> A Trail Leading Home > by Hades Shadow 92 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prologue -- Equestria, a land of harmony and friendship. A place where anypony could live in happiness and peace. But ponies often forget that nature is not always under their control, and the creatures that dwell inside are not all cute and cuddly. Forests, swamps, and mountains span across the land, and ponies tend to avoid these areas out of fear of the unknown. But, not all ponies. This story begins in the plains of central Equestria, Canterlot Mountain looming over the horizon. Canterlot Castle, standing beautifully as the sun was starting to lower in the sky, coming to the evening. The vast open plains were a sight to behold as the breeze rolled through the grass, giving off a delightful smell of fresh country air. Off in the distance, a forest could be seen. Thick and tall trees, gives the forest a dark haunting appearance. Along the dirt path, leading south, was a wagon loaded with all sorts of personal belongings. Two beings could be seen moving along towards their new home. “Daddy, are we there yet?” A small unicorn filly asked, from the wagon being pulled along the trail by a unicorn stallion. “Almost there sweetheart, don’t worry,” The stallion said, to his little filly. He could tell she was tired and ready for their long journey to be over. The unicorn stallion was Trail Blazer. He had a dark blue coat, bordering on purple, with a silver mane. His eyes were a deep blue, with an ash gray stetson was sitting comfortably on his head. His cutie mark was that of a book with a compass on the cover. His coat was matted with sweat due to the long journey, but he continued on, knowing they must’ve been close to their destination. The adorable filly in his wagon was his daughter, Comet Trail. Her coat was a lighter shade of blue with a mane of silver like her father, only with a violet pink streak in it, done up in braids. She had green eyes and no cutie mark as of yet. But Trail knew that she would get her mark eventually, all ponies did. As the two ponies kept moving along the dirt road, Trail took note of the terrain around them. The grassy plains were a significant change to their last home in the southeastern swamplands. Though times might have been rough, he did earn enough bits to buy their new home. “Daddy, I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see our new home,” Comet said, as she bounced in excitement from inside the wagon. “I am too sweetheart, our lives are definitely going to change for the better,” Trail said, smiling at his daughter’s enthusiasm. Trail felt guilty that Comet never truly had a home for more than a few months. His job required that he move all across Equestria, and it was hard on Comet. Trail had to tutor her on his own, or hire some occasional tutors who he would meet on the job. Finally, Comet would have a chance to go to a real school, and hopefully, make some friends. Comet had gone her whole life not knowing many colts and fillies her age. Her closest friends were Trail, and some of his closest friends. There was also her grandmother, but she rarely got to see her due to his job. He hoped that this new school would be welcoming to Comet. Trail looked off to the forest that had been on his mind since it came into view. The trees were dark and foreboding, giving it an almost haunted look, but it would take more than scary trees to discourage him. He had heard many rumors of that forest, and the fact that it was so close to a settlement made him nervous. “Are we going to explore that forest, Daddy? It gives me the creeps,” Comet said, looking to the forest as well. “I agree, honey, but if we’re gonna stay here, I’ll need to write another book,” Trail said not taking his eyes off the road. Trail was starting to feel some fatigue from all the traveling they had been doing, but he knew that their destination was only a few more miles. He could make it into town, and have Comet in their new home before dinner if he kept up the pace. Perhaps they could pick up something to eat when they got into town. He was gonna be too tired to cook, that’s for sure. The terrain was changing from plains to hills as they continued down the path. Comet had gotten one of her sketchbooks out, and started sketching the landscape around them. “Already starting on your sketches honey, can’t wait till we get there huh?” Trail said, smiling at his daughter over his shoulder. Comet stuck her tongue out at her father playfully, “I’m bored, and this place looks too amazing for me to wait,” she said, as she found her pencils in her saddlebags. Trail chuckled at his daughter’s playful behavior, “Well I’m sure you’ll make a whole new collection of masterpieces by the time we get settled in,” he said before Comet poked him with the eraser of her pencil. Comet smiled, “You think the other students at my new school will like my drawings Daddy?” she asked, looking a bit nervous as her tail swished back and forth behind her. Trail looked back at his daughter and laughed, “of course they will, sweetheart, you have such an amazing talent for art,” he said, giving encouragement to his filly. Comet giggled again, and went back to her sketchbook. She opened it, ready to start on her next sketch before she frowned, “wait, this is one of my older books,” Comet said, putting the book back into the cart and looking around the contents. “Daddy, where are my new sketchbooks?” Comet asked, sounding frustrated as she tried to find what she was looking for. Trail looked back at his daughter with a smirk, “I’m not sure kiddo. You’ve got enough books to fill a library.” Trail laughed and received a book to the back of his head, curtsy of Comet, as punishment. Comet kept digging, looking for her new sketchbooks. “I know I have some, we bought them before we left the marshlands,” Comet said, determined to find her prize. Trail looked back to his filly again, “Did you check your saddlebags sweetie?” Trail asked, giving his daughter a smile. Comet stopped in her search, and her head slowly turned towards her saddlebags, a blush forming on her face as she moved towards them. Opening the bags, she found what she was looking for, and her embarrassment only grew. She chuckled nervously and tried to avoid her father’s smirk. She then sighed, and her shoulders slumped, “They were in my bags, thank you, Daddy,” Comet said, her voice having a slight bit of sarcasm as she admitted to her mistake. Trail chuckled again, and turned his attention back to the road, his filly had more than enough teasing for now. Comet sat back in her original seat on the wagon to begin her sketches, her face focused on the page with intensity. Floating out a canteen from the cart, Trail took a swig of water, enjoying the chilled liquid running down his throat. He offered it to Comet, but she waved it off saying she wasn’t thirsty, but Trail knew she was too focused on her sketching to care about hydration. As they continued down the path, all of the sudden, something crashed into the tree just ahead of them. Trail saw this and quickly made his way over to see what it was. To his surprise, it was a gray pegasus mare with a blonde mane. “Miss, are you ok?” Trail asked after unhitching himself from the wagon. Comet was beside him in a moment to check on the mare. “Yeah, I’m ok. Just caught a breeze and lost control is all, nothing unusual,” the mare said, getting up and looking at us. Now that Trail could see her eyes, he noticed that she was wall-eyed. She had a few twigs stuck in her mane now, but no bruises or scratches. Trail had a hard time believing that she crashed into a tree and had no injuries whatsoever. “I’ve never seen you before, are you new around here?” The mare asked as she dusted herself off. Trail noticed she was wearing a uniform with a bag full of letters, a mail mare he assumed. “We just arrived, are we close to town?” Trail asked, looking in the direction they had been going. “Oh yeah, you can see the town as soon as you get over that hill,” the mare said, pointing to a large hill blocking the view of the path. “Thank you, my name is Trail Blazer, this is my daughter Comet Trail,” Trail said pointing at his daughter, who smiled at the mare, but hid behind her father just a little. “Nice to meet you both, my name is Ditzy Doo, but ponies like to call me Derpy too,” Ditzy said extending a hoof to shake, which Trail gladly accepted. “What’s the town like Miss Ditzy?” Comet asked, having gotten back into the wagon. Ditzy smiled, “Oh it’s the best town in Equestria, no doubt about it. Everypony is really friendly.” Comet giggled in excitement, and Trail was so happy to hear that statement. He went over and hugged his filly, which she immediately returned. Ditzy smiled warmly at the family, “Well, I gotta finish up my route, see you around,” she said, taking off into the air. Trail hitched himself back to the wagon, and moved at a greater pace knowing that their goal was so close. Comet quickly jumped back into the cart, and didn’t even pick up her sketchbooks due to her excitement. The wagon bumped a little more than usual as Trail picked up the pace, eager to see their new home. As they came up the hill, they caught sight of what they had been traveling to see. The town was beautiful, colorful houses all around the center building, stretching far around the landscape. The view from the hill was breathtaking, a sight that they would remember for all their lives. Trail looked around to see all the place had to offer. He saw an apple orchard far off on the outskirts, and was impressed with the number of trees he could see, knowing that there was more over the hills that he couldn’t. A small schoolhouse was on the edge of town, but Trail knew that something so small wasn’t the school that Comet found in that flyer. But two structures stood out the most, a castle made entirely out of crystal, looking as if it had grown out of the ground like a tree. And another building also made of crystal, with a very familiar symbol on the front entrance, surrounded by a moat. The sight of these structures made Comet squeal with excitement. She was practically bouncing in the wagon. She would be spending a lot of her time in one of those building for sure. “Well, what do you think of our new home, sweetheart?” Trail asked, looking over his shoulder at his filly. “It’s even better than I imagined it would be, Daddy,” Comet said, her joy evident in her voice. Trail was impressed with the sights, and he had a feeling that the ponies would be warm and welcoming to his family. “Well, come on kiddo, let’s see what this Ponyville has in store for us,” Trail said starting down the hill towards the town. > Ch. 1- Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Chapter 1 -- Ponyville -- The town was bustling with ponies moving in every direction, shops and other businesses lined the streets, surprising for such a small town. Ponyville was certainly exceeding Trail’s expectations, and Comet wasn’t able to stay in the cart due to her excitement. She was walking next to her father, regarding all the shops and ponies walking through the streets with a look of innocent curiosity. Trail loved seeing his daughter like this, so full of life and enthusiasm for their new home. “Comet, don’t go too far ahead,” Trail said, trying to keep his daughter in his sight as they made their way through town. “Yes Daddy,” Comet said, slowing her pace to let her father catch up. The town was so bright and full of life, Comet couldn’t help being a little impatient. Finally, a place that she could truly call her home. She loved her daddy without question, more than anypony in the world, but the constant travel had been hard on her. She loved seeing all the places her father had taken her, it was the inspiration for her art, after all. She knew that art had to be her special talent, but her cutie mark hadn’t appeared yet. Her grandmother said that it would come in time, but why not today? She would probably be the only one in her class that wouldn’t have one. Would the other students laugh at her because of it? She quickly discarded that idea, no way the school she was going to had bullies. Right? Due to her racing thoughts, Comet wasn’t paying attention to where she was going, and promptly bumped into somepony. Comet was surprised and looked up almost immediately after recovering, “Oh I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” The mare she had bumped into just chuckled, “no harm done sugarcube, just make sure ya keep yer eyes to the road rather than yer hooves.” Trail had caught up at this point and had seen what had happened, “sorry about my daughter Miss, she has a habit of getting lost in thought.” Comet blushed and glared at her father, but he just chuckled and nuzzled her, which she returned. Trail then turned back to the mare, she was an orange earth pony, with freckles adorning her face. Her cutie mark was three bright red apples, giving Trail an impression that she was from that orchard on the edge of town. She wore a tan cowpony hat similar to his own, and judging by the cart beside her, she was selling apples from her orchard. “As I said, ain’t no worries partner. Name’s Applejack, I don’t think I’ve seen you lot around here before,” she said with an obvious southern accent. “Nice to meet you Miss Applejack, my name’s Trail Blazer, and this adorable little filly is my daughter Comet Trail,” Trail said, offering to shake the mare’s hoof in greeting. “Mighty nice to meet you too Trail, and please call me Applejack,” she said, shaking his hoof vigorously. “What brings y’all to Ponyville, judging by that cart, I’d say you were travelers,” Applejack said, looking to the cart that Trail was hauling. Comet pitched in this time, “We just moved here, this will be our new home.” Comet was practically bouncing in excitement in saying those words for the first time. “Well shoot, then let me be the first to welcome y’all to Ponyville,” Applejack said, gesturing her hoof to the town. “Thank you kindly Applejack, I don’t mean to be rude, but I would like to get to the mayor’s office before it closes,” Trail said, smiling at the kind mare. “Oh right, I bet you’re eager to get your new home finalized. Mayor Mare’s office is in the center of town, just head down this road, you can’t miss it,” Applejack said, pointing down the street behind them. “Thank you Miss Applejack,” Comet said, smiling to the nice mare. She was afraid she had made a bad first impression with that collision earlier, but it seems that ponies in this town were nicer than she ever imagined. “Shucks, you’re welcome sugarcube. In fact, here,” Applejack pulled two apples out of the cart, along with a caramel apple, passing the former to Trail and the latter to Comet. “Take those as a welcome to Ponyville gift from the Apple Family, come on down to Sweet Apple Acres if you ever need anything,” Applejack said, tipping her hat in respect to them. Comet squeed and took a bite out of the apple. Trail laughed at her display of cuteness and levitated the apples into his saddlebags in the cart. “Much obliged Applejack, I’d love to get a closer look at that orchard of yours, it was pretty impressive on the way into town,” Trail said, tipping his own hat to the mare. Trail and Comet said their last goodbyes to the apple farmer, making their way to the office of Mayor Mare, a fitting name for a pony in charge of a town. Ponies kept moving left and right, but made room for Trail as he walked down the street, pulling the cart alongside him. Comet had calmed down a bit, and had taken her seat in the cart again, enjoying the caramel apple she had gotten. Normally he would have said something about spoiling her dinner, but he could make an exception this time. Suddenly, a pink blur ran out in front of him, making Trail stop in his tracks. In front of him was a pink earth pony mare with a very poufy pink mane. Trail had never seen a pony so pink in all his travels, and that was saying something. The mare looked to both of them, gasping as she jumped into the air, before disappearing in another blur of pink. Trail and Comet just stood there, confusion written on their faces. “Daddy, what was that about?” Comet asked, having forgotten about her caramel apple in her confusion. “I… honestly don’t know, Sweetheart,” Trail said, his brain still trying to process what had just happened. Trail then decided to just continue onward to the mayor’s office. The mayor’s office was right in the center of town, just like Applejack had said. The area surrounding the building was left open, with less grass and a river running along one side of the building leading out into town. A fountain with a pony figure was also on the grounds, water filling the base of the statue, which was reared up on its hind legs. The entrance was easy enough to find, and after unhitching himself from the cart, Trail made his way to the door, Comet right behind him. Inside was a nicely decorated office, colors of all kinds were all over the place, giving it a peaceful atmosphere, better by far than those gray and dull office buildings he had seen in Manehatten. The two unicorns made their way to the receptionist’s desk, the mare behind the desk noticing their approach, giving them a warm and inviting smile. “Welcome to Ponyville town hall, how can I help you two?” The mare asked, looking to Trail. “Greetings Miss, My name is Trail Blazer, and I have an appointment with the mayor today about our new home,” Trail said, tipping his hat to the mare. “Oh yes, Mr. Blazer, we have been expecting you. Follow me, and I’ll take you to Mayor Mare’s office,” the mare said, picking up some files in her magic before getting out of her chair and leading the two ponies down the hallway. She led them to a door at the far end of the hall with a cutie mark on the front, a scroll tied in blue ribbon. The mare knocked twice on the door, “Mayor Mare, Mr. Blazer has arrived.” “Excellent, please send him in,” a mare said, from the other side of the door. The receptionist opened the door and moved aside to allow us entrance. The office was modest, file cabinets taking up most of the room. Some pictures and diplomas were hung on the walls, and posters of upcoming events were clear as day. A desk sat in the middle of the room, with Mayor Mare behind it. “Welcome Mr. Blazer, I’m glad to see you have found your way here. I hope Ponyville has been to your liking so far,” Mayor Mare said, adjusting her glasses, and filing some paperwork on her desk. “Yeah, everypony has been super nice to us,” Comet said, making her presence known. The mayor looked down to see the filly and smiled. “Well hello there little one, you must be Comet Trail,” Mayor Mare said, making Comet blush at the sudden attention, but she quickly composed herself. “Yep, my little bundle of joy,” Trail said nuzzling his daughter, making her giggle and return the gesture. “Now then, I believe we have some paperwork to finalize. I have the deed for your new home ready for you, it just needs your signature,” the mayor said, handling Trail a piece of paper, and a pen. Trail looked over the document, everything seemed to be in order. He signed it, and with that action, they were officially citizens of Ponyville. He took the paper and put it in his saddlebags that he had gotten from the cart. “Thank you kindly, Mayor Mare, is there anything else we need to discuss?” Trail asked, looking to the mayor with a smile. “All the paperwork has been filed, and everything is in order. Here is the key to your new home, as well as a map of Ponyville to help you find it,” Mayor Mare said, passing a key and a map over to Trail, who again put them in his saddlebags. “Well then, I believe we will take our leave. Thank you again Mayor Mare, and have a wonderful evening,” Trail said, turning to leave with Comet right behind him. “You as well Mr. Blazer, and welcome to Ponyville,” Mayor Mare said, waving at the two. Trail and Comet thanked the receptionist on the way out the door, and made it back to the cart. Trail hitched himself again, and with that, they were en route to their new home. It was a bit out of the way, and on the outskirts of Ponyville, but close enough so that Comet could attend school without much issue. Trail wanted to be close to the Everfree Forest, so that he could begin his work for his new book. The path to the house was pretty straightforward, and with the new map of the area, it was easy to plot a course to their new home. After about ten minutes of walking, the houses started to dwindle in numbers, and the scenery turned to plains and hills. It was a beautiful sight, and Comet couldn’t wait to get started on her sketches. But as they moved up a hill, Trail spotted something on the road. Another cart looked like it had lost a wheel and was tipped over due to the weight of the cargo. A yellow pegasus mare with a long pink mane was fussing over the broken wheel, looking very worried and stressed. The cart had several groceries, weighing it down heavily against the broken wheel. She wouldn’t be able to lift it on her own. Trail couldn’t just walk away from a pony in need, so he and Comet made their way to the broken cart. Trail unhitched himself for the cart and walked up to the mare, “Excuse me, Miss, are you alright?” “Eep!” The mare squeaked as she jumped and hid behind the cart. ‘Smooth Trail, real smooth.’ “I’m sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just saw your cart and wanted to offer my help,” Trail said, staying put as not to frighten the poor mare again. The mare poked her head out, and hide her face behind her mane, “Oh really? That is very kind of you sir, but I think I can fly my groceries home from here, I wouldn’t want to be a burden.” Comet then walked up to her with a smile, “You don’t need to worry Miss, my daddy is the nicest pony in existence. We can help you.” The mare brightened a bit at seeing Comet and came out from behind the cart fully. “Thank you very much, Sir, I’m sorry for being a bother, but my wheel broke, and I’m not very strong,” she said, scuffing the ground with her hoof, and trying not to make eye contact. “There’s no need for apologies Miss…” Trail said, leaving his statement for her to fill. “Oh how rude of me, I’m Fluttershy,” she said, gaining a bit of confidence. “Nice to meet you, Miss Fluttershy. Name’s Trail Blazer, and this here is my daughter, Comet Trail. Here, let me take a look at your wagon,” Trail said, trotting over to the broken wheel. After some inspection, he could tell the wheel was unsalvageable. But Trail had a backup plan in mind. “Comet, be a dear and get the spare wheel in the cart please,” Trail said, gesturing his filly to the cart. “Yes daddy,” Comet said, running over to the cart and digging through the contents. After a minute or so, she returned with a new wheel in her magic. Thankfully Fluttershy’s cart was the same size as his, so the wheel fit right in. With a shove, Trail put the cart upright and tested the wheel. It rolled without issue, a job well done. Fluttershy saw this and immediately went up to Trail, “Oh my goodness, thank you so much.” “My pleasure Miss Fluttershy,” Trail tipped his hat to her. Fluttershy smiled and hitched herself to the cart, Trail offered to help, but the mare insisted that she was fine. So Trail hitched himself to his cart and walked alongside Fluttershy as they made their way down the road. “So do you live around here, Miss Fluttershy,” Trail asked, curious as to why she was out this far from town. “Oh please, just Fluttershy is fine. And yes, I have a cottage not far from here,” she said, smiling to me, before looking back to Comet, who was sitting in the cart again. “So what brings you two out here? I don’t recognize you, are you new to Ponyville?” Fluttershy said, looking back to Trail. “Oh, we just moved here today. I bought a cottage close to the Everfree Forest,” Trail said, looking to the map he had pulled out. Fluttershy gasped and looked to his map, “It wouldn’t be the one on the hill overlooking the forest would it?” Trail paused and looked at her, “Yes, I believe so.” Fluttershy smiled, “My cottage is close to it, I heard from Mayor Mare that somepony had bought it.” Trail smiled back, “Well I guess that makes us neighbors then, huh Fluttershy?” Comet chimed in at this point, “Wow! We get to meet our new neighbor, and we haven’t even made it home yet. This is our lucky day, huh Daddy?” Fluttershy smiled at the filly, she seemed to like Comet, but he guessed that she had a love for foals. “I suppose it is, Sweetheart. I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other Fluttershy. Mind showing us the way?” Trail said, putting the map back in his saddlebags. Fluttershy nodded, and they made their way over the hills, and down the road to their homes. They came across Fluttershy’s cottage after about ten minutes of walking. It was a lovely sight, animals of all kinds could be seen roaming around the grounds. A small stream went through the property, and a garden was visible from the bridge as they crossed it. Fluttershy unhitched herself from the wagon, parking it to the left of her front door. She turned back to her new neighbors with a warm smile on her face, “It was so nice to meet you both. I hope we can be good friends.” “I hope the same thing Fluttershy,” Trail said, tipping his hat to her again. Comet beamed at the house and the land around it, “Wow! Your home is beautiful Miss Fluttershy.” Fluttershy blushed and smiled at the filly, “Oh thank you Comet. That’s very kind of you to say.” Suddenly the door of the cottage opened, and all three ponies turned to see a white rabbit hopping over to Fluttershy, looking rather annoyed about something. Fluttershy knelt down and seemed to speak to him, but all Trail heard from the rabbit was squeaks. He never understood how some ponies could understand animals, especially those who weren’t unicorns. Fluttershy turned back to her new neighbors, “Sorry, but Angel is hungry. He gets grumpy when he doesn’t get his meal on time. Your cottage is just down the road a ways. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to come over.” “Thank you Fluttershy, you are very kind. We’ll see you around,” Trail said, before turning back towards the road. Comet waved Fluttershy goodbye from her seat in the cart. The cottage was indeed just down the road. It was a nice two-story house, with a nice patch of land on the outside. There wasn’t much in the way of decoration on the outside, but Comet would fix that in the next few weeks. Moving towards the front door, Trail unhitched the cart just outside so he could unlock the door. After he opened it, Comet ran around him, giggling as she entered their home for the first time. There was no furniture, but Trail would have that fixed soon. The living room was large, enough space for both of them to enjoy themselves. Across the room from the door was the kitchen, with nice wooden countertops cabinets along the wall. Comet immediately went for the stairs, eager to see the upstairs part of the house. She made it to the top in seconds, looking down the hallway that had several doors lining the sides. She opened the first one to find a bathroom, with a built-in shower. She was so excited to have her own working shower. She would never have to worry about bathing in a lake, or in a motel ever again. She soon left the bathroom and went across the hallway, entering what she believed would be a bedroom if it had any furniture. She had her own room, and she was ecstatic. She finally had a home that she could call her own. No more temporary lodgings, tents, and motels. “Comet, honey, come on. We got to unload this cart. Or do you want to be late for the meeting with your new Headmare?” Trail yelled from downstairs. Comet immediately jumped into action. Being late for a meeting with Princess Twilight herself? That is unacceptable. > Ch. 2 - School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 -- School -- Comet was bursting with energy, racing back towards Ponyville with a bounce in her step. Trail was doing his best to keep up with the filly, but she wouldn’t slow down. He couldn’t blame her though, she was going to meet her new Headmare, also known as Princess Twilight Sparkle. Trail had never met the Princess of Friendship, but he respected her as much as the other three princesses. He had only met Princess Celestia once in his life, and it was a true honor to have met her. Trail wondered what Princess Twilight would be like. From what he had heard, she was around his age, and had reached her title through her studies. Comet had been so excited to meet her that she almost left the house without helping him with the wagon, but Trail was used to catching her in his magic. Trail knew that this meeting was so important to Comet, and he hoped that everything would go smoothly. “Daddy, hurry up!” Comet said, looking back to see her father lagging behind. Trail quickly caught up to his daughter and chuckled at her enthusiasm. She wasn’t even out of breath, most likely running on adrenaline. “No need to rush, sweetheart, the princess isn’t going anywhere.” Trail said walking alongside his daughter as they reached Ponyville proper. “But what if she’s busy? What if I’m too late to join classes, and I have to wait till next semester? What if I’m not good enough for her school?” Comet asked question after question, panicking over several scenarios. “Comet, everything is going to be fine. Princess Twilight will be delighted to have such a bright and talented young filly like yourself at her school,” Trail said, nuzzling his daughter to calm her down. Comet leaned into her father’s nuzzle, and it did help her calm down a bit. She was just so nervous about meeting royalty. She had no idea what to expect the Princess, but she was determined. She had come all this way to Ponyville, and she would get into the School of Friendship. The two continued down the path towards the school standing next to the castle. Trail was still surprised that the castle was made out of crystal. He had heard about the Crystal Empire up north, but never got around to going there, even when he was exploring the Frozen North. Finally, after a long journey, Comet had reached her goal, the School of Friendship. She stood at the front door to the school with a look of awe. Her nerves came back as she reached to open the door, but luckily her dad was there to help her confidence return. Both ponies pushed open the doors, earning a surprise in return. A flash of color raced passed them, knocking Trail onto his side while Comet landed on him. The flash seemed to return as they both looked up to see a rainbow maned pegasus looking down at them. She chuckled nervously as she offered to help Trail up with a hoof, Comet having already jumped to her hooves. “Sorry about that, I didn’t know anypony was on the other side and I kinda got carried away. You ok?” The mare said, pulling Trail to his hooves. “It’s alright, no harm done. I must say, that was some nice flying, Miss, all I could see was a blur,” Trail said, dusting himself off and readjusting his hat. “Well yeah, you’re looking at the best flyer in all of Equestria, name’s Rainbow Dash,” She said, offering a hoof to Trail. Comet gasped at her statement, “Rainbow Dash! As in the Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow puffed out her chest and smirked, “the one and only. Guessing you’ve seen me in a show?” Comet nodded vigorously, “Yeah, Daddy took me to a show in Fillydelphia about a year ago. It was so awesome, how you and Spitfire just zoomed across the sky, then Fleetfoot came in with that awesome triple flip. It was amazing!” Rainbow Dash smiled even wider at the praise, “yeah we are pretty awesome. So what brings you to Ponyville? I’ve never seen you before.” Trail tipped his hat to the Wonderbolt, “We just arrived earlier today. Name’s Trail Blazer, and this little fan filly is my daughter Comet Trail.” Comet waved her hoof at Rainbow with a bright smile. She had never forgotten that Wonderbolt show, and Trail would have liked to get her another chance to see them, but those tickets were just out of his budget. “Nice to meet you. Always cool to see new faces here in Ponyville,” Rainbow said, before lifting into the air again. “I gotta get going, but I’m sure I’ll see you around, later.” Then she flew off at such a speed that Trail nearly lost his hat again. After watching the rainbow blur fly off, Trail and Comet made their way inside the school, with Trail closing the door behind them. The school was just as magnificent on the inside as it was on the outside. The hallways were bright and colorful, with a shine that only crystal could give off. Comet walked through the main hallway with gleaming eyes, taking in every detail. Trail was right behind her, thoroughly impressed with the architecture. Clearly the castle was created with a combination of modern architecture and magic, given the smooth structure of the building. And considering it belonged to the Element of Magic herself, it wasn’t too hard to believe she could pull off this amazing design. A loud crash came from around the first corner of the main hall, making Trail and Comet jump a bit. They immediately made their way around the corner to find a white unicorn mare with a lovely purple mane standing over a pile of scattered fabrics and sewing machines. “Pardon us Miss, but are you alright?” Trail said, approaching the mare, who did not look happy. “Oh I’m alright, thank you for asking darling, but I appear to have made quite the mess. I must have bumped my horn by accident, and now look at this,” The mare said, agitation clear in her voice. Comet made her way to the mare, “Would you like some help? Daddy and I can help you carry all this so it isn’t too much strain on your magic. I remember when I tried to carry too much, it hurt a lot.” Trail nodded, telling the mare that he was willing to lend her a helping hoof. The mare looked at Comet with a bright smile, “Oh darling that would be lovely of you.” She then gasped and got closer to Comet. “And darling I love your mane, these braids show off your dual colors so well.” Comet blushed, “Oh thank you, my auntie showed me how to braid my mane when I was little. I’ve been wearing it like this ever since.” Trail chuckled at the two mares and began to lift the heavier sewing machines, while they had taken up the fabrics. The mare led the way to a room that was at the other end of the hallway. She opened the door and told Trail to put the sewing machines out on the tables, while she and Comet put the fabric away neatly on racks. “Thank you so much darling for helping me. You are truly a gentlecolt,” she said, giving Trail a bright smile. “It was no trouble Miss, always happy to help,” Trail said, tipping his hat to her in respect. “Oh where have my manners gone, my name is Rarity. And what are your names?” Rarity asked, gesturing to the two ponies to introduce themselves. “Nice to meet you Rarity, my name is Trail Blazer, and this is my daughter Comet Trail,” he said, smiling towards his filly who giggled. “Likewise darling, now I hate to be rude, but I simply must get started on arranging this room. Thank you again for your help, tata!” Rarity said before turning to organize the machines and other supplies in the room. Trail and Comet left the room and began down the hall once more. It was then that they realized that they probably should have asked Rarity where they could find Princess Twilight. There was no map at the entrance and no markers to help find the Headmare’s office. They walked down a few more hallways and saw no pony, perhaps the students had all gone home for the day? Trail moved a bit ahead and with a quicker pace as Comet began to slow down, showing some exhaustion from all her excitement. As he rounded another corner, he bumped into somepony, both of them tumbling to the ground. The impact hit him right in the horn, Luna did that hurt. As he recovered, he saw who he had run into. She was a unicorn mare with a bright purple coat, her mare was a much darker purple with a blue streak running through it. She had blue eyes that were staring directly into his own, both ponies still slightly stunned from the tumble. Trail recovered first and immediately got up to offer his assistance in getting her back on her hooves. “I’m very sorry Miss, I should have been more careful coming around that corner.” Trail then offered a hoof to the mare, who gladly accepted it with a smile. “It’s alright sir, no harm done. I wasn’t really paying attention either,” the mare said, rubbing the back of her head nervously. She then offered him a hoof in greeting, “Hi, I’m Starlight Glimmer.” Trail took the hoof and shook it, “Trail Blazer, nice to meet you Starlight.” Trail then heard giggling behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Comet was holding a hoof to her face, trying to hold back her giggles, which she was failing at. “And what is so funny young filly?” Trail asked, smirking at his daughter.. Comet quickly regained her composure and walked up to her father, a faint smirk still on her lips. Starlight saw the filly and smiled, “Well hello there, what’s your name?” Comet looked up at the mare, “Comet Trail, nice to meet you Miss Glimmer.” Starlight chuckled, “Just Starlight is fine sweetie. So what brings you to our school? I don’t think I’ve seen you two around before.” Comet chimed in this time, “We just moved here to Ponyville. I want to go to this school. Can you tell us where Princess Twilight’s office is?” Starlight smiled even brighter at the filly’s words, “Oh, a new student, wonderful. Twilight is always happy to accept new students. Follow me, I’ll take you to her.” Starlight turned around and escorted the two newcomers through the winding hallways, and eventually they came to a door with a star cutie mark on it. Starlight opened the door enough to poke her head in, “Twilight, we got ponies here who want to speak with you.” “Oh, Starlight, I thought you were going home for the day. Send them in please,” Princess Twilight said from inside the office. Starlight then opened the door for Trail and Comet, gesturing for them to head on inside. Upon entry, they were met with the sight of several bookcases, books filling every space. And sitting at the desk on the opposite side of the room was the Princess of Friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle. Trail immediately got onto one knee in a bow, taking his hat off with his magic. “Princess Twilight, it is an honor.” Comet say this and immediately bowed with him, almost forgetting she was more than Headmare, but royalty. “Please, there’s no need for that. And just Twilight is fine,” Twilight said, walking around her desk to stand in front of them. “Oh, sorry Princes- I mean Twilight,” Trail said, getting up on all fours and putting his hat back on his head. “It’s ok. I’m not one for the whole bowing thing. Here at my school, I want students to feel like they can approach and talk to me without the whole royal protocol,” Twilight said, gesturing for the two to have a seat on the chairs in front of her desk. Trail and Comet made themselves comfortable while Twilight walked back around her desk to take her seat. “So, what can I do for you two?” Trail looked to Comet, giving her an encouraging nudge on the shoulder. Comet looked up at Twilight and drew on her courage, “Iwanttobeastudenthere!” Comet said, her nerves making her words sound like gibberish. “There’s no need to be nervous sweetie, take a deep breath,” Twilight said, showing patience that would be expected from a Headmare. Comet took her advice and breathed deeply to calm her nerves, “I.. want to be a student here at your school. If you’ll have me.” Twilight’s smile brightened at her words, “That’s wonderful. I’m always happy to welcome a new student here. What is your name sweetie?” Twilight asked, floating out some papers from her desk. “Comet Trail, Miss Twilight,” Comet said, nearly bouncing in her seat with excitement. Her dream was coming true. “Ok, and you sir?” Twilight said, turning to Trail. “Trail Blazer, thank you for this Twilight. Comet has been looking forward to this ever since we decided to move here,” Trail said, smiling at his filly, who had a smile so bright it could blind a pony. Twilight stopped writing for a minute and looked up at Trail, “Trail Blazer? As in the author of the Equestrian Survival Guide book series?” Twilight’s eyes lit up and looked to Trail for an answer. Trail has surprised that the Princess recognized his name, let alone knew about his books. Sure he had been all around Equestria and had written about seven or eight books in that time, but he didn’t think he’d catch the attention of the Princess of Friendship. Trail chuckled and rubbed the back of his head nervously, a slight blush on his cheeks, “Yep, that’s me. I didn’t think anyone would recognize my name.” Twilight rushed over to one of her bookshelves and after a bit of looking, she came back with a book and held it up for Trail to see. It was his guide on the Hayseed Swamps, his most recent release. It hadn’t been out for more than two weeks, and here it was in Twilight’s personal library. “While I’m not much of an explorer, I do enjoy learning all about Equestria. Your books give more than just safety tips and survival instructions, they give a detailed description of the land itself. The environment, wildlife, plants, and all kinds of amazing information. It’s almost like seeing the area without having to actually go there,” Twilight said, gushing over the book like a school filly. Trail felt pride build up in his chest at the praise, he never thought he’d have someone enjoy his work this much. “You’re too kind Twilight. I’m glad you enjoy them. I’ll be working on a new one while I’m here in Ponyville.” Twilight looked at Trail with a look he couldn’t quite describe, “Oh, and what’s the focus this time?” “The Everfree Forest,” he said nonchalantly. Twilight’s eyes grew at his words, “Are you sure? The Everfree is one of the oldest forests in Equestria, not many ponies like to venture in there.” Trail nodded, “I’m aware of the stories Twilight, but that is why I feel drawn to the forest. To help ponies understand it better, and make it safer, in case they ever want or need to go in there.” Twilight’s worried expression turned into a smile, “well, I wish you luck in your studies. But please be careful Trail, that forest has a lot of magic in it, and it can be unpredictable.” “I appreciate the concern Twilight, but I’ve been through some dangerous terrain both inside and outside Equestria. I’ll be alright,” Trail said, confidence in his voice. “Alright then, back to Comet. Here is all the paperwork you need to sign for her enrollment, and Comet, if you can come over here, I’ll need a picture for your file,” Twilight said, gesturing for Comet to follow her. Trail looked over the paperwork he had been given, nothing he didn’t expect. Just some general information, past education experience with Comet, where they could find him if an emergency came up, the usual stuff. He took a pen from his saddlebags and began to fill out the form. Comet stood in front of a camera with Twilight ready to snap a picture. She couldn’t believe this was happening, she was finally here at Princess Twilight’s School of Friendship. Her dream was coming true, and she couldn’t wait to start. “Comet, I understand you’re excited, but I need you to hold still please,” Twilight said, smiling at the filly’s enthusiasm. Comet blushed and held still, the flash of the camera blinding her a bit, but it was short lived. Twilight then walked her back to her father, who had just completed all the paperwork he had been given. He levitated the papers back to the Princess and she added them to a folder she had taken out of her desk. She then attached Comet’s picture to the file, completing it. “There we go. Everything is organized and ready,” Twilight said before levitating a few pieces of paper to Comet. “Here’s your class schedule and a map of the school. Since today is Friday, you’ll be starting classes on Monday, but I’d like you to come in tomorrow morning 9 AM sharp to meet your teachers. Sound good?” Comet squealed in excitement and took the papers in her magic, “Thank you Headmare Twilight, thank you thank you.” Trail couldn’t help but chuckle at his daughter’s excitement, it always warmed his heart to see his little filly so happy. “Alright then Comet, time to get you home and rested for tomorrow,” Then turned to the Princess once more, “thank you again for giving Comet this chance, it means so much to both of us.” Twilight smiled brightly at them, “You’re very welcome Trail. I’m always excited to have a new student. I can’t wait for tomorrow.” The two unicorns left the Princess to her work, and made their way outside the school. Comet had been showing signs of exhaustion, the adrenaline finally wearing off. Trail picked her up in his magic and deposited her on his back. She didn’t protest, and simply relaxed on her father’s back. Trail then made his way straight home, not stopping for anything. After reaching their new home, Trail had laid out their sleeping bags in the living room, not the best sleeping arrangement, but Trail would have the house furnished tomorrow while Comet was at the school. The two had a simple dinner and got ready for bed. Trail tucked Comet into her sleeping bag and she was out like a light. He gave her a tender kiss on the forehead before laying down in his own bag. The day was long, but well worth it. Tomorrow, their new lives would officially begin. > Ch.3 - Welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 -- Welcome -- Morning came to Ponyville, Celestia’s warm light shined through the windows of the small cottage. Comet groaned as the light hit her face and she started to wake up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She rose out of her sleeping bag to find that her Father was already gone. She looked around to find him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Figuring that he must have gone out for a bit, Comet grabbed her bag with her bathroom supplies. She then went upstairs to the bathroom that she had claimed as her own, and began to begin her morning routine. Trail walked in the front door a few minutes later, having taken a walk to wake himself up. He heard the shower upstairs and figured Comet was preparing herself for the day. He knew that she was excited for her school tour with the Princess, so he figured she was going overboard in making herself presentable. Trail picked up her saddlebags and dusted them off. Comet would be down in a bit, and he wanted to be ready to go as soon as she did. They would go into town and pick up some breakfast, then Trail would drop Comet off at the school for her tour. While she was enjoying her tour, he would furnish their home, and then stock up on groceries. He had a lot of shopping to do, but once it was done, he could just relax until he had to pick up Comet. Comet finished drying off after her shower and walked down the stairs, ready for the day. She saw her Father had placed her saddlebags near the door. He came out of the kitchen and smiled at her, “Morning Sweetie, ready to start the day?” Comet jumped in excitement, “Of course I am, I get to tour the school of my dreams, and with the Princess of Friendship herself!” Trail chuckled and grabbed his saddlebags near his bedroll. He then led Comet outside, making sure she grabbed her saddlebags on the way out. Trail and Comet then walked down the path from the house leading to Ponyville. First things first, they needed some breakfast. Trail and Comet arrived in the center of Ponyville, looking around the various shops to find a place to get some breakfast. There were so many shops that it was hard to find a certain type, and the fact that they forgot to bring the map they were given by the Mayor didn’t help their situation. “Hey, you look lost, need some help?” A mare said from Trail’s right side. He looked to find a white mare with a electric blue mane. She wore purple sunglasses and had a pair of headphones around the back of her neck, no doubt she had removed them in order to talk with him. “Howdy Miss, yeah we’re kinda lost,” Trail asked, right before his stomach growled. The mare laughed, as did Comet, much to Trail’s embarrassment. “Hey, it’s cool. New ponies are always a highlight around here. Name’s Vinyl Scratch, welcome to Ponyville.” Comet smiled and waved at Vinyl, “Hi Miss Vinyl, know any places to get a bite to eat? I’m starved.” Vinyl laughed again, so much energy from just her laugh, Trail got a feeling she was great at parties, “Sure do kiddo, and just Vinyl is fine. You two should head down to Sugarcube Corner. It’s that building down the road that looks like a pastry.” Trail looked down the road and there was a shop that indeed looked like a pastry, just as Vinyl said. It was certainly a unique design, and was sure to have plenty of tasty treats to choose from. Trail nearly drooled at the thought of getting a donut. It had been so long since he had one of the those delicious beauties. Trail quickly got his thoughts back in place and turned back to Vinyl, “Thank you kindly Vinyl, name’s Trail Blazer and this is my daughter, Comet Trail.” Vinyl smiled, “cool names, anyway I gotta get going. See you two around.” After Vinyl had left, Trail and Comet made their way to the pastry shop, ponies were walking in and out of it with bright smiles, a good sign. As they entered, they were met with a flurry of colors. The store was filled with ponies enjoying sweets and pastries of all sorts. Trail led Comet up to the front counter, where a blue mare with a pink mane smiled at the two. “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, I’m Mrs. Cake, how can I help you?” She said, with a warm smile. Comet immediately took a closer look at the display case showing all kinds of treats. Trail chuckled at how adorable she was, looking between the different sweets with a critical eye. And soon enough, Comet’s eyes landed on exactly what Trail had predicted would get her attention. Comet had quite a sweet tooth, but there was one treat that she loved more than all others. Something that she rarely got, due to the fact that most of their previous dwellings were in remote areas that didn’t have many pastry shops. “Daddy, they have cinnamon rolls! Can I have one, please!?” Comet looked to her father with a look that could melt a heart of stone. She always used it when she really wanted something, and she knew her Dad couldn’t resist it. Trail chuckled and nuzzled Comet, “no need to bring out the look Sweetheart, of course you can have one.” He looked to the mare and smiled, “Can I have two cinnamon roll and a maple donut?” Mrs. Cake smiled, “absolutely, can I have a name please?” She had a pencil and a notepad ready for his answer. “Trail Blazer, and this bundle of adorableness is my daughter, Comet Trail,” Trail said, earning a pout from Comet, which he chuckled at. “Nice to meet you both, we’ll have your orders soon. Also would you like a drink with your breakfast?” Mrs. Cake said, writing down their order. “Apple juice please,” Comet said, smiling at the mare while hugging her father’s leg. “I’ll have the same,” Trail said, paying the bits for the meal. Mrs. Cake nodded and took the bits. Then Trail led Comet to a table that was free, not too far from the front counter. Ponies were walking all around them, and it made Comet a bit uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to so many ponies being in one place. Sure, she had been to big cities like Manehatten and Fillydelphia, but only for short amount of times. She still wasn’t use to this many ponies, but she knew that school would probably be worse. She needed to get used to it. After awhile, a pink blur appeared between them, balancing their food and drinks on her back, without spilling a drop, despite the speed she was going. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, you’re the new ponies I saw yesterday. I love meeting new ponies. What are your names?” The mare said, not stopping for a breath. “Uh…” Trail said before the mare cut him off again. “Gasp, I forgot that the thing. How could I forget about the thing? I need to go do the thing, gotta go, here’s your order, bye!” Pinkie Pie said, their order landing on the table with no trouble, and then she disappeared in a blur of pink. “Um…  Daddy, what just happened?” Comet asked, ignoring her food for a second. “I’m… not sure Sweetheart,” Trail said, still staring in the direction the crazy mare went. After a minute went by, Comet suddenly remembered the delicious treat in front of her, and immediately dug in. Trail chuckled at her stuffing her face, and decided to let her enjoy it. He went to enjoy his own breakfast. After finishing their breakfast, they moved out to their next destination, The School of Friendship. “Come on Daddy, hurry up!” Comet said, jumping in front of the door to the school. “I’m coming Sweetheart, no need to rush,” Trail said, finally catching up with the filly. “But I’m so excited, I can’t sit still!” Comet said, moving forward once again. “Is that your excitement talking, or that cinnamon roll from earlier?” Trail said, chuckling as Comet gave him a pouty look. “Well let’s see if we can’t work out some of that energy?” Starlight Glimmer said, as she walked up to meet the two ponies. Comet met her halfway, “Hi Miss Starlight, am I late? Oh goodness I hope I’m not late. If I am, I’m really sor…” “Comet, it’s alright. You’re not late, a bit early to be honest. Twilight is waiting in her office and sent me to meet you at the door,” Starlight said, cutting Comet off. “Well then I guess that’s my cue to make myself scarce. Good luck today Sweetheart, and remember to listen to your teachers and be respectful,” Trail said, nuzzling his filly. Comet hugged his neck and nuzzled him closely, “Thank you Daddy, I will.” Trail looked to the mare, “I leave her in your capable hooves Miss Starlight. I’ll be in town if you need me.” Starlight smiled at the stallion, “We’ll take good care of her Mr. Blazer, no need to worry. We will have somepony find you in town when her tour is done.” “Alrighty then. And please, just Trail is fine,” Trail said, beginning to walk back to the door. “Then you can just call me Starlight. Have a nice day Trail,” Starlight said as he left the school with a wave to the two mares. “Well then Comet, shall me get this show on the road?” Starlight said, looking to the excited filly. “Yeah!” Comet said, walking alongside Starlight. They made it to Twilight’s office and when the door opened, they were greeted by a stack of papers on a desk. “Twilight, Comet Trail is here for her tour,” Starlight said, as Comet sat next to her patiently waiting for the Princess. “Already? Wow, I’m impressed. Arriving early to school is always a great habit to have,” Twilight said, walking around the large stack of papers. Comet was so excited that her body was shaking all over, but a small part of her was nervous and Starlight saw a glimmer of it in her eyes. Comet felt a hoof on her shoulder, “Comet, there’s no need to be nervous.” She looked to the owner of the hoof and saw Starlight giving her a warm smile that seemed to melt away her nervousness. Comet smiled back in gratitude. Twilight walked up to the filly and smiled as well, “You’ll love it here Comet, I promise. Now your ready to see your new school?” “Absolutely!” Comet said, regaining her excitement from before. “Alright, then I’ll leave her with you Twilight. See you two later,” Starlight said, walking towards the door. “Bye Miss Starlight!” Comet said, getting the mare’s attention. Starlight looked back and waved at the excited filly and walked out the door. “Alright then Comet, let’s start this tour,” Twilight said, guiding the filly into the hallway. The school itself let Comet speechless, with the size and the design of the building. Not to mention the fact that Twilight and her friends had designed and built the school themselves. There was so much to see, it nearly overwhelmed her. “And down this hallway is the student’s quarters, for students who stay on campus. We have several students that come from all Equestria, and some beyond our borders,” Twilight said, as Comet followed close behind her. “Wow, so I’ll meet students from outside Equestria too?” Comet asked, sounding excited. As Twilight turned to answer her question, a blur of purplish pink collided into Comet, sending her onto the floor in a daze. “Silverstream! What have I told you about flying fast in the hallway!? Twilight scolded. Comet regained her senses and noticed that someone was sitting over her, and they were not a pony. The beak and feathers made that clear. “Headmare Twilight! We are so sorry, we were in a hurry to get to study group in the library,” another voice said, coming from the hallway. Comet looked to see a brightly colored insect like pony land in between her and Princess Twilight. She had a worried look on her as her ears were folded behind her head. “It’s alright Ocellus. But I’m not the one you two should be apologizing to. Silverstream, can you please get off our new student?” Twilight said, rubbing her temples with a hoof. Silverstream blushed and quickly got off of Comet, helping her to her hooves. Comet then looked between the two with curiosity. Twilight came over to her, “Comet, you ok?” “I’m ok Headmare Twilight. It just surprised me,” Comet said, dusting herself off and checking her braid. “I’m really sorry about crashing into you. I was just so excited for study group I thought me and Ocellus could race there. I should have been more careful,” Silverstream said, giving Comet a sad look. Comet just smiled, “it’s ok, no harm done, I’m Comet Trail, and your names are Silverstream and Ocellus right?” Comet said, looking to both creatures. “That’s right. Sorry again for the trouble. We aren’t making a good impression for your first day,” Ocellus said, scruffing her hoof on the ground nervously. “Don’t worry about it. Hmm, judging by the looks of you two, I’d say you’re a changeling and a hippogriff, am I right?” Comet said, rubbing her chin in thought. “Yep you’re totally right,” Silverstream said, hovering in the air with a smile now. “I knew it! I’ve heard stories about Mount Aris and the Hive, but Daddy and I never got a chance to see them,” Comet said, her excitement clear in her voice. “You sound like you and your dad travel a lot,” Ocellus said, sitting across from the new filly. “Oh yeah, Daddy and I have been a lot of places, I’ve even been to Zebrica!” Comet said, remembering the fun times she’d had in their travels. “That is so cool, I’ve always wanted to see other lands. You know besides Equestria of course,” Ocellus said, with a sheepish smile at the end. “I’ve never seen a zebra, but I bet they’re awesome!” Silverstream nearly shouted in excitement as she sat next to Ocellus. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the scene, “alright girls, don’t you have study group to get to?” Silverstream and Ocellus immediately got to their hooves/claws, “oh gosh, the others are probably waiting for us. Sorry Comet, but we gotta go,” Silverstream said, giving Comet an apologetic look. Comet smiled, “it’s ok, your friends are probably wondering where you are.” Ocellus noticed a change in Comet’s mood despite the smile. She felt that Comet was finding something. “Well guess we better go. Maybe we’ll see you around the school,” Ocellus said, smiling to Comet. “I’m sure you will. Have a nice study group you two,” Twilight said as the two girls went off down the hallway. Comet let out the smallest of sighs, hoping the Princess wouldn’t notice. But Twilight was good at noticing things. “Come on Comet, let’s finish up that tour,” Twilight said, nudging Comet with a hoof to get her attention. “Ok Headmare Twilight,” Comet said, regaining her excited nature. But Twilight still felt that she was hiding something. Trail walked out of the Quill and Sofa, “thank you for your help. When can I expect the delivery?” The store owner smiled, “No worries Trail, my stallions will have your furnishings at your home by the days end.” “Excellent, thank you again for your help,” Trail said, offering the stallion a hoof shake, which he gladly accepted. With that exchange, Trail left the store entrance and made his way to the center of town. So many ponies walked the streets, but not as many as Manehatten, thank the princesses. “Hey there, fancy running into you again,” A familiar mare’s voice said from behind Trail. “Greeting once again Vinyl, how has your day been?” Trail said, turning to face the blue maned unicorn, noticing that she also had a friend with her. A gray coated earth pony mare with a long black mane, and Trail could swear she looked familiar. “Ah it’s been good, and hey let me introduce you to my roommate. Octi this is Trail Blazer, I met him and his daughter this morning, they’re new to Ponyville. Trail, this is Octavia Philharmonica,” Vinyl said, smiling to the mare next to her. “A pleasure to meet you Mr. Blazer, I do hope you are enjoying Ponyville,” Octavia said, bowing her head in respect. “The pleasure is all mine Ms. Harmonica, and yes it has been a wonderful experience so far,” Trail said, tipping his hat to the mare. “A gentlestallion, now there’s a rarity nowadays. Octavia will do quite fine sir, but I thank you for your manner,” Octavia said, smiling at the stallion. “As you wish. But if may say Octavia, you look familiar. I feel like I’ve seen you before but can’t quite put my hoof on it,” Trail said, giving Octavia a quizzical look. “Oh, perhaps you’ve seen me in concert with my ensemble. We travel all across Equestria,” Octavia said, smiling brighter at the recognition. “Of course. The concert in Manehatten two years ago, it was an amazing performance. My daughter and I were mesmerized by the music,” Trail said, as the memory finally came to the surface. “Oh thank you Trail, that is very kind of you. I always love to hear that our audience enjoys our music,” Octavia said, holding her head high in pride. “Yeah, Tavi puts on a great show, you know if you like that old stuff,” Vinyl said, rolling her eyes, or at least it looked like she was, hard to tell under the shades. “What was that, Vinyl?” Octavia said with a sharp sideways glance over at the unicorn. “Oh nothing Tavi, Vinyl said with a innocent tone and smile. Trail chuckled at the two mares. They seemed really close, and the playfulness was a nice change to other cities where ponies fought all the time. “I take it you’re more into the new generation of music Vinyl?” Trail asked with a smirk. “Heck yeah, I’m pretty good with a turntable. Maybe you’ve heard of my stage name, DJ-Pon3?” Vinyl asked, her chest puffing out in pride. “DJ-PON3! I’ve definitely heard that name in my travels. My daughter and I would always arrive a bit too late to a town where you were performing. Comet has some of your albums, but I guess we just didn’t recognize you, sorry,” Trail asked, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Nah dude it's cool, most fans see me with bright lights everywhere and my turntable. Plus the photos on the posters aren’t very good, need to talk to my agent about that,” Vinyl said, rubbing her chin in thought. “You don’t have an agent dear, you just never put a photo on the posters, just a big DJ-PON3” Octavia said, with a deadpan expression towards the mare.   “Hey, it was an awesome poster, I just didn’t have time to put an actual photo,” Vinyl said, turning to her friend. Octavia and her then burst into laughter at their own antics, Trail joining in as their laughter was so contagious. Octavia then looked to the clock in the square. Her eyes widened and she turned back to Vinyl. “Vinyl! We’re going to late for the thing,” Octavia said with a hint of panic. Vinyl looked to the clock as well, “Oh crap, we gotta go.” Vinyl and Octavia gave a quick goodbye to Trail and ran off into town, leaving Trail very confused. He decided to just keep walking around, eventually he came to the edge of town where the Everfree forest was visible in the distance. He sat there for a while, looking at what might be his greatest challenge yet. “So Everfree, what secrets do you hide?” Trail said to no one in particular. The forest had such a terrible reputation, but so had many of the other areas he had been to. There was some really crazy stuff in the Hayseed Swamps… “Trail! Hey Trail!” A mare shouted at him. He couldn’t see who was yelling at him until he looked up to see a rainbow maned pegasus. “Rainbow Dash! What’s going on?” Trail asked, raising his voice, as she was above him on cloud. “We need you at Twilight’s castle pronto!” Rainbow said, lifting off the cloud and pointing towards the castle. Trail immediately got up and tried to question her further, but the mare was off like a bolt of lightning. Trail had to run to even keep her in sight, but lost her as she went in through a window of the castle. As he got closer to the door, he saw Comet walking towards the door as well coming from the school. “Comet, are you ok? What’s going on?” Trail asked as he made to the door with his daughter. “I don’t know, Headmare Twilight said the last part of the tour would be here, and she just teleported away,” Comet said, looking confused. Trail and Comet both looked to the door, then each other for a bit, confusion visible on both their faces. Finally they decided to just go for it and open the doors to the castle. “SURPRISE!!!” shouted the ponies that were filling the main hall of the castle. Trail and Comet were blasted with confetti and streamers. Both too stunned to register what had happened, they saw the pink pony from this morning. “Welcome to your “Welcome to Ponyville” surprise party!” Pinkie Pie said, with the most excited voice Trail had ever heard. > Ch.4 - Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 -- Party -- Trail’s heart rate slowly returned to normal as the shock of the surprise and the blast of confetti gave him quite the startle. Comet was giggling with delight at all the decorations and the confetti falling all around her. Twilight and Rainbow Dash came up to them, both laughing at the scene. “Pinkie’s surprises are always the best. Bet you two weren’t expecting that huh?” Rainbow said, hovering in the air with her forehooves crossed. “Sorry for tricking you Comet, but I figured a surprise party would be worth it,” Twilight said, smirking at the end. Comet was giggling like a filly on a sugar rush, “This is so cool! A party just for us. I’ve never had a surprise party before. Daddy is terrible with surprises.” Trail quickly turned to Comet, “Hey, it’s not my fault you’re too curious for your own good.” Twilight and Rainbow burst out laughing at that, making Trail blush a bright red. The party was in full swing at this point and ponies were moving from place to place, talking and enjoying the festivities. “Well I guess we should let them enjoy their party. Come on Rainbow, let’s find the others and see what Pinkie has in store,” Twilight said before turning and walking away with Rainbow Dash. Trail recovered from his embarrassment and decided to look around, see what this party had in store. It had been so long since his first real party, rather than the little get togethers he had. Just as he was about to leave, a purple blur appeared in front of him and Comet. “Comet! Did you like the confetti? Professor Pinkie Pie let me help set them up,” Silverstream said, hovering just in front of the filly. “Yeah, it was great Silverstream. Oh this is my dad, Trail Blazer. Daddy, this is Silverstream, she goes to Twilight’s school,” Comet said, pointing to her dad as she introduced him. “Nice to meet you, I’m glad Comet is meeting such kind people,” Trail said, smiling at the hippogryph. Silverstream smiled at the stallion, and soon after a changeling came up to the group. “Ocellus, told ya I’d find her, you find the others?” Silverstream asked the changeling, who smiled back at her friend, pointing to another part of the castle foyer. “Sure did. We found us a table over there. Comet, wanna come meet the rest of our friends?” Ocellus asked, smiling warmly at Comet. Comet jumped in excitement, “Of course I would.” She then turned to Trail, “Can I go Daddy, please?” Comet said, giving a cute look with her eyes sparkling. Trail laughed and hugged his filly, “Of course you can kiddo. Go and have fun, enjoy the party.” Comet squealed and hugged him tightly around the neck, which he turned in kind before putting her back on the ground. Comet then ran off with Silverstream and Ocellus leading the way. Trail just stood there, watching the sight of his filly happier than she had ever been. “She seems to getting along well with the other students,” A mare said from his side, making him jump a bit. Looking to his left, Trail found a familiar purplish pink unicorn standing next to him, looking towards Comet with a smile. “I would say so, and I couldn’t be happier. I hope she has found a good group of friends here,” Trail said, smiling back in Comet’s direction before returning his attention to the mare. “I must say Starlight, you sure know how to sneak up on a pony,” Trail said, smirking to the mare, who just smirked back. “Easy to do when the pony in question is lost in his thoughts,” Starlight said, floating a drink over to Trail with her magic. Trail laughed and accepted the drink, “Well ya got me there.” Trail sipped the drink, finding a delightful fruity taste to the punch, prompting him to finish the drink. He thanked Starlight and the two found a table in the foyer to sit down and talk. “So Trail, how are you enjoying Ponyville so far?” Starlight asked, sitting down across from Trail. “It’s certainly a lively town. I’ve only been here a day or so and I’ve meet so many friendly faces. Manehatten and Vanhoover certainly have a lot of ponies, but friendly not so much,” Trail said, rolling his eyes at the mention of the two cities. Starlight laughed, “I’m sure that there are some nice ponies in the big cities, Rarity told me of a friend in Manehatten in show business. Coco Pommel, I think her name was?” Starlight said, rubbing her chin in thought. “I believe I’ve heard about this Coco, but my time in Manehatten is usually short. I don’t care much for them big cities. Too much noise, give me the calm and beautiful countryside anyday,” Trail said, remembering the hussle and bussle of Manehatten. Starlight smiled, “I agree, I don’t like big cities either. But I’m not all that great with the outdoors either. Twilight and the others brought me for a camping trip, and it didn’t go so well.” Trail chuckled, “I can understand that. The outdoors do have their charm, you just need to see them for yourself.” “So Twilight showed me a few of your books. I gotta say, you’ve been to a lot of places, haven’t you?” Starlight said, changing the subject. Trail rubbed the back of his head and chuckled, “Yeah, I guess you can say that. Certainly makes life interesting.” “I’ve only heard stories about some of these places. Also, the one with the Zahara Desert, you went to Zebrica? What’s it like?” Starlight said with a gleam in her eyes that sparkled with curiosity. “It’s a beautiful country, filled with all kinds of wonders. Ponies avoid it because of the predators that tend to roam the area, but the Zebras have learned how to avoid them pretty well. And they are some of the friendliest folks you will ever meet,” Trail said, smiling as memories of his time in Zebrica came to mind. “It sounds wonderful. I’ve only ever met Zecora, but I’d love to see Zebrica one day,” Starlight said, looking up with a hopeful expression. “Zecora? You have a local zebra?” Trail said with a look of both confusion and curiosity. “Oh right you probably haven’t met her. Yes, Zecora is our local zebra. She lives in the Everfree Forest, but occasionally comes into town for shopping and visits,” Starlight said. “Interesting, I look forward to meeting her. Perhaps I’ll run into her while I explore the Everfree,” Trail said, looking forward to his first venture into the forest in the coming days. Starlight looked worriedly at him as he said that, “You’re planning on exploring the Everfree? Haven’t you heard the rumors and stories?” “Oh certainly, but it won’t be the first dangerous area I’ve been to. The Ash Fields in the Dragon Lands, now that was a hazard believe me,” Trail said, chuckling as he remembered those fields of fire and soot. “You certainly love adventure. You and Rainbow Dash would get along well,” Starlight said, a little shaken from Trail’s casual attitude towards the dangers he was talking about. “I do enjoy adventure in my travels, but the real goal for me is to learn all I can about the places I go. How the environment works, the wildlife, plants, etc. Then I write books on how ponies and other creatures can explore and navigate through these places safely,” Trail said, looking to the side in thought. Starlight’s eyes grew a little, “so you want every creature to be able to navigate dangerous places safely? Wow, that is such a noble goal,” Starlight said, genuinely impressed by Trail’s goals. “You are too kind Starlight, but yes that is what I strive for in every place I go. Every creature should know how to be safe in any environment,” Trail said, looking down at the table for a second. “So what made you choose this line of work? Especially with raising a daughter on top of all that,” Starlight asked, leaning over the table. Trail flinched ever so slightly, “I’m sorry Starlight, but that is a sensitive topic. It’s hard to talk about.” Starlight’s ears immediately folded, “Oh, I’m sorry Trail, I shouldn’t have asked.” Trail lifted a hoof to get her attention, “No please Starlight, you don’t need to apologize. I just have a hard time sharing that experience.” Starlight tried to smile to lighten the mood, “So… do you like kites?” Silverstream was practically dragging Comet at this point, making a beeline for the table that sat on the far end of the foyer. Ocellus following right next to them, keeping up with the hippogryph. “There you are, what took you so long?” A orange dragon with purple frills said from the table, looking impatient. “Yeah, where’s this new friend of yours?” A blue griffin said, sitting down on the far side of the table with a cup in his claw. Silverstream flew over the table and dropped Comet right in the center seat, right in between every creature. She and Ocellus then sat down in the seats next to her. Comet was surprised by the quick flight and the sudden drop, and now she was extremely nervous with every creature looking at her. She wasn’t use to this close proximity, but at the same time, she felt a small warmth in her chest. “Everyone, this is Comet Trail, the new student,” Silverstream said, a little loud for being so close to Comet. Comet blushed and fiddled with her braid, “Umm… hi.” “Gee, and I thought Ocellus was the shy one,” the dragon said, laughing at Comet’s shyness. Ocellus puffed out her cheeks at the comment, “Not funny Smoulder.” Smoulder stopped laughing and smiled, “Hey I’m kidding Ocellus. Hey there, name’s Smoulder.” Sudden a yak was right in Comet’s face, “Hello new pony, me Yona.” Comet smiled despite the invasion of her personal space and waved a greeting to the yak. She then turned to the griffin of the group. “Hey, name’s Gallus, welcome to the school of friendship. Hope you like homework,” Gallus chuckled at Comet. Comet then turned to the last member of the group, an earth pony colt. He smiled in her direction and waved, “Nice to meet you Comet, the name’s Sandbar, hope we’ve made a good first impression.” Comet smiled back, “You certainly have. I’ve never met a group as friendly and accepting before.” “Yona and friends always happy to meet new friends. Headmare pony always says to be kind to others, especially new friends,” Yona said with a voice thick with the Yakyakistan accent. “Now I really can’t wait for school. It sounds like so much fun,” Comet said, bouncing in her seat with excitement. “Yeah school is ok. The homework kinda sucks sometimes, but we have our study group. Plus Ocellus practically sleeps with her textbooks,” Gallus said teasingly to Ocellus. Ocellus’ cheeks burned, “That was one time! I fell asleep while reading Magical Artifacts and Enchanted Items.” Comet couldn’t help but giggle at the thought, “I know how you feel Ocellus. One night I was reading Talismans and Zebrican Glyphs, next thing I know, I wake up the next morning and was using the book as a pillow. Daddy wouldn’t stop laughing all morning.” Ocellus’ eyes grew at the story, “I’ve never read that one. It sounds fascinating. Can I borrow some time?”   Comet smiled gleefully, “Absolutely. I can bring to class and you can borrow it.” Smoulder looked back and forth at the two, “Oh great, there’s two of them now.” The comment caused the two fillies to blush and made the rest of the group burst out into laughter. Despite the embarrassment, the two fillies soon found themselves joining in on the laughter. Comet never felt so alive in her life, this feeling she had when the group was around was new to her, but she had an idea of what it could be. Friendship, the very thing she came to this school to find. “I see that all of you are enjoying yourselves. And have been treating our new student well,” Twilight said as she stepped up to the table. “Oh yes Headmare Twilight, Comet is our new friend. She’s a lot of fun,” Silverstream said, hovering in the air with joy. “That’s so wonderful to hear. You couldn’t have picked a better group of friends Comet,” Twilight said with a smile that radiated with warmth and care. “Thank you Headmare Twilight, I can’t quite believe it myself. I’ve always wanted friends, and it was so easy,” Comet said, looking around to all her new friends. “Always happy to welcome a new friend to the group. What about the rest of you?” Sandbar pitched in with a smile. “She seems pretty cool, even if she’s a bit of an egghead,” Gallus said with a smirk. “Same here, I bet she’s a blast to hang out with,” Smoulder said, leaning her elbow on the table. “Yona says new pony is part of the group. Yona so happy to meet new friend Comet,” Yona said, squeezing Comet in a hug with the strength of snake. Caught off guard by the tight hug, Comet wasn’t prepared for the yaks strength. Despite this, it felt nice to receive the act of kindness. Soon the rest of the group joined in on the hug and Comet shed a few tears of joy. After the hugfest was over, Twilight left the group to themselves. Comet started telling them all about her travels with her father. The group was so focused on her stories that everything around them seemed to fade away. “No way, your dad explored the Ash Fields. That is hardcore, even Princess Ember doesn’t like going there,” Smoulder said, honestly surprised by the tale. “He sure did. He only let me come a few times, but it was awesome. Fire pits erupting everywhere, hot springs, geysers, all kinds of cool stuff,” Comet said, remembering all the things she saw on that particular trip. “That sounds scary, weren’t you scared?” Ocellus said, sounding a little scared herself. Comet rubbed the back of her head, “It was a bit scary, but I had Daddy with me. He wouldn’t let anything hurt me.” “Your dad sounds awesome, I’d like to meet him,” Gallus said before finishing his punch. Sandbar spoke up after a while of silence, “Hey Comet, I’m curious, why don’t you have a cutie mark yet?” Comet flinched at the question and slowly looked at her blank flank, a sad look starting forming on her face. Another thing she hoped the school would be able to help her with. “I… I don’t know. It just never appeared. Daddy says that I’m just a late bloomer. But I’m worried that I may never get it,” Comet said, her head drooping, hiding her face behind her bangs. Sandbar was mentally kicking himself for upsetting their new friend, the rest of the group looking sad as well. But then an idea popped into his head. “Hang on Comet, I’ll be right back,” Sandbar said as he got up and ran into the crowd. This left the filly and the rest of the group confused. Sandbar was only gone for five minutes or so, before he came back with three fillies around Comet’s age, perhaps slightly younger. A white unicorn, a yellow earth pony, and an orange pegasus, all with similar cutie marks. “Comet, these are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they help ponies find their cutie marks. They can surely help you find yours,” Sandbar said, looking between the fillies and Comet. Comet couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ponies whose talents are helping other ponies find their talents. Comet squealed and jumped over to the Crusaders. “You girls can really help me?” Comet said, looking at the three with hopeful eyes. “Sure we can, we’ll have your cutie mark showin up in no time. Name’s Applebloom by the way,” the earth pony filly said. The unicorn stepped forward, “I’m Sweetie Belle, and we’ve got some ideas on how to make your mark appear.” The pegasus filly jumped in excitement, her little wings buzzing, “Totally! We can get you that mark for sure. I’m Scootaloo by the way.” Comet smiled with absolute glee at the scene in front of her. She would finally figure out her cutie mark. After all the years of wondering why her mark wouldn’t appear. “And don’t forget us. We’ll help you find your mark too,” Sandbar said, pointing to the rest of the group, who all nodded in agreement. After that, the Crusaders left to find their sisters in the crowd. Later Sandbar revealed to Comet that their sisters were the professors of the school, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Comet saw the resemblance in all of them, and hoped she would see them soon. The party kept going with Trail and Comet joining in on the games and festivities. The night soon came and Luna’s moon shined through the windows of the castle. Twilight had decreed that the party was drawing to a close as the ponies left the foyer and out the front door. Trail and Comet being the last ones to leave, by orders of Pinkie Pie. “Well, I certainly had a good time, how ‘bout you kiddo?” Trail said, looking to a sleepy Comet on his back. “It was the best party ever. I got new friends and had so much fun,” Comet said, her eyes starting to droop a little. Trail chuckled and nuzzled his filly, and then turned to the seven mares that were behind him. Starlight was in the front with Twilight and the other six elements behind her. “Thank you all for a great party. I can’t thank y’all enough for the hospitality and kindness you’ve shown,” Trail said, tipping his hat to the mares in front of him. “You’re very welcome Trail, it was such a fun night. I hope we see more of you during your time here in Ponyville,” Starlight said, smiling at the stallion. “I hope so as well Starlight. Same goes for all of you, if you ever feel like a visit, come by and say hi. Our cabin is just down the road from Fluttershy’s,” Trail said, pointing to the yellow pegasus who smiled back. “Sounds like fun, and both of you are always welcome here at the castle,” Twilight said, gesturing to the castle around them. “Thank you Twilight, now I better get this filly into bed. Thank you all again, and a good night to all of you,” Trail said, turning to walk out the door, Comet waving goodbye to the mares. The journey home was uneventful, Comet falling asleep on Trail‘s back about half-way home. He entered their home, seeing that all the furniture he had ordered had arrived, meaning the beds would be upstairs. He could do all the arrangement tomorrow. He took his filly into her new room, walking up to the bed. Using his magic to set the sheets on the bed, he tucked Comet in. She looked so peaceful sleeping in the moonlight coming from the window. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead, right under her horn, causing her to stir a bit and smile. Leaving her to her sleep, Trail closed the door to her room and went to bed himself. Today was a good day, and it was only going to get better. He was sure of it. > Ch. 5 - First Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 -- First Day -- “Comet, come on filly, what could possibly be taking you so long?” Trail Blazer said from the bottom of the staircase. Comet was in her room, frantically moving around the room, a nervous look on her face. Books, scrolls, and sketchbooks littered the floor, looking like a tornado went through the room. She was so nervous about her first day, not knowing what to take. Should she take her sketchbooks, her spell books, pencils, crayons? She eventually tripped and fell to the floor, blushing in embarrassment. She was a nervous wreck. How could see go to school like this? Her door then opened, revealing her father, looking concerned. “Sweetheart, you alright there?” Trail asked, helping her to her hooves. Comet sighed, “I’m so nervous daddy, what if I don’t fit in? What if I mess up?” Trail smiled and wrapped a foreleg around her, pulling her into his chest. Feeling the familiar warmth and comfort, Comet rested her head on his chest. “I know you’ll be a wonderful student. Twilight and the others were eager for you to come, and you made six friends in one night. I’d say that’s a good start kiddo,” Trail said, holding his filly. Comet giggled and nuzzled into her father’s chest, “Thanks dad.” Trail let her go and stood up, “Now come on, you take any longer and you’ll be late on your first day.” Comet let out an “eep” and rushed into the bathroom, quickly fixing her mane and braid. After that, she quickly stuffed books and supplies in her saddlebags. She fumbled around with the straps, having a bit of trouble. Trail chuckled and used his magic to help her secure the bags. Comet smiled up at him and followed him down the stairs and to the front door. Standing at their front door, Trail looked down at Comet, who smiled up at him. “Come on kiddo, let’s get you to class. Wouldn’t want you to be tardy on your first day.” Comet stood petrified in the entrance hall of the school. Ponies were walking around in every direction, all talking about class and other miscellaneous things. There was so much noise, it was like being in the big city. She didn’t know where to start. “You gonna be ok sweetheart?” Trail said, having stayed behind until Comet felt comfortable with the school. Comet gulped and chuckled nervously, “Yeah, I’ll be ok. It's just school, with a Princess, and national heroes.” “Well don’t let that scare you too much, they can’t wait to see you in class,” a mare said, catching Comet’s attention. “Starlight!” Comet said, turning to face the school counselor. Starlight smiled at the filly and looked up to Trail. “Was she a little nervous this morning?” Starlight asked. “Like you wouldn’t believe. Pacing around her room like I was gonna sending her off into the Galloping Gorge,”  Trail said, earning a laugh from Starlight. Comet glared up at her father, “No I wasn’t. I was just… having trouble finding my notepads is all.” After the two adults were finished laughing at the filly’s embarrassment, Starlight stood next to her. “Alright then Comet, it's nearly time for your first class. Did you bring the map that Twilight gave you?” Starlight said, looking to the filly. Comet nodded and dug in her saddlebags, digging through the books and notepads, and pulling out the map with her magic. She unrolled it and took a look at it for the first time. Princess Twilight even marked her classrooms to help her on her first day. “Very good, now I have to get to my office. If you ever need anything, don’t be shy, ok?” Starlight said, waving goodbye to the two ponies and walking away. “Alright sweetheart, I’ll be by this afternoon to pick you up. Be good and mind your teachers, alright,”  Trail said, hugging his filly one last time. “I will, bye Daddy,” Comet said, nuzzling against him before he let go. Trail turned and walked out of the school, leaving Comet in the main hallway of the school, ready to start the day. Comet took a deep breath and let it out slowly, a technique she learned to calm herself. After she was calm, she took out her map and began to make her way to her first class, which according to her map was on the other side of the school. Looking at a clock that was in the hall, she had exactly fifteen minutes to get there. Comet panicked and moved through the hall, making sure not to bump into anypony along the way. Not a great first impression if you knock somepony over on your first day. The halls weren’t too crowded, so Comet didn’t have too many problems. Except the one vase she almost tipped over, but lucky she learned to be quick with her telekinesis. After saving the pottery from its certain doom, she turned to move once more, only to bump into another student. Both ponies stumbled a little, but not enough to hit the ground. Comet recovered and looked up to the one she bumped into. He was a colt, looking just a little older than her. A dark gray coat with a white mane that looked like it was done by a professional. He wore a fancy shirt and jacket, which looked pressed and neat. The jacket had sapphire jewels embedded in the collar. “How dare you! Why don’t you watch where you’re going!?” The colt said, looking rather upset, despite the contact being brief and not seeming to cause any harm. Comet tried to smile back at him, “Sorry about that, it was an accident. I’m Comet Trail.” Comet extended a hoof to him, only to receive a huff as he stuck his nose in the air. “I am Tourmaline Rhinestone, heir of the illustrious house of Rhinestone in Canterlot, and I do not shake hooves with commoners,” Tourmaline said with his nose still high in the air. Oh great, a noble pony. Comet had never been to Canterlot but she had met plenty of big city ponies to know the type. “I am very sorry Tourmaline for bumping into you, it was an accident. If you’ll please excuse me, I need to get to class,” Comet said, walking around the pony, trying not to make eye contact. Another hump came from Tourmaline as Comet was still in earshot, “Princess Twilight must be lowering her standards to allow that ruffian into this school. And sweet Celestia, that braid is horrendous.” Comet almost stopped right there, wanting nothing more than to turn around and give the arrogant brat a piece of her mind. But she held herself back, not wanting to cause a scene on her first day. She rounded the corner of the hall, taking another deep breath and simply continued onto the classroom. After a bit of wandering, Comet finally found her first class, ponies of all shapes and colors sitting in the middle of the room, ready to start. Comet looked around for a place to sit, and then heard someone call out to her. “Comet! Hey over here!” Ocelus shouted at her, waving her hoof in the air. Comet beamed and rushed over to sit with her and Silverstream, who was sitting next to Ocelus. “You’re finally here, this is going to be so much fun!” Silverstream said, hovering in the air with excitement. Comet felt so welcomed, she could barely believe she was here at last. Princess Twilight’s school of Friendship, the place she had been dreaming about for so long. Now she was here, and she would be the best student ever. The door on the opposite side of the room exploded with confetti, followed by a pink pony who was all too familiar to Comet at this point. Pinkie Pie bounced to the front of the class, wearing saddlebags that looked filled to the limit. “Hiya everyone, time for another day with Pinkie! But first we’ve got a new friend joining us today,” Pinkie said before moving like a pink lightning bolt over to where Comet was sitting. Comet eeped and quickly grew a blush on her face as Pinkie lifted her over her head and zoomed back to the front of the class, plopping Comet down right in front of everyone. Comet was stunned, not sure what had happened. When she realized she was in front of the class and everyone was staring at her, her blush grew and she started to fidget with her braid. “Sooo, introduce yourself silly filly,” Pinkie said, sitting right next to Comet, giving her a wide smile that was comforting in a strange sort of way. “Um, hi my name is Comet Trail, and I just moved here to Ponyville with my dad. It’s really great to be here,” Comet said, trying to sound confident but still coming off a little nervous. One of the colts asked, “Where are you from Comet?” Comet stopped fidgeting with her braid and thought for a minute, “Well Daddy and I actually use to move around a lot. But I was born in the Smoky Mountain area.” Ocelus perked up, “Oh, I’ve heard of that region. It’s in the northwest part of Equestria, not a lot of ponies live there cause of the rugged terrain.” Comet beamed at her friend, “That’s right Ocelus. It is a bit rough, but Daddy knows the area better than anypony. There’s lots to explore.” A bunch of ponies in the class started talking amongst themselves, saying how cool it must have been to be born out in that part of Equestria. Comet felt so excited that her classmates were so nice and friendly. This was the school of friendship after all. Pinkie Pie giggled, “Alright everyone, let’s get started with today's class. How to plan your very own surprise party!” The class all cheered and Comet quickly sat next to Ocelus and Silverstream again. Introductions were over, and she was sure it would be smooth sailing from here. The day went by faster than Comet expected, probably because she was having too much fun. Pinkie Pie had showed them so many things about parties that Comet didn’t really think about. The flavor of the cake, color of the balloons, and the amount of streamers that was necessary for making the smallest mess possible. Soon it was time for lunch, and Ocelus and Silverstream took Comet to the rest of their friends in the cafeteria. Comet had picked up a daffodil sandwich from the food court, one of her favorites. Once they found the table, she saw Gallus and Sandbar were waiting for them. “Hey Comet, how’s your first day treating you?” Sandbar said, giving Comet a friendly smile. “It’s been so much fun! Professor Pinkie knows so much about parties I thought my head was gonna explode,” Comet said, bouncing in her seat. Gallus laughed, “Yeah she can be worse than Headmare Twilight when she wants to be.” All five of them shared a laugh before hearing the approaching steps of their two other friends approaching. Smoulder and Yona came up to the table looking exhausted. “Yona is so hungry. Professor Dash not know when to quit,” Yona said, slumping in her seat at the table. “You can say that again. I’m all for a good work out, but boy she can be tough. Made me fly five extra laps for trying to cheat on my wing ups. My wings are gonna be sore for days,” Smoulder said, looking back at her wings with a cringe. Comet looked a little worried for her new friends, Rainbow Dash seemed like a pretty athletic pony, but she had no idea what to expect from her class, until now. Comet was kinda thankful she didn’t have a class with Professor Dash until tomorrow. “Yeah Professor Dash seemed pretty psyched this morning. Not sure why, but I guess me and Sandbar will find out after lunch,” Gallus said, taking a bite out of his food. He saw Comet looking at his chicken leg, “Sorry if this is kinda gross to you Comet.” Comet blinked, “Oh no, not at all. It’s just been a while since I’ve seen anyone eat meat. It doesn’t bother me all that much anymore.” Gallus and the others were shocked, Gallus especially. “Wait, you seriously don’t find this disgusting?” Gallus said, raising an eyebrow. “Well it’s not like I’m gonna start eating meat anytime soon. But I grew up around a griffon for a while, so I’ve seen a lot worse,” Comet said, taking a bite out of her sandwich. Now Gallus was really interested, “You grew up around a griffon? Not many griffons like hanging around ponies. I can name like two back in Griffonstone.” Gallus thought of Griffonstone while he took a sip of his water. Comet smiled brightly, “Sure did. My Auntie Tala is the toughest griffon I’ve ever met. She never let anybody hurt me or Daddy.” Gallus did a spit take, not sure if he heard her right. He turned to his new friend, “Wait, Tala, as in Sky Claw Tala, the famous Griffon explorer!” Comet beamed, “Yep, that’s her. She and Daddy used to explore together but she had to go on an expedition alone and she hasn’t been back for a while.” Comet’s ears drooped a little, the memories of her aunt flooding in. But she quickly shook those thoughts out of her head. “But I know she’s ok, nothing can beat my Auntie Tala,” Comet said, brightening back up. Gallus’ jaw was on the table, never in a million years did he think Sky Claw was close to ponies. He had never met her, but the stories of her adventures were told all over Griffonstone. “Hey Gallus, keep your mouth like that and you’ll get a fly in it,” Sandbar said, causing everyone at the table to break into a laugh. Gallus quickly recovered and glared at Sandbar, but soon chuckled and joined the laughter. Silverstream joined in on the conversation, “You call her Auntie Tala, why’s that?” Comet turned to the hippogriff, “Oh she’s not my aunt by blood. But she helped raise me, so I’ve always called her Auntie.” Silverstream beamed, “That’s so cool. Boy I wish I had an aunt that sounded that cool.” Her eyes widened after saying that, “Not that Auntie Novo isn’t cool, she is Queen of Mount Aris.” Comet’s eyes widened this time, “Woah, your aunt is Queen Novo!?” Silverstream beamed, “Yep, sure is.” Comet and Silverstream giggled at how their conversation had taken a different direction than expected, and the rest of the group joined afterwards. The group started to quiet down as they finished their lunch, but as they were making small talk, Comet recognized a student as he passed by their table. It was Tourmaline again, walking with his nose held high and a tray of finer cuisine on his plate. Comet didn’t see any of that stuff at the food court, making her wonder where he got it. Comet turned to Sandbar, “Hey Sandbar, who’s that fancy colt?” Sandbar turned to where she had been looking and frowned, “Oh him, that’s Tourmaline Rhinestone. He’s from Canterlot, part of this big important noble family or something.” “I heard his father owns nearly half the gem mines in Equestria. The Rhinestone’s are one of the richest families in Canterlot,” Ocelus said, joining in on the conversation. “Honestly, he’s a spoiled brat who thinks he’s better than all of us. He doesn’t even try to make friends, saying that we’re all beneath him,” Smoulder said, looking annoyed. Comet looked confused, “But this is The School of Friendship, why come here if you’re not going to try and make friends?” “Honestly I think his dad sent him here because of Princess Twilight. Having a son in a school run by royalty sounds like a social status thing to me,” Gallus said, shrugging while munching on his chicken leg. Comet looked even more confused, “If that was the case, why not send him to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns? Makes more sense to send him to a school in Canterlot rather than send him all the way here to Ponyville.” Yona looked to Comet, “Why new pony friend ask about mean rich pony anyway? Comet frowned, “I accidently bumped into him on the way to class, and when I tried to be friendly and apologize, he was rude to me.” Comet began to fidget with her braid, “He even made fun of my mane.” Silverstream gasped, “He did not.” She put a comforting wing around her new friend, “Don’t listen to that jerk. I think your mane is super pretty.” Comet blushed, “You really think so?” Silverstream hugged her tightly, “Totally, it looks super cute. The colors, your braid. Do you style it yourself?” Comet looked embarrassed, “Well I do now, but when I was growing up, my Auntie helped me.” Gallus raised an eyebrow, “Wait, Tala styled your mane? I didn’t think she would be into that.” Comet snapped her head to him, “Oh no no no, not that aunt. I meant my Auntie Zala helped me.” All of her friends looked at her with a confused expression, making her blush. “Sorry about the confusion. I actually had two aunts growing up, Auntie Tala and Auntie Zala,” Comet said, setting the facts straight. “Oh cool. So what’s your other aunt like?” Ocelus asked with curiosity. Comet was about to answer when the bell rang for lunch to end. All of them groaned and put their trays away. Moving out into the hallway, they stopped to talk once more. “Well you’ll have to tell us another time Comet. Though I bet this other aunt of yours isn’t nearly as cool as Sky Claw Tala,” Gallus said, jumping into the air in a dramatic pose. “Yona wants to know more about them too. Tala griffon sounds tough like yak,” Yona said, standing next to Gallus. “Ok, I’ll tell you all about them next time. I got to get to Headmare Twilight’s magic study class,” Comet said, digging out her map. Ocelus beamed at her, “That’s my next class too! Come on, I’ll show you the way.” Comet and her squealed in excitement and ran off down the hall together. The rest of the group looked on at the two with different expressions. Yona and Silverstream smiled and ran off together for their class. Sandbar leaving on his own shortly afterward. This left Smoulder and Gallus with shocked looks on their faces, watching as the two giggling fillies were just out of sight, yet they could still hear their excitement. “Oh great, now there’s two of them,” Smoulder and Gallus both said in unison before looking to each other. They shrugged and left together for their own class. > Ch. 6 - The Everfree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 --- The Everfree --- Trail looked over his shoulder one last time, seeing The School of Friendship in all its glory. He wondered what kind of day Comet would have, hoping to the princesses that it would be wonderful. She was a smart filly, and had been looking forward to this for months. “I shouldn’t worry so much. She’ll be fine, she’s my daughter after all,” Trail said, shaking his head. “You always talk to yourself, or do you have an imaginary friend I can’t see?” A mare said from in front of him, making Trail turn quickly.  “Oh it’s you, Vinyl right?” Trail asked the white unicorn with an electric blue mane. The mare smirked behind her shades, “That’s right, but my fans call me DJ-PON3.” “Yes, with an ego to match both of your personas,” Octavia said, coming towards them from the other side of the bridge that connected the school to the path to Ponyville.  "Well good morning to the both of you. I never expected to find big musical names like you two just walking around." Trail said. “Yeah Tavi here is pretty amazing. I never miss a concert if I can help it. Plus being her marefriend means I get exclusive tickets. ” Vinyl said, moving to nuzzle Octavia and wrap a hoof around her.  “Yes Vinyl, and I do appreciate all your support dear. Even if you do tend to have a bit too much wine at the after parties. Also it’s a pleasure to see you again Trail,” Octavia said, smirking to the unicorn before giving Trail a respectful bow of her head.  Vinyl blushed, “Hey, I like a little excitement with music, cut me some slack Tavi.” Trail chuckled at the two, making them blush red and slowly turn to him. “I can see you two are very close. A cellist and a DJ, an unusual yet unique pair. But I reckon a mutual love for music is what brought you together,” Trail said, smiling at the mares.  Both smiled at him and each other, nuzzling for a brief moment.  “Yeah, I wasn’t all that into classical stuff, but meeting Tavi here made me open up a bit more,” Vinyl said, holding Octavia close.  Octavia returned the embrace, “Yes, while I originally thought her music was nothing but noise, it grew on me, as did she. We’ve been together for about four years now.” “I’m happy for you both, truly looks like a match chosen by Princess Cadance herself,” Trail said, tipping his hat to them in respect.  Both giggled at the comment. “So what about you Trail, got a lucky mare at home waiting for ya?” Vinyl asked, winking at the stallion.  Trail suddenly lost his smile and cheery demeanor, slouching a little as he hung his head. “No, I’m single. Have been for a long time,” Trail said, his voice much more quiet. Vinyl and Octavia quickly grew worried and separated.  “Oh geez, I’m sorry Trail, it’s just I saw you and your kid, and I just assumed the mom must have been somewhere else,” Vinyl said, rubbing the back of her head.  “It’s fine Vinyl. Let’s just say Comet doesn’t have a mother. Forgive me, but I don’t like to talk about it,” Trail said, hiding his face underneath his hat.  Octavia walked up to him, putting a hoof on his shoulder. He looked up at her and smiled, knowing she was trying to cheer him up. “It must have been hard, raising a filly on your own. But from what I’ve seen in you, she must be an extraordinary filly if you’re her father,” Octavia said, lifting his spirits.  “Thank you Octavia, that means a lot. Comet is the light of my life, I’d do anything for her. That’s why we moved here, so she could go to this school,” Trail said, gesturing to the school behind them.  Both mares smiled and nodded to the school. “Well, it was lovely seeing you again Trail, but I’m afraid Vinyl and I have a meeting with Princess Twilight. We should have lunch sometime, and if you ever want a ticket to my next concert, don’t be afraid to ask,” Octavia said before walking past Trail and heading to the school.  “Yeah dude, and if you want to have some fun, come hit up the club in town. I play every other night, and we rock all night,” Vinyl said, following her marefriend.  “I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thank ya kindly ladies,” Trail said, tipping his hat to them.   Both mares waved at him and disappeared into the school. Trail smiled, knowing he just met two good ponies, and felt that he’d be seeing more of them in the future. But now was the time to get to work, so he turned and headed for home.  Having arrived back home, Trail went to his room and got his saddlebags, filling them with all the essentials he would need. Books, notepads, a compass, pencils, sample vials, etc. Now he was nearly ready to tackle the challenge that brought him to Ponyville. A place that even the Princesses dared not to enter unless the need arises.  The Everfree Forest.  After gathering his supplies into his saddlebags, there was only one more thing he needed. Moving to the other side of his room, he opened a footlocker near the foot of his bed, using his magic to lift the object it contained into his grip. A bow, made from the black oak trees of the Smokey Mountains where he grew up. One of the strongest types of wood in Equestria, which many archers strive for. Trail’s father made it for him when he was young, it was one of his greatest treasures.  Placing it down next to him, he then pulled the quiver out of the foot locker, strapping it around his barrel. The quiver was custom made to have it positioned on his side, tilted to where it sat diagonally on his side.  Placing the bow around the quiver to hold it in place, Trail did a last minute check to make sure he had everything. After doing so, he made his way downstairs and out the front door, locking it behind him.  As he left the front door, he turned to see the forest not too far away. One of the reasons he bought this cottage was to be close to the forest in case Comet ever needed him, plus being so close to work never hurt. Though he wondered why it was a lot cheaper than the other properties up for sale.  Without further delay, Trail made his way towards the forest ready for whatever it had in store for him.    Upon reaching the entrance to the forest, Trail noticed a sign. Moving to inspect it, it read “Stay on the path. BEWARE OF POISON JOKE!” Poison joke, that’s an odd name. It is a plant, or an animal? Taking out a notepad and a pencil, Trail started scribbling down some notes. After that, he turned back to the forest. The dense trees blocked out most of the sunlight, giving it an ominous appearance.  “Hmm, perhaps the trees absorb all the sunlight and distribute it amongst the other vegetation. Interesting,” Trail said to himself, scribbling more notes.  Trail then started into the forest, and immediately feeling the change in atmosphere. The air was colder in the forest, obviously due to the trees blocking out the sunlight. Yet, there was more to it. It felt like he was trespassing into somethings territory.  Trail’s senses were on full alert, eyes scanning for any sign of movement in the area as he walked down the marked path. Ponies must have built this path for a reason, but as far as Trail knew, no pony ever came into the forest. The elements of harmony would on occasion, but only when Equestria is in danger. So why would ponies need a path through the forest? Trail kept moving through the forest, observing and writing down notes of things he saw. Plants he did not recognize, small animals, even running into a bear along the way. The bear did not seem to notice him as it walked away. So most creatures here seem to be ok with ponies, that’s good.  The path then turned to reveal a beautiful sight, a patch of blue flowers that seemed to glow in the small amount of light the trees provided. Trail had seen many types of flowers in his time, but these seemed special. Part of him wanted to bring one home for Comet, she loved drawing flowers. But the adventurer in him told him to examine it first, it could be harmful.  He walked carefully towards the flowers and picked one up in his magic, examining it with a careful eye. The petals seem to have pollen on them, and the hairs on the back of his neck were standing up, something was not right with this flower.  “I would be careful friend, or that flower could be your end,” A feminine voice said from behind him.  Trail jumped, dropping the flower in the process before turning to face whoever had snuck up on him.  Trail was surprised to see not a pony, but a zebra, dressed in a cloak. The voice was clearly feminine, and she seemed to come out of nowhere.  “Where did you come from? I didn’t hear ya at all,” Trail said, lowering his guard but still keeping an eye on her.  “Forgive me for being so sneaky, but to survive here you must be tricky,” She said, removing her hood, revealing a mohawk mane style and rings on her neck.  Seeing that she was not a threat, Trail relaxed and held out a hoof in greeting, “Howdy, Trail Blazer at your service Miss…”  Her eyes widened as she shook his hoof, “Zecora is my name, and I have heard of your fame.” “Oh, I suppose you’ve read my books?” Trail said, rubbing the back of his head.  “They are quite the read, your advice ponies should heed,” Zecora said, making Trail blush. “I only try to help ponies stay safe, being famous was never my intention,” Trail said, scuffing his hoof on the ground.  “Modesty is a great virtue, come you must have questions don’t you?” Zecora said, gesturing for Trail to follow her.  Trail nodded and they moved away from the blue flowers. Trail jotted some notes in his notepad about them, curious of why Zecora was so cautious about them. Moving through the woods, Zecora pointed out some important trails and paths for Trail to take that were safe from most predators. Her knowledge of the forest was impressive.  They eventually came to a hut, decorated with zebra tribal masks and objects. Trail had been to Zebrica on one of his jobs, staying there a whole year working on the book detailing the Zahara Desert. That was a hot ordeal.  Zecora invited him in for refreshments, and how could he say no. The inside was small, but cozy. A pot in the middle of the room, with shelves of herbs, vials and other equipment covering the walls.  “Judging by the equipment, I’d say you’re an alchemist” Trail said, looking back to the mare who had just removed her cloak.  “Your guess is correct, pray tell, is that familiarity I detect?” Zecora said, picking up some cups and a tea kettle.  “I spent a whole year in the Zahara Desert for one of my books. Plus I grew up with a zebra alchemist, so I’d say I recognize the setup,” Trail said, having a seat near the cauldron.  “So you know this zebra well, what are they like, pray tell?” She said, lighting a fire to boil the tea.  “Well her name is Zala, and she was born in Zebrica, but grew up in Equestria. She lived next door to my family and we grew close. She’s like a sister to me,” Trail said, smiling at the memories of him and Zala.  “Zala, this zebra I do not know, but your feelings for her makes your smile glow,” Zecora said, waiting for the water to boil.  “She is one of a kind, a tougher zebra you’ll never find. Strong willed, stubborn and knowledgeable in several types of alchemy. Potions, talismans, charms, you name it, she can do it all,” Trail said, a grin on his face.  “A mare with so much might, she must be quite a sight,” Zecora said, the kettle whistling at last.  Zecora added the leaves to the pot, pouring boiling water on them and leaving it to steep for the moment while she fetched two cups from a small cabinet on the wall of her hut. She placed the cups on a small table in the middle of the room and went to check on her brew. Seeing it was ready for serving she grabbed a pot holder and poured two cups of tea, offering one to Trail.  “Thank you, I was getting a tad parched,” Trail said, taking the cup in his magic.  “Tell us Trail, what does your visit here entail?” Zecora asked, before sipping her own tea.  “I wanted to get a quick look around, see what gave this place such a bad reputation. So far, nothing to terrible about this forest, except those flowers back there. What’s so dangerous about them?” Trail asked.  “Poison joke, a plant most vile, yet looks so docile,” Zecora said, sipping her tea ever so lightly.  Zecora then explained how poison joke worked to Trail. Hearing that the effects could cause transformations was a little scary, but he found it quite amusing how it only results in a joke. Trail wrote detailed notes as Zecora spoke, finding this new plant quite fascinating.  “So Zecora, what’s it like living out here in the Everfree? Ponies tend to avoid this place from what I hear,” Trail asked. “At times it can be hard, you cannot truly let down your guard. But others it is peaceful, and at the best of times, tranquil,” Zecora said, looking at her window.  Just as she said, a loud roar came from just outside the hut. It startled them and both jumped. Trail moved to the window of the hut, looking outside to find the source of the roar. Not far from the tree line, two manticores were sizing each other up. Zecora soon joined him at the window. “Seems you got some rowdy neighbors around here Zecora.” Trial said, gesturing to the manticores.  Zecora nodded, “Yes, normally nothing comes around here thanks to my insenses. What could make them so tense?.” “Natural territorial instincts, doubt they even notice anything but each other.” Trail said, getting his bow ready and picks out an arrow from his quiver. Zecora looks at the arrow and notices something odd about it. The arrow head had runes on it, and just below the arrowhead on the shaft of the arrow was a crystal, glowing slightly with magic.  “What are those runes? And that crystal that shines like the moon?” Zecora asked, a curious look on her face. Trail turned to her, “a little something I learned from Zala. Just watch.” Trail aimed out the window and pulled the arrow back. After a few seconds of aiming and a calming breath, the arrow was released and flew towards the manticores. But rather than hitting either of the beasts, the arrow landed in a tree in between them. As the beasts looked at the arrow for a few seconds, they soon started to move away from it, roaring in pain. Zecora couldn’t understand what was bothering them, but she soon picked up on a small ringing noise in the air.  The manticores had enough and took off in different directions. As they left the clearing, Trail lowered his bow and made his way out of the hut. Zecora followed after him, still confused. As they reached the tree with the arrow, Trail pulled it out and removed the crystal.  “I imagine you’d like an explanation?” Trail said, giving Zecora the crystal for her to examine it.  “I would indeed, what caused them to flee with great speed?” Zecora asked. “Creatures like manticores and others like them have sensitive hearing. The crystal you have there I infused with a sound spell that creates a wave of sound tuned to a frequency only they can hear. While it does hurt, there’s no permanant damage, so they will be fine.” Trail said, pointing to the crystal while he explained. Zecora’s eyes widened, “Talisman magic that infuses crystals with spells that activate upon contact with an object, this I did not expect.” Trail chuckled, “Zala taught it to me. She is quite amazing when it comes to talismans and alchemy.” “I would say so, she sounds like a zebra I wish to know.” Zecora said, staring at the crystal with admiration.  Trail smiled, “I’m sure you two would get along quite nicely. If she ever visits, I’ll be sure to come and introduce you.”  Zecora smiled back, “I would like that, feel free to come by and chat.” Trail and Zecora both shared a good laugh, and then Trail noticed the sun and checked the time.  “Wow, time sure does fly. Sorry Zecora, but I’m afraid I have to get back to town and pick up my daughter from school. Perhaps I could visit again and introduce you to her?” Trail said, offering a hoof to the zebra mare.  “Of course my friend, I would be honored for her to attend.” Zecora said, accepting the hoofshake.  Trail smiled brightly and turned to move down the path from Zecora’s hut to the outskirts of Ponyville.  Trail reached the school after dropping off his equipment at the house. He cleaned himself up a bit before returning to the school, removing twigs and leaves from his coat. He opened the door and found other parents waiting as well.  Not long after he arrived, children starting pouring into the main hall, finding their parents and moving outside towards their respective homes.  Trail waited to catch sight of Comet, and was caught off guard when somepony cleared their throat to his left. Turning towards them, he found the familiar form of the student counselor. “Ah Starlight, good afternoon. How has the day been treating you? Trail said in greeting.  Starlight smiled back at him, “busy as usual. But nothing I can’t handle. I assume your waiting for Comet?”  “Yeah, I’m sure she’s had a long day. I hope she enjoyed the school.” Trail said, looking across the hallway in search of his filly.  “I’m sure she did. I passed by her a few times and she seemed to be happy with her new friends. She and Ocellus seemed to really hit it off in Twilight’s magic class.” Starlight said.  Trail chuckled, “Comet has always been interested in magic. I taught her most of what I know, but I’m no arch-mage.” “I’m sure you did the best you could, I was mostly self taught when it comes to magic. Never went to any fancy school for magic. But I did learn a thing or two as Twilight’s student.” Starlight said. Trail looked at her with shock, “I had heard Princess Twilight took on a student, but I never heard her name. You learned magic from Princess Twilight?” Starlight rubbed the back of her head, “well, it was mostly for friendship lessons. But we had time for some magic practice. Twilight said I have a natural talent for magic.” Before Trail could ask another question, he was tackled from his side by a filly sized cannonball.  “Daddy! This school is the best! Headmare Twilight is so cool, and all the teachers are so nice!” Comet said, hugging her dad’s neck tightly.  After he recovered from the tackle, Trail chuckled and hugged his filly back.  “I’m glad you had a good day sweetheart.” Trail said, getting back onto his hooves and putting Comet back on hers.  “I’m glad you enjoyed your first day Comet. Did you enjoy all your classes?” Starlight asked, moving to sit near the family.  “Thanks Miss Starlight. And yeah, they were all fun. Though from what Gallus and Smoulder told me today, I’m gonna be so worn out after Rainbow Dash’s class tomorrow.” Comet said, smiling to her counselor.  Starlight smiled back, “Yeah, she can be pretty tough, but I’m sure you’ll be fine. Well I have to get back to my office.” “Thank you for looking after Comet, Starlight. Mind if I come visit every now and then? I’d love to hear about your magical studies.” Trail said, as Starlight walked past them.  “Totally, feel free to stop by my office. Or maybe we can do coffee sometime?” Starlight said, turning back to adress Trail.  “Coffee sounds good. Have a pleasant evening Starlight Glimmer.” Trail said, tipping his hat to her. Starlight waved goodbye to them both and walked off.  Trail turned to Comet who looked tired. Trail smiled and nuzzled her.  “Come on sweetheart, let’s head on home. I’ll cook up your favorite tonight.” Trail said, which perked the filly right up.  Comet gasped, “Alfredo, with garlic and parmesan?”  Trail laughed, “Only the best for my filly.” Comet squeed and jumped in the air. She soon ran out the door and into the courtyard.  “Now, slow down there young filly. That pasta isn’t going anywhere.” Trail said as he laughed and ran after his filly.    > Ch. 7 - Tutor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 ---Tutor--- “Come on Comet, you can do it.” Ocellus said, giving her friend encouragement.  Comet’s face was straining as she focused on the spell, her horn glowing with it’s light blue aura. The rock she was focusing on glowed with the same aura as it floated in front of her. But after a minute of struggle, the rock crumbled and Comet let the magic stop.  Ocellus came up to her and patted her shoulder, “Comet, it’s ok. We can try again.” Comet sniffled as her ears drooped, “What’s the use? I’ll never get the hang of this. Everyone else in class can transfigure objects so easy. I study more than anypony, why can’t I get this?” Tears flowed down Comet’s cheeks as she grew more frustrated with herself. She kicked one of the spare rocks Ocellus had collected. It flew across the ground of the courtyard and hit a wall that Silverstream was sitting by, starting the hippogriff. “Ah!” Silverstream yelped in shock, getting up from reading her book.  Comet say what she had done and quickly ran over to Silverstream, “”Silverstream I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Silverstream hovered over the unicorn, “Hey it’s ok. No harm done. You didn’t hit me, and I know you would never throw a rock at me.” Comet’s ears drooped again, unable to look at anything but the ground.  Silverstream’s ears drooped and she looked to Ocellus, “She still having trouble with her magic homework?” Ocellus nodded softly, “Yeah, she’s been losing sleep over it. Her dad is starting to get suspicious.” Comet sat down on her rump and just held her head low. She felt like the worst unicorn in existence. Silverstream and Ocellus quickly moved to hug their friend, trying to cheer her up. Comet grabbed onto Silverstream and rested her head on her chest, looking for comfort. She felt like such a loser.  “Comet, whatever is the matter darling?” A mare’s voice came from their side.  All three looked up to see Rarity walking over to them with a worried look.  Comet sniffled again and looked to Rarity, “Hi Miss Rarity.” Rarity stood next to them, “Darling you look awful. What’s the matter?” Ocellus spoke up, “Comet’s been struggling with her magic homework. She studied all the material but can’t seem to get the spell working.” Rarity nodded, “I see. Darling, there is no shame in having a bit of trouble. All unicorns have difficulty with new spells.” Comet pulled away from Silverstream to retrieve the spellbook she had been studying and showed Rarity. “Headmare Twilight said we should practice this transfiguration spell for next week’s lesson. I understand the spell, but I can’t seem to get the right feel for it. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” Comet said, looking down at the page.  Rarity looked at the page and nodded, “Yes, transfiguration can be tricky. I’m not much of a spell caster myself.” Rarity then pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to Comet to dry her eyes. Comet took it and smiled up at the mare. “Thank you Miss Rarity.” Comet said before drying her eyes. She returned the handkerchief and Rarity poofed it away.  “No trouble darling. Now come with me, I think I know just the pony you need to talk to.” Rarity said, getting up and gesturing Comet to follow her.  Comet nodded and turned to her friends, “I’ll see you girls at lunch?” Ocellus smiled, “Absolutely. We’ll make sure to save your seat.” Silverstream smiled as well and flew away with Ocellus.  Rarity led Comet inside the school, past the classrooms and into one of the main halls. Both mares eventually made it to their destination.  “Counselor Starlight?” Comet asked as they both stood outside the door.  Rarity nodded, “Darling, you have been under a lot of stress. Starlight will listen to your problems and help in anyway she can.” Comet looked nervous for a second, but nodded.  Rarity knocked on the door, “Starlight, are you in darling?” The door opened shortly after, and the purple counselor pony emerged with a smile. “Hey Rarity, what do you need?” Starlight said, standing in the doorway.  Rarity gestured for Comet to step forward, which she did hesitantly.  “Comet here needs somepony to talk to. I told her there was no pony better for the job than you darling.” Rarity said. Starlight looked to Comet, and smiled. “Absolutely, I’m free to talk right now if you want Comet.” Comet nodded and walked inside after giving Rarity a nod of thanks. She walked into Starlight’s office, seeing it for the first time. Her desk was on the opposite side of the room from the door, shelves lining the walls filled with all kinds of books and artifacts. She looked up to see kites all across the ceiling as well. A couch laid just in front of her desk, so students could be comfortable.  She sat down on the couch in front of Starlight’s desk, and waited for Starlight to sit down. As Starlight sat in her office chair, she smiled to Comet.  “Alright, what seems to be the problem Comet?” She said, giving a comforting smile.    Comet fidgeted with her braid, something that Starlight had learned was her method of calming herself when she was nervous about something. She waited patiently in her chair for the filly to talk.  “Ok, I’ve been at this school for a couple of weeks now, and I’ve loved every second. But I’ve been having problems with Twilight’s magic class. It used to be my favorite class, when we were going over magical theory.” Comet said, pausing afterword for a second.  “Used to be? What changed?” Starlight asked, looking at the filly with concern.  “It’s the practice part of the class. I keep struggling with the spells every week, and I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I know all the mechanics of the spells, I study every day and night. But I still can’t get them to work right.” Comet said, her voice giving off a clear tone of frustration and sadness.  “I see. So you study enough, but struggle with the casting portion of your assignments.” Starlight said, her hooves pressed together in front of her in thought.  Comet just nodded and played with her mane again. She was so embarrassed, especially since this was a personal student of Princess Twilight she was speaking to.  “Comet, sweetie, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Some unicorns struggle with practice more than theory.” Starlight said, giving the filly a comforting smile.  Comet looked away, “You’re just saying that to make me feel better…” Starlight moved from behind her desk to sit on the couch with her.  “Nope, it’s true. Let me tell you about my friend Sunburst.” Starlight said, getting Comet’s attention.  “Sunburst is an old fillyhood friend of mine. He lives in the Crystal Empire as Princess Flurry Heart’s Crystaler. And let me tell you, he’s almost as big a bookworm as Twilight.” Starlight said, chuckling a little at her words.  She had Comet’s attention now. She had never been to the Crystal Empire, as it was too far north and the frozen tundra was unforgiving to everypony. Even her daddy wouldn’t try and explore there. “Sunburst left for magic school right after he got his cutie mark. He went to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.” Starlight said, levitating a tea kettle and some cups from a nearby shelf.  “I thought about going there once, but Daddy doesn’t like Canterlot.” Comet said, leaning back into the back of the couch.  Starlight raised an eyebrow at that, but decided she could ask Trail personally about it later.  “Well, Sunburst did pretty well in his classes at first, but soon he learned that he was better at theory than practice. Sound familiar?” Starlight said, winking at Comet. Comet blushed a little, but nodded.  Starlight giggled and continued, “So Sunburst ended up dropping out of school and moved to the Crystal Empire. He eventually learned that some unicorns just have different talents when it comes to magic.” Comet felt a little better, knowing it wasn’t just a problem she had. Though curiosity got the better of her, and she turned to the mare.  “What about you Miss Starlight?” Comet asked.  Starlight thought for a moment, “Well, I’m a special case according to Twilight. I never had any formal training as a filly. All my knowledge of magic came from my own studies. Twilight said I apparently have a talent for magic. I never thought about it, even after I got my cutie mark.” Starlight said, turning to look at her cutie mark.  Comet’s ears folded as she looked at her own flank, her fur showing no mark as it always had. She sighed and laid her down on the back of the couch. Starlight looked at her curiously, “That is something I’ve been wondering for a while. Comet, you are the same age as Sandbar and the others, if maybe a bit younger. How do you not have your cutie mark yet?” Comet looked at the councilor pony with a depressed look, “I don’t know honestly. Dad says I’m just a late bloomer, but lately I feel like I still haven’t found my special talent. And I have this feeling I will find it here at this school.” Starlight smiled at her words and scooted closer to the filly, “I hope you find what you’ve been looking for.” Comet smiled ever so slightly, but quickly went back to being depressed. Starlight hated seeing her like this, imagining Sunburst being the same way after a while during his school years. It reminded her of how much she wanted to be there to help her friend all those years ago. And just then, an idea popped into her head.  “Comet, I think I have the perfect solution to your problem.” Starlight said, grinning at the filly.  Comet jerked her head to look at the older mare, “Really? What?” “Simple, I’m going to be your tutor.” Starlight said, smiling gently down at the filly.  Comet’s eyes widened and she did not move for a good minute. Starlight waved a hoof in front of her, yet no response came. She was getting a little worried that she said something wrong, but before she could get another word out, Comet had ensnared her in a tight hug around her neck.  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Comet squealed with delight as she hugged her new magic tutor. She was so happy, finally someone who could really teach her magic. And she used to be Twilight’s student. This was going to be awesome! “Comet… sweetie… can’t breathe.” Starlight gasped as the filly was hugging her a bit too tight.  Comet quickly let go and gave her a sheepish smile. Starlight rubbed her throat, but smiled down at the filly nonetheless.  “Alright Comet, I’ll need to talk with your dad about this before we get started. He and I are getting coffee tomorrow morning, so I’ll go over it with him then. Sound good?” Starlight asked.  Comet was bouncing around the room like a filly who had too much sugar.  What the two ponies failed to notice was a certain purple alicorn standing just outside the door, listening in on the conversation. She was smiling brightly as she watched her pupil make the filly’s day. She then walked off, leaving the two on their own.  Trail had finished moving a large crate over to Fluttershy’s chicken coop, sweat pouring down his brow. He sat down next to the crate and took a breather. Fluttershy came over soon after with a glass of lemonade.  “Thanks for your help Trail, I’m not very strong and that crate is a lot heavier than I’m used to.” She said, offering him the lemonade.  Trail accepted the glass, and tipped his hat to the mare.  “No trouble at all Fluttershy, it was the neighborly thing to do.” Trail said, drinking the lemonade quickly.  Fluttershy had gotten a delivery for her animal sanctuary, something Trail had not yet seen. The way she talked about it, it was a wonder how she taught her class and took care of all the animals at her sanctuary.  “So tell me Fluttershy, how is Comet doing in school? She’s told me a lot, but I’d like to get an inside opinion.” Trail asked.  Fluttershy sat down near him, “Oh she’s been doing wonderful in my class. She’s so gentle with all the small creatures that I bring in. Plus, she’s so familiar with all kinds of animals. I was honestly surprised when I brought in a vampire fruit bat and she could tell right away what type of bat it was.” Trail chuckled at that, “That's my girl. She’s been all over Equestria and beyond with me, and she’s seen all kinds of wildlife.” Fluttershy nodded, “That’s true. I actually borrowed a few of your books from Twilight. You must have put a lot of time in them.” Trail nodded, “Sure did. Been exploring even since I was a colt. Drove my parents insane when I would sneak out of the house and explore the mountains.” Fluttershy giggled, “Sounds like you were quite the trouble maker.” Trail shrugged, “Eh, I had my moments. But I always did my chores and helped them around the house. Though Mother says Comet inherited my mischievous side. No idea what’s she talking about.” Fluttershy and Trail burst out laughing at that, both holding their stomachs.  Trail then looked to her again after they calmed down, “On another note, I’ve been noticing that Comet has been a little stressed with her homework lately. I try to offer some help, but she tells me it’s nothing. Any idea what she could be having trouble with?” Fluttershy thought for a moment, tapping her hoof on her chin.  “Not really. I don’t see her as often as the others do. When I’m not in class, I’m at my sanctuary taking care of the animals. You should ask Starlight or Twilight.” Trail nodded, “Alright. Starlight and I are getting coffee tomorrow morning anyway. I’ll ask her about it.” Fluttershy smiled, “That’s nice. Well I have to get to my sanctuary and start my chores. Thank you again for your help Trail.” Fluttershy flew off in the direction of the forest and out of sight.  Trail made his way home and as he opened the door to their home he looked off in the direction of the school.  “What’s troubling you sweetheart?”  > Ch. 8 - Coffee > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 -- Coffee -- Another morning in Ponyville, Celestia’s sun shone down on the town as ponies moved back and forth through the streets for their morning routines. Trail Blazer was among those many ponies, moving with pace to his destination. He had an appointment with a friend, and he was running a bit late. A bit of a long night led to him oversleeping, hopefully she wouldn’t mind.  “Running a bit late there Trail?” A feminine voice asked.  Trail halted in his trot to look towards the source of the voice, finding Vinyl Scratch and Octavia giggling at him.  “Vinyl, Octavia, good morning.” Trail said in greeting.  Trail walked up to them and they found a spot out of the traffic of ponies to talk.  “So, where are you off to in a hurry? Late for a date with a certain counselor pony?” Vinyl said teasingly. Trail blushed and shot her a glare, “It’s not like that. We just have coffee every now and then, and talk about Comet’s schoolwork.” “Oh come on, you two “just have coffee” almost every week, sometimes twice a week.” Vinyl said, using her hooves to make air quotations. Trail’s glare intensified, and he turned away. Octavia saw this gesture and moved to put a hoof on Vinyl’s shoulder.  “Now Vinyl, that’s enough. I think he’s had enough teasing.” Octavia said.  Vinyl looked at her and then back to Trail, seeing his discomfort. “Hey man, you know I was just playing. I mean, you two get along so well, I don’t see why you’re so against it.” Vinyl said, looking a bit worried for her friend.  Trail sighed and looked to them with a somber expression, “I do enjoy Starlight’s company, she’s a great mare, and a good friend. But… I’m just not ready for a relationship like that.” Vinyl looked like she was about to press the issue, and a look from Octavia shot down her questioning. They both said their farewells to Trail and left him to continue their morning.  Trail sighed again and realized he was still late, making him bolt up and make a full trot towards the cafe. He weaved between the oncoming ponies, making his way through the town. He eventually made it to the cafe. He walked inside, and the waiter immediately recognized him and pointed to a table on the other side of the cafe. There sat Starlight Glimmer, looking a little impatient as she sat there, looking in Trail’s direction.  She was taping her hoof on the table, and he quickly grew a look of embarrassment as he made his way to the table.  He sat down in the chair across from her and rubbed the back of his head nervously.  “Morning Starlight, great weather we’re having huh?” Trail said with a nervous chuckle at the end.  She raised an eyebrow but her expression quickly changed into a laughing fit, “Sleep in this morning Trail?” Trail looked down at the table, “Yeah, I was up a bit later than normal. Got stuck in this book Zecora gave me.” Starlight giggled and levitated their menus, passing Trail one as the waiter came to take their orders. They both ordered just coffee as per usual.  “So Starlight, how has Comet’s classes been going? I’ve been seeing her study a lot at home.” Trail asked her.  “They’ve been going well for the most part. Her teachers always speak highly of her and she seems to enjoy all her classes. But there is a problem that we need to discuss.” Starlight said.  Trail gave her a worried look, “What’s that?” “She’s been having trouble with Twilight’s magic theory and practice class. She understands the theory better than most the class. But when it comes to performing the spells, she hasn’t gotten the hang of spell casting.” Starlight said. Trail sighed and lowered his eyes, “I was afraid of this. I’m not the best teacher, or the best spell caster either. I never had any formal magic lessons, so I couldn’t help Comet very well. I wanted to get her a private tutor, but we were always moving and I couldn’t afford it.” Starlight put a hoof on his shoulder, “It’s ok Trail. You did your best. She’s a wonderful filly with a lot of potential. I think she’ll be great.” Trail smiled at her, “So, you’ll help her out? I don’t have a lot of bits for a fee.” Starlight smiled, “I won’t charge you. After seeing how much this means to both of you, I couldn’t possibly take your bits. Besides, having a personal student is something I’ve always thought about.” Trail looked shocked, “Starlight, I couldn’t possibly give you nothing for this. Please, there’s gotta be something I can do to repay your kindness.” Starlight smiled and then put a hoof to her chin in thought, “Hmmm. How about… I get the first copy of your next book. And, you buy me coffee every Friday. Sound fair?” Trail was shocked yet again, but reached out his hoof, “Starlight Glimmer, you got yourself a deal.” They shook hooves and enjoyed their coffee. Trail kept thanking her over and over again, asking if he could be present when she told Comet the good news. Starlight agreed and as they finished their coffee, they headed to the school.  Comet was in the lunchroom, sitting with her friends as they enjoyed their break. Comet had been in higher spirits the last few days, excited by the idea of learning magic under Counselor Starlight. But she still had to wait for her father’s approval. Not that her daddy would ever say no to something like this. He and her counselor had become friends and she was totally trustworthy. She studied under Princess Twilight! “Comet, you’re spacing out again?” Smoulder said, tapping the filly on the shoulder.  Comet jumped and saw all her friends looking at her with smiles and smirks. She blushed and began to fidget with her mane.  “Come on filly, something’s got you excited. Is it a boy!?” Silverstream asked with her usual glee.  Comet immediately blushed a brighter red and glared at her hippogriff, “NO!” Everyone at the table burst into laughter, making her grumble in embarrassment.  “Alright, if it’s not a boy, then what is it? Come on tell us” Ocellus asked as she recovered from her laughing fit.  Comet puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. She took a deep breath to calm herself, “I’m excited because Counselor Starlight might be tutoring me in magic, if Daddy says it’s ok.” “Counselor Starlight is gonna tutor you!? That’s so cool!” Ocellus said. Her wings buzzed a little in her excitement.  All of her friends started to congratulate her and some continued to tease her in good fun. In such a short time Comet felt like she truly had a place in this school. She had wonderful friends, great teachers, and now a personal tutor.  “And what are you so excited for? Finally figured out how your horn works?” A colts voice came from behind Comet.  Comet groaned and turned around to find Tourmaline walking towards their table with a smirk on his face. This wasn’t going to be pleasant.  “Tourmaline, what do you want? We are trying to enjoy our lunch. Now my appetite is spoiled.” Comet said, disapproval and spite in her voice.  “I would expect such a vulgar response from somepony who never learned proper manners. Or a proper education, typical for one who grew up on the road.” Tourmaline said.  Comet glared at him, “How I was raised is no business of yours. And recall I have better grades than you in several subjects, not that it matters. School isn’t a competition.” “Please, subjects like history and physical education are hardly worth my time. But do recall who has the highest test scores in Magic and Theory. Me of course, as expected of a Rhinestone.” Tourmaline said, his tone menacing and houty.  “Yeah, if you’re so good at magic, why didn’t you make it into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?” Sandbar said, smirking back at him.  “I don’t recall talking to you mud pony!” Tourmaline spat at Sandbar.  Yona stomped her hooves, making the table shake. “You no talk to Sandbar like that!”  “Or what Yak? You’ll “smash me”? How brutish.” Tourmaline said, using air quotes with his hooves to mock Yona.  Smoulder blew smoke out of her nostrils and stood up to face him, “Back off jerk. Or there is gonna be trouble.” Tourmaline and Smoulder glared at each other, his horn glowing in response to her smoking threat. The others at the table stood up to break up what could have been a bad fight.  Suddenly, a whistle blew and everyone looked up to see Rainbow Dash hovering over the group looking rather upset.  “Alright break it up!’ Rainbow shouted, putting herself in between Smoulder and Tourmaline.  “Professor Rainbow Dash, thank Celestia you are here. This dragon just threatened me.” Tourmaline said, pointing at Smoulder with a hoof.  Rainbow turned to glare at the colt, “Yeah, I heard. I also heard all the awful things you said to Comet and her other friends. We do not tolerate racism in this school.”  Tourmaline’s eyes widened for a moment before he scowled and looked away.  Rainbow turned to Smoulder, “Smoulder, I’m proud of you for sticking up for your friends, but we can’t have threats of violence. Considering the circumstances, I’ll let you off with a warning. But don’t let it happen again, alright?”  Smoulder crossed her arms and looked away, “Yeah, sorry Professor Dash.” Rainbow nodded and turned back to glare at Tourmaline, “As for you, I think we should have a talk with Headmare Twilight about this incident. Her office, now.”  Tourmaline grit his teeth and started to move to the door that lead out of the lunchroom. He grumbled until he was out of earshot.  Rainbow turned back to the group, “If he ever pulls anything like that again, tell a teacher. We do not tolerate behavior like that. Lucky I caught him and not Applejack, boy would his ears be ringing.”  “Why is he like that? Are all nobles in Canterlot like that? Because they sure aren’t like that at Mount Aris.” Silverstream asked the older pegasus.  “Not all are that bad, but yeah a lot of them can be pretty stuck up. Not all, but a lot. Anyway, I gotta go make sure he gets to Twilight’s office.” Rainbow Dash said, taking to the air.  She was about to dash away, but turned back at the last second, “Oh right, Comet, Starlight wants you in her office. She sent me to find you.”  Comet’s mood immediately brightened at those words. She quickly said her goodbyes to her friends and went straight for Starlight’s office.    Arriving outside of the School Counselor’s office, Comet was really nervous. Did it go well with her dad? He wouldn’t say no would he? Finding her courage, she knocked on the door.  “Come in.” Starlight’s voice chimed from the other side of the door.  Comet opened the door, and to her surprise, her father was standing next to Counselor Starlight. Starlight sat at her desk while Trail stood to her right, both smiling brightly as Comet made her way to the couch.  “Comet, good to see you. I knew Rainbow would find you pretty quickly. How has your day been?” Starlight asked. “It’s been pretty good so far, aside from what happened in the cafeteria a while ago.” Comet said, her face sporting a tiny frown at the end.  Starlight and Trail’s eyebrows raised at her statement.  “What happened in the cafeteria?” Starlight asked.  “Tourmaline Rhinestone, that’s what. He started blabbing about how he’s the number one student in Magic and Theory, and how his family is so superior to everyone. Then he starts insulting all my friends. Calling Sandbar a mud pony, and being a racist to Yona.” Comet said, disgust in her voice.  Both adults grew worried looks on their faces. Trail went to sit next to his daughter, “Honey, you want to talk about it?” Comet sighed and rested her head on her dad’s shoulder, “Not now, maybe later.” Starlight cleared her throat, “Well on a brighter note, I have news that will definitely cheer you up Comet. Trail and I have come to an agreement. So from this day on, I will be your magic tutor.” Comet’s eyes widened in surprise, and then she immediately sprang up off the couch and bounced around the room.  “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” Comet squealed as she bounced.  Starlight and Trail laughed at her response, both glad that she was happy again. Though Starlight had a feeling that Tourmaline would come up in the next staff meeting. She wasn’t looking forward to that subject.  Trail finally stopped laughing long enough to speak, “Alright Comet, now remember. You need to give Starlight 100% effort.” Comet stopped and gave a mock salute, “You got it. I’ll be the best student ever.” Starlight giggled from behind her desk, “You already are a wonderful student Comet. How about we start the lesson this Saturday after lunch?”  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll be leaving for the Everfree around that time, so I’ll be out of your manes.” Trail said.  “This is gonna be so cool! I'm gonna learn from the protege of a princess.” Comet said gleefully.  Starlight blushed a little, “I’d say more of a student than a protege.”  All three ponies laughed at that, the feeling in the room was nothing but joyful. Comet would soon learn magic from one of the most talented magic users in Equestria. And only time will tell if she will join them.  > Ch. 9 - Comet's First Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 Comet’s First Lesson Saturday could not have come soon enough for Comet as she bounced with excitement as soon as she came downstairs from bed. Trail laughed as her enthusiasm was contagious. He made both of them breakfast, just simple toast and cereal. But Comet knew that in one hours time, Starlight Glimmer would arrive to start their first magic lesson.  “Comet, you’re gonna bounce right out of your seat if you don’t settle down a little sweetheart.” Trail said, chuckling at her excitement.  “But I can’t help it daddy, it’s my first real magic lesson ever!” Comet said gleefully as she couldn’t contain herself.  “Real magic lesson? What, so my lessons don’t count?” Trail said with a smirk.  Comet stuck her tongue out at him, “You know what I meant.” They both laughed as they finished their breakfast, putting the dishes away and doing a bit of cleanup in the kitchen. The morning was just like any other, the sun was shining perfectly through the windows of the house. Not a cloud could be seen in the sky, a perfect day.  A knock came at the door, and Comet immediately rushed to the door.  “Miss Starlight you’re here!” Comet shouted gleefully.  But when she looked at the pony standing in their doorway, it was not her tutor.  Ditzy Doo stood there with a confused look on her face, “She is? I didn’t see her. Least I don’t think so.” Trail came to the door and smiled, “Good Morning Ditzy, any mail for us today?” She beamed and pulled out a few letters, passing them to him. “There you go Trail, and a good morning to you both.” Comet deflated just a little but smiled still, “Hi Miss Ditzy, thanks for the mail. Sorry for the mixup.” “No problem, I get ponies mixed up sometimes too. Enjoy your morning, I gotta get back to my route.” Ditzy said, lifting off only to hit her head on the porch lamp. Trail shook his head, “You ok Ditzy?” “Oh yeah, not the first bump on the head this morning. Bye.” Ditzy said, flying off to the next pony on her route.  Comet closed the door and slumped against it, “You don’t think she forgot, do you Daddy?” Comet’s eyes started to water a little, her ears drooped as she began to fear the worst. What if Starlight didn’t think she was worth her time? Trail lowered his head to her level, “Sweetheart, no need to worry. Starlight would never forget something like this. I’m sure she’ll be here real quick.”  Comet smiled a little, but still sat there, her back leaning on the door.  Suddenly, the door opened and she fell backwards, landing on her back with an “oof.” Looking up from her position, she saw the pony she had been waiting for all morning. Starlight Glimmer was standing above her, a look of concern on her face.  “Comet, are you alright? I didn’t know you were right at the door. I should have knocked first.” Starlight said, lifting Comet back to her hooves with her magic.  When Comet was back on her hooves, she immediately wrapped her forelegs around Starlight’s neck, hugging her new magic teacher giggling.  “You’re here! You’re finally here!” Comet squealed. Starlight was surprised but returned the embrace as best she could. Comet soon let go and they walked into the house.  “I guess I was a little later than I said I would be. Twilight and Spike needed some help... cleaning up after breakfast.” Starlight said, ending with a nervous chuckle.  “Did something happen this morning?” Trail asked.  She cleared her throat, “Let’s just say it’ll be a while before Spike trusts me to make pancakes again. I swear I thought I got it all right.” Trail and Comet laughed at that, with Starlight joining in after a bit of blushing.  After some small talk, Trail gathered his bow and saddlebags and headed for the door.  “Alright then, I’ll be heading out for the Everfree. Comet, behave for Starlight, and have fun sweetie.” Trail said, nuzzling his filly as she joined him at the door.  “I will Daddy. Have fun, and tell Zecora I said hi.” Comet said. “I will. And Miss Starlight, I trust I can leave my daughter in your capable hooves?” Trail asked with a smirk.  Starlight rolled her eyes but smiled, “I told you not to call me that Trail, and yes, Comet will be just fine with me.” Trail nodded and left out the door, off to the Everfree to meet with Zecora once again.  Starlight and Comet set up in the backyard, a wide open space with a porch. On the porch was a table and four chairs. A decent sized canopy sat over the furniture, giving the porch a nice shady spot for ponies to get out of the sun.  Comet and Starlight were on the grass away from the porch however, setting up some objects for the lesson.  Comet sat in front of Starlight as the counselor pony spoke, “Alright Comet, your first lesson starts now. I hope you’re ready for a long day of practice.” “Yes Ma’am!” Comet shouted as she bounced slightly in excitement.  “Right! Now let’s start with the spell you were having trouble with. Transfiguration, right?” Starlight asked.  Comet’s ears drooped only slightly, “Yeah…”  “Alright, now let’s see how far you’ve come on your own. Try turning this rock into a teacup.” Starlight said, placing a rock in front of Comet.  Comet took a deep breath and closed her eyes, lighting her horn and focusing her magic around the rock. The rock shook a little in her magical aura, but it did not change shape. Comet tried to put more power into the spell, clenching her teeth from the strain of using so much magic. Sparks flew from her horn, yet still nothing. Eventually, Comet’s magic sputtered out and she slumped.  She couldn’t bear to look at Starlight, not after she failed in front of her so badly.  “I think I see what your problem is sweetie.” Starlight said as she moved next to the filly.  Comet slowly looked up at her, almost afraid of what the answer would be.  Starlight spoke plainly and directly, “You’re trying too hard.”  Comet’s expression changed from scared to outright confused. What could she possibly mean by that? “I don’t understand. What do you mean I’m trying too hard?” Comet asked, looking up at the older mare.  Starlight smiled and wrapped a hoof around her shoulder, “You are too tense, too stiff. Magic is all about feeling and emotion. If you try and force yourself by simply concentrating harder, you’ll only succeed in tiring yourself out, expending too much magic for a simple spell.” Comet could not believe what she was hearing. All this time, she had been looking at this the wrong way. It was so simple, yet it eluded her.  “So, I’ve been doing this to myself?” Comet asked.  “Yes, but don’t worry. Now I know where we should begin.” Starlight said, levitating the rock away and sitting next to Comet.  “Alright Comet, we are going to practice magic flow. Take a seat next to me please.” Starlight said, sitting on her haunches.  Comet raised an eyebrow, but did as she was told. Sitting next to her teacher, she looked up to her for instruction.  “Now close your eyes, take deep breaths and relax.” Starlight said, closing her eyes.  Comet took a deep breath, relaxing her muscles and closing her eyes like her teacher. It felt nice, being there with a calm breeze blowing.  “Good. Now I want you to focus your magic through your horn. No spells, just let it flow.” Starlight said. Comet again did as she was told, activating her magic and letting it just flow. It was hard not to focus on a spell and just let it flow. Her horn glowed her signature light blue aura. After a minute or so, the glow started to spark. Comet’s eyes clenched as she tried to maintain focus.  Starlight opened her eyes and looked at her student, seeing her struggle to control the flow of magic. She placed her hoof on her shoulder.  “Comet, relax. Don’t force the magic, let it flow on its own.” Starlight said.  Comet tried to calm down, but she just couldn’t. It was like if she let go, the magic would stop. She couldn’t disappoint her new teacher, she just couldn’t. “I don’t know how. What should I do?” Comet said, still straining.  Starlight thought for a moment and came up with an idea, “Comet. I want you to imagine a stream. Think of your magic like a flowing stream. You are the reservoir, and you need to let the magic run its course. Don’t try to fight it.”  Comet took a breath and began to imagine a stream. Water flowing down in a straight line, clear blue water shining in the sunlight. As the water flowed, the glow in her horn began to settle, less sparks coming from it. As she continued to let the water flow, she felt something. A bend in the river, her horn sparking again.  But she took another breath and let the water flow back down the path, not forcing it. Her magic seemed to grow, the light shining brighter on her horn. Starlight could sense her magic flow, seeming bigger than she originally thought.  “Very good Comet. Now I want you to stop the flow. Not abruptly, just let it go gently. Like slowing turning off a sink faucet.” Starlight said.  Comet took a deep breath and tried to stop the flow of magic, but something didn’t feel right. Her magic kept going, overflowing down the river. She struggled to stop it, but it just wouldn’t stop. Her horn glowed brighter as the flow seemed to increase rather than decrease. Comet soon got frustrated and tried to force it to stop.  That was a mistake, as the magic soon sparked and burst out her horn. Starlight was pushed back a few feet, landing on her back, while Comet fell backwards, hitting her head on the ground. A pain shook through her skull as she made contact with the dirt, the back of her head was throbbing from the pain. Her horn sputtered and the glow faded out.  “Comet, are you ok?” Starlight said, having recovered and made her way to the filly’s side.  Comet didn’t answer as tears began to form, slowly gaining in volume and flowed down her face. She turned on the ground and buried her muzzle in the dirt, crying out in frustration and pain. Starlight was taken aback by this. “Comet sweetie, it’s ok. Everypony messes up sometimes. That’s why we’re practicing.” Starlight said, trying to comfort the crying filly.  “But.. I tried so hard. I was… doing good, and then I messed... up like always.” Comet said, sniffling and hiccuping between her words as tears continued to fall.  “Sweetie, no pony gets it on their first try. That’s why you practice, so you can get better.” Starlight said, laying down next to the filly.  “But no matter how much I try, I always mess up! I’ll never be any good at magic, never! That’s why I don’t have my cutiemark yet, I have no talent!” Comet cried out in frustration.  As soon as she said those words, she found herself in a tight hug, her head resting against something warm and soft. She looked up and through her tears, she saw Starlight looking down at her with a stern yet sorrowful look.  “Don’t you ever let me catch you saying that again young filly. You have so much talent, and so much potential. I refuse to let a promising filly like you give up.” Starlight said, her expression softening as she held the filly.  Comet sniffled a little, and rested her head against Starlight’s chest, taking deep breaths with a few lingering sobs. Starlight simply sat there, holding her and stroking her mane to calm her down. After a few minutes, Comet calmed down enough that she looked up to her tutor again.  “You really think I have potential Miss Starlight?” Comet asked meekly.  “Of course I do, no other student works as hard as you do Comet. You just need some guidance. And I have to say, you have more magic in you than I originally thought too.” Starlight said, smiling down at her student.  “I do?” Comet asked curiously.  “Absolutely. I haven’t seen a magic surge like that since… well me when I was your age.” Starlight said, pausing in her words.  Comet smiled at that. She impressed her tutor, even if she didn’t mean to. And she really believed in her. Comet giggled and hugged Starlight again. Starlight joined in the laughter as well.  As the two recovered, Comet got back on her hooves and they started the lesson again, things going a bit more smoothly. After about three tries, Comet finally got the magic flow to work for her. Starlight gave her a few more exercises to work on, and before they knew it, lunch had arrived.  “Alright Comet, I think that’s enough for today.” Starlight said, getting up from her seat.  Comet once again stopped the flow of magic successfully and got up as well.  “Aww it is lunch time already?” Comet pouted.  Starlight chuckled at her student, “Now Comet, even the best spellcasters need to know when it is time to rest. Don’t want to overstrain your horn, or it’ll fall off.”  Comet gave her a deadpanned look, “Starlight, that’s impossible. Magic burnout is most certainly a thing, but no amount of strain on the horn could cause it to fall off.”  Starlight burst out laughing, “You sounded just like Twilight just now.” Comet held her head high, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”  Both mares went inside, finding a seat on the couch. Trail was due to return soon, and Starlight planned to wait until he got back before she left her student.  “So Comet, what did you think of your first lesson?” Starlight asked.  “Well other than that little hiccup in the beginning, I loved it! Thank you so much Miss Starlight.” Comet said, starting out embarrassed and shifting to excited.  “Hey, it’ll all work out. Just keep practicing and you’ll be top of your class in no time.” Starlight said, patting Comet on the shoulder.  Comet giggled, and then a thought came to her mind. Something Starlight had said earlier.  “Miss Starlight, you said I had more magic than you originally thought. Do I have more than an average filly my age?” Comet asked.  Starlight nodded, “Sure. A surge like that isn’t something most unicorns can do. Most unicorns have their magic focused on their special talent. For example, Rarity’s is focused on levitation for her dresses, and finding gemstones.”  “But I don’t know what my special talent is.” Comet said, her shoulders slumping a little.  Starlight put a hoof on her shoulder, “I’m sure you’ll find it soon. You’re a late bloomer that’s all. I was a late bloomer too you know.”  Comet looked surprised, “Really?”  “Oh yeah, my friend Sunburst got his and went off to magic school at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. And I didn’t get mine until years later.” Starlight said. “But you’re so good at magic, I figured you would have been the first to find your special talent.” Comet said.  “That goes to show you Comet, you never know when your mark will appear, but it will eventually.” Starlight said, booping Comet’s nose with her hoof.  Both mares giggled and fell back against the couch. Starlight looked around and saw a couple of photos sitting on a shelf. The first she saw had Trail Blazer holding a baby unicorn, that was most definitely Comet. The next one really caught her interest as it had three other figures standing next to Trail and Comet.  One was a griffin with greyish white feathers on her head and neck, leading to a darker grey coat on the cat part of her body. Her wings were a light grey, with the gray darkening on the top of them. Marking along her head went from her eyes to the back of her head. Her bright blue eyes bore the look of a griffin who was proud of her looks and not afraid to show it. Confidence seemed to radiate around her.  The next figure was a zebra mare, reminding her a lot of Zecora, but built more like an athlete. No rings around her neck, but three earrings on her left ear. Her eyes were green and looking at the camera with a soothing calmness.  The last figure was a purple unicorn mare with a dark pinkish mane, sitting in a wheelchair. Comet was sitting in her lap, the older mare’s blue eyes looking down at the filly. Those eyes were the same as Trail’s.  “Hey Comet, who are those people in the picture with you and Trail?” Starlight asked, pointing at the photo in question.  Comet looked to the photo and smiled brightly, levitating it over to them to get a closer look.  “This is our whole family. Me and Daddy of course. The griffin is my Auntie Tala, the zebra is my Auntie Zala, and the older unicorn is my grandmare, Valley Trail.” Comet said, pointing to the individuals as she introduced them.  Starlight raised an eyebrow, “You have two aunts that aren’t ponies?”  “Well not by blood, but they helped daddy raise me, so they’re family in our eyes.” Comet said, smiling brightly at the picture.  Starlight nodded and looked at the picture again, “I see. So where is your mom? Was she not around, or was she taking the picture?” Comet’s ears drooped a little and looked to her tutor, “I don’t have a mom, Miss Starlight.”  Starlight’s eyes widened, “Oh I’m sorry Comet. I didn’t know. Did something happen to her?” Comet looked away, “I don’t know. I never met her. Daddy doesn’t like to talk about it. He said he’d explain when the time is right.”  Starlight was even more confused, and concerned. What happened to her mother? Why was she not around to raise her? So many questions. But it wasn’t her place to pry. Though she wondered if Trail would answer some of her questions when he got back.  > Ch. 10 - Tumble in the Trees > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 -- Tumble in the Trees -- Leaving his daughter in the capable hooves of Starlight Glimmer, Trail Blazer made his way to the Everfree Forest. The forest was like it always was, foreboding and creepy. But after so many trips inside, Trail had gotten used to it. He had been to several places, both in Equestria and beyond, but this forest was something else.  As he made his way down the familiar path to Zecora’s hut, he wondered how Comet would get along with her lessons. He had never been a master of magic, so he had very little to teach her. And finding a magic teacher during his travels was near impossible. He was so thankful he had met Starlight.  “One must not get lost in thought. You are in the Everfree are you not?” The familiar voice of Zecora rang out as he had come to her hut without realizing. “Zecora. Forgive me, I’ve got a lot on my mind.” Trail said sheepishly.  “Apologies are not necessary. May I ask why you look so wary?” Zecora asked.  “It’s Comet’s first magic lesson with Starlight. I just want her to be happy and succeed.” Trail said, his ears dropping a little.  “Fear not my friend. With Starlight’s help, her skills will ascend.”  Zecora reassured him.  Trail smiled and after some preparation, both friends were ready to face the forest once more. Stopping at the edge of the tree line, Trail looked to Zecora.  “So, ready to show me these phoenix nests?” Trail asked.  “Indeed I am, come it is time we began.” Zecora answered.  They started through the trees, expertly weaving through the brush and the thick bushes. They had to keep the noise to a minimum, as to not alert the many predators of the forest. His job was to observe, not disturb.  After about an hour of moving through the forest, they came to a less dense path, with more trees and less brush. Zecora checked the nearby trees for signs that they were in the right place, and as she smiled, Trail guessed they were.  “Come, the nests are this way. Be mindful where you step if you may.” Zecora said, pointing north.  “So how close can we get without disturbing them? I don’t have much experience with phoenixes.” Trail asked.  “About thirty feet, but trust me friend, you’re in for a treat.” She answered.  She led him to a patch of bushes, moving inside and sticking her head out the other side. Trail followed suit and looked around. She tapped his cheek and pointed up. Trail looked up to see a sight that truly warmed his heart.  Two phoenixes were sitting in a nest, one sitting on an egg, while the other stood close. Both of them were magnificent. Feathers shining in the sun with their red and orange coloring, a sense of pride in the way they held themselves. Truly a marvelous example of the more tame species in this forest.  Trail quickly started to take notes, describing them in detail for their future section of his next book. Then came the details of their habitat, as they seemed to enjoy the thinner tree line as more sunlight shined through the canopy above. Lots of different types of trees around, giving plenty of variety for the birds to eat.  Suddenly, one of the birds' heads snapped in their direction, both of them frozen in place to not spook the creature. Strangely it felt like he was looking through us and not at us. His fur stood on end and the feeling of being watched came over him.  A low growl came from behind them, and we slowly turned to find a pair of red eyes staring back at them. Red reptilian eyes that seemed to glow in the shade of the trees. A roar erupted from the creature, making the two of them leap away.  As they made it out of the bushes, the creature came into view. The body was long, covered in greenish black scales. Fangs adorned its mouth, along with a forked tongue as it stood there, hissing at them. Scars could be seen around its body, symbolizing its age and experience. A creature that no pony wished to encounter.  “A basilisk! Watch out for its venom!” Trail yelled, pulling out his bow.  Zecora was shaking in fear, and Trail could not blame her. If it weren’t for the phoenix alerting them, this beast could have eaten them whole before they noticed it.  It roared again, striking forward with its fangs. They both dodged just in time, making it bite into a nearby tree. As they watched it remove itself, the tree began to dissolve under the acidic poison of its venom. Not many creatures could survive that poison, even with the anti-venom.  Trail readied an arrow, a standard one, firing at the serpent’s neck. It bounced off harmlessly from its scales. He cursed under his breath, frustrated from the toughness of its hide.  Zecora stayed behind Trail, not having any weapon to defend against such a beast. Normally she could stay undetected, but she had never encountered such a creature in these woods before.  “Zecora, run! Get out of here, I’ll distract it.” Trail yelled as he fired another arrow, hitting it just under the eye.  “I cannot leave you my friend, you will meet your end!” Zecora protested.  “One drop of venom and you’ll be dead within the hour! Better for you to go now!” Trail yelled back.  The serpent took its time dodging and blocking Trails arrows, not afraid in the slightest. It readied another strike, and Trail saw the opening he had been waiting for.  “Zecora, go!” Trail said, firing another arrow.  This arrow however exploded with a black gunk, landing on the eye of the snake. That caused it to jerk its head in another direction, hitting a rock instead. It wriggled in pain and frustration as the gunk had covered its eye.  Turning his head back behind him, Trail saw that Zecora had finally taken his advice and ran. Without having to worry about her, he could focus on driving this thing away. Unfortunately, his moment of distraction gave the basilisk a chance to quickly close the distance between them and coil around Trail, trapping him.  As the serpent wrapped tightly around Trail, it lifted him up slightly, glaring daggers at him with the one eye that wasn’t covered in the gunk. Trail’s blood ran cold as fear gripped him.  But as the serpent began to squeeze tighter, a rush of flame came from above, striking it in the head. It screamed in pain and dropped Trail to the ground. Trail looked up to see two birds flying in circles around the snake. The phoenixes took turns getting the attention of the beast, and firing off more bursts of flame into its face. It grew frustrated and that gave Trail the time he needed to prepare something special for it.  He took an arrow with a clear talisman from his quiver, channeling his magic into the stone. It began to glow blue, the air around him dropping in temperature ever so slightly. A flash told him the arrow was ready. Turning back to the creature once more, he readied the shot, aiming for the center of its long body. Taking careful aim, he fired the arrow, the impact against the beast’s hide scattering the talisman, unleashing the spell. Frost and chilling winds blew across the area where the arrow had struck, causing the beast to scream again. Ice began to form on its scales, traveling up and down the length of its body. The cold blooded creature grew frantic as it began to slither away, plowing through the thick brush in its attempt to escape from the cold.  Trail’s breath was heavy and labored as he collapsed to the ground. His bow resting next to him as he tried to catch his breath. A flutter of wings made him look up and he saw the two phoenixes had landed next to him, staring at him.  “Um hello? Sorry for disturbing your nest.” Trail said to them.  They simply tilted their heads, cawing as they took to the air again. Trail watched as four feathers landed right in front of him. He stared at them, and looked at the birds. They sat in their nests, tending to their eggs like he was no longer there.  After another minute or so, he picked up the feathers and nodded a silent thanks to them. He made his way through the brush and eventually found Zecora after about fifteen minutes of walking.  “Trail my friend, it is so wonderful to see you again!” Zecora said, running over to hug him.  “I’m ok Zecora. Thanks to our phoenix friends back there. That was a close one.” Trail said.  “Your forgiveness I do implore, I have never seen that creature here before.” Zecora said.  “No need for that Zecora. Not my first time running into one of those. Though last time it was in a jungle to the east. Never imagined I’d find one here.” Trail said, looking curious.  “Creatures that large normally stay in the heart of the wood, perhaps it left looking for food?” Zecora asked.  “It’s possible another predator forced it out of its territory. Though not many creatures can challenge a basilisk. This may require some research.” Trail said, rubbing his chin.   “A task for another time. The lunch bell is due to chime.” Zecora said, motioning towards her hut.  “Is that an invitation?” Trail asked with a smirk.  “It could be, if you are still free.” Zecora said, smirking back.  Trail and Zecora made good time back to her hut, quickly preparing a meal of sandwiches and tea. Sitting together at her table, tales of past experiences became the topic of discussion.  “So you have survived a basilisk before, please tell more.” Zecora asked.  “Certainly. Like I said before, it was in the jungles to the east. My sister Zala and I were documenting the area, looking for rare plants for her brews. We did not expect to find the creature, but Zala then insisted we get a venom sample.” Trail said.  “You have mentioned this Zala before, she sounds like quite the mare for sure.” Zecora said.  “That she is. She and I grew up together, not as blood relatives obviously, but a bond nonetheless. Without her and Tala, I don’t know if I could have raised Comet by myself.” Trail said.  “They helped you raise your daughter? Your wife could not help with her?” Zecora asked.  “I don’t have a wife Zecora. Never have.” Trail said solemnly.  “I do not understand, was her birth unplanned?” Zecora asked.  Trail shuddered at the question, his teacup shaking in his magic. Zecora, realizing the pain her question caused, quickly moved to apologize before Trail lifted a hoof.  “You don’t need to apologize. But I don’t wish to talk about Comet’s mother. Please Zecora, I just can’t.” Trail said, his head still low.  Zecora wanted to say something, but decided against it, pouring him more tea and waiting for him.  He eventually perked up again and smiled at her, “Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to darken the mood in here. Now come on, tell me some of your adventures here in the forest.” Zecora hesitated for a minute, but eventually smiled back.  “Very well then, let tell you the time I faced a cocatrice hen.” Zecora said.  Late afternoon came quickly, and Trail Blazer headed home from Zecora’s hut. They had talked for many hours, who knew cocktrices were so protective of their eggs?  As he arrived at his home, he opened the door to find Starlight sitting on his couch reading a book. Looking up from her book, she saw Trail and smiled.  “Hey there Trail, have fun in the forest?” Starlight asked.  “Fun isn’t the word I would use, exciting definitely.” Trail answered.  “Oh now that sounds like a story. Do tell.” Starlight said.  Taking a seat with her on the couch, he told her about the basilisk attack, which made her worried if he got bit. After some assurance and how he managed to drive off the beast, she relaxed.  “Now that is quite the tale. I’ve never heard about a basilisk in the Everfree Forest.” Starlight said.  “Zecora said the same thing. We believe it was driven out of its normal hunting ground deeper in the forest. The problem is I have no idea what creature could scare off such a deadly monster.” Trail said.  “Hmm, true. A basilisk is pretty high on the food chain. Maybe it’s a new undiscovered creature. The Everfree is full of mystery.” Starlight said.  “Perhaps but I’d like to do some research first. There a library here, or can I use the one at the school?” Trail asked.  “Oh there is one in Twilight’s castle. You’re more than welcome to come do some research. Twilight and I would love to help you with that.” Starlight said.  “That would be mighty kind of you Starlight. I’ll be sure to swing by sometime this week.” Trail said smiling at his friend.  Silence came to the pair as they relaxed on the couch. Neither one said anything.  Trail finally broke the silence, “So, where’s Comet?”  “She tired herself out after our second round of practice, so I took her to her bedroom.” Starlight answered.  “That girl I swear. She always pushed herself, stubborn as a mule too.” Trail chuckled.  “Gee, I wonder where she gets it?” Starlight said, smirking at Trail.  “Oh hardy har har. Aren’t you funny Miss Glimmer.” Trail smirked back.  Starlight hit him on the shoulder as they broke out into a laugh.  After another round of silence, Starlight broke the silence, “So Trail, Comet showed me your family photo today.”  “Oh that one on the shelf there. Yeah that’s an old one. What about it?” Trail asked.  “Well she told me about her aunts and her grandmare, but I didn’t see her mother in there. When I asked about her, Comet said she never met her. Why is that?” Starlight asked.  Trail’s expression grimaced like at Zecora’s place, and he turned his head away.  “Comet’s mother is a touchy subject around here. I don’t like talking about her.” Trail said.  “Oh sorry. It’s just I can’t imagine a filly not knowing her mom. Did she die?” Starlight asked.  “No she didn’t! Now can we please just drop it!?” Trail said in a much louder tone.  Starlight flinched back at his sudden raise in volume, looking at him with worry and concern. He sighed and held his head in his hooves.  “I’m sorry Starlight. I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just… hard to talk about that.” Trail said.  Starlight inched a little closer, almost shoulder to shoulder with him now. He turned to look at her and they seemed lost in the moment, blue meeting blue as their eyes were locked on one another.  After a second, both turned away blushing slightly, Trail clearing his throat.  “Right uh, thank you for helping Comet and looking after her while I was gone.” Trail said.  “Oh no problem. She’s a wonderful filly and will be a great mage I can tell.” Starlight said.  After yet another awkward silence, Starlight got up from the couch.  “Well I better be on my way. Spike should have dinner ready soon. We still good for coffee on Monday Trail?” Starlight asked as she walked to the door.  “Wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Trail answered, opening the door for her.  “Just try not to be late this time.” Starlight smirked.  Trail rolled his eyes as the mare walked out the door and gave one last wave before teleporting away. Closing the door, Trail couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t even know why.  > Ch. 11 - Results > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 -- Results -- “I can’t do this!” Comet shrieked as she paced back and forth in the courtyard.  Ocellus and Silverstream were there, looking at their friend with smiles. Comet had been like this all morning. But they knew how to calm their friend.  “Comet, you’ll be fine. You’ve been practicing for this test for weeks now. You’re gonna do great.” Ocellus said, her eyes following the pacing filly.  “But what if I mess up Ocellus? This test counts for the majority of our grade until midterms!” Comet said, panic in her voice.  Ocellus shook her head, “Comet come on, you’ve improved so much. You got that transfiguration spell down almost perfectly.”  “Yeah, come on Comet. Cheer up! You’re Counselor Starlight’s pupil! You’ll be fine.” Silverstream said, enthusiasm and cheerfulness in her voice.  Comet froze and figgetted with her braid, “I wouldn’t call myself her pupil. She’s my tutor.”  “What’s the difference?” Silverstream asked.  “Well, I… I don’t think Starlight would want me as a full time student. She’ll probably stop the tutoring sessions once I get better at my tests.” Comet said, her voice dropping.  “And what makes you say that Comet?” Another voice said behind Comet.  Comet eeped and turned to see her tutor standing there, a smile on her face, with a hint of a smirk.  Comet nervously smiled, “I just thought that you were just helping me for my test.” Starlight laughed, “Oh Comet. You need to give yourself more credit. You’ve been doing so well in our lessons. I know you’ve got great potential. And I want to help you realize that potential.”  “So I can be your pupil?” Comet asked, hoping to Celestia for the answer she wanted.  “I would love to have you as my pupil.” Starlight said. Comet squealed and began to jump up and down. Running over to Ocellus and Silverstream, she hugged them both, tackling the girls to the ground. They all laughed.  “But I need to know one more thing before we make it official.” Starlight said, getting Comet’s attention.  All three girls looked at their counselor with looks of worry and anticipation.  “Like I said, you’ve shown great potential in our sessions. But think of this test as my entrance exam. I need to know you can put what you learn into practice in your studies. Show Twilight and the other students what you’ve learned.” Starlight explained.  Comet looked nervous for a moment, but then she felt a hoof and a claw on her shoulders. Looking to see Ocellus and Silverstream were giving her encouraging smiles, she nodded and stood up straight.  “I’ll make you proud Ms. Starlight.” Comet said.  “I know you will. And just Starlight will be fine sweetie.” Starlight said, smirking as she nudged Comet playfully.  Comet giggled and hugged Starlight, which was returned.  Suddenly, a bell rang.  “Alright, that’s the bell. You get on to class. I’m afraid I have some paperwork to deal with, so I can’t be there to watch your test. Twilight will let me know how you did. Do your best Comet.” Starlight said, smiling down at the filly.  Comet nodded confidently. Starlight gave her one last smile before her horn glowed and she disappeared in a flash of light.  Comet’s eyes widened at the sight. She turned to her friends, “I am totally learning how to teleport.”  Ocellus and Silverstream laughed at their friend’s statement. Comet joined in the laughter after a while.  Once the laughter had died down, Comet turned to Ocellus, “Well Ocellus, we better get to class.”  Ocellus nodded, then turned to Silverstream, “We’ll catch you later at lunch Silverstream.” “Totally, good luck on your test you two. I got Professor Applejack’s agriculture this period.” Silverstream said, as excited as she ever was.  Silverstream took to the air and flew out of the courtyard and into the hallway. Comet and Ocellus soon started down the opposite hallway. As they left the courtyard, they had not noticed a colt watching them with jealousy in his eyes.  “Starlight Glimmer, student of Princess Twilight, taking that peasant as her apprentice? Preposterous!” Tourmaline said, venom in his voice.  “If anyone is going to be a prized pupil in this school, it will most definitely be me. I don’t care if it’s Princess Twilight or her student, I will be the number one student in this school!” Tourmaline said dramatically.  He noticed other ponies had stopped to stare at him, which he returned with a glare, “What are you peasants looking at!?”  Everypony turned their heads and went about their own business after that outburst. Tourmaline scoffed and started walking, his head held high and his nose pointed to the sky.    “Alright class, it’s test day. Now I know you’re all as excited as I am, but try to keep it in check!” Twilight said,  her voice dripping with excitement.  Looking around the room, most students had looks of either nervousness or excitement. Comet was amongst the former. She was nervous, as not only did this test determine her grade until midterms, but it also determined her status as Starlight’s pupil. She had to succeed.  Comet felt a nudge at her side, turning to see Ocellus sitting next to her. Ocellus gave her a warm smile and a nod. Comet returned the gesture.  “Alright, so who would like to go first?” Twilight asked, looking out to the crowd of students.  Immediately, Tourmaline stood up, “I shall Princess Twilight.”  “Alright then Tourmaline, come on down and show us how much you’ve improved.” Twilight said, gesturing the colt down to the front of the class. Tourmaline walked down towards the Headmare’s desk, his head held high and nose pointed up. As he reached the Princess, he bowed in respect and sat down, facing the class. In front of him sat a table with a single stone on it. “Now class, as you all know, your goal in this test is to transfigure this stone into something else. It can be any object of your choosing. You have two minutes to transfigure the stone.” Twilight explained.  Turning to face Tourmaline, she levitated a pocket watch up in front of her, “You may begin when ready Tourmaline.”  