> The Foundation of Memory's Past > by Friskers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A Different Setting. (Re-Written) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness. I was floating in it, not being able to move around or see that far. Almost like being held in some form of telekinetic force field, though, I've never been in one. Am I asleep? Possibly, but I couldn't control anything. Lets see. I tried thinking of the last place I was at. I grasped at anything, just something to get my mind re-oriented and sobered. There was a sudden spark in the distance. It was faint, barely visible. For a second, I thought I saw a trail of bright blue, along with a puffy white. I had no idea what I just saw, or how I did it. The temperature around me seemed to rise, but I was more focused on what happened. I hadn't realized that it was uncomfortable to begin with. I felt the air gain a crisp taste. Can I taste air? My body seemed to feel pressure, almost like something was pulling me. I pushed against the unseen force, and there it was again. That faint, barely visible spark of blue again. The air around me began to vibrate and soon began shaking. I stopped moving, letting whatever was happening happen. I obviously was not in control, and the shaking quickly turned to violent jerking and bouncing. I felt myself gaining a sense of fear. What was happening? Am I going to die? Everything stopped suddenly, and I began falling for what seemed like a few minutes. I couldn't even scream as I fell, only think and pray silently for my early end. Then, everything stopped.. I took in as much air as my lungs could hold, feeling as thought I was unable to move for several minutes, and meekly let my eyes wander. Was I in a orchard? There were tree's scattered from my limited field of vision, along with bright blue sky's and clouds. The trees didn't have any fruit or nuts, so either I'm in a park, the woods, or the forest. Thought I doubted forests had many benches like here. Straining my head to the side, with more effort than necessary I saw that there was indeed no flowers in any of the trees that my eyes could find. Instead, there were small birds that looked a lot colorful than the ones I would usually see. In fact, everything was more colorful. The grass I was laying on, the trees normally elderly state, the animals, all of it seemed upbeat, and happy for some reason. I tilted my body to the left, letting my body flop onto the ground and closed my eyes so the grass wouldn't stab them. Giving a small grunt of effort, I couldn't help but remember an older classic. 'They see me rolling, they hating. Patrolling and they trying to catch me riding dirty.' I strained a short laugh as I had finally made it to a more preferred spot in the shade. I tried to get up, going through the motions I would to get up, but it was as though I put a huge strain on my whole body, as it struggled to rise, or even stand properly. I compromised and laid back onto a tree. A thought came to mind, and I remembered something. My backpack! Where is it!? Figuring that I wasn't kidnapped and dumped off, let alone mugged, I looked around the area and spotted it up a ways in a tree. I swear, if those collage assholes tossed it up there... Reaching for a nearby groove in the tree, I used it to hoist myself upwards, and managed to stand on my own. Finally, I thought I was going to be there for hours. Looking up at the tree, it was quite a ways up to get my bag, let alone see if anything in there was even salvageable. I had my laptop in there, so I'm thinking it's most likely broken. Taking a step I expected to fall, but I didn't. All I felt was mild discomfort, but at least I could walk again. Fate seemed to enjoy my suffering, and sent a sparrow like bird to swoop down to nearly hit me in the face. Giving a yelp of surprise, I ducked and tried shooing it. "Ack! No! I didn't do anything!" I said, covering my face to not get clawed like some birds do. The bird responded with a chirp of what sounded like confusion. 'Wait, what was that?' I thought to myself. Did I hear that right? It almost sounded like... I stood there, not really wanting to go anywhere without at least securing my backpack. It was up the tree, and if the bird was going to be territorial, then it'll have to deal with it. An idea came up. I pulled out my phone and ran through the password. Immediately I jumped into settings and then Bluetooth. < Available Devices > < NX2574 > < Paired Devices > < NX2574 > I pressed NX2574 and it stalled for a bit. I waited for a few seconds before a notification popped up. < Unable To Connect. Device Is Not Turned On. > Of course that would happen. The thing has to be on to even connect. Damn, my mind is slow today. The bird that I had forgotten was perched on a branch watching me. I had noticed this when it chirped loud enough to catch my attention. "What? You want bread or something?" I asked, earning another chirp before it left. I watched it fly off for a second, not really knowing what it was trying to do. As far as I knew, birds just flew away unless you had something they wanted. Like pigeons, except this bird wasn't white. Or is that doves? This bird is purple, or a variation of it. I'll have to look it up when I get back home. The bird made a sharp turn up and stood on one of the backpack's open zippers reached it's head inside and got a mechanical pencil out and dropped it on the ground. Not knowing what it was trying to do I picked up the pencil and inspected it. It was a hard plastic with an eraser on one end and a writing point on the other. Giving it a shake I heard the clinking sound of lead inside. I looked at the bird again an saw that it wasn't there anymore. The backpack was still stuck in the tree but the bird apparently wanted to insult me. I let out a sigh of annoyance. 'My friend is gone. Could I call a bird a friend? Pet? Maybe.' I thought to myself. I looked for a branch to start my climb to retrieve my bag. There was one that was lower than the rest, though it was at least a couple feet away from reach. That and it wasn't a very sturdy looking branch to begin with. ' Ah, screw it. I'll take my chances.' I reassured myself. If anything, I can just climb another tree and struggle over to this one. I went under it and readied myself to jump. Once I built enough confidence I sprung up and reached for the branch. What I was expecting was for me to fall short, or even sprain an ankle and have to get myself to an infirmary. What I wasn't expecting, was me to break through it like a Kyle's fist through drywall, and several dozen feet up in the air. "OH SHIT!" I screamed as my decent was inevitable. I latched onto a branch and held on for dear life. I shut my eyes closed and tried to calm myself. 'OKAY! Not what I was expecting, but also not bad either!' Peeking my eyes open I saw my bag was just below me. I was too terrified to move, let alone even think on getting my bag at the moment. Once I had overcome the shock of literately jumping more than a dozen feet, I climbed up the wide and sturdy branch and sat on the base where the tree and branch connected. I slowly felt the sudden surge of adrenaline fade away and feel myself cool down. I thought of why I could suddenly jump higher than what a normal human ever possibly could. 'How can I do that? Did someone give me some sort of drug that made me jump higher than usual? Do I have a bionic suit that lets me jump higher? Am I finally tapping into the athletic side of my genetics?!' I thought rapidly, nearly panicking form my own overthinking. It was around mid-day, judging from the position of the sun. I climbed further up the tree and reached the top. Looking around I couldn't see much except for trees and foliage. I turned my head and saw the top of what looked like a tower. It looked like it had a bell and was barely poking out of the trees. 'It's kinda far. Maybe they can tell me where I'm at. I don't remember my collage having a bell though.' I thought to myself. I began my descent back to the ground and grabbed my backpack on the way down. It was kinda light. Which was strange because I normally carried a bunch of stuff in it. Like my laptop, a notebook, writing utensils, a small flash drive, my wallet, an rage inducing Uno card game, and some non-perishable snacks. Hopping down I tried to remember what direction the tower was at. Sighing, I just jumped in the air again and looked for the tower. I saw it again and as I fell back down with immense terror but somehow managed to stick the landing. Looking at my legs I pat them down hoping to feel for any sort of mechanical sensation. Much to my surprised dismay, nothing was there besides my pants. 'One second I'm on a........ wait, what was I doing before this? I can remember being at my collage and everything else except how I got here.' I pondered. Deciding that this was better to not think too hard about it, I ignored it and continued walking. 'Maybe it'll just come back in a bit. I thought. 'Just maybe.' 20 Minutes Later I had come across a worn down dirt trail and began following it for a while now. Strangely, there were some decorations on a couple of trees that I had passed a few minutes ago, which also seemed to be set up at least within the hour. I haven't seen anyone jogging or anything, only empty benches that seemed a little small for me. I felt my backpack getting warmer and decided to check what the hell is going on. I swear I didn't even have my laptop on. Opening the middle zipper I peeked inside and felt the underside of the laptop. And sure enough it was cold. Confused, I checked the smallest zipper in the front and I saw that the bird was in there, helping itself to my granola bar. It saw me and hopped out, giving me the most confused face it could physically muster. It chirped and jumped it the air and spread it's wings before flying away. "I'm going to eat the next bird that does that." I said after a few seconds, annoyance in my voice. Closing the zipper, I continued my trek through the forest. The tower was more visible now and I didn't need to use my superhuman jumping skills to see it now. Still makes me worried I can do that and not die. 'Just a few more minutes and I'll be out of this damned forest.' I thought. I saw something flying through the air. It was golden along with a bit of purple and green seemingly inside of it. I had to shield my eyes from the sun to see it clearly enough. 'What the? There aren't any airplanes with purple and green on it.' I thought, getting confused yet again. The "Airplane" seemed to touch down near the tower. Worry began to take control, as well as panic. What if it was a training flight gone wrong!? I ran through the trees and somehow everything felt slower except for me. I didn't stop until I broke through the tree-line, and when I did I was confused, and shocked at what I saw. Small, colorful ponies were what I saw in the town, happily doing their own thing seemingly without worry. My mind stalled for a bit, not wanting to comprehend what I was seeing. "No....." I muttered, not wanting this to be real. 'Where the... what the..... how?!' My mind came up with as many reasonable answers as to why I am here. God's will? Freak accident? I subconsciously took a step back, horrified to my predicament. This is unreal, I must be dreaming, and if I'm dreaming, that means I can just wake up, right? It seemed like some sort of festival of some sorts. They were all working together, some of them flying, others using some sort of glowy stuff to make things move around, and some of them even lifting whole support beams by themselves. I looked back at my hands before shoving them in my pockets. I turned to the forest and began walking. If I was going to be in a land of colorful pastel ponies, I might as well learn to control these abilities. Don't want to accidentally kill anyone with them anyway. And judging from their setup, they don't seem very keen, or aware of violence. Hopefully pacifism will work this time and not get me beat up and robbed... Again. One Hour Later I had managed to throw a punch that didn't break a tree in half, only shake it violently. I wasn't even getting tired from the "training" I was giving myself. In retrospect, it was some half-assed training, and more of just me committing a hate crime on a birch trees. I had wandered back to where I had woken up and began assaulting random trees. The first two breaking in half instantly, the other four getting mangled, and the remaining dozen or so getting shook fairly well. Hopefully, I don't have to fight any of these ponies. And if I do, they're not going to stand much of a chance. Least, I think they won't. I also did some damage control and learned how to kick as well. For some reason, it would seem I am learning how to fight rather quickly. I didn't enjoy it, but it was also interesting as well. After about another ten minutes of training, I felt my stomach whine with anger. 'Kinda wish I had a sandwich.' I thought to myself. What I'd give to get myself a meatball marinara right now. I popped my knuckles and turned around and stopped. In front of me, in a bag, was a foot long subway sandwich, resting on the trunk of a dead tree, with steam coming out of the inside. "How the hell." I shouted. My mind lagged, and I cautiously approached the bag. I touched the outside and flinched away. It was warm and it made me wonder how it materialized out of thin air. 'All that's left is the drink.' I thought, testing the waters. Off to the side, a bag quickly materialized along with subways traditional cup and straw, filled with a dark, bubbly, liquid, and ice. Taking the cup, I brought the straw to my lips and gave a quick draw. 'Dr.Pepper. A solid choice.' I thought. I'm starting to think this power isn't limited to just physical speed and strength. I placed it down back where it had materialized, half expecting it to disappear again. It didn't. Instead began filling back up after a few seconds. I blinked slowly, trying to keep myself from having an aneurism. Whatever's happening with me, I was both thankful, and a little worried. Deciding to go for something more wild, I thought of the more complex weapons I could think of. In a matter of seconds a fully functional plasma rifle from Halo. It sat on the ground and glowed dimly, it's smooth top and bottom surfaces giving a slight glare from the sun with its, and making a slight humming as the weapon rested on the ground. I backed away, not sure if it's ammunition would give me a form of space cancer. I know it's radiation that does that, but still. One could never be careful. 'What am I going to do with this?! I don't even have a spot to put this thin-' My thought process was cut off as the plasma rifle just vanished, not even giving me the time to finish what I was thinking. "Mhm..." I decided not to think about it to much. Instead, I opened the subway bag and began eating in worried silence, taking occasional drinks to help take my mind off of what happened. Once I finished my meal, I turned back around and put the remains of my meal in a pile, and tried to delete them. It worked, the items disappearing in a flicker of blue pixel-like flame. Getting an idea, I waved my hands over the clearing, imagining things I could use. First up, armor. I had an obsession with Halo, and while I know the armor wasn't exactly practical, it looked unique enough to help me stand out a bit. Though, that's probably not the best choice. Next I thought up of a basic red dodgeball, followed by a bag of sorts that would sling over my shoulder. It was a more simple bag, but I experimented and gave it an infinite storage. Well well, it worked. Once that was dealt with, I decided since I was going to live with the natives, I should at least look like one of them. Maybe once I get my stuff together. I decided to keep the ball, O.D.S.T. armor and my backpack, putting the bag and then ball in the backpack so I wouldn't have to deal with them. I slid the armor on with seemingly ease. Guess it's easier to put on than I thought. 'I should think of defense mechanisms to add to my armor. Maybe a shield? Jackal shield! And maybe a energy blade that those Elites have. Oh! And personal shields like those Spartans! Just stronger than usual without the overcharge glow.' In an instant, A golden shimmer flickered into my vision and disappeared. I heard a hum and a light blue bar appeared up in the visor as I felt my wrists get heavier, but only slightly. Actually, it feels as though everything I'm wearing and carrying is actually very light. Like a shirt and pants. I thought of the armor becoming a nano-mesh based material and for them to fold into a capsule around my neck. I made the capsule cling to my backpack. Almost as soon as I thought of that I felt the armor slid away from my skin and into a sort of collar around my neck and into the plasma shield and blade. The legs just folded up into the underside of my bag, which felt weird. 'Now, all that's left is to make my disguise. I'll just use my clothing pallet. I am a sucker for blue anyways.' In a couple seconds I had turned into one of the ponies, with a sapphire coat, and white hair. My field of vision became more wide and it took me several seconds to adjust. I still felt the slight weight of the collar along with the shield. Looking at my back, I saw that they had turned into saddlebags. Guess everything I had on molds with me I suppose. I guess so that it doesn't shift annoyingly from side to side. I also saw a pair of wings tucked underneath the bags sides. It was barely noticeable so I left it alone. I took a couple steps before stopping. I had no idea how to move around in this form. Let alone how my armor would react to this new form. 'Hmm, how do I do this. Should I do a voice activated code? Yeah, I probably should make that. And the voice activation code shall be, Sunset Overdrive! I thought. The collar then hummed for a second before clicking and beeping twice. That must mean that it's done. I don't even need to be a tech savant to do this. How cool is that!? I took a couple more steps. How the heck am I doing this? And why does it seem so easy? Must be a sub conscience decision, I suppose. I walked around for a couple minutes to really get it hardwired into my head, or at least so that I remember that I'm on all fours now. 'Hmm, reminds me of a simulation that has a goat as the main character' It was going to be tricky without hands. I tried to think of ways on how to do so, but didn't get that far. I felt a tingle on my forehead and instinctively looked. There was a sharp, spiraling horn that protruded from my forehead. And it was glowing a ghostly emerald hue that was see through. I shrunk under the glow as several nearby trees I broke began floating in the same emerald glow. My mind stalled as I thought of what exactly was happening. First the wings, then a horn. When I saw the town I didn't see any of the ponies with both wings and a horn. I lost myself again. There were so many things that were being weird today I was just about ready for a nap. I don't take them often, but the occasion basically called for it. 'It's like my imagination's the limit.' Deciding to just head straight into town I hoped that nothing else would happen today. At least without me being away from it so I can figure out why god just went "Here, take my power, no go commit crime.". I let out a sigh and began my trek back into the town. Hopefully nothing will bother me. Or at least push me again. I may be a partial pacifist, but I'll still pimp slap someone if they piss me off or hurt someone. Heh, it's kinda ironic how when I saw that plasma rifle I didn't want it but now I have a plasma blade on my right forearm. I swear my mind is funky. First I don't want something then I want something like that first said thing but the only difference is one shoots plasma and the other is a plasma based melee weapon. I felt a headache come on as I walked, the amount of info my mind could handle was nearing it's limit. Hopefully my walk will clear my head. Or maybe a nap. Yeah, a nap sound tasty right about now. Damn! I wanna sleep! 'I wonder if I can even talk to the locals. Hah, maybe I can talk to the women on this planet. God they were awful to deal with back on Earth.' I thought. I stopped right in my tracks, suddenly realizing what I had done. "I totally fucking jinxed it, didn't I?" I said aloud. Shaking my head I decided to focus on getting to the town without too many distractions. Now isn't the best time to screw myself over. > Chapter 2: New Faces (Re-Written) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirty Minutes Later I was standing just outside of the town. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was starting to become a orange hue. It was a very beautiful sight if I were to stay and admire it. I lifted my hoof for the third time in several minutes to try and push myself to go into town. I wanted to go in, but I didn't know if I should, uncertain if they could be able to figure out if I was really one of them. 'What if they can tell I'm not from this world? What if I mention something really advanced, or even say the wrong thing? I don't even know how strong they are, or if I'll be able to take on one of them at my current strength.' I saw the ponies beginning to gather around a large house that looked like a tree. Seemingly through the back, that is. I lifted it again but had actually managed to put the hoof down in front of me. A surge of confidence coursed through my chest as I began walking towards the town. A smile came to my face, finally overcoming my anxiety induced state, and desire to avoid it in totality. I managed to get a couple blocks in when I saw two ponies walking with each other near me. One was grey with a blonde mane and tail with golden eyes and the other was pink with a violet shade of hair and tail with a lighter highlight. On the grey's rump was seven differently sized bubbles and the other had three neatly cut diamonds in a triangle. I made a mental note to avoid looking that, since I could be technically staring at their ass. They were walking to the tree house, which was also the place I was headed. If there was a party, then I was definitely going to at least take something to eat. Maybe even get something to read as well. I wonder if they have any books about the laws of relativity and physics. "I don't know if we'll be late mom! Come on! Lets go!" Hurried the pink one. She had a youthful, almost childish tone to her voice, it betraying her grown physical body. "I don't know, last time we didn't really leave a good impression on the new ponies." Reasoned the grey one, now being identified as the mother to the pink one. I wanted to get past them but also didn't want to go near them. I feared that if I get roped into their conversation, I'll easily out myself as a stranger to their lands. I quickly tried to make my was past them by sticking to the other side of the road. Hopefully they don't notice me. Paying a little too much attention to their direction, and speed-walked right into a wall with a audible thud. I fell backwards on my rump and looked at the wall with a surprised look before it turned to one of slight annoyance. They had most likely been oblivious to my presence before, but they definitely were staring at me now. "Who puts a wall like that there." I muttered silently to myself. "Are you okay sir?" Asked someone from behind me. It sounded like one of those two I was semi-trailing. I lowered my head in embarrassment before picking myself back up and recomposed myself from the poor attempt to kiss the wall. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for the concern though." I replied, somewhat more forced than I really wanted. I looked over to her with my head slightly lowered. It was the grey pony with the golden...crossed eyes? She immediately looked away back to her daughter, and called her over. "Amethyst, come on, maybe he knows where Pinkie's surprise party's at!" She turned back and looked back at me with both eyes fixed on me. What's up with her eyes? Is it a sort of disorder? She looked at me with an expecting look, as if silently asking me a question. I looked between her and her daughter, who was coming closer. I decided to slowly back away. "I don't think he knows where it's at either. Don't you?" Questioned Amethyst. I stopped inching away slightly and pondered for a bit. There were a lot of ponies going to a large tree. Maybe the party is an outside one. But then they were going inside of the tree. I'll just tell them what I saw from the forest. Or is that the woods? "Well, I don't know where it is exactly, I did see a lot of ponies going to a large tree near the center of town. Maybe that's where the party is being held?" I said, hoping that's what they wanted. A look of realization hit Amethyst. As did the grey one. "Do you mean The Golden Oaks Library?" Asked the grey one, her right eye going slightly in a different direction. "Yeah! That's where it was being held. Come on, lets go!" Hurried Amethyst, before doing a weird thing with her hooves. It was like a half run half walk sort of thing. jogging, perhaps in their books. The grey mare began doing the same thing before stopping and turning back towards me. I hadn't moved from my spot when she turned to me fully. "Are you coming?" She asked, almost kindly. I tilted my head to the side. Why would I come to a party I wasn't invited to? Was it a walk in party? Do those exist here? "I don't know if I should or not. I wasn't invited, so I wouldn't want to intrude." I said. I didn't wanna be that guy who mooches off of parties. But then again, I don't have anything to do. "I'll extend the invitation to you. Nopony should ever miss a Pinkie party. And, I think she'd want anyone to join." She said before doing that running/walking thing again. "Now come on! We'll be late!" She shouted after she was a ways away. I followed her despite my desire to not. I was questioning on why she would invite someone to a party for someone else specifically. Maybe it was indeed, a walk in party. Or, she might be leading me to a place where they just gangbang everyone and I unintentionally accepted. Who knows, I sure don't. Different worlds are never a good thing. And man, is this so much more different. She had slowed down to a normal walking pace and I had caught up with her shortly. We walked together in awkward silence. Looks like Amethyst already got there before us. That, or the gangbang came to her. Crap, that just sounds wrong. "..." "So, uh, where are you from?" She asked suddenly, sounding curious and to break the silence I kinda induced. "I came from a small town." I responded. There was more awkward silence between us. It seemed like she wanted me to continue. 'This is probably the most awkward I've been since high school. GET IT TOGETHER FRANZ! YOU'RE NOT A HORMONIAL TEENAGER ANYMORE!' I thought. I saw her look in my direction a few times. Mostly at my armor capsules. Maybe I should have been more discreet about them and not let them kind of dangle around. Deciding to break the silence I spoke out to her. "How long have you been here? You seem to know the layout fairly well." She looked at me with a happy grin. One that looked genuine. "I've been here for three years now. And my daughters for about half that." She explained. Wow, that must mean she's has some pretty close friends around these parts. And kids too? Wait, daughters? I saw the library a couple blocks away. Hopefully I can break off on a good note with her. Who know's, maybe I'll see her again soon. "Do you have any foals?" She continued. Giving her a surprised, and flustered look, I cleared my throat and looked in the opposite way. "No, I don't have any children of my own. Not yet, at least." I answered truthfully. I did want kids, but knowing my human options were gone, my love life, and in turn my sexual desires will most likely perish. She giggled at my expense. "Really? Wow. I thought you would have already given your... personality." She said jokingly as we passed another block. "Oh, would you look at that! We're here!" I said suddenly, my face heating up as it took a noticeable red hue. What is this lady trying to imply!? "Well, this has been nice and all, but we should get inside for the party." I said, reaching for the handle. "Wait! Don't open the door! We have to go in through the back so we don't ruin the surprise." She said, hopping in between the door and I with her back against the wall. Her wings and legs spread out suddenly, cutting me off from the door. Surprise? Oh yeah! The surprise party! "Oh, right. Kind of forgot about that." I said, pawing at the dirt a little. Man, who knew a talking pastel horse would fluster and insult my love life like that. Looking at her to lead the way, she folded her wings and began walking toward the back, with me following close by. When she reached the door she knocked on it a few times in a specific order and rhythm. The door opened and a snow white pony with a purple stylish curl to her mane. She looked over at the grey pony before letting her in. She then looked over to me and recoiled a bit, before she shook her head and glancing at my body. I didn't notice the barely visible red tint in her cheeks. "Well, who are you? Are you here for the party?" She asked in a rather posh accent. It was kind of cute, maybe even attractive if she were a human. But alas, I'm stuck in horseland. I stared at her for a second before I snapped out of my inner dialogue. I opened my mouth when the grey pony came back and spoke before I could say anything. "He's with me Rarity. I invited him over when he walked into a wall." Amethyst's mother let out a mirthful laugh, while the newly named Rarity slightly cringed at the notion. "It's almost like he wasn't looking where he was going!" She said loudly, before being hushed by someone in the back. Rarity looked at me with an apologetic gaze. Almost as if say sorry for the mother's crude jokes. I mean, it's not something I wasn't used to, but still. Hard to believe that my first impression of the horses is a clumsy guy who walks into walls. "Do come in, darling. The party hasn't started yet. But it should in a couple minutes when the guest of honor arrives." She said. Lets hope the party won't be one of the ones where the victim in questions takes it poorly. Stepping inside, I noticed it was pretty dark and I could barely see in two feet in front of me. Let alone all of the ponies that surrounded me. And as It turned out, my vision just hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet. After a few seconds I could see my surrounding more accurately. There were a lot of ponies in here. I counted them in the dozens and left it at that. Also, I was noticeably taller than a majority of them, only a few other males, or I think they are males, had their heads poking above the crowd like I was. I feeling a tapping sensation on my shoulder, or side, I looked over and saw Rarity right next to me, which startled me since she wasn't near me a couple seconds ago. I managed to suppress my surprise, and make a nervous smile. She brushed her mane with her hooves and looked over to me. "So, how do you like Ponyville so far. I hope you didn't have any bad experiences so far. Did you?" She asked, looking at my visor as if to inspect it. "Well, uh, no. I haven't been here long enough to form a valid opinion yet." I said, following her gaze. The visor didn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary. At least to my knowledge. She got a small frown, as if to disapprove of my choice of words. "Of course your opinion is valid, it's a small town, and there isn't many ponies who show up like yourself. Do tell me what you think?" She reasoned. "I uh... I think it's pretty good so far. Nothing noticeable or exotic has happened yet." I said truthfully. Hey, it's true. Not a lot has happened yet. This reminds me of when I first moved into the major populace of where I used to live. A lot happened during my stay to collage, and a lot of terrible decisions regarding sleep schedules too. At least that's how I met... ... Who did I meet? Feeling a dull throb in my head, I tried to remember who I met, but I just couldn't place who. "She's coming! Places everypony!" Whispered loudly an eccentric sounding pony. Rarity disappeared into the crowd, whispering that she was gonna find me later, and I was confused on what she meant by that. Then I remembered that it was a surprise party. I could hear muffled voices coming from the front door. Almost as if two ponies were talking. the door opened and in flew in a butterscotch pony with a pink mane and tail. She appeared to be holding a really big green and purple lizard. She was saying something about needing sleep and such when a lavender pony with a dark blue mane and tail with a pink stripe down the middle. The lavender pony pushed in front of the butterscotch one, taking the lizard out of her cradling hooves and pushing her outside. Electing to hide behind a few ponies, I waited for the lights to come on. I wasn't sure if they would notice us since there's a lot of us here. The small lizard placed it's arm on its sides and watched the lavender pony slam the door in the other one's face. "Huh, rude much?" The now male identified, talking lizard said. He was eyeing the lavender one with slight glare. I never knew that lizards his size could talk. I always thought they would try and eat you. Oh crap, different world, different rules. "Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time. I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?" Asked the lavender pony. Nightmare Moon? Who's that? The light suddenly flickered on, and everyone shouted surprise. Which made me flinch out of 'surprise'. I looked over to the lavender pony. She let out a groan of annoyance when a pink pony with a slightly darker shade of mane and tail began to excitedly talk to her. I had momentarily forgotten my question, the stimulation around me stunning me, but soon remembered. 'Nightmare Moon. Who's that? I thought. The pink pony was seemingly really excited for some reason. They kept talking and the pink one said some key words that triggered several other ponies to appear next to her, and one was flying! Said flying one was cyan with a rainbow colored mane and tail with a cloud of a rainbow colored lightning bolt. Another one was orange with a blonde mane and tail in a ponytail with a trio of apples on her flank and a stetson adorned on her head. Then there was the yellow one, and Rarity. The lavender one went to pour herself a drink while the others stood proudly and picked the hot sauce by accident. She took what looked like big gulps at a time and began to tear up, no doubt from the capsaicin. She then turned and looked at them before jumping in the air and speeding away while still hovering. My mind stalled as to what exactly happened and my simple mind only came up with one thought. 'Does this world run on cartoon logic? Also, WHERE IS THE LAMB SAAAAAUCE! Haha, couldn't help myself.' The lavender pony began climbing the stairs rather quickly and I decided it was best to leave her alone for the time being. Or, until I could ask her who she was referring to earlier. Turning back to the five of the ponies I saw that the pink one was dumping hot sauce from the lizards claw and on a cupcake before swiping up and eating it in one bite. The other five of them looked at her with mild shock before shifting into a look of amusement. Not knowing what to do now, I left to find a bathroom. I haven't exactly gone for a couple hours, and I wasn't about to risk teleporting my piss to the bathroom. Who knows what might happen. I saw Amethyst's mother conversing with another pony and decided to not disturb their talk and headed upstairs. Once upstairs I found myself in a hallway and began going door to door for anything that resembles a toilet. I found it and sat on it to relieve myself from the burden of carrying it for so long. That was a lot of soda I drank earlier. Afterwards I had washed my hooves, and made a small mess, and left the bathroom to see if the lavender pony had calmed down and talk about this "Nightmare Moon" she mentioned. I had climbed the stairs and stood by the door. I didn't want to just go in and start rambling so I knocked three times and waited for a second. She didn't respond. I was going to knock again when she opened the door and I froze. She let out a low growl of annoyance as I backed away slightly. She noticed this and hung her head in slight embarrassment. "Sorry, sir, I just don't want to be bothered right now." She said, going to close the door. She almost closed it entirely before I spoke. "Nightmare Moon. I'd like to know more about this character, if you don't mind?" I questioned. She immediately stopped and opened the door. I hadn't expected a sudden reaction. Let alone be allowed to come in. But she didn't move for me come in the room. So I probably shouldn't assume. It's dangerous to assume. She narrowed her eyes at me, seemingly accusing that I was making fun of her. I backed away, not wanting to face the wrath of a unicorn if she were to attack me. And a female unicorn at that! "Are you sure you want to hear me? You wouldn't understand." She said, relaxing her brow into a less threatening manner. "I am fairly open minded, and if this Nightmare Moon is as important, or even dangerous, as you think, then I think it's at least worth looking into by more than just one... pony." I said, hoping she wouldn't catch my pause. She looked at me hesitantly, almost like she wasn't fully convinced. "Look, you don't have to let me in, or even tell me anything, but I do want to help in anyway I can about this Nightmare Moon. Even if it's just us shooting ideas. So, may I?" I said, showing my hoof in a open manner to the door. She looked down the hall before moving aside, allowing me access to the room. Not wasting time, I walked inside and took in the surroundings. The room was big and had a small staircase that lead up towards a bed. There were bookshelves just about anywhere there was an empty spot. Under the stairs was another stairway that lead to another part of the house, presumably the bathroom. She had closed the door and turned to me. I decided to be the first to break the question. "Thank you. Now, do you have anything about this particular character?" I asked, her giving me a suspicious look. Pondering for a few moments once she was done giving me a once over, she as if she was recollecting her thoughts on the subject at hand. Once finished, she spoke in a very calculating and narrative voice. As if telling a story. "Long ago, there were two regal sisters who ruled Equestria, the eldest used her unicorn magic to raise the sun at dawn, while the younger sister raised the moon for the night." 'Already this doesn't make sense.' I thought. How can someone be that powerful to raise and lower the sun? "They lived in perfect harmony, until one day, the younger began noticing that all the ponies shunned and slept through the beautiful night she created, and basked and played through her sisters day and became jealous as the older sister who didn't notice, until it was too late." 'Sounds like a hell of a lot of responsibility to put on just two ponies.' "Then, one night, the younger sister refused to lower the moon. The eldest attempted to persuade her sister, but only managed to infuriate her. And so, she became a wicked mare, and fought her sister to rule the lands for eternal darkness." 'I bet she's like one of those really gothic, and maybe even emo ponies. And pretty powerful to cast an entire planet in eternal darkness.' "The eldest then had to use the Elements of Harmony to banish her on the moon, and it is prophesied that on the longest day on the 1000th year, the stars will aid in her escape, and to bring nighttime eternal." A look of concern spread over my face. As did one for her too. "Well, whatever she does, we'll make sure she doesn't" I said, raising my right hoof and activating my energy blade. Her face lit up in surprise and lighting the room in a dim glow. "Wait, that didn't come out properly. Crap, that was such a wasted one liner. Oh well, maybe next time." I rambled stupidly, deactivating my energy dagger. "What is that?" She asked closing the distance between her and myself. Thankfully I turned it off or else she might've impaled herself. I set my hoof down in embarrassment, only for her to lift it up in a violet glow. I stared at her with a look of surprise. Before she could do anything with it I pulled it away from her. "Hey! Careful with that!" I said as I looked at it with a look of worry. Thankfully, she hadn't warped anything in her weird magical grasp. She looked a little upset, when a calculating look suddenly took her face. Setting my hoof down I decided to explain what it does, along with my armor and shields. Just the basics, of course. I opened my mouth to speak when a headache suddenly appeared and I winced in pain. Shutting my eyes I tried to ease the pain I was feeling throughout my skull. Opening my eyes, I saw that everything began blurring as a dark, undetailed being in the corner of the room began laughing maliciously at me. Two piercing cat-like eyes stared at me, analyzing my every move. I looked over to the lavender pony. She was frozen still, with that calculating look still on her face. "There is nothing you can do to stop me, Franz. Not even Celestia could stop me with this new power!" Shouted the blurry figure. The only thing that made sense was that I was having a vision of some sort. Hopefully, I can peek at what I was seeing in the future. Or I was drugged and didn't notice yet. I stared blankly at the figure, expecting it to continue talking or something. I stood there awkwardly as the blur became more detailed. She had a pitch black coat and a starry flowing mane and tail. She also wore some sort of armor that hugged her sleek form. She also wore helmet suited for a pony. "Is it buffering or something?" I said patiently. If I used my imagination, I could almost see a small buffering sign spinning right above her head. "Nay, I can confirm that I am not 'buffering' as you call it." She said, surprising me. Oh hell! "Come closer Franz, I wish to see you before I reign control over the land once again." She said. Deciding to get closer to it, even though I could get hurt, to get a better look at it I managed to get right in front of her. At least, to my knowledge, it sounded like a she. She just stared down at me with a look of amusement. I went to touch her forearm. I made contact when it suddenly went through her. It felt as though I was putting my hoof through water, but without getting it actually wet. 'What I'm feeling right now would spark a lot of controversy on whether water is wet.' I thought. I heard a light feminine chuckle from the now visible being in front of me. Looking up I saw her watching me with a fanged smile. I raised an eyebrow at her, not realizing the punchline. "You don't remember me, do you?" She said a little creepily. "No? How are talking to me and freezing her?" I reasoned. It seemed like a good idea to poke a figurative bear right now. "We are only communicating through a link you formed with her a thousand years ago." She said. A thousand? What is she talking about? I'm not that old, still in my early 20's damnit! She suddenly stumbled, as if something struck her from behind. Her image flickered into a smaller pony that had had a navy blue coat with a lighter blue mane. She had a small black, sparkling tiara and a neck thing on that portrayed the image of a crescent moon. She saw me, and instantly threw herself on me. "Please! Don't listen to her! She's trying to corrupt you as well! Don't listen to her! If not for your sake then for Equestria's as well!" She pleaded. I yelped as she jumped at me, obviously not expecting to get possibly molested in the vision. Not something I thought I would ever say. "There isn't time! Please, whatever that wench may utter, anything she promises, you mustn't listen! Please do-" She suddenly disappeared, and left me with confusion. I felt a pulling sensation all around me, and suddenly I found myself back to my original position in conversing with the lavender unicorn. I noticed that my mouth was still open, and I quickly closed it. The lavender pony looked at me with a confused look, breaking her analyzing look. "Uh, what we talking about?" I asked, losing my train of thought prior to the thing that just happened. "I believe you were going to show me what your gadget does." She said, looking at it with interest. Looking at my right hoof I lifted it up and let her get a good look at it. I decided to give her a basic understanding of what it does. "This is a Type 95 Energy blade, or energy dagger. And on my other hoof I have a Plasma Point Defense Gauntlet." I explained, lifting my other hoof to show her what it looked like without activating it. She had a fascinated look in her eyes, the same one kids get when they get a new toy. (Couldn't find one where it was just the gauntlet for the dagger) (The shield in it's dormant state.) "Where did you get this?" She asked. "I made them, actually." I answered. Not originally, but more like materialized. She got a slight puzzled look. "If you made them, then why haven't you send the formula and technological schematics to the Princess? Is there some reason you've kept such important inventions away from them?" She asked, eyeing me a little too narrowly. 'Shit. "Well, I just thought it would sound cool. I made them, so I name them, I keep them to myself." I answered. Whew, dodged a bullet. "What about your necklace? It looks like some weird pair of goggles. And last I checked, only Pegasi needed goggles for aerial purposes. And last I checked, again, you're a unicorn." She said, getting closer. Almost as if she didn't believe me. 'Shit 2.0' "Well, I-" I stumbled with my words. I could feel my throat straining to make words. "-don't want to talk about it." I managed. I could feel her suspicions rise. I wonder if I could play a sad backstory type of thing. Nah, I don't want to have a very dramatic backstory. I didn't like anyone to treat me like I was broken. "Why don't you want to talk about it?" She asked, pushing my choices. 'Shit Popsicle' "Because I barely know you. Maybe we should try being friends first if you want to find out." I offered simply. She got an offended look on her face. "Are you kidding me!? This again!?" She basically yelled in frustration. "What?! How about you reveal your past to someone you barely know. Try not to get all defensive on it either." I jabbed, turning away. Probably not the best way to cover my origin. I stayed silent for a few seconds before feeling bad about what I had said. Well, how I said it. It was fairly rude of me to get mad at her. I was going to turn back around when I heard her sigh. Looking back I saw that she had her head down in a regretful way. "You're right. I shouldn't have pried in your past like that." She said. A girl, apologizing! Now thats something you don't see everyday. At least, where I'm from. Wait! She didn't say those sacred words yet! "I'm sorry." She admitted. Turning back to her I saw her looking at the ground a little. I was a little strange seeing a horse, or, pony feel bad. Again, not a natural occurrence for me and my primate brain. "Well, uh, its okay. I just don't want to go back to my past. It wasn't a very pleasant thing to go through." While it's true, I hated a lot of people back on earth, mostly pricks who did the wrong thing, I had pretty bad experiences there. But there were always people supporting me through my life. So in a sense, it wasn't always the worst, but bearable enough to be palpable. She looked at me again. This time a small smile on her face, and she started to brighten up. "Well, we should probably discuss how we're going to stop Nightmare Moon. We got sidetracked pretty bad." I said. It's true though! "Yeah." She agreed. "Also, my name is Franz. Pleasure to meet you." I said, extending a hoof to her. She flushed and did the same, remembering she never gave me her name. "My name it Twilight Sparkle, but please, Twilight is just fine with me." She said, taking my hoof and bumping it with hers. Looks like we bump instead of shake here. "Alright then, Twilight. Do you have a plan?" I asked, giving her a nervous smile. And for the next hour or so, we planned for the inevitable Nightmare. > Chapter 3: Shenanigans (Re-Written) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After me and Twilight finished our game plan to attempt to stop Nightmare Moon (these damn names though), I had left and gone down to get something to drink. We had talked for at least an hour and my throat had gotten sore from it. The plan was a simple plan really. I would distract Nightmare Moon while Twilight went to look for the Elements of Harmony. The only reason we talked for so long was that I had to explain what exactly what my equipment did. I did tell her that I had armor, but didn't activate it. I had also joked here and there about what it did exactly but quickly corrected myself before she took it seriously. Funny, I had never seen a pony scribble down notes so fast with her magic, then scratch out the joke in a frantic manner. I got to the drinks and looked at the options. There were several bowls filled with various juices that each looked appealing. The table was long and could easily seat several ponies. I decided that the bright red liquid which I assumed was fruit punch. And it was a classic choice too, so nobody could really get mad. I saw the drinks vibrate from the bass of the stereos playing in the corner, along with the music being blasted from that DJ pony, who was dancing with the crowd behind the control panel. I levitated a cup and spoon and poured myself a drink. Surely no one spiked them while no one was looking, right? Taking a sip, I felt myself start to loosen up, only to be kicked in the behind by a random pony. "Ack!" I yelped, only for my cry of pain to get smothered by the everlasting dance music. 'If I can punch my leg with enough force to break a large tree in half then how the hell did I feel that.' I thought. Ignoring the particular assault to my dumper, I raised the cup to my lips and took another swig. It had a raspberry taste that I enjoyed for the most part. I looked to the crowd and watched them dance. So care free, and happy. I let out a happy sigh, and went to the snack table, which was on the other side crowd. I didn't want to go through them and I couldn't use my wings, which I had covered with a sweater. It wasn't a very interesting one. Just a light blue color that hid my wings easier. I circled around the crowd and bumped into several ponies, and after saying sorry, passed. Once there I looked at the snacks, which were mostly devoured and gone. I searched the table for any salvageable food and to my dismay there were only a couple of cookies and cupcakes. Grabbing the first one with my magic I raised it to my mouth and took a bite. The flavors all came at once, and overtook my senses into devouring the whole thing in one go. I chuckled as I remembered the time I went to a party once and almost put myself into a coma. Man, I know food is good, but surely six plates is enough to warrant some form of restraint. I did not know restraint, when I was younger. I felt something bump into me again, this time my flank. Turning I saw a white mare with a bright red mane and tail with a lighter highlight and a rose on her flank. I noticed a couple ponies in the back who were watching us from afar. One was pink and had a blonde mane and tail with a picture of a lily and the other was a lighter violet than Twilight and had a light green mane and tail and was sporting a daisy on her flank. Looking back at the mare who had purposely bumped into me she looked at me with forest green eyes. "Hi! I noticed that you were alone and decided to invite you over! My name's Roseluck! Nice to meet you!" She yelled over the loud music. "Uh, hi?! I'm Franz, I just got here a few hours ago!" I yelled back, mirroring her voice level. "Come on! Lets go back to my friends!" She motioned to the two ponies who were watching us. They both looked at each other before pretending to have small talk. Somethings up, and the gangbang theory came back to mind again. We cut through the crowd as I followed closely behind her, making sure to not step on anyone. Once across, she introduced me to her friends, who in turn, acted like they weren't just watching me a little bit ago. "Lets go somewhere quiet, like outside!" Said Roseluck, telling her friends and I. I saw the back door and went there and the three of them followed me. Opening the door I saw several ponies scattered around the back, but payed no mind to them. The three of them got out and I shut the door. The loud music now toned down to just hearing the faint bass, and felling it too. Turning to them I got a little self conscience from their watching. One of them, the light violet one, broke the silence. "Hi, I'm Lily, and she's Daisy, and were florists that work at a small business near the center of Ponyville. Rose happened to see you go up to the new pony's room, and you were up there for a while." She said, leaning her head in a little with a small smirk. A heat rushed to my face and frowned at them. "It's not what you think. We were only talking about how mass cannot be created and destroyed, only warped. It seemed to cool her off a bit." I said. It wasn't the truth, but I was reasonable enough to not cause a panic induced stampede. Daisy seemed to think that I was telling the truth. She smiled and spoke. "I know, we just like giving new ponies a hard time. So, were you from?" She asked. I coughed, the question catching me off guard entirely. Crap, I hadn't thought that far yet. "Well, ah, you see, I don't think it's anywhere you've heard of. At least, I think." I said, raising my hoof to the back of my head. "Well, there are a lot of small villages scattered all over Equestria. So you're bound to come from somewhere." Said Roseluck. "Yeah, although, some went to form larger cities and stuff." Offered Lily. "Ooh! Have you visited Las Pegasus?" Asked Daisy. Jesus, so many puns. I'm starting to think this place is just a ponified version of earth. "N-no, I didn't live anywhere near there. And I'd rather not say where. But it was an alright town." I said simply. Honestly, a lot of people there were nice, but the town itself wasn't great. Humble even. Perhaps to a fault. "Oh, okay." Said Daisy. "Well if you ever need a bouquet, or roses-" Lily was cut off by Roseluck. "-Or a special somepony!" 'Like I have that in mind...' I thought. "-come on over. Then we can hang out some more and talk about... whatever you'd like." I really wanted to say no, but the looks they were giving me made my heart ache. Or maybe I was having a heart attack from how they were making those puppy dog eyes. That, or the punch really was spiked. "Sure, I'll probably swing by. Maybe even get something. Who knows, I might even... uh... I'm rambling again. Yeah, I'll swing by." I said, slightly annoyed by my unnecessary amounts of words. "Alright. Well, see you later then." Said Roseluck coming closer. I was confused on what she was doing exactly when she wrapped her forearms around my shoulder. I stood there, blankly looking at the other two ponies in hope that they'll explain exactly why she was hugging me. Instead, they just rolled their eyes and smiled. "Don't worry, Heat season ended a few days ago." Heat? isn't that when... I realized I had been holding my breath for a bit. I took a whiff of air when I smelled a smelly smell that smells smelly. It was actually a sweet rosy fragrance that had a bit of a musk to it. Or was it spice? I wasn't sure, and It sure as hell made me uncomfortable. I raised my hoof to her chest and pushed away. She looked at me with a smile before turning back to her friends. "I know. But still, maybe next time." She said with a wink. "Uh, you're messing with me again, Aren't you." I said. 'Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes!' I thought. She gave me another wink before saying her answer. "Maybe." 'It's close enough!' "So, goodnight?" I said, hoping to cut off the conversation and go back inside. The last few cupcakes were looking very promising. "Goodnight!" The three of them said before heading inside. Roseluck, for some reason, kept looking back at me. And every time she did, I nodded my head in order to silently encourage her that I would be fine. She only did it about twice before finally being fully back inside the Library. I let out a groan of annoyance. I honestly wanted to go back for those cupcakes. And now it'll be all awkward if I go in. "Inaudible muttering." I said. I remembered I had left my saddlebags upstairs with Twilight. And I didn't want to bump awkwardly into Daisy, Lily, and/or Roseluck. Especially Roseluck. I shivered as I imagined her licking my ear. That would be hard to explain away. Unless they're creepy weirdo's who perv on people. Who knows, but at them moment, I decided that my bag was fine. and it's extra secure with that energy lock I put on it. I made it myself and it was inspired my the Spartan Armor Restraint. I'm actually proud of myself. But then again, she might find out about them and I'll have a bad time explaining it to her. I began walking to the window and peered inside. Sure enough, ponies were still dancing like it was the end of the world. Once I was sure I was out of range of onlookers I tried to spread my wings, then remembering something. I'm wearing a sweater to cover them. "Oh yeah! I can jump high. Duh!" I said, twitching my feathers. I looked back at them for a second. Huh, guess they can do that, even if I have them bound to a sweater. I found the balcony and analyzed how far it was off the ground. If a pony usually measures around 3 1/2 feet, and if I stack a bunch of them on top of each other, then that means I would have to jump 12-14 feet in the air. But I'm bad at math so I'll probably overshoot it and fall off the other side. "Eh, fuck it." I said, prepping my launch. Once I had gathered enough courage I jumped. "Kobe!" I said more to myself to try and ease my pain if I didn't make it. Now, I was expecting to overshoot it or not have a strong enough kick but I actually undershot it with a too strong of a start and I crashed into the underside of the balcony. Thankfully, I didn't break anything, but I did make a loud THWACK noise. It probably woke up Twilight, but I'm hoping she was still asleep. I had also stuck myself into a branch and was dangling with the sweater covering my face. I gave an annoyed puff as I tried to kick my way free but to no avail. I heard the sound of the balcony door open and the clip-clop of Twilight's hooves. "Hello? Franz is that you?" She asked slightly annoyed. OH SHIT! "Waddup." I said nonchalantly. God, if I don't reveal myself as a human, then my references will be a dead giveaway. I could always say I'm from the future, but that'll be even harder to explain away. "What are you doing under the balcony?" She asked. "I saw a squirrel and it had a very tasty looking, uh, nuts. WALNUTS!" I spit out pathetically. I was expecting her to not believe me. And I was right. Which was weird for me to be right. "I don't believe you. I have a hard time thinking you were wrestling a squirrel for a walnut. And this is a hollowed out great pine. "No! He had two and I wanted one. And he wouldn't give me one. So I went into his stash and he, uh, bit me and I jumped." I said, getting more quiet the longer I talked. This was the dumbest excuse I have ever come up with. "Oh really, And where did he bite you?" She asked, coming closer to the balcony edge. Ack! My wings! "AAH! NO STAPH!" I yelped and kicked furiously. The branch finally snapped and I fell. Something inside me took over and my wings flared out and corrected my descent onto my hooves. It happened so quickly that I didn't have time to register it for a few seconds. The branch landed a few inches from my hooves and sure enough, a squirrel landed on my head along with several walnuts hitting the floor. I looked up and saw the squirrel look back at me with the same expression as me. Confusion. "Uh, truce?" I offered awkwardly. Said squirrel only shrugged and jumped off my head, scratching it a little from his tiny sharp claws. Looking around and making sure nobody saw me, and thankfully no one did. I looked up and saw Twilight looking down at me with a bewildered expression. "What exactly happened?" She asked, losing her look and taking a more serious gaze. I decided it would be best if I came clean. Well, at least my intentions. "Well, I had left my saddlebags upstairs next to a wall and I didn't want to go through the crowd, so I thought about taking a different route and started climbing the side of the tree and up to the balcony." I said, after a moment of consideration. She pondered for a second, and frowned promptly after. "Then what did you hit on the way up?" She said immediately. Well, here goes my maximum effort. "I jumped." I said. "You jumped from a branch, and hit your head on the floor, and got stuck in a branch that happened to catch your hind legs?" She questioned. "Yup, something like that." I said, slightly quicker than my normal talking speed. Thankfully, she didn't notice. "If you wanted to get your saddlebags, then you could have just tossed a pebble or something to get my attention." I stared at her for a second before processing that information. A pebble? Isn't what they do in romance movies when the guy sneaks to the girls house and throws a couple pebbles before throwing a brick? If so, then I would have to go looking for a brick. And if not, then my definition of a romance movie is pretty bad. I hadn't realized that I had materialized said object in front of me until I looked down. Twilight, who saw me look down, also followed my gaze and also saw the brick. She narrowed her eyes and gave me a look of suspicion. "Were you going to throw that brick at the window!?" She asked, sounding annoyed. "I couldn't find a small enough rock to throw." I said. 'Quick thinking' I thought to myself. Only to realize in horror what I had just said. She looked completely flabbergasted to my remark. "You're literately standing on a cobblestone pavement! It's made of rocks! Small ones too!" She practically yelled at me. Meanwhile, I had been slowly stuffing the brick into one of my sweater's pockets. She noticed this and groaned in annoyance. "Just leave the brick alone! Why do you want it anyway?!" She asked, if not a little bit on the dangerous side. Danger being her coming down here to kick my ass. "To throw at Nightmare Moon, of course." I said simply. "You wouldn't dare." Said Nightmare Moon in my head. Instinctively, I pulled a power move. 'Watch me, pussy lips.' Twilight let out a sigh of defeat. Then her horn lit up with her magic, and my saddlebags were lifted out and onto the ground. "Here are your saddlebags. Now let me sleep!" She yelled, then walked back inside and shut the balcony door. I stood there, staring at my bags for a second. Then a thought came to mind. ''Did she just kick me out?'. I shrugged and deactivated the energy lock on the bags. It popped and a small circular disk came of the inside of the bag and attached itself to my energy shield, merging with it and becoming more compact. I wonder how much I weigh with all of this tech on me. Probably around 250 pounds in gear alone. More or less if I keep adding more abilities. Can I add abilities? I decided to just go back inside and avoid those mares. Or just converse with the few ponies that were outside. Strapping my saddlebags on my sides I walking back to the entrance I opened the door and saw Rarity. Her eyes widened a bit before she smiled. "Franz, darling, I was looking for you." She said gracefully. Weird how she talks like a rich person. Wait, looking for me? "Why?" I asked. "Well, you are new in town. And It would be rude of me to not introduce myself properly." She said. That made sense. At least to me. "Okay. Is there a place to eat? I heard this place has some good places." I lied. I didn't need to buy anything. I could just create it. Though, I haven't tested the limits. "There are, however, none are open at the moment because it's a holiday. That and it's fairly late." Made me look a little dumb, but that was fine. I always look dumb. "Ah, that does make more sense." I said. looking back at my saddlebags. My sweater was still there and was showing a very thin outline of my wings. It'll take some time getting used to saying that. I heard a giggle from her and she stepped down from the small steps. I saw her eyeing my visor again. It was a subtle glance, but I noticed it. She began looking over me, as if to silently evaluate something. But I was pretty certain it was my sweater. "Darling, why do you wear a sweater? It is the middle of summer. I didn't see you with it earlier." She said. "That's because I get cold easily." I said. I was lying right now. My family is known for being warmer during the cold times. But lately, that's not right. "Well, I think that sweater look quite good on you. Fitting even. You should come over to my boutique and let me, how do I say, redesign perhaps?" She said. Redesign? "How am I going to pay for that? I don't really have any money on me." I said. What does their currency look like? "Well, the first one's on the house, darling. Think of it as a "Welcome to Ponyville" gift." She offered, fluffing her mane a little. Why does she keep calling me "Darling"? It's kinda creeping me out. "Uh, sure. I guess." I offered. 'Man, these ponies are really friendly.' I thought. "So, what's the celebration about?" I asked her. It was probably a bad idea to ask, but I had to know what's coming. She gave me a perplexed look. One that made me look a little more dumb. "Why, its the Summer Sun Celebration. The signs were set up and everything to ponies who were visiting from other towns and cities. Didn't you see them when you arrived?" She asked. Signs? I woke up in a woods with strange powers and is currently stuck in rainbow land! And on top of that, I can't remember what I was doing before I got here! How am I supposed to pay attention to something as insignificant to my survival as that?! "Nope, I probably didn't see them. I did wake up in the woods though with little to no memory on how I got there in the first place." I said. Hey, gotta make it look believable. "No recollection? What do you mean?" Rarity asked. "Try thinking of the last place you were at. Usually, that helps with remembering." She offered. I tried remembering where I was last when I was back on earth. The only thing that came up was me being in my room, watching the sun fall outside. I knew someone was with me, but it felt as though we were together. It hurt my head to try to think about it, and I also felt a numb pain in my chest the more I burrowed into my memories. "I remember being in at my apartment, at least, I hope it was my apartment. And I think someone was there waiting for me too. I don't know. It hurts my head if I think about it too hard." I said. I didn't want to mention that my chest was aching. "Hmm, we should see a doctor sometime. Although, you can enjoy yourself in the meantime. Besides, a little amnesia never lasts too long with modern medicinal magic. At least to my knowledge, so enjoy yourself. Come, I'll show you around town if you'd like to stay a while. I never was one for these loud parties in the first place." She said. Hmm. Maybe thats what I need. A walk. "Alright. Maybe that's what I need. Y'know, to jog the memory a bit." I said with a smile. She looked at me with a hopeful expression. Like a kid would get when you tell them their going to Disneyland. She then cleared her throat and began leading away. "Do come darling, I'll show you the school first. It is the closest. Then Stirrup street, then the railroads, then onto the park and to my boutique, and we'll swing by Sugarcube corner and to the town hall. It should take a few hours, but we will be just on time for Celestia's arrival." She said. Wait, hours? "Neat." I said immediately. I began following her, the darkness blinding me slightly before everything got very clear, thanks to the moonlight. I saw her a little in front of me, waiting expectantly. "Follow me, once I've shown you around you should be able to have a basic layout of Ponyville." She said confidently. "Cool." I offered simply. Boy, am I going to have a weird time here. Unknown P.O.V. Same Time Me and my two other buds watched the new stallion walk off with Rarity. It was weird, first he came here with Derpy, then went up to the other new pony, and now he's leaving with Rarity. "Hey, you don't think that he'll cause trouble, will ya?" I asked, looking at my friends. Nether Flame, a maroon Pegasus stallion with a black mane and tail with a fiery cutie mark scoffed. He usually pretended not to care, but he was very analyzing and protective. "If he does, then I can take him. Other than Rainbow Dash, I'm the best at the martial arts dojo." "But he's a unicorn. And his horn was pretty sharp looking too." Said the other stallion. That was Silver Shot. He was a unicorn too, with a white coat, a silver mane and light yellow eyes. Even though he could nail a target over a hundred yards away with a bolt of magic, the guy was pretty shy and reserved. His cutie mark was a target with a silver blast hitting the center. And me? I was a orange mare with a lighter shaded mane, with light blue eyes. And my cutie mark was a blossoming tree. "Aw, don't worry Silver, if worst comes to worst, you can trail him with me while Nether follows from above. You know, to keep up with him." "Who said I was following him? I made a oath that I wouldn't use my martial arts to harm unless provoked." Said Nether "What if he put her under a mind control spell! If he did then we could become vigilantes! Think about it, Nether. A chance to show the world what you're made of!" I said, trying to convince him to give chase. Rarity and I weren't close friends, but we were friends nonetheless. Nether didn't look convinced. At least, not entirely. Silver decided to voice his concern as well. "Well, uh, his horn does look like it's taken care of well, so thats one sign that he could be a powerful magic caster." He said, voice getting more filled with concern as he talked. Nether growled and finally agreed. "Alright Blossom. But only if I see him actually force spells on her. For all I know, she could be showing him around." "Great! Now come on! we're losing them." I said, trotting away after them. Silver Shot had a nervous expression while Nether flared out his wings and took to the sky. Silver Shot, not wanting to be left behind, quickly chased after Blossom. In The Bush At The Same Time I watched the trio of ponies walk away as I finished throwing up all of the food I ate. 'Note to self, don't drink cider you forgot to store for a party. Especially if you bought them two years ago.' I thought. I was in the bush because I needed a place to puke after I had told my "Friends" that the cider I had forgotten in my cupboard for two years was still good, and even demonstrated an example. Let me say, worst night ever! "Ugh, I should tell Rainbow Dash that Nether might get into a fight." I said. Suddenly, I shivered and threw up again, only more violently than last time. "Oh! Why!" I yelled into the air, wiping off disgusting chunks. > Chapter 4: A Little Tourism With A Dash Of Assault [Re-written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Franz's P.O.V After we had left the party me and Rarity began walking down a fenced path then led to some destination. Where it was, I had no idea. I walked quietly and wanted to listen to my music but didn't want to show anyone my worlds technology. I sure as hell didn't want them to come asking for stuff. But I'll have to tell them sooner or later. Hopefully much later. "So, Franz, where did you grow up? I would love to hear about it." Rarity said after a few minutes of silently walking in front of me. Oh boy. "Well, it's a small community that doesn't really do much. Only basic maintenance and some jobs to like schoolwork and farming." I said. That was actually a very watered down of the town I live in. Just strip down all of the modern day technology and advancements and that's what it'll leave you with. "Well, it sounds like a peaceful town. Although, it does sound quite, quiet. Yes, quiet." She said. I knew she meant boring, and it was, but she had at least decency. And I liked that. "Yeah, quiet. That's probably why we don't get visitors very often." I said. "Is that why you left then?" She asked. "No, not that. I don't remember the exact reason. It's like a part of my life was erased or something." I said, trying to remember the cause for my departure. I saw her glance at me for a second before getting a slight frown on her face before quickly turning back. I saw a red barn-like building a few dozen feet away. I'm guessing that's where she is taking me. We had reached the front of the building when she stopped. I stopped also and walked up next to her while giving her some space. "This is The Schoolyard. And it's where my little sister goes. I'm sure you will meet her eventually." She said. "Is it like a grade school?" I asked. "Yes, it's similar to one. Although a bit more, how to say, challenging than others? Thankfully I graduated here quite some time ago an now run a boutique." She said, letting out a sudden long sigh. "Something wrong?" I asked. "No. Just remembering the times I had here. They were quite memorable." She said, clearly reminiscing on her past. I scooted a little away from her, deciding it would be best to let her have her moment. Unfortunately, she snapped out of it and look back at my inching away. "Franz, are you alright? You aren't afraid of me, are you?" She asked. "Not you specifically, just the scenario. Normally I would rather be in a group or something. And not with a mare all alone. It kind of makes me look like a suspect if something were to happen." I explained. Personal rule, never hang out with women for longer than normal, and always, always, bring her back on time if it does happen. "Why would you look bad? Is it wrong to show a new pony the feel for the town? Who put those preposterous ideas in your head?" She said dismissively. "No one. I kinda developed them. Our small town wasn't exactly the most friendly regarding stuff like that." I countered. She stopped and thought for a moment. Then gave a small frown before growling. "Well, Ponyville isn't like that in the slightest! Of all my years living here, have I yet to run into an incident like that! Would you, per chance, like to stay for a while? I truly do wish to help you with this." She said, determination in her tone. "Okay." I said quietly, doing my habit of instinctual agreement. She didn't seem to notice my immediate agreement, and if she did, she probably wouldn't mention it. Now at least. "So, shall we continue our little tour?" She asked, more calm than a few seconds ago. "Uh, sure." I said, blindly agreeing. "Fantastic! Now, let's get a move on! We only have three more hours until the event." She stated, doing the weird run-walk thing again. Wait, three hours? How the heck did that happen? Does time go faster than usual here? Deciding to not question it I followed her to the next stop. Blossom's P.O.V. Me and Silver watched Rarity and the new guy go somewhere else. Most likely to Stirrup Street. "Silver, let's go!" I whispered. He gave a small groan, clearly being uncomfortable. "Blossom, I don't want to follow them! What if he decides to fight us if he finds us! And doesn't this qualify as stalking?" He said, nervously. "Only if he sees us. Remember, what he doesn't know won't hurt him." I said, giving him a small nudge. "You're making this sound like a heist." He pouted. I gave a light laugh. "Just don't think about it. I mean, we're only stalking Rarity and the new pony on a hunch that she's on under a hypnosis spell. That seems somewhat reasonable." I said. A realization suddenly came and I rethought of the situation. "You know, now that I think about it, it does kinda sound illegal." I admitted. "See what I mean!" He whispered. "Yeah." I agreed. I heard flapping wings and looked behind me. Nether looked at us with a bored expression. "So far I haven't seen him doing anything suspicious. And they're going down Stirrup Street now." He said, folding his wings. "I'm not so comfortable with stalking them. Maybe we should leave them?" Said Silver. "Why do you think he wears a sweater anyways? It's the middle of the summer." I said, moving a bang out of my face and deliberately ignoring Silvers whining. "Summer began a few days ago Blossom." Corrected Nether. "Still! He wears it like its winter. Isn't that weird?" I countered. "Maybe he knows it's going to rain soon?" Said Silver. "But it's not supposed to until this weekend. And it's Tuesday." Reasoned Nether. "What about that bulge on his sides? You don't think he's hiding anything underneath there, do you?" I said, shifting my eyes between them. "Maybe those were his saddlebags." Offered Nether simply. We thought about it for a second, rethinking to what he had on him. "Maybe that's some of his spell books in the saddlebags?" I said, "Yeah, that would make some sense. Sorry, Nether, but I, unfortunately, agree with Blossom." Said Silver. "While it does make more sense, I'm still not completely convinced." He said. "Well they are getting away." I said looking at the now empty spot. Nether let out a snort. "I'm gonna go follow them from above. I'll let you know if anything happens." Said Nether, spreading his wings and taking off. "Are you sure this is even reasonable?" Asked Silver. "Yeah. I bet he's going to the railroads. And I've got a plan to lure him out." I said. Silver gave me a look of uncertainty. After that, we continued stalking them. And told him my plan quietly. Bush Pony's P.O.V After my incident with the cider I went back inside and looked for Rainbow Dash. It was pretty hard to stay focused while having nausea. Along with that gross acidic taste in your mouth. I bumped into several ponies, who in returned just gave me a worried glance. I saw Pinkie Pie dancing like a maniac in the crowd. "Pinkie!" I shouted, but was drowned out over the blaring music. Looking to my left I saw the speakers literately vibrating the ground with its base, or bass, eck. words no workie. I decided to just tap on her shoulder, which would have been easy, if she wasn't swinging around her legs like a mad pony. Almost certain she came close to kicking some ponies. "Pinkie!" I shouted again, but with the same results. So I decided to just very carefully tap her. Which would have been great, if she didn't start jumping around like a kangaroo. I then saw Rainbow across the way, conversing to Thunderlane and Blossomforth. I then decided to just go to them instead. Walking to them I intruded on their conversation. "-why don't you just try a more angled glide instead of a dive bomb. Won't that be more safe option rather than straight downward spiral?" Said Thunderlane, sounding concerned. "Duh! I know that, it's just that dive bombs are more cool looking. And there's that low hum, you know, that one?" She said confidently. "You aren't gonna cause anymore property damage, are you." Asked Blossomforth, leaning in a little closer for clarification. "What?! Me?! No!" Said Rainbow, chuckling nervously. Both Thunderlane and Blossomforth narrowed their eyes on her. "Rainbow! Got a second?" I said, catching her and the others attention. "Yeah, what's up?" She asked, turning away. Blossomforth and Thunderlane both had a interested look on their faces. "It's Nether Flame. He's gonna fight the new pony. And Blossom and Silver Shot are backing him up." I relayed. Rainbow, along with Thunderlane and Blossomforth, had a surprised look. Rainbow's and Thunderlane's expressions turned into a scowl and Blossomforth had a annoyed look. "What the hay! What does he want to do with Twilight! Why would he fight a mare! Grr, what's his problem anyways!" She snarled. Wait, mare? I corrected them before the other two got the wrong idea. "No, its a stallion! A unicorn stallion." Rainbow, along with Thunderlane and Blossomforth expressions changed from angry to confused. "Wait, did you say a stallion? Where is he?" Asked Rainbow, closing the distance between us. I backed away slightly. "Last I saw he was leaving the party with Rarity. They said something about a spell. Concerning Rarity for that matter." I said, bringing the other two the details. It would be wise to bring a couple royal guard members into this. Even if they were in the reserve. "Well, lets go! We got to stop Nether if he tries to hurt him." Said Rainbow, who had jumped up and was now hovering above us. A bubbly sensation came up my throat and cringed. "I'll stay. I'm not feeling very well. Must've been something I ate." I said, starting to feel nauseous again. Rainbow gave a slightly worried glance. So did Thunderlane and Blossomforth. "Well, alright then. We'll follow you, Rainbow. Do you know where they went?" Asked Blossomforth, turning to me. "Yeah, they went to The Schoolyard. Or at least in that direction." I answered, feeling slightly worse now. "Alright, lets go guys!" Said Rainbow, bolting out the door and being tailed closely by Thunderlane and Blossomforth. I decided I should rest off my sickness. Trotting to the couch I made myself comfortable and curled into a ball. Hopefully a nap will help. AAAA! CRAMPS! Franz P.O.V When we arrived at the train station, she just gave me a little information on the place, as if she didn't want me to think about the railroads for too long. After that she told me she was gonna go to the "Little Fillies Room" and I didn't really question her about it. Must be a bathroom or something. I was looking at the map of Equestria for a while now. Specifically the parts where I woke up in. It was close to this Everfree Forest, but more inside the Whitetail Woods. And I was right! I woke up at close to the border of both of them. Kinda freaky. She's been in there for about a minute when I heard someone approaching me. Turning I was expecting to see Rarity, instead I saw a mare with an orange coat and a lighter orange mane and tail. She was looking at me with a bit of apprehension. Did we meet before? "Oh, hi, I'm Blossom, and you are?" She said, giving me a friendly smile. Wait, what's with the sudden shift? She isn't a tweaker, is she? Going with my gut I gave her a forced smile and fully turned to her. "Hey, I'm Franz. Nice to meet you?" I said, walking a bit closer. She shied away, apparently aware of something. I stopped and looked behind me before looking back at her. She seemed fairly nervous, as if she wasn't wanting to be near me. I raised an eyebrow at this. 'Somethings up.' I thought to myself "What's wrong?" I asked, masking my growing suspicion with a smile. "Nothing, its just that-" She trailed off, thinking on something. I saw her look at me with curious, but calculating eyes. "I've never seen a stallion wear jewelry before. Are those goggles, or sunglasses?" She said, slowly making her way up to me. That didn't make much sense. Is she gonna mug me? I decided to not move, analyzing her movements. She was gonna try and mug me, isn't she? If so, where's her knife? "Well, they're a special type of visor that help me see more clearly. Well, not clearly, but add more protection when necessary." I said, looking down at them and poking it a little to not feel awkward. Looking up I saw that she was right in front of me, inspecting them closer. "It looks like a fancy face shield. What's it made of?" She asked. "I.. honestly don't know." I said, looking around for Rarity if she was near. She noticed my gazing and began making very awkward eye contact, a coy smile plastered on her face, or is it muzzle? Hey! Blink! You're creeping me out more! "Looking for somepony?" She asked, breaking eye contact and flicking her hair back. It was very weird seeing her go from creepy to normal. I didn't know if I should feel safe or in danger with how weird she was being. Why was she here? Was she following us? What does she want? "Yeah, you know Rarity?" I asked her, slowly inching back. I didn't know if she was this worlds version of a crack head. She was being very meth head like. "Yes, she and I are friends." She said. I felt an annoying tugging in the back of my head. I didn't know what it was but it didn't hurt. But it did feel a bit strange. "Well, I'm supposed to, uh, be with her. You know. To talk and stuff." I said, losing more and more confidence the longer I went on. I had managed to get a few feet from her and she hadn't noticed. I turned and saw a silver stallion at the end of the boardwalk. He had a horn like I did, but it was smaller and more rounded. He gave me a look that was a mix of fear and determination. I thought about who he was. He was nearby where Rarity had gone and was giving me a pervert vibe. Okay, lets chalk it up to him knowing Blossom or something. "Well, she can visit you in Ponyville jail if you want." Said Blossom from behind me. I almost agreed to her remark, but caught myself before i actually said anything. "I beg your pardon?" I asked looking back at her. The tugging now becoming more of a yank. I wasn't sure if they heard it, but I heard a slight yelp and grunting noises from above. Almost like there were two ponies fighting one another. I looked in the sky and saw three figures wrestling one. That and they were doing some form of flying tactics. "B-blossom, I think Nether might be fighting somepony." Said the unknown guy that was now closer. "What?" She asked, looking at the sky. I pulled up my visor and looked through it. The visor shifted and pulled my face in to see more clearly. It felt odd but I didn't question it. The visor activated and showed me a clear view of what was happening. Sure enough there is a guy fighting three others while flying. "Should we help him?" I asked, slightly peeved she tried to threaten me with jail time. "Nah, he can handle himself. He's second in his dojo." Said Blossom. 'Bit rude much?' I thought. I turned to the silver stallion, who had suddenly appeared, and held out my hoof only to realize that I couldn't do handshakes here. I still held firmly, even if this wasn't a universal gesture. "Sup, I'm Franz." I offered as casually as I could, though with visor still attached to my face added some confidence to pull this off better. He looked over me, and finally at my face. He seemed fairly hesitant, but bumped his hoof with mine eventually. "Silver Shot." He said. We sat down and watched the four of them doing all sorts of tricks and acrobatic fighting moves. Every now and then I would glance over to either Silver or Blossom and catch them eyeing me. They would, of course, look back at the flying four once I caught them. While I was focusing on how they were fighting I felt my wings shuffle from time to time. I decided to break the ice and say who was fighting who. "Is Nether the red one with the black mane and tail?" I asked. "Yeah, can you see him?" Asked Silver. "Yup, he's fighting a blue mare with rainbow colored mane and tail along with a black pony with a white Mohawk and tail and a white mare with pink and green mane and tail. I think we should break them up now. They've been fighting for about five minutes." I said, suddenly remembering something. "I'm gonna go look for Rarity. I think we forgot about her." I said, getting up from my seated position and looking to find the bathroom. "Uh huh." Said Blossom, still somewhat entranced by the fight. After I had managed to get a bit of distance she let out a surprised "What!" before running after them shouting to stop with Silver following behind. I heard a dull thumping sound once I reached the bathroom, along with some groaning and moaning. It soon stopped once I had gotten close enough. I used my visor and saw a faint outline of Rarity laying at the door and hitting it with her hoof. It was a blurry outline, since the helmet only could properly outline biological things out if they were in the open. "Silver Shot! Open this door this instant! I will not have you and your friends ruin the tour of Ponyville for MY friend Franz! Remove the spell this INSTANT!" She shouted, making my flinch at the volume of her voice. Even though her voice was somewhat muffled, I could still fell the ferocity of it. "Um, Rarity? It's me, Franz." I said loud enough for her to hear through the thick door. I noticed that the fighting and yelling from the others was beginning to die down. Not that it mattered, but it was just a sudden drop. "Franz! Do be a dear and get this door open! That crazy stallion thought it would be humorous if he locked me in here with a blocking spell! You should be able to undo this, right?" She questioned. My mind blanked for a second. Get it open? How am I gonna do that? I had a vague idea on what to do, so I just went with my gut on this one. "Uh, okay, I need you to step back. Can you do that?" I asked. "Darling, you aren't going to try to bash down the door, are you?" She said, not sounding very impressed. "No, no. Nothing like that." I said, getting the armor lock device ready. I took aim at the door when the tingling sensation came back, this time much more urgent than before. Turning around, I saw a rainbow colored blur flying in fast. Deftly turning, I fired the armor lock. For some reason everything slowed down and I was startled when everything suddenly shifted. The circular disk was about to hit the now identified cyan mare and it looked as though it would cut through her chest. I took a cautious small step and relaxed slightly when everything didn't shatter into itself. If I'm screwing with time then I'll have to be really careful. I examined her. Apart from her unique appearance, and scowl, she looked like she was more on the lean, or even muscular side. I felt a bit creepy looking at her like this, social norms and all. The disk had only moved about a half inch, and so did the mare. I got in front of her and adjusted the disk to latch onto her chest instead of going through it. It didn't look like it would, but I was just playing it safe. All of a sudden everything began speeding up and I didn't have enough time to dodge the attack and was blown into the door. It stung a bit, way less than I originally thought, and I got back up from my spot on the floor. I saw that the mare who had tried to ram into me was now trapped in a field of energy. She was facing the wall and began struggling against the restraints. She still had her hooves out for what looked like a double punch and her wings were flared out. The door, still intact somehow, opened slowly to reveal a slightly frazzled Rarity. Disabling my visor, I felt it rapidly fold back into itself and onto my chest. She noticed the mare first and got a confused look. "Rainbow Dash?!" Questioned Rarity as she got closer to her. "I wouldn't get that close to her if I were you." I said, quickly closing the distance between them with a slight worried face. Thankfully this Rainbow Dash didn't throw me too hard or far. "Het, what is this stuff! Let me out!" She growled. She then took notice of me and Rarity. "Hey! Get away from her! Rarity, snap out of it! He has you under a mind control spell! Don't touch her you no good rotten piece of-" She was cut off by Rarity. "Rainbow Dash! I will not tolerate you insulting Franz like that in any way! And I am not under some sort of 'spell' as you put it!" She turned to me and I flinched lightly, but her look of annoyance turned to one of, begging? "Franz, darling, do be a good stallion and undo the spell you have her in." She said. Why do I get the feeling somethings up that I'm just now starting to notice. "She won't attack me, right?" I asked, getting in front of Rainbow and sticking out my right foreleg. Shaking her head no, I began calling the disk back. Their was a small wait. And during that time I noticed that Rainbow had a slightly curious look at my device. She glanced up and made eye contact for a second. Giving her a small smile, I thought she would give one back. Instead, she scowled and looked away. Or tried to, the energy restraints kept her from doing so. The shields finally popped and the disk came flying at my wrist and reattached to my energy shield. Rainbow's form relaxed and what sounded like the clopping of hooves came from behind us. And I'm pretty sure that it's the others. The three of us turned and saw the others. Blossom, Silver Shot, a moody red an black pony, the Mohawk guy, and the other side character that I don't know the name of yet. Three of them had a small frown and glare aimed at me. Rarity stepped up and decided to take charge and started us off with a question of her own. "Now, I would like to know the exact reason the six of you decided it was a good idea to stalk us this night." She looked at Silver specifically. "Starting with you." "Well, we were at the party and Blossom saw you two walking away together and she thought he put you under a spell. After that me, Blossom and Nether decided to follow you in case he tried something. Just let me make this clear, I, in no way, was okay with this at any time." He said clearly, along with some hoof motions. Everyone looked at Blossom with a variety of expressions. Even I gave her a look of annoyance. "Well, I wasn't under any spell of his. I am very certain those kind of spells are illegal to begin with." She said, puffing her chest out some. "If that's the case, then why don't we all just go back to what we were doing? Like, a group thing?" I offered, wanting to at least get some time to think. What time was it? Three o'clock? "That sounds splendid, it would be easier if we all chipped in and made up for this incident in the form of a proper tour." Said Rarity. "That actually sounds better. We wouldn't want to be alone, especially around this time of year. I hear that some bad ponies tend to show up at events as important as this." Said Mohawk guy. "Ironic." I said. They all either snorted or laughed at my joke. Maybe this wasn't such a bad crowd after all. "Are we going to ignore the fact that three ponies stalked a pair for no reason? Several crimes happened and you guys are just shrugging it off." Said the mare who, to me, needed more character building. Why doesn't she plant a garden or something. "It's Ponyville. This sort of thing usually sorts itself out after a while." Said the emo guy. Or was his name Nether? I think it was. "You having trouble there Dash?" Asked Blossom, getting closer to her. I turned over to the mare I had accidentally shot and noticed that she was struggling to fly properly. She looked like she was recovering from it though. Was it the shielding that did this? I'll have to look into this later. "Duh! That idiot put me in some weird magic thing! Now I can't fly right!" She shouted, glaring at me. Everyone turned to me with raised suspicion. "What?! She was gonna crash into me! I just reacted." I defended. I didn't want my first impression to be paralyzing someone. But it looked like she was getting over it! "And you should recover just fine. Energy shielding only has a energized particle emission strong enough to cancel out Pegasus magic for roughly 302.7 seconds. And it should recover entirely after twenty minutes or so. If I were to fire a, um, I should stop talking." I said, stopping entirely. Where did that come from? And how the hell did I know this? It's as if I was talking from experience. Everyone stared at me. Some with confused faces and others with a more interested approach. "Did anypony else know what he was talking about?" Asked Blossom. "I'm more interested in how he even knows that." Asked Mohawk man. Great, now I'll look like a weird scientist with an attitude. "I don't know either! It's speculation and I don't exactly want to test it." I cut in. Although, I think its a little late for that. "Well, no matter how he knows this, we were going to head back. Correct? The Summer Sun Celebration is due in a couple hours." Rarity said. "Hopefully we don't have anymore distraction along the way." I mumbled. Looking over to Rainbow Dash, She was managing a hover above us and was giving me suspicious looks. I didn't really care as much as I should but I'll just deal with her later. I'll give her credit, her magical regeneration is really good if she can get up that fast. I really hope I can get a nap soon. Staying up all night is tiring. > Chapter 5: Entanglement [Re-written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After introductions passed, we began walking back to the party for the wrap up. Rarity decided that I should drop off my saddlebags and rest for a bit while she got ready for the celebration. She said something about being a part of revealing the princess so she can do her part. And apparently she can move the sun as well. And judging from what I've seen and able to do, it's not that far fetched. Once we had started walking we almost instantly broke into two smaller groups, but stayed within reasonable distance with each other. Rarity had gone with the other mares to do their usual squabble, as most women to do, and the males stuck together. Albeit less chatter and more silent motions than the girls. Even as a different species, guys still got a secret language. For a small while, I noticed that Rainbow would give me looks from above. Not the threatening kind that one would give after a fight, but one of remote guilt. I actually began lagging behind slightly to see if she wanted to talk about what had happened. She clearly noticed and went in for it. She landed next to me and I looked over to her. She had a slightly nervous expression adorned on her muzzle. It was a little cute, I'll admit. "Hey, can talk to you? In private?" She asked, her eyes clearly displaying a demanding feel. Looking back to the group I nodded. "Yeah, sure." Was my response. It's not like I was part of any conversation. We left until we were out of earshot. She made sure of it by looking around for eavesdroppers. "Okay, listen here, I'm not very good at this like I am with everything else, but I'm going to try my best here." She said, me not saying anything to wait for her to continue. "What I wanted to say is, I'm sorry. For attacking you like that. Friends?" She said, extending her hoof. I stared at her hoof for a second. She was apologizing. and so should I. Lifting my hoof and making contact with hers, she smirked from my forgiveness and I gave a strained look. "I'm sorry for immobilizing you in a Armor Shielding Disk and shorting out your ability to fly." I said, head falling a little from the long apology. "Eh, must happen often with you. You seem to have lots of freaky magic at the ready-" 'Did she even hear what I just said?' "-but I have a feeling that's not magic. Is it?" She continued. I opened my mouth to talk, but decided against it, and replied with a simple nod. She smiled and leapt in the air and began flying again. She was looking at me expectantly. I took a step when a few green sparks sprayed from my horn. I stopped and glanced up, not knowing what happened. Rainbow looked at me with her playful smirk. "Whoa now, no need to get excited." "Huh?" Her smirk didn't falter as she hovered above me. "I didn't think you'd have the hots for me. I mean, we just met. Then again, I wouldn't blame you, I am awesome after all." She said, gaining a little laugh. I realized what she was implying and that she was just teasing me. I'm gonna have to look up what their culture is about this stuff. "Oh, ha ha, very funny." I said, amused at her humor. I hoped she could take some teasing herself. "It really shows you got a spark for me!" She said and began laughing. "Meh, who knows. I sure don't." I said with a light chuckle. "You're pretty cool. And you can take a joke too. We should hang out sometime." She said, reeling herself in from her giggle fit. "So you can make fun of me some more?" I said with a smile. She chuckled at that. "No, silly. So you can show me more of your cool magic stuff." I raised a slight eyebrow. Why would she want to see what I could do? I didn't even know what my limit was, but judging from what I was able to do, I feel like it was something along the lines of my imagination. "And I can show you some of my flying tricks in return." I thought about it for a second. Then made my decision. "Yeah, I can do that." "Awesome!" She exclaimed happily, throwing out her hooves. I had the slight urge to say how adorable that looked, but decided against it in case she might somehow, someway, use it against me. It was a low probability, but I couldn't be to careful. We went back to the group and I joined the guys side. Thankfully, they didn't seem to notice. And if they did, then they were courteous enough to not say anything. We had arrived at a large building that, while partially covered with nightfall, had a regal sense to it. I hadn't forgotten that she was a designer, or something close to one since she had mentioned something about my jacket being interesting. I heard Rarity call me and I looked over to her. "Yeah?" I asked. "We've arrived at my boutique, darling. Now you have a place to put those saddlebags of yours. I do hope you stay a while, will you not?" She asked. 'Yeah, can I have a muthufukin uh-' "-Burger?" Thankfully, only Rarity and Rainbow were still present and everyone had said their goodbyes without me noticing. Damn, I gotta pay more attention to my surroundings. Glancing over to both mares, I saw they both had a look of confusion. I let out a sigh before speaking. "Sorry, I haven't gone to sleep in a while. I feel exhausted." "You also seem pretty hungry as well if you randomly said 'burger'." Said Rainbow. "Franz! Why didn't you say so! I could have had a spot you to sleep inside! Come! Lets get you settled in." Said Rarity, unlocking the door and disappearing somewhere inside and turning the lights on. I was wondering on how they would just let a total stranger into their home, let alone invite them in. Then again, I am getting major MC vibes. Or different customs. 'Maybe I should start looking into their cultures more when I get a chance.' I thought. Looking over to Rainbow I saw that she had a amused look. "Do you know what that was about?" I asked her. She laughed sheepishly. "Yeah, Rarity is more of the caring type. Don't worry though. Not everypony in Ponyville is like her, and she happens to have a soft spot for stallions is all." That didn't really help explain what she was talking about, If anything it made it more complicated than it's supposed to. Rainbow quickly interjected before I could say anything. "Oh, alright. Cool." I said simply, giving a yawn as I entered the building. I shielded my eyes for a bit before they adjusted properly to the light. I nearly jumped when I looked around and was pretty close to screaming at a mannequin that was to my immediate left. 'How ironic. Now I guess I don't need that nap anymore.' I thought as I could feel the slight adrenaline spike coursing through me. The inside of the shop-like house was a little messy, but I'm assuming that's from the Summer Sun Celebration thing going on. Straight in front of me there was a staircase that lead to the upper rooms. To the left there was a curtain that was covering something. My guess is that it was a dressing room. To the right there is a couple mirrors and a small doorway with a mannequin that slightly obstructed it. Also the color pink, white, violet, and gold seemed like the main theme of the place. Feeling my fright fade away, I stifled a yawn. I still felt Rainbow behind me, suppressing her mirthful laughter. She quickly hovered above me for a second before lazily drifting off to the side. I stopped at one of the mirrors and looked at myself. My mane, a little dirty and disordered, had lost some of it's bright color. My fur was still straight and somewhat neat. My sweater, however, had various, but small dirt stains. I figured I should take it off, but remembered that I was supposed to hide my wings. Strangely enough, they hadn't given me any problems. I leaned in closer. My eyes being the most interesting part. They were a nice brown color that had a little glow to them. The pattern was five black markings each going out in a random direction, forming the very basic outline of a five pointed star. It wasn't very fancy like other eye colors and patterns, but it was decent. Looking away, I took off my saddlebags and levitated them to a nearby table. I them saw Rainbow Dash making funny faces at another mirror. I pretended to not notice her and sat on a cushioned seat, letting out a breath of relief. Rainbow noticed, and looked at me through the mirrors reflection. "What's up?" She asked simply. There was a hint of uneasiness in her voice, but I didn't mind. "Nothing. Just relaxing for a bit." I said. I actually was thinking on what I was gonna do about this Nightmare Moon and how I was going to stop her and everything. So far, my plan was pretty straight forward. Trap her in a Shielding Disk and let Twilight do the rest. Although, I had my suspicions that this could all be a hoax, and that I had taken Twilight's time and not let her sleep. It was like flipping a coin and hoping that it'll land on it's edge perfectly balanced. Though the chances are slim to none, its just barely possible. She sounded so sure of herself too, almost convinced. "You don't look relaxed." She said, making another face in the mirror. "I have my system. And it works pretty good." I said. I had a bad habit to act as though everything is OK, when it isn't. Reminds me of that stab wound I dealt with all those years ago. Stupid trees. "I don't think it's the best though. You look stressed still. Maybe take a nap or something? Always works for me." I closed my eyes and let out a annoyed snort. "If you're telling me to chill out, it's not working." I said, reopening my eyes. Rainbow then turned away from her mirror and looked over me. I was thinking she was gonna say something, but she gave me a look instead, before she turned back. Looking back to the stairs I could hear Rarity shuffling around upstairs. I heard her talking, but I presumed she was humming or lightly singing something. I wanted to go up there just to see if I can find a chair to bring back here. I'm not very fond of plush Items unless I'm sleeping on them. I heard Rarity come back downstairs. I think she was just about ready to go. Her steps were a bit quicker than I remembered, and sounded more compact and lighter. I think it the sleep deprivation messing with me. Rarity wasn't the first pony I saw. Instead, It was a smaller filly, pink and violet mane/tail and same white coat as Rarity with bright green eyes. She seemed a bit surprised when saw me and gave a shy smile. I smiled back and decided to lay down. I could still hear Rarity upstairs. What is she doing? The small filly walked right up to me. I'm thinking she wants to interact. "Hi mister!" She said happily, and a bit loudly. I could already tell she might just be a little pushy with her questions. "Hello." I said politely. She smiled and extended a hoof. I did the same and bumped mine with hers. "My name's Sweetie Belle! I'm Rarity's little sister. Do you know her?" She asked immediately. She glanced over to my hoof and saw my gauntlet. A look of astonishment was adorned on her small muzzle. "Ooh! what's that? Is it a bracelet?" She asked curiously. She didn't even ask for my name, but then again, this is a kid. So I wouldn't expect her to to have proper adult mannerism. Did I really just compared a pastel horse child's agility to socially interact with people to an adult human? Yes, yes I did. "Yes, yes it is. A Magic bracelet. Rainbow Dash might tell you what it does." I said, pointing over to her. Sweetie Belle instantly looked over to Rainbow, who gave a shrug that I saw in the mirror's reflection. Sweetie looked back at me with wide, sparkling eyes and had a slight quivering lip with folded ears. I recoiled back from what I was seeing. What the hell! how is she doing that! It's too cute! I looked back in the mirror that had Rainbow in it. She had a smirk as she watched me squirm from the little filly's gaze. "Okay! Okay. I'll show you what it does, alright?" I said, in hope of getting her to stop. Thankfully, She gave a happy squeal and hopped around a bit. Rising from my laying position, I stepped off the seat and got in the center of the room. I then saw Rarity in the doorway, watching me with a smile. I then got nervous, or is it stage fright? "Franz? Are you going to do a magic trick for us? If so, please don't do a dangerous one. Had to ban the last mare who thought it was a good idea." She said. I thought she was gonna scold me for a second. "No, not a dangerous one. Could you hit the lights? I think seeing this in the dark is better." I said, a bit nervously. "On it!" Called Rainbow from the other side of the room. She immediately cut the lights. I took a moment to ready myself. I flicked my left wrist and activated my shield. It quickly took its cyan form and I held it in a defensive position to have more effect. It glowed brightly and I could see them through the small opening in the shield. Rarity had a surprised look while Sweetie and Rainbow had stares of astonishment. Flicking it again it deactivated and the energy was stored back into it's capsule. Using my magic, I turned on the lights and shrunk a bit, awkwardness setting in. "That's so cool! Where did you get it! I want one!" Asked Sweetie Belle. She seemed really impressed. So did Rainbow and Rarity. I felt a bit of heat go to my face. "Ask your parents, and I'll uh... Get the legal papers?" I asked more than answered. "Oh! Rarity, when's the celebration gonna take place? I wouldn't want to be late to the party." I said, suddenly remembering about it. We then heard a series of very firm knocks. I didn't really have a clue on who that could be besides someone doing a very bad job at stealing. It couldn't be that, however. After all, I was just falsely accused and assaulted. "Come on everypony! Celebration ain't gonna celebrate itself!" Said someone from the other side of the door. She had a southern speech pattern that I could recognize. Although, I wasn't comfortable with copying it. "AJ! Come on in! The new guy is just sho-" I cut her off by materializing a pillow above her and launching it at 20 Mph in her direction from above. The other two looked at Rainbow, then me as I gave both of them a shake of my head. Rarity and Sweetie Belle seemed to understand. Although, I don't think the small stare down me and Rainbow had was a good sigh she was happy with that. Turning back as the door opened I saw an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail walk in. I quickly took notice of her light brown Stetson and freckles. I made eye contact for a brief moment as she looked over the room. I backed away a bit so that she can have a full view of everyone else inside. However, she seemed more interested in me than the others, and came to my direction. "Howdy! I'm Applejack! It's a pleasure ta meet ya." She said, extending her hoof for what I think is another hoof-bump. I saw that her coat wasn't as brushed like the others, but it still looked nice even with the small bits of dirt on her. Lifting my hoof to her I told her my name. "Hey, I'm FrANZ!" I yelped as her other hoof suddenly grabbed mine with the other, and began shaking it violently. I thought it would be best if I just let my arm go limp for a bit. "I run Sweet Apple Acres west from here. We sell all sorts of apple related stuff! From apple pies, to sauce, all the way to cider! I reckon you seem like a mighty fine fella. Say, where ya from?" She asked all while keeping her hooves shaking mine. "Applejack! He doesn't quite recall where he came from. Although he did say it was somewhere small, he can't remember where." Said Rarity. The hoof shaking stopped, and I looked over to Applejack. She had a frown on her face. "Now what in tarnation does that mean! He hit his head or somethin?" She looked over to me and scanned my face. I was surprised she had gotten so close to me. I held my breath, suddenly aware of me possibly having bad breath. Her muzzle hardened before relaxing and turning away. "Well, he's telling the truth." She said after a moments contemplation. Sweetie seemed slightly confused on what was happening. I was even more so. I thought about changing the subject, and went for it. "Why are you here again? I'm sorry if I sound rude, but did you come to get Rarity or something?" I asked. How much time did we even have until the celebration started anyways? Applejack's face suddenly brightened, as if recalled something, "Oh yeah! Mayor Mare sent me ta come fetch ya'll. Especially Rarity for the unveilin' of Princess Celestia herself." Offered Applejack. "Oh my! We better get along!" Suddenly exclaimed Rarity. Looking over to Sweetie and Rainbow, I saw that they had bored expressions that finally lit up when we mentioned doing something. "Oh, finally! I thought we were gonna just stand around and talk all day!" Said Rainbow. 'She would be surprised how many people do just that and stay entertained.' I thought. Sweetie Belle trailed behind Rarity followed by Rainbow in the air then me and Applejack. It felt good to be back outside. And the air was fresh and crispy. "Hey Applejack." I called. She turned back to me with a friendly smile. "Yeah, sugarcube?" She asked. "When does the celebration start? I feel like we might not make it on time." I said, a look of worry taking on my face. "Oh don't you worry about it sugarcube. We'll be there for the big event." "Ah, okay. Just wondering." I replied. After a few moments of walking the Town hall came into view. Rarity said her farewell and left Applejack in charge of Sweetie Belle. I was beginning to get somewhat excited when I suddenly became nauseous. "Ugh." I said silently to myself. Several sparks came from my horn and both Applejack and Rainbow took notice. "Hey, you okay?" "Are ya alright sugarcube?" They asked. I suddenly got a killer headache and physically winced, followed by several more strands of electricity and me closing my eyes. I shuddered when they finally passed, but left some uncomfortable throbbing and ringing in my head. Opening my eyes I saw that they had given me some space to breath but weren't too far. Thankfully it was nighttime or else they would have seen my wings wrapped around my stomach. I tasted a bit of blood in my mouth, and noticed that it came from my nose. Jesus, what was that! I quickly wiped it off with my sleeve. "You alright, sugarcube?" Asked Applejack. She had a worried look that was laced with slight confusion. Rainbow and Sweetie were next to her and Sweetie had a happy, yet worried look. "Um, Applejack? I think I know what happened." She said. They both looked at her for her hypothesis. "Wait, you think you know what happened? Well, tell us!" Said Rainbow, encouraging her. Sweetie looked down for a bit, before looking at us with a defensive, but adorable scowl. "Okay, just don't tell Rarity I know this! She'll get mad at me going through her stuff, again." She said. I smiled lightly at her plead. "I think he did a soul bond. It's where you uh, bind your soul with another pony? It's kinda like being with somepony all the time without them there. I read that you also have like, mind reading, emotion feeling, and I think it's painful if it's disrupted for a long time or something. I didn't get to read the rest since I had school and had to go." She said, her voice cracking here and there. Damn, soul bonding? What are the steps involving that? And how do you get rid of it? And why did I have it in the first place!? "Well I'll be. I didn't know Franz had a mare. Just makes him more interesting though ta be honest." Said Applejack. I blushed lightly, which felt like a bad idea because I got lightheaded and sat down hard. I'm lucky I didn't sit on my pride or else that would be even worse. "Hah! You look pretty confused." Poked Rainbow after I had gotten over my affliction. I stood back up and began walking to Town Hall. I seriously needed to figure this out. First I wake up in this, Equestria, then find out I have powers, then after going onto town I get attacked kinda by paranoid ponies, and then nearly have an aneurysm from a bond I didn't even know I had! And I also have to worry about a possible national security level threat that might not even happen! I don't want to deal with this type of shit! That's for story characters with a plot line! Fuck that! I had been so into my internal rant that I didn't notice the bright green light that shone on my head. I stopped myself to yelp at what I thought was my head being on fire that I didn't realize it was my horn doing some weird stuff, again. Looking around I was I was levitating several dozen rocks that I had picked up from the ground. They were orbiting around me and I dropped them quickly. Turning I saw that Sweetie had a amazed smile. However, Rainbow and Applejack looked more worried than amused. "Aww! Why did you stop?" Asked Sweetie Belle. "Maybe because he didn't know what he was doing at the moment. Don't worry Franz, It happens sometimes." Said Rainbow, not sounding completely sure of herself. "Well, we should head in. I think it's about to start." I said, noticing the close proximity of the doorway. Stepping in I saw lots of streamers, ponies, flying ponies, and some birds upstage, along with that pony I saw carrying the lizard into the library at the party. Wait, isn't that the bird who rested in my backpack? They started with the birds singing in a low decibel and rose up with power and shorter notes, all along with the yellow pony waving her hoof around like a musician. Huh, weird. Once they finished a light hazel mare with a white mane and tail, along with a collar and frizzy fluff, walked down the bottom center podium and begin talking. "Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" I saw the food table and thought about making my way over to it, but decided not to so I wouldn't be "That guy". Everyone cheered and stomped their hooves in approval. Does that qualify as clapping? "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!" I winced as the pain from a migraine hit me again suddenly and nearly caused me to topple over from the intensity, along with a loud, high pitched ringing. I fought the urge to vomit what little I had eaten as it only grew more painful than the last one. "And now, it is my-" I couldn't get to hear her as the ringing intensified and made me fold my ears back, hoping to block out any noise if possible. Suddenly, it stopped, and I could hear the mayor talking again. "-od, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..." I looked up and saw Rarity pull a rope while the yellow pony continued to make her birds sing. "...Princess Celestia!" A curtain opened and a spotlight shone in a... empty space. There were murmurs and whispering of concern. I looked around and saw Twilight with a look of stress. She also had the lizard guy too. And now that I got a closer look at him, he didn't have a lizard-like appearance. Almost like a little dragon. "Remain calm, everypony. There must be a reasonable explanation!" Uh oh. This is never a good sign. Rarity disappeared backstage and returned momentarily. Did they have a contingency plan for scenarios like this by chance? "She's gone!" Everybody gasped and I got ready to activate my Shielding Disk Launcher. Looking over to Twilight she was with a pink mare and a fluffy pink mane and blue eyes. Said mare yelped and everyone gasped again with their eyes fixed on something. Looking at the same direction I was startled when a cloud of sparkling mist quickly gathered and condensed, forming the same mare I've had contact with! I formed the armor on my Shielding Disks only, it's charcoal plating quickly wrapping around my right foreleg. "Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces." She said, as if talking down on us. "What did you do to our princess!" Yelled Rainbow. I held my breath as she charged, or attempted to when Applejack grabbed her by the tail and pulled her back with her mouth. Christ Rainbow! Do you want to die! "Slow down, nelly!" Grunted Applejack through gritted teeth. Nightmare Moon laughed evilly, with a sinister, yet calm smirk. "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" She said. aggressively leaning down to look at the crowd. I remembered something. The brick! Looking in my pocket I saw that it was no longer there. I instinctively frisked myself in hopes I could find it. Where could it be! I heard the pink pony suddenly start saying something. "Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games. Um, hokey smokes. How about Queen Meanie? No. Black snooty! Black snooty!" Applejack shoved a cupcake in her mouth to silence her. What the hell is with everyone! Do they not fear this living embodiment of darkness?! Nightmare Moon leaned close the yellow mare, scaring her into backing up against a wall. Speaking in a tone I only hear from villains out of movies and shows. Is this some sort of performance for her or something? "Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legends? Did you not see the signs?" She leaned over to Rarity, lifting her muzzle up and flicking it. "I did. And I know who you are." Said Twilight boldly. I should get ready to trap her. I don't know what she could be planning next. "You're the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon." She finished. Everyone gasped, and Nightmare Moon had a bemused grin. "Well, well, well. Somepony who remembers me. Then you also now why I'm here." "You're here to...to..." Twilight had a worried face, and her confidence was faltering. I lifted my hoof to fire one of my disks. Nightmare laughed and continued her evil speech. 'Not yet.' I thought to myself, my visor covering my face as the targeting software booted up. "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last, forever!" She finished with signature evil laughter, her mane whipping erratically in the air as a display of power, thunder striking various points with flashes of light. 'Now!' I yelled internally. I fired the disk, not hearing the faintest of pleas come from deep within. > Chapter 6: Secrets Revealed. [Re-written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hadn't taken into account of the wind pushing everything around with significant force. I almost hit my intended target, but it fell short and landed near her hooves. I thought about turning into a small bomb, but decided not to for the safety of the ponies below. "Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!" Called the mayor. Three stallions that wore golden armor took flight and charged right at her. What the hell are they thinking! Thinking quickly I detonated the Shielding Disk and it cackled with electricity before releasing a burst of energy. Said energy was just out of reach to do anything other than to catch her attention. "Stand back, foals!" She shouted as her eyes glowed a bright white. Once they were close enough they were struck out of the air with lightning and crashed to the ground. I fired an additional two Disks and they would have hit her if she didn't slap them out of the air before they got close. She looked at me with a evil smirk and condensed herself back into that dark smoke. She whizzed by and snatched me out off the ground by my sweater and threw me through a window, taking off to who knows where. It happened so fast I wasn't even able register it until I broke through the glass and began my fall. I yelped as my wings flared out and ripped through the fabric, slowing my fall with a few flaps. Gravity and momentum still was in play and I fell over and rolled in the dirt uncontrollably. I grunted when I came to a full stop, A stinging pain in my back legs from rolling backwards. I lay there for a bit and tried to catch my breath, letting the pain sort itself out and go away. After a few more seconds, I pulled myself into a siting position and looked around. I saw Rainbow gliding down to me, and Twilight running in the direction of the library. I made sure my wings were folded and under my sweater, only to see that my right wing was sticking out of the large tear I made from the sides. "Franz! Are you okay!? Are you hurt!?" She asked, checking me physically from her position above. "Ack! No! Don't look!" I yelled, shying away and covering my right side. Shit, why did I have to act so paranoid! "What? Franz, what's wrong?" She asked I was gonna say something when my sweater suddenly was caught in a dark blue fire-like thing at the end. Exclaiming in surprise I tore off the sweater and threw it at the ground. Without anything covering my wings, they extended slightly as I backed away from the burning article of clothing. "Jesus Christ man! How did that catch fire!" I shouted, momentarily forgetting about Rainbow. I heard her gasp, and I was immediately aware of my predicament. Slowly turning my head to her I saw that she had her jaw hanging, eyes widened, and not moving anything besides her wings. When she snapped out of it she immediately backed away, seemingly scared of me. "No, no, no Rainbow! Wait!" I called, but she had already sped away, too fast for me to catch her. "Dammit. Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!" I groaned loudly. I have to get to Twilight's library. She'll know what to do next. I made another identical sweater, and took off to the Library. Hopefully, I can get there before Rainbow and explain to her what she saw. I'm on their side damn it! Rainbow Dash P.O.V. I flew behind a building and watched Franz, if that's even his real name. I saw him make another sweater out of thin air and take off. I sneaked after him while he ran. Just who was this guy? Where did he come from? And how can he make stuff from nothing? Trailing behind him he looked confused and somewhat paranoid, like he was looking around for somepony. 'I bet he's working with Nightmare Moon! That spy!' I thought. Ooh, when I get my hooves on him, I'll expose him for the traitor he is! I saw the library up ahead and flew in through an open window. I didn't notice that AJ, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy trailing behind me in a quick mannered pace. Franz opened the door to the library and walked in, looking for anypony. Flying above I hid in a bookshelf. "Twilight! You here! Look, I have to tell you something. And I'm sure you aren't gonna enjoy it. I know Rainbow didn't." He said, hanging his head a little. I may not know what he's gonna do, but I think I can stop him. Even if he has all of that weird techno magic on him. I heard Twilight come downstairs and see Franz at the doorway. He saw her and I shot out of the bookshelf and at Franz while he was distracted. Franz P.O.V. I saw Twilight and was gonna walk to her and speak when everything slowed again. Knowing what it meant this time, I looked around and saw Rainbow slowly bursting through a bookshelf and straight towards me. I sighed and sidestepped to avoid being hit by her a second time, but materialized a giant pillow for her to crash into. Everything returned to normal speed and I saw Rainbow miss me entirely and shoot right into the pillow, resulting in a loud poomf noise. After she had crashed I got rid of the pillow and turned to Twilight. "Rainbow? Hey! Franz! Where were you when Nightmare Moon arrived! I thought you would contain her!" She accused, ignoring Rainbow's failed surprise attack. I got defensive, and retaliated with my side of the story. "I was there! Did you not see me firing containment disks at her! I tried to do my part, but instead she threw me out a window!" I said. "Hey! You don't get a say in this, you spy!" Shouted Rainbow, getting in my face. I reeled my head back. What did she say? "What makes you think I'm a traitor? I was the only one who tried to contain Nightmare Moon while the guards got zapped! All they did was fly straight at her!" I said, getting annoyed that even though we made up, she still wants to fight. Though, I am one of those Alicorn things like Nightmare Moon, so rationally, it would make sense. Applejack, Rarity, the pink pony, and the yellow one, came in and Applejack pulled back Rainbow with by her tail, which looked a bit painful. "Simmer down, sally. He ain't no spy. But they both sure know what's going on. Don't ya, Twilight?" Asked Applejack. Twilight took a second to compose herself before speaking. I knew she was gonna tell them the same thing she told me, so I thought about looking for a book about those Elements of Harmony. Maybe I should check under 'E' or 'H'. "I've read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I don't know what they are, where to find them. I don't even know what they do." I was under the 'E' section, which was the closest, and was looking for anything relating to the Elements. It would be humorous if I was a part of them, but then realized that it could happen. I kept a neutral face going and didn't notice the pink pony to my left until she was right there. I turned to her and she gave me a very large smile. I gave her a smaller one back and hers widened before she looked over to a random book. "The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide." She called. How did she find that? I turned back at Twilight, who wasn't there. Instead, she was running straight towards us. I was going to jump out of the way, but Twilight slowed down and pushed her way into the bookcase, knocking over the pink one and shoving me. I gave her a disapproving look and went off into another direction. "How did you find it!" Asked Twilight, looking over the book cover from her position. The pink pony, who I'll call Pinks, started jumping up and down excitedly in my direction. She spoke in a sing-song voice, happily announcing where it was. "It was under 'E'!" Twilight, who clearly hadn't thought of that, gave a simple "Oh" and pulled the book from the shelf with her magic. Once she had it, she skimmed through it until she found the page she was looking for, and began reading. "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known-- Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth, is a complete mystery." 'I wonder what these "Elements" can do. It sounds like they can be used on anything! Bad break up? Harmony blast. Depression? Harmony blast. Corrupted God-like entities that can keep a planet in eternal darkness? Need I say more?' I thought, as thought it were a sales pitch. "It is said that the last known location of the five elements, was in the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters.-" I suddenly felt a cold feeling rush through me as shrunk into my sweater to counter it. What the heck was that? "-It is located in what is now, The Everfree Forest!" She said in disbelief. I saw that almost everyone else cringed and I thought I should be worried. Should I? "Oh, why of a-all places would they b-be in there?" Quietly whispered the yellow pony, who had huddled near me for some form of comfort. Unfortunately, I'm not very fond of close contact unless I want it (but usually don't get it anyway). I leaned away subtly for more of my desired personal space. "Well, from what I've heard, they sound like artifacts. Powerful ones for that matter. If we find them, we have to be careful to not damage them. Right?" I asked. I got murmurs of agreement from most of them. Except Rainbow, of course who scowled at me. Applejack took notice, but thankfully left it alone. But that wasn't the case for Rarity. "Rainbow, do you have something to say? Why are you giving Franz that scowl?" She asked, walking over to me to give me a tap on the side. I gave a nervous look at her hoof. While she may not know it, I think I should show them. Unzipping my sweater I extended my left wing and stopped her from touching me. All eyes were on me when I did this and they all reacted differently. A collective gasp was one of them, and a loud "WHAT!?" from Twilight, but the ones who I had met beforehand were less scared unlike the yellow one, who instead hid behind Applejack. "I know I should have told someone, but I couldn't come up with a decent way to actually break the news. That is, until Rainbow saw me without my sweater." I said, hopefully with enough details. "How did she see you without it?" Asked Pinkle. I'll start calling her that. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if that's her actual name. "Well, Pinks, after she threw me out a window she must have used her magic to set my original sweater on fire. And Rainbow coincidentally came for me when it caught flame." I answered. She gave a happy little grin from me calling her 'Pinks'. "That actually makes sense. Ignition spells tend to have a slow cast time. Roughly a few seconds." Said Twilight. She seemed happy that she knew that. Or it was common knowledge for Unicorns. "Also, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE AN ALICORN!?" Twilight shouted, almost hysterically. "So when were ya gonna to tell us that you were a uh, Alicorn?" Asked Applejack. "Well, I was gonna just drop hints, then decided against it until I had gotten to know someone better until I told them. I didn't see anyone with both and it kinda kept me from telling anyone." I offered. That was the most logical thing I had come up with on the spot. And I didn't want to mention the other two big factors as well. And deal with Twilight's line of questions. "Wait, if Nightmare Moon set your original sweater on fire, Where did you get the new one?" Asked Pinks. 'She's asking the real questions here' I thought. I was gonna come up with a half-assed cover story, but Rainbow cut me off. "He made it out of thin air! Isn't there at least something wrong with that!" My body suddenly got very heated around my torso and areas where my sweater made contact with my fur. I suddenly felt very stressed out and hot. Damn me and my body not agreeing! They all gave me questioning glances, with the smug exception of Rainbow. Making a silent promise to get back at her at a later date, I swallowed nervously and began my response. Only for Twilight to cut me off and cover for me. "Actually, it makes sense since he is an Alicorn to be able to summon different objects from spatial compartments around or even on his person. I've seen Princess Celestia do it a few times when she had to do various tasks. Though it is a high level spell and requires an adequate amount of magic to create and store said object. Although it's easier to-" Applejack cut her off. "Twilight. Is it normal or not?" She asked simply. She gave a surprised look before confirming. "Yes, it's completely normal for him to do that." 'Thank you Twilight!' I mentally praised. "So are we gonna go to find the Elements? Or are we gonna stand around all day." Said Rainbow, throwing her hooves out for expressiveness. She sounded a bit sour after losing the argument. I didn't want to go at night. Not alone that is. But if the world depends on it, and if I have company at least, then it's what I'll do. So yeah, fuck it. "Sure. You can show us where the entrance is." Said Twilight. "Um, are you sure we should go there? I don't think that's very safe in the Everfree. Especially at night." Said the buttercream pony shyly. "We'll discuss specifics on the way. But we need to focus on finding the Elements." I said. Everyone agreed and we began heading out the door. I, of course, lagged behind them a bit to do some reflecting. What did Nightmare Moon mean when she said 'link'? And over a thousand years ago? How had I not died since then? The only logical explanation was that I was in stasis, immortal, time traveled, or was set in a cryogenic state. The last one seemed a bit funny, and might actually kinda explain but not really why I'm so cold now. In my memories I wasn't known to be cold, if anything I was hot. I made a little frown from that last tidbit of thought. I didn't like to brag about things I couldn't do. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'm not attractive to at least any of these mares. Let alone make a link with one a thousand years ago. But then again, I don't know what's considered attractive to mares in general. So I'm back to square one. I had been blindly following them for a bit now, and hadn't noticed the pink mare next to me. I stepped away when I saw her staring intently at me with a happy smile. "Hiya! You seemed to be lost in thought. Don't worry, it happens to me too. So, what color to you like? Oh no, no, no, what's your favorite type of music? Oh, no, wait! What's you favorite animal!" She said, practically shouting at me. "Pinkie. While I am interested in what he likes, we simply have somewhat more urgent matters at hoof." Said Rarity. This seemed to catch the now (Ironically) named Pinkie to swivel her head over to her. "Oh, Rarity, I'm just getting to know him better. Besides, who gets to have an audience with a Prince without all of the meanie guards blocking him off?" She said excitedly. "I wouldn't consider myself a 'Prince' by normal standards. I don't even know how I'm supposed to act. Or, at least remember how." I corrected with a little frown. Pinkie then threw her arm over my shoulder, which made me uncomfortable by her sudden touch. "Oh Franz you silly little stallion you. Even though you're a not a prince you can still pass off as one." She said. I mumbled out a small sound of agreement, before turning back to her confused. 