My Little Frozen

by muntedvoid

First published

A Ponified Version of Frozen

Young princess Sweetie Belle of Canterlot dreams about finding true love at her sister Rarity’s coronation. Fate takes her on a dangerous journey in an attempt to end the eternal winter that has fallen over the kingdom. She's accompanied by ice delivery mare Applebloom, her loyal dog Winona, and snowmare Pinkie Pie. On an adventure where she will find out what friendship, courage, family, and true love really means.


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A frozen landscape. Sleds pulled by ice harvesting stallions while others used pickaxes to cut through ice. They sing as they work:

Born of cold and winter air, and mountain rain combining
This icy force both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining.
So cut through the heart, cold and clear
Strike for love, or strike for fear
See the beauty, sharp and sheer
Split the ice apart!
And break the frozen heart

A young red-maned filly named Apple Bloom followed the stallions. She shares an apple with her loyal canine companion Winona. She tries to cut a mound of ice but struggles with the weight of the pickaxe. The stallions don't seem to notice and continue to sing:

Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!
Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!
Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold!
Ice has a magic can't be controlled!
Stronger than one, stronger than ten
Stronger than a hundred stallions!
Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining!

The sun sets and lanterns are lit

This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining!
Cut through the heart, cold and clear!

Apple Bloom hooks herself onto her dinky little sled, while Winona hopped on top of the minute block of ice they had managed to harvest

Strike for love and strike for fear!
There's beauty and there's danger here!
Split the ice apart!
Beware the frozen heart...

The sled is pulled away as Apple Bloom struggles to catch up.

* * *

A young filly named Rarity sleeps in her bed. Her little sister Sweetie Belle pops up beside her. ''Rarity. Psst. Rarity! Psst'' she whispered. ''Sweetie, go back to sleep'' Rarity grumbled. Sweetie Belle rolls onto her back and spreads all her weight on Rarity. ''I just can't! The sky's awake, so I'm awake! So we have to play!'' she said dramatically. Rarity is not amused. ''Go play by yourself'' she said

Rarity shoves Sweetie off the bed. Sweetie lands flank to floor and sighs, defeated. But then she gets an idea. She hops back on the bed and lifts one of Rarity’s eyelids. ''Do you want to build a snowmare? Rarity's eyes both pop open. She smiles.

Sweetie Belle, now wearing snow boots, pulls Rarity by the hoof. ''Come on, come on, come on, come on!'' Sweetie says excitedly. Rarity tries to shush her, but Sweetie’s too excited. The fillies sneak into the ballroom. Rarity shuts the door. ''Do the magic! Do the magic!'' Sweetie said excitedly.

Rarity laughs and waves her hooves together. Snowflakes suddenly burst forth and dance between her hooves, forming a snowball. Rarity throws the snowball high into the air. Snow bursts out and flurries around the room. Sweetie dances about, catching flakes in her palms and mouth. ''This is amazing!'' she squeals ''Watch this!'' Rarity says, having fun now. Rarity stomps her little slippered hoof and a layer of ice suddenly coats the floor, forming a giant ice rink. Sweetie slides off, laughing.

Sweetie and Rarity roll giant snowballs and build a snowmare together. Rarity moves her stick hooves around. ''Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie and I like to make ponies smile'' she says in a goofy voice. Sweetie jumps up and hugs him. ''I love you, Pinkie!''.

Sweetie and Pinkie appear to be dancing. Rarity is actually propelling them across the ice floor with her magic. The fillies slide down snowbanks together! Sweetie fearlessly jumps off a snow peak into mid air. ''Catch me!''

Rarity makes another peak to catch Sweetie. ''Gotcha!''

Sweetie keeps jumping. Rarity keeps casting magic. ''Again! Again!'' Sweetie squealed excitedly, jumping faster. ''Slow down!'' Rarity yells, struggling to keep up.

