ready when you are.” Twilight sighed before walking a few feet away and pulling out her map. Twilight walked up behind her and began whispering to her. Twilight, being the hypocrite she is, wasn't listening, giving her ‘uh huh’s and ‘ok’s as answers. That is, until Fluttershy said something that caught her attention. “Maybe I should just stay here…” Fluttershy gave a concerned look. “Uh huh.” Twilight said before realizing what the pegasus said. “Wait, you have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy!” “I don't think I…” She started before she was cut off by Twilight. “And don't worry about your little friends in the meadow. Spike’s got it covered while you're gone.” She looked down to see Spike at her side, birds an his shoulders, and rodents around his feet. “You can count on me!” He said proudly. Her worries were not rested though, as a bunny on his head thumped his skull, making the animals run away from the sudden shaking. “I don't think he’s up to the task. Maybe…” Twilight began to walk away. “I… but....” She tried before letting out a squeak. Skystrike sighed at the sight of this. Rainbow flew up to Twilight before whispering to her. Probably something about Fluttershy slowing them down or something equally stupid. Their conversation ended as they saw Fluttershy hiding from her...shadow? Skystrike was dumbfounded. “Alright everypony, move out!” Twilight said before the mares, save for Fluttershy, began running towards the mountain. Skystrike looked at Fluttershy, who was currently shivering. He gave her a reassuring look. “Don't worry, you can do this.” He said before walking up to her and giving her a push. She gave him a weak smile before the two slowly caught up to the group. You could hear the snoring of the dragon from the base of the mountain. Each of the mares let out a gasp at the sound. “Woah… What was that?” Rainbow asked. “That's the sound Twilight makes after a long night of study over Equestrian history.” Skystrike chuckled. The other mares, save for Twilight laughed at his joke. “That was the sound of a dragon snoring.” She put emphasis on that. Fluttershy looked from behind Skystrike, who she was hiding under. “It’s so… high.” “Well it IS a mountain.” Rainbow pointed out the obvious. “REALLY???” Echo started out of nowhere. “I thought that was a pebble.” Skystrike laughed at this. “Holy crap, chill!” He said between laughing. “Shut it, Echo.” Rainbow scoffed. “I’m gonna fly up there and check it out!” Rainbow began to fly off, only to be stopped by Applejack catching her by the tail. “Hold on, now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers and all.” Applejack said to the groups approval. “Reports have shown that the more people in a group while hiking a mountain is more likely to cause a landslide.” “Three of us can fly.” SKystrike reminded him. “We should be fine. Anyway, let's get moving.” Skystrike said before beginning to climb the mountain, his armor clanking with each limb. The mares followed behind him up the steep slope, Rainbow flying above them with her fore hooves crossed. After a few minutes, Rarity started small talk. “I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon’s scales are the jewels they use to build their nest!” She said. “Oh! , do you think I can convince him to part with a few?” Rarity asked hopefully. “Maybe. The dragons dont really give things away unless you trade them for something of equal value.” Skystrike said looking back at her. “Hey there, Rarity! Welcome to my cave! Care for a diamond?” Pinkie joked before letting out a roar. “Heh. good one, Pinkie.” Skystrike laughed, the others joining in. “Ponies!” Twilight interrupted their laughing. “This is no laughing matter! Fluttershy, you're the expert on animals. What do you think the dragon will be like?” She looked back, only to see nopony. “Fluttershy?” She called out. Everypony else looked back to see her hiding behind a bush at the base of the mountain. “What are you waiting for!?” Rainbow yelled for her to hear. “An invitation!?” “Ooo!” Pinkie realized. “I think I have one in my bag!” She pulled it out, confetti coming with it. “It’s so… steep…” Fluttershy’s voice wavered. “Well it is a cliff.” Rainbow dash was starting to get annoyed. “You could just, I dunno, fly up here?” “Come on, Fluttershy! You can do it! Flap those wings!” Pinkie cheered for her. “Um… ok…” Fluttershy began to take flight. She was at their height before the dragon let out a loud snore. The sound scared her, making her wings snap shut. She fell into the bush under her. “We don't have time for this!” Twilight groaned before Applejack took her map and laid it out. “What are you doing?” “I’ll need this if i’m gonna take her around the mountain another way.” Applejack said. “Ugh. AROUND the mountain?” Rainbow groaned before Applejack slid down the slope. “That's gonna take them forever!” Skystrike eyes flashed white before he recolected himself. “I’d rather it take forever than it feel like forever with your complaining” He said before jumping down the entirety of the cliff, landing next to Fluttershy. The dragon let out another loud snore, making Fluttershy roll on her back with her legs in the air. “I’ll carry her. You lead. Sound good?” “Yessiree!” She nodded before Skystrike rolled Fluttershy onto his back. “Twi, we’ll be there soon.” Skystrike assured her. “We make it.” Applejack said as the three came from around the corner, meeting the four. They got up before continuing to walk, Fluttershy still paralyzed from the shock. The group came to a cliff before jumping across, landing on the adjacent one. Skystrike put Fluttershy down for a minute before panting. “Shouldn't have increased my armor weight today of all days.” He said before jumping across. “Your turn, Fluttershy.” Twilight looked over to see said mare hugging the wall. “But it’s so… wide…” She looked away from the cliff. There was only one thought in Skystrike mind as he drowned out the surrounding sounds. Is she serious? Its is a 4 foot crack that she could skip across. He only jumped to not make the cliff crack under him. This mare was light. Couldn't be more than 80 pounds. He understood that she was scared, but for real? His train of thought was stopped by Fluttershy taking a weary jump over, only to look down and catch herself between the cliffs. He inwardly sighed before helping her across. Their voyage was stopped a few minutes later when Skystrike stopped them. “Stay quiet. I looks like we’re entering an avalanche zone. Just don't talk louder than a low talk and we’ll be set.” The mares nodded before continuing. “An ava… ava…” Fluttershy was sushed by Twilight. Rainbow dash flew ahead, brushing by a tree, making some of the leaves fall. Skystrike paid it no attention before it fell on Fluttershy’s butt behind him. “AVALA-” Fluttershy began to scream before her mouth was covered by Applejack’s hoof. Skystrike inwardly cursed at the sudden scream before looking around, along with the rest of the mares. The ground began to shake as each of them had worried looks in their eyes. “AVALANCHE!” Each of the mares yelled before dodging the boulders falling from above. Skystrike drew one of his swords as he cut a rock above him clean in half. He looked at the other mares, seeing them run/fly around, trying their best to dodge. A rock was about to fall on Twilight before Applejack tackled her out of the way, only for the rock to come hurtling towards Skystrike. He gritted his teeth as the rock hit him head on. If he didn't have his armor, he would've been knocked out. That was the least of his worries however. The momentum of the rock pushed him towards the edge of the cliff. He dug his hooves into the ground and pushed against it, narrowly stopping himself from falling off. “Holy fucking shit.” He panted as adrenaline stopped running through him. “Everypony ok?” He got weak yes’ from each of them. “And now I have to clean this armor again.” He sighed. “...Sorry…” Fluttershy apologized. “It’s ok, Fluttershy!” Twilight assured her. “We’ll just have to… climb over.” She sighed. “Idea. Imma go scout ahead and make sure things like this won't happen again and find a safer route. I’ll set down a trail you can follow.” Skystrike said before flying off. After being a safe distance away, he flew above the side of the mountain. He let out a sigh at the current situation. He knew it wasn't Fluttershy’s fault entirely, being that Rainbow wasn't looking where she was flying, but that didn't change their problem. The mound of rocks and dirt that the girls were currently walking over made the rocks above them less stable. It increased the chances of another rock slide, and on top of that, blocked off a potential path that lead them to the top. Skystrike inwardly cursed before he flew ahead to look for another way up. Skystrike landed in front of the girls who were now at the mouth of the cave. “I see you made is up ok, and the scaly boy is still asleep.” He said before looking around for a head count. “Wait...” He looked at them to see some disappointed faces and an annoyed one. “Where’s Fluttershy?” “Fluttershy left. She’s afraid of dragons. Go figure.” Rainbow Dash crossed her fore hooves. Skystrike stood in silence before calming himself. He let out a slow sigh before talking peacefully. “Rainbow, which one of the elements are you?” She was caught off guard by his question. “Loyalty?” “Are you sure? Because from what i’ve heard during this trip, and I have very good hearing, you’ve done nothing but complain about your supposed “friend” Fluttershy. You've been nagging Twilight this whole time. ‘You sure we should have bought her along?’ ‘She’ll just slow us down.’” He said in a mocking voice, which surprised each of the ponies there. He unfolded his mask and flew straight up to the stunned mare. “You, who’s been her “friend” since elementary, decides to ditch her, and bad mouth her behind her back, just because she’s an inconvenience? I’ll ask once more, which one of the elements are you?” Rainbow was taken back by this. She stuttered before giving up on her sentence. Skystrike flew past her and landed on the ground. “I feel like you, more than anypony should know about loyalty, and I especially know about if from my travels. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get my friend. Good luck with the dragon, and don't try anything risky.” He left the mares as he dived off the side of the mountain before beginning to circle it. He began looking at the path he marked for the girls to take. Lucky for him, Fluttershy hasn't gone far down. In fact, she was behind a rock near the cave.Her head hung low as she looked at the ground. Skystrike landed a few feet in front of her so not to startle her. “Hey Fluttershy.” He gave a reassuring smile. “Wanna tell me whats wrong?” She looked up at him, her head still low. “I’m afraid of dragons…” She said quietly. Skystrike sat down on the stone beneath him and patted a hoof on the ground next to him. Fluttershy walked over before sitting down. “So Flutters, i’m not going to sit here and force you to do anything. I’m just going to give you some advice i've learned. If your willing to listen?” She nodded as she stayed silent. “The only thing to fear is fear itself. You can't get through life without overcoming at least one of those fears. Now, what i’m about to say, I need it to be our secret, ok?” She nodded again. “I was afraid of blood a few years ago.” “...What?” She turned her head as she sat up straight. “I was afraid of blood. It was around the time I was in Cloudsdale with you and RD all those years ago.” He started with a sigh. “I was about to be mugged when I had to overcome it. One of my friends and I were cornered into an alleyway, and he couldn't fight. I hated the idea of someone getting hurt because of me. I was afraid that if I did something, they’d die. But at that moment, I realized that if I sat there, if I didn't fight, my friend may have very well died. I had to choose between succumbing to my fear, or protecting my friend.” “And I can already guess what you did.” She looked at him. “Remember when I came to school with bruises and cuts? Thats why.” Skystrike wrapped a hoof around her and pulled her close. She let out a quiet squeak as he did this. Skystrike pointed a hoof at the cloud of smoke above them. “Now you have that choice to make. You can either walk away from this now, and let me and the others deal with the dragon, or you can overcome that fear, and go help your friends. Either way, i’ll support your decision.” He gave her a genuine smile. Moments of silence passed as Fluttershy thought about her decision, only for it to be interrupted by a loud roar. Soon after, the other five mares smashed into the rock they were behind, shattering the top half of it. The two hidden ponies were now revealed to the dragon. Fluttershy looked down over the rock to look at her friends lying in a cluster in front of her. She looked up to see the dragons red eyes staring down at her. She looked back and forth between her friends and the tall winged lizard in front of her before giving the dragon a mean glare. “How dare you…” She stared at the dragon. The dragons glare unwavered. “How dare you!!” She shouted at it before flying up and landing on its snout. “Listen here, mister! Just because you're big, doesn't mean you get to be a bully!” She looked him right in the eyes. “Just because you have big teeth and sharp claws and snores smoke and breathes fire, but you do not, I repeat, do NOT. Hurt. My. Friends! Got that?” The dragon was taken aback by her sudden outburst. He hunched down a bit. “But that rainbow one kicked me.” He said in his deep voice. Rainbow nodded proudly. “And i’m very sorry about that, but you're bigger than she is, and you should know better. You should also know better that snoring causing smoke hazard to other creatures.” “But I-” he started only to be cut off by Fluttershy. “Don't you ‘but I’ me mister.” She scolded. “Now what do you have to say for yourself?” “...Dovah kaal taught me to only attack if another means you harm…” He said as he scratched his scales. “Oooooh.” Skystrike walked out from behind the rock. “Yeah, that’s my fault. I told him that so he wouldn't cause too much trouble for passerby.” The dragon looked down to see Skystrike looking up at him. Almost instantly, the dragon lowered his head. “Dovah kaal! Please forgive my rudeness. Had I known they were with you, i would've said something.” “Dont worry about it. I didn't even know you were here to warn you, so im in the wrong too.” The mares stood up. “Wait, you knew a dragon was coming here?” Fluttershy practically shouted. “And what does Dovah Kaal mean?” Twilight asked. “To answer your question Flutters, I knew he was coming, but he wasn't supposed to be here, and to answer yours Twilight, dovah means dragon and kaal means champion.” He pointed at them respectively “So you called something that dangerous here, and you did nothing about it!?” Rainbow was now the one to shout. “Are you serious!?” “Well first off, Keyn Lok here may be one of the strongest dragons, he’s a softie. And I was going to do something about it, but like Twilight said, ‘that doesn't matter. You're coming with us.’.” “Oooooh. So THIS is the dragon you travelled with!” Pinkie exclaimed as Twilight sheepishly laughed. “Oh, no. I couldn't be compared to lady Tethys.” Keyn Lok said humbly. “She is much stronger than I.” “I think we’re all ignoring the question, how does Skystrike know not one, but two dragons?’ Rarity asked. “Dovah Kaal doesn't get his name from nowhere, but now I believe i’ve said to much. Dovah Kaal, shall we get ready?” “Yeah, just go put my stash in this bag.” Skystrike threw him his saddlebag. Keyn Lok stood up and went back into the cave, scooping large handfuls of valuables into his bag. “Wait, all that is yours?” Applejack asked. “But… how?” Everypony’s mouth was agape. “I traveled a lot, cleared out dungeons, looted bandits, the list goes on. Anyway, Rainbow dash, I think you have something to say?” He side eyed her. Rainbow Dash let out a loud groan before flying over to the dragon. “I’m sorry Kien Look for kicking you…” “I’m sure he appreciates it, even if you pronounced his name wrong, but that’s not who I meant.” Rainbow’s brain processed this information before she face hooved. “Fluttershy, i'm sorry for everything. I’ve been an awful friend to you. Can you forgive me?” “Of course, Rainbow Dash.” She hugged her. “Aight, that's adorable and all, but I gotta go to my workshop with Keyn Lok. I’ll be back in about a week.” Skystrike said as Keyn Lok came out of the cave. He handed him his bag before Skystrike tightened the buckles on his sided. “Wait, what?” They all said in sync. “I said that Spike and Stardust was going to get weapons next week, right. We’re just going to my workshop in the north. I’ll see you later!” Skystrike jumped onto Keyn Lok’s neck. With a heavy flap of Keyn Lok’s wings, the dragon took off into the sky. “Go ahead and tell Celestia, Twilight. I don't care.” Keyn Lok took off towards the north at amazing speeds > Bridle Gossip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As he rode on Keyn Lok’s back, Skystrike pondered to himself. After working for nearly a week without sleep, he was extremely proud of his work, making weapons and armor for Spike, Stardust, and himself. On his mind right now was how he was either going to keep hiding things from Twilight and the others, or tell them the whole truth. Either way, they will find out eventually, including about him being human. If he told them as of now, they would no doubt tell Celestia without Skystrike telling her himself. At that point, he would once again be taken prisoner, and he would sooner die than that happen. Right now, all he can do is try to get closer and earn their trust. Already having Fluttershy’s, that leaves 7 including Spike and Stardust. He sighed to himself as he looked over the horizon, the orange sun just peeking over the horizon line.. It looked to be about 7 in the morning, and from the speed Keyn Lok was going, they'd be at the mountain they met in about 10 minutes. “Keyn, drop me off where we met up. It would cause trouble if you landed in Ponyville.” Skystrike said to the disappointment of Keyn Lok. He gave him a rub on his back. “To make it up to you, I’ll come see you at your new home on the day of the migration.” “You don't have to do that, Dovah Kaal. I will be fine.” “Dont worry about it. We’re friends, aren't we?” He smiled behind his helmet. “Speaking of friends, how’s Tethys?” “From what i’ve seen, she’s still trying to get stronger and is still mad about your guild breaking up. Aside from that, she’s doing well, and some of us believe she’s on par with the dragon lord.” Skystrike inwardly smiled. “I’m proud of her. If you see her again, tell her where I am, and tell her to bring her armor.” He said as the mountain came into view. “Also, when you see the dragon lord again, tell him that i’ve gotten stronger. I’ll visit when he comes over.” Keyn Lok landed in front of the cave they were at two weeks ago . Skystrike hopped off with a yawn. The last time he slept was an hour ago, and it was only a mere 5 hours. The two exchanged goodbyes as they went their separate ways. Not feeling like walking, Skystrike dove off the edge of the mountain. After falling a few hundred feet, he spread his wings and glided all the way to Ponyville, landing just outside of the small town. Unexpecting of him, many of the town's residents were running around in fear. After seeing the flower sisters freaking out for real, Skystrike determined it was serious. Although it was way to early for this, he had no choice. “Rose, Daisy, Lily, what happened?” He groaned. “Oh, it’s just horrible!” Daisy started. “Absolutely terrifying!” Lily continued. “A huge snake monster came out of nowhere!” Rose stood up as the other two continued to roll around on the ground. “It did not damage anything, thank Celestia, but Twilight and the others are holding it off!” “Wait, it did not destroy anything?” Skystrike was surprised by her statement. “No. It just came and looked around for a little while, then went off towards the everfree! What was really weird was that it had a sort of bag in its mouth.” She continued. “...I feel like it isn't trying to harm anypony, but it’s looking for something.” He spoke to himself. “You said it went towards the Everfree, right? How long ago was that?” About 10-15 minutes ago! You should check on the girls, Mr. Nebula. They may be in trouble!” Rose said to him before Skystrike turned around. Skystrike began to walk towards his house as he drew his sword. It was way too early for this. The mane 6 and Spike were currently trying to keep the monster at bay. The creature was long, somewhere between 30 and 40 feet long. It had black scales with a pattern of golden scales going down its back. Its underbelly was a smooth set of tan scales. The head of the snake-like creature was large, easily able to fit a pony in it. It had rows of razor like teeth, though it didn't have fangs like a snake. It had orange snake eyes and frills around its neck that spead open at will, as well as two ear holes behind its eyes. Rainbow dash was flying around it to keep it occupied while the others were trying to think of a way to get rid of it. Twilight levitated a book in front of her face as she tried to find data on the beast to find their first plan of action. After skimming through the pages, her eyes widened as she found something useful. “Ok, girls, I found something! In my book on ancient and mythical beings, it seems that it’s a basilisk, and an earth basilisk at that.” “What’s the difference?” Applejack asked her. “While a normal basilisk has its size and speed, an earth basilisk is seen as royalty among the basilisk. They can control the earth around them if they are taught how.” She said to their shock. “The only problem is why is it so far from its home in the badlands?” “That doesn't matter right now!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she circled the earth basilisk who was currently curled up in a coil, a large pouch inside said coil. “We just gotta get rid of this thing!” “Rainbow Dash is right, darling.” Rarity agreed. “The basilisk is our top priority. Fluttershy, can you try talking to it?” “We don't need to talk to it! We just have to give it the boot!” Rainbow shouted before kicking it on the nose. Everypony and dragon had their heart skip a beat as she did this. The earth basilisk rubbed his nose with the tip of its tail in annoyance. The lizard stretched its body upward to give it height. Rainbow Dash lowered to the ground in fear and gave a nervous chuckle. The basilisk opened it’s golden frills as it let out a terrifying screech, telling them to back off. “Again, Rainbow!?” Skystrike shouted at her from down the road. He ran towards them and the basilisk with his sword drawn. He slowed down in realization as he got closer to the beast. The basilisk looked at him with excitement. Skystrike looked at in in realization. “No way… Naga?” Skystrike unfolded his helmet, letting it see his face. It lunged at him as soon as it saw his face. “Skystrike!!” They all called out to him, only for their worry to be soothed away by the retaliation of the basilisk coiling around him and squeeze him into a hug. “Good to see you too, Naga! You’ve grown, haven't you? Last time I saw you, I could still carry you!” He laughed. “Wait, you know this thing?” Fluttershy asked in confusion. “Yeah, she’s the pet I told you about. Well, more of a companion than a pet.” He answered. “When did you tell us about her?” Pinkie asked. “And can I pet her?” “I told you two weeks ago I had a lizard, didn't I? And you have to ask Naga.” Pinkie walked over to Naga and put out a hoof. Naga placed her head against her hoof, giving her the ok to do so. The rest of the girls and dragon asked her as well. All but one was accepted. Rainbow tried to put her hoof on her neck, only for her to back away as Naga hissed at her. “What’s her problem.” Rainbow asked as she glared at her. “...You kicked her in the face, you nut.” Skystrike said. “Anyway, Naga, can I ride on you again?” Naga picked him up in his mouth and threw him into the air, him falling on her head. “Oh yeah! Lets go! My house is straight ahead!” Naga picked up the rest, save for Rainbow Dash, and put them on her back. She picked up her pouch before they rode of towards Skystrikes house as Skystrike laughed. Skystrike knocked on his door to see if Stardust was there. She opened the door to greet him. “Welcome back sirrrrrr…..” She realized that she wasn't looking at Skystrike, but instead, an orange eyeball the size of her head was looking into her very soul. She backed away in fear at the sudden sight. Naga backed up to let the pony see Skystrike. “Sup. Sorry, it took longer than I thought.” He smiled at her. “This is Naga. Naga, that’s Stardust.” The basilisk stuck out her tail, expecting Stardust to shake it. She slowly did so as she caught her breath. “Sir, where did you find a basilisk!?” She shouted at him. “I’ll tell you in a bit. Come outside first.” He jumped off Naga and started walking. “Naga, I need you to do something for me.” He finished as Naga followed behind him. They walked around to the side of his house to find a large plain of grass. “Can you make part of the field into an arena? Im training my disciples and we’re gonna train today. There’s also a cave nearby if you're gonna stay.” Naga nodded before slithering past him. She put her tail in front of her and slapped the ground with it. An area of grass almost instantly turned into a dirt circle. “Thank you.” He said as he rubbed the side of her head. “By the way, what’s in the pouch?” Naga realized that she was still holding the pouch before she dropped it in front of him with a loud thud. Skystrike untied the knot keeping it closed to find a number of things. There was a massive thick yellow blanket, yet is too small for Naga now, pieces of silver colored metal and leather, as if it was once armor, a silver color blade that was as long as Skystrike, and a collection of her shedded scales. Each piece of armor was no bigger than his hoof. “Oh, wow. Of course you’d grow out of your armor. I’m surprised you kept if this good, aside from a little rusting. Nice job.” Naga purred at the compliment and smiled at him. “Sir!” Skystrike and Naga turned their heads to see everypony and dragon standing behind them. “Oh good, you're here. Come over here, I got your stuff.” Spike walked over to him while Stardust stood still. “Stardust?” “Y-y-yes?” She hesitated. “You're afraid of Naga aren't you?” “...yes, sir…” She admitted. “Aight. Understandable. You’ll get used to her.” He chuckled. Skystrike took off his saddle bag and put it in front of him. He sat on the ground and pulled out various items, mostly armor and weapons. Lucky for him, he had spare armor for Naga. Skystrike walked over and gave Stardust her sword and armor, then did the same to Spike. After a few minutes of tinkering with his creations, he finally got to see them in their full glory. Stardust still had her spartan-like helmet and armor, but instead of it being made of gold, It was made with the same material as Skystrikes armor, but charcoal in color. She had a rapier that was the same charcoal color, but the hilt of the sword had a symbol of the same star on her cape. Her helmet had a button on her left side. When she pressed it, the helmet folded over her face, having the shape of a stereotypical knight with the slits for breathing, seeing, and all. Her legs were somewhat guarded by knee plates, clawed metal greaves, and pink dyed leather covering her inner thighs. Spike was given a small chestplate, clawed boots, purple dyed leather gloves with guards on their backs, and elbow guards, all the metal purple in color. His helmet had a slit going down the back to let his green spines stick out. His helmet also covered his entire face, save for the eyes. It also had a few slits so he could breathe. His weapon looked like a black and purple suitcase. “Oh man, you two look cool. I’m proud of myself. “ Skystrike nodded at their looks. “Now it’s my turn.” “You upgraded your armor?” Twilight asked from behind them. “Yep, give me a minute to attach it.” He said as he sorted through his bag as he pulled out various metals. He was about to take off his chestplate before he realized something. “Are you girls gonna turn around or will I have to go inside?” “What do you mean?” Pinkie tilted her head. “I don't want ponies looking at me when i'm starch naked.” He responded. “But we’re naked all the time.” Pinkie said. “I don't see why it’s different.” “It’s different because I have a dick and balls, and I don't want ponies looking at my genitals that I can't hide with my tail? Why do you think I walk in front and wear my armor and cape?” “Oooooooh.” Pinkie realized what he meant. “I see your point…” She chuckled nervously. Each of the girls turned around. Just incase, Naga circled around him to make sure no pony was looking. After quickly changing his armor and switching out his metal fore hoof, he tapped Naga, who was looking away, tapped her side to let her know he was done. At the sound of Naga moving, the girls turned around to see Skystrike in his new armor. His armor was much more intimidating to say the least. His helmet stayed the same, though his armor changed drastically. The armor covering his back was layered and mimicked that of an armadillo. His belly was protected by multiple sections of armor that allowed him to twist and bend his body. His greaves were bulkier and had stationary metal claws on them for increased grip and all terrain use. “I see that you changed it, but what does it do?” Rainbow crossed her hooves. “I can do this!” Skystrike jumped into the air before curling into a ball. The armor plates on his back went down and covered him as he landed on the ground. His fore hoof greaves turned into shields and covered his sides, making him spherical in shape. “But wait, there’s more!” Spikes came out of every side of him as he rolled around them at quick speeds. He uncurled and stood in front of them. “Pretty cool, huh. Only downside is that I can't see yet. It’s a work in progress.” “Uh, Skystrike? Why do I have a suitcase?” Spike asked as he held it with both hands. Said suitcase was the size of the dragon, if not bigger. “Oh, that’s a prototype. It's a combination of weapons depending to the button you press. That’s one of 10 that I made while gone.” He took the ‘weapon’ from spike and pressed one of the three buttons on the underside of it. The length side of the suitcase unfolded, adding the length, but decreasing the width of it. A black pole extended from between the two purple parts, before the upper box opened and a large curved silver blade came out. It was a scythe. When he pressed the second button, the pole bent, making itself into a curve. A metal guard came out from the middle of the pole to protect his hand, making a magic bow. When the third button was pressed, the pole went straight again. A metal spike came out the bottom of the staff while four short blades came from the opposite end. The four blades curved so they all pointed upwards, making a staff. “I’m not sure I feel comfortable with Spike carrying that around.” Twilight sighed. “Dont worry about it. If anything happens, i'll take responsibility. Besides, He just needs to get used to carrying it. I’m going to sleep. I’ll come back in like 4 hours.” He stepped inside.   After waking up with a yawn, Skystrike sat up and hopped off his bed. He stretched a bit before finding Stardust in the living room with Naga a few feet away. With the giant lizard in the room, the place seemed kind of cramped. “Good afternoon, Stardust, Naga.” He said as he walked down the stairs. “Good afternoon, sir.” Stardust said in an uneasy tone as Naga let out a chirp in greeting. “I see that you two are getting along somewhat.” He chuckled. “Somewhat, yes.” She giggled back. “I’m still getting used to her, but she’s pretty nice.” She reassured him. “Alright. I’m gonna go out into town for a bit. Wanna come?” He asked as he grabbed his cape from the coat rack. “Just going to SCC and Rarity’s. Maybe see Applejack.” “Yes, sir! Let me just get my armor.” She went to the armory and quickly came back with her new apparel. “Naga, will you be fine here by yourself?” He asked only for her to respond with a nod. “I'll pick you up something on the way back. I’ll cook something for you when we get back, too.” He said as the two of them walked out the door. Stardust and Skystrike have been walking for a good ten minutes in silence before Skystrike thought of something. “So, what happened while I was gone?” “Actually sir, Twilight invited me, Applejack, and Rarity to a sleepover.” “Skystrike smiled. “Oh wow, that’s nice of her. Anything happen?” Stardust giggled as she thought back on it. “Actually, Applejack and Rarity were arguing most of the time, so it was mainly between me and Twilight. We ended up playing truth or dare. Turns out Applejack looks pretty good in a dress. What really made the night was when a tree fell through the… tree? During a thunderstorm.” She turned to see Skystrike with a worried expression. “Don't worry, no pony got hurt. Turns out it helped Applejack and Rarity make up. What did you do? Besides making the armor and stuff.” “Well, I had to get the materials for the armor. I had to find a steel spider, and ask for some of it’s thread, be it wanted a trade, so I had to find a safe place for it’s nest. Then I had to find all the things for my metal mix. After that, I had to smelt it, let it harden, and then make it into the armor and weapons. Then I went looking for magic stones to put into your weapons, which you'll get the magic stones later. Finally, I had to test all of the armor’s efficiency.” He explained. Suddenly, he thought back to earlier that day. “Stardust, can I ask you something?” “Anything, sir.” “I have a… fairly big secret that i’m keeping. The problem is that if I tell somepony, I, and whoever I tell may be in an unmeasurable amount of danger. Enough to the point where we may be fugitives. Not to mention that they may rat me out.” He sighed. “Do you think that I should tell them the truth?” “If by ‘them’, you mean Twilight and the others, then do it when you feel the time's right.” She reassured him. “Just try not to do it too late.” “Thanks, Stardust. I’ll take your word for it.” He smiled at her before they came up on Ponyville. Something, however, was off. The once lively town seemed to be nothing but a ghost town, the occasional tumble weed coming through. What was even weirder was that everything was still there. The carriages, the food stands, even some toys that some files were playing with. Being prepared for the worst, Skystrike kept his hoof on his sword as he and Stardust walked through town. “Do you think they're hiding from Naga, sir?” “Unlikely. They were still outside when Naga came through. This is actually oddly nostalgic of when I first came to town…” He answered. “Psst!” A whisper could be heard from nearby. Skystrike looked around before he heard and saw the source of said whisper. “Skystrike! Stardust!” Pinkie poked her head through Sugar Cube Corner door before ducking behind it again. “Come here! Hurry! Before she gets you!” The two ran towards the door and jumped through, Skystrike rolling to the side to get out of sight. “Alright, Pinkie, why are you alone in the dark?” “She’s not alone.” He could hear Twilight’s voice. He looked around to see everyone there. “Ok… why are you all alone in the dark?” “That's what I said, and that's also what I’m wondering.” Twilight nodded. “We’re hiding from her!” Applejack pointed out the window. Twilight, Stardust, Skystrike and everypony else all looked out the window to see a cloaked figure digging at the groundwith a stripped fore hoof. Said figure turned towards the group, looking at them with glowing yellow eyes. Everypony and dragon save for Skystrike, Twilight, and Stardust ducked for cover. “I really feel like this is oddly nostalgic…” Skystrike groaned. “Did you see her, Skystrike? Did you see Zecora?” Applebloom asked as she tugged at his back leg. “Oh hey Applebloom. Didn't see you there. How ya doin’?” “Applebloom, I told you never to say that name!” Applejack scolded. “And yes, I saw Zecora glace this way. Right, Twilight?” He asked to receive a nod. “Glance eeeevily this way!” Pinkie said with shrunken eyes. “And then most of you flip out for no good reason?” Twilight looked at the ponies. “No good reason?! You call protecting your sister no good reason?” Applejack said, only to get a raised eyebrow from Skystrike. “Why, as soon as mah sister saw Zecora riding into town, She started shaking ‘er little horseshoes off!” “Did not!” Applebloom managed to get out while her older sister shook her back and forth. “So ah swept her up an’ bought her here!” Applejack put her on her back. “I walked here myself!” Applebloom protested. “For safekeeping.” “Applejack,i'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!” “Not from that creepy Zecora!” “She’s mysterious…” Fluttershy held her head down. “Sinister!” Said Rainbow Dash “And spoooooky!” Pinkie Pie added. Skystrike, Stardust, and Twilight all exchanged looks before rolling their eyes. The three looked out the window before the rest pushed in behind  them for a better look. Zecora pulled off her hood to reveal her head. Her coat was grey, and her made was in a mohawk with black and white stripes. Each of the ponies gasped. “Will you cut that out?” Twilight and Skystrike said in unison. “Just look at those stripes! How galish!” Rarity glared at Zecora through the window. “Don’t talk about somepony behind their back, Rarity. You already got enough doing it. We don't need one more.” Skystrike glared. “She’s a zebra!” Twilight explained. “A what?!” They all shouted. “A zebra! And her stripes aren't a fashion choice, Rarity. They're what she was born with!” Rarity faints at this revelation. “Born where? I’ve never seen a pony like that in these parts! Cept, her!” Applejack trembled. “That's because she’s from a different continent across the eastern ocean. She’s probably new. I’m guessing that because I haven't seen her house.” Skystrike explained. “That’s just it… She lives in… the Everfree Forest!” Applejack exclaimed. A loud boom was heard in the background as she said this. “Spike!” Twilight yelled to see spike in the kitchen. “Heh… Sorry.” Spike shrugged. “The Everfree Forest just ain't natural!” Applejack started. “The plants grow… “The animals care for themselves…” Fluttershy said. “And the clouds move…” Rainbow added. “All on their own!” They all said together. Rarity fainted again as Twilight held an unamused look. “...you do realize that that all happened almost everywhere outside equestria, right? Go to Zecora’s continent, they don't have pegasi to make it rain for them, so how do plants grow? It’s survival of the fittest there, so how do animals survive? There's also something called wind to move the clouds there.” “And that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there doing her evil… stuff! Oh, she’s so evil, I even wrote a song about her!” “Here we go…” Rainbow Dash sigher before Pinkie belted into a song. “She’s an evil enchantress! She does evil dances! And if you look deep in her eyes, She’ll put you in trances! Then what will she do? She’ll fix up an evil brew! And she’ll gobble you up! In a big tasty stew! So… watch out!” “Wow, catchy…” Twilight said sarcastically. “It’s a work in progress!” Pinkie said proudly. Skystrike had an unamused look as he glared at each of the ponies as he let out a grunt. “Ok, what have you seen Zecora do?” “Well... “ Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. “Once a month, she comes into Ponyville…” “Ooooh!” Twilight said sarcastically. “Then, she lurks by the stores. “Oh my!” Twilight gasped. “And then, she digs at the ground!” Fluttershy pitched in. “WOOOOOOOOOW” Skystrike yelled. “It’s SUCH a bad thing that she comes into town looking to buy stuff, then fidgets at the ground as she waits for the stores to NEVER open because you all are scared of some RUMORS that you all MADE UP!” “Yeah!” Maybe she’s just tryn’a be neighborly!” Applebloom stood beside him. “Everypony likes to shop! Ya know what I think-” “Applebloom!” Applejack cut off her younger sister. “Hush and let the big ponies talk!” Skystrike’s eyes flashed a light blue. “She’s acting much more like a big pony than most of you here!” “Skystrike darling, why are you taking this so personally?” Rarity asked. Skystrike sat down and rubbed the sides of his head. “If you can’t tell by now, I’m just more disappointed in you mares. Literally the same shit happened to me when I came here! I came to town every week trying to buy stuff, but loe and behold, all the shops were closed! When I was finally able to talk to some ponies like Derpy and Bon Bon, you wouldn't believe the rumors they told me. Apparently, I’m an evil pony who’ll chop you up and feed you to the animals in the Everfree, I’m heartless and only care about money, and I’m a follower of Nightmare moon! I’d think it’s safe to say where some of these rumors come from. Now, the exact same thing happened again and no pony wants to change? If any of you are brave enough to approach her unlike what you did with me, maybe, just MAYBE, you’ll get your answers.” Each of the ponies, save for Twilight and Stardust had looks of realization and guilt on their faces. Skystrike glared at each of them before sighing. “I’m sorry for yelling like that. I shouldn't be taking out my anger on you all. He rubbed his forehead” “No, we’re sorry, Skystrike. We should've realized sooner how you felt.” Fluttershy patted him on the back, getting a weak smile in return. “Hey! Where’s Applebloom!?” Applejack looked around. “The door’s open… She went outside!” Rarity realized. “Zecora’s still out there!” Rainbow added. Skystrike, inwardly hoping said filly took his advice, ran out just to make sure she’s ok. His best guess was that she and Zecora were on their way to the Everfree forest. His guess was right as they found her tailing Zecora rather sneakily. Applebloom turned around as she heard her big sister call her name, the only thing separating them was a field of blue flowers. “Applebloom, you get over here right now!” “Beware, beware you pony folk!” Zecora spoke from under her hood. “Those leaves of blue are not a joke!” She warned as she backed into the mist surrounding her. Applejack picked up Applebloom before countering Zecora. “Y-you keep your mumbo jumbo to yourself, ya hear!” The rest of the ponies, save for the obvious three backed her up. Skystrike facepalmed. “Beware, Beware!” She gave one last warning. “Yeah! Back at you Zecora!” Rainbow Dash said as she and the rest of the ponies stood in the blue flowers. “You and your lame curses are the ones who better beware!” “Destruction 100.” Skystrike chuckled to himself. “And you! Why couldn't you just listen to your big sister?” Applejack scolded. “I… I” Applebloom stuttered. “Who knows what kind of curse Zecora just put on you?” “Just like in my song!” Pinkie sang her song again as she jumped through the flowers. “You guys, there’s no such thing as curses!” Twilight shook her head. “Well that’s interesting to hear, coming from Ms. magic pants herself.” Rainbow flew through the blue flowers and poked her horn. “How is a zebra who cant use magic place a curse?” Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “Magic comes from within your body, and is something you're born with. Curses are made with potions and incantations, i.e. artificial magic.” He ignored Rainbow mocking him in the background. “Curses are just old pony tales anyway.” Twilight added, only for the girls to start walking away. “Just you wait you two, you’re gonna learn that some pony tales really are true.” Applejack turned her back and walker through the blue flowers. “...It’s been 3 hours since I woke up and i'm already done for today. Stardust, we’re going home.” He began trudging through the flowers. He walked through the black corridor of the hive entrance. After walking for a few minutes, getting deeper into the cave, he got more familiar with it. Despite his photographic memory, 6 years did a number on his memory. As he walked towards the barracks, he was surprised to see no pony there. Finally getting to his destination, he rounded the corner to find a community hotspring. Currently, he wasn't wearing his armor, letting everypony in the room see his features. Every changeling in the room turned to look at him, each giving him a smile after the well overdue reunion. “Captain!” Some of the changelings called out after realizing who it was. The others just gave him glares. “Hey, everyone.” He smiled back. “Long time no see. How is everything?” “We have no reason to tell a traitor like you!” One changeling shouted. Skystrike side eyed him. He decided it was best to ignore him. One of the changeling walked up to him before giving him a high hoof. “Everything is going well! Your ideas are working really well! No one is even suspecting any changelings living with them! And your training to keep up our disguises while sleeping was a good idea, though hard to do.” “Glad to see everything’s working out while i'm gone, Grubbonax.” He said as he stepped into the hotspring, the hot water was soothing to his skin as he stepped deeper into the water. He sat down on the stone flooring under the water. “How’s the combat training and technology coming along?” A female changeling spoke up. “Well, the combat training is going well. After you giving us some books to learn some spells, though none of us except the queen can learn any past the apprentice level. The good news is that each of us is required to learn a ward spell.” She answered. “And we were able to refine some of the magic stones you gave us. Though we don't know what we can use it for, and some changelings got… too passionate. One got some burns while handling the fire stones.” Skystrike let out a snicker. “That's great, Labrum. Guess you could say they got caught in the heat of the moment.” He laughed as each of them let out a loud groan. “Captain, that was terrible!” Labrum stood up from her spot in the hotspring. “Hey, if i'm bugging you, just say something!” He laughed. “Stop!” Each one of them yelled. Skystrike was laughing even harder. “I’ll be here all week.” As they talked and made up for missed time, the sound of their laughter attracts some unwanted attention. “What’s going on in here!?” Everypony heard in a loud booming voice coming from behind them. Every changeling in the room turned around. Upon realizing who it was, each one bowed. Skystrike finally turned around to see Queen Chrysalis with an angry look on her face, a changeling following behind her. “There’s the traitor, your highness!” The changeling behind her pointed at Skystrike. “Hey, Chrysi. You've grown a lot since I’ve last saw you.” He said casually. “I remember you being my human height. Time sure flies, huh?” “Don't give me that!” She growled. “You know full well you've been banished from here. How did you even get in?” “I snuck in. The guys at the front are new, I guess. Despite me passing the traps, they weren't able to detect me. Then again, my sneak is at 100.” He chuckled. “And I may have been banished, but it’s not breaking the law unless you're caught, am I right?” He shrugged. “Enough! I will not forgive you for turning your back on us! Leave now, or I will force you out myself!” She bluffed. “You know you won't be able to do that if you tried, but fine.” He sat up. “I just came to see how everything is going. I’m glad I got to see you all again, despite what’s been said towards me.” He smiled as he proceeded to leave the hive. Despite the smile that he gave all them, he was sad that she hasn't forgiven him. He couldn't blame her though. He hasn't forgiven himself either. After quick dream of what actually happened that extra week he was gone, Skystrike woke up the next day to frantic knocking at his bedroom door. “Sir? Sir, there’s something wrong with me!” He quickly threw of his covers and ran towards the door. He flung it open to see a different sight than he was expecting. Stardust, or what had the voice of Stardust, was standing in front of him with a worried face. Instead of Stardust in front of him, it was... himself? “Holy shit… I really haven't looked in the mirror in a while.” He chuckled to himself. “Sir, this is not a joke!” Stardust’s skin turned from white to purple as her wings were absorbed into her body. She shrunk down a bit before a purple horn came out from her forehead. Her blue hair turned black that had a flat cut with a violet and deep blue stripe going through her mane. She turned into Twilight. “Wait…” Skystrike had a theory. “Act like Pinkie Pie. I may know whats wrong, or at least what’s causing it.” Stardust gave him a confused look before doing so. “Hi! I like cakes and cupcakes and candy and muffins and…” She said while jumping up and down, only to stop when her coat turned pink and her mane and tail turned a deeper pink. Her mane and tail turned curly and puffy. “Ok, now do Applejack.” “Why howdy darn doody! I’m Applejack and I love apples! Apple pie, apple fritters, apple juice, candied apples…” She once again stopped when her body took on the form of Applejack. “Ok, so it looks like your looks change depending on who you act like, or you act like what you think of them. And i'm guessing you cant act like yourself, considering it’s 9 a.m. and you had a lot of time to try.” Skystrike sighed. “We should probably go to Twilight’s. Probably has a book on it or something similar.” “Shouldn't we go to Zecora? She specializes in treating things like this?” Stardust thought aloud. “Yeah, lets go after Twilight’s. Considering we were in the Everfree, which is probably the cause of this, with them, I doubt you're the only one with this problem. I probably don't have any abnormalities because of this armor.” He realized.  “It covers everything.” “Well that’s great for you, sir, but I can't go out like this!” Stardust said before she turned into Rarity. She looked at herself in horror before calming down. “You can borrow my cape. It’ll be big on you, so it can work as a cloak probably.” He offered as he went to get his cape off the coat rack. He came back and threw it over Stardust. Sure enough, it covered her whole body, using part of it as a hood. Her sapphire blue eyes, due to her changing into Rarity, could be seen through the shadow covering her face and horn. She tugged on the cape, making it tighten around her. “Thank you, sir.” “No problem. Now let's get going. I want to go before Naga wakes up. I love that basilisk but she is a piece of work.” He laughed, only for it to be stopped my a quiet, echoing roar in the distance. “We gotta go.” Skystrike and Stardust walked in the library to see everypony else having the same problem as Stardust. Twilight’s horn was floppy with blue spots, Pinkie’s tongue was swollen with blue spots, Rainbow dash couldn't fly straight, Rarity’s mane and coat were in long dreadlocks, Applejack was the size of a hoof and was riding on Applebloom’s back, and each were saying it was a curse. “It’s a curse! A curse I tell ya!” Applejack said in a high pitched voice. “But… Fluttershy, Skystrike and Stardust seems just fine!” Twilight pointed out. “Yes, I don't see anything wrong with these three.” Rarity agreed. “Well, i'm wearing armor so-” Skystrike was cut off by Twilight. “Your armor doesn't protect you from everything, Skystrike! Even if it is a curse!” “Apparently it did if im not affected.” He shrugged. “And this isn't a curse.” “But that still doesn't explain why Stardust and Fluttershy aren't having problems.” Applejack said. “Stardust, you wanna show them, or should I?” Skystrike looked at her from the corner of his eye. Stardust let out a loud sigh before taking off the cape. Each of the ponies looked at her who currently looked like Skystrike. She readied herself before acting like one of the ponies in the room. “Oh boy, I sure do love books and magic! I’m so lucky to be the princess’ student!” She said while puffing her chest out, before her coat and mane changed colors to match  Twilights appearance. Skystrike and Spike let out a loud ‘pfffft’ as everypony else eyed Stardust. “I don't sound like that do I?” Twilight asked worried. “So Fluttershy, were you affected by it too?” Skystrike asked, ignoring her question. Fluttershy looked away from him. “Is there something wrong with you?” A concerned Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded, still looking away. “Would you care to tell us?” Twilight tilted her head. Fluttershy shook hers. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So… you're not gonna tell us” Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, you're not, or yes you will?” Fluttershy shook her head. “Good gravy girl, what’s wrong with you!?” Applejack shouted as she hopped over to her. “...I dont wanna talk about it…” Fluttershy said in a deep manly voice. Spike and Skystrike looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Skystrike couldn't even laugh anymore, as he leaned on the table wheezing loudly. “I... cant… fucking breathe!” He said in between his laughing. All the girls there were shooting daggers at him and Spike. “Wait, wait, wait! Fluttershy, can you sing this for me?” SKystrike pulled out a sheet of paper and gave it her. She gave him an un amused look. “Please?” He pleaded with a wide grin on her face. She took the paper and looked over it. With a sigh, she began. “I see trees of green, Red roses to. I see them bloom For me and you. And i think to myself… What a wonderful world~” Skystrike stood silent for a moment before a long wheeze came out. He collapsed on the floor as his wheeze became a higher and higher pitch. “Oh my god, thank you!” He wheezed towards Fluttershy. “This is hilarious!” Spike laughed. “Look at all of you! We got Hairity, Rainbow crash, Spitty pie, Apple tinnie, Flutterguy, and…” He stopped at Twilight. “Uh… I got nothing. It’s Twilight Sparkle! Seriously, I can't even work with that. Stardust is out of the question. “3 things, you're right with Stardust, I’d go with crab-applejack, And how about… Twilight Flopple?” Skystrike grinned. Spike put out his hand as the two shared a high five. “Eheheh, this is no joke you two, now Spike, start looking for more books wo we can't find a cure!” Twilight fake laughed. Spike groaned as he walked toward the bookshelf. Rainbow pulled herself out of the ladder that she got her head stuck in. “I think we’ll find a cure for this curse at Zecora's!” Rainbow tried to fly in the air. “It’s not a curse!” Twilight said as Rainbow fell backwards. “Ah agree with dash!” Applejack said as she hopped up on the table. “We’ll go to Zecora’s, and force her to remove this hex!” “It’s not a hex either!” Twilight shook her head. The others however cheered in agreement. Skystrike saw Applebloom mumble something to herself before she began to walk out the library. He then was Applejack sneakily jump into her little sister’s tail. Skystrike walked up next to Stardust. “Can you stay here and help out Spike? I’d let you come, but it’s very easy to get lost in there.” He whispered. Stardust saluted him, giving him the ok. “Thanks. I’ll see you later.” Once outside of Ponyville, Applebloom started to run towards the Everfree forest. Just before the filly entered the forest, Skystrike saw Applebloom skid to a stop before Applejack popped out of her mane. He saw a brief argument go by before Applebloom left her tiny big sister on a tree branch over a large fall. Applebloom began to walk away as Applejack yelled in protest. After Applebloom was a safe distance away, Skystrike appeared across from the tiny pony. “Well hello there.” Skystrike said to the stranded mare. “Skystrike! Thank goodness you're here! I need you're\-” She started. “Ironic, isn't it, AJ?” He looked at the mare. “Huh?” “This ‘curse’ that Zecora supposedly put on you shrunk you, the big sister, down in size. From what I’ve seen ant what your little sister experienced since Zecora got here, you’ve been treating her like she can't do anything for herself.” He sighed. Applejack opened her mouth to protest, but she was cut off once again. “Remember yesterday, when you made up that story about her being scared stiff from Zecora? Or when you wouldn't even let her say Zecora’s name? Or how about when you expect her to listen to everything you say?” “I… I’m just tryin’ ta protect her! Is that so wrong?” “There’s such thing as being to over protective, and I’ve learned that the hard way.” He said as he showed her his scars on his side. “If she’s able to make a decision by herself, then she also has to be prepared to take the responsibility. You haven't given her a chance to do that. SO. When she had the chance, and you weren't able to stop her like all the other times, she took it. Can you blame her?” He asked. Applejack looked down in defeat. “Dont worry, ill make sure she doesn't get hurt. The others are probably on their way here right now, so you won't have to wait long. After that, you can get back at me whatever way you want.” He finished as he turned around. “And hopefully, I can get your sister to forgive you if you forgive her.” “Skystrike? Skystrike, get back here! This isn't over!” She shouted only for it to fall on deaf ears. Although a little guilty of leaving Applejack in the state that she was, he kept going forward along the trail. It was a small dirt path leading towards the inner part of the forest. Lucky for him, the path was somewhat damp, letting him see the hoof steps of presumably Applebloom. There were another set of hoof prints belonging to an older pony, or most likely zebra. Knowing he was on the right track, he quickened his pace to get to his destination faster. After a few minutes, a small hut came into view few decorative masks and a doormat outside. Skystrike walked up to and knocked on the door. The sound of footsteps could be heard coming towards the door. He backed up a bit as the door began to open. Skystrike made eye contact with Zecora before they shared a small hug. “Of all the ponies to visit out of the blue, I was always hoping it would be you.” Zecora spoke in rhymes. “It’s good to see you again to, Zecora. How have you been holding up?” He greeted as he broke the hug. “I travelled to Ponyville, in hopes of finding you. I figured a chance to see eachother was long past due. Though the ponies that reside here in regard to me do not know what to do.” She sighed. “Sad to say, but it was nothing knew. Heh, that rhymed.” Skystrike pointed out. “It was the same with me once I moved here a few months ago. I’m really sorry about them.” “No need to apologize, my friend. It has not been all bad, as I’ve only been inconvenienced a tad.” She waved a hoof. “You should come in. I would like to ask as oh how you’ve been.” She stepped to the side, allowing Skystrike to walk inside. After closing the door behind him, he found Applebloom sitting on a stool next to a cauldron. Her eyes went wide as she realized he was there. “S-Skystrike! What are you doing here?” “Just making sure you're ok, and no, I’m not taking you back. And good job for trying to find your own answers, despite what your sister said.” He said as he looked around. “Nice place you got here, Zecora.” “I assume you know Applebloom, my friend?” Zecora asked. “Not that well, actually. Today would be the second time we’ve met, though I know her sister somewhat well. First time I met Applejack was before I met you, all those years ago when I was at some camp. She’s a good kid though.” He answered. “I could tell from talking to her. She reminds me of how you once were.” She chuckled. “Oh yeah, I know this is kind of early for me to be asking you favors, but we need your help.” Skystrike realized. “Yeah! Mah sister an’ her friends got cursed or somethin’! They think that it was you!” Applebloom stood from her seat. “A curse you say? And the effects took place today?” Zecora asked. “Yeah! Ah came to fix it!” Applebloom answered before looking down. “It was mah fault anyway.” “Oh sweet little Applebloom, there was nothing you could do. You could do nothing to stop them from stepping in the leaves of blue.” She reassured her. “...Wuh?” Applebloom looked up confused. “Remember yesterday, they stepped in some blue flowers, and Zecora said, ‘The leaves of blue are not a joke’? That was her warning us of the plant called Poison joke.” Skystrike explained. “It plays a joke on the receiver that relates to their personality, their physical body, or their mental state, though it's mostly physical.” “...so what yer sayin’ is that it’s their own fault?” Applebloom asked. “Yup, but the effects don't go away on their own. That's the third reason why I came. Zecora, do you know how to cure it?” SKystrike turned towards the zebra. “The cure is simple to brew, though my ingredients are few, and I cannot make do.” Zecora said as she motioned to a shelf of missing ingredients. “We can get those for ya!” Applebloom offered. “We’ll help any way we can!” “That is good to hear, young filly.” She smiled as she walked towards her saddle bag. She pulled out a list with her mouth. “Some can be found here in the forest. My hope is you can get it done quickly.” She spoke through her teeth as Applebloom took the list. Zecora then put her saddle bag on the filly. “Sure thing, Zecora. We’ll see you faster than you can finish a sentence without rhyming.” He joked. “You want to make that a bet? Then the deal is set!” She declared, only to realize that she rhymed a few seconds later. After walking in the forest for a few minutes and finding some of their ingredients, Applebloom got more talkative with Skystrike, enjoying his company, as he was hers. While walking, she saw this as some sort of adventure. Of course, Skystrike was there to make sure she wasn't doing anything dangerous. She had already almost walked into poison ivy thinking it was an ingredient they needed. After that, Skystrike started walking in front to ensure her safety. This action, however just annoyed Applebloom. “Skystrike! I’m not a lil’ kid! I can watch our fer myself!” She said as she tried to walk in front. “I know you aren't, but you aren't big enough to look out for yourself.” He looked back at her. “Yes I am! Ah was able ta get to Zecora’s house all by myself!” She said proudly. “Sorry to break your bubble, but you were able to get to her house so easily because of the repellent she lined the path with. I’m just looking out for you, kiddo.” He pointed a hoof at her while he spoke. “All you've done while we were here was look out for me. You don't let me do anything at all! Its like you don't even care about me. You're just like Applejack!” She whined. Skystrike stopped walking. Applebloom, not expecting this, almost fell forward. Skystrike turned around and looked her dead in the eye. “Don't you dare say that. Older siblings always watch out for their younger ones. Applejack does that, Big Mac does that, and i’m doing that right now. I’ll admit, I am kind of babying you, but this is for your safety and both my and Applejack’s peace of mind.” He stared at her. “Don't ever say something like that again, alright?” Applebloom stood silent for a moment, taking in what he said. “...A-alright. I’m sorry.” “Don't worry about it, Applebloom. You aren't out of it yet, anyway. We still gotta deal with your sister.” “We?” Applebloom was confused. “I… may have left your sister on that branch you left her on.” He admitted. “So we’ve got each others back I guess.” Applebloom let out a chuckle in agreement. “Ah guess yer right.” “Alright. Now we should get back to Zecora’s place. With any luck, we can get there before Twilight and the others. That being said, ever flown through the skies?” “No?” “You wanna?” “...Yes?” She answered slowly. Skystrike crouched down. “Hop on and we’ll be off. I also doubt we have much time.” Applebloom hopped on his back and wrapped her front hooves around his neck. “Hold on tight. I’ll start of slow.” He stood up, and with with a heavy flap of his wings, he took of into the sky. After a few seconds passed, the two were flying above the everfree. “Wow…” Appleblow awed at the sight as she looked over the land they were flying over. “You can see everythin’ from up here.” “It is nice, isn't it? It’s a shame I don't fly often.” He agreed. “Can we stay up here for a little while? Please?” She pleaded. “Sure. Its pretty peaceful, and nothing seems wrong, so i’ll fly slow.” He said as he slowed his pace. After a quite peaceful flight, the two lander a walk away from Zecora’s hut. As Skystrike crouched down to let Applebloom hop off, he noticed the front door to Zecora’s hut was wide open, and he could hear faint yelling coming from inside. “Fuck!” He screamed. Internally that is. From the sounds of it, Twilight and the others were obviously there, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. “Well what’re you waitin’ for, Skystrike? Lets go!” Applebloom said as she began running towards Zecora’s hut. Skystrike jogged behind her, letting out a sigh in mild annoyance. They slowed to a walk as she entered the doorway. “Zecora, I think we’ve found all the things you asked for.” Applebloom stopped herself mid sentence as she and Skystrike looked around the trashed room. The cauldron was flipped over, some of her bottles were broken, and there were dropped ingredients everywhere. “What in Ponyville is going on here!?” Applejack let out a gasp as she stopped wrestling Zecora’s ear. “Applebloom! You're ok!” “Why wouldn't ah be?” Applebloom asked in confusion. Twilight quickly jumped in front of Applebloom in defense. “Because Zecora’s an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you into soup!” A moment of silence went by as Twilight stared daggers at Zecora. Zecora looked at her, then at Applebloom, then at Skystrike. She and Applebloom both cracked a grin before bursting out laughing. Skystrike was working on calming himself down. “Oh Twilight! Did those silly fillies finally get in yer head? You know there’s no such thing as a curse?” Applebloom giggled. “Scuse me for a moment.” Skystrike said as he walked out the door and closed it behind him. A loud yell in annoyance could be heard from the other side of the door before he came back inside as if nothing happened. “Imma just stop explaining thing to you ponies if you don't stop to think.” He thought aloud. “God damn, the irony of all this.” “Applebloom, sweetie, you can't just stand there and tell me this isn't a curse!” Twilight motioned to the other four, save for Applejack, standing next to her. “This isn't a curse!” Applebloom walked past the mares and stood by Zecora. “If you remember back, the words I spoke were quite exact.” Zecora said as she agreed with the filly. “It was a warning! About that blue plant! It’s called poison joke.” Applebloom clarified. “That plant is much like poison oak, but its results are like a joke!” Zecora rhymed “What in the hay does that mean?” Applejack asked as she came out from behind Zecora’s mane. “It means this plant does not breed wrath, this plant just wants a laugh.” “...Will somepony please talk normal?” Applejack looked to the other ponies “When you ran in to save the kid, you walked right into the poison joke. The problems you blamed Zecora on are just effects of the plant you walked into. Both Skystrike and I noticed it had some relation to how you act or what you do. Fluttershy talks quiet, so she got a deep voice. Pinkie talks too much, so her tongue swelled up in hopes to keep her quiet, but that failed. Rarity works on her looks, so it made her look like a walking mop. Rainbow Dash takes pride in her flying, so it made her fly like a newborn filly. Applejack thinks she’s all big, so it quite literally shrunk her down some sizes. Twilight relies way too much on her magic, so it made her magic unusable. Make sense?” Echo said, finally speaking after a long while. “Mop?” “Filly” “Pthbt?” Each pony said respectively to the roast Eco dished out. “...Echo, you're kind of a dick.” Skystrike chuckled. “You know I’m right though.” Echo replied as Skystrike chuckled more in agreement. “But what about the cauldron?” Rainbow asked. “And the chanting?” Fluttershy asked in her deep voice. “And the creepy decor?” Rarity asked through her hair. “Treasures! Of the native land where i'm from!” Zecora answered as she looked at the mask Rarity was referring to. “This one speaks ‘hello’, and this one, ‘welcome.’ She said showing a light blue and green and a green, blue, and orange one respectively. “Not welcoming at all, if you asked me.” Rarity looked at a rather discomforting mask one would have trouble describing to say the least. “The words I spoke are from olden times. Something you would call a nursery rhyme.” Zecora explained. “But… the cauldron… the Applebloom soup?” Twilight asked, wanting her final question answered. “Lookie here, Twilight, that pot o’ water wasn't for me, it was fer all these herbal ingredients!” Applebloom motioned to her bag next to a open book. “The cure fer poison joke is a simple natural remedy. Ya just gotta take a bubble bath!” Applebloom finished as she lifted up her sister in her hoof. “You know, I kinda do feel like a bubble bath now…” Skystrike hummed to himself. “But I tried to find a cure in all my books and couldn't find anything! What book has this natural remedy?” She asked. Zecora flipped the book close, letting Twilight see the cover. “Here is the book, you see? Sad that you lack it in your library.”   Twilight looked at the book in confusion, realization, then regret. “Actually, I do have this book, but I didn't look inside because the title was so… weird.” Zecora opened the book again to let the unicorn see the inside cover. “Super naturals: natural remedies and cures for all that is simply super.” She read. “I… I’m so sorry Zecora, I had the answer the whole time, if only I bothered to look inside.” Twilight looked away in guilt. Zecora chuckled, accepting her apology. “Maybe next time, you should take a second look, and not judge the cover of the book.” Applebloom and Skystrike giggled. Something about how Zecora speaks in rhymes seems funny for some reason. “Zecora, would you be kind enough to make another batch of the herbal bath?” Twilight asked. “Mix it up, I certainly will, but I am missing an herb from Ponyville.” Zecora explained. “Whenever Zecora comes to town, all the shops are mysteriously closed.” Applebloom said. “Oh. Well, I think we can help you with that.” Twilight smiled at her. “But before that, Skystrike, c’mere!” Applejack said from atop her sisters head. Skystrike knew what was going on. “Take of yer helmet!” She said. He did so, letting her and the other ponies see his wide grin. She pulled out a blue flower from behind her and smacked it against his nose. Surprisingly, it seemed nothing happened. “Was that the leaves of blue?” Zecora asked wide eyed. “Yep.” Applejack said proudly. Zecora’s eyes went widder as her fears were worsened. “Pony, you know not what you do!” “Huh?” Applejack backed away a little in confusion. “This isn't the first time Skystrike suffered from poison joke. As Skystrike keeps mostly to himself, and poison joke does pretty much the opposite, every thought that enters his mind, he’s forced to say it.” Echo sighed. “That doesn't sound that bad.” Fluttershy said as she let out a sigh of relief, thinking it was something serious. “Fluttershy I need you to do something for me!” Skystrike exclaimed suddenly. Fluttershy almost instantly regretted what she said. “Oh no…” “Every time I point to you, can you say, ‘doh doh doh doh’ just like i did?” “That doesn't sound too bad…” She had no idea at all what he was planning. “Ok.” “I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!” Skystrike said as he pointed toward Fluttershy. Everypony’s eyes went wide as they realized the song. “Doh doh doh doh.” Fluttershy said reluctantly. “I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!” He pointed again. “Doh doh doh doh.” “I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!” He pointed again. “Doh doh doh doh.” “And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do he told me Oh Eh, Oh ah ah! Ting Tang! Wala wala bing bang! Oh Eh, Oh ah ah! Ting Tang! Wala wala bing bang! Oh Eh, Oh ah ah! Ting Tang! Wala wala bing bang!” Pinkie suddenly pulled a saxophone out of nowhere and belted out the saxophone solo as everypony both inwardly and outwardly groaned. After what felt like a long walk out of the everfree forest, the group started on their way back towards Ponyville. Skystrike’s thoughts have not stopped at all from then. “Is sand called sand because it’s between the sea and the land?” He said as he kept walking. Everypony groaned once again. “It’s been twenty minutes! How is his voice not tired yet!?” Rainbow Dash asked from behind her anger. “I asked myself that long ago, but its best for yourself you do not know.” Zecora sighed. “Wait… we can use this…” Rarity thought aloud. “If we ask him a question, he can only think of the actual answer first!” Once everypony realized what that meant, the questions started coming. “What’s the most embarrassing you’ve done?” Rainbow Dash immediately asked. Everypony’s ears perked up at this. “I stuck into Celestia's chambers while I lived in canterlot. There were alot of magic locks and detectors I had to bypass, but when I got by, all I found was a cardboard box under her bed.” He chuckled. “And lemme tell you, Celestia is KINKY.” He shouted. “Like Damn! You know what i'm saying? She had a full on 210 page BOOK in 12-point font!.” Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack burst out laughing. Applebloom had a look of confusion, being too young to really understand. Rarity and Fluttershy had deep blushes on their faces. Twilight had a look of arousal and hunger. Zecora face hoofed. “Oh, oh!” Pinkie hopped. “What do you do in your free time?” Pinkie tried to speak through her tongue. “I try to brew potions, train, send letters, write my autobiography, and polish my blades and armor. YOOO, when you clean your vacuum cleaner, you become the vacuum cleaner!” The ponies groaned again. Suddenly, Skystrike had another thought. “Guys… clothes are just full body condoms.” “Sweet Celestia, we’re finally here!” Twilight shouted in annoyance. “Skystrike, can you try not to think?” Skystrike looked at her. “If I could I would! I’ll try my best though!” He said plainly As the group started to enter town, the ponies immediately took notice to the. After noticing Zecora was walking with them, they began to panic and run inside their houses out of fear. “I feel like I’ve seen this scene before.” He said to himself. Twilight walked up to a flower shop and knocked on the door. Daisy poked her head out from the crack in the door she opened. “Daisy, we need to talk.” Skystrike waited outside the spa for his turn in the tub. His armor was already off in preparation, save for his helmet. After quickly getting Stardust and explaining what happened to himself, Stardust laughed at nearly everything he said on his walk to the spa. As he waited, his thoughts didn't stop. “Skystrike, you know we won't mind if you come in here with us, right?” Twilight said through the closed door. “But it's kinda weird, isn't it? I’ve read too many romance novels to know where that'll go!” He said back. “That last part was supposed to my my personal thought.” He clarified as he heard snickers through the door. “We’re under water! You won't see anything!” “Maybe so, but for all I know, that water is clear!” He yelled back. “Now, Imma continue my thoughts in safety!” A moment of silence went by before he continued with his thoughts. “If I stay a virgin until 30, will I be able to use magic?” He thought aloud. The sound of splashing water and wet hoof steps could be heard coming towards him. He turned his head to see Zecora and Rainbow Dash standing behind him. “We don't want to hear your thoughts anymore, Skystrike.” Rainbow growled as he grabbed him by the front hooves and began to drag him into the tub. “I agree, we can only deal with you to a certain degree!” Zecora pushed him from behind. Skystrike was thrown into the tub with a loud splash, despite this protest. He stayed underwater for a few seconds. He quickly stuck his upper body above the water, letting the mares see his toned muscles. “...Nice…” Rarity spoke quietly. “And now i'm not the only one having trouble keeping my thoughts to myself!” He laughed. “But hey, this is nice. Like, really nice. You know what, I might get a membership.” Skystrike looked behind him to see Stardust on the stairs leading up to the bath. “Stardust, you gonna get in?” He asked. “Oh! Uh, yes!” She said, momentarily turning into Fluttershy before quickly diving into the pool. There was a moment that passed when she didnt come up from the water. Skystrike looked where she dived to see a dark black protrusion poke out from the water. It went back under the water before Stardust came up, taking a deep breath. Skystrike looked around to see if the others noticed if they saw it. From the looks of it, they were all preoccupied talking with each other. Skystrike let out a sigh of relief. “So, Stardust, you want a membership? I might get one.” Skystrike asked. “Yes sir!” She answered as if nothing happened. “Oh yeah, Applejack, i’m guessing that makes us even now, huh?” “You betcha!” She laughed from the bucket she was sitting in, as everypony joined in. > A Somewhat Normal Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was tuesday in the early morning. Due to this being the first day of Stardust’s and Spike’s training, Stardust was excited to say the least. Twilight agreed to bring by Spike, as well as some others, who he assumed would be the other mares. Skystrike invited Zecora to watch and join in if she wanted, which she happily accepted. After a breakfast of eggs, hay bacon, and pancakes, Skystrike and Stardust walked outside. Walking towards his field next to the Everfree, he found everypony he was and wasn't expecting. Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike were there, Spike having his armor and weapon equipped. Zecora was there as well, having her brown cloak on, but the hood off. There were a group of ponies he wasn't expecting, but his main focus were on the two alicorns guarded by eight royal guardsmen holding spears. “Hey everypony. I'm guessing the princesses were the ones you referred to as others, Twilight?” Skystrike asked. Twilight avoided eye contact, giving him the answer he needed. “Alright. I don't really have anywhere for you to sit, so let me call Naga.” “Who’s Naga?” Celestia asked. “Oh, she’s my lizard companion I met on my travels. I think you’ll like her. Let me call her.” He said as he walked to an open area of the field. He crouched down, getting lower to the ground, and tapped the ground twice in a rhythmic pattern. After a few seconds of confusion from the princess’, the ground began to rumble. A mound of dirt could be seen coming out from the Everfree forest. It stopped right behind him before the mound of dirt was found in all directions an Naga jumped out of the hole. Celestia, Luna, and all of their guard had looks of fear on their faces. All the guards instantly ran in front of their princess’ and pointed their spears at the basilisk. “Defend the princess’ at all cost, men!” A unicorn guard said as he tried to shake off his fear. “Hey, I’d put your weapons down. She’s actually pretty friendly.” He assured them as he looked over at Naga. The end of her tail was wrapped around a large barrel full of coffee. She took a sip of it, not even paying attention to the ponies in front of her. “Nebula, you're telling me you've tamed this beast? An Earth basilisk?” Celestia asked, wide eyed. “Yeah? I figured Stardust told you in her reports?” “Actually, sir, I turn in my reports every monday. The letter that talks About Naga would have reached her this afternoon.” Stardust clarified. “Anyway, isn't Naga too dangerous to be so close to Ponyville?” Celestia questioned. “Arent you and Luna dangerous to be so close to anypony do to how much magical power you two have?” He looked her dead in the eye. “Well that’s different. We can control out magic with ease.” She justified herself and her sister. “Naga, make yourself small enough to fit around my hoof.” Skystrike demanded, trying to prove a point. Naga let out a hiss/sigh as her body turned into a black and gold sand. The sand started to lose form and began burrowing into the ground under where she once was. After all the sand went into the ground, a miniature form of Naga, about three feel long, emerged and wrapped herself around Skystrike hoof. “I taught her at control her magic as a hatchling. It’s easier to take her larger form because it’s her natural form. So, and more questions, or can I get started?” “...Can we pet her?” Luna asked. Naga responded by jumping off of Skystrikes arm and started to slither over to Luna  The princess put out a hoof as Naga slithered up her and nuzzled her. Skystrike fell to the ground and clutched his chest. “My heart… to cute…” He joked, making the others let out a chuckle. “Anyway, Naga, do you mind making some benches for us? We’re about to start training, so you can join in too.” He asked his companion. Naga jumped off of Luna’s fore leg and slithered over to where Skystrike was standing next to the battlefield that was made last week. Returned to her original giant form before slapping the ground with her tail, a few stone bleachers. Naga dove into the ground next to the bleachers, only to come back up, her head sticking out of the ground. The other ponies took seats on the bleachers “Aight, Spike, Stardust, let's get started. Take out your weapons.” Spike pressed a button on his briefcase and turned it into a scythe and held it diagonal in both hands. Stardust unsheathed her rapier and held it to her side. “So, i'm going to explain briefly about the types of physical damage weapons can do. Basically, they can be dumbed down into 3 categories. The three categories are slash, impact, and peirce. Stardust’s rapier has high piercing and slash, but low impact. Spike’s scythe had medium slash, peirce, and impact. My swords have high slash, medium impact, and medium peirce. Every weapon, with the exception on weapons like hammers have some balance of these three categories. Makes sense so far?” “Yes.” They both said at the same time. “Alright. Now for what factors into the damage done.” He said as he pulled out a chalkboard from his saddlebag. He quickly set it up and drew a sword with a white line following the tip. “Slash has depth. Depth is how deep the cut is which depends on strength, which causes a bleeding effect, lowering your enemy’s strength, and stamina, though you’ll rarely give a deep enough cut where it’s noticeable against a well trained enemy.” He drew a picture of a sword stabbing through an object. “Pierce has three factors, both of which affect the piercing power. The velocity of your weapon increases the impact of your attack. The angle of the tip of your blade is the factor that turns your impact into piercing damage. Finally, there's the defence of your enemy.” He drew a shield with his chalk. “If the enemy has armor like me, there’s no real way to damage them with piercing, unless you aim for the spots between the armor, which most of the time are guarded by chainmail. It’s better to aim for the least defended places for the most damage. He drew a picture of a hammer shattering an object it pieces. “The last one, impact, also includes velocity, as well as knockback towards both you and your opponent. If you hit them with the blunt of your weapon, you can cause enough impact to knock them unconscious. If your enemy shields your attack, all that force in that swing will knockback towards you, leaving you open.” “So which one is better?” Spike raised his claw. “Good question. Overall, id say it’s impact, because it breaks bones hella fast, but it depends on the situation. For example, if your opponent was heavily armored like me, impact would work the best. For thin armor, it’d be peirce, and for magic, it’d be slash, because you can cut right through it.” He answered simply. “Now, there’s two thing left before we officially start this training.” The two trainees nodded as the watchers listened closely. “At any point, the training may seem meaningless, hopeless, or anything else, you must push through it, am I clear?” “Yes sir!” The two said. “Alright, now, I’m going to give both of you a two choices of six items. Both of you have to chose one. I will not give you a description of these items, so go with your gut.” Skystrike said, getting confused looks from Spike, Stardust, and everypony else there. Stardust pulled out the 6 said items. A glowing yellow triangular prism, a grey bracelet with a diamond in it, a pair of hoof guards, some glowing red marbles, a small blue gemstone, and a set of red and black throwing daggers. After looking over the items carefully, not sure which to pick, Stardust took the grey bracelet and the gemstone, while Spike took the prism and the throwing daggers. “Good choices, don't lose them, they're super important. Ok, so, equip your items.” Skystrike nodded. Stardust put on her bracelet, while Spike tightened the leather straps of his throwing knives on his waist. They were stuck with the last items however. “Ok, Stardust, touch the gemstone with your rapier.” Skystrike said as Stardust followed. As she touched the objects together, the blue gemstone was absorbed by the rapier, making the blade and hilt turn blue, the hilt having a wave like pattern. Stardust rose her sword to the sun and looked at it in awe, slowly turning the blade. “Now Spike, put the prism at the end of your staff.” Spike turned his scythe into a staff. He put the prism near the spiked ind of the staff, and as he put it closer, the staff automatically pulled the triangular prism toward the staff, locking it in place in the middle of the spikes as the prism slowly turned. “What just happened?” Spike asked as he looked at his staff. “You two just evfused your weapons with magical items and equipped magical items onto yourself.” Twilight stood up from her seat. “You gave Spike magical items!? Is that even safe!?” “Yes it’s completely safe, giving magical items to ponies, what do you think!?” Skystrike yelled back sarcastically. “Anyway, I was about to explain your items. I’ll start with you, Spike. That prism, I call it ‘bright prism’ and it focuses the suns rays onto a high power, concentrated beam. Downside is, it’s weaker when not in the light of the sun. You also choose the item ‘vampire knives’, which are completely magical, so as long as you still have magic, you can keep throwing them. It takes the life force of any living being it hits and adds it to your own.” He turned to Stardust. “Now, that blue gemstone was an water sapphire. It gives you control over the water element, but more specifically, the blade. That bracelet it's the weakest version I have of a ward spell, with a special twist. As you get stronger, the bracelet grows stronger with it.” He walked away from them, and turned around after he was a few feet away. “As both of you get stronger, your weapons will in turn. That’s why your weapons feel so light, because they're some of the lowest levels.” “...So why didn't we start at the first level, sir? I understand why I didn't, but what about Spike?” Stardust asked. “Well, you are in the royal guard, so you have some idea of how to use weapons. Spike, despite being a baby, still is a dragon, and still knows how to somewhat fight due to his natural instinct.” He explained. “Now, any questions from the peanut gallery?” He looked over to see Naga sleeping, and three ponies raising their hooves. He pointed to Celestia holding up her hoof. “Where did you find these magic items?” “Most of them, not in Equestria. The only two I did find in Equestria was the bright prism. The story behind it is that there was a crazy cult for Celestia a few years back up near the frozen north that was trying to use the prism to bring about a prophecy that the land will reside under eternal sun. The prism, which was apparently was a prototype, was going to be sent to the sun, multiplying its intensity hundreds of times over. The vampire knives, I got after slaying a vampiric dire spider. The water sapphire was a gift from a tribe from Saddle arabia as a parting gift. The bracelet was a project me and the unicorn of ‘all’ worked on.” He reminisced. “All of them are fairly strong, but with their levels now, it’d be like taking away a cup of water from a lake from somepony like you.” He pointed to Rainbow Dash, “What do you exactly do you train for?” “Alright, good question. First off, it’s bonding time. Second, it keeps you in good shape. Finally, on the off chance that some beast like the Ursa Minor or something of the sort happens again, somepony besides me has to step in. I won't be here all the time.” He pointed to Luna, holding her hoof up. “We hope we can join thee in thy training. We do need to get back in shape.” “Sure, but it’s gonna be hard. Otherwise, come on over.” He wave her over. Luna stood up and flew over towards the three, ignoring the glare that Celestia was giving both Skystrike and her sister a glare. Luna instead smiled at Skystrike, Stardust, and Spike. “Oh yeah, Luna, take this,” Skystrike took one of his sheathed swords at his side and handed it to Luna. She caught it with her magic, but the sword fell a few inches as she held it. “Heavy, right? I can give you a different sword. Oh, and you have to hold it with your hooves of you wont get a good work out. Luna did so, finding it even heavier. “We would like a lighter sword, if thou wouldn't mind.” “Aight, have you used weapons before?” “We have used a sword.” Luna handed Skystrike his sword back. He replaced it by his waist before reaching into his bag. He moves his hoof around in the bag before pulling out a silver katana. He gave it a few swings before pointing the hilt of it at Luna. She took it and eyed it for a moment. “Alright, first, we’re gonna work on your stances. Your stance has to be firm, but malleable. It also needs to cover any openings that you’d have. Just make up one for now.” Spike held his staff diagonally in front of him, gripping it tight. Stardust held her rapier straight in front of her and spread her legs a bit apart, crouching lower to the ground. Luna held her katana straight up, widening her stance as well. “Alright, your stances are good for the most part. Spike, widen your stance and turn it into a front stance.” Spike did so. “Alright, let's start with something simple. Swing your weapon twenty times. I’ll be joining you, of course.” Skystrike said as he drew his sword. “Remember, don't let your weapon carry you. You must have complete control over it. You may begin.” The four of them began swinging their weapons. Spike, obviously a newbie, was having trouble swinging his scythe, loosing his balance occasionally. Stardust, not used to rapiers, was able to swing it well, though was not used to how short it was compared to the standard issue spears. Luna was swinging it at a faster rate than the last two, but was not used to swinging it in her hoof. She had to get back to her fighting stance from time to time. Skystrike, obviously having prior experience, was able to finish his quickly, making sure to keep his hooves in check and his swings straight each time. Skystrike finished first, then Stardust, then Luna, then Spike. “Alright. Pretty good for your first day.” Skystrike looked back at them to see them all slightly gasping for breath, Spike raising his claw. “Yes, Spike?” “Aren't you going to show us like, certain types of styles? Something like yours?” “I could, but it would be counter productive in the long run. Think of it this way. If you’re taught a certain style that other ponies may know, you have a chance of being countered easily. That’s why I’m self taught. It only makes your opponent go off of the standard teachings to dodge or block attacks they cant counter. I’d think it’s best to figure out how you fight best.” Spike nodded as they continued their training. “Now for our next part, we’re going to work on actual combat. After all, the best way to learn how to fight is through actual fighting.” Skystrike said. “Absolutely not!” Twilight and Celestia both said in sync. “Why not?” “Spike is gonna get hurt of course!” Twilight glared. “I have to agree with Twilight on this darling, I know princess Luna can take care of herself, but ’d hate to see Spike get hurt.” Rarity added. “ ‘Spike is gonna get hurt of course!’ “ Skystrike copied Twilight. “Of course he’s gonna get hurt! That’s like going to the pool and complaining you're gonna get wet.” He said, looking at Twilight like she was stupid. “Besides, Spike is the one you should be the least worried about.” “And why is that!?” Twilight said, still yelling. “Um.. actually Twilight… dragon scales are very strong.” Fluttershy explained. “And before you ask how strong, Spike’s scales can take steel spear to the gut and bend the metal. When he’s full grown, he can be hit by a train and be fine.” Skystrike added. “So Celestia, what’s your problem?” “I’d rather not have my sister come back to Canterlot with scars.” “That’s why we have the medic here. Me and Zecora spent two hours this morning making potions of vigorous healing. Speaking of, Zecora, you wanna come spar or at another time?” “Another time perhaps.” Zecora answered. “Aight. So, Stardust, Spike, you’ll be sparing against each other without using your gear I gave you. Luna, you’ll be sparing with me.” “We are not complaining, but does it have to be with you? Despite you winning against Magnus due to your armor and weaponry, We would think we’d have a disadvantage against thou.” “...What do you mean, due to my armor and weaponry?” Skystrike looked at her, obviously taking insult to her words. “Well, your armor stops magic, while your swords store magic. Thou can't deny that thou’s arsenal caused thee to win.” Luna explained. “You know, what, trying not to get mad, so tell you what. I wont wear my armor, save for my helmet for obvious reasons, and one more thing.” He opened his saddlebag. “Any item you pull out of my bag, I’ll use as a weapon, unless you’d prefer me to fight you bare hoofed.” “...Very well. We shall take your kindness and not let this victory go to waste.” She quipped, obviously cocky. Skystrike gave her a look like she was the dumbest pony ever. She reached into his bag and rummaged around for a few seconds. Finally, she pulled out a large paint brush. She, Stardust, Spike, Celestia, and everypony else save for Zecora let out different levels of laughs. Skystrike had on his best poker face. “Alright. Give me a minute… Can't have a good fight without music. ” Skystrike pulled out a boombox from his bag. “You ready?” Skystrike looked her straight in her eyes. “We should be asking though that.” Luna responded. They both walked to opposite sides of the circular arena before facing each other. Skystrike took his armor, throwing it on the ground with a loud thud. After revealing his trained and toned body, each of the ponies and dragon winced as they saw his scars. Scars however, shows his experience. “Magic is allowed, flight is not allowed, the winner is decided when your opponent is either out of bounds or cannot continue. Stardust, give us a count down and press the play button.” Skystrike ordered. “Yes sir! Three… Two… One… Begin!” Stardust said as she pressed the play button, a battle theme began playing. They both stood still, waiting for the other to make a move. They began to walk clockwise around the arena, keeping eye contact. “I’d think it’s safe to assume that Luna has won.” Celestia chuckled. “You're right as always, princess!” One of the guards laughed. “It seems Nebula’s overconfidence finally bit him in the flank!” “I would say the same for your princess. You all are underestimating our leader is my guess.” Zecora  snickered “Oh come on, Zecora! What can he do with a paintbrush of all things? I swear, you're a joker!” Rainbow Dash laughed. “If I’ve learned anything during our travels, the hidden potential every item has, he can unravel.” Once the ponies got back to focusing on the battle in front of them, the two stopped circling each other. Luna took the initiative and dashed forward, her katana going straight for his chest. Faster than she could realize, Skystrike quickly ran to the other side of the arena before she could stop running forward. Skystrike pulled back his right hoof, tightening his grip around the brush. The tip of the paintbrush turned orange, and as he thrusted his forehoof towards Luna, a line of paint came out, hitting Luna straight in the chest. She slid back a few feet and staggered a bit. Everypony’s jaw dropped at the sight, obviously underestimating him. Skystrike grinned at their expressions, especially Luna’s. After regaining herself, Luna started to take the fight seriously. Luna came up to Skystrike quickly with an overhead swing. Skystrike blocked it with the handle of the brush. Luna fired a blast of magic point blank, sending Skystrike back a few feet, still standing on his hooves. Luna fired some blast of magic again at him. Skystrike swung his brush again, large blobs of blue paint coming out and intercepting the magic attacks. He swung his brush horizontally, a wave of green paing flying towards Luna. She jumped over it, unintentionally leaving herself open for Skystrike running up to her. He grabbed the princess out of the air before slamming her into the ground, knocking the wind out of her. He grabbed her by her back legs and swung her around, building up speed before throwing her into the air. He swung his brush again at her, a purple wave of paint going towards her. Luna teleported to dodge it, and appeared behind Skystrike. Trying to slash him on his side, Luna’s attack landed in the ground due to Skystrike Sliding forward, twisting his body around to land a green slash on Luna once again. Luna fired a flurry of magic missiles at him. Skystrike sidestepped to dodge, only to realize that they were tracking him. Luna, thinking she had him on the ropes, began to fire more magic at him, trying to block his path. He started running towards Luna, dodging all attacks from the alicorn. In the middle of charging a spell, she wasn't able to dodge Skystrikes attack. He pulled back his hoof once again, before hitting her with orange paint once again. She blocked the paint with a barrier, though wasn't able to see past the paint. Skystrike dashed through the spear, it shattering in a show of blue light. Skystrike, much to Luna’s surprise, ran right past Luna before quickly turning around and striking her with orange paint once again. Stunned from his attack, there was no way she could dodge her magic missiles coming straight at her. After falling on her back, Skystrike put his hoof on her, holding her down with the paintbrush facing her neck. “I think that’s game.” Skystrike said, getting back to his normal tone of voice. “...Does thou mind removing thous hoof? Our position is… uncomfortable.” Luna blushed. A look of confusion was seen on his face before he processed their position, Luna being in the pony version of the ‘take me position’, her marehood open for him to see. “Oh.. oh shit!” Skystrike realized as he quickly backed up. “Oh, man, Celestia is gonna kill me.” He chuckled to himself, Luna joining in on it. He ignored Celestia giving him a glare that could send him to the moon. “Oh, and before I forget, take this.” He pulled out a small red vial from his bag. “Health potion for ya.” Luna took it and drank it. Her wounds disappeared in a dim green light, though the paint in her fur was still apparent. “We’ll have to take a bath later.” “Yeah, that’s my b. Now, I know you’ll have some questions, so ask away.” Skystrike said. “How was thou able to do all of that with a paintbrush?” Luna asked. “Pretty simple actually. The paintbrush itself is a magic item, able to hold a seemingly infinite amount of paint. If one can poor magic into it, they are able to paint beings to fight for them, but I can't do that, so I used the paint like water.” “How did you get out without any damage? I saw you take a hit point blank!” Spike exclaimed. “Oh, that was just part of my plan to get into Luna’s head.” He told Spike, only to get a look of confusion from him. “Ok, you see, battles are just a battle of the mind. If you can trick the mind, you have the best chance of winning. When Luna fired the attack, it didn't do anything to me, because her magic has no magic to react with to do damage towards me.” He explained as he turned towards Luna. “When I slid back, you thought it damaged me, which led to the battle I planned out. I dodged the magic attacks to fool you more. When you thought magic worked on me, I used that to my advantage, making you waste energy and leave yourself open much more than if you knew magic had no effect.” He chuckled to himself a little. “That’s why I didn't correct you when you said my armor stops magic. Makes sense?” “... We can't believe thou thought that far ahead. It is very impressive. No hard feelings about what we spoke?” Luna asked. “Of course not. I don't like to hold grudges.” He waved it off Skystrike looked out of the corner of his eye to see an earth pony royal guardsmen raising his hoof. “How were you able to move so fast?” The pony asked. “Not afraid to ask questions and doesn't talk smack about me while im right here? I like you. What's your name?” Skystrike pointed at the stallion. “Sturdy Shield!” “NIce question, Sturdy Shield! And for your answer, my armor weighs as much as I do, so my speed essentially doubled when I took my armor off. And just because I like you, take this” He pulled out a black shield with decorative gold markings on it. He threw it over towards Sturdy Shield, who caught it before looking at the shield. His jaw dropped. “This… this is made of ebony! Is this really ok!?” “Yeah, I got more. Besides, that’ll defend you better than that gold armor of yours.” He assured him. “Well I have to pay you back in some way! This is too much!” “Well, I do need more guy friends… There’s only like 6 guys in Ponyville including me. Just come by and visit when you're in the area and that’s payment enough. Anyway Stardust, Spike, you ready?” “Yes sir!” They both said. “Same rules am Luna’s and my duel. The equipment you have can be used. You can forfeit at anytime, if that wasn't obvious already.” He said as he walked over to the boombox, while Spike and Stardust walked to the opposite sides of the arena. “Ready… Begin!” He said as a different battle theme began to play. Spike turned his staff into a scythe and dashed towards Stardust, bringing it overhead and swinging it downwards, Stardust narrowly dodging it. Stardust slashed at Spike, the dragon flinching before instinctively blocking with the staff of his scythe. Stardust jumped backwards, gaining distance from her opponent. Spike turned his scythe back into a staff before using it as a pole vault and landing a kick on Stardust’s head, jumping back as he landed the hit. Spike then spun around before hitting her in the side with the staff. Stardust however, held her ground and grabbed his staff before swinging it, flinging Spike away. Spike landed on the ground some feet away. Realizing he lost his main weapon, Spike grabbed some of his vampire knives and threw them at the mare. A few of the knife's hit, though most missed. As soon as the knife's hit, they dissolve into red mist and went back towards Spike, going into his chest. He felt a burst of strength and stamina go through him. He ran towards Stardust before curling into a ball, tackling her. The force of the impact made the mare drop his scythe and fall backwards. Before Stardust could get up, Spike grabbed his Scythe with his tail before throwing it over to his arms and holding the blade at Stardust’s neck. “And that’s game! Spike wins!” Skystrike announced before Spike put his scythe on his back and helped Stardust up. “So, how were your first battles?” “It was… exciting may be the word for it? Besides the painful parts. I don't even know how I was able to do all that.” Spike said as he rubbed his arm, trying to soothe the pain. “It was kinda enjoyable, though I must admit, I underestimated Spike a lot.” Stardust admitted. “Ok then, now we’re going to analyze your attacks and movements.” He said as he took out a orange notebook. “What’s the notebook for?” Spike asked. “I write down the battle styles and tactics of all beings I fight or see fight.” He said as he pulled out a pen from his bag and held it in his hoof. “So, Stardust, I’ll start with you. Obviously, the training the royal guard gets is most likely bad, seeing as it seems to only focus on defence and not offence. That’s something we’ll have to work on.” He jotted down some notes. “Going off of that and my battle with Magus, you most likely won't learn how to actually fight until you're a Corporal or Sergeant. That being said, your defense was spot on, you just don't know how to battle against beings that don't fight like a pony. You also can't dodge projectiles. Also something we’ll have to work on.” He said as he finished jotting down notes before turning to the next page. “Now Spike, you’re the exact opposite of Stardust. Your defense is bad, and your offence is good. That’s your dragon blood in you, and how you know to fight. Now, your defence seems to be purely on instinct, and you had no follow up to blocking, so we gotta work on that. You are more agile than you realize, so Id recommend using your agility.” He wrote down some more notes. “You seem to go for brute strength and don't seem to think past your second attack, which got you disarmed. If Stardust wasn't so bad at offence, you wouldn't have won.” He finished jotting down his notes. He looked at the inner watch in his helmet. “It's about 9:00, and we’ve been at this for about two hours. We’ll be doing this every day except for Saturdays and Sundays. Same time tomorrow, or do you want later in the day?” The two trainees looked at each other before answering.“Same time.” “Alright, then that concludes the first day of training.” He said as he closed his notebook. “I’m gonna go work on some theories, work on the house, then and walk around town after. You all are welcome to join me if you like.” He said turning to the viewers. “Oh, Naga, you can come if you want. I still need to finish your armor.” He said as he pulled out a different, larger blue notebook with the title Theories, The Explanation Of This World. “Though, we’d like to stay, our duties cannot be put off. We hope to see you again, Nebula.” Celestia said as she, Luna, and the royal guard left from their seats. “I uh... have to take care of my animal friends.” Fluttershy said as she began to walk away. “Pinkie and I are gonna go hang out for a bit.” Rainbow said as she walked and Pinkie hopped away. “I gotta help Big Mac. at the barn.” Applejack said. “I have some orders to finish at the boutique.” Rarity said as she began to walk away. “I’ll stay here.” Twilight said as she walked up towards Skystrike, Spike, and Stardust. “I want to see what kind of theories you have, if you don't mind.” “Alright. I’m actually starting on a new one today.” Skystrike said as he flipped to an empty page. “So, my most recent theory is about the names of ponies.” “...Why names of all things?” Twilight asked, somewhat confused. “Well, you even noticed how ponies have names similar to their cutie marks?” “Yeah?” “Well, i don't think that’s a coincidence. I know it has something to do with magic, so I narrowed it down to two things. The name you’re given, and the magical power of the ponies, or beings giving you the name.” He elaborated. “...Can you give me some examples?” “Alright… Take you, for example. Both your parents are unicorns with slightly above average magic prowess. When they gave you your name, I believe that the meaning behind those words, both being related to magic, is what made you exceptionally skilled in magic.” He wrote down what he said in more detail in his notebook. “Going into my next point, it depends on the magical ability of the parents. If one of your parents weren’t unicorns, you may not have as much magic as you do now. In that sense, your special talent is decided when you’re born. Keep in mind, there are exceptions.” He finished as Twilight finished looking at her cutie mark. “When you put it like that, it does make sense.” Twilight admitted. “The part that worries me is that if my theory is right, how much magical power did the princess’ parents have?” “What about me, though? I was named by Twilight when she was a filly?” Spike asked. “That is a good question. I don't know for certain, but considering you have a large amount of magic now, comparable to your average earth pony, my best guess is that you were given a name by your dragon parents before you were hatched by Twilight. That, or the magic Twilight put into you as a filly is and was already inside you before you were named, but you don't have full access to it, and won't for a long while.” “You have anymore theories? I’m getting interested.” Stardust asked. “Uh, well, I think I figured out why magic doesn't work on me.” Skystrike said as Twilight’s ears perked up. “It’s extremely hard to explain, but I’ll try my best. Think of magic as both an enzyme and a substrate. All living beings are the substrates, and when they react with magic, the enzyme, magic occurs. That’s why it’s much harder to pick up a large boulder than say Spike is for you, Twilight. You have to pour magic into said boulder and make your own substrate, then pour more magic into it to pick it up. I don't have a substrate for magic to work on me, if that makes sense.” “Then can't I just pour magic into you like you said?” Twilight asked. “Well, the best way to explain that is like trying to change the water level of an ocean by pouring a cup of water in it. You’d have to pour enough magic into me that would be fatal to yourself to even hope to affect me. But that's just a theory. A magic theory! Anyway, that’s all I got for theories that are plausible..” “I wish I could have wrote all of this down…” Twilight sighed. “Well, I believe that it’s best to make your own theories than follow on somepony else's.” He shrugged. “But while I’m enjoying this time we’re all sharing, I have to finish Naga’s armor. I’m working on the helmet, jaws, and tail blade.” “Can I have a tail blade?” Spike asked. “From the sound of it, it seems like a good idea.” “Sure. I’ll have it done by next week. I do have something I need you and Stardust to do, though. Can you two go over to Rarity’s and pick up your capes while I work on Naga’s armor?” “Yes sir!” The two said. “Oh, and take this.” He threw a small bag of bits into Spike’s claws. “That’s payment for the capes.” Skystrike said as he got up and began walking towards his house. “You two can hang out if you want, It’ll take me a few hours in my workshop. I’ll be out around noon.” He said as he waved goodbye to Twilight and his trainees. Once he entered his house, he went to the back of it and entered the basement. The basement was filled with many things. Shelves of miscellaneous ingots, bottles, and molds lined the walls. A large bookcase was on the northern wall, containing smithing, enchanting, sharpening, and fighting style books, were on the two top shelves, while the lower shelves had half finished swords, hammer parts, and blades stacked next to each other. All of these protected by a glass door. To the left of the bookcase was an enchanting table, having the five symbols of magic. Destruction, conjuration, illusion, alteration, and Restoration. The table had some gems laying on it for use. On the stone walls were some electric torches that burned brightly, lighting up the room. In the center of the room was a blacksmith’s forge, complete with a firepit, anvil, a bellow, and a pit of water. Walking past all of this, he pulled on one of the torches on the wall, and with a rumble, the bookcase slid into the ground, revealing a hidden elevator behind it. Entering the elevator, he pressed the button to the actual workshop, and began his wait as he travelled down. How far down? Well, to use the thermal energy made by the planet Eques’ core, as well as be completely safe from anypony stumbling upon it, it was a safe and unreasonable distance of 4 miles. After a 3 minute ride and some elevator music, he arrived at his destination. As the elevator door opened, the room revealed itself to him, showing a large collection of various weapons, armors, and magic artifacts of many sizes. The door had two sets of golden human armor to each side of it, both holding a sword facing downwards. He walked towards the center of the room towards a large quartz table, able to fit 20 ponies easily. After sitting down at the only seat the table had, he took of Echo and placed it on top of the table. He took off all of his armor and set it to the side of his seat, save for his gauntlets. Using his gauntlet and metal arm, he had a set of fingers fold out from them and set his hands on the table. “Echo, enable construction mode.” He said. “Affirmative.” Echo spoke as he opened his jaw of his helmet body. A light came out of the mouth, showing a holographic screen of the table from a top view. After the loading bar on it reached 100%, the edges of the table openned outward, large white, black, and blue robotic arms extending out with loud whirs, hums, and beeps. A holographic keyboard and mouse appeared under his hands. He put his finger on the mouse and moved it over the “Naga” file and clicked on it. A picture of a black man came up on it. “Shit, wrong file.” He said to himself as he exited out of the file. “I should put that in the memes file…” He said as he dragged it over to the file labeled “Spicy memes” and dropped it in. This time, actually clicking on the right file, prototypes of Naga’s armor, old and new, came up, along with a 3d hologram of Naga and her proportions on the screen. He clicked on the blueprint of her helmet, and the center of the table opened. A loud hum could be heard as the parts of Naga’s soon to be helmet came up and stopped abruptly. His keyboard turned unto circular pads, each controlling one of the arms. He moved his right hand, controlling one of the robotic limbs. It moved towards one of the curved metal pieces and picked it up. It held it in place as he moved his left hand and did the same, making the shape of a jaw. Keeping both robotic arms in place, he switched control of his hands to the welding arms, and welded the two pieces together. He set the now one part down and redid the process for the upper part of the helmet. After combining the two parts and a half hour of careful work, the helmet was done. It was the shape of Naga’s head, fit for her, but with a line of 3 horns, getting larger as they got closer to the mouth of the helmet. The jaw of the helmet had two large teeth on each side on the jaw made for shattering. The top of the helmet had the symbol of destruction on it in gold. After using the same process to make the blade, his work was done. The blade was in the shape of a long right triangle, and was razor sharp with some runes in the edge of the blade, also in gold. He looked at the time on his monitor. It was 11:30 in the morning. “Aight. Echo, shut off the systems.” “Affirmative.” The system powered down and the robotic limbs went back into the table. “I have many more blueprints stored in my files if you need them for later.” “Wait, I thought you gave me all the knowledge you already had?” Skystrike gave Echo a confused look. “I didn't. The council programmed me to give you information when needed. When you put me on for the first time, you filled the requirements to know the truth of why they made you, and what they wanted you to fight. The requirement? Loss. You don't realize when I give you info anymore because of the amount if it going in. It should feel like a prick in the next, from my understanding. “Wait, so you’re saying, you know more about P.R.O.W that I don't know? What are the requirements for that?” “...You must defeat the counsel. Whether it's through annailation, submission, or friendship, it’s up to you.” He sighed. Though he had no facial features, one could tell that he had sadness written all over him. "All I can tell you as of now is that you cannot outrun your eventual fate. You can postpone it, however.” Skystrike stood silent for a minute, taking in what he just heard. He learned two major things. One, there’s much about his original world, and two, the council did not die. He remembered taking their life away one by one, along with the researchers of his containment facility. The five of those bastards were still alive, and more likely than not, knew that he was in this world. They would come to this world and destroy everyone and everything. Celestia and Luna have no way to fight them with their technology, magic, and military strength. On the off chance they don't know, they will just make more subjects like him, making them fight each other to make the strongest being possible. If there is one thing that Skystrike wants in these worlds, he wants peace between everyone. As long as the council lives, it’s just a pipe dream. “Echo, begin construction on the project that we made the blueprints for. Also begin construction on the ‘switch out’ battle armor, as well as the primes.” He said as he stood up from his chair. “I know you don't want me to worry about it too much, so I promise you that I will only work on it when I feel it’s necessary. Still work on them and get them done as soon as possible.” “Just started in now. And trust me, I want them gone too. I don't know why, but I feel as if they took… something from me.” Echo assured him. Skystrike gave him a smile. “Well on that note, let's enjoy the time we have before their arrival.” He said as he put Echo back on and entered the elevator. After exiting his house and entering Ponyville, Skystrike wandered around for a bit, trying to figure out what he could do. Should he go to Sugar Cube Corner? Nah, he has no one to hang out with. He could hang out with Rainbow, but she’s with Pinkie. Applejack is working on her farm. Knowing Rarity, she’s probably playing dress up with Spike and Stardust. Fluttershy is feeding her animals, it being around lunch time. What was he going to do? He thought while he walked through Ponyville. A gust of wind went by and his cape flapped in it. His stomach growled slightly. Guess that told him what to do. He walked around looking for a place to eat at. Nothing too expensive, but he did not want hayburger. Having changeling magic, he was able to change his shape. However, adding in his world’s magic, he’s also to change his anatomy, as long as he has an understanding of it. This being said, he is able to, but he does not want to eat hay. He walked by the stores, browsing the menus until he saw a familiar face. She noticed him too and decided to come greet him. “Hey Nebula!” Bon Bon said as she walked up to him. “Oh hey Bon Bon. Fancy seeing you here. What’s up?” Skystrike greeted. “Nothing really. I was just gonna get lunch with my friend. You're welcome to join if you like!” She offered. “I’ll take you up on that, then. I’m guessing your friend is waiting for you?” “Yeah, over at ‘Kale Me Insane’. I heard they're good.” She answered. “Man, I need to get out more. Can you show me the way?” Skystrike sighed. Bon Bon giggled. “Alright then. Follow me.” She said as she turned and began walking. Skystrike noticed that she moved her as she walked. After a few minutes of walking, she turned and looked back at him. “Like what you see?” Skystrike swa what she was doing, and in response, acted oblivious. “I do actually. I never realized how good the architecture in Ponyville was.” He said, getting a small yet barely noticeable look of disappointment from the mare. ‘Nice save’ he told himself. Bon Bon, no longer swaying her hips, along with Skystrike arrived at the restaurant after a few minutes of walking. It was a small restaurant with an outdoor area. It looked nice, and he smells coming from inside was alluring to say the least. The two walked inside and found Bon Bon’s friend sitting at a booth. As he turned into the booth to sit across from the two mares, he noticed who her friend was. The unicorn mare had a mint coat with a cyan and white mane and tail. Currently, she was staring at Skystrike with wide sunglow eyes. “Wassup.” Skystrike said as he sat down. “Nebula, this is my roommate Lyra!” Bon Bon introduced her friend. “Bon Bon, you didn't tell me that you’d bring Sir Nebula along!” She turned towards the beige pony. “Oh what’s the harm? I just wanted to show my new friend around town!” Skystrike chuckled. “From what you did earlier, you want to be more than friends.” Bon Bon let out a deep blush. “You knew!?” “One of my mottos in life is act stupid, think smart. If I commented on that show you gave me, I would be in a worse situation than I am now.” Skystrike said as he tapped his hoof against the side of his skull. “I can't help but feel I’m missing some context here…” Lyra said silently as she looked at Bon Bon. “Eh, don't worry about it.” Skystrike chuckled again. A green waitress with a pale green coat came by as Bon Bon regained her composure. “Welcome! My name is Cabbage Patch, and i’ll be your waitress today. Can I get you all anything to drink?” She said as she passed out the menus. “I’ll take a Lemonade.” Bon Bon said. “Same here.” Lyra said. “Can I get a uhhhh……. Fruit punch?” Skystrike decided. The waitress wrote down their orders on a small note sheet with her mouth. “Alright, I’ll be back shortly with your drinks!” The mare said as she trotted off, deeper into the store. “So, Nebula, we don't see you around town much. What have you geet up to?” Bon Bon asked. “Well, I’ve been pretty busy actually. Due to the fact that nearly the entirety of this town is afraid of me, due to me punching Gilda, knocking out an Ursa Minor, and taking on Nightmare moon. I have a lot of free time, so I’ve just been doing what I wanted. Spike and Stardust started training under me, so that's something.” “Speaking of which, what happened to that snake monster last week? The flower sisters said you rain towards it or something?” Lyra asked. “Oh, turns out that that basilisk was the same pet I had years ago.” He said casually. “Wait… you own that monster!?” Lyra went wide eyed. “Yeah, had her for a few years. Met her when I was 14. I think I have a picture of when we first started traveling actually…” He said before reaching into his bag. He rummaged around for a few seconds before pulling out a picture of a younger version of him and a baby version of Naga on his back, sleeping. “...To think that that beast was that small at one point. How did you even get her in the first place?” Lyra asked. “I was out in the badlands and there was a lizard guy that wanted to play a game. There were three eggs. Two were just unfertilized hoof ball sized eggs, and one was fertilized. After 3 months of waiting, Naga hatched. She left to find more of her race, and i'm assuming she did, due to her being gone for like, two years.” Skystrike explained. “I noticed you have the helmet on in your picture, Do you always wear it? Why?” Bon Bon asked. “Pretty much. And the only ponies who I trust knows who I actually am. There’s a lot of ponies who think i’m dead. I am going to reveal myself sooner or later, figured I’d do it at the gala or something.” He shrugged. Cabbage Patch came back with their drinks. She passed them out to the customers. “Have you decided on your orders?” “Oh! Right!” Lyra blinked. “I’ll take a Radish salad with a side of celery. “Can I have a hay burger wit a side of hay fries?” Bon Bon ordered. Skystrike looked over the menu. “I’ll take the mega jumbo salad with cabbage, raddish, pepper and carrots as toppings.” Cabbage Patch’s eyes went wide. “Are you sure you can eat all of that?” “Watch me. I am a slut for a good salad.” He said as they all let out a loud ‘pfft’. “Alright then, I’ll get right on it!” Cabbage Patch giggled. She went back into the back of he restaurant, out of sight. Skystrike stuck a straw into his fruit punch. He slipped it through the teeth of his mask. He took a sip of his drink. He put his drink down before noticing the stares of the two mares sitting across from them “What?” “Are you ever going to take off your helmet?” Bon Bon asked.” “Nope.” He laughed. A moment of silence went by before Skystrike thought of something. “Hey, you two know of any guys besides Big Mac, Spike, and Mr. Cake? I need more guy friends.” “Actually, they're the only guys in town besides you at the moment.” Bon Bon answered. “That explains why pretty much this whole town has a schoolgirl crush on Big Mac.” He chuckled. “He’s the only single guy here besides me, and I doubt anypony is after me.” “...You don't have much self confidence, do you?” Lyra sipped her drink. “I beat Luna with a paint brush this morning. If i’m not confident at all, something would be seriously wrong with me.” He chuckled. “I just don't see how mares will have any appeal towards me. I mean, you cant even see my face.” He pointed towards his helmet. “Buuuuut it’s mostly because I don't get out much.” Cabbage patch came in with their dishes. She set the two mare’s food down before setting down a large platter full of greens on Skystrike’s side of the table. He was just barely able to look over the mountain of salad. “Oh yeah! I'm going to town!” Skystrike waid as he grabbed a knife and fork before stuffing a large chuck of it into his mouth. Loud crunches could be heard as he chewed the crisp vegetables. After swallowing, he got another large chuck before repeating the process. A few minutes went by as the mound of food got smaller and smaller before it was completely gone. “...How do you eat that much without gaining weight? I eat light just to keep it off…” Bon Bon sighed with a hint of jealousy. “Start working out. The more energy you use, the more energy your body is able to store from the food you eat. I also have a high metabolism.” He shrugged. “Well I’m assuming you know some good workouts then?” Bon Bon said as she took a bite of her salad. “Yup. Just do what I did. 100 sit ups, 100 pushups, 100 leg lifts, and a 10 mile run each day.” He said plainly before realizing that that would be too much. “Actually, just run a mile and do 25 of each of what I said.” “Now that seems doable.” Bon Bon laughed. Some time went by as the two ate their food, enjoying the company of the third. Some time went by until Cabbage Patch came back with the check. As Skystrike was about to pull out the bits for the food, a loud bang was heard coming from the doorway. Skystrike stuck his head out of the booth to see a pegasus with a brown coat and grey mane and tail looked towards him and stomped over. Though his hair was covering his eyes, it was quite obvious he was mad about something. “Cabbage Patch! There you are!” The stallion walked over “Dumb-bell? What are you doing here?” The waitress said surprised. “I came to ask for another chance.” The pegasus responded. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” Skystrike groaned. “You got a problem, tin can?” Dumb-bell growled. “As a matter of fact, I do. I’m just going off of what I’ve heard so far, and I can piece the puzzle together. She dumped you because you did some stupid shit, and you, realizing your mistake, want her back. That’s fine and all but you don't do that while she’s working for fucks sake!” “You stay out of this!” Dumb-bell barked. “Really sir, it’s ok.” Cabbage Patch said to Skystrike. “It is my business when you do this shit in front of me, like holy shit.” Skystrike face hoofed. “Cabbage Patch, if you don't mind me asking, what did he do for you to dump him?” She looked at her ex before answering. “He didn't do anything bad per say, but he wanted another marefriend besides me, and I didnt want an open relationship…” “Hey this is our business, not his, and besides, polygamy is legal now!” Dumbbell defended himself. “But…” Cabbage Patch started before a frog got caught in her throat as her ears went back. “...You do realize that just because it’s legal doesn't mean she has to be ok with it, right? Or are you like the first part of your name? Just respect her decision, you desperate boy.” Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “I feel like i'm in some badly written story right now, dealing with this shit.” Dumb-bell had enough and grabbed Skystrike’s drink before throwing it on him. He grinned as Skystrike slid out from his seat and got up. He stood right in front of him and stared him down. “You wanna take this outside, pint size?” Skystrike frowned. “Gladly.” Dumbbell growled back. Skystrike stood on the roof of a tall building and faced away from the crowd that formed, facing the horizon. In the middle of the crowd stood Dumb-bell. Directly in front of him was one of Skystrike’s swords, sticking vertically out of the ground. “So, you hiding up there, huh? Shows how brave you are.” Dumb-bell grinned. The insult fell on deaf ears as Skystrike continued staring at the horizon, his blue and black cape flowing in the wind. “What’s wrong? To scared? No more quips to say!?” He was starting to get annoyed at his silence. “You think that just because you got to go out with those two mares, you're better than me!?” He growled. “We aren't dating him!” Lyra shouted from the crowd.” “Pick up the sword!” Another pony said. Skystrike recognized the voice as Spike’s. “He wants a fair fight!” Dumb-bell reluctantly strutted up to the sword and picked it up in his hoof. As soon as he pulled it out of the ground, Skystrike turned towards his opponent and pointed his sword at him. He jumped off the roof, and as he fell, his armor came off piece by piece. The only piece of armor he had on as he landed was of course his helmet. Skystrike held his sword in his hoor and got into a fighting stance. Dumb-bell charged at him, only go get grabbed by Skystrike on the neck. “I've been through too much shit today already. I only have one word to say to you.” “...Wha-” Dumbbell couldn't finish his word. “YEET!” Skystrike held onto him while doing a flip and threw him over the crowd. The flying pegasus dropped his sword before flying off, disappearing in the sky with a flash in the shape of a star as he screamed. Skystrike let out a loud sigh as the crowd dispersed. “So Spike, Stardust, what’s up?” The two trainees walked up to him. “Well, Pinkie was looking for you earlier, but it was too late.” Said Stardust. “Wait, did something happen?” Skystrike asked, somewhat worried. “Well, to put it simply-” Spike’s sentence was cut off by a swarm of various colored bugs flew by them before eating a nearby tree. Spike took a deep breath. “Fluttershy found a cute looking bug thing yesterday and gave some to her friends after they multiplied but after everypony got back to their places, Twilight found out they were parasprites that eat everything to multiply, and Pinkie Pie was going around town looking for instruments and is now trying to lead them away from town with music.” He said in one breath. “But that means that the ones from Fluttershy’s house had to past by mine to get here…” He thought aloud before his eyes widened in realization. “What happened to my house?” “Well… it’s… gone…” Spike managed to say. Skystrike inhaled deeply. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” He shouted at the to of his lungs. It echoed through the forest as birds flew of of the trees. His home, once large and great, now looked like a rat made its home in a wheel of swiss cheese. Luckily, they were only able to get through the living room dining room, Skystrike room, and part of the kitchen, the other rooms being relatively untouched. The parasprites were just about to start on the library before the one mare orchestra that Pinkie was came by. The bugs stopped in their tracks before joining in on the line of parasprites following her. “Fucking damn it! It took so long to make this!” He groaned. “Hey, sugarcube, it’ll be alright.” Applejack said as she put a hoof on his shoulder. Skystrike gave her an unintended glare before taking deep breaths. “You right. I just have to build it again. I need to make it bigger anyway. Has to be at least like, four times bigger.” “That’s the spirit!” Twilight said, trying to cheer him up. “Yeah! Now all you need to do is find a place to sleep!” Spike exclaimed before getting glares from everypony there. “What?” “Shiiiiiiiiiyet.” He groaned again. “Where am I gonna sleep?” “You could stay with one of us?” Applejack offered. Skystrike turned slowly to face the mares and dragon. Rainbow Dash’s cloud house is out of the question, due to him not being able to walk on the clouds. Fluttershy’s house is already cluttered with animals, and would be a huge convenience for her. Twilight is an obvious no, due to her insane actions. Rarity would most likely have a room to spare, but he’d have to play dress up, and deal with Sweetie Belle. He hasn't even seen Pinkie Pie’s room yet. Applejack may have space, but worse case scenario, he’d share a bed with either AJ or Big Mac. Well, nothing is perfect. “It’ll take like, a week if I put all my time towards it. If anypony’s willing to let me stay for that long, i’ll take it.” Skystrike said. Before anyone could answer, Naga poked her head out of the ground. She gently grabbed Skystrike by the tail before slowly pulling him into the tunnel she made. “Nevermind I guess.” He chuckled as he was pulled into the hole. > Winter Wrap Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike woke up at his usual time with a yawn. The sun hasn't risen yet, seeing as the curtains in his room weren’t blocking any bright light. He sat up from his bed and stretched a bit before leaving his room. He walked over to Stardust’s room and knocked on the door. “Stardust, wake up. It’s almost 8:00am. I need you to go get Spike. Don't worry. Training will be a little easier due to the cold.” Skystrike said through the door. He got a loud, tired grumble in response. “By the way, I modified your armor a bit. Added some spare wool and cotton I had in your armor and boots. Spike’s was done earlier in winter due to him being cold blooded. By the time you’re back, I’ll have some food ready.” He said as he left her to get ready. As he was walking to the kitchen, he looked out the window to see the snow piled up to about 3 or 4 inches. “Man, that’s gonna suck for Spike…” He sighed as he walked into the living room. Thanks to those bastard bitch ass parasprites, he had to rebuild the major parts of the house, as well as fortify every part to make sure it was harder for the parasprites to eat. He replaced the T.V., couch, and rug, though he added some new things to the room, which was now 3 times its original size. To fill in mist of the empty space, He added in a small statue of Naga, as well as mounted some paintings, pictures, and decorative weapons on the wall. He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and took out what he needed. Some eggs, milk, hay bacon, pancake batter, and some blueberries. He put them on the counter before getting a two pans from the cupboard. He put the pans on the stove and turned them on medium. He poured some batter on one of the pans, it spreading out into a circular shape. He waited for the bubbles to start before putting some blueberries on it and flipping the pancake in the air. It landed upright, letting Skystrike see the golden brown top. He waited for the other side to finish before putting it on an oven pan and placing it in the oven on warm, so it stays somewhat hot. He did this until all the batter and blueberries were gone. Now that the pancakes were done, he cracked open the eggs onto the second pan, 6 in total. He fried them sunny side up. He set them to the side and fried some hay bacon. He set the hay bacon on some plates for each of them and laid 2 eggs on top for each of them. He then got the pancakes and set them next to the hay bacon and eggs. Skystrike finished cleaning the dishes as Stardust and Spike came in, the ladder with sleep in his eyes, his armor on, and his suitcase weapon in his claw. “Oh good. I made breakfast. You guys need to eat up. We’re helping out in winter wrap up.” He said as he held one plate in his hand and balanced the other two on each of his wings. He walked over to the table as he placed the plates in front of himself and his disciples. He got a bottle of syrup before passing it to the two, as well as some butter and utensils. Spike took a bite of his pancake. “Twilight was saying something about that earlier. Said how Ponyville doesn't use magic to change the seasons.” “Actually, the only beings I’ve seen change the seasons themselves are the equestrians. Avians don't, dragons don't, changelings don't. Honestly, I just don't see why you let nature take its course. Sooner or later, the snow and ice will melt.” Skystrike said before eating an egg. “Well, I don't see why either, but it is part of Ponyville’s culture.” Stardust. “Oh yeah, Skystrike? What happened to Naga?” Spike asked. “Oh, she’s hibernating in her cave. Try not to wake her, as she’s very cranky when she wakes up.” He told them before taking a bite of his own pancake. “So, it’s been nearly 5 months since you two started. So far, your training has increased your strength quite a bit.” “Really? I don't feel any stronger though?” Spike thought aloud. “That’s because every time I saw you two get comfortable at your level, I’d add a few pounds to your armor. Right now, it’s around 10 for you and 30 pounds for Stardust. I figured I stopped for a while, as you two are at your limit for now. Once spring starts, we’ll start working on increasing your magic capacity.” “Wait, how are we going to do that? Neither of us are unicorns?” Stardust asked as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Well, there are many ways. The easiest way for Spike would for him to breathe fire until his magic runs out over and over, or eat magic imbued gems. The easiest way for you would be to either use amulets or get a familiar. The most efficient way is to slay magic beasts and take their magic stones.” Skystrike said as he finished his plate and started cleaning the table. “Setting aside magic stones, I thought amulets were used to increase unicorns’ power of spells?” “I thought so too for a while, but then I did some experiments with the unicorn of All. Turns out, it increases your magic capacity, therefore letting you increase the power of the spell, and use spells that take up more magic.” Skystrike explained. “But we cant use magic?” Stardust asked. “That’s what I’m testing with you two.” Skystrike said as the two gave him confused looks. “Alright. What I’m testing is if other beings besides unicorns and the like can use magic. From what I’ve seen, unicorns, alicorns, changelings, and other beings are able to use magic because they have either a horn, or a medium to focus the magic through. If other beings have a large enough magic capacity, as well as spells specifically made by them, they might be able to use magic.” “That… would explain why Naga has earth powers. I never realized how smart you are.” Spike thought aloud. “Thanks, but I probably shouldn't have said that because Stardust has to make a report.” “Don't worry sir.” Stardust waved a hoof. “I don't have to report everything.” “Oh. Sweet. That makes things so much easier.” He said before grabbing his cape and adjusting it around his neck. “Alright, start getting ready. We got a big day today.” The two nodded as they got ready before the three of them walked out the front door. The three of them stood in front of town hall. The rest of Ponyville were waiting aw well to get assigned to their groups. Each group had their own vests. Blue for weather, green for plants, and tan for the animals. Skystrike turned to look through the crowd to see Twilight running excitedly towards their location. “Good morning everypony for being here bright and early!” Mayor Mare stole his attention away as she began speaking. “We need every single ponys help to wrap up winter, and bring in spring!” The crowd cheered in response. “Now all of you have your vest, and have been assigned to your teams! So let’s do better than last year, and have the quickest winter wrap up ever!” The crowd cheered again as he check his vest, only to realize he didn't get one, mostly due to them not having his size. Since they came somewhat late, neither did Spike or Stardust. “Alright everypony, find your team leader, and let’s get galloping!” Mayor Mare said as Skystrike looked over to the team leaders. Applejack was in charge of the plants, Rainbow Dash was incharge of the weather, and a random pink and purple unicorn was in charge of animals. “So which team are you going to join, Skystrike?” Twilight asked walking up to him. “Well, I cant join the weather team, so I figured the three of us would help plow the snow, break apart the ice, and help the animals. You?” Skystrike answered. “I’m not sure. I don't even know what we’re supposed to do.” Suddenly, his vision went black, before a spotlight appeared on Rainbow dash. “Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays…” She sang. “Oh no…” Skystrike thought aloud. Another spotlight focused on Pinkie. “We’ve kept our houses warm at home, time off from work to play…” “Please no…” Skystrike pleaded. A third appeared above Applejack. “But the food we’ve stored is running’ out, and we can’t grow in this cold…” A fourth on Rarity “And even though I love my boots, this fashion is getting old…” Skystrike looked at Spike and Stardust before grabbing them and flying full speed away from Ponyville. “Sir?! What’s wrong?!” Stardust yelled over the sound of the wind. Skystrike landed on top of a large hill a way away of Ponyville. “Nope , nu-uh, no, Nien, nada, nope.” He said as he landed. “What’s wrong?” Spike asked this time. Skystrike sat down and looked toward the town. “I’m guessing you two are either used to it, or it never happens to you.” “What do you mean?” Spike raised a brow. “From what I could tell, once those ponies begin singing, others join in. Not sure it’s by choice or not, but I don't want that to happen to me… again.” “Again?” Skystrike shuddered. “My body wasn't my own. I was moved around and forced to sing against my own will. I can't get that song out of my heart…” “...What was the song?” Stardust asked slowly. Skystrike let out a long sigh. “It’s-” Skystrike was cut of by the distant sound of… singing? “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!” “Nonononononononono… “ The song grew closer and closer “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up! Let’s finish our holiday cheer!” A group of Ponyville’s residents drew closer. He tried to run, before realizing he was only moving towards them. “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up! Cause tomorrow spring is here!” He tried to speak his mind, though the only words that came out of his mouth were the same words from all those years ago, the chorus of Winter wrap up. He, mutch to his protest, sang along with them. The only thing he could do was admit it was catchy. “Remind me to run farther the next time they start singing…” He said as he walked sluggishly in front of Spike and Stardust, the two seemingly fine. “I mean. It was kinda catchy…” Spike admitted as Stardust nodded. “Though I do get how you felt. I couldn't really control myself either. “Let’s just start out jobs. Who do you two wanna check first?” “Rarity’s.” Spike said without hesitation. “Ok I guess.” Skystrike said as the three walked towards the boutique. Rarity was sitting at a table in front of her store with bundles of hay, sticks, and ribbons nearby. She was currently talking with Twilight sitting next to her. “Oh, Skystrike, Spike, Stardust! Perfect timing, darlings. I was just explaining to Twilight how to make Birds nest!” She said as she showed off her birds nest made of sticks, hay, and robbins. Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “Birds nest? Cant the birds do that themselves?” “Well I suppose they could, but It’s tradition!” Rarity shrugged. “Fair enough, lets try this.” He said as he sat down at the table as Spike and Stardust joined. “Ok Rarity, where do I start?” Twilight asked. Rarity set her attention back on Twilight as she floated over some materials to her with her magic. She then did the same for Skystrike, Stardust, and Spike. “I hope you three don't mind if I show Twilight first?” Rarity asked as the three shook their heads. Rarity focused again on Twilight. “Now, take some of that straw and hay over there… and a little bit of branch…” Twilight had already organized all of her materials. “Now, weave them through there... yes! Take some ribbon… yes! Oh, not there… yes… uh.” Rarity's voice got more and more worried as time went on. “Well, I guess that will do. Oh dear…” She said that last part under her breath. “There!” Twilight exclaimed as she looked at her mess of a birds nest. It was uneven, thicker in some places, thinner in others, and had sticks and ribbond poking out in all directions. “It looks just like…” She was about to compare hers to Raritys, having the exact opposite descriptions of hers. “Yours… Oh my.” “That nest needs to be condemned.” Spike said as he looked at Twilight's finished project. “Oh Spike, it’s not that bad, nor is it as easy as you think.” Rarity said, trying to make Twilight feel better. “Done.” Skystrike said as the four looked at his finished bird nest. It was nearly identical to Raritys. “You know, it’s not that much different then braiding once you do it.” “But… how?” Twilight asked, gawking at his work. “How do you even know how to braid hair?” “You learn to do a lot of things when you live in an orphanage.” He said as he slid his birds nest over next to Raritys. “Don't ask.” “But it took quite a bit of time, even for me. How did you do it so quick?” Rarity asked. Skystrike responded by putting up his forehooves as the metal claws came out from his armor and wiggling them around. “Not magic.” He winked as he pointed at her. “I’d show you two, Spike and Stardust, but let me help Twilight with hers.” She said as she started work on it. She began speaking to herself as she took twigs, straw, ribbons and hay out of Twilights, trying to fix it. “I think we lost her.” Stardust whispered. “Ok, let's check up on Pinkie then.” Skystrike whispered back as he slowly walked away. “Mind if I come?” Twilight asked. “Sure. The more the merrier.” Skystrike said as the four of them began walking. The group walked around to find Pinkie Pie, who was currently ice skating across the frozen surface of a pond. “Hello, everypony!” She called out before jumping in the air and doing a twirl. “Wow, Pinkie Pie, you're quite the skater!” Twilight complimented as she ran down through the shoveled snow. Skystrike walked behind, as well as Spike and Stardust. “You’re the best skater I’ve ever seen!” “Thanks, Twilight!” She said as she skated backwards towards them. “I’ve been doing this since I was an itty-bitty, little-little, twinkie Pinkie! This comes naturally!” She said before skating off and building up speed. She did a jump in the air before landing, now skating backwards on her hind hooves. “Which is probably why they designated me the lake sculpture.” She continued as she kept doing various tricks. “I have to cut lines with my skates, that way when the weather team comes here to break the ice, it'll be easy as pie!” “You sure have a lot of work to do then huh?” Skystrike spoke. “Quite a few lakes in Ponyville, aren't there?” “Tell me about it.” She said as she slid over to them. “Hey, you all wanna help me out?” “Would I?” Twilight said with glee. “Yeah! Just put on those spare skates over there! You and Stardust can join too, though I don't have any for dragons.” “Sure.” Stardust agreed. “Hard pass for me. If you haven't noticed, I’m fat as fuck, and I don't know how thick that ice is.” He said as he waved a hoof. “Actually, if we just need to cut the ice…” He said as he pulled out his sword. He stuck his sword in so it went about half way through the ice. He then flew just above his sword and started dragging it along the ice, being careful not to go too deep and crack the ice. “Spike, do the same as me. You're light, so the ice won't crack. Try and make a grid. Spike did so, as the two made parallel and perpendicular lines, trying to muffle their laughs of Twilight and Stardust constantly falling over. Twilight at one point couldn't control herself as she span out of control. Twilight then ran into Pinkie, then the two ran into Spike. A pile of snow at the edge of the lake slowed them down as they crashed into it. As Spike got out of the snow, he couldn't help but laugh. “Haha! You are a natural, Twilight! A natural disaster!” He laughed more. “Twilight, you did great your first time around!” Pinkie said trying to make her feel better. “My first time was probably as wobbly and bobbly and crashy as yours!” “Really?” Twilight asked. “...No” Skystrike let out a loud wheeze as he did his best to stop laughing. “But did I make you feel better?” Pinkie asked. Twilight let out a sigh. “Yeah, I guess.” She gave a fake smile. “Don't worry Twilight. There’s always something somepony doesn't know they're good at. It takes time.” Skystrike reassured her. “Hearing that from you doesn't make me feel that much better. I mean, you’re good at everything, and I don't know how!” Twilight responded. “Not everything. I actually suck at being able to read emotions that well. One time I confused someones uneasiness with curiosity. Don't ask. I also suck at organizing. That's why I’m glad I have this bag.” He said as he patted his saddlebag. “Anyway, this lake is done, so we can move on to the next.” “Oh, thanks! You know, If you aren't busy, Fluttershy could probably use some help with the critters hibernating!” “I’ll stay here.” Stardust skated over. “I’m actually getting the hang of this.” “I’m actually going to go check up on AJ.” Skystrike said as he put away his sword. “Spike, stick with Twilight. She gets lonely.” “Well… I am good with animals.” Twilight nodded. “Yeah, I’ll go help her!” Twilight said as she slowly started sliding. “It’s uh… that way.” Pinkie pointed in the opposite direction. Twilight went that way as she flailed her hooves, trying to stay upright. “Holy shit, Twi, just take off the skates!” Skystrike said before she ran into another patch of snow. Skystrike trudged through the snow to Sweet Apple Acres. Once he entered, he saw all of the stallions in Ponyville, as well as a few mares, plow the snow on the hills, as well as some others knock the snow off some trees. “Wassup.” Skystrike said as he walked up to Applejack. “Why if it ain’t Skystrike. You looking to help out?” Applejack greeted. “Yeah, I already cleared out the snow near my house, so I’m just killing time.” “Well you’re in luck. We needed a strong Stallion like you. We’re short on pony power, and we need more if we want to finish winter wrap up.” “Now that I think about it, why do we start the day of? If we don't use magic, and you ponies work slow, it would make more sense to start like 2 days in advance?” “Ya know, I dunno myself. I guess it's just tradition.” She shrugged. “I suppose so. Anyway, how’ve you an the family been doing? I’ve haven't seen much of anyone due to winter, because fuck the cold.” “Ah, well the whole family got ta relax ‘cause of the season, so not much work to do. Big Mac and I have been takin’ care of the animals, so we’ve got somethin’ to keep us occupied. Applebloom has been going to school still, and she has some science fair coming’ up.” Applejack spoke as they walked towards the barn. “Science fair, huh?  I did pretty good in that when I was up in Canterlot. Never got first because of some noble jackass. But, the rest of the school kids just ignored him. If she ever needs help, tell her i'm open. Same to you, too. If Apple Bucking season happens and your short hoofed again, just come get me.” “I will, thanks. By the way, what did you do for that science fair? I never did any good.” Applejack asked. “The coolest thing I think I did was make a 2 foot golem powered by a magic stone I was given a few years before. It lasted 15 minutes before the circuits got tangled. I fixed it now, though I need a huga magic stone for what I’m trying to make now.” He spoke as he remembered back to his middle school years. “The dumbest thing I made was a magic absorber that exploded. And that's how I learned to… Well I actually didn't learn anything that day.” Applejack chuckled to herself. “You have some funny stories to tell, though we’re almost at the barn, so yer gonna have to tell me later.” She said as she tapped on the barn door. She opened it to see Applebloom sitting inside, bored out of her mind. Her face lit up. “Applejack! Nebula!” “Howdy.” Skystrike waved. “What are you doing in here?” “Oh, nothin’. Just letting all the grown ups to the work. Applejack says im to small ta help.” Applebloom complained. “You’ll enjoy it now while you’re young. Though, no one has gotten the snow off the trees if you’re looking for something to do.” “Ah already told Applejack but she told me it’ll just melt off.” “Besidess, what if ya get caught under all that snow?” Applejack added. Applebloom let out a sigh. “You can come with me if Applejack lets you.” Skystrike said as he walked over to one of the plows and started to fasten himself in. Applebloom, meanwhile, was giving her older sister puppy dog eyes. Applejack caved in, deciding to let her go with the wave of a hoof. “Alright, so what part of the orchard do I go to?” Skystrike asked as he started to exit the barn, Applebloom hopping behind him. “Just plow any snow ya see.” Applejack answered. Skystrike nodded as he began going to the nearest patch of snow. He and Applebloom made small talk as he pushed through the layer of snow on the ground. The armor around his hooves began to get cold as he trudged through the mud under the snow. “Hey, Applebloom, you’re in school, right?” Skystrike tilted his head to see her next to him. “Yeah, why?” Applebloom looked back. “Trying to get Spike into school. He’s about your age. Who’s your teacher?” “Ohh, well, Ms. Cheerilee is in charge. We don't get off of winter break until next week, so you have time.” “Ah, sweet. Thanks for telling me. Ya know, I wanna give you a nickname, but AB doesn't sound right.” Applebloom giggled. “Where did this come from?” “Well, Rainbow Dash is Rainbow or RD, Applejack is AJ, Rarity is Rares, Pinkie Pie is Pinkie, Fluttershy is Flutters and Twilight is Twi. They got nicknames, so I figured you need one?” “Hmmmm.” Applebloom thought for a moment. She ran in front of the plow before walking backwards, keeping the same pace. “Flower sounds silly… Bloom is kinda off… “ She thought aloud. She walked in thought for a few minutes before a small rumble could be heard. Then it was a medium sized rumbling. Then it was a loud rumbling with arguing heard with it. Skystrike looked to his right to see a large snowball the size of a small building rolling towards him and Applebloom, Applejack and Spike stuck in it. He and Applebloom shared a look that simply said “We’re fucked.” Skystrike quickly looked to his left and realized that they were right next to the edge of a hill, an overly large of snow on top of it. When that snowball hits, the snow will come crashing down, burying them in at least 6 feet of snow. “Ok, I’ll see you later, Applebloom.” Skystrike said plainly “Wha-” Her words turned into a scream of surprise as she was hurled upwards into the sky. The large snowball hit Skystrike, and the snow pile rushed down and covered both him, and a large section of the orchard with it. Applebloom fell down and safely landed on the top of the snow, while Twilight, Applejack, and Spike stuck their heads out. A woman wearing a black robe walked into a large testing chamber. A child with black hair was sitting behind a glass screen with a face lacking any emotion. The child looked up to see the woman. “Ah, 34, nice to see you.” She greeted. “Hello, Ms. 4th.” He responded. “I see you’re doing good on your testing.” She said as she sat down on a chair in front of the glass. “Thank you, Ms. 4th.” She smiled at him before continuing to speak. “I just came to tell you what we’re working for again. You will be rewarded after everything is finished.” She assured him. “We fight for the freedom of all humans. We won't sit by as those aliens do as they please to our world.” She spoke with a grin. “We will bring freedom even if it kills us, or better yet, them.” She said briefly. “So, our mission is to spread freedom?” He asked. “If so, why am I never given a choice?” He said robotic like. “Why? Well that's…” She thought of an answer as she bit her fingernails. “You’re showing more and more promise each day…” She smirked before getting up to leave the room as she giggled. Skystrike woke up. He sat up straight to fast, and a sudden headache kicked him in the head. Skystrike groaned in pain as he layed back down and looked at his surroundings. “Mother fucker.” He was back in Ponyville’s hospital. He looked at the time. It was almost 6 pm. He looked out the window. No snow anywhere. He looked himself over. No bandages. He looked at his crotch. His dick was still there. A nurse came in after a few minutes. Skystrike rolled his head over to see who it was. “Suuuup Nurse Redheart.” He groaned. “Oh good, you're awake.” She said as she walked to the bedside. “You got trapped under the snow for about an hour. Your armor seemed to stop most of the cold, so you only came out with a minor head injury.” “Alright.” He sighed. “Whatever happened to Winter Wrap Up? It looked like we finished.” “Oh, that unicorn Twilight was put in charge of organizing everything. Mayor Mare decided to put her in charge despite her using magic apparently.” Skystrike chuckled. “All we actually needed was lighters and some spray cans to get rid of all the snow.” Some more ponies entered the room, as well as a dragon. “Hey, all.” He said to his friends, Twilight having a look of regret on her face. “Howdy Nebula!” Applebloom said as she put her hooves up on the bedside. “Ya feelin’ better?” “Yeah, i'll be fine. Not the worst thing I’ve been through. And it’s not gonna be the worst thing I’m going to go through today.” He chuckled. “Thanks for saving my sister, Nebula.” Applejack said as she took off her hat. “Eyup.” Her brother Big Mac said as he stood next to her. “Eh, dont worry about it. I just do what I gotta do.” He chuckled. “Fuck, It hurts to laugh.” “I’m sorry.” Twilight finally said. “I know I wasn't supposed to use magic, but I just wanted to help out.” Skystrike looked at her, his face asking if she was serious. “I felt like I couldn't do anything right the whole day, and watching the others doing everything so well made me feel-” “Useless?” Skystrike finished her sentence for her. She had a look of surprise on her face before nodding. “Alright, Twilight, ponies weren’t disappointed in you nor will ever be just because you can't do it, especially on your first try. Everypony understands that some ponies can do things better than others. That’s what cutie marks are for. At the same time, ponies also expect things of each other, and they expected you, as well as other unicorns, to not use magic.” Twilight looked down at her hooves. “Now let me finish before you start sulking. Ponies are always going to be disappointed about something, and the only one you disappointed today was yourself. Fuck what others think about you. It matters what you, and those you hold close, think about you, though mostly you.” He pointed to her as she looked at him. “Was Pinkie disappointed when you couldn't ice skate on your first try?” “No…” She answered “Was Rarity disappointed when you couldn't make a birds nest on your first try?” “No…” “Was Applejack disappointed when you couldn't push a plow?” “No.” “So who were you trying to prove something to by using magic? Was it them, or was it you?” He asked rhetorically. “You aren't good at everything. No one is. There’s no cutie mark for that. Do you know how long it took me to learn how to fly, or how long it took me to make my own armor after many, many failed attempts? A long ass time. What i’m saying is, do what you're able to do. If you want to take a go at something, don't get all huffy that you can't do it on your first try. Don't take the easy way out of things you want to get better at.” Twilight stood in silence for a moment. “Alright.” She said, feeling a bit better. “Thank you.” “No problem.” He said as he waved it off. He sat in silence for a moment before realizing something. “Twilight, did Fluttershy ever go near my house to wake up any animals.” “No?” She answered. “FUCK!” He shouted. “What?” “I have to wake up Naga.” “Alright, let's do this.” He sighed as he walked into Naga’s cave. It was dark, damp, mossy, and smelly. He turned on the flash light in his hoof to get a view of his surroundings. There were a few roaches scurrying away from the light, as well as some spiders. He ignored them and walked deeper into the cave. Once deep enough, he looked upon a large wooden door, its door frame carved from the stone of the cave. Pushing the door open, he found Naga Sleeping, wrapped up in a large orange blanket. She let out soft snores as she slept peacefully. He walked up to her head and nudged her jaw, trying to wake her up, only to get shoved away by her pushing her head against him. He then tried pulling her out from under the covers, only to be smacked away by her tail. “Ok, you asked for it.” He sighed before pulling the blanket off of her in one fell swoop. Her eyes instantly shot open and glared at Skystrike. She let out a screech as she tried to swipe at Skystrike with her tail, only for Skystrike to jump over it. She tried to bite him out of the air, but he narrowly dodged it. He landed on her head and held on. She tried to shake him off, but it was futile. If his memory was right, she had a spot that if you pet, she’d instantly calm down. He rubbed the side of her head just above her ear hole. She slowly calmed down from her rage. After calming down, she let him down from her head and gave him a an apologetic nudge. “It’s all good. Just won't be looking forward to it next year.” He chuckled to himself. > Call of The Cutie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike was lying on his couch, reading a book called ‘Magical Beasts and Anomalies’. Next to him was Zecora, reading her own book, ‘Potions and Herbs’. Spike and Stardust were sitting on the floor playing a game of cards. Skystrike flipped through the pages, looking at the checkmarks he wrote at the corner of the pages. Each check showed the being he defeated, whether it be through submission, or death. Out of all the pages, about 20 beings weren’t checked off. A few are alive. The rest being beings of myths. Luna, he didn't really count since it was both a mock battle, and neither were going all out.  “I am fucking bored.” Skystrike sighed as he threw the book across the room. “We could go walk around. Something to do, I’m sure can be found.” “Wanna have a picnic?” Stardust asked, looking up from her cards. “I actually want to see you and Zecora spar. I’ve never taken Zecora as a fighter.” Spike said as he placed down the 3 hearts card. “Speaking of which, whose stronger?” Stardust asked. “Me.” “Him.” The two said at the same time. “Ok, better question, How strong are you, Zecora?” Zecora looked up from her book, before thinking for a moment. “Magnus would be a difficult feat, though he, compared to what Skystrike did, would be harder to beat.” “Were you thinking of who to compare yourself too, or how to get that into a rhyme?” Skystrike asked jokingly. “Yes.” Zecora answered. Before the two shared a laugh. “Anyway, I want to find something to do today. Is there anything going on?” Skystrike asked. “I think? Twilight said something about a kid having her cutie mark party. I never paid much attention.” Spike shrugged. “Eh, we’ll worry about it later. Let’s just wander.” He shrugged it off. “You coming, Zecora?” Zecora thought for a moment before answering. “I may come, though I have work that needs to be done.” “Why are you always talking in rhymes? Is it some bet you lost before I met you or what?” “Nearly all of my people do it, though you’ve never been to Zebrafrica. It’s natural you’ve not understand why, even if only a bit.” Skystrike looked at her, pondering for a moment. “You’re saying, nearly every Zebra does it?” “Y-Yes?” Zecora answered awkwardly. “I’d hate to spend even an hour in your country.” He laughed. “Besides the heat, it actually isn't bad. The sand, however, gets annoying, a tad.”  “Huh. I guess I’ll have to visit sometime. I’ll put it on my list.” He chuckled to himself. “Oh yeah, you know you can use my lab to work. I have some equipment in the drawers. At least enough to make some simple stuff. I’m working on making a cauldron. ”I’ll make sure to come by, but for now, I must say goodbye.” Zecora said as she stood up to leave. “Alright. Same time tomorrow?” He looked over the couch to see her at the door. She nodded. “Alright. I’ll see you later.”  Spike threw his hands up in victory. “Winner is me!” He laughed. Stardust put her cards down in defeat. “It’s my loss.” Stardust sighed.  “Sooooooo, who wants to come with me to find something to do?” Skystrike looked at the two. “I actually wanted to go to the spa with Rarity.” Stardust said as she reshuffled the cards. “I have about an hour before I go, so I have time to kill.” “Twilight’s making me help with the library today. Honestly, I don't see how a library gets so dirty when I have to clean it and reorganize it everyday.” “It doesn't. She just likes her things to be over organized. Hell, one time in magic kindergarten, she organized her crayons by color and gradient.”  “...I can see her doing something like that actually.” Spike thought aloud. “Oh yeah, catch.” Skystrike threw something to the dragon as he caught it in his claws. “That's a key to my house. It unlocks most doors, save for my workshop, me and Stardust’s room, and the lab and library. If you need a place to sleep or hang out, you can use the new guest room that’s next to Stardusts room.” “Oh, thanks, Skystrike.” Spike smiled as he put it in his pocket. “No prob. Just don't let anypony in at random. Not even the princesses. Also not Twilight please.” “Ok?” Spike responded kind of confused. “Alright, good. Now, I’m heading out. I’ll be back around 6.” He said as he put his armor and cape. He looked himself over for a moment. “Should I change the colors of my armor? I’ve been going with raven black for a long while.” “I think white would go well, though not too much. Maybe just a bit here and there?” Stardust said, imagining his look. “How about adding some purple? I like purple.” Spike said with a smile. “You’d look so cool.” “Aight, good ideas. Lock the door when you leave. I’ll see you two later.” “Bye.” The two said as they continued their game of cards. Skystrike walked down the road to see a schoolhouse at the end of it. As he walked, he witnessed four filly talking to each other out of earshot. However, as he looked on, it seemed like two of the fillies, the ones with cutie marks, were picking on the ones without. One of the ones without, noticed Skystrike coming down the road. “Mr. Nebula!” Applebloom called out as she waved.  “Hey, Applebloom.” Skystrike said, walking by a pink filly and a grey filly. He patted Applebloom on the head. “Just got out of school?” “Yeah! This is my friend Licorice Twist.” “It’th nice to meet you, Misther Nebula.” She said with a lisp. She had a bright red mane and a cream coat, wearing an overly large pair of glasses. “Please, just call me Nebula. Nice to meet you too, Twist.” He chuckled. “Oh, do you two know if Cheerilee is still there? I was hoping to see her.” “She sure is! Right inside.” Applebloom pointed to the door. “Aight, thanks. I’ll see you two later. Tell AJ I said hi.” “Wait!” Skystrike stopped before turning around and seeing the grep filly looking up at him with wide eyes. “You’re Atlas Nebula?” “...Yeeeeah?” Skystrike asked.  “It’s soooo nice to meet you! My name is Silverspoon, and I’m a huge fan!” ‘Oh no.’ Skystrike thought to himself. ‘She’s fangirling. I never was prepared for this, and I’m prepared for so many other things. Fuck, how do you get yourself out of this situation? Brain, solution please!’  ‘Nah bro.’ ‘Fuck!’ He thought of all the possibilities he could, before deciding on one. “Well thanks. I’m glad to see somepony likes me that much. Thanks, Silverspoon.” He patted her on the head, to get a squee in response. ‘Mission accomplished.’ He thought to himself. “Well, I gotta go, so I’ll see you kids around.” He said before walking through the door. A purple pony with a pink and light pink mane and tail looked up from her desk, a slight look of shock on her face. “Oh! Mr. Nebula, I didn't notice the time.” She said as she straightened her stack of papers. “Hello, Ms. Cheerilee, how are you today?” Skystrike greeted the mare. “I’m doing well, just grading some of the fillies schoolwork.” She said as she pushed a stack of paper to the side. “So, what brings you here today?” “Actually, I wanted to see if I could get Spike to start going to school. From what Spike has told me, he hasn't gone to school at all, and he learned from books while under Twilight’s care. From what Applebloom and Sweetie Belle have told me, you’re a good teacher. I figured I’d at least get to meet you.” “Well, I haven't met him personally, but I can give you some paperwork to look over and bring to Twilight. If she agrees, I can get Spike to start school fairly soon” She said as she opened a drawer and pulled out a few sheets of paper and a school handbook before handing them to Skystrike.  Skystrike skimmed over the packet quickly, looking over all the legal stuff, then looking through the small book, looking over the school rules section quickly. “Well thank you. I will go talk to Twilight about this. I hope I can come to you if I have any other questions?” “Of course. Come by anytime.” Cheerilee smiled as Skystrike put the paperwork in his bag.. “Then I’ll be taking my leave, and be out of your mane.” He said as he started to walk towards the door. “Have a nice day.” Skystrike walked into town towards Twilight's library. He turned a corner to see Applebloom sitting next to a well with a glum look on her face. Skystrike walked up to her. “Hey Applebloom. Is this seat taken?” He asked. She only shook her head. “So, what’s the matter, kiddo?” Applebloom took a deep breath. “There’s a cutesinara this afternoon and everypony in my class will be there and they’ll all have their cutie marks and I wanna get my cutie mark but i'm no good at selling apples but I really wanna go to the party but how can I go to the party if I dont have my cutie mark and my big sister said I’ll get it eventually but…” She finally took a deep breath. “I want it now!” She pouted.  “Ok, first, take some breaths. You made me tired by listening. Second, who said you actually needed a cutie mark?” Skystrike asked. “Huh?” “Well think about it. You seem to be the only one pressuring yourself to get a cutie mark, but you don't really need one, do you?”  “Well that’s easy for you to say! You’ve done so many cool things. Your cutie mark is probably the most amazing one there is!” Applebloom said matter of factly. “Even if it was, I don't really need it.” He shrugged. “What do you mean?” She asked. “Well… let me ask you this. Cutie marks are supposed to represent what you excel at, right? You’re great with all the work at your farm, right?” “Yeah. Why?” “Why don't you have a cutie mark in any of those things?” He thought aloud. “Just because you’re good at something doesn't mean you’ll have a cutie mark of it. Your sister is actually great with lasso tricks, but that isn't her cutie mark. Basically, what I’m saying is, keep trying out things that you like, and don't worry what others think about you having a cutie mark. It isn't going to help you get it faster.” He put emphasis on the last part. “Speaking of cutie marks, what is yours? I’ve never seen yours.” Applebloom asked, curious of what it could be. Skystrike only chuckled. “Tell you what, if you go to that party thing, I’ll show not only you, but everypony there.” “I’ll… think about it.” She said, looking down at her hooves. “No pony is forcing you. I have some work to do, so I’ll see you around, kid.” He said as he stood up and began walking away. He stopped in front of the sugarcube corner. Walking up the steps before knocking on the door, he was greeted by an older greyish amber stallion with a dark grey mane and tail. “Ah, Mr. Nebula. Good to see you.” The stallion put out a hoof. Skystrike shook it. “Good to see you, Filthy Rich.”  “Please, call me Rich. Filthy doesn't sound all too good.” He chuckled. “Alright then, Rich. I already got the food and party favors prepped, as per your request. I just need some time to set them up.” “That's great, but I don't see anything with you?” Skystrike reached into his bag and pulled out a party favor to hand out for the kids. “I got about 20 of these for the kids, a special one and a gift for your daughter that was hoof made.” He said, pulling out a pink gift box with a grey ribbon. He handed it to Rich. “I know you told me she has high taste, so I hope that’s enough.  Rich took the present and handed it back to Skystrike. “I think she’ll enjoy it more if you gave it to her. She seems to be a fan of yours.” “Alright, I will. I’m guessing that she’s out right now?”  “Yes, and my wife is here with Pinkie Pie in the kitchen.” “Alrighty. I’ll set up in here, then see if Pinkie needs help in the kitchen.” He said as he walked inside. Looking inside, he saw tables lined against the walls of the bakery. He got to work and started placing dishes on the empty parts of the tables. “Pizzas, check. Candies, check. Chips, check…” He listed off all the foods as he bought them out of his bag. After filling the majority of the tables, he looked over his work. Proud that he made food so good, but disappointed he won't be able to eat most of it. “Fuck.” He said under his breath. He sighed as his stomach growled. Pinkie probably needed help in the kitchen, and he still needs to meet Mrs. Rich. He walked into the kitchen, finding Pinkie Pie multitasking, trying to bake a batch of cookies and decorate a cake at the same time. All while a mare with a grayish pink coat and magenta mane sat on a chair, watching her with a displeased look. “Looks like I came at the right time, huh, Pinkie?” He said as he went over to the sink and washed his hooves. “I can make the cookies. You focus on the cake. Tell me if you need anything.” “Oh, thank Celestia. You’re a lifesaver.” She smiled as she continued decorating the cake. Skystrike pulled out the sugar, flower, butter, eggs, milk, vanilla, and a bit of salt and set it on the counter in front of him. He got out two bowls from the cabinet and put flour, baking powder, and salt in one of the bowels before whisking the ingredients together. He then began putting the rest of the ingredients in the second bowl. He got to the sugar and began pouring some in before the displeased mare spoke. “That’s too much sugar! Those cookies will be too sweet!” The mare stood up from her chair. Pinkie had her normal smile, but looked at Skystrike, and one could tell from her eyes that she was annoyed. Skystrike slowly turned towards her. “And you are?” “Spoiled Rich.” The mare said. Of course that’s Rich’s wife. Ironic name too. “Mrs. Rich, have you ever baked cakes, cookies, or sweets?” Skystrike asked. “Of course I have.” She scoffed. “Professionally, like Pinkie and I? Because I’d assume that because of your husband, you don't have to cook much, if at all. If that’s the case, let us do our job that your husband, mind you, is paying us for.” He quipped before pouring a bit more sugar in and began mixing the ingredients. “How dare you talk to me like that!” Mrs. Rich said angrily. “Can you shut your mouth? I am TRYING to do my job.” He said, not looking away from mixing. After gradually mixing the mixtures from the two bowls together, he made small balls out of the now cookie dough and put them on a few trays to go into the oven. As he put the cookies into the oven, Pinkie finished decorating her cake. “Aight, Pinkie, anything else you need help with? I got shit else to do.” He asked as he washed his hooves. “Nah, I think I got it from here. Thank you, though.” She smiled at him. “Aight. I got about 2 hours to kill, so I’ll see you in a bit.” He said before walking towards the door. He stopped mid step when he realized he'd have to walk past Spoiled Rich. He turned around, opened the window and jumped out of it. “Don't ask, this is quicker.” He said before Pinkie snorted a laugh. He started to stroll around town, looking for something to do. Walking by a music store, he remembered something. He always did want to teach himself an instrument. All the other members, save for Spike and Stardust, played some type of instrument as a hobby. Figured he’d match.  Skystrike walked in the store and was greeted by an earth pony with a yellow coat and blue mane. “Good afternoon, sir! My name’s Fiddlesticks, and welcome to my store.” She said with a slight country accent. “Anything I can help you with today?” “Actually, just looking around for now. If I need anything, i’ll let you know.” He said before walking past her and beginning to look at the stuff she was selling. Music sheets, various instruments and string for said instruments, some in display cases, and some music players and headphones. He walked up to the various headphones and eyed them for a bit. He figured he’d get himself a few things, as he hasn't bought himself something in a while. He looked up from the items to see a unicorn with a white coat and a cobalt blue mane with cyan stripes. She wore a pair of headphones over her ears and a pair of purple glasses over her eyes.  Skystrike waved to get her attention before making eye contact. She took off her headphones and looked at him as she straightened her shades. “You look like you’d know a thing or two about headphones. Which of these would you recommend?” Without speaking, she looked at the pairs on her side before picking up a pair and handing it to him. He grabbed it and looked it over. It was a pair similar to hers, but black in color. She then pointed to a wall that had some stickers you could decorate your headphones with. “Thanks for the help, miss.” He said before he began to walk away. The mare stopped him before he was able and gave him her card. It had a head shot of the mare, and an address of a place in Ponyville. Also written on it was her profession and stage name ‘DJ-Pon3’. “Ah, you’re a DJ and you got a show tonight? I’ll be sure to check it out then.”  She smiled and nodded before continuing to browse the store. Skystrike then looked at the items in the glass cases. Some expensive trumpets, violins, and the latest piece of pony technology, the ‘pony-pod’. With the use of magic in this world, the need for technology isn't very high, as most things can be solved by a simple magic spell. The need for magic then made unicorns on high demand.  Skystrike however, didn't have the luxury to pay for unicorns to do random jobs for him. Therefore, he’s made some of his own technology. Most of them though, especially his secret room, was a mixture of his world technology that he modified from magic tools that he happened upon. The thing about his secret room was that it was there before his house. The reason why, though, he still doesnt know for sure. It being near the former castle of the two sisters, his best assumption was that it was a lab of sorts. Their technology would most likely be lost to age in that scenario. “I’ll look into it later.” He said to himself before walking over to the display of instruments. Beside each instrument was a beginners guide book for said instrument. He looked around, trying to find something that could catch his fancy.  He stopped at a magic powered piano. It’s advertised to play different sounds depending on some small discs, enchanted with magic and able to produce the pre-recorded sounds, sold seperately. He pressed down a few notes on the piano, each letting out a loud note. He then switched the soundboard to the ‘gag’ soundboard. He pressed down another key, a loud raspberry sound being the result. “Heh.” He laughed to himself before picking up one of the piano boxes next to it. He then got some of the soundboard dist and walked up to the cash register. “Hello there, Fiddlesticks. I’d like to buy these.” He placed the items in front of her. “And one pony-pod, like the one up there.” He pointed to the display case. “Alright! Let me get that for you!” She said happily before reaching under her desk and pulling out a pony-pod. “With this and everything you bought up here, that will be…” She quickly pressed some buttons on the register. “250 bits, with another 10 bits as tax.” Skystrike pulled out a pouch full of bits and sat it on the desk. She put the bits in the cash register and gave him his receipt, and bagged the smaller items and handed him the bag. “Thank you. I gotta go, because I got some party to go to in like half an hour.” Skystrike said as he stood on his hind hooves, one forearm having his bags in hoof, and his other around the piano. He walked out the door and jumped into the air, beginning to fly home. Skystrike began flying to the party, looking down at the terrain below as he flew. The lush green grass, the light blue lake with some fish jumping out from time to time, ponies walking wherever ever they're going to, just the normal stuff. “...You know I never really paid any attention to things like this.” He said to himself. “That’s because you stay inside too much and you're too worried about being found out.” Echo responded. “Can you blame me? You saw how they treated me when I came, and how they treated the changelings. If they find out I'm alive, and living under their noses, my life will be the least I would be worried about losing.” He sighed. “They will find out sooner or later won't they? You’ll either tell them, or they will find out. What then?” “...I don't know. Hope for the best I guess. I want to earn their trust. Then I can tell them. If they want to stay friends, then maybe I can confront Celestia with some friends behind my back.” He sighed. “And if they find out?” Echo Asked. “I don't know. Back to hiding I guess. I’d rather no one die. For now, I just want to enjoy the time of.... relative peace we’re having.” “Then enjoy it to the fullest. You still have a few friends to rely on.” He said reassuring him. “...Also you’re here.” “Oh, so I am.” Skystrike said to himself, looking down at Sugarcube Corner. “...Ever thought about how this isn't even a corner?” He softly landed on the ground. “...I have noticed before.”  Skystrike walked into the bakery, instantly smelling all the sweets in the room. It was good but- “Hey!” Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere, interrupting his train of thought. “Good to see you could make it to the party!” She smiled as she balanced a cupcake on her head. She put a hoof around his neck. “Also, thanks for what you did earlier with Ms. Rich. Though I think you should be a teeny bit kinder.” Skystrike let out a chuckle. “No problem Pinkie, but as for that second part, maybe next time. I’m only kind to ponies who aren't… what’s the word for it?” “Rude? Entitled? Condescending?” Pinkie offered. “A bitch, yes.” He answered his own question. “You know, I never asked, you keep using all these words that I’ve never heard of. What is a bitch?” It was then that Skystrike realized that there were, of course, words ponies wouldn't know with him being human. He also realized that he couldn't explain it to the mare without children hearing. “It is… a different way of calling somepony a horse. Anyway, where’s Applebloom? Did she come?” “Actually, she’s behind that Chocolate pony statue!” She said as she hopped over. “Don't forget your party hat!” She giggled and quickly fastened one on Applebloom’s head. “You too,  Nebby!” Pinkie giggled more as she placed a party hat on the two horns on his helmet. “Nebby?” Skystrike asked. “What? I give all my friends nicknames. You don't like it?” She had asked. “I can give you another.” “I’m fine with it. Just surprised me. Different, but fitting I guess. Thanks.” He smiled. “You're welcome!” She smiled back before hopping off again. Skystrike chuckled at her antics before looking at Applebloom. He took a seat on the floor next to her. “So.” He began. “How’s it going kid?” “Mr.Nebula, you gotta help me get out of here!” Applebloom whispered before hiding behind him. “I can’t let ponies see me without a cutie mark!” “Forgive me for not understanding, but isn't having a cutie mark really that important?” He said as he motioned for the filly to hide under his cape. Applebloom got on his back and poked her head out from under said cape. “Of course it’s important! Everyone from school was invited, and I’m only one here without a cutie mark!” She said before hiding back in Skystrike’s cape to not be seen. “They’re going to make fun of me!” “...Well, what I should say as an adult is ‘don't let it bother you’ but I know from experience that saying that does nothing.” Skystrike began walking towards the door. “But you know that running now wont stop them from bullying you?” “Well what am I supposed to do? Just be humiliated in front of half the town?” She moped. Skystrike stopped in front of the door before pulling Applebloom out from under his cape. “It takes much more courage to stand and fight than to run, though I cannot make that decision for you. What I will say is that I said I’d tell you my cutie mark if you came.” He smirked, hoping she’d stay at the party. Applebloom looked down for a moment before turning towards the ajar door, smacking her head against her older sister. “Applebloom, you made it!” Applejack said looking at her younger sister. “After I heard about the twist, I was afraid you wouldn’t show up!” She spoke as she walked forward, Applebloom stepping back as she did so. “Sure glad you came to your senses about this whole cutie mark thing.” As she spoke, the door grew farther and farther away from Applebloom’s reach. “These things happen when they’re supposed to happen. Trying to rush it will just drive you crazy! I’ll let you be, looks like your friends wanna talk to you.”  The two sisters looked at two fillies standing in front of them. Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon each had a sinister look on their faces. Applebloom quickly ran and pulled off a tablecloth to hide her blank cutie mark. “Applejack…” Skystrike sighed as he face hoofed. “You… you’re dense…”  “Oh, Nebula, howdy! What do you mean?” She asked. “Look at the situation.” Skystrike said as Applejack turned her head. “See how those two fillies look like they’re about to start something?” “Uhh… I think so?” She said unsure. “See how your sister isn’t over her cutie mark as she’s trying to hide it?” Applejack nodded. “You think meeting her at the door was a coincidence?” “No…” Applejack began catching on. “Now, doesn’t this remind you of when you got bullied for getting your cutie mark last?” “Oooooooh….” She said in realization. “Oooooooh.” It then changed to mild worry. “Yeah.” Skystrike said plainly. “You’re dense.” “Well, well, well. Look who’s here.” Diamond Tiara said walking up to Applebloom. “Nice outfit!” Silverspoon mocked as the two snickered. “It’s just something I uh… pulled together last minute.” Applebloom said, ignoring the jab. “It really shows off your cutie mark. Oh, wait, that’s right! You don't have one.” Diamond Tiara smirked. “That dress doesn’t show off theirs either.” Skystrike whispered to AJ, the mare trying not to show her snicker at his comment. “...I have a cutie mark!” Applebloom lied matter-of-factly. Skystrike and AJ face hoofed. “What? Since when?” Silverspoon asked, calling her bluff. “Since… earlier today!” Diamond Tiara looked unamused. “Oh really? Let’s see it then.” Applebloom paused to think of something. “I shouldn’t, I couldn’t! My cutie mark is so unbelievably amazing that if I show it off, everypony would start paying attention to me instead of you!” The pink and grey fillies stared at her, then each other in a mixture of disbelief and curiosity. Skystrike had to give her props. It was somewhat good for being made up on the spot. It would be found out later, but for the time being, it was a perfectly reasonable argument for a grade schooler. “Your sister is smart.” He said to Applejack as the two watched on. Applejack elbowed him, making Skystrike laugh a bit. “Outshined at your own cutesinara? Could you imagine how embarrassing that’d be?” Applebloom put a hoof on Diamond Tiara’s shoulder, the filly bit her lip in worry in return. “Forget it, I didn’t wanna see it anyway.” Diamond Tiara looked away. “Ok! Well, Imma go mingle. Enjoy your party!” Applebloom said walking away, ignoring the glares she got from the two. “That… went surprisingly well.” Applebloom said in disbelief. “Yeah, but here’s the part where the universe decides to make your life a sitcom.” Skytrike sighed, being through this before. “What do you mea-” Applejack cut herself off when she noticed her sister trip on her make shift dress, it coming off as she rolled into a low table holding the turnable. “Wha- how’d you know that’d happen?” Applejack asked, confused. “I learned a bit from Pinkie Pie. You should try it. It helps you avoid a lot of stuff.” He shrugged. The music stopped. Every pony let out a gasp, looking in Applebloom’s direction. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked along with smirks, before laughing at Applebloom. “Wow! That is an amazing cutie mark!” Silver Spoon mocked her as the two laughed.  “Nice try, blank flank” The two said in sync before laughing harder. The crowd around them let out small giggles, repeating blank flank amongst themselves. “You got a problem with blank flanks?!” The voice of a young girl could be heard from behind the crowd. “What?” Diamond Tiara said, looking for the voice. The crowd moved aside to reveal two more fillies hiding under a table. Sweetie Belle stood up alongside an orange pegasus with a purple mane and tail. “I said, you got a problem with blank flanks?” The orange one repeated, the two walking towards Applebloom. “The problem is she’s like, totally not special!” Silver spoon said. “Not special at all!” Added Diamond Tiara. “No…” began Sweetie Belle. “It means she’s full of potential!” “It means she could be great at anything!” The pegasus added on. “The possibilities are, like, endless!” She mocked their speaking. Sweetie Belle continued. “She could be a great scientist, or a good artist! Or a famous writer! She could even be mayor of Ponyville one day!” “And she’s not stuck being stuck up like you two.” Skystrike lurched forward, trying his best not to laugh. He looked over to Applejack, her cheeks puffed out trying not to laugh either. The two made eye contact before letting out air through their teeth. The majority of the crowd failed to do the same. “Hey! This is my party! Why are you on her side?” Diamond Tiara asked angrily. “Because…” The two fillies showed their cutie marks, both blank to Appleblooms surprise.  “I thought I was the only one!” Applelboom smiled. “We thought we were the only two!” The pegasus replied.  Twilight stepped out of the crowd. “I think you are three very lucky fillies!” “Lucky?” Diamond Tiara asked. “How are they lucky?” “Because one, they’re able to take more time to find out who they are, and who they want to be. And two, because they have all the time in the world to figure it out.” Skystrike pitched in. “You’re on their side too, Mr. Nebula. I bet you have the best cutie mark here with all you’ve done!” “You could not be further from the truth there.” He said lifting his cape. “I don’t have a cutie mark.” “Whaaaaaat!?!?” Everypony in the party said in unison.  “But… why!?!?” Asked Silver Spoon. “I mean, I guess I just never needed one. I mean, I didn’t need one to tell me I’m good at something, I just worked hard for things and got lucky sometimes.” Everypony continued to stare, their jaws dropped. “Like, I’m pretty happy with my life so far. A while back, I just realized I didn’t need one to continue doing what I liked. I mean, I'm sure most of the ponies here have other things they like to do that aren't related to their cutie mark.” “I can see your point, but… it’s kind of weird.” Twilight thought aloud. The crowded murmured in slight agreement “But Nebula, having a cutie mark is like, your most defining trait!” Applejack butted in. “Well yeah, but pretty sure everypony here’s defined my character by what I’ve done.. Everypony did that when I first came to town. We all did that before we got our cutie marks. We can do the same for these three as they grow and find out who they are.” He said pointing to the three fillies. “Well, yeah, but why didn’t you say anything about it before?” Applejack asked. “No pony asked, nor bought it up, so I didn’t really have a reason to until now. Besides, how do I bring that up? ‘By the way, I don't have a cutie mark!’” He shrugged. “Anyway, I’ve said what I needed to. I’d rather move on from this conversation, as it tends to have an awkward silence as currently shown.” “Do you really think you can be a scientist?” A filly said walking up to Applebloom, breaking the silence. Skystrike inwardly saluted that brave soul. “I wish I could be an artist.” Another filly added, walking up to Applebloom as well. Soon nearly all the fillies huddled around the three new friends and chatted about what they want to be when they grow up, all to Diamond Tiara’s dismay.  Skystrike had a thought. This was the perfect time to escape. If Sweetie Belle’s here, Rarity must be too. If Rarity is here, Stardust most likely tagged along. Twilight is here, so Spike most likely is still at the library. He scanned the room for Stardust, seeing her eating a slice of cake. The two made eye contact as she was mid bite. Skystrike waved the mare over. “We’re escaping.” Skystrike whispered. “We gotta rescue Spike.” “Uh… ok?” Stardust said, finishing her cake and throwing the paper plate away. “I’m also doing this to avoid everypony asking questions. I’d rather wait until later.” “I… have a few questions myself actually…” Stardust admitted. “...You get one question.” Skystrike sighed before walking through the doorway. “Do you even want a cutie mark?” Skystrike thought as he walked. “Well… I wouldn’t say no to one, but it seemed like the only reason ponies want one is because others pressure them to do it since birth essentially. Through my eyes at least.” “Are you sure you can even get one? You don’t have any magic.” “I said one question and you used it.” Skystrike said, walking up the Library’s steps. He knocked on the door. “Coming!” Spike yelled before running down the stairs. He opened the door to see Skystike and Stardust looking down at him. “Oh hey! I’m almost done, come on in.” The dragon said, leading them inside. The three walked inside, the two ponies looking around for a moment. “I’m almost done, just have to finish dusting the shelves!” Spike spoke as he ran across the room to climb up a ladder with a feather duster. “Or I can flap my wings really hard and you can sweep up the dust?” Skystrike offered. The young dragon looked at him for a moment, registering what he said. “A-alright?” He answered, somewhat hesitant. Skystrike flapped his wings hard a few times, the wind generated sending most of the dust in the room up towards the ceiling, before it started falling down around into a small dust pile in the center of the room. “Huh, wings are useful, aren’t they?” Spike said before getting a broom and dust pan. “So, what’re you two here for? Doubt it’s for a book.” “Skystrike said we had to ‘rescue’ you.” Stardust said, making hoof quotations. “Well of course! We never leave comrades behind!” Skystrike said in jest. Also, I got invited to some DJ’s party that starts in like…” He looked at the sun, then the card he got. “3 hours. Figured I’d invite you two.” “Skystrike… I have a confession.” Stardust said, tapping her hooves together. “I can’t dance. “Here’s a trick I always use. Do what you do in confidence, and ponies think you know what you’re doing.” Skystrike chuckled. “Wait, when did you do that?” Stardust asked. “A couple times. Most recent one was when I took on Nightmare Moon myself.” He thought. “You WHAT!? How!?” “Well, I needed to hold her off while Twilight and her friends found the elements. Of course, they didn’t want me to, but I acted with confidence!” He laughed. “No, not that! You took on NIghtmare Moon by yourself, and you’re still alive!?” “Uh… yeah? I mean, to be fair, I think she held back. Plus, she just got back from the moon, so she wasn’t at her prime I don’t think.” He thought aloud. “I-... Ok then....” Stardust said with a sigh.  “Anyway, you two coming?” Skystrike asked, changing the subject. “We don’t have to dance, but I do wanna go since I’ve been invited, plus, the mare looks like she knows what she’s doing.” “I mean, I guess I can…” Stardust agreed hesitantly. “Ok!” Spike said happily. “I’ve been practicing, and I think I’ve been getting better!”  The two ponies looked at Spike in mild surprise. “Can’t wait to see you break it down, my guy.” Skystrike patted Spike on the back. “...Oh, that reminds me, I’m trying to sign you up for school, we just need Twilight’s permission. Evidently, that’ll be the hardest part.” “Wait, I’m going to school?” Spike asked, wide-eyed. “Hopefully. You do need an education, and it’ll be good for you to get to know the kids in town. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but I think it’s a good idea.” “I’m not sure… Twilight never talked about school, since she’d always read books and didn’t have many friends.” Spike chuckled in mild worry. “Well, I went to like 4 different schools, but it’s pretty enjoyable if you make friends with the right ponies. In my case, I wasn’t able to stay in one place long enough to make long lasting friends. I was lucky enough to meet a few here in Ponyville. I think it’s worth it though.” “If you say so. I’ll ask Twilight for permission then!” Spike smiled. “Ask me for permission for what?” Twilight said, opening the door to the Library. “Oh hey, Twilight. Quick question, can Spike go to school?” Skystrike asked overly casually. “...What? I never heard of this!” Twilight stated, somewhat annoyed. “Well yeah, I went and asked Cheerilee before the party today. Nothings confirmed yet, she just gave me this booklet and this form for you to fill out if you agree.” Skystrike said, holding up the two spoken items. “And I can help him with school work and everything if needed, since I am the one that brought it up.” “But this is just too sudden! What if I need help at the library when he’s gone? What if the princess sends me a message? I can’t handle all of this by myself!” “You’ve done fine by yourself when I’ve taken Spike for a while, Celestia can just teleport the message in front of you like she has when Spike wasn’t always with you, and I can help when needed. Besides, he’ll only be gone when the library has customers in it. You mostly have him help clean and organize after the school day is over.” He listed off. “I don’t know why you don’t want him to, and it is your choice at the end of the day. I’d just rather the kid live like a kid, to be honest.” “While I agree with that last statement, you teaching him combat isn’t exactly the best way for a kid to live like a kid.” “...Sooooo is that a yes?” Twilight made a face, then inhaled deeply. She let out a long sigh before looking at Spike. “Do you want to go, Spike? School is a big thing to go into, you know.“ “Yeah! You seemed to enjoy it, and Skystrike did I think.” Spike said excitedly. Twilight gave a small smile before levitating the document from Skystrike and signing it. Twilight levitated it back to Skystrike who grabbed it. “Alright, there. Spike, make sure to behave yourself when you go.” “Ok, Twilight! By the way, do you want to go to a party with me, Stardust, and Skystrike?” Spike asked the mare. “Spike, you know I can’t dance.”  “Skystrike said just be confident and ponies will think you know what you’re doing.” Twilight made eye contact with Skystrike, who smiled under his helmet. “There’s no way I’m going to-” “-that party… wait, we were just at the Library! How did we get here!?” Twilight yelled to Skystrike in the middle of a small crowd over the loud music. “Plot convenience! We need to move the chapter along, plus, the author likes cliches!” Skystrike yelled back. “What!?” “What!? I didn’t say anything!” “Wait, where's Spike!?” Twilight asked. “Oh, he’s breaking it down on the dance floor!” The two looked over to the young dragon busting a move. This kid was going crazy as the crown cheered him on. “Is he break dancing? Damn, he wasn’t kidding about the book! Holy shit, my man did a flip!”  Spike waved Stardust over, who hesitantly joined in. The dragon lead her through the steps, getting her into the rhythm of the music, before busting a move on her own. “Damn, she got the moves too.” Spike and Stardust both looked at Skystrike before grabbing him and pulling him into the middle of the crowd. Spike made a wave go through his body before passing it on to Stardust, who then passed it to Skystrike, who carried it throughout his body before break dancing and doing a couple spins on his head. Finally, he did a flip before moon walking back into the crowd next to Twilight, the crowd cheering around him. “You know…” Skystrike said, slightly huffing. “Dancing is much, much easier when you aren’t wearing heavy armor.” “Since when could you dance like that!? That was honestly impressive!” Twilight asked. “Oh, I learned hoof work from Zecora, and break dancing from Pinkie. Honestly, not going to lie, Pinkie kinda scares me with all she can do.” The two chatted amongst each other for a few moments before Stardust and Spike joined them. “Hey, did you two stretch before dancing?” Skystrike asked. “No? Should I have?” Spike asked. “Eh, you’ll definitely feel it in the morning.” Skystrike chuckled a bit. > Fall Weather Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The few weeks of summer went by pretty fast after that party Skystrike revealed to the town that he didn't have a cutie mark. The weird looks he got from the townsfolk only increased from there. He knew ponies were quick to judge, but this was kind of silly. He did bring it on himself though. However, he didn’t regret it, he made those three fillies feel a bit better about themselves. The past few months, Stardust and Spike have made good progress in their combat training. Stardust hasn’t become better at one thing, per say, but has grown in each field applicable. Her breathing has become better, her reflexes have become sharper, and she’s grown used to using a rapier. What she doesn’t realize is that she relies too much on her weapon. She’ll learn sooner or later. Spike has been doing really well for a baby dragon. He uses the staff more than the Scythe, most likely because he doesn’t want to hurt anypony. Lucky for him, he shouldn’t have to fight anything anytime soon. He’s also been trying to breathe fire better, though that’s going nowhere for him. Skystrike has been working on a couple things of his own. Having all this new free time with settling down in ponyville, he’s been trying to get some new hobbies to- “Skystrike? You alright, darling? You usually aren’t this quiet.” Rarity asked, trotting up behind him on their way to Sweet Apple Acres. Skystrike looked back at Rarity for a minute, Seeing Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Stardust behind him. “It’s… you know, I was about to say it wasn’t important, but it kinda is.” He chuckled to himself before sighing. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve moved to Ponyville, but I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. I… I don't want to rant, but there’s just a lot of work on myself that I need to do.” “What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked. “You can talk to us. We’re your friends after all.” “See, that’s the thing. I keep thinking to myself if I’m really a good friend. I think back to the moments where I’ve said some things in the moment because of my temper, and how that honestly should’ve ruined any friendship I had with them. Like when I told off Rainbow when dealing with the dragon, or when I was yelling at Applejack about not asking for help. Hell, I hit Gilda, and yeah she deserved it, but still” Skystrike scratched the back of his head. “I’ve been trying to work on my temper, but by the time I get that fixed, I’ll probably have lost most of my friends. If I don’t lose friends that way, It’ll probably be because I feel I don’t spend enough time with them, you all included. I just… I don't want to lose my friends... again.” A few moments of silence went by before Skystrike let out a light chuckle. “Heh, and I said I wouldn’t rant, but there I went and did it.” “That’s… quite a bit to take in.” Rarity thought aloud. “I’ll say.” Stardust added. “Look, Sky, I know just hearing ponies say it won’t help much, but just listen.” Pinkie started. “You have been a good friend. Yeah, you’ve said some mean things a few times, but that’s partially why we stay friends with you. You’re the type of pony that will be honest, and sometimes, we need that. No matter how brutal.” “I agree with Pinkie Pie, here. You getting on Rainbow did good in the long run. She does put more thought into what she says.” Rarity added. “Thank you again… by the way.” Fluttershy spoke softly. “And if you want to spend more time with us, you can always ask. We’d be more than happy to.” “...I’d appreciate that.” Skystrike gave a soft smile. “Besides, your temper is funny sometimes! Like when you argued with Spoiled Rich!” Pinkie said, popping up in front of Skystrike. “Heh, that was great, wasn’t it? Thanks, girls. It made me feel a bit better.” Skystrike said as he looked back at them. “By the way, what are we going to Sweet Apple Acres for? “Oh, apparently Applejack and Rainbow Dash are doing an Iron Pony competition. They’re competing against each other to see who’s the best athlete in Ponyville.” Rarity answered before everyone's eyes turned to look at Skystrike. “...Well that’s kinda silly. It’s Skystrike!” Pinkie hopped on Skystrike’s back and pointed at his head. “I think they’re just over hyping it. Most likely some friendly competition. It would be fun to see though.” Skystrike shrugged. “What, you aren’t going to compete? I'm sure they’d let you join in. Maybe you’ll even win.” Stardust said, quickening her pace to his side. “Eh, I dunno. I'm like twice their size, so it wouldn’t exactly be fair. Besides, going off of their builds, they’ll tie, assuming the sports they’ll be doing will be fair.” “What do you mean?” Pinkie tilted her head. “Well, Applejack is obviously stronger than Rainbow, since she’s an earth pony and works on the farm. Rainbow is more agile than Applejack, so the agility courses would be in her favor. And finally, they’re both stubborn.” “You make a fair point, darling.” Rarity said as the group walked through the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. “But you should still join their little competition. It would be amusing to see those two up against you.” “I don’t see why. I’d win anyway, so it wouldn’t really be a competition…” “What?” Rainbow Dash and AJ said in sync as they looked at Skystrike. “Damn, they heard that.” Skystrike said under his breath. “Does that mean you’ll join in, Skystrike?” Spike said, riding on top of Twilight's back. Skystrike looked at the dragon, then to the four behind him, then finally to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, both of whom had a competitive look in their eyes. “If I say no, you two will never let me hear the end of it, so I guess I am.” Skystrike shrugged. “Lucky for you, I came without my armor and in my sweatshirt.” “Let the games begin!” Spike said in excitement, the other ponies cheering.  Skystrike stretched his body for a few moments, waiting for Applejack to start the first course. A few barrels were spread about the sides of a dirt strip. Applejack got into a starting position. “Ready?” Twilight signaled. “Go!” Applejack took off, weaving through the barrels at an impressive speed. She nearly made it to the end before accidentally hitting one of the barrels with her side. “Dang Nabbit!” She said in annoyance as she crossed the finish line. “Time, Spike.” Twilight said as the dragon clicked the stop watch. “Seventeen seconds!” “Wow, that’s pretty good, AJ. Nice job.” Skytrike said, tapping her back. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had her jaw dropped. “I'm just as surprised! That breaks my record for last year's rodeo!”  “But… you get a five second penalty for nudging the barrel.” Spike said to Applejack's dismay. “Aw, shoot.” She sighed as she kicked a rock. “Well, that’s still 22 seconds! Not to shabby!” Rainbow Dash was visibly sweating. “Hey, don't be nervous. Remember, it’s all in good fun.” Applejack nudged Rainbow with her shoulder, the latter of whom then flew off to the starting point. “Ready, set, go!” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash started the course, going much faster than Applejack, as well as not hitting a single barrel. “Sheesh, that was some fancy hoof work there, Rainbow!” Applejack congratulated the mare. Rainbow puffed some air. “Thanks, but I couldn’t have been as fast as you.” ‘Huh, Rainbow being humble. Surprising.” He thought to himself. “Nice job, Rainbow. Didn't expect you to be so quick on your hooves. So, Spike, what was her time?” Spike looked at his stopwatch. “18 seconds!” He said in awe. Skystike trotted over to the starting point. “Yeeah, that’s gonna be hard to beat…” “Hey, like AJ said, it’s all in good fun!” Rainbow said, cheering him on. “Ready? Set. Go!” Twilight said. Skystrike took off at an amazing speed for his size, quickly making it to the finish line, not hitting a single barrel. However, he didn't stop as he wanted to. His failed attempt at planting his feel caused him to start rolling. “WAAAAAAAAAH!” Directly into a tree. “AEGH.” “Sweet Celestia, you ok Skystrike!?” Applejack said, running over to him. “Everything is upside down, but yeah. Should’ve realized that my armor made it easier to stop compared to without it…” Skystrike picked himself up before shaking the dirt off himself. “What was my time?” He asked before sneezing. “Uh… 15 seconds!” “Fifteen!?” Everypony else said in unison.  “...sooo, I won the first course!” Skystrike proclaimed, pumping his hoof into the air. “Yeah, but don’t get used to it.” Applejack said, elbowing his side. “Aww, is somepony a sore loser?” Skystrike teased. The mare turned her head away in mild annoyance. Fluttershy put a “1” on the scoreboard next to a chalk drawn picture of Skystrike. As the day continued, word spread around the town of the ongoing competition. Soon, they had a small crowd on some bleachers watching the three athletes compete. The current challenge was a bucking contest. The pony had to kick a target, and a bell would ring if the pony kicked hard enough. Rainbow Dash went first, being able to hit the bell with relative ease. The crown cheered and threw a few flowers. “Mighty respectable, but let me show you how it’s really done…” Applejack said, confidently walking up to the target. With a swift kick, the target broke, the mallet went up, and the bell shattered, all to the amazement of the cheering crowd. “Years of apple bucking.” Applejack said casually. “Well now I can’t compete…” Skystrike fake pouted. He looked to Fluttershy and Rarity who stood next to him. The three made eye contact.  “What is it, darling?” Rarity asked. Skystrike slowly smirked. “Didn’t think this is what they meant by ‘bucking contest’.” He said to the two. “Wha- NEBULA!” Rarity shouted, her face turning red. “Oh… my…” Fluttershy hid her face with her hooves.  Skystrike was using every ounce of willpower to not ugly laugh. Instead, he began wheezing heavily. “Your faces are priceless!” Pinkie Pie placed a point on the scoreboard for Applejack. “Why… Why me?” Spike asked as he sat on Applejacks back. The goal of this challenge is to try to get Spike off your back the fastest it seems. “Spike, sacrifices must be made in battles like these… I'm sorry, homie.” Skystrike said, chuckling to himself. Before Spike could respond, Applejack began moving around, trying to get him off. Spike held on for dear life, though ultimately, he failed, being flung off into a nearby hay pile. He let out a groan of pain. “Ouch…” Rainbow Dash shook the hay off her, Spike still on her back. “Ready for another pony ride?” “No!” He answered quickly, but not quick enough to get off.  “Ready? Go!” Twilight signaled. Rainbow Dash gave a few short jumps, easily sending Spike into the air, landing on top of the scoreboard.  “Alright, your turn, Skystrike!” Twilight said, starting to go fetch Spike. “Eh… imma pass on this one. Doubt Spike can handle anymore from the looks of him.” He said as Spike let out a loud groan. “What? Don’t wanna lose?” Rainbow Dash said, trying to antagonize him. “Think of it this way, now, we’re all tied, and you wouldn’t have zero points. Also, my back still hurts a bit.” He chuckled The fourth challenge seemed to be lasso tricks. The three athletes stood on opposite ends of a fenced in area, doing some tricks for the crowd. Spike stood unamused in the middle. Rainbow Dash did an attempt to do lasso tricks, but was more just spinning the rope in odd shapes. Skystrike was doing better than he expected, being able to make a simple circle with the lasso, spinning it above him. Applejack, however, made a show of hopping through the circles she spun with her lasso, even catching Spike in the middle with it. ‘Well that was a bit one sided…’ Thought Skystrike, though still clapped for her victory. “How do I always get the short end of the stick?” Spike pouted. So far, the score was 2 for Applejack, with Rainbow Dash and Skystrike tied with one point each. The fifth challenge had the ponies balancing bouncy balls the longest. Applejack fell first, barely able to keep the ball in the air. Skystrike fell second, trying to one up Rainbow by balancing three balls compared to her two. The Sixth had them throwing hay bales as far as they could. Rainbow Dash went first, throwing it just to the edge of the white lines there for measurement. The pegasus flew to the end and stuck her tongue out at the two. Applejack responded by throwing her hay bale past Rainbows, landing it on said mare. Applejack smirked at Skystrike. He huffed before picking the bale up with one hoof, standing on his hind legs and throwing it farther than than both of the mares. All were tied again. The seventh was a hoof wrestling contest. ‘Are they running out of ideas?’ Skystrike asked himself. Rainbow, the winner against Applejack, hesitantly took his hoof before putting all her weight into pushing his hoof down. She was definitely strong, but was nothing compared to his sword arm. Skystrike was in the lead. The eighth challenge had each of them kicking a football as far as they could. Rainbow made a good attempt, nearly passing above the clouds. Applejack, of course, hit the ball above the clouds, making some pegasus ponies sitting on a cloud duck for cover. Skystrike landed the football in the cloud. “I… don't think we count that.” Applejack and Skystrike were tied. The ninth challenge had the ponies jumping through hoops that grew smaller and smaller after the ponies jumped through successfully. Skystrike opted out before the second hoop even came, knowing he’d just get stuck. Applejack and Rainbow Dash kept going for quite a while, though it came to a stop when Applejack got stuck halfway through. “I knew I should’ve warned her.” Pinkie said, appearing next to Skystrike out of nowhere. “WHOA JESUS!” Skystrike yelled in surprise. “...Damn, I should be used to it by now. What do you mean, you should’ve warned her?” “Well duh, she has a fat flank! Are you telling me you never noticed?” Skystrike nearly choked before stabilizing himself. “I will not answer that.” He quickly said as he avoided eye contact with the mare. Pinkie Pie gave a smug grin. “What, are you a flank guy?” “Pinkie, I think you wanna drop this. You think I haven’t noticed?” Skystrike said, looking Pinkie in the eye. Pinkie’s ears folded back as her eyes went wide. “Wh-what do you… Noticed what?” “Pinkie, you, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Stardust and Rainbow have all stared at my flank. You’re the one with the record actually. You aren’t exactly discrete.” Skystrike said as he raised an eyebrow. “Y-you knew?” Pinkie said, taking a few steps back, feeling somewhat tense. “Why didn’t you say anything then? This is embarrassing now!” “What am I supposed to say? ‘Oh hey, I’ve noticed you guys staring at my ass, stop.’ out of nowhere? No matter when I bought it, it would’ve been awkward. Just be glad you’re the only one that knows I know….Also I haven’t said anything since I wanted to see if you girls knew I knew.” He said laughing to himself. Pinkie elbowed him in the ribs, pouting as her face turned red. “Also yes.” Pinkie looked at him with a mix of confusion, surprise, and realization. Skystrike smirked at her widely. “Fillies and Gentlecolts!” Spike began to announce to the crowd. “At the halfway point, our competitors are tied, all having 3 points each!” “Who are you talking to?” Twilight asked Spike in annoyance, looking up from her list.  “Them!” He said, pointing to a majority of Ponyville who’s now at Sweet Apple Acres. “Alright, everypony! The next contest will be a push-up contest!” Spike said as the crowd cheered. “Damn, I hate push-ups.” Skystrike said, walking alongside Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The three ponies got into a starting position. “Go!” Spike said as Twilight began to count the ponies push-ups. “96!....97!...” Twilight continued to count as the strain built on the ponies. Applejack grit her teeth as she struggled to push herself up again. Rainbow Dash had a similar action, her eyes rolling almost rolling back into her head. Skystrike was… still going at his normal pace somehow. The ponies around them looked on in excitement as they knew this part would be ending soon. “98!...99!...” Rainbow Dash used her wings to push herself off the ground for what she hoped to be the last one. “100!” “I win!” Rainbow Dash declared, throwing her hooves into the air. Applejack fell, not being able to push herself back up. “Be a good sport, Applejack…” She said to herself in irritation. “Oi, Twilight, Rainbow, we’re still going.” Skystrike said, waiting for Rainbow Dash to get back down for the 101st. The crowd looked in disbelief at the stallion being able to continue. Rainbow Dash had the same look, yet the beads of sweat falling down her forehead made her hesitate on continuing. “This time, no wings” Whispered to Rainbow Dash, who responded with a gulp. The two standing athletes looked at Twilight, ready to continue. “...101…” She started before Rainbow Dash fell from the strain in her muscles. “Nebula is the winner!” Twilight declared to the crowd, who responded in cheers as Fluttershy flew up a point on the scoreboard for him. The eleventh challenge was a simple long jump. Applejack took the courtesy of going first, jumping and landing about half way into the sand pit at the end. Skystrike went second, landing just barely ahead of Applejack due to his weight. “Damn I’m fat” He chuckled to himself before shaking the sand off his hooves. Applejack and Skystrike looked back to see Rainbow’s jump. She had a look of hesitation, before getting a running start and jumping. She would’ve landed the same distance as Applejack… if not for her slowing her fall and getting a small double jump at the end. Applejack glared daggers at the mare. Skystrike did the same, then looked at Applejack and patted her on the back in condolences. The score was 4-4-3, Applejack being last. The twelfth challenge was not what Skystrike was expecting. The three had to walk through pits of mud with chicks on their back to the mother chickens on the other side. Skystrike assumes that the chicks will jump off if they get mud on them. He balanced the chicks on his back before Twilight called them to start walking.  Skystrike started walking. Thanks to his height, walking through the mud was easier than he initially thought, picking up his hooves and taking long and stable steps. Applejack tried trotting through the mud, but said mud splashed on the chicks, who hopped off onto Rainbow Dash, who was using her wings to keep them well above the mud as she took them to the end of the mud pit. Applejack once again glared at Rainbow Dash. “So… we all got 4 points.” Skystrike stated as he sat on the ground, his forehoofs folded in thought. “...So we're gonna do more or just call it a tie?”  “Ain't no way i'm calling it a tie!” Applejack said, puffing her chest out. “Me neither! I plan on winning this!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “Wait, you girls were serious? I thought we were just having fun doing sport stuff.” Skystrike said, looking at the two mares with a raised brow. “Well, I just got more into it since you said you could beat us easily.” Rainbow replied. “Really? I thought we… Wait, am I the only one not taking this seriously? I actually thought we were just fooling around, being like ‘Ahahah I am strong pony, look at my muscles!’” “Wait, you were holding back?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We’re getting off topic.” Skystrike waved a hoof. “What’ll be the last challenge?” The three thought for a few moments before Skystrike thought of the most generic and obvious answer he could think of. “...Tug of War?” Applejack and Rainbow Dash slowly turned to look at the stallion, realization in their eyes. “Why didn’t we think of this before!?” Stardust said sitting on the bleachers next to Skystrike and the other mares. “I know right!?” Skystrike laughed. The group looked on towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash, both holding the ends of a rope on opposite sides of a mud pit. “...also how come we got so many mud pits? I’ve seen like 10.” “There were only 2 so far.” Twilight stated.  “Called hyperbole, Twilight, but thank you.” Skystrike sighed. “You’re welcome!” Twilight smiled. Skystrike slowly turned to look at Twilight before narrowing his eyes. “...I can't tell if you’re being sarcastic and that worries me.” “Alright, this is the final event! Get ready!” Spike said, taking the group's attention from each other to him. “Ready!? Start!” The two athletes began pulling on the ends of the rope, trying to pull the other into the mud pit below. It was evenly matched for a time, each mare trying their hardest to stop the other from getting the upper hand. However, slowly but surely, Applejack got the upper hand as Rainbow  slowly was dragged towards, and over, the mud pit. The moment she began falling towards the mud pit, the pegasus spread her wings and began flying, pulling the rope, with Applejack on it, above the mud pit. “Dass nnt frr! Ye cnn’t use your wings to hep ye winn!” Applejack attempted to speak with the rope in her mouth. “Huh?” Rainbow Dash held a hoof to her ear. “Yerr cheetin!” Applejack attempted again. “I can’t understand ye with the year mouf!” Applejack opened her mouth to speak, letting go of the rope. “I said! ...uh oh” Applejack had a moment to realize that she got played before falling into the mud pit below. “Heheh, I won by a landslide. Or in your case, mudslide!” Rainbow boasted at Applejack, who was glaring at her through muddied eyes. The ponies around them cheered at her ‘victory’. “I am the iron pony!” “Only because you cheated!” Applejack pointed an accusatory hoof at her. “That, aaaand I haven't gone yet.” Is what Skystrike wanted to say, yet he decided that this probably wasn't the best time. “What!?” Rainbow Dash grew annoyed as she flew down to be eye level with the country pony. “You used your wings to win over half of your points!” Applejack declared. “Sounds like sour apples to me!” “Are you saying you didn’t use your wings?” Applejack raised a brow. “Well… no, but you never said I couldn’t use my wings!” Rainbow Dash put her forehoooves on her hips.  “I didn’t think I NEEDED to tell you to play fair! Heck, Nebula didn’t use his wings!” “Pff, I didn’t even NEED to use my wings to win!” Rainbow stated matter of factly. “Prove it!” “Sure! How?” Rainbow said with a frown. “Well, if we remove the points you won when you used your wings, you’re down… 2 points. 3 if I let you keep using your wings during the push ups part actually.” Skystrike said. “Besides, we would still need a tie breaker between me and AJ if we did remove points, so nothing’s really solved. “How about this? Tomorrow's the annual running of the leaves. I challenge you both, but more Rainbow, race me in it! Winner takes all!” Applejack offered. “Heh, easy smeasy!” Rainbow waved a hoof, beginning to fly away. “Hold on!” Applejack said, pulling the mare out of the sky by her tail “There’s one condition. The point is to RUN. That means no wings!”.  Rainbow bucked Applejack off of her. “No wings? No problem!” The two mares spit in their hooves and shook, before looking at Skystrike to join in. “...I'm not shaking those hooves, that’s disgusting.” “Come on, you chicken?” Rainbow Dash antagonized. “Look, I'm hot, I'm muddy, and I'm sweaty. Rather your spit not be in it too.” “What are ya, Rarity?” Applejack smirked. “I do like to stay relatively clean, yes.” Skystrike said before taking off his sweat soaked sweatshirt. His light grey fur coat was damp with sweat after the day's activities. Skystrike looked at the mares around him who were currently gazing at his toned body. “...why are you all staring? I just talked to Pinkie about this.” He looked to Spike on the bleachers. “Spike, can you pass me my other sweatshirt?” “I… we weren’t- wait, what do you mean you talked to Pinkie Pie about this?” Stardust asked, trying to hide her reddening face along with everypony else. Pinkie turned her head to look at Skystrike, who just smiled back. “I’ll let you tell them when I go home in a few minutes to take a bath. Oooor, do you want me to te-” “NO!” The party pony answered immediately. Skystrike let out a hardy laugh.  “Oh jeez, I can just imagine your faces already.” Skystrike wheezed as Spike walked up and handed him his sweatshirt. “Alright. You guys can come over later if you want, I’m not doing anything. I’ll see you all later.” He said before giving his wings a few practice flaps before flying off towards his house. “You enjoy their suffering, don’t you?” Echo said once they were out of earshot. “AAAAA HAHAHAHA” Skystrike laughed to himself. The sun came over the horizon as Skystrike woke up from his surprisingly restful sleep.In fact, he felt good today. So good in fact, he started his day as any normal pony would. “Do. Do. Dooo. Do. Do. Do Dooo do dooooo I GET UP!” He sang as he hopped out of bed. “That was stupid.” Echo spoke as Skystrike went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. “Yes.” Skytrike agreed as he began brushing his teeth. “Anything I need to know about today?” “It’ll be chilly, so I’d recommend a light coat during the running of the leaves today. We’re low on eggs and lettuce, I recommend doing a market run. Finally, we haven’t seen Zecora in the last few days. I recommend checking on her.” Echo stated, laying on the nightstand where Skystrike left him. After finishing brushing, combing his hair, and washing his face, Skystrike took his helmet off the nightstand, his armor off his armor rack, and his mechanical arm off the wall before putting each on, wincing as he clicked his arm on. “Sss… reattaching nerves never gets easier.” He said through the mild pain. After doing his morning routine: morning workout, breakfast, and a quick patrol of the edge of the Everfree, he waited next to his mailbox. He stood patiently, preparing his will for what could happen today. “Look out below!” A grey mare yelled as she flew at an… alarming speed diagonally downward towards the Stallion. Skystrike stared for a moment before jumping up and catching the mare, slowing her momentum and putting her down gently. “Thank you, Mr. Nebula.” “Lively as ever, eh, Derpy?” Skystrike chuckled. “And please, call me Nebula.” Derpy giggled as she reached into her mailbag, handing Skystrike 5 letters in her mouth. Skystrike took it in his hooves. “Thanks, Derpy.” “No problem, Nebula! It’s what I do.” She smiled before flying off towards what Skystrike assumed to be Fluttershy’s residence. ‘...Is she flying upside down?’ Skystrike thought to himself before shaking the thought out of his head. Skystrike walked into his home, letters in hoof, before sitting on his couch and tearing open the first letter. It was from an unknown sender. He folded open the paper and read aloud the first sentence. “We’ve been trying to reach you on your wagons extended warranty GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!” He yelled as he threw the letter into the fireplace, it turning into ashes. Skystrike sighed as he opened the 2nd letter. “...That’s weird.” He muttered to himself as he saw the symbol of the wonderbolts on the paper. He folded it open to read through it.  Hey, Kid. Long time no talk. Well, more from my end. You’ve been keeping up with the monthly letters huh? To be honest, I haven't had much time to read them all. Still got a few dozen to read through. Realized around the 30th letter I haven't written you anything over the last few years. Figured I’d try it out. Don't really know what to say besides that I’ve been well. Wonderbolts have been as tiring as ever, new recruits need training, and I don't have somepony like you as an example. It’d be nice to see you again. -Spitfire Skystrike smiled, thinking back to his old friend and the short time he spent with her. He should visit. He put Spitfire’s letter to the side before opening the 3rd. “From… some Noble who wants me as their house’s knight. Nope.” He said as he tossed away the letter. Damn Nobles and their Noble stuff. The fourth letter had coupons for the Ponyville Spa. Seems they’re having a discount on steam baths if you come with a group of at least two. The fourth letter was for Stardust. Realizing this, Skystrike set it to the side. Finally, the last letter was in his hooves. He sighed as he opened the last one and read the letter. “Penis enlargement pills for sale aAAAAAAAAAH!” He screamed in rage as he threw the last letter into the fireplace. “Why are these even a THING!? Let me have ONE week with NORMAL MAIL!” “Wha?” Stardust said, rubbing her eyes as she came downstairs, trying to figure out why there was so much noise.  “Bullshit letters that’s what! I don't even OWN a wagon! Also you got a letter.” Skystrike said as he handed Stardust her letter. Stardust rubbed her eyes a bit more as she read the letter. Her eyes went wide as she read further. “Celestia and Luna are coming to Ponyville.” “...I'm not gonna let this ruin my good mood.” Skystrike smiled through the news. “I got a few things to do before the Running of the leaves. I’ll let you go get Spike for the daily routine.” Skystrike said as he looked over himself, making sure he looked good enough to go out. “See you in a bit.” He said before opening the door. Making his way through the entrance of the Everfree Forest and jumping over the patches of poison joke, he walked towards Zecora’s tree root hut, as he liked to call it. The lights were on, and there was a slight smell. Zecora was definitely awake. Skystrike gave 3 knocks to the door. Said door opened inward to reveal the Zebra behind it. “Ah, Skystrike. Good to see you. For you, what can I do?” Zecora said, pulling him into a friendly hug. “I have a couple things to tell you. One, I'm gonna do the running of the leaves, planning on inviting you. Two, come to check up on you, and Three, the princesses are coming to Ponyville.” Zecora stared for a minute, trying to process the last part. “I-” “So, Running of the leaves. Are you up for it?” Zecora thought for a moment before smirking. “I may come for the run, if you’d want to make it more fun.” Skystrike held back the urge to say “Oh my~!” He failed. Zecora playfully punched him in the arm in response. “What do you have in mind?” “Do not fret, just a small bet. The winner can ask the loser one request.” Skystrike looked in confusion for a minute. “That.. that didn’t rhyme?” “I'm putting your brain to the test.” Zecora smiled. “...I feel like that’s cheating, even though we didn’t put any rules in place.” “I just thought I was fine as long as it rhymes.” “I’ll let it pass this time… WAIT OK ME RHYMING ON YOUR SENTENCES DOESN'T COUNT.” Zecora busted into a laughing fit before straightening herself after a few minutes. “So, are you in, or are you chicken?” “...I should get chickens, but yeah, I'm In.” Skystrike was in deep thought as he walked towards the Ponyville market. Zecora was never confident enough to make a bet against him. She has some sort of plan. His best bet is making second, since Zecora definitely plans on winning. ‘Wait… why did I agree?’ The pegasus thought to himself. He didn't even know what to ask of Zecora if he wins… Actually, he should ask for some help making potions.  His train of thought was broken when he realized he was at the entrance of Ponyville’s market. It was as lively as it normally was, the many townsfolk lingering at stalls and buying supplies for the day. As he looked for the stalls he needed, he saw a familiar mare. “Oh hey, it’s Cabbage Patch. How’s it going?” He said, walking up to the green mare’s stall. Said mare looked up from her book she was reading. “Ah, Nebula! Good to see you!” She smiled. “Same to you. How’s life been treating you?” “Good. My little farm just produced it’s harvest, so I’ve got quite a bit to sell. Even better, my ex hasn’t contacted me…. Speaking of, how did you throw him all the way to Cloudsdale?” She tilted her head.” “Oh, I learned it from Pinkie. Well… not learned persay, but I guess her chaotic energy rubbed off on me.” He shrugged. “...Alright then. So, would you like some cabbages?”  “Yes, actually. You’re gonna give me a weird look, but I need like… 30 cabbages.” Cabbage patch nearly fell over after hearing that number. “30!?” “...Yeah?” He answered hesitantly.  “Wha-...I-... What are you going to do with 30 cabbages!?” “...Make some stew? I feel like that’s a normal thing to do with cabbages, right?” “Yes, but it isn't normal to buy 30 of them!” “So you do have 30 cabbages then?” “...Yes.” She answered with a sigh. “Can I buy 30 cabbages then?” “..150 bits.” She said through squinted eyes. Skystrike pulled out a bag of bits and set it on the stall table as Cabbage patch picked up 3 crates and pushed it out the side of the stall. “Thank you, Cabbage patch!” Skystrike said as he picked up the crates and balanced the three on his wings and back. “I’ll see you next time!”  He walked past the next few stalls, and he came across two more familiar faces, one of the ponies calling out to him before he could greet them. “Well howdy, Nebula!” A filly’s voice called out to him in a country accent. Skystrike looked over to see Applebloom and her older brother Big Mac. “Hey Applebloom, hey Big Mac. Doing good?” “Eeeeyup!” Big Mac nodded. “Cool, cool. Now, hear me out.” Skystrike said as he held up a hoof. “Imma need like two barrels of apples.” Applebloom and Big Mac both stared for a moment, processing what he said. “Are...are you serious?” Applebloom asked. “Yeah.” “Bu-... why do you need two barrels of apples?” “...to eat? What else do you do with them?” “But who in their right mind buys 2 barrels of apples!?” “Me? Also I feel Pinkie would probably do that.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac agreed. Skystrike had an odd sense of deja vu. “Look, I already had to deal with this from Cabbage Patch. You got the apples or not?” “Eeeyup.” Big Mac confirmed. “Alright, so how much?” “...100 bits.” Applebloom narrowed her eyes. Skystrike sat a bag of bits on the counter. “Thank you.” Big Mac rolled the barrels over to Skystrike. Meanwhile, Skystrike got some rope from his bag and began tying the crates and barrels together. After tying the last knot he began flying, holding all his  groceries with the rope in his hooves. With a couple flaps, he began lifting the crates and barrels off the ground. “Alright, I’ll see you all later.” Skystrike said before flying towards his house. “Fillies and gentlecolts! Welcome to the annual Running of the leaves!” Pinkie Pie said from a megaphone in a hot air balloon. ‘When did Pinkie get a hot air balloo-... Nevermind, it’s fucking Pinkie.’ Skystrike thought to himself as he looked up at the mare. “This is Pinkie Pie, your official p-eye in the sky announcer! As everypony knows, the run is a very important tradition, for without it, the autumn trees of Equestria would never fall! So get ready, everypony! The running of the leaves will begin in five minutes!” Pinkie said excitedly. Many of the Ponyville participants started to line up at the starting line, a few stretching in preparation. Skystrike slapped his number 34 over where his cutie mark would be and walked up to the starting line himself. He pranced in place for a few moments before stretching, cracking some bones as he did. “Man, I should go to a bone doctor..” He said to himself. “Excuse me! Make way for the iron pony!” Skystrike held in an annoyed sigh. He knew both that voice and that ego. He turned his head to see Rainbow Dash pushing through two ponies. “Iron phony you mean…” Applejack said as the pegasus walked up to her. “So Applejack, you ready to win second place?” Rainbow put emphasis on the ‘second.’ “As ready as you are to win third… maybe fourth.” Skystrike jokes, walking up to the two. “I'm ready to run a good clean race. And what’s that supposed to mean?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Well Zecora challenged me, meaning she has a plan. That being said, I'm probably gonna get second.” “Anyway, you two are not allowed to use your wings!” Applejack glared. “That seems fair, alright.” Skystrike nodded. “Pssh, easy! I can win this race with both wings tied behind my back!” Rainbow gloated. Applejack smirked before pulling out a lasso. “Oh my~ you’re gonna tie her up?” Skystrike laughed. “Shut up, Nebula!” The two mares said in sync as Applejack tied Rainbows wings to her side. “At least now we know we’re racing fair and square!” Applejack said as she tightened the rope. “I hope you will also play fair, else you would lose out.” Zecora said, nudging Skystrike’s side to get his attention. “Well yeah. It’s the Running of the Leaves, not the flying.” A trumpet was heard, telling the participants to get ready for the race to start. “Racers! Please take your positions!” Pinkie said over the mega phone. Skystrike looked over to her to see Spike asking Pinkie to be her co-reporter and climbing in the hot air balloon. Meanwhile, Twilight walked up to the side of Rainbow. “Twilight? You're racing?” Rainbow Dash asked before laughing. “Good one, Twilight!” “Oh, you’re actually racing? Good for you, Twilight.” Skystrike said to the mare. “Thanks! It seems like it’ll be fun!” “But you aren't an athlete! You’re an egghead!” Rainbow Dash said with mild surprise that the book horse was actually racing. “I am NOT! I am well read!” Twilight said matter of factly. “Actually, Twilight, sorry, but you kinda are.” “I am NOT!!” She repeated. “What’s the 8th spell Starswirl the bearded made?” “Magic missile, of course.” She said with pride in her knowledge. She looked back at Skystrike. “You can tell from my helmet but I'm smirking since you just proved my point.” Skystrike said as Twilight sighed. Applejack snickered. “Have you ever… ran a race?” She said through the laughs. Twilight thought for a moment. “Well, no, but I do know a lot about running!” “From a book?” Skystrike asked. “Yes! Several actually!” Skystrike tried his best not to laugh. He failed. So did Rainbow Dash. “Did you read Eggheads guide to running? Did you stretch your eye muscles?” Rainbow chuckled, getting an eye roll from Twilight. “Scoff if you must, Rainbow, but the Running of the leaves is a Ponyville tradition, and I decided I must experience it for myself!” “Well that’s good. Just don't tire yourself out in the first quarter.” Skystrike encouraged. “Yeah, see you at the finish line! Tomorrow!” Rainbow Dash snickered once again, Applejack joining in. Skystrike looked over to Zecora. “So, Zecora, ready?” Zecora finished drinking a sky blue liquid from a flask in her satchel and wiped her mouth with her hoof. “Indeed.” “...You just drank a potion, didnt you?” Skystrike narrowed his eyes. “Indeed. One swiftness to help my fitness.” “...Well that’s cheap, aint it?” “I'm still running. My speed will just be more stunning.” She smirked. “Alright, Ponies! Are you ready?” Pinkie said over the Mega phone before switching with Spike. “Get set… Go!” Everypony began the race with a sprint. Skystrike knew he probably wasn't going to win. He did know, however, he wasn't going to make it easy for Zecora. He began running, sprinting ahead of the other racers with Zecora right on his side. “And they’re off! Nebula is currently in the lead with Zecora hot on his tail! You know, Spike, despite the name, the leaves actually don't do any of the running.” Pinkie said from her balloon. “Wha-... Yes, Pinkie Pie. it’s actually the ponies that cause the leaves to fall!” Spike responded. “Those lazy, lazy leaves!” Skystrike was just barely ahead of Zecora. Damn, she was fast. The golden brown leaves from the trees fell behind them as they ran, more doing so as the large group of racers behind them passed the trees. Slowly but steadily, Zecora and Skystrike grew further and further ahead from the group. Skystrike had no time to think. He knew Zecora was going to have him do something crazy… no, insane even. And he heavily doubted he could win without using his wings. “But this year, it’s more than a race. It’s about the three runners who want to win it. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Nebula.” Pinkie continued. “You know, Pinkie, these three ponies have a bit of a grudge match, trying to prove who’s the most athletic!” Spike commented. “Yes! And Grudge rhymes with fudge!” Pinkie said. “Yes… it does… what?” “And I love fudge and if I eat too much I pudge and I can't budge!” “So… no fudge?” “Ah, no thanks, I had a big breakfast. Now let’s check in on our three most competitive ponies! Applejack, Nebula and Rainbow Dash! With Nebula coming fastest out of the gate, the two mares are tied for third! It was a big surprise with how fast Zecora is.” “Speaking of, where are they?” Spike asked as he looked over the track. “Oh, they’re just past the halfway point… JUST PAST THE HALFWAY POINT!? Holy Guacamole!” Pinkie shouted in surprise. Skystrike had her in the first half, not gonna lie. While Skystrike had a quicker acceleration, Zecora was slightly faster, making this prolonged race ideal for her. Skystrike still continued to try to win. “Oh, what’s this? Nebula is pulling ahead of Zecora, taking that left turn beautifully to gain every inch of space ahead! But Zecora isn't having it, speeding up to pull ahead of him! She’s ahead by a nose! Or a half nose! Or a quarter of a nose!” Pinkie went on as Spike gave an unamused look. “Roughly speaking.” Skystrike was just barely behind Zecora, who was looking back at him with a smirk. Not watching where she was going, her hoof fell into a dip in the road and she tripped. Skystrike slowed down, as to not run over her, before quickly helping her up and running ahead. “And what sportspony ship from Nebula! Helping his rival out when it could’ve won him the race if he didnt!” Pinkie cheered. “While I appreciate your help, the command will not be lighter… welp.” “You just couldn't think of anything that would fit and rhyme with help, could you?” Skystrike raised an eyebrow.” Zecora huffed. “Nebula is once again in the lead, but looks like Zecora is doing her best to catch up!” Spike announced.” “I don't see how ketchup would help here. Maybe in a hotdog eating contest, but I prefer mustard. Maybe some relish. How about you Spike?” “Uhh… I like pickles?” Spike shrugged. Skystrike saw it. The thing. The finish line is way down the road. He saw victory. He was a few paces ahead of Zecora. He just had to make it to that finish line and he’d win. With four words, Skystrike spoke to himself to ensure victory. “Speed.... I am speed.” He said as he ran with all he had.  “And with a sudden burst of speed, Nebula pulls far ahead of Zecora! He’s almost at the finish line! Will he be the iron pony!?” Pinkie said with baited breath. ‘20 feet… 10 feet… Five feet… the ground… what?’ Skystrike thought to himself as he neared the finish line before tripping on a tree root sticking up from the ground. “WAAAAAAAAAAA!” He screamed as he rolled, stopping just before the finish line as Zecora passed him, not being able to stop fast enough to help him.  “And Zecora wins due to an unlucky trip on Nebula’s end!” Spike announced from above. “Nebula, my friend! This isn't the time to meet your end!” Zecora yelled, running back to help Skystrike. Skystrike, face in the ground, put up a hoof and slapped the checkered line he was inches away from.  “And Nebula comes in second!” Pinkie said. “Ahhh wamm… I ere fmm hile..” Skystrike said. “...what?” Zecora asked. Skystrike took his head out of the dirt. “I wanna just lie here for a while” He said as a group of ponies passed by him. Zecora grabbed him by the hoof and pulled him to the side of the track, out of the way of the runners. Skystrike huffed and puffed, trying to fill his lungs with air. “Can I get…*huff* I dunno…*puff* some water?” he asked. “It’s Rainbow Dash! No, it’s Applejack!, no, Rainbow… no, Applejack…” Pinkie flip flopped back and forth between names. Skystrike turned his head to the side, watching the two mares tumble down the final stretch of the track and crossing the finish line before breaking it up. “I won!” Rainbow Dash yelled while catching her breath. “No… I won!” Applejack declared. “I won!” “I won!” “You tied!” Spike said as Pinkie lowered the altitude on her balloon. “For first?” Applejack asked. “For last!” “For last!?” “Then… who won?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight walked up to the two dirt covered ponies, a medal around her neck. “You!?” “Oh, no, but I did get fifth place. Which is rather good for never running a race before!” “What? How is that even possible?” Applejack said, dumbfounded. “You ran so slow! And stopped to look at the scenery!” Rainbow added. “Exactly! I paced myself, just how the book said! Then when all the other ponies got worn out, I sprinted to the finish!” Twilight explained, looking at the ponies tuckered out behind her. “Speaking of sprinted, where’s Nebula?” Twilight asked, looking above the crowd to see his tall figure. “Heeeeey…” Skystrike sighed, putting up a hoof. Zecora came by and put a silver medal around his hoof. “I got second… and a lot of pain in my ears… they burn… is that normal?” “I can't believe it… TWILIGHT beat us!” Rainbow said, not believing it. “Hey… Nice job Twilight…” “Well with all your horsing around, it was quite easy.” She said, matter of factly. “And thank you.” “...You’re right Twilight…” Applejack said as she swirled her hoof in the dirt. “Our behavior today was just terrible.” “Yeah… we weren’t very good sports…” Rainbow lowered her head in shame. “Sounds to me like an important lesson was learned today.” A motherly voice said as the crowd bowed as a large figure walked through. Her head was held high and her wings spread wide as she walked towards the group, Skystrike still lying on the ground, catching his breath. “Princess Celestia!?” The three mares said in shock. “Wait… Princess Luna too?” “Wha- what are you doing here?” Asked Applejack before bowing. “Priceless cholesterol and pinces lua? Am I hearing things right?” The two monarchs looked down at him in confusion and worry. “Nebula… will thou be alright?” Princess Luna walked up to his side. “Are chives? Are chives what?” “Forgive him, princess. He fell earlier, so he may not have the right thought process.” Zecora bowed. “Oh, fell? Yeah, I fell earlier. Bright flash of light happened. Just give me a minute to walk off this hopefully headache…” Skystrike pushed himself to his hooves. “My vision is a bit blurry. What i'm I looking at?” Skystrike rubbed the dirt from his eyes. Celestia and Luna starred in mild worry at him for a while while he stared back, processing the information his eyes gave him. “Oh, it’s the princesses. Hello.” He said, holding his head. Luna gave a small wave, the look of worry never leaving her face. “...Moving on, fall is one of my favorite seasons, so I came to celebrate the running of the leaves with my sister.” Celestia looked at her student and her friends. “I'm sorry you had to see us being a poor sport, princess.” Applejack hung her head. “It’s quite alright Applejack. Anypony can be swept up in the excitement of a competition.” Celestia smiled. “It’s important to remember that friendship is always more important than the competition!” Twilight smiled. “That’s right, Twilight. Now unfortunately since you two were busy tricking each other instead of shaking down trees, many of the lovely trees in Equestria are still covered.” “Well, princess, I bet we can knock 'em down for you lickety split!” Applejack said before looking at Rainbow. “What do you say friend, wanna go for another run?” “I can't wait to stretch my legs.” Rainbow nudged Applejack. “So... does this mean I'm the iron pony?” Skystrike shook the dirt out of his helmet, and most of the headache away. “...Well technically yes, since you won out of the three of you.” Twilight rubbed her chin. “Yeah!” Skystrike cheered early. “But you still lost to Zecora.” Twilight started as Skystrikes eyes went wide. “And I have an idea for ya.” Zecora smirked. “Was there some sort of bet?” Luna asked. “...I may have agreed to do one thing Zecora asks if I lost… which I did.” Skystrike sighed. “Alright, Zecora, what is it?” Zecora pulled him close and whispered into his ear. Skystrike nearly died from hearing it. He looked at Celestia. They made eye contact. Shit. “...So you want me to die? I see how it is.” “You will not die from what comes after. I will, however, die of laughter.” Zecora said, giggling already. “...Nebula.” Celestia looked at him. “Yeah?” “Does the challenge have to do with me or my sister, Luna?” “Yeah…I dont wanna die, but I have to keep my word.” “Don't be silly, my little pony. We May not always get along, but I would never wish harm upon you. Do what you must.” Celestia smiled. Skystrike looked at Celestia, then Luna, then Zecora, then his friends behind him. Then the crowd behind the princesses. He sighed and pulled out his best worst pick up line.  “Damn Celestia, are you an egg? Because I want that sunny side up!” He said with all the confidence he could muster. A few things happened in the next few moments. First, Twilight’s jaw dropped. Then the crowd gasped. Then Zecora, Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack burst out laughing. Then, Celestia’s entire face turned red from embarrassment. The crowd tried their best to not laugh. Many letting out stifled giggles. Finally, Skystrike internally screamed. The ponies laughed for minutes on end as Celestia tried to compose herself. “I… have to admit…” She coughed. “That was probably the most original I’ve heard in thousands of years if it makes you feel better.” Skystrike sighed, the ponies around him still laughing. > Suited for Success > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike opened the door to his house, creaking slightly. After the events of the Falling of the Leaves, and what he assumes is brain damage, he planned to rest for a bit before taking a bath. Planned. Skystrike turned around to the girls, Spike, and the two princesses. “So… why is everypony following me?” He said as he rubbed his eyes. “Oh, um… I was just making sure you were ok…” Fluttershy said from behind her mane. “Same here, darling. You did take quite the fall.” Rarity agreed. “Im here to-” Pinkie started before Skystrike put a hoof on her mouth. “I appreciate the enthusiasm, but please keep it down, Pinkie.” Skystrike groaned as he rubbed his head. “I'm here because I wanted to bake Zecora a ‘Congrats on winning’ cake.” Pinkie said, in her high pitched voice. “Pinkie promised me a cake.” Zecora said. “Applejack and I wanna raid your fridge.” Rainbow Dash said, flying above him. “I need to stay with the princesses.” Stardust spoke from Celestia’s side. “I'm bored.” Spike said from Twilight’s back. “...kids are always honest. And you two?” Skystrike said, looking at the princesses. “We’ve both come for our separate reasons. Could we speak inside?” Celestia asked. “...look, i'm gonna try not to be… as rude as I am, but could it wait until another day.?” Skystrike asked the princess. “It would be more convenient for us if we just spoke today. Otherwise, we’d have to have you come to us.” Skystrike frowned as he thought. “Well I know you didn’t take a train, as you would’ve had your royal guard here with you if you did. Meaning, you more than likely teleported here, am I right?” “...thou are correct.” Luna answered. “So you’re telling me…” Skystrike pointed a hoof at the princesses. “You both have enough magic to move Celestial bodies, but not enough to teleport here again?” The princesses looked at each other as Skystrike continued to look at the two. Celestia returned with a stare of mild annoyance. “As I said, it would me more convenient for us if we just spoke today, as to not waste magic.” “My take away from this is that you’re lazy.” Skystrike glared back. Celestia looked down at him. An awkward silence went by as the two stared at each other. Skystrike sighed. He took off his helmet and rubbed his forehead. “Just tell me before hoof next time.” He said as he turned to walk into his house. Skystrike walked into his home, past the living room and into the kitchen. He grabbed two aprons off the hanger in the corner. One, he threw to Pinkie. The other, he tied around himself. “Alright, Pinkie, bake Zecora’s cake, everyone else, set the table. I’m gonna start cooking… Actually, nevermind helping me, I have a feeling like half of you can't cook.” “...what’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight asked through narrowed eyes. “It means that you have an assistant for a reason, Twilight. You’re welcome to help me cook if you’d like.” Skystrike said as he reached above him and pulled down a couple jars. “Anyone have any allergies? I never asked.” Everyone shook their heads no. “Great. I'm making Chimichurri Portobello Rice and Potato salad. I want something spicy.” He pulled out a sack of potatoes and dumped them into a large pot. He filled it with enough water to cover it and lifted it onto the stove, turning up the heat. “Wait, you can't just drop it like that. Who do you think can't cook?” Twilight said, bringing back up the subject. “Well there’s you, Stardust, then the princesses… Now that I think about it, it’s more like a third of you can't cook.” Skystrike pulled out a bowl from under the kitchen island. After wiping the bowl with a paper towel, he threw in some parsley, cilantro, and garlic. Once those were mixed, he poured in some olive oil and vinegar and began mixing with a whisk. “How’d you figure that? I don't remember telling you I could cook. We’ve only eaten together a couple times, and it was never at my boutique.” Rarity asked as she used her magic to straighten a table cloth she put on the table. Skystrike stopped mixing, the mixture being finished. He dropped onions into a skillet on the stove, letting it brown. He then added vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and pepper to the pan for the potato salad. Then, he got another pot and began making Mexican rice. “Well, Twilight has Spike to cook for her, and since I doubt she’s changed much since we were kids, she probably reads while Spike cooks. Stardust, well I always cook here and she seems the type to roam the cafeteria for food. Rarity has her sister, and wouldn't want her to potentially get hurt while cooking, so she learned to do it herself. Rainbow Dash lives alone, and at some point, she probably realized it’s too expensive to eat out all the time. Applejack, I figured she cooked with her family when Twilight first came to Ponyville. Pinkie, it’s literally her job. Fluttershy, she cooks for her animals.”  “And ourselves?” Luna asked, pointing her hoof between her and her sister.” Skystrike drained the boiled potatoes and set them aside to let them cool. “Oh, easy. The last time I heard either of you cooking was to boost soldier morale on the frontlines for the war against Sombra.” Skystrike set aside his bowl of ingredients and put a skillet on the stove. Dropping in some mushrooms and bell peppers, he salted and peppered them before pouring in the mixture and letting it slowly cook on medium heat. “...well in that case, I guess you’re just MAD rusty.” “...I can't tell if we’re easy to read or if you're just really good at putting pieces together.” Stardust thought aloud. Skystrike scooped the now finished rice out of the pot and put it in the same bowl as the chimichurri mixture and began mixing. “A bit of both, actually. I notice a lot of little things about you all that I don't think any of you realize you do. Helps a lot actually.  Chimichurri is done.” “For example?” Applejack asked as she set the silverware. Skystrike picked up the potatoes and put them into the skillet for the potato salad to heat them. “Potato salad is done, and you, Applejack, dig at the ground with your dominant hoof when you’re nervous.” “And me?” Rarity asked. “You hide a laugh behind a hoof or stutter when you’re uncomfortable.”  “Oh, oh! Do me next time!” Pinkie jumped. “Also, the cake is done!” She smiled. “Your lip twitches when you wanna get angry at somepony but don't show it because you try to make everypony smile.” “You’re quite observant.” Celestia said as she sat down at the table. “It comes in handy. Tells me if I fucked up somewhere in conversations.” He chuckled before beginning to put everyone's servings on their plates. “Why are our servings so big?” Luna asked. “Because you, Celestia and I are much bigger than the average pony, and thus, we need to eat more.” Skystrike said as he untied and hung up his apron. “...Are you calling us fat?” Celestia looked at Skystrike. Skystrike sighed. “Celestia, when have I ever not been straightforward with you? If I wanted to call you fat, one, I’d say it, and two, I’d be much more creative with saying it.” Skystrike said as he took a sip of water. “Besides, sister, we already know it all goes to your rear.” Luna giggled. Skystrike choked on his water as Celestia’s face went red. “Luna!” She said in embarrassment. “ANYWAY, let’s start eating.” Skystrike said as he steadied his breathing and took a bite of his potato salad. He really needed something on his stomach. Yawning and rubbing his eyes with his hoof, he continued eating. “Mmmm…” Luna hummed, taking a bite of her own. “We must say, we are pleasantly surprised by your culinary skills.” “Oh, thanks. I learned from Sister Paprika.” Skystrike said as he took another bite. “Wait, you have a sister?” Rainbow asked, looking up from her plate. “Not biological. I was an orphan, remember?” “Wait, you were an orphan?” Rainbow Dash stopped mid bite. “...Rainbow, don’t tell me you never noticed?” Skystrike looked at her. She avoided eye contact. “Er, well, to be fair, darling, I don't think any of us knew.” Rarity put her hoof up. “Really? I just figured you guys knew and just didn't want to be rude and bring it up.” Skystrike shrugged. “Well I knew. I thought telling them would be something best left to you.” Zecora spoke. “Ok… Well anyway, yeah, I was an orphan. Sister Paprika took me in when I was around 9 or 10. During my stay, I helped with all the cooking, since you know, kids are picky.” “Where was it at? You’ve never really spoken about the places you’ve called home.” Twilight asked. “It was in Canterlot. It was called the Church of the Two Sisters. Good place, just didn't have good funding at the time, so we had to make do with cheap food.” Skystrike sighed as he thought about the past. “Not to mention some of the Noble kids messing with me and the little ones because of our social standing.” “Wait, how old are you?” Rarity asked. “Uh… 23 I think.” Skystrike said after finishing his plate. “23… wait, I was living in Canterlot at that time! We were so close to each other! If only we met a bit earlier…” “We did meet. I met both you and Twilight up there, though I met you later, Rarity.” Skystrike clarified. “We’ve met? I feel like I would’ve remembered if we did.” The unicorn said, trying to think back to her past. “It was brief. I met you and your family at a park. You were having a picnic with your mom and your dad decided to play with me and the other orphans. Cool dude, kinda wanna see him again, see how he’s doing.” “...You have a freakishly good memory. And how’d you meet Twilight?” Rarity asked. “Oh, that’s easy. Celestia put him in magic school with me, so she could watch us both!” Twilight said as she finished her plate. “Can I get another serving?” “She’s right, and go crazy, Twilight.” Skystrike waved a hood. “It wasn't fun being the only pegasus in a school full of unicorns, but it’s whatever. I was only there for a few years anyway.” “So has EVERYPONY met Skystrike but me in the past!?” Pinkie said, putting her hooves on the table. “Oh, well, I met him at the same time as Flutters, up in flight school. It was only for a short while until he said he had to move back to Canterlot.” Rainbow said as she put her hooves behind her head. “I met Skystrike at a summer camp. We were makin’ music. I played the guitar, he sang.” Applejack said after a moment of thought. “Actually Pinkie. I think you know about me, but you just haven't realized. A couple years ago, I worked on a rock farm. They were mining deep into a cave and awoke some monster there. Needed someone to clear it out, so I came. Turns out, there were a lot more than one Graveworm in there. “Wait, you were the one that took care of it!? They sent me letters about you! And what are Grave Worms?” Pinkie tilted her head. “Basically giant scaly worms. Their scales are made from the stone that they eat, and they appear in the shape of gravestones. The fucker decided it wanted to start a nest.” Skystrike shivered. “Wait, I just realized what Applejack said.” Rainbow said, going back on the ever changing subjects of this conversation. “You can sing?” Rainbow asked with a hint of amusement in her voice. “Yeah. I feel I'm average at it. Don’t do it that much though. Why?”  “Well, I don’t think we’ve ever heard you sing.” “That’s because I have not sung yet, silly. I can’t just drop a musical at the drop of a bit like you all do.” He waved a hoof. “That being said, if you want to hear me sing, Naga’s birthday is coming soon.“ “Ooo, it’s Naga’s birthday!? I need to prepare! I need to make her a basilisk sized cake! Speaking of cake…” Pinkie jumped from the table to Skystrike’s oven and pulled out a cake. “Here’s your cake for winning, Zecora!” “Thank you, Pinkie.” Zecora smiled as she set the cake in front of the Zebra. “So when do we get the party invitations!?” Pinkie asked, jumping back to her seat. “Naga said she’d hand them out herself later today.” Skystrike thought aloud. Just then, a tapping on the window was heard. Skystrike looked over to see his pet, Naga, looking in the window expectantly. “Speak of the devil.” Skystrike said as he got up from his seat and opened the window. Naga slithered in before coiling around him in a hug. “Nice seeing you too.” He hugged back. She let go and gave him an invitation to her party. She then slithered around the whole table, handing each pony and dragon an invitation, including the princesses. “Oh, Naga, I never asked. How many ponies are you inviting?” Skystrike asked. Naga made a slow circle motion with the tip of her tail and cooed. “What do you mean anypony that wants to come?” She cooed again, then made a raspy sound by rubbing her scales together. “Oh, so anypony that won’t run away from you?” She hissed and pointed at Skystrike. “What do you mean I need more friends!?” She slapped her tail on the ground. “No, if I wanted more friends, I’d go make some. I don't want to right now.” She hissed once more. “I can make friends, yes. As I said, I don't want to right now though.” Naga turned her head and slithered back out the window. “Wait a minute... when did she learn to write?” Meanwhile, everyone else was looking on, trying not to giggle. “I don't want to hear it.” Skystrike said, mildly annoyed. Anyway, Celestia, Luna, you two wanted to speak with me?” “...Yes, but for our own separate reasons.” Celestia said as she finished her plate.  “Um… should we leave?” Twilight asked, referring to everypony else. “Nah, you should be fine. If it was super important, they would’ve had me come to them… Well, either that or they want something done privately.” Skystrike sat back down and looked at Celestia for confirmation. “It is the latter, we need you to do some things privately.” Celestia nodded. Skystrike pressed a button on the underside of his helmet, it loosening from his neck. The metal creaked as it opened. The pegasus took it off his head and set it on the table, revealing his face, as well as some matted fur around his neck. “Guess it has to be pretty bad if you had to come to me, huh?” He chuckled. “Well, as much as It pains me to admit it, you’re more reliable than most of my guards, despite your… methods.” She grimaced. “There’s a settlement forming in the North-Western part of Equestria on the coast of the North Luna ocean. It’s about 3 days north of Vanhoover. Yesterday, we received word from one of their representatives that a ‘beast’ of sorts was spotted in their forest, eyeing the ponies and their livestock. There have been a confirmed 6 missing out of the 30 or so that went.” “Ok… and why can't you send your Guard? Or some other mercenary? I’ll need more deets on the whole situation.” Skystrike put his elbows on the table and put his forehooves together. “To clarify, Vanhoover is in Count Caesar’s territory, but the ponies sent to start the new settlement were sent by Upper Crust.”  Skystrike sighed. “It’s one of these situations again, isn't it?” “..what do you mean?” “I’ve dealt with nobles before. It’s either Caesar offered help, and Upper Crust feels like his pride was attacked, or Caesar is using this as a chance to prove Upper Crust is incompitent and develop another city. How close am I on the money?” “Nearly spot on. Upper Crust is a very… prideful pony to say the least.” Celestia sighed. “So what, you want me to go in privately and solve the problem to solve this dispute?” Skystrike asked as he leaned back into his chair. “Yes.” Celestia said as she nodded. “Echo, I need info on the local fauna in the area north of Vanhoover. Specify for ones that can fit the term monster.” “Affirmative. Information on the area is limited, so we can only make assumptions. The most likely candidates are: Cragadile, Diamond Dog, Frost troll, Ursa, and if we’re unlucky, a dragon.” “Well SHIT!” Skystrike yelled before quickly calming himself down. “Haaah… Very well, I accept. I’ll leave in a week. I’ll need to prepare.” “Good, but...does your helmet just… store knowledge for you?” Celestia asked. “That’s one of Echo’s functions. He’s more of a second voice of reason for me, in case I’m blinded by emotions or dont think something through.” “You speak of it as if it’s a pony.” Celestia looked at his helmet in mild interest. “I am a sentient construct, yes.” “Construct? You were created by Skystrike here?” “Negative. He discovered me. I know not of my creators. I only know that it is my main objective to assist Skystrike.” “And I appreciate it.” Skystrike said, stopping Echo from revealing more than they needed to know. “Anyway, we need to discuss my reward.” “Yes... of course. I’ll be giving you a large sum of bits, of course.” Celestia nodded. “Yeah, no, Imma need a bit more than some bits, sorry.” Skystrike waved a hoof as Celestia looked at him. “Now, I'm not unreasonable, so I’ll give you some options. I’d like you to fulfill at least three of my asks if I’m going up there.” Everypony looked at him like he was crazy, making demands from the princesses like it was nothing. Celestia glared at him. “...Go on…” “One, Access to all parts of the Royal Library. Two, a scheduled meeting with the Court Magician. Three, Access to the Royal archives. Four, two items of my choosing from the Royal treasury. Five, several of each type of elemental stone. Six, a large magic stone.” He said as he wrote it down on a piece of paper. “That-... wha… you said you were reasonable!” Twilight stood up with her hooves on the table. “How was any of that reasonable!? You’re given a mission by the princess, and you’re making demands!? You can't even USE magic! Why do you need all that magic stuff!?” “Twilight, first off, lower your voice, please. Second, that’s how requests work when on the giving end. When one asks somepony to do something, they must agree to their demands. Third, if you must know… I plan on doing some experiments. Now, Celestia, what do you say?” He said, looking the sun princess in the eyes. “To be quite honest, I find your… ‘requests’ as you put them, quite unreasonable. For the things you’re asking for, It’d make more sense to send the guard. I fail to see how your demands are reasonable.” Celestia explained. “Well, allow me to explain my reasoning, then.” Skystrike started as he took a sip of water. “First, sending a whole squadron of your guard will cause civilians to be more worried than I assume they already are, since multiple ponies have gone missing. Second, amassing the amount of resources, food, water, warmth, etcetera, needed for said squad would cause the Nobles to get suspicious. It’d be much more efficient to send a pony that can take the minimum needed for the mission.” Skystrike continued to write on a sheet of paper. “Third, you’re on a time limit. Either until that whole settlement disappears, or until one of the nobles get fed up and cause some infighting.”  Celestia looked at Skystrike. While reluctant to, she had to agree with him on his points. It would be more efficient to send one Pony, especially somepony used to fighting in unusual conditions. “Then-” Celestia started. “Oh, I'm not done. There’s one more important thing you may have failed to realize.” Skystrike put up a hoof. “...And that is?”  “Well, you said their representative said that there were 6 ponies confirmed missing. Not dead, missing. If they were dead, their bodies would’ve been found, or at least some of their belongings when they went missing. Tartarus, even blood would’ve been a good sign.” Celestia frowned. “And how would my little ponies spilt blood have been a good sign?” “It would’ve meant that there was a struggle, or they’re dead. Not exactly good, but it would be much better compared to the potential hostage situation that this implies. Something out there is either smart enough to bring it’s food back to it’s den to save for later, or smart enough to keep 6 ponies held captive. I assume it’s the latter, as they would’ve reported a metallic smell, the smell of blood.” The word “hostage” rang through everyone's heads as they stared at each other, eyes wide. Celestia looked down in thought. She never even considered a hostage situation. The thought of her little ponies suffering sent a chill up her spine. “Now…” Skystrike continued. “Assuming that what I said is true, that means we can narrow down our list of what I’m going up against. Diamond Dog or Dragon. Since in this scenario, they’re holding multiple ponies hostage, it means I’ll be facing multiple.” Skystrike elaborated before tapping the table to get Celestia’s attention. “You’re sending me to potentially fight several high level threats, to a hostage situation, where I have to both slay my enemies, and save the hostages. In essence, a mission with VERY high demands to meet. That being said, I feel my demands are reasonable, wouldn’t you say?” Celestia tried to gain back her composure. “Yes… I can see why you’ve asked for so much as a reward… I’m amazed you thought so far ahead and so thoroughly off of so little information… We will agree to your terms, on the condition that you save everypony you can and neutralize every threat.”  “Seems fair to me. Today’s monday, so I’ll need time to prepare. I’ll depart Friday morning.” “Sir, will we be coming?” Stardust raised a hoof, referring to herself, Spike, and Zecora. “...What type of dumbass question is that, of course not! Did you miss the whole ‘super dangerous and high stakes’ mission part!?” Is what Skystrikes stare said. What came out of his mouth was a simple “No.” “Aw, come on, Skystrike, we can handle it!” Spike said with way too much confidence. “Spike, you and Stardust can barely handle a warm glass of milk, let alone a posse of dragons.”  “But it’s our chance to prove ourselves! Come on, give us a chance!” Spike pleaded. Skystrike looked at everypony at the table. Twilight was giving him a stare full of daggers. Skystrike sighed, thinking of a way to get out of this. After a moment, he thought of something. “Very well, come outside then. Get your armor and weapons ready. I’ll give you a chance.” “Skystrike, you can't be serious! You can't be thinking of putting Spike in danger!” Twilight shouted in anger. “He’s just a baby!” Fluttershy sided with the unicorn. “He’s like, 10 or something.” Skystrike said walked past Twilight, he gave her a wink. Putting on his helmet and grabbing his two swords, he pushed open the door. Everypony followed behind. “Now…” Skystrike started. “Spike, Stardust, go over there. I’ll explain the rules briefly. All you two have to do is last against me for 10 seconds. Think you can handle that?” He said, glaring at the two. Spike and Stardust both gulped as they nodded and walked over a few feet away from Skystrike. They both drew their weapons, prepared to fight. “Zecora, give us a countdown.” Skystrike sighed. He got onto his hind legs, his armor folding outwards, making a tail for balance and claws to grab his swords, one in each hand. Zecora held her breath. “Three… Two… One… Go!” Spike only took a step forward before a loud boom was heard by everyone present. A wave of dust passed everyone, making them look away. As the dust settled, everyone looked in anticipation to see the outcome of the match. Skystrike stood over his disciples, a blade centimeters away from each of their throats. Spike and Stardust both dropped their weapons and fell backwards. An aura radiated from Skystrike as he stared both of them in the eyes. Stardust began to sweat. The only thing the two could feel was a primal fear. Skystrike sheathed his swords as he got back down on all fours. “Now, what did we learn?” His killing intent began to dissipate. “...That... we aren't ready…” Spike said, looking up at him. “Right. Not yet. Maybe another time, but I make no promises.” Skystrike nodded before helping the two up. “And sorry for scaring you. Didn't mean to scare you that bad.” “Skystrike, darling, was that really necessary?” Rarity asked, a hint of worry in her voice. “Well, no, but it was the quickest way for me to get the point across. I’m going into a situation where stealth and speed are the best options. A prolonged battle will give the enemy time to call for help. Quick, deadly strikes is what’s needed.” “Wait, ignoring that, did you just make a sonic rainboom!?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew to his side, looking behind him. Skystrike turned around to see a blue ring expanding and dissipating as it went farther and farther out. “...Huh, didn’t know I could do that… Well I guess in my case, it’d be a Skyboom… No, that sounds silly…” “Dude, you’re missing the point! You just accelerated at the speed of sound!” Rainbow grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes. “Do you have ANY idea how amazing that is!?” “Not really. I mean, you can probably do it if you try hard enough. It took me years to do that.” “But HOW!?” She pulled his face closer. “I dunno. One day I was just able. Sorry, I don't really know what else to tell you.” Skystrike shrugged. “Oh yeah, Luna, you said you wanted to talk with me right? What for?”  The night princess blinked, realized she was being referred to. “Oh, yes, we do!” “You zoned out, didn’t you?” Skystrike smirked. “...We did not.” Luna lied. “Yes you did.” “What we wish to discuss is more… private than what our sister wished.” Luna said, moving along the conversation. Skystrike stood still and thought for a moment. Before he had the best idea he’s had today. “Ok I guess. This sounds kinda updog though.” “...We must apologize, we are yet to be fully immersed with the modern slang… What is ‘updog’?” Luna tilted her head. “LUNA NO!” Celestia put out a hoof in dismay. Skystrikes smirk turned into a wide, toothy grin as he began laughing. “Nothing much, what’s up with you?” Pinkie Pie snorted. “Hehehehe, He got her! He got the princess!” Pinkie rolled on the ground in a laughing fit. “...Are you proud of yourself?” Luna gave a look of disappointment. “Yes.” Skystrike smiled. “So, anyway, we need to talk alone I’m guessing?” “Yes. We apologize, but you all will have to leave now.” Luna said, referring to the others. “Well girls, you heard the princess. It was nice to see you both, Celestia, Luna.” Twilight said with a bow. “Oh yeah, and thanks for the food, Sky. It was great.” Applejack said, nudging him with her elbow. “Oh, thanks. I’ll see you all later.” Skystike said. His friends began walking down the path to his house. “Well, head back inside. I need to go get something.” The pegasus said, walking back to his armory. Walking past his armor stands, he opened a cupboard and found a small box of pearl white orbs. Taking one of the ball-sized orbs in his hooves, he began walking to the living room where the princesses were waiting. He sat in the chair across from the two. “...And that is?” Celestia asked, referring to the orb. “Oh, this? A little something called a Silent stone. Helps keep eavesdroppers from listening. He said, nodding his head towards the now closed door. The two princesses looked at the door.  “...We are confused, there is nopony there?” Luna looked back at him. “Luna?” Skystrike asked. “Yes?” “Updog.” Skystrike said plainly. A giggle was heard behind the door followed by several shushes. “And that’s why I have the Silent stone.” Skystrike said with a sigh as he twisted the stone. A pale white dome formed around the three, swirling around like a blizzard. “As you can see, it creates a small space around the center where no sound can enter, nor leave. Useful, isn’t it?” “And where did you get these Silent stones? It was to my knowledge that they’re in limited supply, and you can only buy a certain few at a time?” Celestia asked. “I have my ways.” He chuckled. “So, what did you need to talk about, Luna?” Luna sat silent for a moment, thinking of how to say what she needed to. She breathed in deeply. “We’ve noticed that thou hast not been sleeping soundly as of late. The times thou are awake, though have been plagued with nightmares that I cannot save thou from. We find it a blessing if thou sleep at all.” Skystrike blinked. He should’ve expected this talk to be about his nightmares. He sighed. “Well… I have my reasons.” He said as he leaned forward, dropping his joking tone.. “My past hasn’t been… the best one to have.” Luna gulped. “Yes, our sister has told us about thou’s upbringing. We’re sorry about what thou-” “Not that.” Skystrike sighed. “Celestia found me when I was around 10. My… nightmares… are from before we’ve met.” Luna looked at her sister, who returned a look to her. “He hasn’t told me about his adolescence either. It’s a topic he tended to avoid.” “Heh, it still is....” Skystrike gave a nervous laugh.  “Why is that?” Celestia asked. “...Well, a couple of reasons. It was a time in my life where I was never in control… where I was treated as a tool, an item… instead of a sentient being. Just a means to an end.” Skystrike looked at his hoof, clenching it. “I’m plagued by those nightmares nearly everyday. I’ve gotten used to it.” He said sadly.  “...And it made you feel weak?” “Why do you think I try to be so strong?” He asked rhetorically. “I want to be strong so I have the strength to overpower those that used me.” “And thou hasn’t asked for help?” Luna asked. “One, that would be showing weakness, two, innocents would get involved. It’s something I prefer to handle myself.” “There’s no shame in asking your friends for help, Skystrike. Even I ask for help sometimes.” Celestia tried to console him. “Celestia, you don’t know how deep this rabbit hole goes. It’s more than nightmares, than feeling weak. They are the reason I fight.” He explained. “They? Who’s they?” “They-” For a moment, he thought of admitting it. Everything. But something in him, as if instinct, told him not to trust them. At least not yet. “...They are not important yet. Given time, I will tell you. I can’t yet. It would put you in too much danger.” The two sat in silence for a moment, trying to think of who this ‘they’ were. Luna then asked a question. “And can thou not handle them thouselves?” Skystrike thought for a moment. “...Can and should are very different… I can go to them and attempt to defeat them, at the cost of my life, and many others. It wouldn’t be worth the lives of the innocents lost. Right now, I'm gathering resources… buying time.” “It sounds to us like thou hast it planned out.” Luna egged him on. “Somewhat, but not fully. I have another few years before I assume they’ll come for me. Until then, I’ll keep building my strength.” Skytstrike explained. “Even then, I’d estimate it could go either way.” “It’d be an even fight with how strong you are? How powerful are they?” Celestia asked. “...I'm not sure. That’s why I'm uncertain of my chances. I’ll tell you more another time, but we’re getting off topic, and the silent stone is almost out of time… Let me ask this, why do you worry about my dreams? Well, nightmares in this case.” “Ah, yes…” Luna said, clearing her throat. “We’ve noticed during your nightmares, we are not able to interrupt them, let alone enter them.” “Oh, yeah, that’s because I’ve set up a mental barrier.” Skystrike said plainly. Luna stared at him, thinking. “wha- … that means that thou art conscious enough to be lucid dreaming!” “Yes.” “Thou could have stopped the nightmares themselves!” “Yep. I have my reasons as to why I refuse to. Now, why do you want to enter my dreams in the first place?” Skystrike frowned. “...Because it is our duty as the princess of the night to make sure everypony gets a good night's rest.” Luna explained. “Cool, cool, but hear me out. Excuse my harshness, but I didn’t ask you to, nor did you ask me if you could enter my dreams.” He said, a hint of coldness in his voice. “...Will thou allow us into thine dreams?” Luna asked. “I don’t see why not.” Skystrike shrugged as he leaned back in his chair. “...Really? Just like that?” Luna asked, incredulously. “I am a simple stallion. Ask something reasonable, and I’ll probably say yes. I’ll open up my dream when I want though, so stay vigilant on that. Anyhow, the Silence stone’s effect will wear off soon, so I’m gonna say something silly to screw with the others, is that ok?” Skystrike asked, looking at the pale white dome around them slowly fading away. “Go for it.” Celestia waved a hoof. The barrier fell, the silence stone turning a grey color, notifying it’s been used. Skystrike smirked. “And that’s why I'm wanted for grave robbery in 14 territories and 3 seperate countries.” He said loudly. The door burst open. “You W H A T!?” Everypony asked. Skystrike laughed while the princesses giggled. The next day came quickly once the princesses took off back to Canterlot. After his morning routine, Skystrike decided to take a walk through Ponyville. He figured that it’d be a good idea to get around town more, since he only came out for major events. Touring the town, he sat down at a park bench for a small break. Closing his eyes, and letting in the sounds around him, he felt calmed. The Gentle breeze against his fur, the sounds of the trees rustling as the wind went by. Even the sun was the perfect autumn warmth. Nothing could ruin this moment for him. “Well howdy, Nebula!” A filly with a southern accent said. Well… it ended the moment, not ruin it. Skystrike opened his eyes to see three filled. Applejack, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looked up at him. Skystrike leaned forward. “Oh hey, what’re you three doing today?” “Oh, nothing really. We were actually looking for something to do before we found you!” Applebloom said, jumping on the seat next to him. “Yeah, we can't think of anything else.” Scootaloo shrugged. “We’ve already played tag, hide and seek, red light green light, you name it. “Oh, so you’re bored… You know, when I was your age, I sat down and pretended to squish really far away ponies with my hooves.” Skystrike said with a chuckle. “Look, try it with me. It’s more fun if you make sounds while you do it.” Skystrike pointed to a mare walking by in the distance. He put his hooves in front of his eyes and made a squishing sound with his mouth. “Heh, still kinda fun.” The fillies next to him did the same, each trying to make a funnier squishing noise. “Hey, this is kinda fun!” Sweetie Belle giggled. The four sat  together for a while, squishing ponies as they walked by.  “Oh, Nebula, there you are, darling!” Rarity said coming from behind them. “WHOA JESUS! You came out of nowhere.” Skystrike said as he got over his mild shot to turn around and see the mare. “What’s poppin’?” He then looked behind Rarity to see Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “And hello to you two, too.” “Nebula, I have a surprise for you at my boutique!” Rarity smiled. “Oh cool, what is it?” “I… I just said it was a surprise, dear.” “Oh, so a surprise surprise, then. Alright, I guess we’re going then. I’ll chill with you another time, kids.” Skystrike said as he got up and gave each filly a pat on the head. Skystrike walked in with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, all three following Rarity with their eyes closed. “That’s it!” Rarity said in excitement as she led the group with her voice. “Keep them closed! Dont look~!”  Skystrike stood still, eyes closed, trying his best to not fall asleep. He really needed to get some sleep. He felt something furry brush against his hoof, but decided to ignore it for now. “Ok, you can look now!” Rarity squealed. Skystrike opened his eyes, seeing all his pony friends, Stardust included, standing to his right. After looking at them, he looked in front of him to where Rarity was standing next to some clothes she’s made for them. A green and brown cowgirl style dress with boots and crocheted apples placed periodically around it, which he assumed was for Applejack. A blue dress with a large collar and stars near edges and a star hair piece. Probably Twilight’s. A grass green dress with flowers stitched in with a pair of greed vine-like shoes. Fluttershy’s definitely. A rainbow dress that flowed like a waterfall with a headband and shoes of roman design. Rainbow Dash’s. Wait, they got romans here? Ignoring that, he looked at the last three dresses. A pink, white, and blue dress that looked as if it was made from cake, candy canes and candy corn, as well as cute bows in some places. Pinkie Pie’s. There were two dresses left. A navy blue dress with white and sky blue glitter with a necklace in the shape of a star. That’d fit Stardust pretty well. The last dress Skystrike looked at was raven black in color with white circles spread around in a chain-like pattern. It also had a blue under-dress as well as a black jeweled necklace in the shape of his four pointed star. “What do you think of your old duds now, Applejack?” Rarity motioned towards her dress. “Pretty swanky are they not? And Twilight, I made this dress for you and designed each dress to match each ponies specific personality!” Skystrike stared at her. “Oh, it took forever to get to colors right on this one, Rainbow Dash.” She continued as she walked by each dress. “And It turned out beautiful, don't you think? And I know you’re going to LOVE yours, Fluttershy. It just sings spring!” Skystrike continued to stare at the mare. “And Pinkie Pie, look! Pink! Your favorite! Stardust! Yours came out almost on instinct! And Skystrike! The dark colors to contrast your fur, it came out just perfect! Aren't they amazing!?” She looked at the group with a waiting smile. The group stood silent for a moment, staring at their dresses. THEIR dresses. Skystrike has a dress now. He took his eyes off the smiling mare and back to ‘his’ dress, processing the information he was given. “Wow… they’re....” Twilight started. “Yeah, they’re…” Rainbow tried to continue. “They sure are… somethin’.” Applejack gave an awkward smile “Yes!” Twilight pointed to Applejack. “They’re something!” She said as she gave the same smile. “I love something! Something is my favorite!” Pinkie gave a wider awkward smile. “It’s… nice.” Fluttershy pointed her ears down. “I like mine.” Stardust gave an actual smile. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like them?” Rarity asked as Skystrike’s brain crashed andwas currently rebooting. “They’re… very nice!” Twilight said, the awkward smile never leaving her face. “And we’re plum thankful you worked so hard on them!” Applejack smiled. “Mine’s just not as cool as I was imagining!” Rainbow said flatly. Applejack and Twilight glared at the pegasus. Rainbow looked pack at the two before putting up a hoof. “What? She asked.” Skystrike finished rebooting. “At least she’s honest.” “Skystrike, darling, you haven't said anything yet. What’s your take?” Rarity asked. Skystrike sighed and removed the latch keeping his helmet on. He stared at her, letting her see his unamused expression.  “Skystrike… are you… are you alright?” Rarity took an awkward step back.” “Is there some inside joke I'm missing out on?” Skystrike asked with a tone of annoyance. “Wh-... what do you mean?” “What I mean is when I saw this dress, I thought you were going to tell me it was for Zecora or  something, not for me. Why, pray tell, did you make ME a dress?” He said as he stared at Rarity. “Well… I thought you’d like it? It goes with your style fairly well, wouldn't you say?” Rarity gave an awkward smile of her own. “That doesn't answer my question. Why. A. Dress?” He asked, emphasizing each word. “W-well… I… I…” Skystrike’s stare narrowed. “You what?” He said, egging her on. “I… well… you… are into stallions... aren't you?” She asked hesitantly. Skystrike stared. His brow furrowed. “Im not gay, Rarity.” “Skystrike, you know it’s ok to be gay. We aren’t going to judge you.” Twilight tried to reassure him. “The hell? You thought I was- HOW MANY OF YOU THINK IM GAY?” Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash all rose a hoof. Skystrike was about to yell again, but was able to calm himself down. “Elaborate.” He said flatly. “Well… when we’re together, you act… marely?” Twilight said. “...The fuck does marely even mean?” “It means you act like a mare.” Rainbow Dash said. “Like, when you fought Nightmare Moon, or Gilda, or that Ursa Minor. Normally mares are the ones who do the fighting.” “Or when something bad happens, you take charge of the situation.” Twilight added. “Or how you talk to the princess like you’re on equal hoofing.” Fluttershy added more. “Or how you’re good with kids, since I saw you with my sister and her friends earlier today.” Rarity said. Skystrike stared before he realized the mistake he made throughout his whole life in this world. He  never considered gender roles. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Nearly every being with power, political, magical, or otherwise, was female. Then the six to one ratio of mares to stallions. It would make sense that if a stallion did things that mares traditionally did, it would leave some implications. “Wait, y’all’re serious? I thought this was a joke or something.” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “I thought it was obvious he was straight.” “Yeah, it’s pretty obvious when you think about it.” Pinkie added. She pulled a pair of reading glasses and a notepad out of her hair. Putting on the reading glasses, she read what was on the notepad. “Starting with you, Rainbow Dash. If you pay attention to how Skystrike acts, you will notice that he’s the type of pony to do a job solely because nopony else will. At those times, the only one who’d stand up to them was Skystrike.” She spawned a pixie stick and smoked it like a cigar. “Twilight, Skystrike takes charge as he normally plans things out before-hoof. I could tell when he came to Ponyville solely to prepare for Nightmare Moon when she came. Fluttershy, Skystrike knew Celestia since he was a kid, so it makes sense they’re familiar. And Rarity, he was the older sibling at an orphanage. He has to be good with kids.” “Huh, so Pinkie is the smart one. Couldn’t have explained it better myself.” Skystrike nodded. “Plus, he also looks at our plots sometimes.” “Aaaaand I instantly regret coming here.” “Well, it’s only fair. We look at his.” Applejack admitted. “Oh, he knows we look at his.” Pinkie laughed. “He knows!?” Every girl in the room shouted. Skystrike covered his ears. “Well, none of you are exactly discrete.” “...I regret this day a lot” Rainbow Dash said with a blank stare. “Yeah, I think we all do.” Skystrike said matter-of-factly. “So, to alleviate the awkwardness, I’mma dip. I’m also gonna act like none of this happened.” He said as he made his way towards the door. “Call me when you need me.” “Wait!” Applejack stopped him. “So who’s is best?”  Everypony stared, waiting for an answer. Skystrike frowned. “You know, every day, I wake up and ask myself “what am I willing to put up with today?” And you know what? Not fucking this!” He yelled as the mares laughed. A few days passed as Skystrike prepared for his mission. Preparing some potions and solutions with Zecora, as well as sharpening his swords, as well as making some disposable weapons. He decided to take a break from that to check on the now suit that Rarity said she’d make for him. Skystrike just asked for a base, so he could tell her what he’d want on the suit. Currently, he’s meeting with her about said suit. It was raven black in color, with a blue undershirt and a white bow-tie, with white chain pattern running horizontally around each hoof. It also had a pocket square to add a bit of extra fashion to it. “So, it looks good overall. As I expected of somepony of your talent, Rarity.” Skystrike said as he looked himself over, wearing his suit. “Thank you, darling, but you don't seem to be… as ecstatic as I thought you’d be.” Rarity rolled her hoof as she looked for a word. “What would you want to change about it?” “Well…” Skystrike thought it over as he looked in the mirror at his outfit. “I’d like an evening tailcoat, same color, in black worsted barathea wool with matching pleated trousers. With my size, I’d probably need shoulder suspenders. Black silk lapel facings, with a boutonniere-hole on the left side with a stem holder behinds. Three ornamental blue buttons on each breast, four on each sleeve, in the same material. Blue lapel-less waistcoat, cut to line up with the tailcoat, while covering my trousers and waistband. White bowtie, same fabric, with prench cuffs. Patent leather shoes, whole cut, with inner quilting, since we’ll be dancing. Two pairs of blue kidskin gloves, both having my 4-pronged star on the back of them. Keep the chain patterns, I love it. If you don't have the materials for some of that, go with the next best fitting thing, and if you need me to, I can try and draw a sketch.” Rarity stared at him with her jaw ajar. “...What?” Skystrike asked. Rarity whipped some drool about to fall from her mouth. “Well… I must admit, I… like a stallion who knows his way around fashion.” Skystrike looked at Rarity, somewhat surprised. “Huh, well thanks then?” He responded, not exactly sure what to say in this situation. “Anyway, I trust you’ll make me look good with the design. I need to go back to preparing for the mission.” “Alright! I’ll call you back when I finish everypony’s clothes!” Rarity nodded as Skystrike left through the door. Another few days passed by until Skystrike and the rest of his friends were told that their outfits were done. The group entered Rarity’s boutique to look at their outfits. “Ok.” Rarity started with a sigh. “I did exactly as everypony asked, now don't hold back! Let me know what you really think!” She said as she tried to look away from the clothes. Skystrike noticed this, raising an eyebrow, before looking back at the outfits. He first looked at his. He was impressed. It was exactly what he asked for, down to the T. He then decided to glance at the other mare’s dresses. His eyes shrunk in horror at the utter abominations he looked at. Rarity’s cat agreed with him, gagging and swiping at a dress with it’s paws. “It’s exactly what I asked for!” Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie. said in unison. Skystrike looked at Stardust, whose dress was nearly the same as the last time he saw it. They both spoke with their eyes.  “They can't be serious.” Skystrike stared. “I hope not.” Stardust stared back. Rarity let out a sigh of relief as a lot of pressure was off her hooves. “Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight walked up to the mare. Pinkie jumped up to the unicorn happily. “Are you as excited about them as we are? Huh? Huh?? Huh???” “Well…” Rarity said hesitantly. “I’m… happy that you all are happy. I’m just relieved to finally be done.” “Rarity?” Skystrike raised a hoof as the group looked at him. “Are you gonna say what you actually think of this, or can I say it?” Before Rarity could answer, Spike busted in, huffing as he just ran here. “You’re never gonna believe this! You know Hoity Toity?” “The big wig, fashion hot-shot in Canterlot?” Twilight asked. “Yeah! He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I've mentioned it to him. He’s coming here! All the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity!” Spike pointed at said mare. “Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack said in surprise. “You could sell a whole load of dresses to this guy! Your business will be booming!” Rarity gave an awkward smile and an eye twitch as Applejack spoke. The rest of the mares, save for Stardust, congratulated her. “No.” Skystrike said plainly. “...what do you mean no?” Spike asked. “I mean I won't- I CAN’T let you all go out there wearing those...things.” Skystrike seethed. “Aw come on, Rarity worked hard on them. I bet they look-” Spike held his tongue as he looked at the outfits for them before also gagging. “Spike, that’s uncalled for! These outfits look great!” Twilight scolded the dragon. “Yeah, for nightmare night.” Skystrike scoffed. “You’ll look ridiculous going on stage with that, in front of the whole town, tourists, AND Hoitty Toitty. “Skystrike, our outfits don’t look ridiculous! They look great!” Applejack said angrily. “Applejack, I know you ain’t talking when your dress looks like you’re about to do electrical work while SIMULTANEOUSLY telling timmy turner that you own the Dimmsdale dimmadome.” Skysteike pointed at the mare. “Hey, lay off!” Rainbow Dash flew up to him. “Rainbow, do not start. Your dress looks like you put on too much hair gel on your way to Rome.” Skystrike stared her down. “The-... Wh-...” Skystrike tried to find the words to properly explain his frustration. “...You know what? I changed my mind. Go ahead and do the show. If me saying it doesn’t make you see reason, maybe half the town will.” “We’ll show you! We’ll have all of Ponyville in awe of Rarity’s outfits!” Skystrike stared at her, nodded, then left. The evening came as the show was about to start. Ponies gathered around a stage set up in the town center. A cushion was set down for a phthalo bluish grey pony with a light sapphire bluish grey mane with light grey stripes. He straightened his attire before sitting down on the cushion. Skystrike sat next to him. “Oh, so I’m guessing you’re Hoity Toity? Nice to meet you.” Hoity Toity looked to his side to see the stallion talking to him. “Ah, you must be Atlas Nebula.” He nodded at him. “I know you. You caused quite an uproar in Canterlot with that stunt you pulled.” Skystrike chuckled. “Yeah, I bet that would have had my name come out of a few mouths huh? Wish I could say the same about you, but I don’t know too much about fashion. I have visited your boutique in Canterlot though. I must say, you’re pretty creative!” “Why, thank you. I appreciate that! I must say, I’m surprised somepony like you is even interested in my work. No offense, but I expected you to be more… antagonistic.” “None taken. I get it. Kinda set myself up for that, huh?” Skystrike waved a hoof as they both chuckled. “You know, I’m surprised somepony like you cares about a fashion show like this. Figured you’d have other things to do then come to Ponyville.” “Oh, on the contrary. I like seeing up-and-coming designers try and put their hoof in the market. Few of the other ponies in my field would give these ponies a chance. I’d like to see the mare’s work. What was her name? Rarity was it?” “Yeah, her name’s Rarity. And thanks for that. She does try and put her best into the outfits she makes. Under different circumstances, she’d be glad you were here.” Skystrike sighed. “...What do you mean, ‘Under different circumstances?’” Hoity Toity raised an eyebrow as he pulled down his purple reflector shades to look at him. “I don't mean to be ominous, but… I’ll tell you after the show if you don't figure it out by then.” Skystrike said as the stage lights dimmed, signaling the show was about to start. He heard some music play from the surround sound speakers as a voice began to speak. “Since the beginning of time, the elites of Equestria have longed for pony fashion that captured the essence of their very soul.” Spike said from the shadows. “Oh dear fuck.” Skystrike cringed. “Patiently waiting decades… no, CENTURIES, for the perfect pony gown.” “Oh god damn it…” “Today, at long last, Equestria. Your wait is over!” “Damn it Spike, stop hyping it up.” “Let’s hear it, for the breath-taking designs for Ponyville’s very own… Rarity!”  As Spike finished, the stage curtains opened to reveal Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie wearing their outfits. The crowd gasped as they looked at their… “Oh god I didn’t even get a good look at them, what the HELL are those!?” Skystrike thought as he cringed even more. As the five walked to center stage, the on looking ponies watched, and Skytrike got a better look at their design choices. Twilight had a robe of sorts that, to be honest, looked more like a rug, had multiple constellations on it, as well as the sun and moon. To be fair, everything was accurate on it. It did not help, however, that it would look better as a bedsheet. Pinkie Pie… well her outfit definitely suits her. She had yellow ribbons on each hoof, as well as her chest. She also had a blue tu-tu on, and to top it all off, a giant cupcake on her head and balloons as a hair tie on her tail. Applejack. Dear Lord, Applejack. Her dress was a patchwork of red, green, and brown that was held up with overalls. On her hooves were… Are those fucking rainboots? Is that a red 20 gallon hat with an apple buckle? Dear lord. Rainbow Dash had… something on that Skystrike could barely describe, much less process. It was… Roman? In design. EVERYTHING had a rainbow. Rainbow socks, helmet, and chest piece. To add onto all that, there was a cape with a cloud and thunderbolt on it. Fluttershy had… a whole ass nest on her head. Are those quail eggs? She had either a large orange flower or leaves around her neck. Her dress looked like a literal bush with flowers blooming on it. But the most atrocious thing is the damn moss slip-ons. Everypony there had a look of disgust on their face, many gagging or making a face of disgust. Skystrike couldn’t blame them. It was pretty horrific to look at. If he had to describe what he was seeing… “Eugh, it looks like a piled on mish-mash of everything but the kitchen sink!” Hoity Toity said in disgust to the crowd around him, who laughed in return. Yeah, Skystrike couldn’t really blame him. He would’ve preferred the word ‘pain’ but that was pretty spot on too. “It’s a travesty, it’s what it is! Those outfits are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen, oh for shame!” Hoity Toity ranted. “Who is responsible for subjecting our eyes to these horrors!?” He finished as he stomped a hoof. “Not to mention wasting my valuable time…” Spike walked into the spotlight and was about to answer his question, before Stardust quickly pulled him back behind the curtain. “All according to plan.” Skystrike smirked under his mask. He flew up over the stage, getting the crowd's attention. “You thought it was Rarity who made those outfits, BUT IT WAS ME, NEBULA!” The crowd and Hoity Toity gasped at his announcement. “That’s right! I made those outfits! I replaced Rarity’s with mine, mere MOMENTS before they were to get dressed!” He lied, hoping to get the crowd to believe him. “Y’all got P R A N K E D!” He let out a convincing evil laugh as a few ponies in the crowd began to boo him. Soon, others joined in, booing him for the outfits he supposedly made. He continued to antagonize the crowd as his friends watched on in shock. Skystrike made a motion with his hoof signaling them to go back behind the curtains. The five quickly ran behind the curtains before the crowd thought about throwing things. “What’s he doing out there!? Is he trying to get ponies to hate him!?” Rainbow Dash spoke first as she took off her helmet. “Well, no, but he said that it’d be an unwelcome side effect.” Stardust said, letting go of Spike. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “He didn’t even want to be involved in this show, and now he’s… I’m not even sure what he’s doing!” After looking out from the curtains to see the chaos Skystrike caused, Fluttershy spoke. “He’s… he’s being the fall guy.”   Rarity’s ears perked up. “What do you mean?” “From what he’s told me, he knew he couldn’t stop the show in time, and everypony knew Rarity was to make the outfits, so he planned to take the blame for the outfits so Rarity wouldn’t potentially ruin her career.” Stardust sighed. “He also said he didn’t tell anypony else because you’d all be against it. I was against it too, but he was adamant on it.” “But… but he… He doesn’t want ponies to hate him! He talks about how he wants to make friends, not lose them!” Twilight said in confusion and fustration. “I said that to him, and he responded something along the lines of ‘Even if I did make friends, the way I act will make me lose them anyway. It’s no big deal.’ And then chuckled.” “Does he not think about himself at all!?” Twilight asked angrily. “Well, knowing Skystrike, he probably has a plan… Even though that doesn’t change the problem with him….” Applejack rubbed her hoof. “Indeed I do.” Skystrike stated as he walked through the curtains. “Skystrike, sooner or later, we’re gonna have to talk about you and these stunts you pull.” Applejack sighed indignantly. “Later then. So… Here's the plan. You five…” Skystrike put his hooves together, referring to the ones that went on stage. “Are going to explain to Hoity Toity how those weren’t Rarity’s designs. If all goes well, we can do another show with outfits that Rarity is proud of. The last train left already, so he has to be staying somewhere in Ponyville at least for the night.” “And what about you?” Rarity asked. “What about me? I’ll be fine. Sooner or later, rumors will spread, and the ponies of this town will realize that I lied out my flank up there.” Skystrike sighed. “Now, I’m sure you all have a lot to talk about amongst yourselves. I’m going home before anypony vandalizes my house…”   “Why do you always walk away from things like it isn’t your problem!?” Rainbow Dash flew in his face. “You’re the one that causes these things!” Skystrike stared at her for a moment, growing impatient. “Because, Rainbow, it’s not my problem, nor is it up to me to fix the problems that you all cause between each other. Whether it was between you and Applejack during that race, Applejack and her pride during Applebucking season, all of you going for Twilight’s and my ticket, or now, as you held no regard for the original dresses Rarity made and put effort into for you all, the problem lies between yourselves.” He spoke as he stared her down. “I can, however, as your friend, help you fix the problem. So, talk amongst yourselves, figure out how you can stop something like this from happening again, and listen to each other. Rarity did her best on the original dresses to suit each and every one of you the best she could. Just to make you all happy. Don’t let her efforts go to waste. Now, before I come off as more passive aggressive, I’m. Going. Home.” He stated flatly before walking off the stage. After heading to bed for the night, Skystrike woke the next day to some rather interesting news. Good news is, Rainbow Dash flew over to tell him they were able to convince Hoity Toity to come watch the little private show they’re going to have. Just him looking at the outfits Rarity has made. The interesting news… “You want me to join in the show?” He asked the question like it was a joke. “Well of course we do! Rarity made that suit for you to wear, you know.” She answered, then bumped him with her elbow. “Besides, we all want to see you in that suit. Mostly Rarity. She said something about how you’d look ‘absolutely dashing’ in your outfit, and now we all kinda want to see it.” “Eh, that’s fair. Let's go then.” Skystrike sighed as he stepped outside his house. “Last one there owes the winner 5 bits!” Rainbow Dash said quickly before flying off at a rather amazing speed. After a few seconds, Skystrike quickly caught up. “Silly, silly Rainbow…” Skystrike said, flying backwards as he pulled up next to her. “You forget… I’m not wearing my armor!” He laughed before zooming ahead of her. “So, I’ve never done one of these before. Anything special I do besides just… walking out there?” Skystrike said, looking over himself. “Nebula, you’ve been standing back here for a while. All the others have already walked. Just get out there!” Rarity said as she pushed him out onto stage. Skystrike staggered onto stage before quickly straightening himself and walking down the catwalk, not knowing what he was doing at all. However, he pretended to have the one thing he needed here. Confidence. Walking to the end of the catwalk, he stood up straight, puffed his chest out and spread his wings, then turned around, walking back behind the curtains. Hoity Toity, who was gazing at his outfit, clapped his hooves together. “Oh ho ho! Now this is a fashion show! These are some of the most amazing dresses I’ve ever seen!” He said, complementing Rarity. “And that suit, it’s on a whole different tier! I must see who’s responsible, show yourself!” He stood up as he looked around. Rarity illuminated her horn, opening the curtains to show all the outfits she made for her friends, as well as her own dress. Rarity’s dress was a violet pink with golden stripes going horizontally down the dress. The dress also extended to her chest, the sleeves and collar ending with magenta frills. To top it all off, she even made herself a golden tiara with a purple gemstone in the center of it. “I want a crown now.” Skystrike thought to himself. “Oh, Magnifico! Encore!” Hoity Toity clapped again as he cheered. “Oh thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!” Rarity squealed with glee.  After the show ended, the group began to clean everything up. Turning on the lights, Twilight writing a letter to Celestia, most of the mares looking at Skystrike… “You know, you REALLY clean up well.” Applejack smirked. “Yeah, I thought I’d laugh when I saw you, but I’ll admit, you look nice.” Rainbow Dash said, flying over him. “You even used the right stitch.” Fluttershy added. “It was kinda hot.” Twilight blurted without thinking. Everyone stared at her. Twilight recoiled, realizing what she said. Skystrike was gripping his helmet trying not to laugh. “Imma ignore that.” He said through stifled laughter before calming down and finishing his sentence. “I’m still surprised this all worked. Didn’t expect him to stay… Also, Rainbow, just want to say, sorry that I came off as… aggressive yesterday.” “Oh, well, thanks. Don’t worry too much about it. You were kinda right.” Rainbow sighed. “She put all that effort into these dresses to make us happy… And we asked for more, which ended up making her unhappy… and almost ruining her career…” She said as she looked to the side.  “Well hey, at least we all learned something.” Skystrike said as he loosened his bow-tie.” “Wait, what did you learn?” Applejack asked. “Apparently I’m hotter than I thought, and Twilight is still socially awkward.” > Tell me, how does one... "Party"? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Happy Birthday, Naga!" Skystrike said, walking into the basalisk's cave. "It's the big day! Pinkie Pie said she's setting up the party, and Rarity is finishing your clothes!" He continued to call out to her as he walked deeper in. Turning a corner, he gazed upon Naga constricting a rather large Manticore in preperation for her meal. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to interupt..." Skystrike said as he stopped in place. The Manticore fell lifeless from strangulation before Naga swallowed it whole. Once finished, she gave a friendly chirp to Skystrike before slithering onto her rather large nest. The pegasus flew over and layed beside the tamed beast. "So, I assume you had a good meal. I can't cook you anything with meat, since, you know, we'll have guest over. I do hope you'll like the clothes Rarity is finishing for you... Well, not really sure if it counts as clothes, since it's kinda a long sleeve." Skystrike scratched his chin. Naga cooed and rubbed her head against him. Her scales were surprisingly smooth. "Oh yeah, so any idea how many ponies are even coming?" Skystrike asked. She clicked her tounge 3 times. "Around thirty? Damn, you're more popular than I thought." He looked at her in surprise. "...I wonder what it'll take for you to be the town mascot..." He spoke to himself. "Anyhow, your clothes will be here in a few hours. Rarity said she'll be done around 3 p.m. Naga nodded and wrapped the tip of her tail around Skystrike, picking him up and nuzzling him. "Hey, careful! Static fric-... OW! Mother fucker!" he said as his hoof was shocked as he went to push himself off of her. "Damn... you lucky I like you." He said as he shook his hoof. "Anyway. I'll let you rest. I need to go check up on some stuff. I told Rarity the way here. She and Fluttershy will come by with your clothes." Skystrike said as Naga put him down. Naga nodded before curling up, ready to take a nap. "Alright, I'll see you later." Skystrike walked out of Naga's cave and began making his way towards Zecora's hut, just to double check everything the two made in preperation for his trip. He was about to take off into the air before realizing that the Everfree Forest is nearly pitch black on the inside. There was no chance he would see her hut from above. Deciding to stay on the path, he walked deeper into the Everfree, following the path and making sure to not touch any poisin joke. Even armored, he didn't want to test his luck. After a few minutes, he stopped in front of the Zebras house and knocked on her door. After a moment, Zecora swung open the door to greet Skystrike. "Greetings, my friend. It is nice to see you again." Zecora smiled at him. "...That barely rhymes... Anyway, just came to chat and check up on the stuff for the mission tomorrow. So, how's it going?" Skystrike asked as Zecora stepped to the side to let him in. "I am doing well, my friend. Just writing some things down, I have a letter to send." She answered. "Oh, cool. Where to? Your lover~?" He teased. Zecora turned to look at him. "Skystrike, do you remember how we met?" A younger Skystrike made his way towards Horseshoe Bay. He decided to take a break from his travels in Baltimare. He wore the same helmet, however he wore light armor compared to his current heavy armor. He wore silver boots on his hooves and a silver chest plate, allowing for greater mobility for a coming mission he had to do. But he didn't want to think about that. Right now, he wanted to relax, listen to the sound of the waves crashing agains the docks. Walking by the many crates and ponies running on the dock, something caught his eye. A zebra walked down the ramp of a docked ship, large saddlebags on each of her sides. She walked in Skystrike's direction, not paying attention to where she was going as she had a book in her hoof. "Huh, first Zebra I've seen in this world. Neat." He thought to himself. He looked away towards the waves, deciding to take in the view of the ocean. He sat in silence for a moment before something bumped into his side. Out of the corner of his eye, something was about to fall into the water below. On instinct, he leaned out to, and thankfully did, catch it. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you, twas an act of folly!" The zebra apologized. Skystrike took a look at the object he caught. A book on magic. "Don't worry about it. So, what's a zebra like yourself doing in Equestria? And on top of that, studying magic?" He asked, handing the book back to the zebra. She took the book back then looked at Skystrike. "Well, for both of those questions, the answer is the same. To study and harness magic is my game." "Huh... interesting. Never figured anypony other than a unicorn would want to harness magic." He smiled. "Seems we have similar goals. I actually travel around from place to place, gathering magical artifacts myself." The Zebras eyes lit up in interest. "Would it be too much to ask to come with you? In this new country, I've much to learn and do." "Really? Figured you'd have somepony waiting for you here..." He said as he thought. "...You sure? It'll be pretty dangerous, and my group is quite diverse to say the least." "I am sure." She answered as she put out a hoof. "I'm quite excited at the thought of adventure." Skystrike took her hoof and shook it. "Well, welcome to All. You'll fit right in. What's your name?" "Zecora." "And then you screamed like a banshee as soon as you saw Tethys." He laughed. Zecora giggled thinking back to that moment. "Well, I ask the question because I've been thinking. And to be honest, it's been giving me a feeling that's sinking." Skystrike processed what he heard for a moment. "Oh... well, what's up?" Zecora leaned over her cauldron. "When I met you as a youth, I didn't tell you the whole truth. I came to Equestria not only to study magic. There is more, quite sad, yet not quite tragic." She stared at the cooling liquid before continuing. "I came to Equestria to escape my past. Though, by leaving, the relationships I had did not last. My... friends, if I could call them that, did not support my goal. They thought of it as just the ramblings of a naive foal. When I came to this country, I expected hostility. But when you came and offered me an opportunity, I was happy that somepony gave me a chance. One who didn't find my dream silly." Zecora turned to face Skystrike. "For that, I must say thank you." Skystrike looked at her for a moment before responding. "Well, you're welcome, Zecora. I don't feel like I did that much, but I see it was a huge impact on you." He smiled at her. "...But since we're admitting stuff, I need to come clean about something. Sorry to ruin the mood, but this mission gives me a bad feeling. It's like... it came at too convenient of a time. Like something planned for me to come." "Are you sure you aren't being paranoid?" "There have been very few times where a gut feeling of mine has been wrong. I don't mean to worry you, but... For this mission, I'm not 100% confident I'll come back alive." He sighed. Zecora's eyes went wide. "Wha-" "That being said, I have no intention of dying. So, if I come back, everything will be fine, I'll be able to get stronger, and it'll be the good ending of this chapter... But if I fall... if somehow I die there..." He pulled out a book from his saddle bag. The cover was raven black with a picture of his iconic four pointed star on it. To add to it, there was a lock keeping it from being openned. "I'll leave this to you. This is my diary. Every day I've been in this world, I've wrote down what happened. From the friends I made, to the friends I lost, to every emotion I've felt, everything is in here." He pushed the book into her chest. Zecora put a hoof over his as Skystrike continued talking. "Whether you decide to read it or not is up to you. That book will tell you who... no, what I really am. Zecora, over the years we've known each other, you are one of the few ponies... well Zebras... beings, I can say with certainty I trust. I'll trust whatever decision you make on that. If I die, I ask you to share what's in there with all my friends, as well as the princesses. If I come back, I ask you keep what's in there a secret for now. I know this is a fuck ton to take in, so ask any questions that come to mind." Zecora stared at him for a moment before sitting on the floor and thinking of which question to ask first. Time went by in silence, nearly 10 minutes, before she started her questions. "...You said 'what you really are', so I suppose I have to ask, what is under that figurative mask?" "I am..." He began, trying to say what he wanted. But something in him, compelled him... no, Ordered him to not answer it. At least not directly. "...While I do look like this, I am not a pony. I am also not a changeling. I'm sorry, I wish I can tell you more. I don't know why, but I just can't. I promise you, the answer to that question is in that book." Zecora thought on the answer he gave. Something wouldn't let him answer fully, yet would let him give enough information to keep her guessing. "So, direct questions would do me no good. This will not be as easy as it should." She spoke to herself. "Then let me ask this, when did you plan to tell anypony about this?" "Originally? Never. I hoped to live my life in quiet. I've done a pretty good job so far, as you're one of the few to know about this hidden part of me. But after the last mission a few years ago, and this next one, there's no garuntee that we'll live to see the next day. I needed to tell someone before death... sticks." He admitted. "I'm sorry. While I haven't been entirely truthful with you, know that I've never lied out of malice. I have to admit that if Celestia never came to me for the mission last week, I'd probably wouldn't told you this." "Is the trust you have in your friends so little?" Zecora asked, somewhat hurt. "No. However, the fear I keep hidden is very large." Zecora was about to ask him to elaborate, but figured it'd be best to ask another time. She decided to go with one of her original questions. "You said you weren't a pony or a changeling, yet you can change your appearance. Does this mean you are involved with the insect race?" "I am... well was. They took me in as a child, noticed my combat prowess, and let me help around the hive. Once I was there long enough, I was sent to 'infiltrate'." He said making hoof quotation marks. "But in actuality, they wanted to give me an excuse to live for myself and not for the hive. After a while... something... happened." He said with a pained voice. "...Someone I loved was lost, and her death was blamed on me. While not all agreed with the decision, the princess, now queen of the changeling hive, banished me." "And when was this?" "I was 17... so almost three years before I met you." He answered. Zecora thought for a moment before asking her next question. "So then, why did you fake your death?" Skystrike stood silently for a moment, thinking of what words to use. "...I felt that I put too many ponies in danger, and the only way I saw was to take myself out of the equation. They, my enemies, went after my friends to get to me. So far, it's been working." Zecora was about to ask another question, then realized the answer was probably in the book. She had just one question left. "Where is the key?" "Remember what I'm about to say. It's not a physical key, it's a phrase you have to say." He said as Zecora nodded. "In darkest day, in brightest night, stow your fear, show your might. Beware your fears made into light. Do not falter, do what is right." He finished. The lock on the book shined a white light before seemingly disintegrating. "Sounds kinda silly I guess, but it helps keep me going. If you don't mind, I have a few more things to do before Naga's party and the mission tomorrow. I'm gonna go ahead and take the potions and vials for the trip. I'll see you at the party." Skystrike said before leaving rather quickly. He closed the door behind him, trying to think of this feeling he felt. While he felt this was the right thing to do, he was still worried. About how Zecora will react. About how his life could... would change once he came back from the mission. Will Zecora still want to be his friend? Will any of the beings he's met want to? There's no plan for him to fall back on. Will he have to change his identity again? He felt... "Your heightened heart rate and change in breathing patterns signals to me that you're nervous." Echo spoke suddenly, startling Skystrike. "Dude you need a notification sound or something. But yeah, I guess I am nervous." He sighed. "So, what do you plan to do?" Skystrike thought hard about it hard as he walked through the Everfree. "I... don't know... about Zecora when I come back I mean. I need to learn some things about myself first." "Elaborate." "Well..." Skystrike started. "First, I need to figure out why I can't just say out right that I'm human... Actually, not that I think on it, I could only say I'm human to changelings. Well, maybe not just changelings... maybe just beings who's seen me as a human. Second, I need to figure out how to run some tests on myself. I've noticed some thing about the way I think and act that I don't quite like, and I'd rather not ignore it for much longer. Figured that it was just hormones as a teenager. It's like... my first instinct is to say something mean and nasty, so I have to think about what I'm going to say all the time." "Your assumptions on your first statement is accurate. You have been..." The overlay in Skystrike's helmet flashed red before a word showed up, blocking his view. REDACTED "I am not able to clarify, I am sorry. As for your second statement, I will run some test to get the results you desire. I am not able to clarify." He repeated. Skystrike, understandably, was seconds away from a panic attack. The only thing stopping him from doing so was the sheer amount of questions he had to think about. Not even all of them were questions, just... random thoughts, one on top of the other, each trying to overpower eachother. But one question came out on top. What does it mean by "redacted?" This was the first time Echo was cut off, and to top it off, while talking to Skystrike. It means that his access was updated in real time. This meant one of two things. They're blocking the data as they're trying to access it. Or he's being watched. Correction: He's been watched for quite some time, he's just now aware of it. "How long... no, it couldn't have been too long... I was able to ask about similar things before, so it had to have been recently... Echo they had to update you. They HAD to, we crossed dimensions. Can you trace the signal?" "Affirmative." He said after a moment. "The origin is from the northern mountain range bordering the former Crystal Empire... This is a cause for concern. The signal originates-" "From the same settlement that village is located." Skystrike finished. "So... this is a setup... I knew this came at too opportune of a time." He frowned. "Celestia better pray to whatever god she believes in, because if I find out she's involved, I will make Nightmare moon seem like a folk tale. "While the probability is non-zero, I do not believe she is involved. This would imply two scenarios. She's trying to kill you, or she knows you're human. The second scenario is near impossible. The first scenario, is indeed probable." Echo stated flatly. "...Well, the stakes have been raised even more... Echo, let's do a little more prep-work." Skystrike said through gritted teeth. He now has a new objective: Don't become the hunted. Naga's party came fast. Too fast. Skystrike was still nervous over the new information he got. He decided to put on the suit that Rarity made him for the gala. He straightened his tie as he looked into the mirror. "You can do this, just stay calm... no need to go crazy... keep your composure." He spoke to himself. He tried to keep a steady breathing pattern. Emphasis on tried. He was failing. "Skystrike?" Stardust knocked on the door to his room. "You've been acting strange since you came back from the Forest." She stated with mild worry. "Did something happen?" While he didn't want to lie, he couldn't exactly tell her that yes, something in fact did happen. So, he went for the next best option. "Eeeeh, yeah, got some no info im not exactly over the moon for. Shit is gonna go down when I go up north to do my mission, so yeah." He ended with a sigh. "Are... are you going to come back?" Stardust asked, somewhat worried. "More than likely. I don't plan on dying. It's just... a lot of old wounds are going to open back up." Stardust stood on the other side of the door in silence for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "...Skystrike... I don't know if this'll help any, but... somepony taught me a while ago that worrying now over something you can't control can only worsen the outcome. I know it doesn't mean much... but just... deal with the blows as they come for you. Thinking on it too much won't help much." "I... huh... I guess some of that is true." He said. "No point in worrying over something I can't control... just try and make the best of what I got in the moment... Thanks, Stardust." "Sir... can I ask you something kind of personal?" Stardust asked hesitantly. "Sure, go for it." "Why do you do so much for others, even if it hurts you in the end?" Skystrike thought of what words to use before answering. "Because it is the duty of the strong to help those weaker. Those who are strong and who bully those who are weaker because they can are tyrants. I also do it to set an example. If you believe in your ideals enough, you should have the resolve to stand by them in times of danger. And finally, because I know that if I don't do it, few others, if any, will." He said as he finished brushing his hair and stepped outside his room. "Is that a sufficient answer?" "Yes, thank you, Skystrike." She smiled at him. "You know, that suit fits your helmet surprisingly well." "Ahaha thanks. Anyway, how many ponies are here for Naga's party so far?" "Oh, uh... about forty ponies." Stardust answered. "Forty!?" Skystrike yelled in surprise. "I new Naga was popular, but D A M N!" "Yeah, I was surprised too after the tenth pony. Also, Pinkie went pretty crazy with the party, too. Don't ask me where she got the ice sculpture of Naga." Skystrike stared in disbelief before walking over to the window, opening it, and looking at an admittedly well carved 20 foot sculpture of Naga. "How the hell... You know what? Fuck it. I should know not to question Pinkie Pie." He monochromed before closing the window. "Welp, imma head out." "Alright, let me go look presentable." Stardust said before walking down the hall to her room. "That was kinda a weird question." He thought to himself before going through his front door. He was only able to get a few steps out the door before Pinkie Pie appeared from behind him. "HEYA!" "WHOA JESUS!!" Skystrike shouted in suprise. "No, it's Pinkie." "How do you even do that? Just... appearing like that?" Skystrike asked genuienly. "Silly Neby!" She pulled out a top hat from her mane. "A magician never reveals he secrets." "I'm gonna get you to tell me one of these days..." He said under his breath. "Also, where'd you get a life sized ice sculpture of Naga?" "From my freezer, silly!" She beamed. "I-" He began before rubbing ridge of his nose. "Ok..." He said with a sigh. "So, magic mare, how's everything going?" "Good so far! Naga is enjoying all her friends being here. I've just been mingling, and everypony is having a good time." "Honestly, I'm still surprised that Naga got forty ponies to come." He said. "Oh, it's 57 now." Pinkie said as Skystrike's eyes went wide. "I can name them all. I know everypony! There's-" Skystrike put a hoof over her mouth. "The offer is appreciated, however, no need." He said before removing his hoof. "I wonder how she got so many ponies to come... Actually, I'll just ask some ponies. Hey Pinkie-" He was about to ask her something only to realize that she was no longer where she was next to him a litteral second ago, but was instead standing on top of the ice scuplture. "...Fuckin..." He sighed as he started walking towards the food and drinks layed out on the tables. He was about to reach for the punch before he realized two things. One, he deserves to loosen up a little bit. Two, he ain't no weak ass. He poured himself a large glass from a bowl labled "Amaretto Sour". This might be a bad idea, but he's had worse before. He took a sip, then a few gulps. It tasted good. He decided to try and talk to some ponies. Lucky for him, he was able to see a familiar face. "Hey Mayor Mare. Long time no see. How've you been?" He asked the mare. The mayor turned from her group to look at him. "Ah, Mr. Nebula. I was wondering when you would show up. I've been well. And you?" Mayor Mare asked. "Eh, pretty good so far. Was stressing a bit earlier, but trying to let loose a bit." He admitted. "Will you be alright? If I can do anything as mayor, just ask." "Heh, I appreciate the offer, but I should be fine." He said in a thankful tone. "So, I see you didn't come alone. Who are these two?" He motioned to the mare and stallion behind her. The stallion had a greyish amber coat and brown mane, while the shorter mare had a light grey coat and a brownish grey mane up in a bun. "Ah, my apologies. The stallion here is Time Turner, our treasurer, and the mare is Raven Inkwell, my secretary." She introduced her colleagues. "Good evening." Time Turner nodded. "A pleasure." Raven waved. "So, mind me asking how you all came to know Naga? I'm surprised she knew this many ponies, and how she made good relationships apparently." Skystrike asked. "Oh, well, the first time she came to town hall, we didn't let her in, but then she started leaving these cool little geodes at our doorstep every once in a while." Time Turner smiled. "After that, she came by bidaily and we have a little routine. She comes by for tea and cookies, and we have a good 30 minute break time chatting." "Yeah, it's really nice." Raven nodded. "I have a geode as a decoration on my desk, and she also helped me find my clipboard one time. She's a lot smarter than your average animal. She even knows how to communicate through pictures and body motions. It's quite funny to see her spell out words with her body." She ended with a giggle. "...Huh, I never knew she did all that. I wonder how she gets by without me or anypony seeing her." Skystrike wondered alound. "Well, from what I was able to gather from her charades, she made tunnels under Ponyville? I think thats what she meant... It seems kind of dangerous, so I wanted to ask you about it?" Mayor Mare pushed Skystrike for info. "Oh, don't worry about that. Digging tunnels that dont colapse is second nature for her. I'll tell her not to dig anymore through town." He reasurred. "Hopefully they aren't too close to the surface." "Uh, well I think they're pretty deep. We dont hear her comming until she's already there." Time Turner clarified. "Oh, then it should be fine." He waved it off, then noticed that Naga was coming towards him with Pinkie and Rarity riding on her head. Skystrike was going to say hi, but was taken back by Rarity's and Naga's matching outfits. "So... any reason why you're both wearing virgin killer sweaters?" He asked, motioning to Rarity's black sweater and Naga's white. "Well, hear me out darling, it was her idea." Rarity pointed to Naga. Skystrike flapped his wings to get eye level with Naga. "Ayo Naga?" Skystrike said, making Naga straighten in attention. "Dab me up!" He said as he drew his hoof back. Naga responded, making the same motion with her tail before the two swung their limbs forward, hoof meeting tail. "My girl!" He said, the two exchanging a nod and a laugh. "Wh- you two planned this!?" Rarity asked in disbelief. "Oh, no, we just have similar taste." Skystrike explained with a laugh. Naga nodded. "Besides, all guys like virgin killers." Mayor Mare and Raven blinked before turning to Time Turner. Time Turner knew what their next question would be. "I won't answer that." "My man!" Skystrike pointed at Time Turner and laughed. "Aaah, man, this party is already great." Naga grabbed Skystrike with her mouth and picked him up to show him to her friends. Like a trophy. "Alright, we'll talk later I guess." He waved bye to the three. Naga happily carried him to her other friends, Rarity and Pinkie in tow. She was about to set Skystrike down before she paused. Something's wrong... he could feel it. "...You're gonna throw me, huh?" He asked Naga. She responded with throwing him into the air. Skystrike spread his wings to stable himself so he wouldnt go completely flying. After doing a few front flips, Skystrike landed, still holding his drink. He sighed as he closed his eyes and chugged. "Sweet Celestia, Nebula, slow down!" Pinkie took the glass from his hoof. "Come on, I need to let loose a bit. Besides, it's my first glass." Skystrike waved a hoof. "Nebula, you gotta drink responsibly!" "Pinkie, I weigh almost 300 pounds. I can handle a bit more than the average pony. I limit myself to four drinks, max." He reasurred her, taking his glass back. "Wow, you're huge! You're even heavier than Big Macintosh!" Pinkie grabbed the sides of his helmet. "How do you even FLY at that size?" "I normally have to get a running or jumping start. It's much easier to go at a cruising speed, rather than keeping myself afloat. I don't really have the magic like other pegasi to fly easier, but thanks to my bigger size, I got stronger muscles and bigger wings, to put it simply." He explained to Pinkie. "So, who's Naga showing me next?" "Howdy, Nebula!" Applejack waved him over. She was standing with Big Mac, Applebloom, Twilight, Spike, and the flower sisters, who all greeted him once they saw Nebula. "Hey everypony. What's popping?" He greeted. "Roseluck, Daisy, and Lily Valley were telling us about how much Naga helped them out with their flowers." Twilight said as she sipped her own drink. "Oh cool. Tell me about it. I don't know much about flowers." Skystrike urged them to continue. "Oh, Ok! So a while ago, we noticed that we didn't have nearly enough of a variety of pink flowers. We had a lot of blue hydrangeas, but didn't pay much mind to it." Roseluck began. "After a little while of testing, Naga came and asked what happened... you know, through gestures. She cant talk." Daisy continued. "Anyway, we complained to Naga about it, since we just needed somepony else to just hear us gripe." "After a few days, out blue hydrangeas turned purple and pink! Thanks to Naga, if you add Limestone to the soil, it'll raise the acidity in the soil, and make the flowers turn pink!" Lily Valley finished. "...Naga is a lot smarter than I realized. Never thought she paid attention to me or Zecora doing chemistry. I actually did a research project for a science fair back when I was a colt about those flowers. Apparently, blue and pink hydrangeas are the only flowers who's colors change from soil conditions. It's a bit expensive, but if you infuse the water you use with some magic powder, the hydrangeas sparkle like stars once in full bloom from the abundance of magic in the soil. I can see if I still have my notes on it if you're interested." "Really? We'll have to try it out!" Roseluck clapped her hooves. "I didn't take you for one to be into botany!" "Honestly, I did the project because I had to work in a group, but it was much more interesting than I thought it'd be." Skystrike smiled. "Say, you've been coming by our flower shop for quite while now. you never told us who's the lucky mare." Daisy took a step closer, pressuring him. "You got a marefriend?" Applejack, Twilight, and Spike all looked at him and spoke in union. "He has to by now! He comes by every saturday!" Lily Valley smirked. "Has to be somepony special if it's that often... You do spend a lot of time with Stardust, you know." "Nah, I doubt she looks at me that way. And no, I don't have a marefriend." Skystrike said plainly. The flower sisters looked at each other confused. "Wait... you don't have a marefriend?" Roseluck asked for clarification. "Nope." Skystrike confirmed. Twilight begrudgingly handed Applejack a sack of bits. "...Fuck you both." He monotoned. "...So then why do you buy flowers every weekend? Aren't you supposed to give them to somepony you fancy?" Roseluck asked. "...Roseluck, what does one normally do once they recieve flowers?" "Say thank you?" Skystrike nodded. "Mmhmm, and then?" Roseluck put a hoof to her chin and thought. "...Put it in water... or... wait... you can't be serious... you bought them for yourself and ATE them!?" "I was hungry. Your flowers always go good on my sandwiches." Skystrike shrugged. "Also want to try those pink hydrangeas. The pink color from the low pH levels in the soil might make them taste different." The three sisters sat down in sheer awe and astoundment of what he said. Everypony there looked at Skystrike like he was crazy. Spike spoke up. "I feel like I'm missing something here..." "Why are you all looking at me like I'm a psychopath?" He asked, putting his hoofs out. "Do you guys not eat flowers?" "You're supposed to give our flowers to somepony you like!" Daisy slammed her hooves on the ground. "I was fucking HUNGRY!" He countered. "Your flowers taste GOOD! DAMN!" Skystrike and the three flower sisters were getting heated. To be fair to the sisters, their flowers that they've grow to spread love and happiness is being countered by "Bro, I was hungry." Understandibly, they were annoyed. Skystrike, however, made a valid point. They were going to be eaten anyway, and he was hungry. They argued for quite a bit over some flowers. Twilight leaned over to Applejack and Big Mac. "...Should we stop them?" "Nope." Big mac said plainly. "Nah, this is funny. I wanna see where this goes." Applejack agreed. "This is funny." "Eeyup" Big Mac agreed. "Well I don't see why this is such a big deal! You had to have thought of this!" Skystrike said, growing annoyed. "What do you mean, we had to think of this!?" Daisy asked, annoyed as well. "You wan't ponies to give their flowers to the ones they like, right!?" "Yes! That's why we grow our flowers in the first place!" Roseluck answered. "Ok! Good! So, how many bouquets have you sold?" Skystrike asked, leading them on. "A lot! We've made a lot of-" "Couples? WHAT COUPLES???" Skystrike shouted. "There's like 20 stallions in Ponyville! Like 8 of them are married or old. How many couples have you seen in this village huh??" The sisters stayed silent. "NONE! No pony in this town gets any bitches!" Applejack, Big Mac, and Twilight burst out laughing at the last remark. Spike, of course, was still lost. Before Skystrike could continue his rant, Naga grabbed him by the tail and picked him up, carrying him along to her next friends. "Alright, i'm going! I'll see you next saturday! Your flowers taste good!" Skystrike yelled as he got further away. "...Jeez... what was their problem?" He shook his head. "Alright, who's next?" Skystrike asked. Naga reeled her head back. "Please don't throw me again. Naga set Skystrike down gently, then gave a playful pat on his back. "Alright, who's next?" Skystrike said, turning around. A few feet away stood Stardust, Rainbow, and Zecora, the former in her guard uniform. What was new was the two ponies that Stardust was standing next to. One was an off-white pink with a pink mane and tail with wings. The other was a greyish blue with a persian blue mane ant tail, having a horn of her own. Both were about the same size as Stardust. From the looks of things, Zecora and Rainbow were already introducing themselves to the new mares. Skystrike, however, knew exactly who they were, and he was gonna mess with them. Skystrike looked at Stardust, who made eye contact. She gave him a look that said "Do not.", which made him reply with a look that said "Heh, nah." "Hey girls! I see you made some new friends?" Skystrike said, walking up to the five mares. They all turned to give their seperate greetings. The two new mares wispered to eachother. "Remember, just like we've practiced." The pink maned one said to the blue one. She cleared her throat before introducing herself. "Good evening. My name is..." She paused for a moment, as if trying to remember her name. "...Sunny Skies. Me and my sister... Starry Night. We were invited by Naga from out of town." She greeted, Starry Night showing their invitations with her magic. "Well, Nice to meet you. I'm Atlas Nebula. It's a pleasure. I didn't take Naga as one to travel. So, where you two from?" "Oh you know Canterlot? Well of course you'd know it, it's the capital!" Sunny Skies laughed. "We went to that duel you had with Magnus. Who knew he was a criminal?" Starry Night added. "You know... has anypony told you two that you kinda look like the princesses?" Skystrike asked. The two mares began to sweat. Stardust glared at him. Zecora was hiding a smirk with her hoof. Rainbow Dash looked confused. "...Nah, I'm probably just trippin'. Anyway, how'd you two meet Naga?" The two sweated some more, realizing they haven't thought this far. They had to make up something believable. "Uh..." Sunny Skies started, but stopped, looking for something to say. "You know... places..." "The last time we came to Ponyville, she was here and gave us some nice rocks!" Starry Night blurted out. To Skystrike, it seems like they made it up on the spot. Of course, he knew they definitely did. "Oh cool. What type?" "Uh..." Sunny Skies thought again. "I don't... know rocks that well. I think it's called a... Sun stone?" "She gave me a Moon stone." Starry Night added. "...That's odd. Kinda like the princesses, huh?" He hinted. The sisters looked at each other and sweated more. Stardust elbowed him, making him let out a chuckle. "Alright, alright, I know it's you two, Celestia and Luna." "...How'd you know?" Celestia asked. "Well, same speech patterns, same body motions, and you took your looks from when you were younger" Skystrike counted on his wing. "Also, I know it's been a while, but some ponies still remember your old looks. Overall though? Nice job. You could've fooled anypony else." Rainbow Dash took a double take, realizing what Skystrike said, before quickly bowing. "I'm sorry princesses! I didn't realize!" "Raise your head. That was supposed to be the point, but somepony here seems to be a bit of a historian." Celestia sighed, slightly annoyed that she and her sister was found out. "Raise your head, Rainbow Dash. We wished to come here to escape our status." "Yeah, I get it. Don't worry, I won't tell anypony." Skystrike promised. "Actually..." "...what are you thinking, Skystrike?" Celestia eyes narrowed. "Nothing... I just imagine it will be quite humorous if somepony's student interacted with you without knowing it's you, only to be revealed weeks later?" He smiled. "...You know, that is a great idea! I'll go do that!" Celestia grinned as she put some pep in her step towards her student. "Watch Princess Luna for me." Stardust said before following behind her. Skystrike nodded. He stood there with Zecora, Luna, and Rainbow Dash. "So... I'm about to make some stew for Naga. you three wanna help?" Zecora clapped her hooves in excitement. "It has been a moment since you've last cooked for her. I'm happy to help, just don't fall in while I stir." Skystrike looked at Zecora. "I never fell in the stew." "I know you have not, I just know rhymes like these annoy you... Pot." She said as they both snickered. "Ok, I guess I'm helping too. I'm not that good at cooking though." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I'd like to help if able." Luna put up her hoof. "What do we need to do?" "Well..." Skystrike began, only to be cut off by Pinkie Pie pulling a panel behind them. "SCENE TRANSITION" She shouted. Skystrike looked around him to see himself at the back of his house standing next to Zecora, Rainbow Dash, and Starry NIght. "Wh-... how'd we get here!? What happened!?" "...We... walked here?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Skystrike, are you ok?" Skystrike took a deep breath. "Yes... It's just... fucking Pinkie..." He exhaled. "Anyway, help me push this alarmingly large pot." He changed the subject as he patted the pot the size of a small building behind him. "...That is an alarmingly large pot. How do you even cook in that?" Rainbow Dash asked as the got behind the pot. Skystrike got behind the pot and started pushing alongside her. "Well, normally, Tethys would be here, but she has her own life to live now. But, Zecora and I do have a trick for being able to cook in this pot, plus, we have an Alicorn in disguise here in case we need... literal firepower." "Well, I'm not as adept in fire magic as my sister, but I should be able to light a large fire." She smiled with a spark of her horn. "Perfect." Skystrike said. "Zecora, can you get Naga and help get the ingredients? I left them in the floorboard under the pantry." Zecora nodded and turned to do what she was asked. Twilight looked up to see a new mare approaching her. "Hello..." She stopped herself, remembering what made Skystrike realize it was her. "The name's Sunny Skies. Nice to meet you. I'm new here, and Nebula told me you're a good pony to make friends with." Twilight smiled at her. "Well, nice to meet you too, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm currently learning friendship myself, but I'm more than happy to be your friend." "Great! So, learning friendship, right? How many new ponies did you make friends with since moving here?" Twilight nervously laughed. "Well... only six, but they're all nice ponies. Other than that, I read books!" She answered with a smile. Sunny Skies took a double take. "You... read books. On friendship?" "Yeah! They help a lot!" Twilight floated the book in front of her. "I'd be more than happy to let you borrow it if you'd like." Sunny Skies blinked. "Did you ever think of... just going outside and meeting ponies?" Twilight also blinked before rubbing her chin with a hoof. "That... is a good idea." They were both interupted by Pinkie Pie shouting "AYO NEBULA HAS AN ALARMINGLY LARGE POT!" Sunny Skies and Twilight both looked, along with everypony else, to Skystrike, putting an alarminglt large pot over a firepit. "That is an alarmingly large pot..." They both said. Meanwhile, Skystrike, Zecora, Starry Night, and Rainbow Dash were standing at the base of the firepit. "So... how are you gonna light this?" Rainbow asked. "Remember back when I blew the leaves off that tree with my voice back when Trixie was in town? I had Tethys teach me how to do a few of those dragon shouts years ago. I'm rusty on this one, but it should start a fire." Skystrike explained. "Wait... dragon shouts?" Rainbow flew closer to him and squinted. "Yeah, from my understanding, it's an old style of dragon magic. Before they could actually spit fire and stuff, they had to use their voice. Each word had power, and combining words in different orders gave different effects. For example, 'Yol' translates to fire. Weak on it's own. The next word 'Toor' means inferno. Finally, 'Shul' means sun. " "That's... actually pretty cool!" Rainbow smiled. "You gotta teach me sometimes!" "I'd probably not be a good teacher on the subject. Besides, it took years of meditation and practice, and I only learned two. Unrelenting force and Fire breath, which admittedly are only situationally useful. It also strains your voice a lot. I can only shout 5 times without destroying my vocal cords. "That seems like a lot of downsides. Is it even worth it?" Skystrike gave Rainbow his drink to hold. He got lower to the ground and widenned his stance. After a deep breath, he shouted. "Yol Torr Shul!" A blast of fire was sent from Skystrike, hurdling towards the logs in the firepit, lighting them on in a spectacular burst of flame. "...On ocasion." He grinned taking his drink back. "I will say it makes you feel fucking sick." Starry Night looked confused. "I... I thought that dragon shouts required magic? And you don't have any?" "It's confusing, yeah. Tethys told me that dragon magic is more dependent on the soul rather than thought like unicorns. Those with a strong will can do it given practice. That's also why there's the trope of angry dragons being more powerful. They're more powerful because their emotional state is heightened, thus their soul is more powerful. It's really confusing." "Wait, so... all you have to have is a soul to use things on par with magic?" "That's my understanding of it, yeah." Skystrike shrugged. "Wish I could tell you more." "Well, how about you tell me how we plan on getting all the ingredients in there?" She pointed to the rim of the pot above her. "See, that's the fun part! Quick question though, you two know how to throw well?" He asked Rainbow and Starry. They both nodded. "Perfect. Now you two get to help me and Zecora cook! Hop on the levers. We're gonna cook up a storm!" "...I feel like im not being told enough here..." Starry night looked to her side at Rainbow. "Yeah... Same here..." She looked back. Skystrike picked up a large wooden platform on stilts that was lying beside him. He flew up and put the platform down in the pot, giving him enough room to stand on. "It's not much. Basically, one of us stands up here and cuts up the ingredients that the others throw in! After a few minutes, we switch places, and keep going until the stew is done!" He yelled from atop his perch. "Zecora! Throw me my sword!" He put his hoof out, ready to catch it. Zecora did so, grabbing his sword and throwing it up at him. Skystrike caught it by the sheath and drew his sword. He tapped his hoof rhythmically, nodded his head to a beat in his head, then did a small spin. "Lets get cooking!" He shouted to no one in particular. A decent size crowd gathered around them as Zecora began emptying the barrels of cooking supplies by throwing them up at Skystrike, who in turn, began swinging his sword and finely cutting the ingredients, letting them land into the boiling water below him. "First, the onions, carrots, celery, and garlic!" Zecora said as she began throwing more of the ingredients. "Starry, Rainbow, help me out! We'll get this soup done faster, no doubt!" Starry used her magic to open a barrel and began throwing more ingredients up towards Skystrike. Rainbow, deciding to make it harder for him, grabbed some in her hooves before flying around and throwing the ingredients at him from various directions. Skystrike laughed a bit, deciding to put on more of a show as the crowd around him grew larger. He did an upward slash cutting three vegetables, following with a backflip, landing on a forehoof and cutting another five with a spinning horizontal slash. He continued to cut the ingredients as he danced with his blade. For his grand finale, he flapped his wings and flew around at astounding speeds, finely cutting each vegetable before they fell in the pot. "Hoo-" He exhaled. "Zecora! Ready to switch?" "Tired already? And it seemed your stamina was going steady!" She teased. Skystrike jumped down from his platform and stopped half-way to help Zecora up. She got a running start and jumped up to him, hooves out. Skystrike responded by grabbing her hooves and throwing her up the rest of the way onto the platform. "I'll get the salt and pepper, and seeds!" He said as he flew to grab some premeasured barrels of the ingredients, already mixed together. "Starry, mind helping me with this?" Starry looked at the barrel, then up at the height of the pot. "I'm not sure... it's quite high. Not sure about the stability of the levitation spell when I can't see it." She admitted. "...Just jump on his back?" Rainbow said. "...That's a great fucking idea!" Skystrike smiled as he landed on the ground. "Hop on!" Starry hesitated. "I promise I'm stable." Starry did so, laying on his back and wrapping her forehooves around his neck. "...You sure I'm not heavy?" "Yeah. why would you be?" "Well, while I may look smaller, my mass and weight stay the same." She explained. "I'm not sure if you can carry me on your back while flying." "Don't worry, you aren't heavy at all. My armor is actually around the same weight as you, so this feels kinda normal for me." He said, trying to reassure her. "...How much experience do you have with mares?" Starry Night squinted. "...More than you think, less than I should." He stated. "Well, for the future, do not compare a mare's weight to your armor." She monotoned. Skystrike stood still for a minute. He thought. He thought some more. He realized and looked back at her. "...I just called you fat didn't I?" "Albeit indirectly and accidentally, yes." She nodded. "...ffffffffffffFFFFFUCK" He groaned. "My bad, as you can see, I'm kinda stupid." He face hoofed as he began to flap his wings. "Don't fret over it." She giggled. She turned his head towards Sunny Skies with a hoof. "My sister however..." Starry Night looked back towards the two. Starry spoke just loud enough for her sister to hear. "You think you could carry her?" He looked at Sunny and rubbed his chin. "I think I could." He took off into the air. "Size wise, she's about forty percent bigger than you, assuming mass would have the same factor of 1.4, taking into account how much cake she-... GOD DAMN IT I DID IT AGAIN!" He groaned as he grabbed his face. "Man I'm missing some brain cells!" Starry Night laughed at his outburst while Sunny Skies looked at the two with her cheeks puffed out, turning red. "Pick up the damn barrel please." He sighed. Starry did so as the two flew higher. Once high above the pot, she began to sprinkle the contents of the barrel into the soup. "Mmm... it smells great!" Starry admitted as the smell wafted towards them. "Did you put anything special in there?" "Oh you know, just the Nebula original secret ingredient" He put out a hoof as he glided down towards the ground, letting Starry hop off. "And no, I won't tell you. Maybe when I die so then the ponies of the future can have bomb food." He looked around for a moment before finding what he was looking for. A whip sword, silver in color with a golden edge. The hilt was a plain grey with black markings on it. He grabbed it by the hilt and threw it up at Zecora, who caught it in her hoof. "Ready?" Skystrike asked. "Yes, my friend! Let these veggies meet their end!" She gave a practice swing of her sword, releasing the whip part of it. "Jeez... ok, all that's left are the potatoes, apples and cabbage." He looked at the last few barrels of ingredients. "Let's get-" "Did somepony say APPLES!?" Applejack ran over to Skystrike, Rainbow, and Starry. "Well damn, AJ, I get it... would you like to throw some apples?" He offered, knowing exactly what she was going to ask. "Would I!?" She grabbed a barrel and started chucking. Skystrike chose to ignore her actions and began throwing cabbages at a steady rate. Zecora was putting on a show of her own up there. With a spin of the heel and a flick of the wrist, she was able to cut multiple vegetables with a single swing. She shot her forehoof forward, making the tip of the whip hit a falling cabbage. A grand crack was heard as said cabbage exploded. She did this a few more times, each exploding and falling into the the soup below. Continuing with a spin, she made a diagonal slash, cutting a few more. For her finish, she jumped into the air, spinning faster as her blade went out in many different directions, the fruits and vegetables seeming to stop in mid air as she cut through them. She even stuck the landing. "That was actually really cool!" Rainbow flew up to Zecora as the crowd cheered. "Where'd you learn how to do that?" Zecora retracted her sword. "My mother taught me when I was young, telling me we all have a song that must be sung." "...I don't know what that means." Rainbow admitted. "I believe it means... we all have our own purposes in life." Zecora explained. "I have decided to find my own, though it is still not yet known." "Hey, jump down when you're ready! We gotta let it sit for a little!" Skystrike yelled up to them. He was about to walk away before he realized something. "...Actually, after it sits for about 10 minutes, start serving the ponies! I have somepony I need to find!" He said before walking off, said walk turning into a trot. Normally, he'd see her by now, normally with Twilight or Rarity. Now that he thought about it, it's even odder that she isn't with Naga. After a few minutes searching around, he found just the pony he was looking for. Fluttershy was sitting by a tree, away from the crowd. She looked on at the ponies talking amongst themselves. Then, she looked to the side to see somepony approaching her. "Hey, is this seat taken?" Skystrike patted next to her. Fluttershy shook her head no, letting Skystrike take a seat. "So... haven't seen you around much. I guess you just got here?" He leaned back against the tree. Fluttershy shook her head. "No, I... was one of the first ponies here." "Oh, well you could've came over and said hi you know." He said, waving his hoof towards himself. "We all would like to see you." "I know, it's just... I didn't want to interupt you all having your fun. I'd just ruin the mood." She said, her glum feeling seeping out from her words. Skystrike sighed. "Fluttershy, listen. you're my friend. You're OUR friend. It's because we like your company that we're your friend." He explained. "I know... I know... but you and everypony else always have fun talking with each other. I'm always just in the back, having nothing to talk about or relate to you all with." "And that's ok. You don't have to talk a lot. You're the type of pony that can spend quality time with somepony else by simply sitting in silence with them. Your simple presence richens our friendship. We like you being around." She sniffed back some tears. "It's just, every time I want to have fun with you and the girls, it's like... something in the back of my mind just... tells me that I'll mess things up if I talk to any of you for too long. Like you'll all will stop talking to me once you realize how weird I am." Skystrike shifted himself to look at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, look at me." She turned her head, hiding part of her face with her mane. "It's exactly because of your quirks that we like you. That's what makes you special. Same goes for Spike, Stardust, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and especially Pinkie." She giggled a bit at the last part. "Now, I'm not one to make promises, since if I break it, that counts as lying, and I've never lied to any of you. That being said, you have my word that I will do my best to make sure you feel welcome. I won't stop talking to you, no matter how weird you are." She wiped a tear. "Pinkie promise?" "Trust, I know how it feels to be you right now. We're more alike than you'd think." He smiled. "You have to say the verse." "...what? There's a verse for pinkie promises? We don't even have pinkies?" He put up his hooves for emphasis. "No, not like minotaurs. A PINKIE promise. As in, Pinkie Pie. It goes 'Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.'" She said while making gestures to match the words. "...That both looks and sounds silly, but I'm all for it." He chuckled as he mimicked her motions. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Now, let's go. We got some friends waiting for us, and I think we both want to have fun tonight" He stood up and put out a hoof. "Plus, we don't want the soup to get cold." Fluttershy took his hoof, pulling herself up. "...You're a good friend, you know that? I really missed you when you have to move from Cloudsdale. Then when me and Rainbow found out you... well we know you faked your death now, but we cried all night." The two began walking. "Wait, really? I didn't realize you two cared that much." "Well, you know you have more of an affect on ponies than you think. Like when you helped me and Rainbow Dash with some bullies, we were grateful. After you left, and I was still to scared to do anything, Rainbow took on that role. I like to think she got at least some of her loyalty from you." She pondered the last part. "...Huh... I-... wow." He looked for words to say. "I just try to help ponies where I go. Didn't expect all that. I just expected to be that one pony that ponies will always have in the back of their mind, but won't remember their name." "Skystrike, we will never forget you." She assured him. "With all you've done for others, no grateful pony will forget you. Besides, remember that time you were in the newspaper for challenging Celestia to a duel for wining that tournament for that school thing? No pony will forget that." "In my defense, I wanted to test how truly strong I was back in that military academy. Plus, I held out pretty well for a 16 year old." "You still need to tell me the whole story behind that. I want to know what happened. They never published the results." "Tell you what, I'll tell you when I come back the week after next." He nudged her. The two stopped. "...that is an alarmingly large pot." Fluttershy looked up at the rim of the pot, seeing Zecora, Starry, and Rainbow handing out bowls to the guest. "Ah, Nebula, Fluttershy, we were just serving the last few ponies before Naga comes get the rest. As always, Nebula, your food is the best!" Zecora complimented, jumping down and giving the two wooden bowls of soup and spoons. "It's what I do." He chuckled before he openned the jaw of his mask and had a spoon. "Aw yeah, this that good shit." He said as he took another spoonful of soup. He looked over to the others, hearing their hums in agreement when eating their bowls of soup. "Ok, Nebula, you gotta give me some pointers. This is some of the best soup I've had in years. How do you make this so good? You could make a business out of this!" Rainbow Dash said, taking full sips of the soup. "Well, glad you enjoy it so much. You've seen everything I put in it. I do have a secret ingredient, but aside from that, it's actually a chemistry thing. Many food ingredients come with 'taste enhancers' that add more molecules that generate additional taste or smell sensations. The effect changes depending on how the ingredients are prepared before hoof." Rainbow Dash blinked. "I understood like half of that." "You know how you can taste the difference from Sea salt and rock salt? Similar concept. They were made in different ways. That affects taste." He explained before taking another spoon of his soup. Naga slithered up behind the group, letting Rarity and Pinkie off her head. She poked Skystrike with her tail. "Hey, Naga, what's up?" She bellowed in response and looked at the soup. "Only a spoonful!" She then proceeded to pull out a comically large spoon and scooped up the soup. "Man I fucking love that joke." He said to himself. "So, Nebula, don't mean to rush you, but one of the main reasons I came was kinda so I could hear you sing." Rarity said. "And the soup was lovely, darling." She covered her mouth as she let out a slight burp. "Pardon me..." "Oh yeah, you did say you would." Rainbow dash looked up from licking the now empty bowl. "I do wanna hear you sing. In fact, you're one of the few ponies I never heard sing." Pinkie appeared next to him. "Oh! What are you gonna sing!?" "A certified Skystrike origional." He chuckled. "Man, I say one thing and you guys don't forget it, huh?" "Well, it's just... we don't expect it from somepony like you. You always keep to yourself, so when you finally express yourself, we have to see it." Fluttershy said, the others nodding. "Alright, alright, I'll get ready." He slurped down the rest of his soup. "Give me a moment to talk to the DJ." "Great! I'll go tell everypony!" Pinkie whizzed off towards the crowd. "Hey everypony! Nebula's singing soon for Naga's birthday!" The crowd cheered. "Damn... Well now I got expectations to live up to." He gave a nervous chuckle. "I'll be up on stage in a moment." His friends gave him some reassurance, telling him he'll do great up there. He thanked them as he headed towards the DJ. He began to wonder who Pinkie asked to DJ before he recognized the mare. "Ooooh, it's you! DJ-Pon3, right?" The mare turned to him, looking through her iconic glasses. "Hey, glad you remembered me! Just call me Vynil by the way. Didn't expect my next show to be thrown for you and your pet though!" She smiled. "Well, the world has it's way of sorting things out. How's the crowd treating you so far?" "Pretty good! Some of these ponies know how to party! Especially Pinkie, she really livens up the place!." She pulled off her headphones. "Yeah, sounds like her." He laughed. "So, the ponies want me to sing. Can you get things set up for me?" He asked, pulling out a vinyl record with a blue center. "I'm about to put out a Nebula origional." He said in a joking manner She took the record with her magic and spun it around. "I can do that for ya, big guy!" She slapped the record down on her setup. "Give me a moment and we can get this place on their hind legs." "Alright, let's put on a show." He smiled as the two hoof bumped. She floated him over a microphone. He tapped it a few times to make sure it was on. Skystrike looked out at the crowd of ponies and Basalisk cheering for him as he walked to center stage. He looked at his friends, all together in one large group. He smiled as he tightened his grip on his microphone. "Alright, ponies, you already know what time it is. Just before we get started, happy birthday, Naga! Originally, this song was supposed to be a duo, but I can manage this bad boy myself. This one's just for you! I call this one, 'Calling'." Vynil began to play the instrumental, Skystrike tapping his hoof in response. The beat was fast, though that wasn't a problem. He gave his mic a twirl before starting. "So, as you can see, this ain't my first time, In my prime! Come on, let's make some noise and have some fun while we got time! Life's a fickle thing, you know we gotta spend it wise! Break out, come out and show the world what we can do tonight!" Skystrike was admittingly getting into it more than he thought. "Keeping the flow, We got our whole lives ahead of us, ya know. Reap what you sow, Only got one time to get it right, don't you know? In my nature Bringing these bars to the streets all year-round! No time to waste Foster, Nurture your skills before your sundown." As he continued, Skystrike became more animated through his performance, doing a spin and spreading his wings. "Some may call it reckless, Leaving life up only to fate. So carve your own path, Know there's no time to hesitate! Knowing you can change things, make things better before you act way too late! So, come on, while life is great, Why don't we appreciate it?" Vynil lowered the lights to a dim hue. "Can you hear that? The voices calling? That melody. Your inner calling." The lights began to flicker to the tempo. "Telling you to carve your path. Keep your chin up, no need for wrath. Take a chance, no harm no fowl. Keep that smile, don't throw that towel." Skystrike used his hood to lossen his shirt and tie. More colors came as the music began to pick back up. "Havin' fun in life can be hard to do! Always trying hard and failing at something new! But that's how it's gonna be, you know! Life's not patient, we can't take it slow. It favors those of us bold! So take that first step, good as gold!" The lights flashed rainbow in rythm to the music, and Skystrike leaped onto his hind hooves. He was really getting into it. "It cant be only me, hearing it calling out for us! Silent voices growing louder, having dreams in the late hours! There's no need for others standards, set your sights then go and gander. Universe is on our side, so make some noise and have some pride!" Skystrike jumped into the air, taking flight and doing a small show or loops and corkscrews as he sang. Lasers from the light show shot out into the sky in a rainbow pattern, waving back and forth. "Destiny, some higher power, leaving us to come devour ,as we bathe in Celestia's light! Bask under Luna's lit night! Don't need no rules to chain us! Lets have fun while friends are with us! We won't be here for that long, so don't go living it wrong!" He landed back down on the ground as Vynil turned the lights down, having them flicker to the beat again. He took off his jacket and slung it over his shoulder, waving it around as he moved his arms. "They never believed in me! Mocked, terrorized for all to see! Negativity overwhelmed me! Was close to my breaking point! Didn't let them keep me down. Got a smile from their frowns. Took my path, no stopping me! The universe is singing to me!" The lights grew brighter under Skystrike as he put his fore arms out wide. "Sure wish I could see their faces now! Seeing me do what they disallow! I'm on the top of my success! None of them's my match, but I digress. And we all got this world to see! So stand with pride and sing with me!" A few ponies in the crowd join in with him on the first lines. "It cant be only me, hearing it calling out for us, Silent voices growing louder, having dreams in the late hours." More joined in as they recognized the lyrics. "There's need for others standards, set your sights then go and gander. Universe is on our side, so make some noise and have some pride!" Soon, almost the entirety of the crowd sang along with him. Skystrike flew into the air as the spotlight focused on him. Vynil even added in the extra effect of some fire works. "Destiny, some higher power, telling us to come devour as we bathe in Celestia's light! Bask under Luna's lit night! Destiny, some higher power, telling us to come devour as we bathe in Celestia's light! Bask under Luna's lit night!" Skystrike said the final line. "Hear our calling!" before the crowd burst into cheers for him. Skystrike put all four hooves onto the ground and stood there, huffing. "Hey!" Vynil called out to him. Skystrike looked in her direction, seeing a water bottle thrown at him. He caught it, openned it, and drank half of it. "Damn, big guy, I can tell that song took some effort." She smiled as he walked over. "Nice voice by the way. Didn't expect your voice to be so... smooth and dulcet." "...I've never heard that word in my life, but thanks. Honestly, I forgot I had it in me. I am glad I was able to pull that off without any mishaps." Skystrike sat on the floor of the stage. "What do you mean?" Vynil took his record off the player with her magic and floated it over to him. Skystrike shook his head. "Keep it. You put on a great show. You definitely found your calling." The two chuckled. "And I mean that when I wrote that song, it was meant to be sang by two ponies. That was hard to sing solo." He finished the water bottle. "Well that's even more impressive." Vynil smiled. "I can't wait to see what your cutie mark will be if you're already this good at something you don't have a mark for!" She put the record back on the player. "Heh, thanks for that. Same here." He said as he got up. "Hey, before you go..." She put out a hoof. Skystrike turned back to look at her. "I hope this won't be the one and only time we do something like this. We could have something going here. Well, if you want I mean." Skystrike nodded at her. "I'd like that. No way we can let this be the one and only collab. I'll make sure to hit you up once I come back. Maybe we can record it and publish it!" "Yo, that'd be radical! You better keep your promise!" Vynil ran up and hugged him quickly. "Ah... sorry about that. Got a bit excited." She pushed herself of him. "No apology needed. Anyway, the birthday girl wants to see me, so I'll see you next time." Skystrike put out a hoof for a high hoof. Vynil give a high hoof before waving goodbye and switching to some mellow music, signaling the main event was done. Skystrike jumped off the stage, sighing with mild fatigue. He wasn't even able to look up before he heard a thump from far away. Followed by a dirt pillar shooting up from under his hooves and launching him towards Naga. He put his wing out as he flew, slowing his fall as he landed in front of his friends with a loud thump. He sighed under his breath. "A warning would be nice, damn." Before he could look up, he felt somepony jump on him. "WOWNEBULAYOUWEREGREATUPTHEREI-" Pinkie Pie began to ramble on from atop his back. To be honest, he zoned out most of it once the words started to blend together. "Thanks, it's appreciated." He streched a bit as he talked. The next thing he felt was something scaly rubbing against his cheek and neck. "Hey, Naga. I see you liked the music. I'm glad." "Wasn't just her, Skystrike. You were great up there." Twilight repeated what Pinkie Pie said as she walked up. "...I am curious though, where did you learn to sing like that?" "Eh... I'll tell you next time." He said as he tapped Pinkie to get off his back. "Damn, dude!" Rainbow Dash flew to a stop next to him. "Never told us you could sing like that! You got a great voice! Gotta use that more!" "Seriously? At first I thought you guys were being nice, but am I really that good? Thought I was average." "Dude, you got talent! Imagine how good you'd be if you had a cutie mark!" She said, hyping him up. "Oh, thanks." He smiled. He looked around for a moment. "Wait, where's Starry and Sunny?" He asked as he continued looking. "Oh, those two sisters? They said they had to catch the train to travel back home. It's a shame they left so quick. They were so fun to talk to." Twilight pondered. "Oh really? You'll have to tell me about it when I get back." Skystrike smirked. The group looked at him. "...What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm leaving tonight. Train will get me to my destination by morning, then it's a few days walk. Cant keep them waiting you know?" They all looked at him with various expressions. Twilight, Fluttershy seemed afraid. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were worried. Zecora and Stardust was indifferent. Pinkie Pie was- "Why are you crying so damn hard?" Skystrike broke his train of thought. The pink one sniffed. "...Because... because you're leaving!" She bawled as she jump him with a hug. Skystrike was about to attempt to calm her down, but then he heard quiet sniffles to his side. He looked to see that it was Twilight. "Skystrike... when... when we last heard of you before you came back, you died. It was all over the newspapers." She rubbed her nose. Skystrike thought back to what happened. Why he left. "It's your fault that I did what I had to." A colt's voice was heard behind him. He turned to see who it was. Skystrike stood still, his break in the castle garden being interupted by him of all ponies. "You... what did you do this time..." Skystrike snarled. "Oh, nothing too important... Just figured while we were enjoying the gala, I'd have some fun of my own." The colt said with a sinister chuckle. "See, you bastard..." The colt's mocking tone changed to an angry one. "You've been a thorn in my side since Auntie adopted us. Always making yourself useful, acting like you're better than me. You're nothing but a filthy pegasus!" Skystrike stayed silent as his rage filled rant continued. "Because of you, Auntie always compares me to you. I finally got out of that shithole of an orphanage, and she brings you with us! But you couldn't just leave them behind, could you?" As the colt continued, the rant became more about Skystrike's family. "Oh, Skystrike raised money for his old orphanage! Oh, Skystrike helped some brat find their talent!" He spit on the ground. "So... I know I can't get rid of you... but I can get rid of the source. What you deem important." Skystrike finally turned to look at the colt. "...You... piss... stained... RAT" Skystrike's eyes flickered a pale white." "When there's smoke..." The colt pointed to a pillar of smoke in the distance. Skystrike flew off before the colt could finish another sentence. He knew exactly where the smoke was coming from him. He didn't think his hatred for him was this much, and it was the one time he hoped he was wrong. He could've sworn somepony called out to him as he zoomed by, but he didn't pay attention. There were more important matters. It was the fastest he ever flew at the time... he just wished he was faster. He landed in front of the Church of the Two Sisters. He wished to whatever god there was that he wasn't seeing what he was seeing. Roaring flames engulfed the building, dancing behind the windows, as if mocking him. "Skystrike!" He heard a voice call for him. He snapped his head to where the voice was coming from. A mare earth pony with a cream colored coat and dark magenta mane with a maroon highlight ran up next to him. She gave a worried look with her grey eyes. "Sister Paprika!" He responded with a sigh of relief. "Glad you're ok." "Aren't you supposed to be at the gala with your friends? Why are you here?" She huffed, slightly winded. Taking a closer look at her, the tips of some of her hair was burnt, and her hooves were blackened with soot. "Nevermind that- is everypony ok!?" He asked, wiping some soot off her face. "Aside from the scare and me hyperventilating a little, yeah, I think so." She coughed. "I don't know what happened! Everypony was just out playing in the courtyard while I was making dinner with Astral. I thought I saw somepony walk by... then I just hear a crash... like glass breaking, and then a fire started right in the hallway! I couldn't put it out..." She let a few tears fall from her eyes. Skystrike looked around, seeing the other fillies and colts. Some hugging one another, others crying. They were all distraught about the home they just lost. He felt the same. But something caught his eye. A young unicorn and earth pony ran up to him. The first one, Lucky Clover, was a seafoam green with an emerald, shamrock, and jade mane topped with a large green bow. The second, Blue clover, had a cyan coat with an off white mane and tail, donning the same large green bow in her mane. Lucky spoke first. "We're missing some ponies!" Blue nodded. "Yeah! Mystic and Dawnstone aren't anywhere!" Lucky blinked, remembering something. "Astral isn't here too! She ran when she told us to come tell you!" Skystrike's heart sank. She didn't just run, she ran in to help. "Fuck! Paprika, make sure they stay safe!" Skystrike turned to head inside before Paprika grabbed his shoulder. "I'm not letting you go in there! There's no telling what'll happen to you!" She tried pulling him back. "The fire ponies wont get here nearly fast enough! I am not leaving my brother's and sisters in there to die!" Skystrike pushed her hoof off. "And I don't want you to die either, you stubborn mule!" She insulted him out of worry and tried to grab him again, pulling on his clothes. He grabbed her front hooves and held them together. "Sister, you know how much you all mean to me. Don't worry, I'll get them out. He took off a necklace he had under his shirt . It was something they all pitched in together to get him for his birthday. Nothing fancy or flashy, just a simple piece of bismuth that fit into a locket. He put it in her hoof, closing it. "But you know I hate making promises... so I want you to give this to Celestia in case anything happens. That locket means a lot to me. I'll be coming back for it when I get out of there." Paprika let some more tears fall. "You better come out of there safe, you got that, mister!?" She was able to squeak out through the tears. Skystrike nodded before turning to give the clover sisters a hug. "Stay here, I'll be back soon." He finished before flying into the maw of flames. He used his dress coat to cover his mouth and nose, trying not to inhale too much smoke. He thought about his options. The kitchen was at the back of the orphanage, below the bedrooms, but the stairs were near the entrance. Everypony would've evacuated the first floor along with sister Paprika. Meaning that Mystic Falls and Dawnstone had to be somewhere on the second floor. Astral Night must also be looking for them. He still did a quick check of the first floor in seconds, just incase. He ignored the pain of his wing tips searing, he had more important things to worry about. Skystrike flew up through a hole in the floor, then through a few door ways, calling out their names as he flew. "Astral! Dawn! Mystic!?" He said, growing more worried as he flew deeper. He had to stop his thoughts of the worst on multiple occasions. Then, Thankfully, he heard a voice call out to him. "Skystrike! Is that you?" Skystrike's ears perked up. "Over here!" He recognised the voise. Skystrike flew in to see the three in various states. "Astral!" He called her name, seeing her on the other side of the room. . Astral Night was a unicorn who had a light lavender coat, and a mane and tail of peach, purple, and pink. On the floor next to her was Mystic Falls was a younger unicorn colt, having a blueish grey coat with an indigo mane and tail with a grey highlight, as well as Dawnstone, another unicorn filly with a cream coat with a curly white and sky blue mane and tail. Astral was fighting back tears in front of Mystic, crying over the unconscious body of Dawnstone. "Give me a rundown!" He demanded as he made his way across the room, stepping over and ducking under various supports. Astral the older one, about 15, coughed up some smoke. "I- I came in to get them, since nopony else would do it, a-and... I found them, but a plank of wood fell earlier on my back leg... I had to limp my way to them." She said, showing that her right back leg had a large burn mark from the lower thigh to her hoof. "Mystic stayed with Dawnstone. He told me that they were getting some more toys when the fire started, and some shrapnel fell on Dawn's head." "Shit... I can't carry you all..." He spoke to himself. "Get the kids first! I can wait a half a minute!" She coughed some more. Skystrike wasn't sure, but he had no choice but to trust her. He grabbed Mystic and Dawn, put each under a hood, and began flying towards the exit. "Sky! You can't leave her!" Mystic cried into his arm. He made it to the entrance and dropped them in front of Paprika. "I don't intend to!" He said, flying back in. He had no time to catch his breath, landing back in front of Astral a few seconds later, huffing. He tried not to inhale more smoke than he already did. They stared into each others eyes. "You can cry now if you want. I won't tell." He tried to lighten the mood as he walked over. Astral Night let out a small chuckle before to both Skystrike's and her surprise, she actually did. She tried wiping away her tears, only for more to fill their place. "I-...I... You were at the gala... I didn't think... you'd make it here..." She spoke through the tears. Skystrike couched down. "Look. I won't ask you why you decided to run in here, and honestly, your reason's probably the same as mine... Can you walk?" He asked. She was able to stand, but as soon as she put pressure on her back right hoof, she winced in pain, bringing it back up. "I... think I can manage." Skystrike grabbed her and put her across his back. "No need to act strong. I got you." Skystrike couldn't fly. Her legs were stopping his wings from spreading out. He'd have to run. So, that's what he did. Astral Night's crying lowered to light sobbing. "I'm sorry... you always have to help us out... I tried to do what you'd do..." She coughed some more. "I tried to save them, and I... ended up being somepony that had to be saved..." Skystrike ran through, jumping over burnt beams and crawling under half-collapsed ceilings. He huffed. "Don't worry about it..." He stopped talking for a moment to focus. "Listen, if you're every gonna take anything I say to heart, it better be this." He was about to take another step forward before the floor collapsed below him. He cursed under his breath and jumped over it. When he landed, the burnt floor cracked below him. He took a few more steps forward, barely missing falling from where he once was. "...There are times when you have to help, and let others be helped." He continued running. The stairs were in eyesight. "No point helping somepony else when you put yourself at risk. But-..." He sidestepped some falling debris. "Sometimes, you have to ask how much you value a pony's life. You, Dawnstone, Mystic, and everypony else that lives here, I'd sacrifice myself for any of you in a heart beat. That is how much you all mean to me." He finally made it to the stairs. He started making his way down. "You'll find somepony you love like that sooner or later, if you haven't already..." He had to skip a few stairs, as well as dig his hoof under some that collapsed under their weight. His adrenaline was still high, so while he couldn't feel the pain, he'd have to dig the shrapnel out before it wore off. "Help those who need it. Protect those you deem important." He began running towards the door at the end of the hallway. Skystrike could tell at the rate this building was coming down, it wasn't long before it ran out of oxygen and collapsed in on itself. Debris fell all around the two. He did his best to dodge the major pieces, but as more and more fell in front of his path, he knew he wasn't going to make it. Skystrike grit his teeth, knowing what he'd have to do. He pulled off Astral Night from his back and hugged her. Tightly. "This is one of those times I have to make that sacrifice..." He sighed before letting her go. His adrenaline didn't last as long as he hoped. the pain got to him. His lungs burned from the soot and the increasing lack of oxygen. He was scared, but he had to get through it. "...Sky... what are you-" She couldn't finish her scentence before Skystrike used the the last of his strength to throw her towards the exit and out the door. "You got... a long life ahead!" He coughed as he shouted to her. "You, and everypony else... live it to the fullest!" He collapsed to the floor. He didn't think it would end like this, but surprisingly he didn't have any regrets... Well there was one... but that didn't matter anymore. He looked up at Astral Night, Paprika helping her to her hooves. The two mares looked at him for the last time before Skystrike spoke his last words. "I'm sorry." He smiled for the last time they'd see before the building collapsed in on itself. He felt pain all in his body, his skin searing, his lungs burning, his bones breaking. Then he felt cold. But the worst thing he felt was the pain behind the screams for his name as his consciousness faded. He didn't know how long had passed when he came to. Just that it's been a long time. His memory was hazy, but that wasn't important right now. What was was where he currently is. His vision was blurry, his ears were ringing slightly, and his body was begging him for more rest. Despite it's pleads, he had to get up. He pushed himself off the ground. Once he got up and rubbed his eyes, he looked around. He was inside a cave, lanterns hanging around the room, evenly spaced from each other. He looked down, seeing the makeshift bed of hay he woke up on. Skystrike winced, looking down at his hooves. His sleeve covering his metal forehoof was gone, and the rest of his body was covered in bandages. Someone tended to his wounds. Someone pulled him out of the rubble of that fire. Skystrike looked around the room for more info. There was one chair next to the bed, a blanket folded on it. There was a table and one chair. On that table was a candle, some paper, and an ink and quill. Someone lived here. This didn't make sense to him. Considering they bought him out the fire, they had to know who he was and where he lived. No, they had to have been following him since the gala at least. But if that was the case, why live in this cave? Why not take him to some hospital? He needed answers. He looked around the room once more, noticing a wooden archway declaring the doorway to the room he was in. He put his hoof on the wall to balance himself. Going through the doorway, he turned, coming face to face with something he definitely didn't expect. Skystrike stood face to face with a black unicorn. Well, not exactly. Upon further inspection, it had bug-like wings, and holes going through its legs. The pale blue eyes stared back. A changeling. So this is the one that saved him. First changeling he's seen in a long while. He bowed his head. "Thank you for everything." The changeling dropped the items in her magic and rushed under his arm. "Nevermind that! Why did you get up? Your wounds aren't fully healed yet!" She said as they walked back to the room he was in. She laid him back down, sighing. "I was just coming to replace your bandages, but you're already trying to walk. You're a lot more hardy than I thought." "Heh, thanks I guess." He chuckled, only to wince in pain. "So, what all happened, and how'd you get me out of there?" He asked. "Especially without anyone seeing you?" "Well, before that. Let me change your bandages. That fire did quite a number on you." She agreed as she helped him take off said bandages. It took longer than he thought it would. It covered many parts of his body. His back, ribs, legs, and neck were all covered, though the damage varied from place to place. The worst area was the large burn mark across his back from where a beam fell on him. "You got lucky. I got there quick enough where the worst injury you got was the 2nd degree burn on your back. Other than that, a few fractured bones and some first degree burns." Once all the bandages were off, she opened a jar of some type of salve before Skystrike put up a hoof to stop her. "Hold on. Get me the towel first. I feel... naked." He stated as simply as he could. The changeling looked at him, blinked, then realized that his meat was out. She apologized with an embarrassed blush before getting the towel and levitating it over to him with her magic. Skystrike put the towel around his waist. Skystrike breathed in deeply, preparing himself for what he was about to do. When he changed for the first time from a human to a pony, he realized that it wasn't a simple illusion like it is for changelings. He had to change nearly his entire biology. How his blood flowed, where his organs were, the whole nine yards. Upon further testing his transformations, he realized three things. One, he can't turn into something with less mass than he started with. Two, he couldn't channel his magic as well as he normally could when he wasn't in his original form. Third, his wounds transferred between transformations, and transforming while wounded was painful. However, he needed to heal faster than he is right now. He's have to power through the pain. He sat up and breathed deeply. A green fire started from his chest and creeped out towards his extremeties. The burning sensation he felt as his white coat turned to dark skin was painful, but bearable. The most painful parts were when his snout turned into a familiar human nose, and where were once his hooves were hands and feet, the digits seemingly growing from the fire. His white hair flowed down his back and rested on the floor. He'd have to cut it later. The changeling looked at him, in awe of the form he took. She saw him like that as a child, but didn't realize how much he's grown over the years. Skystrike thought the same as her. It's been a good few years since he transformed. He focused more on the injuries he had, deciding he needed to heal them. Skystrike focused the magic around where he was injured. Of course, due to how many he had, he surrounded his whole body in a green aura. He felt bones move back into place and the skin regrow, only leaving scars where the burn marks once were. While he could heal, it wasn't the ideal way. There were two ways for him to heal. His first choice was to use the unused energy in his body, such as fats and carbs, to speed up his natural regeneration. His second choice was to shave off some of his lifespan to heal wounds. A last resort. He chose the former. "Now... I have some questions." Skystrike sat up straight to look at the changeling. She stood at attention. "Yes sir! Ask away!" He sighed at that. 