'Did I hear that right?' I questioned. It seemed to go unnoticed by them. Either they are used to her not making sense or they're ignoring her. I saw Rainbow conversing with Applejack about something. I made sure to check myself for my wandering eyes before looking back at the ground. Thankfully I didn't have to think about anything and let my mind go blank for a minute. I heard them talking for a while but thankfully I didn't have to be a part of the conversation. I noticed that we had gotten outside of the town and were on a steady path to The Everfree Forest. I still tuned out the girls since they were still talking. I'm thankful that I was abnormally quiet and could easily sneak away if I wanted to. But I'm sure that the shy one is better at it than me. Speaking of the shy one, she had drifted closer to me as we closed in to the forest. She was actually pretty close and had shrunk down, making me feel bad for her and her small amount of confidence. So far, since I was paying no attention to vocal cues, I had watched her ease her way over to me. I once caught her eyeing me, but it was when I was testing how to slow time down to a crawl. It was actually kinda like closing your eyes and doing a little shaking thing with your head so that it vibrates. Except you don't actually shake your head, you just get that sensation. Or when you yawn. We had finally reached the border of The Everfree Forest. We stopped and observed it silently, waiting to see who would be the one to make the first step to signal the others to follow. I had a feeling that it wouldn't be the shy one. "Whee! Let's go!" Cheered Pinkie enthusiastically. I was gonna follow, since she is the one who started, but Twilight spoke up. "Not so fast." She stopped in her tracks and looked over to her. As did everyone else. "Look, I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather do this on my own." She said. "What about me?" I said, a bit annoyed that she had forgotten about me that quickly. She turned to me with a bit of surprise, but quickly recovered with a light blush. "Oh, right." "No can do, sugarcube. We sure ain't letting any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're sticking to ya like caramel on a candy apple." Said Applejack. Everyone mumbled in agreement and began trotting into the forest. Pinkie, however, decided on a final comment before bouncing in as well. "Especially if there's candy apples in there." I gave her a raised eyebrow. She noticed and trotted away saying. "What? Those things are good!" I looked over to Twilight, who was looked annoyed, but sighed and began following. As did I. We walked in silence. Each of us showing various degrees of of fright and uneasiness. I didn't know what kind of dangers there were here, but I thought I should also feel scared since I don't know what's in here. And the fact that there is a immortal powerful being on the loose ready to plunge the planet in eternal darkness for the rest of time. But somehow that wasn't as important. It kind of is, but these ponies are surprisingly dismissive. I noticed that Twilight was just in front of me and I had unknowingly stared at the back of her head the whole time and finally broke out of my trance to notice. At least it wasn't her rear. I pulled up my visor to see if there any predators stalking us. It quickly covered my face and latched on comfortably with small mechanical noises that were barely audible. However, I now know that even small noises could be picked up by sensitive pony ears as Twilight turned to me. She saw my mostly covered face and slowed down to what I though was ask me questions. She had a curious look on her muzzle. "Don't ask." Was my simple response. She took a small bit of offense, but instead stuck beside me. She seemed to shiver, but I thought that it was just her being weird so I ignored it for now. "So, none of you have been in here before?" Asked Twilight. She seemed to be somewhat scared from being in the forest. "Oh, h-heavens no. Just look at it. It's dreadful!" Said Rarity, seemingly frightened. We made it to something of a ledge that was very hazardous if we didn't check where we were going. I saw a several red blips on my motion tracker along with something not feeling right. I activated my disk launcher, which silently formed over my hoof in under a second. "And It ain't natural. Folk's say it don't work the same way as Equestria." Said Applejack. Everyone seemed tense, so I'll just assume they are all scared. "What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Twilight. I heard flapping from above and saw Rainbow closing in on us. "Nopony knows." She said. She then crouched on the ground and walked with her legs locked. "You know why?" "Rainbow, quit it." Scolded Applejack. Pinkie, Shyster, and Rarity had various looks of fright. Shyster being the worst. Yeah, I'm calling the buttercream pony Shysyer for now. Or until I hear her name. "Cause everypony who's ever come in, has never come...OUT!" She yelled, trying to scare them by jumping and flaring her wings out for more fright factor. I was gonna tell her to stop when the ledge beneath us suddenly crumbled and began sliding. Everyone screamed out of surprise and I did too as I fell along with them. Without realizing it I felt my wings push at the sides of my sweater, trying to flap for my safety. Pushing my safety aside I slowed time down, but I was still falling. With a final push, my wings managed to get under my sweater and begin flapping. I thankfully stopped right at the base where there was a small grip to hold onto. I had made a pole and sunk it into the ground to gain more grip in case this thing decided to break off a bit more. Looking above me I saw that Twilight was still sliding, her rear in clear view for me to see. I yelped and I made the split-second choice of letting go as to protect both of our honor and began flapping my wings as hard as I could. In my head, it seemed like a good idea. Except that my sweater had folded back over one of my wings and caught it. I fell for a few seconds and my sweater began to disappear. After it had completely left I flapped my wings as hard and as fast as I could. My falling stopped and I began floating there. I saw Twilight above me and unintentionally saw her area, which made me heavily consider to stop flying and let gravity do it's thing. Then I remembered that there were others to help, and flapped harder to rise. I saw Rainbow and Fluttershy, who's name I heard Rainbow shout, helping Twilight down to lower ground where they were mostly all currently standing at the bottom. I saw Applejack at the top and decided to give her a ride. "Hey Applejack, need a lift?" I asked, secretly hoping that she would reject my offer. I noticed that the pole I made had erased itself. She smiled and nodded. "Sure thing partner, I wouldn't mind a ride down. Can ya handle it?" She asked. If my previous experience of knocking down trees with my fist in a single punch was anything to go by, I'm sure I could do it with my mind. "Yeah. No problem." I said, lighting up my horn with magic. I wasn't too comfortable with touching females or anyone for the matter. I wasn't a clean freak, I was just uncomfortable. "Whoa now, I'm not too comfortable somepony using magic right at me. Why don't ya carry me the old fashion way." She said. I got a bit nervous. Carry her? How hard can it be? Besides the fact that I'll be grabbing the opposite gender until we get to the ground. "Sure." I said without thinking too hard, mostly to not come off as rude. Flying behind her I wrapped my hooves around her waist and began to lift off. She seemed comfortable for the most part, even if she dangled somewhat awkwardly. But she didn't seem to mind all too much. Once everyone was stationed on the ground we began to continue our march to our somewhat important adventure. I saw that blip for a few seconds again before it disappeared entirely. I knew something wasn't right but I didn't want to scare the girls any further. But it seemed that Rainbow wasn't that scared because she was excitedly flying around telling the story of how she and Fluttershy caught Twilight, and I quote, 'In the nick of time'. "Yes Rainbow, I was there, and I'm very grateful. but we got to-" Twilight didn't get to finish as a large beast had shown itself for us to handle. Everyone gasped from surprise and I activated my dagger in case I would have to use it on myself because I hate confrontation. "A Manticore!" Cried Twilight. Said Manticore roared as it was identified, I saw Twilight puff out her chest a bit. It was kinda cute but I looked away, still embarrassed from my accidental peering. "We've got to get past him." She said boldly. The Manticore jumped and swiped at Rarity and she ducked and gave him a kick to the face with her rear legs. "Take that you ruffian!" She shouted in it's face. It looked annoyed that she had kicked him and roared in her face, puffing up her hair with the amount of breath coming from it's mouth. "My hair!" She said before yelping from the Manticore being so close to her and dashed off, The beast giving chase. Amidst the chaos, I thought I heard someone say wait but didn't listen as I fired a disk at the beast to slow it down. It caught the leg and, to my surprise, couldn't wrap itself around the whole body. It did, however, trip it and make it fall flat. Then Applejack thought it was a good idea to jump on top. The Manticore got annoyed and began jumping around, trying to shake her off while removing the disk on it's leg. I fired another at it's head, but instead hit Applejack and she was flung off. But thankfully was protected and hit the ground without injury. Apparently, she said something to Rainbow because she did a salute followed by a "I'm on it." and sped towards it. I didn't know what she was doing but focused on getting Applejack out of her restraints. Running over to her I stuck out my hoof and after a quick second, the disk popped off and I caught it, letting it re-attach to my wrist. "You good?" I asked, worried. She looked fine and she seemed a little shaky. Must either be from shock or shields. Wouldn't be surprised if it was from both. Nodding she looked back to the Manticore and saw Rainbow falling towards us. I didn't have time to react and catch her as she hit the hard dirt floor. I ran over and pulled her up, checking for injuries. Now it may have been my past experience with animals like goats that kicked in, but I thankfully found no broken bones. The Manticore had managed to break off the Disk and was now free from restraint. I didn't want to fight, but if it means to, I'll have to. Everyone began getting ready to charge when Fluttershy interjected. "WAIT!" She cried. We all stopped and she turned and walked right up to it, which made me hold my breath when it readied itself for another swipe. "Shh, It's okay." She said, as she began rubbing her nose on it's paw. She then looked straight at it with no fear. The Manticore then got a frown, which kinda surprised me, and turned it's paw and showed a large thorn. "Oh, you poor, poor little baby." "Little?" "Rainbow shut up! It's working." I scolded quietly. "Now, this might hurt for just a second." She said, reaching over with her head to remove it. *poink* The Manticore picked her up and roared in her face, And everyone screamed her name. I was just about to slow time and get her away when it began licking her and purring. She was laughing happily. "Oh, you're just a little baby kitty, aren't you?" She said, before giving it more catering. Everyone else took this as an opportunity to pass, and I did as well. Once we passed Twilight stopped and questioned her about something. And all I got from it was the thorn and something about kindness, which to me was kinda ironic considering The Elements of Harmony have a Element labeled Kindness. Although, something did seem a bit off about this. First off, the thorn, for some reason, registered as an enemy blip. And I have a feeling that was somehow her. But we can't make duplicates of ourselves, unless we have powers or a cloning machine. Right? Oh well. Collecting the disk that popped off, I caught back up with the group. > Chapter 7: Hidden Consequences [Re-written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that ordeal with the Manticore, we continued our little walk-stroll through The Everfree. Nobody said much, except Pinkie who was humming a tune that was oddly similar to a song I heard when I was on Earth. Though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Or hoof, that is. Rarity shuddered. I though she was cold, so I materialized a my sweater from earlier. But it turns out she was just somewhat disgusted. "My eyes need a break from all this icky muck." She said. Soon enough, we passed into a darker part of the forest and we could barely see anything. I deleted the sweater, which I had made without suspicion. "I didn't mean that literately." "That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces, and we wouldn't even know it." Said Twilight. I raised my visor and it wrapped around my head, activating night vision and making things more clearer. Soon, everyone began bumping into each other and apologizing. I stayed out of the way, but I think they didn't know that. I saw that red blip again, this time it was forming a wall around us. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. 'Why won't you just save yourself the trouble, Franz. You could join me, and we can rule together. We can be together once more.' Said Nightmare Moon. I looked around and saw that they were barely moving at all. "I was wondering when you would show up. I actually have some questions for you." I said, a bit annoyed. 'And I have a proposition for you.' She said, stepping out from behind a tree that looked like it had a face etched into it. "Alright, now who is th-" 'I will go first, Franz. You hurt me a thousand years ago, And by all means, I should kill you for it. But I have plans for these abilities of yours. She said. A sudden pang went through my head, as though something just hit me and made me fall on the floor. I clenched my teeth in agony and grabbed my head as I wanted to scream. Nightmare Moon did the same, except to a lesser degree. Once it passed I got back up and saw Twilight beginning to go faster. I wanted to throw up, but I pushed myself to keep it contained, which made it worse. I glared at Nightmare, only to find she had gone. I still glared at her spot regardless because I didn't know if she did that or not. It did nothing really, but to made me feel somewhat better. "Oh wait, I think I stepped on something." I heard Applejack say. Fluttershy then screamed for some reason. Probably has to do with the slightly glowing faces in the tree. "It's just mud." She said, unknowingly getting closer to one of the affected trees. When she saw it it made a small growl, which caught me off guard since I didn't expect that. Soon all of the surrounding trees began snarling and had faces that looked menacing. I was a bit worried what would happen if I got too close to one, but was caught off guard as the girls screamed simultaneously. I quickly got annoyed and activated my energy blade, slashed at the tree and leaving a scorch mark. It burned a little but was quickly extinguished by some unknown force. Probably Nightmare Moon. I heard laughing come from Pinkie, much to my surprise, along with mocking. I though she would be screaming with the others, but she doesn't seem like the others, does she? "Franz! Pinkie! What are you doing? Run!" "Oh girls, don't you see?" When I was a little filly and the sun was going down. "Tell me she's not." The darkness and the shadows would always make me frown "She is." I folded me rest of my helmet on and switched off my helmets audio receiver. I don't know why, but I felt as though I've heard that before. And it wasn't a bad song, it was pleasant, It's just that I felt like I've heard it before many times and didn't feel like hearing it another time. Pinkie kept singing silently as I followed the girls who began laughing at the trees and making then disappear with a small plume of smoke. Strange, but I'm kinda used to it by now. It ended when I saw all of them on the floor, laughing quietly and it was starting to bug me. Then they got up and began walking again. I followed and smiled. They really seemed to enjoy the adventure, even though it was a dangerous one. We kept going until we got to a raging river. I felt like we were taking too long and it was starting to bother me. "How are we gonna cross this?" We heard someone crying, and my first instinct was to help them. But I managed to suppress that to not sprint after them. Walking at a (Somewhat) reserved pace and crawled through a bush to see who it was. What we saw didn't quite make sense, at least to me. It was a giant purple serpent with bright orange hair and a mustache. Then again, nothing really makes sense recently. "What a world. What a world!" He cried. It sounded like a he anyways. "Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?" Asked Twilight. I choked as she spoke. What were you doing asking the upset water snake guy what's wrong! "Well I don't know, I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me, and tore off half of my beloved mustache clean off." He said, doing various hand motions. Ugh. It was Nightmare Moon. I just knew it was. Though, I didn't think she had a "Tacky" color palette. "And now look simply horrid!" He cried, being somewhat dramatic and throwing himself in the water. A large wave was generated and I activated my personal shields, keeping me safe from getting wet. The same couldn't be said for my companions. I heard Rainbow say something, but didn't quite hear it. "That's what all the fuss is about?" Said Applejack, sounding a bit peeved. "Why of course it is. How can you be so insensitive." Said Rarity, walking up to him. "Oh just look at him. Such lovely, luminescent scales." She said, now pawing at his chin. "*sniff* I know." I took this moment to make a few upgrades and modifications to my armor. Mostly organizing and sorting out all of the stuff I've added to the armor set, such as stronger disks, tougher armor, and dual arc beams for mid to long range attack in my front hooves. I could make it any color I wanted, but left it at the default 'White'. I looked up when I saw Rarity with one of his scales in her mouth. I was confused when she lifted it above her head. Then she swung it at herself. "Rarity what are you-" Twilight was cut off as we all saw her cut off her own tail in a single swipe. The big guy seemingly fainted and landed in front of us. Spitting out the scale she levitated her tail with her magic and merged it with his mustache. I raised an eyebrow and now realized something. Several things were beginning to match up and I got a bit giddy. Twilight and Rarity were conversing and I saw the aftermath of Rarity cutting off her tail. It was kinda short, which didn't bother me much. That was until I could see a bit of her "junk" and made a note inside my helmet to walk ahead of Rarity until it grew back. Or avoid her altogether once this is over. 'Good boy, Franz.' I heard echo through my head. I really wished I could strangle her for saying that. "Look, we can cross now." Said Twilight, wadding through the water. She then yelped as the big serpent guy made himself into a sort of bridge one can jump on. "Allow me." He said with a bow, then dove in the water to finish the bridge. We all jumped on his scales and crossed the river and thanked him once we crossed. Well, I was forced to. He seemed like an alright guy though, just in touch with his inner gentleman. We kept walking and I folded back my helmet. Deciding that I should use this time to at least try to talk with the girls. I don't understand why I'm not actively chatting with them. For the most part I've been silent, only talking when they directly ask me something. Probably has something to do with what happened a thousand years ago. If not that then I must've been temporarily taken over by a confident spirit named 'GigaChad'. I forgot to make sure to walk in front of Rarity and saw her right there, walking. I think we might be close to the castle, I don't know. I felt like we've been walking for a few hours. Ah! Rarity! Front! Now! I walked a bit faster and managed to get ahead of her, much to my pleasure and their confusion. Although, I think Rarity is a clever cookie, so she should be able to realize what I just did. I was now behind Applejack, who seemed to be oblivious, but noticed me behind her and welcomed me with a smile. I returned one along with a nod. "So, ya'll got someplace to be after all of this? Or ya gonna stay for a while?" She asked when I got close enough. "Or are ya gonna find your special somepony?" She whispered closely with a smirk. I thought about it for a bit. "I think I know where she is now." I said in a hushed tone. She gave me a small smile and a very light laugh. "Good. Ya should chase your mare. You seem like a good stallion to me. If ya didn't have a special somepony, then I would chase ya myself." She said a bit louder. I wanted to quiet her, but there wasn't really any point for that. Still, I was surprised that she would actually say that to my face. On earth, I was kinda like the cool kid, but low budget. Yes, there were cooler people than me, but when I heard my friends say that to me I felt really good about it. So now I try to be as pure as I can with my current mindset. "Make this world a better place and follow you heart!" wrote one of my teachers on my yearbook before I graduated. I know, it pretty cliche, but I was a good kid back then. But now... Now I don't know where I fit in. With a part of my memory gone, I have no clue what I did and what I should do. Who I hurt, and who I should talk to. Wait, didn't Twilight mention a second Alicorn sister? "There it is! The ruin that holds The Elements of Harmony. We made it!" Said Twilight, running towards it. I saw that the bridge was out and quickly ran after her, along with everyone else. I don't think they saw it either. "Twilight! Wait for us!" Said Applejack. "We're almost there." "Twilight, STOP!" I yelled. She didn't hear me until she almost fell off, but somehow managed to stop herself. I grabbed her with my wing, somehow, and pulled her back onto the level ground. "What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" Quipped Rainbow. I rolled my eyes and helped her back up. "*huff* Now what?" Asked Pinkie. "Duh." Said Rainbow with a quick flicker of her feathers. "Oh yeah." Rainbow then jumped up and flew down to retrieve the fallen bridge, grabbing it in a single swoop and landing on the other side. We saw a sudden fog roll in and begin to fall in. The girls looked at me while I looked down at my visor. That was... odd. "Uh, what was that?" Asked Pinkie. I thought for a second. It sounded like it was something passing by and........ oh shit. "I think it was Nightmare Moon." "What?" Asked Applejack. I saw three beings on the other side of the bridge with Rainbow. Activating one of my beams and waited for an opening. "I'll go around and try to stop her. Call Rainbow and ask her what's taking so long." I said in a hurry and opening my wings to get a good understanding of them. Strange, It's like I have somewhat developed muscle memory. "Wait, You're not being serious, are you darling?" Asked Rarity. "I'd rather do this now than later. And I"ll have the element of surprise if I get her." "B-be careful, Franz." Said Fluttershy quietly. "I'll try." Jumping off several meters above them I flapped my wings as hard as I could, which was a stupid idea as I kept going higher up. I remembered Rainbow doing some sort of hover and tried to copy that with surprising success. "Rainbow! What's taking so long?" I used this distraction from Rainbow and aimed my arc beam while creating a bubble shield. I aimed my arm and made a long pointed barrel instead of a simple circular blast. It closely resembled the beam rifle from Halo, but was charcoal, like the color of my armor. "Rainbow!" The fog was then flung into their direction as to keep them from talking to her. Twilight managed to shout something, but I couldn't hear her from the fogs density. I narrowed my sights on the stallion on the left. Rainbow looked like she was debating on something. I think that they were trying to recruit her in with them, but she denied, and tied the bridge before flying back. "Firing Main Cannon." I said. A loud, shrill sound rang out and caught the attention of almost everyone in a long radius. The stallion that I had shot fell and grabbed the other two's attention. They quickly began flying away and I continued my assault until it overheated and needed to cool down. Once cooled I continued until it ran out of charge. I didn't hit any of them after, but I think I got the message across. Gliding down I stopped where the body was. It wasn't there save for some blood boiling and a bit of charred cloth. I thought I had hit him in the head. Or was that not her minions? "Franz. What was that? I heard you blasting her with your... laser thing." Said Rainbow, circling me and my now retreating nano-weapon. I saw the others watching me as well. I thought about playing it off as nothing, but I decided to give them a bit of a taste. "It's a arc beam rifle. That's all you really need to know." I said. They seemed a bit disappointed, until I added a quick remark. "For now." "So wait, you have advanced technology such as energy shields and beam weaponry, but you haven't told anypony about it! I know being an Alicorn might give you some leeway, but what are you waiting for!" Asked Twilight, in a more annoyed manner. "I dunno, better questions I guess." I said, with a small smirk. "Now I know ya'll are interested in his gizmos, but shouldn't we be focusing on a different subject?" Asked Applejack. "Like that! C'mon guys, lets get this thing over with." I said, pointing to the castle up ahead of us. I think they know I'm tired of this at this point. To be honest, the most exciting part of this for me was when I blasted Nightmare Moon (ex at this point?) with my rifle. I think I'm supposed to feel bad, but who cares. Burn me, I burn you back. I opened the door to the first room and saw a big thing right there. I'm assuming that I'm seeing the reason we did this. 'I give unto you, the source of my power. Use it, bind it, become it.' What the hell was that! It didn't sound like Nightmare Moon, but when I heard it, I felt at ease for a few seconds, but was scared at the same time. The fuck! 'Harmony flows through your veins, but you must find Chaos. He will teach you, guide you, and help you.' "Franz, you alright? Ya kinda look tense." Asked Applejack. "Y-yeah. Just glad we made it." I lied. I wasn't glad, I was terrified, but why? She scrunched up her nose in disapproval, but thankfully didn't say anything. She then turned to Twilight. "Come on, Twilight. Isn't this what you've been waiting for?" She said. "The Elements of Harmony. We found them!" Said Twilight as the Rainbow and Fluttershy carried the stones. I flew up to and picked one of them up with relative ease. They weren't that heavy. Although, that might be my stupidly large strength pool talking. "One, two, three, four. Uh, there's is only five." Said Pinkie. "Where's the sixth?" Asked Rainbow. "Hey Franz, you wouldn't happen to have anything that can show us where the sixth is, right?" Asked Pinkie. "Oh, no. This is way out of my jurisdiction, pay, and ability." I said simply. "The book said when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed." Said Twilight. "What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" "I not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back. I don't know what will happen." Said Twilight, getting on her stomach to get a closer look. "Come on, now, y'all. She needs to concentrate." Said Applejack. 'No. Something isn't right. Why do I feel a building pressure in the room?' I saw that everyone was leaving, and I reluctantly followed. Something was definitely wrong. I stayed in the doorway to keep an eye on her. After a minute of nothing happening, I joined the others. "AAH!" I heard the second I looked away. I burst through the door like Shrek coming out of the outhouse and saw that the Elements were spinning in a small tornado. I saw Twilight jump in as soon as it shrunk and disappeared in a flash of light. Everyone began panicking while I flew in the air as soon as she was gone. I pulled up my visor for any areas of interest or heat signatures. Even night vision. I picked up some flashing lights in a building and immediately made a dive bomb for it. I punched through the brick wall and plowed into the ground in a loud crash. I immediately re-bounded off the ground and dashed after the closest being, which was Twilight, and activated the bubble shield I had ready from earlier to cover her. I plowed into Nightmare Moon, who was taken by surprise by my entrance and knocked her to the ground. "RAAAH!" I screamed as I made a heavy right hook to her head. It made contact and crumbled the ground beneath us, along with the armor plating on her head and on my hoof. It seemingly knocked her down for a bit, but I wasn't taking any chances. I deftly shot all of my available disks at her limbs and body to keep her down. Then created a nano-tech trap to wrap around her limbs and sink pikes into the ground to keep her contained. It was over within several moments, and Twilight hadn't the slightest clue on what just happened. "That's what you get for throwing me out a window, asshole!" I screamed, adrenaline pumping throughout my body. Man, what a rush! I couldn't manage to rid myself of the smile that had erected on my face. "Twilight!" I heard the others call as they surrounded her. The bubble shield popped already, so they wouldn't be affected. "Girls! Oh am I glad to see you." Said Twilight, giving in to a group hug. I laughed at the situation. The others just tilted their heads in concern. "Franz, you're worrying us. What's so funny?" Asked Rainbow Dash. Almost everyone had worried or concerned looks on their muzzles. "Oh, sorry. It's just that we spent almost an entire night looking for The Elements of Harmony, when I could have stopped this in the Town Hall." I said, trying to get rid of the smile by biting my lip. "That and the adrenaline rush I'm getting right now." I added quickly. "Oh. Did she hit you?" She asked. What? "What?" I asked. "Oh! Franz, your nose is bleeding!" Said Fluttershy, trotting over to me. Touching my nose I saw a bit of blood trailing down my chin. I don't even remember her hitting me back. Did she? I then felt something take over, and blacked out. Fluttershy's P.O.V Oh no. Franz was bleeding from his nose and I forgot to bring my first-aid kit. Maybe he has something to help. Or maybe Twilight knows a quick healing spell. "Franz, darling, don't touch it. You might get it on your coat." Said Rarity. She really seems bothered by this. He didn't move at all. He was just staring at his hoof silently. Oh, it's worse that I thought! Maybe he has a concussion! "Franz. You okay?" Asked Twilight. "Hey Fluttershy, is he okay?" Asked Pinkie. Franz then moved away from me and over to Nightmare Moon, with his blank look still there. His silence was beginning to scare me. "F-Franz?" I muttered. He stuck his foreleg out and dropped one of the shields. Then the next. Applejack and Rainbow both tried to pull him away, but he ignored them and dropped all her restraints and cuffs. "Franz! No! Stop!" Everypony shouted. I was getting scared. Why would he do this? A sudden blast of magic was shot at him from Nightmare Moon. I wanted to cry, and I did as I curled up in a ball to try to hide myself. Franz was never our friend. Never my friend. Franz's P.O.V I grunted as I hit the wall, crashing through it with a sharp pain all throughout my back. I felt another blast of whatever the fuck was shooting me hit the small crater I was forced into. Rubble fell onto me, and I groaned in pain. "Aaagh!" I heard Rainbow scream. I tried to push off the rubble I was caught under, but was grabbed and flung into another wall. Grunting in pain I made a low growl before I got up and saw a long sword several inches from my face. Time must've slowed for me. I let it hit the spot where I would have been if I didn't move and saw another blast of white energy coming my way. Jesus! Who was attacking me! I saw the bodies of the girls sprawled out with various slashes and deep cuts where tendons would be across their bodies. My stomach dropped and I didn't have time to dodge a magic blast and I was hit head on. Anger jump-started my senses and I saw more blasts headed my way. "I gave you a chance Franz! Now you have the blood of these innocents on your hooves." Screamed Nightmare Moon maniacally. I was infuriated. She hurt them, for no good reason, because of me. I dodged another volley of swords and blasts with speed and agility being the main benefactor for me. "You come to our land, and betray me with Celestia! For what! For your kind's sick games!" She shouted, intensifying her attack patterns. "If you tell me what did, I'll make up for it!" I said, trying to keep myself from getting murdered by her and keeping a clear head. "You'll pay with your blood!" She screamed, flying into the air to charge a large blast on her horn. 'Oh shit.' A massive blast of energy was sent my way, slightly blinding my from the intensity of the burst. I barely managed to create another bubble shield, it only having half a second to develop it's hexagon patterns for optimum protection. I looked up at the blast that was pounding at the bubble, large energy wisps falling off the sides. I could see small cracks split the shield and the ground. "RRRAAAAAAAA!" She yelled as she intensified the attack. I quickly ran out of the shield and took to the skies. I turned and saw that the shield had popped and she was pissed, murder clear as day in those hate filled eyes of hers. I flew up to the ceiling and out the large hole I made on entry. I flew back, trying to get some distance between us so I could think. A blast flew by, nearly hitting me head on, but missing as I ducked down to avoid taking damage. "Sunset Overdrive!" I called. My armor quickly folded over my skin and fur, creating a airtight seal and providing moderate protection. My Heads Up Display (HUD) lit up and my shields began charging up. I felt my excitement flare and for a second, nearly gave in to my inner nerd. It was quickly snuffed out as a sword came flying in a spinning motion, almost like a tomahawk. I didn't have time to dodge and it hit me straight in the chest. My shields were quick to stop the blade form further damage, but it took them out momentarily, a loud clang and an electric shock made my limbs lock up. I saw warnings for my shields, but paid no mind to the incessant beeping. Nearly falling to my doom I swooped up and saw that she was preparing an attack. I quickly charged up my arc reactor beam for a continuous charge, using the power from my Disks to keep the power strong. We were about several dozen meters away, and she let her attack go, and I did the same. Our blasts collided, blinding whoever could see. Magic against Technology. My Disks had the same output as my energy blade and shields. I thought of additional power cells from my personal shields to be added into my arc beams, and they were immediately installed. I quickly tapped into them, pouring all of their power for another push. I was going to quickly overpower her, and I got cocky. "Take this!" I yelled as I pulled back and dumped everything into one final push. "RAAAAH!" I screamed. This was it. I was going to win. She suddenly made a barrel roll, charging her power from her horn for another blast. I gasped as my power surged, a large beam destroying the forest for what looked like several miles across, the power digging into the soil with relative ease. I hadn't had the chance to think about the repercussions to the forest when she was upon me. Unable to stop, I just cut the power to everything. Which was a mistake. My arc reactors instantly blew their fuse, blowing up in my face and destroying themselves in the process. I felt the pins and needles of shrapnel in my hooves. With no defense of offense, along with burns that I couldn't see yet, she pulled another sword and smacked me out of the air with the flat side. I brought up my right hoof for a block, but missed. I crashed into another part of the castle, parts of my armor taking the beating full force and shattering like glass as the nano-mesh was torn apart. I saw a large beam of magic coming my way, and I struggled to get out of my crater. The blast didn't hit me directly, but it had an area of damage, and I was thrown a good few meters away. We were in the place with the girls. I saw Fluttershy stare at me. Was she watching the whole time? I didn't get an answer as Nightmare Moon crashed into my back with her hooves, breaking more of my armor off and possibly snapping my spine. I felt the shock wave and promptly lost my vision for a bit. I was losing, and she knew it. Or I had already lost, and she was enjoying this. > Chapter 8: Finishing With A Whimper [Rewritten] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Franz, wake up." I heard. Who was that? It sounded sweet, yet I was inexplicably furious with it. Who dares awake the mighty Fra- "Come on, we'll be late to class. Don't make me use my beating stick again." I opened my eyes and saw a girl, or at least, the figure of a girl. What I could make out was light skin and general attractiveness that most men would desire. "No. I don't wanna." I mumbled, What's happening? Why do I feel such an inexplicable rage towards this woman? "Franz, get up or I'm not putting on the maid outfit like you asked tonight." She said, in her horridly sweet voice. "You were going to do it?" I asked, "There's gonna be a costume party at my job, and yes, someone one of the interns managed to convince HR to allow adult themes. So come on and get up you lazy ass." She said, attempting to yank me out of the bed I realized I was in. 'Get away from me!' I thought, getting more hateful from her grabbing me. I may not have know what she did, butwhatever it was she probably deserved me being this mad at her. "Fine, lets go." BOOM I felt myself take another full blast with little protection. My armor was mostly gone, save for pieces that barely protected me. I tried to get back up, the pain searing across my body being too much to function correctly. The ringing stopped and after a few seconds of just laying there I heard someone near me. I knew who it was so I didn't need to look. I decided to let myself be at the mercy of a more skilled warrior. "How could you betray me... how could you extinguish the fire for us and abandon me in my time of need?" Said Nightmare Moon in a soft, yet frustrated tone. "That isn't what I'm worried about." I said, weak from our battle. I had done little damage to her while she beat me with magic blasts and sword slaps. I heard her growl. It was one that one would make if they were annoyed. "It's that I don't remember what had happened between us that I'm worried about." I said, opening my eyes to face her. One eye was swollen and there was a trickle of blood trailing down my face. Mental note if I survive this, reinforce everything! She had a large hoof shape mark on her cheek and her helmet was partially gone. I looked over the rest of her and noticed that she might've been crying the whole time she was attacking me. I felt my body wanting to shut down from her borderline abuse, and I felt myself slipping into sleep. I then unwillingly passed out for the third, and final time today. Nightmare Moon P.O.V. I watched my past lover slip into unconsciousness. I hadn't seen any deception in his eyes and I thought about what he said. 'He doesn't remember.' I was infuriated at him. All of my anger was at it's peak. I let the tears I was holding back fall as I sat on my haunches and cried silently. My heart was beginning to throb painfully as I sat there, pathetically. 'Not only does he not remember, He doesn't know me anymore.' Getting up I made another sword and held the point over his head. I wanted nothing more than to end him right now. I edged the point closer, my blade beginning to sink into his neck. With a frustrated yell of disapproval, I released the pressure from his throat, my sword dissolving in a flash of dark light. My mind drifted back to our relationship as Luna and I did recall some things that didn't make his experience enjoyable, especially with me. After he betrayed me he disappeared, and he left me to fend for myself. I was alone, and Celestia using the elements to banish me on the moon only intensified my anger. But he didn't mean to do this. I shouldn't have done this. Is there still time to fix us? "Guh. Y-you think you can destroy the Elements just like that!" I closed my eyes in annoyance and turned to see the lavender one struggling to stand. "Well, you're wrong. Because the-" "Silence, young one. I'm beginning to realize what I did was wrong, and now I wish to no longer do harm. I desire to change." I spoke, clearing my voice of Royal Tone Spell. My anger had subsided, and I wanted a change. She seemed surprised that I wasn't struggling against them still. I had lost my fighting will. I needed to accept this fate. "W-what?" Repairing the rather large dent he left in my helmet, I turned to look at her, confusion still plastered on her face. "Did you not hear me? I said I desire to change! After what he said, I have some things I need to sort out with him. So please, use the Elements, and rid me of this form while you have the chance." I said confidently. One could see the gears grinding in her head, and she limped to the others to wake them. I didn't to kill them, nor did I genuinely attempt to take their lives. Incapacitation is a much more effective and lasting thing one can do to force someone into submission. Except for the cyan pony. She surprisingly came close to causing harm with her speed. While they roused from their paralysis, I watched Franz sleep, his breath no longer labored, I noted. Though, his injuries are going to need assistance. I hadn't realized how much I had injured him. His charred forelegs, riddled with shrapnel from his own mis-calculation, bruises from my blades. There has to be at least a broken bone in there, yet he showed no sigh of pain from it. "Hey, are you ready?" I heard one of them say. Most likely the lavender one. "Yes." After a moment, The Elements fired that rainbow colored blast. I didn't move and took the blast head on, hoping to face the consequences of my actions. I knew that if I let this happen, I would be suppressed again and Luna will take hold. I was thankful for that, and I wished to see Franz again, but on better conditions. Everything went white. And for a moment, just one beautiful moment, I knew everything would be alright. "Franz..." I whispered, fading away. Franz P.O.V. I was in the abyss again, that sensation of nothingness striking me again as I knew I was either dead, or in a coma. Not that I cared, or minded. I was in peace, the most peace I've felt in a long time. No worries. No pain. Nothing. Everything was gone, all of my negativity. Every single thing that made me, me, gone for a brief, beautiful moment. I heard a rumble echo throughout where I was. I opened my eyes and saw myself, lying in a hole in the ground with burnt off feathers, bruised body and crispy skin. I felt pain again, a discomfort as my body began healing itself, the tissue and feathers re-materializing in front of my very eyes. A blinding, and somehow deafening flash caught my eye, and I was forced to avert my eyes, closing them and turning my head away as I caught a glimpse of a rainbow beam heading straight towards my body. After that I was back with myself and only myself. I was all alone, and I didn't want nothing to to ruin this feeling. This was the best goddamn feeling I've ever felt, and I felt like it wasn't going to end soon. It was like a never ending, orgasmic afterlife. One that I felt as thought it should be shared, and not all to myself. Afterlife. I suddenly got worried, snips of memories of after my battle playing back in my mind, but the sense of worry I felt was smothered out by the seemingly infinite amount of 'dopamine' and 'serotonin' I felt inside my body, and even soul. They would be fine. I'm sure of it. I felt like I was being pulled down, suddenly. Not in a jostling kind of way, but in a pleasant tugging. I heard things around me and I couldn't make out what they were. But it didn't matter. I was still in my happy little orgasm bubble. Where all good things are. And no one can hurt me. Not anymore. I then woke up. Time Skip: (?) Days I screamed. I wanted to break something. I was furious. I then instantly regretted all of that when I moved. I was in the worst pain I ever felt and I was angry, hurt, and... sad? I was also suddenly blindsided with fatigue and hunger. I realized I was in a hospital and all of my equipment was destroyed, along with any sort of comfort I had in my orgasm bubble. And what's with this damn needle in my arm!? I gently pulled it out when a white mare, with a red mane in a hospital hat and tail, along with a male pony, who had a caramel coat and brown mane and tail, wearing a lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck, burst into the room like a Swat team. They seemed on edge, if the amount of medical gear they brought along was any indication. I pointed my hoof at them in a surprised manner and expected to catch them in a disk, but remembered that it was destroyed. I tried to move, but my pain prevented me from doing so. I winced in pain as I felt something in my lower back protest against my movements. "Your majesty, you mustn't move! You'll hurt your wing and rip your stitches!" "Fuck your stitches! I need to stop Nightmare Moon!" I yelled. I have no Idea how long I was out, but if Nightmare Moon was still out and about doing god knows what, I'd still need to stop her. I tried to force myself up, but the guy's horn lit up and it seemed as though he put some spell on me. I instantly went limp and I flopped back onto the bed. "There, better?" He asked, as though straining to keep me subdued. "No! Where is Nightmare Moon!" I demanded, still trying to struggle against the magical induced position I was in. "You need to calm yourself, Your Majesty, Nightmare Moon has been taken care of by The Elements of Harmony." Said doctor man. I calmed down significantly from hearing that, and stopped resisting. He almost toppled over from what looked like exhaustion, and his horn powered down too. I took this chance to check my surroundings. There was a large curtain that covered about all of my view from the rest of the room. It was a standard white one that wasn't very well suited for my weary eyes, though, I was curious on what was behind it. "Your majesty, would you like something?" Asked the nurse. I turned and saw her next to my bed with a smile. "Some food would be nice." I replied simply. She smiled and turned towards the door and whispered something to the doctor, before leaving to 'retrieve' my food. She opened the door and I saw two guys standing there with spears. They wore some sort of roman armor that was made for equines, much to my surprise. Were they guarding me? Or making sure I wasn't escaping? I turned back to the doctor and he stood there with a clipboard, checking things off with his magic. He pulled some things out of a cabinet in the side of the wall. They looked like normal things a doctor would use to check ones physical health. Like a small wooden stick, those things they use to check your ears and eyes, and a reference guide. "Say aah." He said, holding the stick with his magic. I complied and did his routine as quickly as I could. He checked my ears and eyes before looking at a reference guide a few times. "What's the problem doktor man." I asked, slightly interested in what he was doing. He seemed to be a little nervous, but managed to keep his composure. "Well, I'm not sure how to say this, but have you felt any pain. Or anything on your back or wings, specifically?" He asked. What? I looked at my wings and found them wrapped around in bandages, along with patches of fur growing back in spots. Now that he mentions it, I don't feel anything. Not one sliver of pain. Like it suddenly disappeared when I woke. It must be another ability thing I have. "No, not really." I said. I was actually getting a bit nervous and that spell he did was beginning to wear off. "Is that normal?" I asked, a bit of fear sneaking in my voice. "Of course it is. It'd be heavy news if you did." He said. That made sense, I guess. "I thought you knew. Since you are a Alicorn, you should be able to use attack and defense spells fairly easily. Although, I'd rather do healing spells." He continued, adding his own bit at the end. I idly wondered if he was trying to either butter me up, or just make small talk after stunning me. "Cool." Was my short response. He smiled and the nurse came back with a two trays of food on a cart. I watched her with delight and she set one on a table near me. I was expecting her to also put the other next to it, but instead she brought it to the other side of the curtain. Was on the other side? "It would be a good idea if you didn't use magic at the moment. The magical blasts you took were pretty bad for your physical body, and could have lasting effects on your magical reserves. I'm honestly surprised you were able to survive what you endured." He said. Alright, now I know he's buttering me up. "Ah. Well, thanks?" I asked, giving him a slight head tilt. "I'm sorry, your majesty? Could you, perhaps, sign my badge?" He asked suddenly, as though teeming with excitement. "Doctor!" Scolded the nurse. "My apologies, I knew I shouldn't have asked for that." He said, nodding to her with a small smile. I was confused as to what their relationship was with each other, but ignored it for now. I then was hit by a wave of realization, remembering that I now had no way of effectively picking up whatever it was that was underneath the silver dome that was covering the platter. I frowned as I saw that the nurse and doctor had left and I was left to fend for myself. "God dammit bobby." I said, changing my voice slightly. "Who's bobby?" Asked the person behind the curtain. I was taken back as to who it sounded remarkably like. "Rainbow?" I asked, unsure whether or not I was right. Thankfully, I was when I heard her respond. "Of course! Who else sounds this awesome!" She said proudly from behind the curtain. I grunted quietly as I moved over to push the curtains aside to see her. Flicking them with my wrist I was surprised to see that I could grab things with my hooves. Weird considering I didn't have anything to grab them with. Rainbow was lying on a bed above the sheets, a cast around her right side that extended over to her right wing. She also had a patch on her cheek as she stared at me with a smile. Along with several band aids around her four legs. "What happened to you?" I asked, eyeing her side in particular. She glanced down at it, her smile fading a bit. "Oh, this thing? It's nothing really. I got this when, uh, Princess Luna hit my side with her hoof." She said. Who? "Who's Luna?" I asked, hearing that name for the first time. Or, felt like the first time. The name was vaguely familiar, but wasn't quite sure where I had heard it. "Oh, right. You were unconscious then. Well as it turns out, Nightmare Moon was the evil version of Princess Luna. And after we blasted her with The Elements of Harmony, we saved her and you." She said, proudly throwing her hoof in the air. "Did anyone get hurt?" I asked, worried that they were somewhere in the hospital. Rainbow just laughed at my apparent expense. I made a small frown at her while she laughed away. Once she calmed down she saw my frown and her smile faltered a bit. "Aw, come on Franz, lighten up. Everypony's fine and there wasn't anypony seriously hurt." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, anypony except me and you." "And what did you do to get punched by her?" I asked, the slightest bit of a smile on my muzzle. "Well, I ah, I tried to hit her with a rock. At Mach 2." She said, a bit embarrassed. I chuckled at her. Before she could ask me why I was laughing, I spoke. "So you're telling me that you tried to hit a powerful being, who in mind can cause eternal darkness and break through a nearly impenetrable bubble shield from the future through sheer force, with a rock at super-sonic speeds?" I asked, looking at her with a amused smile. "Hey, I'd like to see you try better." "I DID!" The door opened and a different nurse, a tan coat with light blue mane and tail, came in and headed towards Rainbow. Rainbow got a huge smile before she sat up properly, as though expecting something. "Ms Dash, how are your ribs? Any pain?" She asked, a bit sweetly. "Nope. I'm all better. Now can I go now?" She asked impatiently. The nurse just made a light laugh in her sentence. "Of course not. We have to see if they're fully healed." She said, poking her in the side gently. Rainbow winced slightly, before forcing a smile. "Well, they do seem healed, but I know that it was Magic that helped keep you together until you got back. Looks like it's still doing it's thing, so I take it you should be fine to leave tomorrow, maybe even tonight. Stay put, I'll let the staff up front know to release you later on." The nurse said, walking to the nearby door. "You got it!" Saluted Rainbow in a excited tone. The nurse closed the door and left me and Rainbow to our own devices. I lifted my plate to my bed with little difficulty and opened it. It wasn't what I was expecting. Hell, I didn't even know what I was expecting. It was a piece of toast smeared with jelly and was made to near perfection, along with some scrambled eggs and waffles. The scent hit my noses and caught me off guard as I inhaled deeply to try and get all of the steam was still slightly coming off of the waffles. I turned to Rainbow, who had been eyeing my food as well. We caught each others eyes and she turned away, a bit of redness on her muzzle. I also heard her say something about the my quality and her quality of food. I'm thinking hers wasn't as great as mine. Suddenly feeling generous I turned and saw her plate. The toast was still the same as mine, but the eggs were smaller and she didn't have waffles. Just green Jello that looked pretty good. "Hey, you want to split the waffles?" I asked, the feeling of generosity now pushing me to actually want to split my food. I know that they were basically the same but I wanted her to try the waffles first. "What? Why? Aren't you hungry?" She asked. "Well yeah, but I want you to have some. You know, to be nice." I said to her, looking back at my plate. I was actually starting to regret this choice. "Hospital food isn't entirely bad, just sometimes they don't make it right." She countered. I wanted to try again, but I feel like I should leave it at that. "Okay, if you say so." I said. I dug into my food, as did Rainbow. But it seemed like we had different eating methods. She used her left wing to pick up silverware and feed herself, while I used my hoof to somehow pick up the fork and shove food into my mouth. The door opened and the same nurse from earlier came back. The one with the red hair mane and tail. "Your highness, you have a visitor. Would you like me to send them in?" She asked. Visitor? Quickly swallowing whatever piece of food that was in my mouth, I pondered. Who would visit me? One of the girls? Probably not. I didn't know them for long, and even then, I doubt that they'd want to see me. "Sure, send them in." I answered. She gave me a small bow and left the room. I quickly ran through the many individuals I've been into contact with. Ditsy? Nah. Rose Lily and Daisy? Maybe, she did say them. Or maybe it was the girls. My thought were interrupted when nurse lady came back with someone rather new to me. She had a white coat, along with a multicolored mane and tail that seemed to wave in an invisible wind. The main colors were soft shades of blue, green and pink. She was also pretty tall, her horn a mere foot away from scraping the ceiling. She was similarly dressed like Nightmare Moon, but instead of a helmet, she wore a golden tiara. Along with said tiara she also wore a chest piece and slippers. All golden as well. She was the exact polar opposite of Nightmare Moon. She also must've seen me watching her with interest. Because she made a small smile that was comforting, and maybe a little reassuring too. "Hello, Franz." She said softly. It took me a second to process what she had said. "Oh, uh, y-yeah. That's me. And you are..." I trailed off, pushing her to continue with her name. "I am Princess Celestia. Co-Founder and Ruler of Equestria." She moved closer and sat in a chair next to my bed. I shifted uncomfortably as she sat a mere foot away from me. I had noticed the large pair of wings on her back. They were white, along with the rest of her body, but they looked pretty well maintained, like her coat too. "Your highness, should we clear the room so you can speak to the Prince alone?" Asked the nurse that was still awkwardly standing next to Rainbow. Still smiling, Princess Celestia nodded. "Yes, I need a few minutes with him alone. I just have a few questions for him to answer, If I may." She said. I had caught a glint in her eye that seemed to shine. Now if I know anything about ocular abilities, I know not to look directly at them. "Of course, your highness." She said. She took Rainbow out of her bed and ushered her out the door, much to the multi-colored mare's displeasure. I was beginning to sweat a bit, an overbearing level of stress placed on my back. Once the door closed and we just sat there and stared at each other. Her large magenta eyes bore into my own hazel ones. "Um- OOOGH!" I was pulled into a sudden hug. It was strong enough to make me uncomfortable, but light enough to not hurt my wings, which were starting to twitch. "I've missed you for so long, Franz. I thought you had died when you disappeared a thousand years ago." She said, hugging even tighter. My cheeks began burning when she said she missed me. She was unbearably warm and it was beginning to make my discomfort worse. Damn it, I hope I don't have a link with her too. "You guys seem to have a lack of the concept of personal space." I grunted. She let go and her cheeks had a slight of pink. She also had watery eyes, but looked like she had managed to mostly compose herself. Although it was barely noticeable. I felt my body tremble slightly as her very warm body made me feel cold. Speaking of cold things, my food was now cold, but I'm still eating it. "Where did you go?" She asked me suddenly. What? I put on a serious face before answering her. "Look, I'm gonna be honest with you. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I told that to Nightmare Moon, I've told Rarity that I don't remember what happened the last couple of months, and I just woke up in a forest not even a day ago. So if you don't mind, I have to wrap my head around this whole thing to process." I explained in a frustrated tone. She was surprised by what I said, and gave me a small squint of confusion. "A day ago? You've returned for three days." She said. I stopped at that. Three days? "Three days?" I asked. "Yes, Three. Although, we did try to wake you several times, but it seemed as though you didn't want to." She said, giggling slightly. Damn, they tried to wake me and my lazy ass didn't even respond. "How are the others?" I asked. I hadn't wanted them to be hurt, but from the way Rainbow looked, I think they are at least somewhat traumatized. Even if Rainbow said otherwise. "They are doing well. However, this is you I'm worried about." "Me? Why me?" I asked. "Not that I don't appreciate the concern, but why?" "Well, you did take several rather large blast of raw magic, and you claim that you have some memory loss as well. If my source tells me correctly." She said, taking on a more serious approach. Oh shit. "Do you not remember me?" She asked, looking at me with a slither of hope. I thought for a second. I have no idea who she is, but she feels familiar. In a very weird sense that doesn't sit right with me. It felt like knowing who someone is but forgetting them over the course of time. Kinda like all of my old Xbox friends that I had, but forgetting who they are over time. I guess it's just her voice that gave me this feeling. "Well, yes, but actually no." I said, after a moments contemplation. "Can you elaborate?" She asked. "It's like meeting someone from your past, but briefly. You get a sense on who they are and they just never see them again. But all of a sudden, they reappear and you don't know who they are anymore after many years. That's the best explanation I have." "What do you remember, or the last thing you remember?" She continued. "Hey, is this an interrogation or something? Did I do something wrong?" I inquired immediately. "Of course not. I want to help you remember who you are again. But I can't do that if I don't have anything to work with." She reasoned. Damn, can't argue with that. "Sorry." I said, shrinking down a bit. "It's quite alright. Just tell me what you remember." I sat there for a few seconds trying to remember what I was doing. After a moment I finally gave my answer. "Last thing I remember was getting home. I had just gotten out of collage and was done for the day. There was someone waiting for me at my apartment, and I felt happy to get there. I don't remember who it was exactly, but I was excited to get to them. I then passed out and boom, I wake up in the woods with only my belongings I had on my person." I explained. I left out the part about me being human and not from this world. I figured that would be necessary to keep normalcy. "I see." She said. I had now noticed the small frown on her muzzle. I was beginning to get worried when she suddenly smiled. "Well, as much as I want to talk, I must take my leave. I have to set the sun in a few hours, and it is a long ride to arrive in Canterlot." She said, sliding over to me. This time I was prepared. She wrapped her hooves around my back and I returned the gesture, making sure to avoid her wings. "I bid you a good night, Franz." She said, her body still towering over me. She was pretty big, very fluffy and warm too. "Yeah, goodnight Celestia." I said, letting go. She lingered a bit longer before breaking the hug. She left towards the door and left, leaving me alone in the room. I spotted Rainbow's plate with the Jello untouched. That, along with my cold food made it a somewhat decent dinner and dessert. 'Hol up.' "Why did they serve me breakfast food for dinner?" I pondered. "Eh, maybe to help out with my new schedule." I deducted dismissively. 'But why did they serve Rainbow the same thing?' Celestia's P.O.V. "How did it go, sister?" Asked Luna. She was waiting in my quarters for me to arrive. "Different than what I previously thought." I replied. "How so?" She continued. I took a second to recollect my thoughts, my mot recent encounter with him being brief, yet informative. "He doesn't seem to remember anything about us. And he thinks he passed out while arriving to his home." I said. I watcher her currently blank face for a reaction. It was very heart wrenching seeing your sisters past lover not be able to remember her. Even more so when they've spent the better part of three years together. Her muzzle suddenly spread into a weak smile. "Does not matter. Tis just a obstacle, nay, a challenge to get him to love me again. And we shall do so such with grace and beauty. Dear sister, when is the best time to confront him? Tomorrow? Nay, this moment! Quickly sister, we must make haste!" She panicked. "Luna." I called. "Yes, dear sister?" She asked. "If he doesn't remember, then we shouldn't push him to. What if he has a bad reaction at your presence?" I countered. "You did say that his memory is currently lost, did you not? We are simply nudging it down the right path." She shot back. I groaned and face-hoofed. She is really persistent. "Should we go bare and seduce him, or should we make him work for it and wear clothing? Sister! We must make a trip to the local market! Are dresses still considered flirtatious?" Luna said, quickly trying to make her way out the balcony. "Luna!" I shouted, chasing after my younger sister to catch her. This is gonna be a long night. > Chapter 9: Checking The Damage [Rewritten] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I was having a pretty cool dream about me flying about causing all sorts of mayhem in the dream world. Mostly in my home world. It's been a few days since I was visited my Princess Celestia. About sixty hours and twenty three minutes, judging from the amount of time I've been conscious. When I first woke up it was late in the afternoon, with a few hours to spare. So I just counted the hours from when Celestia visited me. All in all, I didn't get many visitors since Celestia. The only one to visit was Fluttershy, and that was a one off. She was too shy to even hold a proper conversation, and about two minutes in she left saying it was time to feed her animals, which I understood if it weren't for the fact that every time I made eye contact she hid in her mane. Even though it was cute it got a bit harder to actually hold the conversation. I also had the feeling it was about how she saw Nightmare Moon beat the hell out of me. And the weird part was that she didn't have a scratch on her. Not one single nick or anything. And after her visit there wasn't much more activity other than the nurses bringing me food every few hours. Something about caloric regeneration Alicorns have or something. Rolling over my side without much difficulty I plopped onto the ground with a nice 'clop' noise. Ever since I woke up I began walking around my room. My wings were still a bit messed up and my eye just a bit swollen, but I could live with that. I also had the staff remove my heart beat monitor so that I could actually sleep properly. Dumb thing was annoying. 'Today's the day.' After I told them I could walk just fine, with light discomfort, they were going to monitor me for a few more days until I was healed properly before being discharged. But before that I wanted to take a nice shower. I heard from Nurse Redheart that there was a hospital shower here that I could use. I haven't left my room at all, with the bathroom being an exception, but it was just down the hall with a sign that said "SHOWERS" above the door. And that I should use it towards the night to avoid bumping into someone. But I feel sweaty and gross, so I'll take my chances. I walked to the door and opened it to peer outside. The guards were gone, probably eating their breakfast or swapping shifts, and I was alone right now. Slipping outside I opened my wings a bit to get a little air in them. They felt a bit sore, but it felt heavenly to finally extend them and get all of the tension out of them by stretching the muscles. It was weird to think about that, right? I walked happily down the hallway, stretching my legs and popping my back a bit. I let out a sigh of content as I arrived to the door. Checking the sign above, I opened the door and walked in. I was expecting the showers to look like prison showers. Little to no space between the shower heads and no walls to hide your decency along with bland white tiles and pipes running overhead with a guy in the shadows and a soap bar on the floor, but boy was I glad I was wrong. There were several glass cubicles that were fogged to the point where you could only see the very blurry outline of someone. They were all open and the shower heads were in clean pristine condition with dials that would take me a few tries to figure out. And instead of regular plain white tiles there were what looked like a smooth red and white tiles that seemed to have a unique design with each cubical. It was really fancy and I didn't know where to start my shower. That is, when I heard a shower already on. I immediately thought of abandoning this entire plan just because there was another pony here. But I nervously held firm and went into a cubical with two knobs and a nice looking shower head. They sounded a nice distance away so I wouldn't be bothered. Looking at the knobs both were different colors. One was blue and the other was red. After some time figuring out how to turn them on I removed my bandages from my wings and stepped into the falling water. "Shit!" I yelped silently as I hopped back from the sudden cold water that hit my fur. I now realized it was going to take a bit of time for the hot water to actually come out. So I waited for it to get warm. While waiting I was on the lookout for anyone deciding to take a shower this early. Thankfully there were none besides that one pony on the other side, and the water had finally gotten warm enough for me. I noticed that I had no soap for me to use. So I created one that made lots of lather bubbles for me to play with along with a random scent and a scrubby thing that are used for showers. I don't know what the're called, but it didn't really matter. I started with my head and worked my way down, eventually making it to my legs and finishing off with my more, sensitive parts. I didn't know what to do with my tail, so I just did the same thing to it as my hair. Once I finished I stopped the shower head by closing the water and made as much bubbles as I could. Now this cubicle was about six feet high and five feet of space between the fogged windows. So it was pretty well made space for ponies. However. With me using the entire twelve ounces of soap, and not having self control, I flooded my entire cubicle with soap bubbles that overflowed into the cubicles around it. And after a few minutes of a continuous stream of bubbles, there were six cubicles filled with bubbles. It also didn't help that after a few seconds, it would refill quickly. I thought it was pretty funny at first. But then I heard the other shower head stop. 'Oh shit' I quickly turned on the shower heads that had bubbles along with the one I was in. Hopefully I could clean this up before they could find me like this. "Hello? Who's there?" Asked a feminine voice. She sounded like she wasn't sure of something. "No one! Just a doctor taking a shower!" I called back. Why did I even say anything! We stayed silent and waited for the other to respond. And after a few seconds I heard her speak again. "Oh. Sorry, I don't know the staff very well." She said. I heard her getting closer if the clip clop of her hooves were any indication. NO! ABORT! ABORT! I heard her open one of the doors that had the shower head on. Thankfully it was the one on the other side. "Huh? Where are you?" She said. Why was she looking for me if I was showering! I then turned on all the shower heads and high tailed out of there, leaving my bandages behind and letting the bottle and brush thing disappear. I didn't even bother to dry myself off. I just wanted to get out of there. Hopefully she'll think it was a ghost or something. A ghost that was taking a shower. And it would have worked if she hadn't rounded the corner and blocked the exit. "Hold up. Why are you running?" She asked. She was shorter than me, with a dark green coat and lighter lime green mane and tail. She had a mark of a few piano keys on her flank along with a horn on her forehead and blue eyes. I noticed a band around her right hoof with her name. Keynote Symphony. "I ,ah, have to be somewhere?" I answered, a bit nervously. I knew it was lame, but that as all I had at the moment. That and I didn't want to use the "I'm a god" excuse just to get out of the situation. If that's what this form is called. It was getting a bit chilly without the warm water hitting you. "And where is that?" She said, questioning my motives. I would have responded when she suddenly cut me off. "Wait, I know you!" "You do?" "Yes! you're the guy who went off with Rarity and got followed by Nether Flame, Blossom, and Silver Shot. I saw you from a bush!" She then took a deep inhale. "I didn't know you would smell this good." She then added, leaning in a bit. I felt my cheeks redden a little from that comment. What do I smell like? "And what smell is that?" I asked. I watched her think for a bit. She even put a hoof to her chin as she processed what I said. "I don't know, but it's very nostalgic and soothing. Like a childhood memory or something. It's hard to explain but I just really enjoy it." She said with a smile. "Uh huh." I said slowly. A question popped into my head. "Wait, why are you here?" I asked. If she saw me then why was she here in the first place. Her muzzle became a slightly brighter red hue. "Oh that's, a bit embarrassing. You see, I accidentally poisoned myself before going to the party Pinkie had planned for Twilight. You know, the new pony?" "Yes, and?" "Lets say I'm not very good at storing my cider. After I had gotten sick the first time, I decided to test them so that I could actually drink them." "Let me guess, you poisoned yourself again?" I added. She blushed a bit more from my blunt deduction. "Well, yes, I did. And after putting it off for a while too." She said with a nervous chuckle. Her face suddenly lit up, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, I didn't even tell you my name! I'm Keynote Symphony. Pleasure to meet you!" She said, closing the distance between us with her hoof extended. I mirrored her action and held out my own in a friendly manner. Even though I saw her name on the band wrapped around her hoof, it was still nice to be courteous about ones name. And to not seem creepy too. "I'm Franz." I said after her. "Ooh, sounds exotic. Where are you from?" "Somewhere small." I said, hoping she'll not pry further. "So Prance?" She asked. "What?" She giggled. "Sorry, sorry. It's just that you have a different name from the norm, you know?" It was a miracle that she didn't notice my wings during the whole conversation. Maybe she was also a little blind as well? "Oh, right." I said back. "Well, I should get going. Don't want to keep your 'patients' waiting." She said with a smile before leaving. I nodded at her and she smiled. After she left I let out a breath I had been holding. "Jesus' Crispy Chicken." I muttered. I noticed that all of them had some sort of mark on their flanks, and I hadn't even thought about mine. I turned to take a look at mine and was confused at what I saw. It was just a strange symbol that looked to be slightly glowing. It was weird. I didn't even know what it was suppose to mean. Deciding to not think about it too much I walked out of the shower room and walked back to my room. Things were getting easy again, and I didn't want to ruin it. "Your Highness, we have been looking for you. We are to escort you to the front office to have you discharged." Said a female voice. I nearly jumped and turned to see a guard in golden roman armor with a sword on her side. And next to her was another guard who looked remarkably alike. I swallowed nervously. I was assigned guards? Was this Celestia's doing? I didn't really think about it for too long. "O-oh, thanks." I said nervously. "Lead the way." We walked to the front of the hospital, passing various rooms with their doors closed. I was following my 'guards', and looking out for someone I knew. I didn't see anyone, of course. Just the occasional nurse and patient that was in a bed. Now that I noticed, their medical advancements were similar to Earth's, with the exception of a few less practical ways of getting ponies back to health. I knew they at least had the concept of clean bandages and sterilization, but I had the suspicion that they used magic to help them out. If what the doctor said anything about healing magic was true, I could try and learn a spell or two. I snorted. Who the hell am I kidding. I probably would injure them more than help. What if they had a cut and I made it heal my stretching that fucker out so much that it was barely noticeable. But then it might be just a long cut that would bleed profusely and kill someone. Yeah, that sounds about right. Just roll the die for heal effect and get a low number. But then again, I might actually be able to do this. Healing and stuff. I've never tried it before, and I'm sure that it should come in handy when a little foal scrapes their legs, or if they have wicked bad tummy ache. Wait, why do I feel like that would be something Pinkie would say? Heh, maybe someone will dare Applejack to eat a shit load of apples and Pinkie would pop in from somewhere and say that. Well, one can imagine, right? I was brought back to reality when I saw the entrance to the lobby. I took note that there was a couple guards stationed at either side of the door. One I recognized was that of Thunderlane. And the other was the lady who needed to plant a garden. I forgot her name already. They had stoic, neutral faces and had spears at their sides. They gave me a glance, before they resumed looking forward. Now I didn't want to be ignored, so I stuck out my chest as far as I could without looking like I was having back problems. The one who looked like she needed to use a garden saw and noticeably reddened, averting her eyes. What, did I just unknowingly flirt or something? I'm gonna have to read a book or something. I'm fairly certain that they don't have a networking power system yet. "Your Highness, when we open this door there will be reporters outside who wish to have an audience with you. So brace yourself." Said Thunderlane as he got behind me. "Okay." I responded. I mean, how many could there be? The door opened and we saw some ponies look in our direction. I saw some of them with hats and a notepad with a quill. Others with a small device that looked like it was used for recording. They all immediately started on their way towards me and I held a hoof up. They all stopped and looked at me expectantly, Clearing my throat I asked them a question. "Isn't there a place where we could do this? Like a platform or something?" I said. I didn't want to disrupt the staff and their routine. "Are you certain? We could do a QnA right here!" Said a stallion proudly. "I could make it worth your while and grab us something to drink?" Asked another one. I wanted to stop them before they started to bicker with each other. "No, no. I meant at Town Hall. Maybe at a scheduled time?" I said. "That and I wouldn't want to disturb the hospital staff any longer. So go and enjoy your day." I said, waving my limb around to show emphasis. Some of them seemed disappointed and others just looked annoyed. My guards helped usher them away before returning to my sides. I walked to the front desk and a receptionist presented the papers I needed to fill out. There were only three I had to fill, but I had to put my name on it a bunch of times. Mostly legal documents that would be sent to Canterlot with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. After I turned the papers in I left to the doors, with my guards following after. It was kinda easy to fill out with papers with hooves, much to my surprise. Opening the door we walked out and I had to shield my eyes a bit from the sun. I was beginning to think that maybe I should make a hat or something, but instead I pushed through. Suddenly, everything got slightly darker, and my eyes began to sting a little. What the hell? "Your Highness, Are you alright?" Asked one of the mares that was to my right. "Yeah, sorry. Uh, do we have anything to do or somewhere to go? If not then I want to pay several ponies a visit." I asked. I wanted to get my saddlebags and my stuff that was inside it. "Not at the moment. Princess Celestia is to meet you two days from now, along with Princess Luna." Said one of the twin mares. "Oh, okay." I said. "Permission to speak freely, Your Highness." Said the other twin. I couldn't make out any difference from the two guards in my front right and left. "Y-yes?" "Who will we visit?" She asked. "I think Rarity is first. She has something I need." I answered. They didn't say anything else, so I just started walking to her house/workshop's direction. I remembered most of the tour she gave me, but I don't know if she told me where the nearest restaurant is. I was feeling somewhat peckish. I was beginning to think that having guards for my protection was a bit unnecessary. I could manage fine by myself, even though I was kinda retarded. Or that's what my family called me. Mostly from all of the jokes and stupid things I say and do. Strange, I don't feel as silly anymore. I wanted to appease everyone I knew, but now I want to make up for the things I did. If I wronged Nightmare Moon, then I might have a lot of ponies to apologize to. Even if they try to kill me. I stopped suddenly. Maybe I can get the girls something for their troubles and injuries! Yes! Wait, wait, wait. I don't have any currency on me. Darn, it was a good idea too. WAIT! I cAn JUst MakE It! DOI! I noticed one of the guards waving her hoof in front of my face. She saw me look at her and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, good. I thought you had a attack." She said. "The hell you mean 'attack'?" I asked, giving her the playful stink eye. She instantly shrunk and let out the faintest of whimpers. Aw hell. "Forgive me, Your Highness, but often times when a pony returns from a traumatic event, they can experience small episodes called 'Attacks'. That means they reca-" I cut her off. "Oh, no, I know what an attack means, but why would you think I'm having one?" I asked, tilting my head. Wait. Several things suddenly clicked into place. "On second thought, don't answer that. Lets just get to Rarity's for now." I said. "Of course, Your Highness." She said. I gave her another glance before I continued walking. Something about the way everyone said 'Your Highness'. It didn't sit well with me. It sounded like they were saying it differently than what was normal. Kinda like the first letters were capitalized. It was kinda weird and I just ignored it for now. After a few more minutes of walking, we made it to her house. It was still standing proudly, not a thing different about it. Except there was a cat perched on a window that was open. I didn't know she had a cat. Or it was a stray that happened to be clean and groomed with a small bell on a collar. Never mind, It's definitely her cat. The guards took positions on the sides of the doors. I opened the door and a bell toned. I hope she was open. When I initially stepped inside, it was empty. With several things in display. I saw the mannequin that had scared me when I first arrived. I scrunched my nose at that particular memory. "In a minute dear! I'll be right with you!" Said Rarity. I swallowed. I hoped her injuries weren't permanent. I was planning to just walk out of here and hope she passed it off as a prankster, but I could hear her hoof steps nearby. They didn't sound off, but I couldn't be too sure. When we saw each other we just sorta stared. I was a bit nervous, but I held firm. She had a bandage around her shoulder and several small band aids that were fairly clean and tidy. I wonder what she had under that wrap. Suddenly, she grew a smile before walking towards me. "Franz, Darling! It's so good to see you after such a long time! Tell me, how do you feel?" She asked. My back is a bit sore from being blasted around an old castle, my wings were a bit stiff and my mental state is going to be slightly fucked up for a bit. Though, it will probably be overlooked and/or ignored completely until it either goes away or ruins my life. But I think there's a 50/50 chance of that happening. Oh, and I have this below average temperature difference thing where I get colder along with some amnesia. But hey, 50/50 am I right? "I'm good, how about you?" I asked. I'm going to die from lack of self-care. What a way to go. "Oh, I'm doing a very fine as well. So, what can I get for you? Surely you didn't visit just to chit chat?" She asked. Oh, jeez, is she busy? She must be if she got straight to the point. "Ah, well, I'm here to collect my saddlebags, if thats alright with you." I said, making sure to add a bit of courteousness. I gotta be nice, to everyone! "Oh, those divine saddlebags? I had no idea that you owned a such a pair! Pray tell, where did you acquire them? You must tell me the exact place.-" She then let out a squeal. "-I cannot wait to get a pair of my own, why, all the mares will me so jealous, they would ask 'Where in Equestria did you get such fabulous saddlebags.' And I would say 'My dear friend, Prince Franz, gave them to me as a gift.' Oh, they would be so envious of me to know the Prince personally, and enough to actually get me such a magnificent gift too! Prince Franz, you must help me and tell me where you got them! Oh please!" She said, now throwing herself at my hooves. I just stood there, getting blind sided by her sudden transition from storytelling to begging. I looked nervously down at her. Should I tell her that these were one of a kind? Or should I just tell her some elaborate lie to get her into my favor. 'Wait, I can just make some.' I thought. "Well, I can just get you a pair, just stop doing whatever it is you're doing with your eyes." I said, watching her eyes get bigger the more she stared at me. How is that even possible? She then got up, squealed, and wrapped me in a hug, not really paying attention at my wings. Pain flared up throughout them and I just shut my eyes from the pain. Jesus, why was she hugging me in the first place! Does she not know my wings are in pain! Wait, I never told her. She then let go and to my relief, turned around and started walking away. Ahh! Look away! "Do follow me, darling. I believe I moved them to a more secure location. I wouldn't wish for somepony to steal one of the Prince's precious saddlebags." She said, heading upstairs. I still had my eyes on the ground and followed her through my peripheral vision. Something was swishing around so I took a small risk, I looked at her behind. Surely enough, her tail was back to it's full glory. Even had a nice shine to it. I watched it gently sway from side to side before I remembered what, and who, I was looking at. I returned my gaze to the ground until we made it upstairs. There were two doors. One that had a sign on it that said 'Rarity' in fine printing, While the other had the name 'Sweetie Belle' in crayon. I knew who they both were and I didn't feel like going into either of them. I wanted to respect their privacy, even if they insisted. She stopped and turned to me. "Prince Franz, be a dear and wait out here for a few seconds. I will return with your saddlebags shortly." She said, her voice getting a little wavy. "Sure." I said firmly. She then opened the door with a push and disappeared inside. I took this moment to ponder about what had happened to Nightmare Moon. So what I was able to gather is that I had somehow managed to convince her to want to be 'reformed'. I didn't know what that was, but I felt like I had accomplished something. I helped save the world, and it made me happy inside. Although, the fact that she had said that we were past lovers was something that I wasn't sure about. With the way she acted with me, from throwing me out a window to attacking me with magic and swords. That wasn't really fair. All I had was a melee weapon and a long range rifle. even then the only thing I hit was her minions that turned into smoke. Or was that her? More things clicked into place as I realized that she had attacked me for me doing the same first! That's why she was so angry! But then, during our battle, she said that I had betrayed her over 1000 years ago. So what else did I do! Did I cheat on her! I wouldn't know because I had my memory erased for damn sake! I realized that I had been slowly getting agitated and that I should reel myself back in. My wings were extended to their fullest and a frown was on my muzzle. I heard the door open and I saw Rarity with my saddlebags in the air, floating with her magic. She still had her smile and passed me my bags. I strapped them on quickly with my hooves. "Oh, thanks Rarity." I said, my anger dissolving faster than cotton candy in water. "Of course, I would be happy to keep up our chat, but I must need to get back to my work. It will take me some time to finish, of course." She said, pulling her hoof to her chin. "Yeah, I gotta go see the other girls too. You know, to make sure they're alright and stuff." I said, nodding my head a few times for emphasis. She smiled at this. "Well do go. Though I must say, you really are a decent stallion. Why, if I hadn't already had my heart for somepony, I might just have picked you!" She said with a giggle. I gave a weak nod and nervous chuckle. "Uh, thanks." I said slowly. I hoped she didn't notice my slowness and just show me the door. She began walking to the stairs still giggling and began going down them. I followed after her. "So, I hope to see you again soon, Prince Franz. It was lovely meeting you again." She said as I walked to the door. I turned and gave her a quick smile. "Thanks Rarity. I'll come by to visit later, okay?" I said, now using my flank to push open the doors. "That would be marvelous! Do please come again!" She said, now waving at me. "Uh huh." I said, finally making it outside and closing the door. I let out a breath I wasn't aware of holding. "Did you retrieve your bags, Your Highness?" I promptly screamed and jumped in the air by several dozen feet. > Chapter 10: Night Princess. [Rewritten] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After we had left Rarity's (And my guards scaring me) we were headed over to the nearest restaurant. I only got tour of the area inside Ponyville, and I have yet to see an actual establishment that resembled fast food. Or, as fast as it could get. "Sir, are you sure you know where you're going?" Asked one of my guards from behind. I didn't really want to ask them for help because I wanted to feel like I earned eating. A hunter never relies on others! "Not really." I said simply. "Do you know where you want to go?" Asked garden girl. "Yes." I said simply. If I had my equipment this would be easier. I heard them walk in silence for a while. After a while, we came across a building that had a flag of a burger on the top, along with a straw roof and purple walls. "Is it open?" I asked. looking for a sign. "Sir, the Hayburger doesn't open until 11:30." Said Thunderlane. "What's the time?" I asked. We waited for a moment before he spoke. "10:47, sir." I frowned. There has to be another place to eat. I'm sure they know where to go. Maybe Thunderlane or Blossomforth. "Is there another place we can check?" I asked. There has to be. "Sir, there's Sugarcube Corner, a cafe, and there's a bowling alley and bar near the edge of Ponyville. "And which one's closer?" I asked. I had wanted something that resembled a sandwich. Or burger. "Sugarcube Corner is the closest, and the Cafe is a bit further." I thought about it. Cafe's do tend to have a bit of everything, and Sugarcube Corner sounded like a sweets shop. "The Cafe it is then." I said. They all nodded and Blossomforth and Thunderlane took the lead. It seemed like we were taking the back streets because we didn't see many ponies around. Soon I was at the front of a small shop that had only a couple ponies scattered here and there. They didn't seem to mind us here, or they didn't notice us yet. "So, what should I order?" I asked my guards, looking at the menu. They just glanced at me. "Whichever you prefer, sir." Said one of the female guards. I should figure out their names. A waiter spotted us and made his way over to us. He seemed a bit annoyed. "Excuse me, but I have to ask your guards to spread out. It'll make the other customers anxious and might cause some trouble for us, if thats okay for you." He asked. Well, more instructed. "Sure, Blossomforth, Thunderlane, Number one and Number two, could you guys maybe spread out a bit?" I asked them. I felt like I was being watched from afar. It was weird. "Of course, Your Highness." Said one of the two. "Highness?" Asked somebody from another table. 'Aw hell.' I thought. I was then barraged by several of flashes from a camera, there were at least a dozen of them or so that now had my picture before they disappeared as soon as they came. I sat there, completely flabbergasted as to what had happened. I shook my head to get rid of the flashes that momentarily blinded me. 'What the heck?' I saw that my guards had completely disappeared and I couldn't see them. I got a little sad that they had left me quite literately. That was until I saw Twilight. My eyes scanned her and I saw that she had a simple bandages around her legs. she seemed to be heading towards the cafe, unknowingly to my direction. I was going to call out to her when I saw what she had on her back. It was the same purple and green guy from the party. The one who called her rude for slamming the door in Fluttershy's face. Nonetheless, I still called her and the new one over. "Hey Twilight! Over here!" I called. She didn't seem to notice until the little guy on her back nudged her. She then made a beeline towards me, and I felt eyes on my back again. It was those darn paparazzi again. "Hello, Franz. I thought you were in Canterlot. Why are you here in Ponyville cafe?" She asked. She looked a bit tense. "Oh you know, I just got discharged from the hospital and decided to get something to eat besides hospital food. Rainbow was correct, they don't make it right." I said, watching her and the colorful creature take a seat on the hay pile seats. I now noticed that the hay piles weren't very itchy. "How about you guys?" I asked. "Oh, We're pretty good. Thanks for asking, uh, Franz right?" Asked the small guy. I nodded. "Although, Twilight's having some trouble with her friends." He said, not a moment later. "I am not. I just need to eat something to think their offer through. I wouldn't want to make any of them upset." I thought about it. What was she talking about? I didn't want to pry, so I didn't say anything. "What do you think I should do, Franz?" She asked me. I looked over my menu again. They didn't seem to have ham sandwiches. "I don't really know what the problem is, seeing as you didn't mention anything." I said, dropping my menu. "Oh. Well, I got two tickets to The Grand Galloping Gala, but I got them when I was with Applejack helping her harvest for a bet she had with her brother. And I was going to ask her when Rainbow Dash plopped from a tree branch, and soon I realized that all of my friends were asking me to take them to the Gala. And I don't know who to take." She then began picking off pedals from a flower vase that was on the table. "There's Applejack's farm, Rainbow's dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, Rarity's true love, Pinkie for her partying, and Fluttershy for the Canterlot gardens. I could always give both to two of them, But it will just make the others unhappy." She said, looking tense from her slumped position. I saw the waiter come by again. He was heading our way. "Have you made your decision?" He asked. "I can't decide!" She yelled, making everyone turn our way. I got a bit confused when some gave looks of jealousy at Twilight being with me. "Twilight, he just want's to take your order." Said the little guy. I didn't want to ask for his name. I felt like I had passed for that opportunity. "Oh, I would love a daffodil and daisy sandwich." "And you, mister?" He asked. "A sandwich will do, thanks. And toast it if you can too." I added. He nodded when the small guy asked him something. "Do you have any rubies?" The waiter just looked at the guy with a distasteful look, And me with a surprised one. This guy eats precious gems?! "No? Okay, I'll have the hay fries. Extra crispy!" Twilight seemed lost in thought for a moment before she turned to me. "What do you think?" She asked, hope gleaming from her eyes as she made eye contact. "I think we have to try another restaurant. I mean, I like grass just fine, but would it hurt anybody to offer some gemstones." He asked. Why does he need gemstones? Are they important? Aren't they expensive? "I mean about the ticket and who I should take." She said, a bit annoyed that he had cut me off before i even had a chance to think about her predicament. "Oh, You're still on that?" He said, a bit bothered. "Hey, I think that this is a pretty difficult situation. Even though I might have an idea on what she could do." I said. Twilight suddenly pushed her nose into mine, making me reel back in surprise. What the hell! "Really?!" She asked, practically shouting in my face. "Ack!" I yelped and unconsciously pushed her away and back into her seat. She landed comfortably, chuckling nervously. I thought I heard the click of a camera before the scuttling of hooves retreating. I thought about what they were going to do with those pictures. Hopefully nothing questionable. "Ah, your food." Said the waiter, sliding his food off his back and onto our tables. Twilight had what she had ordered, a daffodil and daisy sandwich and the small guy had a large plate of fries. My sandwich had mayonnaise, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, and some weird flaky stuff in it, which closely resembled alfalfa. On the side there were a pair of pickles, much to my distaste, and some of the same fries the small guy had. "Oh, thank you, this looks so good. You were saying, Franz?" I opened my mouth to talk, when a stampede of ponies ran around. I was startled as to why they were all running, thinking it was another mob of the paparazzi again. "Madam, Your Highness, are you going to eat your food in the rain?" Asked the waiter. "It's not raining." Said Twilight. I looked around and saw that there was indeed rain surrounding us. And there was a hole in the sky that looked suspiciously well placed. "What's going on?" Asked Twilight, looking up at the sky. A rainbow head popped out and was quickly identified as Rainbow Dash. She feigned an innocent smile. "Hi there, best friend forever I've ever, ever had. Enjoying the sunny weather?" She asked. I decided to quietly make another set of armor identical to my original, except with the addition of a shared power supply. It quickly formed under the table and it crawled over to my hooves and latched on, similar to a octopus wrapping around something. "Rainbow Dash. What are you doing?" Asked Twilight. Rainbow acted innocent again. "What do you mean? I just saw the smartest, most generous pony about to get rained on, so I thought I'd kick a hole in the clouds to keep her dry so she could dine in peace, that's all." Said Rainbow, not skipping a beat. I leaned over to the small guy and whispered. "Is this suppose to mean anything?" I asked him, wondering if that gangbang theory I started off on had any validity. "Nah, they're just trying to get the extra ticket." He said, not really interested in the problem. I decided to leave him be, I know I would if it were me. "I'd do it for anypony." Said Rainbow. We all looked around and say several ponies were running around, getting soaked from the rain. I just scoffed in annoyed humor. I picked up my sandwich and took a bite out of it. The alfalfa looking stuff was pretty okay, but the sandwich could have a bit less of it. I gave the pickles to the ground and buried them when I saw something in the distance. 'Is that the brick?' I thought. Suddenly, the light from the sun disappeared and I looked up. Rainbow had somehow closed the cloud up without the use of extremely advanced technology. Or it was just simple magic. Could I walk on clouds too? "That's better." A sudden torrent of rain hit us, and Twilight growled. I laughed, even though I got wet as well. "Well, I'll see you later. Probably see you at the library. Kay?" I asked, getting up from the table and leaving the two of them. I hated the idea of leaving food behind, but the alfalfa kinda killed it for me. "Sure." Was her simple response. Nodding at her response I activated my armor and made my saddlebags waterproof, along with an automatic sealing when someone without permission tried to pry into it. I also made sure to change the activation code was the same, setting it to stay as "Sunset Overdrive". I swiftly picked up the brick and looked out for the trajectory of the tour Rarity gave me. I saw it was on the return route to the Carousel Boutique. I seemed to have dropped it when Rainbow Dash took me to the side for her apology. I made my way to another shop. It seemed to be the town hall. I idly wondered where my guards were. I figured they had done their job and 'Spread out' like I asked them to. I didn't know where Pinkie, Applejack, Ditzy, Rainbow Dash, or Fluttershy lived. And I sure as hell wasn't going to talk to Roseluck and their little group. Which left only a few options. Head back to Rarity's shop, the Library, or somewhere to hunker down for a bit. I really wanted to talk to Fluttershy about what she saw at the castle, but I didn't need to complicate her day and tell her a story of that I didn't know much to begin with. I could always shoot a message to Celestia and see if I could have another chat if she wasn't busy, but I didn't want to meet this 'Princess Luna' yet. Maybe tomorrow. "What to do, what to do." I said, rubbing my armored hoof against my helmet. I shrugged and left towards the Library, my hooves making a wet crunchy sound as I walked the wet cobblestone path. Twilight was right, there were plenty of small rocks to throw at windows. Celestia's P.O.V It was another beautiful day in Canterlot. The birds were singing. The flowers were blooming. And on days like this. I would rather burn in Tartarus. The day had started off pleasantly enough, though the amount of paperwork involved of the return of not only one, but two Alicorns. One from banishment to the moon, the other from who knows where. Day court has been put on hold as to not lag behind on the paperwork from both Luna and Franz. Though I had hopped at least one of them would visit me again. Luna was indeed at the Canterlot Castle, but she was currently trying to integrate herself back into modern society. As for Franz. He didn't have the slightest problem coming back. It was very suspicious, at first, but I quickly remembered that he had been from a different reality. I remember when he first arrived, so broken, so battered, and so full of hate. He was also reckless, the kind of recklessness that would leave one for dead. Oh, I let my mind wander again, whoops. I was nearly finished with Luna's paperwork, when I heard a knock onto my office door. Looking up, I looked over the papers and at the door, a quill floating near me while I let my magic scribble away. "It's open." I called. A mare came inm her coat a light shade of green while her mane and tail were lighter shades of blue, and she wore a lab coat and name tag, proudly displaying her name. 'Field Test' She quickly bowed and I called her to rise. "Your Highness." She said respectively. "What do I owe the pleasure to? Have you made any advancements with the 'anomalous device'?" I asked. Field Test thought for a moment before a nervous smile flashed across her muzzle. "Not quite. We were, however, able to get it to reform into what looks like a helmet." She said proudly. I smiled at this. This was good. "Princess Celestia, who will be the first to wear it?" She asked. I had made it specifically clear that once we have repaired this, nopony will, or can, wear the helmet. "Oh, that's simple. I already have somepony in mind. They will arrive in two days time. I'm sure you'll be surprised as to who will." I said, giving her a smile. "For now, see if you can repair any of the other 'devices' while I finish this paperwork." I said, the smile on my muzzle still there. "I would love to see what they can do." "Of course Your Highness. She said before quickly trotting out the door, closing it as she passed. Once alone I sighed out loud in annoyance. All that's left now was Franz's paperwork, but at least it was one of my favorite 'beings'. I got giddy for a second, before I recomposed myself. Not going to finish these papers if I feel silly. My mind drifted back to Luna and Franz. Their relationship seemed to have nearly fallen apart all those years ago, though she seemed desperate to be with him. But she was still rational enough to not visit him yet. I knew, and she also knew that if she actively sought him out, his reaction would be poor, and her brashness could alienate him from her. At least she retained memories about him long after he had left before Nightmare Moon took over. Oh, how the old castle wouldn't be the same after that day. Returning my attention to my documents, I began shuffling them, sorting Franz's and Luna's legal papers into their separate folders, and letting them sit on the floor near me. A letter suddenly materialized onto my desk, one that was from my prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle. I could always do this later. Franz P.O.V. I currently sat on the couch, my laptop being the one thing I'm using right now. I had plugged it into my helmet's A.I slot and began adding a few more stuff. It was nighttime and Twilight was sleeping upstairs while I had the couch. Apparently, Twilight sent Princess Celestia a letter that her tickets were being returned for her and her friends sake by using Spike to burn the letter. Then she got back another message and eight tickets. one for all of us. I personally didn't want to go, but I was going to be forced to anyways. Spike was nice enough to actually let me in when I had arrived to the library after I waited for about half an hour. Apparently, he ran away in order to avoid getting a weird suit, or that's what he told me. And much to my surprise, Fluttershy was here, along with a rabbit and several birds. She said something about 'spring cleaning' but I didn't think she was actually doing this out of her own will. I just left them be and went into the bathroom to puke out the bit of food I had eaten earlier. I think I might be allergic to alfalfa. Sure enough, she wanted the ticket as well. And when Twilight arrived, she seemed annoyed, And then Pinkie Pie showed up and then the whole town tried to get her other ticket by doing favors. I had thought about helping her out, but she was a grown mare, perfectly able of doing stuff on her own. Then she was chased around town for an hour. I, again, was about to jump into action, but I saw Roseluck and her small group, and immediately bailed. I wanted nothing to do with those mares. Especially Roseluck. Yeesh. All of the girls were here, except Twilight. Most of them did good, save for a cracked rib, multiple cuts and bruises, and slight mental scarring from watching me get the shit kicked out of me. We talked about what happened and I showed them my slightly burned wings and inability to use magic properly. I had tried to lift up a large book, but struggled to maintain it for more than a minute. Then Twilight popped in and had a mini panic attack, mostly from seeing all of her friends that were trying to get the last ticket. They all went out to eat after the whole fiasco was done. They offered me to go as well, but I declined, saying I should stay and rest, since I took the most beatings from Nightmare Moon. They brought me something to eat, and I was thankful, and ate it with glee. And after that everyone went back to their homes and I stayed with Twilight, much to Spike's excitement. Especially since he saw my visor and armor. Thankfully, Twilight didn't mention it, even though she saw it and stared for a second. Once everyone went to bed, I pulled out my laptop and made a power box to be able to handle charging my laptop, IPod and IPhone simultaneously. I hadn't tried using my phone, mostly because it wouldn't work in another dimension. I decided to take a break and play a bit of Minecraft while I waited for it to finish transferring another armor ability. It would make my armor slightly heavier, but it would really help along the way. Especially if I get trapped under something. *tap tap tap* I instantly shut down everything and shut my laptop and stuffed it all into my saddlebags. I put on my new and improved Disk Launcher. The difference between these and my other set was that they now had a better containment potency. Meaning it was stronger and was able to trap more things now instead of partially like it did with the Manticore. I looked outside and it was dark. I put on my armor and silently muttered the activation code. The nano material slid across my fur and covered me and my wings. Another thing I had added. I activated my night vision and saw a unicorn with a navy blue horn and coat with a black tiara. Her baby blue eyes bore into my own with a fierce intensity. I had the feeling of familiarity, but I couldn't quite place it She suddenly stumbled, as if something struck her from behind. Her image flickered into a smaller pony that had had a navy blue coat with a lighter blue mane. She had a small black, sparkling tiara and a neck thing on that portrayed the image of a crescent moon. She saw me, and instantly threw herself on me. "Please! Don't listen to her! She's trying to corrupt you as well! Don't listen to her! If not for your sake then for Equestria's as well!" She pleaded. I yelped as she jumped at me, obviously not expecting to get possibly molested in the vision. Not something I thought I would ever say. "There isn't time! Please, whatever that wench may utter, anything she promises, you mustn't listen! Please do-" The memory left as soon as it arrived. So this was Luna. We stared at each other, not daring the other to move. I wanted answers, and she could provide them. Or, some of them at least. I deactivated my Disk Launcher and felt the small disks fold back into the armor piece. Princess Luna noticed, and disappeared from the window she was so creepily standing at. "My dear Franz." Said someone from behind me. I jumped and threw a back hoof. It instead, passed through her and I fell to the ground. "Franz, please, you mustn't fight us anymore. We came to you in your dreams to talk." She said, not moving the slightest from her position. She had a small frown on her muzzle. I got up and got into a weird stance, looking at her with an analyzing look. Did she say dreams? "What?" I asked. She let out a light, somehow adorable chuckle. "Franz, do you happen to remember what happened a thousand years ago?" She said, scanning my visor with her eyes. "What do you mean, dreams?" I asked, not answering her question and relaxing my form bit. She let out a sad breath. "How about we go somewhere you might remember." She said. What?! In an instant, we were now in a sunny field. I was temporarily blinded, but my visor took care of that quickly. "Where are we?" I asked. She didn't answer for a bit. She instead sat on the ground before laying completely on her back. I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting to catch a glimpse of her lady horse parts. "Lay with us." She said. I did as she complied, and laid a bit away from her. I wasn't exactly comfortable with her right now. "What's happening in the real world." I asked her. She laughed a bit, and turned to me. "You passed out from exhaustion on the couch while upgrading your armor. We happened to catch you right as you drifted and recreated the world around you, for you." She said, sounding very confident and proud. "Ah. So what did you want to talk about?" She was silent for another moment. I was beginning to worry that she was gone when she suddenly climbed on top of me. I visibly reddened as she looked me straight in the eyes, as thought she was trying to entrance me. "We wish to uncover your past, Franz. It has been one of the few things we have been fascinated about ever since your arrival. I want to do better than your past lovers did. I wish to bring you the happiness you lost so long ago." She said, her nose getting very close to my own. I wanted to find out about it too, but I'm starting to think she is a bit more interested than even myself. "Uh, okay." I said, not being able to move out from under her. She then touched her horn against mine, brilliant light of blues and blacks as all of my senses went into overdrive. I could feel her soul above my own, I could hear her steady heartbeat, her breath flowing across my muzzle, even though it was a dream, I felt everything. Then I woke up. > Chapter 11: A Glimpse To The Past [Rewritten] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke to the sound of someone coming downstairs. My senses were still somewhat foggy, and I noticed I had a bit of morning breath. I rolled over and promptly fell off the couch and onto my hooves. I rubbed my eyes and saw that my upgrades were done. "Oh, cool." I said, yawning. "Good morning Prince Franz." Called Twilight from the kitchen. I froze and turned back to my equipment. They were still there, and the enhancements were done too. Quickly unplugging the helmet from my laptop I put everything back into my saddlebags or on my body. "Uh, morning." I called back, albeit awkwardly as I stuffed everything back. I immediately flexed my limbs as to not get morning wood either. Fun fact, you can avoid getting a tent maker if you flex any one of your limbs or all of them. It's a bit of a cheat code for your body. I then thought about the dream I had. It was strange and I reacted pretty badly too. I didn't even know I was asleep until that Luna girl told me. Apparently we were close lovers, and I was still unsure as to how to properly react to that. I hoped that things wouldn't be awkward, even more so than they already were, but maybe that'll change. I then smelled myself. And holy shit did I stink. I put the seal on my saddlebags and went for the bathroom. I had avoided Twilight because I didn't want her to think of me as a bad smelling person. That, and she seemed to be really into a book she had pulled off the shelf nearby. I found the bathroom and went inside. It was very clean and I made another bottle of soap and shampoo. I didn't know how to use a bar of soap, so I stuck with what I knew. After a quick shower with cold water to wake me up, I headed back downstairs and saw that Spike was making pancakes, along with some oatmeal and orange juice. I eyed the orange juice. I considered it to be a delicacy, mostly because I wasn't allowed to get much for my childhood. Shit was expensive, I'll tell you that. "Hey Spike." I said. He turned and saw me. A look of panic set in before realization came back. "Oh, hi Prince Franz. How are you this morning?" He asked, sounding almost too polite. I instead frowned. "Spike, you don't have to use formalities. I prefer you to talk to me like a friend. Like at the Cafe." I said, adding a smile. "Okay, sorry about that. Would you like to eat? I already have some pancakes ready." He said, not batting an eye. "Sure, what is there?" I asked. I saw a small variety of things, and I watered at the mouth a little. "Well, there's some pancakes, fruit, OJ, and oatmeal." He listed. I grimaced at the combination of food. No milk? Syrup? "Oh, and there's some milk and syrup for the pancakes in the fridge. Could you get that for me?" He asked. Ah, okay. So they did have them. I retrieved the said items and made my way to the table, where I saw Twilight again, still reading a book about "technology". It had the image of what looked like a steel plow and a train that resembled a older version that was out of date compared to my worlds current level. A steam train, full of gears and pumps. "Good morning.. again." I said, catching her attention. She turned her head up to me and smiled. "Good morning Prince Franz." She said, turning to give me a quick smile before going back to her book. "Just Franz will do." I said, being as polite as I could. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked her. It's not like I had anything better to do other than sit around. I could train, but I wasn't sure how to go about that. "Well, we were going to go and get groceries. We barely had anything to make what were eating this morning." She said. It seemed true, the fridge did look a bit empty. "Sure, I'll go." I said, not really caring where as long was it was somewhere. "Are you sure? You don't even know where were going." She countered. "All the more reason to go." I said, flashing her a smile. I was somewhat prepared for the day. I wanted to get a better felling of the village and see Ditzy again. She was a pleasure to be with, even if I didn't think so in the first place. "Okay, let's eat first then." She said. I agreed and soon we all sat down and ate. I checked my bags and made sure to keep them tightly locked up. Unnecessary, but more for my peace of mind. "Franz, not to pry or anything, but what's in your saddlebags?" Asked Spike. I turned to him and smiled. "Oh, nothing. Just some personal belongings and stuff." I said, trying not to look suspicious. I had a feeling someone might to force their way into them or something. Not these two, but someday. "Oh, like what?" He asked, eyes starting to shimmer with hope. "Come on, share some details!" He pressured more. "Oh, just some, ah, stuff." I said, walking to the couch and hopping on for Twilight to come back from getting ready. It was weird hearing pony get ready, but they didn't have any clothes. "Aah, pooh. Maybe Later?" Spike asked. Speaking of clothes, I didn't feel the slightest bit nude. It must have been my fur ad capsules that kept that feeling at bay. "Sure little man, maybe later." I answered back, earning a fist bump to the sky from him as he looked happy. I heard Twilight come down from the stairs with some saddlebags of her own. They were a light blue and had her Cutie Mark on them to act as a button. "Are you ready guys?" She asked us. "Aye aye, captain!" I said, slightly louder than normal. They both looked at me with raised eyebrows before shrugging it off. We opened the door and were immediately bombarded my reporters and photographers. Reacting out of surprise, I pushed them back and slammed the door, almost hitting one of the reporters muzzle. How the hell did they find me, let alone how fast they all got here!? "What was that all about?" Asked Twilight after her initial shock. "Reporters. At least three dozen." I said. Pulling up my visor I went to the window and saw more of them. Did they all have us surrounded? I walked back to them, a frown present on my face. "What's wrong?" Asked Spike. My face then went blank for a second. "They have us surrounded. Our only hope is to try the back door." I said, my eyes narrowing from the problem at hand. I heard the back door slam and I turned to see Twilight with the door to her back. "They're everywhere!" She cried. A thought came to mind. "Try the balcony!" I said. Spike suddenly came from the stairs looking a bit frazzled. "Pegasi are flying around there too!" He said, sounding out of breath. "Wait!" My and Spike's eyes went to Twilight, looking for an answer. "Why don't we tell them to leave?" She said. "Oh, right. Didn't think of that. Cover your ears." I said, walking to the front door with the perfect phrase in mind. Opening the door I was bombarded with camera flashes and recording devices being shoved in my face. Breathing in I shouted as loud as I could. Celestia's P.O.V. I was enjoying my prized jasmine tea. It had been hard at work and just finished updating Franz's legal paperwork. I could now perform Day Court without that specific detail gnawing at the back of my mind. I know it was early to enjoy tea, compared to most ponies, but it was a treat from my hard work. I hummed a tune that had no real rhythm, happily content to just being alone and undisturbed. I was slowly beginning to drift off, when I jerked myself awake. "Oh!" I said in surprise. Giggling I thought of a humorous, but unlikely situation. "It would have been humorous if I was startled by somepo-" "PISS OFF!" I jumped from the loud shout. I recognized the voice to be Franz's. I wonder what he was doing? "I hope the reporters aren't giving him too much trouble." I muttered, going back to enjoy my tea. Franz's P.O.V. I had looked over my handiwork. The front door was now clear of any and all ponies. Save for Twilight and Spike. "Let's go now." I said, motioning over to my companions. They obliged and Twilight took the lead. I didn't have to worry about my guards because I had let them go with a fat bonus on Celestia's behalf. She probably thought I couldn't defend myself, but given that I did more on Nightmare Moon than her "Guards", I figured I'd be fine. I think so at least, since I had effectively removed any and all reporters by basically dragon shouting at them. We made it to the market and I made sure to keep an eye out for Ditzy. 'She must be working.' I deducted. Fairly obvious that she would be, but I wasn't completely sure about their work days. I caught sight of Applejack at her stand. It had a variety of apples that looked like they were freshly picked, and unnaturally bright and shiny. Did she somehow polish them? or was the the morning dew effect they sometimes had? "Twilight, I'm gonna go talk to Applejack for a bit." I said to her as she bought some carrots from a mare that looked a lot like Blossom. "You don't need my permission." She said, giving me a smile. I nodded and made my way over to her. Why did I feel the need to ask? "Hey Applejack." I called once I was in earshot. She turned to me and grinned. "Well howdy, Franz. I see ya healing up pretty good there." She said. I looked over at my wings and saw that the burnt feathers were mostly gone and the new ones were coming in. If I focused hard enough, they seemed to almost crawl out. "Thanks, you look pretty good too." I said, not thinking ahead. She smirked, and I realized what I had just said. Oh god. "Why thank ya kindly, but you should focus on your mare first. Unless, ya wanna start a herd." She said, poking my side. I did a double take. Herd? I knew what that meant for some reason, but couldn't place where I heard it from. "Well, I don't think I would like that. It would probably be too much for me to handle." I said, trying to salvage what I could from my mistake. She gave a light laugh, before noticing my armor. Or, my capsules. "Franz, when did y'all get new armor whatchamacallits? I thought Luna broke em all." She asked. I looked over at it with a interested expression that lasted for barely a second. "Oh, I just made it." I said, straining to maintain eye contact. She scrunched her nose in suspicion. "Okay, well, did ya want to talk about something, or did ya just like seeing me so much that you couldn't help yourself?" She asked, resting her hooves on her head with a smirk on her face. "You're teasing me, aren't you." I asked, my eyes giving a exasperated look. "You just too easy." She said, rising from her position and tossing me an apple. I caught it with my face and balanced it on my nose. Holy crap! She looked a bit surprised as well, her eyes seemingly squinting after a second. "How'd ya do that?" She asked, an amused look on her face. "I just... caught it I guess." I said simply, flicking my nose up and the apple into my mouth. She gave me blew me a raspberry before laughing. "Y'all just full of surprises." She said, now resting her arm on the counter. I turned and began walking away. "Maybe, besides, it seemed a bit-" I said, turning back with a devious smile. -too easy." I said before laughing as I walked away. "Well I'll be." I heard her say as I made it out of earshot. It didn't really make sense to why I said that, but I was glad to have a nice little chat. Oh who am I kidding, I just wanted to flex on her a bit. Looking around, I noticed that Twilight and Spike weren't in the immediate crowd, but no where in sight. Sighing in defeat I now realized that telling my guards to leave with full pay wasn't my smartest move. I just decided to head over back to the woods and try to better my reaction time. And maybe work on some counterattacks to surprise my enemy. Maybe even test out that new ability I put in my armor. I merrily trotted away and hoped that I wouldn't be bothered by anypony. I'm sure that I'll be fine. While I was walking and I saw a few buildings. One that resembled a bowling alley, one that looked like a joke shop, and one that had a sign that said Quills and Sofas. I didn't know where the Whitetail Woods were, so I was heading back to town square. Thankfully it was right there and I made it over with little to no hassle. From both the locals and my own curiosity. I looked at the general map of Ponyville and found Whitetail Woods was Northeast of Ponyville, with the Everfree having a border that was larger than the Whitetail. These ponies weren't very curious when it came to exploring things, and I noticed that much with the lack of details they had. I decided to train close to where I had awoken at. And since there wasn't anypony there, I could revert back to my human form to relax a bit. Trotting away merrily I hadn't noticed somepony spot me and begin to trail me. Three Hours Later. I had finally arrived at my spot. It was a bit better now that I didn't have the eyes of the media on me. Hell, a few mares asked for a picture with them. I told them no, of course. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't want Luna to find out. I wonder what would happen If I had taken the picture? Maybe nothing. I also had some mare following me. I pretended to dart away and have her give chase, but after the third time of pretending to act suspicious, I had made it to my spot. I saw the broken trees were still there, but their bark was gone and had scratches to what was left. I had a feeling someone else was here not long after I had awoken. I then began my 'training' and activated my armor. It felt more comfortable now that I had spent several hours trying to find a specific material for my cushioning, and I couldn't, unfortunately, revert back to my human form. Just in case I was found. While I was trying to land combos on an unfortunate tree that seemed sturdy enough, there was a small click from nearby my area. I didn't mind, and figured I'd give them a show, and leapt back, extending my wings for more airtime. I quickly charged a ball of energy and released it, a low humming sound coming from my forearm and blew up the tree, sending white, but harmless embers in every direction. I quickly landed and rushed another tree, using a spinning kick to sever the tree from it's base, it snapping as I caught it with my hooves. It was relatively light for some reason and I threw it straight into the air. Looking up, I realized that I was charging my magic and only saw it when I raised my eyes to look. The tree began coming back down and I pushed all of that built up energy into a massive blast. The tree was almost about to land on me when I released all of the magical power I had been building up. The result wasn't what I was expecting. The blast was a mix of blues and greens, each forming a swirl surrounding a pure white beam that instantly vaporized the branched tree with strength to spare. I was taken aback that I was beginning to get lightheaded and slowly closed off the power. The whole time I heard more and more frantic clicks and shudders of a camera. My vision was getting blurry, dots riddled around my sight as I collapsed on my rear end. I decided to lay down for a bit. I promptly fell onto my side and didn't want to get back up. I slay there panting like a dog when a thought flew past my head. 'No way in hell am I doing that again.' I closed my eyes and let my armor slide back into their housing. I was done training for the day. After a few more seconds of lying around, I got back up and came up with a different plan in mind. Re-activating my armor, I began my current 'Mission'. I was hungry, and determined to go back to get something to eat. I couldn't materialize myself food at the moment, so I'll have to head back into town to see what Twilight got. I was feeling something along the lines of a grilled cheese. I walked and passed the spot where I had woken up on. There was no indication that said I was there, so I left. Me and my spy reporter were heading back to town when I thought about flying away. I didn't want to try that yet, but hopefully I can build the nerve to fly sooner or later. Turning sharply, I began walking right towards the pony that was stalking me. I wanted to tell them something, but I wasn't sure what yet. I'd probably want to give them a verbal warning to not stalk people, especially for this long. But what I saw wasn't just a pony, it was three. "What?" I said, my voice slightly echoing in my helmet as I cut off my audio speakers. Why were they here?! "Oh, uh, h-hi Prince Franz." Said Roseluck. Daisy and Lily had cameras along with guilty looks, Roseluck sporting a nervous smile on her muzzle. "Hello." I said blandly. Why were they here in the first place? "Fancy meeting you here." I said, eyeing the cameras. "Yes." Said Daisy meekly. We stared at each other for a few seconds, an awkward silence taking hold. I broke the silence by sighing. What was I gonna do, put them in jail? I'm sure that I don't have that kind of power. "Just, don't show those photos of me to anypony and I won't call the, uh, Royal Guard." I said. I didn't really know how to properly threaten someone, but this was the best I could do. The three of them nodded their heads furiously and I smirked. I made my helmet fold down and made my features harden. "Because I know where you live." I said, putting on my best stare down I could manage. I didn't actually know where they lived, but if it got them to leave me alone, then I'd call it a success. I then turned and left them and headed back into town. I didn't really care about what they did. I just didn't want any more attention than needed. And them showing everyone pictures of my abilities that I couldn't control yet was going to be hard to hide, especially if the media was in town. And not to mention the power hungry beings that might exist and try and take my power for themselves. I froze, as a rush of memories hit me from nowhere. I headed back to my apartment, the day was almost over and I was going to enjoy it with the one person I cared, and trusted. She wouldn't mind if I showed her my powers, right? Hopefully I'm not being targeted by the government. I've been doing a pretty good job at keeping on the low. I just didn't have to let my mind wander. I was in my doorway when a bag was thrown over my head. I panicked and threw myself back, knocking the person down. I tore the bag off my head and saw some guy that had a janitor suit. It was our custodian. What the hell is he doing! "Mike! What are you doing!" I said, erasing the small switchblade I had made. "I know you're not normal! The police will be here, and you're going to end up like some freak in cell!" He said, pointing his finger at me. "What the hell are you talking about!" I said, trying to keep calm. The only other time I had made something was in my living room, and I was alone! "I put a camera up and saw you make that fucking light show! How hell can you make shit like that!" He growled. I narrowed my eyes and looked around. There was nobody around and we were alone. Of course, there were the neighbors, but they were mostly gone and on vacation. I didn't like it when people talked shit about me, and even more so when they did it to my friends and family. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the shirt, lifting him up with one hand. He had a look of fear and I brought him close to my face, staring daggers into his eyes. "Now listen here you little shit. I will not be insulted by some asshole who not only broke into my home, but also set up a camera and recorded me without my permission." I brought him closer, butting my forehead against his in an aggressive manner "If you so much as show anyone my abilities, then I will rip your arms off and shove them down your parents throat, you hear me?" I said lowly. I was pissed that he had tried to assault me and threaten me and my girl. He shakily nodded as I added some power to my eyes. I dropped him and he crawled away like the newfound scum he was. I could kill him, maybe erase him and all that he stood for. But that would cause me more trouble than what's it's really worth. Then there's the fact he called the police. I could try and convince her to disappear with me, but I haven't discovered the limit of this power. I could always find out later, right now I had to spend some time with Ca- I frowned in disgust, then discomfort at the sudden transition from memory to real time. How could I be so corrupt? What led me to take that lifestyle? Who was the mystery woman? How did I meet her? I had many questions and not enough answers. Hopefully with time they'll come. I had made it to the edge of the woods and saw Ponyville. If I was going to live here, I have to find out about my past. Both Equestria's and Earth's memories. I stood there and looked over town for a minute before walking back in. I noticed that there was some ponies around and about. Either enjoying themselves or spending time with their loved ones. Be it mates or family. I felt a bit empty. Now that I noticed all of them happy with their success, what should I do with my time now? I have to talk with Celestia and Luna tomorrow, so maybe they might have an answer in helping me with my predicament. I made my way to The Library. There wasn't much I could do today except wait. Maybe I would tell Twilight about my origins, and my abilities. I should try and build trust, and what we have right now isn't enough. If I were to fight someone like Nightmare Moon again, I would have to have no restraint. That includes finding the limit to my power. I was so wrapped up in my inner thoughts I didn't notice I had bumped into somepony, knocking them down. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I said, offering a hoof and realizing who it was. "It's okay, Prince Franz, I uhm, also wasn't paying attention either." Said Ditzy, taking my hoof with a smile. 'It doesn't have to be Twilight.' I thought suddenly. I felt my lips twitch upwards. "What are you doing?" I asked, looking over her uniform. It was brown shirt with several scruff marks. It looked like it was nicely made, probably tailored to her form too. "Oh, I'm just finishing my rounds. I work for the post office in Town Hall." She said. Oh, they have a post office here? "Neat. Well, I don't have anything to do, so how about when you finish we go for a walk?" I asked simply. She was taken back from this. Maybe I can have a companion for all of my misadventures. But what if she develops feelings for me? I should be mindful of that. She smiled nervously and nodded her head in excitement. "Y-yes! I would love that!" She said, clearly flustered. Huh, cute. "Well, when do you get off?" I asked. Dammit, sounds like I'm taking her out on a date. "I get off at one, but you can pick me up at one thirty. Then I should be ready for our walk." She said, sounding slightly bolder. Shit, how do I make it not sound like its a date. "Nah, I rather just have a nice talk and stuff. I just need to get some stuff off of my chest." I said, my mouth being faster than my brain. NO! STOP IT! She beamed and fluttered her wings slightly. I tried not to look at them. "O-o-okay then. S-see you later?" She asked. I could feel several eyes on me again. I could also, somehow, feel a bit of jealousy in them. "See you later." I said, giving a smile. She then rushed and gave me a hug. I was surprised, but returned the gesture gently. It felt nice to get a bit of affection, even if it might bite me in the ass later. But I had to gain her trust somehow. Surely she would understand. She broke the hug and left, but not before flashing me a smile with her slightly off-centered golden eyes. If I looked carefully enough, I could see a shimmer of hope in them. This will definitely bite me later. I thought. Not only had I made a 'date' by Ditzy's standards, but I'm sure Luna will have a hailstorm of anger waiting for me. I checked the time in my visor. I only put it up to my eyes and it showed me the time. It was 12:37 PM right now, according to my visor. Today was going to be hell. I did trust her, she was the first one I unconsciously did at the beginning. I needed someone to trust and she fit the bill. I know it might seem silly, even stupid to put so much trust in the first pony you meet, but she was one of the few I chose. I made my decision with a slight pleasure. I would have to keep things strictly professional, but I know it won't always work that way. "Doesn't she have a daughter?" I said aloud. Right, I didn't think of that. 'I'll take care of that eventually. It's not like she'll actually tell her much. I thought dismissively. > Chapter 12: The Misinterpreted "Date" [Rewritten] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was waiting just outside of Town Hall. It gave me a bit of a chill from remembering where Nightmare Moon threw me out one of the windows on the higher levels. I was waiting for Ditzy to come out and meet me. It was pretty nice waiting for someone to come out of a job. The excitement of seeing them arrive and that warm feeling spread across you chest and face. I loved it whenever that happened. However, this time was different. It was for another reason entirely. I was about to reveal to her my dark secret. That I wasn't a pony, and that I wasn't from their world. It was a different feeling altogether and I was dreading the moment she came out and spotted me. "Hi Franz!" I heard a cherry voice call. I turned and saw her with another additional mare. She had a similar layout like Blossom, but her coat was lighter than her mane and tail. I had seen her a few times. Once she saw me she quickly pulled Ditzy to the side. Wasn't this the pony who sold carrots? "Ditzy! I didn't know this stallion was Prince Franz! How did you even manage to land a stallion like that!" She said, sounding shocked. "I didn't! He walked into me and then offered to take me on a date. A date! Do you realize how much of an honor that is?!" She asked, adding fuel to the fire. Oh god, they told everyone, didn't they. "Well, you certainly are one lucky mare. To have Royalty pick you out of all the mares in Equestria! Think of all the scandals! Especially if one of the other Princesses have eyes for him." She added. I'm starting to think I should stop them. I slid up next to them. They didn't notice me yet. "Oh, I know. I just hope that he doesn't come back. Last time I tried to date, that stallion came back and pummeled him." Said Ditzy. Wait, who? I cleared my throat to get their attention. They both looked at me with wide eyes when they saw me there. In an instant, the orange mare bowed and took a knee in front of me. "Uhm, how much did you hear?" Asked Ditzy, a look of fear in her eyes. "Not enough to be concerned." I said, flashing her a smile. "You may rise." I said to the new mare. She did so and looked nervous. Now that I have them at full height, they were actually smaller than me by a few inches. Around five to six. Were they all like this? I now noticed that there was an awkward silence between us. "S-so should we get going?" Asked Ditzy, getting a bit closer to me. She seems really nervous, and I would be to if I was picked by a royal member to go on a 'walk' "Well, yes. But who is this? A friend?" I asked, glancing over to her. The mare in return looked somewhat jittery. "I'm Carrot Top, Your Highness." She answered before Ditzy could. "Oh, well, it's nice to meet you Carrot Top. I hope to see you again soon." I said, offering my hoof. She stared at it for a second before carefully grasping it and giving a light shake. I smiled and turned with Ditzy, who was standing close to me, but with enough breathing space. "Now, lets go." I said to my company. She seemed way too tense, and needed to calm down a bit. I heard Carrot Top say something encouraging under her breath. And I think she was happy for Ditzy. I should start off small and work my way up to the question. But first, lunch. "So, where would you like to go?" I asked her. She seemed to be taken by surprise, but recomposed herself. "W-well, I would like to go to Sugarcube Corner." She said, a bit nervously. "Sure, lead the way." I said, bumping her shoulder with my own. She seemed to enjoy that, and she relaxed a bit, but not much. As we made our way to Sugarcube Corner, I asked her some questions, and she would ask similar ones back. "So, are you seeing anypony else?" She asked. I visibly cringed and frowned at that one, my wings readjusting themselves from the question. "I'll take that as a yes." She said with a frown. She seemed to lose her look of happiness. I sighed and gave her the answer I had made since my dream last night. "Well, it's kinda complicated right now." I said, giving her a truthful answer. She seemed to brighten a bit. "How so?" She asked. "Well, apparently I have some amnesia." I said. She looked shocked and frowned sadly. "And not only that, but apparently I cheated on her with another mare." Ditzy then looked at me with fearfulness. "But since I don't remember it happening, I can't fix it with her. I have no idea how to proceed or what to do." I said, getting bitter towards the end. She gave me a look of relief. "But a thousand years later and I still don't know what I've done or how to keep going. I'm stuck in a big mess and I can't seem to find a way out." Ditzy scrunched her nose in confusion. "Wait, who is this mare?" She asked suddenly. "I don't know anymore. At first she seemed was nice and all, but then she began threatening me. We even got into a big fight that almost destroyed a castle." I said, my expressions getting more and more darker. Ditzy then draped a wing over my back and pulled herself close to me. "I may not know what you're going through, but know that I will always try and help. You can get through this." She said, looking into my eyes with a sad smile. I gave one back and we kept walking together, brushing against each other with out sides. She was pretty warm and fluffy, especially in her chest area, and I was now realizing I was too. It was just covered by my visor. Using my magic I lifted my visor and placed them on my head. I wasn't going to cover my heart anymore. I was gonna tackle this head on with my friends. My new friends. As we made it to Sugarcube Corner we received many stares from all sorts of ponies along the way. Most of them probably didn't have anything better to do but gossip. entering the shop I saw what I assumed were the owners in the shop. Turns out I was right, this was a sweets shop. And with Ditzy being so nice and 'sweet', it made sense that she go here. She almost belonged here. "Oh, hey Derpy." 'Oh hell no." I looked over to the fucker who said that. Sugarcube seemed mostly empty, with only a few ponies here and there. There was a stallion that almost met me on eye level. He looked kinda lanky and weak. I felt Ditzy rub up my side. There has to be a reason as to why he called such an insulting name. "Hiya Mr.Cake, Can I have the regular?" She said, unfazed by the name he called her. He nodded before noticing me. "Oh! Your Majesty! Would you like some complementary samples of our special this week?" He said. Before I could answer, he disappeared and came back with a tray filled with a variety of baked goods on his back. The one that caught my particular interest was a almost perfect chocolate muffin. I picked the muffin, moving it closer to my face and took a bite. I hummed slightly as the perfect balance of chocolate moisture assaulted my mouth. Holy shit, this guy can make one killer muffin. "This is pretty good." I lied. This gave me another reason to live. It was way too good, hell, I probably couldn't replicate this! "Your Highness? May I ask you something?" He asked, looking between me and my companion. "Sure, fire away." I asked. "Why are you with Derpy?" He questioned. There wasn't any ill intent in his voice. So it must be her nickname or something. Still, I shouldn't call her that. "We're on a date!" She exclaimed happily. I groaned internally. She still thinks that? "Well, she was the first one I met when I arrived, so I decided to take her out on a walk. And to eat somewhere." I said, trying to make it not sound like a date. The real reason was that I needed someone to trust. And that somepony was Ditzy. Mr. Cake seemed taken back. I didn't know what was going through his head right now, but it might now be good. "Well, I wish the best to the two of you." He said, walking away and to the back of the counter. "Thank you Mr.Cake. I think he wants to start a herd." She said. Now wait a minute! I decided to wait to tell her the real reason I wanted to take her for a walk. "Oh, who is the mystery mare?" Said a new voice. I looked behind myself and saw another mare. She was a bit chubby, and had a pink mane and tail that swirled and a blue coat. I didn't bother looking at her Cutie Mark, due to the fact that it would be awkward for us. "Well, he didn't say who. But I think it's a unicorn." Said Ditzy. "It's not my place to reveal her yet. She did just come back to Equestria and is trying to ease her way back in with her sister." I said, trying to make it sound legit. "Oh, and where is she?" Asked the new pony, getting close to Mr.Cake. Is that Mrs.Cake then? "Like I said, not my place." "This was fun. I'll make sure to come by again later and buy some more stuff in the future." I said, nodding my head. They looked a bit down, only to pop back up. "We'll see you again, Prince Franz. Have a wonderful day." He said. I smiled and we both turned to leave. Once we made it outside I took the lead and headed towards the park. Hopefully where I could get some privacy with her. Dammit! Why do I make things sound weird! Ditzy followed silently. She had draped her wing across my back and was leaning into my side. I was beginning to enjoy our little walk, even if it won't lead anywhere. I decided to check for reporters, and paparazzi. Thankfully there were none, but I wasn't sure how long that would last. We had made it to the spot where I wanted to tell her. I had planned a mini speech that would lead me to tell her what I was exactly. "Ditzy." I said, breaking away from her and looking straight into her eyes. She looked at me with reddened cheeks and sparkling eyes. "I just want to thank you for being there when I first arrived in Ponyville. If it weren't for you, I would probably be lost still." If I thought hard enough, I could imagine her heartbeat getting faster. "And you were the first pony I trusted. Even if I didn't think so in the first place. So I'm gonna tell you something I haven't told anypony since arriving." Her blush was getting bigger. What was she thinking. What was I doing! "I..." I paused, suddenly finding it difficult to speak. "I'm actually mmfh!" I was cut off as she suddenly pressed her lips against mine. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no! Unfortunately, it took me a second to realize what she was doing, and when I did I pushed her back. She seemed elated, and tried hugging me. "D-Ditzy! What are you doing!" I said, a bit peeved that she had kissed me. That was a huge breach of trust right there. "W-what? What's wrong? Did I come on too strong? Oh, I'm so sorry! It's just that it's been so long since I've had a date and everything was so perfect and, and...." She trailed off. I was looking at her with a disappointed look. She then dropped to the ground and started shivering. Oh great. All that's left is the paparazzi. *click* I shot a disk in their direction and heard them yelp in surprise, along with the shields activation hum. "Get up, please." I said towards Ditzy. She looked up at me with remorse. Not that I didn't enjoy that kiss, she was pretty good, but it was uncalled for. And who kisses the other person on the first date! "Y-you're not mad at me?" She said, tears forming at her eyes. I let out a sigh. "No. Not really. I guess I just didn't want to clarify that this wasn't a date. So it's my fault for not telling you from the beginning." I said, turning to the sky. It was mostly clear with a few stray clouds. I did remember seeing Rainbow move them around like they were physical. "So, I-I'm not in trouble?" She asked, starting to rise from the ground. "Of course not. Just don't do that again." She let out a cute sigh of relief. "Without my permission, of course." I said with a smirk. She gave me a mock glare and I laughed. "C'mon. I have something to show you." I said, taking to the sky. She sniffed and followed me to a cloud. I than imagined more clouds around us. The only difference was that they were thicker and couldn't be eavesdropped on from the outside. So it looked like a really big cloud. "What I was going to say, is that I'm actually not from here." I said. She seemed confused from my wording. "So you're from Prance?" She said, guessing my origins. "Nope." Why does everyone say that? "Saddle Arabia?" "Not really." "The Griffon Kingdoms?" "A little more dimensional." I said, giving her a hint. "You're from an alternate timeline where there is a Dark Ruler who enslaved everypony and Alicorns are common, but you managed to escape somehow and arrive in a happy land with a elaborate backstory to your name *gasp* and now you're trying to recruit somepony to go with you on your adventures because that's how you role since you can travel between dimensions?" She said, not breaking eye contact. What? "Uh, not exactly." I said. How had she managed to come up with something so packed as that? "I'm from a world where everything your world does isn't achievable. We are called Humans, and we have a large advancement in technology, science, and slight space travel capabilities." I said. her face was expressionless for a second. I was starting to think that she was gonna have an aneurysm. She then snorted before laughing. It was the truth. The hard truth, but I hadn't expected her to react this way. "You mean your from the My Little Human show?" She said, pointing a hoof and laughing a bit more. Wait, My Little Human? Why does that seem vaguely familiar? I was getting annoyed of being laughed at and decided to drop my disguise. Steam rolled off of me as a bright light shone from my body. Withing a few seconds I was back to my human form. It felt weird to be able to flex my hands again. Ditzy instantly stopped laughing and stared at my towering form. I was taller than her by almost a foot and half, measuring around six feet tall, give or take. Then she squealed and launched herself at my face. "Mmfh!" I cried, unable to break free from her fluffy chest. "Eee! I can't believe your kind actually exists! You look so adorable! Are there more of your kind anywhere in Equestria?" She asked, climbing off of my face. "Are you a super human? Ooh, hands!" She exclaimed, putting her head in my hand. "Wait, you're not surprised? Or even scared?" I asked, completely perplexed that she had latched onto my face and was now begging for head pats. "It was always my secret fantasy to meet an actual human from the show. I bet everypony will have a fit when they hear this." She said, nudging my hand with her hand. "Well, I guess you're one of the lucky few then. Because you technically can't tell anypony about me." I said, removing my hand away from her head and standing back up. "I also never guessed they were so tall too. How old are you?" She asked, ignoring me as she circled around. How old am I? "Well, I don't have an accurate number, but I would like to think I'm at least twenty three." I said. Not counting the apparent 1000 years I've been gone. She then poked my lower back and I flinched, swatting her hoof away. "Hey! Watch it!" I said, rubbing my back. "What's wrong? I thought that humans liked to be touched on their lower backs." She said, looking confused. "Well I'm not from this worlds show's version on humanity. Where I come from, we don't like being touched except in one place." I said. "And that is?" She asked. "Well, our hearts spiritually, and out cores mentally, and or crotch physically on occasion, but that's manual!" I said, our conversation turning a bit weird on having to explain my version of being touched. I probably shouldn't have said that last one, because she blushed a bit. But her curiosity returned not a moment later. "So what kind did you come from?" She asked. I didn't have to think about it for very long. "Tell me, what does your version of humans look like? What kind of feeling do they give?" I said, crossing my arms. "Well, they seem to be mostly friendly. And the only time they actually do anything dangerous is when they go on adventures. But it works out in the end." She explained. Interesting. "My world works the same way, except it rarely works in the end. There's a good chance that the plans you had will not be going as expected." I said, recalling my experience with day to day life. "How did you get your powers? And how can you turn into a pony and use unicorn magic?" She asked. "I don't exactly remember how I got these powers, but it looks like my imagination is the limit, along with other enhancements." I said, noticing my arms completely free of working scars. "Ooh, what kind of enhancements?" She said, grinning at me. "Oh shut up." Some Time Later "I'll see you around Franz!" Said Ditzy. I was expecting things to go south with her, but it had gone better than I expected. Which would only mean that the next pony I reveal myself to will most likely take this the bad way. "Please sir, I don't want to go to the dungeons! I promise I won't follow you anymore!" Said the stalker pony I had under me. I had taken the photos of Ditzy's kiss and burned them, much to his dismay, and now had him chained up with Titanium Cuffs. "Later Ditzy!" I called back, watching her fly away back into town. We had a good chat. and we left on a higher note than I had expected. Once she was gone, I turned to the stalker guy. He had a fedora and tie, along with an rust orange coat and yellow mane and tail. And he looked pretty lean, which made sense since he would have to do a lot of running away to be able to get out of hairy situations. He also happened to be a Unicorn, which gave him a bonus to escaping. But he wasn't prepared for Shielding Disks, or an Alicorn. I turned to him and released him from his cuffs. He ha been trapped for the better part of a half hour and was a bit relieved to be free from his restraints. "Now, onto more serious matters." I said, glaring at him. He whimpered as I got closer. "Please Your Highness, I promise that I won't do this again, just let me go! I know about a pub that you can get all of the mares you wa-" I cut him off by shoving my hoof in his mouth. "I will not allow you keep this up. I know this is your job, but could you at least find some other poor soul to annoy?" I asked, removing my hoof. He couldn't use his magic for another few minutes. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" He begged. Ugh, I hate it when people beg. "Don't worry, I won't punish you. I'm feeling pretty good so I won't put you in jail." I said, not really caring at this point. I had gotten what I needed and didn't need to hurt anyone. "Are you serious! Oh thank you Your Highness!" He said. I gave him the OK to go and he dashed away, taking all of his stuff with him. I caught sight of his Cutie Mark. It was a newspaper that was rolled up with a pen. I sighed and began walking back to town. It was around three and I was getting a bit hungry. I created a ball of rice and began chowing down on it's dry, but tasteful contents. I was gonna have to head over to Canterlot tomorrow and talk to Princess Celestia and Luna. I may not know what they'll say exactly, but I guess it's gonna be about the past and whatnot. I had hoped that they wouldn't prod at me like a science experiment. But I doubt that. I did date one of the Princesses, if not for a short while. I just hoped that I wouldn't screw things up at our second chance. 'Ah hell, I already fucked everything up already. And it's what? My second week in?' I scoffed. I was gonna get my ass handed to me like last time. Mostly because I didn't even know how to fight properly. If I was going to learn how to fight, I was gonna have to learn some form of combat. Maybe I can find one suited for a pony from my world? Maybe not. I was close to town when I saw some piece of metal on the ground. It was a few feet off the trail and was hidden by some of the foliage. I guess have good eyes or something, I walked over and picked it up with my magic. It looked charred and seemed to give a bit of soot when I poked it with my hoof. I guess that this was a meteor. But it didn't have any holes in it like a regular meteor would. I brought it close to my helmet and let it scan it. Another thing I had added the night before. My helmet beeped and I put it on. I stared at the option to access my first weapons designs. Should I open it? I probably shouldn't in an open field like this. I Imagined it being fixed and watched as my current armor shot out and wrap around it in an attempt to fix it. Only for it to be consumed by my suit. "...Hey!" I said as I got a new directive on my HUD. Bearers? Does it mean The Elements of Harmony? I idly wondered if these were, in fact, related to The Elements of Harmony, and if they weren't, then something bad might come up that would need me to be prepared. I just hoped that there wasn't some underlying adventure I would have to go on. That would be pretty sucky. I walked back into town with a new plan. I didn't think that the other storage units will be in any better shape than the one I found. And I didn't even know where they were either. When I get back to the Library, I'm gonna figure out what exactly is in the Unit. Hopefully I won't have to hack into my own device. I didn't even know how to get the CPU kicked up! I put that in the back of my mind for now. I had to rest for tomorrow, even though it was the afternoon. I made it back with little to no interruption and went onto the couch. I saw that my saddlebags were still tucked underneath, untouched by Twilight or Spike, or anyone else for that matter. "Twilight! Are you home?!" I asked. "Yes! Where were you!" I heard from upstairs almost instantly. I thought I heard the faint sound of magic, before I was blinded by a flash of purple light from the center of the room. I yelped as I saw Twilight there with a frown. Why was she so worried about me? I'm a grown ass man! Well, partially, but I'm older than her by at least 1000 years! "I was worried about you since you disappeared after you talked to Applejack. I thought that you were off on another adventure or something." She said, remembering the armor capsules I had on my body. "Well if thats what you're worried about then I won't stop you. But it is a bit flattering though." I said with a smirk. I watched her cheek begin to burn a bit. Maybe I should cool it with the flirting, if that's what I'm doing. Am I flirting? "Well, at least Spike has the decency to tell me before he goes anywhere." She said. "What does he have to do with this?" I asked, getting genuinely a bit confused. "I don't know! It's just the fact that he is a baby dragon and you're a adult stallion. I don't know which is more childish sometimes." She said. 'Is she challenging me?' "Hey! I don't know what you're getting at, but I'll have you know that I am totally capable of making my own decisions." I said, getting a bit more confident. She let out a groan, and put her hoof against the base of her horn. "I'm sorry, Franz. It's just that, when you disappeared I got worried about what would happen if you had gotten hurt by the paparazzi. Or if you had hurt them somehow." Oh, I kind of did. She then opened her hooves in a 'I want a hug' motion. I kind of didn't want to, since she had hurt my pride. But since when did I have any pride to begin with? I went close and gave her a hug. It wasn't special, but I held my breath in case that damn musky smell was on her. That was something I wanted to avoid now. We broke the hug and I went back to the couch. I looked under and pulled out my saddlebags. I pulled out the picture of Lord Frarquad and smiled at it. I heard Twilight coming over to my side, and I quickly hid the picture. Unfortunately, she saw me hide it. "Franz? What's that?" She asked, getting closer. I immediately made the photo catch fire and watched the ashes fall to the ground. "Nothing now." I said, laying on my side and resting for a bit. She frowned, but thankfully let it go. I wasn't liking the frowns I was getting. And if I couldn't fix them, then what's the point of being here? I didn't know what had come over me, but I had the urge to make Twilight a set of armor similar to mine. Only without the weapons and shields. Maybe a Data Pad. After she left back upstairs I took a nap and when I woke I saw that it was 5:53 in the afternoon, according to my visor. I saw Twilight at her desk with a notebook and a thick pencil. I got up and she saw me. I was curious at what she was doing, but a bit sleepy from my nap. I decided to go to the fridge and get a snack. I felt worse now that I remembered that she had to get groceries all by herself, which made me want to make her armor even more. 'I'll make it a surprise.' I thought. I started making a sandwich and saw that there wasn't any meat. Instead, there seemed to be some alfalfa and hay. There was no way I was trying alfalfa again. I liked to keep my food inside. So I went with some imagined meat and put the slices of turkey in and began adding the rest of the ingredients for my sandwich. 'Never mind on the surprise. I'll just tell her and she can design her own armor. I'll just add some quirks and additions. I got some soda and made my way back to the couch. I caught a glimpse of her work and saw that she was drawing my visor. It looked like she was doing so for a while too with all of the detail she put into it. "Hey, Twilight." I said, grabbing her attention. "Yeah?" She asked, turning to face me. I gave pause for a second, not sure how to tell her. "How would you like some of you own armor like mine?" I asked. She stared at me for a second, before squealing and launching herself at me, knocking down her chair in the process. I watched her latch onto me and give me a giant bear hug, almost popping by back. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I accept your offer!" She said. I smiled as she let me go and cleared my throat. "Well, what version would you like?" I asked. I think we were going to have a long night talking about this > Chapter 13: The Train Ride With Rest. [Rewritten] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke to something falling in my apartment. I still felt her in my bed with me, so I knew she was still here. I remembered that there was only one other roommate, and he was currently away with his parents for the week. Did he come back early? I quietly got out of bed, being careful to not wake her. If it was Mike again, I was gonna kick his ass. I opened my door and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I went down the hallway and saw that some of my favorite books were on the ground. I picked them up and put them back. It was still nighttime and I was thinking on going back to bed when something odd stuck out. 'Why did they fall in the first place?' I thought. No one likes these books much, and there weren't much of them here to begin with. So who could have done it. *Tink* Time froze, I could feel that it did. Reacting out of instinct, my skin hardened, and I felt something bounce off of the back of my head like a defective nerf bullet. I could hear something metallic land on the hardwood floor and I ducked behind the couch. Within the moonlight I saw what looked like a very large caliber bullet. Who the fuck is shooting me! I was tackled by someone and landed on my stomach. Turning my head, I saw a gloved hand grab my neck, and slam my head to the ground, my head bouncing off the floor as I backhanded the assailant off of me with my enhanced strength. Pushing my hands together before separating them, a bo staff of cackling blue energy fizzled into existence as I brought down the edge into what I thought was his head. He dodged, even if barely and pulled out a gun. Time stopped again and I watched the bullet slowly move through the air. I moved to the side and stabbed the now pointed side of the staff into his gut, keeping him in place and unable to fight back. I watched as it tore through his protective armor like it was merely a suggestion, and into the soft parts of his chest where his fleshy bits began dissolving into a fine bright blue mist. I wasn't gonna lie down and accept death, it will be them who will submit, and perish. I looked over the charred body and saw a mark that was supposed to be fiction. "Is that The Founda- I woke up with a cold sweat. Was that me? How sadistic was I? I looked out the window and saw the morning sun beginning to rise. I remember being somewhat of an early bird and tried to move off of the couch when I felt something on me. I looked up and saw Twilight leaning on me, a very small bit of drool near her mouth. Panic set in until I remembered what we were doing last night. She had wanted to choose something similar to what I had minus the shields. She had also asked me where I got my armor, but I told her that I made the pieces with special equipment in my saddlebags. She seemed fairly skeptical about it, and I took my laptop out, as well as several important looking stuff that I had to materialize as I pulled them out. She asked a lot of questions, and in turn, I answered them to my best ability. Her sketches of what she wanted her armor to look like was a bright violet color, and the visor being blue. I liked to her and said the only colors she could have now were red, golden, and black. She chose golden, after some thinking. I slid out from under her and let her rest on he couch for now. I got my visor and put it on. It was 5:32 in the morning, and we had a few hours until I had to go to Canterlot for my meeting with the princesses. I decided breakfast would be a good idea, and to reciprocate Twilight's hospitality by making them food. Using my imaginative power, I began making a very elaborate dishes for them, minus the meat based stuff. From scrambled eggs, to French toast, all the way to the potatoes. I didn't even bother to check the fridge. Why buy a fridge when you can make one for free? I eventually finished just as Twilight came in. Along with a very sleepy dragon from upstairs. "Morning guys" I said, finishing making myself a sandwich. Twilight saw all the food and her face darkened. "Franz, did you use up all the groceries I just bought yesterday?" She said, her voice with an hint of an edge. I raised a brow, before I remembered. "Oh, no. I just brought all of this when I went out this morning." I said. I was lying, I never left the house, let alone make all this in that short timeframe. She didn't seem to notice my lie and went over to serve herself. Spike gave me a tired claw-hoof bump and sat down across from me. "Twilight, do I have to go with you guys?" He asked, giving a yawn and stretching. "Of course you do. I can't just leave you here alone. Besides, we can go over to you favorite donuts shop." She added. Spike quickly perked up and began eating his food. I chuckled silently and finished off the food on my plate. "Well, come get me when we're leaving. I'm gonna finish designing you 'thing', okay?" I said, leaving the table and heading towards the living room. The nodded and let me go. I sat on the couch and pulled out my laptop and began magically typing my password to get in. Once inside I levitated Twilight's picture of herself and took a picture of it with my phone. Connecting the device to the laptop via data transferable charging cable I accessed the photo and began drawing out her suit. Now I didn't want to do this, but I needed it to look believable. And so for about an hour I sat there and finished something akin to my armor, but with more storage capsules on them to help her get used to them. I then began adding her additional functions like her Data Pad and her own Disk Launcher. I made hers to be easily broken by another Disk Launcher, along with a different design from mine. I then clicked save and watch as a short simulation of her armor slide back into her capsules. And got the final product. (Why pay an artist if you can edit it for free? ) Afterwards I closed the laptop and checked the time. it was around 7:23, so I decided to open it back up and play some Minecraft. I had found a cave last time and wanted to get some ore. "Franz, what are you doing?" Asked Twilight from behind. I panicked and shut the laptop quickly. "Finishing your armor." I said blankly. "Then why did I see blocks of grey?" She questioned. I just made pout. Hopefully this can work for me too! "That's not gonna work on me. You're not Applejack's little sister." She said, putting a hoof in my face. I got annoyed and put the laptop back into my saddlebags. I was beginning to wonder what happened to my snacks in my bags since I didn't make them. "Is it time to go yet?" I asked. I was starting to get the slightest bit nervous. She seemed to drop the subject. "Yep! Oh, I can't wait to tell the Princesses the armor you designed!" She said. That sounds like a headache for later. "Is Spike ready?" I asked, curious about the guy. "Yes, he's upstairs getting the last of his things. He should be down in a minute." She said. And sure enough, down came Spike with a parchment. I'll never understand how they were able to write with paper like that, it's thicker, but must be a hassle. "Spike, send Princess Celestia the letter that says we will be there as scheduled." She said. Spike opened the window and blew fire onto the scroll, turning it into dust and letting it fly off. "Now? I asked. Twilight nodded and we left the Library, making sure to switch the sign from Open to Closed and locking the door. I made sure to bring all of my armor capsules. In case we somehow get into trouble. We arrived at the Station without any interruptions, mostly because of the time, and I followed Twilight everywhere she went. But as it turns out, the Train Station wasn't as empty as I thought. "Look! It's Prince Franz!" "EEEEEEEEE!" I was surrounded by mares within several seconds. Being completely blindsided, I almost activated my armor. "How did you survive against Nightmare Moon? "Uh." "How long have you been in Ponyville? Is it your home?" I figured it would be best if I stayed silent. "Wow! I never heard of a male Alicorn. I thought they didn't exist!" "How old are you?" I decided to end this and catch their attention. "Hey, how about giving me and my friends some space eh?" I said, trying to get their attention. "Ooh, I just adore your accent! Where are you from?" I saw Twilight on the outside of the swarm and making my way through. "Do you have any siblings?" "Are you in any way dating one of the other Princesses?" "Classified." I said simply. This only served to fuel their questions further. "Ooh, mysterious!" One said. I groaned internally. "Twilight, can you go turn in the tickets for us?" I called over to her. I saw her have a smile. Even Spike thought this was funny. "Were you injured when you fought Nightmare Moon?" "Look everyone! Someone famous!" I yelled, catching their attention. 'No way in hell is this working' All of the mares looked and ran over to some poor guy and began harassing him. It worked? "Sorry dude." I said quietly to myself, watching him get hoisted up and inspected. I went back over to Twilight and Spike and sighed. "You seemed to have fun." Said Twilight with a smile. She was giggling and so was Spike. "To be honest, I didn't think that was gonna work." I said, grateful the random guy had made the ultimate sacrifice.. 'A small price to pay for salvation.' I thought, chuckling lightly. "Well, that was a bit funny." I said, covering my inner joke with a followup line. "You do seem to attract lots of attention. Especially from the mares." She said, poking me with her hoof. I snorted, smiling while doing so. "So when will our train get here?" I asked. "In about ten minutes. They should be a bit earlier today, since it's a weekday." She said. "Nice." We waited for the estimated time said by Twilight. And the train hadn't arrived yet. Are they doing a maintenance check? "What's taking them so long? I thought they would be here by now." Whined Spike. "Maybe they had something come up and are trying to fix it." I offered. "That shouldn't be the case. If so then they would have been here. I think something got in the way of the train tracks and they had to stop to get it out of the way." Said Twilight. "Oh, I didn't think of that." I said. We waited for another 20 minutes before the train finally arrived at the station. And in that time there was a slight influx of ponies at the Train Station "Tickets please." Said the guy in the uniform, holding a ticket clipper. We made our way and offered ours and made our way into the cart. I stopped next the guy and asked him a question. "Excuse me sir, but what happened that took so long?" I asked, looking over his facial features. "You need not to worry, Your Highness, we already took care of the problem." He said, continuing to clip the tickets of incoming ponies. "What was the problem." I said, more firmly than I usually would. He finished clipping the tickets and smiled. "There was a slight problem with the wildlife. We had to move them off the tracks to keep the train going. You mustn't worry, Your Highness." He said. Something about how he said 'your highness' felt a bit off. I didn't question it as I made my way over to Twilight and Spike, who were sitting on a bench with a chess board. I sat next to Spike and watched their game with slight boredom. I didn't have anything to do for what I think is a few hours, so I watched their game. "..clink.." "...." "..clink.." "..." "..clink.." "..." "....clink." "Checkmate." Said Twilight after about about half an hour. Spike had taken about half of Twilight's soldiers and Twilight had managed to capture Spike's king. I was impressed that the game didn't last longer and that he didn't give up. I sucked at Chess, and didn't like to play it very often. And when I did, I would go against an A.I. at the lowest difficulty. It wasn't much, but it made me feel better when I was having a bad day. That and playing the keyboard. But there were no keyboards, and even if there were, I would have no idea how to play them without either smashing the keyboard with hooves or transforming back into a human. So no playing keyboards it is then. "Darn." "Would you like to play, Franz?" Asked Twilight. I scrunched up my nose. "Nah, I'm not very good at Chess." I answered back. "I can teach you how to play. It's not that hard." She said, trying to usher me into playing. "I know how to play, it's just that I'm not good going against other ponies." I said. "Okay. If you change your mind, then I'll happily show you." She said. "Cool." I said simply. I decided to stare out the window and let my mind relax. It wasn't a good idea, but I was bored. I could see Canterlot slowly coming in, and looked out for any wildlife the conductor had dealt with. For the next hour I watched and saw nothing. I felt my eyes getting heavy for a bit. I then felt my head fall and I jerked myself back awake. I saw Twilight sleeping next to a passed out dragon. It was a bit adorable but I had the urge to take a leak. Hopping off the couch I made my way to the bathroom. And not knowing where it was, I wandered aimlessly, but quickly. I saw the conductor and made my way over to him. "Hey, me again, do you know where the bathrooms are?" I asked, grabbing his attention. He turned and smiled. "Sure, down the isle and look right. It should be there. Hard to miss." 'Hit or miss' "Thanks." I said before heading off. Sure enough, I saw the bathroom and went in to relieve myself. 'I guess they never miss, huh?' I thought as I managed to get it all in there this time. It was weird to see your junk slide out of you like that. 'Like a slip and slide from hell' I snorted in laughter as I remembered seeing that particular meme. Things were so much simpler back then. Now look at me, I'm disguised as a Alicorn being followed by the press. Should have taken the Elective Course back in collage. Is there a collage for ponies? I think there should be. Somewhere In The Desert A large building materialized very rapidly, surprising the locals and scaring the children. Most of the natives didn't know what to think on the matter, but chalked it up to a very powerful being beyond their reach is attempting to communicate with them. And whatever lost soul happened to be lost would find refuge inside, as there was air conditioning and a fully functional water system. Along with paper and supplies that could last a large group of people for a year. Back with Franz We finally arrived and I was taken back by the sheer amount of white and gold color. Was that real gold? And how did the city even manage to stay on the cliff long enough for a city to be built on it! I let that thought go and followed Twilight and Spike to the castle grounds. I saw some of the nobles watching me, and others who whispered or raised their nose up in a stuck up way. "So, do you know anypony in Canterlot?" I asked Twilight. She smiled brightly. "Of course I do, I grew up here. So I know some ponies who are willing to meet you. Maybe I can introduce you to my brother. He's captain of the royal guard and he's very skilled in shielding magic. Maybe you can show him something like that bubble shield you made when you protected me from Luna's corrupted form." She rambled. "Oh yeah! He's crazy strong with his shields. Maybe the both of you can have a duel or something. Now that would be awesome!" Said Spike. A duel? They do those kind of things? "I didn't know you guys did that." I said, giving a low whistle, which unintentionally made a mare look at me with confusion. "Well, it's normally used to settle disputes in a very old fashioned way, but it can also be settled in, say, a game of chess." She said. "Noted." I said, nodding as we walked. She really wants to play Chess. I saw the castle grounds and we approached the gates, which had a pair of guards on either side of the gate. "Hello kind sirs. We have a meeting with the Princesses." Said Twilight. They looked at her, their emotions stiff and suppressed. They nodded and opened the gate for us. Almost instantly, a new pair of guards showed up. "We shall take you to the throne room, Your Highness." Said one of them, bowing in front of me. did they all look the same or is it just me? "Okay." I said plainly. Following behind Twilight, I saw many paintings of various ponies and other creatures. Some resembled Griffons and others looked like a Minotaur with armor. Along with stairs. I was gonna have some thicc thighs if I was gonna be climbing these stairs the whole time. We also saw many rooms. Just rooms and rooms. Entire isles of just rooms. Who designed this castle? I saw a line and assumed that it was the throne room. I was going to have to wait in a line. "Apologies, Your Highness, but it looks like the Day court is full and you will have to return later. Again, Apologies." Said the same guard. "It's no problem. We'll come back later." I said, now noticing the few looks from the Nobles in front of us. "Prince Franz, why is your... visor blinking?" Asked the other guard. What? Looking down I saw that it was indeed blinking. "Hold on, I'll check." I said, putting them on. The familiar wrapping hugged my face. I was surprised that there was this many all in one place. It was kinda relieving too. "So? What's wrong?" Asked Twilight. I pulled down the visor and smiled. "Nothing much. It was just showing me the layout it had made of the castle. Nothing to be too worried about." I said. I willed it to appear in the visor and it whirred and beeped twice. "Okay then. Where is my bedroom?" Asked Twilight. Oh come on! "I wouldn't know where that is because I haven't seen your room. I it automatically updates whenever I go into a new place. It just gave me a rundown on everything providing minimal detail." I said expertly. One of the other things I installed with the new armor ability. I wouldn't use it now, but on something that trapped me. "Whoa, that's some useful stuff you got. Where did you even get it?" Asked Spike. "I made them. It's a little easier if you have the know how for it." I said, tapping my visor. "Really?! How! So that must mean you're super smart too! Like Twilight!" Said Spike. Said pony looked a bit flustered. "Spike! I told you to not mention intelligence in an everyday conversation. You know how I feel about making others feel bad." She said, lowering her head a slight margin. "Ah, don't worry Twilight. It's okay to be smart. Just don't rub it in people's faces." I said, throwing my hoof around her shoulders and taking a huge risk. Hopefully she didn't punch me, who knows how hard they can hit. "I'm not gonna do that! Why would you say that!?" She said, breaking away from my hoof and glaring at me. I froze and flinched when she raised her hoof. "AAH! Not that face!" I yelled, covering my face and catching the attention of every noble here. "Maybe we should get to our rooms. I didn't take my morning cold shower." I said, trying to avoid the confused and somehow conflicted looks of the nobles. "Why do you take cold showers?" Asked Twilight. "It defines who I am!" I said, stomping the ground and puffing out my chest. They all looked at me before shaking their heads. Some of the female nobles cheeks reddened a bit when I puffed out my chest. What that a social thing I wasn't aware of? "This way, Your Highness." Said one of the escort guards, who had taken the lead. We followed them and soon arrived at my bedroom and they dropped me off. Looking inside, I saw that it had a massive king sized bed and table along with a personal bathroom built right into the room. Hell, it even had a balcony! I wonder how much this would cost back home. "Would you like anything, Your Highness?" Asked a female butler. 'Holy shit! My own personal butler!?' I mentally screamed. She had a yellow coat, similar to Fluttershy's, and a brown mane and tail. She also wore a suit which looked like a maids outfit, just without the frills and lace undergarments. "Yes, can you drop the formalities? I'm uh, Franz by the way." I said, offering my hoof. She looked like she was going to have a mini heart attack. "O-of course Your Hi- Franz." She said, bowing lightly. Now I'm all for respect, but this was staring to get a bit annoying. Since I could literately ask for anything, I began asking her some questions. "So, uh..." I started, trailing off for her name. She noticed and replied. "Madame Summer Springs, at your service." She said, taking another bow. "Well, could you tell me where the armory is? I'm not gonna go there, just so I can avoid it." Drill Sergeants scare me, but if they aren't like the ones at home, maybe they could be tolerable? "The armory is located near the bottom levels of the castle. Most of the time there are patrols that go around during the day and, now recently, the night throughout the castle." She said. Wow, information! "When is the Day court gonna be open again? Do you just walk in or do you make an appointment?" I asked her. She smiled and gave me what I wanted. "You normally would have to make an appointment, but since you're royalty, you can visit anytime you want." She said, a happy grin on her face. "Okay, that's all. And thank you for answering my questions." I said politely. I now noticed that she was a Pegasus, and her wings were tucked tightly onto her sides. "Anytime, Franz." She said, her cheeks tinting as she left for the door. I smiled nervously as she left. Mares are weird, maybe creepy. 'Just like Earth girls.' I thought. She stopped at the door and turned around to face me again. "Oh, one more thing." She said, making a motion with her hoof. I was confused as to what it was before I realized it was a 'come here quietly' motion. Making my way over to her, I turned my head to listen to her advice. "There is another Prince here the castle. I just wanted to warn you that he is fairly stubborn when it comes to getting what he wants." She whispered into my ear. Another Prince? I thought those pack of crazy mares at the Train Station said there was no other Alicorn stallions. "Maybe they lied.' I thought. "What's his name?" I asked. "Prince Blueblood. Some mares still idol him as the perfect stallion, but after meeting with him once, I hated him and what he tends to think. Damn pervert." She said, adding that last bit. She quickly saw her mistake and gasped, and bowed her head and nearly hit the floor from how fast she threw her head. "I apologize! I promise to never say those things again!" She said, shivering as her voice became shaky. Holy Jesus, what did I do? "Hey, uh, there there." I said, petting her back. "I don't mind you expressing yourself, just remember to not bottle up your emotions, okay?" I said, trying to make her feel better. She rose up, nodding her head and smiling. "Thanks, for a second, I thought I was gonna lose my job. You're already better than him." She said. Her face went slightly wide eyed, before smiling and laughing nervously. "Well, you can go now. I'll keep an eye out for this 'Blueblood' guy you talked about. Don't worry, I got this." I said, nudging her with my elbow. She smiled and mouthed the words 'Thank You' before finally leaving. I think I left a good impression on my butler, unless they kinda change around and are tasked with different areas. Maybe that's what it is, and not a personal butler. Neat! I took off my armor capsules and set them on the table near the bed and left to take a cold shower. After a minute of tinkering with the shower, I stepped in and slowly let my worries freeze away. And after a few minutes of shivering, I turned the water over to hot and let all my worries melt off. Once I finished I used a towel to dry myself off. I had put on a new smell for my shampoo and soap. It was a sort of vanilla that wasn't too strong, but noticeable if one got close enough. I then got a running start and flung myself onto the king sized bed, feeling myself sink in for a few seconds before pulling back up. Damn, this bed was comfy as hell. I lifted off my armor capsules with my magic and stared at them. Particularly the visor. I saw a pony that I was staring back. 'Who was I?' I set the visor back on the table and rolled over to my side, closing my eyes for a few minutes. I thought I could hear the sound of someone talking, or maybe it was a memory type of thing. Who knows, I just need to sleep a bit. Maybe an hour or so. The Day court can wait. And it was still early. I got time, > Chapter 14: Time With Princess Luna [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke up, I was confused on where I was, then It all came back and I panicked while jumping out of bed. I slapped on my visor and still saw the same message about the Storage Units. I checked the time and saw it was 11:34. I sighed in relief. I still had about half an hour until I had to meet the Princesses. Looking around I saw that there had been somepony in the room with me, but only done some maintenance. I saw that my armor capsules were gone and all they had left me was my visor. Dammit! Do they even know what those things do! I opened the door and saw some guards patrolling the halls. I felt naked without the comforting restraint of my capsules. At least I still had my visor I saw the notification and went into settings. I clicked yes and listened to the sound of someone yelping in surprise in the distance. 'Found them.' I thought, smirking as I knew almost nothing could break the restraints. I left that alone and set a marker for my armor. It was just down the hall and in another room, where I could hear the faint sounds of struggling. I had arrived at the door, and opened it. What I saw was somewhat humorous. There was a stallion who had a white coat and styled blonde mane and tail. He seemed to have a fancy suit under my grey shimmering armor, and honestly looked ridiculous with my armor not fitting him properly. He saw me and tried turning his head to face me. "Y-you! Get somepony or help me out of this worthless armor! I can't move and it's just so restricting!" He demanded. "What's your name?" I asked, getting closer. "Why, I am Prince Blueblood! How does somepony as little as you not know who I am!" He shouted. I narrowed my eyes. So this was Blueblood. He seemed like a prick. "Deactivate Armor Lock and Follow Directive Alpha-1." I said loudly. In an instant the armor stopped it's golden shimmering and let him move freely. He let out a sigh of relief. "Now, I would normally have you in the dungeons for creating such dangerous and redundant armor, but since that visor can contro- HEY!" He yelled as the armor slid off of him and slink over to me. I wasn't sure why it didn't affect him like the other times. Probably because it didn't cut it off from his horn entirely. "Do you even know how dangerous this armor is?" I asked him with a cold stare. "All the more reason to sell it" He said. I quickly hit record. "So you would just sell this armor without any thought, to the highest bidder?" I asked. "Of course not! I would sell it to a science department. I have heard they get lots of bits for opportunities like this, now hoof it over, or I'll call the Royal Guard and have you under arrest." I grimaced. This guy is really annoying. "Well, you can't arrest me for stealing something something I made. I own it, so it belongs to me." The armor had now fully formed over my body and covered me from head to hoof. "Besides, You don't know how it even works." I said, leaning in and staring at him. He got smug look and walked towards me. I activated my shields in case he tried something. "You should watch yourself, peasant. I will have myself a better suit of armor than you will ever create by the end of the week." He growled. I let loose a laugh. "I very much doubt that." I said. I saw his horn flash blue and watched as nothing happened. I got a bit confused as to what he was doing. He tried it again and I saw my shields shimmer slightly. He was trying to hurt me with his magic! "What are you doing? If you are trying to use magic on me, then you would have better luck trying to fill a paper cup with lava." I said, smiling like an idiot. "I would do no such things. You dare accuse me of attacking a lowly peasant?" He asked, acting surprised. "No, not when I have proof." I said. He opened his mouth to talk, but I materialized a chunk of dirt and shoved it in his mouth and dashed out of the room, slowing time and getting further and further away to not be near him when he eventually has his freak out. I slowed down and headed back to the Day court. It was almost time and I was sure I would make it now. I deactivated my armor and saw the throne room doors. I was surprised I hadn't run into any guards on my way over here, save for the pair on the sides of the doors. "Your Highness, the Princesses were expecting you." Said one of them. They opened the door an I saw Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Twilight, and Spike talking to each other. They turned to me and I got fairly anxious. Not everyday you get summoned by the worlds equivalent of a deity. "Hey everypony." I said, smiling like an idiot and waving at them weakly. "Good morning, Franz. How are you?" Asked Princess Celestia in a soothing tone. "I'm doing pretty good. I took a nap then woke up and came here." I said, leaving out one detail. I saw Twilight face hoof and Spike was just watching passively. My eyes met Princess Luna's for a brief second. She was making very strong eye contact. "Franz, we started the meeting five minutes ago. What were you doing?" Asked Twilight. I stared at her. Did she not just hear me? "I said I took a nap. Oh, and I met some guy named Blueblood, but that's not too important." I tossed nonchalantly. All of their eyes raised in surprise. "What did you say to him?" Asked Spike. "Well, I just kinda had a chat with him and taking stuff that isn't his. This incident being my armor." I said, maintaining my aura of innocence. "He is known for being quite troublesome, so that is to be expected." Said Celestia. Oh, he was more than troublesome, he seemed like he was a pain. "I noticed." I said, quite casually. I saw Luna getting closer, a smile on her muzzle. I think I was gonna get hugged and she stopped in front of me. "Uh, hi?" I said, not sure how to react. I saw her eyes get a bit watery. "I thought we had lost thee. And for a second time as well when you helped reform us." She said, analyzing my every move. I was slightly smaller than her, but just by an inch or so. She wrapped me in a sudden hug, taking me by surprise. I didn't know what to do, so I did what I thought was reasonable and hugged her back, though with less emotion and vigor than her. "I missed you." She whispered, practically in my ear. I got uncomfortable and tried to break the hug. She must've felt me trying to move and let me go quickly. I saw her eyes had reddened and she sniffed lightly, as if expecting me to say it back. I took in a breath to speak, but nothing had come out. "I am very well aware that there is much for the two of you to discuss, so I, Twilight, and Spike will leave you be. I cleared the castle of staff and reduced the amount of guards. That way, there will be less chance of rumors starting up." "Ooh, good idea Princess Celestia." Said Twilight. Celestia just smiled and nodded. No, not good idea! I turned back to Luna. She was still standing there, wanting me to do something. What was I supposed to do with the girl that I dated but had no memory of! "We will leave you be. Come along Twilight, I wish to hear about your stay in Ponyville." She said, walking the other direction. Once they made it outside they closed the door and I secretly wished they didn't leave. We were alone and I didn't know how to react being in my ex-lovers presence. "So, How have things been?" I asked, after a few minutes of silence. "We have fared well. And thee?" She asked, staring at me with hopeful eyes. I opened my mouth when She interrupted me. "I can't stand this!" She yelled as she tackled me to the ground. My surprised yelp was quickly stifled as she pressed her lips against mine, burying me under her affection. My eyes widened at her boldness. I could feel her tongue trying to enter my mouth, but I denied her attempt and squirmed out from underneath her, earning a startled yelp from her. "Oh my, I didn't realize you wanted to go that far already!" She said, a blush on her cheeks. Rolling away and hopping back I the activated my armor and made a bubble shield around myself. I poured half of my power supply into the shield to keep her out. She looked hurt that I would do this, and raised one of her hoofs, as if trying to reach me. "Now listen, I don't remember who you are entirely, and I sure as hell don't like being kissed like that out of the blue." I said, getting close to the edge of the shield. She looked hurt and shrunk. "But I do realize that we used to be an item. But I can't stress enough that what you just did was a breach of personal space. I'll let it go for now, just... warn me next time." I said, trying to put emphasis on the 'Next time.' part. She looked at me with remorse, before it turned into determination. "Believe me when I say this, dear Franz, I will have your heart once more. I'll make sure of it!" A pang of guilt went through me. Was she really that determined to be with me? "And even though you lost your memory of me, I will bring them back, and so will our flame of love!" She said triumphantly. "So no more surprise kisses?" I asked, raising my head slightly. "I promise you, no more kisses. As long as you promise to give me another chance with you." She said, walking to the barrier and looking at my visor. I think I just challenged a Alicorn. "Good." I said, puling back the power from the shield and reabsorbing it into my shared power cell. The shield faded and my armor slid back. "Now, how about we get something to eat." I said. "Tis a marvelous idea." She said in old English. I remember a book saying something among the line that she was last in Equestria 1000 years ago. Not sure where I read it. Walking towards the door I opened it and we left. She was pretty close to me, but I couldn't blame her. She must had had at least a few years of time spent with me that I didn't remember at the moment. "I don't know where we're going, by the way." I said. "It is alright, we know where the Royal Kitchen is located." She confirmed. "Neat." I said, without further questions. We walked for a few minutes in silence, with her getting closer to me with each passing moment. It was a bit awkward for me, but I think she was enjoying my presence. That or taking the lead from me. "Did you know that you were the one who aided us with Discord's defeat?" She said suddenly. I stopped and looked at her. She did the same and watched me intently, as if waiting me to react. "Who's Discord?" I asked. That name felt familiar. "He is the God of Chaos. The harbinger of Mischief and Disharmony. And you managed to keep up with not only him, but his sporadic attacks and hordes of minions." She said, a hint of relief in her voice. "Isn't that Loki?" I said without thinking. OH SHIT! WHAT HAVE I DONE! "Nay, that title belongs in a book of fiction." She said. I sighed in relief internally. My cover wasn't blown. "But that seemed to come from your world, not ours." She said. My adrenaline jumped and I froze out of fear. "W-what?" I said, practically shaking. She smiled and winked. "You'll remember soon enough. I do not desire to trigger any unpleasant memories from the past beyond ours." She said, a small smile on her muzzle. "Except the pleasant ones." She said. I remember there being a Storage Unit with the title Happy Times, or something. Was that somehow connected? "We mustn't keep stalling, Let us feast!" She said, moving her hoof up in the air. She knew I wasn't a pony, and still decided to be with me. Now that takes a ton of... courage? Ambition? After a few more minutes of walking I decided to ask her a question this time. "Hey, Luna." "Yes, Dear Franz?" "What was I like when we first met?" I asked. This caught her off guard. She took a second before answering. "You were very fierce when it came to protecting friends. I can only assume you were even more so when it came to family. When we first saw you, it seemed like you had knowledge of what was happening, and going to happen. Even though you were in another form, say, your true form, then we approached you with caution. You were unconscious and had multiple holes in your torso and limbs. Along with burns and stab wounds. We thought you were one of Discords spawns, and debated to put you out of your misery." She said, trailing off a bit. "Then you awoke and pinned us down within several seconds and cut off our magic using that shackle you have on your wrist right now." She said, shivering lightly as if being scared. "What, this?" I said, lifting my Disk Launcher. I remember it being able to cancel out magic for a short amount of time. Though, I'm not sure how it affects Alicorns. Whenever I use it, I can do magic just fine. "Yes, that." She said, stopping and making a turn. Wasn't there an elevator or something? "Well, it's not very dangerous. All it does is trap and contain. One of the side effects is being able to cancel out magic. All types of magic for the matter." I said, remembering how it had gotten Rainbow and Nightmare Moon. Though, I supposed it worked differently with Alicorns. "I see." We made it to the Royal Kitchen and watch the cooks begin to work with vigor. "What can I do for you, Your Highness?" Said one of the female waiters in a British accent. I enjoyed it for the most part. "I would like a bowl of the finest fruit, along with a salad, and my companion will also have a bowl of fruit, but with a fillet of the best salmon you can find." She said with remarkable grace and posture. "I would actually like that, just not the bowl of fruits. How about a sandwich instead?" I said. "But you cannot digest alfalfa or hay! You'll get sick!" She said, looking back at me. The mare looked a bit taken back before recovering. "Well just make it with the salmon." I suggested. That sounded like a good idea, right? "A bowl of our finest fruit, a salad, and a plate of salmon and a salmon, eh, sandwich. What would the two of you like to drink?" She asked. "Do you have any milkshakes?" I asked. Both of them looked at me like I said something mildly confusing. "We shall have the finest of juices while our companion has the, milkshake." 'Hell yeah' I thought. "Okay then, is that all?" She asked. "Yes, that will be all." "Yas." I said. They both gave me weird looks. Luna just rolled her eyes from amusement and the waiter smiled a bit awakwardly. We were then seated at a long table that had lots of chairs. I sat across from Luna so we could talk easily. "So, what led you to take me on as a suitable mate?" I asked. I wanted to know why she had chosen me. "You did have desirable physical qualities, and you seemed like the caring father figure type, so I just tried to court you. You did, at first, decline my offer several times. Saying that you couldn't. I had thought we just weren't compatible, but what you told me was far worse than just a unworthy relationship." She said. I was gonna question more when our food was brought and set in front of us. Damn, that was fast. "Thank thee for your time." She said. The servants just bowed and left without saying a word. I looked at my plate. It had a nice evenly squared piece of salmon that had some sauce neatly spilled onto the side. And next to the plate was the sandwich, it's bread nicely toasted, the light amount of mayonnaise, the bright lettuce, tomatoes, and a piece of thick piece of salmon in the middle. I was wondering how they managed to make this masterpiece. "Are you going to eat your food, or art thee going to stare at it longer?" Asked Luna, popping a strawberry in her mouth. I decided to stop my ogling of sandwiches and actually take a bite. I was immediately punched in the mouth with flavors. This was the best goddamn sandwich I have ever eaten! Not even words could describe what this was! I kept it under wraps, for the most part, but couldn't hide the smile that slunk its way across my face. "I take it you enjoy your meal?" She asked, staring at me and smiling lightly. Okay, this is epic. "Yes." I said, breaking eye contact and looking back at my food. Where has this been all my life?! "Wait till thou tries the plate of salmon." She said, continuing to eat her food at a pace. I had forgotten the salmon and realized that I couldn't eat meat without looking suspicious. "Wait, I can't eat the salmon. I'll look weird and different." I said. Not my best description of an opposition, but I couldn't think right now. I had sandwiches on my mind. "Yes you can. Pegasi are able and allowed to eat fish. And since we are Alicorn, we are able to as well. Though, Celestia doesn't. But we are known to partake from time to time." She said, giving me some apparently common knowledge. I didn't know that Pegasi could eat fish. That just opened more paths for me cooking wise. "So, what should we do next?" I asked. I pulled up my visor and checked the time. It was close to 2:00 and there wasn't much we could do. "We could reminisce of old times, perhaps?" I laughed at my expense. "You could. I can't remember, remember? Pun intended." I said, chuckling from my own joke. I managed to get a giggle from her, which made me happier for some reason. I tried the salmon, and by Jesus and the divine God was it the best thing to come out of the kitchen. We talked a bit more, mostly about what we have been doing for the last few days. She overshared, and as it turns out, she was by my side for most of my unconsciousness and only left because she had to lower and raise the moon. She had to recover as well, but she was faster than I was. And I woke up the next day after she was gone. We finished our food and said our thanks to the waiters and chiefs. The one who made the sandwich I gave a hoof shake, much to his pleasure. Afterwards we went into a training room. There were some guards here and there doing workouts, but only a scarce few. I even saw a few of them sparring. And with bo staffs too. I had little experience with weapons, but that could change with my new found powers of Imagination. I remembered my dream. Or was it memory? That strange staff of energy. We were approached by a stallion. He had a white coat and blue mane and tail. He also had some purple armor and had a Cutie mark of a shield with a star in the middle. He also had light blue eyes. "Captain Shining Armor, tis a pleasure to see you again." Said Luna. Wait, Captain? Didn't Twilight mention that being her brother? "Good afternoon, Your Highness" He said, taking a bow. He rose up and smiled at us. One of disarming charm. "What can I have the honor of doing for you today?" He asked, looking over to me. I thought I could see some form of eagerness in there somewhere. "We are to show my, acquaintance, the castle and where things are located. Therefore, we decided it would be best to show him ourselves the former and unofficial layout of the castle." She said, doing the weird thing with her speech pattern. I think it was from being imprisoned for so long and the times not waiting for you. "Well, go right ahead. I don't think the recruits would mind a bit of a Royal visit. Am I right, soldiers!?" He called. They all responded with a harmonious "OORAH!" And resumed their activities. "Right. Well, it was nice meeting you, Shining Armor. I heard some good things from your sister Twilight." I said. What have I done. "Oh, you know Twilight?" He asked. There's still a chance to salvage this! "Yes, she actually was one of the ponies I meet when I first arrived. She even helped me defeat Night- ah, Luna's corrupted form. I now kinda temporarily live with her for a undisclosed amount of time even I don't know when will come to pass." I said. I was now fucked. "Oh, okay then." He said, eyeing me closely. I felt fairly nervous at his analyzing, and hoped something would come and distract him "We can assure you that Prince Franz will not be able to court any other mare besides me." Said Luna, realizing what Shining was thinking. Not like I made myself much options back then huh? "It's not that." He said, continuing his gaze. I was getting worried. Should I be worried? "Well pray tell what is on your mind, Captain?" She asked, her eyes getting a bit twitchy. "How did you manage to stop Luna's corrupted form?" He asked me. Oh! I know this! "You see these capsules?" I asked him. Luna must've seen where I was going, and cleared her throat. "Prince Franz was able to defeat Nightmare Moon by using a set of extremely complex spells and strategy. Ones that are extremely dangerous and lethal if not used correctly." She said, covering my attempt at showing my tech. "Oh. Do they have anything to do with those "Capsules" on his neck?" He asked, nodding towards the visor and armor capsules. "Yep." I said simply. If I was going to try and get away with a bluff, might as well get it over with. "And what do they do, exactly?" "Captain, I order you to cease any and all questions." Luna said. He gave her a obeying look and stopped talking for a bit. "I hope you both have a wonderful day, Your Highness's." He said, turning and walking away. I felt kinda bad about lying to him, but I had to. "Oh, and Prince Franz?" He said suddenly. "Y-yeah?" I asked, my voice losing some of it's clarity. I was gonna have to work on my pride. "Do you think it's possible to arrange a sort of duel? I would like to see some of your spells in action. The safe ones, not lethal ones." He said, turning his body halfway to face us. I looked over to Luna. She had a confident smirk and made the choice for me instantly. "Yes, he would love to have your duel. When is the time thou think is reasonable?!" She called. "Don't I get a say in this?" I asked. I noticed the other guards were staring at Shining with wide eyes. They were quiet, and didn't seem to move, seemingly out of shock. "Princess Luna, if I may, I would like to hear Franz's answer." He said. I looked over to her. She had a face that screamed at me to accept his challenge. I sighed and made my choice. "Sure. What's the worst that could happen?" I said to myself. I immediately regretted saying that. "Alright. I accept. Just make sure to bring some bandages." I said. "For who, you?" He said, giving me a hard time. "That's why I asked you to bring them." I said back. He got confused and I smirked. "So I can help your sorry butt after I beat you!" I yelled back. It was just some friendly bickering, and made me feel better. "Huzzah! We will have you hide mounted on a wall, Captain Shining Armor!" Said Luna, trying to get in on the fun. He just looked a bit nervous and so did I. I hoped that wasn't an actual threat. 'I wonder when and where the duel will be?' I asked myself. > Chapter 15: Tech Talk [Rewritten] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After our playful banter, we had a scheduled date for our duel. It was going to be next weekend in an arena. Apparently there were events like this every weekend and they were held in a controlled environment. Though they were normally on a Sunday as to make sure to be able to get as many ponies as they could possibly get. I thought the whole thing was akin to legal street fighting. It was pretty nifty. That is, until we told Celestia what we did. "I just don't know who to I should be upet with. Either Shining Armor for challenging an injured Alicorn, or Franz for actually accepting!" Yelled Celestia, her voice muffled through her doors as me, Twilight and Spike were sitting outside her chambers. Thankfully, the maids had put chairs for us when they both went into the room. "I still can't believe you accepted a challenge from my brother. I know you're strong because, well it's pretty obvious, but you have to know the rules and guidelines about duels and their reasons. Not only was that reckless of Shining, that was just plain stupid on your end!" She said, giving me a stink eye. She then got a sadden look and lowered her head. I mentally hit record and felt my visor shift slightly. "Fluttershy told me about the fight between you and Luna's corrupted form. I tried to not bring it up, but now since you're going against my brother in a duel, I have to ask you something." She said. Spike looked interested, and looked like he wanted to know more about it. "Just promise me that you won't hurt him too much. I know he can be a bit dense sometimes, but he is my brother. So please, don't kill him." She said. I was taken back by her words. Did she honestly think I was going to kill her brother? Why would she think that? "Why would you think I would kill you brother?" I asked. He seemed like a good guy, and he had a loving family, so there was no way in hell I was gonna kill him! "Fluttershy told me you unleashed a powerful spell from your horn. It destroyed a large amount of foliage and had a effect on the landscape in a long, but wide line, nearly dividing the Everfree in half." She said. Probably an exaggeration, but I think she was just worried about her brother. "And along with that, it seemed to have an effect on the magic surrounding it. It was destroying any magic that was entering within a three meter radius, and we had to set up a perimeter near Ponyville to make sure nopony wandered in there." She said. Oh, my final attack. Right before she evaded and shot me out of the sky. "Oh, that wasn't magic. I still don't know how to use it for attacks yet. I can only use it to levitate stuff, save for a one off. Those were my arc reactors." I said, lowering my voice as maid passed by. Didn't want anyone hearing about my stuff just yet, save for Twilight and Spike. "You have arc reactors!?" Asked Spike, now more interested in my weapons. Great, let me guess, there's a comic about it like Marvel Comics, right? "I thought those were only fiction! I see them all the time in comic books!" He said, now being fully submerged in our conversation. Called it. "Can I see them?" He asked, getting in my face with shimmering eyes. I smirked. "Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that!" I said, changing to sound as close as I could to Kakashi from Naruto. I then heard myself and nearly freaked out. "How did you do that?" Asked Twilight, now curious. I wondered if I could do other voices as well. "I have no idea." I said normally. "But I sound awesome!" I said, now using The Master Chief's voice. It had a positive reaction in Spike, and a unamused one from Twilight. Maybe I can make a persona and use it to fight daily crime! Now all I need are web shooters and I can swing from tree to wall in Ponyville. I heard the whirring of my armor and turned to see it blinking.. "Oh, yes." I said, using Twilight's voice. She didn't seem to happy with that. "Hey! Don't steal my voice!" I made a Uno reverse card and gave it to her. She was confused as to what it meant. "No u." I said, using my normal voice. This got a annoyed look from her and a sudden burst of laughter from Spike. "Do me next, do me next!" He asked. "Hiya! I'm Spike, and I don't know why, but I really enjoy eating my own collage tuition worth in gems!" I said, now imitating Spike. Both of them just looked at me with confusion. "Eh, that one wasn't as good as the others." I said. Great, I managed to both make and kill my own joke. They both agreed, Twilight more so than Spike. We went quiet for a second, before I heard the door to Celestia's room open. We all got up and looked over to them. Luna seemed happy and Celestia looked annoyed. Though it was subtle, I could pick up on it. "Okay, Franz. After much debate, I've decided to allow you to participate in the duel, so long as you refrain from lethal attacks." Said Celestia. I huffed in annoyance. "Why does everypony think I'm gonna kill Shining?" I asked. Celestia smiled. "It's because of what you're able to do. And your status along with your ability to be reckless." She said. I was reckless? Back then...maybe. "Well, you still have to get ready for your duel, much to my displeasure. You will have to relearn how to wield a weapon and not rely on brute force and magic blasts, like the incident of The Summer Sun Celebration." She said, giving me a small frown. I didn't know why, but her not smiling made me nervous. Luna, however, was ecstatic. "And we will be the pony who will train thee! Consider it a apology for giving you that unexpected kiss." She said, not even bothering to keep her voice down. Welp, looks like I'm gonna have to deal with ponies shipping us. I reeled myself back in. Why did I think that? "So, am I staying here, or going back with Twilight?" I asked. While I did somewhat enjoy time with Luna, she seemed to lack a restraint for physical contact with me. "Why, you will be with us, of course! Was there even any doubt?" She said, not really keen on what I wanted to say "What about my saddlebags? I still need them." I said, hoping someone else would answer. "I can get them when I go back to Ponyville. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle with Spike's dragon fire." She said. Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that. "Alright. Sound's fair." I said. I was internally annoyed, but had to put up a mask to not upset Twilight. "We shall start your training at once! Come Franz, you have much to re-learn!" Said Luna, draping a wing over my shoulder. I barely managed to suppress a flinch from her sudden physical touch. I looked over to Luna. She had a confident smile that made me feel more confident as well. I think I was starting to remember why I was taken with her. I saw Twilight smile as well. It looked like she had something to say, but refrained from saying it. "It looks like Franz is starting to like you again." Said Twilight, giving a small giggle. Oh! never mind. "Really?!" Said Luna, looking over to me. Her face was really close to mine and it made me a bit nervous. I wasn't used to being so close to someone intimately. Last I remember that was with... ... Crap. I still don't know who it was. "Oh, Princess Celestia, is Shining Armor still here? I wanted to visit him before I left." Asked Twilight. "Of course he is. Just head over to the barracks and he should be in his office. And if not, try the training rooms." She said, smiling warmly. I think I should focus on the duel more than my past. That can wait. It seems kinda ironic that my past will be solved in the future. It was fun to think about weird stuff. "Thank you!" She said, trotting off with Spike now on her back. I held back a snort. He was riding her like how humans would back on my home world. I instantly regretted thinking that as it sounded dirty. And I wasn't ready to get into the works of natural reproduction. I could feel my face heat up from the thought of it. Thankfully, they were gone and I was just staring off into space when Luna called out my name. "Franz, are you not coming?" She asked. Think normal thoughts, think normal thoughts! "Yeah, just a second." I said, pulling down my visor. I checked my saddlebags and saw that they hadn't moved since we left this morning, which was good. Putting it back onto my chest, I went up to Luna and Celestia. "I'll never understand how you are able to create items as complicated as those." Said Celestia. I just looked up and smiled. Thankfully she returned one and made it even. "Well, he is an Element of-" "Luna!" Said Celestia, scolding her younger sister. I was confused as to what she said. "Wait, I'm a Element of what?" I asked. Luna looked at Celestia for a second before answering me. "Sorry, Franz, what I meant to say is that you have The Element of... Surprise." She said. What? That didn't make any more sense, in fact, it just made it more confusing. "It means you have a tendency to be 'Surprising' when it comes to your abilities and technology. You aren't the bearer of any of The Elements of Harmony. And there isn't any others to be wary of. I made sure of it." Said Celestia. Oh thank god! I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't have to worry about fighting anymore gods or goddesses. I mean, I could have taken on Nightmare Moon if I was given another chance, but I didn't want to fight anymore. "Thanks. You guys scared me." I said, lowering my head and letting myself now be relaxed. I could do this. "Yes. NOW ONWARD! We must get you in peak physical condition for your duel!" Yelled Luna. I sighed. Maybe I can have some fun here. 'Why did Celestia sound upset when she mentioned me being an Element? And why did one of the Storage Units have the title 'The Other Bearers'?' "Now, before we do that, we wish to discuss something you." Said Celestia. Oh? I hadn't noticed we had made it to a new hallway with a sign above that said, 'Research & Development.' I didn't even know we were going this was at all! It was a very clean door with windows that had small wire passing through. My helmet started blinking again, and I pulled it up. I put that on hold, seeing as we were a bit more than a mile above the Units to actually do anything. "What did you want to ask me?" I asked. I wasn't sure if they were going to tell me something, or if they were going to give me the Units. "We shouldn't discuss this out here. Come." Said Luna. I got pretty confused as to what they were doing. Why couldn't we talk about this out here? Were there spies? Ninjas? I didn't know because they won't tell me anything. We made our way inside the facility. It had all sorts of stuff, ranging from steel sets of armor, to crossbows, to a titanium sword. The sword caught my attention, mostly because it was the closest modern thing to come from here. Well, the material, not the actual sword itself. There were also several ponies here, either testing the products or using them for science. I thought it was kinda funny to see them get giddy over a steam powered train engine. We, however, went into the bathroom. I thought we were going to do something questionable when Celestia's horn shone a golden hue, and I saw another set of doors materialize into the wall. It was guarded by a different set of guards I wasn't familiar with. They had dark lavender armor instead of the classical gold armor the Royal Guard had. That, and they looked like they had fangs and had cat eyes. "Please allow us to enter." Said Luna. They nodded and let us in. Once in, I saw that it was an elevator with two buttons. Celestia hit the button on the bottom and we started a smooth, well lit descent. I didn't open my mouth for the whole time, and the two of them seemed to enjoy my presence. I was beginning to wonder if this is where they kept all of my technology I had previously made. After about the first few minutes of silence, I decided to pull up my visor again and check the time. It was nearly 6:00, and we would miss dinner. I was a bit upset about it and decided to make myself some bars. They were more like small snacks to keep us going. "Want one?" I offered to them. "Yes, thank you." "Of course, We appreciate your offer." They said. We ate only one each, mostly because they kept regenerating after we bit off a piece. It was hilarious watching them eat while the bar just kept regenerating. We made it to the bottom with a jolt. I wanted to ask them when was the last time this thing place was used, but decided not to say anything. "What are we doing here?" I asked. They were quiet for a second. "We found something you would want to know, and possibly like." Said Luna. "You might remember it, but we don't know what will happen. So for safety measures, we would like for you to remove your current armor capsules." Said Celestia. Wait, what was this thing they wanted to show me? "What is it?" I asked, pulling up my notifications and looking inside. It was blinking again. I saw the message and thought for a second. Why was this showing up? I think there were more sets of armor other than just this one. "You'll see once you take off your armor. Now please strip yourself, we don't want anything unexpected to happen." Said Celestia. It sounded like she was talking from experience. "Like what?" I asked. "From what I heard from her, we lost several scientists trying to use the armor for themselves." Said Luna, giving a light shiver. Oof, I wonder what happened. They opened the door and I saw several ponies, griffons, and even Minotaur here, which was surprising, since I hadn't been that close to one of them before. "Oh! Princess Celestia! I see you've brought the pony for the helmet!" Said somepony. I saw her walking over to us. She had a green coat, similar to Keynote Symphony, and had a blue mane and tail, and her Cutie Mark was that of several tubes and a paper. She also had a lab coat and had a name tag, which read 'Field Note'. "And I knew it was going to be the new Prince Alicorn! Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Field Note. And let me say, your helmet is quite sturdy when it comes to durability!" She said, extending her hoof over to me. I bumped it with hers and she smiled. "Hey, I'm Franz. And thanks." I said, pulling away. "So, should I show you where the helmet is stored? I think we should get this started right away!" She said excitedly. Man, and I thought my siblings were hyper. Well, she isn't necessarily hyper, but she is talking very fast. "While that is a pleasant idea, I think we should wait for Franz to remove his current set of armor." Said Celestia. Field Note seemed to beam at the idea. "He has another one? That's amazing! And, uh, where is it?" She asked, her eyes tracing my body with scientific hunger. I thought she was going to rape me if I didn't let her see. "I'm wearing it." I said. She just looked at my capsules. I think she wasn't very impressed. "Oh, are they a base version? Or are you moving towards flexibility and speed?" She asked, sounding confused. I sighed and said my activation code. "Activation Code: Whatever the last password was." I said. I felt the armor slide and crawl across my fur, slightly tugging my skin as it pulled across my body. I relaxed my body and soon, it covered me entirely from head to hoof. She was taken back from the sudden appearance in my armor, and got giddy. (Took me a while, but here's Franz's armor activated. Wings aren't covered since he isn't using it's combat form.) "EEE! It's such a magnificent piece of equipment! How did you manage to get it to do that? I'm guessing it's some sort of magical armor that's hidden away in some sort of smaller dimension. Is it?!" She asked, quickly circling me and prodding the more broad areas. I think I have to make a escape plan if she decides to figure out where I'm gonna be living. "It's made out of Nano-Material that can be adapted using the visor. I normally use it for armor, but it can be used for weapons as well, for example." I made a small drone with the ability to fire a single shot of light, but made it so where it'll just act as a ball of light, that can be remotely detonated. The hovering light began to shine brightly. outshining the lights from the ceiling and catching the attention from the other scientists. Field Note, was fully entranced in the ball, and wanted to touch it. Oops, I might have added a attracting effect to it. She watched it disassemble and fold back into my back, merging with the Nano-Material. "That is truly a work of art. How did you acquire such a technological advancement!" She asked, now rubbing her head on my breastplate. I was really uncomfortable, and hoped that either Luna or Celestia would help me. They were, however, just watching my armor. Well, Luna was looking at Field Note with an intense stare. I noticed the new bit of armor. It was the web shooters that I had imagined playfully. I thought that this armor set had enough abilities, and that I shouldn't add more. Oh right, the question. "I made them. It took me a few seconds to create, and another half hour to design." I said. It was one giant lie, I actually remember what had led me to do this. I was a fanboy of the Halo series, and I really enjoyed their stuff. "Ooh! If I could just get my hooves on something like that, I could be nearly unstoppable!" She said, grinning madly. I got a bit nervous. She wasn't trying to takeover the world, right? Something dawned her and she blushed. "I didn't mean that in a literal sense, Your Highness. My apologies." She said, her ears flopping back and lowering her head. "It's alright. You just got excited. One can do do that without thinking." Said Celestia, smiling at her. I deactivated my armor and began taking it off. It was strange having three mare watch me strip off my only form of comfort and protection. But it was for science, right? I took off the last bit of armor and looked at the mares. Luna was staring at my chest with tinted red cheeks, so was Celestia. Field note, however, didn't have the same look on her face. I was confused as to what the both of them were looking at. Oh shit, was my dick out?! "What?!" I said, now shrinking under their gaze. They snapped out of it and Luna smirked. "We didn't realize that ones chest could get that fluffy." She said. I looked at my chest and saw that there was a large accumulation of fur on my chest that seemed to puff out proudly. Was there some meaning to this? "What about it?" I asked. I think I was gonna get a lesson in biology. "Exactly how much of Equestrian culture do you remember?" Asked Celestia, looking at me with concern. "Enough to barely get by." I said, trying to push down my fluff. I think it was the fact that my visor covered it the whole time that I didn't know what was going on. Man, is this a weird situation. "Well, when their is excessive fur in a pony, specifically Pegasi, it shows that they are a suitable mate for females. It also gives off a small, and subtle pheromone that attracts mares, mostly Pegasi and those of Pegasi descendant. And not cutting down said fur can lead to a build up of the pheromone and to be released when coming into contact with a mare. It doesn't work with stallions, however." Said Field Note. "Whoa. Didn't know that." I said. Is that why Ditzy kissed me? Ah hell, it must build up pretty fast for it to be able to catch the attention of two mares. Ditzy and Luna. it also made sense as to why Twilight didn't try anything with me. But I didn't know about it at that point. I'm gonna have to be careful with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "Well, shouldn't we move onto the helmet?" Asked Luna, sounding like she wanted to hurry thing along. Why was that? "Oh, right. Come this way." Said Field Note. We finally began walking away and I just now noticed that we had been standing at the elevator door the whole time. Damn, how badly were we sidetracked? I also noticed that the other scientists were starting to pack their things and leave. What time was it? Just past 6:00? I think so. We went into a room with what looked like an old, battered helmet of the Mark V Spartan helmet. It had various grime marks and some dirt on it, along with a crack in the visor with a couple of pieces missing. (This was somewhat easier.) "Here is the helmet. We didn't know who it belonged to at the time, so we just labeled it as 'Unidentified Helmet'. And I know it looks pretty worn out, but we couldn't get those grime stains off. It's also a bit cracked, as you can see, but I think it is still operable." Said Field Note I read the text underneath it. Never gave up hope? Fierce Warrior? I think I might've been an icon back then. What about now? "Did you test it?" I asked. I didn't think it had any power to be able to operate anymore. Then again, everything I made either regenerated, or had full power. Save for power cells. Is that what this needed? "Yes, we had several attempts. And each ended with at least some form of injury. Be it broken glass, magical exhaustion, or sudden shock." She said. 'I'll ask Celestia about the ones that tried it for themselves later.' I thought. "And what were the results?" I followed up. Field Note's face lit up with excitement. "Oh! The results were phenomenal! It has a internal camera built into it along with flashlights, a motion tracker, and a set of codes that will activate other sets of armor to do certain things, and much more! It also has what I believe is a energy bar, but the previous wearers weren't able to access that part yet. And you wouldn't believe how hard it was to power such a small bat-" I lost some interest here, and decided to let her chatter happily. I felt a presence behind me and I turned and saw Luna, being weird and trying to get as close to me as possible. Was it the pheromones? I felt as though they were just chick magnets, but I didn't want to think that. I was already stuck with a emotionally deprived Alicorn who was very fond and friendly with me. I couldn't add another mare to the batch. But what about the link! Oh shit! She probably could hear all of my thought right now! Hey! Luna! Look at me! She remained oblivious to my internal callings. Maybe she couldn't hear me after all. Maybe the link was broken and I was a free man. If I'm free then why do I have a empty feeling in my gut? I then heard my stomach growl in protest. Oh, that was why I was feeling empty. Didn't I just eat a bar? "-and that is what we have so far on your old helmet. Say, you wouldn't happen to have any extra technology we could study, do you, Your Highness?" Asked Field Note, eyeing me curiously. I blinked. Oh. OH! 'Ah, well, not really. It takes me a while to find the resources to make an entire set." I said, blinking nervously. God, that was a shit lie. "Oh, okay. It's just that, we could have benefited greatly if we were to reverse engineer some of the functions. I guess I was asking for too much." She said, lowering her head and flopping her ears back. Damn it, I hate making people sad. Especially if they are adorable ponies. "Bu-" I was cut off by Celestia, who had now decided to speak. "We would wish nothing more than to aid your research, and the research of this facility as a whole, but please keep in mind that he is just one pony." She said, a hint of wisdom in her voice along with a soothing tone in general. Damn. She must be pretty good with children. "I understand, Your Highness." Said Field Note. "Now go see to thee home. We are certain that once thou has gotten the rest you desire, thou will be able to get the answers thou art searching for." Said Luna in a ushering tone. She seemed to brighten up at that. "Yeah, okay. I'll close up shop then. Then start again tomorrow." She said, a smile growing on her muzzle. "That's the spirit." I said, nodding my head. "Well, goodnight everypony." Said Field Note, leaving with a bow. Celestia smiled and Luna gave a generous nod. And I waved her a goodbye. She was nice. "Well then, looks like it's the three of us then." I said once we were alone. Turning towards them I saw that they were staring at me, Celestia with jealousy and Luna with a blushed smile. Ah hell. "Danger Close!" I called. My armor went flying at me and latched onto me, wrapping around my body with great speed and precision. Once inside they were snapped out of their trance. I'm definitely taking a shower when I can. "Apologies, Franz. You should shave your excess fur as to not have that happen again." Said Celestia. Luna, however, didn't seem to like that idea. "Nay, he is perfect the way he is." She countered, a small smile creeping across her face. 'Oh, uh, thanks?" I said. I think my luck with females is getting better! I didn't sound as awkward! "We should head back. I need to eat something before I die of hunger." I said. "Didn't you eat a bar that regenerated at a rapid pace? I barely managed to down the one you gave me." Said Celestia. "Yeah, but it's ...not filling for me." I replied, realizing Celestia had managed to eat the whole bar before it could come back. "Oh, right." She said, remembering something about my eating habits. We left back to the upper floors and back to our own respected chambers. I made myself some spaghetti and ate it alone on my bed. I was going to train tomorrow for the duel with Shining. I wondered what the rules and guidelines were, so that I could study for them. *plop* 'Oh, well would you look at that. I thought. I took a look at the pamphlet of the rules and stuff. Very interesting. In The Laboratory A low whirring sound began to fill the silent room of the Mark V helmet. The message stopped abruptly, and powered down for a few minutes. The power cut again. This time for an hour. There was a pause within the recording. The now Identified individual as the past Franz. Past Franz paused. As if he was in thought. The Power cut for the final time that night. And wouldn't start back up for the next few months, if not years without more power. Unfortunately, there was a janitor that had heard it. He quit the next morning and went to find a new career as a baker. Mostly because there aren't any haunted artifacts in a bakery. > Chapter 16: Training With Luna [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember running. Running for my life. I was now considered a fugitive, and had a warrant out for my arrest. I knew that if they caught me, I'd be either killed on sight or experimented on thoroughly. I was currently near the Flathead forest in Montana. I didn't know the terrain, and didn't have a specific location in mind. I just wanted to give myself some distance between those soldier hunters. I didn't want that Foundation to catch me, and lock me away with the rest of those creatures. I was planning to either hide in a cave, or make a final stand. And it looked like the latter was the most likely outcome. I saw a bear and it was pretty startled, tried to attack me on sight. I just shot a beam of energy and cleared a large hole in it's chest. And that's where I'm currently at. Picking at a dead bear and cooking what I can. It was very different to what I was used to slaughtering, but hey, I didn't exactly bring food. That and I wanted to see what bear tasted like. Very chewy. I had put up sensors after the bear arrived, along with a self defense measure to stun and notify me if there was any movement. I didn't pick anything up yet, but I knew there would be either something, or someone to come across me. They say that if you go camping, you learn new things and come out feeling better than when you did. And while this normally would for most people, it wasn't the same for me. This was my little camp. And I felt like shit. I was waiting at the training room, exactly where Luna told me to be. I didn't like the fact that she woke me up so early just to give me instructions. But either way, I was still waiting for her. There were several weights and machines used for workouts and I thought about getting started without her. But I recalled back to what she told me. Earlier That Morning "DEAR FRANZ!" Screamed Luna. "AAAAH!" I yelped, jumping out of bed and landing on the floor. I groaned in annoyance. Why was she here. "Ah, good morning. How was thou's night? Was it enjoyable?" She asked. What did she mean by that? "What do you mean, enjoyable?" I asked, now realizing that she was just above me. I didn't have my armor on right now, and I was fully exposed. Thankfully, however, I was laying on my stomach, so maybe I can still protect myself. "Your dreams. Were they not pleasant? We will make sure of it tonight." She said, lowering her head down to meet mine. I stared into her light blue eyes. "Uh, O-okay." I said, getting up and going to retrieve my armor capsules. But first, the bathroom. "Where art thee going?" She asked. "To the bathroom." "Ah. We shall wait for you here." She said, hoping onto the bed and siting down. I just looked at her with a confused look. I think she wanted something. I went into the bathroom and closed the door. This was a really nice bathroom. I stared at the excess amount of fur on my chest I decided to take a shower, but remembered that Luna was waiting for me. Hopping onto the toilet I proceeded to relieve myself, with slight discomfort, and let my mind wander. I was glad to be recovering memories, but I wasn't sure why it was me fleeing. I didn't have much on this 'Foundation', but I had enough to know that they specialized in capturing anomalous object or people. And maybe locations as well. I didn't think I made it out of there and ended up here out of pure luck. "Oh Franz! Art thee alright? You've been in there for quite the amount of time!" Called Luna. "Y-yeah! I'm good." I said back, now noticing that I had finished a bit ago and was now just staring off into space. Hopping off I washed my hooves, even though I didn't even use them to go. I dried them off on a towel that looked really expensive, and opened the door. Luna was on my bed, rolling around for some reason. I cleared my throat and she looked at me with a coy smile. "I think we should relieve some stress together." She said, pulling her front hooves up to her chest and fluttering her eyes. What the fuck? I chuckled nervously and turned into a mess. "W-well, I, uh, I don't think we should...do that. I k-kinda like being stressed! You know? keep me on m-my hooves, right?" She just looked at me with confusion, before erupting into laughter. What was it she wanted to do then? My face got slightly warmer from her laughing at me. "Dear Franz, we did not think thou wished to do that! How scandalous!" She said, finishing her laughter. "We thought you wanted to wait until we were married before doing those acts!" She said, raising herself back up. Ah hell. Now I have to explain my way out of this. She spoke before I could. "Though, we could make that the reward for the other thing I wanted." She said, raising her hoof to her chin. I made a skateboard, hopped on, and cha cha slid my way over to her. "How bout no!" I said, lowering my head to look at her with an angle. She smiled and giggled. "Nay, we wished to train thee for your upcoming battle with Shining Armor. I assume you read the pamphlet on the rules?" She said, poking the small thing on the bed. "Yeah. It's well thought out." I said. So the basic version is this: "No lethal blows. Especially if they are KO'd. No foul play. If so, then the attacker will be disqualified. No cheating, especially if there is handicaps. No more than three magic blasts per 30 seconds No hypnosis spells are to be use at any given time. No magic domes lasting longer than ten seconds at a time. No trapping the opponent in a magic dome for longer than five seconds No continuous teleportation. No massive blasts that the opponent cant handle if not of Unicorn decent. There are three types of duels. One for Earth Ponies, One for Pegasi, and one for Unicorns." [Since I am a part of all three essentially, I have to abide by the three of these sets.] "Earth Ponies have to wear heavy armor, as to not hurt each other with their stronger bodies, and their weapons include magically blunt spears, swords, bo staffs, wooden shields, and tridents. Pegasi, since they can fly, use aerial tactics and light armor. With their weapons being, but not limited to, magically blunted wing swords, small hoof shields, and short swords. Unicorns have standard armor. Weapons include, but not limited to, Crossbows, magical Crossbows, Magic Blasts level 5 and lower, and Magical Dome level 5 and lower." "All armor is allowed customization, with the addition of one (1) enchantment. [I can wear my armor, just without all the weapons on it.] All weapons are allowed with the addition of one (1) enchantment each. No hidden weapons are allowed. If a opponent is tossed out of the ring, they are disqualified. If a opponent is KO'd, they are eliminated. The reward for winning the duel is pride for protecting ones honor, monetary claim, and disputing arguments. Royal Duels are not responsible for any injury that may result." "Well we should make our way to the training room. I did say that I would be your personal trainer, did I not!" She said, basically cheering. "Yeah. Just let me get my capsules and we can go." I said, going to the cabinet. I was grabbed by her with a wing and she stopped me before I could reach them. "Nay, we need you to be able to move freely for your training." She said, pulling me away from my armor. "Wait, but if I wear my armor, then I can get into better shape than with it!" I said, hoping it would work. She pondered for a moment, before nodding. "Yes, that does make more sense." She said. 'Thank go-' "But I will be putting a weight spell on you, as to not let you go so easily," She said, smirking. I groaned. I didn't want to be wearing 600 pound armor. Oh well. "Fiiiiiine, lets go." I said, levitating my capsules over to me. They wrapped around and secured themselves onto their proper place. We left and began making our way to the training room, when a servant popped up and told Luna something. "Princess Luna, Princess Celestia wishes to speak with you." He said. I didn't pay much attention to him, mostly because I wasn't all that interested. "Can't it wait until later? We have important business to attend to." She said, slightly bothered by the servant. "Princess Celestia ordered me to come and get you. She wished to speak with you concerning matters for a specific individual." He said, losing a bit of confidence as he went on. "Very well. Dear Franz, can thou find the training room by thyself?" She asked. You know, It was at this moment that I realized that she had some sort of speech thing going on. As if she was having a hard time with it. "Yeah, I can find it. Don't worry about me." I said dismissively. She smiled warmly at me before turning the opposite way. "Wait in the training room and wait for me. Do not lift a single weight until we have arrived!" She said, turning back as she walked. I gave her a salute as she left. She smiled again before disappearing around the corner. I noticed that the servant guy was gone as well. Eh, probably went to go do something. I then made my way to the training rooms, where I was still waiting for her to arrive. I had the help of a few maids who pointed me in the right direction, and another few guards to help out as well. I wonder what was going on in Ponyville? Probably something cooler than training. After another 20 minutes of waiting, she finally arrived. I saw that she had my saddlebag. "Oh, I see that Twilight sent my bags." I said, moving over to her. "Yes, we weren't aware you had several more devices inside. Like your 'laptop' I assume." She said, floating out said object. "Just be careful, it's the only thing I have that has the designs for armor." I said. I was hoping to draw more of it. She put it back in it's slot and stored it. She then set it on the ground in a corner. There were several guards here, each one doing some form of training. The room itself was very large, at least a few dozen feet easily. I was beginning to get nervous about this. "Art thou ready for your training, Franz?" She asked, a smirk growing on her face. I cleared my mind, and gained a look of determination. "Yes." I said. She suddenly materialized a sword and cast some sort of spell on it. "Luna, what are you doing?" I asked. She only got a smug look as she swing it at my head. I dodged and backpedaled. What the fuck was she doing?! "My training is different from the regular ones. That was a reflex test. Good dodge." She said, her sword disappearing into thin air. The guards saw and got ready to pounce. "Well, can you not do that? It's scaring the guards." I said. They weren't very sacred, just really tense. "How can thou expect us not to attack you while you train? Thou did the same to us when we trained together!" She said, accusing me. "I was a different pony back then! I don't even remember what I did!" I shot back. I don't like being attacked. I'm partially pacifist. "Well it was a very hard time for us and we are simply getting our revenge!" She yelled, getting in my face. I pushed my forehead into hers and she did the same. We were careful with out horns, of course. We were in a mini stand off. I didn't like being yelled at. She made the first move backed away, a glare in her eyes. I smirked and started laughing. She was confused at first, then she did the same and we were both started laughing on the ground, rolling around without care. "W-why art we *gasp* laughing?" She said, taking a breath. I saw that the guards were doing what they were doing before, now realizing we weren't going to blow up the training room. "I've honestly have no idea." I said, finally recovering from my wheezing. I did that to not make the situation escalate. It was a simple tactic, really. Just start laughing to make the other person in a better mood so there's no bad blood between the two of you. It either works or they think you're slightly insane. "We should get started. We've been putting it off." She said, getting up and pulling me as well with her magic. "But we didn't even get to eat anything." I said, now realizing I hadn't ate yet. "Just make a bar." She said. Making another Uno reverse card, I gave it to her with the side up. "No u" I said. The Next Day "Keep going Franz!" Shouted Luna. I grunted as I kept thrusting with power. I have never done this before, and it was really tiring. "Keep going! You're almost there! I can feel it!" I shut my eyes. I didn't want to do this, but she had left me no choice. "Wait, don't stop! I'm almost there as well." She shouted. "S-shut up!" I said back. I gave one last burst of strength and felt the power from my magic die down. I looked at the targets and saw that I had absolutely annihilated one of the training dummies with that continuous blast of magic. "Why do you have to make everything sound so weird." I asked her. Luna just feigned innocence. She was up to something. Thursday I let the water run down my face and across my body. It was a heavenly thing to experience after another long day of training. I had just finished washing my body and closed the water. Stepping out of the shower with my body wet I had the urge to shake it all off. So I stepped back in the shower and closed the curtain, as to not get water everywhere. I locked my body and shook vigorously. It was weird, but I could get used to it. I realized that I couldn't stop, and panicked. I started spazzing out on the ground. I knocked down towels, broke the toilet, there was water spilling everywhere. I was beginning to get sweaty again, but who cared, I was having a fucking seizure! I suddenly stopped and got up. I crawled to the corner of the room, whimpering the whole time. What the fucking shit was that! The entire bathroom is trashed! "Huzzah!" Yelled from the ceiling. "FUCK!" I yelped, launching myself into the air and latching onto the roof. My hooves dug into the marble like it was putty. I was trembling from shock. "You have burned many calories! You should thank me. I am pushing you further. Goodnight." Said Luna stiffly, who was walking on the ceiling. She gave me a quick peck on my violently shaking cheek. "Thou smells off. You should take another shower." She said, flipping over and falling to the ground. She landed on her hooves and walked out the bathroom. I stayed on the ceiling for another half hour, trying to stop shaking. I then fell to the ground and landed back on the ground with a thwack, and lay there for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep on the ground. "Fuck you." I mumbled. Friday I threw a punch, but she blocked it with her small shield, grabbed me, and launched me over her shoulder like a rag doll. I slammed into the ground with much force, and growled in annoyance. "Do you not wish to best me, Franz?" She asked. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I raised my wings upwards and slammed them into the ground, launching me into the air and went for a punch to her chest. My armor sparked against hers, and she stumbled back slightly. Correcting myself in midair and onto my hooves I charged her only to be stopped by her shield. I crashed into it and fell back. She took her shield and slammed it into my visor. It bounced right off and I flared my wings for some distance. She flashed out of existence and I felt her behind me, her shield ready for another attack. I activated my own shield gauntlet and it flared to life. Her shield hit mine and hers crumbled and mine popped. Now being defenseless, I moved back to offense. I made a grab for her waist, but she moved out of the way, causing me to fall on my stomach. She flipped me over and held her broken shield over my head. I was cornered, again. "Again." She said, lowering her shield and pulling me up. "That's twelve to zero. Are you sure you're going easy on him?" Asked Summer Springs, standing next to a whiteboard and holding a marker in her wing. "No! She's going sicko mode on me!" I said, my armor fixing itself from the scrapes she gave me. "Do what you must. But if you cannot beat your own mare, then I might as well be the stallion." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure! Like you know what I've been through!" I said, now somewhat mad at her. "I might not know what you've been through before we met, but know that you can use that to help you fight! Remember the past!" She said, readying herself for another go. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Remember. Remember. Remember. I opened them charged at her, my wooden bo staff back for more or less mercy. I changed up my tactics and started with a blast. She used her teleport and reappeared behind me. I was ready this time. I activated my shield and swung at her from the side. Only for it to hit nothing but air. I saw that she was above me and had her shield closing in on my helmet. Aw hell. I was struck in the face and sent toppling back, and unknowingly out of the ring. It was over in an instant. "Remember this. If your opponent tries something like that, It would be wise to try and counter them. It might even save your life." She said, offering her hoof. God damn did that hurt! And what kind of advice was that!? Saturday I was currently making another set of armor, one for the duel. It was just the basic version of the ODST armor. I added just the energy shield and a personal bubble shield, with the timer being 5 seconds before popping. I was finishing my armor, making it lighter armor with a special ability. It was similar to Black Panthers ability to absorb shock and release it for a enhanced attack. I was hoping it would be able to pop his shield, and if it didn't, then my own bubble shield would. I also made another ability to make whatever thing I hold turn a bright blue and cackle with electricity. It was basically making all weapons I make resemble taser sticks. I made a note to look between the differences between my energy shields and magic shields. The bubble shield from Halo Reach was close to a level 5 and the bubble shield from Halo 3 was a level 10 easy. But the only down side was that it only lasted for 10 seconds. But I could always make it last longer, with my skill set. Once I finished it, I took a step back and admired my work. It looked just like my other armor, except instead of the energy dagger, it was a simple blue thing on the side. I could activate it whenever I wanted, but I didn't want nobody to know that. I had finished the new set of armor in about an hour, and went to the bathroom for my morning routine. I instead, saw Luna there, in her armor, with her wooden shield. "Surprise attack!" She yelled. I saw that she had her horn charged, and let it blast me. I just activated my energy shield on my wrist and angled it to the open balcony door. It hit my shield and ricocheted off and out the door, probably hitting some unlucky pegasi. I was tackled to the ground and pinned down by her magic. "That was a reflex test, however, since you failed to stop me from pinning thee to the ground, you fail." "You're really annoying, you know that?" I said, not even bothering to fight back. "Nay thee." She said, pulling out the reverse card I gave her on Tuesday. I groaned out of defeat. Now I was the annoying one. Sunday (The Duel) I was walking to the arena with Luna and Celestia. As it turns out, it was closer than I thought. It was really only a 20 minute walk. Now that I realized, I didn't spend that much time with Celestia. I only met her on occasion, either when we walked by each other while I was running my laps around the castle, or when we all ate together. Even then, she didn't say much during those times. I think she needed to relax a bit. Maybe start a garden on the sun. "So, I hear that you've been training hard for this duel, right?" Said Celestia. Ooh, interactions! "Yeah, Luna here has been busting my nuts over the whole thing. How can you even last that long?" I asked Luna. I was starting to think that Luna ate pure energy drinks and took adrenaline shots, because no one should last that long in a sparring match. "We have what the ponies now call, 'extra thicc thighs'. I'm not quite sure why you told me this. Our thighs are fine." Said Luna, not really caring to restrain herself around the guards, who in mind, got slightly uncomfortable. "Hey, it's better to be extra thicc that dummy thicc. Cause then the thunderclap from you ass cheeks will alert anyone you're trying to sneak up on." I said. I loved messing around with her. It was just funny to watch her get confused. "Can we please refrain from talking about one's thighs and... Ass cheeks? I would like to maintain an aura of professionalism." Celestia said. "Oof, got it. No more talking about thicc thighs." I said. I wanted to tease Celestia about it too, but with what I've seen Luna do with her magic, I could only imagine what Celesta would do. "Especially thou's sister." Said Luna. I snorted as Celestia shook her head in amusement. Hey, she does have a sense of humor! I had my new set of armor on my back, carefully hidden in my saddlebags, and my other on my body. I saw the arena and noticed the amount of ponies wanting to be there, and holy shit, was there a lot. "Is that the normal amount of spectators? It looks like a lot." I asked, not trying to get stage fright. There must be at least hundreds of them! "Not particularly. There are only around a dozen or so every weekend, sometimes none at all. But it seems as though the news has reached the furthest corners of Equestria." Said Celestia. "There must be at least several hundred." Said Luna, a look of shock on her muzzle. I had a feeling she hasn't been around very large groups of ponies. I made a small drone with a smaller camera from my armor and sent it on it's way. I was going to see exactly how many ponies were there. My visor linked and I pulled it up to see the large crowd. It quickly scanned the entirety of the arena, which was at least a half mile long and wide, with the shape of a circle. The numbers quickly rose up, and up, and up, until it reached the highest number of 685 ponies within the observable arena. not counting the ones still waiting outside. I brought back the drone and saw that I was now closer to the entrance. I let out a sigh as I caught sight of Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. They were all conversing with each other, and I didn't want to intrude on them. I thought I also saw Ditzy in there somewhere, which would have made this easier, but it as just some random mare who looked similar to her, with their colors being slightly different. "Nervous?" Asked Celestia. "You have no idea." "I might." I looked at her as she went to greet the girls, Luna staying by my side. I wanted to say hi as well, but I was going to have to get ready for the match. I went into the well lit competitors room, with Luna following me, and saw many ponies with their own customized armor. Some were even making some final adjustments from their own cubicles. Once we got my number, we went to our cubicle. "Come, dear Franz. Our location is this way." Said Luna. We made our way to the cubicle, and got some stared from the other competitors. I kept an eye out in case I saw Shining Armor. "Uh, excuse me, Your Highness?" Asked someone. I turned and saw a stallion Pegasi with a light orange coat, along with a brown mane and tail. his mane was styled and he had light armor and some blunt twin swords on his sides. He was smaller than me by a good 4 inches. "Yes?" I asked. He looked surprised that I even noticed him. "Oh, well. I heard you were going to duel Shining Armor, and thought I could use some pointers against my opponent." He asked. Oh, I could help! "Well, what do you want to know?" I asked. "How do I beat him? I want to win so I don't have to lose my mare to him. I know I shouldn't have accepted the challenge, but I was so angry when he tried to take her from me." He said. I could kinda see where he was going. "Well-" I said, looking over to Luna. She nodded and smiled. "-some things you can do is stay on the ground and try to evade his magic blasts. A defensive form is to enchant your armor to absorb shock and release it at him. And if you get close enough to him, you can always release the stored up shock and KO him." I said. It was what I had to deal with when I fought Luna. Though, I couldn't use my shock release, since I had only added it recently. "Oh! Okay! Thank you your highness!" He said, smiling with hope. I now noticed his Cutie Mark was that of a parchment and pen. "Can I have your name?" I asked. He stood proudly, trying to impress me. "Pen Parchment, Your Highness." "Nice to meet you. I'm Prince Franz. Now go add your enchantment. You'll need it." I said, ushering him away. He gave me a salute and ran off to his cubicle. It felt nice to help someone. "Thou handled that quite well." Said Luna. I smiled, and followed her to my cubicle. They were all white and had some spell put over them so that we could work in peace. I already had my switched armors, and had my enhancements on, and just waited. I looked over my number. I was number 4-b, and was scheduled for 11:30. Each match lasts only for half hour, with ten minute matches in between. I was really nervous when they started to call for the match pairs. I just listened to my music until they would call me. It was still only 10, so I can wait and rest for a while, with Luna happily by my side. I rested and waited. This time, I won't lose. I'll give him hell. > Chapter 17: The Duel [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was waiting with Luna and she was giving me pointers about Magic shields. As it turns out, they are strong, but have a weakness. Level 5 Shield Spells don't protect from burrowing attacks. So that means that I can dig my way under and land a hit. But the rules mentioned no cheating. So that was pretty useless. It was almost time for me to be called when I got a sudden visitor. "Hey Prince Franz. How are you holding up?" Asked Shining Armor. I saw he had on his purple armor, but had a star on the breastplate. I think this was his armor for the duel. Lot's of purple. "Oh, hey man!" I said, being friendly. I think I can make him go easy on me. "Just wanted to let you know that no matter what happens, no hard feelings, right?" He said, flashing me a smile. He seemed like a pretty good guy. No, he is a good guy. "Yeah, see you when I win?" I asked, poking fun. He smirked. "In your dreams!" He said, completely unaware that Luna was still here. She looked a bit mad, but i ignored it. 50/50, Franz, 50/50. "At least we aren't fighting for each others mares. I wouldn't know what to do with Luna." He said. Uh oh. "And what's wrong with her?" I asked, getting a bit curious. "Nothing really, it's just that I would rather have my mare than take somepony else's." He said. "Oh, whats her name?" I asked, offering a friendly smile. "Her name is Ca-" He was cut off, Luna suddenly speaking up. "Captain Shining." He noticed her and immediately bowed. Aha! A kiss ass! "Your Highness. I was just making sure that Prince Franz was not having trouble." He said, rising after he said 'Your Majesty'. Luna looked mad, for some reason. Maybe it was her honor she wanted me to protect? "Hey Lulu, it was just some friendly bickering." I interjected. She had opened her mouth to berate him, but stopped and turned to me. "Did, did thou just call me, Lulu?" She asked, a glint in her eyes. It was kinda cute, and as soon as I was about to respond to her the caller shouted out our numbers through a small magical device on the corner of the table. It said, static present in the transmission. I checked the time. Wasn't there another 10 minutes before we were up? I checked the time and it read 11:12. I think the last guy was KO'd early. Shining was looking at me with a smile. "Well, looks like we're up." He said. I turned to Luna, who was smiling timidly. Maybe calling her that was making her act like this. I mean, if it'll get her to calm down, then I should call her that some more. She then lunged at me and tried to kiss me. I folded my armor up and she kissed my helmet where my mouth would be. She noticed and still gave me the peck anyways. "A taste of what Thee shall get if thou wins." She said. Making a skateboard materialize nearby, I hopped onto it and slid off to my duel. "Noted." I said, folding my armor back. I wasn't looking forward to whatever she had planned for me, but I decided to just brush it off. So far, that 50/50 chance wasn't going for me yet. Picking up my bo staff I made it to the gate. "NOW THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! THE PONY WHO IS AT THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN IN THE ROYAL GUARD! THE STALLION WITH THE REPUTATION FOR SHIELDS SO STRONG, THAT NEARLY NOTHING CAN BREAK THEM. HE IS SISTER TO THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC AND HAS A ALICORN MAREFRIEND, THE GREAT, THE STRONG, SHINING ARMOOOOR!" The gate on the other side opened and he stepped out, donning his helmet and a sword on his side. The crown proceeded to go wild. Damn, they were exited about this. I wonder what he'll do? "COMING FROM THE UNKNOWN, WARRIOR OF THE PAST, AND POSSIBLE LOVER TO PRINCESS LUNA, THE ALICORN WHO REAPPEARED AFTER ONE THOUSAND YEARS, THE DEFT, THE WARRIOR, PRINCE FRAAAAAANZ!" Said the announcer. For some reason, all I could hear were the screams of the mares, and maybe a few dudes too. I really hoped that they didn't come just for me. Then that would be a waste of money. My side of the arena opened and I walked out, adding a little puff to my chest with a stern look on my face. I could hear the desperation of the mares trying to reach out for me. Jesus, is this what it was like to be famous? It was rather creepy. There was a pony at the gate with a checkered sweater. I didn't pay attention to him or her, because I was too focused on not tripping or making a fool of myself. The pony guided me to the ring. It was a large ring, nearly 300 feet in diameter. I felt pretty small with all of the ponies watching me, and even more so with the large ring. The referees guided us to the center of the circle, stopping us just short of each other. "I WONDER WHAT KIND OF TRICKS THEY HAVE FOR US! THE MATCH WILL BEGIN ONCE THE FORMALITIES HAVE BEEN TAKEN CARE OF! WATCH CLOSELY, OR YOU MIGHT MISS SOMETHING!" Said the announcer. I felt my ears twitch. He was really loud, even through my helmet. "Okay, We want a good clean fight. You both read the guidelines and rules, correct?" Asked the referee from between us. We both nodded. "Good. Now ready yourselves, cause once that bell rings, its all green from there." He said. I noticed it was an older stallion, with a checkered flag for a Cutie Mark. "Understood." Said Shining. "Yeet." Was my own agreement. The referee just looked at me with confusion, Shining too. "Yeah, I got it." I said, now realizing I had to actually confirm it. "Good, now have fun, and remember, absolutely no lethal blows." He said, trotting away as to not get caught in the cross fire. "Activate." I said, making my armor fold over my body. Shining looked surprised, as did everyone else. "WHOA! LOOK AT THAT FANCY ARMOR! THE WAY IT CRAWLS OVER HIM LIKE A MOUNTAIN OF BUGS! I WISH I HAD FANCY ARMOR LIKE THAT." Yelled the announcer. I had managed to suppressed his voice to be bearable, but I couldn't hold back some of the feedback. Which was fine, since I just suppressed that too. "WE START THE MATCH IN FIVE." I readied myself by getting into a position. I was going to try and make a dash for it. "FOUR!" The crowd began counting down with him. I thought I could see Twilight and the girls, but focused on Shining. "THREE!" Shining raised his shield and sword via magic and I held onto my bo staff with magic as well. "TWO!" I took a breath in. I shoved everything into the back of my mind, and tried to use ultra instinct like goku did and closed my eyes. My hair didn't float or glow, but I could feel something inside me shift, almost like something I didn't know I had come out. "ONE!" Exhaling I saw noting but Shining, and the ring. I was now gonna kick some ass like a pro. *DING DING!* (Bad Photoshop, I know.) Celestia's P.O.V. I saw Franz take a deep breath in and relax his body. The bell rang and Shining Armor shot a blast of magic. I watched as Franz activated his shield from his wrist and slap the blast into the barrier that was erected around them, as to not injure the spectators with stray shots. "WOW! AN IMPRESSIVE FEAT AS PRINCE FRANZ JUST SLAPS AWAY HIS MAGIC BLASTS WITH NOTHING BUT HIS WEIRD SHIELD! I WONDER WHAT KIND OF MAGIC THAT WAS!" Shining, now shocked at the display of power, went into a defensive measure and raised his arm shield towards Franz. Franz dashed towards him as Shining attempted to bash into Franz with the shield. Franz hopped over him, grabbed his foreleg, and threw him into the ground with a flip in midair. "AN AMAZING COUNTER TO SHINING ARMOR'S ATTACK! THAT WAS ONE OF THE MOST STRATEGIC COUNTERS I'VE EVER SEEN!" Something wasn't right. Franz wasn't usually one for violence. Though, I think it was just because he had the drive to win. Franz backed away, letting Shining to recollect himself. I could hear Cadence shouting at him to keep going. I also saw Luna smiling at Franz. Shining Armor attempted to blast Franz again, this time it was clearly a Level 5 attack. He shot a large beam of magic and Franz activated his shield, letting the two of the attacks meet. Immediately, Franz was pushed back, but sunk his hooves into the marble floor. I wasn't worried about the floor, it would be able to reform after a moment. I noticed his shield slowly turn from cyan to a different color. "SHINING ARMOR HAS TAKEN THE OFFENCE AND IS BLASTING PRINCE FRANZ WITH A CONTINUOUS BEAM OF MAGIC! THE RULES SAY THAT THERE ARE ONLY THREE MAGIC BLASTS PER MINUTE, THIS INCLUDES MAGIC BEAMS, SO HOW WILL PRINCE FRANZ GET OUT OF THIS ONE!" Franz suddenly began pushing his was towards Shining. I was unable to see his expressions underneath his visor, but I assumed he had a plan. His shield was now a bright maroon color. "WHAT?! PRINCE FRANZ IS NOW PUSHING AGAINST THE ATTACK! EXACTLY HOW STRONG IS THE PONY!" Once Franz was close enough, he sidestepped and slammed into the Shining Armor, taking him down in a tackle. "He remembered." Said Luna. I looked at her. "He remembers what?" I asked her. "I used that against him when we were fighting as Nightmare Moon. We used that tactic when we were in a power lock and he was overpowering us." She said, smiling widely. 'So he can remember from his past hardships and use them against the opponent. Interesting,' I thought, watching them trade blows with their skillsets. I also noticed that there was a slight glow to Franz' armor. It was a purple glow that seemed to go unnoticed by Shining. "SHINING ARMOR AND PRINCE FRANZ ARE STUCK IN A POWER LOCK! IS THAT PRINCE FRANZ'S ARMOR ENCHANTMENT AT WORK? I WONDER WHAT IT DOES?" Franz' bo staff suddenly sparked to life with blue electricity and he slammed it into his armor, shocking everypony in the crowd. His armor now had a dark purple glow to it. "WHOA, I DIDN'T EXPECT HIM TO HURT HIMSELF! WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?" Everypony quieted down and watched the two of them fight. Franz launched his bo staff at Shining, making it act like a spear. It smashed into Shining's wooden shield, stabbing into it with the amount of force applied. It looked like a giant arrow was stuck in it. "THIS MATCH IS GETTING HEATED! AND IT'S ONLY BEEN THREE MINUTES! IF THIS IS WHAT WE'RE GONNA SEE FOR TEN MINUTES AT A TIME, THEN I SURE AM GLAD TO BE SEEING THIS!" Franz sprinted and slammed his hoof into the shield Shining still had raised. A powerful shock wave of purple energy erupted from Franz' armored hoof, sending Shining close to the border of the ring. His armor looked like it was beginning to crack and chip. I knew Franz's armor was made out of the rare Titanium, and it was far superior that Shining's steel armor. "WOW! ANOTHER POWERFUL ATTACK! WHAT ELSE WILL THESE TWO DO!" Franz made another dash towards Shining. I noticed that he wasn't using his sword, even throughout their power struggle. It suddenly flared with a flaming blue aura and was swung at Franz. He tried to block it with his energy shield, but it popped and Franz took the attack full force. He was thrown back and a piece of armor plating was blown off, now exposing a small patch of fur. "ANOTHER COUNTER! THIS TIME BY SHINING ARMOR! IT LOOKS LIKE PRINCE FRANZ WONT BE GETTING UP FROM THAT ONE! COULD IT BE THAT SHINING ARMOR WON THE FIRST ROUND IN UNDER FOUR MINUTES?!" "Get up Franz. Please." Whispered Luna. I saw a look of desperation on her muzzle. "Do not fret, sister. I'm certain that he will get up again. Do you remember when he took on Discord by himself?" I said, whispering to her. "We recall his display of power. If only he could remember it." We all turned to see Franz making another dash at Shining. Shining readied his sword again, but was blocked by another bo staff, this time of pure blue, cackling energy. A shock wave erupted again as the two forced collided. I smiled, he at least remembered this weapon. "AND PRINCE FRANZ IS BACK! AND HE SEEMED TO HAVE REMEMBERED TO BLOCK WITH A WEAPON OF MAGIC!" Luna's smile returned. Shining made a magic shield and had a confident smirk. Franz, although unable to see his face, had a smirk underneath. Franz proceeded to stab at the magic shield with his new weapon. The first few didn't do much, but the last one was a powerful attack at full strength. Shining's magic faltered, and Franz slammed his hoof into the ground, making his own bubble shield on top of Shining's. His shield was then taken over, and he was trapped withing two of the shields along with Franz. "WHAT'S THIS? IT APPEARS AS THOUGHT SHINING IS NOW TRAPPED WITH PRINCE FRANZ IN THEIR OWN SHIELDS! WHAT A TWIST!" A sudden blast of magic blackened everything inside, making it unable to see what was going on. Soon the shields dissipated and the two of them had each other at a stalemate. Franz had his energy staff pinned up against Shining's throat, while Shining had his sword at Franz's throat, each of them on the ground and using their magic to keep their weapons at the other. A referee was on the scene and checked the both of them. Everypony was holding their breath, waiting for the referee to give them the answer. He threw up a yellow flag, indicating that they were in a struggle of wits. "WOW! LOOKS LIKE THEY HAVE EACH OTHER AT THE THROAT, BUT WHO WILL BACK DOWN? PRINCE FRANZ, OR SHINING ARMOR?!" Luna was on the edge of her seat. Everypony waited in anticipation as the both of them were fighting hard to get out of the trapped position. Suddenly, there was a shock wave, and Franz was forced into the ground, creating a small crater where he was. Everypony was taken by surprise and started cheering for the new predicament. "LOOKS LIKE PRINCE FRANZ IS IN A PICKLE! HOW WILL HE OVERCOME THIS TURN OF EVENTS?" Franz slammed his hoof into the ground, creating another bubble shield. He was then able to get back up, and walked out of the shield and over to Shining. I saw Cadence arch her back in suspense as Franz still had his energy staff at Shining's throat. Everypony saw that a part of his visor was cracked, and began cheering with excitement. "IT LOOKS LIKE PRINCE FRANZ IS GOING TO WIN THIS MATCH! WAS THERE EVER ANY DOUBT THAT AN ALICORN WOULD BEAT A UNICORN IN A HEAD TO HEAD BATTLE?" Instead of finishing Shining Armor, he released his hold on his energy staff and let Shining rise again. "LOOKS LIKE PRINCE FRANZ HAS SOME SORT OF MORAL CODE! WHAT COULD IT BE?" Shining was without his shield and sword, and decided to make a sword out of magic. Thankfully, there was a spell that automatically made any weapon made in the dome become blunt. He must be close to tiring, if the trails of sweat he was giving was any indication. Franz had the upper hoof in this battle. Although his energy shield was gone, he still had his energy staff, and freakish endurance, even to Alicorn standards. "LOOKS LIKE THERE WILL BE ONE FINAL STAND! THIS BATTLE IS ONE OF THE MOST INTENSE ONES I'VE EVER SEEN! AND IT WILL BE A GREAT THING TO LOOK BACK ON WITH OUR RECORDING EQUIPMENT." I thought I could see them speaking, except it was just Shining whose mouth was moving. Luna saw as well, and made a frown before shouting encouraging words. "Thou can beat him, Franz! Don't let him worm his way into your mind with words!" "LOOKS LIKE ONE OF THE PRINCESSES IS ROOTING FOR PRINCE FRANZ TO WIN! WHAT A REASON TO KEEP GOING!" Luna just blushed and crossed her forelegs over her chest. "Can we not just show our affection without everypony losing their minds?" She grumbled. I smiled at her. I was secretly wanting Franz to come out victorious against Shining, but it looked like an evenly matched battle, even though Franz had the upper hand. I saw Franz slowly make his way over to Shining and twirl his staff in a defensive position with his magic. Shining saw and blasted another shot at Franz. They were only 8 minutes in and it was already the most intense battle in this arena' history. "WITH JUST UNDER TWO MINUTES LEFT, WHO WILL BEST THE OTHER IN THIS LAST EPIC STAND! OH THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!" Shining suddenly used a teleportation spell and reappeared behind Franz. Franz, in return, threw his staff into Shining's helmet, sending him into the air. Acting quickly, Franz flared his wings and made a skyward attack, adding additional damage to Shining, before slamming back down into the ground with Shining on the receiving end on the staff. Shining was clearly taken by surprise as he was hit by a another slash of energy that resulted from the staff. "A GLAMOROUS COUNTER! AND WITH ONE MINUTE REMAINING, IT LOOKS LIKE PRINCE FRANZ WILL BE VICTORIOUS IF SHINING DOES'T ACT QUICK!" Franz dash towards and tried to grab Shining. Shining, having no chance of countering or dodging, was grabbed and slammed into either sides of the ground. There was small traces of blood in this attack, showing the amount of damage Franz was dealing. Franz then began spinning at a very fast rate, becoming a blur and flung Shining Armor out towards the outside of the ring, securing his victory. "AND IT LOOKS LIKE SHINING IS OUT OF THE RING! THE WINNER IS CLEARLY, PRINCE FRANZ!" Shouted the announcer. Everypony cheered and threw confetti and flowers at Franz, who was standing still, watching his staff crackle out of sight and into thin air. There was several ponies who managed to catch Shining before he hit the ground, and he was taken away with the medical staff. I'm sure that he will be fine. I could tell Franz was trying to hold back, and didn't want to seriously hurt him. Though that last attack was a bit excessive, to me at least. Luna sprung from her chair and began cheering with the crowd over Franz' victory. I just stomped my hooves, adding to the cheering. "AND THAT'S JUST ROUND ONE EVERYPONY! WE WILL BE BACK FOR ANOTHER MATCH BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM, SO GO AND BUT SOME SNACKS, BECAUSE THERE WILL BE MORE PUMMELING TO COME!" Franz snapped out of the seemingly curious trance he had himself in, and began walking to his gate. Luna began getting up to see him, but i stopped her before she could leave the balcony. "Luna, I believe he should rest for his next match. It wouldn't be fair to bother him while he's resting." I said clearly. Luna grumbled something and sat back down in her seat. Everypony was either chatting among themselves or talking about the match. I just hoped that Franz will be able to repair his armor before the next match. Franz P.O.V. I made it back to my cubicle and quickly re-made my energy shield and fixed my visor. I was worried about Shining, that last attack I gave him seemed like it hurt. I quickly made my way over to his cubicle and saw that there were medical staff around him, using their magic for what looked like healing spells. Popping my head in, he saw me and smiled. He had a bloody nose and a few scrapes along his skin. Good god, I really did a number on him. Folding back my helmet I walked and got his attention. "Hey man, I just wanted to say good game. You did really well." I said. He chuckled as the nurse stopped her magic and used a bandage of some sort and placed it on his nose. "That should keep your muzzle from bleeding any further. Do be more careful." She said, packing her things and leaving with the other few staff. it looked like they didn't do anything, but I think they did serve a purpose. "I didn't do as good as you. You beat my flank out there. I only managed to land a few good hits on you." He said, smiling. "You did manage to trap me under your sword. That was a good move." I said, reminding him that he almost had me. "After your final move, I pretty much had no other choice when you threw me out the ring. That was a really good attack, actually." He said, complementing me. "Ah, well, there's plenty more where that came from." I said, giving him a challenging look. "I hope there is, or else it wouldn't be a challenge." He countered, smiling confidently. We stared at each other for a bit before we started laughing. I was glad I was able to get him back on my side after our duel. And he also took pride in defeat as well. "Shiny!" Said someone from behind us. I turned and saw Twilight there, with a bit of watery eyes. "Twily! I didn't know you were here!" He said, opening his hooves for a hug. I just got out of the way as Twilight went in for her hug. I remembered that she had a tendency to knock down ponies when she was excited. Like she did with Pinkie when she found the book about The Elements of Harmony. She then punched him on the shoulder, making him wince. "Why did you challenge Franz! You know he is an Alicorn, right?" She said, glaring up at him. Ooh, she was mad. She then turned to me. "And you said you wouldn't hurt him too much! I thought that you promised me that!" She said, nervously glaring up at me. I leaned back as she was now in my face, with her horn a bit too close to my eyes. Wait, I never promised that! "No, I said I wouldn't kill him. Not that I was going to in the first place. That's what I promised." I said, noticing a lavender smell coming off of her. I walked back a bit to put some more distance between us. "When did you say that!" She accused. "Danger Close!" I called. My helmet came flying over the crowd and my current armor popped off, with my first set latching on and forming around me. I stopped my visor from latching onto my face, and shoved it onto hers. She yelped, but soon stopped struggling. "Replay Monday Recording." I said. It began playing the recording I had set up and saw Twilight watched herself acknowledge my promise. She then lowered her head in slight shame, chuckling nervously. "Oh, oops." She said. I touched the visor and it unfolded, crawling over my armor and resting on my head. "You see?" I asked nervously, in case she tried to hit me for being right. She didn't however. I realized that I was somewhat traumatized by Luna's training. "Well, I was just scared by the way you finished the end. Was that really necessary?" She asked. I shrugged, not really sure about it myself. A pony came into the room. It was one of the referees. "You're up in five minutes. Make sure to finish your enchantments and come out when you're ready." He said, turning back around and leaving. "Understood." I said. "Got it." Said Shining. "Well, I guess that means that I have to go. I'll see you in the stands." Twilight said, taking her leave. "Hey, where are you guys sitting?" I asked. I couldn't see the crowd when everyone looked small. "We're at the balcony under the princess'." She answered. Oh, neat. "Ooh, neat." "Well, good luck on your match guys, I would say I wish the both of you good luck, but this is what happens when my BBBFF picks a fight with my friend." She said, turning and leaving out the cubicle's doorway. I noticed that she was pretty obvious about who she wanted to win, and didn't pick favorites. I guess she learned with what happened to her and the girls. Wait, did she say BBBFF? What did that mean? Oh well, I'll just find out later. "You know, I think I'll forfeit the match and let you be the winner by default. If anything was to go by in the last match, then I wouldn't stand a chance against you." He said. Wait, what!? "But what about when everypony was cheering for you? Don't you want to be the Unicorn that beat the only male Alicorn?" I asked. I didn't want him to fight anymore, but I couldn't just let him give up. The least he could do was put on a show for a bit, but maybe that was asking for too much. I barely knew the guy, but why the sudden change of heart? "What's the point? You'll just win anyways." He said. He cut me off before I could come up with an excuse to keep him going. "I know that what I'm doing shameful, but I know when I'm outmatched. And you have far more strength than I. So, I'm quitting the match while I'm intact." "But what about your marefriend? Won't she want you to keep going and beat an Alicorn?" I asked, trying to find some reason to keep him in the duel. "She is an Alicorn. And she would also understand my choice when I say I was greatly outmatched. I'm fighting the Alicorn Warrior. And there's not much I can do to change that." He said, lowering his head in defeat. I growled at him. Why was he being so difficult. "Look, you either get out there and give everypony a good show, and show your Alicorn marefriend what you can do, or you sulk in your own ignorance, and forfeit everything you stand for! If you want to quit, fine, but just be sure to hang up your uniform as you go. The Royal Guard doesn't quit just because they are outmatched. They only quit when the order is given!" I scolded, glaring at him. I didn't know where all this anger came from, but it helped me get my point across. He gave me a weak smile, and got up. "You're right, The Royal Guard does not quit." He said. I got a smile and raised my hoof towards him. He just looked at me with that smile, before it turned into a frown. "But any sensible Captain knows when it's time to retreat. That's why I am forfeiting the match, and going back to the barracks, I need to clear my head after this." He said, walking past me and took off his helmet. I stood there, not moving and glared at the wall. "Prick." I mumbled. After Shining left, it was announced that he had forfeited the match. I won by default, much to my displeasure, and went back to the cubicle with a sense of betrayal. Though he didn't break my trust, he did pussy out and quit, just like he said. "But why would he quit? That doesn't sound like him." Said Twilight as our group began going back to the castle. The group consisted of me, Luna, Twilight, the girls, and Spike. Celestia was still at the tournament, giving the prizes to the winners. I didn't get anything because I didn't bet anything, so I left early. "Well, duh! It's Franz, the Alicorn Warrior. That must've scared him silly not to mess with him." Said Rainbow, flying above us with a smirk. I think she remembered not to get too close since Luna was right next to me. Twilight just groaned in annoyance. "Darling, did you not see the amount of skill Prince Franz had when dueling your brother? While I do not condone those acts of barbarianism, I do admit, that was quite a display they showcased." Said Rarity, her fancy words making it sound like a promotion or something. "Yeah! You were all like, wham! Pow! Pew pew with your magic, and that weird magic thing with your armor really did a number on him! I personally liked the was you sent him flying into the air and slammed him back down and shot out that magic attack, then you grabbed him and messed with him like a rag doll! Then you threw him out of the ring with that awesome finish and won the match, and everypony was all like, whoo hoo! And you went all tired and-" Good god, does she not need to breath?! Once Pinkie finished, much to our relief, we found ourselves back at the Castle and we began our way towards the dinning hall. I was pretty hungry, and it was still only 3:17. Maybe using Magic was the reason, but I don't think I was using it. I really wanted some sort of relief from all of this stress, and Luna did offer the perfect solution. After we ate, I was going to do what she wanted, and train some more to keep myself in shape, if I even am already. Oh, and bust a few nuts after that and call it a day. By myself, of course. But no one needed to know that. > Chapter 18: Annoying Blue And Bread [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After we arrived at the castle, we all went to our separate rooms, which most of the other girls were now talking about. Mostly Rarity. She seemed a bit more than excited. I also made sure to stay away from Rainbow and Fluttershy, as to not cause any accidents with my uncontrollable pheromones. Especially if I just got out of a very sweaty suit of armor. I was certain that there was at least some sort of cooling system in there, but I guess not. There were several ponies who asked me a bunch of questions like, "How did you manage to overcome your obstacles? What kind of armor do you have? What was your armor's enchantment? Why are you running from us? Why was Princess Luna cheering so adamantly for you? Did you ever feel fear of losing?" After the ever growing reporters wouldn't stop bothering me, I had guards escort them out, since they weren't even allowed inside the castle grounds in the first place. I was in my room quickly making Twilight's armor, and Rarity's saddlebags. It only took me about three minutes to make them, and most of the time I was trying to figure out what color she liked. I just went with the same design as my saddlebags, except with the color being white instead of black. I also added her Cutie Mark on the side of each bag, since I noticed that everyone had a Cutie Mark on their bags. I didn't have my Mark on my bags, mostly because I was just too lazy to actually do it. And the logo's held a sort of nostalgic value to my old world Twilight's armor was somewhat easier to make, all I had to do was remove all of the dangerous enhancements and the required neural implants and it would work fine. I made sure to greatly reduce the amount of armor reaction time to not let her kill herself from her own pain induced spasms. She could alter this in case she needed to go faster, but I set a 10 digit code for that in case she ever tried to force her way into it. Power armor, am I right? I finished and made my way to the bathroom for personal use when I heard a knock on the door. I assumed it was a guard or something, since there were almost always a few of them doing patrols. "Come in." I called. I just hid everything under my bed and hoped no one would come in and clean while I was eating with the girls. It opened and I saw Fluttershy, shyly opening the door. I was beginning to wonder why Applejack wasn't here. Probably working on her farm. Oh, um, F-Franz? I was told t-to come get you." Said Fluttershy quietly. Wait, wouldn't they just send a guard or something? "Okay, What's up?" I asked. I had a feeling that she was wanting to ask me something. "W-well, I was just wondering if you would like to go to the d-dining hall with us for supper?" She asked. She was being really adorable, I mean, how could you say no to that? "Sure, I'd like that." I said. I'll bust one later. She smiled shyly and went out the door, with me following behind her. "So, how have things been with you?" I asked. She seemed surprised from my question. "W-well, I have been p-pretty okay." She stuttered. Jeez, she was worse to me when it came to talking to others. I can assume it was because she literately had the word 'shy' in her name. "A-and You?" She asked. Wow! A female was actually interested in my problems! Yowza! "I'm fine. A little sore from Shining's sword attack, but I'll get used to it." I said, nodding at a pair of guards who were patrolling together. "Oh, okay." She said meekly. We walked in silence for a bit. It wasn't an uncomfortable one, it was somewhat pleasant. "Hey, why didn't I see Applejack in the stands?" I asked. I hadn't even seen her when we were walking to the castle. "Oh, she's working hard at Sweet Apple Acres. We actually threw her a ceremony for saving Ponyville from a stampede of cows." She said, answering my question. She looked like she wanted to add something else, but refrained herself from doing so. "Ah, I see. Isn't she working with anypony?" I asked. She had to have at least had someone helping her. "W-well, not exactly. Her brother, Big Macintosh, hurt himself before the harvest. And her little sister is too young to actually do much to help. So it's just her right now." She answered. Wow, all by herself, huh? "Well just make sure she doesn't overwork herself. And tell her I said hi, would you?" I asked. She seemed surprised, but smiled adorably soon after. We were going to make it to the dining room when I saw Blueblood in the distance. He was currently standing next to a cowering maid, who looked like she wanted nothing more than bolt. "Is that Prince Blueblood?" Asked Fluttershy. "Looks like it." I said, continuing to walk towards him. I felt her get close to me in an attempt to hide herself. It's not like he was going to hurt her, considering his status as a Prince. But I never knew how things worked here and decided to see what he was doing. "Why don't you just let me court you! It's not like you have anypony else who cares for you!" He growled, trying to get closer. Said maid only backed away slowly, clearly not wanting to be with him. "Forgive me, Your Highness, but I simply do not wish for you to court me. I already have a coltfriend." She said. I recognized her. She was one of the two maids who was assigned to cleaning my room and bathroom while I was living here. I had found her cleaning the bathroom when I was training one day, after Luna used a extend spell to keep me shaking all over the bathroom. Marble Shine, I believe. She was a Pegasus, so I had helped her with the cleaning, much to her objection. I set my visor begin recording. "It's not like he would actually care for you. So why don't you just come to my room after hours and we can rut. I'll show you who is the better stallion." He said, now effectively pinning her against the wall. Fluttershy looked like she was witnessing a murder happen, and huddled closer to me, now brushing against my side. "A-aren't you going to help her?" She asked. "I want to get closer before I can do anything." I said, now shifting my armor into Stealth Mode. It essentially made me able to walk without the sound of my hooves clacking on the marble floors. I also made my armor shift over to Fluttershy and wrap around her hooves and silence her walking, much to her surprised gasp. "Don't worry, it won't hurt you." I said, trying to calm her in a soothing tone. It worked and she was more relaxed from my words. Her hoofsteps were already quiet, but now she was damn near ambient sounding. "Please, Your Highness, I don't want you." She said, begging for him to let up. He instead, however, tried to land a forceful kiss on her. I cleared my throat, now being a couple of meters away and effectively catching his attention. "What do you think your doing with her?