Twilight started the watch and Tourmaline drew in a breath as his horn lit up. The stone glowed along with his horn and in the light began to change shape. As the glow faded, the stone was replaced with a very fancy looking teapot. Tourmaline’s horn stopped glowing as he puffed out his chest in pride.  Twilight stopped the watch and looked at it, “55 seconds. That’s a new school record Tourmaline.”  Everyone stomped their hooves in applause, Tourmaline taking it all in without moving an inch. Comet was amazed at the unique design and intricate markings of the teapot. So much detail went into the spell. Very impressive.  “Very good work Tourmaline. Please return to your seat.” Twilight said.  Tourmaline gave her a respectful bow and strutted back to his seat. His pride and accomplishment radiated off him with a lantern in the dark. More students went to take their turns, some changing their rocks into teacups, others tried to make theirs into simple things like a pencil or a quill. Some of course could not beat the time limit and were forced to walk back to their seats in shame. Princess Twilight would try to comfort them, but it didn’t always work.  “Ocellus, your turn.” Twilight said.  Ocellus got up, and after a “good luck” from Comet, made her way to the front of the class. Twilight started the watch and began the test. Ocellus concentrated on her rock, her horn glowing in determination. After 90 seconds had passed, her rock began to change, morphing into a metal ball.  Twilight’s eyes widened, “Oh my Ocellus, that’s wonderful. Changing the stone into a different element. Keeping the same basic shape but changing the composition. Excellent.”  Ocellus blushed and kicked at the floor with her hoof, “Thank you Headmare Twilight.”  “Though it did take you longer. That will affect your score. But still, magnificent work.” Twilight said.  Ocellus nodded and walked back to her seat.  Comet looked to her friend, “Ocellus that was amazing! How did you do it?”  “I found a book that showed different elements and what they were composed of. It was so fascinating that I couldn’t put it down. So I put it in my spell practice.” Ocellus explained.  “So cool.” Comet squeed.  “Next up, Comet Trail.” Twilight announced.  Comet’s eyes widened and she gulped. Ocellus put a hoof on her shoulder for assurance. Comet smiled and began to walk to the front of the class.  When she arrived, her stone was placed before her.  “Are you ready Comet?” Twilight asked.  Comet nodded, and Twilight started the timer. Comet took in a deep breath, lighting her horn and focused on the magic. Remembering what Starlight had taught her about magic flow made the spell less strenuous.  After a minute, the rock began to glow and change shape. The glow lessened for a moment, but more magic from Comet got it back on track. Comet was struggling to keep up the magic, the ticking of the pocket watch made her panic a little. But Starlight’s words broke through and calmed her nerves.  As the glow faded, Comet opened her eyes to see her stone, only it wasn’t a stone anymore. Standing on the table was a figurine made of wood. But it had color, showing everyone who the pony was. Purple mane and light pink coat, a horn on her head and a star with wisps of magic on her flank.  Twilight was silent for a second, “Oh wow Comet. It looks exactly like Starlight. With such detail and color. Dear Celestia, that is fantastic. What an improvement!”  Comet could not believe what she was seeing, or hearing for that matter. When Starlight and her had practiced the spell, Comet had used her father and aunts for inspiration. But this time, the statute was Starlight.  “I am very happy with your progress Comet. While you may have taken almost the entire two minutes, this level of detail is astonishing.” Twilight proclaimed, barely able to contain her joy.  Comet was taken aback, but remembered who was talking to her, “Thank you Headmare Twilight.”  Comet began to make her way back to the stairs, leading to her seat. She was so happy with herself, she had done it. She achieved what she practiced so hard for. Starlight and her dad would be so proud of her.  Suddenly, Comet felt her leg twitch to the side, as if pushed by something. This caused her to trip on the stairs and her chin ended up hitting the next step. Luckily she didn’t tumble down the stairs, but it still hurt.  As she groaned, she could hear some of the ponies around her laughing. Her face went red and she got back up and tried to hide her face. The laughter was filling her ears and she felt tears begin to form.  “Enough!” Twilight shouted as she landed next to Comet.  “How dare you all laugh at something like this! Comet could have hurt herself! Is that how friends treat each other!?” The Princess yelled.  Everyone immediately stopped laughing and hung their heads in shame. Twilight gave them all stern looks before looking to Comet.  “Are you ok sweetie?” She asked.  “I’m ok. Just bumped my chin.” Comet said, her voice low.  “Alright. If you’re sure.” Twilight said before flying back down to the front of the class.  More students took their tests as the day went on, but what no pony noticed was a certain colt with a tiny grin on his face.  “You did it!” Starlight exclaimed.  Comet had immediately gone to Starlight’s office after the test. The initial embarrassment from her trip was soon replaced with excitement to tell her tutor the good news.  After the test, Twilight posted the grades for the students outside. Tourmaline had of course gotten the highest score. But Comet and Ocellus had gotten top tier scores as well, among the top ten of the class.  Comet smiled brightly, “I know! I was so nervous, I didn’t think I did that good.”  “Nonsense! Twilight wouldn’t have given you that score unless you deserved it. You did great Comet.” Starlight said, excitement in her voice.  Comet then asked, “So, does this mean I pass your test too?” Starlight grinned, “Absolutely Comet. From now on, you will be my personal protege.”  Comet’s eyes widened and then she began to bounce around the room screaming “YES YES YES YES YES!”  Starlight cleared her throat, getting Comet to stop and pay attention.  “As your new personal magic instructor, I won’t be going easy on you anymore Comet. You’ll be working your tail off. Last chance to back out.” Starlight said, grinning as she knew the answer she would get.  Comet stood her ground, “Not a chance. I’m gonna be an arch mage one day. I’ll never quit.”  “That’s what I like to hear. Now come on, we can meet up with your friends in the lunchroom.” Starlight said, gesturing to the door.  Comet squeed again, shooting out the door like a cannonball. Starlight smiled and followed her.  Not too far away, somepony peaked around the corner.  “Enjoy it while you can, peasant.” A voice said.  > Ch 12 - Dinner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 -- Dinner -- Trail Blazer sat in his living room, reading the newest book from Daring Doo. He had always enjoyed them, as did Comet. When a new book came out, he always let Comet borrow it first and let her enjoy it, so long as she promised not to spoil it for him.  Suddenly, the door to the house opened with a crash and before he could put the book down and see who it was, he was tackled by a filly missile.  “Daddy, I did it! I passed with top scores!” Comet squeed.  “Did you now? I knew you could sweetheart.” Trail said, hugging his filly tightly.  “As did I. She just needed a little confidence in herself.” Starlight said as she walked into the living room.  “Starlight! What a surprise. I didn’t expect you, or I would have cleaned up the place.” Trail said, smiling to the mare.  Starlight looked around and saw some books and maps sprawled across the coffee table but other than that, she had seen worse. Trixie’s wagon for instance.  “Come on Trail, this isn’t that bad. It’s not like I’m a Princess. No need to go the extra mile.” Starlight said, sitting down on the couch. Trail chuckled, “Alright then. Since you’re here, would you like to join us for dinner? I was planning to make cottage cheese alfredo tonight.”  Comet’s eyes widened and Starlight could swear she saw a bit of drool on her lip.  “Yes! Daddy’s pasta is the best! Please stay Starlight, please!” Comet said as she bounced between the two adults.  “Well that certainly sounds good. If it’s not too much trouble. I’d hate to impose.” Starlight said.  “Nonsense. With all the help you’ve given Comet, it’s the least I can do.” Trail said, getting up from the couch.  Comet then turned to him, “Oh Daddy, I forgot to tell you! Starlight’s gonna be my full time magic instructor!”  Trail looked at Starlight with a bright smile, “Really?”  Starlight smiled back, “Of course. She has the potential of becoming a great mage. And I want to help her realize that potential.”  “Then this calls for some real celebration!” Trail exclaimed as he entered his kitchen.  Starlight and Comet followed suit, the latter practically bouncing with every step. Starlight couldn’t help but chuckle at the filly’s excitement.  “All right, let’s get started. Comet, could you go get the black peppercorns from the pantry?” Trail asked as he began floating ingredients out of the cupboards.  “On it Daddy.” Comet said, running back out of the kitchen.  “So, is there any way I can help?” Starlight asked.  “Starlight, you’re a guest. You don’t have to.” Trail answered.  “Maybe, but I want to. I’m not that great of a cook, but I’d like to help.” Starlight said.  “Well I’m no gourmet chef myself, but I did learn a few things from my sister Zala.” Trail said. “You have a sister?” Starlight asked.  “Two actually. Not by blood mind you, but we grew up together. They helped turn me into the pony I am today. Zala taught me how to cook, make talismans for my arrows, survival skills, you name it.” Trail answered as he laid out all the ingredients on the countertop. “Zala, that’s the zebra from your family picture right? Comet told me a little about her.” Starlight said, levitating some bowls and measuring cups.  “That’s her. She even saved my life back when we were kids.” “Really? She sounds like quite the mare. And what about the griffin, Tala I believe her name was?” Starlight asked.  “Yep. Tala, or as she is known to the griffons of Griffinstone, Sky Claw Tala.” Trail said as he got out the blender.  “Sky Claw? How’d she get that name?” Starlight asked.  “There is a competition in Griffinstone every year. A test of might and skill in aerial combat. Griffins fight in the sky in large groups, and if you touch the ground even a little, you lose.” Trail answered.  “That sounds interesting. Though I’d imagine griffins fight rough.” Starlight said.  “Oh they do. But they have rules. No killing or fatal blows. No cheap shots to the groin or wings.” Trail said, mixing cottage cheese, milk, cornflour, and garlic granules in the blender.  “That’s good. Killing each other doesn’t seem like a friendly competition. So Tala has won this contest then?” Starlight asked.  Trail looked at her with a smirk, “Yeah, for the last 7 years.”  “Seven years straight!?” Starlight yelled.  “Darn right. Tala is the toughest griffin you’ll ever meet. She taught me how to use my bow, as well as some hoof to hoof combat. Or claw to claw in her case.” Trail said, laughing at the end.  “Wow. Your sisters all sound impressive. I hope I get to meet them one day.” Starlight said.  “My aunts are the best!” Comet said, having returned with the peppercorns.  “Ah there you are Comet. Starlight, would you two mind grinding up those peppercorns? We need about half a teaspoon.” Trail said.  “No problem. Come on Comet, we can make it a little magic lesson.” Starlight said, taking the peppercorns along with two small bowls.  Comet squeed and followed her teacher. Both sat down near the dining table, Starlight taking one of the bowls and pouring some peppercorns in.  “Alright Comet, now this spell is simply in idea, but requires delicate control and precision. The idea is to make a simple construct, in this case, a pestle to grind up the corns.” Starlight said.  Her horn lit up, revealing a light blue pestle made of magic. She started to grind up the corn, using careful motions. Then after a minute, it disappeared along with the glow of her horn.  “Alright Comet, now you try.” She instructed.  Comet nodded and lit up her horn, focusing on shaping her magic into the shape of a pestle. After about a minute of focus, the object looked more like a dented pipe. Comet’s face scrunched up in concentration, and the object slowly began to take the correct shape.   After about a minute, the pestle took shape and Comet’s expression changed to a wide smile. She turned to Starlight and in doing so lost concentration on her construct. It dug into the grounded peppercorn and slipped, sending a small cloud onto Comet’s nose.  Comet flinched back and gave out a loud sneeze, nearly dropping the bowl if Starlight had not caught it in her own magic. After a small round of sneezing, Comet looked up at her teacher with a sheepish smile.  Starlight just laughed and shook her head slightly.  “A good try Comet, but looks like we need to work on your focus.” Starlight said, taking a napkin and wiping the dust off Comet’s nose.  Comet blushed in embarrassment, and soon heard a chuckle from behind them. Turning to see her father looking at them with an amused smirk.  Comet spat him a raspberry, making all three ponies burst out in laughter. Soon the peppercorn was grounded and ready, as was the rest of the ingredients. Comet and Starlight then moved to the living room as Trail began to cook the pasta. The smell was amazing, Starlight couldn’t help but be excited.  After around 20 minutes of waiting, Trail Blazer soon came out with a large bowl of pasta, and three plates floating in his magic. All three ponies moved to the dining table as the food was placed on hot plates.  Soon the pasta was laid out and dinner was ready. Starlight took the first bite and was amazed at the taste.  “Trail this is amazing. It tastes like food you’d buy at some fancy restaurant.” Starlight complimented.  “You’re too kind Starlight. You should try my mother’s pasta. She is the true master.” Trail said.  “Yeah, Grandma is the best! Auntie Zala too.” Comet said, before going back to stuffing her face.  “Comet slow down. That pasta isn’t going anywhere.” Starlight laughed.  Comet thought for a moment but eventually shook her head in disagreement, mouth still full of pasta. Trail and Starlight laughed and went back to their meals.  Soon most of the pasta was gone, and all three were full. They moved to the couch and enjoyed each other's company. “So Starlight, you’ve asked about us, but we know so little about you. Why don’t you share a bit?” Trail asked.  “Well there’s not much to tell. I was born in Sire’s Hollow, raised by my dad mostly.” Starlight answered.  “No mom?” Comet asked.  Starlight’s ears dropped a little, “No. Dad said she died when I was very little.”  “I’m sorry Starlight. That must have been hard.” Trail said.  “It was. But Dad always gave me enough love for two parents. Sometimes a bit too much. Even today he sometimes treats me like a little filly.” Starlight said, her face getting a slight bit of annoyance.  “Yeah my dad was like that too. Always so careful with me, not liking me and Zala going out into the woods alone.” Trail said.  Starlight got a look of interest, “I saw your mom in that picture and Comet has told me about her. This is the first time you’ve mentioned your dad. What happened to him?”  Trail’s ears drooped and he turned away slightly, “It’s not a happy topic. I won’t give the full details, but there was an accident when I was young. Dad died in a hospital and Mom ended up in her wheelchair.”  Starlight’s hoof went to her mouth with a gasp, “By Celestia, that sounds horrible.” Trail sniffled a little, “Yes it was. Sorry for bringing down the mood. I haven’t thought about Dad in a while.”  “No no, I shouldn't have pried.” Starlight said.  “Grandma told me the story a couple years ago. I cried too. I would have loved to meet Grandpa.” Comet said, moving to her father’s side.  Trail teared up a little and wrapped her in a hug, “And he would have loved to have met you sweetheart.”  Starlight couldn’t help but shed a little tear. The three then got back to talking about all sorts of topics. Ranging from magic, to Trail’s adventures throughout the world, etc. Soon it got late, and Comet fell asleep next to Trail.  Trail carried Comet to bed, tucking her in for the night before heading back downstairs. Starlight had waited patiently by the door for him.  “I should really be getting back before Twilight starts to worry. Time sure flew by.” Starlight said.  “It certainly did. Thank you again for all your doing for Comet. Magic has always been something she’s been passionate about. That and her art. I’m now convinced her cutiemark is connected to both.” Trail said.  “I agree. She’s shown me her sketchbooks. She really has talent. Even Rarity was singing her praises in class.” Starlight said.  “And speaking of class, there was one more thing I wanted to ask you Trail.”  “Sure thing. What is it?” Trail asked.  “Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have been planning a field trip for their classes. They want to show the students Froggy Bottom Bog, in the Everfree Forest.” Starlight said.  “Froggy Bottom Bog, yeah I know it. Zecora has shown it to me a few times. Why that particular place?” Trail asked.  “Fluttershy wants the students to observe the creatures that live there, and Rainbow wants to run a survival course.” Starlight answered.  “That sounds like a fun field trip. But I have a feeling there is a “but” coming.” Trail said.  “You are correct. The issue is that they need a guide, somepony who can keep the students safe. Parents will want reassurance that their kids aren’t going to be eaten by a hydra or get Swamp fever.” Straight said.  “Ah, so you want a guide/protector?” Trail asked.  “Yep. I recommended you to the staff and everypony agreed you would be the best choice. Zecora was brought up, but after her bout with Swamp Fever, Fluttershy was hesitant to ask.” Starlight said.  “Yeah she seemed a little nervous about being there when she showed me. But I would be happy to accept the role of chaperone for this trip.” Trail said, bowing dramatically.  Starlight giggled at his antics, “Thanks Trail. Twilight is willing to pay you for your services. The trip is in two weeks, after the Running of the Leaves.” Trail lifted an eyebrow in confusion, “Running of the Leaves?”  “Oh right, you probably haven’t heard of it. Next Saturday, Ponyville will host a race through the Whitetail Woods. A tradition in Ponyville to help the autumn leaves fall.” Starlight answered.  “That sounds like fun. Comet would love that.” Trail said excitingly.  “I bet she would too. All the students are encouraged to join the race. I even thought about running. No to win of course, just for fun.” Starlight said. Trail chuckled, “I’ll run with you. I may be an outdoor pony, but winning isn’t really my thing.”  “Sounds great. I look forward to it.” Starlight said, opening the door to leave Trail’s home.  “Good night Trail.” Starlight said, before walking out.  “Good night Starlight. See you Monday morning for coffee.” Trail said as he waved her off.  Starlight waved back and disappeared in a flash of blue light.  Trail walked back into the house, a smile still on his muzzle. This was one of the best nights he and Comet had experienced since coming to Ponyville. There was something about Starlight that just made their days so much brighter. Trail couldn’t put his hoof on it, but shook it off. He had two new things to look forward to now. The Running of the Leaves, and this field trip. What could go wrong? > Ch. 13 - Sky Claw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 -- Sky Claw -- “How come we get a homework assignment for the break anyway?” Smoulder asked, clearly annoyed.  “Come on Smoulder, it’s not that bad. We just have to pick a subject for the field trip in two weeks.” Comet said as they all were walking out of the school’s main entrance.  “Yeah yeah, but how am I supposed to pick something? I’ve never been to Foggy Bottom Bog. And Headmare Twilight said we can’t choose the Hydra that lives there.” Smoulder pouted.  “I’m perfectly ok with not choosing the Hydra. They’re scary.” Ocellus said nervously.  “But they’re so cool! They say if it loses a head, it grows back two new ones!” Smoulder exclaimed.  “As cool as that sounds, I think we better take Headmare Twilight’s advice. I’d rather not get eaten.” Sandbar said.  “Yona not scared of Hydra.” Yona said proudly. “You should be Yona. I’ve seen one up close. They are no joke.” Comet said.  All of her friends turned to her, looks of confusion and disbelief on their faces.  “You’ve seen a Hydra up close?” Gallus said, clearly not believing her.  “Sure have. Dad and I ran into one in the Hayseed Swamp to the east. I wasn’t supposed to have followed him, but I was curious and wanted to draw some of the local flora.” Comet explained.  “You risked getting eaten by a Hydra, so you could draw?” Sandbar said, smirking.  Comet blushed, “Hey, I didn’t know the Hydra was there. And I wasn’t far from Dad.”  Silverstream laughed, “Yeah right. We all know when you get your mind on something, nothing can stop you.”  Comet pouted at her, and that caused the rest of her friends to burst out laughing. Comet couldn’t keep her composure up for long, and eventually joined in on the laughter.  The group of friends had made it to the town square, making small talk between each other as they entered the marketplace. Ponies of all races were moving back and forth between stalls and buildings, buying various things.  “I don’t know how ponies go about like this without running into each other.” Smoulder said.  “Yeah, flying is ten times better.” Gallus said, giving Smoulder a fistbump.  “If yak gets in yak’s way back home, yaks butt heads to see who gets path first.” Yona said, stomping the ground.  “Well we ponies have our ways. And not all of us have wings to make things easier.” Comet said.  “Yeah, although I’ve had my fair share of collisions.” Sandbar said.  Comet and Sandbar looked at each other and laughed about it. The group then found a spot near the fountain at the center of town. They sat down and relaxed, enjoying the nice day. Fall was coming, and the Running of the Leaves along with it.  “Sandbar, you’re from Ponyville. What’s the Running of the Leaves like?” Comet said.  “Oh it’s an old town tradition. Since we were founded by earth ponies, the town didn’t have unicorns to change the seasons like in Canterlot. The running of the leaves is meant to shake the leaves off the trees for the Autumn season.” Sandbar explained.  “So it’s a big race to shake up the leaves? Any kind of prize for winning?” Gallus asked.  “Not really. They give medals for the first five places, but no trophy or bits. It’s meant for fun mostly.” Sandbar said.  “Well I guess that’s ok. A medal sounds cool.” Gallus said, sounding a little disappointed.  “It does sound cool. But remember Gallus, no flying during the race.” Comet smirked.   Gallus groaned, “I know Comet. Don’t remind me.” “Yeah the whole “no wings” thing is kinda lame. I prefer flying to running.” Smoulder said.  “I prefer swimming! But they don’t have a river through the Whitetail Woods.” Silverstream chimed in.  Ocellus giggled at that, “Yeah I prefer flying too. But maybe it’ll be fun.”  “Yona will win for sure. Yak’s best runners.” Yona said, holding her head high.  “I’ll sure be rooting for you Yona. I know I’m not that fast.” Sandbar said.  “Hey, I got some leftover allowance. You guys want to go to Sugarcube corner?” Silverstream said.  “Yeah!” Everyone shouted.  Making their way back through town, large crowds soon became difficult to navigate through, at least for those without wings. Comet politely made her way through the ponies and found herself in the marketplace once again. Her friends caught up to her as they looked down the street.  “Alright, now it’s a straight shot to Sugar…” Comet started to say before she trailed off.  “Uh Comet, you ok?” Silverstream asked, waving a claw in Comet’s face.  Comet was unmoving as she stared straight ahead. Her friends were confused and looked in the direction she was.  Applejack’s cart was standing near the center of the street, Applejack standing behind it. But that was not the person Comet was focusing on.  Standing next to the cart was a griffin, one that had greyish white feathers on her head, and darker gray along her body. She had marking all along her face down to her neck, and bright blue eyes.  Comet soon grew a big grin on her face and was practically vibrating in place.  “Umm Comet…?” Sandbar tried to ask a question but was cut off as Comet disappeared.  “So Miss, I was hoping you could help me find some ponies here in town?” The griffin asked.  “Just Applejack is fine. So who ya looking for?” Applejack answered.  “Thanks, I’m looking for…” She started to ask.  “AUNTIE TALA!!!” A loud high pitched filly’s voice rang out from down the street.  “Huh?” The griffin turned, just in time to be hit by a filly missile.  The griffin fell onto her back, the filly landing on her chest. Just as Tala got her senses back, she saw the smiling face of Comet staring down at her.  Comet proceeded to hug Tala around her neck tightly, nuzzling into her feathers.  “Auntie Tala!” She yelled again.  “Kiddo… Auntie can’t breathe.” Tala managed to squeeze out as she was being choked by a filly hug of death.  Comet let her go and smiled sheepishly. And before she knew it, she was launched into the air. She squealed as Tala held her in her claws and spun around in the air.  Landing back on the ground, Tala sat on her haunches and kept hugging Comet. Comet returned the gesture and nuzzled again into her feathers.  “I missed you so much Auntie.” Comet said, tears starting to form in her eyes.  “I missed you too kiddo.” Tala said. The two eventually released from their embrace, only to find a large group of ponies staring at them.  “What’re you all looking at!?” Tala screeched at the gawkers.  They all quickly went about their own business, leaving alone Comet’s friends and Applejack to stare at the group in confusion.  “Comet, you know this griffin?” Applejack asked.  “You bet I do. Everyone, meet my Auntie Tala. The best griffin ever!” Comet said enthusiastically.  Tala puffed out her chest in pride, “Yeah, I am pretty awesome.”  “I didn’t know you had an aunt, let alone a griffin. Mighty nice to meet you Miss Tala.” Applejack said, extending a hoof in greeting.  Tala accepted the shake and turned to the others.  “And who are these guys kiddo?” Tala asked.  “These are all my friends from school. There’s Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, Smoulder, Silverstream, and… Gallus, you ok?” Comet said, pausing a little at the wide eyed look on Gallus’ face. Gallus hesitated as if the words were caught in his throat, “You’re… Sky Claw Tala.”  Tala raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, what of it?”  Gallus couldn’t hold back anymore, and launched himself in front of her, “THIS IS SO COOL! You’re Sky Claw Tala!”  Tala leaned back from the young griff, “Yeah that’s my name. Don’t wear it out kid.”  “So this is the griffin you told us about Comet?” Smoulder asked.  Gallus immediately snapped his head back to the dragon, “Not just any griffin. Sky Claw Tala, winner of the Sky Talon Battle Royale seven years in a row!”  “I think I’ve heard about that. Rainbow said it’s a big fighting competition held in Griffinstone every year, am I right?” Applejack said.  “Sure is. Only the toughest griffins enter, and only the best comes out on top.” Tala said.  “And that’s you Auntie.” Comet said, staying close to Tala.  “You know it kiddo.” Tala said, leaning down to nuzzle her niece.  “So what’re you and your friends up to? Not playing hooky from school I hope?” Tala said, giving Comet a sharp look.  “No way Auntie. We got the next few days for break. We were going to Sugarcube Corner for a snack. Wanna come?” Comet asked.  “Hey, I never turn down food or time with my favorite niece.” Tala smirked.  “I’m your only niece.” Comet giggled.  Tala gave her a little noogie on the top of her head, “You sassing me kiddo?”  Comet squealed and batted her claw away.  Comet and her friends then led Tala to Sugarcube Corner, finding a table for all of them to sit. Comet of course wanting to sit next to Tala. Everyone ordered a variety of sweets, ranging from cupcakes to cookies. Tala and Comet ordered cinnamon rolls, each taking a bite out of them at the same time.  “So, enjoying school kiddo?” Tala asked.  “Oh yeah. It’s so much fun. All the teachers are really nice, and I’ve made awesome friends.” Comet said, gesturing to all her friends around the table.  “I’m so proud of you Comet. When Trail told me about the move, I admit, I was a little worried.” Tala said.  “Yeah so was I. But things worked out.” Comet said.  “So what’re doing here in Ponyville?” Gallus asked.  “I got done with the big job out west and I wanted to find Comet and her dad.” Tala answered.  “You were gone longer than you promised…” Comet said, her ears drooping a little.  Tala saw this and pulled her close, “I know kiddo. And I’m really sorry about that. Things got complicated. Trust me, I wanted nothing more than to come back. Forgive me?”  Comet nuzzled into her again, “Take me flying tonight and all is forgiven.”   Tala chuckled, “Deal.”  “So if you don’t mind me asking, how did you become Comet’s aunt?” Smoulder asked.  “Eh I don’t mind at all. I grew up alongside Trail and our sister Zala. When Comet was born, me and Zala helped raise her. And let me tell you, this little filly was really fussy when she was little.” Tala laughed.  “Auntie!” Comet said, blushing in embarrassment.  Everyone at the table laughed, except Comet who pouted.  Tala then turned to Comet, “So how’s those sketchbooks I sent ya? Fill 'em up yet?”  Comet grinned and levitated her bag onto the table, pulling out her sketchbooks and showing them to Tala. There were several sketches, all of various things. Some of Trail Blazer, others were things around the school. She had a sketch of all her teachers, Starlight having several pages dedicated to her.  “Not bad kiddo. Not bad at all.” Tala said, looking through the books.  “I learned from the best.” Comet said.  “Wait, who taught you how to draw Comet?” Ocellus asked.  “You’re looking at her kid.” Tala said, looking up at Ocellus before going back to the sketchbooks.  “Wait, Sky Claw Tala taught you how to draw?” Gallus asked.  Tala gave him a hard look, “Got a problem with that kid?”  Gallus quickly shook his head, “No no. Of course not. I just didn’t expect it is all.”  “Eh, most griffins try to give me crap about it. But I don’t care. It’s been a hobby of mine since I was a kid. Ask Trail.” Tala said, closing the books and handing them to Comet.  “Auntie Tala taught me when I was little. Daddy even took some of my drawings for his books.” Comet said proudly.  “That sounds so cool. I wish I could draw like that.” Sandbar said.  “Well Ms. Rarity has that assignment due at the end of the month. Bet we all know who is gonna win first price.” Smoulder smirked at Comet.  Comet blushed and fidgeted with her braid. Silverstream raised her claw, “So has she always done that when she gets embarrassed?”  “Silverstream!” Comet exclaimed.  Tala laughed, “Yep. Ever since Zala showed her how to braid her mane. Honestly, it’s adorable.”  Comet buried her head in her hooves with a groan, “You guys are the worst.”  “But you wouldn’t have us any other way right?” Smoulder asked smugly.  Comet thought a moment, “Nah. I wouldn’t. You guys are the best.” All the friends laughed together, making Tala smile. She was so happy that Comet had found such a great group of friends.  “So kiddo, where’s your old man?” Tala asked.  “Daddy is out in the Everfree doing research.” Comet answered.  “That so huh? Well I’ll wait to catch him at home then. Speaking of which, how’s the new house?” Tala asked.  “It’s great. We’ve got spare rooms too. You’re gonna stay with us aren’t you?” Comet asked.  “I’m not going anywhere for quite a while kiddo. You’re stuck with me.” Tala said, giving Comet another hug. Comet giggled, “So Auntie Tala, have you heard from Auntie Zala?” “Actually I have kiddo. She said she was done with her work in Zebrica and was heading here soon.” Tala answered.  “Really!?” Comet said, bouncing in her seat.  “It’s true. No clue when she’ll show up, but you know she loves to make an entrance.” Tala said.  “So your other Aunt is coming too? What’s she like?” Ocellus asked.  “Auntie Zala is the best zebra alchemist in the world. When it comes to potions, talismans, and any kind of zebra magic, she’s number one!” Comet exclaimed. “She’s a zebra? Like Zecora?” Silverstream asked.  Tala looked confused, “Zecora? Who’s that?”  “Oh she’s a local zebra who lives in the Everfree. Daddy and her have been working together in the forest.” Comet explained.  “Really? I bet she and Zala will get along great.” Tala said.  “I bet so. I hope she gets here soon. I wanna see her again so bad.” Comet said.  “Eh don’t worry kiddo. She’ll be here before you know it. Now how about you kids show me around Ponyville. Never been here before, and I’d like to see the town.” Tala said.  “Sure thing Auntie!” Comet said, getting out her bit pouch.  Tala put a claw over it as she put it on the table, “Ah ah ah. I’ll take care of the bill kiddo.”  “But I can handle it Auntie.” Comet said. “No buts.” Tala said, placing the bits from her bag on the table.  Comet didn’t argue and stood up with a smile on her face, gesturing for them to follow her. Her friends followed suit, Tala taking up the rear. She stopped at the door, feeling eyes on her. Turning to the source of the feeling, she saw a unicorn colt giving her a dirty look as he munched on a croissant. She ignored him and went to catch up with the kids.  > Ch. 14 - Two Zebras are better than one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14  --Two Zebras are better than one -- Another day in the Everfree Forest, a place Trail had become familiar with since he came to Ponyville. Walking through the underbrush became second nature to him after a while, especially with the help of Zecora.  Today, he had another mission other than the typical research he would do. He had to map out a safe route to Froggy Bottom Bog for the school field trip. Starlight and Princess Twilight had entrusted him with the safety of the students, and he would not let them down.  The path was hard to find at first, but Zecora’s guidance made it easier after sometime. Both explorers eventually reached a path where the bog was visible. Standing on a hill overlooking the swamp. “There it is my friend. Our journey has reached its end.” Zecora said.  “Indeed. All thanks to you Zecora. Now we just need to carve out a safe route for the students. Can’t imagine they would enjoy going through all those thick shrubs.” Trail said.  “It shall be so, for the young ones to move to and fro.” Zecora said.  Trail had brought a large knife to cut through the underbrush. Normally he did not like to tamper with the environment, but this was a special occasion.  “So Zecora, any predators we will need to watch out for?” Trail asked.  “The Hydra dwells deep in the swamp, though run if you feel a stomp. Other beasts include cragadiles, when angered they can be quite vile.” Zecora answered.  “Cragadiles and Hydras I’ve dealt with. As long as the children stay clear of the water and the deeper parts of the swamp they should be fine.” Trail said.  After spending some time carving through the brush, they took a break, laying down on the hill overlooking the swamp. Trail had brought refreshments in the form of tea, which Zecora gratefully accepted.  “So dear Trail, what does this field trip entail?” Zecora asked.  “Starlight told me the children were to pick a topic about the bog and write an essay about it. Coming here to see it in person is supposed to help them learn.” Trail replied.  “Ah, it will be good for the students to see such a place. For the bog can display a degree of grace.” Zecora said.   “My adventures through the Hayseed Swamp were some of the more difficult times of my career. But one of the most enlightening. Something that seems gross and ugly to most ponies can truly hide some beautiful things about nature.” Trail said, looking down at the bog.  “Well spoken dear Trail, beauty is often missed beyond the veil.” Zecora said.  “Right you are.” Trail said.  Both enjoyed the peace and their tea, not a care in the world. As they finished their refreshment, Trail stood up.  “Well better get back to it then. This path won’t clear itself.”  Zecora stood and was about to reply, but something caught her eye. Trail noticed her change in demeanor and looked around, not hearing anything but the frogs down below. But with his guard up, something is definitely watching them.  Suddenly, a loud squeal comes from behind them in the tree line. A large figure barrels through the trees and brush, heading right for them. Trail and Zecora quickly move out of the way, the figure missing them and hitting the tree they were sitting by instead.  After the initial shock of surprise fades, Trail got a good look at it. It was large, twice their size. It had brown fur and moss covering its hide. As it turned to look at them, he saw large tusks and two deep red eyes.  “A bog boar? I’ve never seen one get this big.” Trail said.  “Nor have I. Nor have I seen such hate in one’s eye.” Zecora said.  The boar squealed again, charging at them again. Both he and Zecora jumped in opposite directions, the boar sliding to a halt confused on who it should go after.  Trail saw his bow and arrow back on the hill where he had set it down. He had to get to it.  Zecora seemed to have read his mind, as she was yelling and throwing rocks at the boar to get its attention. The boar squealed again, going after her. Taking this opportunity, Trail moved quickly to the spot where he left his weapon.  As he picked up the bow in his magic, he turned and launched an arrow at the beast. The arrow landed near the beast and let out a sound spell that disoriented the boar. This gave Zecora the time to join Trail as he readied another arrow.  The beast recovered from the sound attack, launching itself at the pair again. Trail let loose another arrow, this time a tranquilizing draft. But as the arrow flew, it bounced off the beasts hide. In shock, Trail did the first thing that came to mind, push Zecora out of the way.  After the push, he tried to dodge the charge himself, only he was not completely successful as the beast turned its head and hit him with the side of one of its tusks. Trail was sent flying and crashed into the tree the beast had hit before. The wind was knocked out of him as he hit the tree on his side, sliding down to the ground.  His vision was hazy from the impact, and all he could see was the boar grunting at him, looking to be winding up for another charge. He tried to get up but was still dazed. The boar roared as it charged for him again.  Trail closed his eyes for the inevitable impact of the large boar. But the blow never came.  A feminine yell came from his right, and he opened his eyes to find the boar being kicked in the side by a striped figure. At first he thought it was Zecora, but as the boar fell on its side and scrambled to get up, the zebra landed next to him and turned.  The face he saw was not Zecora, but an even more welcomed sight. A zebra mare with bright green eyes, her striped mane done in a braid, and a scar above her right eye.  “Zala!” Trail yelled.  Zala smiled and looked back at the boar, who was getting up. It grunted and snorted at her angrily. Zecora had run over to join us, her eyes locking onto Zala as his sister stared down the boar.  The boar snorted once more and looked to be ready to charge once more, but it did not get the chance this time. From her side, Zala drew her signature tool. A long staff with bells and chimes at the end. She shook the staff and the chimes rang, confusing the boar. In its confusion, Zala took the opportunity to take out a small glass orb. Inside the orb was a blue light.  She threw the orb at the boar, making it back up closer to the edge of the hill. Trail quickly turned Zecora’s head away as well as his own as the bomb exploded in a glorious flash of light. The boar squealed again, as the light blinded it.  Zecora and Trail looked just in time to watch the boar stumble back and fall over the edge of the hill. All three of them ran to the side, seeing the boar rolling down. The fall was not high enough to hurt the creature significantly, but enough to distance it from them.  After a minute or so, the boar got up and ran away towards the bog. They lost sight of it and breathed a sigh of relief.  “Can we ever reunite without me saving you in some manner brother?” Zala said, smiling at Trail.  Trail just wrapped her in a tight hug, bringing her close, “Zala.” Zala returned the hug, nuzzling into his neck. The two did not separate for a long while. But eventually they did.  “Sister, it’s so great to see you again.” Trail said.  “It’s wonderful to see you again brother.” Zala said.  “What are you doing out here? I thought you were still in Zebrica?” Trail asked.  “I guess I beat Tala here then. I sent her a message that I was finished with my business there and was heading for Ponyville. I came through here to see what the forest was like.” Zala answered.  “Thank Celestia for that. Wait, Tala is coming here as well?” Trail asked in shock.  “Yes. We said we would be joining you in Ponyville in our letters did we not?” Zala said.  “You did, I guess I lost track of how much time had passed. A lot has been going on here Zala.” Trail said.  “Well then, you and Comet must tell me all about it.” Zala said.  A cough came from their side as both siblings turned to see Zecora looking at them.  “I do not wish to be rude, but mayhaps we leave the area in which we intrude?” Zecora asked.  Both siblings nodded and gathered their things, following Zecora out of the bog.  All three had made it back to Zecora’s hut, and were now sitting at her table, tea set out and steaming.  “So, you are the Zala of whom I have heard. Our meeting under better circumstances I would have preferred.” Zecora said.  “Think nothing of it. It’s an absolute delight to meet you Zecora. I hope my brother has not been a bother.” Zala said.  Trail looked at her with a deadpan expression, to which she just laughed.  “Trail has been a dear friend, one I must commend.” Zecora answered.  “Zecora has been assisting me with my research here in the Everfree. She has lived here for quite some time, and is invaluable when it comes to navigating the woods.” Trail said.  Zecora smiled at the praise.  Zala smiled as well, “I thank you for being so kind to my brother. I hope we too can become good friends as well.”  Zecora nodded, “Of course we can, after you saved us, that was the plan.”  Both zebras laughed as well as Trail.  “I must say your talents do impress, fending off a bog boar no less.” Zecora said.  “Well thank you, I do try. I have a lot of experience with beasts and such. A large boar is nothing new to me.” Zala said proudly.  “Yeah, Zala here taught me how to craft my arrows and enchant them with spells and talismans.” Trail said.  “Yes, though it seems you have much more to learn dear brother.” Zala said, smirking slightly at him from the side.  “Oh ha ha.” Trail said.  All three equines laughed at that, enjoying their tea and their company. But soon the day grew short and the time to depart for home came.  “See you next time Zecora.” Trial said, waving goodbye to his friend.  “Farewell to you friends, until the trip we are to attend.” Zecora said.  Zala and Trail finished their goodbyes and Trail led the way home.  Zala then leaned in closer to Trail, once they were out of earshot of Zecora’s hut, “She is quite the specimen, wouldn’t you agree brother?”  Trial was caught off guard by the comment, causing him to misstep. He righted himself before he tumbled, and looked back to her. “I would say so. Though knowing you and that look in your eye, I think we are thinking two different things about our zebra friend.” Trail said.  Zala looked away innocently, “I’m just saying she is quite the looker. And with such knowledge if her potion stock was anything to judge by.”  “You two have a lot in common. And I believe she sees that in you as well. When you appeared, she was awestruck.” Trail said, smirking at his sister. “Oh was she now?” Zala grinned as she looked back slightly over her shoulder back towards the hut.  Both moved on in silence after that.    Having reached the house, Trail opened the door, looking inside before a slight grin fell upon his face. He stepped back and gestured towards Zala, “After you sister.”  “A gentle stallion as always brother.” Zala said. As Zala walked into the house, she was immediately tackled by a filly projectile.  “Auntie Zala! You’re here!” Comet said before she snuggled into Zala’s neck.  “Comet, my dear niece, love of my life. How are you?” Zala said, hugging her filly niece with affection.  Trail watched the exchange with a smile before he was grabbed from behind, his hat fell off as something gave him a noogie. Or somegriff.  “Gotcha Trail. You’re slipping bro.” Tala said.  Trail fought back lightheartedly against her, eventually getting her to let him go and properly hug.  “Tala, this day is truly blessed.” Trail said, tears forming in his eyes.  The four moved inside the house and were in an intense family hug in the living room. They stayed like that for a while, for what seemed like hours to them.  Eventually they separated and made themselves comfortable on the couch. Comet sitting on Zala’s back as they laid on the couch, Tala and Trail on opposite sides of them.  “Auntie Zala, I got my own personal magic teacher! I’m gonna be a mage!” Comet said.  “Really? Dearest niece, words cannot describe how happy I am for you.” Zala said, nuzzling Comet.  “Yeah, she made a whole bunch of friends too. Ran into them in town. Good bunch of kids.” Tala said.  “Wondrous.” Zala said.  “And how’s things with you bro? The forest too much for ya?” Tala asked.  “Nah, nothing I can’t handle.” Trail said proudly.  “Says the stallion I had to save from a bog boar today.” Zala smirked.  “Hey!” Trail exclaimed.  Tala and Comet both broke out laughing at their exchange. Zala followed not a second later. And after a bit of pouting, Trail joined in as well.  After the laughter died down, Comet asked, “So you two are gonna live with us again, right?”  Zala and Tala both looked at Comet and each gave her a peck on each cheek. “You bet kiddo.” Tala said.  “Absolutely.” Zala said.  Comet squeed and bounced off Zala, bouncing all around the room in true filly excitement.  After some dinner, both Aunts took Comet to her bedroom.  Comet was tucked into bed and looked at her aunts, “See you in the morning?”  “Of course. Goodnight dear.” Zala said, giving Comet a peck on the forehead. “Goodnight kiddo.” Tala said.  Both gently closed the door, finding Trail on the other side.  “I’ve truly missed you sisters.” He said.  Both females embraced him in a silent hug. After which Trail showed them to their new rooms and the house went silent for the night.  > Ch 15 - The Running of the Leaves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 -- The Running of the Leaves -- “Come on you slowpokes! We’re gonna be late for the race!” Comet yelled from the bottom of the stairs.  “Well we would be down already if Zala would get out of the bathroom already. Geez how long are you gonna take sis?” Tala said.  “Excuse me if some of us wish to be presentable for a public event. A mare must look her best.” Zala said.  “Whatever, I always look good.” Tala smirked.  Trail then appeared from his room and went for the stairs, “Zala, if you aren’t downstairs in five minutes, we are leaving without you.”  The family could hear the zebra groan as she soon emerged from her room, looking well groomed and wearing a rather exotic feather behind her ear.  “You all could use a touch of patience. I am here, now we may depart.” Zala huffed.  “Wow, is that a Phoenix feather Auntie Zala? Where did you get that?” Comet asked.  “I found it while traveling through the forest yesterday. It is quite magnificent.” Zala said, showing off the feather.  “And rare. Those usually go for 200 bits each. When you get bored with it, we can totally sell it.” Tala grinned.  “Touch this and I will pluck your feathers and sell them.” Zala said in a dark tone.  Tala paled a little but soon regained her composure, “Right, come on. We’re gonna be late for the race. Comet needs to get to the starting line before 10:00.”  Trail chuckled at the display but nudged Comet, “She’s right. Ready for the race sweetheart?”  “You bet I am! And I’m gonna win!” Comet jumped up in excitement.  “You will be spectacular dear niece, but not if you’re late. Come.” Zala said, moving out the door.  The rest of the family followed suit, heading in the direction of the Whitetail Woods on the other side of Ponyville. Ponies from all around town came out to see the race. Several ponies were sitting in the stands and walking around to buy treats and refreshments from the many stands.  As the family made their way to the starting line, Ocellus and the rest of Comet’s friends caught sight of them and immediately ran to their friend.  “Comet!” Ocellus squealed as the two fillies embraced and giggled.  “It’s about time you got here. Hope you move faster during the race.” Smoulder smirked.  “Ha! You just watch Smoulder. I’m gonna win.” Comet pointed her hoof at her friend.  “Yona will win! Yaks never tire!” Yona said, stomping her hooves.  “I’m not much of a runner, but hey, it’ll be fun for all of us. I’ll try to keep up.” Sandbar said, standing next to Yona.  “I’ve never ran in a race before. I’ve swam, flown, but never ran. This’ll be so cool!” Silverstream said, hovering in the air.  “You children are so lively. I admire your spirits.” Zala said.  The group finally noticed the zebra and gave Comet a confused look. Comet grinned and moved to her aunt’s side.  “Everyone, meet the best zebra who ever lived. My Auntie Zala.” She said proudly.  “Hello children.” Zala said sweetly.  “Oh so this is the zebra aunt. So cool.” Silverstream said gleefully.  “I thought zebras all speak in rhyme?” Ocellus asked.  “Some tribes do young one, but not all. I imagine Zecora has shaped your view of our culture.” Zala said.  They all nodded, making Zala chuckle.  “So, you all racing with Comet?” Tala asked.  “Absolutely! So, are you gonna race too, Miss Sky Claw?” Gallus asked sheepishly. “Call me Miss again, and I’ll show you my special midair headlock kid.” Tala said, grinning darkly.  Gallus paled a little.  As he went pale, Tala started laughing, “I’m just yanking your chain kid. But seriously, no Miss. Just Tala, or Sky Claw if you want.”  Gallus chuckled nervously, “Gotcha.”  “Anyway, to answer your question, I’m not racing. Too late to enter and I don’t feel like running after the long flight I took to Ponyville over the last few days.” Tala said.  “Is age starting to catch up with you sister?” Zala said, smirking.  “We’re the same age, and I don’t see you entering the race. What, scared to get dirty?” Tala smirked back.  “I beg your pardon!?” Zala yelled back, glaring at the griffin.  “Alright you two. That’s enough. Don’t make me separate you two.” Trail said, pushing them away from each other.  Comet giggled at the exchange, her friends giving off their own chuckles before a loud voice rang out from above.  “Attention Ponyville, The Running of the Leaves will begin in 5 minutes. Racers to the starting line!” Pinkie Pie said, a megaphone in her hoof as she floated from her hot air balloon.  Comet and the other students said their goodbyes and raced down to the starting line. All of them were excited for the race.  But in the crowd, another pony was watching them. A tea cup floating in his magic. A tiny grin crept up his muzzle.  Comet took a deep breath and continued her stretching, getting limbered up for the big race. Her friends were all doing their own stretching, even Ocellus, who wasn’t that athletic. The group was hanging out just a little ways from the starting. Too much of a crowd.  “So did you guys hear about Professor Applejack and Professor Rainbow Dash ending up in last place years ago?” Smoulder asked.  Gallus took at her with shock, “What? No way. Those two are the most athletic ponies we know. How did they end up in last place?”  “Sometimes a friendly competition can turn into something more ridiculous when two friends refuse to accept defeat.” A voice came from behind them.  They all turned to see Princess Twilight standing behind them, her smile bright as she looked to her students.  “What does that mean Princess Twilight?” Sandbar asked.  “Applejack and Rainbow Dash were so focused on beating each other, they didn’t realize that everypony had already gotten ahead of them. They all saw each other and only wanted to sabotage the other. And that cost them the race.” Twilight said.  “So, they were their own worst enemies cause they just wanted to beat each other?” Gallus asked.  “That’s right Gallus. It’s a lesson they learned the hard way. But tell me students, do you know the real reason for this race?” Twilight asked.  “Oh oh I know! It’s to help the leaves fall from the trees to signify the beginning of Autumn here in Ponyville. Earth ponies couldn’t change the season magically like pegasi and unicorns, so they found their own ways.” Comet answered.  “Very good Comet. The race has drawn in competition over the years, but the tradition is more important. I hope you all have that in mind.” Twilight said.  “We all love some friendly competition Princess, but we also know it’s not worth fighting about it. We totally understand.” Sandbar said.  All the students nodded and Twilight couldn’t help but smile a bit brighter.  “I’m glad you understand. Now have a great race kids.” Twilight said before turning towards the royal booth.  “It’s kinda cool that this race has been around for a long time.” Smoulder said.  “Yona agrees. Yona likes this tradition. Yona can stomp all she wants and knock all the leaves down from the trees.” Yona said, stomping her hooves, making a little tremor.  Some of the students lost their balance as they were stretching and fell to the ground. They turned to Yona, who looked sheepishly back. Then they all burst out in laughter before the sound of a whistle caught their attention.  “The race is starting!” Silverstream squealed.  The seven friends ran off to join the other racers at the starting line.    Having found some seats, Trail and his sisters made themselves comfortable as Tala munched on some popcorn that she bought.  “So, is there a reward for the winner? Like prize money?” Tala asked.  “No. I believe they get medals, but that’s about it. This is for tradition, not bits.” Trail answered.  “Yeah ok. Even living with ponies, I can’t understand you lot all the time. Racers would work twice as hard if there was a prize at the end.” Tala said.  “Some of us choose to honor tradition above the need for bits. And doesn’t the Sky Talon Competition all about a trophy and bragging rights?” Zala asked. “Got me there.” Tala said.  “Trail!” A mare’s voice shouted from their right.  Turning towards the voice, Trail was happy to see Starlight Glimmer coming towards them, moving to their row of seats and standing next to him.  “Starlight! I was wondering where you would be during this thing. Not joining your fellow teachers in the royal booth?” Trail asked.  “And watch Rarity get pampered by Aloe and Lotus while Rainbow Dash and Applejack shout at the top of their lungs all race? No thank you. Mind if I join you?” Starlight said.  “Not at all, have a seat.” Trail said.  Starlight took a seat and noticed the other two females sitting with him giving her looks of curiosity. It made her a bit nervous until one of them spoke up.  “So Trail, is she your marefriend you’ve been telling us about?” Tala asked, smirking.  Both Trail and Starlight went bright red from that statement.  “She is not my marefriend Tala! She’s just a very good friend.” Trail yelled.  Starlight’s blush persisted, and something else inside her seemed to change with Trail’s words. But it quickly faded as did most of her blush. “Yeah sure.” Tala scoffed.  “Oh leave them be sister. I am happy our brother has found such a good friend in this new town.” Zala said. Turning towards the mare, she gave a respect bow of her head, “Forgive my sister, she is brash and lacking in proper manners. I am Zala, and she is Tala. We are Trail’s sisters.” Zala said. Starlight’s face immediately lit up, “So you’re the sisters he told me about. When did you arrive?”  “Yesterday. Are you the magic teacher that took Comet up as her student?” Tala asked.  Starlight smiled, “Yes I am. She is a wonderful student and a great young filly.”  Tala smiled, “Good answer. She always loved magic, just never found the means to really learn.”  “Yes, it was a great passion of hers. I brought her books, but it never was enough for her. She’d read through them overnight.” Zala chuckled.  “Well I promise, I’ll turn her into the best mage in Equestria.” Starlight proclaimed with pride.  “I’m sure you will, with how talented you are in magic.” Trail said.  Starlight blushed and hit him on the shoulder, causing both of them to laugh. While they were, Tala and Zala looked at each other and then back to Trail, and both got a mischievous grin.  “So, you see Comet and her friends down there” Starlight asked after their fit of laughter ended.  “Yep, right there.” Trail said, pointing down at the starting line where the group of friends were gathered.  “She’s gonna kick tail in this race. I know it.” Tala said.  All four of them nodded and looked on as the race was ready to begin any minute.  “Racers, on your marks!” The referee pony said.  Comet and the rest of her friends took their positions.  “Get set! GO!” The referee pony shouted as he blew the air horn in his hoof.  The race was off and so was Comet, her friends keeping up with her as they barrelled down the path towards the Whitetail woods. The feeling of  the wind rushing through her mane and her heart pumping in her chest was amazing.  As they made it to the first curve leading into the woods, Comet was so entranced by her excitement, she did not notice something in the road. She soon found herself tumbling over and landing on her side.  “Comet!” Smoulder yelled as she helped her friend up.  “Thanks Smoulder, that really hurt. What happened?” Comet asked, looking back at what tripped her.  It was a large tree root, sticking out of the ground just high enough to make a curve, which Comet had caught her hoof in.  “What the? I thought they cleared out the path so things like this won’t happen?” Smoulder asked, eyeing the root suspiciously.  “They do, Princess Twilight told us. And why didn’t the others get tripped?” Comet asked.  “I didn’t see it when I was ahead of you.” Smoulder said. Comet looked at the root and thought for a moment before realization hit her, “Forget it Smoulder! We gotta catch up with the others.” Smoulder nodded after burning the root with her fire breath and the two continued, picking up the pace to catch up with the others. It didn’t take them too long as the other five friends came into view. “What happened back there?” Gallus asked as they caught up. “A root tripped Comet, and I don’t think it was there by accident.” Smoulder said.  Ocellus gasped, “You think a unicorn might have conjured it?”  “It’s possible. It’s not a hard spell to learn. But someone would have noticed a racer with a glowing horn.” Comet said.  “Maybe somepony not in the race is trying to make sure a friend wins?” Sandbar asked.  “That is so not cool.” Silverstream said.   “Yona says let them try! Yona and her friends will win!” Yona said.  They all nodded and continued. For the next ten minutes of running, nothing seemed out of place. They had passed some racers who had worn themselves out and some that were just trotting.  As they made their way through the Whitetail Woods, something rustled in the trees and the next thing they all knew was that Ocellus had disappeared.  “Help!” Ocellus yelled from behind them.  They all skidded to a halt and turned towards the source of the yell, in the treeline by the race track. Just inside the treeline, they saw Ocellus trapped in a sticky web. And above her was a large spider, chattering as it drew close to the changeling.  “Oh no you don’t!” Smoulder yelled as she flew over to fire a hot wave of flames at the arachnid.  It hissed in pain and scurried into the tree. Silverstream and Gallus flew over to get Ocellus out of the web.  “What happened? How did you get up there?” Silverstream asked.  “I don’t know. There was this bright flash of light, and when I could see again, I was stuck in the web.” Ocellus said.  “Ok, whoever is doing this is going too far. That spider could have eaten you.” Comet said.  “When Yona finds mean unicorn pony, Yona smash!” Yona said, stomping her powerful hooves.  “We’ll tell Princess Twilight about this when we get done with the race. Let’s go!” Sandbar said.  And it was back to the race, they had lost some ground but they powered through to try and get some momentum back. It was strange though. Nopony else seemed to be getting attacked by this mysterious saboteur. Smoulder was constantly on the lookout for something suspicious, but even with her keen eye, she didn’t see it coming. A bag was thrown in front of her from the treeline and it exploded into a cloud of dust. It hit Smoulder right in the face, causing her to shield her eyes.  As her friends came to her aid, the dragon suddenly let out a sneeze, a puff of flame coming out of her mouth. And then another, and another.  “Crap, it’s sneezing powder. Keep her away from the trees.” Gallus said, trying to hold Smoulder away from the treeline.   She accidentally let out a sneeze in his direction, singeing his chest feather a little and causing him to fall backwards towards the treeline. As he fell to his rump, he felt a strange sticky sensation.  Sure enough, when he tried to stand, he looked down to see that he had fallen on a flat boulder, covered in glue.  “Ah come on!” Gallus yelled.  As Silverstream tried to move over to help Gallus, a snapping noise rang out and a net came out of nowhere and scooped up the Hippogriff. She tried to struggle out of it, but it got tangled in her wings and hair.  “Ok this is getting stupid, who is out there!?” Sandbar yelled out.  “Don’t worry Sandbar, this pony won’t get Yon…” Yona started to say before she suddenly looked drowsy. She tumbled right into Sandbar, landing on top of the earth pony and crushing him with her weight. She then started to snore and would not budge, even as Sandbar tried to push.  Comet looked at all her friends and didn’t know what to do. Somepony was targeting them, and only them. However it was, they were not being fair.  “Comet, go finish the race and tell Princess Twilight!” Silverstream yelled from her net.  “Yeah, forget about us. We’ll get out of this. Make sure Princess Twilight hears about this. Don’t let whatever jerk is doing this get away with it.” Ocellus said as she tried to help out Silverstream.  Comet didn’t want to leave her friends, but they were right. Princess Twilight needed to hear about this.  So she ran, ran as fast as she could. She passed ponies without even realizing as the finish line came into view. Her heart was pounding, her breath was ragged, but she couldn’t stop. And as she crossed the finish line, she didn’t feel the accomplishment that she had thought she would this morning.  “Comet!” Princess Twilight called out to her.  Comet then got back up and moved in front of the Princess.  “Where are the rest of your friends? I thought you all would finish together?” Twilight asked.  “Princess! You need to come with me! Somepony was attacking me and my friends with all kinds of spells and traps!” Comet shouted as she looked up to the alicorn.  “What!? Show me!” Twilight demanded, picking up Comet as flying off down the race track.  Trail, Zala, Tala and Starlight had arrived to congratulate Comet on her finish, but as they approached, they saw Comet being carried by the Princess back onto the track.  They all followed Comet’s direction until they found the group of friends. Gallus was free from the rock, but with a noticeable amount of fur gone from his rump. Silverstream was still tangled up in the net, Smoulder had stopped sneezing but her eyes were puffy. Yona still hadn’t woken up but they had managed to free Sandbar from under her.  “What happened here?” Twilight asked as she set Comet down.  “Somepony was messing with us. And only us Princess Twilight.” Ocellus said.  Tala came up and cut Silverstream loose from the net, “Is that so? You get a look at them?” Zala went to Yona and took out some smelling salts, placing it to her nose. After a few seconds, Yona woke up with a jolt. Looking around, very confused.  “No. Never saw them. Things just kept coming out of nowhere.” Gallus said.  “A unicorn I bet. And one that is quite the spellcaster if they can cast without anyone noticing.” Twilight said.  “Any ideas who?” Trail asked.  “Maybe, but I’ll have to investigate the area.” She answered.  “I can help with that. This was unacceptable and whoever is responsible needs to be held accountable.” Starlight said.  “Alright. Trail, can I leave the children with you and your sisters?” Twilight asked.  “Of course Princess Twilight. We’ll take them back to my house and treat whatever injuries they have. Zala knows a thing or two about medicine.” Trail answered.  “Very good. I’ll see you there.” Twilight said, moving to look around the area.  Starlight gave him a comforting look before turning to Comet, whose ears were drooped and her eyes low. She walked up to her student. “We just wanted a fun race. We didn’t do anything wrong.” Comet said quietly.  “Oh sweetie, you did nothing wrong. Princess Twilight and I will find out who did this, and they’ll be sorry. Ok?” Starlight comforted her, hugging her gently.  Comet returned the hug and moved to Trail as Starlight left to join the Princess. Zala and Tala had rounded up the rest of the students and they all left towards Trail’s home.  > Ch. 16 - Scraps and Bruises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16 -- Scraps and Bruises -- “Ow!” Gallus said.  “Quit your whining kid. Take it like a griffin.” Tala said, applying the salve to his slightly burnt chest.  Gallus was currently sitting on the couch in Trail’s living room, with Tala sitting on her haunches in front of him. The rest of the students were spread out around the room, some simply getting rest while the others were being treated by Trail. “When you are done with that sister, the brew for regrowing his fur is ready.” Zala said, fiddling with objects on the kitchen counter, aka her makeshift alchemy lab.  Trail and his sisters had taken the children back to his house as they planned, and immediately started examining the injuries that the children had. Thankfully none of them truly had any serious injuries. Minor burns, scraps and bruises, etc.  “Sorry about that Gallus.” Smoulder said in a nasally tone, as her nose was still recovering from the powder.  “Hey, not your fault. It’s all goo… Aaah cold.” Gallus said, his face scrunching from the feeling of the salve.  “And done. Now put your complaining and get the potion from Zala in the kitchen.” Tala said, pointing to the kitchen.  Gallus quickly got up and went into the kitchen, taking the potion from Zala.  “Take that and your fur should regrow in a few days.” Zala said, getting up from behind her chemistry set and into the living room.  Trail was examining Sandbar, who all in all only had a few bruises and some soreness. Trail applied some medicine that Zala gave him to the kid’s bruises, to help with the pain.  “How’s that, better?” Trail said.  “Yeah, much better. Thank you Mr. Trail.” Sandbar said.  “Just Trail is fine, kiddo.” Trail said.  Yona came by and had her head down, “Yona is very sorry Sandbar.” Sandbar smiled, “Yona, it wasn't your fault. Whoever cast a sleep spell on you is the one who will be sorry.”  Yona gave a tiny smile and laid down next to him. Her legs were still a little wobbly from the spell.  “Yeah, what kind of jerk was messing with us? Being in a net is no fun at all.” Silverstream said.  She was pretty much unharmed, only embarrassed by the fact she was caught so easily.  “I don’t know, but whoever it was, I hope Princess Twilight finds them.” Ocellus said, sitting with Silverstream.  “I agree. They almost fed you to a spider, who does that!?” Comet said, also sitting with her friends.  Comet was exhausted from pushing herself at the end and had a few bruises from her tumble at the beginning of the race, but otherwise was ok. “Calm down sweetheart. No use getting worked up about it. All we can do is wait for Princess Twilight and Starlight to come back, hopefully with some evidence that points us to the pony behind all this.” Trail said.  Comet nodded, ears drooped. “Yeah, and when I find the little punk, he’s gonna be one sorry dude.” Tala said, raking her claws against the floor. “Easy Tala, best let the Princess deal with punishment.” Trail said, looking at his sister.  “Oh yeah, like community service, or some little fine to add to the royal treasury right?” Tala said.  “Tala, this isn’t Griffinstone. You can’t take matters into your own claws.” Trail shot back at her.  “Some punk ruins a race my niece looked forward to, and I’m just supposed to let them off easy? No way!” Tala yelled. “I’m afraid I must disappoint you Miss Tala.” A voice said from the doorway.  Everyone looked to see Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer entering the house, the former had a serious look on her face while the latter went directly for Comet and her friends. “Princess, did you find anything?” Zala asked, checking on Yona and helping her with her balance.  “I’m afraid whoever did this has made sure they stay hidden. We found some magical traces on the race track but not enough to pinpoint an exact match.” Twilight explained.  Starlight spoke up next, “And without a precise match, we can’t accuse anyone of interfering with the race.” “So we’re just gonna let the little punk get away with it!?” Tala screamed.  “I’m not saying that Miss Tala. We will continue to search for evidence, but we can’t act until we know for sure who it is.” Twilight said sternly, staring the griffin down.  Tala huffed and sat back down on the couch, refusing to look at the pony princess.  Trail thought for a moment, “If it was a unicorn, they would have been quite the spellcaster. Did you find any hoofprints or some kind of sign in the treeline?”  Starlight shook her head, “Another that a small animal couldn’t leave behind.”  Trail hummed in thought, placing a hoof under his chin.  Suddenly Smoulder stood up and roared, “I know who it was! Tourmaline! He would pull something like this!”  Everyone looked to her, Twilight putting on a serious expression again.  “Smoulder, what proof do you have that he did it? As far as I know, Tourmaline was at the school during the race. I saw him in the library before I left.” Twilight said.  “He could have snuck out! He’s always had a bone to pick with us, especially Comet!” Smoulder fired back.  Trail turned to Comet, “Who is the Tourmaline? And why would he have a problem with you sweetheart?” Comet looked away, “I don’t know why. Ever since my first day he’s been a jerk. Always calling us names, making fun of how I was raised. Always bragging that he gets top scores in Magic and Theory.”  Trail looked to Twilight, “So this Tourmaline has resentment towards Comet and her friends, and is skilled in magic. That seems to provide both a motive and the skills required.”  “I agree it does raise some questions. But without physical evidence placing him at the race, we can’t punish him for it.” Twilight said.  “Twilight, I agree with Trail. That colt has been a problem ever since he came to the school. He hardly puts any effort into any class other than Magic and Theory, and I’ve had several students, including Comet and her friends complain about him.” Starlight stated.  Twilight sighed, “I know. The other teachers have complained about him too. I’ve talked to him about it, but he refuses to listen. I’ve sent several letters to his father about it, but I never get a reply.”  “If this kid is only in it for the magic, why didn’t he try at Celestia’s school in Canterlot? Isn’t that school made specifically for magic?” Tala asked.  “That is a good question. I’ve never had a reason to look into it, but perhaps it’s time to ask Princess Celestia about it.” Twilight said.  “Forgive me Princess, but if this has been going on for a while, why only consider it now?” Trail asked.  “I had hoped that someone at my school could help him see the magic of friendship. But that hasn’t been the case. I don’t wish to give up on him. But I am willing to look into him.” Twilight said.  Trail sighed, “I have full respect for you and what your school is trying to accomplish Princess. But if this colt is as bad as everyone is saying, then something needs to be done.”  “I will send a letter to Princess Celestia when I return to the castle. I will ask her advice on this matter.” Twilight said.  Trail nodded to that.  And then another thought hit him, “What about the field trip? Is he going to attend?”  Twilight thought for a moment, “I believe so. He may skip that day. He was never interested in outdoor activities.”  “And what if he tries something during the trip?” Smoulder spoke up.  Tala huffed, “I say don’t let the kid go. I don’t want a kid like that around Comet. Especially out in the forest.”  “We can’t just tell him that he can’t go without a legitimate reason.” Twilight said. “You just said the kid probably doesn’t even want to go. So the only reason he’d want to go is to have another shot at Comet and her friends. The race was one thing, but out there, ponies can get really hurt.” Tala spat back.  “And I can’t punish a student for something we cannot prove he did!” Twilight shot back. Tala stared down the Princess of Friendship, neither backing down. Starlight saw this and got between the two.  “Please calm down everyone. Arguing over this isn’t going to help.” Starlight said.  Tala huffed but backed off anyway. Twilight took a breath to calm herself.  Seeing the two calm down, Starlight continued, “Now, here is what we can do. Let’s see what Princess Celestia tells us about Tourmaline, and I’ll keep a closer eye on him at the school. As far as the field trip goes, if he wants to go, we’ll let him. But I’ll also attend the field trip to make sure nothing happens. Sound fair to everyone?”  Tala begrudgingly nodded, and Twilight nodded as well.  Trail stepped, “I’ll let Zecora know what’s going on as well. She, myself, and Starlight will all be in charge of the field trip and keep an eye on him as well as keep the students safe.”  “Don’t we get a say in this?” Sandbar asked.  The adults looked over to see Comet and her friends all standing, looking over at them.  Starlight shook her head, “I know how you all feel about him. So I need to ask you not to confront Tourmaline about this. Accusing him without evidence could play right into his hooves.” “So we’re just supposed to forget all that stuff at the race even happened!?” Smoulder said, a puff of flame escaping her mouth. She felt a claw on her shoulder, making her turn to see Silverstream.  “Smoulder, I know you’re mad. But they’re right. We don’t have proof. And if we go after Tourmaline without proof, it’ll just look like another schoolyard brawl.” Silverstream said.  “Yona want to smash mean rich pony too. But Yona also know that we shouldn’t make assumptions just cause we don’t like somepony.” Yona said.  Ocellus walked up next to Silverstream, “I agree with Silverstream and Yona. Let’s hold off on confronting him until we know for sure.”  “Oh come on Ocellus, he nearly fed you to a spider!” Smoulder yelled. “Yes, and part of me wants to put him in a cocoon and hang him from the ceiling, but we can’t do that!” Ocellus said.  Smoulder was shocked. Her changeling friend very rarely raised her voice. All of her other friends were taken aback as well.  Ocellus quickly noticed this and changed into a rock.  This caused her friends to laugh a little at her embarrassment, but eventually everyone calmed down and sat down next to Ocellus. Seeing everyone with her, she changed back and gave a bashful smile. The clock on the wall rang out, making everyone look over to it. 6:00 pm.  “It’s getting late. Come on kids, we better get you all back to the school.” Starlight said.  Twilight nodded and started to head for the door, but as she turned to check on her students, they all were giving her and Starlight a look.  “Umm, Headmare Twilight, could we maybe stay the night with Comet?” Gallus asked.   Twilight was taken aback this time, and looked unsure.  “Oh, well, I don’t know. Trail?” Twilight said, looking to Trail Blazer.  Trail looked at Comet and her friends, his daughter moving in front of him. “Oh please daddy, please?” Comet said, giving Trail the puppy eyes.  Trail looked to his sister, who simply smirked at him. And after a few seconds, he sighed and turned to Twilight and Starlight.  “I’m ok with it if you are Princess.” Trail said.  Twilight thought for a moment, earning a nudge from Starlight. “Considering the day they had Twilight, I think we can let them have a night to enjoy themselves. Don’t you think?” Starlight said, giving Twilight a smile.  “You’re right Starlight. Very well students, you can spend the night. But I want you back at the school by lunchtime tomorrow, understood?” Twilight said.  “Yes Headmare Twilight.” All seven students said in unison.  Twilight nodded and looked to Trail, “Alright then Trail. I leave them in your care.” “I’ll have them back at the school on time, you have my word on that Princess.” Trail said.  Twilight nodded one last time before she left out the door and disappeared in a flash of light. Starlight came up to Trail and smiled.  “Thank you for this Trail. The kids needed this after the day they had.” Starlight said. “Agreed. We still on for coffee tomorrow morning?” Trail asked.  “Absolutely. See you then.” Starlight answered.  She too exited the home and disappeared in a flash of light. Trail closed the door and looked to the students.  “Well kids, I suppose we can whip you up something to eat. Go on upstairs to Comet’s room if you want. I’ll come get you when dinner is ready.” Trail said.  “Awesome!” All seven kids said as they rushed upstairs.  Zala walked up beside her brother, “You handled that situation well. I too am upset about what happened at the race, but I believe you made the right decision brother.” Tala sighed, “Yeah, I guess I should go apologize to the Princess tomorrow. It’s just… seeing Comet and her friends all sad after they worked so hard for this race is infuriating!”  “All true sister. But we must keep cool heads. Rash decisions will only make this worse.” Zala said.  Tala smirked, “I swear Zala, you must have been a fortune cookie in a past life.” Trail laughed at that, earning a poke in the rib from Zala. The zebra turned and went into the kitchen.  “Come then siblings, we have several mouths to feed tonight.” Zala said.  Trail and Tala moved behind her, entering the kitchen and preparing the meal.  “I got Gallus covered. What about the hippogriff, Silverstream was it?” Tala said.  “Yeah. And I believe they are omnivores. So perhaps fish will suffice. Got a supply in the freezer.” Trail said.  “Excellent. Was in the mood for some fish myself. Hope you got cod.” Tala grinned, moving to the freezer. “Like I could forget your favorite fish.” Trail scoffed.  “So then Auntie Tala swooped down and stomped the cragadile’s head, making it miss daddy and give him time to line up another shot. All it took was one ice arrow and it froze like a popsicle.” Comet said, making gestures for all the action in her story.  “So cool! I watched Sky Claw Tala in the tournament a few years ago and she was totally awesome. Knocking down griffins left and right!” Gallus said enthusiastically. “Yona want to see Sky Claw in action! Yona bet she’d be great at smashing!” Yona yelled excitedly.  “And let’s not forget your other aunt. I bet she’s got plenty of awesome stories too.” Sandbar said.  “If she tells stories as good as she cooks, then I bet so.” Ocellus said, licking her lips. “Yeah, I haven’t had fish that good since last time I visited home.” Silverstream said, giggling a little.  The door to Comet’s room opened, revealing Trail Blazer.  “Alright kids, time for lights out.” Trail said.  The group gave a unison “awwww” as they picked themselves up.  “So the girls can stay up here with Comet. Gallus, Sandbar, you two can take the couch downstairs.” Trail said.  “You got it Mr. Trail.” Sandbar said.  That earned him a pillow to the face, making the girls all giggle.  “I told you. Just Trail is fine. Mister makes me feel old.” Trail laughed.  Gallus and Sandbar went out the door and into the hallway, leaving Trail to give out blankets and pillows he had gotten out of the closet to the girls.  “Sleep well girls.” Trail said.  “Night daddy.” Comet said, waving to her father.  He smiled as he watched the girls lay down and get comfortable. When he was satisfied, he left to help the boys settle in for the night.  At least something went right today. > Ch. 17 - Fieldtrip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17 -- Fieldtrip -- “Got everything sweetheart?” Trail asked.  “Yep. Got everything, now come on Daddy, we’re gonna be late!” Comet said, excitement spilling from her mouth. “Alright alright, keep your tail on kiddo.” He said.  Tala and Zala stood in the living room, watching as Comet ran back and forth like a filly who had too much candy at Nightmare Night. Zala chuckled at this, while Tala had an uneasy look on her face. She moved up to Trail and caught his attention.  “You sure you don’t want me to go with you?” Tala asked.  Trail looked at his sister, “Tala, I know you are concerned. But Comet will have me, Starlight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Zecora with her. We will keep a close eye on her and all the students.”  “I know, I know. But if that little punk tries anything…” Tala growled.  It was then Comet appeared in front of her aunt, “Auntie Tala, my friends and I won’t let Tourmaline mess up our field trip. We’ve been looking forward to this all month.” Tala sighed, “Alright kiddo. I know you can take care of yourself. But at least take this.”  Tala then handed Comet a whistle, it was small and had a rope so she could wrap it around her neck. It was a long cylinder shape, red with marks similar to Tala’s.  “This is a type of whistle that magically emits a sound griffins can hear for miles. If anything happens, blow this and I’ll be there quick as lightning.” Tala said, looking down at her niece with a serious yet concerned look. “Alright Auntie. I take it. For you.” Comet said, giving her aunt a hug.  Tala hugged her back tightly and moved back. Zala smiled, proud of her sister. “Be well dear Comet, and enjoy your day.” Zala said.  “Bye Aunties! Now come on Dad, we’re gonna be late!” Comet said, waving back to her aunts and racing out the door.  Trail waved his goodbye as well before dashing off to catch up with his filly.  “It’s about time you got here Comet, what took you so long?” Sandbar said as Comet joined in their circle of friends in the main hall of the school.  “I had to make sure I had everything. And Auntie Tala is still worried about you know who.” Comet said.  “Eh let ‘em try something. We’ll catch him in the act this time.” Smoulder smirked.  “I just hope he doesn’t ruin the field trip. I’m so looking forward to this.” Ocellus said, grinning brightly.  Comet wrapped a hoof around her, “Nothing is gonna keep us from our prize, right Ocellus?”  Ocellus nodded confidently, a look of determination on her face.  “You know, we never shared what topics we picked did we?” Silverstream asked. All seven friends looked at each other, and all shrugged.  “Well, we still have time before we leave, so let’s share! I’ll go first!” She said, hovering in the air.  She struck a dramatic pose, “I’m going to study the bugs in the swamp. We don’t have many bugs at Mount Eris, so I bet they have lots of cool ones!”  “Yeah, I picked dragonflies for my topic. Always wondered why they call them that. Do they breathe fire?” Smoulder said, pondering that last question.  “Yona picked snakes. Headmare Twilight said it was ok as long as Yona doesn’t get too close.” Yona said.  “Why snakes Yona?” Comet asked. “Yona not afraid of snakes. Yona hear of big snake in bog called the Bog Boa. Yona want to see it.”  Yona replied. “I picked the Bog Boa too. Headmare Twilight thought it would be safer if two of us were working together.” Sandbar said, a small blush visible, just barely as he scratched the back of his head.  “I picked cragadiles.” Gallus said.  They all looked at him and said in unison, “What!?” “I thought Headmare Twilight said nothing too dangerous Gallus.” Sandbar said, taken aback. “She did. The Hydra is too big, but cragadiles aren’t. So as long as I fly high enough they can’t reach me, I’ll be fine. Headmare Twilight wasn’t cool with it at first, but I talked her into it.” Gallus said, puffing his chest out.  “Screw dragonflies then, I wanna join in on that coolness!” Smoulder said.  Gallus and her high fived each other and everyone laughed.  “And what about you and Ocellus, Comet?” Silverstream asked.  “We are on the hunt for one of the rarest creatures in all of Equestria. It is said to live in the bog, but is rarely seen by ponies. The Froggy Bottom Fox.” Comet said.  “A fox? Well it’s not as cool as a cragadile, but if it’s rare I guess it's cool.” Smoulder grinned.  Just as everyone was about to go into another fit of laughter, a bell rang out and they all turned to see Princess Twilight walking up onto her podium in the front.  All the students went silent, turning their attention to their Headmare.  “Thank you students for coming on time. Now I know you all are looking forward to this trip, but I remind you that you are to follow instructions and not wander too far from base. Also, I’d like to take this time to introduce your three chaperones for today.” Twilight said, gesturing to her right, revealing three beings.  “Now you all know Counselor Starlight Glimmer. But allow me to introduce our two guides into the forest and the Froggy Bottom Bog. This is Trail Blazer and Zecora.” Twilight said.  Students all stomped her hooves in applause for the three, more for Starlight than the other two, but that’s to be expected.  After the stomping died down, Twilight spoke again, “Excellent. Now I shall pass the stand onto Trail Blazer.”  Trail swapped places with Twilight and addressed the student body.  “Good morning students. Now before we head out towards the forest, I would like to go over a few rules for today. Firstly, no one is to wander too far away from the main base that Zecora and I have set up in advance.” Trail said.  Groans could be heard from the crowd but no one spoke up against Trail’s rule.  “Second, everyone is to avoid making too much noise. While the spot we have selected is out of the way of most of the dangerous wildlife in the area, enough noise could draw unwanted attention towards our group. Now I want to assure all of you that as long as I and my two fellow chaperones are with you, you will be in no danger. But caution is still advised.” Trail explained.  “Third, we will not tolerate any mischief in the bog. No pranks, tricks, or any sort of ill willed action against your fellow student. This is a dangerous place we are going to and not a place for messing around.” Trail said sternly. “Any questions?” He asked.  No one said anything, so Trail nodded.  “Right then, I’ll pass this onto Miss Glimmer.” Trail said, earning him a hoof in his side from Starlight.  Starlight sat behind the podium and spoke, “I expect every student to follow those rules. Let me be clear, that if anyone is caught breaking these rules, they will receive a zero on this assignment and be forced to stay at base camp until the trip is over. Am I understood?”  “Yes Counselor Starlight!” Everyone said.  Starlight nodded and just as she got off the podium, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew into the main hall and landed at the front.  “Sorry we’re late everypony, had some last minute things to check for the survival course.” Rainbow said.  “No problem Rainbow. The podium is yours.” Starlight said.  Rainbow nodded and Fluttershy and her both too to the podium.  “Alright kids. We’re about to head to the forest. Remember, Trail Blazer and Zecora are in charge. So you better listen. As for the class itself, I’ll let Fluttershy explain.” Rainbow said, gesturing to Fluttershy.  “Alright students. When we get to base camp, everyone will have two hours to complete their animal nature report. Remember, you only need one page, but it must have a description of the creature, its habitat, behavior, and its diet. If you want to draw a picture instead of a description, that is fine. After two hours, everyone will return to base camp for Rainbow’s survival course.” Fluttershy explained.  “Alright, grab your stuff kids, it’s time to head out!” Rainbow proclaimed as she took to the air.  The students all cheered and raced for the door, Comet and her friends joining in on the excitement.  In the crowd, a unicorn colt could be seen carrying a bag in his magic. No look of excitement on his face, but a smile nonetheless.    The school group arrived at base camp without any problems. The bog was everything Comet had thought it would be. Similar to the Hayseed Swamp she had visited, but different plants and wildlife could be seen even from base camp.  “Alright everyone huddle up!” Rainbow Dash shouted.  Everyone crowded around her as she hovered in the air.  “Time to start the nature report. Now we ask all students to stay in the main swamp area, where the camp is still in plain sight. All of the adults will be walking around, keeping an eye out for trouble and answering any questions you may have. Remember the rules and if you see anything dangerous, find an adult quick as you can. Any questions?”  An earth pony colt raised his hoof, “What about the hydra that lives here? You sure it's not around?” Trail Blazer spoke up, “The Hydra lives further inside, near the heart of the swamp. We are well out of its territory. No need to worry about that.”  Fluttershy took to the air, “Alright everyone, find your creature and remember to not to scare or hurt any of them. And also remember to have fun.”  With that, the students all scattered across the swamp, going in groups to keep safe. Comet and her group were no exception, everyone moving together towards the bog, setting up their own little base camp near the water.  “So, do we want to stay together, or split up into smaller groups?” Comet asked.  “Well Smoulder and I can go look at the cragadiles on the far side of the swamp.” Gallus said.  “And Yona and I think we saw a bog boa on the east side.” Sandbar said.  “And there are bugs everywhere! I mean look at them all. So many weird kinds of bugs. Nothing like we had underwater!” Silverstream said, taking off before anyone could say anything.  “So I guess that leaves me and Comet to look for our fox?” Ocellus said, smiling to Comet.  “Sounds like a plan. Meet back here in an hour?” Comet asked.  Everyone nodded and took off in different directions, leaving just Comet and Ocellus.  “Ok, any idea where we should start?” Ocellus asked.  “I think we should try the far west side of the swamp. That seems to be the most isolated, and these creatures try their best not to be seen.” Comet said, pointing off to the west.  Ocellus started buzzing in the air, moving along while Comet followed on the ground. They passed by many students looking at all kinds of animals. One unicorn filly a little older than Comet shrieked as a spider crawled on her back. But Fluttershy was quick to help remove the creature carefully and place it away from the students.  As Comet and Ocellus reached the west side of the bog, they started looking for any sign of the fox, tracks mostly. It took awhile but eventually they did find a small tuft of fur, green with a hint of brown and gray.  “Looks like we might be in luck Ocellus. Keep looking for tracks.” Comet said, placing the fur in a plastic tube. Ocellus landed and looked around for any track, but as she looked up, she noticed somepony sitting under a tree not too far from them.  “Comet, Tourmaline is here.” Ocellus whispered.  