'Sir.' "Don't call me that... I stopped being your captain when I was banished... when I let her die." He gripped his knees. She gulped. "Of course... Skystrike. Ask away." Skystrike leaned forward, getting to her eye level. "First, I'll need to know your name. What is it?" "Caddis." She said with a flare of her wings. "Alright, Caddis. No need to be so tense. How long have I been out for?" "...Almost a week." She answered. Skystrike sighed at hearing that. "Alright... Where are we, and how'd you get me here? Don't mean to be rude, but you don't seem strong enough to carry me." "We're in a cave on the underside of Canterlot. And I didn't carry you?" She said the second part confused. "When I went to check on you, you were already standing. You asked me to take you somewhere safe. Though your voice was different, thinking back on it." Different voice? Already standing? He leaned forward. "Was I wearing a helmet?" Caddis nodded. He gripped the collar around his neck. That's new... Echo is able to control him when he's unconsious at the bare minimum. That's scary, to say the least. But... he did save him. If Echo didn't, he's still be in the rubble. Despite that, he'd still need to talk to him later. "One more question, Caddis..." "Yes?" She tilted her head. "How long were you watching me for, and who ordered it?" He narrowed his eyes. If a changeling could sweat, Caddis would be doing so right now. "Uhm... well..." She started. "Go on." He said, but came off as more a demand. "...The queen... told me to start watching you since you came to Canterlot years ago. There was a different changeling watching you in Cloudsdale." "...Since Cloudsdale, huh?" He growled. "So, I see Chrysalis never trusted me since the beginning..." "Oh, no no no, I meant the past queen. She was worried about you. We were just a sort of failsafe." Caddis explained. She began to explain further. "To be honest, I don't... have any loyalty to Chrysalis anymore. She banished all who were vocal on siding with you. Most of us sent to look after you included. I just... don't like leaving a job half done I guess..." Skystrike looked at her for a moment before pulling her into a long hug. "I'm sorry..." He said. The only thing he could do was apologize. "You shouldn't have had to give up your family... our family... for me." "No need to apologize. It was my own choice to stay in Canterlot." She said, returning the hug. She did her best to not drool. Skystrike chuckled. "If you're hungry, just say so." He said as he opened his arms, letting her go. Caddis took a few steps back. "I'm ready when you are." Caddis cleared her throat before beginning. She openned her mouth in a way that could only be described as creepy. Her fangs showed and what would be called her pupils shrank as a pink mist came from Skystrike's form and condensed in her mouth. She bit down on it and smiled. "Ah... you have no idea how much I needed that..." She shuddered in satisfaction. Skystrike's expression didn't change. In fact, his face got more serious. "...Caddis, I don't mean to lay it on you like this, but... I do need a second opinion." Caddis burped, then nodded. "Thinking back to you, the other changelings, the former queen... and now the orphanage... I've noticed that I am the common denominator... I think it's best if... if Skystrike stayed dead. You and others were banished because of me... Mom was killed trying to save me... and my other brothers and sisters were targeted to get at me... I-... if Skystrike must die for those I care for to be safe... then it should be done." The two sat in silence for a moment. The howling wind from the outside air echoes throughout the cave. After minutes of thinking, she finally replied. "Well... if you think that's for the best... I won't argue with you. But the ones who think you are dead, the pain that you'll deal to them is irreparable." She said. Skystrike thought on the words she said, contemplating. "But, no matter the choice you make, I'll be by your side." Skystrike looked up at her and smiled. It may not be the best choice, but it was one he had to make. "Thank you, Caddis." It was not a pleasent memory to relive, but one he had to nonetheless. "Skystrike..." Twilight started. "When I thought you died, it broke not just me, it hurt everypony. When your memorial was finished, everyone was crying. We lost a friend. A brother. A son. You don't know how many ponies cared for you." She sniffed. "And then you come to Ponyville, show us your face, actin' like nothin' happened." Applejack butted in. "On top of all that, the first thin' ya do is go fight Nightmare Moon? Rainbow nearly cried herself to sleep that night!" She raised her voice in anger. Rainbow Dash gave Applejack an embarrassed look. "Hey, I was with Fluttershy. She actually did." "Not important here, Rainbow!" Applejack snapped her head onto her in anger. Rainbow quietly backed down. The waterworks were coming to Fluttershy too when her name was mentioned. "We... we finally get to see you again after all these years, and now you're going off again... We-... we don't want you to die!" Fluttershy began crying as much as Pinkie and hugged him too. Rarity made eyecontact with the stallion. "Skystrike... I know I don't know you nearly as well as the rest of us but... you are my dear friend. I speak for all of us that we don't want to see you hurt, let alone you disappear from our lives again." Rarity put a hoof on his shoulder. "Just... make sure you come back safe, alright, darling?" She tried to smile, but tears came out of her eyes too. She quickly tried to wipe them away to not ruin her mascara. Skystrike looked over to Zecora and Stardust standing next to eachother. "I know that this is something you must do, but know that for every mission you go on, my worry only grows for you." Zecora sighed. "Into your thoughts, I will not dive. I merely ask you come back alive." Stardust took a step forward. "You always worry about others before you... Just... put yourself first sometimes, alright, sir?" She pleaded. Spike didn't say anything. He simply walked up to him and hugged his leg. He could feel it begin to grow damp with his tears. Naga brushed him gently with her nose. She could be surprisingly careful when needed. Skystrike looked down. He's be lying if he said that their words didn't get to them. He took in a deep breath, then exhaled. "My actions need no justification, as it wouldn't change the irreparable damage I've done to you all." He began. "I know my actions may not be forgivable, but rather than dwelling on the many mistakes I made in the past... I want to make a better future for all of us. I want an ending that we can be happy with. I normally don't make promises, as I'm afraid I can't keep them, but I'll do this for you all." He said as he took a step back. He put a hoof over his chest. "You have my word that I will come back. And when I do, we have a lot to catch up on over the years I was gone." They all smiled back at him. "Now the night isn't over yet. We got until the train station parts us. Thirty minute walk." He offered. They took that offer, Pinkie jumping on his back, her normally happy self. The group began walking towards the train station. He remembered it's been a while since the last time he did something like this. Spending time with friends. Put simply, he enjoyed it. Telling jokes, sharing laughs, just having a good time. He'd make sure to do this more when he got back. Of course, there'd be no good times if they lasted forever. Their time eventually came to an end. Skystrike put his helmet back on as they approached the station. The conductor looked up from his seat. "Finally here." He coughed as he put the cigar in his mouth out. "We've already packed your train car. Got a lot of stuff in there for just a simple trip to Manehatten." He raised an eyebrow and pointed to the train car at the far end of the train. Skystrike ignored that last statement from the stallion, deciding to turn to his friends instead. "Well, this is it. My time to go" He said. "I'm bad with goodbyes, and I'd rather not set any flags." He chuckled to himself. "Don't worry about it. Just make sure you come back safe." Applejack smiled at him. "Hey! Maybe we can have a party when you do!" Pinkie offered. "Eeh, I'll think on it. Thanks though." Skystrike shrugged. "But you all take care of yourselves while I'm gone. I'm going straight to sleep one I get on the train." He said as he jumped to the top of the train car. Twilight looked up, stunned. "...How-" "Alright, Conducter, ready when you are!" He yelled to the conductor, who pulled the wistle on the train. It made it's well known sound before the wheels started to rotate and take him away from Ponyville. He turned to wave at his friends one more time before they were soon out of eyesight. He climbed down and into the train, changed out of his suit, and made a make-shift bed. He stared out the window at the night sky for a few minutes before falling asleep. "We see you've finally came." He heard a voice in his dream from behind him. Skystrike turned around to see Luna floating amongst a background of stars. "Alright... I guess you got some questions. Shoot." > Open Mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After falling asleep on the train, Skystrike's consciousness awoke in his dreams, the princess of the night waiting for him. They stood across from each other in a sea of stars. "Alright... I guess you got some questions. Shoot." Luna walked a bit closer. "Well, we wish to start by asking why you've been blocking our enterance into your nightmares, as well as how." He sighed. "Hard ones already? Damn..." He chuckled before rolling his neck. "For the how, I just wall off my mind, if that makes sense." He looked to Luna, who shook her head. "Think of it like... when a pony has mind reading magic. You'd think of many things at once so they can't get to your true thoughts. You could also just not think. I do both. The parts of my mind you try to enter are just thoughts of nothing." "...and why does thou block me from saving you from your nightmares?" She layed down and crossed her forehooves. "That... you won't like the answer... I've done many things I'm not proud of. I let my nightmares happen to serve as a punishment... By my own morals, I don't think I'm worthy of being saved." Skystrike admitted. Luna stayed silent for a moment. "I... understand how you feel. I think the same for when I was Nightmare Moon." "That's the thing Luna, you think you do, but you can't. Nopony can. In your case, you fell to temptation. You put your hilt on the sword and drew it. In the end, you sheathed it." Skystrike looked down at his hoof and clenched it. "I did the same, but that sword it still drawn. Now, I'm just fighting the urge to stab." He shook his hoof. "But you want more concrete answers. You want to see my nightmares. But if you want that, I'll need you to do something for me." Luna thought about what he said. She was at least willing to hear him out. "What is it you wish for?" Skystrike sighed as he sat down and leaned forward. "When we first met, you were NIghtmare Moon. I did make a sort of promise that night. I said I'd be her friend. That still applies now. I bring this up, because I have a bit of a theory." He started. Luna's eyes widened a bit. "When you gave in to that power a millenia ago, it made an alter ego, that being Nightmare Moon. Meaning you two are seperate minds, sharing one body. While here, I ask that you two split. So you both can experience what I'm about to show you." Luna stood up. "...Thou are frightening sometimes." She said as her eyes turned a blinding white light. Skystrike covered his eyes with a hoof, opening them moments later to see two ponies like he prediccted. Both Luna and Nightmare Moon stood infront of him. Nightmare aproached him, looking down at him in a mix of fustration and confusion. "...Why did you release me? Do you realize she keeps me locked away for a reason!?" Skystrike stood up and turned around. "If you really wanted to, you'd have done something already, if not try to sway Luna again. You won't admit it, but you enjoy the life she's living. At least some what. Well... there's more to it than that. Let me show you..." Skystrike made a grabbing motion in front of him with his hoof. A door was made out of nothingness steming from the door knob he was holding. With a twist, the door opened. He motioned the two in, who looked at each other. Luna began to speak. "Normally... we'd say not to interfere with his dream, but I don't believe either of us have the power." "...For once, we agree." Nightmare growled before the two entered, Skystrike following behind and closing the door. Once through, Luna and Nightmare saw nothing but void. An endless expanse of black. Nightmare turned to ask Skystrike, who was no longer behind them. Luna snapped her head to her alter ego. "What did you do!?" "I haven't done anything!" Nightmare defended herself. She was about to say something else before the two were interupted by the sound of screaming behind them. They looked to see a burning building, a filly being thrown out and landing next to some mare. They called out Skystrike's name before the building collapsed in on itself. The space around them warped, pulling them into the rubble. The debris around them disappeared, the only thing they were able to see was Skystrike, lying unconsious under the remaining visible debris. Skystrike, Luna, and Nightmare all heard a mocking laugh of a colt. The princesses looked around, but couldn't find the source of the sound. "This is one of the most recent ones." Skystrike said from under the debris. "I was sixteen, and it was the day of the gala. I don't regret saving them, and I don't necessarily regret faking my death. The outcome I wanted was acheived." He admitted. "...What dost thou mean?" Luna asked. "Well, I lived through this. But I stayed 'dead' because I thought it was safer for those around me. This was the second to last attack that happened, to my knowledge, on my friends and family." Skystrike explained. "I've... mostly gotten over this one, but I guess this still isnt satisfactory for you, is it?" He looked up at Luna. She stayed silent. "Alright, further back it is." The reality around them warped once again, Skystrike dissapearing while Luna and Nightmare stayed in place. Luna stood back up when they arived at the next scene. They stopped in a desert, feeling the heat of the scorching sun above them. The two looked around again, stopping when they saw something stand out. It was Skystrike. Battered, bloodied, and bruised. One of his wings was limp, and he was dragging a hind leg. But what caught them off guard was is face. "He... He's crying..." Nightmare said as she walked towards him. She stuck a hoof out to touch him, only for it to pass through him like a ghost Skystrike kept walking. They looked at his destination to see the changeling hive. The pegasus limped inside, disappearing from their sight. The scene changed once again, this time, Skystrike being in what they assumed to be the throne room. Countless changelings surrounded him, with one sitting on the throne. The princesses couldn't make out the faces of the changelings, or their queen, but they could hear what they were saying. In the few interactions Luna had with changelings, she could tell they were cunning, ruthless, and always put eachother first. One of the hardest enemies to face. But the scene she was witnessing was far from what she knew them from. They were...divided. Some spoke in support of Skystrike, while others were speaking of him in distain, snarling and hissing at him as he approached the throne. The pegasus looked up at the throne. The figure on it spoke in a feminine voice. "...You left her to die..." She said through anger and sadness. Skystrike tried to defend himself. "No... I... She told me to run... there was no way we could've won that fight..." The figure stood up and blasted him with magic, sending him back a few feet. "DON'T GIVE ME THAT!" She said through tears. "You are a SOLDIER! You should've died with her if the battle was lost!" "You know her better than I do... Khrusallis wouldn't have wanted that..." Tears fell from her eyes, dropping onto her throne. "Don't you say her name, traitor!" She bared her fangs. "I should've never brought you here!" A few of the changelings tried to speak in Skystrike's defense. "QUIET!" The figure shouted. The hive obeyed. "Skystrike, mother has passed. As next of kin, I am now the queen of the changeling hive. And as queen, I hereby banish you from the hive." Some of the changelings cheered at this, but many growled. "Any who have any problem are welcome to join him in exile. Unless he plans to challenge me to the right of inheritance." Skystrike thought about it for a moment... His eyes burned white with rage. Embers rose from the ground below him as the area around him grew hotter. "You... We lose our queen, your MOTHER, and you want to split this family apart MORE!? You think Khrusallis wanted this!? She'd want us to band closer together! And you're over here, feeding your lust for power!" His eyes were blinding at this point. Flames roared around his body, growing with his rage. "And you want to stand there, calling yourself a queen!? Tarnishing her title!?" His voice boomed, echoing through the walls of the hive. A few changelings even took a few steps back. Gritting his teeth, Skystrike shook his head, controling his emotions and dousing the flames around him. "No... I will not be in a hive like this... I'll leave by sundown..." He said before turning around and making his way back towards the entrance. Some of the changeling tried to talk him out of what he was doing, but they fell on deaf ears. He gathered the little he could and left, a small squad of changelings following behind him out of the hive. Once he made it a good distance away, they abrubtly stopped, frozen in time. Luna and Nightmare flew to his side. Skystrike began speaking. "I was fourteen during this. Visiting the hive from time to time when I could. This was the last visit where I was welcomed..." He remorsed. "My mother, gone, my family, divided, and my sister hated me. I only left because it was for the best. I could've caused a civil war in the hive..." Luna and Nightmare stood in front of him, the latter spoke first. "I think I understood what happened here..." "The previous queen died... and It was my fault... We were ambushed... they new exactly how to counter both of us. She told me to run while she held them off... I should've stayed... she may have still been alive now..." He sighed. "This is... much deeper an issue than I originally thought." Luna admitted. "Well... there's one more I want you to see...." Skystrike said. "This one, you will get confused, so you'll have questions after. More than you already do, and I'll answer them all the best I can. I promise." One last time, reality warped around them. Again, Luna and Nightmare stayed where they were, while everything around them, including Skystrike disappeared. When the world came to, they were seeing something no equestrian had seen before. They were in a room, each wall being a lab white. Luna and Nightmare were on the glass side of a one way window. In the middle of the room they were observing, a fight was going on. What confused and sickened them was the ones participating in the battle were all children. Well, they assumed they were children. They weren't ponies. They were- "Humans." Luna said to herself. When she returned to Equestria, she remembered her sister saying something about them, and how one appeared almost twenty years ago. Her description was spot on. "12! 27! 29! 34!" The mares heard a voice emit from a speaker above them. "Put some effort into it! Remember! Your lives are on the line!" Their eyes went wide in response to this. The children, also hearing this, began emitting magic of various types. Too much was going on for them to process. It was too much to take in. However, despite this, one of the children stood out. The one with dark skin and white hair was letting out magic at an astounding rate, the rest of the kids making an unspoken alliance to defend against him. Once the three were cornered, the dark skinned boy planted his feet and threw a large fireball at the others, turning them all into a large pile of ash. "Well done 34! You'll be transported back to your cell shortly!" The voice said all too happy. 34 looked at where the other numbers once were, then down to his hands. Time stopped again, and their surroundings once again faded to black. 34 spoke in Skystrike's voice, signaling to Luna and Nightmare Moon that they were one in the same. "Here... I think this is where it started. When I started thinking... I knew once the last of my brothers and sisters were gone, that what I did was wrong. You didn't hear them, but the last thing one of them said was 'monster'... fitting, isn't it?" He gave a sad chuckle. Skystrike, still in the body of 34, waved his hand, changing the space back into a sea of stars. His body also changed, growing into an adult male. He stood taller than Nightmare Moon, her eyes meeting his chest. His muscular body out for the world to see, save for a cloak covering his body from waist to shins. His hair, not being cut in years, fell over his shoulders and onto his back. Skystrike sat down. "Well, you can ask your questions now." Luna asked first. "You... you aren't a pony, or a changeling... who... what are you?" "I'm a human. The name I go by now is Skystrike Nebula. What I used to be called was 34." Skystrike put out a hand and rolled his wrist. "Didn't Celestia say something about a human when we came back?" Nightmare turned to Luna, who nodded. "Not surprised." Skystrike interupted. "When I first got here, didn't make a good first impression. Had to escape the capital and fight your sister. I'm guessing she's still looking for me." "And you've been under her nose all these years... impressive." Nightmare grinned. "Now, a question of my own. How are you related to the changelings? And what happened to those that followed you?" "I was taken in by the previous queen after my escape from Canterlot. The one you saw take the throne, was the one who pushed to let me in the hive in the first place. As for the changelings that followed, I did my best to find them homes elsewhere, in various cities in Equestria... I... cut contact when I faked my death." He sighed. "Are you still in contact with any of the changelings?" Luna asked, sitting down. "And you were only a colt during that memory... what was your purpose when you lived along ponies?" "Very few. I have a couple spies in the hive, just to make sure I'm up to date. For the second question, that's... a bit more personal, but since we're this far in, might as let it all out." Skystrike looked into Luna's eyes. "I made a promise to the late queen, Khrusallis. She wanted a future where ponies and changelings could live together. In her mind, I was someone perfect to make that dream a reality. I lived as a spy of sorts. I've lived both as a pony and changeling, so I was in charge of facilitating relations between the two races." He paused before continuing. "...Her dream would've been a reality if not for my banishment." "...I'd like to ask you more questions about this with my sister present-" Luna began before being cut off. "I refuse." Skystrike stated before elaborating. "It was her royal guards who attacked me and the late queen. Ask now or hold your silence. I will tell her on my own terms." He said this, more as a demand. Luna took the hint, knowing there wouldn't be a way to talk him out of this. "My turn... Skystrike, what do you plan to do about her? Celestia I mean..." Nightmare began to grin. "I will deal with her when the time comes. While I have lived alongside her as a pony and nephew, and while I have grown to appreciate her, I cannot forgive her for what she's done. The memory, I will show you at another time. For now, we will continue as we were. She doesn't need to know who I am." "Then why did you tell us?" Luna furrowed her brow. "Well... when we faught each other when Nightmare was in control... I was thinking about that. I realized that in some capacity, you both can relate to me. Trying to grow from a past we regret." He let out a sigh. "I wont ask what you went through those centuries ago. I just ask that you keep quiet about this for now." Luna nodded. "I cannot promise I won't speak of this, but I will try to respect your wishes... Back at the gala... we heard the laughing of a colt that wasn't your voice... Do you know who it was?" Skystrike thought back on it. His eyes flickered white. "Yes..." He seethed. "We grew up together in that orphanage. Some of those ponies were his brothers and sisters... not biologically, but you know what I mean. And he hurt them to get to me... I... he deserves what I will do to him." "What's his name?" Luna asked. "What do you plan to do to him?" Nightmare asked. Fitting. "I'm keeping that to myself, it's part of the plan. He was a prime suspect for the fire, but there was never evidence to prove it was him. If you really want to know who he is, that should tell you all you need to find out." Skystrike stood up. "...as for what I plan to do... I will break his stolen pride, and make him admit to his crime... If he doesnt... then... well..." He clenched his fist. "It is not my place to judge and punish him. I will not do the makers will. I will, however, be the one to send him to them." Nightmare hummed. "Hmm... I'd love to see it..." Luna put a hoof on his hand. "We do not fully understand your pain, but we are no stranger to betrayal... your revenge... it's self serving, as all vengance is... it will not bring you any peace." Skystrike kneeled down to be eye height with the princess of the night. "Luna... I'm sure you're right, and part of me wants to listen, but this is something I can't let go... He hurt others to get to me... that is unforgivable. It may not bring me peace, but in that moment... his pain will bring me pleasure." She stayed quiet at that. Nightmare looked at him and gave a wide grin. "We are alike... makes me think on why you declined my offer those months ago." He stood up and walked over to Nightmare, stopping in front of the alicorn. "Listen well, Nightmare Moon..." He leaned forward to look inter her eyes. "I will not act like I know your situation, because I don't. But at the very least, I know that we each had different reasons for our actions. Do not confuse my wrath with jealousy, nor my kindness for mercy." Skystrike rolled his neck and crossed his arms. "I offered to be your friend, because of my morals, and that we should have the chance to be somebody better than we once were. You've been given that chance, and I don't want you to waste it." Nightmare moon growled at this, baring her fangs. "Shut your mouth, human! I don't need your pity! Do not act like you know who I am!" "I wont, because that wouldn't be fair to you. It's wrong to judge ones character off of one interaction. Thus, I will allow your future actions to show who you are." Skystrike turned around. "First, get on better terms with Luna, then we'll figure out where to go from there. Getting back on track..." Skystrike looked to Luna. "Any more questions?" Luna shook her head. "Uh... just a few more..." She stood up. "At the fire, you said that it was one of the more recent ones. What do you mean?" Skystrike looked at her, then looked up into the void of a sky. "...There was another incident. Where my mercenary group 'All' got attacked. We were betrayed by a client. Things went south, quickly, and well... my friends almost died, and... I'll just show you next time... I've shared enough today. When I want to talk about it, you'll know." Luna stood up. "We understand. We just have one last question... more a request..." She put a hoof on his chest. "We believe the reason you are telling us is because of the coming mission you've accepted. We are able to enter ones dreams, and feel the dreamers emotions after all." She looked Skystrike in the eyes, who avoided eye contact. "Make sure that thou comes back alive." Skystrike nodded. "I plan to." He gave a faint smile. Luna gave one of her own. "Nightmare, it's time for us to depart." Nightmare side eyed Skystrike before walking to the princess, who waved a hand at her. She turned her head up at that. She'd come around eventually. Luna's eyes flashed a blinding light once again, their surroundings turning white. Skystrike covered his eyes again. When he openned his eyes, he was awake. "Well that was fucking weird." He said to himself. "Your brain signaled hightenned activity last night. I assume that Luna visited your dreams?" Echo spoke. "Yeah, we talked a bit about my past. I need to face it sooner or later." Skystrike admitted. Be careful who you share information too. We are not certain who we can trust. Echo warned. "I know, I know... but I have to take the risk for now. If things work out, then I'll gain a great ally." "And if it fails?" Skystrike stayed silent for a moment before responding. "Then my original plan remains the same." "Noted." Echo said in monotone. "We will arrive at the Vanhoover train station in thirty minutes. I suggest getting ready." Skystrike hummed in agreement as he stood up. He looked around the train car, making sure everything was packed securely. Food rations, blankets, clothes, flasks of various potions, and some extra stuff that would come in later. He'd already rented a large wagon for transportation of his materials and the hostages. He hoped that they could hold out a bit longer. The train whistled when he arrived, signalling it was his time to get off. He stretched once the train stopped and started moving his luggage out of his train car, getting on his hind legs and picking up a barrel under each of his arms, placing them on the train platform. On his second trip out, placing down a crate of blankets, Skystrike noticed a few ponies staring at him and muttering between themselves. He ignored them a bit, going back in his train car to grab another crate, being careful with this one due to the fragile contents inside. Each time he came back out the car, the crowd ponies eyeing him grew bigger. It wasn't new to him, but it has been a while since his last mission. This was the norm for him. He assumed that one part of the stares was how massive he was for a pony, being about double the size he should be for a stallion. His heavy armor, making him look bigger added to it. He knew that a part of the stares was the name he made for himself. A stallion walked up to him. "Uh... excuse me..." He said nervously. Skystrike turned to look at him. "Hey, how can I help you?" The stallion took a moment to form his words. "Well... We just want to know what's going to happen. Since you're here, well... you know..." Despite being known as 'Atlas Nebula' by the public, and being known for his combat ability and mission success rate, he was also known as the pony you call when you have no other options. Basically, shit was about to get real. "Don't worry. I'm just in Vanhoover to take a quick pit stop. The train doesnt go to where I need, so I have to walk from here." Skystrike assured the stallion. "Actually, if you can point me in the right direction to get to the Great Luna Bay, that'd be great." The stallion nodded. "Just follow main street and go north." He said as he pointed. "Thanks." Skystrike said as he sat down next to his stuff. Now, he had to wait for the wagon he rented. Somepony would deliver it to him. He looked at the rising sun. About eight in the morning. They should be coming soon. Once the stallion went back into the crowd, some of them left to continue with their days. Others still stayed. He paid them no mind. After some time, a group of three ponies aproached him. Once the mare leading them introduced herself as the owner of the wagon rental company, the two stallions behind her began moving Skystrike's items onto the wagon. After telling them to be careful, and finalizing the contract, specifying the cost per day, Skystrike hitched himself to the wagon and started pulling, making his way down the road. The stallion said head north on main street. After a few minutes of walking, he realized how heavy the wagon was. It was big enough to fit about eight ponies, as well as all his luggage on the underside. It'd be even heavier carrying more ponies on his way back. He sighed, thinking about what he was going to have to deal with, but shook the worry away with a head shake. As he walked north on the city road, the road slowly turned to gravel as he got closer to the edge of the city. Once there, he grabbed his lunchbox and began to eat while he walked. Taking a sniff of his sandwich and about to bite into it, he was inturupted by somepony. "Hey! Excuse me!" The voice said alongside the sounds of clopping hooves. Nothing out of the ordinary, but what caught him off guard was the voice itself. It sounded... familiar. But at the same time, not. Like when he first met up with his childhood friends in Ponyville. He could recognize the voice, it just sounded older. More mature. He held his breath as he turned around. A unicorn mare. A few years younger than him by the looks. She had a light lavender coat, and a straight mane and tail of peach, purple, and pink. Her magenta eyes met the blue ones from his helmet. For clothing, she wore the the same armor that a royal guard wore, save for it being silver in color, and the lack of a helmet. He ignored the rest of her equipment for now, focusing on the mare. 'Astral...' he thought to himself. It was Astral Night. His younger sister of about two years. Last he saw her was when he faked his death. It's been eight years since he saw her. Skystrike was feeling a lot of things. Most of what he was feeling was varying forms of happiness. Astral looked like she was doing well. She grew up well, and took care of herself. Most of all, he was glad to see her again. Of course, he was also feeling not so good things. The pain of missing out. The regret of leaving. The remorse of the pain he made her go through. But what hurt him most is that he couldn't reveal himself. Sure he revealed his identity to his friends in Canterlot, but that's different. Minuette, Twinkle Shine, and Lemon Hearts might tell ponies, but nopony would really believe them. Astral Night would definitely tell somepony, and they would believe her. But that was the least of his worries. He's caused too much pain to her and the others at the orphanadge. Coming back now wouldn't ease their pain, only increase it. Skystrike finished thinking to himself before responding to her, keeping calm to not give himself away. "Good morning. How can I help you?" She stopped in front of him, catching her breath. "I'm... Astral Night. Nice to meet you!" She said between breaths, putting out her hoof. "Glad I caught you before you left." Skystrike shook her hoof. "Atlas Nebula, but you probably new that." He greeted her. "So, what do you need?" "Well, I just got here from Canterlot by train. I was asking around, and it turns out we both have to go to Great Luna bay! Was hoping we could travel together. It'd make the trip safer and much quicker." Skystrike blinked. He needed to make sure. "...Exactly what business do you have to do up there?" "A pony there sent a request for help. A few ponies went missing in a village starting up, scary stuff... I saw their notice and took the job." She explained. Skystrike's heart fell into his stomach. He could just tell, she had no idea what she was getting into. He looked at Astral's gear. Standard armor, a short sword, some throwing daggers, and a large backpack of what he assumed essentials. She was prepared for what she assumed she needed to prepare for, not what she actually needed to prepare for. "I see... You know, I didn't think a young mare like yourself would take a job like this one." She puffed out her chest. "Well... I'm a lot stronger than I look." She smiled before it fell a bit. "And... there's another reason that's a bit more personal... I had a brother who'd help out ponies when he could. Figured this was my chance to do the same." Skystrike smiled a bit at that. Then sighed. Just from that, he knew he wouldn't be able to talk Astral out of going. "Fair enough. Going to the same place anyway. Hop inside, it's a three day trip, but I plan on doing it in two." Astral smiled at him. "Thanks!" She hopped in his wagon before Skystrike started walking while eating. "Wow, you got a lot of stuff in here..." Astral looked around. "Seems like you bought a lot more stuff than you'd need to find missing ponies... what do you need these spears for?" Skystrike finished chewing the bite of his sandwich he took. "I'm not sure how much research on the area you did, but there could be some dangerous things up there. I'd rather be over prepared." "What do you mean? What should I know?" Skystrike cleared his throat before speaking. "Knowledge is power, Astral. We have the chance to know what's going to happen before we get there. What you should know is that this isn't a simple missing pony case. Don't quote me on this, but there is a very high chance that this is a hostage situation. Something took those ponies hostage." "Oh..." She said. "Shit..." "Yeah, and sadly, it gets worse." Skystrike continued. "They put up a notice, which is how they got you to go up there. Different from my case. A pony from that settlement went to day court to tell Celestia privately, then she came to me. Preparing for the worst, that means the one who made the notice and the one who went to the princess are two different ponies. One of us is being set up." "That's... very concerning if you're right. But at the same time, those are just hypotheticals, right?" Astral poked her head out the front of the wagon. "Well, yes, it is a hypothetical, but I'll be proven right or wrong when we get there. Whoever is in charge there will only be expecting you. Not me as well." Skystrike explained as he pulled the wagon. he rolled his neck then looked back at Astral. "I'll think of a plan for either scenarios. For now, save your strength. I ask that you keep watch tonight." Astral nodded. "I can do that no problem... though if I can ask you something, you're being pretty considerate of me. Don't get me wrong, I apreciate it, but the last groups I went with were nowhere near as nice. I guess I'm just... asking why?" Skystrike looked down at the ground, then straight ahead. "Well... two reasons really. When you work a job like mine, and as long as I have... when you take away the lives of many, deserving or not, you realize how much life is worth living... how lucky you are to be able to breathe the next day. We have the gift of life. No telling if we'll make it back this time. You still have the chance to turn around right now." Astral sat down, looking at the scenery around her. "...Admittedly, I didn't think of it like that. My brother... he was a big role model for me. Put others first before himself. Some of his last words to me was to help those that need it. I... I want to honor his memory, so I took this job. He'd do it." She said the last part with a waver is her voice. Little did she know.... "I also want to help my younger siblings. I took over some of what he did when he passed. Times are a bit hard right now, and I need the money... What was your second reason?" "...Really noble of you... My second reason, well... I made a promise. Seeveral actually..." Skystrike looked back at Astral. "I promised two ponies as a colt that I'd use my power to help others. To protect others. And I promised myself that I would help others, like I wish I was helped when I was at my lowest." "And you say I'm noble." She giggled. "...you remind me of him, my brother I mean. You're much different from the rumors that ponies say, you know." "Ah... well, I'm honored... I wont ask about him, I know the pain of loss too well. And what's this about rumors?" He raised an eyebrow from under his helmet. "Well, ponies say you're an asshole, to be honest. The few ponies you did missions with said you were controlling. Then the ones you denied working with obviously think the same." Astral leaned back in her seat. "Speaking with you now, I can see it was somewhat out of worry. Then, there are the rumors saying you're some blood thirsty killer, and a battle maniac, but those aren't as popular." "You're mostly right on the first half. I get that I come off as an ass sometimes. Well, probably most times. The killer part is definitly warranted. There were times where I have had to kill, and ponies knew it was me, they just couldn't prove it, so I got away with few charges. I may be entirely wrong about this, but many ponies just don't understand that some beings have to die if others want to live. I do my best to make sure I only kill those deserving." Her ears perked up at that. "...and what would make one deserving of death?" "Well, I think my way of thinking is fair. When somepony does something wrong, most times, punishing them is rarely a deterent. In fact, most times, it just alerts them to be sneakier about it. So, if you're understanding me so far, and this is where many would disagree, instead of punishing them, you have to make them experience what they did wrong. This way, they know the pain they put somepony else through, and would most likely not do it again. Personally, just from what I've experienced, even that isnt enough. Sometimes I have to go farther...." Astral thought about that to herself for a few minutes. "That... makes logical sense, but I'm not entirely sure I agree with all of it. So basically an eye for an eye?" "More or less. Obviously, it changes from situation to situation, but that sums it up. As an example, I was given a bounty to hunt a bandit. He started out as a thief, then it turned to torture. Then... he was about to kill a stallion before I caught him. In that moment, no punishment would've made him stop, so I decided to kill him, so the bandit couldn't harm any others. I didn't want to take the chance on 'he might learn better'." "Fair enough. I say that, but I haven't had to... take the life of another yet." "Hope you never have to." Skystrike finished as he kept walking. Sunrise quickly turned to sunset as Skystrike and Astral traveled north. His body was a bit tired from pulling his stuff all this way, so he was currently looking for a place to rest. The grassy plains grew colder as they ventured further nortth, Skystrike even seeing a snow storm further ahead. Astral saw the same. "We should set up camp now. No telling if the storm will come to us. " Skystrike nodded and slowed to a stop. "Was just thinking that. There's a crate in there marked 'camp'. Can you bring that out for me?" Astral nodded. She looked around and found the labeled crate. She used her magic to try and pick it up, only being able to get it a few inches off the ground before releasing it, landing with a thump that shoot the whole wagon. "Jeez... what's all in here!?" "Uh..." Skystrike picked his memory. "Pots and pans, silverware, some firewood, a perimeter alarm. You know, the basics. Need help?" Skystrike took himself out of the harness he had on. "No... I got it... and what about a perimeter alarm?" The asked before holding her breath and flaring her magic, forcing the box out the wagon and onto the grass with a huff. "The perimeter alarm is exactly how it sounds. I set the perimeter, and it makes a noise when anything crosses from the outside. Grab it for me. It looks like a grey rod." He gave a description as he stretched a bit. Astral found it, using her magic to float the rod over. Skystrike took it out of the air, stabbed it into the ground, and made a twisting motion. As he twisted, a thin white spherical barrier passed through him, Astral, and the wagon, stopping it once it was about ten meters in diameter. After that, he walked over to the box, stood on his hind legs, and picked up the crate to move it towards the center of their camp. "...How did you get that strong?" Astral asked, walking beside him. "And why do you stand like that? It looks uncomfortable." "For your first question, proper consistent training of the body and mind, as well as constant life or death situations. For your second, with how my armor was made, It's much easier to stand like this for long periods of time, so not too uncomfortable. As to the why, It keeps my front hooves free, and I don't have to carry a weapon in just one hoof, or in my mouth. With how many ponies fight anyway, they get on their hind legs. Mostly though, it's because I built my fighting style around it as a dual swordsman." Skystrike put down the crate. "Actually, I'll give you a quick demonstration. It's easier to show it rather than explain." "I-... I'm not sparing with you... I don't wanna die." Astral shrunk down a little. "Oh, no, I wouldn't ask you to do that." He walked to the wagon and got his swords. He got a good grip on them as he walked back to the mare. "So, these blades are custom made. Take a look at one." He put a hoof out, offering her a blade. Astral took it, taking it out of the scabbard and looking at the blade. She could tell that it kept an edge well, but there were a few things that stuck out to her. "What's with the massive hole near the tip? Seems like a bad idea. And the hilt that looks like a dragon?" "The hole, normally you'd be right, it would be a structural weakness for normal blades. These two swords were made specifically to have magic gemstones where the holes are, to increase the strength of the blades and give them magical effects. I just don't have the gemstones, so they've stayed empty." He explained, taking the scabbard off the sword in his hooves and giving it a few practice swings, it making a whistling sound. "It also makes a certain noise. If you swing the blade straight and hard, it makes a loud whistling sound, telling you that you swung right, and your foes get intimidated too sometimes." "And the hilts?" "The hilts are the heads of dragons because I see dragons as the embodiment of strength. It is in the nature of a dragon to be strong. And I need my blades to be strong enough to rely on. Symbolism basically. Now, let me show you what I meant earlier." Skystrike, still on his hind hooves twisted his body to stretch a bit before twirling his sword and getting into a low stance. "So, my fighting style, as a pegasus and especially a swordsman, focuses on speed. To generate the maximum force I can, I use all of my upper body, and when I make contact, I transfer the force to my upper body, since as a stallion, my center of mass is in my chest." He flapped his wings, just enough where he was flying a few inches off the ground. "With my style, I fly towards foes..." He flew a few feet forward. "As I approach, I begin my swing. It differs depending on what direction I'm flying. In this case, I'm flying forward, so I do a horizontal, overhead, or underhoof swing. Let's go with a horizontal for now." He made a slow swing from side to side, then stopped mid swing. "The moment my sword should make contact, I plant my back hooves into the ground, so I can transfer all the force my sword takes through my body." He did so and finished the rest of his sword swing. "Now, here's what it looks like when put into motion..." He combined his explaination into one, fluid motion, flying forward, planting his hooves and swinging his sword in less than a second. His sword howled as it cut through the air. "I think I get it." Astral grabbed the sword in her hooves, nearly dropping it at the weight. "Sheesh... you make it look easy... and that sound is intimidating." She gave a small laugh. "I'd say learn some swordsmanship if you havent already." He put his sword back in his scabbard before walking to the crate he put down earlier. "I say that since you know... most unicorns focus too much on magic, and not so much on their body." "Yeah, I get it. I will admit im not in the shape I wish to be, and while I don't know how to use a sword, I do know how to use knives pretty well." She turned to her side, showing the dagger on her side and the throwing knives in a harness around her back leg. "...You know, I never did ask how you fight." Skystrike pulled out some cocking supplies from the crate and started a small fire. "So... I guess by definition I'm a spell sword? I mostly use magic attacks, but my knives have special effects enchanted to them. Some channel my magic into what they stick to, some dispel magic, and some cast a spell when thrown. All of them can only be used a few times before I have to recharge their magic." "And what type of magic can you use?" He began heating a pot Astral walked towards Skystrike to give back his sword. "I specialize in alteration and enchanting. My weapons and armor were all enchanted by yours truly!" She boasted a bit. "Is that so? Very impressive. I've tried making my own enchantments, so I know it's hard. And for alteration, any specific spells you know? Could come in handy later." Skystrike grabbed a large container of soup and poured it in the pot to heat it up. "Um..." Astral thought for a moment. "Well, alteration spells rarely are meant to harm. It's more meant to be a supportive type of magic. Notable ones I can cast Candlelight, Strengthening, Swift, Detect Life, and Paralyze." "Those can definitely come in handy. I'll make a mental note of that. I'll ask you to go into more detail tomorrow." Skystrike got two wooden bowls and poured soup into each of them. "For now, eat. We leave at sunrise. I plan on making it to our destination by noon." She took the bowl and looked at it. "Oh, Fennel Carrot Soup! I love this..." She put a spoonful in her mouth and hummed. "...Reminds me of home a bit... You know, I told you a bit about my past, but I know nothing about yours. It's only fair." Skystrike stopped mid bite. "...My past is not a happy one. It's full of wrath, abandonment, betrayal, and regret. If you want the short version, I ran from one life, found a new one, was betrayed by my sister, found a new one again, then was forced away from that one. I'd rather not talk about it..." Skystrike said. Astral could tell from the scratch marks on his bowl from the metal claws that it was best to not bring the subject up. "Okay... I'll leave you be then..." She said awkwardly. The two continued their meal in silence. Once done, Skystrike got up, and put his bowl next to the now empty cooking pot. "Are you still hungry?" Skystrike asked. Astral shook her head an response. "Alright. Leave the bowl and utensils next to the pot. I'll make something quick in the morning. We'll start moving a bit after your shift is over. I hope you don't mind sleeping in the wagon." Astral shook her head. "I'll be fine. Will you be? That's only like six hours of sleep." Skystrike nodded. "I need to get it now while I can. Things will get crazy when we get there." With that, he climbed inside the wagon and sat down, leaning his back on the wall and closing his eyes. After a few minutes, He fell asleep. He awoke to the sound of light beeping. Openning his eyes, he saw that Echo set an alarm for him to about one in the morning. Looking through the overlay of his helmet, there was nothing out of the ordinary, besides the temperature dropping lower than it should've. He walked out to see Astral huddled under a light blanket, reading a book. She looked back at him, yawning. "That time?" She stood up and made her way towards the wagon, but pausing next to Skystike. "Also... I want to say sorry about earlier, Nebula." "Don't worry about it. Get some rest. I'll wake you when we get there." Skystrike walked by her and began cleaning up camp. Astral looked back at him before climbing in the wagon and going to sleep. He made himself and Astral a couple of sandwiches before finishing the cleaning and putting everything back in the crate. He moved the crate back into the wagon, then sat down to eat his sandwiches. Once finished, he did his daily excersizes, then hitched himself back to the wagon, and began walking again. He checked the time in his overlay, nearly 2 a.m. He looked ahead, seeing that the storm from yesterday moved closer towards him. He estimated it was about two hours away, but couldn't estimate how thick the snow storm was. He kept a constant pace, saving his energy for the road ahead. Skystrike felt the air biting at him as it got colder, speeding up in response. The sooner he was out of the cold, the better. As his trot turned into a gallop, he thought on why the weather was like this. No way that any pagasi would bring this many clouds out here for this long. There was also no way they just had this many clouds transported to their start up village. He'd need to find the source of the storm once he arrived. Thankfully, it only took about ninety minutes to get through the storm. He slowed down to a walk to catch his breath. Skystrike shook some snow of himself and out of the nooks and crannies of his armor. Cracking his neck, he sped up back to a trot. Finally, after a few hours more of travel, they arrived. It was a small village, as expected. About a dozen log cabins of of various sizes. What was odd to him was that despite it being noon, and it being a bright, cool day, there were no ponies around. Taking a closer look at the houses, the curtains on the windows were closed, and the lights were off. He'd need to figure exactly what was going on here. He parked the wagon to the side of the dirt path and went to wake Astral up, who was sprawled out on the floor, back on the ground. Some of her limbs stuck out from under the blanket. She was always a messy sleeper. Skystrike nudged her awake with a hoof. "Snrk... huh? What?" She pushed herself up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "We... we're there already?" "I said I'd do it in two days." Skystrike helped her up. "I need you here. They're expecting you, not me. Plus, you look much more approachable than me." She nodded and the two climbed out, Skystrike leading the way. After making a few turns, they stopped infront of a two story cabin with a large set of double doors. Skystrike put a hoof out to signal Astral to stop, then a hoof up to his helmet to be quiet. He noticed earlier that dozens of sets of hoof steps came from the other cabins and lead to this one and stopped. "Cast a detect life spell and tell me what you see." He whispered. She closed her eyes, focusing magic and casting the spell. When Astral opened her eyes, they were a bright red. From her view, red auras were surrounded every living being, making a silhouette. She looked at Skystrike to make sure she casted it correctly, then inside the building. "There's a large mass of life in there. They're all huddled together, so I cant exactly tell what is in there.... or how many..." Skystrike nodded. His best course of action as of now would be to sneak inside, and to be certain of who was in there. "I'll find a way inside. If it sounds like anything bad happens while I'm inside, break down the door." Astral nodded. Skystrike flew onto the roof and landed next to a skylight at the back of the cabin, pointing towards the forest. He found it odd that it was already unlocked, and rather large... He ignored it for now, opening the skylight and climbing in. Being careful to watch his step, trying to make as little noise as possible, he opened the attic door and climbed down a ladder leading to the second floor. A long hallway beckoned him to go down it. He did so, being the only way for him to go. The stallion was about to round a corner leading to the indoor balcony, but stopped to hug the wall. He peeked the corner to see a few dozen ponies of various types and ages, huddled together, as it to protect one another. Some even had weapons. Now the harder part. He went back behind the corner and back outside the cabin. If they really were defending themselves from dragons, his face... well helmet, probably wasn't the best for them to see under high stress. He made his way back outside and landed next to Astral. "Knock on the door, introduce yourself. Some of them have weapons, so back up a bit when they open the door." Astral nodded and did so, knocking on the door. "Um... Hello? My name is Astral Night, I'm here for your request to look for some missing ponies? Is anypony there?" Astral and Skystrike heard the sounds of hoof steps approaching the door, it creaking open slowly. A spear came out first, then a navy unicorn stallion with a black and white stripped mane and tail. The two were already far enough back where the spear couldn't reach. "...There's two of you... I only paid for one pony." "You only need to pay for one. I'm here for my own reasons." Skystrike stepped forward. "I assume you're the village head here?" The stallion pointed his spear at Skystrike's neck. "Who sent you here!?" Skystrike furrowed his brow. "That information that I'm not willing to give out, especially to somepony who's pointing their weapon at me." Astral stopped the situation from escalating any more, pushing the spear down with a hoof. "Lets calm down... Nebula is here with me. We met by chance on our way here. I promise he wont get in the way of my investigation." The stallion looked at her, then glared at Skystrike. "Very well... I am Magelight. Now get inside, and quickly." He opened the door, signaling the two in. They followed, Magelight closing the door behind them. The three turned around to see the rest of the ponies inside. "Jeez... do you have the whole village in here?" Astral asked rhetorically. "Yes." Magelight answered. "Alright, everyone! All clear! They're ponies!" Magelight called out the the ponies inside. They could hear the wave of relief that washed over the residents. The residents left in groups to go back to their homes. "What happened here? Why was everypony huddled together here?" Astral asked. Magelight looked back to Astral and Skystrike. "I'll tell Astral... Nebula, I ask you to leave." "Makes sense. I'll see you two later." Skystrike turned to leave before whispering something in Astral's ear. "Something is off about that stallion. Play it safe." He said, walking past and closing the door behind him. A few ponies were walking about and talking between eachother. He jumped up into the air and began flying. It'd be best to survey the area first. Seventeen houses in total. The head's house was closest to the forest. There were few trees within the confines of the village. Nothing really notable about the place. One thing he did notice was a pony waving him down. As Skystrike approached, the pony ducked behind a house, furthest from the head's. Landing on the ground, Skystrike saw a vanilla colored hoof wave him in. "Quick, before anypony else sees!" A mare's voice said. Skystrike went inside and closed the door. The vanilla colored pony lit a lantern, lighting up the room and the six ponies inside. "Thank Celestia you're here... well literally!" She gave a nervous laugh. Skystrike looked at the ponies around the room, then at her. "I assume you're the one that went to tell Celestia?" "Yes! I have to say, when I asked for help, I didn't expect them to send you! This makes things so much better!" She hugged him, then let go of him. "Sorry... just-... you have no idea how happy we are for you to be here..." "I'm flattered. So, who are you all? And why are we being so secretive?" Skystrike sat down, waiting for an answer. "Sorry about that, we should introduce ourselves. I'm Opal!" The vanilla unicorn with an aqua and celeste mane and tail spoke. The earth pony stallion next to her spoke next, who had a charcoal coat with a silver mane and tail, the tips of his hair ending in the colors of the rainbow. "Bismuth." He gave a nod. Another earth pony stallion with an orange coat and white mane and tail spoke next. "I'm Emerald Green, but just call me Emerald. A pegasus mare with a grey coat and silver mane and tail put up a hoof. "Hey, I'm Silverspeed." A unicorn mare waved at Skystrike. "I'm Spelunk." She greeted. Spelunk had a brown coat and a deep grey mane and tail. Lastly, a pegasus stallion jittered when it was his turn. He was clearly anxious. "I'm... I'm Stormfeather..." He said weakly. He had a bluish gray coat with a light yellow mane and tail. Skystrike wanted to ask if he was ok, but was cut of by Opal answering his second question. "And we're the ones who hired you! Well... I say hired, but you I went to the princesses with a request for help. She said she'd find somepony, and that we didn't need to pay." Skystrike nodded. "And that pony is me it seems. And no, I won't ask you to pay. I assume there's a reason that you and Magelight hired separate ponies?" The mood fell a bit. Bismuth scoffed. "He was the one trying to stop us from asking for help ourselves... Something's off about that stallion." Skystrike leaned forward. "Elaborate." Bismuth straightened himself and nodded. "We wanted to call for help when the first pony went missing, my sister Agate disappeared from the mine almost two weeks ago. I saw... something take her... I ran after it, but it outran me..." He dug his hooves into the ground. "He wouldn't believe me... saying she just got lost. Nopony believed until the next ones disappeared." Silverspeed spoke next. "My sister, Goldwork was next. Same way as Agate. Just... disappeared in the mines. She was part of the search party that went looking for Agate, but she got split up from the group." She looked down. "That was when Opal went to the princesses..." "It worked... you're here. When I came back, I was told that mining operations would be on hold until somepony came to investigate what happened to the missing ponies. But while I was gone... two more ponies disappeared. Emerald and Spelunk's sisters." Spelunk sniffed, thinking back to the day her sister disappeared. "Quarry and Ruby, both on the same day. Just went into the forest to have a picnic... We know something took them, but Magelight denies it... We heard their screams echoing through the trees." Her tears fell on the floor. Silverspeed moved to hug her. Opal sighed and continued. "The night after I returned, my sister, Jasper, went to the mine to see what happened in the middle of the night... She didn't come back. That was three days ago. Then..." Opal looked to Stormfeather. "His sister was the most recent one..." "...When was this?" Skystrike asked. "Yesterday night..." Stormfeather answered. "We... we were flying above the forest, moving the clouds away, and... something... something... big took her... Just swooped in from under the clouds and took her. The storm was too thick to follow it, but it went toward the mine." "I'm... sorry I didn't come sooner..." Skystrike lowered his head. "You have my word that I will do everything in my power to get your sisters back and protect this village. I know you all asked for me... but I do need your help with a few things for this investigation." Bismuth sat up from the wall he was leaning on. "Ask." "First, somepony needs to check the food stores. I want to know if there's anything off about the count. Second, ask around town, figure out who heard from who that Goldwork got split up from the group. Third, there has to be some night owls in this village. Ask them if they saw anything, especially the night Jasper disappeared. Fourth, I need a descriptive list of this village's residents. Name, race, colors, magic color, and cutie mark. Lastly, I need a map of the mines, where Agate and Goldwork disappeared in the mines, and any other known entrances." He listed off, writing down a note of what he spoke of and handed it to Opal standing next to him She looked at it. "This is... a lot, but doable. when do you need these by?" "That is a lot to ask for. Can you at least tell us why?" Spelunk asked him. "I need the map in a few hours. Everything else, by tomorrow. I don't want to make any accusations, but once I get that info, I will tell you if my thoughts are right or not. So far... no, best if I don't say more for now. I promise I'll tell once everything's known. I still have to talk to Astral though. If all goes according to plan, I'll have your sisters back in two days." Stormfeather looked at him. "T-... Two days? Are you serious?" Skystrike nodded. "I plan on going into the cave and finding them, hence the map. Once they're back, they will more than likely need medical attention. In the worst case scenario, I'll take them back to Vanhoover." Skystrike stood up. "Now, Emerald, Bismuth, I need your help with getting something out of my wagon." They both nodded. Bismuth looked back at the rest of the ponies staying inside. "We'll be back. You guys all get started on what Nebula asked for." The three stallions then left the house. After a short walk back to Skystrike's wagon, Bismuth spoke again. "So, what do you need us to move?" Skystrike pushed a large box to the edge of the wagon. "Oh, nothing I need you guys to move, necessarily, but I have some... rather high grade weaponry that I need to teach somepony to use correctly while I'm gone." Stormfeather nodded. "A-Alright... but why do you need such weapons? And why do you need to show us? Won't you be here?" Skystrike shook his head. "Once I show you guys how to use these, I'm going to stake out the cave from dusk to dawn, as well as look for any traces of the kidnappers. I'm showing you how to use these since you guys and Astral will be protecting the village in the off chance attackers come while I'm away. Don't worry, I'll also give you flares just in case. These are a last resort." The two nodded in understanding. Skystrike climbed down from inside the wagon, moving the box to the ground. It was almost as large as him. He pushed it to the village center, making sure it had a wide area with minimal obstructions. A few ponies aside from Bismuth and Stormfeather stopped their daily activities as they watched what the raven armored pony was doing. When he opened the box, he took out the contents and spread out various metal pieces on the ground around him. As Skystrike built his machine, Bismuth and Stormfeather couldn't tell what it was supposed to be. It had three legs, digging the main body into the ground. The central structure had a shape of a box, but was on a swivel joint, able to rotate freely. In the box, Nebula put a hollow cylinder into the base, moving it up and down a few times, as if to check if it would come out. They couldn't even describe the other little things he was doing. Pressing buttons, tightening screws, and flicking a switch, Nebula stood back, satisfied with what he built. "So... what is this supposed to be? I've never seen any weapon like this." Bismuth walked around the creation. "This is... I actually didn't give it a name, so I'll just call it 'Stake Launcher'." Skystrike admitted. He picked up a small box and openned it, showing it was full of metal, barbed, stakes "Hence the name, it launches stakes at a speed of 80 meters per second, so pretty damn fast. Listen close, I'll only explain this once. This is not a toy. This can kill even the largest beast when used right. Do not aim it at anyone you don't want dead." The two stallions nodded. "Good, now, this is pretty simple to control." Skystrike gave them a controller. It reminded Stormfeather of a forehead thermometer. "You point this at something and pull the trigger. The Stake Launcher will lock onto it and fire at it. It marks whatever you point at with a magic tag, declaring it an enemy to the turret. Remember, this is a LAST RESORT. As in, whatever took your sisters came into this village directly." "Ok, ok, we get it..." Bismuth groaned. "Just... what do you think we're up against where you need this?" Skystrike hesitated on answering. "...You'll know by tomorrow morning. I should know for sure by then. I have a few more things to do before I go. Tell the others what I said. Make sure to take shifts to keep watch while I'm gone." And with that, he flew away, back to his wagon. As soon as Celestia gave him the mission, he had to put many of his projects on hold, focusing on the new one he just finished setting up. In the off chance it is dragons, he needed a weapon that could go through the scales of a fully grown one. So, he started making his stake launcher, with the help of Echo and his lab of course. Only problem was that he hasn't field tested it yet. He hoped that it worked in the off chance it was used. He arrived at his wagon. The first thing he did was get one of his prepped meals and ate a rather large portion, when compared to the average pony. It tasted alright, but it was made to be filling and nutritional. Then Skystrike thought about how long he'd be away from the village. Best if he had two meals since he wont be here for dinner. He opened another container, eating another meal before wiping his mouth. Skystrike took off his cape and looked at the star on the back of it. He sighed, then smiled at it, remembering what it meant to him. The pegasus folded the cape and put it back inside his wagon. It'd get in the way of the forest. Wouldn't want it caught on anything. He prepared a few more items, putting some consumables on his body. Smoke bombs, flash bangs, water, tear gas, and a green camouflage cloak, putting it on. About everything he needed for a stake out, as well as an escape. Lastly, he put his swords on his back this time, so they don't poke out while he's laying down. Looking to the setting sun, he had about two hours before it set. "Mr.Nebula!" He heard from above him. Skystrike looked in the direction of the voice, seeing Silverspeed fly to and land in front of him. "Hey. Silverspeed if I remember right? What do you need?" Skystrike rolled his wrists and sat down. "We found the maps! One of the village and forest, and one of the mine." She said, laying out a map of the village first and pointing to the mine. "The mine is about a twenty minute walk from here." Then she pointed to two circles drawn in red ink. "These are two entrances that we know of. This bigger circle is the main entrance we use. It has everything set up for mining. Tools, wagons, a furnace, the basics." She moved a grey hoof to the other red circle. "This is also an exit, but it's rarely used. It's a nearly vertical shaft that comes out the side of a mountain, so It's only used in emergencies by us pegasus." "...How wide would you say this shaft is? And where does it lead?" Skystrike asked. "Oh my~..." She smirked. Skystrike stared. Silverspeed awkwardly moved on. "Anyway... if I had to estimate... I'd say about ten feet?" Skystrike nodded. "Alright, continue with the other map." Silverspeed nodded in return, rolling back up the current map and rolling out the map of the mine. "So, this is the map of the mine." She pointed to the main entrance. "Starting here, there's two sub paths that we've dug so far, and those spilt off in many directions. We have markers inside so we don't get lost. The two tunnels we've dug are from the pre-existing cave that was here when we settled down." She drew her hoof down the main path. "This is the longest path, about a thirty minute walk from the entrance... if you dont get lost that is. Very windy, many dark crevices' that lead to other pathways. It's like a maze!" "Thanks for the warning..." Skystrike rubbed his chin. He then pointed to the end of the main path. "What's this large opening at the end of the main path?" "Remember the second exit? It's right below that, and it's about fifty feet wide if I remember right? We built platforms and everything we needed there, but once we realized we needed certain equipment to dig deeper, we stopped digging there, hence the other sub paths." "Alright... Now, where did Agate and Goldwork disappear?" Skystrike leaned forward. Silverspeed pointed to two x marks on the cave's map. "...Here, the ones further to the opening... this is where Agate disappeared. Again she was first one to go. Further up... here... this is where I think Goldwork disappeared. I say think because I asked the ponies who were in the search parties, save for Magelight. Said he was busy. Anyway, from what I was told, Magelight and Goldwork went down to where Agate disappeared, and only the head came back." Skystrike tensed up and furrowed his brow. Rather suspicious... "Alright then... I can work with this. Last question, Quarry and Ruby, I assume that they had a picnic near the mine?" Silverspeed nodded. "Yes, about ten minutes from it." She answered, before asking him a question of her own. "Ok, look, I get it's your job, and you're here to help us, but you not saying anything is having me on edge!" Skystrike sighed. "I do it to not make you ponies worry anymore then you already are." "You can't possibly make me worry anymore than I am now! My older sister disappeared! And you know something! Tell me!" She yelled. Skystrike knew that her outburst wasn't directed at him, and that it was out of worry more than anger. But she was more than likely right. She probably couldn't get more worried. He sighed. "Fine, but It stays between us and your group, alright?" > Part of the Job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike was nearly three hours into his stake out. His first few hours were spent stealthily checking the past locations where the mares went missing. Well... the only one he could investigate safely: Quarry and Ruby's picnic. The village residents said they haven't gone in the forest since they've disappeared, so their items should still be there. When he actually arrived with daylight still shining, he found what remained of the picnic. Flies swarmed around the rotting food, and the smell was repulsing. Of course, that was the least he had to worry about. Whatever took the mares obviously weren't trying to be sneaky. Claw marks were on the ground, along with hoof prints and skid marks in the mud. From the patterns of the marks, he got an idea of what happened. The claw marks came from the direction of the cave, but started a few yards away from the picnic. Hoof steps also lead away from the picnic area, but only made it a few feet in either direction before two sets of claw marks followed each one of the hoof marks, before abruptly ending along with the hoof marks. Meaning that whatever took Quarry and Ruby came from the mine, one landed, then chased the mares, only for the two of them to get grabbed and carried off by whatever got them. 'Yeah, definitely dragons..." Skystrike thought to himself. He'd need to play this safe. Dragons vary widely in size. These dragons could be young, or fully grown but small dragons. What he was more worried about is what the dragons were doing to the mares. The longest one's been in there is ten days, max. They have to be getting them food somehow. He's only certain they're alive, because they have to have a reason to bring them back to the mine alive. No blood at all. Now, Skystrike was camping out said cave. Night has fallen by now, meaning the dragons have either woken up, or going home to sleep. He knows there's at least two. He climbed further up the tree he was in, making as little noise as he could. The Pegasus scratched his neck a bit. Three hours in, and still nothing. No blurs flying by, no roars from local beasts, just an unnaturally quiet forest. Another hour past. It was about 10 p.m. Skystrike was still on the tree, waiting for something to go in or come out of the cave with no luck. He was about to go into the cave, but heard foot steps coming, along with hardy laughter. "Echo, zoom in on the cave entrance for me." Skystrike said, repositioning himself to stand on a branch. Echo zoomed in, and they waited for the origin of the voices to show themselves. Two dragons came out. Males. One had red scales and ivory horns curling to the sides of its head, its wings extending from its front claws and walking on all fours, said wings having a peach membrane. It's long neck stretched as it looked around the entrance on the mine. The large underbite it had was noted by Skystrike. The other was a green dragon with an orange underbelly and wing membrane. Shorter than the other dragon, but the wings were on it's back, and it stood upright. It was much more muscular than the red one, but had smaller wings. Was probably a slower flyer. Another thing that stood out on the green one was its large, demon like horns coming out of it's forehead. Most likely meant for ramming. Both were dangerous in their own right, but if approached right, would fall easily. Skystrike listened in as they spoke to each other. Their names didn't matter... He'd refer to them as Green and Red... for now at least. "Euuugh..." Red groaned. "Now of all times for our turn to watch... of course we're the first ones." "I get what you mean..." Green sighed a bit. "But look on the bright side, we'll get a new one tomorrow, and we're the ones getting her! Finally, I can be out of that cave for at least a bit!" "Yeah, that is true..." Red thought as he perched on a nearby rock. "Honestly, I'm still surprised we got that pony to tell us where the mares were in the first place." Red laughed. "On top of that, he's so piss scared he'll send one to us!" Green looked over to Red. "Ah, that reminds me, we need to take it from Vastilok's stash to pay him." Skystrike frowned at what the two dragons were implying, but he thought as much from the little info he got. So far, he was spot on. He noted that these two dragons would be the same ones coming out tomorrow. He'd have a short amount of time to get the information he needed out of them, but it'd be enough. Red continued to talk. "Can't believe our luck, leaving the dragon lands, finding a cave full of gems, and being able to have some fun! Hasn't even been two weeks yet!" Green laughed. "Speak for yourself, I'm not into what you guys are doing... but we should be careful..." "Why?" Red turned to look at Green. "What do we have to worry about?" "Well... we are on the run from her..." He shivered a bit. "And I'm really hoping that blizzard was the ponies..." So, he wasn't the only hunter. They were being hunted by one of their own. Hopefully, he could make a temporary ally if their paths align. Thanks to the dragons being talkative henchmen, he had more than enough information to go back to the village. He was about to do so, but them saying something about 'her' rang in his mind like a bell. He had hopes, but he doubted it was who he thought it was. But if this 'her' dragon was the source of the blizzard, then Skystrike would more than likely find her in the village. He waited a bit more for the dragons to lose focus before flying off between the trees. He went south, further south from where the village was, flying over it. Skystrike passed the blizzard on his way to, and he could still see it in the distance. After about an hour flight, he landed inside the blizzard, shaking the snow building on his body off from time to time as he walked through. It was freezing, almost enough to make him want to use his powers to heat himself up. Despite the chill, he still kept walking. He tried not to let his mind wander, but he was failing. He does this every time. Every mission, he thinks back to his past, and wanting to right the wrongs that he's made. A guilty conscience. His friends back in Ponyville made him realize that he hurt a lot more than the few in the orphanage. God, how many ponies... no, not just ponies... beings in general has he hurt unintentionally? The changelings, the orphanage, the ponies, his mercenary group 'All', all so he could 'protect them.' Not realizing he was the one hurting them most. A physical wound would heal much faster than an emotional one. He'd make a point to apologize to them. All of them. Every last one. He'd make sure to apologize to Astral and everypony else once he made it back to the capital. Then once he went back to Ponyville, apologize to his friends. Given the chance, he'd want to apologize to the changelings, but that would be hard to do. And even though his relationship with Celestia is... odd to say the least, she deserved one too. In their short time together, they did grow a bond with each other. He'll apologize once he gets back... if he made it back. He still needs to find out where the signal is coming from. But he'd worry about that once the mares are safe. Plus, he had a reason to go back. It would be his birthday soon. more specifically, the anniversary of the day he arrived on Eques. He wanted to celebrate it with friends again. Jeez... this was a bad habit of his, getting all emotional on a mission, rather than focusing. He knew that deep down, it was fear. Fear of what he'd lose, like he lost it all before. He shook the thought out of his mind. He won't lose anymore. His thoughts were cut short when he heard a roar... well, more like a howl from the center of the storm. Skystrike understood it as a warning of sorts, but also understood that whatever roared was probably the source of the storm. Plus, even though he hadn't heard that roar in years, it was still familiar. It was defiantly her. Now... how mad would she be, given how the group split up? He didn't have to wait for an answer. After taking a few steps forward, Skystrike was blinded by the blizzard growing harsher. Then in mere moments, the blizzard ended. He was in the eye of the storm, and within it, stood a dragon. Her silvery-white scales and light ice blue underbelly glistened in the sun as she turned to look at the stallion. She had a long line of thick ice blue hair, starting between her horns and ending at the tip of her tail. The dragoness stared at the pony with her emerald green eyes, spreading and flapping her large wings, waving cold air in his direction. She stood on two legs, crossing her arms as Skystrike looked at her. The armor she wore was worn down from the continuous use and little maintenance. The steel covered her chest and extremities, almost barbarian like, with many scratches and dents from the many battles she's fought. The dragoness slapped her tail on the ground impatiently. "Hey Tethys..." Skystrike greeted awkwardly. "Took you a while... gone for almost three years, and you finally come looking for me..." She sighed. Her voice was normally pleasing and soothing, but her tone conveyed disappointment and annoyance. "So... must mean you need something, right? Must be if you wanted to come to me directly. Well, the answer is no, I'm in the middle of something." "Um... no actually... I just... wanted to see you..." Skystrike said hesitantly. "I was in the area, and I was hoping it was you..." Tethys looked down at him. "Oh... well I'm sorry for assuming... Are you ok? You're talking... acting weird." She leaned over to get a closer look at him. "Normally, you don't act like this... Not... confident." "No, no, nothing like that..." Skystrike took off his helmet to look at the dragoness. He took in another deep breath before continuing. "I've... been doing a lot of thinking. Even though it was by chance we were in the same area at the same time today, I want to talk with you... if you have time I mean..." "...Well, not like you could've found me anyway, I move around way too much. Sure, I got time." She nodded. Tethys inhaled, then breathed a breath of ice, making a bench of ice for them to sit on. "Come on." She patted the spot next to where she was sitting. Skystrike did so and sat down. "So... what did you want to say?" "I'll... be completely honest and just say the words as they come to mind. And I hope you know my intent isn't to guilt you." He looked at her, Tethys nodded in response as she leaned back. "I... took a mission to come up here to save some ponies, as well as to confront a part of my past... I've been doing... a lot of thinking and I... right before I left to come, all my friends got worried. Thinking I'd disappear from their lives again. I... I didn't realize how much I hurt them, and by extension how much I hurt you, and the rest of 'All'. You, Zecora, Casta, Maud, Elytra, Jeshan, Sky beak, Alder, and Celeano... in my attempt to try and protect you all, I put even more pain on your backs by leaving. I... I can never live down that mistake, but... I at least want apologize. You all deserve it..." Skystrike spoke through the regret he was feeling. "I don't expect you to forgive me, but I want you to know from the deepest pit in my heart, that I'm sorry." Tethys was taken aback by that to say the least. He wasn't normally one for words from her memory. Anyway, she could tell that something was off with his actions. "Skystrike..." Tethys started. Skystrike looked up to her. "There's something you aren't telling me." Skystrike sighed again. "There's... there's still a few things I have to hide, but I'll tell you as much as I can." Skystrike sat up from the ice bench. "There's more to this mission than some missing ponies... Something's up here relating to my past, before I faked my death, before I lived in pony society. I... have to confront some not so pleasant memories to say the least." He turned back to look at Tethys. "I'm not confident that I'll make it out alive. Like, I already wrote my will just in case. I wrote letters to you and many friends explaining questions they'd probably have. I guess that this is self serving, but... I'm glad I was able to see you in the flesh again before I confront them." "Oh... shit..." She ran a hand down her neck. "You're serious..." "...I'm sorry..." She sat in silence for a few seconds. Tethys sighed. "I won't lie, I wont say I forgive you, nor do I understand your reasoning for leaving, but you're still someone I would consider... a friend..." She shuddered a bit at the last word. "But I'll make you a deal. I have something to do up here, and I don't want you to die. If you help me out, I'll help you out. On the condition that when you make it out alive, you're going to find as many beings you hurt as you can, and apologize to them like you did me. I also want to talk about this more once all this is over." Skystrike smiled and nodded. "You have my word." He looked at her expectantly. Tethys stared back. "What, were you expecting a hug or something?" Skystrike chuckled. "Eh, now that you mentioned it, I kinda want one." Tethys sighed and turned her head as she put out her arms. Skystrike got on his hind legs and hugged the dragoness, who reluctantly returned it. They stayed in contact for a few moments before Skystrike let go. "Feel better now?" Tethys asked. "I do actually..." He gave a small smile. "So, what're you up here for?" "Long or short version?" Tethys asked with a small sigh. "Long, but lets walk while you talk." Skystrike gestured his head in the direction of the village. "I have a wagon and food back at the village. I can at least give you something to eat." She nodded in thanks as she started explaining. "About a month ago, seven juvenile and one adult dragon were banished from the dragon lands for their... aggression towards the other races. It wasn't a big deal when it was a single dragon here or there, but when a group of dragons pillage some ponies or griffons, then we get some problems. Some random griffon called out to me during a flight over Griffonstone, told me they were attacked by the same dragons. I had to report them to the dragon lord, who then banished them. Then, I hear from another dragon, not one of the ones I'm hunting, that the banished are terrorizing ponies up here. I'm here to make sure they don't cause any more problems, no matter the cost." "Well, that's convenient. I'm up here because some ponies went missing, and I'm trying to find out who kidnapped them. I've identified two dragons so far, one green, one red. I think they know you're after them though. Kept referring to a 'her'." Skystrike explained. "But if there's eight total, this'll be harder than expected... I need to think up another plan." "If they're up here attacking ponies, then they've learned nothing..." Tethys seethed. "Damn it..." "Well, look on the bright side, we get to see each other." Skystrike chuckled. "Shut the fuck up." Tethys gave a playful slap on his back. Skystrike laughed. "...It's good to see you again." Skystrike put back on his helmet. "Now... once we get there, I got to explain to the villagers to not attack you. So stay behind me when we approach. And about those dragons, don't get too bloodthirsty yet, I got a plan." Tethys nodded. Bismuth, spear in his hoof, was currently patrolling the village. He told the others in his group that with Nebula trying tirelessly to get their sisters back, the least they could do was watch the village, giving the residents at least some sense of safety. He also felt... uneasy around that weapon that Nebula made. He checked the target designator that Skystrike gave him, being careful not to pull the trigger. It was kind of scary for him to have this. Well... not this, specifically, but what it would mean to use it. Bismuth would have to take the life of another if push came to shove. He tried to bury the thought. Spelunk was walking beside him. She already got the memo of what was going on from Bismuth about the weapon, and they all heard from Silverspeed parts of what Nebula thinks is going on. Even if it was just a theory, if he's right... they hoped he wasn't. The thought made her blood boil. But she didn't want to make any accusations yet. Spelunk and Bismuth made some small talk between each other, trying to not let their dark thoughts get to them. "You think he's ok? Nebula I mean." Spelunk asked. "It's almost midnight now, and the forest hasn't even made a sound." Bismuth nodded. "He has to be. Nebula is one of the strongest ponies out there. Plus, the silence is a good thing. Means that nothing dangerous happened." Spelunk sighed. "I hope you're right... I just can't believe all this... There may be dragons, they took our sisters, and-" "Don't finish that sentence... don't know who's listening." Bismuth shushed her. "Lets change the subject... back when I lived in Canterlot as a gemstone appraiser intern a couple years ago, I remember this rumor that after the Church of the Two sisters burnt down, there was one pony that didn't make it out." "It was... Sky something? I forget the colt's name, but it was sad. Went in to save others, but couldn't make it out. All on the night of the Gala. What about it?" Spelunk asked. "There was also something else about him that made him so well known..." "Well, that something was probably that he had no magic, among other things. Kid was always being asked to do some experiment on his body. Anyway, back to the rumor, they say they never found his body. They sorted through all the rubble, but found nothing. No burnt remains, clothes, anything." Bismuth explained. "Oh, wasn't he also the same kid that was adopted by the princess?" Spelunk had a jog in her memory. Bismuth nodded. "Yeah, that colt must've had it good. But why bring him up?" "Well... his full name was Skystrike Nebula. The guy who came to help us is Atlas Nebula. Not too far off from the same name. Both these guys have blue manes and tails. And this Nebula guy only got his name out there about a year, give or take, after Skystrike died." Bismuth listed. "...Is this just a big conspiracy you thought of? You really think that Skystrike faked his death and became a bounty hunter?" She looked at bismuth with a raised eyebrow. "I mean... maybe... It would plug in some holes... but again, just a rumor that's been going around. It'd also explain why we never see his face." He shrugged. "I mean... that is a valid point, but it's a very large stretch. Like, that just opens up more questions. Like, why fake his death? Why hide this long... and how has he hid this long?" Spelunk did some speculating of her own. "If he is[ Skystrike, he probably has his reasons. I'm just saying, it'd be kinda neat if I was right." Bismuth shrugged. Spelunk chuckled. "Tell you what, if you're right, I'll... I don't know what I'll do. Uh... I'll get back to you on that." Bismuth laughed at that. "Alright... it's a bet!" He looked up before squinting off into the distance. "Hey, you see that over there?" He pointed south towards the outskirts of the village. Spelunk looked in the same direction, seeing what Bismuth was seeing. A large black figure with glowing blue eyes slowly approached. They could tell it was Nebula. What they weren't sure of was the figure behind him. A whitish body, taller than Nebula, was flying slowly behind him. They could tell from the shape of the wings it was "A dragon..." Bismuth whispered. "Did he... tell you about that?" Spelunk asked, taking a few steps back. Spelunk had his hoof on the trigger of the target designator. "No... Go stay behind buildings until I can say it's safe." Spelunk nodded, then ran off to do as told. Minutes passed as Nebula and the dragon grew closer, getting more and more unnerved with each passing second. Finally, they were in the village, standing in front of him. "Back earlier than I figured I'd be. Anything happen while I was gone?" Skystrike asked the earth pony. Tethys landed next to Skystrike, putting a hand on his back and leaning on him. Only now did Bismuth realize how tall Nebula was next to him. Nearly three times his size. A beast of a pony. But he paled in comparison to the dragon next to him. Bismuth only came up to her thigh. "uh... No, most of the ponies went to their homes when you left. Who.... who is this?" He motioned to Tethys. She introduced herself. "Greetings, pony. I'm Tethys. A... friend of Nebula." She put out a hand to shake. Bismuth hesitantly put out a hoof to shake. Tethys grabbed his hoof and did so. "Uh... hey... Sorry, the situation here in the village is a bit tense. It's not every day a pony sees a dragon." "I understand. I am sorry for what my kin has done to yours." Tethys kneeled down and put a claw on her chest. "I promise that the threat will be extinguished. Bismuth was confused at what Tethys' words implied. "Wait... so we are dealing with... you know..." Skystrike nodded. "I'll explain, but not here. Once morning comes, we'll gather. We have a lot of stuff to go over. I'll make sure Astral comes." Skystrike let out a yawn. "I've been up going on nineteen hours. I want to get at least a few hours in before things get serious." Bismuth nodded, before quickly trotting away to resume his patrol. Skystrike looked up at Tethys. "I don't have much, but I can at least offer a place to sleep and some food." Tethys shrugged. "It beats a cave. Haven't had a good meal in a while. Can't find that many good gems out in the open, and I can't cook for shit." She sat down next to his wagon. "Well, I won't ask you to cook. Lets head to bed. Make me something in the morning." Skystrike chuckled at that. "Alright then." He climbed inside his wagon and grabbed a few blankets. One for each of them. Climbing back out the wagon while balancing the blankets on his back, he handed one to Tethys, who wrapped it around herself. Skystrike began wrapping his own blanked around himself, stopping when Tethys pulled him into her own blanket, wrapping her body around him. "I missed you, Skystrike." Tethys hugged him. Skystrike hugged her back. "Same here." Morning came quickly. Skystrike didn't like it, going off of six hours of sleep, but it would have to do. tried to move his forehooves, only to realize that the grip Tethys had on him was similar to Naga's: Deadly. Skystrike tried to worm his way out of her grip, barely able to make it out. He looked back to Tethys, still curled up in a ball, her tail slapping against the ground. He assumed Astral was staying within the Chief's home, or another residents. Something he'd have to figure out. Opal would probably know. He would do his normal morning work out, made a quick breakfast for himself and Tethys, then would carefully wake up Tethys to eat. It was a simple meal of muffins and fruits, but it was filling for them. Skystrike asked Tethys to stay at his wagon for now while he went to find Opal. After walking around for a bit, he did indeed find Opal. They exchanged greetings before getting down to business. Astral was staying in a spare room at Magelight's house. They both frowned a bit when that name came up. After a short talk they split up, Opal going to gather the rest of her group, and Skystrike to get Astral Night. Skystrike opened the door to the village head's home, entering the large room he saw the residents huddled in the day before. He rolled his neck and looked around, Magelight and Astral had to be in here somewhere. It was too early for them to be gone. Skystrike decided to take a walk through the building. First, he'd find Magelight's office, as that would most likely be where he is at this time in the morning. Most likely on the second floor. He flew up, hopping over railing on the indoor balcony and landing on the walkway, making his way down the hall to his left. He came from the right hall yesterday when he snuck in, and didn't see any doors that stood out. this time though, he saw a set of double doors at the end of the left hallway. He decided to be polite, and knock on the door. "Come in." He heard Magelight say after some shuffling of documents and the closing of a drawer. Skystrike opened the door to see him sitting at his desk. "Oh... it's you. What do you want?" He looked at the unicorn, then around the room, then back to the unicorn. "Where is Astral Night?" He leaned forward. "And why should I tell you?" "You really gonna be hard about this?" Skystrike asked with a sigh. "Telling you could interfere with her work. I will not let that happen." Magelight furrowed his brow. "We both know that isn't true, so cut the bullshit. Just tell me what room she's in." Skystrike put a hoof on his desk. "One would think you'd be more worried about your ponies going missing, rather than worrying about who talks to who..." Magelight stood up from his seat. "Of course I worry for my ponies! I worry enough where I wont let you of all ponies get in her way!" "Get in her way, or your way?" Skystrike leaned on the table. Magelight flinched, then continued. "I will make sure the Royal guard knows what you're doing here." He threatened. "Oh really? Cool! I can make sure you never get the chance to notify them." He threatened him back. "Now, will you tell me where Astral Night is, or will I have to force it out of you?" He threw his cape over his neck and put a hoof on the hilt of his sword. "Please... give me a reason." Magelight became visibly nervous. "...Third room on the left from the stairs." He said with a grown "See, that wasn't hard? Damn, all this work just to get breakfast together." Skystrike said as he turned his back to Magelight and walked out the room. He knew there was more to Magelight. Just proving his theory more and more as they interacted. He didn't want Skystrike meeting Astral, and probably doesn't want him to take her anywhere. It was suspicious. Skystrike decided to put him in the back of his mind for now as he went to finally get Astral. Skystrike went to the door and knocked. "Just a moment!" He heard Astral say from inside her room, along with some stumbling and hooves on the floor. After a minute or so, the door opened, and she greeted him. "Good morning, Nebula." She put a hoof over her mouth to cover a yawn. "Sorry for the wait, I'm a... bit of a messy sleeper." Skystrike waved a hoof. "No problem, I get it." He chuckled before getting serious and whispering. "I can't explain in here, get your armor and weapons. We need to go. We're about to get a lot of info on the missing mares." Astral jumped a bit. "Great!" She said all too loudly. Skystrike motioned a hoof to signal her to lower her voice. She did so. "We should tell Magelight." She clapped her hooves. He tried to ignore the cuteness. He succeeded. "We cannot. Again, I can't explain here. Get everything together. I'll wait out here." Astral nodded, then closed the door to get dressed. As she did so, Skystrike sat in silence, ignoring Magelight trying to peak out his office door. He wouldn't put it past him to be using magic to hear what they were saying. Skystrike would have to make sure he was distracted when he went to save the mares. A few minutes passed and Astral came out with her armor and weapons. "Dressing light, I see. Smart." Skystrike got up and the two ponies walked out of the house. Skystrike led her to the house Opal led him to the day before and opened the door. Opal, Spelunk, Bismuth, Silverspeed, Stormfeather, Emerald Green, and Tethys were all inside, waiting for the two. Everypony, save for Skystrike was visibly uncomfortable from the presence of a dragon in the room. Tethys herself was uncomfortable, but more from having to slouch and tuck her legs and tail into herself to not invade the personal space of others. Astral pointed out the elephant in the room. "Uh... why is there a dragon in here?" She put a hoof over her mouth, realizing how that could've came off. "It's about time I introduce her. Everypony, this is Tethys, a friend of mine and a member of 'All', my mercenary group. We met by chance yesterday, and she's agreed to help me and Astral with getting your sisters back. Since she's assisting, she needs to be here for the meeting. We have a lot to go over." Skystrike sat down. Astral took a seat next him. "Astral, I know you didn't have time to prepare or anything, but I need you to tell us what Magelight spoke to you about, as well as what he wants you to do." Astral blinked. "Oh, uh, alright." She paused for a moment to gather her words before answering. "After he sent you away yesterday, Nebula, he bought me inside and up to his office." Magelight closed the office door behind him and Astral. The stallion motioned for the mare to have a seat, and she did so. Magelight spoke first. "Well, I hope your travel here went alright." He sighed before continuing. "I'd rather cut straight to the point, but first, I need to know, what is your relation with that Pegasus, Nebula?" Astral remembered the conversation that she and Nebula had, as well as his parting words: Play it safe. "I... met him before we left Vanhoover. We travelled up here together, and he said he had his own thing going on up here." Magelight gave a sigh of relief. "Alright, good." Astral found that choice of word suspicious. "Onto business, there have been ponies going missing, and I need your help finding why... That's what I wrote on the notice. There's... much more to it than that." Magelight opened up a drawer and grabbed a small metal canteen. He took a swig and continued talking. "At first, we thought somepony just got lost in the mines, but when we sent out a rescue party... another one went missing. This time, somepony saw something... take her. After that, whatever's been taking my ponies have grown more ballsy... getting closer and closer to the village." "Dear Celestia... I'm sorry..." Astral breathed through clenched teeth. "...Do you know... what took them?" Magelight shook his head. "No... only that something is taking residents." He sighed, then took another swig. "I... I was supposed to be in charge... I was supposed to keep them safe..." Astral stayed quiet at that. "...I want you to come with me to investigate the places the ponies disappeared. Today, we'll visit the places furthest from the mine. Tomorrow, we will go to the mine itself." They all listened to Astral. Skystrike frowned, remembering what the dragons said the night before. "Shit..." He said under his breath. "Alright. Next, who has info on the food stores?" Skystrike looked around the room, seeing Emerald raise a hoof. Emerald opened a notebook he had on him. "So, I was actually in charge of inventory of a few things before we were sidetracked by the abductions, the food stores being one of them. Magelight and I are the only ones allowed to take the food and hand it out to the residents. When he said I didn't have to do it anymore, and gave me time to grieve for my sister, I thought nothing of it. Thinking back on it, it was a day before Quarry and Ruby disappeared. I bring this up because I haven't been in the stores since, and there is some food missing, proportional to the amount lost if all residents were still accounted for..." The earth pony finished, giving Skystrike the notebook to skim through. "Also, in there were the residents descriptions, like you asked." "...I see... That gives me some ideas of what's going on, but I just need to confirm a few more things before I can give a concrete answer of what's going on. Next, any information on how Goldwork disappeared? She was the second one to go, right?" Skystrike placed the notebook in the center of the circle they were sitting in. "Yes." Silverspeed spoke up. "Though it was hard to get the info, being her younger sister, ponies were more sympathetic it seemed. Though this is just their words, I've heard it from three different ponies. My sister, Goldwork, was last seen with Magelight. They told me that Magelight said 'they got split up'..." "Jeez..." Skystrike sighed. Nearly all but confirmed now. He just had one more piece of info to go over. "Last thing. Did anypony find anything about the night Jasper disappeared?" Stormfeather perked his head up. "Uh, yeah... I was actually up with my sister, Rainbowshine that night. I just... couldn't get to sleep." He grabbed one hoof with another. Skystrike could tell he was still shaken up from his sister's disappearance. "...We like to sit on the roof and look at the night sky... anyway... I saw two lights that night going into the forest... one green, one orange. That's... all I saw. Nopony else knows anything..." Skystrike picked back up the notebook he put down earlier, going to a certain pony's description. "Most likely an illumination spell, since it was pitch black in that forest... Opal, what magic color is your sisters?" Opal shuddered. "Her... her magic color is orange." "And in this book... Magelight's color is green." Skystrike closed the book with an unneeded amount of force, and unintentionally stomped his foot on the ground. "I'm so sorry. I'm pissed off just thinking about this guy... you all lost your sisters. I can't imagine how angry you all will be." Silverspeed was seething, remembering what Skystrike told her the day prior. "I am... VIOLENTLY angry." Skystrike took a deep breath, then exhaled. "Alright, so I know you all won't be able to stay calm, so I wont ask that... I will ask to not immediately run out the room and do what I already want to." Everypony in the room nodded, albeit slowly. "So, as per norm, everything said in here stays in here. I already have a plan on how to handle this, but I need to go over what I saw and heard last night, then everything I put together, and then we'll go into the plan. You all will have a part in this." "Just get on with it..." Silverspeed seethed. Bismuth put a hoof on her back in an attempt to console her. Skystrike nodded. "Last night, I have confirmed my suspicions. We are indeed dealing with dragons." The ponies in the room gasped at that. Skystrike tried to quell their worries. "Mostly juveniles, nothing I cannot handle. I can confirm at least three, but there are up to eight. From the two I eavesdropped on, I've learned that there is a pony in this village bringing residents to the dragons, and said dragons give them money. They are expecting another mare... today..." Skystrike said that last part with baited breath. The room fell silent at that, but there was still worse news to come. "Now, from everything I've heard in this room today, I'll piece it together my all but confirmed hypothesis for what's going on in this village." Skystrike rolled his neck before starting. "The first mare to go, Agate, was abducted by the dragons, as a sad stroke of bad luck. After, this pony that's currently... selling mares to the dragons went searching in the mines for Agate, most likely with good intentions. They went in deeper with Goldwork, only to run into dragons there. No way the dragons didn't hear them coming with the echoing of the cave. Once the pony and Goldwork were cornered by the dragons, he was more than likely given a choice. Bring them more mares and leave Goldwork and get some gold, or die. He took the former option... and they didn't stay away long. I looked around the head's house, and found one of the large skylight windows unlocked, said window big enough for a juvenile dragon to fit through... The dragons were impatient, and wanted to make sure the pony didn't back out of their deal... They went for Ruby and Quarry during their picnic. The two had to tell this pony where they were going for safety purposes of course." Skystrike took a large sip of water from his canteen. His eyes were flickering white as he continued to speak. "The dragons still weren't satisfied. None of the ponies would go into the mines, let alone the forest, so the dragons came to the pony again. This time, demanding the pony bring a mare to them... And he did so, he convinced Jasper to go with him that night, and Stormfeather saw their magic going into the forest... Finally, the last one, Rainbowshine, was on weather duty with her brother, Stormfeather... the pony working with the dragons also had to know this, which is why the dragons went for the mare... I feel we all know who this pony is..." As Skystrike spoke, he saw the ponies in the room's faces change. From confusion, to realization then to rage. Even Tethys was angry, cold breath coming out of the sides of her mouth. They didn't even need to say the name. All the evidence pointed back to him... "...He was supposed to protect us!" Silverspeed roared. Tears of anger were running down her face. "And he SOLD US FOR A QUICK BUCK!?" Stormfeather was also angry crying. "What the BUCK is wrong with him!" The Pegasus stomped a hoof onto the floor. "We trusted him!" Everyone, save for Skystrike, Tethys, and Astral, were all screaming in anger and sadness at what Skystrike revealed. Each had a similar outburst, but different. Opal cried more than anything. Spelunk's magic was flaring. Bismuth punched a wall. Stormfeather was stomping. Silverspeed's wings were twitching, trying not to fly out of the room. Bismuth was putting on a poker face, but was boiling inside. Emerald was stone faced, but one could tell he was furious. Skystrike just had a few more things to go over. "Everybody, if you can listen for just a bit longer, I'll go over the plan going forward. This is going to sound unreasonable, but I need everyone to keep quiet about this for a little while." Opal screamed at him with misplaced anger. "HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!?" "Because his comeuppance will be under your hooves." He answered. They room fell silence at that. Bismuth spoke first. "...We're listening." He grit his teeth. "Remember, the dragons said that another mare is being brought to them today. Guess Magelight's guilty conscience finally caught up to him... He bought a mare he wouldn't feel guilty about giving up, and nopony would ask where this mare disappeared to." Skystrike looked at Astral, and the rest of the room followed suit. Astral's face turned to one of horror. "You don't mean..." "You said it yourself, he wanted you to go with him to look for the mares today. He had a nearly foolproof plan. His only mistake was thinking the other ponies here wouldn't go for help themselves..." Skystrike motioned to the other ponies in the room. "...I was that close to ending up another victim... thank you, Nebula." She said, trying to control her breathing. Everyone was handling the information differently. Astral seemed like she was on the verge of a panic attack. "If you all need a minute, we can pause-" Skystrike began to offer. "No." The whole room said in union. Emerald clenched the floor beneath his hoof. "So... what's the plan? How are you going to get him, the dragons, and our sisters? You said you'd do it in two days... It's day two." "That's where I'll need everyone's help." Skystrike began writing in Emerald's notebook. "First, he thinks the deal is still going on... We'll let him think that. Astral, once this meeting ends, you'll go to him and give him some bait... Tell him that I said I'll be heading into the caves later this afternoon. You guys will have to leave early, and the dragons are on shifts of two. He'll probably stun you or something, both he and the dragons don't want you hurt. I promise no harm will come to you. I will be right behind you, along with Tethys. Tethys, I'll be quick to restrain Magelight, and I want you to freeze the dragons. we'll have two hours max before the other dragons get suspicious on why their friends have been gone so long. I'll be interrogating the both of them. We can interrogate Magelight once the mares are safe. When the dragons tell us where the mares are, I will go save them." Skystrike wrote on and tore out a few pages from the notebook and handed the pages around the room. The rest of you, you'll have a few things to do while all of that is going down... I want the unicorns restraining Magelight when he wakes. Nullify his magic if you can. Everypony else, check his office for anything useful. Figure out where he's hiding the money he's getting, as well as any evidence I can bring back to Celestia." They all nodded. "Great. Tethys, we're going to the forest to wait to follow Astral and Magelight. When we leave, everypony get to work. And like I said, you'll all be in charge of his comeuppance." Skystrike smiled a bit underneath his helmet. It was about half past noon, and Astral was taking a few deep breaths as she walked towards Magelight's office. Nebula and Tethys already went into the forest to wait for them. Everypony else, save for Silverspeed, was waiting back in the meeting place to get started. Once Silverspeed saw Astral and Magelight leave, she'd give the signal and they'd all come to raid the place. The only part she was unsure about was being used as bait. Nebula said she'd have nothing to worry about, but she still was worrying. Her life was in danger to be fair. But she also knew that this was probably the best bet on getting everypony out safely. Astral knocked on the door to Magelights office. "Come in." Magelight said from inside. Astral did so, opening the door and seeing the stallion behind his desk. His voice was disgusting, knowing what he did to the mares, and what he wanted to do to her. "Ah, Astral Night... Nebula came earlier, said something about breakfast. I was getting a bit worried about you, he was... forceful on wanting to see you to say the least. Are you alright?" Astral tried to act through his disingenuous words. "Yeah, I'm doing fine. We ate, and we hat a bit of a talk about our missions up here." She laid the bait. Magelight's ears perked up at that. "...What did you talk about? You didn't say anything about the mine, did you?" Astral shook her head. "I didn't say anything about the mines to me, but he was telling me a bit about the mines himself." Magelight grew a bit unnerved at that. "What do you mean? When did he get information about the mines?" "Yesterday after you sent him away, from what he told me. Said he was up here to get a specific gemstone that's common in the northern regions. Anyway, from what he told and showed me, he has a map of the mine, and some of the village folk told him the thing he's looking for is in the mine. Said he'd go in at about 3 p.m." Astral said, before realizing what Nebula's going to do. "...I hope he doesn't run into whatever took the mares." Magelight tried to keep his composure. If Nebula goes down there, he'll find out. He couldn't let that happen. "We have to leave right away... we need to get rid of whatever's in the cave before Nebula goes in there..." He said, getting his things ready. Astral gave him a look that asked why. Magelight, in turn, scrambled to find a reason that sounds believable. "...We'd have better chances with us two than just him alone. All the rumors about his fights have to be exaggerated. We need to leave right away." Hook, line, and sinker. She wanted to talk about the duel Nebula had in Canterlot, but put the thought in the back of her mind. Astral nodded. "I'm ready now. Lead the way." The two unicorns quickly left the house and went into the forest and towards the mine. Opal, who was 'conveniently' walking by, made eye contact with Astral, and shared a look, telling her it's time. After a few minutes, making sure Magelight wasn't coming back, Opal got the others. "They're gone. Time to get to work. Remember, Spelunk, you and I need to get ready to restrain him. Everypony else, search all the rooms for any sort of evidence that proves his guilt! I know we don't have much to go off of, but we can do this. Nebula is helping us out! We can't let him do everything!" The rest cheered in agreement before leaving to help with their part of the plan. Back with Astral and Magelight. The two were making their way towards the mine, Magelight leading the way for now. Despite agreeing to the plan, she was still unsure what to think about Magelight. All that Nebula said was just theories. Sure, it was based on truth, but... was he that bad? He must have his reasons... "So... any idea what we're dealing with?" Astral asked. Magelight shook his head. "No... not exactly, at least. Something that's big, with claws, and it can fly... But we should be safe. The cave should slow its movement." He answered as they walked. "And how are we going to fight this... thing?" Magelight stayed silent for a moment. "...I'm still trying to figure that out... I'll tell you before we enter the mine." Magelight didn't look back at her as they talked. Astral wanted to at least see his face. The guilt he may have in his eyes. They walked for a while more, stopping once they reached the mines. Magelight still hadn't looked at her since they started walking. "Stand here for a minute. Just going to check if the entrance is clear." He went into the darkness of the cave, coming out a few minutes later. "You were gone for a bit. Anything happen?" Astral asked in fake curiosity. Finally be able to see his face, she didn't like it. His eyes were... empty. They showed many things. She saw regret in his eyes, but at the same time, none. Like this was something he didn't want to do, but he just had to do. Astral was just a nopony in his eyes. Somepony that he could sacrifice much easier than his residents. Astral had hope, however. Hope that he would do the right thing. "Oh, uh... no, nothing at all. Just a few scratches on the walls. Whatever that thing is has to be nearby." Magelight said with a huff. Astral thought that was weird. She also noticed a few beads of sweat falling down his brow and horn. He used magic recently. "You're the one with the weapons, you need to go first." Astral nodded, albeit nervously. She grabbed her dagger from her hip with her hoof and began walking. She passed Magelight, looking back at him once more, the stallion having the same eyes as before. As soon as she looked back towards the mine and got about half way to the entrance from the forest, she felt a blast of magic on her back, knocking her over. Astral tried to move, but she couldn't, feeling some sort of magical force keeping her joints in place. All she could do was look around, eyes full of fear. "Alright, she's ready!" Magelight yelled in the direction of the mine. Two dragons came crawling out, one green, the other red. "I assume you all kept your part of the deal?" Magelight asked. 'Deal?' Astral thought to herself. "Yeah, yeah, we remembered to bring the money." Red said, throwing him a large bag, presumably full of bits and gems. "Still can't believe he actually bought us a mare." He chuckled to the green dragon next to him. "This is it, right!? This is the last one!?" Magelight asked, making sure to stay a ways away from the dragons. "You'll leave my village alone now, right!?" Green stayed silent and started crawling towards Astral, who was twitching, trying to force her body to move. Red answered "Eeehh, maybe, I'll need to make sure with the others." "But... you said you'd stop!" Magelight grew a bit angry. "I did all off this for nothing!?" Red walked up to Green, both now looking over Astral. "Yes, and you'll keep doing this until we say so, unless you'd like to be our dinner here later..." Red threatened. Magelight backed up a bit at that. Red snickered in response. "Now... you look fun... can't wait to have my turn with you..." Finally, they were far enough away from the mine entrance. Before the red dragon could put a claw on Astral, they all heard a roar. Tethys leaped out from the treetops and flew towards the dragons, charging up her magic in her mouth. She released it, chilling the air around her. A beam of ice breath flew towards the red dragon, freezing it almost instantly in place. The green dragon was a bit slow to react, only moving once Tethys landed in front of him. He flapped his wings, but wasn't fast enough to take off and fly away, falling back down when a ball of ice from the dragoness' breath hit him in the wing. Next, Tethys grabbed the dragon by the neck, pulling it up to her eye level and breathing ice into his face, freezing the green dragon from the head down. Immediately when Tethys roared, Skystrike also sprang into action. He didn't need his swords for this, only his hooves. Magelight saw the massive stallion land in front of him with a heavy thump, standing on his hind legs and looking down at him. The sun behind the mountain blocked some of the light, the last of it reflecting off of Skystrike's armor. The fear Magelight felt inside when he looked into the glowing blue eyes of his helmet could be summed up simply: terrifying. He tried to run, turning around and booking it as fast as he could. Skystrike, in response, flew above him and landed on his back, the unicorn falling to the ground and sliding to a halt on the harsh forest floor. Magelight screamed in pain, looking back up at Skystrike. "You're too loud." Skystrike stated, pulling back a armored claw and chopping at his neck, knocking him out. Skystrike picked up the now unconscious Magelight and slung him over his shoulder. "All done on my end!" He yelled to Tethys. "Same on my end!" Tethys yelled back as she began dragging the frozen bodies of her kin behind her. Quick and efficient, just like they planned. "Great." Skystrike lowered his voice as Tethys approached. We'll interrogate the dragons first. You handle one, I the other. For Magelight, I plan on doing his myself." Skystrike said as he walked towards Astral. "Thanks for helping with the plan, even though you'd be put in danger. Sorry they got so close, but we needed to make sure. I'll figure out how to make it up to you." He said as he picked her up and slung her limp body over his other shoulder. "I'm not sure how strong Magelight's magic is, but it should wear off... Eventually... However long the paralysis spell lasts, I'll make sure nothing happens to you." It took about ten minutes of light jogging, bringing the still paralyzed Astral and the unconscious Magelight and dragons back, but they were pretty quick about it. Skystrike, having his hooves full, kicked down the door to the chiefs house. "Opal! Spelunk! This is your queue!" Skystrike yelled through the house. The two came jogging from upstairs. He gently set Astral down, and dropped Magelight with a loud thump. "Jeez, that was quick. We haven't found much yet... Is Astral... alive?" Spelunk asked looking at the mare's limp body. "She's fine. Magelight casted a paralysis spell point blank. Take Astral to her room for now. Second floor, third room on the left from the stairs. Once she's in her bed, bring Magelight, tie him up, and keep him in his office. I'll deal with him once I'm done with the dragons." Skystrike said as Opal used her magic to pick up Astral, going to do what they were told. "Tethys, they're your kin. Before we start interrogation, I'll let you decide how we do this." "Thanks for the thought, but these dragons have already been a pain in my scales for a while now. This is the last straw. They will die once this is all over. In fact, you can kill them after this interrogation." Tethys growled a bit. Spelunk shivered a bit at that. Skystrike was about to say something. "And before you ask, yes, you can use their bodies for materials." "...I was going to ask which dragon you wanted to deal with, but good to know I guess." Skystrike walked over to Tethys. "From the stake out, they're both quite talkative, but the green one seems more afraid of you, so it'll be easier for you." Tethys hummed at that. "Makes sense... very well, I'll leave the red one to you. Remember, my ice is magical. As soon as you break the ice, they'll be conscious in seconds." "Already got a plan. Take the green one to the left wing. I'll be back, and take the red one to the right wing." Skystrike stretched a bit as he opened the front door to go back outside. "Don't start until I get back." Tethys nodded, and with that, he left. He quickly made his way back towards his wagon, getting everything he'd need for an impromptu interrogation. The Pegasus got a few things he prepared: A few steel pikes, an enchanted dagger, a few health potions, and a small flask filled white looking rock. He still needed something to stop the dragon from breathing fire... well, there is that way. Yeah, he'll go with that. Thinking it over, the dragon will experience some pain anyway. No point it trying to make it painless. He quickly wrote down a list of questions. He made his way back to the chief's house, going down the right wing and opening the door at the end of the hall. He passed by Tethys, giving her the go ahead to start, as well as the list he wrote earlier. From the items and layout inside the room, it seemed to be a storage room, the many crates and barrels covered in a thin layer of dust. In the center of the room was the still frozen body of the red dragon. Skystrike unloaded everything on him onto the floor and took a deep breath, preparing to release the dragon from its frozen prison. There's a time window of a few seconds to break the ice, stop its ability to breathe fire, and restrain it. The hardest part would be the fire breath. There was a gland, similar to a snakes venom sack, that was magical in nature. It was rather small and sat between their upper jar and snout, generating phosphine that ignites on contact with oxygen. It's doable, but finnicky. He released his breath and sprang into action, punching the ice with a closed hoof, shattering it. The red dragon fell over in pain and confusion, only to be snapped out of it by Skystrike driving a knife through the snout of the beast. The knife glowed, when it was inserted, canceling out the magic, not letting it combust. He stood back up with a roar, spreading his wings in an attempt to gain balance. In response, Skystrike grabbed two of the steel pikes, tackled the dragon into the wall, and stabbed a pike into each of the wings. The whole room shook from the deafening roar of the dragon. He tried to move, but soon stopped from the pain of his tearing elytra. The red dragon finally opened his eyes. "You... bastard..." He said between breaths as he opened his mouth to breathe fire. It was null. "Wide awake, I see... Make this easy for me. I got questions. You have answers. And I feel we can both agree, the less pain the better." Skystrike sat down and twirled a pike in his metal claws. "I'll start with something easy. How many dragons are you here with exactly?" He asked calmly. The dragon, blood dripping from his mouth, spit some at him. Skystrike blinked, then met him with another pike, pinning his foot to the floor. The red dragon screamed in pain. "Need I repeat myself?" The dragon panted before answering. "There's... there's four of us." Skystrike sighed and got in the dragons face. "I already heard you and the green one's conversation last night. Plus, doesn't make sense. Four of you but you want seven mares? Tell me honestly." Skystrike demanded, crossing his fore hooves. "...There's five." Skystrike didn't respond, just turning to leave the room to the dragons confusion. He walked to the other side of the house to the left wing and checked on how Tethys was doing. The door creaked, and he felt a blast of cold air meet him. Once the stinging of his eyes were bearable, he saw how Tethys was doing. Both she and the green dragon, who's limbs were frozen to the wall, looked at him. "I asked the first question like the list said. He tells me there's only three." "Interesting. I got told five..." Skystrike put his hoof under the green dragons chin. "You do know, the more you lie, the more pain you and your friend in the other room get? Be honest, would you? I know you heard the roar of the red one." The green one didn't growl like the red one. Just nodded with eyes as wide as dinner plates. "There's eight of us... one full grown." "See, wasn't too hard. Continue with the next question, Tethys." Skystrike said as he trotted back to the right wing. As soon as Skystrike opened the door, the red dragon looked up at him. The Pegasus realized that the red one was in the middle of trying to pull out one of the pikes with his free claws. Didn't matter. He had a reason to restrict them now. "So, guess what? The green one told me the actual number!" Skystrike smiled as he closed the door. As soon as the door clicked, he flew across the room to last a devastating punch, winding the dragon. Skystrike picked up another pike and drove it through one of the dragons hands. "Now it's your turn... tell me how many of you there are." The red dragon coughed. "...Eight." He said weakly. "Good..." Skystrike took one of the health potions and poured it down the dragons mouth. It was a low grade one, didn't close any major wounds, just forced his blood cells to speed up the multiplication rate. The dragon wont fall unconscious any time soon. "Next, I already know you're working with Magelight. What all did you offer him?" "...We gave him gold from... each of our hordes." The red one was still breathing heavily. "I don't know how much..." Skystrike didn't need to double check that one. "Good, you're learning. Now, where are the mares you took?" Skystrike asked as he pulled out the map of the mines. "Point to it on this." Skystrike made sure to keep it out of distance so he can't tear it up. The dragon used a free hand to point to the deepest part of the mine, where it ended in a large opening and the second entrance was open to the sky. Skystrike got up again to go meet Tethys. "Wait!" The red dragon held out a hand, hoping the armored pony would stop. Skystrike turned his head to look at him. "There's... a room we dug out to the side of the one I pointed at... they're there." Skystrike didn't respond, nor react. He went to Tethys to check. Tethys didn't even wait for her friend to ask. "He says there's a room they dug out in the deepest part of the mine where they keep them." "Good, that's exactly what the red one said. I'll ask him this last question before we go." Skystrike came eye to eye with the green dragon. "What exactly are you doing to the mares?" The green one hesitated to answer, but then saw the death glares that Skystrike and Tethys was giving him. "I... I didn't do anything to them! I just follow orders!" He pleaded. Skystrike's eyebrow raised a bit at that. His tone showed a mix of fear and guilt. "Tell me what you meant last night, where you said 'I'm not into what you guys are doing' to the red one." Tethys kneeled down. "This one was one of the more passive dragons I've known. Believe it or not, I haven't even had to hurt him yet." The green one spoke after a gulp. "I... I was in charge of keeping watch... I never went into the room the ponies are kept in! This last one was supposed to be for me, but even then, I wasn't going to do anything!" "...What do you mean by that?" Skystrike stared. "I don't know what they do with the mares! That's all I know about it!" The still frozen dragon shivered a bit. Tethys squinted, then sighed. "Call it a sixth sense, but I think he's telling the truth. Plus, he doesn't smell the same as the red one." They heard the door open behind them. All three beings turned their heads to see Astral, leaning on the doorframe to stay up right. "I heard what he said... I believe him. When I was looking at Magelight and the dragons, he was the only one whos eyes I saw regret in... Of course, that doesn't dissolve him of what he did, but... just take my words into account." Skystrike flicked his ears at that. "Alright, Astral. Now Tethys... What smell?" She winced. Tethys was having a hard time getting the word out. "Fine, I'll ask the red one. Do what you want with this one." He said with a sigh as he walked back to the red dragon. Upon entering the room, he noticed a small pool of blood forming below the body of the dragon. It didn't have long left, but it wouldn't matter soon. "Yo." Skystrike made the dragon aware of his presence. The red dragon looked up. "What did you do to the mares?" He asked with anger in his voice. Paying more attention now, he did indeed notice a distinct smell that was different from the green dragon. He hoped his senses were wrong for once. The red dragon chuckled weakly. "Took you a while to ask..." He coughed. "You're one of the smarter ponies... what did you think we did?" He asked rhetorically with a smile. "Heh heh... It was fun." Skystrike's eyes flashed white under his helmet. "What was fun?" He put a hoof on the grip of his sword. The dragon laughed harder. "The mares... so weak and helpless... and ti-" The dragon wasn't able to finish the word, let alone the sentence, due to a sword going through his throat. The red dragon let out one last scream of pain, shaking the whole house, before falling limp, lifeless. Skystrike pulled out his sword with a grunt, some blood spraying into his armored hoof. He flicked the blood of his sword and wiped his armor before the blood dried, then left the room. On the other side of the door, he saw Astral, Bismuth, Emerald, Silverspeed, and Stormfeather were all standing, waiting for him. "Everything ok?" Silverspeed asked, trying to look behind him. "...Sorry, you guys are going to have a mess to clean up..." He apologized. "You'll need a lot of bleach. Leave the body outside, behind the house. Astral, see if you can collect any blood using your magic and put them in jars or something. I'm going to talk with Magelight..." Skystrike said, walking through him. The ponies didn't respond, hearing the anger leak out of his voice. The Pegasus walked towards Magelight's office. Quickly opening the door, he was met with Opal and Spelunk meeting eyes with him. Magelight was still unconscious, and was currently tied to his chair. "I guess it's time. We haven't done anything to him besides keep watch. What should we do with him?" "Well, two things. Cancel out any magic he casts if you can, and confirm whether he's lying or not. you two know him better than me." Skystrike stopped in front of the chair. It was time for him to wake up. With a sigh, he dealt a heavy slap to Magelight. Magelight awoke almost instantly. His vision was blurry for the first waking moments, but when the first thing he saw was Skystrike, the unicorn's confusion swiftly turned to rage. "You... YOU!" Magelight screamed at Skystrike. "Everything was going fine until you showed up! You ruined everything!" "Or, counter point, maybe you bought this upon yourself. Here's the deal I'm going to-" Skystrike cut himself off, seeing that Magelight was trying to charge a spell with his horn. "Opal, Spelunk." He said. The two mares didn't need him to say what they needed to do before they both used their own magic in tangent to stop the spell Magelight was charging. "I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer them." "Or what!?" He struggled in his bindings. Skystrike answered him by drawing his sword. "Then you'll die. We already know from circumstantial evidence strengthened by testimonies of the dragons that you have essentially sold the ponies you are meant to protect for a quick buck. First, I'll ask an easy one. I know Agate was just by chance. How many of the others were set up by you?" "Buck you!" He screamed at Skystrike, then spit in his direction. Skystrike sighed heavily. "The hard way, then..." Skystrike extended his metal claws and dug one of the fingers into one of Magelight's legs. He screamed from the pain. "I'll ask again, how many of the others were set up by you?" Magelight stayed silent, aside from a few huffs. "Fine, more pain it is." Skystrike dug another finger in and dragged it down the unicorn's leg, leaving a large gash as he screamed. Magelight finally answered. "Stop, stop!" He begged. "I didn't with Agate!" "You bucking shit stain!" Spelunk decided to have her turn at screaming. "You really did sell out sisters!? I was praying to Celestia that Nebula was lying!" Opal put a hoof on Spelunk's shoulder, holding her back. "Why are we even talking to this guy!? He doesn't deserve a chance to speak! He turned to Spelunk. "Spelunk, there are times where even when our emotions are heightened, we must still talk. Trust me, I want nothing more to rip this guy apart. But if you dehumanize villains, you become unable to recognize the villain within. One of the reasons what we're doing can be seen as 'good' right now is because we have the moral justification. I simply want to see what his justification is. No more, no less." Skystrike continued with his questions. "Next, the red one threw you a bag of money before we stepped in. He also said that he payed you for the mares you bought him. Where is the money? I know you're hiding it." "It's... there's a key in my desk, third drawer on the right side, under some papers. It opens a safe in the closet." "Opal, check it and give me an estimate on how much money it is." Skystrike said, making sure to keep eye contact with Magelight. Opal did so, getting the key, opening the closet and the large safe inside. "By the sun... It's just... four bags of bits and gems. I'd have to appraise these for an exact amount, but everything together, not including the bag you got, it has to be at least eighty thousand." "Oh, we got a baller, huh?" Skystrike looked at Magelight. "A shame how it was earned through trafficking ponies." He grit his teeth. He wanted to ask another question, but a quick thought made him come to the answer on his own. He had enough money from the first... sale... to hire somepony to come help. And yet he didn't. "You're a greedy stallion, you know that?" Skystrike flexed his claws and inched closer to Magelight. "No, wait! The money wasn't for me!" The coward said. "It was Count Caezar! We were making him lose money for the last few months! He told me if we didn't turn things around soon, he'd call us all back and make us abandon this place! I couldn't let him do that!" "So you decided so sell our sisters, and sell a stranger just so you wouldn't feel guilty, all for a quick buck!?" Opal's magic flared a bit. "We all know he didn't think this through. Don't worry, I'll bring it up to Celestia and Luna once I give my report. Upper Crust will be punished." Skystrike assured them. Magelight's eyes widened. "The... the princess sent you here?" "Yeah, but that's the least you have to worry about. Worry... about what we'll do to you. I'll give you a few minutes to say what you want before I decide your fate. I just want to know why." Skystrike leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Magelight looked at him. "Fine..." He sighed a sigh of fear. "I... When we lost Agate, we set up a search party right away. I was with Goldwork when we were cornered by a dragon. I ran away, leaving Goldwork to those beasts... the regret ate away at me. I wanted to go get a search party, and I sent out a letter to Upper Crust, but he... he got mad. He accused me of lying, saying there were dragons here, and he told me we haven't made enough money yet to break even on the bits he spent to get us out here... But when those dragons bought me some money, I was surprised... My first thought was to use it to get someone to come help. But before I could even take it, they told me that they'd bring me more if they got more mares... I denied at first, but then they threatened to burn down the village." His voice quivered more and more as he continued to speak. "Goldwork, Quarry, Ruby, Jasper, Rainbowshine... I gave them up to save us! What else was I supposed to do!? We needed to get enough money to get somepony here to help us!" Skystrike set aside his judgement for now. "...Then what of Astral and I?" Skystrike got up from the wall. "You were combative towards me being here, not to mention you trying to sell Astral." Magelight paused for a moment, then answered. "...I didn't want to worry you. I only hired Astral. I didn't want anypony else to get involved. I know I was wrong for trying to give away Astral, but... I couldn't give up any more of the ponies I'm in charge of..." Skystrike stomped a hoof. "Cut the bullshit, Magelight. If there's anything in this world I hate, it's those that justify their actions for reasons after they've done said action. You knew if I found out like I did, you'd be deep in shit, like you are now." He stepped forward. "You knew you had enough money to pay a whole platoon of guards to come if you wanted. You just got too greedy with Astral. Even if we didn't meet along the way, I would've hunted. You. DOWN." Skystrike stomped a hoof again, cracking the floor a bit. "I'm sure you would've taken the money and ran if you didn't get too cocky. The only thing I have a chance of believing is what you said about Upper Crust. But you weren't even going to pay him. You were going to run away with the money I bet." Magelight leaned back in the chair, trying to get as far away from the Pegasus as he could. "Wh-... what about the mares!? I made sure they were being fed! I made sure the dragons got the food!" "Be that as it may, you still sacrificed them for your own selfish goals. That one act you perceive as 'kindness' is null here. Besides, how do you know the dragons didn't lie?" Skystrike grabbed him and threw him out of the chair onto the ground. "But if you really want to do some 'good', then you'll confess to your crimes in front of the ponies in this village, as well as hand over any evidence that will incriminate you and Upper Crust." "...I... I can't do that!" Skystrike kneeled over him. "Still clinging onto that pathetic life of yours, huh. Fine. Be that way. Opal, Spelunk. Gather the villagers. It's time." The two mares nodded before leaving the room. Skystrike then picked up Magelight again and began dragging him around the building, stopping by everyone inside and telling them to gather at the town center. It hadn't even been ten minutes before the few dozen of the residents gathered in the center. All were confused, seeing the armored pony with Magelight tied up in front of him, along with a dragon and the six of Opal's group behind him. They murmured between each other before Skystrike flew above them, Magelight dangling from the rope with tears in his eyes. Skystrike spoke to the crowd. "Good afternoon, ponies. Unfortunately, I do not come bearing good news. As most of you know, some of you have been going 'missing' in and near the mines. And as some of you may know, Both myself and Astral Night have come to find your missing friends, and find out why they're going missing." Skystrike looked down at Magelight. "Now, we have the answers we need. First, the ones who were taking the mares were dragons." The crowd gasped at that, a few eyeing Tethys. "Do not worry, the dragon behind me is of no threat to you, and is in fact helping me rescue the taken residents, as well as neutralize the dragons that mean you harm. However, know that the dragons were not working alone. Your leader here, Magelight was actively working with the dragons. Selling you ponies so he and Upper Crust could make some quick money. The ponies behind me, the ones who's sisters were sold, will vouch for my words, as they have been here for the interrogation, and will continue to search for written evidence within Magelight's house." Once the crowd processed this, they began screaming at the unicorn. Some profanities were shared, stones were thrown, and Magelight tried his best to cover his body from the rocks coming at him. Skystrike put up a hoof, motioning them to stop. After a few moments, they did. "Now, Tethys, Astral and I will be going to get the ponies back from the dragons as soon as this meeting is over. I bring Magelight to you all because you all deserve to know the truth, and to not follow somepony as shameless as this." Skystrike dropped Magelight to the ground. "Now, as of what to do with him..." Skystrike turned to the ponies behind him. "Opal, Bismuth, Spelunk, Silverspeed, Stormfeather, Emerald Green. Magelight has affected you all second only to your sisters. I believe it's only fair you decide his fate." Bismuth grit his teeth, trying to think of the words he wanted to say. Stormfeather stepped forward, rage in his eyes. It was almost impressive. "I want him dead! Why does he deserve life when he's made others suffer!? Kill him!" Bismuth held him back. "Look, I... don't disagree. But we have to think this through. Remember, Nebula has to report this to the princesses..." "No I don't." Everyone turned silent and looked at Skystrike. Bismuth broke the silence. "...What do you mean by that?" Skystrike rolled a hoof. "Well... I'll need to clarify. I do have to report what happens here to the princesses... but if that story gets... 'confused' when I relay it, then there wouldn't be any true consequence, right?" Many ears perked up at this. "No..." Magelight whimpered. Skystrike continued. "Say... He backed out of the deal with the dragons at the last moment with Astral at stake. In retaliation, the dragons, feeling duped, killed Magelight." Skystrike looked at the unicorn and pulled out a vial with a few white rocks in it. "At that point, we'd only need to make sure of two things. Making sure the body isn't available for an autopsy, and that everypony here has the same story in case anypony wants to dig a bit further. Nothing some white phosphorus can't handle." "NO!" Magelight screamed up at him. "Who do you think you are!? You can't do this to me!" Skystrike looked down at him. "...Well, to answer your question, I'm somepony who, within reason, lets the ponies affected take justice into their own hooves. You haven't done anything to me personally, thus, I am not deciding your punishment. I can't and wont do anything to you, they can and will." Skystrike landed in front of the six ponies he named earlier. "I will tell you this, as somepony who has taken a life, you will never come to a conclusion if they will truly deserve their life being taken. And it's a decision you can never make up for. There will always be that 'what if' in your mind." Skystrike sighed. "So, these will be your two options." He set down the vial in front of them. "You can do what you wish with Magelight, and I will not tell a soul. If you decide to kill him, then use the vial to get rid of the body. It will turn flesh and bone to ash when in contact with oxygen, leaving no trace of a body. If he's alive by the time we return, he will come with me back to Canterlot, where he will be put on trial." Skystrike finished, leaving the ponies to stand with contorted faces in thought. He sighed again and spoke once more. "If you want my opinion on this, I do not know truly what you should do... You will have to live with the consequence of this for the rest of your lives, and it will not reverse the damage he has done, but it's your choice, I will not deny you vengeance. Instead, I recommend a vote with all the residents here. But make sure to think your choice through." Skystrike got on all fours and walked by Tethys and Astral. "It's time. Help me get a few things from my wagon." The three left the residents to talk among themselves. Even thought they were walking farther away, the crowd was getting louder and louder in discussion. Hopefully they came to a decision they wouldn't regret. Skystrike hopped into his wagon and grabbed his box of metal pikes, setting them down outside the wagon. He'll need these for the big one. He checked over his swords, pulling them out their sheaths and putting them back in. Astral spoke up. "...Are we not going to talk about what you did back there?" Skystrike put his swords on his waist. "I suppose we can, but I don't know what there is to talk about." "Nebula, that was near villainous back there." Tethys added. "Are you ok? I know you do some morally questionable things, but damn... That takes the cake." Skystrike sighed. "I've... been through a similar situation. Having to decide whether someone lived or died by my hooves, as well as the pain of vengeance never being fulfilled. As I said, they've suffered, so they should decide how Magelight will suffer." "So what, it was because you saw yourself in them or something?" Astral asked. Skystrike thought about it. "...Yeah... I guess so. They deserve closure. What type of closure is their choice. Either way, at least they have the chance to give their abuser to meet a fate they deserve." He thought back to his time in the lab... hopefully no one lived through that. "I'd... rather we drop this... Let's focus on getting the mares back." Tethys and Astral looked at each other, then shared a sigh. "Fine." Tethys spoke, releasing the tension in her shoulders. "I've trusted your judgement so far, but we will talk about this later." Skystrike nodded. "Good. So, what's the plan?" "We have about an hour before the dragons come out to look for the red and green ones. I'd prefer to get the jump on them, rather than them on us. There were eight total, meaning there should be five juveniles and one adult. Tethys, I'll leave the adult to you. Astral, you and I will be dealing with the juveniles. I'll be the vanguard, you be support. We'll be inside the cave when Tethys brings the big one out. This cave is too small for it, so it has to be in another nearby. Once we deal with them all, I'll go to help Tethys with the Adult. You'll be in charge of the mares. Best if they see a friendly face." "And how am I going to get them back here? I doubt they're in any shape to walk back here." Astral asked. Skystrike thought for a moment, then began moving some items outside of his wagon. "We'll take the wagon. That's one of the reasons I rented it. All you need to do is get the wagon in the mine, load up the mares, and bring them back." "I'll provoke the big one, though I can only really distract him for a while, It'll be hard to kill him." Tethys spoke. Skystrike looked up at Tethys. "Why's that?" "The adult dragon is a stone dragon. Known for their very hard and durable scales. It'll be hard to break the scales, so It will be a long fight, and I don't have my axe... It broke a while ago." "Alright..." Skystrike thought about what to do for a moment. "...I got an Idea. It's a bit risky, but It will work. Let's head out." He finished, hitching himself to the wagon. It was showtime. Skystrike took a look up the mountain, seeing the sun laying right above the peak. He'd love to take the sight in more, but he was here on mission. He pat himself down, making sure he had everything on him. "Tethys, it'll take us a bit to get to the deeper part of the mine. Sound will echo well through the cave. When you hear a battle, that'll be a good time to go for the big one." Skystrike unhitched the wagon from himself. "Stay between the trees or above the clouds. Don't want any strays to see you. And stay safe." "Same to you, Nebula." The dragoness said before flying off. Skystrike then turned to look at Astral. "Well, I know I told you a few days ago, but you still have the chance to turn back now. Nopony would blame you. You are putting your life at risk, after all." Astral shook her head no as soon as he finished. "And I told you, that it's my turn to return the favor that my brother gave to me and others." She gave a small smiled and held a hoof over her heart. "I know he wouldn't want me to put myself in danger, but this is something I must do... He's watching over me from somewhere." Skystrike winced a bit at that. She was technically right, he is watching over her. What he winced at was how it feels like... well, he is lying to her by not showing her his real identity. He'd have to address this one they were back in Canterlot. The stallion said the only thing he really could. "I'm... I'm sure he'd be proud of you. Just make sure you keep the life you have. Ready?" Astral answered with a nod. "Alright, lets go." The two went through the entrance of the mine. Skystrike made sure to remember the map that Silverspeed showed him. Navigating the caves was easy. As Astral followed behind him, she made sure to avoid pools of water that dripped from hanging stalactites. She was also in awe of all the gemstones that stuck out of the walls, dazzling from the few bits of light that were reflected from torches on the walls. The smell of stagnant water was getting to her a bit, but she tried to ignore it. The wind howled through the cave behind them as they entered deep in the mine. "We need to pick up the pace. The wind is behind us, so they could pick up our scent." Astral hummed in agreement, speeding up a bit. They continued in silence for a few more minutes, the only sound being the dripping water and shuffling of hooves. As they walked, they noticed something. Astral asked about it. "Hey... the gems on the wall are getting more sparse. Does that mean anything?" "Two things. The gems are of higher quality down here, so they're mined more. Also, the dragons find them more tasty." Skystrike answered. "The richer the gems are in magic, the better they taste according... to the dragons I know." Astral was about to ask another question, but was stopped by a hoof going in front of her. They stayed silent fore a moment before they could hear faint echoes coming from deeper in the cave. They were here, and had to be much more careful. If they can hear the dragons, the dragons can most definitely hear them if they aren't careful. "We'll lure them. Hide in one of the branching paths. A dark one." He said as he put an armored hoof around a nearby torch, snuffing it out. Astral did so, as well. She looked at the Pegasus, as if asking 'what now?' Skystrike answer by grabbing a large rock and throwing it at the spot where they were just standing, making a loud crack. They heard a moment of silence from the dragons, before one called out. "Ashen!? Askook!? That you?" The voice of a dragon called out. Skytstrike motioned for her to be quiet. The yelling of the dragon returned. "You back with the new one!?" They didn't respond. The scraping of claws grew closer. "...Who's there!? Hey, Lockhead, go check it out!" "No, I did it last time. It's probably a rat." "Look, you know I'm bad with tight areas! My wings clamp up!" "Pussy." A groan was heard, the scraping continued. Only a few dozen paces away. Skystrike drew his sword, and Astral her dagger. "I swear I'll get you one day for the shit you pull here... You got 5 seconds to get out this cave, before you become my next meal! Five!" The dragon said, as if it had some sort of authority. Eight paces away. "Four!" Beasts like these deserve no mercy, just like the rest of them. "Three!" Six paces away. Something inside Skystrike reached out to him. It felt familiar. He knew what it was. He'd have to hold back his bloodlust.. "Two!" Three paces away. He'd make it quick. That will be their final mercy. "One!" A dragon's foot stomped into Skystrike's view. The dragon didn't get to finish. Skystrike jumped out the crevasse and flew forward, blade first. In a split second, his sword went through the dragons throat. Lucky that the underside of a dragon has weaker scales. The dragon, Skystrike realizing it's orange in color with rather large wings, reached out to Skystrike at it coughed up blood. He twisted his blade and pulled it out, decapitating the dragon. Four left. Astral looked down at the body of the lifeless dragon. It was the first time she had something sentient die in front of her. She... wasn't sure how to feel... On one hoof, it was a life, taken before their time. On the other, they deserved it. She stared at the body for a while, seeing the pool of blood grow as the lifeless eyes stared back at her. "Astral." Skystrike shook her out of her trance. Astral blinked. "I'm... I'm sorry... It's just..." "First time? I was the same, believe me. But this is just part of the job. Try to keep it together." Skystrike let go of her. "Now, there's at least one dragon in the next room. You said you could use a candlelight spell right?" Skystrike spoke rather quickly. It was only a matter of time before the dragons smelled the blood. "Uh, yeah, but that's only for lighting up rooms and the like, not for combat..." "Normally, but remember, your greatest weapon is your mind. Follow right behind me, and on my signal, pour in as much magic as you can into the spell." "But... if you overload a spell, it has the chance of explo-... I get it now, alright. Let's do it." Astral nodded. With that, the two slowly made their way to the dragons lair. They stopped around the corner, making sure they weren't seen. Skystrike put out a hoof, signaling for her to stop. He spread out the digits of his claw, counting down to zero by clenching his hoof. The two rushed out, Skystrike taking flight and flying into the room. There were three dragons in the room of various colors, and they all looked at him. Perfect. He flew straight up, letting Astral's magic take full effect. Astral, making sure to close her eyes, quickly overcharged her magic, and with a loud boom, the spell overloaded, exploding in a blinding white light. The dragons roared, covering their eyes in pain. Skystrike dove down, arms crossed, blades pointed out towards his side. He went for the largest one first, a yellow quadruped dragon writhing on the ground, back up. As soon as he was on top of the yellow dragon, he made a quick cross slash to the nape, killing it near instantly. Three left. He looked to the direction another dragon was. This one was bipedal, similar to the green one they captured, but more spikes and a brown color. They were beginning to gain their sight back. Skystrike picked up the pace, jumping towards the brown dragon and going for a slash at their chest. Unexpectedly, it was able to regain their sight rather quickly, jumping back to dodge. It breathed a wave of fire at the stallion, Skystrike making sure to side step it with a spin, and using the momentum to throw his sword at the brown dragon, it going through the dragon and it falling to the ground. Two left. The last dragon, another bipedal with grey scales tried to fly out of the cave from the opening in the ceiling. Skystrike prepared to take off after it, but the dragon didn't get far. Astral threw one of her enchanted throwing knives at the dragon. It landed in the dragons thigh, doing little damage. The dragon was about to let out a laugh before it was interrupted by its own screams of pain. The enchant on the knife Astral threw was inscribed to explode a few moments after contact. And that it did. The dragon fell to the ground from the pain, holding what was left of its leg. Skystrike looked at Astral, about to tell her she did good, stopping himself when he saw the look on her face. Her eyes were wide, and she was still in the same stance when she threw the knife, arm out. She shivered a bit as she turned her hoof to look at it. "I... just did it on instinct..." She spoke to herself. "I feel... I don't know how I feel..." Skystrike made quick work finishing off the grey dragon, stabbing the sword through the heart of the beast. One left. "My guess is that you're feeling a mix of regret and relief. At least that's what is was like for my first kill." Skystrike remembered back to the lab he grew up in. He decided to specify. "The first kill that was by choice, that is... Regret that a life had to be taken, but relieved that they cant hurt anypony else. No true way to describe it, but know you did the right thing." He tried to comfort her a bit as he retrieved his swords. He had to admit, she was taking it better than he thought she would. At least outwardly. "Does... do you feel this every time?" She asked, trying to stop her shaking hoof with the other. Skystrike nodded. "Yes, but you must make sure not to get desensitized to it. The less you regret it, the more you justify it. But that's besides the point." Skystrike segwayed, making them get back on track. "There's one more, and only one room left. And said room has the mares we need to save. Think you can handle it, or do you need a minute?" Astral took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. "Yeah... I think I can do it. Besides, what I'm going through can't be worse than the mares..." She tightened her grip on her dagger. "Alright, you can do this Astral..." She said to herself as she went towards the room where the captives were. Skystrike followed behind her, surprised she decided to go in first. Once Skystrike entered, he saw the mares, behind bars made of scrap wood. Where did the dragons get it? They aren't stupid. They know how to build, but where did they get nails? Nails are expensive, so no way they'd just leave them laying around in the mine. He thought to himself some more, before realizing he already knew the answer. Focusing back on the main objective, the mares were behind bars, and after looking around a bit, he didn't see the dragon. He blinked when he realized what he thought. He didn't see the dragon. "Shit!" Astral jumped in surprised. "What!?" "There's one dragon not accounted for! It must have gone to warn the adult! I leave the mares to you, I can't leave Tethys alone! Check their health, and get them back to the village with the wagon!" Skystrike said, running out the room and flying towards where Tethys would be. Meanwhile, just after she heard several roars from within the cave, Tethys, who was flying above the skylight, took that as her queue. She roared herself, though much louder. It was a challenge to the stone dragon. A rumbling returned in response, followed by a loud roar. She could feel the sound hit her. She prepared to fly in the direction of the response, but was stopped when she felt a fireball hit her back. Once she restabilized herself in the air, she turned to see the dragon that attacked her. It was bat-like in structure, with deep purple scales and a sleek build. "Damn it, Sky..." Tethys grunted, opening her mouth and shooting a ball of ice at it. The purple dragon flew to the side, dodging it easily. It laughed as it shot Tethys again, the dragoness making sure to dodge it this time. After a few exchanges, with neither not able to hit the other, Tethys looked towards the direction of the earlier roar. Smoke was coming from a nearby mountain, and the rumbling grew closer. The townsfolk saw the beams of fire and ice in the sky. The roars and the rumbling put them all in a panic. They all talked between each other, some beginning to doubt Nebula's ability. Opal tried to calm everypony down. "Don't worry, everypony! I'm sure they have this under control!" She knew her words weren't really getting through to them, but she at least tried. While the rest still talked between each other on what to do with Magelight, Bismuth looked down at the marker that Nebula gave him. Bismuth looked towards the forest, seeing the smoke. "Uh... I think we might have a problem." He motioned toward what he saw, seeing that it was getting closer little by little. They looked between each other in mild worry. "I tried! I tried to stop this!" Magelight yelled at them. "And this is what I get!? For protecting us!? Now that Pegasus is dooming us all!" Stormfeather kicked the unicorn in the side, causing him to cough, "Shut your bucking mouth before I send you to Tartarus myself! Every word you've just spoken has pissed me off even more! Why are we even leaving him alive!?" Spelunk grit her teeth. "Sacrificing us to stop something that will come was the worst move he could make. Lying to us on top of all of this... I know my vote. I want Magelight dead." Opal cleared her throat. "Let's vote once we're out of potential danger, alright?" Opal was about to continue talking before a loud boom was heard from the forest. Everypony turned in the direction of the forest, seeing a blue streak in the sky go by at an astounding speed. "...What was that?" Skystrike was flying, looking for the last juvenile. His eyes darted between the trees as he flew above them. No luck. He did notice how some of the treetops were either frozen or on fire. They had to be above them. Skystrike looked above, and sure enough, Tethys was in a dogfight with a purple dragon. He could tell from the anger in Tethys' eyes, as well as her missing many of her shots that she was struggling a bit. Wasn't her fault, just a bad match for her, being rather slow compared to other dragon. Skystrike flew up, trying to slash at dragon. It noticed pretty quickly, barrel-rolling out of the way. The Pegasus did a quick spin, trying for another slash and getting a nick on their wing. The purple dragon stabilized itself, hissing at him. "Sorry about that, Tethys... Seems this one it rather quick." She flew beside him and grunted, rubbing her shoulder. "I've noticed... The smoke's getting closer, so some help me out once you're done here." "Will do." Skystrike said, crossing his blades, flying between her and the purple dragon. "Now tell me dragon, and make it quick, how many souls have you hurt?" "...What?" Skystrike sighed. "Know what? I don't even want to know. I'll make it quick." He flew towards the dragon prepared to cut him down. The dragon swiftly dodged with another roll, but wasn't expecting a kick to the gut from the stallion. Despite being winded, it was at least able to dive to avoid the blades going for his wings. The dragon grit it's teeth as it dove, turning around and shooting the biggest fireball it could muster. It was a direct hit. What the dragon didn't know, is that Skystrike's armor, let alone his body, was fully able to tank the hit and shrug it off. As the smoke was subsiding, he made sure to get into the proper stance, tightening his grips on the blades and diving straight down. The smoke trailed behind him as he lunged towards the dragon. It wasn't able to react fast enough before the iron pierced the lungs of the beast as they crashed into the forest floor. He made a note on where it landed for later, and decided to rush to Tethys. The dragoness was having her own problems. "...Today is just not my day..." Tethys groaned, analyzing the approaching stone dragon. Word of mouth did nothing to describe how massive the dragon in question was. It was easily the size of a train, having to walk on all fours due to it's weight and lack of wings. She could hear the tree trunks snap as it approached. The dragon had scales like stone, almost like it was made of rock itself with the moss growing off its back. The large jaws of the beast roared, looking to the sky and seeing Tethys. "You dare challenge me on my territory!? Do you know who I am!?" Tethys responded with silence to the dragons annoyance. "I am Vastilok! The strongest dragon only second to the dragon lord!" Tethys raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Why don't you back it up with a source?" "My source is that I made it the fuck up!" The dragon growled. "But it's not like you'll live to go rat about that. By now, my underlings would've heard my roar and they'll be here any minute!" Skystrike flew up next to Tethys. "They're dead, so tough shit I guess." He chuckled, wiping some blood off of him. "Lucky for them, it was quick. I'll try to make it quick for you too, as I'm on a schedule." "You..." Vastilok growled, taking a tree in its claws and tearing it from its roots. "I will admit, it takes a bit of strength to kill a dragon..." He threw the severed tree at Skystrike who swiftly dodged it, landing with a boom behind him. "But It'll take more than that to take me down!" Skystrike and Tethys flew to opposite sides of the dragon, starting the battle. Tethys tried to slow Vastilok down the best she could, firing continuous beams of ice at his joints. Skystrike darted around, trying to cut at the neck any chance he could get. Both did nothing to stop him. Realizing his blades were doing nothing, Skystrike sheathed them and jest began being annoying, flying around Vastilok like a fly. Tethys wasn't joking, the scales were hard like stone. Punching the beast would, and was currently doing more than his blades, solely because he cant chip his hooves. He grunted as he was slowly getting pushed back. "Nnngh..." Tethys called out to the Pegasus as she fired more beams of ice. "Sky!... You got a plan or...!?" Skystrike yelled back. "Yeah! Just keep this up, follow my lead!" Vastilok, growing annoyed at the Pegasus, continued to follow him. Astral had just finished bringing the wagon to the mares and loading them on. They were not in good shape, but could be worse, all things considered. The abuse they've taken, both physically and mentally, required medical attention. Some of them screamed as soon as Astral touched them. Thankfully, most of the mares didn't give into despair. They'd have a hard road through recovery. As she pulled them out of the cave and through the forest, which was much harder than Nebula made it look, they spoke to each other. Astral was able to get their names. Rainbowshine, Stormfeather's sister, was a pegasus with a pale indigo coat with a light fuchsia gray mane. Jasper, Opal's sister, was a unicorn with a orange coat and beige mane. Those two were the only ones awake and in the mood to talk, as little talk as it was. Each had a blanket around themselves. The two made sure to name the other mares, making sure they had everypony. Agate, Bismuth's sister, was an earth pony with a grey coat and a cream mane with rainbow highlights going through it. She was huddled in a corner of the wagon, her head barely sticking out of her blanket. Goldwork, Silverspeed's sister, was a unicorn with a pale yellow coat and a golden mane. She was sleeping... Well, as best she could, lying on her side, forcing her eyes close. Quarry, Spelunk's sister, was an earth pony with a salt white coat and bronze mane. She was trying her best to comfort those around her. Ruby, Emerald's sister, had the same orange coat as her brother, but had a ruby red mane. She just curled herself into a ball as the wagon moved. But at least they were alive. They'd be able to see the next day. The road would be hard, but they have hope for a better future now. Astral gave a long exhale, thinking about what they'd have to go through. She hoped to herself that no more harm would come to them. That hope was immediately put into question when she saw the tree tops, some frozen and some lit aflame. She looked to the sky just in time to see Nebula fly off somewhere behind her, then a few minutes later, an entire tree land a few yards in front of her to the side of the path. She made sure to pick up the pace, turning her trot to a full on gallop now. With luck, Astral was able to tow the rest of the mares back without much of a problem. As soon as they approached the center of town, the townsfolk turned to see her. The siblings of the mares ran over, making sure their sisters were alright. Hugs were shared, tears were had, apologies were made, but their families were back together. It was a sweet moment. Skystrike, able to see that Astral was back safely, quickly flew over to her. "Sorry to interrupt the reunion, but we got a situation. Astral, Bismuth, Opal, Spelunk, I need you three! Everypony else, get clear! Get the injured mares inside!" He quickly ordered. The villagers quickly did so, some picking up the mares and taking them into the town hall, others taking themselves and their kids back into their own homes. "What's happening!? What's with the smoke!?" Bismuth asked. "You'll know soon! I've left Tethys to hold off the adult, but there's only so much she could do! The scales are too thick, and there's only one piece of equipment that can get through." Skystrike said through tired breaths. Spelunk looked at him. "You don't mean..." "Bismuth, on my queue, fire it at the dragon, I'll make an opening! Spelunk, Opal, you're gonna pour as much magic into Astral as you can when you see the dragon come over! Astral, max force paralyze spell onto the rod that Bismuth shoots! All of you, when Bismuth fires, cover your ears!" They all looked between each other and nodded. "Got it!" Bismuth said, running to the Stake launcher, pointing the marker towards the forest, ready to fire. Opal and Spelunk flared their horns, the magic seeping out of their bodies and going into Astral's horn. Skystrike quickly flew to where he left his stuff, getting his black chains and connecting one end to the hilts of his swords, and the other to an apparatus on his back, reeling in the chains. He quickly flew back to Tethys, who was still leading the dragon back to the village. "Are they ready!?" Tethys asked as she dodged a few thrown boulders, even freezing some in the air. "Yeah! Let's go!" Skystrike answered. Tethys near instantly turned around and followed behind Skystrike. Vastilok sped up himself to follow the two. "Where are you going!?" Vastilok chuckled as he chased them. "You will not leave here alive! And these ponies are next!" Astral saw the dragon approaching, beginning to charge her spell. She wasn't used to all the magic flowing through her, but she had to control it. They were counting on her. Bismuth waited for Skystrike's queue, who was leading Vastilok into the weapon's range. In a moment, Bismuth had a clear shot on the beast. But it wasn't time yet. Skystrike flew straight up, above the dragon, using gravity to speed him up as he dove. A trail of vapor followed behind him as he dove between the clouds, right above the head of Vastilok. "Tethys, Ice me!" Tethys didn't hesitate, sending a ball of ice where Skystrike would be as he dove. right before the ice hit him, Skystrike rolled into a fetal position, his armor folding into a ball. The ice wrapped around his armor, increasing his mass when he hit Vastilok. "Comet Smash!" That mass and that speed was bound to hurt, and hurt it did, hitting the dragon point blank on the forehead, ice splintering as Vastilok went to grab his head in pain. He reeled back, but Skystrike wasnt done, uncurling from his armor and loosening some of the chains on his back. As Vastilok opened his mouth to roar in pain, Skystrike went for the weak points. With the mouth wide open, it was easy to swoop in and stab his swords into the roof of the dragons mouth, blood spurting onto him. Quickly flying out as Vastilok tried to breathe fire, Skystrike used his chains to wrap his jaws shut before landing on the beast's back and pulling with all he had. Vastilok was forced onto his back legs, taking his underbelly off the ground for the world to see. "Bismuth!!!" With his queue heard, Bismuth covered his ears, aimed the target marker at the dragons chest and pulled the trigger. The stake launcher quickly turned to its target and fired. Fire came from the sides of the machine as it released the energy used to fire the metal stake directly into Vastilok with a large BOOM! Even with his mouth closed, the roar of pain was still deafening. This time, it was Astral's queue, releasing the charged spell directly into the stake. Vastilok began spazzing as volts upon volts of magical electricity surged through him. His body was smoking once the spell ended, the heat making his eyes boil out of his sockets. Skystrike huffed as he loosened his grip on the chains, dropping them of the side of the dragon. "Hah... Nice job, everybody..." Skystrike said as he walked towards Bismuth. Tethys gave a few huffs of her own. "Yeah... Thanks..." She landed next to the body of Vastilok. "Just one more thing..." "Still breathing, I know..." Skystrike picked up the Stake launcher of the tripod and carried it on his shoulder, finger on the manual trigger. "Open his mouth, Tethys..." The dragoness did so, squatting down to dead lift the Vastilok's jaw open. She eyed Skystrike as he walked on his tounge and aimed where the brain would be. "Tethys... cover your ears..." She did so right before Skystrike fired, blowing the brains out the beast, the stake coming out the top side of the head. And with that, Skystrike walked out. "Mission complete..." He rolled his wrist as he dropped his retrieved swords and the Stake launcher. "Yeah..." She said as she sat down, finally able to relax. "By the way... why do you... call out your attacks?" Skystrike processed the question, then chuckled for a bit before answering. "Because... If I call out a move and you don't dodge it... that's their fault..." He said. The two shared a tired laugh. > Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone present let out a long sigh, formed from a mix of relief and exhaustion. Skystrike was sitting down, leaning on his Stake Launcher. He and Tethys just finished sharing a laugh after killing Vastilok. They began moving back towards the rest of the ponies when the smell of burnt flesh became too much to bare. After catching his breath, Skystrike stood up, putting the safety on on the Launcher and turning towards the ponies. Tethys got up with him. "Where are we going?" Skystrike huffed. "We have two things left to do. The second is that personal thing I need to do. The first..." The Pegasus stopped in front of Opal. "Have you made a decision?" Opal looked at him. "You know... you said something about the weight of another's life or something like that before you went to the mine... I... I don't think somepony like him deserves a trial. It's open and shut... But I don't think I can carry the weight of his death on my heart. But if it guarantees that my sister, and other ponies wont be hurt by his actions again, then I must try." Skystrike returned the look. "I'll.... I'll take that as a yes. And you don't have to ask the victims. They've been through enough." He put a hoof on the mares shoulder. "I have a few more things to check once I finish talking to the residents here. After, Tethys and I are going to do one last scout of the mountain. Just to make sure all danger is gone." Opal nodded, then wrapped her forehooves around Skystrikes neck to hug him. "Thank you... thank you so much, Nebula." She said, holding back a few tears. Skystrike shook his head. "It's nothing. I simply do what needs to be done." Opal released him from the hug. "We're going to check on everypony else. If anything comes up, send word." The unicorn nodded, then went back to her sister. Skystrike and Tethys walked over to the rest of Opal's friend group. Bismuth, Emerald Green, Silverspeed, Spelunk, Stormfeather, and Astral were all still staring at the body of the earth dragon. In both fear and in awe. Bismuth spoke first. "It's... hard to believe it's finally over." "Buck that it's over, Nebula is the real deal!" Spelunk pointed a hoof to the body. "I thought ponies were just overhyping him, but he nearly took down this giant bastard alone! I don't know how many guards it'd take to do that, but it's definitely more than one. And he's a Pegasus!" Silverspeed nodded. "Then he was able to figure out who did it within a day. And he was mostly... right." She shuddered at the thought. "If he weren't here..." Astral agreed. "I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't. The whole plan to lure out Magelight and the dragons. The juvenile dragons were mostly him though. I only got one. He handled the rest himself. All we did was some magic tricks." "Don't sell yourselves short." Skystrike spoke from behind the group. "Each one of you played a role in this. It would've been much harder without you all. Be proud of yourselves." He stopped in front of the ponies. "Astral, how are the mares?" Astral rubbed her horn a bit. All that magic made it sore. She winced when she touched it. "Ssss... The mares should be fine, given time. I'd still urge that we take them to a hospital or something. Their bodies are... could be in better shape, but I'm more focused on the trauma that they could have." Skystrike nodded. She made a good point. "I have a few things to finish up here. We will leave for Vanhoover at sundown. I'd appreciate if you could pack everything by then, Astral. It'd put too much stress on the mares to move them to the city. I will have some doctors sent here." She nodded in response. "Now, for the rest of you, I will need one of you to come with us back to Canterlot. Someone has to testify in front of the princesses." The ponies looked between each other. "Uh, can we get back to you on that?" Bismuth asked. "Oh, and here." He said, giving Skystrike back the marker. "Of course. There's just one more thing I need to ask of all of you." Skystrike leaned forward. "Seeing as Magelight isn't dead... well, at least not yet... I assume everypony voted?" They all looked to each other. Moments of awkward silence went by as the air grew tense. Spelunk broke the silence. "...When you, Astral, and Tethys left, all of the ponies in the village spoke about it for a while. They decided that it was best to leave it to us, the ponies whos sisters were affected, and Astral who was set up. I-..." She was interrupted by Skystrike putting up a hoof. "Before you answer, just know, I hope you've tried not to let my actions affect your judgement, nor will I or any of you look at anypony different based on their answer." Spelunk took in a deep breath. "...Alright... I... a part of me feels so wrong when I say this, but... A pony like him does not deserve the life he has... He betrayed out trust. Put all of us at risk... I don't even want to know who else he did this to...could've done this to in the future. I... I vote for him to die." Spelunk covered her mouth with regret at that last sentence. She never thought she'd have to make this decision in her life. Emerald dug at the dirt beneath him before answering. "Magelight... at one point I called him friend. The affects his actions have had on the ponies around him is unforgivable. He could spend a life time trying to make right by them, and it'd never be enough. But even with all that... I can't say I think he deserves death." Two in favor, one against his death so far. Silverspeed spoke next. "He sold us so he could save his own ass. You've shown that getting help was an option that could and did work. Trying to protect us my ass... He had more than enough money to hire a platoon. He dies." She said with notably more anger than the previous two. Three in favor, one against. Bismuth put in his decision. "He waited so long to finally get help, then tries to sell Astral to the dragons. On top of that, he was actively working against you. Magelight's complete disregard for any life other than his own is inhumane. He should not have the mercy that our sisters and Astral should've gotten." Four in favor. There are seven total. Only two more ponies left to go. Even though the majority already won, their opinions still mattered. Astral stepped forward. "I would've died if not for you. I'm not sure if I'm qualified to have an opinion on this, but... I think... a part of me thinks he should atone for his sins, but another part of me knows that he wont... If he gets away with this with no consequence, then he'll do it again. However, I personally don't think that the death sentence is the right one." Four and two. "Stormfeather, you're the last one... What say you?" "He dies." Stormfeather said quickly and angrily. "Everypony else said their reasoning, but are we just gonna forget that he only admitted all this stuff out of self preservation and not out of guilt? If worse came, he'd just have taken the money and ran. He would've lived a lavish life style for a few months minimum. He's crying over there because he got caught. He. Dies." Bismuth finished, stomping his hoof before sighing. "I'm going to check on Rainbowshine." Skystrike sighed as Rainbowshine flew away. He looked at Tethys, then back to the ponies. "So, five to two... death's favor. I will carry it out myself. Is that vial of white phosphorus still with Magelight?" They all looked between each other to check, then answered with a yes. The ponies watched as Skystrike went to Magelight. The unicorn tried his best to crawl away, but it was futile with his hooves tied. They, along with other villagers and Tethys, stared as Skystrike dragged Magelight into the forest as he was kicking and screaming. As the two stallions went deeper into the forest, Magelight cries echoed between the trees. "You can't do this to me you bastard! You won't get away with this! I did what I had to do! For all of us!" Skystrike decided to finally speak after that last sentence. He'd already come deep enough into the forest anyway. "Magelight... tell me, do you have anything to live for?" The unicorn stopped his streaming. "...What?" "What makes you keep on living?" "...I don't know..." "Think!" Skystrike demanded as he stabbed one of his swords' into the dirt. Magelight grunted as he was thrown in the middle of a meadow. He looked up at the armored pony in fear. The blue eyes of the helmet stared into his soul. The unicorn felt as he was looking at death's embodiment in the face. Minutes passed as Skystrike stood still, staring at him. Waiting for his answer. It was ironic in a sense. He was so fearful of the dragons, but now his life is in the hooves of a pony mimicking their appearance. With his strength and brutality, he might as well be a demon. The unicorn finally spoke. "...You... you think you can get away with this!?" Magelight yelled at him. His response was a heavy slap from Skystrike. He held his cheak as he grunted from the pain. "...You ba-" Magelight was interrupted by the same hoof. Skystrike slapped him again and again, switching between open palm and a back hoof. First blood came from Magelight's broken nose. Then some from a bruised lip. Then a tooth fell out. Skystrike paused momentarily. He was surprised that Magelight could even see him from the black eyes he had. "S... Sdob it!" Magelight cried as he tried to back away. "Is this wrong?" Skystrike asked. "Ob course id is! Who do you hink I ab!?" "A mere fool." Skystrike answered simply, yet full of vitriol. "For god's sake. Look at what you did to the other ponies." Magelight, still backing away, bared the pain and used his magic to cut his restraints. His adrenaline rushed through him as he shot as much magic he could muster at the Pegasus. It was almost impressive. Almost... When the cloud of smoke dispersed, Skystrike was still standing where he was. Magelight was overwhelmed with fear when he realized there was no visible damage on Skystrike. With the last of his strength used, Magelight fell to the ground. He wasn't the embodiment of death... no, he was death itself. And he feared the reaper. "Domepony! Id anybody dere!?" He screamed out at the top of his lungs. "There is none that will come to save you." Skystrike looked down at Magelight. "They voted. The ponies who's sisters you sold, and Astral all voted for your fate. Five and Two, death's favor. But don't get them wrong, they simply didn't think death was the right punishment... In a court of law, you'd be banished. Not exactly better, and depending on where you'd have been banished to, it's have been much worse... In a sense, this is a mercy." Skystrike walked close enough and crouched down to get in Magelight's face. "Now... I feel no need to spare your life... You already hurt my sister, Astral Night... you sealed your fate. You will die here..." "W-w-waid! Why!? I-I-I can gibe you boney, jusd don'd kill be! Dad's whad you cabe here for, righb!?" Magelight pleaded with death. It was to no avail. "I see..." Skystrike closed his eyes. Magelight had a look of relief for a moment. Skystrike felt his anger well up inside him. Is that all that Magelight sees life as? A fucking transaction? Life is something that you can't put a price on. His rage felt... primal. Instinctual... Magelight's look of relief turned to horror when Skystrike opened his now burning white eyes. "So this is what it means to be unworthy of life!" And with that, Skystrike kicked Magelight into a tree. Several sounds could be heard. First, the shattering of Magelight's sternum. Second, the crack of the tree he was shot into as well as the cracking of his spine simultaneously. Third, a grotesque sound of bursting flesh as Magelights chest and abdomen exploding. He didn't even have the air in his lungs to scream in pain from his protruding bones and burst organs laying on the ground. Skystrike kicked him in such a way where he could cause the most pain, but the pain was enough where he wouldn't fall unconscious from it. Magelight groaned. Skystrike stared at him for a moment, thinking to himself as he calmed down. A part of him... enjoyed the pain he wrought on Magelight, but he knew it was bad. He knew well how to fight that instinct by now. It was almost like an addiction. Every being that he hurts, something in his mind tells him to keep going. As if it was a negative feedback loop. He'd have some questions for himself and Echo later. Skystrike took out the flask of white powder in front of the groaning Magelight. To be specific on the contents of the flask, it was white phosphorus. Sure, it broke the Geneva Convention but... The world of Eques doesn't have a Geneva Convention. That makes it ok. Legally. But there was one last thing he needed from the unicorn. He'd at least have some use... The Pegasus picked up his sword and walked to the broken and bloody mess that was Magelight and with a swift cut of his sword, lobbed off the horn of Magelight. One of the worst and most disrespectful things that could happen to a unicorn. And with that, Skystrike flew into the sky and threw the flask at his body. The fun thing about white phosphorus is that it ignites when in contact with oxygen, as well as has a higher burning temperature than the melting point of flesh and bone. Magelight couldn't scream through his collapsed lungs. All he could do was weakly look up at Skystrike as he burned. Blood ran down his face from where his horn used to be as his body began to melt. Skystrike made sure to stare at him until Magelight finally left this world. Then, he waited until the body of the unworthy burned to ash, as well as the tree he was kicked into. He flew back down and flapped his wings, letting the ash spread in the wind once the fire died down. "It's better than he deserves..." Skystrike walked back to the village. He was met in the forest by his dragoness friend. Tethys looked down at him with crossed arms. "Is it done?" Skystrike nodded. "Yes." Tethys sighed. "I know this is ironic coming from a dragon, but that was kinda fucked." She put a hand on her forehead. "You've... changed, Skystrike..." He stood still at that. "I know... some times I look at what I've become, and I wish I didn't. But... after what happened... I couldn't just keep.. hoping that beings will change for the better. Sure, there are some that can change, but... he would've come back wanting revenge... I won't risk that again." Tethys rubbed the ridge of her snout. "Holy... I didn't think it affected you this much..." She sighed. It needed to be addressed. The two thought back to why All split up. What the turning point was. A younger Skystrike stood with a sword in hoof, staring down his foes with all the malice he could muster. He was staring down the remaining platoon of Royal guards, clad in golden armor. The once 40 of the ponies were down to a dozen and a half. All wasn't doing much better either. And to think, it all started from an escort request. He should've known... It was too good a deal to be true. An envoy was sent to All to give them a letter, saying it was important. Skystrike checked the letters, reading it's contents. A request for all the members of his group to escort a yet to be named noble for a show of strength. He was about to laugh at it before reading the offer. Half a million bits. Fifty thousand when split all ways equally. Celeano would be able to get that airship upgrade she wanted. Sky Beak could use it to settle down like he dreamed. Casta could fund her research. He went to tell everyone that they got a job. Now, they're half way in the grave. Tethys was the first injured. Stabbed in the back by that Bastard noble. Even now, he's found a way to mess with him. Zecora and Casta were using any potion or spell that could get her back up. By the time Skystrike turned back to see the source of Tethys' scream, Celeano was shot with a blast of magic, and Sky Beak was shot out of the air. A whole platoon came out from hiding between the trees of the forest. This was pre planned. Taking out the dragon, Avian, and Hippogriff simultaneously. Elytra changed from a piece of luggage inter her normal form, charging her magic as she went to protect Zecora and Casta. Celeano and Sky Beak had recovered from their minor injuries, the former pulling out a flintlock and saber while the latter a crossbow. Jeshan dug up from underground and made a wall of dirt, making his team mates cover from a few sides. Maud was in front with Skystrike, who quickly pulled her back. Alder came back and began firing arrows from above the forest. Skystrike was about to dive at the noble, but he quickly teleported away. Skystrike set down Maud next to Elytra. "You two! Protect them while they help Tethys!" He drew his swords and flew towards the Diamond Dog. "Jeshan! Fall back for a bit, hold out with Celeano and Sky Beak! I'm taking out the anti-air!" Skystrike flew into the forest, finding where the guards were from where their shots of magic came from. Alder and and Sky Beak were doing their best to dodge, but they couldn't dodge them all. From the rate of fire, there were about sixteen unicorns. He dealt with them swiftly, flying to each one between the trees and cutting through them like butter. Limbs were cut off, blood was spilt, and heads rolled. The forty strong quickly fell to twenty four, left of earth ponies and pegasi. Skystrike wasn't unharmed though. The ponies protecting the unicorns got some hits on him. While he could still move it, he couldn't feel his left arm. The leather armor allowed him to be faster, but he couldn't take many more hits. Some of his bones were fractured in his wings, but the adrenaline made him numb to the pain. Making his way back to the ambush site, his friends weren't doing any better than him. Tethys was at least back up, fighting alongside Maud and Elytra, but all three took pretty heavy damage. The Pegasus decided to fly towards Sky Beak and Jeshan, who was currently defending a downed Celeano, who was clutching her left talon, or where it once was. Jeshan put up his staff to block an incoming overhead swing from a guard. Sky Beak was currently fighting two ponies himself, and couldn't help him out. Fatigue had gotten to the diamond dog, and the guard cut through his staff, leaving a large gash down his chest. He soon fell unconscious, only after seeing Skystrike quickly cut off his attackers forehooves, then quickly being layed on his back. "Sky Beak! I got-" He looked to the hippogriff, only to see him falling on his back after a hit from a mace hitting his head hard. Celeano fired her flintlock at the mace wielding pony, blasting a hole through the guard. Skystrike grit his teeth. "TETHYS!" He shouted, fending off some attacks from several sides. "Celeano, Sky Beak, and Jeshan are down! Bring them back to Zecora and Casta! I'll hold these fuckers off somehow!" Tethys did so. Though tired, she flew towards her downed allies and picked up the three bodies. "Take this, you shit heads!" Celeano said, still firing her flintlock, and Skybeak's crossbow. "Sky Beak and Jeshan deserved better! I'll find all your graves and shit on them!" She said angrily. Finally at Zecora and Casta, they each began healing the three injured. Casta worked on closing Jeshan's wound, while Zecora used a salve to stop the blood flow to Celeano's leg. Skystrike jumped into the sky, hoping to have a quick break from the fight to check on his friends. Maud was still standing, swinging her Warhammer in her hooves at her attackers. She did her best as she stood above Elytra, whose carapace was cracked, but was still firing her magic the best she could. But it didn't matter. Though through their combined efforts, they took the 40 strong down to 12, the damage was done. Casta and Elytra had ran out of magic, falling from over exhaustion. Maud was on her last leg, huffing hard and she rested the head of her Warhammer on the ground. Tethys took another fatal hit, using her ice breath to freeze close a wound from a spear in her stomach. Zecora was running out of energy, having minor cuts all over her body, but also tired from the medical attention she had to give to everyone present. In a matter of moments, they were forced into a corner. Though battered and bruised, Skystrike was the only one in good enough shape to fight. One of his swords broke, leaving him with only one blade left to fight. The last of the 12 guards surrounded the remains of the group. It was a miracle that none of them died... Skystrike looked back to his allies... his friends... all looking back at him. Maud spoke first. "Well, I guess we're between a rock and a hard place." She said in a monotone voice, trying to crack a joke in this situation. Tethys coughed up some blood as Zecora began stitching her back up. "Gotta say... figured this was too good to be true." She was right. Zecora looked up at him. "We'll make it out of this, Nebula, my friend! This is no day for us to meet our end!" Skystrike gripped his sword. Their words might as well have fallen on deaf ears. It was his fault. He shouldn't have taken this deal. He was blinded by riches. No... He was blinded by a happy future. He knew from the moment he left the hive that there was no happy future for him. It was not his fate. Fate... Fate... Fate... FATE... FATE... The word continued to ring in his head. He couldn't escape it. Everyone he meets, he bonds with... fate demands something different. He