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He just looked at me with a smile. This bitch. "Why hello there, Prince Franz. What can I do you this fine afternoon?" He said, moving slightly away from the Marble, but not enough to actually let her go. "I was just heading to the dining room when I saw you with Marble Shine. One of my maids." I said, not taking my eyes off him. He frowned, as if hearing the news was displeasing. "Well, I was just reminding her that she is to report to me now. So I'll be taking her off your hooves for the time being." He said, turning to her. "Isn't that right?" He said, his face close to her own. A look of disgust flashed on her face, before she nodded. "Oh, because I was going to give her a raise for doing such a good job with cleaning my room. I thought it was permanent once you have maids assigned to you." I countered. He can try and play, but the game was rigged from the start. "I see." He said, now backing off. "It's just that, my maid is old and needs help to properly clean the rooms. I just thought she would appreciate the company with a new maid." He said. He suddenly noticed Fluttershy barely poking out her face from my side. "Oh, now who's this! Is she your other maid? Why isn't she wearing the customary uniforms?!" He growled, forgetting his original prey and going after Fluttershy. She now hid behind me as I glared at him, which shut him up. "She is my escort to the dining room, and she is one of my friends and I would prefer it if you didn't try and court her either. And If I hear that you did-" I made my eye color flash an angry red, then back to it's calm brown. He froze up in what I assumed was surprise. "-I won't be so lenient with our next run in." I stated firmly. He nodded nervously before running off, seemingly scared. Marble let out a sigh of relief, and turned towards me. "Thank you, Prince Franz. I thought he was going to duel my coltfriend for me." She said. She had a light grey coat on, along with a blue mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark was that of a shining marble and some pieces of a board game. "Just make sure that he doesn't try that again, and if he does, contact me." I said, nodding at her. She smiled and tried to give me a hug. Wait, I forgot to take a shower! Oh no! Fluttershy! I pushed it all down and hoped she didn't take an attraction for me. I then realized that I had my visor on my chest still, and mentally let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully, it was only the chest that made the pheromones. I didn't want another Ditzy 2.0 accident, especially in front of Luna. We hugged and Fluttershy smiled. I wasn't comfortable hugging random ponies, only friends that I've actually spent time with. "So how did the duel go? I heard you won by default." She said, breathing a little heavily. It must have been with the close encounter with Blueblood. "Well, I tried to keep him going, but he said that it wasn't worth it and that he knew when he was outmatched. Apparently I outmatch him." I said, feeling upset. I wanted him to keep going, and to not give up, but he wasn't having it. "But you did beat Nightmare Moon. So I think that it makes sense that he quit after the first match. I wouldn't have even accepted he match and given the other pony what they wanted." She said. I internally grimaced, I didn't win, I was beaten horridly by her. Does getting my ass handed to me on a plate count as winning? "Well, I should go back to cleaning your room. I still need to clean out your bathroom from your training." Marble said, leaving and going to the direction of my room. "See you later Prince Franz!" She said, sounding more chipper. "In a while, crocodile!" I said. I heard Fluttershy giggle from my rhyme. Did they not have that here? "That went well." I said, once Marble was out of hearing distance. "I think we should get to the dining room. I bet everypony is waiting for us." Said Fluttershy. I could still feel her close to my side, and I didn't think much about it. We arrived without much interference, and I saw that she was getting used to me. Even if I was a little weird at times, but she took it as joking, and thankfully didn't dwell in it for very long. I saw that Luna was waiting for me next to Celestia. I had just noticed the new large chair that was next to Luna. All of the girls were present, including Spike the little man, and Summer Springs was our waiter for the moment. I also saw a couple others here as well, but I assumed they were Celestia's and Luna's butlers. Summer Springs saw me and smiled happily, as if excited to see me. I had hit it off quite well with her, most of the time she was helping me train for the match against Shining Armor. As moral support, that is. And he was nowhere to be found. I think he might still be in the barracks contemplating. I'll have to congratulate him some more. I wondered what we were going to eat? "Hiya Franz!" Called Pinkie. I had a feeling they were going to ask me weird questions. "Oh, Good Evening, darling." "Sup!" "Hi, Franz." Hey, Franz!" "What's crackalackin!" I said, deciding to let lose a bit. if I was going to be the center of attention, I might as well get comfortable. They all deflated for some reason, and handed a small bags of what looked like bits to Luna, who was smiling while collecting her new bits. I was confused. Was there some sort of bet I wasn't aware of? "Uhm... What's going on?" I asked. I knew I was missing something, but I didn't know what. "We placed a wager that said thou would respond the same way as one of these mares. I said you would respond with something different." Said Luna, smiling afterwards. Damn, I felt pretty used now. "So, what are we going to eat?" I asked, taking my seat next to Luna. She must have smelled me, because she was leaning pretty close to me. I was going to ignore her for now, and just try and get out of dodge as fast as I can. "We are having the special today. A large fruit salad and a large side of appetizers. Multiple choice, of course." Said Twilight, looking at me expectantly. I actually noticed that they were all giving me subtle looks as we waited. I felt like they wanted to ask questions, but refrained from it. "Did you see the way Franz did that finishing move?!" Said Rainbow, starting a topic about me. "While that last move was definitely a good one, it did so some damage to Shining Armor." I said. They looked over to me and I had to force myself to not shy away. "What do you mean?" Asked Fluttershy. "He suffered various scrapes and a broken nose, maybe more but I think the medical staff healed him up before I got to him." I said, trying to not make it sound like it was too bad. "Well, I think that's what happens when somepony challenges the Warrior Alicorn. Quite a fitting title if I do say so myself." Said Rarity. "Why did the announcer call me that?" I asked. "Tis from the olden days when there was a deity named Discord." Said Luna. Celestia's eyes shot wide open and she immediately cast a shield around everyone. The room was bathed in a golden glow and I was taken back, and nearly fell from my seat. What?! "Whoa! What's going on?!" I said, activating my armor. I checked my motion tracker and didn't see any enemies nearby. Everyone was a blue blip, save for two of the butlers who have yet to be identified as friendly. "Do you not remember who Discord is?" Asked Celestia, a serious tone in her voice. "What's the deal with this Discord guy?" I asked. Why did Celestia react so suddenly? She didn't lower she shield at all. She hummed for a second, before speaking again. "It seems as though you aren't affected by his magic anymore. Tell me, what do you remember before waking up." She demanded. Jesus, what's going on? "Shouldn't this wait until after everypony leaves?" I asked. I knew that Celestia and Luna knew I was a human, but I didn't want the others to know as well. If I know them well enough, I might consider telling them. "What are you talking about, Princess?" Asked Rainbow. Celestia looked grim for a second, before it turned into a frown. "I apologize for my suddenness, but I feared that he was still under the influence of Discord." She said, dropping her magic shield. I, again, was left confused and worried. Who was Discord? "I'm sorry, but who's Discord?" I asked. I had a feeling they wouldn't tell me, but I could never know for sure. That and I forgot who this guy was already. "Discord is the God of Chaos and Disharmony. And long ago, you faced him and barely came back with your life, as I explained to you before." Said Luna. "You told him and you didn't get a reaction?" Asked Celestia. Luna nodded, and Celestia turned back towards me, clearing her throat. "Once we sealed him in stone, you began down the path of distrust, and anger. And when Luna was corrupted by Nightmare Moon, you took it on yourself to seal yourself away in hopes to rid yourself of his magic. That was over a thousand years ago. And I am still worried on what is left of him magic residing in you." Oh Hell NO! "So you're saying that I still have some of his magic inside of me? How do I remove it?" I asked. I could always try and imagine it out, but I didn't know where to start. I noticed that the girls were silent the whole time. Just watching with shock and uneasiness. "I believe somepony has already taken it out. Or, several ponies." Said Celestia. Wait, who? "Who?" I asked simply. I saw Celestia and Luna nod over to the girls with a smile. "What?" I asked. What did they have to do wi- oh, right. Elements of Harmony. "Never mind." I said, looking back to Luna, another question popped back in my head. "What about the link between me and Luna?" I asked. Everyone seemed to know this, except Spike and the butlers, who I saw widen their eyes in various levels of surprise. Celestia frowned, now realizing something. "You were right, this isn't the correct time or place." She said, also noticing the maids and Spike. I looked over to Summer Springs, who looked excited for me since she was smiling widely. Oh god, why isn't the food here already? The doors opened and a large group of ponies arrived with plates of fruit and appetizers, such as bread and garlic bread and sweet rolls and, okay, it was a shit load of a variety of breads. And little known fact, I loved bread. It mostly ran in my family, since we were big bread eaters. We would go home with three loafs of Italian bread and when asked, we never got any. How they knew I liked bread, I don't know, but I think my past self told them that. Thank you, past me, very cool. We ate in comfortable silence. Pinkie and I were eating our third loaf of toasted garlic bread when we had another sudden visitor, much to my displeasure. "Uh! Aunties, why are you letting the lower class eat with us?" Asked Blueblood. I thought he wasn't going to join! No! "We have allowed our companions to dine with us this fine evening for our dear Franz's victory in besting Captain Shining Armor!" Said Luna, raising her head at him. He just huffed and took his seat next to Rarity, who looked like she was quite flustered. Wait, is that the guy she was after? He took a piece of bread and took a bite. It looked similar to Hawaiian bread, and I hoped he would enjoy it. It was another one of these moments I regret wishing for something when the opposite would happen, since he spit it back onto his plate with disgust. "Is something wrong, Blueblood?" I asked, getting a bit upset from his disrespect to the precious food. "Well, first thing is, how can somepony like you even manage to eat something like this? I will not eat this, this garbage." He said, earning a dark smile from me. "Then perish." I said without restraint. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and opened mouths. Although, Luna looked more amused at me, since she seemed to know how much I enjoyed staple foods. Like ramen and bread. Blueblood looked shocked, before shivering. "Are you challenging me? I'll have you know that I do not take challenges lightly." He said, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes. "Clearly you don't know what I am capable of. So how about you just take your disrespect towards bread and leave. It's insulting to me and the ponies who made this for us to enjoy." I said, making my voice dark, almost sinister, which surprised everypony except Twilight and Spike, since they knew I could do that. He looked like he was going to say something, and sighed. He left soon after, as though he had made up his mind. When he was at the door I noticed that he smiled to himself, almost scarily. I didn't know what he was doing, but I didn't like it. I left it for now and watched him leave. Rarity looked at me with a glare. I suddenly froze up, remembering what a female can do if you're not careful. I may be one of the strongest beings currently, but I can't imagine what an angry woman can do. "Franz, why did you scare away Prince Blueblood like that! I could have had a chance to court him!" She said, an angry tone in her voice. "He had disrespected me in the past before, and nothing, I say nothing, will make me forgive him for insulting this bread. These ponies worked hard to make this much bread, and I won't tolerate such rude behavior to it or the ones who made it!" I said, rising on the table and challenging her. She seemed surprised and backed down. Holy SHIT, I just challenged Rarity and won! I never win against women! "Well you don't have to shout." She said sourly. "Sorry, but he crossed the line there. And sorry for yelling at you. I didn't realize my tone was improper." I said, now shrinking down back into my seat. I saw Luna look at me with an impressed smile. "Shall we finish here? Or is there going to be somepony else who would wish to interrupt." Asked Luna, leaning towards me. I just let her because I think she might be a clingy type. I not saying she is, but she's showing the signs. "I don't think so! Lets eat!" Said Pinkie, now eating an entire sheet of Hawaiian bread. Was she eating the entire time? That's not fair! After we ate without any more distractions, we all said our goodbyes and the girls left back to Ponyville. I made sure to remind Fluttershy to tell Applejack I said hi, and to not overwork herself. She smiled and gave me a hug, much to Luna's displeasure and my flustered confusion. "We will see you tonight, Dear Franz." Said Luna, leaning into me as she 'escorted' me to my room. I now remembered that I forgot to give Twilight her armor and Rarity her new saddlebags. Oh well. Maybe next time. "You keep saying that, but I never see you in the room. Do you teleport there just to draw on my face?" I asked. Last time she said that, it was during my training for the duel. And I didn't see her. But when I woke up I had found that someone had drawn a mustache on my face. Along with a monocle. It was easy to wipe off, but I never found out who drew it. "Did somepony draw on your muzzle before?" Asked Luna, an innocent smile on her face. It was her! "Yes, and you can't do that when somepony is asleep. It's like, a breach of privacy." I said. She gave me a smirk. What now!? "Oh, we shall have much privacy, Dear Franz.~" She said, lowering her voice in a strange way. "Just shut it." I said. "Nay th-" I cut her off by showing her another Uno Reverse card. But instead of the normal card, it had the infinity symbol on it as well. "No u times infinity." I said, now with the upper hoof. She smiled and closed her mouth. I gave her the card and she put in one of her spatial compartments on her body for later use. We reached my room and she gave me a quick peck on the cheek, much to my embarrassment. "We shall see you tomorrow morning, perhaps?" She said, gazing into my eyes with smile. I was beginning to enjoy her being with me. Sure, we got off to a rocky start, from my point of view, but it looked like she was expecting it. Even though she tried to forcibly kiss me, and succeeded, but that must've been a lapse in her better judgement. "Sure. I like being with you. It's nice to open up once in a while." I said, giving her a sudden hug. She gasped, but returned it with passion. "We... I enjoy it too." She said. I gave her a pat on the back. She was starting to get better with this speech thing. I broke the hug and opened the door. She was watching me with a happy smile on her face. I at least made her feel better. Quickly giving her a wink I slipped in and closed the door. The look on her face was adorable and it made me feel giddy. It's been a while since I was in a relationship. I then brushed my teeth and relieved myself of the food I ate. After climbing into bed, I got some much needed rest. Hopefully Shining Armor didn't take what I said to heart about quitting. After another few minutes of letting my mind wander, I erased everything I had unconsciously created and closed my eyes to rest. I wonder what tomorrow brings. I ran. I ran as far as I could. But no matter where I went, they would just keep showing up! It was very frustrating what they found me in the forest. I had made sure to slow down at least a majority of them. I didn't want to kill anymore of the soldiers that were chasing me, but damn were they getting aggressive. A few stray bullets flew past me, reminding me of the situation I was in. I could always try and fly away, but then I would become an easy flying target. I shot a beam of energy from my palm at them, the blast hitting a few unlucky soldiers and freezing them in their tracks. They would thaw out easy enough. I just made sure to freeze their limbs, and to not permanently injure them. A bullet hit the side of me leg, and I nearly crashed into the ground. I forced it to heal rapidly, and felt the offending lead leave my leg. Damn that stings! I was then struck down again, this time from another sniper probably. The bullet hit my chest and I was stopped and fell on my back, the force knocking me down. I sprung got back up and slowed time again. I saw the bullet inches from my face and I traced the trajectory to a few thousand meters away. I used another blast of energy and froze up his gun, knowing it would implode if he tried it again. I could now hear the shouts of the soldiers behind me, and prompted me to go faster. I materialized an Iron Man suit and took off into the sky. Unfortunately, there was a Stealth Helicopter that shot a pair missiles at me. What the fuck! I took the explosions from both and crashed into the ground. I think that attack damaged the suit and I ditched it, and kept running. I was furious at the fact that they had tried to use my family as leverage to get me to either go into custody, or leave this world. They even used my four year old sister for god's sake! I just kept running. I wasn't made for something like this. I knew the government was fucked up, but I didn't think they would actually use the fucking Foundation! They weren't even supposed to exist! I was hit by another bullet. I was getting pissed at their attempts, but ignored it for now. And as it turns out, my girl was with them as well! Why did everyone have to be working with them! I made it over to the border of Canada and crossed, only to find more of these soldiers here, waiting for me in the ambush they set up. They all shot me and riddled my body with holes as I fell to the ground. I imagined my head to have a very tough, nano armor before they could kill me. I had to protect my head, or else I'm done for. I lay in on the dirt ground, my body looking like a cheese grater with all of these small holes. They had caught me, and I was going to be some bastards lab rat. Not when I can do anything about it. I created a several dozen hard-light shields around me and a Tsar bomb on the outside. I'm gonna blow them all to hell! I set it off just as they all were just noticing it, and a thundering, yet muffled boom filled my ears, and shook the earth I was on. I hoped they would just leave me alone. I never wanted the power of whatever god this was, if it was even one. I just wanted to be alone. Yes, alone... > Chapter 19: A Moment With The Devil [Re-Written.] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was still nighttime when I woke up and nearly screamed. I had relived my memory of surviving a nuclear blast with nothing but that hard-light shield. Maybe there was another way I could have done something. Thinking back about those troops I killed, I realized they all must've had families, and I just took them away in an instant. Not to mention the amount of international attention I no doubt attracted with the warhead. Surely there would've been some sort of militia movement for my sole death. Who knew what the backlash of that would have caused, since I vaguely remember a town a few miles back I skipped. Curling up into a ball, I felt my eyes stinging. Wiping them with a hoof I felt a sense of betrayal from my last partner. I remembered that she had actually been working with that fucking Foundation, and used my family against me. At least, that's what I got from the memory. Forcing myself up, I slid out of bed and went into the bathroom. I stared at myself from the opposite end of the mirror for a while. Just who was I? I wanted to know who I used to be, but I couldn't do that without reliving those horrible memories. How had I even ended up here, I don't know, but I was going to find out. Even if it kills me. "..." Okay, maybe not kill me, but my point still stands. I heard my door being opened and somepony walking in. "Dear Franz?" I heard Luna say. I imagined my eyes to not be red from almost losing my composure, and went in to greet her. "Hey." I said, my voice weaker than normal. She quickly noticed and got close to me. "Is something wrong? I made sure you had swell dreams." She said. I saw that she wasn't wearing her usual attire, and made me blush from her nakedness. Who am I kidding, they're always naked! "Nah, just.. a little restless." I said, trying to cover my voice with a smile. The room was suddenly lit by a candle, and I could see her more clearly. "Franz..." She said, eyeing me with a small frown. I sighed and decided to just tell her. "I remembered some of what had happened before arriving in Equestria." I said, looking at her. She stared at me, expecting me to continue. "I was running from a government funded force called The Foundation. I think they specialize in capturing anomalous entities, objects, and maybe even locations. I had managed to get a good distance when I was forced to set off a... weapon as the only means to escape." I continued. She thought about this for a second, and pulled me into a hug. I returned it, not entirely sure why she was giving me one. Possibly out of pity. "You've once told me about this Foundation before. From what I'm able to garner, you were right coming here and leaving your old world behind." She whispered. I opened up a bit more and hugged her tighter. I think I really needed this. Resting my head on her shoulder I felt her do the same and we stayed there for a bit. "Should we go to bed?" I asked, feeling her loosen her hold on me. "Of course, Dear Franz." She said. We climbed into my bed and went back to sleep. I was a bit nervous about getting into bed with her, but eventually relaxed as she draped her wing over me. She leaned into me, and this time, I did the same. I was at ease for the moment. And I wanted to tell her about the mystery woman that had betrayed me, but refrained from doing so. Now wasn't the best time to do it. I was soon asleep. And this time, I didn't have anymore gruesome memories to haunt me. I woke up and found Luna still here in my bed with me. A sense of urgency jump started my brain, and I rose up to check the sheets. I then remembered what we really did. It was kind of her to let me vent. I really needed something like that. Click I quickly jumped out of bed and threw a nearby table at the door, effectively keeping it shut and startling whoever it was on the other side. Luna, surprised from my sudden jolt in bed, also jumped out and pulled out a sword from somewhere. "What is it, Dear Franz?" She asked, now realizing we weren't under attack. "Oh, I need you to teleport back to your room. Someone almost walked in on us sleeping together." I said. She gave me a devious grin and I scoffed, knowing what she was thinking with that line of words.. "Not like that!" I said. Good god, I can only wonder what Summer Springs was thinking outside the door. "Franz?! What's going on?! Is everything alright?!" She called, knocking a few times. I had to come up with an excuse, and fast! "I thought you were Blueblood, so I uh... threw a table at the door." I said. I heard Luna teleport away and sighed. Not the best excuse, I'll say that now. I took the table down, lifting it with my magic and floated it back to it's original spot. Summer Springs came in along with Marble Shine. It looked like they had questions. "What can I do for you two this morning?" I asked, looking at them with a slightly nervous smile. Why does this look like the beginning of a bad porno? "Well, we just came to say thank you." Said Marble. "And we made you something." Said Summer. They then quickly left and came back with what looked like a pair of necklaces. I looked at them with interest. What's this? (More artwork! Yay!) "What's it for?" I asked. They just giggled together. "It's so that you can be close to Princess Luna without her next to you." Said Summer. What? "What do you mean? Is it some sort of transmitter?" I asked. Marble just giggled some more. "No, silly. It's so that you know where Luna is at every second of the day." She said. Wait, what!? "But doesn't that seem like an invasion of privacy?" I asked. "These necklaces only give you the location within a few dozen yards. It won't be the exact spot, but it'll get you to trust each other more." Said Marble. I thought about it some more. Did she actually trust me? I kinda had to so that I wouldn't be exposed as a human from a show in their world. I already had trusted someone from Ponyville, and I thought she was a good choice, for now. I just hoped that she wasn't going to tell anypony else. I had faith in Ditzy, but I didn't know if she had that same faith in me. "Okay. Thanks." I said, accepting the gift. They both smiled and went in for a hug. I awkwardly returned it and retrieved my armor capsules. I felt them slid back into their position and left the room. I wondered what happening on the news? I caught sight of a maid, and asked her where I could find a newspaper. She smiled warmly and led me to a stand that had newspapers in them. I took one and went into the Dining Hall and began reading it before either Luna or Celestia got here. I wasn't surprised that I was on the front page with the news about the duel. Yesterday, at 11:00, was the duel between the returned Alicorn, Prince Franz, and the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor. We were certain that in this duel, one of them would receive a KO. But was caught off guard when Prince Franz threw Shining armor out of the ring in a epic final move. The average pony gave that move a 9/10 on the brutality scale, but everypony seemed to love the match. After the first match was over, Shining Armor forfeited the duel, for unknown reasons. It is not certain whether it was because he was beaten so badly in the first match, or it was because he was severely beaten to a pulp the first round. But it is speculated that it was out of fear. It is also hypothesized that Prince Franz and Princess Luna had formed some sort of romantic relationship, says our sources. Princess Luna was seen cheering vigorously for Prince Franz. Many ponies said before the match that the Prince was going to win, although, many ponies were surprised by the ferocity of the Captain's and Prince's attacks. It is listed that the Prince's armor and equipment were made by himself. Said armor enchantments were as follows. Capable of storing shock and release for the armor ability. Electrical effects for the weapons he touches. His weapons included: A wooden bo staff. One highly magic resilient shield capable of shields of unknown strength. It is unknown how Prince Franz is able to make these enchantments, and several of our reporters are currently investigating his personal background, and checking his history with the Princess' We will have more in the future with Equestria Newspapers, next Monday. I finished reading the paper and set it down. I was fairly hungry, and made my way over to the kitchen. I didn't see the staff around at the moment, and took it upon myself to make macaroni and cheese. I created the materials needed, and began working on the food. "I'm making fukin mac and cheese, and NO ONE IS GONNA STOP ME!" I yelled, but didn't get a response since there was probably no one around to hear me. I got a bit unnerved that I was alone again, so I began playing some music from my helmets speaker, which wrapped around my neck like a collar. (Don''t judge me pls) I sang along as I cooked, changing my voice to match the singers. It was an odd romance song I was always fond of, since it helped me relax. I kept singing along and bounced my head, matching the beat and tempo, riding the song as it played. I also did some rocking back and forth for more effect, and when the song ended, the mac and cheese was almost done. I chuckled. Here I was, as a pony god, making mac and cheese while dancing a little to a song I had found by chance. I took the pan and began mixing the cheese mix in with the macaroni. It took me a minute or so before it was done and I had about four servings of food. I took it while it was hot and served myself on a paper plate I created and left with my plate. I went back to my seat and saw Luna and Celestia. Both of them talking to each other when they saw me. "Good morning, Franz." Said Celestia with a smile. "Morning Dear." Said Luna with a bigger grin than Celestia. "You seem excited." I said, sitting next to Luna and taking a bite out of my cheesy food. She gave me a quick peck, which I was kinda getting used to by now. "Well, we did hear you singing." Said Celestia. I swallowed my food and looked over to her. I was thinking that I had left the rest of the mac and cheese in the kitchen, and I should bring it and see if they want some. "And?" I said, slightly embarrassed. I didn't normally sing, and when I did, it was when I was sure I was alone. Or in a mocking way. "We haven't heard you sing since before your battle with Discord. It was very pleasing to hear you again. Especially since you would always sing to Luna." Said Celestia. Wait, I would sing for Luna? That was new. To me, at least. "I uh... I see." I said, not really wanting to be a part of the conversation anymore. I noticed Luna was watching me eat as I took another bite of food. Did she want some? "Dear Franz, what is that?" She asked. Swallowing quickly, I told her what it was. "It's called Mac and Cheese. There's still some in the kitchen if you want some." I said, pointing to said area with my head. "I would like to try it." Said Luna. I used my hoof to slide my plate over to her. She looked at it with confusion. "What is it?" Asked Celestia, looking down at the plate. Luna gave a frown. "I'm just not quite used to seeing so much cheese in one serving. How much did you use?" She asked, turning towards me. "I just used a quarter cup of milk and four tablespoons of butter. And the cheese packet, of course." I said, telling them what was in it. They both looked confused for a second. "What do you mean, cheese packet?" Asked Celestia. Oh right, they probably don't have the concept of packages and whatnot. "Well, I just made that part. I used the butter and milk from the fridge." I replied. Did they have anything that was packaged? I feel like they should have some form of it. Luna took a bite out of it. She chewed for a bit before she began eating my entire plate. And within a minute, she had finished all of the mac and cheese. She didn't seem to have a bit of regret as she got up and left towards the kitchen. "I think she likes it." Said Celestia. I groaned in annoyance. "She's gonna eat it all, watch." I said. Celestia just giggled and lit her horn up in magic. I was confused as to what she was doing, when the plate began spawning more and more of the eaten food. It was interesting to watch, but kinda gross too. I hope it was a duplication spell and she wasn't pulling out from Luna's stomach magically. I shuddered from the thought and Celestia gave me a look. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing. Just got a bit cold." I said. Maybe I should install some sort of heater in my armor capsules. Then I can go to the snowy mountains and hurl snowballs at innocent people. I suddenly felt myself being wrapped by a white wing and froze out of panic. Looking over to Celestia, she just was reading the newspaper I had left here. "Todays stocks look quite uneasy." She said aloud. I just sat there for a few minutes when the chef's began arriving. She let me go and sat on her chair with the newspaper. They had taken Celestia's order and apologized for being late, saying that it would never happen again. I just began eating my plate again, ignoring how it had been created. Oh, and the plate itself too, much to the surprised looks on the chef's faces She took their word for it, and I got up and went to the bathroom after finishing my plate. I had yet to actually go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I think I might have some plaque building up, and needed to get rid of it now. After I had finished brushing my teeth, I decided to bust a quick nut. So I went into the bathroom and found out I couldn't, given my form. So I quickly transformed and locked myself in the bathroom for the next 10 minutes, beating off furiously and reaching my climax. After my nut busting, I had a sense of clarity, and I turned back into my pony form and pulled out Twilight's armor from under the bed. I didn't know how to send it to her, but I could always give it to her the next time we met. It was a Monday, so I couldn't just ditch Luna and visit Twilight and Rarity. If so, then I have to get the other girls something. I knew that Pinkie liked to party, so I would give her a balloon set with all sorts of colors. I would give Rainbow something as well, but what would an athlete like her want? Then there's still Fluttershy and Applejack, who I've yet to spend enough time with to get an idea for. I decided to just get to know them better and see what they like. Then I can get them what they wanted and everyone would be happy. Maybe. And then there's Ditzy. Even though I had put my trust in her, I didn't know if it was the right call anymore. She could probably be spreading news about how I'm a human, with reality bending abilities right now. And I sure as hell didn't want to know what this planet's version of The Foundation was. I put that at the back of my head. Maybe she was loyal and wouldn't sell me out. I had to look at the bright side. I had both of the Princess' on my side, and I could always fall back on them to cover for me. 'But what about Shining Armor's marefriend? The unknown Alicorn?' I thought suddenly. Shit! I had forgotten about her! I decided to get out to clear my mind some more. Maybe take a stroll through the gardens. Yeah, a walk will be nice. I made my way to the gardens, and sat at a bench in the middle near a statue of a pony. Upon closer inspection, it looked like he was wearing some sort of armor. It looked similar to the Marines from Halo, but it had a fully enclosed helmet that seemed to give off a small glare. I didn't know why it looked like that, but it looked pretty cool. I read the plate underneath it. It only had the number 7 on it. And some words that looked like it was eroded with time. "Bellator est Alicorn?" I said, trying to say the words correctly. I pulled up a translator, which closely resembled Google Translate, and typed it in. "The Alicorn Warrior. God damn it." I said, pulling down my helmet. It had taken me a few times to figure out what it meant, but I managed to understand it. I went back to the bench and let myself relax. I was all over the place recently, and I could finally kick back for a bit. I pulled up my visor and went into Photos. I began scrolling through my old memes. Most of them from 2018. God damn, what a shit show that year was. And it took forever to end too! A particular photo caught my interest. It was that of a girl. She looked like the the girl from my dreams, and I immediately deleted the photo out of spite. "Bitch." I muttered. I stayed there for another half hour, re watching my memes and such. The photos ended when I got to 2019. Which was weird, since I had knowledge for at least 21 years. Did my past self delete the other files? Or were they located somewhere else. I read that text of code several times. If the rest of my photos were there, then I would have to get them sometime. But if it was just photos of her, then I would just delete them and just wipe the whole unit. I was worried about what it had, and decided to push it off until the last possible time. I didn't need to see photos of a traitor. It all made sense now, her job, her attitude, her background, everything. She said she worked for a small company, but I didn't think that would just be a cover story. I sighed. Today was supposed to be a good day. I began slowly drifting off when a bird flew down and landed on my head. I jerked back and saw that it was the bird from the first time I woke up. It fluttered back and just sat there on a nearby branch, watching me with interest. I smiled. "Hey there, little guy." I said, lifting my hoof to act like a branch. It flew down and landed on it, scratching me very slightly from it's small talons. "What are you doing? I hope you're not following me around or something." I said, giving it a smug look. It just tilted it's head and pecked my nose, which I scrunched. Why was this bird following me in particular? I don't think I'll ever know. "Go on, be free." I said, shaking my hoof a little. It just stayed firmly planted on my hoof, not wanting to leave. Weird, he was quite persistent. Deciding to give him a better place to be, I set him\her on my head. I didn't know if it was a male of female, since it was pretty difficult to tell with most birds. I walked back to the castle with the bird and went to the main lobby, where I saw some reporters trying to ask questions to the guards, who remained stoic and firm as usual. I managed to slip by, and make it outside without any one of the noticing. And almost got ran over by a speeding wagon. Jumping back before it hit me, I saw that it was being pulled by a stallion in a suit that yellow and black stripes. I sighed in relief. I didn't want to become the victim of an accident like I was to my parents at my birth. I continued my way without any destination in mind. I saw a few bars her and there, but I wasn't very fond of drinking. I was addicted to caffine instead of alcohol. I had made a promise to not drink until I was older. But even since I was older already, I still didn't want to start. One of the habits I picked up since meeting the woman. I really wanted to know her name, but I also didn't want to remember it. I was afraid that it would bring back those bittersweet memories from the past. I decided to get something to eat. As it turns out, I did have money here in Equestria. It was olden currency that Celestia had saved up and converted into modern money since my apparent departure. I didn't know how much it was exactly, but I assumed it was a lot. I had managed to get a small bit of my saved money, and saw that I had at least several hundred thousand bits in my name for use already. I saw it because it was left in my closet when I was training one day. I think it was Wednesday when I found it. I had brought a few dozen with me in my armor. It was hidden within special compartments that could hold about a few pounds of weight in it. It was useful when carrying small things. I made it to another shop with several options of food. I bought a salad, much to the owners surprise, and left, saying thanks before flying away to a secluded area to enjoy my meal. A roof, on the castle. "This is pretty good." I said, swallowing another bite of my crunchy goodies. It was mostly lettuce, sunflower seeds, raisins, cabbage bits, and a bit of croutons. I munched away, taking a rest from the stress and laying back. I then fell asleep in the sun. It was only 3:00 and I would head back once I was ready. (Here's a quick thing. If you're a fast reader, then you should stop at around 1:30 If not, then listen to the whole thing for more effect.) I got away, but only barely. They had almost caught me and I was gonna go right to a nearby site that managed so survive! Hit them where it hurts!. I decided to use a full on assault to get them to leave me alone. While not the most efficient way of ward off the government, I wanted to send a message. I created more weapons and armor, while I was filled with an angry determination. I was standing a few miles away from their site, and waited. I literately had all the time in the world, with me being connected to the world inside my head. I'll die when I say I'll die! I am invincible! I saw the first patrol and sneaked up on him. He didn't even know what hit him as I wrapped my hands around his neck and tore it off. It was exhilarating! I heard him fall to the ground and I smashed his chest in, making sure he wasn't one of those guys. I then ran towards the site and killed the rest of the patrols before they could sound any alarm, and made my way inside. I was surrounded by a few dozen men and they began firing at me with their weapons. Their bullets merely bounced off my armor and I waited. They stopped to reload and I smirked darkly. "My turn." I said, my voice more sinister than normal. I watched some run while others stood their ground. I laughed as a small device popped off my shoulder pads and began shooting balls of pure energy, disintegrating any living being it touched as I sent them towards the hostiles. I ran after the ones who fled, and made their deaths worse than the ones before them. I began cutting them down with my arc reactors and opened anyone who came close with a blade that would slide through them like a hot knife through butter. The blade resembled Wolverine' claws and it was heated, so it gave off a bright white glow. I saw a soldier try and call for help on the radio, so I slammed my fist into the ground and let loose a EMP to short circuit all the electronics in the base. I was laughing while they were screaming for me to stop. Begging me to let them live. One particular person caught my interest, and I grabbed him by the throat. I slowly began squeezing the life out of him and laughed when he used his sidearm to try and blind me by shooting my face. I simply snapped his neck with a quick flick, and tossed him aside like a ragdoll, not caring about his men trying to gun me down. I ignored their war cries and made sure to get every single one of them, making sure that their deaths were as slow as possible. After about an hour of playing hide and seek I got bored and let out a burst of energy, vaporizing any living organic material within several miles. Once I was done, there was gore and blood littered everywhere. I heard a helicopter in the air, and decided to greet them with the same gift I gave the others. This wasn't how I was raised, but those who raised me aren't here anymore to stop me. I'm doing this, for them. I jolted awake and was sweating profusely, frightened by what I had seen. I didn't feel the need to sleep anymore. I couldn't take these memories anymore! I didn't want to know what had happened to them, how many I killed, how many I lost. I began shivering, as if being assaulted. I knew I wasn't going to be right after this. I had hoped for a happy ending, but I don't think life works out that way. I noticed the bird was gone, much to my disappointment. I could have used a friend right now Getting up I saw that it was close to dinnertime. I was shaking from my horrible experience. I had no desire to eat either. I felt as though I couldn't even look at Luna without seeing some poor woman being torn apart by my own hands. I was still mad about The Foundation, and how it was their fault for making this happen to me. I could still be home, watching a movie with my family, without a care in the world! But then I wouldn't be here with Celestia or Luna. I wanted to be happy, but with so much death on my hands, I didn't think that was possible anymore. I walked through down the road and back to the castle. I just wanted to be happy, with my family. But she took them away, and if she were to somehow make it here, I don't think she would survive for long. I would make sure of it. "Your Highness, the Princess' have been looking for you." Said a guard, who recognized me instantly. I looked over to him, and all I saw was a soul who has never seen the dark side of his world. "Thanks. I'll go meet them." I said, unable to wipe the frown off my face. He didn't think too much of it and passed me over to the guides. I didn't even try to make talk as we silently walked to the throne room. I saw some guards patrolling down the hallways, and didn't even acknowledge them. I think they must've figured I wasn't in the mood to talk, and let me be. The guards opened the door and let me in. I saw them finishing up with the last pony. It was Pen Parchment! What was he doing here? He turned and saw me. I managed to give him a weak smile when he glared at me. What? "I was looking for you!" He growled. I didn't know what was wrong, so I just stood there. He began walking towards me in an aggressive manner, as if trying to look down at me. What?! "You BASTARD!" He yelled, charging at me. The guards blocked him off before he could reach me, and I activated my shield. What got into him? "You lied to me! I lost the match before I could even get close to him! There was no enchantment for absorption and release! And thanks to you, I lost my marefriend!" He yelled, trying to get to me. I was taken back. He lost? "Pen! If thou so much as attempt to attack royalty again, We'll make sure to never let thee near the Canterlot Castle again! This includes the city, doth thou understand!" Barked Luna. I saw Celestia look at him with a frown. "Wait, you lost? To who?!" I asked, getting upset about him not being able to be with his mare. I was somewhat comfortable with Luna, and I was beginning to redevelop feeling for her again, but he was with her for years! He must feel horrible! He looked me in the eyes, his own filled with fury and sadness, and told me the name of the bastard. > Chapter 20: Don't Dwell On The Past. [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He looked me in the eyes, his own filled with fury and sadness, and told me the name of the bastard. "Silver Shot." My eyes widened and I thought back to when we first met. He didn't seem like the type for this, and he was really reluctant about getting into any form of fighting. I didn't want to believe him, but I if it's true then something needs to be done. "Are you sure it was him?" I asked. This didn't seem like the guy I knew. And I didn't see him at all at the duel. Pen looked at me like I called him fat. "I'm very certain it was him. You can even look it up on the rosters posted on the matches." He said. I wasn't expecting this. Silver Shot? Really? Of all ponies? I was beginning to question my encounter about him. Maybe he wasn't as innocent after all. I should start following him for a few days. Just to see what he does with Pen's mare. "I'll see what I can do about this." I said. He gave me a look of hope. I wasn't too fond of making promises, but maybe I can do something about it this time. "Please, I don't want to lose her." He whimpered, tears beginning to form around his eyes. I nodded towards the guards, and they let him go. He began slowly, and sadly, walked away. Everyone watched him leave and I felt horrible. Or was it a sense of pity? "Dear Franz, what ails you?" Asked Luna, getting close to me. I looked over to her and saw one of the women I mercilessly killed at the base. I turned away and frowned. I guess that 50\50 wasn't in my favor. "Nothing. I'm just tired." I said, almost impulsively. She must've noticed my lie, and so did Celestia. I was then grabbed and turned to face Luna, and much to my surprise, she had a angry scowl. "NO! I will not have you fall back to the pony that didn't care!" She began shaking me, much to my discomfort. "I won't have this anymore! I love you too much to let you turn you back against everypony again! I won't let you go down that path again! I won't have it!" She shouted furiously. Wait, what did she say? "Y-you... love me?" I asked quietly, not sure I was hearing her right. She looked a bit embarrassed, but held firm. "I have always loved you. It just took me a while to realize that when we first met." She said, staring into my eyes. I felt like I wasn't worth it, since there was so much blood on my hooves, hands, whatever. "I'm not sure I would be the best choice." I said. I noticed that it was empty of servants and guards, save for Celestia, who was watching me with a sad look. She then made her way over to us, the frown on her muzzle not going away. "Franz, I've never seen a more honorable stallion in my time. You have saved countless lives and saved Equestria from more than just threats to the country. I have seen you face against unknown gods, and come out on top. I have seen your inner essence and found nothing but a honest soul who was misguided, and abused from his world. You are more than worthy to be with my sister." She said. I was taken back from her words. I saved this world before? I think it was from Discord, but she said 'Gods', so what else did I fend off? "I remembered some of those memories. They weren't very good ones." I said, feeling Luna let me go. "Like?" Asked Luna, looking at me with a small smile. "Like me slaughtering an entire base full of soldiers in a fit of blind rage." I said, lowering my head out of shame. I didn't want to remember it, but I should know what I did wrong to atone for it. "You did what?" Asked Celestia. I flinched at her tone, her going from a gently tone to serious in an instant catching me off guard. "I-I ki-" I was cut off by Celestia as she flared her wings outwards, causing me to cower from their sheer size. "Sister, surely all of his good deeds can atone for his sins. Can it not?" Asked Luna, getting between me and her sister. (For more effect, play this all the way!) "I wish to speak to him." She said, not wavering in the slightest. I took a gamble and looked up to see her glare. I didn't think she was capable of getting angry. "But Tia, surely he can-" "Alone, please sister." She said, looking over to her with a frown. I saw Luna frown and watched her reluctantly walk out the throne door, leaving me with Celestia. I turned back to her, not sure what was going through her head as she stared down at me. I could probably take her on, but I wasn't sure I should. "Franz, I wish to ask you something." She said, her tone doing some sort of alluring sensation. It didn't make much sense to me, but I just nodded. "Do you have any intention of hurting any of my subjects? My ponies, or even those in The Royal Guard?" She asked. I looked at her for a second, and shook my head no. "Did you plan on hurting any of my subjects while staying in Equestria?" "No." I said, getting a bit of confidence back. "Then why did your memories say otherwise?" She said, bringing her face close to mine. She didn't have a glare anymore, but instead a sad look. I hated that look. I gave in quickly to my bottled up anger, not wanting to get treated like some kid anymore. "I was betrayed. By the one I had fallen for prior to Luna. She had used my family to try and detain me so my own kind could experiment on me and use my power for themselves. I know how my world works, but do you know, Celestia, how dangerous it is? How hard it was to not go around and break something, or someone that has destroyed you in the worse way possible?" I said, getting more and more frustrated with her line of questioning. "Do you have any idea how fucked up my world is? How many people are killed everyday and how many will be in the next? How many children are abandoned or killed, just because they weren't wanted? How many problems we faced daily, including our own extinction from ourselves by nuclear annihilation?" I asked. She didn't seem to back down, but I could see the cracks in her persona. "Or how many children are killed because they were involved in something they had no idea about? How many soldiers that aren't as lucky and have to put down said child because they were simply an 'enemy'?" I continued, getting closer to her in a near-predatory way. She seemed to be cracking, was looking very uncomfortable, almost disturbed by what I had said. "Or how about the fact that backstabbing bitches kill your own family just because they were a necessary casualty!" I shouted, making her flinch from my voice. I don't think she had ever heard me yell at anyone, especially her or Luna. "Franz, I know that you are upset, but you cannot yell at a princess. Even if they are being inconsiderate, it sets a bad exa-" She stopped, noticing the paralyzing stare I was giving her. She froze up as I walked up to her, not caring about her feelings anymore. She could handle the truth. She looked at me with a fearful expression, one that I could easily recognize by now. I got close to her muzzle, and stared into her eyes, making them glow with anger. "To hell with bad examples, I'm a living embodiment of one. I try to be better than the scum of my old world, I really do. You have no idea how far I'm willing to go to change who I am, to go back to who I was. I strive to be the better person, and I won't let memories of a horrible past judge me." I said, lowering my voice to a hushed whisper. I closed my eyes and walked away from Celestia, letting her form relax and move around freely. "If you do that again in front of either Luna or me, I'll take it as a challenge and strike you down in our hypothetical match. I didn't want to warn you, but you pushed me too far asking me those questions." I said, looking back at her sweating form. She had face of guilt, and fear. "I always knew that you were a kind, misguided soul. But to actually feel your distaste to hurting others, is unnerving, almost terrifying." She said, trying to regain some form of composure. "I almost don't recognize you anymore. You have gone from a hurt, battered individual, desperate for affection and trust, to a pony that I can... trust entirely with my sister. I see now why she chose you. She needed somepony to help her with her trust issues, and you had been betrayed by your past loved ones. She saw something in you, and I believe it was your drive to help, and to change." She said, half-smiling at the end. I got a bit of whiplash as she seemed to cheer up so quickly from my verbal tantrum. I then grunted as I was pinned down immediately by her magic, taken completely off guard. "But if you so much as use another ocular ability on me, or anypony for the matter, you will be punished accordingly. Am, I clear?" She confirmed, adding a bit of weight to my body. I nodded profusely, getting the message from her. "Got it!" I yelped as I felt my armor cackle from the sheer pressure she was pushing onto me. One Hour Later. I was sitting alone in my room, currently making another set of armor. This one was going to be different than my other two, since it was going to be used for stealth and spying primarily. If I was going to catch Silver Shot taking Pen's mare without regret, I would have to challenge him and "win" her over to me. As it turns out, you can release your legal hold over objects, land, and yes, even other ponies. Unfortunately, it was common to duel for one stallions mare, and I would have to fix that later down the road. Maybe sooner rather than later. Normally, what I would do is use a previous set of armor creation, copy it, and strip it of any and all equipment for more space on the body for other equipment. For Twilight's, I had to make that from basically scratch, and it was a task to not just quit on it. But for my stealth armor, I just made it to have active camouflage and a large energy supply to power the active camo. It looked a very little like the first armor, since it was slim and had less armor for more mobility. I didn't know about how magic worked here, so I also added a magic dampener just in case, along with 3x energy shields to be able to take massive hits. It looked like it belonged to a stealth specialist, and I liked the way it turned out. *knock knock* "It's open!" I called, hiding my laptop under my pillows. I knew that I was a part of royalty since the first few days I awoke, but never did I realize that there was going to be this many pillows in my room! "Dear Franz?" Asked Luna, popping her head in and spotting me on the bed. She looked like she was somewhat stressed, probably since I didn't find her after Celestia asked me questions. "Yeah?" I asked, noticing the look of relief after spotting me. She let out a sigh. "We believed she was going to wish harm upon you." She said, coming closer to the bed. She stopped and looked at me for permission this time, instead of just jumping on like before. "Come on, sit with me." I said. She smiled and hopped on, giving me a slight nudge as she climbed over to me. This was a really large bed if it could hold me, and her. "What did she say to you?" She asked, getting close to me. "She just asked me some questions regarding my past. Nothing too bad honestly." I answered back. It was weird doing that whole speech thing on the spot, almost like I was doing some sort of hero speech. I was going to have to check up on the other sets of storage units as well. To see what they had in store for me. I grimaced internally at what I would see in the 'Happy Times' unit. Would it be just me with that woman, or would it be me with Luna and Celestia? When I checked my folders for saved imaged, it cut off right before July began. Maybe that's when I acquired my power? "Well, it does seem like thou has quite the abundance of technology. Did she mention anything about that as well?" She inquired. "Actually, she didn't even mention anything about my tech. A bit weird if I do say so myself." I replied. Wait, how did she know I was thinking that? Was it our link? We stayed there for a few minutes, before remembering what my friends gave me. I didn't want to think of them as servants, I wanted everyone to be friendly with me. But not too friendly, or I'm gonna have a bad time. "Luna, I have a gift for you." I said, using a Russian accent. She smiled at my mock-accent. "And that is?" She asked, giving me a half lidded look. I ignored that particular stare and puled out the necklaces they gave me. Luna looked at them with confusion, then shock. "Summer Springs and Marble Shine gave me this today. They said it was so that we could trust each other more, but I didn't see much of an improvement in them." I said, dangling them with my magic. doing magic had gotten easier for me, but still didn't know any more spells other than a large magic blast and levitation. "W-what is the enchantment?" She asked nervously. "Just a simple tracking thing. They said it can let you feel where they are precisely, but in a field of several meters or yards or something. Pretty nifty I suppose." I said, adding my own bit at the end. Luna stared at it for a second, before putting on the one that had my mark. "I don't think that's how it's supposed to work." I said. She only smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek, much to my embarrassment. "Nay, these work by wearing the other pony's Cutie Mark on their body. But since this is a tracking spell, it would be a better idea to wear the other's Cutie Mark. One can wear their own Mark, but it wouldn't have the desired effect." She said, rubbing my side with hers. "You're pretty touchy, you know that?" I said, looking slightly up at her. Not that I didn't appreciate the affection, it's just that I was awkward. There was also the incident with Ditzy, and I didn't know when to bring that up. "You were warmer when we first met. Now I have to warm you up before we can let thee go." She said, wrapping me in a hug. I sat there, not moving in case I accidentally do something to warrant an unwanted response from her. "Why art thee so stiff? Thou should relax more." She added, now nuzzling into my neck. She was nice enough to watch her horn, and not stab me in the face with it. "Am I still awkward?" I asked. "Quite." She giggled. "Though we are quite certain we can make something else stiff as well." "Please don't." I asked, though I was certain she would get what she wanted when the time came. This fit the scene for me.) I snapped another soldiers neck, not caring about how they begged me to let them go. I looked down at the amount of bodies, blood, and gore, and grinned a horrible smile. I had completed my first part of my revenge. I looked over the site. There wasn't anything here for me to use that I could just make. Cutting the main gas line to the base I set it aflame and watched it burn. An entire battalion, consisting of three sets a dozen helicopters and two news choppers started to trickle in. I grinned and raised my energy staff. Forcing my will into it, lightning lashed out and struck the flying mechanisms, shorting out the circuits and forcing it to crash. Those who weren't killed by my attacks were certainly dead from the crash. I tuned my visor to the news and saw that I had made the breaking news twice in one week [Another aircraft has been struck down from the entity. The newly declassified Foundation personnel have been authorized to use lethal force in an attempt to kill this being in armor. As stated, the nuclear device that was set off was in fact, a Tsar bomb, which killed in total several thousand civilians and military personnel, and counting.] Said the male reporter that was in the distance. I created a spear and aimed for their foot railings, since they were civilians. I wanted to scare them, because they were making me to be the bad guy. I wasn't, I was doing this for my family. [It appears the being is making some sort of weapon, and preparing another attack. Wait, HEY GET US OUT OF HERE!] I grinned sadistically. Oh how wrong they were. Pulling back, I threw the spear of energy and watched as it grazed them, cutting off their railings and giving them a scare. [WHOA! We almost got hit! Pilot! Please!] Yelled the reporter. The camera feed was shaking badly and I knew the cameraman was startled. [What do you mean, we have to stay! We almost got killed!] He yelled, fear evident in his voice. The other helicopters began firing at me. I activated a bubble shield, but watched the feed as the glowing bullets hit my spot, seemingly ending my rampage. They were quiet from my point of view, as the addition of thundering of missiles also began pounding at my shields. I knew that they couldn't hurt me, even with their strongest weapons. [Can anything even survive that.] I grinned again. Readying for another attack I launched several EMP disks at the helicopters, short circuiting the power and making them fall to a fiery demise. [Holy shit! Pilot! What's happening?!] I'll let them live. They didn't have any part of this. Yet I woke up and found that I was alone in my room again. Luna must've left when I fell asleep, since I passed out when we were talking about how stiff I was. Then afterwards she teased me about another thing that can get stiff and I just decided that going to sleep at 7:30 was good enough for me. The sunlight was barely poking out from the clouds as I woke, shining across the land and beginning another day of the week. Tuesday, I think today was. Getting out of my restricting blankets, I made my way to the balcony. I hadn't had the chance to use it and I wanted to feel a bit of a breeze before going back in and taking a shower. I opened the glass doors and was met with a cool breeze that made this morning even more pleasant. The balcony was large, about 10 feet wide and 12 feel long. I wondered what the supports looked like. Probably pillars that came out to support it. I took in a crisp breath. Last night's dream was somewhat better. At least the past version of myself had some form of restraint. But I still didn't like the way he still attacked the civilian helicopter. It wasn't necessary to scare them. he could have just ran like all the other times. I looked over the edge and saw some of the ponies starting to go about their daily business. Some opening shops and others going to places to do shopping. I don't think that there is much crime here. Either that or I just wasn't around to know about it. I went back inside and took a shower, using warm water this time to relax my muscles and provide some form of stress relief. If I was going to shadow Silver Shot at all today, then I would need to get ready and armor up. 'Don't worry, Pen. I'll help you out.' I thought, turning the shower knob off and walking out to grab a towel. Ever since Luna did that spell on me, I wasn't to keen on breaking the bathroom or feeling helpless like that again. Two Hours Later I was on my way to Ponyville with my new suit. It was just some Nano-Armor that would slide over me and my head, giving me the appearance of a ninja. The Data Pad on my wrist showed me how much time I had exactly for Active Camo use. I could use it for about three hours if I didn't have my shields on. And If I did, then it would only last about an hour and a half. (New suit!) I also made sure to tell Luna about what I had planned today, so I wouldn't scare her if I had just disappeared. She seemed happy that I was going to help some guy get his marefriend back. Something about honor or pride she was going off about before I left. Funny thing about Active Camo. You don't need a suit to operate it. You just needed the small device the size of a oddly shaped brick. This time, I made sure to keep it strapped on my chest. The Nano-Armor would hold onto it and keep it secure, I was sure of it. The armor itself looked like a thin sweater, but it could give me quick access to using my wings for fast retreat if need be. I arrived and hopped off the train, looking over the station I was ignored for the most part. I pulled the hood over my head and made my way to Town Hall. I would to able to see everything more clearly once up on the roof. That and I wanted to see some of the girls again, and maybe Ditzy if I get the chance. I haven't seen her since last week. I saw that there were still some reporters here in Ponyville and they were looking for a story of some sorts. I brushed by some of them when walking and nearly caught their attention at one point. I saw Sugarcube Corner and noticed quite a few ponies in there. It looked like there was some sort of sale going on and I wanted to check it out. Maybe grab something and leave. "Wort Wort Wort." I muttered, making my armor slide over me and activate the Active Camo. A low hum filled my ears and my field of vision was momentarily distorted, but returned to normal once a moment had passed. Not being used to active camouflage, I admired my nothing self before going inside and seeing that all of the items for sale were gone. Darn, and it said free samples too. I saw Applejack and Pinkie. Did she work here? It would make sense. Applejack looked like she was absolutely exhausted, but I ignored it as I had more pressing matters. Leaving Sugarcube Corner I found a safe spot to deactivate my armor. It receded back into the sweater, and I left my hiding spot with my hood still draped over my head. Making my way around town, I couldn't find any sign of him. Maybe he was having a chill day? Probably with Nether and Blossom. I haven't seen them since before Luna's corrupted form attack. I kept looking for another hour, receiving a few looks from the town folk. Maybe Ditzy knows where he might live. I turned back around and made my way back to Town Hall. I'll ask the mayor where the house could be. And if not, then I'll ask Ditzy. She knew her way around Ponyville, so she'll be my backup plan should the mayor decline it. I walked right into the main building for Town Hall and saw that there was several ponies with desks doing a variety of paperwork. It wasn't very interesting to me, since I had a main goal, but maybe I can check into it later. Is that legal? Maybe not but I'm a muthafuckin prince, so it should be for me. Okay maybe not but I'm still curious. "Hello sir. Do you need any help today?" Asked someone to my left. Turning I saw a secretary with a bored look in her eyes. There was a desk with minimal paper and a couple hallways around her. "Yes, is the major in their office today?" I asked, using Kakashi's voice in case someone recognized my real voice. "Yeah. Go down the hall on my right and follow it until you get to her office." She said, not sounding very enthusiastic or even alive. Was this job really that boring? "Thanks." I responded, going to her desk to fill out a paper with my name on it. She looked over it without second thought and apparently didn't recognize my name. "You can go now. Have a wonderful day." She said monotonously. I nodded and began walking down the right hall. Apparently they let anyone in to see the major, no matter what they might be wearing. I noticed that it was quiet in here and that I would have to keep it that way. Not that it mattered, but I didn't wear this suit for show. I made it to a door that was open and peered inside. Sitting there was a pale grayish amber Earth pony with a light bluish gray mane and tail. I knocked on the door and she looked up and saw me. "Oh, hello there. I didn't quite see you there. Come on in." She said, sounding surprised, yet cheery. "Oh, sorry, I just happened to be near. I had a few questions regarding a certain pony." I said, changing my voice. She looked at my hooded figure and tilted her head slightly. "If you're another reporter trying to get a scoop, I just so happen to hear about something!" She said, sounding giddy. "No. I just have some questions. That is all." I corrected, not wanting her to get the wrong idea like what happened with Ditzy. "Anypony in particular?" She asked, looking at me with a small smile. "Yes." "Alright! Now, who did you have in mind?" She asked, leaning over her desk and resting her forelegs on it. "Do you happen to know where *ahem* Silver Shot lives?" I said, lowering my hood with my magic and changing my voice back to normal. She saw my face and immediately gained a shocked look. "I need to have a chat with him." > Chapter 21: Sickly Units [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I need to have a chat with him." She still had that shocked look in her eyes. I was beginning to think I had broken her when she slowly began talking again. "W-w-well, Your Highness, I'm not legally allowed to give the location of just anypony away to the public! It would be a crime to do so, even to the Royal Family!" She said, making it sound like it was worse that it probably was. "Oh, no, no, no. I just need to make sure that our plans to go to a bar were still green. I need to make sure because I was going to plan a small party for us. I can invite you if you'd like?" I lied. I'll just make that small thing later if she accepts. "As much fun that sounds, I still can't tell you the whereabouts of his apartme-" She stopped herself quickly. Aha! "Apartment, got it. Thanks!" I said, flipping over my hood and activating my armor and invisibility. She just stood there as I walked out with a smile on my face. Making it outside I saw that it was already close to 12:00, so had some time to kill before finding Twilight and spending the night at her place. I began my way over to Ponyville Apartments. I didn't know where he lived exactly, but I hoped I could catch him before he either left or went inside his home. Upon arriving, I could tell this was a better than most of the apartments from Earth. There was a park in the center of the four large buildings that surrounded the small playground. I could see several other mares and stallions around and about, either doing small tasks, or talking to one another in a friendly, jovial manner. This was quite strange, since I didn't see any of them with a frown. I walked up to a random mare, making sure to keep my hood on as to not attract anyone over to me. "Excuse me, but do you happen to know where Silver Shot lives?" I asked, using my ninja persona. I was still a bit giddy whenever using Kakashi's voice. The mare turned to face me. She had a light aqua coat and mane and tail, with traces of white in them. Her Cutie Mark was that of a golden harp and her eyes were that of a golden hue. "Oh, no. I'm visiting my friend Bon Bon. I don't know where that pony lives. Say, why are you wearing that cloak?" She asked. Now realizing that he wasn't here I let out a sigh. This was gonna be harder than I thought. "It's for fun. Most of the time, I wear it because it helps me blend in with the background." I said, no longer interested in the conversation. Although, I think I was going to have to ride it out. "Oh, alright then. It was nice meeting you." She said, offering her hoof. I looked at it and bumped mine with hers. Guess she wasn't very fond of me either. "It was nice meeting you as well. I'll see you later." I said, turning around and leaving. I would have to stalk here until he gets back or exits his house. I activated my ability in an empty alleyway and came back on the roof for a few hours. I could almost see the entire town from this angle. I didn't see any one for another hour and decided that being a ninja wasn't for me. I hopped down from the roof and startled several ponies with my sudden appearance. It was almost four and I would have to crash at Twilight's for the time being. Making my way over to her apartment, I saw Ditzy a bit away from The Library. Maybe I can crash at her place instead! Changing course I saw that she was being talked to by some dark purple Unicorn stallion with a grey tinted lavender mane and tail. Oof, maybe I shouldn't approach her yet. I stayed my distance, and from what I could tell about their body language, it looked like the stallion was getting agitated and Ditzy was beginning to shake lightly. I wanted to help, I really did, but I couldn't challenge him or stand up to him without making it look like I was trying to take her. I then saw Silver Shot run up from behind Ditzy and I narrowed my eyes. I activated my armor and camouflage, and got closer to hear them, and hit record. "What the heck are you doing here! I thought that restraining order against you after what happened would keep you away." Growled Silver. The other stallion only smirked and tried making a grab for Ditzy, who flinched away in time. "Can't I just visit my mare and child? I'm sure that Amethyst would love to see her father again. Along with her new mother that I got from challenging some other guy from Canterlot." He said, the words he was saying making me connect dots faster than I could keep up with. "I don't know why you don't just leave us alone! Aren't all of those other mares enough?!" Said Ditzy, her eyes completely focused on him with a fearful glare. It looked like she was close to crying, and I wanted to punch this guy's face in already. "Well, I would at least like to take her this weekend and introduce her to her new step-mom. I just want to bond wi-" Ditzy cut him off. "No! I know how you get when you're drunk, I can't even imagine what you'll do to her when you get there!" Ditzy shouted. I could see an intense fear in her eyes. Was this the guy her and Carrot Top were talking about? "Don't interrupt me, feather bag. Or I'll give the Royal Guard a reason to keep me away." He said, giving her a snarl. She whimpered in fright, but barely managed to keep herself together. I'm assuming this was the guy that took Pen's mare. Silver Shot took charge and put himself in front of Ditzy in a protective manner. "Is that any way to talk to somepony! What happened to the stallion that was kind and caring. Not this, this degenerate!" He said, clearly more braver than usual. It was strange seeing him so worked up, almost contradicting my previous encounter with him. "Are you challenging me for her?" He said, a sinister tone in his voice. I think I'll break it up here. Why wasn't there anyone else around to help? I got closer to him and tapped him on the shoulder, which caused him to turn his head quickly with anger. I slipped up in front of him and waited him to turn around. "Who touched me! I know where you are!" He yelled, making Silver and Ditzy to look at him in confusion. "Over here." I said, deactivating my armor. I saw him flip his head with a charged spell as he saw me. Ditzy gasped and so did Silver. "Who the buck are you." He said lowly, his magic blast building more and more. I gave a frown and lowered my hood, and flared out my wings. Which made him drop his magic blast out of fright. He immediately bowed and so did Silver. I wasn't expecting him to do so in the first place. "Rise, Silver Shot." I said, not letting the other guy get up. He just did so anyway, and I had a feeling he was one of those guys. "Your Majesty, what are you doing here in Ponyville?" He asked, forgetting about the other two entirely. "Well, I did need to have a talk with Silver Shot..." I trailed off to see his reaction. He got a smug look and glanced over to the others. "...But it looks like I found you instead." I continued. I cut him off and started circling him. "There was a stallion in Canterlot that was distraught about losing his mare a few days ago. I gave him some tips and help. And he lost to a stallion named Silver Shot, a pony, who in mind, didn't seem like the aggressive challenging type. So I thought I'd come over to Ponyville to see if he was at the tournament by asking him." I was now facing Silver, who in mind was looking nervous, almost shaking. I turned back towards him. "Some things didn't add up, and that's when I saw you, here, harassing Ditzy, who is not only a good friend of mine, but is considered close family to me. I then saw Silver come along to her defense. Which, to me, is what I would expect to see from a good samaritan citizen of Ponyville." I leaned in to his scowl and raised an eyebrow. "From the looks of it, the Royal Guard should have been here the whole time, but you were possibly stalking her until she was alone, and without help, am I correct?" I said, leaning back. "You shouldn't have come for Ditzy, or her child. So I suggest you go, for the time being." I said, finishing with narrowed eyes. The guy just glared back at me, before turning and leaving without saying anything. "Mark my words, Prince, because I will have Ditzy and Pen's mare." He called. I looked at him with an amused look. "And I'm coming for Princess Luna too!" He shouted, running away and disappearing behind a building. "Activate Seeker Energy Disk. Field Only." I said. We heard the yelp of the offending stallion and several ponies complaining about their stands being crashed into. I was then pulled into a sudden hug by Ditzy, which took me by surprise. I wanted to break off, but she was pretty strong for a mare her size. "Thank you." She whispered into my ear, much to my discomfort. I saw Silver standing there, an awkward smile on his face. Eventually, she let go and gave me some space. "It was really brave of the two of you to help me out like that. We should head back to my home so I can treat you guys to some muffins!" She said happily. I smiled. I didn't want to see Twilight right now, since I didn't have her armor yet. That, and I wanted to eat something. I already told Ditzy about what I am, but I didn't know about Silver Shot. "Thanks, but no thanks. I need to see if he is either put in jail or let go. Threatening a royal member is considered an offense, I think. I'll see you around, r-right?" He asked, looking over the two of us. He sounded a bit nervous. I'm guessing he's similar to Fluttershy, but more direct than her. "Okay then. See you around Silver." "Okie doki!" Said Ditzy. "Let go before anyone else comes and bothers us." I said, following Ditzy as she happily walked over to her home. I noticed that she had a bit of a scar along the back of her head, but it was mostly covered by her mane falling over it. I made the disk give the guy an electric shock before it dispersed and the disk came flying at me and to my armor. I saw that her home was a bit small. Possibly smaller than most homes in Ponyville. I could see Amethyst through the window making something. Possibly a snack. "Welcome to my home, Franz. I know it's pretty small, but it's gonna get an extension later on in the year!" She said, sounding very cheery. "Nice. I assume you didn't tell anypony about my secret, right?" I asked. She looked pale for a second, but smiled widely. "O-of course I didn't. W-why would I tell anypony?" She said, clearly flustered, and caught. I let out a groan of annoyance. "You told somepony, didn't you." I said, multiple scenarios running through my head. Maybe I can convince them not to spread the news, ponies liked bribes, right? "Okay, yes, but they promised not to tell anypony else! Only I and Amethyst know about your secret!" She said, her voice getting louder as she seemingly began to panic. Unfortunately, there was a reporter who rounded the corner, and heard her say that. She immediately ran off. I sent a drone after her. I wouldn't have much Nano-Armor to spare if I made another one. "Well, lets just get inside and talk about this." I said, knocking on the door three times. After a few moments of waiting, the door opened and I saw Amethyst, casually eating a sandwich. She saw me and her eyes widened, and she swallowed the food in her mouth. "Uh, c-come in?" She said, moving out of the way for me. "Thank you." I said stiffly. Ditzy came inside and closed the door. I saw the couch and went to sit on it. Maybe I can salvage this. The two of them sat across from me on a separate couch, and watched me awkwardly. "..." "So, Amethyst, how much did you mother tell you about me?" I asked suddenly, alerting her. "W-well, Prince Franz-" "Just Franz will do." I said, cutting her off and motioning her to continue. "Well, uh, she was really exited to learn that Humans from My Little Human, do exist. And that you were one of the more 'special' ones." She explained. "Are we in trouble?" She asked. I snorted. "Depends on what I hear." I said, countering her question. "Tell me, has she told anyone else? Have you? Did anyone pry, or even try?" I asked, internally smiling at my rhyming. "I know for a fact that I told her. But there was nopony else I told! I swear!" Ditzy said, putting emphasis on her swearing. "And you, Amethyst? Did you tell? Did anyone pry? If so, tell me why?" I said, eyeing her. Man, I feel like Zecora right now! "I didn't tell anypony. I know that for sure." She said. I smiled. "Then we have nothing to worry about. How about we eat something. My treat." I said, heading into the kitchen. It was a little dirty, with a bit of crumbs hidden in crevice's. I supposed that with hooves, it was difficult to reach small crooks and crannies. "Well, we don't have much here. That and we have to pick up Dinky from school. She gets out at five." Said Amethyst. "Does she know?" I asked. If I knew children, it's that they have no filter when it came to secrets. "No. She doesn't know. We didn't tell her because of the risk." Said Amethyst. I looked back to the couch and saw that Ditzy was looking a bit green. I had a feeling that she wasn't feeling too good. "Ditzy, you good?" I asked. She then let out a gag and I made a large bucket in front of her. She saw it and threw up in it, letting out several good gags and hurls. I cringed and had to fight the urge to not throw up myself. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I said, seeing her puke. I wanted to get her away from me as soon as possible. "Mom, what did you eat?!" Asked her daughter. I remember seeing Ditzy at the bake sale with all of the other ponies. Was that the reason she was sick? "I think we need to get her over to the hospital!" I said, quickly, and reluctantly, making my way over to her. "I don't feel so good." She said, shutting her eyes. "Don't you dare fade away into dust like Spider Man! I can't make an Infinity Gauntlet!" I said, getting underneath her and lifting her over to the door. Thar earned a confused look from her and Amethyst, and they shrugged it off as more pressing matters were at stake. Amethyst opened the door and we quickly made our way over to Ponyville Hospital. Unfortunately, that's where there more ponies that were sick and throwing up as well. I felt myself getting sick, and I just wanted to get away as soon as possible. But I had to take care of Ditzy, and not let her have that really low chance of death from food poisoning. I won't have it! "Nurse, where do I put her!" I called over the moaning of sick patients. "Over here!" She said, opening a bed for her. I set Ditzy down and watched as the doctors get to work on the sick. I was told to wait in the waiting room, or leave if I wanted to. I decided to stay and make sure Ditzy was alright. Amethyst was with me for a bit, before remembering about her adopted younger sibling Dinky. I told her it was okay and she ran off while saying thanks. I nodded and was left alone for the most part. 'Who would poison so many ponies? Are they trying to send a message? I thought to myself. Maybe it was some outside cult that tried to mark the beginning or their independence from Equestria. Hell, maybe even a terrorist group. I saw Twilight and waved her down. She saw me and walked over. "Franz? What are you doing here? I thought you would be in Canterlot." She asked. "Well, I was in the neighborhood when Ditzy got sick. So I decided to come on over and get her in here since everypony was down with something. Any idea on what happened?" I asked. Maybe she knew. "It was an accident with some of the baked goods. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were the ones who made them, and I can bet you can guess who messed up." She said. Pinkie didn't seem like the kind to bake, and Applejack was a farm worker. Maybe it was Applejack that made this happen, but why? What are her motives? "Why would Applejack poison part of Ponyville? It doesn't make sense." I said, rubbing my chin with my hoof. I felt a small stubble going on, and I needed to shave it. "Well, she didn't mean to do it. I had just got back from Sweet Apple Acres and saw that she was pretty tired looking." She said. Oh, exhaustion. I've been there before. "Should I go and visit her? Maybe tell her to take it easy.?" I offered. Twilight shook her head. "She is being really stubborn. Almost like a mule." I heard a mule bray and looked over to see a mule in the hallway, looking a bit green himself. "No offence, again." She said. "None taken." He said before walking off. I was nervous about what this implied. Are all animals somewhat intelligent like that? "Well, maybe I can talk some sense into her later, but I have to make sure Ditzy is okay." I said, looking back to Twilight. "Who's Ditzy? Is she a friend?" Asked Twilight, a curious look in her eyes. "Yeah. She was one of the first ponies I met. While I was pretty awkward when waking, I think I managed to get better with my situation." I said, my confidence rising. "Well, you were pretty weird when I first met you..." "Stop it, my confidence is as strong as a wet spaghetti straw." "... but I think you are getting better with it. I even heard you're courting Princess Luna! Not many ponies can do that in only two weeks time." I stayed silent, as to not potentially add fuel to her already burning fire. Which is where I would rather be in this situation. "I think the two of you are a cute couple. Even the other girls think so too. Especially Rarity. She can't stop talking about how you saved Equestria with your love for Luna." Rambled Twilight. Wait, what? "What does she mean by that?" I asked. "Well, it kinda goes like this. When she woke up after being hurt by Nightmare Moon, she saw the way she was looking at your injured form. Almost like a lover would. It was, in her words, 'A very drama filled realization'. Personally, I'm just glad we were able to stop her at all." She explained. I took a minute to process this. Did I really save the planet just with a few words? They weren't even special. Just a simple, I don't remember you, type of thing. To be honest, it was kinda flattering to hear that. "Well, I'm glad we managed to survive that. Because I don't think I can handle any more adventures." I said with a laugh. "Yeah. Me too." Twilight agreed. We were quiet for a moment. Twilight suddenly spoke up. "Well, it was nice meeting you again. Say, when do you think my armor will be done?" She asked. Oh. That. "Listen, I'm gonna be real honest with you. I am very forgetful, and probably won't get it to you for about another couple weeks. So hold on tight. Kay?" I said, looking into her eyes. She smiled, and opened her arms for another hug. I leaned in uncomfortably, and gave a small hug. We quickly broke it and she said her farewell. "See you later Franz. I gotta go see if Spike is still awake." She said. I nodded and watched her go. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. I hoped Ditzy would come out alright. I can't let another family go without a parent. Especially with a mare that I have gotten to know and befriend. I took a moment to rest. Closing my eyes I smiled for only a second. I was going to get the rest I deserve. Today had been quite chaotic. I bet that Discord fellow was enjoying this. I felt myself being taken away by the clutches of sleep as I sat on a chair that was slightly too small for me. I wonder what memories await for me this time. "Why." I stared at her. Why? "Why?!" I yelled back. I was in her room and had her pinned against the wall with my hand against her throat. An energy sword inches away from her face. "You killed my family! All of them! Each child and newborn, each parent and possible family! You killed everyone in my family! Everyone! I'm the last one, and you ask why!?" I shouted, the glass cracking at the windows. "How about I kill every one of your family in front of you just to see what you'll do!" I screamed. There were tears falling down my face. I never wanted to hurt her, and she betrayed me and killed my entire family. "We can make a new family. I still love you enough to make this happen. I'll call off the search, I'll do whatever you want. You're the strongest being in the planet right now. Even more than that unkillable fucking lizard! Please..." She said, through my slowly closing fist. I let her fall on the ground. She took in large amounts of air as she breathed heavily. "If you'll do whatever I want, then bring them back. Bring everyone back, now." I said. She pulled out a knife from her boot and tried to stab me with it. I just kicked it away and broke her arm, a sickening crunch as it bent at the wrong spot. She screamed in agony as I brought my armored boot back onto her arm. Blood was gushing out from her exposing bone and I glared at her. I made her heal rapidly and her bones and skin popped back into place instantaneously. "Please, no more. You want kids? I can bear your child, I'll let you fuck me, just please, stop!" Lowering my armored helmet down to her level, I glared at her with shining white eyes. "You should have thought of that when my family was still alive. Now you'll die like the rest at The Foundation." "No, please, I'll do anything, I swear, please!" She begged. I folded back my helmet and looked down at her. She began fumbling with her shirt and managed to take it off, showing herself in her bra. I gained a disgusted look. "Then perish..." I said, bringing down the sword hilt against the back of her head and knocked her out. I wasn't going to kill her. I'll just let that happen naturally. "It's The Foundation I'm after. Not you, Dear Ca-" I woke up to someone tapping me on the side. Opening my eyes I saw that Amethyst was back, and had a younger pony with her, who was the one that was poking my side. "Oh, hey there young one. You must be Dinky." I said, rising from my leaning position from the wall. I was beginning to wonder why Amethyst took so long. I pulled up my visor, I saw that it was close to 7:00. How long had I been asleep for? "They discharged Mom and she's taking us home. I thought it would be better if we had an escort." She said, motioning to the sick Pegasus that was leaning against a wall and in a chair. I hopped off my seat and made my way over to her, a smile on my face. "Hey, Ditzy. How you feeling?" I asked, looking over her. She was slightly green still, but she was already looking a lot better than before. "I'm doing better. Who knew that those muffins were made wrong." She said, smiling at me. "Should I escort you home? You don't look like you'll be able to make it on your own. Maybe I should carry you." I said. It wasn't a big deal anymore, so long as they didn't throw up on me. That and they weren't even very heavy. Ditzy immediately shook her head. "N-no. I can walk fine on my own." She said, trying and failing to walk a few steps without beginning to get lightheaded. I caught her before she hit the ground and hefted her over my back, balancing her between my wings. She barely managed a weak protest as I began going towards the exit. Thankfully, there weren't any reporters around that recognized me. We made it back and I set Ditzy down on the couch, making sure not to jostle her too much. I had began creating dinner for the four of us when I remembered that Dinky didn't know about my origins. 'Fuck it.' I continued making food until their table was filled with tasty treats and fresh food. I made sure to sneak in some proteins minerals into the food, but not too much so it didn't ruin the flavor. Amethyst was watching me create food out of thin air while having a impressed look n her face. I smiled and decided to take off my cloak and mask, since it was beginning to bother me. "I didn't know you knew so many recipes. Let alone things to eat." She said, staring at the food on the table. "Well don't just stand there, dig in!" I said, moving out of the way for her and Dinky. They both had large smiles and immediately started picking out their choices. I picked up some salmon, made it into a sandwich, and went to sit next to Ditzy, who was resting on the couch. I think she smelled the sandwich because she woke back up and saw me next to her. I have her a wink before I began tinkering on my Data Pad. Going into settings, I looked into the weapons folder that I had copied over to the new set of armor and looked into it. I hit yes and the first weapon I saw was that of a Gaster Blaster from Undertale. I looked over it's sleek form and noticed that there as a small difference between the ones from the game and the one I'm looking at. Instead of the eyes being white, they were a grey color. I also saw I had a portal gun, from the game Portal. It didn't look much different from the game, so I left it be. I also found some swords that belonged to Lucina and Cloud, and some small sidearms which looked like they belonged to Fox and Falco from Super Smash Brothers. I knew they weren't from there, but I didn't know where they came from originally. And something called a microwave gun. I also had other Abilities that I wasn't aware of, like Promethean sight, Promethean shield, and various other weapons. The last thing was labeled as "Elemental Discharge" and I wasn't sure what it was. I tried to access it, but was stopped by a password. I thought I could get I the first few times, but it was a specific word that I couldn't quite place. I decided this was enough and I closed the tab by exiting and swiping up to discard the page for now. I looked at the clock and saw that it was close to 9:30, and decided to catch some sleep. I also noticed that Ditzy and the other two had left me alone for the most part, which I was glad for. I felt comfortable here on the couch, and decided to call it a day. Materializing a pillow and blanket, I took residence in the home of Ditzy. I slept without any memories attacking, and finally got good night's sleep. > Chapter 22: Franz's Mini Vacation [Re-Written.] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up early again. I didn't really want to wake up, but my body wanted to be active. I explored their home while being mindful of their privacy and found the bathroom to do my usual morning routine. I noticed that there was a scroll on the couch when I woke up. It has a wax seal with a symbol of a crescent moon. Luna's official seal. I didn't want to open it yet, so I put it into a pocket of mine for later. Once I finished in the bathroom, I went into the kitchen and began making some food. It was some very sweet oatmeal, along with a cup of juice, and began chowing down on it. It could have used more sugar, but it was fine. I heard the sound of hooves and turned to see Amethyst in the hallway. She had a surprised look when she saw me and smiled nervously. "Good morning." She said, noticing the ungodly amount of oatmeal I was eating. "Morning." I replied simply. She let out a yawn and stretched, sticking out her tongue slightly as she did so. I thought it was adorable, but didn't say anything as to not seem weird. "So..." She said, looking over to me a few times as she went to the cupboard. "Yes? You need something?" I asked, realizing how awkward she was being. Reminds me of my younger self. "Can you turn into a Human, or can't you? Mom told me that she saw your Human form and since there's a show about it, I wanted to know what one looked like in person. So... could you?" She asked nervously. I pondered for a second. "Is Dinky still asleep?" I asked. She nodded her head and I transformed back into my Human form. I noticed that I was still wearing the same clothes from when I first woke up, and they were a little dirty. I just quickly imagined them to be clean and it shone a little afterwards. Amethyst looked a bit scared since I was taller than her by a foot and a half. When I was in my pony form, I was only several inches taller than her. Then she saw my face and smiled. "You look adorable." She said, easing her way over to me. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You would be surprised by how much we have in common." I said, looking back to the doorway. There wasn't anyone there, and I figured it was just my paranoia getting the better of me. "Have you told anypony else about this?" She asked. "Yeah. Both Princess Celestia and Luna know about this form. I only have five ponies I've told as of now. It worked out pretty good for the most part, but I'm just worried about what will happened to me if I go public with this." I said, remembering what had happened with The Foundation. "Five?" She asked, not sure who the other pony was. "You, Ditzy, Dinky, Celestia and Luna. I've thought about telling someone else, but I'm putting that one on hold for now." I said, a small frown on my face. "Well, I think I know somepony. She's a huge human fanatic, and will do anything to meet one." She said. Really? Who? "And that pony is?" I asked. She looked at me with a slight amount of worry. "Do you happen to know who Lyra Heartstrings is?" "No, not really." I said, my mind going blank for a second. "Well, once mom gets better, I think we should give her a visit. She lives in Ponyville Apartments with her friend Sweetie Drops. But we just call her Bon Bon." She said. Hold up. "Did you say Bon Bon?" I asked. She nodded her head in response. "Weird. I actually think I did meet her. On my way to find Silver Shot, I talked to her a bit. She seemed nice mare." I said. Amethyst looked surprised, and smiled. "Then you know she likes Humans, right?" She asked. "Not when I met her, no." I said. "Morning." Said Ditzy, walking into the room and seeing me. Her eyes widened and she walked over to me and leaned out her head. Confused, I just began stroking her mane and dragging my nails across her scalp. She shuddered from this, much to my confused amusement, and leaned into my hand more. Amethyst got a warm smile and grabbed some cereal and milk. It looked like it was oats and flakes. "Any plans for today?" I asked, looking over her adorably melted form. She cooed and managed a whimpered 'no' in her voice. "What about work?" I asked. She immediately pulled away and gasped. "I've got work to do!" She yelled, dashing towards her upstairs room to get ready. I raised an eyebrow, at that. Was this a normal thing? Quickly finishing my oatmeal, I transformed back into my pony form and went into the living room. It had a few magazines here and there, so I could look at those for a bit. "..." "..." "Nah. Not my style." I said aloud after reading the first few pages. They were science magazines and I had yet to find one on magic. Perhaps Twilight had a few books on the matter. I heard Ditzy flying down the stairs in her uniform, wearing a cap as well. It looked cute on her, and I smiled. "Heading out to work? It's only 7:35." I said. She noticed and let out a breath of relief. "Oh, thanks. I thought I was going to be late again." She said, going into the kitchen and coming back with a protein bar. She hopped next to me and began eating. I smiled at her as she ate and noticed that Dinky was getting up. She had brushed her coat, mane and tail, and was heading towards the kitchen, possibly for something to eat. I noticed that they didn't have a lot of food to spare, so I took the liberty of filling all of their open spaces with non-perishable foods. And if they are destroyed somehow, I made it to where they will regenerate after several seconds. "Dinky, did you say good morning to Franz!" Called Ditzy through mouthfuls of multiplying food. "G-good morning, sir!" said the little filly quietly. I smiled and got off the couch. "Morning young one. How fares the day so far?" I said, heading into the kitchen. When she saw me, she had a look of fright and fear. It twisted my chest like a vise crushing a wet rag. That other guy must've done something horrible to make her act like this. Or I'm reading too far into it and she's like a human kid and get's shy around new people. "How are you?" I asked, in a gentle tone. She looked a little less scared when she saw me lower my voice. I saw Amethyst washing her bowl with her magic, and keeping a close eye on me. "I-I'm good." She said, looking at all the cereal I had brought. I saw that I might have made a bit too much, since the entire top shelf was just filled with cereal. You couldn't put anything in there without the cereal getting in the way somehow. I saw her horn had the faintest of cracks on the tip. "Are you scared of me? I don't think I'm scary. Am I?" I asked. She looked a bit nervous, but shook her head. "Is it because I'm a Prince?" I asked. She gave a slight nod. "Are you going to be our new daddy?" She asked. I blanked out for a second. What? Amethyst stopped and I could hear Ditzy begin to cough out a piece of bar I assume she had choked on from hearing her. "Well, uh... we're..." I said, feeling my face get warmer at the idea. Amethyst looked at me with a shocked look and I heard Ditzy let out a loud eep noise. Dinky giggled at that, and I smiled. "Are you serious?!" Asked Amethyst. She looked shocked and I decided to be honest with Dinky. "Well, Ditzy and I are... In the works, but if all goes well, it's possible." I said, a small, nervous smile ever present on my face. I was tackled from behind and found Ditzy with her hooves wrapped around my neck, nuzzling my back. I gulped. I didn't know what to do from here. I could see Amethyst smiling at me, and realized that this was a prank, or a weird test of sorts. "She's not serious, right?" I asked. Ditzy spoke up with a hint of amusement. "I took a risk and it worked out pretty good. It was nice to see you look flustered." She said, removing herself from my body. "I... well I was being honest." I said, getting up. I looked at the time, and it was close to 8:00 now. "It's almost eight, we should probably get going." I said. Ditzy had a look of realization, and grabbed the rest of her infinity protein bar, and made a mad dash for it, saying goodbye and to have a good day in school for Dinky. "So, no plans besides taking Dinky to school?" I asked. We were at the door and I had put my cloak and armor back on. "Yeah. Can you... walk us to the school?" She asked, a hint of fear in her voice. I could tell why she would want me to, and I was more then happy to escort them to school. Maybe even go on a mini-adventure with them if it called for it. "Sure, no problem." I said, opening the door and walking out into the day. We walked there in relative silence. I had a question, but decided to hold off until the right moment. "So are you in a relationship with Princess Luna? You don't have to tell me, I'm just curious." Said Amethyst suddenly. I was taken off guard by this question, and frowned slightly. I looked around for any reporters or anyone in general. There were a few ponies a small distance away, well out of earshot. "It's... complicated." I said. It was actually going fine, but I just didn't know what I wanted out of that relationship. I didn't want to break it off just because I wasn't sure, and not to mention about her being very starved of my past presence. I wanted everyone to be happy. That includes both Luna and I. "I can tell. You look stressed." She said. I hung my head a bit lower. Was it really that noticeable? "Well, if it makes you feel better, when I had my first coltfriend, he wasn't exactly the most generous pony. He would always try and start a herd with some other mares he had found randomly. He also told me that I was being a hindrance on his life, and decided to dump me for another couple of mares." She said. I noticed that Dinky was being neutral about this, putting on a blank face. "How is this supposed to apply?" I asked. It sounded like it was some sort of life lesson she was trying to tell me. "What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't always work out in the end. I thought I had found the one with him, and he had turned around and hurt me. Have you done that to Princess Luna before?" She asked. I remember Luna saying I betrayed her, but with who? I tried to remember, but my head began to throb after a few seconds. I shook it off and looked at her and Dinky. "I think I may have done so. But I don't remember how it all went down." I said. I noticed the Schoolyard and saw several foals and a cerise mare with light rose mane and tail. She had a trio of large smiling flowers on her flank for her mark, and grey green eyes. We approached the school and she noticed us. She immediately waved at us and Dinky smiled and ran towards the school. Amethyst waved back and I hid under my hood. I didn't want her to see me just yet. "Hello Amethyst! I was beginning to think that you weren't coming to drop off Dinky." She said, looking over her and my hidden form. I made my mask fold over my face as to not draw as much attention. "Who might you be sir?" She asked, looking directly at me. I closed my eyes and thought about a name. "I'm Streak Silverway. Nice to meet you." I said, changing my voice to Spiderman's voice. The Tom Holland one, not the original, unfortunately. She lifted her hoof for a bump and I did the same. I just made my armor form a realistic hoof for this occasion, and she didn't seem to notice. "I'm Cheerliee, and isn't it a little too early to celebrate Nightmare Night? I thought that it isn't due for another few months." She inquired. What did she say? "Well, I decided to try it a little earlier. Just to get it's issues out of the way and whatnot." I said. She looked at me with a smile, while Amethyst seemed a bit shocked at my voice changing. "Well, it does have some similarities to Prince Franz's design of armor." She said, looking over my body. "Especially that device on your ankle. What does it do?" She asked. I was beginning to sweat a bit, but my armor's cooling system kicked in to stop it. "It's just for show. I wanted it to look like a ninja and see everypony's reaction. And to test it out beforehand" I said. Both Amethyst and Cheerilee looked at me with degrees of confusion. I had a feeling that they didn't know what a ninja was. "What's a ninja?" Asked Cheerilee. "It's just a concept I'm working on. It's basically somepony who wears all black and goes do some secret mission either in a group or alone." I explained. I thought they had ninja's here. Or at least stealth operatives. They had a look of understanding, and smiled. "That does sound like an interesting topic. Maybe you would like to teach the class about it sometime?" Cheerilee asked. I got a look of worry, that was ultimately hidden with my mask. "Well, I don't know. I was kinda busy this week. Maybe next week?" I inquired. She thought about it for a moment. "That sounds like a great idea! When are you available?" She questioned. I thought about it for a second. "I think a Friday would be ideal. To build up excitement on the little ones. I know somepony who has other topics that might interest the children." I said. I was referring to myself, but she didn't know about that. "Great! I'll have the both of you come over! That way the two of you can teach the class while I supervise. It sounds like you guys have some really great ideas!" She said, getting excited. I decided to cut her off before she confirmed anything. "Well, he can only be here if stay at his place and take care of his pet. Maybe I can get somepony to babysit it, but who knows." I said, digging myself a deeper hole. Why the hell do I have to be so friendly! Just say no! "Oh, well that works out too. So who can I expect?" She asked. "You can expect my friend to come. He's pretty nervous around crowds, but he gets his job done." I said, describing myself slightly. "Perfect! I'll see you later Mr. Silverway." She said, heading back into the small school. "Yeah." I mumbled. She didn't hear me, and happily walked in the building. "I didn't know you could change your voice." Said Amethyst. I just let out a sigh. I needed a break. I remembered the scroll in my pocket, and decided that once I get out of eyesight, I can crack it open and take a look inside of it. "I didn't know how big of a hole I dug myself." I said. I turned back around to her. "What do you usually do this time of day?" I asked. She blanked out for a second, before a look of realization hit her. "I have to work at ten to two. That's the most hours they usually give me for my workplace." She said. I nodded, not wanting to pry into her daily life. "Well, I'm gonna go back to your place and grab a scroll I left behind. Maybe hang around town for a bit before heading back to Canterlot." I said, lying about the scroll to get away from where I was. I wanted to figure out where the last Storage Unit was. I knew the others were in the Canterlot Research and Development wing, but it was the last one that had me interested. Other bearers. What could that mean? "Oh. Okay. I'll see you later then?" She asked. "No, silly. I gotta grab my scroll and then we can say goodbye." I said, lowering my mask and turning around to their home. She let out a 'oh' and followed me. Once we made it back to their home, I "grabbed" my scroll and some more food. I didn't think I had to worry about gaining any weight, so I could eat as much as want. I looked to the necklace my two friends gave me. I felt it lightly vibrating and touched it with my hoof. It said that Luna was in Canterlot, around the the training room. I didn't question it, and opened the scroll, breaking the wax seal and looking inside. It was a letter from Luna. "Dear Franz. I hoped thou has found the perpetrator who had taken Pen's mare. I await for your return to Canterlot so we may spend more time together. Another thing I wished to discuss was about the audience from the match. Some of them were delegates from neighboring countries who had traveled from distant lands. Many of which were impressed by your duel and wished to speak with you. However, I do not think they are here to congratulate you. I believe that they are here to try and offer sums of wealth for some of the technology you have created. They were delegates from the Griffon Empire, and they are very aggressive when trade and their interests are at play. I hope thou are safe, and are not approached by anyone who wishes to do you harm. Much Love, Luna." I reread the letter several times. Griffon delegates? Wanting my tech? I think I'll hold off giving Twilight her armor for a bit longer. "Alright. See you later Amethyst!" I called from the door. I still had my cloak on, and after hearing her say a muffled goodbye back, I left to the town hall to pay Ditzy a quick visit. And was stopped by a scene like no other. There were bunnies everywhere, eating flowers and plants. They were in bushes, burrows, and in trees alike, speaking Vietnamese. Wait, they're speaking what?! "What the hell happened?" I said to no one in particular. I began wandering around town and saw Roseluck and her squad. They were all laying on the ground, seemingly playing dead. "Nani the fuck?" I said to myself, passing them as everywhere I looked, I saw bunnies everywhere/ 'Reminds me of that one Hawaiian island.' I thought. I saw Fluttershy trying to gather them all and trying to take them home, failing quite horridly. "Fluttershy, what happened here?" I asked. She saw me and she looked desperate for help. "F-Franz, please help me!" She said, trying to make the bunnies listen to her, and failing miserably. "Hold on." I said. I went into my Data Pad and typed in a few key codes. "Follow New Protocol: Collect Bunnies." I called out loud. Fluttershy looked at me with confusion. "Don't worry, it'll just take a second." I responded. In Canterlot: Franz's Unofficial Quarters Blueblood had managed to get back inside of Prince Franz's room. He was looking for any set of spare armor he might have left behind. And sure enough, there right on the bed, was the set that he had used to beat Shining Armor. Blueblood smiled deviously. He could now get what he wanted the whole time. Just some extra bits he could spend on his plan to get a mare. Yes, he could get any mare he desired, but he was after a specific mare. "Fleur De Lis, you shall be mine after I beat that peasant of a stallion you call a husband!" Cackled Blueblood in a very villainous manner. The armor suddenly sparked to life, and flew out the open balcony door, disappearing from his view. Blueblood only stood there, not sure what had happened. "Am I cursed?" He said, getting agitated with a tint of fear. Back With Franz After a few minutes of my armor arrived and started breaking off into small drones. I had to use both of sets I had on me to collect all of the small bunnies. It took over five hours to get them all, not counting the ones who were defiant. I heard that it was Applejack who had done this. I wanted to go and tell her that she needed help and that she should rest, but Twilight was already on it. Apparently she managed to get the message across and Applejack accepted the help, for once. "Oh, thank you Franz for helping me collect all of the brand new baby bunnies. I don't know what I would do if you weren't around to help." Said Fluttershy. Her presence was a nice refresher from being around Luna for quite some time. "Again, it's no problem. I just happened to be in the neighborhood." I said, now wearing my original capsules. My stealth and sparring capsules being balanced on my back with my wings. "Still, if you hadn't been here, these bunnies would have eaten all of the flowers Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy worked so hard on to keep in pristine condition. They would have put them out of business!" She said. Out of business? Wow. I didn't ever hear about bunnies putting ponies out of business. Actually, I don't think I've ever heard of ponies going out of business at all. "Well good thing I was here then." I said, starting to feel awkward. I was currently heading to the Twilight's to spend the night. I hear that tomorrow, we were going to help Applejack with her work. It'll be nice, and I wanted to get more practice in getting my strength in check. The next day came far too soon, and I heard Twilight downstairs, trying to get me out of bed. "Come on, we're gonna be late to help Applejack! Just get out of the bathroom so I can get ready!" She called. "No, I don't think I will." I said through the door. I had locked the door and put a Shielding Disk on the door to keep her out so I could do my morning routine undisturbed. I liked to have my privacy, and apparently Twilight didn't know that. "Just open the door! I need to use the bathroom!" "A small price to pay for salvation." I said, smiling as I brushed my hair for that shiny look it gave off. I'll never know why it does that. "Please! I'm gonna burst!" "You may think this is suffering. No, this is salva-" I was cut off as the door was blasted down by a large magic blast. I barely had enough time to move out of the way, since I just slowed time. "GET OUT!" She screamed, her eyes glowing a fiery white. I complied and promptly jumped out the open window, not caring to listen to her surprised call. I flapped my wings and landed, before walking back to the front entrance. Fun fact, which is pretty common knowledge to them, they have yet to invent locks. Most of the ponies in Ponyville didn't use them. Either latches or some form of small blockage spell. I walked right in and Spike, reading a book about something. What it was, I didn't know. It was just a book, maybe a comic. "Franz! Why did you jump out the window! you could have been hurt!" She said, glaring at me. "The hardest choices require the strongest wills." I said, not paying attention to the mare who had just walked in. I think she was returning a book. "I like that. Can I use that quote?" She asked. I turned around and saw Lyra Heartstrings. "Were it so easy." I said in a low tone. She frowned and I laughed. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind." I said, ruffling my wings a bit. They were a bit tense, since I don't use them very often. Maybe I should fly more. "Come on. Lets go." I said, pulling Twilight and Spike towards the door. I was feeling pretty excited to help Applejack, since I used to work on a ranch for a while before coming to Equestria. "Okay, lets go." She mumbled. Five Hours Later I wasn't even breaking a sweat. I thought is was summer, not fall! Although the same couldn't be said for the rest of the girls. Almost all of them were in some form of tiredness. Be it from physical work, to magical overuse. "How bout ya'll take a little break. I got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya." Called Applejack. I saw that she had some bottles of juice, which was weird to me, since I was used to fizzy drinks. Not sparkling water, the other, better counterpart, soda. Everyone stopped what they were doing and walked over. I was getting a bit thirsty, and I could use a break. "Ah can't thank ya'll enough for the help. Ah was acting a bit stubborn." She said. "A bit?" Asked Twilight. Okay, what the fuck is going on? Are they doing some sort of skit or something? "Okay, a might stubborn. And I'm awful sorry." She added. I felt as though there was some sort of god, watching me make the mistake of being here, and laughing at me. "Now ah know the town gave me the Prize Pony Award, but the real reward, is having the six of you as my friends." She said. It was kinda heartwarming to be included in a thank you, even though I wasn't here for the most part. "Especially you Franz. I heard how you were telling everypony to look out for me, and I thank you, for trying to be there." She said. Everyone awwed at me, while I just folded up my helmet to save the embarrassment they were trying giving me. "Thanks." I responded stiffly. They all laughed and we enjoyed our drinks. "Whew, that applebucking sure made me hungry." Said Rainbow. "And I've got the perfect treat." Said Spike, pulling up some half eaten muffins. I wasn't going to try them, since they were already partially eaten. "Ew, Spike, I threw those away! Where did you even get them?" Asked Pinkie, looking at him with disgust. "From the trash!" I instantly thought of just taking them and incinerating them with my arc reactors, but that would be a waste of the power cells energy. "Ew!" Cried the girls. "Hey, Spike, toss me one." I said. I folded up my armor on my hoof, and readied my weapon. Screw it. "No, Franz!" "Don't eat them!" "Yuck!" Spike ignored them, and tossed one to me. In an instant, I shot it out of the sky and watched it sprinkle into small bits about several miles away from us. "Wow, lets do that again!" Cheered Spike. I rolled my eyes, and levitated the rest of the ruined baked goods and deleted them. The process took only a second, and they were gone. "Thank you, darling. I couldn't stand to look at them anymore." Said Rarity, wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead. "Anytime." I said. I was beginning to enjoy Ponyville, even though I had limited access to it. But it was worth it in the end. Right? > Chapter 23: Time For Talks. [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat alone in the dark. Not caring about the shouts of the men and women trying to break down the door. I had set up traps for them, ones to finish them off after their attempt to kill me. I stared at the wall, a blank expression on my face. I was covered with blood, organs, flesh, and bone. I had done it. I killed the site director of The Foundation, but that only left me feeling more empty. He was a part of the 05 council, and was responsible for his declaration of reality benders like me a threat, even though we've been around longer than time. Apparently there was more of them, but I would go after them. This one would do. When I first arrived, I instantly killed all of his guards, and other reality benders who had sided with him. I felt bad, since they were technically the same as me, but weaker. Yes, an inferior version of me. After I killed them all instantly by evaporation from sudden teleportation, some of the benders and guards tried to attack me, but I killed them as he tried to make his escape. I eventually tracked him down to a disclosed part of the base, where he had a weapon capable of killing anything. Slapping his weapon away, I ripped his arms off and proceeded to beat him with them, breaking his bones, both attached and disconnected He begged for mercy, like the other bastards before him, but I ignored him and continued my wailing on his body. He eventually went into shock, where I watched him slowly fade away into nothingness. I then continued to beat his body, a steady rhythm of metal beating against bone, tearing the flesh off his body, blasting him with weapons and beating him with my staffs. I knew he could regenerate, and I wasn't going to give him a chance to do it. And in the end, I had gotten my revenge, deep underground, where there was many, many people trying to get in for a kill. The traps I set sounded as I heard the screams of the humans, possibly dying instantly from my metallic death traps. I smiled, one of a madman, and closed my eyes out of sheer giddiness. Something inside me snapped, and I made another bomb, this time, a Nova warhead. I was going to blow this planet too hell, and I'm not going to be here when it happens. I remembered my friends and family, all of my distant relatives The Foundation had failed to find and kill. I remembered about her, and grimaced. I didn't want this to happen, none of this. And if I could, I would take this all and throw it out for another chance. A white light filled the room, and I saw another being. I instantly reformed my armor, and charged it with my staff. I'll have another chance once I kill this little excuse of a bixbie, as The Foundation liked to call us. "Come here you pathetic excuse of a bender!" I screamed, and threw my energized attack forward. "I know you're in there, Franz." The attack and light faded, and the being standing seven feet high, frowned at me. "Even if I have to beat him out of you!" I woke up with a start, and felt my bed soaked from my sweat. I remembered there being other reality benders like me, but how many did I kill? They were just like me, just... inferior. I got up and out of bed. These memories were becoming a pain to deal with. If they were going to continue to torment me as I slept, they I might as well not sleep. I went into my personal bathroom. It's been a couple days since I helped AJ at her farm. And I didn't want to tell Luna about my dreams, if they could even be called that. I think that they strike at random, and it's easier for dreams. I splashed cold water in my face and shivered from it's cool, refreshing sensation. I stared at the mirror for a second, before turning away out of disgust. How I had managed to get this far in life was a mystery to me still. And not to mention that other reality bender. I didn't get a good look at him, but it looked like he was wearing some sort of ancient roman robes. I shivered as to how he was able to cancel out my attack with relative ease. I heard my door open and turned towards the door, a hint of fright in my eyes. I created a bo staff and slowly made my way towards the door. Raising the staff, I rounded the corner and saw Luna, with a worried expression on her face. She hadn't noticed me yet, so I relaxed and erased the staff. "Hey Luna." I said, coming up behind her slowly. She turned and smiled warmly at me. "Dear Franz." She said, coming towards me. She wrapped me in a hug and I gave one back. I was pretty comfortable around her now. And I wasn't as nervous since she reintroduced herself, and then she also had grown on me. In a good way, that is. "We felt thou had awoken from your dreams. And we rushed over as fast as we could." She said, breaking the two sided affectionate embrace. "How do you even know when I wake up?" I asked. I really wanted to know, because every time I wake up to go to the bathroom, she busts down the door with the same amount of force like an entire swat team. "We are in charge of the dream realm. And being so, we must act quickly to relieve ponies of nightmares. It is our duty as Princess of the Night." She explained. "Don't you have others to care to? Other than me?" I asked. She simply smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek. "We wish to care for you simply because thou are our mate. We are to protect each other from any and all dangers that might manifest." She said, getting a easygoing tone. "Oh, right." I said. "Would you like to spend the night with me again? Or are you busy?" I asked. It sounded weird, I know, but so far she hasn't done anything to me that I wouldn't consider a violation. "We would enjoy that." She said. We hoped into bed and she cuddled next to me. I decided to take a risk and give her a quick nuzzle. She hummed from content as we drifted off to sleep. Or so we thought. *click* A bright flash made our eyes widen and and we both jumped out of bed, brandishing our weapons and armor. I flicked on the light and we both saw Celestia, with a camera, smiling eagerly at us. "Sister! What art thou doing in Franz's Quarters!" She yelled, not lowering her weapon. How the hell did I not notice her?! "Well, I heard about how Franz threw a table at his maids a few days back, and from what my sources tell me, they also heard Luna here as well. So I connected the dots and realized that you two have been sleeping together!" She said, getting more and more excited the loner she went on. "So, how many foals should i expect?" "SISTER!" "God damn it." I mumbled. I arrived at the dining hall with a sense of fatigue. While I did enjoy Luna being with me while I slept, and surprisingly soft as well, Celestia had muddled it with her 'Photo bomb, and her stunt was embarrassing for the both me and Luna. And if it was bad for me, I could only guess for how Luna was feeling. I opened the doors to the dinning hall and saw both of them sitting next to each other, as usual. I saw that they had breakfast laid out for them and were eating slowly. Well, Luna was eating, almost seeming grumpy. Celestia gained a smile when she saw me walk in. "Good morning Franz. How was your night? Pleasant, I assume?" She said, wiggling her eyebrows. I gave her an annoyed look, which she passed off dismissively. "Sister, please do not mention about last night. It was embarrassing enough for you to catch us like that." Said Luna. I let out a fake cough, and motioned towards the servants and guards, who were looking at us with looks of surprise. Oh no. "What ever do you mean? I am only asking if Franz had an enjoyable night." Continued Celestia. Luna got mad, and jumped out of her chair and into Celestia's face. "It would be wise to learn how to keep your mouth closed." Luna threatened through gritted teeth. Celestia only smiled and giggled, raising a hoof to her mouth. "I have no Idea what your talking about." She said, her grin not leaving her face. I groaned, and decided to just make my own food. "Franz, where are you going? Are you not going to eat with us?" Asked Celestia, giving me a devious smirk. "No u." I said, making another reverse card and floating it over to her. Luna just got up and began following me, confusing both Celestia and her servants. "Sister, are you not coming? He used a reverse card, now we must dine with him at his location of choice." She explained. "What?" "Just follow me." I said, not wanting to confuse her any further. Ten Minutes Later We arrived at my room, which I didn't personalize yet. I had made some spaghetti, which had turned out alright, and was eating that with Luna and Celestia, who were silent, but happy. "What is it thou wished to speak about?" Asked Luna. Swallowing a clump of my spaghetti, I answered her. "I don't know. Whatever comes to mind, I suppose." Celestia had managed to calm down during our walk to my room. "Well, I would like to discuss your role in Equestria. Since you are a Prince, you should have some form of royal duty to attend to. One you can use without harming the delicate relations between the nations." Celestia offered. "Sure, why not." I said, watching my spaghetti return. "Thou doesn't seem very interested." Luna said, looking at me with a small smile. I huffed. "I just don't see why I have to be a part of something that I don't even know about. Could you at least give me a hint as to what I would do?" I asked. Both of them looked at each other and smiled. "You could work alongside our head scientist and create more technological advancements with your knowledge. You could solve the many wonders of the universe with your abilities, and even protect Equestria with powerful defensive spells or fight to protect this realm. You can do anything you wish, but you have to willingly put in the effort to do so." Celestia continued. I groaned. "And what makes you think I'll do that? Hmm? What makes you think this isn't all some sort of elaborate plan of some god who's only purpose is to mess around with everyone? Make everything his pawn? All for his bidding." I countered. She looked surprised, and frowned. "Because you have the action of free will. You once told me you fought against demons and monsters alike, who's sole purpose was to wreak havoc across your world. What about the god who you fought to protect us when you barely knew anypony? Or how about King Sombra, when he was forced into banishment from being infected by some outside force? Or what about Tirek? You have faced all of these entities and managed to come out on top, and I'm sure that you will be able to face them again." Celestia declared proudly. I just sat there with a shocked look in my face. I did all of that? "Let us not forget how you managed to capture the attention of mare like myself. You also had the attention of my sister, Tia, and you had turned her down for us to flower and prosper. Although, I still think she wishes to court thou, correct?" Said Luna. I stopped for a second and thought about it. What? "Luna! I thought you promised you wouldn't tell him!" Cried Celestia. She what?! "We are simply getting revenge on the teasing you pulled on both me and Franz! It was supposed to be an intimate moment between us, and thou ruined it!" "But the two of you were just so adorable, and I couldn't help myself! But you didn't need to tell him that!" She yelled. Wait, something clicked into place and I stared at Celestia. (Figured it would go here) "Was it you?" I asked her. She looked at me with a surprised face, which turned into one of confusion. "What?" I let out a sigh. "When I had encounters with Luna's corrupted form, she mentioned that I had betrayed her. I was wondering who it could have been, but I didn't know who until now. So tell me, was it you?" I said, my voice gaining a hidden edge. Celestia only looked ashamed, and lowered her head a bit. "Well, yes, but it was so long ago! Sure, you could have given me a chance, but you didn't want to. So, one thing lead to another and I... may have forced myself onto you." She said, lowering her head more as she went on. "But you must realize that it was long ago, and I was a different pony back then! I've changed and so have you!" She said, getting closer to me as I just sat there. I wasn't sure what to feel, and I was thinking on how I should interact with her now. It was her fault I had to face against Nightmare Moon. It was her fault I wasn't able to remember anything about myself. It was her fault why I was separated from Luna for nearly 1000 years. "Dear Franz? You are still going to give my sister a chance, correct?" Asked Luna. I frowned. "I guess... I'll give it a chance." I said, hopping off of my bed and going to the bathroom. They didn't say anything as I closed the door and looked at the mirror. I was beginning to see a different person every time I saw myself. I let out a sigh. What was I going to do with this? I couldn't just forgive her. She had tried to force herself onto me and Luna probably saw her do something questionable, turning her into Nightmare Moon and leaving me to deal with her later. I was momentarily disgusted with Celestia, and nearly gave in to my want to purge my stomach of it's contents. I managed to keep it down, and walked back outside, where they were both still there. They were watching me intently, waiting for me to do something. I had my eyes on Celestia, who just shrank slightly under my stare. "When I remember what you did to me, I'll be the one to see if you can be trusted, and how bad it was. You... should just go. For now." I said, struggling with myself to keep my emotions under control. In reality, I wanted to scream at her, but it wouldn't be right, nor achieve much anyways. She wasn't the one who had hurt me the most. "Would you like for me to leave as well, Dear Franz?" "Yes, please." I said, looking at the ground. I heard a moment of hesitation before the door closed and they both left. I looked at the food they left behind, and smiled weakly. I felt something roll down the side of my face, and wiped it off, knowing damn well what it was. I let out a quick breath and went back to eating alone, in my room, with no other company besides the capsules by me. I didn't have to worry about gaining weight, since I have a enhanced metabolism. It was already fast, and this just made it better. I shuddered at what kind of forcing she had done to me, and not knowing what it could be was only making it worse. I wasn't feeling like myself. I continued to work on my armor, oblivious to the world around me. Adding features that would improve my current set and enhance my overall performance. I also made sure to update my Stealth armor and Sparring armor, not caring about anything for the moment. I just wanted to be left alone. "Alone." I was in my room still, not feeling like going out and doing anything, someone knocked on my door, I assumed it was either my friends, or Luna. It's been a good few hours since I last saw them. I heard a pop and a small sizzle, probably indicating that someone used a teleportation spell to get into my room. I lazily looked up from my laptop and saw Luna, with some platter of what looked like fruits. "Dear Franz? We... I figured thou was hungry, and brought you something to eat." She said, smiling warmly. I smiled back and nodded. "Thanks." I said, patting the spot nest to me. She walked over and sat down with me. She was my marefriend, and I needed to remind myself of that. "What art thee working on?" She asked, looking over the abundance of weapons I had from my first Storage Unit. I assumed she didn't know about much of all of this. "Just some artifacts I've made over the years." I said, looking over them as well. I was particularly interested in why I even made these in the first place. I wouldn't know how to properly use them. "Ah, we recognize that one." She said, pointing at the sword Lucina had. What? "You do?" "Correct. T'was a gift from you when we first initiated our relationship. I believe it is still at the old castle, near a weapons cache." She replied. Oh? "And what kind of weapons are there?" I asked. I hoped it would only be swords, and not traps. "Well, there there are several sword variants you have created. And there is also several other armor pieces that thou has also made. I assume that since they were not able to relocate everything you have created, most armor suits and weapons stayed behind in the olden castle." "Oh, like the one we almost destroyed?" I asked. She looked a bit ashamed, but nodded. "Yes, just like the one we almost destroyed." She said. I thought about this for a moment. If I could get the armor's data back online, then I could probably find out where the last Storage Unit was! I could also rummage around and find something that might be of good use too. I think I'll make a day out of that, maybe a few if it takes a while. "Dear Franz, art thou thinking what I am thinking?" She asked, looking over at me. I smiled at her. "I hope so. Think Celestia won't mind?" I asked, a smirk growing over my face. "I'm certain she wouldn't." "Then we have a plan. Retrieve the old weapons and armor, locate and secure anything worth of interest, and don't tell Celestia about it." I said triumphantly. Luna giggled at my humor, even though I wasn't trying to be. "Thou art very humorous, Franz." She said, brushing against me. "Thanks?" I said, sitting there and closing up my laptop. I planned to make the most of today. Speaking of which... "Hey, what time is it?" I asked. She took off my visor off my chest and put it on her face. I immediately panicked and remembered the pheromones. Oh no! "Tis almost twelve." She said, starting to breathing heavily. I tried to pull off my visor from her, and she pulled away. "Luna, I would like my visor back please." "Nay, it has your scent on it." I groaned, and pushed her over. I quickly climbed on top of her, which made her squeal in surprise, and pulled the helmet off of her using my capsules. "No u." I said impassively, getting off of her and off the bed. I yelped as I was levitated back to the bed and smothered by Luna, who had wrapped me in a surprise hug. "Nay thee times infinity." She said, pulling out the card I gave her a while back. I smiled at her. She was getting good. But I was better. I pulled out a feather from my wings, and began assaulting her nose with it, resulting in a cute little sneeze from her. "Aww, you look cute when you do that." I said, rolling out the slight sting from my left wing. I had taken out one of the primary feathers, and it kind stung. Almost like a bee sting would. She looked at the feather with a smile. "What?" I asked. "There was no need for thou to offer to be with me. But I suppose I'll accept it again, as reassurance." She said, taking the feather and putting it in her tiara. "What does that mean?" I asked. I sorta wanted to have my feather back, but I think they grow back eventually. "It means you're willing to spend the rest of your life with me. Thou already did so a thousand years ago, but this only served as reassurance." She said, bumping her nose with mine. It felt right, to say so the least, and I didn't pull back this time. "Well, I already did so in the past, so there must've been a good reason to." I said. "There was a good reason. We chose each other, and that's all that matters." She said, rubbing her cheek against mine. I was beginning to feel a whole lot better already. "We are the reason." I said, without thinking. I think she almost began crying, because I heard her sniffle a bit. I planted a small peck on her forehead, a bit away from he horn. "Thank you, Dear Franz, for another chance." I heard her say, her voice cracking slightly. "Anytime, Lulu." I said, now embracing her fully. She let out a happy sigh, and I did the same. I was liking how things were turning out with us. I could trust her even more now, but I had to deal with Celestia later on. One point or another, I'll have to do it. But not now. I was with Luna, and that's all that mattered to her. And me. I realized that I had forgotten to eat the fruit Luna had brought us, and saw that she had fallen asleep on my bed. I thought it was due from the emotional stress I've been putting on her, and I'm glad to finally relieve her of it. Or some, at the least. I watched her sleep for a bit, admiring her before returning to my laptop, which was at the foot of the bed. I saw that there was a sticky note on the table on the side of it, and an envelope poking out from underneath it. Said envelope had something bulging inside, which I was curious about. Looking back at Luna, I levitated the envelope over to me and my visor began blinking. Pulling it up, I saw that it had a message. I was surprised that it was even here. Who put them here? Celestia? I activated my armor and took it in, letting the unused password-breaker do it's work. It was one of the things I added a while back, when I first had contact with Luna. My armor slid off, and took the Unit out and began probing at them silently, like it normally would. It finished around ten minutes later, and I copied it to all other sets of armor. Except Twilight's, of course. I really needed to give her the damn thing. I slowly got out of bed and read the note. It was written in elegant writing, and looked like cursive. After some difficulty, I managed to read out what it said. "Dear Franz. I know you must not want to be near me at the moment, but I have managed to retrieve two of what the Research and Development teams called powerful memory devices. While they weren't able to access it's contents, they were more than happy to allow you to have two of them while they continue with their research on the other one. I wish to speak with you as soon as possible. I require to introduce you to somepony who can help you with any possible problems regarding both you and my sister Luna that may appear. If you decline, however, it is acceptable. I cannot force you to do something you wouldn't wish for. And I will completely understand if you reject this offer. I plead you to consider this. You may want to know what I truly feel about you as well. Meet us in the throne room tomorrow after the first shift of Day Court has passed. Sighed, Your Friend, Celestia. I reread it several times already. She had someone for that? I looked over back to Luna, who was still asleep by my side. My eyes traced her figure, and eventually caught sight of her thighs. I didn't know why I called them extra thicc. They were just around the nice size for me. Her Cutie Mark was also cooler than mine. A crescent moon with black splotches covering the background of the moon. I wondered if it was also a part of the skin, and created a razor and headed towards the bathroom. After about five minutes of me shaving my flank to see whether or not it was actually embedded into the skin, I found out that the fur along the Mark would just grow back rapidly, almost annoyingly. Taking this time I also took off the small amount of a beard I was starting to form. I could always just imagine it to go away, but I didn't know what would happen if I did so. After some time I decided to clean out my armor of any dirt or sweat that would result from my excessive use. Sure it was cool, but it would always clog up the coolant relays and get pretty stuffy in there. I imagined all of my armor having Spartan cooling relays. I also imagined some armor for Luna, if we were to go into the Everfree and retrieve some of my old stuff, then she would need a suit. Looking over her new set, I made it become Nano-Armor, since it would be a hassle to wear a somewhat skin-tight suit. I made it look like Black Panthers suit of armor, and it was very similar in many ways, but gave it it's own features I'm sure Luna will like. It was the size of a small collar, barely noticeable unless you really focused on it. While I was doing this, I checked the time. It was almost 6:30, and dinner would end soon. I began rubbing Luna's shoulder, trying to wake her up. She didn't seem to want to, so she pulled me in with her. "Franz... Sleep with me....." She muttered. "Isn't it a bit too early for that?" I asked, smiling at her half-sleepiness. She only buried her head into my neck, nearly poking my head with her horn. "Nay.... tis never.... too early...zzzz." She said, falling back asleep. I rolled my eyes and thought about what I could do to wake her up. "Celestia is coming." I said, smirking a bit. In a panic, she sprung out of bed, knocking me over in the process and onto the ground, and also fell to the ground in a tangled mess within the blanket. I could hear her struggling to get out, and I rolled over and got up to help her. And accidentally saw her unprotected rear, with her tail lifted up and out of the way. I instantly turned around, blood rushing to my face as I tried to erase that particular image from my mind. This was neither the time or place, Franz, not the time or place. I could feel myself get excited, and promptly slapped my own dick to get it to stop growing. It worked, and I watched it retreat back into me. I winced as the pain from my own dick-slap caused me intense grief. But it was better than getting excited in the wrong moment. "Dear Franz? Art thou alright?" She asked, managing to upright herself to face me. I took a risk, and looked back. She was still somewhat exposed, and I turned back around, which made her more confused. "Dear Franz, why are thou acting stra-" She must've realized the situation she was in, and let out a loud eep noise. "Franz! Don't look!" She practically screamed. "I wasn't gonna!" I said, ignoring the fact that her Virginia was burned into my memory already. After a moment of her struggling, I heard a moment of silence. "Can I look now?" I asked nervously. "Y-yes." I heard her say. I turned around slowly, in case she was lying. Thankfully, she wasn't, and she was looking quite embarrassed. We stood there, awkwardly staring at each other. "Uh, sorry. For looking at your... your, er, bits." I managed. She didn't seem like she was used to being that close to sex. Even though I didn't even try anything and wanted nothing more than to just disappear. "T-tis quite alright. Thou didn't try anything like other stallions would to a mare in that situation." She said. Others? I think she was referring to other situations regarding different individuals. Was it common? Is this common?! "Well, I have to retain at least some form of my humanity." I said, looking out the window and not seeing anything. "Yes. That." She managed. I pulled up my visor and checked the time. it was already past dinner time. 7:10, it read. "Well, I think I'll just head on over to the kitchen. You want anything?" I asked, passing her and headed "Nay, I'm.. alright." She answered, taking a moment to think of her words. I nodded and left the room. It was almost completely dark and the guards were different, probably from the shift from the day to the night. 