Rarity suddenly slips. Her magic accidentally strikes Sweetie in the head. Sweetie tumbles down a snowbank and lands, unconscious. ''SWEETIE!''

Rarity runs to Sweetie and takes her in her hooves. A streak of Sweetie’s mane, where struck, turns white. ''MAMA! PAPA!'' Rarity screeches. The room around them fills with frightening ice spikes.

The parents burst through the frozen door. They gasp at the sight of the room. ''Rarity, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!'' the king said. ''Sweetie!'' the queen gasped. The King and Queen rush to Sweetie and take her in their hooves. ''It was an accident. I’m sorry, Sweetie'' Rarity said, near tears. ''She’s ice cold.'' the queen said worriedly. ''...I know where we have to go.'' the king said

Carrying the girls, the King and Queen gallop out of the kingdom. Snow streams from Rarity’s hooves, leaving a trail of ice behind them.

A sleepy Apple Bloom and Winona travel alone through the dark woods. All of a sudden, the King and Queen race by with the fillies, leaving the wake of ice. ''Ice?'' Apple Bloom says in confusion

Apple Bloom and Winona follow the trail of ice. Winona hops off Apple Bloom at the edge of a deep valley. They hide behind a rock and peek out. Down below, the King holds a frightened Rarity. The Queen holds the still unconscious Sweetie. ''Please, help. My daughter!'' the king yelled out. Suddenly, a bunch of rocks tumble down the valley toward them. It looks as though they’ll be crushed! But, luckily, the rocks stop at their feet. The rocks then unfold, revealing bright faces.

''Changelings...?'' Apple Bloom whispered. The rock in front of Kristoff “wakes up.” Meet Thorax. ''Shush. I’m trying to listen.'' he wisphered. He grabs Winona and Apple Bloom by paw and hoof and hugs them close. Winona licks her face and he eyes them both. ''Cuties. I’m gonna keep you.'' he grinned

Back below, the crowd parts for a changeling as old as the Earth. They call her Twilight. She approaches arthritically but determined. She nods respectfully to the king. ''Your Majesty. Born with the powers or cursed?'' she says motioning to Rarity ''Born. And they’re getting stronger.'' the king responds. Twilight motions for the Queen to bring Sweetie to him. She does. She examines her.

''You are lucky it wasn’t her heart. The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded.'' she says ''Do what you must'' the king responds. ''I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic to be safe... But don’t worry, I’ll leave the fun''. Twilight pulls out a glowing blue energy from Sweetie’s head. We see her memories floating right above her. Twilight changes all of her magical memories to ordinary memories -- snowy play indoors with the fillies in their nightgowns changes to outdoors on the winter fjords with the fillies in winter gear. She puts the ordinary memories back in her head. ''She will be okay'' she says. ''But she won’t remember I have powers?'' Rarity questioned. ''It’s for the best'' the king reassures her.

Twilight motions to the filly. ''Listen to me, Rarity, your power will only grow.'' As she speaks, she conducts the Northern Lights to show a silhouette of an adult Rarity creating magical snowflakes. ''There is beauty in your magic.... But also great danger.'' The snowflakes turn to sharp spikes. ''You must learn to control it.'' In the Northern Lights display, the sharp spikes cause human figures to panic and attack Rarity. ''Or fear will be your enemy.''

Rarity gasps and buries her face in the King’s chest. The King wraps his arms around Rarity, protectively. ''No. We’ll protect her. She can learn to control it. I’m sure.'' the king says, unclear whether or not he's reassuring Rarity or himself.

The Canterlot castle gates shut.

''Until then, we’ll lock the gates. We’ll reduce the staff. We will limit her contact with people and keep her powers hidden from everyone... including Sweetie'' the kings voice echoes

The castle shutters close. Sweetie sits on her bed as Rarity’s furniture disappears. Sweetie rushes to the hall to see Rarity shut the door to her new room. Sweetie watches, confused and sad.