won't stand for this! He will change his future! He wont let the beings around him suffer anymore! Something in him spoke to him... telling him to fight... to kill! To spill blood! For those not spoken for! For those who suffer in silence! For those who want destruction! It's what he was made to do! To kill all who stand in his way! Skystrike seemingly grew in size as his wrath overtook him. His muscles popped. His eyes emitted a blinding white light. And with one final declaration: "MY FATE WILL BE FORGED IN MY OWN HANDS!", he dashed forward with a loud boom, a blue streak tailed behind him as he went towards a guard in front of him. He didn't slow down as he cut through the body with one slice, taking the guard's head and shoulder clean off. Before the surrounding guards could react, he dashed into the air, stabbing a Pegasus from under them, their organs coming out the other side. The rest of the guards quickly ran by his allies and towards him. They weren't nearly fast enough, Skystrike ripping the blade off a guard's corpse and throwing it into the neck of a charging earth pony. They choked on the blade and their own blood before falling over. Skystrike spun to dodge a javelin flying towards him, catching it in the air and throwing it at another Pegasus guard. Once he landed on the ground, he slashed at an approaching guard, his sword shattering on impact with his shield. Turning on his front hooves, he bucked the shield, shattering it to splinters, then grabbing the guard's body and using them as a meat shield, making a flanking guard stab his ally. The face of horror on the pony's face as he killed his own friend didn't last long when he saw a hoof coming his way. The sheer impact cracked the neck of the guard as it twisted half way around. A guard took their eyes of Skystrike for a mere moment, looking at his comrades fall one by one, only to be snapped back to reality by a hoof going through mouth and out the back of his neck. Each kill, Skystrike got more violent as his instinct told him to show no mercy. The remaining five ponies didn't last long. Two Pegasus and three earth ponies were soon to feel death's embrace. "Speedy! Redline! Get out of here! Report back to the princess! We'll buy you time!" The princess? Celestia!? His rage grew even more. Before they could react to their orders, Skystrike flew to grab one by the leg and slammed them into the ground, breaking many bones on impact. He stomped on their head, busting their skull open, killing them near instantly. The helmet might as well have been for show. The last Pegasus didn't decide to wait around as they flew off as fast and high as their wings could take them. It wasn't far enough. Another boom and Skystrike caught up to them in mere moments. The Pegasus guard pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. Skystrike grabbed onto their wings with his front hooves and kicked the pony down to the earth below with his back hooves. Their wings came off with pops, almost like taking grapes off the vine. They screamed in pain and fear as they fell, ending with a loud splat. Skystrike flew back to the last three ponies, dropping the wings of their friend in front of them. "You fucked around... And now... you'll find out why Celestia wanted me gone so badly..." He said, preparing to prove it. A dash forward closed the distance between Skystrike and the guards, punching one guard and shattering his ribcage, making the guard cough up blood and fall to the floor. Turning to the next guard, he tore off a leg, leaving them screaming as they bled out. He stared down the last guard, dropping the severed limb and walking towards the pony frozen in fear. He thought about letting him go. But that damn excuse of a noble got them all into this. Don't deal with them right, and they want revenge next chance they get. Skystrike would take no risk. He grabbed their throat with his metal arm and pulled it out. Skystrike, covered in a mix of his and the enemy's blood, let out a roar in victory, his anger finally subsiding as the threat was over. For now at least. His adrenaline finally stopped, and fatigue caught up to him. The last thing he saw before falling unconscious was the faces of fear from his conscious friends. Tethys grit her teeth, thinking back to the incident. She put a claw on her stomach, where the wound was those years ago. Casta and Zecora did well, there was barely even a scar left. "Zecora and Casta fixed me up pretty well. I saw some of the scars you still have. They could probably fix you up quick if you asked." Skystrike shook his head. "I keep them on me... as a promise to do better by you all, and all those I failed to protect." "Skystrike..." Tethys began walking, signaling Skystrike to walk next to her towards the forest. "When we first met, I had my... worries on following you. You were naïve, reckless, and you didn't think things through. Despite all that, you kept to yourself and planned things out, with very little room for mistake. You were at times... a huge asshole, but after you left, I realized that you were doing it to protect us... Then when you disbanded All, I realized that you blamed yourself for what happened." Skystrike grit his teeth at that,. Tethys continued talking. "Now that we're back together, I can tell that you've changed majorly. You're much more thorough in planning. You try and listen to others. You focus on the beings, not just the job now. But that guilt is still being carried on your shoulders. It was a mistake, Skystrike. It wasn't your fault." "But it was my fault." Skystrike spoke up. "You all almost died! All because I just... got sloppy! It was my fault!" Tethys shook her head. "It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known there was an ambush." "I could've checked! Scouted ahead! Anything that could've increased our chances! Celeano wouldn't have lost her foot! Jeshan wouldn't have lost his eye!" Skystrike began raising his voice. Tethys was getting annoyed, showing her teeth. "We all knew the risks, and we don't blame you for it. We still have our lives! It wasn't your fault!" "I had to disband the group! Everyone in my life, I just keep putting in danger!" Skystrike was full on yelling at this point. "So each of you could go back to the lives you had before! BETTER lives! I hurt you all too much for helping me with something I should've done myself from the start!" Skystrike felt a punch to his face, falling on his side before looking at where it came from. Tethys was angry to say the least, having tears in her eyes on the verge of falling. "Do you have ANY idea how much you hurt us by leaving!? We blamed each other! We didn't feel like we were somebodies you could RELY on! You sacrificed EVERYTHING for us! We didn't even want your money, but you vanished before we could say something! You think just leaving in the night is the best option!?" Tethys punched him again. Skystrike took the hit. "We wanted to protect you too! Our travels! Our journeys! We enjoyed every moment spent with you! Good and bad! And you just leave!? Thinking you're protecting us!?" Tethys roared as she loomed over the Pegasus. Skystrike looked up at her, taking in her words. Tethys calmed down, albeit slightly. "You... you hurt us the most, Skystrike. We all know you blame yourself. It's not your fault. We don't blame you." Skystrike looked down at the ground. He thought about it. He couldn't shake the guilt, but he knew. Skystrike got back up and kept walking. Motioning for Tethys to follow him. She sighed and did so. "You're right... A part of me already knew that... but I think I just needed someone to tell me. So, thanks Tethys." Skystrike and Tethys walked for a couple minutes in silence before Skystrike decided to speak up. He made up his mind. He had to tell her. "I have something to confess." Tethys raised an eyebrow. "Okay...?" "Before I do, I just want to ask you something..." Skystrike stopped and turned to look her in the eyes. "...Do you believe even the worst person can change? That a cycle of suffering can be broken if someone just tries hard enough?" Tethys chuckled. "Asking that right after dealing with Magelight? I've always agreed with what you told me all those years ago. Everyone can change. Whether they deserve the chance to is a different story." Skystrike let out a deep sigh, before standing on his hind hooves and taking off his armor. A neon green fire surrounded him for a moment. Joints popped, muscled stretched, and bones cracked. It a moment, where a pony once stood before Tethys, was a human, his eyes reaching her chest. His dark skin glistened as the white snow melted on his body. The white hair flowing down his back flowed with the wind. All that covered him was a piece of cloth that hung around his waist. Tethys' green eyes stared into his light blue. "...What are you? Are you Skystrike? I've never seen something like you." Skystrike nodded. "I... was originally called P.R.O.W-0034. Skystrike Nebula was the name I gave myself when I came to this world. I'm... I am human." Tethys leaned over and walked around him, getting a good look at him. "...I'm confused. This isn't some prank and you're a changeling? I've seen Elytra transform like that..." Skystrike shook his head as he put back on his armor, the once heavy armor for a pony was placed on his chest, shoulders, arms, and legs, only being able to cover the important parts. "I was taken in by the Changelings, so I picked up a few things from them. But lets keep walking. I'll explain along the way." Skystrike said, walking towards the mountains. He told her everything. How he grew up as a human. What he was trained to do. How he got out. To Equestria. How he was chased out. Went with the changelings. Came back to the ponies. How and why he was banished from the hive. Why he faked his death. How he met her. Why he couldn't say anything about his identity. And how all of that lead to where he was now. It took over an hour, but he got his point across. "...Now, there's a signal up here in these mountains. No way it's a coincidence. There are humans up here doing something. And I think they're here for me. I can't put anyone else at risk." Tethys paused for a minute. "That's... a lot to take in. I'll... any questions I have will just bring up more. But for now... was... was all of this just an act? I'm still skeptical that you are Skystrike. A lot could've happened in the two and a bit years you were gone." Skystrike laughed a bit. "It takes much more than what I've dealt with to kill me." Skystrike said, making a ball of fire in his hand and looking at it. "...I need to cut my nails." He said to himself. "But no, nothing was fake. I am still Skystrike. My body may have been, but the experiences we all shared weren't an illusion." Tethys smiled a bit at that. "That's good to hear. So about that signal?" "Right. I, well Echo detected it when he was researching the area. All of a sudden he detected a signal. This world doesn't have the technology to send radio waves. Magic stunted the development of technology, so most things here are made to detect a magical current, not an electrical current. Echo is the only thing in Equestria, maybe this whole world, to detect the signals this place is sending. And it's also receiving a signal, meaning they're in communication with someone on their end." "I understood none of that." "Basically, someone in this world is talking with someone from my original world, and can't be detected by the residents of this world besides me." Skystrike simplified. He put up a hand. "We're here. And before we go in, my gut is telling me we wont be alone. I know you aren't great with tight spaces, so stay behind me and watch our backs." "Got it. Lead the way." They stood in front of a stone wall. Looked normal, but Echo and Skystrike could feel it calling to them. "This the spot." "Yes. Short circuit the surroundings and we'll get inside. Find a terminal. Plug me in. I can do everything else from there." Echo spoke from within the helmet. Skystrike charged some lightning in his hand before sending a pulse towards the wall. Not enough voltage, but he could figure out where he needed to hit. He lowered his arm to adjust his aim and shot a more powerful pulse. After a few tries of increasing strength, the stone wall moved, revealing a white door. Just like the lab he came from all those years ago. The door opened, an elevator inviting them in. Skystrike stepped inside, Tethys following him. There was only one floor he could go to, so he pressed the button and began heading down. He rolled his neck, stretching a bit before the elevator slowed to a stop. Skystrike charged a ball of magic in his hands, preparing to release it as soon as the door opened. But when it did, there was nothing. Skystrike and Tethys shared a look of surprise at the lack of enemies. No way they didn't see them coming. Unless... Skystrike looked around. In front of him was a long hallway, sharing the white walls of the lab from all of those years ago. Several colors ran parallel along the wall, but Skystrike decided to focus on the most important one. A red line labeled 'Terminal' went down to the end of the hallway. "We may already be too late, but it's worth a try! Let's speed up!" The two began running. Though Tethys didn't know where he was going, she followed behind, matching his pace. It was no use. By the time they made it to their destination, they were already too late. Tethys grunted at the state of the bodies of the fallen humans. Skystrike quickly got past it, walking to one of the bodies and touching it. There were seven human bodies on the floor, all missing their heads. Blood and brain matter splattered the walls. And each body was still warm. Some still gripping their weapons, ranging from pistols, to rifles, to blades. Though few, they were all prepared to fight for their lives. Yet they didn't get the chance to. Skystrike looked to the dead end they cornered themselves in. Well, to be exact, it wasn't a dead end. A halo like object, about three meters in diameter, was laying on the floor. He felt something familiar... Skystrike remembered the lab. While this looked much different, it was the same mana he felt when he was in the lab. It was a portal. Back to his original world. He grit his teeth. There's no way that this is their only one. They've had a way to get here, for a while, to Equestria. He doubted they'd put their only one in the middle of nowhere. He'd need to check for other portals. Skystrike saw a terminal next to the halo. He took off his helmet, plugging it in with a cord. "Echo, I need everything in the terminal. What happened here, where exactly this portal leads to, and where the other portals are. Also, what this facility is for." Skystrike stood up and looked at Tethys. He put up his hands. "...Welcome to the human race I guess... Well, more like what's left of it." Skystrike, Tethys, and Echo stood in silence for a moment. Tethys looked at the bodies, then back to Skystrike. "Hey, so, are you like... Why are they... why are you brown?" Skystrike looked at her, then laughed the hardest he has in a while. He was about to stop, then began howling again. "Jesus Christ, you can't just ask why someone is brown!" Skystrike regained his composure. "What's so funny?" Tethys growled. Skystrike laughed a bit more. "Tethys, a question like that has some racial indications behind it. I'm laughing because you don't know better, so it's an innocent question. It's be equivalent if I asked you why you were a dragon." "Oh.... Oh shit, sorry! I didn't mean it like that! I meant like, are there different types of humans? Kinda like ponies and dragons? Do you get something that the pale ones can't do?" Skystrike laughed even harder. "Holy shit this is great! Oh my god..." He laughed. "No, I mean besides being able to say the n-word." He laughed some more. "For real though, there aren't different 'types' but we have different ethnic groups. We come from different parts of the world and galaxy, but we're all the same species. Think of it like the different types of dragons. Sure you all look different, and are capable of different things, but you're all still dragons." "That makes sense I guess. What's the n-word?" Tethys tilted her head. Skystrike paused for a moment. "Look, I said that as a joke. There's a lot of racial injustices and history behind it that would take me a long time to explain as properly as I'd like for someone with no knowledge on it to understand. I'll tell you about it another time once we're done here and we have the time." "Analysis complete. As requested, I will answer what you've asked earlier. Echo spoke in their monochrome voice. "The bodies here are former employees of this facility. Security, faculty, and Researchers. They saw you and Tethys coming through the cameras. The head researcher reported to a superior about what to do. In response, a signal was sent back, activating a micro-bomb implanted within the brain of all staff here. It was most likely an attempt to stop you from getting information from them. It didn't matter, I am within their systems." Echo moved his holographic eyes, motioning toward the halo. "The portal has no set destination. Rather this is the destination. Several different locations link at this portal. What those locations are, I do not know, but from reports, one can assume warehouses, due to a consistent supply of food and resources. Notably a large amount of electronic and mana devices. The eyes moved back onto Skystrike. "These portals do not lead to anywhere in this world. It leads back to our dimension of origin. I'd recommend destroying the portal." Skystrike walked over to the halo to pick it up. It was heavy. Looking at it closer, he realized it was mage of tungsten and gold, in very dense quantities. He'd have to use this for later. Skystrike focused fire in his hands, molding the metal and compressing it into a sphere just able to fit in the palm of his hand. He put it into his saddlebag. He looked around more, seeing the weapons on the ground. No way he could let these get out in Equestria. The damage these could cause is immeasurable. He grabbed each and put them into his bag as well. "And the facility? What's it for?" "Begin walking to the laboratory of the facility. I will explain on the way." Echo spoke, shutting of his eyes before Skystrike put him back on. He motioned for Tethys to follow. The group walked out of the room and began following the green line labeled 'Facility'. As they walked, Skystrike noticed the tire marks on the floor. They had to have been moving some heavy items to their destination. "This facility had three roles." Echo finally decided to speak. "Spying on, studying, and making weaponry in hopes of stopping you." They turned the corner to a towering metal door. Skystrike couldn't tell what type, but it was for sure some type of steel. "Uh.. Skystrike? A question." Tethys looked at the human. Skystrike turned to her. "What do you expect to be behind this if they were making things to kill you?" Skystrike clenched his fists. "Not sure... More than likely will be nothing active, since they neutralized the people here at the sight of me approaching. But on the slight chance that it's something that will give me a run for my money... No, that wouldn't make sense. They wouldn't make a weapon that strong and keep it on standby... Lets just see for ourselves." He pulled back his fist while engulfing it in a thick layer of water. With a straight jab, the water around his hand focused itself onto the door, the pressure of the water cutting through the door like butter and making a hole big enough to fit through. "...I did not know water could be so dangerous... How did you do that?" Tethys examined the hole Skystrike cut through. "Water pressure. Focus a lot water into a small enough area, and the pressure can cut through nearly anything." He said, moving through the hole he made. Finally seeing the main part of the facility, he would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued. On the wall furthest from him was a top down map of the country of Equestria. Not too detailed, being a simple military map. What stood out to him was a bright red dot to the north of Vanhoover. exactly where he is now. "There is no tracker on you, luckily. They have been detecting your mana, more specifically, the amount of mana that you've been absorbing." Echo began speaking again. "Elaborate." Skystrike said, keeping his eyes on the map. "You are able to focus your mana into magic. The procedures done on you as a child allowed for you to absorb mana at a rate 40 times the rate of a normal awakened human. To put further into perspective, the ponies absorb mana at 4 times the rate. On top of that, the beings of this world have organs that convert mana into magic automatically." "That explains a few things, namely why ponies think I have no magic." Skystrike said to himself. "So basically, all the humans have to do is search for a large concentration of mana?" "Put simply, yes." Echo said before changing his audio source for only Skystrike to hear. I will also say for safety purposes, it seems that changing between forms is a magic spell, changing you on a physical level. In response, keeping the form does not cost mana. It also stops you from expelling mana naturally. Thankfully, you have been releasing mana by converting it to magic, needing to power your arm. You need to be able to constantly release mana. You already know what happens when a catalyst overflows." Skystrike thought back to when he escaped. Mana poisoning. Too much mana will kill him from the inside. "I'll be careful." "You done standing there? If so, there's another one of those things you plugged your helmet into. And this seems important..." Tethys spoke up from an adjacent wall of the room. Skystrike walked over and plugged echo in. After, he went to see what Tethys was looking at. "...What the fuck..." In front of him. It was a small hanger, robotic arms stood still with various tools on them, awaiting orders. In the middle of them was a pony, or a copy of one. It mimicked a unicorn specifically. With bones of steel, muscles of polymer, and nerves of circuitry, the machine stood lifeless. As of current, Skystrike could tell it was a prototype. The head of the machine was nearly finished, having holographic eyes similar to Echo's, and a layer of white plastic to give it a semblance of a face. The chest and one of the forelegs were fitted with polymer muscles, as well as the waist. The one of the back legs were simple steel swivel joints that hung limp due to the lack of muscles. What stood out even among the machine was the parts added onto it. Like an upgrade. The other back leg was complete, fitted with a piston in the cannon, a major part of it visible sticking out from the back of the hock joint. Within the back of the machine seemed to be some type of motor attached to a set of propellers, all within a tube... Is this a fucking jet turbine? There's two! "Holy shit..." "What is it?" Tethys grabbed a leg and lifted it. "Some, metal pony? Looks a bit silly..." "They were trying to make a robot to kill me! They just took a pony model and added what each race had, but better! A unicorn horn, jet turbines, piston legs!" Skystrike took a step back. "If this just had a few more years of work, this would've been a huge problem!" He huffed before thinking some more. "Wait... if they were making a fighting automaton, then there has to be some to gather information... Echo! How many!?" "My records show that 20 were built, and all were taken out of commission." Echo answered as he finished collecting data. "Do not ask by who. I do not know. They were made into scrap oddly soon after you came to this world." "So they were hunted... Only Celestia and her guard would know about that aside from humans... makes sense why she was so wary of me when I first crashed down..." Skystrike stood in thought for a few minutes. Tethys broke the silence. "What are you thinking about?" Skystrike grit his teeth as he punched a wall. "There's only one explanation for all of this... coming to this world was part of their plan... First's plan..." "...What?" "He let me come here, let me stay away from humanity so there would be no outside influence on my actions!" He threw another fist into the wall. "It's all just a game for them! Hoping they get good results with enough time!" "Skystrike?" Tethys began to grow uneasy. "I was meant to! This is my damn fate! All of this was useless!" The next punch made a dent in the wall. "All my suffering! All the pain I went through! That everyone went through! It was his fucking plan!" "Skystrike!" Tethys called out to him. "It was all worth NOTHING!" His knuckles began to bleed. "He just keeps deciding what my fate should be! That signal was his plan too! I can never make my own destiny! Not like this! It wasn't fucking worth it!" "SKYSTRIKE!" Tethys grabbed his reeled back fist. He turned back to look at her, his eyes full of hatred meeting hers full of worry. "I wont pretend I know how you feel, but it wasn't worth nothing! You said it yourself! The experiences we've shared mean something to you! You meeting me! The others! Your path in life! The places you'll go! No one has, or will decide that for you! All of those you've done by yourself, for yourself!" He was able to calm down at least slightly. "Be that as it may... no, you're right. It was all worth something... but I don't like how coming here was their plan... I should've known... that fight was too easy... my arrival was too destructive, like they wanted me to make enemies... I was meant to be Equestria's enemy from day one..." "But even with all of that known... what does it change? You're still you, Skystrike." Tethys reassured him as she slowly let go of his arm. Skystrike took a few more moments to calm down before taking Echo and putting him back on. "Tethys, pick up the mech-pony and take the elevator. It's coming with us." "And you?" Skystrike put up his bleeding knuckles and focused his mana into them, healing them in moments. "I'm going to make sure that no one can find this place..." Tethys stepped outside the elevator, glad she could feel the dirt and grass between her claws again. The flooring felt... unnatural. She held the 'mech-pony' in her arms, looking at it with both fear and curiosity. This thing was something being made to kill him. Her friend. She would destroy it without a second thought. But Skystrike wants to keep it. To use it probably. She thought back to their travels. He was... a lot less vocal compared to now. Barely speaking besides when he thought it was necessary. Always keeping to himself, despite being part of a team. Carrying everyone's problems on his shoulders. He was always working on something for the others whenever he had the time. Don't get her wrong, she did appreciate it. She still had the armor he made her after all. But despite how reserved he was, he still made it clear he cared for them. Routine check ups, making food to their likings, listening to their problems. Bringing the whole group together. Not even mentioning how he met them. More specifically her. And now, Skystrike finally opened up to her. Tethys had to admit, it was a lot to take in, but with his story in mind, it all made sense. Tethys was still looking at the machine. This thing, its creators, were trying to take him away. She can't let it happen. Not again. She wouldn't let Skystrike save her again. It's her turn to do a favor. She jumped a bit when she suddenly heard a huge explosion behind her. Nearly dropping the machine, Tethys turned around to see the mountain rumbling. The rock wall quickly cracked and crumbled, falling into where the laboratory once was. When she looked down into it, she saw Skystrike climbing his way out, gripping on the rocks as his hands steamed from the large fire spell that he casted. Finally, he reached the surface. Pulling himself up and dusting himself off. He gave out a heavy sigh before surrounding himself in green fire, turning back into his pony form. "Man... I needed to let off some steam. Thanks by the way... I know after what happened that helping me was a lot...." "Don't worry about it. But remember, we're still talking about everything on the train though." Tethys threw the machine back to Skystrike. Skystrike caught it and put it on his back. "I know... I at least owe you that much." Skystrike said as he began walking back towards the village, motioning Tethys to follow him. "At least it went quick. It's about 6 p.m. and it's Wednesday. I should have time to get back, make the walk back to Vanhoover, and then take a train ride to Canterlot to finish up everything there by Friday night..." "What're you in a rush for?" Tethys raised a brow. "My birthday is this Saturday, and I said I'd be back by then because my friends want to celebrate it." Skystrike let out a yawn. "Hopefully nothing major comes up." Tethys blinked, then scratched at one of her horns. "Ah, sorry... I forgot when your birthday was... I'm not that good with dates, since time flies by so fast at my age." "Fair enough. I don't blame you." Skystrike chuckled. "...By the way, I don't think you ever told me when your birthday was... or how old you are." "Well, to be honest, I stopped remembering the date when I stopped having dragons to remember it... and we dragons don't really do parties anyway..." She admitted. Skystrike was a bit surprised. "Well that's no way to do it. It's still important! Tell you what, once we get to Ponyville, I'll do something special for your... how old are you turning?" Tethys counted on her fingers for a little bit, then scratched her horn again. "Uhm... Over 250, lower than 300... closer to 250 though." "...I don't know how I'll get that many candles." Skystrike laughed a bit. Tethys smiled in turn. They walked for a couple more minutes before returning back to the village, stealthily putting the mech-pony in a wooden box in his wagon. He nailed it shut before beginning to finish what he had to do in the village. He grit his teeth. He'd need somepony to come back to testify, but it's very likely that none of the ones mainly involved would want to come in their state, or leave their sisters behind. He'd hate that he has to do this, but he'd have to ask. Luckily, the most optimal pony was there for him. "Hey..." Opal turned to look at him. "Ah, Nebula, I suppose it is that time, huh?" She gave a tired smile. He nodded. "...Is your sister ok?" "...As well as she can be. At least she's sleeping." Opal sighed. "What about you? You've had one busy day." "...Admittedly I'm going off of six hours of sleep... But I cant sleep anyway. Not after what happened here. Besides, I still have to make the trip back to Vanhoover." Skystrike scratched the back of his head. "...Have you all talked about who's coming?" Opal nodded. "I was the one who went to the princesses. It'd only makes sense that I go again... Just... give me a bit more time with my sister." Skystrike understood. "Of course. We'll wait for you at the wagon." Opal thanked him again before walking to her cabin. Skystrike sighed. "Tethys, go get the green dragon. He'll testify as well. After, his fate will be in your hands." "You're the boss." Tethys said, flapping her wings and flying toward the town hall. The stallion made his way back to his wagon, taking the swords off his sides and leaning them and himself against the side of the wagon. He let out a loud, long groan, the full impact of the mission setting in. Holy shit... Magelight was one of the worst ponies he's met, doing that to everypony else. At least he was dealt with... What he's worried about now were the humans. They've been watching him this whole time. How closely, Skystrike didn't know, but they at least knew his location at all times. It got him thinking. Were they... no, it's all but confirmed now that they've been affecting his life here, but he needs to find out how. Thinking back on it, some things seems to... line up too well. After he got banished from the hive, it seemed planned... Thinking back on it, he never did see Khrusalis' body, nor was it announced. Then, when the orphanage burned down, he woke up fine with Elytra. No way that was a coincidence. He didn't know where Elytra was hiding, but Echo did... Even with Magnus, it felt almost like a test, seeing if he would reveal his own abilities. Something was definitely fishy... Skystrike had a lot of work to do when he got back to the capital. "You ok? Sounded like you just broke something." Astral Night walked around to Skystrike's side of the wagon. "...Yeah, just... been doing some thinking." Skystrike stood up and stretched a bit. "Everything ready on your end?" Astral nodded. "All there was to get was some documents and Magelight's journal. Loaded those up for when you get back to Canterlot and see the princesses." Skystrike found it odd the way she said that. "...You know you're coming with me right? You're a victim in this as well of both Magelight and Upper Crust." "Oh... crap... I need time to prepare! I don't have a nice dress... I need to take a bath..." Skystrike waved a hoof. "Calm down, it's not that serious. They don't care that much about dress clothes. Besides, we'll be given a few hours before we're summoned if we're lucky. They won't expect us to be back so early." Astral blinked. "You... You didn't tell the princesses, the ones who commissioned you, when you'll be back!?" "They didn't give me a time limit." "How are you so lax about this!?" "Pretty simple really. They both know the severity of what happened here. When we come, they're going to drop everything to prepare, if they haven't prepared already, for us. And I made it clear through my reputation that I get things done, whether it takes a day, a week, or a month." Skystrike rolled his neck. Astral was about to say something, but jumped when a loud crash was heard behind the two. The two ponies turned to see Tethys loading the frozen green dragon in to the back of the wagon. Skystrike was SO glad he bought the extra large. "All ready on my end... just wish I had something to eat." "Second box from the front on the right. Grab me and Astral something too." Skystrike began stretching, preparing for the long walk. "Me too please." Opal spoke, walking up to the group with a few supplies in her saddlebag. "If you don't mind, I mean..." Tethys responded with throwing her a plastic wrapped sandwich, along with everyone else. Skystrike quickly finished his sandwich before hitching himself to the wagon. "Alright, everyone on. We got a long ride. Opal, Tethys, Astral, tell me if you need anything." Opal and Astral climbed inside while Tethys climbed on top of the wagon and sat down. "I plan on making this ride short. We should be at Vanhoover in the morning. Anyone forgetting anything?" Everyone responded with their respective no's. "Alright, let's go." Skystrike said, beginning to walk, turning the wagon around and walking out the village. "By the way, Nebula?" Opal spoke up. "Yeah?" "Everypony in the village wanted to say thank you. To everypony- er, everyone here. We really appreciate everything you've done here." "Don't worry about it. I'm happy to help. That's why I chose this line of work." After a few hours, night fell. Everyone fell asleep, but Skystrike kept walking. There was something that still felt... wrong, but he couldn't label it. Just something in him that made him feel uneasy. He tried to ignore it. With a sigh, Skystrike looked up at the stars. It was... different, but welcome. A few weeks after Luna came back, he noticed that the stars have changed. No longer were they the same glimmers here and there, but each twinkled differed from the other. Luna put in a lot of effort into each night she had. He'd have to tell her so when they next met. After a bit more walking, he still couldn't get the thoughts out of his head. His past required a confrontation. Hind sight is 20/20, he should not have just disappeared like that... twice... He grit his teeth at that. He fucked up big time. With another sigh, he looked back at Tethys, Opal, and Astral, making sure they were sleep. He turned his head forward to see Vanhoover in the distance. About five hours away... Skystrike stared at the night sky once again before humming to himself. It was a simple, but nostalgic tune. He remembered sister Saffron singing it to him whenever he had some problem. Sometimes he fell asleep to it... It bought back memories... he'd have to thank her when he saw her again. Before, he just enjoyed how it sounded. Now, he realizes how much the lyrics speak to him. "I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards... But now you're going to leave with nothing but a sign. Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your li-i-ines~ Because I miss you all the time... So, get away! Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know, And let yourself go! You know you didn't lose your self-control! Let's start at the rainbow! Turn away! Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go~, Let yourself go! Is that a compromise? So what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view? There's a party soon, do you wanna go? A handshake with you, what's your point-of-view? I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go! 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house. And I hopе this works out. But you know how much you broke me apart. I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you. I don't wanna know! And I'm awarе that you were lying in the gutter... 'Cause I did everything to be there by your side-ide~ So when you tell me I'm the reason I just can't believe the lies~ And why do I so want to call you...Call you, call you, call you So what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view? There's a party soon, do you wanna go? A handshake with you, what's your point-of-view? I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house. And I hope this works out! But you know how much you broke me apart I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you, I don't wanna know You Oh-oh oh-oh-oh I don't know why I'm no-one So, get away! Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know, And let yourself go! You know you didn't lose your self-control! Let's start at the rainbow! Turn away! Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go. Let yourself go! Is that a compromise? So what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view? There's a party soon, do you wanna go? A handshake with you, what's your point-of-view? I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go! 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house... And I hope this works out. But you know how much you broke me apart. I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you! I don't wanna know!" Like back then, he began feeling better, albeit a little bit. He smiled to himself. He looked back at the girls, still sleeping. Hopefully they didn't hear him. He didn't think he was too loud. He tried to shake off the sleep as he got closer to Vanhoover. Skystrike's been longer without sleep, but this time feels different. His body wasn't tired, but his mind was. He didn't like it. He rolled his neck and picked up the pace, hoping it'd take his mind off of things. In a few hours, they made it to Vanhoover. It was about 3 a.m. so there was barely anypony out. The few that were walking the streets eyed him, wondering what he was pulling in the carriage behind him. A simple look from the armored pony made the onlookers quicken their pace in the opposite direction of Skystrike. It only took a few minutes to get to the train station. Back just in time to get on the train, seeing it about 10 minutes away in the distance. Thankfully, it was the same pony he saw about a few days ago working the same shift. Never talked, but they shared a glance the days prior. They shared a greeting before getting onto business. "One ticket I assume? Where to?" The mare asked as she began to take off a ticket. "Ah, three actually. The other three I'm traveling with are in the wagon sleeping. To Canterlot. I already have a round trip ticket for myself, and a train car for all of my belongings." He pulled out his ticket for her to check, as well as a bag of bits to pay for the three tickets." The mare smiled. "Alright, that makes my job a lot easier!" She counted out the bits and put it in her register before handing him his tickets. "And here you go, your change is 40 bits." Skystrike took the tickets and pushed back the bag of bits. "Keep it as a tip for yourself. I know the graveyard shift sucks." She smiled back and thanked him when the train blared its horn, notifying that it arrived. Skystrike nodded as he turned around and began pulling the wagon to his train car. After sorting out everything with the conductor, he parked his wagon and began unloading. They only had 30 minutes before the train left, so they had to be quick about unpacking. Skystrike woke up Tethys, Astral, and Opal, giving them all their tickets and the two mares going to their rooms. Thankfully, the overnight train car he ordered came with beds. Tethys yawned as she began helping Skystrike move his stuff into their train car. "What day is it?" Tethys asked as she began hauling the dragon off the wagon. "Early Thursday morning. My clock says... 3:17." Skystrike helped her lift the still frozen greed dragon off the wagon and into the train car. Tethys blinked. "...We left that village at dusk! I thought you said the walk was a two day trip?!" He could easily hear the surprise in her voice. "Didn't feel like sleeping. Plus, the sooner we get to Canterlot the better." Skystrike and Tethys put down the dragon and began moving the comparably smaller items. "Plus, just needed time to think." "Nebula, how long have you been awake for?" Tethys raised a brow. Skystrike put down another box. "...Two and a a half days... last I slept was when you came to the village." Tethys put down her box. "...I'll handle the rest of your luggage, you need sleep." Skystrike shook his head. "Thanks for worrying, but I'm sure I'll be fine. I have to much on my mind anyway. Plus, I promised that we'd talk." Tethys sighed. "Fine... last thing is your cannon thing anyway." She went to pick up the box. It was surprisingly light. "Where did you learn to make things like this anyway?" "Well, I did go to college, but didn't finish graduation due to... you know... but my major was Magical Engineering. This world doesn't rely much on electricity, being centuries behind humanity, so I learned electrical engineering from Echo as well. From that, I can make my own blueprints for weapons. Then I just need to get the materials and put it together." The two walked into the train car after Skystrike parked the wagon for pick up. "I'm confused." Tethys admitted. "So you're using future technology right now?" "Basically." He shrugged as Tethys put down the crate and sat on top of it, crossing her legs. Skystrike took of his helmet and locked the door. "But enough of that for now, I owe you answers. Ask whatever you want, and I will answer it to the best of my ability. Tethys stayed silent for a moment. "Alright... just give me time to think." Skystrike nodded in wait. The train's horn whistled as they began moving. The room fell still, the rhythmic bumping of the train was the only thing notifying that time was passing by. Finally, she spoke. “Why did you kill Magelight like that?” It was Skystrike's turn this time to stay silent, thinking of what words to use. "I... a part of me saw First in him...." He answered before realizing he needed to clarify. "First was... the one who started me off down this path... raised me to only fight and kill, seeing me and my brothers and sisters as nothing but expendable pawns. First only saw use in others, not caring for any repercussions, since he was the only one to keep himself in check. It takes someone with more power to deliver that justice to those deserving. I decided that should be me, just like I did with First... Every word Magelight spoke made me more and more violent, as if I was becoming what First wanted me to be..." Skystrike clenched a hoof as his eyes flickered. "The way he spoke, like he had any right to power over the ponies around him, using whatever reason he could to justify himself, it was like I was looking at First once more... I killed him before I came to this world... Well, I thought I did, but there's a very likely chance that he's still alive, and me coming here was his plan." Skystrike's eyes flashed white before controlling his breathing and calming down. Tethys thought on it. "I... can understand your actions. I've known you long enough to realize you have your reasons. But you must realize that even though he may have deserved death, you used your own feelings and past as justification for killing Magelight?" "I do realize, and I hate myself for it... I wanted to move on from my past, but... everything just happened, didn't go according to plan... I planned on killing him anyway since I knew he was selling those who trusted him, but... those words he said will forever remind me of First." Skystrike let out a long sigh. "I assume from the whole expendable pawns part that... your human family is no longer with us?" Skystrike shook his head. "Sadly... no... First had me... end them... to prove that I was his perfect warrior. But after everything that happened... I guess I'm a broken one now..." Tethys decided to move on from that topic. "Well, getting into more personal questions, Why did you have us disband?" And there it is. The hard questions are starting. Skystrike leaned forward. "I at least owe you an answer for that." Once again, he stayed in silence to think of how to best say it. "We were targeted by assassins. We became too big of a target, got on a certain noble's bad side. After thinking for days on end, I decided the best way to stop it from happening again was disbanding. I wanted to make sure none of you would be hurt by my actions anymore. I left all the money we had to you all, trying to make up for my mistake by making sure you all could live happy lives. You went back with a hoard you could be proud of. Zecora got to travel and gather rare ingredients. Casta was able to fund her research. Maud was able to go to university. Elytra found a place she could fit in. Jeshan was able to open up a shop. Sky Beak was able to settle down with his family. Alder was able to retire and travel. Celeano got her airship. Everyone got their happy ending..." Tethys grew a bit angry at that. She growled. "...And what about your happy ending? Do you think we've lived lives we could enjoy so far, knowing that you suffered for us? You just left us money and plans then disappeared!" Her voice grew louder with each passing sentence. "Did we mean so little to you that you just left with saying so little!?" Skystrike furrowed his brow. "Don't say that in front of me knowing damn well otherwise. I did all of that for you all! It's because you all mean so much to me that I left like that! The more you knew about me, the more my enemies would go after you! He'd use you all to get to me! Just like back then!" She knew he was referencing the orphanage. Again, she could see his logic. She sighed again. "We wanted you to be there with us, Skystrike. It wasn't fair to you. My hoard means nothing knowing it came from your suffering." She sat in silence again before asking her next question. "When will you start looking for the others? You just found me, and you said Zecora moved to where you were living by chance. But you wont get so lucky with the others." "I already know where most of the others live. Celeano, Alder, and Jeshan will be hard to pinpoint, while Skybeak will just be hard to get to. Casta is definitely in Canterlot, and so should Maud be since she's in University. I would've seen her last time I was in Canterlot, but she was out of town. Elytra I know where she is. In Ponyville, same as Zecora, so I'll talk to them both once I'm back home...I'll speak to Casta and Maud once I'm in Canterlot." "And your orphaned siblings?" She put out a hand. "You left them for the same reason and the same pony. Do you plan on reaching out to them?" "Of course. I plan on doing it when I get to Canterlot as well. Honestly, I was thinking about it before we met on this mission anyway." Skystrike admitted as he leaned back. "You know Astral?" Tethys nodded. "That's my sister. The scar she has is from when the orphanage burned down. Had to drag her out." "...Holy shit, Skystrike." Tethys grabbed her horns, astounded. "Yeah, I know, I fucked up bad. I waited to say anything to her in case I died up there... I didn't want to come back just to die again. Told you because I... couldn't really avoid not telling you." "...Can't you transform?" Tethys asked. "I lied to you since I met you already. Doubling down wouldn't have made it better..." Once again. Silence. Moments passed before Tethys asked her next question. "...Is- is running away your way of making things better? Just removing yourself from the situation. We still hurt even after you leave. Skystrike frowned. Then sighed. "...Call it running if you wish. You and everyone else was in danger because of me. Logic demands I be taken out of the equation." He then put his hooves out, motioning to Tethys. "And though I regret it, it admittedly worked. Even if though you all feel the pain you do, at least you're still alive..." "And what about you? The pain you go through?" Skystrike thought about it. He didn't want to answer it. But he made a promise. He owes it to her. "...My pain... I don't think my pain matters. The ones around me matter more than anything I will go through. Sure, even with you, me, and everyone in All, we all started, agreeing that it was simply for mutual benefit. But we all grew to care for each other. It doesn't matter what happens to me. I'd die for each and every one of you, and almost everyone else that I call friend." "And everyone's feelings about what happens to you doesn't matter? The grief we go through when you die doesn't matter?" "Of course it matters, but eventually, for both you and the orphanage, the danger of me still being there outweighed the grief you all would go and have went through. The choice I made was the best decision I could've at the time." Skystrike turned his head as he spoke that last sentence. He hated how he had to say it. "Why was that the best one!?" The room grew colder as Tethys released cold air from her mouth and nostrils, standing as she looked down on Skystrike. Skystrike's eyes burned white in response. "Because I wasn't strong enough!" He raised his voice as he stood up. "Every enemy I made, they went after those I loved! They put their lives in danger! Your life in danger! All because I wasn't strong enough! I could've been better! I could've protected you!" Tethys pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms and tails around. "We want to protect you too, Skystrike. You don't realize how much you mean to everyone... Look, I said this before, but I don't think I can forgive you for that, but… just don’t leave again, alright?” Skystrike moved his hoof. He hesitated. But he returned her hug. Even if her body was cold, the hug felt... warm. He smiled. "You have my word" > Right a Wrong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep did not come to Skystrike that train ride. Tethys never let go of her hug, and soon fell asleep behind Skystrike. He said he'd fall asleep, just to give her peace of mind. He didn't like lying. He tries his best not to. He shook his head. Skystrike had way too many things still on his mind. Each thump in the train tried to shake the thoughts out of his mind. The humans, how their hands are still in this world, but mostly, himself. In the hours of silence he had to himself, he's been trying to figure out a few things. When he last went to Canterlot, that Magnus guy... seemed to have it out for him. On top of that, their criminal organization, Hydra, seemed to have it out for them. Magnus wasn't his first tussle with them. Before, he didn't give it much thought, but now it's a bit weird how everything happened. Their first encounter, he'd have forgotten if not for the others. It was soon after his 'death' and he started working solo. A simple search and rescue mission. Some colt of some rich noble went missing in the Crystal Caverns under Canterlot. How he got there? No idea, but he was given a job. When he eventually found the boy, it turns out it was a lure. One of Hydra's numbers were there, and specifically to kill Skystrike. Didn't work, of course. Only one pony with ambush tactics wouldn't do much against him. But in hindsight, they had no reason to target him. It was almost like a test. Second one was after their, at time, newest member Casta Spell the unicorn, joined their party. Skystrike, Tethys, Zecora, and Casta were exploring some ruins to the south of the Crystal Mountains. Ruins of the once grand Crystal Empire. Their hope was to find some lost magic, whether it be spells, or items. What they actually found was indeed of the Empire, but was an abandoned crypt, repurposed as a base to research dark magic once used by some being called 'Sombra'. Back to the main topic, the ponies using that base was Hydra. He thought finding them there was by chance back then, but once again, in hindsight, that doesn't make sense. They were basically lead there. They were ambushed from behind when they reached the deepest part of the crypt. Fighting their way out was hard, but they managed. Plus, it wasn't a complete loss. The magic they learned and the items they got were useful, albeit some illegal. But once again, they targeted specifically him. Third time was when he went alone back to the Hive. Just before Elytra joined, she requested his help. She was called back after her job of watching Skystrike was no longer needed. She was then told to bring Skystrike back to the Hive. In the midst of their hike across the badlands, they were attacked. This time, it was just annoying. Elytra quickly admitted that she didn't have any involvement with it. Thinking back on it made him realize she knew more than she let on. Questions for later. And this was weird because on his travel to the hive, he was human. And Hydra shouldn't have known what he looked like back then. But all of that was overshadowed by what happened as he got back to the hive. From the short walk through the hive, ignoring the glares from the changelings who loathed him, and the smiles of the ones who forgave him, he noticed that many things changed. From the layout, to the newer changelings and what they were learning, let alone how many nymphs there were. His thoughts were confirmed when Chrysalis gave them an audience. They were preparing for war. And his only chance to be allowed back in the hive was to lead the initial charge. He couldn't help but laugh at that. She was just like them. Only wanting him for his power. He turned the forearm of his right arm into a rifle and fired just to the side of her head. Skystrike focused his rifle onto her head. "If you go through with this, my promise with mother is off. You will be my enemy." He made certain that his intentions were clear. In response, he was once again kicked out of the hive. But Elytra went with him, not agreeing with the war. Skystrike blamed himself for that. But it seemed like Hydra was trying to stop him from getting to the hive, like they'd knew what would happen. And then, years later, Hydra once again went after him in the form of Magnus. Magnus is the only one he left alive out of his foes in the organization. He'll ask him questions. When the time comes of course. And then, the questions about himself came. Assuming that First did let him into Eques, then for what purpose? Another test, knowing him. But what type? To see if he'll break under all the pressure this world is giving him? If he'll give into his human nature? And that was the scariest part to him... he's only human by title. He wasn't even sure if he could even consider himself human anymore. His only comparison was the humans from his childhood anyway. …What did it mean to be human anyway? He searched through the maze of emotions, thoughts, and experiences that shaped his very existence. Was he defined solely by his physical form, or is it the dance of consciousness, empathy, and self-awareness that distinguishes him? The more he thought, the more he got lost in the maze. Existence and essence blurred. Was humanity a state of being, or an eternal quest to understanding? Skystrike shook his head. He was thinking too hard. He was human. He looked into his helmet to see his reflection. Even though the flesh was an illusion, he was human. The sun finally peaked through the window. No point in trying to fall asleep now. He only had about an hour left until they arrived in Canterlot. It was about eight in the morning. It was Thursday if he counted the days right. Skystrike decided to let Tethys sleep a bit longer before putting on his helmet and waking her, Astral, and Opal up before they arrived at Canterlot. He stretched a bit once out of Tethys's grip on him and yawned. Two and a half days with no sleep. He'll have to manage. It was a little while longer before they made it to Canterlot. Skystrike opened the window to climb out and onto the top of the train. The countryside scenery slowly yet gradually transformed as the Castle town grew closer. The town unfurled like a vibrant tapestry. Lush, emerald-green meadows stretch out on either side, adorned with colorful wildflowers that seem to wave a welcome to passersby. He enjoyed the scenery a bit more before the train eventually came to a stop at the train station. A bustling town square came into focus, framed by centuries old buildings that bore the marks of time's passage. The distant chimes of a clock tower marked the passage of hours. But it is the castle that reigns over all. Time stood still here, as if the very essence of the past is woven into the castle's fabric. The train blew its horn, signaling that they've arrived. He climbed back into the train, making sure he had everything on him before leaving it. The conductor said that the train would be docked at Canterlot until 10 p.m. for maintenance. They, more specifically he, had plenty of time to get everything done. Everyone was off the train, waiting on the platform for him as he walked out, carrying everything he needed once he was granted an audience. He also noticed Tethys getting glares from the ponies around him. Different from the glares he'd get of get from the ponies. He was mostly looked down upon because of both his job and his race, being a Pegasus. But they openly scoffed at Tethys. He made eyes with one of the ponies scoffing at her, only for the mare to quickly turn tail when they made eye contact. Skystrike sighed. "Let's get to the castle. I always get reminded how much I hate some of the things here in Canterlot. The ponies here annoy me..." Astral gave a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, It's always been a problem... I just try and ignore it." Opal looked around. "I hope I get some time to explore this time around." "This shouldn't take long. An hour, three max." Skystrike said as he looked through the streets. At least it felt familiar. "Alright, it's go time. Everyone ready?" They responded with their respective yesses before they began walking towards the castle. It was around this time that morning court was going on. Getting into the castle was a bit annoying, convincing the castle guards that Tethys was indeed part of their group and she wasn't going to, nor was capable of burning down the castle. He'll bring it up to Celestia and Luna. Then they had to wait in line for a good twenty minutes. Thankfully, he stuck out like a sore thumb with the heavy armor he was wearing, as well as the dragon behind him. Their wait quickly came to an end when his part of the line rounded the corner and he made eye contact with the princesses. Celestia quickly waved over a guard and whispered something in the stallions ear. The guard spoke to the others within the room relatively quickly before one of the guards stepped forward and made an announcement. "We apologize, something urgent has just come up that the princesses must attend to. Please exit the premises in a timely fashion. Those who've made an appearance today will be given priority tonight in Night Court, or tomorrows Morning court." There were a couple groans heard throughout the line as the ponies turned around to leave. Skystrike and company waited in place for a few of the guards to begin escorting them into the throne room. Astral and Opal quickly bowed as they were addressed by Celestia. "Nebula, I apologize for that. I realized that I never gave you a way to contact us after your mission was done." Skystrike waved a hoof. "I don't mind, I never gave a deadline... By the way, just something I noticed when we tried to enter. I was given some strange reasons as to why Tethys wasn't able to enter, one of them being 'no pets allowed.' I don't know your policy on foreigners, but that seems kinda fucked up. I don't want anything out of it other than it not happening again." The princesses looked at each other, then to Tethys. "I apologize for the way my ponies have treated you. After we speak about my request, I promise we will do our best that you're treated like the rest of my ponies." Luna nodded. "Speaking of... how did your mission go?" "Yeah, uh excuse my language, shit went down." Skystrike sighed. The two princesses sucked air through their teeth as he continued. "I know you kept Upper Crust in Canterlot because of this, so I'd say send somepony to make sure he gets here. By the time he does, I should be done explaining what happened." And with that, he began telling the tale of his mission, starting with how he met Astral on his way, theorizing why they called for her, a newbie, and not somepony stronger. Then, meeting Opal and her group, learning exactly what happened to the mares. After, he investigated where the dragons took shelter, he then had to figure out a way to actually combat them effectively. Not going into the personal parts, Skystrike explained how he found Tethys by chance, as well as the two sharing the same problem. Recruiting her help, Skystrike and Tethys went back to the village, then the group met with Opal's group: the relatives of the victims. They shared their stories about where their sisters 'disappeared'. With their help, Opal, her group, and Astral gathered information needed for Skystrike's investigation. With the information, their main suspect became Magelight, the village head. Using Astral as bait, with her consent of course, Skystrike, Tethys, and Astral were able to catch Magelight attempting to sell her to the dragons, as well as capture the two dragons for interrogation. He did not hide how he gathered the information from the dragons, yet made sure not to mention what he did to Magelight. With the information gained from the dragons and Magelight, They were able to know the reason Magelight acted irrationally, and where exactly the victims were. All dragons, save for one under the watch of Tethys, were killed. Tethys took on the adult dragon with Skystrike's help while Astral made sure the mares got back safely. With one final plan, and with the combined efforts of everyone there, they were able to defeat the dragon. Both Opal and Astral voiced their concerns with the whole situation. Opal speaking on how Magelight was denied money to find help by Upper Crust. How that lead to more ponies being hurt. She also went into detail about how only the first mare went missing due to her bad luck. All others were sold by Magelight, totaling 80 thousand bits minimum. Astral spoke about how the price for finding the missing ponies was very high, and actually mentioned the request sent by Magelight specifying mares. He planned on selling her from the beginning. Finally, it ended with Tethys bringing in the green dragon, still frozen in the prison of ice. She apologized on behalf of her race, taking full responsability for the actions of her kin. Upper Crust entered right at the end of her apology. Celestia and Luna tried to hide their anger, but the latter didn't do well to hide her glare at Upper Crust. But it still left some unanswered questions. "And... what of Magelight? Surely you've turned him in to the proper authorities?" Everyone in the room looked to Skystrike. He made sure to practice his answer. "When the fight with the dragons happened, one slipped past the flash of light and flew towards the village. There was a lone tree in a clearing that Magelight went to hide from the townsfolk after I revealed what he'd done. Looking for vengeance of the assumed betrayal, the dragon went to Magelight and reduced him to cinders. I was able to kill the dragon before he killed anyone actually worth saving." He didn't mean for that last part to come out, but payed it no mind. Celestia raised a brow, not entirely believing him. "I see... I wasn't aware that dragons could burn flesh and bone to ash..." "That's because most times we breathe fire at other races, we hold back. It doesn't take nearly as much heat to burn through a pony or griffon compared to a dragon." Skystrike nudged Tethys's leg. "What? We bathe in lava!" Skystrike cleared his throat. "Anyway... Magelight is no longer of this world. Onto the important things, It'd be best to send medical professionals up to them, and on top of that, somepony to clean up the bodies. I can pay for the corpses of the dragons to be transferred to Ponyville. It'd be a waste to let materials like that rot." The princesses looked at each other. That's what he was thinking about right now? They shook their heads. "Very well, we shall do so immediately." Luna nodded and wrote something on a scroll before handing it to a guard next to her throne. "Now... Upper Crust..." A unicorn with a grey coat and dark grey mane straightened his top hat and monocle. "Y-yes?" Luna spread her wings. "What does thou have to say for the actions of thy subordinates? The wrongs they've committed were in response to your neglect." Upper Crust shuffled a bit. "W-well... I was... trying to cut costs... That village wasn't making their quota and I couldn't afford to send more money their way..." "And so Magelight began sex trafficking ponies in response." Skystrike frowned. "You didn't even send anyone to check up on them! I had to check on them! You twiddled your hooves while ponies suffered and now you're making excuses!" Celestia exhaled through her nose. "Nebula while you aren't wrong, please refrain from more outbursts." Skystrike groaned as Luna continued. "As Nebula said, thou hath held no regard for the ponies under you. Upper Crust, thy lack of concern shows even now, making excuses for thyself instead of worrying for thou own ponies. You will be punished, and thy's responsibility of the village will be given to another more worthy. We will discuss your punishment another day." Upper Crust was about to reply, but simply hung his head in shame before leaving the throne room and side eyeing Skystrike. As soon as he left, the princesses let out small sighs. Celestia straightened her posture. "Now, onto your rewards. I believe you wanted access to the Royal Library, Royal archives, a meeting with the Court Magician..." She took a sheet of paper that Skystrike gave to her a week ago. "As well as two items of your choosing from the Royal treasury, several of each type of elemental stone, or a large magic stone. And I have the option to chose three of these, minimum? Along with your bits of course.” Skystrike nodded. "Yes. But as for my bits, take a quarter of it and give it to Astral Night, as she was basically robbed by Magelight, who never intended on paying her in the first place. Take another quarter and make sure it goes to Tethys." Celestia nodded. "Given the circumstances, Astral Night will be paid, but it will come out of Upper Crust's finances, not your reward. We will do so for Tethys. If you could step out for a moment so my sister and I may decide on your reward? Guards, please escort Opal to an available room. All parties present are to be treated with the utmost respect. I apologize Opal, you will have to stay within Canterlot for the next few days while Upper Crust is under investigation. I will tell my guards to gather the frozen dragon for interrogation. Astral Night, you're free to leave if you wish." Everyone, save for Skystrike bowed before leaving. As soon as the doors closed behind them, Tethys spoke first. "You swindled them." "Maaaaaybe." He smiled. "I am a bit confused though... the things you asked for. I don't see how they relate? Library access doesn't make sense alongside magic stones." Astral took a seat next to the door. "It all depends on how you think about it. With access to the library, archives, and the court magician, I can gain a lot of knowledge that most ponies wont have access too. At the same time, I know that a few wont go through. I heavily doubt they'd give me access to all sections of the Royal Library and Archives, there's too much sensitive information that they wouldn't want me to have." Skystrike sat down next to her. "But at the same time, if they gave me items from the Treasury, or the magic stones, it simply adds to my power. And they've already realized that a pony with too much power is a potential threat. They're between a rock and a hard place." "...I'm not sure how I should react to this." Tethys narrowed her eyes. "Well, it should be a good thing for everyone involved. I get some power, they get more security, knowing that I'm more capable of protecting ponies. It's not like I'm going to be the next big bad." "I-... I guess?" Tethys blinked. "What do you plan on doing with the stuff?" He rolled his neck. "Lots and lots of research if I get access to the library and archives. Given the magic stones and access to the treasury, I am making new weapons and armor for myself. And Spike and Stardust and Zecora. And you if you want to come to Ponyville." "I have nothing else to do. I should catch up with that Zebra too." Tethys hummed. "She makes good tea." "Well once we're done here, I have a few things to do. I have a couple ponies I have to meet up with. Plus, I have a memorial to go to... Tomorrow was my brother's birthday. We're going to visit his memorial tonight. Glad I was able to make it back before it passed by." Tethys side eyed Skystrike. He nodded. Now or never... "Well, you spoke quite highly of him when you told me about him. Would you mind if I showed up?" Astral nodded. "You can come. He always spoke about how relationships are the most important part of life. We haven't decided on the place, but we do plan on eating out. Do you know where the Church of the Two Sisters are? We're meeting there about 3 p.m." He nodded. "I do. I'll meet you there once I'm finished here." And with that, Astral left. Once she was out of earshot, he let out a sigh. "Today's the day..." "You planned on doing it eventually. No point in fearing the inevitable." Tethys patted his back. Almost on queue, a guard came out of the throne room. "The princesses are ready for you. Please make your way inside." Skystrike and Tethys made their way back into the throne room. As soon as they stopped, the princesses began addressing them. Celestia an Luna spread their wings. The former spoke first. "Nebula, my sister and I have come to an agreement. For your reward, you will be given access to the Royal Library, access to the Royal Treasury, and the elemental stones you requested." "However, because thou hath dealt with the threat so effectively and quickly, we shall additionally grant you a meeting with the Court Magician. She is available after her lunch break. We shall send her a message that you will be meeting with her at 1 p.m." On queue, a few guards came in. Their horns lit up with magic as the items were floated in front of Skystrike. he counted to make everything was in order. "Perfect. Thank you, princesses. I hope to work with you two again in the future." Skystrike secured everything in his saddle bags and looked at his Library ticket. "Though, can I say one more thing?" Luna nodded. "From what Opal has said to me, she went to Vanhoover, Count Caesar's territory, before coming to you. She received no help from the guards their either. I'd recommend extending your investigation to him as well." Celestia nodded. "We... appreciate that information and will keep that in mind. Guards, please escort him to the treasury for his reward. Hope to see you again, Nebula. And it was a pleasure meeting you, Tethys" And with that, they were escorted out of the throne room and began making their way to the treasury. 'These walls all look the same...' Skystrike thought to himself. After a couple minutes of walking, they finally approached a large door with a comically large golden lock on it. The dozen guards stepped to the sides of the door and floated over a key. Once unlocked, the doors slowly slid open. Skystrike and Tethys stepped inside. Skystrike skimmed the room with his eyes for a few moments. It was pretty impressive. Enchanted swords, shields, armor, scrolls, nearly everything he could want. Some even had descriptions. Not to mention how so much of it was plated in gold. Skystrike looked to Tethys. He noticed how the dragoness was trying to hide how giddy she was. "You alright?" Tethys shuddered a bit before answering. "Yeah... just... my hoarding instinct is acting up." "Well is this a bad time that you getting 50k bits from that mission?" Skystrike chuckled, then he blinked when she bit her lip and let out a quiet moan. "What the fuck was that?" "You will not speak of word of this." She monotoned. "Anyway, what are you looking for in here exactly?" "Really, it just depends on if something catches my eye. But not in this section. There has to be a secret room... My treasure hunting instinct tells me to pull on one of these wall mounted lanterns. But that would be too obvious..." Skystrike rubbed his chin and looked at a few of said lanterns. Tethys looked at one on the far end of the room. "...That one looks more worn than the others." "Well damn you got good eye sight. Pull it." She did so, and the statue it was next to moved forward, revealing a staircase. "...I don't think I'll fit in there. Tell me what you find." He nodded as he walked down the dark staircase. There was no light at all aside from the light reflecting off the walls behind him. Making it to the bottom, he found another collection of items. What made it different this time around was instead of the several dozen items in the room before, there were only ten items, each on their own pedestal, and none were labeled. Looking a bit closer at them, each had some magic cast on it. Most likely to alert the casters if their spell is broken. The hard part is that to take the items, you have to break the spell. Skystrike looked at a rather thick book. The hard cover was made of a dark red leather, laced with golden thread. He poked the book, and in response, several magic circles expanded from the center of the book and floated around it. He was about to open the book before noticing the lock on it that was shining an arcane blue light. The Pegasus hummed to himself as he thought of a way around it. He'd have to break the spell without alerting the caster. He breathed in a bit as he released some of his magic. From the arcane runes in the circle, it was a password of sorts. No chance he'd have luck choosing at random. Skystrike put his hooves out and casted several spells with his magic. First, one that doesn't let sound out of the room, in case it makes a spell. Second, a copy of the spell the caster made. Was a bit hard to do, having to find out where the signal was sent to, then copying that as well, but it was doable. Each spell has a specific magic signature and wavelength specific to the caster. No other being could copy it. Unless you were able to convert your mana into magic at will. He was a bit lucky, he had to admit. Third, another barrier to make sure no other magic signature could get in or out. If all went according to plan, the caster would recognize his casted spell as their own. When their actual spell breaks, the signal wont go out, leaving only the copy. They'll be none the wiser. But it all put a very heavy strain on him. Skystrike was beginning to sweat, wishing he worked on casting magic like he did his body. He wouldn't be able to do this many more times. He quickly took the book, breaking the spell that made a loud shattering sound. He sighed in relief that he put up that barrier. Looking at the book, he smiled as he opened the pages. He struck gold. It was a book on enchanting. More specifically, lost enchanting methods used in past wars. Even better, how to add multiple enchants on one item. He understood why this was under lock and key, this was dangerous. The next thing that caught his eye was a black metal ingot. Looking closer at it, he realized it had the same color as his metal arm. Is this what he thought it was? He broke the spell and picked it up. Indeed, it was Lunarite. He nearly jumped out of his armor before he realized the implications. Where did these ponies get it? Questions he'd ask later. He secured everything in his saddle bags and made his way towards the exit. "Alright, I've done it. No one suspects a thing." Skystrike said as he cracked his knuckles. Then he looked at his forehooves. Do ponies have knuckles? Tethys tapped his helmet. "So, anything good in there?" Skystrike nodded. "I will tell you once we're at Ponyville. Don't want to get caught just yet..." He pulled up the visor within his helmet to check the time. 9:46 a.m. "Hey Tethys, we got some time to kill... wanna fly around a bit? Scare some bitch nobles?" She grinned. "You know me well, Nebula, but I'm actually a bit hungry. You know any places that sell meat?" The two friends began walking towards the guards who started leading the two towards the exit. "I do, but they don't open until like 2 p.m. if they're even still around. I do know a good donut place. You like donuts?" "What's a donut?" "By the dragon king this is amazing!" Tethys gobbled down another donut, licking the frosting of her lips. Donut Joe let out a hardy laugh. "Well thank you, ma'am! Must say, I'm glad my donuts can even satisfy a dragon's taste buds!" "Glad we got here early. I love fresh donuts. You always make my day, my guy." Skystrike took a bite of his own and leaned on the counter. "Wait until she hears about jelly filled donuts." "JELLY FIELD!!??" She roared, flapping her wings in excitement. "Jesus Christ, Tethys, damn!" Skystrike laughed. Donut Joe let out an even harder laugh. "HA! I've met you less than 20 minutes ago and you're already one of my favorite customers!" He grabbed a jelly donut for the dragoness and hoofed it to her. "Here, on the house!" She carefully took in in her claws and slowly bit into it, then hummed as the jelly filled her mouth. "This is one of the best things I've tasted." Nebula took another bite of his donut. "I didn't realize you had such a big sweet tooth." "We don't really have much of a variety to eat in the dragon lands. If it's not raw meat, it's gems. And it's hard to find sweet gemstones." Tethys took another bite and tapped her tail on the floor. "That's why I like your cooking so much. There's so much flavor in the meals!" "Well, I'll try and do it a bit more for you." Skystrike finished his donut. He was about to say something before noticing something in the corner of his eye. An azure pony with a medium purple wizard hat and cloak adorned with stars of gold and light blue. Skystrike took out a bag of bits. "Hey, real sorry, I have to go. If I'm not back by noon, meet me at the castle entrance." "Oh, uh, alright. I'm gonna enjoy my donuts!" Tethys sucked the jelly out of hers. The bell rang as Skystrike swung the door open and ran out. Yep, it was definitely her. He had second thoughts about calling out to her, but he steeled his mind. He won't run, and she deserves it. "Trixie!" He called out to her. The clacking of hooves against the stone sidewalk stopped. Her dark violet eyes met the blues of his own. She grit her teeth and stomped her hoof. "Nebula... what do YOU want!? It's been months, and you still want to mock Trixie!? These ponies have already mocked me enough!" She stomped closer to him. Skystrike looked down at her as she continue. "After you and Twilight showed me up, I've become a laughing stock! I can't go one performance without being laughed at! I'm out of a job! I don't have a wagon to sleep in! I'm running out of bits!" The mare pointed a hoof at his chest. "This is your fault! You and that princess' pet! Fix it!" Skystrike lowered his head a bit. "You're right... what I did, showing off like that, and what my friends have done, we took it too far. Back then, I just wanted to... take you down a peg, for lack of a better phrase. The way you acted, I took it personally, rather than realizing it was just part of your show. And on top of all of that, your home was destroyed, and you've been ostracized. Though you could've acted better, you did not deserve even a fraction of what happened to you." Skystrike lowered his head more. "I do not come asking for forgiveness. Only you decide if I'm worthy of that. I just ask you to let me right my wrong." Trixie was taken aback by that. She wasn't expecting an apology from him, thought he was too arrogant for it. She rubbed her eyes to see if she was dreaming. But Trixie wasn't sure yet. She frowned once more, preparing for this to be some sort of trap. "W-well how do you plan on making this right, then!? A simple apology to Trixie means nothing!" Skystrike stood back up. "I don't truly know how to fix your reputation, but I can at least get you a new wagon and supplies. Good quality ones. Just name the place and we'll go." Trixie was surprised. He was serious about this. She huffed slightly. "Very well. I know of a place. Same place Trixie got her first wagon. Let's make it quick, Trixie has places to be." She started walking, and Skystrike followed. It was a short walk through the city as the two trotted in silence. It was a long while before Trixie broke it. "So, what is your goal? Are you serious about 'righting your wrong?'" "That's the main reason." Skystrike admitted. "To be quite honest, and this will sound cheesy, I hope to call you friend at some point." Trixie was about to laugh. But then she thought about it. When was the last time she had one? Back in magic university? It's been a long time. She wouldn't really mind it. "Maybe if you try hard enough, Trixie will grace you with her friendship." The two walked in silence for a while more, but the time of silence wasn't nearly as long this time. Skystrike thought of a question. "If you don't mind me asking, what got you into being an illusionist?" She thought back on that. "Back when I was is magic kindergarten, there was... a colt that Trixie liked. He liked the magic tricks Trixie did, despite it being so simple. Nothing but some card tricks and flashy spells were all Trixie needed to make him smile. It was nice, seeing his cheers for Trixie. Trixie liked that feeling, and began pursuing it." "Huh... that's actually really nice. Glad you didn't stop trying. I actually like your tricks too." Skystrike smiled under his helmet. "I hope you get to see him again." She was about to say something, but shook her head. "...I'd rather we'd stop talking about this... We're here." Skystrike noticed her use of first person. She was serious. He nodded as the two walked inside. A yellow stallion with a white mane and tail greeted them as they entered. "Hello there! What can I do for you-" Once the stallion made eye contact with Skystrike, a shiver went down his spine. "Ah... Mr. Nebula... What do I have the pleasure of doing for you today?" "Calm down, just here to buy a wagon for this one. Can you show her what you have? It's her choice." The stallion quickly nodded and went under the counter to find booklets on the wagons they had. Trixie turned to him. "...If you're really sure about this, and this isn't some messed up joke, how much money can I spend? I don't want to rob you of every bit you have. " Skystrike chuckled, then shook his head. "Don't worry, I owe it to you. Get something that will last you a while." Trixie gave him a thankful look as the stallion came back up and began talking to him. It took quite a while. Trixie listened intently to the sales pony as he listed everything he could about each wagon. He even offered some bundles for her, living supplies at a premium for her presumed travels. After about an hour, she decided on one. A rather charming wagon, big enough to house two ponies easily, yet light enough to be pulled by one pony. The yellow stallion smiled. "And with everything, your total comes to about 16 thousand bits. Would you like me to help you set up a payment plan?" Trixie winced a bit, then looked back to Skystrike. He got up from his spot against the wall and dropped a heavy bag of bits. "The payment will be upfront." The stallion blinked, then dollar signs appeared in his eyes. "Alright!" He picked up the bag in his hooves. "We'll get everything ready for you! We can have your wagon ready by tomorrow!" Trixie turned to Skystrike. "I... Trixie thanks you, Nebula." "No problem. But hey, I have something I have to go do. I have a meeting I need to go to. Hope everything turns out well for you, Trixie. And on the off chance you come to Ponyville again, know that you have at least one pony that will welcome you." Before he could leave, Trixie quickly gave him a hug. "I mean it. Thank you... And... I'll make sure to visit sometime." And with that, Skystrike made his way back to Tethys. He felt... good. Feeling like heat least righted one wrong. He hoped to right some more today. Finally meeting back with Tethys, the two made their way back through to the castle. They decided to take the scenic route, Tethys saying she needed to spread her wings, taking to the sky and slowly flying around, holding a large bag of donuts. "Mmmm... these are so good." "How many did you end up getting actually?" Skystrike started doing corkscrews in air as he talked. "I left you quite a sizable bag of bits" She stopped mid bite, thinking of how many. "Well... I ate about 20 so far... And it looks like I have... two dozen left." "Damn, where the hell does that all go?!" She blinked. "Wait, I never told you?" "Told me what?" She bit her finger, trying to think. "I'll... tell you another time. Not here. When we get back to... Pony Town was it?" "Ponyville, but close enough. Alright, I wont force the subject." Skystrike started flying upside down, then looked back at the castle. "We'll get there in about 20 minutes at this rate, and it's about... 11:30 a.m." Tethys looked up from her donut and squinted her eyes in the direction of the castle. "Hey, where does the Court Magician work?" Skystrike raised a brow, beginning to fly backwards in front of the dragoness. "A large tower, normally furthest from the castle in case of accidents. Pointed roof in case of smoke so it can be filtered out. Various symbols of magic on it." "Well if I'm looking at the right place, I see two ponies talking to each other through a window. Cant tell their colors, the glass is tinted. One a unicorn, one an earth pony." Skystrike twisted his body to look where Tethys was looking. He was amazed she could see that far away. At least half a mile away. "Damn, you got good eyesight... Lets speed up. If my predictions are correct, then we should get there sooner." Tethys shrugged. "Alright." The two sped up their flight. Suddenly, a question came to Tethys' mind. "Hey, completely unrelated, but you know that dragon you had to deal with a couple months back? That snorer?" "Oh, Kyne! What about him? Is he doing alright?" "Oh he's fine. He actually wanted to know how you were doing too. You're one of the few ponies he's met and liked. Kyne wants to see you again. I'd tell him about you, but you know..." "Alright. I'll make my way to the dragon lands then sooner or later. Been meaning to go anyway." Skystrike. "Since we're talking about him, do you know?" "That he has a crush on me? Yeah." She sighed as she crossed her arms. "Half the dragon males I interact with do. It's annoying. At least Kyne knows I'm not interested." "Huh, didn't realize you were that much of a catch. I don't know what dragons find attractive. Think you could explain it to me a bit?" Tethys thought about the best way to approach it. "Well... first, we dragons look at strength first and foremost. The stronger the dragon, the more attractive that dragon is seen by their piers. That's why most dragons love the current dragon lord, and why the head dragon can have several spouses, whether the head is male or female. When having several spouses, it also means you're able to control that many at once." "So, the stronger you are, the more relationships are acceptable? And on top of that, the more spouses a dragon has, the stronger they get?" She nodded. "That's right. But that's also only a quarter of the reason." She sighed. "The second, and most common reason that dragons find others attractive is because I'm fully dragon. Most dragon lineages involve the other species. Ponies, Griffons, Hippogriffs, and sometimes Kirins, Diamond Dogs and Changelings. Our blood is so pure that the offspring is nearly a full dragon. But, since the females lay the eggs, in most cases, only females can make hybrids. A male dragon can't have a hybrid kid without the help of magic, or the dragon being mammalian." "That's really interesting... so which are you? I assume mammalian, since you have hair going down your back and tail." "Yes, I'm a mammal, and that's another reason. Mammalian dragons aren't really rare, but they are uncommon. While I don't know the exact number, my guess is that we're less than 20%, but more than 10%. Like you realized, the main way to tell is that reptilian dragons have frills, feathers, or spines. We're seen as more... 'meaty' than the reptilian ones." Skystrike chuckled. "Well you definitely are stronger than most other dragons I've met-" "That wasn't what I meant." She cut him off and sighed. Skystrike thought about what she said, and the implications. "OH! My bad. So it's a fetish?" "That's a pretty good word for it, but I'm not sure if it's exactly the right word for it. For the pony equivalent I guess it's more like... having a preference for Kirins?" Tethys shrugged. "I'm not really sure of a good comparison." "I think I get what you mean. Thanks for telling me all this. It's really interesting to learn about the little parts of culture like this. But you started off saying 'quarter' and gave me three reasons. What about the fourth?" "The last one is a fetish, sadly. The former dragon lords strongest wife was a frost mammalian dragon that looks like me." "Oh... well I don't know what to say besides sorry. I hate you have to go through it. And sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable about it in the past. I didn't realize." "It's fine... just... still a bit insecure about it to be honest. But to clarify, I'm not a frost dragon, I just like how versatile the ice is. I'm actually a storm dragon." Tethys scratched the back of her horn. "Not many know, we're a rare variant of dragons, and we're somewhat hunted, due to our natural talent in magic. I would've told you before, but by the time I trusted you with that info, it just never came up." "You dont have anything to be sorry about. I kept my secret away from you and All for too long." Skystrike rolled his shoulder. "So, since you're a storm dragon, that means you can also control lightning?" "Yes, actually. I can control pretty much anything involved with storms, in theory. I remember because you told me the difference between a hurricane and tornado one time because I was trying to create wind torrents. Thanks for that by the way. I'd never had got into studying and literature if not for you and Casta." "No problem." Skystrike slowed his pace as they approached the tower. "Speaking of, we're here." Skystrike and Tethys landed on the wide platform in front of the Mage's tower. Skystrike was about to ring the door bell before pausing in place. Tethys nudged him with her wing. "I know... I have to do it. But there's... just that part in the back of my mind telling me I'm not worthy." "Look, Sky, I've already said it to you. We don't blame you. We're your friends." Tethys put a hand on his back. Skystrike took in a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The simple ring sounded like it lasted forever, the silence after felt even longer as he waited for a response. The automated message made him jump. "Sorry, the Court Magician is currently unavailable. If you have an appointment, please come at your allocated time slot." Skystrike recognized that voice. Soft spoken, a bit mellow, and had that Canterlot accent. He saw them inside on his way here. For a split second, he thought about turning around. But she deserves better than that. He rung the doorbell again. "Casta. It's me." The automated response didn't speak this time, and the silence came back. He let out a remorseful sigh. "I... can't blame you for not wanting to see me. I just owe you an apology for all I did, and you deserve it face to face, rather than a letter like I left." He clenched his hoof. "I've wronged you in a way that I can never make up for. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try." Before he could continue, he heard the sound of hooves falling over each other, getting louder as they approached the door. It swung open, and Skystrike was tackled to the ground. Looking to see Casta on top of him crying. The one who tackled him was a rather tall unicorn mare with a dark purple coat and midnight purple mane and tail with highlights of mauve. She wore a frost blue cloak and matching hat with platinum trims, riddles with sea green stars. Her cactus green eyes hid behind a pair of reading glasses. Casta Spell squeezed tighter. "It's been so long! I'm glad you're ok! I heard what happened from the princesses!" Even though she had a weak voice, she was speaking rather loud out of sheer happiness. He hugged her back. "Casta, it's great seeing you to, but you're strangling me." Then he felt something when on his neck. She began full on crying. "You don't get it! I thought you were dead after you left! I only learned after Magnus that you were alive! I spiraled. You felt so guilty after what happened... I thought you..." "I figured you'd show up one day." A monotone mare said from inside the tower. "Hopefully it's to stay this time." Skystrike looked to where the voice came from. Standing there was a earth pony with a grey coat and a greyish blue violet mane an tail, also sporting some eye shadow of the same color. Skystrike smiled through his helmet. "Maud, good to see you. I owe you an apology too..." He coughed. "Casta, you're choking me." Casta quickly jumped off. "And... sorry I made you think I offed myself. There's a lot I need to say to both of you." "Come in, come in! I just made some tea for Maud." She said excitedly. "I've been deep in my research... I hope you don't mind the mess..." As Tethys and Skystrike entered, Casta used her magic to close the door and made a path through the books laying on the floor. Casta levitated two chairs over for her new guests and they all sat down. Skystrike leaned on the table. "So, Court Magician. I knew you had it in you, magic mare." Casta giggled at the nickname. "Heheheh, well I have to thank you for part of my success. I got the funding for my research when we disbanded, and a lot of experiences and ideas from our travels!" Skystrike smiled. "That's good. If I remember, you research had to do with finding the source of pony magic, and how Starswirl the bearded was able to formulate all the spells that we use?" She nodded. "That's right. It went well! When we went spelunking those times, I was able to realize that as we went deeper towards the center of Eques, the denser the 'magic' in the air was." She made quotations with her hooves. "To the point it was sickening to some of the beings not able to harness their magic within them. I realized from that that what was actually in the air wasn't magic, but something that every creature absorbs into themselves and their bodies naturally and subconsciously turn into magic." She floated over a chalkboard and began drawing. From what he could make out, it was a sketch of a pony, a griffon, hippogriff, and dragon. "For example, the dragon lands are in an active volcano, which is releasing an abundant amount of what we turn into magic. It works in reverse too, the higher you go, the more of what we turn into magic is there. We ponies are at an average elevation where it's healthy for it. Griffons often live much higher, at the peak of mountains, and there's much more there. Hippogriffs are deep in the ocean, and it explains why they're able to transform easily. Each race is built to take in and generate a set amount of this... substance." "Interesting..." Skystrike already knew this to be honest, but he wanted Casta to figure it out. It's revolutionary, given the time for the theory to catch on. Besides, she'd be disheartened if he told her those years ago. "And what will you call this substance?" "I... haven't thought that far. I showed my research to the princesses, and I'm still researching now. I was thinking of calling it... mana." "Hmm... and how does this relate to Starswirl's spells?" Her eyes lit up a bit. With another smile, she began explaining. "Well, the best to think of it a bit like... a math equation?" She put a hoof to her cheek as she thought. "To first even make an equation, you need to figure out the numbers, then variables. From there, the outcome you want depends on what you put in. Magic is the numbers, while the formula is the variable. The part I'm still trying to figure out is how Starswirl made the formulas" Tethys snapped her fingers. "Here's an idea. Maybe the formulas are words? With magic for us dragons, for example. When I breathe my frost breath, it's actually me casting a spell using dragon tongue, and that activates an organ within my head. Thinking about it like that... it's kinda like you unicorns and your horns. Maybe Starswirl bound words to those runes you use, like how we bound our power to our voice?" Casta quickly levitated over a notebook and began writing. "That's such an interesting idea! I can't forget this! If it's like that, then I can maybe make my own spell! We'll go down in history!" Skystrike let her finish writing before talking again. She was always enraptured on whatever she was interested in. "I do hope it goes well, and I'd be happy to help. But before we get too deep into it, I figure you two had some questions. I'll answer any and all you throw at me to the best of my ability." Maud was first to ask, as Casta realized it was a good time to pour that tea. "When did you plan on coming to see us? Casta told me that she had a meeting at one, and you just came back from a mission with Tethys. Putting two and two together, then this was a reward right?" Skystrike nodded. "Yes, I asked for this meeting to be one of the rewards when Celestia and Luna came to me for the mission. I planned on finding you all at least a month before the gala. Planned on revealing myself to Equestria, coming out of hiding and getting revenge on the one who tried to kill us two years ago." "And why did you leave in the first place?" Maud leaned on her hoof. Skystrike sighed a bit at that. "When Tethys asked the same question, the best answer I could give was to protect all of you, since it was the second time something like that happened. Now, I realized that it's because I also had a quest for power. Even now, I was rewarded with quite the items from Celestia and Luna when we completed out mission. I plan on using everything I can to make sure I'm not weak enough to let the same thing happen a third time." Maud looked at Tethys, who closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. Maud, still speaking in her monotone voice continued. "I'll have to think of some more questions for you another time. Anything I ask, Tethys probably did already." The mare picked up her cup of tea and took a long sip. "Actually, I have one." Casta put her hoof up. "I understand why you left. I know you didn't mean to hurt us. But what did you actually do by yourself? I know you aren't really a pony person." "I was researching a lot of things." Skystrike began counting the things he did. "First, I realized that the stars that haven't moved much back then were suspiciously changing their positions. Then I wondered, which I honestly should've thought of long ago, 'If there's one that controls the sun, what about the moon?' And my home was named church of the two sisters. After looking and finding some really old books. I realized that there used to be two princesses, and an old castle that was in the Everfree forest they used to live in, and mentions of the Elements of Harmony. After that, I started traveling from place to place in Equestria, figuring out what it all meant." He took a sip of the tea. "From there, I wasn't really able to get anything concrete. All I was able to deduce was that someone used the Elements in the old castle around the time Luna disappeared, and from drawings, the mare in the moon wasn't there before. Then I figured 'hey, if she's in charge of the sun, she's probably in charge of the moon, meaning she could release whatever was in there at whatever time she wanted, and she seems to be playing around with those stars a bit too much.' Then I moved to Ponyville, thinking that my best bet would be hoping the place whatever was sealed would show up when it was yeeted to the moon. Luckily it turned out ok." "Huh..." Casta rubbed her chin. "Didn't realize you were that smart. I always saw you more... what's the word?" "Short sighted?" Tethys offered. "Hard headed?" Maud offered. "The word I was looking for was rash." "You know what, fuck you guys, but all of those are fair." Skystrike laughed. "Man, I missed this..." "Oh wait, you said you lived in Ponyville, right? My sister lives there. Hope she didn't cause you too much trouble so far." Maud finished her tea. "Its... interesting. Annoying isn't the right word. She's actually pretty nice to be around. She's just... very active. And sometimes I want to chill out." "Trust me, I get it. The first time she got her cutie mark, it was fun being around her. Everything was boring in the rock farm before. But after a bit, it was... too much." She put down her teacup. "I'll make sure to visit sometime. I'd come for your birthday, but I'm here in Canterlot to work on and deliver my thesis." "Oh, it's almost that time, huh?" Skystrike thought back. "You really came far. I'm glad you were able to make it this far. When do you deliver?" "Sunday, and then I have to wait a week to get the answer. I'm nervous about it." "I could not tell at all." Tethys laughed at her flat tone of voice. "I can never get a read on you. What are you studying again? Rocks?" Maud nodded. "With luck, by next week, I'll have a masters in Rocktoligy. Then I can apply to start my Rocktorate." "You don't need luck." Skystrike leaned back in his chair. "You're one of the smartest ponies I know. It'll be a breeze." "Thanks. I'll make sure to invite you all to my graduation. Maybe I'll see if Pinkie can set up a party back at the rock farm." "That's be nice." Skystrike said. He finally took off his helmet. "Speaking of a party, there's a memorial that I... well I'm not obligated to go to it, but I really should." "Your memorial?" Maud asked. He didn't even have to guess in what tone she meant to say it in. He sucked in air through his teeth. "Yeah... And on top of that, it's also my family from the orphanage." "Wait, you never told them?" Casta stopped raising her tea with her magic. "Of course not. They were in danger for just being related to me. No way would I put them in more danger when I was weaker back then." Skystrike put a hoof on the table. "I plan on making at least part of this right. Reveal it early." "They're going to be upset. I was and you were only gone for two years. For them, it's eight..." Tethys spoke up. "And I don't blame them. But they still deserve an apology." Their talk continued for an hour more, Skystrike thinking of the best way to bring it up with his family with the input of Maud, Tethys, and Casta. It took some hyping, but Skystrike is at least somewhat confident about what to do. He made sure to tell the girls to meet him at the memorial, saying he had something to do. He finished making a reservation for the ponies, expecting around 10 ponies to show. With that, he made his was back to the orphanage. The Church of the Two Sisters. It was nice to see, and extremely nostalgic. He's been subconsciously avoiding this part of Canterlot. The memories were too painful. For what he did, and what the ponies around him had to go through. He took in a few deep breaths, trying to control his breathing. He looked up at the orphanage. It wasn't much different compared to before the fire. The large building of brick and stone looked... newer. Still the same shape and design actually, just much, much bigger. The left wing that extended into the garden was massive. The rightwing had a playground in the front. He would've enjoyed that back then. Some of the walls were even painted, some by professionals and others by the kids. His favorite part, they kept. The center spire holding up a large stained glass window, the vibrant colors working together to form the shape of a sun and moon. But what surprised him the most was that instead of building right on top of the last building, they built a few yards next to it. Where the last one once stood was a marble statue of... him. It was him as a colt, standing tall, wings spread as a show of heroism. There wasn't a smile on his face, yet he had a look of purpose. On the stand of the statue was a golden plaque with engraving on it. Skystrike Nebula - A brother. a friend. a hero. "Help those who need it. Protect those you deem important." Those words rang through his head. Words he skirts the line of living by. He hates to admit he hurt those important to him more than he protected them. He hoped they would find it in his heart to forgive him. Looking at the statue a bit more, he noticed that around the base of the statue were a lot of flowers. Some in bouquets, and some picked from the orphanage garden. "Looking at his statue?" Astral walked up to him from his right. "This is my brother. The one I told you about." "Seems like he was loved." Skystrike kept looking at his statue. "He was, and still is. He saved me and my other siblings, Mystic Dawn and Dawnstone..." She sniffed a bit. "I was the last to get out. He risked his life saving me because I just wanted to be like him... I still do... Sometimes I still blame myself for his death. If I wasn't so reckless... I don't know why I'm telling you this..." "He loved you, Astral." Skystrike said through baited breath. "He wouldn't want you to blame him for his sacrifice. He did it because he wanted you to live." "How would you know?" While she didn't mean it. Astral's tone came off as aggressive. She realized after it came out. "Sorry, it's just... I know you're right, but I get tired of hearing it every year... Hard to believe it's been eight years since he left us." "I don't blame you. Had to go through something similar." Astral looked up to him and tilted her head. "Someone I saw as a mother figure did the same for me, long ago. I still blame myself to this day. even though I know it's not my fault, and she wouldn't want that." "Is that why you fight? To make up for something you never can? Hoping to help ponies and make her proud?" Astral wiped a tear. Skystrike nodded. It tore him up inside seeing her like this. "We're alike in that sense... I do thee same for him... helping ponies who need it, protecting the family we shared." So badly, he wanted to take off his helmet then and there. But now wasn't the time. "He'd be proud." She wiped her tears with a hoof. "Thank you... your friends came by a bit earlier than you. Let me introduce you to everypony else." Astral walked him over to the others. Tethys, Maud, and Casta were already deep in a conversation with the other ponies. Despite the eight years that passed, Skystrike recognized each one. Mystic Falls, who should be almost 19 now, grew up well. A bit taller than the average stallion, but slimmer at the same time. He let his mane grow out, the purple and grey locks of hair going around his horn and falling on his shoulders, while he cut his tail short, just below his thigh. He even sported a goatee and a ear piercing. His eyes seemed redder than when he remembered, a start contrast to his blueish grey coat. Not that he was sick or tired, but his eyes were just a bright red. Mystic also wore a black leather jacket with a light blue undershirt. The guy got his cutie mark too, two chain links connected to each other, one blue while the other white. The next one he recognized was Lucky Clover, one of the twins. Should be 17 now. Was slightly shorter than the average mare, petite is a better descriptive word. Her mane and tail was a seafoam green, emerald, shamrock, and jade, the former topped with a large green bow. The same bow she had all those years ago. He could tell from the upkeep that was well hidden in the bow. She wore a purple sweatshirt matching her light lavender eyes. Surprisingly, she had freckles dotted on her face. Her cutie mark was a deep green four leaf clover. Next to her was the other twin, Blue clover, who had a cyan coat with an off white mane and tail, donning the same large green bow in her mane as her sister. She wore a green sundress and a ring of black pearls around her neck. She had some freckles herself. Her eyes were a bright blue. They always reminded him of the sea. Same stature as her sister, but didn't have a horn like her. Instead, she was noticeably more toned than her sister. She hid her cutie mark under her dress. His last sibling that was in his age group was Dawnstone. Around 20 years old. And Skystrike had to admit, she looked lovely. Her cream coat with a curly white and sky blue mane and tail complemented each other perfectly. Her hair was long, stopping at her chest and curling back and into itself. She was no stranger to make up, complementing her features with cyan mascara and sky blue eye shadow. Her horn was rather long to, having a small ring on it. And lastly, she wore a white blouse with bishop sleeves with light blue cuffs and a light blue dress that went down to her hooves, held together with golden lacings. Even if he couldn't see her mark, Skystrike was sure she was a model of some type. And last but not least, there she was. Sister Paprika. A mare earth pony with a cream colored coat and dark magenta mane with a maroon highlight stood in the middle of all his siblings, each having a happy face. He could notice the wrinkles under her eyes. Despite that, age has treated her well. She should be in her mid 50s, but doesn't look over 30 at all. She bore a cutie mark in the shape of a dried pepper. Skystrike was drawn out of his train of thought by Astral nudging him. "You alright?" Skystrike was about to respond, but noticed his eyes were a bit watery. He blinked to get the tears out of his way. "Y-yeah... sorry, I just forgot to blink." He pushed back on his front hooves to stretch, his armor creaking a bit. "So... does your armor get heavy?" Astral asked as they kept approaching. "Used to be. Every time I make new armor, I make it heavier than the last as a form of weight training." Skystrike tapped his armor. "Right now, I it's about sixty pounds, with most of the weight being in the chest and back." "Wow, how do you fly with all that on?" Astral had to admit it was impressive. "Actually, nevermind that, do you ever take your armor off?" "Sometimes. Most times, no. It's kinda like clothes at this point. Sometimes I forget it's there." "Astral!" Paprika called out to her. The two hugged each other. "I'm so glad your ok! What happened? Was it dangerous?" "Hey, Sister! I am too. I'll tell you about it another day, I don't want to worry you right now... It was dangerous, but I turned out fine, thanks to Nebula." Paprika looked behind Astral to see him standing there. She didn't even realize the stallion towering over her until he was pointed out. But surprisingly she wasn't afraid at all. "Thank you for helping Astral, Mr. Nebula. I hope she wasn't too much of a bother." "It was no problem. And please, just call me Nebula. And Astral can handle herself quite well. Pretty strong, she just needs more experience." Skystrike put out a hoof to shake. "Well still, thank you for looking after her." Paprika shook his hoof. "It means a lot. Are you hear for the memorial?" Skystrike nodded. "Yes, actually. I just got back from reserving a spot at a restaurant for us." Paprika blinked. "All of us? You didn't have to do that, especially since we've just met! I can't let you do that for us." "Please, pay it no mind. Think of it as a way to apologize for Astral getting into this mess." Skystrike waved a hoof. "Wait... 'into this mess'? What happened up there?" Paprika's face turned to one of mild worry. Skystrike looked at Astral, who sighed and nodded. "To sum it up so we aren't standing here for half an hour, we were sent up there to find missing ponies, only to find out that the one who sent Astral the request for help was actually trafficking the missing ponies to dragons. Thankfully, Astral was mostly in the investigation portion of it, rather than the fighting." Paprika was stunned at what he said. It was a lot to process. "Is that why there's a dragon here? First I saw in my life." "Yeah, that's Tethys. She's with me. And she help out up north too." Paprika held her head. "I'll have to thank her later. Astral, we will talk about this later. Now come, we have to introduce Nebula here to everypony else." She said that last part with a stern voice. "My bad." Skystrike shrugged. "It's... fine... Looks like I'll have to get another type of job." Astral huffed. "Thankfully, I got enough bits where it should pay the bills. Don't move to Canterlot. I have to room with my sister Dawnstone and sometimes it's a bit of a struggle." Skystrike tilted his head in thought as the two walked towards the group. "You specialize in Destruction and Enchanting magic right? I might be able to help you out." "How so?" "See the purple pony? She's the court magician, and a good friend of mine. And the state of her tower makes it seem like she needs help. Plus, she's also working on some research where she'll probably have to go on some expeditions. Make a good impression, I'll vouch for you, and hope things go well." "You'd do that for me?" "I have no reason not to. I will say, she likes talking a lot, so you may have to listen to her rant." Skystrike chuckled at that last part. Dawnstone, Mystic Falls, Lucky Clover, and Blue Clover all walked over to Astral and Skystrike, getting into a group hug with the former. Dawnstone spoke first. "Welcome back, Astral. How'd it turn out?" Astral smiled. "It went alright. I got to meet the princesses, so I'm in much deeper than I thought I'd be. I might have to visit the castle in the next few days, but everything's fine!" "Anything cool happen?" Lucky asked. "You met a dragon?" Blue jumped in front of her sister. "Yeah, that's Tethys. She's really nice despite her looks. Nothing cool happened, it was more of a job, rather than an adventure..." "Any landscapes that stood out? I'd love to paint some!" Mystic put an arm around her neck. "There were some great ones, large mountains, vast fields, if you can handle the cold." She pushed Mystic off of her. "Anyway, you all probably heard from Tethys, Maud, and Casta, but this is Nebula. We met up north during the job!" They all looked to Skystrike then near instantly seemingly shrunk at the sight of him, their ears pointing back. Couldn't blame them. He did make his armor with the intent of intimidating. He put up a hoof. He tried to make himself as approachable as possible. "Hello there. How are you all?" "...you do not sound like how I expected." Mystic was the first to speak. "Damn, what do you eat to get that big?" "I'm not this big because of what I eat, I eat because I'm this big. But it you simply want to gain some muscle, I could give some pointers..." Skystrike acted like he didn't know his name. "I'm Mystic falls. This is Dawnstone, Lucky Clover, and Blue Clover. Hey, I know this is out of nowhere, but can I paint you?" Dawnstone smacked his head. "Dude, you cant just ask to draw him." "If you think you got the talent I'll support it. I'll be leaving Canterlot late tonight, but next time I'm here, I'll see if I can find you." Skystrike nodded. "...You're lucky that worked. Sorry about my brother, he's really into his art." Dawnstone gave a small bow. "Pay it no mind. I love those who are passionate about their craft. You must be the same. I assume from the way you dress and carry yourself, you're a model?" She nodded then smiled. "That's right. I even make my own clothes. I don't get to star in too many photoshoots, but I have to start somewhere, right?" "Yeah, starting is always the hard part. But you got the looks, so just keep trying and you can make it. I actually have a friend in Ponyville who has her own boutique and makes her clothes. She's still trying to get her name out there. Maybe if you two met you'd get along." "I have been meaning to do a bit of traveling. What did you have to do that was so hard to start? You seem proficient at everything I hear about." Skystrike thought back. "Well... It took a while to get the right tempo for my armor. This armor is after years of practice. My first armor could barely block a spear without denting." This time, Lucky spoke. "So, question I always wanted to ask if I met you, is it true you can take on a dragon by yourself? Because the stories about you are unbelievable." Skystrike didn't even have to answer, since Astral did so for him. "He beat five dragons by himself, and seven with some help. I was there." "FIVE???" Blue blurted out. "Dear Celestia, there's no way!" Skystrike shrugged. "It is what it is. But to be fair, my swords are made to cut through their scales and bones. It makes things much easier. But what else was said about me that's unbelievable? Now I'm curious." Lucky began counting. "That you knocked out an Ursa minor in one punch, you can fly as fast as a Wonderbolt, you can punch a hole through a tree, and you can do pushups with a boulder five times your size on your back." "True, maybe because I haven't raced one, true, and true." He chuckled. "I'm surprised that other stories haven't spread around... maybe it's because I'm sneaky about what I do. Confidentiality is important after all." Another question was about to be asked before there was a loud stomach growl from Mystic Falls. "Damn, sorry. I haven't eaten anything yet today." "I am a bit hungry too." Skystrike rolled his neck and yelled over to his other friends. "Tethys, Maud, Casta, ready to eat?" "Yeah!" The three yelled back. "Speaking of, where are we eating?" Paprika spoke up. La rose bleue was a fairly upper class restaurant, hosting a large variety of dishes from different cultures. One of the most well known restaurants in Canterlot. Getting a reservation there was a nightmare for the average pony. And yet, not only was Skystrike able to get a reservation, but they were also in the VIP room. "How did you manage to get a reservation here? On such short notice??" Paprika was surprised. "And this chair is so soft!?" To be honest, Skystrike worked here as a chef when he was younger. Nothing like child labor. Luckily, he could just change his appearance with his magic to look like an adult. All he had to do was talk to the owner to get it. Luckily, the owner was the same stallion. "I have my ways." Skystrike said as the waiters and waitresses came in with their food, along with a couple glasses of wine for the group. It was a nice spread of fruits, vegetables, breads, grains, nuts, the full course. They all made their plates before stopping and putting their hooves together. Astral began explaining. "On this day each year, we like to speak to Skystrike in the beyond. Telling him of what we've done so far in our lives. Its become a bit of a tradition, and our way of remembering him." Skystrike looked at Tethys, who nodded. Then to Maud, who nodded. Then to Casta, who nodded. "I... have a confession to make. The real reason I bought you all here..." Skystrike sighed. Everyone looked at him with baited breath. He took in a deep breath before taking the lock off his helmet and sliding it off. He shoot his hair out and moved it out the way of his face. He was instantly met with Mystic Falls jumping across the table and a hoof to his face. Tethys and Maud nearly got out of their seat before Skystrike put up a hoof, stopping them. "That's fair. Honestly one of the reactions I expected..." Skystrike cracked his neck and looked at Mystic. "Do you know much we've mourned for you!?" Mystic yelled at him. His body was tense, his horn flaring with magic. "How hard we've worked to make up for what we lost!? How close things were to falling apart!?" "Stop, Mystic!" Dawnstone used her magic to pull him back. "Lets... at least hear him out..." Skystrike sighed and put his hooves on the table. "I guess you want to know how and why this all happened. This is why I got the VIP area... Would you rather I start explaining and get questions, or just ask questions now?" "How are you still alive!? There wasn't a body! We thought you were ash!" Blue Clover stood up from her chair, the shock finally setting in. "We saw you get crushed under the ruble!" Astral spoke up. "To be honest, I don't truly know myself how I got out of there... I just know I wasn't there when I came to. I was out for a couple days and did have some things broken, but I was alive." "And you didn't come back when you woke up!? Mystic prepared to punch him again. "Look, I get it but please stop trying to punch me. To answer, no, I didn't. I felt it was too dangerous for you all. The fire happened because I got on the bad side of a pony..." Skystrike said as he caught Mystic's hoof. "The day of the gala, I was approached by Blueblood-" "That mother bucker!" Dawnstone slammed her hooves on the table. "Did something happen?" Skystrike raised an eyebrow. "Every year, he comes by to gloat, giving fake sympathy to us over your death! He just stands there mocking us for sometimes hours, and we can't do anything because he's a prince!" Dawnstone fixed her dress and sat back down. "Ignoring how much he hits on me..." Astral thought for a moment. "Wait, so you're saying that Blueblood is the reason you faked your death?" "Yes. The day of the gala, he approached me, and heavily implied what he did. The fire at the orphanage was already in the later phases when he told me. Blueblood definitely planned it. I just don't have proof. And even if I did, he had enough political power to just cover everything up." Skystrike sighed. "My hope was by leaving, he wouldn't target you all anymore. He went after our home to hurt me... With me gone, I wasn't there to hurt..." Lucky Clover bent a spoon in frustration. "But he still got away! What was it all for!?" "I didn't just do nothing as you can see. I've at least gotten enough strength to protect you all, but now isn't the time to reveal myself just yet..." Skystrike took a bite of his house salad as everyone slightly leaned in. "I realized years ago, a couple months after my fake death, that I could just kill him, then and there. Take the sentence, but no one would be hurt anymore from him... Part of me still wished I did, but that'd be too lax for him." He clenched his hooves. "I will end it where it all started, at the Gala. I will go as my current identity, and lure him into a duel with me, one that he will challenge me to. It will be a duel where one can only forfeit or die. I will let him do neither. When he is within an inch of his life, when tries to get the words out of his mouth, I will not let him. He will have to decide whether he admits to what he did to us, or deaths embrace. In front of every. Pony. His guards. His lackeys. The princesses. And me. Once his social life is over, once the court judges him guilty, his pain will not be over. I won't let him die. He will live in suffering, no matter how many times he hurts us." "And what makes you think it'll work?" Mystic finally sat back down. "Because I know him. You know him. Say the right things, and no way he'll let things go." He scratched at the scar on his left eye. Still stung a bit. Their conversation was interrupted when they noticed the quiet sniffles at the other end of the table. "I knew it... I knew you were still alive... You promised after all..." Paprika walked over to hug him. The water works started. "You've grown so much over the years... but you didn't have to sacrifice everything for us. You had a life to live for yourself..." "My life isn't worth living to me if any of you are suffering. Especially because of me. I just couldn't have you all hurt anymore." Paprika took in a deep breath. "I've... you were in the orphanage for six years before the fire... I've seen you grow into a wonderful young stallion. I know you well enough to know that while the execution wasn't good, your reasoning was justified. But we don't want you to suffer for our sake. You already did enough." "It really doesn't feel like it. At least not yet. I just need to deal with Blueblood. Then I'll be back out in the open. For now, I stay hidden. I'm even taking a big risk being here with all of you. Anypony that's smart enough to realize how many ponies know all of you, then the secret's out." Skystrike chuckled a bit. "Honestly, I'm surprised it lasted this long. Haven't really been sneaky about it. I just keep on a helmet and change the first part of my name and everypony thinks I'm a new guy." "...you know, in hindsight, I feel stupid that I didn't realize sooner." Paprika shared a small laugh. "But now that we have the chance, for the first time in a long time, lets enjoy a meal together. All of us." Astral began eating. "Now that I think of it, even before the fire, we didn't eat together often. You were always tired around dinner time, but you still made time to help out everypony in the orphanage even after you helped me with my homework for example, you always seemed busy." Mystic, Dawnstone, and the Clover sisters all hummed in agreement. Skystrike blinked. "I never did tell you all huh? If I wasn't at class, or the orphanage, I was doing something that would make us money. Money was tight back then, had to help out somehow." "...Wait, so all that money we got weren't anonymous donations? That was you?" Paprika paused raising her fork to her mouth. "You think that anypony with enough money to donate would do it anonymously? Here in Canterlot?" "...But we still get those donations?" Paprika put a hoof to her chin. "Well, now that I think on it, they aren't anonymous anymore... The main ones are from the princess and Fancy Pants. "That's to keep up public relations, makes them look good." Skystrike took another bite of his salad. "Wait, so, you've been working that whole time? What did you even do? You must have not gotten much sleep." Dawnstone began eating at her own food. Skystrike leaned back in his chair and started counting on his hoof. "Mostly prep cooking, some delivery, preparing for tournaments, and if we really needed the money, theft." "Wait, you stole!? From who!?" Paprika asked, slightly shocked. "Mostly nobles. Ones I knew had money or items I could pawn that they wouldn't miss." He admitted. "Only had to do it like, 18 times, thankfully. "How did you break into these places? I heard that most nobles have pretty good security." Blue Clover took a bite of her bread. "No way you were that good." "Believe it or not, easier to break in than you think." Skystrike thought back. "Most of the time, you can just fly in from above if you're quiet. No one looks up for some reason. After that, find an open window and take a vase or necklace. The only hard ones were when I went into the castle." The room fell silent. Casta broke it. "You... you what? How can you say that so nonchalantly?!" Skystrike shrugged and laughed. "Relax, only Celestia knows. We met one time when I got sloppy. In hindsight, it probably what got me in her good graces..." "Wait, so what happened?" Lucky Clover drank some of her soup. It was the dead of night, It'd be a simple job, he told himself. Climbing the side of a stone wall to an open castle window to let himself inside, he opened his bag to begin taking a few things. He made sure to take steps carefully, as to not alert any guards. The princess wouldn't miss a few goblets or necklaces from their display cases. At least none she couldn't afford. But as he continued and checked his corners, he noticed the distinct lack of any guards. Or anypony in the castle. Skystrike looked out the window, seeing some guards patrolling the outsides of the wall, but not in the castle. Something seemed... off. And then he heard sniffling. Then muffled crying. Something told him to leave right then and there, something instinctual, but his morals told him otherwise. He turned to his right, seeing a rather large double door wide open. The sobbing was getting louder. The doors had two halves of the sun on it. There was no way... When he rounded the corner, he saw her, Princess Celestia crying. Her back faced the colt as she stared out her window and up at the mare in the moon. She wept for a bit longer before speaking to herself through the tears. "I miss you... I miss you so much, Luna... I should've never sent you up there... I want you here. With me." She sniffled. Skystrike should've left then and there, but his morals told him not to. He didn't know who Luna was, but she didn't deserve to cry alone. He'd regret this later... Skystrike dropped his bag and walked into Celestia's bedroom. Celestia, who let her guard down, snapped her head around to see Skystrike walking towards her. She didn't even get a chance to ask how he was there before he hugged her foreleg. "I don't know what you're going through... but you don't have to suffer alone. My sister tells me that keeping everything to yourself doesn't help. Talk to somepony about it." Celestia tried her best to force a smile as she wiped her tears. "...Thank you, my little pony, but you mustn't worry yourself over my issues." She sniffed a bit more. "I... assure you I am fine." "Look, I know you're trying to act strong. I do it to in front of those I care about. From what I can tell, you cleared out the castle to be able to express your feelings. Don't let me stop you." Skystrike sat down next to Celestia. "I've lost... many that were close to me. I should've talked about it with somepony, but I made myself believe that I had nopony to hear me out. It didn't help. If this Luna you cry for is as important to you as my family was to me, then you need to talk to somepony about it..." Skystrike sighed. "I don't know why I'm giving you advice, you've probably heard it before. Celestia smiled a bit at that, then looked at the colt. "You look quite young... I cant imagine what hardships you had to go through to be giving advice like that... Can you believe it's been nearly a thousand years since she went?" She asked that last part to herself. "It's only been four or so for me... But I still blame myself, even if I had no other choice..." Skystrike huffed. "At least with you, since you said 'went', she may come back. You still have hope." Those words felt different. This time, Celestia hugged the colt. "I'm sorry..." "Don't be. I've made some peace with my demons. But the pain never goes away, it only drives me to be stronger." "What's your name, my little pony? And how did you get in here? And why are you in here?" "Skystrike Nebula, there was a window left open, and my family needs the money." Skystrike admitted. "Well that was... rather forward." "You have the power to smite me, I am not going to risk that." He put up his hooves in defense. For the first time in a while, she laughed. It took a few moments Celestia to regain her composure. "I'm not going to smite you, but thank you for being truthful. But you shouldn't steal, your parents would be upset if they knew." "Orphan." Well that was blunt. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." "It's alright. I just want to make sure my siblings can eat, where we don't have to go hungry every other day." "Wait, if you live in an orphanage, you should be getting government funding proportionate to the number of ponies living there. Which one do you live in?" Celestia grabbed her notepad in her magic and prepared to write. "Church of the two sisters." She quickly wrote it down. "Thank you, Skystrike. Go home for tonight. Don't worry, I'll make sure your family has enough to eat." Paprika stopped drinking her glass of wine. "...So that's why Celestia stopped by. Well... if I say thank you, I feel like it would encourage you to steal more but..." Mystic ate a hoof full of berries. "And what about the tournaments and stuff?" "First place had cash prizes. Chess tournaments, flight tournaments, I did pretty much all of it up until I went to that military school. Thankfully, their valedictorian got monthly stipends." Skystrike started working on his 3rd plate of food. "Honestly, probably wouldn't have went if not for that." "So you didn't want to be a guard? I thought that was why you went." Astral finished her plate and hummed. "Not really. I would've wanted to if not for all the red tape they have to deal with. Can't really help ponies if laws actively stop me from doing so." This time, Maud spoke. "I get it. We fought for the ponies when the guards wouldn't. A shame that so much good gets stopped because of some money." From the window, the group could see the sun dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the table. A group of friends reunited after years apart. Laughter and excitement filled the air as they spoke, faces beaming with joy. Life had taken them on different paths, splitting them apart, but now, in this moment, they were together again. The clinking of glasses and the aroma of fine wine signaled the beginning of a long-awaited catch-up session. As they settled into their familiar roles, stories flowed like a river, each one eager to share their adventures and experiences. Some had embarked on globetrotting adventures, while others had embraced the world with ambition and goals of success. With every tale, they rediscovered the shared memories and inside jokes that had forged their unbreakable bond. Time had aged them, but their connection remained as strong as ever. Amidst the laughter and reminiscing, there was a sense of gratitude for this moment. They've realized that life's twists and turns had shaped them into the individuals they were today, and while they had grown in different ways, the core of their bond remained unchanged. In that restaurant, with the warmth of friendship enveloping them, they understood the value of their relationships had stood the test of time, and they vowed to make these reunions a regular occurrence, cherishing the bonds that had brought them together once more. Alas, the night had to come to an end. Tears fell from all parties, but they made a vow. He would see them again. Hugs were exchanged, and promises to stay in touch were made with sincerity. Distance and time might separate them momentarily, but their bonds were unbreakable. With a shared commitment to their friendship, they whispered assurances that this farewell was merely a 'see you later.' As they watched the waves crash against the shore, they felt a profound sense of gratitude for the moments they had shared and the ones that awaited them in the future. With a final wave and smiles that concealed the sadness of goodbye, Skystrike and Tethys departed, the former carrying the hope of reuniting once more, knowing that their next meeting would be just as joyous as this one. Skystrike settled next to his luggage as the train carried them toward Ponyville. He'd be back home soon, with his new friends. Ones he made a promise to come back to. He didn't know why, but he felt a weight come off his heart. With a long exhale, he looked out the window and at the stars. They seemed... brighter than usual. He smiled a bit as he closed blinked. Sleep finally hit him as he fell onto the floor. Three days without sleep was finally coming back to haunt him. But he deserved a rest. He closed his eyes, falling to the abyss of his mind. For once, there wasn't a nightmare. He had something to look forward to. > Rest for the Wicked > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tethys woke up as the train slowed to a stop. Skystrike didn't speak too much on this 'Ponyville,' but Skystrike lived there. He must think highly of it. She let go of her grip on the stallion, and made her way out of the train car to stretch. She didn't even notice the stares she was getting, nor the ponies running away from her as she did so. The dragoness decided to let her friend sleep some more as she moved all the luggage from the train onto the platform. She didn't realize how prepared Skystrike was for that mission. Much more than her, she had to admit. The last trip to the train car was getting Skystrike himself. She nudged him with her tail, who responded by flipping over to his other side. She nudged him again. He growled as he curled into a ball. Tethys sighed, albeit with a small smile on her face. At least he was sleeping. She picked him up in her arms, and damn, was he heavy. Much heavier than he looked, and that armor wasn't helping at all, nor that he slept like a corpse. That made Tethys think for a moment. She couldn't even remember the last time he slept this deeply, not even having his guard up. He must have always been stressed out. She wished he'd rely on her a bit more. But her new problem now was figuring out how she'd move all this stuff, as well as where to move it to. She looked around, seeing how there were virtually no ponies nearby. She sighed at that. Taking a length of rope and tying all of the luggage together, she carried the nearly 100 pounds on her back, and Skystrike's body on top of it all, and began walking. She had no idea where, just figured she'd go until somepony would give her directions. It was only 10 minutes of walking before she decided to give up. Sure, it was early, the sun had been up for about three hours, but she'd have seen somepony by now. Tethys growled in annoyance as she sat next to the still sleeping Skystrike and waited for anypony to walk into her line of sight. Spike thought this scene was oddly familiar. Twilight and her friends were camped up in Carousel Boutique, along with Stardust and Zecora. The lights were off, and the window blinds were closed. Twilight and Rarity told him and Sweetie Belle to not open them, no matter what. But like kids, the two were getting bored. Twilight said they'd all meet at Rarity's before seeing if Skystrike would come to the train station today. Rainbow Dash, coming last, warned them all that a dragon got off the train. Initially, Spike was excited, thinking he'd be able to meet one of his own, but began to have second thoughts as he saw the faces of Twilight and her friends turn to ones of fear. Almost immediately, he was told to stay hidden with Sweetie Belle and not to go towards the windows. A part of him understands, with the dragon a couple months ago that was a smokey sleeper, but this feels... different. This other dragon hasn't done anything yet, and it felt familiar. He just couldn't put his finger on it yet. Sweetie Belle decided to break the silence between them. "So... your name is Spike, right? I see you in school, but we haven't talked, I don't think." Spike blinked, then nodded. "Oh yeah, I guess we haven't. Sweetie Belle, right? I've talked to your friend Applebloom a couple times. I am surprised we haven't really met since I moved here to Ponyville. Sorry." "It's ok. So, can you breathe fire?" Spike smirked before lighting his finger alit with his breath. "I can, but it's not much... I'm getting better though! Sooner or later, I'll be able to light a big one!" "Cool! I wish I was good at magic like you are with fire." She sheepishly rubbed her arm. "I can't even use levitation magic..." "Rarity doesn't teach you?" Sweetie Belle winced at that a little. "We... don't spend that much time together. I know she's busy, but I wish she'd make some time for me. She's always busy with work or her friends, and when we're done with school, she's just tired." Spike understood a bit. "Well, we live close to each other. If you want, I can stop by sometimes. We can play together!" Sweetie Belle smiled at that. "Ok! that sounds like fun!" She clapped her hooves. "Lets play when we can go outside!" She stopped and thought for a moment. "What are we waiting here for, actually?" Spike looked over to the mane six. Twilight was leaning on Applejack's back as the two peeked out the window. "...It's... huge... not as big as that red one, but still..." Twilight gasped at her. "Whad'ya think it's here for?" Applejack looked up at her. "She's gonna eat us! Chop us into teeny weenie bite sized pieces and stir fry us!" Pinkie made a stirring motion with her hooves. "Really, Pinkie?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Well, it isn't off the table yet, darling..." Rarity looked out the window with them. "What's it wearing? It looks like... rusted armor on its chest?" Rainbow Dash flew above Twilight and Applejack. "It looked like it, but I've never seen a dragon wear armor..." Fluttershy said sitting behind them all. Finally, it hit Spike. Why this felt familiar. And he didn't like it. They did the same to Zecora, and he got to know her. Probably better than any of them. She wasn't the pony, er, Zebra that they thought she was. And now, they're doing the same to this new dragon. He felt something burn inside him. Spike couldn't tell if he was angry, disappointed, or both. He calmed down very slightly before asking himself: 'What would Skystrike do?' They wouldn't let him walk through the front door. "Sweetie Belle, I'll be right back. I need to... go to the bathroom." "Alright!" She waved him off. Spike had been to the Carousel Boutique enough to know where the back door was. He unlocked it and began making his way towards the white and blue dragon. He had to admit, he was getting second thoughts on approaching, especially since it was dangerous if it was hostile. But he was doing what he thought was right. And it was right after he steeled his will that Twilight noticed him outside. Her eyes went wide. Tethys saw the baby dragon approach her hesitantly . "Aw... I didn't know there'd be another dragon here..." She crouched down and folded her wings in in an attempt to look less intimidating. "Hey there, little guy, aw you're so cute!" Spike stopped a few safe feet away from her. "Uh... hello! My name is Spike. What's yours?" "My name is Tethys. Nice to meet you, Spike!" She sat down and crossed her legs. "This is my first time in Ponyville, and I'm a bit lost. You're the first being that I've seen here besides the ponies working at the train station." "Oh, I'm... sorry about that. The ponies here are... very weird about anypony, sorry, anybody new here that isn't a Pony. We had a Zebra named Zecora come by and have the same thing happen to her. Since you're new, I can lead you around town though!" "Aw, you're so kind, I could just eat you up." She pinched his chubby cheeks. "But you said you know a Zebra named Zecora?" Spike nodded. "Yeah! You know her? She's really-" "SPIKE!" The two dragons heads turned to the source of the yell. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all rushed out, Twilight using her magic to float Spike over to her. Before Tethys could even introduce herself, or before Spike could explain, Rainbow came in with a flying kick on Tethys, who blocked it with her arm. "Pick on somepony your own size!" Rainbow said as she flew back to gain some distance. "Not trying to-" Tethys was cut off with a lasso around her, locking her arms to her side by Applejack. She sighed as she used her breath to make a layer of ice around the lasso. With a small flex of her arms, she shattered it. "Can we calm do-" She stopped herself and ducked when a flower pot was thrown at her head by the Rainbow pegasus, who was coming in for another kick. She was getting annoyed. This time, she caught the kick and threw her into the air. Luckily, Rainbow Dash was skilled enough to stop herself in the air before she began descending. Applejack tried to land a kick of her own, only for Tethys to side step and smack her in the side with her tail, winding her. She began coughing. A scowl was growing on Tethys' face. "If you damn ponies would listen for-" She was once again interrupted by the purple unicorn in front of her reeling her head back and shooting a blast of magic at her. Tethys didn't have time to dodge. She inhaled and shot a ball of ice to clash it. A small explosion of magic and snow was where the two attacks met. Tethys roared in anger, making everyone in the area cower for a moment. Twilight prepared another blast before Spike ran in front of Tethys and put his hands out. Twilight was still charging her magic. "Spike, what are you doing!? Move out the way before-" "ARE YOU ALL SERIOUS!?" Spike shouted at the top of his lungs. Everyone stopped in their tracks. "First Nebula, then Zecora, and now Tethys! You ponies haven't learned anything! You even ATTACKED her!" "Spike, we thought you were in danger-" Twilight tried to defend herself. "I wasn't! She pinched my cheek! RARITY does that! FLUTTERSHY did it before. But you don't say anything!" He then turned to the pegasus. "And you, RAINBOW! This is the second time you just go in swinging! ASK QUESTIONS FIRST!" Rainbow Dash winced and shrunk a bit at that. "Applejack, I can say the SAME thing!" She lowered her hat. Spike looked around to the townsfolk, beginning to poke their heads out the window. "And THE REST OF YOU AREN'T ANY BETTER! Hiding in your homes because you all are too scared to learn anything new, only believing the little you were told about whatever new being that comes to town! BE BETTER!" Spike began panting, out of breath from his rant. Everyone looked at Spike for a bit, Tethys being the first to speak. "...Well, that happened... Thanks, Spike. Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." She glared at the ponies and crossed her arms. "You know Nebula and Zecora?" "Yeah, they moved in a couple months ago. You know them? We were actually waiting for Nebula to come back from his mission." Spike nodded. She snapped her fingers. "I thought your names sounded familiar. So you're his friends? Honestly, I was expecting... better..." "Yeah, I'm sorry about them. They're really nice once you get to know them. I hope you all can be friends at some point. Is Skystrike with you?" Tethys flapped her wings and flew up to the top of the luggage to grab the stallion. She landed with him in her arms. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight quickly ran over to his side. Even Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy came out the Boutique to see him as well. Their hearts dropped. Fluttershy was surprisingly put together enough to ask what they were all fearing. "Is... is he... gone?" Tethys paused for a moment, then began laughing. "Oh, no, no... he's sleeping!" She slapped her tail on the ground. They all let out a long sigh of relief. "Thank Celestia... I'm so glad he's alive..." Fluttershy wiped a tear away. "No way he'd die." Tethys shook his head. "He worries too much to kick the bucket." "So, are you the dragon that's part of his group like Zecora?" Applejack asked the dragoness. "Yeah, I met him during his mission by chance. He said I should check out this town. So far, I will admit, it wasn't the worst welcome I've had." Tethys shrugged. "And, that wasn't a slight at you ponies specifically." "...Do you get attacked every time you go somewhere?" Rarity asked, kind of astounded. "Almost all dragons do. We don't exactly get warm welcomes. Kyne Lok actually slept in a nearby mountain here, and some ponies tried to force him out. One even kicked him." They winced at that. "At least you ponies weren't trying to kill me." "That's a... rather low bar..." Applejack said with some worry in her voice. "It's what we have to deal with. That's why I'm loyal to Nebula. He didn't try to kill me, and even helped me. But that's a story for later. Tethys dropped him on the ground from a not small height. He landed with a heavy thump, but was still sleeping. "I have to carry these boxes. Can you all carry him and lead me to his house?" "Sure!" Pinkie Pie jumped down to Skystrike and poked his head a few times, seeing if he'd wake up. "Pinkie, stop playing around." Rainbow Dash said. The pegasus attempted to lift him onto his back, but only then did she realize how much bigger Skystrike was than her. She collapsed, stuck under the weight of his upper body. "Helphelphelphelphelp!" Applejack was able to roll Skystrike over onto his back. "You alright, sugar cube?" "Yeah, just..." She huffed and rubbed her back. "I just never realized. I knew he was big, but gosh..." "He's only a bit bigger than Big Mac. Let me try." Applejack lifted the stallion, trying to put him on her back. Like the mare before, she collapsed under his weight. "Celestia, he is heavy! Get him off me!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie pulled him of the earth pony. "Thanks, girls... How is he still asleep!?" "I think we're going to have to drag him..." Pinkie rubbed her chin with her hoof, thinking aloud. Applejack used her rope and made a loop around Skystrike's waist. Tying it off with a know, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie all began pulling him. Even with that, it was slow. Tethys, who already had the many crates on her back, was getting impatient. She looked at Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Twilight. "You all should help them out." They did so, Fluttershy grabbing on with her mouth, and the two unicorns using their magic. "Jeez, how heavy is this guy!?" Twilight groaned as she was beginning to strain her magic. "It's like we're pulling a boulder!" Fluttershy flapped her wings to get a bit more force behind her pulling. "We have seen him lift boulders..." The group walked, and dragged Skystrike, for about twenty minutes, stopping at Skystrike's house. They all put down the luggage, catching their breath. They needed a break. After a few minutes, Tethys decided to break the silence. "So, how long have you ponies known Nebula for?" "Oh, most of us knew him since he was a colt, but met him at different times." Applejack fanned herself with her hat. "I met him at a summer camp one time, but that was it 'fore he moved to Ponyville." "My family owns a rock farm, and he did a mission there a few years ago, but I first met him when he moved here." Pinkie spread out on the floor. "Jeez, and I thought I was in shape..." "You're telling me..." Rainbow Dash was using her wings to fan of Rarity. "Fluttershy and I went to flight school with him before he moved to Canterlot." "And that was after I met him in magic school. He moved to Cloudsdale, then back." Twilight wiped some sweat from her forehead. "And apparently Rarity met him, but didn't remember." "Great, so I don't have to keep calling him Nebula." Tethys breathed some cold air into the group. "That should cool you all off. You said he went to magic school? But he's a pegasus?" "Actually, I've been meaning to ask that too." Rainbow stopped flapping her wings. "What'd he need to be there for?" "Well, he was the only pony, maybe even only being in existence with no magic. He was made to do a lot of tests by some ponies under princess Celestia. He didn't talk about it much. Other than that, he took classes like the rest of us. I bet he'd be pretty good at magic if he was a unicorn." "How long have you known Skystrike?" Spike took a seat next to the dragoness. "Not too long, only six years. Though I guess that is a while for you ponies and your lifespans. I was actually the first of his group. I think he was about twenty when we met." Tethys walked over to Skystrike and slapped him. "He's out like a light..." "How'd you meet?" Tethys sat back down. "Not too long, or interesting of a story. There was a large group of ponies that tried to kill me a couple years ago. Were after me for a few months before they finally cornered me in a cave. Too many wounds to run anymore, so I had to fight them off. The mage teleported them all away before I could finish them off, but they were in worse shape than I." She chuckled a bit at that. "After that, Skystrike was told he was given a mission to hunt something, but not what. When he found me on the ground, barely holding onto life, instead of killing me, he stayed with me for a while. Nursed me back to health. The rest is history." "That's a bit surprising. He didn't talk much when we were kids. It didn't seem like he cared about most things, let alone another being." Twilight chuckled. "But he did show he cared in his own way." "You can say that again." Tethys laughed a bit. "When he saw me, I could barely move. Didn't even say anything, just put down his sword and started patching me up. Only said something when he asked me to come with him." "Didn't say much to me for a while either. He was in my class for... almost two months before he said anything to me. First I even heard him talk was asking me if I was ok after he completely rocked one of my bullies." "Oh, he did that for you too?" Fluttershy spoke this time. "Skystrike... also fought one of your bullies?" Twilight asked. Rainbow laughed. "Three of them, actually. Two of ours were actual kids." They all paused at that. "He... fought a teacher? What did the teacher do for Skystrike to do that!?" Rarity was trying not to laugh. Rainbow looked at Fluttershy, who sighed a bit. "One of my animal friends passed the day before, and I wasn't over it yet. When the teacher asked what was wrong, I told her and she started laughing, and told me to get over it." "Then, Skystrike told me to take Fluttershy to the bathroom, saying she had to go, and don't pay attention to what the teacher says." Rainbow covered her mouth and snickered, thinking back to what happened. "As soon as we got out of the room, we turned just at the right moment where we saw it. Me, Skystrike, and Rainbow sat in the middle of the class, but he made that punch collide with her face so fast, I blinked and missed it. It was... kind of impressive if I'm being honest." "...Damn." The rest of the ponies and dragons said in unison. Rainbow finished the story. "And then, he moved back to Canterlot." She sighed. "You know, I never put together that that's why he moved back. Wish we got along better back then." "What, did you two not get along?" Applejack put back on her hat. "Oh, we got along fine. We were actually his foster family for the two years he was in Cloudsdale, and we all hung out a lot. He just always seemed... what's the phrase for it?" "Out there? Like his mind was always somewhere else?" Tethys offered, which Rainbow responded with a nod. "He worries too much. I only found out recently why he does. And before you ask, not my place to say." "...What did happen up there?" Rarity asked. "We don't know much, just that there were maybe dragons, and maybe hostages. But, Skystrike turned up fine, just tired. He doesn't even look like he got into any battles." "Oh, he fought alright, but best not to go into detail. Spike's still a baby." Tethys pointed at the young dragon. "Hey, does he normally sleep this long?" Spike poked at Skystrike. "If I remember right, he says he sleeps from midnight to six in the morning." "Well, he's been asleep for... he went to sleep at ten, so about 12 hours now?" Tethys tried to shake him awake. "Oh yeah, What about Zecora? How's that Zebra doing? Still speaking in rhymes?" "Oh, she lives in the Everfree Forest. I think Stardust said she was going to hang out there and wait until Skystrike came home." Twilight answered. "Alright, I'll call her." Tethys said as she took a deep breath. A couple hours earlier, Zecora and Stardust sat across the table from each other within Zecora's hut. In the middle of the two was a raven black book with a four pointed star on it and a lock. It was Skystrike's book. It took nearly a week for Zecora to finish the diary, and there was a lot to go over. Too much. She put small sticky notes in each page she deemed important. That being said, it was still more than she expected. As soon as Zecora thought she was halfway through, pages kept appearing, materializing as she continued, and disappearing when she went back. It was a magic journal. Makes sense if he had to write in this, thousands of times over his life. Skystrike asked her to keep it a secret if he came back, but something in the book caught her eye. He'd given her his diary specifically because he could trust her. Her, and the group they were once part of. Only fair that the others knew. She already explained to Stardust what Skystrike told Zecora before he left. "Stardust, confess I must, you hid so well, no fuss. Underneath our noses, you did play, but Skystrike saw through your display." The mare shifted uncomfortably. "...What do you mean? Hiding?" "When bathing in the cure for poison joke, not only was it dispelled, but magic broke. That is how Skystrike found out, your horn sticking through the water, no doubt." Stardust stared at Zecora for a moment. She wasn't joking. She was slightly embarrassed, and somewhat upset. Neon fire surrounded her for a split second before dropping. Where the off white mare once stood, was a pony-like figure, with skin of black chitin and arctic blue bug like eyes. "And I thought I was doing well... Good to see you again, Zecora." "It worked quite well, I couldn't tell. Good to see you too, Elytra. Let's chat for a spell." "What did you want to talk about? Skystrike's book? He was given that by the former queen. I always wondered what he wrote in it." "He penned each day in that diary. Gave it to me, said, 'Keep it, just in case,' you see. He holds faith in me, and you, it's plain to see. Fair you know its contents, a gesture so lovely." Zecora sighed slightly, before unlocking the book. "In darkest day, in brightest night, stow your fear, show your might. Beware your fears made into light. Do not falter, do what is right." Skystrike's diary unlocked, Zecora flipping through a few dozen pages and stopping. "His origins, he concealed, a secret within his chest. What I've learned, it is wild, beyond any test. You've witnessed the start, can you explain the rest?" Elytra took a seat, putting her elbows on the table and her forehooves together. "While we lived in the hive, the late queen Khrusalis... informally adopted him. I was one of the many caretakers, similar to a nanny, if that makes sense. Khrusalis put me in charge of making sure Skystrike would be properly taken care of. I was there for his upbringing... and for his banishment..." "What caused his exile, what's the lore, the reason he was banished, please implore." "I was stationed in Canterlot at the time, where he lived at the orphanage for a time. It was after he moved back to Canterlot, being about fourteen at the time. It's best you ask him... if he comes back." Elytra said that last part with a bit of worry in her voice. "From what I was told, by both him after it happened, and by the current Queen, Chrysalis, when the former queen went to visit him, someone found out about her travel to Canterlot. Skystrike and Khrusalis met in the far outskirts, beyond the Canterlot wall. But someone knew of their meeting, and they were ambushed." She sighed, resting her forehead on her hooves. "She... I was told she sacrificed her life to save Skystrike. But Chrysalis blamed him for her- their mother's death." Zecora's heart dropped. She was hoping that this whole time, Skystrike's book was just a sick prank. Even if that wasn't like him, it'd be easier to handle then the stuff that she learned he had to go through. "I..." "The worst part in my opinion was that... He saw us all as family... the only family he had. Blamed for the death of someone he saw as his mother by someone he saw as his sister, then for most of his brothers and sisters around him to ostracize him. He never was really the same sense. Never truly opened his heart to others since. Even when I asked him about it, he didn't go into detail, saying 'it was fine. It's in the past.'" "...If Skystrike's path was smooth, without each slip, I wonder what pony he'd be, without hardship's grip." Zecora sighed. "You and me both. All we can do now is try and make him happy... if that's even possible." "...And what of before? Before changeling kin he joined, a tale bemusing. Though he makes brief mentions, his past is quite confusing." Zecora flipped forward to some pages, noticing some lines hinting at something more. Sometimes, there's a part of me that believes that coming here, to Eques, was a mistake. That I should've stayed back in that lab. At least then, I wouldn't know the pain of betrayal. Then, Zecora flipped back towards the begining. Transforming for the first time was weird, especially walking on four legs, not to even mention the wings. "Skystrike... wasn't always a pony. He called himself human... The only reason that he came to us was because his welcome wasn't a warm one." Elytra sat back up straight. "I assume since he's still a pony, that they're still after him. The princesses I mean." Zecora would have to ask Skystrike about that. "Our questions, we'll save for when he's back. With hope, he'll return, our dear friend, safe on track." A roar could be heard, even from deep in the forest where Zecora and Elytra were. It sounded familiar. The two looked at each other, as if making sure they both heard the same thing. Once they realized who it was, Elytra made sure to put up her disguise as Stardust before she and Zecora rushed towards the roar. It only took a few minutes for the two to come out and join the group. Zecora jumped in the air to hug the dragoness, who caught her. "Tethys! It's a joy to meet you again, my friend! What brings you here, to journey's end?" Tethys pulled the zebra into a hug, who continued in a whisper. "The mare behind me is Elytra, but keep it discreet. A secret we must keep, do not let it leak." Tethys approached Stardust and put out a hand for her to shake, her hand nearly taking up her entire forehoof. "Nice to meet you, Stardust." "The pleasure is mine, Tethys." They gave each other a mock greeting, but their eyes shared the excitement of seeing each other again. "So... where's Skystrike?" "AAAUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" He snored. Loudly. "You roared pretty loud, how is he not awake?" "No idea." "AAAAAAAAUUUUUGHHHH!" Spike was trying not to laugh. "Stardust, you have keys to his house right? Can you open is so we can get inside?" Stardust nodded, getting her keys and unlocking the door. Tethys picked up the luggage and moved it inside, the ponies dragging Skystrike inside with them. The dragoness looked around. "I didn't even realize how massive his house was. Where'd he get the... no, I know where he got the money, but still." Zecora rolled her neck after helping drag Skystrike. "I recall his words so bright, he built this house for our reunions light." "HAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH! mimimimimimimi." Pinkie snorted at his snoring. "What was that!? Dear Celestia!" She wiped a tear. "We should probably wake him up..." "Honestly, I don't know what'll wake him up at this point..." Applejack poked him a bit more. "It's a bit impressive." "Oh! I have an idea!" Pinkie said before zipping away, only come back moments later with a small jar of smelling salts. She opened the jar and held it up to Skystrike's nose. Skystrike inhaled, then jumped awake. "Jesus!" He coughed from the strong smell. It felt like his nose was burning. "Hey, Neby!" Pinkie Pie greeted him with a hug. "Welcome back! And don't worry, I'm setting up that party I said I would! And happy birthday!" Fluttershy was next to hug him. "I-... we're glad you're back." One after another, each of his friends joined in on the hug. They enjoyed the moment for a bit before Skystrike broke the silence. "Oh, right, have you guys met Tethys?" The mane six all cringed at that. "...Ok, what did I miss?" They all looked at each other, their eyes telling one another for them to explain. Tethys actually did. "The baby, Spike, said that the same thing happened to Zecora, if that gives you an idea." Skystrike sighed. "It does. I'd say something, but I'll let you deal with it. For now, I'm hungry." Skystrike walked into the kitchen of his house and opened the refrigerator, looking for something quick to eat. He grabbed a few tomatoes and began eating. They judged him with their eyes. "Are you... just eating tomatoes like... an apple?" Applejack stared. "Yes. They're fruits right?" He continued to eat. "I'm hungry." "That's weird, Skystrike." Applejack cringed. He finished the tomato in his hoof, then smiled. Then pulled out a lemon and bit into the skin of the fruit. "What the buck is wrong with you? How do you do that with a straight face!?" "Please respect my privacy." He said before the two shared a laugh. He finished his food before stretching a bit. He reached for his chest before stopping. "No." "No what?" Twilight poked her head into view. "I was about to take off my armor, but you ponies would've been weird about it." "I... I don't know what you mean by that." Twilight avoided eye contact. "What I mean is I see the way you all look at Big Mac. And I get it, part of it is because he's like, one of a dozen single guys in town that's an option, but still. It get's weird. And most of you aren't even sneaky about it." "...I don't know what you're talking about." "Twilight, you have the lying skills of a child who just got told not to tell a secret." He checked the time on the microwave, it being 10:34. "Anyway, thanks for dragging me here, I can tell by the dirt in my armor. Girls, do you mind coming back at about two o'clock? I have something I need to talk about with Tethys, Zecora, and Stardust. We'll have that party that Pinkie was talking about." "Alrighty! Girls, you know the plan!" "Right!" They all said in response to Pinkie before leaving. "...I feel I should be worried." He said with a small chuckle before walking to his front door and locking it. "Help me close all the blinds. I got something important to tell you all." He said as he started to do so. Tethys, Stardust, and Zecora all did so, going around the house to do so. Once done, Skystrike went to get the Silence stone and activated it, making sure what he was about to say stayed between them. Skystrike took off his armor and put it on his armor stand in his bedroom and put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants before walking downstairs, and into the living room, the three of his friends waiting for him. "Oh, I see you dropped the disguise, Elytra." The changeling nodded. "Yeah, Zecora told me you knew. Wish you'd said something about it. It's tiring to keep up the transformation all the time." "I thought you trained enough where you can keep it up indefinitely?" "That's not the point, Skystrike." She rubbed her horn. "I don't know about you, but I like being in my own chitin. Only so much of Stardust is the real me. I don't want a persona and the real me to blend. As Stardust, I'm your guard first. As Elytra, I'm your sister first." Skystrike rolled his shoulder and sat down on the arm chair across from the three sitting on the couch. "Either way, you're my sister first. But if we're talking about this, I assume Zecora told you a lot?" Zecora nodded. "Indeed, I've covered key details, no doubt. Mostly what occurred within the hive's devout. And a bit of your journey when we did part ways, we recounted those memorable days." "Perfect... then if that's the case..." Skystrike focused on his transformation, the neon green flames surrounding him for a moment before revealing his human form. "...I do get what you mean, Elytra, about being in your own skin." "...Is this what you really are? A... hooman from a land afar?" "Yes, this is my real form. I am human, and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner." Skystrike leaned back in his chair and exhaled. "Think I figured out the reason why. Something mentally was stopping me. Elytra knew, because she saw me as a human first. I wasn't even able to tell Tethys until just before we found the lab. She had a hint that I wasn't a pony when I told her, same as you with my diary. It seems there's... a condition that one has to meet before I can reveal my human form. It being that they have to have some idea that I'm not a pony." "I see..." Tethys rubbed her chin. "Any idea why it's put there?" "Honestly, my first thought is that it's... some trial that they set up for me. At this point, it's all but confirmed that they planned for me to come here. To this world I mean. I heavily doubt they planned for me to get here the way I did though." "I'm puzzled, you see, your words are a haze. By 'they,' you imply humans, in many ways. Yet scarcely, I've penned their deeds from your words, so unclear, how they schemed for your coming, can you make it clear?" Skystrike nodded. He leaned back and looked at the ceiling, not liking to touch his past as a human. "Pretty sure that even Elytra doesn't know this, so I'll just start from the very beginning. Skystrike was the name I gave to myself once I began living in this world. The pony me." He put a hand to his chest. "The form you see me in, my human form, does not have a name. I am designated as P.R.O.W-0034, or 34 for short. From the moment I gained consciousness, I was told to fight. Every day, I, along with my brothers and sisters, were forced to fight each other and undergo... let's say special training and tests... to strengthen our physical and mana based abilities." He paused for a moment before putting his hand in front of his face, staring at the back of it. "Eventually, we were told to fight each other. To kill each other. I did so without question. I was seen as a prodigy to those scientist, completing every event near flawlessly. They molded me into someone who would only know violence." Skystrike let out a long sigh, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Until one day, someone new came, to teach me morality. I realized that everything I've done before was wrong. When I was told to finish off my last sibling, I didn't. And... I payed the price for it. That was when I decided to rebel. I didn't know I could escape at the time, so my only goal was to take out everyone with me. That was when I first took a life by my own choice. Unexpectedly, I found a portal to this world, and the book picks up from there." "That's... a lot to take in..." Elytra broke the long silence that followed his story. Then her eyes went wide. "Wait... you joined the hive at eight!" "Yes." She held her head. "By the pantheon..." "...I get why you don't speak of your past. The sheer amount of trauma you went through is vast." Zecora winced, finally taking in the whole story. "Fuck, Skystrike, I'm impressed you're still sane after all that. Not to mention what you had to go through after. I'm sorry." Tethys sighed. "I've had, well today makes seventeen years, to deal with all of this. I thought I would've been over it by now, but some more things came up. During the mission in the north, Tethys and I found a lab. Made by humans for the intent to spy on me, and if they felt it needed, neutralize me." He leaned forward making sure to look at each of his friends. "The coming months could be the most dangerous that we will ever see. There was only one portal that led that lab. I have no idea if there are any more, but I plan on going to look. I will do everything in my power to make sure no harm comes to you all, or anyone I care about." "And we'll do it together, right?" Tethys raised a brow. Skystrike hesitated to answer through baited breath. "...I made a promise. I intend to keep it, no matter how much I want to keep you all safe. But we have a lot to do if you all plan on coming along." "Didn't even have to ask, my friend. What is the plan, to bring the humans influence to an end?" Zecora, Elytra, and Tethys, all gave him a supporting smile. He smiled back. "Thank you... I'm glad I met you all..." He said before beginning to list off what they were to do. "First, in the next few months, I plan on doing a complete overhaul of all of our armor and weaponry. Thanks to the rewards I got from that mission, we can get great enchantments to make us stronger. Just need to buy the materials. After, I plan on seeing everyone from All one more time. Right the wrongs that I've done, if not getting them back in the group. Transportation will only be hard for Hippogriffia to see Skybeak, Caninia to get to Jeshan, and Ornithia to figure out where Celeano is flying. Finally, I'll be hunting down any trace of my race and neutralize them." "You haven't really thought this through, have you?" Zecora chuckled. "Only the armor and weapons parts. But I do have some ideas to get to our friends. Just have to get the money for it. I have to buy an airship, and upgrade it to get to Ornithia and Hippogriffia." "You know, I still have my hoard. I can give it to you if we need it to find our friends. Plus, I plan on moving in anyway. Need some time away from the dragon lands and seas." Tethys offered. "I've been keeping it in that magic bag you gave me those years ago. Same place we got yours." She reached under the armor covering her chest and pulled out said bag. Skystrike shook his head. "The offer is appreciated, but hold onto it for now, I have some money saved up." Tethys put her bag back. "My idea to get the materials is to buy them cheap. In theory, with Zecora's brews and witchery, and with my magic, we can transmute the cheap stuff into higher quality items, if not new elements entirely. Just need to make the transmutation equations." "And the power source?" Elytra asked. "I saw you make that weapon you bought to your mission. No way that airship and submarine will run on just batteries." "Well... the plan is to charge them with my own magic. A backup energy source will be a machine that mimics the bodily functions of this worlds inhabitants. Basically, it will absorb the latent mana within the atmosphere and convert it into magic as a fuel source." "...That... sounds like infinite energy!" "And that's what makes your world so lucky, and what made my race so interested in it. Still need to make the blueprints, then the prototypes. Give me a few months to get everything ready." Skystrike leaned forward, then used his magic to turn back to his pony form. "You know, you've grown a lot. I didn't expect... well I thought your muscles and stuff were an illusion. You were a thin kid." Elytra admitted. "Yeah, well when I became a pony, started relying more on my body than my magic." He quickly got used to his form again. "I do miss having hands. That's one of the reasons I wear my armor a lot. You all might as well stay here, since Pinkie wants to have a party here. Tethys, chose one of the empty rooms to be yours for now. I'm going to take a long, long, bath." He indeed took a long, long, bath. Nearly an hour actually. It was amazing. A week in the dirt, mud, and blood would make you pretty dirty. Luckily, he didn't get any stains in his coat. Making sure to brush his mane, tail, and coat of any lose hairs, he walked downstairs. Some bright colors were caught in the corner his eye, so he decided to look at what it was. "Oh, you guys are all here. I wasn't keeping track of time." "Howdy, Sky! Hey girls! Sky's done!" Applejack yelled to the others. "...You made me realize I need more guy friends." Skystrike reached the living room and sat in his arm chair. "Maybe I'll go talk to Noteworthy. Or Time Turner. Meadow Song seems cool. And of course, Spike is that guy." "There's Big Mac." "Applejack, not gonna lie, he's cool and all, but he kinda has something against me." Skystrike shrugged. "What did you do, sugar cube?" She asked. "Oh, nothing. He's protective of you. Has that older brother love. I get it." He chuckled as he got comfortable. Applejack saw what Skystrike was implying. "I'll talk to him about it. It'd be great to have you at the farm more!" "Oh, sweet summer child." Skystrike put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "I don't avoid your farm because of your brother. It's because the few times I went there, Granny Smith hit on me every time I went there." Rarity and Zecora, who just rounded the corner, burst out laughing. Applejack however, was mortified. "I'm... I'll definitely talk to her." "Imagine friend zoning your friends grand mother! Ahahahaha!" Rarity laughed some more. "It wouldn't be so weird if she didnt keep saying 'if only I was a few years younger.' And like, age isn't a factor in this scenario, I'm not gonna hit on your grandma." Skystrike put his hooves out, motioning to no one in particular. "I actually have a picture of her." Applejack reached in her hat and pulled out a picture. She was quite younger, about his age now, if not a bit older. From the aging on the photograph though, it had to have been at least been taken 30 years ago. But that was besides the point. "...Age may be a factor..." He laughed, then quickly ducked a jab at his head from Applejack. "You know what, that's fair." Applejack grabbed his sweatshirt angrily. "Skystrike you-" "I'm not going to do anything to your grandma. It's still weird, bro." She let go. "Good..." "What type of mare do you like anyway?" Rarity sat down on the couch next to them. "I am nowhere drunk enough to admit that to you. Ask me later." Skystrike leaned on his hoof before sniffing the air. "I smell food. And I realize I haven't eaten since I got home." "Well, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are baking, with Tethys being the taste tester." Rarity got comfortable, then looked to Applejack. "Didn't you bring some apples or something?" "Oh, right. Be right back, Sky!" Applejack ran to the kitchen, leaving Rarity, Zecora, and Skystrike alone. "So, darling, this being one of the few times where we can sit and talk, I must ask, are you... interested in anypony?" The house suddenly got quieter as Rarity waited for Skystrike to answer. "That's a silly question. Most beings have friends they are interested in. For example, you're interesting because of your eye for fashion, and you have a dream you actively follow. One of the most upstanding ponies I know." Rarity smiled at the flattery. "Well, thank you for that, but that wasn't what I meant." "...I'm confused." Rarity narrowed her eyes. "Skystrike, do you like anypony?" "I like a lot of ponies. It's easier to name the ones I don't like." Skystrike thought about it for a moment. "Actually, there's like three I can think of. Most of the ponies, actually, most of the beings I've met have been at the very least decent." Rarity's eye twitched and sighed. "Skystrike, you're dense." "No, I'm hungry." Skystrike's stomach rumbled. As if on queue, Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked into view. "I got apples!" The former said. "What type do you perfer? "The uh..." He squinted his eyes. "...The red one." "Baldwin, McIntosh, or Gala?" "...The... the first one." He put out a hoof to catch the apple that Applejack threw to him. "Thank you." He said before quickly finishing the apple in three bites. "Man, I needed that. Give me another." He was thrown another, then ate it in the same fashion. "More..." He was thrown a third, then a fourth for good measure. Skystrike scarfed them down. "God, that hit the spot." "Damn, Sky, you're going to give AJ a run for her money!" Rainbow said, flying over and leaning on the back of Skystrike's chair. "How do you eat like that?" "I have a big mouth." He chuckled. "Still a bit hungry. I need to do meal prep tomorrow." "Speaking of food, remember when the princesses were over for that meeting and you made us all food? That really helped with my afternoon workout. Anything special you put in your food?" "Oh, yeah. Special seasoning I made. Not only does it taste good, but it increases the speed of your digestive system, and how much energy you get from the food you digest. Took a while to get the right balance. Only downside is you have to work it off, or those extra calories sit in your body." "That was your fault!?" Rarity stomped a hoof. "I thought I gained a few pounds!" Skystrike poked his hooves together shyly. "...Sowwy..." Applejack and Rainbow Dash snickered. Rarity sighed, "It's... fine... I do need to get back in shape. A figure like this has to be kept at peak perfection." Skystrike looked closely at the unicorn for a moment. "What?" "Oh, nothing. Just never paid much attention to... actually, now that I think of it, anyone's figure." He shrugged. "A part of me appreciates that, but another feels like you don't see us as mares." Rarity sighed "I mean, I just try not to look at anyone that way, else it gets weird." He leaned back in his chair. "Plus, you're all girls. It's ok for you all to do it to each other." "I know Fluttershy appreciates it at least. You know like, at least half the guys in Ponyville have hit on her." Rainbow flew over from her spot next to Rarity. "And we all get it, she's a pretty mare, but most ponies barely take the time to get to know her. That's the downside of the dating market. Guys just think they can get anypony since there's so few of them. Er, no offense, Skystrike." "None taken. And I agree, Fluttershy is one of the nicest ponies I know. But- Well I guess I'm missing something. Why are stallions hitting on Fluttershy while barely knowing anything about her?" They all looked at each other, then Applejack sighed. "Celestia, you're dense." A moment passed as Applejack thought. "I don't know how else to say it, so I'll be honest. She has... assets that most mares would be jealous of. Apparently there's an... argument between her and Pinkie that some of the stallions keep arguing on." "What?" Skystrike blinked. "I'm confused." The mares looked at each other. "You... really haven't noticed?" "Noticed what?" It was Rainbow Dash this time. "Celestia, you are dense. Skystrike, they have fat flanks and big teats." "Oh." Skystrike sat up at that. "Wait, so what's the argument?" "The normal boobs versus butt thing." "...Well that's fucked. I'm sorry they have to go through that." He sighed. "Not a fan of objectifying." Applejack bit into an apple she bought. "I'm surprised you didn't say you relate. Mares in town talk about you and Big Mac the same way." "...They what?" "Well, after that whole competition we did, quite a few mares started getting interested in you. Especially after you took off your shirt. And I'm not going to lie... you have a good build. It's just... gets uncomfortable when other mares talk about my brother like that." "Thanks? I guess? I'm confused on how to feel on all of this." "Just be careful on who's actually into you, and who's into your body." Rarity used her magic to float over an apple. As if on queue, Twilight , Pinkie, Fluttershy, Stardust, and Tethys walked out of the kitchen. The pegasus, holding two trays of brownies, and Pinkie pie hopping next to her balancing a tray of Deli sandwiches on her back before they both laid them on the table. "Food! God, I'm hungry!" Skystrike said as he reached for the sandwiches. "Wait!" Pinkie said for the stallion to stop mid reach. "You almost forgot the flag, silly!" She pulled one out of her hair and stuck it in his sandwich. "There you go!" "Thank you!" He said before chowing down. "God, I needed that... I'd never thing to put avocados and apples together with swiss cheese." "We also made salads, grilled cheese, and egg rolls! And for dessert, We have cupcakes!" Pinkie listed, pulling out each from her mane, then put it back in. "Oh, so that's why Tethys has frosting on her scales." Skystrike chuckled as he took another bite. "Damn, this is good." Tethys got the frosting off her scales with a finger and ate it. "Oh yeah, since it's your birthday, should we play that game?" She gave a sinister smirk. "...I don't like that look you're giving me, but I do." Skystrike bit into his sandwich again. "What're we going to play?" Pinkie forced Skystrike to scoot over and sat next to him. "It's like Jenga, spin the bottle, and truth or dare, all at the same time." Skystrike finished his sandwich. "Rules are easy. We sit in a circle and spin the bottle. The one the top of the bottle lands on takes the Jenga piece and plays like normal. The fun part is, we all write our names on the wooden blocks. If you pull someone's name, they choose the truth or dare the player does. The player doesn't get to decide whether it's truth or dare. If you knock over the tower, everyone takes a shot of Vodka. And you can have your dares involve others, we're good enough friends to not do anything crazy." "That actually sounds really interesting." Twilight floated over her sandwich and began eating. "I'm in." The rest nodded in agreement. "Alright." Skystrike got up from his seat and flew into his workshop, coming back with a small crate of wooden blocks and some markers. "There's ten of us, so 6 blocks per." He put down the crate and threw everyone their markers, then passed everyone their blocks. Once everyone returned their blocks, they all took their seats. Clockwise, it went Skystrike, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, Twilight, Tethys, Zecora, then Stardust. Skystrike got a grilled cheese and ate it in three bites. Wiping his hooves, he picked up the crate, shook it to shuffle it, then quickly built the tower. Before he could even ask, Tethys decided. "Birthday boy goes first." "Alright." He said hesitantly before spinning the bottle. It landed on Applejack. She chose the safe option, going for a middle piece near the bottom. She looked at the name on the block. "Alright, Twilight, it's yours." "What is something you'd do if there were no consequence?" Twilight took a sip of her glass of water. Applejack thought about it for a moment. "I don't know actually... Punch some ponies I guess." Then something clicked in her mind. "I'd punch Filthy Rich! Keeps trying to buy my apples to upsell them." "...Well that's boring." Twilight huffed. "I was expecting like... theft at least." "Why would I steal? What would I steal?" "A fashion sense." Rarity smirked. "My turn!" Pinkie smiled as she spun the bottle. It landed on Skystrike. "Oh, this might be hard, having your big hooves." "I'll be fine." Skystrike chuckled. He bent his wing to use one of his primary feathers to poke one of the side blocks near the bottom out, then reading the name before placing it. "Rainbow... you know, I feel like I'm about to regret this." Rainbow Dash snickered, getting her words out while laughing. "I dare you to eat the entire tray of brownies Fluttershy made on the right! In under two minutes." "Seems easy enough..." Skystrike said as he started scarfing down the brownies. A look of pure dread went over Fluttershy's face as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Tethys's laughs were rising as he got closer and closer to finishing the brownies. Popping the final one in his mouth, Skystrike looked down at his chocolate covered hooves. Then began to lick them clean before wiping them off with a napkin. "I gotta say, Fluttershy, you make good brownies-... are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." "Skystrike, you're going to want to hold onto something..." Fluttershy warned him. "...What the fuck did I just eat, Fluttershy?" He sighed in annoyance. "What, you put something weird in it?" "W-well... it's not weird but..." She tried to figure out how to get the next words out. She walked up to him and put her hooves on his shoulders. "Skystrike... those... those were weed brownies..." They all began trying to stifle their laughters as it set in. "And you just ate enough to get all of us baked. And you're about to be... burnt." Skystrike looked at his hooves. "Oh... ooooh no." He said, fear leaking from his voice. Everyone else burst out laughing. "Oh this is going to be great!" Rainbow fell on her back, laughing. "Oh my Celestia, I'm so lucky!" "I'm going to get you back for this one day..." Skystrike pointed. "This is a declaration of war." "Sky, is this your first high?" Fluttershy asked, full of worry. "Yeah..." "I'm... I'm so sorry." "Rarity, spin the bottle please." Skystrike said, but it came out more as a beg. Rarity did so, the bottle spinning around a few times before landing on Zecora. Zecora pushed out a side block and read out the name and put it on top, finishing a layer. "Tethys, this block belongs to you. What would you have me do?" "I always wanted to ask, is this rhyming thing you do on purpose? Like, cultural? Or is it a gimmick?" Zecora shuffled embarrassingly. "I'm... the only one from my land who rhymes. While it is on purpose, it's hard thinking of some at times." "I KNEW IT!" Tethys and Stardust said at the same time. "You know, you can just drop the bit if it gets tiring." Tethys giggled. "I aspire to test how far I can flow, to maintain this momentum and let it grow." "Respect." Skystrike chuckled... longer that he normally would. "You know, I'm kinda hungry." "You can have the rest of my sandwich." Fluttershy offered as she spun the bottle, it landing on Twilight. "Half of it was filling enough." "You're the kindest pony I've ever met." He laughed and hugged the pegasus before taking the sandwich and biting into it, humming happily. Everyone laughed as Twilight used her magic to take out a middle block to start a new layer. "Skystrike, this one's yours." "Uuuuuuuuuuuh..." Skystrike thought for a moment. "...Go the rest of the day... without using magic... nerd." "...Buck..." "Yeah, you rely on your magic too much, don't ya? You... grape pony." Skystrike narrowed his eyes and took a look at the sandwich. "Oh my god, I can taste everything... What the hell was in those edibles?" Applejack spun the bottle, it landing on Skystrike, who slowly and carefully pushed a side peice out, slanting the tower a bit. He carefully placed it on top. "Pinkie... give me the thing Pinkie." The candy mare giggled a bit before speaking. "What's the biiiiiiigest secret you've kept that nopony knows about?" Stardust, Tethys, and Zecora looked at him with mild worry, wondering what he'd do. Skystrike smiled though. "Oh, this is going to be great. Tethys, right next to you is my saddlebag. Reach in and throw me my torque wrench." Tethys raised a brow and did so, Skystrike catching it in his left hoof, then reaching under his sweatshirt and using it, a couple clicks being heard. "OW! God, I can feel so much! It's so weird!" "...What was that?" Twilight asked. "Come find out." He lifted his right arm with his left. "Pull my hoof, REALLY hard!" Twilight hessitantly walked over and grabbed his right arm with her hooves, pulling and falling backwards with the arm still in hand. She looked at the ceiling, then at his arm to realize what she did. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. And then Pinkie screamed. Fluttershy went pale. Stardust gagged. Rainbow pulled on her face. Applejack rubbed her eyes to see if she was seeing right. Rarity screamed and nearly fainted. Zecora's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. And Tethys grabbed on her horns as she screamed. "By the dragon lord, his arm fell off!" Skystrike was laughing his ass off and slapping the floor with his other arm. "Skystrike, are you ok!?" Applejack ran over to put pressure on the supposed wound. Skystrike couldn't breathe from how hard he was laughing. "AAHAHA! Check... check the shoulder... AAHAHAHAA" Twilight looked down at the arm in her hooves and flipped it over. She looked at where the arm disconnected. Then she blinked. And she got even more confused. She took off the skin sleeve that covered it. "Wait a minute... it's... it's METAL!!?" They all stopped in their tracks, save for Skystrike of course, then looked at the arm. Tethys stomped over and took of Skystrike's shirt and looking at his right shoulder, picking him up and eyeing the metal socket where his arm would go in. She dropped him and sighed. "Skystrike... when did you lose your arm?" "Oh, don't worry, it was way before I met any of you." His laughter began to dying down. "I got it when I was eight. Had to keep upgrading it and the shoulder." Skystrike inhaled to catch his breath. "How did... What the..." Twilight's processing speed reached the breaking point. "You've had a metal arm this whole time!? How'd you even make this!?" "Pretty big secret, right?" He chuckled as he took a bit of of his sandwich. "...I can feel my teeth... I can FEEL my GUMS." Zecora took the arm from Twilight's hooves and looked at it from all angles. "Such a twist, quite unanticipated, I reckon, How in the world did this occurrence beget, second?" Skystrike's smile fell a bit. "That's a bit personal." Skysktrike walked to Zecora and took his arm back, putting it in place. "YYYYYAAAAAAARGH.... God DAMN! Does weed make you hypersensitive or something!?" "To some, yes." Fluttershy answered. "But back on topic, is it... directly connected to your nerves?" "Yeah, and it hurts like Tartarus to reattach them." He flexed his metal arm and tightened a few bolts with his torque wrench. Stardust put his arm in her hooves. "Can you... feel this?" "Yes, I made it so it works like my other arm. Same strength, flexibility, feel anything you can think of." Skystrike flexed it, rolling each joint to make sure it felt right. "More questions later. Tethys, spin the bottle!" Tethys sighed, and it landed on Skystrike. "Fuckin..." He chuckled and did the routine. "Applejack! Your name's on it!" He laughed before pausing. "...Why's it taking so long for you to speak?" "It's been like, two seconds." She smiled. "What, does time slow down when you're high?" "It... feels like it... Why are you taking so long to respond!?" He bit into his sandwich and finished it. "Why am I so hungry!?" "By the princesses, he's losing it!" Rainbow laughed. "I've always wanted to ask, but I never knew how to bring it up. Do you ever... think about looking for your parents?" Skystrike narrowed his eyes. "No point. I know where they are, six feet under." "O-oh... well, I'm sorry sugar cube. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories. I get it too, my parents being gone and all..." Applejack lowered her hat to cover her eyes. "Don't be. I killed them." He smacked his lips. "I'm... I'm hungry again..." Silence filled the room for a bit. Stardust rubbed her head. "Bombshell after bombshell tonight, huh? I'm just gonna ask what everyone wants to know. How'd you lose it?" "I was bought up to be a child soldier by my 'parents' and lost my arm when I didn't want to kill. Then I killed them after." He said way too nonchalantly for it to be even close to comfortable. "...Excuse my language, but what the buck, Skystrike." Rarity put out her hooves. "And you didn't think to tell us any of this before!?" "You didn't ask... and I didn't want to bring up my life before I came to Equestria... Life's been shit enough as is, don't want to dwell on the past." He grabbed a couple egg rolls and downed them like it was nothing. "I'd... rather we move on. Zecora, it's your turn to spin it." Zecora did so, spinning the bottle and it landing on Stardust. "Finally." She smiled and pulled out a middle piece and placed it on top, the tower shaking a bit. "Zecora, this one's yours." The zebra hummed. "Tell me, what's the wildest as a guard you've seen, In the line of duty, in a situation quite keen?" Stardust laughed, remembering what she had to write. "One time, I had to carry a mare stealthily to the emergency room from her apartment in Canterlot because she stuck an object in her... mare area. The object was the same as her cutie mark... it was a traffic cone." "Ew." They all said, save for Skystrike, who was zoned the fuck out. Skystrike had his own, special reaction. "Hoooooolyyyy Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" He held the note for a solid ten seconds. "Wow..." His eyes were red and droopy. Rainbow Dash snickered. "You- you enjoying it?" "Oh no, it's kicked in fully. You ok, Skystrike?" Fluttershy tilted her head. Skystrike processed the words coming out of her mouth, seemingly in slow motion. "...What planet am I on? What's today? ...MY WIG IS GONE!" Stardust snorted. "It's- its your turn big guy..." Skystrike reached for the bottle and spun it, landing on himself. Then he reached for the Jenga tower. But his depth perception was fucked. Instead of pushing out a block, he knocked over the entire tower. "Yatzee!" He said to himself before giggling like a school girl. Rarity coughed out her drink. Then used wiped her face with a napkin. "Skystrike, darling... will you be ok to have a shot of vodka?" "Sheeeeeeeesh, marshmallow I'll be... fiiiine... Paprika ain't raise no bitch." He chuckled and blinked. "...How late is it? I'm... sleepy." Rarity went to grab the alcohol and shot glasses at Skystrike used his wings to get up, but overshot the strength of his flap and hit the ceiling. Then fell down onto the floor. "...You ok, Skystrike?" Tethys tried to pick him up. Skystrike took Fluttershy's advice into account and held onto the floor. "My senses are heightened, I can feel my teeth... my eyes... my hair... and I don't remember what I... what I... what was I going to say?" "Rarity, I have an idea. You should make one of the shots water, and whoever gets it will be the lucky one." Tethys winked. Rarity came back with the Vodka and shots in her hooves. She set them down and quickly poured them, and some water for Skystrike, before floating one to each of them "Bottoms up, darlings!" Everyone threw back the shot glass. Then Skystrike rebuilt the Jenga tower and sprawled out on the floor. "...You guys ever think about... how if you stack lasagna on top of lasagna, you get... one lasagna?" Pinkie Pie started this time, taking a block and placing it on top. "Tethys! Hit me!" "After Skystrike and I split up, and I went back to the dragon lands, some of the dragons who've been talking to you ponies, and some ponies themselves, have asked me 'do it clap?' What does that mean?" "So basically..." Pinkie clapped without her hooves. "It's fun sometimes, but you don't look like you have the rear for it. No offense." Skystrike turned to look at Pinkie. "How did you... how did you clap without your hooves???" "Silly Neby, I just use my flank!" She slapped it. Skystrike stared at her and took a few seconds to process that before saying "GYATT! Applejack was right!" Skystrike began wheezing and laughing, sounding like a kettle on a hot stove. "Actually-... well we're all girls, and Skystrike's a good guy, so no harm in sharing. "I'm... a bit insecure about my body, so I use my ice to shrink the fat on my body. Makes me feel better, and less dragons hit on me. And it keeps the girls in check." "Trust me, I get it..." Pinkie sighed. "Sure, I'm a party girl and all, but that doesn't mean I sleep with every guy I meet." She laid on the floor and leaned her head on a hoof. "Then there's those stallions that think I'm an easy lay. Like, sure, I like sex. Who doesn't? Doesn't mean I open my legs to every stallion with a working dick." "...I'm sorry you all have to go through that." Skystrike sat up. "I don't fully get it, but I've had some similar things happen. Next time it happens, I'll punch them really hard." "What have you had to go through?" Tethys asked. "...when I was in Canterlot, between like, 13 and 15, I hit a massive growth spurt. At that point, I went from the size of like... Rainbow Dash about, to the size of your average stallion. And I was hit on a lot, didn't matter where. The weird ones are the ones that think I like them because I'm nice to them." "Yeesh. Sorry, dude. I'll admit I was like that when I was younger. Seems like both genders have our own problems." Applejack said after biting into her sandwich. "Mmm, these are good." "Wait... Tethys... you said 'the girls in check.' What, is someone bullying you? Who else I gotta punch??" He clenched his hooves. "Give me NAMES!" "...You know, I feel like if I did, you'd actually go find them, but that's besides the point. Remember how I said I'm a mammal?" Tethys then took off her chestplate by loosening the metal buckles behind the shoulder, the chestplate dropping on the carpet and exhaled, releasing the ice magic she kept in her body. The well toned muscles on her body were soon hidden by the layers of fat as she grew wider. She looked over her body. "Huh, haven't seen myself like this in a while. Legs are thicker... so is my tail... and I have some pudge. And the girls got bigger..." "Damn, they're as big as me!" Stardust couldn't help but stare. "I see why you're insecure. I cant imagine what you've had to go through. But that ability of yours is pretty convenient..." Rarity laid on her side and rested her head on her hoof. "We should not be judged by the vessel we inhabit, but what we do with the gift of life. While it's surprising, I don't plan on treating you any differently because of your body. That's what friends are for..." Skystrike spoke. "That being said, my eyes are blurry. What are we al looking at?" He laughed. "Basically it's Tethys, except she's got huge boobs. I mean some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Packin some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big old tonhongerekoogers!" Pinkie said, making grabbing motions with her hooves. "...Whuh?" Skystrike couldn't even say the word correctly. "Bonkhonagahoogs, Skystrike! humungous hungolomgohnonoloughongous!" Pinkie grabbed his face and faced it towards Tethys. "...Dude are we... are we talking horses?" Skystrike rubbed his eyes. "...why are my eyes closed but I can see? Are we... still playing the Jenga remix?" "Oh, right." Rarity realized that it was her turn, then spun the bottle. It landed on Skystrike. He stood up and walked over, not being able to see that well, and pushed the block out with his snout. "Rares...ty..." She thanked her lucky stars. Rarity sat up and leaned forward. "Skystrike, well... you're high as a kite, not drunk, but I'll still ask. What type of mare do you like?" Skystrike felt this was a trap. Or a leading question. But he said he'd answer. He put up a hoof before running out of the room and pushing in a white board on wheels. He popped the cap of the marker and began speaking as he wrote. "Let's start things off simple..." He wrote a single word on the board. "Women. Not mares. Women. I'm not racist." He slapped the board. "Getting into specifics... I'm not picky. You nice to me? You probably got a chance if you ask me out." He wrote the word nice on the board. "Are you nice to others, and not specifically me? Great... your chances have gone up." And he drew an arrow pointing upward. They all stared with varying levels of interest. "Lets get the... the touchy part out of the way... your body type... doesn't matter that much. Skinny bitches, thick bitches, fat bitches, whatever bitches, come my way!" He laughed to himself as he wrote 'all types' under 'Women'. "Your colors don't matter too much... as long as you aren't some absolute degenerate clash of color. Like... if you made an OC as a child and had no idea of color pallets Like black with bright red stripes... Fuckin... edge lords..." Skystrike then wrote 'bad colors' on the white board. "Any questions so far?" He slapped the board a few times for no apparent reason. Then giggled. "Uh, yeah, do any of us have bad colors?" Twilight asked. "I feel like that's a leading question, but no. All of your colors work well. It doesn't hurt the eyes. Which says something for most of you, being bright as fuck..." Skystrike squinted. "Alright then, keep going." Twilight crossed her front hooves and bit into her sandwich. "Cool... now, my second favorite part." He drew a giant plus symbol on the board, then made space to write. "All women... well most women start off with a five. Why do you think that is?" The girls looked around at each other before Rainbow raised a hoof. "...Because you don't know them yet?" "Good job!" Skystrike gave a wide smile. "You get a prize!" He went to his armory and got a decorative dagger and handed it to Rainbow, who took it, confused as hell. "If I just met you, I only know how you look, and since I don't judge on looks mostly, you are in the middle of the road. Solid. Five... You muhfukers know how that score gets raised??" This time, Rarity raised her hoof. "Um... you said body type didn't matter that much, so... what they do?" "Meh, close enough." Skystrike went to his armory again and came back with a silver engraved tiara and put it on her head, then ruffled her mane. "Their habits is the game changer." He wrote 'habits' on the white board. "If you do something productive, fuck yeah, that's nice as hell. Brings you from 5 to like... a 7 max, depending on the habit... You like, I don't know... learning a new skill? Solid 7. Reading a new book? A very nice 6. Getting different perspectives? Very good 7. You get even more points if I'm into those habits too! And the best part? I'll try almost anything!" Applejack raised a hoof. "What wont you try?" Skystrike had to think on it for a moment. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... I don't know... I'll get back to you on that if there's something that throws me off... Anyway... onto my FAVORITE part of what I like in women... and Rarity you'll like this one... how they dress..." He wrote 'How they dress' on the white board. "Clothes! Hot as hell! Hair styles! Hot as hell!" He slapped the board at the end of each sentence, getting a couple laughs. "Fuck, let's not be specific to ponies! The curves on their horns! The stripe patterns! The shape of their fins and frills! HOW FLUFFY THEY ARE!" He slammed the floor. "But, if you want my personal opinions... well, it differs per being, but I'll tell you what you can't go wrong with..." He began writing on the board. "Dresses, bows, stockings, glasses, scarfs, sweaters, skirts, fish nets, rings, necklaces, bracelets, hats, pantyhose's, anything that complements your natural attributes. And this doesn't apply to just clothes, like I said! bangs, Shag cut, Lob cut, Bob cut, Wedge cut, Undercut, Curls, Frizzy, Long, short, Mohawk, they're all hot as hell!" Each of them took a moment to look at their own hair, and thinking. Then Rarity had an idea. "And... what would you recommend to each of us?" The girls all looked to her. "What? I don't know about you all, but at least I'd like a guys opinion. Plus, it seams like Skystrike here knows something about fashion, unlike most of you..." "Well excuse me, miss 'I must look perfect for every occasion.'" Applejack quipped. "And that's why a lady like me models my own clothes." She closed her eyes and smirked, acting all high and mighty. As soon as she opened her eyed, she met Skystrike staring her in the face, their noses touching. "...S-Skystrike, what are you." "Beatnik... Beatnik Rarity... Red barrett, black sweater." He said before going around the circle to the next one. "Fluttershy..." He rubbed his chin. "...You would most definitely rock the goth style... like, the Victorian goth... But I don't know the names for those clothes..." He stepped over to see Applejack, and circled around her. "...You don't like anything too flashy... Sun dress and... round braid..." His head snapped towards Rainbow Dash. "Ponytail, sports wear... like a track suit... and a necklace." Skytrike then looked up at Tethys. "...High slit, open back dress, silver, and... rings on your horns." Zecora waited somewhat hesitantly. "An undercut would work well, but to be honest, the neck rings, bracelet, and ear rings are already peak... an Ankara dress would suit you..." Stardust waited patiently. "Bob cut with uh... wrap dress... a red one..." Finally Pinkie shuffled in her spot in anticipation. "Honestly, you're a hard one... bouffant dress, straight hair... if you can... I know your hair is like, a monster in and of itself." "Those are actually all good ideas. I might use those... How... how do you know all of these types of styles darling? Just curious." Rarity took out a note pad and jotted some things down. "You have a sister, and I bet she already doesn't want to match styles with you, right? Now imagine that with four girls. Those were my sisters..." He sighed, thinking back on it, then laughing. "I was about to say something that wasn't even funny, then I forgot what in Tartarus I was going to say. Oh god, I'm fucking losing it." "It sounds like you just don't have a preference..." Rainbow chuckled. "We need to get you a marefriend. Then you'll know what you actually like." "...I think that aliens are trying to talk to me with my mind... And while I... appreciate the offer, I don't need help from somepony who I'm the only stallion who they talk to besides their father." Rarity and Applejack snickered as Skystrike. "Well excuse you! I can get a coltfriend if I tried!" She said flustered. "Besides, you can't even get on if you tried!" "ExCUUUUSE you! I have a Ph.D in Rizzics. I get all the ladies!" He bit into another eggroll. "Oh yeah?" She narrowed her eyes. "Prove it." Skystrike stared at her then laughed so hard that he fell on his back, snorting. After composing himself, the strutted up to Rainbow Dash, shaking his hair out. "Hey, real quick, there's something on your chest." He pointed a hoof at a smear that wasn't there. Like a fool, a goofy head, Rainbow Dash looked down confused, only for Skystrike's hoof to pull her up by the chin for their eyes to meet. "Hopefully me soon~." Rainbow's jaw dropped as her face turned red and her wings spread out. Skystrike snorted and he fell to the ground laughing, along with everyone else. "AHAHA! She got a wing boner!" Pinkie laughed and pointed. "That was the stupidest line I've ever done!" Skystrike kicked his legs in the air. "How did that work!?" Once the laughter died down, Fluttershy spun the bottle. Then it landed on Zecora. "Twilight, this one belongs to you. What would you have me do?" Twilight thought for a moment. "You've known Skystrike for a while. What's the funniest thing you know about him?" "Zecora, don't rat me out!" Skystrike laughed. Zecora giggled, thinking about what she was about to say. "Skystrike's clueless about societal forms, and I question if he's learned any norms." "Yeah..." Skystrike admitted. "That explains a lot actually." Twilight rubber her chin in thought. "Maybe it's because of where Skytrike's from." "We did have many different norms where I'm from. And I assumed it was the same until I was told... otherwise. I almost said underwear for some reason..." "Give us some examples..." Twilight leaned forward. "Uuuhhhhhh fuckin... The whole dating market here is reversed. Where I'm from, the guy is supposed to ask out the girl. Aaaand uuuuhhh... now that I think of it, mostly the opposite of here." He rolled his joints. "Like uuuh... poligamy is actually looked down upon. I don't even know how it works. I only found out like, 5 months ago that I found out that it's the norm here." He laughed. "Where I'm from, there's also a patriarchy, instead of matriarchies. Next, you're going to tell me that it's the guys who stay at home and do house work." "...Well, they do traditionally. Not so much anymore... What else do you not know?" "...How would I know what to tell you I don't know???" Skystrike put his hooves out. "Like, bruh." "You must at least know the common stuff, like, how herds work, or expectations of a stallion, right?" Rarity asked. "...Girl talk is weird. No, I don't know any of that, and I don't think I really care. I don't expect certain things from others because of their gender." Skystrike sat and thought for a moment. "But that does remind me of that time you called me 'marely', and in hindsight, I didn't see many guys in my line of work." "Well, if you want an example, it's Mrs. Cake that's actually in charge of the bakery. Mr. Cake helps out, obviously, but he's expected to take care of the kids when they have some." Pinkie explained. "Wait... is that why you all thought I was gay? Because the norms where I'm from is what the opposite gender does here?" Tethys snickered. "They thought you were gay?" "It's also because well... most guys talk about their sex life, and Skystrike is a virgin." Applejack bit into another apple. "Holup, you think I'm a virgin?" Skystrike raised an eyebrow. "I'm insulted." He mock scoffed. "Sky, we know you don't have sex. It's ok to be a virgin at your age." Rarity tried to make him feel better. But now, he was actually a bit insulted. "Motherfucker, I already showed I got dat dawg in me. I get bitches." "Prove it. I know you can't." Rarity snickered. "He's not a virgin." Tethys and Zecora said in unison. The room when dead silent, then Skystrike laughed again. "Called it!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof in the air. Then Applejack and Rarity gave her some bits "Fuck you guys!" He said getting really loud. "I'm tired of yo asses bruh, Now I'm really 'bout to get to the packin' the packin' the flippin' the flappin' the clappin' the slappin' upside your head, bruh! Your name is Rainbow Dash, your hairline crashed, you fell into a farm and said 'I like my potatoes mashed'! Girl if you don't get yo 'watch me whip watch me nae nae' ass outa here! You messed up a flight, and started yelling mayday! Your grandma gave Bling Bling Boy a lap dance for a payday! Wait hold up a second-" He grabbed a pillow from the couch as the laughter around him grew and began beating it. "GIVE ME THE MONEY GRANDMA 'aHhH! pleAse StOp!'" He spoke in an old lady's voice. "Shut yo dumbass up! And I ain't done yet! Applejack if you don't get yo jenga playin' doodoo fart sprayin, ugly face displayin' Body build like a mutant naked mole rat, got all the bad genes, you were born in the wrong format, 3'2 you look like the Lorax! You dumb ass hell shut yo' ugly ass up!" He inhaled deeply as his friends were rolling on the floor losing it. "And Rarity, I didn't for get you! You better get your shopping cart, crippled fart, Got an A mom I'm smart, Bubble bass, wax your ass, you mow the lawn by eating grass! Tell me how in the flippity wippity dippity FUCK your grandpa lost a seven hour staring contest to a wall of paint!" Pinkie couldn't breathe and her stomach was hurting as she kept laughing. "No more! No more!" She wheezed. "nO MoRE! No MorE! SHUT YO FAT ASS UP PINKIE! Oh you thought I was done!? Now I'm really 'bout to get to the packin' the rappin' the dibi duh daba duh flippity flobbidy doppity de dippity de de de de flibbitty wibbity doo doo slumpin slappin do be do do derongeribby dobiddigidy!? I'm about to hit a combo move on yo ass now! UP UP DOW DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT, YOUR CURRENT ROOM MATE IS A TAPDANCING TERMITE! You got baptized in a fishbowl at Petco, you dirty as hell! You poured hot wheels cars in your ass and called it THE THUNDERDOME You nasty as hell!" He finally finished and inhaled deeply, before roaring at the top of his lungs. Finally being able to speak after catching her breath from her fit of laughter, Pinkie spoke. "Dear Celestia, I don't even know what that was but that was one of the best things I've ever experienced. We have to do this again." "My throat burns, My eyes hurt, and I'm sleepy." Skystrike said and he fell on the floor. Fluttershy giggled a bit. "Your eyes are still as red as a beet." "Oh, I haven't blinked for a while. I feel like if I do, I'll fall asleep..." He yawned. "But my eyes do burn. Let me just..." And just like that, Skystrike fell asleep. "...Today was a day." Applejack sighed, then laughed a bit. "So, are we just going to ignore that Skystrike scored Zecora AND Tethys?" Rainbow smirked and looked at the two. "We can't just drop that!" "I mean, what's there to say?" Tethys stood up and grabbed the vodka, pouring herself another shot and drinking it. "I'm kinda with Skystrike on this, it's weird to talk about sex. But if you must know, I assume it's the same for you ponies." Zecora, being a bit tipsy, was much more willing to answer. "Tethys, dragons and ponies, quite the song, But compared to dragons, ponies don't last long." "...Wait, how long to ponies last?" Tethys raised a brow. "...We're lucky if we get a two minutes." Rarity admitted. "That's gotta stink, at least ten with Skystrike you'd find, A deal so sweet, it'd blow your mind." Zecora smirked. "I spy some of your gazes, cast at him with grace. Yet he's a dense one, slow in life's race. His stance on herds, a mystery we face, so act right now, don't let your chances go to waste." "Wait, why are you giving them advice? I could've sworn you were into him yourself." Tethys whispered into the Zebra's ear. "I thought you felt the same, it's true. Why fear competition in our crew? With luck, together, we'll all break through. In unity, our goals we'll pursue." She whispered back. Stardust, who was listening in had an uncomfortable look on her face and joined in on the whispering. "You two, I'm fine with. Known you girls long enough to trust you with him, and while they aren't bad ponies... I still can't help but worry, you know?" Tethys locked her arms around the two, pulling them into a hug and smiling. "It's been a while since we've all been together. I'm glad I got to meet you two." Then Tethys let go. "Now, getting back to the game..." All eyes turned on her. "Skystrike may be out of the game, but I plan on playing some more. It's just us girls now... and there's so much I want to learn about you all..." They were all excited, but they could see a sinister grin grow on Tethy's face. The night's still young, after all... > The time we have left. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was six in the morning. Skystrike's body was back with it's internal clock. The first thing he asked himself is 'What am I willing to deal with today?' The second was 'What the fuck happened last night?' All he remembered was the weed he had. He looked at his surroundings, realizing he was still in the living room. Then tried to not lose his shit when he saw the state of his friends. Tethys was holding Fluttershy and Pinkie in her arms as they slept with the dragonesses wings around them. Rainbow was sprawled out on the couch, Zecora was using Stardust's side as a pillow. Applejack fell asleep on-... was that one of his barrels of cider? She probably tried to outdrink Tethys while they were playing. Rarity was upside down on the couch opposite to Rainbow Dash. But the funniest was Twilight. She was yamcha'd, lines of ash around her as she laid on the ground with a burnt horn. She used the 'explode everything including yourself' spell. And it was very hard to stifle his laugh. He decided to do his morning workout of a run through the Everfree and lifting his boulder, it was only 7:30 when he finished and came back. And they were all still asleep. He chuckled and went to the kitchen. It's Sunday, so they can afford to sleep in a bit. Deciding to be nice, Skystrike got everything together to make a whole breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, haybacon, and fruits. Well, Tethys was here too. He'd go fishing later for her diet. It took a little while, preparing all the ingredients and cooking enough for 10 beings, but he knew they'd appreciate it. Rainbow Dash was the first to wake up to the smell. She groaned as she rolled over. "Uuuhg... Last night was... a night of all time. What time is it?" "Quarter past eight." He said, flipping a pancake in the air. "And the bathroom is down the left hall to the right." As if on queue, the pegasus mare went to the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later. "Thanks... I didn't realized how hammered I got... Are you ok, by the way?" "I'm super drowsy, and I had the weirdest dream." He chuckled. "I was... I can't even remember it besides it was being weird." "What're you making? Smells good." "Pancakes, eggs, haybacon, and various fruits. Hopefully it'll help you all get over your hangovers... How much did you all drink?" "Well not including you, I was the second out after Twilight. She lasted through two shots, and I lasted through 3. But by then, the only ones who weren't at least tipsy were Applejack, Tethys, and Zecora." "Still going to get you back for those edibles." He chuckled. "When you least expect it. And it won't be small. Breakfast is almost done, so go wake everyone up for me while I set the table." She smirked. "You know, for someone who barely knows social norms, you really know how to be a stallion." She said as she went to wake everyone. After about twenty minutes for Skystrike to wait for them all to finish using the bathroom. Everyone had bags under their eyes as they drowsily began eating. They thanked him for the food before the small talk began. "So, what's the plan today, Skystrike?" Tethys asked. "I told Spike I'd hang out with him in the afternoon. He was a bit bummed he couldn't hang out with us on my birthday. I plan on flying a good hour out to Ghastly Gorge and hope to find some ores. I'm going to do an overhaul on the armors I make." "Thinking of a new look for your armor?" Pinkie asked. "Oh! You should add glitter!" He chuckled, taking a bite of his food. "Heh, actually, I plan on my new set looking the exact same. Comes with my line of work." "...I don't get it." "Well, two things mainly. First, my armor is like a brand. When you see it, you know it's me. And if I have my swords on my side, you know what I'm there for. Second, on the strategic side, say we get into a fight, and you did your homework on me, so you know what my armor could be weak to and its weak points. Now, what if I have a completely visually identical set that counters what you studied for?" "Makes sense." Pinkie said before chomping down on a whole Pancake. "I also plan on going to the mayor, as I have some paperwork I need to do, as well as get Tethys marked as a resident." Skystrike took another. "The taxes on that must suck, huh? Taxes kick me in the flank from my business I can tell you that." Rarity sighed. "Actually, I can file most of my business expenses under public service, since I help ponies, and sometimes the government. And that sounds good on paper, but I don't get paid much compared to the risk I take each mission. Dont get me wrong, I got money. I can do like, two to six missions a year depending on what the payout is, but many times it isn't worth it. I'm called for the most dangerous or the most suspicious missions, so the risk most often out weighs the rewards. Then I have to pay for the materials I used, the prep work, and the upkeep on my equipment. As a group, most times we spent 40-60% of the reward money. Even alone, it's about half of that. If they took out taxes, I'd be broke most of the time." "Jeez. Then how do you make a profit?" Applejack asked. "I can charge almost anything I want with the given information as you saw with the princesses a couple weeks ago. On top of that, anything that wasn't disclosed before the mission that I find out about during the mission, I can charge extra." "Well... I get why you can do that, but what's stoppin' somepony from just lying?" "Well, if you're naïve and have money to waste, nothing. Most times, it requires proof. For example, since I couldn't transport dragons back to Canterlot as proof, I had to bring one of the ponies from the village who was a witness to what we did. Bought in a pretty good haul." "Wait, you had to kill dragons? As in several?" Twilight was making sure she heard things right. "Yeah, six juveniles, one adult. Tethys helped me out with the adult. Just waiting for the bodies to be transported here so I have some materials to work with with what I also got from the princesses. Luckily, I got better over the years. Costs this time is less than 10%." He smiled and pumped his arm. "Well, congrats on that. I'm just glad you came back alive!" Applejack bit into one of her apples. Damn, she likes apples. Where did she get those apples? "Any... any idea when your next mission is?" Fluttershy spoke this time. Skystrike leaned back in his chair and thought. "Depends. The next one is more personal, so it's more on how much I want to prepare. It'll take me at least six months. I'll tell you more about it once the plan is finished. But enough about me. What about you all?" "I have some prep work for the animals. I left Harry in charge of everything last night." Fluttershy rubbed her eyes. "And maybe try to shake off this hang over. "Just real quick, how much did you all drink? I saw you got into my cider." Skystrike chuckled. Tethys laughed as Applejack groaned. "Well, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and myself were the last ones awake, and we decided to have a drinking contest. Not knowing that dragons can hold their liquor quite well. I was more surprised the quiet one is the better drinker than the one who makes the alcohol." "Damn, that is surprising." Skystrike chuckled. "Yeah. Anyway, Rarity said she'd make me some outfits and underwear so I won't be going commando all the time. Maybe get those rings you spoke about yesterday." Tethys ditched the fork and knife and used her claws to eat. "Make sure you get a copy of the measurements. Gotta make you new armor. And while I couldn't really see last night, I remember something about... bonkhonagahoogs? If you want me to make your armor fit your actual body, It's no problem." She shook her head. "Thanks, but not that confident yet. I'll stick to this form for now. Zecora, Stardust, mind coming with me? I don't exactly know what clothes would work on me." "Count me in, my dragon friend. I have nothing to do until days end." Zecora nodded. "Yeah, I can write my reports later." Stardust nodded as well. "I got some work on the farm. Then I gotta make sure Applebloom does her homework." Applejack finished her food. "The cakes and I have to prepare for the week. But I'll be free tomorrow!" Pinkie squirted syrup in her mouth. "I don't have much to do. I'll find something." "Same here... Maybe I'll reorganize all the books in the library by title instead of author." Twilight was still using her hooves to pick up the utensils instead of her magic. Everyone finished their meals as Skystrike put everything in the sink to deal with later. "Welp, thanks for last night. It was fun. I'm about to start flying." "Actually, Skystrike..." Tethys stood up and put a hand on the table. "We haven't sparred in a while. And I want to see how strong you've gotten over the years apart. What do you say we go a round?" He smirked. "At least ask me out to dinner first. But sure, why not? Zecora, you wanna help her out?" "My touch has waned, it's true, no rush, Can you handle both of us without a hush?" Skystrike stretched and shrugged. "Probably not, but it's all in good sportsmanship. Like always!" "Wait, you've been... playing during our sparring sessions each time?" Tethys clenched a fist. "...Were... were you not?" That slightly pissed Tethys off. "Skystrike, we dragons take pride in our strength. It's in our nature. And you're telling me you weren't even fighting against me seriously!?" "I fought you seriously. It's just easier on my mind if I act like it's a game and not a fight I actually have to win." Skystrike got a bottle of water and began drinking. "So you've been holding back!?" Tethys asked angrily. Skystrike stayed silent for a moment. "Of course I have. I prefer you alive. But if it pisses you off so much, I'll... let lose a little." He said with some hesitation in his voice. They stared out eachother in silence before Tethys pushed herself off the table. "Get your gear, and meet me outside. I will be able to tell if you're holding back. Zecora, you'll have to spar another time. This is between me and him." Skystrike and Tethys stood across from each other in Naga's arena. His friends, and Naga who slithered out of her cave decided to watch too. Skystrike sighed. His smirk fell, his facial features showing that this was serious. He looked down at his armor and stood on his hind legs. "You sure about this, Tethys? I'm telling you now you don't know what you're really asking for." "Cut the worrying and bring it, Skystrike." Tethys spread her wings, ready to fight. Skystrike dropped his armor's metal tail as a counter balance. He looked in her eyes one last time before his collar folded out into his iconic helmet. "Don't say I didn't warn you..." Skystrike knew he was going to regret this eventually. Tethys wasn't even able to process his tone before her eyes went wide from his rapid approach. He wasn't even that fast, but he just ran straight at her. She planted her feet and shot a ball of ice at him. A loud boom was heard, but not from the ball of frost, but from Skystrike moving so fast, a small blue circle of fragmented light radiating behind him. Faster than she could blink, Skystrike was behind her and landed a kick to her back. Tethys flew forward a few feet before flipping and maneuvering her body to face Skystrike with a growl. She was barely able to stop the next attack. Another boom came from Skystrike's burst of speed, going for a left jab at her head. Tethys just barely caught the hoof with her left claw, but couldn't stop the hook from his right hoof. Tethys was staggered, but still holding on to his hoof. Realizing she wasn't letting go, Skystrike twisted his body to get Tethys into a lever arm grapple. The first hit Tethys got on the stallion was her frost breath to get him to release her arm. The two stood up, back to their starting positions. Tethys rubbed her face. "...Got anymore in you?" "More than you know... Normally, this is where I'd give you pointers, but you don't care about that, huh?" Skystrike said with a hint of annoyance. "You just have something to prove." "Damn right I do." Tethys spread her wings and inhaled sharply, before shooting a ball of ice at him once more. Skystrike punched through it and stared up at her. The dragon was right behind it, and bared her jaws as she grappled him. He pushed against her with his arm in her jaws. Even with the armor guarding him from the teeth, the pressure still hurt. She used her weight to push him into the ground and onto his back. Skystrike sent her back by using his back legs to buck her in the stomach and into the air. Tethys spread out her wings to catch herself in the air. "All this time, I thought we were equal in strength. I was fine with my leader being my equal. But seeing you having that power and not using it pisses me off..." Tethys inhaled, then shot out a blast of ice nearly twice Skystrike's size. Again, Skystrike punched through it. "It's exactly because I have all this power that I don't use it." Boom. Skystrike grabbed Tethys by the feet before spinning around and throwing her into the ground, then landing heavily next to her. "You couldn't know the pain of having your power go beyond your mortal form... Let alone what it can do to others if you let loose a little." Tethys got up and tried to land a roundhouse kick on Skystrike, only for him to sidestep and grab her leg, flipping her and slamming her into the ground once more. "So, let me get once thing clear with you, Tethys..." Skystrike drew one of his swords and stabbed it into the ground next to Tethys's neck. For the first time in a while, she felt fear. "...I hate this. The taste of blood in my mouth. The vibrations in my hooves when I clash with another. The look of fear on my opponents as they think back over every action they took to meet me in the eyes... I hate it." He crouched down, his armored hoof still on the grip of his blade. "I wish each day that I could leave this life of battle behind me. To rid myself of the reminders of my past. But if I do, there won't be others to take up my mantle..." He stood up and sheathed his sword. "Did you ever stop to wonder why I disassociate during fights? Let alone notice? Wonder why I always try to think of it as a game when I spar? Because from my very first battle, I had to kill those I care about. And I don't want to imagine you in that situation. Now, are you satisfied?" He seethed at the dragoness. Tethys didn't say anything. Her look of anger from earlier changed to a look of regret. She stood up, brushed herself off, and looked down at the stallion, trying to say something. But she couldn't get the words out. "Great." Skystrike said in a monotone voice. "I'm going to Ghastly Gorge. Potions are in the cupboard next to the entryway." Skystrike let out a sigh before beginning to walk towards his destination. Zecora was the first to break the minutes of awkward silence. "Tethys, while I am not putting the blame on you, after everything he told us, I thought you knew." Tethys limped over and stopped, realizing what she'd done. "O-oh..." Tethys rubbed her horns. "I messed up, didn't I?" Applejack nodded. "From what he said and how quick he left, I'd say so. But nothing a good talk can't fix. But what I'm worried about is what he said about... killin' those he cared about? I was hoping he was jokin' about the child soldier thing." "You and me both..." Twilight sighed. "Everything new I learn about him, he just... makes more sense." "Wish he'd tell us about it..." Pinkie huffed. "It sucks to keep things in all the time. By the way, Tethys, are you ok?" The dragoness nodded. "Yeah, just... gonna be sore fore a bit... And he was still holding back..." She sat down to catch her breath. "Man, he has a hook..." "What do you think he meant by 'power going beyond his form?'" Rarity jumped down from Naga's back. Twilight thought for a moment. "Well, this is all hypothetical, but it might be down to his biology. Nearly all of our biological functions as ponies depend in part on magic. Sure, we can live for a while without it, but by then, our body would generate the magic we'd need to be back to normal. Somepony like him, who was born without any magic would already have a stunted growth." "...He was quite thin as a colt..." Fluttershy remembered back. "We can assume that he has to work a lot harder than others to keep his physique. Despite being twice our size, I noticed from what he said that he's had to constantly push himself to be at his current strength. I'd be willing to bet that without the training, he wouldn't even be as strong as a normal pony... His body is straining itself just to keep up with everybody around him, and yet he's making himself surpass his piers... That means that his body is destroying itself from the inside... Hypothetically... Lets hope I'm wrong..." "No... no way..." Tethys shook her head. "Skystrike always thinks two steps ahead. No way he doesn't know about what's going on in his body. He would've told us!" "Like he told us about the metal hoof? Or his parents? Or why he faked his death?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. They all cringed at that. "Well, like he said, we didn't ask... Might just have to to get it out of him..." At that, Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed and she flew off into the air in Skystrike's direction. "...Wonder what that's about?" Skystrike walked for a few minutes by himself in silence. He really didn't want to say that to her, nor did he mean for it to come out like that. But... it had to come out eventually. Just not like that. He sighed to himself thinking on it. He knows he messed up, and he hates himself for it. But what he hated more was the voices in the back of his head telling him 'good job'. Like he should've done it a long time ago. He'd have to apologize once he got back. But for now, he needed time to cool off. Echo spoke for the first time in a while. "Skystrike, is this a bad time?" "I'll be fine. What is it?" Skystrike tried his best to compose himself as he walked. "I recommend you sit down for this. I've run some simulations on how your body works, like you requested a few days ago... I've checked the simulations several hundred times. I've allocated most of my processing power to make sure that every variable was correct and accounted for... The information I have is not favorable. Knowing you, you'd rather know as soon as possible, rather than putting it off." Even through the monotone of the robotic voice, he could tell Echo was serious. Skystrike sat down. "Alright... tell me the news." "Bad news first, or worst news?" "Well fuck..." He leaned back. "Bad? I guess?" "The data processed at the laboratory in the north has all but verified our past theories. Under no uncertain circumstances, you've been groomed to be the perfect warrior. Specifically to counter any possible threats to humanity in this world. You, along with the other projects, were originally created to fight a threat in your original world, but that is both unknown and does not matter as of now. Sometime during your captivity at the laboratory, funding was cut, and a new project was given. They couldn't afford to keep you all around, so they made sure to keep the strongest. You are the product of that decision. Your mind has been tampered with due to the humans experiments on you. You've felt it too for a while, haven't you?" Skystrike nodded as Echo continued. "Your distain for every being in this world. It wasn't until you met Tethys and Zecora that we realized it wasn't just ponies. Changelings were the exception... for a time. But it seemed that was part of their plan too. Breaking any and all pillars of support. So you'd have a justification for hating this world. Luckily, you're able to ignore that feeling. "Whoaaa whoa whoa whoa, hold on." Skystrike stopped Echo and clenched his head. "The whole part about hating all the beings in this world, I kinda figured, but... you're telling me that the whole thing with the changelings was planned? How much-" "I do not know the extent to what was planned, only that something was planned... Remember, any information that was left was left on purpose for you to find out. But, given what you've been through, the chances are not negligible." "But... then that means that... That Khrusalis's death could have been faked!?" "It is a possibility. But I would recommend you not focus on that for now. What you should focus on is your mental state. They know that they cannot beat you physically, so they've been chipping away at your psyche. I would recommend a therapist, as well as coming out to everyone. You hiding yourself is not a benefit to yourself. Even if you think otherwise." Skystrike grit his teeth. "Just give me the worst news..." Surprisingly, Echo seemed to hesitate before doing so. "You're dying, Skystrike. There are many factors as to why, but I will explain the main factors. First: Your body was made to stay in it's prime for as long as humanly possible. Because of this, whatever experiments that were ran on you could completely ignore long lasting effects. You can not only build strength and magic that surpass human limits, you can surpass the strength and magic of the beings your physique was modeled after. This puts a strain on your human body, and it compounds with the second factor: Your mimicry of changeling magic is on the physical level, not illusionary, changing your biology. It puts another strain, not only on your body, but your mind as well. Changelings transformations are more of a physical illusion, but yours goes down to your very cells. But your brain is still human. It has to account for any added organs and hormones that humans don't have. And you've been in this form for years on end..." "Meaning?" "Your brain is overloaded, put simply. With what is had to do subconsciously, as well with the mental strain you put on yourself, whether from your actions or your trauma, it won't last long, relatively speaking. Third: As I've stated during your venture into the lab. You intake 20 times the mana the average human does... That was during your captivity. In this world, where the source of your mana is, it's heightened. Essentially, in the lab, you absorbed all the mana in the lab because that's all there is to get, and you were constantly expelling your mana reserves. In Eques, there is no known limit to how much mana you can store. Your right arm is able to fend off the ticking time bomb of mana that you are right now. If this limit is ever met, you will undergo extreme symptoms of mana poisoning. The best ways to slow down these problems are to either stay in your human form, deal with your mental health, and begin converting your mana into magic. There is no way to reverse the damage done." Skystrike tried to control his breathing. "Echo, be honest with me... How long do I have?" "As of now... your projected to live until 40. If you are lucky. Delaying the problem will increase your chances you reach that age." Skystrike's breathing got heavier. "...and if I am unlucky?" His voice was wavering. "The time you will live spans between 30 and 35. But that is if your situation gets worse... I am sorry, Skystrike." Skystrike couldn't even force out any words of fake affirmation. He just... kept breathing. Hard. He collapsed to the floor and just... laid there for a few minutes. It was one hell of a bullet to take, and it hurt. His heart beat faster and faster... Time seemed to move slower and slower... His vision blurred as he tried to force himself off the ground, only to fall on his side. He heard Echo call out his name, but it was muffled. He couldn't feel his hooves. Skystrike tried his best to control his breathing, but could barely even get the air into his lungs. His life was on a time limit now, put simply. Why him? He just opened up. Just began to start fixing the mistaks he made. And now he had to rush. Just to make sure that he could complete everything before his inevitable death. Was this another one of their experiments? Maybe-... no, he hoped that Echo is wrong. Having 5 years left was too short to live. His mind jumped from thought to thought as he spiraled downward into his darkest thoughts as they clouded his mind. He laid there for what felt like hours. In actuality, only a few minutes passed. And he felt something shaking him. He couldn't see, or even move. He just... laid there as the unknown body shook him. The shaking became more frantic, and he heard muffled yelling... worried yelling. He tried to give some sort of response, but only quickened breathing came out. Someone flipped him over on his back. He could barely see the pony who flipped him over, only making out the shape of a mare and their cerulean hooves grabbing his helmet. Rainbow Dash took of his helmet in a hope to get him to breathe better. Getting a better look at Skystrike, her worry only grew. His eyes were wide, his mouth was dry, and he was twitching from some muscle spasms in his hooves. But what surprised her most was that... tears were running down his face. "Celestia, Skystrike, are you ok!?" Skystrike wasn't able to respond, his attempt at speaking was only met with his breathing getting heavier. He began coughing up a little blood. "Buck, Sky, breathe! Deep breaths! In and out!" He tried his best to do so. In... Out... In... Out... In... Out... In... Out... It took a long, long while, but he was able to slow his breathing. And once he was able to, he finally let it out... Every emotion he bottled up for the last 15 years... he let out in a sea of tears. Skystrike eyes burned white as he screamed into the wilderness in contempt, anger, and regret. "IT WASN'T FUCKING WORTH IT! EVERYTHING I FOUGHT FOR! EVERYTHING I SACRIFICED! WORTHLESS!!!" Rainbow Dash let him scream to the world for a few more moments. "...Are... you ok? I don't think I've ever seen you cry, let alone hyperventilate..." Skystrike wiped his tears with a hoof, then slowly turned to look to Rainbow Dash. "I-... honestly? I'm... not. I've always... put others before me to make sure they don't have to worry but... I've been keeping things in too long. All it took was some bad news and I just... broke down." He sat down and looked to the horizon. "Rainbow... I'm sorry." She tilted he head. "Sorry for what?" "I've been harder on you compared to the others." He gave a sorry chuckle. "To be honest, I think it's because I see a part of you in me... I didn't really realize the affect of the words I just say in passing had on ponies around me, and how I treated ponies. I thought it would turn out fine, but... it just sowed distrust in those around me. I shouldn't hold you to the expectations I have for myself... I'm sorry. I just wanted to say this while I still can..." "...Well thanks? It's no big deal to me, you had your points when it happened. But where is this all coming from?" Skystrike patted the grass next to him motioning for Rainbow to sit. She did so. "I've-... I don't know how to say it. Or if I want to say it. I don't I don't want to see my friends sad anymore." "...I assume something bad happened since I found you on the ground like that. But I'm not no crybaby." She smirked, trying to make him smile a bit. "Go ahead and tell me." It didn't work. He let out a sigh. "I just recieved the... worst news I could've probably gotten... Man, I'm a shit friend..." He laughed sadly to himself. "You know how I'm bigger than most ponies? I guess I should start by explaining why." "Twilight gave us her hypothesis. I wasn't paying attention too much, but she said something about your body destroying yourself from the inside or something?" Rainbow looked at him. "As smart as ever, that mare... She's right. Not going deep into the details but... my body doesn't use magic, so all the functions that would need it are running without, and overworking itself. My body can't keep up with the constant demand... Among other things." Her heart sank. "...You... you're dying?" Skystrike nodded. "...Do you know how long you have?" "At best, 15 years... at worst, 5." "Oh... shit! That isn't that long!" "Yeah... And now I need to... close up a lot of loose ends..." He crossed his hooves. "What do you mean? Like, write your will and stuff?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying her best not to cry. Skystrike looked at her. "I'm... not the pony you think I am, Rainbow." He gripped his metal arm. "I'm... I try to live my life the best I can, but problem after problem just piles on my back... Wouldn't be an issue if I didn't get others caught up in them. And I always think that... removing myself and my problem from the situation would save others the hassle." He sighed, then leaned back. "But that doesn't solve anything... only creates more problems... Problems that I just... keep running from. Keep going around something, you end up walking in a circle. But even if I wanted to, I can't anymore. I'm out of breath and... there's no more road for me to run on. And I'm just so... angry. At myself... at my situation... at the world. And I don't know how to stop it." Rainbow hugged him. "Skystrike, it'll be ok. I... don't know what else to say besides that it'll be ok..." She wiped some tears out of her eye. "If you need help with anything, you have us... you have me." Skystrike hugged her back, his anger fading as his eyes dimmed. "Thank you Rainbow. I appreciate it." The two held each other for a few more moments before the two pulled away. "Well, since you're already here, it's about 30 minutes to Ghastly Gorge. We can make it in ten if you wanna ride my tailwind." Rainbow blushed. "Dude! That's the first thing you ask after you pour your heart out!?" "...I feel like I'm missing context." Skystrike raised a brow and he put back on his helmet. "You don't know?" "Know what?" Rainbow Dash laughed a bit. "Sky, 'Ride my tailwind' is a sexual innuendo. It's an invite for somepony to look at your flank." He blinked. "That... makes sense I guess? But now you know what I actually meant." She chuckled. "Heh, yeah." She stretched her wings and gave a few flaps. "If you need me to slow down, just say so. I don't want to overwork you." Skystrike stretched, flapping his wings and taking into the sky. Rainbow Dash joined him shortly after. Soon the two began flying. Starting off at a slow speed, then slowly accelerating. Rainbow was going about half her max speed, but it was still comfortable. "Hey, so... you said something about you not being the pony I think you are. Sure, you explained it, but it felt like there was more to it than that." Rainbow hinted for him to explain more. "That's... something that's very hard to explain. Well, not hard... but more like I cant. Outright at least..." "Have you tried... this is going to sound cringe, but I already saw you cry your heart out, singing it?" Skystrike turned to look at the mare, then chuckled. "Fine, but only if you do it with me." Rainbow chuckled back. "Sure." Like magic, the instrumental to what he was about to sing came in slowly. Magic Bullshit... Skystrike chuckled to himself in thought before starting. "So you just want my story? Tell my tale, share my glory? Don't know what your asking for, you sure you can handle what's in store?" Rainbow Dash quickly picked up on the rhythm and sang along. "Bet I can, This will be nothing! Pour your heart out, make it something! You can tell me if you choose, just wanna walk in your shoes!" "That's a dangerous game, filled with heart break and pain." "I'll listen if you talk, spill the tea, why'd you up chalk?" "Wasn't my choice, I admit. Those bastards forced me, so I did it." "Who do you mean? Was it those guys? Playing with your life like a game of dice?" "Was like magic, like a curse! They used me and that hurt a lot worse!" "So, how did that all happen, your life 'fore it got rotten?" "Made my escape, stardom or bust! Made it out with no one left to trust!" "You had a will of iron. What changed for that thought to turn?" "When They found me, I was nobody..." "You weren't winning in the beginning." "Took me in under their wing, inspired me to live and sing with them!" "Sounds like they were really nice! So what did they do give you bad advice?" "Put me in charge, said my strenght'd put me at large!" "So your big break was just a giant mistake?" "They both pressured me into it, gave my best but then I blew it!" "Tried to pull your weight but it was baited, so what happened? Did they hate it?" "That's the part that shocked me, everyone was cheering for me! Mom said I had style, my sis said none could stand before me "...............Ooh, go on!................What else?" Rainbow sang at the same time. Musta covered up the awful end I gave em, Then before I knew it, I fell in, I couldn't live without em!" "................No way!.......................By yourself?" R "So let me get this straight, they gave you everything you had?" Gave you a platform, and helped you out when things went bad? "...................That's right............................That part too..." Gave you a second chance at life, made you a new home, what a deal! After all of that, they stabbed you in the back- are you for real??" "..........................Careful!......................Or they'll trick you!" "Suddenly the deal went south. I should have trusted my own doubt. Mother came to see me, and the plan I planned didnt work out!" "Oh no... but what happened... To make that good story end? If you three were close mend. What made your bonds end in rend?" "Had to save mom, but failed to do it..." "Can tell where this goes, your sis had to know..." "Barely got a chance to speak, was met with hurting eyes of doom blazin'!" "They made you take on the job, but it went wrong? Wow that's so brazen!" "She started yellin' at me! Put me in a state of fury! Muscles started tensing up, vision getting really blurry! ".....................Oh no.................................How could she!" Screamed and SCREAMED 'til screamin' finally reached it's end! Eyes a burning white, knew our feelings could never be mend!" "..........................That's rough....................What an end..." "Must've been a heart break, to see your fam betray ya! Blinded by grief, lost a mother, sister blamed ya." "Now I blame my self, I should be able to save those close to me! Tried to be bigger, so no one could take them from me!" "Now you blame yourself, should be able to save those close to you! Tried to be bigger, so no one could take them from you!" "So, did you?" Skystrike laughed a bit, enjoying the little duet they had. "I'd like to think so." "Well... you know that all wasn't your fault, right?" Skystrike slowed his speed as their destination was in sight. "I've said that to myself more times than I can count, but it doesnt make the pain any different... We're here." The two landed in the middle of the chasm, large quarries dotting the sides of the cliffs. "Stay close... If you see anything odd from the quarries, say it." Skystrike drew one of his swords and pulled Rainbow Dash to his side. "Why? And what are you here for anyway?" "The quarries are home to Quarray Eels. Fairly aggressive, and very territorial." Skystrike inched towards one of the quarries. "What I'm here for are the ores that the Eels guard... on second thought, I shouldn't have bought you here... My bad." "Don't worry about it. I know you need the company... Hey, back when we were singing, all of that happened before you went to your orphanage right? How old were you?" "Actually, it was during my stay at the orphanage. About a month and a half after I moved back from Cloudsdale. I was 14." The two kept inching forward, taking the long way around the holes. "Wait, so... how were you living at an orphanage when you had a family that took you in while there?" Surprisingly, Skystrike was able to get his words out. "My mom wanted me to live among ponies so I wouldn't be bias against them. It worked, apparently." "...Your mom wasn't a pony?" Skystrike picked up a rock as he heard a rumbling from one of the walls. "No, she was a changeling if you even know what those are." He threw a rock in front of one of the holes, but there was no response. Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, I know what they are. Actually one of the few parts I enjoyed during history class... Wait, so are you saying that... you're a changeling?" He shook his head as they continued walking. "Not quite. Remember, I said they took me in." "...Ok now im confused. What do you mean 'not quite'? Are you not a pony?" "Getting closer..." Skystrike smiled. He could feel the mental block in his mind on the verge of being broken. Maybe... just maybe, he'd be able to tell her. But that'd have to wait. The two stopped in their tracks. "Hold. This one should do. Take to the skies, Rainbow. Above the gorge. Don't want you to get caught up in this." Rainbow did so, flying straight up to get a view from above the gorge. Once Skystrike made sure she was a safe distance, he drew his other sword and walked in front of one of the quarries. A rumbling was heard as two orange eyes stared back at him. A crimson eel lunged out in an attempt to eat Skystrike alive in one bite. The stallion jumped and flew above the snapping jaws, then dove down to land a punch right on the forehead of the beast. It fell unconscious. "Alright, Rainbow, it's clear!" Rainbow flew down, landing next to the body of the Quarray Eel. "Wow... you made that look so easy... Going back to what you said earlier, are you like... an alien? From space or something?" Rainbow followed Skystrike down the body of the Eel into the cave. "Close, but not quite." And just like that, the lock broke. He'd have to make a note of this later. "I'd perfer you don't tell the others yet, but yes, in the simplest terms, I am an alien. Not from another world, but a different dimension." They stopped further in, seeing a large pile of various ores. "Perfect!" He pumped a hoof before piling the ores in his bag. "Real quick, where did these metals come from?" Rainbow looked to see the ores he was grabbing at. "Oh, Quarray Eels eat the stones, and anything that's dumb enough to fly through this place. All the metals and stuff they eat, they spit out. Real easy to grab if the cave is empty, but there are barely any if the caves are abandoned." "Huh, neat. Back to the alien thing... I have a hard time believing you but... it would explain a lot. Like your arm, your lack of understanding of social norms, how where you're from stallions do what mares do... Actually, wow, that explains everything." He finished gathering the materials. "You're taking this better than I thought you would be." "I could say the same about your terminal sickness." "That's fair." Skystrike said as they both laughed. "Man, I am not gonna sleep well tonight..." He said under his breath. "So... what are you exactly?" Skystrike turned to her, then took off his armor. Neon flames surrounded him, and as they fell, revealing his human form. Skystrike didn't realize how big he's gotten. The mare only came up to his thigh. He sat down to be at eye level and took off his helmet. Rainbow Dash stepped back a bit. "I'm a human. Like I said, I'm not he pony you think I am." "...This is... a lot to take in right now... So let me get this straight." Rainbow sat down and grabbed her head with her hooves. "You're... an alien from a different dimension, and was raised to be a child soldier... but escaped and came here. Then the changelings took you in, your mom died, and you were blamed for it... all before you turned 15... then you faked your death at 16, was a mercenary from then on... then you came to Ponyville about a year ago?" "When you say it like that, it sounds like a lot... and kinda stupid." Skystrike leaned back. "It is a lot, you buckin-..." She contained herself. "I have questions, and you're going to answer. First off, how old were you when you came here? To this world I mean." "Eight." "How in Tartarus are you still sane!?" "No fucking idea." "Moving on... how do I know you aren't just some changeling? For all I know, this... form you have is just magic... and I thought you couldn't use magic!?" Rainbow slammed a hoof on the stone floor. "I can use magic, but the way your race detects it makes it seem like I can't. They detect magic itself, not the energy that your bodies use to make magic. You all make it naturally..." Skystrike conjured a snowflake on the tip of his finger. "I make it consciously. And to answer that first part, the memories I have from our childhood should speak for itself." "Then... how do I know that you haven't been one since we were kids!?" "Well... you don't. But even if I was, it wouldn't matter, since the Skystrike you know has either been a changeling pretending to be a pony this whole time, or a human pretending to be a pony this whole time. Either way, from the moment you and Fluttershy met me, I wasn't a pony." She made a look, then thought about it. "...Yeah, I guess you're right... So... why didn't you go to the princess when you came to Eques? I'm sure she would've helped." Skystrike's small smile fell a bit. "I don't know if you heard about 'the attack on Canterlot'? Probably not, you were like, six at the time." "...If you mean the meteor that landed in Canterlot, yeah... You're saying that's how you got here?" Skystrike nodded. "Turned myself in, then was held in their dungeon for a few days. I just gained my freedom, but Celestia wanted me under lock and key. So, I escaped." Rainbow tilted her head. "...Then... why did you end up being adopted by her?" "It'd be the last place she'd look." He shrugged. "And it's been working." "Well... thanks for telling me. Honestly I got the feeling you didn't like me, but you trust me this much to be the first out of the girls to open up about it." Rainbow moved herself to sit next to Skystrike. Skystrike smiled, then began petting her. "Well, sorry if I came off like that. But know my dislike isn't specific to you. We all have our flaws, but despite them, you, and the other girls, are still my friends. Even if we annoy each other." "Well now I'm a bit curious..." "Oh, it's nothing major. Ironically, if you all fixed your flaws, you'd all be able to reach your dreams." "Really? Then what's mine?" Rainbow leaned into his petting. "Man, your claws hit the spot..." "Hands. And Rainbow, you aren't a team player. You like having the attention on yourself, and only yourself. Not a bad thing, you'd be great if you were a one pony show, but you want to be in the Wonderbolts. It's the main thing they want you to be." "...That makes sense, I guess... Just wish I had someone to fly with. Nopony can really keep up with me." She laughed. "Suffering from success." "If you want, I can fly with you. Can't do tricks or anything fancy, but I'd be willing to learn to help you out." Rainbow looked up at him. "You'd do that? Really?" Skystrike nodded. "Of course. What are friends for?" Skystrike and Rainbow Dash talked bit more before making their way back to Ponyville and parted ways. He stopped at his house to change out of his armor. Now in his pony form, he made his rounds around town, getting some greetings from a few ponies as he walked. Vynil Scratch gave him a hoof bump, asking when they're going to do that collab. The two set up time for two weeks out. Then he stopped at the flower sisters, Roseluck slightly annoyed but laughing at his order of flowers. He ate them on his way to his next stop, Town hall. He entered just in time to see Mayor Mare. "Oh, Nebula! Good to see you again! What can I help you with today?" "You probably saw the dragon that came in yesterday. Her name is Tethys, and she just moved in with me. I just need to know what she has to do become a resident and eventually a citizen." The mayor gave a tired smile, and she put down the boxes she was carrying with a thud. "I'd be more than happy to help... It's just my schedule is... very busy right now..." Skystrike walked over and picked up the boxes the mare was carrying. "Seems like you need a break." "Thank you for the help, I'm just moving files to my office. And admittedly, I do need help. Time Turner is out sick for a few days. Happened right when Raven went on vacation." Mayor Mare sighed and straightened her glasses. "Just gotta get through the week." The two entered her office. "Well, in that case, I'll save what I came for today for next week." Skystrike said as he sat the files down next to her desk. "If you want, I can come help you out with anything you need. I did a lot of paperwork during my time as a merc." "Well... I would appreciate the help, but I cant have you help out an old mare like me." Skystrike leaned on her desk and gave her a confused look. "We went-... Well I know I hide my actual identity, but you aren't even old. You're like... twenty eight. I know this because we went to school together. Same year as Shining Armor, Cadenza, and Cheerilee." "...Wait, we went to the same highschool?" She sat down at her desk. "Wow, that takes me back... but I feel like I'd probably remember someone like you." She smiled. "You probably do, but I hide my identity for a reason. You'll find out if you look hard enough, or if you have a year book. I wasn't able to stick around to get mine." He shrugged. Mayor Mare chuckled a bit. "I remember prom like it was yesterday. Remember when Poindexter walked in with a dress and make up? It was so hard to stop myself from laughing!" The two shared a laugh. "And that jock, Buck Withers... Gosh, he- wasn't a good pony, just flaunting around how his dad was a congress pony. I will say, it was very satisfying when everypony stood up to him being crowned prom king." "Honestly, I wasn't expecting everypony to stand up to him like that. But it was a welcome surprise. I love seeing ponies get their comeuppance." "I don't know about you, but the part I wasnt expecting was that pegasus knocking him on his flank after he tried to go for Shining Armor." Mayor Mare sat in thought for a moment. "I can't remember his name for the life of me... or his colors. He was a pretty quiet kid. Do you know who I'm talking about?" Skystrike feigned ignorance. "I think so. Sounds familiar. Can you try and remember other things about him?" "Sure. He... always wore long sleeves. He, Shining Armor, and Cadenza were all close friends... Oh! This should jog your memory! You know how our Highschool focused in military and political science?" Skystrike nodded. "The pegasus was part of the Royal Guard course, and won the tournament against all the other students. When the princess asked what he wanted as a prize, he wanted to spar with her!" Skystrike chuckled. "Oh, yeah, I know who you're talking about. Skystrike Nebula." "That was his name! I remember now! White coat, blue and black mane and tail... And he was a few years younger than us. The few times I talked to him... he spoke about wanting to fight for the ponies around him..." Mayor Mare began putting the pieces together. "Nebula... how old are you?" "Twenty five." He smirked under his helmet. Mayor Mare stuttered as she realized who he was. "Y-y-you're... I thought you..." "Died? Yeah, had my reason to make it seem so." He quickly took off his helmet to show her his face, then put it back on. "I'm... trying to be more trusting on who knows who I am. Just hoping I'm trusting the right ponies. But just in case you do tell anyone..." Skystrike got closer to Mayor Mare, her leaning back in mild panic. "I'll tell everypony you dye your hair." The two stared at each other in silence before laughing. Mayor Mare wiped a tear. "Ah... it is good to see you again, even with how little we talked... I'm surprised you still remember me." "Heh, good to see you too. But if you do need help, you can just say I volunteered." "I might take you up on that offer... You know, if you want, we can talk about it more later tonight. Cherilee and I are meeting up at the bar. It'd be nice to catch up more. Maybe... tell two old mares about your adventures?" "Hey, you two aren't old." Skystrike nodded. "But sure, I'll be there. And for real, don't tell anypony about my identity." "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." "What?" "It's a Pinkie promise. I won't tell a soul." Skystrike entered the tree library, seeing Twilight using her magic to do what she said earlier: Rearrange the entire library by author. Progress seemed to be going well for her. But then he noticed she got too into it, and while not paying attention, she picked up Spike in her magic and put him in one of the book shelves. Skystrike saved Spike by flying over and pulling him out. "Hey Spike, how's it going?" Spike shrugged. "Twilight's in the zone. Not much I'm doing here." "...Wanna go to the spa?" "Yeah!" Spike pumped his fist. "Twilight, we're going to the spa!" Skystrike yelled to her, but she didnt even respond from how focused she was. "Have you been before?" "Yeah, Twilight and I go every once in a while. Have you?" "Only time I went was when the poison joke thing happened. Always wanted to check it out, but wasn't until relatively recently that my reputation was good enough where I could walk around town without getting stared at." Skystrike put Spike on his back as they left the library. "Speaking of, Tethys told me about what happened. Thanks for sticking up for her, and being the only one to talk sense." "I just did what I thought you'd do." Skystrike felt his heart tingle at that. "Never change, Spike." "Hey, what did you mean by your reputation wasn't good? Everypony around town likes you!" He shook his head. "Maybe now, but it wasn't until that fight with the Ursa Minor that the ponies here realized I was 'on their side' and not some monster slayer that lived at the edge of the Everfree. Plus, adding to my line of work and my unknown past, I'm still surprised that many ponies even came to my... well Naga's party." "What do you mean, your line of work? And speaking of the Ursa Minor, how's the scars?" Spike pulled at his right wing, seeing the edges of the scars left by the claws of the bear. Skystrike flapped his wing and put it back in place. "Still aches sometimes, but I heal faster than the average pony. Just waiting for the scars to fade. As to your first question, I guess I didn't tell you exactly what I do. But you're still a kid, so I can't tell you everything... Just don't tell Twilight?" "Is it really so bad?" Spike turned and laid on his back. "I mean, you teach me how to fight, and you go and fight bad guys! Twilight's fine with it!" "Twilight isn't fine with it. In fact, she doesn't like it. I was just able to convince her that this would be helpful for your growth." "What do you mean?" "Spike, you're a dragon. Eventually, your instincts will challenge your beliefs. My hope is that through discipline, you're better able to fight those instincts. And I'm not teaching you to fight so you can fight bad guys, I'm teaching you to fight so you can protect those you care about. Me, Stardust, Zecora, Tethys, and you, all have our own reasons to fight. I just hope the reason you find is the right one." "Oh, uh... ok. I didn't think of it like that... well, can you tell me why you all fight so I know what I should fight for?" Spike flipped over again and sat up straight. Skystrike hummed in confirmation. "Well, Stardust is a guard. She fights for her country, and the ponies living in it. Zecora, she's from a foreign land, but despite that, she fights for those she holds close. Tethys, in a way to quell her instincts, and for her own pride and culture, fights because she believes that her strength should be used, not hidden." Skystrike then paused before deciding how to say it. "I have two reasons. I fight to inspire. I came from a place where I was expected to just serve, to be used. It was only because I fought back that I am here now. I just wish I did it sooner. Point is, I fight because it gives hope to others that things can change for the better. My hope is that they stand up and fight for themselves. The other reason is a bit more personal. Not going into details, an old friend of mine was... wronged and... no one stood up for him. Only I did, but it was too late for it to make any difference to him." "What was his name? Do you still talk?" Spike asked all too innocently. "Steel Ace... and I wish we did. He... passed away about 7 years ago." "I... I'm sorry. I think I get it though. Well, you all have good reasons. I guess that... I don't know what I fight for yet." "And that's ok. I didn't either until after Steel Ace passed. There will be a moment where you realize. Most times, it's the middle of a fight. But again, I taught you to protect yourself and others, not to look for them." Skystrike looked back at Spike. Spike nodded. "Ok! I'll only fight to protect others!" Skystrike pushed open the door to the Ponyville Day Spa. "Sounds good." He said, but he couldn't help but think that he was going to regret this later. Aloe Vera and Lotus Blossom, the twin owners of the establishment, greeted them in a Swedish accent... does... does Sweden exist? What's the pony equivalent? "Good afternoon, gentlecolts! What can we help you with today?" "Spike, you chose. I don't know what I'm doing." The baby dragon jumped off of the stallion's back. "We'd like to use the sauna, then get facials and massages, and finally hooficures." Skystrike nodded at the two sisters as they bought up the price. A bit hefty, but it wouldn't hurt his pockets. He paid the fine. "Right this way!" Aloe began. The three walked down one of the hall ways before stopping at their destination. Aloe opened the door while Spike and Skystrike took of their clothes and put on the robes they were given and stepped inside. "The bucket of water is right next to the coals. Pour it on to increase the heat to your liking. Call if you need anything!" And with that, the boys were left in the sauna. Skystrike could already feel the heat trickle into his body. The two sat down on opposite sides of the coals. Luckily they had it all to themselves. "You know, we don't have many chances to hang out, just us guys." Spike leaned back. "Yeah, with my work and now you going to school, there isn't too much time for us to hang out. Well, besides training." Skystrike leaned over. "I do hope you kept up with the routine while I was gone." "I have, just a bit hard to find the time for it. From helping out Twilight, doing homework, and making friends, I can't put in as much time as I want." Spike sighed. "That's life, dude. I know exactly how you feel... How about we cut back on the training a bit? I prefer you didn't miss out on your childhood. Besides, you got the basics down of combat anyway. Now, all you need is to keep up the routine, spar a few times. Think you can set aside about... an hour or two in the afternoon a few days a week? I'll even make you dinner. With fish and meat!" Spike's eyes glittered with excitement. "Really!? You're the best!" Skystrike poured some water onto the coals, the hot steam rising, increasing the temperature a few degrees. "Heh, I try to be. But how's school going for you? Part of me was hoping while Twilight enrolled you that you'd make some friends. Friends of your own, not Twilight's that you more see out of convenience... Not that we aren't your friends... just... kids your age." "I know what you mean, and yeah! Yesterday, I actually made friends with Sweetie Belle. I'll probably hang out more with her in and afterschool." Spike poured some water onto the coals himself. "I think school is going well. Thanks to all the books I read when I get bored, Miss Cherilee says I'm ahead in the class, and is making me take some higher level stuff." Skystrike smiled as he raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Like what?" "Umm... Algebra and Equestrian History. She actually gave us all a project to do a presentation on things we do in our life, says she wants us to be creative." "Any ideas so far?" "Well... I can't write about how boring it is to help out at the library... Wow, I don't really do much here in Ponyville... I guess I can write about the training with you and Stardust..." Spike thought aloud. Skystrike poured water. "Well, if you want help, just ask us. I got plenty of stories to share." The two sat in a comfortable silence as they let the heat into their bodies. Skystrike could feel it do wonders on his body. The pain in his scars were fading as he felt his blood flow better. Then Spike spoke up. "Hey, Skystrike... can I ask you a serious question?" "Sure. Go for it, lil man." "...Do... do you... like Rarity?" Skystrike paused before answering. "Spike... first, my answer to that is that I don't know. I'm barely honest to those around me, let alone myself. I don't know what I feel. Second, and try not to let my own thoughts influence you, but... I don't think... well, put bluntly, its puppy love. It seems like you like her because she's pretty." "That's... that's not true! I-I mean... I don't like her." "Spike, I know you like her, and I wont tell anypony. And I'm not accusing you of anything. just saying my perspective on this. But let me ask you this, and you don't have to answer, but how much do you actually know about Rarity? Her hobbies, her interest?" Skystrike leaned forward. "I'm not saying these things to discourage your feelings for her. I just want to make sure you're sure of any feelings you have for her." Skystrike leaned back after he poured on some more water on the coals. "Besides... even if you are sure of your feelings for her, and who she is as a pony... you're already way behind anypony that's into her." "...What do you mean?" Spike asked. "You're a child, Spike. Over a 10 year age gap. Even if she liked you back, she couldn't reciprocate those until you turn sixteen. Then she would also have to deal with the judging eyes on her... And this is all assuming she doesn't find somepony until then... You're playing a game that others have been playing for a while. You'll need luck, and commitment." "...Are you saying that I shouldn't try?" Skystrike wanted to say yes, for the obvious reason of the huge age gap, but didn't want to discourage him. "Not exactly... I'm a realist. I'm saying you shouldn't be surprised it doesn't work out." He finished, as he poured a bit more water on the coals. Skystrike began sweating. This whole conversation made him think on the whole relationship between Rarity and Spike. A part of him wants to see them happy, but he just knows it wont work out in the end. It's something that Spike will grow out of. But Rarity's actions toward Spike is something that wont change until it's pointed out. He'll speak to her about it one of these days. "Honestly, Spike, I am sorry." "...It's... fine. Honestly, I felt like that for a while. Just needed somepony to say it to me. But I'm not giving up!" Spike stood up and pumped a fist. "I'll learn more about her, and then I'll confess!" Skystrike chuckled and gave a fake smile under his helmet. "You do you. I'll be here for you until the end either way... How long did you want to stay in here for anyway?" "We've only been in here about 30 minutes, and it isn't even that hot. How about another half hour? With more heat." Damn dragons and their temperature resistance. Skystrike chuckled some more as he picked up the bucket and poured a fourth of the water left onto the coals. The room instantly filled with steam, and went up in temperature a lot. Skystrike was sweating even more now. "Hot enough for you?" "Aaaahh, that's nice..." Spike leaned back. "We should do this more often." The comfortable silence returned before Spike asked another question. "You know, you never told me what your job is." Skystrike gave a small sigh. "I'm... a bounty hunter mixed with a detective? Mostly a bounty hunter. Mostly, I get paid to deal with some monster that's terrorizing some ponies. More times than I prefer, I end up a detective. Often because I wasn't given enough info, and the rabbit hole goes deeper." "What do you mean?" "Well, one of the first missions I ever took, some Noble's filly was foalnapped by somepony, and I was told it was because the filly was the successor. What actually happened, after I figured out who did it, was that the filly ran away from home, and she was being hunted down by her parents, since she was an illegitimate child. Once I learned that, I turned that information into the proper authorities, because if I sent her back to the Nobles, she would've died." "Wow... that's like one of those thriller stories. Do you remember her name? Is she doing alright?" Skystrike nodded. "Yeah... her name is Casta Spell. And she's doing quite well for herself." The two talked a bit more, Skystrike sharing his stories to the young dragon filled with excitement. But soon, their time in the sauna was up, and they decided to go get their facials. It felt... weird having to put some type of ointment on his face, then the cucumbers on his eyes... He did not like having his eyes closed. Luckily, they let him put everything on himself, so he didn't have to show his face. He focused on everything he could hear. The ponies walking by, the doors opening, the voices of the few other ponies in the room with them. It cooled his nerves a bit. The two boys moved on to the full body massages. Skystrike was told to just relax, let loose of the tension in his body, but it took a little for him to do so. But once that massage started, he had to admit, it felt heavenly. Skilled hooves glided across his coat, feeling any tension he had left loosen as his muscles relaxed. The pressure was firm, yet soothing, and he felt the stress release with the knots. It was calming. His breathing slowed, becoming more aware of the sensation of relaxation spreading through his body. It ended, and he felt like was a new man. Finally, hooficures. Well, claw-icures for Spike. Face masks washed off, he put back on his helmet. He was lucky how easy the ponies fall for disguises. He was laid on his side, and his hooves put in line as Aloe began filing his hooves. Then he heard the door open, turning his head to see Twilight and Fluttershy enter in robes. "Yo." "Oh, hey Nebula. Didn't expect to see you here." Twilight greeted. "I didn't think a spa was one of your interest." Fluttershy chuckled a bit. "Well, I wasn't before, but Spike got me into it." Skystrike shrugged. "Spike, how's it going on your end?" Spike gave a thumbs up. "We coolin'." "You know, you take better care of your hooves than I thought." Fluttershy laid on her side as she began getting a hooficure of her own. "Hoof work is super important in my work. Gotta make sure they stay even." "Besides... can the fellas not feel pretty?" Spike picked the cucumbers off his eyes and ate them. The three ponies laughed. "Oh yeah, Twilight and I stopped by Rarity's to see how Tethys's clothes were going. Rarity got... really inspired from Tethys." Fluttershy sighed in relief from her spa treatments. "Tethys's was surprisingly into it, albeit a little self conscious about her body." "I mean, I still haven't seen what she's self conscious about. I'll try to make her feel better either way. Might stop by when I drop of Spike back at the library..." He said as he looked over to Spike. "We coolin'?" "We coolin'." Spike responded. "We coolin'." Skystrike confirmed. "I also heard Mayor Mare chatting about you with Cherilee... You get around, huh?" Twilight smirked. "...I mean, they're good ponies. What are you implying?" Skystrike tilted his head. Twilight chuckled. "You know they are interested in you, right?" "...What? Why would they be?" "Well, I didnt hear all the details, but they invited you to go drinking with them... and you know mares and herds." "I don't. What? How did you pick up on this and not the tickets that Celestia gave you? How did I pick up on the tickets and not the mares hitting on me??" Skystrike asked her, then himself. He felt stupid. "I- wh-... WHAT?" Twilight blurted out. "Not going to lie, Nebula, I'm confused too..." Fluttershy looked at him. Skystrike began laughing. "Well, why do you think Celestia gave me three tickets, and Twilight two?" Fluttershy and Twilight thought about it for a few moments, then Fluttershy began giggling at the clueless Twilight. "...Because she wanted you to give one to Zecora?" The unicorn guessed. "You poor soul." Skystrike continued laughing. "I thought so at first too, until Zecora was sent one of her own, same time as mine. Stardust too. Another hint then, I'm a stallion. You're a mare." Twilight thought some more, then tilted her head. "God, you're dense. She wants... well, wanted you to get a coltfriend. She wants me to get a herd." Twilight's face turned bright red. "O-oh..." Then Skystrike laughed his ass off, Aloe having to stop her filing and giggling a bit as well. "Yeah, it's real awkward. I still don't know who I'll bring... Well, Tethys definitely, now that she's here..." Skystrike sat in thought. "Well, I still got time. I need to get extra tickets anyway..." "Preparing for a herd?" Twilight teased. "Oh, well, during my stay in Canterlot, I met up with some old friends and family. Some of them want to go... Actually, Casta probably got tickets for herself and Maud. Then I just need some for the family... I don't know who I'll bring." Twilight's ears perked up. "Casta? Casta Spell? As in the court magician? You know her personally?" "Yeah, was part of my group before we disbanded. She's a bit like you two. A total nerd, rambles on in an amusing way that keeps you interested in what she says. But she's also really shy, pretty quiet, but you can tell she tries her best. You two would like her. Maybe I'll see if she can visit." "Does she like tea?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah, but I dont know much about it. She does enjoy her tea time like you." When Skystrike finished, as if on queue, Spike were finished, standing up and stretching a bit. "Oh my god, I feel so... nice. Aloe, Lotus, you two have the hooves of an angel." "Thank you, sir." Aloe and Lotus said, opening the doors for the boys. "We hope to see you again!" "See you later, Fluttershy, Twilight." Skystrike took the fast way to Spike's home, deciding to take into the skies and fly there. Only about five minutes of flight was all it took to drop off Spike at the library before he took the short walk to Rarity's Carousel Boutique. He heard quite a lot of chatter going on inside. Girl talk probably between Rarity, Tethys, Zecora, and Stardust... Wouldn't hurt to eavesdrop a little... He heard Tethys' voice first. "So I'm sitting there, barbeque sauce on my titties..." And then laughter erupted from within the building. And Skystrike decided he heard enough. Skystrike waited a comfortable amount of time where he wouldn't raise suspicion to knock on the door. Then, right as he was about to knock, he hesitated. He remembered what he did earlier. What he said to Tethys, and in front of all of his friends. He stood there for a little longer, thinking of what to do next. Then he heard the doorknob jiggle. His ears went up, taking him out of his train of thought as he looked at the dragoness who opened the door. "...Hey." "...Hey..." Skystrike awkwardly returned the greeting. "Just wanted to say sorry for this morning. Even if I was upset, I shouldn't have blown up on you like that." "Oh... well you don't need to be sorry. I should've noticed sooner that you don't like fighting." "No big deal. Don't worry about it too much." Skystrike shook his head. Tethys grabbed him. "Sweet, because I need a guys opinion." And like that, Skystrike was dragged inside and put on a chair, next to Zecora and Stardust. "...Wait, Rarity made clothes this fast?" Skystrike asked the two next to him. "That, among other things." Stardust took a sip from her cup of water. "Came at the perfect time. We just finished looking through her underwear." "Speaking of, Skystrike!" Rarity called from behind the dressing screen with Tethys. "You've seen her... personally, so you'd know what would work better. I have the design down for her Lingerie, but none of us can deside on the color." Skystrike thought. "Just because you asked, I'll answer. Black and white are the easy choices. Maybe a turqoise to bring out the different shades of blue, or rose red for contrast. Now my question is how much did you all talk about my sex life? Because I don't like the way that first sentence came out..." Stardust coughed as Zecora laughed. "When you fell asleep, the night was still young. And we had to admit, you knew how to work that tongue." Skystrike groaned and covered his face with his hooves. "You know, your rhyming makes it so much worse." With a thud, Tethys from behind the dressing screen took off her chestplate and put on the tan undergarments that Rarity quickly yet fashionably made for her. She had to admit though, it was a bit hard making a bra further up, and having to make space for wings. Rarity had to strain herself to even get the piece on. "Rrgh... remind me to make these a couple sizes bigger..." "Are they that big? For real?" Skystrike was confused. Last he saw them they were what he assumed a normal size for a dragon. "You have no idea..." Stardust sighed. "A part of me is jealous." "Of?" Tethys asked as she began putting on her outfit. "The attention you'd get from them. I barely get noticed by any stallions..." Stardust sighed again. "I'm kinda nearing the age where I don't have many options on partners. Need to settle down sooner rather than later." Skystrike turned to Stardust. "You're like thirty. There's no way stallions are that picky, right?" "Sky, from what you told me, and given where you're from, the way the stallions treat mares there is like heaven. It's why you're one of the good ones. You take everypony that approaches you at face value. The average stallion, over-inflating their worth, gets to decide on every aspect they want in a mare, just because there's that much choice for them." She said before laughing a bit. "Once I was rejected because he already had 'too many earth ponies in his herd'." Zecora spoke next. "In my homeland, the issue's the same. My stripe patter led to a let down, a shame." Rarity spoke as she helped Tethys into her outfit. "I was thrown away by an ex because I didn't fit the color pallete of his herd... Asshole..." "...What the fuck, all of those are such shallow reasons!" Skystrike threw out his hooves. "Like... holy shit! There's no way! I just thought the way I acted was the norm!" "Pssh, I wish! Darling, if you were the norm, then you wouldn't have so many eyes on you." "What, basic respect gets me girls??" They all nodded at him. "What the hell! There's no way! They haven't even seen my face!" "I don't know why you're so surprised. And your face only adds to your mystery." Rarity giggled. "You're good with kids, you have most of your stuff together, you're strong, you actually see us mares as ponies rather than trophies, you dress well, you have a nice build... Honestly, there's a lot of reasons. But you're dense." "Thanks? I guess? I'm... still just... in shock of your side of the dating market. I'm sorry." "Eh, it's fine. Most stallions grow out of it after the first few mares leave them." Stardust finished her drink. "But enough about that, let's see the outfits!" Tethys hesitated to step out. "I'm... not sure, now that I have this on." Rarity huffed, then got on her hind legs to push Tethys into view by her butt. The first outfit was simple, being jeans and a green v-neck t-shirt with a black sleeveless vest. Skystrike was honestly more surprised she was able to make a vest for wings like that. "Come on, give us a spin!" Rarity clapped her hooves. Tethys did so, letting skystrike see two things. One was how the holes for her arms were much wider and went towards the back, allowing her wings and arms to go through on one hole each side. That makes sense. The second was the side view of her rack. They were already kinda big, but if they were apparently bigger... he shook the thought out of his mind. "Looks pretty good on you. Kinda reminds me of some of my clothes." Skystrike said. "Thanks... We actually went through your wardrobe to get ideas. And Stardust's too..." Tethys admitted. "And I was hoping for more than a 'pretty good' to be honest..." "Well, my honest opinion is that you look hot as hell, but I didn't want to be weird." Skystrike admitted, making Zecora and Stardust laugh. "But if you want actual pointers, you're putting a lot of attention on your upper body. Mostly your chest because of the v-neck, but you don't have much of a choice since your horns are in the way. Because you're self conscious about the area, the best option I can think of is to put more focus on other parts of your body, like your legs, horns, or wings." Stardust nodded. "Going off of what Sky said, it is a good idea. Maybe a tail band, or jewelry?" Then Zecora spoke up. "Maybe neck rings or bracelets, similar to mine. It'd be worth trying on for a time." Skystrike nodded. "I could make some for you. Silver or platinum would be good... Maybe onyx or jade too." Rarity quickly wrote down all the input. "Alright, next outfit!" Tethys was pulled behind the dressing screen, then pushed out a few moments later in a grey, off-shoulder ribbed knit jumper dress with long, loose sleeves, and the dress ending just before the knees. She did a quick spin, showing an opening for her wings and tail, but making sure to cover her butt. "This one feels a bit... embarrassing" Skystrike made the 'ok' sign with his metal arm. "Very nice. Good color. Not so much attention to the chest, but still gives a good view of your figure. The grey really brings out the shades of blue in your hair and scales, and the smoothness of the dress also puts emphasis on your muscles and horns. A jade necklace would bring out your eyes more." "Darling, how is your eye for fashion so good?" Rarity blinked. "That was so much detail!" "Like I said, I had four sisters who didn't want to wear the same thing. Comes with the territory." "Then why didn't you help me when the girls had me make those revolting dresses!?" "You didn't ask." Skystrike shrugged. Rarity sighed, then turned to Stardust and Zecora. "Well, moving on, thoughts?" "Well, Skystrike already said most of it." Stardust sat up. "Maybe try a few different colors? Just stay away from orange or a deep blue." "It puts a lot of focus on your chest. maybe try an open back turtle neck dress?" The routine continued, Tethys being pulled back and thrown out in a new outfit. "Can't I just try one of those sweat shirts? Like Skystrike?" "Oh fine, but if you do, I'm making you wear that outfit." Rarity responded. "...Know what, fuck it, fine! I'll wear that damn dress!" Tethys threw up her hands. "Look, now you're making me sound like him!" "Oh hush, just get out there! Don't know what type of critique you'll get wearing that though." Once again, Tethys was pushed out, this time wearing a simple set of grey sweat shirt and sweat pants. "You know, kinda fits you. Definitely hides everything. But yeah, it is rather plain." "You're one to talk." Tethys quipped. "I've only seen you wear your armor and your sweats." "Well ONE, my armor looks sick! TWO, looking plain is my intention. And THREE, womens fashion is much more complex than mens. Most ponies don't wear clothes in the first place. I just wear mine because I don't like having my balls out." Stardust chuckled. "You're insecure about your balls?" "I'm insecure about ponies staring at my balls. Completely different. But moving on, I guess you can get a pattern for your sweats? Stripes?" Stardust was about to say something, but was cut off by Rarity. "Enough of that, now, dress time!" Tethys let out a long groan as she went back behind the screen and started undressing, then putting on the item known as 'that'. In a few minutes, she came out. It was a glistening silver, crossover backless dress with a slit that started at her thigh, the full length of the dress stopping right at the floor. Tethys was obviously embarraased by what she was wearing. Skystrike however, pogged. Zecora spoke first. "Tethys, in that outfit, you're a sight. Any guy would swoon, fall down in pure delight." "I see you took Skystrike's advice. You look great! Maybe you can wear that to the gala?" Stardust affirmed. Tethys turned to the earth pony. "Gala? That dance you ponies have? I don't have a ticket." "Skystrike will probably give you one of his extras." Stardust turned, then almost choked when she saw Skystrike pogging. "Sky?" She asked between stifled laughter. "Your thoughts?" Skystrike stood up slowly and put on a pair of sunglasses. He put out an open hoof. "Sex... NOW!" Everyone bust out laughing, Stardust falling out of her chair and onto the floor. Zecora even brayed a few times, making them all laugh harder. "I am so happy that landed..." "Holy bucking shit..." Stardust picked herself off the floor. "I think that's the funniest thing you've said..." "I didn't think that my thoughts while high were gonna be taken seriously." Skystrike shrugged. "Well, admittedly, they were good ideas. Might have to use them sometimes." Rarity finished laughing. "Maybe we should get you high again. Get more ideas out of you." "We should mix it with poison joke! See what spells of the mind we can invoke!" Zecora laughed. "THAT IS A BAD IDEA!" Skystrike instantly denied causing them to all laugh again. "You could not handle the shit I would say! Everything in my mind should stay inside of the skull prison!" "I think I'm with Skystrike on this one Darlings..." Rarity wiped her tears. "We all, well except Tethys, saw what poison joke does... he just does not stop talking..." "I have seen him on poison joke before, and while it was funny the first tie, after an hour or two, it was... annoying to say the least." "You froze my mouth closed." "Like I said, annoying to say the least." Tethys leaned on her back leg. Skystrike pogged again as she showed off. "What, you into legs?" "Yes." Skystrike said matter of factly. "...Why in Tartarus are you so forward about it? Like, thanks I guess??" Tethys threw up her arms. "Good to know I have nice legs???" "No problem. That's what friends are for!" Skystrike gave a thumbs up. "Skystrike, I want to hit you SO bad right now!" Tethys laughed some more. Skystrike was sitting at Ponyville's local bar, having a drink prepared by the owner. A plum coated mare with a raspberry pink mane and tail, hosting a cutie mark of a bunch of grapes and a strawberry. Her name was Berryshine, better known as Berry Punch, and she knew how to brew. In a few moments, she served him his drink, a simple Margarita. She even gave him the lime. "Thanks, Berry." Skystrike raised the drink to her before taking a few sips, feeling the slight burn as it went down. "No problem, colt." She said before going back to cleaning her glasses. It was the evening, around seven to be exact. The ponies of the town started to roll in, having a bit more fun before the weekend ended. The bar was rather small, only having about a dozen and a half booths, but it made sense for the size of Ponyville, barely breaking 100 ponies at the moment, but the village was steadily growing. Skystrike looked around the bar to see all that was going on. Some ponies throwing darts at a dart board, another few groups sitting at the booths, chatting between each other, and some even looking through the vinyl's at the jukebox. Skystrike, however, was taking the time to think about what he learned and did earlier that day. He was having doubts about telling Rainbow Dash. Well, not truly doubts. He felt that he'd come to regret it later, but couldn't tell if that was his instinct or his predisposition against the ponies. It was the same with Tethys, Zecora, Elytra. Well, Elytra already knew, but still. He was at least glad he had one of his sisters back. But back to the topic at hand. Maybe he could trust Rainbow... actually most definitely. But he should not have told Mayor Mare... or Minuette, Lemon Drop, or Twinkleshine... Man he fucked it up. But maybe those three were ok? They haven't seemed to reveal his identity. Or maybe nopony believed them. Moon Dancer knew for a while. Skystrike knew that she needed somepony to talk to, even through letters. Some ponies need that connection, but life doesn't let them make them. He'd make sure to read her letter first thing tomorrow morning... better yet, he'd visit when he goes to Maud's graduation. He got lost in his thought again. His very being was telling him not to trust these ponies, or any being in this world. But at least he knew why, and he wouldn't let it control him. What he worried about now was the time they have left. The time Skystrike had left with all of his friends. Everything he planned on doing either will never happen, or will have to be sped up. At worst, five years left... The obvious thing is to write his will, who'd he leave his belongings too. What he actually wanted to think about was... how to tell his friends. Rainbow, he told because she helped him out, stayed with him, listened to him, even if she wasn't obligated to. She deserved to know the truth about him. But the others, he wasn't sure what to do. He could keep it a secret, and they'd live with the pain of his sudden death. He could tell them all, but then they'd know that the time they have with him is limited. There's no happy ending for his story... He could only lessen the pain on those he cared for, and do some good before he'd go. He always wanted to be a singer, ever since he went to a concert back in grade school. Vynil is offering to make music with him, so he could at least release some tracks. Always wanted to get a girlfriend too, but two things about that. He'd have to find one first, and one that would be ok with his inevitable death. The realistic option would be to cross that off. There are a few races he hasn't even met yet that he'd want to meet. Kirins, Deer, the beings down south, the beings in Zecora's home country, there's so much he wants to see. Five years should be enough time, but he'll most likely stay in Equestria. He should leave something behind to protect his friends and their world. Echo could help with that... if he stays active after his passing. Maybe he should reveal himself to Celestia... No, not yet. Out of the question. But the main thing he'd have to work towards is seeing his friends again. The members of 'All' that disbanded. He'd have to speed up the plans. He sighed, downing the rest of the drink in one go. It's been a hard day, he deserves to get soft. He asked Berry to make him another, her doing so. Skystrike was about to down it before a hoof touched his shoulder. "Starting without us?" Skystrike turned to see two familiar, and a new face. A mare with a white coat and light pink mane and tail, the former being in a bun. Her cutie mark was that of a medical cross with a heart at each corner. After looking at her a little longer, he recognized her. "Ah, perfect timing. Mayor Mare, Cherilee, and Redheart right? I remember you. Patched me up good." Redheart nodded. "Yes, and I couldn't forget you. Stitching you up when you had claw marks that big on you wasn't easy." She sighed. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting you of all ponies to be the 'new friend' that Ivory was saying was going to join us." Mayor Mare quickly covered Redheart's mouth, but it was too late. Skystrike fully turned to face the three. "So that's your real name? Ivory, huh? Knew Mayor Mare had to be a title." He chuckled. "The whole thing is Ivory Scroll, now that you know, but... I perfer to keep it on the hush hush. Only close friends call me that." Mayor Mare shuffled in place, removing her hoof from Redheart's mouth. "Trust me, I get it. I'll keep calling you Mayor." Skystrike got up and grabbed his glass. "Let's move to a booth. You ladies eat yet, or you just here for the drinks?" "If you're offering to pay, we didn't eat yet." Cherilee smirked. "Alright, I can do that. Just don't make a habit of it." Skystrike laughed as they moved to a booth. They all took their seats as Cherilee continued the conversation. "You dont have to, I was joking. We can pay for ourselves." "Please, don't worry. It's really no problem." "Dang colt, how much do you make where a sudden outing is no problem for you to pay?" Redheart put an elbow on the table. "Uh..." Skystrike looked up in thought. "Depends on the year, to be honest. When I first started out, I had to do simple fetch quests weekly just to get by. Wasn't until I was able to get my first real mission that I started making good money. Lowest I made in a year, after splitting rewards between everyone, was 40k. Highest year was the year before I moved here, made 430k." "Damn, what did you have to do to get that much in one year?" "Well, further context was that 430k was before expenses. After, it was 380k. I planned on settling down, so I took a lot of quests from the average pony, to nobles, to government officials. Ranged from missing ponies, to monster hunts, and even some things I signed some NDAs for." Skystrike looked into his drink and took a sip. "Word of advice for all of you, if you think somepony has it out for you, write it down and hide it somewhere. The guards aren't trained to look too hard, and close the case without doing much work. Your friends and family end up calling ponies like me to do the looking." "Yeah, I had a stalker back and highschool. Still have the notes I wrote." Mayor Mare admitted. "Oh shit, you had a stalker? Why didn't I know about it? What happened to them?" Cherilee turned to look at her friend. "I didn't take him too seriously until it came to a peak. Normally, he just showed up at places where I went. The library, my job, things like that. It wasnt until he followed me home that I got worriedd about it. But soon after he just stopped. Completely stopped approaching me, in fact, began running away if he ever saw me in class. What was his name? Stone Journer or something?" "Stone Journer was your stalker?" Cherilee's eyes went wide. "What, you knew him?" Mayor Mare tilted her head, putting up a hoof to call over a waiter. "Well... not knew knew, but we had a lot of similar classes. Some colt asked me about him during out junior year. That Skystrike kid, was the same year as us, but a few years younger. When I asked why he wanted to know so much about him, he said 'the less you know the better' then walked away." Mayor Mare turned to Skystrike. Though she couldn't tell by his face, she could tell by the eyes that he was smirking. "Isn't that Skystrike pony the one with no magic?" Redheart joined in. "I had to do my bachelor's research project on the effects of magic on a pony, and how it differs on species. He was a big part of my research, since the average medical practices didn't work on him. Most of our medicine reacts with the magic in ponies in after all." Redheart turned to Skystrike again. "But your job sounds pretty interesting. Exciting too." "You'd think so, and at times it is, but most completely forget about the part of the job where the ponies judge you. All four of us help ponies here. Tending to their wounds, educating the youth, serving the residents, your achievements are looked on with grace. Not many see me or anypony in my line of work as anything more than a thug for hire. It's pretty isolating." "Eesh... Never thought of it like that... I will say, I did think of you like that for a while until you took out that Ursa Minor... and I had to stitch you up. Sorry." He shook his head. "No big deal. The town's got... marginally more accepting so I'm over it by now. But enough about me. I barely know anything about you three." The waiter came to take their orders as the conversation paused. They quickly placed their orders. The warm glow of the bar lights reflected off the polished wooden tables, casting a nice ambience over the room. As their food and drinks came, Skystrike on his third, they clinked their glasses together, and the murmurs of conversation began. It was interesting to him how quick the excitement and comraderie settled in between the group. Despite appearances, Redheart was a natural conversationalist, who's witty remarks effortlessly kept the banter going. As she showed more of who she was as a pony, her animated gestures and infectious smile drew in everypony. Cherilee was more of a listener, and did so to every part of the conversation, but made sure to add her opinions in as the night went on. Mayor Mare was more rowdy that he was expecting, but he couldn't tell if it was just who she was, or because of the alcohol. The ponies could handle less than him. Honestly their alcohol wasn't even strong. She was laughing pretty loud, but he didn't blame her. Doing three ponies jobs at once couldn't be easy. She just wanted to let loose a bit. Same with Cherilee. Redheart wasn't much of a drinker, but mostly due to her job. Had to be on call just in case. Didn't stop her from having a drink or two, but she had to wake up in the morning without a hangover. Time seemed to slip away unnoticed as the group bonded over their shared experiences, discovering some common ground and appreciating their differences. As the evening progressed, the initial hesitation of talking to these ponies transformed into a genuine connection. They each bought something unique to the table, forging the beginnings of what promised to be a lasting friendship. They promised to do this again. Alas, the night was coming to an end. Skystrike was surprised he felt better, despite how the day started out. While he, Redheart, Mayor Mare, and Cherilee weren't drunk, each one of them were tipsy. Redheart was the first to part ways, her house a few minutes walk from the bar, but they continued the conversation until the last second. Skystrike, even though he doubted he needed to, walked them home. Cherilee's place was in the opposite direction of Mayor Mare's home, so the two decided the former would sleep at the mayors home. They walked into the mayors home, the three still laughing as he helped them inside. Skystrike didn't realize how much they drank. The mares were leaning on him in a... way that was giving signals. He was probably thinking too hard. "The... bedroom is the doorway on the right." Mayor Mare pointed. Skystrike lead them to the bedroom, Cherilee and Mayor Mare giving each other a look, unnoticed by Skystrike. "Could you help me... undo this collar?" She took of her glasses and gave him 'the look'. There was a growing blush on both her and Cherilee's face as the latter waited on the bed. Mayor Mare took of her glasses as she laid back on the bed as well. Skystrike, the dense idiot he was, took of her collar and put it on the night stand next to the bed before tucking them both in. "You two comfortable? I can get you some water before I go. Help you work of the hangover we're going to have in the morning." The two earth ponies looked at each other before laughing. Cherilee was the one to clarify. "Quite a gentlecolt, but I didn't take you for one to be so dense. So let me be less subtle... we'd like to have a good time, and hopefully for a long time~." Cherilee stood up and flicked his chin with her tail. It still took a moment for it to click in Skystrike's brain. "Aight." > Picking up the shattered pieces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike woke up, looking at Mayor Mare to his left, and Cheerilee to his right. He looked at the clock, seeing it was six in the morning. Internal clock was nice. He sat up, then slowed when he realized his mild hangover. And then he remembered what they did last night... Needless to say, the three were not tipsy. He got up, making sure not to wake the two next to him, and the first thing he did was use the bathroom. Second thing he did was drink water, and a lot of it. He was about to figure out what to do next, but then he smelled something. The smell that's been following him for a while. He reeked of sweat, among other things. He took a shower. Mayor Mare used nice shampoo. After about twenty minutes, he dried himself off, walked out, and put back on all his clothes. It just turned seven, so he still has time. It's a Monday... Mayor Mare and Cheerilee had work soon. Might as well help them get ready for the day. Skystrike checked the fridge. Milk, eggs, bread, haybacon, various fruits, and some cheese. He could work with it. Breakfast sandwich time. In a few minutes they were done. Toasted bread, with eggs, cheese, tomato's, and haybacon. He had to admit, it slapped. Skystrike walked back into the bedroom and looked at the sleeping mares. They looked very satisfied. He nudged them awake. "Yo, it's 7:20. You two gotta get ready for the day." Mayor Mare and Cheerilee groggily got out of bed. They joined him at the table and began eating. "I needed this..." Cheerilee said between bites. "Thank you for cooking, Skystrike... and for last night... best time I've ever had." She smirked. "No problem, but if there's a next time, let's be sober." He chuckled as he began eating too. "I'm up for it again, definitely. Just wasn't expecting you to last that long... I also cant feel my legs... and my flank hurts just from sitting in this chair." "You too, huh?" The two mares laughed. "You two were pretty good yourself. And really loud... God I hope nopony is outside this house when we all leave... rumors spread too quick in this town..." "In my defense, you're really good at foreplay. A lot of stallions don't know how to do it, or only focus on themselves." Mayor Mare took a sip of water. "And I don't even remember the last time I came from just a tongue. You were no rookie... How many bodies do you have under that belt, stud?" Skystrike looked to the ceiling as he counted in his head. "You two make the total... five." "You know, I was expecting more than that." Cheerilee bit into her food again. "Most stallions are in the double digits, but we could tell from last night, you aren't most stallions. Well, moving on then, I don't know if you know, but every few weeks or so, I invite a pony to come into the schoolhouse and talk about their profession, and give a demonstration to the kids, and make it a bit interactive. I haven't found anypony for next month if you think you'd be up for it? Obviously not your main job, but Pinkie talks about all the contraptions you make. Something related to that?" "I do have a bachelors in Physics, and a masters in magical engineering. I make all my weapons and armor myself. I guess you want something simple for the kids?" Skystrike asked. Cheerilee answered with a nod. "Alright, I'll do it. We'll stick with projectile motion... How crazy can I get with making it interactive?" "I feel like this is a trap, but what do you mean?" "On a scale of air cannons to catapults, what can I have the kids make?" "...Lets stick with the air cannons." Skystrike nodded and laughed. "Alright. I can bring the materials myself. By the way, Mayor Mare, you still need help with your paperwork and all that?" "Skystrike, you blew my guts out and made me breakfast the morning after. You can call me Ivory." Skystrike nearly choked from laughing too hard for a solid 2 minutes. "And today shouldn't be a busy day, and Raven should be back tomorrow, so I don't think I'll need your help after all." "If that's the case, works out great for us. I have a lot of work to do." "Preparing for another mission?" Ivory Scroll got up and began brewing some coffee for the three. "Somewhat. I have some loose ends to tie up, but the beings I need to do it with are in other countries. I plan on making blueprints to upgrade an airship I plan on buying." Skystrike finished his food and water. "Jeez, where do you have to go where you need an airship?" Cheerilee raised a brow. "Out of this country, and over Celestia Sea. Just need to get the license for it, and the know how to pilot it." Skystrike stopped for a moment, putting some sugar and milk in his freshly brewed coffee. "Thank you. But hey, I got a busy day. I need to prepare for an overnight trip to Canterlot tonight. A friend of mine is getting her masters." "Alright. Tell her we said congratulations!" Ivory smiled and began drinking her coffee. "I'm going to finish this with Ivory before heading to the school house. I'm definitely going to need this coffee." Cheerilee sighed. "Alright then. I'll see you two later." And with that Skystrike got up and waved the two mares goodbye. As soon as he stepped outside, he realized his fatal mistake. Where Ivory's house is. Rarity's boutique was within eyesight... and thus earshot. And they were loud last night. Oh god oh fuck. If Rarity sees him he wont hear the fucking end of it. And like the world ramming a cactus up his ass, Rarity, and for some reason, Rainbow Dash, both walked out of Carousel Boutique. The three made eye contact. Rainbow and Rarity gave a smile. That smile... that damn smile. "Oh darling~..." Rarity cooed. "It was so noisy last night... I wonder what all the noise was?" Skystrike stared. Rainbow flew up and elbowed him in the side. "Well, studinator, how'd it go? I heard it during a midnight flight, and you were going at it!" She laughed. Skystrike stared. "You absolutely must give me all the details." Rarity snickered. "...I swear to god, if you two say anything to anypony, I'm going to make your pronouns was/were." Skystrike groaned. "You don't have to worry about that." Skystrike gave a sigh of relief at Rainbows words. "Half the town already knows." His eyes shrunk to pin pricks, and Rarity and Rainbow Dash laughed their asses off. "IT'S NOT EVEN NINE YET!" It soon became the afternoon, and word spread much, much faster than he thought. Elytra knew, Zecora knew, Tethys knew, even the introverted Fluttershy knew. Like, what the fuck? And now he's getting some lecture from Elytra about safe sex and STDs. He tried to explain what happened, but the older sister part kicked in and Elytra wouldn't listen. Damn... how long is she going to talk for? Sure, he's a bit naïve, but he knows how to have safe sex. And he had protection. Skystrike was zoning out from her rant. "Ehnyehnyeh?" Elytra spoke, but the words fell on deaf ears. But Skystrike did hear the inflection of her voice change. Shit, it went up. Fuck, that was a question. Skystrike hesitantly gave a half assed answer. "...Well, you know... it's all in the past now so... I'll promise to do better?" Her iridescent eyes grew annoyed. "Buck you mean, 'promise to do better'!? You realize that a good portion of the town wants a go at you!?" "They WHAT!?" Skystrike blurted. Tethys, who was watching the show go on, was laughing her ass off. "We've been telling you, 'studinator', that you're a catch! And now ponies think you're an easy lay! I had three mares stop by earlier asking if I could put in a good word!" Elytra stomped her hoof. "...Well did you-" Skystrike was stopped mid sentence by a hoof in his mouth. "Skystrike, by the pantheon, this isn't a joke. If I find out you end up being some whorse and end up with some girl pregnant, I'm going to kill you, then follow you to Tartarus MYSELF TO KILL YOU AGAIN!" "Jeez, ok, I get your point. Plus, you know how I can literally change my biology. I can effectively make myself infertile in theory." "Let's NOT take any chances!" She grabbed her head. "By the pantheon! I don't want mares, or DRAGONS..." Elytra shot a look at Tethys. "to talk about my brother and how good he apparently is." "...Yeah, I guess that would suck. I'll keep it on the down low." Skystrike sighed. "I'm surprised it got this far anyway... Well there is only about two dozen or so single stallions in this town. Anyway, we got..." He checked the time in his visor. "An hour before we gotta go to the train station. We ready?" "I am. Don't have much to bring with me." Tethys stood up. "Haaah, we're only going to be there for a day... Not looking forward to being back in the capital." Stardust sat on the couch next to Tethys. "Why's that?" Tethys patted her friend on her back. "Just some assholes I'm glad I don't have to deal with anymore. I was never too good at sparing, so I was looked down upon in my squadron. Then even more when I got the job to be your guard. Well, spy, but guard is the official name." "Wait... I thought Bonbon was the spy?" Skystrike sat down in his recliner. "...You knew!? For how long!?" Stardust nearly fell out of her seat. "Since she hit on me when I first moved here. Figured it out because she was the first to do so, and made it hella obvious. Did some looking into her when I first went to Canterlot. Since, I've been giving her false info, just to see if Celestia noticed." "...Skystrike, you're making my life so much harder... I have to report to her and the princesses. We've been reporting different things to the princesses!" "...That's a good thing though. Well, for me at least. If it makes your job easier, I could just give you some info that can be easily proven." "Like?" "I made a Stake Launcher that can take down dragons. That'd probably get her attention. Left one of the rounds there too... I should bring it. Celestia and Luna'll probably want to see it." Skystrike quickly got it out of the crates he still needs to unpack, and slung it over his side. "I've never seen you use it... or work on it." Stardust got up and rubbed the side of the metal weapon. "What does it do?" Skystrike grabbed one of the stakes and juggled it in a hoof. "Shoots a 10 pound lump of metal at the speed of sound at anything I point it at." "Shit dude, what did you build this for???" "In case some huge dragon tried to kill us. Came in handy. It worked." Tethys got up and brushed herself off. "Let me go get my clothes." Skystrike nodded as he made sure that his weapon was calibrated correctly. "God, I hope I don't have to fight when we get there tomorrow... First time was Magnus, second was almost with that noble. 50% chance is not chances I like." "I'm sure it'll be fine. Just don't say anything stupid." Stardust sighed as she put on her guard armor and saddle bags. "Also, if we're invited to the castle, try not to talk to any of the guards. I think they're still upset about that Magnus pony." Skystrike, Stardust, and Tethys left his house, meeting Zecora along the way to the train station. The four talked between each other as they waited for the train to arrive. Tethys was currently the one speaking. "So, what do you guys think?" Tethys was wearing some blue jeans and a green turtle neck sweater. "I don't know how Rarity got a turtle neck to get around these horns, but it's great! And I get to keep my wings out!" She gave an excited flap. "It looks pretty good on you. You rock it." Stardust circled her to get a better look. Zecora nodded in agreement. "I'm surprised you got Rarity to get you that shade of green. She said and I quote. 'It's such a horrid color!'" "Well, I said that because it is a horrid color. On me." Rarity said from behind the group. "And I'm glad you're enjoying your clothes." The four turned to see the mane six walking up to them, Pinkie Pie hoping along with some saddle bags on. Skystrike waved. "Yo, how's it going? What brings you all here?" "I could say the same, studinator." Applejack smirked. Skystrike stared at her for a minute surrounded by stifled laughter. "Give me a minute." Skystrike set down his items and flew off just to the horizon line. Then, he screamed at the top of his lungs. Finally he flew back and landed on the train platform. "Three... two... one..." The sound of his scream traveled to them, and though it wasn't loud, they could still hear the pain from it. "WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Skystrike let them laugh it out before continuing. "I see that some ponies spread the word." He shot a look at Rarity and Rainbow Dash. They were the only two that saw him leave Ivory's house. "Well, it wasn't just them, sugarcube. Mayor Mare and Cheerilee weren't exactly quiet." Applejack pat his shoulder. "I ain't judging, though I will say I wasn't expectin ya ta like older mares." Tethys shot her a look that said 'the fuck?' "The judging part isn't the issue, also, they're like, 30. I just like keeping my private life private... How much did they speak about?" Applejack avoiding his gaze said it all, along with her reddening face, but she still spoke. "Well, a time like that is rare, so when it happens, every mare wants to know... Tethys and Zecora weren't kidding about the tongue." "...FUCK!" Skystrike slammed his head against the ground. "Don't worry, Neby! Who cares if you ate them out like a jar of peanut butter? We're still your friends!" Pinkie tried to make him feel better, jumping to his side and patting him on the back. Tethys and Zecora pointed at Skystrike and laughed, who curled up into a ball. "I want to die. Throw me on the tracks when the train comes." "Don't say that." Rainbow Dash frowned. "Besides, that the worst of it. Mayor Mare and Cheerilee said some pretty good things about you." Rarity gave elbowed him. "Maybe now you'll see what I mean when I say you're a catch... Half the town want's a swing at you. Eh? Eeeeh?" Skystrike got up, took in a deep breath, then released it. "I need more guy friends. Moving on, what are you guys doing here? I'm on my way to Canterlot, personally. I'm going up to see some family and friends!" "You too!?" Pinkie leaped three feet into the air. "I'm going to see some family too! We're meeting in Canterlot! One of my older sisters got her masters! We're meeting to celebrate!" "Wait, ya got a sister? Multiple?" Twilight turned to Pinkie. "Oh yeah, I guess I only mentioned it in passing." Pinkie knocked on her head and stuck out her tongue. "Three actually. My twin, Marble and I are the youngest, then Maud is older than me, then Limestone is the oldest! Maud is the one graduating." "Dear Celestia, Pinkie has a twin?" Rainbow Dash grabbed her eyes and pulled down, stretching her face. "One is enough." "Mood." Skystrike nodded. "Wait, isn't Maud-" Tethys began to speak, only for Skystrike to nudge her side. "Oh right, secret." "Actually, she's a lot like Fluttershy. Super quiet, you won't get a peep out of her! But she's super sweet when you get to know her!" "Well, good thing we wont ever have to deal with two of you." Rainbow gave a sigh of relief. "Speaking of Fluttershy, how's it going? Don't wanna act like we forgot about you." Skystrike put back on all his items. "Oh, well... I'm doing fine... Was very confused what I woke up and heard around town, but I... I'm still processing it actually." Fluttershy gave him a forced smile. "But I'm glad you got a herd." "...Who in this green hell of a planet said I had a herd?" "...Do, do you not?" "NO! I was drunk! We were all drunk!" Skystrike threw out his hooves. They all gave out a sigh of relief, but it was drowned out by the blaring of the train's whistle. "Train time, fuck you all, I'm going to shit myself!" Skystrike stepped on the train and went to his train car. "Alright, everypony, see you when I get back!" Pinkie, without a care in the world, hopped onto the train. "I wonder who my bed mate will be?" Morning couldn't come quick enough. The endless teasing from Tethys, Stardust, Zecora and even Pinkie joining in from time to time, continued until they tired themselves out. Soon, the train stopped at Canterlot at 8:30 in the morning. Skystrike and co stretched as they got up from the long ride. Two unicorn guards ponies approached the group. One spoke. "Atlas Nebula, Stardust, you two have been called upon by her royal highnesses. We are to escort you two to them immediately." Skystrike looked at them, then to Tethys, Stardust, and Pinkie. "Welp, you heard the guards. I'll try and make sure we're there, so tell her not to worry." Tethys nodded. "Sure thing. I guess you'll just find us." And with that, Skystrike and Stardust were being let to the castle. "...Were you expecting this, Stardust?" Stardust shook her head. "Honestly, no. I sent the report on the train here. They were really fast about it... I think this is about something else." His thoughts first went to the worsts. Did Luna rat him out? While he wouldn't be surprised, he did expect her to keep his secret... No, Luna couldn't have. Only way to reveal his secret was to also reveal her own. Celestia wouldn't want that either. That was the implied deal... Now he really had no idea what was going on. It was probably about his Stake Launcher. He did leave two rounds in that beast of a dragon... But even if it was, no way Celestia and Luna would call him and Stardust over. Only thing she was involved in was the report. Something was up, and he didn't like it. But Skystrike didn't have to wait much longer, as they were finally inside the Castle thrown room. He was very surprised by who he saw. While Celestia and Luna sat in their respective thrones, to the left of Celestia was some very old faces. An alicorn with a pink coat, with a long mane and tail of violet, rose, and gold, and a cutie mark or a light blue crystal surrounded by gold laces. Next to her was a rather large unicorn stallion with a white coat, and blue, sapphire, and cerulean mane and tail. The stallion was not giving him a good look. The alicorn was indifferent. And Skystrike wasn't sure he wanted to deal with this today. Celestia spoke first as the guards left the room. "Good morning, Nebula, Stardust. I hope you weren't too inconvenienced by the sudden escort here." Stardust bowed, then shook her head. "Good morning, princesses. And it's no problem, though we are surprised on the sudden call." "I understand. It was rather sudden. See, Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza were able to come to the capital. Shining Armor spoke about having something to speak about with Nebula here. As my sister and I have some matters to talk about with him ourselves, I believe it'd be best if we just set aside a day to speak on the matters." Celestia motioned to the to ponies to her right. Cadenza gave a polite wave, while Shining nodded. "A pleasure to meet you, Princess mi Amore Cadenza! A pleasure to see you again, Captain!" Stardust saluted. Then she elbowed Skystrike. "Psst... introduce yourself." Skystrike gave Celestia a look. She returned it. Then he looked at Luna, who gave a small shrug. He sighed, and decided to act like he didn't know them. "Well, good to see my reputation even got to your ears. I'm Atlas Nebula. But I am sort of confused why you two wanted to talk to me specifically. I do hope this doesn't take all day as Celestia said, as I do have some things to do." Cadenza furrowed her brow. "...And what exactly could be more important than meeting with all three princesses?" "Well, my personal life is my business, but if you must know, a friend of mine is getting her masters. I said I'd be there. Sorry if you were expecting some selfish reason. You think the average pony comes to Canterlot for no reason?" Luna looked to Celestia, and Celestia back to Luna. Cadenza had a face of surprise at the audacity. And Shining was fuming, but was able to contain himself. "Well, if you want to cut to the chase of why I want to speak with you... almost three years ago, a squadron of Royal Guards went missing in a forest on the way to Canterlot. Would you happen to know anything about that?" Stardust gave a worried look at Skystrike. Nearly everypony's hair stood on edge in the room, waiting for his response. "About as much as Blueblood." Skystrike shrugged. "Considering you came to me about the conflict, that means you asked him first, and from that, I can already assume what he told you. But I'll hear your side before I decide how to best go about this." Shining scoffed. "What, so you can weasel around what I say so you can make your story sound believable?" Skystrike sighed. "So, I have to deal with THIS today... Sorry Stardust, but I'm going in. Shining, you're a damn captain of the royal guard, so I'm going to ignore what you just said, and try not to treat you as a naïve child." Skystrike said, making everypony's eyes go wide. Shining was about to shoot back, but Skystrike put up a hoof. "Tell me, what do you think Blueblood, a pony who's Celestia's niece, and has the political power to hide anything and silence anypony, would do with a squadron of royal guards that were supposed to escort him through that forest when he hired me and my group to also escort him, even though he had no reason for us? On top of that, why do you think he went by wagon, on land, and not a royal chariot by air, through a forest in the middle of fucking nowhere?" Shining Armor thought about it for a moment, but shook his head. "...Even if that was suspicious, you and your mercenary friends still killed twenty four of my stallions and mares. You understand that that many charges of murder can't go away." "Ok. Prove that I murdered them." Skystrike offered. "...What?" "You come to me, accusing me and my friends of murder of whatever degree, but that's all that you have, accusations. So prove it. But I wish you luck, getting all you need to bring me in. As you've said, twenty four of your guards were killed. The only ones who are there to tell you what actually went down is me, my group, and Blueblood. Blueblood, from your perspective, is the only one who is even remotely trustworthy, but that has some issues. He has his own bias, he'd have to admit he hired us, because I still have the contract, that I am not legally required to show you unless I'm convicted, and he'd also have to show the guards he illegally hired for an outside job. You cant get my or my groups testimony because we haven't been convicted, and you'd have to go through the laws of every country each of them are from, and you can easily write away our inputs because, from your perspective, we'd have an interest to lie to cover for ourselves. If you had any other evidence tying me to that forest those years ago, I'd be in hoof cuffs and labeled as a terrorist already. Basically, you try and take me down, Blueblood will have to admit to his years of corruption. I don't think a scandal will be good for Canterlot, let alone the royalty." They all continued to look at him, Stardust's mouth dropping as he ended his rant. Shining responded after a moment. "...You bucker... even if you're right, you still killed innocent ponies! They've done no wrong! They had families! Friends!" "And the members of 'All' don't? That's the thing about situations like these, the less you know, the easier it is to judge. I completely understand your grief at the loss of your allies, some even being friends. But just as you wish to protect those you swore to, so do I. But I guess you wouldn't care if my friends and I died, huh?" Skystrike crossed his hooves. "You came to me, fully convinced I was a murderer. Now you see me as somepony with a mind alike yours. And hopefully you see Blueblood as the manipulative snake he is. And personally, I don't consider anyone who's willing to take a life, whether it be to protect someone or not, as innocent. Ponies like you and me, we hurt others. Sure, we do it to protect the ones we love, but in doing so, we're taking someone away from those they love. There's no good guys here, bro. Figured you'd know this by now." Cadenza finally stepped in. "I don't know what your problem is, Nebula, but you should remember well who you're talking to." "Oh I'm sorry, PRINCESS Mi Amore Cadenza, but when somepony is implying me to be a heartless murderer, it would kinda piss me off." Skystrike said sarcastically. "Ponies aren't just able to shut off their emotions just because they're in the presence of royalty. You should know a lot about emotions, given your title as the princess of love." Luna, and partially Celestia, couldn't help but smile in amusement at the show they were getting. "Now, now..." Celestia started. "Nebula, despite the... bluntness of his words, is mostly right about this. But I will talk about this with Blueblood at the first chance I get." "Hold on, you're just letting him go?" Shining started to protest. "Don't tell him how I've been living in Ponyville, or how you reached out to me for a mission two weeks ago. Maybe he'll realize that I'm not Sombra part 2." "Nebula, please stop antagonizing him..." Celestia put a hoof to her head. "Isn't that where Twilight lives?" Cadenza turned to Shining. "She's doing fine by the way. So is Spike. Just celebrated my birthday with her this past Saturday. She's chill. You should really write to her." Shining turned back to Skystrike. "That's it! Let's rumble!" Luna's ears perked up at that. "What a marvelous idea!" She said clapping her hooves. "It's been so long since we've seen a battle!" "I'm all for it... that squadron deserves at least some sense of justice." Shining agreed. "Then lets make this more fun..." Luna rubbed her hooves together. "It will be a double battle. Shining Armor and Princess Cadenza against Atlas Nebula and Stardust. Both opponents must forfeit or fall in battle for the winner to be announced. If Shining and Cadenza win... Nebula must admit to what happened in that forest." Skystrike groaned. "Of course, nearly every time I come here, some pony with an ego too big just wants to run these hooves. Luna you're lucky you're a real one. What do I get if I win?" "You get to walk away scot free." Cadenza put a hoof forward. "Literally nothing is stopping me from walking out the door behind me besides the mild curiosity to see where this goes." "We must admit, Nebula, we... haven't thought of that. Your reward from a few days ago was already more than generous. we don't see what more thou'd want." Then, Skystrike remembered what he spoke about with his friends... And how he was going to get to other countries. "I want an airship." "...Nebula, you're asking for a lot here..." Celestia leaned forward. "Yo, if I'm going to basically solo the captain of the royal guard and a whole ass alicorn, I want something good." Skystrike put up his hooves in defense. "No offense, Stardust." "None taken, excuse my language, but the buck am I going to do against them?" "You can at least hold your own. Make those colleagues of yours see that you got dat dawg in you." "Ooohohooh no, you got yourself into this! This is your fight!" Stardust backed up. Celestia couldn't help but laugh at the sibling-like bickering. "Well, I'll humor you, Nebula, but how about we change the conditions?" Skystrike raised an eyebrow. "Go on..." "If you beat Shining and Cadenza simultaneously, Luna and I will take the money out of our personal treasury to get you that airship." Celestia offered. "...You serious?" "By my name as princess. And admittedly, I would enjoy remembrance of the olden days. However, when you lose, you also have to tell them about that." She meant his identity. Skystrike already knew. It was a fair request. "Fine by me, but fuck you mean 'when'? This fight may give me a run for my money, but I ain't gonna lose." "You sure about that, bastard?" Shining walked in front of him and stared him down. "We've the best teamwork since childhood." "And I was there when it was taught to you." Skystrike stretched his neck down to be at his eye level. "You'll understand what I mean when I tell you about that thang. But just so it makes more sense after I land a twenty hit combo on you two, good to see you two again, and I'm glad you two actually got together." Then walked past Shining, who had a look of confusion in his face, to Celestia and Luna. "I know you two had some stuff you want to talk about, but can it wait until after the fight? It's nearly noon, and my friends graduation starts at noon." Celestia nodded. "Actually, Casta Spell already told me about your friend Maud. Coincidentally, I'm giving a speech at her university. We should be making our way there. Luna, can I leave you in charge of setting up the battle?" "Thou can!" Luna said excitedly before teleporting away. Then, Celestia turned to Shining armor and Cadenza. "I'll see you two at the colosseum. I'd invite you two, but you two need your heads in the game. I know you haven't really spared since you two were in highschool, but it's best not to underestimate Nebula here. And I do not want to buy an airship." "Fighting was... more fun back then. Well, not the fighting itself, but more the training and effort that showed in the team work we had." Cadenza reminisced on the past. "Plus, it was always really cool all those contraptions he made... Honestly I'm surprised he knew how. He was strong enough with a sword, but then he started making some crazy things." Shining gave a little laugh as the two began to walk out. "Heh, yeah... a shame we couldn't get here a few days earlier. We should go visit his statue. Hope his family is doing ok." "Yeah... Maybe we should bring him something." Cadenza used her horn to open the door. "You remember what he liked? You knew him best, after all." "He always liked when we sang together, though he wasn't very good at it... let's visit before we get in some practice. Sing another song." Cadenza finished before the two left the throne room. Celestia, Stardust, and Skystrike were left, an awkward silence lingering in before Celestia broke it. "...You know, when my sister came back, and you revealed yourself, I was overjoyed." She sat down next to Skystrike. "It broke my heart to send my sister away, and again when I lost you... Honestly, at the summer sun celebration, I took a gamble. I dread to think what would've happened if Twilight didn't find the magic of friendship... I'm glad that I got my sister back, but when I learned you too were alive, and you helped my sister and my student, I was... I barely know how to describe it. Thankful that I was given another chance to make a relationship with you, but pained knowing that you were alive this whole time, not feeling as if you could trust me. But you've changed over the years. I just didn't get to see it." Celestia fought back tears as she got the next words out. "Skystrike, I-... I don't know what I've done to wrong you, but I want the relationship we once had. Would it be too much to ask for you to talk to me?" Skystrike wasn't expecting that at all. He checked the time, it being a bit past ten. No, he wouldn't look for an excuse to avoid this conversation. Even after what she did, he still respected her enough to warrant a talk. Skystrike sighed. "Fine, I'll talk. You raised me for six years. I owe you that much." He sat down, motioning Stardust to do so too. "You adopted me when I was 10, along with Blueblood, and Cadenza a few years before us. I did enjoy the family, and the change of pace from my old one." Celestia tilted her head. "Old one?" Skystrike nodded. "Hear me out before you say anything. The circle I've told this to is few. Before I came to Canterlot as a child..." Skystrike hesitated on speaking, but it'd need to come out sooner or later. And he respected her enough as a person to not lie to her. "I was raised by the Changelings." Celestia's eyes went wide. "The former queen, rest her soul, Khrusalis, took care of me as one of her own. I was able to integrate into the hive, call them my family. She was like a mother to me. And like any mother would want for their child, she wanted me to grow. Due to the conflict between our races, she wasn't able to get me anywhere better than the Church of the two Sisters. It was by pure luck that mere months after, you adopted me. Know that I have no contact with the main hive, or any outposts, only with those who're banished like myself. As for the why I was banished, that is another story. Khrusalis came to visit me here in Canterlot for my 14th birthday. I was to meet her in the outskirts, then help her inside so we could have fun, just the two of us. But, she was intercepted by your Royal Guards. I was beyond careful, the only one who could've known my location at that time was you... She died that day, along with any dream of peace we had between our races..." Celestia was hurt by the implication. "And... you've blamed me, all this time?" Skystrike nodded slowly. "Yes, I did... But... I came along some new information two days ago, and now I'm questioning everything. I don't have the time anymore to hold on to past hatred. So, I'll ask you this, and I don't want you to lie to me..." Skystrike took off his helmet, looking into Celestia's eyes of hurt with his of anger on the brink of tears. "Did you do it? Did you call those guards after her?" The aura Skystrike was giving off was dangerous, Celestia could tell. As if it almost ordered her to not lie. But she didn't plan to in the first place. "Skystrike I-... I never even knew she was in Equestria, let alone on your birthday." Skystrike could feel a part of his world shatter around him. All this time, all the hatred he had for her, gone in an instant, because he never had anything to hate her for. Tears fell as he rushed to wipe the tears away. "...I see..." Skystrike sat in silence for a minute. "All this time... I blamed you for something you didn't even do... 11 fucking years..." Skystrike clenched his hoof. "And from the sounds of it... it doesn't seem you knew about Blueblood either." Celestia shook her head. "No. While I don't know about what happened, I didn't know he tried to assassinate you and your friends... I'll try to do something about it." Skystrike shook his head. "No need. Being honest, if we went about it your or Shining's way, there's still a chance for Blueblood to get away. I can guarantee that with my method, he'll admit to everything. Of course, I don't plan on getting out of this scot free. I just want to make sure he gets what he deserves... And it'll be where this whole hell hole started..." "What do you mean, where it started?" "...You didn't know?" "...Know what?" "FUCK! Oh my god! I-... I thought you knew this whole time and didn't do anything!" He grabbed his head in pain. These last few days have been hell... Skystrike sat in silence as he thought over everything. His reasons for hating Celestia for all these years weren't even her fault. She didn't send the hit on Khrusalis, and she didn't seem to know about what Blueblood did to his home. He blamed her, he loathed her. For everything he thought she did, that she allowed to happen. And now he felt sick to his stomach. Celestia looked at him, sitting there for the past few minutes in his own mind. She turned to Stardust, who's been quiet this whole time. "I... can't help but feel there's context I'm missing here..." Stardust blinked. "Princess, I thought you knew too, since you still see him... From what Skystrike has told me, the night of the gala, Blueblood burned down the orphanage that Skystrike grew up at those years ago. Skystrike went in to save some of his siblings stuck inside, and fell in the rubble... But you probably knew that last part." "...I need you to say that again, just to make sure I didn't mishear it..." Celestia tried to hold back her anger. Stardust inched back slightly as she was about to speak. Then Skystrike cleared his throat. "Blueblood set fire to the orphanage to get back at me for... whatever he thinks I did to him." He turned to Celestia. "I wish that it didn't have to be like this, losing the relationships of those close to you. I... I abandoned you for something you weren't at fault for..." Skystrike took in a deep breath and bowed his head. "For the pain I put you through, for the relationship that I've broken, and for the one we could've had, I'm sorry... Our relationship was shattered, all by my hooves, but if you'd let me, I'd... like to at least attempt to put those pieces back together." Tears welled up in Celestia's eyes before she pulled Skystrike into a hug. "I can't fully grasp what you're going through, but I'll ask about that another time... but for now, I'm just glad I have you back." "...I don't deserve ponies like you." Skystrike and Stardust split up from Celestia so she could get ready for her speech, making Skystrike promise to talk about it more later. The time he spent in the throne went on longer than he thought, having Stardust latch onto his back as they flew to their destination. Why the hell was Canterlot University on the complete opposite side of Canterlot!? He wished Celestia could teleport them. They flew in, Skystrike and Stardust writing their names on their sign in sheet, then finding their seats next to his friends he arrived with earlier and Casta Spell. They just made it with 10 minutes to spare. Skystrike sat down on his chair and leaned back. He looked around, curious of who all would be there, but there was nopony he knew. What he did notice was that his group was getting a lot of stares. It was expected of course, with him being his size, a Zebra next to him, and a dragon as well, a few were even avoiding them. He tried to get the thoughts of doubt out of his head, just trying to focus on being here for his friend. Skystrike looked at the graduates at the front, all sitting and talking to each other before the ceremony started. Though it was a bit hard to find her, he found Maud Pie by the back of her head, who was currently talking with her classmates, her facial features not moving at all. He laughed a bit at that, turning to his friends. "You know, when I first met Maud before she joined the group, I thought her monotone thing was a running joke she had." Casta giggled as she spoke in her quiet voice. "You know, I thought so too, but then she didn't stop for a month straight. And then two, and three, then seven years." Then she straightened her wizard hat to block the sun from going into her eyes. "Wow, I just realized, I've known you all for seven years." Tethys nodded. "Eight for me. It's a bit weird, having such a long life. Eight years isn't a lot to me, but you ponies and Zebras, that's a meaningful amount of time." "Well, actually, lesser known knowledge, but the life span of us ponies at least scales with how much magic we have. The princesses have been around long before even you were born Tethys. No pony- er body knows how old they are. From how refined my magic is, my life expectancy is about 200 years." "Oh, cool. Good to know I won't have to part with you anytime soon." Tethys poked Casta's side with her tail. "We've known each other for quite some time. I recall your post-high school prime, Casta, Sublime." Zecora smiled at her. "Well thanks, Zecora. You, Tethys and Skystrike were actually some really good older role models for me. Helped me get through a lot when I first joined... I don't think I'd be here without you guys." Skystrike turned his head. "Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but what do you mean 'older role models'?" "Yeah, I'm confused too." Stardust joined in. "Nebula is the youngest out of all of us." Casta stammered. "But- but, I-... you're so much bigger than any other stallion! And you were so mature! How old were you when we met?!" "Seventeen." "You're twenty five?? I thought you were thirty! Er- no offense." Casta covered her mouth. "All good. Not too big of a deal." The five of them talked for a bit more before the ceremony commenced. Celestia walked on stage and began her speech. "Ladies and gentlecolts, esteemed faculty, proud parents, friends, and the distinguished graduating class of Canterlot University. Today marks a significant milestone in your lives. As we gather here, surrounded by a palpable sense of achievement and anticipation, we celebrate not just the completion of a rigorous academic journey but the beginning of a new chapter filled with endless possibilities." The princess looked through the crowd and at the graduates. "Each one of you sitting here has traversed a unique path to reach this moment. You've overcome challenges, embraced knowledge, and expanded your horizons in ways that will shape your future endeavors. Today, we recognize and honor your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to excellence. The education you've received here extends beyond textbooks and classrooms. It's about nurturing curiosity, fostering critical thinking, and instilling values that will guide you through life's complexities. Remember that learning is a lifelong pursuit, and the skills you've acquired here will serve as the foundation upon which you build your aspirations. As you step forth into the world beyond these walls, equipped with the knowledge and experiences gained during your time at Canterlot University, I encourage you to embrace change fearlessly. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and let your passion be the compass that guides you toward success. But remember, success isn't merely defined by individual accomplishments. It's about making meaningful contributions to society, fostering empathy, and being a force for positive change in the world. Carry with you the values of integrity, perseverance, and empathy. Let them be the guiding light in your professional and personal endeavors. Stay true to yourselves, but also remain open to new perspectives and ideas." Signaling the last part of her speech, Celestia used her magic, raising the sun further above her into the sky. "As you embark on this new journey, know that the entire Canterlot University community stands proudly behind you. Cherish the memories you've created here, and use them as fuel to propel you toward your dreams. Congratulations, graduates, on this remarkable achievement. The future is yours to shape, and I have no doubt that each and every one of you will leave an indelible mark on the world. Go forth and make us proud!" Everyone gave the obligatory hoof stomps before the dean of students came out, and began reading the names of the graduates. Of course, it went by alphabetical order, and they sat there for a while. Finally, the name they were waiting for was called. "Maudileena Daisy Pie with her masters in Rocktoligy." On the complete opposite side of the place they were sitting in, he heard a familiar voice. "WOOO GO MAUD!" Fucking Pinkie. Tethys snickered. "Her full name is Maudileena Daisy Pie?" Zecora snickered too. "I am not going to lie, I'm more surprised she's related to Pinkie Pie." "You should be more surprised that Pinkie is related to her. Cotton candy is the outlier in her family." Skystrike laughed as he stood up. "Did you all talk to Pinkie or Maud about what they're going to do?" Casta nodded. "Maud's having a Picnic with her family, since it's the first time she's seen them in a while. She invited all of us too." "Would be nice to see some old faces." Skystrike stretched, picking up his items, then the group began to walk towards Maud, standing with her family. "Just so you all are aware, her parents are like, the old style ponies. Be a bit careful of what we say. Casta, I know you aren't too big on meeting new ponies, but you'd get along pretty well with Marble. Limestone is a bit hot headed, and Pinkie is... Pinkie." "...I feel like I should be worried about this Pinkie mare." Casta said as she straightened her cloak, trying to look presentable. Soon, the group walked up to the pie family, Pinkie was the first to greet them. "Hey! You were able to make it!" Pinkie noclipped over to them, stopping in front of Casta. "Hi, my name's Pinkie Pie! Neby doesn't talk much about his old friends, but you seem nice! I like your outfit" She took Casta's hoof and shook it rapidly. Casta pulled her hoof back, nodded with an "Mmhm..." and hid her eyes under her hat. Pinkie was about to say something else, but Skystrike put a hoof on her chest. "Pinkie, she's happy to meet you, but she's not too great with new ponies. It's going to take some time for her to warm up to you." "Oh, ok! I get it" She jumped up and down before grabbing his hoof and pulling him towards her family. "She'd get along with Marble then! But come on! My family can't wait to see you again!" Tethys smirked. "Getting an early start, knowing her family, 'studinator'." "Tethys I will make you into a coat." "...What does she mean by 'studinator'?" Casta raised a brow. "I don't wanna talk about it." He said all too quickly. They all laughed as Pinkie stopped pulling, then b-hopping around her family, introducing them. "These are my parents, my sisters, Limestone and Marble Pie, and the mare of honor... Maud!" She did jazz hooves at her. Maud, in her monotone voice, greeted them. "Hey, everyone. Glad you all made it." She took off her cap. "...Aren't I supposed to throw this?" Skystrike tried to stifle a laugh. "Glad I could make it too. Sorry that I was late, I was called to the castle." Maud shook her head. "It's alright." Then she turned to her family. "You all already know Nebula from that job those years ago. The dragon is Tethys, The Zebra is Zecora, and the unicorn is Casta Spell. I've wrote about them in my letters." "Greetings. I am known as Igneous Rock Pie, son of Feldspar Granite Pie. This lady by my side is Cloudy Quartz. Whilst one countenance among you bears the warmth of familiarity, it is equally gratifying to extend cordiality to the acquaintances of my eldest daughter." He put out a hoof to shake. Skystrike took his hoof and shook it. "Good to see you again, Igneous. Good to see you doing well too. I hope that the infestation of Graveworms haven't popped back up." Then he turned to Cloudy Quartz, putting a hoof on his chest and giving a courteous bow. "And a pleasure to see you too, Cloudy. You two must be proud parents." Cloudy nodded. "Verily so. Our daughter hath brought us much pride. We must express our gratitude once more for the aid rendered those years hence. Maudileena hath apprised us of thy residence in proximity to Pinkie. Pray, trust she hath not been a source of undue vexation unto thee." "Oh, she's been fine. Comes with the territory of knowing her." Then he turned to Maud. "So, how's it going. Feel any different now that you finished your masters?" "About the same. How've you been? Pinkie speaks pretty highly of you." Maud walked up to him. "...Now are you going to do the thing? You didn't last time." Skystrike laughed as he pulled out a bit. "A normal bit." Showing each side, one having Celestia's cutie mark, and the other being Luna's. He threw it in the air a few times, catching it in his hoof, before clapping his hooves together with the coin in the middle. When he showed his hooves, the coin was gone. Pinkie, looked at, and under his hooves. "What? Where'd it go?" Skystrike smirked. "Igneous, check under your hat." The stallion did so, pulling off his hat and seeing a coin it it. "...Amazing. How accomplished thee such a feat?" "A magician never tells his secret." Maud picked up the coin and looked at it. "You should've seen the other times. One time, he 'lost' it, and it showed up where Boulder was. Speaking of..." She took boulder out of her pocket. "Boulder missed you." Skystrike looked at the pebble named boulder. "Good to see you too, bro." Boulder stared. There was an aura around it, one of... malice. Then it spoke words that only Skystrike could seem to hear. "EVERY SECOND YOU AREN'T RUNNING, I AM ONLY GETTING CLOSER. EACH MOMENT YOU LET MY WRATH FESTER, IT IS ANOTHER ATROCITY I PROMISE TO COMMIT. WHILE I MAY HAVE THIS BODY OF STONE, SOON... I WILL RETURN TO MY PRIME. AND WHEN I DO, EVERY LIGHT IN THIS GALAXY WILL BE SNUFFED OUT." Skystrike looked at the pebble named boulder. "Good to see you too, bro." Skystrike then turned back to the actual living beings. "So, what we doing?" "Well, I planned us just hanging out the rest of the day. I'm going to move back home for the break before I go back for the Ph.D. I just don't want to think about school for a little while." Maud said with monotone once more. It's a bit hard to pick up, but Skystrike learned that she was saying that with a hint of tiredness. "Well, I have a fun day planned for us!" Pinkie pulled out a booklet from her mane. "We'll have a picnic, food made by yours truly, and then we can walk through the Canterlot Gardens! But if you all are interested..." Pinkie leaned in and put a hoof to the side of her mouth, as if trying to be secretive. "I hear the Captain of the Royal Guard and the Princess of love is fighting against some masked warrior in a few hours. And they're allowing bets!" Stardust looked at Skystrike. Then Zecora. Then Tethys. Then Maud. Then everypony else. Skystrike shrugged. "Well, I won't lose, so... free money for you all." Tethys nodded. "You make a fantastic point. I'm gonna put down 10k." "I'm not sure..." Stardust spoke. "We're talking about the most powerful unicorn alive and an alicorn trained by Celestia." Maud shook her head. "Stardust, while you're right, Nebula has surprised us too many times." Limestone stepped forward. "I'm willing to place a bet for him. I saw him wrestle a grave worm because a sword couldn't pierce the stone like scales. Also, we just got a new princess. There's a third one now?" "Well, there's been a third for a while. She's just... not as popular." Casta flipped up her hat. "But she is pretty nice. I've had her help me with some magic spells. She shouldn't be underestimated." "Casta, Nebula spilled many secrets in Ponyville. Would you be surprised if he was holding back still?" Zecora spoke. "...Enough to take down two of the strongest ponies currently alive?" "I wouldn't have accepted the duel if I didn't think I could win." Skystrike stretched. "But hey, I'm trying to eat." "Oh, right." Maud pulled out her map. "There's a spot I like in the Canterlot garden that I sit at. Pretty nice, and normally not many ponies this time of day." Pinkie grabbed the edge of the screen, pulling it, and revealing everyone sitting in the middle of the Canterlot gardens having a picnic. Well, save for Skystrike, who was in the same spot during the scene transition. "Wh-... what the fuck!? We were just at the ceremony!" He looked around in shock. "How the hell!?" Maud looked at him- well her expression didn't change, but if it could, she'd look at him like he was stupid. "Nebula, we spent twenty minutes walking here. Stop being silly and come eat the food." Skystrike was losing his shit. "...Fucking Pinkie Pie..." He turned and took his seat next to Maud. "So, what are we talking about, since I apparently zoned out the last twenty minutes." "Nothing much. Mom is going on about when my sisters and I are getting coltfriends... Mostly me and Pinkie." Cloudy Quartz nodded. "Indeed, 'tis veracious. Ye twain are the sole absentees from the homestead. I shan't endure indefinitely, and my yearning is to embrace the role of a grandmother." She sipped some tea from her teacup. Skystrike felt that he shouldn't be here. He made a motion to get up, but then Maud grabbed his sleeve with her hoof. He took the hint, and stayed with her and Pie sisters. Pinkie was rocking her body back and forth, Marble was hiding behind her mane, Limestone was grumbling. Of course, Maud was just being Maud. "Mom, I get it, but I want to focus on my education right now. The whole reason I wanted to go into rocktoligy was to help out on the farm, and maybe start one of my own." "Such is no justification to eschew a suitor. Grant this aged mare a glimmer of optimism, I beseech thee." Cloudy put down her cup. "But mooooooom..." Pinkie whined. "You have no idea how much harder it is to find stallions compared to when you were younger!" Skystrike took a sip of his tea, hoping he wouldn't be bought up in this conversation. Maud elbowed him. He took the hint. "Cloudy, while I can at least partially understand your want of grandkids, it's best not to put so much pressure on your girls. Each one of them has their own dream they want to follow. Let them go chase it for a while. Maybe they'll catch it." "I doth aspire for my daughters to attain their aspirations. Above all, my desire is for my daughters' felicity." "I get it. You want what's best for them. I had some brothers and sisters I helped raise and I wanted the same. But often, they don't want what we think is best. We just gotta let them live their lives. The only one who truly knows them is themselves. All we can do past a certain point is hope they believe in themselves." Maud nodded. "What he said. I'd like to have kids in the future, but for now, I just want to get my Ph.D. I actually want to start a Geology museum if given the chance." Pinkie nodded as well. "I want to start a bakery of my own! And then I'll have foals!" Limestone finished her sandwich. "If I can find a colt to get with a mare like me on a rock farm, I'll go for it." Marble did her "Mmhm!" as she raised her teacup. Cloudy Quartz paused for a moment before sighing. "Thou speaks the truth. Nebula, thou art a fine young colt. I pray thee may one day join our lineage. I bestow upon thee my solemn blessing." "...Thanks? I guess??" Skystrike was flabbergasted. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that information." "My daughter Pinkie Pie lauds thee greatly, as doth Maud Pie. And if such be they inclination, they speak of my ample maternal attributes." Cloudy Quartz leaned in and gave him a smirk. Pinkie's face turn bright red. "Wha- MOM!" She covered her face in embarrassment. Maud still had her forever poker face, but even she was a bit flustered, her face turning a shade of red. "Mom, please stop talking. He's never going to let me live this down." Skystrike smirked. "Well, if these two age as well as you, then I'd be a lucky stallion." This time it was Cloudy's turn to blush. "Quite the charmer..." "Nebula, by the princesses, do not hit on my mother." Maud turned to him. "Oh come on. It's like looking into the future. It's a return on investment!" Skystrike was barely able to finish before Maud bonked him on the head. "That's fair." Pinkie was on the ground snorting "Ooohohoh my gosh!" Maud leaned on Skystrike. "You're lucky you're endearing. Honestly, I'm surprised you're still single." "To be honest, I found out two days ago that I'm even seen as an option." Skystrike shrugged. "Maybe I'll find a marefriend..." "Well, herds are a thing... Ever... ever thought about one of those?" Pinkie hinted. But Skystrike was stupid. "I mean... maybe? That wasn't the norm where I'm from, so that'd be a whole thing I'd need to learn. I also don't want to come off as greedy..." "What do you mean?" Maud looked up at him. "I don't know. It's like... the funny part of me wants to see how many wives I can have before the government stops me. On a more serious note, I don't see how one guy can manage more than one mare at a time. Or how one even starts." "Well, normally the one who asks the stallion first is the lead mare, and they're in charge of any other mares the stallion brings in. In a herd, the stallion is the one who keeps the peace or stops any conflict in the herd. If a stallion wanted to spend time with the mares, traditionally, the weekends are when they all come together, and the weekdays is when each gets some one on one time. Normally a heard has between 4 and 6 mares." Pinkie explained. Skystrike thought about that for a moment. "That... makes sense. But then what about the kids?" "Well, the stallion is expected to be a stay at home dad if there ends up being foals. The mares would be the ones bringing in the bits for the family. The kids would see the other mares in the herd as aunts." "...That... also makes sense... Then why don't we see that many herds? Like, the cakes are monogamous. Your parents are monogamous, and so are the Riches." Cloudy answered this time. "That matter encompasses myriad considerations. The Cakes is a conscious election. Igneous Rock Pie espoused into my lineage, and owing to our affluence, a menagerie was not within my purview. I surmise akin circumstances transpire with the Riches." "...Look, Cloudy, I'm gonna be honest, I'm slow to respond to you because I have to process what you say each time." Skystrike chuckled. Cloudy Quartz looked around, seeing her husband in the distance talking to Zecora, Stardust, Casta, and Tethys. Out of earshot. She let out a sigh and took off her glasses and wiped them with a cloth. "Same, to be honest. Speaking like I'm from the Victorian era gets tiring for real. For real though, it's nice talking like a normal pony every once in a while. My husband just likes the other way of talking." The sisters all stared at their mother. Limestone broke the silence between them while Skystrike was laughing. "This is... the first time I've heard you speak like that." "What, you think I spoke like that when I crawled out the womb? Your grandmother told me to speak like that if I wanted your father's attention. It worked, and I got that hunk of stallion." She smiled at the memories in her mind. "But I wish I could talk normally every once in a while. Skystrike was laughing harder as Maud tried to ignore him. "I feel like I'm experiencing whiplash. This is so much to take in." "Back on topic, I am serious about my blessing, stud." Cloudy nudged him with her elbow. "If I were just a few years younger and not happily married, I'd shoot my own shot. I just gotta play wingmare since someponies aren't honest with their feelings. Just keep these two as an option~" "Mom, please stop talking." Maud and Pinkie said in union, but with varying tones. Skystrike sat there. "I'm not sure how to respond to that. Therefore, I will give the most average response and say ok." Cloudy chuckled. "Aight, homegirl can live with that for now." She straightened her glasses. "But hey, it's almost time for your... well was gonna say duel, but it's a 1v2. I'll put some money on you, so I'll beat your ass if you get your ass beat." Skystrike laughed harder. "Oh my god, you're awesome. Don't worry, I've got some tricks up my sleeve." He sat in the waiting room in the colosseum. He only had a few minutes before he would be announced as the fighter. Stardust, Zecora, Casta, Maud, and Tethys waited with him, helping him make sure he had everything ready. The Zecora, Maud and Stardust were double checking that his armor was on right. Tethys was looking over his blades, using her claws to sharpen them. Skystrike was making sure the chains on his back were all ok with Casta. Last he used these was against Magnus. It was pretty easy, blitzing through him. But he underestimated him, and that cost his downfall. Shining and Cadenza wouldn't make that same mistake. Most of the chains within the links were in top notch condition, Casta using her magic to mend any cracks. "You sure you got this? I can give you some enchantments at least. Or some buffs." Skystrike shook his head. "This fight is a bit personal. Gotta do this with my own strength, but if you want to help... remember that song we all used to sing together?" Casta's ears perked up. "You want us to sing again? While you're in the middle of battle?" "I'd appreciate it... It'd help take part of my mind off the fight itself." Skystrike took the four swords handed to him by Tethys and attached each one to the chains, then the chains to the chain locker attachment just between his shoulder blades. Stardust and Zecora helped him stand up. He drew in the chains on his back, the four swords hanging down on each side. "That expression, I've witnessed it plain. They were your companions, were they not, in their domain?" Zecora asked. He nodded. "Yes. I grew up with them. They just don't know it's me yet. Just wish this wasn't the way they found out." Skystrike rolled all his joints into place and gave a quick hop, getting used to the weight of his new attachments. Finally, he got his stake launcher and attached it to his lower back, calibrating it. It aimed where his head pointed. Could come in handy. "Thanks for being here for me girls." Tethys gave a light punch in his shoulder. "It's what we're best at. Now go kick some ass. You can count on us to sing our hearts out." "I can't really sing or it may blow my cover, but I'll be there in spirit!" Stardust saluted. "I'm tone deaf." Maud added. Skystrike snickered and he put a round in the stake launcher. "I don't deserve you girls." And with that, they heard the announcements. "Contestants, please get ready to enter the arena!" A stallions voice was heard through amplified sound magic. "Welp... that's the bell. I'd recommend going to your seats. Shit is as about to go down." And with that, his friends nodded and went to the spectators booth. Skystrike made sure they were out of earshot and took in a deep breath. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I can win! I feel great! I! CAN! DO! THIS! RAAAAAAAAAAAA-" "What are you doing?" Echo asked. "I uh... nothing?" "Really? Because it sounded like you were chanting to yourself." "...Maybe..." "Cringe." "Well fuck you, robobitch!" Skystrike smiled as he put on his helmet and began walking. Make a cool entrance. "Ladies and gentlecolts, prepare for an extraordinary spectacle! In a unique and daring turn of events, we have not one, but two formidable combatants uniting their strengths to face a single challenger! Entering the arena first, a force of unparalleled strategy and precision! Shining armor~! Known for his unparalleled skill in swordplay and defensive ability! And with him, Princess Mi Amore~ Cadenza! Known for her magical prowess and cunning intellect! Lets make some noise!" Shining and Cadenza entered getting cheers from the crowd. Shining Armor wore armor that was indeed shiny. It was a set of purple armor with gold engravings. It looked light on him, only covering the front of his lower legs, chest, neck, and back. The chestplate had his cutie mark on it, being a blue shield with a six pronged purple star, similar to Twilights. Cadenza was wearing a set of platinum armor with gold engravings as well. It covered her chest, back, neck, hooves and stomach. She even had a helmet with a decorative tiara on it. It looked heavier than Shining's, and probably was. Alicorns were more hardy, and could hold more weight. Her chestplate also had her cutie mark on it. Of course, he couldn't ignore the blade on her horn. "And now, the defender! Fueled by unyielding determination and sheer willpower, stands the lone warrior. Even now, he stands against the odds! Known for his impressive feats, from knocking down an Ursa Minor in one blow, to slaying five dragons singlehoofedly, make some noise for the raven cladded slayer, the devil of the wind... Atlas~ Nebula~!" Entrance initiated. Skystrike took a running start, coming out of the darkness of the corridor and jumping into the air. He threw out one of his swords, the chains clanking against each other as it followed the blade that landed in the sunny arena in front of him. He pulled himself out from the darkness by the chains and landed heavily next to his sword, slowly standing up and staring across the arena at Shining and Cadenza. "BY THE PRINCESSES, HE'S SO FUCKING COOL!!!" He heard somepony in the colosseum shout at the top of his lungs. Skystrike looked to where the voice came from, pointed at the stallion and gave a wink before pulling his sword and arm back under his cape. Gave off that mysterious vibe. He looked around the arena, seeing Celestia, Luna, and his friends sitting in the royal section of the spectators seats. Why the hell was Pinkie holding a boombox above her head? He also noticed that behind him was all the normal citizens and nobles, while behind Cadenza and Shining were a staggering amount of royal guards. He wouldn't be surprised if every royal guard came to support their captain. And they were all staring daggers at him. "You know, not too late for you too back out now, it'd save you the embarrassment." Shining taunted, loud enough for the audience to hear. Skystrike chuckled. "Oh man, I always wanted to do prefight trash talk. I barely have battles where one side leaves alive!" Skystrike shot back. "But yeah, I guess it would be easier for you all if I just gave up here. Tell me, how shat were your pants when you realized one of your generals, that I won flawlessly against in less than a minute, was the head of a criminal organization?" Shining growled at that and stepped forward. "I'm going to enjoy seeing you grovel on the ground at my hooves." "You know, I can't say the same when I do the same to you. The PR nightmare is going to suck for you two when the Captain and a princess are gonna get planted in the ground like some dumbass trees." Skystrike smirked and gave the signature look of superiority. So superior that they could tell through the mask. The crowd cheered, growing a bit restless. The announcer took that as her queue. "Get ready for battle!" Skystrike stood on his hind hooves and threw off his cape, revealing his armaments and drew two of his blades. Cadenza flew backwards, as far as she could get from Skystrike. Shining Armor teleported a sword and shield in front of him. "Begin!" "Showtime!" Skystrike smiled and immediately rushed forward and slashing with the blade ins each forehoof. Pinkie pressed a button on her boombox... damn they got her into this too. All good, it'd make things more fun. "Let~ your hopes be blown~ away! All my foes~ will fall, the demon~ has come to play! Skystrike flipped over and threw one of his swords at Shining, who was barely able to parry it with his own weapon. "Inside this heart of mine I feel the fire beckoning! You deal with a power far beyond your reckoning! Then Skystrike threw the other blade at amazing speed towards Cadenza, forcing her to roll to the side to dodge. She immediately stood up and fired a blast of magic at Skystrike, only for him to cut through it and pulling himself towards her. "Drown... in your fear black~ as tar! Paralyzing fright~! You think you're~ up to par? Skystrike and Cadenza clashed blades, then Skystrike back flipped over Shining approaching from behind. When he was in the air, Cadenza shot another stronger blast his direction that he flew under, landing on the ground. He spread his arms wide as the two regained their stances. "I~ will rise! And my foes will fall~! All who dare to stand~... Shall be made to crawl~!" Skystrike pulled back all his blades, then flew at the two, going for a cross slash. Shining and Cadenza used their magic to make a combined barrier around themselves. It stood up well, Skystrike's blades stopping as it clashed with the magic. "And in your final hour of fading light~, Your dreams of peace cast aside... Scattered light dust in the night~! And in the final hour our star will shine~!" Shining dropped the shield as soon as he could to get a shield bash in, but Skystrike jumped on it and flipped backwards. "Starlight and powers align... in the final fight~!" Skystrike figured the testing of the waters were out of the way and decided to get a bit more serious. "Inside this heart of mine I feel the fire beckoning! You deal with a power far beyond your reckoning!" Then he heard Tethys's voice as she continued the song, her voice amplified by Casta's magic. "But best prepare yourself, 'cause this isn't a solo act! Think you can handle us, you don't realize this was a trap!" They really kept their promise. Shining and Cadenza looked at him with mild annoyance. Skystrike threw two of his swords at the unicorn, the chains wrapping around his weapons. While he was stuck, Skystrike threw one more that wrapped around his body. He pulled on all the chains in a way that threw the unicorn into the air. "Took~ the challenge, I'm~ impressed! I guess I must admit, you're a cut above the rest! Cadenza quickly flew in to get a cut on Skystrike. He saw this coming and used his fourth sword to parry hers, then landed a spinning kick on her side, knocking Cadenza back. "But I have no patience so it's best that you leave us alone! Got better things to do, You step to us I break your bones!" Shining took the chance he had and shot his own magic at Skystrike while he couldn't dodge. A beam of magic dug him a few inches into the ground before Shining teleported out of the chains and next to Cadenza. "You alright?" Cadenza shook it off. "Yeah, just a little sore, nothing to worry about." She said as Skystrike bought back in his swords. "Auntie wasn't kidding, but this song... it has some changes, but it's the same as the one we sang with him... You think...?" She wasn't even able to finish her sentence before a loud boom was heard, and Skystrike stopped between the two of them, forcing the two to split up again. "We~ are making history! And I can guarantee~... you will bow~ before~ me! Skystrike sent two blades at each of them, each parrying the blades to the ground before he tightened the chains, making a whirlwind of danger. The two had to back up even more. Skystrike burst out of the dusk kicked up by his tornado in front of Shining, who couldn't see and took an uppercut to the chin. He grunted as he blocked the next punch with his shield, his magic taking most of the force. He bought down the sword over Skystrike's head, who narrowly dodged it by closing the distance and grappling Shining before throwing him into the colosseum wall. "We~ of 'All~'... will strike you down~! We'll put you back in the ground... Learn why we wear~ the crown~! Skystrike flew towards the unicorn and elbowed him in the stomach where he was least protected, then picked up his shield to block his teammate's magic blast. She was getting angry. Skystrike smirked, then threw the shield at Cadenza's head to block her vision. She teleported through it before landing a slash on Skystrike's chest, who was hoping to use her blocked vision against her. Skystrike rolled back a few feet before catching himself and using his blades to slide to a stop. His armor was dented. She was DEFINETLY angry. "And in your final hour of fading~ light~! No one can challenge our might... Not while the fire burns bright~! And in your final hour, our star will shine~! Starlight and powers align... in the final fight~! What's wrong there, ponies? Are you just all bark and there's no bite? You'd think that that bravado wouldn't go fly out of sight! Then Casta and Zecora joined in. "Zecora you and me!" "I'm here Casta, you already know!" Then they sang a duet."We gotta do some clean up! Ready, girl? Time for a show!" Skystrike rolled his neck. He was impressed. He let Cadenza help Shining off the wall before grabbing two of his blades, letting his opponents make the move first. They decided to try something different this time, staying together as they charged forward. Seemed they wanted to get up close and personal. The two lovers were like opposites, each attacking where the other didn't, while also defending where the other was open. Skystrike tried an overhead cross slash, but each blade was bounced back by his opponents. Each time he tried to get an attack in on one, the other would defend for them and counter. He was glad he used dual blades as he switched to defense as he was slowly getting pushed back, the guard side of the stadium cheering. In~ the journey, we've~ come far! And now here~ we are! Now you'll see~ super stars!" "If you're standing before us, know that you made one mistake!" "Thinking that we can never find a way to challenge fate!" Skystrike stabbed two of his blades into the ground below him and flew with all his might, The ground rumbled as he pulled a large chunk of earth out before spinning and throwing it at the two, who jumped out of the way. While Shining stayed on the ground, Cadenza made the mistake of flying into the air. Skystrike flew up to her, who put up a barrier around herself. Bad move. Two of his sword chains wrapped around the ball and slammed her into the ground, the barrier not being able to stop her change in motion. She quickly teleported away again, behind Skystrike and kicking him in the back. He wasn't able to stop himself in the air fast enough before Shining used his magic to make an aura around his blade, hitting Skystrike with it and sending him to the other side of the arena. "We~ will hold our weapons high! Watch the sun set~! As we're soaring through the skies!We will rise~! Comrades hoof in hand~! We will never crawl... and here we stand~!" Skystrike got up, flew into the air, and dove down towards Shining armor, who put up his shield to block it. Skystrike, however, was faster, a loud boom coming from his speed as he stopped at his side and did another spin kick in Shining's face. He flew towards Cadenza, who quickly used her magic to catch him and heal any wounds he had. "And in your final hour of fading~ light~! Dreams of peace taking flight~! Bringing forth the light~! And in the final hour our star will shine~! Starlight and powers align... In the final~ fight~! "Inside this heart of mine I feel the fire beckoning!" "You are a fool to try and stand before us, you weaklings! "To save the future, fight for everyone and everything!" "The finale approaches now a victory we'll sing!" They all sang together as Skystrike tightened his grip. Shining and Cadenza took the queue as well, charging up as much magic as they could squeeze out of their bodies to end this fight. Cadenza looked to Shining. "Honey... are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "What the plan is, or who we think he is." "We both know what the plan is. But you think that he's really...?" "I know... we thought he died but... there never was a body... Let's ask once we get him to confess." Shining said before he and Cadenza crossed horns. In~ the journey, we've~ come far! And now here~ we are! Now you'll see~ super stars!" Skystrike waited as the two were casting their magic. He recognized the color and intensity of each one by the soft glow of magic surrounding the two on each cast. Body strengthening, magic amplification, speed, greater dexterity, stone skin, full potential, limit breaker... He'd have to put in way more effort than he thought. He was already huffing a bit from the fight. They're really trying to end it. They've gotten so far without him. He was proud of how strong they got. "Inside this heart of mine I feel the fire beckoning! You deal with a power far beyond your reckoning!" "Dreams... in darkness crash~ and burn! Now it's time~ you learn!""Now it's our~ turn~!" "We will rise~! And your stars will fall~!""We will bring the light~... back to 'All~'!" Cadenza put Skystrike's attention on her, using her now buffed abilities to shoot a barrage of magic blasts at Skystrike while Shining Armor charged up a spell. He could feel the magic expelling from the unicorn's body as he charged, closing his eyes and putting all his focus towards it. Skystrike cut down each blast with his swords, barely being able to keep up with the magic Cadenza was outputting. The audience was on the edge of their seats cheering for Cadenza to keep up the gattling barrage, and for Skystrike to cut down each one. But only few noticed the magic being absorbed by his swords. Just like back with Magnus. It was the final part of the song... perfect timing. He and his friends continued to sing together. And in your final hour of fading~ light~! Stand tall against our might~... while our hopes~ burn BRIGHT~!" Cadenza stopped her barrage of magic blasts before jumping back to Shining armor, and giving him that final push, adding in her own magic, making the growing ball of magic on their horns grow several times bigger. It was as if he was looking at a star being born... He always wanted to do this! An energy clash! He released all the stored magic in his blades, each glowing a pale blue, the same color as Cadenza's magic. He'd return the favor in full. "AND IN OUR FINAL HOUR OUR STAR~ WILL SHINE~! STARLIGHT AND POWERS ALIGN~... IN THE FINAL~ FIGHT~~!!" Cadenza and Shining released their magic, the beam of pure energy hurdling towards him. Skystrike drew each of his blades with such expertise, in less than a second, he made a vertical, horizontal, and a diagonal cross slash with his blades, looking to the untrained eye as if they all over lapped. With each swing, he released the stored magic within as they slowly pushed back against the swirling beam of pale blue and rose. Then, Skystrike pulled back his swords, grabbed one in his mouth, and pushed against the blast to help, using his fourth and final sword as an anchor. The final note was held between his friends as Shining's and Cadenza's magic was sent back towards them. At the last second, they combined their magic once again, blocking the magic coming their way. They struggled under the weight of their own magic, but they knew they could hold out. Until they couldn't. Skystrike got on all four hooves and prepared himself for the recoil. He aimed his stake launcher at their barrier, inhaled deeply, held his breath, then fired. A loud BANG was heard at nearly the same moment of shattering magic, their barrier breaking like glass as they closed their eyes from getting hit by the returning arcane energy. A large cloud of dust envelopped the whole arena as the crowd waited in anticipation. Skystrike stood back up, huffing as they all waited for the dust to clear. Moments passed as he stood in a defensive stance just in case. When the dust finally settled, Cadenza and Shining were both groaning on the ground. "Aaaaand it's over! Ladies and gentlecolts, in a staggering display of resilience and unwavering determination, we bear witness to an astonishing triumph! Against all odds, the Lone Vanguard has emerged victorious in this monumental battle!" The announcer spoke as the crowd cheered. Well, most cheered, being those who won bets and ones who just enjoyed the show. Everyone else gave audible groans... mostly the Royal Guard. "With unyielding courage and a spirit that knows no bounds, the raven cladded slayer showed unmatched skill, fortitude, and tactical brilliance! Stand tall, Atlas Nebula! For today, history has been written by your own valor!!" Skystrike huffed as he retracted the chains and sheathed his swords. He could feel the heat from the stake launcher radiate from it on through his armor. He picked back up his cloak, flapped it, and put it back on. He slowly walked over to the two under the guards seating area, who unsurprisingly began throwing items at him, complaining how 'he makes them look bad' or 'I lost so much money' or 'are you single?'. Wait, what the fuck was that last one. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Skystrike said to himself as he stopped in front of the two. Shining armor and Cadenza tried to shake off their fatigue and concussion as Skystrike picked up the dented metal rod in between them. He noticed the caved in shield that Shining used. Skystrike put the lump of metal in his saddlebag before looking down at the two. "...I must admit, you two were pretty good. Definitely a lot more than I was expecting from you two." Skystrike offered a hoof to each. Cadenza was the first to take it. "Ugh... Thanks... honestly, I wasn't expecting that part at the end, or that you'd offer to help... came off as a bit of an asshole earlier today." Skystrike chuckled as he dusted her off. "Heh, yeah, I guess I was. Sorry." Cadenza chuckled with him. "Eh, don't worry about it... We've just... been on edge lately. Thought we could get a small vacation coming here, but then Blueblood came in and told us about what you... allegedly did." She took off her helmet and horn blade, holding them at her side. "...You got a kick to be jealous of. Shining, how long do you plan on laying there?" Shining got up by himself. "Ugh... that healing magic felt like it did nothing. He tried to walk a bit, but felt a sharp pain in his back. "GAH!" Skystrike picked up Shining armor and took off his stake launcher and chain locker so Shining could lie on his back. "The adrenaline wore off. Try not to move too much. We'll bring you to some medics... Nice teamwork by the way. You got me good a few times." Cadenza smiled as he picked up everypony's items. "Thanks... speaking of, I feel like I hit you quite hard. Most ponies can't even take one hit from an alicorn... how are you ok?" She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm not. My back hurts, my arms burn, my chest hurts. You two did a lot of damage." He said as the two walked. Shining was about to say something, then groaned. "Yeah... you took a lot more damage than me. Try not to talk too, save your energy." Cadenza said. Shining responded with a groan. "...That was quite a song you and your friends sang... You love them, don't you? Platonically I mean. I can tell. It's what I'm best at." Skystrike nodded. "Yeah... they mean the world to me... I'm just glad the finale part landed. It would've been real awkward if that last clash didn't end it." The two shared a laugh as Shining fell unconscious. Skystrike left for the bathroom after dropping off Shining Armor with Celestia, who said she'd take care of his health personally. He let out a long ass stream of piss. A minute passed, then two... then he realized. "Oh shit I didn't pee since yesterday... holy shit my bladder is huge." He finally finished before washing his hooves and walking out. Currently, he was in the castle, walking down the hallway to the meeting room. When he entered, Stardust, Casta, Tethys, Zecora, Pinkie, and Maud sat on the right side of the table, while Celestia, Luna, Cadenza, and Shining sat on the left side. Tethys was drooling over the mound of bits in front of her, while Shining was in a number of casts. "Jesus christ, Tethys, how much did you win!?" Stardust laughed. "Oh, the odds were not in your favor. I put in 500 bits and got back five thousand." "There was a ten times return on my win!? No wonder ponies were mad!" "Better question, were you frying something down there? Because you piss loud." Maud said. Everyone in the room laughed at that. Then Tethys snapped out of her greed. "Oh, right, I took some of your money and placed a bet on you on top of my own. About 20k." Skystrike blinked. "...You have 300 thousand in bits in front of you?" Tethys giggled like an idiot and hugger the bags. "About 240k. Taxes suck." "You know, I'd say something, but we do need the money. Thanks to Cadenza, the new armor needs to be made sooner, rather than be on the back burner." Skystrike rubbed at the spot he was hit on his chest through his sweatshirt. "Thank god It's plated armor." Cadenza looked at him. "Speaking of... You're massive for a stallion, I wasn't even sure how much of that is armor until I kicked you. You reminded me of an old friend I used to fight with, but even if he was alive, no way he'd be your size." Skystrike felt the eyes on him. "Fiiiiiiine." Skystrike sighed and sat down at his seat, then he took off his helmet and rolled his neck. "Hopefully you two got all your anger out." Shining and Cadenza looked at him, their eyes going wide in realization. "Skyyyyyyystriiiiiiiiike!" Cadenza jumped across the table and pulled him into a death hug. "I knew it! I felt it in my heart for all these years that you didn't die that day!" Shining wished he could walk over without pain to greet his old friend. "Damn dude. You've really gotten big. Hard to think you're three years younger than me. But did you really have to beat me like that?" "Good to see you two again, Cadenza, Shining." "Oh come on, to old to call me 'big sis' like you used to? And just call me Cadence. We're family!" Cadence kept holding him in the hug. "But where have you been? What have you been doing all this time? Why... why did you leave us?" Skystrike sighed as he pushed Cadenced off of him. "Yeah, you two do deserve an explanation. Sit down, it'll take a while..." Skystrike then explained everything he went through that led him to that point. Growing up in the orphanage, getting adopted by Celestia, eventually meeting Cadence and Blueblood... then the day of the gala. "...He burned down my home to get to me. I didn't want to take the chance that he might go after those I care for again. I took the only viable option I saw." Shining sighed. "That... explains a lot, actually... buck... I get why you were so angry earlier today." "And it... also explains Bluebloods complete 180." Cadence nodded. Skystrike raised an eyebrow. "Oh, right, you wouldn't know. After you died, he made a show about how you two were always close, and how he was 'so sad' to see you go. I knew you two didn't really like each other, but... I thought it was sibling rivalry... It's so hard to believe he'd do that." "Quite honestly, I think the same. It would explain everything, but... it's hard to believe a pony I saw as a son would do this... let alone to a brother." Celestia closed her eyes in sadness. "We've went through his dreams. Skystrike Nebula speakeths the truth." Luna put her hooves on the table. "We have no relation to Blueblood, positive or not. We will not allow our bias to cloud our judgement when justice comes to him." Wait, you went into his dreams? When?" She turned to her sister. Skystrike answered for her. "The day I left for that mission. She wanted answers, and I wanted some too. Call it a trade. But let me clarify, I'm in this more so for revenge. If justice is served during my journey, then cool." Cadence raised a brow. "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" "Ironically, the same way Shining wanted me to admit to those guards dying, also because of Blueblood by the way, by challenging him to a duel. Difference is, I'm not planning on winning. He won't be able to admit defeat until he confesses to everything. Then, just so the legal case goes through, I'm going to turn myself in, along with all the evidence I have." "And... how do you plan on getting him to do a duel?" "Simple. I'd make a fool of him at the Gala. His ego won't let it slide. I know this because he put my family's and friends lives at risk twice because of it." Skystrike rubbed the scar over his eye. Tethys stuck her head out of the mountain of goal. "You know, I'm not sure you ever actually told us the guy who tried to kill you twice was your adoptive brother." Pinkie held her head. "Skystrike never spoke about what he did before his death... This is a lot to take in..." Casta cleared her throat. "We... are we going to ignore that Skystrike is a prince?" Skystrike looked at her. "...Oh yeah, I guess I am, huh? I never thought about it. And Pinkie, don't take it personally. I don't really like talking about it. It's... personal... even more personal then the current subject." "Like the child soldier thing or how you killed your first parents?" Maud and Celestia blinked. "Child soldier?" Then Cadence and Casta blinked. "Killed your first parents?" Skystrike shot Pinkie a look. The mare covered her mouth with her hooves. "God damn it Pinkie... I guess I gotta go into this topic now!" He threw his hooves up. Celestia put her elbows on the table and held her head. "...This is a lot to take in..." She mimicked Pinkie. Then her ears perked up. "Wait, Luna, you went into his dreams... did he tell you?" Luna looked to Skystrike. He sighed. "Yes, I told her, but less so because I wanted. More so because I asked her to tell you and everypony else if I ended up dying up in that village to the north." Skystrike then began to explain his origins. Obviously, he couldn't just say he was human, so he just replaced some of the info, saying he came from the unexplored west. He also explained how he got help before he came to Canterlot, but again, left out that the help was changelings, and how he was banished. Celestia knew, but decided not to reveal it, considering he didn't do so himself. Her face sunk into her hands as she gave a muffled. "Oh my me." "What the Buck, Skystrike!" Cadence slammed her hooves on the table as Pinkie cartoonishly cried her eyes out as she jumped to hug him while everyone else groaned. "Why didn't you tell us about this before!?" "I didn't think it was important." "The BUCK you mean 'didn't think it was important?!" "Please explain to me how you would've helped besides trying to make me feel better." The room fell silent. "My point exactly. Literally nothing would have changed. You all are holding onto some type of guilt, thinking you could've helped me, but you really couldn't. You all already gave me more than I could've hoped for. Don't hold yourselves to some impossible standard for yourselves." "I mean, yeah, but now I feel bad." Casta sighed. "We all banded together because most of us were abandoned in one way or another. We all complained about our circumstances but ours is... is like a bad dream compared to the nightmare that's your origin." "I mean, I guess..." Skystrike shrugged. "It really isn't a big deal to me. Can we talk about this another time?" Celestia sighed. "Fine... oh my me, what the buck" Her face was still in her hooves. She lifted her head. "What I wanted to talk to you about earlier was the weapon that you used to take down the Earth Dragon that Opal told me about. We also found what we assume was the ammo used for it. She said you called it a... 