'I hope I don't run into anyone.' I thought. But we all know how that works out. > Chapter 24: Moment's Lapse [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I casually strolled through the dimly lit halls, not exactly paying attention to the staff who were doing patrols, or late night maintenance. Heading straight to the kitchen, I hoped I could at least find some sort of leftovers. If they had any leftovers that is. I didn't see Blueblood, or anyone else for that matter. I hoped that I wouldn't have to talk to anyone, I just wanna grab something to eat for and Luna and go back to her. Maybe I could cuddle her tonight, if she didn't mind being the little spoon. I made it to the kitchen and began rummaging through the large fridge, not being quiet since it was, in a way, also my fridge. It was almost night time, and I had to get something for both me and Luna. I found that there was mostly vegetables here, and I didn't take anything. I could see a couple other fridges and went into the one next to mine. Opening it I found a large cake. The whole fridge had no room except for that one mountain of it, besides some large pieces already taken out of it. I pulled out a knife and began cutting off a piece for me and Luna. Making her piece slightly bigger than mine. Closing the fridge I took both slices and made my a back to my room. I thought I felt another person in there with me, but I passed it off as another patrol. I was about halfway back when I felt a breeze, which was weird, since I was inside of a hallway with no windows. Feeling slightly worried, I walked a bit faster, making sure to balance the plates with our food on it. "Oh Fraaanzzzzz...." My ear twitched. I thought I heard someone calling my name. Looking around I pulled up my visor and checked the hallway. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, and checked my motion tracker. There wasn't anything there except my blip. Continuing I almost made it to the room when I was suddenly pulled aside. My scream was silenced when a white hoof covered my mouth, and pushed me into the wall. I was surprised as to who it was, but at the same time, somehow wasn't. "What are you doing with my cake?" Asked Celestia, looking at me with a frown. I pushed her off of me and levitated the pieces back over to me. "I thought it was for everyone, since there were already pieces taken out of it." I countered. She only looked at me with a smile. "Not exactly." She said, earning a look of confusion from me. "I was saving it for myself when I could get to it. And I'm not very fond of sharing." She said. I smirked. "Is this why you're dummy thicc?" I asked. She reddened slightly. "At least they didn't let out a thunderclap while I sneaked up on you." She said, looking back at her thighs. I didn't follow her gaze. "Well... I...I need to get back to Luna. She's literately down the hall." I said, motioning with my head. "Why go so soon? I thought we were having fun." She whispered into my ear, earning a shiver from me. I made a can of spray with the label "Bitch-B-Gone" and sprayed her with it. It was only water, but she must've thought it was something else, and punched me in the face. *Whap!* I didn't feel it, since my body hardened on it's own. I guess I learned a thing or two, given how I reacted faster than myself. She, however, thought she had hurt me. "Oh! Franz! Are you alright?! I didn't hurt you, did I?!" She asked, now checking my body and getting a bit close to my face. I shied away and shielded myself. "I'm fine! Don't touch me!" I yelped as her hoof came awful close to my rear. "I thought I hurt you." She said, looking like she was going to cry. "You just bother me with your antics sometimes." I said bluntly. She seemed a bit offended, and smirked at me. "At least I have antics to keep me entertained." She said, looking at me with an amused look. I just rolled my eyes at her. "So I'm just gonna take this cake to Luna and go now. Okay?" I said, moving away from her and back to my door. "No." "No?" I asked. "No." She smiled. "No u." I said, pulling out a reverse card. She took it and burned the card, much to my displeasure. "Hey! That's not how it works! You're supposed to hold onto it and use it." I said. Celestia came very close to my face, and smiled. "I don't like playing by your rules." She whispered. "You can have the cake this time, but next time, you have to let me have something of my choosing." She said, smirking at me. "No u." I said, making another card. Celestia pulled up the one she had burned, somehow, and I let out a sigh of annoyance. "How did you do that?" I asked. She laughed lightly and walked away. "It's simple, but knowing won't be much fun now would it." She said, disappearing into a different hallway. I huffed and carried our pieces of cake back to us. Walking in I found Luna in a laying position, seemingly waiting for me. "Hey Luna." I said, making over to the bed. She turned to me and smiled weakly. "H-hello." She said, sounding nervous. "I brought you cake. I had to fight Celestia for it though. She can be just as annoying as you can be. Sometimes, that is." I said, hoping I saved myself. "Thou brought us, cake?" She asked, after giving me a small stare. I nodded and jumped up on the bed with her. She quickly straightened herself and sat up next to me. "You didn't get the cake that Tia has been saving for the last few days, right?" I nodded again, and began eating with a fork. "Are you sure you were allowed? She does not normally allow anypony to have her cake. I found that out the hard way." She said. Wait, what? "What do you mean, the hard way?" I asked. Celestia wasn't known for violence, so I couldn't imagine her doing so to Luna. "Well, she cast a spell on me that would make me ready to bear a foal....." She trailed off. Hold up. "And that means?" I asked, not entirely sure what she meant by that. "It was during your mission to seek out Pen's mare and return her. And by bear a foal, I meant, sexually active." She said, looking down at the ground. Oh. OH! "So, she got you pregarient?" I asked, mispronouncing it intentionally and getting confused. How would that work? "If you mean pregnant, then no. I had to... um.. stimulate, myself." She said, looking outright ashamed, and turned away from me. "Oh, you mean slapping the salami?" I said, not thinking. People do it all the time, so it's not a really big deal to me. "This is not something to take lightly! How could you even say something like that!" She said, looking at me with a glare. I laughed, confusing her. "It's alright, almost everyone I know back on earth does it. The males more so than the females. It's totally normal and I won't shame you for it. In fact, I did it myself a few days before I left to take care of that Pen situation." I said, nodding towards Ponyville's general direction. She turned red, and I tilted my head. "What? Is it that frowned on?" I asked. She nodded lightly, and hung her head. "Back in the olden days, it was often considered taboo to try and do so without help. And with me and Celestia being Royalty, it was even more so. Not to mention that with you being there to help, there were many opportunities for you to aid me. You never did, much to my displeasure." She said, getting slightly more red. I thought it was pretty cute how she looked. "And how long were we together?" I asked. She took a moment to think. "We were together for the better part of three years. Before my banishment and your disappearance." She said. It took me by surprise and raised my eyes in shock. Three years? Damn, no wonder she was being so adamant on the whole sex idea. I practically forced her into chasity. "Oh. Jeez, I'm.. I'm sorry Luna. I didn't realize you were suffering in that way." I said, shrinking down a bit. I looked at our cake. I managed to eat around half, while Luna is yet to touch hers. She leaned into my side, and rubbed her cheek into my neck. It took me by surprise, and I just sat there. "Don't. Let us be glad we are together once again." She said, giving me a peck on my cheek. I frowned. Does she not like cake? Then why didn't she stop me from getting it? "Aren't you going to eat you cake?" I asked. If not, then dibs. "Not as much as I'll enjoy eating thee." She said. "... Is that a fucking threat!?" I yelled. She let out a sigh of annoyance. "We were flirting with thou." She muttered. "Oh, I see." I said, materializing bandages around my eyes. She took notice and slapped my side with a wing playfully. "Thou art humorous." She said, leaning back into my side. "No I'm not, I'm Franz." I said. BOOM I managed to dodge another attack from this little shit. His eyes were glowing bright and he wore an white robes with sandals and a golden vine on his head. I shot a blast from the suit's arc reactors and he held out his hand, blocking it with ease. I willed it to turn into a corruption blast and turned the intensity up. He sidestepped and waved his hand at me. "Why do you continue to fight? You have no reason to, so why?" He asked, a hint of aged wisdom in his voice. "Shut up! Just shut UP! You don't know what I've been through!" I yelled, my power flaring and expelling uncontrollably. He looked at me with sad eyes. "You shouldn't do that. you might injure yourself in the process." He said, impassively. "Fuck OFF!" I screamed, my power reaching super Saiyan levels. I wanted nothing more than to kill this 'God'. He was just a fragment, after all. "You should not say such things, I am you superio-" I cut him off as I suddenly appeared in front of him. He didn't move, and only looked at me with a frown. "Don't force my hand, young one." He whispered. I threw a punch and it connected with his face, altering it and launching him back at great speeds. He crashed into the mountains far off, splitting it in half. I sped after him and a bright white light came at me. I slapped it away and watched as it destroyed the site I was at, effectively reducing it to nothing more than a crater as a large meteorite crashed into it. I was pushed back from the force and my anger flared even more. My body was overflowing with power right now. It was a burning blue color, flames that consumed my body, and intensifies my power. And I used it all into one attack. Pointing my finger at him I released it and watched as the blast carried out in a spectacular explosion like no other. I was sure the planet would be scarred for the rest of time. I was charged by him again, and he punched me in the gut. A powerful shock wave erupted and cracked the ground, even though we were several hundred feet in the air. I stared at him, his clothing partially destroyed, multiple cuts along his body, and a horrible burn in his chest. He was bleeding from the nose, with a busted lip and warped forehead. He looked surprised, and I smirked. I slapped him back into the ground, shattering the ground even further. I floated down to him and saw he was struggling to get back up. "I thought you were god. Or are you some imposter mocking him?" I said, smiling at him darkly. He turned and looked at me with horror, and launched another attack with multiple white lights. "I AM GOD." He yelled, summoning several lightning bolts and making some distance. "Not anymore." I growled, summoning my energy staff again. It was fun killing gods. Who knew they were this... pathetic. I awoke suddenly, as I fell out of bed. I yelped out of surprise and got back up. I saw that Luna had accidentally pushed me off, with her being so close to me and gently nudging me towards the edge. I let out a huff and went around the other side. It was still dark out, so I decided to slide up next to Luna, who in mind, was asleep with her horn glowing softly. I made sure to have my back against her to avoid any unintentional spooning. Clearing my mind of what I was dreaming of earlier, I closed my eyes, and slowly felt myself be drifted away into a more, peaceful rest. I was in a void this time. I realized that this wasn't another memory, and I just stayed put. I didn't know about what was going on, and I didn't want to try anything. I felt something behind me, and turned carefully. "Luna?" I asked, my voice echoing throughout the empty space. "Dear Franz? What are thee doing? I thought I gave you a dream already." She said, her voice also echoing. "Well, I don't exactly know what I'm doing. Am I asleep?" I asked. I looked around and didn't see a floor, which startled me. "Well, yes, but you're not supposed to be able to dream walk like I can. It's impossible!" She said, looking over me. "This is dream walking? I thought I was dead again." I said, looking around. This place did seem familiar. "What does thou mean, again?" She asked. I thought for a second. "Well, you know your corrupted form? After she beat me around, I think I slipped into a coma thing. Basically, I died, but was brought back somehow." I explained. She looked shocked and quickly gave me a hug. I was confused as to why she would in the first place, but remembered how she cared about me. "I apologize for any pain and misery I may have caused you. I did not realize that we have brought you that close to death." She said, tightening the grip. I just gave her a pat on the back. "It's not that bad. I mean, this happened before, right?" I joked. She let go and glared at me. "We said you were brought close to death, not actually die! What caused thou to think that?" She asked. I just shrugged. "I dunno, I literately fought a god and won. There's not much else that will get me closer to death than fighting one of those guys." I said, looking around. This abyss was starting to bother me, and I didn't like it. "Hey, is there something I can do about this darkness? It's starting to intimidate me a bit." I said, looking back at her. She looked surprised, and nodded. In an instant, the abyss was replaced by a dimly lit room full of objects. Most of them were small things, like coins or watches. Maybe an occasional trinket of sorts. "Where are we?" I asked. The scheme was dark blue with black traces. I wasn't sure where we were, and I had a feeling it was where Luna was familiar with. "We are in our quarters. We believed that thou would like to see it, since we visit thou so often." She said. Ooh, nice. "So this is your room? I like it. Though, it could use a bit more brown in my opinion." I said. She smiled and brushed up against me, flicking me with her tail as she walked by. I turned away from her small attack, and raised an eyebrow. "Thou art only saying that because your eyes are that color." She said. I rolled my eyes and snorted, making my way over to the bed. "So how long do we have until we have to wake up?" I asked. I saw her horn glow for a bit. "Ten minutes time." She answered. "Cool. So what are we going to do?" I questioned. She pondered for a moment, and gained a sadistic smirk. "We could always relieve our stress together." She said, wiggling her eyes. Oh! "Alright. Where's the gym? I felt like working out with some music actually." I said, acting innocent and pulling it off magnificently. "Nay, since we are in a dream, thou should receive what you should've long ago. I was just so embarrassed from your unintentional peeking, that I didn't think that I was ready to mate with you." She said. "What? Sorry, I was busy trying to find the right gun to shoot myself with. Think a plasma pistol is enough?" I asked, pulling up the weapon to fit in my hooves. "What? No, don't do that! If you kill yourself in your dreams, then you will possibly die!" She shouted. I looked her dead in the eyes without blinking. "Ratio." I said, pulling the trigger and testing it out. A loud crack rang out and I flinched from it hitting the ceiling and starting a fire. I was immediately tackled to the ground and pinned by Luna, who had a look of anger in her eyes. "Don't even think about testing your abilities in the dream realm! You have no experience on what it does to the body!" She screamed into my ear. "Okay, Okay! Fuck! I was kidding, holy shit!" I shouted back. I heard her sigh and get off of me, pulling me up as well with her magic. "Do not scare us that way ever again, doth thee understand?" She said, glaring at me with sad eyes. "Sure, just stop poking fun at me, I have the durability of a potato chip." I said, not noticing the bag of chips I made while I was thinking. I was distracted by the bag, that I didn't notice the burning ceiling beginning to spread. And when I did, Luna was on the bed in a sitting position. "Come join us, Dear Franz." She said, in a tone I didn't normally hear from her. "What about the burning ceiling?" I asked, looking up at the growing fire. She turned her head and got a startled look. "Franz, move!" She said, raising her hoof at me. "No, I don't think I wi-" I was cut off as the ceiling collapsed on me, waking me up in the process. I woke up and found that Luna was hugging me from behind, basically spooning me. I tried to get out from under her, and woke her up in the process. She was still slightly tired, and then snapped awake to check the foot of the bed. "Franz!" She cried, almost desperately. "Yo." I said, popping up from the side of the bed and scaring her. Her hoof was launched towards my face and I raised mine to block it. She hit my hoof with a loud thwack, and I pushed her hoof back down. I noticed that the sun was just beginning to rise, and Luna also saw it as well. "So, about last night." I said, turning back to her. I was pulled into the bed and snuggled by Luna, who began holding me tightly so that I couldn't escape. "Do not do that again. I don't enjoy seeing thou get hurt." She said, burying her head under my wings, which began twitching. Raising the wing she was hiding under, I saw that she had a few tears in her eyes. I felt bad about it and tried to poke some fun. "It would be funny if one of my friends walked in on us together in bed." I said, trying to get into a better position. "Then it is a good thing that they won't be here until seven." She said. I levitated my visor to me and put it on. It was 6:10, so we had a while before we had to worry about anything. She then began worming her way down under and I did the same, not letting her get to my sensitive parts. She was pretty annoyed, and then grabbed me and planted another kiss on my cheek. Thinking quickly I tapped my forehead with hers and she smiled. And then she grabbed me and tried to make out with me. I dodged all her attempts and nearly broke my neck from how far I was leaning away from her. "Can thou just let us be affectionate with each other?" She said, after a few minutes of her trying. I smirked. "Your gonna have to work for it." I smirked, bumping my nose against hers. She blushed cutely and I flipped her over on her back, throwing the covers off in the process. She blushed brightly and I laughed. We both heard a gasp and saw Celestia looking at us with her mouth open, a tint of red in her cheeks. Aw shit. "Tia! Tis not what it seems!" Called Luna from under me. I noticed that even though I was slightly smaller than her, I could still manage to overpower her. Hopping off of her I noticed that Celestia had a small smile on her face. Aw hell. "I thought I should visit you before the first shift of Day Court began. I didn't expect that the two of you would already be trying for a foal already!" She said, entering the room with both Marble and Summer. SHIT! "Uh, hello girls...What are you doing... here?" I asked them, looking over their blushing faces. Summer looked excited, while Marble just smiled happily. "SISTER! LEAVE THIS INSTANT!" Yelled Luna, her voice being louder than usual. It hurt my ears, and I winced from the amount of volume she expelled, growling as my head pounded lightly. They also had similar looks, except for Celestia, who had a smirk. "Alright, but at least marry each other before you guys do something like that again." She said, walking out the door. Oh right, someone was coming to probably help me with Luna. "Should we leave as well?" asked Marble. I looked over to Luna, and saw her scowl. "I think it would be better if you did." I said, nodding my head towards the door. They bowed and left, closing the door behind them. I let out a sigh of annoyance. Great, more rumors. I turned back to Luna, who's cheeks were glowing out of embarrassment. We just can't catch a break, can we. "So, uh... Should we continue where we left off?" I asked, hoping she would say no. I didn't really want a child yet, mostly because I wasn't ready. But Luna kept throwing curve balls at me with all of her stunts. Hell, we basically almost would've done it had it not been for Celestia! "Nay. Sister already ruined the moment with her ridiculousness. Perhaps tomorrow?" She said. I smiled nervously. Maybe we should try going on a date first before we do anything that's permanent. "How about a date first? I'll do some research on restaurants we can go to. Sound fun?" I asked. Since when did I start getting charismatic? She smiled and nodded her head. "Tis a fun thing to do. Perhaps we can set the mood before we do anything." She said, hopping off the bed and walking over to me. She gave me a hug, and I returned it, only for her to kiss me on the lips. It took me by surprise, but I eventually started to kiss back. I felt her heartbeat get faster through our rubbing chests, as did mine. She then began trying to get more in there, and use her tongue to get into my mouth, but I didn't let her. She broke off and looked me in the eyes, looking happy on what she accomplished. What it was, I didn't know. "Let us guess, we have to work for this as well?" She asked, her eyes getting slightly desperate. I frowned. "No, I'm just not used to anyone getting into my mouth. It feels weird and I'm not... ready, for that yet." I said, taking my time to think of a response. She frowned, before she bumped her head against mine. I did the same, so that she wouldn't stab my eye with her horn. "It seems as though we have much to work on." She said. I chuckled. "It's like a video game. You just don't have the necessary experience to do this action." I replied. She opened her eyes and looked at me, before planting one last kiss and breaking the hug. "Hey, you managed to get this far! That means something, right?" I asked. She thought for a second, before she smiled again. "Yes. When we met again, I tried to kiss thee, and thou didn't want any of that. And a week later, we are able to stay in the same bed without you being so awkward." She said, smiling happily. "Yeah. You did manage to somewhat bring me out of my shell again. So thanks." I quickly gave her a peck on the cheek, which she turned slightly pink from. "Love ya." I said, smiling and heading towards the bathroom. She looked surprised and smiled at me warmly. I didn't know Luna had an affectionate side. Then again, I also didn't know that Celestia also had a small crush on me at the moment, and it took me god knows how long to figure that out. Closing the bathroom I quickly ran through my routine and made sure to make my mouth extra minyt for her. I had someone to actually impress now, and I was going to make it worth it for us both. Leaving the bathroom, I called over my capsules and watched them wrap around their respective places. I picked up my visor and stared at its somewhat reflective surface. I had a purpose now, and it was to make her the happiest pony in the planet. Leaving the room after realizing Luna wasn't here anymore, I went into the kitchen and had the staff make me a simple oatmeal. They happily took my order and left quickly, leaving me with my own thoughts. I erased everything I made during my thought processing once I heard the door click open and they came in with my food. Eating quickly I thanked the chefs and made my way to my room. I wouldn't have to meet Celestia and her friend until later. It was still only 9:12, so I had a bit of time to make some adjustments for our date later on. Two Hours Later After I made some plans for us, which weren't quite set at the moment, I made my way over to the throne room where Celestia and Luna would be. I had about three, maybe four options on where we would go, but I wanted to surprise her with a specific place in mind. I saw the doors to the throne room still had at least one pony there. I didn't care much, since it was a noble, who I hear, like to only get richer. After a few minutes of waiting around, they called him and I was the last one. I waited patiently, looking through my memes and laughing at the funny ones. While they were slightly offensive, I found it to be an ironic kind of humor. Especially the Avengers: Endgame memes. Pulling down the mask I saw Celestia looking at me with a smile. I gave one back, and followed her into the throne room. I saw Luna, Shining armor, and the other Alicorn. She had a pink coat and a multicolored mane and tail. The strange part about her were her wings, which looked like they trailed off into a purple color instead of staying pink. She had a small crown, slippers, and chest piece, and I quickly glanced at her Cutie Mark, which was that of blue heart with some golden thing underneath. 'So this is Shining's marefriend.' I thought. They noticed me and they all smiled. "Hey man! You still work here, right?" I asked Shining, tilting my body to the side slightly for more of a friendly effect. "Yes, I still work at the Royal Guard. Nice seeing you again, Prince Franz." He said, walking up to me and bumping my hoof with his. "Hey Luna!" I said, waving at her. She smiled and nodded. I turned to the new Alicorn. She smiled and extended her hoof to me. "Hello, it's both a pleasure and an honor to meet you, Franz. I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadence." She said. My stomach and smile suddenly dropped. What did she say? Her name was... was what!? I didn't realize that I was shaking lightly, and tensed my muscles to not look bad, but couldn't control myself. "Are you alright?" She asked, noticing my shaking. I felt as though I wanted to hurt her, but didn't know why. Memories flashed through my mind. Of her. 'Franz, I'm gonna be late to work! Franz, you can't keep scaring me like that, It's not even Halloween! Franz, please stop tickling me! Stop! Aah!" "Franz, where have you been? Is that a fucking snake!" "You know I love you, right?" "Right?" All I could see was her, and I felt rage, see blood, and all I looked at her. I saw that they were all backing away from me, seemingly scared. I focused on the pink Alicorn, glaring at her even. I then blurred out of existence, and in front of her, tears falling from my eyes as I reeled back my hoof for a punch. "RAAAH!" I screamed. I heard everyone's magic flare to life, and several domes covered Cadence. My hoof struck the shield, and a bright white light filled the room. > Chapter 25: Ghosts From The Past. [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bright white light flashed throughout the room, blinding everyone, including me. A powerful shock wave erupted and I hopped back. Once it died down, I noticed that Shining Armor, Celestia, and Luna were all unconscious, and Cadence was the only one who was still awake. I could hear the guards trying to open the doors, and made sure to put a blockade right at the front, keeping them out. Cadence noticed me and saw the others. She gasped as I glared at her, and stalked her like prey. "Please! Don't hurt them! I'm sorry for whatever happened! Just don't hurt them!" She cried, tears starting to fall from her eyes. She noticed that I was also crying, and lit up her horn in magic. I activated my shields before she could do anything. Getting close to her, I knocked her down and got between her. She looked at me like I was going to assault her, and I put my hoof on her neck, choking her lightly. Flaring out my wings, I raised my other hoof and readied myself to punch her. I felt like I was being controlled, and I couldn't stop myself. I froze suddenly, and blinked a few times. What? I saw she had a terrified look in her eyes, and I got up off of her. She looked at me and I shook my head, a pain flaring throughout my chest and head. Growling in pain, I fell to the ground and clutched my chest. I yelled in pain and electricity danced around my body. More tears were falling, and my shields popped, adding more chaos to the batch. She then got on top of me, and pressed her horn gently onto my forehead, at the base of my horn, and I passed out. Cadence's P.O.V. I watched as Franz slowly fell asleep under my magic. Why did he attack me? I looked over to my Shining and my aunts. They were still unconscious, but looked like they were waking up again. "Auntie Celestia!" I cried, rushing over to her. She must've heard me, and pushed herself up, rubbing her head with a hoof. "What happened?" She asked. Seeing the damage around us, she instantly wrapped Franz in a field of magic, tore off his capsules, and let him float above the ground. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?" I heard her say, a glare in her eye. "W-well, it looked like he wanted to, but stopped himself before hitting me. Why did he try to attack me?" I asked, nearly getting back in control of my fear. I saw her look at him through different angles, and wrap him in several golden chains. She also looked over to the large metallic contraption he made and moved it aside for the guards to move in. "Guards, please take Prince Franz back to his unofficial quarters. Have him under temporary house arrest and do not let him leave until further notice." She ordered. The gave a salute before dragging him off into the hallway. "I do not know why he did so, but I believe it has to do with his past. It's possible your name was a trigger, and that Discord was the one behind this." She said, her eyes narrowing. I gulped, and noticed that auntie Luna was getting back up. "Auntie Luna! Are you okay?" I said, moving over to her. She looked around frantically, and seeing me. "Where is he." She said, looking at me with an intense look. "Why do you wa-" I was cut off. "WHERE IS HE!" She shouted. I flinched and pointed over to the hallway. "Luna, I don't think it would be wise to talk to him at the moment. He nearly killed Cadence! And not to mention almost killed us in the process!" Shouted auntie Celestia. I swallowed nervously. I've never seen her so angry before. "But sister, please, let us see him! I can find what is ailing him, please! Just let me see him!" She begged. She sounded desperate to be with him. "No, I cannot risk it. You saw how much power he has with one single punch! He almost killed Cadence, for suns sake!" "No." "No?" Asked Celestia. Luna looked up at her with a hate filled glare. "No!" She growled, standing up proudly and flaring her wings out. They were both having a standoff, and Celestia began to falter. Luna took notice quickly, and glared her down with an icy glare. "I am going to see my mate, and there is nothing you can do about it, Celestia." She growled lowly. She turned away and began walking towards the hallway. Celestia teleported in front of Luna, who didn't flinch. "I'm sorry, but you cannot see him. He is under the influence of Discord still, and I cannot risk losing my sister after just getting her back. Surely you understand my situation." Luna looked at the ground with a frown. I saw a small tear fall down her cheek, and pushed her aside. "Just because you couldn't have a chance with him, doesn't mean I shouldn't." She said, leaving the room. Celestia just looked a her with a sad look, before letting out a sigh. I walked up to her and gave her a hug, trying my best to comfort her. She gave one back and looked at the doorway where the two of them had gone. "Ugh, what happened?" I heard from behind us. Shining! I quickly broke the hug and ran over to him. I saw he was bleeding from the nose, and I helped him up, acting as a support. "Shining! Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked over to me and smiled. "I am now." He said. I smiled and nuzzled his side. He turned his attention to Celestia, who was still staring at the doors. "Princess Celestia, what happened to Prince Franz? Why did he attack Cadence?" He asked, looking over to her. She didn't respond at first, and turned to face us. "I have much to tell you, Cadence." She said, picking up his capsules. "Captain Shining Armor. Will you please take this to the Research and Development wing." She said. Shining nodded and took the pieces with care, and left. I turned back to Celestia, and she hung her head slightly. "It was a thousand and three years ago, when me and my sister were on a quest to defeat Discord, where I would meet an individual, named Franz." Franz P.O.V I had done it. I had god right where I wanted him. I had him on his knees, and I was going to deal the finishing blow. "I understand, my child, that you are frustrated. You shouldn't take this rage-filled path. It will only taint your heart with darkness. You have much to live for, don't waste your life on petty revenge." He was kneeling and was missing both of his arms. The large burn on his chest was turning a sickly black, infecting the surrounding tissue that would shut him down. "I don't need the advice of a simple bixby. It's clear that I'm stronger than you, and I will get what I want." I said, my staff glowing brightly. I pointed at him with the end, and poked him in the forehead. "You are going to die here, in this world where there is nothing left but ash and dust. I will go somewhere that is right for me." I continued. He looked at me with sad eyes, and suddenly smiled. I pushed my staff into his skull, the electricity dancing throughout his head and int his body. "I thought I felt something in you. You are stronger than me, because you are one of seven. A fundamental element. It is clear which one you are. Take my soul, Imagination, it would be an honor, and you will need it for the hardships ahead your jour-" I cut him off, his head exploding in a flash of white and red. His body fell back and I saw his body fade away, into the wind. I had killed god. This god. I deleted my armor and sat on a rock nearby. The surrounding landscape destroyed and in ruins, fire catching onto everything, and the world deformed from it's natural beauty. I saw more helicopters inbound, and I just sat there, and made a portal to another world. Equestria sounds Ideal. Plus, I get to finally be at peace there. Live out however long I have, maybe have a kid, maybe fight a few more gods just for fun. Discord seems like a bitch, so I can take him down easily enough. I turned to look at the world I scarred, and admired my work with morbid contemt. Why did things have to turn out this way. I was hit with multiple rounds from firearms, and I got angry. Creating a arm device, I trapped whoever shot me in a disk than would last for several days, torturing them the whole time. I grunted in pain as a missile hit me and flung me into the new world, where I landed in a field, bleeding through the many holes in by body. It would be a few hours before anyone found me. And I lay there, rethinking everything I've done. A lone tear fell down the side of my face, as I finally got some rest. I woke up and noticed that I was bound with golden chains. I tried to move, only for them to glow and tighten around my form. I was beginning to panic, and thrashed around in them. This served only to make my situation worse, and I forced myself to calm down. Breathing in and out steadily, I tested the durability of the chains. Every time I tried to get more space, they would tighten, and when I relaxed, it got loose by a small margin. I looked around my surroundings, and saw that I was in my room, sitting on the marble floor. I imagined myself a power saw, and levitated it over and turned it on. I winced as the loud whirring and sparks sprayed into the bed. This wasn't working, it seemed. I then imagined myself an Ant-man suit, and felt it wrap around my body. I looked for the button to shrink, and couldn't find one. I let myself relax a bit more, and felt the chains loosen a bit more. *click* I immediately began falling and hit the ground with a unnoticed thwack, leaving a small crack in the ground. I saw the chains falling down, and had to jump out of the way to not get crushed by them again. Barely making it out from getting crushed by golden metal chains, I looked for a button to grow back to size, only to find the one that made me shrink. I thought of a button to grow, and it materialized on my chest. Hitting it, I grew back to normal size, and took off the suit, deleting it so that I wouldn't have to worry about another device being lost. I heard some ponies at the door, patrolling and making my room secure. From what? I looked around and at the golden chains. I created a ragdoll and tossed them at the chains. In an instant, the chains wrapped around it, effectively ripping it into small pieces. Who the hell would make these things?! I then remembered that I could take a punch from a literal god back on my world. I shuddered from his words. There were apparently six others like me. But where could they be? They sure as hell can't be here, since I came here knowingly. How did I know about Equestria before coming here? Did I plan on coming here, or was that a one off. Since I was a fundamental element, I could literately build my own worlds, so was that also a possibility? Shaking my head, I tried not to think about it. I went over to the door and tried to open it. Only to face plant into Luna, who looked as surprised as I did. She saw how our faces were close, and I backed away. "Franz!" She cried, and threw herself into the room and locking the door. I was knocked down, but recovered quickly. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked. She looked at me, and frowned. "You attacked our niece. We were barely able to protect her, and thou managed break all three of our shields with a single strike. Why did you try and kill her?" She asked. "I did what!?" I yelled, taken completely by surprise. I had trouble remembering what exactly happened, but she looked at me like I was hurt. "You... don't remember?" She asked. I shook my head, not knowing that I did so. She let out a sigh, and walked to the bed. She noticed the chains, and the destroyed doll, and looked over to me. "Was this your doing?" She questioned. I nodded my head, and she looked a bit relieved. "I believe it's time we told thou what happened between you and Discord. I didn't want to tell you this, as it was too much for me to handle. What you'll see is what led up to our battle with him, the actual battle, and the aftermath. Art thee ready?" She asked. I wanted to say no. I wanted to just go to sleep and take a break from all of this drama. I knew I couldn't do that now, and I nodded my head, even though I wasn't. She smiled sadly, and hopped onto the bed. "Please lay here. I need you to be resting while we do the work." She said, patting the bed next to her. I went over and climbed onto the bed. I laid next her on my stomach, and she frowned. "On thou's back, preferably." She said. I complied, and rolled over, pulling some of the sheets over my lower area. She then climbed on top of me, and lit her horn in her light blue magic. "This may pinch slightly, but I am certain that it will be quite painless. Are thee ready?" She asked again, her nose bumping lightly against mine. "Seems weird, and a bit rushed, but yeah." I answered. She slowly tapped her horn against mine, and I was blinded by a bright white light. I then felt as though I was falling, and closed my eyes, awaiting whatever fate I would receive I was back in the void again. This time, Luna was there at the same time as me. I saw her at the same time as me. "So, what now?" I asked. She put her hoof to her chin, and thought for a moment. Her face suddenly lit up and her horn lit up again. In an instant, we were in a grassy path, trees surrounding us, where there were two paths to take. I noticed that I couldn't see myself, and that I was essentially a ghostly spectator. "Dear sister, art thou sure we took the correct path? This could lead us straight to Discord, and we are yet to retrieve The Elements Of Harmony." I heard Luna say, her voice slightly less mature. "Yes, Luna, I am certain that The Elements are in this area. We shall defeat Discord, and all of his spawns. We will see the day he comes to justice!" I heard Celestia say, her voice also sounding much younger and more naïve. I turned and saw that Luna's mane wasn't flowing, and was a light blue color. Celestia had a simple pink mane and tail for her colors, and she was also shorter than what I remembered her being. I'm guessing that this was one of Luna's memories. They took the path on the right, which lead to a familiar field that I thought I originally came from. They both made their way to the open field, and I could see myself, battered and with many bullet holes in my body. They, however, are yet to notice me. I think I was napping at this point. "Tia, What is the plan for defeating Discord again? We art still slightly confused as to why one would need such ancient artifacts for a being like him." Asked Luna. "We need them because he is the God of Chaos. The Elements of Harmony are the perfect counter for beings such as him. That is why we are going to the Tree of Harmony. Once there we-" Celestia stopped walking, as they saw my injured form there. In an instant, they had their weapons out. Celestia's being a golden halberd, and Luna's being twin swords. "Sister, what is that creature?" Asked Luna. It kinda hurt to hear her call me that. "Possibly one of Discords spawns." Said Celestia. They slowly inched their way over to me, not lowering their weapons the least. "It looks... Intriguing. What could it be?" Luna asked. "We are not certain, but be careful. This could be a lulling tactic. We aren't sure what kind of power this spawn could have." Said Celestia. They were about three meters away, when they both noticed the holes in my body and the dried tears on my resting face. "Is it injured?" Asked Luna, who was behind Celestia while taking a peak. "I believe so." They thought about it for a second, and approached me at a more eased pace. "Perhaps it was injured from Tartarus before it was summoned. Monsters beyond out comprehension are held there, waiting to be released upon the world." Said Luna. I was a bit surprised that there was an actual hell here, but I could probably fight my way out if I wanted to. Like a certain guy in green clad armor. "We should put it out of it's misery, and let it rest in peace. Who knows what it is capable of at full power." Said Celestia, raising her halberd several feet over my head. I saw my past self shiver, and open my eyes. Luna and Celestia also noticed, and she quickly brought it down. It stabbed my head, and I went limp. Celestia had no emotion, while Luna's was one of slight regret. I watched as Celestia pulled it back out of my skull and flick the blood off her blade in a dismissive manner. "Let us continue our path to the Tree of Harmony. We shan't be distracted any longer than needed." She said, stepping over my body and walking away. Luna followed, taking one last glance at me, before leaving. If I was killed, how the hell was I standing here in the first place! I suddenly popped into existence, a white form with the shape of my body before the bones, flesh, and skin quickly formed. I looked at them with an annoyed look in my eyes, and took off the device I had on the dead body's arm. They turned to look back, and were shot by the disks. They both yelped in surprise, and they tried to fight the energy fields trapping them. "Sister!" "Luna!" The past me stared at them. Celestia looked like she was trying to use her magic, but the energy restraints kept cancelling out her magic. Luna looked terrified, and noticed the other me's body. "Sister! It can be revived! We need to restrain it!" She said, struggling to move. The past me was walking towards them at a very slow pace, almost trying to scare them. He went up to Luna, and looked at her trembling form. The past me used my hand and brushed the side of her ribs, causing her to tremble and Celestia to fight even harder. Almost a few seconds later, he began shining a bright while light, the same transformation I used, and turned into a Alicorn like them. He looked exactly like I did, and cleared his throat. "I personally don't enjoy being killed, so how about you don't do that again, and I'll release you two." He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. Both of them had a look of surprise, and stopped their struggling. "Thou can, speak?" Asked Celestia. I looked over to her and began walking, only to fall on my face. Oh right, I didn't know how to walk in that form yet. After a few moments of struggling, he managed to get back into a standing position. Both Luna and Celestia watch him as he extends his forearm and deactivates the disks. In an instant, Celestia tries to use her magic to blasts him. He was blown back, and came to a rolling stop. "Sister, why did thou do that! He could have been an ally against Discord!" Luna said, looking over the burns on his chest. "I thought walking like this would be easier. I guess not." He said, reverting back into his human form. He began materializing Spartan Armor, the same one I saw that was ruined from the Research and Development. "We can take thou, for you are nothing but one of Discords spawns." Celestia said. His helmet folded over his face, covering the wicked smile he had. "You're wrong. I'm actually here to kill that bastard. I don't have a problem with you two, it's him I'm after." He growled, the visor lighting up in a golden visor hue. Luna then got between the two of them, and tried to defuse the situation. "Sister, creature, I am certain that we can both benefit from our situations. We are trying to stop Discord and the chaos he has brought upon the world. Surely thou can assist us in our journey?" She said, looking over my armor with an impressed glance. "What's in it for me?" He said, materializing a sword and plasma rifle on his back and thigh. it was the sword that Cloud had, and seemed to make Celestia re-consider her desire to attack me. "Well, we won't attack thee, and thy can reside in the newly founded Equestria as a knight for defeating him." Celestia said, no longer glaring at him. "I came here to not fight anymore. But he was the one of the last ones I need to fight, so it's contradicting to my plan" He then pointed a finger, hoof, at both of them. "But if you think that I'll let your species try any experiments on me, they better prepare for one hell of a fight!" He shouted. "Then it's agreed. We will not attack, or experiment on thee, and thou will return in aid for defeating Discord, and bringing peace back to the lands. Do we have a deal, creature?" Said Celestia. Luna got back to her side, and lowered her swords. "But if thou tries to attack our troops in any way, shape of form, we shall be forced to take lethal action against you. Do we make ourselves clear?" Said Luna, with a raised eyebrow. He simply turned to her and scoffed. "You ponies are too damn cute to hurt." He said, crossing his arms. I lightly smiled from the little blush they both got, and they began waking away, with me following behind. After a few minutes, they came across a bridge, one that looked lightly used, and recently built. Both Celestia and Luna crossed it, and he stayed behind, looking at the bridge. "Art thou not coming, creature?" Asked Luna. The past me just clenched his fist. "I have a name, you know. And I can't cross." He said. "And why not?" Asked Celestia, a look of suspicion on her face. "Because I'm too heavy." He said dryly. I snorted, and felt a light pressing on my side. Turning, I saw the current Luna, and looked over to the past Luna. "Do not worry, I am with you right now. I just had to find you since thou was lost for a moment." I heard her say. "Well, took you long enough. Is this when we met?" I asked. I turned back to her, and saw her nod. "Yes. This is nothing more than a memory on our first encounter." She responded. I turned back and saw myself trying to cross, and breaking a few planks from my armored boot. "Can't thee just fly over?" Asked the past Luna. I gave her a tilted head, before replying sarcastically. "Really, I hadn't thought of that!" He yelled back, deciding to just go and say fuck it and jump over, and landing on the other side with a bit of flare. It looked like I wasn't trying to impress them, and waited for them to take lead again. After a few more minutes of walking, the present Luna shifted the landscape to an old town that looked a bit like Ponyville, but I knew it wasn't, because it was just a small village. I saw Discord, sitting on a black wooden throne, and turning dramatically. There were all kinds of weird things going on. Buildings were floating, mountains were flying, and fish were swimming in the air. I glared at the being I was seeing. His mismatching appearance, his different sets of limbs, which looked like they belonged to a god of chaos. The past me saw was hiding behind a building, armor and staff ready. I thought I could see parts of his body giving off slight trembling, either from excitement, fear, or both. "Oh, this is so much fun!, how about pin the tail on the pony?" He said, lifting Celestia's tail. They both looked at Celestia's rear, and saw that he had indeed taken her tail. "Playtime is over for thou, Discord." Celestia said, walking closer. He seemingly didn't care, and began chewing on some seeds he materialized, even flicking them around without care. "Oh, I doubt that." He then ate a large handful of the seeds, and offered them some. "Hungry?" He then flicked one to each of them, hitting them on the forehead. They did not look impressed. "Suit yourselves." He added, eating another handful. Celestia lit her magic up and floated out the old version of what looked like The Elements of Harmony. Discord seemed interested, and put a hand to his chin. "Ooh, what have you got there?" "The Elements of Harmony." Celestia said, a smug tone in her voice. "With them, we shall defeat you!" Finished Luna. He began laughing uncontrollably, and threw himself onto the railings of the chair. "You should see yourselves right now, the expressions on your faces." he laughed out. His face then took a sinister tone, and he teleported in front of them. "It will make stopping you even more fun." He said darkly, and let loose a blast of energy. It quickly canceled out the magic surrounding the two of them, surprising them as he grabbed them by the throats each. I was surprised, and looked back to Luna, who was just staring at the situation impassively. "Weren't you worried about this when it happened?" I asked. She looked at me and gently nudged me with her side. "At that moment, I was terrified. But guess who came to rescue us?" She said with a smile. I turned back and barely saw a blur speed towards them, catching Discord off guard and landing a solid punch to his face. Both Celestia and Luna were let go and Discord was flung into a nearby flying mountain. "That was easier than I thought." He said, dissipating his staff and pulling off the sword from his back. "Do not underestimate him. He is the god of chaos and disharmony! Do not take him lightly!" "Yes, I am very displeased when someone doesn't give me a real fight. Isn't that right, fellow Eleme-" The past me cut him off as he swung his sword at him, missing almost entirely. Discord only laughed as he re-materialized in front of the both of them. "Was this your back up plan? Bring a newbie into the game? I thought that you two were supposed to be wi-" He didn't get a chance as they swung their weapons at him, grazing him lightly. "Oh, come on. How is tha-" A volley of plasma rounds struck him from the side, and he looked unimpressed, almost annoyed. "Why don't you stop that. You are not cool doing that." He said, turning to the past me, who was now trembling with clear excitement. "I've got something cool for you!" He screamed, throwing the sword at him like a throwing ax. Discord simply split his head into two and let the sword pass through the opening. "Now do you think that will work?" He asked, smiling darkly. "No, but this will." Past Franz said, exploding into a cloud of smoke. Discord looked confused, when we all heard the whirring of energy. In an instant, past me was close to Discord, a large spinning ball of energy in his hands. "Take this! Rasenshuriken!" He yelled, slamming it into his side. Discord gained a pained expression, and was thrown into the ground several dozen feet away. "Shields, now!" He screamed. Both Luna and Celestia complied, and put up their strongest shield. A massive explosion of energy erupted and blinded everyone, including past me. The explosion took the shape of a large dome of energy, ripping anything that was inside to shreds. I thought it was over, we all did, but we were wrong. Laughter was heard, and past me was struck down into the ground, a large slash on his armor. I turned up to see that Discord was now silver, and had a purple glow in his skin, from the area where the attack hit him. Only his joints were open, and he was wielding the same trident that Asgore had, along with what looked like a small battleaxe at the bottom. Looks like I get to have some fun after all!" He screamed madly, picking me up with his magic and throwing me at the ground near the two of them. I winced from the amount of damage I was taking. It was hard to look at, and probably even harder for Luna. Maybe even Celestia too. This was my fight with Discord. And I won somehow, against the odds. > Chapter 26: Testing The Limit [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The memory cut short, and I was standing with Luna in the void. What had happened? "Hey, why did the memory cut?" I asked her. She looked at me with a frown. "It's because that is all the time we have for now. We have been here for the last few hours, and I am not certain that we will be alone once we wake. Certainly, we shall have another time for us to see from your point of view, to see just exactly what had happened between the two of you." She said, getting closer to me and giving me a quick nuzzle. "I think that would be nice. Although, we will probably have to try this again for more details." I said, wrapping my arm around her. "Yes, It would be wise to look for the more, finer, details. Art thou ready to awaken?" She asked, looking up at me. I looked slightly up at her, and nodded. After a few seconds of her working her magic, we were whisked away and back to the bed. I saw that she was now laying on top of me, and was a little down under. She began to wake as well, and I gently moved her off of me. "So what now?" I asked. She was quiet for a few seconds, slightly concerning me. "We should avoid her for the time being. Who know what will happen when thou sees her, let alone say her name." She said, rolling over to me and nuzzling me. "Yeah, it's almost like some sort of trigger." I muttered, half expecting her say something along a similar thought process. She nodded, and surprisingly climbed off the bed. I hopped off with her and went into the bathroom. I had suddenly realized that I needed to go and I was holding it in for a while. Maybe I could just imagine it to go away, then I wouldn't have the need to go. "We shall see thou once night falls. Farewell, Dear." I heard her through the door. "Okay. I'll see you tonight." I said, testing it out. Strangely enough, it didn't work, and I had to get creative. So I just teleported the bad liquid into the toilet and made it flush automatically. It was weird see it happen, and even more so feeling it, but I got shrugged it off as something I can do. I walked to the door and opened it, and saw a bunch of guards around my door. Walking through the doorway, I was immediately tackled by almost every single guard there, creating a dog pile and taking me by surprise. "Sorry sir, but we were given orders to keep you under house arrest." Said one of the guards. I noticed that there were quite a few females here, and I was underneath quite a few of them, much to my sudden discomfort. "Yeah, I figured as much." I said, getting up and pushing most of them off with little effort. They became a mass of limbs and bodies entangled with one another, trying to get off and over to me. "As a prince, I would like to remove this house arrest and to let me roam freely. I need time to think, and I can't do that in my room." I said, using a more stern tone. "I'm sorry sir, but this was given to us by decree of Princess Celestia. You will have to take this up to her." Said a female guard, who was now by my side and trying to block me off. I frowned at her, and she got somewhat worried. "What about Luna?" I asked. They looked a bit nervous, and gave a subtle nod. "You can try and talk with her, but you will have to send her a message through us." Said the same guard. "Cool." I said slowly, walking backwards back into my room. They looked at me as I closed my door, watching them for any suspicion. Once I closed the door, I knew that they were going to think that I was going to sneak out. But I'll surprise them, and stay here and play games on a console. I smiled evilly, made an Xbox, and put in Halo: Combat Evolved Remastered and began playing. For the next few hours on legendary. 6 Hours Later I finally managed to beat the game, and after an estimated death of over 200 tries, (Fourteen actually) I went back to normal mode and finished it off there. I wasn't big on playing hardcore mode, I was slightly more of a Smash Ultimate player, like one of my family closer members. I frowned, and tried to not remember about them. Any of them. I wasn't going to try and bring them back, even if I could. I figured it would be best to not bring them back, as to not introduce them to the new lifestyle I've adopted. I deleted the console, and everything else that came with it. It was close to dinnertime, and I was wondering if I could head out and grab something to eat at the kitchen. Getting up, I walked towards the door and opened it. There were a few new guards stationed around my room. There were probably the Night Guard, since they had the different armor set for it. They noticed me, and turned back to face me. "Sorry, Your Highness, but we were instructed to inform you that dinner will be served within the next few minutes, and to keep you updated." She said. I was slightly surprised that they were female, but quickly processed it and threw it out. "Oh. Cool." I said, looking to the other mare. Yup, they definitely have some sort of enchanted armor, because I couldn't tell the difference between them. "Can I go to the bathroom? My room doesn't have one." I said. The one who initially spoke to me nodded. "Of course, Your Highness." She said, moving aside to let me through. I nodded thankfully, but was stopped by the other mare, who had a small frown on her muzzle. "Not so fast. All bathrooms in the Canterlot Castle have private bathrooms. Including yours." She said, leaning in slightly at the end. I didn't like the way she spoke to me, but decided to not say anything. "Well, the toilet is broken. And I need to go." I said, hoping she will fall for it. I imagined an anvil to fall on the one in the bathroom, and heard the loud sound of it breaking. They looked startled, and rushed in while drawing their swords, while I made made a mad dash towards the R&D wing. I figured that the capsules would be there. They had to be, since that's where they keep all the high tech. Right? I made it to the R&D wing, and went inside. I saw the same stuff I did from last time, and didn't think much of it. Making a beeline for the bathroom, I found the room that was magically sealed off, and knocked on it a few times. I was feeling for something that sounded hollow, and had to try a few times. Once I found it, I made an Echo device, and drilled a small hole in the bottom of the wall, making sure to leave about a quarter inch of space so I don't alert the guards. Pushing the device in, I made snow goggles, with a visor with a camera connected to the devise., and turned on the device. I wasn't sure if they could hear it, but it was a light pulsing sound that resonated throughout the bathroom and into the other side of the room. I made sure to slowly turn up the frequency so that it wouldn't alarm them too quickly, and with it being nearly nighttime, I didn't have to worry about other guards for this, only when these guards get bored. I thought about how I could get inside. Maybe I could teleport in and knock one out and question the other before putting them to sleep for a bit. Or I can phase through the doors and take them by surprise. Another thing was to try and hypnotize them, and make them let me in so I can get my capsules, if they were there. I think they had to be there if them were gone when I woke up. I made sure to check the room before I left, and couldn't find them. And where was most of the worlds most advanced technology? In the R&D department, of course. I made a plan and went for the phasing idea, and was ready to go, when the door lit up and opened. I jumped to the ceiling, and stuck onto it like a spider. The guard, now identified as female, went into the stalls into the right. I heard the sound of her doing her business, and climbed my way into the now open doorway, where the other female guard had her eyes closed, seemingly resting them. I spider-climbed into the elevator, and made a small device to monitor her and her friend, and make sure that they didn't try and sound the alarm. It was a sticky bomb, that would release a large amount of pink, non-lethal crystals that would trap anything at my activation. I then let go and phased through the floor, effectively free falling down into the dark elevator shaft. I kept falling and turned my Echo Location device back on. I saw that the ground was coming in fast, and didn't have time to prepare myself as I hit the ground with a loud clang. Although, I was able to harden my body and let that take most of the damage. Not to say that it didn't hurt, it did, but I could have landed much harder and with much more 'fatal' injuries, had I not done what I did. Getting back up, I saw that the doors were still closed, and I just phased through them, leaving behind my gear and letting it disappear. I looked round and saw that it was dimly lit, and that my capsules were literately right there, sitting on a table. I checked for anyone that could still be working late, and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Walking right up, I grabbed them all with my magic and attached them to my body, feeling the light crawling across my fur and skin. I then turned around, and saw Celestia, with Shining Armor and several guards, pointing their spears at me. "Franz, I thought I had the guards assigned to you to tell you that you were under house arrest." She said, looking down at me like a child. I tilted my head. "Is the entire castle not a house?" I asked, playing dumb. She must've caught on, and frowned. "No, you weren't allowed to leave your room until my niece had left the castle and to her own home, which she has not yet done." She said, seeing my armor on my body. "Well, they weren't very specific when they mentioned that. They just said I was under house arrest, not anything about my room." I said, silently counting the guards. Most of which were the ones that were gathered around my room when I first woke again. "I made sure to tell them about that." She said. "Are you grounding me? Are you seriously doing that right now?" I asked, getting annoyed at her, but didn't show it. "I am not going to tolerate your disrespect towards me anymore. Either you obey the laws of the land and restrictions placed onto you, or you leave the country." She growled, taking me by surprise. I was hurt by that. "Hey, that's not nice!" I said, pointing a hoof at her. She rolled her eyes and began walking towards me. "Listen, I can't have you showing this amount of disregard and lack of respect. I have been lenient with you, but I an starting to believe that being a friend is no longer acceptable I will ask you this once.." She said, staring down at me. I was taken back by this. She didn't want to be my friend? I thought she wanted to be with me! I got pissed, and had enough of her shit. "Hey, I don't know what crawled in your tit and died, but I was just trying not to hurt her you know! I have a trigger word, which I can't control, and I don't take to kindly to people who think I'm dangerous because of something I had no control over! So go away and leave me alone!" I shouted back. "Wait, hold up." I said suddenly. Pulling up my visor, I saw that she, and her guards weren't actually there, and that this was just a illusion spell I had fallen for. "Aw, damn it." I muttered, walking right through them and back to the elevator. "Franz! You will not leave yet!" She screamed as I started flying away in the elevator shaft. "Hasta la bye bye, daddy-o!" I shouted back, reaching the part where I phased through. It felt weird phasing, almost like you're being touched by everything all at once. I saw the two guards, and discharged the small bomb, trapping them in the sticky crystals that would dissolve within a few minutes. Casually strolling by, I walked through the door and back to my room, where I would just play some Minecraft for a while. And then I ran into someone, accidentally knocking them down in the process. I looked down and saw that it was a guard, and jump onto the ceiling, and stuck to it. He had shiny armor, so he must have been a new guy. He got up and looked around, and got scared and quickly walked away. I snorted and made my way back to my room on the ceiling, which was pretty fun until I almost slipped a few times and fell, but I managed. I noticed that most of the guards were panicking since I was nowhere to be found. I crawled back through a vent that was on the ceiling, and went back inside. I was beginning to think that this was a miracle that I hadn't run into Celestia or the other Alicorn with the trigger name. I wasn't to comfortable testing out wither or not saying it aloud would activate it, or it was just tied to her specifically. Making it back through the other side, I saw through the vent slits that Luna was on the bed. I was wondering what she was doing, when I saw her with two plates of food. It looked like it was a piece of large cake, and a large platter with an impressive sized milkshake. It made my mouth water, and I tapped at the metal vent. It was actually quite spacious in here. She turned towards the vent and looked at it with confusion. "Luna, what's up! Oh right. Me!" I said, popping off the metal and hopping through. "Franz! How long were thou in there!" She asked, getting up and rushing to me. "I wanted to sleep somewhere that was colder, and more private so I hopped into the vents." I said, flicking my tail to rid it of the small amount of dust that was on it. "Ooh, food!" I said, and picked up Luna and put her on my back before making my way over to the bed. She looked surprised being on my back, and didn't resist or fight it. "We brought thee something that thou has requested before. And I figured that now would be a good time to bring it, all things considered." She said, not noticing me already halfway done with the drink. "This is really good, where did you get it?" I asked. She gave me a smile from my back and hugged me, while draping her wings over my sides. "We made it for thou. We wanted to return the gift that thou gave us. The necklaces." She said. I noticed that the necklace was still on my chest, somehow surviving this long. This thing was pretty durable, I'll tell you that. "Oh, well, thanks. Are you going to eat your cake this time, or am I going to have to eat it." I said, motioning to it. "We are capable of eating too, Franz." She said. I snorted and lifted up my head to give her a quick peck. "OW!" Only for her horn to stab my eye. "Franz?! Are you okay?" She asked, sliding off of me and checking my face. I had one of my hooves to my face, and was pressing into it out of instinctual pain. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I said, looking at her with my one eye. She looked genuinely worried, and it made me feel warm inside. "So, what are we going to do now?" I asked. She still looked worried about my eye, but was willing to change the subject. "We are going to go through your memories, and see your battle with Discord through your point of view. Do you remember his laughter, and how it echoed throughout the small town?" She asked. I thought about it for a second. It did seem to do that. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. "That is whenever he will teleport throughout our plane of reality, as we shall see in a moment. For now, we will enjoy our food, and dive into your memories." She said. hopping back on the couch and levitating her cake over to her. "Alright..." I said, lowering my hoof and also getting up on the bed with her. I decided that we should make some talk, but she had beaten me to it. "What was thou really doing in the vents. I know that thou don't enjoy napping." She said, looking over me, and leaning into my side. "Aah, you got me." I said, raising my arms in the air. Her eyes quickly flicked over to my drink, and I did too, not knowing she had stolen a peek at my crotch once I was distracted. Bringing it over to me, I continued sipping it until I was satisfied. Luna was still there, looking at me with a smile, and I nodded at her, which meant that I really enjoyed the drink. Something popped back into my mind, and realization quickly spread across my face. "Oh, Luna. Remember how we said that we would go back to the old castle and look for stuff?" I asked. She thought for a second, and nodded. "Yes, we remember. Why do you ask?" She questioned, looking at me expectantly. I hoped off the bed and went under it, looking for the armor I had made for her. After a few minutes of looking, I realized that I had it in the drawer, with a note that said "Do NOT Open Until Trip!" and fished out the necklace, along with another small device. It was very similar to a sonic screwdriver, the one that the 10th doctor had, except it was a cuff that fit around a hoof, and activate with when willingly triggered. It would normally give off a blue light, but that could be customized given some time. I then walked over to her and presented the objects. She looked at them with curiosity, and interest. "What are these?" She asked. "Armor and defense. Well, technically, the silver cuff is used for opening things, and the necklace is a suit of Vibranium metal. It's one of the strongest metals from my mind, and it can take the full force of a magic blast, I think. Not sure since I've never tried it out before." I explained, making it float over to her. She accepted it with her own magic, and inspected it thoroughly, taking in every detail. "Well? Try it on." I encouraged. "If thou says so." She said, placing it over her head and letting it rest on her neck. I should probably start labeling these armors, like how Tony Stark did when he made his Iron Man suits. I'll get to that later. "It does look very appealing. How does it activate?" She asked. I grabbed a fork, and threw it at her with the blunt side, as to not stab her with it. She flinched and the armor quickly folded over her already sleek form, adding a small bit of size to her height. She was now about three inches taller than me, should she measure herself with it. I looked into the two mini ports, where she could see through, and smiled. She looked... attractive, and I was starting to feel weird from that line of thought. "Franz? What do all of these runes and text mean?" She asked, looking around with her helmet. I chuckled lightly, and smiled. "That is just your HUD, or Heads Up Display. It's essentially something that shows you what you can't normally see without help or assistance. What do you see?" I asked. She looked at me and tilted her head to the side. "Tis showing thou as a blue glowing dot, and me as a yellow triangle in the lower left part of my view. There is also an empty bar at the top, and there is a menu option on the right. How do I go into that?" She asked, turning her head all around in hopes to open it. "You have to blink at it twice. I figured it out on the first few tries, and even now I still get slightly confused." I said, getting back on the bed. "If we're going to the old castle, then we need to have as much protection as possibly. That includes armor for us." I said. "Do not forget the Royal and Night Guards that will accompany us." She said. What? "We have guards?" I asked. She nodded and tried to pull off the helmet, only to find that there was nowhere to take it off. "Franz, how do I remove the suit?!" She asked, her voice starting to get slightly panicked. "Visor: Off."I said. In an instant, her helmet folded off and slid back into the small capsules on her neck. "Oh." She said simply. I smiled and nudged her side, which she leaned into, nearly making us fall off the bed. She didn't know it, but I had a small heart attack from the scare. "Do you want me to link up with your suit? I think I can do it with all of them, should I have the chance. I can do it now if you want?" I asked, looking over to her. She looked shocked, and wrapped me in a hug, which I was caught off guard from. "YES! Will it be similar to the soul bond we did? Or is it more... intimate?" She asked, giving me a shy look. I deadpanned and gave her an annoyed look. Another question popped back up, and the moment was perfect to ask it. "What did happen to the bond we had? I thought we still had it." I asked. Her features relaxed, and she had a look of sadness. "I believe that The Elements of Harmony are responsible for our lost connection. You are aware for how the link operates, correct?" She asked. I stared at her with a blank face, my mind drawing blanks. "I take it you don't know." She said. She let out a quick breath and started a mini lecture. "The Elements of Harmony are ancient magical artifacts, ones that are used as a shield for aiding with national threats and dangers. Normally, we would use them to blast the opponent with a powerful blast of Harmonic Magic. they cannot, however, be used by a single pony. They each represent an aspect of Harmony, which those mares from Ponyville represent." She stopped to take a breath. "Me and my sister used them against a variety of beings. From a dark being who wanted to watch the world spin and teem with chaos, to more, personal, threats to the world." She said, trailing off slightly. She must be referring to herself and her alter ego, Nightmare Moon. "And then what? What does it do?" I asked. Her face hardened slightly, as if trying to recall the memory of what they exactly did. "They remove any and all magical traces of external sources. Be it a curse, a spell, or even..." She trailed off, a grim look in her eyes. "...Soul bonds?" I finished for her. She had a sadden look on her muzzle, and tears were starting to form. I panicked and did the only thing I knew how to do in situations like these. Just be there for them. She then wrapped me in a hug, and began choking on her sobs, trying her best to keep herself calm. I didn't know what she was so upset about, so I just sat there with her, and spoke only of reassuring thoughts into her ears. After her near outburst, I looked into her eyes, and pressed my forehead against hers. She sniffed and smiled weakly with her trembling lips, and pushed her head into my fluffy chest. I held her close again, and wanted to ask what was wrong, but felt like I should wait until she explains it. "We broke a soul bond." She muttered, slightly muffled through my fur. "It's okay, we'll be fine. What happens when we break a... soul bond?" I asked, being careful about my wording. She clearly is distressed by this, and she didn't need me being too ignorant about it. She was quiet for a moment, and finally brought her head up to make eye contact. "It means we can't perform another bond once it's broken. It has disastrous effects on one's mental state when severed, and we broke it to save me." She said lowly, sounding ashamed. "There's always other options, right? A way to repair the damage? Or maybe an alternate version of it?" I offered. She seemed only more depressed, and let out a long sigh. "Nay. The only way to heal a broken bond is through adding another partner, and mending the bond by attaching ones soul with theirs. Think of it as a broken bone, and the third pony being the cast. Your bond will slowly begin to form back, and stronger than last time. But there is one issue." She said, looking over to me. "Finding the right pony." I said. Luna sighed, and laid down on the bed. I deactivated her armor and watched as it slowly slid back into the necklace. I got down next to her and tries thinking on who could possibly fit the bill. I couldn't count on Celestia, since she was kinda pissed at me right now. I didn't want any of the girls to be a part of this, since they wouldn't be very interested to begin with. I also didn't want to add Ditzy, since she already had a lot on her plate. I also didn't want to lose a friend with this idea. So right now, it was just me and Luna, figuring out how to get the soul bond back without hurting the other. Wait, what if we don't have to hurt each other! Yes! That's the answer! "Luna, I think I have an idea, but your not going to like it though." I said with a nervous smile. "We already don't." She joked lightly, wiping off the dried up tears she had. "Well, it's the only one I have that doesn't involve adding other ponies into our group and forming a herd. It's kinda like a reset, if I may." I said, hopping off the bed and going to the bathroom. She got up and looked at me with a confused look. I took off all my armor except one certain part. "For Luna." I said, and activated my dagger into my skull, and everything went black. I felt as though I was floating in water, but I could breath without any problem. Looking around, I saw that I was in a white room, and there were six other figures in the room. Each had an aura surrounding them that kept my from seeing them. It looked like a black fire was consuming them, and was constantly moving. Then, two of them seemingly looked at me, and I could see that it was Discord and another entity, being entirely glowing blue, was a medium sized female with a toned body and wavy blue hair, which seemed to flow like water. She was wearing robes, which could look a bit less old and torn. They both slowly faded into the room through the fire. "Hello, Franz. Bearer of the Element: Imagination. I am Asheal, the Bearer of the Element: Harmony." She said in a soothing voice. "And I'm Discord, but you already know what my Element is, right? I'll give you a hint." He then leaned in and put his claw to cover his mouth. "It's the opposite of her!" He sneered, looking at her with annoyance. I wanted to punch him right then and there, make him pay for forcing a trigger word onto me. "We don't do harm to other Elements in these halls. These are sacred, and we will respect them by not engaging in unpleasantries, Understood?" Asheal said, looking at me specifically. "Yes." I said. I noticed that I was in my Human form, and panicked as I remember doing a suicide for hoped that I'll fix the bond. "Wait, aren't I dead?" I asked, looking around. The other four weren't moving, and I'm guessing that they're the other Elements. "What are you?" I asked suddenly. Asheal smiled, and put her hand on my forehead, as white light began to fill my vision. "We are the two founders of seven. We are the originals. We are, Harmony, and Chaos." She said, and I fell back onto the bathroom floor, unconscious for the next few minutes. > Chapter 27: Pleasant Times. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gasping for air, I looked around and held a hoof to my throat. I saw that I was without my armor capsules, and called them over to me while I calmed myself down. I looked over the body of myself. His eyes were popped out, and there was blood still leaking through the gaping hole in his throat. I tried to delete the body, and thankfully succeeded after a couple of tries. I was wondering where Luna was at, and opened the door slightly. She was at the edge of the bed, slowly eating the cake she brought, and taking occasional sips of my drink. She still had a weary look in her eyes, but I think I eased the problem now. Walking out, I went over to her and caught her attention, while flashing a small smile. "Hey, Lulu. I think I fixed the problem, but I'm not entirely sure." I said, gaining her full attention. "What does thou mean?" She asked. I hopped up to the bed and sat next to her. "It means there's still a chance for the soul bond." I said, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing gently. She seemed to enjoy this, and leaned into it, adding her own affection. "But what did thou do?" "I just did a suicide real quick. It was kinda painful actually." I said, rubbing my chin on her shoulder. She didn't seem that bothered that I just got rid of my own body. But she did shiver slightly from the news. "Oh. Well, how did it go?" She asked. I didn't want to tell her about the other Elements, and so I just let out a light laugh. "It was kinda scary. I was in a void, but there was nothing I could do except wait. So, I just waited until I re-spawned." I answered simply. "Ah. Well, do not do it in front of me, or else we shall scold thee ears off." She said, giggling lightly. I added my own nervous laughter, and laid us into a resting position. She went down without resistance, and I hugged her from behind. I also made sure to not accidentally get an erection, since I was technically not wearing any pants to hide it should it come out. I don't think that Luna knows how bothersome it is to be me. I was always a horny bastard when I was in my teens, but it managed to die down by a large margin as I aged. We just laid there, not moving until I had the sudden urge to use the bathroom. I got annoyed fairly quickly, since that would mean I had to get up and away from her warm person. Wait, I can control reality. I imagined my body to teleport the unnecessary waste to the nearest bathroom, and to automatically flush the toilet afterwards. While I was at it, I made my teeth have the ability to clean themselves. Why didn't I think of this before? Now I can have even more time to do things! I noticed that Luna had fallen asleep, and smiled down at her. She must've be very patient to wait over 1000+ years just for me. And I didn't even know she was doing it. Leaned into her more, and being mindful of my crotch, and let out a sigh of content. 'I think I'm starting to love her again.' I thought. I gave her a peck on the cheek, and rested my head on her shoulder, causing her to nuzzle me in her sleep. I smiled and also clocked out, having only sweet dreams about the two of us. I woke up and saw that Luna was still here, but this time she was facing me. I was momentarily taken back, but relaxed once I saw who it was. I licked my teeth, and noticed that there was no weird taste in my mouth, like the morning breath had gone away. Neat. She slowly fluttered her eyes open, and saw me looking at her with a smile. I bumped my nose with hers, and smiled warmly. "Good morning, Luna." I said, letting myself explore the feeling throughout my body. I was still in the same position as when i fell asleep, but Luna must've moved in her sleep. "Good morrow, Dear Franz." She said, making me feel giddy from her words. She got up, while I laid on the bed, and watched her stretch out her legs and wings, blushing lightly from my gazing. I smiled and also got up, stretching my arms and extending my wings out as far as they could go. They looked like they were somewhat messy, but I didn't know who to fix them. Luna also noticed, and seemed more nervous than usual. "Dear Franz, your wings." "Yes, I know. They're a bit messy. But I don't know how to fix them." "I believe the proper term, is preening." She said. I gave her a confused look, she sighed, and turned slightly more red. "Extend thou's wings, please." She asked. I did so and she looked over them. Now that I noticed, they felt as though were a special part of me that I shouldn't let anyone get close to except Luna. "Franz, may I... touch... thou's wings?" She asked nervously. I nodded slowly, and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, sure?" I said, not really sure what to expect. She had accumulated a rather large blush, and put her mouth on my wings. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the next thing I knew, I was lying on the bed, with a very satisfied smile on my face. Luna looked at me with an amused glance, and I was starting to get my senses back together. I felt as though I had busted several nuts, and felt the aftereffects simultaneously with no mess. "What happened?" I asked, barely able to lift my head to meet her gaze. She let out a laugh, and threw a pillow at my head, which knocked my head back down. "I believe thou had your first preening just now. I did not realize that your wings weren't very used to being manipulated. How do you feel?" She asked. I felt my back shivering lightly. "It felt like I just busted several nuts simultaneously. You must be pretty good at preening wings." I said simply. In reality, I wanted to kiss her for that. I quickly checked my crotch, and thankfully it was dry and free from any fluids. "We have not heard that saying before. Is it from thou's world?" She asked, gaining a confused look. "Well, it can be used by anyone. And it means when you... um... nut." I said, trailing off as I realized that it would be very awkward if I explained it to her fully. "We still do not follow." She said, looking at me. I sighed and got up. "Never mind. It's not that important." I said, bumping my shoulder into hers. She smiled and gave me another peck, which I surprised her by returning it. Smiling, I hopped off the bed and went to the front door, with Luna following close behind. Opening it, I saw that there were still guards there. They just glanced over to me before returning to face the empty hallway in front of them. "I take it that the house arrest is over?" I asked, turning to Luna. She nodded. "We gave the order last night while thou was asleep. We didn't want to keep thou from exploring the castle grounds or keep you from exploring the city either." She said. I turned back to the guards, and stepped out of the room. And they didn't react. "Did you tell Celestia about this?" I asked. Luna walked up next to me and draped a shoulder over my side. "Of course I did. Once our niece left, I suggested that we remove the house arrest. Celestia agreed, and your trial ended." She explained. I nodded and began walking to the kitchen. "I'm feeling a bit hungry. Wanna come?" I asked. She smirked and hurried over to my side. "I will for you." She whispered in my ear. I felt as though she had some sort of hidden meaning to that, but ignored it for now. As we made our way to the kitchen, I noticed that she was rather content. I think I knew a reason for it, but I just followed along with her. I had actually gotten a pretty good idea on where things were. And being so, I knew where Celestia's and Luna's rooms were. I knew the Canterlot Gardens, the kitchen, the dining room, the Training room, the armory, the Royal and Lunar Quarters, the R&D wing, the Medical wing, and The Throne room. I heard that there was a Ball Room, but never got the chance to check it out. We made it to the kitchen and I started making some sandwiches for us, much to the chefs dismay and Luna's entertainment. Then we made a compromise. I make my own sandwiches, and he make whatever else he wants. I think he would prefer to make food for me, but I would let him spoil me every once in a while when I think I needed it. I made myself a nice grilled cheese sandwich, and Luna one as well. "Does this count as a date?" I asked her, once we finished making our food and left to the Gardens. She smiled and buried her head into my neck, making sure to be careful with her horn. "I would like for thou to believe so." She said, pulling back and making me shiver slightly from her absent touch. Once we arrived, I saw that there were more animals here, specifically birds that kept trying to steal my food. So I created grilled cheese sandwiches and gave them to all of their own piece. "I wasn't aware that thou was so good with avian wildlife." She said, smiling at me. I looked back to her, ignoring the absurd amount of birds that were perched all over my body. "Well, I didn't know that until I raised my first chickens. They got pretty attached to me when I was with them. Heh, whenever would come out to feed them, they would always run out and try to fly up to my shoulders to get a quick nibble." I replied. She seemed to like that picture of me holing a chicken on booth of my shoulders. Once we ate, we basically hung out with each other. I offered to do some other things, but she insisted on being with me the whole time. I personally didn't mind, and enjoyed the time we sent with each other. We walked around and talked, with her showing me the other parts of the garden I didn't know about. Did you know that there was even a labyrinth? I hadn't wanted to check it out, since my sense of direction was kinda shit. "Did thou know that the first time we kissed, it was near the entrance of the olden castle? When we visit there, we should revisit some of the places we had our more memorable experiences." She offered. "I'd like that." I said, leaning into her and giving a firm kiss on her cheek. She smiled and returned one, and we continued our way through the gardens. Eventually, we found a pair of guards patrolling the fields, and they looked somewhat bored. We jumped them, and gave them a good scare. We were all laughing in the end, and I was pretty entertained. "Hey look. It's Celestia." I said, pointing over to the entrance of the gardens. She looked like she was looking for someone, and once she spotted us, she walked over in her usual regal manner. "Guards, you are dismissed." She said, nodding at them as they bowed and left. I felt as though she wanted to talk to us. "Hello, Dear Sister. When was the last time thou busted a nut, if thou don't mind me asking?" Asked Luna, holding a straight face, while I froze out of surprise. What! "What?" She asked. I looked to Luna, who had a confused look on her face. "Don't mind her. You were saying?" I said, hoping to avoid an awkward explanation involving birds and bees. "Oh, well. I just received news that there was a griffon delegate in Ponyville yesterday. And she went by the name of Gilda. Apparently, she was looking for you specifically, and caused a scene from the looks of it." Celestia informed. I raised an eyebrow. Are they naturally aggressive? I was there a few days before this happened, so I don't know where it happened. "Really? Wow." I said slowly. I thought about heading over there in a few days, maybe to give Twilight her armor and Rarity her saddlebags. Now that I think of it, I should go there soon. "Was there anything that stuck out from the incident?" Asked Luna, who had a firm look. This must be serious if they were putting on their game faces. "No, not quite. Although, it appeared that there was some sort of argument with Rainbow Dash and a Pinkie Pie towards the delegate." She continued. "Was there a fight?" I asked, getting slightly concerned. Celestia shook her head, and smiled motherly towards me. "Thankfully, there wasn't. Although, there were some witnesses who thought there was going to be a small fight between the three of them." "Should we investigate the scene of the crime?" Asked Luna. "I was going to go there and visit them for a while. I have some stuff I had to give Twilight and Rarity." I added. They both looked at me with Celestia being an interested look, and Luna's being one of slight suspicion. "And those are?" Luna asked, looking at me with lightly more narrow eyes. I tried to not focus on it, and continued. "Well, Rarity asked me for a pair of saddlebags, and Twilight a suit of armor. Personally, I think I should have kept a lower profile with my tech." I said. I noticed that Luna had relaxed more from my truthful statement. "That is wonderful! Can you also give Twilight a letter containing a message I've written for her? While she has been consistent with them, I'm going to test her on whether or not she can resist authority." Celestia said, a smile on her face. "Neat. When do you think is best to take it?" I asked. "Next week on Wednesday. I would appreciate it if you did me this favor." She said. She noticed my capsules, and raised a brow. "Didn't I confiscate those from you?" She asked. I nodded, and gave her my response. "Yeah, I'm not very fond of anypony taking my armor from me. I like wearing it, and it helps me feel not naked." I said, tapping them lightly with a hoof. She gave me a look of confusion, before nodding. "Alright, I think I can accept that. Just try and remember about the favor." She said, gaining a small smile. "Thanks. I'll see you around?" I said, moving closer to Luna. She saw and slowly nodded, a look I wasn't sure was either sadness or jealousy in her eyes. "Yes. I'll be in my quarters until I need to give you the note. I'll call for you." "So you're just going to hang out in your room for three days? Don't you have Day Court at all today?" I asked. She had an amused look, and let loose a small laugh. "No, and it's two days. Today is Sunday, so there's no Day Court today." She answered. "Oh, okay." I said simply. "Sister, surely you can give Franz the letter now and he can take it to her when he leaves." Luna added. I pulled up my visor and went into reminders. Quickly setting a timer to remind me about Wednesday and Friday. I forgot about what was going on Friday, but all I knew is that I was going to go to see a Cheerliee at The Schoolyard. "Yes, while that would normally be a good Idea, I wouldn't want to put any unnecessary stress on him." Replied Celestia. I looked to Luna, and linked up our suits and tested out the connection. It was very strong, and I tweaked it to where we can talk to each other over long distances, since I would be in Ponyville for nearly half of next week. I figured that she might get lonely, and will want to talk. Though, I'm not sure that these ponies are very familiar to holographic technology. And there's the fact that I'll be talking into my helmet and them thinking that I'm crazy or something. But I could always put her on speaker too. "Franz? Are you listening?" I heard them say. I looked at them, and saw that they were both staring at me. "Oh, no. Sorry, I was just testing the connection from my suit to hers." I said, pointing at Luna's armor capsules. "Luna, did you get a new piece of jewelry? I don't think I've seen that kind of necklace before." Celestia said, getting close and inspecting the capsules. Did she not hear me? Oh, right. I don't have the speaker on. Whoops. Quickly flicking it on, I spoke. "Sorry, I tried to say that I wasn't paying attention, and that I was testing the connection from my suit to hers." I said, pointing at her capsules. Celestia seemed confused, and Luna sighed. "Tis one of his armor sets. He gave me one to be able to protect our self, and for long distance communications between the sets or armor. He called it a link, if I recall correctly." Luna said. "Oh? And why haven't I received any armor? Am I not important to you as Luna?" Celestia asked. Letting out a groan, I lowered my head into my hooves and clawed at my eyes. "You sound just like my sisters!" I whined, falling to the floor. "Thou has sisters?" Luna inquired. I froze and sighed, trying to not think about what kind of way they could have died. Most likely shot by the government and tested on. One of them was fucking two years old! Pushing my feelings down, I tried to think about the positive things about them. "Yes. Three to be exact. And one brother." I said. Technically, I have over a dozed siblings, with my biological father being a prime example of what a careless prostitute would be. Thank god for step-fathers though! "And, how old is your brother? Asked Celestia. "He's about ten. And considering the multiverse being very spontaneous, either dust or yet to be born. Maybe all of the above." I said, trying to not think about it. Celestia had a blank look on her muzzle, and I noticed that the sun wasn't moving. What the? How is that happening? Celestia's horn then lit up, and the sun then flicked over to the west. Oh yeah, sun goddess. "Well, tis close to lunch, and I wished to spend it with my mate, Franz. Would tho care to join us, Sister?" Luna asked. I looked back to them, and hoped that she wouldn't say yes. "I don't have anything planned at the moment. Perhaps we can visit the castle's spa and have a relaxing afternoon?" Luna! I swear to god, SAY NO! "That sounds like a fantastic idea. Perhaps it will get the both of you to make amends from fighting." She said, smiling. Internally, I wanted to kill myself again right there, but if I did, then it would scar the hell out of whoever found my dead body lying around. Sighing internally, I nodded my head and agreed. "Sure. Sounds fun." I said, wanting to add another comment that went along the lines of 'Fuck no, later!'. And so, I reluctantly followed them to the higher part of the castle, where we were at a place that was called "The Royal Spa." Now personally, I didn't want to come up here, mainly since the kitchen and my room were on the lower parts of the castle, but I gotta say, this place did look quite impressive. It was a large white and black room with some tables and several rooms and baths. I also saw that there was a couple of spa ponies, both being female and wearing the same outfit. They saw us and I think that even they had enchanted clothing since they looked similar to the royal guards, but with a more shiny look in their coats. "Princess Celestia, a pleasure to see you again." Said the first one. One went with Celestia and the other, with Luna. Apparently, they didn't see me behind them, and left without saying anything. What am I, a roach? It's kinda sad that I wasn't paying enough attention to them. I saw a chair, and sat on it. It was fairly comfortable, and I let out a sigh of content. I leaned back, and heard something click. "AAAAAH!" I screamed as I was thrown out of the chair and into the wall, where I hit hard and thought I had broken a bone somewhere. Slowly sliding off the wall, I crashed into a desk that had some papers, some of which had orders for more oils and supply forms. I got up, ignoring the slight pain in my chest, and went over to the chair that had launched me. It looked like a normal chair, but with a small spring machine in the back where on rests. I looked over it, and saw that there was something missing. 'It needs a lever.' I said, and thought of a way to fix it. I could always delete the chair, and make a massage chair from home. But then it would need to be powered by something. Can it accept magic? I don't think it would be possible, but I didn't see anything that would require magic. Perhaps a spell to keep it from launching their occupants? I decided to just put the chair in my room, where I put it in the corner via drone. I essentially made four package delivery drones and sent them towards my room, where they will activate a message when they've arrived to be let in by the guards. "And yet, they haven't noticed that I'm gone." I mumbled, looking around for anyone. I saw that there was a door, and decided to go through it in hopes of finding Luna and Celestia. I swear, if they aren't even here anymore I'm going to scream. Pushing the doors open, I walked in and found that it was a small circular room with a table full of rocks. 'Must be a sauna.' I thought. Leaving the room, I went over to the front office, where I'm sure that there would be someone there. There wasn't. "Where the hell is everyone!" I said, getting slightly upset that they had ditched me. I saw a small bell, and tapped it a few times. I was expecting someone to arrive, but I wasn't expecting who showed up. "Marble? What are you doing here?" I asked the light grey Pegasus. She looked surprised, but smiled. "Oh, Hi Prince Franz. I work here as well as being one of your maids. What are you doing here?" She asked. "I was dragged along by Luna and Celestia over here and they seemed to forget all about me. It's alright though. I found a neat chair that throws people." I said, a spike of adrenaline coursing through my body from my slip in dialogue. "Oh, so you were left behind?" She asked, looking sorry for me. "Eh, I'm sure that they realized by now that I'm nowhere near." I countered, waving a dismissive hoof. "If you'd like, I can take you to them." She offered, smiling still. "Sure. I think I need to rest a bit anyways." I said, nodding my head a bit. She let out a small hum and went around the office and over to the entrance. "Follow me please." She said, taking lead. I simply nodded and followed her. She took me to a room where I immediately saw both Celestia and Luna enjoying themselves from two ponies giving them a massage. Luna noticed me, and smiled. "Dear Franz. We apologize for leaving thou behind. Care to join us?" She asked. I looked around and only saw females, and realized it would be very easy to offend someone here somehow. "Uh, maybe I should come back later. Once you girls are done here." I offered weakly. Luna frowned, and lit her horn in magic. I saw that there was a platter of cut cucumbers and strawberries, and that they were slowly eating them. I didn't know what was going on, but I really wanted to bolt right now. "Franz? Why are you sweating?" Asked Celestia, who had finally noticed I was here. I touched my forehead and noticed that I was indeed letting out a few stray droplets. "Uh." I barely muttered. Shit, why was so nervous around this many females! "Prince Franz? Are you okay?" Asked Marble, who was next to me. "Are you shaking?" I laughed nervously, and slowly made my way back out of the room. "I'm just going to, uh, head out now. S-so don't follow me. Kay? Later!" I said, making a beeline towards the door. Why was I this nervous around these mares and not the girls! I realized that I wasn't on the ground anymore, and that Luna had a magical grip on my body and was pulling me back to the room. "Dear Franz, how come thou art nervous around us, and not those six from Ponyville?" She asked. "Uh." I said, my mind no longer being there. It took a second for me to reel myself back in. "Sorry, sorry. I just panicked. I've never been in a spa, with five females, while getting a massage by one of them as well." I said, telling them how I felt. I think that they should at least understand. "Why would thou panic?" She asked. "Because that's how, how should I say this lightly, every orgy porno starts out." I threw out, not wanting to explain further. "What's a 'porno'?" Asked Marble innocently. "..." I remained silent. Celestia and Luna, however, caught it quickly and turned into dark shades of red. "Ah. Well, you can go if thou wishes." Luna said, averting her eyes from me and possibly thinking dirty thoughts. "Yes." Celestia said, not wanting to maintain eye contact. The others, however, didn't seem to follow. And I was glad that they couldn't. Walking out of there, I made a beeline towards the exit and stopped my speed-walking to reconsider what I had passed up. And then I let out a sigh of relief. I was glad I did what I had done, and avoided any unnecessary touching. Though, the same wouldn't apply with Luna in the future. I shivered at the thought of intercourse. I wasn't ready! Shaking my head, I tried to think of something else. I had yet to explore the actual city of Canterlot, and decided to check it out a bit. I made my way to the front gates, and did a quick check up on my room. I did this because there was a slight breach in security last week regarding Blueblood. I didn't question him, but I was onto him. The only ones allowed were Celestia, Luna, Marble, Summer Springs, The Girls, Spike, and me. After that, I went to the front gate and told the guards that I was heading out to grab something to drink, which they replied that there was plenty in the castle, and that if I were to leave then I need at least one guard with me at all times. After agreeing to the evil guards terms, I took one of the rookie guards, who needed more experience in (get this) guarding. And I have to say, I didn't know if they were a guy or a gal, since they didn't even say a word the whole time I was introduced. And the darn armor enchantment didn't help either. And so, me and my silent guard went into the city, once they had changed into civilian attire. Turns out, it was a female. She had a white coat, and short blue mane and tail with lighter eyes. And her Mark was that of a burning blue flower. I wonder how well this will turn out. > Chapter 28: Former Brawls. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was walking out the door with the very quiet guard, and I had no idea where I should visit. Maybe I can go to a donuts shop or something. I turned to my guard, who was about a comfortable meter or so from me. "Hey, do you know where I can get some bread?" I asked her. She nodded and took the lead. I followed, and was amazed at how not as busy the streets were. I saw that there were some foals running around, and a pair even ran right in front of me. They reminded me what I had promised to do on Friday. What subject should I teach, or introduce those kids to. I had no idea about magic, my only tricks being maybe a couple of attack spells. Maybe I should work on expanding on that. I looked over to my guard. She had wings, so I had no hope on her teaching me magic. Though, I could always ask her if she knew anything about flying. While I am able to fly myself without using my wings, I figured I could always learn how to flap them properly to not stand out too much. That, and to pull off stunts. Looking back up, I noticed that we made it to a place called Joe's Donuts, and walked in. There was a small group of mares on the far right, and a stallion on the left, who was happily chowing down on a bagel. Isn't it almost four in the afternoon? I felt her bump my shoulder, as she motioned me to go and order. She looked like she wasn't too excited to be here, so I just tried to make it go as fast as possible. "Hello, what would you like from my sho-" He stopped talking once he realized who I was. "Oh, where are my manners! Good evening Prince Franz!" He said loudly. I had to force a small smile as he rambled something about me being the best fighter he's ever seen. And bringing up Shining Armor's defeat. I also noticed that the other mares were looking over to me and giggling. I let out a short cough and interrupted the cashier. "Hey, can I just place an order?" I asked, catching his attention. He stopped his talking and noticed that I was wanting to place an order. His eyes seemed to lighten up, before a small flush showed on his face. "Sorry, Your Highness, I just got really excited is all." He said, a smile on his face. "What would you like to order?" He asked me, getting behind the counter and opening the sliding door. "We have a variety of foods to try!" He exclaimed happily. "That one." I said, not specifying. "Er, which one?" "That one." I said, looking straight at the muffin in the back. He nodded and went over to it and scooped it up with his hoof, before plopping it into a small bag. "Anything else? Perhaps some iced beverage to pass the muffin down easier?" He asked, smiling like an autistic cosplayer finishing their hype fixation project. "Thanks, but no thank you. The muffin's fine." I said, going back to where my guard was stationed. I nodded to her and she began following me around as I wandered the city and ate my treat, practicing my levitation spell while I held onto my bag. I saw a small shop that looked like a book store, and went inside. There was a section for teens and adults, but no children, oddly enough. Making sure that my silent guard was still there, I went to the section where there was a unicorn horn depicted on a plaque. Skimming through the books, one in particular caught my eye. "Unicorn's Guide to Healing Spells? Sounds like fun, right?" I asked my guard, who gave a light smile and nodded. Flipping through the book, it had some of the more essential healing spells by the looks of it. From small cuts, to large wounds, and even some poison and venom treatment spells. I thought it was pretty neat, and decided to buy it. Walking up to the front register, the store keeper seemed to lock onto me like a hawk. "Prince Franz? What an honor to see you here! Has anything caught the attention of the Alicorn Warrior?" She asked, smiling widely. I nodded and placed the book on the counter. "I wanted to buy this book of healing magic." I said. She nodded and checked the book's ID on the back. "Any particular reason for this book, if I may ask?" She inquired curiously. "I figured I could do as much good as damage." I responded simply. She gave a small nod and gave back the book. I thanked her after I bought it, and went to the door. "Prince Franz?" She called, before I could exit. My guard looked slightly bothered by this. "Yeah?" I asked, turning around. "Is it alright if I take a picture with you? It would really help business. And boost sales. This place isn't very popular anymore, and your approval might help with our customer problem." She said, looking a bit down. Looking over to the guard, she had smiled and nodded towards her. I think she wanted me to do so. It was the right thing to do. Right? "Sure, I don't see why not." I said, walking over to the counter. "Ooh! I'll be right back! I just need to get my camera real quick!" She said, opening a panel on the side of the counter and walking through. I saw her disappear into the back of the store, followed by what sounded like her throwing things around. "Do you think this is a good idea?" I asked my guard, turning to her. She simply nodded. "Thanks." I said, taking a seat in a nearby chair. After a few minutes of waiting, the book keeper came out with an old camera and gave it to my guard, who gave her a raised brow. "Will you please take this photo for us dear?" She asked her. My guard just shrugged and got the camera ready. Getting up from my chair, I went over and got next to the mare and smiled. I was then momentarily blinded by the flash, and blinked a few times to rid myself from it. "Was that one good?" I asked. The mare looked at the photo with a smile. A slightly creepy smile. "Another one, just to be safe." She said. I gave a short laugh. "Safe from what?" I asked jokingly. The mare's smile got slightly creepier, and I figured to get this over with and get out of dodge. "Alright, another one it is." I said, getting close to her for another picture. I noticed that she was also a Pegasus, and I got slightly nervous. "Ready?" I asked, not looking at her. "For you I am." I heard her whisper. I ignored that and tried my best to smile and ignore her heavy breathing. Is... Is she okay? She doesn't have a heart condition, does she? After the second flash, I went over to my guard, who had a slightly worried frown on her face. It wasn't until I looked at the photo that the mare's face was almost pushing into my chest, and she had a content smile on her muzzle. "Thanks you for your time, Prince Franz. You're always welcome back if you'd like." She said, giving me a wink. I gave a slow nod, and tried to maintain the straight face I had on earlier. "Yeah, it was nice meeting you. See you around?" I asked, trying to be polite and quickly end this. "Yes. Around." She said, giggling lightly. NOPE! "Alright. Let's go." I said to my guard, who looked fairly uncomfortable as well. If that blush was anything to go by. After making it outside, I took a quick look at the stores name. And promptly groaned out of embarrassment. "Oh my god." I said, as the name read out 'Sandy's Exotic codeX'. I heard my guard let out a small giggle, and began making it back to the main road with my book. Only to realize that I didn't have it. Panicking, I looked around my body in hopes of finding it, frisking myself and realizing that I didn't have any pockets. "Ahem." I looked over to my guard and saw that she was carrying the book under her wing. "Oh thank gosh. I didn't want to go back in there to get it." I said, letting out a sigh of relief. My guard gave me a simple nod, a small frown on her face as she silently fell in line next to me. After that incident, I pulled up my visor and did a sweep of the city for anything that caught my interest. There was a bowling alley I could visit, and there was also a movie theater, but I would rather go there with Luna. Maybe Celestia if she wanted to come. But no Blueblood. He seemed like he needed a serious mental check. I also checked for any restaurants. There were plenty here in Canterlot. With the closest being a five star. Damn, now I feel hungry again. NO! Nooo body! You are not hungry yet! How I did all of this, you may ask? Well, I just imagined all the information into the visor's map and made key points in the map as I went along. Similar to how google works, but better with little to no lag. Unsurprisingly, it didn't give me any of the reviews, but it was a expected. After I did this, I made my way towards the castle. I made it there with little to no problem, and I said goodbye to the guard that was with me. She gave me the book and simply nodded. I knew that I'll run into her eventually, and maybe she'll be regularly assigned to me. Maybe. I went to my room and saw that the door was slightly open. Not knowing who was in there, I checked the motion tracker in the room. It labeled them as Friendly, and I walked in and saw Luna, who looked like she was taking a nap on my bed. I smiled and went into the bathroom. I felt as though I had accomplished a lot today. Even though I was here for the whole time. Going into the bathroom, I turned on the showers and removed all of my armor capsules and hopped in for a quick hot shower. 'Why aren't IPhone chargers called apple juice?' It was rather pleasant, and I finished it quickly by washing off all of the sweat on me. Stepping out, I floated over a towel and began drying myself with it. I was still wary about just shaking it all off with what happened with Luna's spell thingy. How she managed to do that was pretty scary. Once done, I called over my capsules and checked the time. it was almost time for dinner, and I was felling a bit hungry. I went into the room and saw Luna still sleeping. Walking over to the bedside, I grabbed a mirror and placed it under her nose. I then let out a sigh of relief, as her breath was still present whenever she took in air. I was worried for a second, even though my worry was mostly in my head. Climbing on the bed, I slipped up behind her and gave her a surprise hug from behind. I heard her hum and lean into me, feeling her soft fur on my neck. She fluttered her eyes cutely, and I stared at them with a genuine smile. "Afternoon, Luna." I said, bumping my nose with hers. She smiled and pushed hers into mine, holding it for longer and stealing a kiss. "Good evening, Dear Franz." She said, turning her body and facing me fully. She gave me a hug, which I returned with great pleasure. "Where was thou?" She asked. "Oh, you know. Just doing stuff. Like getting a book and buying it." I said, lighting up my magic and bringing it over to us. I brought it up to us and I showed it to her, presenting it proudly as it hovered above us. "A tome about healing? Why would thou need that? We have plenty." She said, skimming through it. Her eyes widened and she recoiled as she read something. "What is it?" I asked, turning towards the book page she landed on. I saw that there was instructions on how to bond someone with another, but it looked pretty high class, with it being nearly a level 9 spell. "Was thou imposing that we attempt a soul bond ourselves?" She asked, flipping through the book. I hadn't even thought about that since yesterday. "Well, I didn't know that the book also had that particular spell. So this is kinda new to me." I said, looking back to the front of the book. It didn't have the words that described any bonds or links, but it was fairly new, being published almost a year ago. "But I don't think that's possible, since I only know like, two spells." I reasoned. She frowned slightly, and set the book down. "Perhaps we should contact somepony that specializes in soul link and bonding magic." She said. I checked the time and it was very close to dinner time. "Maybe we can discuss this after we eat. Celestia might know where we can find someone who does this sort of thing specifically." I offered, getting up into a sitting position. "Yes, afterwards." We got up and went towards the dining room, where Celestia was already there. When she saw us enter the dining room, she smiled. "Hello Luna, Franz." She said. "Yo." "Greeting's sister." "What have you two been up to? No good I assume?" She asked, getting a little smirk. "Well, I wouldn't say no good." I said, giving a quick head tilt. "And that means?" Asked Luna. Staying quiet, I went over and sat in my respected chair. "Franz, what do you mean by that?" Asked Luna again, following me over to the table. "Whatever you want, Luna." I said, after some very careful thinking. "I uhm... Okay?" The doors opened and a few servants came in with several platters of food. One was set in front of me and was opened to reveal a smoked salmon, with a side of hay fries and a some mashed potatoes. And I gotta say, this looks very satisfying. I saw that Luna was eating what looked like a breakfast with some pancakes with syrup, and she was stuffing them in her mouth faster than I would be able to. I was impressed, and smiled before looking at Celestia's, which was a small cake. My smile turned into a grin. "Celestia, what did I tell you about getting extra thi-" I didn't finish my sentence as a piece of cake hit my face, causing me to flinch back out of surprise. "......" it was deadly silent in the dining room. Luna looked shocked, I was surprised, and Celestia had a smirk, while the guards had varying degrees of worry. My horn lit up, and lifted a piece of potato. Celestia had gained a challenging look, and so did I. I then put the piece in my mouth, chewing the soft chunks before swallowing, and successfully defused the situation. I hoped. "Are you not going to retaliate?" She asked, looking slightly confused. "Why would I? I am not going to stoop, or rise to your challange..." I said. Celestia was then slammed into from behind with a large pie, surprising her as her head bounced off of the table as her cake was now ruined and all over her. "...However, the same cannot be said for Luna." I continued. I laughed as Celestia raised her cake covered and glared at us. "Five." "What?" "Four." The servants quickly made their way outside and shut the doors behind them, making that unmistakable sound of it locking. "Three." "Luna?" She mouthed the words 'Sorry' and teleported away. "Two." Her horn lit up brightly. Hopping out of my seat, I slammed into the doors, hopping that they would open. Even shaking them with my unnatural strength. They didn't, however. "One." "NOOOO!" Outside P.O.V The windows that allowed light to enter the dining room in the Canterlot Castle were suddenly blocked off with soot and ash, followed by a loud, but quick, bang. Later That Evening. After our little incident in the dining room, it took me four god damn showers to get all of the soot off of me, and another two to get it all out of my hair and tail. Did she enchant the magic she used to make it this sticky to me!? The hell! Once I finished, I checked the clock and saw that it was close to midnight, and I took a risk and shook all of the water off of me in the bathtub. When I stopped, I figured that Luna wasn't in the bathroom, and I dried off with a towel, levitating my capsules over for cleaning as well. I didn't know how to clean them, so I just imagined them to be cleaner that they already were. They turned very shiny afterwards, and I just went with it. Huh, maybe the blast wasn't enchanted after all, and I just can't bathe this form very well. I heard a knock on the door, and went to open it. "Hello?" I called, waiting on the other side. "Dear Franz? Tis Luna." She said, opening the door. I moved out if the way so that she wouldn't hit my face with it. "Yo, whatcha need?" I asked, giving her a hug. "We believed it would be time for thou to see your memories on the battle with Discord, perhaps where we left off." She said, getting straight to the point and taking me by surprise. "Oh, okay. Just let me get ready first." I said, taking off the capsules and setting them on the drawer next to the bed. I also took off the visor, but with much reluctance. I set them along the other capsules, and went to the bed. Sleeping with something on your chest, especially if it's hard, can be somewhat bothersome, if not painful if you slept in a awkward position. Climbing under the sheets, I motioned Luna over as well. She also took off her slippers and other jewelry and climbed into the bed with me, getting on top and not minding the sheets that divided us. "Shall we begin?" She said, her horn lighting up with magic. I gave a quick peck on her cheek, which she smiled from, a light flush in her face. "Now I am." I said, smirking from her embarrassment. "Very well. Now this may seem painful, but we believe thou's pain tolerance is fairly high. So thou shouldn't feel anything too troubling since we are going to access the hidden parts of thou's memories." "Well now I don't want to do it since you said thaaaaaaat." I trailed off, feeling myself slipping and going unconscious very rapidly. The last thing I saw was Luna's face hardening slightly, her eyes shutting as she pushed her magic into my head. I was in the void again, and Luna was there with me almost instantaneously. She quite literately popped into existence as she scared me from behind. "Jesus, of all of the transitions, why do you use that one?" I asked her, looking for an answer. "Forgive me, but we do not know of any other 'Transitions' thou speaks of." She countered, frowning slightly. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't know at the time." I said, backing down. I saw that I was in my Human form, and it felt weird after being a pony for a while. "So, what now?" I asked, knowing exactly how this was going to turn out. "We shall show thee the memories thou has hidden away, breaking the barrier your mind as created to protect thou from any harm that may be induced from remembering." She said cryptically. "And that means?" I asked. "We are going to view the memory of your battle with Discord. The one who had possibly put this ailment on thee." She said simply. "Neato, when do we see it?" "Now." I was going to question her about that, when the world around us suddenly exploded into color. Looking around us, I saw that I was on the ground, but it was different this time. There was large pieces of stone and dirt floating around, seemingly like in an arena if the red tinted dome barrier was any indication. The past me got up and created something on his wrists, and shot out webbing onto a far stone and brought it back to him. He then launched it behind him, hitting the now identified Discord between the eyes. Discord didn't even flinch. "Oh, what fun it is to mess with a newbie. How long have you had this power? Hmm? I'd say around a year at most." A large fireball erupted from the past me's palm, which surprised me and Luna. Discord simply slapped it away and it hit the barrier, which absorbed it within a second. "You see, there's not much of a difference between us, Franz." Discord said, smirking lightly. Past me only scoffed, and glared at him with an intense hate. "You really think that I'm the same guy from a few days ago?" He asked. Discord laughed at past me, like I was a joke. "Wow, you really are an Element! HA! Who's role did you take over? Was it Light's? Nah, he's too pure, how about...Life's? Or Death's, since you killed so many humans and a god from your home world? Hmm? Who's did you take? Surely you couldn't be mine." "I don't know. I'll leave that to your Imagination." He said. I could feel the air get stale, and the sense of dread fall over. Discord gained a look of surprise, before it turned to a mix of fear, and anger. "You have no right to mention that Element!" He said, making a dash for past me. Everything slowed down from my view, and Luna could also feel it. "Dear Franz, could thou always control time? Or is this a technique you possess?" She asked me. "Yeah, pretty much the first option. And the second one too." I responded. The past me walked up to Discord, and gave a powerful uppercut to his jaw. Time resumed to it's normal pace, and Discord was sent flying into the air. Creating a energy dagger in one arm, the past me shot out a web, sticking it to Discord, and slung him back to the ground nearby. He jumped in and began slashing at the exposed parts of his joints, the wounds cautorizing before bleeding could start. Discord thrashed around, trying to escape, and used a teleportation spell to get away. "Stop! If you kill me, then who will bring about chaos in the world? Who will balance the Chaos and Harmony? Asheal and Discord? You'll kill us both!" He tried to reason. "I'll be both!" Past me cried. Luna looked slightly confused on what was going on, but I wasn't sure either. Flickering out of sight, he reappeared next to Discord and grabbed onto the arm that had the most damage on the joint. With a quick pull, the arm popped, stretched, and tore off in an instant. He screamed as blood spurted out of the socket that was once connected to his body. He threw a wild attack, which connected with past me's head, and an explosion of violet energy launched him through several of the floating pieces of ground. Discord then charged at him with his rip off trident and launched it into him, pinning him to the swaying debris. In a violent explosion, Discords arm reformed and turned back into a lions paw. He flexed it and his trident came flying back to him, with past me being dragged along with it. "You may be Imagination's choice, but that doesn't mean that you can kill another Element. We are fundamental! HA, we can create worlds that can break one resol-" "Shut up." ... It was silent for a few seconds, and I was wondering what past me was going to say. Discord looked somewhat offended, but waited for past me to respond. "All you ever do is talk about how you're 'Idea's' work, how you acquired the power to do so, blah blah blah. It's all the same." He said. A blood stained glove grabbed the energy trident, and began burning away the material it touched. "But if there's anything that can get in your way, it's me. Another fundamental, am I not right?!" Holding my breath, I contemplated on what I was saying. I saw small cracks at the part of the trident that was stuck in the armor. Discord didn't notice, but I did. Looking over to Luna, I saw that she was watching the scene unfold with an intensive stare. "I know what it means to be a villain, I was one in my home world. I killed the god that was supposedly watching over us, because I was going on a rampage with no one stopping me. I'm not trying to kill, they just keep getting in my way." Past me raised his head, and revealed that he was indeed teary eyed through the depolarized visor. A sudden scowl replaced his face, and his eyes glowed a bright blue. "That's why I'll do anything to protect the one's I care for! Even if it'll kill me! I'll find the fucker who gave me this power, and make him take it back! I don't want this! I hate it!" The piece of the trident he was grabbing shattered, and my past self grabbed Discord by the neck. "Then give me your power, and I'll help get the life you once had back. You can go off home and back to your little Cadence, even though she was trying to get to your power." In a bright explosion, Discord was blown back and into the barrier, which it bounced him back off of. Past me burst with power, which took a fiery tone, pulsing with energy. "YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OF HER NAME!" He screamed, and proceeded to charge him again, this time a fiery blue flame surrounding his body. Discord repaired his trident, and launched it at past me with great speed. He just knocked it away and brought up his own staff, and it formed into a strange mixture of a staff with a diamond shaped pike. It was really a sight to see, a reality bending Spartan charging a weird monster thing who had similar abilities. Discord made another one, and the two weapons clashed blinded us. Luna seemed somewhat nervous about what Discord had said, but I wasn't worried. I was pissed, both then, and a bit now. They swung their weapons again, and began trading blows, which they both either blocked or countered, both of them seeming to try and genuinely kill the other. I wasn't sure how I was still standing, even after some of the things Discord threw at me. Discord got a lucky hit, and brought me down to a knee. Raising his trident, it he brought it down and hit the ground, demolishing the chunk of platform I was on. Past me blurred behind Discord, and had the spear speeding towards the unprotected neck area. Discord knew this and blocked it with the arm guard he had on his claw. He reached for past me, but past me instead shot out some webbing and blinded Discord momentarily. Discord shot a blast of magic and paralyzed my momentarily, causing me to twitch violently for a bit and then letting me relax, as he tore off the webbing from his face. "What's the matter, can't keep up?" He said "Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands." Past me said, before turning into a plume of smoke. More webbing spattered against his face, keeping him blinded for a bit longer. Past me reappeared and shot two webs into Discord's torso, and began swinging his around before slamming him into the barrier. He bounced back and finally removed the webs from his face, only to get a fist to smash into his skin tight armor. It glowed purple and I was starting to get worried. Not for me, but for Discord. Discord tried to claw at him, but past me countered his paw and snaked his arm around and made Discord lock up his chest. In an instant, past me brought his free fist and slammed it into his throat, stunning him before twisting discords paw and forcing him into the ground. With another quick flick, past me had snapped his arm at the elbow, forcing a cry of pain from Discord as he began to get enraged. Discord flexed his power, and knocked past me off and onto the ground. Now Discord may seem bigger, but that only meant that I was faster. Rolling to the side, past me narrowly dodged a trident to the head, followed by several more following after him. Discord looked pissed now, and was charging me while I was down. Suddenly, Discord erupted into black flames, and hissed as they burned away his armor and ate at his skin. Taking advantage of his distracted nature, past me created another diamond staff and launched it at him. It hit him in the knee, and brought him down and struggled to rid himself of the black flames. Past me materialized Captain America's shield and bashed it into Discord's face, knocking him down as past me pulled a gun and shot him in the other knee and arm. Discord screeched in agony, and flexed his power again, this time dispelling of the Amaterasu and throwing it into the barrier. Past me's right hand was glowing purple for some reason, and charged at Discord once more. I thought I caught glimpse of something embedded in his palm, and knew what it was. Time seemingly slowed down as past me got closer. I think I was going all out with this final attack. "Infinite-" Discord was recovering from his power flex, and noticed that I was nearby. He tried to move away, but a pair of golden chains wrapped around his arms, keeping him steady. "Falcon-" My fist began burning red, and a fire took the shape of a small bird. Another clone popped up and released a powerful punch to the head, stunning him slightly. "Power-" Discord realized that he was trapped either way, and couldn't escape the final attack. "PUNCH!" Discord seemingly readied himself, and took the full force head on. Past me's fist erupted in a shower of red and purple power, a large glowing phoenix with purple wings slamming into the armored part of his chest. It held at first, before giving way to the might of the Infinity stone's power and shattered, digging into his flesh and bone, ripping it all apart. Discord way then launched away and into the barrier, shattering it and his resolve, the chains binding him breaking and disappearing into the ground. Past me was looking pretty exhausted, and promptly powered down in a flash of blue. He fell and seemingly passed out. After a moment of laying there, he got up and made a portal of spinning magic, the same one from Doctor Strange, and grabbed Discord and made another portal, and hopped back into Equestria. [Stop here] The memory faded, and I was back in the void with Luna, who was looking somewhat bothered. "Luna, are you shaking?" I asked, I thought I saw some sort of dark tint in her cheeks, and she lunged herself into my chest, and began giving me kisses all around. "Hey, hey, what's this all about?" I asked her. She didn't respond, and gave me a passionate kiss on my lips. I was surprised, but didn't fight back. I slowly returned it. She then accidentally stepped on my foot, and I woke up. > Chapter 29: Smashing Confessions. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke up, I saw that Luna was snuggling up next to me, and that I was back in my pony form. I also noticed that she was very warm, especially around her lower parts, and I wanted to slip away, but remembered what we watched together. It was hard to believe that I harnessed the power of an Infinity stone, so I knew now that I could at least make one. Maybe it was difficult for me to do so, since it was a final move and all. Her eyes opened slowly, and she saw how close we were. She gave me a peck, which I returned with pleasure. "Thou was amazing with your battle with Discord. Though, I do have some questions about what exactly what the two of you were talking about." She said. She then put her hoof on my stomach and pulled me close. "But that will wait until I find a proper way to bring it up. I would like to think on my questions beforehand." She added. I let out a sigh, and rested my eyes. I really hoped that Celestia wasn't a dream walker as well, or we're going to have some problems with privacy. "Okay, I can wait for those questions Luna." I replied, giving her a small smile. I was on my laptop making another armor set. It would be for Celestia, just in case she ever got jealous about Luna's armor capsules. Speaking of Luna, I heard that she was in her room, getting ready for another meeting with the nobles. Apparently she has been slacking in her Night Court, and is helping Celestia with Day Court. At least I knew where I could find her if I needed her. I also tried to imagine myself getting rid of the Trigger Word Discord had somehow put on me, but I didn't feel anything change. However, when I tried to think about my sealed memories, I would get a throbbing headache and have to stop from the pain alone. I just think that the name is the trigger, but I didn't trust myself still to say it aloud should I go on a rampage. I didn't think I would, but it's better to be safe than sorry. The armor design for Celestia was that of a basic Spartan Set, but I would allow certain modifications and make it run like any regular suit, just without the neural interface. I didn't want to kill her with her own pain induced spasms. I also made some Clone Trooper armor for the guards me and Luna were going to take. It would resemble the Arc Troopers Armor, with the grey toned plates and blue highlights. The helmet's would have a motion tracker, a energy blade in the right wrist, and a bio readout to inform ones and the team members physical health, with a small mounted laser on the shoulder that would target non-friendly wildlife, excluding anything that had a higher brainwave functions other than survival. And I also made sure to re-enforce the armor plates and give it a titanium layer that would take more of a pounding, and a gel layer, to keep them from dying from the energy transfer of blunt force damage. I didn't know how many guards we were taking, so I just made four. Now get this, the whole process took me about four hours to make the damn armors, and another two to program them to normal equine stature. Since the guard mostly consisted of mixed sexes, I also made them to expand or contract depending on the user. All in all, I was pretty satisfied by the results, and thought about modifying my own stealth suit. But I decided against it, since it was already past lunch and I had yet to eat anything besides some infinity bars. Checking the time on the laptop, it read 2:37, plenty of time to grab something to eat. Looking over the armor sets, I just shot some webbing on them and stuck them to the ceiling, casting an invisibility field with another attachment on the chest that activates whenever someone opens the door, only to disable when I am present and give the command code. Putting my laptop away, I went to the door and left the room. I figured that I was in my room for too long, and needed to get out and do something. Preferably something fast. But that could wait until after I ate, as I made a straight beeline towards the kitchen. I didn't meet any staff on the way there, probably because lunch time was done. But that didn't mean that they had to cook for me. "But Your Majesty, surely you don't have to cook for yourself! What about the Royal Chef? It's his job to serve Royalty!" Said a chef, who was trying to convince me to let him take over and make the spaghetti I was currently boiling. "Are you sure? I don't want to get rusty with my cooking skills." I said, stirring the boiling pasta. "Yes, we are sure of it!" He begged. "Fine, but make sure to use an entire stick of butter, some seasoning, and a ton of cheese!" I said, giving him the spoon I was using. "Thank you, Your Highness." He said, looking relieved that I gave him control over the food. "Yeah, yeah...whatever." I said, slightly grumpy that I wasn't able to make my own food. Then again, I did agree with the head chef that I would only make sandwiches, not anything else. Perhaps I could talk with him about that. Sitting down in my chair in defeat, I laid my head and blew out some hair from my eyes. It was starting to get a bit long, even though it was fine just last week. And to be honest, I was starting to get bothered having to keep pushing it to the side. Even though I liked long hair, I didn't think it would fit me if it went any longer. I began thinking about what I should teach them kids about when I visited, but kept drawing blanks. I didn't have a lot of options, and I really wanted to share my knowledge on certain subject regarding technology, but everything I made was either impossible from my world, or straight up unknown for that particular class. "Your spaghetti, Your Highness." Said one of the servants. "Thanks." I said, sitting straight and letting her lay the platter down. She lifted the lid up and revealed the spaghetti, practically buried under a thick layer of cheese. I was beginning to fantasize about how good this would be, when the servant interrupted my train of thought. "Would thou like anything to drink, Dear Franz?" "Yeah, do you guys have any, wait a minute..." I trailed off, turning to look at the servant. "Surprise!" Said Luna, giving me a hug and pushing me into her breastplate. "Ow." I managed. She let go and gave me a small peck on the cheek. Where did she come from? And what was she doing? "We have brought thou the plate you requested! Would thee like anything to drink?" She asked, smiling happily. I noticed that she was really excited about something, but what could it be? "Uh, some juice?" I asked. In a flash of magic, she made a bottle of liquid which closely resembled apple juice, and poured me some into a nearby cup. "Thanks." I said, eyeing her smile with curiosity. It felt as though she wanted to tell me something, or was she just horny and wanted to get me to the bedroom once I was finished eating. "Does thou like the food?" She asked, getting into her chair and jumping up and down to get closer to me. It was pretty quiet in the dinning room, so the clanks from her large chair resonated very loudly. "Yes." I said, taking a bite out of it. ... ... Hold up. "Luna, you didn't put anything in my spaghetti, did you?" I asked, looking over to her. She looked slightly offended about the idea, and feigned innocence. "Us? Nay, we would never do such a thing!" "Then why are you acting suspicious?" I said, looking at her with an intense look. She blushed and I noticed a small shimmer on the ground. Glancing quickly, I saw that it was a clear liquid that trailed up to Luna's re- Oh shit. Oh SHIT! Swallowing nervously, I tried to remain oblivious to what she wanted, when another thing popped in mind. Celestia. I figured that she may had put another one of those 'Ready For Baby' spells on Luna again, and thought about yelling at her for that. "Dear Franz..." I heard her call. I ignored her for a bit, and stuffed some of the spaghetti in my mouth, and downing it with some of the juice she gave me. "Y-yes?" I asked, clearly flustered. "Art thou ready for me?" She said. I saw her from my peripheral vision that she was getting pretty close to me. And while I normally wouldn't mind, this was for something else that I was not, in fact, ready for. "Define ready. Ready to play some Halo? Or ready to play Smash." I said. She earned a smirk, and leaned into my ear. "I would very much like to play 'Smash'." She whispered. 'HA! You fool, you fell for my trap card!' "Nice, how about when I'm done here, I'll go get ready and set everything up for us. But remember, I won't go easy on you." I said, gaining an evil smirk. She giggled and nodded, fluttering to the door. She gave me a wink before leaving, her face with a deep flush as she shut the door. Once she was gone, I slammed my head on the table, and let out a sigh of relief, before chuckling out of amusement. "She has no idea what I have in store for her." I said, lifting my head and seeing the chef who was supposed to make the spaghetti. He had a knowing smile, and nodded his head out of respect. "You, come here." I said, calling him over. "Need help?" He said, a smirk spreading across his face. "Nah, not really. I just want to make sure that you don't tell anyone about what you saw." I said, closing my eyes for a moment before opening them to reveal the base Sharingan form to scare him. "I'm sure that you value your job, correct?" I asked, watching him freeze up in fear. He nodded rapidly, and I smiled. "Good. Now try some of the spaghetti. A cook should also be able to enjoy his own creations." I said, gaining a smile and finishing my plate. He nodded before disappearing behind the chef's door. "Mmm, food." I mumbled, and left my plate in a neat spot for the servants to retrieve. Maybe I can get used to this lifestyle, but best if I didn't. Leaving, I went back to my room through the halls, thinking about ways to get revenge on Celestia for casting horny magic on Luna. If it was even that to begin with anyways. I was back in my room, getting everything ready to play smash with Luna. I had busted out the GameCube Controllers and made them themed around ourselves. Hers being the dark blue and black controller with basic colored buttons, along with white outlines around the edges. Mine was a basic GameCube controller, the main color being a dull silver and the controls being the same as Luna's controller. After adjusting my settings, I tested them out and chose my Main, Blue Kirby. I heard the sound of a teleportation spell, along with a blue tinted flash, and felt a pair of hooves cover my eyes. "Guess who, Dear Franz?" "Hey Luna. Ready to smash?" I asked. She let out a confused 'Huh?' and saw the Switch I had made. "Oh, Super Smash Brothers." "World of Light! I made sure to get all of the DLC in there, so there's plenty of characters in there, from SMB to Fire emblem, I have them all! Although, some of them have buffs that aren't fair." I said, shivering from the update with Sans as a Wii costume. "SMB?' She asked. "Super Mario Brothers. It wouldn't be a smash party if they weren't there." I said, giving her custom controller to her. "Franz, I assumed that thou meant, y-you know, intercourse." She said, sounding disappointed, and a bit nervously. I laughed, and puller her in for a hug with one of my wings. "Silly Luna, just think of this as a date. Remember what I said? You have to earn it back." I stated, giving her a genuine smile and a peck on her cheek. "We realize that. Thou... you could have said that to avoid getting ready for a rather, intensive, activity. Tell me, do I look appealing, at the very least?" She asked. "I um, I've been avoiding looking at you so that I wouldn't have to answer that." I said, staring at the screen the projector was displaying the whole game on. "Franz, look at me." She said. "..." Was my response. "Franz, look. At. Me." She said, pausing in between her words. "Oh I don't think so." I said, getting a smirk. She huffed, and brought up her controller. She picked Samus, and made the character have a darker color. "Why not pick Dark Samus?" I asked. "We think that one's form should remain pure, and so, we chose the original rather than a corrupted form of the character." She said. "Well, Dark Samus is essentially regular Samus, except Dark Samus has more strength and power. But hey, you choose what you want." I said, thinking about the stats. "Strange, I picked the character that is ready for war, and thou picks a small blue ball of fat." She said. Did she... Just trash talk my Kirby? "Sure, we'll see." I said, my face hardening. "So, what map do you want?" I asked her. She thought for a moment, and gave her answer. "I shall pick the one named Final Destination. For it is your last stop for the night." She said. I saw her levitate her controller, and I clicked the map. "3!" "We hope thou is ready to lose!" "2!" "Sure." "1!" "GO!" (I would play this as to make the scene more fluid.) She immediately dashed after Kirby, who I made jump up and use down-A, and used my spin attack. She got caught in it, and I followed with a neutral-A attack, adding more damage to her bar. She was blown back, and shot a missile at me, which I made Kirby eat. "Franz! How do I make my character eat the attacks?" She asked. "You can't." I responded. I took this opportunity and made for a grab, and used a side tilt to throw her into the ground, and followed with a side air, knocking her off the platform. She began pressing all of the buttons frantically, trying to get back up and barely doing so. I decided to not edge guard her, since this wouldn't be a far fight if I did, and she managed to make it back onto the platform. She then began charging her B-neutral for a massive attack. "Haha! Feel out wrath from this final attack!" She said, and shot the overcharged blast. I simply jumped over it, and made for another grab. She then used her basic attack combos, and landed a few good hits on me. "Huzzah! How the tables have turned! I made a lot of little jumps above her, and pressed my Down-B, and turned into a ball of spikes, quickly plummeting toward her. Thankfully, she had the instinct to move out of the way, and shot another missile at me, which did no damage since I was still a ball. "What? How come I can't do any damage? How about this?" She said, and grabbed me with Samus. "OH! We have thee! HAHA!" She cried. I simply wiggled my joystick around and got out, and used my Side-B for the hammer, and hit her with it, which sent her flying across the map, near the danger zone. She frantically tried to get back, and I saw her floating down from above. Keep in mind that this was an Omega map, and that there were no higher platforms. I waited until she got back before making for another grab, when she suddenly sprung up and did some damage to Kirby, taking me by surprise. I didn't hear her say anything, and figured that she was focused now. "Hmm." I hummed as I made for an up-B and slashed upwards, catching her by surprise, before bringing it back down and doing more damage, followed by that small slash of energy that added a bit more of a hit. She tried to blast me with another attack, but I ate it and recovered some health. She seemed like she was getting annoyed. "How come we can't hit thou very often." She mumbled, as I grabbed her character and used my down tilt, doing some serious damage. Her damage meter was pretty high, and mine was about half way. She recovered and made a dash for me, and I did the same. We both collided with each others side-dash and my Kirby was knocked back, and hers was also knocked back, but was on fire. She recovered got back up and charged a large blast again. I just let her and made a dash for her character. "Take this!" She said, and released it. I simply used shield and watched as it popped harmlessly against my protected character. Luna looked surprised, and I grabbed her Samus and used an Up-tilt, disappearing off the screen and slamming back down in a fiery ball. Her character was sent flying off the screen, hearing that beautiful explosion as she lost one of her three stock. But she didn't know that. "We do not enjoy this game." She muttered. I simply laughed, and looked over to her, noticing the lace outfit she was wearing, and turned red. "W-well, I think you're pretty good for a new player. It took me forever to try and master how to use Kirby and make him good." I said, turning back around. I saw that she had my Kirby, and was beating him from her grab. I began flicking my joystick rapidly, but couldn't escape as she slammed me into the ground, and launched me a good distance into the air. She tried for another up-B, but I turned into a pink rectangle and slammed into her character, doing a large amount of damage. My Kirby was starting to let out wisps of smoke, and I knew that she was purposely trying to distract me to win. I charged after her and grabbed her, going a forward-tilt and slamming her into the ground again, but followed with a side-tilt, knocking her off the stage again. She would have gotten back up, but I floated down to her and used down-tilt, making not as much damage as I wanted, but enough to where I would take another one of her stock and make her lose confidence. After another explosion, I made it back to the platform, and made it back to my spot on the left. All in all, I was kinda worried that I would make her upset, but I was wrong. Once she spawned, she tried to attack me with another charged blast. I jumped over it, and didn't think she would go for another grab, but instead she made for a side-dash, and slammed into me, knocking me out of the visible arena. I barely made it back, and noticed that she was waiting for me there. Foolishly, I went for a down-A, but she used her up smash attack and knocked me out of the map, making me splatter against the screen. "Haha! How does it feel to lose one of thee's stock!" She cried, jumping up and down in her spot on the bed. "Alright, no more holding back, I guess." I said, and ran after her once I re-spawned. She tried to go for a combo, but I was still in my temporary spawn invincibility, and grabbed her and used my down-tilt, doing some damage. I followed with a hop and a down-A, and once we were on the ground, followed that up with a neutral-A. going for a rapid attack. Once I finished, I knocked her away and off the ledge, where she tried to get back up. I went for a down-taunt, and hopped after her, using my side-B and hitting her with a hammer. I quickly made little hops back up to the platform, and when her Samus was close enough, hit her again with a side air-A. She used her Up-B and grabbed onto the ledge, where I hopped off and pushed her off, letting her fall for a bit. She tried to go back up and attack me, but I hopped up and turned into a black 1000 Lb brick and slammed onto her, blowing her back across the other side of the map as she tried to air-dodge, but made it to where I was landing. She was at over 110%, and it was clear who was going to win. "We aren't very fond of thou besting us in anything other than bedroom activities, Franz." She said. Turning to look at her, I wondered what she had meant by that, but realized what she was doing. Making Kirby jump, I barely avoided the side-dash she had for me, and followed with a back-side air. She was launched across the platform, and I chased after her, using my side-B and waiting for her to come back. The hammer began burning fiery as I waited for her to return. She hopped back and right into my path. Turning around, I let go as my prediction came true, and she used an air-dodge to get behind me. She was hit head on, and launched across the sky, and into the background where she disappeared in a small twinkle. "GAME!" Said the announcer. (Stop music here) I turned to Luna, who had a sour look on her face. I saw that she was still leaking fluid on my bed, and I figured I could always burn my bed once this was done. "At least the music was nice." She grumbled. "Sorry Luna, but if you want, you can practice using Samus, or any other characters you choose." I said. "Twas not fair of thou to use that blue menace Kirby." She said, turning to look at the screen and watch Kirby dance around, before going into a pose. "To be honest, Kirby is my Main, which means that he is the guy I usually play with. I also have other mains, with Lucina being second, and Captain Falcon my third." I said. She still looked bummed out that she lost. So I gave her an awkward hug. "Don't worry, I was pretty horrible when I first started playing too. You just need to practice some more. Practice makes perfect." I said, giving a light rubbing of her shoulder as she seemingly got better. "We know. I just with that we could do something about the ache in my nether regions. It has been burning the whole time." She said, shifting awkwardly on my bed. I noticed that particular musky smell again. I wrinkled my nose out of discomfort, and let her go. "You should probably take a shower. Preferably a cold one, because you uh, smell weird." I said. She looked offended, and held a hoof to her chest. "Franz! Art thou calling us unpleasant to be around?" She assumed. "No, it's not that. You mares tend to have a really weird smell that I don't feel comfortable with. Especially when you females are having that horny time around specific times of the year." I said, now realizing that was a mistake. "And how does thou know what we have been through?" She said, eyeing me. "Hey, I'm a guy. We tend to realize these things as we mature and age." I said, folding my arms across my chest. "And what about thee? Surely thou has that pheromone in thou's chest fur! Does that not count?" She asked me, pushing her hoof into the mattress. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Okay, I'll give you that one." I surrendered, deflating slightly. She smiled and hopped off of the bed, and went into my bathroom, that clear liquid dripping from her rear as she walked away. I tried to not look at it, but she was swinging her hips around so much that she nearly knocked down the setup I had for the switch. Hell, she even got some of that stuff on the damn projector that was on. I got annoyed and went to turn off the Switch. I didn't want it to smell when anyone came in here, so I made some air spray and let loose a cloud of white mist, and went around the room. Once it was done, the room smelled like vanilla, and the odd spice smell was barely noticeable now. I tucked away the controllers in the cabinet that was near the screen. I wanted to clean up the small droplets of her lady lube, but decided that if she was going to leave my room a mess, then she would have to clean up after herself. I didn't want to tell her to clean it up right now, since she was in the shower, so I waited for her and pulled up my visor, and checked the entirety of the castle. I knew that the ball room was still unexplored, and I didn't have a proper reading of what was going on there, but I did have a map on everything else. I checked on what my friends were doing, but didn't see their markers. I figured that they must have gone home for the night. I looked over to my outside balcony, and decided to go there and admire the stars for a bit. I opened the doors and sat in a newly added chair that was from the spa. I had an entire view on what was going on in Canterlot, and saw mostly ponies going out on dates or going home from their long shifts. I created some drones, and sent them out, looking for anything that might catch my interest. Specifically any crime I might see. Like Batman, but without all the brooding he does on ledges. After a few minutes, they came back with nothing major to report. Except one instance where someone tried to pee in a fountain. But hey, that guy was looking like shit. Ultimately, he wasn't arrested and he left before someone would see his dong. "That's nice." I said, not really thinking anyone would hear me. And I was right, No one did. I sat there, just admiring the stars and thinking about whether or not I could figure out a way to bring these ponies to space, should they ever try. I could always just provide the blueprints for a space craft, but I had knowledge on so many, that I wasn't even sure where to start. "Do you often admire Luna's night sky?" I heard from behind. Glancing at Celestia, I saw that she had a small smile on her muzzle. I frowned at her, and turned back. "It wasn't very nice of you to put that spell on Luna, you know." I said, looking at the city below. One of my drones was still out, and I was looking for anything remotely interesting. "Well, I have to get her active in your life again, even if it may induce adverse effects on her." Celestia horridly countered. "Still, forcing her into a spell, where she goes into heat, isn't what I would want her to rush into. I'd rather take things slowly, and not make things too hard for her." I reasoned. I felt Celestia pull up against me, and sit down with an interested look towards the city. "You do realize that you two are quite troublesome with everypony at the castle. You fighting the chef on what to make, you not wanting to spend time with anypony else besides Luna. I have feelings too, you know." She said. Oh, we're going into one of those talks. Wonderful... "Sorry, I've just been busy dealing with all I've been remembering. Trying to process it and... It's harder than I realized. Not knowing who I was, and what I've done." I said, feeling a bit down now. A hoof fell onto my shoulder, and looked up to Celestia, who gave me a sad look. "It's a difficult question to answer. Why you feel like things are wrong when nothing is. It's better to feel heartache than loneliness. I have a feeling you experienced that when you gained your power, and Luna has too. She cares for you, Franz, truly. You are one of the few she genuinely trusts." She said, removing her hoof and looking down at the bright city below. After a few moments of silence, I spoke up. "Thank you. I think I needed to hear that." I said. "Not to worry. I think you are doing wonderfully. I wish to see the two of you happy together." She said. My mind flashed back to when Ditzy kissed me, and the thought of things being simple were shattered. "Yeah, thanks." I said with a smile. She nodded and took off, her large wings creating gusts of wind as she flew off to a different part of the castle. Possibly to her room. I was alone for a moment, and decided to just be straight up honest with her. "I'll tell her now." I said, and walked into my room. Once I was inside, I saw that she was laying in bed, waiting for me as she had a happy look in her eyes. Oh god. "Dear Franz! We were wondering when thou would finish your chat with Tia. Come, I wish to snuggle with thou." She said, moving over and making space for me. "Sure, but I have to tell you something first." I said, fidgeting around slightly. She smiled and looked excited as to what I had to say. I opened my mouth and tried to form a sentence, but nothing came out. Taking in a breath of air, I relaxed myself and started. "Luna, you know I enjoy being with you, right?" I asked, watching her nod rapidly. I felt my heart begin to ache, and didn't think I could do this. "And you know how I would do anything for you, even going against god-like beings themselves, correct?" I said, earning a more worried nod from her. "I just want to say... To say..." I trailed off, unable to keep the guilt down. Letting out a short sigh, I told her the one thing that came to mind. "I just wanted to say thank you. For everything you've done for me. I don't think I said it aloud yet, but I love you, in a serious way." I let out. She had a reddening blush spread across her face, along with a smile. "But I can't keep this from you." Her smile faltered, and she got nervous. "W-what doth thou m-mean?" She said, sounding afraid. "I kissed another mare, before I met you at the castle and our reintroduction." I said, admitting my sin. I could feel the a weight lift off my back, and another heavier one take it's place. Her smile faded completely, and a blank look was present on her muzzle. She closed her eyes and sat up on the bed. She patted the area next to her, wanting me to sit down. "Luna, I-" "Sit." She said in a cold tone. I did so, not wanting to anger her anymore. Sitting next to her, I tried to not make any eye contact. I was terrified as to what she might say. After a minute or so of her thinking, she opened her eyes and looked over to me. I just hung my head in shame. "Who initiated the first kiss?" She asked me. "She did. I think it was becau-" "We did not ask for an explanation." She said calmly. "Did thou kiss back?" "No." "Did this mare force herself onto thee?" "For the kiss or in a more intimate way?" I asked. "For the kiss." "Yes." "Does thou care for her romantically?" "More like a family member or close friend." "Art thee thinking on forming any sort of relationship with this mare?" I took a second to think about it. I didn't want to hurt her anymore than the other guy did. I also think I may be immortal, but I wasn't sure. Not to mention the other entities that I'll face if they get out. I just wanted everyone to be happy and safe. "Are you?" I asked Luna. She looked at the ground, and pondered for a moment. "We believe that we can benefit from thy's misstep. We could repair the soul bond we had, and give her the option of leaving or staying, should she lose interest." "Are you being serious?" I asked her. She put her right hoof over her chest, and tapped it. "I promise." She said. I scanned her face for any signs of deceit, and found none. Not even her momentary anger was there anymore. "Then should I ask her when I go to Ponyville?" I asked. "Thou should, if you were to run into her again." "You're being really accepting right now, you know that?" I asked. She looked like she was going to kill someone a few seconds ago. "We are just being resourceful." She said, gaining a small smile. "So are we good?" I asked. "Yes, now let us sleep. We are to get thee ready for Wednesday." She said, climbing into bed and pulling me in with her slightly larger body. "Tomorrow's Tuesday, silly." I said. "Nay thee." She said, pulling a reverse card from her hair. Who she got it from, I have no idea. "God damn it." And so, for the rest of the night, I tried to think about way's to bring up my relationship with Luna to Ditzy, and if she wanted to join. Multiple scenarios running through my head and precautions on what I should say, and avoid, things she'll do, if she accepts it, or just flat out says no. Then I passed out, from another day's worth of mayhem, Luna cuddling me from behind as I felt myself drift away. > Chapter 30: A Reasonably Normal Day. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke, I felt as though I was more refreshed, less stressed, and warm, tingly sensation through my chest. I had made up with Luna, even though we didn't actually fight, and gotten the fact that I could let her join, even though I wasn't sure about the whole thing. Maybe another look into this planet's culture would help me more. Looking over at Luna's sleeping form I smiled as she was tucked into my chest and was snoring lightly. I didn't want to wake her, and decided to lay there for a few more minutes. She didn't seem to be a morning person, so I let her rest in my arms, holding her closely. How she went from big spoon to little, I did not know, nor did I mind. I closed my eyes, and rested them until I felt her wake up, holding her closely as I felt her steady, almost gentle breathing. I wouldn't mind waiting for her, and I closed my eyes, giving her a small kiss on her forehead at the base of her horn. I can wait for her to wake on her own. This was nice. Two Hours Later. Okay, maybe I should wake her up. I lost feeling in my right arm five minutes ago, and it's static sensations are beginning to burn. I nudged her gently, hoping to get her to wake up slowly to avoid that sudden jolt of being late. She fought it at first, and buried her head into my chest fluff, her horn scraping my collarbone slightly from it's length. "Luna, it's time to wake up. Come on, let's go honey." I whispered into her ear, which just folded back. I frowned, and realized something, before smiling devilishly. "Luna, it's time to wake up. You have Day Court with me." I said, throwing my voice to the door and changing it to match Celestia's. She flinched, and hopped out of the bed, looking for Celestia. I laughed as she looked around frantically, and not finding her sister in the room. She looked cute with her hair all messy like that. "What is so humorous, Dear Franz?" She asked, getting a bit annoyed. "I just pulled a prank on you." I replied, slowing my laugh to a light chuckle. "Well, it wasn't very funny us..,. me." She said, getting a little grumpy. I just opened my hooves and invited her for a hug. She closed in and we gave a simple embrace. Climbing out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom, when I realized something. It was the morning. Calling my armor, they shot over to me, and latched on, starting to cover my body. I did this as to not show her my dong, and made it partially cover it, hiding it against my stomach. All in all, it felt pretty weird, because it was rubbing every time I moved, and making the situation worse. GO AWAY MORNING WOOD! "Dear Franz? Why did thou call over your armor?" Luna asked, coming over from the opposite side of the bed. Hopefully, she wouldn't see it, and I could make it to the bathroom, where I could flex my limbs and make it go away. "Don't worry, this just happens sometimes." I said, moving over to the bathroom in a quick mannered pace. "Ah, I see." She said, balancing a small pillow on her face. I laughed and closed the bathroom door behind me, deactivating the armor and looking at my junk. I frowned at it's strange shape, and proceeded to stretch my limbs to make it go away. After about a minute or so, it finally receded back and I did my usual morning routine. Quickly, since I wasn't entirely sure what today had in store for me. Once finished, I sniffed myself, and holy shit did I smell. I didn't think that the smell was that potent, and it must've been the pheromones also at work. So I decided to take a quick shower. Stepping inside, I used my magic and turned the knob for the water. It sprinkled down and began soaking me with it's refreshing water. I then yelped, as the water was way too cold for me to handle, and curled up into the area where it wasn't turned to. I stood there for a few seconds, before I tested the water with a hoof. It was getting warmer, and I took a risk and stepped in. It was still a bit cold, but it was bearable enough now. I made quick work of cleaning myself with a puff ball I had made. No idea what they're called, but man do they work against grime. Once I finished, I turned up the heat and let myself soak in the bathroom, really getting the stress out of my back and muscles. I had the stray thought to go whack off later today, should I get the chance. Perhaps it was the teenage me that wanted to do the solo sex mode, and I pushed it down. There is a time and place for everything. Instead of wasting my time thinking about temporary clarity, maybe I should have lot's of mental clarity! Yes! What does that involve? Dopamine and Serotonin. Plenty that could last me the day. And how do I get it without supplements or drugs? Masturbation. I let out a sigh as I was drawing blanks as to what I was going to do for the day, and so far, had nothing planned. It was a free day, to my knowledge. I could always take one of the suits of armor to the R&D wing, and let some of the guards test it, but I also wanted to spar a bit with Luna again. I think I was getting rusty with my fighting skills, even though most of them came from either anime, fighting movies, or stick figure fights. And since I had the power of Imagination, I could program myself to fight like the pro's. Hell yeah! I turned off the water, and shook off all off from inside the bathtub, catching all of the water with the glass panes. Stepping out, I got a towel and dried the rest off. I made sure to use a long lasting soap as to not smell like a walking death machine. I also slapped on some deodorant, even though I haven't really sweated a lot lately. But who knows, something might happens and I wanna be prepared. After everything was taken care of, I went back to my bedroom and noticed that Luna wasn't here anymore. I was a bit saddened, but let go eventually and started my own day. With my armor intact, I opened the door and nodded to my morning shift guards, who did the same. I got around a meter or so before I heard something crash in my room. Turning around, I saw that my guards looked alarmed, and drew their weapons, before going inside. "Wait a second." I said, going over to them. When I reached the doorway, I didn't see anything out of order. I then realized what it had been, and sighed. "Guards, can you exit the room please?" I asked. "Your Highness, there is an intruder! Are you sure?" One of them asked, sounding male. "Yes, I'm sure of it." I answered. They gave me a salute, before leaving reluctantly. Once I was sure that they were gone, I pulled up my visor and manually deactivated the armor I had slung up to the ceiling. And sure enough, there it was on the ground, all strewn up in a messy pile. Letting out a sigh, I got some steel cable and tied them to the ceiling via magic. It was kind of a bad idea to use webbing, since it eventually wore down within a day or so. Once I was done, I reactivated the invisibility and left, closing the door behind me. I noticed that the guards were there still, waiting for me. "Your Highness, where is the intruder?" Asked the guy. "Well, it wasn't a intruder, it was just one of my armor sets I made falling onto the floor." I said, smiling lightly. They just nodded and went back to their standing at my door. Turning back around, I made my way to the kitchen, where I would try and have a normal breakfast with both Luna and Celestia. I made it there, and opened the door, when I saw a face I hadn't seen in a while. "But auntie Celestia! Surely you can get rid of that horrible stallion that calls himself a 'warrior', and let me take his belongings and move them to another part of the castle?" Asked Blueblood, whining to Celestia. I think he was referring to me. "No, I don't think I will have him transferred to a different part of the castle, and even if I did, where would I put him? He is not harming anypony." Celestia said, a gentle smile on her face. I saw past that, and knew she was annoyed. She had her public appearance mask on. "But I don't feel safe passing by his room at all! I feel as though he isn't who he says he is. He's most definitely lying to you." I took little offence to that, since I didn't really value his opinion at all because he was being a prick. I wonder if maybe I can subtly torture him. Hehe, psychological warfare might be fun. "I'm sure that is just the wind passing through his hallway. Even he feels it as well on occasion." Celestia said, turning away from his gaze and back to her newspaper. "Surely you can't avoid all of the weapons he creates, along with those outright dangerous suits of armor he makes! Why, when we first met, the cursed thing locked up on me when he let me try it on!" He said, trying to play the victim. Well, looks like it's time to put this guy in his place. "Hey, I didn't even let you borrow any suit of mine. You broke into my room and stole my armor that I worked hard on to make!" I said, opening the door more so I could enter. Blueblood only huffed. "See? He even eavesdrops on everypony as well." He said, turning his head up. "It's not eavesdropping if I can hear you through the door halfway across the hall. Why don't you like me?!" I said, trying to see if I could at least try to bring him back from the hole he is in. "Well, for starters, there's the fact that you are completely disrespectful to your fellow Royal Family, you create obscene weapons and armor, and you are in a brainwashed, one-sided relationship with Princess Luna." "One-sided?! I'll have you know that I care for Luna as much as she does for me! I only make the armor to protect my friends and family, and both Celestia and Luna have earned my respect, which you have done little to do! In fact, you seem to revel in tarnishing your standing with me!" "Boys." "Is that what you think? I'll have you know that I've known auntie Celestia for my entire life! Where were you the whole time I was there?" "Protecting this reality from malicious gods and demons alike! Oh, would you like me to not do that and let whoever rule the land?" "Boys..." "I would very much like to see what kind of 'demons and gods' you've been defending us from! Oh wait, you can't!" "Bitch, you don't know what I'm capable of doing! What, do you want me to bring the head of a demon lord just to satisfy your impossible standards!" I yelled back. "Are you going to hear me? Or..." "Sure, prove me wrong! I would very much like to see one of your 'Slain' monsters!" "Fine!" I shouted, lighting up my horn and levitating a chair in the back for the illusion of magic. I created a cage and threw in a Nomu from My Hero Academia, and let it take notice of it's surroundings, before triggering it's rage mode. It screeched as it began pounding the bars, trying to get to Blueblood, as he stood there, utterly terrified. "You see? This is what I have to deal with with while you call me a liar! How would you take one of these things down if you faced one in the depths of Tartarus? Hmm?" I asked as Celestia looked surprised and Blueblood mortified. "You don't. Only Alicorns like me, Celestia, and Luna are capable of taking one of these things down." I said, making the Nomu disappear in a flash of light. "Now go run along and be ignorant to the world around you, Blueblood." I said, walking up to my chair and taking a seat. I was pretty sour about him being a prick, no, a little bitch. He went, avoiding the spot where the Nomu was at, and left the room in a hurry. I huffed and crossed my arms. I glanced at Celestia, who had a disapproving look in her eye. I sighed and relaxed my form, letting myself splay across the table. "Why can't he just shut up for once." I muttered, my chin resting on the table. "While I don't approve of your methods, I'm fairly certain that he won't be bothering you for a few weeks, at least." "Hmmph." I grunted. "But where did you summon such a creature? I've never seen anything like it before." She asked, looking at me with interest. "It's called a Nomu. Essentially, they're the experimented humans that have multiple abilities forced into them against their will. Usually, they have a criminal background, and are prone to violence. However, they are extremely obedient and docile when inactive." I explained. this only confused her more. "I thought that the humans from your world didn't have any abilities, and were completely magic-less." She said. "We were, until we started evolving and gained abilities called quirks. Oh, and I forgot to mention, it's from a show call Boku No Hero Academia. Essentially a show meant for entertainment, not Earth itself" "Like your species are to us?" "Correct." I said, stopping for a moment. Maybe I should look into this show about humans they keep referencing. "Interesting. Are there any more shows like that I should be aware of?" She asked. I shook my head no, before expanding a but more on it. "Nah, I don't think so. I usually only create things from what I've seen and can imagine. It's a big Multiverse, and I'm glad I landed here." I said, thinking back to my memory on how I knew this place. It seemed off, and I wanted to look further into it. "That is quite relieving. Do you have any more monsters I should know about?" She asked. 'Well, there's the tailed beast's from Naruto, aliens and zombies from Halo, all of the SCP's from my world, monsters from BNHA, the Xenomorphs and Predators from ALIEN, and a lot more that don't believe is a good idea to think of at the moment.' "Nope, I believe that is all." I said. I definitely was going to get myself killed, I just knew it. I decided to get a bowl of cereal, and some banana slices thrown in, along with a load of sugar. I didn't know whether of not they had any children cereals, since they were usually the best one's that were made. They, of course, went above and beyond with the darn thing, and got me a large bowl of over-sugared cereal with banana and raspberries, with a bit of brown sugar and a single blueberry placed in the center of it all. I held back the amount of annoyance I had for them making this with way too much effort, and just ate it. No matter how good this was, it wasn't fair that they did this. "See you later Celestia." I said, once I finished the entire thing. I didn't know why, but I felt as though we weren't very communicative. "See you later, Franz." She said with a smirk. I nodded and left the room, with my stomach unnecessarily full and I felt slightly bloated from it. I should cut back on the food lest I gain unhealthy weight. Oh damn, now I'm starting to think like Luna too! Speaking of Luna, I should go and visit her room. I don't think I've ever been there before, so a look into her personal space with her permission might let me pick up on things she likes. Making my desicion, I began to make my way over there, and passed by most of the staff, who said either hello or good morning. But I'm pretty sure that they had to say that, or it was built into them from peer pressure. I said my greeting as well, and continued on my way to Luna's room. When I got there, I saw that there were no guards present. Maybe they were on break or something. I was about to knock on the door, when I was stopped. "Dear Franz, what art thou doing?" She asked, coming from behind me. "Oh, I didn't see you there." I said, lowering my hoof from the striking I was about to give it. "I just wanted to see if you were busy. I think that I should spend some time with my girl, no?" I said, winking at her. She smiled, and came closer to me, pulling me in for a hug. I returned it and we embraced. She was slightly less taller than me, I noticed. Believe me, she was still bigger by a good half inch or so, but it could also be from the fact that I was absolutely horrid with measurements. "We appreciate that thou wishes to spend time with us, but surely thou could find something else to do? We are practically buried under a mountain of paperwork, and we simply do not have the time for us at this moment." She said, a tired look in her eyes. Or was she more fed up? Maybe both. "Ah, Okay. Then what were you doing here?" I asked her. She sighed and opened the door, where there was a desk with at least five tall stacks of paperwork. "We came to retrieve the remaining work we had. We art sincerely sorry, Dear Franz, but I am far too busy to even think about us at the moment. Surely tonight we can make up for it and thou can show us how to use Samus in Smash?" She asked. I nodded, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Yeah, no problem. See you then?" I asked her. She nodded, and disappeared into the room, her magic igniting as she began collecting the paperwork. I figured I could always hang out at the R&D wing, but decided not to, as to let them work. Besides, I could always donate some stuff to them for the low cost of nothing. Wait, did I get paid? Probably not. An idea popped up, and I began my short trek to the Throne Room. If my timing was correct, I could always pull a sneaky one on Celestia. A little revenge for her blasting me with that spell hers, and forcing Luna under that 'Baby Spell'. I shivered at the thought, and banished that it from my mind for now. Once I was at the Throne Room, the guards opened the room and gave me access inside, where Celestia was at right now, talking to a Noble. She didn't seem to notice me, so I started climbing the walls and headed over above her. I grinned as I was slowly making my way above her, where I would drop and give her a good scare. I also imagined myself to be invisible to any form of detection, magical and technological. I was above her and was about to jump off, but decided not to, and let her finish what she was talking about, and put on headphones and stayed quiet. After a few minutes, the Noble looked annoyed, but respectful, before bowing and leaving. Taking off the headphones, I stuck some webbing to the ceiling and slowly made my way down to her, similar to how Spider man does, but I made sure to cover my decency, and slowly inched down to her. I heard her let out a sigh, and lower her head in tiredness. "At least Franz is having a better time than me." She said, not expecting anyone to hear her. 'Aww, thanks for the worry.' I thought to myself, a smile on my face as she thought of me while I wasn't around her. "If only he knew how I felt about him, then maybe I wouldn't be too unhappy." This took me by surprise, and I reeled myself back up, now thinking that this wasn't a good idea anymore. No, I'm going to scare her, I have to! Creating a speaker, I placed it under her chair, very carefully, searched for a specific song, and pushed play. Her ears perked, and twitched around, looking for the sounds from the speaker. Once she looked down, I let go and landed on her, knocking her off her chair right when the song started. I turned it all the way up as soon as the engine sounds ended. She yelped from surprise, and I began laughing as the guards came in and looked around in confusion, not knowing where the music was coming from. Their looks of confusion made me laugh harder, and my stomach was beginning to ache from how hard I was laughing. The music was still playing, so I swiped at the pad and removed the app from playing anymore music. I managed to get myself under control, and looked up at Celestia, who had an amused look, but I could tell she was a bit in shock. "Franz, I didn't know that you capable of pulling pranks." She said, looking at the speaker that I put under her chair. "It was funny, no?" I asked, the grin not leaving my face. "We clearly have different types of humor." She said, smirking at me. "Well tell me a joke. I'm practically dying until I get to tomorrow. I want something to do besides games and science. I'm afraid to say it, but I'm bored." I groaned, sprawling across the floor. "Fine, I shall tell you a joke-" I perked up at this, and raised my head from the surprisingly clean floor. "-if you promise to just keep yourself entertained for the rest of the day." She said. "If it doesn't make me laugh, then I get to tell a joke. And I want the guards to hear it. Deal?" I asked, lifting my hoof off the ground. She looked at it with genuine thought, and we bumped hooves. "Deal." She said. "You go first. I want to see what I'm up against." I said, nodding to her. The most of the guards kept their disinterested looks, but some were watching passively in curiosity. "Fine. Knock knock." She said. Ooh, it's one of these. "Who's there." I said, keeping a straight face. I knew what was coming, I just didn't know how. "The interrupting cow." "The interru-" "Moo!" She said, smirking at me. I heard a few guards chuckle, but most seemed a bit bothered by it. "That's i-" "Moo!" She cut me off again. "Okay, it's my tur-" "Moo!" I heard a few more guards chuckle, but the rest were just cringing from it. "You done?" I asked her. She nodded, and I spoke my joke. "Alright. So you've heard of Murphy's law, right?" I asked her. She nodded, and went along with it. "Well have you heard of Cole's law?" I asked, keeping a straight face. She seemed lost, and shook her head. "I don't believe so. What is it?" Here it comes! "Basically chopped up cabbage, with a variety of other vegetables, and usually drenched in vinegar." I said, a smirk on my face. I heard some guards laugh at that, while others just chuckled and shook their heads from amusement. It wasn't much better than hers, but I won that. She frowned, and I smiled. "Looks like I win. Say, where did you get that joke? Very familiar." I said. Her face lit up, and she smirked deviously. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" She said. "Why?" I asked. "To get to the idiots house." She said. "Knock knock." I said, smirking. 'You fell for my trap card.' She had a slightly shocked look, but I had a backup plan in case she somehow got me. "W-who's there?" She asked, slightly worried. "The chicken!" I said, loud enough for them to hear. They were silent for a moment, but soon several of them burst into laughter, and I smiled smugly. YES! I STILL GOT IT! "No u." She said, pulling out a reverse card from her mane. Flicking up my own card, it gave me the most beautiful sensation next to an orgasm. Winning. "No u, times infinity." I said, a small jolt of adrenaline jolting through me. Ugh this felt GOOD! She looked devastated, before smiling and letting out a short laugh. It was nice to hear, especially since I didn't spend much time with her. "You truly are something." She admired, acknowledging her defeat. I created some thick sunglasses, and placed them over my eyes. "You couldn't handle my neutron style." I said, before turning around. "Later, virgin." I said, taking my leave. I heard them go quiet, before I left the room. Once I was away, I began laughing out of panic, thinking I wasn't able to last that long as 'cool'. "Holy shit. I turned into a giga chad!" I said, laughing some more. Thankfully, I was alone, since anyone who saw me would think I had mental issues. I was heading back to my room, when I was blinded by a bright white flash. I flinched, and when I opened them, I saw Celestia there, with a frown. "You called me a virgin. In front of my guards." She said. I panicked, and my horn shone bright. "Later, virgin." I said, before flashing out of existence. When I re-appeared, I was back in my room. I felt nauseous, and felt as though in my panic, I might've left an organ behind. After a few minutes of discomfort, I relaxed on my bed. Thankfully, I still had on that cloaking ability on, so she wouldn't be able to find me easily. I figured a nap would be appropriate, and closed my eyes. It was almost two, so that means that lunch had already passed. Sighing, I took a power nap. Five minutes into my rest, I felt a pressure on my stomach. Opening an eye, the other shot open out surprise, as Celestia was above me, straddling my chest. "Would you like me to show you that I'm not a virgin?" She said, getting a smirk in her face, which was now close to my own. I screamed, and flashed out of existence again. When I re-appeared, I saw that I was in the Town Hall in Ponyville, and got even more sick. "Oh thank g-" I flashed again, surprising anyone who had gotten a glimpse at me. "-od." I threw up after finishing that sentence. Thankfully, it was on the marble, where I cleaned it up afterwards via imagination. "Franz, teleportation is to be used only by experienced, and trained Unicorns. An incorrect teleportation may prove highly disorienting." I heard Celestia say. "Yeah, I noticed." I said weakly, hunching over to try and control the discomfort in my stomach. "But I'm not a virgin. I lost it over hundreds of years ago, long after you had disappeared." She said smugly, as though proud. "Okay, that's pretty nasty to hear, and second, technically you still are, because time tends to shut that hole back up. I'm sorry, but I'm not exploring that abandoned cave." I said, not thinking in the slightest. Once I realized what I had just said, I instantly turned to look at her, and she was clearly looking both mortified, and embarrassed. "Sorry, I tend to not think when I'm sick." I said, finally starting to feel just a bit better. "I understand. And I apologize for teleporting on top of you when you were trying to rest." She said. I saw that there was a small plate where she was sitting, and I could not look at it after only recently losing my lunch. "You should rest now. I'll even sing you to sleep if you would like." She said, smiling lightly. "What time it it?" I asked. She looked outside for a second. "Nearly five. About time for dinner." She said. WHAT! "What! How long have I been gone?" I asked, panicking. "Only for a few hours. That's why I said using a teleportation spell is for experienced Unicorns." "Aw hell." I said, climbing into bed. I figured another try at a nap would go better. I tried to not think about my inability to explain why I was gone for a few hours from that teleportation spell. Maybe I time traveled, or put myself into stasis for a brief moment. "I will see you tomorrow." She said. Nodding, I let out a sigh as teleporting seems takes a lot out of one. No wonder I haven't mastered it, it was a magically exhausting thing to do! "Yeah, later." I said without giving a second thought. Climbing into the bed, I tossed the covers over me to try and get some sleep. I can skip dinner this once, and for her stunt, I'll just eat her cake she's been hiding in the kitchen. Or hold it hostage. Waking up, I felt a second presence on the bed, and knowing who it was most likely to be, I turned to Luna. She was sleeping with her horn glowing softly. I think she was here so I could comfort her while she dream walked, given that she is quite vulnerable during her duties. Turning to a more comfortable position, and went back to sleep some more. I was feeling a dull ache of hunger, but I just imagined some basic nutrients to materialize in there, and went back to my rest. I shifted uncomfortably as I tried to think away the pain, but only made myself more displeased as I wanted to stop my stomach from hurting. What kind of food stuff did I put in there! I remembered that equines ate a variety of other things, such as grass, hay, and alfalfa. Even flowers, and thought the worst. 'I hate daisy and hay related foods.' I thought. I felt Luna shift, and start to wake up, but I forced myself to not move and let her eventually fall back into a deep sleep. I lay there for about a half hour when I felt an uncomfortable pressure around my lower stomach. I just imagined it to go away, and it felt very off putting having my rectum suddenly cleared out via cosmic power. Could I even call it that? I didn't know, as I finally fell back into a comfortable position with Luna, and tried to fall asleep. 'FUCKING HELL DUDE!' I thought, as my body was too restless to go to sleep. I really wanted to go to bed, but I honestly couldn't until I worked off this abundance of energy. I honestly didn't want to do this, but I had no choice. it was around 2:45 AM, and I was honestly beginning to get worried that I might not get enough sleep. I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't. 'Fuck it.' I thought, and slowly made my way out of bed. I was going to make myself go to sleep, even if I had to stimulate myself until I passed out! Going to the bathroom, I locked the door and pulled out my IPhone. I went into my downloads and loaded up some porn that I could get off to. While it loaded, I changed into my Human form, and removed my pants, any anything that could get in the way. After about half an hour of furious whacking, I finally climaxed, and felt myself cool down, and feel genuinely tired. Thank god I don't have boosted stamina, or else I would be here for a whi- Looking down, I saw that I was getting hard again, and face palmed. I just had to think of it in my head, didn't I. "Oh well. Back to being a teenager, I guess." I muttered, getting annoyed. This was unbelievable. Here I was, a 1,026 year old male, masturbating while his girlfriend was in the other room. The thought of her wanting to have intercourse with me sounded very correct to do right about now, but I pushed down those instincts until the time was right. I then stayed in there for an hour, three times in total while I was in there. I was pretty disgusted by myself, but then again, I was also relieved I did this since I wasn't sure how long I would be able to resist Luna's forward attempts. It seemed like she was going too fast, but then again, we did start dating over a thousand years ago, and for the better part of possibly several more after. Once I composed myself, I stood on shaking legs and turned back into my Pony form. I made sure to clean myself up, and to clean up all of the dong water I shot out and place it into the toilet before flushing it away. I was satisfied for now, and crawled back into bed with Luna, who had yet to realize I was gone. I let out a sigh, and let fatigue wear me down enough to make me fall back asleep. I then finally passed out, and felt Luna hugging my side, reassuring me that everything was going to be fine. Somehow. > Chapter 31: Parting Ways [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feeling a nudging sensation, I opened my eyes and saw Luna nudging my face. I also saw that I was basically on top of her, with me having my arms wrapped around her sides and basically burying her in my fluffy chest. "It seems like thou had an interesting night, am I correct?" She said, smiling at me warmly. "What do you mean by that?" I asked, getting off of her. She sniffed me and hummed. "Thou clearly stimulated thyself last night to something. But we can only assume as to what it was." She said, smiling at me with a devious look. "I have no idea what you are talking about." I said, playing dumb. Hopefully she'll drop it so I can avoid it for now. "Surely thou did something. We can smell it on thee, but thankfully no other mare. Which I am grateful for, but did thou have anything specific in mind?" She asked, wiggling her eyes, and flicking them over to her rear. "No. I didn't jack off to your ass last night, you perv." I said, getting slightly embarrassed from her teasing. "Oh? Then what did thou stimulate thyself with? Hmm? Do not hide it from us, we know thou must've done something scandalous with our rump." She said, getting a lustful look in her eyes as she began to look me up and down. "Surely thou can do it again, but with us assisting thee, if you wish..." She said, trailing off and leaning into my ear. "We shall be awaiting your return on Saturday, Dear Franz." I heard her whisper into my ear. I grimaced slightly, and rolled my eyes with an innocent smile. "Sure, whatever." I said, pretending to not get the meaning behind her words. She giggled sweetly, and got up and went to the bathroom, swishing her rear around in hopes to catch my attention. Thankfully, I had something to distract myself with, and pulled out my phone to check the time. It was almost 7:00, and the first train of the day towards Ponyville leaves at around 10:00, so I had time to take everything for Twilight and Rarity. "Dear Franz, why doth thee not enjoy'th the shows we give thou?" She asked. "Simple. I respect you, and all females." I said, setting my phone down and looking over to her. She was at the door of the bathroom, and had a deep blue toothbrush in her mouth. "Hmm." She said simply, and went back inside. I called over my armor, and made a checklist on what I had to do from today to Friday. Give Twilight her armor set. Give Twilight her letter from Celestia Give Rarity her new saddlebags Find Ditzy and hopefully get her to help us with our Bond Eat some food Teach the children something from my world, within appropriate technological adjustments. Buy a sandwich Eat the sandwich Don't talk to reporters or anyone not known. Consider them dangerous. ??? Profit! I made the list fairly quickly, and went into the bathroom to brush my own teeth. And saw Luna on the toilet. We made awkward eye contact, before I backed out slowly, maintaining the stare down, and closed the door slowly. I then waited until she came out, and tried to not look at her when she eventually did. "Oh Franz, we thought thou respected us too much to peek." She said, a smug grin on her face. "That was an accident, Luna." I countered, and went into the bathroom. It didn't smell, surprisingly, but it was a very weird feeling sharing a bathroom with your significant other. I proceeded with my daily routine, and made my teeth cleaner than normal. I also took the time to cut my hair slightly. And by cut, I meant making some of it retract and go into different parts of my body, like my fur. After a bit of manual shortening, I styled my hair to the side, and made my coat shine a bit more than usual. It also seemed like I glowed, but not in a literal sense. Once I was finished, I went outside and saw Luna was waiting for me by the door. "Ooh, we enjoy seeing thou like this. It is quite pleasing and easy on mine eyes." She said, looking me up and down. I felt a bit awkward, and just nodded along. "Yeah, thanks." I said. Quick, give a complement! "You look nice too." I said. She seemed to perk up, and her cheeks gave way to small flush of pink. "Thank thee, Dear Franz. Thou art too kind." She said, giving me a small smile. "Really? I think that would go to the Element Bearer, Kindness." I said, smiling at her. "And is too modest to take a complement." She said, getting close to me for a hug, which I returned. "Thanks?" I said. "Yes, now do not forget anything important. We are certain that thou will need the order for those two mares, correct?" She said, looking slightly down at me. To be fair, she was still, in fact, just slightly taller than me. "Yeah, Twilight's armor and Rarity's saddlebags. I remember." I said, giving her a small peck on the cheek. She smiled, and returned the kiss in kind. "Well, I'm off. See you Saturday?" I asked, not ready for what she had in mind on that particular day. I was both nervous, and excited. "Correct, now leave. I wish to see thou return with another possible mate." She said, smiling. I got confused, but remembered what we had talked about. "Oh, right. I'll talk to her, see if she's interested or not." I said. She nodded, before breaking the hug. I began collecting everything I needed, before Luna used a spell to make the items disappear into concealed parts on my body. How magic could do that was still beyond me. "We- I mean, I love you, Dear Franz." She said, looking a bit sad that I was leaving for a few days. It took me by surprise, but quickly bounced back to try and ease her. "I love you too." I said, the words leaving a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Bitter because I had moved on from the other girl that had hurt me, and sweet because I could finally say it to someone who I genuinely cared for again. She smiled, and I nodded before parting ways with her. I made a quick pit stop to Celestia's room, and picked up the letter she wanted me to give Twilight, adding the cargo to my saddlebags. "Are you sure you don't want any guards to go with you? It would only take a few moments to assemble a small squad." She said, clearly wanting me to take some form of protection. I chuckled, and shook my head. "I'll be fine, Celestia. Besides, you need to come up with better knock knock jokes." I said, smirking at her. "Very well. I shall see you on Saturday. Correct?" She asked. I nodded in response. "Yeah, I should be here by then. Later-" I leaned in close, with a devious smirk. "-virgin." I teased. She only frowned, to which I laughed and slowed down time to avoid being hit by her newspaper. Why she still had those, I wasn't entirely sure. Once I was a good distance away, I turned time back to normal, and walked down to the entrance of the castle. I expected there to be reporters banging at the front gates like zombies, but it was mostly empty much to my surprise. Save for a few nobles that were waiting for a meeting in Day Court. I passed by them, and made my way over to the train station, grabbing a doughnut before I just got on. Donut Joe seemed really happy I chose his place, but really, I was just wanting a quick bite to eat. I arrived at the train station, and had a half hour wait until my train came. So, I waited in the lobby until then, and relaxed a bit. Pulling out my laptop, I began viewing the second weapons design folder. And again, the same warning came up again. Since I was in a public place, but there were little to no ponies here, I think I could view the second folder again without much issue. Hitting yes, the screen lit up for a bit, then died down, showing me several different ships from Halo, Star Wars, and modern weapons and vehicles. One that particularly caught my interest, was that of a Forerunner file labeled 'Damn Daniel' Not knowing what it was, I clicked on it, and it showed me the picture of a hand, with the index and thumb touching, and the other three fingers extending out beyond it. "Damn Daniel!" My computer speakers blared lowly, as I turned down the volume. I was still alone, and there was no one here, thankfully. Past me was a prankster, so maybe obvious altered file names are to be met with caution. Once I gotten over the fact that past me did it to me, I was annoyed, but couldn't do anything about it. Closing my laptop, I saw that I had about ten minutes until my train got here. Getting up, I went to the docking bay, where there was two mares talking to each other. But they were on the far side of the dock, so I didn't have to worry about them. That is, until, one of them spotted me. "EEEEEEE!" "Not again." I groaned, as they ran towards me. "Oh my gosh! Prince Franz! It is such an honor to meet somepony as legendary as you! Can I have your autograph!" "M-me too!" Said the other one, who looked like she was going to cry. Oh god, why is she going to cry!? "Uh, sure, I guess." I said, pulling out a pen from my saddlebag. They then gave me a picture, where I was in the middle of giving Shining the one of the final blows with my energy staff. I signed it, and they were practically showering me with complements, saying how I was an important figure and how my role served to save Equestria on multiple occasions. Turns out, they were history majors, and were currently studying turning points in history over a thousand tears ago, where I was the 'Light in the Darkness' and how I was a great influence years after all of the battles were done and Celestia's reign of peace began. "Thanks, I think it's good what you two are doing, learning about history so it doesn't repeat itself." I said. There were more ponies around now, but were either uninterested, or wanted to admire from afar. "Thank you. So, where you headed?" The first one asked. "I'm going to Ponyville. I have some stuff to give a friend there." I said, seeing a train pull up in the distance. "No way! We're going there too!" The first mare said. I decided to try and remember them. The first mare was a light blue, and was shorter than me by a good margin, with a bright white mane and tail, along with a Cutie Mark of a book. She looked like she was trying to copy me, but was just a Unicorn. The other mare had a dark grey coat, and black mane and tail, with bright red eyes, and glasses. Her Mark was that of a notepad, with several scribbles on it. The one with the glasses had wings, and was looking a slightly on the chubbier side. "Oh really? Why?" I asked. The first one looked like she was going to squeal, and the other looked overjoyed. "Because that's where you faced Nightmare Moon! You tried to fight her and barely won! That's why we're going to Ponyville. We also have the proper supplies to ask everypony questions about what had happened at the Summer Sun Celebration!" The first one said. "Oh, alright. Well, can I have a name?" I asked. The two of them looked at each other with glee, and gave each other a hug, while squealing. "Prince Franz is asking us for our names!" They said, making a small scene. I tried to act play it cool, but the crowd was starting to notice, and even stare. Thankfully, they calmed down and gleefully gave me their respected titles. "I'm Violet Glow! A Tremendous honor to meet you in person!" Said the first mare. "And I'm Mythic Blossom. I also would like to thank you for standing up to that mare." Said the second. "ALL ABOARD!" Yelled the train operator. "Looks like our ride is here." I said, getting into the train. It was the Royal Express cart that was used for nobles who paid exclusively for it, but I didn't normally see any riding it. I looked back and saw that the two of them weren't following, and confused looks. "What? Are you two not coming?" I asked them. They looked surprised, and got giddy from my invitation. "Yes! Of course!" They both squealed. They followed closely behind, and I closed the door shut. I took in the inside, and relaxed when I saw that the interior was pretty clean, and oddly looked like it was barely used. Taking a seat near the window, I looked out the window to distract myself, and to enjoy the view Canterlot had on the mountainside. How they managed to get Canterlot on the side of a mountain was one of the few things I wanted to know about. Violet sat across from me, and Mythic sat next to me, both seemingly admiring me. I glanced at them through the corner of my eye, and saw that Mythic was writing something. "So, where are you from?" Asked Violet. "Well, it was a very long time ago, so I don't think it's there anymore. At least to my knowledge." I said. They looked at each other, and Violet nodded, while Mythic shook her head. I turned to look at them and see what they were doing, which they stopped, of course, once I turned. "Did you have any siblings?" Violet asked. My face hardened, and I looked back to the window. "That's a touchy subject." "Oh, my bad. Uhhm..." Violet said. I heard them shuffling some papers around, before they stopped and began asking some more questions. "So, how strong are you?" Mythic asked. "Define strong. Magically, or physically." I asked for clarification. "Both." Violet interjected. I let out a sigh, and gave them my answer. "I can physically break through trees as if they were Styrofoam, but I can't use magic to finely manipulate things. I can use it to levitate stuff, blast things, and a new one I found out yesterday, Teleportation." I said. I saw Mythic scribbling something on a different notepad quickly, and Violet looked at a different notepad. "What is your opinion on drinking?" "I dislike it, but don't condone anyone who partakes." "What does your Cutie Mark mean?" "No comment." "Okay, what is your relationship with the princesses?" "I like them, they're nice." "And Prince Blueblood?" "Don't like him, not nice." "Are you in any relationships?" "No comment." "Okay, have you ever thought of forming a herd?" "No comment." "You really don't want to answer specific questions, do you?" Mythic asked. "Yeah, I'm not really the type to talk about it." I answered. "Okay, well, what does your armor do?" "Classified." "What does classified mean?" Asked Violet. "It means it's top secret. I'm only wearing it because I made it for protection." I said. "Protection from what?" I shrugged. "Anything really." "Okay, next question. Are you willing to start a relationship with anypony?" Mythic asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Why do I feel like these questions are to try and get a specific answer from me?" I asked. They both turned red. "W-well, we are a part of your fan base, and we were wondering if you would like to start anything with us?" Violet asked. I got uncomfortable, and frowned. "I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. And if I were, I wouldn't want to hurt anypony with how prone I am to attacks from villains." I said, trying to ignore the fact that I apparently have a small fanbase. I had no idea how that happened, or what caused one to form around me. "What do you mean?" Mythic asked. "I'm not saying this to be rude, but it needs to be said. You'll just be an unnecessary casualty if you tried to court me. Besides, I'm already with-" I stopped myself. Damn, I almost said her name. They perked up, and looked at each other, before nodding. "Well, we are your biggest fans, so telling us this makes us feel better about something." Mythic said sweetly. "But we don't take no for an answer." Violet said. "What do you mean?" I asked, getting confused. "I mean we don't like taking no for an answer. We want to be in a herd with you, but we can't do that without your consent. Please just sign this, I really need this." Violet said. Mythic cleared her throat, and Violet corrected herself. "We, really need this." I sighed and looked at the papers. It was already filled out, but I had to make a choice. Which was fairly easy. "Are you two really willing to be with me?" I asked. They nodded, and offered me a quill. "And what about between you two? Do the both of you really want to be together, even if you don't know each other well?" I continued. They nodded, and smiled. "We're both very comfortable with each other, and have even started the process of accepting our feelings for each other." Violet said. I turned to Mythic, and she nodded. "Alright then.." I said simply. I signed the papers, and they glowed lightly. Both of them closed their eyes, and they smiled once it stopped. "Yes! We did it! We formed a pact with you! This is so exciting!" Mythic said, gaining a large smile. "And I wonder what your love tastes like..." Violet said, before stopping. "Wait, why can't I feel your connection to us!" Violet cried, her forehead sweating. Mythic also looked like she was panicking. "Well, I didn't actually sigh it with my name. I put both of your names on it, since you two have confirmed feelings for each other. You both literally said it, and like I said, I don't want either of you to be a casualty should I get into a fight." I said truthfully. Violet looked horrified, and a glare was soon plastered on her face. Mythic also looked pissed, and I wondered why she was mad. "Do you have any idea what you just did!?" Mythic asked, her voice beginning to take a slight distortion. "Uh, no?" I answered truthfully. I saw Mythic's eyes turn green, and realized that they weren't as friendly as I thought. In a quick flash of burning green, I saw Mythic turn into a strange bug-like creature, with a hard exoskeleton, and a pair of bug wings. She pushed her hole-riddled hooves into my chest, and pinned me against the wall. 'What the fuck!' I thought. They other got up, and also changed into another similar bug-pony, and her horn shone a sickly green. 'Aw, hell' I thought before she shot me with a blast of magic. My energy shields came to life, and blocked the attack, dispersing it quickly, and confusing them. I frowned at them, and muttered my armor code. "Armor Activation: Sunset Overdrive." I said, feeling my armor fold across my body. Mythic tried to punch me, but I caught it, and pushed her back into the wall. Violet tried to jump across the table to land a hit, but I slowed time, and moved out of the way. Once I was out of the way, I made a flash grenade, and put it on place where I was at, setting it to detonate when I resumed time. And once I did, I cut my helmet's audio and watched as they were blinded, and temporarily deafened. "Mythic" tried to clear her ears, and any blindness she had, but was stuck to the wall, where she was currently attached to it by a disk. "While I don't know what you two are, I need give respect where it's due. You almost pulled a fast one on me." I said, through my helmet. I sidestepped, and narrowly avoided being tackled by Violet, who seemed to have recovered quickly. I grabbed her, and pushed her against the wall, where she was pinned by me pulling her hoof behind her back. "Should I be worried that I'm having some fun here?" I asked, keeping her pinned and hearing her struggle. *HISS* "Nah, I probably should remain partial pacifist." I mumbled to myself. I pushed her hooves against the wall, and was basically on top of her. I saw her cheeks turn a shade of bright green, and I shot some webbing onto her hooves, and threw the webs across the walls. Basically, I was the spider, and they were the bugs. "Now, I'm going to say this once. What is your purpose here?" I asked, hitting record on my helmet's visor. "W-we'll never tell! You can't make us reveal our plans for Canterlot!" Violet said, sitting on her haunches. "Huh, weird." I said. I saw that Mythic was trying to chew at her wall shackle, and wasn't doing very much to get it loose. "You know you can't break that cuff, right?" I asked her. She hissed, flicking her tongue around while doing her noise. "Well, shit." I said, activating her disk's shields. "Hey, look at me." Violet said. I looked and there was Luna, spreading her legs and revealing her- I looked away, even though she looked exactly like Luna did, but didn't sound like her. "That's not cool." I said. "Please Franz! I need you to relieve me of this heat! Please, I need you..." She trailed off, making her rear more prominent. "No." I said, frowning and not turning to look. "Please Franz, I need your big, juicy, stallion co-" I didn't let her finish, and shot a web on her muzzle, shutting her up. "Could you please shut up? I don't take kindly to anypony... doing whatever that was!" I said, getting annoyed that they even thought that it would work. "Please, I need your fat cock in my ass, please, give it to m-" I cut the other off as well, getting pissed that they were doing this. "Oh my god, just stop that!" I yelled. "Please rut me until I can't wal-" I cut her off my glaring at her with the Sharingan, making her pass out from fear. She fell limp, and let her body sway around silently. Mythic looked absolutely terrified, and didn't say anything else. "So, Are you going to say anything, or are you going to continue to annoy me?" I asked her, giving her an annoyed look. She tried to shake her head, but the shields weren't letting her. "I take that as a no." I said, pulling up a chair and taking a seat across from her. "Now, tell me, what are you really planning in Canterlot?" I asked, glaring at her. I arrived in Ponyville about twenty minutes later. Violet and Mythic being teleported away from me and back to their lair in someplace called The Badlands. I personally didn't care as to what happened to them, so long as they tell their leader to fuck off, which I had written on their foreheads in permanent marker. It was actually pretty funny, since their exoskeletons weren't skin and was fairly difficult to remove, even with vigorous scrubbing. When I got off, I was met with a guard, who had approached me and told me that he was going to escort me to Twilight's home, which he, of course, over complicated things and said unnecessary words like 'Residence' and 'Escort' and some other things that fit the royal guard jargon. Now I understand that he is just doing his job, but couldn't he have done it while I was in the cart with those two Changelings? I saw Twilight's home up ahead, and got ready to give her the armor she has been wanting for a while. I walked up, and knocked on the door a few times. And after waiting a few minutes, I concluded that she wasn't home yet. "Huh, weird." I said, and looked at the sign in front of her home. It read closed, and I let out a short hum. "Would you like me to track her down, Your Highness?" The guard asked. "No, no, that's not necessary. I'll find her eventually since this was an informal visit, and I don't believe she even knows I'm going to be here today." I said, letting him know it was okay. He nodded, and went to the door to stand guard. "You stay here, consider it an adjustment to your assignment." I said, getting a nod from him before I went off into a random direction. Maybe I could stop by Rarity's place and give her the saddlebags. I'm starting to think that they might be in another adventure again, because I haven't seen anyone around for about the entire time I was here. And I took the long way around Ponyville, avoiding Town Hall since there wasn't much there anyway for me to do. "I'm starting to get annoyed." I said. First the Changelings, and now this? Was there an invasion or something? I saw some fanfare in the distance, and decided to follow it. And sure enough, there was literately everyone from Ponyville gathered around a stage that had lots of fireworks and sparkling lights, along with a crudely made rocket, planetarium thing up above. There was also a azure mare with a star hat and cloak, along with a set of violet eyes. I was coming in from the side, right when she was setting off some intricate fireworks. She then pointed into the crowd. Following her hoof, I saw that it was Twilight she was pointing at. "How about... You." Raising an eyebrow, I had the oddest sense of knowing what will happen. Why does this seem vaguely familiar? I decided to get closer, but not too close as to see what would happen. "Well how about it, hmm? Is there anything you can do that The Great and Powerful Trixie, can't?" Twilight seemed at a loss for words, seemingly nervous that she had been challenged. I thought about sneaking in through the crowd and getting a better look. "Well, little hayseed?" "That's it! I can't stand for no more of this!" Applejack said, her face turning sour and mad. Oh shit, someone is about to get their asses kicked! "You show her A.J.!" I heard Spike say encouragingly. Oh, nice. He's here. I haven't seen him in a while. "Can your magical powers do this?" Applejack then began spinning a piece of rope with her tail. I watched as she did so with impressive skill, and practiced talent. And a bit of jealousy from myself. She then threw it out and grabbed an apple, before tugging back and launching right into her mouth, where she literately ate it in what looked like two bites. The crowd began cheering for her, and I smiled. "Top that, Missy." Applejack said, gaining a bit of confidence. Something I wish I had a bit more of. "Oh, ye of little talent-" Her hat began shining a violet color, and it floated away to reveal a horn on her head. "-Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie." She finished as her horn started glowing brighter. The rope near Applejack began glowing as well, and started floating up and distracting her by waving itself around like a snake. Meanwhile, the other end of the rope began shining as well, and moved away, before snagging another apple and returning. I frowned as to what was going to happen, and tried to make my way through the crowd without raising much suspicion, which I did perfectly for some reason. The end that was distracting her snatched her up and tied her legs up, and shoved the apple in her mouth, leaving her to try and get up like a flipped turtle. The crowd laughed, and I was a little bothered by the fact that they were laughing at someone that they must've known for at least years. I would be pissed if that happened to me. "Once again, the great and powerful Trixie prevails." She said. I was starting to get pissed at her. She was reminding me of that shit stick Blueblood. "There's no need to go strutting around and showing off like that!" Rainbow said, appearing from behind. The mare only responded with a smug "Oh?" "That's my job!" Rainbow said, before flying off to a nearby windmill, spinning it faster and faster before launching herself into the sky. She then punched through several rain clouds, reaching high altitudes that I would have trouble achieving with my wings, before dive bombing back down to the earth, and spinning the windmill again. She then flew back and landed in front of the crowd and let what looked like a bucked of water's worth of liquid hit her back, and form an impossible rainbow behind her. "They don't call me 'Rainbow' and 'Dash' for nothing!" She said, as the crowd cheered for her. "I deducted that much already." I muttered. I saw Ditzy flying near the back of the crowd, and began wondering who I should contact first. The girls, of Ditzy? "When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is 'Loser'." Said the mare, lighting her horn. I watched intently as this 'Trixie' made the the Rainbow that was presenting my friend begin to wrap around her, and spin violently. I was taken back as to why this mare was so dead set on disrespecting everyone. "Seems like anypony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the great Trixie." She said, her horn lighting up with magic, and zapping Rainbow in the rear with a lightning bolt, earning a yelp of surprise and pain. In any other case, that yelp would be funny, even cute, but this was too disrespectful, and dangerous. I made my decision, and went to the girls. Sorry, Ditzy, but they need me to help out. I came up behind them, with the intention of showing the unicorn who was boss, but then I heard their conversation, and saw who they were trying to get to show up. "Yeah! A Unicorn to show this Unicorn who's boss!" Rainbow encouraged. "A real Unicorn to Unicorn tussle." Applejack said. I was starting to wonder if whether or not coming on a Wednesday was a good idea of not. "Enough, enough all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace." Rarity said, gaining a bit of pride. "Oh, what's that matter. Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?" Trixie taunted. I reeled back slightly in surprised shock, and leaned away from what Rarity might do, should she go crazy and start a rampage on this Trixie. That wasn't the case, however humorous that would have been to watch. "Oh...it...is...on." I heard her mumble. She got up the stage and began circling around her like a shark would a seal. "You may think you're tough with all of your so called powers, but there is more to magic that your brutish way's." She then made a small pose. "A Unicorn needs to be more that just muscle." Her horn lit up brightly, as the curtains on the top of Trixie's platform was taken off and began spinning around Rarity. "A Unicorn needs to have style." The curtains spun faster, and I was hoping that she would be using some sort of blinding technique or something as the area around Rarity began glowing brightly. But unfortunately, there was no blinding. "A Unicorn's not a Unicorn without grace and beauty." Rarity finished. I had to admit, she looked pretty cool in her 70's styled outfit. But I don't think it was actually from that era. I saw Trixie's horn light up, and wanted to stop it, but let it slide. I could always fix whatever she was going to do eventually. That is, until I actually saw what she did. "Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair?! I know she did something terrible to my hair!" Rarity screamed, her voice getting more high pitched as she talked. I stared with my mouth open, and had the slight urge to laugh, then internally chastised myself for even condisering it. "Nothing." Said Twilight. "Its fine." Rainbow added. "It's gorgeous." Applejack continued. "It's green." Spike said dumbly. "F." I whispered, as Spike was now getting glared at by everyone that was there at the front. "What?" I heard her gasp, along with tears beginning to fall from her face. It hurt me knowing that I had just let this happen to her, but this could also be a lesson she could learn from. What that lesson is? I have no fucking idea. "No, green hair! Not green hair!" She hopped off the stage and began running away, the crown giving her some room the pass by. "Ahh, such an awful awful color!" Rarity cried, running away out of shame. Making the quick decision, I sneaked out of the crowd, and began following Rarity. I knew that since Twilight wasn't one to show off, and I went for Rarity to calm her down, hopefully to be able to help her get her pride back. I'll have a word with this 'Trixie' later. I followed her all the way to her home, where she eventually slowed down and opened the door and closed it hard behind her. I was turning the corner when she did this, and saw her close the door. It broke my heart to see one of my friends crying, and I was wondering on whether of not I should help her, or leave her be to cool down. I waited for five minutes, and went to her door to calm her down. Hopefully I can also give her the bags she wanted as well as a get well soon gift, should I not accidentally piss her off while I'm in there. Hopefully. > Chapter 32: A Major Problem [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked up to Rarity's door and knocked on it three times, even though it said open on the window next to it. Best to be safe than sorry. I waited for about several minutes, when I heard a mewl from next to me. Turning I saw a rather fluffy looking cat, with a small bow on it's head. It looked at me as though interested, and moved closely to me. "Hey kitty kitty, how you doing?" I asked it, raising my voice up a few octaves. The cat was now even more interested, and moved closer to me. I put a hoof on it's head, and started stroking it. The cat then hissed at me, and tried to swipe it's claw at me. "Yikes!" I yelped. I forgot that I was supposed to let them sniff me first, and then pet them. That or this wasn't a very friendly cat to begin with. "Go away! I'm not proper yet!" I heard Rarity scream, along with some sort of crashing sound coming from inside. "Uh, okay then. I'll be back later Rarity. Just wanted to stop by." I called. I started walking away, when the door swung open and revealed Rarity wearing a towel around her head, covering only her mane. She was hiding behind the door, not wanting to fully leave the door. "Franz? What are you doing here? I thought you would be in Canterlot doing royal duties?" She asked. "Well, I came to visit and do some tasks, and figured I could spend time with some of the girls." I said, looking at the towel over her hair. I could see the slightest bit of green poking out. "I see. Well you just caught me at a rather bad time. My apologies, but you'll have to come back later." She said, taking a small sniff. I also noticed that she still had some hastily wiped off tears. "Ah, okay. So I'll see you later?" I asked. She cleared her throat, and nodded. "Yes, I should be proper by then. Farewell!" She said, slamming the door on me. I frowned slightly, before slowly walking away and back to the main street, where I was met with some ponies as they waved at me and gave me smiles. I took it with a grain of salt, since they were all laughing at Rarity not just ten minutes ago. I decided to go to the café where I had talked to Twilight about her problems with the Gala Tickets. They guided me to a table, before the server pulled out a notepad to scribble down my order. "I'll have a salad and a lemonade, no alfalfa, hay, or flowers, please." I ordered. "Right away, Your Highness." Said the waiter guy. I nodded, and looked over the list. I should have added garlic bread as an appetizer. They sound pretty good right about now. I let out a small sigh, and looked around for any reporters. I didn't see any at the moment, but maybe they were all at Canterlot hoping I would be at the castle. I'm just glad that they decided that I wasn't coming out soon, and then the really persistent ones would be left. Then there were those two mares. They were Changelings, as they called themselves, and I'll have to look more into them, since they do seem to pose a security threat. From what they were foolish enough to say, it looked like they had plans for Canterlot. But what? I broke my train of thought when I saw Fluttershy in the distance. It looked like she was heading over this way, possibly for something to eat. I didn't have much for her, all I knew was she liked animals, and that her name was Fluttershy, and is very shy and empathetic, but I didn't know much else about her. Deciding to take a risk, I called her attention. "Hey, Fluttershy! Over here!" I called with an gentle smile. She heard me, and bashfully came over, hiding behind her mane. "Y-yes?" She said, with sounding like she was struggling to talk to me. "Just wanted to say hi. Say, how are you doing?" I asked her, lowering my voice to let her feel more at ease. She pawed at the ground, turning her head and hiding more into her mane. "I-I'm okay." She said quietly. "That is good to hear Fluttershy. Are you busy by chance? I was thinking on inviting whoever I knew over here, and you one of the few that I know enough. So what do you say?" I offered. She looked like she wanted to stay, but was having trouble pushing it out. "W-well, I would like that, it's just, I wouldn't want to intrude." She said, lowering herself to the ground. "Nonsense, you're not intruding at all. I'll even pay for your lunch. You sure you don't want to?" I asked, smiling warmly at her. "Oh, n-no. I wouldn't want to impose. R-really." She stuttered, trying to find an excuse to not be with me. "Well, if you really don't want to, then it's alright. Thanks for stopping by though. I really appreciate it, even though we're not on the best of terms." I said. It's been gnawing at me for a while, and I believed that Fluttershy didn't like me, or was neutral about me. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Your salad, Your Highness." Said the waiter, nearly giving me heart attack as he suddenly appeared next to me. He left after I took the plate and drink. "Oh, thanks." I said. Turning back to Fluttershy, she was still looking at me with a confused look. "What do you mean, 'best of terms'?" She asked. "I just thought that you didn't like me. Since you visited me from the hospital after the Summer Sun Incident, you seemed avoidant. Even at the castle, you were awkward. I just thought that, I don't know, you didn't like me or just tolerated me for your friends sake." I said, gaining slightly upset look. "Anyway, as long as I have food by my side, nothing can go wrong!" I said triumphantly. I looked over to her, and saw that she had a small frown. "No, it's n-not that." She said. Giving her my full attention, I made an effort into looking like I was genuinely listening to what she had to say. "I r-really enjoy being with you, it's just that, Ohh, I don't know what I feel." She said, lowering herself a bit more. "It's alright, take your time." I said, nodding gently at her. "'I don't know how I feel. I think of you as a friend, but I'm starting to think of you as something else." She said. Uh oh, RED FLAG! RED FLAG! RED ALERT! ALL THE DANGER SIGNS! ABANDON SHIP! "I want to be y-your b-b-best friend." She said, quite nervously. I stared at her. And for what felt like a minute if back and forth staring, I sunk into my hay pile and letting out a sigh. 'Sweet relief from the heavenly Jesus!' I thought. "Franz? What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing. I just thought you were going to say something else." I said. "Like what?" She asked again. "Nothing, don't worry about it." I passed off dismissively. Thankfully she took it and didn't question it. We both stood there, not really knowing how to continue after that odd discussion. "Well, are you hungry? The offer still stands." I said, hoping she would take it. I needed to talk to her about what happened between the fight, and whether or not she was scarred or anything. "Actually, I have to go home and feed my animal friends. But I'll be back at Twilight's to return a book she gave me on bears. Oh, I hope I can give Harry a back rub. His back has been aching for days!" She said. Wow, that was fast. She's already talking to me like a introverted friend would. "That's alright. Even though I don't know who Harry is, I'll definitely be at Twilight's later today." I said. "Harry is my bear friend." She said sweetly. This took me by surprise. "Bear friend." I said, not sure how to take that. I don't think I should meet this 'Harry', since he's quite literally a bear. "Yes, bear friend." "Huh, neat." I added, looking at my salad. I was neatly piled on and looked like it had been made with passion, whatever that meant. All in all, it looked really good. "Well, see ya later Fluttershy." I said, looking back to her. She nodded slowly, before turning and walking away. I grabbed a fork with magic and stabbed a piece of the salad, and shoved it into my mouth. "..." "This is pretty good!" I was heading over to Twilight's house at the moment. I think she had to be here right now. I saw the guard was still there, and had every other's trademark look. I was going to open the door, but decided not to, and knocked. "Open!" I heard from inside. Pushing the door open, I saw Twilight reading a book. "Hey, Twilight. How's it hanging?" I asked. She turned to me, and she smiled. "Prince Franz! It's a pleasure to see you again. How's the castle treating you?" She asked, giving a small head tilt as a bow. "Could be worse. But overall fun." I said. "So, how's the thing going with Princess Luna?" She asked. I looked at her with shock. "What?" I asked, acting dumb. "You heard me, romeo. You're courting Princess Luna, right? It's the talk of the town practically. Well, from what Rarity has told me anyway." Twilight said, revealing her source. "And here I thought I was doing a good job at keeping it secret." I mumbled. "Well, technically speaking, you did manage to keep the reporters at bay for a while, but then the duel between you and my brother gave it all away, since Princess Luna was cheering for you." She said. "Speaking of which, how is he? I heard that he was pretty sour about losing." She asked. "Oh! Uh, he's doing pretty good, if not a bit sore from our match." I said, thinking that the finishing move wasn't a fun experience. Twilight giggled, and I gave her a confused look. "That does sound like my brother, always sour after losing." "Anyway, enough about me, what about you?" I asked. She thought for a second, before answering. "Well, everything has been running smoothly, and there hasn't been any problems within Ponyville lately." She said. "Besides a griffon trying to attack Pinkie and arguing with Rainbow Dash." She added quickly. "Yeah, I heard something about that. Thank god that nopony was hurt." I said. "Who's god?" She asked. I panicked, and laughed loudly. "Oh, just a silly inside joke between me and Luna. Nothing special, really." I said, waving it off and trying to cover my mistake. "Oh, that sounds nice. How is she, by the way? Is she adjusting well?" My mind went to all of the more intimate parts of our encounter, and my cheeks burned. "I think that she's doing fine." I said, turning to look at her bookshelves, which were suddenly more interesting than her. "Oooh, I see. Did something happen between you two?" She asked. "What? No. We're perfectly fine. She's happy, I'm happy, it all works out. Nothing to be worried about. And speaking about worried..." I trailed off for dramatic effect. "...Armor Transfer: Twilight Sparkle to Explorative Spartan Set 1." I said, louder for my armor to send the code for her armor to go over to her. In an instant, it popped out of a concealed pocket from on my person, and flew over to her surprised form. She yelped out of fear and covered her face with her hooves, which the armor began latching onto fairy quickly. "Twilight, don't worry, it's just the armor adjusting to your body's specifications and body size, there's no need to worry." I said, pulling up my visor and making sure to have it set to minimum power usage. "Well why didn't you tell me before you sent it at me!" She said, getting up while her armor began to shift and contract to her specific needs. "Then it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." I said, gaining a small smirk. She just groaned as the helmet formed over her head, and began panicking. I saw that her heartbeat was elevated fairly high, and that she was getting pretty nervous as well. "Hey, just breathe, you're going to be alright." I said. I spoke to her with the armor's Communication, or COM for short. "How can you even breathe like this! This is almost suffocating!" She cried, looking around frantically. "That's because you've activated life support, somehow." I said, opening her air-filters and letting a more purified air enter, calming her nerves. "Oh." "Well, how does it feel? You have your own armor now! Isn't it exciting?" I asked. "Well, yes, but I don't know how to utilize all of these functions. Does this armor have any storage?" She asked, her body showing a spaced out look. "I don't know, maybe a few terabytes? Maybe bigger. I'll check." I said, opening the available storage in my suit's armor. "Oh dang, that's a lot." I said, almost amazed by how much I could use. Wait, what's using so much data? Pulling up the polls for what's using the most data, it was the log lines of code that ran the suit's power, weapons systems and everything else. "Uh, Twilight? You okay?" I asked her, as she was giving me a large smile. "Do you have any idea how much information can be stored in this? I have a device that takes up the whole basement that only gives 20 megabytes, and this suit has more than possibly Equestria, no, the entire planet has! How did you even manage to create something like this?!" She asked, getting closer until she was practically looming me. I wasn't sure why I thought this was a good idea, since she is seemingly turned on by figuring out new things. "Uh, science?" I said weakly. I thought her heartbeat monitor had flat lined for a second, because she was just giving me a strange look without breathing. "AAAAAAAAA-" The guard that was supposed to escort Prince Franz to the home of Princess Celestia's Prized Pupil was having another boring day. After he had met up with the alleged 'Warrior Alicorn' he was immediately dismissed and he did what any normal guard would do. Guard, that is. And today was no matter. Do basic things until it was either time to go home or lunchtime. Nothing to hard for guard, right? That was, until he heard the scream of The Bearer of the Element Magic, let out a horrific cry. In any normal instance, he would get there as soon as possible, hoping to catch the attacker and bring them to immediate justice. But this was no normal instance. This was the 'Warrior Alicorn' possibly attacking the poor Twilight Sparkle and forcing her to do vile acts. And so, without thinking, he burst through the doors and tried to be a hero that saved the Element of Magic, and caught Prince Franz in the act of attempted sexual assault. But what he saw wasn't a damsel in distress. "HOW COULD YOU JUST SAY THAT IT WAS JUST SCIENCE! IT WAS CLEARLY NOT!" Screamed an enraged Twilight Sparkle, who was leaning over a cowering Prince Franz. "I don't know! I just make the devices! I don't know what else you want me to say!" "THE TRUTH!" "I just did!" It was a dude in danger. "TELL ME!" "Why though! You wouldn't understand. Don't make me take away your armor!" Prince Franz threatened her. She let out a gasp, and backed away. "Sorry, sorry!" 'This is going to be a long three days.' The guard thought. "Wait where's Spike?" After everything was taken care of, I took residence on the sofa, when Twilight began insisting that I take her bed. I told her no, of course, and that it would be weird if I did so. As it turns out, Spike went out to think, since it sounded like he and Twilight got into a small dispute. I made sure she wasn't anywhere near me, and was actually upstairs and not spying on me. I also made sure to put on a password so that she doesn't manage to get into my other armors or devices. It was a simple password that only I would remember, and I had it written on a piece of paper that I would keep in my saddlebags for the duration of the visit. It was weird and it also felt wrong to not give Twilight full access to all of her armor's abilities, and eventually, I would give her some more upgrades and whatnot, but I had her on limited power usage for her disks. I was starting to think she was getting ready to go to bed, when I heard my COM's static turn on. It flicked on and off several times before it was left on. "It seems like communications thing isn't really working. I'll have to take that up with Franz tomorrow." I heard Twilight say through her mic. I was surprised at first, since I only gave her the armor three hours ago, that she was already trying to figure out the inner workings for her set. "Ooh, I wonder what happens if I do this." I heard her magic light up, followed by the erratic cackle of interference from the mic. I cringed, and decided to lower my volume settings. "That didn't seem to do much. I'll go back to the menu and... there! Voice Commands!" 'Uh oh' "How to do voice commands? *gasp* a tutorial! Alright, let's do this." beep beep beep A funky beat started playing from the receiving ends of the armors that were unfortunate enough to hear this smooth 90's pop song. Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna turn around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you I then cut the audio to my armor and let her figure out how to turn it off herself. I chuckled lightly to myself as it took her about ten minutes of the song on loop for her to finally turn it off. I could imagine Luna being confused as to why the song was playing in the first place, but I just laughed when I got the message from Luna asking me why she ad heard music from her armor. I sent her a message saying it was just Twilight messing around with her armor and accidentally doing that. She also wanted to face chat, which took me by surprise, and I connected her to me. I had my visor on, and a small screen popped up in my upper right corner. It was buzzing with static, and I realized what was happening. "Dear Franz? We do not see thou. Art thy in some sort of invisible field?" "No, you just don't have your helmet on. And your on open COM's, switch to the secured lines." "Of course, wait for us." "Alright." After a few moments of silence, I saw another window pop up, this time in the lower part of my visor. "Hello? Franz? It's me, Twilight. I saw your open mic, and decided to join!" I heard her say through the line. "Can I have a secured line too? She asked. I had to stop myself from face-palming, since I knew that I would break the visor and mess things up a bit. "Yeah, sure. I guess." I answered her, not really wanting to do so, but did for her sake. After a few more minutes, Luna had successfully managed to make an invite to a secure channel, which I accepted immediately. "Alright, What did you want to tell me, Luna?" I asked her. "Did thou ask that mare if she wanted to join our herd? We wished to meet with her and evaluate her accordingly." She said, not bothering to keep things subtle. "Well, I haven't seen her yet, so I'll probably ask her tomorrow, should things go accordingly. I want to be subtle, and to not rush into anything. I said. "Thou should visit her as soon as thou can. We wish to have our bond re-stitched along with another possible mate." Luna said, wanting things to go faster. "You know, you're really pushing me with this mare to join us, you know that?" I said, making sure my helmet was on tight. I was lying on my back with a blanket on my stomach. It looked like I was dazing off with my helmet on, and it looked a bit silly. "We are simply aggravated due to the fact that sister put another one of her heat spells on me." "Again?! Jesus, that's the third time this month. Why doesn't she take the hint that I'm not a parent!" I growled. I noticed that there was another sudden addition to the group, and Twilight was in here somehow. "No, that's not it. Why can't I go into Voice Commands!" We heard Twilight yell angrily. Both me and Luna were surprised that she had managed to hack into the conversation, me more so that her. As soon as she appeared, she left. I let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully she hadn't heard any part of my conversation with Luna. I then saw something dart pass my position in my Motion Tracker, and looked to see a panting Spike, almost passing out from what seemed like exhaustion. "I'll call you back." I told Luna. She gave a small goodbye, and I did the same. I swiped our link to the side, and unfolded my helmet. "Spike, what's going on?" I asked him. Once he caught his breath, he spoke in a hurried tone. "Franz! You wouldn't happen to have experience dealing with large star creatures, right?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow, along with a hoof to my chin. "I might, why?" As soon as I asked him, a loud deafening roar filled the air as it practically shook the entire library. "Oh. That's why." I said, not even surprised at this point I called over my armor, which was laying on the table next to me, and felt it wrap around my body as I readied myself for possible action. "Spike, what exactly did you do?" I asked him, a small frown on my face. "Nothing major, I swear!" He said nervously. In an instant, Twilight was downstairs, along with her purple armor finishing wrapping around her form. "Spike, what's going on!" "Whoa, Twilight, where'd you get the cool armor?" He asked. "That's not important, we need to stop that, uh, what are we fighting with?" I asked him. "An Ursa Major." "WHAT!" Twilight screamed. Another thunderous roar filled the air, giving us the hint that whatever the thing was, it was now closer. "Twilight, you go round the townsfolk. I'll keep you updated on where this thing is." I said. What the hell is with me?! "Wait, are you sure? What if you need help?" She asked. "I won't." I said, rushing to the door and going outside, flaring my wings and taking off to where this thing might be. I set up the link wit Twilight, and she opened it within a few seconds. "Do you see it yet, Franz?" She asked. "I literately just started looking! Hold on a bit." I said, looking around for anything that resembled a monster. Another booming roar resonated throughout the town, and I saw everyone outside, confused on what was going on. "I see it! Southeast side of Ponyville!" I called. I saw Twilight running with her Visor relaying everything in real time in the bottom right of my HUD. "Pinkie lives in the Southeast side! Make sure she is safe!" Twilight said, her breath beginning to sound labored. "Where!" I asked. "Sugarcube Corner!" "She lives there? Huh, how fitting." "Franz!" "Sorry, sorry!" I flew down and saw the Ursa Major. It looked like a large, transparent, sparkling bear with a star on it's forehead. I hovered above it and waited for Twilight to get here. "Twilight, I'm on standby for assistance." I said. "Franz, don't attack it, just make sure nopony gets hurt!" "Copy that." I flew down near the Ursa and looked for anyone near it. Thankfully, these ponies were smart enough to run away from it. "Somepony! HELP!" I looked around for anyone that was possibly trapped. It sounded male, and rushed into the house. "Hello? Where are you!" I called. I looked inside a house where the Ursa had caved the roof from it's weight. "Over here!" Called someone from the back. I rushed in and saw a brown stallion with a strange tail and appearance. It was difficult to look at him properly, since he seemed to shift around in an aura of what looked like heat. "Are you alright, sir?" I asked him. "Over here!" He repeated. I was confused as to why he was just standing there, when he turned around and looked at me. "Hello, Imagination." "What?!" "Over here!" Said someone to my left. Glancing over, I turned back to the mysterious stallion that was there, only to find rubble where he was. What the? "I... I'm coming!" I said, refocusing on the task at hand. I burst into the room where I saw a Silver Shot with Blossom unconscious on the floor. She had a gash that stretched across the side of her head, while Silver was trapped underneath a support beam. "Silver Shot, let's get you and Blossom out of here." I said, using my magic to lift the beam off of him and Blossom onto my back. "My leg!" "Come on!" I yelled, lifting him up as well and putting him onto my back along with Blossom. A message flashed across my screen in blinking red text. I rushed out of there as fast as I could, not wanting to stay in there for much longer should anything ignite. As we left, I saw a glimpse of the stallion again, and he had a small frown on his face, before he faded into thin air. I was going to take them to the hospital, when I saw the Ursa Major right in front of us. It let loose another terrifying roar, and I flared my wings and took off before a large paw smashing into the spot we were at. "Twilight! I'm coming in hot with injured! Find me a secure place to land!" I called into my helmet. "Hold on, I'm yelling at these two colts for bringing the Ursa to Ponyville." "This is more important!" I shouted. I heard a magic blast go off on my back, and saw Silver Shot blast a magic bolt right into the Ursa's eye. It cried in surprise and anger, before it glared down at us and began charging full speed. It let loose another thunderous roar as it bumped into a house, taking off a majority if what was on the side and more. 'Damn it, not good!' I flapped my wings harder to try and get more space between us and the overgrown bear while leading it away from the town. "I didn't want to do this, but it looks like I have to now." I said, making my armor fold off into different parts and latch onto both Blossom and Silver, which he responded with by passing out. I made them mini sets to float with enough power to last a few hours, and to glide them to The Hospital. Once they were gone, I looked back and saw that my torso piece was gone, since I had to use most of my armor save for what was on my four legs, helmet and stomach piece. "Come at thee!" I yelled, and shot an arc beam at the Ursa. It sizzled on it's fur, doing little to no damage whatsoever. It responded by roaring at me, and charging at me as I lowered myself to the ground. I felt the energy around me cackle and condense, with a crushing pressure on my chest that quickly moved up to my right forearm. A ball of sparkling red energy was spinning at a impressive speed, and anything that was inside would be crushed with extreme prejudice. I floated onto the ground, and had to balance myself from the ground cracking around me. The ball quickly began lashing around me, burning anything that was unfortunate enough to get too close. The Ursa was getting closer, and was nearly above me, when I released the attack. "WAIT!" I heard Twilight yell from the side. Turning, I saw her, along with some of the residents from Ponyville, watching me with intense stares. "OH SHI-" My scream was cut off as the Ursa's paw crushed me where I stood, and the energized ball detonated. It was the first long night without Franz Luna was spending by herself. It was a feeling she was all too familiar with, since she spent the past thousand years without him beforehand. She was watching Ponyville while trying to ignore the burning sensation in her nether regions. How much it annoyed her that Celestia always did this to her when Franz wasn't near. It almost seemed like punishment, but she knew it wasn't more than a prank. She thought she saw the faintest of blue within the town, but she passed it off as another rural celebration. Oh, how much she hoped Franz would celebrate with her and for him to ravish her body and make it hi- Luna shook her head to clear those thoughts. She knew that he wanted to wait until they were either married, or after their third date, which was what she was planning to do once he got back. A flash of red caught her attention, and she turned to see a large thin beam of energy burst into the sky from Ponyville. She assumed the worst, and rushed to Celestia's room, and began gathering guards and scouts along the way. She only hoped that it wasn't something stronger than her Dear Franz, as a thunderous boom was heard from the attack. (These take too long) I groaned as my body ached from that final attack. What was Twilight thinking, interrupting me like that. I was actually kinda pissed with her at the moment. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a large crater, with smoke blurring my vision and that the seemingly unconscious Ursa Major. I looked over for any injuries I should have done, but there was only a large burn mark on it's paw. The same one that had tried to crush me. I honestly thought that I could have done more damage, but I guess it's tougher than I realized. "Franz!" I heard Twilight yell. "Gaaaaah." I groaned, trying to get up. I stumbled, and saw that my right forearm was missing a good portion of it's fur, but strangely not any skin was gone. Not that it didn't hurt, it was burning pretty badly, but I expected to lose a limb after that blast. Apparently science and advanced weapons don't work on giant star bears. "Franz! What were you thinking! Why did you try and attack the Ursa... Minor." She finished slowly. "Well, I-I would have f-finished it with a final move if you hadn't distracted me like that. Hnngh." I stuttered, not able to feel my arm anymore as I winced in pain. "Are you okay?" Twilight asked, her helmet folding back and giving me a worried look. "Don't worry about me, worry about the injured." "You are the injured!" She yelled at me. Another thundering roar, more powerful than the previous one, followed by a loud whimpering was heard from the Ursa Minor. "What was that?" Looking at my left wrist, I opened the the view for Silver and Blossom. They were almost at the hospital, and I would need the armor as soon as they landed. "Twilight, I think that may actually be the Ursa Major. I need to know what kind of weaknesses they might have!" I ordered. "But they don't! You have to pierce through their thick armored skin to even hurt one of them!" She said frantically. "Well, looks like I have to do it one more time then. Does magic affect them?" I asked. "Well, I was reading about them earlier, and we can sedate one with magic, but I don't think it's necessary to hurt them like the mi-" Another ear splitting roar thundered throughout Ponyville, making Twilight lock up. "Does it or not!" I yelled. "Yes!" She yelped. I felt a bit bad about yelling at her, but everyone's lives was at stake here. Flaring my wings, I was going to take off, when I felt something latch onto my side. Golden energy danced around my body as it locked me up in a golden prison. "AAH! What are you doing!" I yelled. Twilight had a sadden look in her eyes. "You're not going to fight an Ursa Major, You'll die if you do!" "Only if it kills me." My wrist lit up in a blue light, and deactivated the disk. "Franz! Wait!" She yelled in surprise as I slowed time and shot off into the sky. Where is that big bear. I passed the Ursa Minor and shot three strands of webbing and began pulling with all my might. After the initial tug, it went flying into the air and over to the Everfree Forest. I saw the Ursa Major, and it saw me fling it's child into the forest. It let loose a different roar, almost demonic, and charged at me with an intense hatred. If I die, then I'll just re spawn and go back again and again, until this bear get's annoyed with me and leaves. And I really hope I didn't need to. > Chapter 33: Fights, Damage, And Talks. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I never thought I would have to fight a magical, armored, 80+ foot bear. "Come at me! You reverse care bear!" I screamed, charging up a magic blast. The bear only roared, and swiped at me with a large, clawed paw. But then again, life is one of the great mysteries we often wonder about. Dodging out of the way, I released a powerful attack on it's back. It did considerably more damage than my arc reactors. I was going to follow up with another blast, but this Major was fast and backhanded me away, launching me nearly all the way back to Ponyville. I managed to stop myself, and raised my aching arm up to the sky. A disk of energy began forming, it's yellow glow and razor like teeth starting to form and sharpen with the longer I charged it. The Ursa Major reared it head back, and threw a tree at me. Thinking quickly, I threw the disk, and it sawed through the tree and continued on it's path towards the Ursa Major, which just moved out of the way for it to explode in the back. Something struck my back, and felt my armor latch back onto me. I created another helmet, since it was destroyed when I did the first blast, and saw all of the power cells were still there, unused and free for the taking. Dumping it all into another disk, it began turning into a brighter, almost blinding white, and sped up faster with the extra energy from the power cells at play. I also created some Chakra to throw in there, just for extra potency. The bear rushed me, and I glared at it and launched my attack. I was aiming for it's legs, since it wouldn't be able to move as fast with one injured. It jumped up, and over the attack, and was headed straight for me. I grinned, before pulling my arm back and teleporting. The Ursa Major was confused, and then let out a roar of pain as the yellow disk hit it's upper back, cutting through most of it's armored skin. "Susanoo!" I yelled, and a giant white armored being formed and grabbed the Ursa Major from behind and gave the overgrown bear a titanic suplex, slamming it into the ground and dazing it momentarily as the surrounding area shook violently. Wings formed on the white glowing being, and it flew into the sky facing the Ursa so that it wasn't nothing between it and Ponyville. The Ursa Major re-collected it's senses, and looked around for me. Two arrows of pure energy whipped through the sky, nicking the Ursa's arm and hitting it's forehead, right where the star was located. The white arrow splintered before breaking, shattering into several pieces and falling to the ground. The Ursa Major was seemingly dazed by this, and began pawing at it's forehead. I took note of this, and frowned. I'm also pretty sure that everyone from Ponyville was watching me right now. And so I had to finish this quickly. The Susanoo dissipated, and I glided to the ground at a reasonable speed. Once I landed, I charged up that same attack from earlier, only this time, I wasn't going to miss. This attack, the one I've been hiding for good reason, is something I developed while remembering what the Force Repulse was, except I could direct it to different parts of my body and use it as an easily charged blast. Except the last time I used it, it went off when it was overcharged and blew a hole in the sky for sure. This time, I'll make sure not to charge it as much, and to actually make sure to not to light up the sky. I charged it for a few seconds, before blasting it away and watching it burn away at the Ursa's skin, even though it didn't do much damage to even the Ursa Major. I dashed towards it, slowing down time and getting there faster. The Ursa was still somewhat dazed, and I created the Power Stone. I gasped as it attached to my arm, and began burning and cracking away at my armor, skin, and all regardless. I crouched down, my lower legs getting closer to the ground than my front ones, and I jumped. My hoof began glowing bright red, a small flame taking place where the power stone was, and as I got closer, victory was secured. The fire was burning with an intensity I never knew, but I held steady, as failure was not an option right now. I poured a good chunk of my power into this attack. The Power Stone was really helping me harness it, and the Falcon Punch was another add on. I was flying up towards it's face, and it managed to stop it's dizziness. I was right in it's face, and I screamed. "Kyuubi!" Another aura surrounded me, except it was the 9 Tailed Fox from Naruto, donning it's golden glow. The Power Stone flew from my hoof, and into the fist of the 9 Tails, as it slammed into its lower jaw. The rest of the body formed quickly, and added more pressure as the legs pushed more force into the attack. A large Phoenix erupted from the fist, and launched the Ursa back about a mile into the air, effectively knocking it out and onto the ground near it's young. The Power Stone disappeared, as did the giant Phoenix, and all that was left was the 9 Tails. I made it let loose it's own thunderous screech, it's tails swinging wildly, and let it disappear into nothingness. (Stop music here) I fell to the ground, my body spent as I felt my forearm begin to heal from it's burns. Crashing into the ground with a hard thump. I flipped myself over and threw up whatever I had ate last. Note to self, hitting the ground at terminal velocity still hurts! Forcing myself to try and calm my shaking form, I looked over to my arm, the armor folding back as I saw that all of the fur was gone, and that the skin was cracking in random directions, but was slowly mending back together. Rolling back onto my side, and away from my bile pile, I started panting as I had just survived knocking out an Ursa Major. I began laughing. It soon died down, as it would look weird to anyone that might come across me and see me in this state. Getting up with moderate effort, I had my armor support me as I began limping back towards Ponyville. I was surprised I didn't see anyone trying to help me, but hey, what would you do if you saw a gigantic night themed bear trying to chase you down. Approaching the outer limits of the town, I looked up from the ground to see the a crowd forming near the Everfree. It looked like they were all waiting for something. I also saw Luna here as well, and to my surprise, everyone was backing away from her. There were also some reporters, photographers, news ponies, and an ambulance-themed wagon. I got closer, when someone pointed me out. "Look! Prince Franz is back!" Everyone looked over to me, and rushed me all at once. There were flashing lights from cameras, recording devices being shoved into my visor, and ponies asking me questions. "How did you defeat that Ursa Major?!" "What were those monsters you created, and how are they summoned?!" "What are you planning to do with the Ursa Major?!" "Were you scared at all during your battle?!" "How often do you battle these night creatures?" "Since Princess Luna is here, will you claim your prize?" "Was that you at the Cafe earlier? If so, then who was that mare you were talking to?" "Are you forming a herd with another mare?" "How open are you to herds?" "ENOUGH!" Yelled Luna, her voice echoing with enough force that seemed to rival even the Ursa Major's. Everyone locked up, and sped away from me. I was momentarily confused at what was going on, but was thankful the flashing lights stopped. "Dear Franz, are you alright?" I heard her say in a normal voice. It took me a second to realized what was going on, and I noticed Luna in front of me. "Reporters are fairly annoying." I said, taking off my helmet. I didn't fold it back, even though it was a nano-based metal, but I wanted to use something to partially lean on for my leg. "Yes, we noticed." She said, almost sounding annoyed. She then turned to the crowd, and spoke. "Do not fear, citizens of Ponyville, for Prince Franz has subdued the mighty Ursa Major quickly, and efficiently. You may return to thou's homes at this time. There is nothing for thee here." They all nodded shakily, and left soon after. I saw Twilight, along with Spike, who had a mustache for some reason, walking towards us. "Hey, do any of you girls know why the Ursa came here in the first place?" I asked. If it had anything to do with the small show that was displayed earlier, then I'm gonna be pissed. "We do not know why the Ursa Major or Ursa Minor came to Ponyville, save for the idea that the Major came for the injured Minor." Luna said. "Well, there were these two boys that actually brought the Minor to town. Snips and Snails, I believe their names were. Don't worry, I already gave them a punishment, and will talk to their parents later." This caught my attention. "Wait, punishment?" I asked. "I just cast a temporary spell on them to give them mustaches, along with Spike. Nothing too drastic." She said. "Is that why Spike has that?" I asked. "Yeah! Tell me, do I look cool?" He asked, stroking the hair on his face that was comically way too large for him. "Eh, you could do without it." I answered truthfully. "And that's why it's got to go." Twilight said, her horn lighting up with her sparkling magic. "Aw man." He said sadly, watching disappear in a small pop. "Yes, tis not fitting for thee's young age." Luna said, nodding. "What time is it?" I asked. Luna looked up to her moon for a second, and looked back to me. "Tis almost twelve. Thou should head to bed soon." Luna said, giving me a hug, which I returned happily and followed with a small peck to her cheek. I saw Twilight give me a small smirk, which I replied to with a eye-roll. "Ew, can't you two be all lovey dovey somewhere else?" Spike groaned, earning a laugh from me. "Oh Spike, you are truly innocent and pure." I said. I probably shouldn't say that, but it was kinda the truth. He puffed his chest, and gave a proud smile. "Hear that Twilight, I'm innocent, and pure!" "It's a good thing too. Who knows what would happen should he hit a growth spurt." Twilight said. I choked back my laughter, but couldn't hide the smile. "What? What's so funny?" He asked. We all laughed, and went home after some damage control and Animal relocation, which took about 2 hours to do. Afterwards, Luna pulled me to the side, and tried to make out with me, which I gently convinced her to not do. She was adamant, I'll give her that. Surprisingly bold too. Once that passed, with her having a pout on her face, I went back to Twilight's and threw myself on the couch with a loud poomf. It let out a sigh of relief, and gladly let sleep take it's hold on me. I hoped that Luna would be able to get her gaming skills better at Smash, because I want to battle her again. I calmly passed out, without a care in the world. "No" I stared down at Luna, who was trying to give me her feather. "What doth thee mean, no?" "I mean, I don't want to date you." I said more firmly. She gave a huff, and glared at me. "Well why not? Tis not like thou was in any relationships beforehoof. We showed interest, and thou art being difficult for no reason." She said, giving me a small snarl. "Well, for starters, I don't like being stalked for a hour every time I go out and do something. Why do you even want to be with me?" I asked, wanting to get her to leave me alone. "Well thou seems like a good father figure, considering how much thou enjoys being with foals and petting them. And thou retains a excellent physique, one of which I assume females on thou's home world would consider ideal." She said. I merely chuckled. "Luna, I'm not the right one for you. So if you would please go away, I would really appreciate it." I said, pulling the covers back onto my body. "We do not take 'no' Franz. Thou either accepts, or leaves." She said, giving me a frown. "I give you my two weeks notice." I said, burying my head into the cool side of the pillow. "Nay! The art supposed to be begging to be able to court me. So accept, or we shall be forced to take unnecessary action!" "I'm not into Tsundere's, thanks." "Love me!" "Go away!" I was resting on the only place where I knew for sure Luna wouldn't look for me. I wasn't sure how I was breathing, per say, but was just glad I was finally away from her annoying 'Love' antics. I heard a low pop, along with a flash of magic. Opening my eyes, I saw Luna on the other side of the moon's crater. "Oh come on!" I screamed. I woke up, and saw that it was morning already. I looked around for Luna, but realized that she was back in Canterlot. Were those the first few times she had actually tried to court me? Damn, she really was like a Tsundere. Looking around, I noticed that Twilight was up, and reading a book about something. I didn't really know what it was about, but from what the cover looked like, I think she was trying to figure out which monsters I created from last night. Taking a glance at my hoof, I saw that it was mostly back to normal, save for a small difference in hair length. I was actually starting to get fluffy again, and that was going to be a problem if it went beyond what was already considered 'Extra' Twilight noticed my shifting around, and smiled. "Good morning, Franz. Did you sleep well last night?" She asked, giving me her full attention. It caught me off guard, but I recovered quick enough to answer her. "Yeah, I slept pretty good. And you?" I asked. She looked like she normally would, except she was making a lot of eye contact. "Oh, I slept well too. Say, do you mind if we hold an interview? I want to know a bit more about last night." She said, setting her book down. "Uh, sure?" I said, not sounding very convinced about what she wanted. She pulled up a parchment and quill, and closed the book she was reading, which was labeled 'Mythical Creatures, and how to spot one,' "Wait, you want to do it now?" I asked, giving her a confused look. "Of course! Why wouldn't we do it right away?" She said. "Well, can I at least have something to eat?" I questioned. "Allow us, Prince Franz! It would be the very least we could do after you singlehoofedly saved Ponyville from a rampaging beast!" Said Rarity, surprising me and making me turn my head towards her quickly. "Yeah! It was almost like how you fought with Shining Armor and won! Except we got to see a lot of other spells we didn't even know about! My favorite was the giant fox with all of those big tails swinging around! Can you make a mini version of it? Can you, can you, can you?!" Pinkie said, her face appearing from somewhere and getting uncomfortably close to mine. "I...I...What?" I asked, backing my head away from Pinkie as she leaned in a bit too close for comfort. "Don't worry about her, Franz. She's just trying to get you riled up." Said Rainbow, giving me a sympathetic look. "Oh... Alright." "Hold up now, is that Franz ah hear? Lemme give that fella a nice big hug! He was smart enough to knock that big critter away from Sweet Apple Acres!" "No, I'm alright." I said, getting off the couch and over to the bathroom, where I could wait until my morning wood went away. "Aw, c'mon now, ain't nothing wrong with hugging your friends! Right Fluttershy?" Applejack said, walking out of the kitchen with a slightly cowering Fluttershy behind her. "No." She said, lowering even more. "No, really, I can do without the hug." I said, realizing that I would have to get through her to get to the bathroom. "Aw, shucks, your being too modest. Now c'mere." She said, lunging forward with wide arms. I screamed, and flashed out of the room, and reappeared in the bathroom. Looking around, I let out a sigh of relief, and went to the toilet. Only to realize that I was stuck in something. Looking back, I saw that I was merged within the wall, and I screamed again, another blinding light blinding me as I blinked out and reappeared in Twilight's room. Recognizing where I was, I then made my way to the bathroom. Thankfully, without any problem. I saw the girls downstairs as I passed the entrance to the hallway, and they looked at me with confused looks. "Are you okay?" Rainbow asked, flying nearby. "Yep, just need go to the bathroom, be right back, later!" I rushed, darting to said area. Once inside, I noticed that my morning wood was already gone, and had mostly gone back inside of me. I let out an annoyed sigh, and waited for it to finally go back in fully. Once finished, I imagined my body to clean itself, and for it to teleport any waste my body makes and dump it into the toilet to flush immediately. After some testing, I found that it worked almost smoothly, and that I wouldn't have to use the restroom much anymore. Only drawback is that I felt it just, dissipated while in there. I walked downstairs, and saw all of the girls eating their own food, with a plate of pancakes and orange juice waiting for me in front of a recording thing. It looked like one of those older recording devices, but I wasn't sure why there was a crystal attached to the side. "Alright, now what did the six of you need to ask me?" I said, gaining their attention. Twilight was the first to speak up, and cleared her throat. "We were going to ask you a series of questions regrading last night. If you're up to it. I know how it can magically exhaust somepony from doing all kinds of spells like that." She said. "Alright. And what about the two injured ponies, Silver and Blossom?" I asked. "Don't worry about them, Franz. Heck, last I checked, Nether Flame was with them watching over them. I'm sure they'll be fine." Rainbow said, with a smirk. "Besides, ain't like they'd be one to go down easily. Ah heard that Silver Shot took down a few Timber wolves last year. Ah ain't seen nopony hit so many at once." Applejack said, gaining a smile. "And the damage that was done the buildings? How are we going to pay for it?" I asked. They looked at me with blank expressions, as if there were obvious solutions. "Uh, Franz. You're a Prince. Can't you just write a check and pull some strings with Princess Celestia or Luna?" Rainbow said. "I don't know. I'm not very sure they would want to help. Where I'm from, things would be left alone for a while until it either went away, or became a bigger problem." I said. Pinkie popped up behind me, but I noticed last second, and suppressed the urge to lash out "Why don't you try it first? I'm sure that Celestia is kind enough to lend Ponyville a hoof. Even Luna seems like a good resource to call help from." Twilight said. "I don't know. I know their willing, but this is probably thousands of bits in damage. Doesn't that seem like a lot?" "Can't you just do it already!" Rainbow said, sounding annoyed. "Alright, alright." "Do you need a parchment and quill?" Fluttershy said, holding them in her hooves somehow. "Thanks, but no. I have other ways to speak to her." I said. "Like how?" Rainbow asked. "Like this. Activate Holographic Display: Contact Luna." I said, making my voice clearer for the mic to pick up. My helmet formed for the most part, leaving the visor on my chest. It took a few seconds to send the message, and we waited for a bit. "Where's Spike?" I asked them. "He's upstairs having his beauty rest. Poor thing didn't get much sleep after seeing that display of power. He kept talking about how much 'cooler' you are to him now." Rarity said. "Ah, I see." "Dear Franz? Art thee there?" We heard Luna ask. "Hey Luna. I was calling you so I could I could ask a favor for you." I said, looking at the blank screen. If one looked close enough, they could see the Switch and the projector screen in the background. "Anything for thee, Dear Franz." "Yeah, and the girls are here too, since they were the one's asking." I said, gaining a small tint in my face as they all gave me smiles. "Art thou not alone? Where ist thou? I presume Twilight's, from what we can see from the background." She said. "Yeah, you're not really in the camera's angle, could you get in front of it?" I asked. "And where is that?" "In front of the blinking red light." I said. I could hear Rainbow and Pinkie snickering in the back. It took a few seconds, but Luna eventually came into view. She was wearing her usual attire, and a little bed head as she no doubt just woke up. "Good morrow, everypony. Thou has questions for us, do you not?" She said, looking at everyone around me. "Just a reminder, this is not formal in any way. Just a quick friendly chat for now." I said, making sure that they didn't bow or anything. "Yes, a friendly chat." She said. I noticed that Fluttershy was hiding behind Applejack, and that she looked scared for some reason. "Yes, we were wondering if you could send Ponyville some aid after the Ursa Major attack. There are several building that need repair, and some that need serious re-construction. Thankfully, nopony was seriously hurt, and everything was settled within the night." Twilight said professionally. Luna had a moment of thought, and nodded. "Yes, we believe that our sister, Celestia, is working on a relief package for Ponyville. We would appreciate it if this weren't to leave the room, for the time being." Luna said. "Great! That was pretty much all the questions we had. Thank you Princess Luna for the help." "Of course. Is that all?" "Actually, I have a question for myself." Rarity spoke. "Yes, ask your question." Luna said. "Are you and Franz considered an item?" Luna went silent for a second, her face gaining a shocked look. And I spoke up. "Is that really an appropriate question to ask right now?" I said. "Yes." "Luna!" I cried. I heard Rarity squeal, and I turned to her as she to harden her look quickly. "Do the two of you need any, help, regarding clothing? Specifically for foals?" "Hey!" I yelled, gaining reddened cheeks. "We believe that information is none of thou's concern." Luna said, gaining a frown. Rarity backed away, seemingly frightened by her scowl. "I think that's all we need. See you Saturday, Lulu." I said, realizing my slip up. I heard a ring of giggles throughout the girls, and Luna looked at me with a smile. "We shall see thou on Saturday, Dear Franz. We need to talk about something regarding our... personal connections" She said, nodding. "Goodbye, Princess Luna!" I heard Twilight say, waving at the hologram. "Farewell, Twilight Sparkle. And Dear Franz, remember to finish the task we gave onto thee." She said, making eye contact. I was confused at first, and quickly remembered what she meant. "Don't worry, I'll get it done." I said, giving a salute with my right forearm. She gave a light chuckle, and disconnected from the server. "So Franz... how is she in bed?" Rainbow asked, completely out of the blue. "Rainbow!" Yelled everyone, besides Fluttershy, who had a horrified look. "Now, are you ready for the interview?" Twilight asked. She had a long scroll filled with questions. The girls had composed them, and they basically covered anything they could think of. I was more than willing to show them some of the technology, but I was going to have to keep some things under wraps for the in depth explanations "Now, question number one: What is your full name." "Franz." "Question number two: Do you have any family heirlooms?" She asked, quickly scribbling something down. "None that are in my current possession." "Alright. Question number three: Do you have any other living family members?" I gained a slightly pained look, but pushed it down with some minor adjustments to my gauntlets. "No." "May we ask what happened to them?" I weighed my decisions. I could tell them and gain some personal trust, of I can keep that bit to myself and hopefully not have it come up again. "They were killed." I said, gaining a sour look. They all looked at me with various concerned eyes. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Asked Rainbow. "No. No not really." I said, looking back up. "Next question. Where did you grow up?" Twilight continued, as though trying to steamroll through the awkward question. "A small village that would make unique things." I answered. It was technically the truth, since my town would often make a majority of strange things and antiques. "Okay, question number five. How do you create your armors?" "That's classified information." "Okay, question number six: How many other suits are there that you've made?" "In total, about ten that I can remember. Most of them are in Canterlot." I said. She finished writing down all of the information I told her, and looked back to me. "Question number seven: How were you able to make those creatures from last night?" She asked. Oh boy. "It's all in the eyes." I said, pointing to them with a hoof. They got confused on what I meant. "Is there anything on Ocular abilities here?" I asked. Twilight shook her head in response. "None that I know of." She said, gaining a curious smile. "Good." I said, smiling. "And what in tarnation does yer eyes have ta do with anything?" Applejack asked, a more curious look in her muzzle. "Good question. not that it will be answered, just a good one in general." I said. "Can you change your eye color?" Asked Pinkie, who had a piece of cake from... somewhere. What she another reality bender like me? "I can, I just don't want to." I said. "That's not true. Nopony can change their eye colors. It hereditary, and it's simple biology." Twilight said. I frowned at her. "Oh, I don't think so." I said, changing them to purple. It stung a little, but only because I was literately changing my physical body to something not natural. "Oh my. Doesn't that hurt?" Asked Fluttershy, popping up from behind Twilight. "Yeah, tiny bit." I said, blinking slowly to get the slight burning sensation out. "What question were we on now?" Rainbow asked. "Ah ain't got the slightest clue." Applejack said, rubbing her head slightly. "Well, whichever one it is, I do believe that Franz is at least slightly sidetracked." Rarity chipped in. "Well, I kinda have plans for today, so if we were to finish this, then I'll be on my way." I said. "And what are you going to do? It's not like you'd normally look for trouble." Twilight interjected. "Well, I have several ponies I need to meet. Hopefully." I said. "Like who?" Rarity asked, now interested in the conversation. "Classified." "I'll just ask you a few more questions, and we'll finish up later. Sound good?" Twilight asked me. "For sure. Now, next question." I asked, mentally preparing myself for anything. "What were your parents names?" I froze for a solid ten seconds. Another memory flashed by. "Let her go you bastards!" I yelled. "You either come with us, or she gets it, shitass!" They had mother with a knife at her throat, and another three with rifles pointed at me. "Let her go first, and then I'll go." I said, my aura blazing furiously. Dad was in another room, shot and bleeding out in the living room. I didn't feel anything from him, his presence being lackluster as of recently. It was her I was trying to save. "I don't think that's gonna happen. Put on those shackles first, then I'll let her go." They said. I knew that shackles wouldn't do much, even if they tried. I could hear their radio chatter. I wasn't fluent in their codes, but I knew a thing or two about their Task Forces. And MTF Omega-12 wasn't something I wanted to fight with. "Just put them on, and we'll take you and leave your family alone, you hear?" "Franz! Just do what they say! Don't worry about us, just don't let them hurt you!" "Shut up woman!" I moved to get closer, and he put his knife closer to the main artery in her throat. "Don't try anything and put those shackles on, kid." Said the guy. I stood there, and tried to get my aura to calm down. They noticed my power lowering, but didn't relax their own agitated form. A pair of cuffs were tossed at my feet, and whoever tossed them immediately raised their rifles back at me. I looked at them. They looked like regular cuffs meant for regular humans. I slid the on, not really feeling different. "Alright, now stay here while we go and get you into transport. If you listen, you might not die." Said the leader. I simply scoffed, but didn't say anything else. I then saw them stick a needle into her neck, and she looked surprised, and soon passed out from whatever they gave her. "What did you do!" I yelled. They didn't say anything. "What did you do!" I yelled again, gaining an angry look. "MTF Unit Alpha-4, ready for pickup for the humanoid entity. And make it quick. We are also requesting MTF Omega-12 for assistance in transferring the new Bixby to recommended Area-02 for containment." The leader said. "Acknowledged, Alpha-4. Proceed with neutralization of any traces of the Bixby. Make him disappear." Said the radio in his helmet. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" "Quiet. Lopez, make sure he ain't trying anything. Cornell, Jenna, secure the place. We're leaving once transport get's here." "Fuck you." I growled. "Don't think of this as personal, kid. You're pretty fucking dangerous as you are. Now take a seat, transport will be here for us." "NO!" I screamed. I wasn't going to that place with whatever the hell was there. I'll kill them if I have to! In an explosion of light, I sprung from my spot, and went for the closest one. Trails of red went in every direction, and painted the room in a dark, single shade of blood red. "Franz? Franz, are you okay?" I snapped out of my inner thoughts, and looked at them. "Uh, what?" I asked, temporarily forgetting what we were doing. "Are you sure you want to keep this interview going? It looked like you just had a flashback." Twilight asked, a look of concern on her face. "No. I think we can continue this interview some other time please." I said, feeling cold again. I hate these damn memories. And why don't they come in order like before? "Okay. I was worried we broke you or something." "Oh, poor Franz. I could never imagine not knowing who my parents were." "Franz, darling, are you sure you're alright? Surely that memory could shed some light on where you came from?" Rarity asked. "No, I knew who they were. I just remembered seeing them get hurt." I said, a small frown on my face. I didn't want to go into detail about how my younger self got his household family killed. Feeling someone put their hoof on my shoulder, I looked over to them and saw that it was Pinkie, her hair deflating slightly, with a sad smile. "It's okay, Franz. You can talk to auntie Pinkie if you want to." She said jokingly, while pulling me into a surprise hug. "Thanks." I said, ignoring her freakish strength. How did she pull me into this? I then noticed that they all were getting closer, and knew what they were implying, and couldn't do anything about it with Pinkie holding me tightly. 'Aw shit.' I thought, sagging a little as they gave me a large group hug. More so from Fluttershy and Rainbow than the other girls for a reason that I knew, but didn't want to say. Once we all broke the hug, I felt a bit of relief, and gave a small smile. This actually made me fell better, sort of. "If ya ever want ta talk, know that we'll be here for ya." Applejack said, giving me a big toothy grin. "Same here!" Said Pinkie. "Y'know, You are a pretty good guy. So I'm always down to talk about stuff." "Know that we are always here as a friend. And do come on by again. It's always quite a refreshing experience speaking with you." Rarity spoke. "I also like talking with you." Said Fluttershy quietly. "And we won't be going anywhere anytime soon." "Thanks, I appreciate it girls." I said, giving them a smile. Afterwards, we went on break, and I left to go buy myself a sandwich, as to get something off my list. But first, I dropped off Rarity's saddlebags, and put them in a box with her name on them. I saw an open window, and threw it in there for time. I cringed as I heard what sounded like something falling and breaking, but whatever it was, I'm sure I can buy or just create another. I thought I also heard a car screech too... But I'm gonna pretend I didn't. For my own safety. > Chapter 34: Affectionate Notions. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making my way to The Café I usually would buy food from, I noticed that the damage the Ursa Minor did from last night was more extensive than I thought. There were construction ponies laying out new boards for the building that Silver Shot and Blossom were in, and it seemed as though the home was going to be partially knocked down to repair the damage. I wondered if they were alright, but remembered that guy, Nether Flame, and how he was with them. I idly entertained the idea that Silver and Blossom were dating, but from what I could guess, they were just really close friends. But I didn't know how close they were, nor I did I think it was my place to intrude. As I passed the construction site, I noticed the workers doing stuff in the rising heat. I felt the need to do something to help, and decided that after I ate, I could give them something like refreshments. Maybe buy their lunches too. They didn't seem to notice me, however, and I passed them without much issue, aside from the dust the house created as they knocked parts of it down. Arriving at The Cafe, and saw that the Ursa Minor had done some damage here as well, but not to the extent of the other buildings. The same waiter greeted me, and it sounded like he was more casual this time. Even if slightly. "Your Highness, please take a seat and we will be with you shortly." He said. "Thanks." I said, taking a seat at the same spot I did the other times. My new default spot near the edge of the restaurant, if you will. I kept my eyes out for Ditzy, but had yet to see her. Maybe she was working? My attention was pulled back to my table as a new waiter was here. Looking at her, she looked pretty nervous, almost terrified to be near me. "H-hello, Your Highness. W-what would you l-l-like to have t-today?" She stuttered. She looked like an adolescence, and I almost sympathized with her. I remember when I was made to greet customers, but for retail instead of a resturaunt. "I'll have the lunchtime special. And could I also get a lemonade?" I asked, making sure to use a more gentle tone with her to help calm her nerves. She nervously wrote what I asked down, and nodded. "O-of course, your H-highness." She said, slightly hiding herself with the small notepad she had in her magical grasp. "Thank you. Your doing wonderfully, by the way." I said, lowering my voice more to try and help her with what looked like confidence issues. "You really think so?" She asked, staring at me with bright eyes. I nodded, flashing her a genuine smile. She looked like she blushed, but left before I could get a proper glimpse of pink. She came back a few minutes later with the lunchtime special. It was a simple sandwich, but it was fairly large and cut into two, as well as a salad with optional dressing on the side. The lemonade was in a large pitcher, one that would make someone's face turn inside out with those small lemon pulps in there, along with the ice cubes. "Here you go, Your Highness." She said, not stuttering this time. "Thanks." I said. She was going to leave, when a question popped into my head. "Hey, do you guy's accept tips?" I asked her before she left. She nodded slowly, not sure what I meant. "Alright. I'll keep that in mind." I said, and noticed the small set of fries on the table. I looked at her, and she smiled spotting her flushed face. I gave her a thankful look, and dove into my food. Figuratively, that is. While I ate at a mildly faster pace, I kept an eye out for Ditzy. I hadn't seen her yet, and I needed to tell her what we had as a problem. Once I finished, I set two golden bits on the table. I wasn't sure why they were all different colors, but I think the golden ones were at least 20 bits. I could be wrong, so I put several of them on the table just in case they weren't as valuable as I thought. They were the most common, at the palace at least. Getting up, I left and thanked the new waiter and chef, and began to wander. Once I was a ways away, I thought I heard the surprised, and delighted squeal of the waiter, and thought I had pissed her off, and kept walking, slightly faster to not get caught by her. I went to Town Hall, where I was sure to meet Ditzy. Walking inside, I looked for the office that had the main mail service. It was easy enough, but there were a lot of hushed whispers wherever I went. I knew they were talking about me, but I wasn't so sure if I wanted to hear what they were saying. Reaching the front office, I saw a slightly older looking mare attending to a customer. I waited behind them patiently, and unintentionally heard their conversation. "I know that, sir, but I can't fire somepony just because they didn't make your delivery on time." She said, clearly done with this guy's spiel, yet maintaining that familiar customer service look on her face. "Alright, then tell that bird-brain that the next time she's ether late, misses another package, or causes property damage again, I'm unsubscribing from you and going to Canterlot!" He yelled, causing a scene. I think this is a noble visiting Ponyville, but I wasn't sure. He didn't have the posh accent most nobles up at Canterlot had. "We will be with you soon, but could you please let the other customer have a turn? I'm sure he just want's something done quickly, and I will personally see that she get's punished accordingly as to what has transpired on your property." The older mare said. "Alright. I shall be back in five minutes to let whatever low life is next in line do whatever they want. And make it quick, I need to be back in Canterlot by noon." He said, turning to face me. "Be quick, los...er!" He said with narrowed eyes, which widened when he saw who he was referring to. I simply gave him a frown, along with a raised eyebrow. "Y-your Highness! I was just referring to whoever was behind you! Surely you wouldn't take me as a bad pony, right?" He said, cowering and shaking slightly. "Perhaps." I said simply. He moved aside and I walked past him. Closing my eyes, I shook away the thought of shoving him a dumpster. I had an idea on who he was referring to, but I didn't want him to know I knew her. "Greetings, Your Highness. How may I be of assistance?" She asked. I saw that she was a Unicorn, and she had levitated quill and parchment to note down what I was gong to ask her. "Is there a Ms. Ditzy available? I wish to speak with her." I said, my face quickly changing into a polite one. "My apologies, Prince Franz, but she left for her delivery run about an hour ago. Is there anything I can pass onto her?" She asked, levitating the quill closer to the parchment. "Do you have an estimated time on when she will return?" I asked, keeping my face stern, yet calm. This seemed to unnerve her. "Yes, she usually does her rounds in an hour and ten minutes, to an hour and thirty minutes. May I ask why, you are wanting to talk to her?" She asked. "I have urgent, and rather private matters to discuss with her." I said, slightly shifting my face to a neutral expression, my voice stern. She almost cowered under my tone. I hadn't even gotten angry, and yet she thought I was about to smite her with the hand of god. "My apologies, I didn't mean to pry!" She squealed. "Don't worry, you didn't know. I'll wait for her, when she arrives, please let me know. I'll be nearby in the meantime." I said, acting more casual with her. "Of course, Your Highness." She said, bowing her head slightly. I left and went into Town Hall, where I saw the Major again. She looked like she was talking to one of the receptionists, who was looking like she was paying attention, but wanted to leave. Taking a seat on one of the chairs outside the Post Office, and waited for about five minutes. The same noble came back, and gave me a look of slight fear. He walk into the Post Office again, and I didn't hear him yell this time. After another few minutes, he left and I gave him the "I'm watching you" motion, which made him almost run out the doors. Letting out a breath, I pulled up my visor. Luna was currently in the Throne Room with Celestia, and Twilight was in The Library, near the entrance. Checking my notes, I crossed off what I had done already. Give Twilight her armor set. Give Twilight her letter from Celestia Give Rarity her new saddlebags Find Ditzy and hopefully get her to help us with our Bond(Pending) Eat some food Teach the children something from my world, within reasonable standards.(Pending) Buy a sandwich Eat the sandwich Don't talk to reporters or anyone not known, they might try something(Pending) ???(Pending Profit! I let loose a simple sigh, and took off my helmet. After another ten minutes of waiting, I saw Ditzy walk in with her uniform, and a pair of large, empty saddlebags at her sides. She noticed me, and seemingly brightened. "Oh, hi Franz! What are you doing here?" She asked, gaining attention from everyone, who had wide eyes and shocked looks. Ignoring them, I walked up to her with a smile. "Hey you, I was wondering when you would I get back." I said, extending my arms for a hug. She paused for a second, before accepting the invitation with open arms. I held her close, and she smelled of bread, with some salty scent I placed as sweat from her deliveries. It was... an odd feeling to know I could smell that. "Before I forget, I want to talk to you before I leave back to Canterlot. Kay?" I said, glancing around at the nosy ponies. I thought I heard the mention something ill-intended in there, but I ignored it. "Oh, uhm, sure." She said, sounding slightly concerned. "Don't worry, you didn't do anything bad. But it is important." I followed up, trying to dispel any thought of her being in trouble. This didn't seem to work, if her tensing up from my words was any indication. "Anyway, uhh, are you still on your shift? I wouldn't want to keep you from work." I asked, letting her go from the hug. "Actually, I still need to work for another half hour or so. Say, what time is it?" She asked, looking for a clock around the room. Checking my wrist, it displayed the current time with a quick flick. "It's two ten." I said, Ditzy gasping loudly from that. "Oh no! I have to pick up Dinky from School!" She yelped, surprising me. "Can't Amethyst get her?" I asked. "No! She get's out at four! Oh, what am I going to do!" She said, looking like she was going to get a panic attack. I thought that Amethyst's schedule was solid, unless there was some sort of thing going on with it. "Can't you just ask your boss to get out earlier?" I asked. "No, not really. She's very strict when it comes to schedules, and I don't have any sick hours left for my own schedule." Ditzy said, shuffling around on her hooves while her wings seemed to expand out in a frayed manner. An idea then formed in my head. "Hold on a second." I said, forming my helmet. I sent Twilight a message through our private message, giving her details on what I had planned. "Aaaaaand, done. I'm going to go now. I'll meet you at your house, alright?" I said. "What did you do?" She asked. "I went to get Dinky. Well, I sent a guard to meet up with me at the school. I'll see you at your home,-" I leaned in for this part. "-this will involve everyone in your household." I whispered. Her cheeks had a small tint, but she nodded. "Alright, later!" I said, giving her a smile. She nodded slowly, as she was beginning to get surrounded by ponies. Specifically the mares for potential gossiping. Once I was out the door, I made my way over to The Schoolyard. It was a fairly quick walk, Rarity's tour helping me get there just in time. There were already some parents there to collect their children, or was the proper terminology foals? Shaking my head out of the thought loop I would have trapped myself in, I continued to look for Dinky. The parents all bowed to me, which I made them immediately get back up with a simple 'Stop that'. I was about two minutes early, when the loud bell rang, signaling the children would be released soon. The guard arrived just in time, and made his way to my side. I saw Dinky looking around for Ditzy, and I made myself known. "Hey Dinky!" I said, with a large grin. She saw me, and gasped, as did all of the children, and then asked their parents if they could talk to me, which some said no. Dinky made her way over to me, and I gave her a large smile, which she returned to a lesser degree. "Hi Prince Franz." She said shyly. She didn't seem very excited to see me, which made me a bit sad. "Wazzaap." I said, in a thick accent. She giggled slightly. "So, your mom wasn't able to pick you up, so I came down to get you for her. Any places where you would like to go beforehand? Maybe a little adventure?" I asked. She gave me a blank, contemplative look. "Maybe a sweets shop?" I continued. Her eyes widened and, somehow, sparkled as she began hopping up and down while squealing. "Yes! I wanna go! I wanna go!" She shouted. "Good, now, lead the way, Commander Dinky!" I saluted, putting on a mock salute. She giggled, and trotted away, and I followed closely after her. I hope that they like me, I might be their step-father soon. And if my experience with children is anything, it's gonna be a wild ride. I don't think I'd have to worry about Amethyst liking me, she seems to have a level head. It's Dinky I'm worried about. Maybe. I was waiting at Ditzy's home with Dinky, after I had gotten her some ice-cream. She was watching me clean around the house in my human form, and the guard was waiting outside in the shade. I had made a large umbrella, and stuck it to the side of Ditzy's home for the guard to be under. Didn't want him getting sunburnt, if that was even possible for him. "How was school today?" I asked her. Ditzy was almost out, and would no doubt come straight here. "It was okay." She said, momentarily pausing her ice-cream eating. "Was it?" I asked, making sure that she wasn't lying to me. "Yep." "Big think." I slowly said, putting a hand to my chin. She giggled lightly. I think I might do good with this parenting thing. I finished sweeping, and deleted the broom I created. Why didn't I just imagine the dust away? It would have been much easier. Oh well, next time for sure. I heard the door open, and I quickly turned back into my pony form with a burst of pixelated fire encompassing me. "Your Highness, there is a Ms. Ditzy here wishing to enter." The guard said. "Well, let her in! This is her home you know." I said, slightly annoyed that he wasn't letting the literal owner in. Which, in hindsight, pretty funny from a certain point of view. "Right away!" He said, quickly walking to the door. I saw that my ice-cream was still on the table, and that it was starting to melt into a fine liquid. Walking to it, I tried to eat it as quickly as I could, and to get rid of the evidence of us even getting it. A moment later, Ditzy walked in and noticed I was sitting in a chair next to Dinky, eating my own ice-cream. I looked at her with wide eyes, and swallowed what I had. "To be honest, it was my idea to get ice-cream. We got you something though!" I said, motioning to the fridge. She looked tired, but relieved. She let out a sigh, and smiled. "Thank you, Franz. I didn't know what would have happened if you weren't here to pick up Dinky." She said, moving closer to the table. "Hungry?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Not right now. I still have to go grocery shopping before the market closes." She said. "Mommy, doesn't it close at three?" Dinky asked. Ditzy gasped, and flew up to her room. Probably to get out of her uniform and to get food, which I already had in the fridge It looked like they ran through it pretty fast last time I was here. "Ditzy! I already brought food! Don't worry!" I called, hearing a loud thump, followed by her coming down the stairs with her uniform just over her head. "Oops, hehe." She said, one eye looking over to me. Once she settled down, I figured it was time to talk to her about what needed to be discussed. "Dinky, do you want to play in your room for now? I'm going to have a grown up talk with Franz here." She said. Dinky gave a nod of understanding, and went into the small room under the stairs, which reminded me of the Harry Potter series, except less abusive and more magical. "So, what did you need to tell me?" She asked. "Well, it was regarding our friendship with each other." I said. She worry flashed across her muzzle, but she tried to hide it with a blank look. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing's wrong, I just have an offer." I said. This only served to confuse her more, and seemingly develop a wrong idea. "An offer? Franz, I'm not that kind of mare." She said. What!? Oh no! "No, not that kind of offer! A different one." I said. She looked at me with narrowed eyes, and I decided to tell her the truth. "Alright, I'll tell you the whole thing. You know how me and Luna are in a relationship, right?" I asked. Her face turned one into one of shock. "You two are dating!" She asked, forgetting about what I had said entirely. "Yes, now listen. I'm going to tell you what's going on." She nodded, and looked at me with attentive eyes. Well, sort of. "Me and Luna established a Soul Bond over one-thousand years ago. During that time, I believe we didn't exactly get along very well, and since it was basically a one-sided affection thing, one thing lead to another and we got into a fight and she turned into Nightmare Moon, her corrupted self, and tried to kill Celestia." She went silent as she listened to the story so far, her face shifting as it looked like several things were clicking into place in her head. "And so, after Luna was banished to the moon, I seemingly disappeared for her entire banishment. And when I woke up, I had no memory on what was going on. So, after I, and the current Bearers Of The Elements Of Harmony, defeated Nightmare Moon, our Soul Bond was broken with the Elements Harmonic blast." She looked somewhat saddened by the news, but didn't say anything. "Remember back when you kissed me? I told her that happened , and she seemed accepting of it. And so, she asked me to extend the invitation of forming a herd with us, and allowing you to be with me, and her, in hopes of restoring our Soul Bond by extending it to you and using it as a sort of crutch. You were my first choice, and I couldn't think of anypony else, nor did I want anypony else." I said, explaining our situation. I didn't know how she would react, but hopefully, she would help us. "No." I heard her say. My stomach dropped slightly. "Can I ask why?" I asked, feeling genuinely hurt, but suppressed it down. "It's not that I don't like you, it's just that, I'm... I'm not looking for a relationship right now. But I'll definitely keep you in mind when I'm ready! But I just need some time to think about it." She explained, a sour look on her face. "Alright. Well, should I stay, or do you want me to go?" I asked. "I would rather you leave while I think of this. I'm not trying to be mean, I just need to think." She said, looking at the ground as she frowned. "When should I come back?" I asked. "I'll let you know. I promise." She said, opening her arms for a hug. I looked at her for a second, and moved in for the hug. It felt different, like she was about to accept, but couldn't yet. It ached, but I would have my answer eventually. Even if it wasn't what I thought it would be. "I'll see you around?" I asked, breaking the hug, which she was surprisingly hesitant to do. "Yeah. See you later, Prince Franz." She said. I felt a small pang go through my chest, but bottled it away for later. "Okay, later." I said, opening the door and leaving. I was met with the guard, who took his position by my side once he saw that I was leaving. To be honest, I wasn't expecting this to turn out better. In fact, I expected this to fail. But why did it hurt? "Meh." I said, apathetically. I should be grateful that I have Luna... so why did I want more? I let that thought go. To actually think I was going to involve Ditzy into my herd was a little sickening. Why did I want her in the first place? Was it that I wanted to make a family? I had lost everything back on Earth, so why wasn't I allowed to get it back? Was I supposed to suffer? Was there some sort of mistake in gaining my power? Was I really the one some god was fucking with? I was upset that I was forced to leave my home world, angry even. But then again, we were fucking ourselves over constantly, and personally, I would rather die of old age than die of some super virus made in a lab or something. I hadn't noticed, but my face slowly morphed into that of a frown. I was intended on getting back to the Library, but when I looked up, I saw that I actually going to the burger joint I saw a while ago. "The Hayburger." It read proudly. I figured a small snack wouldn't hurt. Pull myself out of a weird bitter face. Going inside, I made my way to the front of the counter, where I saw familiar face. "Prince Franz?" "Oh, hey Amethyst." Ditzy's P.O.V. I let out a worried whine, and was currently panicking. What was that! Why did I tell him that I wasn't ready to date! I've been wanting to do it for the longest time, and when somepony tries to court me, I freeze up and tell them no! It's been a few minutes since Franz left. I think I hurt his feelings when I said that. I growled. Why didn't I just say yes. It would have been so easy! I felt my cheeks burn as I recalled his words. 'You were my first choice, since I couldn't think of anypony else, nor did I want anypony else.' He wanted me to be with him. I was his number one, and I said no!? NO!? I wanted to scream, but Dinky was in the other room. I think she was playing with her toys. I sniffled lightly. Why did I have to be so dumb! He was almost perfect! The way he handles foals, how protective he is, how he always smiles, his jokes that I don't really understand. The only problem was that he wasn't a pony, but a Human. Sure, I could get over that, but I don't know how that would turn out. I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was Franz, I rushed to it and threw it open. "Franz, I-" I stopped when I saw who it was. "Uh, Ditzy?" Carrot Top asked, looking at me with confused look. "U-uh, HA HA HA! Nothing! I was messing with you! Hehe, sorry Carrot Top. I thought you were somepony else." I answered, slightly embarrassed from my slip up. "You said Franz, GASP Did you have him in your home!? Oh, my, gosh! What were you two talking about?" She asked, smiling excitedly as she leaned in. "N-nothing!" I yelped, trying to cover up my slip. "Ooooooooh! I know he was here! Tell me, did he try and court you?" She asked, a grin on her face and a fierce look in her eyes. "M-maybe a little." I answered pitifully. "Go on, tell me more?" She said, nudging me inside. "Okay." I sighed, giving in to her pushing. I wasn't having a good day to start with, and making Franz leave and dealing with Carrot Top right afterwards wasn't helping. She came inside my cramped home, and I told her everything that he offered. "So, you're saying that mom said no to your offer and made you leave?" Amethyst said, sitting on the other side of the table we were sitting on. She looked slightly confused at the whole idea of her mother saying no rather than me trying to court her. "Yeah, it made me a little upset, but I'll get over it. Besides, there's still a chance she'll accept, I hope." I said. "That doesn't sound like mom. Maybe I should talk to her about this." She said, a frown on her muzzle as she was just standing at the register, the day being a slow one, from what I could tell. "No, it's alright. It's her decision, so I don't want anyone to persuade her into the relationship. I want this to be her own choice." I said, hoping that she won't try anything. "No, you don't understand. Don't tell her this, but whenever she isn't home, I go through her journal and make sure she's alright. But ever since you've arrived, that's all she's been thinking of. Almost everyday, she has some sort of mention about you, saying that she really wants you to visit, or to just send a message. She really likes you, and might be in love too." Amethyst informed me. "Really?" I asked. "Really." She said firmly. "And what about you?" I asked. She simply shrugged. "I don't really mind much. As long as mom is happy, then I'm happy." "Okay. And you're sure bits don't have anything to do with it?" I asked her, giving a raised eyebrow, a small smirk on my face. She glared at me, and made me regret even saying that. "O..okay, bad joke. I know when I crossed a line." I chuckled, leaning away from her. I could tell she wanted to pummel me for that, but couldn't. "Just don't say that around her, even if it's a joke she'll take it the wrong way." Amethyst said, eyeing the guard at the entrance. Was she sizing him up for a brawl too? "Alright. Well, even if she were to say no-" "Which she won't." She interjected quickly, looking back to me. "IF, then it wouldn't do any damage to our current relationship. We'd still be friends, and I wouldn't want to be rude or anything. I just want everything to work out." I said. "Right. Well, I got to go back to work now, so see you later?" She asked. "Yeah, and I'll make sure to bring you an allowance too." I joked, earning a punch to my shoulder from her. I didn't feel it, but didn't do anything. Soon, she laughed and left, leaving me to eat my fries alone. I liked her. I may not know how old she is, but I didn't really care anyways. She was a good kid. That, and it's borderline suicide to ask that. Once I finished up, I left with my guard, but not before saying goodbye to Amethyst, who got a ribbing from her co-workers. She ignored them, and said her farewell nonetheless. It was getting a bit dark, so I left back to Twilight's home. I figured that I could read a book on their culture, since I didn't want to get into any awkward situations or accidentally offend anyone again. I then stopped in my tracks. 'I have nothing to present tomorrow!' I screamed mentally. "Sir, is everything alright?" The guard asked me. Turning to him quickly, an idea formed in my head. "Quickly! What would you teach a group of children at a young age?!" I asked, staring at him intensely. "Is this a test, or a question." He asked. "Answer me!" I yelled. "Y-yes, Your Highness! Ah, I would teach them a-about, ah, m-mating?" He said, earning a glare by me. "NO, I need something to teach them without scarring them! Why the hell would you think it would be a good idea to teach them about mating!" I practically yelled at him in his face. I noticed that we were starting to draw attention, and I gave up. "Never mind, I'll figure this out myself." I said, opening the door and going inside. He followed, and went to guard the door. I knew that there was a Night guard somewhere in Ponyville, but I didn't know when they would show up. "Oh, what's up Franz?" I heard Spike say as I entered the kitchen. He was cooking something that smelled good, but unfortunately couldn't get. "Ah, you know, just getting home after a day's worth of nothing." I said, looking over his shoulder to see what he was making. It looked like it was a pasta of some sorts, but I didn't know what he was making exactly. "Okay. Hehe, I did the same thing, except Twilight woke me up to do chores." He said. "Weren't you asleep for most of the morning?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I like to sleep. As Rarity puts it, I need my beauty sleep." I raised an eyebrow at that. "That and I was up basically all night too." He added quickly. "Oh right, I forgot about that." I suddenly remembered something. 'Shit, I forgot to get the construction workers something to drink. Maybe tomorrow I'll pay them a visit. I thought, mentally berating myself for forgetting. "And Twilight's in the bathroom taking a shower. She's been in there for about ten minutes." "Yeah, I know." I said. Her blip was in where the bathroom would be. I just hoped that she wouldn't take the armor into the shower. I knew it could handle getting water, but it would probably start to glitch after. Spike looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean you already know?" He asked. "Her armor has a tracking device in it. Which means I know where she is at generally all times. It's not very often I check on her, but I do on occasion to make sure she isn't anywhere dangerous. And when she does get hurt, it will notify me of her immediate location, and activate her armor." I explained. "Whoa, that sounds cool. Hey, do you think that I can have my own armor?" He asked. I chuckled, and patted his shoulder. "Your pasta is burning." I said, turning around and leaving him, which earned him a surprised yelp as he turned off the stove. I went into the main lobby, and looked over to what Twilight was reading while I left. "The Male Pony Anatomy: A Reference Guide." "What the hell?" I said, flipping to the page that was bookmarked. I internally let out a sigh of relief as it was just about the wings, and how sensitive they were for weather and pressure senses. I decided to take a quick read on what it meant when you practically nut over someone preening your wings. While not as sensitive as a mare's wings, Stallion wings are also susceptible to an immense surge of euphoria, should anypony except themselves begin to preen them. Studies show that the longer a male Pegasus does not preen themselves, the more sensitivity they accumulate, meaning that the intensity of the nerves in the wings become more prone to being able to have a near orgasmic sensation. Although, it is different for each and every stallion, just as it is for every mare. Another study has shown that when it is a female preening a male, especially when they have a affectionate interest in them, makes them even more sensitive, due to the magic in the wings being electrified due to magical properties yet to be known to us. Many theories include that it has to do with sexual stimulation, and others predict it has to do with the amount of flight time that the Pegasus does in their daily routine. Whatever the cause, it is still being investigated, and is still one of the many mysteries the Equine anatomy we have yet to uncover. Chapter Four: Signs That A Male Is Attempting Courtship Breaking my attention from the book. I looked over to my wings. So that's why they did that. Or at least gives me some insight. Getting up, I went over to the my couch/bed. I think Twilight has a spare bed here, but the couch was just so much better. It was nice and plush, and didn't heat up too fast, which was another bonus. Jumping on with an audible poomf, I relaxed as I closed my eyes and rested for a moment. My breath steadied as I felt myself begin to drift off to sleep, my body relaxing and easing into the couch. I then heard the front door open. 'Ugh, who could that be?' I thought, slightly annoyed by the noise. "Your Highness, the Night Guard is going to replace my position now. I figured I should tell you beforehand." The guard said. Opening my eyes, I looked over to him and saw a mare in Night Guard armor. I didn't really pay attention to her details, since I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep. "Okay. Keep up the good work." I said, resting my head on the pillow again. I pulled up my visor, and changed her icon to from orange to blue, so that I knew she was a friendly. I also noticed that there was another blip coming in, and it was tagged as friendly. I idly wondered who it was until the door was practically busted down, and there stood Ditzy, frantically looking for someone. "Ditzy, what's wrong?" I asked. I made a mistake asking her that. "Ma'am, can I ask why you are-" The Royal Guard was cut off, picked up, and promptly thrown out the door, and landed in a bush somewhere in Ponyville. The Night guard stepped in front of Ditzy, which is when I should've intervened. "Under Princess Luna's authority, I demand to know who you work for!" She yelled, which for sure caught Twilight's attention from the bathroom, and Spike's. Probably. "Move." I heard her say in a tone I've never heard her use before, almost aggressively. "No, you are attempting to assassinate Prince Franz, and therefore, I shall keep you from doin-" She was also cut off, and thrown into the same bush where the Royal guard was, and knocked him back into the bush in a ball of entangled limbs. I was actually slightly nervous. I have never seen her like this, and it was actually terrifying. The second I saw her eyes, I wanted to run, but I couldn't. Amethyst was right, she really was in love with me. She lunged at me, and planted her lips on my own. I didn't fight it, I just stood there, not really knowing what to do while she kissed me. I felt her tongue trying to push it's way into my mouth, but I felt as though it was wrong, and not appropriate at the moment. Almost like I was cheating on Luna with Ditzy, despite Luna's lack of rejection. But herds were uncommon here, sorta. Polygamy was uncommon here, but still common enough. Dating multiple mares was common here too. This was normal, for them at least. I eventually caved, and kissed back, opening my mouth and giving her my own oral attacks. She seemed surprised, and tried to retaliate, but wasn't as strong or experienced as I was, which was a bit disheartening. She began stroking my body, wanting more, and I did the same. It was different with me being bigger by a lot, but she seemed to keep up, even if barely. I began fondling her wings, earning cute moans and gasps from her small form. She did the same by holding my tightly, and making me go into a small frenzy on her lips. My tech must've had some sort of contingency plan should this happen, because it began giving me small pinches and shocks. Eventually, I had to quit, since the armor was beginning to bother me greatly, and had began zapping me to get me off of her. It seems like our little make out session went entirely unnoticed, because they came in just as I let her go, and I fell back onto the couch, slightly annoyed by my armor doing that to me. Ditzy seemed to be in a trance, and didn't seem to notice the Night guard rushing up behind her. 'Oh boy.' I thought, as she was tackled by the Night Guard. > Chapter 35: School Time [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once everything was settled, they allowed Ditzy to stay for a bit longer after a thorough explanation was given for the Night Guard. Twilight also showed up from the commotion and asked questions about what was going on. I then went into detail about Ditzy, and how she was the pony I wanted to talk to. Excluding some details about us, of course. She made the assumption that I was cheating on Luna, and began to try and scold me for it. I had to back up to give another explanation, and only then did she realize that it was all just one giant misunderstanding. "Why did you want Ditzy to join your herd? Not to sound rude or anything, I she's uhm... Not exactly the most coordinated. No offense." She asked, looking at Ditzy with a sheepish look. She didn't seem bothered by this, and was just resting against me while I was talking to her. "Well, she was the first pony I met when I woke up in the White Tail Woods. She was kind, and not to mention willing to show me what you... Ponyville is like." I said, looking at Ditzy leaning on my side under my wings. I gave her a smile, and she gave me one back. "What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked, stifling a yawn. "I remember only small things that happened to me before I was awoke in the White Tail Woods." I said. Ditzy, Amethyst, and Dinky knew what I was, so did Luna and Celestia. So that discussion was secluded to them only. "Oh, well, if you need help with anything, tell me in the morning. I'm gonna go back to bed now. Congratulations on finding a herd member." She said, smiling and going back upstairs. I nodded her off, and my eyes fell back on Ditzy, who was watching me with a curious stare. "So, what now?" I asked her. She gained a thoughtful look, one of her eyes going in the slightly different direction. "I have to get home and get ready for work tomorrow, and then after that we can, maybe go on a date?." She asked, gaining a small blush and nervous smile. "Sure, does lunch sound okay?" I asked. "Yep! I get out earlier tomorrow because my shift is a shorter one." She said, pushing her head into my chest. I was mildly embarrassed, since I hadn't showered yet today. A muffled sigh come from her soon after she rested her face in my chest, and I decided to take a risk as I stole a whiff from her. She smelled like slightly older bread somehow, and it was making me feel just a bit puckish. It also felt pretty weird actively smelling her, so I raised my head back up and looked over to the couch. It looked inviting, and I wanted to do nothing more than to pass out on it from the odd day I've had. 'Wait a second.' I thought, a slight hint of worry shooting up my spine. "What about Dinky and Amethyst?" I asked. "Don't worry, Dinky is with Carrot Top, and Amethyst get's home around this time." She said. Huh, looks like she had things more planned for this than I anticipated. Well, she had to, since she's a single mother of two. "Oh, that's good. Nice planning ahead too." I complimented, feeling her shift around and look back up at me. We eventually got uncomfortable standing around, and moved over to the couch. We had to adjust ourselves slightly so that I wouldn't accidentally crush her with my size. I was almost the same as Luna in height, just slightly smaller, but still. Ditzy seemed to be relaxed, but needed to leave after around 20 minutes. "Sorry Franz, but I can't leave Carrot Top with Dinky all night. Promise me you'll still be here tomorrow?" She asked. "Promise. I'll even take you home. Let's go." I offered, getting up from my comfortable spot on the couch. Informing the Night guard that I was leaving with Ditzy, she nodded. On our trip back to her home, I noted that she had a slight skip to her step as she leaned into my side. A few concerning thoughts came into mind regarding her overall safety, but it was quickly ushered away as she gave me a peck on the cheek. I returned it, albeit a bit quickly as we were almost to her home. Reaching the door, she knocked a certain pattern before it opened and Dinky hopped out and tackled Ditzy. She caught her with what looked like practiced ease, and who I assumed to be Carrot Top walked out, along with Amethyst, who was still in her uniform. "Mommy! What took you so long?" Dinky asked, looking up at Ditzy with a fully attentive, and adorable stare. "I had a meeting with Franz here." She said, leaning on me. Carrot looked at her like she had bagged the biggest piece of gold known to man, or Ponykind, if we're using proper terms here. "I believe introductions are in order. You must be... Carrot Top, correct?" I asked. She seemed surprised, and nodded. I think that was her name, since we've meet before briefly. "Why yes, I am, Your Highness." She said, bowing before me. I had to keep myself from frowning, and gave her a small head tilt instead. "Please, don't do that. A friend of Ditzy is a friend of mine." I said, motioning her to stop bowing and to stand back up. 'W-why, thank you, Prince Franz. So... are the two of you, together?" She asked, looking at how close Ditzy was standing next to me. Ditzy blushed, while I nodded firmly with a smile. "Yes, we are." I said, leaning back on her as she seemed to flush more. "I congratulate you, Prince Franz. I can vouch for you that she will be an excellent marefriend, and hopefully an outstanding wife." She promised. "Mhmm." I hummed along in agreement, earning a poke to the ribs from Ditzy. "Mommy, what does she mean?" Dinky asked. "Dinky, you know how Prince Franz has been hanging out with us for a while now?" She asked. Dinky nodded, her curiosity still there. "Well, he wants to be your new daddy. Your step-dad." I glanced over to Amethyst, and she had a slightly excited, almost sparkling look in her eyes. "EEEEEEEE!!!" I stumbled as my face was suddenly shoved backwards by a small cute ball of energy known as Dinky. "Daddy!" She practically squealed in my ears. "Whoa!" I yelped, felling her squeeze my face with a surprising amount of strength. I raised my hooves to lift her off, but she didn't budge an inch. I then remembered this was a child, and lowered my arms in defeat. "Don't worry, she does that sometimes." Ditzy said. "Aren't you also courting Princess Luna too?" Carrot asked suddenly. "Yeah, why?" "Just wondering." She said. "Well, I don't think she would mind some children already. From what I tell, she's pretty excited to meet you." I said, looking back over to Ditzy. Her look shifted to a more nervous, but slightly confident stare. "I kind of want to meet her too. How is she like?" She asked, her look shifting from nervous, to more curious and attentive. "Well, she's very direct, a bit erratic, and very affectionate towards her mates, from my experience." I explained, looking up into the night sky. Luna put in a lot of effort this time, I noted. "She sounds nice, right?" Amethyst said. "Well, she doesn't really know about either Dinky or Amethyst, and I'll let her know about it beforehand. Maybe I can take the two of you to Canterlot to meet her?" I asked. "This week? I can't just yet, I need to give a week's notice before I can take a day off from my job." Amethyst said. "And I also need to do that too. I don't think that they would be able to handle me going out this week without telling them." Ditzy added, making me nod along in acknowledgment. "Alright, so next week?" I asked, looking at them both. "Of course. I wanna know what Princess Luna is like too." Amethyst said, nodding her head vigorously. "Okie dokie. Oh, and before I forget, Carrot Top." I said, focusing on her, who shrank back slightly from the sudden attention. "Y-yes?" She asked. "If you could keep my relationship with Ditzy on the down low, I'd appreciate it. I don't exactly want any reporters or news paper ponies learning about us just yet. And to keep them from harassing her, Dinky, and Amethyst." I said. "Oh! Of course!" She said, her eyes widening in surprise. I watched her for a moment, and mentally hummed to myself. She might go back on it, but one can't ever tell. "Goodnight, Ditzy." I said, pulling her into a hug and making her let out a small squee. "Goodnight, Franz." She wrapped her forearms around my body, burying her face into my chest again. Carrot top gave us an off look, but I paid it no mind. Giving her a small peck on her forehead, and she buried herself into my chest even more, somehow able to put a majority of her head in there. I heard Amethyst giggle lightly, and Dinky tried to get in the hug as well, and we made room for her. Eventually, Amethyst joined and hugged us from the side, trapping Dinky in the middle. They were surprisingly affectionate and quick to adapt, I'll admit. Unfortunately, like all things, it had to come to an end. We had to let go for the night and get some rest. "See you later girls!" I waved as I walked away. They waved back as I left and made my way back over to the Library. It wasn't that far of a walk, about ten minutes. Once I was out of sight, I felt a warm fluttering feeling in my chest. It was nice, and was something I haven't felt in a while. And I noticed that I wasn't that cold anymore either. I smiled as I had a new feeling in my chest, feeling just that much happier. 'I'm going to go and listen to sad music now.' I thought, as I made it back with no interruptions. I saw the Night guard at her post, patiently waiting. I didn't feel tired, just exited and a bit nervous. "I'm back." I said, smiling like an idiot. She looked over to me, and I heard her take a whiff of the air. "Your Highness, are you in heat?" She asked, her tone flat and almost monotone. "What? No. Why do you ask?" I questioned. "Pegasi are more sensitive with pheromones, and the odor around you is rather, potent." She said, looking at me with curiosity. "Well, I'm not in heat." I said firmly, surprised that she was this casual with me. I thought guards were supposed to be stoic? "As you say." She said offhandedly. I remembered what might be causing it. "Oh yeah, my thick chest fur. Is that why?" I asked. "It is a large factor, and I suggest you cut some off before another situation like before happens." She suggested. "Very well, thank you for that Ms...." I said, trailing off for her name. "Crescent Rose, Your Highness." "Nice name. Goodnight, Rose." I said, going inside. "And to you a fare night." She said, standing more straight and swishing her tail around. Not knowing what to do, I just went inside and hopped onto the couch. The time read that it was about 10:36, so I should probably get some sleep. And I did, having the usual array of night time fun and terrors that accompany dreams. I was standing in a field. One that looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't place where. "Babe, aren't you coming?" I heard from my left. 'Oh FUCK NO!' "Yeah, I'm just admiring the sky." I heard myself say as I unwillingly took notice around said field. I could feel her filthy presence near me. The lies I knew she would tell, the tricks she would pull, the murders she would do, I could feel it all inside of her, waiting to be sprung, waiting to me planned. "Hey babe, what'cha thinking about." I heard the bitch ask. "Nooothing." Past me said, a smile stretching across my face. I knew this was a memory, I just really wished it was from another angle, or body at least. 'We'll see how long that feeling lasts.' I thought, trying to set her on fire with my mind. "Aww, babe! You're too sweet." 'Unfortunately, you aren't.' "Ha, well, I do learn from the best." 'No, I learned that from examples, not her you idiot!' I yelled at myself, even though he couldn't hear me. "So, what now?" He asked. "Wanna have sex?" She offered. 'What?' "I don't know, what if someone see's us?" 'WHAT?!' "Come on, its not like it's the first time we've done in in open fields." 'No. No, No, NO, NO NO!' "Nah, I'm not feeling it right now." 'We've had sex?!' "I'll let you do anal." 'W...HUH!?' "Alright, but hurry, I don't want another close call like last time." 'This bitch...' The sound of a belt unbuckling was heard, along with giggling. I watched in anger as past me undid his pants, and her the same to her jeans. '...convinced me...' "Careful, I might bust early if you squeeze it." He warned, pulling out his flaccid, but growing erection. '...to do THIS!' She raised her ass up to him, and he aligned himself up to her hole. I heard a gasp, followed by low slaps and moaning from her. 'If I ever get back to earth, this woman is going to die first.' I mentally growled. I was forced to watch myself fuck her. I could feel everything he felt. Every sensation, every small part of her supple ass, every whine and moan she let out, everything. It was almost agonizing, disgusted me to the point of burning. I tried to look away, to do anything to get out of this. I felt disgust, shame, and overall emotionally scarred. I wanted to cry, desperate to get out of this nightmare and soon began to panic. I screamed as I felt past me orgasm, and pull out of her. She was a mess of pleasure after about twenty minutes of sex. I could feel the pride he had. But he couldn't feel the amount of fury I had right now. I felt hollow, empty even. That beautiful feeling had left my chest, and was replaced by a horrible sensation of violation. I felt tears falling from my face, my anger seething from my core, and shame coursing through my veins. "Love you, Franz." She said, giving me a half-lidded look of satisfaction. 'Don't say it. Please.' 'Please, I'm begging you.' 'Don't fucking say it.' "Love you too." I woke up with wet eyes, my body shaking from my dream. No. That was a nightmare. I shivered as I recalled the sensation. I felt so powerless. I laid there for a while, not wanting to move or do anything. It felt pretty depressing, and I wanted to do nothing anymore. I eventually broke down, and started crying again. There was time for me to recompose myself, since I had woken up at two in the morning. I gave an involuntary shudder, that cold feeling conflicting with the faint warm in my chest. I had found happiness, but at what cost? My dignity? My family? My love? My pride? I took in long, slow breaths in hopes of calming myself down. I wanted to be held, to be loved, to be whole again. Reeling myself back to normal standards, the inner conflict of my emotions raged on, making my mind run through scenarios that grew with both complexity, and impossibility. I figured that a cold shower would fix that, and a few more things too. Getting up, I shakily walked to the bathroom, trying to not make noise since I might wake up Twilight or Spike. Upon arriving at the bathroom, I closed it and took off my armor. I think Luna might be awake, but I don't know. I really needed to vent to someone right now. I played some music, and turned on the shower. It was something I would listen to when I felt down, and would normally make me feel better. As soon as the lyrics started, I let out a sigh. It wasn't very loud, but I could still hear it through the running water. Looking up, I felt the water hitting my face, and dripping over my fur. I silently mouthed the words the singer sang, and felt my feelings slowly disolve. I began bobbing my head to the beat, and started singing along. I'm the boy in your other phone. Lighting up inside your drawer at home, all alone. Pushing forty in the friend zone We talk and then you walk away, every day. Oh, you don't think twice 'bout me And maybe you're right to doubt me, but But if you give me just one night. You're gonna see me in a new light. Pausing, I thought about those lyrics. New Light. I figured I wasn't the same person I was back then. Always adapting, always moving, growing, feeling. Sighing, I let my shoulders sag a bit. What has my world come to? My world has attacked me, tried to kill me, take my family, sense of security, peace of mind and betrayed me in the worst way imaginable. I had every right to be upset. Every right to be hurt. Every right to hurt. But I didn't. "I can't." I said, feeling my eyes sting again. I stopped the music, and let myself soak in the water for what seemed like an hour, but wasn't. Should I hide my feelings for now? I knew I shouldn't, and knew it's never a good idea to bottle them up like this but I didn't see another choice. Staring down at my hooves, I raised them to my eye level. The blue tone that didn't match my personality. The white mane and tail that showed purity, when I was obviously corrupted. I was a walking lie, a contradiction. Shaking my head, I tried to clear these thoughts. Closing the flow of the water, I grabbed a towel and dried myself off, a slight frown on my face. I didn't fell cheery, the sensation I felt more akin to a husk. Was once whole, but now hollow. Shivering, that cold feeling nipped me again. I managed to calm down some more, but didn't trust sleep enough to go back to try it again. Calling over my armor, I felt it latch onto me. It felt like a symbiotic parasite. It wasn't natural, yet I couldn't, nor felt safe to take it off It was the last piece of what I had of my humanity left. The decency to cover up, to hide the soft inside with a hard exterior. And not be naked, of course. I threw that thought out, a small huff coming from my mouth as it left a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Walking out with my armor in tow, I went back to the couch. I could always read more on Pony Anatomy, and figure out what I was missing. Besides, who knows what else the equestrian body language and significance holds. And so, I read up on what I might be missing in their culture, and not to screw up anything from here on out while fighting off the thoughts of solitude. It was morning now, the sun starting to peek over the horizon as Celestia was no doubt starting up her morning routine. I had stayed up for about three more hours, the book going into a surprising amount of detain with abstract hoof movements. My attention was broken from my reading by the door opening It was Crescent Rose her eyes flicking about for me, and landing on me at a table with a book. "Your Highness, I am going to go now. The Royal guard will take my place in a few moments." She said. "Okay." I said, looking back to my book. She sounded like she was standing there debating something, but decided to not stay and closed the door. I let out a tired sigh, wondering if she heard me crying last night. Oh well, if she has an issue, or question about it, it'll happen. Closing the book, I put it in a random spot for me to remember, and made my way to the kitchen. I wanted to make something for Twilight and Spike, but I was limited on what I could make. I could always do oatmeal, but that was too simple. Cereal? Nah. "Wait a sec." I said aloud. Looking around, I made sure no one was nearby, or able to see me. Once I was certain, I quickly set off to make what I needed to make. 'I was never one for baking, but I'll give it a shot.' I thought. I shoved the materialized food in the oven, and set it to bake. I didn't need to preheat the oven, because I imagined it to not need it to. I then got started on the food. I created some waffles, pancakes, and French toast for the bread portion of the meal, now onto the meats. Since they don't eat anything remotely close to meat, I made some cheese omelettes along with a piece of parsley on top for that slight bit of flair. I then looked into the fridge and saw that they were low on groceries, so I just threw in a bunch of food that wouldn't ever expire, but will when thrown into the trash. It took some will power to not just chug the entire gallon of orange juice, but remembered that I could always make more. Convenience! I was going to make a fruit platter, but I smelled something off. "Oh no!" I yelped, and dashed towards the oven. Quickly opening it, I saw that they were slightly charred, but still edible. But not wanting to disappoint, I threw them out and created some more, and threw them into the oven again. I wondered how Joe Donut made his, I obviously sucked at baking. At least they don't have those annoying smoke detectors. I flinched as I expected them to go off, but they didn't. Opening my eyes, I looked around, still expecting it to go off. Letting out a sigh of relief, I looked at the time. It was still early, and I expected Twilight or at least Spike to be awake, but figured that Twilight needed some more sleep from last night, since we were up fairly late then. That was until I heard someone coming from downstairs. "Morning Spike. Hope you don't mind, but I sort of stole your job today." I joked, looking over to him. He looked over the food, and laughed excitedly. "No way dude, I'll let you cook for us anytime!" He said, looking over them with hungry eyes. "Where's Twilight?" I asked. "She's doing some early reading. You know, the usual stuff." He passed off. "Cool. Dig in bro." I said, grabbing a plate from the cupboard and serving him. He grabbed it and walked over to the table, and began chowing down immediately. I was thinking about calling Twilight, but figured not to bother her reading. What she was studying about, I had no idea, but it couldn't be that bad. After a few minutes, she also came down. I smiled and waved at her, catching her attention. "Hey! I was wondering when you'd come down. Did your book get boring?" I joked. She seemed taken by surprise, and nervously smiled back. "Good morning, and no, I came down here to get something." She said, looking at me sideways. "Did you make the food?" She asked. "Yeah, why?" I responded. "I smell something burning." Spike said. "AH! Not again!" I yelped, and rushed over to the oven again. Opening it, I saw that the cupcakes I was trying to make wasn't turning out so well, one of them completely black with small glowing embers still on the edges. "Again? Wait, Franz, where did you get all of this food?" She questioned. "I bought it." I lied, my face remaining neutral. I really hoped she wasn't gonna call me out. "Oh, well, tell me when you go. We need more quills. Spike, take a note please." She said. "We don't have any quills." Spike said. "Use mine." I said, cringing as I pulled out one of my primary feathers and passed it to Twilight. The other one I had given Luna was already back, and this one would only be back before the end of today perhaps. Maybe during the night. She blushed, and shook her head. "F-Franz, I can't accept that! D-don't you know the implications of t-that?" She said, backing away from it, and me. "Don't worry, the big part of the feather is pointed at me. I'm not trying to ask you to join my herd." I said, slightly embarrassed that she thought of it that way. "Oh, then thank you." She said, flustered but still took it from me. I served her a plate as she began writing down something on a scroll. I personally didn't know what it was, but remembered that I still haven't thought of anything for the School. Checking the time, I felt my heart drop, the clock showing me that I wasn't going to make it there to present anything. "Oh shit." I whispered. "Hey, I got to go now. I have to get to the Schoolyard to present something to the class." I said, gathering my food that I was going to eat on the way. "Wait, you're presenting to their class? What are you going to teach them?" Twilight asked. "No idea, Allons-y!" I said, opening the door and leaving. I used a teleportation spell, and felt myself get a bit sick from it. Checking the time, it showed that my arrival was almost cued for me like a part of a script. Looking through a School window, I saw that there were a lot of foals in there. I could also hear Cheerilee talking through the walls. "And hopefully today, a special guest will come and show everypony something new and exciting! Now everypony, turn in your homework until he gets here." She said. 'Ha, I'm fucked.' Pulling up my visor, I ran through my files in hopes of finding several things I could show them, should I not be able to find one appropriate for a class of young. Once done, I took in a breath to calm my nerves. 'Don't think about last night, don't think about last night. Okay lets DO THIS! LEROOOOOOOY JENKINNNS!' I thought, grinning from my internal joke. Once ready, I waited until they were done doing their morning stuff, and knocked on the door. "Oh! That must be him. Come on in!" 'Kill me now please.' Opening the door, I walked in and watched their reactions carefully. It took them a second, but once they snapped out of their stupor, they all squealed and rocked in their chairs, celebrating and throwing paper around like the excited children they are. "Now now, everypony, I, uh, would like to introduce Prince Franz as today's special guest." "Hello class! I think most of you know me by now, correct?" I asked them, a smile on my face. I received many nodding heads. "Well, to be honest, I uhh, I forgot what I was supposed to present today until this morning. So, I want you to tell me what you would like to learn today?" I asked. All of their hooves raised, and I figured I should set some rules. "And no, as mush as I would like to, I cannot show any of you anything dangerous." I said, shaking my head with a smile. Most of their limbs went down, save for a few of them. "You, in the back." I said, pointing to them. "How did you vanquish the Ursa Major?" Asked one of the boys in the back. "I didn't vanquish it, I simply made it unable to continue to fight." "Well, it looked like you vanquished it." "Yes, next question. You, the one with the tiara." I said. "It's Diamond Tiara, Your Highness." She said, gaining a slightly annoyed look, before it turned into one of fascination like the rest of them. 'Bold, isn't she?' "Question?" I asked. "What's it like in Canterlot?" She asked, losing her initial look and one of curiosity. "Eh, bit too grand for my taste." I said. I honestly thought that it was pretty cool at first, but now it's not all that special. "Why? Don't you think it's the most spectacular place in all of Equestria?" She asked. "Well, I like to think that the best place to be, is the place that makes you feel at home. Somewhere that you are content with. It differs for everyone, but with ambition like yours, I believe Canterlot might be your style." I said, smiling at her. "O-okay!" She said, straightening in her chair, almost beaming. There were still a few hooves still in the air, so I decided to ask them something. "Is there anything you want me to teach you guys?" I asked, looking around for an answer. Only one hoof went up, and it was that of a small Pegasus pony with brown mane and tail. "Yes?" I asked, motioning towards him. "Can you tell us a story?" "Featherweight, I don't believe Prince Franz has enough time to tell us a full story." Cheerilee said. "I do." I answered. I saw his eyes, along with everyone else's widen in excitement. "I was lead to believe that you were going to teach them something." She said. "I wasn't prepared for today, so if the little ones wish for a story, then they shall have one." I said. I was just too lazy and sidetracked, so I wouldn't be surprised if I got mildly scolded by Cheerlee. I brainstormed a story real quick. Something short and easy to remember. "Any genre in particular?" I asked. A different one raised their hoof. "Can you tell us the epic fight between you and Nightmare Moon?" He asked. "Oh, alright. Is everypony else in agreement?" I asked, receiving a chorus of agreement. Clearing my throat, I began. "So there we were, in the main hall that held the Elements of Harmony." They all leaned in and got comfortable, as I began recounting how it happened. "Twilight thought it was a good idea to try and use a spark that was needed to re-activate them, and we let her concentrate. But we should have stayed there with her, for she appeared, and took her away into another part of the castle!" I said, raising my voice for more effect. "But I was quick on my hooves, and took to the skies in hopes of using my armor to locate her. I saw lights in a building that was a way's away, and burst through the ceiling and trapped her using my disks." I said, activating my armor lock on my arm. It hummed to life, and began giving me a readout of targets. I ignored it, and shut it back off. "But somehow, she managed to escape her trap, and we did battle!" I said, raising my arms in a expressive manner. They looked slightly entranced in the tale. "Once she got out, she blasted me with a magic attack, and knocked me into a nearby wall. I was dazed then, but barely managed to avoid a barrage of swords and magic as I took to the skies!" I said, flaring my wings out and giving a few flaps. "As I made my hasty retreat, I saw the current Bearers of The Element's of Harmony, injured and unconscious. This served to fuel my need to finish Nightmare Moon quickly." I lowered my wings back down. I noticed a few of them looked a little scared, but pushed on anyways. "But as I was distracted, she threw another sword at me like an arrow, and she took out my energy shields." I said, forming my armor and making the shields go out wit their usual clang. "Little did she know, I had a secret weapon hidden in my armor." I made my armor shift into a arc reactor. I charged it up a bit, listening to that beautiful whine it usually let out. They seemed more interested in the reactor than the story. "As we traded blows, she charged her magic for a power struggle, and I did the same with my secret weapon." I said, deactivating it. Cheerilee looked relieved that I put it away. "She made the first move, blasting her magic and I traded off as well. Once we started, I thought I had victory secured. But I was wrong." I trailed off. I knew I had them at the edge of their seats, and I smirked. "I made the mistake of letting all of my power cells go into the reactors, and she rolled out of the way before I could land a decisive hit on her. I tried to stop the power by cutting it, but I went too fast and blew out the reactors. She followed up my mistake with a magic blast, and I went flying into the castle below." I made a motion with my hooves showing how hard I hit the ground. "I lost." I said, giving them a shrug. "But Prince Franz, you still beat her, didn't you?" Said a small orange Pegasus. "No. She surrendered, and Princess Luna fought long enough for the Elements to be used on her and to be truly freed. It's pretty awkward to remember, and I don't know about what exactly happened that night." I said. "Well, as much as everypony wishes for you to continue, your time unfortunately is done." Cheerilee said. "Wait, don't I have all day?" I asked. "My apologies, but we only made time for a morning study. And it's almost recess time. About fifteen minutes until so." She said. "Oh? Dang, I thought we had more time. What time is it?" I asked. "It's almost eleven thirty. I'm sorry if you wanted more time with the children, but perhaps next time your friend Streak Silverway will be available for his concept?" She asked. Looking over the room, I saw that it was empty, with the back door being open. "Yeah, that was actually me at the time. I kinda panicked and made up a lie right then. Sorry." I said, giving her a guilty look. "It's no issue with me. Just be more honest to me next time. Is there anything else you would like to talk to me about?" She asked. "No, I think we're good for now. Goodbye." I said, giving her a nod before turning to make my leave. "Farewell, Prince Franz!" Once I left, I looked over to the playing children. They were all running around and having fun. I left quickly, as to not become the center of attention at a bad time. I wasn't sure what I could do right now, since I'm sure that Ditzy's lunch is at 12:00, so I went to Twilight's to make us something we could share. I thought I heard of something going through the air really fast, and looked up. I didn't really see anything out of the ordinary, so I continued on my way back to The Library. It was just some spaghetti and bread, along with a couple blueberry muffins I made. I wasn't sure what she would want for her drink, so I brought along some water, juice, soft drinks, and non-alcoholic cider. I also made sure that Twilight wasn't here when I made this, since she would ask questions that I would rather leave unanswered. Checking the clock, I saw that it was almost time to head out. Packing all of my necessary things for our date, I went out with one goal in mind. 'Don't fuck up.' > Chapter 36: Warm Farewells [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making my way over to town gall, I wondered where to meet up with Ditzy. If I was right outside her job, would it be too bold? Or should I hang out somewhere more hidden, and then approach her once I see her. That one might be a better option to spare her the stares, or at least keep them on a lower note. Apparently, I had also over packed the basket needing to be bigger to carry everything in it. While it bit of a hassle due to it's awkward shape, I elected to levitate it over my head as I walked. There was some stares and whispers from some of Ponyville residents, but what they were saying I didn't really care since they were bound to say things that weren't true. Though, what I have been able to passively catch portrayed me as a chad who liked to frolic in alleys with random mares. Another one is that I try and keep to myself since I wasn't really used to the modern era of the world. And then there are the more ridiculous ones that include me being a thousand year old virgin that is willing to do anything to 'rut' a mare. One would think to have some self-control over their imagination, but I guess some ponies here are pretty weird just like shut ins on Earth. As I made my way, I noticed that the Guard was still following me. It gave me some peace of mind knowing someone was keeping an eye on me, though I was pretty sure I was the last person to need it. Arriving at the post office, I went inside to and immediately made a right turn and into the post office to check in with Ditzy. And almost ran into her as she was almost at the corner I made the sudden turn for. "Franz!" She said, sounding surprised, and excited. "Ditzy! How have you been?" I asked her, still startled slightly, but recovered quickly. "Oh, I've been good. Are we ready?" She asked. Looking around, I didn't see anyone near, so I nodded. "Yep, I have everything in the basket, all good to go." I replied. "Okay, Lets go!" She exclaimed excitedly. Once we left, I made sure to tell her to give us some distance, should the public be looking out for me. We had a spot in the park to set up at, somewhere specific in mind for the both of us. We went flying, as to go faster and not waste time. I got there before she did, but she wasn't too far behind. I noticed that there was a cloud that was nearby, and deleted it to give us a clearer sky. That, and I read that Pegasi can walk on clouds. My horn lit up with magic, and I took everything out and set up the striped blanket for our food. "So, what are we going to do?" She asked. "Whatever you want that's within reason." I answered. Even though I could defy reason, I liked it since it made sense. She seemed to think about it, her nose adorably scrunched up in thought. Her cheeks reddened, and I raised an eyebrow. "C-can we cuddle?" She asked. I stopped setting up and looked at her. Cuddle? "Sure?" I said, questioning what she wanted. "We can do it after we eat, or before." She said, smiling warmly. "Its all up to you, honestly." "I know, but what do you want?" "What's best for you." "No seriously, do you want to eat, and then cuddle? Or cuddle, and then eat?" An idea suddenly hit me. "Why not both?" I asked, giving her a shrug. "Both?" She asked. "Yeah, we just kinda sit with each other and eat at the same time." "Okay." She said. I laid up against the tree, and I was expecting her to sit right next to me, but instead, she sat right between my legs and leaned up against me. It took me by surprise, but calmed myself. This was probably a cultural thing they do, so I shouldn't read between the lines. Or, whatever this was. She let out a hum of content as she took in a deep breath. I was elated to see her so relaxed with me, and decided to eat some of what I brought. Levitating some of the spaghetti to me, I ate while she rested on me. She must have smelled my food, because when I looked down at her she was staring at me with wide eyes. "You want some?" I asked her. "Yes." She said, wiggling in her place. While it felt odd, and I got a slight stirring in my crotch, but kept it under wraps to not poke her with my friend. That would ruin the whole experience, and date. "I'll get you some." I replied. We ate quickly as to return to our little cuddle session. She smelled like freshly baked breads before, but now that I got closer to her, she had a hint of salt, somehow. How I could smell salt was beyond me, but I figured it was part of the body I was in. I idly wonder if their smells can change depending on the time or it it was a situational thing. Unless it was more geared towards Pegasi, because that also could be the case too. It didn't really matter much to me. As long as that spicy smell wasn't there, then I was comfortable with this. I felt her squirming in my lap, and looked down on her. She was trying to get more comfortable, which made that sensation dance inside my lap again, but I kept myself under wraps to keep it in. Resting my head on hers, she stopped shifting about and let out a content sigh. She was quite awkward, but so was I when I first started dating. I'll never forget the first girlfriend I had, back when I was about fourteen. 'Ha, she fucking dumped me on Valentines Day' I thought. It wasn't really her fault, her family didn't want anything to do with her dating anyone, and when they found out, they threatened her with a banishment to the streets. I didn't know this at the time, and was devastated for a while. I got over it, of course. 'Damn, I was a really fragile back then, wasn't I?' I thought, reminiscing my simpler past. I think Ditzy may have fallen asleep, because I was starting to feel her slump in one direction rather than leaning on my fluffy chest. Thinking she was going to be late to work, I nudged her with a forearm in hopes of getting her to wake up. And after the first few tries, she began stirring. "Huh?" She said, letting out a cute yawn after. "Aren't you going to be late to work?" I asked her. "Nope, I made sure to do all of my rounds before I went on our date." My mind drifted back to when I heard something going really fast on my way back the The Library. "So was that you I heard speeding through the sky earlier?" I asked. "Yeah, it was." She said, leaning into my chest again. I wasn't sure what I smelled like to her, but from what it looks like, it was a pretty good smell. And so, we stayed like this for another hour. I made my Motion Tracker extend it's range so that it would detect anyone in a three hundred foot radius. I wasn't going to let the media target her, so precautions were necessary. I caught myself starting to get a long schlong, but forced it to go back. I didn't want to leave a bad impression on her, or to offend her in any way. But she would unknowingly begin to shift more into my crotch, thus making me get temporarily excited. I, of course, will take care of this problem once I was alone for a duration of time. I felt my visor vibrate, and it woke her up almost immediately. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I'll check." Pulling up my visor, I saw that there was someone coming our way. Well, not directly at us, but more in our general direction. They had a blue blip, so that meant it was someone I knew. I had everyone a specific color. If they were orange, they were unknown. Blue, friendly. Green, friendly with armor. And red, enemies. The red ones weren't in use yet, but was thinking I should make an exception for Blueblood, since he was a dickface. I noticed that the blip was moving at a moderate speed. Not too fast, and not too slow. It wasn't a Pegasi, since my motion tracker has a problem with that, and it wasn't a Unicorn, which I noticed also made my Motion Tracker slightly buggy. 'It either had to be Pinkie Pie, or Applejack.' I thought. I got up and let Ditzy alone at the picnic blanket. I had chosen a spot where we would be able to see any passerby, and them not be able to see us unless they were paranoid and checked everywhere before moving ahead. Upon seeing who it was, I let out a surprised hum. It was Fluttershy walking down up the path. She would've seen me, if she wasn't so focused on the bird that was resting on her head. It looked like she was talking to it, and I let her do her own thing. I figured that was her way of fun, talking to animals. "What is it?" Ditzy asked. "Nothing. Just Fluttershy talking to a bird. I think she was talking to it but I'm not sure." I answered. "Okay, well, can we keep cuddling?" She asked. "Sure." I brought her into a hug, and made a quick peck to her cheek. She seemed slightly surprised, but she kissed me on the lips. Once she pulled back, I held her closer and pulled her into a bigger hug. She didn't fight it, and she pulled in closer as well. I checked the Motion Tracker again, and it looked like Fluttershy had left. I also looked up at the skies, and made sure that she wasn't there, which she wasn't. "Hey, Um, d-do you think we can, you know, m-make out?" She said, getting more and more flustered as she went on. "I don't know, the last time we did that you were asserting your dominance over me, which you lost almost immediately. So you kinda can't. Plus, that would mean I would be starting to play favorites, which is unfair to you and Luna." I said. She looked a little sad, but I planted another peck on her forehead. "But that doesn't mean that we won't get there eventually. It's just a matter of time and trust, and you've already gotten pretty far with me in the latter." I said, smiling as I rested my head on hers. "I'd like that." I heard her say. After another half hour of just sitting there, she eventually decided it was time to head off, as the day was getting closer to the end, and night time was starting to show just around the edges of the sky. She gave me one last goodbye kiss, and I returned it. "Promise me something." She said. "What would that be?" I asked. "Promise me that you won't hurt us, or anypony I know. Promise me you won't play any mind games with me, Dinky, or Amethyst." I looked at her with a confident smile, matching her tone and sincerity. "I promise." "Do the chant." "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye." I said, going through the motions. She seemed a bit horrified, and confused, but I think she took the promise to heart. "I'll see you next week, Franz." She said, smiling happily. "I'll be waiting for you." I said, bowing my head lightly. She blushed and left soon after, her tail swishing about more than usual. I think I made a pretty good impression on her. It felt as though the date was a success, and I was glad it was. I was almost certain she would be upset from the way I said things on my proposition, and being proved wrong on that one was a relief. Looking over to the blanket, I saw that there was still the two muffins left, and some miscellaneous things too. I held onto the muffins, and deleted the rest. As I made my way back to Twilight's, I began wondering what Fluttershy was doing with the bird earlier. While I think that she was safe at the moment, I was going too ask Twilight about it when I got there. It was almost four, and I realized that Dinky got out at 2:50, and panicked. And then realized that Amethyst must've gotten her instead of Ditzy. Damn, I slipped the ball on that one. I only have a week or so planned ahead of me, and my memory is already forgetting what I have planned. Maybe I should have a health check up after next week, so I now why my skin can't be pierced. I wasn't so sure on why that happens either. I arrived soon after, and saw Spike cooking something, along with Twilight reading another book. I wasn't so sure if she was still reading the same book, or if she was on another one. She turned her attention up to me for a moment. "Oh, hey Franz. Where were you all day?" She asked, tilting her head at me. "I was out." Was my simple reply. "Out?" A smirk spread across her muzzle. "And with who?" "You know, here and there. Say, you wouldn't know what Fluttershy was doing with a bird in her hair, would you?" I asked her. "Oh yeah, she dropped by when I asked her to take a small nest to her home." "Cool. So how's your day been?" I asked her. "It's been good, thanks for asking!" She said, beaming from the casual question. "Nice, well, I'm going to take a shower, then I'll be back to eat." I said, heading to the bathroom. "Okay." She said, returning her attention back to her book. "Sup Spike." I said as I passed him. "Oh hey!" He said quickly. I took my shower quickly, using something that would keep the pheromones at bay for a few days. I hope it worked as intended, since it apparently had an effect on pegasi, and less on other races When I came down, Twilight was reading and eating at the same time, and Spike was eating and reading a comic about something. I think it was about superheros. Dinner was uneventful with Twilight and Spike not really paying attention to me, which was good since I needed a bit to think. It felt awkward to eat in relative silence, having grown up in a larger household than just three people. Finishing my meal, I noted that my mouth felt unusually fresher and I ran my tongue over them as I began to pile my plates into the sink, using my magic to clean them off. "Hmm, weird." I said, suddenly aware of the fact that I hadn't needed to go to the bathroom all day. Looks like my test worked. Twilight went to bed early, and so did Spike. They were a little unusual about it too, but I paid it no mind. I think that they just felt like that with some guy sleeping in their living room. I would have gone to sleep, if it weren't for the fact that I had the sudden urge to masturbate. 'Not again.' Ignoring my carnal desires, I went to bed and tried to suppress the urges. I eventually fell to the clutches of sleep, and hopefully into the dream realm with Luna. I did it. I finally did it! OH SHIT! I fell on my side again, walking on all fours in a different form being far more of a challenge than originally anticipated. "Do not worry, Franz. Thou shall overcome this with time, and effort." Celestia said. "Yeah, like going from two legs to four is natural for me." I said sarcastically. 'Is this a memory?' "Just keep trying. Do not lose faith in my teachings." She said. "Kinda like how you keep trying to not check me out every time I go into this form?" I shot back, giving her a glare. "I do not 'Check you out" as thou say. My sister is who that applies to. How fares her attempts in courting thee?" "She's pretty fucking annoying about it. But overall seems to have the good interests for me. It doesn't help that it's supposed to go the other way in my world either." I answered. 'Yeah, definitely a memory. "While she does have the best interests, she is also adamant on thee, and it is rare for somepony like herself to be captivated by... someone." Celestia said, changing her wording to match it to my past self. "And why's that?" I said, looking over to her. "She has a certain... distrust for stallions." She said. 'Oh?' "Oh? Why is that?" I asked. "Let us say that her experiences with them hath often lead to her own heartbreak." She said, gaining a light frown. "Huh, didn't know that. Did they, you know, try and force themselves onto her?" I asked. "No. They art too small minded and selfish. Thou, on the other hoof, are firm in your beliefs and shares wonderful gifts with everypony. From teaching us how to cultivate the land, the gift of science, and giving us company when we need it. That, and thou's form is most appealing to the eye, almost sweet." She said, catching my past self off guard. "What?" I asked. I felt his confusion on the last part, but knew what it meant. "She isn't very affectionate, but when she has a desire to obtain a certain goal, she accomplishes it. With both time, and effort." Celestia said, smiling at me in a almost sinister look. Is that how she smiled at people? Glad she changed it up in the later years. "Don't smile at me like that. It's creepy." Past me said, a shiver going up both of our spines from her grin. "So you're saying if I were to accept your feather, then that would mean we're now a couple?" I asked. Luna was looking up at me with the most cutest puppy dog eyes I've seen her make as of yet. "Yes! Take my feather and establish our courtship official!" She said, sparkles in her eyes. "And what happens afterwards?" I asked, staring at her levitating feather as it floated in front of me.. "Then we shall be starting the process of our love, and hopefully extending our family names! This is the utmost best news I have had all week! HUZZAH!" She squealed, throwing her hooves in the air in a very un-Luna like way. "I don't know. I mean, I can practically make anything I want. What do you think I want out of this?" I asked her. "What? We wish for thee to be happy with us for the remainder of our eternal lives!" She said. "And no strings attached?" I asked her. "Why would there be strings attached to our courtship?" She asked. "Well, the last girl who I was with tried to kill me after a few years. Who says you won't do the same?" I asked her. "And what were her motives?" She asked, sounding more attentive. What was with her at this time? She seems almost all over the place. "My power mostly." I said apathetically. "And what about thee? What doth thee want from a relationship?" She asked, giving me a raised eyebrow. "I..I... Don't know. To be held? To be wanted for who I am?" Past me said, shrugging his shoulders. "And I shall be waiting here for us, even if thou want's just me or more mares along the way, I would be happy to oblige and accept them into our herd should the occasion present itself." She said, gaining a serious face. "Even if they have kids?" I asked. "Yes, we have always wondered what it is like catering to a foal." "You know that we're not biologically compatible, right?" She laughed and smiled. "We shall find a way, thou just let us worketh our magic." She gave me a wink. "What's with it and you guys and being uncanny? I feel creeped out with the looks you and Celestia give me." "And what looks would we give thee?" "That one." Waking up, I rubbed my eyes of the sleep still stuck in them, the day being one I wasn't expecting to come this soon. Today I had to go back to Canterlot. I think Ditzy knew that it was today, and I know for sure that Luna did. Or did I have to leave Friday? Maybe I should check in with Luna to make sure. Packing all of my things, which was relatively easy, I got up and saw that Twilight was up already, but Spike wasn't. Probably sleeping in. "Tell them I left to Canterlot. And for Spike to watch his pasta." "What?" Twilight asked, clearly missing context. "It's an inside joke between us, he'll understand." I said, leaving with some jam slathered toast that was on a plate. It was good, I'll give her that. I heard Twilight call out in surprise, but I didn't stick around to find out what she wanted. Making a bee-line towards Ditzy's home, and knocked on her door. When she didn't respond after a few minutes, and I figured she was in at the moment. "Huh, weird." I said. Assuming that she wasn't going to be here anytime soon, I left to the Train Station. My train was supposed to leave at around 10:30, and it was currently 9:20, so I had some time before I had to take it back to Canterlot. A thought popped into my head, as though connecting something. 'What if she's at the Train Station?' Quickly making my way there, as well as my Guard following, I was surprised by who I saw. "Luna?" I said, tilting my head. There, in their royal attire, stood Luna and Celestia, with several Guards around them. "Dear Franz! We have missed thou so much!" Luna said, sounding very cheery. It was somewhat odd of her to be this excited, but then again, I haven't seen her for a few days. She walked over to me in a hurried manner, and gave me a tight hug, and buried my head into her fluffy chest. Now keep in mind that there were several ponies around, and a few certain ones had cameras which made audible clicking and flashes. And I was being smothered by Luna, who in mind, doesn't care for her public image very much. As I was being crushed, I was unintentionally forced to breath in Luna's smell. Oh god. It smells like jalapenos! Pushing her off lightly for more breathing space, I saw that Ditzy was here by herself. She looked fairly nervous, and my thought was right, she did come to say goodbye. "While I appreciate the show of affection, I think you guys should go ahead and get settled in the meantime." I offered. "Very well, Dear Franz." Luna said, letting me go and stepping towards the crowd. "Citizens of Ponyville! While it is a pleasure to see thou's little faces once more, we wish for thy to disperse immediately, and to continue thine's daily activities!" 'MY EARS!' I winced. They all left soon after, but I saw Ditzy wanting to come, but was looking hesitant. "Did thou not hear us, little pony?" Luna asked, a stern look on her face as she came a bit closer to her. I saw Ditzy flinch, and turn to leave almost immediately. "Dear Franz, did thou meet thee's contact?" Luna asked, as though she didn't tell everyone to leave. "Yeah, you met her just now." I said, my tone falling flat. "We did?" She asked, gaining a confused look. Nodding, and giving her a disapproving look, I sent a drone after Ditzy. Luna looked guilty, and hung her head in embarassment. After a few seconds of waiting, Ditzy was back. She followed the drone and looked confused, as well and nervous again. "Luna, this is Ditzy, the mare I told you about, Ditzy, this is Luna, my marefriend, or however that goes." I introduced, waving a hoof around with a dismissive tone towards the end. "Greetings, I was not aware that thou was the contact Franz was referring to." She said, making an unusual amount of eye contact. "I-it's nice to meet you, P-princess Luna." She whispered softly, almost terrified. One could practically feel the tension in the air, and I turned to Celestia, who was just watching the whole scene fold out. "Well, I think we should hang out for a while, no? How about we go watch some videos from Earth?" I offered. "Yes, that sounds splendid." Celestia said, nodding along. "I wish to watch as well." "Ditzy?" I asked her, who now had a curious look in her eye. "Uhm, o-okay!" We were sitting around my laptop, waiting for it to start up again after I powered it down. "I've always wondered what this device of yours did." Celestia said as the screen loaded up and showed a snowy mountain background. "It's a multi-purpose device that lets the user explore the internet, make documents, videos, pictures, draw, type, yadda yadda yadda. Basically, I can do anything on it." I explained. "May we ask what the 'Internet' is?" Luna asked. "Oh, that's a great question. Basically, it's a world-wide, data sharing, find anything you can think of kind of place. I usually used it to watch shows and online video's, but I don't think I can connect to it anymore." I answered, giving a small contemplative frown. "Why not?" Ditzy asked. "Well for starters, I can't go to my home world and connect, and this planet isn't as technologically advanced as my old one. We were about a Tier 4, and you guys are, from what I'm able to tell, a Tier 6. maybe lower." I said. "And that means?" Luna added. "It means that we were beginning to travel through space, and you guys are starting to make steam powered locomotives." "What do you mean? I thought that steam power was the most scientifically advanced thing there was." Ditzy said, not understanding. "Well, that's what you ponies have been able to accomplish. But as time goes on, so does your knowledge regarding science." Pressing the enter button, it showed me the password pin. Typing it in quickly, it loaded momentarily before everything loaded up. It has been a while since I used this thing, and what I was meet with was a gif of Shrek dancing to something, and doing suggestive motions with what looked like a barrel. I, of course, burst out laughing at the absurd looped video, but Celestia, Luna, and Ditzy looked a bit confused, and slightly disgusted by it. "What is that?" Ditzy asked, a small frown on her muzzle. "That is Shrek, the god of life, and the creator of destinies. Savior of souls, and a beautiful creature that once was, but is now lost." I said, making myself sound mournful towards the end. "Is that really what this creature is?" Celestia asked. "Nah, he was a cartoon character that went out of control and made people weirdly chaotic." I answered truthfully. "From thee's home world, we... I presume?" Luna asked. I glanced around the table we were at. There was almost no one here, save for a few guards stationed outside the doors. "Yeah, he was a pretty big internet trend, and is typically associated with sexual intensity and/or lust." I explained, shivering from that one video that will not be named. "He sure doesn't look like any of that." Ditzy quipped, leaning in slightly closer to analyze him. "Yeah, my people were a weird bunch." "We noticed." Luna said, wrapping her forearms around my neck. Not trying to play favorites, I pulled Ditzy into my lap. She squeaked as I pulled her close, and I could feel Celestia staring. It was odd to be sandwiched like this between two mares. The scent of Luna's spice and Ditzy's bread smell gave me the impression of a jalapeño sandwich, of all things. It bothered me that I was able to tell Luna's heat apart from her normal smell, almost instinctual even. Must be this form and it's sensitivity towards it. Moving my magic along the track pad, I clicked the X at the top right corner and closed all of the tabs that I had open. The time read 9:56, so we had some time before we had to go. It might've been a long train ride, unless I was smothered by Luna all the way back to Canterlot. Not that I minded, but it was worrying that Luna might try something risky on the way back. I knew that our special night wasn't going to be very special anymore, to me at least, but I could still make it for her. And I wasn't so sure about Ditzy. And so, for the next twenty minutes, we watched a pre-downloaded, totally not Pirated episode of How It's Made. This one was how to make Twinkies. Standing at the loading dock with Celestia and Luna, it was time to say goodbye for now. Ditzy was looked saddened as I held her close. "I'll make sure to drop by next week to pick you and the girls up for Canterlot. We'll have a great time there. Well, that is if BluesClues isn't there." I said. "Who's BluesClues?" She asked, unfamiliar with the name. "Blueblood. I figured I should give him a nickname other than 'Blueballs', but I'll probably find another one more fitting in a few days." I said, giving her a squeeze. "Just take care of yourself. Shouldn't be too long until then, alright?" I asked, looking into her eyes. Sorta. "Okay." She said, getting a bit nervous as she leaned in and closed her eyes. She clearly wanted a goodbye kiss, and a single glance to Luna for reassurance was all I needed to see to give Ditzy what she wanted. Planting my lips onto her own, she leaned in more, pushing herself onto me. It took me by mild surprise, but I made sure to keep a firm grip on her, as well as limiting myself. It felt weird being watched by your girlfriend as you kiss another girl. Especially if her sister is right there as well. But this was normal. Or, it's what I was led to believe at least. I really hope this isn't some elaborate prank on me, or a weird cucking thing Luna had. We broke the kiss, and she buried her head into my chest. I held onto her as she began to sniffle. "Hey, hey, hey, you good?" I asked her softly. "Yes." She said, slightly muffled by my chest. "Don't think of this as a goodbye, think of this as a small trip to home." I said, pulling her chin up to my gaze. I saw tears forming in her eye, and it tugged at my heartstrings. "That doesn't make sense." She said, confusion slowly replacing her sadness as intended. "I know." "Dear Franz, the train is ready." Luna said. "See you later on, Ditzy." I said, giving her a wink. Turning, I walked into the cart where we would be in for a while. It looked comfortable, and surprisingly spacious. Looking back, I saw that she was still there, except she had a small smile on her muzzle. There were still tears in her eyes, but she maintained that smile that I enjoyed. The train slowly began to pull forward, and eventually started pulling to Canterlot. But I continued to watch Ditzy from the window as the train began picking up speed. Eventually, as we pulled over a hill, she disappeared into the background. Turning to Luna, I saw her with a smile. "Thou did good securing a mare like her, Dear Franz. And for doing such, we have something for thee." She said, slowly moving closer to me. "And that is?" I asked, unsure of what it could be. "Our third date. We believe it is time we for thou to take us. But we have another mare for thou to meet." Luna said, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Wait, I thought we were only getting one new member, Ditzy." I asked, getting confused and mildly worried. "We did say that we needed a crutch for the Soul Bond to be re-established, did we not?" She asked. "Yeah, but I thought we only needed one more person for this." I said. What does she mean another mare? "While in normal cases, thou would be correct, but since only one of us is a true Alicorn, and our options are scarce, we turned to another pony that would aid us in our recovery." "Why wasn't this explained earlier so that I wouldn't be surprised?" I asked. "We wished to tell thee, but we were afraid thou wouldn't accept our idea." "Luna, you don't have to hide anything from me. We're going to get our Soul Bond back, and we need to put trust in each other." I said, grabbing her hooves and holding them up. "We understand, tis just the fact that over a thousand years ago, thou would have reacted poorly to such an idea." "Luna, the person I was and the person I am right now are two completely different people. Sure, I may have retained some things from the past, but I try and use them to be better. So please, trust me like I trust you." She seemed slightly conflicted, then pulled me into a tight hug. "We apologize, Dear Franz." "It's alright." I said, trying not to breath in her jalapeno smell. "And you." I said, looking at Celestia. She seemed surprised that I spoke to her directly. "Yes?" "Stop it." I said, giving her a frown. "What do you mean? I have yet to do anything to interrupt you two." I raised an eyebrow, almost hearing the vine boom in the background. "Dear Franz?" Luna said. "Celestia, if you won't stop putting those 'Heat' Spells on Luna, then I'm gonna make sure all of your cake expires before you can get to them." I said. She gained a slightly less amused look. "You wouldn't dare." She whispered, narrowing her eyes and leaning in, trying to intimidate me. "Try me." "Dear Franz, surely thou wouldn't attempt such." Luna said, breaking the hug. I was about to speak, but Celestia stopped me. "It would be wise to no speak, Franz. Unless, you want me to challenge you to a dual." She said. "I don't know, I'm feeling pretty challenged right now. Socially, not mentally." I added, noticing Celestia bite her cheek to keep from laughing. "You aren't as tall as me." "Size isn't everything." "Sounds as if you're talking from experience." "Sounds like you don't have any." "On the contrary, I happen to learn best when presented with a sudden situation." "On the contrary, you're still a virgin." "Am not." "Oh? Is Princess Celestia not as pure as we all thought?" "You're one to talk." I was silent, and suddenly feeling some form of offense. And Luna looked pretty shocked. "Fuck you." "Fuck me yourself you coward." She said, losing her smile immediately and covered her mouth with her hooves. Taken by surprise, I just stared at her, both of their faces heat up and feeling my own do the same, I tried to change the subject. ... ... ... But couldn't think of anything. "Did we go too far?" Celestia asked. "Yeah, might've." I quickly added. "Doth the two of thee have any hidden feelings for each other?" Luna asked." "Yes." "N-" I stopped and looked back at Celestia in surprise. "You do?" I asked. "Well, yes. For a very long time." She said, attempting to use her poker face, despite the light blush on her face. I stared at her again. When did this happen? She said a very long time, but how long? Before my disappearance, of after? "Huh." I grunted. "What does that mean?" "Nothing bad, but I'm a bit confused. Did this happen before, or after I disappeared?" I asked. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, just making that clear." I added quickly. "I will." She said, clearing her throat after a moments pause. "Ohh, where to start. I believe it was when you came to me asking for advice for Luna." I felt Luna lean into my side at the mention of her name. "Most of the time, you would ask for things that Luna didn't like to try and get her to lose interest, and in doing so, I suppose I may have developed a small, let us say 'Crush' on you." Luna was watching in silence, but seemed like she was, for some reason, completely passive about this. "I guess that, one thing may have led to another, and I attempted to... court, you." She said. "And then Luna must've seen, and gotten jealous. Since she had yet to successfully court you, she viewed it as as competition. And so, for over several weeks time, I also attempted to court you as well, albeit more subtle than my sisters methods." "But in the end, you ended up with Luna, and I felt alone. I didn't want to feel this way, so I tried to kiss you again, and, well, Luna caught me again while I forced my feelings, and myself, upon you." "And how much time passed when we actually started and when you tried that?" I asked, my face hardening from the revelation. "You two were almost reaching your third year anniversary of courtship, when it happened." "Luna, did you notice that Celestia was feeling this way at any point?" I asked, turning to her. Luna seemed momentarily lost in thought, and then frowned. "We did take notice, at first, but we believe we forgot out of spite, perhaps ignorance as well." She said, looking down at the ground. Letting out a sigh, I leaned back into my chair. This isn't what I wanted to talk about on the way back to Canterlot. Wait, she never did answer my question I never asked. "I see. Wait, you never answered my question. Who was the other mare you found?" I asked, starting to connect the dots in mild panic. She perked up again, almost immediately. "Well, due to our predicament in magical prowess, I had to look for one with capabilities similar to our own." "And who might that be?" I asked, looking at her in suspicion. I was almost certain who it was. "Thou has been speaking with her this whole time." She said, confirming it. "What do you mean, I've been talking to them. You mean that they're in Ponyville?" I asked, hoping it wasn't who I was thinking of. "Nay, in here, with us." She added. I took notice that we were the only one's here. Just me, Luna and... ... ... Celestia. I looked over to her, she only had a hopeful smile. Oh god No. Fuck no! Absolutely unacceptable! "What!?" "Is it alright if I call you sunshine?" She asked. > Chapter 37: Settling Back In [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia? Wanting to join our relationship? The very one that nearly killed it last time? I was not prepared for Luna to want her in this with us, the very idea taking me for a hell of a spin. I just stared at her, not sure what to say. "Franz?" "Dear Franz? Art thee alright?" 'No, no I don't think I am.' I hadn't noticed this before, but Celestia was actually wearing makeup, even if slightly. Her eyelashes were more toned and refined, her teeth gave off a slight glare, and not a single hair out of place, in her mane, tail or coat. Although, her mane was still doing that flowing thing. "Why?" I asked. "Why? Well, I believe that I have a chance with you now, even if it did not seem so in our past." I wanted to call bullshit, but her stance was disarming, and she had a hopeful gleam in her eye. She had taken the time to look more presentable to me. But I wasn't having it. "No." I said, my stare turning cold. "Franz! Why can't thee accept her? Surely, thou can look beyond her past mistakes and forgi-" "No!" I said, my tone sharp. They flinched at that, but I needed to get the point across. "I'm not having this right now. Yeah, maybe in the future I'll warm up to the idea, but right now I'm not going to just 'Accept' this. I have several issues that I want to resolve, and I can't do that if I don't have the time to process and accept what happened. I'm not even sure how or why I have the abilities I have, and I don't want to drag anymore ponies into it than needed." I explained. "Art thou sure it wasn't the memory thou experienced two nights ago?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow. I stopped, anger spiking, but tried to force it down for the time being. "What?" "Did you think that you could have a nightmare and for us to not notice it? I saw what you saw, I felt what your mind felt, and we've seen what that human female has done to thee." She said, in a softer voice the more she went on. "I am also aware of the fact that your mind essentially tortured itself a two nights ago. Luna had informed me that these nightmares show the worst parts of your past. That's why she was eager for you to return to us in Canterlot as quickly as possible, and to go through your memories together." "As a herd." "And as a family." I felt a powerful pang hit my chest. Family? They considered me their family. "W-what?" I stuttered, my voice beginning to waiver. "Dear Franz, we are thy... your new family." "One to ease the pain of what you lost..." Celestia said, getting closer. "...and to mend what was broken." Luna said, wrapping me in a hug. "To heal your wounds." "And to help thou forgive yourself." I felt my eyes begin to sting, and my vision getting blurry. Lifting a hoof to touch them, I saw tears staining the hoof. Oh no... "It is okay, Franz. We can take on your past together. You just have to want help. We can't otherwise." Celestia said, wrapping her slender forearms around my body and pushing both me and Luna into her chest. The walls of my self-protection began to crumble, the very thing that made that dismissive and tough exterior who I was, fade away. I tried to maintain it but was proving too difficult to shield myself. To hide the inner suffrage of my heartache. What was I hiding from myself? Was I always like this? "Why?" I asked, my tears staining her fluffy chest. "Because, my little human, we care for you." I could feel my heart aching, wanting to burst as I started to get more and more of that pain out. The sensation almost broke me down, and shivered as I was on the precipice of going into a sobbing fit. My body was trembling as they pushed up against me, a feeling that I haven't felt since I was a child washing over me. "It is alright, Dear Franz, thou art strong, but we know that thou are not invincible. It is what makes everypony who they are." Luna said, burying her head into my neck. "It's what makes us unique. And you, Franz, are always welcome into our world. No matter how different you are." Celestia said. "Thank you." I whispered, closing my eyes and relaxing. They didn't say anything as they continued to hug me, After our little session, I was feeling more positive than before. Excited even. I still needed to think about what Celestia said, but until after I get the whole story of my past sorted, I would want us to remain friends. The rest of the train ride wasn't very interesting, but we used that time to focus on more lighthearted subjects. Once the train stopped moving, we got off and made our way back to The Castle, where I was met with Summer Springs, Marble Shine, and surprisingly, Shining Armor. I didn't see his marefriend anywhere, and I guess that was for the best. Wasn't sure if I could control myself with her around, due to that damn trigger word. Not sure if it still has an effect on me yet. "Your Highness! It's a pleasure to have you back!" Summer said, smiling widely. "Hello, Summer." "It's always refreshing to see a friendly face again, Your Highness." Marble said, with a slanted smile. "Oh, hey Marble." "Hello, Prince Franz. Nice to see that you've returned." Shining said, extending his hoof for a bump. "Sup, dude." I said, bumping my hoof with his. Luna spoke up, taking me by surprise. "Captain Shining Armor, would thou be so kind as to escort Prince Franz to his New Royal Chambers." She said. "My new what?" I asked, glancing at the castle Sure enough, there was a new piece of the Castle that was where my original room was. I wasn't sure why they would do that, since it just made the castle have a small protruding section that anyone would notice if they paid attention to it. Almost seems out of place. "Oh, never mind. I see it now." "Of course, Your Highness." He said and began leading the way. Once we broke off from the rest of the group, I followed him through the halls that led to the room I had made my own. "So, how have things been?" I asked him. "It's been good, thanks for asking. Say, how was Twilight over in Ponyville?" He asked back. "She's doing good. I gave her one of the armor sets she's been wanting for a while now. Figured that she should get one with all the trouble she and her friends get into." "That's good, and frankly reassuring. I know that she can be a handful sometimes." "Yeah, siblings am I right?" I said, smiling at him. "Oh yeah. You have siblings?" He asked, momentarily stopping. Stopping as well, I frown a bit. "Well, yeah. But I don't really talk about them." "Well why not? They seem like nice folk, if they're anything like you." He said. I stopped to think. Yeah, I suppose they had morals similar to my own, but they weren't the nicest. "I guess you could say that." "What were they like, if you don't mind me asking." "Well, I think you'll eventually hear about them. I don't really want to talk about them yet." I said, gaining an apathetic look. "Oh, I see." We walked in silence, and made it to my room without any distraction or getting sidetracked. I was glad he didn't push his luck with any questions, since I would dump a shit ton of drama and trauma from my family. That, and I preffered to keep to myself a lot. "We made it." I said, looking at my doors. "Yes, and if you need anything, I sure a guard would be willing enough to help." He said, nodding to the guards who were stationed at either side of the door. "Alright. Later man." I said, opening the doors. He simply nodded and left. Once I opened the doors, I was surprised, to say the least. Instead of the room being like that of a basic guest room, they tricked it out and made my bed bigger somehow. The walls were painted blue with traces of white, there was a chandelier, a bigger drawer, better lights, and a polished floor that shone like a freshly washed plate. The air held that of a royal tone, and held a sweet, scented smell too. "Doth thee enjoy the new look?" Luna asked from behind me. "Ooh, you've redecorated." "And?" She asked. "I don't like it." I said, adding on an accent. Luna was silent, and I turned to her. She had a slightly offended look, and I smirked. "Kidding." I said, giving her a hug. She returned it with much affection, and less of that spicy smell. We broke the hug, and I thought I noticed something different about her. "You look different." I said. "Yes, we decided to try a new accessory, pray tell how it turned out?" She asked. I thought I knew she had something different about her, but I wasn't entirely sure. Maybe her hair? Or her coat? I couldn't tell, but I thought that I had it. "I don't know." I said slowly. "Art thou serious?" She asked. "What?! I don't know what's different! I don't pick up on subtle things well." I said, looking over her. "Here, we shall give thee an example." She said, wincing slightly as she proceeded to pull out one of her primary feathers. It confused me, but then she placed it in the groove of my ear. Connecting the dots, I realized what she was doing, and looked over to her ears, which had my primary feather tucked between her ear and tiara. I actually saw that it was a lighter shade than her coat, and that it was more noticeable if you looked for it. "Ooh, I see now." I said, smiling lightly. "Yes, now, I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to." "Alright, I'll see yo- wait, we?" I started, then asked. "Yes. As a reward for slaying an Ursa Major, I believe it is right for thee to receive a prize. One that we could both enjoy." She stated, slightly in a weird way. "Wait, Celestia didn't make you horny or anything, did she?" I asked. "Nay, tis similar, but to a lesser degree." "Is it like when you tried to make out with me on Thursday?" I inquired. "Thou art getting brighter, I see." "Heh, I've always been bright. I just been on power saving this whole time." "Shall we?" She said. "How about in an hour, I feel pretty burnt out." I said, sagging my head a bit for example. "Of course, I shall rest with thee until then." She stated proudly. "Yeah, sure." I said, taking off my armor and floating them over to the dresser. I hopped into the oversized bed and pulled the covers over me. I then felt a pair of hooves drape over my shoulders, and a warm body hug me from behind. "I love thee, Dear Franz." 'Say it.' 'Say it.' "I..." 'Fuck you waiting for, say it stupid body!' "...love you too." It seemed as though a weight has been taken off my back. and something off my chest as those words actually meant something this time for me. A warm feeling spread through my chest again. I was sure that she could feel it. The gentle beat of our hearts. Our small respite into each other. Our little paradise. 'Just us.' A thought strayed. I felt that swaying motion one would feel then they knew that they were falling asleep. I didn't fight it, I embraced it, as I did to Luna. To Ditzy. To my new family. And let go, falling into the wonderland of sleep. I faced down the ledge I was presented with. It wasn't a very long fall, but I was sure that it would still hurt should I not be able to do this. "Art thee ready, Franz?" A younger version of Luna asked me as I turned to look at her. "Well, it is a long fall, and I still don't know how to use these things yet. Don't you think I should try lifting off first?" I asked, feeling myself give her a sightly concerned look. "Fear not, for the best way to learn is to be in the heat of the moment, not in small steps, as thine says." "To be honest, I think I should have paid more attention to whenever I see you guys flying. Like, come on Luna, I don't know anything when it comes to this." "Surely tis similar to thy own form of flight." She said, giving me a raised brow. "It's not even the same thing. I use what I called a Power Thrust. It's when I use a very minuscule amount of my power to be able to lift myself off the ground and fly. It is in no way 'Similar' to your- hey! Stop that!" I cried as I noticed that she was pretending to fall asleep. Letting out a groan she spoke in a more hurried tone. "Yes, we understand thine's predicament. Now jump, and thou might receive a surprise should the outcome be satisfactory." She leaned in with a smirk. "We would be more than willing to let thine use this 'Power Thrust' thou mentioned." She said, giggling and leaning back. "You're being a tease. Stop that or I'm going to reconsider making you that sword I promised." I threatened. "Nay! Thou hast been working on it since last week! How can you just unmake something thou spent so much effort into?" "Like I said, stop." "Fine, we shall cease." "Thanks. I'll get it to you in about a few more da-" I was immediately hit with vertigo as I began screaming, landing hard onto the ground below. "Thou speak to much!" She called down to me. "Suck my dick!" "Really? No jesting?" "NO!" I awoke abruptly, a weird sensation in my lower regions. Noticing that I was hugging Luna from behind, I assumed the worst and took a peek under the sheets. Oh shit. Oh fuck. I saw that my dick was caught in the groove of her rear, and it was semi erect. 'Stay calm, she isn't even awake yet' I thought. I tried shifting over a bit, but it only stimulated my dong to expand more. I felt the heat emanating off her flank. It was really hard to not just start giving light thrusts, and I rolled over to the other side of the bed, where I would have some time to reco- I slipped off the bed and landed on the floor, my schlong almost getting crushed underneath my body. She must've heard me falling off, as she immediately woke up and looked over the bed. "Dear Franz! Art thee alri-" She stopped as she no doubt saw my dick flopping around like a foam swimming noodle would in a pretend sword fight. "Ack!" I shouted in surprise, and rolled away, crushing it under my body. I whimpered as I felt like someone had slapped me in the balls and held my hooves to it in a pathetic attempt to protect and hide them. I also couldn't hide the burning feeling in my face. This was really awkward, and I wasn't sure how to proceed. "Dear F-Franz. Was thou, attempting, something?" She asked from the bed, slightly flustered. "No." I whispered in a raspy tone. "I-if thou wish, we could, ahm, a-assist thee?" She offered. Nope! "No, I don't think you will." I said, feeling the injured body part retract. "Art thee sure? Tis a simple problem that I could take care of in a matter of minutes." "And what would you do?" I asked sarcastically. "Whatever thou wished." "..." "Well?" I just gave her a frown. "So? What shall it be?" She asked, gaining a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "I'm going to stop you right there." I said, feeling the pain start to fade away. "I feel like we should wait until after we've established that we are comfortable with each other." I said firmly. "And how would we go about that." "I don't know, I'm just waiting for the pain to go away." I said, beginning to get up. "Well, regardless of whether we art comfortable with each other's company, I believe that we should have started our sexual encounters well over a thousand years ago." "On the contrary, I think that we should stop talking about this so casually." I said. "Ooh, and thou art one to speak. How am I to believe that your penis is working? After all, thou has only done masturbation when we are either not near, or behind closed doors." "Hey, it works fine, alright." I countered. She leaned in close and gave me a smug look. "Then prove it." I was tempted to just leave and eat something, but she had a point. I wasn't really the most sexually active person, but still, I should have at least given her some action before our banishment. But I wasn't doing it like this. "Were it so easy." I said, lowering my voice, a smirk on my face. She was about to speak, but I quickly bopped her nose with my hoof, and she went cross eyed for a bit. "Franz, we do not appreciate that." She said, giving me a glare. 'Oh shit, she got rid of saying "Dear".' "And I don't appreciate you letting Celestia blast you with that heat spell, but I guess that there are things in life that are uncontrollable." I said, earning a annoyed look from her. "Nay thee." I was going to pull up a reverse card, but she pulled one from her mane and flipped it to me. It was the infinity reverse card. "Fuck." I said, followed by her giggling lightly. I walked the halls of Canterlot, without a specific destination in mind. Yeah, I could've gone to eat dinner with them, but I wasn't actually feeling that hungry. That, and I stole some of Celestia's cake before so, as a warning. It was almost nighttime, and I would have to go sleep, but I had awoken from my nap only an hour ago. It wouldn't make much sense to wake up from a nap and to go right back after only an hour of sleep. My thoughts shifted to Ditzy. I actually enjoyed cuddling with her. It felt nice to be able to feel like you're protecting someone just by holding them. Which was something I couldn't do with Luna, since she was still a bit bigger than me. I then thought about how I said I wanted to court her. I should've thought out ahead on what I was going to say, instead of what I did. Then she might've accepted before she went over to Twilight's and saved me a bunch of explaining. Now I feel stupid. Least the cake made me more energetic. Feeling embarrassed, and under-stimulated, I thought of a way to get my mind off of this, and after some more walking, I decided on the Training Grounds. I thought that the labels they gave these specific places like 'The Throne Room' or 'The Royal Dinning Room' were too grand, and that they needed to be simpler. For example, the 'Training Grounds' or 'Training Room' should simply be labeled 'Gym', or even something simple even. Refocusing myself, I saw that I was nearly to the now renamed 'GYM', in my terms, and that it was starting to get more and more vacant of Royal guards and more occupied with Night guards. To be fair, I kind of enjoyed the Royal guards better than the Night guards, since they were more official and had more structure. But on the contrary, the Night guard was relatively better at combat, or so I've heard, but some lacked discipline. And frankly, I think it would be better to mix them together for a more diverse and effective military, or maybe incorporate some of their tactics into each other's militia. But I should be very careful about how I go with this. I wouldn't want to force it like my home world's movies did. Tossing that thought away, I entered the GYM and found that there were some Royal and Night guards present. Both parties were doing well enough. some were doing weight training as well, while others were doing what looked like stamina improvement or some wing exercise thing that I wasn't exactly sure about. But I had a specific place in mind. Going over to the firing range, I saw that there were mostly unicorns, with the exception of a couple Earth ponies and Pegasi with crossbows. And all the while, I noticed that there was whispering among them, oddly enough with the female guards here. I looked for the trainer at the shooting range and found him explaining how to reload a crossbow a Unicorn was using. "Now, repeat to me how I showed you." He said. Wait, I recognize him. He was the referee at our duel! Glancing over to his Cutie Mark, I saw the checkered flag that was on the Referee when the duel initially started. I watched as the guard successfully was able to place the arrow back into the slot for the wire to catch the grove it to be considered ready. "There, now you know how to reload a crossbow. Should be easier for you to not jam anymore of them." He said, the small wrinkles on his face looking more prominent. Jamming? How can a crossbow jam? "Yes sir." Said the guard, before leaving to another booth for firing. "Hello there." I said, giving him a smile. "Ah, Your Majesty! What an honor to have you here at the Training Halls. What brings you to this facility?" He asked, giving me a warm smile and attentive look. "Well, I was actually kind of bored and decided to come down here and see what everypony was doing. It seemed like a good idea." I answered 'truthfully'. "Ah, yes. Well, you came to the right place to squash your boredom, Your Majesty. I have something special specifically for you!" He said, disappearing into the room on the side of the range. "Your Majesty, I believe you will like it!" He said, coming back shortly with an unloaded crossbow. I noticed something. There was a small white crystal that was where the arrow would be, and it looked like a receiver. "Let me guess, magical crossbow?" I asked, giving him a look. "Not just any magical crossbow, one that is designed to be able to withstand the immense amount of power of an Alicorn!" He said, setting it on the small platform in a empty booth. "I haven't had the chance to test it, since I only knew of two Alicorn's. But now look! Four!" He said excitedly with a laugh. "Now, I would be honored if you were to test it out for me, would ya?" He asked, passing over to me. "Sure, why not." I replied, taking it with my magic. The crystal seemed to glow with my magic, turning from the original dull white to a bright green. "It works like any magical crossbow, just vamped up for a powerful magic user, or an Alicorn." "Very nice." I said as I tried putting some of my magic into it. It felt, natural, for some reason. Almost like pouring water in a water gun. "Here goes something." I said, and raised it to aim at the straw filled dummies up ahead. I took in a breath, held it, and pulled the trigger. A ghost of an arrow shot out of the crystal, and hit the dummy in the chest, where it cut clean through and into the wall before bursting in a green flame. There seemed to be a glow to it as it flew, almost like a tracer bullet would. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I was genuinely impressed with this. Looking back at the crossbow, I saw that it was cracking at the base of the limb, and that there was a slight smoking of the crystal. Had that been a pony, let alone a human, would be pretty terrifying to witness. And even more traumatizing to clean up. But, I couldn't let these pony's have these kinds of weapons. Unless under extreme supervision. "Whoo! It works! Though, I will have to use a stronger material for the crossbow's limbs, but overall amazing!" He cried, sounding excited. "Did you make this?" I asked, giving him a neutral look. "Sure as sugar I did! Why, you like it?" "Well, it is a bit more on the dangerous side." "That's why only you and the other Alicorns can use this. We regular ponies just don't have the magical prowess to be able to handle the amount of magic required to use one of these things." He answered. "Still, it's very dangerous to come up with this kind of concept. I only made my weapons for my own protection and the protection of others." I said, forming everything except my helmet. "And it's real impressive to look at. Say, would you mind showing us some of your weapons? I hear that they're real strong and flashy." He asked, gaining some support and attention from the other guards. "I don't know, are there any barriers we can set up in case I do it?" I questioned. "Quite, but we can set up some dummies for some faux attackers." He said. I heard the murmurs and whispers of agreement from the other guards. "Come on, can't be that bad." He said. I heard them begin to chant. It wasn't the best chant, just a simple "Prince Franz! Prince Franz!", but I wasn't entirely convinced. "It'll kill that boredom you have." He said. Technically, I wasn't even supposed to be here, let alone show them what my armor can do. But, I can be anywhere I want, within reason, so I didn't have to do anything. "Oh, what the hell. Lets do it." I said, earning a chorus of cheering. 