Comet looked up and sure enough, there he was. The unicorn colt was actually sipping tea under a tree, not even putting much effort into the assignment from what she could see.  “Just ignore him. Come on, we gotta find this little guy.” Comet said, putting her gaze back to the ground.  And as she did, she heard something in the bushes to her right. Immediately, she and Ocellus stopped in their tracks. Looking over, they soon found what they had been looking for. A fox, green coat with hints of brown and gray, seeming to blend in with the moss and mud of the area crawled out of the bush slowly. It looked around before spying the two of them. Comet and Ocellus did not dare to move, for fear of scaring the tiny creature away.  As the creature began moving again, it walked away from them slowly, but not too far before it started to dig at the ground. Most likely it was looking for worms or other such underground creatures to feast on.  But as the two began to slowly get out their notepads, a sudden popping sound burst from behind them, causing the fox to jump and scurry away quickly into the bushes once again.  As the creature disappeared, Comet turned to the source of the noise and began to stomp her way towards it. Tourmaline sat under his tree without a care in the world, until he noticed Comet coming towards him and put his tea down.  “You are a real piece of work Tourmaline! What was that about?” Comet asked, clearly agitated.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said nonchalantly.  “Horse apples. We were told not to make any sudden or loud noises. That includes you, jerk face!” Comet yelled out.  “I sneezed and the spark just came out of my horn. Surely even a low born unicorn like you has those types of moments.” Tourmaline smirked at her.  “And I figured a high born spell caster like you would have more control!” Comet spat back.  That comment made him get up and glare at her, both of their horns lighting up in irritation. Ocellus was about to get between them when she heard the flapping of feathered wings.  “Alright break it up. Break it up.” Rainbow Dash said, landing next to them and pushing them away from each other.  Comet backed off after seeing the teacher, but Tourmaline still growled at her, his horn not losing its glow. “What is going on here?” Rainbow Dash asked.  Ocellus came forward, “Me and Comet were observing a bog fox we found just over there. Then Tourmaline sent out a flare with his magic and scared it away.”  Rainbow looked over to Tourmaline, “Is that true?”  “As I told them Professor Dash, I sneezed and lost my concentration, sending out a flare by accident. It is a very common thing for unicorns.” Tourmaline said.  Rainbow eyed the colt for a moment before sighing, “Alright look. We can’t have any fighting out here. So Tourmaline, if you are done here, head back to camp. If not, find another area to work.” She then turned to Comet and Ocellus, “You two can stay here and look for your fox again. But I don’t want anymore fighting or arguing, got it?” Both fillies lowered their heads, “Yes Professor Dash.”  Rainbow nodded and proceeded to lead Tourmaline back to camp. The colt looking back at them over his shoulder and giving them a sinister smirk.  “I really don’t like him.” Ocellus said.  “Neither do I Ocellus. Neither do I.” Comet said.  “Are you serious? He pulled a stunt like that?” Smoulder said, her voice hot with anger.  “Yeah he did. And how convenient he was right where we wanted to go.” Comet said, suspicion in her tone.  “You think he overheard us talking about where we were going?” Sandbar asked.  “More like he eavesdropped on us. Just his style.” Gallus said.  Everyone had reconvened at their meeting spot, sitting in a circle underneath a large tree. Comet was drawing in her sketchbook, while Ocellus was writing down her report.  “I’m just glad we were able to find the fox again. It took a while, but we tracked it down. Was a bit out of the safe zone, but not by a lot.” Comet said focusing on her drawing.  “Just be glad no one caught you. Zecora caught a couple of students heading towards the heart of the swamp, claiming they just wanted to see the Hydra.” Silverstream said.  “They were not smart ponies. Even Yona wouldn’t try that.” Yona said before going back to writing her report.  “Moving onto another topic, how were the cragadiles?” Comet asked.  “Pretty cool. Even from high up you can tell how big they are.” Gallus said.  “Yeah. Gallus actually pointed them out. I thought they were just logs.” Smoulder said.  “That is the point. They wait for prey to step near them before they snap their jaws around them.” Comet said.  “You would know, considering your experience with them at Hayseed Swamp, eh sweetheart?” A stallion’s voice said from right behind Comet. She eeped and turned to see her father chuckling at her shock.  “Dad! Don’t do that!” Comet yelled at him.  “Sorry kiddo, couldn’t resist. How goes the assignment? You and your friends get what you needed?” Trail asked.  “Sure did. Just need to finish my sketch and we’ll be done.” Comet said, showing off her sketchbook.  Trail looked at it and nodded, “Ah, the Froggy Bottom Fox. Never seen one myself. That’s pretty impressive sweetheart.”  Comet giggled.  “So, you kids run into any problems?” Trail asked.  “If you mean other than Tourmaline being a jerk, not really.” Smoulder said.  Trail frowned, “He pull something?”  “Nothing serious. Just scared off the fox with a flare.” Comet grumbled.  “I did see that. What about the rest of you?” Trail asked.  “Nah. Only Comet and Ocellus. I saw Professor Dash take Tourmaline back to camp.” Gallus said.  “Well at least it wasn’t anything serious. Though I’ll keep a closer eye on him.” Trail said.  “Don’t worry Dad. He won’t get to us. Besides, the survival course is coming up soon. And he’ll have to get past all the adults to try anything then.” Comet said, grinning.  “Good point kiddo.” Trail said.  After another 15 minutes of finishing up their reports, a whistle rang out over the swamp, signaling that the first assignment was over, and it was time to head back to camp. “Alright kids, time to head back.” Trail said, urging them all to get up and start walking.  Everyone followed Trail back to camp, gathering with the rest of the students in the center of camp. Fluttershy flew up and got everyone’s attention.  “Alright students. I’ll be flying by to collect your reports while Rainbow Dash briefs you on the survival course.” Fluttershy said.  “Thanks Fluttershy, now listen up kids, cause this is where the trip gets serious.” Rainbow said, flying high above the students. “Learning about animals and stuff is great, but the real part of this trip is to show you how to navigate the swamp if you ever find yourself stuck out here. We are going to show you every danger out here, and everything that can help you.”  Rainbow then smirked, “Stay close and pay attention kids. This is where the real fun starts.” > Ch 18 - A Prank Gone too Far > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18 -- A Prank Gone too Far -- “Rainbow, he clearly sent out that flare to scare off their fox! Fluttershy looked at his report, it’s blank! He didn’t come here to participate!” Trail yelled.  He had taken Rainbow aside, to a remote part of camp away from the students. He was clearly not pleased with what Comet and her friends had told him about Tourmaline’s little prank. “Look, I get it Trail. But he gave a believable excuse, and hasn’t caused any trouble since. I can’t just punish him without him breaking a legit rule.” Rainbow said, her brow furrowed.  “I clearly said no pranks, and don’t tell me you are buying that “lost control while sneezing” excuse. That’s the oldest unicorn lie in the book.” Trail said.  Rainbow groaned, “I’m not saying I don’t find it fishy, but scaring away an animal isn’t enough to ban him from the exercise. You, Starlight, and Zecora can keep a closer eye on him if you want. Now I have to go.” Rainbow argued before taking off in the air.  Trail grunted, rubbing at the bridge of his snout in frustration.  “You know she’s right Trail.” Starlight said, coming up from behind him.  “You were listening I guess?” Trail said, not looking at her.  “Yeah. I know you’re worried about Comet, but you have to understand our position as teachers. We can’t show favoritism, or any disdain towards students, no matter how much of a brat they are.” Starlight said.  She sat by him on her haunches, trying to get him to look at her.  “I know that. That’s what makes me hate this kid even more. He knows that.” Trail growled.  “It’s frustrating, but until he is caught in the act of doing something like at the race, we can’t do much of anything other than giving him a lecture. Trust me, every teacher has tried.” Starlight said.  “If I didn’t have to set hoof in Canterlot, I would find that brat’s father and give him a piece of my mind.” Trail said.  Starlight turned to give him a confused look, “What’s wrong with Canterlot?”  Trail’s eyes widened a moment before he tipped his hat over them, “Let’s get back to the students. It’s almost time for the survival course.”  Trail got up and walked away, leaving Starlight confused. After a moment to gather herself, she too left to join the students. “Alright kids. Here’s the layout for the survival course. With help from Trail Blazer and Zecora, we have plotted out 5 different routes for you all. Each route will have a group of seven students and a chaperone. We have already picked out groups and who their chaperone will be.” Rainbow said.  The students all murmured to themselves. But a quick blow of Rainbow’s whistle got their attention back. “Now, we’ll announce groups in a minute. But let’s talk about the course itself. Like I said, five different paths. Now Trail and Zecora have assured us that no predators will be on these paths, or in the general area. But your chaperone will be with you at all times just in case. Your goal is to reach the edge of the swamp that leads into a clearing to the north. There is no time limit, but there is something special for those who reach the clearing first.” Rainbow explained.  And with that, she pulled ou 7 pieces of paper, “Seven tickets to the Wonderbolt’s show in Cloudsdale!”  All the students went wide eyed and started cheering, eager to win the prize. After a minute of whistle blowing, everyone calmed down.  “Now, let’s do groups. The first group will be with Counselor Starlight. Sandbar, Yona, Smoulder, Ocellus, Silverstream, Gallus, and Comet Trail.”  Comet and her friends all screamed in excitement and delight, making their way to Starlight who gave them all a smile. Rainbow announced the rest of the teams, but Comet didn’t pay much attention until Tourmaline’s name was called. He was in the fifth group, with her dad. With the farthest route away from Comet and her friends.  “Mr. Trail, are you sure there won’t be any monsters in there?” A pegasus filly asked as she hovered in place, shaking a little.  “No need to worry kids. Zecora and I scouted this place for a whole week. Ain’t nothing here except deer and some small animals like squirrels and such. Might see the occasional snake but I’ll see ‘em long before you kids get near ‘em.” Trail said, assuring the kids of their safety.  The filly landed and gave him a smile. The other students in Trail’s group all had mixed feelings about the swamp. Some looked eager while others looked nervous. And then there was the one student who looked completely uninterested.  Rainbow Dash had placed Tourmaline in his group at his request. He wanted to make sure the colt did not sneak away to mess with his filly. He wouldn’t be getting away from him.  “Alright now, everyone get ready to head out. We’re gonna be the first to the clearing I betcha.” Trail said.  The students all cheered, except Tourmaline of course, who just kept that uninterested stare, almost like he didn’t hear Trail at all. Well, as long as the kid stayed quiet and in his sight, Trail could live with it.  Rainbow Dash blew the whistle, signaling to every group that it was time to head out. So Trail began to lead his group into the swamp, ready to show them the ropes and get them to that clearing. Part of him wanted to let his filly win, but that wouldn’t be fair to the kids in his group. Comet was on her own this time.  As the group traversed the brush and shrubs, they soon found themselves on a path that seemed to be naturally made. Trail took a moment to get in the center of the group and talk while they walked.  “Now kids, this trail as you can see has been worn down by all the traffic of animals that have come through here. This shows us the best way through the trees and gives us an idea of the animal's natural routine. They most likely come through here to get to the water back at base camp.” Trail said, gesturing all around them as they moved.  Some of the students looked around while the group moved along, some even finding signs of deer. Tracks, droppings, all ways to indicate what had come through the area recently. A good bit of information to know, especially as it means that no predators have been around here in a while, given the quantity of sign.  Trail looked back to see Tourmaline walking through the trees and brush without a care in the world. He didn’t struggle, and wasn’t even bothered by the muck that he occasionally stepped in. He just kept walking, not really participating at all. It seemed off to Trail, he expected to at least hear him complaining.  Trail shrugged and the group continued along. They soon reached some larger trees, thick trunks and large branches that blocked out the sun. “Ah, take a look at these trees kids. You’ll only find them here in the Everfree. They are very old, and absorb the sunlight above for nutrients, then they feed the excess energy into the ground. That’s how all these plants can grow with so little sunlight here.” Trail explained.  The kids were actually enjoying the lessons, some asking questions, others looking at the trees with more understanding and a bit of respect. Still, Tourmaline said nothing and kept to the back of the group.  Trail still had that feeling that something was wrong, it made his mane itch under his hat. Finally, he had enough and turned to address Tourmaline.  “Tourmaline, are you paying attention?” Trail asked.  The colt said nothing and continued, even walking past Trail when he and the group stopped.  “Tourmaline, answer me when I speak to you boy.” Trail said, a bit of frustration escaping him.  He tried to reach for the colt’s shoulder, but to his surprise, his hoof passed right through him, like he wasn’t there. Shocked, he took a closer look at the colt, seeing on mud or grass coating his legs like the other students. But what really stood out, was he did not cast a shadow.  “He’s an illusion.” Trail said, lighting up his horn.  He took a stick off the ground and poked it through the illusionary colt, making it dissipate. Trail was furious, more at himself than the colt. How could he not realize that it was an illusion the whole time? A filly came up  to him, “Mr. Trail, where is Tourmaline?”  And then another thought struck him as the filly asked that question, making him turn off to the left. A chill ran down his spine as he had a good hunch where the boy had gone.  “Comet…” Trail said quietly.  “This is so cool!” Comet squealed.  Starlight tried to keep up with the filly, getting a little winded. She wasn’t used to this much outdoor activity. Personally she would be in the library with a cup of tea by now.  “Comet slow down. You’re gonna leave some of us in the dust.” Starlight said, humor in her voice despite her obvious fatigue.  Comet stopped in her tracks and looked back at the rest of her group with a look of embarrassment. Most of her friends had managed to keep up with her. Yona had some issues with the mud and occasionally tripped over the large tree roots on the path. Ocellus, Gallus, Smoulder and Silverstream used their wings to traverse the hard parts of the path, though Silverstream did try and stay on the ground to look at all the small bugs and creatures they discovered along the way.  “Sorry guys, I just love these kinds of places. So many different plants, flowers, animals. And almost completely cut off from ponies. So much to see and learn.” Comet said gleefully.  Ocellus landed next to Comet, “I like learning new things, but this place gives me the creeps. Almost like something is gonna jump out at us.”  Comet shook her head, “Nah. Dad and Zecora scouted these trails remember? They wouldn’t have brought us here unless it was absolutely safe.” Ocellus nodded, but still had a worried look on her face.  Silverstream landed on the other side of Comet, “Come on Ocellus. Even if something jumps out at you, you can fly. Doubt anything here can fly.”  “And if anything tries, I’ll give it a taste of dragon fire.” Smoulder said, having caught up with them.  Everyone gathered together as Starlight pointed out a snakeskin that they found. A small one, possibly from a rat snake. But one of the group was looking at something else entirely.  Sandbar was looking at this one tree in particular, with a look borderlining confusion and irritation. Not a look you usually saw on him. Yona noticed this and walked over to Sanbar.  “Sandbar, what wrong?” Yona asked.  He jumped a little when she spoke but calmed down when he saw it was her, “Oh Yona. Sorry, but something is bugging me.”  “What bugging you? Yona asked.  “I swear I’ve seen this tree before. Like we’ve already passed it.” Sandbar said.  The rest of the group had joined around him as he said that, catching Starlight’s attention.  “Sandbar, I’m pretty sure we’ve stayed on the path the whole time. A lot of these trees look the same.” Starlight said.  “Yeah, not sure how you can tell the difference.” Smoulder said.  “Actually you can certainly tell the difference between all the trees. Shape, size, species. Different fungi and growths have accumulated on it.” Comet said.   That got the others laughing, making Comet scrunch up her nose.  “What’s so funny?” Comet pouted.  “I totally knew you’d go off on a nerd rant.” Smoulder said before going back to laughing.  Comet continued to pout, but eventually she couldn’t help but giggle. Starlight hid a giggle behind her hoof. Eventually the group moved on again, taking in the sights as they continued through the swamp. It seemed to go on forever, making it seem like they hadn’t made much progress at all. There was eventually supposed to be a clearing. But they had been going for a while and hadn’t even gotten out of the treeline.  “Thought so.” Sandbar suddenly said as the group stopped to look at him.  He was standing in front of another tree, making Gallus land next to him with a sigh.  “Sandbar, all these trees look the same. What’s the deal?”  “Then how do you explain that?” Sandbar said, pointing to something on the trunk.  Everyone had joined around him to see what he was pointing at, and when they did, they were even more confused. Near the middle of the trunk, Sandbar’s name was carved into the bark.  “You carved your name into the tree. So?” Smoulder said.  “No. I carved my name into that tree I was talking about a while ago.” Sandbar said.  That got Comet’s attention real quick. She moved to look at the tree, and then to their surroundings. What was going on?  Starlight’s horn glowed, her eyes closed in concentration for a moment before the air seemed to shift around everyone. They huddled around the older mare, looking in every direction as the images shifted and swirled like a ripple in a pond. After a minute or so, everything was completely different.  The trees were thicker and had less fungus growing on them. The thick brush was also gone, replaced by a large smoothed out path. Boulders could be seen dotting the path and toppled trees were smashed as it something bulldozed their way through.  “What’s going on? Where are we?” Silverstream asked, panic creeping into her voice.  “We’ve been stuck in some kind of illusion spell.” Starlight said.  “An illusion spell?” Sandbar asked.  “A spell that made us see what wasn’t there. We could have walked in a completely different direction and never noticed.” Comet said.  “But if this was an illusion, how come Sandbar’s carving stayed on the tree? Wouldn’t it change back to keep the illusion up?” Ocellus asked.  Starlight hummed, “Good point. Clearly whatever is behind this wasn’t paying attention when Sandbar marked the tree.”  Suddenly, a noise came from behind them. It sounded like something stepping on a stick. And Comet could have sworn she heard a voice.  Smoulder’s eyes narrowed and she flew like a lightning bolt into the treeline.  “Ow! Get off me dragon!” A colt’s voice said from the bushes.  Smoulder reappeared shortly afterwards, dragging a dirt covered Tourmaline with her. She threw him at Starlight’s hooves and as he looked up, he was met with a very angry glare.  “Tourmaline! What is Celestia’s name are you doing here?” Starlight yelled.  He got back to his hooves only to stumble back a little from the ferocity coming not only from the older mare but everyone else present.  “I… I…” He tried to speak, but couldn’t find the words.  Comet’s eye widened and she got right in his face, “It was you! You’ve been following us, keeping us in an illusion!”  Silverstream gasped, “He totally did.”  “This is low, even for you!” Sandbar shouted.  Tourmaline tried to get more distance from them, but bumped into Smoulder who was cutting off his escape route. Starlight advanced on him and picked him up in her magic.  “Tell the truth Tourmaline!” She yelled.  “Alright alright yes. I made an illusionary path for you all.” Tourmaline finally admitted.  “You are in serious trouble mister. More than ever before. Princess Twilight will hear about this when we get back to the school.” Starlight glared at him.  “Uh, Counselor Starlight, which way is the school?” Silverstream asked.  Starlight’s eyes widened as she looked around, realizing that she had no idea where they were. The map Trail had given her only had the path they were supposed to take. The rest of the swamp was largely unmapped.  She glared back at Tourmaline, “Where are we Tourmaline? How do we get back to the path?” He blinked for a moment, and looked away slowly, “I honestly didn't think about that. I was simply going to teleport back to the base camp when I figured you had lost the race.”  “So you have no idea where we are!?” Starlight yelled.  Starlight groaned and put the colt down, rubbing her temples in frustration.  “Alright Starlight, calm down. Just stay calm and think of a way out of this.” She said to herself.  “Can’t you just teleport all of us back to base camp?” Silverstream asked.  “Teleporting multiple targets is difficult and takes a lot of magic. Between all the activity today and dispelling that illusion, I don’t feel comfortable teleporting all of you. We’ll leave that as a last resort.” Starlight said.  “Maybe one of you could fly up and see which way the clearing is?” Comet asked.  “Good idea Comet. I’ll go.” Silverstream said, taking off into the air.  She made it past the canopy of the trees and disappeared from sight for a while. Minutes passed and they were starting to get a little worried.  Suddenly, Silverstream came back down and had a worried look on her face.  “Counselor Starlight, I couldn’t see the clearing, just a cave that way.” Silverstream said, pointing to the west.  “Ok, maybe we can send out a flare, or some kind of signal to the others.” Starlight hummed to herself.  “But that’s not all. I saw movement in the trees. Something big is coming from that way.” Silverstream pointed a claw to the east.  Comet immediately looked and focused on listening for anything out of the ordinary. Sure enough, she heard it. Something big was coming, something very big.  “Everyone in the treeline, now!” Comet yelled, pushing Starlight in the direction of the treeline.  Everyone immediately went for the bushes, even Tourmaline. They got down as low as they could, peeking out just enough to see the path. Minutes passed with the sound of movement getting louder. Comet was getting scared. And then they saw it, a large black creature with piercing yellow eyes. Its head was huge, rivaling an adult dragon in size. As it started to move closer, Comet could see the rest of the body. Long and slender, with thick scales all across it’s back. The belly had smoother scales as it was drug across the path. As its forked tongue flicked out of its mouth, Comet had no doubt as to what it was. A basilisk.  “Don’t move.” Comet said as quietly as she could.  No one moved, not even an inch. The basilisk slithered along the path, thankfully not seeming to notice their presence. If they just stood still and didn’t make a noise, it would continue onward and they could escape. She knew enough about snakes to know they relied on smell mostly. The countless smells of the shrugs, trees and other stuff around them should provide enough cover.  But then she noticed a glow to her right. Panicking, she looked to the source. Tourmaline.  He looked back at her, and looked utterly terrified. His horn glowed brighter, making Comet shake her head vigorously. He didn’t pay her any mind as he closed his eyes and released the teleport spell he had charged, disappearing in a flash of light and a popping noise.  Comet’s heart grew cold as she noticed the large snake had stopped, right as the tail was creeping past them. Turning back to the front of the snake, she saw it had turned its head, looking right in their direction. Its large body shifted as it brought the front of it back around to sniff at the air with its forked tongue. It crept closer to them, closer and closer. When it was right next to them, Comet knew that it had found them. “Run!” Comet yelled, jumping back into the deeper part of the treeline.  Everyone else followed Comet as the snake hissed at them and tried to strike, only to hit a tree.  “Keep moving! Something that big will have a harder time in the trees!” Comet yelled out.  But as they ran through the forest, she looked back to see that the basilisk was moving around the trees and wasn’t bothered at all by the large shrugs and grass. The snake was catching up to them, gaining on them.  “This way!” Starlight yelled out, leading the children to the west. The snake continued to chase them, not letting them out of its sight. And soon, the trees stopped and the group found themselves at the mouth of a cave.  “Oh no…” Comet said softly, looking back at the forest.  Sure enough, the basilisk burst through the treeline, letting out an irritated hiss that sounded more like a roar. The children all gathered behind Starlight, who took up a defensive posture, her horn glowing as she stared down the beast.  “What are we gonna do?” Silverstream said.  “Don’t suppose you have a spell to contact your dad over distance, do you Comet?” Smoulder asked, her voice shaky.  Comet was about to tell her the bad news, when she remembered something. Something that she was given this morning. Digging in her saddlebags, she searched for the one object that might save them.  The others looked confused as Comet brought out a whistle. Just a plain looking whistle.  Before anyone could ask what she was thinking, she sucked in a deep breath and blew into the whistle. It barely made any noise at all, enough to sound like a little squeak to most of the group, all except one.  “Ow ow ow! Comet that hurts my ears!” Gallus said, covering his ears.  “What? I don’t hear anything.” Ocellus said, confused.  Comet stopped only when she ran out of breath, panting as she looked to the sky, “Please. Please let her have heard that.”  > Ch. 19 - Basilisk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19 -- Basilisk -- Back in Ponyville, Zala was wildling a sculpture out of a small piece of wood with her knife. Just sitting on the front porch of her brother’s home. Well technically it was her home now as well.  Suddenly, a knife flew through the air in front of the porch, landing a direct hit on a target that had been set up. A perfect bullseye, right in the middle, the knife dug in halfway.  “Must you do that sister? One wrong throw and some poor soul will lose something.” Zala said, her voice slightly annoyed.  “Hey, I know what I’m doing. And since when have I ever hit anyone?” Tala said, grinning as she pulled the knife out of the target.  “I do recall a young griffin long ago who lost some of his ear.” Zala said with a smirk.  “Hey! He hit on me, and when I said no, he spat at me. He’s lucky I didn’t aim for something more tender.” Tala said, her eyes glaring at her zebra sister.  Zala chuckled and continued her task, leaving Tala to huff and go back to throwing.  “Besides, you’re one to talk. What about that one buck who “accidently” bumped your flank at that club in Fillydelphia?” Tala smirked.  Zala’s knife stopped suddenly, and she sighed, “I admit, I lost my temper. But the bruises should have healed nicely.”  “Yeah but good luck on continuing his family line after that kick you gave him.” Tala laughed.  Zala pouted at her sister and threw pebble at her, missing by a hair as Tala moved her head just in time to dodge.  “Hey, the truth hurts doesn’t…” Tala said before she stopped mid-sentence.  A ringing in her ears sounded, one that she had only heard a few times before. A whistle from far off, but still clear to her.  Zala looked up at her sister. Tala quickly turned to her in the direction of the forest. Something wasn’t right.  “Sister, what is it?” Zala asked.  Tala didn’t answer right away, just stood there, her leg trembling slightly.  And as Zala moved towards her, she spoke, “Comet!” Tala immediately took to the air, flying into the house with great speed, returning with a pair of twin axes. These weapons were custom made for her, her weapons of choice. And as soon as she cleared the front door, she took off towards the forest.  Zala was stunned, but only for a moment. She grabbed her staff from the front porch and took off in the same direction as her sister, trying to keep up.  Tala flew with all her strength, flapping her wings to gain as much speed as possible.  “Hold on Comet, Auntie is coming.” Tala said, eyes locked on the horizon, barreling towards the direction of the whistle.  “An illusion!?” Rainbow said angrily.  “Yes, and we all know of only one reason he would pull something like this!” Trail yelled back.  “You were supposed to have kept an eye on him! When did he have time to slip away?” Rainbow said.  “Are you saying that this is my fault!? He obviously set this up before we separated into groups!” Trail spat back. “Oh so this is my fault!” Rainbow pushed back.  “Both of you stop it!” Fluttershy said, pushing the two ponies away from each other.  Trail was honestly shocked, as he had never seen the little yellow pegasus raise her voice like that. He and Rainbow looked away and sat down.  They had made it to the clearing without any other incident. Fluttershy’s team had apparently made it first, but as soon as Trail mentioned Tourmaline was missing, no one really cared about the prize.  “Now, fighting isn’t getting us anywhere. We need to find Comet’s group, and Tourmaline.” Fluttershy said sternly.  “Yeah you’re right Shy. Sorry Trail.” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her head.  “I’m sorry too. Fluttershy is right, we need to find them.” Trail said.  “So how are we gonna do that?” Rainbow asked.  “First, we should get the rest of the students back to base camp. Then we can track Starlight’s group from where they started. If they haven’t made it here yet, something clearly set them off course.” Trail said.  “Right. Alright kids, we’re heading back to camp, stay with your team leader and no wandering off!” Rainbow yelled out as she took to the air.  Everyone started to head back in the direction of camp, Trail leading the pack. “Please be safe Comet.” Trail said.  “Get back!” Starlight yelled out as she fired a beam of magic at the basilisk.  The beast roared in irritation but seemed almost unharmed other than a slight burn mark on it’s scales. It hissed and continued to stare them down as it had the group pinned against the mouth of the cave. Like it was trying to scare us into running inside.  “It’s trying to corral us into the cave!” Comet said.  “I’m not going in there!” Gallus yelled out.  “My magic doesn’t seem to hurt it!” Starlight yelled out in frustration as she fired another bolt.  “Basilisks are highly resistant to magic!” Comet said.  “Great. Let’s see how it likes fire!” Smoulder said.  She took to the air and took in a deep breath, firing a ball of flame that hit the beast in the face. It recoiled back and roared again, but again didn’t seem fazed all that much.  “Guessing they’re fire resistant too.” Ocellus said meekly.  “Well what does work on them!?” Sandbar yelled out in panic.  “I don’t know! Daddy never talked about fighting them! Only how to avoid them!” Comet screamed back.  Starlight kept her position, putting herself between the beast and the children. She was starting to pant heavily. She had used a lot of magic to keep this thing at a distance. But she couldn’t keep it up forever.  Suddenly Comet remembered something, which drove her to dig in her saddlebags.  “Please be here, please be here.” Comet said as she practically dumped out her bag. Sketchbooks and art supplies fell out alongside some notebooks.  But then something else fell out, a string of firecrackers. Smoulder came down from her assault on the basilisk to land next to her.  “Are those firecrackers?” Smoulder asked.  “Smoulder, light these up and throw them at the front of it! It might trigger it’s instinct to run!” Comet said, passing the firecrackers to the dragon. Smoulder didn’t question her and did as she was told. As the firecrackers threw through the air, the crackled to life, landing right in front of the beast as it prepared to lunge at them. The snake hissed in shock as it backed away from the loud objects. For a second, Comet thought it had worked and the creature would leave. But it simply slammed its tail against the crackers, causing dirt to fly up and silence them. It turned back towards the group and Starlight fired another shot of magic at it to get its attention away from the students.  The beast was tired of her attacks and swung its tail around, making Starlight bring up a shield just in time to take the hit for her. But the force of the blow still sent her flying, making her crash into the wall of the cave.  “Starlight!” Comet yelled, running towards her mentor.  “No Comet, stay back!” Starlight yelled as best she could.  The blow had taken the wind out of her, but nothing too serious thanks to her shield. The basilisk slithered towards her, following Comet. As the filly reached her teacher, she used her magic to try and help Starlight up on her hooves. As Starlight got up, she immediately took a defensive position over Comet, glaring at the snake, her glowing hot with magic. The other students could only watch in horror as the beast slithered closer to them.  Trail and the others had made it back to base camp, all students accounted for. All except for Comet’s group and Tourmaline of course. They gathered everyone in the center of the camp, coming up with a plan to find the others.  “We need to split up, one of us needs to lead the rest of the students back to Ponyville.” Trail said.  “You’re absolutely right Trail, the kids have to be safe. I’ll take them back.” Fluttershy said.  “I will go as well. What more surprises could happen, none can tell.” Zecora said, standing next to Fluttershy.  “Awesome, you two get the kids back to the school. Find Twilight and tell her what’s going on. Me and Trail will find Starlight and the others.” Rainbow said confidently.  Trail nodded, “Good. Best we get started.”  But before anyone could speak again, one of the students yelled out, “Hey Tourmaline!” Trail immediately snapped his head to the direction of the voice, the crowd of students stepping away to reveal the unicorn colt. He had a nervous look on his face, sweat poured from his brow.  Trail growled and stomped in his direction, making the colt turn to make a run for it. But he was too slow as Trail grabbed his tail in his magic. He dragged the colt to the circle of teachers in the center of the crowd. Rainbow, Fluttershy and Zecora all looking at him with very angry expressions. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do Tourmaline.” Fluttershy said sternly.  “Let’s start with where my daughter and her friends are.” Trail said angrily.  “I… don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tourmaline said.  Trail glared and shook the colt in his magic, “I suggest you don’t lie to me boy!” “Hey Trail, easy.” Rainbow said. Trail ignored her and continued to glare at the colt, eyes burning with a fire none of the ponies present had seen.  “Where… are… they?” Trail said. Tourmaline was petrified, shaking in Trail’s magical grip, sweat dripping harder than before off his brow, “They’re… near a cave east of here.”  Trail’s eye widened at that, dropping the kid and immediately going to his bow and arrows he kept in the teacher’s tent. When he re-emerged with his weapon, Rainbow caught him.  “Woah woah, Trail, what is up?” Rainbow asked.  “That cave is near a basilisk’s hunting grounds! It’s why I made each path as far to the west of it as possible!”  Tourmaline tried to make a run for it while the teachers were distracted, but stopped short when a striped hoof stepped on his tail. He looked up to see Zecora glaring down at him.  “I suggest you stay still, for your future already bodes ill.” Zecora and Fluttershy then started to take the children on the path out of the forest, while Rainbow and Trail followed the hoofprints of Starlight’s group.  Starlight was panting at this point, her magic barely even making the snake flinch at this point. Sweat ran down her brow as she stood her ground, standing over Comet who was too terrified to stand anymore.  The rest of the children didn’t know what to do either, all they could do was stand there while the creature continued to advance on their friend and teacher.  Starlight only had one idea left, and it wasn’t a good one. But what choice did she have at this point. She had to get the children out of here. With the last of the strength, she teleported herself and Comet back to the cave entrance, landing in the middle of the group, nearly collapsing. But before she did, she turned and fired one last beam of magic at the mouth of the cave, causing an explosion that collapsed the entrance of the cave.  “Woah, Miss Starlight, that was awesome!” Smoulder cheered.  “No time for that Smoulder! You kids need to run!” Starlight said, her legs finally giving out as she collapsed to the ground, panting for breathe.  Her horn was blackened, a clear sign of magic burnout. She was tapped.  “But what about you?” Comet asked frantically.  “Nevermind me, get out of here!” Starlight shouted.  A loud crash came from the cave, making everyone turn to see the pile of rubble shifting again and again.  “It’s trying to break through! Come on Miss Starlight!” Sandbar said, trying to help Starlight back to her feet.  “No, go! Just go! I’ll be alright!” Starlight said, pushing him away. “We no leave without Counselor pony!” Yona said, stomping to make herself heard.  Yona then moved her head under Starlight and threw her on her back, carrying the unicorn mare. The kids then started to run, but didn’t get far when a louder crash caught their attention. They turned to see the basilisk breaking through the rubble and turning to hiss angrily at them.  And then it charged.  Ocellus screamed as it came towards them, all of the friends closing their eyes, waiting for the inevitable impact.  Trail and Rainbow had made progress through the forest, finding a tree that had Sandbar’s name carved into it. They were on the right track. “So why did he carve his name into this tree?” Rainbow asked.  “We can save questions like that for when we find them. At least we know Tourmaline didn’t lie to us.” Trail said, following the hoofprints left by the group. “What was he thinking? Rivalry is one thing, but this is going way too far.” Rainbow said.  “I don’t know. All I know is that he won’t get away with this. I’ll make sure of that.” Trail said, his voice going dark. “Woah woah. Trail, I know you’re mad. But threatening the kid like that is not helping. Let Twilight deal with him when we get back.” Rainbow said, flying in front of him. “Like the other times he’s bullied students? Clearly the princess doesn’t as much authority as I was led to believe.” Trail said, pushing past the pegasus. “Hey! Do not disrespect Twilight! She is not a pushover!” Rainbow shot back. “I’m not saying she is! All I’m saying is that her normal method of punishment isn’t gonna cut it this time!” Trail said. Suddenly, a loud scream rang through the woods, making them snap their heads in it’s direction. “That was Ocellus!” Rainbow shouted. “This way, quick!” Trail yelled as he went into a full sprint. The impact from the beast’s attack never came, only the sound of an eagle screech and a loud cry from the snake.  Comet opened her eyes first, seeing the most welcome sight she had seen all day.  “Auntie Tala!” Comet yelled out.  The griffin landed in between the group of friends, and the basilisk, which had been knocked against the cliffside. A large cut was visible along one of its eyes. Her feathers were ruffled, and she had two twin axes in her claws. Her eyes were hot with rage, and looked as sharp as the blades on her weapons. The rest of the friends opened their eyes at Comet’s shout, seeing the griffin stare down the beast. Starlight too was relieved to see her, barely able to open her eyes at this point.  “Stay away from my niece!” Tala screamed.  The basilisk recovered, slowly getting up and glaring at the griffin. It slithered around, sizing Tala up. Both were waiting for the other to make a move.  It was Tala who struck first, leaping into the air again, both axes swinging as she dove for the beast. It tried to swat at her with its tail, only to miss and get a slash for its efforts. It howled in pain, and drew its tail back. It opted for a strike instead, causing Tala to roll midair. It barely missed her, but gave her an opportunity to land another blow on its head.  Then Tala flew back, making the beast turn its body away from Starlight’s group and towards the mouth of the cave again. Tala needed to get it away from the kids.  Comet realized this, looking to her friends, “Now’s our chance. We gotta get away from here.” She said this quietly, gesturing with her hoof for the others to keep quiet. Yona still had Starlight on her back, so she led the way towards the edge of the forest.  When they were almost to the trees, two figures popped out, one flying and the other on the ground. Rainbow and Trail stopped right in front of the group in shock. “Daddy!” Comet screamed, running to hug the stallion tightly.  Trail grabbed her in the tightest hug he had ever given her.  “I’m here sweetheart. I’m here.” Trail said, stroking her mane to try and calm her down.  Comet sobbed into his chest, not wanting to let go, ever. “Starlight, what the heck happened to you?” Rainbow yelled out, making Trail look up to see his friend on Yona’s back. “She was protecting us. I think she overused her magic.” Ocellus said, her voice shaky.  Comet and Trail ran over to Starlight looking frantic. Starlight lifted her head to see Trail looking over her horn.  “Hey Trail.” She said meekly.  “Don’t talk. Save your strength. We’re gonna get you out of here.” Trail said, still looking for any injuries she might have. “I’m sorry.” Starlight said.  That made Trail look at her in disbelief, “What in Celestia’s name do you need to be sorry about?” “I should have seen Tourmaline’s illusion sooner. Some magic teacher I am.” Starlight said, averting her eyes away from him.  “Starlight.” Trail said, his ears drooping.  A loud screech got all of their attention as they looked to see Tala taking a hit from the basilisk. The griffin was knocked to the ground, but got back up and stood her ground against the beast.  Just as Trail was about to run out and help her, another figure broke through the treeline. The group turned to see Zala with her staff running towards them. “Sister!” Trail yelled.  Zala quickly made her way to them, “Brother, is everyone alright?”  “Starlight is exhausted but the children seem unharmed. We have to help Tala!” Trail pointed towards the battle between his griffin sister and the large snake.  “Yes. Come brother.” Zala said, grabbing her staff in her mouth and running in that direction.  “Rainbow, stay with them!” Trail yelled as he began to run too.  His bow was ready in seconds, an arrow flying as soon as he was in range. It bounced against the neck of the creature, making it turn to glare at them. It lunged towards them, missing Zala by only a few feet. The zebra mare nimbly made her way to the side of the basilisk, throwing a sphere from her saddlebags.  The bomb exploded, making ice go everywhere, covering the beast’s side. It howled and thrashed, causing the ice to crack. Trail made his way to the other side of the beast, letting loose an ice arrow towards its head. The beast ducked under it, and swung its tail around to knock Trail into a tree.  Tala yelled out in anger and launched herself onto the beast’s head, making it thrash about, trying to knock her off. But Tala steadied herself by digging an axe into its scaly head. The basilisk roared in pain and thrashed harder, knocking the griffin off, but leaving the axe in its skull.  “Brother! The axe!” Zala yelled out, before launching another bomb at the base of its tail.  The ice froze it in place, leaving the creature vulnerable. Trail knew exactly what Zala was getting at. He pulled out another type of arrow from his quiver.  Normally, the basilisk’s scales make it immune to most types of elemental magic. But with that axe stuck in its head, it gave a perfect opportunity for a certain element to penetrate.  A yellow tip arrow sparked as Trail nocked it and aimed for the axe. The beast’s thrashing didn’t make it easy, but with patience, Trail found an opening. He let the arrow fly, and it hit the axe right where the blade met the beast’s scales.  Sparks of electricity went straight from the blade into the beast’s head, making it roar in pain. It thrashed about wildly, knocking Zala away from it. Luckily, Tala was there to catch her. All three siblings watched as the beast gave one last screech into the air, sparks dancing all around its body before it stopped and fell forward. The beast’s impact drew up dust and obscured their vision for a few moments. But as the dust cleared, they could see no movement from the creature.  Trail moved to join his sisters, never taking his eye off the basilisk. As he walked by its head, he could see that life had left its eyes. He pulled out his sister's axe and left the beast to lay. “Are you two ok?” Trail asked, passing Tala her axe. “A little worn out and bruised, but I’ll be fine.” Tala said panting.  “I am also fine. Are you well brother?” Zala asked in return.  “Shoulder is a bit sore from that hit, but it’s nothing serious. Let’s get out of here.” Trail answered.  The three moved to join Rainbow and the kids, Comet immediately hugging both of her aunts, tears streaming down her face. The two comforted her for a minute before Rainbow spoke up.  “Alright, let’s get back to Ponyville. You kids are all seeing a doctor, no buts about it. Starlight you too.” Rainbow said sternly.  “Yes Professor Dash.” All the kids said in unison.  The group then left the clearing, leaving the basilisk behind. No one said anything as they made their way back to Ponyville. But they knew things were not over. > Ch. 20 - Apologies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20 -- Apologies -- The Ponyville hospital was buzzing with doctors and nurses moving through the halls and rooms. The institute was welcoming, as much as a hospital could be. But the recent visitors couldn’t help but be uneasy as they sat in the waiting room.  Trail, Tala and Zala had already been looked over, their injuries minor and not important. Comet and her friends had also been allowed to stay at the hospital and wait with them. School was closed for the rest of the day as Princess Twilight attempted to sort things out.  Now the only patient that had yet to be released was Starlight Glimmer, who had a severe case of magical burnout, along with bruising and minor physical injuries from her fight with the basilisk.  Waiting there was hard for Trail, but he kept a strong demeanor for Comet’s sake. The poor filly had cried when she was released and heard of Starlight’s condition. Everyone gave her comfort, but the feeling of dread was still in the air around the group.  After what seemed like forever, the doctor came up to the group.  Trail immediately got up and addressed him, “How is she?”  Comet was right behind him, eyes wide with tears starting to form again.  The doctor was calm, but caring, “We believe she will make a full recovery. Her physical injuries will heal quickly. Her magic however may take some time to recover. No more than a few days. We would like to keep her overnight just in case though.”  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  Comet walked right up to the doctor, “Can we see her?”  The doctor looked down on her with an unsure look, “I don’t know little one. She needs her rest.”  Comet’s eyes widened, the floodgates of her tears about to break, “Please?” The doctor saw this and couldn’t look away from the filly. After a minute of internal debate, he sighed.  “Alright. But only two ponies. I don’t want her being overcrowded. Fifteen minutes at the most.”  Trail walked up next to his daughter and looked to the doctor, “Thank you Doctor. We will make it as brief as we can.”  Comet looked back to her friends and aunts, all of them giving her looks of encouragement. She and Trail then followed the doctor to Starlight’s room, butterflies flying in their stomachs.  As they reached the room, the doctor poked his head in, “Miss Glimmer, you have some visitors.”  After a moment, the doctor opened the door fully, gesturing for the two to head inside. As they moved inside, they saw Starlight laying in a bed. Her horn had a little black mark on it, and her legs had some bandages wrapped around them.  “Comet, Trail. Nice to see you guys.” Starlight said, giving both ponies a smile.  Comet immediately ran to her teacher’s bedside and put her front hooves on the bed. Trail followed close behind, standing behind Comet and looking at Starlight with worry.  “You ok?” Trail asked.  Starlight sighed, “Mostly yeah. The doctor told me I shouldn’t use magic for a few days.”  “That’s like telling a pegasus not to fly.” Comet said glumly.  “That’s true, Comet. But doctor’s orders.” Starlight said.  Comet’s head sank, and her ears folded as they stood there. Starlight saw this change and took her foreleg, petting Comet’s mane.  “It’s not your fault, Comet.” She said softly.  “But it feels like it is. I couldn't do anything but scream the whole time.” Comet said.  “Basilisks are fierce creatures, sweetheart. And if this is anyone’s fault here, it’s mine.” Trail said.  Starlight looked up at him, “Trail, no. I should have seen the illusion sooner.” “I should have seen his little trick when he was with me! That little brat could have gotten all of you killed.” Trail said.  The room was silent for a moment before Comet spoke up, “It’s my fault.”  Both adults looked down at her in shock, “If I had just gone to Princess Twilight about Tourmaline when he first started picking on me, maybe we could have gotten this whole thing under control before the race even.”  “Sweetheart, that colt has been a problem for us long before you came to the school. I don’t know why he is so focused on you and your friends, but it is not your fault.” Starlight said.  “That boy will learn quickly that even the rich can’t get away with everything.” Trail said.  “I’m sure Twilight is working on settling this issue.” Starlight said.  “I hope so. He went way too far. The race was one thing, but this was unthinkable.” Trail said.  Both adults sighed and were quiet for a moment, neither knowing what else to say.  Trail finally broke that silence, “I am glad you were with them Starlight. Thank you so much for keeping my daughter safe.”  Starlight smiled sheepishly, “It’s my job to keep my students safe. I only wish I could have done more.”  “You did fine. Basilisks are nearly impervious to magic. And even conventional weapons aren’t that effective either. You wearing it down helped us greatly.” Trail said.  Starlight looked away with a little blush on her face. And almost on cue, the doctor came back in.  “Alright, Miss Glimmer needs her rest.” He said.  Suddenly Comet leaped up to hug Starlight gently, resting her head on her teacher’s shoulder. Starlight was shocked to say the least, her body went rigid as she didn’t know how to respond at first.  “Thank you for saving me and my friends. I’m sorry you got hurt, Miss Starlight.” Comet said, her voice a little shaky.     After hearing that apology, Starlight’s eyes widened and she quickly grew a smile on her face. She leaned in to rest her head near Comet’s. A single tear slid down her cheek.  “Comet, I was responsible for all of you. It was my job to protect you. I’d never forgive myself if I let anything happen to you.” Starlight said softly.  Comet let a few tears fall as well, nuzzling into Starlight’s shoulder before she separated from her and jumped off the bed. Trail put a hoof around her shoulder and smiled back to Starlight. Both ponies looked into each other’s eyes before the doctor cleared his throat, breaking the tender moment.  He led the two ponies out of the room and into the hallway before closing the door. Trail and Comet then made their way back to the waiting room, meeting up with everyone else.  “Comet, how was Miss Starlight?” Ocellus asked, running up to her friend.  “She’s ok. She just needs some rest.” Comet said.  “That’s good. Now let’s go teach Tourmaline a lesson!” Smoulder said, cracking her knuckles.  “You best leave that to me and your teachers Smoulder.” Trail said.  “But mean rich pony almost got counselor Starlight killed!” Yona yelled.  “Yes, but he is a student of Princess Twilight’s responsibility. She won’t let him get off scotch free.” Trail said.  “She better not. Or I’m gonna punish the little brat myself.” Tala growled.  “Sister, as much as I share your distaste for this colt, we cannot go about dealing our own punishment. This isn’t Griffinstone.” Zala explained calmly.  “I don’t care! Comet could have been eaten! All of them could have! And that waste of pony flesh led them right to it!” Tala yelled.  A cough came from the nurse’s station, making everyone look over to her, “I ask that you please keep quiet. This is a hospital.”  “Sorry Nurse.” Trail said.  Seeing as they had no more business as the hospital, Trail suggested they vacate the building, so as to not disturb anypony any longer. The kids didn’t argue, and neither did his sisters. The group then made their way to Trail’s home, as Comet and her friends didn’t want to go back to the school just yet. Trail and Tala decided to head up to the school by themselves to talk with Princess Twilight while Zala stayed behind to watch the children.  As they reached the large door of the school, they pushed it open and made their way to Twilight’s office. As they got closer, they could hear arguments coming from the room, very loud arguments at that. The door was open, so they let themselves in.  “I don’t care how rich he is! I’ll fly to Canterlot myself and drag him here!” Rainbow shouted.  “I have already sent a message to Princess Celestia. She will find him. He can’t refuse an order from two princesses.” Princess Twilight said.  “I cannot believe this has happened. What in Celestia’s name was Tourmaline thinking? I can understand rivalry, but this goes beyond that!” Rarity exclaimed.  “I agree Rare, there is no excuse for this! He could have gotten Starlight and her group killed!” Applejack yelled.  “I’m not happy about this either girls, but we need to keep calm and handle this professionally.” Fluttershy said calmly.  “Flutters is right. He might be a little meany, but we can’t be meanies ourselves.” Pinkie said.  “I don’t care at this point Pinkie! This kid has gotten away with too much! Do you have any idea how many kids have come to me about him!?” Rainbow exclaimed.  “And he won’t get away with it anymore Rainbow Dash. His father will come and deal with his son. I won’t tolerate this anymore.” Twilight said.  “I’d hope not, Your Highness.” Tala scoffed.  Everypony suddenly looked towards the door, noticing the pair finally.  “Trail Blazer, Miss Tala, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Twilight said.  “We wanted to come and see what was being done about Tourmaline.” Trail explained.  “He’s going down, that’s what!” Rainbow Dash said.  “Rainbow.” Twilight said, giving her friend a look.  Rainbow Dash sighed and rested her head on her foreleg. “Twilight has sent an order to Princess Celestia. Tourmaline’s father, Lord Rhinestone must come to the school to discuss his son’s future here, if he has one at all.” Rarity explained.  “And if he doesn’t show?” Tala said.  “Then he will be ignoring a royal command, which will not end well for him. He is a proud stallion, and will not want to draw attention to this by having us send guards to fetch him.” Twilight said.  “And when he gets here, then what?” Tala asked.   “We will have a hearing about his son’s actions. Not just in the forest, but also his past actions against the student body.” Twilight said.  “And given the astonishing amount of complaints we’ve gotten, on top of his crimes in the forest incident. I would be inclined to expel him from the school.” Rarity said.  “As much as I don’t like forcing somepony to leave our school, I agree with Rarity. He didn’t put any effort into classes other than Twilight’s magic class. He even called my animals vermin.” Fluttershy said, a look of disgust came to her face near the end.  “He has more tardies and absences than the whole student body combined! Like, what does he do when he’s not going to class?” Rainbow asked.  “I’m not sure. I see him in the library at times, but I think he mostly keeps to his dorm.” Applejack said.  “Yeah, it’s like he doesn’t care about making friends. This is the school of Friendship!” Pinkie exclaimed.  “Princess, with all due respect. This has gone on far enough. Starlight has told me of several students coming to her about Tourmaline. And the fact he targets Comet and her friends so much, I would also like to ask that he’d be expelled.” Trail said.  Twilight sighed and rubbed at her temple, “I never thought I’d have to expel anyone from this school. This isn’t what we wanted.”  “Twi, no one is saying that there is anything wrong with the school. Tourmaline is just a bad apple.” Applejack said, looking at her friend with concern.  “Yeah, everyone else loves the school! All the fun, the parties, and more friends than you can count!” Pinkie yelled out, bouncing off the walls.  “Absolutely darling. The school is running just like we had hoped. You cannot let one bad student bring you down.” Rarity said.  Tala then stepped forward, “I may not have been here long, but from Comet’s letters, I know this place is just what she was looking for. I’ve never seen her as happy as she was when I met her and her friends. This school helped her open up, and I can’t thank you ponies enough for that.”  Everyone was shocked to hear such kind words from the griffin, given her and Twilight’s interaction the other night.  “But this kid is a bad apple. And if you let him stay here, he will only make things worse. I won’t let him pick on my niece.” Tala growled.  Twilight nodded, “And he won’t. I will personally see to that.”  Zala walked up the stairs, making her way towards Comet’s room with a plate of cookies on her back. Double chocolate chip, her niece’s favorite. They were sure to perk everyone up. But as she made it to the hallway, she found Comet’s friends in front of her door. “Comet, come on. Let us help.” Ocellus said.  “Let us in please. We can talk.” Silverstream said sadly.  “What’s going on children?” Zala asked as she approached.  The group of friends turned to her with sad expressions.  “Comet no let us in. Yona can hear her crying.” Yona said, hanging her head.  Zala looked at the door with sad eyes. “Go down to the living room, children. I will handle this.” Zala said, holding out the plate of cookies to Smoulder. The dragon took them, but didn’t really even look at them as she started walking down the hallway. Sandbar, Yona, and Gallus followed after her. But Ocellus and Silverstream stayed, giving Zala pleading eyes.  “Will she be ok Miss Zala?” Silverstream asked.  Zala smiled at the you girls, lifting both of their chins up, “She will girls. Trust me.” They nodded and went to join their friends in the kitchen. Zala then turned to the door of Comet’s room.  She knocked, “Sweetheart? May I come in?”  After a minute or so, the door unlocked, and Zala opened it. Looking inside, she saw Comet on her bed, her head turned away from the door. Sobs and sniffles could be heard.  Zala moved to the bed and joined her niece. Laying next to the filly, she nuzzled her head, “What’s the matter dear?” “Why did this have to happen Auntie?” Comet asked.  “This wasn’t your fault dearest.” Zala said, brushing Comet’s mane with her hoof.  “Then why!? Why can’t he just leave me and my friends alone? First the Running of the Leaves, now this!?” Comet yelled out in frustration, tears streaming down her face.  Zala let her calm down a bit before speaking, “I cannot claim to know this Tourmaline or his motivations. But I know that you have done nothing to provoke him. You are not that kind of filly. I should know, I helped raise you dearest.”  “He has the top scores in magic class. And just because I’m getting better, he feels the need to pick on me.” Comet sniffled.  “Perhaps he feels threatened? You are improving from what Trail has told me. Starlight Glimmer is teaching you well.” Zala said, giving her niece a comforting smile.  “So he's scared I’ll be better than him? Why?” Comet asked.  “Who can say dear? The spoiled nature of Canterlot is only one of that city's problems.” Zala said.  Comet looked to her aunt, “Is that why Daddy won’t go there?” Zala expression paled, only for a moment. She quickly regained her composure.  “Yes dear. One of many reasons.” Zala said.  Before Comet could ask more, Zala spoke again, “But as I was saying dear, it is not your fault. And you need not place the blame on yourself. You are a wonderful filly, and will grow into a most beautiful mare. Both on the inside, and the outside.”  Comet blushed, “Auntie, quit it!” Zala chuckled, “Are you feeling better dearest?” “Mmhmm.” Comet nuzzled her aunt’s chest lovingly.  Zala returned the nuzzle, getting up off the bed. Comet followed after her, making their way down the stairs. Upon reaching the living room, Comet saw the plate cookies on the table, with everyone of her friends looking at her with a cookie in their mouths.  “Hey, you better have saved some for me!” Comet yelled playfully, tackling Silverstream, making them go into a giggling fit. The rest of the group joined in on the laughter. Comet took two cookies in her mouth, earning a protest from Ocellus.  Zala simply sat in the armchair, watching her niece with a warm smile.  > Ch. 21 - Hearing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21 -- Hearing -- Three days had passed since the incident in the forest. Princess Twilight had given the students a break from classes to rest after what had happened. Some parents were upset about what happened, some even pointing their hooves at Trail and Zecora for leading their children into danger.  But Rainbow Dash quickly shot down any of those grievances. She assured the parents that their children were in no danger at any time. Trail was thankful for her support. He had not been at his best these last few days.  The guardians of Comet’s friends were also furious about the incident. Twilight had received letters from Queen Novo and Prince Rutherford, both were very upset about the incident. Not so much upset with Twilight, but with the one who caused the incident. Tourmaline, he was in a lot of trouble.  Princess Celestia replied to Twilight's letter in a matter of hours, furious with the colt. She vowed that she would track down Lord Rhinestone and order him to come to Ponyville for his son’s hearing.  The hearing, which was this afternoon. Twilight had been preparing ever since Celestia’s reply. She was nervous, having never really done anything like this for her school. She had hoped she would never have to do this. But Tourmaline needed to be held accountable for his actions.  Another thing that made Twilight nervous was Lord Rhinestone. She had never met him personally, but she had heard enough about him from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. He was business, and only business. He owned most of the gem mines in Equestria, making him a very wealthy pony.  She could only hope that he could set his son on a better path.  “Alright Comet, one more try.” Starlight said, giving her student encouragement.  Comet scrunched up her face as she concentrated on the new spell. Her horn glowed as sparks came off it, the amount of magic a bit more than she was used to. But she kept at it, and a shimmer of lights washed over her.  When the lights faded, she opened her eyes to see the effects of the spell. Well at least it didn’t blow up in her face immediately. But with this kind of spell, it would be up to Starlight to tell her if it worked or not.  Comet turned to her teacher, “How’d I do?”  When she saw Starlight, she was still sitting in the same spot she was in all morning. Resting on a lawn chair on their back porch, comfortable and relaxed. But her expression made Comet’s eyebrow raise. She had her hoof to her mouth, like she was trying to hold back laughter.  “What?” Comet asked.  “Look behind you sweetie.” Starlight said between little snorts and giggles. Comet looked behind her as she was asked and saw nothing, she didn’t understand what was so funny. As she looked around more, she finally saw what Starlight was laughing at. She looked where her rump and hind legs were supposed to be, but found that she could see through them.  Comet jumped and began to panic, she could still feel her legs, but something must have gone wrong with her spell. Starlight was still in her chair, laughing out loud now.  “I’ve never seen somepony get it only halfway before!” Starlight said before laughing again.  “Miss Starlight, it’s not funny! Comet said, still panicking a little.  After a few more seconds of laughing, Starlight started to breathe again, “I’m sorry sweetie. That was just a first for me.” Starlight’s horn flashed a little, canceling the spell around Comet and returning her back half to normal. Comet pouted at her teacher, but eventually gave a little giggle.  “Everything alright out here?” Trail said, coming out the back door.  “It’s alright Trail, Comet just had a bit of a hiccup with an invisibility spell.” Starlight said.  “Oh, that seems pretty advanced. My little girl is moving up in the world.” Trail chuckled.  Comet kicked at the ground, “I wanted to learn spells that could help me and my friends out. I know it wouldn’t work against a basilisk, but other beasts, it might help.”  Trail smiled and went to his daughter, “Still feeling guilty about the incident?”  “Just a little. I want to get better at magic so I can protect people like you and Aunties.” Comet said, still kicking at the ground softly.  Trail brushed the top of her head with his hoof, “I know you’ll be a great mage someday sweetheart. After all, you’ve got one of the best magic users in the world teaching you.”  Trail turned to look at Starlight over his shoulder, who was rolling her eyes at the two.  “Flattery will get you nowhere Trail. Now Comet, I think that’s enough for now.” Starlight said.  Comet nodded and moved to her own chair on the back porch, “So how much longer before the hearing Daddy?”  “A few hours, though I imagine Princess Twilight will want us all there early. You sure you want to be there for this Comet?” Trail asked. “I was part of it, and so were my friends. We should be there to give our own accounts.” Comet said.  Trail nodded, “Alright then. Go get cleaned up, and then we’ll head to the castle.”  Comet nodded and ran inside, out of sight. Trail then looked to Starlight, who had a concerned expression.  “You worried about her too?” Trail asked.  Starlight didn’t answer right away, letting out a sigh before she did, “Yes. So much happened on that trip. They could have died Trail, all because of one colt.” Trail moved up to her, “I know. I don’t like it either, but if she and her friends want to face this, we shouldn’t stop them.” “I know you’re right. I just hope that this Lord Rhinestone isn’t the type of pony I think he is.” Starlight said softly.  “Tourmaline won’t get away with this. Whether his father punishes him or not, his days in that school are over.” Trail said confidently.  “That is for sure. I just hope it ends at that.” Starlight said, starting to get up from the chair.  Trail quickly moved to offer her a hoof in getting up, to which she giggled and accepted it. After she was back on her hooves, she gave him a smirk.  “You know, you’ve been quite the gentlecolt lately. As much as I appreciate it Trail, you don’t have to. I’m fine. Just because my magic isn’t 100% recovered doesn’t mean I’m made of glass.” Starlight said.  Trail rubbed the back of his neck, “I don’t think of you like that Starlight. I just can’t help but worry a little. You got pretty banged up out there, and I can’t help but feel the need to help you until you’re 100% again.” Starlight’s smirk grew into a genuine smile, “Trail, I do appreciate all you’ve done these last few days. Inviting me to dinner with your family, buying me coffee, and being a great friend.” Trail blushed a little, “It’s no trouble Starlight. Like I said, I felt like it was right, especially after you risked so much to protect Comet and her friends.”  For some reason, a feeling came to Starlight. One she couldn’t quite put her hoof on. For a second, it felt like… disappoint?  “Oh, it’s no trouble Trail. I couldn’t let them get hurt. Now let’s get inside.” Starlight said, turning to walk inside.  Trail was confused for a moment, but decided that he’d just go with it.  Trail, Comet and Starlight moved through the front door of the castle, making their way to the throne room. As they made their way through the halls, they spotted Comet’s friends all waiting outside.  “Hey!” Comet yelled out.  All of them immediately turned their heads to see their friend and quickly moved to join them halfway. They all said their greetings, hugs were exchanged and the feeling in the hallway got so much brighter.  Trail and Starlight couldn’t help but smile at this.  As they watched the children, two more figures approached them from behind. Trail turned to see who it was.  “Ah sisters. There you are.” Trail said.  Tala and Zala both sat next to the two ponies, Tala on Trail’s side while Zala was on Starlight’s. “Greetings brother, I trust we are not late?” Zala asked.  “Not at all. The hearing isn’t due to start for another thirty minutes.” Trail said.  “Good, no way am I missing this. Where’s the brat?” Tala asked.  “Tourmaline has been confined to his dorm until the hearing. Rainbow Dash should be fetching him now.” Starlight said.  “Tala, remember our talk. No talking out unless it’s necessary. Princess Twilight has enough on her plate dealing with a noble.” Trail said.  “Don’t worry bro, I won’t cause a scene. Unless he starts one first.” Tala said, smirking at the end.  Trail shook his head, and hoped that she would behave herself.  Comet and her friends had all settled down and were in a circle, talking about the hearing that would be starting soon.  “It’s almost time. That rich brat is finally getting what’s coming to him.” Smoulder said, pumping her fist.  “As much as I don’t like to talk bad about anyone, I agree with Smoulder. This has been a long time coming.” Ocellus said.  “Yona agree, Mean Rich pony finally getting kicked out!” Yona said, stomping.  “Not exactly how I pictured us getting rid of him, but it works. I honestly didn’t think he had it in him to do all those things.” Sandbar said.  “Neither did I. Who knew a little rich snot could be so stupid? I mean, sending us into a basilisk nest?” Gallus said.  Silverstream shivered, “I still have nightmares about it. They are really scary.”  Comet hugged her hippogriff friend, “Don’t worry Silverstream, it’s dead. And we probably won’t see another one in the forest anytime soon. They tend to be very isolated.”  Silverstream let out a sigh of relief at her words. “Comet is right kids. Basilisks will only be around their own kind during mating season, and that won’t be for another decade or so.” Trail said.  Another sigh of relief washed over the group of friends, even Starlight looked more relieved at the words. But the relief was not long lived, for Rainbow Dash came around the corner shortly afterwards, Tourmaline right beside her.  Smoulder and Gallus growled at the sight of the unicorn colt, the rest of the group joining in with their own angry expressions. The colt wore an equally angry expression, like he was being led through an angry mob.  The doors to the throne room opened up at Rainbow’s arrival, Rarity appearing as soon as it was fully opened.  “Rainbow, bring Tourmaline inside. The rest of you may come in as well, have a seat on the right side of the room, we have prepared seating for you.” Rarity instructed.  Rainbow nodded and escorted the colt inside, but not before he could deliver another hateful gaze towards Comet and her friends. Comet scowled back at him before walking with her friends inside. Trail and his sisters followed Starlight inside as well.  The throne room was large, bigger than Trail had imagined it to be. The thrones in the center each had the cutiemarks of their occupants on the back. The six mares sat in them with stern looks on their faces, unmoving as Rainbow brought Tourmaline in front of the large table in the center, just across from Twilight. After he was seated, she flew to her seat.  Trail and the rest of the group moved to the rows of chairs provided by the teachers, making themselves comfortable, or as much as they could be in this type of situation.   Twilight cleared her throat, “Tourmaline Rhinestone, you stand here before us for your transgressions and crimes against your fellow students. This hearing will determine your guilt through the evidence provided by us and our witnesses. Do you have anything to say in your own defense?”  Tourmaline remained quiet and after a moment he looked like he was about to speak, before the doors to the throne room burst open.  “Son, do not say a word!” A stallion bellowed as he and a mare came through the door.  The stallion wore a very expensive suit, adorned with several pieces of jewelry, gold, and silver. His cutiemark was that of a diamond with a magnifying glass. His coat was the same shade as Tourmaline, as was his mane, but with some different shades of gray showing his age.  The mare also wore a suit, with glasses resting on her nose. She carried a briefcase in her magic, looking very professional and uninterested.  “Lord Rhinestone, thank you for joining us. And who is your friend?” Twilight asked.  “Greetings Your Majesty, this is my lawyer, Tally Mark, she will be representing my son.” The Lord said as he bowed.  Twilight did not return the bow, “Very well then. We have only just begun. Please have a seat.”  Rhinestone sat down to the right of his son, while Tally sat to his left. “Your Majesty, may I request that the charges be known to us in full?” Tally Mark asked.  “I was just getting to that Miss Mark.” Twilight said before clearing her throat.  “Tourmaline Rhinestone stands here accused of recklessly putting his fellow students in danger, as well as a member of my staff. On top of that, several members of the student body and my staff have brought forth grievances against him. This includes bullying, several absences, a lack of respect to his teachers, and unconfirmed actions outside the school.” Twilight explained.  After a moment, Twilight continued, “Only a few days ago, our school had a field trip in the Everfree Forest. We had hired experts in the forest to scout out a safe location for our students to learn about the environment safely. When broken into groups, Tourmaline used an illusion spell to trick his guide Mr. Trail Blazer and leave the activity.” “Before this was discovered, he then made his way to the group of friends led by Counselor Starlight Glimmer, using another illusion spell to lead the group away from the designated path and deeper into the forest. When he was discovered by the group, a basilisk appeared as they had been driven into it’s hunting grounds. Tourmaline then teleported himself away, leaving his fellow students and Starlight Glimmer to the mercy of the beast.” Twilight continued, looking up from her notes to gage the reactions of the stallion and his lawyer.  They seemed unfazed by the story, so Twilight continued.  “After he was discovered by Trail Blazer and the rest of the staff, the students were led back to the school by the zebra, Zecora. Trail Blazer and my friends found Starlight and her group, as well as the griffin Sky Claw Tala, who was holding the beast at bay. Trail Blazer, along with Tala and their sister Zala defeated the creature, with only a few ponies receiving any injuries, including Counselor Starlight Glimmer who suffered from near magic burnout.”  Rhinestone and Tally Mark still looked unfazed by this. As Twilight finished, she allowed them time to speak their minds.  Tally Mark rose and began to speak, “With all due respect your highness, from the story I have been told, it sounds like you are accusing my client of attempted murder.” Twilight shook her head, “That is not the case. As he did not know the basilisk was in the area, I do not think it was his intention for anyone to be hurt.” Tally Mark continued, “But your school went into the Everfree Forest, a place so wild and untamed that no official mapping or exploration has ever been accomplished. Why pray tell your highness did you put your students at such risk?” “Are you trying to pin the blame on Twilight!?” Rainbow Dash yelled out.  Tally Mark was calm as she looked at the pegasus, “I would never accuse royalty of such a thing Miss Dash. I am merely stating the fact that the threat of the forest was inevitable.”  “We had experts scout out that part of the forest for a week before the trip!” Applejack shouted.  “Yes, experts. A zebra who has no official occupation. Such a credible source.” Tally remarked.  Twilight immediately lit up her horn, “I will not tolerate racist remarks like that in my castle! Especially towards a good friend of mine!”  Tally Mark immediately went into a bow, “My apologies Your Highness. I did not mean to offend. I simply meant that the forest is extremely dangerous and is not a place for children.” Rarity spoke up, “While Zecora’s expertise on the forest should be enough for anyone, I would also like to remind you of Trail Blazer’s assistance in the matter as well. As he is a world renowned explorer, who has ventured into several dangerous locations.”  Tally Mark and Lord Rhinestone both looked over to Trail Blazer, who had been sitting with the group, silently enraged by the defense these two had given so far.  “Yes, Mr. Trail Blazer. Tell us, did you know there was a basilisk in the forest?” Tally Mark asked.  Trail stood up, “I did. But the area Zecora and I chose for the trip was well out of its territory.” “So you admit that you brought students into a forest with a dangerous creature lurking about?” She remarked.  “As I just said, the students were in no danger. Not from the basilisk or any predator.” Trail shot back.  “Your Highness, with all due respect. I think the problem here is the fact that students were brought to the Everfree Forest in the first place.” Tally Mark said, ignoring Trail’s statement.  “I’m sorry Miss Mark, but I do not agree. We are learning more and more about the forest every day. Trail Blazer here is even doing research for another of his survival guides. The children were in no immediate danger.” Princess Twilight said calmly.  “No immediate danger, but there was danger nonetheless. You and your school put students in danger for a field trip.” Tally declared.  Everypony on the thrones gasped, shocked that this mare would make such a statement.  Twilight soon grew a look of rage, “I will not stand here and have you accuse my school of endangering my students, when your client’s son put them at risk with his own actions!”  “Actions of a child, you are responsible Princess Twilight.” She said calmly.  “He is old enough to know better! His being a child is not enough of an excuse for his actions!” Twilight bellowed.  Tally Mark adjusted her glasses, “On another note Princess, you said Tourmaline used illusion magic to not only escape Trail Blazer’s watch, but also fool Miss Starlight Glimmer and an entire group of students.”  Twilight took a breath, “That is correct.” “Thank you, Your Highness. Now I cannot speak for the magical skill of Mr. Blazer, but your Counselor Starlight Glimmer was a personal student of yours, am I correct?” Tally asked. Twilight blinked in confusion, “Yes, why?” “Please explain to my client and I, how a full grown mare of such magical talent could not notice a colt’s illusion spell until it was too late?” The lawyer asked.  Everyone in the room gasped at that. Starlight was taken aback, looking like she was just shot. She opened her mouth to defend herself, but her words fell short. She hung her head, not able to look at anyone.  Trail was furious, “How dare you!? She was not expecting any illusions. Illusions are designed to be undetected!” Tally Mark did not seem fazed by his outburst, “Regardless of whether she was expecting it or not, she did not notice it until it was too late. I wonder about your teachers Princess if they can be so easily fooled by a child.” Trail was posed to tackle this mare for saying such things. But before he could voice his disdain for the mare, Princess Twilight’s voice rang out around the room.  “ENOUGH!” Twilight yelled out in her royal Canterlot voice. “I will not allow you to insult my friends. Do I make myself perfectly clear!?” Twilight yelled. Tally Mark’s face grew a look of fear for a moment before she composed herself and backed up behind Lord Rhinestone. “Now to you, Lord Rhinestone.” Twilight said, looking darkly to the stallion. Twilight flared her wings out in fury, “On top of everything he did in the forest, I have had several complaints about him. To which I sent several letters to you Lord Rhinestone, requesting you to talk to your son. All were ignored and nothing came of it.”  Rhinestone simply looked away.  “Your son has not participated in any school activities since he came here. Nor has he even put effort into any of his classes outside my magic course. So tell me Lord Rhinestone, why did you send your son to my School of Friendship, if not to learn about friendship?” Twilight demanded.  The Lord simply turned his head, his expression one that portrayed his arrogance and lack of interest in the conversation.  “Very well then. I had hoped that you would simply tell us, but now you’ve forced my hoof. Spike, the letter please.” Twilight said, looking at her dragon assistant.  Spike quickly pulled out a letter, allowing Twilight to take it up in her magic, unrolling it in front of her.       “This is a letter from Princess Celestia, detailing your son’s attempt to enter her School of Gifted Unicorns in Canterlot. According to her, your son passed the entrance exam but was soon disqualified.” Twilight said.  “How in Equestria can that happen?” Applejack asked.  Twilight answered immediately, “By tampering with the results of the test to give himself the highest score. Had he not done this, he would have passed. But he only had the 5th highest score. So tell us Tourmaline, why did you do this?”  Tourmaline glared at the Princess, but hung his head when his father cleared his throat.  “Princess Twilight, I don’t see what this has to do with our current situation. I do not appreciate you bringing up my son’s past failures in front of all these ponies.” Rhinestone said, his tone haughty.  “I did not want it to come to this Lord Rhinestone, but if you will not acknowledge the fact that your son has an unhealthy obsession with being top of his class, and a lack of respect for his fellow students, I will force it.” Twilight said.  “He has been racking up tardies, absences and complaints since he got here. The incident in the forest was the last straw.” Rainbow Dash said loudly.  “I agree. This ain’t a magic school, it’s a friendship school. If he doesn’t want to learn friendship, then he doesn’t deserve to be here.” Applejack said.  “We built this school so everyone could make friends, even if they had a hard time doing so. But he has shown he doesn’t care about friendship.” Fluttershy said.  “Yeah, he is a bully. We’ve had students who want to quit because of him.” Pinkie said.  Rarity turned her head, “I would think a noble’s son would know better.”  That got Rhinestone to look her way with a glare, making the mare flinch back.  Twilight immediately drew his attention to herself, “Lord Rhinestone, it is clear to all of us that your son has no interest in friendship. While I had hoped to talk about working with him to fix things, I now realize that it would do no good.” She cleared her throat, “I will not press charges against Tourmaline, as he is a colt. But due to his actions, he is expelled from the School of Friendship.”  Rhinestone shot a glare at the Princess, but quickly composed himself and cleared his throat.  “I didn’t think I’d ever hear the Princess of Friendship give up on a student.” He said, smirking.  Twilight was unfazed, glaring daggers at the stallion.  “You will be allowed one day to collect Touramaline’s belongings from his dorm. After that, you and your son will not be welcome here again. I hope that you can help your son to be a better pony in the future. Now I ask you to leave.” She said sternly.  Rhinestone was shocked, but once again composed himself.  “Very well then. Come along son, Tally. We shall take our leave.” Rhinestone said.  Tourmaline followed his father and the lawyer to the door, but before he moved through it, he turned to look at the Princess over his shoulder.  “Word of advice Princess. Do not make an enemy of the Rhinestone Family.” He said darkly.  Before Twilight could retaliate, Rhinestone closed the door to the throne room.  Everyone inside the room was speechless at what just happened. And while they had gotten the result they wanted, why didn’t it feel like a victory? > Ch. 22 - A Great and Powerful Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 22 -- A Great and Powerful Friend -- Three days have passed since the hearing, and things slowly went back to normal. Students returned and had an unofficial celebration of the fact that Tourmaline was finally gone. Comet and her friends definitely joined in the fun, everyone actually looking forward to going back to school.  As for the teachers, Twilight had recovered from the experience, finally getting all her frustrations off her chest. The rest of the element bearers each had their own feelings about the event. But all still had one thing in common. That threat that Lord Rhinestone made sent shivers down their spines.  Starlight was laughing to the point of near tears, sitting in her chair outside the cafe. Trail was laughing as well, his hat had nearly fallen off.  When she could breathe again, Starlight looked at Trail, “She seriously did that?”  “Yeah, Zala and I still haven’t let her live it down. Her fur didn’t grow back for weeks.” Trail said through his laughter.  “What did she think was gonna happen? Flying through ten fire hoops in less than a minute? Without protective gear?” Starlight asked.  “She said, and I quote, “Badasses don’t worry about burns”” Trail said.  Starlight laughed again, both of them starting to feel lightheaded from their laughter.  After a while, they started to get their breath back and enjoy their lunch. The day was going great, the weather couldn’t be better.  “So Starlight, how is everything going at the school now?” Trail asked.  “I’d say it’s back to normal. All the students are glad to be back and a lot of them are glad to be rid of Tourmaline.”  “That’s good. I’m happy things are starting to go back to normal. Comet seems to be doing a lot better as well. Though I’m sure I have you to thank for that Starlight.”  Starlight blushed a little, “I appreciate the compliment Trail but I’m sure her friends were a bigger help than I was.”  “Don’t sell yourself short Starlight. Comet adores you, never a night me and my sisters don’t hear how incredible it is to learn magic under the tutelage of the great Starlight Glimmer.” Trail said with a grin.  Starlight’s blush deepened at that statement and she looked away. This made Trail chuckle, and at the same time, he felt something else. Something he couldn’t quite put his hoof on.  “Thank you Trail, you’re really sweet.” Starlight said softly.  They looked at each other, eyes staring into each other, no words between them for a few seconds. The world seemed to be empty as they focused so much on each other. Trail could see a sparkle in her eye, losing himself in them. Starlight saw something in Trail’s eyes, but she couldn’t quite tell what.  Suddenly, an explosion came from the center of town. Both ponies turned along with every other pony in the immediate area. Smoke obscured the view of the source of the explosion, but soon the smoke cleared to reveal a wagon with a small stage at its front. A mare with a blue coat wearing a cape and a hat stood on her hind legs at the center of the stage.  “Greetings Ponyville! Rejoice, for the Great and Powerful Trixie has returned!” Trixie exclaimed loudly.  More explosions and fireworks shot out as the mare on stage gave her announcement to the town of her arrival. Some ponies cheered for the display, others groaned and moved on with their day.  Trail looked at the mare with curiosity, her display of magic and theatrics was pretty well done in his opinion. But as he turned to see what Starlight thought of the show, he found that she was no longer by his side.  Before he could wonder where she went, he turned back to the stage to find her running onto it. The blue mare saw Starlight in an instant and ran to meet her as she stepped onto the stage. Both mares bounced in place as they hugged. The sight was sweet and heartwarming, clearly those two were good friends.  Trail walked up to the stage as everypony else left the area to continue their day. The two mares had not noticed him, they were far too busy squealing like school fillies.  “Trixie! You told me you’d be back next week!” Starlight said, pulling back to look at the mare.  “Trixie might have finished her business in Saddle Arabia a bit early and decided to come home and surprise you.” Trixie said with a sideways smile.  “Oh you. It’s so great to have you home, Trixie.” Starlight said, hugging the mare. Trixie was about to say something before she saw Trail walking up behind Starlight. Seeing him, she got a curious look that quickly turned into excitement. Starlight noticed her look and turned to see Trail walking towards them. Before Starlight could greet the stallion, Trixie was already in front of him, her cape waving in the wind.  “Greetings Gentlestallion, the Great and Powerful Trixie always has time for her fans. Would you like Trixie’s autograph?”  “Oh um, I don’t…” Trail stammered, not knowing what to say.  Starlight immediately came to the stallion’s rescue and stood next to the two ponies.  “Alright, easy Trixie. Trail, this is my best friend Trixie. Trixie, this is my new friend Trail Blazer.”  “Nice meeting ya Miss Trixie” Trail greeted her with a hoof, after getting his bearings.  “Just Trixie is fine. Any friend of Starlight’s is a friend of Trixie’s.”  Trixie accepted the hoofshake, smiling at the stallion. Trail couldn’t help but smile. She seemed like a nice mare. And any friend of Starlight’s must be a pretty good character.  “So are you from around here Trixie?” Trail asked.  “No Trixie is not. But Princess Twilight allows Trixie to have her wagon right by the castle. Trixie is from a small suburb outside of Manehatten. Though Trixie did go to school in Manehatten.”  “Oh, I’ve been around that area I think. Manehatten is a bit too big for my taste. But I like to visit from time to time.” Trail replied, thinking of times he’d had in the big city. “Oh, you travel? Trixie does as well. As a stage magician, she must go where her fans can marvel at her greatness.”  Trixie gave another wave of her cape, almost losing her hat when she lost her footing. Then Trixie gave Trail another strange look as she got a better look at him.  “Is something wrong Trixie?” Starlight asked, looking a little weirded out at her best friend staring at the stallion.  “Has Trixie met you before? You seem familiar to Trixie.” She said, rubbing her chin.  “Well Trixie, he is a famous explorer. Trail Blazer, the pony who has explored more dangerous habitats and environments than even Daring Doo?” Starlight said, gesturing to the pony.  Suddenly Trixie’s eyes widened, pointing at the stallion.  “Trixie does remember you! You saved Trixie and her wagon from falling into the Galloping Gorge on her way to Vanhoover.” Trixie exclaimed.  Trail looked at the mare a little funny before rubbing his own chin and looking at her wagon more carefully. Then it clicked for him. Memories of a mare who had lost control of her wagon and was rolling down a hill towards the steep canyon.  “Oh that was you! I remember that. Almost didn’t make it to ya. Glad to see you fixed up your wagon since then.”  “Trixie did indeed make upgrades to her wagon after that incident. Though Trixie now remembers she never truly thanked you for saving her.”  Trail chuckled, “Yeah, as I recall you just yelled at me for not getting to you sooner.” “Trixie!” Starlight shouted.  Trixie held up her hooves in defense, looking at her friend, “Trixie was a different pony back then. Trixie knows better now!”  Trail just laughed, “It’s alright Starlight. No point in dwelling on the past. I don’t hold grudges that easily.”  Both mares smiled at the stallion and they soon joined in his laughter. As the laughter started to die down, Trail spoke up.  “So Trixie, me and Starlight were having breakfast at the cafe’, care to join us?” “Trixie would be delighted to join you. She just needs to move her cart out of the center of town.” Trixie said, turning to the hitch of her wagon.  Before she could make it there, Trail had already raced ahead and began to strap himself in.  “Allow me then Trixie.” Trail said, hitching himself to the wagon.  Trixie was taken aback by his action. Chivalry wasn’t dead apparently. She nodded and turned back to Starlight. Both mares walked alongside the wagon as Trail effortlessly pulled it along to the cafe, parking it on the outside edge where their table was.  As the three sat down at the table, the waiter returned to take Trixie’s order. She ordered iced tea and nothing else, saying that she ate on the way to town. After her tea arrived, the group went on with conversation.  “So Trixie, how was Saddle Arabia?” Starlight asked.   “Trixie dazzled the audience of the desert kingdom of course! They loved her performance so much, the first two shows sold out completely.” Trixie exclaimed.  Starlight beamed at her, “That’s great Trixie! I knew those new tricks would do well.”  “Oh they certainly did! Trixie was flawless, all thanks to you.” Trixie beamed back.  “Sorry, but can I get a clue here?” Trail chuckled.  “Oh sorry Trail. Trixie and I made some new tricks for her show that she can perform without me. I can’t leave the school with my counselor duties.” Starlight said.  “Oh, what kind of tricks?” Trail asked.  “You shall see them at tomorrow nights show. Trixie shall dazzle Ponyville with her spectacular performance!” Trixie exclaimed.  “Sounds like a lot of fun. I bet Comet would love to see a magic show.” Trail said, smiling at the idea.  “Who is Comet?” Trixie asked.  “That’s his daughter. She’s also my personal magic student at Twilight’s school.” Starlight explained.  “Oh, Trixie did not know you took a student! She must be magnificent with you as her teacher!” Trixie beamed.  Starlight blushed and looked away, “She’s improving a lot. She has a lot of potential.”  “Trixie would love to meet her. You must bring her to Trixie’s show tomorrow. Trixie insists!” Trixie exclaimed proudly to both ponies.  Trail and Starlight laughed at the blue mare’s antics. Smiling to each other before turning to Trixie.  “I’d be glad to bring her along. I look forward to the show Trixie.” Trail said.  Trixie clapped her hooves in excitement, making Starlight giggle at her friend’s reaction. All three ponies enjoyed their time at the cafe, asking for the occasional refill and talking about all kinds of topics. Trixie took a particular interest in Trail’s stories, asking about all the places he’s been to. Trixie had apparently wanted to try out new areas for her shows but didn’t know much about the terrain.  Trail offered her copies of all the books she would need for her travels, which the mare happily accepted. Starlight chimed in with an occasional question about certain places that she had wanted to visit. Neighgra Falls, Tenochtitlan Basin, Macintosh Hills.  “I think we should let somepony else have this table.” Trail said, getting up from his chair.  “Hey, why don’t we go to my office? I shouldn’t have any students for a while. Classes are going strong right now.” Starlight asked cheerfully.  “Trixie would enjoy some quiet time.” Trixie said, stretching out some stiffness from sitting too long.  “Sounds like a plan. I didn’t have plans to go into the forest today.” Trail said.  All three ponies started making their way to the school, walking along the path with little traffic. Most ponies seemed to be heading to the market or were already at work.  As they continued down the way, Starlight felt a tug on her tail. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Trixie falling back a bit and gesturing with her head for Starlight to join her. Confused, Starlight slowed down to be right next to Trixie, “What’s up Trixie?” Trixie got a smirk on her face as she leaned in to whisper to her friend, “Trixie must admit Starlight, you have good tastes.” Starlight blinked, “Good taste in what? Cafes?” Trixie rolled her eyes, “Oh, no need to play dumb with Trixie. She knows what’s going on.” “Going on? Trixie, what’s this about?” Starlight asked.  Trixie’s smirk returned in full, “Trixie knows that you like this stallion.”  Starlight raised an eyebrow, “Trail? Yeah I like him. He’s a good friend.” Trixie looked at Starlight, straight in the eye, “Trixie means, you “like” him Starlight.” Starlight looked at her friend for about a minute, not sure what she was getting at. Then a thought came to her, and immediately her face went red as a tomato. She nearly stumbled around her own hooves but managed to correct herself.  “Trixie! What are you talking about!?” Starlight yelled as quietly as possible.  “Please Starlight, Trixie could see it a mile away.” Trixie said smugly.  “We are just friends!” Starlight said, her voice straining to keep out of Trail’s earshot.  “Oh come now Starlight, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. He’s tall, handsome, strong, well traveled, smart. Trixie is a little jealous she didn’t find him first.” Trixie grinned.  Starlight almost lost her footing again, but once again caught herself and pushed against her friend’s side.  “It’s not like that!” Starlight shot at her.  Trixie was surprised at the little push but didn’t lose her smirk.  “Alright, if you say so Starlight.” Trixie said, picking up her pace a little.  She looked back at Starlight over her shoulder, “So does that mean Trixie can try?” Starlight’s face grew more red and she chased after her friend, not because she was jealous, but because she couldn’t let her just flirt with her friend.  The two mares had fallen behind so far, Trail had stopped and looked back to make sure he hadn’t lost them. He had no clue what they were talking about, but he supposed it was mare things.  > Ch. 23 - Fireworks and Glimmers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23 -- Fireworks and Glimmers -- “COME ON KIDS! ONE MORE LAP!”  Comet ran alongside Ocellus, panting as they went down the track. Comet’s right hind leg was tied to Ocellus’ left hind leg. A challenge thought up by Rainbow Dash to help students strengthen bonds by running a race, keeping the same pace with their friend to avoid a tumble. The rainbow manned pegasus was relentless in her class, wanting to push her students to better themselves. She wasn’t on Spitfire’s level of intensity, but she aspired to be so in the future.  Comet and Ocellus were in second place, behind Silverstream and Gallus. They were catching up, but only had a bit more track to go. They tried to push forward but Ocellus started to breathe more intensely, showing that she was at her limit. Comet saw this and slowed down to match her new pace, letting her other two friends finish the race.  When the race was over, Ocellus sat down and panted.  “Sorry Comet, I guess I’m not much of an athlete.” She said apologetically.  “Hey, what matters is we had fun right?” Comet said.  Both mares smiled and giggled at each other. Silverstream and Gallus came to them and joined in on the laughter.  “Nice race guys. Man, I need a break after that one.” Gallus said, a little out of breath.  “Yeah, it was so super close.” Silverstream said.  “Totally awesome.” Rainbow Dash said, coming up to the group.  The four students looked to see their teacher walk up to them and give them all a confident grin.  “You guys totally killed it out there. Everyone else tried to outpace each other.” Rainbow said.  The four friends grinned and all giggled again. Rainbow couldn’t help but smile at the sight. They had finally recovered from their ordeal in the forest. Tourmaline was gone and was never coming back. It was a rough few days at the beginning but they stayed together and pushed through the worst of it.  Rainbow blew the whistle that was hanging around her neck.  “Alright kids. Class dismissed. Hit the showers and head to lunch.” Rainbow said.  Gallus went towards the boy’s locker room while Comet and the two girls went to their own. The girls all had their lockers next to each other, so they were never apart. Comet straightened out her braid with a little mirror in her locker. Silverstream and Ocellus toweled themselves off, the sweat from the exercise clearing up nicely.  “So Comet, what do you want to do Saturday?” Silverstream asked.  Comet hummed for a moment, “I don’t know. What sounds fun to you girls?” “Not sure. No big test to study for. No assignment. Nothing to do.” Ocellus said.  “We could take Yona and Smoulder and have a girl’s night?” Silverstream asked.  “I don’t really feel right leaving Sandbar and Gallus out of the fun. Maybe we can stay here at the school and just hang out?” Comet replied.  “Can’t think of anything better to do.” Silverstream said.  The three girls finished up and met Gallus at the door back into the school proper. The lunchroom soon came into view, as well as the rest of their friends. Sandbar, Smoulder and Yona stood at the entrance to the cafeteria, giving happy smiles to their friends.  “Hey guys, who won the race?” Sandbar asked.  Gallus chuckled, “Me and Silverstream, was there any doubt?” Silverstream giggled while Comet and Ocellus gave him a roll of their eyes, but not without a smile. The group all laughed and went inside to get their food. Lunch consisted of several different dishes, as the group was so different in their palettes. Smoulder, Gallus and Silverstream all had salmon, flown in from Mount Aris. Ocellus and Comet shared pasta salad, leftovers from Comet’s dinner the previous night. Yona went for a hay sandwich.  “So, anyone have any ideas for this weekend?” Comet asked.  “We were hoping you guys would have something. We got nothing.” Smoulder said.  “Yona is bored. Nothing exciting happen.” Yona said after swallowing half her sandwich in one bite.  “We can hang out in our dorms.” Ocellus suggested.  “I guess we can do that. We can go ask Miss Starlight if I can stay with you over the weekend. Dad should be with her after their morning coffee, so we can ask both of them.” Comet said.  The group all nodded and finished their meals. Making their way out of the lunchroom, they headed in the direction of the counselor’s office. Starlight and Trail would no doubt be there by now. As the group got closer, they could hear talking even from a good distance away. The voice was muffled by the door, but Comet didn’t recognize it as Starlight or her father.  “Trixie will dazzle the crowd with her magical talent!” The voice rang out.  Comet and her friends got to the door and knocked on it gently. The talking stopped and a second later, Starlight opened the door to see Comet and her friends.  “Comet! How are you all doing?” Starlight said, happy to see her student.  “Hi Miss Starlight, is Daddy here?” Comet asked.  “He sure is. Come on everyone.” Starlight said, opening the door fully to let them inside.  The group came inside to find two more ponies sitting on the couch. Trail Blazer of course, but the blue unicorn Comet did not recognize. But something was familiar about her.  “Hey kiddo, aren’t you supposed to be at lunch?” Trail said, getting back to hug his filly.  “We finished early and wanted to ask you and Miss Starlight if I could stay with my friends in their dorms this weekend?” Comet asked.  “I don’t have a problem with that. Starlight?” Trail asked.  “Not at all. You can bunk with Ocellus and Silverstream. But lights out at 11 pm.” Starlight said.  Comet, Ocellus and Silverstream squealed with delight, jumping and hugging each other for a bit. When they came down, Comet caught the eye of the blue mare. “Who are you, Miss? I don’t think I’ve seen you around Ponyville.” Comet asked.  “My dear child, you are looking upon the Great and Powerful Trixie!” The mare introduced herself.  Comet took a moment as the name seemed familiar, memories flooding in from a time she spent in Vanhoover while her father was on a job. Auntie Zala took her to a stage performance, near the center of the town park. A mare standing on the stage making beautiful fireworks with just her magic. Comet was so starstruck that she wouldn’t stop talking about it for a week.  “I remember you! You were the magician in Vanhoover years ago! The one who made all those pretty fireworks!” Comet exclaimed.  Trixie was startled a little by the filly’s sudden outburst, but quickly grew a smile and struck a pose.  “Why yes, Trixie did grace the streets of Vanhoover many years ago. Trixie is most pleased you remember her dazzling performance.” Trixie proudly said.  Comet squeed and ran up next to her, “That show was so cool. Are you here to do a show in Ponyville?” Starlight walked over to her friend and student, “She sure is. I’ll be assisting her too. It’s tomorrow night.”  Comet’s eye widened, “You get to assist in the show? That is so cool!” Trixie smiled and put a leg around Starlight’s shoulder, “Trixie would never do a show in Ponyville without her best friend.” “You two are best friends?” Comet asked.  “Yep. Trixie was the very first friend I made when I came to Ponyville. Not counting all of Twilight’s friends.” Starlight said, chuckling as she looked at Trixie.  “That is so cool!” Comet nearly screamed.  Comet then immediately ran to Trail, “Can I go to the show Daddy? Can I please?”  Comet was about to bust out the puppy eyes before Trail cut her off, “Alright sweetheart. No need for that. Of course you can go.”  “Yeeee. So how much for the tickets Miss Trixie?” Comet asked.  Trixie faked shock, “How could Trixie even think of charging her best friend’s student to attend her show? You are most welcome to come and enjoy the show Comet.” Comet was so excited she was practically bouncing in place. She ran towards her friends in almost a blur.  “Guys! You totally got to join me! It’ll be so cool!” She nearly screamed.  “I would love to see a magic show.” Ocellus said, looking excited.  Silverstream and Yona both looked eager as well. Smoulder, Gallus and Sandbar looked less than impressed with the idea, but went along with it due to not having really anything else to do.  “And don’t worry about your tickets, kids. I’ve got you covered.” Starlight said. “Thanks Miss Starlight” All of the students said in unison.  “You’re welcome. Now it’s almost time for lunch to be over. You all need to get to class.” Starlight said.  All of the kids moved out the door in a hurry, not wanting to be late. Rarity was particularly picky about tardiness.  The next day…  “This is so cool!” Comet said, moving along the path.  “Calm down there sweetheart. People might mistake you for Pinkie Pie with all that hopping.” Trail chuckled.  “Oh leave her be brother. She is allowed to be excited. This show promises to be quite the showstopper.” Zala said.  “I don’t see why ponies are so interested in magic shows. You see unicorns use it all the time.” Tala said, taking a bite of her beef jerky.  Comet was on Tala’s back in seconds, “Because it’s not everyday magic. It takes hard work and practice. Like I’ve been doing with Starlight.”  Tala smirked back at her, “So you saying you want to be a stage performer kiddo?”  Comet shrank back and fiddled with her braid, “I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll ever be that good.”  “Nonsense my dear. You are a wonderful student and near the head of your class. You shall be a spectacular mage one day.” Zala said encouragingly.  Comet beamed at her aunt, “You really think so?”  “It is written in the stars sweetie.” Zala said.  Comet giggled and hopped off Tala’s back. The rest of the way to the show went pretty quietly. The sun had gone down and the street lamps illuminated the path. Soon they could see a crowd of ponies gathered in front of a large stage. Lights were fixed all around the stage and out into the crowd. Comet saw her friends near the front row, next to Starlight. She immediately went towards them.  “There you are, Comet.” Starlight greeted her.  “Hi everyone. Miss Starlight, shouldn’t you be backstage with Miss Trixie?” Comet asked.  “I wanted to make sure you made it. And I see you brought the whole family.” Starlight said, looking back to see Trail and his sisters.  “Howdy there Starlight. Hope to see a great show tonight.” Trail said.  Starlight giggled, “We’ll be sure to give you a great show. I gotta get backstage. You got the kids from here?” “Roger that.” Trail said.  Starlight went backstage and the group all sat down, waiting for the show to begin. It was about fifteen minutes after she left when the show began. Smoke came out of the stage and from the smoke, Trixie appeared, still in her hat and cape.  “Greetings Ponyville. I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! Here once again to dazzle you with her show. And please give a warm welcome to my number one assistant, Starlight Glimmer!” Trixie said, introducing herself and Starlight on the side of the stage.  “The Great and Powerful Trixie has much to dazzle you with tonight. So let us begin with a grand fireworks display, Trixie’s signature performance.” Trixie said, lighting up her horn.  The light of her horn soon shot out into the air, making beautiful fireworks that danced across the sky. Explosions of color and light painted the night sky with wonders that made the crowd “oooh” and “aaaaww”. Comet was in awe as well, loving the display as she had done so many years ago. And the years since had only made it more spectacular. After a few minutes of fireworks, they died out and the attention went back to the stage, which had other materials scattered about.  The show continued with the classic card tricks and other such minor acts. Comet enjoyed them as well, especially the rabbit out of the hat. “And now mares and gentlecolts, The Great and Powerful Trixie will begin her final act for the evening. But first, Trixie requires a volunteer.” Trixie said, looking out to the crowd.  Comet was the first to raise her hoof, bouncing in her seat to try and get Trixie’s attention. She was in the front row, so her odds were good. Trixie looked around for a few seconds before her eyes fell to Comet.  She grinned and pointed at Comet, “You little filly. Come join the Great and Powerful Trixie on stage!”  Comet squealed and immediately ran for the stairs to the stage. When she got there, Starlight gave her a little hug and led her to a box in the center of the stage.  “The Great and Powerful Trixie will now explain her grand finale. First my assistant shall place our volunteer into this box.” Trixie said, tapping the box.  The box opened from the side and Comet was gently laid inside. The lid was closed and the sound of a lock could be heard. She then heard the muffled voice of Trixie.  “As everypony can see, there is no way out.” Trixie said.  Comet then felt three taps on the box and a strange sensation around her body. The box was spun a full 360. When she stopped, the box was opened and the crowd looked at her in shock.  “Tada! The filly is gone!” Trixie said.  The box was closed once again and spun another 360. When it stopped, three more hooftaps on the box and the lid opened again. More shocked expressions from the crowd could be seen.  “Oops. Trixie supposes she must have gotten lost. No worries, Trixie is sure she will turn up somewhere.” Trixie said.  Comet giggled a little, but not too loud to be heard. She then felt another strange sensation around her. “Let us go back to a fun one. Assistant, would you mind reaching into Trixie’s hat? Trixie believes she left another bunny in there.” Trixie said.  Starlight grinned as her horn glowed, and as she reached inside the hat, Comet saw a portal appear beneath her. She eeped as she was pulled through the portal. Next thing she knew, she was being held by her tail upside down for all the crowd to see. The audience gasped and soon stomped their hooves in applause.  “Thank you, thank you. The Great and Powerful Trixie thanks you for coming to her show. Please give a round of applause to Trixie’s assistant and our excellent volunteer!” Trixie exclaimed.  The crowd roared as the sound of hooves stomping and a few claps could be heard throughout the night.  “That was the coolest show ever! How did nopony see me in the box? Invisibility spell?” Comet asked.  “That’s correct, Comet. Trixie cast it on you as I put you inside.” Starlight said. “Indeed. Though the credit for the portal spell goes to Starlight. It was her idea to spice up the old disappearing box trick.” Trixie said, taking her hat off.  The three mares were sitting in Trixie’s trailer, as Comet had wanted to know how the last trick worked. Plus, she wanted to talk with the two mages more.  “Your fireworks were also really cool Miss Trixie!” Comet said excitedly.  Trixie flipped her mane, “Naturally. Trixie has been casting that spell since she was a filly.” “Could you teach me that spell?” Comet asked.  Trixie looked taken aback by the question, “Well, Trixie has never taught anypony before.” “Oh please, pretty please. It would be so cool to do magic like that.” Comet said.  Trixie smiled, “Well Trixie does admit it would be an excellent addition to your arsenal of spells. Trixie will accept this request.”  Comet squealed and hugged the mare’s leg, Trixie taken aback once again from her actions.  While the two were separating, Starlight couldn’t help but feel something in the pit of her stomach. Comet had always been so excited for their magic lessons. So it would make sense that she would be excited to learn any kind of magic. Trixie’s firework spell would be easy for Starlight to teach Comet, but Trixie was more experienced with the spell. It made sense. But if that was the case…  Why did seeing Comet hug Trixie like that make her feel weird? > Ch. 24 - Counsel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24 – Counsel – “Comet, you are doing splendidly. The Great and Powerful Trixie is most impressed.” Trixie said proudly.  Comet giggled and attempted the spell again, this time getting a bigger explosion than the last. She giggled and jumped in place, so proud of herself for getting the spell so easily. She was improving with magic, she could be a great magician.  “Thank you so much Miss Trixie, this is so cool!” Comet said, hugging Trixie’s leg again.  Trixie was again taken aback, as she was not used to this kind of treatment, especially from children. In fact, she didn’t have much experience with children other than the ones in the crowd at her shows. She patted Comet on the back and just let her do what she wanted.  As the two ponies shared a moment, Starlight looked at them from the back window of Trail’s home. She had wanted to give Trixie a chance to teach and decided it would be best to give the two space. She watched from the window to make sure nothing bad happened, but there was something else to it.  Starlight looked at the two making good progress so quickly. Sure the spell was relatively simple, but that didn’t stop Starlight from getting that pit in her stomach again. What was it? She had been pondering the meaning of the feeling since Comet had first asked Trixie to teach her the spell. She had never felt it before, and had no idea what to do about it.  The backdoor opened, snapping Starlight out of her thoughts. Comet and Trixie came inside the house, taking notice of her. Starlight quickly composed herself and walked towards the two.  “So, it looks like the lesson went pretty well for you two. I could hear the fireworks from here.” Starlight said.  “Yeah! Miss Trixie showed me the spell and I got it super easy. I’ve never gotten a spell figured out this quickly.” Comet said.  “Trixie was quite impressed that she performed the spell so well. With practice, it will be even more spectacular.” Trixie said, flipping her cape behind her.  Starlight smiled, “Wonderful. Now let’s relax and have some tea in the living room.”  Starlight led them into the living room, where she had a tea set and pot all ready. Comet sat between Starlight and Trixie, taking a cup in her magic. The older mares took their cups as well, Starlight pouring everypony a cup.  “So where is your father?” Trixie asked. “He and Auntie Zala went to see Zecora. They are still examining the basilisk corpse.” Comet answered.  Trixie gave a disgusted look, “Trixie can’t imagine being around something so disgusting.”  Starlight chimed in, “Well it is a pretty rare opportunity to study a basilisk. And a rich source of alchemy ingredients. Basilisk venom alone can go for several hundred bits.”  “Well, Trixie still finds it gross. But useful. Trixie still can’t believe that story about the field trip.” Trixie said, sipping her tea.  “I was there, and I still can’t believe it. If it wasn’t for Trail and his siblings, I wouldn’t be here.” Starlight said, smiling down into her tea cup.  Comet put a hoof on Starlight’s side, “I still feel bad you got hurt so bad. It’s why I want to learn as much magic as possible. To save ponies, like you.”  Starlight was shocked and almost shed a tear at those words. To hear Comet paint her in such a light, it made her heart jump.  “Oh Comet. You have nothing to feel bad about. And you will be a great mage. I’m sure of it. Maybe your cutiemark will represent your courage.” Starlight said.  “You think so!? I hope so. I’d love to be a great mage like you.” Comet said.  She then stood up and struck a pose in the middle of the room, “And I would vow never to use my magic for anything other than the good of ponies. Just like you, Starlight.”  Starlight froze at those words, looking at Comet with wide eyes, “What do you mean Comet?” “I wanna be like you. A mare who always uses magic to help others. Protecting ponies and never using magic for anything other than good intentions.” Comet said gleefully.  Memories soon flooded Starlight’s vision, her life flashing before her eyes. Memories of her village, of traveling through time to ruin Twilight and her friend’s friendship, using magic to manipulate her friends. For so long, she had accepted her past. But now, it all came flooding back.  Starlight’s expression grew frantic, and Trixie soon saw the distress of her friend.  “Starlight, what’s wrong?” Trixie asked.  Starlight bolted as Trixie reached out for her, moving to the front door.  “I have to go.” Was the only thing Starlight said before she teleported away.  As she disappeared in a flash of light, Trixie and Comet stood there, stunned.  Comet turned to Trixie, “Did I do something wrong?”  Starlight reappeared in her room at Twilight's castle, breathing heavily and eyes still wide. She was having a panic attack, she needed to calm down. Taking deep breaths, she tried to calm herself, slowly making progress.  When her breathing got back to normal, she slumped into her bed and laid there for a few minutes. She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t think, her mind too blurry from the incident. But as she tried to think about what just happened, the realization dawned on her.  She gasped and bolted up in her bed. She had just ran out on Comet. She could only imagine what that must have looked like to her student. What if she took it the wrong way? She jumped out of bed and into the hallway, not thinking clearly. When she got out into the hallway, she ran right into her own mentor.  Twilight landed on her rump as she collided with Starlight, momentarily stunned. When she looked up, she saw Starlight.  “Starlight, what are you doing running in the hallway?” Twilight said.  Starlight flinched back, “I’m sorry Twilight, I didn’t mean to.”  Twilight saw the look in Starlight’s eyes, and that her mane was a little disheveled. For a moment, she saw herself.  “Starlight, what’s wrong? You look awful.” Twilight said.  Starlight opened her mouth to answer, but couldn’t make the words come out. She turned away from Twilight, not knowing what to do.  Twilight simply looked at her student, something was definitely wrong. She stepped forward and put a hoof on Starlight’s shoulder, lighting her horn and teleporting them to her study.  Starlight found herself sitting in a chair across from Twilight, the princess wearing her glasses and holding a notepad. Starlight slumped in her chair.  “And here I thought I was supposed to be the counselor.” Starlight said glumly.  “That doesn’t mean your teacher can’t listen to whatever is bothering you. Now, tell me what happened.” Twilight said.  Starlight hesitated for a moment, ashamed of what she was about to say.  “I don’t know exactly why it happened. But I ran out on Comet and Trixie.” Starlight said.  Twilight raised an eyebrow at that, “Didn’t you and Trixie have a magic lesson with Comet? Did it not go well?”  “No no, it went great. Comet got the firework spell working pretty easily. I was so proud.” Starlight said.  “But…” Twilight pushed.  Starlight slumped again, “I wasn’t even out in the yard when they were practicing. It was Trixie’s spell and I didn’t want to butt in on their lesson.”  “But you could have encouraged Comet. She always loves practicing with you.” Twilight said.  “I know. I just…” Starlight said, before turning her head away.  “Starlight, you can tell me anything.” Twilight said.  A tear fell from Starlight’s eye as she turned back, “Comet was so excited to learn from Trixie. More than she had ever been with me. What if Comet would rather have Trixie as a mentor than me? Did I do something wrong?” Starlight asked.  The tears were flowing now, Twilight could see how hard it was to admit for Starlight.  “Starlight, Comet loves having you as a mentor. She always talks about you. I hear her telling her friends about your magic lessons all the time.” Twilight said, her voice comforting.  “She does?” Starlight asked, looking directly at her.  Twilight got out of her chair and walked over to Starlight, sitting next to her.  “Starlight, just because Comet was excited for one spell, doesn’t mean she wants to replace you. Think about all you’ve taught her. She’s almost at the top of her magic class now. All from your tutelage. How could she replace that?” Twilight said.  Starlight was quiet for a moment, not knowing how to process this. She thought back to all their lessons together. Comet struggling with a spell, Starlight giving some extra suggestions and then Comet succeeded. Memories of their first lesson, when Comet was crying that she would never be good at magic. That moment where Starlight didn’t hesitate to hug the filly and tell her she did have talent. She loved that memory.  Starlight’s smile grew as the memories came back. Twilight saw the change and smiled herself.  “If you truly want to know, ask Comet. Let her know how you feel. You’ve come so far since I took you in Starlight.” Twilight said.  And with those words, the real reason Starlight ran away came back in full force. Starlight’s smile disappeared and she started to tear up again. She leaned in to rest her head by Twilight.  “It’s not just that. Something else came up.” Starlight said.  Twilight immediately grew concerned, “What happened?”  “Comet said she wanted to be like me. It didn’t bother me at first, but when she said that I never use magic for anything other than good intentions, it made me realize. Comet and Trail don’t know about my past.” Starlight said.  Twilight’s expression changed, concern and understanding mixed together on her face.  “And you think when they learn about what you did in the past, they will reject you?” Twilight said.  Starlight broke down at those words, realizing that was her worst fear at that moment. She cried into Twilight's foreleg, so scared of losing her student and her newest friend. She cried for a while, soaking Twilight's fur. Twilight did not move, only petting Starlight’s mane in an attempt to calm her down.  When Starlight had let it all out, she removed herself from her mentor.  “Starlight, friendship is stronger than that. I’ve forgiven you, so have our friends. Comet will understand. She has seen the good side of you.” Twilight said.  “And Trail?” Starlight sniffled. “What about him?” Twilight asked.  “What if he doesn’t take kindly to my past?” Starlight said.  Twilight smiled.  “Trail has also seen the good side of you. Would an evil mare risk her own life to save his child and her friends?” Twilight said.  Starlight shook her head at that, saving the children was a good act. Her old self never would have done it. All the times with Trail at their coffee shop and talking in her office came back. All the times she had been invited to dinner with them. They had become so close.  “Starlight, tell them. Tell them everything you’re afraid of. Let it all out, and you’ll feel a lot better. I promise.” Twilight said.  Starlight got out of the chair and stood up, looking at Twilight again, “And if they see me differently?” Twilight smiled, “They won’t. I think they will feel proud of you for sharing something like this. It’s not easy to admit your past mistakes. I felt that when I went back to Canterlot to visit my old school friends. Moondancer forgave me, even after I ditched her when she needed a friend.” “You’ve done so much for Equestria. Defeating Queen Chrysalis, helping Thorax to change the changeling race all together. And helping Trixie to become a better pony too. You are a good pony Starlight.” Twilight continued.  Starlight nodded and smiled at her words, determined now to make things right and clear the air. Though as she walked away from Twilight and back in the direction of Trail’s house, a thought came to her. What happened with Comet explained why she was scared that Comet would reject her because of her past. But why was she worried about Trail? He wasn’t even home when she ran away.  Why did losing him seem just as horrible as losing her student? When she thought about him rejecting her, it hurt almost as bad as the thought of Comet rejecting her. And if she was truly being honest with herself, it hurt worse than Comet’s rejection. Why was that? What were all these new thoughts coming to her about? Why did Trail’s friendship matter to her so much?  All these thoughts caused Starlight to bump her head against the palace door, making her embarrassed and open the door outside and start running towards Trail’s home. What was wrong with her?     > Ch. 25 - The Past can Hurt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25 – The Past Can Hurt – “Zecora, you are such a joy to be around.” Zala said, chuckling as she sat at Zecora’s table.  “You are too kind Zala my friend, our time together is always good to spend.” Zecora said, chuckling along with her.  “What am I, chopped liver?” Trail asked, giving a fake hurt look.  All three laughed at the joke and took a sip from their tea. They had just got back from another session of studying the basilisk. The venom from the beast was still potent, and very dangerous. But also very rare. Not only does it fetch a pretty price on the market but it’s also invaluable to any alchemist.  “So Zecora, we’ll leave the venom with you for study. Remember to be very careful with it.” Trail said.  “Not to worry my friend, I am not ready to meet my end.” Zecora laughed.  “I’d love to assist your research Zecora. Would you mind if I came by tomorrow? I can bring lunch as well.” Zala said, smiling at the mare.   Zecora looked surprised but quickly composed herself, “Your offer is most welcome, visitors I get only seldom.”  Zala smiled and Trail couldn’t help but chuckle at her. “I’m afraid we must be heading home, Zecora. Comet should have finished her magic lesson by now and will be begging for dinner.” Trail said.  “Yes, I promised her I would make asparagus tonight.” Zala said.  Trail gave her a look, “You know, you are the only being in all of Equestria that can make asparagus worth looking forward to. What’s your secret?”  “Now dear brother, why would I tell you that? You know that curiosity killed the cat?” Zala said.  Zecora then broke out into laughter at the rhyme she heard, while Trail looked stunned. Zala simply walked out the door, her snout raised up in her triumph.  When Trail recovered, he followed his sister out into the forest, closing Zecora’s door for her as she was still laughing on the floor.  “I thought you hated rhyming?” Trail asked.  “It was one time, and I simply couldn’t resist.” Zala smirked.  “Oh? Is that so? Maybe you’ll start doing it all the time like our friend back there?” Trail said, giving his own smirk.  “Not on your life brother.” Zala said, smacking his face with her tail. Trail scrunched his nose at the swipe, and they continued down the path towards home. The sun was getting lower on the horizon. Comet must be starving by now. Maybe she could have a cookie before dinner to tide her over?  Trail and Zala reached the door of their home and opened the door.  “Comet, we’re home.” Trail said, walking inside the living room.  What he saw made his smile go away almost immediately.  Comet was lying on the couch, curled up next to Trixie, her eyes bloodshot like she had been crying for hours. Trail dropped everything and immediately ran over to his little girl. Zala was not that far behind, both of them huddling around Comet.  “Comet, sweetie what’s wrong?” Trail asked.  Comet didn’t say anything. She just looked up at her father and aunt, not knowing what to say and looking away slightly.  “Dearest Niece, tell us what is wrong.” Zala said, stroking her mane.  Comet took a minute to take a deep breath, “I think I did something bad.”  Trail looked at her in confusion, “What do you mean sweetie? What did you do?”  Comet squeezed her eyes shut, “I don’t know, but it must have been bad.”  Trail was about to say something before Trixie jumped in, “Comet. You didn’t do anything wrong. Trixie knows you didn’t.”  Trail looked at the older mare, “What happened?” Trixie looked at him, “Trixie doesn’t truly understand it herself. We were enjoying a nice talk after the lesson, and suddenly Starlight grew upset and teleported away. Trixie does not know what got into her.”  Trail looked back to Comet, “So you think you did or said something to upset Starlight?”  Comet whimpered a little but nodded her head.  “Oh sweetie.” Trail said, picking Comet up and holding her against his chest.  Comet immediately clung to Trail, burying her head in his chest and letting a few more tears fall. Zala came up behind her and stroked her mane, trying to help her calm down.  “Comet, you would never do anything to hurt anyone. Especially Starlight. We’ll get to the bottom of this.” Trail said.  “But… but… What if it is my fault?” Comet said, sobs racking her body. “It surely can’t be. Not my Comet. Not my precious little filly.” Trail said, his voice soothing and calming to Comet.  Comet took a minute to calm down, but she never left the comfort of her father’s chest. She even cooed at the feeling of Zala stroking her mane.  She looked up at her dad, “So what do I do?”  Trail chuckled, “Let’s find Starlight and ask her side of this story.” Zala smiled, “You two go and find Miss Starlight. I have dinner to prepare.”  Zala went into the kitchen to prepare for dinner while Trail and Comet turned to Trixie.  “Trixie, any idea where Starlight would go if she was upset?” Trail asked.  Trixie pondered that question for a moment, “Well normally Trixie would think Starlight would come to her. If it is not Trixie, then she would go to her next friend.”  “And who would that be?” Trail asked.  “A friend who lives close by. Her home is out of the way but she is a good listener. Come, Trixie will take you there. We will sort this whole thing out.” Trixie said, getting up and moving to the door.  Trail and Comet followed her out the door and into the unknown. Who was this friend that Trixie was talking about? “Trixie, where are we going?” Trail asked.  They had been following Trixie for a good long while, the path leading them outside Ponyville and away from the usual housing.  “Patience Trail. We are almost there. Trixie knows the way.” Trixie said, holding her head up high.  Trail gave her a confused look but went along with it. Comet had gotten tired and was riding on his back the rest of the way. He didn’t mind.  Trixie then stopped and turned to face them.  “We have arrived. Trixie told you she knew where she was going.” Trixie said, holding out her foreleg showing… a hole in the ground?  “Um, Miss Trixie? That’s a hole.” Comet said.  “Trixie knows. One moment please.” Trixie said, walking closer to the hole.  Trail didn’t notice at first, but there was a mailbox stuck into the ground just in front of the hole. What was going on? Trixie then moved to a rope that hung over the hole. She pulled it and from the hole came the sound of a gong. It was very loud.  Trixie then stepped away from it and looked at the hole, seeming to wait for something. Was that some kind of doorbell? Who lived here? Slowly, a mare’s head came up out of the hole. She was an earth pony with a gray coat and purple mane. Her eyes were light teal. And the expression she had was almost lifeless, like she was bored or had no feeling.  “Hi Maud.” Trixie said.  “Hello Trixie. What brings you here?” Maud said, her voice dull and monotone.  “Trixie was wondering if Starlight had come here recently?” Trixie said.  Maud just stared at her for a moment before answering, “No.”  “Oh well, sorry for disturbing your evening. Trixie will leave you be.” Trixie said.  Maud then looked over to Trail and Comet, staring at them with that same dull expression. It was honestly creeping Comet out a little bit.  “Are they the new ponies in town?” Maud asked. “Oh yes. This is Trail Blazer and his daughter Comet.” Trixie said.  Comet jumped off her father’s back, moving a bit closer to get a better look at the mare and the entrance to her home. She tilted her head a little. What kind of home did she have? Maud got out of the hole and stood in front of the filly now, looking down at her with the same expression.  “Um, hi I’m Comet.” Comet said, extending a friendly hoof.  Maud shook her hoof slowly, “Maud. Nice to meet you.”  Maud then looked over to Trail Blazer, “Are you really Trail Blazer?”  “Uh, yes Miss. It’s good to meet you.” Trail said awkwardly, tipping his hat to be polite.  “Wait here please.” Maud said, turning to walk back into her home.  She was gone for a good five minutes before she came back up with a book in her mouth. She moved in front of Trail and sat the book down at his hooves. She then pulled a pen out from dress collar.  “Could you sign this for me?” Maud said, still in that same tone.  Trail raised an eyebrow and picked up the book in his magic. His eyes widened when he saw that the book was one of his! Specifically the volume he wrote during his adventures in the Ghastly Gorge. That place was not the most pleasant, especially with all the Quarry eels.  “Oh, sure. I think this is the first time somepony has asked for an autograph. Why this book in particular if I may ask?” Trail asked.  “I go into the Ghastly Gorge a lot. Lots of rocks for my research.” Maud said.  “Oh? Well there are a lot of interesting specimens. If you can avoid the eels. Nasty critters.” Trail said.  Maud smiled, no words, just a smile.  “Would you like to come in?” Maud asked.   “Oh, that’s very kind of you Miss Maud, but we’re looking for Starlight.” Trail said.  “She’s coming down the path right now.” Maud said, pointing behind him.  Trail and everypony turned around to see that Starlight was indeed running down the path behind them. Her horn was lit and her mane looked like a mess. When she finally caught up to them, she slid to a halt right in front of Trail. She panted and caught her breath for a moment before speaking, “Trail… I found you.”  “Starlight, are you alright?” Trail asked with concern in his voice.  “I’m fine. I’ve just been trying to find you. When Zala told me you left with Trixie to find another friend of mine, I guessed it would be Maud.” Starlight said, looking around Trail to see Maud and waving her hoof.  Maud smiled and turned once again to her home entrance, “Let’s all go inside to talk. It’s getting late.”  Everypony agreed and followed the monotone mare into the hole. Trail and Comet were shocked to see a beautiful cavern. An underground reservoir ran down the slopes of the cave, creating a beautiful waterfall. Crystals and gem formations lined the ceiling and the floor, so many colors filled the room with light. A single tent with a bed and paper lanterns were the only things that looked unusual in this wonderful place. “Maud, this place is incredible. You live here?” Trail asked.  “Yes. It’s nice isn’t it?” Maud said, walking towards her makeshift kitchen to the side.  Starlight then looked to Trail and when his gaze met hers, she lowered her head. Trail grew more concerned. Starlight wasn’t acting like her usual self.  Starlight turned to Maud and Trixie, “Girls, can I talk to Trail and Comet, privately?”  Trixie smiled, “Come on Starlight, whatever needs to be said, can be said with your best friend Trixie pres- HEY!”  Trixie felt a pony bite down on her tail and drag her away. Everypony watched as Maud took her into a side passage of the cavern, Trixie kicking and screaming for her to let go. The scene made Trail and Starlight chuckle a little bit.  Starlight then turned back to Trail and Comet, the latter was looking down at her hooves, ears down.  “Comet, sweetie.” Starlight started.  “I’m sorry.” Comet said.  Starlight was stunned by the apology, and before she could respond, Comet latched onto her foreleg, shocking Starlight once again.  “Whatever I did, I’m really sorry. Please don’t go. I want you to be my magic teacher.” Comet said, hugging Starlight’s leg.  This sight shook Starlight to her core, and she couldn’t help but embrace the filly in the tightest hug she had ever given anypony. She held Comet close to her chest and shed a tear.  “Oh sweetie. You did nothing wrong. You don’t have to apologize.” Starlight said, her voice shaky.  “”But I made you leave…” Comet said softly.  “No you didn’t. I ran away because I was scared.” Starlight said.  Comet looked up at her, “Scared? Of what?”  Starlight stroked Comet’s mane softly and tried to give a little smile, “Scared of what you would think of me if you knew my past.”  “Your past?” Comet asked.  Trail was getting curious himself, what did her past have to do with anything? “Do you remember when you said you wanted to be like me? A mare who always uses magic to help others. Protecting ponies and never using magic for anything other than good intentions.” Starlight asked.  Comet nodded.  “The truth is Comet… I wasn’t always like this.” Starlight said.  “What do you mean?” Comet asked.  Starlight sat down on her rump and held Comet close before sighing and doing what she needed to do. Trail sat down next to them as well and listened to the story that Starlight told.  She told them everything. About how losing her friend Sunburst when he got his cutiemark gave her a hatred for them. How she enslaved her hometown and stole cutiemarks so that everypony would be equal. How she nearly destroyed the timeline when she tried to destroy Princess Twilight’s friendship with her friends. How Princess Twilight showed her a better way and gave her a second chance.  Trail and Comet were shocked to hear Starlight’s story. Comet just couldn’t picture her teacher portrayed in such a manner. It didn’t sound like her teacher at all.  “And that’s my story.” Starlight finished.  The room grew quiet and no pony said anything for a while. This caused Starlight to grimace and she started to put Comet down.  “I’ll understand if you want to stay away from me now…” Starlight said sadly.  But before she could put Comet back on the ground, the filly threw her forelegs around the mare’s neck and gave her a tight hug.  “No.” Comet said.  Starlight looked at her in surprise, “No?”  “I don’t want you to leave. I want to keep learning from you. You’re the best magic teacher ever. Please don’t go.” Comet said, tears falling down into Starlight’s neck.  Starlight was so stunned, she couldn’t move. She couldn’t speak. She just supported her student and held her to her neck.  “Starlight.” Trail said.  This caused Starlight to look at him for the first time since she started telling her story. And the look on his face wasn’t anger, or hate, or disgust. It was that same smile he always gave her.  “Did you really think we would hate you for something you did so long ago?” Trail asked.  Starlight bit her lip and tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at Trail. He moved closer to her, and before she could protest, he hugged her. This made her cheeks go red.  “Starlight, you’re our friend. Comet adores you, and I wouldn’t trade you for anypony in Equestria. You’re a good mare, and I’m so happy I met you.” Trail said.  And that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Starlight broke into sobs and buried her muzzle in his chest. She squeezed Comet tight in their embrace and cried so hard into Trail. She hadn’t cried like this in so long. They all stood there for several minutes, letting Starlight release all her pent up emotions.  When the tears and sobs started to subside, Starlight looked up at Trail and saw his smile. It made her feel warm and safe in his embrace.  “Thank you.” Starlight said, resting her head against the crook of his neck.  “You’re welcome Starlight.” Trail said, hugging the mare.  When they separated, Comet chimed in, “Does this mean you’ll still be my teacher?”  Starlight giggled and hugged the filly tighter, “Of course I will, you silly filly.”  Comet giggled and even Trail joined in on the laughter. They all looked so happy together.  From the other passage of the cavern, Trixie and Maud had been watching the whole display. Trixie had a tear in her eye while Maud still had that same expression she always had.  “That was the most beautiful thing Trixie has ever seen.” Trixie said, wiping a tear from her eye. “It truly was magical.” Maud said.  “How can you not be crying after seeing that?” Trixie asked the monotone mare. “I did cry. On the inside.” Maud said, looking at her friend.  She pulled out her pet Boulder, "Even Boulder was crying."   > Ch. 26 - Blackmail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 26 – Blackmail – The sounds of laughter could be heard in the morning of the Everfree, feminine and quite lively. The forest seemed to glow from the excitement.  “Zala, you are truly a delight, who shines immensely bright!” Zecora said, still getting her breath back from her laughter.  “You as well Zecora, this morning has been wonderful. You simply must share your tea recipe with me.” Zala said, sipping at her tea.  “A fair exchange must be made. What would you be willing to trade?” Zecora said, smirking.  “Well, I suppose for such a delectable beverage, one must be compensated with something just as delectable. I do recall you enjoying my daffodil bites.” Zala said, smirking as well.  Zecora’s eyes widened at the suggestion, and her mouth had the tiniest bit of drool before she quickly wiped it away.  “Yes, yes I believe that will suffice. They are quite nice.” Zecora said, trying to regain her composure.  Zala giggled and went to pick up her tea cup again, but her hoof missed and tipped the cup over, spilling it all over the table and the floor.  “Oh Zecora, I’m so sorry. I’ll clean this up right away.” Zala said, getting up from her seat and moving to the kitchen. “Oh please Zala my friend, this mess I will attend.” Zecora said, getting up as well.  Zala had already gotten a towel from the kitchen and was already cleaning the floor by the time Zecora had kneeled down to the floor. When she did, she put her hoof on top of Zala’s to stop her, making the other zebra look up immediately.  Both mares stared at each other, unblinking as their eyes locked. Zala couldn’t help but smile as she stared into Zecora’s blue eyes. A blush started to form on Zecora’s face as she still had not removed her hoof from Zala’s. The moment was something special to behold, so quiet and serene.  CRASH! Both mares bolted up and looked to see that somepony had kicked down Zecora’s front door. Two guard ponies were marching into the house, moving towards them.  “What is the meaning of this!?” Zala demanded.  The guards ignored her question and surrounded Zecora, blocking her paths of escape. Then another guard appeared from the doorway. This one had a much more decorated armor plate, medals and other rewards on his chest.  He walked up in front of Zecora, “Zecora, you are under arrest. You will come with us.”  Zecora looked at him in shock, “Under arrest? An explanation I must request!”  “Resistance is not in your best interest. You will come with us.” The guard said.  The guards at Zecora’s sides put shackles on her legs, shocking the mare and causing her to look at Zala with fear in her eyes.  “Captain, the prisoner is secure.” The guard said.  Zala immediately grew a look of rage on her face, “Now hold on. You can’t just barge in here and shackle her without some kind of explanation. Where is your warrant for this?”  The captain immediately lit up his horn and revealed a piece of parchment, floating it in front of him, “This is a warrant for the arrest of the zebra Zecora.” Zala’s eyes grew wide, the parchment looked legitimate.  Before she could respond, the guards pulled at Zecora’s shackles and marched her out the door. Zala came out of her shock and followed them, not stopping her protests.  “Think fast kiddo!” Tala said, throwing something through the air.  Comet eeped and lit up her horn, a thin magical shield popping up in front of her, blocking the rubber ball and making it bounce back towards the griffin.  “Auntie Tala, you have to give me more warning!” Comet complained.  “Hey, Starlight said you had to practice your new spell. I’m just being a helpful Aunt.” Tala said, picking up the ball.  “It’s not that easy, especially when you don’t give me time to thin- OW!” Comet said, rubbing her nose after Tala had thrown the ball at her again.  “You gotta think faster kiddo. Shields are only good if you get them up in time to block.” Tala said, throwing the ball again.  Comet was ready this time and the shield appeared again, this time a little more solid than the last. The ball bounced harmlessly off it and bounced back to Tala.  “See? Just like that. I told you I knew what I was doing.” Tala said proudly.  “Yeah, you’re a natural magic instructor. Did you do this for Daddy too?” Comet asked.  “Sure did.” Tala smirked.  “Yeah, only it was mud pies rather than a rubber ball.” Trail said, coming out of the house with glasses and a pitcher of lemonade.  Comet laughed at that, and Tala only whistled innocently. Both soon joined Trail at the back porch to enjoy some lemonade.  “You are really improving Comet. Starlight only taught you that spell yesterday.” Trail said, smiling at his filly.  “Thanks Daddy. Making the shield is easy, but making it more solid and keeping it up is hard.” Comet said.  “Yeah, but you are already doing better than I did. Took me almost a week to even get a shield up.” Trail said.  Comet’s smile grew, “Really?”  “I can vouch for that. His face had so much mud on it, he could have passed off for some spa pony regular.” Tala laughed.   Comet laughed while Trail groaned at the joke. He poured everyone some lemonade and they enjoyed their quiet time together.  But suddenly, a loud knock came to the door.  Trail turned to the house, “Now who could that be?”  All three went inside, making their way to the front door, and just when Trail opened the door, he was pushed to the ground by a guard.  “What? Hey, what’s going on? Get off of me!” Trail said, the stallion guard pinning him to the ground.   “Hey! Back off!” Tala said, her feathers ruffled and eyes glaring.  “It would be in your best interest not to resist Mr. Blazer.” Another guard said, this one wearing a captain’s uniform.  Trail was dragged out of his home and had shackles placed on his legs. When he got to his hooves, he saw Zecora there as well, hooves also bound.  “Zecora, what’s going on?” Trail asked.  “I do not know my friend, for I wish this nightmare would end.” Zecora said.  “Brother!” Zala said, having caught up to them.  “First Zecora, now my brother, what is the meaning of this?” Zala demanded.  “We have a warrant for their arrest and now we must take them before Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The guard captain explained.  “What the hay for!?” Tala yelled.  “That is not your concern griffin.” The captain spat.  Tala immediately grew angrier, almost charging at the captain before Zala stopped her.  “Sister you mustn’t.” Zala said.  “Daddy!” Comet said, pushing past everypony to hug her dad.  “Comet, everything will be ok. Princess Twilight will sort this whole mess out.” Trail said.  “Let’s go. Move it.” A guard said, pushing Trail away from his filly.  Trail and Zecora were led down the path and towards Ponyville, Twilight’s Castle being their destination.  Tala, Zala, and Comet were right behind them.  Twilight was sitting in her study, enjoying some tea and sandwiches with all her friends. The elements of harmony, Starlight and Spike all sat in the throne room, all laughing and having a good time.  “So then I said, “You can't have a party without a cake, silly!” Like, who doesn’t love cake?” Pinkie Pie said. “Yeah, everypony loves cake. Especially Mrs. Cake’s.” Rainbow said.  “I agree, but Pinkie, everypony has different tastes. A birthday ice cream sundae is still a nice treat.” Twilight said.  “I guess, but I could have made them a ten layer cake!” Pinkie Pie shouted.  “Well I’m sure they appreciated the gesture, but a party should be what the birthday pony wa-” Twilight said before being interrupted by the door slamming open.  Everypony turned to see two guards escorting Zecora and Trail Blazer in shackles, and their captain entering just behind them.  “Captain Pompous Star, what is the meaning of this?” Princess Twilight asked.  “Princess Twilight Sparkle, we come before you today to inform you that you are part of an investigation by the royal guard.” Captain Star stated.  “Investigation? Into what exactly?” Twilight asked.  “The incident in the Everfree forest during your school field trip. We have learned of what happened and were given orders to apprehend Miss Zecora and Mr. Blazer.” Captain Star explained.  “That incident was resolved long ago. This is unnecessary. Captain, I order you to release those two immediately.” Twilight ordered.  “I’m sorry Princess, but my position states that I only take orders from Princess Celestia. As she is the head of the Equestrian Government, the chain of command would only fall to you if she and Princess Luna were unavailable.” Captain Star said.  “That is ridiculous. This is my castle and these are my friends and subjects.” Twilight said.  “You can set them free, if you do the right thing Princess.” Another voice said, entering behind the Captain.  Everypony gasped as Lord Rhinestone appeared before them, his lawyer Tally Mark at his side as well as Tourmaline.  Twilight glared, “What are you doing here?”  “How rude Princess. Is this how you treat guests here?” Rhinestone scoffed.      “You are not a guest. Now what is going on here?” Twilight demanded.  Tally Mark stepped forward, “Princess Twilight, I have here a formal document that will result in a lawsuit against your school.”  “Lawsuit? For what?” Twilight asked.  “For endangering several of your students and entrusting the safety of those students in a small hooffull of adults, including a zebra with no formal occupation and an adventurer known for reckless behavior. As well as your unjust punishment of Tourmaline.” Tally Mark stated.  Twilight and the others all gasped. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing.  “That is a load of horse apples!” Tala said, having caught up with everypony. Zala, Tala and Comet all entered the room. Starlight immediately went to comfort Comet who was crying at this point.  “This lawsuit will be taken in front of the supreme court of Canterlot in a few days time.” Tally Mark said.  Lord Rhinestone walked forward, “Unless we can come to an agreement. This situation would not look good on either of us. Surely your school doesn’t want this sort of thing getting out.”  Twilight immediately glared at the stallion, “Are you blackmailing me Lord Rhinestone?”  “Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer the phrase, “giving some healthy advice.” He said.  Rainbow shot up, “You seriously intend to take this to court? You have no case! We’ve already talked to all the other parents, all of them agreed with our decision.”  “Yes, your opinion that my son was to blame for all of it. I’m sure the court would want to hear both sides of the story.” Rhinestone said, looking at Rainbow with a bored expression.  “More like you’ll just bribe the judge and jury to see it your way, am I right?” Trail spat.  Rhinestone turned to the stallion, “I’d be careful about making such accusations in your position.”  The noble turned back to the Princess, “Now let’s get this nasty business over with. I will agree to terminate this lawsuit and have Trail Blazer and Zecora released. All I ask is that my son be reinstated back into the School of Friendship, with a clean slate.”  “WHAT!?” Everypony shouted.  “You honestly expect us to just let him come back after everything he did?” Rainbow shouted.  “You rotten little varmint!” Applejack shouted.  “Name calling, and here I thought I was dealing with adults. That is the deal. If you refuse, then I will see you all in court.” Rhinestone said, not moving from his spot.  Twilight looked at Zecora and Trail, bound in chains. She couldn’t believe she let this happen. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  “Tick tock Princess Twilight. I am quite a busy stallion. Your school’s reputation is sparkling clean. I would hate to put such a black mark on it.” Rhinestone smirked.  Twilight glared at him but it soon faded into a defeated look.  “I accept your proposal Lord Rhinestone.” Twilight said softly.  All of her friends looked at her in shock, but the look on their friend’s face told them they could not argue. There was no way out of this without somepony getting hurt.  “Excellent. You’ve made the right decision Princess.” Rhinestone smiled.  He gave the captain a wave of his hoof and the guards all nodded and removed the shackles on Trail and Zecora. Both ponies moved away from the guards and towards the group standing with Princess Twilight. Trail stood with Starlight, hugging Comet tightly while Zecora went to Zala shaking.  “I have my son's belongings with us. I trust his old dorm is still available. Captain, do escort him to his room and help him unpack. I must return to Canterlot. Come Tally.” Rhinestone said, turning towards the door.  The Captain did as he was asked and took Tourmaline, who made sure to give Comet a nasty smirk. Tally Mark ripped up the parchment with the lawsuit on it and followed her employer.  Rhinestone turned to the Princess and smirked, “I told you Princess. Never make an enemy of the Rhinestone family.” He then left and disappeared from sight.  Twilight fell to the floor and cried, her friends all coming to hug her. Comet broke down in Trail’s chest, Starlight petting her mane to try and calm the filly down.  Zecora was still shaking slightly, Zala giving her a hug for comfort.  Tala screeched in fury and clawed at the floor in rage.  How did things go so wrong?  > Ch. 27 - Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 27 – Friends – “You can’t let that bastard get away with this!” Tala screeched.  All of the adults were now in Twilight’s office at the School of Friendship, having let Comet go be with her friends in their dorm room. Nopony was in a good mood, some angry, some sad.  “What do you expect me to do Miss Tala? Everything was legitimate. The warrant, the lawsuit, everything! I can’t believe he went to the Royal Guard just for this.” Twilight shouted back, pacing back and forth.  “Does Princess Celestia know about this?” Rainbow Dash asked.  “I don’t know. I’ll send her a letter tonight. That document may have looked official, but something still feels wrong.” Twilight said.  “Gee, ya think?” Tala snarked.  “Excuse you, Twilight is still a Princess. Show her some respect.” Rarity said, pointing at the griffin. “Then act like one! You make a habit of just letting nobles walk all over you like that?” Tala yelled.  Twilight turned back, eyes glaring with tears starting to form, “I know I screwed up! You think I wanted to be humiliated and threatened like that? Watching two of my friends be put in chains, and my school’s reputation that my friends and I worked so hard for be put on trial?” Tala stepped back a little. She didn’t expect such an outburst from a Princess.  “I know that Rhinestone used his connections to get what he wants. Probably bought off those guards, and had plans to rig the trial against us. Money talks the most in Canterlot.” Twilight said.  She turned away from the group, “I’m going to send a letter to Princess Celestia. I want an investigation into Captain Pompous Star. If Shining saw how those guards just went along with that stallion, he’d be furious.”  Before anyone else could speak, Twilight teleported herself and Spike away, to her room no doubt. Rainbow Dash then took the opportunity to glare at Tala.  “That was really uncool ya know. Twilight isn’t the bad guy here.” Rainbow said.  Tala looked at her, “I’m not saying she is. But her title should have some weight behind it. That whole crap about only taking orders from Celestia is nothing but crap. I’ve seen Princess Luna order guards around.”  “Yeah, but that doesn’t give you the right to keep putting everything on Twilight. That Rhinestone guy is the bad guy here.” Rainbow Dash said, getting closer to the griffin.  “Yeah, well he’s got money and lawyers backing him up so much he’s practically untouchable. It’s one of the many reasons I stay away from Canterlot.” Tala said.  “Canterlot isn’t all nobles and horrid ponies Miss Tala. Some of the ponies there are quite respectable.” Rarity stated.  “Not in my experience. And nothing you or anyone else says will convince me otherwise.” Tala scuffed.  “Tala, that’s enough.” Trail said.  Everypony looked at him, Starlight still sitting close to him. She hadn’t moved far from him ever since they took the shackles off. Zala hadn’t left Zecora’s side either, the latter zebra still shaking slightly.  “Fighting amongst ourselves won’t solve anything. And as much as I hate Canterlot, we shouldn’t let our feelings change anypony else’s.” Trail said. “What we can do now is figure out how to move forward from this. The situation is not ideal, but it is what we have been served. Let Princess Twilight handle the politics in Canterlot while we focus on what’s best for the other students.” Trail explained.  Tala sighed, “I just want to keep him away from Comet. He almost got her killed, I don’t care what that stupid lawyer of his says. He won’t hurt my niece.”  “Sister, none of us want Comet anywhere near that brat, but with his father protecting him, there is little we can do concerning his place here.” Zala said.  “So what can we do!?” Tala screamed as she kicked at nothing.  Fluttershy came up to the griffin and put a hoof on her shoulder, “I know we didn’t do our best before, but we promise to do our best not just for Comet, but for all the students. Tourmaline won’t be getting any more warnings.”   Tala was about to say something, but seeing the look of regret and a plea for forgiveness, she relented. “Thank you.” Tala said softly.  Rainbow Dash flew into the air, “I won’t tolerate any more of his crap. I’m gonna keep an eye on the little turd, and if he messes with Comet and her friends again, I’m gonna be right there to send his flank back to his dorm.”  “He probably won’t bother with any of our classes. Sounded like all he wants is to learn magic from a Princess. Why is he so determined to learn magic anyway?” Applejack asked.  “Status darling. A noble’s son learning magic from an alicorn would be a boast to their families reputation.” Rarity said.  “Well, I don’t like it. Not one bit. He won’t even try to make friends. This is a school of friendship, that’s the whole point of the school!” Pinkie shouted.  A flash of purple announced Twilight and Spike’s return to the room, she looked exhausted.  “How’d it go, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.  “I sent a letter to the Princess. I expect to hear a reply tomorrow.” Twilight said tiredly.  Tala stepped forward, “Princess.”  Twilight turned to the griffin.  “I’m sorry for what I said. I shouldn’t be taking this out on you. I’m just really worried about Comet.” Tala said.  Twilight smiled, “Tala, I understand how you feel. Your niece is very precious to you, isn’t she?”  Tala nodded, “More than anything.”  “And she is so lucky to have so many loving family members. Don’t worry Miss Tala, I will get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, we’ll keep a very close eye on Tourmaline.”  Twilight said reassuringly.  Tala smiled at the Princess and gave her a respectful bow.  Pinkie then jumped in the middle of the room, “You know what we all need, a party!” “I agree with Miss Pie. We could all use some merriment to raise our spirits. How about a nice home cooked dinner for everyone?” Zala said. “Oh golly Miss Zala, you don’t have to do anything like that.” Applejack said.  “Please, I insist.” Zala smiled.  “And we can all go to my house, I’d love to host this dinner party.” Trail said.  Everyone cheered and moved out of the room, eager to find the kids and invite them to their dinner party.  Comet cried into Silverstream’s chest, the feather growing wet with her tears. Ocellus sat on her opposite side, hugging the crying filly as hard as she could. The rest of the group stayed close, offering any comfort they could. Yona was the first to stand and stomp on the ground, making everyone jump.  “No fair! No fair that bully pony gets back into school! Yona no want him here!” Yona shouted.  “Yona, you gotta calm down.” Sandbar said, trying to put his hoof on the yak’s side.  Yona looked at him and slowly took a deep breath and flopped back down to the floor on her belly. Sandbar took the opportunity to lay next to her.  “I totally agree with Yona. I don’t want that jerk here!” Smolder said, snorting out smoke.  “No one wants him here. But his dad has the bits to make whatever he wants happen. If they went along with that lawsuit, who knows what could have happened to the school.” Gallus explained.  “What does he really want here? Is he really that desperate to learn magic from Princess Twilight?” Silverstream asked, petting Comet’s mane.  “Something stinks about this whole thing. He was always competitive in class, but this goes way beyond that. It’s like he needs to be the best.” Ocellus said.  “He’s nothing but a spoiled rich kid. I’d love to burn his stupid face off.” Smolder said, fire leaking out the sides of her mouth. “And all that would do is get you into trouble. Then cause a whole conflict between Dragon Lord Ember and this stupid noble.” Sandbar explained.  “He isn’t stupid enough to take on Dragon Lord Ember!” Smolder said, challenging Sandbar’s statement.  “He has the resolve to go against a Princess and hero of Equestria. The Element of Magic herself. You think he would stop at just her?” Sandbar shot back.  Smolder growled and grumbled, sitting back down and crossing her arms.  “Why?” A small voice asked.  Everyone in the room turned to Comet, who was slowly getting her voice back from crying for so long. Her eyes were red and puffy, with a bit of snot coming from her nose. Ocellus saw this and quickly gave her a tissue. Comet took it and blew her nose loudly. “Why me? Why was he so focused on me?” Comet asked.  “Because you were threatening his position at the top of our magic class. He was trying to get rid of the competition.” Ocellus said.  “But I’m not the top of the class. Maybe top 10, but I don’t think I’ll ever be number 1.” Comet said.  “But you could be, and that’s all that jerk can see.” Smolder said. Comet just rested her head against Silverstream, “So what am I supposed to do?”  To everyone’s surprise, Ocellus stood up in front of the group, “We make a promise.”  “A promise?” Comet asked.   “A promise that no matter what happens, we won’t let that creep anywhere near Comet again.” Ocellus stated.  Smolder and Silverstream immediately agreed, followed quickly by the rest of the group. Comet couldn’t help but let out a few more tears as her heart melted. She truly had such wonderful friends, willing to protect her.  “Thank you everyone. I don’t know what to say.” Comet said. “You don’t need to say anything. That’s what friends are for.” Sandbar said.  Everyone cheered and hugged Comet. The girls were all giggling, even Smolder, but she would deny it.  Soon the door opened and Trail poked his head inside the room.  “Hey sweetie, how are you kids hanging in there?”  “We’re ok daddy. How'd things go with the Princess?” Comet asked.  “They went a lot better than anyone really thought they would. In fact, everyone is coming over to our house for dinner. I don’t suppose your friends would like to join us would they?” Trail asked with a smile.  Comet and her friends all gave out a “Yeah!” and made for the door.  Trail’s house was packed to the brim with kids and teachers alike. Everypony was enjoying a wonderful evening with no worries at all. Pinkie brought all kinds of games and exciting stories to fill the night with joy. Zala made several amazing dishes that made Rarity beg her for recipes, which were denied. Everypony stayed late into the night, even allowing the children to stay up with them.  Tala performed all kinds of tricks and maneuvers in the backyard, much to Gallus’ amazement. Meanwhile Twilight, Starlight, Ocellus and Comet all performed feats of magic to dazzle the crowd. Smolder and Spike did a cool dragon fire dance that they came up with.  As the night grew long, everyone soon grew tired and made their way home. Twilight teleported the students back to the castle while the rest of the teachers went along the path back to their homes. Zala offered Zecora a place on the couch to avoid walking the Everfree forest alone, but the other zebra assured her it was no trouble. As Zecora left, Zala could be seen watching her vanish into the night.  “Watching that nice flank get away from you sis?” Tala teased.  “Shut your beak Tala!” Zala said blushing hotly.  Zala chased the griffin around the house with her staff, failing to hit her flying adversary. Trail and Starlight laughed at the display before turning to look at each other.  “Thank you for a great night Trail.” Starlight said.  “Thank you for your company. I promise, we will make the most of this situation.” Trail said.  “I know we will. I’ll see you for morning coffee tomorrow right?” Starlight asked.  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Trail smiled.  A filly sized blur shot past Trail and latched onto Starlight’s leg, hugging her tightly before looking up at her with the cutest eyes the world had ever seen.  “Bye Miss Starlight. Can’t wait for our next lesson. I’ll work really hard.” Comet said.  Starlight smiled widely and leaned down to nuzzle the filly.  “I can’t wait either Comet. You better have the shield spell ready. Because the next spell will be twice as hard.” Starlight said with a smirk.  Comet giggled. “Alright, I better get back. Goodnight you two.” Starlight said, lighting up her horn for a teleportation spell.  “Goodnight.” Both Trail and Comet said together.  Starlight Glimmer then disappeared with a flash of light. And as Trail looked at his filly and smiled, he received a pillow to the back of his head. He turned back into the house.  “Zala, Tala, how old are you two? Stop horsing around before you break something!” Trail yelled at his sisters. And right on cue, a poor defenseless lamp met its end that night with a loud crash.   > Ch. 28 - Visitors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 28 – Visitor – Several days had passed since Tourmaline had wormed his way back into the school. He, of course, was only interested in his magic class. He quickly regained his top status in the class, with Comet and Ocellus coming in at the #4 and #5 spots. Twilight gave him only the basic attention in class, not even giving a real congratulations when he succeeded anymore. Everyone in the school was avoiding him like the plague, and while normally Twilight would hate seeing somepony treated like this, she felt nothing for the colt.  Comet on the other hand had excelled so quickly in her studies thanks to Twilight's class and Starlight’s tutoring. She even started taking lessons in the advanced magic studies section of the library. Starlight was so proud of her protege, seeing her accomplish so much made her smile.  Since the incident with Lord Rhinestone, Starlight had been spending more and more time with not only Comet, but Trail as well. She was now a regular at their home, joining in for dinner nearly twice a week, and having coffee nearly every morning with the stallion. She was truly happy to be accepted into their lives even after her past was revealed to them. In fact, since that talk, nopony had even brought it up.  Starlight walked through the streets of Ponyville, humming a tune in her head as she wore a bright smile on her face. She had just finished another morning of coffee with Trail and was on her way to the marketplace to pick up some parchment for Twilight. A task she had done so many times since she came to live with her teacher.  As the Quill and Sofa came into view, Starlight was still humming her tune, not even bothering to watch where she was going. Suddenly, she collided with something.  She quickly regained awareness of her surroundings and found that she had bumped into somepony in a wheelchair. An older looking unicorn mare with a purple coat and dark pinkish mane.  “Oh my gosh Miss, I’m so sorry.” Starlight said apologetically. The mare straightened herself back up in her wheelchair, not looking annoyed, just with a warm motherly smile.  “Oh no worries dearie. Accidents happen, and no harm is done.” She said, her voice soft despite her age.  “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. Are you new to Ponyville?” Starlight asked.  “In a sense dearie. I’m just here for a visit.” The mare said.   “Oh, who are you visiting?” Starlight asked.  “My family. They told me they moved here and I wanted to surprise them.” She said.  “Oh, well if they are new here, then I’m sure Princess Twilight can help you find them.” Starlight stated.  “The Princess? Oh no, I couldn’t bother her with something like this.” The mare said.  “Nonsense. Twilight would love to help. I’ll take you to her school, after I get her parchments.” Starlight said.  “You know the Princess?” The mare asked.  “Sure I do. I’m her personal student, Starlight Glimmer is the name.” Starlight introduced herself.  “Well it is certainly nice to meet you Miss Starlight. My name is Valley Trail.” Valley said.  As Valley Trail followed her, Starlight had a strange feeling in the back of her mind. Like she had heard that name before. “Comet, did you finish yesterday's homework? I’m stumped on the last problem.” Ocellus asked.  “I can help you out with it, Ocellus. We’ve still got until this afternoon before it’s due.” Comet said.  “Oh thank you. I’ve been worried about it all night. I barely got any sleep.” Ocellus said.  “What are friends for? Come on, we’ll head for the library.” Comet said, pulling Ocellus along into another hallway of the school.  “So, where’s Silverstream?” Comet asked.  “She wasn’t feeling well this morning, so she took the day off to rest in our dorm. Nurse Redheart wrote a note for her to Princess Twilight.” Ocellus answered.  “Oh no. I need to visit her later. Maybe I can bring her something to make her feel better.” Comet said.  “I’m sure she’d like that.” Ocellus smiled.  As the two young fillies moved around the corner, they saw Starlight Glimmer walking from the other side of the hallway. Comet was excited to see her mentor and was about to call out to her. But something else quickly caught her eye. Something she had not expected to see. An older mare in a wheelchair following behind Starlight. A mare Comet knew all too well.  “Comet, everything ok?” Ocellus asked.  As soon as the question was asked, Comet was racing down the hallway like a blur. She ran past several students, bobbing and weaving between them. Rainbow Dash even called out to her for running in the hallway, but she again did not stop in her mission.  As she came into earshot of them, she could hear them speaking.  “Oh my, this school is amazing. I have to say Miss Starlight, I’m so excited to be here.” Valley said.  “Thank you. Twilight and our friends worked really hard on this school.” Starlight said.  “Oh I wonder how my baby filly is enjoying it.” Valley said.  Starlight turned to the mare and was about to ask about that comment when she saw Comet running down the hallway directly for them. Starlight was about to tell her to slow down, but she didn’t get the chance before Comet leaped into the air screaming “Nana!”  Valley Trail turned around just in time for a little filly to land in her lap and look up at her with eyes so bright they shined in the light.  “Is that my Comet!? My baby girl!” Valley said, grabbing the filly and peppering her face with kisses.  Comet giggled and didn’t pull away from the affection. She instead leaned into it and hugged her grandmare softly, as she knew about her condition.  “I was coming here to help look for you sweetie and you found me! Oh my goodness!” Valley Trail laughed as she hugged her filly.  Starlight looked at the scene, and the memories of her time with Comet looking at her old family photo came back to her. This was Valley Trail, Comet’s grandmare, and Trail’s mother.  “Starlight! Starlight, come meet my grandmare.” Comet said, pulling Starlight out of her memories.  Starlight approached the two, “So you’re Comet’s grandmother?”  “Yes. Now that I think about it, Trail did mention a Starlight Glimmer in his letters. I’m terribly sorry for not remembering dearie.” Valley said.  “Oh it’s no worry at all. Comet showed me her family picture a while back and I didn’t recognize you.” Starlight said.  “Well, it all worked out in the end. I have my precious little filly.” Valley said, kissing Comet’s forehead again and again.  Comet giggled and noticed that Ocellus had caught up and was looking confused. Comet quickly jumped off her grandmare and moved to her friend’s side. “Nana, this is Ocellus. One of the best friends I’ve made since I came to this school. Ocellus, this is my grandmare, Valley Trail.” Comet said.  Ocellus gave a shy wave, “Hi.”  “You’ve made friends! Sweetheart, that's wonderful. She looks so precious. The first time I’ve seen a reformed changeling. I love your colors dearie.” Valley said, looking Ocellus over.  Ocellus blushed and hid her face with a hoof.  “So Comet, where are you off to right now?” Starlight asked.  “Ocellus and I were going to the library. I was going to help Ocellus with a problem she was having trouble with.” Comet said.  “That’s my Comet. Always willing to help others. Even when she was a filly. Oh, the memories.” Valley said, closing her eyes.  “Well, why don’t we all see if we can help out? Then afterwards you can give your grandmare a tour of the school.” Starlight said.  Comet jumped, “That’s a great idea.” All four mares went off to the library, Valley silently watching as her granddaughter seemed so much happier than last she saw her. She wasn’t lonely anymore, and Valley would be sure to thank everyone in the school.  “And finally, here are the dorm rooms. My friends all stay here, and I get to stay over sometimes.” Comet said.  The tour had gone on for about an hour, showing Valley Trail all the sights of the school. The great hall and the library were among Valley’s favorite spots as she admired the architecture of the school and the amount of knowledge held in the library. Some of the teachers passed them by but were so busy they didn’t even get a chance to learn who they were talking to. So many students passed through the halls with them, all with bright smiling faces.  “This school is truly remarkable. I’m so glad Trail brought you here.” Valley said.  She then turned to Comet, “Where is your father anyway? Not at home being lazy I hope.”  Comet giggled, “No. He’s probably out in the Everfree Forest.” “I think Trail said he was going to start on the first chapter of his new survival guide.” Starlight said.  “Oh, then he’s at home probably banging his head against the wall.” Comet laughed.  “Why’s that?” Starlight asked.  “Because Trail always struggled with starting a book. Once he got going, he wouldn’t stop until somepony pointed out that it was dinner time.” Valley said, chuckling a little.  Everyone chuckled at the joke, imagining Trail crumbling up papers into a trash can.  “Hey Comet, can we check on Silverstream before we continue?” Ocellus chimed in.  “Oh sure. No worries.” Comet said.  “Silverstream, what’s wrong with her?” Starlight said.  “She wasn’t feeling well this morning, so Headmare Twilight let her stay in bed.” Ocellus answered.  “Oh no. I hope she feels better soon.” Starlight said.  Everyone soon moved in the direction of Ocellus’ dorm room. Once they opened the door, Silverstream was lying in bed, looking very unwell. Despite her illness, she still tried to give her trademark smile.  “Hi Comet, Hi Ocellus, and everyone else. Wow, I get lots of visitors.” Silverstream said weakly.  Comet and Ocellus immediately went to their friend’s bedside and gave her comforting smiles. Starlight and Valley Trail were right behind them, the latter looking at Silverstream with a motherly glance.  “Oh Silverstream, this is my grandmare. Valley Trail.” Comet said, motioning to the older mare.  Silverstream gave a little wave as the older mare just kept looking at her. Then Valley came closer and put a hoof on Silverstream’s forehead. She held it there and nopony said anything for a few seconds. “100. Not terrible but not good either.” Valley said. She then turned to Starlight, “Miss Glimmer, do you have a kitchen here?”  “Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?” Starlight asked, sounding confused.  “I know a special soup that will help break her fever. My own recipe.” Valley said, smiling.  “Oh, you don’t have to Miss Trail.” Silverstream said, shaking her head.  Valley Trail turned to the young hippogriff and booped her on the beak with her hoof. “Hush now. I can’t leave a friend of Comet’s in bed feeling ill, now can I?” Valley said, a motherly tone in her voice.  Silverstream smiled brightly.  Starlight smiled as well, turning to point the way back to the hallway.  “This way Miss Trail.” Starlight said.  “Dearie, please. Call me Valley.” The older mare said before moving to follow her.  An hour in the castle kitchen later, Valley Trail and the group returned to the dorm area with a bowl of hot soup. Comet offered to help carry the bowl to allow her grandmother to rest and focus her magic on her wheelchair.  As they were coming around the corner, something bumped into Comet and made her lose focus on the bowl. But she caught herself and kept her magic stable. Looking to who she bumped into, she grimaced.  “Again, do you not know how to watch where you’re going?” Tourmaline said, looking irritated.  Starlight immediately got next to Comet, “Tourmaline, it was an accident. Now move along.”  He looked up at Starlight, “I don’t think you should be telling me what to do, Counselor.” The dark tone in his voice made Comet look up at Starlight with worry, but the mare did not even flinch.  “I am still a teacher here, Tourmaline. Do not take that tone with me. Now, go about your business.” Starlight said sternly.  Tourmaline huffed and moved past them, but not before bumping Comet with magic to make her lose focus on the bowl. The bowl was just about to spill its contents all over the floor.  But before that could happen, a pink magical glow caught every last bit of the soup and the bowl, returning the contents into the bowl, good as new.  Tourmaline’s eyes widened before he looked to the one who’s horn was glowing pink. Valley Trail was glaring at me with a disapproving eye. This made the colt more agitated as he left the area without another word.  “Who was that colt?” Valley asked.  “Tourmaline. He’s the one who almost got me and my friends eaten by a basilisk.” Comet said.  “Ah, so he’s the rich brat. Well, no need to waste our time with him. Come, Silverstream needs us.” Valley said, rolling her wheelchair around.  The group went inside the room where Silverstream laid in bed. The soup did the trick and Silverstream was starting to feel a little better. Valley Trail was so good with the children that Starlight couldn’t help but be inspired.  What the group didn’t realize was that there was another presence just outside the door, listening in with magic. Looking questionly at the older mare in the wheelchair.  “Who are you, and how did you do that?” Tourmaline said quietly to himself.   > Ch. 29 - Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 29 – Family – Trail Blazer sat at his desk in his room, looking over the pages in front of him. He had been working on this one page all morning. Crumpled papers lay all across the floor of the room, signifying his frustration.  Trail groaned as he crumpled another paper, throwing it behind him.  “That is quite wasteful brother.” A female voice came from behind him.  He turned to see Zala walking into the room with a tray balanced on her back, three tea cups sitting, steam coming off the tops. “Bill me. And I’m not in the mood for tea.” Trail said grumpily.  “It will help you concentrate brother. This happens everytime you start a new book.” Zala said, placing a cup on his desk.  “Yeah yeah.” Trail grumbled.  “Wow, you’re a real grump when you write. And you were so happy when you got home too.” Tala snarked from the doorway.  “Oh yes, I’m always happy to come home to my supportive sisters.” Trail said.  “Hey, I support you. Just stating the facts.” Tala said.  “Do you have nothing better to do than bother me?” Trail said.  “Nah. Not really.” Tala said, flopping onto Trail’s bed lazily.  “Great, now I’m gonna have hair and feathers all over my bed.” Trail said.  “Hey, I don’t shed!” Tala said sharply.  “Oh no, not at all sister. I certainly don’t clean your sheets with a lint brush everytime I wash them.” Zala said, still standing by Trail.  “Oh yeah. What about you? All those beauty products and perfumes in the bathroom. I feel like I’m walking into that prissy unicorn’s boutique everytime I go to take a leak.” Tala said back at her.  Zala turned to glare at her, “At least I care about my appearance. When’s the last time you actually brushed your fur? Or preened for that matter.”  “Hey! I preen every night. And I put all my feathers into the trash. Unlike you when you have to cut your mane. The sink was clogged for a whole day!” Tala yelled.  “Will you both get out and scream at each other elsewhere!? I’m trying to concentrate!” Trail yelled at his sisters.  “Butt out!” They both yelled at him, throwing some of the crumpled up paper at the back of his head.  He turned and threw paper back at them. Soon it was a fight, paper balls flying everywhere. The fighting went to the living downstairs after Trail started to use magic to pummel the girls with paper. Trail had taken to using the underside of the stairs as cover, while Zala was hiding behind the doorway to the kitchen. Tala had made the couch into a fortress and was continuing the attack on Zala. Trail took the opportunity to fire at Tala while she was distracted, landing a hit right in her beak. The griffin puffed out her feathers, only to receive another blow to the side of her head from her zebra sister.  As Zala laughed at her success, Trail hit her with a paper ball. This messed up her mane a little and made her face burn red with rage. The paper balls flew faster between all three of them now. It was a storm of projectiles that didn’t seem to have any sign of stopping.  They were so focused on the battle of hoof, they didn’t even notice the front door opening.  All of the sudden, every single ball in the air stopped, wrapped in a pink magical glow. The sibling trio all stopped as they recognized the magic. “Ahem.” A soft voice cleared their throat.  They all turned to see an elderly mare they all knew well. And she was giving them all a disapproving glance, tapping her hoof on her wheelchair. “Hi Mom.” All three siblings said in unison.  The balls of paper were all floated into the trashcan near the front door, and Starlight and Comet made their way into the house. Comet giggled at the scene, and even Starlight let out a cute little giggle.  Then the trio found themselves pulled by their ears to the center of the room, where Valley Trail met them with that same glance.  “Mother, we can explain.” Zala said nervously.  “Oh I do hope so dear. Explain to me why three adults are acting like children. What kind of example are you setting for little Comet?” Valley said.  “She started it…” Tala grumbled.  “I do not care who started it Tala. Now, I want you three to apologize to each other.” Valley said sternly.  The three looked at each other and hesitated for several seconds before Valley cleared her throat once again. They eventually relented. “Sorry for being so grumpy about my writing sisters. I should know better.” Trail said apologetically.  “No Brother. I am sorry. I was being childish.” Zala said.  “Yeah, you both were big babies.” Tala said snarkily.  As she said that, the pink glow around her ear returned and pulled.  “Ow! Ow! Alright, I’m sorry!” Tala screeched.  Her ear was released and she rubbed at it, “Geez Mom, you’re gonna pull my ear off one of these days.”  “Well, you don’t listen very well to begin with.” Valley said, giving a little smirk.  Tala grumbled, but only for a second. Soon all three siblings rushed over to the elderly mare in the wheelchair. Valley Trail chuckled and embraced them as well.  “Good to see you again Mom.” Trail said, a tear falling down his face.  “Yes, it is so wondrous to have you here Mother.” Zala said, a tear forming in her eye as well.  Tala didn’t say anything, but she did nuzzle into the mare’s neck more than the others did.  “My children. You all look well. I trust you have done well for yourselves since last we saw each other.” Valley said.  “We have Mother. We have a wonderful home here. And Comet is doing so well in school.” Zala said.  “I know. She showed me the school.” Valley said, turning to see the filly, who was still giggling.  Trail groaned at his daughter, feeling embarrassed. But also noticing that Starlight was now giggling too, his face grew red.  Valley noticed this and smiled, “Starlight has also told me she has taken Comet under her wing. Such a talented mage teaching our little Comet is truly a blessing.”  Starlight blushed at that, “Please. I’m not famous or anything.”  “Student to Princess Twilight and the mare who lead the rescue operation against Queen Chrysalis.” Trail said, listing off her accomplishments.  Starlight’s face grew more red, “Trail!”  “Hey, I didn’t know about that.” Tala said, flying behind Starlight to prevent her escape.  “Looks like little Miss Glimmer is more awesome than I gave her credit for.” Tala smirked. Starlight’s face grew so red, you could swear she had steam coming off her forehead.  “Now now Tala, let us not embarrass poor Starlight too much.” Zala said, coming to Starlight’s rescue.  Starlight let out a sigh of relief, her face staring to lose that redness.  “Though I must say, our brother sure knows how to pick ‘em.” Zala snarked.  The redness returned to Starlight’s face again, even more intense than before. Trail also started to glow red. “Zala!” Trail shouted.  Both sisters started to laugh at the embarrassment of the two unicorns. Valley rolled her eyes and gave the two girls a flick on the ear with her magic. Comet looked at her father and teacher, seeing the embarrassment on their faces. What Auntie Zala had said, what did she mean? Comet pondered these thoughts for a few minutes, not realizing that everyone had sat down on the couch to relax. She walked over to sit next to her father, who was sitting away from Starlight, both not looking at each other for more than a few seconds each.  “So Mom, why didn’t you tell us you were coming to visit?” Trail asked.  “A mother can’t surprise her family. Besides, if I had, Zala would still be trying to make the place spotless for my arrival.” Valley said.  Zala looked away from everyone staring at her, not giving them the satisfaction of her lack of denial to the statement.  “Well it’s always nice to see you Mom. But please tell us next time. You know we don’t like you to travel alone.” Trail said.  “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I thought you had learned that when you three tried to put me in that retirement home.” Valley said.  “We just worry about you Mom.” Tala said quietly.  Valley brushed her daughter’s head with magic, “I know dear. But I am not ready to retire just yet.”  “So you live all by yourself Valley?” Starlight asked.  “Yes, in our old family home. In the forests just south of Baltimare.” Valley explained.  “Guess that explains why Trail is such an outdoor pony.” Starlight chuckled.  “Guilty as charged. I know every inch of that forest. I could walk through it blindfolded as a kid.” Trail said.  “I tried to get him to do it for real, but he wussed out.” Tala snarked.  “I didn’t mean it literally. I could have walked over a root, or stepped on a snake!” Trail shouted at the griffin.  Everyone laughed at that, even Trail after a few seconds.  “So Zala, why do you and Tala call her Mom?” Starlight asked.  “Cause she adopted us.” Zala said.  Starlight looked over at Valley, who smiled.  “Indeed I did. My husband and I both. I remember it like it was yesterday.” Valley said, leaning back in her wheelchair. “We had some business in Griffinstone, and after we had concluded our business with our very greedy griffin supplier, we came across a young griffin chick being pushed around by some older younglings. My husband scared them off while I picked up the little chick. She was very hesitant about me holding her, but she was so tired and malnourished that she didn’t have the energy to resist me. I couldn't bear to leave her there, so we brought her home. And that night, we gave her the name Tala.” Valley said, telling her story.  Tala came over and nuzzled Valley lovingly.  “Not long after that, we started to experience some thefts in our pantry. So one night I stayed up to see what could have been stealing from our storage. Little did I know, I would meet a certain zebra filly. I caught her burying her head in a cereal box. She was thin, and the most adorable little filly I had ever seen. When I approached her, she thought I was going to hit her for stealing. I grabbed the poor dear and held her tight. She started crying into my chest when I told her she could have anything she wanted to eat. In the morning, I showed her to my husband and we decided to adopt her as we had Tala. We gave her the name, Zala.” Valley finished.  Zala quickly came over and hugged her mother.  Starlight wiped a tear from her eye, “That’s such a beautiful story. I had no idea.”  “I may not have birthed them, but I gave them their names and raised them myself. Trail was so delighted to have siblings. They were inseparable. Always getting into mischief, and never letting anyone hurt their family.” Valley said.  “They are my sisters. Our bond goes beyond blood.” Trail said.  The three siblings joined around their mother, giving the tightest, warmest family hug in existence. Comet jumped into her Nana’s lap and joined in on the family hug.  “You’re such a beautiful family.” Starlight said, her heart so warm in her chest.  “Thank you dear. What about you? Tell us about your family.” Valley said.  “Oh it’s just me and my dad. He lives in Sire’s Hollow, where I grew up.” Starlight said.  “And what about your mother?” Valley asked.  Starlight’s ears lowered, “I don’t remember my mother very well. She died when I was a filly.”  “Oh goodness. I’m so sorry Starlight.” Valley said.  Comet immediately rushed to hug her teacher, which Starlight returned gratefully.  The family and their guest all enjoyed themselves in the living room. Zala even made tea and cookies for everyone to enjoy. Starlight was enjoying all the stories of Valley Trail and how she raised the three siblings. She even helped raise Comet during her earlier years. Starlight was once again curious about Comet’s mother, as she had not been mentioned at all when it came to Comet’s younger years. But she knew better than to bring it up with Comet and Trail around. Maybe she could get Valley alone and ask her questions.  “So Valley, where is your husband?” Starlight asked.  Valley grew solemn, “My dear Cloud Trail. He passed away years ago I’m afraid.”  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Starlight apologized.  “No no dear. He passed peacefully. We all do miss him, but he would not want us to be sad.” Valley said.  “Still, I’m sorry. It must be hard for you to be without him.” Starlight said.  “Terribly so. But he wished that I continue on for our family. And I will until I know I am no longer needed.” Valley said solemnly.  “We’ll always need you Nana!” Comet said, hugging her nana.  Valley chuckled and hugged the filly.  The night continued on with much merriment. Valley even cooked a delicious meal fit for a grandmother’s cooking. Starlight admitted it was even better than Zala’s cooking. Though she couldn’t say it to the zebra’s face. The group all enjoyed themselves until the hours of the evening. Starlight eventually had to make her way back to the castle. “It was lovely to meet you dear.” Valley said, waving Starlight farewell.  “Same to you, Valley. Now I know where Trail gets all his charisma.” Starlight smiled.  “Oh you flatter an old mare. Now get along, before it gets too dark.” Valley said.  Starlight smiled and turned to Comet, who was standing next to her Nana, “See you tomorrow Comet. I know you’ll do great on your next test. You can always come to my office if you want some extra practice.”  “Thanks Starlight. With you as my teacher, I know I’ll do good.” Comet said gleefully.  Starlight smiled and lit up her horn, teleporting away from the Trail Family Home.  “Alright young filly. It is far past your bedtime.” Valley said.  “But Nana, Dad lets me stay up till 10.” Comet pouted.  “Oh does he now? Well not while I’m here. Young fillies need their rest. Now come on. Nana will tuck you in.” Valley said.  Comet smiled widely and ran to her room. Her nana did indeed tuck her in that night. As Comet laid in bed all cozy, she smiled up at the older mare. “I’m glad you’re here Nana.” Comet said.  “I am too sweetie. I missed you so much. I’m so happy for you.” Valley said.  “Will you be staying for Nightmare Night?” Comet asked.  Valley looked at her with mock shock, “Like I would miss taking my little filly on her yearly candy hoarding?”  “Yay!” Comet squealed.  “But for now, little fillies need to go to sleep.” Valley said.  “You’ll be here when I wake up?” Comet asked.  “Of course silly filly.” Valley said, kissing her granddaughter on the forehead.  Valley then started to quietly wheel herself out of Comet’s room and closed the door just enough for a little light to peek through.  “You always were the best with children.” Trail said from the hallway.  “I raised you three right, didn't I? Celestia knows it wasn’t easy.” Valley said.  “I’m also glad you’re here Mom.” Trail said.  “I am too. And such a wonderful new home that you’ve found here.” Valley said.  “Yeah. Comet has made so much progress.” Trail said.  “She has. And you as well.” Valley said.  “Me? I haven’t even started on the next book.” Trail said curiously.  “Not the book. I meant that Starlight Glimmer. Such a nice mare.” Valley said.  “Yeah, she’s a good friend. Comet really likes her.” Trail said, not understanding what his mother was saying.  “I know. Like I said, such a nice mare. I hope to see more of her in the future.” Valley said, rolling down the hall to her room. Trail looked confused at his mother. What could she be talking about? Sure Starlight was a nice mare, and he spent a lot of time with her. She’s a good friend. Nothing more.     > Ch. 30 - Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 30 – Preparations – “Nightmare Night is almost here!” Comet squealed.  “I don’t know what’s the big deal about all this?” Smolder said, lying lazily on her bed.  “How can you not be excited!? Free candy, parties, scary stories, and all kinds of events in town!” Comet said, pointing a hoof at the dragon.  “Yeah, I’m super excited too! We get to be part of the haunted maze this year!” Silverstream shouted.  “Yona excited too! Yona want to be scary!” Yona said, stomping on the ground and making everyone jump up a little.  “We all have to be scary. The haunted maze is gonna be really popular this year. Headmare Twilight is counting on us.” Gallus said.  “I hope I’ll do ok. I’m not really used to scaring ponies.” Ocellus said meekly.  “Oh come on, you’ll be the best out of all of us. You can literally turn into anything!” Smolder said.  Ocellus blushed and scoffed at the floor with her hoof. Comet immediately hugged her and the changeling started to calm down.  “You’ll be great Ocellus. We’re gonna work on our routine and we’ll be the best part of the maze. I’ve got tons of cool ideas.” Comet said.  “It was cool of your family volunteering to be our chaperones for the rest of the night. Are you sure your grandmare will be ok all night?” Sandbar asked.  “Nana is tougher than she looks. Don’t let the wheelchair fool you.” Comet said.  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. She is super cool. Those cookies of hers are the best I’ve ever had. Even better than Sugarcube Corner’s.” Sandbar said.  “No one can bake a better cookie than Nana. Trust me, Auntie Zala has tried.” Comet giggled.  Everyone in the room laughed at that. Then a bell rang out across the school, signaling to the students that it was time to head to class.  “Alright, Comet and I are heading to Professor Rarity’s art class. We’ll see you guys for free period later.” Ocellus said as she got up from her spot on her bed.  “Yeah, time for me and Sandbar to sweat off those cookies with Professor Rainbow Dash and her obstacle course challenge. Wonder what it’ll be this time.” Gallus said, stretching out his wings.  “Probably everything we had last week mixed into one course.” Sandbar said, making Gallus cringe.  Silverstream laughed, “I remember the time Discord showed up and turned the running track into soap. We all were slipping everywhere.” As the friends all left with high spirits, Comet walked with Ocellus as they made their way to Rarity’s classroom. Along the way, Comet had remembered something that she had wanted to ask Ocellus about.  “Hey Ocellus.” Comet said, wanting to get the changeling’s attention.  Ocellus turned to her with a curious expression, “What’s up?”  “I know changelings don’t feed on love anymore. I was wondering if you can still feel it, like the old days?” Comet asked.  Ocellus raised an eyebrow, “Umm, kinda. Not really something I try to think about. Why?” “When my Nana came to town, there was a lot of stuff going on at home. Starlight stayed for dinner and my aunts teased her and my Dad a lot. They do that a lot, but it made me feel something.” Comet explained.  “Oh? Feel what?” Ocellus asked.  “That there was something between my Dad and Starlight.” Comet said.  Ocellus’ eyes grew wide, “Wait, you don’t think?”  Comet shook her head, “I don’t know. They do spend a lot of time together. Coffee nearly every morning, her staying for dinner a lot. I thought it was just because she was my teacher. I don’t know.”  Ocellus put a hoof to her chin in thought, “Hmm. Well I didn’t really pay a lot of attention when they were together. So I don’t know if I felt any kind of love between them. Although, they do spend a lot of time together. They always seem really happy together.” Comet stopped and looked at her friend, “So, do you think it’s possible?” Ocellus stopped to look back, “Umm, it could be.” Comet thought for a moment in her head. What if it was true? Could Dad really be in love with Starlight? Could she love him back?  She had never seen her Dad date anypony. She knew very little about her mother, only that things were very complicated and no one liked to talk about her. She had also never seen her Dad so happy to spend time with somepony that wasn’t family.  She really liked Starlight. She was kind, smart, really good with magic, and she was always there when Comet needed her. Could she really think of her as her Dad’ marefriend? Or even one day, as her Mom? “Comet, you ok?” Ocellus said.  Comet woke up from her thoughts to find her friend waving a hoof in her face.  “Sorry Ocellus, I was just thinking.” Comet said.  “We can talk more about it later. We gotta hurry or we’ll be late.” Ocellus said, pointing down the hallway.  Comet nodded and they rushed down the hall to class. “Now then darlings. Today, your artworks are due. I do hope you all remembered to finish them. Remember, the goal was to capture the spirit of Nightmare Night in a scenery piece. The student’s work who I find that captured that idea the most will receive extra credit and will have their work displayed in the school for Nightmare Night.” Rarity said, standing in front of the classroom.  She moved to the table on the side of the room, “Please place your artworks on this table. I will announce the winner at the end of class.” Everypony moved to the table, setting down papers in a neat stack. Rarity was a stickler for neatness in her classroom. As the last student placed their paper, Rarity picked them all up and returned to the front of the room.  “Now then, while I sort through your work, you may start on your artwork for next week. The theme will be romantic winter.” Rarity said, the last bit with a bit of song in her voice.  Some students groaned at the idea of drawing anything romantic. Comet and Ocellus didn’t mind the idea. Comet thought it was ironic, considering what was on her mind. They began to sketch out ideas, Comet even looking back at older drawings she had done on her travels. They gave her inspiration, as she had seen many winter wonderlands. The snowy peaks of the Appaloosan Mountains were truly a sight to see.  “So Comet, any ideas? I’m kinda stumped. I don’t really see snow that often back home.” Ocellus asked.  “No problem Ocellus. Here, take a look at some of my old stuff. Maybe you can get some inspiration.” Comet said, passing her one of her old sketchbooks.  “Really? Wow, thank you Comet. I’ll be really careful with them.” Ocellus said, taking the book in her magic.  As the changeling looked through the books, Comet thought back again to her father and her teacher. Was there really something between them? And if there was, why haven’t they gone out yet? Isn’t that how relationships worked? Comet didn’t have a lot of knowledge about romance. She never met a colt she really liked as more than a friend. Her family didn’t have romantic partners either. Auntie Tala never dated, and neither did her Auntie Zala. Dad also never talked about her mother. So she had no clue.  Her sketches ended up being plain snowy white backgrounds. She knew she could do better. They just didn’t have that spark that she always strived for with her art. She went to the next page in her sketchbook and tried again.  The class went by without Comet even realizing. She was too lost in thought.  “Alright class. Eyes up here please.” Rarity called out.  Comet blinked and looked up from her sketch, seeing her Professor holding a piece of paper.  “It was a long process, but I do believe I have chosen the best out of the class. Now this does not mean that whoever wins is better than anyone else. My judgment is simply who captured the theme of the assignment the most. You all did splendidly, and I could not be more proud of your progress.” Rarity stated.  The piece of paper floated up, but was turned so no one could see it.  “And the winner is…” Rarity said, turning the paper around.  The artwork was of the Hollow Shades, an abandoned town covered in dark fog and no greenery whatsoever. The atmosphere of the artwork was haunting, with colors and shades so detailed you would think you were actually looking out onto the town.  “Comet Trail!” Rarity announced.  Comet was shocked to see that her art had won, but was snapped out of her stupor by hearing applause not only from her friend Ocellus but from the entire class. All were stomping their hooves in applause.  “I must say, this piece brought back memories. Comet, have you actually been to the Hollow Shades?” Rarity asked.  “Yeah, Dad went there in hopes to write a book for it. However, there was nothing there. No animals, no life anywhere, so we left.” Comet said.  “Well, it certainly was a dreadful place. The Pony of Shadows came from there, so I doubt anything would want to be around there.” Rarity said.  “You certainly captured the haunting atmosphere and the spirit of Nightmare Night with this piece. A most excellent work of art.” Rarity stated.  Rarity cleared her throat, “Congratulations Comet. You will receive your extra credit, and I will have this piece enlarged and placed in the Great Hall for all of Ponyville to see for Nightmare Night.”  More applause came and Comet couldn’t stop blushing. She was happy that she won, but she certainly wasn’t expecting to be the center of attention. “Nice work Comet! I knew you’d win!” Silverstream said, hugging her friend. “Silver, it isn’t that big a deal.” Comet said, still blushing at the attention.  “Yeah totally, having your artwork displayed for all of Ponyville to see on Nightmare Night. Totally not a big deal.” Smolder said, grinning smugly at Comet.  Comet stuck her tongue out at the dragon but still smiled.  “Yona thinks friend Comet’s art is best in school.” Yona said.  “It totally is Yona. I’m surprised that your cutiemark isn’t in art.” Sandbar said.  Comet looked back at her blank flank with a frown. She still didn’t have a cutiemark. Her Dad kept telling her that she just needed to find her calling in life. It wasn’t a bad thing to be a late bloomer.  “So, what’s everyone going to be for Nightmare Night?” Gallus asked.  Comet, thankful for the change in subject, smiled, “I have a few ideas. Ocellus and I have been working on our part for the maze.”  “Yona has too! Sandbar and Yona will be scariest in all maze.” Yona shouted.  “Not if me and Silverstream are the scariest!” Gallus said proudly.  “Please, nothing is scarier than a dragon!” Smolder said, baring her fangs.  “Then let’s make it a competition. Whoever gets the most screams during the maze, gets first dibs on the best candy of the night!” Comet said.  Everyone cheered at that and left to get their ideas in order. Ocellus and Comet stayed to discuss their ideas.  But soon, another topic came back up.  “So, do you still think your Dad and Miss Starlight like each other?” Ocellus asked.  “I don’t know. Maybe.” Comet said.  Comet got a grin on her face, “Maybe we can test it a little.” Ocellus looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean?” Ocellus asked.  “We get Starlight to join us with my family and spend Nightmare Night with us. Then, we keep giving gentle pushes for them to be close. We see how they react. If they like each other, maybe we can help them realize it.” Comet said.  “I don’t know Comet. Love is a difficult thing to understand. Maybe we shouldn’t push it, let it happen naturally.” Ocellus said, rubbing the back of her head.  “But what if they do like each other! We can help them take that first step!” Comet said loudly.  Ocellus tried to say something else, but Comet was still going off about every plan she could think of to help Trail and Starlight realize their love for each other.  Something didn’t feel right about this. Ocellus started to get a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.  > Ch. 31 - Nightmare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 31 – Nightmare Night – “Come on Ocellus! We’re gonna be late!” Comet said, pacing back and forth outside her friend’s dorm.  “But my hat has a stain on it!” Ocellus yelled out from inside the room. “I’ll cast an illusion spell so no one can see it.” Comet said, rolling her eyes.  The door opened and a hat appeared, held by magic. Comet looked it over and found a tiny little stain. Honestly, you have to know it’s there to find it. Comet sighed, casting her spell and making the stain disappear.  Ocellus pulled the hat back inside and opened the door, coming out with her hat on her head. Her costume was a simple witch’s robe and hat, with little insect pins adorning it. Comet’s costume was a witch as well, with a shooting star pin holding her robe together.  “Art thou ready to descend upon this poor town sister?” Ocellus said, with a funny elegant accent.  “We are always ready. Come sister, we shall show these prattling mortals true magic.” Comet said, in the same funny accent.  Both girls giggled at themselves before beginning to walk through the hallway. The halls were full of students in all kinds of costumes. Nightmare Night was in full swing, and Comet was super excited. She had many plans for tonight.  As they made their way to the great hall, Ocellus stopped Comet to point at the wall. Comet immediately blushed as dozens of ponies were admiring her artwork that was hung on the wall of the school. Comet immediately grabbed Ocellus and ran for the door before anypony noticed them.  Trail finished putting on the vest and swapped his regular hat for the explorer’s hat that Rarity was kind enough to make him. He looked at himself in the mirror, and thought he looked good. He walked out of his room and down to the living room.  Valley Trail was sitting peacefully waiting for all of them. She had outdone herself with her costume idea. She rigged fake electric pylons onto her wheelchair, and with a bit of makeup and mane-styling, she looked like Frankenstein’s bride.  “Feeling alright Mom?” Trail asked.  Valley looked at him, “I am fine Trail. Stop worrying so much. I love Nightmare Night. You know I never miss a chance to go out and enjoy the festivities.”  “I know I know. I can’t help but worry. Just let us know when you need to rest.” Trail said.  Before Valley could answer, Tala flew down the stairs and posed in the air. She wore a large belt around her chest strapped across her shoulder, and a mask.  “And here she is mares and gentlecolts, the undefeated champion of Equestria and Griffonstone beyond, the terror of the sky, the one and only Sky Claw!” Trail shouted like a sports announcer.  Tala posed again and again, Valley cheering from below. “Thank you, thank you. I love my adoring fans.” Tala said, landing next to her Mom. “You look so fierce dear.” Valley complimented.  “Thanks Mom.” Tala said, grinning.  “You truly know how to ham it up Sister.” Zala said, appearing at the top of the stairs.  She had truly outdone herself. Her mane was done up in several braids and long strands. She wore her usual jewelry, with some added pieces here and there. She also had a skull mask covering half of her face. Her dress was black and simple, with a bit of a sheen to it.  Tala whistled as the zebra came down the steps, “Dang Sis, you’re gonna give everyone a heart attack with that outfit.”  “Darling, you look spectacular!” Valley said, rolling over to hug her daughter as she reached the bottom of the steps. “I agree Sis. You look fantastic. Makes me feel like the odd one out.” Trail said.  “Nonsense Brother. Daring Doo was always an inspiration to you. I think you pull off the look quite well.” Zala said, giving her brother a pat on the shoulder.  “Yeah. But my goodness, Zecora really came up with a great costume idea. I can’t wait to see you two on stage telling stories to the children.” Trail said.  “Yes, I also look forward to it.” Zala said, smiling to herself.  “Yeah, I bet Zecora is looking pretty good in her costume, eh Sis?” Tala said, floating behind Zala with a wicked grin.  Zala blushed and turned to swat at the griffin, but she was too slow.  “Alright, no more teasing. You all look wonderful. Now come along, Comet is waiting for us.” Valley said, rolling towards the front door.  Trail nodded and everyone soon left for the festivities in town.  “Comet!” Trail shouted as he saw his daughter and her friend Ocellus.  Comet immediately rushed to hug everyone in her family, admiring their outfits. Ocellus came by and shyly waved at them.  “Ocellus dear, there is no need to be shy. Come, I have something for you.” Valley said, reaching for something on the back of her wheelchair.  Ocellus looked curiously as Valley pulled a small plastic container from her wheelchair and placed it on her lap. She opened it and Ocellus could immediately smell the fresh baked cookies that lie within.  Valley floated out a cookie and gave it to Ocellus, who immediately took it in her own magic. Her mouth drooled a little at the smell and she took a big bite. Her eyes sparkled with delight.  “That is the best cookie I’ve ever had.” Ocellus said in a daze.  “I want one Nana! Please!” Comet said, begging at her grandmare’s hooves.  “Of course sweetie.” Valley said, giving her grandfilly a cookie.  Comet eat it in one bite, smiling brightly at the taste of the world’s best cookie.  Zala slumped, “One day, you will teach me your secrets.”  “One day dear. Alas, not today.” Valley smirked back at her daughter.  “Hey, I hope I’m not too late!” Another voice shouted from a ways away.  Everyone turned to look at the newcomer, and Trail’s heart stopped for a moment.  Starlight Glimmer appeared from the crowd, and not in the typical witch outfit one would expect from a talented magic user like herself. No, her costume was a bit unexpected.  She wore a black and red dress, simple but elegant. Her mane was done up in a special style with sparkles of glitter with it. She actually wore makeup, eyeliner making her eyes stand out. She smiled and fangs were visible in her teeth. She wore several pins of bats and rubies in her mane and on her dress.  Trail was stunned. She really looked amazing.  “Umm, Trail?” Starlight asked, waving a hoof in his face.  Trail didn’t respond until a certain lion’s tail gave his flank a subtle whip. He jumped and stuttered a little before regaining his senses.  “I’m sorry, what?” Trail asked.  “I asked what you thought of my costume? It’s not too much is it?” Starlight asked, looking a little concerned.  “No! No! You look amazing. I wasn’t expecting your costume to be something like this. You look incredible.” Trail said, not really thinking before he spoke.  Starlight blushed a deep red, “Oh thank you. Trixie helped me with the idea. Rarity made it for me, and Trixie helped with the glitter and makeup. I’ve never really been one for makeup. The glitter is a bit much, but Trixie said it would be fitting.” “I’ll say it does. You’re a total knockout Glimmer.” Tala smirked.  Starlight blushed even more, looking away. Trail was still staring at her. She was stunning.  Comet saw all of this and grinned. Her talk with Trixie had truly paid off.  “So, what shall we do first?” Valley asked.  Comet refocused on the matter at hoof, “Well, Ocellus and I don’t have to be at the maze for another hour or so. Can we go play some games?”  “Of course sweetie. Come, everyone.” Valley said, leading the pack towards the center of town.  Several games were laid out across the square. The first one was the spider throwing competition.  “I’m gonna try this one. Ocellus, let’s throw it together.” Comet said to her friend.  Ocellus smiled and joined her friend to throw. They both threw at the same time, managing to just barely hit the web, making the fillies pout.  “It’s alright girls. Just takes a bit of practice. Here, watch me.” Trail said, getting his own spider.  He goes to throw the spider, but he put a little too much strength into it and it landed past the webbing, and landed right on Mayor Mare’s head. The Mayor looked around the webbing and glared at Trail Blazer.  “Oh, sorry about that, Mayor Mare.” Trail said apologetically while rubbing the back of his head.  The Mayor nodded and went on her way.  Comet grabbed Starlight by the leg, “Starlight come on. Try it.”  “Ok ok. I’ll give it a try. Don’t think I’ve ever played this before.” Starlight said.  She moved up next to Trail and checked the distance. She then threw her spider, and amazingly, it hit right on a bullseye. “I did it!” Starlight cheered.  She immediately hugged the closest pony to her, which just so happened to be Trail. Trail hugged her back in joy, so happy for her. They didn’t even realize how close they were until they both looked at each other. They looked into each other’s eyes for a few moments before they separated, blushing profusely.  “Alright, nice work Starlight. Now, I see a pumpkin catapult calling my name.” Tala said, pointing to another game across the square.  Everyone moved towards it while Comet and Ocellus stayed back.  “Nice work on the attraction spell. No one even noticed it.” Ocellus said.  “It was really hard not to make it too obvious. The spider landed just right.” Comet smirked.  The two scheming fillies caught up to the group at the pumpkin catapults, and to no one’s surprise, Tala went first. Loading the pumpkin on the catapult, she grinned back to her family.  “Check this out.” Tala said, firing the catapult.  The pumpkin flew across the field, landing directly in front of the target, splattering into chunks. Tala stared at the sight, and slowly looked back at her family.  Trail, Zala, and Valley were all trying to hold back their chuckles.  “Not… a… word.” Tala said darkly.  Valley moved up to the catapult, “Oh come on dearest. It’s all for the sake of fun. Surely it is more difficult than it seems.” Valley loaded her own pumpkin and released her catapult. Everyone watched as the pumpkin flew and landed square on the target. Valley smiled as she wheeled herself back to her original spot. Tala was dumbfounded and glared at her mother. Valley simply smiled back.  “Alright. Trail, your turn.” Tala said slowly.  Trail moved to load the pumpkin, but something caught under his hoof and he tripped. Before he could hit the ground however, he found himself wrapped in a light blue magical glow that put him back on his feet. He looked to see that Starlight was looking at him, horn glowing and blushing a little. He blushed also and moved to load the pumpkin again. He succeeded this time and launched it, managing to hit not quite a bullseye, but close to it.  Starlight cheered, as did Comet. Trail smiled at himself before receiving a knock on the head from Tala.  Everyone moved on and Comet once again grinned, throwing away the banana peel that she hid from everyone.  All according to plan. “Alright you two, it’s almost time for the haunted maze. You better get going.” Trail said.  “Roger that Daddy. Come on Ocellus, we’re gonna scare the manes off of everypony!” Comet said gleefully.  Ocellus nodded and the two were off to the maze.  “They really are excited for this. Comet’s been talking about it all week.” Trail said happily.  “Yeah. She couldn’t stop talking about it during our lessons. She really enjoys Nightmare Night.” Starlight said.  “It’s one of her favorite holidays. She loves scary stories, monsters and the like. She knows just about every creature in Equestria.” Trail said.  “I didn’t have that many Nightmare Night memories as a filly. Despite that, this night has been a lot of fun.” Starlight said, looking at Trail.  He smiled back at her. It truly was a great night.  “I see I have arrived just in time, such happiness is so sublime.” Zecora said, appearing behind the group.  Her costume looked almost identical to Zala’s, only her mane was down straight rather than braids. When she and Zala saw each other, both looked starstruck and did not move or speak for several seconds. A cough from Tala woke both from their stupor.  “Zecora, you look stunning.” Zala said, smiling at the other zebra.  “Oh you are too kind, it is you who are much refined.” Zecora said, blushing at the compliment.  Both zebras blushed at each other for several seconds before Zecora spoke again.  “The time for stories draw near. Come, so we can bestow fear.” Zecora said.  “I’d be delighted.” Zala said.  She turned to Trail, “Tell Comet I will come to the maze after our stories. All of you can come see the second show later tonight.”  “Gotcha. Break a leg Sis.” Trail said encouragingly.  Zala smiled, and also shot a glare at Tala who was making kissy faces at her while Zecora wasn’t looking. She went with Zecora and left the rest of the group to head to the maze.  “You sure this is a good idea Comet?” Ocellus asked.  “Positive. You saw how they were looking at each other. This will finally make them see how much they love each other.” Comet said, getting the last bits of her plan in place. “If you say so.” Ocellus said, a burst of flame signifying she was in her form for the plan.  “Daddy will be so happy.” Comet said, smiling to herself.  “So, do you know what Comet has in store for us?” Valley asked.  “She wouldn’t tell me. So, we will just have to see.” Trail said.  Trail, Starlight, Tala, and Valley all stood at the entrance to the Haunted Maze. They knew all of Comet’s friends had made their own part of the maze to scare ponies, but they honestly were so excited to see what Comet had come up with.  The maze started out small, with some critters wandering the path, courtesy of Fluttershy no doubt. The group continued along until the ground shook beneath them. Valley gasped a little and saw a large figure heading toward them, followed by another smaller figure.  The larger one roared and stomped the ground again, making the group shake once more. Two yak horns were unmistakable among the blue starry sky paint that adorned their fur. Yona had dressed as an Ursa Minor, rampaging around the path. The smaller figure was a timberwolf, jumping around and circling the group before escaping into the maze. Sandbar did a great job with the costume, all you could really see was the tips of his hooves.  As the two disappeared, Valley took a deep breath and laughed. The rest of the group laughed as well.  “Well done Yona, and Sandbar. You got us good. Mom looked like she lost a few years there.” Trail said, earning him a flick on the ear.  Starlight giggled at Trail’s joke and his punishment before the group continued.  The next bend in the maze came within a few minutes and Tala’s ears perked up as she sensed something flying towards them. She looked to the sky as something came barreling towards them. She ducked just in time as a feathered figure flew over her. The blue coloring was hidden mostly by fake brown feathers, with extensions on his wings. A mask on his head had a large beak.  “Nice one Gallus. You almost got me, kid. Nice Roc outfit too.” Tala grinned.    Gallus almost did a flip in the air after getting praise from his idol. Alas, he stayed in character and dove at them again, making them turn to the small pool of water. As they stared at the pool, bubbles hit the surface as a figure emerged slowly. A dark green form emerged, covered in seaweed and slime. Fake fangs were visible as she made a cute hissing noise at the group.  “Silverstream, that is the best kelpie costume I have ever seen.” Trail said.  The hippogriff squealed and returned to the depths.  Onward the group went, awaiting the next creature they would encounter. They would not have to wait long, as a screech could be heard, although it sounded more like a growl. The family looked to the sky as a flame emerged. A costume that looked to be on fire with large fake wings held by clawed hands as they flew, the fire lighting up the sky.  “Wow, Smolder went all out. Good thing dragons are fireproof.” Starlight said.  “True. I’m impressed.” Trail said.  Smolder flew down over the group and gave out another growl/screech. However, she flew a little too close to the maze and caught some of the hedge on fire. Starlight was about to light her horn and put out the fire, but Rarity suddenly appeared with a fire extinguisher.  “Smolder, not so close to the maze! You’ll burn the whole thing down!” Rarity shouted, putting out the flames.  Smolder chuckled nervously and went back to her hiding place.  Trail and the others shook their heads. Smolder may have overdone it a bit, but it was the most impressive costume yet.  And the last group should be Comet and Ocellus. Saving the best for last.  Trail looked around as the maze’s exit came into view, not seeing any sign of his filly or her friend. Though as they all seemed to let their guard down, a fog soon appeared around them. Purple in color as they all got a chill down their spines.  “You think you can just leave our maze?” A voice said, not sounding like either filly.  “We will not let you escape so easily.” Another voice rang out.  The family looked around, looking a little scared. From the fog, two figures emerged, one was a tall black furred Alicorn with bat wings and fangs. Light blue armor adorned her body with a helmet. The other was also an Alicorn, her mane was pure fire, coat white as snow with orange jewelry adorning her body. The whites of her eyes were black with piercing yellow eyes.  “We cannot allow these ponies to escape, right Sister?” Nightmare Moon chuckled.  “No little sister. We most certainly can not!” Daybreaker shouted.  Both Alicorns flew towards the group and Valley let out a scream. Tala jumped in front of her mother and tried to look brave, but even she looked nervous.  Both sisters seemed to vanish as they neared the group. Trail looked around frantically to find them, but saw nothing. Then Starlight screamed as Nightmare Moon appeared behind her. She jumped backward to avoid her and landed directly on Trail. After that, both sisters started to laugh like fillies, even starting to sound more like them.  The fog lifted and revealed Comet and Ocellus, both in a costume of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker respectively.  “You little sneak! You got us good!” Tala laughed.  “Comet, my goodness. My old heart was about to give out.” Valley said, putting a hoof to her heart in jest.  Comet and Ocellus giggled more as they heard this. “Hey Trail, come on. You gotta admit that was a good one.” Tala said, looking to where her brother and Starlight were.  But neither pony said a word. Starlight was still on top of Trail, looking down into his eyes. Trail looked stunned, but with a hint of something else in his eyes. He stared up into Starlight’s blue eyes, drowning in them. Starlight stared into Trail’s blue eyes as well, never looking away.  Comet grinned widely at this. Everything she had planned for was coming to fruition.  Starlight couldn’t help but smile a little, with a blush. She started to lean down closer to him.  As she got closer to him, his heart started to beat faster. A part of him wanted to lean in as well, but he didn’t know why. She just looked so beautiful tonight. But as he began to lean in, a pit opened up in his chest.  Memories flashed before his eyes, showing him things he wished he could forget. And when his vision returned, all he could see was “her” standing above him, that wicked grin on her face. “NO!” Trail screamed, pushing Starlight off him.  She hit the ground and he bolted out of the maze, his face pale as a ghost. Valley, Tala, and Comet called out to him, but he didn’t hear them. All he knew was that he had to run. Run far away from the pain.  From her.  Starlight laid on her side, her face a mix of emotions. She looked like she just been slapped in the face and had her heart ripped out of her chest. Tears flowed as she lay there, unmoving, not even blinking.  Only one question was going through her mind, Why? > Ch. 32 - Heartbreak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 32 – Heartbreak – Starlight sat there, unmoving, tears running down her cheeks as she stared off into the crowd that Trail had ran off into. She didn’t know how much time had passed. She didn’t say anything. Voices were talking all around her, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. She focused back on the ponies around her.  “What the hell is going on? Trixie demands an answer as to why Trixie’s best friend is crying and broken?” Trixie shouted.  “Look, it’s complicated.” Tala said.  “Complicated!? Starlight is in tears and Trail Blazer is gone! I can see right through this!” Rarity yelled.  “Ladies, please. There is no need to shout. This is all a misunderstanding.” Valley said, trying to calm everyone down.  “Misunderstanding!? Trixie’s best friend is heartbroken and you call it a misunderstanding!?” Trixie shouted even louder.  “Hey! Quit shouting at her!” Tala said, growling defensively next to her mother.  “ENOUGH” Twilight shouted as she landed between the two groups.  “What is going on here? I could hear the shouting from the apple bobbing stand.” Twilight said.  Trixie and Rarity pointed to Starlight Glimmer, who saw her mentor and that started the sobs again. Twilight immediately flew to hug her student, allowing Starlight to cry into her chest.  “What happened Starlight?” Twilight asked softly.  “Trail hates me…” Starlight said between sobs. “What? That’s not true Starlight.” Twilight said, softly stroking Starlight’s mane.  “Trixie saw Trail Blazer running away and then saw Starlight in this state. Trixie believes that Trail rejected Starlight’s advances.” Trixie said bluntly.  Starlight cried louder.  “Trixie! That’s not helping!” Twilight said sharply. Trixie flinched and moved closer to the two mares, ears lowered. She hugged Starlight from behind, leaving the mage surrounded by her closest friends.  “It’s not because of Starlight.” Tala said, gaining everyone’s attention.  “What do you mean?” Twilight asked.  Starlight heard this as well and looked up, seeing the griffin looking down and really sad. Starlight had never seen Tala like this.  Valley Trail spoke up, “Starlight dear. Please understand that this is not what you think. Trail does care for you, I know this. There is something I think all of you should know about.”   Ten minutes earlier… Trail ran away, ignoring the calls of his sister and mother. He couldn’t stay there. The images kept repeating in his mind. Images of “her”.  He didn’t even notice as his sister Zala and Zecora were walking toward him.  “Oh brother, come to find us? We were just on our way.” Zala said, smiling widely.  He didn’t respond, only running around them and further down the path, ignoring their calls as well. He had to get away. He couldn’t face it. He couldn’t relive it.  “What do you mean Valley Trail?” Twilight asked.  “My son does not hate you Starlight. That much is fact. This situation was caused by something else. Something I had hoped Trail had left behind.” Valley said.  Before Twilight could ask another question, Zala and Zecora appeared at the scene.  “Mother, what is going on? Trail just ran past us without even noticing we were there. He looked distressed.” Zala said worriedly.  “Come dear. I’ll explain.” Valley said, ushering her daughter closer.  Zecora and Zala listened to what had transpired in their absence, Zala’s face growing more pale and worried by the end.  “It’s been so long. I thought he had put it behind him.” Zala said.  “We couldn’t have known dear. Trauma does not easily leave one’s soul.” Valley said.  Starlight finally spoke up, “Trauma? What trauma?”  Valley, Tala, and Zala all looked at Starlight, Twilight, Trixie, and Rarity with looks of worry and sadness. “You all have been such kind friends to Trail. Especially Starlight. He told us about your past and how you told him despite how afraid you were about him judging you. You deserve the same trust.” Zala said.  “Gather the rest of your friends. We don’t like telling this story more than we have to.” Tala said.  “While you do that, I will look after Trail. He needs me.” Valley said, wheeling herself away. Twilight nodded and flew off to collect the other elements of harmony. Trixie stayed with Starlight, holding her for support. Starlight could only imagine what story she was about to be told, if their expression were any indication.  Comet had run after her father shortly after he ran off and Starlight stopped responding to her. She needed to fix what she had done. This was all her idea. She caused this tragedy. She may have destroyed what feelings her daddy and Starlight had. She had to fix this, she had to find him.  Her father was bigger and faster than her though. Comet had lost him and Ocellus after a few minutes of running. She panted and tried to find her father. So many ponies were walking through the streets, she couldn’t see past any of them.  “Comet sweetie.” Her nana’s voice said from behind her.  “Nana, what did I do? DId I hurt daddy?” Comet asked, tears in her eyes.  Valley Trail picked up her grandfilly in her magic and placed her on her lap.  “No dear. No you did not. Your father is hurting. And it’s time that you knew why. Come with me. We will find him.” Valley said, smiling at Comet. Comet nodded slowly and laid her head in Nana's chest as she wheeled them along. She didn’t say a word. She didn’t know what to say. What was hurting her daddy? “Twilight, y’all gonna tell us what this is about? Why does Starlight look like she’s been crying all night?” Applejack asked as she walked into the throne room.  “I’ll explain as soon as everypony gets here, Applejack.” Twilight said.  “Found everyone Twi!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she barreled through the door.  She was followed by Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. All the Elements sat down in their respective chairs. Starlight sat next to Twilight, and Trixie sat next to Starlight. Zecora stood at the end of the table, close to Zala.  Zala and Tala stood a few steps away from the table so that everyone could see and hear everything. Their expressions showed distress and discomfort, like their skin was crawling.  “We thank you for coming. To those here who did not see the incident occur, our brother ran away from Starlight during a moment they had accidentally fell atop one another. Trail then pushed Starlight off and ran into the night. Let us be clear that Starlight was not the reason for our brother’s reaction.” Zala explained.  Everyone looked shocked at the story but none spoke up, allowing the sisters to continue.  “You all have been awesome friends to our brother, so we trust you to keep what you hear in this room a secret. It’s not something we want floating around.” Tala said.  Everyone nodded and leaned in anticipation.  “I’m sure it has come up at some point, whether by a simple question or an accident. But you were most likely never given a clear answer. The time has come to get those answers.” Zala said.  Tala looked at everyone intensely, “Time to learn who Comet’s mother is.” Trail soon found himself at home, hiding in his room and refusing to move from his bed. He cried and wept as the painful memories flooded his mind. But more than that, how ashamed he was at how he reacted to Starlight. Did she truly want to kiss him? Did she actually have… feelings for him? The door to his room opened and he flinched. Turning to the door, he saw not only his mother rolling into the room, but his daughter laying against her chest. As soon as Comet was within jumping distance, she leapt onto the bed and hugged her father with all her might.  “Daddy, I’m sorry!” Comet cried, burying her head in his chest. Trail soon broke into sobs himself, hugging her so quickly and tightly that his hat flew off his head and landed on the floor. Valley Trail was now right next to the bed, looking at the two with what only could be described as a motherly expression.  “Sweetie, please don’t cry. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Trail said.  “But I scared Starlight and put you two in that situation. I was trying to make you get closer to one another. I thought I was helping. But I ruined everything.” Comet said, sobbing hard.  Trail was shocked, “What do you mean? Helping with what sweetheart?”  Comet sniffled, “I thought you and Starlight liked each other, so I tried to help you be together.”  “Comet, I don’t know what to say. Starlight and I are friends.” Trail said.  But as he said that, a pain shot through his chest. Was Starlight just a friend? DId he see her as more? DId she see him as more than a friend? “I’ve seen the way you two are with each other. All the time you spend with that mare. Can’t you see it, son?” Valley said. Trail looked at his mother and looked away after a minute or so. He truly didn’t have an answer. Could he have those feelings? But everytime he thought about the way Starlight was looking at him, he flinched and more tears came.  “Trail, you must let it out.” Valley said, holding his face with a hoof.  “Let what out? Daddy, what’s wrong?” Comet asked.  Trail tried to close his eyes tighter, he couldn’t talk about it. Not in front of Comet.  “Trail, it’s time she knew. She’s old enough to understand.” Valley said.  He shook his head.  “Trail, your daughter sees your pain. Do you truly wish to make her continue watching?” Valley said.  Comet snuggled up against her father and broke him out of his shell. He looked at her, and took a deep breath.  “You’re right Mom. She deserves better. My Comet, my little filly.” Trail said, nuzzling his daughter’s head.  She looked up at him, “What are you two talking about?” Trail took another breath to calm his nerves, “Sweetie, it’s time you learned about your mother.” > Ch. 33 - Flashback > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 33 – Flashback – This chapter contains themes and implications of situations that some people find disturbing or uncomfortable. Nothing in detail, but I do give this warning just in case. Reader discretion is advised.  Seventeen years ago… Trail Blazer walked up the flight of stairs leading to a large house in the heart of Canterlot. He wore a tailored suit, which made him uncomfortable. But it’s what his boss picked up for him, so he couldn't complain. Reaching the top of the stairs, he made his way to the side door just off the main path.  He opened it and was greeted by a large old stallion walking towards him.  “Good morning Mr. Blazer, I trust your garments fit you well?” The old buck asked.  “Good morning Mr. Climb, they fit just fine. What’s on our to-do list today?” Trail said politely.  “Milady will be entertaining a large party of guests this afternoon. We have much preparation to do, so chop chop. Start with dusting the study and then make your way to the garden.” Climb said.  “Yes sir.” Trail said, making his way further inside the house.  Collecting his cleaning supplies, he made his way to the study, where the lord and lady of the house would sit in peace and quiet. Well, the lord did. The Lady of the house was a bit chatty, though Trail would never say that outloud.  The study was large but not horribly so. Trail entered and began his duty. Today would be a long one, and he had a feeling he wouldn’t enjoy it. But the money here is good and the Lord might give them a bonus if the party goes well.  The door opened again and Trail turned to see who it was. A stallion a few years his senior strolled in, fancy clothes and a monocle on his eye. His coat was black as night and with a well trimmed white mane.  “Good morning Lord Obsidian.” Trail said, giving a polite bow.  He turned to Trail, “Good morning. Are you dusting right now?”  “Yes sir. Will only take a minute or two.” Trail said, continuing his dusting.  “Excited for the party sir?” Trail said, trying to make friendly conversation.  “Oh don’t get me started, Trail. My wife has been talking about this non stop. The nagging never ends.” Obsidian said.  “I’m sure it won’t be that bad sir.” Trail said.  “Have you ever attended a party full of nobles Trail Blazer?” Obsidian asked.  “No sir. I’m not one for parties.” Trail said, finishing the last bit of dusting.  “Then I envy you. Ponies so full of themselves that listening to their banter turns my stomach. Please tell Climb to bring my favorite wine from the cellar for the party. I shall need it.” Obsidian said as he sat down at his desk.  “Roger that sir. I’m done here. I’m off to the garden. Have a good morning sir.” Trail said, leaving out the door.  He made his way through the hallway until somepony turned the corner. He recognized her immediately and moved aside to clear the hallway.  The mare was a few years older than him, a light blue coat with a byzantium mane. She was very particular about ponies using that word to describe her. She was Pampered Pearl, the Lord’s wife and Lady of the House. She was very strict with her servants and staff, always finding some reason to yell at somepony.  “You! Where is my husband?” She yelled at Trail.  “I just saw him in the study, Lady Pearl.” Trail said, plainly.  “Hmph! Figures. Lazy stallions. I have to do everything around here.” Lady Pearl huffed.  “Well, good day to you Milady.” Trail said, wanting to get out of there quickly.  “Stop right there!” Lady Pearl shouted, making Trail halt in place.  She walked right around him to be in front of him, her green eyes glaring into his.  “I want that garden spotless, understand me? Everything must be perfect for tonight. I can’t let some backwater country pony ruin my party.” Lady Pearl stated.  Trail resisted the urge to grit his teeth, “I understand Lady Pearl. I assure you it will meet your standards.”  “I highly doubt that. Now get moving. My rose bushes won’t trim themselves.” She said, moving around and swatting him in the face with her tail, which kind of hurt due to the jewelry she had in it.  Trail rubbed his nose and went on his way. Pampered Pearl, what a spoiled brat.  The garden was perfect, no one leaf out of place. All hedges and bushes trimmed to perfection. Trail was proud of his work. It had taken hours to do all the garden, as it spanned the entire front end of the house and some in the back. He was sweating and had taken his jacket off to help cool him off.  “Mr. Blazer, I see you’ve outdone yourself.” Climb said, coming out of the servant door and admiring Trail’s hard work.  “I aim to please Mr. Climb. What’s next?” Trail asked.  “I believe you have earned a break for all this marvelous work. Go and relax in the servants lounge. I shall fetch you when I need you Mr. Blazer.” Climb said.  Trail nodded and picked up his jacket to move back into the house. As he walked towards the servant’s lounge, he felt a chill run down his spine. He then saw out of the corner of his eye that Lady Pearl was standing down another hallway, and he could swear she was looking at him. But he could not make out her expression.  He sped up his pace and eventually found himself in the servant’s lounge. He took a glass of water from the table and sat down in a nearby chair. He could finally relax. Though that encounter with the Lady of the House was still unnerving him. No clue why.  Time flew by as Trail relaxed in his chair. This job wasn’t as bad as everypony made it sound. Sure Lady Pearl was a bit obnoxious, but Lord Obsidian never let her abuse any of the servants. He even let Trail have a day off to celebrate his mother’s birthday.  His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, Climb poking his head inside.  “Mr. Blazer. Milady has requested that you accompany her to her fitting.” Climb stated.  “Me? But isn’t that usually Penelope’s job?” Trail said.  “I do not question Milady’s orders, and I advise you to do the same. Make yourself presentable and meet me at the entrance hall.” Climb said.  “Yes sir.” Trail said, sighing.  He was not going to enjoy this, not in the slightest. “And do not embarrass me while we are in the boutique. You are only to speak when spoken to. Are we clear?” Lady Pearl explained.  She had been lecturing Trail about all the things he should and should not do while he was escorting her. Apparently Penelope quit this morning, so that’s why he was stuck escorting her. Though she could have taken any of the other female servants. Trail wasn’t exactly excited to be stuck in a dress shop with the most obnoxious mare he had ever known.  “Pearl! How are you darling?” The fashionista greeted her as they approached the boutique.  “Oh Crystal, it’s been such an exhausting morning. The party is tonight and my husband is treating the event like it’s some country picnic. He is useless.” Lady Pearl exclaimed.  “Oh you poor dear. Stallions are useless. Come, let us get you looking fabulous.” Crystal said, ushering the mare inside.  Trail’s expression deadpanned as the jab at his gender was well within earshot. He grumbled to himself and went inside the dress shop. When he walked in, he saw Lady Pearl looking at several dresses, so he found himself a chair to sit in until she was done.  It was so boring. Trail had never been one for dressing all fancy. Even his sister Zala would never wear anything like all these expensive dresses. Most of these clothes probably cost more than what he made in a year.  He glanced back over to where Lady Pearl was and found her whispering to Crystal about something. Most likely gossip. But what confused him was the fact that both mares looked back at him with very quick glances. Were they talking about him? He shook the thought out of his head. They probably were making fun of him. Rich ponies. “You, Tall Gazer or whatever your name is.” Lady Pearl called out to him.  Trail got up and walked towards them, “Yes Lady Pearl, how could I help you?” “I have several dresses to try on. You are going to hold them for me outside the changing room while Crystal here gets her cameras ready. And don’t wrinkle any of them, or I’ll have them taken out of your pay.” Pearl snorted.  “As you wish Miss.” Trail said, trying not to sound annoyed.  Trail ended up holding about four dresses in his magic outside the changing room. He really wished she had brought a female servant now. All the mares in the shop were giving him looks, some worse than others. He didn’t want to be here, especially with her.  Lady Pearl emerged from the dressing room in a pure white dress with lots of gemstones embedded in it. Her hair was done up in a stylish bun. She gave him a sideways glance as he stood there, and as she walked towards the stage where the cameras were, he could swear she had a sway in her step.  This happened three more times, each dress more fancy and expensive looking than the last. And everytime, Pearl glanced at Trail, almost as if asking if he approved of the attire. More than ever, he wanted to leave. His skin was crawling underneath his coat, and as the last of the camera flashes occurred, Pearl returned one last time and before entering the changing room for the last time, she gave a longer lasting glance at Trail, with a look that made him very uncomfortable.  Returning from the fitting, Trail was relieved of his duty as Pearl’s escort by Climb and returned to the servant’s lounge. Shockingly, when he arrived he saw Penelope getting a glass of water from the kitchen.  “Penelope? I thought you quit?” Trail asked as he approached her.  The unicorn mare turned to him with a look of confusion, “No. Why would you think that?”  “Lady Pearl said you quit this morning.” Trail said, sounding confused.  “What? She said that she was tired of me escorting her everywhere and wanted a new escort.” Penelope said, raising an eyebrow.  Trail was even more confused than he was before. Why would Lady Pearl lie to him? And why would she abandon her old escort for him? Something about this whole day was making his stomach turn.  The party was now in full swing, guests were arriving one after the other. Climb was at the door, greeting and announcing the arrival of several honored guests.  Trail was on drink duty for the time being. His magic held a platter, topped with several glasses of wine. Several guests had taken drinks from him, and one noble actually gave him a tip. A rare occurrence, but one he wasn’t going to complain about. As he went to the bar to refill his stocks, the Lord of the House came up to him.  “Trail, my fine stallion. Did Climb bring the special vintage I wanted?” Lord Obsidian asked.  “Yes sir. Right here, all ready for you sir.” Trail said, removing a special bottle from beneath the table.  He opened the bottle and poured his boss a drink, which the stallion took gladly. He smiled as he soon felt the relief of the drink.  “Ah. That is much better. Oh Trail, this night might be the death of me.” Obsidian said.  “It certainly is packed in here sir. How has the night treated you?” Trail asked.  “Both a blessing and a curse my dear fellow. My wife is thankfully leaving me be. But at the same time, that means I’m left to deal with every other noble attending. Entertaining guests have never been my forte.” Obsidian explained.  “If anyone can get through this night with strength and resolve, it’s you sir.” Trail said.  “Thank you Trail. Please grab my bottle and follow me would you? I need somepony like you to give me the push I need. I’ll make sure to give you a big bonus come next payday.” Obsidian said.  Trail smiled at the offer, “Lead the way my Lord.”  Trail followed Lord Obsidian around the party for a good hour or two. And in that time, he had run into the Mayor of Manehatten, The Ambassador for Saddle Arabia, and Prince Blueblood. Thank Luna he had Lord Obsidian with him to deal with Blueblood, wow he was a jerk.  “Obsidian!” A mare’s voice rang out from the crowd.  “Oh no…” Trail and Obsidian said in unison.  Lady Pearl emerged from the crowd, wearing a dress that Trail did not recognize from the boutique. Why in Tartarus did he have to sit through that fitting if she wasn’t going to wear anything from it? “Here you are. Skulking through the crowd, keeping your country pony around to hold your precious wine?” Lady Pearl snorted.  “I’m entertaining our guests dear, as is my duty. Not all of us can gossip with their lady friends.” Obsidian said plainly.  “Hmph! Excuse me for enjoying my party. As if you care!” Lady Pearl scoffed.  Though Trail couldn’t see it, he could feel Lord Obsidian rolling his eyes. “Anyway, leave your wine pony and come with me. We are taking photos with the Mayor for Canterlot Noble Magazine.” Lady Pearl said.  “Yes dear. Trail, do keep my wine safe. I shall return for you later my fellow.” Obsidian said.  Trail nodded, “Yes sir.”  As the Lord began to make his way into the crowd, Lady Pearl looked back at him, walking towards him. He leaned back a bit as she got closer. She then took the bottle out of his magic and poured herself a drink. As she finished it, she held her hoof to her lips in a “shushing” gesture before following her husband.  That mare made no sense, at all.  Trail returned to his duties for the night, taking empty wine glasses back to the kitchen to be cleaned and serving more drinks. That bonus would be worth it.  The last of the guests had left over an hour ago and the staff were still picking up the remnants. You would think that nobles were tidy, but the truth was that they would just drop wrappers and other trash right on the floor, knowing full well that the servants would clean it up.  Trail was one of the lucky ones, as he was tasked with cleaning every last wine glass that had been used for the party. And there were a lot of them. This task was given to him by Lady Pearl, after she bumped into him trying to leave. Lord Obsidian had already gone to bed, Climb escorting him as he had one too many drinks.  Trail sighed, “Gonna be here all night. Well at least that bonus will be worth it.” “A bonus? I always knew he spoiled you.” Lady Pearl said, coming through the kitchen door.  “Evening Milady, I figured you would be heading to bed.” Trail said, not looking away from his work. “I will do as I please in my house.” She said, coming closer.  “What brings you here Miss?” Trail asked.  “I was bored, so I came to check on your progress. I would have expected you to be done by now. I thought you country bumpkins knew how to work hard.” Lady Pearl said.  Trail wanted to splash soap in her face, but that would most likely get him fired.  “I’ll have it done as soon as I can. Then I’ll be out of your mane Milady.” Trail said.  “Oh do lighten up Trail Blazer. Can’t you even act like you enjoy your job. After all, my husband does enjoy your company here.” Lady Pearl said.  Huh, that’s the first time he had ever heard her say his name right.  “I appreciate Lord Obisidian’s kindness. He is a great stallion.” Trail said.  “Oh I’m sure you do. As long as he keeps giving you those bonuses that keep you clothed and fed I’m sure.” Lady Pearl said.  “I do alright for myself with or without his generosity. I don’t need a lot to be happy.” Trail said.  “Oh, and what do you have, Trail? From what I’ve heard from Penelope, you don’t even have a marefriend.” Pearl laughed.  Trail gritted his teeth, “I haven’t found the right one yet. Besides, I work too much to have a marefriend.”  Pearl laughed more, “Yes, blame your work schedule. I’m sure that’s it. Tell me Trail, have you ever been with a mare? Or even on a date?”  Trail almost broke a glass when his magic surged a little, “No I haven’t. I don’t see how it’s any business of yours Miss.”  “I bet my fortune that you haven’t even really talked to a mare properly. Other than that zebra and griffin that call you brother.” Pearl said.  That is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Trail slammed the glass in the sink, shattering it and dropped all his cleaning supplies.  “Don’t you dare talk about my sisters like that!” Trail yelled at her. “Oh look, the stallion does have a backbone.” Pearl smirked.  “You know what!? What do you know about dating and relationships!? Half the time all you and Lord Obisidian do is fight and take jabs at each other? The only reason you married him is for his money!” Trail shouted.  “What else is he good for? I fail to see your point. Marriage is just a tool to get luxuries in your life. Only peasants marry for love.” Pearl said.  “What I don’t get is why he chose some spoiled rich brat like you!? I Bet he had an army of mares after him, and yet he somehow chose you?” Trail shot back.  That made Pearl turn to him, “How dare you! I am the cream of the crop when it comes to noble mares! He was lucky I chose him! I had several suitors!”  “Yeah? You know one of the biggest things I respect him for? Being a kind hearted gentlestallion even after dealing with a self entitled nag like you?” Trail said, pushing past her.  “Where do you think you’re going?” Pearl shouted.  “I’m leaving! The Lord will understand after I tell him you were harassing me while I was working.” Trail said, not turning around. Suddenly, a blast of magic hit him from behind. His body went rigid and he couldn’t move a muscle.  “Oh you think you can insult me and just leave? Oh no no no. You need to be taught a lesson in respecting your superiors.” Pearl said, coming around to his front.  Trail couldn’t say anything, nor could he move.  “Now, I have plans for you. This night has been very stressful for me, not to mention all the horrible things you said to me have made me quite distressed. Come, you are going to pamper me tonight. Do anything I desire. Understand?” Pearl said, rubbing his cheek with a hoof.  “Yes Lady Pearl.” Trail said, but not of his choice.  His lips were moving on their own. And as Pearl walked away, he followed her without telling his body to do so. It was like he was a passenger in his own body. As they walked along the hallway, no pony was around. He just kept following the mare. And when they reached their final destination, his heart grew cold.  They stood in front of Lady Pearl’s bedchambers.  “Come my new pet. We have a long night ahead of us.” Pearl said, brushing her tail underneath his chin.  Trail was screaming in his head, the feeling of his body moving on it’s own as it followed her commands terrified him.  The door to the bedchambers closed, and silence filled the halls of the manor.  Trail groaned as he awoke, his head felt like a stampede of cows ran him over. He looked to his surroundings and found himself in a bed. But not his own. He looked again to see the servants' barracks. How did he get here? Just then, that memory of the night before came to the front of his mind. He felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet.  “Mister Trail, I see you are awake.” Climb said, poking his head into the bathroom.  “Climb, how did I get here?” Trail asked. “Lady Pearl brought you in. She said that you were sampling the wine a little too much and you passed out. I say Trail, it was a bit reckless of you. Drinking on the job. I thought you knew better.” Climb said.  Trail never drank wine in his life! He hated the taste of alcohol.  “Climb, I didn’t…” Trail said.  “Now now. There is no need for apologies. We all have our first drink. I myself didn’t fare much better than you with my first drink. Oh those were the days.” Climb said.  Trail couldn’t believe what was happening. All those memories about last night. If he was drinking, could it have been a fever dream? No! He didn’t drink on his own. She forced him to. “Climb, is Lord Obsidian awake yet?” Trail asked.  “Why yes he is. He’s in his study now Trail.” Climb said.  Trail got to his hooves and ran past Climb, ignoring the older stallions' shouts for him to slow down. Trail had to get to Lord Obsidian. He had to tell him what had happened to him.  As Trail ran through the hallway, he almost ran into somepony. Penelope dodged him just barely.  “Trail! Watch it!” Penelope shouted.  “I’m sorry!” Trail shouted back as he kept running.  As he came up to the door of the study, he tried to take a breath. His heart was racing. He was terrified.  He opened the door to look inside, seeing the Lord sitting in his chair.  “Ah Trail. Good morning. I wasn’t expecting you for another hour. Are you alright my good stallion? You look awful.” Obsidian said.  “No! No I’m not! My Lord, I need your help!” Trail said frantically.  “Easy Trail, calm yourself. Sit down. Tell me what troubles you.” Obsidian said, pulling over a chair for Trail to sit in.  Trail sat down and tried to calm down.  “Now, tell me what is wrong.” Obsidian said calmly.  Trail took a deep breath, “Please sir. You’ve known me for months, and I have never given you any reason not to trust me. Haven’t I?”  Obsidian nodded, “Of course. I trust you almost as much as I trust Climb.”  “Then please believe me sir. I know this will sound horrible.” Trail said.  “Come my friend, spit it out.” Obsidian said.  Trail took another deep breath, “Your wife forced herself on me last night.”  A silence rang out across the room, time seemed to stop as the words left his lips. Obsidian looked at him, his expression unreadable for several moments.  “Trail. This is a serious accusation. I want you to be sure of your words.” Obsidian said.  “Please sir! I’m not lying!” Trail said. Suddenly, the door to the study opened, Pearl and Penelope walking inside towards the two stallions.  “Ah Obsidian, there you are. We need to discuss the dealings with the trade company.” Pearl said.  She then noticed Trail sitting next to her husband, “Oh good morning Mr. Blazer. How are you this fine morning?”  Her voice made Trail’s heart grow cold, his eyes grew wide with fear.  Obsidian noticed the distress in his face but looked back to his wife, “Pearl. You are quite cheerful this morning. How unlike you. A good night I take it?”  “Oh I slept wonderfully thank you dear. Now, Trail, don’t you have work to do?” Pearl asked.  “Actually, I just gave Trail the day off. He’s not feeling well today. Trail, do get your things and go home. Get some rest.” Obsidian said. “Y…Yes sir.” Trail said, moving to leave the room.  “And what about my garden? Who will tend to my roses? Trail, get out there and clean my garden this instant.” Pearl said.  Trail jumped at her words, “Yes Lady Pearl.”  Obsidian stood, “He is not well Pearl. He is going home.”  “He will do no such thing if he wants to keep his job here.” Pearl fought back.  “I do not recall giving you the authority to fire my servants. You forget, this is my house!” Obsidian shouted.  The Lord turned to look at Trail, “Trail, go home.”  Trail tried to escape again, only to have his legs buckle along the way.  “He is staying!” Pearl shouted.  Trail’s legs buckled again, this time sending him sprawling to the floor. “Trail!” Penelope said, running to his side.  Trail didn’t respond, it’s like his mind and body were fighting over control. Just like last night… “What is wrong with you Trail?” Obsidian said, coming over to him.  “He passed out drunk last night. I had to carry him to the servant’s barracks.” Pearl said.  Obsidian turned to her, “You carried a drunken servant to the barracks?”  “Yes, what of it?” Pearl asked.  “And why would you do something like that? And what were you doing out of bed? As I recall you retired for the night at the same time I did.” Obsidian said.  “I couldn’t sleep and went for a stroll in the hallway. Not my fault he was passed out by my room.” Pearl said.  “Your room? Which is on the far side of the manor, nowhere near the wine cellar or the kitchen? Why would Trail be passed out there? For that matter, I’ve never seen him drink.” Obsidian asked.  “What are you getting at Obsidian?” Pearl said, frustrated.  “Pearl, what did you do to him?” Obsidian asked slowly.  “Are you accusing me of something?” Pearl said darkly.  “Trail told me something this morning. Something I did not believe you were capable of. Now the pieces are starting to come together.” Obsidian explained.  “Did he now? And what is this country pony accusing me of?” Pearl said, smirking.  “Why don’t we hear it from him? Trail, what did you tell my husband this morning?” Pearl asked, still smirking.  Trail tried to speak out, but all that came out was, “Nothing Lady Pearl.”  Obsidian looked to Trail, seeing his eyes start to daze over, “Trail, what is wrong with you?” “She cursed him.” Penelope said.  “Shut your mouth you filly!” Pearl said.  “No! You can’t scare me anymore! She cursed Trail with a charm spell!” Penelope shouted.  “You did what!?” Obsidian asked harshly.  “I did nothing of the sort!” Pearl shouted.  “I saw you leading Trail in your room last night! I thought it was strange, I didn’t want to get involved! Not until I saw she hadn’t fully dispelled it.” Penelope shouted.  Obsidian looked to his wife, “Undo the spell completely.”  Pearl looked away.  “NOW! OR I SWEAR TO CELESTIA I WILL LEAK EVERY SINGLE SECRET YOU ARE HIDING TO ALL OF OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS” Obsidian shouted.  Pearl’s face grew pale and she relented. She walked over and lit up her horn, removing the last remnants of the spell. Trail could finally breathe easy, and stood on his hooves again. He moved as far away from Pearl as he could.  “Go home Trail. I will deal with this.” Obsidian said darkly.  Trail didn’t need to be told twice. He ran out of the manor and never looked back.  Three days later… Trail was a mess. He couldn’t sleep, and barely ate. He was having horrible nightmares about that night. His sisters were all on business trips, and he couldn’t bear to tell his mother about this. Not yet.  Then the doorbell rang out, making Trail jump.  He walked to the door and opened it, revealing Climb.  “Climb, what are you doing here?” Trail asked.  “Trail. I am afraid tragedy has struck.” Climb said, his voice shaky.  “What happened?” Trail asked.  “Lord Obsidian has passed away.” Climb said, tears falling down his face now.  Trail looked at him in shock. This couldn’t be happening… The funeral was long and hard for Trail, he sat with several of the servants, right next to Climb as the service went on. Trail wasn’t told how he died, only that it was in his sleep. He felt no pain. As the casket was dropped into the ground, Trail felt a chill run down his spine.  Lady Pearl was there, looking at Trail everytime he looked her way. And what frightened Trail the most, was that she was the only pony there who was smiling.  Trail was brought into the manor by new servants he didn’t recognize. He had come hours after the funeral to give his letter of resignation. But as soon as he stepped on the grounds, he was grabbed and dragged by two large stallions.  As they reached the study, he was thrown inside and the door shut behind him.  “So nice of you to join me Trail.” Pearl said, with that same voice that made Trail sick.  “What do you want?” Trail said, standing his ground.  “Oh do relax Trail. This is just a simple chat between an employer and her employee.” Pearl said, pouring a cup of tea.  “Well too bad for you. I quit. Here’s my letter.” Trail said, throwing the paper at her hooves.  She looked down at the paper and then to him, “Now we can’t have that Trail.”  “And why not?” Trail asked.  “Because you owe me!” Pearl shouted. “I owe you? What kind of tea are you drinking? I owe you nothing!” Trail shouted.  “Oh you do. I assure you.” Pearl said.  She moved around to sit at her chair, “You have cost me quite a lot these past few days Trail Blazer. My husband, the respect of my servants, my reputation.”  Trail glared at her, “Like you care that the Lord is gone.”  “Oh but now I have every eye in Canterlot looking at me like I’m a Black Widow! Everypony always points to the wife. He died in his sleep from who knows what!” Pearl said.  She took a breath to calm herself, “But if anything good has come out of this tragedy, it’s that your little accusation will no longer see the light of day.”  “You charmed me! Made me…” Trail said, the words stopping as his stomach began to turn.  “Oh shut up. I’m tired of hearing about it. Anyway, that leads me to the true reason I can’t let you leave.” Pearl said.  “And what’s that?” Trail asked, glaring at her.  Pearl turned to him with a glare of her own, “I’m pregnant you country filth.”  Trail’s eyes widened, that couldn’t be true. Could it? “Is… Is it?” Trail asked, not able to finish the sentence.  “Yes you buffoon, it’s yours. Honestly, do catch up.” Pearl said, sipping her tea.  Trail didn’t know what to say, or feel, or think. Pearl was pregnant, with his foal? He was going to have a foal? With this mare? Trail looked at her again, his glare still there, “So what now?” “Now, we talk.” Pearl said, gesturing over to the Lord’s chair.  Trail hesitantly took the chair and looked at her with hate.  “Talk then.” Trail said.  “Nothing would make me happier than aborting this little mistake and never seeing you again. But a noble such as myself cannot be seen in a clinic, or risk losing all of my business associates that frown upon that practice. Then it struck me.” Pearl said, smiling at the end.  “What struck you?” Trail asked.  “The perfect revenge against you, for smearing my good name. You will stay here, and heed to my every whim.” Pearl said.  “What!?” Trail said.  “Oh I know you Trail. Always wanting a child, but never finding the right mare. Well, here is your chance. A foal to raise all on your own. All you have to do to get it, is stay with me through the pregnancy. Every desire I wish, you will grant.” Pearl said.  “You are using an unborn foal to blackmail? Here I thought you couldn’t get any more disgusting.” Trail said.  She glared at him, “I would watch what you say. If you refuse this offer, or continue to insult me in such a manner, I will force myself to miscarriage and scream to the police that you forced yourself on me and tried to force me to marry you for my fortune.”  Trail’s expression went pale, “You… you wouldn’t?” “Don’t underestimate me Trail Blazer.” Pearl smirked.  “You’d kill a child just to get me arrested? For revenge?” Trail asked.  “You ruined me. So it’s only fair that I ruin you. Do we have a deal, Trail?” Pearl said, offering her hoof.  He grimaced, his stomach churning as the thoughts went through his head.  “I’ll do it.” Trail said, defeated.  “Good, now you can start by cleaning my hooves. We will see where the day takes us afterwards.” Pearl said, leaning back in her chair.  Trail had no choice as he got down on the ground. He felt like puking again.  Eleven months. Eleven months of pure Taratus and torture. Pearl stopped at nothing to humiliate and use Trail for anything she desired. And when the day finally came for his foal to be born, he found himself in a private hospital in Canterlot.  Pearl sat on the doctor’s table, belly bloated with the foal. Her lawyer, a unicorn stallion named Immoral Justice, stood next to her with a stack of paperwork.  “Mr. Blazer, you have kept your end of the agreement for the length of the pregnancy. Therefore, I have the legal document here, granting you full custody of the child after its birth. Do you accept custody of this foal?” Justice asked.  “I do.” Trail said with hesitation.  The lawyer had him sign one of the documents.  “Next, by Equestrian law, you are allowed to make conditions for the rights of the mother, as she has forfeited her rights to the child.” Justice stated.  “Good. Then I want it written that Pampered Pearl and anyone under her employ or association will be restricted from coming within 500 ft of myself, my child, or anyone in my family.” Trail stated, with great detail.  “Very well. It shall be done.” Justice said, writing that into the contract.  “Next point of order, my client’s name will be stricken from the birth certificate.” Justice said.  “Fine by me.” Trail said, glaring daggers at Pearl.  “Next point, you shall be reminded that after the child is born, you will not set a hoof in Canterlot again.” Justice said.  “Never planned to come back here anyway.” Trail scoffed.  “Then if both parties are satisfied with this arrangement, I believe we will get this over with.” Justice said, rolling out the document. Trail read it over one last time, making sure there were no loop holes or foul play hidden inside. When he was satisfied, he signed it. Pearl signed just after and then was hit with contractions.  She was wheeled inside the operating room, leaving Trail and the lawyer outside the room. Trail had no intention of helping her through the labor. Consider it payback for the eleven months of degradation.  “You are doing the right thing Mr. Blazer.” Justice said.  “Yes. Though I doubt you know what it truly means to do the right thing, Immoral Justice.” Trail spat at him.  “Such hostility. And here I am, delivering your baby to you without any fuss.” He said.  “Out of the kindness of your heart right? Assuming you even have one.” Trail said, venom dripping.  “Hearts don’t pay the bills.” Justice said.  “Trail!” Several voices called out from the hallway of the hospital.  Trail and Justice turned to see Tala, Zala and Valley Trail coming towards them. They stopped and hugged Trail. Tala then took to glaring at the lawyer, who simply didn’t pay her any mind.  Then the door to the operating room opened, the nurse coming out with a bundle in her magic. She walked over to Trail and held her out.  “Congratulations. It’s a filly.” She said, smiling.   Trail took her in his hooves, surrounded by his family. He uncovered her face and saw that she was light blue, with a mane of white. Streaks of byzantium were also visible in her mane through the blanket. When she opened her eyes, Trail saw the most beautiful green eyes.  “Trail, she’s beautiful.” Valley Trail said, looking at the filly.  “Gorgeous brother.” Zala said.  Tala wiped a tear from her eye before the door to the room opened again, revealing Pampered Pearl.  Tala immediately growled and stood in front of Trail. Zala also took a defensive stance.  “There. We have no further business with each other. Take it and go.” Pearl spat.  “Now now Pearl. Let’s keep this civil. We need to get you to a recovery room, out of the eyes of the public.” Justice said.  But before Pearl could be carted off, she spoke again, “What are you calling the brat anyway?”  Trail pushed in front of his sisters and covered the foal to where Pearl couldn’t see her, “You don’t need to know. Cause you’ll never see her or be near her again.”  Pearl glared at him but was blocked by her lawyer and carted off by the doctors.  When she was fully gone, another doctor came up to them, “I know this is a rather delicate situation for everyone involved, but we will need a name for the birth certificate.”  Trail uncovered the filly again, she was sleeping peacefully now, “Her name is… Comet Trail.” > Ch. 34 - Acceptance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 34  – Acceptance – Silence filled the throne room of Twilight’s Castle. Tala and Zala had just finished their tale, and the room felt colder than it was a minute ago. Everypony had different reactions, but all were trying to hide it. The expressions around the room ranged from disgust, to anger, and some just seemed stunned.  Starlight’s expression was unreadable, as she looked like she was so deep in thought that she didn’t seem to notice anything around her.  “I can’t believe it… it’s so horrible.” Twilight said.  Rainbow slammed her hoof into the table, “It’s more than horrible, it’s disgusting! How can somepony like that exist? And she just got away with it all!?”  “There isn’t much one can do when you are cornered, Rainbow Dash. She had money, power and control.” Rarity said.  “But to treat your own filly like a bargaining chip for revenge, and threaten to kill an unborn foal just to get back at Trail? She was the one who caused it all!” Fluttershy shouted. Everypony looked in shock as the timid pegasus looked absolutely livid.  “We tried several times to convince Trail to go to the police. But he was so scared for Comet, that he couldn’t risk it.” Tala said.  “And ever since the day he took Comet home, he dedicated his whole life for her happiness.” Zala said.  “And she’s never tried anything?” Trixie asked.  “No. Trail has not encountered that vile mare since that day in the hospital. Far as I’ve heard, she still isn’t doing well in the noble hierarchy.” Zala said.  “Well good! Serves her right for everything she did! That twisted little witch!” Applejack said, kicking at her throne.  “She is beyond a meanie. She just took the title Queen of the Meanies from Queen Chrysalis! And she’s a literal queen!” Pinkie shouted.  “So Trail is still hurting from all that happened?” Starlight said, shocking everyone to look her way.  Starlight had tears in her eyes, but stood on all four hooves. She had a look on her face that was sad, but with a hint of something else.  “He has had nightmares in the past, but hasn’t had one for years. We had hoped he had left it all behind.” Zala said.  Before Zala could continue, Starlight ran out the door. She ignored the calls from Twilight and Trixie for her to come back. She needed to see him again. She needed to tell him.  Trail sat with his filly on his bed, finishing the story and hoping she would understand.  Comet was quiet for several minutes, not looking at him and just staring straight ahead, almost in a daze.  It was when Trail stroked her mane that she finally turned back to him, “I was a mistake…”  Trail immediately picked Comet up into a bone crushing hug, “No! I never saw you as a mistake. You’re my baby girl.”  “But… my eyes, my mane, I must remind you of her!” Comet cried.  Trail held her tighter, “You are nothing like her. When I first saw you open your eyes, all I could see was how beautiful you were.” Trail pulled Comet back to look into her eyes, still those green gems that made him so happy.  “And you still are. My beautiful Comet. My daughter.” Trail smiled.  Comet wailed and buried her face in her father’s chest. She cried so hard, more than she ever had in her life. Trail couldn’t help but shed tears as well. Sobs racked his body as he held the most precious thing in his life. Everything he endured those eleven months was for his filly.  