'Stake Launcher'?" Skystrike picked up the weapon in question and put it on a table with a loud thud. "Here it is. What do you want to know about it?" "Isn't that what you used against us in the battle?" Shining poked the weapon. "...You shot us with something that could kill a dragon!?" "Well, it did kill a dragon. But I switched out the ammo to be anti-magical, rather than anti-material." Skystrike put the round he shot the two with on the table, showing magical engravings on it. "...How does it work? I've never seen something like this..." Celestia picked up the Stake Launcher in her magic. "Well, it gathers the latent magic in the air, storing it within itself before converting all of the magic into arcanomagical energy. From there, it then converts the arcanomagical energy to electromagnetic energy, and accelerates it down the barrel. The magnetic field releases the metal stake at 400 meters per second, then releases any excess energy." Celestia looked at him. "And... how did you convert arcanomagical energy to electromagnetic energy?" "I'm with the princess, even I don't know how to do that... and you made it fit within that thing?" Casta used her magic to look over it. "That's patented, and hidden under lock and keep. It'd rather not rather not release the blueprints, because if anyone were able to mass produce what I have, it'd be, and I quote, 'Like giving cavemen a shotgun.'" Everyone but Celestia looked around confused. "...Where did you hear that phrase from?" "It was when I was working solo. I stumbled upon some weird creature. Kinda like a monkey but... sentient. Dark skin, white hair, metal arm, light blue eyes. He looked cool as hell, I'm not gonna lie. Anyway, he gave me some tips on how to make my armor, and came around recently to give me those blueprints. Told me not to share it under any circumstances. Then he said that phrase." "...Everyone, could you leave Skystrike, my sister, and I? We need to be in private." Celestia said in a rather serious tone. They all quickly walked out the room, Celestia closing the doors behind them. "Skystrike, you have no idea what you just stepped into... You just met a human..." "Alright, and that means?" "You're lucky to be alive." She said flatly. "My sister and I met those humans over a thousand years ago... we thought we drove them out..." Celestia sat in thought for a moment. Skystrike gave Luna a look, is saying 'you know?' Luna nodded. Celestia released her breath. "Skystrike, what I'm about to tell you will not be allowed to leave this room, alright?" Skystrike nodded. "Alright. Spill the tea." "This is not the time to joke, Skystrike..." She held her head. "I made sure to wipe them from the history books. Long ago, even before my sister's banishment, we were approached by a new race. They came from the north, first showing themselves in the frozen wastelands outside the Crystal empire. Humans, like the one you just met. At first, they were peaceful, wishing to do trade with us. But of course we were wary. They... appeared seemingly out of thin air, a portal they protected at the edge of our border with the empire. Years went by, and the trades went well. New innovations, new foods, new experiences... but then everything changed." Luna decided to continue for her sister. "We were asked for an audience with their leader at the time. They made their intentions clear. Their planets were dying, and they wished for a new home. When we declined, they spoke that they'd take it by force... My sister and I used our magic to push the hostiles back. Of course, it wasn't so one sided. Many of our ponies died by their hands, but the attackers were forced to retreat back to their world. A few of the humans were passive, wishing not to fight. Some left peacefully. Few were allowed to spend their last days on Equestrian soil. But once they went to their next life, we made sure they weren't remembered." Luna looked down when she said that last part. "None can remember the atrocities that the humans committed against us. They fought us with ruthlessness and brutality, caring not for our lives or their own. They only wanted to conquer..." "Every trace of humanity, we destroyed, and made sure they had no way to come back to our world... or so we thought... 17 years ago, a human colt fell from the sky and into Canterlot. I saw it as an attack at first, thinking another great war was going to start. But this one was different. He spoke that it was a mistake the way he landed, that he just wanted to escape. But I couldn't take that chance. I held him in captivity until he decided he had enough and escaped... At first, I thought it'd be as easy as the humans a millennia ago... but it was more than I could've prepared for. He didn't rely on ballistic weaponry like their past generations... he could use magic. Our magic, while being resistant to ours. On top of that, the child could easily overpower the average pony at his age... couldn't be any older than ten. I knew it had to be a sleeper agent, and was just... lying to guarantee his safety." Then she stared directly into Skystrikes eyes. "He escaped the capital, and we haven't heard anything from him since. No rumors, no beast sightings, nothing... And now you're telling me he's been in contact with you for the past three years?" Skystrike was not aware of all of that. He nodded as he continued to think over all that was revealed to him. "Yes... that's... a lot... So I think I get why you're worried. But I don't think he wants to take over your country. Apparently, he's been here this whole time and didn't do anything." "He didn't do anything yet. He was able to escape me as a child. Imagine what he'd be able to do now!" Skystrike looked at Luna, then back to Celestia. "I'm not going to act like I fully grasp your paranoia. But... maybe holding him captive and making him what's essentially a wanted fugitive isn't going to get him as an ally? Don't get me wrong, I get why you did it, but there is the chance for you two chat it out." Celestia's ears perked up at that. "Tell you what, if you can convince the human to have a conversation with us in a private setting, I'll... hear him out." Skystrike nodded. Right now would not be a good time to bring up how he and Tethys found a lab tracking him during his recent mission. He'll have to tell her as a human. But yeah, he completely understood why Celestia, did that to him with that added context. Basically, humanity tried to colonize them, and they were able to stop them. You know... he never was told what he was training for in that lab. It would completely make sense if he was supposed to take out alicorns like Celestia and Luna... Hell, he dealt with Cadence fairly easily without magic. Then again, neither were going for the kill. Skystrike finally decided to speak. "I'll see what I can do. I'll definitely ask him about what you told me. Pretty sure he hates humanity as much as you." Then Luna cleared her throat. "Well, now that that matter has been dealt with, we have a more immediate matter that concerns you, Skystrike. We also feel it's best for you to know, dear sister." Skystrike couldn't help but notice the nervousness she said when she said that. "Aight, what's the issue?" Skystrike asked as he looked at Luna, along with Celestia. Luna shuffled in her seat. "We... when we entered your dreams to have our chat long ago... it made a... bridge between our minds. We're still not aware why the bridge was made, but thy problem that it is there..." Skystrike tilted his head. "I don't see- oooooooh..." Celestia looked between the two. "I... cant help but tell I'm missing some context here." Skystrike looked at the princess of the night. "Well, since we're just revealing everything, you wanna tell her, or should I pull a Pinkie Pie? Fuckin... ass..." He said the last part under his breath. Luna looked at the two in growing nervousness. "Dear sister... don't be too mad, but... when Nightmare Moon was defeated, her... grasp on our body was released. However, her influence on our mind has not completely disappeared." Celestia processed that for a second, then grew angry. "Luna, are you trying to say that Nightmare Moon is not only alive, but can now get into his mind?" "...Yes." Celestia teleported next to Skystrike and took his face in her hooves. "Are you ok!? Are you feeling any different!? Any bad thought!? Voices in your head!?" "Jesus Christ, Celestia, I'm fine!" Skystrike pushed her off. "Besides, Nightmare Moon is chill." "...Sorry, I'm still not used to the modern slang... what is 'chill'?" Celestia tilted her head. "We are also confused by that term." Luna nodded. "Man, we need to get you two out more. I guess if I had to explain it, it means that she's... relaxed and cool at the same time." "Skystrike, we believe you are being too generous towards her." He shook his head. "I think you aren't giving her enough credit to be honest. I get that you two can't really trust her, but we should at least try. She has come by from time to time and stopped my nightmares." "...This is news to us." Luna sat up. "And... thou art sure that she isn't playing you? Gaining thou's trust to break it later?" Skystrike shrugged. "Being honest, I don't know. I just want to give her a chance to do better." Skystrike then looked at Luna. "Luna, when I first fought you in the Everfree... well Nightmare Moon, I promised I'd give you, and therefore her a chance. She hesitated when I said I'd be her friend. Call me naïve, but I feel that she has the potential to do better. A lot of the times, most ponies want to be better, but are never given a chance. Back then, I didn't even know you and Nightmare were separate beings. It'd go against my morals to deny someone who wants to do better. You two might not give her a chance, but I will." "Then thou art a better pony than me." Luna admitted as the room turned to silence. Once finished with his talk with the princesses, everyone waiting outside and immediately started hounding him with question. Skystrike answered most of their questions, but there were just so damn many. They talked about the battle he had with his two friends from highschool. Shining and Cadence felt a bit embarrassed, realizing that they were using tactics against Skystrike that Skystrike himself helped come up with. But Skystrike admitted they made it much better, only needing two ponies to do what they needed three to do back then. Then they admitted with a laugh that he was probably right about the PR they're going to have to go through because of that battle. They asked how his life has been so far, where Skystrike properly introduced him to his new friends, and what he'd been doing over the years he was presumed dead. The sun began to set as they all walked and talked, not having any destination. Then Skystrike noticed the time. The bell rang through the city, signaling the new hour. Six p.m. "Hey, I'll meet you all at the train station before it leaves at eight. There's just one more thing I need to do." Cadence raised a brow. "It's going to take you a few hours? Is it a mare~?." "Cadence, you did this when we were kids." Skystrike stared at her. "For last time, I don't have a marefriend. If you keep doing this, I'm going to clap back." "Aw~! He has a marefriend!" "Tell me, what ever happened to that body pillow you had of Shining armor that you practiced kissing on? Is it still with that shrine you have of him, or did you finally realize how creepy it was and burn it all?" She fell silent as she blushed from embarrassment. Shining looked at her, waiting for her response. "...It wasn't a shrine!" "That's the only thing you correct?" Skystrike smirked as he flipped her off with his wings. "Yeah, idiot, I have SO much dirt on you! Shit yourself." She covered her face, then gave a smirk of her own at what she was about to do. "You aren't the only one who has dirt... You know, you always did visit the red light district as you grew older. I wonder how much money you blew on the mares there?" His friends all laughed at the spectacle in front of them Skystrike scoffed. "You have a vast misunderstanding of what I was doing. I wasn't spending money, I was making money. And I'm not embarrassed about it." They all stared at him. "Yeah, real awkward now, ain't it? As I said, shit yourself." Skystrike finished before flying off. Assuming he remembered right, the pony he was going to visit lived near the stadium. It took about ten minutes of flying to get to his destination: a rundown house. Moss grew on parts of the walls and roofs, planks of wood were beginning to rot and fall off, and the stone fence he walked past was crumbling from the little weight he put on it. Skystrike knocked on the door, his hoof going through it. Damn, he made sure to hold back too. A mare opened the door. She had a light yellowish gray coat, red mane and tail with purple highlights, purple eyes, and a cutie mark of a crescent moon and three stars. Her large pair of glasses was held together in the center with tape. Skystrike put up a hoof to wave. "Moondancer! Been a while since I've seen you in the flesh. How've you been?" Moondancer looked up at him. "What do you want? I'm trying to study!" She asked, rather annoyed. "Oh come on. I know it's been a couple years, but I should be able to visit an old friend. I hope you ended up getting my letters over these years." Moondancer sighed and turned back into her house. He took her not closing the door on his face as an invitation inside. Skystrike closed the door behind him. The first thing that he noticed was how many books were in her home. They filled every bookshelf, and the overflow was on nearly every surface from the floor to her couch to the tables. The second thing he noticed was the stacks of mail on her coffee table. They fell in front of him as he walked by. They looked familiar. He picked one up with a hoof and flipped it over. It was one of his letters that he sent to her. He checked the date. Four years ago... He looked through the rest of the stack. They were all his letters. From the first one he sent to the one last month. At least the first few dozen were opened. He checked the date of the oldest unopened one. If he remembered right... it was her birthday. Almost two years ago, right before the summer sun celebration. Skystrike took of his helmet. "...Moondancer, I know I don't really have the right to ask you what happened after I just left like I did, but... you're going through something. I'd like to... at least try and help." Moondancer sighed, using her magic to start a pot of tea in her kitchen as she moved the books of the couch and sitting down. "What do you think you'd be able to do to help me? Send me more letters, acting like you care?" Skystrike tried not to take that jab personally. "I do care, and while I don't know exactly how to help you, I want to try anything I can. I found out quite recently that just... bottling up my issues and pushing it under the rug will only hurt me more in the long run. I just recently found the roots of my problems and I'm starting to work towards making it better." "And what, you think you can just walk in and help?" She grit her teeth. "You were 'dead' for years. You were my friend! You didn't even tell me why you died! And now you think you can just pop back into my life!? You've gotta be kidding me!" Skystrike stayed silent at that. He had to admit, that was the reaction he was expecting from most ponies when he faked his death. He tried to find the best words for what he was about to say. "Your anger was- is completely justified. I've been a terrible friend to you. But I'd still like to help you. Even if it's just being somepony you can rant at for a while." Her tea was done. She first levitated herself over some tea, pouring it into her teacup. Then she looked at Skystrike. "Buck it..." She got him a teacup too and put it on the table in front of him. "I'll tell you what's wrong..." She finished her tea in one sip before slamming her hoof on the table. "You were my best friend. We always had fun together, whether it was just studying, going to the park, everything we did together was fun. Then you went and pretended to kick the bucket. I thought I'd never see you again... All those who were left around me was Minuette, Lemon Drops, Lyra, Twinkleshine... and Twilight." She sighed as she took off her glasses and looked at the ceiling. "I closed myself off after you left. My best friend left me behind for whatever reason, only sending a few letters a month. But those girls didn't give up on me. They went out of their way to spend time with me, and I will admit, that along with your, it letters made me feel better. But then, my birthday came around. The first time I actually decided to have a party, threw it myself. Finally opened myself up to having friends again... and Twilight didn't show up. Just like you, you both just skipped town without even saying goodbye! We were supposed to be friends!" Moondancer tensed up. "She made me feel like I didn't matter! You made me feel like I didn't matter! I refuse to be hurt like that again!" Tears began to well up in her eyes, falling down her cheeks from the build up. "Minuette, Lemon Drops, Twinkleshine! They finally made me feel like somepony wanted to be my friend! And she didn't show up! And now you just want to walk back in like everything's bucking hunky dory!? Buck you! I'm done with friends!" Skystrike stared at her huffing. Damn, he really fucked up this time. "...Moondancer, to be honest, I don't really know what to say besides how sorry I am... I've... recently come to realize how much I hurt those around me. I always doubted my self worth, and... I didn't think anypony would miss me. Over this past week, I've been trying to mend the mistakes of my past. My brothers, my sisters, my family..." Then he looked at Moondancer. "Old friends... I don't want to leave any of you again. It wouldn't be fair to them, or you. I don't expect your forgiveness, your understanding, or anything... I... just want you to be happy." He felt a pain in his chest. "I-... I noticed you stopped reading my letters since back at your birthday party... If the pain I put you through is so great, I... I understand if you don't want to see me ever again. I just wish to help you." "Then help me understand, why did you fake your death?" She wiped her tears with her hooves. Skystrike nodded. "When I was at Canterlot highschool, a pony named Blueblood, my adoptive brother, had it out for me. Still don't know why exactly he did it, but he burned down the orphanage I used to live at to get to me. He said it to my face at the Gala. At the time, I-... I thought the best course of action was to take myself out of the equation. I didn't want to put anypony else in danger because of me. I don't say this to make you feel guilty, but just so you can see my perspective." Moondancer's tears started flowing again. She was still angry. "Well... at least I know why now." She stood up and walked over to the stallion before hugging him, crying into his sweatshirt. "I've missed you... so much! The book readings we had, the play dates, the games we played... why'd it take you this long to come visit you bucking asshole!?" She said between the tears. "I thought you didn't care... I thought it was just some prank, somepony sending me messages pretending to be you!" "I'm sorry, Moondancer." Skystrike hugged her back. "I don't want you to leave again... I don't know if I'm ready for friends again, but... I want you to stay." "I promise, I wont disappear like that again. I'm so sorry." "I know that... that we're different ponies now. It's been eight years... but I miss what we had..." She pulled her face out of his chest, looking up at him. "I know you have to go, but... will you stay with me until you do? Just hang out like the old times?" Skystrike wiped her tears with a hoof. "I'll do you one better... My life seems to be getting busier, and I'll be in Canterlot more often. I'll make sure to visit you. I'll even introduce you to my family. Hell, if you want, we can bring over our other school friends." "I'd like that, but... I'd like it even more if it was just us two for a while. I'm... still not sure about them. I know they mean well, but... I can't bring myself to see them again." Moondancer began to push herself off of him. Skystrike pulled her into a deeper hug. "I get it... went through the same thing when thinking about how to approach my friends. I'm... I'm glad to have met you, Moondancer." "...Can we stay like this? Just a little longer?" "Of course. It's the least I could do." > Time passes by > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month has passed since Skystrike's visit to the capital again, but he didn't regret it. A few bridges have at least begun to be rebuilt. Celestia smiled at the memory as she looked at the letter she got from him. He began sending letters to her and her sister. Partially as a way to get closer, and to check in on Nightmare moon. She shuddered at the thought of that name. Celestia still hated her for what Nightmare did to her sister. She didn't want the same to happen to Skystrike... Then she shuddered at the thought of how terrifying a Nightmare Skystrike would be. He already handle Shining Armor and Princess Cadence... easier than she thought. All he came out of that fight with was some sore muscles. Speaking of, Celestia had to admit he was right about the PR that they all had to go through. In hindsight, it was not a good idea to have him take them both on. But in her defense, who'd expect one pegasus to take on a Captain of the royal guard and an alicorn. Morale within the ranks has dipped a little, the guards feeling as if their efforts in training hasn't been worth it. Took a bit of persuasion to raise their spirits back up. Needless to say, her guard did not have a good impression of Skystrike. That reminded her, the airship came in. One larger than she expected him to need. A private one normally fit about a dozen or so ponies, but the one Skystrike asked for could easily fit thirty. When asked why he needed such a big one, Celestia was given an answer that made sense. It wasn't just for fun, he planned on travelling, and he'd need a lot of storage. Plus, bigger ones would be more comfortable for Tethys and him, given their sizes. Each of them took up the space of three ponies easily. "Sister! I'm about to read Nebula's letter!" Celestia called for Luna. Luna teleported into the throne room and sat next to her. They finally opened the letter Skystrike sent her and Luna, reading through it. Dear Princess Celestia and Luna Because I have to send these through Spike, your faithful student Grape Juice, is giving me tips on how to write. Of course, I sent a dummy one within this just so she'd get off my ass, so that's why this one is much less formal. Celestia checked the other sheet of paper in the letter, and indeed, saw that it was written more like Twilight's style. Just so you know, I'm gonna call you silly little names in here. I'll think of some next time. Onto the more boring stuff. Sorry again about Bonbon. Kinda knew for a while, but in my defense, I don't like being spied on. Things are going fine here. I told the local school teacher here that I'd teach the foals about physics, so that's happening. Still waiting for that guy to find me so I can set him up to meet you. I'm gonna rat on Twilight real quick. She, Rarity, and Stardust got drunk at my house. It was really fucking funny because your ever faithful student is a really honest drunk. Said something about 'laying off the hayburgers, or my flank will look like Celestia's. And I'm not gonna lie, I see you eat sweets like it's nothing. I don't know how alicorn metabolisms work, but maybe slow down the intake? You look like a wedge from the top view. Like, it's kinda impressive how it only goes back there. Celestia blanked at that part while Luna caught up to where she was and giggled. "Luna, not a word." "You must admit, he's right." Celestia sighed and hid a chuckle as they continued reading. Luna, if you're reading this with your sister, you aren't much better. Your money does NOT fold. Actually, I'm not sure if you know what I mean by that, but you can figure it out given the context. Ponies only think it's small because you're always with Celestia. This time, it was Celestia's turn to laugh, seeing Luna's face and making herself laugh even harder. Anyway, mild rant out of the way, I realized we need to get you two out more. I want to make so many jokes, but they go over your heads because Celestia works too much, and Luna needs to know how to interact with ponies. Interacting with ponies through your jobs don't count. I could tell from last month and how much you two wanted to see a fight that you two are overworked. I already know a way for you two to get away for a day or two. Just meet me in Ponyville, I know you two can teleport. Nightmare Moon is doing fine. Hasn't been a problem. Wish I could get more out of her than annoyed grunts. She did hint at wanting to talk a bit about a week ago. I'm going to keep trying. I'll tell you two how it goes. Oh yeah, another reason I wrote this letter. I sent something to Shining a couple weeks ago, as well as to a record company. You two should go check on him. I can already imagine your faces. Nebula Celestia and Luna looked at the letter, then to each other. They were suspicious of that last line. "Sister, do you... have a bad feeling?" Luna nodded. As if on queue, a guard burst into the room. "Princesses!" Celestia nearly jumped out of her seat at the entrance. "What is it, Shining Armor?" He started huffing, as if he ran for a long time. "It's... It's Nebula!... hah..." Shining said as he put down a speaker. "He... one of the guards under me... I found him listening to this... I don't... I don't even know how to explain it!" "We'd hardly think that the simple listening of music would cause such an... outrage." Luna straightened her posture and tiara. "Just... just listen!" Shining Armor pulled out a vinyl titled "Menace - Sun and Moon" and put it into the player. An aggressive beat started playing as Skystrike began announcing himself. "AAAAAAAAAYOOOOOOOOOO! MENACE ON THE MIC! DJ PON3 ON THE BEAT!! WOOOOOOOOO!" Celestia looked at the guard, hiding a laugh behind her hoof. "Is this- is this Nebula? What is..." "Just listen, princess..." Shining coughed as Skystrike began rapping. "HA! HA! Do you wanna die? Cause Imma take your soul back! Baby I'm the reaper! HA! HA! Keep it to the side, I got my bitch actin priest, way she touchin on my wiener! HI! HI! I'm a really nice guy, Imma shake your hoof first, Like it's really nice to meet ya! HA! HA! They call me that guy, way I act like a menace, and your future looks bleaker!" "Up first!" The beat stopped for a moment as he spoke with autotune. "And without further delay~! Luna! It's time for your D-day! Heh! Heh! She in the dark, silhouette! Neck long as a clarinet, and no hoes try'na play! The deep dream browsin, age in the thousands, Old talkin pone, Royal Canterlot mouthin, The real time yammer, oh my, foul cur! I call her big moonpie, she built like a graham crackerrrrraaaaaaaaaaah!" He roared as it continued into the chorus. "HA! HA! Do you wanna die? Cause Imma take your soul back! Baby I'm the reaper! HA! HA Keep it to the side, I got my bitch actin priest, way she touchin on my wiener! HI! HI! I'm a really nice guy, Imma shake your hoof first, Like it's really nice to meet ya! HA! HA! They call me that guy, way I act like a menace, and your future looks bleaker! Celestia like Edison, her forehead like a lightbulb! I am not brazilian but ja ja when her eyes close! Buckin up these lyrics, just like her wrinkles we hide those! Booty way to big, so she probably need some lipo! Yeah! Whoa! This a light show! Yeah Whoa! I hit a nice pose! Put em up, run them hooves, knock them down, They ran fade like its a mugshot, but I put them in the ground like! HA! HA! Do you wanna die? Cause Imma take your soul back! Baby I'm the reaper! HA! HA! Keep it to the side, I got my bitch actin priest, way she touchin on my wiener! HI! HI! I'm a really nice guy, Imma shake your hoof first, Like it's really nice to meet ya! HA! HA! They call me that guy, way I act like a menace, and your future looks bleaker~!" The throne room went silent as the rap ended. It was... indeed one of the music's of all time. Celestia turned to her sister. Luna looked back. "Guards, could you... leave us for a time? We must speak about this in private." Celestia said with a cold face before each guard quickly left the room. The two sisters looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Celestia was stomping her hoof on the ground while Luna nearly fell out of her throne, both using the royal Canterlot voice accidently. "He made a diss track???" Celestia said between laughs. "We are not sure what a 'diss track' is, but that was amazing! One of the best things we've experienced since we've returned!" Luna cleared her throat and sat up. "Did you hear what he spoke? Forehead like a lightbulb? HA!" "He got you too, 'Moon pie'! Ahaha! Oh my gosh, that was great!" Celestia giggled as the laughter began to die down. "Well, putting the humor aside, we should probably do something about this... Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for a pony to do this." "Indeed. It only takes one pony to influence a nation. While Skystrike did it in good fun, we would not like the common pony speaking about us that way." Luna nodded. "Should we make a public statement?" Celestia shook her head. "No, at least not yet. We shouldn't bring more attention to it." "Sister, one of our guards already listens to it. And we must admit, as the ponies of these times say, it goes hard. We do not doubt that it has spread throughout the ponies." "Do not worry, we shall speak to him when we deliver his airship today, along with the dragon bodies from the north." Meanwhile, Skystrike was pulling a small wagon of wooden stakes, plastic buckets, shower lining, packaging tape, plastic bolts and screws, small funnels, and some bungie cords. Enough for 30 colts and fillies. There were only 18 kids right now, but you know, kids break things. He spent a week practicing the presentation, making it engaging while also having the kids learn things. Projectile motion should be fairly easy. Skystrike knocked on the schoolhouse door, straightening the suit and tie he was wearing. Cheerilee answered the door. "Perfect timing! We've just finished lunch." She welcomed him in. "Kids, lets give a warm welcome to our speaker for this month, Mr. Nebula! He'll be giving us a talk on introductory physics!" The kids clapped for him as he put down the wagon and flipped the chalkboard to the black side. "Thanks for having me, kids. Now, I'm not gonna talk to you all for an hour on end, we're gonna make things a bit fun. So, let's start with the basics. You all will be able to pick up on this quick. Who knows about Newton's laws of motion?" The kids looked at each other in confusion. "Don't worry, it's ok to not know. That's the process of learning! So there are three laws of motion, and they affect everything in life, and I mean everything." Skystrike began writing on the board. "Newton's first law: The law of inertia, states that a body at rest stays at rest, and a body in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force." He finished and then took out a rubber ball. "Allow me to show you a demonstration. This ball has been enchanted with levitation magic." Skystrike carefully let go of the ball, the item floating in air. "Can anypony tell me why this body isn't moving?" A colt named Pipsqueak raised his hoof. Skystrike pointed to him. "Because there's... no forces acting upon it?" Skystrike nodded, "Nice job!" and threw a piece of candy. "Now, who can tell me what a force is? Give me an example." Many, many more kids raised their hooves. "Archer!" "A force is something that can move something! Like gravity!" Skystrike threw him a piece of candy. "Very good! Force is a magnitude with a direction. Gravity is a perfect example, and something that we all experience! For example..." He bought out a different ball and dropped it, the ball bouncing a few times before stopping. "As you see, the only force acting on this ball in gravity, which is why it slows to a stop. Now, I push this levitating ball to the side, what will happen?" He pointed to filly. "Sweetie Belle?" "It will keep moving until something stops it!" Candy was thrown. "Right!" He pushed the ball, it slowly moving to the back of the classroom, it bouncing back for Skystrike to catch it in his hoof. "Vertical and Horizontal forces are different from each other, and act independently. That sums up the first law of motion. Now, Newton's second law of motion is pretty simple, F=ma, where F is the force in newtons, m is the mass of an object in kilograms, and a is the acceleration in meters per seconds squared." He wrote the equation and terms on the board. "Write this down, you'll need it later. So, anypony know what mass is?" He pointed to a hoof. "Featherweight?" "Miss Cheerilee said mass is how much matter something has!" "Nice job." Skystrike threw another piece of candy. "A perfect example! Now, who knows what acceleration is? Scootaloo!" "How fast something changes speed?" Yeet. "Very good. So from that, we can infer that if something moves at a constant speed then there is no force generated by the object. Now..." He began writing on the board again. "That brings us to Newton's third law: Action and Reaction. For every force, there is an equal and opposite force. Equal in the magnitude of the force, opposite in the direction. So, back to the levitating ball. If I throw it at the wall again, and it bounces back..." He did so. "Why does it bounce back to me? Twist?" "Because there is an equal reaction from the wall!" "Great job!" Skystrike threw her a piece. "The wall exerts a force on the ball, sending it back with nearly the same amount of force. The wall doesn't move because it's mass is much larger than the ball. This sums up nearly everything we need to know to have fun today. Any questions so far?" He looked around the room, seeing a few fillies and colts raise their hooves. "Applebloom, what's up?" "How did the ball bounce back? I don't get the physics behind it." Skystrike nodded. "Alright, think of it like this." He made a drawing of a ball on the chalk board, the ball having an arrow in it pointing towards a drawn wall. "While the ball is moving towards, it has a constant velocity. While the ball is moving away from the wall, it has the same velocity, but in the opposite direction. That means when it hits the wall, the velocity is getting smaller, and at a certain point, the velocity is zero. But, the force from the wall comes in, and the velocity of the ball increases in the opposite direction, towards where the ball came from. Remember, acceleration is a change in velocity. Does that make sense?" Applebloom nodded. "Any more questions?" He looked around the room, and no more hooves were raised. Then Skystrike began writing some equations on the board. "So, for today, we're just going to stick with projectile motion in two dimensions. We'll need a few equations. First, velocity, in meters per second, is the distance the projectile went in meters, divided by how long the projectile travels in seconds. Velocity is v, distance is s, and time is t. Next, it's starting to get a bit complicated, but you all are smart. s=vit+at2/2, vf=vi+at, vf2=vi2+2ax, and finally, x=t(vi+vf)/2." He finished writing on the board. "vf is the final velocity, and vi is initial velocity. So, I'll have you all do a quick problem, and you all can work together! When everypony is finished, then we'll make air vortex cannons!" He wrote his question on the board as he spoke. "If a ball is thrown on flat ground with a horizontal velocity of 20 meters per second and a vertical velocity of 20 meters per second, at what time will the ball be at it's highest, how high can the ball get, and how far does the ball travel before it lands? Think it through, I'll give you all about ten minutes. Ask questions if you have any." Skystrike chugged a bottle of water as the kids got into their groups and began trying to work out the problem. Should be pretty easy, the answers being 20.39 meters, 81.57 meters, and 2.04 seconds respectively. He sat next to the chalkboard as he waited, looking around the school house, seeing the ponies go into their groups. Spike seemed to make pretty good friends with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Spike quickly got down the answers, no doubt from always being with Twilight. He was actually explaining how to do all the problems pretty well. Meanwhile, he noticed another group consisting of Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon. He had to admit, Silverspoon had a good head on her shoulders, but she was a follower, while Diamond Tiara was a leader. The grey filly was doing all of the work while trying to explain to Tiara why she was right... She'll have to learn to go her own path sooner or later. Soon the ten minutes passed, and after answering some questions he clapped his hooves to get everypony's attention. "Alright, so how does everypony think you did? I'll work these out quickly on the board. First, how high can the ball get? We'll need to know how long the ball was in motion for. If its initial velocity was 20 meters per second vertically, and when it lands, the final velocity is zero, and the only force acting on it is gravity, we'd use the equation vf=vi+at. We can rearrange the equation to solve for time, t=(vf-vi)/a. Plugging in everything, the ball has a total flight time of 4.08 seconds." He wrote on the board. "Since the ball was thrown from flat ground and landed on flat ground, that means at half the time of 4.08 seconds, the ball is at the highest point. This is because the only force acting on the ball is gravity. This also means that at this point, the vertical velocity is zero. With the time of 2.04 seconds, where the ball is at the highest, we can use the equation s=vit+at2/2 and solve for the distance s. Plugging in everything..." He wrote out the math on the board. "We get a height of 20.39 meters. Everything make sense so far?" The fillies and colts nodded. "Great! Now, a show of hooves on who can explain how far the ball travels?" Only one raised a claw. "Spike?" "Using the equation you just used at the end. There's no other force acting on the ball, so acceleration is zero. Now the equation is just s=vit. We were given initial velocity and we just found time. So the distance it travels before it lands is 81.57 meters." He threw the dragon a piece of candy. "Very good! Now, I get this may have been a little boring, so here comes the fun part." Skystrike went to his wagon to retrieve a large trashcan with a hole cut in the bottom. "This... is an air vortex cannon. It's best if I show you, then explain how it works after. I'm going to put a piece of dry ice inside this just so you can see the air flow." He did so and pulled back on the plastic covering the top of the vortex cannon. When he released his grip, a ring of air flew out in front of the chalk board, some chalk dust being flung away when it hit. The kids oo'd and ah'd in amazement. "Pretty cool, right? So why did that just happen, the vortex? It's because of something called Bernoulli's principle. It basically means when fluid is moving fast, it is forced to have low pressure. When slow, the fluid has high pressure. When the air is pushed out of these air vortex cannons, it creates fast moving air. Low pressure air. But because the moving air is around slow, high pressure air, if forces the vortex to stay together and stay going straight." Skystrike then aimed his air vortex cannon at Cheerilee, making her squint as the vortex blasted her and the kids laugh. "Now, who wants to make their own?" The kids cheered as Skystrike began passing around the items they would need. The kids were all outside. It took about an hour of explaining how to build them, cutting the wood for the handles for the kids, and drilling everything that needed drilling, but they were done. Each filly and colt had their own DIY air vortex cannon. Skystrike used some colored smoke so the kids can better see the vortexes. But it was all done. Now, Skystrike was sitting with Cheerilee, the two having a rather late lunch. Skystrike broke the silence as they ate. "So, hope I did a good job?" Cheerilee nodded. "Oh, you did great! Much better than most of the ponies who volunteered. Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything more than a talk and a few problems. Also, if you don't mind me saying, you clean up well." She pointed at his suit and tie. "Thanks for the compliment. Figured I'd try to make others enjoy something as much as I do. But the way you said that got me curious... who all was before me?" Skystrike stopped mid bite. "Well, there was Rarity, Bon bon, Redheart, Ivory Scroll, Junebug, Roseluck, and Twilight was the most recent one." He chuckled. "You know, I don't think I've met Junebug. Anyway, I guess Twilight just talked at the kids for like an hour?" "Two actually." Cheerilee chuckled with him. "Magic studies is important, but it wasn't very interactive. You really went all out for yours. I might have to ask you again a couple months down the line." "Maybe. I'm planning on going on a long trip. But if I'm here and you need a pony, then I'm for it." Skystrike agrreed as he looked at the kids playing with each other. "Hey... has Diamond Tiara... always been a problem? I'd say Silverspoon too, but Tiara doesnt seem to treat her too well either. It's kinda like Silverspoon is just stuck in the ditch she dug with Tiara." Cheerilee cringed. "Yeah... honestly they'd both be good kids if it wasnt for Diamond Tiara, and for her mother, Spoiled Rich." "...Real quick, was was her maiden name?" "Spoiled Rich? Milk." Skystrike stared. "Her full name is Spoiled Milk? Damn, now I feel bad for her... Anyway, give me a heads up if something happens. If the Richs try to strongarm you with money or funding, make sure I'm the first to know." "I appreciate the sentiment, but I'd rather you not hurt anypony." "I never said I would. I have my own connections with Filthy Rich from years ago. He owes me a debt. But that's a story for another time. Maybe at the bar later this week?" "Sure. By the way, Ivory wont be able to come, but Redheart is bringing some of her nurse friends. That all good with you?" Skystrike nodded. "Fine by me. Let's just not get drunk this time." He said as he bit into his food. Skystrike looked at the kids out in the distance, blasting each other with their new toys. "Hey, can I ask you a weird question?" "Sure, go for it." "I didn't grow up interacting with many ponies, so I don't really know too much about our society. After word spread around town about what you, me, and Ivory did, I wasn't really sure, so I figured I'd ask somepony I did it with, how... open are ponies about intercourse? Because that spread too fast." Cheerilee chuckled. "You say that like you aren't a pony yourself. Mares are pretty open about it, but only the ones who can get it. You were my first stallion, admittedly. Why do you ask?" "Well, I could be wrong, but it feels like a lot of mares are trying to hit on me. I'm dense as hell apparently, so I don't know. I just ask you because you're one of two ponies I've actually laid here. And... sorry your first was under the influence." He sighed. "Don't worry about it. And there are some I know who have an eye for you, but probably most are just going for you since you seem like an easy lay... There's only a dozen or so stallions. Stallions can be picky, so when something like that happens, everypony shoots their shot." "That makes-... wait, so mares think I'm a whorse then?" Skystrike looked at her. "That isn't the right word for it... you aren't getting paid. Well, slut doesn't exactly fit either... you're not really open for sex, but you aren't super picky with your partner, and up for something casual." "Yeah, I guess there isn't a word for that." He chuckled a bit. "Honestly, I'm kinda asking because I'm still thinking about getting into a relationship. Ignoring what I want to work on myself for, I also need to get used to societal standards with it. Most of the years where I could've learned that were when I was alone." "Oh... well... if that's the case you should... probably know about this." Skystrike looked at the mare with a tilted head. "Some griffons I've met weren't fond of the idea. Well, you... might not have to deal with this, given your... stamina, but it's a bit of an unspoken rule that if a mare in a relationship isn't satisfied, she finds other partners." "...I'm going to try not to judge. Is that normal? Like, each partner allows it?" "Well, sometimes? It depends. Few are exclusive. Most mares respect their partners to get help from the herd. Some go for other stallions, often with their coltfriend or husbands permission like Mrs. Cake, or you know... cheating." Skystrike blinked. "...Ignoring that Mr. Cake is a cuck, Things are starting to make a lot more sense. Thanks for telling me without making it awkward. I appreciate it." Cheerilee nodded. "No problem." Then she shuffled in place. "...Can I ask you something?" "Go for it." "If you do decide to start a herd, could you keep me in mind?" Skystrike thought about a lot of things when he was asked that. "You know... gotta respect you for shooting your shot. I'll keep you in mind, you are pretty cute, but it's a really big if. I'm... going through a lot right now. I... don't want to make any long term commitments at the moment. That being said, if you want me as a coltfriend, you gotta make me want you, else it'll seem like I'm with you out of pity" Cheerilee gave an awkward chuckle. "You say that like you're going to die." Skystrike looked at her. "...Wait are you kidding? Oh my gosh, Nebula, I'm so sorry!" "...My automated response is 'don't worry about it', but that's an insane thing to say." He sighed. "Please try not to tell anypony, I've only told one so far. There's a lot I still need to sort out. Before you ask, the only thing you can really do is treat me like you normally do. I want my last years here to be good ones." "Oh... a-alright. I'll try my best." "That's all I ask." Skystrike stood up and straightened his suit and tie. "I promised their sisters that I'd take Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom home. I'll make sure Scootaloo gets home safe too, I got a few things to do in town." "Alright, but if there's anything you want to talk about, I'm willing to listen." Cheerilee offered as Skystrike began to walk away. "I might take you up on that offer. I'll see you friday, Cheerilee." Skystrike cleaned up his trash and threw it in the trashcan as he walked to the kids playing together. "Hey, I promised everypony I'd get you all home at a reasonable time. You all got everything ready?" Each of them blasted him with their air vortex cannons. Skystrike couldn't keep a straight face. "Glad you're all enjoying those things." Spike jumped on Skystrike's back with his tail wrapped around his cannon. "Yeah we are! These are great!" Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all ran around him. Sweetie Belle pouted. "Aw, how come only Spike gets to ride on your back?" "You all can hop on, I'm not stopping you." Skystrike lowered his body for the rest of Spike's friends to jump on. "So, Applebloom, I'll be dropping you off first, then we'll turn back around and drop everyone else off." Skystrike said as he began walking towards the orchard. "I hope you all learned something today." "Yeah! It was really fun too! I can't wait to blast granny with this!" Applebloom aimed her cannon to nothing in particular and released. "...Oh yeah, I do have to deal with your granny... hopefully she's inside." Skystrike said under his breath. Then he noticed something. Scootaloo was humming a tune to herself. "Hey, Mr. Nebula, what was that song you sang back when you were at Canterlot a month ago? I read about it in the newspapers, and Pinkie Pie played a recording of it. Where's it from?" "Bruh, she recorded that?" Skystrike sighed. "Well, to answer your question, back when I was in highschool, my friends wanted to do a musical for a talent show. I wanted a choreographed sword battle. So, we decided to do both. I was in charge of the lyrics, they were in charge of the script. I played the villain, and my friends the heroes. The version Pinkie recorded was a version with newer lyrics to better show the beings in my group." "Cool! I read the whole article about your fight too! Well... tried to. Rarity didn't let me finish. You're really strong! How'd you make that thing to break their shield?" "Well, Physics, actually. It's a lot to learn, and different paths of study you'd have to go down, but it's similar to what I taught you all. It's actually a really interesting field to study." Skystrike could see the Barn in the distance as he reached the peak of a hill. "Hey, what's Ms. Tethys like? I see her around town sometimes, but I never get to say hi." Scootaloo asked. "I see her flying with Rainbow Dash sometimes! Is she a good flyer?" "Tethys is pretty chill. Heh, pun not intended. I didn't know she spent that much time with Rainbow. I've been holed up in my own studies for the past few weeks. Tell you what, we might see her on our way through town. I'll let you see for yourself." Skystrike stopped right in front of the barn. "Oh, what timing, hey Applejack." The mare in question was walking out of the barn balancing a barrel of apples on her back. "Howdy, Nebula, howdy kids! Thanks for droppin' off Applebloom for me. Big Mac ain't feelin' to well." "Well no prob, and hope he feels better. If it's medicine, I can see if Zecora can whip up something?" Skystrike let Applebloom down, the filly running inside. Applejack was about to answer, but a voice was heard from inside. "Applejack, is that that young whipper snapper yer' always talkin' about?" "Applejack, I am not dealing with her today." "Granny, leave Nebula alone!" Applejack turned to look at the barn's door. "Oh don't be like that! A stallion like him just needs a mare to get 'em in line! Show him who's boss!" Skystrike blinked. "Oh god, she is old. Applejack, we're leaving now." He turned on his heels and started walking at a faster than normal pace. Applejack hat to trot to keep up with him. "Sorry 'bout her. I'll try talking to her about it again. Thanks again for visiting the farm, despite that. Ya have no idea how lonely it gets sometimes." "Hey, don't mention it. I know how it feels." Skystrike shook his head. "So, what's got you out and about?" "Well, Tethys really liked my apples, and she wanted some more. Just out to deliver 'em. I'm flattered, honestly. No pony- er, body has liked my apples this much in years!" "The sweet ones?" Applejack nodded at Skystrike's question. "Makes sense. She has a massive sweet tooth. Apparently the only sweets they have in the dragon lands are gems." Spike jumped in at that. "What are the dragon lands like? What are other dragons like? So far, Tethys is the only other one I've met." Skystrike paused at that. "I'm... not sure how to best answer that. Most dragons don't even leave their lands or seas. The ones that have, like Tethys or Kyne Lok from those months ago on the mountain, are outliers. I haven't been to the lands myself. Just... don't expect other dragons to be like Tethys. She's grown a lot since I've met her." "Oh... alright." Spike said a bit disappointed. "Hey, don't sound too sad. I'm sure Tethys can tell you a lot about dragons. They have a rich history if you're willing to listen to her for a while. She's been around for over 300 years, after all." "Three hundred?" Scootaloo's jaw dropped. "Dragons live that long?" "Actually, Tethys is considered young for a dragon. The dragon me and Applejack saw that was spewing out smoke was in his eight thousands. I don't know how their life expectancy varies, but from what some texts imply, there's a few dragons who are older than even the princesses, and we don't know their ages." "That's... weird to think about, how I'll live so long." Spike rubbed his chin in though. "One week already goes by so slow..." "Well, something you, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo should know: time goes by faster and faster as you get older." Applejack laughed. "Wonder how the princess's feel." Skystrike thought aloud. "Hey, Nebula, mind slowin' down? It's a bit hard to keep up with yer stride." Applejack huffed. Skystrike did so. "My bad, didn't realize I was walking so fast... At least we're in town. Scootaloo, we're here." Skystrike let her down. Scootaloo jumped down before running inside with her new toy. "Thank you, Mr. Nebula!" "Alright, Spike, Sweetie Belle, I'm gonna say this to you two specifically, Twilight and Rarity will *probably* get mad at the cannons, so... you can use them less around them and keep it for a while longer, or use it more and it'll be funnier." He got up and started walking again. Spike and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, then smiled mischievously. Applejack couldn't help but laugh. "Nebula, you're a bad influence." "Well... probably, yeah. By the way, Sweetie Belle, you know if Rarity is hanging out with Tethys? I haven't seen her all day." "Uh, I think they went looking for gems? Rarity had her wagon this morning. But she should be back by now!" Skystrike stopped in front of Carousel Boutique. He could hear voices inside. Skystrike let Sweetie Belle off. "Well, they're definitely here..." His voice trailed off as he saw something in the distance coming from Canterlot. It was a dot in the distance, but a quick zoom of his visor made out what it was. Skystrike knocked on the door. "Tethys! Meet me at home in... twenty minutes! It's coming!" Skystrike jumped with excitement, startling Spike. "Sorry, Spike... hey, Applejack, I'm gonna drop off Spike really quick. I'll see you later!" Skystrike began running. Spike was holding on to his neck. "Nebula! Why are we going so fast!? What's happening!?" "I made a bet and won! They're finally delivering it!" Skystrike stopped in front of Twilight's library. "I'll see you next time Spike!" Skystrike let the dragon off his back before jumping into the air and flying towards his house. Naga, his pet Earth Basilisk, was a bit grumpy having to wake up so quickly just to make a landing area for his coming reward, but all it took was a promise of some of Pinkie Pie's cookies to get her to help out. Naga really liked her cookies. Skystrike, Stardust, Zecora, and Tethys who just landed from her flight over watched as the airship, his airship landed. The air blew their hair back as the giant fan like wings folded inwards as it landed. He was glad he did all the paperwork over the last month so he could fully take in the glory of his ship. It was a sister model of the Lavender Spirit, though was much bigger in size. The rudders were a beautiful silver color, complementing the mainly raven black hull with patterns of wind painted on with sky blue and violet, the wind starting at the bow of the ship and reaching to the back in swirls. And of course, Skystrike couldn't ignore the massive balloon holding it up. Same colors as his ship, in the shape of a flying whale. On both the forehead of the whale and the front of the ship was the four pronged star they were known for. It was even bigger than he expected. Nearly the size of his house. Skystrike could barely contain his excitement." Heheheheheheheheheh" Tethys and Zecora's jaws dropped. Tethys decided to ask the obvious. "You got an AIRSHIP for winning that???" "Heheheheheheheh" Zecora rubbed her eyes to make sure she saw things right. "When you spoke of an airship, a notion so slick, I did not imagine it'd be like this, or so quick." Stardust couldn't help but agree. "To be honest, him winning that fight is still setting in." "I'm just that guy!" He laughed to himself. The four watched as a dozen ponies walked off the airship, then making way and bowing as Celestia and Luna walked off. The two stopped in front of Skystrike and looked at him with small smiles on their faces. Skystrike looked back. He already knew what this was about. "...HA! HA! Do you wanna die? Cause-" The princesses couldn't help but snort. Celestia tried to speak, but covered her mouth with a hoof as she turned away to laugh some more. Luna spoke first this time. "We must admit, it was a catchy song. Also... we are not sure if it's a good or bad thing that your... 'diss track' was one of the first songs we've heard upon our return." Celestia cleared her throat. "Excuse me. It was amusing, but we ask you not to do one like that again. We have reason to believe it's influencing others." Skystrike waved a hoof. "Oh, it was a one time thing. The plan was just to get our names out there with something insane but catchy. And it worked! You know... I actually plan on making some more. If you two decide to come by anytime soon, we could collab... actually, do you two even know how to sing?" "Nebula, I used to sing Cadence lullabies. And while it would be amusing, it'd depend on what we'd sing... preferably not my 'forehead like a lightbulb' or how 'my booty need lipo'." Skystrike tried to keep a straight face while Stardust and Tethys looked at him, wondering what he sang. "We believe we can sing quite well. But we've always wanted to try this... rap music you do." Luna hummed. "Zecora helped with the rhymes. She's great." "Well, before we get too off topic, going back to the contents of your letter this morning, you spoke about us needing a break. While I admit, I haven't had one in decades, but it's very hard to find the time. What do you mean by getting us away for a day or two?" Celestia waved a hoof to dismiss the ponies behind her. Skystrike took the hint and motioned for his friends to go inside the house. Once out of earshot, he spoke. "So, Celestia you two know how you feel like you baby your ponies too much?" Celestia nodded. "...Yeah?" "Luna, you know how you feel like the guard today is lacking discipline and is weaker than 1000 years ago?" Luna nodded as well. "While it is a time of peace, we do feel that our divisions have gotten a bit... lax." Skystrike sat down and started making various hoof motions. "So, and hear me out until the end for this, we stage a foalnapping?" Their eyebrows raised slowly. "I infiltrate the castle to show how easy I can get past the guard, and I 'foalnap' you two, and you two can hang out for... however long the guard takes to either find you, or the public gets restless. You'd still raise the sun and moon, but whatever logistics division will have to put off day and night court, so the ponies can think for themselves for a bit, instead of running to their mommies." Celestia opened her mouth to protest, then put a hoof on her chin in thought. "Well, that is bare bones but... it could work." "It'll only work if I can sneak past and into... well, what's the most guarded place in the castle?" "Our bed chambers... surely you aren't suggesting you'd sneak into our chambers~?" Luna teased. "I've done it before. And why you gotta say it like that?" Skystrike put his hooves on his hips in fake sass. "He has done it before as a colt... I upped the security soon after too. It did show the gaps." Celestia admitted and kept thinking. "Very well, if you can sneak within our chambers within the next month, we will go along with your idea. Preferably not in the next week, as I have to talk to some trusted staff... as well as plan for anypony foolish enough to try and fill that vacuum of power." Skystrike nodded. "Alright. And you know if anypony becomes too much of a problem, you can call on me. It's what I do." Celestia raised a brow again. "No, I wont kill, just threaten... Oh, speaking of ponies being a problem, are you allowed to tell me about what happened to Upper Crust, Caesar, and all the ponies up in that village?" Luna smiled at that. "Well, Opal went back home the week after your spar with Cadence and Shining. Everypony is safe for now. While we weren't sure what to do with that dragon, Opal suggested that he goes back to the village with her for him to attempt to atone for his actions, and those of his brethren. They told us to give you their thanks once more. They actually sent a letter to us recently, wishing to name their village after you. We allowed it of course, dubbing it the Atlas Nebula mining town." Skystrike smiled at that. "Huh... Well, I'm flattered." Luna continued. "They've also sent back the materials from the dragon corpses, as well as some gemstones as a gift, all on your airship. We must admit, when we saw the pelts of the dragons, we were impressed by the amount you took down, as well as the size. We hope you do not mind that a sizeable amount was taken to pay the processors and transportation of the materials." "As for Upper Crust, while I can't tell you too much, as the investigation is still ongoing, he has been stripped from his management of Atlas town. Count Caesar is also being looked into for his guards negligence." Celestia paused for a moment in thought. "...Because of this new opening in government, there is a chance for you to further protect those ponies if you wish?" Skystrike blinked. "You... you're saying I should become a noble?" Luna nodded. "To be quite honest, you already are in title. Just like Cadence and... Blueblood, you are part of royalty. As a prince, you can lay claim to a territory." Celestia cleared her throat. "And to be honest, it would make our jobs easier if you did so. Until you reveal your identity, you'd have the title of a viscount. If you do decide to reveal yourself, your official title and power will be prince. Needless to say, you won't have as much political power as Cadence. You will have to serve in the guard for a time, however. Are you interested?" Skystrike thought about it for a moment. "I'm... not against it. The politics part sounds like it'll be a pain though, especially since my gut is telling me Upper Crust and Caesar are working together, and I'm right next to the former..." Celestia put up a hoof. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but I assure you it's much easier than you think. The hardest parts for you would probably be negotiations with other nobles, but you can get around that easily. And while Vanhoover might be hard to do trade with, once you get a train station running, it's smooth sailing. You'd also be the closest railway wise to Griffonstone. After a little while, you can simply put somepony in charge to do all the paperwork for you. You'd just need to sign deeds and the like." "Doesn't sound... too bad, but I'll need some time to think about it. If it wasn't obvious with the airship, I planned on doing some traveling. Got some loose ends I need to tie up. I'd leave in about... two months, then be gone for a month, back a few weeks before the gala." Skystrike explained. "Well, if that's the case, we believe it's best to wait for the gala, then for your coronation." Celestia looked at the sun, seeing it be about half past three. "We won't take too much more of your time, as some ponies are inside waiting to see you. We bid you farewell, Skystrike." Celestia smiled at him before changing to her Sunny Skies persona and walking towards Ponyville. Luna followed behind her, doing the same and turning into Starry Night. Skystrike wondered who'd he'd see. He climbed up the ladder to his ship and walked from the main deck and opened the double doors. On the other side was two hallways to his left and right that lead to the lower decks of the ship. Directly in front of him was the captain's quarters, the door to it being half open. Well, if anypony was inside, they'd be there. The pegasus pushed open the door to see some familiar, yet unexpected faces. "Huh, didn't expect to see you three here." His friend Casta, and his sisters Dawnstone and Astral Night, turned to hug him. "Skystrike! How've you been?" Astral asked. Dawnstone nuzzled his neck, but made sure to be careful to not ruin her makeup. "Hey, big brother! It's been a while!" Casta used her magic to straighten her glasses. "Good to see you. How's the past month been treating you?" Skystrike hugged them all back. "Good to see you all! I've been fine, just been busy. You wouldn't believe the month I had. But what brings you girls here?" They all backed up from the hug as Casta spoke first. "Well, when the princesses notified me of you getting an airship, I thought I'd come visit. Astral, who began working as my assistant a few weeks ago wanted to come, and Dawnstone was free. But what I actually wanted to test was a long range teleportation magic circle. I've set up a test one within my tower, and it worked flawlessly, thanks to Astral's help! Now, we set up a bigger one in my tower, and I figured I could set one up here!" "Oh, alright! Sounds good! Can you set it up within the airship? I plan on doing some traveling in a few months, and it'd be convenient." Casta thought for a moment at the thought. "Well, it's... maybe? It would already take quite a bit of magic to teleport us from Canterlot to Ponyville... Teleporting while moving is also difficult, since normally a unicorn would teleport to a set location... I suppose if we had a magic anchor within this ship it would work in theory but... that would require magic equivalent to three unicorns specializing in magic." Skystrike's ears perked up. "Actually, you know how I have no magic? And your theory of mana?" "Yeah?" "Turns out that I technically do have magic, but my 'mana' doesnt get turned into magic naturally like you all. If you can figure out a way to take out my mana and use it, it should be more that enough to power whatever." Skystrike explained. Casta's eyes glistened. "Interesting! I've already been working on a mana extractor! We'll send you a letter once it's done! Could you go into more detail?" "A bit later. I want to show you three around town. I think you'll like the place. You three plan on spending the night?" Skystrike rolled his wing joints. Dawnstone nodded. "The plan was to find a hotel for a day or two. I took the next few days off. If you have room and you're offering, I'll stay." Astral and Casta nodded in agreement. "Alright. I'll prepare the guest rooms later tonight." Skystrike stretched a bit. "But just try and remember to call me Nebula in public. Few ponies know who I am here." Casta, Astral, and Dawnstone followed Skystrike around town as they talked. Their first stop was a late lunch... well another late lunch for Skystrike. Honestly at this point it was an early dinner, it being around three in the afternoon. They stopped by his house first before packing up the food and deciding to have a picnic in town. Dawnstone began unwrapping her sandwich with her magic. "You know, I wasn't expecting to see Tethys again... You know, I never asked, what did you get all dressed up for? Had a date?" Skystrike shook his head. "I did some volunteer work for the Schoolhouse. I was teaching introductory physics. That being said, in hindsight, I really didn't need to get dressed up." "Damn... big brother doesn't get any mares..." She pouted, then laughed at the look Skystrike gave her. "Most stallions your age at least have some experience." Skystrike side eyed her. "Dawnstone, I've literally haven't had the time." Astral hummed. "That makes sense, but you should at least start looking. You're 25 and haven't had a marefriend yet. Most colts have had like three at least." "Why the hell does every conversation I have with a mare end up being about me getting a marefriend?" Skystrike put down his food. "But if you two *must* know, I want to work on myself before I get into a relationship." "Well, you've already got a few friends. What about them? And you've already grown a lot. Are you being realistic about the expectations you have for yourself?" Dawnstone said as she and Astral turned to face him. "There's no way any of my friends are interested in me." He shook his head at the thought. "We're friends for a reason." Dawnstone sighed and put her face in her hooves. "Dear Celestia, you're dense... Actually, let me ask this first: How many girls here do you actually know personally? Like, you've spoken to them personally, and not out of convenience?" Skystrike thought about it, then began listing ponies. "Well... Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Zecora, Tethys, Mayor Mare, Cheerilee, Vynil, Casta..." He felt like he was forgetting one. "Oh, and Derpy." "...And you don't think any of them are interested?" Dawnstone pushed her hair back with a hoof. "Well... I found out today that one of them is, but I told her I need to work on myself first... I'm... not the pony I come off as. I'll tell you about it another time. I'd rather move on from this." Dawnstone huffed. "Fine, I'll leave you alone for now." Skystrike was about to bite into his food again when a thunder cloud was kicked right above him, causing him and the mares around him to jump. The four looked up at the cloud, seeing a rainbow pegasus stick her head out laughing. "You should've seen the look on your faces! Bwaaahahahaha!" Skystrike sighed and bit into his food. "Everypony, this is Rainbow Dash." The mare in question landed in front of Skystrike. "Coolest and fastest pegasus in Ponyville!" Rainbow smirked as she struck a pose. "I see studinator finally got himself a herd!" Skystrike groaned at the nickname. Astral and Dawnstone, who were cuddling at each of Skystrike's sides, looked at each other and began laughing. Skystrike scratched his head. "Rainbow, let me introduce you to my sisters Astral Night and Dawnstone. My friend sitting across from me is Casta Spell." Rainbow's wings froze in place, slightly embarrassed. "Oh, uh... my bad?" Astral and Dawnstone laughed harder. "In my defense, I just heard around town that you came in with three hot babes." "I hate this place sometimes. I just want to eat my fuckin food..." "What do you mean by 'studinator'?" Casta tilted up her hat to look at Rainbow. "Nopony has explained it to me." Skystrike stared at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow... I don't want to talk about that. Rainbow smirked. "Nebula here bagged a threesome a month ago." Skystrike sighed in frustration. Dawnstone chuckled. "And here I thought you had no game." Skystrike looked at them, then stood up. "I'm... going for a walk. Don't follow me." He quickly stuffed the rest of his sandwich in his mouth before turning and walking off. Their ears went back. Rainbow tried to call out to him. "Hey, w-wait!" She flew up behind him. Skystrike turned and stomped his hoof and stared daggers at her, causing Rainbow to freeze and land on the ground. He growled slightly and began walking again. He'd like to keep his private life private, but of course, skittles thinks the whole thing is a big joke. Guess she wanted an audience too... He shook his head to try and get the thought out of his head. Skystrike walked aimlessly for a few minutes before he saw a familiar face. "Hey Pinkie, how's things?" The pink mare with an umbrella hat on looked at him, then her tail twitched. "Oh no! Twitchy tail!" "...What?" "My tail is twitching! You know what that means..." Skystrike tilted his head. "That... your tail is itchy? What else does it-" Skystrike didn't get to finish his sentence as his hoof went into a hole in the ground, causing him to trip and fall. "...Haaaaah..." He was tired of today. Pinkie gave a sigh of relief. "At least it wasn't a bad fall." Pinkie helped Skystrike up. "I guess you haven't had to deal with things yet, so I'll explain it really quick. I have a Pinkie sense!" Skystrike brushed some dirt off himself. "I see... so what does that entail? Your 'Pinkie sense'?" "Well, if my tail twitches, that means something is going to fall! There's a lot... I'll tell you about it as it happens!" She smiled. Then her tail twitched again. "Neby! Be careful!" Pinkie dove under somepony's porch. Skystrike was about to say something, but narrowly dodged a falling flowerpot by jumping backwards. "Sorry!" The two looked up to see where the voice came from. Roseluck gave a nervous smile. "Are you ok?" "Uh, yeah, just be a bit more careful." Skystrike nodded, then turned back to Pinkie Pie. "You know, I'd normally say correlation does not equal causation, but I can't predict you... let's say I believe this sense of yours. What else can it predict?" Pinkie rubbed her chin in thought and tapped her hoof. "Well... If my back hair stands up, that means watch out for pointy things. Or if my nose itches, it means watch out for bees!" "All of these are... oddly specific. Is that normal?" Skystrike hid under the porch with Pinkie, as he noticed her tail was twitching again. "Yeah, or at least I think so. I don't know anypony else who has these senses." Pinkie checked her surroundings as she dashed under a wagon. Skystrike decided to follow, looking slightly up to check for anything that could fall. The two traveled for a while, Pinkie hiding under and behind various different things. How she flattened herself to hide under a rock like flat Stanley, he had no idea. "Oh, by the way, word around town is you were seen with some mares?" "Sisters and Casta. You met Casta." He said flatly. "Yeesh... touchy subject?" "I don't like when ponies keep 'teasing' me about relationships. Or my sex life. If I'm not fucking laughing about it, then I don't want to keep being teased about it. I'm lax about most things, but I have boundaries. Apparently, I just haven't shown where those boundaries are well enough." He sighed. "But it's my own fault... I'm not that good at sharing how I feel, and I end up pushing others away. I thought I was getting better but... I feel like I'm relapsing. And I don't want to go back..." "Well... if it makes you feel better, you've gotten a lot better since you first moved here. I... still regret how I-... how this whole town avoided you for a while. Thank you for being my friend despite that." She got out from under a wagon and hugged him. "I know that my antics annoy you sometimes, but you still put up with me. I really appreciate it. You're... a much better pony than you think of yourself." Skystrike return the hug. "It... it does help. Thank you, Pinkie. And also, it's not that you annoy me. It's actually pretty amusing most times. Sometimes, it's just a bit... much. Like that time you gave me a giant cupcake because the order I put in was written in capital l letters, and I will admit, in hindsight, It was pretty funny. She let go of the hug and snorted before laughing. "What was funnier was that you committed to the bit and ate the whole thing there." Pinkie's tail twitched as she went to grab it and hold it in her hooves. "Hmmm... Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch..." Twilight and Spike walked up to the two. The former spoke first. "Pinkie, Nebula, what in the wide, wide world of equestria are you two up to?" "Oh, it's my tail, it's my tail! It's-a twitcha twitchin!" Pinkie shoved her tail in the unicorns face. "And you know what that means!" "Actually, I don't have the slightest idea." "It means my Pinkie sense is telling me that stuff is gonna start falling! You should better duck for cover!" Twilight and Spike looked at each other. Twilight was amused, but Spike was a bit worried. "Oh Pinkie, it's not gonna rain! There's barely even a cloud in the-" Twilight was interrupted by a frog coming from the sky and slapping her in the face. Then it croaked. Skystrike could barely contain his laugh. The three four looked up to where the frog fell from to see Fluttershy flying in the air with a wagon and saddlebags full of frogs. "Oh, I'm so so sorry! You ok, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so overpopulated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all, so I decided to fly as many as I can over to Froggy Bottom Bog." Twilight got more and more annoyed as the frog crawled on her face. "Of course you did." Skystrike processed what the pegasus mare said as he grabbed the frog on Twilight's cheek. "Hold on, you're telling me your going to that bog alone?" He flew up and put the frog in the wagon. "I'm coming with you. You wouldn't believe the shit that goes on there. Pinkie, Twilight, Spike, we'll catch up later." Fluttershy smiled. "I'm sure I'd be fine, but I do appreciate the help!" Fluttershy said as the two began flying towards the bog. "I haven't seen you in a few days. How've you been?" "Things have been... going." Skystrike admitted. "I was pretty busy with some stuff. Making armor, weapons, budgeting, new inventions... It's real tedious, but a bit fun. Admittedly, I was in my workshop for so long that I didn't realize how many days passed." Fluttershy turned her head to look at him. "How long were you working for?" "Uh... four days. In my defense, I got my work done." Fluttershy gave a hesitant chuckle. "Try not to do it again... I worry for you sometimes." Skystrike flew up to her side to keep with her pace. "Really? While I appreciate it, you really don't have to. I'm fine." "Skystrike, I have a brother. Although he's... nothing like you, I know from him that when you say 'you're fine', that you actually aren't. What you actually mean is that 'you'll be fine', and none of us like seeing you hurt yourself." "Damn... just pick me apart, why don't you? You're right though." He sighed. "Do you... want to talk about it?" Fluttershy offered. "...You know what... I do, but it's a lot to throw at a pony." He flipped on his back and began flying backwards as he stared into the sky. "The relationship I have with you and everypony else, I... don't want to ruin it... To be honest, I feel like I unconsciously push everyone I know away, because I feel like if I get to close, I'll end up hurting them... My friends, my family, they already got hurt because of what I did, and what I didn't do." Fluttershy nodded. "I understand what you mean... about getting too close to others at least. It took me a while to open up to ponies besides Rainbow Dash... I still feel like my friends are just around me for convenience, but I know you all care. I just need to remind myself of that." Skystrike sighed. "I've been doing that too, and it does help. I just... I cant really keep telling myself that when I feel like I'm lying to you all. I want something more than the friendship we're stuck with, because I'm too scared to break out of this... faux normality. But if I reveal to you what I really am, then our friendship could be bought into question." The two landed in the middle of Froggy Bottom Bog. Skystrike rolled up his sleeves as he helped Fluttershy unload the frogs. The two pegasi did so in silence for a little before Fluttershy thought of the best way to answer. "Skystrike, I doubt there's anything that can ruin our friendship... You can tell me. I wont tell anypony." Skystrike took in a deep breath, then released it as he sat down. "You may be surprised... this is going to sound stupid, but I can't exactly tell you my secret unless you have some idea of what I am. Some type of mental block I have." "Is... this related to what you said about being a child soldier back at your party? You were serious about that?" "I mean, where else would I get my arm?" He tapped his metal arm as he took off his helmet. "Honestly, all I can do is give you hints." Fluttershy thought for a moment. "...You said 'what I really am'... so are you... not a pony?" Skystrike nodded. "Well that... is a lot to take in... wait, so you haven't been a pony since we met?" Skystrike shook his head. "So... that's... I'm confused... are you a shapeshifter? An illusionist?" Skystrike nodded. "Something like that... do you know what a changeling is?" This time, Fluttershy shook her head. "Basically, they're like bug ponies that are naturally gifted in illusion. They're able to completely change their look into almost anything. Like ponies for example." "So then... you're a Changeling? I don't see why you were so hesitant to tell me about that, especially since you introduced us to Tethys." Fluttershy tilted her head. "Well, I do appreciate that, but you're a bit off the mark... I was raised by Changelings. I learned their magic, but to an... arguably better but more dangerous degree. They can make their illusions have a physical form. I change my biology through magic, if that makes sense..." "A bit, yes... I'm just... trying to think it through... So you can use magic?" "Not in the traditional sense... You for example, make magic subconsciously. I have to make it consciously." "Like a unicorn?" "I mean... kinda? Lets just say for simplicity, yes." Fluttershy sat down in front of him. "I'm... I have no idea what you could be... some kind of alien?" "Yes actually. Excuse me for a minute..." Skystrike took off his suit and tie, then used his magic to turn back into his original body. "This is what I am... I'm human." He shook his long grey hair out of his light blue eyes. "I wish I could've told you earlier but... I'm kinda on the run... Honestly, me admitting this to you is putting you in danger if the princesses find out." Fluttershy, although a little scared of the sudden change in appearace, she hot a bit closer. "I've... never seen, or even heard of a creature like you. Are you... humans normally so big and muscular?" "No, most humans are about six inches shorter than me. As for my muscles, they're all natural. I'm not able to transform into something smaller than me, and it takes a lot of mana to generate mass." He explained. Fluttershy couldn't help but chuckle. "That explains why you were so hard to drag to your house a month ago..." Skystrike smiled at that. "But I do have... a lot of questions..." Skystrike nodded as he crossed his legs. "Ask away." "How many have you told besides me? And... why tell me now of all times?" "That... I've revealed my secret to Tethys, Zecora, and Rainbow Dash in that order. I plan on telling each of our friends, but it's... hard finding the time. Answering the second part, it's because I'm running out of time... Back when I had that spar with Tethys, and Twilight had some theory or whatever, after I left, I found out that I... don't have much longer to live. I fear that if I don't share this soon, I wont have the chance to." He clenched a fist. "Rainbow was the only one I told the specifics to so far... At best, I have 15 years... at worst, five." Fluttershy's eyes went wide. It took a while for her to process what her friend said before she started crying. At first, it was a few tears falling one after another, then it turned into a river of tears. Skystrike walked up to her and crouched down to hug her. She couldn't help but return the hug, burying her face in his chest, muffling her wails. The sat like this for minutes on end before Fluttershy forced out some words through sobs. "I'm... I'm so... sorry..." Skystrike brushed her mane with a hand. "There's... nothing I can really say to make you feel better. I'm still coming to terms with it myself but know this. I want to spend my last years in this world to with you, and everyone else. I want to keep the relationships we have. I'm tired of running away." "Sky we... we just got you back!" She cried, pushing herself out of his chest to look at him. "And now... we have to lose you again... it's... it's not fair!" "I know, Fluttershy... I want to live, just as much as you want me to. But the deck of life just gave me a bad hand. I got to play it the best of my ability." Skystrike sighed. "I want to stay friends with you, but if this is too much for you, I completely understand, but-" "I want to be your friend! I want to have good times together!" Fluttershy yelled through the tears. "Thank you, Fluttershy... you got no idea how much that means to me." Skystrike pulled her into a hug again. The two held each other for a while longer before Fluttershy wiped her tears away. "I know this is a bit late to be asking but... you were human this whole time? Was... was everything we went through just an act to you?" "You know, Rainbow asked the same question. I'll give you the same answer... The flesh may be an illusion, but the experiences are real. I've never lied about who I am." "Then... why hide about who you were in the first place?" "...When I first came to this world, it was... not good. Ever heard about that meteor that hit Canterlot?" Fluttershy looked up at him. "That was you? Then... why are you so close to the princesses!?" Skystrike chuckled. "It's the last place they'd look." "Then... what happens if they catch you?" "Well... best case scenario, they see that I've been Skystrike this while time, and I can go about a mostly normal life. Worst case... lets not fret over hypotheticals..." Skystrike dread the thought. The two stayed like that for a while more before Skystrike heard something. Hoof steps, and flapping wings. Two distinct wing flaps, and about... six ponies running. They were getting closer. "Fluttershy, ponies are coming, so I gotta change back. Please don't tell anyone about this." Fluttershy nodded and backed up, letting Skystrike turn back into a pony and put back on his clothes and helmet. The two shied away from each other awkwardly as the beings in question came out of the forest and into view. Twilight, Casta, Pinkie, Applejack, Spike, Tethys, Rainbow Dash, Astral, and Dawnstone all ran to them. Dawnstone ran up and hugged her brother. "Thank goodness you're ok!" Skytrike put a hoof around her. "Uh yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" "I'm so glad everypony is alright!" Pinkie smiled. Spike jumped to hug Fluttershy as Twilight cleared her throat. "I don't mean to say I told you so buy... AHA!" They all jumped. "I told you there was nothing to worry about, Pinkie, and I was right!" Twilight began gloating as a low rumble was heard. A thick fog surrounded them all as Twilight began coughing. Everyone else backed away from Twilight as she continued through the coughs. "Pinkie Pie said whatever she was shuddering about was a doozie, and the only doozie here is about how right I am!" Applejack gulped. "Uh, Twilight..." "Pinkie's made a lot of predictions today but..." She coughed once more. "What is that smell?" Twilight looked around. Skystrike, Tethys, and Casta all got ready to fight, while everyone else was a hair away from running. "But what we've shown here is that there-" Skystrike interrupted her. "Twilight, shut the fuck up and get out of the way!" Skystrike jumped towards her to grab her, throwing her back to the group. "Astral! Snap out of it, catch Twilight!" Skystrike ordered. Astral did so almost instantly and put Twilight down. "Tethys, Casta, with me! Astral, Get everyone else our of the danger zone!" He said before the four heads of the Hyrda each let out a deafening roar. Tethys flew into the air while Casta prepped her magic and Skystrike made sure everyone was a safe distance away. Everyone was there. "Tethys, fly high! Take aggro on two of the heads. I'll take another two! Casta, use some fire spells! The moment we get a chance to run, we're taking it!" "Right!" Casta and Tethys said as they got ready. Skystrike flew into the air and dove at one of the heads, spinning and bucking at the jaw of the beast. The head recoiled in pain while another opened their wide jaws to clamp down on him. He narrowly dodged it. Tethys shot a beam of ice at the two other heads, them growling and pulling the rest of it's body out of the bog, to face them. Casta launched a large fireball at the chest of the monster, making it recoil. Of course, because of that, the four heads focused on the unicorn mage, each head diving at her. Casta realized, and in a split second, teleported out of the way and into the air. "Skystrike!" Casta called out. He already knew what to do, grabbing her hoof and throwing her onto flat ground, Casta slowing her fall with a spell while simultaneously charging another flame blast. Skystrike flew full force into the spot Casta fired, making the Hydra move back a few feet and lurch backwards. "Tethys!" "On it!" The dragoness took the small window of free time she had to uproot a tree with her claws. She made a thick block of ice around it with her breath before swinging it at the torso of the Hydra. Each of the heads roared in pain as the frozen tree broke from the force, making the entire creature fall backwards. Unfortunately, it fell towards the bystanders. They were barely able to run out of the way. Skystrike and Tethys landed next to the group, while Casta teleported over, catching her breath a bit. "Dang... it's been a while since... I've had to do that... Adrenaline is still going..." Skystrike trotted over to one of the heads. It was still breathing, but unconscious. It almost felt too easy. Rainbow pumped a hoof. "That was so awesome!" "Why are you all here? Do you know-... well you know now how dangerous this place is... Why did you all come here?" Skystrike huffed a bit. Twilight shook off her fear response and began explaining. "Well, after you went to help Fluttershy, I began following Pinkie Pie around to study her Pinkie Sense. Then I met Casta, Astral, and Dawnstone, who were walking around with Rainbow Dash looking for you. When I told them where you were and what I was doing, Casta and Astral decided to help me out. We didn't get good results..." Dawnstone picked up where Twilight left off. "Anyway, when we were walking around, I saw Tethys and decided to catch up. Then Pinkie started doing some full body jitters saying a... doozie was going to happen? And then Tethys said that there were some dangerous creatures here, so we all got worried and came to see for ourselves." Skystrike blinked at that. "While I appreciate the worry... don't run into dangerous areas knowing the area is dangerous. It would've been a lot easier to just take Fluttershy and run than fight this thing..." Rainbow Dash leaned an elbow on one of the heads of the Hydra. "Well, it all turned out well. Glad you're ok. Was worried there for a bit..." "...Hold on, just processed that first part. You all came here because of a Pinkie sense?" Pinkie nodded and smiled. "Yeah! A doozie happened! Like my full body jitters told me!" Then she vibrated in place. "...Nevermind, that wasn't it." Applejack straightened her hat. "Buck you mean, that wasn't it?" "That wasn't the doozie! I'm still getting the shutters! Whatever doozie that's here, it still hasn't happened!" Twilight twitched. "Huh? But I... What!? The Hydra wasn't the doozie? How could it not be the doozie!? What's more doozier than that!?" She stomped. Skystrike looked at her. "Twilight. It's Pinkie we're talking about. I don't know why you keep trying to predict her." Twilight's face strained in anger as she looked at the pink mare. Skystrike could've swore she erupted into flames from her rage. Hehe... cracatowa... he thought to himself. Then she fell on the floor. "I give up." She sighed. "Give what up, Twi?" Spike crouched down to her. "The fight... I can't fight it anymore. I don't understand how, why or what..." Twilight admitted to both Spike and herself. "Pinkie Sense somehow... makes sense! I don't see how it does, but it... just does. Just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true!" Pinkie's jittering intensified. "Y-y-you mean y-y-ou... b-b-b-eli-i-i-i-eve?" "Yes, Pinkie... I guess I do." Then Pinkie... he couldn't even describe what she was doing. Looney tuning? Is that a verb? It is now. How else does one describe expanding like a balloon, lengthening your limbs like rubber, then deflating as some odd sound effects played. Skystrike looked at Casta, who looked back, then at Tethys, who looked back, then Astral, then Dawnstone, both giving back the same look that said 'what the fuck?'. Then, abruptly, Pinkie stopped. "...That was it! That was the doozie!" Twilight tilted her head. "What... what is?" "You believing me! I never expected that to happen!" Pinkie jumped up and down. "Oh what a doozie it was!" Skystrike groaned. "Today was... certainly a day of all time. Nice job though, you two. Good to see our teamwork hasn't gotten rusty." He gave a hoof bump to each of them. Rainbow jumped on the head of the Hyrda. "You know... I had no idea something like this was living so close to Ponyville... What are we going to do with it?" "Well, can't disrupt the ecosystem. this hydra is one of the reasons that the Ursa Major doesn't get too ballsy. We'll leave it here to wake up later." Skystrike explained. "I want to take a nap..." Rainbow was about to ask Skystrike something as the rest began to walk back towards Ponyville. Unexpectedly however, the head that Rainbow Dash was leaning on snapped awake, throwing her spinning into the air as it jumped up. The head turned and opened its jaws to swallow Rainbow whole. Her eyes shrunk as time seemed to slow. Everyone's jaws dropped as they saw it happen. Only Skystrike was able to react fast enough, flying and pushing her out of the way as the jaws clamped down on his torso. Several crunches echoed through the bog as Skystrike screamed, before gritting his teeth. Tethys dug her talons into the neck of the only conscious head, hitting an artery and killing the head. Skystrike coughed out some blood as he dragged himself out of the jaws. Tethys was about to gut the Hydra before Skystrike put a hoof on her leg to stop her. "Skystrike! Are you ok!?" Tethys called out as she crouched down to him. "Tethys... my ribs are fucking broken..." "Right, dumb question, sorry!" Tethys went to pick him up in her arms, but stopped when he grunted. "Sorry, sorry... I'll try and be more careful!" Casta looked around. "We need a stretcher! It'll hurt less and be easier to carry him. Shit... Rainbow! You're fast, right! Go to the hospital and tell them to prepare for him!" Rainbow Dash began flying as fast as she could. Casta used her magic to gather some tree branches and fiber to make a make shift stretcher. Skystrike wiped some blood off his chin as he rolled on his side. "Sorry you... had to see me like this... this was supposed to be... a good day." "Shut up and focus on breathing! And try not to move!" Casta doubled up on the fiber to make sure it could hold his weight. Tethys! I'm riding on your back! I'll use my magic to keep him steady!" Tethys nodded, picking up her friend an putting her between her wings. "Let's go!" Skystrike felt himself getting lifted into the air as his consciousness waned. He tried to focus on breathing. "I'm... still not... strong enough..." He said to himself as he tried to keep his eyes open. Everyone waited in the waiting room with baited breath. It was about to turn eight. Fluttershy, Twilight, and Pinkie went to tell their other friends as Skystrike was being transported, while Casta went to tell Zecora once she calmed down. The silence hadn't been broken in over an hour, aside from Rarity and Zecora getting caught up to speed. Casta saw Rainbow sitting alone with a guilty look on her face. Casta teleported to the seat next to her. Rainbow didn't even look at her. "...What do you want..." Casta took off her hat and sighed. "I know what you're thinking. It's not your fault." Rainbow Dash looked up at her. "More ponies, and dragons here have thought what you're thinking." Rainbow Dash frowned a little. "I doubt that... he could've died because of me." Casta got a bit angry at that, rubbing her head in frustration. "Look, mare, I'm going to ignore that first part. Let me tell you something... Nebula has almost died for each of us in all." She pointed a hoof at the beings in question. "I used to be a noble in Canterlot, but because I specialized in Enchanting and Destruction in a family that specialized in Conjuration. My own family tried to kill me because I was an 'embarrassment'. He saved me from them, and almost died in the process." Tethys nodded. "I was being hunted down by ponies. He nursed me back to health and fought against my hunters." Zecora agreed as well. "Once poisoned, I was left in disarray. He returned battered and bloodied, but with the cure in display." Astral looked up from hugging Dawnstone. "He saved me, Dawnstone, and the rest of our siblings from a fire. The one we thought he died in." "And let's not even get into why we split up in the first place." Casta took of her glasses to clean them. "We all blame ourselves, as if analyzing every mistake we made that lead up to what we went through will 'fix' things. I can't even begin to relate to Astral, thinking that she was the reason her brother died... but he helped each of us because he wanted to. He cares for us. He makes sure to put those he cares about first, even before himself. That's why he saved you. And I'll tell you this: for me at least, he was more upset that I blamed myself then I was in danger in the first place." Astral, Tethys, and Zecora all hummed in agreement. Rainbow Dash sighed. "I'm... sorry... I didn't mean it like that... I was just... an ass to him earlier, and... I don't want this to be the way it ends." Nurse Redheart and Snowheart opened the door, taking off their masks. The former spoke first. "Don't worry, he'll be fine. Doctor Horse is finishing up now." Rainbow asked "How is he?" "Well... could be better." Redheart admitted. "There was just... so much that threw us off." Tethys turned to look at her. "...And what does that mean?" Snowheart waved a hoof. "Oh no no no, nothing dangerous... mostly... First we tried to do an X-ray on him, but he couldn't fit in the MRI, or take of his helmet in the first place, so Dr. Horse tried to use his magic to see what was broken. Then we find out that his entire right arm is metal, so we had to avoid that, since we also didn't know how to detach it." Redheart continued as Snowheart trailed off. "The hard part was the surgery. He did have two broken ribs and a punctured lung, but he's fine. He's much stronger than I thought. A normal pony's bones would be shattered. Anyway, the surgery was hard because of his size... we weren't allowed to give him enough of the sedative to keep him under, or rather, go under in the first place. But other than that, he'll be ok. Just needs about 6 weeks to heal." Twilight slowly craned her neck forward at that. "He's been conscious? For the entire surgery?" RedHeart nodded. "You have to understand. We literally gave him the max amount of morphine and anesthesia that we could give him for his own safety. We'd need to test his blood if we wanted to sedate him properly. Even though we recommended he get some rest, He wishes to go home, insisting he'll be fine. Just need to wait a few more minutes." Meanwhile, Skystrike was talking to his doctor as he wrote on a clip board. Skystrike tried to ignore the itchy stitches, as well as the pain. He want's to get home as fast as he can. That way, he can heal in private. Dr. Horse hummed. "Your biology is amazing. Your blood clotted much quicker than the average pony's, not to mention how strong your bones are... Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Are you... quite sure you're alright? You were conscious that whole time." Skystrike laughed, then winced. "Ow... hurts to laugh. To be honest, I know I'm high on morphine right now, and just coming off of anesthesia that did nothing, but I'm fine... It was a bit weird though, seeing my own lungs, but hey, you three stitched me up well!" Dr. Horse sighed as he wrote on his clipboard some more. "I still urge you to stay until morning at least, just to make sure that your stitches don't get undone." "Promise doc, I'll be careful..." Skystrike rubbed his bandages, a tiny bit of blood visible on his left side. "Damn... it hurts to breathe too... promise, I'll be fine. I promise I'll come back if anything happens." "Fine..." The unicorn stallion used his magic to roll over a wheelchair for Skystrike to get into. "I've prescribed you some pain medications if it gets to bad. Remember, you fractures three ribs, broke two, and broke your left wing. Needless to say, try not to move much. Stay in a wheelchair for a week or two before even attempting to walk. And don't think about flying." "Alright..." Skystrike took the small bottle of pills as he winced and got into the wheelchair. "Huh... I'm surprised you got one for me to fit in." "Well, after the Ursa Minor, we thought we'd get one, just in case." "Aw... you do care..." Skystrike laughed. "Ow..." He began rolling himself to the doorway, pushing the door open to see his friends talking to the two nurses. "The whole gang's here... Anyone got something to eat?" A few relieved sighs were heard as Redheart cleared her throat. "You just finished. Don't eat anything until tomorrow noon." "Fiiiiine... but can I drink when we meet on Friday?" Redheart couldn't help but giggle and nod. "Sweet... Anyway, what we doing?" Dawnstone and Astral nearly tackled him in a hug. "Ow! Fuck!" Dawnstone wiped her tears, making sure not to ruin her make up. "Sorry, I'm just... glad we didn't lose you again..." Then Astral looked at his right arm, lifting it to see the skin-like sleeve torn by the teeth of the Hydra. "The nurse wasn't kidding... It is metal... When did you lose it? While you were away?" Skystrike shook his head. "Before I even met any of you. I'll tell you about it another time... for now, I want to take a nap... I've had a hell of a day. Thanks for coming, everyone. I'll do my rounds tomorrow... Actually, Rainbow." The mare in question's ears perked up. "Walk with me. Tethys, Stardust, show those three their rooms and I'll meet you all at the house." Skystrike began pumping his forehooves to roll himself out the hospital. It took a moment for Rainbow to gather her thoughts before deciding to follow him. The two traveled in silence for a few minutes before stopping at the lake. Rainbow Dash rubbed her arm with a hoof. "...Why'd you bring me here?" Skystrike looked at the lake, seeing where the river started, water flowing down hill. "Remember when we were kids back in Cloudsdale, and the shit we'd get into? One time we thought it'd be a good idea to gather some clouds and make a really big one." Rainbow nodded. "Yeah... mom and dad didn't let us off lightly with that stunt. The lightning from it fried half the garden." "Heh, ow, yeah... Or when you were practicing your tricks and we decided to turn the neighborhood into your obstacle course? We scared the shit out of Zephyr Breeze..." Rainbow began to form a smile. "Heheh, yeah... You know, we did get into a lot..." The two laughed a bit more as Rainbow sat next to him. "...I'm sorry, Skystrike." He shook his head. "Don't think too much about it. Just don't cross boundaries like that again. Ain't funny." Rainbow blinked. "Oh, not that- well yes, that too... I mean sorry for you ending up like that." "...Are you-... are you stupid? Why are you sorry for that? That was my fault. I shouldn't have let my guard down." "Why'd you have to say it like that? And that was obviously my fault! I shouldn't have been on that Hydra!" She frowned. "Rainbow, if I dealt with that Hydra properly, I wouldn't be in these bandages, and you wouldn't be blaming yourself. Under the same circumstances, I'd save your life again." "Bucker, I already have to live knowing you have 5 years left at worst. I don't want you to die over my own mistakes!" "WHAT!?" The two heard the outburst and turned to see a moving bush. Then they heard Pinkie's voice. "Shhh... I don't think they heard us..." Skystrike looked at Rainbow, then sighed. "Well, since we have a peanut gallery, I can't really make this as... personal as I wish." Skystrike turned his wheelchair to look at her. "So, I'll say this: It was not your fault. If anypony is at fault, it's me for being sloppy. You blaming yourself makes me feel worse. The wounds are no big deal." "The buck you mean, 'no big deal'!?" Skystrikke pulled her close to him so he could whisper. "Remember what I revealed a month ago? I can literally heal myself in moments. I just need privacy." "Oh..." Rainbow realized that he could just use his magic. "Well... I still messed up..." "We all do sooner or later. Like EVERYPONY ELSE THAT WANTS TO LISTEN IN ON PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS!" He turned to the bush. The silence was deafening. "Look, mother fuckers, I let my guard down around you all for a reason, because I trust you... But apparently I cant if eavesdropping is going to become the norm. I've dealt with way too much today to deal with this too." Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack all came out of said bush. "Sorry, darling... But now that we're out in the open, anypony else expected something romantic? It was the perfect time to admit the growing love for your savior." Rarity looked around at her friends. They all looked back like she was crazy. Skystrike blinked, then stared into Rarity's soul. "Rarity, I had you as a Damsel in Distress fetishist from day one. Get a fucking coltfriend. The only reason I'm not going to get into you further because I feel bad about the clothes you made me being ruined... at least I still got pants." Applejack snickered at that. "I told ya this was a bad idea." "Applejack, I don't want to hear that either, you could've stopped them any time. You're like, the one voice of reason." Skystrike pointed and Applejack grumbled. Twilight moved her hair out of the way. "Is... what Rainbow said true? About you having... 5 years at worst?" Skystrike nodded and groaned. "Yes, I do. I found out a month ago. No, I didn't hide it from you all because I didn't think we were good enough friends. Yes, I planned on telling you eventually. I planned to talk about this with each of you one on one but now you know." He took a few of the pain meds he was given. "Sorry, just... frustrated... I'd prefer if we talk about this another day... When I don't feel like a pin cushion." Applejack began pushing his wheelchair. "Well, I'll push ya half way. We're going in the same direction for the most part. C'mon Fluttershy." "What, you think you can just... drop that doozie and not talk about it? The reason we followed you is because I was getting the full body jitters again!" Pinkie stomped. "Pinkie, I know you all care, and it probably sucks to hear that my time in this world is cut short, so I don't blame you, any of you. But I'm going to say this as nice as I can right now." Skystrike took in a deep breath. "It literally hurts to breathe right now. I can't even get into a comfortable position because if I don't stay perfectly still, I feel like I'm getting stabbed from all angles. Take into account that I'm frustrated in myself for what happened, and I still have a lot to think about, I want to sleep on it. We will talk about it. Another day." Pinkie Pie and the rest took the hint as an awkward silence came in before Applejack began pushing Skystrike toward his house, Fluttershy following behind. Skystrike tried his best to focus on his breathing and calming down. It hurt... a lot... It was weird how he could feel some of the stitches in his lung. Made him realize that he wasn't invincible in this world. If that hydra just crunched down a bit harder, hell, if his ribs punctured his heart, it would've been over. All it takes is one mistake... His train of thought was broken by Applejack speaking. "Y'know... I know you don't want to talk about it, but... I've seen you like this before, back with Nightmare Moon. You keep... pushing us away whenever something dangerous happens. You don't have to carry all your problems by yourself. You got so many friends... you can rely on us." Fluttershy nodded. "We're here for you whenever you need us. You're there for us when we need you. We want to return the favor." Skystrike kept looking forward and furrowed his brow. "...I never told you all the reason I hide my identity, did I?" He sighed. "The reason I died was because somepony was out to get me, and bought my family into this to get to me. Then, he somehow did it again, finding out who I was and luring me, Tethys, Zecora, Casta, and everyone else to an early grave we narrowly escaped. I... put distance between those I care for because I don't want you all to die because somepony is out to get me. There's too much risk at keeping you all close... The only reason I can think of for him not coming after you all yet is because you're the Elements of Harmony, and because after I died, a good number of ponies were under Celestia's protection... In a sense, you all just got lucky." "Oh... I get it now- or at least somewhat..." Applejack said. "You... blame yourself for what happened." "Before you say it wasn't my fault, he deadass specified he burned down my orphanage to get to me." "Well, I don't want to encourage ya, but do you have a plan to deal with him?" "Yes... at the Gala." Fluttershy was a bit surprised at that. "The Grand Galloping Gala? This stallion must be pretty high up in society to get invited there... What's his name?" Skystrike growled a bit as his eyes flickered. "Blueblood." Applejack felt like she heard that name before. "Ain't that Celestia's nephew?" Then her eyes went wide. "Ain't that the colt that Rarity was going on about when Twilight had those tickets for the gala??" Then Fluttershy realized. "Wait... doesn't that make him your adoptive brother? Doesn't that make you a prince?" Skystrike answered their questions in order. "Yes, Yes, I don't consider him my brother, and yes. Don't tell Rarity. I know she's also a knight in shining armor fetishist too." He couldn't help but laugh at that. "Heheheha... Ow..." "You know... This all explains a lot. Especially how dense you are." Applejack laughed. "...What do you mean by that?" "I mean that it makes sense that you dont know what you want in a relationship, let alone what type of relationship you want because you always push away ponies that get too close." Fluttershy nodded again. "It took you a bit of time to even call us friends in hindsight." "Yeah... sorry about that... I'll be better. I just... need to get stronger." Skystrike held his side. "...Thanks for putting up with me, you two. I never really get to say how much you all mean to me. I'm glad I have you all as my friends..." Applejack stopped pushing Skystrike, as they were at his front door. He smelled something burnt. "...Applejack, Fluttershy, I need one of you to knock on the door." The two mares looked at each other before Fluttershy knocked. The three heard a "FUCK!" From Tethys inside and then the clattering of pots, pans, silverware, and plates. Then an explosion. "SHIT!" They heard from Casta. "Can't believe you both lack the cookery knack... Burn water? It's a skill you both seem to pack!" Zecora was yelling at the two. "Why was there water in the first place!? We're making tacos!" Astral laughed. "I thought we were making soup...?" They heard Dawnstone say. Skystrike put his face in his hooves. Tethys opened the door, her green sweater covered in a black ash. "Heeeeey Sky! How's it going?" She leaned on the door in an attempt to act cool. Her face of worry betrayed her. "Tethys... you and Casta tried to cook again, didn't you?" "...Maaaaaaybe?" Skystrike sighed as he rolled into his house. "Fluttershy, Applejack, thanks for bringing me home, I'll see you two tomorrow." He then rolled into the kitchen, seeing an exploded bag of flour, a burnt pan of water, pots and pans everywhere, and... "Casta, why are you lying on the floor?" "Taste test... went bad." She groaned. "And what did you eat?" Casta pointed to the plate on the kitchen island. "Is that... is that burnt soup with a taco shell? What the fuck? How the fuck? You know what, fuck it, I'm going to bed." Skystrike was about to go to his room, then realized it was up stairs... he did not make his home wheelchair accessible He grit his teeth as he got out of his wheelchair and onto the couch lying on his back. He was very annoyed right now... but at least he has ponies he cares about to be annoyed at. Makes him realize how much he cares. Skystrike ignored the chaos, setting it aside for another day as he fell asleep. He'd leave it for morning Skystrike. > Paranoia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike grunted, waking up with the sun in his eyes. Man, he felt so refreshed from that. His torso and wing were still sore, but it wasn't a piercing pain anymore. More felt like he had an open scab. He went to grab his helmet on his nightstand, but when his arm fell and the pain hit him, Skystrike remembered he fell asleep on the couch. The pegasus checked the time, it being 10 a.m. He looked to the side, seeing Tethys lying against the couch, with Casta and an open book on her lap, both sleeping. Thinking of the time, Astral Night and Dawnstone were probably still asleep or out doing something. Skystrike tried to push himself up, grunting as he got in. Rolling into the kitchen, he was surprised the girls cleaned it. He thanked the heavens that he was only marginally shorter in a wheelchair, as he could still reach the ingredients on the upper shelf. Man, he was hungry as fuck... He could eat a... eat a... eat a... He felt as if that phrase was either problematic or an innuendo. Tethys and Casta snapped awake at the clicking of the stove, looking at each other before running and teleporting to the kitchen respectively. Skystrike looked over his shoulder as he cracked a few eggs. "Good morning. I'm making breakfast. Pancakes sound great right now." "Oh thank Celestia!" Casta released a deep breath. "I couldn't help but think the worst!" Skystrike flipped the eggs with a pan flip. "What? You saw I was alive. I was just tired. Thanks for cleaning the kitchen by the way." Tethys walked over and put a hand on her hip. "Skystrike, you must have been really tired..." She patted his head. "Glad you're still breathing though." "...I feel like I'm missing some context here." Tethys smiled. "It's Friday, Skystrike. You were out for a whole day." Skystrike turned to look at the two. Their faces said they weren't kidding. "...Mother fucker... It... well that does explain how you got this kitchen clean so fast... What happened while I was out?" The day before, Casta woke up in the guest room, immediately coming down the stairs to check on her friend. Skystrike was still asleep as Tethys watched over him. Neither realized how late they slept, it being noon. Tethys bit on her claws. "...He doesn't normally sleep this long. Should we... I don't know what to do here..." Casta put on her glasses and put a hoof over his mouth. "Well, he's still breathing, quite steadily too, but no, he doesn't normally sleep this long... should we get a doctor?" "Let's try Zecora first. I'll get her if you can change his bandages. I'm afraid I'll hurt him." Tethys kept biting her nails as she left to get her zebra friend, almost running out of the door. Casta made sure to be careful with replacing the bandages. It wasn't until she took them off that she realized how bad the bite was. He was bruised to Tartarus and back, there still being teeth marks in him. Not to even mention the stitches. She could see where they cut him open. They couldn't use magic on him to speed up the healing, so it was just left out for the world to see. That being said... he was healing really fast... unnaturally fast... Questions for later. She made sure to be as careful as possible as she un and rewrapped him, but that didn't stop his grunts of pain. Eventually, Zecora and Tethys came back to see Skystrike, but was surprised to see the mane 6 at the door with Astral and Dawnstone. Applejack saw the two out of the corner of her eye, motioning to the group of their arrival. "Howdy, you two!" She said with a tip of her hat. "Just 'ere to check on Sky, and have that talk he promised." "I'm hoping to get some actual answers on some things." Twilight hummed. "I know he's getting a bit more trusting of us, but... even with all the time he's spent there, I still feel like I barely know him." The rest of the girls nodded. Dawnstone put a hoof to her chin. "Now that you mention it, honestly I don't know much either. I know now that he was always out working, but even when he visited us in Canterlot, he mostly asked about us... I don't even know something like what his favorite color is." Tethys sighed. "I can relate. It took almost a year for me to learn the little things like that about him... His favorite color is green by the way. Threw me off when he said he liked my eyes." Skystrike pushed open the door. "Anyway, you all can come in, but at the rate things are going, that talk will have to wait for another day." "AUUUUUUUUUGH!!!" Rarity cursed under her breath. "There's no bucking way." Casta turned her head. "Oh, familiar faces. Hello again. Sorry, I don't remember all of your names yet." Casta teleported away the bloodied rags. "Zecora, anything you can do?" Zecora walked over and stuck a thermometer in his mouth, then put a hoof on his to feel his heart beat. "Resting deeply, in slumber's embrace, yet deeper than usual, a worrying space. Blood loss perhaps has led to this fate, though my concern arises for his heart's rate." Fluttershy pitched in. "Can't that be because of blood loss? His heart and lungs need to work more to make up for the surgery, right?" Casta nodded. "More than likely. I also replaced his bandages but he's healing unnaturally fast. The wounds have already mostly closed..." Applejack sighed. "Well I bought these apples for 'im to eat, but he can't really do that now..." She left a basket of apples on the coffee table. Then Fluttershy left some tea, then Rarity left some incense. "So uh, what now?" Stardust asked. "And then everyone went home, seeing that you weren't waking up anytime soon." Casta finished. "God damn it..." Skystrike finished cooking and set the table. "I'm really hungry... lets eat, then bring everyone over. Oh right, Elytra, I haven't seen her in a bit. Where is she?" Casta and Tethys looked at him. "She didn't tell you?" "...Casta if I ask a question, that means I don't know. Tell me what?" Casta shuffled in her chair. "She's been in Zecora's place the last several days. It's... that time of the year." Skystrike was about to open his mouth to ask before Tethys slapped the table. "Sky, there's no fucking way you don't know what a heat cycle is." "..." "You're fucking STUPID!" Tethys banged on the table. "Literally every fucking species in the entire planet has one! Have you never noticed!?" "Jesus Christ, Tethys! I never knew ok!?" "We've FUCKED, Skystrike! WHILE I WAS IN MY CYCLE!!" "I thought you were just horny???" Skystrike put out his hooves. Casta was laughing. "There's no way you're real! Ahahahaha!" "Skystrike, I was saying I was because I, like any other girl, was too embarrassed to fucking admit it." She grabbed her horns and sighed, the items on the table jumping as she hit her head on it. "I thought you fucking knew... By the dragon king, you're so damn dumb sometimes." Skystrike put his hooves up in defense. "Look, I've never asked. Who'd think to ask?" Casta kept laughing. "You went twenty five years not knowing we have heat cycles!? I'm never letting you live this down!" Skystrike couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it admittedly. He finally took a bite of his food, suddenly realizing how hungry he was and scarfing down all of his food. It took him minutes to finish his rather large portion of four thick pancakes, six eggs, and some apples. But he was still hungry. Casta offered him the rest of her food, pushing it over to him. "You're an angel." He said as he continued eating. Tethys was just glad he was in better spirits. "Hey, Sky, just so you know, we haven't told Casta about that yet. Your sisters are out, so... I think it's' best to tell her about it before everyone else comes back." Skystrike thought about it, then nodded. Thankfully, he didn't have to go through the whole song and dance again, since Tethys already knew. "Casta, let me preface this by saying this is going to be a lot to take in..." Skystrike pushed himself away from the table. He sighed as he took off his bandages. Casta was about to protest before Tethys put a hand on her back, making her sit back down. Skystrike clenched his fist as he grunted, forcing his mana into a magic barrier around his body. Casta's eyes went wide as she saw his wounds close and his bones move back into place. Before Casta could even ask what he just did, a neon fire surrounded him as he turned into his human form. Skystrike stood up and stretched. "You know, I really need to stop going shirtless. But yeah, this is what I am. I trust you enough to be able to tell you." Casta rubbed her glasses, thinking she was seeing things. When she put back on her glasses, she realized she wasn't. "Y-you're... a human?" Skystrike waived a brow. "You... know what I am? And why do you sound... afraid?" "...Tell me something about me only Skystrike would know..." Casta demanded. "What?" "I need to KNOW you're him, and not some monster that took his form! I haven't seen him for two years!" She backed away a bit. Skystrike was a bit hurt at that, but couldn't blame her. "I assume Celestia told you about my race. I'll answer however many questions you need to make you feel comfortable. You first left your parents as soon as you turned 18, and you were being hunted down by an assassin hired by your parents. I found you during a round for supplies, as Tethys and Zecora weren't welcome in Canterlot, hiding in an alleyway near the northern castle gates." He put up both of his hands. "You're my friend, Casta." She wasn't convinced yet. "Who did I look up to as role models in the group?" "From my memory, you said Zecora, and being able to adapt so well after leaving her old life behind, and Jeshan the Diamond Dog because of his philosophy." "What happened to Skybeak? As in why didn't he stay in Equestria?" "He had a wife and daughter back in Hippogriffia, and was the last member to join 'All'. His membership was temporary, since he was a family man at heart." The two stared at each other for a bit. She asked her last question... Skystrike would have to know this. "What was my biggest secret I told you?" "You have a little sister called Avada Kedava ten years younger than you that you want to go back for, but you need to wait until she's of age, since your parent's haven't let her out of the mansion." Casta let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Celestia, you are him- er you're you... I'm really sorry about all that. Princess Celestia gave me a wildly different idea of who and what you were." Skystrike sat back down. "Don't blame her. From what my kind apparently did to yours, I think the same sometimes... that I'm a monster. But... she told me not to speak on it to anypony. How much do you know." Casta sat back down in her chair. "Apparently as much as you do. I haven't been into the forbidden section of the Royal Library to check if she and princess Luna actually destroyed all traces." Then she hesitated. "I'm... not supposed to tell you this, but-" Skystrike put up a hand to stop her. "I don't want you to do anything that'd put your job or loyalty at risk. I already have some semblance of what Celestia want's you to do. Let me ask you this, and it will confirm my theory; did you know about humanity before or after I was in the capital for Maud's graduation?" "After... She gave me an... 'assignment' after I concluded my research of mana." Casta made air quotes with her hooves. Skystrike grabbed his head and put his elbows on the table, bouncing his leg with a strained look. "Haaaaah... I'm sorry, Casta. I hate that you're in this situation." Casta tipped her hat as Tethys looked confused. "...Can one of you nerds here explain what I'm supposed to be upset about?" Skystrike and Casta looked at each other. Casta fought back tears, trying to avoid eye contact. "The reason I'm so much more dangerous compared to the humans that came before me, is because compared to this world, our magic was rudimentary, basic. Only spells we were able to use were those in the time before Starswirl the Bearded, the pony who made nearly every spell ponies use now. Sure, we understood it, but humans couldn't use anything beyond elemental spells. I was made to surpass anything a normal human could do... and I know now, with me as a prime example. On a side note, the way magic works in this world is that if a spell hits a pony for example, the magic within a pony absorbs some of that damage. Still hurts, but doesn't damage the physical body. That makes me dangerous, as I not only have no magic within my body, I'm resistant to the magic used on me... And right when I stupidly told Celestia that I was still here, Celestia told Casta about the threat I could be." "That does sound bad... but why are we upset?" "Tethys... Casta, by Celestia's order, started making a mana extractor. By nature, this world's races turn mana into magic. Only my race does it consciously. It's what let me live so long in this world... hell, the reason I'm alive. She knows that without my mana, It'd be a piece of cake to kill me." Tethys tried to piece it together, her worry growing as she did so. "She's-... making Casta make a weapon to kill you...?" Tethys looked to Casta. Her face said it all. "Shit..." The three sat there for minutes. No one knew what to do. Silence hung heavy, fractured only by the terse breaths of the three. Tension crackled like electricity between them, each one wearing expressions etched with a blend of anxiety, frustration, and apprehension. Words previously spoken lingered in the air like the morning fog. Skystrike's voice stabbed through it. "I... can't put you in danger... Not again." "Skystrike..." Tethys growled. "You are not running again, you promised." "I know Tethys... I just got too comfortable... too trusting... you're all in danger again. I'm not strong enough." He said angrily. Tethys reached across the table, using her hands to make him look in the eyes. "Then stop holding back. This is one of those times where you must fight for yourself, not for others. I won't let you leave again." Skystrike thought of a lot at that moment. Should he do like he did before and run? They'd be safe, but starting over would suck. He'd need a new identity... Or maybe just fight... for all this world took from him, the pain will be returned in full... The family lost, the abandonment, their hatred. He grit his teeth as he shook those thoughts out of his head. "I won't tell Celestia." Casta nearly yelled it. "I won't tell Celestia... there might be a way out of this... I can't delay it long... maybe you can figure out a way to get on Celestia's good side?" He thought about it. "I assume it's still only in the design phase... I have time." Skystrike scratched his head. He'd need to do it eventually. It's now or never. He got up and grabbed a roll of paper and began writing, finishing quickly and rolling it back up. "Casta, send it to Celestia. I've wrote in here that the human will meet her at the abandoned castle in the Everfree as sundown. I'll be going alone. There's a chance for me to solve this without bringing anyone else into this." Tethys protested. "That's way too dangerous! If she saw you as a danger when you first came to this world, It'd be on sight if you gave her the chance." "Rather that, than having Casta and whoever else come after me in the first place. But I don't have much of a choice. I need to at least attempt to stop this if I want to eventually come out as a human. I want to live without hiding what I am." Skystrike clenched his fists, trying to figure out what to do next as Casta sent the letter. "No matter what happens, you two are my friends. If I have to end up leaving again-" "You're not!" Casta and Tethys both said. Casta wasn't done though. "I've just got you back. It hasn't even been two months yet!" "You're right..." He covered is face. "I don't... know what to do here." It dawned on Tethys. "I get it now. You're hesitating." Skystrike looked up at her as she chuckled a bit. "Didn't think you'd be doing that. Skystrike, you have to protect yourself if it comes to that. I'll do something to help you at least. I owe you that." Casta nodded. "I don't know all I can do yet, but I can at least think of something..." Skystrike shook his head. "You're in the most danger here. You work directly under Celestia. If even a trace of your magic shows up on anything I do, Celestia is coming for you." Skystrike thought for a moment. "...You and my sisters are going back tomorrow morning. I'm going to be busy for a little while. Keep working on the extractor. I'm... not going to hold back anymore. I don't have a choice anymore.' Skystrike stood up. "Can... you two go get everybody? I just need a moment to myself." The two nodded as Skystrike went to his room, looking in the mirror with his helmet still in his hands. His grip tightened on it. This was going to happen eventually. He knew Celestia wouldn't give up on finding him. Why was he surprised? Why was he angry? He won't let this life he made for himself be taken away from him. He stared at his reflection for a long, long while, thinking of what he could do. There were only a few options that could work. One was to threaten the destruction of Equestria. He's capable of it, and she knows it... it'd just be a matter of making Celestia believe him. He could also just plead for his life, say he doesn't want to hurt anyone, but... that'd be much harder for Celestia to believe. Still worth a shot. His last option was to... run again. Start a new identity... No one would ever think to look for him outside of Equestria. That's the worst case scenario, though... but it'd still be safe to keep it in mind. But something within him burned... urging him to fight. As if it was what he was meant to do, in his nature. But was it his nature as a human, or his nature as a lab rat... He already knew what he was meant to do, he just didn't want to admit it. Skystrike stared into the hollow eyes of his helmet, pondering. How... different would his life had been if he just stayed at that laboratory? He knew he wouldn't enjoy it, but... it'd be simpler than what he has to deal with now. Just follow orders and live. No... that's not living. Maybe if he decided to not escape the capital those years ago? Sure, Celestia couldn't trust him then, but maybe he... could've gained her trust? No, that wouldn't have worked... even with 17 years of laying low, she was still after him, distrusting, thinking he's biding his time. He let out a long, pained groan. He should've never came back to Equestria... should've went to Griffonstone or Hippogriffia... hell, living off the land, something... But as he thought it through, he realized that no matter the choice, he'd end up here, his friends in danger because of him. His life he worked hard to build, crumbling around him. Skystrike gave a sad chuckle. Even with everything that happened, sure, he wished it went differently, but he didn't regret the life he lived, the friends he made, nor the time spent with everyone around him. "Echo... you've been with me since before this life. Even if we're stuck with each other despite what we want, even if you were made by the ones who put us in this mess, you're the only one who knows the true me, the only one I can trust... I want your opinion on what to do." "My core programing demands that I put your survival first and foremost, no matter the cost. Reason with Celestia. Luna knows of your humanity, so there is a chance that she may help us somewhat." The blue eyes of the helmet flashed to stare back at Skystrike. "If reason does not work, then we must fight. We can always rebuild later. But that must happen if we have no other choice." Skystrike grunted and took that into account. He looked in the mirror to take in a view of himself. He's grown so much over the years. He saw the person he was when he first came to Eques. Scared of what he could do, coarse in who he was, but full of hope that this would be a world he could live in. Then, himself after Khrusalis died. No longer scared, but... reluctant about making any new connections, angry at what was taken from him, and hateful of of himself and his lack of power. But now, he saw who he was. Skystrike. Not truly a pony, but not truly human either. Even after everything he went through, he doesn't regret the lives he lived. He made a family, made friends, a life worth living. Skystrike would do anything to keep it. But to do that, he needs to give everyone the decision to let him be a part of their lives. He'd need to tell them the truth. But the human part will have to be put on hold for a while. For now, he would at least tell them all about the time he has left. Skystrike turned back into a pony and put on his helmet. He also changed pants after he realized he wore them for three days straight. He was about to go for his black sweats, but then he remembered how Tethys said it was basic. Fine, black and white sweats. He looked himself over as he brushed his mane and tail, then realized he hasn't cut either in a long time. His tail was touching the floor and is mane was down to his shoulders. Then he smiled. At least he had the luxury to think about these things. Skystrike folded his helmet into a collar as he walked downstairs, looking over the railing and seeing everypony. He didn't even realize how many he knew. Tethys, Casta, Zecora, Stardust, Astral, Dawnstone, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack. He was a bit glad Spike wasn't here to hear all that was going to be said. Applejack immediately stood up to help him down the stairs. "Skystrike, what're ya doin' without yer wheelchair!? You broke your ribs!" Skystrike laughed a bit. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm fine. I heal really fast." Applejack didn't believe it for a second, pushing him on his hind legs and lifting his shirt. "Bro???" Applejack stared in awe of the lack of wounds. "I... I don't get it! You could barely move two days ago!" "I'm a really good sleeper." Skystrike pulled his shirt down. "But that part of my weird biology isn't what you're all here for." The two walked down the stairs and took their seats. "I don't really know how to say this, so I'll start from the beginning. I have 'magic' in my body, but not in the sense a normal pony would. Thanks to Casta and her research, she was able to discover mana, which is what you ponies use to make magic. Difference is, every living being it this world makes magic unconsciously, as if they were breathing." Skystrike sighed. "That leads into what I learned last month. Due to 25 continuous years of absorbing mana, as well as the strain put on my body to keep up with the average pony with no magic, among other factors, it's had irreversible effects on my body. Because I can build my strength to impossible levels for my body, as well as store near impossible levels of mana and other factors, it's... affected my life expectancy. I've ran tests and quadruple checked the results, changing any factors that would gave me a wrong result. If I'm lucky, I will live until 40. If my condition gets worse, 30. If it stays the same, between 30 and 35." Several gasps came from the group as that last part set in. Twilight was the first to ask a question. "...What do you mean, store near impossible levels of mana? Everypony has a mana capacity that grows as one gets older, and would stop gathering mana once it's full! This doesn't make any sense! This shouldn't happen in the first place!" Skystrike thought for a moment. "Let me think of the best way to explain it... Imagine you have... a cup you want to fill with water. Water is the allegory for mana, and fills a cup at a set pace. But you're blind folded. You don't know how big your cup is, and you can only feel it get heavier. You have a way to let it out, but it's dangerous, and not fast enough to spill all that water you let sit." "Then... how do you let it out?" Skystrike rolled up his right sleeve, showing his metal hoof. "This is the hole in the cup, letting out some water constantly, but only slowing the build up. I could increase the size of the hole, but as I said, It's... dangerous." Applejack huffed. "You know, somethin' about that arm of yours has always thrown me off... Where'd you get it?" Astral asked a question of her own. "How did you get it?" Skystrike looked at Astral, then at his arm. "That's... something you all should know as well, we just have to go further back. I did not come from these lands, I came from far, far away. It was... not a nice place..." Skystrike clenched his hoof. This was still so hard for him to talk about. "I wasn't treated as a living being. I was an object. A means to an end. A weapon..." Skystrike took of his sweatshirt, showing how far his metal arm went up. His entire arm up to his shoulder was replaced with metal, burn scars around where it connected to his torso. "I was taught morality, and showed mercy to one of the ones I was supposed to kill. As punishment, they took my arm from me. They gave me a new one, with some... upgrades. But those upgrades aren't just in my arm. You all can probably guess them, given my size, strength, and how I healed so fast. Those... also affected my life expectancy. Since I was a prototype, they could ignore the long term effects. I was eight when I executed my plan, taking as many of my captors with me before I decided I didn't want to live in that world anymore. It was by pure luck that I was able to find an escape." "There's... there's no way you're telling the truth right now." Casta shook her head. Skystrike looked at her, then sighed. "Casta, my very existence isn't natural. What I've said should make sense. But if I have to prove it to all of you..." Skystrike took off his arm and passed it to Casta. "It connects to my nervous system, and takes in my mana to power itself. By putting in a strong enough electric current, you should be able to make it move. In theory, at least. I've never tested it. There should still be enough mana in it for you to move it. You ponies focus more on magic, rather than electricity, so there's no way you will be able to understand how that's been made. If fact, electricity is how my most of the items I make work." Casta looked over the arm. "So that's why this house felt so... empty. It felt like there was no magic, but there actually barely is any." She kept looking at it, figuring out a way to take it apart. Meanwhile, Rarity bought the conversation back on topic. "I don't know about all of that electricity stuff, but backing up a bit, what all did they do to you?" Skystrike sat back down, a bit uneven lacking his arm. "Well, the mana thing is the most important. It should be impossible to have an infinite mana capacity, so I would assume I was given a mana capacity that just hasn't reached its limit yet. The long term affects that I can predict is that... if I have too much in my body, mana poisoning, which has similar symptoms to a unicorn going through a magic fever. Difference is, I can't get better unless I can expel this mana. There's... too many to remember." "You said 30 at worst. How do ya slow it down?" Applejack asked. "Well... I suppose... The obvious answer is just release more mana, but that comes with some problems." "...Go on." Skystrike sighed. "There's not so much a good way to do it, just... less dangerous ways. The least dangerous way would be to increase the amount of mana I use. Casta, can I get my arm back?" She wasn't able to figure out how to take it apart and passed it back to him. He put it back into place with a grunt as he rolled his shoulder. "Think of my arm a bit like... a unicorn's horn. I can turn my mana into magic just by having it attached. If I wanted to use more mana, I can use spells-" "You can use spells!?" Twilight nearly jumped. "Wait, then why haven't you been doing it this whole time!? Why hide it!?" "Because, that comes with its own set of problems. Ignoring the amount of trouble that a pegasus with unicorn like magic will bring me, I'm... still being hunted by the ones I thought I escaped all those years ago. Using spells out in the open is a no go. On top of that, in all of my studies on magic, the only spells able to make a dent in my mana are... high cost destruction spells. I was made to have an affinity with destruction magic after all." Dawnstone was a bit confused. "Well... now I know why you never talked about your past... You keep saying you were made for these things. Can you be more specific?" Skystrike nodded. "I... was nurtured to... kill. I thought it was obvious, I just have a really hard time saying it." Tethys raised a brow. "Not to get off topic, but don't you kill beings?" "Only when I deem it necessary. I've taken enough innocent lives." "Your parents?" Fluttershy asked. "Oh, no. I don't regret killing them. I don't even see them as my parents, it's just that I've never changed the title. My 'father' forced me to do unspeakable things like kill my 'siblings'. Originally, I didn't hate my 'mother' but she was complacent with our treatment, and was just in it for the pay check. My 'father' killed her because of me though so, whatever that's worth." Zecora put a hoof on her forehead. "Skystrike, heavy words in such a casual spree is not the way to speak, that should be plain to see." Skystrike shrugged. "Look, at this point, I've come to terms with most of that. I had one of my guards commit suicide in front of me because he didn't want to kill me, knew he couldn't stop me even if he did, and he would die if he went back to father empty handed." "...Holy shit Skystrike, what in Tartarus!?" Stardust's eyes went wide. He hasn't told her about that before. "I'm... still having a hard time believing all of this." Fluttershy admitted. "It's hard to believe there's beings out there that'd do something so awful." "You can say that again." Tethys growled. "I want to find whoever did all of that to you, but you already got to them." "So... what now?" Astral asked the question on everyone's minds. "I thought I'd have more time with you... It's weird knowing how much time we have left with you." "I'm... sorry, everyone." Skystrike said before thinking about what to say for a minute. "I... had a friend years ago named Steel Ace. He left this world too early... But one of the last things he said to me was to focus on the time we have left, rather than what could've been... I want to follow in his word, and just enjoy the time I have left with you all. Wish I could give a more satisfactory answer." "We'll take what we can get." Astral hugged him. The group talked over the next few hours, making plans between each other for the next month or so, as Skystrike said he planned on doing some traveling out of country. He had a fun couple of days coming up. But now, it was soon to be sunset. It was time to meet them. Everyone else, save for the ones staying with him, left by then. Skystrike finished cooking dinner, serving fried rice to Tethys, Casta, Stardust, Astra, Dawnstone, and- hol up. "Since when were you here, Zecora? I thought you went home?" Skystrike served her a plate anyway. "Let me guess, forgot to get groceries?" "That's a piece of it, my potions, not many bought, This month's been slow, sales taking a drought." She sighed as she took a bite of food. "Mmm... so good." "Damn, good enough to make you not rhyme? All I added was a pinch of lime." Skystrike took off his apron, then realized. "...Zecora how the fuck do you do that!? Stop making me rhyme, you're fucking with my head!" "Well maybe you shouldn't be so predictable, open like a book to be read." "Don't rhyme off me! That shouldn't count!" Skystrike laughed as he sat at the table and began eating. "Oh, right, Tethys, you going ok, diet wise?" "You calling me fat?" "Tethys-" "I'm messing with you. Why do you ask about my diet?" She asked as she shoveled food into her jaws. "I haven't seen you eat meat in a while. I know you need proteins and vitamins that you can't get from an a vegetarian diet." Skystrike twirl his fork in his hoof. "...Admittedly, I haven't eaten any meat since I've started living here. I didn't want to scare off any ponies." Skystrike thought about it. "You don't have to worry about that. The girls already know that I give Spike fish from time to time. I'm sorry, I thought you were going hunting or something before I found out you were hanging out with Rarity. I'll make sure to prepare a manticore first thing tomorrow morning. That should last us a few months. I can also go catch some fish. Alligator also tastes good." Everyone, save for Stardust looked at him when he said that last part. "You eat meat?" They all asked. "It's kinda the only reason I'm this size. Remember how I was thinner as a colt?" Skystrike shrugged. "Turns out, because my body doesn't partially run on magic, I need my nutrients from other sources." "Well... if you know what tastes good, go for it. I'm just... surprised you eat it raw..." Tethys scratched at her horns. "Oh, hell no, I cook my food." He wiped his mouth. "Again, I'll be hunting first thing tomorrow, and I'll be back in time to see you three off." He motioned to the unicorns. "For now, I have some ponies to meet." Skystrike got up, went up to his room, and got some clothes to cover himself. He couldn't choose anything that would make it seem like he was living with the ponies, or Celestia would up the search for him. Something hand made would work well... He remembered the Manticore skin he got from Naga as a sort of gift. The pegasus got the yellow pelt from his closet and made a quick sarong out of it. He'd change clothes in the forest. He put it in his saddlebag before leaving his room and heading towards the front door. Skystrike was stopped by Tethys and Casta, each hugging him before he left. "Stay safe, Skystrike." Tethys said. "Don't do anything reckless." Casta sighed. "And come back safe." "I'll do my best." Skystrike said as he opened the door. His friends watched him walk away and into the forest. He went in deep enough and off the path where no light would breach the roof of leaves. He knew from his chat with his friends earlier that the princesses returned back to Canterlot, so they would have to arrive by teleportation. But he still had to make sure he was completely alone before he transformed. With a tap of his hoof, a thin layer of magic expanded from him and into the forest. It was simple detection magic, letting him know that nothing in the forest that was even aware of him. But he did notice a presence that was approaching the forest. Maybe it was Zecora... but he still needed to be careful. He took off his clothes, transformed, then put on his sarong. Skystrike hid the rest of his stuff by throwing it up in a tree, then marked it by leaving a cross in it by digging in the index finger of his metal arm. With that, he walked for a few more minutes, seeing the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters. He had to admit, it took more force than he thought for it to open the door to the castle, even with it being covered in rust and moss. It took him a while to walk down the main hallway. Then he thought to himself: where would be the most fitting place to meet? The throne room would be too obvious... the top of a tower would make a cool scene, but also kinda predictable... Then it hit him. He walked for a bit more, remembering the path he took to get to the room almost a year ago. The chamber of Elements, where those six found their elements while he held off Nightmare Moon. He stood on top of the large ball of marble with his back facing the entrance and his arms crossed. He always wanted to do this... now he just needed to wait. The crackling and bursting of two sets of magic notified the arrival of the second party. Celestia and Luna looked to the center of the room, seeing Skystrike standing on the marble sculpture looking to nowhere in particular, his silver hair flowing in the wind. He knew he looked so cool right now. All he had to do was stick the line. He made sure to change his voice first though, making it deeper and more coarse to not sound like his pony counterpart. "Ah... so this day has finally come..." He slowly turned to face the two princesses, uncrossing his arms and throwing his hair out of his face. "It's been 17 years. I'd say good to see you again, Celestia, but I know that isn't really true for either of us. And Luna, I believe this is the first time we've met. I'm sure you already know a lot about me. Hope big sis put in a good word." Celestia spread out her wings as she took a few steps forward. "Seventeen years too long, 34... I still don't see how you managed to escape, but it is far too late to worry about that. She stopped a couple yards away from him. "How do you know about this room?" He chuckled. "Let's answer that question... with another question... Why are you worried that I know about the Elements of Harmony? Is your rainbow laser trump card something I shouldn't know about?" The human sat down and crossed his legs. Celestia looked to her sister as 34 continued. "Flattered you remember my number by the way, but before we continue any further, let's get rid of the third party. Can't exactly have a private conversation otherwise." "What are you talking about?" Celestia tried to play dumb. "Let's say... Skystrike and I talk about our personal lives between each other. Apparently he was being spied on, and said spy is here now." Skystrike pointed to the hole in the ceiling. "I come here alone, with no intention to harm, because I wanted to see what you have to say. the least you could do is return the good will and let us have this in private." "What to you mean by 'good will'?" "Would you have preferred I came into the capital on purpose?" 34 rested his head on his hand. "If not, then I don't believe we have anything left to say to each other, and you can go back to searching for a person who can only be found when he wants to." Celestia and 34 stared at each other. Luna put a hoof on her sister's shoulder. "...Benefit of the doubt, sister... we believe we should at least hear him out." Celestia grit her teeth. "Agent Sweetie Drops, you're dismissed." After a few moments, the sound of hoof steps were heard on the roof, getting further and further away with each step. "Thank you. Now, to answer the first question about how I know about the Elements and their bearers, that's pretty easy. I've frequented this place over the years. I got curious and started reading some books." He laughed. Then he calmed himself. "But that's not a satisfactory answer for you, is it?" Celestia then asked her next question. "Well... since you're so willing to answer our questions, how did you escape Canterlot?" 34 smiled at the memory. "I was given a chance to do better by two of your guards. Made a promise to leave some good in this world, and I intend to keep it. Hope those two are alright. And no, I'm not gonna rat them out. I literally owe them my life." The human sat up and put his hands on his knees. "My turn for a question. I figured you'd have gave up by now. Why are you so hell bent on capturing me?" "Because, human, you're a danger to this entire world." Celestia stomped. "I've seen what you've done as a child! As if I'd let you walk free!" "Well... ignoring how that probably was racially motivated, I feel like I've already said that that entrance was not on purpose. Though I will admit, being older now, I understand why you wanted to keep me contained." 34 admitted. Celestia's posture didn't change, but her ears did perk up at that. "That being said, I still stand by my actions. I will not be caged again. I simply wish to live. That leads into my next question. You seem to have a stigma against humans, seemingly more than me... what do you have against my kin?" "Don't play dumb with me." Celestia growled. "Your kin bought terror to this country over a thousand years ago, starting in this very castle!" 34's eyes widened. "...Well damn, that's news to me. I... know it doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry." "Why would you be?" "Because, Celestia, even though I'm human, I can recognize the mistakes of my race." He sighed and said the next part to himself. "You'd think a technologically advanced race would use it to better themselves, rather than conquer." Luna whispered to her sister. "Celestia, we think he is telling the truth." "Luna, you know the humans. You would do well to remember their deception." 34 interrupted the two. "So I'm confused. You come in and automatically assume I am here to deceive you, what point is there in talking?" Celestia thought for a moment. "Very well, let's say we do believe you... Have you had any contact with humans since your arrival?" 34 shook his head. "No. At least, not exactly." Celestia's magic flared. "Calm down. I was going to say I'm not a fan of them like you, given how I escaped them to get to your world. There were a few labs that I've destroyed and one I kept intact, though the most recent one I found was the only one that connected to the home universe. Made sure they wouldn't be able to use that place again." Luna spoke this one, surprised. "There were hidden labs? How many? Where?" 34 counted on his fingers. "The badlands, the northern mountain range near some village, and here on the edge of the Everfree, so that makes three." Luna stuttered. "You- wh- You left one intact!?" The human nodded. "Of course. I need some place to repair my arm, and in case the humans come back, you need better weapons." 34 pointed to himself. "If a prototype like me is enough to put you on edge just by existing, I imagine you're going to shit yourself if they come back with a better version of me, one not so chatty." Celestia and Luna looked at each other, then back to the human. Celestia shakily forced her words out. "They... They're coming back?" 34 nodded. "Most likely. The lab I found in the north was made to track me, and they were making weapons to neutralize me at the very least. I don't know when, I just know they have a way of getting here. And if that happens, I cannot say with full confidence that I can handle them alone." He let the weight of his words hang in the air for a time. Celestia and Luna shuddered. How many ponies would die if 34 is right? How much blood will be shed for their lust for conquest? It can't happen again. "So, let's make a deal." Celestia and Luna's ears perked up at that. "We continue to keep to ourselves for a bit. I'll live away from the eyes of the ponies you love so much, and you will stop hunting for me as I search for any traces of humanity. If the humans never come, it's a win for both of us. If they do, then we work together until the threat is dealt with." "...A decent offer on paper, but your kind is less than trustworthy. How do I know you will keep up your end of the deal." Celestia finally folded in her wings. "Well, if you remember how I came to this world, your kind wasn't too good either. The only reason I even began to interact with you ponies was because of those two guards. I can't really trust you either, but neither of us have a choice here." 34 stood up and jumped down in front of the princesses. Celestia glared at him as she prepared her magic. He leaned over a bit to be at her eye level. "So, I'll say it this way. If you want to have your country, this world, continue to be independent from humanity, then we must work together if they ever come..." 34 put out a hand to shake her and Luna's hooves Celestia still hesitated. "...And if I refuse?" "Then we are both fighting a war on two fronts. But you'll have it a lot worse than me. You could barely handle me as a child, but to be fair to you, you weren't trying to kill." 34 smirked a bit,. "And while I don't wish to fight you two, as I've seen how well you take care of your subjects, and Skystrike, I will do what I must to survive." He made sure to say that last part with determination. "So, do we have a deal?" Celestia and Luna knew it wasn't even a fair deal. It wasn't even a trade. They could not take the chance of 34 running wild in Equestria. And if they do come, they would need all the help they could get. Luna surprised her sister by taking his hand and shaking it. Then the two looked to Celestia, who begrudgingly did the same. "Very well, but know this, if you do anything to harm my little ponies, the Elements of Harmony will surely stop you." 34 crossed his arms. "If it comes to that, then that is on me, and I wish you luck... I'll make sure to tell Skystrike that everything went fine." 34 turned his back. "Though I must say, glad this didn't end badly." Luna put out a hoof. "Wait, human..." 34 turned his head to look at her. "You said that there was a lab kept intact. Where is it?" "Oh, right. Ask Skystrike. He told me your sister asked about his launcher thing. How do you think he made it? But I've said enough." 34 jumped through the hole in the roof and looked down at them. "I'm gonna dip. I need to go get dinner." He returned to his bag, making sure he wasn't followed and changing back to his pony form. Skystrike put back on his sweats and sighed. His heart was racing that entire time. He sat down for a minute to catch his breath. Then he realized, there's no real out for him, is there? Celestia will never stop going after him, and humanity won't leave him alone either. He'd have to stay hidden, or at least be very careful who he tells. Then he realized another thing, it's over if Luna tells her sister. He'd need to do his best to keep his distance... or earn their trust. "Thoughts for later." Skystrike said to himself as he exited the forest. For now, he had some ponies to see. Skystrike pushed open the door to the bar, greeting the bar tender and owner. "Hey, Berry! How's it hanging?" Berry didn't look up from the glass she was cleaning. "Hey, Nebula... Didn't expect you to come in. I heard what happened on Wednesday, good to see you're still in one piece. Your friends are in the booth at the corner." "Thanks Berry. Get us the house special, and one for yourself." Skystrike left a bag of bits on the counter, then went to the booth. "Mayor Mare, Cheerilee, Redheart, and Snowheart! Decided to join us today, I see." The four turned to greet him, then almost spit out their drinks. Redheart wiped her mouth with a hoof. "By Celestia, Nebula, what in Eques are you doing without your wheelchair!?" She got up in an attempt to help him sit down. "Oh dear I hope that your stitches haven't come undone..." Skystrike chuckled. "I'm fine, Redheart. Look." Skystrike pulled up his sweatshirt to show his ribs. "Oh my god, you can grind grain on those- I mean-... What? How??" She stuttered. "I'm a really good sleeper." Skystrike laughed. "Also, I ordered us some drinks..." Mayor Mare held her head. "Thanks, I need one. After I heard what happened on Wednesday, I'm just glad you're ok." Skystrike sat down. "Pssh, I don't die. But thanks for worrying. So, how've you all been?" "Well, you know, same routine." Cheerilee said, looking into her half full glass. "You coming in on Wednesday was great, don't get me wrong... It's just been... slightly annoying when one of those air cannon things launches all the papers off my desk." Skystrike snickered. "My bad. Honestly, I didn't think of that aspect." Mayor Mare did the same. "The princesses gave a surprise visit Wednesday as well. I wish somepony told me beforehoof that I'd have to file an entire airship..." He snickered again. "My bad." Snowheart downed the rest of her drink. "Well, Redheart and I actually had to do surgery on Wednesday. It was weird... Personally, I normally want a stallion in me, not the other way around." The group laughed as their drinks came. They each thanked Berry before clinking their glasses together. Skystrike took a sip. "Mmm... damn, this is really good!" Berry smiled. "Family recipe. Glad you enjoy it... You know, I'll let you have that one for free if you can guess what's in it, colt." "Challenge accepted..." Skystrike took another sip. "Taste's a bit like Brandy, but not what's normally in it... there's a hint of citrus, but more tangy than an orange, so I assume lemon or lime juice. It's almost drowned out by the orange juice and strawberry juice. I don't know what type of bitters you use though..." He took a longer sip after a sniff. "There's... one more thing in here that I can't put my hoof on... Something sweet, but savory, and a little salty. Caramel?" "How the buck..." Berry smiled as Skystrike threw up his hooves. "I'm impressed. I didn't take you as a sommelier. How often you drink to know what's in it?" "Honestly? Not much. But if you ever hang out with a dragon, you pick up on a lot. But for real though, this is really good." Skystrike downed the glass. "Can I get another? Also whatever you'd think this would go well with for the five of us. I'm hungry as hell." Berry nodded, taking the empty glasses and going to do so. "So, girls, what do you all wanna talk about?" Snowheart took a sip of her brandy. "Mmm, you were right, this is good. Anyway, I always wanted to ask, how do you always walk around in that armor? And how come you haven't been wearing it?" Skystrike though about it. "Well, as to the how, my original armor when I first started my job was the civilian grade armor you could get from any blacksmith shop. As I got older and more refined in my craft, I realized I needed sturdier armor, and it ended up getting heavier as I made new sets. The reason I haven't wore it recently is because after my fight in the capital, it got dented. I've been working on new armor since." "Really now? I haven't heard of any spar, but I haven't been reading the newspapers recently... How long does it take to even make armor? I assume longer than normal, given your size." Snowheart put and elbow on the table. "Well, to put it into perspective, one of my swords takes a week, minimum. That set of armor I wore used took me... two months. There were a lot of parts needed to complete it, but I don't want to bore you with my rambling." "Fair enough... Did you hear about that diss track on the princesses?" Redheart changed the subject. "I haven't listened to it yet, but apparently it's really funny." "Oh yeah, I've heard it..." Cheerilee giggled. "Well, not personally. The kids have been singing it for the past week." "I haven't heard of it, and I'm pretty into music. Are they new?" Skystrike tried to hide his laugh... failing miserably. "Haahahaha! Yeah, that was great! First release, and we were so glad it was a hit, not a miss." "That was you? You made a diss track on the princesses??" Cheerilee put her hooves on the table to stand up. Then blinked and sat back down. "You know, I'm not really surprised actually." Redheart raised a brow and sipped her brandy. "Hmm, wanna give us a live show?" "You know, I would, but this isn't really the setting for it. Plus, rapping without a beat just doesn't hit the same." Skystrike said as Berry came back with their food and his drink. "Thank you, Berry." He bit into the hay burger. "Oh my god I needed that." "Damn, you can eat." Snowheart took a bite of her own food. "Oh, here's a fun one, what were your nicknames in school? Mine was beach, since I apparently look like one." "That's actually really cute." Mayor mare wiped her mouth. "Better than mine at least. Mine was just Mare. I wasn't too talkative, and never really shared my name, so it just stuck." "So that's why you're called Mayor Mare..." Redheart took a few gulps. "During medical school when I was bisecting a frog and I got blood everywhere, I mean my hooves and face were covered in it. They called me crimson heart for a while." Cheerilee went next. "I... actually I don't remember if I had a nickname." "You know, I don't think you did... huh, that's so weird." Mayor Mare said before taking a bite of her food. "What about you, Nebula? If I remember right, you had a few." He nodded. "Yeah, I had a couple, though some I were more fond for than others. By some, I was called 'scrap heap'. I wasn't exactly wealthy back then. Sure, I had money, but I spent it on my sibllings first. I'd go by the blacksmiths in Canterlot to get any scrap I could to make weapons and armor. As the name implied, I ended up looking like a scrap heap." Skystrike thought for some time. "One I was a bit self concious of was 'leech', since some ponies were jealous of the ponies I was around. But a more light hearted and funny one I had was 'Ass beater'." Cheerilee and Mayor Mare laughed as the former spoke. "Oh, I remember that! That was great!" "What's the story behind that one?" Snowheart asked. Skystrike laughed, remembering back. "It was at prom. Some guy who's name eludes me right now was talking a lot of shit to my friend and the girl he was going for. He was all around just an unpleasant stallion, so when I stepped in to back up my friend, he started saying all sorts of shit. In the end, I said 'I'm going to beat your ass.' And then, I indeed beat his ass." They all laughed at his story, continuing to talk as the night went on. They had a few more drinks, since no one had work in the morning. They all made sure not to get drunk like last time. They paid their tab before leaving. Skystrike decided to continue their small talk. "Hey, Snowheart, you said you have a cat? Also, unrelated, we're leaving the bar earlier than last week." "Oh, every once in a while, we hang out at each other's houses and we gossip. Redheart and I have cats. They're pretty nice if you want to stop by." "Sure, I love cats!" Skystrike followed the four for a bit to Redheart's and Snowhearts house. They all entered, the two nurse ponies being last. Skystrike was a bit confused as he looked around the living room. "Where are the cats? Are they shy?" Redheart and Snowheart both whispered into his ears. "Meow~" "...You know what, that's a new one." About two weeks passed since Friday, and not much happened. Of course, there were heart felt goodbyes from his sisters and Casta as they returned to Canterlot. At least they could come visit him often if they wished. Casta, Astral, and Skystrike were able to make a teleporter from his living room to Casta's Mage tower. They'd work on making one in his airship another time. He spent the last while working on his armor first and foremost. Like he planned, it looked exactly like his old set of armor, though slightly bulkier. He didn't realize until sizing himself that his old armor was tight. Anyway, there were just a few more things to add to his armor, and it would be the longest process. Now that he has access to that book of enchanting from the royal treasury, he need to figure out how to enchant things. Before that, he needs to properly test the magic stones he got from the mission reward a while ago. He didn't really need it, but it's more to test if he can use electrodynamics to activate magic. But that was a thought for later. Right now though, Skystrike was helping Twilight rearrange her library with the help of their friends, save for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Twilight put a book from the stack in a shelf with her magic. A question came to mind. "Hey, Sky, you said you could use magic. You said Destruction magic was what you were best at. Can you use any other types?" Skystrike nodded as he balanced a stack of books in his arms. "Well, yes, I can. I can use Alteration, Restoration, Conjuration, Enchanting, and Illusion magic, though to a lesser degree. I've tried to get better, but I can't really use anything past the intermediate level of those branches of study." Twilight was interested in that. "Really? And what level of magic can you use for Destruction? Most unicorns have affinities for one study, rarely two like your friend Casta. I specialize in Alteration and Conjuration, but thanks to my cutie mark, I can use advanced level magic in the other trees." Then she thought some more, shifting some of the books around. "It makes sense now that I think about it. I was hoping you could use levitation magic to speed this up a bit, but no hope if you aren't good at Alteration." Skystrike put up the book as he jumped down the ladder, landing on his hooves with a thud. "Actually, that's the fun thing about magic, you can recreate spells with other spells." "...What do you mean?" "Well, take levitation magic for example. It's an Alteration spell and makes things levitate." He put out his right arm, pointing his hoof at a book on the floor. "But I can replicate it in different ways using destruction magic. For example..." A ball of wind surrounded the book. "By using a wind spell and combining that with a barrier spell to contain that wind, I can move the barrier, and thus the book." He moved his palm up and made a pushing motion with his arm, moving it into a shelf before dispelling his magic. "...Interesting..." Twilight made a mental note of that. "But that's really not magically efficient... then again, you don't really have to worry about that." "I'unno much 'bout magic, but that was mighty impressive. I haven't seen unicorns use magic like that in my life!" Applejack turned to him and took a stack of books out of his hooves. "What other types of fancy magic can you do?" "I am a bit interested myself, since we're on the topic, darling." Rarity gave her horn a rest. "Ooh! Ooh!" Pinkie jumped. "Show us a party trick!" Skystrike thought of something. He put the tip of his hoof to his temple. "Pinkie, pull my tail." She did so and his eyes lit up like a flashlight. Pinkie laughed, pulling it a few more times and watching his eyes flash on and off. The other three laughed as well. Pinkie turned him off, and Skystrike blinked a couple times to regain his sight. Twilight pushed in the last book. "Alright, everypony! We're finally done. Thank you sooo much for helping me clean up all these books, guys. It was a crazy weekend of studying!" She rolled her eyes like pin balls. "How the actual fuck did you do that?" Skystrike wondered. Twilight was about to answer, but a worried and disoriented yell was coming closer and closer. They all looked to the window. It sounded like... "Whooaoaoaoa! GAH!" Rainbow Dash flew head first into Skystrike's chest. "AAEGH!" He screamed as he got launched backwards. The sheer force of their crash launched a cloud of smoke as well as a shockwave that knocked every book off the shelves. Now everyone was disoriented. Skystrike held his head as he pulled himself out of the mountain of books. He inhaled deeply. "Everypony ok?" He said with a groan. He heard several "Yeah..."s as heads poked out of the books. Fluttershy landed on the window frame that Rainbow dove in from. "Rainbow Dash, you did great! Woohoo!" She said with the loudest voice she could. But it was a whisper. It was pretty cute. Then she looked at the chaos in the room. "...Did my cheering do that?" "Two fucking hours, Rainbow Dash!" Skystrike shook off the pain. She gave a nervous chuckle. "Heheh... sorry about that, guys." She shook her hair out of her face, then had a look of annoyance. "That was a truly feeble performance..." Fluttershy jumped down. "Actually, it wasn't all bad. I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin!" She made a spinning motion with her hoof. Rainbow Dash scoffed. "I'm not talking about my performance, I'm talking about yours! That feeble cheering!" "What are you two arguing about?" Twilight asked. "Were we arguing? I'm sorry..." Fluttershy shrunk a bit. "Ugh... I wish you guys could come to Cloudsdale to see me compete in the Best Young flier competition!" Rainbow sighed. Twilight asked for clarification. "What's that!?" Pinkie leaned forward excitedly. "It's when the best fliers get together and show off their flying styles! Some are fast!" Pinkie began running around the room as fast as she could making plane sounds. "And some are graceful." Then she began spinning around like a ballerina and fell into the books below her. "Golly... I'd love to see you strut your stuff in that competition." Applejack straightened her hat. "I wish you guys could be there. Fluttershy is a great support, but her cheering isn't exactly inspirational." Rainbow said as Fluttershy looked away a bit defeated. "Rainbow, I get you're nervous, but please think about what you say, how you say it, and how it could come off." Skystrike pulled Pinkie out of the books like a carrot. "Fluttershy is already willing to go to Cloudsdale with you to cheer. That should be enough, knowing you have her support." Rainbow winced a bit. "...You're right... I'm sorry, Fluttershy." "Ooh! I'd love to see you make a sonic rainboom!" Pinkie got back on topic. "It'd be like the coolest thing ever! Even though I've never actually seen it, but I mean come on, it's a sonic rainboom!" She hopped up and down. "How not cool could it possibly not be!?" "What's a sonic rainboom?" Twilight was confused agian. Fluttershy gave her an answer. "Remember when Skystrike had that ring around him back when he showed Spike he wasn't ready? That." "You really need to get out more." Pinkie touched noses with the unicorn. "Basically, it happens when a pegasus goes really fast, and BOOM!" She jumped into a pile of books. "A sonic boom and a Rainbow happen all at the same time! It's legendary!" "And Rainbow Dash is the only pony to ever pull it off! Well, besides Skystrike, but Rainbow did is as a filly." Applejack said. "You did it as a kid!?" Skystrike asked. "Damn, that's impressive! I couldn't do it until I was like, 22! Nice job!" "Yeah, it was a long time ago. Like she said, I was just a filly..." "Yeah but you're gonna do it again, right!?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure... "A-are you kidding!? I-I'm the greatest flier to ever come outta Cloudsdale!" She puffed her chest fluff out, then she looked to Skystrike. "I can do sonic rainbooms in my sleep! But I wouldn't be against some pointers on how to do it better..." They all looked at Skystrike. "Oh uh... I guess get the angle right? The hardest part is getting to that speed. Dive straight down, fold your wings almost inward, but not completely closed, and make sure your body is straight as it can be. Squint your eyes, and control your breathing. I can't really give much more advice than that..." "Well, how'd you do it the first time?" The skittle pony asked. "Zecora was falling off a cliff, and my adrenaline was doing work." Skystrike answered with a shrug. "But hey, if you're able to pull it off, you'll win that grand prize for sure! Just make sure you got your routine down." "The grand prize is an entire day with the Wonderbolts!" Rainbow began to day dream as her eyes grew wider in anticipation. "A whole day with my life long heroes... It'll be a dream come true!" "Yay!" Fluttershy cheered as Skystrike snickered. Rainbow was about to say something, but thankfully stopped herself. "I'm gonna go rest up, don't wanna overprepare you know?" She began walking towards the window. "And thanks, Fluttershy for coming to cheer me on. It means a lot." And then, she flew out of it. "Oh yeah, that's fine, leave us with the mess you made." Skystrike stomped his hooves. Fluttershy shook her head. "Thanks, Skystrike... She's practiced that move a hundred times an still doesn't have it down. I don't know if me cheering loud enough will make up for that..." And then Fluttershy flew to follow her. "Welp, guess we better clean this up... again..." Twilight picked up a book with her magic. Rarity poked her flank with a horn. "Well, go on, go on!" "Ow! What!?" "Find us a spell to get us flightless ponies into Cloudsdale! Didn't you see how nervous she was?" Applejack nearly laughed. "Nervous? She was tootin' her own horn louder than the brass section of a marchin' band." Skystrike laughed. "Alright, that was a good one. But she was definitely nervous. Some ponies act overconfident when dealing with stress. Rainbow is a perfect example." "Indeed." Rarity nodded. "I've put on enough fashion shows to know stage fright when I see it! We've got to find a way to be there for her!" "Well... finding a spell is easier said than done in this mess. Besides, it wouldn't work on Skystrike." Skystrike waved a hoof. "Oh, don't worry about me. I had a old pair of shoes I used to wear when I was in Cloudsdale that helped me walk on clouds. I should be able to copy the spell and move it onto a new pair." Skystrike said as he made his way towards the door. "I'll make sure to meet you guys at Cloudsdale." It took Skystrike about 20 minutes to get the magic right, but he put it on a knew pair of shoes that fit him. Then he thought, why the hell do ponies have shoes? They're naked nearly all the time, and they have hooves? Confusing... Anyway, he started his flight to Cloudsdale. Zecora denied the invite due to her fear of heights, Stardust was doing a report, and Tethys was trying to teach herself how to cook. He had to admit, it was nice seeing her try new things. He hoped his shoes worked, since he couldn't really test them on the ground. It would not be nice to have to fly the whole time. But what Skystrike hoped for most was that Rainbow would do well in her turn in the event. She's talented, but doesn't do too well under pressure. She could wipe the floor with the competition easily if Rainbow was just able to shut off her mind. Maybe a few words of advice to her would do some good before her flight. Well, since he had time to think... "Hey, Echo..." "Yes?" "We never named the Stake Launcher..." "We are not calling it the 'Special Beam Cannon'." Echo said. "Well why don't you think of a better name for an attack?" "Very well... how about... Metal Devil?" "... Doom~ Cannon?" "Ares's kiss?" "...Shit, that's good!" Skystrike moved his head to the side. Skystrike landed at Cloudsdale with many more ideas for names. It was a good talk. But as he landed on the outskirts, he noticed the stares he was getting. It reminded him of how ponies normally acted around him, and how Ponyville was when he first came. He'd try not to take it personally. He walked a bit, trying to figure out where he was going before he saw some familiar faces. It was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy talking to three stallions in work uniforms. The former was visibly upset, while the latter switched from standing tall to shrinking in on herself a few times. Skystrike got a bit closer, hearing one of the stallions laugh with saying "Rainbow Crash!" He sighed... it was one of these situations. At least he joined in on what seems to be the later half of whatever conversation they were having. Skystrike walked next his two friends. "Hey, I made it. I forget how long a flight it is here." He yawned. "What's happening?" "Nothing..." Rainbow grunted. "Fluttershy and I were just leaving." The brown pegasus began mocking her. "I can't wait to see you screw up your show, Rainbow Crash!" He said before laughing and beginning to fly off. Skystrike grabbed the orange one by his uniform and pulled him out of the air and back on the ground. "So, I see you three must be old friends of Rainbow Dash... You know, I think I figured out the reason you're all such queefs of a pony." The other two landed as Skystrike pushed the orange one away. The orange pegasus grunted. "What do you mean by that? Who are you anyway? One of Crash's friends?" "You see, you three peaked in Flight School. Now that you all are working some job you don't enjoy and every other pony has left you because they grew past the angsty teen phase, you see ponies like Rainbow Dash that still have dreams they want to follow. You all antagonize and pick on ponies like her because you see somepony you could be if you actually put in effort into your lives. And now, you're stuck in the past, hoping to get that high of 'people liking you because you were the biggest guys in school'. Everypony else you could've had some semblance of a relationship with has left you all flailing in the mud, and the only reason the three of you stick together because misery loves company." Each word he spoke came out with more and more annoyance and frustration than the last. Skystrike took another step forward, making the stallions back up. "Now, you all can fly off and enjoy the rest of your lunch break doing a self pity circle jerk, and if I ever see you bad mouthing my friends, I'll rain down Tartarus upon you all." Skystrike made his eyes flash as he loomed over them. The three took the hint and ran the complete opposite direction. Skystrike sighed as he saw them round the corner and turned back to the two. "What?" He asked. "...And I thought I was assertive." Fluttershy said. "Damn, dude, you went in! Thanks I guess??? You were a lot harder on them than I thought you would be." Rainbow dash coughed. "Rainbow, you have a talent. Don't let assholes like them bring you down. I won't let anyone trample on another's dream." Rainbow sighed. "...They're right... I'll never be able to do it..." Fluttershy tried to cheer her up. "But Rainbow Dash, just because you failed the sonic rainboom a hundred thousand times in practice doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in front of an entire stadium full of impatient, super critical sports fans!" ...Holy fuck that was trying??? "Fluttershy..." Skystrike was trying not to laugh. "We need to work on your pep talks..." Rainbow Dash's nerves finally got to her. "AAAAAAH!" Skystrike covered his ears. "What do I do!? Everypony is gonna see me fail! The Wonderbolts will never let a loser like me join! Princess Celestia will probably banish me to the Everfree forest! My life is ruined!" Skystrike was gonna tell Celestia about that later. Fluttershy blinked and stared off into space. "...Rare-?" "Wh- The sonic rainboom is way more than rare!" Rainbow stood back up from her wailing. Skystrike noticed that Fluttershy was looking at something behind Rainbow Dash. "Rarity??" They all looked behind Rainbow Dash. Skystrike was confused. "...Butterfly wings?" "Rarity, are you flying!?" Rainbow was making sure she saw things right. "I certainly am~!" Rarity flew down with her wings, almost like stained glass. "Aren't my wings smashing? Twilight made them for me, I just adore them!" Skystrike closed both of the mouths of his jaw dropped pegasus friends. "I'm more surprised you learned to fly so quick." "Well, it's rather easy, to be quite honest. It's kind of like... having a second horn. But Fluttershy, Rainbow, Why so shocked? We couldn't leave our favorite flier without a big cheering section." "We?" Rainbow asked before seeing a purple hot air balloon bring the rest of her friends up. "I-... I can't believe it! This is so cool! You guys made it!" "Sure did!" Pinkie jumped out of the hot air balloon and onto the cloud. Rainbow Dash's heart nearly stopped until she saw Pinkie didn't fall through. They Twilight and Applejack followed. "...How'd you do that? I thought only pegasus ponies could walk on clouds?" Pinkie began doing cart wheels as Twilight explained. "I found a spell that gives temporary wings, but it was too difficult to do more than once, so I found an easier spell that lets the rest of us walk on clouds!" "And we came to cheer you to victory!" Applejack got on her back hooves. "...To be honest, I was getting just a teeny bit nervous. But I feel a lot better now that you guys are here." Then she had a thought. "Hey, we have some time before the competition! Why don't Fluttershy, Nebula, and I show you around Cloudsdale?" The tour started by showing them a view few important parts of Cloudsdale. Skystrike would remember what he was talking about if he didn't keep getting distracted by the ponies ogling Rarity and her wings. Twilight explained to Rarity that her wings were delicate when she started to do rolls and loops... If Rarity was a pegasus, she'd be talented too. Soon, Applejack bought up wanting to see where the weather was made. As he was in the weather factory, it made him think of a lot of things, mostly doing with this world's weather system. The water cycle doesn't work the way it does in his world, since the ponies, and what ever other races that can control the weather, have to make the clouds themselves. He found it a bit interesting. It was also interesting how they gave them special clothes to enter the factory... well his friends got the clothes. He was too big. Rainbow did most of the talking. Each snow flake is hoof made, which seems really time consuming considering how much fucking snow he had to move during winter wrap up. Rarity blew them everywhere with her wings though, so they moved on quickly to the next part. Apparently, they make Rainbows to? But, liquid ones instead of the ones made with light. Unless they're the same? He was fucking confused. Magic is fucking bullshit. Pinkie stuck a hoof into a pool of rainbow and licked it, turning every color of the rainbow before going "Spicyyyyyy!" weakly. Applejack and Twilight laughed as Rainbow explained. "Yeah... rainbow's aren't really known for their flavor..." Skystrike was curious. He stuck in a hoof and licked it. Then kept licking the rainbow off his hooves. It was definitely spicy, but it was good. Each 'color' he tasted was giving ideas for meals. "Bro, what the buck?" "It tastes good, okay!?" Skystrike wiped his hoof on his clothes. "I know what I'm getting from the gift shop." The five of them looked to se Rarity being followed by the three stallions he saw earlier. First, they saw Rainbow and were about to mock her again, but then they saw Skystrike staring daggers. They made the smart choice not to say anything to her. But it didn't stop the mare in question from feeling self conscious about the comparison they made of her wings and Rarity's. It even continued into the cloud part of the factory. Rainbow put some distance between the group and herself as Rarity kept getting the attention of everypony. She was enjoying herself too much. Skystrike walked over to Rainbow Dash. "...You aren't looking too good, Rainbow." "I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be? Everypony will be too busy looking at Rarity's wings that they wont see me bomb the competition!" She held her head in her hooves. Then some random pony suggested that Rarity enter the competition. Rarity quite liked the idea. "Hmm... there isn't' anypony who uses their wings quite like me... maybe I should compete!" As Rarity flew off with the crowd following her, Rainbow Dash grew more distressed. "What am I gonna do!?" She pranced back and forth. "I'll never win the competition now..." Skystrike put a hoof on Rainbow's back. "Rainbow, I know how easy it is for me to say something like 'Don't worrry' so I'm not going to say that. We've all felt what you're feeling, so there's not really anything we can say to make you feel better. But know this. Even if you feel like you're going to fail. you do your best. Failure is something we learn from, something that makes us strive to be better. You must believe in yourself. If you can't believe in yourself, believe in the friends that believe in you." She looked up at him. "Each of us do, and know you're going to win it by a landslide. Even Rarity. Despite her... actions, she was the one to recommend finding a spell to Twilight." Each of the girls nodded and hugged Rainbow. "...Thanks, everypony.... Hey Nebula, can I ask you something?" "Go for it." "Don't... be too hard on Rarity." "Aight." Skystrike nodded. "But that depends on if she recognizes her mess up and she apologizes to you." It was the time of the event. Skystrike, Twilight, Applejack and Rarity were all making small talk over the competitors. But he was cutting them out of his mind a bit. Skystrike didn't feel too good about what was happening. He remembered Rainbow Dash was a single digit, but they were in the doubles now. Either she left by now, or she switched out her number for a later one. Stage fright got to her. He thought about going to get her, but she came out right as he was moving to get up. Well, she and Rarity came out at the same time. Hold on, what the fuck is she wearing? A feather dress with spots? And a feather crown too... he was going to stop thinking on it, he'd never understand fashion. Rarity and Rainbow talked to each other, each on opposite ends of the social anxiety spectrum before doing their sets. Skystrike decided to focus on Rainbow Dash. She started off by weaving between a line of poles. Her form was pretty good, but her problem became obvious to the trained eye. Each cloud pillar she passed she was a tad too early on starting the next turn. That came back to bite her as she bumped into one of the poles, flinging her head first into one of the walls of the colosseum. Those three stallions from earlier laughed at her. Skystrike must admit, she had one hell of a glare. Rainbow pushed herself off the wall and shook her head and went into phase two. She flew out of the colosseum and towards a set of clouds above it. She flew around one with a rather impressive speed, leaving the cloud at the right time to let it keep spinning as she went to do the same to the next one, then the next. They all cheered as her plan seemed to work... until a piece of the cloud fell off and hit her in the face, and making the cloud spiral towards- Hold on, when did Celestia get here? Was she here the whole time? Anyway, she and her guards ducked under the cloud rushing towards her head. Skystrike grit his teeth at that, then followed Rainbow's eyes to see what she was looking at. Rarity was moving on to her final part... well, saying it like that implies that she planned all of this out, and she isn't just in the heat of the moment. The two mares both flew as high as they could into the sky. Rarity stopped just in front of the sun, letting her stained glass wings shine a beautiful light down on them. "Look upon me, Equestria, for I am Rarity!" Skystrike sighed as the crowd looked in awe. Then he worrying thought. "...Twilight, what's her wings made of again?" Twilight looked at him. "Gosmer and Morning dew. Why- ooooooooh... oooooooooh... ooooooh no..." They all kept looking at Rarity before her wings began to sizzle at the intensity of the sun, then combusting into flames before quickly turning to ash, leaving her suspended in the air. "OH NO!" Twilight gripped her face. Rarity began screaming as she fell through the stadium and was going towards the ground at soon to be terminal velocity. Three of the Wonderbolts quickly jumped off to catch her, diving to get close, but Rarity was flailing so much that she knocked each of them out. It was kinda funny. Then Skystrike remembered they were falling to their death... probably... He got up to intervene, but then saw Rainbow zoom by to catch up to them... He decided to let her cook. "Hold on Rarity!" Rainbow said as she dove, going faster and faster with each passing second. The air seemed to bend around her front hooves. Holy shit, he think's she's gonna do it. Skystrike and his friends all got up and looked in suspense. Rainbow flew with all her might as a Rainbow seemed to form around her, the friction in the air making lightning that surged through her. And she did it, a rainbow explosion burst from behind her as she reached mach one, catching Rarity and the rest of the Wonderbolts just before they hit the ground. Fluttershy began jumping as she gave a cheer that would give Pinkie a run for her money. "A SONIC RAINBOOM SHE DID IT! WAHOO!" Skystrike felt proud, watching her make a rainbow over them before landing. He flew down to pick up Rarity out of her hooves, as other bystanders pulled each of the Wonderbolts off of her. The crowd cheered in her honor. She couldn't help but cry at the sight. She even heard Fluttershy's cheering. "I-I did it! A sonic rainboom! I DID IT!" Rarity gave a relieved sigh from Skystrike's arms. "You sure did! Oh, Thank you, Rainbow Dash! You saved my life!" "Oh, heh, I did that too!" It took her a moment to realize. "Best day ever!" She pumped a hoof. Skystrike smiled. "Knew you could do it, Rainbow." "Thanks, bro." She gave a hoof bump. Then she thought. "Hey... you noticed Rarity fall before me... how come you didn't do something?" "Well, you're able to do a lot with adrenaline. You did a rainboom the same way I first did mine." He shrugged. Rarity realized what that implied. "You-... you let me fall?" "Well I wouldn't say it like that, but yes. I thought it was your kink." Skystrike said, making Rainbow laugh a bit. "On a more serious note, take it as a learning experience. Besides, I knew Rainbow could've done it. That's why I didn't go to catch you." "Dang, man, I said don't be too hard on her." Rainbow said a bit sheepish. "I'm not being hard on her." Skystrike clarified as Twilight bought up her air balloon. "Oh, perfect timing." Skystrike put the unicorn in the basket as the rest of their friends came down. He rolled his wings as he landed. Rarity took the hint from the look Skystrike was giving her. "I... want to apologize to all of you for getting so carried away with my..." She shuttered at the loss. "Beautiful wings... I guess I just lost my head." They all forgave her pretty easily, but it wasn't a big deal. "And I'm especially sorry that I was so thoughtless to jump into the contest at the last minute after you had worked so hard to win it." Rarity turned to Rainbow Dash. "Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" "Aw, it's ok! Everything turned out alright, right?" Rainbow shrugged it off. "I just wish I could've met the Wonderbolts when they were awake." A hoof tapped her shoulder, making her turn and almost pass out. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" The lead, Spitfire spoke first. "So you're the little pony who saved our lives! We really wanted to meet you, and say thanks!" The two behind her, Soarin and Misty Fly nodded. "You're even better than what I heard about you!" "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Oh god, she was fucking losing it, fan girling! "Wait, you've heard about me???" "Yeah! Your friend Nebula here says you have potential. Figured if he spoke about you so often in the letters, It'd be worth meeting you." Rainbow's jaw dropped again, turning to Skystrike. He smirked. "You know I got your back." They heard somepony clear their throat from behind them. "Hello, Twilight Sparkle! And hello to your friends too!" Celestia said as she approached. They each gave a quick bow. Rarity and the princess made eye contact. "Princess Celestia, I'm sorry I ruined the competition... Rainbow Dash here really is the best flier in Equestria!" "I know she is, dear. That's why thanks to her incredible act of bravery, and her spectacular sonic rainboom, I'm presenting the grand prize for best young flier to this years winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!" She put a ceremonial crown on her head. Rainbow couldn't hide how ecstatic she was. Skystrike watched as the rest of his friends began to carry her off. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Spitfire, Soarin, Misty Fly. How's things been?" Spitfire gave a hoof bump. "First time I see you again and years and that's how you greet us?" She pulled him into a friendly hug. "How many years has it been since the princess put you in that flight camp?" "Going on eleven... man, time flies by." Skystrike did the same to Soarin and Misty. "But hey, you two made it into the big blues!" Soarin and Misty hesitantly returned it. Soarin asked the question the two had. "Sorry... have we met you before?" "Eh, don't worry about if for now, you two will find out about the gala. Just figured I'd say hi while I'm in the area." Skystrike shrugged. "Spitfire, you can tell them in private if you want. Just too many eyes here for me to reveal. And I live in Ponyville if you ever want to visit. I'm trying to be more open with ponies. Actually, I can just come visit you here in Cloudsdale." "Well, kid, if you got time, I do. Soarin and Wave Chill are going to be spending the rest of the day with Rainbow Dash." She moved her goggles out of her eyes and around her neck. "Misty, you game? Gonna grab a bite to eat on the way." "Meh, sure, I need time to work off this head ache too." She rubbed her chin where Rarity hit her. "Sure, I'll come. I just got a quick stop to make." Spitfire and Misty watched from the path as Skystrike stood over a tombstone with a bouquet of flowers. The tombstone wasn't anything special, but it meant a lot to him. Carved into the head of the stone was a cutie mark of an ace of clubs with a steel sword vertically behind it. The flowers in his hooves were Forget-me-nots, Gladiolus, and Crimson Roses. To remember him, to signify his honor and integrity, to mourn. "Been a while, Steel Ace. I've never forgotten you, and... I'm always thankful for the time we spent together..." He put the flowers in a glass left by the previous visitors. "I did it. Made it to the top of the mercenary rankings in your stead. Helped not only ponies, but anyone who needed it... You inspired me to do that... I hope I made you proud, and... I hope I bought you closure. Rest well, old friend. I'll make sure to visit more often." Skystrike stood there for a moment as he felt the wind pick up and blow against his back. Spitfire and Misty each gave him a solemn look. Skystrike gave a small sigh. "Alright, I haven't been to Cloudsdale in years... know any good places to eat?" Spitfire and Misty looked at each other as they thought. Misty hummed. "Well, today is one of my cheat days. You two feel like hayburgers? My favorite place isn't that far of a walk." "YES!" Spitfire and Skystrike said together, then looked at each other and laughed. The three walked for a bit before Spitfire asked what the two mares were thinking. "Hey, Nebula... can I ask who you were paying respects to?" Skystrike nodded. "Yeah. When I was 16, I first started being a mercenary, that guy, Steel Ace, was the first pony to give me a helping hoof. Origionally, I didn't know why he wanted to help me specifically, but... he was one of the first ponies I grew to trust, and he left an imprint on me. He was just a good stallion all around, never hesitating to help somepony, always spoke about being a hero. Somepony I strived to be, wanted to make proud." Skystrike looked at the setting sun. "He failed the Royal Guard entrance exam because his morals went against what he stood for, and wouldn't let red tape stop him from being of use, so he became a merc. Taught me the ropes and all that... he would be 34 by now... Damn, it's been almost ten years." "...What happened to him?" Misty asked. Spitfire elbowed her. "Sorry, she's not too good on social queues..." Skystrike waved a hoof and chuckled. "Oh, it's all good. I do the same sometimes." He went back to looking forward. "He... there was a mare he knew... I don't know how Ace knew the mare, but she had it out for him. She accused Ace of one of the worst things you could do to a pony... Of course, he denied it, but no one but me believed him. I knew Ace didn't do it because I was with him the day it supposedly happened." He grit his teeth. "Everypony left him alone... his friends, his colleagues, his family, just left him hanging. Nopony besides me even interacted with him for months, and the rumor spread too far. I told him that I'd support him no matter what. It was the day after his birthday... and I was the only one to accept the invite. That day, he had a genuine smile on his face for the first, and last time in months. The day after, he was gone... He hung himself. Found out when he didn't come down for breakfast." Misty flinched. "Dear Celestia... I'm so sorry... but... what was he accused of that he lost everypony?" Skystrike growled. "Something that rhymed with grape." "...And what happened to that mare? Do you remember her name? I hope karma got to her." Spitfire asked. "Oh, I made sure of that, I was the catalyst... If you two were in Canterlot nine years ago, you'd know how my name first started getting around. Does the name Silver Chalice ring any bells?" "A bit. Remind me." Skystrike nodded. "I wanted revenge for the friend I lost, so I plotted and waited. At first, I just wanted to give Chalice the same fate that befell Ace, but I knew he wouldn't want that, and I knew it was too good for her. I didn't care what happened to me, I just wanted him to have closure... I lured her to Canterlot clock tower, saying I knew what she did. When she showed up, let's just say I... coerced her to admit to what she did. Every lie on his name she told. What she didn't know was that I set up a magic circle to amplify her voice so everypony who could hear the bell could hear what we were saying. Sure, I had to do some community service because what I did technically counted as entrapment. But I was underage, and she wasn't. Her reputation was ruined after that." "Damn... sorry you had to go through that, Nebula. But at least she got what she deserved... And I'm sure you made Steel Ace proud." Spitfire put a hoof on his shoulder. "I hope so... I've just realized as I grew older that... we represent different things. He always tried to see the best in ponies, to a fault. Giving too many chances to ponies not deserving, saying it wasn't our place to judge. But I've seen too much to have his optimism. I rarely give ponies the chance to make the same mistake twice. Judgement was the mantle that was given to me. Hopefully, he can forgive me for that." "I'm sure he already has. But lets move on from the sad stuff... Soarin, one of my cadets have been listening to your diss track..." Spitfire gave a slight jab with her elbow. "I gave it a listen. Didn't know you knew how to sing. That was a ballsy move!" Skystrike couldn't help but laugh at that. "Oh man, that was great. I'm just glad the track landed. That was my debut, if that didn't work, it was over!" Misty pushed the door open to their destination, a place called 'Burger Barn'. "Any ideas for the next ones?" The three sat down at a booth. "A couple, actually. Just need to decide what I want to sing about exactly, and what type of music. Like, I could go for something smooth and calming, or something upbeat and hype. I thought about singing about parts of my life, but not sure if it'll land, since my life isn't exactly a happy one." "Well, in my opinion, those are the ones I like most. Songs I can relate to I mean." Misty looked up from the menu. "There aren't too many that do that. I want something that I can relate to when I'm down. It makes me feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only mare going though something tough." "Honestly, I think my favorite is Drum 'n Bass. Pop is a close second, there's just too many types." Spitfire took a look at the menu. "Ooo, they got cucumbers!" Skystrike looked at the menu too. "There's so many styles I like, and the mare I'm working with is really talented. She's also willing to try out all the different types. Pop is what I'm going to try next... that or breakcore. But Drum 'n Bass is really good... That gives me ideas for lyrics. Thanks you two." Skystrike reached into his saddlebag and began writing. "I'm still in this convo, I can multi-task." "What's your ideas?" "Just some lyrics I'm writing. I decide the genre after the Lyrics are done... I also need to decide the tempo..." "Well, I know you just started, but what do you have so far?" Misty asked as they placed their orders. Skystrike cleared his throat to give a small demonstration. It was fitting for his life right now, and for his visit earlier to Steel Ace. He'd dedicate it to him. Another week came. Skystrike could hear the music that he and Vinyl made as he was in the sound booth, in her studio, tapping his hoof to the beat. Vynil gave him a nod to signal that she was recording. Skystrike would make sure to sing one for Ace. They decided to name this one "Young Girl A". He began singing into the microphone. "Let me tell you all about 'my' life. Speaking in a round of 'someone's' life. Every now and then off once or twice, everything all ends up right it seems! Suffocating sun is blinding the eyes. Drowning in a feeling choking the mind. Counting on the rain to douse the skies. How do I survive the thundering? Loving and the hate all wash away. Loving and the hate all wash away. Tell me where it is you hide the pain? Smiling alight so gracefully? Spitting out a phrase without a shape. Spitting out a phrase without a shape. Somewhere on the road we lost our way. How can I convey the same to you? Collecting all the scraps of dreams that never came. Hey~, wait! Hey~, wait! Seems it all was my mistake... Ah~ 'now and then~', 'now and then~', 'I'll just break again' It's- Bitter, the cold, the cold, the cold, the cold. Bitter, the cold, the cold, the cold, the cold! Bitter, the cold, the cold, the cold! You left me alone now! Ah~ what is left~? What is left~? Oh the words you said? It's- Fading away, away, away, away. Fading away, away, away, away! Fading away, away, away! I'm breaking in pain, so Any place you can find my name, it would be okay, 'Cause just the thought is all it takes... Every little promise ever we made. Every little promise ever we made. Carrying the weight of each mistake. Somehow, we arrive at the coming of day! Loving and the hate all wash away. Loving and the hate all wash away. Tell me where it is you hide the pain? Smiling alight so gracefully? 'A pair of flowers budding calms me ever so...' Although~, although~, you had all but lost your hope. Ah~, 'chasing dreams~', 'chasing dreams~', ever out of reach, It's- Speeding away, away, away, away. Speeding away, away, away, away! Speeding away, away, away! I can't keep the pace. The- Feelings~ that can't be erased, bid my blood to take, It's- Hurting, a rage, a rage, a rage, a rage. Hurting, a rage, a rage, a rage, a rage! Hurting, a rage, a rage, a rage! It's never the same right? Ah~, this is just... how I dreamed... Or it seemed to be but, Crying alone, alone, alone, alone. Crying alone, alone, alone, alone! Crying alone, alone, alone! Don't come any closer! Trading~ the code we had made in our better days, It's- Bitter, the cold, the cold, the cold, the cold. Bitter, the cold, the cold, the cold, the cold! Bitter, the cold, the cold, the cold! It's all that I know, so Any place, you can find my name, it would be okay, So let me keep it all the same..." Skystrike gave Steel Ace one last thank you. He needed to stop thinking of what could've been, the life he could've had if he wasn't given a time limit. It was time to focus on the present, and the friends he had around him. Even if this world wasn't fair, he had to make do with the cards he was given. It's what he'd want for him. > Sleep walk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skystrike was in his dream, sitting across from a silent Nightmare Moon in the inner machinations of his mind. Well, it wasn't an enigma at all, in fact he made it an empty void. That way, the only thing they could see were each other. Of course, she could just... leave. While Skystrike doesn't know exactly how his and Luna's minds got... 'merged' for lack of a better word, Nightmare Moon is able to travel to and from both of their minds. She was staying here for a reason. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" Skystrike broke the silence. "...If I answer it, will you finally stop bugging me with these attempts at talking?" She asked. Skystrike nodded. "Depends on how talkative you are. But know I'm not trying to annoy you. You're in my mind. You can probably read it. I genuinely want to know you." Nightmare narrowed her eyes, then nodded hesitantly. "Very well. You may ask, but know this human, you cannot 'fix' me. I am what I am. A monster." Skystrike shook his head. "So that's what you think this is..." He stared into her cat-like eyes. "I know full well that beings like you and me can't change what we are. But we can change how we act... What is better: to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" "She did put in the effort... and the ponies that we swore to protect abandoned us. In the war against Sombra, we've had great expeditions, stopping legions of ponies from crossing into our borders. But when the war was over, their fear did not end... It was only moved to the next thing to be scared of... Luna." Nightmare growled at the memory. Skystrike let her continue as she got angrier with every word. "Every action we made, thousands of eyes judged us, and thousands of mouths voiced their hatred. Soon, it was too much for Luna to bare... and it birthed me." Skystrike hummed. "I think I can pick up from there... on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, she broke." Nightmare grumbled. "Indeed... the ponies didn't even want Luna to be next to her sister as she raised the sun!" She stood on her hooves and spread her wings in rage. The emotions coming off of her were changing the white void to a shade of grey. "Can you believe that!?" She calmed herself down, breathing out as she sat back down. "...In that moment, I gave Luna a choice. Those ponies knew the gentle kindness of the day. It was only fair they knew the brutality of night... And then our sister stood in our way... we-... I only made things worse for Luna." Skystrike's eyes widened a bit. She felt guilty... that was unexpected. From the way she spoke, it also implied that she was born from the anger of Luna... so she shared all of Luna's memories until she was created. They're the same pony, just different paths. "Well... that's enlightening. Thank you for telling me... I'm not going to act like I even begin to understand... honestly, I don't blame you for what you did. I guess that's what you meant by 'It's too late now' all those months ago." Skystrike got up and approached the alicorn. She hesitated at his approach, but was even more surprised when he hugged her. "But... I can at least give you this... Luna did not deserve what happened to her, and you didn't deserve what happened to you." Nightmare Moon would be lying if she wasn't a bit surprised at the sudden gesture, and if she said she didn't appreciate it a bit. She could feel her heart open a tiny bit. She awkwardly pushed herself off, quickly ignoring what Skystrike did with a flustered look. "...Ahem, don't misunderstand, I did not tell you our story for you to pity me. I say this as a warning for you." Skystrike was a bit surprised. "A warning?" "Just like us, who've done more than we can remember to help these ponies, you're doing the same, believing that it is your duty to these ponies to save them." Nightmare stood up. "The moment they can... they will hate you, disregard you, see you as a monster... do not make the same mistake we made. You hiding your humanity, pretending to be a pony, will not make them see you as an ally." Skystrike took her words to heart. "Well... I'll make sure to keep that in mind... Though I hope you're wrong, there's that tiny chance you're right... But look, I already showed you my past. I appreciate you being willing to share yours." Skystrike sat back down, Nightmare Moon doing so too. "My offer still stands, from those months ago, and to right before the mission. I was given this chance at living. I feel that you too deserve the same chance. Again, I'm not asking you to change, I just... want to give you an experience that I feel you would have never gotten." Nightmare sighed. "You're too naïve... Lets say I got out. Ignoring how the Elements of Harmony would be against it, as well as Celestia and Luna, who'd forgive me?" "I would." Nightmare looked at him for a long, long while. "I believe that you should be given the chance to do better. The fact you showed regret is enough for me to do that. I can tell since we share my mind that it is genuine. Failure is just a learning experience after all. I believe that you have the gumption to put in the effort again. Even if no one stands by you, whether it be the Elements, the princesses, or even yourself, I'll be someone who believes in you." She shuddered a bit. "I... thank... you..." Nightmare was able to push the words out. "...I would need time to think on it. A part of me, and most of Luna, believes that-... it's best I stay gone. Can't even leave here anyway..." "Well, let me try and convince you, then." Nightmare's ears perked up in interest. "I know you can see through Luna's eyes, or at least her memories. Do the same to me. See the life I live. Imagine a life you could live too." Nightmare thought about it for a time. "...It is a possibility. Though it will be dangerous. If your mind is too weak, I could end up corrupting you... the only reason Luna isn't anymore is because of the Elements of Harmony." "Well... I know I don't have much to trust you off of, but you were kind enough to share your story, as well as stop my nightmares from time to time. I'm willing to give you that trust." Skystrike put out his hand to shake her hoof. For the first time, Nightmare Moon smiled. Not a sinister one, but... one of hope. She hoped it'd be right to place it in him. "Very well... I'll use a spell to see through your eyes then. It may be a bit disorienting. You'll hear my thoughts along with your own. Are you... sure you're ok with this?" "If you're willing to ask that, then I believe I put my trust in the right pony. Yes, I'm sure Nightmare." It felt a bit weird at first, getting used to Nightmare Moon sharing his eyes. When he looked in the mirror, he noticed that his purple eyes shared some similarities with hers, being cat-like. It'd be best to keep his eyes covered for a little while. Skystrike rolled his shoulders as he got off the train at Canterlot station. "You know, in hindsight... probably wasn't best to do it today of all days." "You don't have to speak out loud, idiot. I'm in your head." Nightmare sighed. "Oh, right... Is this what having schizophrenia feels like?" Skystrike thought to himself. Today was the day. He'd sneak into the castle and into Celestia and Luna's bedrooms. Now... Skystrike was deciding if he wanted to do this the challenging way... or the fun way... The fun way would be really silly. "There's no way in Tartarus the fun way will work!" Nightmare laughed in his mind. Skystrike decided, fun way it is. He put on a bright yellow reflective vest, a tool belt and a hard hat, and got a ladder leaning on the side of the train platform. Then he began walking. Past the Canterlot ponies, past the guards at the castle gates, past the castle entrance, and then past the guards in the royal wing of Canterlot castle. Two of the guards eyed him as he walked past. "...Did that pony seem strange to you?" Idiot one asked the other. "Meh, probably here to fix the lights. He has the gear and everything. Somepony probably already checked him." Idiot two answered. Skystrike stopped in front of Celestia's bedroom door, a large set of double doors with her cutie mark engraved on it. She had to be expecting him, not even knocking and pushing open the door. Surprisingly, both she and her sister were in the room. They looked at him awkwardly as he stood in the door way. What Skystrike saw was... not what he was expecting. They seemed to be in the middle of a pillow fight. Well, more of a pillow war, as somehow, Celestia built an entire castle out of dozens of pillows, while Luna had a trebuchet and a battering ram. Skystrike snickered at the sight. "Uh... heeeeeeey... Skystrike..." Celestia greeted nervously. "Yo." "We... weren't expecting you today. Or this early..." Luna put down the several pillows surrounding her. "Oh no, don't mind me. Keep going. I kinda wanna see how this ends." Skystrike sat down. Celestia put down her pillow bazooka. "...Wait. Is this where you said you'd sneak in and kidnap us?" Skystrike nodded. "How-... how'd you get in so easy?" "Yellow vest, tools, hard hat, and a ladder." Skystrike answered. Celestia blinked. "You... you used a ladder to climb up here? From where?" "Oh no, not at all. I walked in through the front door." Skystrike said, making their jaws drop. "You're joking, right?" Luna asked. Skystrike shook his head. "...By the moon, there's no way security is this bad." "They didn't even check me. They just assumed I worked here. I think it was the hard hat." They all sat in silence for a moment. But Celestia couldn't help but laugh as she stomped her hooves. "Ahahahaha! There's no way you're serious! Oh my, this is amazing!" She laughed a while longer before she let out a sigh. "Well... I suppose this is the part where you kidnap us? How do you plan to do that?" Skystrike shrugged. "Well, I was kinda hoping we could just walk out of here, but if I have to actually force you out..." Luna hummed at the idea. "It... would be a bit amusing to see you try and take both of us out." "I'm interested as well." Celestia admitted. Skystrike thought for a minute, then had a sinister grin. "Well, I found certain diaries when exploring the abandoned castle months ago. One with a cutie mark of the sun, and the other, a moon." The princesses eyes both went wide, with faces of embarrassment on their muzzles. "Has some rather spicy stuff in them... whoever wins this pillow fight not only gets their deepest secrets back, but also gets their sisters." Celestia and Luna stared at him, then slowly, slowly turned to stare at each other across the room, their embarrassment turning to ones of determination. They only had one thought on their minds: war. They each gave a battle cry as magic flared and Skystrike dove for cover. Luna completely ditched the trebuchets in favor of cannons, while Celestia made a barrier of pillows. The pillow cannon balls broke through her defenses easily, and Celestia got upper-cutted by a pillow. Celestia regained her senses and teleported in front of Luna, delivering a right hook with a pillow of her own. Then they pillow clashed, several times over, sparks flying. He swore he heard boss music. Skystrike chuckled. "Hehe, I'm in danger!" "I'm quite enjoying this." Nightmare laughed. Skystrike was about to respond, but then they started shooting pillows surrounded with magic at each other as they teleported around the room, jumping off walls. A stray almost hit Skystrike, doing a useless backflip to dodge. "...what was the point of that backflip? It was like, two feet away from you." "I'm pretending I'm Spiderman in an Insomniac game." He thought to Nightmare Moon. "What?" "The reader will get it." Skystrike looked at you. Then he got hit directly in the chest, getting sent back against the door. "AAEGH!" Skystrike coughed. He looked back up at the fight, seeing Celestia make a sun out of pillows surrounded by her magic, making it a burning white light. Luna stood there, clenching her pillow spear. The music relayed that it was the climax. Celestia threw her hooves forward, sending the ball of pillows at Luna. Luna jumped towards it, thrusting her pillow spear at it in an epic clash. The energy radiating off of it was blinding. Then it exploded, pushing the two alicorns back against opposite walls. The two alicorns bounced off and laid on the grounds for a while. But then they decided their battle wasn't done. They stood up and limped towards each other. Their strength was sapped away as they weakly began hitting each other with pillow after pillow, running out of magic and using their hooves to swing them. They both simultaneously swung at their cheeks, ending it in a double K.O. Skystrike saluted. "Respect." And a single tear rolled down his cheek. "That was the stupidest, yet greatest thing I've seen." Nightmare couldn't stop laughing. Skystrike looked at the two unconscious princesses as they laid on the floor. He shoot the dust off of himself before thinking a bit. These two would be heavy as fuck... and very hard to hide. Then he remembered that Casta's tower had a teleporter to his house. Much easier to get these two there than onto a train. Skystrike made sure to stretch before purring one on each of his shoulders... aaand he was lopsided. Man, Celestia got a gyatt. Lay off the cake, Celesterol. Nightmare laughed at the name Skystrike gave her. He used his teeth to unlock the window. Thankfully, it the tower was within sight, being a short flight to it. Now, he just had to figure out how to get there unnoticed. Couldn't fly too high, everypony would be able to see him. As he watched, he noticed there were some blind spots lower to the ground, and the guards patrolling this area wouldn't come back around for two minutes. He went for it, jumping down before pushing off the wall with his hind hooves and gliding towards the mage tower. Perfect landing. He opened a window on the lower tower before pushing the princesses in, then picking the two up and going up the flights of stairs. Looks like Casta is out for the day. He put the two down on the teleportation circle in the middle and activated it, sending the two to his house. He rolled his shoulders. "God damn... I need to lift more." Not being able to teleport, Skystrike left the tower and went to the edge of Canterlot, looking over the cliff to see Ponyville. If it was an overnight train ride to Canterlot, then it should be about a two hour flight if he flew at his normal speed... but that'd take too long. Besides, he felt like going fast. Skystrike got into a running stance before rushing forward and jumping off the edge, spreading his wings co catch the wind as he dove. Getting the angle right, he accelerated as he followed the cliff down, pulling up just before the ground met him. He flapped his wings to get used to the speed he was going. It took him about an hour, but he was home. Skystrike made sure to tell Tethys and Elytra before he left so they wouldn't be surprised our out of character. Opening the door to his house, he saw Celestia and Luna awake, sharing a pot of tea with Tethys and Stardust. "Yo." Skystrike saw all of the girls slowly turn to them. Stardust spoke first. "Sky... where are the princesses diaries? And how long have you had them?" Skystrike sat down in his reclining chair. "Uh... hidden somewhere and about three months. Why?" Celestia cleared her throat. "...Can we get them?" "Did you win?" Skystrike smirked as they stared at each other for a minute. "Imma hold onto them for a while. Have something to hold over your heads." Luna shuffled in her seat. "...How much did thou read?" Skystrike remembered the lines he read. "Out of Celestia's, and later mentioned in Luna's, 'ok so 18 pounds of cocaine, 12 pounds of crack, and 7 male strippers. But make sure none of them are white. I can't see the coke on them if they are.' And honestly, didn't know you guys had cocaine over 1000 years ago." Stardust was shaking. Her hooves spilt drop after drop as she tried her best not to laugh. Meanwhile Tethys was spewing mist out of her nose as she tried her best to do the same. Celestia hid her face with her wings in embarrassment, and Luna was the only one having a good time, laughing with a stomp of her hoof. "We remember that! That party was great!" "...I feel like a bad influence." Celestia sighed. "There was also the part in Luna's where she wrote like, two pages on how she was jealous of how big Celestia's rear was, and Imma be honest..." Everyone paid close attention to the words about to come out of his mouth. "I didn't know the whole 'Celestia's butt is big' thing was going on this long either." Tethys snickered. "For a minute, I thought you were gonna say she had nothing to worry about." "...I feel like I am going to be flamed no matter the answer I give. Despite that, I will answer that yes, I do indeed think you have nothing to worry about, Luna." Celestia blew air out of her nose. "Quite forward, aren't you?" "I mean, I always figured you two were twins or something, with the sun and moon thing. You just had an extra thousand years to grow." Skystrike shrugged. She was a bit surprised. "You know, it's been a while sense it was mentioned. But to clarify, we are fraternal twins, so no guarantee she'll grow to my size. And seriously though, where are our diaries?" Skystrike stood up and motioned for them to follow him. He walked to the library wing of his house. "You know, we've never realized how massive your home is, nor how many items you have." Luna noticed as she looked past one of the many glass cases holding some rather important books. Tethys looked at one. "Oh, I remember this one!" Skystrike stopped to look at her. "Didn't we get this one from some abandoned crypt?" Luna raised a brow. "Abandoned crypt?" Skystrike nodded. "When me and Tethys first met, she took me to the cave she was living out of. Turns out that the cave was the entrance to a crypt, one used by a pony studying high level conjuration spells. Necromancy to be exact. The wizard died before they were any to use any of their research, and that book is their Magnum Opus. After that and a few other similar situations, I started gathering any items that could be dangerous that a pony could stumble upon. I made this place to protect those things, making sure they don't get into the wrong hooves." Luna backed away from one of the books she was touching. "And... what types of dangerous items are those?" Skystrike thought for a moment. "If I remember right, that book you just put back down has various incantations. One of which can trap a beings soul into gemstones, using that soul as a magic source for demonic enchantments. And I keep the least dangerous ones in the glass cases." "...Skystrike, that one is already pretty dangerous. And you have some that are more dangerous?" Celestia put a book she had back in its casing." "Well, that one is only dangerous if you know where to get the specific gems to trap souls in, as well as any other prior knowledge that's been forgotten to time." Skystrike explained, stopping at a desk, opening the third drawer, removing various papers, then taking out the false bottom. Two books, one with the sun and the other with the moon on the fronts. He took them out and handed them back to the princesses. "The ones that are really dangerous are kept somewhere else. Those will never see the light of day. Like, there's one that can open a gate to Tartarus. I covered that in layers of metal and had threw it into the bottom of the sea. Only I remember where it is." "Well that's... good? And thank you for these back." Celestia picked up her book with her magic. Then she remembered. "Oh, right. About a week ago, we met with your... friend." Skystrike nearly froze at that. "Oh, I see... figured you'd want to talk about that after your vacation. No matter." Skystrike pushed the drawer close. "I... hope you all came to a peaceful conclusion." Celestia nodded. "Stardust, Tethys, could you leave us for a time?" "Every damn time!" Tethys threw up her hands as she turned to walk off. "Oh right, Sky, remember, we're going to the gym with Rainbow!" She finished before picking up Stardust and leaving. Celestia heard the front door close before continuing. "While things did not go as planned, that is not something you should worry about. But know that the human is safe for now... however, he also told us about a human lab that is still functional in this world. He also said to ask you about it..." Skystrike nodded. "Oh yeah, I know what he's talking about. Come on, I'll show you." The princesses looked at each other, confused at what he meant by that. Skystrike pulled on one of the wall mounted candles above the fire place. The fire place raised up and revealed an elevator. He motioned for them to walk in. They did so, Skystrike entering with them and hitting the only other button in it. "...Skystrike, where are we going?" Skystrike began boppin to the elevator music. "Well, the lab of course." She thought about that for a minute. "You-... you built your house atop a human laboratory!? How did you know it was here!? How deep underground are we going!?" "The human told me, and from my calculations, about half a mile... Kinda makes sense why you never found it now that I think about it. The human said that it needed a human for it to be opened when he first found it. The actual entrance to it is somewhere within the Everfree Forest. He just dug a way up for me when I made this house." Skystrike explained as the elevator slowed to a stop. The doors opened as Skystrike stepped off. Luna and Celestia looked around with a look of both interest and worry. As their eyes darted around the white room, their questions grew. On their left, several mechanical arms reached down from the ceiling over a grey metal table, connected to a screen with various words on it. To their right was shelves upon shelves of various materials, from metals, to fabrics, even noticing the magic stones they rewarded him. Next to that were crates of various labels seemingly organized in alphabetical order. Celestia shuddered. "...How long has this been here?" Skystrike checked one of the terminals in the room. "This says... the last login from a user that wasn't me was over one thousand years ago. Doesn't say exactly, but if your worry is humans using it, only that one has, and only when I'm with him." Luna looked at the mechanical arms. "We haven't seen these in millennia but this one doesn't look like it was made for battle. What is this for?" Skystrike booted up the apparatus that Luna was standing in front of. The limp mechanical arms quickly whirred to life, running their start of routines, flexing their joints and the like. "Well, from what I was able to tell, this is a prototype workshop. That's how I use it at least..." He put out his hooves, a holographic screen showing up in front of him. Celestia and Luna took several wary steps back as the arms followed Skystrike's commands. They moved across the ceiling and picked up various metals, gems, and armor pieces. "It's all good. Just putting the last parts on my new armor." Luna moved to stand next to him. "I... see..." She said as Celestia did the same. A claw held the chestplate in place as a saw cut out a small diamond hole in the center of the chest. Then, the two arms froze in place. Another arm came and held one of the Null stones that he got as a reward in place as he used a pressure gun to cut the gem into the shape of a diamond, to then put it within his armor. A bar of metal was then melted and molded into shape to keep the null stone in place. It was doused in a liquid to rapidly cool it. Skystrike rolled his shoulders. "You two can keep talking, I'm paying attention." He said as he put aside the now finished chestplate and moved on to the leggings. "...It's... rather big for you, isn't it?" Luna asked. "Yeah, I originally wanted to keep it the same as my last armor, but after doing a lot of calculations and testing the durability of my last armor, I realized I needed to make a stronger set. Two layers of metal, a suspension system, a cooling and heating system, and an integrated magic circuit on the inner most layer of metal to transfer all of the magic around within the armor. Made it increase in size by 30%, and in mass by 60%." Skystrike paused for a moment to make sure the left leg guard lined up with the left hip. "Because of that, I have to enchant each part with an lightweight enchant to make it the same weight as my last set." Celestia asked the more concerning question. "How long have you been using this place?" "Since I met the human about four years ago. We stumbled upon this place together in the Everfree." He had to quickly make up a story that sounded believable. "He told me he'd let me keep the place if I helped him make a new arm. He broke it. and needed a replacement. Took a couple weeks to get circuitry and electrodynamics down, but I did it. And that's how I'm making my new armor." He moved onto working on the back and wing guards. "Skystrike... if I knew you were alive years ago, and I knew how deep you were already in this human business, it would've saved so much trouble." Celestia sighed. "Still, I don't think you quite grasp how much trouble this could cause you... Honestly, I have half the mind of just seize your property because of this lab but... with how easy you got past our guards, it'd have to wait if I wanted to." "Celestia, this is like the safest place that this could be. Not only do only the three of us and the human know, but I'm like... the third most dangerous pony alive right now... Besides, I set this place to self destruct. And honestly, whoever wants dig through a half mile of rubble, I think they deserve to get whatever is left in here." "This isn't a joke, Skystrike!" Celestia stomped. "If that human decides to use this place against us, it would be a disaster!" "Well, he seems passive... So you're probably right, but personally, I wouldn't want to give him a reason." Skystrike answered as he finished the back and wing guards. "But I will say this: I've been talking to him. He... doubts that the labs he traveled to are the only points of contact with humanity." Skystrike moved the pieces of armor onto an armor stand for later. "He's looking outside of Equestria. One of the reasons I wanted that airship was to help his search." Luna didn't like what that was implying. "You... think the humans have allies with the other races?" "Oh, no, I heavily doubt it. The humans only seemed to stay in Equestria. We're seeing if there are any traces left by humans that you weren't able to erase. What I do think is that there are some humans still in contact with ponies... That's why I asked for access to all sections of the Royal Library. Just in case there's something hidden." "...And you plan on sharing it with 34?" Celestia asked as the two alicorns followed Skystrike back to the elevator. "Only if I find something... hopefully I don't." Skystrike answered as the doors closed. His time with the princesses came and went as soon as it started. It was up to them to figure out how they'd spend however many away on their vacation. Right now, Skystrike pushed open the doors to Bulk Biceps, gym. "HEY, NEBULA! CAME TO PUMP SOME IRON!?" Bulk said with his indoor voice. "Hey, Bulk. Swole as always." Skystrike greeted him. Bulk got up from his chair and gave a hoof bump. "MAKE POSES WITH ME!" Skystrike took off his sweat shirt and did so as phonk music played. The two began Jojo posing. Skystrike stood on his back hooves and made gang signs with his front, putting his right arm up and his left arm down, his elbows bent and he flexed every muscle in his body. Simultaneously, Bulk spread out his back hooves and put his right arm out, covering his face with his left hoof. This continued for several minutes. The two were interrupted by Rainbow Dash and Tethys who both cleared their throat. The two stopped their poses and looked at the two. Rainbow was wearing a grey track suit and had her mane in a pony tail, while Tethys wore a pair of white sweat pants similar to Skystrike's and a sports bra. He got down on all four hooves. "Fiiiine... We'll continue next time, Bulk." "YEEEEEAAAH!" The three began doing their own sets. Rainbow Dash was doing pull ups with ankle weights, Skystrike was going to work on the punching bag, and Tethys was working the hex bar with half her weight on it. The three started making small talk with each other. Rainbow pulled herself up . "Nnnngh... By the way, Nebula... I tried out that look you suggested... how's it look?" Skystrike was focusing on his form as he landed a punch. "The one I told you while high? A bit surprised you took it seriously. But it looks good. Honestly, I'm just biased towards ponytails. You rock it though." Tethys chuckled. "Just ask her out already, dude." Skystrike put out a hoof to stop the bag from hitting him. Rainbow stopped mid pull up. "I mean... I always thought you saw me as a sister, Nebula... I thought of you as a big brother for a while while we were your foster family." "Oh, cool. I thought the same about you... I didn't want to assume otherwise." Skystrike was a bit relived, and the two continued their routines. "Well... if we're being honest, I think I did when we first met, but... I think it was more like puppy love than actual love." "Huh..." Skystrike did a roundhouse kick. "Interesting... I was oblivious back then, so I didn't notice. But I kinda am glad that we stayed just friends... It's annoying at times. Mares want to get close for something more, but when I want to stay friends, I end up losing them." Skystrike gave a jab, then a right hook. "Is that why you got four mares under your hoof?" Rainbow chuckled. Skystrike shook his head. "More like friends with benefits. I make sure to set boundaries. I don't want to lead them on. They all deserve better." Tethys dropped the hex bar, signaling for the three to switch. "What, you don't think you're good enough?" "It's partially that. Partially because I still have some unfinished business. Mostly because I've no experience in this area, so I don't even know if I felt love besides platonic." Skystrike thought of a way to explain himself. "It's like... I've always been on the giving end, so when I receive something, I don't know if it's an act of kindness, or flirting." Rainbow blinked. "That's... exactly how I feel every time I talk to a stallion. I just don't feel like I'm attractive at times, there's just so much competition... I mean, who would not like me? I'm awesome!" Tethys changed her focus from the punching bag to the rainbow mare. "Stallions? Wait you're-... Rainbow, we thought you were-... gay?" Rainbow dash stopped mid lift. "What!? No!? Wait, we!? Who's we!? Does everypony think I'm a lesbian!?" Skystrike couldn't help but laugh. "Ahahahaho my god" He dropped from the pull up. Rainbow looked at him with a flustered and angry look. "I'm-... I'm sorry!" Skystrike said between laughed. "I was just caught so off guard." "Sorry, Dash." Tethys rolled her shoulder before delivering a punch to the bag. She groaned. "It's... fine..." Skystrike began lifting the hex bar again. "Well, if you need a wingman, I got your back." Skystrike half joked. "Just tell me who you fancy and I'll put in a good word." Rainbow thought for a minute. "Honestly, there aren't many stallions in town in the first place, and none that I like. Honestly, seeing and hearing how you treated those mares made me want better than what we have." "That's... good I guess? Not so much how you realized." Skystrike laughed. "But yeah, don't lower your standards for anyone. I'd say go for that Soarin guy you spent all day with but I know for a fact he's gay... Hooves is a pretty alright dude, but I need to get to know him better to actually tell you if I think you'd be a good match. Damn, there really aren't many stallions in Ponyville." "What about Applejack's brother? I haven't met him, but he exists." Tethys offered. "Ew." Rainbow had a gross look on her face. Skystrike coughed. "Damn, the worst she could say was not 'no'." He set down the hex bar. "Switch." Rainbow started on the punching bag. "I didn't mean it like that... He's a good guy, just-... not my type. He's more laid back, and I always want to do something. But enough about me, what about you Tethys? Any ponies you're into?" Tethys shook her head as she pulled her head over the bar. "Nothing against ponies, I just like beings in general stronger than me..." Then she looked at Skystrike. "Problem with that is that my wants are a bit unrealistic... some asshole here decided to make me one of the strongest dragons out there." "Well, hasn't Nebula beat you before?" "Oh yeah, several times over. There's just... a lot of circumstances around me and relationships." Tethys tried to not use her wings. "What do you mean?" Skystrike asked. "Well, because I'm a rare breed of dragons, to keep the bloodline powerful, I'd need to bring my spouse to my family, where he'd have to prove his own strength through trial by combat." She sighed. "It was part of the reason I left... Well, that was the first reason. The second reason was because by tradition, every 200 years, dragons of age in my clan must leave and bring back a being they follow to show that we have grown stronger. It's easier for our clan to just become one with the one that leads them." "...When do you have to go back with that being?" Skystrike raised a brow. "Well, three months. I planned on just not showing up, but my mother and father would probably come looking for me." She shrugged. "Figured I'd deal with it when it comes." Skystrike shook his head. "Tethys, it's best not to delay the inevitable. We'll stop by on our travels." "You'll fight form me?" Tethys asked. Skystrike nodded. "I... appreciate it. We'll talk about it more later then." Silence passed as they continued their set. "Hey, wait, no fair that we share who we do and don't like and you don't. Spill." "Yeah, what any of the girls?" Rainbow asked. Skystrike chuckled. "Alright, alright, I guess I owe you two that." He thought about it. "Honestly, I don't really know. From my immediate circle, I could see it in all of them... except Rarity. For now at least." "Well that's surprising. She's the pretty one in the group!" Rainbow moved her hair over her shoulder as she kept giving quick punches to the punching bag, continuing the gossip. "I thought she had the best chance out of the group?" "Yeah, Sky, I'm kinda surprised myself. You like clothes a lot and she knows how to dress." Tethys admitted. Skystrike began grunting as he did one hoof pull ups. "Nngh... Don't get me wrong, she... is pretty, and a great friend. You all are... The only up she has is that she wears clothes while the rest of you, save for Tethys just walk around naked..." He huffed. "But... that is all overshadowed by how she treats Spike... We all pretend we don't know he has a crush on her, but it rubs me the wrong way. She just keeps... leading him on, even though she knows nothing serious will actually happen. She just wants the attention from a boy is what it feels like." "Oh, so it's not just me." Rainbow stopped punching to look at him. "I felt the same, I just didn't want to start drama by saying it." "Already said something to Spike about it. But that was the major gripe. Small one is that I know if I went for Rarity, Spike is gonna be upset, and you don't go after a crush of one of da bois." He gave a small chuckle. "Moving on, Twilight is the least likely. I don't really like how she treats Spike as a pet at times. I'd say something about it, but Spike sees her as a sister, so he needs to set his boundaries in that family dynamic. But she's gotten a lot better about it, actually letting him go to school and meet ponies his age." They all finished their workouts, wiping their sweat off with towels. Tethys pulled on her sports bra to air out her chesticles before wiping. "Hey, you two feel like anything specific?" Rainbow rubbed her growling stomach. "I need to watch my diet more. Now that the Wonderbolts got their eyes on me, I need to be a bit more mindful." "Honestly, you don't really." Skystrike began to explain. "They don't do events year around, so they just make sure to eat differently like a month or so before each show. It's too much a strain on your body to be at that peak for long periods of time. You'd be surprised how often pro athletes basically starve themselves to make sure they look like they're all muscle and no fat." "Well yeah, I know that, but I also don't want to gain weight. I'm trying to keep my figure, don't want to look like Pinkie." Tethys stretched a bit before leaving with them in tow. "Hey, don't slouch on Pinkie Pie. If she's anything like her sister said, She's like, the second strongest mare in Ponyville." Rainbow Dash looked at her. "...Who's the first?" "Fluttershy." Skystrike and Tethys said together." "Fluttershy!? I was expecting Applejack, but Fluttershy!?" Skystrike nodded. "Applejack is on par with you, seen from that competition a while ago. Pinkie may be out of shape, but years growing up on a rock farm makes her a fucking unit." "Then what about Fluttershy!?" Rainbow flew in front of them. Tethys and Skystrike looked at each other, then laughed at the memory. Tethys answered. "We saw her wrestle a grizzly bear and win." Rainbow landed. "Oh... dang... that's fair, I can't even be mad then." A day came and went. He enjoyed the day he spent with the two, first time they did it in a while. Skystrike was glad that he got closer with Rainbow Dash, and was even more glad that Tethys found another pony to get along with. It was one of his bigger worries about her when she moved in. Tethys still had a bit of trauma with ponies, given how they hunted her for a while. He's glad she didn't close off her heart. As of now, it was early in the morning, and Skystrike was helping out Applejack on her farm. She said it wasn't much to do, about 150 trees between Skystrike, Applejack, and Applebloom who decided to join the two as Big Mac helped Granny Smith make breakfast. The three made sure to stretch properly before getting to work. Skystrike watched as Applejack and Applebloom did their jobs flawlessly. "You know, I never understood... How do you buck the tree in a way for all the apples to fall in the baskets?" "Huh..." Applejack looked up at the now empty tree. "Y'know, I don't know, actually. I think I just kinda picked up on it as I grew." "Yeah, me neither. I guess it's just because we have big baskets?" Applebloom loaded one of the baskets onto their wagon. Skystrike shrugged and punched a tree with his forehoof, most of the apples falling into the baskets, and a few outside. He picked them up and put them back in said baskets before balancing them on his wings and loading them into the wagon. "I forget how massive these apples are." "You can have one if ya like." Applejack threw over an apple to Skystrike, who caught it with his hoof. He winced. "Look, AJ, Bloom, this was gonna come out sooner or later, but I... don't really like apples." The two turned to stare daggers at him. "WHAT!? HOW!? WHY!?" Skystrike put up his hooves defensively. "Oh, no, don't get me wrong, they taste great. I like the tart ones actually." He bit into one. "As for the why... I don't like how it makes my throat scratchy." The two apple mares paused in their tracks. They looked at each other before Applebloom asked "Are you serious?" "Yeah, kinda like how ponies don't like lemons because they're sour." Skystrike explained as he took another bite, then coughed. Applejack took the apple out of his hoof. "Nebula, apples aren't supposed to do that! You're buckin' allergic!" Skystrike mourned for the tart fruit that was taken from him. "Nah, no way. I don't die or anything, just gets a tiny bit harder to breathe." "That's what being allergic does, you..." Applejack rubbed her head with an annoyed look. "How many products have we fed ya 'fore you thought it was a good idea to share?? We sold ya pies, cider, fritters, there's so much!" "And they all taste good?? I don't see the problem here??" Skystrike and Applebloom watched as Applejack banged her head against a tree, making all of the apples fall into the baskets under it. "Uh... my bad?" Applejack grunted as she fixed her hat. "Moving on, Applebloom, how's school going?" Applebloom went back to bucking apples. "It's been fun! Since Spike joined, me, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo got a new friend! Oh yeah, and Mr. Nebula taught us about physics!" "Interesting!" Applejack looked at Skystrike. "I was never too good at maths. Make sure to keep learning things. Education is important!" She turned to rub her sister's head. "Hey, Mr. Nebula! Can you teach me something cool?" Skystrike thought for a minute. "Well, what I taught you were the very fundamentals. Anything more, I'd have to teach you about geometry, then calculus, then multi-variable calculus... If you're really interested in it, then just keep doing good in school. Hell, I have my old college level books if you wanted to start right away, but I think it'd be a bit much for you." "I'm nine! I'm a big girl!" Applebloom puffed out her cheeks. "Take it from me, kid, you don't want to grow up too fast. Enjoy the time you have now." Skystrike patted her on the head. The three finished their work, Skystrike hitching himself to the wagon and pulling the dozens of buckets to their barn. Applejack said that she'd organize them all later, but for now, it was time to eat. Skystrike, to the light worry of the apple sisters, ate and enjoyed everything apple related. Apple juice, apple sauce, apple oatmeal, and pancakes. They were all amazed at how much he could eat. "So, whipper snapper, how is it?" Granny Smith wanted to ask. She got the answer she wanted, a hum of approval. She laughed. "You know, come over more often an' I'd be happy to cook you food." Skystrike swallowed. He had do admit, it was tempting. It'd be safe to give a non answer, he thought. "Eeeeeeeh, maybe? If I'm free." "I'd love to have another strong stallion around the farm. I'd give you permission for gettin' with Applejack. Our bloodline is known for our birthing hips." Skystrike choked on the food, coughing at the absurdity of what Granny Smith said. Big Mac face hoofed, as if he was used to this. Applebloom was confused on that entire sentence her grandmother said. Meanwhile, Applejack hid her face in her hooves. "Granny! I swear to Celestia, stop tryin' ta set me up with stallions!" "Hey, I won't be 'round forever. I want grandkids!" Skystrike swallowed his food and immediately began bursting out laughing. He was about to say something, but as soon as he made eye contact with Applejack, he began wheezing. He couldn't even get words out as he kept laughing at the what the old mare said. He nearly fell out of his chair. It took him minutes to regain himself. "Oh my god, my stomach hurts... I was not expecting that." They all finished their breakfast before Skystrike and Applejack went back out to the orchard. Applejack showed him her favorite spot, a lone apple tree atop a hill, letting them see the entire orchard. They sat next to each other, their backs against the tree, enjoying the breeze as it went by. Skystrike shook his hair out. "Damn, this is a nice spot. I might come here more often." A strand of hay hung our of Applejack's mouth as the crossed her legs. "Yeah, I come here during the down times. Just nice to watch the sun move by." The two sat there in silence for a bit, enjoying the moment. "Hey Sky, I don't think I ever asked about your job. Do you mind?" "No, go for it." Skystrike spread out his wings to stretch before folding them back in. "Well, when I was drinkin' with Tethys back at your party, she told me you went on a lot of adventures. What made you decide to settle here in Ponyville?" Skystrike rolled his neck. "Well, after the mercenary group split, I just wandered around, helping ponies with the little I had on my back. After a while, I learned that Nightmare Moon would return, so I decided to set up a place to camp out, and deal with her if it came to... I thought about leaving once she was dealt with, but then I met you all. Guess I felt nostalgic, remembering the good times we had when we were younger. Glad I took the chance." "Where'd you plan to go if you didn't stay?" He tapped his hoof. "Honestly, I didn't think that far. Planned on just going in a direction and keep walking... Maybe go to the Badlands or Diamondia... Go across the Celestial Sea to Griffonstone or Zebrafrica. I was just looking for a place to belong." Applejack flicked her hat up with her hoof to look at him. "Well, I hope we make you feel like ya do, even with how you know-..." She trailed off, referring to how the village treated him when he first came. "Yeah, you all do. Of course, still not entirely over that, or Zecora's and Tethys' experiences to be honest, but I'm willing to move past it. You, our friends, all the ponies in this town, I like to think they've grown to be better." "Yeah, after what you told me and Fluttershy about Blueblood, I figured you wouldn't let things like that go, or at least not so soon." Applejack chuckled. "...Do you ever plan to tell Rarity about him?" "Applejack, I'm not going to lie, no." She turned to look at Skystrike for an explanation. "Not because I don't think she deserves to know, but... one of my gripes about her is that she's shallow. Figure she needs to learn for herself." "Meh, Fair 'nuf." She hummed. "You're the harshest one out of the group. For a while, I thought you just didn't like R.D." Skystrike sighed. "Yeah, she talked to me about that. I realized that I was harder on her than the rest of you, and I apologized for that. She's like a sister to me, hell I lived with her in Cloudsdale for a few years. Out of all of us, she has the most potential growth, I just want to keep her, and all of you on a good path. She's rash, she says things without realizing what affect her words could have." "Yeah. Well, if we're on the topic, what about me?" Skystrike turned to look at her. "What can I do to be better?" "Well, your blessing is also your curse. You're one of the most stubborn mares I know." Skystrike chuckled. "Hell, took me and Twilight to convince you on the last day of the apple bucking season to ask for help on the complete other half of this orchard. It's good at times, knowing when to stick to your morals, but you don't know when to ask for help." "Well yeah, but... kinda hypocritical, ain't ya? You do the same." "And that's exactly why I can critique. I know where that feeling, and thus those actions, come from. Believe it or not, I've grown a lot in that aspect. Main reason I don't ask for help is because I don't want to put my friends in danger. From what I observed, your reason is similar, you don't want to inconvenience your friends, and you want to prove your own self worth." She nodded. "Yeah, your half right." Applejack sighed as she moved her hat to her chest. "Before Ma and Pa left... they told me they'd be back, and that they loved us. I promised them I'd have a farm they'd be proud to come back to. That's why Applebuckin season means so much to me." "I see..." Skystrike sat up straight. "I haven't met them, but I know they'd be proud. You're a great pony, Applejack." Skystrike pulled her into a side hug. "But if you don't mind me asking, I thought your parents passed? They left? How do you know?" Applejack had a sad look on her face. "Well, about a year after they left, we were sent back this hat, my fathers. He'd never let this off of his head." Skystrike knew what she meant, not wanting her to finish the sentence for her sake. "I'm sorry." She sighed. "Think nothing of it. It's in the past now." She put back on her hat. Despite the touchy subject, Skystrike and Applejack sat in a comfortable silence for a long while. Applejack's ears perked up. "Hey Sky, can I get your view on somethin'?" "Shoot." Skystrike said. She steeled her resolve. "Do ya see me as a mare?" "...Nightmare, you're a mare. What do I do here?" Skystrike quickly thought to himself. "You're on your own here. Leave me out of this." "FUCK!" Skystrike said to Nightmare's amusement. "Well, yeah, why?" "You laughed really hard at Granny's... 'offer' for lack of a better word." He realized. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean for it to come off that way. I was laughing at the absurdity of your grandmother's comment, as well as all of your reactions. Not because I don't see you as a mare." Skystrike laughed a bit more. Applejack grew a bit flustered at the reminder. "Well, thanks for clarifyin'... It... sucks sometimes." She sighed. "Every colt I asked out were intimidated by me. 'ventually I just dropped out of the datin' market." "...Huh, didn't think you saw it like that. Figured you'd try again once Twilight came to town." "Why's that?" "Well, you and the rest of the girls are Elements of Harmony. On top of that, you all have the princesses in your back pocket, and more specific to you, your family, and you as I assume the future head of it, owns over half of Ponyville. Honestly, I thought you'd have problems getting any good stallions, and not gold diggers or politicians." Applejack thought on that for a while. "...Buck, you might be right." The two took a long nap, waking up as the sun approached the horizon. Skystrike and Applejack talked a bit more before the two went their separate ways. Another day came. Skystrike was invited to Rarity and Fluttershy's tea time and Carousel boutique. The three of them sat there in the early hours of the morning, Rarity floating over the tea sets and serving her friends with fine china. Skystrike went to pick up his tea cup, before Rarity moved it away with her magic. "Let it cool down first darling." "Oh, right, it's hot." Skystrike said, then reached for it with his metal hoof. Fluttershy tilted her head. "I thought you said you could feel through your right hoof?" "Oh, I can turn that on and off." Skystrike explained as he bought the tea to his muzzle, taking in the smell. It was a pleasant, he didn't know how to describe it further. "So, what's new?" Rarity did the same with her tea. "I just figured it's been a while since we sat down and have a chin wag. You and Fluttershy are the only ones who actually like tea." Fluttershy nodded. "My favorite is Oolong tea. It's just hard to get your hooves on it. I don't even know how it's made, I just know its somewhere to the east." "Oh, I know that. Kirins are the creators, and they're isolationists. How it's made, no idea, but I believe they live at the Peaks of Peril." Skystrike took a sip. "Mmm, not bad." "How do you know that? You've been?" Skystrike shook his head as he took another sip. "I have a talent of remembering hyper specific knowledge of random trivia. For example, I can explain... the origin of each statue in the Canterlot bush maze, but I don't know where they came from, or who carved them." Rarity decided to test it. "How is a fire ruby formed?" "They form normally, like any other gem but where they emerge matters. Fire Rubies get their names and attributes by emerging from the bottom of lava pools and absorbing the essence of fire." "Now, what part of Equestria are they most commonly found?" "I don't know, Baltimare?" He shrugged. Rarity giggled. Fluttershy tried it out for herself. "What's the main difference between big cats like a lion, and small cats like a lynx?" "Oh easy. There's some special bone in their throats. The big cats have rigid ones, allowing them to roar, and small cats have flexible ones, letting them purr." "Now, what's the smallest cat that can roar?" "Uh... a bobcat?" Fluttershy giggled. "A leopard, actually." "Close enough." Skystrike finished his cup before Rarity poured another. "...Random thought, but I got into this with Applejack yesterday; do apples make your throats itchy?" "N-no? What? Are you allergic?" Fluttershy got a bit confused. "Maybe? Probably at this point." Skystrike shrugged. "Skystrike what is wrong with you?." Rarity giggled at that. "Oh, that reminds me, I was talking with Pinkie Pie the other day. Told me that you visited the red light district in your youth to make money." Both Skystrike and Fluttershy froze in place. "You absolutely must tell me about it." He winced. "...Not much really to say about it... the orphanage was low on funds, so I needed to make some money to put food on the table. You'd be surprised how ponies won't recognize you if you just wear a mask or a wig and contacts." "You were a stripper?" Fluttershy asked. Skystrike blinked. "Oh god, is that what I implied?. I did cage fights!" "Oh, good- well, not good, but... you know what I mean." Skystrike regained his composure. "Oh, right, Rarity, been meaning to ask, how much do I owe you for the suit?" Rarity thought back. "Oh right, the Hydra. Don't worry about that, darling, I've already started making a new one for you. And I've started designing a dress for Tethys, and Zecora's too. I will say, the former has been a bit of a challenge." "How so?" Fluttershy asked. "Well, for us mares, we can just cover both bits with the dress... Her 'girls' are further up." Rarity make quotes with her hooves. "I'm trying to make it fashionable while also making sure she doesn't show too much skin, and making sure she has enough space up top." Skystrike hummed. "I don't know how well armor can transfer over to clothes, but proportions wise, I might be able to help? I made Tethys's armor, and working on a new set right now." "Well, thank you, but I like the challenge. I want to work on this myself." Fluttershy jumped in. "Oh, speaking of Tethys and Zecora, they're pretty close." Skystrike nodded. "Oh yeah, Tethys and Zecora were the first and second to join me in my travels. They're like sisters at this point. Relating over their shared history of leaving their homelands. I'm glad they can, I couldn't really help them with their loneliness." "I always wanted to visit Zecora's homeland. What was it called? Zebrafrica?" He nodded again. "That's the continent, to be more specific... She doesn't seem to have good memories of the place. I decided to stop asking, as the only thing I got out of her was her country of origin's name, Farasi." "...Are you all so mysterious on purpose?" He sighed. "We came together because we had nowhere else to go. Following whatever little hope we had left as we clung to the loose shreds of life. I'm just glad it worked for all of us. We only really shared when we could really trust one another. I know Zecora trusts me, but... she has different demons to deal with than me." "I mean, I can understand different, but not necessarily easier..." Rarity poured herself another cup of tea. Skystrike twitched. He calmed himself down before responding. "Rarity, from an outside observer, sure it may seem easier, but do not compare your pain with another. Zecora still has to deal with them, and we all handle things differently." "...Your right... sorry." The three sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes. Rarity decided to change the subject. "So... word around town is you landed two more mares?" "God fucking damn it..." Fluttershy jumped in. "I feel like a pony dying of thirst watching another pony drown." Skytrike chuckled. "Ok, that was a good one." "You must give me the details, you mare killer." Rarity crossed her hooves and smirked. "God, you're thirsty. Get a coltfriend." "Yeah!" Sweetie Belle said appearing in the hallway. Skystrike almost lost it at that point. "Anyway, hi Nebula, hi Fluttershy." "Hey." Skystrike and Fluttershy greeted. Sweetie Belle's stomach growled. "Rarityyyyy I'm hungry!" "You don't know how to cook?" Skystrike swiveled in his chair to look at the filly. "I do, I just like Rarity's cooking." Rarity leaned over to Skystrike's ear. "It's mainly because she doesn't know how to cook." "...Hey kid, wanna learn how to cook pancakes?" "Yeah!" Sweetie Bell jumped. Skystrike finished his tea as he got up. "Alright, so what's the first thing we do before we start cooking?" "Wash our hooves?" "Your right!" Skystrike said as he turned on the sink to wash his hooves with Sweetie Belle. "Now, for pancakes, we need flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, milk, butter, and eggs. Do you know where those are?" "Yeah!" She got her step stool to grab the items from the cupboards and refrigerator. Skystrike got some bowls to mix the ingredients in the soon to be future. But as soon as he but the bowl down, Sweetie Belle poured in half the bad of flour. "Sweetie, what're you doing?" "Adding the flour." "Well yeah, but we gotta measure it." "Why?" Oh fuck, is that why Rarity said she's bad at it? "Because if the ingredients aren't balanced, it wont... make it taste as good as it can be." Skystrike poured back in the flour into the bag. "Can you measure out a cup and a half of flour?" "Oh, ok!" She ran to get the cup measurers, coming back and doing so. "Nice! Now, we need... 3 and a half teaspoons of baking powder...." He began listing the measurements, pausing as the filly poured in each. "one tablespoon of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, one and a quarter cups of milk, three tablespoons of melted butter, and one egg." "Got it!" "And now mix it until it's smooth with a whisk." It took a little while, and Sweetie Belle's arms were getting tired, but it worked. "Nice job, kid. Now all you gotta do is cook them." Skystrike grabbed a pan and put it on the stove, the stove clicking on with the turn of a knob "Pour half a cup of the batter on the pan, and when the batter is bubbling, flip it. I'm going to set the table. A few minutes passed, and some of the pancakes came out looking weird, but Sweetie Belle did it. Skystrike set the plate for the four of them and pulled up a seat for the filly. He poured some syrup on his food before digging in. "Hey you did pretty good, Sweetie! Made a whole meal by yourself." Sweetie stopped mid bite. "...Oh yeah I did!" She smiled before eating. "Oh, this is quite good." Rarity used her magic to hold her utensils. "You're quite good with kids." Fluttershy noticed. "She reminds me of my sisters." Skystrike patted Sweetie Belle on her head. "Oh, speaking of your sisters, could you get me into contact with Dawnstone? She's so beautiful! She'd be a perfect model!" Rarity asked between bites. "Really? I'll tell her about that then. She is trying to be a professional model, so it'd be nice to get her before she's massive." Skystrike nodded. "...Why'd you say 'really' like you didn't believe her?" Fluttershy said with a confused chuckle. Skystrike was about to open his mouth to speak, but he needed to figure out how to best explain it. "Well... when I describe the looks of a girl, it all depends on what I see them as. Thinking back on it, Dawnstone is definitely a beauty, but I've never chosen that word to describe her since she's my sister." "Well, what words do you use?" "Stoic, inspiring, sweet, stuff like that. Honestly, I've never seen an ugly mare, so I more focused on... not describing their physical attributes." Well now Rarity was interested. "Well, what words do you use to describe a pony's looks?" "Pretty, hot, beautiful, and cute." "What's the difference?" They both asked at the same time. He sighed. "Alright, so, cute means that the mare in question looks good. Like if I was walking down the street and saw a pretty mare, I'd go 'Oh, she's nice.' And keep going on with my business. Nothing more than a passing glance. With me so far?" "Yes." Rarity and Fluttershy nodded. "Pretty can mean the same thing, but it's more meant for mares who I can see a future friendship with. For example, Dawnstone or Astral can be both pretty and cute, but they prefer to be called pretty because they're adults." Rarity felt like she understood. "So... fillies and colts are cute, and mares and stallions are... handsome and pretty?" "Right." Skystrike nodded. "You for example, Spike is cute, Big Mac is handsome." "...Didn't need you to call me out, but I get it. Go on." "Hot means that she looks nice you know what I mean? Like, damn. I'm walking by, and I do a double take because damn." Skystrike laughed. "I'd explain better, but you know." He motioned to Sweetie Belle, who was obliviously eating her pancakes. "I get what you're implying." Rarity crossed her hooves again and leaned in. "So, what's beautiful?" Skystrike leaned back. "Harder to explain than the previous ones... When I say someone is beautiful, it means I see attributes within that being that means I could see a potential future with." "Aww... didn't know you could be such a sweetheart." Fluttershy smiled at him. Rarity wasn't satisfied though. "Give some examples of each, just so I can understand this better." "...I feel like I've walked into a trap, but I'm in this deep already, so sure, why not." Skystrike finished his pancakes. "Mmm... so... somepony like Roseluck or Carrot Top, they're cute. But I've never really interacted with them besides passing conversations. Uh... as for pretty... well, I already said Astral and Dawnstone. Another example would be... Derpy Hooves. As for hot, well, that kinda speaks for itself. Beautiful would be... Tethys and Zecora? I guess? Best examples I have as of now. They're my best friends." "Aren't we?" Fluttershy asked. "Well yeah, but we haven't..." He was about to say it, then looked at Sweetie Belle. "...rolled in the hay." "So, difference between hot and beautiful is how well you know them?" Fluttershy was trying to understand. Skystrike shook his head. "Bare bones, kinda. Sure, main difference between those two and Mayor Mare and Cheerilee is that I'm better friends with the former, but with the former, we respect and know each other enough where we aren't simply FWB." "This... makes more sense than I thought it would?" Rarity admitted. "What's a FWB?" Sweetie Belle asked. Rarity stammered at the question, while Fluttershy froze up. Skystrike decided to answer. "When you're older." "Oh come on! Rarity says that all the time! Not you too!" Sweetie wined. Skystrike decided to do the funniest thing he could here. "Sweetie Belle, FWB is short for 'Fairy Wants Bones'." "...What?" Sweetie Belle tilted her head. "Ever heard of the tooth fairy?" "...yeah?" "She has an older sister called the 'Bone Fairy'. If you aren't a good filly, she comes at night and takes your bones. One time I woke up without my spine." He tried his best not to break out laughing as her face turned to one of mild horror. "...Rarity I'm sorry for eavesdropping on you while you were talking with Frank! I won't do it again! Mr.Nebula please save me from the Bone Fairy!" Sweetie Belle said between tears as she jumped on Skystrike. Skystrike was shaking as he held it in. "S-sure Sweetie Belle. I'll go stop the Bone Fairy!" Rarity and Fluttershy hid theirs as well as they could at her reaction. Then Fluttershy thought about what she said. "Wait... I don't know anypony in Ponyville named Frank?" Sweetie wiped the tears welling up in her eyes. "I-I... don't know him either. Rarity just... yells his name really loud sometimes when I'm asleep." Skystrike and Fluttershy slowly turned to Rarity. Her blushing face told them everything. Skystrike couldn't hold it it anymore as he burst out laughing, Fluttershy following his actions not even a moment later. Fluttershy was snorting while Skystrike was wheezing as he held onto the table to not fall out of his chair. Fluttershy's laughter slowed down for a minute, then picked back up when she looked at Rarity's face again. Sweetie Belle jumped out of Skystrike's arms before he fell to the floor. "Holy SHIT!" He wheezed. "I'm never gonna let you live this down!" Sweetie Belle looked confused. "I don't get it." Another day came and went. Skystrike laughed all day about what happened with Rarity, but today was a new one. He, Spike, Twilight, and Zecora were doing some magic spells. Well, more talking about spells. Also, since when did a tree library have a basement? And why does Twilight have a lab? Skystrike decided to ask. "Twilight, why does this place look like you'd lure somepony here?" Zecora snorted. Twilight stammered for a response. "I- you- I'd never do that!" "Oh, I know, but it's kinda off putting when you have restraints and something that reads brain waves." He smiled. "Can we just go back to you doing your spells?" Twilight sighed. "Yeah, we've talked about it for a while!" Spike said from his bean bag chair and put down his comic book. "I wanna see something cool!" Zecora nodded. "I'm intrigued to witness your magic brew, to see the wonders it can strew." Skystrike nodded. "Alright then. What type of magic do you want to see?" "Can you turn an apple into an orange like Twilight?" Spike rolled over. "Well, no, or at least, not with my understanding of magic and my abilities. But I could turn lead into gold because of my understanding of physics." Twilight's ears perked up. "Interesting... can you do it now?" "Technically yes, but it'd be dangerous. If you want me to explain it, I'd use my magic to turn the oxygen atoms around the lead into nitrogen. With all of those extra protons, I'd induce proton bombardment onto the lead to turn it into gold. However, that'd require many, many different layers and types of magic. Also, the energy released from that nuclear reaction would be dangerous." "...I barely understood that." Twilight admitted. "I haven't even heard of nuclear physics." "You understood that?" Spike asked. Oh right, they're magic focused. "Sorry, forget that physics isn't studied as heavily here. It'd take too long to explain to you atomic theory and particle colliders and the like... Basically yes I can, but it's dangerous." "Could you unveil magic with a useful touch, practical spells that would impress us much?" Zecora sat down as she waited. Skystrike thought about what to do before he clenched his forehooves. Small bolts of electricity jumped from his hooves as it traveled up his arms, into his head, and then down through the rest of his body. He shook off the extra static as his hair stood on end. "There... just... a bit tedious to keep this up." Zecora tilted her head. "I am a bit confused at the spell you just used?" "I'm using electricity to speed up my perception speed, as well as increase the nerves in my body to react faster." "...You... you're-... That's dangerous! Stop it!" Twilight nearly begged. Skystrike discharged the electricity. "Alright, calm down a bit. Something not dangerous then..." He thought for a bit more, then put his hoof towards Twilight. A weak green aura floated over to her and surrounded her. "There. I gave you a stamina buff. You won't get tired as fast, but you're going to sleep a long while when you go to bed. Sorry, most of my spells are... combat oriented." "Oh, well... I guess that makes sense." Twilight had to admit. "Can you show us one? Maybe one I can do?" Spike asked. Skystrike thought about it for a time, then decided to do something silly. He stood up on his hind legs and put his forehooves to his side, charging energy between them. Then he pushed his hooves forward as he yelled. "HADOKEN!" Spike saw the slow moving projectile come towards him. He side stepped it, watching it hit the wall. "Cool! And an even cooler name!" "That's what I'm saying!" Skystrike said as he bro hoofed the baby dragon. "What do you mean cool? That was silly." Skystrike looked at her. "Nuh uh!" "The buck you mean 'Nuh uh'??" Twilight put out the palm of her hoof. Skystrike laughed even harder. Zecora laughed a bit too. "Skystrike, honesty's key, your name is a tad silly." "I don't know what you're talking about." Skystrike crossed his hooves. "They're not silly. All of them are sick as hell!" Zecora had an amused look. "Like your sword you called 'Black wind'? Or the spear called 'Tale's end?" "Yeah, those go hard!" He defended himself. "It sounds cringe, is what I'd aver. A sentiment many would echo, I'd wager." "YOU'RE CRINGE!!!" Skystrike roared at the top of his lungs, making them all laugh. He waited for the laugher to die down. "But fine, why don't you and Twilight think of better names? A blue sword for example." Zecora rubbed her chin in thought. "If I had to choose a name for a sword, what about... 'Cold-Forged'?" Twilight pitched in with one of her own. "What about 'Storm'? Like lightning." Spike stood up and stretched. "Personally, I think 'Epilogue' sounds cool." "You see, Spike, that name goes hard. Name your scythe that." Spike shook his head. "I already named it 'Crescent Moon'. It looks like one." "Yeah!" Skystrike picked him up. "That does hard, man! Oh, and I might use that name if you don't mind." "Sure, go for it." Zecora jumped in. "Speaking of names, let's take a trip. What is the name you chose for your airship?" "Oh, I could've sworn I told you. I named her 'Wind Waker'. Twilight sighed. "I mean... could be better..." "Twilight, you'd probably offer some obscure name that you have to explain the meaning behind. At least mine are straight forward." Zecora smirked. "While that probably would occur, don't you have a Zweihander named 'the Throngler'?" Twilight snickered. "The Throngler? Heheh, that sounds silly. What does it mean?" "Just to beat the crap out of someone. And while it might sound silly, there's only one way to truly be throngled" Skystrike said the last part with a straight face. Then they all laughed at the absurdity of the word. Twilight laughed a bit more. "Well, getting back on topic, we were studying how exactly you turn this 'mana' stuff into magic. I haven't read up about it yet, since there haven't been any public copies of Casta's Thesis, but she's court magician for a reason... Can you continue what you were saying?" Skystrike nodded. "Right. So, not going into my biology, or any super specific fields of science, there's some sort of organ near my heart, or my heart itself, that can convert mana into magic. For example, when I want to use any magic, I first charge my magic, then transfer it to the limb needed to cast that magic." Twilight wrote it down on a note pad. "And you do this consciously?" "Yes, though that is part of the reason why I believe that my destruction magic is higher level than the other types. Unicorns are trained to use their magic by focusing it into their horns, so obviously has to go directly through their brain. Because of that, there's a sort of limiter that stops unicorns from using magic too powerful for them, else their brain can get literally fried." Skystrike put out his hooves and casted some weak water spells, making two orbs of water float in the air. "Because it doesn't have to go straight through my brain, that limiter isn't there for me. But... because of the way I was trained, I have an affinity and exclusivity for destruction spells." "Hmm... I think I get it... and what was the highest tier destruction spell that you've used?" "If I used them, I'd be in a cell." Twilight blinked. "Well... what's the highest spell you can use?" "Uh... spells on the master level. In tandem." "...Sweet Celestia." Twilight was astounded. "You have to be lying..." "Well that's why I don't use them or my magic in general." "I don't... really know what those types of spells can do?" Spike asked. Twilight gave him an answer. "A single master spell is banned, as a destruction master spell can destroy small towns. Anyway, back to you Zecora. How exactly do your potions work?" Zecora pulled one out from her bag. "Ways about in its function, diverse and vast, Some draw magic from beings, like a spell being cast. Others absorb the essence, the mystical hue, each brew's spell depends on its magical brew. Primarily for support, their powers do cast, In a myriad of ways, their aid unsurpassed." Twilight thought for a minute. "Sorry... just... translating it out of rhymes. I... think I got it? I don't know how you do it, Skystrike." "You get used to it. It's also really fun if you think about everything she says as a rap." Zecora stared at him. "Bruh." Twilight carried on. "So, you were talking about support potions... I assume offensive potions are more chemical based, not requiring much magic?" The zebra nodded. "Indeed, akin to a unicorn's spell so bright, yet with certain items, I can enhance their might." Skystrike watched as Zecora's and Twilight began asking and answering each others questions. They were talking so fast that he kinda zoned out most of their conversation. Spike walked up to his side. "...Are you gathering anything they're saying?" "Bits and pieces..." Skystrike admitted. The two boys watched them keep talking for another few minutes. "...Wanna go get some food?" "Ooh, can we go get tacos?" Spike jumped on his back as Skystrike began to walk out. "Tacos sound good." Skystrike nodded as they walked. "Anything happened at school? You've been there for a few months now." "Yeah, it's really fun! Everypony- well most of the ponies are nice. Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon keep picking on me and my friends. Keeps calling them 'blank flanks' and saying mean things." Skystrike thought for a moment. "There's not... really a good answer I can tell you on how to deal with that. Take it as a life lesson. There are beings that only intend to be hurtful, and using words doesn't fix anything. How we deal with those types of beings defines who we are, who we grow to be." "Well, how do you think I should deal with them?" "That's the thing Spike. It's a lose-lose. If you don't act, you're enabling them in a sense. If you do, then it might stop, sure, but it could also get worse. Honestly, the main problem is that your bullies are two of the ponies who's parents have a lot of power in this town... that being said, I can deal with them if I need to. The choice is yours. Just think it through." "Ok I guess..." Spike thought on if for a minute. "Twilight and Rarity keep saying that they're being mean because they like me." "Don't listen to that bullshit." Skystrike growled slightly, making the baby dragon flinch. "Sorry, just... bought up some bad memories. They only say things like that because they haven't been on the receiving end. Think about it for a moment. Even if they're right, would you want to be with somepony that treats you like that? And to prove that they're wrong, neither of them have a coltfriend." "Really? Sweetie Belle told me about a guy named 'Frank'." Skystrike shook as he internally laughed. "Spike, you're too pure. Do not bring that up around Rarity." Spike gave a confused nod. "Good, moving on, how're the friends that you made? You hang out a lot with Sweetie, Bloom, and Scootaloo." "Oh yeah! They're fun! Yesterday, we went to Fluttershy's cottage and she was telling us about her animals. Did you know that hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards?" Skystrike and Spike sat down at the restaurant to get their food. "Really now? Tell me more about what you learned." Another day passed. Skystrike and Spike enjoyed their guy time, talking over a meal. They decided that they'd make that and a visit to the spa a monthly thing when he got back from his mission. He was glad Spike is around ponies his age. For now, Skystrike, Stardust, and Pinkie Pie were all sitting on a park bench, talking about random things. Pinkie took a bite of her taffy, chewing it with a smile. "We don't hang out too often! You're always so busy, Skystrike! Thanks for coming to hang out with us!" "Yeah." Stardust nodded. "For a bit, I kinda thought you were avoiding us." "Oh, no, not at all. It's just that when my social battery isn't dead, almost everyone else is out doing something or hanging out with someone else." Skystrike explained. "Also, while I was joking back in the capital, I didn't realize how awkward that was for you. I'm sorry." "Oh, don't worry about that." Pinkie laughed and waved a hoof. "You think too hard about little things." Then her demeanor changed. "Seriously though, what did you mean by 'return on investment'?" Stardust spit out her drink. "You said WHAT???" Skystrike laughed a bit. "Well, if you want me to say it, I was complementing you, your sisters, and your mom. She is kinda bad. And I know how this is going to sound, but I mean this in the best way possible: I would've mistaken her for your sister if I didn't know her years prior." "...I don't-... I don't know how I'm supposed to take that in a good way. It's... implying that my sisters and I look old." "Yeah, Pinkie, I'm with you. What the buck?" Stardust raised a brow at him. "Oh, no, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that you ponies just age really well. Like, I honestly can't really tell the difference at times." Skystrike admitted. "...How old do you think my mom is, Sky?" "Well, using you and Maud as a basis I'd guess... mid forties?" "Yeah, in the ball park." Pinkie took another bite of her taffy. "Skystrike, societal standards have made it so us mares have to keep looking young. By Celestia you're so god damn stupid sometimes." Stardust sipped her water. "Well excuse~ me, not my fault that stallions have been hyped up so much that you mares have to hold yourself to near impossible standards." He crossed his hooves. Stardust sighed. "I mean, yeah, but... didn't have to say it like that. I'm going to turn thirty one in a few months. It's already really hard to find a good stallion, let alone one ok with my age." "You aren't even old!" "How old is old to you?" Stardust asked rhetorically. "Any mare pushing 35 is considered old." Skystrike had to think on it. "So that's why Rarity said I was into older mares... Damn, sorry you girls have to go through that bullshit. Your worth as a pony shouldn't be tied to how young you all look, or if you have a stallion or not." "...That was one of the most realest things you've ever said. Thanks." Pinkie smiled at him. "Yeah, I appreciate it a lot." Stardust nodded. "Honestly, I did get quite a bit of attention when I moved to Ponyville years ago back when I first moved here. But since I stopped working on the rock farm, I started gaining weight." Pinkie pulled at her belly fat. "I need to work out..." Stardust sighed. "Tell me about it. Wasn't until I joined the guard that I started losing weight." Skystrike leaned back. "I dunno, some guys are into it. Like Carrot Cake... or maybe it's because she counts as a short stack?" "Oh yeah, fair enough." Stardust put down her now empty cup. Pinkie Pie pulled another piece of taffy out of her hair. "There aren't many ponies here into it. Figure I should try and change something." "Another real line then." Skystrike put a hoof into Pinkie's hair and pulled out a boombox, playing some music that made his words sound much more real. "You do not change yourself for others. You must first change yourself for yourself. Those who want you for you will come eventually." "Well, since we're on the topic..." Pinkie bit into her second piece of taffy. "Mmm... what about you, any mares you fancy?" "Bruh, I just can't escape this topic, huh?" Skystrike gave a small sigh. "Well, I already said I don't have a type, and you two heard about my 'escapades', but if I had to think on mares I see as an actual option, I don't really know. If someone is able to know and accept the real me, they're an option." "The real you?" Pinkie tilted her head. "What, are you hiding more of yourself?" Skystrike looked at the two who awaited an answer... well Stardust, being Elytra, already knew. It was more an answer for Pinkie. "...Pinkie, I hide many parts of myself because I feel like if I get too close, I end up hurting those around me. It's more of a shitty defense mechanism." "Oh..." Pinkie blinked in surprise. "Well, maybe I'm ok with being hurt." Skystrike wanted to say 'AYO???' but this was a serious talk. He looked around to see if anypony else was in earshot. Luckily, nopony was. "Pinkie, I... appreciate the sentiment. Trust is... a very hard thing for me to have in beings, but I think I can trust you. I'm-" "An alien from an alternate universe that's been living as a pony to fit into society but is in a sort of cold war with the government because you're seen as a danger while the alien brethren that you're running from are also after you?" Skystrike's and Stardust's jaws dropped. Stardust closed her mouth to say "HOW THE BUCK!?" Pinkie shrugged. "Lucky guess." And then stuck out her tongue with a wink. "Pinkie, I don't think I will ever get used to you." Skystrike laughed. "But yeah, you're basically right. With your 'power' I guess I don't need to explain all of my backstory. You can just guess, huh?" "Like how Stardust is a changeling? Probably." "HOW THE BUCK!?!?" Stardust yelled as she stood up. "YOU'RE NOT NATURAL!! WHAT ARE YOU!?!?" Skystrike couldn't help but laugh harder. Pinkie hummed as she rocked back and forth. "Don't worry, I wont tell anypony. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" "Well, just so you do know if you wanted to talk about it, Zecora, Tethys, Casta, Stardust, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy know. I'll tell you more about my history later." Skystrike couldn't help but laugh some more. "If I can ask, Stardust, how did you sneak into the guard?" Pinkie asked. Stardust blinked. "Oh, sorry, I just... was in shock of your insanity. To answer, I wouldn't be a stealth operative if I couldn't do that." "So is your ass an illusion too, or is it just that fat naturally?" Skystrike lost his shit at that as Stardust's blush grew. "It's-... not that big, is it?" Skystrike mimicked Stardust's voice. "Princess... I'm trying to sneak around.... but I'm dummy thicc. And the clapping of my ass cheeks keep distracting the cadets!" Stardust slapped him in embarrassment, making Pinkie start snorting. Skystrike did a small show of holding his cheek and face crying like a yoda hand puppet, sniffling to sell it. Stardust couldn't help but join in on the laugh a bit, quickly forgetting her past embarrassment. Pinkie finished her taffy. "Oh, right, can I ask you something, Sky?" "Go for it." "Tethys told us you got with her and Zecora-" Skystrike already knew where this was going. "You sure you want the answer to that question?" Pinkie rubbed her chin. "You're right. I got what I wanted anyway!" She said between going back to her usual happy demeanor. Stardust looked at her. "I can never read that mare." Skystrike patted Stardust's back. "Honestly, it's easier on the mind to stop trying." Stardust whispered into Skystrike's ear. "Look, I know you're dense as Tartarus, but you do realize that you basically said Pinkie was an option?" Skystrike and Stardust turned to look at Pinkie who was rocking back and forth on her butt. "Oh, I guess I did. Eh, not against it. She's a sweet girl... but I'm going to wait until after the gala." Stardust gave a small smile. "Good to see you at least thinking about it. You deserve to be happy." Sleep came pretty quickly for Skystrike that day. He enjoyed the last several days with his friends. But for now, he was within his mind, dreaming. He sat in a large field atop a hill in his human form. The wind against his skin felt great, cooling him off. He always found it weird how he could feel in a dream. But that was besides the point. For now, he waited. The setting sun marked the changing of time, and a presence arriving. He heard decorated hoof steps come towards him. Skystrike turned around to see Nightmare Moon. No words were said as she sat down next to him. The two sat next to each other, staring at the night sky before Nightmare said. "Skystrike, you're bucking weird." Skystrike chuckled. "You're in my mind I call my home, yet you complain about how I arrange my furniture?" For the second time Skystrike's seen, Nightmare Moon gave a small smile. "If I am being honest, I'm more surprised at how guys work... like, you can actually think about nothing, then immediately go to thinking about the most inane, useless things. Why do you need to know how big a waffle you can make?" "Just because." Skystrike laughed. "Also, is it just a guy thing that you're constantly horny?" Skystrike laughed harder. "Haha! Yeah, pretty sure it's a guy thing. Sorry, I'm still not used to both of us being in here." Nightmare shrugged. "It's alright. At least it's not too weird. I'm just more surprised that less changed since our banishment than I thought." "Really? Like what?" "Well, I was going through your memories when you were a colt in Canterlot. The layout of the castle is nearly the same as the now abandoned one. But so much has changed too. The food is so much better!" "Wait, you can taste what I taste?" She shook her head. "More that I can remember what the food you ate tasted like... among other things." Skystrike began giggling like a school girl. Nightmare Moon couldn't stifle hers much longer. "There's so much I want to say, so much more I want to see in this new world." She leaned on him, putting her head on his shoulder. "It's been barely over a week, but I can feel myself changing... thank you, Skystrike. For now, I'd like to keep seeing things through your eyes." "Sure. Just tell me what you want to see. I'll try and go see it." Skystrike kept looking at the horizon. "It's kinda nice with you around." "You know I can read parts of your mind right?" She used her magic to take off her armor. "You can pet me, just make it quick. I feel naked." Skystrike did not hesitate pulling her onto his lap and stroking her neck and back. "Oh man, I always wanted to do this. You ponies always looks so soft." Nightmare moon was a bit embarrassed at first from the sudden petting, but it grew on her is he continued, cooing at the feeling of his hands. "Oooh, your hands are divine... You're lucky you're the only being in this world I could tolerate, else you'd never get this chance..." "Well, I'm flattered." Skystrike smiled as he brushed her hair. "You're coat is so smooth. Also, I just want to say, you have such a nice mane. If you couldn't tell from the name I chose for myself, I always loved staring at the stars. It's like I'm staring into a nebula." She giggled. "Quite the charmer, aren't you? Mmfh... move your hand a bit lower." Skystrike did so, moving his left hand right above her tailbone. "As much as I don't like to admit things, I... mmm, have grown to see you in a better light. Maybe when I get out of here, I'll help you out with your problem... How do you plan to get me out of here?" Skystrike thought about it. "Well, any idea I've had is illegal, but helping you out in the first place probably is anyway... My first idea was to just make a clone or artificial body, then create a link between my mind and the body's, so you can cross over and have that body. But the main problem is how exactly I'd get said body." "Nngh... by the moon, that feels good." Nightmare cooed. "I suppose that could work if you... ignore the morality... and the next idea?" "Find a genie." "Genies are real?" "We live in a world where two ponies can control the sun and the moon, six control a giant friendship laser, and an alien from an alternate dimension all exist together. I'd be surprised if genies don't exist. Or some sort of wish granting being." Nightmare was about to say something, but the stimulation she got from her tailbone was amplified from Skystrike suddenly scratching behind her ear. "Unf~!" She moaned. Skystrike immediately pulled back both of his hands, while Nightmare pushed herself up. The two made eye contact before quickly avoiding each others eyes, turning away and backing up a few feet. Awkward silence fell between them for a long while. Skystrike cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. I guess I was getting a bit too into it. I pushed a boundary." "It's... fine... I should've explained to you what it means when you pet a pony there." Nightmare admitted. Hindsight hit him like a truck. "Oh god, that was sexual?" Nightmare nodded. "FUCK!" Suddenly, the sky seemed to crack, it growing to span the zenith of the area. The area they were in shattered like glass, returning to the empty void that was normally Skystrike's mind. Princess Luna stood within the void, her glowing white eyes beginning to dim as she no longer needed to use her magic to infiltrate his dream. "Skystrike, we came as soon as we saw something awry! Are you-" Luna made eye contact with her alter-ego, seeing the two with an awkward tension between them. "You... what did you do to him, Nightmare Moon!?" "Calm down, Luna nothing happened." Skystrike sighed. Luna began taking steps towards Nightmare Moon. "The faces thou art making, and her scent upon you tells us otherwise." She glared at Nightmare. "What did you do?" Skystrike stepped between them. "Luna, you do not want to know. Nothing bad happened." "I'll be the judge of that." Luna said. Her eyes glowing as she used her magic in an attempt to get into Nightmare Moons's mind. Skystrike grabbed her by the horn, making her stop in her tracks. "I know you don't like her, but even if she is you, it is still immoral to peak into her mind without her permission." "Don't stop us, Skystrike. You don't have to protect her because you feel bad! She is a being born of my hatred! She won't change!" "She's you, Luna!" Skystrike threw her back. "Or at least, a you that you don't want to confront! And look at you! You changed! All I'm doing is giving her the chance you were!" Skystrike cracked his knuckles. "I'm not going to pretend I know the pain that you went through for the past thousand years, but she must be given a chance to change. We must be better than this!" Luna was about to flare her magic, but at that last sentence, she realized that the human was right. With an annoyed roar, she released all the magic she could straight up, the blue light lighting up his entire dreamscape. She huffed from the sudden expelling of magic. "Fine... then you tell me what happened." Skystrike sighed and loosened the tension in his body. "Well if you must know... I wanted to pet Nightmare moon. I didn't know where I was touching was sexual. I only found out when she moaned." Luna spread her wings in surprise and embarrassment, his testimony being confirmed by the growing blush on Nightmare Moons muzzle. "O-oh..." "Yeah I be you feel real dumb right now." Skystrike crossed his arms. "...We are sorry, Skystrike." "Not me who you should be apologizing to, Luna." Skystrike tapped his foot before stepping out of the way. Luna grit her teeth a bit. "We... apologize to you as well, Nightmare moon." Nightmare moon shuffled a bit. "It's... fine. I don't blame you..." She admitted as she teleported her armor back on. Skystrike sighed as he turned his body to stretch. "Great, now that that's solved, how's your vacation going, Luna?" Her ears perked up a bit. "Oh, well... we are enjoying ourselves. We've decided to stop by Las Pegasus." "Oh god, is she going for the cocaine and strippers?" Skystrike cracked a smile. Luna and Nightmare Moon couldn't help but giggle at the memory. "Well, we would be lying if we said she didn't want to go there for that. But to my knowledge, not yet at least." "Wait, I was joking, she was serious?" Skystrike laughed. "Only about the strippers. Thou would be surprised how lonely an alicorn can get over the years." Luna sighed. "Is it the ageless part, or the princess part?" "A mix of both, but mostly the former for us... It's why we decided to travel as ourselves before our ascension." "Ah, I get it. You two feel like you can't be your true selves because of your title?" Luna nodded. "Indeed. It pains me to say it, but hindsight has granted me that not having to deal with politics for a thousand years was... calming." Nightmare Moon wanted to say something, but held her tongue. It didn't go unnoticed by Skystrike though. Skystrike sighed and put his hands behind his head as he looked up to the void. "Luna, you've done a lot for me, from accepting my humanity knowing what my kind did in the past, to not telling Celestia. I want to know I appreciate you. Saying that... I know what I'm about to ask for is a lot..." Luna could tell this was serious. She sat down. "You do not have to be afraid to ask us anything. What is it?" Skystrike sat down too, figuring out how to best word this. "...Over the past couple weeks with Nightmare Moon in my mind, we've been able to share thoughts. Adding to that some... circumstances, I've realized that I cannot hold on to the anger of my past. While I cannot let go of a certain rage towards Blueblood, I've been trying to let go of my anger towards Chrysalis and the hive." "Well, that's quite noble of you, Skystrike." "We are kindred spirits, Luna. I say this because you'll live much, much longer than me. I believe it is best for you to try and let go of your anger too." Luna's brow furrowed a bit. "If thou art trying to say what I think thou is, no. She has done far too much to be forgiven." Skystrike sighed. "You can't forgive Nightmare Moon for luring you in with the thought of comeuppance? Or you can't forgive yourself for giving in?" She stood up and stomped her hoof at that, the entirety of Skystrike's mental space shaking. Luna's eyes glowed white in anger, even using her royal Canterlot voice. "DO NOT SPEAKETH UPON A SUBJECT YOU DO NOT KNOW, HUMAN! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT US!?" Skystrike stood up. "More than you think, less then I should... but enough where I know that this isn't healthy. I know how it is to give in to that urge..." He said sadly. In the next moment, he changed his mental space, the grey void turning to a red one, and dozens of voices rolled in. Luna and Nightmare Moon both looked around, trying to figure out where the voices were coming from. They recognized the voices. Each one of them were his, Skystrike's, begging, pleading him to listen, with each more violent than the last. "Make them pay!" "This world will abandon you when they learn the truth!" "They're just pretending!" "Fight!" "Kill!" "Slaughter!" "Make them feel the pain you have!" Skystrike let the voices continue as he did. "I only gave in once, but like you, I see it as the worst mistake I've ever made... I had to protect my friends from Blueblood... I don't regret protecting myself or the others, but... the brutality that I showed, the smile plastered across my face... it disgusted me. I regret it every moment, and I can never forgive myself, but if I wanted to keep living, have a hope for a better tomorrow for myself, I know that I had to accept that part of me, no matter how I viewed it." The voices of hate screamed at him when he finished. Skystrike closed his eyes as he forced the voices into silence. He felt his ears ringing, and waited for the ringing to stop, as well as his anger to subside. "Haaah~... sorry you had to see that. Just needed to prove that I can at least relate." Luna stammered. "W-we are sorry..." "Don't be." Skystrike waved a dismissing hand. "But I showed you that to say that I don't expect you to forgive Nightmare Moon. You're your own pony, and can make your own choices. All I'm saying is that if you truly want to forgive yourself, you need to confront Nightmare Moon." Luna turned to see her alter, who was staring back at her. They both took slow, hesitant steps towards each other. They stopped about a foot away from each others faces. Nightmare broke the silence between them first. "No matter how much I apologize to you, it does not change the pain that I bought upon you, your sister, your subjects, or your life... I don't blame you for your hatred of me, nor would I blame you if you hate me for the rest of our days. But know that I truly regret what I did." The princess of the night felt it in her. Maybe because of the sincerity of her words, or because she could tell from Nightmare Moon being her, but she meant it. "...We do not know if we ever can forgive you... but he is right. We have to confront you sooner or later. We cannot continue to blame you for every one of our actions from a thousand years ago. We must take accountability... we must be better." She sighed. "Skystrike, this was an... eye opening talk. For now, Nightmare Moon and I must go. We have much to speak about." Skystrike watched as the two faded out of existence, the two leaving his mind and going back to Luna's. Skystrike sat in his mind, alone, wondering if he did the right thing at the right time. He hoped that the two of them would get better. He didn't want to lose either. The grey void slowly turned to black as he stopped his dreamscape and drifted into a deep sleep. Skystrike would check on them next time. > Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two months have passed since Luna and Nightmare Moon began their weekly talks. From the slight change in mood that Nightmare has had as she traveled back and forth between minds, Skystrike would say it's going well. The two of them haven't talked about it much, nor has he pushed for info. They would tell him when they were ready. Celestia and Luna returned from their impromptu vacation feeling better than ever. Well, mainly Celestia, who hasn't had a break in a millennia. They thanked him for it, even bringing him a gift from their trip to Las Pegasus, it being a large globe of the city in the clouds. He appreciated it, and decided to put it on his nightstand. As for what Skystrike has been doing, for the past couple months, he's been doing a lot of work. The sleepless nights fueled by caffeine and sugar finally bore fruit. His new armor was finally done, and fully enchanted. Nothing crazy, as he didn't want to become reliant on his armor, but a few lightweight enchants here, some durability enchants there, and it was all good. His new armor had some major differences compared to his last one, the most notable feature being a mana circuit. It pulled in mana to power the enchants, and also allowed him to release any stored magic in case of an overload. Skystrike also decided that he wasn't the only one who's arsenal in need of an upgrade. Thanks to the transmutation of materials from Zecora, he had more than enough to work with. He was also glad that he could just go to Rarity for everyone's measurements. Starting with Zecora, she wished for something mobile, while also being flexible and durable. Skystrike had to admit, she had a pretty interesting fighting style from her homeland. Seeing it over the years, he realized the similarities it had with Tahtib, an Egyptian martial art from his world. I guess this was just in horse form. The zebra also helped with the design process, wanting some roman-like inspiration. Her culture was really confusing. Her specifics were a bit hard to bring to life, mostly because leather was a bit immoral here. But then he remembered he had the dragon bodies. took some descaling and leather work, but Zecora's armor came out lovely. Bracers, greaves, a cuirass, and a battle skirt, all with a forest green finish. To cover her face, she wore a decorative mask with several shades of green with gold accents, highlighting her strong cyan eyes. She still had her golden neck rings for her own personal touch. Zecora still had her staff from her homeland, as well as her blade whip, holding sentimental value to her. She didn't want to replace those. But she did complain about how it was hard to prepare potions for every individual event. This gave Skystrike an idea for her: a mobile brewery. And it wouldn't be too hard, now that he has the elemental stones. Fire, earth, water, wind, lightning, and ice. Each was hidden under her battle skirt, allowing for ease of access. Took a bit of testing, but the two of them got it to work. By putting an enchant on each of her bracers, she could extract some of the essence from each stone to use or combine for the wanted effects. Zecora tested it as soon as the prototype was done. A simple way to test if the brewery worked was to of course, brew a potion. Taking water and a little fire, she boiled the water. Then with earth, lightning, and wind, she molded the elements into a swiftness potion and put it into a bottle. Skystrike wished he knew how to do that, but he was more than happy with her smile. Next was Tethys. She wanted her armor to be medium in weight and guard the important parts, as to not weigh her down as she flew around. Besides, her scales were strong enough for most things. But Skystrike didn't want to wait for the off chance of something or someone breaking through her scales. For her, Skystrike made a chest plate, wrist guards, thigh guards, bracers, shin guards, and ankle guards to protect her joints, and any place a being would aim at first to take down a dragon. He also put a few pieces of metal and leather between her wing joints and on her wing bones for at least some protection. He gave them all a silver finish in a hope to bring out her scales. She was never a fan of weapons, always preferring hand to hand combat. That's why Skystrike wanted to test something else. The same way he is able to focus his magic out of his extremities, he wanted to find a way for Tethys to do so. Skystrike made her chestplate similar to Zecora's brewery, having magic stones on the inside. Tethys only needed three of the elements though, as she only knew ice, wind, and lightning. Through weeks of testing, it took time to learn how to use it, but it worked wonders. Her elemental breath started within her esophagus, near the lungs. Magic was generated, then forced out of her mouth. By putting the magic stones near the organ, she could transfer the flow of magic. Tethys had to get used to the feeling of preparing to breathe the element, yet not expelling it as it was transferred to her arms or legs as she wished. She could force the element of her choice out of her hands and feet. But what Skystrike was most surprised about was how quick of a learner she was, being able to surround a claw in hardened ice, or even her jaws to hit, or bite, harder. She couldn't wait to try it out. But it was crude. She needed to practice. Lastly, Elytra was next. In the hive, she was a stealth operative, trained to stay in the dark. She was adept in sneak attacks, so Skystrike decided to focus on that aspect of her as he designed the armor. Something light and mobile, but needed to be able to take a few hits if she was ever in that scenario. Using the leather from the dragons, Skystrike spent a lot of time to finish Elytra's armor. It took him more time than he was willing to admit, since it was his first time making high quality armor for stealth. It was a dark blue, form fitting body suit with metallic black shoulder plates, a chest plate, bracers, and shin guards. The armor parts could be removed if she wanted to wear clothes over it and look casual, though he realized there was no need for it after the fact. Since you know, ponies. Her helmet had an opaque silver faceplate that allowed her to hide her face in case she was ever seen, but she didn't need to worry about that thanks to the special gimmick of her armor. Thanks to the magic circuitry within, it increased the proficiency of illusionary spells, allowing Elytra to go invisible for short periods of time, rather than having to transform into something inconspicuous. Skystrike also made her a new rapier, nearly the exact same model as her last one, but with a fire stone implanted into the butt of the hilt, allowing for even the shallowest cut to cause an ignition if Elytra wished. As for her second weapon, Skystrike decided for something experimental. Magelight, that unicorn he killed a while ago and who's horn he took, would finally have a use. A horn, not specifically a unicorns, is used to transfer mana from the body, focus it into magic, then cast a spell. So, that made Skystrike wonder, what if he could artificially create magic? By generating a stimulus mimicking the nervous system using a circuit, he could make the unicorn horn generate magic. However, since it wasn't connected to a body, the output was embarrassing. This is where Echo came in handy. It took three days to make the blueprint, and another week to actually create it, but the two made a mana extractor. Casta would be a mix of worried and jealous at it, though their models were different. Casta's would take the mana from a specific target, while his would take in the latent mana from the surrounding area. Attaching the orb-like device to the broken end of a unicorn's horn and it worked as intended. With the power source dealt with, now all that was left was making it useful. Skystrike realized that out of their team synergy, with Casta, Jeshan, Celeano, and Alder not here, they lacked any rangers. And with a stealth focused team member, and her permission, he had the perfect chance to fix that hole. Using Magelight's horn as a basis, and his stake launcher as inspiration, he made a smaller, more mobile version. A parallel pair of conducting rails would accelerate the projectile, being a charged ball of magic from Magelight's horn. Like a railgun, electricity would travel from one rail, through the magic projectile, to the other rail, accelerating the blast at immense speeds. The currently dubbed Magic Railgun was secured to the side of Elytra's armor at the waist, and was linked with her helmet to aim where she was looking. The trigger was right on her tail, a wire connecting it to the railgun. With a flick of her tail, the weapon would charge, then fire. The three girls tried on their new arsenals in Skystrike's living room. Tethys was rolling her wings and giving light flaps as she got used to wearing armor again. Zecora was testing her brewery, smiling as new ideas came to mind with each element she switched to, and finally being able to use magic. Elytra was looking over her railgun, as well as the manual that Skystrike gave her. Elytra flipped to the next page. "Hey Sky, you sure it's ok to give this to me? When Celestia sees it, and she will, she's going to probably throw a fit." Skystrike nodded. "I already took care of that, so don't worry." He assured her as he did a few stretches in his own new set of armor. "And I hope you aren't too uncomfortable with the body suit?" The changeling nodded. "It fits nicely, though it's a bit... too snug in the rear. I'm gonna have to hide it with my tail." Skystrike raised a brow. "Well you could... you know, wear underwear? I wear it so my balls don't touch my under armor." Stardust blinked. "Oh, right... I forget those exist. I don't really wear clothes... How fast do you think I could get a few sets from Rarity?" Tethys rolled her wrists to get the feel of her bracers. "Uh, she's pretty fast about it so... It's morning, and you don't need anything fancy. She could probably get them done by tomorrow. I need to stop by to pick up a few pairs myself." "If what you're saying, Tethys, is a fact, I might follow your words on that." Zecora took off her mask. Skystrike nodded. "Yeah, I'd recommend getting used to wearing the armor, just in case we're attacked during our travels. In my experience, sometimes you forget you're wearing it." Zecora chuckled. "No offense, my dear Skystrike, I don't wish to relate to or experience the like." They all laughed at that before Skystrike continued. "I'm glad you all are enjoying the armors so far. You all have only seen a fraction of the work I've done." "I believe it. You made all of these in like three months, right?" Elytra asked. Skystrike shook his head. "I started building these three months ago. Being honest, I made these blueprints after we split up, save for Elytra's railgun... Helped me stay sane." "Aww, you missed us!" Tethys teased him a bit before hugging him. "To be honest, I did too. You're one of the three ponies that I can say that about." "Damn, buck us I guess." Elytra laughed. "Are you and Zecora ponies?" "...Fair." "Oh, right, before I forget, I have names for all of our armor and weapons I made. You want my names, or you girls want to name them yourselves?" Skystrike began taking off his armor. He could feel the difference in weight as he took it off. Elytra cringed. "Er... Skystrike, I'm not going to lie to you... your names are kinda... bad." She forced the words out of her mouth, Zecora and Tethys nodded in agreement. Skystrike's posture deflated as he heard that. "Oh... I... I see..." He finished taking off his armor and patted at his under clothes. Tethys was a bit surprised. "Skystrike are you... are you sulking?" "No..." He sighed. "I just thought my names were good, but apparently not..." Zecora felt a bit bad now. "Skystrike our intent wasn't to bring you dismay. We didn't grasp the significance of names, I must say." "It's... fine. It just... hits a bit close to home. I'm not blaming you, but I guess you guys forget that I gave myself this name. It just... makes me a bit self conscious." "Oh..." Tethys went. "...You know, you never told me that, but in hindsight, I should've realized. I'm sorry, Skystrike." She crouched down and put a hoof on his back. "If you still want to, I am interested in the names you made for our armor." Skystrike's ears perked up a bit. "Well, I named your armor 'Isveig' because of the whole ice aesthetic. Zecora's is named Lavoiser after a French chemist, and Elytra's is named Chimera, just because I had to combine a lot of magic to make it." "You see, you should name all of your things like that. Those are great." Zecora nodded. "With such great a name, it will have us drowning in fame!" He cracked a smile. "Thanks girls. Means a lot." Skystrike said before standing up. "You three go get everything you need in order. I'm just going to do one last round on the ship. Make sure everything is ready." "You sure? I don't mind staying." Elytra asked. Skystrike nodded. "Yep, we already moved everything over that we need to. Just need to check if everything was installed correctly one last time... Admittedly, I'm a bit paranoid." "I mean, I get it, but you've tested everything already." "Maybe I have, but just want to make sure everything is calibrated correctly." The girls took the hint of wanting him to be alone and let him go to his ship. It still held the same design as it did when he first got it, but it was no longer a civilian passage ship. It had plated armor, allowing it to take a beating if needed. From an outside observer, it was longer too, sporting some attachments to the bow of the ship. Skystrike got onto the Wind Waker and went to what he deemed the most integral part of the ship. Where once was the magic engine that powered the ship like it's sister models, in its place was a mana extractor, several times larger in scale than the one used for Elytra's weapon. Of course, it worked the same as the smaller model. Surrounding the extractor was layers of steel, to make sure any intruders couldn't get to it easy. The extractor seemed to be in shape, and working in low power mode to give energy to the ventilation system. Aside from that, the main thing that he focused on was the speed of the ship. Wind Waker was held afloat by the giant balloon, but was moved by flapping its wings. He could make it to Canterlot within two hours, much faster than the train, but he planned on going across the ocean. Thus, he made it faster, replacing each of the four wings with propellers. Sure, it required more power like this, but he's made sure to account for that by increasing the output of the reactor. Now, the speed was increased by four times, and they can turn much faster. The second thing he focused on was the lack of weaponry, since it was a civilian ship. Pirates were a common thing as you neared and left Equestria's borders. And what was even more dangerous were the many beasts that roamed the skies and seas. Sure, the four of them could take them, but it'd be hard to do while confined to the ship. So, to make sure they could handle those dangers, he made two more Stake Launchers and put them on the deck of the ship to handle anything heavily armored. The only danger would be anything that could take more than a few shots from them. Thankfully, he decided to make several types of ammo. No harm in over preparing. The Wind Waker sat in the makeshift dock that Skystrike made. Two days until departure... He was excited to go through the skies, see his old friends again. But a part of him was nervous as he was afraid they wouldn't accept him back. They all have their own lives to live now, and he didn't want to intrude. Questions for later. He went to the Bridge of his ship, looking over the wheel and giving it a playful spin. Then he looked at the map on the table next to it, showing a detailed map of all of Equestria and its territories, marking every major city and landmark. With the help of Zecora, Tethys, and Elytra, the four of them were able to draw the rest of the known world with a pencil. East of the Dragon lands and South East of Griffonstone was the Dragon Seas, Tethys's homeland. The sea was massive, double the size of Equestria itself, only dotted with a few landmasses, most likely formed from underwater volcanoes. A small set of islands were marked as Tethys's home for their destination. Further east of Griffonstone was Diamondia, the homeland of the Diamond Dogs, and probably where Jeshan would be. While they don't have the exact location of it, they have the general area in mind. West of a large set of mountains. South of the Dragon seas was Hippogriffia, where Skybeak and the rest of the Hippogriffs would be. He settled down, so it's his best bet on finding him. Ornithia was on the complete opposite side of the world, north of the Dragon Seas and east of Diamondia, but Celaeno was never one to stay in one place... it'd take a chance encounter to see her again. And southwest of Diamondia was Farasai, Zecora's homeland in Zebrafrica. He had it on the map in case Zecora wanted to visit while they traveled. As for his travel plan, Griffonstone was first, then Diamondia, then Hippogriffia, then the Dragon Seas. The entire trip was expected to take two months, spending about a week in each of the countries they were going to. Skystrike already prepared a lot of pickled and canned food, warm clothes, and money for their travels. Thankfully, bits became the world currency a few centuries ago, so there was no need to worry about the exchange rate. Casta also came by in the past month to finish what she started, setting up a long range teleportation circle within the Wind Waker. They were able to make it work, though with one caveat. The ship couldn't be moving while someone was trying to teleport onto it, just so some poor soul wont end up combined with the floor or wall. As a safety precaution, anyone who wanted to teleport would have to send a letter first. Tethys, Zecora, and Elytra would be able to travel to and from the Wind Waker to his house as they willed. Skystrike just couldn't because he cant use teleporters. He would explain it to the rest of his friends traveling with him another time. For now, Skystrike was tired. He walked off his ship and onto the grass... it felt so damn nice. He didn't realize how long he stayed up, or how much work he truly did. He stayed up for days on end, week after week, with only a few days of rest in between as he prepared for this trip. Skystrike could feel the bags under his eyes with each blink. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to rest his eyes for a few minutes... The pegasus rolled up in a ball and dozed off. Morning soon turned into noon. While Tethys, Zecora, and Elytra were still out on the town to finish things, Skystrike was still asleep, sprawled out in the grass. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were in the area and decided to check on him, standing around him as he snored. "Ay look who fell asleep first!" Rainbow poked Skystrike. "Prank 'em, Dash!" Applejack grinned. "Ay, you already know!" Rainbow Dash pulled back a hoof to slap the shit out of Skystrike, but was stopped by Fluttershy holding her hoof back. "Um... I don't think that's a good idea..." Fluttershy went. "Look, he was so tired he didn't even put on his helmet. Look at the bags under his eyes." Rainbow looked at the puffy skin. "Damn, you're right... Fine, I'll get him next time." "Y'know, in hindsight, I also don't think its a good idea, RD." Applejack admitted. "Did he ever get ya back fer those brownies?" "Oh... Shit..." Rainbow put down her hoof. "Well... he leaves in two days so maybe he forgot about it?" "Eeh, I doubt it... Remember when Applejack told us he got her new horseshoes?" Fluttershy thought back. "Yeah, I remember that." Applejack nodded. "I barely even remember when I told him I got a new set is passin'. But six weeks later, he said he could make me a new set." She showed off her hooves. "Works like a charm too! Best set I've had in years!" "Damn, he made you a set himself?" Rainbow asked. "Eeyup! Put em' on too!" Applejack gloated. Rainbow chuckled a little. "You know, I would congratulate you, but I don't think he knows what that gesture means. Heh, I remember having to explain to him what 'ride my tailwind' means." Applejack couldn't help but laugh at that, though was slightly embarrassed as well. "Heheh, well... guess I misunderstood his gesture. Colts are confusin'." Fluttershy spoke up, fitting into the conversation. "Had me worried there..." Applejack gave her a look. "What, you like 'em?" "AJ, half the town likes Skystrike. It's really easy to figure out who." Rainbow sat down, realizing that the three of them were going to be here for a while. Applejack and Fluttershy sat down too, both having small expressions of embarrassment as the girl talk started. "W-well... Maybe?" Fluttershy answered. "He's... one of the nicest guys I've ever met, but I've never... liked a pony before." Rainbow snickered. "You only know like, three. And one is your brother, and the other is your dad." "I mean... that's one more than you." Fluttershy clapped back, making Applejack laugh. "But I don't know what he likes, or... what competition I might have." Rainbow laid down, putting her head on Skystrike's side. "Well, from what Tethys told me, who heard from Stardust, Pinkie is going for him. You could probably figure out something with her... and Zecora and Tethys have a history with them. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to shoot their shots." Applejack thought about what she said. "Damn, that is quite a bit of competition... Think ya can be a wingmare, Rainbow?" Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. "...Normally, I'd help you and Fluttershy out, but I don't want to be on the bad end of whoever loses between you two and Pinkie." Applejack stammered. "I-I never said anythin' about me." "AJ, he told me he hyped you up like two months ago, yet every time we have talks about colts we like, you don't name anypony. Like I said, it's really obvious to tell who likes him." She leaned in more on Skystrike. "...You know, he's really comfortable... reminds me of when we were younger." "Oh right, I remember you said something about you bein' his foster family." Applejack laid down too. "I only met him briefly at some camp. What was he like as a foal?" Fluttershy thought back. "Well, he was really quiet... Almost as quiet as me. He was also really... well, I wouldn't say angry, but... easily annoyed? It makes since, knowing what we know now. But he always looked out for me an Rainbow." She giggled a bit at a memory. "I remember one time that I forgot my lunch at home and he gave me his." "Well, that's nice an' all, but I don't get how that's a big deal?" Rainbow chuckled. "Have you seen how much this guy can eat? Food is like gold to him..." Fluttershy laughed. "He almost cried when he gave it to me." Applejack and Rainbow laughed along side her. The former wanted to git back to the girl talk though. "You know, Fluttershy, if yer serious about Skystrike, we could help each other out~." Fluttershy hid her face behind her hair. "W-well... I'm... not against it. But what about Pinkie?" "We've got plenty of time to figure that out." Rainbow Dash joined back in with a yawn. "Well, I wish you girls luck. But... if you want my advice, I'd say wait until after the gala. Because... you know... Blueblood." The three of them sighed as they remembered what Skystrike told them about him, and his plan for revenge. "...I'm just gonna ask the obvious question, ya think we should stop him?" Applejack asked as she moved over next to Rainbow Dash, taking the one chance she'd probably get to cuddle. Rainbow thought on it for a little while. "Well, knowing everything that Blueblood did to him, his family, and his friends... personally, we should ask if we should stop him, and if we could stop him." "Y'know, he never told Fluttershy and I the full story 'bout what he did. We just know that if Skystrike hates him, he must be pretty bad." Applejack took her hat off and put it on her chest. "Yeah, I'd like some more context too. If you know, I mean..." Fluttershy looked to Rainbow. "So, from what he told me, basically he tried to kill his family, which is why he fakes his death, then later, tried to kill his mercenary group." Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash in disbelief. "Ya serious?" Rainbow Dash nodded. "I ain't stoppin' him then... if anypony came after mah family, you'd have to peel me off of 'em..." "Shitty part about it is that because Blueblood is royalty, he got away with everything. Apparently Skystrike has some grand plan to make him spill the beans." "Well... I won't stop him either... I don't know enough to truly judge what's right or wrong here." Fluttershy admitted, trotting over and curling up next to the three. "...This is nice. I get why he fell asleep." Applejack and Rainbow Dash yawned with Fluttershy. The three talked for a bit more before drifting into a short nap. Skystrike awoke in the early afternoon, surprised at Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy lying on him. He chuckled to himself. Even asleep, he had dat rizz. But now he had two problems. One, if he moved, he'd wake up the girls, and two, his legs fell asleep from the three lying on them. He imagined that this is what TV screen static felt like. With perfect timing Tethys landed nearby and the two made eye contact. She gave a knowing smirk. "You like... girls~!" "Nuh uh! Nuh uh!" Skystrike said before the two started laughing. Then Skystrike yawned. "Well, I can tell from the sun that I slept for like five hours... and I'm still tired." "Can't you use your magic to make yourself not tired?" Skystrike yawned again. "I've been doing that... more specifically, I speed up my metabolism so all the food I eat gets converted to energy faster. I still need sleep... and honestly, I've been up for the past four days..." Tethys laid down next to him. "It is a beautiful day... I don't blame you for dozing off." She put her hands behind her head. A long but comfortable silence let itself in as they stared at the clouds. She pulled on her sweater neck a bit. "...Hey, Skystrike, serious question... Why did you help me those years ago? Most creatures would've just... ended me there and bought home a boat load of money." Damn, that was a serious question. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, I don't mind telling you, but can I ask what brings up this question all of a sudden?" Tethys hummed. "Well... my race, and especially my clan, is very prideful. Survival of the fittest and all of that. It took me a while to learn from you all to accept help, and even longer to ask for it. But... you just did it to someone you've never met. It goes against my nature, I couldn't imagine anyone else doing it." "Well, I kinda get that. To answer your question, I didn't really need a reason to help ponies. It's just my philosophy, to leave this world better than I found it. If I see someone that needs help, and I have the ability to help, why not help?" "And you... didn't do it to expect something down the line?" Skystrike shook his head. "Of course not. It'd go against everything I stand for... Whole reason I came here was for that chance at freedom. I wouldn't deny it from another being, lest they were like, straight up scum." The two laid in silence for a bit longer before Skystrike spoke again. "Well, I didn't tell you the whole truth... I also saw a bit of you in me back then. Someone with nowhere to turn to, feeling as if the whole world is against them. Didn't want you to go through that alone like I did." "Oh, well... thanks, Skystrike. It means a lot. You know, I always ask you all of these questions, but you barely have any to ask me." Tethys rolled on her stomach. He looked at her. "I mean... yeah you're right. Just figured that I'd ask when the topic came up. Hell, I didn't know you were a mammal until like, three months ago." "I have boobs, dumbass." Tethys teased. "I mean, we don't have dragons where I'm from. The closest thing we have to you would be like, a komodo dragon or a Tegu lizard. The former is the only warm blooded lizard to be discovered... Actually, you, and a lot of other races, were just myths and legends." "Really? How close am I to those legends?" "Pretty spot on in modern terms." Skystrike snickered. "In the past, people wanted to discover dragons, prove their existence. Now, you'll find more people who fetishize them..." Tethys made a face of mild disgust. "Ew... why?" "Well, as society's morals fall down into the depths of hell, sexual degeneracy rises rampantly... Honestly, they're about the same as here, but... you know, you and every other race here is real, and not a figment of imagination." "Eh, to each their own." Tethys shrugged and laid her head on her arms. "I'm going to take a nap too." "Cool. I'm still sleepy." Skystrike said as he went back to sleep. One day until departure. Skystrike and Spike were currently having their guy time, sitting in the sauna at the spa. How the dragon was able to shrug off the heat was astounding to Skystrike, and honestly, he was a bit jealous about how he could do it so naturally. "Hey Nebula, do you think that you could bring me back something cool from your travels?" Spike asked. Skystrike sat up and raised the hot towel off of his eyes to look at the dragon. "Yeah, what do you have in mind?" "I don't know, I haven't thought that far." Spike admitted. Skystrike laughed as the baby dragon continued. "Uh... I like board games. Maybe some from different places... Oh! Maybe some dice too! I've been starting a collection." "Sure kid... Hey, you still got my house key, right?" Spike nodded at his question. "In the living room, the new rug I got actually has a built in teleporter. You can set the destination to be the mage tower in Canterlot, or the storage area in the Wind Waker. Under the rug is a manual that Casta Spell wrote. If anything happens, or you or our friends just want to visit, just use the teleporter." Spike poured water onto the coals. "Alright... At least I can visit you then. You said you'll be gone two months?" "Uh huh, three at the longest." "I'll miss you." Spike admitted. "I will too, but don't worry, I'll be back before the Gala." Skystrike pat Spike on the head. The two talked about the mundane for a bit more, continuing through the massage and hooficures before the two left, satisfied. Skystrike walked Spike home, but then Spike stopped at the door. "Hey, can I ask you for something?" "Shoot." "Can we spar? We haven't in a long while. I want to see if I got better." Skystrike could tell by the look in Spike's eyes that he was serious. And moreso, he had something to prove to himself. "Sure. And just so you know, when you challenge someone, you have to decide the place. So, where will it be?" Spike thought for a moment. "Well... how about in front of town hall in an hour?" Skystrike nodded. "So, you want to put on a show. Alright then. I'll see you in an hour then. And remember, the most important part of duels?" Spike smirked. "The intro!" "You're god damn right." Skystrike said as if he had the power of an old white man with a goatee. No more words needed to be shared between the two as Skystrike flapped his wings, taking off towards his house. He had to admit, Spike has grown so much. It felt like when an older brother first teaches the younger brother a new game he's a pro at. Of course, Skystrike was going to hold back a lot. Had to give Spike some confidence. But he couldn't hold back too much, else Spike would notice. He gave Tethys, Stardust, and Zecora quick run downs on what was happening. The three left quickly to get spots in the crowd that would soon come. Skystrike put on his armor and grabbed one of his swords, fastening the scabbard around his waist and sheathing the blade. He rolled his neck and began walking back to town. Each pony he passed gave wary, yet interested looks as they followed him. Damn, word gets around really fast. Skystrike stopped his walking right in front of Town Hall. He could've sworn half the town was there to watch. "So... you've come..." He heard a voice. He looked around to spot it, triangulating the voice by looking up at the very tip of the building. Spike stood, his cape flowing in the wind as he held his staff in one claw. Holy shit, Skystrike had to admit, he looked fucking cool. "You already know. You got your lines?" Spike turned to face him. "Hmm... the wind is in our favor today..." Spike extended the blade in his staff, throwing the now scythe up. Once the spinning weapon reached its peak, the baby dragon jumped into the air. Crescent Moon dug its blade into the ground. Spike breathed his fire breath as did multiple front flips before landing on the hilt. The fire vortex around him dissipated as he stood up straight. He pumped a fist, as an hour of trial and error allowed him to land that. The crowd stomped their hooves for him "Now then, ready?" "Yeah, but you gotta say your intro quote." Skystrike made the ok hand with his metal arm. "Nailed the intro, don't get me wrong, but these ponies watching are gonna remember how hard your quote goes." "Hmm..." Spike understood what he meant, quickly thinking of one. He pulled his scythe out the ground and twirled it in his hands, stopping with the blade pointing at Skystrike. "Might as well stop breathing... you wont be needing that anymore!" Skystrike chuckled himself a little. "Alright Spike, I can tell you're serious... Pray to whatever god you must, but know..." Skystrike drew his sword with his right forehoof, and stood up. He swung it several times, the speed being so fast that one could miss it if they blinked. Finally, he held his sword straight up, blocking his eyes with it before turning the blade to stare down Spike. "I won't be listening." The crowd roared at his quote. "OH MY GOD, THEY'RE'S SO BUCKING COOL!" A filly shouted, then a loud thwack was heard as a hoof collided with a head, making the crowd laugh. Spike chuckled a bit too. "Well, if you don't mind..." Spike dashed forward and swung his scythe. "I'll be taking the first move!" Skystrike put his sword out in front of him, the two boys clashing blades. They looked into each others eyes as they smiled before pushing off of each other. Spike was glad he could put his practice to use, shooting fire balls at Skystrike. The pegasus slashed through each, and was a bit surprised, but mostly impressed that Spike used the smoke from the explosions to get closer, jumping into the air and slashing at Skystrike's neck. He ducked under it and went for an upwards slash of his own, but Spike used his tail blade to parry it, jumping backwards. Skystrike clapped his hooves together. "Pretty good, Spike! Now, let's see what you can really do!" Skystrike dashed forward and swung down at Spike, making the the dragon narrowly dodge it, spinning and trying to hit Skystrike with the blunt of his weapon. The pegasus had to jump over it and pull his sword out of the ground, then did a spin to slice at Spike. Spike was ready though, and put out the handle to block it. With the opening he had, Spike breathed fire at Skystrike. He had to block it with a hoof before he jumped back and waved off the heat. Maybe he was a bit too lax on how he was dealing with Spike... He always taught him to use his mind first, and his weapon second. Skystrike stood up straight and focused a bit more, rolling his neck before taking it more seriously. Skystrike lunged at Spike with a heavy overhead swing again. Spike was a bit surprised at him using the same move twice, side stepping and preparing to counter. But what Spike didn't expect was the faint. Instead of Skystrike's sword digging into the ground, he spun on his hoof and the blade collided with Spike's chest. Spike slid back a few feet, then looked up at Skystrike before tightening his grip and coughing. The two stared down each other for a few moments. Then Spike began walking towards his opponent. "Nebula!" "Ho? You're approaching me?" Skystrike spread his forehooves our wide. "I can't beat the crap out of you without getting closer." Spike answered. "Oho! Then... come as close as you like!" Skystrike laughed as he began taking steps towards the dragon. They both gave off a menacing aura, the crowd even thinking they saw purple characters floating around them. The two stopped in front of each other, analyzing one another. "ORA!" Spike slashed at Skystrike, only for Skystrike to knock it back with his own blade. The two clashed several times over, sparks flying as they shouted at each other. "ORA ORA ORA!" "AHAHAHAA! USELESS!" Skystrike laughed as their clashes continued. The two boys rushed at each other and clashed again. The vibrations in both of their wrists made them both drop their weapons, flying into the air before digging themselves into the dirt. The crowd went silent as the two stared at each other. The black borders narrowed around their eyes to show the seriousness of the situation. At the same time, each dove to the side, grabbing the closest weapon to them. Spike grabbed the sword, while Skystrike grabbed the scythe. The two realized their mistake as they gave each other small smirks. Spike could barely even hold Skystrike's blade as it dragged along the ground, while the scythe Skystrike held was too small. Even trying to hold it with two hooves, his hooves touched, so he just awkwardly held it like an ice cream cone. Despite this, the two charged at each other with battle cries. When they awkwardly clashed, there wasn't even a satisfying sound. The two took a small break. "Switch?" Skystrike offered. "Haha! Yeah!" Spike nodded. Spike and Skystrike threw each other their weapons back. They danced around each other for a time, feinting, parrying, and blocking each others attacks before pushing off each other, and once again, having a stare down. Skystrike could tell that, although tired, Spike was getting a bit cocky. That smile of excitement never left his face- hol up. The crowd around him began cheering for Spike as he emoted. He clapped his hands together, then moon walked in place as he moved his hands up and down. Then he pointed at Skystrike before crossing his arms. This motherfucker just default danced on him. Skystrike couldn't help but laugh at the taunt as ponies around them pushed Spike to keep going. But he also wasn't going to let it slide, busting a move of his own, the Gangnam Style. The crowd cheered for him too, laughing at the two jokesters. They decided to go back to their fight, Spike spewing fireballs at Skystrike, who gracefully dodged them with back flips, cartwheels, and spins. Then, he landed in front of Spike and parried the swipe at his legs. Spike wasn't done yet though, jumping up and wrapping his body around Skystrike's head. Spike opened his mouth to charge the biggest fireball he could above the two of them, it being almost double the size of the baby dragon. "KAMIKAZEE!!!" Spike yelled at the top of his lungs before biting downs on the fireball. Skystrike let out the manliest scream he could muster, as the scream turned into laughter as the two exploded. The watchers backed up from the heat and the smoke with baited breath. Once the smoke settled, the onlookers saw as the two boys were lying on the floor. Skystrike got yamcha'd, curled up in a ball the crater next to Spike, who looked like he died in a family guy cutaway gag. The two groaned as they slowly pushed themselves off of the ground. Skystrike shook his body to get the dirt of and slowly, painfully turned to look at Spike. "...There's only one way to end this..." Spike coughed as he did the same. His voice was coarse from all the fire he breathed. "...Guess you're right..." The two limped over to each other and pulled back closed fist. "ROCK! PAPER!! SCISSORS!!!" They shouted at each other as they threw their choices forward. Skystrike threw paper, and Spike threw scissors. The dragon grinned at his victory as he made a flicking motion at Skystrike's chest. The pegasus, in all of his acting glory, made a show to throw himself backwards, rolling on the ground a bit before stopping on his side with a skid. The ponies cheered and laughed at the act, laughing even more when Spike shuffled over and held him down with a single finger. After a moment, Rainbow Dash jumped in and did a belly flop as she slammed a forehoof on the ground, signaling the end of the dual. They all roared with laughter at the best thing they've seen in a while. Skystrike got up and held Spike in the air at his victory. "Damn kid, you did great! Was not expecting the kamikaze. While risky, it was smart, and pretty effective! You learn quick too! First time I've used a parry on you and you immediately started doing the same!" "Yeah, I've... been practicing with Tethys and Stardust. They're really good sparring partners. Are you ok by the way?" Skystrike chuckled. "I'm fine. I'll be sore for a bit, but you didn't do any serious damage. I'd be more worried about Twilight talking our ears off... I did hit you a few times and... you did blow us both up." "SPIKE!" The two heard Twilight yell with a stomp of her hoof. "...Nebula, get me out of here!" "Spike, this was your idea. All I did was enable it... Fuck, that doesn't sound much better. Besides, if we ran, you're gonna have a shit time when you get home." "Yeah I guess..." Spike said as Skystrike let him down. The two got ready for a lecture. "I figured you let him win." Mayor Mare said as she looked up from her drink. Skystrike sat with the normal group of Mayor Mare, Cheerilee, Snowheart, and Redheart. Then she laughed. "Must say, that was a great show. Exciting and funny." Skystrike nodded. "Yeah, you think I'd beat up a child?" He took a sip of his own. "But Spike has potential. If he wanted to, he could be a guard or something." Snowheart joined in on the conversation. "You know, I could see him being a guard. Surprised you don't want him to grow up and be like you?" The way she said it was more like a question. Skystrike shook his head. "I'd rather him not turn out like me. There was a lot I had to go through to get to this point, and this job." "If I can ask, why did you decide not to be a guard?" He thought about Snowheart's question. "Well, it's... a bit... well, not difficult to explain, but... I don't know the word for it." Redheart jumped in. "Don't need to explain if you don't want to, Nebula." Skystrike chuckled. "Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine." He took another sip of his drink. "I'll sum it up so we don't have to stay on a sad subject for a while. I used to want to be a guard actually, but a pony I knew used his own political power to make them bend to his will, through bribes and threats and the like... Then that guy tried to kill me. So yeah, corruption. As a bounty hunter, which after a few government requests, counts as a civil servant, I barely have any rules to follow, and no red tape to walk around." "Damn... I'm sorry you had to go through that." Cheerilee looked up from her food. "But it must be nice, not having to go through the legal route all the time." Mayor Mare thought about it for a moment. "Well, sometimes, but it's best to keep it under wraps... but you didn't hear that from me." She whispered as they laughed. Skystrike nodded. "It has it's risks too. You all know by now how I end some beings if needed, or if I deem it necessary. I can give you an example I had to deal with years ago. There was a unicorn in Manehattan that was using an abandoned factory to hide her necromancy research. Of course, that meant that she needed bodies." "Eesh... what did you do?" Redheart asked. "That's the thing. She started by just defiling the local cemetery. If she stuck to just that, it would've just have been a matter of taking her to the guards station for the proper legal process. But then she murdered somepony, as she needed a 'fresh' body. That's when I decided to make her past tense." "But... you had the chance to keep her alive? Also, make her past tense? Really?" Redheart asked. Skystrike laughed. "Well I wanted to be creative. But yeah, I had the option to keep her alive. But at that point, I needed to decide if the risk of keeping her alive was worth it. If she was willing to kill a pony, it was only a matter of time until she got out of prison and did it again. Cut it at the bud, you know?" "I... guess that makes sense." Cheerilee hummed. "But, you don't really seem phased about it." Skystrike sighed. "Well... I've been surrounded by death since I was a foal. It takes a lot to phase me. I more saw it as destiny. Originally, I did feel bad about what I had to do, but then I saw the mare's cutie mark, and it... made me think about a lot of things differently." "What do you mean?" "Well... you for example, Cheerilee. Your mark represents that you want your students to 'bloom' and be happy. Or Mayor Mare's, showing her ability to lead and create different laws and rules for the ponies who live under her. Your cutie mark doesn't define who you are, but it defines what you're best at, or what you wish to happen." Mayor Mare looked up at him. "Uh, where are you going with this?" Skystrike swirled the glass in his hoof. "Well, the mare I had to end, her cutie mark was a conjuration rune with a blue flame, signaling necromancy. I don't condone her actions of course, but... I couldn't help but feel bad for her. It's what her talent was, and she was shunned for it. When I fought her, it more felt like she was playing a role, instead of actually being a bad pony. If she just didn't kill a pony, things may have turned out different for her." Redheart nodded. "I think I get what you're saying... You know, wow, I did not think of it like that. Is a pony really evil, or are they just doing what they're destined for?" "Yeah... that's a bit of the reason why the job sucks sometimes." Skystrike exhaled through his nose. "Some ponies cant help it. But they can help how they let that destiny lead them." Cheerilee couldn't help but think at what was said earlier. "...Oh my gosh, that puts SO much into a different perspective now!" She held her head. "I knew a colt that just had this insane ego, but now thinking of his mark... well he's still an asshole, but maybe he couldn't help it!" Snowheart held her head too. "...Dear Celestia, I think you're right! I think I'm having an existential crisis... Doesn't that mean that... some ponies are just... born to be destined for something?" Skystrike shook his head. "I wouldn't necessarily say that... even though it could be true. But as I thought about it, two questions came to mind for me. One, why do only ponies get cutie marks? And Two, why does one's mark often correlate with their name? You think the ones who raises the sun and moon were just coincidentally named Celestia and Luna?" They all had looks of a deer in head lights, then snapped their heads to look at their marks. "OH MY GOSH!" "Yeah, freaky isn't it?" Skystrike finished his drink. "Honestly, I wouldn't think on it too hard. I got nowhere with my theories." Snowheart stammered. "But-... But that just-... There's so many questions I have to ask! So many that I want to know! If I had a different name, would I have a different mark? Is it really destiny, or is it just... some predetermined fate? Do I just... coincidentally like what I'm talented at?" "Trust me, I ask myself those last two things all the time." Skystrike used his napkin to wipe his face. "But hey, good to see you girls before I go on my travels. I got a few more things to do before I head to bed. Had a good couple Fridays with you all. I'll miss you all, but I'll be back before the gala." He stood up and rolled his joints. "I'll make sure to bring you all back something nice." "Damn, just gonna leave us like this?" Snowheart said with a giggle. "Alright, thanks for stopping by. When you come back, it'll be on us." They all gave their respective goodbyes with a wave as they continued their conversation. He'd have a lot to ask about once he got back. There was one stop he had left before bed. Didn't need to visit the main 6, since they could visit him any time... Vinyl was more than likely home, working on something. She was a night owl after all. Already said bye to Bulk Biceps yesterday, said he was going to visit his mom out of town. Made him think about visiting his mom, Paprika. They write to each other every other week, same with the rest of his siblings, but last he visited was a couple months ago. Skystrike would make sure to visit before the gala. He knocked on the door to Vinyl Scratch's home. Upon listening closer, he could hear faint music playing, so she probably couldn't hear him at all. Luckily, for moments like this, she told him of the key hidden under her doormat. Not a smart place to hide it, but easy to remember, and quick in case of emergencies. With a turn of his hoof, he opened the door to Vinyl's home. Instantly, he began to squint at the number of flashing lights in his eyes. It was painful at first, but as his eyes got used to the mini rave in the house, he saw Vinyl Scratch head banging to the bass boosted music she was playing. How she was able to see Skystrike through the flashing lights, he didn't know, but as they made eye contact through her glasses, she turned off her music. "Oh, Nebula! Thanks for stopping by! Sorry I couldn't let you in." "All good. You were having fun. Just wanted to see you before I left for a while." Skystrike smiled at her and walked up to her DJ setup. She smiled sheepishly at him and straightened her glasses. "Well, thanks dude. Means a lot... We don't really hang out much, I was kinda under the impression that we were more business partners..." Skystrike thought about what she said, and what his previous actions came off as. He put a hoof on the unicorn's shoulder. "Well, let me clarify. I see you as a friend. A good one. If you want to hang out more, I'm up for anything." Her ears perked up. "Ah! Well, if you're free now... well, nevermind. There's not really much for us to do in here..." Vinyl's ears went back down. "I don't... know enough ponies well enough to have them over." "Vinyl, we don't have to do anything. I'm more than happy to just spend time with you." Skystrike said in an attempt to make here feel better. She smiled a bit at that. "Thanks, man... Can... can I hug you?" Skystrike chuckled and pulled her into a big one. She hugged him back. But Skystrike knew there was more to it than that. He looked down at the mare. "Vinyl, be honest with me, and I promise I wont make fun of you. When was the last time you had a friend? A genuine one, not one you talk to because of convenience." She sat there for a bit before answering. "...Middle School." Skystrike sighed. "I get it... Guess I never told you my whole story, and I don't truly have all the time I need to tell you tonight but trust me when I say that I understand how one can get comfortable with loneliness." He sat down, still holding her. "You know, you're welcome to stop by and hang out with me and my friends. And you know Pinkie, she always wants someone to play with." "You already have such good friends. I don't... want to feel like a burden." "Vinyl, you'll never be a burden. Friends aren't burdens, bro. But hey, originally, I just came to drop some stuff off and say goodbye, but I got time to talk about some stuff." Skystrike reached into his saddlebag and pulled out some sheet music. "Something we can talk about. I tried mixing in your style of heavy bass instrumentals and my own style of rap and story telling. I hope for this to be a three part series, but, it gets more interesting with each part. From smooth lo-fi, to synth up beat, to a fast paced high octane synth pop." "That's... a lot. And you plan on rapping over all of that? Actually, hold on. Let me see if it's even possible." She used her magic to float over the stack of papers. With a quick flip through the papers, she hummed. "Well, it is possible, but will be really hard to do. We're still starting out, man. Wait like, I don't know, a year? Gotta perfect the craft." "I completely get it. I haven't even made lyrics yet, I focused on the instrumental." "Well, if that's the case, yeah, this is great. I can probably finish the first one by the time you get back... Going to be a bit lonely without you here." "Well, if you really want to visit, tell Spike you want to see me. He has a key to my home, and there's a teleporter that goes to and from my airship. I don't have magic, so I can't use it, but you can. And I'll make sure to send letters." "...I appreciate that." Vinyl smiled. It was the dawn of the day he was to leave. After spending the later hours of the evening with Vinyl, he decided to just stay up instead of getting two hours of sleep... He should really fix that habit of staying up days on end. Anyway, Tethys, Elytra, and Zecora were finishing packing and moving their stuff onto the ship. Tethys didn't have much, but she wanted to move her hoard onto the ship, it consisting of gold, silver, gems, bits, and a few sentimental items that she gathered over the years. The first set of armor Skystrike made for her, the empty flask of the first potion Zecora made and used on her, oddly, a peace of Elytra's molt, and the like. Skystrike was surprised, and a bit grossed out at that last one. Elytra didn't have much to bring with her, but she had a few choice items. A bean bag chair she got months ago from Pinkie Pie, her royal guard armor and the clothes she had Rarity make, and collection of different potted plants. One that stood out from the rest was a bonsai tree of an english oak, though... twisted, for lack of a better word. Elytra says it helps her stay close to the hive... even if the two were banished. He'd make sure to ask Elytra about it. Zecora bought few things, some decorative masks from her homeland, her cauldron, and some ingredients to make some potions the traditional way. What she was excited most for was all of the new ingredients she could gather and grow from their travels, so she spent the last several days making stacks upon stacks of crop plots in preparation. Skystrike already loaded his stuff on. A few back up weapons just in case his break, a shelf of books from Twilight's library to read to past the time, and to further his understanding of magic. He realized he slacked heavily on the subject as he hid his identity. He also bought a few instruments, including his magic piano he bought months ago. He meant to learn to play, but it just gathered dust. Maybe he and his friends can all do something together. But what he bought that was most important, besides his friends obviously, was his cooking set. Pots, pans, knives, bowls, plates, utensils, seasonings, everything he'd need to make a good meal... He should teach those three how to cook. But that was for later. Right now, Skystrike was looking over the turbines to make sure they were properly calibrated. They were connected correctly, and had armor around the weak points, so there shouldn't be any danger there. Each turbine was a set of two fixed pitch propellers, rotating opposite of each other. Plus, in case there were problems, as long as any two worked, he could still steer the ship. He also double checked that he had replacement parts just in case. "Damn, it took you two months to finish all of this? How'd you do it?" Twilight said from behind him. Skystrike jumped at her sudden appearance. Was he that focused that he didn't notice one mare? Wait, it's everypony! "Damn, I did not hear you all coming... nor was I expecting you all this early." "What, you thought we'd let you leave without saying goodbye?" Rarity said, looking over his ship. "Though, I do wish your ship was more... fashionable. Where are you going exactly with this... intimidating thing?" "Intimidating, sure, but it looks sick as Tartarus!" Rainbow Dash flew around the ship. "Black and blue always goes hard! But yeah, I don't think you ever told us where you all were going?" Skystrike stared off into space. "Oh shit, I didn't... I could've sworn I did, my bad. Basically, I'm going to see a lot of old friends. From my mercenary group. They all went back to their homelands, and only one of them I could get to from train. I'm going to Griffonstone, then Diamondia, then Hippogriffia, then the Dragon Seas. Might take a few stops for pleasure here and there, but I plan to be back before the gala." "Damn, you think you can get to all of those places in two months?" Pinkie asked. "I suck at geography, but even I know those places are far. Griffonstone is at least 5 days by train!" Skystrike slapped the haul of his ship. "Wind Waker can make it to canterlot in two hours. If the wind is in my favor, I can make it to Griffonstone in two days. The main problem is that I don't exactly have set distances for each country." "We'll miss ya, sugarcube." Applejack sighed. "Make sure to take care of yourself." He blinked. "Oh, shit, I really didn't tell you girls anything. Spike has a house key. There's a teleporter in my house that goes from here to the Wind Waker. I may not be able to use it, but you all can. Just send a message through it first, because teleporting on a moving target is dangerous." "Oh... well, that's nice." Fluttershy said. "Then I'll try and visit every once in a while." They all gave their voices in confirmation. Then Skystrike noticed how Rainbow Dash was nervously shuffling in place. "Yo, RD, you good?" "Y-...yeah?" She tried to lie. Applejack called her out though. "She's been anxious the past few days. She thinks ya have some elaborate plan on gettin' her back fer the brownies." Skystrike chuckled. "Wait, seriously? Heh, well she's right." Rainbow's wings froze in place. "Wh-what did you do?" "Nothing yet." Skystrike said as he reached into Pinkie's hair and grabbed her harmonica. "Wha-" Before Rainbow could ask what he was doing, she gagged from the instrument stuffed into her mouth. As she tried to spit it out of her mouth, Skystrike slapped her on her back, right between her wings. A high pitch note came from the harmonica as she screamed into it. Skystrike laughed the hardest he had in a while. "Oh man, that was GREAT!" Twilight couldn't help but laugh a bit. "That was your grand plan?" "Oh, no. I didn't even plan on getting her back, but I was reminded, and the chance was there." Skystrike kept laughing. Then Pinkie slapped Rainbow on her flank, causing another high note, making them all laugh. Rainbow finally spit out the harmonica. "What was that for, Pinkie!?" She rubbed her back. "I wanted one of those brownies too." All of the girls slowly turned to look at her. Even Zecora, Stardust, and Tethys leaned over the railing of the deck of the ship. Rainbow quickly jumped back with the harmonica still in her hands. She groaned at the slight sting from Pinkie and Skystrike's slap. "Ugh... Skystrike, Pinkie, Imma get you for that... You aren't ready for what's gonna happen, because if you two think I'm letting things go after you hit me from behind-" Rainbow realized what she said as there where collective snickers. Pinkie Pie even manifested a hoop and a ball, dunking it with a loud vine boom as she said it. Rainbow Dash looked into the distance with a thousand yard stare. She rubbed her face, trying to pretend it didn't happen as she reworded her statement. "...After you slapped on my ass- The snickers grew louder as Pinkie dunked again, even hitting a pose that'd go on a shoe. Rainbow Dash held her head and looked off into the distance again. It looked as if her soul left her body. She tried again to rephrase. "...After you shot on my back-" She gave up as Pinkie did one final dunk, throwing the harmonica onto the ground in rage. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" What a time to be alive. Skystrike almost fell on the floor laughing. "Ah man... thanks for stopping by, I know it's early. You all know I'm not too good with goodbyes." He pushed in the loading dock and closed the shutter door. "I'll make sure to bring everyone back something nice." Before he could fly up to the ship deck, Pinkie pulled him into a hug. Soon after the rest joined in. Though in the grand scheme of things, it'd only be for a moment, the pain of a goodbye still hurts the same. "I'll miss you all too. Promise to stay safe, and I'll stay safe too." "You got it, Sky! We won't keep ya any longer." Applejack said for the group, trying not to show her sadness. No more words needed to be said, they made their feelings clear. With that, Skystrike jumped into the air and flew onto the deck of the ship, then walked to the bridge. Several levers and buttons were in front of him as he sat down to drive. He pushed a button, giving power to the engines. With a small lever in front of him, hot air was released into the blimp above, raising the Wind Waker off the ground. Two levers on each side controlled the turbines on the respective sides of the ship. Clenching the triggers on each lever, he pulled on the left and pushed on the right, turning the ship once he was high enough above the trees. Normally, one would have someone spot anything in the way, but that's what he had cameras for. Sure, this world had their own versions of cameras, but the civilian grades were magic based, thus not very good. Had to make his own. There were three cameras, one port, one starboard, and one on the rear. The only blind spot was under the ship, since the bridge let him see everything above deck. Once finished turning, Skystrike pushed both arms forward, starting the first step of his journey. He had a few test flights, but still didn't fully trust the auto pilot mode. Even if he tested it, he was still surprised how fast the Wind Waker was. It's barely been a minute, and Ponyvile was in the distance. Tethys, Zecora, and Stardust, who changed into Elytra, All stood with him as they departed. "Oh shit." Skystrike clicked his tongue. "What? Elytra asked. "I never asked if you all get motion sick... If one of you do, we'll stop by a city and get some medicine." He let go of the triggers on the lever and released more hot air into the blimp, raising them higher into the air. "I'm going to do this slowly. Your ears will more than likely pop, the air will get cooler, and it may take a little while for your lungs to get used to the thicker air. Tell me if any of you get light headed." Skystrike let go of the triggers on the levers, locking them in place. He let go and took off his sweatshirt, and turned into his human form, stretching in his chair. The sweatpants got tighter, and much shorter, showing the lower half of his shins. He shook out his hair a bit and stood up. Elytra looked over him with her bug like eyes. "You know, I forget how big you've gotten. Hard to believe you were this tiny little guy no taller than here." She held out her hoof just below her head. "Let me tell you, when I saw you again, I did not expect some giant!" Skystrike couldn't help but snicker at the memory. Zecora smiled a bit too. "I yearn to glimpse his visage of yore, do you possess a picture to explore?" Elytra nodded, quickly running off, then back with a small picture book in her magic. Now Skystrike was a bit interested. "How'd you even get pictures of me? I barely remember we had cameras?" She changed her grip from her mouth to her magic. "Magic imaging. Works the same as cameras in a sense. A changeling has to see something, then projects that memory onto a surface. I did it a lot when we grew up. The hard part is getting a third person perspective from a first person memory." They all gathered around Elytra to see the pictures. "We didn't know Skystrike's birthday, so we just had it be on the day he came to the hive." She pointed to one. "This was on his first birthday in the hive, being about nine." She pointed to a picture with herself hugging a human Skystrike, surrounded by changelings, a younger Chrysalis, and Khrusalis, the former queen. It bought him back. To better times. "Man, that was... 17 years ago. Time really do be passin' by... Heh, good times." Each of them did a double take, then a triple as they looked back and forth between him and the picture. Tethys grinned. "There's no way that little guy in that photo is you! You were so cute!" "I know! Just look at those cheeks aglow! And that tiny nose, oh so dainty in tow!" Zecora looked closer at the image. "It's a bit weird, seeing how different I look back then." Skystrike nodded. "Damn, there's some old faces I haven't seen in a while." Tethys flinched a bit. "Elytra, I don't mean to sound racist..." "But?" Skystrike and Elytra said before laughing. "...You changelings all look the same to me." Tethys admitted. Zecora sheepishly nodded with her. "Oh, don't worry about it." Elytra laughed some more. "Skystrike had the same problem for a while when he came to the hive. If you want to know how we tell each other apart, we do it by scent. Each changeling has a different smell, so we just memorize who smells like what." Tethys leaned down and sniffed Elytra with her large nostrils, taking in a few whiffs. "Hmm... I never noticed. I'll just remember that you smell like flowers." Elytra sniffed her self in embarassment. "Huh, well thanks. Good to know I smell good." She laughed at a memory. "As a foal, Skystrike said I smelled funny." They all snickered. Skystrike put his hands up. "In my defense, I didn't learn about what flowers were until like, a year after I said that." Zecora giggled. "How could you not know the scent of a flower's delight? It's fragrant aroma, a wonder to alight?" He stared at the Zebra. "Zecora, I'm not upset or anything since you didn't know. But everything in the lab was simulated. I didn't even know what the sun was until I broke out." "Oh... I'm sorry." Zecora didn't even bother to rhyme. "Don't worry about it. I never told you. Moving back on topic, changeling's sense of smell is dozens of times stronger than mine, so It was very hard to tell the changelings apart. I had to start playing really close attention to tell." Skystrike picked up the book in his hand and began pointing at each changeling. "Next to me is Elytra, who's band things on her belly are further apart than the normal changeling. Next to her it Thorax, his fangs are a bit longer. Teeko has a thicker horn, Nimble has a longer neck fin." "I'm surprised you still remember all their names." Elytra said. "Doesn't matter what happened between us, or what they blame me for, they're still my family... Honestly, even I'm surprised how many names I remember. I remember almost every one of their names." Elytra shook her head. "No way! There were like 200 of us in just our subsection of the hive!" "Subsections?" Tethys asked. "Oh right... Sorry, I forget how much of isolationists my kind are. So, Skystrike and I were part of the Royal section, so the changelings around us were the most loyal and trusted by the former queen Khrusalis. We got their through our rankings, our achievements, and of course, immediate family. On the lower levels were the Canopy, Under Story, and then the Shrubs. For a pony equivalent, I guess it's like... nobles, upper class, and lower to middle class. The lower the class, the more changelings." Skystrike nodded as he continued her explanation. "We mostly spoke with the Royals and Canopy changelings. Though from time to time, I would go to the lower levels and see what all happened. Khrusalis told me it was best to mingle with those of lower class, since they're the same as the rest of us." Elytra sighed. "Sad to say, after her passing, and before I was sent to get you, I noticed that all the changelings in the Canopy were... I was told they 'left' but they were kicked out to the Shrubs. They were still loyal to Khrusalis, and you." Skystrike sighed with her. "Damn... I'm grateful they did but... wish they didn't put themselves in danger. Wonder what happened to them." "Most left the hive, hoping to find a better life outside the walls of pulp... Actually, I helped quite a few integrate into pony society. For safety reasons, we keep in contact through code, but from my memory, they're in the smaller towns and cities. I don't remember all of their names, but a few moved to Trottingham, Dodge City, and Sire's Hollow." "Oooh, we're actually going to fly over Trottingham on our way to Griffostone. Want to see if they're still there?" "Sure!" Elytra beamed. Zecora nodded. "I haven't journeyed north in this vast land's sweep, but I'm keen to explore, to take a peep." Tethys shrugged. "Sure, I'm down. Hopefully the welcome isn't like the last... few..." They all gave a annoyed groans. As individuals, and even more so as a group of misfits, they weren't given warm welcomes when they were together. Skystrike shook it off. "We'll be fine. I asked Celestia and Luna for a royal pardon. They can't deny us service anymore." "That's kinda scummy, but fair. But hey, lets go back to the pictures. Elytra, you got anything embarrassing?" They spent time with each other for a while longer until it turned to late evening. They just passes Fillydelphia four hours ago. They'd be at Trottingham by noon the next day. But for now, Skystrike and Elytra were on the hunt for dinner. They were finally able to eat meat without hiding it, and Skystrike wanted to make something special for their first trip. Tethys and Zecora were with the ship, it suspended in the clouds above them, out of sight from any onlookers. The human and changeling both had their armors on. Skystrike remembered how light and mobile it seemed on his human form. He really missed being able to walk sideways. He was also glad he took into account his human body shape as he made his pony armor. While he wasn't as heavily armored, as his shoulders, hands, lower torso, and ankles were showing, they were more than offset by the mobility and flexibility he had. Elytra was giving her new armor a test, using her magic to go in and out of invisibility while buzzing around in the air. "Damn, Skystrike, you know how to make armor. I couldn't imagine anything this nice in the guard or the hive." She climbed onto the side of a pine tree. Skystrike carefully moved forward to not make any sounds as he whispered back. "Thanks, glad you like it. Honestly, I forget you like meat. You don't have to eat it to survive. But remember, this is for a meal, and to test that railgun." She looked to the long hunk of steel on her back, watching it turn as she turned her head. "Oh, right... How... powerful is this, exactly?" "I made it strong enough to take down anything the size of a Ursa Major in one shot on a full charge. You'd need to be on all fours and on stable ground to handle that recoil. Lucky for you, you can charge it partially, so there'll be much less recoil... Let's test it." "Wh- Right now?" Skystrike jumped onto a tree in the distance, about 100 meters away from where Elytra hung on a tree. At Skystrike's position, he picked up a stone and surrounded it in a small light before jabbing it into the side of a tree. Jumping back, Skystrike picked up Elytra and bought her to a thick branch to sit on. "See where that light is? I'll teach you how to hit it, just work with me." She took in a deep breath. "Alright... what do I do?" "First, we're going to start off by just making sure you have the stance right. Since you're a changeling, I took into account all terrains. Plant all four hooves on the ground, then look at the target." Skystrike said. Elytra got into position, though jumped slightly at Skystrike touching her legs. "Back legs should be a bit farther apart, shoulders down slightly, and back straight. All the recoil is going to be distributed through your hips, so prepare for that." She stood there for a moment, making sure she had the stance down. "Alright... I think I got this part." Skystrike nodded. "Great, now, this is just for safety. The railgun goes 1,000 meters per second uncharged. As you get closer to a full charge, that speed grows exponentially to 8,000. That means it's going to take 0.1 seconds to hit that tree. Literally, if they blink, they'll feel the magic hit them before they can process what hit them." "Exponentially? You know I was never good at math." Elytra huffed. Skystrike looked at her. "Well, sounds like we have something to do while we travel." Elytra cursed under her breath. "Basically, it means that the rate at which the bullet speed grows increases itself the longer you charge it. If you still don't get it, then it's time for a field test. Aim at the tree, then flick your tail- er, tail fin downward." Elytra took in a deep breath and focused on the tree, hearing the whirring of her weapon as it turned toward the marked tree. She focused her breathing, making sure she was on target before flicking her tail fin. A small ball of raw magic formed between the rails of the railgun, while simultaneously, the rails charged the magic with electricity, accelerating the magic down the rifle at amazing speeds. Like Skystrike said, before she could even blink, the weapon fired a hole straight through the rock next to the tree. "Damn..." "You were off by about 5 feet. Remember that your railgun is on your right side, so you have to aim slightly left." "Yeah, just... Not used to using magic without my horn, let alone the magic not being centered at my forehead." Elytra made the same motions and shot again. This time, she at leased grazed the right side of the team."...Getting better at least." "Don't beat yourself up over it." Skystrike patted the back of her neck. "I see your problem though. You're changing the position of your hips before you even fire. Don't tense up too much." He helped her git into position again. "Ready... aim... fire." Elytra did so, hitting the glowing rock, shooting a hole straight through the tree. "Yyyyyyyaaahoo!" Skystrike couldn't help but try and hide his laugh from her little celebration. "N-nice job! Pfft- you got the hang on it pretty quick!" "Thanks to you, Sky!" He rubbed her neck. "Ready for the real thing?" Elytra stopped to think about it, then hesitantly nodded. "You know, never asked. Have you ever killed something before?" "Yeah, I'm not a green horn." She smirked. "Good, didn't really want to have that talk now..." Skystrike stood up straight on the branch they were on. "Follow me, I saw tracks of an Ophiotaurus." He said before jumping to a neighboring tree. Elytra flapped her bug-like wings to follow him. "An Ophio what?" Skystrike jumped silently between the trees. "Upper body of a bull, lower body of a serpent. Think of a Medusa version of a Minotaur." "This seems... interesting. Is it sentient? Nevermind, we wouldn't be hunting them unless they weren't... Does it turn from beef to reptile meat gradually, or is it like, a cut off?" "Actually, I was surprised when it was beef all the way through. We're going to play it safe. They're highly agile, and they travel solo. They aren't the apex predators here, so they will be on their guard." The two traveled a bit farther before Skystrike motioned for her to stop. "Straight ahead, roughly 200 meters." Elytra looked at the creature. It's black scales made it blend in with its surroundings as it crawled along the ground, sniffing for it's next meal. It stood up straight to look around, showing it's bright orange underbelly. "Take the shot if you think you can land it. Your safety is off, and it's in lethal mode. Aim for the head, we don't want it to suffer." Elytra focused once more, positioning herself to make sure she didn't miss this time. Inhale. Exhale. Tense up, but not too much. Spread the legs apart, aim... and then she fired. She made sure to watch as the head of the Ophiotaurus popped off. She was slightly off put by how easy it was... No, she was more disgusted by the lethality of it. "Guh..." She gagged. "Weren't joking about it being lethal..." Skystrike jumped down an ran up to the body. Blood and brain matter was scattered on the forest floor. He thanked the beast for the use it would have, from its hide, to its flesh, to its bones. Focusing wind into his hands, he made an air vacuum at the exposed neck of the once majestic beast. It drained the liters of blood out of the beast before Skystrike reached into his bags and put some of the blood into an empty jar. Zecora would use it for some potions, or at least have fun studying its properties. He pushed down his hands, using magic to cover the rest of the blood and splattered organs in a few feet of dirt. With some rope, he tied up the corpse to carry back to the ship in his arms. Elytra looked back at where she killed the beast before talking with Skystrike. "Hey, what was that prayer you did? Didn't take you to be a religious one." Skystrike sighed. "It wasn't a prayer to any specific deity, more so to the Ophiotaurus itself. I was never one for needless death. Though it wasn't exactly needless, since we need to eat, I still do it. The creature deserves at least some kind of send off, and a thanks for the use it will have for us. It's why I like to make things quick for those who deserve it. It was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." "...You know, you've changed a lot since you were a foal. Well, human foal or whatever word that is. It was... Imma just say it, really unsettling how used to death you were, and your complete disregard for life back then. But... you've grown. Things aren't black and white anymore. You see the value of the lives you take, no matter how little." Elytra flew up and and wrapped her hooves around the back of his neck. "I'm proud... my baby brother's really grown up." He couldn't help but crack a smile. "Thanks, Elytra. I'm glad too. Thanks for sticking with me for this long, for believing in me, through thick and thin." "It's what I'm here for. What we're here for. I just wish I could've been there for more." "Don't worry about the past. We got a future to focus on." Skystrike, Elytra, Zecora, and Tethys all sat around a large open fire. Skystrike pushed at the coals to make the fire spread as the upper half of the Ophiotaurus spun over it. Of course, Skystrike made sure to remove the organs before seasoning it, putting the entrails aside for later use, along with the snake-like half of the beast. The griffons would enjoy the parts. The skin wasn't exactly edible with how tough it was, so he and Tethys skinned it too. While Skystrike and Elytra watched the beast cook, Zecora and Tethys worked on making the side dishes, some fruits and vegetables they gathered prior. Zecora continued the small talk they were having as she cut up the vegetables. "The question unasked, now let us unwind. What is each one's favorite dish to find?" Elytra hummed in thought. "Well... I'm not sure you all can relate, me being a changeling and all, but Love, specifically from platonic relationships for me. The ones from romantic relations are a bit too sweet and gooey for me." Tethys blinked. "Wait, different emotions have different tastes?" Skystrike looked at her too, leaning on his leg. "Yeah, I wasn't aware of this either?" Elytra nodded as she explained. "Yeah. Like... sorry, trying to think of equivalents. They all range, depending on how strong the emotion is. Sadness tastes... watery? Like if you're drinking fruit punch, but you have a little left all the ice melted and mixed in. Envy tastes sour, anger tastes spicy, and happiness tastes sweet." Tethys chuckled. "Why was sadness so specific, but makes so much sense? Also, I don't think I've ever seen you actually eat emotions?" "That's because I go out of my way to hide it... It's... not something I show to beings. I literally drain the magic out of a being. I'll show you if you want?" Tethys and Zecora nodded. "Skystrike, can I...?" Skystrike nodded too, walking up to and kneeling down in front of the changeling. Elytra opened her eyes wide and her mouth wider. Her fangs glistened under the moonlight as a light pink energy left Skystrike's body to enter her mouth. Elytra made sure to get her fill, feeding for a few long seconds before closing her mouth. Zecora was wide eyed. "Did... I just see your jaw break free? Or was it a trick of the eye I see?" "That was unsettling as Tartarus, but also kinda cool, I'm not even going to lie. But yeah, I get why you don't show it." Tethys put a hand over her heart. "Damn... you're one of the first creatures to creep me out, girl! Damn!" Skystrike had a thought. "Wait a minute... Oh my god! Why didn't we think of this before!?" He face palmed before picking up the changeling. "Elytra!" She hung there, confused. "Y-yeah?" "You can drain my mana!" Slowly, one by one, they all realized what that meant. "By the Pantheon this is amazing!" She put up her hooves to hug him. Tethys picked both of them up in her arms. "You're damn right it is! Who knew the solution was right under our snouts!?" Zecora jumped on Tethys' back, making them all fall over. "This is great, and to find out not a moment to late!" Skystrike couldn't help but hug them all back. They laid there for a few moments before he broke the silence. "...My favorite dish is prime sirloin." There was another silence, then each one of them broke out into a long laughter. "You're so fucking stupid!" Tethys slapped hear tail on the ground. Skystrike laughed some more before clearing his throat. "Elytra, don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for what we just found out, but lets not immediately jump into it. I don't know what overfeeding will do to you, or what feeding on me specifically for a while will do." She shrugged as she looked through the trees at the starry night sky. "Well, we changelings can't exactly overeat. But legends say that the last changeling who overfed on one they deemed close was able too molt, and gain enough power to rival the queen at the time. But that was... I don't know, over twenty generations ago? Either way, you get to live longer." "And... you're ok with potentially becoming a queen of a new hive?" "Who said anything about a hive?" Elytra looked at him. "I just want you alive. If I get a new form, so be it." Skystrike sighed. "I just... don't want you to do anything you could regret." "That's life, man. You've sacrificed enough. Let me help you out at least." Elytra said as she got up. "Now can we eat? My meat stomach is growling, and I want to try this Ophio." Skystrike chuckled as he got up, grabbing a knife and cutting off a rack of ribs for the changeling. He forgets at times that they also need physical food to survive. Elytra quickly ran up to him and sat down, holding a plate up with her magic. He put the ribs on her plate, and Zecora her fruits and vegetables. They waited until everyone was served. Both Tethys and Skystrike got themselves the arms of the Ophiotaurus. Even Zecora got a few small cuts of it to try. They all sat down around the fire and began to eat, thanking each other for helping with the cooking. As the flames danced and flickered, casting shadows against the darkened forest, the four sat in a circle around the crackling fire pit, their faces illuminated by its warm glow. The scent of sizzling beef and roasted vegetables filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the surrounding woods. They eagerly scarfed down the tender pieces of meat and colorful veggies and fruits, chatting animatedly about the mundane. Between bites of savory food, they reminisced about their separate childhood adventures and shared tales of laughter and mischief. Each memory sparked laughter and nods of recognition, evoking a sense of nostalgia that enveloped them like a comforting blanket. Amidst the crackling of the fire and the chirping of nocturnal creatures, their bond grew stronger as they relived cherished moments from years gone by. Skystrike tore the flesh from his meal and chewed. "Oh, Elytra, before we left Ponyville, I remember you packing a small tree. What was that about?" "Right, you weren't too keen on history. It was a bonsai tree I've been taking care of for the past few years. Apparently, the elders say that long, long ago, an acorn, a rotted black gem, fell into a lake or arcane energy, the toxins in it corrosive to the touch. The acorn did not melt though, and instead thrived, using the lake to grow into an Ebony Oak. It was a twisted tree, with bark as black as coal, and leaves a cold blue. With branches twisted and jagged roots, as if reaching out to any who dared to come close. It was the only tree of its kind... a cursed tree. One day, something broke the bark of that tree... and out poured the first hive." Skystrike, Tethys, and Zecora all looked at her. "You came from an acorn?" They all asked. "Well when you put it like that, it doesn't sound as interesting." She giggled. "But in the simplest sense, yes. Back to your question Skystrike, it gives me something to do, taking care of that tree. It's also sacred to us Changelings, as it holds a deep connection to the Ebony Grove. The one I have specifically is a descendant of the tree of King Lazarus the Righteous. It helps me remember home, the family there, and the oath I swore to the former queen Khrusalis." Zecora's ears perked up. "Oath?" "On the blood of those who've come before, on the blood of those who will come after, I swear to do what is right until my dying breath. Through pain and sorrow, I will make sure to leave this world better than I found it. That was the oath I made with Lazarus as my witness." Zecora then turned to Skystrike. "Do you have one?" Skystrike nodded. "On the blood of those who've come before, on the blood of those who will come after. I promise to fight for the good of all, no matter the race, no matter their history. My bones may break, but my will will not. With Khrusalis the Golden as my witness. All Changelings of age must make an oath relating to their specialty. Elytra was more of a care taker than a fighter, so hers is more vague about that aspect." Elytra nodded. "And even if we're banished, the oaths are still in effect. But lets continue this tomorrow, I'm sleepy." Elytra yawned. Skystrike chuckled. "You all can go ahead and head up to the ship. I'll clean up." Skystrike stood up and put out his hands, making a large ball of water. He used the water to wash the dishes, then put all the trash in the still burning camp fire. After watching the fire flicker for a little more, he put it out by suffocating it with the surrounding dirt. All that was left to do was pack up and cover his tracks. The former was easy, the latter was a bit difficult. He brushed around some leaves over their prints and kicked over the stones surrounding the pit, then covered it all with a small layer of dirt. Not needed, but a force of habit. He climbed back onto his ship and prepared for sleep, only after saying good night to his comrades. Tomorrow is another day. > Taking Flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The four friends stood on the deck of the Wind Waker as it lowered toward Eques, parting the clouds. Trottingham was finally in view. They'd have quite a bit of time to explore it, since it was before noon. The town was right on the shore of the Griffith Isles, and was Equestia's furthest territory. He did some research on Trottingham, and was a bit interested with the place. Like Ponyville, the place was founded by Earth Ponies, so they were the majority. At the same time, they get many foreigners due to the city having one of the best agricultural Colleges. Trottingham also has a strong mining and raw materials sector, generating a sizable amount of Equestria's coal and metals. The artisans here were in a league of their own. Honestly, they'd probably be better than him if any of the local smithy's would let him visit. They manage their forests quite well for timber harvesting as well, but that was a smaller section. What interested him the most was that due to them being so close to Griffonstone, it wasn't uncommon to see a griffon here or there, nor was it uncommon to find fisher mares and stallions. He should stop by the market. But that was for later. Skystrike yawned. "Thanks for letting me get some sleep in, I really needed that." Elytra nodded as she turned into Stardust. "No problem. But uh, quick question... is this ship legal?" "Well no, but technically yes." Stardust almost fell over. "The buck does that mean!?" "No laws were made against the Wind Waker yet. The technology I made for this ship is at minimum decades ahead of what these ponies have. Because of that, I can do things that'll probably be illegal when the times catch up." Tethys snickered. "Skystrike, you're a trip." Skystrike crouched down and turned back into a pony, spreading his wings slightly to catch the wind. "Is Zecora still sleeping?" Stardust shook her head. "Well, she's on the toilet. She liked the meat we had, but her stomach isn't used to it." "Ah, yeah, I guess that makes sense." Skystrike said as he put on his sweatshirt. "We'll wait for her before we land. They have two air docks at least... Tethys, can you hang out inside for a bit? Don't want things to go south the moment they see a dragon. Stardust, can you put on your guard armor? We can pass this off as official business." She chuckled. "You think we can pull that off?" "We can land no problem. But they're going to want to search the ship, especially since we're going across borders. They'll probably think we're smuggling some stuff." Tethys stretched and folded in her wings. "And what's she going to do about it?" "Explaining that we're traveling on official business, and that everything is confidential will take a lot of eyes off of us. Yes, I have a pardon from Celestia and Luna, but many would believe it forged unless an actual guards mare came with it." He patted Stardust on the head. Stardust and Tethys looked at each other before shrugging and going to do as requested. Skystrike went back inside to the ship controls, slowing the Wind Waker to a stop. The ponies at the dock were scrambling at the sudden arrival. After a few minutes passed, two pegasus guards flew up to greet them. There was no reason to differentiate the two, as their enchanted armor made both of them have white coats and blue mane and tails. The two stallions landed an the ship deck in front of him. "This is an unscheduled landing of an airship of unknown model and registration. If you wish to land, you must show your license, registration, and consent to a search of your ship, as well as answer some questions." The first guard spoke. Skystrike reached into his saddlebag and handed them the license and registration. "Take your time to check over that. Not surprised you don't know the registration, since I got this about three months ago. As for the searching of this ship, I am on official business, and I cannot allow you to search the ship." "Likely story." The second guard said. "Your name gets around, Nebula. I doubt the princesses would work with you, especially after everything you've done to the guard and Princess Cadenza." Skystrike blinked at that. "Heh, well, wasn't expecting that, but I guess we're going down this route. I have a guards mare inside, Stardust is her name, probably heard of her since Celestia assigned her specifically to me a while ago, and she's getting the Royal Decree, signed by Celestia and Luna, that is allowing the safe travels of me and my companions while within Equestria's borders." Skystrike stood up straight as now wasn't the time to be lax. "As for your questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability without leaking any confidential information." "Sure... Then I guess we'll wait for-" The two guards looked past Skystrike as the door to the interior creaked open. Stardust, clad in her armor, walked out with the decree in her hooves. She wordlessly handed the scroll to the guards, who eyed it suspiciously. "...Looks official... I don't know how a pony like you got his hooves on this-" "Yo, Guard pony, I would recommend you think about how your words could be interpreted by another, as Stardust has to report to the literal highest authorities in this country." Skystrike cleared his throat. "Now, do you have any questions before I land this ship?" The second guard grit his teeth, but then the first elbowed his colleague. "I apologize for my subordinates actions. I will continue with the questioning." He pulled out a pen and began writing on a clip board with his mouth. "How many occupants are on this ship?" "Four." "Of what make and model is this ship?" "This is the same make and model as the Lavender Spirit, simply a different color scheme." The first guard looked up at that. "And the armor? Were those commissioned by the government?" Skystrike shook his head. "All custom made by yours truly, though it is classified on how it was made and installed. Same with the wings and armaments before you ask." The guard continued writing. "And how long is your flight? I can do the calculations for how much it will cost to fuel up for the trip." "No need, I already fuel up, and will have more than enough for my trip. Thank you for the offer though." Skystrike rolled his neck. "Any other modifications to this vessel that I should be aware of?" The guard asked his final question. "Not that I can legally tell you." Skystrike answered. "Very well. I will give clearance to land soon. Be on the look out for the signal." The guard put away his pen and began to fly off, the second guard following behind. Stardust followed Skystrike back into the bridge. "Skystrike, you're kinda an ass." Skystrike sat down to steer with a smirk. "You are what you eat, Stardust." Stardust couldn't contain her laughter, even falling on a floor. Damn... wasn't even that funny. Skystrike noticed a pony with two beams of light in their hooves. Must be the marshal. In a few minutes, and the guidance of the marshal, Skystrike landed the Wind Waker and extended the boarding dock. Stardust, Tethys, and Zecora were already waiting for him in their casual wear, save for Stardust. Skystrike noticed Zecora was shivering a bit. "You alright?" Zecora nodded. "I'm alright, just not accustomed to this twist. In my homeland and Ponyville, warmth does persist." Skystrike took off his sweatshirt and put it on Zecora. "It'll be a bit- a lot big on you, but it'll hold you until we get you a jacket." Zecora's rolled up the sleeves so her hooves were making contact with the ground. "I hadn't grasped the size you wear, a fact that took me unaware." "Aw, it's cute on you." Tethys picked Zecora up, making her hang like a ragdoll cat. "But thinking on it more, what would go well with you? Any ideas Skystrike?" "What, am I the go to fashion guy?" "Yeah." The three said. "Ok I guess. Bomber jacket, easy." Skystrike said as he began walking down the ramp. "Didn't know I was so good at choosing clothing." "You're the only one that wears clothes. And Tethys got her style from you." Stardust said. "You sure you'll be fine?" "Oh, yeah, I'll be fine. The main reason I wear shirts is because it'd look weird if I just wore pants." Skystrike turned back to look at her. "And... why do you wear pants?" "Stardust, you, and every other pony, zebra, griffon, changeling, whatever, are all eye height with my balls." Skystrike sighed. They all laughed a bit at his expense, finally making it off the ship and into the city. Of course, they got many stares from passerby, since the group is not one you'd see often. Alas, they were used to it. "So, we're here, and we don't have much to do, aside from a few beings we have to see. So we have a couple things we can do, sight see, find those you-know-whos, or what I'm most excited for, go to the open air bath houses." Tethys flexed her wings. "Actually, we had some girl talk last night. We planned on going to get some stuff for... us girls. Why don't we meet back up at three here?" "...I am mildly afraid to ask what girl stuff is, but sure, you three have fun. If I got time to myself, I'm gonna see what I can get myself into." "The girl stuff will be a surprise! We shall leave it to you to surmise." Zecora put a hoof over her mouth in a shushing motion. "...I feel as if I should be worried. But yeah, you three have fun." Skystrike was walking through Trottingham alone. He didn't like how familiar it felt, but he wouldn't have to deal with it for long... He didn't realize how nice it was, having friends around him. For now, he just finished waiting in line for a hayburger. Even after all these years, it was still weird for him to eat hay. It was fried though, and the four he ordered were pretty good, didn't get tired of the taste even though he was on the second one. Maybe he'll visit again for the burgers. He began to wonder what 'girl talk' was about. Skystrike wouldn't know, he isn't a girl... nor did he even realize ponies talk about gender specific things. Sure, he spends time with Spike, just the two boys, but there wasn't really 'boy talk', or maybe he did have it unintentionally. He guesses that's what it is, just personal stuff that you can only really share with those close? But why specify the gender? He was still confused as he took another bite of his burger while waiting at a stop light. Ponies pulling wagons ran by as he waited. A filly with her mother began waiting next to him, the two talking with each other. Skystrike rolled his neck as he waited. The filly wasn't paying attention, pushing away from her mother and running around Skystrike, most likely thinking he was a light pole or something. Unexpectedly, the filly tripped and almost fell into the street. Skystrike nearly dropped his food as he put out a hoof to catch the kid. The mother quickly picked up her child as she thanked him and they quickly crossed the street before going their separate ways. He felt good about the little deed he did, but he was still hungry. He sat down on a bench and finished his second burger, ignoring the stares he got from ponies walking by. Damn, this was the first time he wasn't busy doing anything... he hasn't felt like this since the group disbanded. In hindsight, he regrets it, more so the way he left. In the night, no words spoken, just a memory to fade away. Skystrike couldn't begin to imagine how everyone else felt... Fuck, it wasn't the first time he up and left. But they just accepted him back so easily, as if it was just water under the bridge. He didn't deserve any of them. The best type of reaction he was expecting was the one from Moon dancer, but that was the worst of it... He should not be alone with his thoughts. Anyway, he stopped by the post office, still writing those weekly letters to family and friends. Double checking the sending addresses, he mailed them to their respective destinations. He decided to go for a fly to take his mind off of the past. Skystrike noticed that the town was a bit similar to Ponyville. Sure, it was much, much bigger, and had more infrastructure, being decades older than when Ponyville was founded, but he imagined that this is what Ponyville would look like in the near future. A bustling market, a steady population, fun places to hang out. But as he flew, something, or somepony caught his eye. Sitting on top of a ledge of a four story building was a mare. She had a grey coat and dark grey mane and tail. Being above her, he couldn't see many of her distinguishing features, but from her shaking, he could tell she was going through something. Skystrike had a bad feeling... He flew in front of the mare, seeing her greyish mulberry eyes... full of tears. Her eyes went wide as Skystrike lowered himself in front of her, making the lady step back. He landed in front of the mare. "...You doing ok?" "Why do you care?" She snapped back at him with a noticeable Canterlot accent. Looking closer at her, her mascara was running, the purple bowtie she wore was a mess, and her eyes were red. This mare has been crying for a while. Those eyes reminded him of his own, when he split apart the group. He could tell she needed someone. "Because I've seen those eyes before... and you're about to do something you wont be able to regret." Skystrike sat down next to the mare. "I wont force you to tell me what you're going through. I'm just here if you wish to vent to a nobody." The two sat for a while as she contemplated what to do. She wiped her tears away with a hoof, smearing her mascara even more. The mare gave a sad laugh. "Buck it, why not!" The earth pony sat down. "If you must know, I was about to jump." She said while shaking. "I know who you are. Here to do your good deed for the day? Don't waste your time. I'm not worth it..." Skystrike laid down to be at her eye level. "Why do you say that?" "Because there's nothing left for me in this place anymore!" "Family?" "Oh don't get me started!" She scoffed. Skystrike realized he opened the flood gates. "My father passed a few years ago. All I wanted to do was make him proud of me! But no, every recital that I told hem about, that he didn't even bother to attend, all he said was 'That's what was expected of my daughter.' Asshole!" She shouted to nopony in particular. "I should've realized earlier. I could've never made him proud. He wanted a son in the first place! Didn't even greet me as a filly when he came home, just asked 'why aren't you practicing?' So I did! I was the star of the Canterlot Youth Orchestra! Everypony saw me as a prodigy! I got a scholarship to the best music school in Manehatten, but that wasn't enough to convince him to let me go... I thought if I just tried harder, do better as a cellist, I'd be able to see him smile at me." She took some deep breaths, realizing she was out of breath from her speaking. "And then he went and got sick. I was 16, didn't even know or care what he was diagnosed with at that point. Mom said that he wanted to see me, but I knew she was bucking lying. But it hurt even more when she said that Father loved me... So badly, I wanted to believe her, but we both knew she was lying. Never showed me an ounce of love in the 16 years he was my father... I thought I'd be happy if I never saw him again, but... I don't know what think anymore. Didn't visit his funeral anyway." "And your mom?" She looked at him, her greyish mulberry eyes filling with more tears as she began to speak through the sobbing. "I... I moved away from home as soon as I could at eighteen. But I left my mom alone in Canterlot. I hate how I left her there, but I still loved her, and she loved me. For years, she was the only one I could talk to, the only one to write and say 'Happy Birthday.' The only one who said she loves me... But then she passed away a few months before my 21st birthday. I attended her funeral, she actually mattered to me. Enough where I composed my best eulogy for her, only to be played once, for her... I didn't realize how much I loved her, or how much I'd miss her. And worst of all, she made me realize how... empty my life is. All the practicing at the behest of my father left me no time to make any connections. I played solo to make a living, and none of those fans cared about me besides my music... Without my music, no pony cares about me. I thought I just needed a break, coming here. Came up to this rooftop for a break..." Her tears began falling again. "And then I realized I could end it all right now... The sadness... the loneliness... the unappreciated work... I've been here for two weeks, and already gave up on trying for any meaningful interaction. I haven't been able to compose anything for months... and it feels like I have nothing left to give..." She began to laugh. " I've been having dreams you know. About my father. His disapproval. Everything I did was the bare minimum... something to be expected. All I want is for somepony to tell me that I'm worth while..." The tears came down even harder, soaking her face and hooves. "Since mom passed, I haven't even been told 'I love you' 'I like you', buck, 'It's nice to see you.' Bucking ANYTHING would be better than this! For the past three years, I've thought about making this final leap... I just need to commit." The mare looked towards the ledge again. Hindsight seemed to have caught up with her as her eyes went wide before covering her mouth. Almost immediately, she felt sick to her stomach, vomiting up whatever was left of what she ate earlier in the day. Skystrike stopped her from falling over from the lightheadedness, quickly putting a hoof on her shoulder. Seems like all the water is out of the damn now. Skystrike reached into his saddlebag and offered the mare a bottle of water. The pony quickly took it to wash the taste of bile out of her mouth. She was about to thank Skystrike, but was interrupted by her tears. Skystrike waited in silence as the mare let out years of bottled up emotions. Admittedly, he didn't really know what to say. It was a lot to take in. All he did know is that he should probably help this lady out. Question is, how? He thought about it for a bit. "I'm... You did not deserve the childhood you had to endure, nor the suffering you're going through now." Skystrike reached into his paper bag and threw one of his burgers over to the mare. "Considering you just threw up your lunch, you must be hungry. I got time to chat if you want." He grabbed his unfinished burger and began unwrapping it. The mare caught the food in her hoof, looking at him hesitantly before unwrapping it. "Very well... I'd... really appreciate the company right about now." "Cool. Sorry, they're not hot anymore, I got these like an hour ago." He bit into it. "...So, you say you compose and play music. You said you were a cellist. I listen to music quite often and I must say, I rarely hear a solo one. Can I ask your name?" The mare rubbed away her running mascara before eating a bit. She sighed. "I'm sorry. You listen to my ramblings, give me food, and I still haven't introduced myself. Octavia. Octavia Melody." Despite the years of little to no meaningful contact for her, she still tried to come off as knowing her manners. Skystrike blinked in realization. "You're Octavia Melody!?" Skystrike almost yelled before curbing his excitement. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." "Oh, you've heard of me?" A hint of curiosity was heard in Octavia's voice. "Yeah, I have some of your records! I was actually listening to some on the way here. I was wondering where you went, you normally publish something every few months." Skystrike's ears perked up, then went back down. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. You just complained about ponies only wanting you for your music." "It's... well it's not alright, but I don't blame you." Skystrike didn't want an awkward silence to come. "Actually, kind of embarrassing to say, but I got into music because of you. I work with a mare named Vinyl Scratch, she does the instrumentals and mixing, and I do the vocals-" Skystrike was interrupted by Octavia's light giggle. "Sorry, I just... didn't expect a pony of your stature to sing." "Hey, me neither. But we're doing pretty well for beginners. Just released our last work like four months ago. It might not be your style, with you doing classical though..." Skystrike bit into his burger again. "Octavia, I'm not going to act like I know you, but I want to learn more about you. I've been through something similar-" "I don't want your pity." She snapped. "I don't mean for my actions to come off as such. I apologize. I just don't want you to journey to the other side so early." Skystrike finished his burger. "If you'll let me, I'd like to get to know you better. You need someone to be with you right now. I can't leave you alone in good conscience right now. You're more than just your music. The only validation you need is from yourself... If it will help, I'll make sure to find you on your birthday to congratulate you." She shook a bit. "I... appreciate that, Nebula... Ironically, today is my birthday... I'm twenty four today." "Oh really? Happy birthday! What do you want to do?" Her ears perked up. "I don't know... I barely did or got anything for my birthdays, aside from a slice of cake from mom... You wouldn't want to spend time with a mare like me anyway." "Oi, no self loathing thoughts anymore. Today is a day for celebration." Skystrike stood up. "I'll walk you to your hotel so you can get cleaned up. We're going to go have some fun... well, try to at least." Skystrike made sure to call out to Octavia from time to time just so she knew he wasn't leaving. After a short walk, Skystrike and Octavia were standing outside of an arcade, the latter cleaned herself up and fixed her makeup. She was still feeling down, and in visible shock, but was leagues better than earlier. Honestly, Skystrike was surprised that this place has such a large selection of arcade games. "So... what are we doing here?" Octavia asked. "To play." Skystrike said. "Isn't this rather... childish?" "Yeah, most of the time, fun is childish." "Oh... I see... This is the first time I'm experiencing this." "Well, if that's the case, we'll start off small." Skystrike grabbed her hoof and began to lead her inside. He bought two tickets for entry, and a hoof full of tokens with a picture of a smiling pony on it. Generic, but it'll work. "Here we go, the simplest but arguably most rewarding, Skee-ball!" Skystrike put in a token into the machine. Several balls came out. "Just roll it down the alley and try and get as many points as you can." He hoofed a ball to Octavia. "Er- well... alright then." She looked at the ball in her hoof before weakly throwing it down the lane. It didn't even make it up the ramp, rolling down back to her. Octavia looked at Skystrike, who motioned her to keep going. After trying again, she made it into the 10 point hole. "Is... this it?" "Well, you have to keep going. You get like, ten tries." He explained and goaded the mare on to keep going. Octavia could tell he was trying to help her, giving in and continuing to throw the balls down the lane. She ended with a final score of 270 points. She did better than she thought she would. The mare nearly jumped when tickets began to be vended out of the machine. "What are these for?" "It's your reward. Get enough, and we can trade them in for prizes!" Skystrike said as he put in another coin. "Mind if I have a go?" Octavia stepped aside. Skystrike threw the ball in his hoof a couple times to get a proper feel of the weight, even swinging his arm a few times to get the proper motion. On his first roll, he decided to play a bit risky, going for the 100 hole in the left corner. Luckily, he got it in first try. Now to just keep the same strength in the throw. He missed more than he wanted, ending with 700 points. He smiled as the tickets came out before ripping them off and giving them to Octavia. "So, we got 40 tokens to split between the both of us... what do you want to play next?" Octavia looked around at the ponies playing on the numerous games. "Well... I saw a colt playing some ring toss game?" "Oh god, I suck at those." He laughed as the two began to walk over. A stallion in a red and white stripped shirt greeted them, and after receiving two tokens, gave each of them three rings. "And all we have to do is aim for the red bottle." Skystrike threw one of the rings, it bouncing off each bottle and falling on the other side of the setup. "FUCK!" Octavia couldn't help but giggle at his outburst. "Well, we have three tries for a reason, I suppose." She threw a ring into the fray of bottles, it bouncing off. And then she tried again... and a third time. "...I see why you got upset." Skystrike gave her one of his rings as he threw his last one. It landed on a normal bottle, and the stallion gave Skystrike a lollipop as his reward. Wasn't even a good one, just one of those tiny ones you'd get at the doctor's office... And it was banana. Octavia threw the ring the pegasus gave to her, also landing on a white bottle. She got the same lollipop but grape flavored. She chuckled a bit as she unwrapped it and put hers in her mouth. "Well, we got something out of it. What do you want to do next?" "Well, we still need to get some more tickets..." Skystrike looked around the room as he thought of what to go for. "...Whack-a-mole?" "Whack-a-mole? What's that?" Skystrike lead her over to the machine, putting the play mallet in her hoof. "It's pretty straight forward. Hit the mole guys as soon as they come up. So far the high score is... 270 points. I bet you can beat it." Octavia looked at the machine as Skystrike inserted a token. The lights flashed to life as a cartoonish mole poked its head out of one of the seven holes. She processed it looking at her, but before she could swing her hoof down, the mole vanished. She didn't let the second escape her though, nailing it right on the head. She celebrated internally with each hit she landed. It was repetitive, but enjoyable. She huffed a bit as the machine dinged, signaling the end of the game. "That was... more tiring than I thought it'd be. I think I did good." She looked at her score, 250 points. "Hey, you were super close." Skystrike congratulated her as she counted out her tickets. "And looks like you got a good amount of tickets too." "Heh, yeah... but I wonder how well you could do. I wonder how different this is from cutting down beast for you?" She put the mallet in his hooves. "If I got close, I wonder how high of a score you'll get." He smiled as he rolled his shoulder. "Well I don't want to toot my own horn, but I take pride in my reaction time." Skystrike put in a coin and held the mallet out in front of him as the machine flashed on once more. As soon as a mole came up, it was smacked back down instantly. Octavia had to admit, it was a bit impressive. And he was keeping up the pace to, not slowing down when even three at a time popped up. Eventually, it came to an end, Skystrike finishing with 740 points. "Hell yeah!" Octavia clapped her hooves together as his tickets came out, nearly quadrupling her own. Of course, Skystrike gave her all of his tickets again. "Must say, quite impressed. There's quite a few more games I want to try, if you're alright with that?" Skystrike held his head as he stared at the roulette wheel Octavia just spun, winning the grand prize of 10,000 tickets. "How the fuck???" Octavia was laughing at her win, and his reaction. "It was your first spin!" "By Celestia, what are the odds!?" She threw her hooves up in the air as the tickets kept pouring out. It took a few minutes, but the machine finished. Octavia wrapped her many layers of tickets around her neck. "By now we should have enough to get you something great. Pretty sure they have a ticket counter at the gift shop." He pointed a hoof over to the back of the arcade. The two walked over, and indeed, there was a ticket counter. It took nearly 5 minutes to count all of their tickets, but the total came out to 15,732 tickets. "Oh fuck yeah!" Skystrike pumped his hoof. He was about to ask Octavia what she was going to get with the tickets, but caught her eyeing a large purple Ursa Minor plush. "I see you already decided on something." Octavia blinked, then shook her head. "O-oh, n-no... I wouldn't get something so... childish." "Octavia, it's your birthday. Nopony is gonna judge you for having that plushie. You're allowed to be a bit childish." He looked at the price of 15 thousand tickets. "And we got you just enough. Get it, make it a present to yourself." Despite what he said, he could tell that Octavia was a bit apprehensive on it still. Skystrike took the tickets from around her neck and waltzed up to the counter, leaning his elbow on it to talk to the clerk. The pony looked up at him as he put down the tickets. "I'd like that large purple Ursa Minor plush." The mare snickered a bit. "...Oh, you're serious? You don't seem like the type to want that." "Well, I am. Can I get it?" He pushed the tickets forward. The mare gave him an awkward look as she counted out the tickets, then gave him the plush. Skystrike walked over with the plush in his hooves to give it to Octavia, who gladly took it and hugged it. In comparison, it was the same size as Octavia. Damn ponies and being cute. Octavia gave Skystrike a surprise hug, getting on her hind legs to wrap her arms around his neck. He returned it as she spoke. "Thank you... for everything today. I wish this didn't have to end..." "Eh, we have a few more hours if you want. But rather than thinking of a good time ending, think of it as... a chance for even better times to start." Skystrike released her from the hug. "No- I mean- well yes, but... what I mean is that my train for Canterlot leaves in an hour. I just... don't want to be alone again." Skystrike walked Octavia and her plush outside of the arcade before sitting her down. "Listen, Octavia. You may not think so, but there are ponies out there who see the value in you. I can completely relate to not wanting to be alone right now." He pulled out a piece of paper and began to write, then folded it up and hoofed it to Octavia. "In here is an address for the orphanage I grew up in. They're nice ponies, and always welcome a friendly face. If you ever feel alone, go to them, and they'll make you feel welcome. And hey! I'll come visit you." Octavia opened the sheet of paper and read it before putting it away. "...You've done so much for me. I don't know if I can ever repay you." Skystrike shrugged. "Well, you can repay me." She looked up at him with a confused look as he put a hoof to her chest. "Keep living, find a new meaning in your life. It's what makes us stronger. Play your cello for yourself, rather than the approval of others. If you ever want to send me any letters or anything, I live in Ponyville. I'll reply as soon as I can." "...You do all of this stuff for a nopony like me... Why?" Skystrike sighed. "Well, three reasons. I was close to taking that final step a few years ago. I also had a friend who followed through. Sure, I may know nothing about you, but you don't realize the impact you have on ponies until you're gone. Finally, it's our duty to help each other, not only as ponies, but as beings who can empathize with one another." Octavia held back a few tears as she smiled at him. "I'll never forget what you did for me today... It'll be hard to keep those thoughts out of my mind, but I think you're right... I'll try, Nebula." And with that, the mare left, carrying her plush across her back. He hoped the best for her, but there was only so much he can do. Her life is in her hands... makes him think about how he should start getting more serious about his. Only got a few good years left. Thoughts for later, he supposed, as he began to unwrap his second to last burger. Opening the lower jaw of his mask to begin taking bites. But out of the corner of his eyes, he saw something odd. Two ponies, one pink and one white were staring at him. They seemed familiar. Upon further inspection, one was a unicorn, and one was an alicorn. He slowly turned his head to clarify who they were. Sure enough, it was who he thought it was. But then he saw that knowing smile on the pink one's face. He sighed as he greeted them. "Hey Cadence. Hey Shining. Unexpected seeing you here." Shining Armor waved at him. "Hey, been a while. We could say the same to you-" He was cut off by Cadence stepping in front of him and nudging Skystrike with her wing. "You got a marefriend~!" She sang. Skystrike put his burger back in his bag and rolled it up before putting it in his saddlebag. "Cadence, I have more dirt on you." Her nose scrunched up. "There's no way you have anything worse than the pillow." "You want to test it?" Skystrike leaned down be be at her eye level. "...Motherbucker... you know what, I do!" "When you were 18 and we were at the gala, when you saw Shining armor you hid from him for half the time I was there because 'This dress makes my flank look fat!'" Skystrike did a bad impression of her voice. "And it took me telling you he was an ass man to get you to go see him." "Holup, huh?" Shining asked before realizing what he said before letting out a hardy laughing. Cadence was embarrassed. "I'll get you back for this one day..." "Well, if it helps, honey, one time we made a bet, I forget over what, but he lost and the punishment was to eat 10 pounds of green beans." Shining laughed at the memory. "In under two minutes." "Two minutes!?" Cadence snapped around to look at Shining, then back to Skystrike. "No way!" "Jokes on them, I like green beans." Shining didn't like how Skystrike said that. "Wait... did- did you lose on purpose?" "Yeah." An awkward silence set in as he said that. "You two cant tell but I'm smiling so wide right now." "...So Nebula, what brings you to Trottingham?" Cadence asked as Skystrike laughed. "Ah man. Nothing much, just stopping by on my way to Griffonstone. You two? I assume it's business, given the royal regalia and armor." Skystrike sat down. "Yeah, you know how it goes... learning to be a ruler and all." She sighed. "But we just got out of a meeting with the mayor, so we're free. What are you up to?" "About to meet up with the girls. You met them back at the duel where I won that airship. Speaking of, I'm supposed to meet them back where I landed my airship." He put a lot of emphasis on his airship. "We get it, you beat us." Shining chuckled. "Yeah, I even put it in that diss track. Anyway, we were going to go to the open air baths. You two in?" Skystrike offered the two to come along. The couple looked at each other. "Well, I'm for it." Shining said as he rolled his shoulder. "Honestly, I'm still sore from the fight. I hear that it has some magical healing properties or something." "Yeah, tell me about it." Cadence rolled her neck. "...You know, we always talked about who was the strongest between the three of us when we were kids... I think I can safely say it's you." Skystrike tilted his head. "Wait, you two were talking about physical strength? I thought we were talking about overall? Like integrity, morality, all that." "I mean- I assume we were talking about physical. Now that I think on it in hindsight, it makes more sense. I thought you were just being humble." Shining admitted. Skystrike got up and motioned for the two to walk with him. "Eh, maybe. I knew that in a battle, I could take both of you no problem. And that's not a slight at either of you, nor am I doubting your strength, it's just back then, you two haven't had to go through true hardship." Shining looked at him. "What do you mean by that?" "I mean that you two haven't had to have to make those difficult decisions that make or break ponies in our line of work." "...Nebula, I'm confused too." Cadence asked. "Have you two had to kill a pony? Have you had to kill one knowing it was the wrong decision, knowing it was the best, and only decision you could make?" "...Jeez dude. No, I haven't, but I still don't get your point." Shining said. "I'm saying in the hypothetical situation where it was a fight to the death, you two would hesitate to deal the final blow. It's in your nature, you two are some of the kindest ponies I know. That alone is why I'm stronger. And I pray neither of you have to take the life of another." Skystrike explained. An uncomfortable silence filled the air as they walked. A question was eating away at Cadence's mind, and she decided to ask. "...You say that like you killed somepony back when you were younger... How-" Shining Armor elbowed Cadence. Skystrike sighed. "It's fine, I don't blame her for asking. I was around eight when I had to take another's life for my own survival. Yes, I have to specify." "What the buck." The two said in unison. "I'll tell you two about it more eventually. For now, I just want to take a bath." Skystrike, after meeting back up with his group, and getting ready for the bath house, was currently in a 1v5. Well, more like a 1v2. He was arguing with Tethys and Cadence. They specifically chose this place in consideration of his and Tethys' size, as well as the privacy they could get, given they were now traveling with royalty. The problem is that the open air bath house that they're at is unisex. "I just don't get it, man." Skystrike sighed as he held his face in his hooves. "What is there that you don't get!?" Tethys and Cadence said together before the former explained as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm a lady! I have things I don't want to be seen by you boys!" "That's right!" Cadence agreed. "And what I don't get is that for you, Tethys, I've already seen allat, and Shining will get his ass beat if he even tries to look at you like that, if he even gets off to dragons..." "Was that part really necessary?" Shining asked. Skystrike continued. "And you, Cadence, like every other god damn pony, walks around naked anyway!" "It's different when we're wet!" They once again said together. "And I just don't get how???" Skystrike threw out his hooves. "What, is being wet from hot spring water different than rain water???" Stardust couldn't help but laugh with Zecora at the spectacle. "Ahaha! You can't make this shit up!" "Nebula I swear to the dragon lord, there's no way you're this dense!" Tethys sighed and held her horns. "By Celestia, he's still this dense? I thought he was joking as a colt!" Cadence began laughing. A switch flipped on in Tethys's head. "You know what, fine, I'm fine with you coming in on two conditions. You and Shining Armor have to wear blindfolds, and you, Cadence, have to tell me everything you know about Nebula as a colt." "Fine by me." Skystrike motioned to Shining Armor to throw him a towel. The unicorn did so as they both tied a towel around their eyes. Tethys made an effort to pull the knot even tighter. "OW! Tethys, one of these days, we need to talk about how you don't realize your own strength." "Oh hush you baby." Tethys began to take off her clothes, then stopped half way through. "You boys can't see us, right?" "No." The two said. As Skystrike stepped toward the swinging doors to the hot spring. "...Nebula, how do you know where the entrance is if you can't see?" Cadence side eyed him. "I memorized where it was as soon as I entered the room? Do... do you all not do that? You should always be aware of any entrances and exits." Stardust took off her armor. "I think you're the only one who does that." "Maybe... Then I guess it's also weird to recognize beings by the sound of their movement?" They all turned to look at him. Zecora moved her right hoof forward and took a step. "Zecora, please don't do that. Having my eyes blinded is freaking me out." "Is this for real, or a trick to unfold? Trying to wriggle out of the blindfold?" Zecora asked. "Real... In hindsight, I should not have agreed to this so quickly..." He grit his teeth. "I need one of you to lead me to the bath. Please don't make any sudden movements." Stardust was beginning to have second thoughts. "Alright, I guess..." She went to grab his hoof, but as soon as hers touched him, he jumped back. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you... Didn't realize how bad this would mess you up." "Me neither... just warn me, alright?" He said as he shuddered. "Alright. I'm going to grab your hoof now...." Stardust slowly went to grab his hoof. Skystrike flinched when they touched, but let his hoof settle into hers. Slowly, she began to pull the pegasus into the open air bath very slowly. Stardust noticed her wings were twitching and his ears were darting around. "Alright, we're about to step into the water now." Skystrike heard the movement of water as Stardust stepped into it first, then lead him into it. The hot water felt nice, and the rocks felt smooth under his hooves. He calmed down ever so slightly as he sat down. "T-Thanks, Stardust..." He let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. Behind him, he heard Zecora enter, then Tethys, then Cadence, then Shining. But he was too focused on the many other sounds around him. The flowing water, the blowing wind, the rustling leaves... there was too much to focus on. His mind was spinning, and he felt ill, but he'd keep on the blindfold. Himself being uncomfortable is worth his friends being comfortable... well, that's what he thought, but he was starting to think otherwise. '-a... -bula! NEBULA!" Cadence called out to him. Skystrike flinched again, turning his ears towards her voice. "Yeah?" "Shining asked if you're enjoying the bath?" "I haven't been able to focus on it, but it's... warm... What did I miss?" Cadence blinked. "What did you- we've been in here for like 10 minutes already! We've talked about so much! Is the blindfold messing you up that much?" Skystrike grit his teeth in an effort to try and not get annoyed. "Yes, Cadence, having on a blindfold does indeed mess me up that much." Skystrike began scratching at his arm with his metal hoof. He tried to control his breathing in an attempt to calm down. "...How much time do we have left here?" "Almost two hours." Shining answered. Skystrike inwardly groaned. "Alright, I can do this... it's easy... I've done it before..." He whispered tom himself as he kept scratching. His friends all awkwardly looked between each other before continuing their conversation. "Anyway, Tethys..." Cadence started. "You're the second dragon I've met, and the only girl. Mind if I ask some questions?" Tethys leaned back on a rock. "Yes, I am a mammal. Yes, I lay eggs despite that." Cadence laughed a bit. "What, you get asked that a lot?" Tethys sighed. "More than you think, and more than I should be. Just wish ponies asked normal questions." Stardust's ears perked up. "I mean, I always wanted to ask how often you lay eggs... or what you do to them." "The fuck you think I am, a chicken?" Tethys chuckled. "Basically, we only lay during our cycle. I just freeze mine and shatter them when it happens." "I was actually going to ask what do you do to get that build? Like damn, I thought I was pretty muscular, but you're just impressive!" "Oh, well, it's... because I eat meat." Tethys said awkwardly. Cadence was slightly off put by that. "...You know, I should've thought about that aspect. I remember Shining told me that he sometimes took Spike to the castle to get some fish, right?" "Yeah." Shining nodded. "Had to keep it a secret from Twilight though. I got worried about the little guy, since he was looking a bit thin... How's he doing?" Stardust decided to add in. "Oh, the kid's doing good. He's doing a lot now. Nebula was able to convince Twilight to let him go to school... and learn combat from Nebula, and she isn't too fond of it, but it's whatever." The two looked at Stardust. "Wait, Spike is training? Against Nebula?? Is he ok?" "Oh yeah, he's fine..." Stardust grew a bit embarrassed. "Kinda pains me to say it, but he's been beating me more often than I'd like to admit." Zecora nodded with her. "The gap between us and dragons, I had not seen, I assumed strength was for adults, not for kids in between." Shining nearly stumbled at hearing that. "THAT Spike has been taking on two full grown mares and winning?" "Nebula you faced, in battles that flow. Are you amazed his prodigy can match the show?" Shining turned to look at the zebra"...Do you zebras- I'm sorry that sounded wrong. Do all of you rhyme?" That did not sound better. There was a sudden silence, then Zecora began chuckling, making everyone else follow suit. But now, Zecora had a decision to make, tell him no, not all zebras rhyme... Or lie and it'll be really funny if he ever meets another zebra. "Oh yeah, they all rhyme. It's weird getting used to." Tethys jumped in at the chance. No way was she going to pass this up. "Huh... neat." Shining stated simply. Then he noticed something somewhat off putting. "Oh, Stardust right? Don't worry about being professional in private. I just want to relax today. We both answer to the same princesses anyway." "Uh... alright then... It's not just that, I was more thinking on how Nebula got to know so many powerful ponies." Cadence laughed a bit, thinking back on the memories. "Well, it was... interesting from my perspective. I remember it really well, about three months beforehoof, I remember babysitting Twilight and saying to Celestia I wanted a little sibling. Eventually, we started looking around the Canterlot orphanages and we ended up with him and Blueblood. Apparently he and Auntie already had some history, so that's why he was chosen... though I wonder what that history is..." Cadence laid down in the hot water to get comfortable. Stardust did the same. "Oh, I can answer that easy. From the story Nebula told, he snuck into Canterlot Castle and helped comfort Princess Celestia when she was mourning Princess Luna!" Shining's eyes went wide, then narrowed in disbelief. "He snuck into Canterlot Castle? As a colt?? How in Tartarus?? I need to check on that once I get back... I'm getting too off topic. Continue the story, Cadence. I'm kinda interested now." Cadence nodded. "When he was adopted, being around ten at the time, the first thing Celestia and I noticed is that none of our magic worked on him. We put him in magic elementary, but then Auntie told me he wasn't making friends. Nebula was really closed off, so I said that there was a kid I babysat around his age, and that's how he met Twilight and their group. He opened up a bit, but still visited his family at the Church of the Two Sisters. After about... two years? Yeah, two years, he was still closed off, so I suggested he move to Cloudsdale to be around pegasus. Had to get him tailor made boots so he could walk on clouds. Anyway, two years later he came back, and he actually started applying himself. Don't know what happened in Cloudsdale but he was a different pony. Tested out of all of his classes, skipped freshman and sophomore to start his junior year at fifteen. Would've graduated early if not for his history and politics requirements. It was around then that I became friends with him." Zecora's ears flicked. "Friends now, weren't you tight before? Or was it something less, what's the score?" Cadence sighed. "Before, I'd get a few words of conversation, but then I actually got to know about him. When we actually sat down to talked about it, and I admit, it was my fault, he said Celestia and I came off as trying to replace his last one. It was why he was still visiting his orphanage But once that was put behind us, it took a while but he opened up more. Told us his favorite color, his favorite food, pass time, but we mostly saw him at school and a few hours before bed." "Truly? Time's short, just a dime. A mere moment, hardly enough time." "Yeah... Auntie was always busy and Skystrike was off doing... whatever, and while I didn't hate Blueblood, he was always unpleasant to be around to say the least. By the time everypony was finished with their stuff, we still made time for dinner, then we'd all go to bed. When he moved back from Cloudsdale, he started going to me and Shiny's school. Eventually, since it was a military school, we had to do group sections, so I invited him to me and Shining's. Sure, that had its own hardships, being the only commoner in classes full of noble children and nearly two years younger. It wasn't until we did the combat training that he got some semblance of respect. And I mean he was destroying ponies! Originally I thought he was just the strategist, but he was an insane vanguard! Most ponies did not know how to handle a pegasus. And then the Gala happened..." There was a silence at the mention of the Gala. Shining armor's brow furrowed a bit. "...Still hard to believe what he said about Blueblood... I knew he was a brown nose, but... I just can't see him doing something like that... or for no reason." Cadence winced. "I mean... I can kinda see him doing that. You didn't have to share a castle with him, Shining. He took a lot for granted, thought ponies owed him things, whether it was the hard life he had before the adoption, or because he became royalty. It was a reason why I liked Skystrike more, he's more down to earth... Anyway, Blueblood had a superiority complex. I think he had nothing against me because I'm an alicorn... But Skystrike, he... lets say he got a lot more attention than Blueblood." Tethys bellowed slightly. "There's no way he did all of that because of jealousy..." "Eh... I mean there's probably more to it than that. Princess of Love is more of a flattering title. Specifically, I can pick up on latent emotions and thoughts much better than the average pony. I'm still not entirely sure how it works, it's just... something magical... So I can tell that there's definitely more to it than that. My best guess is the constant comparisons he got with Skystrike. He could probably tell you more about it-" Cadence looked to the one being spoken of. When everyone else saw her face of worry, they turned to see Skystrike as well. He was not doing good... his coat stood on end from the goosebumps he had despite the heat of the bath. His ears flicked back and forth to the varying sounds entering them. Skystrike was still scratching at his arm, the spot turning red and some of his fur falling off. They could hear him sucking air through his teeth as he grew more and more nervous every second. Skystrike himself didn't even realize what his body was doing... his mind was racing at a thousand miles a minute as he focused on trying to regain his composure. "...Nebula, are you alright?" Cadence asked. She was given no response. Her soaked mane and tail dragged across the wet floor as she approached him. With each step, she saw him flinch. If he wasn't already against a wall, he'd be backing away further with each hoof step that drew closer. Stardust was about to warn Cadence, but she reached out to put a hoof on her shoulder. As soon as she did, the alicorn was taken off her hooves by Skystrike. His fight response kicked in, pushing the alicorn into the air with his left hoof while tearing off the towel over his eyes with his right. The pegasus' eyes darted around for his presumed attacker. When he saw his friends faces full of worry and shock, as well as Cadence on her back, his actions caught up with him. His breathing wavered as he looked down at his hooves. "Cadence! Are you alright!?" Shining got up and took off his blindfold to help the alicorn on her hooves. Cadence rolled her wing. "Yeah... he's done a lot worse." She tried to joke. "But I don't think I'm the one we should be worrying about now..." Skystrike was still looking at his hooves. He began shaking. "Hey, Nebula... it's ok, I'm fine." "IT'S NOT FINE!" He shouted. Realizing what he did, he groaned. "Didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry... could barely control my own life, and now I can barely control my own body... I don't-... I hurt you all too much already..." Skystrike sighed. "Just... give me a minute." He began to stand up. Tethys put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Dude, hear me out, I don't think you should be alone right now." The others around them gave sounds agreeing with her. "You can open up to us. You know that, right?" Tethys took off his helmet, getting a better view of his face, which held a look of apathy. His eyes were empty, for lack of a better word. It was as if years of pain and repressed emotions were bought back to the surface and plastered on his features. Skystrike sat back down. "I... don't know if I can... I-... how I reacted wasn't normal. It's like my mind went numb." Shining Armor sat back down with Cadence. "Skystrike, I think you might have a trigger... Couple guards I work with have something similar." "Trigger from wha-..." He thought back to the lab he spent time in as a human. "Oh yeah..." Skystrike sat back down. "I guess that... makes sense. Sorry again, Cadence. "You said 'Oh yeah' like you know what caused it?" Skystrike winced. "Uh... lets just say it's... lack of control... Didn't realized how much I was blinded back then. Must've locked those memories deep in my mind. Anyway, I'll get out since you know..." He pointed to his eyes as he took his helmet back from Tethys." Tethys gave a small sigh. "Don't want you to have to go because of us. Same with Shining. Just-... try not to stare?" Skystrike sat down and tilted his head. "When have I stared?" "When I was trying out those outfits at Rarity's." The pegasus raised an eyebrow. "You... wanted my opinion on your outfits, mother fucker." "What of when we ventured in the Everfree, gathering herbs, just you and me?" Zecora asked. Skystrike thought back to it. "Oh, right. I was wondering if you zebras have cutie marks like ponies or if it was something like convergent evolution. Having your own flank patterns and all. Anyway, what were we talking about before I zoned out?" "Oh, Cadence was saying that you knew something about Blueblood and him being compared to you?" Stardust gave an answer. Skystrike leaned his head back. "Yeah, that guy... Well, I still went to the orphanage I grew up in. He didn't go to his. With that alone, ponies already judged his character, and elevated mine. Add to that that I'm a pegasus in a unicorn centric city, it did not make for a good time for him." He sighed. "Honestly, what I think did it for him was after I came back from Cloudsdale, I got all the attention... Specifically from you, Cadence, and Celestia. Then, even you two started comparing him to me. It got to him... enough where he tried to take me out of the equation... twice... Still don't know how he found out about my identity." "Wait, me and Auntie? It was our fault?" "Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." Skystrike tried to think of an equivalent. "It's like... when you're almost done with a project, and a surprise one comes in and you think, "I have plenty of time to finish the first one, I'll focus on this second one for now." Except the projects are sentient and spiteful... I've come to terms with never knowing the reason he hurt us. I just want him to know how monumentally he fucked up." "I still need to get more information on what all happened, but you were right." Shining cleared his throat. "There were some bits that went unaccounted for during the alleged time in that forest... And the guard report for your orphanage was sketchy. No cause of fire, no body found, and the fire fighters were suspiciously late to respond." "Oh yeah, I know." Skystrike nodded. Shining and Cadence shot him a confused look. "What? You think I wouldn't try to find out things myself? There's a lot that I can't tell you because if I did, it would make your entire investigation invalid." "...For a merc, you know the laws really well... Can we at least get a hint?" Skystrike thought on it for a bit. "Uh... He didn't set the fire himself. He had several ponies who reported to him at the time who were transferred elsewhere after the fact, with their records expunged... Oh yeah, not related, how did the gala go otherwise?" Cadence shrugged. "Eh, well enough." She nuzzled Shining. "We were able to get a couple of dances in before the night was ruined." "That's good, my plan worked." Skystrike smiled at them. "Yeah, it did." The two said at the same time. Then they shared a look of realization as they turned to each other. "Yeah, you two are dumb as fuck, hahaha! Yeah, I played both sides. You two are cute together." The couple was stun locked for a few moments. Stardust raised a brow. "Sky, what did you do?" "Yeesh, what didn't I do? These two were the most socially awkward mother fuckers that I've met! These two sucked at hints." He motioned to them with his hooves. "Do you know how often Cadence asked me stuff like what Shining's favorite food was? Or Shining asking if Cadence liked jewelry. Like damn, one time I basically set up a whole date for these two." Zecora chuckled. "Were you often the third in the mix? Feeling like a spare part, an awkward fix?" "Oh yeah, it was awkward as fuck. Especially how they both were trying to be subtle on asking me questions about the other." Skystrike cleared his throat and mimicked Cadence's voice. "'Oh, Skystrike, unrelated but do you know where Shining likes to hang out alone? Not for what you think, though!' And both of you admitted to me that you liked one another. Like come the fuck on. In fact, Cadence?" "Y-yes?" "Say a pick up line that Shining used on you from back then." Skystrike crossed his arms with a grin. The princess thought back to her youth. "Uh... right before the gala, he said 'Can you hold something for me?' And I asked what, and he said 'My hoof?' And that was the best thing I heard." "Hey Shining, where'd you get that from?" Skystrike's grin grew wider. "...You..." He admitted, slightly embarrased. Skystrike, Stardust, Zecora, and Tethys all began laughing at their expense. Cadence processed what that implied. "...Sweet Celestia! You mother bucker!" Cadence's embarrassment grew. "I used your lines on him! He used yours on me! You knew everything??" Skystrike couldn't help but laugh harder. "This isn't fair! I'm supposed to be the Princess of Love! I'm supposed to have dirt on you!" "Pffffft! I don't know why you two are complaining. All I did was hold open the door. You two kept down the path. You two are just predictable." Cadence looked to the other girls. "Tethys, Zecora, Stardust, I am begging you, I need something on him now!" Tethys winced and put her claws up in defense of her pleading eyes. "I don't know what to tell you. Sure, I got stuff on him, but he has stuff on me, and the rest of us. You all have to deal with this for like the next couple decades. That's a lot for you but nothing for me. I'm just gonna wait it out." "Well that's kinda bucked up." Zecora laughed, enjoying herself too much to not bother rhyming. "A while ago, our seamstress friend made him a dress because the whole group thought he was gay." Stardust blurted out. Tethys snorted. "Wait are you serious?" Shining looked confused, but held his tongue. Cadence did not. "Wait, he's not gay?" "You've gotta be kidding me." Skystrike sighed, though couldn't help but laugh a bit at the absurdity of the situation. "FINALLY!!!" Cadence threw her hooves up into the air in celebration. "Something!" "Yeah, honestly, I kinda thought so too." Shining Armor chuckled. "You never really showed any interest in mares... And you did a lot of things mares normally do." "You know, I heard the same argument before, but I still don't get it." Skystrike admitted. "But enlighten me." Shining armor reached into his mind. "Uh... well the clothes are part of it. Normally ponies don't wear them outside of social events unless they're trying to show off their clothes or themselves. And you wore clothes all the time, yet turned down a lot of mares. Aren't many other ways for the mind to wander." Skystrike blinked. "Wait, I was getting hit on? I thought they were just being nice." "Oh you're dense too!" Cadence leaned her head on a hoof. Then she looked at the strained look of Tethys and Zecora. "OhhohOH! This is amazing!" She clapped her hooves together. "You have to tell me all about it next we meet!" "...I feel like I'm missing something here..." Skystrike narrowed. "Skystrike, there's no way you're this dumb. You're the smartest guy I know!" Shining held his forehead. "Ay, holup! I never said I was good with social queues! I will shamelessly admit I am lacking in that department!" Skystrike defended himself. "You helped me get the mare of my dreams! You know how mares work! And you're saying you didn't notice any advances?" "Advances!?" Skystrike said in disbelief. Stardust's nose scrunched up. "Didn't you land four mare at the same time a couple months ago?" "HE WHAT!?" Cadence shouted, then covered her mouth as the birds flew off of the surrounding trees. "Jesus!" Skystrike's ears were ringing. "And yes, I did. Don't know how I managed it though." Shining coughed. "I mean... I'm kinda confused how you managed to last long enough to deal with four." Cadence looked at him. "Oh come on, 'Princess of Love', you can't tell me you didn't think of that either!" Skystrike cringed as he put up a hoof. "I'd prefer not to talk about my sex life unless it's with someone I'm fuckin." "...Someone..." Cadence said aloud. Her eyes went as wide as dinner plates. "No bucking way." "I knew you had it in you bro!" Shining put out a hoof, which the pegasus hoof bumped. "Oh, and I always wanted to ask you Skystrike, How did you hide your identity for almost a decade?" "Oh, it was surprisingly easy." Skystrike shrugged. "All I have to do is wear a helmet and nopony suspects a thing. Kinda makes sense given that many ponies in Canterlot have a white coat. Also, nearly tripling in size probably takes eyes away from you." Stardust was confused. "Wait, how big was he before he left?" "About Zecora's size. He was sixteen, right?" Shining answered for Skystrike to nod. "Now he's like... the size of Luna." "Jeez man, what did you eat?" "...Food?" Skystrike shrugged again. "Metabolism's a bitch. I needed to eat like, half my body weight to gain muscle." "...You know the chefs would've made you anything you wanted, right?" Cadence blinked. "At least you have the good version of it. It's like I can feel myself gaining weight when I eat outside my normal." Skystrike opened his mouth while putting up his hoof, then closed it and put his hoof down. "What was that?" "I... wanted to say something, but there's no way for me to say it without being mean, so I will stay silent." Cadence gave a comforting smile. "Skystrike, you're my brother. I won't take it personally." Skystrike hesitated to say it still while Nightmare Moon screamed in his mind. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" But it would be reeeeeally funny. "Well... I was gonna say you say 'eat outside your normal' like you're on a diet." Stardust held her hoof over her mouth as she tried not to laugh. Zecora face hoofed while Tethys couldnt help but grin. Meanwhile, Cadence sat there with the thousand yard stare. Shining armor sighed. "Everypo- sorry, Everybody, let's... give these two some space." As if they knew what to do, all save for Cadence moved to the opposite end of the bath. Skystrike grew slightly confused before Cadence quickly dashed over to him and shot a jab at his face forcing him to duck under it. Cadence tried to slam her hooves down on him, causing him to jump to the side. "Hey, I thought we were here to relax!?" "Shut up, asshole! I am on a diet!" Cadence's calculated swings quickly turned to frenzied flailing. "You gave me an invitation to say it! You said you weren't going to take it personally!" Skystrike kept dodging. "I lied! Get over here, you stupid horse!" The onlookers watched the show as their play fight got to be more playful than an actual fight. Skystrike began doing cartwheels and flips to dodge her swings. Zecora chuckled. "Did this occur often, a common theme? Or an anomaly, just like a dream?" Shining sighed. "Yeah, these two got into it a lot... over much lesser things too." Skystrike began break dancing to dodge her magic missiles. "...That's impressive as Tartarus to do in water. Anyway, this same thing happened because one time Skystrike made plans with me before Cadence could... Damn, I was dense too. It's heart warming to see things sort of go back to how it was." "How long are they gonna do this for?" Tethys wrapped her tail around her upper body. "Eh... looks like it's ending soon. This part always cracked me up..." Shining chuckled. The group waited with interest to see how this would end. While Cadence was catching her breath. Skystrike quickly hit a pose, flexing his muscles as he puffed his chest out. Then he got on top of her and locked his forehooves around her waist, leaning back into a suplex. Cadence's hooves flailed as she screamed at being lifted up into the air. "YAAAAAAAAAA-" Before landing on he back and laughing. "Ok, you were right, that was pretty good." Stardust laughed. Skystrike helped Cadence on to her hooves as the two huffed. Cadence looked at him for a long moment before pulling him into a hug. "I missed you. It's good to have you back." Skystrike returned the hug. "Same to you." Two days passed since the groups stop in Trottingham. Their flight to Griffonstone was rather uneventful, save for a few fun stories they shared and games they played. Skystrike stayed human through the flight, though despite that, nothing eventful really happened. He could've sworn that Elytra grew an inch or sotaller, but it was probably just a trick of the eye. As of current, Elytra, Zecora, and Tethys were all standing at the opposite end of the deck. Elytra scratched at the floor board. "Uh Skystrike, you've been out here for hours. What's up? You havent said anything." "Oh nothing. Just... you know, feeling the wind on my skin." Skystrike stretched a bit, twisting his waist and rolling his shoulders. "Skystrike, give us the actual reason." Tethys sighed. "We had all the time to do this in Ponyville, yet it's unprompted here of all times and places." He tapped his foot and sighed, scratching the back of his head. "...At the rate things are going, I won't be able to walk out in the open as a human. Celestia still thinks I'm some type of mole, my mere existence being a threat. Add to that that I have a gut feeling about... quite a few things. I thought about telling Twilight before we left but... she'd more than likely tell Celestia. I also thought about... that invasion that Chrysalis is thinking up. If that happens, and I have to fight her and the rest of the changelings... there would be no good way that plays out. In both of those scenarios, I won't be able to be here anymore, alive or not. I'm thinking of ways to make sure you're all okay if that happens." They all winced as his story finished. Tethys walked up next to him and stared at the horizon. Elytra and Zecora did the same as the dragoness spoke. "Skystrike, you made a promise to not leave us again. I get your worry-" Elytra spoke up. "Tethys, we know you're trying to help, but you don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes." She sighed. "Chrysalis still blames Skystrike for their mom's death. She gave Skystrike the chance to rejoin the hive if he lead the march on Canterlot. He denied her, and threatened to kill her if she tried it... I don't doubt that she would reveal his identity out of spite." Skystrike nodded. "And if that happens, all of you are guilty by association. I know you three would help me out if I became a fugitive, but I'm not letting you put yourselves in any more danger." "But... you already told Princess Luna, right? Maybe it'd turn out fine if you work with her?" "That would be the best case scenario. But remember, I faked my death for eight years. I wouldn't be surprised if Celestia thought I killed 'Skystrike' and took his place. After all, I do know how to transform." Zecora had her own question. "Do you reckon she distrusts you so deep, that her suspicions, she just can't keep?" "To be honest, I'm surprised she didn't try to kill me when we met in the abandoned castle." Skystrike gave a small chuckle. "She even got Casta to start designing a machine to neutralize me. The only reason I can think of where she hasn't come after me was because human me knows pony me. Makes me feel manipulative, but she cant come after me directly without ruining our relationship that we just got back." "What of the changelings? Are you quite sure, that this impending attack is what they'll endure?" Elytra could give her input on that. "When he was banished, it... was a moment of weakness for Chrysalis. It had a huge amount of side effects. Skystrike let any changeling who needed it take love... probably why this problem he was having wasn't necessarily a problem until he left the hive. I say that because with the loss of leadership that was Khrusalis, and the emergency source of love that was Skystrike, the hive quickly declined... There was a famine happening when I was banished, and is most likely still going on... We're a predatory species, parasitic even. Ponies are the quickest and most effective source of emotions that we feed on. They'll only last so much longer before the hive is effectively forced to invade." "So... it's an inevitability." Skystrike stated as he sighed. "So far, I have three options..." He began counting on his fingers. "One, I ignore it, and risk the loss of this country, and the suffering of ponies with the reward of my own safety. Two, I tell Celestia of my identity, and the coming invasion at the risk of her retaliation, which is very likely. Three, I wait until it happens, and I confront Chrysalis and the rest of the hive at the risk of my identity coming out from her... The safest option would be to just tell Celestia." Elytra huffed. "You already said that she barely trusts anything you say." "I meant safest for everyone else." Tethys frowned. "You're doing it again. Putting everyone else before you. You deserve to be happy." "Maybe so, but not at the harm of others." Skystrike clenched his fist. "That was the whole reason I left the hive willingly... fat load of shit that did in hindsight. But even if there is a chance that you all will come out unharmed, I'll take it." "...Hypothetically, If Celestia does find out, and doesn't confront you, what will you do?" Elytra asked. "I would stick around until the end of my lifetime." "And if she does confront you?" "Then I'll fight her. She wouldn't let me be free, and I will not be contained again. Once she's in a state where she can't follow me, I would isolate myself as to not put anyone else in danger- Zecora got angry as he continued to speak. Angry enough where she didn't even bother to rhyme. "What the buck is wrong with you!? You would abandon us again!? After all the time we spent together!? Do we mean nothing to you!?" His eyes flickered. He took in a few deep breaths before answering. "It's because you all mean everything to me that I would do it. You don't realize how much I've thought about this. The Elements of Harmony would be called to stop me. It'd hurt me even more if they didn't even believe that I'm Skystrike. Luna would be forced to choose between me and her country. You all would either have to watch me suffer, or fight those you grew close to... I don't want that for any of you." Skystrike sighed. "The road that I've taken doesn't lead to any happy endings. I just have to chose the least worst one." "You know we can take care of ourselves, right?" Tethys shook his shoulder. "You don't have to keep sacrificing yourself and your happiness for us. No matter what you do, we'll stand by you until the end." Zecora and Elytra both looked up at him and put a hoof on each of his legs. "Thank you, girls. I don't know how, but I'll make it up to you all." Skystrike smiled at them. "I'll figure out something. For now, we're almost to Griffonstone." The four friends looked back towards the horizon to see the griffon capital, sitting atop one of the peaks of the Hyperborean Mountains. He could see several dozen griffons flying around the peak. The city structures seemed to be built on a petrified tree, nearly as large peak of the mountain itself. Among the highest branches sat a tall castle carved out of the tree itself. Though he couldn't make out what it was made of, the entrance to both the city and the castle were marked with a red material. Getting closer, he noticed how... run down the place was. The wooden houses and thatch roofs were either rotting, missing parts, or both. A few of the houses fell off their perches, while others slumped into the ground below. Getting even closer, it looked as if the place was abandoned. Doors had no hinges, their walkways were cracked and crumbling. He would believe that Griffonstone was a ghost town if Skystrike currently wasn't getting stares as a few griffons passed. Some of them were even armed... worrying. "Zecora, Elytra, Tethys, get your armor on. I'm about to park the ship and put it on lockdown." They all nodded before walking inside, Skystrike following after them. In the bridge, he grabbed the levers and began to slow the ship down, just outside what he would assume to be the city limits. He then went to put on his armor before locking every room and hallway before meeting the girls on the deck of the ship. The winds in the sky were strong, but not strong enough to move the ship any meaningful distance. Tethys looked over the city. "Yeesh, it's been a while since I've been here... Couple decades I think? I was in my hundreds, but I did not think it would be in this state of decay... I get why Alder didn't say anything about his home." Elytra sheathed her Rapier. "You've been here before?" Tethys nodded and played with the tip of her tail between her fingers. "Yeah, though it was long before any of you were born. This place used to be beautiful... from afar I mean. I never dared to step claw inside. The houses used to be made of stone, painted all pretty too. Every griffon wore some gold on them. Tartarus, they used to be as greedy as us dragons... now... It's like they lost all of their pride." Then she turned to Skystrike. "You think Alder will even be here?" "I hope so. If not, we ask around and see if any of these griffons do." Skystrike clenched his fist of his metal arm, the joints creaking against each other. "If their greed is anything to go by, then that means money talk. You all ready?" Zecora winced. "Descending from up high, a puzzling plight. Without wings, it seems, a daunting flight." "Well, I planned on carrying you. I may not have wings, but I can still fly." Zecora full on cringed. "This may seem to be a lesser plight, but I am... afraid of heights." It makes sense. She never truly got over that fall. Skystrike kneeled down to be as close to her eye level as he could be. "It's not lesser. I get it. Don't worry, I'll take care to not go too fast, and to try and calm you down. It'll be over before you know it. Skystrike put out a hand. Zecora put up a hoof and hesitated, but trusted him enough to take it. Skystrike picker her up, holding up her rear with his right arm just below his stomach, and his left arm around her back. A flustered Zecora wrapped her forehooves around his neck. "Tethys, Elytra, go ahead down. We'll be a minute." The two gave a knowing smirk before climbing on and jumping off the railing of the ship. Skystrike took a step onto the railing before feeling Zecora tighten her grip. "It'll be fine. Just close your eyes." Skystrike created two balls of fire under each of his feet. It took him a while to learn the trick, but it was easy once he got it down. Increasing the output of the fire and controlling the direction of release below him, a small enough upward force was generated to slow their descent. Zecora's eyes were closed tight. "...Are we moving?" "Yeah, got about a minute before we reach the ground. Are you doing ok?" He could feel the zebra nod. "I'm hanging in there, you're steady and true, Let's pick up the pace, I don't wish to be in the sky longer than I have to." Skystrike slowly increased the speed of his descent. "I didn't think it was this bad. Sorry, I should've thought of that before asking you to come on this trip." Zecora shook her head. "I do not mind it..., your company's a pleasure.... Flying together, a memory to treasure..." Skystrike noticed that it was taking longer to for her rhymes, and she was beginning to shake slightly. In an attempt to calm her down, Skystrike began to stroke her back. Thankfully, it worked. Though she was still nervous, the shaking stopped. "Well, I enjoy the time I spend with you too." Maybe it'd help if he took her mind off the falling. "Oh, I never asked, what jacket did you get?" "Oh, I... got a bomber jacket, olive green in hue. Stylish and cool, quite the debut." She answered. "With Tethys and Elytra by my side, choosing attire was a fashionable ride." "Oh cool. I'll have to see you rock it sometime." Skystrike said as he landed on the ground with a thump before expelling his magic. "You can open your eyes. We've landed." Zecora thanked him with a nod before jumping out of his arms. Tethys gave a knowing smirk before looking to Skystrike. "So, what's the plan, Skystrike?" He looked around at the very few griffons looking at them. He walked up to one. The griffon had black feathers with grey fur and darker grey talons. She raised an eyebrow as Skystrike approached her, then grew uneasy seeing the armaments he and his companions had on. "I don't know anything, you got the wrong girl." Skystrike chuckled and reached into his pocket to pull out a handful of bits. "Not in trouble. In fact, I need information. There's a griffon I'm acquainted with. He has silver feathers, orange fur, and white talons. Has a black feather crown, his wings go from silver to black, and the tip of his tail does the same. Rather tall for a griffon, since the bird part of him is a secretary bird. Should be in his mid 50s. Does that ring any bells?" The griffon looked at the bag of bits. "I might... but with the armor you got on and the ship you came in on, you can do better than that." Skystrike narrowed his eyes. "This is to make sure that you actually do know something, and I'm not wasting my money. You have to have some pride left as a griffon, so lets make a deal." He reached back into his pocket to bring out double of the bits he once held. "All of this for the guarantee of some useful info. If it's a simple pointer, you get the original amount offered." The griffoness thought on it for a bit before taking the bags in a talon. "...Some griffon of that description comes by every once in a while. Has some family in the house a few blocks down. If you're lucky, he may be there. It's the one house that isn't completely run down." "Thanks." Skystrike motioned for the group to follow. "You heard the lady. May just end up being a waiting game." Skystrike waited for each of them to be within whispering distance. "And stay on your guard, I expected it but we're being watched." The four of them walked down the cracked streets. Trying to ignore eye contact with the passerby, they saw the house that griffon spoke of in the distance. It was still run down, but like she said, not completely. The walled were made of stone, though cracked, and the roof didn't have any holes in it. What made it stand out was the metal door with a sliding door to see who was on the other side of the door. Skystrike knocked on it. The latch slid open and a pair of eagle eyes looked at him. Skystrike crouched down a bit to see the watcher at eye level. "...The fuck are you supposed to be, some... tall, flat faced ape?" If only the beings of this world knew how racist that sounded. "Well, lets just say I'm not from these parts... I'm here looking for a griffon. I heard from a little birdie that this is where I can find him." "That depends on who's askin', and who's yer lookin' for." "A couple old friends, looking for a griffon in his mid fifties called Alder-" Skystrike didn't even get to finish his sentence before the latch slammed shut at the mention of the griffons name. Skystrike made a face, turned to his friends who were also making the same face as him, then knocked on the door again. "Piss off! There's no griffon here by that name!" "Oh, somehow I doubt that..." Skystrike sighed. "From the sounds of it, doesn't sound like you're one for conversation. So, I'll give you a simple ultimatum. Give us info on Alder, or I come in there and find it myself." He threatened. "Good luck with that, asshole! This is two feet of solid steel!" Skystrike motioned for his friends to stand back. They did so as he made a blade come out of his metal arm on top of his wrist. He made it vibrate at an astounding speed before pulling back and making three slashes in a triangle pattern across the entire door. The fragments of it fell inward to reveal a gobsmacked griffon. Before he could call for help, Skystrike jumped on the griffon, pinning him to the ground on his belly and closing the beak with his hand. He flailed under his weight for a bit before a sword dug into the ground next to him. "Don't. Move." The griffon listened. "Scratch into the floor with a talon how many of you there are. Elytra, Zecora, sweep the floor, don't split up. Tethys, make sure no one follows us in." They all went to do as told, the mares going into the dark corridors while Tethys puffed up her chest before breathing out chilling water onto the floor, it freezing on contact. Soon enough, the entire doorframe was blocked with a thick wall of ice. Then, on Skystrike's demand, she froze the griffon to the floor, allowing Skystrike to step off of him. Zecora and Elytra came back. "The floor's empty. There's nothing here." Skystrike shook his head. "They wouldn't have a door like that to act as a deterrent, nor a watcher if that was the case. Any rugs, bookcases, wall mounted torches, anything that would seem suspicious?" Zecora nodded. "Amidst the room, a few rugs lie. But most are worn, torn, their days gone by." "Same with the bookshelves. And the torches don't have any wicks left." Stardust added. Skystrike hit a thinking pose. "...Zecora, you said most. What about the design of the rugs?" "Among the fancy, one stands apart, yet its simplicity holds a special heart." "Why are we talking about rugs?" Tethys crossed her arms and folded in her wings to not hit anything. "There's more than likely a secret entrance, and from how most of these griffons don't really wear their wealth, I would assume crime rates would be a bit high. Sure, they may be prideful, but greed can be stronger. If there was anything here worth taking, it'd be something like a rug. My guess is that the secret entrance is under the one least likely to be stolen." Skystrike looked at the griffon frozen to the floor, who decided to not write anything. "We don't know how many griffons we may be dealing with, but despite that, we're not killing anyone today... Elytra, anything else that stood out?" She shook her head. "No... well... the room where that normal looking rug is does have a stronger smell. A lot of mixed emotions... greed, pride, happiness..." Tethys sniffed the air. "It also smells a bit like meat... They just came back from a hunt." "Sounds like our place then." Skystrike rolled his shoulder. Zecora lead them all to the room with a plain orange rug, full of dirt and torn here and there. He huffed as he pulled the rug back, and sure enough, there was a large trap door. "Lets wait for a bit. Hug the wall behind the trap door. Elytra, hang out on the ceiling in the blind spot of the door." They all did so before Tethys asked. "Why aren't we just going in?" Elytra answered in Skystrike's place. "They're more than likely on shifts. No griffon is coming in since they just had a hunt and more than likely from the greed and pride and happiness, having a party. Eventually, one is going to have to come to switch out. There is also, more than likely some code if you want to enter the trap door, and not one to exit... It's what I was taught in the guard, and these griffons are organized." And so, they waited. The silence was deafening, but none of them could guarantee that the door was soundproof. Given that it was wooden, more than likely not. Luckily, they didn't make much sound as they came in. It took about twenty minutes, but a brown griffon opened the door. "Apollo! Time to switch out! I saved you a cut of loin like you wanted!" Skystrike pointed at the griffon, giving the signal to Elytra to pounce. She did so, landing on the griffon's head, causing them to face plant. While staggered, the changeling charged her magic and used a tranquilizing spell, knocking the griffon out easily. Skystrike got off the wall and began dragging the brown griffon away from the trap door and against the wall. "I see you never lost your edge." "Thanks... I've been practicing..." She whispered back. "Honestly, I was worried I was starting to lose my edge... Been a while since we did a mission." Skystrike motioned for Tethys to freeze the griffon. She did so before they all followed the ladder further down. They heard music getting louder, and the smell of roasted meat filled the air. It makes sense, since depending on the bird half, griffons are either omnivorous or carnivorous. They made sure to watch their steps as they followed the well lit torches on the carved stone walls, Skystrike leading the pack, stopping at each corner to make sure no griffon was coming. He thanked his luck that they were celebrating, else they would be breathing down his neck. He put out a hand to stop his friends before a large opening. There were between two and three dozen griffons sat around six boars over a large fire pit in the center. Sure enough, it was a feast. Skystrike looked at the griffons filling their guts with pork and ale, seeing if he could fine who he was looking for. His eyes fell upon the one he was looking for. It's been almost three years now, but he looks about the same. Same silver feathers, same orange fur, but both were a bit more dull. He was giving a hardy laugh to his assumed subordinates around him. He seemed happy, to say the least. Tethys leaned around to see Alder. "So... we can't exactly just go in and say hello, can we?" "I mean... I can't... you guys probably could." Skystrike chuckled. Then he hummed as he got an idea. "Elytra, can you teleport to the ship and bring back what's left of the Ophiotaurus? Should be the tail left." Elytra nodded before teleporting away. After two minutes, she came back with a loud thump. "Thanks, now... this may seem crazy but-" Elytra sighed. "You're gonna walk in there and say 'I come bearing gifts' or something." Skystrike lifted up the roast by the metal pikes still in it. "You know me well." He said as he turned around. Stepping into the light, he felt dozens of eyes snap onto him as their voices fell silent. There was an awkward pause before Skystrike said. "I come bearing gifts! Ever had Ophiotaurus!?" The griffons looked at him. "Who the fuck is that?" One asked. "What the fuck is that?" Another asked. "...It does smell kinda good... Wait, how in Tartarus did it get in!?" And with that last question, the few that could began to reach for their weapons. Muskets, crossbows, and various blades clattered as they worked their ways into their aggressors claws. "HOLD!" Alder put up a silver talon, making all the griffons under him stop in place, their weapons still trained on him. The lanky griffon took slow steps towards the human before taking out a cigar and lighting it. The middle aged griffon took in a puff of smoke before blowing it out and meeting Skystrike's purple eyes with his sky blue. "You seem like a reasonable fella... put down that meat over the fire. Boys, some space, please." Alder lead him to the fire pit, and motioned for Skystrike to put the roast over it. "Boss! You can't be serious!?" A griffon still has his musket trained on the human. "Stork, he snuck in and got past two of our guys, if he wanted any of us dead, he would've done so by now." Alder let out another puff of smoke. "Though I am a bit curious... how'd you get in here?" "Well your first guy wouldn't let me in, so I cut down the door. Then I waited for the second guy to come check on the first, and snuck in." Skystrike pulled over a chair to sit down in, as well as one for Alder. Alder didn't sit down quite yet. "...Two of my boys just let you walk in?" "Oh, no, had to handle them." Skystrike said. Alder put up a talon. "Oh, don't worry, they aren't dead. Didn't want to get on your bad side, considering I came here looking for you." Alder put his talon down and sat. "And tell me, what do you want with me? Some other rival of ours tell you to come for us? Can't think of many enemies we have..." "Oh, well, just to see you. Some old friends wanted to meet you, me included." Skystrike pointed to the hallway he came from. All the griffons turned to look into the darkness. "...Oh, right. Sorry, we didn't really have a plan. Yo! You girls can come out now!" Elytra came out first, then Zecora, then Tethys. A few of the griffons turned their weapons on them before Alder gave his order. "Drop your weapons now!" He put out his cigar before putting it out by cutting off there fire with a talon. His stern face softened a bit at the familiar faces. "Go back to the celebration... We've got a couple new guests joining us!" Though hesitantly, the griffons did as told putting down their weapons and picking back up their food and drinks. Elytra tried to hide her astonishment. "How did that work?" "Elytra! Tethys! Zecora! What a sight for sore eyes!" Alder gave a hardy laugh. "Didn't think I'd be able to see you all again before I kicked the bucket!" He was almost a head over Zecora as he shook her hoof, then going to Elytra and Tethys to do the same. They exchanged their own personal greetings before Alder chuckled. "Damn... it's only been three years huh?" Elytra nodded. "Time hasn't been half bad on you, Alder. Wasn't expecting all of this." "And I wasn't expecting the three of you to be able to get here to Griffonstone. Much less with your... weird friend." Alder turned to the human. "Sorry, kid, I never asked your name." "Skystrike." Alder blinked. "Huh... had a pony friend with the same name." "Yeah, that's me. Hi, Alder." Skystrike snorted. Alder stared at him in disbelief before Skystrike showed his helmet to sell the change in appearance, as well as showing his swords. "No way... that colt was you!? How!?" "It's a long story." Skystrike sighed. Alder hummed. "Well... can you prove you're him?" "Uh...." Skystrike thought. "You were the seventh to join, and we met in Canterlot because you were bored and wanted to find a way to make bits for your griffons here... You also tried to give me "advice" on how to "get girls" because I was lonely. You also said you had a neice that came to Equestria before, so you had a general idea of how the country worked. You, me, and Jeshan bonded the most out of the whole group before Skybeak joined because we're guys." Alder smiled at the memory as he poured himself and the rest of his guests some drinks. "Heh, yeah, we got into so much shit back then... Jeshan and I were the oldest, but we still threw down like you and Skybeak. Haha! Remember when we all tried to out drink Tethys?" He looked back at the dragoness who pulled up some seats for the rest of them. "One of the best nights of my life, but I regretted it like hell in the morning." Tethys chuckled as she turned the chair around to rest her arms on the back of it. "Still don't know why you thought you could win." Alder chuckled some more as they bumped their tankards together in cheers. "So... been three years. You're 25 now, right? Don't blame ya for how you left, figured you were going through a lot back then." Skystrike nodded. "Yeah... still going through a lot now, but better at communication. Figured I'd come check up on you after these years in person, and say sorry." He sighed. "I thought I was doing the best by each of you, only to realize later that my actions hurt you all the most." Alder put a talon on Skystrike's shoulder. "Kid, you don't gotta apologize for that. I get it, really." Skystrike raised an eyebrow at that. "Bein' honest, the reason I even joined you was because I've been trying to make money for the family." Elytra looked up from her drink. "...You know, you never did talk about your family." He sighed. "Well... not too much to talk about anymore. Had a brother who passed about a year back... All that's left is my sister in law and niece. My niece came back from Equestria just before her fathers passing, but... she apparently didn't have a good time before she came. Falling out with a friend or something. Anyway I promised my younger brother Talos that I'd take care of her." Zecora tried to comfort him a bit. "I'm sorry, my griffon friend, that your brother met his untimely end. From your mourning, it seems you were close. A bond so deep, like a crimson rose." "Yeah... Was a little shit at times, but I loved him to death. But let's not hang on a tough subject." Alder took another sip of his ale. "I'm interested in what this Ophio-what's it tastes like." Skystrike switched his tankard to his left hand. Alder was a bit confused at first before a blade launched out of the wrist of his metal arm. Skystrike cut off a slice and put it on a plate for Alder. "By the roost! That's cool as hell! When did you get that!?" Skystrike chuckled. "Had it the whole time. Just never really wanted attention on it." Alder cut a piece with his silver talons and stuck it into his mouth. His eyes lit up at the flavor as he pogged. "Oh this is great! It's so tender! The fat just melts in my mouth! And it's seasoned so well!" "Heh, nice to know you enjoy it. We already stored food for ourselves, so you can share that with the rest of your guys here. Think of it as an apology for the door, and those two guys." Alder looked at him. "Shit, almost forgot. HEY!" He shouted to his griffons. "STONE! SLATE! CHECK ON THOSE TWO WHO LET THESE FOUR IN! MAY BE FRIENDS, BUT THOSE TWO WERE SLOPPY!" Alder scarfed down the meat. "How did you guys get in anyway? I'd imagine it's hard, sneaking in with all that armor you got on." Elytra took a gulp of her ale. "Oh, Skystrike cut down the door, then we waited for a griffon to come in to check on the first griffon." Tethys nodded. "Honestly, was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Probably because we caught you during a celebration." Alder blinked. "...How the hell did you cut down a solid steel door!? That costed me like, two thousand bits!" Skystrike sighed. "Yeah, thought about that when I realized you were the leader here. I thought you got kidnapped or something, since they hesitated at the mention of your name. I got the stuff to fix it on my ship, so you don't have to pay. As for your 'hidden' base, I'd recommend having the same rug quality in each room. It was literally the first thing I thought of. Also, the metal door on a normal house makes the place stand out." "Thanks... I've been working on that- hold on, 'my ship'? You came here by sea?" Skystrike smiled. "Well, yes, but technically, no. I flew over the sea." "...You have a mother fucking airship!?" His beak opened wide. "How!?" Tethys smirked. "He tricked the princesses of Equestria to buy him one if he won against the captain of their guard and the princess of love." Alder looked at them before busting out into laughter, some of the griffons around him stopping their conversations to look at him. "AHAHAHA! Knew you were a smart kid but damn! Never expected you to play the princesses!" He laughed a bit more before he gave a happy sigh. "Damn... how'd you even get close enough to them for that to happen? Don't really know how royals work there, but the ones here wouldn't let you even see them." "Oh, well, I made my name as a solo after we split up." Skystrike began to explain as he took a sip of his ale. "I was known for being fast, reliable, and not cutting corners. Plus, I had my ways of making sure I left a good impression... Apparently, my name went around enough, that Celestia came to me personally for a quest. I met the Captain and the third princess when I got my reward." Tethys nodded. "I met him during that mission. We were after the same targets, some dragons that had to be put down. It's been about... eight months I think? Time always loses me with how long I've been alive." Zecora finished her drink. "Seven months, a journey profound. Glad to have shared this time, I've found. Skystrike's tale holds secrets untold, adopted by the princess, a story to unfold." "Huh... ok then. That's... not as surprising as I thought it'd be." Alder said before side eyeing the roast. "Skystrike, can you...?" Skystrike chuckled before cutting off another, larger, slice. "Thanks... you know, if you're still single, my niece is on the market." Skystrike's eyes went wide as he choked on his drink while the girls were laughing. It burned his throat, but he forced himself to swallow the harsh liquid. "God! That's one of the first things you ask me?" "Oh, you'd like her... probably... Honestly, Gilda just needs a good influence." Skystrike winced a bit at the mention of that name. "Oh, you know her? Well, not you you, more like pony you." "We have... a history..." Skystrike sighed. "Didn't end on the best of terms... Came to Ponyville, started off ok, but then she just started to be an a-... a jerk to my friends. Made one of them cry so I may have punched her in the face... hard enough for her to slide back a few feet." Tethys, Zecora, and Alder all went "Oh." Before Tethys asked the important question. "Wait... which one did she make cry?" "Fluttershy." Tethys put up her hands. "Sorry, Alder, she deserved it. Fluttershy is the sweetest soul." Skystrike shook his head. "Knowing what I know now, I regret it... She just wanted to spend time with her best friend, and kept getting interrupted. Of course she'd be mad. Add to that that she probably wasn't over her dad's death. Doesn't justify her actions but... I can understand why she acted the way she did." "Damn... I don't want to believe it but... you weren't one to lie." Alder sighed as he poured himself some more ale. He took a few gulps before slamming it down on the table. "She's taking it worse than I thought then..." Skystrike leaned back. "Well, if she's nearby, I planned on staying in Griffonstone for a few days at least. I'd like to apologize to her if she'd give me the chance... Actually, what would I even say besides 'Hey, sorry I decked you in the face and called you half chicken.' But yeah, I'll still apologize." Skystrike drank some of his ale. "Oh, I never asked, what do you do with all these griffons besides hunt?" Alder rolled his neck. "Well, I kinda copied you. We take missions from the surrounding cities, territories, and countries. Zebrafrica, Saddle Arabia, Seaquestria from time to time. Sometimes we're hired as security, but most times, it's long distance package delivering. Us griffons can fly a lot longer than ponies, you know. Anything to keep the money coming in... Damn nobles up in their branches keep all the money to themselves, giving us the scraps." "Let me guess... corruption?" "You have no idea." Alder growled. "I'll tell you about it later." "You know... I make no promises, but I could be getting some political power in the coming months. I'll try my best to get trade to Griffonstone if I do. The village I could be in charge of is right on the edge of the Luna Bay, so the fishing scene could be great." Skystrike leaned forward. "At the very least, I can help you get dual citizenship. Will be a lot easier than starting from Zero with Tethys." Alder hummed as he scratched his chin in thought. "Hmm... not a bad idea, honestly. Can't exactly say I can afford to go out on the field anymore. Age is finally getting up there, plus Gilda... You know, I don't think I've ever had fish." Tethys smiled. "May be bias, since my homeland is the Dragon Seas, but it's... alright. Depends on the type of fish. I just got tired of it. You'd probably like it." Alder thought about it. "Well, it would probably beat living here... But let me cut to the chase, Skystrike. What are you here for?" Skystrike winced. "Damn, was I that much of an asshole?" "Yeah." They all said before looking between each other and laughing. Skystrike couldn't help but smile either. "Damn, well, thanks for sticking by me throughout my actions." Alder huffed. "Well, thinking back on it, you weren't really an asshole, more like... unfiltered? Like, sure, everything you did made sense, but there's the emotional aspect to it. I remember when we had some contract to find some stolen family heirloom, and this stallion was talking about how it was important to him or whatever. And yes, we were all thinking it, but you just up and say 'How will this information help us find it?' And he got SO mad." "Yeah, that's fair." Skystrike chuckled a bit. "I'd like to think I've changed since. I realized I almost snuffed out the emotional part of me back then. I'll tell you about it later. To answer your earlier question... Rather not bring down the mood, but I'm here for nothing more than to see you again." Alder stayed silent for a while. "Huh... Well, guess we have a lot to talk about in the morning." The griffon looked around to see the state his comrades. Some of the griffons were completely wasted, others were passed out, and the rest seemed to head back to their rooms for the night. "Guess it is about that time, huh? You four need a place to sleep?" Elytra shook her head. "No, but thanks for the offer. The Wind Waker is surprisingly spacious." "I'll fix your door in the morning." Skystrike stood up to stretch a bit. "The time zone difference is gonna mess us up, bit we'll be up around... ten your time. Wanna join us for breakfast? It'll be pancakes." "Aw HELL yeah!" Alder pumped a fist. Skystrike nodded, giving the griffon a fist bump before turning to leave. It's nice having something to look forward to. > Lion's Den > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was almost noon. Alder the griffon held his head as he took in all that Skystrike said. Tethys, Zecora, and Elytra gave the two some space to talk. The human told him about all that he's gone through, from his life in the lab, the changelings, the ponies, his siblings, and why he disbanded the group. Lastly, he told Alder about his most recent discovery, the limited time he has left in this world. It took over an hour to explain everything. Skystrike leaned back as he took in the beauty of the work he did. He just finished fixing Alder's steel door, welding the pieces back together with his magic. "And... there." Skystrike put the door back on its hinges. "Almost like new." He turned to Alder who just looked at him. "What?" "Skystrike, kid, you cant just say all that and expect me to not be surprised! You're an alien! Other dimensions exist! You're so casual about this, I have a hard time believing it all, but said alien is in front of me! And to top it all off, you're dying!" Alder slammed a talon on the table as he ended each sentence. Skystrike hummed. "...You know, when you say it like that..." He chuckled. "How are you so calm?!" "Look Alder, literally every being in this world was the equivalent of some caveman on mushrooms hallucinating. Stuff like this wont surprise me anymore. As for my death, I'm kinda over it. Knew I was gonna kick the bucket eventually. I'm more worried about how everyone is gonna take it." Skystrike shrugged as he pulled up a chair to sit down next to Alder. It was early, but the griffon needed it. He pulled out a cigar and took a few puffs. "...Then let me get the chance to say this before I lose it. You're like a son to me... I see the naivety and recklessness that I had in you. Probably learned most of this by now, but even the tiniest actions you do now affects all of us." He sighed. "...There's so much I wish I could've said to my little brother before Talos passed. I'll never get that chance, but you still have that." He put a talon in Skystrike's shoulder. "Take risks. It's what makes life worth living. You said you live in Ponyville right? Any mares there you like?" "I mean... maybe? I don't really know 'love' besides platonic." Skystrike sighed. "Wasn't really around anyone who had a positive relationship... Well, there was my foster family for about two years, but I wasn't really there to see it." Alder took another puff. "Ah damn, how do I explain this... When you see a girl you like, your heart skips a beat, you smile more, your chest gets a weird feeling. Anything like that ring a bell?" "I thought that was because I wasn't depressed anymore." Skystrike scratched the back of his head. "Oh." Alder blinked. "...Yeah, that would do it too... Sky, you do not make this easy. Why don't you ask your sister, Candice or whatever's her name?" "Because I'll never hear the end of it." Skystrike admitted. "Also, why are you telling me about girls?" Alder chuckled. "I may not look it, but I had game back in my day... Ever fucked a minotaur?" Skystrike contained his laugh. "Well, no, but good for you? I guess?" He watched the one of the griffons he knocked out yesterday walk by, giving him a dirty look. "Oh yeah, reminds me, you said something yesterday about telling me about the corruption here?" Alder grumbled a bit as he tapped his cigar into the ash tray on the table in front of him. "That's... a long story." He looked at the still rising sun. About eleven he guessed. He put the cigar away it its case before standing up. "Thanks for the door. Let's go up to your ship. Figured I'd tell everyone so I don't have to explain this several times." Skystrike nodded. "Alright. I parked it just on the outskirts." Alder walked past Skystrike as he held the door open for the griffon. "You parked it in the sky?" He asked looking up at it. "Damn, what does that run off of?" "An artificial magic generator. Essentially, it gains energy as it loses it, lest I run it over capacity." The two kept talking as they walked. "Damn... and how long did it take you to get here? I know by train it's like, three or four days depending on how many stops it takes." "Well, a bit over three. We made a couple stops to hunt, then in Trottingham. After spending a few days here, it's about a... five day flight plan to Diamondia?" Skystrike shrugged. "The map we have is off of a lot of shared memory... Actually, that reminds me of what I wanted to do here. Know where I can get a map?" Alder sighed a bit. "Part of the issue I was gonna touch on. Information is very heavily regulated by the crown. You'd be surprised how few griffons know anything past grade school... then again, our schools aren't really funded... or existent. Anyway, getting ahead of myself. I'm saying you need to go through the government to get a map." "Yeesh... I can tell where this goes." Skystrike sighed. Alder gave him a look, as if asking to elaborate. "Information is power, so to make sure your royalty stays in power, they control the amount of information that gets around. My race, humanity, has a long, long history of that. One of the more notable parts to mention is that there were mass book burnings because of religious reasons, saying that it was blasphemous. Eventually, it gets to the point where they control what you think through propaganda. 'It's this country's fault that we're in poverty' or 'We may have committed war crimes, but these people made us'. Then you can control the mass populous to disavow anyone who disagrees with the status quo." "I... just... wow... You humans have... quite the history." Alder thought more about it. "Are you saying that... we griffons are going down your path?" Skystrike thought about it. "Well, kind of. Its different enough where you have plenty of time to fix it though. Like, I don't know much about your history, but you aren't having genocides of certain races because of their race, nor do you have the technology yet to spread propaganda world wide, let alone have a war where literally every important country is fighting between each other. and that's only the 20th century. When I was born and taught all of this, I was in the 31st. Things got even worse when we were able to use magic, but that's a long, long story." "Jeez kid... Everything seems so small now... And you were just groomed into invading this world?" Skystrike nodded at Alder's question. "Well, thanks for not taking us over." Skystrike chuckled a bit. "No problem. Haven't really had a reason to anyway. Most of my experiences here have been positive." He stopped and looked up at the Wind Waker, then looked to Alder. "Can you make that flight?" "I'm old, not senile, asshole." Alder laughed. With a few flaps of his wings, he began flying a few feet off the ground. "Can you? Or do you have to transform?" Skystrike shook his head. "Back up a bit." Alder did so, going further up into the air. Skystrike took a deep breath before giving a slight hop and stomping both feet onto the ground. Then he did a full jump, simultaneously moving the earth under him to launch him upwards past Alder. After a few seconds, he landed on the deck of his ship, and after a few more, Alder did as well. "Damn, could you always do that? Wish I could." Alder said before walking up to Skystrike. "Yeah, the transforming magic is actually kinda painful, so if I do it, I plan to stay that way for a while. Plus, I can only keep the same mass, so I can't turn into like... Tethys's size for example." Then Skystrike thought on it some more. "Actually, maybe I can if I convert magic into mass..." Alder was confused. "You lost me at mass." "Mass is similar to size. Just talking to myself. I'll have to test it later." Skystrike waved the thought off. "Anyway, I gave very detailed instructions to Tethys on how to cook pancakes and bacon. With Zecora and Elytra helping, they should have breakfast ready-" An explosion was heard from within the ship. The two stared at the door to the interior, then slowly to each other. "Skystrike?" "Yeah?" "I don't wanna die, bro." "Yeah..." Skystrike sighed. "Come on... I'll just... cook everything myself." Opening the door to the interior and walking down one of the hallways, the two entered the kitchen. Elytra was huddled in the corner, Zecora was on the ground, dying and barely being able to breathe from the laughter. Tethys was also on the ground, black soot covering her upper body, and the wall behind the stove. Skystrike held his face in his hands. "It's like, eight ingredients... How did this fucking happen?" Tethys groaned as she wiped the soot off out of her eyes. "Shit... This sweater is ruined." She looked down at the green one she was wearing. Elytra's ears stopped ringing. "Tethys left the flour too close to the fire... the bag exploded... I didn't even know that could happen" Skystrike looked at the source of the explosion. Sure enough, there were scraps left of said bag of flour. "On the upside." Skystrike looked at the dragoness speaking. I made the pancakes and bacon!" She opened the oven to show her messy looking, but still appetizing pancakes. "Sorry they don't look that good." Skystrike put a hand on her shoulder and looked up at her. "Hey, it's the effort that matters here. Besides, often the worst looking pancakes are the best. Get changed out of that sweater, I'll set up the plates." Tethys sighed with a nod before pulling off her sweater. "Damn..." Skystrike looked respectfully at her assets covered by her bra. Holup "Wait, why are you changing here!?" Tethys frowned. "Wasn't one of your points at that bath house that you've seen all of this before? Also you said you wouldn't stare!" "Well exCUSE me for looking at what's right in front of me! And yeah, I've seen it all before, but that's not the point here!" Skystrike pointed a finger. "Then what is?" She narrowed her eyes. Skystrike groaned. "God, I cant believe I have to explain this... It's the reveal that matters. With ponies, they're almost always naked, so there's nothing to reveal until they got clothes on! In fact, I'll give you an example!" Skystrike pulled up the bottom of his sweatshirt to reveal his abs and one of his pecs. "Damn." Tethys said unconsciously. Then she blinked as she realized what she did. "...Fuckin'... I see your point." She put her sweater back on. "Wait, is that why you like girls that wear clothes." "Yeah." Skystrike admitted shamelessly. "I feel like we already established this." Alder cleared his throat loudly. "Can we eat?" They all shared a laugh as Tethys went to change. Soon enough, the table was set, each having a couple pancakes, the meat eaters having some strips of bacon, and mixed fruit for all. Skystrike looked over the table to see if he missed anything. "Holup, there's a sixth plate." As if on queue, Tethys entered the room with the pony that the 6th plate was meant for. "Holy shit it's Casta!" "Magic mare!" Alder put his claws up in cheer. "Been a while! How've you been?" "Oh my gosh, Alder!" Casta put up her hooves in return as they hugged. "I've been doing great! How about you?" "Been doing pretty good myself, kid. Took a page out of Skystrike's book here, started my own merc group. What about you?" Casta puffed out her chest as she straightened her glasses. "Actually, I was able to become Equestria's court magician!" Alder lifted her up into the air. "Haha! Moving up in the world I see! But let's eat. Tell me more about it as we do." He put her down as he took a seat at the table. "So Casta, what do you actually do? I know you work in the government, so probably can't tell me much." Casta nodded. "Yeah, plus, I did technically cross borders so... don't tell the princesses." She gave a small laugh, then sighed. "Honestly, mostly I work on my mana research. When I'm not, meeting with some ponies who's research papers I have to read over. Nothing too ground breaking, just some grad students at Canterlot Magic Academy." "Hey, at least you don't have to sit through dissertations.' Skystrike chuckled, taking a bite of his pancakes. "I know that the ponies that had to sit through mine was bored as hell. Didn't expect a 15 year old to know what they were talking about." "Dissertation?" Tethys asked. Casta nodded. "Basically someone does their research, three to five ponies in the respective field read over it, and the researcher has to defend how and why their process is correct. At the end of it, they get their-" Casta paused at what she realized what Skystrike said. "You have a masters? You got it at 15?! On what?!" Skystrike nodded. "Yes, actually got it at 16, and it was on the models of atoms, as well as the quantum nature of atoms." "...What the actual fuck does any of that mean?" Stardust asked. Skystrike opened up his mouth to begin his explanation. "Do not start, it is too early, and I am not smart enough to understand any of it anyway." "...How in Eques did you do all of that at 16!? I spent half a decade on my own research, and I just got my Ph.D before you came back!" Casta groaned. "Oh shit, congratulations! I wish I could've been there... Actually, I don't know how I didn't realize sooner, since you are the court magician." Skystrike took another bite. "To answer your question, let's just sum it up to my species' knack for physics." "Elaborate. Now." The unicorn huffed. "Alright, quick history lesson then." Skystrike cleared his throat. "My original universe wasn't gifted with mana until the later half of the 27th century. Because of that, my race, Humanity, had all of human history up until that point to study the sciences, with a few minor hiccups here and there. Anyway, the research I did were previously conducted in the 20th century by James Franck, Gustav Hertz, and Niels Bohr. By the time I was born in the 32nd century, humanity was a space faring race, so these experiments were taught to be common knowledge by the age of eight." Skystrike stopped to think on it for a bit. "If I were to compare this planets development to humanity's, I'd say you're somewhere between the 17th and 19th century. Which is why I didn't do any experiments that were too far ahead, as it would completely ruin the development of the sciences here. It'd be like if you went back to when the different ponies weren't all together and gave them the magic we have now. You ponies could barely raise the sun and moon, who knows what would happen." Casta held her head. "That's... a lot to take in at once... so you... plagiarized?" "Well, yes, but technically no. To this world's knowledge, I'm the one who designed the experiment. I'll only get caught if some other human who cared about some guy from a thousand years ago to expose me." Tethys cleared her throat. "You lost me at 'universe'." Zecora nodded. "Indeed, I too seek to discern, what exactly is this 'universe' to learn?" Skystrike looked around at the dozen eyes waiting for him to explain. He blinked. "Oh, right, this world is much different. Alright, so we all know what a solar system is, right?" They nodded. "Alright, so in this world, since Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon, the solar system is geocentric. Where I'm from, my home solar system is heliocentric. My homeworld, Earth, orbits the sun, and the moon orbits the Earth." "...Huh?" They all went. "Ok, where did I lose you guys?" Casta looked up from her food. "You're telling me that your planet orbits the sun? That's insane! The size of it alone would be unthinkable!" "And the moon orbits the planet? No one is controlling it? They both just... do that?" Alder asked. "Yeah, imagine my surprise when I came here and found out you have beings that are near god-like, and the sun and moon are the same size. To help you better visualize it, the sun is 1.4 million kilometers in diameter, and 2 times ten to the 30 kilograms, or the number 2 with 30 zeroes behind it. It's 149 million kilometers from Earth, and the planet orbits around it because of the gravity of the sun. Same with how the moon orbits the Earth. I'd go further into it, but we'd be here for a while, so to simplify, think of when you spin a ball on a string, the ball spins around where you spin it because of the string making sure it doesn't fly off. The string is gravity." Tethy scratched her horns. "I... think I get it? ...Yeah, I get the relation, not so much the scale. So, what's a universe?" "So, think of the entire country of Equestria. It has different towns and cities, and those towns and cities have houses." Skystrike began making hand motions to explain. "The houses are the solar systems. The cities are the galaxies that have solar systems, Nebula's where stars are formed, and random stars that sit around in empty space. The country is the Supercluster, housing thousands, if not millions of galaxies thousands of lightyears apart. The entire world in this scenario is the universe, full of this millions upon millions of galaxies." Alder's jaw dropped. "...Holy... everything feels so small after that." "...I'm not smart enough to think of all the math behind all of that..." Elytra huffed. Casta thought about it. "Wait, so if your species is a space faring race, how'd you get to other planets, let alone other dimensions? From my understanding, you can't go faster than the speed of light, and you said your galaxies were lightyears apart? Assuming that a 'lightyear' is the distance light travels in a year." Skystrike leaned back as he finished his food. "Yeah, your right on both of those. We weren't a space faring race until mana came into the picture. Sure, we colonized other planets in our system, but we didn't get to other galaxies until we made magic spells. Turns out..." They waited with baited breath. "It's a lot easier to use magic to make a worm hole to other galaxies than try and travel faster than the speed of light." "...What the actual buck..." Casta pulled on her hair with her hooves. "I have... SO MANY questions! The buck is a worm hole?" Skystrike thought about a proper analogy. "Give me a minute." He stood up and quickly walked out the room, coming back a few seconds later with a pen and paper. He drew two circles on the opposite ends of the sheet. "So, everyone, can anyone answer how would I make these two circles touch without drawing on this paper?" They all looked at it. Alder scratched his chin feathers. "I feel like this is a trick question..." Zecora took the paper to look at it. Then folded the paper so the two circles would touch. She looked at Skystrike for confirmation, who smiled at her. "Nice job. Now, it hinges on the theorem that gravity makes a 'bend' in space that will take way too long to explain fully, but if you bend space enough where it touches another point in space, that's a worm hole." Tethys face palmed. "Oh! Like how unicorns teleport!" "Close, you're on the right track. With teleporting, your transferring between two points, like if I pick up this fork and place it on the other side of this table. Worm holes are more like portals, where you're actually making a whole pathway between two places, or I slide this fork across the table. I can also keep the pathway open. Now, if you asked me how to do that spell, I have no idea. I just know the theory behind it, and it's how I got here to your dimension." Zecora had a thought. "How can we ascertain, with clear intention, If this isn't part of the same dimension?" Skystrike chuckled. "Oh, that's easy. Remember how I said how small your sun is compared to ours? Yours is only so small because it has magic. If it had no magic, like my universe did, it would not be able to exist. The smallest stars to exist where I'm from are 6 percent the mass of the home system's star. But I'm about to start rambling. Moving on to another subject, Alder, said you had some stuff to share yesterday?" Skystrike began clearing the table and putting the dishes in the sink for later. "Right." The griffon nodded, his silver talon reaching into his pocket and pulling out a cigar. "Oh, never asked, mind if I smoke in here?" "Just do it by the window." Alder slid his chair over to one of the windows and opened it. Snapping his talons, he made a spark to light his cigar. He took a deep inhale, then blew the smoke out the window. He stayed silent for a few moments before starting. "...The royals and nobility here, if you couldn't tell from the state of my country, corruption runs deep. Remember as a chick when I had a bad run in with one of them, broke my arm because I 'looked at one funny'. As I grew older, did some more digging on them- or as much as I could. Money laundering was obvious, as the taxes paid for the public workers just kept it to themselves for all I know. Then, there's the heavy taxes, most griffons barely able to make ends meet here. On top of that, most of the food imported either goes straight to their mansions or the castle, so we can barely eat unless we go hunting." He sighed and took another puff of smoke. "Obviously, I don't know the extent of it. Only those griffons in their fancy mansions do. But all I do know is that they are actively making the life of the griffons here worse... figured I'd find a way to help out as much as I can, no matter how little it does." Skystrike sat back down. "...And from how you're talking, it sounds like you got a lead on how to make a big impact." Skystrike said, but was more like a leading question. Alder chuckled. "Honestly, with all the stuff you told me you did during our time apart, I have half the mind to put a hit on the crown here..." He sighed. "But I don't know how much your morals have changed..." Skystrike sighed too. "The past me would've done it, but for the me now, I'd decline. If what you're saying about them is true, and they're letting their griffons suffer, they don't deserve the power they have at the very least." "But?" Tethys tilted her head. "A sudden power vacuum will do no good. If the crown is gone, the next in line takes over, and will keep up the status quo. If the crown has multiple offspring, then there will be infighting for the position that's been vacated. The nobility would have to take sides, and that causes a civil war..." Skystrike sighed. "Similar things happened in my history, and I see the same signs. At the very least, with the current griffons in power, they keep up enough face in front of the other countries and do the bare minimum to keep their citizens alive. Starting a civil war will almost guarantee the cut off of help from the surrounding countries, else they wish to get involved." He sat in thought for a few moments. "However..." Alder turned to face him. "Keep at the rate you're going now, and you'd be able to start a form a rebellion. But that requires a lot of preparation as well, as you'd need the proper education and manpower to run the different parts of the government... Maybe get the griffons already involved on your side if you can." Alder hummed. "An... idea for the future, thanks. But what I have planned will have a more... immediate affect. You all couldn't have come at a more perfect time. The party last night was to get the morale high." The griffon crossed one leg over the other. "One of my boys I sent to monitor a noble came back with a rather... interesting information..." He put out his cigar. "Said noble, Wattle, had a lot of rumors of liking his food... exotic. From the information I have, he's getting a live transport coming in tomorrow on the standard flight paths from Zebrafrica. Problem is, they have their own airship, and a heavily guarded one. There's no way to intercept it until it lands, and it lands at the manor of Wattle. There's no way we would get close... Thought I'd just have to sit by not being able to do anything-" "Until I came along with your golden ticket." Skystrike crossed his arms as sat in thought for a minute. While he did so, the rest had some questions of their own. Tethys started first. "What do you mean by exotic food?" Alder's face turned into a frown. "Ponies, Zebras, Kelpies, Abada, he... eats them." The room fell silent at that. Elytra looked over to Zecora and Casta, who had looks of disgust on their face. Skystrike's face turned to one of anger. "Elytra, Zecora, Casta, Tethys, I will not force you to follow me. But I will be dealing with this Wattle griffon." Casta gagged. "Sorry... I only have today off, but I would help you out..." Elytra stretched her neck. "I'm in." Tethys nodded. "Same here." Zecora nodded, albeit hesitantly. "Alright, give us the details." The day for the impromptu mission. Alder sat in the center of the table, surrounded by the four that were going to help him out, and two of his most trusted griffons. He decided to go over the plan one more time. "So, we have about an hour before we intercept their ship. Not sure of the make and model, but it's a carrier class for transporting resources. Because of that, it'll be much slower than the average airship." He pointed onto an area on the map. "Here, right above this set of mountains is where we'll hit them. We can use the mountains as cover, and they won't be able to make any emergency landing. The expected crew size is thirty griffons. There's two dozen of my griffons that are on here that'll even the tides, but the fight may be close. We have to be quick, because Wattle is expecting the shipment by sundown... And that's where your part of the plan comes in." Skystrike nodded. "Yep. Admittedly, this whole operation was made on the spot, but just stopping the airship won't be enough. Thus, the plan is actually to take over the airship, and continue the flight like normal. They have to have their own way of discerning who's who, so we'll find that out from their captain, and give the clearance to land. All of Alder's griffons, Alder, myself, along with Elytra disguised as the captain, will be on the ship when it lands. At the meeting point, we will ambush everyone there and neutralize any threats." Skystrike then pointed to an 'X' north of the mountains Alder pointed out. "Once the trafficking's victims are secured, my ship lying in wait nearby will be housing the victims. I will figure out how to take them back to their homelands after. Zecora and Tethys will be here with the ship, and will make sure they're taken care of." Then he moved his finger south to a circle. "Here is where we will meet with Wattle, and whatever forces he has left. Elytra's mission is to get as close to Wattle to incapacitate him, while the rest of us handle the forces inside and outside the house. I will be the vanguard, while the griffons will give chase to any deserters." Skystrike leaned on the table and looked around. "Any questions, concerns?" Tethys put up a claw. "Why are me and Zecora staying? Sure, you taught us how to fly the ship, but wouldn't wouldn't it be better for us to come along?" "Because Zecora would have some relation with her brethren, and there will be some temporary prisoners. Zecora also would be able to deal with any wounds they have. We also can't assume they'd be okay with griffons around. Trauma is a hell of a thing. Tethys, you have enough power to protect this ship single handedly, so you'll be the last line of defense." One of Alder's griffons with purple fur and sea green feathers put up a talon. She looked at him with her owl-like eyes. "The name's Astraea. Don't tale is personally, but while your build is a bit impressive, I'm having a hard time believing you can be the vanguard." Skystrike was about to speak, but was interrupted by a bang on the table. "Astraea!" Alder growled. "Remember when I told you that tale about how one guy killed over a dozen ponies by himself? That was this guy! He's the strongest mother fucker I know, show some respect!" Astraea huffed. "Yes sir." Gave Skystrike a look. She'll believe it when she sees it. The other griffon under Alder, also with purple fur and sea green feathers, but a bit bulkier, sighed. "The name's Astraeus. Sorry about her, she's always the skeptic." He elbowed his sister. "Though I do have a question of my own. You never said kill, just something along the lines of neutralize." Skystrike sighed. "That's because, save for Wattle, we won't be killing anyone unless absolutely necessary. From what I can tell about your country and the shit going on here, I would not be surprised that there would be griffons who simply need the money. Plus, considering this Wattle mother fucker literally eats sentient beings, I would also not be surprised if he's blackmailing some of the griffons under him. Put simply, we do not know enough about the situation to know if they deserve death." Astraeus grew a bit annoyed at that. "I get what you're saying, but... I don't agree with it. Maybe they were, but all you have is hypotheticals! It's either them or us at this point!." Skystrike was the one that was annoyed now. While he couldn't blame the thinking, it was devoid of any sympathy. Alder was about to say something, but Skystrike put a hand on his back to stop him. "I don't know your story, so I cant disavow your line of thinking, but I had that same thought process at some point. Thus, I also know I can't change your mind with just words. So, here's what we're going to do." Skystrike leaned forward. "Any griffons you and the others get to before me, I'll allow you to kill. But if they are on the ground unconscious, unable to fight, and or surrender, then no killing." "And why should I agree to that?" Astraeus asked. "It wasn't an offer." Alder stood up straight. "I asked for his help, we're using his ship, the plan was modified and is being led by him. We're going by his rules! You think you'd learn about senseless killing after what was going to happen before I found you." Astraeus and Astraea winced. "Never told you the full story, but figure now is a better time than ever, aint it!? The griffon after you two wanted your heads because your parents took bits from the wrong ponies! It was them or you, and I chose you!" Alder huffed a bit after his small rant, and caught his breath before continuing. "I was gonna kill the cunt that was after you, but turns out, he had a kid he had to care for. These nobles turn us against each other, and you're playing into their talons. I hate seeing what they did to our country... Which is why I was hoping you wouldn't be so keen on murdering others." Skystrike shook Alder a bit. The griffon sighed. "Sorry, shouldn't have said all of that... I won't deny you what ever form of 'justice' you seek, but you will listen to Skystrike." "Yes sir..." Astraeus saluted. "Any other questions?" Skystrike asked. Alder had a question of his own. "Not really a question about the plan but... Something feels off... I feel like I'm missing something." Elytra nodded. "Yeah... Sad to say, my kind knows quite a bit about trafficing... The amount of rations and fuel it'd take to man their airship would cost too much..." She rubbed her chin. Skystrike nodded. "You're right. Plus, it'd be best to have three per captive. Given their how many there are, there's no way they have ten victims. Six is already stretching it. They may be transporting something else alongside, or just could be overprepared. Anything come to mind, Alder?" Alder shook his head. "Not of the top of my head, but we'll know when we get there." "Oh, one more thing." Elytra put up a hoof. "Why did you want me and Zecora to get binoculars?" Skystrike smirked. "Simple, everyone else here has good enough eye sight to see from far away." She gave a confused look. "You'll see what I mean in..." He check the clock in the room. "Thirty minutes. Elytra, with me. Tethys, Zecora, stay safe. Give some sort of signal if any trouble happens. Alder, Elytra and I will be waiting at the peak of the mountain adjacent to us. Meet us there when all your guys are ready." Skystrike and Elytra left the room to get prepared. It only took a few minutes for the two to get prepared. They met as they exited their rooms. Elytra shuffled in her armor, getting it on right. "Hey, so, are you actually gonna let those griffons... y'know?" Skystrike shook his head. "Of course not. I'm giving them the illusion that they'll get what they want." "And... how are you gonna do that?" "You'll see..." Skystrike chuckled. The two opened the door to the deck of the ship, meeting the two dozen griffons there wearing a mix of armor pieces, all marked with a three pointed star on their sides. Makes it easier when in the fray. Skystrike couched down to the floor and stretched a bit, leaning from side to side, turning his waist, making sure all his muscles were ready. Elytra followed in his steps. Soon, the two finished and Skystrike began speaking. "Alright, so you already know who I am, so I won't take long on introductions. Next to me is Elytra. Let's get the pecking order in place, you griffons, Astraea and Astraeus, Elytra, Alder, then me. Alder and the twins should've already given a run down on the plan, so I won't take time to explain that." Then Skystrike pointed to the peak of the mountain next to them. "We're going to be flying right to the peak of that mountain and wait. The enemy airship should be in view. Once Alder gives the signal, you guys are going in and taking down as many as you can. Our target first and foremost is the captain so we can stop the ship." Alder waved his talon, motioning for his griffons to move out. "Don't fly too recklessly! I don't want to pick the gravel off of you if one of you gets stuck under a landslide!" Skystrike and Elytra began to move as well, taking the lead in the platoon. Elytra buzzed her wings to take off, while Skystrike got a running start and jumped off the railing of his ship, igniting fire under his feet to keep himself in the air. Alder began flying alongside the two. "That's actually pretty cool. Didn't know magic could be used like that." Skystrike crossed his arms as he flew in an attempt to keep his body heat in. "Yeah, it's real useful. Especially in this weather." Elytra nodded. "Yeah, we changelings aren't that good in the heat. Thanks for this suit, Sky." She smiled at him. A comfortable silence was shared between the three before Elytra broke it. "Hey Sky?" "Yeah?" "I know this isn't the best time, but... can I call you brother? And can you call me sister?" She said with a hint of sheepishness. Skystrike turned to look at her. "Sure, but what brings this up?" "Well... I've been thinking back to the hive... As Stardust, we haven't really spent time as siblings." Skystrike landed on the peak of the mountain with Elytra. "Alright, but that means I get to fuck with you more." He patted her on the back. "But let's talk more later, for now, I need eyes on that ship." Elytra looked forward to the flying contraption. It was about as large as the Wind Waker, but more in line with the standard, unmodified airship. The large fins moved as it began to steer around the mountain range. What they noticed was that it was an unmarked ship, the balloon holding it up still being a factory white. Skystrike steeled himself as he flipped on his helmet. Alder whistled at the sight. "Been a while since I've seen you with that on." The human nodded. "I try to keep it off as much as I can." He crouched down to the ground, ignoring the cold touch of the snow on his body. "Elytra, use the scope on your railgun and tell me what you see." Elytra nodded and shifted her weight to the side opposite of her weapon. On activation, the railgun linked with her suit and let out a scope over her right eye. "Distance is twenty kilometers, my best estimate is them moving... north west at fifty meters per second... They're going really slow... They will be within range of boarding in seven minutes." Skystrike nodded. "Thank you. That means I have about... five minutes to take out that ship." He stood up and got into a stance like he was preparing to sprint. "Elytra, back up a bit. Alder, keep your griffons in line while I'm gone." Elytra gave a confused look, but still backed up a bit. Alder was equally as confused. "What do you mean, five minutes?" Skystrike pushed his hands into the earth below while also focusing wind into his feet. "Like I said earlier, any I get to first stay alive." And with that, he got a running start, each step he took molding the earth under him to launch him forward. At the edge of the cliff, he jumped, an explosion of wind pushing him forward into the air. The sheer force causing the ground beneath his allies to rumble. The sound waves from it echoing through the mountains and starting a few rock slides. As he flew through the air, he did his best to keep himself upright, pushing fire out of his limbs to keep at the same speed. An unnamed griffon yawned. It was an uneventful couple of days, transporting whatever Wattle wanted, but it payed well enough to get by. He twirled the spear he had in his talons out of boredom. He just wished something would happen... He heard a loud BOOM! Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw the avalanches and rock slides going gown the mountain, and a red dot rapidly approaching the ship. He squinted to see what it was, but by the time he could, it landed, rocking the whole ship. "I was FUCKING KIDDING!" Skystrike stood up to see about eight griffons pointing their weapons at him. Looking at them, they were... well enough armored, but nothing he couldn't handle. He stretched his neck while he cracked his knuckles. "Since this is just business, I'll give you a choice. Lay down your weapons and I won't hurt you, or fight a battle you can't win and die." The griffons looked between each other before laughing. He sighed. Skystrike dashed up to one of the griffons faster than they could react, giving a right hook making a satisfying crack. The griffon folded like a sheet of paper. Another griffon tried to surprise him from behind with a spear. As he dodged, the spear went into the floor boards and Skystrike grabbed the griffon out of the air, slamming him into the floor, winding him. Then he picked back up the same griffon and threw him into a third. Both fell unconscious as their momentum made them run a wall. The last five decided to be smarter and rush him at the same time from different directions. Ducking, side stepping, and jumping, Skystrike dodged each of their attacks before jumping up above them and charging electricity within his hands. Releasing all the electricity, it arched between the five attackers. It was just enough to render them unconscious. Landing back on the deck of the ship, he knew that they made a lot of sound. Luckily, that only took thirty seconds. Skystrike walked to the entrance to the interior of the airship. Of course, he was met by a hastily armored griffon. They stared at each other for a few moments, studying each other. The griffon yelled "ENEMY ATTA-" Before the human grabbed her by the throat. Her talons clawed at his metal arm before her grip loosened from the lack of oxygen. As soon as he dropped her, more griffons met him in the narrow hallway. A few even had muskets, firing as soon as they saw the human. He expected this though, and ducked down to let the steel balls fly over his head. Skystrike followed up with a forming a large sphere of water to surround the griffons. Five, with three having muskets. He shot more electricity into the water, conducting the lightning between the five griffons. Dropping the water, it spread out along the floor, along with the incapacitated griffons. There was a splash with each step Skystrike took, but the final ten should know he's here by now. It'd be smart on his end to round corners defensively as to not get blasted. With his left arm, he began forming layers of ice around it, each getting bigger and thicker with each stack, making a tower shield that he could hide behind and vaguely see through. He turned a corner towards where it would make most sense where the captain would be, and sure enough, crossbows bolts and musket balls hit the outer layer of his shield of ice. Barely seeing the griffons in front of him, Skystrike turned his right arm into a rifle and fired a flurry of shots from the side of the shield. They were non-lethal, but could still bruise and hurt like hell. The shots weren't accurate, but the sheer amount meant that some of them hit. Skystrike kept moving forward, stepping over the bodies of the ships crew and making sure they were down. He counted three, meaning he took out seventeen. Seven left. As he walked down the hall, he checked the side rooms for anyone else. The bathrooms, kitchen, crew quarters, and dining area were all clear. There was one in the engine room though. Skystrike balled his fist in preparation to knock out him out, but the griffon put up his talons. "I SURRENDER!" Skystrike blinked, but kept his guard up. "What?" "I surrender!" He repeated. "I don't even work with them willingly! This is my ship that they blackmailed me into giving up! I do cargo transport from Griffonstone to the surrounding territories!" Skystrike eyed him for a moment. No weapons on him, covered in soot, and cowering before him. The griffon seemed to be middle aged, and wore a worn black coverall. He nodded at the deep red griffon. "Then listen to what I'm about to say carefully." The griffon nodded. In three minutes, my allies are coming in with a lust for blood. Stay with me, and I will promise you safety. In exchange, you will tell me where the bridge is, and the cargo hold. I know what you're transporting." Though that last sentence was a statement, the griffon could tell it loosely laced with a threat. "Believe me, I hate that this girl is being used like this. Quicker you get these griffs off, the better." Skystrike motioned his head toward the door for the red griffon to follow. "Six feet behind me. Can't fully trust you just yet." The griffon waited some time before following. As they exited the engine room, he gawked at the bodies of the crew. "This was all you!?" Skystrike grunted in affirmation. "Where is the bridge?" "Right... first hall on the left." He picked up a musket and began reloading it. Skystrike quickly turned around and got into a defensive stance. The griffon jumped. "Hey! I'm using it on those bastards, not you!" Skystrike slapped the musket out of his hands. "I'm not deciding who dies here just yet. My rules, red." Skystrike turned back around to finish his walk towards the bridge. Eventually, he found the door too it. Skystrike looked back at the red griffon, who took a few steps back. The human raised his left leg before kicking the door off its hinges and across the room. Four griffons, three more armed and armored than the previous griffons waited for him. They clenched their weapons as they made eye contact. Skystrike looked at the three of differing statures. He sighed. "Alright, give me a quick run down, what are you three?" "...what?" The pink, skinny griffon asked confused. "Every one of you trios have gimmicks." Skystrike stated. "Let me guess. Pink, you're the pretty one?" The pink griffon smirked as she cupped her head in a talon. "Well, I don't like to toot my own horn, but I appreciate the compliment. A shame I'll have to kill you." Skystrike ignored that last comment and turned to the brown one that was missing some feathers. "That means you're the one with weird powers." "I can shoot out my sharp feathers!" The brown one puffed out his chest and spread his wings to show the pointed feathers. "Greeeeeeeeat..." He said with all the mock enthusiasm he could. Then he turned to the grey griffon. "That means you're the big, tough, stupid one." The bulky and brawny griffon glared at him and pounded a talon into the floor. "You take that back or I'll kill you!" "Alright, alright, you're not tough." Skystrike smirked. "That's better!" The red griffon behind the human blinked. "Didn't you just-" "Give him a minute." They all stood in awkward silence before the grey griffon realized what Skystrike said. "HEY! YOU BITCH!" Bulky rushed at Skystrike with his spiked gauntlets. Skystrike easily dodged the wide swing coming at him by side stepping, spinning on his right leg before landing a devastating kick into Bulky's face. Blood began running out of the nose of the griffon as he flew across the room, landing on the kicked in door. He hit his head on landing, falling unconscious. Pretty and Weird decided to not be stupid and rush him at the same time. Pretty was using a short sword, and was lightly armored, focusing on speed. Weird had medium armor and used two blunderbusses. Pretty flew into the air and went for a horizontal slash at Skystrike's neck. He ducked under and hopped back to dodge the oncoming over head slash. Skystrike was expecting more from her, but Weird switched places with her and aimed to fire a point blank blast from his blunderbuss. Skystrike quickly put up a shield of ice once more to block the shrapnel, then threw the ice itself at Weird. Weird ducked under and flapped his wings, shooting the sharp feathers at Skystrike. The human caught each of the feathers with his metal arm before charging a ball of fire in his left hand and throwing it at Weird. It was too close to dodge, so he had to take the full blast. It wasn't enough to take him out just yet. Weird began to aim his second blunderbuss, but was interrupted by Skystrike pushing his head into the floorboards and sending electricity through his body. Pretty looked in a mixture of fear and shock. Her voice shook as Skystrike approached her. The griffoness pointed her short sword at him. "St-... Stay back!" "Hmm... no." Skystrike kept walking towards her. She gave one last battle cry before running blade first into Skystrike, who simply parried the blade with his right hand and grabbing her by the neck, doing the same motion of sending electricity through her body to keep her stunned for a long while. Skystrike turned to the last griffon in the room, the self proclaimed captain of the cargo ship. He put up his talons to show his surrender. Skystrike was about to say something before the red griffon he found walked by him and slugged him. Even Skystrike was impressed. "This ship is MINE!" The griffon roared as huffed as he began beating the cowering griffon. Red took a break, looking down at the incapacitated griffon below him. "Hah... I needed that... Cargo bay is just down the hall, stairway at the end... Let's go. Glad you came to help them out." Skystrike nodded. "It's what I do." He began towards the stairway. Walking down the stairway, he eyed the last three griffons on the way down to the cargo area. The three stood there, frozen in fear at the beast before them. Skystrike ignored them for now, and looked at the beings that were being held captive. There were five, one Pony, one Zebra, Two Kelpies, and one Abada. Skystrike made quick work of the griffons, shooting magical bullets from his right arm, knocking them out quickly. The five captives watched with confusion and fear as he approached the metal bars of their cell. Skystrike took of his helmet and looked at them. The pony had a sea green coat and long blue mane and tail. From her eye shape, she was from Saddle Arabia. The zebra had an off-white coat with greyish blue stripes, and her mane and tail was black, white and pink. The two Kelpies were similar enough to ponies, even having cutie marks, but their bodies and manes flowed like water, leaving wet spots where they went. One kelpie had a deep blue coat and white hair like a tidal wave, while the other had a coral blue coat with sea green hair. Maybe they were siblings. The last captive, the Abada, was similar to a unicorn, but had two curved horns, with one being shorter than the other, and was much taller and thinner. He had a bright yellow coat, with brown and purple striped legs, the mane and tail following the same color scheme. Skystrike sighed. "I'm not your enemy, in fact, I'm getting you all out of here." All of their ears perked up as he said that. "In a few minutes, my allies will be boarding. I will be escorting you back to my ship. There, my crew, a Zebra and a Dragon, will make sure you all are taken care of. We will be escorting you back to your homelands once our business here is finished. Food and lodging will be given for the duration of our travels. Questions?" They all looked at him with a vast amount of confusion. The yellow Abada stood up, his legs still shaking. Getting a closer look, he was covered in bruises and claw marks, same as the others. "Wh-... where are we? Me and the Zebra, Marini, have been in here the longest. I think it's been five days... all of us except for the pony, Costal Shore, are from Farasai. Costal was picked up a few days later on her way back to Saddle Arabia." "Hmm, that makes things easier." Skystrike crouched down to be at their eye level. "As of right now, we are two hours northeast of Griffonstone, the griffon capital. If the majority of you are from Farasai, then that makes transportation easier. It was a potential stop." The Zebra, Marini, cleared her throat, though her voice was coarse from the lack of water she's had. "From your accent, I can tell you're from Equestria. Is you Zebra friend named Zecora?" Skystrike was about to nod, but then remembered how quiet that Zecora was about her homeland. Quick yes or no questions, not even bothering to rhyme. She probably keeps it secret for a reason... Skystrike shook his head. "Lets continue this small talk later." He looted the bodies of the unconscious guards and found the key to the cell, unlocking it. "Are the rest of you able to walk?" Marini shook her head, moving herself to show her broken leg being held in place with a makeshift splint. Skystrike walked inside and picked her up, trying to make it as painless as possible. With some grunts, Marini got into a comfortable position in his arms. "Everyone, stick with me. Red, as soon as we're topside, you're talking to Alder. He's a griffon that looks like a secretary bird. For the time being, you're working with us." They all began following him back to the deck of the ship. As he opened the door to the exterior, Elytra, Alder, and all oh his griffons landed. Astraea and Astraeus all looked around for any of would be attackers. "Not what you two expected, huh?" Skystrike chuckled a bit. "Alder, have your men round up all the griffons and put them in the holding cell in the cargo bay." Then he pointed to the red griffon next to him. "This griffon is the owner, and captain of this vessel. Work with him to get us to our destination." Alder nodded. "You heard him! Get to work! And if I find even a single one dead, I'll mount your asses on a plaque!" Skystrike ignored the glare from Astraeus, and tried to ignore the impressed look from Astraea as Elytra spoke to him. "You know, I was not expecting that, but nice job. Wasn't expecting everything to go down so quick, or so easily... Anyway, as soon as I saw you go, I teleported back onto the Wind Waker and told Tethys to start driving it towards us." She pointed to his ship right next to them, Tethys waving as she pushed out the boarding plank. "I'm guessing this one one of the captives?" She motioned towards Marini. Elytra was about to continue speaking before Skystrike waved his hand perpendicular to his neck, motioning her to stop talking before Zecora's name was bought up. Skystrike nodded. "Yeah." Then he turned to Tethys in the distance. "Tethys! I need you over here! These Kelpies are looking dry, give them some water!" Tethys quickly jumped from one ship to the other, taking the Zebra in Skystrike's arms. "Take her for now. I need to check on something." He made sure to whisper the last part. "Don't bring up Zecora." Tethys nodded before letting Skystrike go back to his ship. He quickly ran to find Zecora. After a few minutes of searching, he found her setting up one of the empty rooms as a makeshift sick bay. She nearly jumped out of her armor when Skystrike opened the door with a bang. "Skystrike my friend! What has you barging in like you're on wit's end?" Skystrike huffed. "I know you don't talk about your homeland, but I bring either good or bad news..." Zecora's ears perked up. "A Zebra I found pointed out my accent when I let slip that a Zebra would be taking care of their wounds. The Zebra, named Marini, called you out by name. Ring any bells?" Her eyes shrunk to pin pricks as her breathing picked up. "How much did you tell her?" "Not even your name. Figured you kept your past silent for a reason." Skystrike walked over to her and sat down next to her. "...I won't force you to talk about it, but it's come to a tipping point. It'll take us two days to get to Farasai to drop her off, along with the Kelpies and Abada. I won't force you to interact with her either, I'll even take over treating her wounds if it makes you more comfortable." He sighed. "I know it's hard to talk about the past, bringing up all the past feelings that comes with the memories, but we'll have to discuss it so we can help you the best we can." Zecora stared at the wall, thinking of what her next move would be. She didn't think she'd see her so soon, or ever again if she could've helped it. She wasn't sure she would be ready to talk about it, let alone see her old 'friends' again. The Zebra wasn't even in the right space to rhyme right now. "...Can you get me my mask?" Skystrike nodded, leaving to go to her room, grabbing the green mask off her nightstand, and giving it to her. She took the mask out of his hands, but before she could, he put his other hand over her hoof. "No matter your choice, we'll support you." He released his hoof to let Zecora put on her mask. "I... I'll tell you... all of you later tonight." It didn't take too long to treat the wounds of the captives, the worst wounds being Marini's broken leg and the Abada's cracked ribs. The Abada, who he found out was named Dune Strider, was a lot tougher than he looked. Costal Shore, and the two Kelpies, Tsunami and Frosty, were malnourished due to the lack of water needed to keep themselves healthy, but Tethys was quickly able to fix that by breathing her frost breath on them. Zecora ignored the countless questions from Marini as she put her let in a proper cast, not even bothering to rhyme in the hopes that it wouldn't give her away. Skystrike wondered why the beings in this world were so clueless when it came to their own wearing masks, but that was neither here nor there. As of now, Skystrike was on the cargo ship with Elytra, disguised as the captain the red griffon knocked out earlier, Alder, and the rest of his griffons, who were currently wearing the armor of the now former crew. The red griffon, who Skystrike found out was named Garrry, with three r's, and pronounced 'G-arrr-ry' was currently landing them at their destination: Wattle's mansion. Solid stone walls, a wooden roof, a decorative fountain in the courtyard, and even a garden that was well tended to. There were at least a dozen bedrooms, though he couldn't tell how well furnished they were. Wattle truly was living in luxury... How many of these riches were built from the suffering of others. Skystrike grimaced. Skystrike, Elytra, Alder, and a few griffons waited in the Bridge, watching through the tinted windows as a griffon approached. "That's him..." Alder pointed at a certain griffon surrounded by two heavily armored ones. He had the head of a rooster, with purple feathers and brown fur. He had some weight to him, seeming to be mostly fat from his gluttonous behaviors, and decorated himself with jewelry from rings to necklaces, and everything in between. "Elytra, that's your queue." Elytra nodded, taking a deep breath as Garrry lowered the ship, landing it in the large field that was their meeting spot. Her goal was to get as close as she could to Wattle to incapacitate him, then help with the ensuing battle. As she and a few of Alder's griffons met the ship, she was surprised with how few there were, only half a dozen, including Wattle's personal guards. "Xerxes..." Wattle said, referring to the disguised Elytra. "I see everything went well." The griffon spoke in a guttural and gravely voice. "I hope my... 'items' are in good enough condition." Elytra hid her disgust. "Of course, sir. We've caught five for you, they're just in the cargo bay." Wattle gave a grim smile. "Perfect... You know how I like my Zebras." He hummed. "You're talking weird, though, you know we're close enough for you to call me Wattle." Elytra flinched at that. "Sorry, just... been a long trip. Not thinking straight. The heat from Farasai is still affecting me." Wattle laughed, walking up and putting a talon on Elytra's shoulder. "Hah! I understand. Maybe a nice meal will get your mind off of it. Still got some left from the last group I had my men slaughter." Elytra was done with the conversation, and visibly showed her disgust before grabbing Wattle's talon and moving into an arm bar, quickly and efficiently pinning him to the ground before breaking his arm as he screamed in pain. That was their que. Skystrike, Alder, and the rest ran out onto the deck and opened fire with their muskets. The griffons fell easily from the surprise attack, being pelted by the iron balls. Skystrike was a bit surprised at how none of them were dead. Alder saw the look on the human's face. "Oh, we replaced the rounds with rubber." "Neat." Skystrike went to look at the griffons writhing on the ground in pain. He focused electricity into his fingers and shot a small jolt within each of them, knocking them out. He got closer to Wattle, letting Elytra releaser her hold on him. He crouched down to stare a Wattle, who was huffing with rage and pain. "What the hell are-" Skystrike punched him, Wattle's blood spilling on his fist. His eyes burned white in rage. "Shut your mouth. I will speak, and you will listen." Skystrike motioned for Alder to come to him. "For your crimes, you will be judged. Considering your taste for other sentient beings, I would have you slaughtered right here. But due to a stroke of bad luck on your end, I'm not your judge today. Alder is, and he isn't as merciful as I am." "Damn right I'm not." Alter sharpened his talons, jabbing one into the leg of Wattle. He screamed from the pain. "You fucking worthless excuse of a griffon, taking everything we have to line your own pockets... Do you know how much we suffered because of griffons like you!?" Alder dragged his talons down his leg, making Wattle scream more. "Families, friends, torn apart, having to fight each other just for the scraps we're left! No more!" He flipped over the rooster and took one of his daggers, jabbing the blade into the wing of Wattle, pinning him to the ground. "Astraeus, Astraea!" "Yes sir!" The two saluted. "Take the griffs and clear out the house. Don't kill any of the ones inside, at least not just yet. Any non-combatants are to be bought outside." "Sir!" The two griffons began ordering those under them to do so, leaving Wattle with Alder, Skystrike, and Elytra. Alder went in on Wattle, punching, kicking, and scratching him until his tiredness overcame his will to keep going. Elytra couldn't help but look away from the beating Wattle was getting. Sure, she was used to it, being a Changeling operative during her time in the hive, and when she worked with Skystrike and her friends, but she never got to view this part. Very few times this happened, normally leaving this part of the work to either Skystrike, or those who were wronged. She looked up at her brother, who kept looking with indifference. "Skystrike... don't you think this is a bit much?" "Maybe." He shrugged. "But that isn't up for is to decide. We haven't had to deal with him in any way besides this." "So... Alder decides when they're done?" "Close. Alder decides when he's done." Skystrike clarified. "You already know I have a... history with trafficing. I don't have the right to stop him, even if I wanted to." He crouched down to pat Elytra's head. "But I'm with you on not wanting to watch this." He turned to Alder. "Hey, Alder, once you're done, meet us on the Wind Waker." "Will do, Sky, but we're going to be a while..." Alder said as he lit his cigar. Skystrike nodded as he looked at the setting sun. Around six in the afternoon. He looked down at Elytra. "Wanna help me make dinner? I was thinking of burgers. Gonna need some extra hooves now that we have five more mouths to feed. So glad I bought plant based food." "Sure, I've been wanting to spend some time with you anyway." It was nearly midnight. Dinner went well enough, but the now former captives were still shaken up from their imprisonment and their beatings they apparently got. It was very awkward. Skystrike made the mistake of inviting the five to eat with him and his companions. He realized immediately after he said it when Zecora side eyed him. She gave half answers, tried to move the conversation along, and even lie at points, just to get Marini off her back. Marini could not take a hint at all. It was also the first time the five saw a dragon and changeling, so at least the conversation shifted back to them from time to time. As of now, Zecora was sitting in Skystrike's room, along with Tethys, Elytra, and Alder. Even Casta showed up when Zecora sent a letter, asking her to be there. She was glaring daggers at Skystrike with her hooves crossed. "I'm not mad at you exactly, I know you were trying to be kind. Just do not spring something like that upon me, and warn me next time." "Yeah, I fucked up, I completely admit that. I'm sorry." "It's... fine. But I suppose it's time to talk about this past of mine." She shuffled in her chair a bit before starting. "Long ago, in Farasian Shores, I stayed mostly indoors. I didn't have any friends, not a buddy at all, until I was hit in the head, and a voice said 'Can you get my ball?'" She laughed a bit, remembering the way they met. "I was happy to help, and gave back the ball. The owner said 'Thank you, I'm Marini-- would you like to play?' And I did, and decided to stay. Soon Marini's good friends were mine too. Even though we were different, we were friends through and through. Two Kelpies, two Abada, two Zebras together. Despite all of our differences, we were birds of a feather... I remember loving legends, myths, and old stories. Always reading tales of fortunes and glories. I made us new games, to where challenges we rose, I wrote them new tales, where we were all heroes. We grew up together, friends of three races, getting our cutie marks, finding our places. We were happy, games happier still. Everything was perfect, until in school, a sudden chill." Zecora sighed at the memory. "In class, it dawned, much to my surprise, that Zebras can use magic, no matter how hard we tried. I swore there to myself that I would be the first Zebra to use magic, but this tale only gets... more tragic. While all of my classmates laughed and played, deep within the library is where I decided to stay. I studied old tomes from near and far, reading books from Casabronco and Zebrazebar. While others saw my obsession as tragic, I devoted my whole life to magic. I felt that a life of mundanity would be the worst, so of Zebras with magic, I would be the first. I studied the legends of unicorns, the magic they channeled through their magical horns. Of spells dating back to magical times, of hoof-written scrolls and enchanted rhymes." She began to reminisce. "Of bearded wizards with special charms, of evil sirens and their wicked harms. I even read of a warrior that carried a shovel, and a magical healer that lived in a hovel. But the healer gave me a reason to pause, an old illustration that was the cause. The one I speak of who used magic was an earth pony. Mage Meadowbrook was no phony. I finally had conformation, that my goal was possible! I had something to work towards, no matter how improbable. I showed my excitement to my friends but their support they did not show, and the relationships came to an end... I did not take kindly to my passion being a target of ridicule. 'Cute', 'a bad idea', my friends treated me as a fool. They laughed and talked behind my back. Teases and Taunts at every turn, how it makes my stomach churn. But my parents were the worst aggressors, thinking that we Zebras are inherently others lesseres. My mother is a librarian, and my father, a scholar. They did not like the dreams of their daughter. It was seen as infantile, they thought it was just a phase. So I prepared myself for a journey, hoping for better days." She sighed as she shook her head in an attempt to get rid of the bad memories. "A month's voyage across the sea, to reach Equestria, a journey to be. It was a stroke of luck that I met you there, Skystrike, bringing me on adventures and making friends. I thought I had gotten used to the loneliness, but you all made that dreadful feeling come to an end. I... want to thank you all." A contemplating silence entered the room as her friends all thought of what to say. It was quite a bit to take in. Of course, they want to support her, but none really knew the right words to say it. To Skystrike, it felt like a punch in the gut, knowing she went through all of that, then he just up and left... He wanted to apologize again, but didn't want to make it about himself. Despite that, he knew what to say. Though the others didn't know yet, Tethys related somewhat. Being an outcast because of her own genetics, but the difference is that she didn't have to deal with anyone outside of her family. She was pretty sheltered... She didn't know what to say. Elytra understood why she left. Zecora realized that there was no place for her anymore in her home. Same as her. But Zecora had no one on her side that supported her back then. She hoped to be there now. She knew what to say. Casta completely related and understood exactly what Zecora was going through. They both left home, wanting their own lives, having their own goals, not wanting to live up to the expectations others set for them. It seemed as if it was fate that the two met each other. But she didn't know what to say to Zecora. She didn't even know what to say to herself all those years ago. Alder could barely relate. He barely had friends in the first place, the only ones worth keeping around currently in the room. He didn't know what to say at all. Skystrike spoke first. "Well, thanks for opening up, Zecora. I'm sorry you had to go through that... And I'm glad to have met you. You made your dream, though, don't deny yourself that. You're able to use magic, and you got here through your own effort. Those better days that you hoped for came." Tethys nodded. "I can understand why you left, we all left our homes for our own reasons. And it's for those same reasons why we support each other. We have your back, no matter what." Elytra nodded as well. "I wish met you sooner, I'd have helped you out some more. But we'll all continue to help you out now, and in the future... The pain of those memories never truly go away, but having a support group around you helps a lot. We'll be here." Casta cleared her throat. "I'm glad that you were able to get out of there. I hope it wasn't too bad before you were able to leave." Alder shrugged. "I don't really know what to say here, kid, but we'll help you get through this. Zecora had tears welling up in her eyes. "Gratitude to you, my cherished friends. Meeting you all, joy never ends." Tethys picked her up and hugged the Zebra. "Same to you, girl. You're one of the best beings I've met in this lifetime." Alder cleared his throat. "I don't want to bring down the mood, but there's something more that I feel like Zecora wanted to bring up?" Zecora nodded. "Indeed, your views I seek, my dear friends. What course with Marini should I tend?" They all hummed in thought. Skystrike groaned slightly. "Look, hear me out... I know I don't really have much of a place to say what you should do, but... It's complicated. When you first came to Ponyville, I didn't expect you to even talk to me, yet you, all of you, welcomed me back with open arms... I still don't think I deserve any of you. I say this because... I regret what I did to you all. Maybe Marini does too." Casta clicked her tongue. "I'd have to disagree. Her situation is almost exactly the same as mine. If I was given the chance to see my former 'friends and family' again-" She made quotations with her hooves. "I would not give them the time of day. Zecora healing her already makes her a better being than me." Alder shook his head. "Don't want to pull the age card here, but I've had a bit more experience in life. Casta, Zecora, you two have to realize that your aggressors were kids I assume. Casta, you were eighteen when you met Skystrike, Zecora, how old were you when you left Zebrafrica?" "At twenty, I departed from my homeland's gate, sixteen when from my hometown's embrace I did vacate." "Ok, so then it's been twelve years since you've seen them." Alder stated to put into perspective. "I won't pretend to know the pain you went through, or the pain this Marini Zebra did to you, but twelve years is a lot of time to change. She's definitely a different Zebra than she was from your childhood." Tethys hummed. "Right, but whether Zecora should give her a chance is a different story." She began counting on her fingers. "You're assuming that one, she's over the pain, and two, Marini did indeed change. And even if she did, only Zecora knows if she's ready to confront her." Tethys put back down Zecora, but held onto one of her hooves. "But, I will say this. Because of my races long lifespan, I've been putting off confronting my own past because I know I have plenty of time to do it. You don't have that much time, Zecora. If you don't do it now, you might never get the chance again. That's why we're on this whole journey with Skystrike." Elytra added to Tethys' point. "Plus, you have the chance to do it. That's more than some of us in here can say. You may regret talking to her, but you also may regret not doing so. But at this point, it's seems like this is more about proving her wrong. You are able to use magic through potions, despite the odds, your effort came out on top. Essentially, you have three options, let her be, gloat, or reconnect. Who knows, she may even be sorry. Regret eats away at the soul." "In the end, Zecora, it's your choice. We'll support you either way. But like Tethys said, you may never get the chance again." Skystrike rolled his neck. "We'll be in Zebrafrica in three days. Wish there was more time for you to make your choice, but it is what it is. If you wish, we could even take some time to close up some loose ends on your side." Zecora wrapped her hooves around his neck and hugged him. "Thank you, Skystrike, everyone... I'll need some time to think." Tethys chuckled. "You know, now that I have the chance to say it, I don't think I've ever heard you talk that long and damn you are dedicated to the rhyming." Skystrike nodded. "My take away was that Zebras do have cutie marks, so it is convergent evolution. I'll have more questions later." He let go of the hug he was returning to Zecora. "Alder, we have some things to speak about before we leave tomorrow morning." He got up and motioned to the door of his room. Casta stood up before the two left. "Oh, before you do, I remember you asking me to make one of those teleportation runes on a rug for Alder. This way, we can see each other more often." She teleported the rolled up rug into Alders arms. "Thanks, magic mare. I'll make sure we meet up again soon." Alder fist bumped the unicorn. Skystrike and Alder left the room, the latter following the former onto the deck of the ship. Skystrike leaned on the railing, letting the wind blow through his hair and onto his body. "So... did everything turn out well, old bird?" "Wattle's dead, if that's what you're asking." Alder pulled out a cigar. Skystrike snapped his fingers, a small flame coming from his finger, lighting the griffon's cigar. "Thanks..." He took a puff. "I won't go into specifics, but every griffon had their way with him before he kicked the bucket... after that, there were some personal vendettas that some of my griffons had with Wattle's. Murderers, thieves, and everything in between. In the end ten griffons including Wattle died. But all the ones who did were his closest griffs. The rest, who were just in it for the paycheck, began working under me, with heavy supervision. Garrry decided to stick it out with us for now, too. Can't really say I feel good about it all though..." Skystrike nodded. Alder put an elbow on the railing and leaned over the edge. "I don't know how you do it..." "What do you mean?" Skystrike asked. "The weight of others lives on our shoulders, their deaths on our talons... It wasn't until I joined you that I was actually involved in the death of another... and it doesn't get easier... deciding who lives and who dies." Skystrike sighed, looking out to the full moon with Alder. "I try not to think of it like that... I try not to get my personal feelings involved in matters like these unless it affects me personally... I'll tell you what I do. No matter the situation, in the end, it boils down to them or us. If Wattle wasn't stopped, you wouldn't know how many more would be harmed. Whether he could change, whether it was necessary, whether it was justified, we'll never really know. But we do know that no more will be hurt by him. We just have to keep going, hoping we made the right choice." "...Wise beyond your years, you are." Alder chuckled. "Kinda wish I had a chick of my own like you... may be weird, but I kinda saw you as a nephew or something." "Well... I'm flattered." He fist bumped the griffon. "But... well, I already gave you the run down of who, and what I am. I still don't feel like I'm the person you think I am... It's like... my past won't leave me alone, it keeps defining who I am... what I am. I feel like I have to make up for the sins of my kind." "Well, time for ol' uncle Alder to give you some advice." Alder took in another puff of smoke. "Good people think they're bad people. Bad people think they're good people. The good people, being good all their lives, see it as normal, then focus too much on the bad they did. Vice versa for bad people. We all make mistakes, but you reflect on yours. That's more than some can say." Skystrike smiled. "Thanks, Alder. Means a lot." "Think nothing of it." The griffon grinned. "Just wished you could stay around a bit longer. Astraea was giving you the look." Skystrike chuckled a bit at that. "Sure, old man... Wish I could stay longer too, but it's best if I leave quickly." "How come?" "Well, I'm already not welcome in Equestria, and I won't be surprised if word gets around that I was a major player in your plan. The sooner I'm gone, the safer it is for all of us." Skystrike turned to look at Alder with a serious face. "Make sure you and your griffons don't tell anyone I was involved with you. The human me I mean. Celestia has been hunting me my whole life here. I don't want you getting caught up in my problem. Celestia doesn't know that Skystrike and I are one in the same." Alder sighed, but nodded. "You have your reasons. I wish I could help you out more... But there is some good news." Skystrike raised an eyebrow. "With Wattle gone, I plan on filling in before a power vacuum starts. It may take some time, figuring out how to do a Noble's duties, but I want to make this country better, bring it back to its prime... And I want to make it one that you can live in too... even if you may not live to see it." Skystrike smiled, and hugged Alder. "Thank you, my friend." Alder returned the hug. "You know... I can spin a story to your princesses. I may be able to hide your involvement with me, but you're probably already being talked about by the crown. The corruption here isn't a secret. I can say you helped out, at the very least." Skystrike crouched down to Alder. "I'll leave that up to you, but if you do, realize that you will be a target for whoever is after me." Alder laughed before putting a talon over his silver chest. "I've already danced with death a couple times. What's another tango? Besides, it's what friends are for. Know that me and my griffons, will always be on your side." Each of the friends gave heartfelt goodbyes to Alder the following morning. But they all promised to see each other again. Astraea was rubbing all over Skystrike's let before he left for some reason, but that was neither here nor there. For now, Skystrike was driving the Wind Waker with Tethys, Elytra, and Zecora sitting on chairs next to him. Having to go off route to get the former captives home, their first stop was Saddle Arabia, about eight hours from Griffonstone with Skystrike's calculations, and they currently only had one hour left. It would take another 15 from there to get to-... wait. "Hey Zecora." Skystrike got the mares attention. "Is Farasi a country in Zebrafrica?" Zecora nodded her head. "Farasi, my homeland, with pride I acclaim, Zebrat, its capital, where I earned my name." "Ooooh, I thought Farasi was a city." He went back to steering. "Hey, Sky." Elytra got the humans attention. "Yeah?" "I know you're dense, but... did you know what that griffon Astraea was doing to you?" "What, her rubbing on me?" Skystrike asked. "Well, she is part cat. I just figured that means she warmed up to me." Elytra chuckled. "By the pantheon, Cadence was right. Skystrike, she was rubbing all up your leg." "Yeah, that's the cat half." Skystrike put the ship in autopilot and looked at her. Tethys laughed. "This never gets old. How bluntly do we have to say if for you to get it?" Skystrike thought about it. "...Get what?" "Skystrike she was shooting her shot!" Elytra slammed her hooves on the ground. "I could taste it!" "Taste wha-...." He realized. "Ooooh she wanted me!" Tethys laughed a bit, then had a realization of her own. "Hold on... you related her to a cat... have you been relating everything to animals?" "Alright, hear me out-" They all began laughing at him. "There's just a lot of actions that are similar from the animals in my world." They all looked at him expectantly. "Oh you want examples, uh... well first, let me preface that dragons, griffons, unicorns, pegasi... actually most sentient beings in this world were legends. The few things that did, like Earth ponies, Zebras, and Deer, weren't sentient." Zecora's ears perked up at that. "So, Zebras lack thoughts, a concept quite rare. No minds of their own, just a curious stare?" "Yeah, but the intelligent level doesn't really matter right now, but the mannerisms. You'd be in awe of how many carried over. Like earlier, with griffons being part cat, they rub against your leg because they like you. Or for example, Tethys, when you do that bellow thing, alligators do that when they're territorial, or for social reasons, like I see you do." She giggled. "Well, we do it for one other reason." She made a circle with her left hand and fingered it with her right. "Ayo." Elytra laughed. "But that does bring up the question, were there changeling equivalents where you're from?" "Not really... like I said, most of the beings in this world were stuff of legends. But that wasn't the weirdest part about adapting to this world." Skystrike chuckled. "Yeah, I figured the hive wasn't really the best place, but no place really was." Elytra admitted. "Oh no, not that. It was like, a lot of little things. Like, Diamond Dogs and normal dogs exist at the same time. That has to be so weird for them, especially since other races still domesticate the dogs. Same with the cats... And dragons. Kinda why I chose to get Naga. Like, sure, she's a lizard, but it's far enough away from dragons where I won't think in the back of my mind 'they look alike." Zecora tilted her head. "I think I get what you mean. I thought of a dog at some point, but what if Jeshan had seen." "What else was weird about adapting?" Tethys leaned on the table in front of her. "Well, before I turned like, 12 and my growth spurt started, I was eye height with everyone my age as a human. Getting used to the average being in this world being up to my thigh wasn't bad, per say, but it gets annoying having to look down all the time. Hell, even if I sit on the floor, they come up to my chest. Even Celestia is a head shorter than me." "Well, I'm quite a bit taller than you." Tethys laughed. Elytra's ears perked up. "You know, I never asked. How tall are you both?" "Six foot four." Skystrike stood up straight. Tethys did the same. "Eight foot three." "Damn!" Skystrike, Elytra, and Zecora all went. "Well, if that's surprising, dragons grow bigger the older we get. It's also more dependent on how much magic we have. Some of us are even able to change between forms if we have enough magic to do so." "Change forms? Like changelings?" Elytra asked. "Well, yes, but also kinda no." Tethys shook her her head. "It's like how I look slimmer, but a larger scale. Think of like, an eighty foot tall dragon turning into my size. Don't ask me how it works, we barely had schools in the dragon seas." ""Damn, I was gonna ask if they convert their mass to magic." Skystrike sighed. The conversation ended as they all went back to doing whatever they were doing before, Tethys Elytra and Zecora playing cards as Skystrike wove around clouds. It went of for about half an hour before Skystrike had an idea. No reason why it came to mind, but he just decided to do it, hoping his friends would join in. Skystrike began making a sound, going up and down in pitch as he continued to repeat the noise. "Do do do do do do do do do do do-" Elytra's ears perked up, realizing what he wanted to start, adding in her part as a smile creeped on her face. "Boom boom, Uh... boom, Uh, boom boom boom, Uh... boom boom, boom, Uh..." "Day and night..." Zecora began singing. "Wha wha wha wha wha wha?" Tethys smiled as she made her voice fade out as Zecora sang, doing her part between each of her scectences. "I toss and turn, I keep stress in my mind, mind... I look for peace, but see I don't attain... What I need for keeps this silly game we play. Play..." Zecora chuckled a bit. "Now look at this... Madness to magnet, keeps attracting me, me... I try to run but see I'm not that fast... I'm thinking first but surely finish last... last." Skystrike changed his part to: "Weow weow weow weow weow~..." Over and over again as Tethys began singing with Zecora. "'Cus day and night! The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night... He's all alone through the day and night... He's all alone through the day and night... The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night, at, at, at night." They continued through the whole song, just having fun, as their destination approached. Skystrike slowed the ship to a stop just above their first destination, Saddle Arabia. He lowered the ship, landing the Wind Waker on the ground. The landing gear stopped most of the impact, but there was a noticeable bump, causing everyone to come a few inches off the ground. Skystrike stood up and stretched. "Welp, it's time. I'd prefer you all stay on the ship, don't want to come off as more threatening than we already are with this ship." "Fine by me." Elytra said. "This heat is killing me." Skystrike left the bridge and went to the once empty room that Zecora repurposed for a sick bay. He gave a polite knock on the door before opening it. He skimmed the room, seeing the eyes staring back at him. Tsunami, Frosty, Dune Strider, Marini, there she is. "Costal Shore. We're here." The pony scratched at her bandages. "Here? W-where's here?" She said with a hint a fear. Costal still didn't trust the human just yet. He didn't blame her, going from one ship to another with no choice of her own like this. Skystrike clarified. "Saddle Arabia. Your home right?" "We're here already!?" She stood up from her bed. "It hasn't even been a day!" She looked out the window to see the familiar deserts of her land. Her eyes lit up with relief. He nodded. "I promised I'd get you all home. We're 15 hours away from Farasi, so the rest of you will be getting some tomorrow around noon." Skystrike took a satchel off his waist and put it in Costal's hooves. "I don't know where you live, but that should be enough bits and food to last you a week or so, as well as transportation if you need it. Ready to go?" She looked back at the others in the room, all of them waving goodbye to her. She did the same. "Yes, I am." Skytrike opened the door for her, letting the mare walk out first. As they walked down the hallway to the landing ramp, Skystrike continued to talk. "If I remember right, Saddle Arabia is a territory beginning to build ties with Equestria. You will be asked questions by whatever government authority will meet you out there, and they will send word to the princesses of Equestria. You've been through a lot, so I won't let you sit through hours of interrogation and bring up trauma. I'd recommend getting a therapist." Costal chuckled. "I'm... surprised you care so much. But I'll go through the interrogations. Worry about getting the others home first." "Lets just say I went through something similar..." Skystrike sighed as the two stepped off the ship. They were immediately met with a platoon of ponies of all types, their magic and spears aimed at him. "In hind sight, I should've taken off my armor." "Who are you!?" One of the Saddle Arabians shouted at him. Skystrike stood up straight and began to speak. "My name is not important, but know that I mean no harm to you! As soon as my business here is done, I will be leaving!" "What business do you have here!?" "How long ago would you say you were foalnapped?" Skystrike leaned down to whisper to Costal Shore. "Uh... more than two weeks, less than three... I don't even know what day it is." She answered. Skystrike winced at that, but straightened his face to speak to the guards once more. "About two weeks ago, one of your residents went missing, her name is Costal Shore! I've rescued her, and came to return her to you! Once her safety is secured, I will be leaving! Once again, I do not wish to be your enemy!" The guard in charge quickly spoke to one of his privates, assumedly telling the stallion to go check. Costal sighed. "Looks like this may be a while..." She sat down on the ramp. Skystrike did so too. He looked out over the city they landed in front of, seeing the expertly carved houses made of sandstone, a large central market full of ponies, decorated with wonderful colors, and on the furthest end of the city, a large palace. Mostly white in color, with golden domed roofs and towers of varying sizes. It was almost like it was out of a story book. "You have a beautiful city, Costal." "Thank you. It's actually our capital, Agrabahrn. You should visit some time if you have the chance... It would be nice to see you again, and give a proper thank you." "Living the best life you can is thanks enough." Then he had a thought. "Actually, you can help me out right now." Her ears perked up. "This may sound like a stupid question, but as you can see, I'm not from around here." Skystrike twirled his thumbs around each other, somewhat nervous. "Do... do genies exist?" "Yeah, but assuming you want a wish, good luck finding one." Costal giggled. "The tales say that you can find a lamp in the sand dunes, but from you can already see around us, there's a lot of those. Last one that was found was when my grandma was a filly." "Well, it's a start, thanks." She giggled some more. "I'm a bit surprised you don't ask about our flying carpets. Everypony asks about that." The human's jaw dropped. "Flying carpets??? Actually..." Skystrike closed his mouth. "Not the craziest thing I've seen in this world." "You say 'this world' like you aren't from it." Costal looked at him. Skystrike smirked back. "...These last three weeks have been insane." Skystrike looked at five of the Arabian guards approaching him. "Well, here's hoping you get to relax soon." Skystrike stood up at the aproach of the guards, each of them gripping their weapons tightly. The most decorated guard, wearing silver armor with silk cloths, spoke first. "Your earlier statement aligns with reports we got from a sea life team that was attacked on their way back from Farasi. We thank you for bringing back one of our own. Despite that, and it pains me to say it, because of the sudden entrance, as well as lack of identification, you will not be allowed to enter our capital. However, if you are able to tell us what nation you're affiliated with, we can send a proper thank you to you in the near future." "Understandable. As for my affiliation, I am from Equestria. And honestly, if you want to send me a gift, I'd like a map and a booklet of landmarks and geological information, as I will be traveling through this part of the world for the next few weeks. I've been flying near blind on this side of the Celestial sea. I'd also like a board game of some sort to pass the time." The guard nodded. "That can be arranged. If you are able to give us about an hour, I can get you one of Zebrafrica and our immediate neighbors." "That'd be great. I'll wait here then." Skystrike got on one knee to speak with the mare. "Take care of yourself, Costal. I'm hoping the rest of your days treat you better than the last few weeks." To his surprise. Costal hugged him, wrapping her forehooves around his neck. "Thank you so much. I hope to see you again." She pulled back from the hug before walking towards the guards. Skystrike stood back up and put a hand over his chest, giving a small bow. The silver cladded guard did the same before transporting Costal Shore back to her home. Skystrike sat back down and waited. Hopefully the guard wont take that long with the map. While he waited, he decided to make some conversation. "Nightmare." He spoke in his head. It took a few moments, but Nightmare Moon answered his call. He never got used to another mind within his own. "Hey, it's been a while. Sorry we haven't spoken in so long, the talks between Luna and I have been giving us much to think about." "All good. Won't read your memories, that's between the two of you. I hope that everything turned out well?" Skystrike asked. "It's... getting better. We're able to greet each other with some semblance of familiarity, rather than passive aggression. I think it's helping her a lot... confronting her mistake." She said that last part with a hint of sadness. "Don't speak about yourself like that. I won't let you hit yourself while you're down when you're trying to be better." "Thank you, Skystrike." He could feel a warmth from her words. "Hope you're doing well. What did you call for?" "More an update on things. I'm in Saddle Arabia, just learned that genies do exist. So getting you a body may not be a pipe dream. Also related, Tethys spoke about how her race is able to change forms by converting magic into mass. With the same technique, I may be able to make you a body, even if this genie thing is a bust, which it probably will be. There's no way I'd find it in this desert..." "Oh... I'm quite surprised you're so serious about giving me a new form. I'm thankful, don't get me wrong, but I thought on it more, and maaaaaybe it isn't a good idea." She poked her hooves together. Skystrike sighed. "Nightmare, if I know you well enough from sharing my mind space, you're probably thinking you haven't gotten along enough with Luna to do it, or you think Celestia will think you're controlling me, or both." Skystrike heard a hum of acknowledgement. "I don't care much about their worries on this. All we need to do is show that their worries wont happen. In the end, it's up to you. Just tell me when you think you're ready." "I will... Also, would you mind if I go through your memories? It's nice to feel like I'm there with you and your friends." "Go for it, but I will warn you the last couple of days weren't exactly pleasant ones." "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." Nightmare said. Skystrike could feel their connection breaking. Good to know the two alicorns of the night are getting better. Skystrike saw the silver guard approach him again, with a map and a box held in his hooves. Skystrike stood up and met the pony half way. "Here you are." The pony put the box and map on the floor ground in front of Skystrike. "Three board games, one map, with note of the geology. I was able to get the best one I could. And thanks for saving my cousin, I was worried sick." The pony put out a hoof. Skystrike laughed at the small world and shook his hoof. "No problem. Take care of yourselves." Skystrike did a quick check of the items before picking them up and going back onto his ship. The map was quite detailed, showing the desert they were in, as well as all of Griffonstone, Zebrafrica, part of the Dragon Lands, and Part of the Dragon Seas. The other two places he was going to stop at, Diamondia and Hippogriffia, were further south than the map showed. Still seems like they'll still have to go off their notes. He raised the ramp and began to power the ship engine, making them take into the sky once more. He continued south, but at a slower speed to think. Zecora noticed the look on his face. "What are you thinking about, to make you have that look of doubt?" "Uh... Genies exist, and-" "Genies exist!?" The three girls went. Skystrike nodded. "Yeah, the hard part is figuring out how to find one in this big ass desert." "Well..." Elytra began. "This may be related, but I could smell a large amount of sadness and loneliness when we entered this desert." "Interesting..." Skystrike leaned forward in his chair. "Wanna play a game of hot or cold?" Elytra let the Wind Waker keep moving forward. "It's getting stronger... go south- no, south-east." Skystrike turned his ship south east and flew for a few moments. "Now south, directly south." He turned the ship once more. "We're directly above it." Skystrike stood up and rolled his metal shoulder. "I'd invite you three with me, but this should be quick." He opened the door outside and jumped down off the Wind Waker. He slowed his fall with wind, landing elegantly on the sand. Damn, it was hot. The human did a quick skim of his surroundings. "Yep, nothing but sand as far as I can see." He thought of the quickest way to find the source of the sadness and loneliness. Well, anything that isn't sand would probably suffice. He clenched his hands as he formed his mana into magic through his hands. Skystrike clenched his hands as he felt power surge through his body, then to the sand dunes below him. The ground glowed a cerulean blue as Skystrike put in more and more magic within it. With a strained face, he moved his arms down before lifting them above his head, all the sand in large twenty meter radius moving above his head as well. He looked all around him, seeing no sign of anything worth while. Well, there was some bones of creatures he's never seen before, it was quite cool, but it wasn't what he was looking for. He slowly spun his arms around in a circular motion, making the the sand fall, layer by layer, watching as each item fell back to the ground. Bones, bugs, there were some lost items that he checked just in case, but there weren't many things to note. Any items of value he did find, from the dates, there were no beings alive left to have sentimental value. He'd leave the stuff for the history nerds. He continued the motions for a few minutes only for Elytra to teleport next to him. "You were taking a while. Any problems?" "Just taking a while to sift through the sand." Elytra looked around at the sand still above them. "By the pantheon, could you always do this!?" "Yeah, but any way, now that you're here, you can focus in on what we're looking for... Anything speaking to you?" The changeling looked around at the sand above her. It took her a few moments to triangulate where the source of the emotions were coming from. She buzzed her wings, flying up to the sand and beginning to dig. In a few moments, she pulled down a platinum lamp, decorated with various gems and engravings. She could feel a faint magic from it, almost like a lock. Elytra flew down to Skystrike, who released all the sand from his grasp. He shook his hands to get rid of the tenseness. He made a small barrier around him and his sister to avoid the sand getting in their eyes and clothes. Skystrike crouched down and looked at the lamp in Elytra's hooves. "Well that's... convenient... I feel like we're being set up for a plot point." "What?" "Nothing." Skystrike shook his head. "Get the others. I'll meet you back on the ship." Elytra nodded, teleporting away with the lamp while Skystrike jumped back onto the ship. He reached into his bag for a sheet of paper and a pen and began to write, making a detailed list just in case it was a monkey's paw type of thing. After a few minutes, Elytra, Tethys, and Zecora all came to the deck of the ship with him. Elytra handed him the lamp, giving him the honors. He rubbed it. The lamp began to rattle, floating our of his hands and into the air. He took a warry step back as the rattling turned into violent shaking. In moments, a pony like wisp escaped from the mouth of the lamp. It took on an alicorn form, with a blue coat and long pink mane. On her forehooves, it, assuming a she from the shape of the body, was wearing engraved cold bracelets. She also wore a golden necklace and circlet, each with an opal on them. She donned a transparent veil, covering her muzzle as she opened her golden eyes. "Ahahaha, it's been so long!" She laughed as she stretched, spinning around as she did so. "You wouldn't believe how lonely it gets in there..." The genie looked to the ever reaching sky, wondering where she was. She turned to see the group. "...This is the weirdest flying carpet I've ever seen, and even a weirder group of beings before me!" She was quite animated. Not so much as Pinkie, but it's noticeable. Skystrike chuckled. "Guess you're one for small talk." "You have no idea." The genie said with a bit of excitement, but a noticeable amount of dread. "Where did you find me, anyway?" "Under about ten feet of sand." Skystrike admitted. "Thank Elytra here. She was the one who was able to find you." "Oh, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. I'm Djilisa! Coolest and prettiest Djinn on this plane of existence of yours..." Her smile fell a bit. "I guess this is the part where I say 'you get three wishes'... No monkey's paw, I'll know exactly what you mean when you say it, but the long term consequences are on all of you. There are just four rules. No wishing for death, no falling in love, no bringing back dead beings, and no wishing for extra wishes." Skystrike smiled. "I wish for seven more genies." Djilisa narrowed her eyes. "...There are five rules." She said before laughing. "But I will say, that was clever! I haven't thought of that loop hole!" Then she got in his face with a stern look. "But on a more serious note, that falls under asking for more wishes." "Meh, fair enough." Skystrike gave her the list he wrote earlier. "I wish everything on that list comes true." Djilisa looked at the list with an annoyed look, but it soon turned to an amused one. "You know, I was originally gonna say no, but there are all pretty good... Normally you creatures are selfish, but these are heart warming." She began to read some off. "Everyone should be able to fall asleep as soon as they try to fall asleep and wake up well rested, everyone taking a test that they aren't confident on but studied for keeps all of the information they studied for for the duration of the test, overall better mental health... sure, I'll grant those. Those ones specifically are on me. You all still got three wishes." She clapped her hooves together. Skystrike pumped a fist. "Hell yeah, truly the coolest genie! But there were two more on that list?" "Ah, yes..." Djilisa winced. "Normally, if some idiot wishes for immortality, I grant it in the most gruesome way. And while you didn't wish for immortality, just a longer life span is pushing it. Even if I wanted to extend your life span, because your from another dimension, the wishes I can grant to you specifically are few... As for the fifth wish about making a new body, that counts as bringing back the dead, as I am giving life to something." Skystrike sighed. "Well, that was a bust... Alright, Tethys, Elytra, Zecora, you guys can have the three wishes." Tethys smirked. "I haven't had much time to think about it, but I know exactly what I want! An indestructible camera with infinite, indestructible, film!" Djilisa's eyes lit up. "Oh my, that is quite a good one! Holding on to memories is tough for those of us with long lifespans." Then the genie looked to Elytra. "Yours?" "Uh... When I meet my soulmate, I'd like something in my mind that tells me I've met my soulmate." "Aw~! A changeling wanting to fall in love!" Djilisa cooed. "It doesn't count as falling in love, so I can do that... All that leaves is you." She looked at Zecora. Zecora thought about it for a few moments. "I wish for a book on potions, every recipe past and present, as brewing is my devotion." "I see, I see. I can do that. Just use it responsibly." She smiled. With a clap of her hooves, everything they asked for were given. A blue energy came from her hooves and surrounded Tethys and Elytra, while a thick book materialized in front of Zecora. "I must admit, you're all an interesting group. It's a bit sad I have to go so soon... I'd like to see how much this world has changed in the past couple centuries." She sighed. Skystrike had a thought. "Well... this counts as a loop hole, but I gave my three wishes to my friends. If they rub the lamp, you can come back out, right? Assuming that one person only gets three wishes." Djilisa rubbed her chin, thinking. "Well... maybe? I don't truly know how the seal on the lamp works..." "Well, then I have an idea, if you can give me a fourth wish?" She hesitated, but she didn't have much to lose. "...Very well, you may have one wish." Skystrike nodded. "I wish for you to have the ability to grant your own wishes." Djilisa blinked. "I... I can do that? I can do that!" She clapped her hooves. In a bright blue light erupted from her lamp, as well as the sound of shattering glass. "I did it! I broke my seal! This is amazing!" She pulled the rest of her body out of the lamp and stepped on the deck of the ship. "I can-... I can walk! I can feel this!" The four watched as the genie laughed, running around the deck of the ship. Tethys turned her sight to Skystrike. "Well, that was nice and all, but are you sure that was a good idea? You kinda let a wish maker free." "She's still a genie. I assume there's her own set of rules she has to follow." Skystrike shrugged. "You know, I like Pinkie and all, but I was somewhat looking forward to not having to deal with her... what's the word for it? Antics? For a while... and now it seems like we have one that can warp reality..." Elytra sighed. Djilisa teleported between the four with a bright smile. "Oh, don't worry, no offense, but I don't plan on sticking around for long." She spun around several times on her back hooves, before spreading out her arms towards the setting sun. "There's so much out there for me! To see! To explore! To experience! Actually..." She turned to face the four. "Where should I go first? Surely you all know good places to visit!" Tethys thought. "Well, the ponies in Equestria have a lot of good stuff. They have dozens of places to see." "But before you go..." Skystrike pointed to his forehead. "Don't be an alicorn while you do it. Disguise yourself." Djilisa nodded, using her magic to make her wings invisible. "Okthanksseeyouallsoonthankyoubye!" She spoke quickly enough to give Pinkie a run for her money before disappearing with a flash. Skystrike blinked. "I feel like this may come back to bite me."