Valley came around to be next to them, “You finally took the first step.”  Trail looked to his mother, “First step?” “In moving on dear. You’ve held this in for so long. Now, you can let go, and find happiness in your life.” Valley said.  “But I am happy.” Trail said.  “Happy for your filly Trail, but happiness comes in many forms. One you have already found.” Valley said.  “What do you mean?” Trail asked.  “Ask her.” Valley said, pointing to the door of the room.  Trail turned his head and his eyes grew wide. Standing in the doorway of his room, was Starlight Glimmer. He didn’t know what to do. Should he say something to her? Should he tell her about his past as well? He took a deep breath, “Starlight…”  “I’m so sorry.” Starlight said, cutting Trail off.  Trail looked at her stunned, “Sorry for what?”  “For what I did. For not being honest with you. For not being honest with myself.” Starlight said.  Trail turned on his bed to look at her fully, Comet still buried in his chest.  “I need to say this now. I’ll understand if you don’t want me around after tonight. But I need to say it now before I lose this chance.” Starlight said, tears starting to form again.  She took several deep breaths, struggling to get the words out.  “I think… No. I know I have feelings for you Trail Blazer.” Starlight said, resolve in her voice.  Trail was stunned, Comet removed herself from his chest to look at her teacher. Starlight looked down at her student and smiled, the tears starting to fall.  Trail didn’t say anything for several seconds, until he looked down at Comet and brushed her mane.  “Sweetheart, can you wait outside with Nana for a few minutes?” Trail said, giving her his best smile.  Comet hesitated for a minute or so, but eventually nodded. She was soon picked up in Valley’s pink glow. The filly was placed in Valley’s lap as she wheeled herself out of the room, closing the door behind her.  Trail and Starlight were now alone in his room, both silent and hesitant to speak. But eventually, it was Trail that broke the silence.  “Starlight. Before we get into this talk, I wanted to say I’m sorry. And I want to tell you a story.” Trail said.  “Tala and Zala told all of us. Twilight and all our friends too.” Starlight stated.  Trail’s eyes widened a little, “Oh. Well, I guess that saves some time.”  Trail cleared his throat, “In that case. Please know it wasn’t because of you that I ran.”  “I know. It was the memories of her.” Starlight said.  “Yes. I hadn’t thought about Pearl in years. I felt like those memories were locked away so tight in my mind, yet that lock was so fragile. I’m so sorry for running on you. All those months with her, it still haunts me.” Trail said, shivering.  Starlight walked over to him, sitting next to him on the bed, careful not to make contact.  “I still have nightmares about my past. But you saw me for who I really was, not my past. I could never see you as anypony other than the strong, confident and amazing stallion that you are.” Starlight said.  Trail was stunned by the praise and kind words.  “Starlight, I think you give me too much credit.” Trail said shyly.  “And I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. You raised Comet to be a wonderful little filly. She’ll be a great mage someday. And she’ll do her father proud.” Starlight said.  “She already has. How many ponies can say that they’re the personal student of a mage like Starlight Glimmer, student of the Element of Magic herself?” Trail said back to her.  Starlight blushed and turned away in embarrassment.  Trail’s expression turned serious for a few moments. His thoughts went to what Starlight said earlier. She had feelings for him. When he thought about it, he really thought he had feelings for her. He had long given up on romance, and anytime he thought about being with a mare, his nightmares would return.  But in this moment, when he thought about a life with Starlight Glimmer, his nightmares were nowhere to be seen or heard. Maybe, just maybe, he could have this happiness.  “Starlight.” Trail spoke.  “Yes Trail?” Starlight answered plainly.  He looked down on her hoof and gently reached for it, slowly in case she wanted to pull away. She didn’t pull away, in fact she reached for his hoof too.  When their hooves touched, a spark seemed to pass in between them, making the two ponies look up and into each other’s eyes. Blue eyes met blue eyes, both sparkling with wonder at the other.  “Starlight, I think… I think I have feelings for you too.” Trail said after a while of staring into her eyes.  Starlight gasped and smiled.  “I don’t know a whole lot about romance, and I may still be nervous about being with somepony. But if you can bear with me, could we maybe give us a chance?” Trail asked.  Starlight’s eyes watered as she was overwhelmed with happiness. The stallion she had grown close to had reciprocated her feelings! “Yes. I would like that very much.” Starlight answered.  She couldn’t help but lean in, only to flinch back, not wanting to freak him out again. Trail didn’t freak out, he just smiled and leaned in as well. As they got closer, his heart raced, making him hesitate a little. This feeling in his chest wasn’t fear. It was something else, something wonderful. Then, their lips met. Her lips were so soft. Nothing fancy about it, just a simple loving kiss.  When they separated, Trail felt lightheaded, “Wow, that was an adventure.”  Starlight giggled and blushed even more. She then moved in for a nuzzle, which Trail returned gladly.  “See. Nothing to fear. I swear by Celestia, I would never hurt you Trail.” Starlight swore.  “I know. And I’d never let anything harm one hair on your gorgeous mane Starlight.” Trail said, blushing when he realized what he said.  Starlight’s face went bright red and she forgot how to breathe for a second. Words failed her as she tried to make them come out of her mouth, only really resulting in flustered gibberish.  The door to the room creaked a little, and both ponies looked to see a glimpse of green eyes peeking into the room. The two adults chuckled at the sight.  “Comet, you can come in now.” Trail said.  An “eep” could be heard as Comet stuck her head inside, a nervous smile on her face before breaking out into a large grin. She jumped onto the bed and into Starlight’s embrace.  “It worked out after all!” Comet cheered.  Starlight looked at Comet, “What worked out?”  “Oh, the plan. Trixie and Ocellus helped me come up with a plan about getting you and Daddy to admit your feelings.” Comet said. “Oh, did they now? So that’s why Trixie picked out this outfit for me.” Starlight said, giving a glance at the costume she was still wearing.  “Uhuh. She said that you wouldn’t say anything without a little push. She said, “The Great and Powerful Trixie must give her best friend the encouragement she needs, or she will never have the stallion of her dreams. Starlight would be lost with Trixie’s guidance.” Comet said, mimicking Trixie’s accent the best she could.  Starlight deadpanned, “Note to self, have a heart to heart with Trixie soon.”  Comet giggled and hugged Starlight, making the older mare forget about reprimanding her best friend for plotting behind her back with her student.  “Well, it had a rocky start. But I think this Nightmare Night has been pretty darn good. Don’t you girls think?” Trail asked.  Starlight and Comet nodded, both giggling at each other as they embraced.  Valley Trail made her way into the room, making the three ponies on the bed look her way.  “I had always hoped you would find a nice mare to make you happy Trail. And now you have.” Valley said.  The older mare turned to Starlight, “You better take good care of my boy. And if you break his heart, I’ll break you little missie.” Valley said, giving a stern motherly glance at the last words.  Starlight didn’t even flinch, just nuzzled Trail again, “Don’t worry Valley. I’ll take good care of him. And keep him out of trouble.”  “Oh, now that I’d like to see my dear.” Valley laughed.  Trail looked at the two older mares in confusion, “What are you two on about?” Trail and Starlight returned to the castle, greeting everyone that was still in the throne room.  Tala and Zala immediately came to their brother’s side, hugging the life out of him until Zecora spoke up.  “Sibling love is certainly strong, but pray care for your brother’s lungs.”  Zala and Tala released Trail, seeing that his purple coat had turned blue for a moment.  Starlight helped Trail back to his hooves and stayed close to him, making the two siblings look at them with confusion.  “What’s with the cuddly attitude all the sudden?” Tala asked.  Zala was about to speak, before she looked down. She grabbed her sister’s head, “Sister, look!” Tala freaked out a little from being grabbed but eventually saw that Trail and Starlight were holding hooves.  “No way.” Tala said, looking up to smirk at the two. Trail and Starlight looked confused until they noticed that they were holding hooves without realizing it. However, they didn’t pull away, only gave nervous smiles to the two siblings.  Tala and Zala looked at each other and after a second of confirmation, Tala groaned and Zala cheered.  “Darn it.” Tala pouted.  “Ha! I win! Pay up sister!” Zala exclaimed, holding her hoof out.  Tala flipped a bit into the zebra’s hoof.  “What was that about?” Trail asked.  “We made a bet whether or not you two would get together before NIghtmare Night was over. I thought you would chicken out. Thanks bro, I’m down a bit.” Tala jokingly pouted.  “You bet on us getting together?” Starlight asked.  “Welcome to the family Glimmerflank.” Tala said, smirking at her.  Trail groaned and wanted to swap at her with his hat, but after looking at Starlight, those thoughts quickly disappeared.  Comet had gone over to Trixie, shouting to her about their plan succeeding. “Trixie, it worked! It worked!” Comet shouted while she bounced.  “Well of course it did. The Great and Powerful Trixie’s plans always come to fruition.” Trixie said, posing in victory.  “Yeah, about those plans Trixie…” Starlight said, coming up behind Trixie.  Trixie looked over her shoulder nervously as her best friend was giving her an unamused look.  “Starlight, Trixie is glad things worked out.” Trixie said, chuckling nervously.  “Oh yes, how could I ever get the stallion of my dreams without The Great and Powerful Trixie and her guidance?” Starlight asked, still giving that unamused look.  Trixie’s expression paled a little as she chuckled nervously, “Oh would you look at the time. Trixie needs to get to bed, early show tomorrow. Good night!” Trixie tried to run, only for her tail to be grabbed in a magical glow. Starlight held her there as she looked at Comet, “Go and find your friends Comet. I’m sure they are worried about you. Trixie and I need to have a little discussion.”  Comet didn’t know what was going on, but Starlight was right, her friends were probably worried. Especially Ocellus. She ran out of the room as Starlight dragged Trixie to another room of the castle.  “Let’s Party!” Pinkie Pie shouted as the throne room of the castle was turned into a dance floor. Everyone was dancing the night away. Comet and her friends were all doing cool dance routines and making lots of noise.  Trail and Starlight were dancing with each other, only it looked more like them tripping over their own hooves. Neither was a very good dancer, but neither really complained either.  Zala and Zecora had taken to the dance floor as well, with some traditional zebra cultural dances, moving in sync with each other. Both truly getting the groove of it, not even noticing that Tala had stuck her leg out to trip Zala with falling into Zecora’s hooves. The two zebras stared at each other and blushed profusely before glaring at the griffin culprit.  Nightmare Night was coming to a delightful end, all ponies present were feeling nothing but happiness. The night was young, and the party was far from over. They would dance and party until they dropped.  > Ch. 35- Relationship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 35 – Relationship – “Trail, relax. It’s just our morning coffee. You don’t need to treat it any differently.” Starlight chuckled.  “I know, it’s just these darn butterflies in my stomach. Don’t really know what counts as a date.” Trail said, a bashful look on his face.  “Well, I’m no expert myself. I think it’s more along the lines of a candlelit dinner, or going out dancing.” Starlight said.  “Oh no, I ain’t one for dancing.” Trail said.  “Oh, you seemed pretty light on your hooves at the Nightmare Night party.” Starlight smirked.  Trail blushed, “Y’all are just saying that.”  Starlight giggled and nuzzled him, “I mean every word. I’m not much of a dancer myself, but I wouldn’t mind going out dancing sometime.”  Trail smiled and nuzzled her back, “Your wish is my command Miss Glimmer.”  “Now don’t you start calling me that, you gentlestallion.” Starlight chuckled.  Both laughed as they enjoyed their morning coffee. It had been several days since Nightmare Night, and Trail and Starlight’s relationship had taken off. Smiles and nuzzles were almost constant, and they spent a lot more time together. Trail even helped Starlight around her office in the school.  Starlight had tried to go out in the forest with him, but she still wasn’t much of an outdoors pony. But it was sweet of her to try.  Flash! Trail shielded his eyes from the sudden blinding flash of light, “What in Luna’s moon?”  Starlight also shielded her eyes and looked to the source of the flash, a unicorn mare with a  camera. She was light green with bright green eyes, and an orange mane that was loose and not styled. Her cutie mark was that of a ladybug with three leaves.  “Oh I’m so sorry. I thought my flash was off. Can you forgive me? I don’t expect you to forgive me. Forgive me?” The mare said, smiling innocently at the end of her apologies.  “Uh, that’s alright. No harm done Miss. But why are you taking our pictures?” Trail asked.  “Oh I’m getting inspiration for an article I’m doing with Princess Twilight and her friends. I’m going to document them and their incredible friendship work they do.” The photographer said.  “Oh yeah, Twilight told me about that. We weren’t expecting you for another hour.” Starlight said.  “Oh, it’s not too early is it? I didn’t want to seem like I’m rushing you.” She said.  “Not at all. Let me just finish my coffee and I’ll take you to the castle.” Starlight said.  “Oh of course. I’ll just leave you to your coltfriend.” She said, walking away.  “Duty calls. The Great Mage Starlight Glimmer just can’t catch a break without somepony needing her magnificent guidance.” Trail said, giving a big smirk.  “Oh hush you.” Starlight blushed.  “I’ll see you for dinner tonight right?” Trail asked.  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Starlight said, finishing her coffee and moving to plant a kiss on Trail’s cheek.  Trail blushed this time and returned the kiss on the cheek. Starlight then waved goodbye and directed the photographer to the castle.  As Starlight and the photographer reached the throne room, the mare acted like Starlight wasn’t even there. She just immediately got all the elements to sit in their thrones. “Alright, let’s just pretty you all up.” The mare said, as she went around the room and plucked hairs from every mare in the throne room.  All of the elements of harmony grimaced and gave the photographer looks. Rainbow especially felt the tug of the hair out of her tail.  “Ow! Hey.” Rainbow said, rubbing her flank.  “Don’t want a hair out of place do we?” The photographer said.  Then the mare suddenly started across the room, getting pictures of every mare in the room, except Starlight.  “Well, that’s that. Bye.” The photographer said.  “Wait! You forgot Starlight. She needs a picture too.” Pinkie Pie shouted as she blocked the exit.  The mare sighed and took a single photo of Starlight before vanishing out the door.  “Wow, she was in a hurry.” Starlight said.  “And a tad rude. I certainly understand wanting to look my best, but plucking hairs like that without warning. Also not even letting us pose for our own pictures. I doubt she’s been with the Canterlot Historical Society long.” Rarity spoke.  “I’m sure she was just excited, girls. We all have our passions.” Twilight said.  “Yeah I guess. But that really hurt.” Rainbow pouted. “I don’t know much about this Historical Society, but if it gets our message across to more ponies, it was worth a few hairs I reckon.” Applejack said, dusting off her hat.  “Applejack is right. The important thing is that more ponies learn about friendship.” Fluttershy said.  “Righty O. Now, onto the more important topics for today.” Pinkie said, grinning over to Starlight.  Starlight saw this look and immediately thought about running for the hills. Though this was Pinkie Pie, so escape was impossible.  “Starlight, how have you and Trail been doing?” Pinkie asked.  This sparked more of the elements to move over to the unicorn mare and give her smirks and smiles. Starlight felt really embarrassed right there and she tried to keep her composure.  “Eh… it’s been alright. We’re very happy.” Starlight said.  “Oh come now Darling, details. We simply must hear all the juicy details.” Rarity said.  “Yeah, like how good a kisser Trail is.” Rainbow smirked.  “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted.  “What? It’s just a question.” Rainbow shrugged. Starlight wanted to disappear right then and there. Her friends were all looking at her again and her face couldn’t have been more red.  “So, bringing your marefriend for dinner tonight?” Tala said, poking fun at her blushing brother.  He cleared his throat as he moved through the brush of the forest, “As a matter of fact, yes she will be joining us. Though asking you to behave yourself is a waste of breath.”  “Hey, no worries. I like her. She’s got that tough mare feeling to her, with that gentle side I know you like.” Tala smirked.  Trail groaned, “Will you just keep a lookout? We’re supposed to be looking for any sign of predators in the area.”  “Yeah yeah. Man, ever since that basilisk incident, you’ve been really paranoid about predators this close to town.” Tala said.  “And why shouldn't I be? Comet and her friends almost got eaten. Starlight could’ve even lost her magic due to burnout.” Trail said.  “Hey, I want Comet safe and sound as much as you do. Going out and driving off predators isn’t good for the forest. You’re upsetting the balance bro.” Tala said.  “As much as it pains me to admit it, she does have a point brother.” Zala said, emerging from the growth ahead of them. Trail groaned again, “Not you too Zala. Look, I just want to make sure everypony in the town is safe. We don’t need another basilisk lurking nearby. Or an Ursa Major.”  “Please brother. An Ursa wouldn’t attack unless provoked. They can be quite docile.” Zala said.  “Yeah, I’d be more concerned about that Hydra in Froggy Bottom Bog, if it wasn’t so big and fat. Big oaf couldn’t make it a day without being in the water.” Tala said.  Trail sighed, “Maybe you two are right. Maybe I’m just being overprotective. I just don’t want anypony else to get hurt.”  Tala and Zala hugged their brother.  “Hey, no one said to stop worrying. Just don’t go all territorial on us.” Tala said.  “We can study the forest and respect its balance at the same time. As we’ve done with so many other environments.” Zala said.  “I know. I just don’t want our study to hurt anypony.” Trail said, looking down.  Both sisters came up to his sides, sporting smiles of comfort.  “That is why we’re out here. Making sure nothing dangerous is afoot. We can scout and survey all in one outing.” Zala said.  “Yeah, there’s nothing we three can’t do when we work together, right bro?” Tala said, nudging Trail with her wing.  Trail smiled at his sisters, “You got that right sis.”  All three continued down the path, surveying the land and searching for any possible sign of danger. Nothing could escape their gaze.  The photographer mare had left the castle and made her way to the forest, entering a clearing with six trees all lined in a circle. She removed the pictures and locks of hair that she took from the Elements and laughed maniacally as green flames engulfed her, turning her into Queen Chrysalis.  “Now my plans can come to fruition. With this spell, I will make perfect copies of Twilight and her friends. Then, the Elements of Harmony will be under my command. Equestria will be without its greatest weapon, and will fall to my power.” Chrysalis said.  As she placed the pictures and hairs on the trees, she continued to laugh. “Yes, my soon to be minions. It is almost time to begin our little plan. You will be just perfect.” Chrysalis said, literally skipping with glee and she started burning the images of the cutiemarks into their respective trees.  “Once the elements are in my control, I will make Equestria my new hive. Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi will all bow to me, as their Queen!” Chrysalis declared.   Then she came across the picture of Starlight and her coltfriend.  “Of course I haven’t forgotten about Starlight Glimmer. She stole my hive, turned my subjects against me. I will make her pay for all of it! And her little coltfriend will be the perfect weapon to do so.” Chrysalis said, grinning viciously.  “Trail, did you hear something?” A voice rang out through the forest.  Chrysalis gasped and cast an illusion spell on the area around her, hiding her presence as well as her circle of trees. She hid in a nearby bush just in case, searching for whoever could be out there.  Soon a trio of beings crossed a clearing right next to hers, it was Starlight’s coltfriend, along with a zebra and a griffon. They were looking around and talking, but Chrysalis didn’t bother to listen. All she could see was an opportunity to make her plan even more devious.  She crept closer to the path that they would take and waited for them to pass. As the trio moved past her, Chrysalis got a perfect view of his cutiemark. She had also found a strand of hair that had been caught in a group of vines that he had gone through.  “So, what’s gonna be for dinner tonight Trail? What will the great Trail Blazer make for his pretty marefriend?” The griffon chuckled.  “Well if you keep that up, all you’ll be getting tonight is steamed broccoli.” The stallion smirked.  The griffon paled, “You wouldn’t?”  The zebra burst into laughter as the trio disappeared into the foliage. Chrysalis undid her illusion when she was sure they were gone. Returning to her trees, she looked at the picture of Trail Blazer. She slowly started to chuckle.  She held the hair of the stallion in front of her as she grinned wickedly, “Oh I know just what to do with you.”  She then burned the mark into the tree and moved to the center of the circle. She cackled as she performed her spell, causing a green circle of magic to form around her. A green magical beam then shot between all the trees, causing each of them to glow and eventually split open. Inside the trees emerged seven ponies, each looking striking similar to the Elements of Harmony and Trail Blazer, albeit with dull colors.  “Oh my, you all came out perfectly. Now to bring my plan to the next phase.” Chrysalis said.  “Pfft, phase smase. Sounds like the worst day ever.” Fake Pinkie Pie said.  Fake Fluttershy came over and pushed her to the ground, “Now it’s the worst day ever.”  The Fake Twilight moved next to the queen, “And what exactly is your plan? Go off into the Everfree forest and take the elements?” “No.” Chrysalis said plainly.  Fake Twilight raised an eyebrow, “What? But I thought you wanted to use us to control the elements?”  “Oh I do. But not just yet. I’m sure the elements have some manner of defense mechanism in place. Otherwise, something would have found them long ago. Besides, we can have much more fun with our enemies first.” Chrysalis smiled.  Fake Twilight smirked at that.  Fake Trail Blazer then came up to them, “And what exactly am I doing here? I’m no Element.” “You have the most important job of all.” Chrysalis said smoothly.  Her grin grew dark, “Breaking Starlight’s heart.”  > Ch. 36 - Quality Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 36 – Quality Time – “Starlight, tell me what we're doing today.” Comet demanded, trying to get her teacher to answer.  “If I did, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise now would it?” Starlight said cheerfully.  Comet pouted at the older mare, making Starlight giggle.  The two ponies were in the park, a beautiful day out with Celestia’s sun shining brightly in the sky. Ponies ran back and forth through the fields, smiles on all their faces. Not a care in the world.  Starlight carried a bag in her magic, occasionally moving it out of Comet’s way, thwarting her attempts to discover its contents. Soon, the pair had stopped where there was a good amount of free space from other ponies. Starlight sat down with the bag next to her as she looked at her student.  “Alright Comet, today we’ll be starting on some more advanced forms of magic. And having some extra fun while we’re at it.” Starlight smiled.  “Come on, come on. What’s in the bag?” Comet asked, jumping up and down.  “Alright alright.” Starlight said, unzipping the bag.  Comet looked in wonder as the bag opened, she couldn’t quite make out what was in the bag, it looked like some cloth and string. As Starlight started to pull the objects out of the bag, Comet’s eye grew wide.  Floating in Starlight’s magic were two kites, both with their coat and mane colors. Comet’s kite had a rune design on it, reminding her of all the books she had been reading for the past few days. Starlight’s kite was simple but beautifully colored and smoothly designed.  “Wooooow.” Comet said in awe.  “Today, we’re gonna fly kites.” Starlight said.  But something was wrong, Comet looked around and felt that there was something missing.  “But Starlight, there’s no wind today.” Comet said.  “Oh I know. Which is why today’s lesson is wind magic.” Starlight said, winking at Comet.  Comet gasped, “Wind magic?”  “That’s right. Your task today is to create and control gusts of wind to fly your kite. Don’t think it’ll be easy though. Wind is one of the hardest elements to master.” Starlight said smiling.  “Eeeee! I’ve always wanted to learn elemental magic. This is gonna be so cool!” Comet said, practically skipping around Starlight.  “Alright, come on Comet. Focus here.” Starlight said, pointing to herself.  Starlight took her kite and started to channel her magic into the air itself, creating a small gust of wind, enough to carry the kite high into the sky and settle at just the right altitude.  “Alright, now you try. Focus on going with the flow of the wind. Even if you can’t feel it, there is always wind around us.” Starlight said.  Comet took a deep breath and focused her magic, she could feel energy all around herself. She tried tapping into this energy and following the flow. It felt like flowing down a river, going to and fro across the sky. However, as soon as she got lost in the flow, something felt weird. Comet opened her eyes, finding herself five feet off the ground, her braid flowing to her side like she was a flag pole. Starlight was giggling and the embarrassment made Comet lose focus and start to fall. She was caught in Starlight’s magical glow and placed on the ground.  “Strong start Comet. You’ve got the feel of it now. Although, you can’t get lost in the flow. Or else the wind will use you for the kite.” Starlight said.  Comet blushed, “This is hard.”  Starlight brushed her student’s mane, “Told you so. Don’t worry about it though, most ponies have trouble feeling the flow. All your time in the wilderness with Trail must have really got you attuned to nature and the elements.”  “I’m gonna get this, no matter what!” Comet said, grinning as she charged up her horn again.  This time she didn’t get lost in the flow, she kept her focus and put more magic into shaping the currents. More magic flowed from her horn. This was the feeling, it had to be! “Ahh!” A shout came from above Comet’s head.  Comet opened her eyes once again, looking upwards to see what was going on. She paled as she saw the terrified look of Starlight Glimmer, hovering in the air, clenching her kite string close to her chest as the air streams kept her and her kite aloft.  “A bit too much sweetie!” Starlight shouted.  Comet blushed again, focusing her magic on her teacher, pulling her back down to the ground. As Starlight touched the ground, she let out the breath she was holding. She then looked to her student, who had her eyes to the ground.  “Sorry Starlight. I guess I tried too hard.” Comet said, her voice saddened.  Starlight just smiled and nuzzled the filly, “Comet, it’s only your second try. Plus if that’s the amount of power you can pull off, you’ll be a real master when you get control of the wind.”    “Really?” Comet said, eyes bright as stars.  “Really. Now, come on. I think that’s enough for now. We’ve got to get you back to class.” Starlight said.  Comet soon jumped on her teacher’s back, “To the school!”  “Since when did you forget how to walk?” Starlight joked.  “I feel faint. I’ve used too much magic. As the adult, you’re responsible.” Comet said dramatically.  Starlight rolled her eyes, “Somepony has been taking drama lessons from Rarity.”  Starlight just smiled as she walked through the park, Comet now fully asleep on her back, having truly used a bit too much magic at the end there. Starlight didn’t mind, not like Comet was heavy.  As they reached the last stretch of the park, a couple passed by them and the mare looked back at them.  “Oh how darling. A mother and her filly, and the poor dear is all worn out.” She said.  Starlight almost lost her footing right there, looking back at the couple who had already turned and were out of earshot.  Starlight couldn’t help but look back at Comet on her back. She was so peaceful when she slept. Starlight couldn’t help but smile, the warm feeling in her chest felt so foreign to her. She liked it though.  As the two moved through Ponyville, they soon made it back to the school. Sitting closeby was the wagon of none other than Starlight’s best friend, the Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie herself was nowhere to be seen, meaning she was probably still asleep.  Starlight and Comet decided to go give her a wake up call.  Knocking on the wagon door, Starlight called out to her friend, “Trixie. Are you awake?”  A grumble came from inside, and out popped the head of the Great and Powerful Trixie from the window, “Starlight, why are you up so early?”  Starlight raised an eyebrow at her friend, “Trixie, it’s almost noon.”  “Is it? Trixie must have forgotten to set her alarm.” Trixie said sleepily.  “Or you were up all night and slept in?” Starlight said, making Comet giggle.  Trixie stuck her tongue out at her friend, “The Great and Powerful Trixie does her best work at night. Dazzling the night sky with her wonders and splendors.” “Is that why Smoulder was yelling at you that one time?” Comet asked.  Trixie chuckled nervously, “Trixie may have went a little overboard that night. That dragon friend of yours is quite loud when she wants to be.”  Starlight laughed, “So Trixie, what are you up to today?” “Trixie needs to go into town and prepare for her next trip.” Trixie said.  “You’re going away, Miss Trixie?” Comet said sadly.  Trixie smiled and pet the filly’s mane, “Trixie is only leaving for a few days sweetie. Trixie is making an appearance in Baltimare.” “Ooh Baltimare! I’ve been there. They’ve got the best salt water taffy in Equestria. There’s a shop in the port that makes it the best.” Comet said. Trixie looked the filly right in the eye, “Trixie wants to know everything there is to see in Baltimare now.”  Comet giggled and began telling the magician every single restaurant and shopping mall in the port city. Starlight was so happy that her best friend was getting along with Comet so well. That feeling in her chest started coming back. Like at the park. What was this feeling whenever she was with Comet? It was like seeing Comet so happy and carefree made her day all the more special.  The school bell rang, ending the thoughts and conversations of the group.  “Oh, there’s the bell. Come on young filly, we’ve got to get you to class.” Starlight said. “Yes Starlight. Bye Miss Trixie, come home soon.” Comet said, hugging Trixie.  Trixie was shocked by the sudden hug, and didn’t know what to do at first. She looked to Starlight for help, and got an encouraging smile in return. Trixie hugged the filly back and set her down.  “Trixie will be back soon. Keep up your studies and one day you’ll be as Great and Powerful as Trixie!” Trixie said, posing for the filly. “Yee!” Comet cheered gleefully.  Trixie left soon after and the two were off once again to the school.  As the two walked away, two pairs of eyes could be seen in the bushes a few yards aways.  “I think I’ve found the perfect way to strike at Starlight.” Fake Trail said.  “Yes, I think we’ve found just what we need. Who knew Trixie could actually be useful?” Fake Twilight said.  “Let’s report to the Queen.” Fake Trail said, disappearing into the forest.  Fake Twilight looked towards the school, “Soon all of this will be mine. This is gonna be fun.”  She too disappeared from the bush and into the forest.  “Comet, you think you can help with my art project? I’m no good with this kind of stuff.” Smoulder said, erasing her drawing.  “Of course I’ll help out. Now you gotta have more confidence in yourself Smoulder. You can be really creative when you put your mind to it.” Comet said, sitting next to the dragon.  “I mean, I kinda doddled back home. I never let anyone other than Garble see them.” Smoulder grumbled.  “Well, now others will get to see your creativity too. Now come on, get a fresh paper and just let your mind fly free.” Comet said.  Smoulder grabbed a new paper and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly with a puff of flame and when she looked at her paper, the upper left corner was set aflame. “Oh crap!” Smoulder said, quickly stomping out the flame.  “Maybe we take a deep breath and then pick up the paper.” Comet said, passing her another paper. Smoulder blushed in embarrassment and set the paper down to begin her drawing again.  “You know, you’re really passionate about your art. Almost as much as your magic. I wouldn’t be surprised if your cutiemark ended up being something that symbolizes both.” Sandbar said. “Yeah, what’s up with your cutiemark anyway? I thought ponies get one when they’re little.” Gallus asked.  Comet’s ears folded to her head, “I don’t know why I never got one.” She looked at her blank flank, wondering what her special talent truly was.  “Hey, no worries. You’ll find it, and it’ll be the coolest cutiemark anyone has ever seen.” Silverstream reassured her.  Comet smiled and went back to her own drawing. It was of her and Starlight in the park this morning. She had so much fun learning about wind magic and flying her kite. She still couldn’t believe that Starlight made that kite for her from scratch. She was the best teacher ever.  And not only that, she was dating her Dad. It was strange at first, but she never saw her Daddy so happy before. Starlight even tucked her in when she stayed for dinner. She was the best mare in the world.  And with those thoughts going through her head, Comet remembered all the times with her aunts doing the exact same things. Tucking her in, teaching her new things, buying her ice cream. Although, with Starlight, it felt different. Like something more. Comet didn’t know what to call it, or how to explain it. > Ch. 37 - Broken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 37 – Broken – “So, Yona should talk to friend about how Yona feels?” Yona asked, sitting on the couch.  “Of course. Talking about your feelings will help you understand them better.” Starlight smiled from her desk.  Yona got up from the couch and moved to the door. “Tell Sandbar I said hi.” Starlight said teasingly.  Yona stopped and looked back at the counselor with a blush, “Yona never said anything about Sandbar.” Starlight grinned, “You just did.”  Yona blushed more and ran out the door. Starlight giggled at her student. She was pretty sure Sandbar would be more than understanding of how Yona felt. She and Comet had discussed it a few times during lessons. Honestly it was so cute seeing Yona so flustered and nervous.  The school bell rang out and it was time for Starlight to head to Trail’s house. Trail was going to teach her how to make Comet’s favorite dish tonight. Plus she was looking forward to having more personal time with her coltfriend. She was so giddy! Starlight giggled as she trotted to the door, opening to find a grinning Twilight.  “You seem in a cheery mood Starlight. Fun activities planned for tonight?” Twilight asked, still grinning.  Starlight blushed and took a moment to compose herself, “As a matter of fact I do. I’m off to Trail’s. Probably won’t be home till late.”  “Alright then. But I want you back no later than midnight.” Twilight smirked.  Starlight pouted at her teacher, “Twilight.”  “And remember what we talked about.” Twilight said.  “Twilight.” Starlight growled, her blush returning.  Starlight started to move away from her teacher, “Remember, no later than midnight or you’re grounded.”  “OK MOM!” Starlight shouted back mockingly.  Twilight burst into laughter as Starlight stomped down the hallway in embarrassment.  “Oh this idea is simply divine. So cruel, so wicked. I LOVE IT!” Chrysalis cackled.  Fake Twilight puffed out her chest in pride while the Fake Trail tried cackling with the Queen. Then Fake Fluttershy dumped a bucket of water on his head.  “Loser.” Fake Fluttershy laughed before flying back into the tree.  “So, when shall we execute this plan, Your Majesty?” Fake Twilight said, rolling her eyes at her stupid companions.  “I’ve heard from her little coltfriend that she’ll be at his home tonight. So based on the toll of the school bell from earlier, I assume she’s on her way there now.” Chrysalis said, grabbing the Fake Trail in her magic.  Using her magic to dry and clean him up, she put him on the ground hard.  “LIsten, this is very important. For this plan to work, you need to follow my lead. Understand?” Chrysalis growled.  Fake Trail shook his head vigorously.  “Good. Now come, it’s time to break Starlight Glimmer.” Chrysalis said, walking towards Ponyville as a wave of green flame washed over her, Fake Trail right behind her.  Starlight, recovered from her embarrassment, was back to her perky cheery self, prancing through Ponyville without a care in the world. Well one care, that she was going to see her stallion. Her heart was practically fluttering.  The sun was shining bright in the sky, nothing could possibly bring down her mood. Nothing at all.  “Oh Starlight.” A voice said from in front of her.  Starlight stopped her prance to find her teacher in front of her.  “Twilight? Shouldn’t you be back at the school still?” Starlight asked with a raised eyebrow.  “Oh yes, absolutely. But, I needed to talk to you about something important.” Twilight said.  “Oh? Can it wait? I’m supposed to pick up a few things for dinner tonight with Trail.” Starlight said.  “I assure you it cannot wait. Your duty to the school and your Princess is more important than your love life.” Twilight said. Starlight raised an eyebrow, “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Oh sorry, I meant, no. This will be real quick I promise.” Twilight said, giving a nervous smile.  Starlight looked at her teacher, “You ok Twilight?”  “Of course I’m alright. Why wouldn’t I be?” Twilight said, her confidence coming back a little.  “You look like you're hiding something. Is this a prank?” Starlight asked skeptically.  “No, no prank. Pinkie is way too busy with school stuff to be pranking you.” Twilight said.  “Uh huh. Well, what was it you were wanting to tell me?” Starlight asked.  “Right, so what I was wanting to talk to you about…” Twilight said before looking over Starlight’s shoulder.  “What?” Starlight asked.  “Isn’t that Trail over there?” Twilight asked, pointing behind Starlight.  Starlight raised an eyebrow in confusion and turned to where Twilight was pointing. She indeed saw Trail at a table, sitting with Trixie. But Trixie said she would be leaving Ponyville today. Why was she still here? More on that note, why was Trail in town? He should be home, or still in the forest.  Starlight moved closer to the two ponies and was about to call out to them, until she got just within earshot behind them.  “Oh you dashing stallion. Trixie is so blown away by how handsome and amazing you are.” Trixie said, leaning against Trail.  Wait, what? Starlight didn’t understand.  “You’re quite the prize yourself. I’m surprised a total catch like you is still on the market.” Trail said, wrapping a hoof around the mare.  “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m on the market anymore.” Trixie said, rubbing her hoof on his chest.  Trail shivered a bit and leaned in closer, “I’d say not.”  Starlight’s heart started to slow down, it felt like ice was creeping into her veins. What was happening in front of her? “Come here lover.” Trixie said, pulling Trail into a kiss.  Trail didn’t pull away, he actually pressed into the kiss and held her close. They kept at it even as someponies looked at them with questionable looks. Starlight just stood there, stunned. Like a knife had been jabbed into her heart. “He… It’s not true. It’s not true.” Starlight said, looking at them with eyes unblinking.  “Oh Starlight, I’m so sorry.” Twilight said, resting a hoof on her student’s shoulder.  As soon as the hoof came in contact with her, Starlight bolted in the opposite direction of Trail and Trixie. She couldn’t stay. Not after seeing that. Tears blurred her vision as she ran away with her shattered heart.  “Thanks for coming to help with my shopping, Ocellus.” Comet said, levitating a few bags next to her.  “What else are best friends for?” Ocellus giggled, hovering a few bags of her own.  Both fillies giggled at each other and continued down the main street of Ponyville. As they came to a certain intersection, Comet saw Starlight running their way.  “Hey Starlight!” Comet shouted after her teacher.  Starlight however didn’t stop, or even acknowledge her words. She had her head down and kept running, almost running the fillies over.  “What’s going on with Miss Starlight?” Ocellus asked.  “I don’t know, something must have really upset her.” Comet said, looking in the direction Starlight had run.  “Hey, isn’t that your Dad with Miss Trixie?” Ocellus said, making Comet turn to look in the other direction.  She was right, there was Trail and Trixie, walking away from the square together, and the weirdest part was that they were holding hooves. But that wasn’t right.  “Why are they leaving together, and why are they holding hooves like that? I thought your Dad was dating Starlight?” Ocellus asked.  “I don’t know Ocellus, but I’m getting to the bottom of it.” Comet said, setting the bags down by a park bench before moving to catch up with Trail and Trixie. “Wait up Comet!” Ocellus said, putting her own bags down.  Comet had moved to intercept the pair of grown ups, but they were moving pretty quickly out of town. Ocellus was right behind her, not wanting her friend to confront them alone. The pair had gone far from the town square and continued on past the town. As they passed the school, they moved towards the Everfree Forest.  “Where are they going? It’s just the forest out here. And I thought MIss Trixie was scared of the forest?” Ocellus asked.  “Yeah. Something’s fishy about this. Don’t lose them.” Comet said. Both fillies continued to follow the pair, into the forest and beyond the safety zone that her Dad had shown her. Past this point of the forest was dangerous and Comet was told never to come out here by herself.  As the pair went into a clearing with dead trees surrounding them in a circle, Trixie finally let go of Trail and began to gag.  “By my hive, you taste horrible! I did not give you permission to use tongue!” Trixie shouted.  “You said it needed to look genuine. I mean, it wasn’t that bad for me.” Trail smirked.  Trixie’s horn glowed green and she pinned Trail against a tree, “Don’t get any ideas you sack of forest excrement.”  “I’m sorry your highness, please forgive me!” Trail begged.  She dropped him, “Stop your groveling. I still have use for you. Now, back to the matter at hand.”  Ocellus and Comet had hidden behind a bush, looking at the scene in front of them with confusion. What in Celestia’s name was going on here? All the sudden Trixie had been engulfed in green fire, changing her form into that of a black bug creature that Comet had never seen before. When she was about to turn and ask Ocellus what that thing was, she found her friend had grown pale with her eyes wide with fear.  “Ocellus, what’s wrong?” Comet whispered. “That’s… Queen Chrysalis.” Ocellus whimpered.  Comet’s eyes widened too. She had heard about the former Changeling Queen but she had never seen what she looked like. This was the being that defeated Princess Celestia at the Royal Wedding, and had captured all the leaders of Equestria at once. She was stopped by Starlight, Trixie, Thorax and DIscord. But now she’s here.  “Now that we’ve broken poor Starlight’s heart, the first phase of my revenge is complete. Starlight Glimmer will not be a threat anymore. Now we must focus on our next objective.” Chrysalis said.  “Finding the Tree of Harmory right?” Trail said.  “Yes. This tree will have the Elements of Harmony. And with our copies of Twilight and her friends, I will have Equestria’s most powerful weapon at my disposal!” Chrysalis cackled evilly.  Comet and Ocellus gasped together before Comet looked frantically at Ocellus and whispered, “We have to warn Princess Twilight.”  Ocellus quickly nodded, “Let’s get out of here.”  “Now what do we have here? A couple of little spies? How cute.” A voice came from behind them.  Both fillies screamed as they turned to see Princess Twilight behind them. At first they were relieved to see her, but as her smile grew wicked, she used her magic to pick up both fillies. They screamed again and tried to fight against the alicorn’s magic, but they were way out of their league.  “What is all that racket?” Chrysalis said, her attention drawn to the bushes.  Fake Twilight came out of the bushes with both fillies floating in front of her, “It appears you were followed your Highness.”  Chrysalis glared at the two before her smile grew, “Oh a Changeling. And who might you be dear?”  Ocellus just shook with fear, trying to look away from the Queen. Chrysalis walked up to the little changeling and rubbed her face with her hoof.  “My dear subject, you have nothing to fear from me.” Chrysalis cooed.  “Keep your hooves off her!” Comet shouted.  That made Chrysalis look at her with an unamused expression, “And who might this brat be?”  Comet stuck her tongue out at the queen before looking to her father, “Dad, what is going on? Why are you with this creepy bug queen?”  Fake Trail looked at her with confusion, “Dad?” Chrysalis’ smile grew wider, “Oh so you're the child of Trail Blazer. Oh this day gets better and better.” She circled the fillies who were still trapped in Fake Twilight’s magic, “You two will be of great help to me. As I’m sure you are both students at Twilight’s little school, I’m certain you’ve been told about a particular tree here in the Everfree.” “The Tree of Harmony?” Ocellus asked.  “The very one my dear subject. Now be a good girl and tell your queen where the tree might be.” Chrysalis said, attempting to sound motherly.  Ocellus simply looked away, “You’re not my queen. Thorax is our leader.”  Chrysalis jerked Ocellus’ head back in her direction, “That pathetic drone is not your leader. I am Queen of the Changelings! And once I have the ultimate power of Equestria, he will be the first to feel my wrath!”  “Leave Ocellus alone!” Comet said, trying to fire a blast of magic at the Queen, but it failed to get past Fake Twilight’s aura.  “Ocellus, now I remember you. You were still a little young drone when I was dethroned. You poor dear. Don’t worry. Your Queen is here. Now, where is the tree?” Chrysalis said.  Ocellus cringed, “I don’t know.”  Chrysalis frowned, “Very well then.”  She pointed to Fake Twilight, “I will take them from here. Gather the others and meet in the western clearing.”  “Fine. What about them?” Fake Twilight said, dropping the fillies on the rumps in front of the Queen.  “Oh, I need some quality time with little Ocellus. She and her friend will tell me what I want to know.” Chrysalis grinned.  “And what about me Your Highness?” Fake Trail asked.  “Oh I don’t care. Go with Twilight. Be somewhat useful.” Chrysalis waved him off.  “Ugh, fine. Come on you useless lump.” Fake Twilight groaned.  Fake Trail and Fake Twilight soon left the clearing, leaving the two friends alone with the Queen. “Now then my dear little Ocellus.” Chrysalis said as she stood in front of the fillies.  Ocellus had hidden behind Comet, who was trying to put on her bravest face as she stared down the Queen.  “Let us have our quality time.” Chrysalis grinned wickely.   > Ch. 38 - Obstacles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 38 – Obstacles –  The door to Trail’s home burst open and Tala shook herself, causing leaves and sticks to fall all over the floor in front of the door.  “Ah, that feels so much better.” Tala said, moving towards the couch.  “I’m glad you’re so relieved sister, having made a mess of the house within a few seconds.” Zala said, giving her sister a disapproving look.  “Oh go brush your mane for something. I’ve earned some down time, being in the forest all day.” Tala said, laying down on the couch.  Zala groaned, “You are quite insufferable when you want to be, Sister.”  “But you love me anyway. Hey Comet! Come down here and say hi to your favorite Aunt.” Tala yelled out towards the stairs.  No sound came from upstairs. Tala raised an eyebrow in confusion.  “Kiddo, you up there?” Tala asked, flying up the stairs.  Tala arrived at Comet’s room and found no sign of the filly. She was supposed to be home before they got back from the forest. She knows better than to be out late.  Tala went back downstairs and looked around the living room and the kitchen for a note or any kind of clue of where her niece might be.  “Tala, what’s wrong?” Zala asked, dodging the griffin as she came into the kitchen.  “Comet’s not in her room. There’s no note either.” Tala said, sounding worried.  “That’s odd. She’s usually so punctual. She’s never broken curfew.” Zala said.  “I’m going out to find her.” Tala said, moving to the door.  “Sister! Wait for me!” Zala said, trying to catch up. Trail exited Sugarcube Corner, holding a box in his magic, “Thank you again Mr. and Mrs. Cake, I really appreciate this.” The married couple smiled at him.  “No trouble at all Trail. It reminds me of the time I brought a cake to my first date with Chiffon. I was so captivated by her beauty I dropped it.” Mr. Cake said.  “Oh hush you!” Mrs. Cake blushed.  Trail chuckled and left the couple to their memories. He hoped he could have fond memories like that with Starlight. Though he would try not to drop the cake. She was beautiful though… “Hey Trail.” A voice called out to him.  He looked to the source and found Vinyl Scratch walking his way.  “Hey Vinyl, what’s up?” Trail asked.  “You didn’t run into Starlight did you?” She asked.  “No, she was supposed to meet me at my house. Why do you ask?” Trail asked curiously.  “I saw her run through here about an hour ago, she looked pretty upset.” Vinyl said.  “What? Was she hurt? Did she say anything?” Trail said frantically.  “She didn’t look hurt, not physically. But she looked like somepony slapped her across the face, figuratively.” Vinyl explained.  “Which way did she go?” Trail asked.  Vinyl pointed in the direction Starlight had run to, the path leading away from town.  Trail put a hoof to his chin, “Well, that’s not the way to my home. And it’s in the opposite direction of the castle. Trixie is out of town. So the only other friend in that direction would be…”  A lightbulb went off in his head and he immediately started running towards his new destination.  Loud sobs and wails filled the cavern that Starlight lay in. The bed covered by the canopy wasn’t exactly soft but she didn’t care. The serene sounds of the waterfall didn’t soothe her despair, the sobs only continued. The owner of this home sat next to the bed, allowing her guest to let it all out. Starlight had arrived at her home almost an hour ago, and she hadn’t gotten a word out of her. As the sobs began to die down, Starlight rubbed her eyes and sniffled, “I’m sorry for putting this on you Maud. Especially out of the blue. I didn’t interrupt anything did I?” Maud simply handed her a handkerchief, allowing the mare to blow her nose. “You don’t need to apologize. Boulder and I were just contemplating the meaning of rocks.” Maud said plainly.  Starlight finished blowing her nose and levitated the handkerchief away. She laid her head on Maud’s pillow, which was the softest thing on the bed. Her heart still ached and she couldn’t get the image of Trail and Trixie out of her head.  “Now, can you tell me what happened?” Maud said.  Starlight choked out another short sob before taking a breath, “I think Trail is cheating on me.”  Maud’s eye went wide, just a little bit, enough for somepony to notice the difference.  “That can’t be right. He’s crazy about you.” Maud said, her voice slightly different from her usual monotone.  “But I saw him kissing Trixie in the town square! He had his hooves all over her!” Starlight wailed before slamming her head into the pillow.  Maud didn’t say anything, her expression going back to that blank look for several minutes as Starlight wailed on her bed. This didn’t make any sense to her. She had always seen Trail as a respectable stallion.  A knock at her door pulled her out of her thoughts. She walked to the front door and opened it, revealing the very stallion that had been the topic of discussion. He looked like he had run a marathon, covered in sweat and out of breath.  “Maud, is Starlight here?” Trail said, gasping for air.  “She is.” Maud said plainly.  “Oh thank the Princesses.” Trail said, trying to move into the house.  But as he moved forward, he was stopped by Maud’s foreleg blocking his path. He had bumped into it and she didn’t even budge.  “Maud, what’s wrong?” Trail asked.  Maud stared at him, eyes seeming to bore into his very soul. It was unnerving. Out of nowhere, Boulder appeared in her other hoof.  “Where were you earlier today?” Maud asked.  “What? I was out in the forest with my sisters. We were checking for signs of another basilisk. Why?” Trail said.  Maud continued to stare into Trail’s eyes, seeming to be looking for something. After about a minute of staring, she looked at her pet rock.  “What do you think, Boulder?” Maud asked the rock.  Boulder sat there in her hoof, making no sound or movement at all. Yet after a few seconds, Maud nodded and looked back at Trail.  “Follow me, and stay behind.” Maud said.  Maud turned to walk back into the house, and as much as Trail wanted to rush ahead of her, he had a feeling he should listen to her. As they moved towards the entrance to the main chamber, Maud stopped him.  “Stay here until I call you.” Maud said.  The look she was giving him seemed to be her usual blank stare, but there was something behind it. Like she was trying to be stern without showing it on her face. And it was very effective. Trail did not move.  Maud returned to Starlight’s side, “Starlight.”  Starlight pulled her head out of the tear soaked pillow, “What?”  “Somepony is here to see you.” Maud said.  “I don’t want to see anypony.” Starlight said, burying her head back into the pillow.  Maud stood there, unmoving, “This pony is someone you need to talk to.”  Starlight groaned, “Fine…”  Maud looked back towards Trail and gestured for him to approach. Trail tentatively walked towards his marefriend, seeing her in a state he’s never seen her before. She looked so vulnerable, so distraught.  “Starlight.” Trail said softly.  The moment his voice reached her ear, Starlight’s horn glowed bright and the other pillow on Maud’s bed soon met Trail’s face. He grunted and fell back, surprised by the blow. Before he could ask what was the reason for the attack, he was bombarded with another hit to the head. And another, and another.  “Starlight! Ow! What are you doing?” Trail asked between pillow strikes.  “You show your face after what you did!” Starlight screeched.  Trail held up his forelegs to try and deflect the pillow, “What I did? What are you talking about?” “Don’t you try to play dumb! I saw you!” Starlight shouted.  Maud had seen enough and put her foreleg on top of the pillow. Starlight pulled at the pillow with her magic but Maud was too strong. Starlight gave up on the pillow and looked for anything else she could throw at the stallion. But everything had been moved away from her. When did Maud have time to do that!? “Starlight, please. I don’t understand.” Trail said.  “Drop the act! I know about you and Trixie!” Starlight shouted, her attention fully on Trail now.  Trail looked at her with confusion, “Me and Trixie? What are you talking about?”  “I saw you in the square!” Starlight screamed.  “In the square? But Starlight I’ve-” Trail said before being cut off. “I don’t want to hear your lies! How could you do this to me?” Starlight continued to shout.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Trail shouted back.  Starlight grew more angry and as she looked around again, she found a little box by Trail’s leg. He must have brought it with him. Without even thinking she picked up the box in her magic and threw it at him. He took the box right to the face, making him recoil as the contents of the box soon fell onto the floor.  Starlight looked down to pick up whatever had fallen from the box to throw at him again, but as her magic took hold of it. She stopped. She slowly floated the remains of what was inside to her face for a closer look.  It was a cake, a simple buttercream white cake, with frosting that matched her colors.  And while the cake had been smashed from the bottom, the writing on the top was intact. And the words on it almost made Starlight break into tears again.  Welcome to the Family, My Starlight Glimmer  Her magic failed and the cake dropped to the ground, splatting into pieces on the floor of the cavern. What was going on? Why would he have that? Why would he write those words on that cake if he was-? She couldn’t finish the thought, she couldn’t think at all. What was happening? She didn’t understand. What was happening? She held her head in distress, unable to process the situation.  Trail moved closer, “Starlight. What happened in the square?”  She sobbed and looked up at him, tears in her eyes.  “I saw you kissing Trixie.” Starlight said.  Trail’s eyes widened with shock, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  “Starlight. I couldn’t ever do that to you.” Trail said, tears flowing down his face.  “But I saw it. You said-” Starlight started to say.  The door to Maud’s home burst open, Tala and Zala coming into the chamber. If Maud was mad about her door, no one could tell.  “Sisters, what are you two doing here?” Trail asked.  “We were looking for you in town, that DJ pony told us which way you were going. Just had to follow your hoofprints.” Zala said.  “No time for that! Comet is- wait, what’s up with you two?” Tala asked, seeing them both crying.  Both ponies wiped the tears away and spoke in unison, “What about Comet?”  Both of them looked at each other and then looked away blushing. “She’s not at home, and we couldn’t find her in town. She’s missing.” Tala said.  “Missing? Did you check the school?” Starlight asked.  “Well, no. I kinda panicked when she wasn’t at the store.” Tala said, rubbing the back of her head.  “I tried to calm you, but you just kept flying. Honestly sister, I am worried as well but you must think rationally.” Zala said, scolding the griffin.  Tala blushed in embarrassment, but quickly regained her focus, “Come on, we can check the school.” Trail and Starlight got up at the same time and spoke together yet again, “I’ll come too.” Both looked at each other with red faces, but Starlight immediately moved towards the door, away from Trail. Trail’s heart froze at this gesture, she seemed scared of him. He couldn’t understand any of this. He shook his head to take those thoughts out of his mind, he needed to find Comet, then he could get to the bottom of this.  Starlight led the way out of the cavern, followed by Tala, Zala, Trail and Maud.  The entrance to the school was still open, with students going in and out, minding their business and spending their free time however they wished.  Starlight, Trail, Zala, Tala and Maud all entered the school and immediately started looking around for their filly. Comet was nowhere to be seen. But as Starlight scanned the crowd, she spotted Silverstream and Smoulder. She immediately ran over to them.  “Girls, have you seen Comet?” She asked them.  The two students jumped in surprise as their teacher stood before them.  “Miss Starlight? Uh yeah, Comet went into town with Ocellus hours ago.” Smoulder said.  “She’s not in town. She’s not at home either. Has Ocellus come back?” Starlight asked.  “Actually, now that you mention, Ocellus should have been back by now. Wonder what’s keeping them?” Silverstream said.  Tala landed next to them, “Where is my niece?”  Smoulder and Silverstream gulped in fear as the griffin stared them down.  “Sister! They are just children, calm yourself!” Zala said, getting between Tala and the girls.  Tala deflated a little and turned around to grumble to herself. Zala turned to the children with a more calm and caring look on her face.  “Children, Comet is missing. We cannot find her. Do you have any idea where she might be?” Zala asked.  “Well, if she’s not in town, not at her house, then I don’t know. She’s not at the school, we just came from our room and we passed all our usual hangouts. Besides, Comet said she had something important for the sur-” Silverstream started to explain before she was silenced by Smoulder with a claw over her beak.  “Then where could she be?” Trail asked.  “Where could who be?” A new voice said.  Everyone turned to see that Princess Twilight had found them. She had all of her friends behind her as well.  “Princess Twilight, Comet is missing.” Trail said.  “What? That’s horrible. When did you last see her?” Twilight asked.  “We saw her leave with Ocellus hours ago to go into town.” Smoulder said.  “Twilight, did you see her while you were in town earlier?” Starlight asked.  Twilight raised an eyebrow, “In town earlier? I’ve been in the school all day working on lesson plans.” Starlight looked shocked, “But I saw you in town when we-”  She stopped and thought about it. Something was off about Twilight when she bumped into her. And it was Twilight who pointed out Trail and Trixie. But Twilight was here at the school the whole time. Then Trail’s words back at the cavern came to her mind.  She turned to Zala and Tala, “Was Trail with you two all day?”  Both sisters looked confused, “Yes, we’ve been in the forest all day. Why?”  Starlight kept trying to piece everything in her head. Nothing was adding up. She started to hyperventilate.  “Woah, hey Starlight! Calm down, deep breaths.” Rainbow Dash said, trying to pat Starlight on the back.  “Whatever is the matter darling?” Rarity asked.  “I don’t know, nothing is making sense. Ponies are in two places at once, acting weird and not like themselves. I’m so confused.” Starlight said, holding her head.  Trail came and tried to hug her, making her tense for a moment. She slowly started to calm down, just a little.  “Is somepony playing a mean prank for something?” Applejack asked.  “Something sure is fishy around here.” Pinkie Pie said.  “What do we do now?” Fluttershy asked.  “We need to get to the bottom of this. Smoulder, Silverstream, you two stay here just in case Ocellus and Comet come back. Everyone else, let’s head out and go look for them.” Twilight stated.  “But we’ve looked all over town Princess. Where else could they be?” Zala asked.  “What about the Everfree Forest? Comet knows it pretty well. Maybe they went out there?” Silverstream asked.  “That’s a good place to start as any. We’ll need all of us to cover the forest. Come on everyone.” Twilight said, gesturing to the door of the school.  All the teachers, aunts, Trail and Starlight left the school and raced towards the forest.  “Hold on sweetheart, I’ll find ya.’” Trail stated in his mind.  > Ch. 39 - Royal Pain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 39 – Royal Pain – “AAAAHHHH!” Ocellus screamed as the magic bore into her skull.  “Now my dear Ocellus, it brings me no joy to do this to my subject. Just tell me where the Tree of Harmony is.” Queen Chrysalis said with a sinister motherly tone.  “Leave her alone!” Comet shouted, struggling against the gooey restraints that held her down.  Chrysalis turned to her and stopped her treatment of Ocellus, stepping over to the unicorn filly.  “Then would you like to tell me what I want to know, pony?” Chrysalis said, that sinister tone still there.  “I don’t know where the tree is. Only the Princess and the other elements know.” Comet said.  Chrysalis pushed the filly with her magic, “Lies!” Comet grunted as she landed against Ocellus, who looked at her with worry. As Chrysalis approached them, Ocellus’ body shook violently. She was terrified. “I want that tree. And you are going to lead me to it whether you like it or not.” Chrysalis sneered.  Both fillies were picked up in a green magical glow, screaming as they were taken away by the Queen. They tried to scream loud enough to be heard but they were too far into the forest at this point. No pony in town could hear them.  “Why are you doing this?” Comet demanded.  “It’s revenge for the humiliation that those ponies have brought upon me. I was a Queen! I had a hive! And you ponies took it away from me.” Chrysalis said.  “No! Th.. Thorax showed us a better way.” Ocellus tried to say confidently, but her voice was still shaky.  Chrysalis glared at the filly, “Never speak that traitor's name in my presence again. I will deal with him once I have the power of the elements.”  “You really think you can use the elements of harmony? Not a chance.” Comet laughed.  “Oh I know I certainly can’t. But they can.” Chrysalis said as they entered a clearing.  Comet and Ocellus soon saw a group of ponies in the clearing. All of them looked exactly like their teachers, and her dad. Getting a better look at them as they got closer, their colors were slightly dull.  “Did you get any information out of them, your Highness?” Fake Twilight asked.    “Not quite, but a little stroll through the Everfree might just jog their memory. Plus we can’t have them running off to find the originals.” Chrysalis said.  “But the fact they are here means that somepony will notice their disappearance eventually. We have to find the tree before they find us.” Fake Twilight said.  “Oh I wouldn’t worry so much about that. Thanks to our little stunt with Starlight, I doubt they will be looking for a couple of missing fillies.” Chrysalis cackled.  Comet eyes widened, memories of Starlight running away crying, seeing her Dad and Trixie walk away flooded into her mind.  “What did you do to Starlight!?” Comet yelled at the Queen.  Chrysalis looked at the filly with a wicked grin, “I broke her heart.”  Comet’s horn glowed brightly, she was so mad. She tried firing a bolt of magic at the Queen, but the glow around her and Ocellus blocked the blast. She didn’t care, she fired again, and again. Eventually, a crack started to appear. Chrysalis looked shocked as her magical field continued to crack against the filly’s fury. The barrier then shattered like glass, dropping Ocellus and Comet on the ground.  “How did you do that?” Chrysalis asked.  Comet tried to fire another blast at the Queen, but a purple shield deflected her attack. Fake Twilight came up next to the Queen with a disinterested look. “Letting your guard down, Your Highness?” Fake Twilight said with a grin.  “Silence! We are continuing the search for the tree. It has to be deeper in the Everfree. The fliers can make themselves useful and search from the air.” Chrysalis snapped at her servant.     The Queen turned to the Fake Trail, “You! Carry them and make sure they stay quiet!”  He shook his head in fear and picked up the two fillies in his magic. The fliers took off in the air while the ground ponies continued on the path. Comet tried to break out again, but that outburst of magic made her horn sting a little. She overdid it, and she knew if she pushed it, her magic could burn out entirely.  Comet looked at the Fake Trail, he certainly looked a lot like her Dad but his colors were faded and looked almost sickly. Whatever spell Chrysalis did to make these things must have been some powerful dark magic. But maybe him being a copy of her Dad could be used to her advantage. “Sooo, you’re kinda like my Dad right?” Comet asked.  He looked at Comet and glared, “Keep quiet.”  “Ok ok. I just wanted to say that my Dad wouldn’t ever be scared of some Bug Queen.” Comet said, looking away playfully.  “I’m not scared of her!” Fake Trail said.  “Oh no, of course not. I definitely didn’t see you shaking like a leaf when she snapped at you to carry us. Guess it pays pretty good to be a pack mule.” Comet joked.  “Hey! I’m no pack mule and I am not afraid! So shut your mouth!” Fake Trail shouted.  Fake Pinkie walked by the stallion, “You are so lame.”  “No one asked you!” Fake Trail shouted at her.  Out of nowhere, Fake Fluttershy pushed Fake Trail’s hat over his eyes and laughed.  “You are a loser. Now get moving pack mule.” Fake Fluttershy laughed and flew off again.  “Wow, that Fluttershy is a jerk. Queenie can’t even make good copies of you guys huh?” Comet asked.  “I can make better copies of us for you, 15 bits upfront.” Fake Applejack said, coming up right next to the fillies.  “Yeah, why are they all like this?” Ocellus asked.  “The dark magic probably twisted the original personalities. If they still have the same personalities, they wouldn’t help her.” Comet explained.  “Ooooh. That makes sense.” Ocellus said in realization.  “Besides, if this was a real copy of my Dad, he wouldn’t have hurt Starlight!” Comet shouted at the Fake Trail.  The stallion grumbled, “Wasn’t my idea. Besides, she tastes like rotten pickles.”  Then, Fake Rarity came running behind Fake Trail and stole his hat yelling, “Mine!”  Fake Trail groaned and just continued on the path.  Princess Twilight led the group into the Everfree Forest, the main path of the forest stretched out before them.  “Alright, let’s split up and cover more ground. Rainbow, you take Fluttershy and Tala and search from the air. I’ll take Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack and cover the left side along the path. Trail, you Starlight and Zala take the right side.” Twilight explained.  “Gotcha! Come on you two, let’s fly!” Rainbow said, dashing off into the sky.  Fluttershy and Tala followed suit and the group of fliers went on ahead. Twilight’s group started to move down their path as well. This left Trail with Starlight and Zala. Starlight still looked apprehensive about being with Trail, but she was too worried about Comet to let it stop her.  Trail tried to reach out to Starlight to comfort her, but she still inched away from his touch. It hurt him seeing her this way. He needed to figure out what was going on around here. The group made its way into the brush of the forest, searching for their filly.  Chrysalis snarled in frustration as more of the foliage of the forest clung to her mane and even a stick got stuck in one of her leg holes.  “I hate this forest, I’ll be sure to burn it when I take over Equestria.” Chrysalis sneered.  “Yeah, I’m sure the Princesses haven’t thought of that in over 1000 years of their rule.” Fake Twilight said.  “Those nature loving pampered brats don’t have the backbone to do what they want. I will rule this land with an iron hoof and none will defy my commands. A new hive that will dwarf my old one.” Chrysalis said.  Fake Twilight rolled her eyes, “I better go check on the others. Knowing them they got lost or found something shiny.”  Fake Twilight leapt into the air and flew back down the path, finding most of her group still carrying the captive fillies. She then grew a nasty grin on her face as an sinister idea came to her mind.  The Fake Twilight landed next to the bubble that held the two captives and tried to give them a sincere smile.  “I’m sorry about how you’re being treated girls. But we can’t say no to the Queen. She’s too strong for us.” Fake Twilight said.  “You can cut the nice talk. I don’t know what spell made you, but I know you’re not being forced to be jerks.” Comet said, giving her a sideways glance.  Fake Twilight glared at her and took the bubble away from Fake Trail, “Look, sooner or later we are going to find the Elements of Harmony. And if me and others can take them first, we can destroy the Queen. Doesn’t that sound better than her having the power?” “And what would you do with them?” Ocellus asked.  “Make ourselves real and leave this stupid place. I don’t want to be stuck in the real Twilight’s shadow. Help us find the Elements and we’ll leave and never return.” Fake Twilight promised.  Comet thought about it for just a moment. There’s no way these Fake ponies could use the Elements. She could use them to escape. She could lead them in a random direction and when they inevitably start fighting, she and Ocellus could escape in the chaos.   Comet gave a wide eyed look, “You promise not to hurt us?”  Fake Twilight reached through the bubble and pet Comet’s mane, “Of course sweetie. Now tell us where the Elements are.”  Comet winced a little from the contact but stood her ground, “I think I remember Princess Twilight talking about the Tree of Harmony.”  Ocellus’ eyes went wide, “Comet, what are you-” Comet put her tail against Ocellus’ face to stop her from talking. She gave Ocellus a “trust me” look.  Fake Twilight grinned widely, “Excellent. Tell me everything.”  “Starlight, please slow down.” Trail begged.  “No. Just, give me some space Trail. I need to think.” Starlight said.  “Please Starlight, I’d never cheat on you with Trixie. You know I wouldn’t.” Trail said, trying to reach out for her.  “I know! Please, just give me some space!” Starlight said, pushing him away with a barrier.   Trail didn’t push the matter any further, simply walking back to his sister. He looked to her with pleading eyes.  “What should I do, Zala?” Trail pleaded. “Give her some time to cool off and clear her head brother. The day has obviously been stressful and confusing. She needs time to sort this all out. Someone has sown a great deal of deceit into this mess, and I will personally see to it they pay.” Zala said darkly.  “I agree. Whoever is behind this, I won’t let them get away with it.” Trail said.  He looked to the sky and saw Rainbow Dash flying high, but strangely she didn’t have Tala or Fluttershy with her.  “Rainbow, did you find anything?” Trail shouted up to her.  She stopped and looked down, “Whatever, like I care.”  Before Trail could respond, she took off in another direction. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. Rainbow would never act like that. She was fired up to find Comet before, why was she so disinterested in it now? “Brother, something is not right with her.” Zala said.  “Yeah, what was that about?” Starlight asked.  Trail hummed to himself and while he looked at the direction that she flew off in, it didn’t make any sense. The rest of the groups were spreading out by the main pathways, but Rainbow was currently heading deeper into the forest.  “Where is she going?” Trail asked.  “There’s nothing in that direction except the Castle of the Two Sisters.” Starlight said. Trail had never gone to the Castle of the Two Sisters, by Princess Twilight’s request. She said that something very precious to Equestria was located near there and she didn’t want tourists to learn its whereabouts in his books. But if that was the case, why would Rainbow be flying in that direction? Comet wouldn’t know where the Castle was, so why search there? “Let’s follow Rainbow Dash. Something stinks around here and I think she can lead us to those answers, and maybe Comet.” Trail said.  Zala and Starlight nodded and moved with Trail through the trees and towards the old castle.  Fake Rainbow eventually flew down to meet with the rest of the Fake Elements who had been heading in a new direction pointed out by Comet. They had been walking for almost an hour. And they hadn’t found the elements. Fake Twilight growled in frustration and looked at the filly.  “You said we’d find something in this direction. I don’t see anything but this stupid forest.” She complained.  “Hey, I wasn’t given explicit detail on their location. No one but the real Elements know exactly where they are. Dad never explored this part of the forest, so it's bound to be hiding something.” Comet said.  “Ugh, for your sake it had better. Rainbow, you see anything up there?” Fake Twilight asked.  “Nah, as if I cared.” Rainbow said, hovering a few feet off the ground.  “UGH! You all are useless!” Fake Twilight screamed as she blasted the trees along their path. The trees fell over and revealed a new clearing. In the clearing was a great ravine, with only a rope bridge connecting the two sides of the gap. Beyond the bridge was a ruined castle, covered in moss and crumbled to almost nothing. Two towers stood on each side of the castle, mostly standing and intact.  “No way, The Castle of the Two Sisters.” Ocellus said.  “The what?” Comet asked.  “The castle where Princess Celestia and Luna lived before Canterlot was made. It was where Princess Twilight and her friends found the Elements and defeated Nightmare Moon.” Ocellus explained.  “Perfect! This must be where the Elements of Harmony are hidden.” Fake Twilight said with a wicked grin.  “I certainly hope so.” Queen Chrysalis said as she emerged from the forest with the rest of the Fake Elements.  She turned to Comet, “Thank you little filly. You have just doomed Equestria. Now, come my servants, we shall claim my prize.” Comet’s ear flattened, she didn’t actually mean for them to find the Elements. She took them in this direction because her Dad hadn’t told her what was in this part of the forest. She figured there was nothing out here and eventually they would slip up and Comet and Ocellus could get away and find help.  As the group of fakes moved toward the bridge to the castle, more rustling from the forest came from behind them. And out of the forest came Trail, Starlight and Zala. They saw the group and immediately were confused.  “Princess Twilight, how did you all get so ahead of-” Trail asked before he saw something weird.  He saw a mirror image of himself, holding Comet and Ocellus in a magical bubble. Comet saw her Dad from inside the bubble and looked so relieved. “What in the world is going on here?” Trail demanded.  “It seems we’ve been discovered my servants.” Queen Chrysalis said, coming up to the front of the group.  When Starlight saw the Queen of the Changelings, her heart grew cold. Why was she here? Last time she saw her was when Thorax overthrew her and she refused to change her ways and flew away. Now here she is with Twilight and her friends and… another Trail Blazer.  And as the realization finally hit her, all the memories of the day had flooded to the front of her mind. Trixie had left for her next trip to Baltimare. Starlight running into Twilight after she left the school, seeing Trail and Trixie and watching them… kiss.  Starlight’s eyes flashed with rage as she looked at the Queen, “You.”  Trail and Zala could feel the air grow hot with rage, making them back up a bit. Starlight’s horn glowed bright.  “It was you.” Starlight said darkly.  Queen Chrysalis simply grinned, “Whatever could you be referring to?” “You’re the cause of all of this!” Starlight roared.  Chrysalis flashed with green fire and turned into Trixie, “You know, watching your heart break into itty bitty little pieces was the most sublime entertainment I’ve had in centuries.” She pulled the Fake Trail close to her, “Love is a powerful weapon, and you ponies greatest weakness.” Then her form changed again, to the photographer that had talked to Starlight and Trail at the coffee shop, “I could taste your love at the coffee shop. It was delicious, it was almost a shame to ruin it for you… almost.”  Starlight’s eye grew wider and then immediately went back to the hate filled glare that had been building since she saw the Queen. Her horn glowed brighter and she fired a blast of light blue magic at the Queen.  The Queen responded with a shield, but the force of Starlight’s attack pushed her back, knocking the Fake Elements aside. She stopped right at the edge of the ravine.  “Well, it seems you ponies do have some hate in you.” Chrysalis chuckled.  Starlight roared and ran forward, firing again.  The real Twilight Sparkle emerged from the forest along with the rest of her group, and the real Rainbow Dash descended from the sky with her group including Tala.  Tala immediately saw Comet and Ocellus in a magic bubble, being held by her brother? What was going on? “What is going on here?” Twilight said, seeing Starlight running ahead.  She and the other elements gasped as they saw Queen Chrysalis flying towards Starlight, both mares clashing magical beams as they reached the center of the clearing. The fake Elements took this opportunity to regroup and face their counterparts.  “Wait, why are there two of all of us?” Applejack asked.  “I could tell you all the story, for five bits.” Fake Applejack said.  Applejack looked appalled at herself, or what looked like herself.  “Oooo are they new friends?” Pinkie asked.  “Pfft, as if. Everyone knows the originals are losers.” Fake Pinkie said.  Pinkie gasped, “That’s mean. They are meanies.” She gasped again, “I know! They’re the Mean Six!” “Pinkie, is now the time to give them a group name?” Rainbow asked.  “Not like we care. You guys suck.” Fake Rainbow muttered.  “What was that!?” Rainbow shouted. “Oh dear. What are you then?” Fluttershy asked.  Fake Fluttershy flew over and hit her counterpart on the nose, making the shy mare wince, “I’ll tell you. We’re better than you. In every way.” “What a brute. I hardly see what makes you all better.” Rarity scoffed.  Fake Rarity got in her face, “When I’m done with you, I’ll get everything in that boutique of yours. Everything will be mine!” Rarity backed up, “You will never set a hoof in my establishment.” “Like you have the power to stop us. Once we have the Elements at our command, we’ll be unstoppable.” Fake Twilight said.  “You can never use the Elements. They are the light of hope in Equestria. You fakes are made from dark magic. You may look like us, but you will never be us.” Twilight said, standing her ground.  “We’ll see about that after you’re long gone!” Fake Twilight shouted, firing a purple beam at her counterpart.  Princess Twilight dodged, taking to the air and firing her own magic at her fake. The other Elements began to fight off their own fakes as the Alicorns battled in the air.  Back to Trail and his sisters, they faced his fake, still holding Comet and Ocellus in his magic.  “If you’ve got any of my brother’s brains in there, then you know you can’t take all three of us. Put the girls down and I’ll only break one of your legs.” Tala said commandingly.  “And lose my only leverage? Yeah, not a chance. Once the Queen finishes off Starlight, we’ll take the Elements and rule this land.” Fake Trail said.  “Do you truly believe a being like Chrysalis cares about you?” Zala asked.  “I helped her, she created me. I’ll rule by her side and no pony will ever call me a joke again.” Fake Trail said.  “You’re a stupid pawn in her game.” Trail said.  “Yeah, a game that broke that little marefriend of yours. And man was it fun to just play the part and watch her poor little heart just grow cold. I don’t know the real Trixie but if the Queen’s disguise was anything to go off of, I’d have chosen that one.” Fake Trail said.  That comment sent Trail over the edge, charging at the stallion and surprising him enough to make him lose concentration and drop the girls. Tala immediately flew over and grabbed the girls, taking them back to Zala. Comet buried her face in her aunt’s feathers while Ocellus clung to Zala.  Trail may not have had his bow with him, but he wouldn’t need it to break this poor excuse of a fake.  Starlight traded blast after blast with the Queen, neither side giving an inch. Starlight didn’t even notice the fighting going on behind her. She had pushed the Queen across the bridge and both mares now stood at the front gates of the Castle.  “I knew you were despicable Chrysalis but this was low even for you!” Starlight shouted.  “You took my hive from me! And now I’m going to take everything from you. Your coltfriend, that little filly you care for so much, and all of your friends. Then Equestria will be mine!” Chrysalis cackled.  Starlight’s rage grew at the threats to Trail and Comet. She would make sure this Changeling wouldn’t hurt anypony. No offer of friendship or help this time.  This time, it was personal.  > Ch. 40 - Mirror Struggles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 40 – Mirror Struggles – Twilight flew through the air, dodging another blast from her counterpart. It seemed they were equal in magical strength and knowledge. It truly was like fighting her mirror image. She could see Starlight fighting Chrysalis by the castle, but there was nothing she could do until she brought down her fake.  “Worried about your precious student? If I were you, I would be too.” Fake Twilight said.  “Starlight can handle herself. I can’t afford to take my eyes off you or you’ll hurt my friends.” Twilight said, charging her horn.  Fake Twilight sneered and charged her own horn as well, both Alicorns firing their respective beams at the same time. The beams collided in mid-air, creating a shockwave that pulsed outwards. The struggle continued for several minutes before the Fake Twilight teleported away and Princess Twilight’s beam pierced through the air.  Princess Twilight looked around for her counterpart, but failed to notice that she had teleported above her. Fake Twilight drop kicked the Princess, making her fall into the ravine. Fake Twilight cackled and followed after her.  Tala and Zala watched as Trail was mopping the floor with his counterpart. Sure the Fake had all his knowledge and techniques, but honestly had the balance of a slug. He kept tripping over himself and the only hit he had gotten on Trail was a shoulder tackle. But as Zala noticed the two Pinkie Pies trying to pin the other with balloon animals, a thought had occurred to her.  “Wait, what happened to Maud?” Zala asked.  Tala raised an eyebrow and looked around, “You know, I kinda forgot she was with us. I thought she followed us into the forest but then she disappeared before we all separated. She get lost or something?” “I never get lost.” Maud said, appearing behind the two sisters.  Both females jumped with their respective fillies in their grasp. They turned to glare at the monotone mare.  “Don’t do that! Where did you come from?” Tala asked.  “A rock farm.” Maud said.  “Ugh, she meant where have you been?” Zala asked.  “My Maud sense was telling me we needed more help. So I went back to town for help.” Maud said.  “Maud sense? Oh never mind. Where is this help, who did you get?” Zala asked.  “They should be here soon.” Maud said.  “But who is it Miss Maud?” Ocellus asked.  She just gave a little smirk and looked back to see that Pinkie Pie had hogtied not only her fake but herself as well.  Maud didn’t even say anything as she moved towards her sister, she looked down at her with that same look she always had.  “Hi Maud, guess my Super Pinkie Pie Balloon Rodeo Party Trick works a little too well.” Pinkie PIe said, looking a little embarrassed.  Maud looked at the other Pinkie Pie, “Clones? Some kind of evil magic spell that makes fake ponies with opposite personalities?” “Yeah, it should have been totally obvious. Like if we were walking through the Everfree for a Friendship retreat to the Tree of Harmony, how could we not tell these were fakes?” Pinkie asked.  “Yeah, that sounds really silly.” Maud said, freeing her sister.  Pinkie squealed, “Thanks Maud. Now, let’s go help the others!” The pink mare zipped off with Maud following slowly behind her.  Tala and Zala looked on with wide and confused eyes. The fillies looked equally as confused.  Tala looked at her sister, “Did you understand any of that?”  Zala shook her head, “I don’t think I will ever understand those two. I certainly hope the rest of their family isn’t that odd.” “Ditto.” Tala stated.  Rustling behind them made both females jump again. Emerging out of the forest was Zecora, panting like she had run a marathon.  Zala’s eyes widened, “Zecora, what are you doing here? Did Maud send for you?”  “I have not spoken to Maud, your question to me is odd. I saw the magic that shook the sky, an explanation I dare ask you to supply.” Zecora said.  “Wait, so you’re not the help Maud sent for?” Tala asked.  Zecora shook her head.  Tala and Zala looked at each other, “Then who!?” Starlight let loose another blast of magic, barely missing Chrysalis and tearing through the wall behind her.  “Ha! Your aim needs work, pony.” Chrysalis laughed.  But as she said that, the wall behind her started to tilt towards her. As the Queen put up a shield to defend herself, the wall collapsed on top of her and created a large cloud of dust. As the cloud started to dissipate, the Queen was covered in dirt and held her head in pain.  She growled at Starlight who could only grin at the Queen’s misery. Chrysalis shot her own magical bolt at Starlight who teleported away and threw a rock at the Queen. The rock hit Chrysalis in her side, causing her to hiss in pain.  “You are starting to get on my nerves.” Chrysalis growled.  “Good. Because I’m going to put you through every misery I can think of, for everything you did to me. And for kidnapping Comet!” Starlight shouted, throwing another rock.  Chrysalis easily batted the rock away this time and took to the air once more. Starlight couldn’t fly, so the Queen had to use this to her advantage. Starlight threw boulder after boulder at the Queen, who nimbly dodged every one.  “Oh? Why so touchy about the filly? Do you truly care so much about a student?” Chrysalis asked.  “Shut up!” Starlight said, firing a bolt of lightning in frustration.  “A student who cares so much about you as well. Something lies deeper in this. I can taste it.” Chrysalis said.  “Shut up! Shut up!” Starlight shouted.  “It’s not just because she’s your student, or even because she’s his daughter is it?” The Queen chuckled.  And that line earned Chrysalis not only a rock, but the biggest rock yet. It grazed her side and sent her tumbling out of the air and towards the bridge again. Starlight followed after her target, eyes glowing with magic.  Twilight had recovered after getting the wind knocked out of her. When she got her senses back, she realized she had landed near the entrance to the cave that held the Tree of Harmony. The glow from the tree shunned through the cave and was visible from where Twilight landed.  “Well, it seems the Princess of Friendship isn’t so tough without her little friends.” Fake Twilight said, landing not far away.  “You caught me off guard. It won’t happen again.” Princess Twilight stated, getting back to her hooves. “Play tough all you want, but we both know that fighting isn’t your-” Fake Twilight started to say before she looked behind the Princess.  A wicked grin started to grow, “I found it. I found it!”  Princess Twilight unfurled her wings to block her way, “There’s no way you’re getting anywhere near the Tree.”  “Like you can stop me!” Fake Twilight shouted as she fired another blast of magic.  Princess Twilight met the blast with one of her own, this time it was fueled with her determination to protect the Tree of Harmony. Her blast started to push back her fake’s. Her imposter didn’t have a chance to teleport away before she was blasted out of the canyon.  As the fake was launched away, Princess Twilight took to the air to follow her.  Rainbow Dash landed next to Applejack, who had been tussling with her own fake to a standstill.  Rainbow hadn’t gained that much ground against her fake either, due to the Fake knowing everything about her flight patterns and habits.  “Y’all having any luck? Cause this here imposter is about as strong as I am.” Applejack said.  “And this one’s just as fast as I am. And she knows all my moves. It’s like fighting a mirror.” Rainbow stated.  Fluttershy landed between the two, looking terrified, “Mine is so mean. I didn’t know I could be so mean.”  Rarity was running away from her fake, the latter screaming “Mine!” as she held the last of Rarity’s emergency hair brushes.  When the white unicorn reached her friends, she tried to catch her breath, “And mine is such a selfish greedy brat!” The fakes all gathered in front of them, grinning with the exception of the Rainbow fake, who looked bored still.  “Well we got to do something. Starlight’s fighting Chrysalis and Twilight is fighting her fake. We gotta beat these fakes to help them.” Applejack said.  “And what do you suggest? They fight like us, they know all we know. How do we beat ourselves?” Rainbow asked.  “There’s gotta be a way. I know I could beat you no problem.” Applejack stated.  “You wanna say that to my face, Applesnack?” Rainbow said, scrunching her nose against Applejack’s.  “Ladies, now is hardly the time!” Rarity shouted.  Applejack and Rainbow Dash growled at each other.  “Girls.” A meek voice said.  The growling continued.  “GIRLS!” Fluttershy shouted, surprising all three mares.  They all looked at her, her face slightly annoyed.  “Applejack has a point. We can’t beat ourselves, but maybe we can beat each other?” Fluttershy asked.  Applejack and Rainbow looked at each other and slowly got a grin on their face, turning back towards the fakes. The fakes looked at the mares with a raised eyebrow.  “SWITCH!” Applejack and Rainbow said, giving each other a hoof bump before running towards their respective fakes.  Rainbow plowed into the Fake Applejack, launching her across the field, while Applejack wrangled the Fake Rainbow right out of the air. Fake Fluttershy was about to move in and take Applejack’s hat, but Rarity quickly intercepted the imposter. “I dare say it’s time somepony taught you to respect a proper lady.” She said, with a serious glare.  Fake Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she gulped in worry.  Fluttershy then went to the Fake Rarity, who had made a mountain of random items from the area.  “None of these things belong to you. So you will put them all back where you got them.” Fluttershy said sternly.  “Never! They’re mine!” Fake Rarity shouted.  Fluttershy flew right up to the imposter and gave her, the stare. Fake Rarity quivered at the power of the stare, shrinking into herself.  “Well?” Fluttershy asked.  “But but…” Fake Rarity said. “No buts. Now get down off this pile.” Fluttershy commanded.  The fake complied, landing at the base of the mountain. As she did, the rest of the fakes were brought in, hogtied by Applejack. Rainbow and Rarity joined Fluttershy, looking exhausted.  “Wow, she was almost as strong as you AJ. But nowhere near as smart. Tried to con me into letting her go.” Rainbow said.  “Yeah, this one may be fast like you. But as soon as I got her out of the air, she just kinda quit.” Applejack said.  “And this phony Fluttershy was a brute, but nothing a bit of etiquette and charm couldn’t fix.” Rarity said, retrieving her emergency brushes to fix her mane.  The Fake Pinkie soon joined the rest of her fake squad as Pinkie and Maud came over to join the victory.  “Oh you girls got your meanies too? Yipee!” Pinkie said gleefully.  “Nice one Pinkie!” Rainbow cheered.  “No biggie. Maud helped too.” Pinkie said, gesturing to her sister.  Maud nodded. “Anywho, how’s Twilight doing?” Applejack asked.  Fake Twilight landed just behind them, dazed from the fall. Princess Twilight landed beside her friends.  “Nice one Twi. You got her.” Applejack said.  Fake Twilight groaned and looked up, seeing her team tied up and defeated.  “You fools are useless!” She shouted.  “This is over. Just stay down.” Princess Twilight said.  Fake Twilight growled, “No! I will not surrender to the likes of you!”  She unleashed a powerful wave of telekinesis, knocking all the real Elements Bearers away from the fakes. Fake Twilight then grabbed all her team and levitated them to the edge of the ravine.  “Stop them!” Princess Twilight shouted, pointing towards the Fakes.  Fake Twilight looked back and grinned, “Once we possess the power of the Elements, I will rule Equestria!”  She then flew down with the team floating next to her, down the ravine they went. Heading right towards the Tree of Harmony.  Trail had his fake in a tight lock, a hoof on his head and his other hoof locked his leg in an unnatural direction. Normally he would be worried about hurting the individual that was under his control, but this guy wasn’t even a real pony.  “Had enough?” Trail asked.  “I’m just getting started. Just need to… catch my breath is all.” Fake Trail stated.  “Yeah, sure. Look, this is embarrassing. Just give it up.” Trail suggested.  “No way. My Queen is counting on me to kick your butt.” Fake Trail shot back.  “Your Queen doesn’t care about you. Soon as she gets what she wants, she’ll destroy you.” Trail said.  “She created us to destroy you, and that’s just what I’m gonna do!” Fake Trail said, lighting his horn to push the real Trail away from himself.  Trail stumbled back from the force, but not by much. Come on, he knew his magic wasn’t exactly mage worthy, but this is just sad.  Fake Trail got up and tried to flex, “Ha! See. I’m getting stronger every second.” Fake Trail tried firing a tiny bolt of magic at his counterpart, but the latter simply ducked his head to the side to avoid it. Trail had the same uninterested look on his face as he sighed.  “You know, when this whole thing started, I was really mad at what you did. I wanted to beat your face in for what you did to Starlight, Comet and Ocellus. But now, I can’t help but just pity you.” Trail stated disappointingly.  This made Fake Trail’s eyes go wide, “Pity?” Then those eyes slowly turned to anger, “You are pitying me!?” As the two stared each other down, their attention was soon drawn to a crash behind Fake Trail. Queen Chrysalis laid there in a crater, looking slightly bruised and dirty. Fake Trail immediately went to the Queen.  “Are you alright, Your Highness?” Fake Trail said, trying to help her up.  “Get away from me, Your Cretin!” Chrysalis shouted, pushing the stallion away.  Starlight Glimmer then appeared not far from Chrysalis, eyes white with magic and rage. Her horn glowed its usual turquoise, but much brighter.  Chrysalis stood up on shaky legs, “Such ferocity. I think I prefer this side of you compared to the goody goody little guidance counselor I saw.” “Shut your mouth! I’ve had it with you.” Starlight shouted.  Trail moved next to Starlight, flanked by Zala and Zecora. Tala had both fillies in her claws, not willing to let them out of her sight as she kept herself and them in the air. Tala looked towards the rest of the fighting and noticed that the Fake Elements were heading into the ravine.  “Hey! The fakes are heading into the ravine!” Tala shouted towards Starlight and the others.  The good ponies looked in the direction of the ravine, as well as Chrysalis. Starlight immediately knew what was down there.  “The Tree!” Starlight shouted in worry.  “Ah, so that’s where it was. I should have known. It seems my minions have done my job for me. Now I shall claim the Elements for myself.” Chrysalis declared as she took to the air again.  Starlight was not having any of it, she blasted the Queen right out of the sky before she could make it even a hoof closer to the ravine. As the changeling laid in the dirt once more, having landed next to the Fake Trail, she growled at Starlight.  “You’re not going anywhere, ever again!” Starlight shouted.  Trail looked at his marefriend in surprise, he had never heard Starlight talk like that. She was more than just angry. She sounded, vengeful. Like this was personal for her. He could understand why she was angry, but seeing her like this was starting to worry him.  Comet looked down at her teacher, worry in her eyes as she could feel the heat of Starlight’s magic even from up in the air with her aunt. It was unsettling seeing her teacher yell and scream at the Queen. Then she watched her teacher shoot the Changeling Queen down from the air. She wasn’t used to seeing violence like this. Sure she had seen her Dad fight, but this was a pure magic attack.  She didn’t really like seeing magic used this way. To hurt others instead of helping.  And when Starlight’s eyes went white with pure magical power, Comet couldn’t help but feel more worried about her teacher even more. Something bad was about to happen.. > Ch. 41 - Mercy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 41 – Mercy – Fake Twilight landed inside the cave at the bottom of the ravine, throwing all her fellow fake elements in front of her. All of them groaned and glared at her before looking towards the Crystal Tree at the edge of the cavern.  “MINE!” Fake Rarity screamed as she dove for her respective element.  The other Fake elements went to retrieve their respective elements as well, all except Fake Twilight.  “Stop it you fools! We need to figure out how to wield them.” She shouted at them.  “You’ll never wield them!” Princess Twilight declared as she entered the cavern with her friends beside her.  “You’re too late Princess. Now we’ll be the true Elements and rulers of Equestria!” Fake Twilight shouted, firing a ray of magic at her counterpart.  Princess Twilight fired her own beam and the two collided as they had before. Princess Twilight was through holding back. She gave her all into the beam, starting to push the Fake back.  As the two struggled, a black pulse traveled through the cavern towards the Tree of Harmony. As the fake Elements tried to remove the Elements from the tree, the real element bearers rushed around the alicorn beam struggle to stop them. The clash near the tree caused the Element crystals to glow black.  The tree started to release white wispy tendrils that spread out across the cavern. They came up to each pair of Elements and knew to grab the Fakes somehow. As the one tendril came towards the two Alicorns, it grabbed the fake Twilight, causing her magic to fail. Princess Twilight stared in confusion as the Fake Elements were all pulled towards the Tree of Harmony.  The rest of her friends joined her as they were kinda creeped out by the tendrils. What made it worse was when the Fake ponies started to shrivel up.  “What’s happening to them?” Fluttershy asked, hiding behind Twilight.  “I don’t know.” Twilight said.  As the fakes continued to shrivel, Fake Twilight yelled out, “Imbeciles! You ruined everything!”  A bright light suddenly shined from the tree, making Twilight and her friends shield their eyes. When the light faded, the Fake Elements were gone, and all that remained of them were six colored logs that fell in front of the tree.  “What in tarnation was that?” Applejack asked.  “It was creepy, that’s what it was.” Rainbow said.  “I agree, that was absolutely ghastly.” Rarity said, looking horrified.  “I never thought the tree had that kind of power. Maybe it could sense the corrupt magic in those fakes and saw them as a threat to the Elements?” Twilight theorized.  She walked up to the logs and examined them, “Maybe Starswirl can tell us what kind of magic this was. And why the Tree reacted the way it did.” “Hey, we can worry about them later. We gotta help Starlight and the others with Chrysalis!” Rainbow shouted.  Twilight’s eyes widened, “Starlight!”  The gang moved back towards the mouth of the cavern, rushing to their friends.  Starlight and Chrysalis continued to trade spells, the land around the bridge was scorched and torn up. Trail and the others watched on as they tried not to get blasted.  “Starlight is gonna run out of magic at some point. We gotta get in there.” Trail said.  “Sounds good to me. Maud, Zecora, keep the kids safe.” Tala said, looking back at the mares in question.  Maud nodded silently while Zecora brought the kids closer to her and Maud. Trail nodded to them and he, Tala, and Zala moved onto the battlefield. Chrysalis seemed to have gained the upper hand as Starlight’s brow was drenched in sweat. Despite this, the unicorn did not falter in her attack. One particular blast got Chrysalis in the side, knocking her down to the ground.  Trail moved to Starlight's side, “Starlight, you ok?” “I’m fine!” Starlight shouted back, pushing past Trail.  Another bolt of magic flew from Starlight’s horn, barely missing Chrysalis as she fired her own. The green bolt missed Starlight but almost hit Trail behind her. He needed to watch his step.  “I grow tired of this battle! I will have my revenge!” Chrysalis yelled.  Tala took this opportunity to tackle the Queen, knocking her to the ground and on her back. Tala immediately jumped on top of the changeling and began pummeling her.  “Don’t.. You.. Ever.. Touch.. My.. Niece… AGAIN!” The griffin screeched between each punch to the Queen’s face.  Chrysalis grew annoyed at the constant blows and let loose a burst of telekinetic energy, knocking the griffin off her. As she stood back on her hooves, she was hit in the face by a sack, which released a cloud of powder all around her head. This powder caused her eyes to water and made it difficult to breathe.  “What is this?” Chrysalis said through coughing.  “Grounded magicite flower seeds, cuts off any magical power on contact with a living being. You’ll find it difficult to use your precious spells for a few minutes.” Zala smirked.  “You think a little flower dust can stop a Queen!?” Chrysalis shouted, firing a beam of green magic at the zebra mare.  Zala was hit dead on, the beam was not as large as it had been before, but it still sent Zala flying back towards Zecora and her group. Zala flew past them and landed just shy of the treeline. She laid there unmoving.  “Zala!” Zecora shouted, running to aid the mare.  Trail and Tala saw this and their blood burned hot in their veins. Both siblings charged at the Queen, Trail getting up close and trying to strike at the changeling’s side. The Queen ducked around his kick, only for Tala to catch her from behind. Tala grappled with the bug, trying to wrestle her to the ground.  But Chrysalis was having none of it, and threw the griffin over her shoulder. As Tala lay stunned on the ground, Chrysalis attempted to fire another beam of magic in Tala’s face. Her attempt earned her a buck in the face from Trail, causing her to fall to her side holding her head in pain.  Trail went to his sister, “Tala, you ok?” “Darn bug is stronger than I thought.” The griffin grumbled.  As Trailed helped her to her feet, Chrysalis had recovered and knocked Tala away with a blast of magic. Trail had little time to react before the Queen grabbed him with her magic.  “This is all your fault! You’ve ruined everything! My plans, my revenge! You and your brat will pay!” Chrysalis screamed in his face.  She was about to throw him on the ground before a blast of light blue magic caused her to drop him and she skidded a few feet. Starlight teleported between her and Trail, eyes white with magic.  “You hurt Comet, you are not hurting Trail! Or anypony else I love!” Starlight shouted.  More beams and spells filled the air as the changeling and the unicorn continued their fight.  Chrysalis looked over to where the Fake Trail was cowering, “You, make yourself useful and take care of that stallion!” Fake Trail nodded in fear and moved to confront his counterpart once more. “Zala, you must remain still. Lest your condition become more ill.” Zecora said, trying to tend to the downed zebra.  “Ugh.. my head.” Zala groaned.   “You probably have a concussion. You should stay down.” Maud said plainly.  “Auntie…” Comet said, standing to the side to not get in Zecora’s way.  Zala looked up at Zecora, eyes all blurry, “Oh hi Zecora, you look lovely today. Of course you look lovely every day.”  Zecora blushed at this sudden compliment, “A concussion it must be, for she is having delusions of me.”  Zala snuggled into Zecora’s chest with a dopey grin on her face. Zecora’s face was now more red than her usual gray.  “Maud! What happened?” Princess Twilight said, landing with her friends.  “Chrysalis hit Zala with a beam, and now she’s fighting Trail, Tala and Starlight over there.” Maud said, pointing over to the battlefield.  Applejack looked at the bump on Zala’s head, “She got her dome knocked pretty good that’s for sure. Doesn’t look too serious.”  Twilight looked over to the battlefield, “Starlight…” Fake Trail tried to strike at Trail while he was recovering, kicking him while he was down. “There! You see! You’re nothing! I’ll be the only Trail Blazer, and I’ll rule Equestria by my Queen’s side!” Fake Trail said.  Then he found himself up in the air in the grip of an angry griffin. Tala held him in a choke hold while suspending him in the air.  “You are an idiot if you think you can rule anything. Or if you think that Bug Queen over there actually cares about you.” Tala said.  “She’ll accept me, I know she will.” Fake Trail said as Tala loosened her grip a bit.  “Well then, let’s test that shall we?” Tala said, taking off with the stallion.  They flew over the battlefield, toward Chrysalis and Starlight. They were still throwing spells at each other. Then as they were right above them, Tala grinned at the fake and dropped him like a sack of potatoes.  Chrysalis was out of breath, panting heavily as her magical reserves started to run dry. How could this unicorn keep going after everything Chrysalis had thrown at her? Where was she getting all this strength?  As she prepared her next attack, a pony fell on top of her from the sky. Fake Trail groaned as he laid atop the Queen. Her frustration fueled her horn and she pulled him off her and held him in front of her. “I thought I told you to take care of the others!” Chrysalis shouted.  “The griffin grabbed me from behind. Let me help you destroy Starlight Glimmer my Queen.” Fake Trail said. The Queen huffed in frustration, she was too drained to be dealing with this idiot. And that thought brought another to mind. She was low on energy, so she needed to replenish. She looked wickedly at the fake pony. “It seems you can be useful for something.” Chrysalis said, licking her lips.  Fake Trail’s face paled as she opened her mouth. A green stream of magic flowed out of his chest, making him feel strange. Then everything started to get colder, the world seemed to be fading. Starlight watched as the Fake Trail shriveled in the Queen’s grasp, and after a flash of light, a small purple log fell in front of the Queen.  “Ah, that’s much better. Now then, BEGONE!” Chrysalis shouted, firing the largest blast of magic she had produced yet. The beam struck where Starlight had been standing, a cloud of dust being all the Queen could see. She must have gotten her.   Another blast came and bounced off the shield that Chrysalis hastily put up. The shield didn’t last very long as it broke after the third blast. Chrysalis fell back and her magic flickered. The power she took from the clone was all used up in that attack. Starlight emerged from the cloud, unharmed and unwavering.  “Where did you get all this power?” Chrysalis huffed.  Starlight didn’t answer as she slowly approached Chrysalis, eyes still pure white. Her body was drenched in sweat but her legs did not buckle. Her horn still glowed bright, sparks flying off it as she closed the distance.  “You could never understand.” Starlight said darkly.  Starlight blasted Chrysalis with a wave of telekinesis so strong it tore up the ground as it surged towards the Queen. The impact was so quick that Chrysalis didn’t have the time to put up any defense. The Queen was knocked back several feet, landing on her side as her vision became blurry.  “You tricked me. Manipulated me into thinking my stallion was cheating on me with my best friend. I want to hear it. Why?” Starlight asked.  Chrysalis chuckled, “Isn’t it obvious? The vessel for a perfect revenge, is a broken heart.” Chrysalis stood up on shaky legs, “I could have just used my clone minions to take the Elements without ever bringing you into the picture. But as I watched all of you, I saw your blossoming relationship with that stallion. And it was then that I knew exactly how to make you suffer the most. Love tastes so sweet right before it crumbles into dust.”  Starlight’s eyes glowed brighter as the air around the two combatants grew warmer.  “I hate you.” Starlight said, through gritted teeth.  “Now you know what it is like to have everything taken away from you! Like you took my hive! And when I have the Elements, Princess Twilight and her friends will be next! Then I’ll go after that prissy pink Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire! Then all of Equestria will be my new hive! And then I’ll make every one of my traitorous subjects pay the price for their betrayal!” Chrysalis declared.  Starlight stood in front of the Queen now, not showing a speck of fear, “No.”  Chrysalis tilted her head, “No what?”  “No. You won’t.” Starlight said, her voice getting darker.  A bright white flash erupted from the unicorn's body, sending the Queen rocketing away into a tree, which promptly fell atop the Changeling Queen. The Queen screamed as she found herself trapped beneath the tree, her strength too diminished to release herself.  Starlight walked around the fallen tree, eyes still glowing white and radiating a rage filled heat around her. She stopped just to the side of Chrysalis, looking down at the trapped Queen. The Changeling growled at first but after feeling the energy radiating from Starlight she froze and looked at the unicorn with a hint of terror.  Starlight pressed her hoof on Chrysalis’ head, pushing it into the dirt, “You won’t be doing any of those things. You won’t hurt anypony ever again. In fact, you won’t be doing anything ever again.”  Starlight’s magic grew brighter at the tip of her horn, the light getting stronger and stronger with every passing second. Chrysalis looked up at the unicorn with a grin, “Oh please, we both know this is just for show. You ponies don’t have the stomach for something this drastic.”  As soon as those words left her lips, the light above her grew brighter, not showing any sign of stopping. The grin on the Queen’s face slowly disappeared, replaced with shock and realization. Starlight wasn’t bluffing. Trail had recovered and was on his hooves again. He had been watching Starlight battle the Queen, looking for any advantage he could give his marefriend. But when the tree fell on the Queen, he breathed a sigh of relief. She was beaten, it was over.  But as he watched Starlight pinned her head down and charged a spell that’s light shined so bright, he felt the warmth from several meters away, his eyes widened. What was she doing? He ran towards the scene, he had to stop Starlight from doing something she would regret for the rest of her life. “Well, Chrysalis is down. Let’s go congratulate Starlight!” Rainbow Dash shouted, starting to take off in the direction of the fight.  But something pulled her back by her tail, “Rainbow wait!” Rainbow looked back to see it was Twilight who stopped her.  “Twilight, what the heck?” Rainbow asked.  “What is Starlight doing?” Twilight said, looking horrified at what she was seeing across the field.  Starlight was charging up a spell, with much more force than was considered safe. Putting that much magic in a blast that close range could cause serious harm. Not just to Chrysalis but also herself. What could she be thinking? Twilight gasped, “Starlight, I don’t think she’s thinking clearly. We have to stop her before she hurts somepony.” The rest of the group gasped, except Maud.  Comet heard what was said and looked towards the field, she could barely make out her teacher. All she could truly see was the pure white glow of magic. She couldn’t take this anymore.  Comet ran out into the field, past all the grown ups, past Tala, who was flying back towards the group.  “Comet!” Tala shouted.  She tried to turn around to follow, but the little filly was moving so fast she was long gone.  Comet didn’t stop, she couldn’t stop. She had to save her teacher.  “Starlight!” Trail shouted, having arrived at the scene.  His voice made Starlight look his way, her intense glare softening a bit at seeing him. The magical glow and the heat it radiated did not lessen.  “Starlight, listen to me. She’s beaten. We can leave her here and call the royal guards to take her away.” Trail said, trying to inch towards Starlight slowly.  “Trail…” Starlight said, her voice almost distant.  She then looked down at the Queen again, the hatred once again igniting causing her to growl and focus all her attention back onto Chrysalis. “Starlight! You don’t need to do this. It’s over. She can’t hurt anypony anymore.” Trail pleaded.  “She came back before, I can stop her for good!” Starlight said, her voice echoing.  “But that’s not you. You don’t hurt others.” Trail said.  Starlight’s eyes started to soften again, she started to look away from the Queen. But just as she almost turned her head to him, she caught Chrysalis charging her horn out of the corner of her eye. She immediately turned back and pressed her hoof hard against Chrysalis’ head. The Queen screamed in frustration and pain as her horn stopped glowing.  “See! She won’t stop. But I can stop her!” Starlight’s horn glowed brighter.  The heat Starlight was generating started to make Trail sweat. He was getting pushed back a little from the force of the glow, shielding his eyes with his hat.  “Starlight, don’t!” Trail shouted.  Starlight couldn’t hear him anymore, all she could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears. Her focus now entirely on her spell. It was almost ready, just a few more seconds. Then this monster would never hurt anyone ever again. Not her, not Trail, and not Comet.  “NO!” A younger voice called out.  Starlight felt something grab onto her hind leg, making her head snap behind her. Who could it possibly be? She was so close to finishing this. The culprit was now in sight, and the image would forever be burned into her memory. Comet was clinging to her hindleg, eyes spilling tears as she gave her teacher the most pleading look she had ever seen. The glow of Starlight’s horn started to falter, her eyes softening once more.  “Please, Starlight. Please don’t. You’re a good pony, you don’t hurt others. She’s evil, but it’s still not right.” Comet cried.  “You’re the best teacher ever. I want to be like you when I grow up!” Comet cried, burying her face against Starlight’s leg. Starlight’s heart melted at the sight, her student’s words cutting deep. The white glow of her eyes faded as well, returning to their usual blue. The spell she had been charging fizzled out immediately. The mare hugged the filly close, tears flowing like a waterfall.  Trail approached the two, slowly as he looked at them with concern. Starlight noticed his approach and a look of shame and sadness fell over her face. She couldn’t bear to face him, and simply buried her face into the top of Comet’s head. Trail did not hesitate to go to them, hugging them both close and using his magic to levitate them all away from the Queen. They landed a few feet away, Trail comforting the two as best he could. He too was tearing up. All the pent up emotions of the day spilled out of all three ponies.  But they soon heard the tree behind them move, Chrysalis having recovered enough to free herself.  “You ponies are weak. And now you’ll pay the price!” Chrysalis declared.  Trail had no time to act, all he could do was hold them close and brace himself. But as the Queen’s blast was fired, it bounced off a shield. Not a light blue one, but a golden one.  From the sky, two beings landed between the Queen and Trail. Two alicorns stood regally as they stared down Chrysalis. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!” Trail shouted.  “Fear not subject, you are safe now.” Luna said, fanning out her wings to block the group from Chrysalis’ view.  “Why are you here?” Trail asked.  “Maud Pie had Spike send us word that something was happening in Ponyville. We came as quickly as we could.” Celestia said.  6 royal guard pegasi landed beside the Queen, all pointing spears at her. Chrysalis growled, frustrated at her predicament.  “Queen Chrysalis, you are hereby under arrest for assault, fillynapping, and conspiracy against Equestria.” Celestia proclaimed.  The alicorns produced shackles around each of the Queen’s legs, making the Changeling gasp and fire beams of magic at the restraints. It did not even leave a scratch.  Trail breathed a sigh of relief and looked to Starlight in his hooves, only to be horrified at her expression. Starlight’s eyes were clouded, she wasn’t responding to anything Trail did. Her horn was blacked and her forehead was burning up.  Trail’s eyes widened, “Princesses, help! Something’s wrong with Starlight!”  Comet cried and tried to get her teacher to talk to them, but to no avail.  Celestia and Luna appeared next to them, the former getting a closer look at the mare. Her eyes widened.  “She’s fading, she’s used up too much magic. Luna, you must take her to the hospital in Ponyville immediately.” Celestia said urgently.  “At once! Give her to us good stallion.” Luna said, reaching out for Starlight.  “Princess, what’s wrong with Starlight? She’s gonna be ok right?” Comet asked with tear filled eyes. “She will be, once we get her to the hospital, you have our word little one.” Princess Luna reassured them.  Trail and Comet reluctantly let Starlight go, and even unconscious, Starlight reached out for both of them before the Princess teleported her away. > Ch. 42 - Recovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 42 – Recovery – Trail sat in the hallway of the Ponyville hospital, fumbling with a small crumpled piece of paper. His eyes were low, his face a canvas of worry. How could it all come to this? After Starlight had been taken by Princess Luna, Trail had immediately grabbed Comet and ran out of the forest, despite protests from Princess Twilight and the others. He didn’t stop running until he reached the hospital, nearly passing out when he walked in the door. He was led to where Starlight had been taken and was instructed to wait in the hall. He felt a trembling against his leg, looking down at the small filly that clung to him desperately.  Comet’s eyes were red and strained, like she had cried every tear she had, but still she wanted to cry more. Everything was too much, all of it went wrong.  A door then opened, making both ponies jump to their hooves. A midnight blue alicorn emerged from the operating room. She turned to address them.  “Princess, how is she?” Trail asked.  Comet clung tighter to her father in anticipation.  Princess Luna sat down in front of the two, “She is stable, but the doctor must run more tests to determine the severity of the damage. She is lucky. We have seen magical burnouts like this before, it could have ended much worse.”  Her statement did not give much comfort to the pair of ponies. Comet had not let up on her grip, nor had she looked the Princess in the eye.  “We never got the full story on what had transpired in the Everfree. Perhaps you could enlighten us good stallion.” Princess Luna requested. “Yes your Highness.” Trail said, bowing his head.  Several minutes passed as Trail spun the tail of the insane day he and everypony had experienced. Chrysalis, Starlight, the Fakes, everything down to the last detail he had. Truthfully he did not have the whole story, and Comet was not speaking about her experiences.  Luna nodded, “I see. You have had a trying day. You must be exhausted.”  Trail nodded, hugging his filly close.  “Perhaps it would be best for you to return home and get some rest.” Luna said.  “NO!” Comet shouted.  This made Luna flinch back. Comet soon realized that she had yelled at a Princess. She immediately bowed her head and apologized several dozen times before Luna raised a hoof.  “Peace, little one. Calm thyself.” Luna instructed.  Comet took a few deep breaths, just like Starlight had taught her.  “I want to be here when Miss Starlight wakes up.” Comet said.  Luna raised an eyebrow, “Who are you to Starlight Glimmer?” “I’m her personal student.” Comet answered.  “Ah, you are the young protege we have been hearing about.” Luna smiled.  “You’ve heard about me?” Comet asked, looking surprised.  “Indeed. Twilight Sparkle sends our sister letters almost everyday. Your name has come out often, speaking of your advancements in your magical studies.” Luna said.  Comet blushed at the words, not expecting a Princess to praise her.  Luna then turned to Trail, “And that would make you Trail Blazer, Starlight’s beloved.”  Trail blushed at the comment, “I don’t know about beloved. I’m her coltfriend, yes.”  “Forgive us, our old way of speaking truly shows when it comes to romance. We have not had any such partners in well over 1200 years.” Luna explained.  “It’s alright Princess. But anyway, I am with Comet. We want to be here when Starlight awakens.” Trail said.  Luna smiled at the two, “Very well then. We will have blankets and refreshments brought to you.” Luna vanished from their sight in a flash, leaving the two ponies by themselves.  “Princess Celestia, what are you going to do with Chrysalis?” Twilight asked.  “She will be taken to Tartarus for her crimes. Where she will not hurt anypony ever again.” Princess Celestia said sternly.  The two Princesses were leading the rest of the groups out of the Everfree Forest. Chrysalis had two royal guards flanking her, a magical suppressing ring on her crooked horn. She was not getting away this time.  “Sounds like the perfect vacation spot for someone like her. I hear it’s hot this time of year.” Tala sneered at the Queen.  Chrysalis growled at the griffin but could do little else.  “Our prisoner aside, how are the rest of you fairing? Any severe injuries?” Princess Celestia asked.  “My sister Zala took a hard knock to the head. Other than that, I think everyone is ok.” Tala said.  “Yeah, we’re all doing dandy Princess. Physically at least.” Applejack said.  Fluttershy walked up to Ocellus, who was walking with her head down, “Are you doing ok Ocellus? You must have been so scared, being held captive by Chrysalis.” “I was. But I’m more worried about Comet and Miss Starlight.” Ocellus said.  “Starlight is in good hooves at Ponyville Hospital. I am glad Luna and I made it in time.” Princess Celestia said.  “What happened to Starlight, Princess?” Rainbow Dash asked.  “She is experiencing severe magical burnout. I’ve seen such extreme cases before. It is highly dangerous for a unicorn, especially one of her power.” Celestia explained.  “Why is that Your Highness?” Rarity asked.  “Magical burnout is dangerous for all unicorns, but the more power the unicorn wields, the more severe the burnout could be. From what Twilight has already told me, and from what I could sense while enroute, she was building up a lot of power with her last spell.” Celestia said.  “Yeah, it was kinda scary. Never knew she had it in her.” Tala said, rubbing the back of her neck.  “It was fortunate that you convinced her to stop.” Celestia said.  “Well that was more Comet and Trail. I get she was mad, so was I. Ponies usually don’t have it in them to be that violent.” Tala said.  “They must be commended. They saved two lives.” Celestia said. Tala looked at the Princess with confusion, “Two lives?”  “Yes. If Starlight had released the spell she was charging, it would have killed her as well as Chrysalis.” Celestia said.  The whole group gasped. They grew looks of horror on their faces. Starlight could have killed herself? How did things get so out of hoof? Ocellus moved next to the Princess, “But Miss Starlight is gonna be ok, right?” Princess Celestia sighed and petted the little filly on the head, “I cannot say little one. Magical burnout is unpredictable. We will see how Starlight fares when we get to the hospital. For now, I must see Chrysalis to Tartarus. Twilight, can you take things from here?”  “Of course, I’ll take everyone to the hospital.” Twilight said, looking at Chrysalis one last time.  The Queen looked defeated, both in body and spirit. She didn’t even fight back against the guards that led her away. Celestia followed behind, never taking her eyes off the Changeling.  “Come on Twi! We gotta get to the hospital!” Rainbow shouted, getting Twilight’s attention.  “Right!” Twilight said, moving swiftly in the direction of the Ponyville Hospital.  Trail was at the vending machines, getting Comet a juice. She was really upset, and she needed to have a distraction. Though he wasn’t doing any better. His heart seemed to be filled with ice, worry gripping him tightly. Starlight was gonna be ok, she had it be. What could he do? The door to the hospital opened with several voices erupting across the room. Trail turned around to see who had entered, and was shocked to see everyone from the forest coming in.  “You made it!” Trail said, running through the crowds to them.  “Trail! How’s Starlight doing?” Tala asked.  “She’s still with the doctor. We haven’t heard anything yet.” Trail said, his ears lowering against his head.  He noticed some red out of the corner of his eye, and he gasped seeing his sister Zala holding her own head and leaning against Zecora.  “Zala! Sis, are you ok?” Trail said, putting a hoof against her head.  “I have been better, brother. I’m afraid that bug queen got me good.” Zala said, her voice shaky.  Trail nuzzled her gently, helping her alongside Zecora. They made it up to the front desk, getting the nurse’s attention.  “What happened?” The nurse asked, coming around to examine the zebra. “Got knocked around by a Changeling Queen. Took a nasty blow to the head.” Tala said.  The nurse looked shocked and escorted Zala to an examining room. Trail calmed down a little but the nerves soon returned.  Princess Twilight stepped next to him, “How are you holding up?”  Trail looked at her and looked away, “Honestly, not well Princess. Comet is a mess, and I’m no better.”  Princess Twilight looked worried, “Where is Comet?”  “She refuses to leave the waiting area for the operation room. She wants to be there when Starlight wakes up.” Trail explained.  Tala walked up, “She’s always been a stubborn filly. I’ll go talk to her.”  Trail didn’t argue, just stood there. He was useless, just like in the battle. Starlight put everything into fighting for them, and he could barely put a dent in Chrysalis. Some coltfriend he was… Comet sat in the hallway outside the operating room, fidgeting with her braid that had split ends and mud all in it. She didn’t care, all she wanted was to know her teacher was going to be ok.  “Hey kiddo.” A gruff voice came from her left.  Comet jumped and looked to see her Aunt Tala moving to sit next to her. Comet scooted closer to lay her head against her aunt’s soft fur.  Tala ran a claw through the filly’s mane, “You doing ok?”  “No…” Comet said quietly.  “She’s gonna be ok. She’s a tough mare.” Tala reassured.  “It’s my fault…” Comet muttered.  Tala looked at her with shock, “Kiddo, what makes you think this is your fault?”  “I got caught by Chrysalis, I led them to the Castle. If I hadn’t gotten caught, Starlight wouldn’t have gotten hurt..” Comet sniffled.  Tala immediately picked up her niece and held her against her chest, “Comet, this wasn’t your fault. Chrysalis is to blame, she hurt Starlight.” Comet began to cry, “But I couldn’t do anything!”  “You did do something, you saved her.” Tala said softly.  Comet looked up at her aunt, “Huh?”  “Princess Celestia told us that if you and Trail hadn’t stopped Starlight’s spell, she would have been hurt a lot worse. You saved her life by reaching out to her. You cared so much that it reached her through all the rage and hate that clouded her mind.” Tala explained.  Comet’s eye widened, she was having a hard time processing that. She saved Starlight. She remembered begging Starlight to stop, she was going to hurt Chrysalis. Comet hated the Queen for all that she did, but she didn’t want Starlight to hurt others. She was the best teacher ever, she wanted to be just like Starlight.  Then she remembered the time in Maud’s home, when Starlight told them about her past. It didn’t change how Comet felt about her, and this latest event still didn’t change anything.  A bell rang out that pulled Comet away from her thoughts, looking to the operating room where Starlight was being treated. Princess Luna emerged with the doctor, both giving off unreadable expressions.  “Princess, how is she?” Tala asked.  “She will live, but we must discuss her condition. I have been told that Twilight and the others have arrived. Come, let us find them.” Luna said.  Everyone moved down the hallway to the main waiting area.  Trail was sitting against the wall, his thoughts swirling like a hurricane in his head. Zala had been taken to another room to have her head injury examined. Zecora offered to go with her. This left the rest of the group in the main waiting area, the tension growing over time.  Suddenly, Princess Luna emerged from the hallway Starlight’s operation had been taking place, along with Starlight’s doctor, Tala and Comet. Everyone crowded around the Princess of the Night as she stood firm.  “Princess Luna, is Starlight ok?” Trail asked.  “Yes Trail Blazer, the operation was a success. Starlight Glimmer’s condition has stabilized.” Luna said.  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, some even cheering for Starlight. Trail felt a large weight lift off his heart. She was going to be ok.  “However, the road to recovery has only just begun for her.” Luna said, interrupting the cheers.  Trail looked at her with worry, “What do you mean?”  Princess Luna took a deep breath, “The strain on Starlight Glimmer’s magic brought about by her battle with Chrysalis has taken a heavy toll. Most unicorns would never recover from such devastating burnout. But as we all know, Starlight is an exceptional unicorn. Her magic will recover, but it will take a substantial amount of time.”  The room grew silent, a chill going down the spine of several ponies.  Trail was the one who broke that silence, “How long?”  Princess Luna sighed, “A year.”  Everyone gasped.  “A year? Starlight won’t be able to use her magic for a year!?” Princess Twilight exclaimed.  “I am afraid so, Twilight Sparkle. It will be difficult for her, and not only will her magic be unavailable to her, her body has also taken substantial strain.” Princess Luna continued.  “What does that mean?” Trail asked.  “She will need constant care. She will be too weak to do much of anything for at least a month. Her body will recover, but her magic will still be lost to her.” Luna explained.  Trail’s expression grew more concerned. Starlight needed care, and he knew she would be devastated at not being able to do anything herself.  “The hospital could provide her care, but we are short staffed. We have too many patients as it is. Plus, I believe she would benefit more being at home. Could any of you take responsibility?” The doctor said.  Princess Twilight looked down, as did all her friend.  “We have the school to run, plus we all have other responsibilities as well. But maybe we can…” Twilight began to say.  “I’ll take care of her!” Trail said, loud enough to be heard over everyone.  Everyone in the room looked at him, shocked at his sudden outburst.  “She’s my marefriend, and I can’t let her go through this alone. She needs me, and I want to be there for her. She can stay with me in my home. I’ll do whatever it takes to help her recover.” Trail said, standing firm.  Princess Twilight and all her friends looked at Trail, smiling with some tears in their eyes at how touched they all were.  “It shall be so then. Come, we will release her in your care Trail Blazer.” Princess Luna said, pointing to the reception’s desk.  Trail followed her, his expression determined.  Starlight’s vision was so hazy that she couldn’t tell if her eyes were open at all. Everything around her seemed fuzzy, and when she tried to lift her head, nothing happened.  “You’re awake.” A voice said.  Starlight couldn’t turn her head to see, but she knew that voice anywhere.  “Trail.” Starlight said, her voice weak and raspy.  Trail Blazer levitated her a glass of water, helping her take a sip. It felt so soothing for her.  She then felt something rub against her side, and then a face came into her vision. It was still blurry, but the strands of white and pink told her all she needed to know. “Comet.” Starlight said, a small smile making its way onto her face.  “We’re so glad you’re awake.” Trail said.   “Where am I?” Starlight asked.  “Ponyville Hospital.” Trail answered.  “What happened?” Starlight asked.  “You fought Chrysalis and won. She’s on her way to Tartarus now. You passed out.” Trail said.  Starlight tried once again to move, but her body wouldn’t allow it.  “Why can’t I move?” Starlight asked.  Trail took a deep breath and gave her answer. Starlight listened intently as Trail explained her situation carefully. The more she heard, the more dread she felt creeped into her heart.  Starlight’s face grew pale, “I… can’t use magic… for a whole year.”  “I’m sorry Starlight, but it’s true.” Trail said, holding her hoof.  “And I’ll be a burden for at least a month?” Starlight said, tears forming now. “You are not a burden!” Trail said loudly.  Starlight would have jumped at that, if she was able. Trail brought his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes. His eyes made Starlight feel so safe and warm, and the dread of her situation seemed to fade away.  “You will never be a burden. You saved us, and probably all of Equestria. But most importantly, you’re gonna be ok. Don’t worry about anything, I’ll take care of you.” Trail said.  “What do you mean?” Starlight asked.  “I talked with Princess Twilight, and we both agreed that you need a comfortable home environment to truly help you recover. So, you’ll be moving into my home. If that’s ok with you of course.” Trail said, giving her a comforting smile.  Starlight’s heart almost burst right then and there. Her cheeks were flushed red. Live with Trail? Could she really do that? She then felt somepony latch onto her foreleg.  “And I’ll help take care of you too Miss Starlight. I’ll make you breakfast in bed, make you that tea you love so much. I’ll even ask Aunt Zala to teach me how to make cookies!” Comet said excitedly.  Starlight’s eyes filled with tears in a matter of seconds before the soft sobs came. Trail and Comet both laid against her, letting the emotions flow. When the sobs stopped, she called out, “Trail.”  Trail leaned up to face her, “Yes Starlight?” Starlight’s tears did not stop, but her smile made his heart melt.  “I love you.” Starlight said softly.  Trail’s cheek flushed red and he leaned in to give her a kiss. The kiss lasted for about half a minute. When he pulled away to breath, Starlight’s eyes were still closed. It was like she was in another world.  Comet giggled, making Trail blush. He had forgotten his daughter was right there.  But he turned and smiled at his marefriend, “I love you too Starlight Glimmer.”     > Ch. 43 - Home Sweet Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 43 – Home Sweet Home – “And what do you think you’re doing Missy?” Trail said, opening the door to his bedroom.  Starlight stopped in her tracks, her attempt to escape her prison of cloth and comfort thwarted by her stallion. She groaned and laid back in defeat.  “Trail, I’m dying here. I need to get out of this bed.”  “The doctor said another week and you can walk around as much as you want dear. Until then, no can do.” Trail reminded her.  “Uuuuugh. This is torture.” Starlight groaned.   “Oh so getting pampered and waited on by a handsome stallion like myself is torture. I see how it is.” Trail grinned, laying a tray on the bed.  “You know that’s not what I meant.” Starlight pouted.  Trail laughed, “I know dear. I want you walking around again too. I miss our morning coffee dates.”  “Sweet Celestia I miss coffee…” Starlight said, her voice low.  “Well caffeine isn’t exactly nutritious. We’ll go for a cup soon as you’re out of bed.” Trail said, floating over her orange juice.  Starlight took a sip and leaned up, looking at the tray of food her stallion had brought. Daisy muffins, waffles with maple syrup, and wheat toast.  Starlight leaned in to nuzzle Trail, “Thanks Trail. I really do appreciate you taking care of me.”  Trail returned the nuzzle, “It’s my honor and pleasure to nurse my marefriend back to good health. Can’t believe it’s been three weeks already.”  “Has it been that long?” Starlight said, holding a piece of toast in her hoof.  “It has. We’ve got a long way to go, but you’ll be ok.” Trail said, laying on the other side of Starlight in the bed.  “I wonder how things are going at the school. Comet tells me Twilight has taken my place as Counselor until I get well enough to walk. I haven’t talked to Twilight in over a week. I wonder why she hasn’t come by.” Starlight asked.  “I’m sure she’s swamped in all the students who miss their beloved counselor.” Trail joked, leaning against the mare.  Starlight blushed, “Oh hush you.”  Starlight gave him a little shove, then rested against him as she ate her breakfast. It took a while to get used to eating without magic, but Trail was a big help. She really couldn’t have gotten through all this without him.  A knock on the door got both ponies' attention. Looking towards the door, it opened after a second, revealing Tala.  “Hey lovebirds, you done with all the mushy stuff? The kitchen isn’t gonna clean itself after Trail’s little stunt.”  “Stunt?” Starlight asked.  Trail rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “I might have gone a little overboard with breakfast. There was supposed to be hashed brown, but the potatoes had a bit of an accident.”  “Yeah, he got impatient with peeling and the potatoes ended up all over the floor and cabinets. Now get your butt in here and help me clean casanova.” Tala snarked.  Starlight laughed as Trail groaned in embarrassment. He gave Starlight a kiss on the cheek and left her on the bed to enjoy her breakfast. Closing the door behind him, he glowered at the griffin.  “You couldn’t wait till she was done?” Tala scoffed, “What, so you two could have time to kiss and stare into each other’s eyes? Not getting off that easy bro.”  Trail glared at her as they made their way into the kitchen, to find Zecora making quick work on the potato catastrophe. She had almost all of it cleaned up and in the trash.  “Woah, how the heck did you get this all clean so fast? I was gone for like 5 minutes?” Tala asked.  Zecora simply smiled, “This small mess is nothing to me, who has lived in the Everfree. Potions and plants litter my floor, cleaning has become a daily chore.” “Dang, we should hire you. I hate cleaning.” Tala said.  Trail chuckled, “Thank you Zecora, we really do appreciate all the help you’ve given us these past few weeks.”  “It is no trouble at all, I was happy to heed the call. Caring for two patients and a child can be tiring, so we split the care we are providing.”  “Yeah, and I’m sure you’ve been enjoying all that alone time with Zala, huh?” Tala said, giving Zecora a smirk.  Zecora blushed, “Yes, she is truly a delight. A good friend both day and night.” Tala chuckled, “Yeah, good friends.”  Zecora blushed more, “What is this chuckling? I find it quite puzzling.” “Come on Zecora, I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. And how happy Zala’s been since you stayed here to look after her with us.” Tala said.  Zecora looked away, “I was only doing what I felt best. She needed proper care and bedrest.”  Tala gave her a few pokes on the shoulder, “Come on. I know the real reason. Come on.”  Zecora swatted at her talon, “I do not know to what you are referring, no the cause of that smirk you are wearing.”  “You got it bad, I can see it on your face. Course I can’t blame ya, she did turn a lot of heads even when we were kids.” Tala smirked again.  “My head is not turned, your meaning I have not discerned.” Zecora said sharply.  Trail stepped in, “Tala, stop teasing her.”  “I’m not teasing. I’ve been waiting for this since she and Zala got close. It’s so obvious to everyone, I can’t stand it.” Tala pointed her claw at Trail.  She immediately went right into Zecora’s face, “You like my sister, admit it.”  Zecora’s blush deepened, she sputtered trying to get the words out. She failed for about 10 seconds before she sat on her rump.  “I can’t.” She said, shocking both Trail and Tala. She didn’t rhyme. Tala immediately felt bad and moved to her side, Trail following right behind.  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed it. I don’t know what got into me.” Tala said softly.  Zecora shook her head, “You need not apologize, you had every right to hypothesize.” She then looked up and both of them, “And you were correct, it is exactly as you suspect.”  Tala and Trail smiled and hugged the zebra mare.  “Knew it. Why not go tell her?” Tala asked.  Zecora shook her head, “I could not, for my heart is tied in knots.”  Trail chimed in, “Zecora, take it from a guy who was friends with a mare he liked for a while. Letting those feelings out can make those knots go away.”  Zecora closed her eyes, “But what if she doesn’t feel the same, what if I cannot be her heart’s flame?”  Tala flicked her in the ear, making her flinch and look at the griffin, “Zecora, my sister totally has the hots for you. She talks about you all the time.”  Zecora’s eyes widened, “This is true? You do not deceive me do you?”  “I can vouch for that, she does love to talk about you non-stop.” Trail said.  Zecora smiled for a moment, but it fell away once more, “But she is so perfect and refined, how could she want someone so flawed and plain aside?”  “What flaws do you speak of Zecora? And plain is hardly a word I’d use to describe you.” A new voice joined the conversation. All three beings looked up to find Zala, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. She had a bandage on her head, her injury from Chrysalis still healing.  “You mustn’t be out of bed, you are to be resting your head.” Zecora said, getting up to lead her back to her room.  But as Zecora went to pull at her foreleg to move her, Zala stood firm. Zecora looked back to see Zala staring at her. Her expression was one of a mare waiting for an answer.  Zecora looked away, “Why do you like at me like that? Your eyes sharp like a cat.” “I want an answer Zecora. Why did you say those things about yourself?” Zala asked.  Zecora’s ears flattened against her head, “How much did you hear? When did you first appear?”  “Around the time you were sputtering with your words. I was curious what all the noise was about.” Zala smiled.  Zecora blushed, “I… I do not know what to say. It feels like my throat is full of hay.”  Zala moved closer to the mare, “Zecora, you can tell me. I want to hear it. You are not plain, and whatever flaws you think you have, everyone has flaws.” Zecora looked into Zala’s eyes, blue meeting green in a moment where nothing else existed. Both zebras stayed there for several seconds before Zecora broke the trance.  “I… I…” She tried to speak.  Zala waited patiently.  Zecora swallowed the lump in her throat, “I truly wish to say, you take my breath away. Zala my dear, you make my heart explode that much is clear. My happiness would truly transcend, if you would become my marefriend.”  There it was, the words had come out. Trail and Tala stayed in the kitchen, waiting for their sister’s answer.  Zala’s smiled shined bright upon her face, she leaned in and held Zecora’s face.  “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for a mare to say those words to me. I’d love to be your marefriend Zecora.” Zala said, with tears in her eyes.  Zecora’s smile threatened to shatter reality, she couldn’t help herself but lean in and kiss the mare in front of her. Zala’s eyes widened at first in surprise, but quickly closed in bliss as the two mares shared their moment.  Tala and Trail looked at each other and gave each other a hoof/talon bump shouting, “YES!” A giggle came from upstairs, a little filly sliding down the railing and landing on the couch next to the two mares. They broke the kiss to see Comet grinning from ear to ear. She was bouncing on the couch.  “Auntie Zala has a marefriend, Auntie Zala has a marefriend!” Comet chanted over and over.  Zala and Zecora smiled at the filly and then at each other, Zala leaning in and nuzzling into Zecora’s neck. Zecora blushed from this, but still nuzzled the top of her mare’s head.  Pinkie Pie walked through the halls of the school, well more like bounced her way through the halls. Typically Pinkie.  She then suddenly stopped and a great tremor went through her entire body.  “Woooooooah, my Pinkie sense is going nuts. Somepony is up to no good.” Pinkie said.  She had no idea where it was coming from. “What do you mean? it’s coming from the library silly.” Pinkie said, to… no one.  Wait what? “Anyway, to the library. Wee!” Pinkie said, bouncing along.  When she reached the library, she followed the feeling of her Pinkie sense all the way to the farthest side of the library. She bounced around, but didn’t see anypony.  “Hello, is somepony up to no good around here?” She said, skipping along the shelves.  She heard books fall over a few shelves down, and proceeded to jump over each shelves on her way to the source, despite the shelves being so tall.  “Eh, that’s nothing. You should see me jump from the top of the school all the way to the Sugarcube corner.” Pinkie said, again to… no one.  When she found the stack of books that fell over, there wasn’t anypony there. But her Pinkie sense was still going crazy. She looked over at the books, finding some magic books and one book that was really out of place.  “Oooooo, a history of centaur mythology. I haven’t seen this book. Huh, maybe somepony is throwing a surprise party!” Pinkie shouted.  Her Pinkie sense then alerted her to somepony running in the library, “Hey, Twilight’s rule #7, no running in the library!”  She skipped towards the source of the running, she was in hot pursuit. “This is Officer Pinkie Pie, pull over and let’s see your library card!” She then clamped her hoof over her mouth, “Oops. Twilight’s #1, no shouting in the library Pinkie.”  The one running did not heed her warning, so she sped up, determined to catch the perpetrator. But as she neared the entrance to the library, her Pinkie sense suddenly lost him.  “Huh? Well he’s not running in the library anymore. And it’s ok to run in the hallways. So no biggie I guess. Wee!” Pinkie said, making her way down the hallway.  She then stopped and remembered something. She pulled the book on centaurs out of her mane. Wait, when did she pick that up? “Duh, when I found it.” Pinkie said, smirking at nothing again.  Before anything could be questioned, she turned in the direction of Twilight's office.  “Twilight will love this book, I bet she can come up with the best centaur themed party ever!” Pinkie said, bouncing down the hallway.  As the pink mare bounced out of sight, somepony looked around the corner.  “Darn it. My book. Good thing I memorized it already. It’s almost ready. Just need a few more ingredients and the spell will be ready.” Somepony said.  “Soon, I’ll be the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria. Stronger the so called “Element of Magic” herself. No, stronger than Celestia and Luna! I’ll be on top forever!”  He cackled, but quickly held his hoof over his mouth. He looked to see if Pinkie had heard him. She was gone though.  “This better work. That jerk better be telling me the truth about this.” The pony walked back towards the dorms. His time would come. Soon. > Ch.44 - The Last Straw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 44 – The Last Straw – “Good morning students!” Twilight Sparkle said as she stepped onto the podium.  “Good morning Headmare Twilight!” announced the entire magic class.  “I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, because it’s time for your test results! I am so proud of all of you. I’ve seen a lot of improvement from all of you.”  Twilight levitated a bunch of papers into the air, each of them reaching their respective student. As the students took their test in their own magic, a barrage of whispers filled the room.  Comet and Ocellus both sat next to each other, taking their tests but not daring to open them till Headmare Twilight said so. Comet was a little nervous, she tried super hard on this test. Starlight tutored her every night for the past two weeks. Comet had really enjoyed her time with Starlight, it felt so nice to just be with her every night to read and study with her. “How did you think you did, Comet?” Ocellus asked.  Comet looked at her friend, “I don’t know. I studied really hard. What about you?”  Ocellus looked nervous, “I studied really hard too. Silverstream even stayed up with me so I didn’t fall asleep.”  Headmare Twilight cleared her throat, getting the attention of everyone in the classroom. “Alright students. You may all open your tests and see your results.”  Comet and Ocellus looked at one another, and both saw that they were nervous. But then they smiled and closed their eyes as their respective magical glows enveloped the others' test and opened them. Pulling the test out, Comet peeked out of one eye to see. And when she saw the result, she let out a squee. “I got a 100!” Comet cheered.  Ocellus looked at her own test and smiled, “I got a 95!”  Both fillies squeed and hugged each other, jumping a little in their seats with joy. All of Comet’s hard work had finally paid off.  “Alright students, settle down. I know everyone is excited with the results. I know I was. So for all your hard work, I’ve made this.” Twilight said, pulling out a large placard.  “This will be placed in the hallway of the school. It will symbolize all your hard work this past year. Your names are placed in order of your test results.” Twilight said, levitating it to the front of the class.  Everyone in the class moved to the front to look at the placard. Comet and Ocellus had to kinda push their way to the front to see.  “So where are we?” Comet asked.  “Comet look!” Ocellus said with a big smile.  Comet looked up at the top of the placard, and there was Ocellus at 4th place. Above her was Glitterbomb, she was a nice filly. A little too crazy about confetti spells but nice all the same. Above her was Tourmaline in 2nd place. He wasn’t gonna be happy about that. But as Comet looked at 1st place to see who beat him, she was amazed.  There it was, Comet’s name at the top of the placard. She had gotten the highest score on the test. “I got the highest score!” Comet squealed.  Comet and Ocellus hugged each other giggling, Glitterbomb even came over and congratulated Comet. The rest of the class soon joined in with congratulations. Comet’s face soon turned red at the praise she was getting.  But while most of the class joined in the crowd, one was still staring in disbelief at the placard. One lone colt whose eyes slowly looked back at the filly in the crowd. Eyes sharp as pinpricks.  “You got the highest score in the class!?” Silverstream asked with excitement.  “Comet, that’s awesome!” Smoulder said, giving the filly a light punch of shoulder.  “Thanks everyone.” Comet said, rubbing her shoulder.  “Yona knew Comet was best at magic.” Yona said, giving a stomp.  “Soon to be the next Archmage of Equestria.” Sandbar said.  Comet blushed at that, “Sandbar, it was one test.”  “One test that you totally blew out of the water. Even got your name on a placard for all the school to see. That’s pretty cool.” Gallus said.  Comet continued to blush as her embarrassment steadily rose to peak levels. She knew her friends would be happy about the news, but never expected this much praise.  “You know what, we should all go celebrate the occasion. How about a snack at Sugarcube Corner after school, my treat?” Sandbar suggested.  “Yona would like that a lot!” Yona stomped.  “Can’t say no to free food!” Gallus said, giving Sandbar a hoof/claw bump.  “Sandbar, you don’t have to do that.” Comet said sheepishly.  “I want to. Come on, we haven’t had a good celebration in a while. It’ll be fun.” Sandbar insisted.  Comet smiled and went back to drawing in her sketchbook. She had been working on a new art piece with her and all her friends. She was so happy she met all of them. When she looked back at Smoulder for reference, the dragon was glaring at something.  “What’s wrong Smoulder?” Comet asked.  “Trouble coming our way.” She said, getting up from her laid down position.  Comet looked in the direction she was facing and saw Tourmaline heading right for her and the group. He didn’t look happy, well more so than usual. What could he possibly want? Smoulder leapt to the front of the group, taking a fierce stance as the colt drew closer.  When he got right in front of her, she stood her ground, “What do you want jerk?”  “The name is Tourmaline, lizard. And I have business with that commoner.” Tourmaline said, pointing his hoof at Comet.  “Her name is Comet, and she doesn’t want to talk to you. None of us do. So get lost.” Smoulder said, baring her fangs.  Comet stood up and moved next to Tourmaline, levitated her sketchbook back into the school bag slung over her shoulder.  “What do you want, Tourmaline?” Comet asked.  “I want an explanation! How did a commoner who started out as barely average get a higher score than me!? I’ve been practicing magic since I was in the cradle. Taught by the finest tutors in Canterlot.” Tourmaline shouted.  “I studied and got better. That’s how it works, Tourmaline. It’s not a contest. You don’t need to get so upset about it. There will be another test.” Comet explained.  “No! Your name will forever be above mine on that placard! I even went to Princess Twilight and demanded that my name be on top! I deserve that spot, I am the best mage at this school!” Tourmaline shouted.  “The best mage at this school is Princess Twilight! And don’t forget Counselor Starlight is almost as powerful as her!” Comet shouted back.  “Princess Twilight is an alicorn, and the Element of Magic. I am a noble bred unicorn of Canterlot. And we all know that Starlight Glimmer had her time and wasted it.” Tourmaline said smugly.  “What did you say!?” Comet said angrily.  “Oh we all know what happened with that bug queen. And now she can’t even use magic. A unicorn without magic is nothing but a dirt pony with a pretend horn on her head.” Tourmaline laughed.  “Her magic will come back. And when it does she’ll still be better than you. And how dare you talk about her like that. Are you so full of yourself that you think you’re better than the personal student who learned under Princess Twilight?” Comet asked.  “I am extraordinary, I will take my place as the next Archmage of Equestria. I will outshine even the Great Starswirl the Bearded!” Tourmaline said, raising his hooves to the sky.  “Oh now I know you’re delusional. Starswirl could beat you anyday, and when Starlight is better so can she. You’re an idiot if you think you are already better than the best mages in history.” Comet said.  “And what makes you think that you have any standing on knowing how great I am? You, a lowly little filly who came from a backwater family, never having any formal training until you came here. And to get anywhere in this school, your father had to get cozy up with the personal student of Princess Twilight.” Tourmaline mocked.  “What did you say!?” Comet shouted.  “We all know the only reason you got so much attention from Starlight Glimmer is because your father wooed her. I mean truly, a personal student of Princess Twilight dating a common explorer who makes his living selling survivalist books. I’m sure keeping her bed warm pays exceedingly well.” Tourmaline sneered.  Comet’s face burned hot with rage, “Shut your mouth Tourmaline! My daddy loves Starlight and she loves him! Of course you wouldn't know anything about love!”  “Love is for that pathetic excuse for a Princess in the Crystal Empire. Knowledge and skill are how I rose to greatness.” Tourmaline said.  “Horseapples. Everyone here knows the only reason you're here at this school is because you couldn’t get into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns! No, now that I’m thinking about it, you did get in but got kicked out cause you threw a tantrum about not getting the highest score in the entrance exam, kinda like you are doing right now!” Comet shouted.  Tourmaline’s smug expression soon turned into a hateful glare.  “And even worse, your father had to blackmail Princess Twilight into letting you come back after your stupidity almost got me and my friends eaten by a basilisk!” Comet shouted.  “How dare you question my intelligence, you dirt poor country hooligan!”  “Oh there it is. You’re rich, or you’re Daddy’s rich is more like it. How does it feel to have Daddy come clean up your messes everytime you make a stupid mistake?” Comet said.  And with that, Tourmaline’s horn glowed bright and Comet was blasted off of her feet with a powerful burst of force. She rocketed through the air across the courtyard.  And with a loud thud and a splash, Comet’s head hit the fountain in the center of the courtyard, causing her to fall into the water below. And that was the last thing she felt before everything went dark.  Smoulder saw this along with all her friends, too stunned to move. Everyone in the courtyard gasped and then went silent as a graveyard. Moments passed and Smoulder’s eyes slowed turned to red hot coals as she glared back at Tourmaline. Fire leaked from her snout and mouth as her breathing became heavy and slow.  “You bastard!” Smoulder screamed, leaping out at the colt with fiery rage.  “Starlight, what are you doing back here? You still have a few days of sick leave.” Princess Twilight said.  Starlight came into the Princess’ office, followed by Trail and Tala. Tala had been pushing Starlight, who was in a wheelchair.  “I wanted to see how the school was doing. I miss my students.” Starlight said.  “And they certainly miss you. I don’t know how you managed it. I’ve been swamped with students needing counseling.” Twilight said, putting a hoof to her forehead.  “Well just a few more days and I’ll take that duty off your hooves. I’m honestly ready to be out of the house.” Starlight said.  “Yeah, if she could, I betcha she’d be literally climbing the walls by now.” Tala joked.  “Oh shut up.” Starlight said, playfully batting a hoof at the griffin.  Trail chuckled at this, “So Princess, how have things been going?”  Twilight smiled, “Things have been going great. Comet even got the highest score on her last test. I’m so impressed by her progress.” “Well she and I have been doing a lot of studying together.” Starlight smiled.  “I can tell. She’s improved so much. I know she’ll be a great mage someday.” Twilight said.  “Yeah, better watch out Princess, she may be better than you one day.” Tala laughed.  Everyone in the room laughed at that.  “Only time will tell.” Twilight said.  Suddenly, a ruckus could be heard outside, making everyone in the room look at the door of the office. A second later and Rarity stuck her head into the room.  “Twilight, you need to come to the courtyard immediately!”  Twilight got out of her chair, “Rarity, what’s wrong?”  “A fight in the courtyard! Rainbow Dash is trying to break it up, but it’s bad!” Rarity said.  Everyone in the office gasped and Twilight immediately flew out the door. Trail, Tala and Starlight were right behind her.  A magical blast barely missed Smoulder as she flew at Tourmaline again. He had a terrible aim for something he claimed to be so great at magic. Smoulder however had great aim and managed to spew fire all around the colt. Only his shield saved him from being burnt.  “Smoulder, that’s enough!” Rainbow Dash said, grabbing the young dragon.  “Let go of me! He hurt Comet!” Smoulder said, struggling against the pegasus.  Fluttershy and Applejack had gotten Comet out of the fountain, gently placing her on the ground. Her head was bleeding and she wasn’t conscious. Silverstream, Ocellus and Gallus were all standing next to their professors.  “Fluttershy, go fetch Nurse Redheart now!” Applejack shouted.  Fluttershy nodded and flew into the air, making her way into Ponyville.  Back with Smoulder and Rainbow Dash, the dragon was still struggling against the pegasus. But Rainbow held strong and brought them to the ground.  “I know you’re angry Smoulder, but fighting isn’t going to help Comet. I need to calm down.” Rainbow said.  Yona and Sandbar appeared next to them.  “Smoulder, he’s not worth it.” Sandbar said.  “Sandbar right. Yona want to smash him too, but Comet need friends. All friends. Please Smoulder.” Yona pleaded.  Smoulder’s eyes soon started to tear up, whether from rage or sadness, no one could tell. She finally relaxed in Rainbow’s embrace. “It’s gonna be ok, Smoulder. Fluttershy should be back with Nurse Redheart soon.” Rainbow said, comforting the dragon.  “I want that dragon arrested for trying to burn me to a crisp!” Tourmaline shouted.  Rainbow immediately turned to glare at him, “Keep your mouth shut Tourmaline!”  The colt flinched back a little. Before he could say anything in retaliation, Princess Twilight appeared in a flash of purple light, right between Tourmaline and Rainbow.  “What in Equestria is going on here Rainbow Dash?” She demanded.  “Tourmaline attacked Comet, Headmare Twilight. He pushed her with magic into the fountain, and made her hit her head. She’s not moving.” Sandbar explained.  As his words reached the Princess, Trail and his group appeared. Trail heard what Sandbar had said and his face grew pale.  He ran up to the young colt, “Where is she, Sandbar?”  He pointed over to the fountain, “Over there with Professor Applejack.”  Trail immediately ran over, followed shortly by Tala, leaving Starlight with Twilight. Trail and Tala skidded to a halt right by Comet, pushing past her friends gently.  Comet laid there, Trail immediately pressing his hoof against her neck. She was alive, but unconscious. He laid his head against his filly and started to cry. Applejack patted him on the back. Tala looked at her niece and just stared in disbelief. How could this have happened?  Her head snapped back towards where Tourmaline was standing. He was slowly trying to make his way back to the entrance of the courtyard. Not on his life.  Tala flew into the air with a screech, barreling towards the colt like a true bird of prey. He saw her coming and tried to teleport, but she quickly grabbed him by the horn and the neck, lifting him into the air with her.  “You little bastard!” Tala screamed.  He screamed and flailed his hooves as Tala suspended him in midair. Her gaze was hot as the fires of Tartarus.  “What did you do to my niece!?” She screamed at him.  “Tala! Let him go!” Rainbow Dash said.  “Get lost! I’ve had it with this kid!” Tala said, holding the colt tighter in her claws.  “ENOUGH!” Twilight’s royal canterlot voice rang out, cracking some of the windows.  Tala found herself trapped in a magical glow, Tourmaline also trapped as they were levitated to the ground. Tala was set down on the ground but was not released from the grip of Twilight’s magic.  The Princess of Friendship appeared in front of her, holding Tourmaline in the air with her magic.  “I am going to ask you to calm down. You will let me handle this, is that understood?” Twilight said, a tone no one had ever heard her speak in.  Tala growled at the kid, but eventually relented. Twilight saw the griffin relax and released her.  The Princess then turned to Tourmaline.  “Did you attack Comet Trail?” Twilight asked. “I… I did no such thing.” Tourmaline said, fear in his voice.  “Liar! We all saw him Headmare Twilight” Another student yelled out over the crowd forming around them.  More students spoke up, the crowd all telling the Princess that Tourmaline had pushed Comet with magic into the fountain.  “Princess Twilight!” Nurse Redheart yelled out as she made it into the courtyard. She had medical saddlebags strapped to her barrel, her eyes shocked at the scene before her.  “Nurse Redheart, Comet Trail is injured, she hit her head. Over by the fountain.” Princess Twilight said.  The nurse immediately ran over to the filly as Twilight held the colt in her magic still. She then produced a ring out of nowhere, placing it on Tourmaline’s horn. She dropped him on the ground and before he could run away, Pinkie had tied him up with a party balloon.  “Pinkie, escort this colt to his dorm room. And make sure he stays there until I sort this out.” Twilight ordered.  “Roger dodger Twilight. You’re coming with me.” Pinkie said, producing a policeponies hat out of her mane.  She dragged Tourmaline away, out of the courtyard and towards the dorms. Twilight then teleported over to where Comet was laying on the ground. Redheart had already started examining her.  “How is she, Nurse Redheart?” Twilight asked.  “She could certainly have a concussion. We need to get her to Ponyville Hospital.” Redheart said.  “Rainbow, Fluttershy, go get a gurney from the Infirmary and then fly Comet to the hospital.” Twilight said, looking at Rainbow.  “You got it Twi!” Rainbow said, flying like a bullet out of the courtyard.  “How could this happen? Here of all places?” Trail asked.  He stood over his daughter, petting her head gently. Starlight sat beside him in her wheelchair, trying to give him comfort. She looked to Twilight, “Twilight, this is the last straw. I don’t care what that rich bastard tried to pull, we can’t let that little monster stay here!”  “Nor do I. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will back me up. And Cadence too if need be. I will not let this one slide. He has intentionally hurt one of my students. Friendship is beyond him. And I will not let him stay another day.” Twilight said, starting to walk away.  “Where are you going?” Starlight asked.  “To wake up Spike. I need to tell the Princesses that we are going to have a fight on our hooves. Lord Rhinestone won’t let us kick his son out without a fight. And I intend on giving him one.” Twilight said, teleporting away.  Starlight had a shiver run down her spine, she had never seen Twilight that angry. Even back during the basilisk incident.  She turned to Comet, who was lying there on the ground. Tears started to fall as the filly she had grown so close to lay there unconscious.  How could this have happened?  > Ch. 45 - Justice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 45 – Justice – Trail and Starlight sat outside Princess Twilight’s office, it had been 24 hours since the incident in the school courtyard. Comet was out of the hospital, thankfully her injuries weren’t as severe as they had feared. She had a concussion and a minor skull fracture. The doctor had said there was no sign of brain damage.  Comet had woken up around 8 p.m last night, she said she remembered everything that happened and only asked how her friends were doing. Even when she was in a hospital bed, what she truly cared about were her friends. It made Trail smile and feel so proud. Comet was allowed to go home this morning, Trail had left her with Zala and Zecora. Tala was ordered by Princess Twilight to stay away from this proceeding, not wanting Lord Rhinestone to use her attack on Tourmaline against them. Tala wasn’t happy about it but did as she was told and stayed home as well.  “What do you think Princess Twilight will do in this hearing?” Trail asked Starlight.  Starlight sighed, “She hasn’t told me much. But I’ve seen Spike send several letters. We’ll just have to wait and see.”  “Miss Starlight, Mister Trail!” A young feminine voice called out.  Trail and Starlight turned to see Comet’s friends walking down the hallway, Silverstream and Ocellus leading the pack.  “Hey kids, how are you holding up?” Trail asked.  “We’re ready to put this jerk in his place. What’s the plan?” Smoulder asked.  “Princess Twilight is preparing right now. We just have to wait for her.” Trail said.  As soon as he said that, the door to the office opened, Princess Twilight walking out with a huge stack of papers.  “Good, all of you are here. It’s almost time for the hearing. I need all of you to follow me.” Twilight said, gesturing for the group to follow her.  As the group trailed behind her, Starlight caught up in her wheelchair, “Twilight, are we sure we can get him this time, what if Lord Rhinestone pulls something like last time?”  Twilight looked back at her with a determined look on her face, “Trust me Starlight, we have made precautions for that. He won’t bully us this time.”  The group made their way into the throne room, where Tourmaline was being held by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. The rest of the elements were all seated at their respective thrones. Twilight sat in her seat while the rest of the group sat behind her, waiting for the proceedings to begin.  Suddenly, the door to the throne room burst open, Lord Rhinestone and his lawyer Tally Mark stormed inside the room.  “I thought you were smarter than this Princess. Or did you not learn your lesson last time?” Rhinestone said.  “I have learned plenty, and I would be careful how you speak to royalty Lord Rhinestone, it’s unbecoming of somepony of your noble status.” Twilight said.  “This is another farce, I can have Tally here write up another lawsuit in no time at all. Do you truly want that Princess?” Rhinestone said, smirking.  “You will do no such thing Lord Rhinestone.” A regal voice rang out from behind the noble.  He and Tally Mark turned and were surprised to see Princess Celestia herself. Coming behind her was Princess Luna, and even Princess Cadance.  “Your Majesties, what are you doing here?” Rhinestone asked, a hint of panic in his voice.  “Delivering justice that is well overdue. Thou art not going to threaten your way out of this predicament.” Princess Luna stated.  The three alicorns moved around to the seat close to Twilight, three more seats appeared from the floor of the castle, each having the cutiemark of the Princesses. They all sat down in their respective seats and looked disappointingly at the noble standing before them.  Princess Twilight cleared her throat, “Now that everyone is here, we can begin. The purpose of this meeting is to determine the punishment for Tourmaline Rhinestone, for his actions against his fellow student Comet Trail.” She floated up a paper from her giant stack, “Yesterday, Tourmaline confronted Comet Trail and her friends in the courtyard. I’ve been told an argument occurred concerning the recent test scores of my magic course here at the school. As the argument grew more heated, Tourmaline shoved Comet Trail with his magic, causing her to crash into the fountain of the courtyard, hitting her head and knocking her unconscious. She was then taken to the hospital.” She pulled out another piece of paper, “This is the doctor’s report from Comet’s examination. She suffered a concussion and a slight fracture to the skull.” “We also have several witnesses, including Comet’s friends behind me, and about half the student body who saw this argument occur in the courtyard. Tourmaline assaulted Comet over some test scores. This is something we will not tolerate in our school.” Twilight said.  Tally Mark cleared her throat, “I see you have done your homework Princess. But your witnesses are all biased. Comet’s friends would most certainly back her story, and you’ve demonized Tourmaline’s image to your student body, so they will say anything against him. This won’t hold up in court.”  “This won’t be going to court.” Princess Celestia spoke up.  Tally Mark adjusted her glasses, “I beg your pardon?”  “This hearing consists of at least two royal alicorns. As my sister and I have done in the past, we are here to pass judgment on this case.” Celestia announced.  Lord Rhinestone scoffed, “Your Majesties, this hardly concerns you. The court system exists for a reason. I humbly request you recuse yourselves from this nasty business.”  “Thou would like to believe we would agree to your demands. But we shall do no such thing. For you Lord Rhinestone have made a mockery of Equestrian Justice, and our royal court long enough.” Princess Luna said.  “Whatever could you be implying Your Majesty?” Lord Rhinestone asked.  “That you have manipulated not only our royal court, but our own guard to do your dirty work.” Luna said. “What proof do you have of this supposed manipulation Princess?” Rhinestone said confidently.  “After your heinous actions against Princess Twilight Sparkle, my sister and I conducted our own personal investigation into the incident. By destiny's will, we had just completed it a day before your son committed another crime. The winds of fate blow ill in your house Rhinestone. Let us begin with the matter of the warrant for Trail Blazer and Zecora’s arrest. Cadance, would you be so kind?” Luna said, gesturing to Cadance. Cadence nodded, “Bring him in Shining.”  The doors to the throne room opened once more, Shining Armor emerging from the hallway of the castle, three guard ponies who were in chains stood behind him. He gestured with his head for them to move, which they did begrudgingly.  Cadence spoke up again, “These are the guard ponies who accompanied you to Ponyville when you blackmailed Princess Twilight into giving in to your demands about your son returning to the School of Friendship. Including the captain of the solar guard, Captain Pompous Star.”  Shining pulled the captain before the Princesses, “As a former captain myself, I’m disgusted that somepony of your rank and position would stoop to being the lackie of a noble pony. Do you have anything to say for yourself captain?”  Pompous Star simply grunted and looked away.  Shining then pulled out a document from a bag on his side, “This is the warrant the captain had shown to Princess Twilight and those who he arrested to justify the arrests. But after thorough examination by Princess Celestia’s fraud taskforce, we have confirmed that the signature on this warrant was forged.”  Princess Celestia glared at the Lord, “Judge Hickory was the signature on this warrant, so I confronted him personally on why he would give out warrants without my knowledge, especially as it concerned another Princess and her subjects. But when I showed him the document, he had no knowledge of ever signing it. My taskforce used magical residue testing and an expert in signature authentication to prove that the signature on this document was forged.”  “We had no knowledge of this forgery, who committed this crime Princess?” Tally Mark questioned.  Princess Celestia turned to the lawyer, “It was forged by Hickory’s court clerk, Candlewick. When we questioned her, she told us quite an interesting tale.”  Tally Mark did not look fazed.  “She told us that she was forced to do so, by a stallion who took her to dinner the night before. It seemed she had an affair with this stallion and he threatened to tell her husband if she did not comply. When we questioned her on who this stallion was, the name she gave us was Copper Rhinestone, Lord Rhinestone’s nephew.”  Lord Rhinestone rolled his eyes, “A mare who was having an affair, yes that is a most credible source. I had no part in this forgery. The captain must have been behind this.”  The captain glared at him, but did not speak up.  “No, she was telling the truth. For you see, we talked to your nephew.” Princess Celestia said.  That made Rhinestone sweat a little, “But he is off on business.”  “In Saddle Arabia yes. It just so happened that I had business with the royal family there. While I was there, I bumped into him at the palace. And to my surprise, he was having another affair, with the ambassador’s daughter. In exchange for our silence on the matter to his wife, he told us that you demanded that he arrange for that forgery.”  Lord Rhinestone’s expression turned to irritation, “That fool.”  “So we have come to the understanding that the warrant was forged. And the arrest was simply a ploy to blackmail Princess Twilight Sparkle. We are deeply disappointed in your conduct, Lord Rhinestone. Your family used to be so honorable.” Princess Luna stated.  Princess Celestia shook her head, “Your grandfather would be so disappointed. He was a true symbol of nobility and honor.”  “My grandfather was an old fool who nearly bankrupt our family with his foolish ideas of charity. I brought us back into the limelight. And I will not have our good name ruined by some worthless commoner brats at some ridiculous school!” Lord Rhinestone shouted.  Princess Celestia stood up tall from her seat, “Watch how you speak about our subjects Rhinestone. You are on thin ice.”  Rhinestone scoffed.  “While your evidence is indeed compelling your Majesties, I do believe we have another matter to discuss.” Tally Mark stated.  “The matter of Tourmaline’s expulsion, yes indeed we do.” Princess Twilight spoke up.  The Princess of Friendship stood up, “As Princess of Friendship and Headmaster of this school, I hereby banish Tourmaline Rhinestone from the school and its grounds. He shall never again be allowed on school grounds or to attend any event or class involving this school. I will also have his name stricken from the records here, and forbid him from stepping a hoof in my castle or Ponyville ever again.”  Tourmaline’s eyes widened, “You can’t do that!”  “She is a Princess of Equestria and this is her domain. As such, she has the authority to banish whomever she wishes.” Princess Luna countered.  Princess Twilight cleared her throat, “Furthermore, I also forbid Lord Rhinestone from stepping a hoof in Ponyville. This includes my castle and the school, as well as doing any businesses here.”  “But I have contracts with Barnyard Bargains and local shops here!” Lord Rhinestone stated.  “Not anymore, I have spoken to Filthy Rich and all shops who have any business with you. All of them have heard what you and your son have done and all agreed to my terms.” Princess Twilight said plainly.  “You can’t do this!” He shouted loudly.  “I just did. Now, take your son and your lawyer and get out of my castle.” Princess Twilight said darkly.  Princess Cadence stood up, “Shining, take the captain and his men back to Canterlot for their court martial.”  “You got it honey.” Shining said, pulling the guards away from the throne room.  “We shall accompany Lord Rhinestone back to Canterlot, where he will be charged and prosecuted for high treason, forgery, and blackmail.” Princess Luna said.  Princess Celestia and Princess Luna escorted Lord Rhinestone, Tourmaline and Tally Mark out of the castle. When the doors finally closed, Twilight collapsed in her seat.  “You did great Twilight. I’m so proud of you.” Princess Cadence said.  “Thanks Cadence.” Twilight said, slumped in her throne.  “Thank you for all your help Princess Cadence” Trail said, coming up behind the alicorns.  Cadence turned to smile at Trail, “You must be Trail Blazer. I’ve heard so many good things about you and your daughter.” Trail chuckled, “Comet certainly, I don't know if there is much to talk about with me.”  Starlight came up behind him, “Oh how handsome you are, how brave you are.”  Trail blushed, “Starlight!”  Starlight and Cadence giggled at that.  “I’m so sorry that you all had to go through something like this. I wish I could say not all nobles are like Rhinestone, but in my experience, good nobles are a rare breed in Canterlot.” Princess Cadence said.  “It’s not your fault Princess, no need to apologize for a bunch of rich ponies who always get what they want.” Trail said.  “Not always.” Starlight said, reaching out for Trail’s hoof.  Comet’s friends all piled around the two, everyone of them wearing the biggest smile.  “So can we go tell Comet that Tourmaline is never coming back? For good this time?” Silverstream asked.  Trail laughed, “Of course you can. Go on ahead and tell her. We’ll catch up.”  They all cheered and ran out of the throne room. Trail couldn’t help but smile.  “I’m so glad Comet has so many wonderful friends.” Trail said.  “Aren’t you glad you brought her here?” Starlight said smiling.  Trail turned and leaned closer to the mare, “For more than one reason.”  Starlight blushed bright red and didn’t even get to respond before Trail leaned in for a kiss. It made her squeak in surprise before accepting the kiss. They were so into each other that they didn’t even notice the pink alicorn leaning in her chair to look at them with tears in her eyes.  “Love truly is beautiful.” Cadence said.  “Don’t you kinda have to think that way being the Princess of Love?” Twilight asked.  “Oh don’t worry Twilight. When you find a stallion, you will understand.” Cadence said, still staring at the couple who still hadn’t noticed her.