'This choice will have consequences.' I thought. "We all good?" I asked. "Yes, Your Majesty!" Called back Checkered Mark. That was the name of the old stallion from the Duel and 'Gym'. I had also gathered the attention of several dozen of the Night and Royal guards who had caught wind of my practice duel with the dummies. "I shall let them go in three!" Celestia and Luna had also heard about this, and were present as well. As it turns out, there was a small arena for specifically training the guards on combat techniques and battle strategies. "Two!" Oh, and Luna will be recording this, and so will I for future reference. "One!" "Hmm." I said, feeling my armor wrap around my head. A horn blared, and I gave Luna and Celestia a small salute, before turning to the twenty or so Dummies that were slowly walking towards me like zombies. I activated my arc reactor from my right hoof, and began blasting them down with ease. I wasn't, however, aware that the more I took down, the faster they got, as about five of them suddenly rushed me. Activating my energy shield, I blocked a punch from the closest one, and followed up with a slash from my energy dagger to the head. It fell limp and I turned my attention to the others, who now were doing semi circles around me. I eventually was able to take down about three more before they got blinding fast. I leaned my head to the side and maneuvered out of a punch to the helmet, only to be bashed into with another one. Grunting in annoyance, I grabbed the one that tackled me and threw it into another one that was getting close. 'Remember the moves.' I thought. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, let it go, and caught one that was trying to hit me. Twisting it, the dummy flipped over, and I kicked it away to gain some space with that one. I heard a cackle of magic, and my body moved on its own as I leaned backwards from a dull white magic arrow that nearly clipped my helmet. Turning to the culprit, I saw that it was levitating what looked like a regular magic crossbow. I shot a disk at it, watching it activate and implode the dummy into pieces. There were about ten or so left, and I was starting to shake in both anticipation, and what felt like glee. Shooting out a string of webbing, I brought one closer to me and tore it's head off with a hard punch to its blank face. "Thus, you're fucked." I whispered, and made my helmet glow brightly around where my left eye would be. I summoned spikes to rise from the ground, which a few didn't take into account and were impaled. The others were charging at me, and I made my armored leg fold into what resembled a blade. I slashed into the first two, and blasted another with the open reactor still ready. One managed to tackle me onto the ground, followed by another, and two more. Curling up into a ball, I felt the electricity dance around me, as I was being piled onto by a couple more. In an explosion of red, crackling energy, they were disintegrated, and the others nearby blown back into the edge of the ring. I looked around for anymore and saw four of them. One trying to get up, and the other trying to stand. The other two were still coming after me, and one went for a punch, while the other tried to predict where I would go. I caught the punch and used the energy dagger to stab it several times in the abdomen, and then the head, and I kicked the other one away for more space. The one that was trying to stand was now rushing me at a fast pace. An idea hit me, and I grabbed the slashed up body with my hooves, twisted my body, and heaved the foe into the sky and used it to attack the one that was charging. It went sailing into the air and I followed with a flap of the wings. Once in the air, I proceeded to beat the dummy with another dummy, striking it in angles to where it would stay in the air until I finished, and slammed back down with an explosive finish. The dummy I was beating with burst apart, as did the one I was attacking with. I narrowly dodged another magic arrow that was shot at me, and looked right a the one who pulled the trigger. It was in the process of reloading, and I lifted a hoof to it. 'Universal Pull! I thought. The dummy froze, and was sent flying towards me, where I had my shield ready. I bashed into the dummy hard enough to pop my shield and to rip off all of the limbs it had. And then my eyes fell onto the one that was left. It was a kind of thing one would see in anime. The main character was left out of all their friends and there was no back up, and little hope for them. The feeling it gave me kind of sucked, but it needed to be done. Walking over to it, I watched as it struggled to stand. Way to make me feel bad, you dummy.' I thought. In a quick motion, my arm swung at it and severed the head, where it bounced off the floor a bit before being followed by the rest of the body. "Practice round over!" I heard Mark say. I let out a sigh. This actually killed my boredom. It was pretty fun too, but kinda sucks as well. (Stop music here.) "..." 'And I thought I was a pacifist. I think I'm an antagonist. No, wait, that's the bad guy of a story. Sadistic? Maybe. Not sure anymore.' "Hurrah! Dear Franz, that was an excellent exercise!" I heard Luna cheer. Looking over to her, I saw her gliding down to me. There were guards picking up the remains of the training dummies and collecting the magic crossbows. "Thanks. I was actually wandering around, and I thought I should train on some dummies. You know, keep the muscles loose." I said, rolling my head for any pops. "Well, that is a fantastic idea for staying loose. Say, art thee not hungry? We did not see thou in the dinning hall this afternoon." "Now that you say, I'm feeling a bit peckish from the practice." I said, making my armor fold back into their capsules. "Then shall we leave for somewhere to eat?" She asked. "Didn't you already eat?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, but we weren't feeling very hungry, and ate lightly. That, and we have a form to maintain for thee." She said. "Oh." I said, being taken by surprise. She laughed and walked off, with a slight sway with her hips. I tried not to look, but I couldn't do the same for the other guards, who were ogling at her. They immediately backed down after I glared at them, averting their gaze. "That was a very good match. Though, I would have used less, lethal, methods to disperse them." I heard Celestia say as she walked up to me. "I'll keep that in mind when someone tries to stab me it the throat." I said, running a hoof through my hair. "I want to have a word with you." She said, passing me and expecting me to follow. "As do I." I muttered lowly. "What was that?" "You'll see, don't worry about it." I waved off dismissively. She gave me a questioning look, before she left with me following behind her. We walked until we were close to her room, which I didn't want to enter. She stopped and turned to me, hopefully to explain why she brought me here in the first place. I watched her as she stared at me. I think that I might be in trouble, but she didn't have an angry look. "What's up?" I asked, in a attempt to break the tension. "Where are you going next week?" She asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean, where are you going next week?" She said, putting emphasis. "Well, that's so secret, even I don't know where I'm going." She looked a bit confused. "What do you mean, you don't know where you're going?" "I mean, I don't know where the old castle is." I said. "You're going to the Castle Of The Two Royal Pony Sisters?" "You mean the COTTRPS?" I said. "What?" "What?" I repeated after her. "Are you really going there?" "Am I going where?" I said, fighting the smirk I had. "To the, COTTRPS, in The Everfree Forest." She said, seemingly bamboozled. "What's in The Everfree Forest?" "Franz, you must not try my patience." She said, frowning at me. "Why do you have a patient? You don't have a medical degree." She just looked at me with an annoyed look. And I gave her an innocent one. "Did you take a hit to the head back there?" "Why are you going to hit me?" "I'm not going to do that." "Do what?" "Franz." "Yes?" "Stop it." "Stop what?" She leaned in and gave me a dirty look. "You know well what you are doing, and if you do not stop, then I will place Luna under the most intense heat spell known to Equuis. And last time she was in her regular heat, it took everything you had to stop her from getting into your pants." "You're in heat? That explains why you would take me to your bedroom." I said, struggling to keep my poker face. I saw her grit her teeth, and I laughed. "Oh god, I'm just messing with you. Yes, I'm going to the Everfree Forest, and no, I'm not going alone. Why, do you not approve?" I asked her. "While I don't wish for you to return to our old home, I would like to know why you would go in the first place." She asked. "To retrieve some old things that I wanted to get back. Mainly swords and stuff, maybe some old books. Did you want to add something to the list?" I asked. "No. But when Luna mentioned this, she said that you were planning to get her old sword back. The one you made for her." "And?" I questioned. "I know where it would be. I had it hidden away, along with several other items of interest. Mostly concerning your choice of weapons." "Ooh, and where might it be?" She smiled and spilled the beans. "Hey! Did you drop beans on me!? Are these cooked?!" I yelped, wiping the moist beans that was dumped onto my head. "Guess you could say I-" "Finish that sentence and you'll be worse than Yuri." I said, glaring at her with an intense stare. Celestia looked concerned, and worried. "Who's Yuri?" She asked softly. "Yuri-tarded." > Chapter 38: An Odd Night [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting on my bed going through the photos of the last Storage Unit I, had yet to find any pictures of her, which I was glad I didn't. Going to the Albums, I looked specifically for People. I think that Past Me deleted any and all traces of her. The only photos of people I had were of me when I went to landmarks and such on both Earth and Equestria. There wasn't much for Earth, since I wasn't one for traveling in the first place. And then there was Equestria. There was me in the sky with both Luna and Celestia on a cloud. There was me in a cave with Luna, who had armor on along with Lucina's sword. Then there was on with me and Celestia sitting on a couch with her sleeping and Luna drawing a mustache on her face. Then there was the old castle in all of it's glory, entirely different from it's current state. It looked pretty impressive to be honest. Though not as grand as the current one I'm in right now. Closing the tab, I went into Minecraft. I was almost done with making my house, and I didn't have any iron yet. And I also had to find a cave for some more experience, since the level 8 I was on wasn't cutting it. But at least the mobs were a pretty good source of materials and experience. I was so focused in my game, I didn't hear a teleportation spell go off in front of me until I was almost done with crafting my iron sword. "Dear Franz." "AAAAAH!" I screamed, leaning back and falling over the side of the bed. The doors burst open, and the guards entered the room with spears drawn. "What art thou doing! Can I not simply meet with my stallion for the night!? Leave at once!" Luna shouted at the guards. "Our apologies, Your Highness." I heard one say, along with the doors closing as they retreated. Flipping myself back up, I peeked over the bed and saw Luna looking at the Laptop screen. "Dear Franz, what is this?" She asked. "Oh, that's Minecraft. I was playing it when you showed up." "I believe something is attacking thee." She spoke. I heard my Steve being hit and I rushed over to the Laptop, and began attacking the Zombie that was trying to eat my character. "This does not seem like a very interesting game to play." She said. "It's supposed to be therapeutic. But honestly, it's actually very infuriating when you die and lose all your stuff." I replied, eating some food to get my health back up. "Why art thee not ready?" She asked. "Ready for what?" I asked, looking at her. I was actually stunned at what she was wearing. She had a black dress gown, along with a styled mane and tail. She had on white pearls on her ears and was wearing a bit makeup to hide the non-existent imperfections on her face. Her wings had some sort of effect on them, which made them glisten in the light. What it was, I wasn't sure. She also had on her armor around her neck, which complemented her dress even more. "For our third date, of course." She said. "Wait, I thought that wasn't until tomorrow at least." I said. "Did thou not hear us on the train? Tonight is our special night!" She said. Her face suddenly morphed into one that I've never seen before as she leaned in. It looked like intense lust. "And we shall make it memorable for the both of us." "Uh, s-sure." I stuttered nervously. "Very well. Now, I shall be waiting near the main entrance for thou." She said, leaning in for a hug, which I accepted. "Just don't take long." She whispered, and licked my ear. 'Ew, that was... Strange' I thought, gaining a slight look of concern. "Sure. I'll be ready in five." I said, breaking the hug and making some space, a slight twinge of pink around my face. She giggled lightly, and walked towards the door. "We shall be waiting for thee, my love." She said, giving her rear a bit of a sway. "Uh, o-okay. See you in a bit." I said nervously. She left, leaving me alone in my room for me to process what had happened. I then heard my Steve being attacked again, and saved the world before he died. 'I'm fucked.' I thought, closing the laptop and going to the bathroom to get ready for my surprise date with Luna. 'How the hell did I not notice her all dressed up in the first place? Plot conveinence?' I was changed and ready in three minutes, and was heading towards the front entrance of the Castle. It really wasn't that far from anything, my room being right in the middle of it all. Turning right, I saw Luna there waiting for me in her beautiful dress. She also noticed me and gained a smile. "Dear Franz, that was quicker than I thought." "I change fast." I said. In actuality, I just imagined myself to be as clean as physically possible and made a simple blue tuxedo that matched Luna's coat. I also made my hair slick off to the side, and a small tuft in the other direction. I actually felt as thought I looked a bit stupid, but I wasn't sure. "Well, let us hope that thou does not finish fast as well." She said. I was a bit surprised, but didn't show it. "I won't" I said, using the Chiefs voice for more effect. That got a giggle from her, and we left to wherever she had in mind. She took the lead, since she must've had some sort of place at the least. "So, where are we going?" I asked. "Wherever thou wishes." "Back home?" "Wherever except there." "How about somewhere fancy. Like that new sandwich shop near Joe's Donuts. I hear that they have the best sandwiches. For now at least." "Doth thee honesty believe that place is somewhere remotely considered 'Fancy'?" She asked. "From what I hear, they even serve mini sandwiches on a plate. Now that's fancy." "We have a certain place in mind." She said. "And that is?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Follow us, and thou shall receive." She added, and took the lead again. I was tempted to just stand here and let her go off for a bit, but decided to stick to this cliche and follow her. And we arrived at a large building that had a sign on it. It looked like cursive, but was way too elegant to be able to read. We went in and a attentive waiter greeted us. "Hello, Your Majesties. A pleasure and honor to have you both here tonight." He said. "We believe we have a reservation." She said. "You really have this whole night figured out, huh?" I asked. "Yes. T'was needed for a instance such as thouself." "I... Don't know how to respond to that." The waiter stood there, waiting for us to focus back on him. "This way, Your Majesties." He said, leading us towards the back of the restaurant. I saw some nobles here as well, either on their own or with another pony. They didn't look very interested in their partner, but more so on us for the moment. As I took in the surroundings, I noticed that the mares in here were eyeing me up and down, before averting their gaze as either Luna, or myself caught them staring. We were led upstairs and outside, arriving to a balcony of sorts. It seemed as though there was several of these along the building, as I saw some others along the other lower floors. "We will be with you in one moment. Here is our menu for the time being." He said, pulling out a pair of small pamphlets from his suit pockets. "Thanks." "Many thanks, loyal subject." He simply nodded and went back inside, almost nervous around us, which made sense. I picked up the menu and skimmed through it. There was a lot of things here that I wasn't even sure to get since the print was in an odd cursive. Luna didn't seem to have a problem with it, and saw that I was struggling. "Did thee pick anything yet?" She asked. "I can't even read what it says." "Why not?" She asked. "It's in cursive. I have a pretty hard time with it." I answered. "Well, we've elected to settle on a salad. If thou wishes, we could always share." She offered. "Yeah, just order a large, large one." "Very well." I chucked, which caught her attention. "What is it?" She asked. "That's like your catchphrase now. You say it in almost every conversation we have. That's kinda cute, not going to lie." I said. "What is? Us saying 'Very Well'?" She asked. "Exactly." I answered. I saw her face redden a bit, which made me pretty happy. "Thou art too kind." She said with a smile. I opened my mouth to redirect the complement to her, but she quickly interjected before I could do so. "Just take the compliment, Dear Franz." She said. "Oh, alright." The waiter returned and took our order for a large, large salad. And for drinks, Luna grabbed an alcoholic one, while I remained sober and got some water. At least, I think they'll bring me water. "Dear Franz, why art thou so resistant to our advances?" She asked. The question caught me off guard, but I guess I should have expected something like this. "Because I respect you, as I do with all females." 'Kinda. My last ex can fuck off.' "Nay. I believe there is something more to that tale. Tell us, other than the last mare thou was with, how many times have thou had intercourse?" She asked. "Luna, you haven't even had any alcohol. Why are asking drunk questions." I said, looking embarrassed. "Because, we wish to learn as much as we possibly can for our special night." She said. "Okay, okay. So I haven't had any action for almost my whole life, okay? I honesty kept to myself for a while, and when I did get a, lets say 'Marefriend' for this sake, it was when I seemed the weakest." I said. "So did thee have any sex?" "No, no. I'm getting there, alright? Just listen. OR would you rather I tell you the whole of my romantic experiences?" I asked. "Very much so." She said, a smile on her lips. I took in a breath, and let go. "So my first 'Marefriend' was when I was around fourteen to fifteen. I was playing near a tree and bothering some ants I had found and was feeding them for some reason, and that was when there were other children my age were around. I was pretty socially avoidant for most of my life, but didn't really mind that much. Peaceful even." "Why was thee playing with ants?" I chuckled. "I considered them to be friendly enough, since they didn't try anything if you fed them some food." "I see." She said, watching me with interest. "Anyway's. That's was when I met my first Marefriend. Veronica was very nice, and pretty, and tried to protect me when the bullies started to pick on me, and threatened my ants. Over time, I got somewhat attached to her, and asked her out with my kid courage. We only dated for about three months before she dumped me on Valentine's day." "What is this, Valentines?" "Oh, uh, what's the most romantic holiday here?" "Hearts and Hooves day, I believe." "Well, that's when she dumped me." "She did not seem very nice." "Well, her family didn't approve of me, and forced her to do it unless she wanted to live on the streets. I didn't know this until I was nineteen, on an off chance that I would meet her on a bus ride home." "Oh. At least she had a logical reason to do so." Luna said, looking a bit annoyed. "Fast forward a few years, and you'll see a older, but somehow less mature version of me. I had made a promise to myself to better myself should this happen again. I made a name for myself. Well, not really. I was just the guy that checked up on people to make sure they're okay. That's how I met my second Marefriend." "Another one?" Luna joked. "Yeah, yeah. I'm a player, okay." I said, making my chest pop out a bit in mock pride with a smile. She laughed and I saw the waiter coming back with our salad balanced on his back. "Your salad, and drinks are on the way as well, Your Majesties." "Thanks, looks good." "We greatly thank thee." After they left, I continued my story. "Since I would check up on anyone, I kind of became a bootleg version of the cool kid. Except instead of being cool, I was cool compared to the people I hung out with." "Such as?" "My guy friends who liked to do stupid shit. I usually tagged along and made sure they didn't do anything too dumb, like order a big meal from Round Table and not pay, and maybe Arson." I said, reminiscing on the good times I had. "And... and the second Marefriend?" She asked, taking a moment to skip past the arson bit. "Her name was Allison. I met her at the hospital near the school on my way to eat there for lunch. We dated for about a few weeks, then she mentioned she was moving to another state. Ohio, I think." "We are learning of names we have never heard of. Do continue." She said, lifting her fork with magic and taking a bite of the salad. "How's the salad?" I asked. "Tis excellent. Care for some?" She offered, stabbing some more of the bowl contents and lifting it to me. "Yes." I said, taking a bite. The salad was a normal salad flavor, and needed something for it. "Is there any ranch?" I asked. "Ew, thou likes ranch?" She asked. "What? It's not like I drink it straight from the bottle. And I use it in moderation as well." I said, trying to defend the sauce. "As thou says." She said, shrugging and taking another bite. "Continue." She pushed. "Once again, I was pretty heartbroken by the news. And it didn't help that I hid my feelings about it/. Fast forward again and you'll see a twenty-year-old me who was just starting to date again." "Why did thou wait so long to date again?" Luna asked me. "Mostly from the fact that I was still pretty messed up for a while afterwards." "And what was the name of this one?" Luna said, gaining a smirk. My face hardened as I gained a scowl, my vision temporarily gaining a blur before it settled as I spoke. "Cadence." I half said, half growled. Luna seemed to be taken back from this. She was quiet for a bit, and I let out a sigh, loosening my body to cut back the tension. "We, I mean, I apologize for bringing her back up." She said. "No, no. You wanted to know about my ex's, so I'll tell you about them." I said, relieved that I didn't trigger myself with her name. "Even her." "Nay, Dear Franz, thou doesn't need to tell us about her." I lifted a hoof up to stop her. "No, I need to face this with as much help as I can. And you are my biggest ally, along with Ditzy." "Does she know as well?" "No, but I trust her. The only ones who know about her are you, Celestia, Shining Armor, and your niece." I said. Letting out another sigh, I thought on where to begin. "She moved into my small town about a year after Allison left me. I met her on occasion, but never actually was interested until she gave me her number. I, being the idiot I was, started dating her without a second thought." "Was she the one who gave thee power?" Luna asked. "No, I remember something happening to me several weeks prior, but it's pretty blurry." I answered. "More salad?" She asked, offering me a forkful. "Yeah, thanks." I said, biting the food off her fork. Once I finished, I continued. "She said she was working with a company that was starting to grow, and I genuinely thought that was why she was here. And so, after a few weeks of dating, I thought it would be best if I moved out of my parents home and into an apartment with her. I wasn't sure why, but I felt compelled to be with her. She had gotten close to my family, and my friends, and I was considering on marrying her." I felt a wave of vertigo wash over me. "But then I showed her my abilities, and she had an entire secret organization after me in hopes of being able to study me. I escaped, of course, and decided to try and keep my family safe with my power." My eyes began to sting, and I forced myself to look ahead. "I was too late, however, since they had killed everyone. Including my siblings. All because I gave them a reason to fear me. First they killed my biological father, who I didn't even know was still around,, then my mother, followed by my siblings and the remaining branches of my family." I looked at the table and saw that there were tear droplets staining the polished wooden table. My face morphed into one of fury. "And since they killed my family, I figured I should go after the branch leader who sent out her to find and lie to me. After a few weeks, and numerous news feeds of my slaughter, I managed to find the one who sent all of this trouble after me. And did unto him what he had done to me." Once I let go of my anger, I glanced back at Luna, who was in thought. "Doth thee ever wish to return to your origin? To see what it is like back home?" She asked. "No. There's nothing left for me to salvage from what she did. So there would be no point." "Then we shall accept thee, and all shall be alright. You mustn't focus on thou's past so much. There is nothing thee can do about what has already been done. Thou need to build upon the foundation the past has set and learn from mistakes thou has made. Nopony is pure, Dear Franz. We all have flaws, yet, those are what make us who we are. Never forget that." She said sternly, a frown present on her muzzle. "When did this turn into a life lesson?" I asked, wiping my eyes. "When thou began telling us thee's life." She said, not sounding amused. "Alright. And where are those drinks?" I asked no one in particular. "I believe they were waiting for thou to finish. Waiter!" She called. On cue, the waiter turned the corner with our drinks. I really hope that he wasn't eavesdropping on us. "Your drinks." He said. Luna took a sip of hers, and I chugged my water. I was going to need the hydration later. "Anything else for you, Your Majesties?" He asked. "A check for us." Luna said. 'Wait.' I thought, and looked into the salad bowl. Sure enough, it was empty. "Do not fret, we shall visit the sandwich shop thou mentioned a few hours ago." She said. "But it closed half an hour ago." I said sadly. "..." "...Celestia's cake?" I offered. "Yes. Lets us eat her cake." "Gross, you're gonna eat your own sisters ass?" "What?" She asked. "Never mind. Just a stupid Earth thing." I answered. "Nay, do explain." She said, gaining a offended look. "Hey, this was the only time I made this joke. Don't take it seriously." "Thou implied I would consume my own sister's plot. Thou also threatens to eat my sisters cake, which thou just referenced to as plot." "Hey, it was a joke. Stop that or I'll eat your lunch next time." I said. She had a suspicious look, but let it go. After she finished her drink, we left back for the castle. Well, after she drank twelve of them. She was leaning into my side, and I was trying my best to not let her fall. Who knew she was a lightweight. Or is that heavyweight? I didn't know, since I wasn't much of a drinker. "Oh, Dear Franz. Where would I be without thee." She slurred as she leaned into my side. "I may be stronger than you, but I can't carry you all the way back to the Castle." I said. She let out a low whine. "But how will thou *hic* carry us on our wedding day...?" She asked. "I don't even know when that will be." I said. "Mmmm, penis." She said, and reached for my crotch. "Hey, HEY! No! Stop!" I yelped, and pushed her onto my back. "Why won't thou let us rut like animals?" She asked. "Well, mostly because of the fact that even though we're not biologically compatible, it still isn't ethical to just fuck whenever you feel like it." "Nay thee." "Don't be a normie." "Nay thee." "Luna, stop it. I'm serious." I said as I got closer to the castle entrance. I heard her take a sniff, and her hooves wrap around my neck. "Please rut me *hic*." "Not yet." I said, walking at a faster pace to save time. What was it again? Almost 12:00? "Thou still hasn't ate anything." She said. "I ordered another salad after you ordered your fifth drink." "Really?" She asked. "Yeah. I ate it while you were staring at me while drinking." "We did not see thou." "You were watching me eat." "Thou was?" "Yes!" "Hmm." I think she fell asleep, since she stopped talking. And luckily, I made it back to my room without any other complications other than the guards looks of concern for her. Gently laying her on the bed, I pulled the covers over her, to which she immediately curled up into. I admired her for a second, and went to the bathroom to clean up. I then looked in the mirror. 'You can do this. You can do this. You've done it before, you can do it again.' I mentally chanted as I steeled myself. Letting out a breath, I turned around and went back into the room. 'I can do this.' Walking up to the bed, I pulled aside the covers and laid next to her. She stirred slightly and opened her eyes. She smiled and pulled me closer for a kiss. I accepted and that little kiss slowly turned into a make out session. Her breaths were getting heavier, and that jalapeno smell was coming back. I was getting a bit worried, but looking at her pushed those thoughts away as she smiled at me. "Art thee ready Dear Franz?" She asked as she began lowering herself. "Y-yeah, sure." I said. She seemed to think about it, before disappearing underneath the covers. My body tensed as I felt her horn lightly brush up against my stomach. I could feel her breath hitting the sheath that kept my member hidden. She began rubbing at my balls, and it was then I realized I couldn't do it. "No. No, no, no, no, no. Luna, stop. I can't do this." I said, and pulled away from her and slid off the bed. "Wait, why not?" She asked, feeling looking a bit upset. "I don't know, I just can't. I'm sorry." I said, and pulled away back into the chair I got from the spa. "Is it due to a memory?" She asked. "I don't know. I just don't want this right now." "Tis alright. Perhaps next time?" She asked. "Sure, just... Go." "Why would I even leave thou?" "Please." I gasped. Why was this happening. It felt like my heart was on fire, and I didn't know what was happening. I panicked and backed out. "Dear Franz, art thee certain thou art alright? You're sweating." "What?" I asked as I brushed a hoof to my forehead. Sure enough, there was sweat on my hoof. "I need to be alone right now." I said. "Franz. Thou art frightening us. Please explain." "It's a biological thing. I need time to process what's happening before I can continue." I lied. "Oh. Very well." She said and left with a teleportation spell. "Armor on!" I yelped, the words coming from my mouth almost inducing pain. My capsules flew towards me and latched onto my body. "Give me a readout. What's happening." I said, worry in my voice. The burning sensation I felt was unbearable. I felt as though my chest was on fire. What the fuck was happening! I crawled over to the bathroom and tried t turn on the water, but the pain was preventing me from doing so very quickly. I groaned as I managed to turn on the water and flop inside. The burning feeling starting to fade slightly. "Oh god." I panted. In a flash of light, my chest burst into a blinding white light, and I screamed from the amount of power I felt coursing through my body. A loud hum was heard, as though something was powering up within me. The bathtub began cracking, as did the entire bathroom. Tears of pain began sprouting from my eyes, before I saw only white, and passed out. I was floating in that same place where those other beings were at. Except there was only one burred humanoid there. "Oh, nice to see you again Franz. I've been wondering when you'd accept my little invitation." "..." I tried to speak, but nothing came out. "Oh, right. You can't talk right now. I actually need your help. Do you accept?" ".!." I grunted. "I take that as a maybe." He sighed and floated over to me. At least I think it was a guy. "You seem different since when I last saw you. More, whole than last time as well." "..." "I had a feeling that you'd eventually want to leave your home dimension. But I didn't think that you'd actually make it to Equestria. Not many humans have that chance to go there. Especially with abilities such as yours." ".?." "Oh, who am I to say. You'll help me, right?" "..." "Darn. I keep forgetting that you can't speak right now." "..." "Well, my name is Spar, and I'm the previous Bearer of Imagination. I actually chose you because you were the one with the most... Potential. ".?." "Oh, what the hell. I chose you because you were the closest one to being able to ascend to a higher level." "..." "I'm kidding. I just want to mess with you. Jeez." ".!." "Well, it's one of those three. I forgot, honestly. Will you help me?" He asked again. "..." "Oops. Sorry. I haven't been the best with memory. Ever since I was imprisoned by the Light Bearer. Help?" ".!." His aura burned intensely for a second, before dimming. "Sorry, you should get back to your home. I probably shouldn't have taken your time. Just remember this." The aura got very close to me. "Do not trust the Light Bearer at any cost. It doesn't matter even if its with helping you open a letter. Do. Not. Trust. Him. Understand?" "..." "Good. I shall be seeing you in the later days to come. Maybe in a year or so. I dunno. Time if funky here." ".?." "Hasta la bye bye, daddy-o!" He said, and I was sent falling into the void that was below. Both confused and slightly worried, bit overall terrified. I woke up in the tub where I originally passed out. The walls were a mess, the tub was broken, and everything looked like it was hit with a large hammer. The heat in my chest had faded, and my armor was partially destroyed where the chest piece was. There was sparks that danced around the hole in my armor, and I was sure that the guards heard me. And sure enough, the doors immediately burst down and in came the guards, Luna being the first in the doorway. "Dear Franz! Art thee alright!?" She asked, sounding a bit muffled. Yep. "In here. I'm fine." I said tiredly. I felt as though most of my stamina was exhausted, and I was starting to lose consciousness. "Over here!" I heard a guard say. I was pulled out of the bathtub like a sack of potatoes and placed onto the carpet. "Franz! What happened to thee!?" She asked. "Nnngh." I groaned. "Franz!" "I'm tired. Go to sleeeeeeeeeeeep." I trailed off, and passed out on the floor. "Franz!" I heard her say, before I passed out. I saw that I was in a large white room. I wasn't sure how, or why I was here, but I had to assume I was sleeping. Taking a few steps forward, I saw a wall up ahead. As I continued towards the wall, I felt unseen eyes watching me, silently judging me. Soon, I was up to the white wall. Reaching out, I touched it and expected something to happen. Only, nothing did. "The hell is this supposed to mean?" I asked aloud. Silence. "Hello!?" I called. I could still feel the invisible eyes watching me, quietly wanting me to continue. 'Maybe there's a door.' I thought. Walking along the wall, I kept going expecting to find a door or something. But I only found another wall. Thinking that this was a corner, I kept going into the new section. I looked back around and saw that there was now a mist coming in. I now realized that I couldn't see very far from my spot. It seemed as though it were blurry, even distorted. Feeling a bit worried, I tried to create a flashlight. Only to be met with a throbbing headache. A searing sensation was felt across my arm, and I grabbed it out of instinct. Clenching my teeth in pain, and some expletives under my breath, I looked at my arm, which was forming a horrible burn. The room began getting darker, somehow. Almost as if there was a dimmer in the lights I couldn't see. I heard whispers, and I looked around for them, yet couldn't find their location. I also couldn't make out what they were saying either. I thought I could hear something about light, but I wasn't sure. It was unnerving, to say the least. Placing my hand back onto the wall, I continued until I had found another section that was unexplored. "Is this just one big fucking room?" I asked to nobody in particular. I kept going, but decided to test how durable these walls were. I lifted my leg and kicked at it with as much force I could muster. Not that it broke in, so it meant it was pretty sturdy. However, I did leave a mark on it. It looked like any shoe print would with the grime and such that was under the sole, leaving a nice, patterned mark on it. The idea of going through the fog to see what was up with this darkening room was probably needed, but I didn't trust going into the blur. I continued until I had found a door. It wasn't special, just any regular white door with a golden doorknob. It looked almost boring too. Grabbing the handle, I gave it a twist, and tried to open it. It didn't, however. I thought I heard something moving somewhere in the fog, as I quickly turned my head to find the source. But there was nothing but the fog. Looking at the knob, I noticed that there was a key slot. It looked like on of those olden locks, but I remember it being a standard. "Through the fog...." I quickly swung my hand back to hit whatever was behind me, only to hit thin air. "W-who's there?!" I called out. ... ... Silence. "Who the hell is there!" ... ... Feeling scared, I began looking around for the now different shaped key. It was nowhere to be seen, and I was starting to panic. I started banging at the door, trying to break off the handle, even bash down the door through sheer brute strength. But it didn't work. It was almost as if my power was gone, and any attempt to use it was met with repercussions. I felt a powerful gust of wind and looked back. There was a section where the fog had cleared, but I noticed that there was a figure nearby. It looked like armor, as it was fairly bulk with a smooth outline. It also looked, familiar. Nervously, I walked up to it and spotted a key on the suit. It was clipped to the chest plate, but I couldn't see the suit. It was difficult to see with the room now almost in pitch darkness, but the key had a little glowing effect. As I got closer, it got colder. I wasn't sure why this was happening, or what this meant, but I didn't want to spend any unnecessary time here. Grabbing the key, I turned quickly and went for the room, but something grabbed me by the back of my shirt, and pulled me back. Yelping out of surprise, I tried to face what had grabbed me. And I froze out of shock. "Thought you could leave, didn't you!" Smiled a past version of me. He was in the suit that I made when I was killing everyone, with the blood stains and small bits of bone and other bodily things that were supposed to be inside and never come out. "What!?" He punched me square in the face, and I was sent into the door. Groaning, I tried to get up, but a pain flared up in my left leg. I glanced up at old me and glared at him. "You think that you're the stronger one, don't you. You are not!" He said, an angry grin on his face. "Who the fuck you is." I grunted, trying to get back up with my bad leg. "Don't play dumb. You've always wanted to come to Equestria. I'm the version of you that you left behind on that shit hole of a dimension. And so, I'll enjoy beating the fucking shit out of you." "No, I don't think you will." I muttered, getting back up on my feet. In a blur, I was grabbed by the throat and slammed back into the door, the knob digging into my back. "You need me to beat that fuck face Light Bearer, so don't think that I'm just a figment of your imagination." Growling, I began struggling against this thing, but the armor proved to strong. "Don't fight it. I've been watching you your entire life. I know how aggressive you can be, how violent you can get, so don't try to pass off as a pacifist anymore either." "L-Lu-" I was cut off and thrown into the mist, pain shooting up across my body as I tried to stop myself. "Don't bother crying for Luna either. She can't even get here without your Soul Bond. We're in the deepest part of your subconscious. In a room filled with different iterations of yourself that you've grown out of and faded into dust." He said. "You really like to hear yourself talk, don't you." I poked. An armored boot hit into my rib cage, earning several cracked bones and bruised organs. "And you don't know when stop." He spoke. I frisked myself for anything that I could use against myself, but I only found my phone and wallet. It's better than nothing. Throwing them at him, he caught them and threw them back at blinding speeds, hitting my other arm and earning yet another sickening crack. I wasn't sure why I didn't scream from the injuries I got. "You could have been much better than me, but instead, you turned into a pussy that doesn't want to have sex. Hell, you even turned down Luna a good time with how broken you are." "You know, for someone that lives in my subconscious, you talk a lot of shit." He simply laughed. "Because I earned that right when you lost it." Grabbing me by the base of my neck, I felt him lift me up and slowly begin crush my spine. This time, I reacted my screaming loudly. I felt my skull being put under immense pressure. My blood vessels popping and my mind going numb. I was instantly pulled back into reality with a quick, and loud crunch in my head. > Chapter 39: Planning Out The Plan. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with a cold sweat. What even was that dream last night? Could one even call that a dream? Looking around, I saw that I was in a plain white bed, a small tray next to me on a table, and the room was a plain white. A bit spooky, but manageable. My armor was absent as well, which gave me the feeling of being naked despite not needing clothing. I thought about getting up, but I felt a pain in my neck. Rubbing it, I thought about how I woke up from there. Or, I was probably set here in the wrong position, and I now have a neck cramp. Looking around again, the door was closed, meaning that I had some privacy for a bit. Getting up, I hopped off of the bed and looked around. There wasn't anything even in the room, so it looked fairly similar to the room I was in from the dream. There was, however, a window I could look out of. There was a rather thick fog that was starting to roll off the mountainside, where was I? Stowing that thought away for the moment, I went to the door and opened it. The place had a hospital feel to it, so I assumed that I was in one. "Hello?" I called out as I peeked outside. There was staff down the hall attending to a seemingly hurt patient. It looked like his leg was in a cast, but I wasn't going to approach them so they could focus on him. Going down the opposite way, I saw a staircase doing down. moving along the wall, I almost crashed into a staff member, who looked surprised, but recovered. "Oh, good morning your Highness! Why aren't you in bed?" He asked. "I woke up in my room a few minutes ago. Thought I should get something to eat. Say, where is this place?" I asked. "This is a medical facility for Royal Castle members with larger pools of magic. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had you admitted here for an abnormality that occurred last night." He said, explaining it. "Ah. Okay. Where are they?" I asked. "Princess Luna is in the lobby, and Princess Celestia is in the Canterlot Castle attending to her Royal Duties." He explained. "Okay. Mind showing me where the main lobby is?" I asked, wanting to leave and get back to my armor and to see the damage. "Of course. I'll give you the release papers when we get there." He said, turning and walking. Following him, I admired the whole place. While it needed some decorations, it was normal. I didn't even need to go very far, probably another fifty yards before I reached the Lobby. "I will get you your papers soon. Have you filled any of them out before?" He asked. "Yeah, I think so." "Okay, you can go right in now." "Neat." I said, and opened the doors that would potentially lead to my doom. I didn't see her at first, since this place wasn't very spacious, but I eventually found her reading something, with a piece of jam slathered toast in her magical grasp. A mischievous thought popped in, and I came up behind her silently. She seemed oblivious, for the most part, and kept reading her magazine. I was almost there, just right behind her. She wouldn't even notice. She was open for the taking. As I crept up behind her, I thought about what I should do to scare her. A sudden scream, and grab of the shoulders? Or a more affectionate prank that involved hugging and kissing? Going for the second one, I lowered myself and jumped. Wrapping my arms around her neck, I planted a small kiss on her cheek. This was immediately regretted as she threw the toast in my face, with the jam hitting my left eye and reducing half of my vision. Luckily, I closed my eye before any of the jam got in there. Then, she grabbed my head, pulled me up, and slammed me into the table in front of her, followed by a quick shot to the balls. I was winded and slowly reached towards my nether regions, hoping to ease any of the pain she induced into our unborn children and myself. She realized what she had done once she saw my face. "Franz! Oh, We are so sorry! We did not mean to hurt thee that badly! A-art thee alright?" She asked, panic and fear evident in her voice. "Yeah. but I'm not sure about our foals." I whispered, tears forming around my eyes. "We apologize! What lead thou to believe this wouldn't happen?!" She asked, waving her hooves over me, not knowing what to do. "I think you popped one." I gasped, finding it hard to breathe as the pain began to trail up my crotch and into my stomach. "Prince Franz, here are your papers. Send them to..." The staff member stopped talking once he saw the situation that was presented to him. "-...uh, I'll come back." He finished and left. "Please! My balls!" "Franz! We apologize!" "Oh god, why!" I wailed before fainting. An hour and a heavy dose of painkillers later, I was headed back to Canterlot in a wagon that had the Royal markings on it. It was almost covering us entirely, with her sitting next to me. I wanted to do nothing more than to lie down and do nothing for the day. And it was still morning! "Dear Franz, we know that it ails thee, but does it honestly last that long, even after several doses of these 'painkillers'?" "Believe me, I've never been nut-tapped that hard in my life. It felt like someone took a sledgehammer and went all out with it." I said, leaning forward and in a half fighting stance from the lingering pain in my stomach. "Yes, we are aware that the pain is immense, but does it truely still hurt?" "Not as bad as before, but it's bearable now." I said, grimacing. "We, have a personal question to ask of thee." She said. I simply gave her a sideways glance. "We apologized, did we not?" She asked, gaining a concerned look. "Yes. Many times if I remember." I said, turning my attention back to the cobblestone path. We were just entering the gates that led into the city, and we still had to go through all of Canterlot to get to the Castle. "Is there anything we can do to relieve thee of ailment?" She asked, draping a wing around my back. "I don't think there's a spell for this type of injury, is there?" I asked. "I don't believe so." "Then no." She kept her wing draped over my back the whole way there. I noticed that the Nobles weren't paying attention to us at all, and that the one's without clothing were the ones with curious looks. 'I swear, it's like they don't have any shame not wearing something to cover their crotch.' I thought. 'Then again, I'm not wearing much either.' I added, glancing down at my body that was without anything. "We have arrived. Doth thee need any assistance getting down?" She asked. "Maybe. Let me see." I said, and tried to get up. Hopping off the carriage/wagon thing, I landed and looked around. I was at the entrance, and looked up. It also dawned me as to how big the Castle actually was. Almost like a giant, shiny fortress. Looking back down, I saw that Celestia was here as well. Along with Shining Armor. I've yet to see his marefriend, but I think it's better if she stayed away for now. Who know's what'll happen if I see her again. But, I think it wasn't a trigger word as well. Maybe it was just me being reminded of her is what made me go buck wild. I also didn't get anything to eat as well this morning, and I was kinda hungry. My lips turned up a bit when I remembered how good pizza tasted. Oh how I wished that they had pizza here. Maybe they do. I'l ask someone about it. "Franz. It is good to see you again. How are you feeling?" Celestia asked as she approached me, and no doubt noticing my pained form. "I could be better." I said, slightly strained. "Why is that?" Shining asked. Slowly turning my head back to Luna, I gave her a raised eyebrow. She saw this, and looked a bit offended. "We said we art sorry!" She cried. "Huh." I said, still looking at her with the same look. Turing back, I looked over to Celestia, who was clearly confused, then over to Shining, who had a knowing look that turned to pity when I made eye contact. "Am I missing something here?" Celestia asked. "I think I'll tell you later. What're we doing today?" I asked, giving Shining another glance. "Well, I believe from what I heard, the two of you mention is that you'll be heading into the Everfree Forest in a few days, correct?" "Perhaps." I said, keeping a blank face. "We are. We have put much thought into this, and today, we art going to select our most capable guards into the Everfree." Luna said, her face getting stern. "And do you have the necessary equipment for this mission?" "We do." I answered pridefully. "Do you?" Shining asked. "Correct." I said. "And what about supplies?" "Like food and tools and stuff?" I asked. "Yes. It's a necessity to maintain the survival of the group. How many were you planning on taking?" Celestia questioned. "About four." Shining looked appalled, even offended. Luna seemed a bit confused. "Just four troops?" He asked. "Yep." "And thou ist certain about this?" Luna asked for confirmation. "Yes! What's so bad about a group that small?" I asked. "Well, for starters, if anything large like a Manticore, or even a group of Timberwolves manages to find you, you'll be overpowered! And that's not to mention anything bigger like a Hydra, Dragon, or even a Ursa Major!" "It's not like we're going to look for those ones. We're just going to go to the Old Castle, and retrieve some artifacts of importance, then come back." I said, making this smaller than is should be. "Still, these are my guards you're risking. I'm not sure that I want to approve of any of this." Letting out a sigh, I went around them and into the Castle. "Follow me!" I said, clearly annoyed. "Where art thee taking us?" Luna questioned. "To my room. I want to show the three of you something that'll change your minds." I said as the gate guards opened it for me. I heard them following me as I made it to my room. Once there, I called over my armor, and heard it rumbling in the cabinets. "What the?" I said as I opened the drawer and saw that my armor was beyond destroyed. Well, the one I was wearing last night anyways. "You were saying?" Celestia said as she took a seat on one of the chairs in the room. "Hold on." I said, unlatching the helmet and putting it on. It hummed a bit before powering down. tapping the side of it, I tried to get it back online. It didn't want to. Letting out a breath from my nose, I took it off. "Just wait." I said, going over to the side of the bed where the dresser was. Opening the top drawer, I saw that my Laptop was still there. Pulling it out, I opened it up and logged on, and searched for the armors I made. I went into maps, and I was surprised to see that there was several suits in where the Everfree Forest was. Bookmarking it, I searched where my current location was and saw that they were still tied to the ceiling. Strangely enough, I also saw some other tags underneath the Castle. there was quite a few, and I was going to have a talk with Celestia about this later on, maybe when Shining armor leaves, but for now, I'll leave it be. Pulling up the menu, I looked for Active Camouflage, and turned it off. I heard everyone settle in, and focused on my task. A low hum could be heard as soon as I pressed the Enter button, and I turned to the ceiling. And there, being tied poorly, were four suits of armor that could power a city for several centuries. "That's what our guards will wear." I said, a smirk on my face. They all looked up and saw the armor dangling from the ceiling. I was also impressed that they would look as good as they did, even from the ceiling. "When did you make this?" Shining asked. "About a week ago when I was bored." I answered. "You planned this far ahead of time?" Celestia asked, looking at me with surprised eyes. "Well, I had thought about giving them to the R&D department, but I wasn't about to let a couple of scientist hurt themselves should they find the weapons system." I answered. "And to think that thou was playing Minecraft the whole time." Luna said. "What's Minecraft?" Shining asked. "Don't worry about it." I replied. "Oh, okay." "Why didn't you tell us you had this armor earlier?" Celestia asked. "You would have wanted me to donate it to the R&D department to play with. I'm not doing that." I answered. "Dear Franz, why didn't thou tell us? We thought that we weren't going to keep things from each other." "Well, in my defense, that was when we were coming back from Ponyville. I'm telling you now so this doesn't count." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Is there anything else, you should tell us?" Celestia asked, looking at me with suspicion. "I don't think so. At least anything that I'm aware of." I said. "That settles it then. Luna, Franz, you two will be going over to the barracks to find the ponies best suited for this mission. Understand?" Celestia asked, looking at me specifically. "Right now?" I asked, giving her a look of surprise. "Yes, is there something you were going to do today instead?" She questioned. "Well, yeah, I have to eat something before I go. Is the dinning hall open by any chance?" I asked. "Tis always open." Luna answered. "Really?" "Yes, we art certain about it." Luna confirmed. "You didn't eat anything at the Hospital?" Celestia asked. "I wasn't feeling it after Luna hit me." "We said we art sorry!" "I know, I just like teasing you." I joked. "And we cannot?" Luna asked, getting a sour look. "It's barely the same thing." "I do believe that before the two of you start arguing, we should test the armor first on a brave individual. Shining Armor, would you like to be the first to test it?" Celestia asked, making him tense up when his name was mentioned. "Or course, Your Highness." He said, standing up next to her. "Are you sure? If so, then don't go into the Weapons system. Actually, I'll turn that off right now." I said, getting back onto the Laptop. Going into armor settings, I disables all of their weapons and locked it with a pass-code. One that only I know of. "Alright. It's ready." I said, pressing enter. Going back into the settings, I typed in the Shining's name and assigned him Armor Number 3-Dash-6. Since there will only be six of us in total, I'll change the name later to whoever's name when we go. "What do you want your call-code to be? It can be a phrase, word, number, anything." "Can it be my marefriend's name?" "No." "Can it be something random?" "Sure, Auto-Picking it." I said, clicking the Auto-Pick option. It made his random yet fitting call-code. "It's going to be Cobalt-54." "Okay." "Cool, try it on." I said, motioning to the one on the bed. He approached it slowly, not sure if it was going to latch onto him like mine does, or if it was going to open up and let him inside, giving him control of the suit. "Shining, you have to put it on. Don't be a pu-, I mean, baby." I corrected, noticing the side glance Celestia gave me. "What do I do? I don't see any opening." "These ponies, I swear." I mumbled to myself. "Use you call-code." I said, earning a sheepish look from him. "Oh, sorry." "JUST DO IT!" I screamed. "Cobalt-54!" He yelped, activating the armor and making it stand upright. They watched in fascination as it opened up from the back and they were able to see the gel padded layers inside of the suit. "Now, before I forget, this is a power armor. You can't go running around in this all willy nilly or I'll use my suit's Admin Control and activate your Armor Lock Down until you chill. Take it easy and run the Tutorial." I said, giving him a small warning. "Understood, Your Majesty." He said, smirking. Rolling my eyes from his title jab, went into his armor's settings and changed his tag name to Shining-The-Kiss-Ass 3-dash-6. Glancing over to him, I saw him approach the armor as if it were going to hurt him. It was kinda strange seeing him act like this, so I pushed him in with my magic. "Gah!" He yelped, as the armor began wrapping around his body and adjusting to his size. It seemed as though it was morphing, almost becoming one with his skin, but really, it was just wrapping the enclosed gel layer. Glancing over to the Laptop's monitor, I saw that he was beginning to show signs of stress, and panic. Thinking quickly, I created a headset while he was distracted, and linked it up with his armor. "Shining, don't panic. The armor is just trying to adjust to your body's specifications. It does this to every user that wears the suit. If you do, then you might make some pockets of space that'll implode when popped." I said, grinning slightly. Almost as soon as I said that, I heard him stop struggling and quiet down. I checked his readings and it showed that he was now in a state of fear, and obedience. 'Worked like a charm.' I thought. "Nice, now, I want you to activate the Tutorial like I told you." I said, looking back to him and the monitor. "How do I do that?" I heard him say through the mic. "Franz, are you sure that he's alright? He looked as though he was being strangled." Celestia said, concern in her voice. "Don't worry, he'll be fine. The suit was just doing it's first protocol. After that, then he should walk around like normal." I said, waving a dismissive hoof. "Art thee sure? It did look somewhat painful." Luna asked. "Remember when you first tried on the suit? It did the same thing to you as it did to him. I think I have it installed in every one of the suits, maybe." I said, trying to remember what I installed into them. It was a lot of stuff, I tell you what. "I'm sure that every suit has this. I don't think it would be very safe if they didn't." Celestia said. "Oh, Celestia, I need to talk to you about something after this." I said, earning a tilted look from her. "Why's that?" She asked. "I just have some questions." "Dear Franz, would thou like me to stay for this?" Luna questioned. "If you want." I shrugged. "Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this!" Shining said through the mic, as we watched him start to move around somewhat normally now. "Cool, now, I need you to take off the armor. I think that we're done now." I said. "And how do I do that?" He asked. "Say your call-code..." I repeated, ever so slightly annoyed. "Oh, Cobalt-54!" He yelled, which wasn't really necessary. The armor opened up, almost like a zipper from the back, and gently pushed him out. "How do you feel, Shining Armor?" Celestia asked. "I feel okay. Though, wearing the suit was pretty exhilarating." He said, a smile starting to show on his face. "We believe that is all, Captain Shining Armor. Do return to thou's duties." Luna said, earning a bow from him. "Of course, You Majesty." He said, and promptly left. Once I was alone with them, I put the suits back hanging on the ceiling and turned the invisibility back on. Shutting the laptop, I put it back in the drawer and looked over to both of them. "So, what did you wish to speak with me about?" She asked kindly. "I wanted to know how many suits you have in the R&D department, and if there is anything else that you've been hiding down there from the general public." "Oh, I'll be glad to tell you. We have currently five and a half suits that are currently being repaired, with little success, and several energy-based weapons that I believe we can convert over to a brand new energy source. Though, even my top scientists are having quite some difficulty being able to replicate the power from these 'Cells' as you call them. I've been wanting for you to come back down with me and help discuss what kind of energy is needed to power the suits you've created." She explained. "Yes, but who gave you permission to just do that?" I asked. "You did, several days before I forced myself upon you." She said, slightly lowering her head in what looked like shame. "Oh, well, consider that redacted. How many ponies have you lost from these experiments with the suits?" "I've had several incidents involving your technology, and I was prepared each time. For the most part." "And that means?" I asked. "It does not matter. What has happened, happened. I shall inform my head scientists that the armor will be destroyed within the next week." "You don't have to destroy them. I'll take over and see what I can salvage from the memory units that're still in there. And I'll also salvage whatever armor that is still operational later today, maybe tomorrow." I said. "But first, we shall feast in the Dining Hall, for we have candidates to tend to!" Luna interjected. "Yes, let's go eat something. I feel kind of hungry." I said, making my way over to the doors. "Do go ahead, sister, I have something to ask of my partner." She said, draping a wing over my shoulder. 'Ah shit.' I thought. "Very well. Just do not take too long. I enjoy his presence as well you know." She said before leaving through the door. "Yeah, yeah, I'll meet you there." I said, hoping that I could just go and eat something. The pain in my sack was gone now, and hopefully it'll stay that way. She simply gave a hearty laugh, and fully disappeared through the doorway, which was shut by a golden magical aura. Glancing over to Luna, I saw her horn light up, and the entire room was also covered in the same glow from her horn. "We placed a soundproof spell onto the room, for I need to tell thee something of great importance." She said, her expression becoming more serious and firm. "Okay." I said, not sure where this is going. She walked over to the bed and sat down, patting the spot next to her. Walking over, I sat down and watched her carefully. I wasn't sure why she was acting like this, but it couldn't be anything good. "Who contacted thee last night?" She asked. "What?" "Was it one of the other beings like thee? The one that goes by the name of Spar?" My gut sank. How does she know this? "We know what thou art thinking. How do I know of this being. Well, thou fought her before, and barely won. If she has contacted thee again, then that means that she is returning to the land of Equestria, along with possibly Discord." She said, her muzzle hardening into a frown. "Wait, I fought them before?" I asked. "Yes, they are Elements of Existence. Thou fought two of them, both Discord and Spar, but it is the others that I fear of. We have not seen such beings of power like those, and thou art the only one that isn't a threat." "Did they attack this world?" I asked. "Yes, and we have seen what they leave in their wake." "Are they anything like the Elements of Harmony? If so, then they might have a weakness or something." I said, trying to remember how I managed to beat one of them before. "I believe that they are similar, but we have yet to see the others. I know for a fact that Discord was one among their ranks, but I am relieved that thou are with us." She said, a wing wrapping over my shoulder. "We shall discuss this at a later date, perhaps when we return from the COTTRPS, as thou calls it." She said, her features softening. "Yeah, lets go eat something. I'm sure that Celestia is waiting in the Dining Room already." I said, hopping off the bed. "And Dear Franz?" "Yes?" I asked, turning back to her. "Before we leave to eat, can we do as thou called, making out?" She asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. I thought about it for a second, and just thought fuck it. "Sure, but we should hurry to the Dining room before Celestia gets suspicious and comes back." I said, going back to the bed where she was waiting. I saw her gain a giddy look, but figured that she was waiting for this for a while. I sprung up and tackled her, taking her by surprise and earning a gasp. Pressing my lips onto hers, she pressed back and tried to slip her tongue in, which I thought about denying, but I was feeling pretty hungry, and I wanted to eat as soon as possible, so I opened my mouth and let her explore my mouth for a bit before retaliating. I could feel her hooves wrap around my back, and pull me closer. I was on top of her, which I was sure wouldn't hurt her with her being bigger, or were we about the same size now? Being pulled back to reality, I noticed that I was being pretty aggressive with my mouth, and eased up a bit. She seemed to be pretty desperate with keeping up, and when I calmed down, she must've seen this as a chance to go harder with more vigor. Noticing the change in pace, I thought that I was going too easy on her, and came back with full force. All while this was happening, I felt her hooves grab and prod at my body, and in a lapse of better judgement, I unconsciously began groping her flank. She let out a suppressed moan, and looked like she was embarrassed. I think she needed to breathe, so I pulled away from her for a bit. Rolling to the side, we looked at the ceiling. "That was nice." I said, a small smile on my face. For a slit second, I thought I could smell the spiciest, near nose wrenching smell I've ever experienced, but it was gone the second I noticed it. Looking over to Luna, I saw that she saw staring at me lovingly, and that was something I always wanted. Love. "That was more than thou has given me the last few weeks, Dear Franz." She said, getting up and laying right next to my side. "Love you." I said with confidence as I stared into her eyes. She seemed taken back, almost shocked, and smiled warmly. "I love thee as well, Dear Franz." She whispered, resting her head on my chest. 'I don't know if my pheromones are still a problem or not. I thought, glancing at her resting head on my fluffy chest. 'Maybe it's that thing I did last night where I always have myself clean no matter what. Even the pheromones.' 'Maybe.' Once we were ready, we went over to the dining room, where we met up with Celestia and what looked like Prince Shitsack. I didn't know what he wanted, but I was sure that he would be annoying for the whole time. "Franz, I was starting to wonder if you were sidetracked by somepony." Celestia said, a smile on her face. Luna giggled and I rolled my eyes. "We could have gotten here sooner, but we were talking about some stuff." I said, glancing over to Blueblood with light confusion, who had a neutral expression. "Yes, and I have some surprising news to share." Celestia said, earning my attention. "And that is?" I asked. She looked over to Blueblood, who now had a look of slight regret. Something I don't think I've ever seen him display. He cleared his throat, and lifted his head high. His posture also changed, and I was;t sure what he was planning. "I would like to formerly apologize for my rude interactions with you. I now realize that I haven't been the most respectable pony here, and would like to change that. Perhaps a re-introduction is at hoof." He said, genuinely taking me by surprise. "Really?" I asked, not sure if he was serious. "Of course. You clearly have more authority than I knew of, and would like to apologize. And so, I'm sorry." This was a somewhat pleasant surprise. On one hand, I could call this bullshit and keep him labeled a bitch in my mind, or, I could accept his apology, and maybe shape him to be a better role model. And to curb his horny ass. The decision was honestly not that hard. "Yeah, I accept. And sorry for scaring you last time. I think I went a little overboard with the Nomu." I said, gaining a slanted smile. "Friends?" I asked, going over to him and raising my hoof. He contemplated this for a second, and shook my hoof. "Family." He said, gaining a smile. 'I think I might regret this.' I thought. "Now that this has been settled, I do believe that lunch is to be served." Celestia said. And as soon as she said it, several servants came out with platters and drinks. Quickly taking my seat between Celestia and Luna, I wondered what over-complicated dish they would bring me this time. "Oh, and Franz, I heard that you preferred pasta and sandwiches best. And so, I thought the cooks should try something and combine the two." Celestia said, earning a shocked look from my face. "Oh my god, does that mean..." I trailed off as a servant dropped off my plate with a smile. "See for yourself." She pushed. Lifting the lid to the platter, I saw that there was a sandwich on the side and an elegant pile of spaghetti next to it. My excited, lit up face turned to one of confusion, then blank. 'W-what?' "Dear Franz, what is wrong?" An Idea hit me, and I regained my smile. "Nothing. I'm just surprised is all." I said, grabbing a fork and lifting up some of the wonderful pasta. "I am glad to hear- uh." Celestia trailed off as I lifted the top bread and took out the hay bits, leaving the rest and plopping the sauced noodles right in the sandwich. "..." Was Luna reaction. "..." Was Blueblood's. Placing the top bun back on top, I lifted the sandwich and took a hearty bite, earning looks of confusion, and concern from everyone in the room. Yet they didn't say anything. "What? Something on my face?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at them and holding my sandwich protectively. Blueblood, for the most part, was the most confused out of the whole bunch. With having little to no experience seeing me eat except on one occasion. "May I?" Luna asked, earning looks of alarm from everyone. I thought long and hard about her question, roughly thirty seconds of me just staring at her until I decided that they could always make more, and of not, I could. "Okay. But one bite only." I said. "This is the strangest thing I've seen you do, Prince Franz." Blueblood said. "You gonna eat that?" I asked, staring intensely at his plate of fruits. "Y-yes?" "Mmm." I mumbled, and sank into my chair with my spaghetti sandwich. I noticed that Luna and Celestia gave each other looks, and I think it was one of worry. Soon after, when everyone had finished eating, they thought it would be a good idea to go for a walk. Blueblood declined, saying he would rather attend to his royal duties, but I was pretty sure he was just going to try and find another mare again. 'I wonder how old he is.' Focusing back to the moment, we were currently going through the garden. It was a nice place, and I was thinking they wanted to take a nap or something. But we had passed the benches about five minutes ago. And last time we went through here, or was it the maze? I don't even know anymore. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." Celestia said, a smile ever present on her face. I wasn't sure what we were going to do right now, but I hoped it wasn't anything too bad. We walked for another solid ten minutes before they stopped. I saw Celestia look around cautiously, and her horn light up with magic. The bushes parted and there were four guards waiting. Two Royal guards, and two Night guards. Three of which I recognized almost instantly. "Rose? Thunderlane? Blossomforth? What are you three doing here?" I asked. "We were wondering the same thing, Your Highness." Blossomforth said. Looking over to the fourth one, I realized who it was with some thinking. "Field Note? What're you doing in the Night guard?" I asked her. "I was picked by Princess Luna and Princess Celestia to go with you to the COTTORPS." She said excitedly. "I only called it that as a joke. And I thought that me and Luna were doing this." I said. "Yes, but you were busy with her in your room, and so I took over and decided to label this mission just that. OPERATION: COTTORPS." Celestia said proudly. "I hate you." "I hope that's a joke." "It is, doofus." "Very well. And who will be the main lead pony that shall appoint in finding the lost artifacts?" Luna asked. I chuckled, which earned a light blush from Luna. Clearing my throat to grab their already watching eyes, I spoke. "I will be the C.O. of the group. Any and all directives are to go through me before you act. And use your common sense as well. You'd be surprised by how many soldiers don't have that ability." I said. "Dear Franz. Did thou bring any of the armor sets?" Luna asked. "No, they'll be equipped when we leave for the mission. Each and every one of you four will receive an armor set, but under extreme supervision. If I see any of you poking into things that you aren't supposed to, you will be put in Armor and System Lock Down until I see what you were trying to get into." I said, authority in my voice. They all shook their heads. Some more so than others. "And Field Note, please don't poke around any of the files you find in the armor sets. I don't want you accidentally activating the Weapons Systems." I asked her. "No problem, Your Majesty!" She said excitedly. "Good. Now meet me in Ponyville in... How long?" I asked, looking over to Celestia. "Two days." "Yes. Two days. Understand soldiers!?" I asked them. "Sir, yes sir!" Three of them shouted, spooking Field Note from their chant. "Good. Now rest up, eat a bunch, and have a good day." I said, watching them give me a salute, with Field Note not sure what to do. "That means you can go now." I said, watching her mouth make an O shape before leaving. "Thou handled that surprisingly well." Luna said. "When you watched a lot of military movies, and video games you pick up a few things." I said, feeling my wings wanting to stretch. "Now what?" I asked. "Now, we wait until Wednesday." She said. 'That lines up perfectly.' I thought. Once we finished, I could pick up Ditzy and the girls. And maybe apologize for how I said I wanted to court her. It was still kind of odd how she still wanted to be with me even though what I said was scummy. "Alright then." I said, noticing them start to leave. Stretching my wings, I looked up to the skies. Maybe this'll be good for me. My attention was suddenly redirected to a thick black smoke in the sky, that seemed to come from a mountain that was a ways from Ponyville. Was it a fire? I wondered of it would be anything like the California fires that were really hard to stop. I really hope not. "Franz, I have just received word that there is a dragon in a mountain cave off of Ponyville. Do you think that they need help?" Celestia asked. "Nah, they'll be fine. I gave Twilight her armor, so she should be good and dandy." I said. "Plus, it'll give her a chance to test it out. And I'm sure that she'll keep me updated." "Maybe." I said, a shadow of a frown on my face. 'Nah, they should be good. They did it last time, no?' I thought. I stopped. Last time? Where did that come from? 'Must be my weirdness acting up again.' I thought, as I walked back to the Castle with Celestia and Luna. One of which was writing on a scroll to send out to Twilight, and maybe her friends. > Chapter 40: Daily Struggle [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was sitting in a chair, currently being bored with helping Celestia with Day court. I thought back to when she said there was a dragon around Ponyville, then, somehow, I was dragged along into Day Court with her. 'I really wished I wasn't here right now.' I thought, as the stuck up noble explained how a children daycare should be knocked down so that he could build a water park. "I outta knock you down from a building." I mumbled as Celestia talked to him saying that he couldn't do that with as much kindness as possible. "Well, anyways. That building shouldn't even be there! It's just eating up or taxes. And we've yet to see anything out of that place! I mean, what happened to taking care of your foals!? That just isn't worth it." He said, standing as though he was a leader of a revolution. "While I don't think that this idea of yours will come to fruition, I do believe that there are other, more ideal places for your water slide park." Celestia asked. "As much as I want to move, I just can't. I know that Manehattan is the perfect spot, but I want my business to grow! Not just, make it by." He said, clearly getting more irritated. "Dude, just go do it there. Who cares about making it by. I'm sure that you'll make enough there to do more than just 'Make it by'." I said, finally speaking up. "Are you sure! How can you possibly tell? You don't seem the type to know about population growth and such." "Sir Cash, while I know that you are upset, but I cannot allow you to insult a Royal Member like that. Please apologize." Celestia said, giving him a frown of disapproval. He instantly froze up and bowed lowly. "I apologize, Your Highness. I am just worried that my nobility will not have a name. What about my children if I were to lose my status among my peers?" He asked, pulling his nobility card out of nowhere. "Send them to the Daycare." I said, without thinking. He gained a shocked look and fumed up at me. "I take it that you weren't taught proper etiquette when you returned, Prince Franz. Or are you still learning?" He asked, smirking a bit. "Sir Cash!" Celestia said, her tone firm and full of authority. "Are you calling me stupid! I bet you don't even know how nuclear fission works! Let alone how to make me give a damn about your problem!" I said, being offended for Luna. I know that I talk normal enough, but I know that Luna was still struggling to. He gasped, and promptly fainted. "Oh my god." I said in an annoyed tone. Did I mention that I was wearing jewelry like Celestia and Luna? Except that it covered more and was pretty uncomfortable. I wondered how they were able to deal with it all the time. "Guards, throw him in the Dungeon." I said, hoping that they would do so. They didn't, unlike the last two times I had to asked them with guys like this. "Franz, I would appreciate of you weren't so quick to scare my subjects like this. And why do you insist that they go to the Dungeon? Nopony has used those for the last eight hundred years." She said, a slightly annoyed look on her face. "Well, I for one don't like how they treat us. Is it wrong to show them a little retaliation?" I asked, noticing Cash get back up. "What happened? I remember somepony threatening me." He said, obviously pretending to be hurt by comically spinning his head and sticking his tongue out. "Dogs! Sick Him!" I yelled, earning a yelp from him as he ran away with his tail in between his legs. I started laughing maniacally, before it died down to a more normal laugh. Celestia had a small smile, but was trying to fight it. "See? Even you needed that." I said, looking at her with a smile. "I know. It's just that I try to retain a reputation with the Nobles. I would suggest you do the same if you want them to like you too." She said. "Well, they have to earn it. Send in the next one! I'm feeling devious!" I said, rubbing my hooves together with a sinister smile. She let out a sigh, one of light relief. "At least it's the last one for the day." I was watching the door for whoever would come through. I really hope it's another one of those pricks that only wants to tear something down for his own benefit. I don't know why, but I really enjoy making them mad. It was quite amusing when you managed to get someone mad at you and they can't do anything about it since it's a literal crime to attack one of us. The doors budged slightly, and in came a mare. She had a light grey coat and nearly black mane and tail, and her Mark was that of an music note. She also wore a pink Bow-tie with a white collar "Ah, Octavia Melody. A pleasure to see you again." Celestia said. Oh, they know each other? "Please Your Majesty, it's always an honor to be able to see you again. And greetings to you as well, Prince Franz." She said formally. "Oh, hey. Nice to meet you." I said, nodding my head. This one felt different. "What was it you came to visit me about? Wanting to play at this year's Grand Galloping Gala, I assume?" Celestia said, a smile on her face. "Yes, I was hoping that if the position to play at the Gala was still available, we would be more than willing to perform." She said. "What instrument do you play?" I asked. Celestia looked at me like I was going to shoot her. "I play the Cello. I've been working on improving with a better one, but I am a bit short, and was hoping that I could be paid in advance for the Gala." She asked. "Of course. I would be more that willing to accommodate for your performance. Please head over to the Royal Treasury for a transaction. Is there anything that you will need assistance with?" Celestia asked. "All that I need is a location to set up for the night. That will be all." She said, giving a small bow. "That is wonderful. I hope you have a nice rest of your evening." "And eat your broccoli." I said, earning a look of confusion from her. "Prince Franz, If I may, do you happen to play any instruments?" She asked, a look of curiosity on her muzzle. "Yeah, I used to play the Grand Piano, but I'm kinda rusty." I said, reminiscing on old times. "May I hear you play sometime?" She asked. "Sure, I'll see of I can get back into it. Who knows how much I've forgotten." I said, giving her a light smile. "Very well. I bid you a good evening, Prince Franz. And to you as well, Princess Celestia." She said, bowing once more. "Yes. I hope you the best of luck with your new Cello." Celestia said. She simply smiled and left. "That went well." I said, getting up and removing the Jewelry. It was starting to chaff at my ankles. "How was that going well? Yes, the last pony went fairly okay, but all of the others you just insulted several times and mumbled about passive murder towards them." Celestia said with a glare. "What can I say, I hate politics. They cause unnecessary amounts of drama and disputes. Something that I would rather avoid." I answered, stripping myself and creating a red sweater that I put on. Ah yes, comfort! "Why must you be this way." She said, gaining a tired look in her eyes. "Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game." I said, making her more confused. "Are we done? I kinda want to play Smash with Luna again, if she's willing to." "I'm certain that she is willing to do anything with you. Even play your 'video games' as you call it." She said, getting up from her chair and stretching her large wings with a smile. "Cool, I'm gonna go now. Later virgin." I said, quickly making my way towards the door as she threw my temporary chair at me, embedding it in the door as I slid past it. "She's so mean." I said as I rounded a corner. "Ah, Prince Franz! Just the pony I was looking for." I heard Blueblood say as he appeared from a corner. "Oh, hey man. What's up?" I asked, not sure what he wanted. "I was pondering about the ways of courting, and you seem to have a way with mares, if your courting of Auntie Luna is anything to go by." "What do you mean 'a way with mares'?" I asked. "Isn't it obvious with the way mares look at you? I figured that you'd have at least a full herd by now with how popular you are with mares." He said, clearly buttering me up for something. "Alright, I'll bite. Who is it." I asked, fully turning to him. "It's a mare that goes by the name of Fleur De Lis. She is a noble that has a rather wealthy background, and I believe that she is destined to be my wife in our herd." He explained. "Alright, then go ask her out. shouldn't be too hard to get to her." I said, not thinking much of it. "But there is a problem." "And that is?" "She is married to another stallion that is nothing compared to the likes of me! How he managed to swipe her from right underneath my muzzle should be an offence with a lifetime sentence of imprisonment!" He said, thinking his cause was noble. I was surprised, to say the least. But then again, I couldn't be a hypocrite. I did practically steal Ditzy and her kids from her husband. But the only reason that was justifiable was that he was an abusive father that was hardly ever there. And when he was, from my experience, extremely controlling and manipulative. But this wasn't similar to that at all. "That, is something that I can not help you with Blueblood. If I were you, I would find someone who cares about you, and not for just power and wealth. Go for a lady that has actual interest in you. I'm sure that there are dating rings to go to as well for nobles. Besides, you might be surprised." I answered. He seemed to get upset, but seemed to take it with a grain of salt. "I shall think about it. Thank you for your, help." He said, a bit on the bitter side. "Good. Now go and stop being a pervert. That's one way to make them lose all interest pretty fast too." I added, walking past him. He seemed offended, but I wasn't going to stick around for that outburst. I was thinking on heading over to the Training Grounds, but I wasn't feeling that energetic. I was feeling passive and I wanted to do something that I used to do, but I couldn't drop the pony disguise. How did they even know how to play the piano with their hooves? Thinking on giving it a shot, I went to find the nearest guard, and asked them where there was any musical instruments. She said that there was one in downtown Canterlot, and I made a mental note to go tomorrow when I have time to check it out. I thanked her and left, wondering what Luna was doing. Maybe stalking me or sleeping. One of the two, I could never tell where she was at. I think she even managed to figure out the tracker I put in the suit and disabled it. And even then, I wouldn't even check up on her for her privacy. Yeah, I still had the necklace that Marble and Summer gave me, but I had a feeling I left it on my dresser. Fuck it, I'll just go and fix my armor that I was used to wearing. Upon making it to my room, I noticed that there was someone on my bed. Quickly checking who it was, it was just Luna and she was in a pretty deep sleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I grabbed my armor and Laptop and went onto the balcony. It wasn't windy at all, so it was perfect for fixing it. I opened my laptop and did my best to repair what I unintentionally destroyed. About halfway there, I decided to take a small break and make something to eat. So I made a extra large all meat pizza and ate most of it with some drinks as well. "Hello, Franz." I heard, and spun around and saw Shining's marefriend standing there. "What are you doing here. Isn't it dangerous to be near me?" I asked, giving her a raised eyebrow. "I wanted to see if it was really me that set it off last time. I'd feel horrible if I couldn't even talk to my Uncle if I was a problem." She said, getting slightly closer. "What do you want?" I asked, eyeing her carefully. "Well, I wanted to spend some time to get to know you, since you are a part of my family." She said, taking another step closer. "How about I be that one Uncle that you know little of, and it stays that way." I said, watching her get closer. "What are you doing out here with your armor? Are you fixing it?" She asked, looking at my suit that was on the table. "Correct, I am fixing it, but I would rather be alone when I do so. I don't want to have to explain things that you wouldn't understand." "What happened to it?" She asked. "Nothing that would concern you very much." I said, trying to get her to take the hint and leave. "You're not being very nice. Why don't you like me? Did I do something to offend you? I can make up for it." She asked. "It's nothing that bad. It's just your name. It... reminds me of someone who hurt me long ago." I said, looking away and back to my armor. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to fix my armor." I said, turning around and typing something in the Laptops CPU. "That looks interesting. What is it?" She asked. "Advanced technology." "Where did you get it?" "I made it." "How?" Turning back to her, I gave her a tired look. "See, this is why I don't come out of the Castle very often. You ponies always try to see what I'm up to, and I just want to be left alone for a while, so please, go away." Poor choice of words. "What do you mean, 'You Ponies'?" She asked. "What?" "You said 'You Po-" "Ever!" She gave me an amused look. "Okay, I'll admit, that was a good one. But seriously, what did you mean by that?" She asked. "It means that I'm part of a race named Ligma, from a planet called SawCon." I said, hoping she'll take the bait. "What's a Ligma? And what do you mean a planet called SawCon?" "Ligma dick and SawCon these balls!" I said, before laughing nervously. She reddened, and I laughed harder. "That was funny. Anyways, thanks for letting me know that J.O.E. is still a thing." I said, hoping that she'll fall for it again. If she does, I have something special for this occasion. "That's what those jokes are? Can you tell me what Joe means?" I used my power slightly to make my eyes have a intense lens flare, along with some high pitched ringing. "JOE MAMA" After I had scared Cadence, and caused her some embarrassment, I figured that it would be best to call it a day. Once I finished eating dinner and getting ready for bed, of course. I had fun today, but it was yet over. After Cadence left, I felt a bit more refreshed. I had finished my repairing my armor, and I had gotten significant better results with Cadence. I was actually glad that I could speak her name now, but I was also reminded about her every time we met. I watched my armor fold back into place into their respected capsules. I had found out that when I was contacted by Spar, she had overloaded my power cells and energy redirection system. And to add to the mess, she also scrambled the code in the system, making me slightly annoyed, but thankfully there was no Trojan virus's or anything of the like. It also took me for a spin that it was actually a female instead of a male that was Spar. I thought that it was a guy, or at the very least a buff girl that made herself sound like batman. Moving on from buff bat girl, I looked at Luna's sleeping form. She looked pretty deep in there, and I was sure that when we got our Soul Bond back, she would be able to deal with that version of me that was in my subconsciousness. I was certain that there wasn't anyone in my head, but I couldn't be sure. My mind went over to when we had the Soul Bond, and how The Elements of Harmony broke it. From what I was able to learn about Soul Bonds, is that some things are transferable. Say, for example, a couple with a Soul Bond will feel each other in a new way, something that I felt. But if one is hurt, say, with a gash to the arm, they will heal relatively faster than normal with them around, with the other pony being their partner, they will not feel any of the drain physically, they will, however, feel a slight tingle throughout the body. The only reason they found this out was with many failed tests. Now for the manifestation of hatred, anger, betrayal, or with some sadness and a form of rejection being produced by a powerful Unicorn, or even a Alicorn, it is possible for that to become transferable between the two almost unknowingly. And from my experience with my own body, I can say for sure that I have never had an evil version of myself beat me to death in my own head, let alone in my imagination, nor did I want any of this to happen either. And so, my hypothesis is that Luna somehow transferred Nightmare Moon into me through our Soul Bond, and I need to get rid of it as soon as possible. But how would I tell her? That her worst fear is living inside of me and slowly eating away at me until I succumb to the supposed 'Darkness' that is within me. It was a scary thought, I'll be honest, but it was something that I had to deal with alone. Yes, maybe when I took care of it, I can maybe say it jokingly and be attacked with questions that I had poorly prepared for. Maybe I can go to the Everfree by myself and fight this thing head on. I've always wanted to fight something stronger than I was, so why not let it be something that knows everything there is to know about you? Even your darkest secrets? This whole time, I was staring at her flank, and she had awoken not even a minute ago. And was watching me with an amused smile. "Enjoying the view?" She said, in an attempt to catch my attention, her voice slurred due to recently waking up. I did not notice her. She always thought that I would never openly stare at her flank, and to catch me with a blank face and not moving for about a minute until I broke my train of thought was amusing. She seemed worried, and laid back down for a bit, spreading her legs open form me to not notice her vagina right there in the open, and me with my still, blank look. She got up and had a concerned look in her eyes, and that is where I finally snapped back to attention. "Dear Franz, art thee alright? Thou looked concerned." She said, getting off the bed and over to me. "Oh, I was just thinking is all." I said, giving her a hug. She returned it and held on a bit longer. "What was thou thinking of?" She asked. 'About the impending doom that will consume me until I become a monster that'll probably attempt to conquer the land.' I thought. "It's not that important. Just some elevator music is all." I said, smiling at her. "Very well. We art feeling peckish, and thou shall accompany us, correct?" She asked, lifting a wing to my face and caressing my cheek. "Maybe. I'm gonna grab dinner with Celestia and such. Are you interested?" I countered. "Perhaps. I am feeling for some protein." She said. "I thought that you couldn't eat any meat?" "Tis another kind that thou has. I wish to try it." She said, staring right at my chest like she wanted to bury her head into it. I suddenly felt awkward, and not a good kind of way either. "After dinner, I wish for thou too return to the bed where we sleep. I have plans for thee during the night." She said, with authority in her tone. "Okay." I said, taking a whiff of the air. I almost started choking when I knew what she was doing. Or rather, who did this to her. 'She's not as cool as I thought before.' I thought, trying to maintain the air of obliviousness. "Good, now go and eat up. I know I shall." She said. "Cool, I'm gonna go now. S-see you in a bit." I said, leaving towards the door in a slightly quick pace. Once outside, I let out a breath. She was really horny right now, so I should probably run towards the hills. I made my way to the Dining hall, and I met Celestia and Blueblood there. Celestia seemed kinda normal, but Blueblood looked like he wasn't doing so great. Almost like he was angry or something. "Hey guys, what's up?" I said, going over my chair. "We are waiting for dinner to be served. It's nice of you to join us." Celestia said with a smile. "Good evening, Prince Franz. How is your day so far?" Blueblood asked in his strange tone. "Nothing's wrong. Though, what's up with you? You alright?" I asked. "What? I am fine. Why would there be something wrong with me?" He asked, gaining a slightly perplexed look. "Oh, it's just that you looked a bit upset or something." "This is my normal look. Are you insulting me?" He asked, now getting a bit heated. "No, no, no, you just looked a bit like you were." I said, waving around my hooves. 'Must have a resting bitch face.' I thought. "So, what's for dinner?" I asked, placing my hooves on the table and rubbing them on the smooth surface. "I do not know. I asked the chef to surprise us this time." Celestia said. "Really? I thought that you wanted things to be predictable or something." I said. She gave a small giggle. "Can't I enjoy myself sometimes?" She asked, smiling as she normally would. "I don't know, I've yet to see what's hidden in your room." I said, poking the marble table with a hoof. It bent when I wanted it to, and Blueblood noticed this with some surprise, but didn't say anything. "Even if so, I know how to have fun every once in a while. It's not good for one's health to continue to stress themselves for extended periods of time." "And what do you do?" I asked. "I do some things that help. Like reading a good book or listen for whispers about you." She said with a smirk. "And what do they say?" "I believe that is a question left for another time." She said cryptically. "I guess." "I've heard some things about you as well, Uncle Franz. Most of which are complements about your physical abilities, and others about your interactions with them. I'll say, you've made quite a impression on everypony." Blueblood said, answering my question now rather than later. "Huh, I wasn't much of a people person, but I guess that this is acceptable." I said, nodding my head slightly. Who knew that I was that popular to be talked about. Then again, I'm dating a one of the royal family members, maybe more if I let it. The doors opened, and in came the food. It looked like it was some sort of finely made salad, along with some sort of drink that I wasn't familiar with. It looked like a mango smoothie, but I wasn't sure of the contents. It was brought over to Blueblood, and glass of water over to Celestia. I didn't think that they took me into account, but they gave me a plate as well and some serving of the salad. "Do you guy's have any ranch?" I asked, looking at the servant who served me. "I do believe so. Would like a sample?" The servant asked professionally. "Yes, I would like that." I said, earning a look of slight disgust from Celestia, and a approving one from Blueblood. Even if slightly. And I was slightly confused on her wording. Sample? "I see that you're a stallion of culture. Not many ponies get to enjoy the flavor of ranch dressing. Mostly due to the lack of it." Blueblood said, smiling at me. "Wait, you like ranch?" I asked him, almost surprised. "Of course. Why, only the highest of ponies can enjoy the purity of ranch. It is treated as a delicacy in the Royal Castle. But you certainly surprised me, Uncle Franz." He said, watching the servant return with a small cup of the creamy spotted dressing. He served himself generously, before handing it off to me. I glanced at Celestia, who just ignored me as best as she could and ate from her plate. "How much does ranch cost to make? Say, a gallon of it?" I asked him, pouring it onto my salad. "About forty bits per ounce. That's how expensive it would be to create this wonderful delicacy." He said, stabbing his fork into the salad with his magic. "Huh, didn't know that." I said, also taking a bite from my own salad. "Where is my sister Luna? I figured that she would be at your side at all times." Celestia asked, changing the subject. "Oh, she was feeling pretty tired and is resting on my bed at the moment. I was going to go back and hang out with her for a while, but I don't know. I might get sidetracked." I said, biting my food with calmness. "How is it that you managed to calm that monster. She is a threat and has tried to take over the throne once. I would not be surprised if she tried something again in the next few days." "The fuck did you say about Luna!?" I yelled, wanting to punch him in the face right then and there, but could only give him a death glare. "Blueblood! That is hardly appropriate for you to say something like that about your aunt. I am very disappointed in you, and I expect you to apologize to your uncle at once." Celestia said in a stern tone. "Nah, I'm gonna punish him." I said, getting out of my seat and over to him. "Franz, whatever you're going to do, I suggest you don't." Celestia said, her tone stern. "Don't worry, I'm just going to talk to him." I said, unknowingly creating a taser to use on him. Much emphasis on the unknowingly. "I apologize for my words, Uncle Franz, but surely you know what she did, right?" He asked. 'Alright, now I want to kick his ass.' "Fuck it." I said, jabbing the taser into his neck and earning his pained scream. The cackling of the device was somewhat pleasant to hear, but his screaming wasn't. I was suddenly thrown back by Celestia when I started electrocuting him. It was worth it though. I hit the wall with an audible thwack, and smiled when I saw him spazzing on the table. "Franz, We don't attack ponies for insulting one's significant other. There are more civil ways to settle these kinds of things." Celestia said. I tried to move, but she still had me in her magical grasp. "Well, to be fair, he did also insult your sister. Isn't that a crime in itself?" I said, not really caring about the position I was in right now. "I know. That is why he is going to apologize, which he did." She said. 'I still want to kick his ass though.' "Fine. If you want to treat someone with something that they don't give to you, then fine by me. But that doesn't mean that I'm just going to sit there and take it like you do." "And what would that be?" "Disrespect, of course." I said, feeling her magical grasp on me fade. I dropped to the floor, and gave Blueblood one last glare, and pretended to rush him again and made him flinch. After that, things were silent. For the most part. Besides the servants asking us if we wanted more food, and the guards occasional shifting, we ate in relative peace. "Uncle Franz? I would like to say tha-" "Silence." I cut off, not looking at him and more so at my plate. Once I finished, I decided to go back with Luna. Who knows, maybe she'll be down to play Smash again. Or Halo if she's up to it. As I made my way to the room, I wanted to see if i had anything that I could make to lessen the burden of Luna's heat. I wasn't sure what was involved in it, but I was sure that I could figure it out. I gave my wings a stretch on my way back. Feeling them extend to a solid six feet in length. Considering that I was an Alicorn, it made sense to have relatively large wings. But I wasn't sure why I didn't use them as often as most other Pegasi. Or even other Alicorns. I was pretty sure that Luna used them more than I did, and that wasn't very surprising. I felt my armor vibrate, along with a small beep. Looking down at my visor, I lifted it up and looked for who sent me a Direct Message. It was from Twilight. It went into detail on what things she would need, and all the different options for her and her friends. It was kinda in the form of a report, with most of the things not really making sense to me, like what she needed for groceries, what she needed for the trip to the Dragon, and her suit for protection. Now, I thought about responding, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I could use this as a way to spy on her, and see of she was hiding something. But I'm not mean. I went over to her icon, which had a blurred picture of a bookshelf, and sent her a message. I typed and sent. I looked over to her heartbeat monitor, and watched as it went from normal, to elevated after a few seconds. She responded. I sent back. I was close to my door when I received another message from Twilight. Was all she sent. I let out a sigh. I would never understand how energetic these ponies can be. I could practically hear her say that. Taking off my visor, I opened the door and saw Luna sleeping on the bed. She looked peaceful, and I didn't want to disturb her anymore than I should. I took off my armor and put it gently onto my dresser. Maybe I should take a shower, I felt kinda gross. Going into the bathroom, I turned on the shower head and watched the water slowly heat up. I wasn't sure if Luna would wake up and try to join me, but who knew. Maybe she'll do one of those cliche shower moments, if not, oh well. I stepped into the warm shower and felt the soothing heat hit my back and begin to drench my body with its refreshing moisture, not doubt earning a sigh of content from me. I stood there until I was soaked in the heavenly water, not wanting to let myself go back to the weirdness of the world. After about ten minutes of standing there, I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and began lathering it through my hair, or in this case, mane. It felt nice to be able to shower, even though it wasn't necessary. My body would 'naturally' be clean with whatever was thrown onto it. I idly wondered of the same applied to my own sweat, if I were to sweat. I knew that the pheromones were gone for sure, but I was wondering if I could do something about Luna's heat. While I liked things that kicked me in the mouth on occasion, but not literately, I would have to find a way to remove that spicy smell from her. Or, I could do the same thing i did to myself onto her, and make her as clean as possible. But how would that work on our nearly non-existent sex life? Maybe I should do something about that when we returned to from the mission. It'll probably be a good trust building thing, maybe. I finished my hair and moved onto my body, making that process quick as I wanted to get to bed with Luna and be with her for a bit. Once done, I pulled a towel from the wall and dried myself. How they repaired the room, even from that incident with my power was impressive. Opening the door, I saw Luna still there, sleeping without a care in the world. I smiled warmly. This was one of the first times I had actually seen her fully asleep. I felt a small ache in my chest. How did I manage to get her in the first place? Was it luck? Mutual attraction? Or did I happen to flirt with her playfully and I don't remember how it turned out. Whatever the reason, I'm glad that I managed to have her. She used to be a stranger, and now I put my whole trust into her. I went over to her and felt myself almost feel bad for her. Her, a literal goddess of the night, with me, some guy with power, problems, and, at worst, wonky morals. I felt a though it wasn't fair to her. With her having almost no immediately noticeable problems, and me, who stuck out like a freak. Though, it may not be noticeable with a single glance, the more one got to know me, the more flawed I seemed. 'It's just like Celestia said. I have to build up from the foundation of the past. From my memories.' I thought. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, feeling Luna shift overt to me and wrap me in a hug. She did this unconsciously, and it drove me to the edge of crying. I felt my eyes sting, wanting to shed some tears to make myself feel better, but I didn't. I couldn't. I needed to retain what was left of my humanity. To keep what I had destroyed. It wouldn't be fair to my kind for me to devastate them like that, let alone leave them in that situation. Maybe I should go back and see what they're up to. Hopefully this 'Foundation' would have forgotten about me, but I doubt it with the destruction I left behind. I wrapped my hooves around Luna's back, pulling her closer. I then buried my head into her chest and felt a tear in my humanity. What had kept me who I was began to fade once more. I decided that I didn't want to be human, only to be a pony, with pony goals and a pony mindset. I wanted to forget everything I had done, and to be forgiven instantly. But I couldn't. I felt Luna sleepily lift my head up to hers, and my brown eyes met her beautiful cyan ones. "Please do not worry, Dear Franz. I shall be there for thee until the end of time." I then kissed her. She kissed back, of course, but it wasn't one of lust, or simplicity. It was one of passion, straight from the core. "Don't leave me." I whispered, feeling unstable. Why was I overwhelmed? It was strange, yes. Very uncharacteristic, yet... "I will not." I let out a sigh of relief. "I love you." I said, feeling her warmth wash over me. "I love you as well, Dear Franz." She said. I felt hopeless, and very vulnerable. I knew that Luna wouldn't betray me, because she loves me. She wasn't like her, no doubt about it, and that's why I love her. I also wanted Ditzy to be a part of this, but I couldn't pull her away from her life in Ponyville. If she'll even wanted to be with me for that long. Sighing, I let myself fall to the haze of sleep, ending my day with one of the few that I trusted. My eyes closed, and I was pulled into the clutches of Luna's magic. I dreamed of sweetness and a brighter future. One with me, Luna. Ditzy, and her daughters living in peace. Celestia too, I suppose. > Chapter 41: Operation COTTRPS [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was the day. Me and Luna, along with Rose, and Field Note, were on our way to Ponyville with the extra two suits in tow. The other day, there wasn't much to do, so I stayed with Luna and we ended up playing Super Smash Ultimate for almost the whole day. Let me say, she's gotten better since the last time I played against her. She was getting to the point where I almost had to bring out Lucina to win. She was sore after that, but was still a good sport about it. We were pretty much boarded up inside my room until we ran out of pizza and drinks. The latter which helped me win against Luna when she drank it. I never knew that she could eat that much, let alone drink as much as she did. In all honesty, I thought she was going to get liver poisoning, but she miraculously didn't. And the more she drank, the more aggressive her advances were in trying to sleep with me were. I managed, but only barely when I had to put her to sleep. And then she passed out instantly and I was left to clean the room with little to no help from anyone. Well, the maids offered, but I told them that I should do it, and to have a good rest of the day off with a bonus for dealing with a drunk Luna harassing them about their favorite sex positions. In all honesty, I probably shouldn't have let her order alcohol in the first place, had I known that she would say that. Oh well, not like I knew anyways. Anyways, we were heading to Ponyville in a small chariot that would land just outside to not be noticed, and close enough to not be a long walk from Ponyville to our rendezvous point with Thunderlane and Blossomforth. I had wanted to stop by and talk to Ditzy, but Luna said that I couldn't, for the sake of the mission and secrecy. I agreed reluctantly, and I had Thunderlane and Blossomforth test their armors that were assigned to them. It wasn't going too well. "Your Highness! The suit is pretty constricting, are you sure we can't wear our regular royal attire?" Blossomforth asked, squirming in her suit as it tried to fit to her size. "Sir, why does my suit tag say Shining the kiss ass?" Thunderlane asked. "Your Highness, permission to speak?" Rose asked, her heartbeat monitor going in a smooth pace. "Granted." I said, watching the two others awkwardly move around in their suits. Rose seemed to pause for a second, also watching the two of them struggle. "Couldn't you have given me a little more time for this mission?" She asked. "What doth thou mean, Crescent Rose?" Luna asked, a hung over, and tired look in her eyes. "I think she means that she's tired. Don't Night Guards sleep through the day?" I asked. "Normally, yes, but we can sleep through the night as well." Rose said. "Alright, Blossomforth! Thunderlane! Quit messing around and get over here. Did you run the Tutorial like I asked?" I said, feeling my armor fold around my body with the exception of my head. "Sorry sir, but this armor isn't really working with me." "Me too." Blossomforth added. "I know that this isn't my armor, but I'm fascinated with the amount of storage that's available on the suit. It's doesn't seem possible!" Field Note said, just sitting there and going through the settings. She must've found the storage. "Well, get used to it. We leave in ten, so move around to get a feel for the armor." I said, setting a timer in my, and everyone's visor. Once the timer finished, we set out to the COTTRPS, at a relatively steady pace. Blossomforth and Thunderlane had gotten used to their armor, Rose was just following us, Field Note was still going through the armor's storage capabilities, and Luna and I were talking to each other through our mics, with our armor fully folded. When I was repairing my armor, I made it bulkier for this trip. I wasn't sure what we would come across, but I knew for sure that it wouldn't want to mess with us. After about an hour's worth of just walking, it was time to eat. Now, I wasn't sure who brought the MREs, but was thankful that they did. Apparently, both Thunderlane and Blossomforth had forgotten to eat breakfast and were starting to show signs of hunger, if what their armor was telling me was correct. "Blossomforth, Thunderlane, eat these. I know you two skipped breakfast." I said, stopping the group for a bit. "Yes sir." They both said, sounding relieved that I brought it up. "Anyone else?" I asked. I got a simple no from them. After they ate, we kept walking. "Dear Franz, why don't we have any Earth Pony Guards with us?" She said, her voice sounding slightly static. "Well, normally they would have to fight without having an option to leave. Unicorn and Pegasi can either Teleport or Fly away to avoid danger. We wouldn't have a problem since we can do either." I explained, keeping an eye on my motion tracker. "And what about our weapons? What do they have?" She asked. "Plasma blades, a small shoulder plasma cannon, and enhanced strength, and speed. That, and more protection from the average Joe." I said. "Ah, very well." She said, making me smile and hearing her giggle. As the sun began to cross midday, I decided to let them take a small break. I watched as they mingled and shared stories with one another. "Your Highness, what will we do when we get to the COTTRPS?" Rose asked. "We're looking for a weapons cache. Mostly things of interest, and whatever we can bring back that's valuable." I answered her. "What about if we come across somepony who claimed the lost land?" Rose continued. "Then let me and Luna handle it." I said, checking my motion tracker again for the tenth time. Better to be safe than sorry. Once lunch was finished, we went onward. Not much was said, only the occasional murmur of either disgust, or curiosity, We were about halfway there, when I got a ping from Twilight. She asked. I sent back. "What was that." Asked Field Note, a bit of confusion in her voice. "A Direct Message from a friend. Don't worry about it." I said, playing down Twilight's interruption. I set the pings to go to vibration instead of sound. Hopefully, there won't be any more distractions from her for a bit. I got a message from her a moment later. She sent. I checked my Motion Tracker again and noticed something different. There was a red blip just outside the edge on my Trackers field. Going into settings, I increased my range, and what I saw kind of scared me. There were twelve individual blips that were stalking us for who knows long. I decided to keep an eye on them, and decided to lure them out myself. "We're being followed." I said, catching their attention. All of their heartbeat monitors spiked, and I got several sideways looks. "What do you mean, followed?" Field Note asked, her voice giving the hint of fear. "Probably the local wildlife. If anything, they're probably some wolves." "Should we take care of this problem. Dear Franz?" Luna asked. It was close to the afternoon, and we were almost to the COTTRPS. "Nah, we'll keep going until they become problematic." A spear landed right near us, almost hitting me in my leg. "Or we can take care of it right now I guess." I said, looking at the crudely made spear. What could have thrown this? "I think that's a Diamond Dog spear." Rose said. "Okay. Activate Weapons System, 1, 2, 3, and 4." I called, watching their Plasma cannons pop out of their shoulders. "Light it up! Stun shots!" I called, hearing the stun rounds hit all of these Diamond Dogs with precise accuracy. We all heard them yelp in pain, and the blips dissipated. Those weren't stun shots, were they. "Should we check on them?" Blossomforth asked. "Nah, they'll wake up in a few minutes. Let's keep moving." I said, the guilty look on my face take over. "Art thee sure?" "Quite. Now, let's get a move on." I said, wanting to leave them be. I wasn't sure why I thought I had equipped them with Stun Rounds. Those were plasma shots. 'I think just killed them.' I thought, feeling the guilt begin to eat at me. Pushing that feeling down, I continued to lead them to the COTTRPS, where we would hopefully find what we were here for. We entered a clearing and saw the COTTRPS up ahead, which Field note obviously pointed out. I checked my motion tracker again. I had a feeling that we were being followed, and that those 'Diamond Dogs' were a distraction. Now, it could just be my paranoia, but I didn't want to take any chances. "Wait here." I said, making a drone come out of my armor and fly over. Blossomforth and Thunderlane gave me odd looks, while Rose and Field Note gave me interested ones. Sending the drone out, I made a quick sweep. There wasn't anything that seemed out of place so far, but I was seeing something moving just outside a collapsed wall before losing contact with my drone. "Something's here. Prime your weapons. This could get bad really quick." I said, my armor forming the disk launcher. They did the same with their Plasma Cannons, Luna with her twin swords, and we went to the bridge. Now, the only one who was concerned was Field Note. Her heartbeat monitor was telling she was anxious. We crossed and I told them both to stay. They may have advanced armor, but they're not invincible. Luna, however, didn't want me to. "Luna, please, I need you to stay here with the Guards. Keep Field Note safe as well." I said, hoping that my direct order would keep her here. "Nay, if we are to go into our old home, then we shall go as a group. I will not have you leave us so easily." She said, holding firm. "I don't want any of you to get hurt. I want all of you to be safe." I delegated, not wanting her to be here at all. Something didn't feel right. As if there was something there that was really dangerous. "We shall not be injured. This armor that thou have provided will be enough to put whomever we find at a disadvantage. We are coming with you, my orders." She stated. "Fine, on one condition." "Name it." "You have to stay be my side at all times. That included you guys as well." I said, looking over to the rest of the group. "Yes, sir!" They all saluted. "Very well. Let us move along now." Luna said, taking a step forward. We went to the door of the COTTRPS, and gently opened it. There wasn't anything here, except for the bits of stone that had fallen and the eroded walls and rooms. 'Somewhere around here.' I thought. 'Is the weapons cache.' I checked my Motion Tracker again. I caught a glimpse of red, before it dissipated. Looking around, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. "What is it, sir?" Thunderlane asked from my side. I paused. "Keep an eye on your Motion Trackers. I think that something's here with us." I answered, enhancing my hearing to catch smaller things. We were met with a three-way hallway. One to the right, forward, and left. "Are we going to split up, sir?" Field Note asked. "Yes. Luna, take Thunderlane and go right. Blossomforth and Rose, go forward, Field Note, you're with me." I said. "Yes, sir!" They said. Luna sent me. I returned. Once we went off, I made sure to turn on their tracking devices. Something took out my Drone, and I wanted to see what. Field Note was huddled closely to me, seemingly scared that I took her. "We're not going to run into anything, right?" She asked. "Maybe, keep an eye on your Motion Tracker." I responded. We passed several rooms, most of which were broken down and held that of no value. Nothing that interesting. But the one thing that did seem remotely interesting, was the warped hallways, showing me that something large had come through before. thunk Field Note yelped, and hopped onto my back out of fear, taking me by surprise and almost making me fall. "Please don't do that." I said, looking back at her. "Sorry." We kept going forward and saw a door that wasn't open. 'Likely trapped.' I thought. "Um, sir?" "Yes?" "How does a motion tracker work?" "Blue is friendly, Yellow is you, orange is unknown, and red is enemy." I answered. "Oh." "Why?" I asked. "There's four red dots in there." I looked at the door. I knew it! "Let's go. If we don't bother them, they won't bother us." I was wrong. The door opened and something grabbed both me and Field Note, earning a quick yelp from her. I was tossed to the wall, hitting it with a thwack. Field Note was also grabbed, and thrown into me. There were four griffons here, all of them brandishing a knife or sword on their body, and a crossbow in their claws. "A mare and her coltfriend in pretend armor, eh? How much bits you got!" Yelled one of them, pointing their crossbows at us. I sent out to everyone excluding Twilight. "Listen, I don't know about you four, but we would really appreciate it if you were to leave before things get bad for you four." I said, thinking of a way to keep Luna from hurting them. "Oh really? Are ya gonna call the Royal Guard on us? Ha! Ain't nothing gonna save you until we're finished with you two." Said another one. "Oi, aren't we 'ere because we were going to look for treasure?" Asked another one. "Yes, but that doesn't mean that we can't have some fun either. You two can get rid of the stallion, then come back for some fun with the mare." Said the now identified leader. They were no doubt here looting the place at the same time we were. What a coincidence. Two of them approached me, and we were suddenly blinded by a bright flash of magic. "Who dares attempt to interrupt our mission!" Luna yelled, Thunderlane here as well. Field Note was shivering behind me, and the others were ready with their weapons. "Cool, you showed up." I said, seeing them get nervous. I saw one of them run off, probably to warn the rest of his friends. "Thunderlane, here!" I said, pulling him back and tossing him near Field Note. I sent him. I burst through the roof and went into the hallway through a hole in the ceiling. He had run off close to where my drone had lost contact. Slowing time down to a crawl, I trailed after him, seeing him make a hasty turn. I resumed time to keep things interesting for him. I felt like a predator chasing a prey. It was a bit wrong, but it was the thrill of the chase. I can see why humans did this. As I turned the corner, there was an opening that led to the outside down the hall. It led to where my drone went down, so I chased him until I was practically stepping on his tail. He stopped, hopped up, and landed on my back. I reacted by jumping into the ceiling and probably breaking something of his. I followed by grabbing him and spinning quickly, throwing out of the opening while he was subjected to a makeshift spin ride. Giving chase, I collided with him, rolling a bit and using my energy dagger and cut apart his short sword he was trying to use. In one single swipe, I knocked him out with a single blow to the head. I got up and admired my handiwork, before looking around. "Well shit." I said, seeing the other 6 Griffons and 5 Minotaur. There was one very large Minotaur that would have normally been able to kill me in a single blow. They all rushed me, and I shot as many disks as I could before they got too close. Four of them were trapped in disks, so I used my webbing to keep them at bay for a bit longer. There were a few females in here too, but hey, equal rights, equal lefts. There was only the large Minotaur and five Griffons here. The closest griffon tried to swing his sword at me. I ducked under and delivered an instant KO to his head. Two more tried coming from the sides, and only got a blurred hoof to their face as I struck them down with my legs. In one swung, someone had hit my armor in the thigh plate. A loud clang resonated, and the sword broke. His victory filled eyes turned to one of surprise, then rolled to the back of his head with several jabs and a blow to the face. Universal Pull I thought, extending my hoof to the last griffon, who locked up, and came flying towards me. I sidestepped, and heard him crash into his friend that was trying to get back up. A towering shadow loomed over me, and I rolled away out of instinct. The Minotaur had swung a large Dadou at me. Striking the ground and narrowly clipping my wings. Apparently, I forgot to take into account that webbing can be broken, as I was grabbed by a Minotaur who held me in place. I struggled against them, but saw that they had a good grip on me. "Take this, Pony bastard!" The behemoth yelled, and swung his weapon at me. My armor shot out prongs, and stabbed into the Minotaur behind me, and ripped him in half. I felt the blood stain my armor, but I paid no mind as the sword was coming in fast. Lowering myself as close as possible to the ground, I felt it barely pass my armor above. I was grabbed by another Minotaur, rage in her eyes, and she threw me into the ground as hard as she could. I didn't make a sound, since I had turned off my audio output, but that didn't mean I enjoyed being thrown around like a ragdoll. Getting out of the small crater she put me in, I felt the sword strike the ground near me. I activated my Arc reactors and blasted the female Minotaur away. It wouldn't kill her, but it would make her think again about attacking me. My body reacted on its own, and my hoof shot out and punched a Griffon who was trying to get the jump on me. The knock out was immediate. I looked at the giant and saw the Dagao coming in for the kill. 'What I'd do for Celestia.' I said and sliced the sword apart using my energy dagger. I slowed time and gave him a whack on the back of the head for annoying me. He fell instantly, and I looked around for any more fighters. There was still a few more to go through, and my blood was starting to pump. "Who else wants to get a shot in!?" I said, waving my hooves in a taunting manner. The ones who were released charged me, and I created a Bo Staff to deter their attacks. One tried to aim for my legs, but I flapped my wings and struck the side of his head. Another KO. Several of them began flying, and I shot them down with my Arc reactors. I was tacked from behind, and I crushed under a dog pile of bodies, all hitting and poking my armor with their weapons. I tried to get up, but with their constant hitting and pushing down, I wasn't able to. Panicking, I remembered couldn't use my last resort attack, and I couldn't start cutting them apart with my energy dagger. But what could I do!? Checking my Motion Tracker, I saw that no-one was near me. Either Luna Thunderlane and Field Note were busy interrogating their prisoners, or they were just watching me beat them up. I tried to crawl out, but they had me pinned. They held my body down and spread my arms and legs out. They then started to use a pick to break away at my armor, surprising me and scaring me at the same time as it began to breach the nano-mesh. I tried to struggle, but it wasn't enough with their sheer brute strength. A towering shadow loomed over me, and I tried to look back at the attacker. It was the giant I had thought I knocked out earlier. He now had a very large hammer what only he seemed to be able to carry. My eyes widened in surprise as he lifted it up and brought it down. (Skip to 1:22) It struck my armor, cracking away at the Nano-Plating that kept me safe. I felt the force the Minotaur could deal. The power they had. I felt a pretty terrified when it hit, almost like a wake-up bell. He struck again, and I felt something inside me snap. I was stronger than him. So why was I taking these like a dog? I felt different, almost more than usual. Before he managed to hit me again. I tossed one of my 'shackles' off and grabbed the hammer before it hit me body. I gave him a furious look. One of pure hatred, covering an unyielding flame of power that would turn those it touched into ash. He looked confused, and I glared harder. I slowly got up, not caring for the one's that tried to keep me pinned. He growled at me, and tried to lift him hammer away but wasn't able to do so. I felt something burning in my gut, something to be released into something violently. He threw a punch, and I used a hoof to redirect it off to the side. I slowed time, and admired his face. There was a bit of a goatee going on, and there was much fur along his body. Not that it mattered. I changed back into a Human and flexed my hand. The armor not reacting well to the sudden change in form. It's funny what one can do with a overpowered punch. Break something that's near impossible, save a life. Defeat an enemy. I launched my fist into his face, breaking away the bone and flesh. His eyes bulged out, and his skull shattered, making something out of a horror scene with the blood sprayed everywhere. I resumed time, and continued my slaughter, beating them to near death until there was no more of them able to fight. My anger flared, and subconsciously my power as I blipped across their ranks. Blue energy danced around my body, swirling in a frenzied craze. I looked down at the griffon below me, his eyes showing nothing but fear. My eyes bore into his own. He didn't say anything, the only sounds were his shivering. My power was pulsating, seemingly trying to kill him without me even touching him. He was starting to lose consciousness, and he soon passed out. I took in a breath and exhaled. Bringing my foot up, I slammed it into the ground, making him jump up out of surprise, followed by a fist to his face. He was blown back, and I then knew that they were all out. My power dissipated, and I turned back into my Pony form. I wasn't sure how they didn't hear me, but it didn't matter. They would have been sick from the scene. I looked back to my armor. Most of it was scattered throughout the small field we were in, but I managed to pick up the large storage device that was laying on the ground. Salvaging what I could, I called another one. I made my way back to the part where I had left Luna, Thunderlane, and Field Note. "Luna, what's up with these three?" I asked, my sparring suit wrapping around my head. "They were very willing to cooperate. I don't suppose that thou have taken care of the one that fled?" She asked. "Yep. And his group too." "You took on his entire group?" Thunderlane asked. "Yeah, it wasn't very pleasant for them, unlike these ones." I said, giving a shrug. "You didn't hurt any of them, did you?" Field Note asked. I looked at her, before turning my attention back to Luna, both ignoring, and answering her question. "Where is Rose and Blossomforth?" I asked her. "They are on their way. Dear Franz, what did thou do to his group, precisely." Luna asked. "I simply repaid their attempt at hospitality tenfold." I said calmly. Field Note gave a shudder, and Thunderlane looked at me with slight fear. "So thou have disposed of them?" "Only a few. The rest are unconscious." I said, spreading my wings and giving them a stretch. Rose and Blossomforth were near, and I moved away from the door to let them in. I explained to them what had happened without going into too much detail. This was supposed to be a mission of stealth, and now we have 14 bodies out there. "We should find the weapons cache before we deal with the bodies. I know where it's at, and Celestia told me she had put a spell in there to attack the mind of any pony who tries to enter." I said, my armor finalizing what I had in my old suit. I had everything but the web shooters and Force Repulse. "Art thou sure? Can't you take one of the guards with thou? Surely they can be of some assistance." Luna reasoned, trying to make me take someone. "As much as I like to, I can't. She also told me that it's very powerful, and shouldn't be messed with unless it's by an extremely powerful Unicorn, or Alicorn. And we only have one option." "Then I shall go whilst you cater to the prisoners." She offered. "No, final answer. I have to do this myself, but don't worry, I'll put up a live feed so you can watch me, but it'll for sure be hard to watch." I said. "Fine, then I will do as I said, and you will look for the weapons cache. I will, however, be watching intently should there be something that happens." She said, finally backing down and letting me go. "Don't worry, I've dealt with stronger things." I said, turning and leaving to the hall. I quickly replayed through Rose's and Blossomforth's video feed, and saw that they passed the entrance, but didn't even notice it. Well, they wouldn't have anyways without looking for something specific. I traced the corridor that led to the entrance. It was a small hole that looked like one could fit a sandwich in. I pulled out a small ball that I had made, and tossed it in. It shone bright and began floating through a tight squeeze. I punched through the wall and followed the ball narrow passage. It was filled with old spiderwebs that crumbled away when I disturbed them. Following the orb of light, it reached a stairway. It spiraled downwards into the dark, almost pitch-black passage that would lead me to the Weapons cache. My HUD game me. Following down, I slowly made my way in, making sure that I didn't go too far ahead of my ball of light. I kept going until I had reached the bottom of the stairs. There was an old door that looked like it was quite beaten up with prolonged age. I scanned my Motion Tracker and saw that there wasn't anything on the inside. Luna typed. "Connect Contact Luna to Mic." I said, establishing a call with her. "Luna, can you hear me?" I asked. "D-e- F-anz? W- can ha-rdly s-- thou! And what -s that no-se?" She asked, with me barely making out what she said. "There seems to be something making my feed a bit off. I'm going to have to shut it off, alright?" I asked, turning on my shields. "Ah, th-n w- Shall accompany thou. Wa-t for m-." "Luna, stay there. The guards need you more than I do. Besides, I'll make a signal for you to come and help." "Can thou r-p-at that?" "Stay!" I said, mad that my transmitter wasn't working. Why doesn't it want to work? "F-n-, w- shall stay, but do not th-nk that w- w-ll allow th-s aga-n." "Bravo six, going dark." I muttered to myself. I opened the door, pushing lightly so that I would make as little noise as possible. I found myself in a room with several skeletons. Equine skeletons. All with various trauma to the skull. There was mostly piles of them in the corners of the room, but I wasn't wanting to find out what had caused this. I walked slowly, not wanting to disturb the fallen fellows that tried before me. Making my ball of light to shine brighter, I got a good view of the room. It was massive, to say the least, almost the size of the ballroom in Canterlot. And the whole place was filled with the dead, almost all of them littered around and spread throughout the room. I thought I saw something in the distance, but I really hoped I didn't. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I activated my dagger, and spun to the voice. I thought I saw something red, but I wasn't sure. This whole situation seemed, off. "Hello? Who's there?" Asked another one. "I am Prince Franz of Equestria, Head Scientist of the R&D Wing. Who are-" I was cut off. "Hello? Who are you?" 'Oh hell no.' I thought, and quietly made my way over to the closest exit. I checked my Motion Tracker, and saw several red blips approaching me, but I couldn't see them. "Hello?" They asked. I elected to remain quiet. If these are what I think they are, then I'm going to be fucked if I make too much noise. "Who goes there!?" They asked again. My HUD read out. I shuffled slowly towards the nearest entry point to the next room. And I would have made it, if I didn't step on a bone that snapped. "Found you!" I dodged out of the way as a large red dog-like creature lunged at me and nearly took a piece of my arm off. Spreading my wings, I took off to the ceiling, narrowly avoiding another that had found me and tried to eat me. There was an opening to another part of the room, one that seemed to be a den of sorts for the 939 spawns. Creating a small rocket on my arm, I fired it into the hole where the den seemed to be. An explosion of light erupted, and several squeals could be heard from the fiery hole. I shot past a rather large group of them herding together over what looked like a recently killed rat, and crashed into another one that was on the ceiling. I quickly slashed it with my dagger and dashed off to the next door. Opening the door, I slammed it and heard them trying to break their way in, with little success. "Fuck me." I whispered, and looked into the room I was in. I figured that I could lose the pony disguise for a bit, and I shifted back to my human form, making sure to go slowly so my armor can make the proper adjustments. I didn't want to go too fast like earlier. Once done, I looked at my HUD, and saw that I was only one room away from reaching the weapons cache. Letting out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. Maybe this operation was a bit dangerous. Not for me, but the others. Checking my COMMS for any signal, I was let down again by only blurry static. What the hell is up with this thing? If it can reach Ponyville easily, then why can't it get to Luna of anyone else? Pushing that thought back into the crevice it came from, I continued into the slightly bigger hallway. It was still dark, but I still had my little ball of light on me. Feeling a bit unprepared, I created an armor piercing DMR so that I didn't feel as unequipped as before. Along with a flare on my hip, and a few Splinter Grenades from Halo again. Maybe I should look up some more stuff from my old home world and make some new weapons of something. I eventually came across something in the hallway. Something that didn't seem right but explained itself almost instantly. There was a large, burnt line that cut off a rather large section of the hallway, about three meters of the space being completely gone, and slight visible light coming from the upper levels of the burn. Looking upwards, I saw dim shape of a tree and immediately tried using my COMMS again. I was confused when it didn't work, and only looked much worse than before. 'There might be a radio jammer somewhere.' I thought. I huffed and continued through the hallway, having to fly over without using my wings, but with my base power. Once across, I continued until I realized something. 'Why didn't I think of this earlier.' Creating a drone, I tested out the signal. It worked fine for about a few minutes then turned to shit and crashed out of nowhere. Looks like that plan didn't work out. I activated my Night Vision in my helmet, and it worked. Continuing my cautiously paced walk, I was starting to wonder where this was taking me so long. I'm sure that there's only one secret weapons cache that Celestia hid, but I could have been given outdated information or something. I took a few rights and lefts, went down another staircase and through a tight space that involved me removing my armor, but I eventually came across another door. It was much like the last one, old and worn out with time. Not that it mattered, as I kicked it down and pointed my rifle in it. It was empty. Or I thought it was. There were a few bricks laying around, presumably from the ceiling, and there was a feeling of uncertainty in here. Turning off Night Vision, I turned on the flashlight on my weapon and did a quick sweep of the room. All I saw that stood out was a sense of disappointment. Not knowing what this was, I decided to leave. Until the door slammed shut, and the room turned from a dark, abandoned place, to a room with bright lights, white walls, and a sense of unease. I rushed towards the door and tried bashing it down. It warped with my strength but shifted back almost as soon as it bent. Looking back into the room, it felt, familiar, almost in an uncanny way. I couldn't quite recall where I had seen this before, and when I did, I flared my power as I blocked a punch to the face from a known attacker. "Looks like you finally found me, huh?" He mocked, jumping back for distance. I stared in anger as the dark version of myself stood before me, donning his armor, which greatly resembled the DOOM SLAYER suit. I flared my power again, this time effectively pushing him away and gaining some more preferable distance. "Aww, what's the matter? Mad because I kicked your ass in our subconscious? I'll gladly do it again in the real world!" He said darkly. "I don't want to fight you. I'm just trying to get through. So, move." I growled. "And what? Not going to let me have fun? I've been trying to take over for a while, but you seem so damn resistant. It's annoying." He complained, scratching at the base of his neck. "You're one to talk." I shot back. "Ooh, that definitely hurt my pride. Ha, no it didn't you fucking dumb ass." "Can't you just fuck off? I mean, aren't you just Nightmare Moon in a different form?" "Don't compare me to that useless bitch. Even when she had you, she let you go just so that you could have a chance to free her again. I am just a reflection of her, not the actual fucking deal you cuck." He ranted. "Aw, did I hit a soft spot?" I teased, raising my fist to my visor in a mock cry gesture. I saw a dark red aura seep from his body and made his bootleg DOOM SLAYER armor begin to glow. "Anyways, I'm going through. So please get out of my way." I said, making my power rise and envelop my body. In speeds that I was barely able to react to, he threw a punch to my visor. 'Oh fuck.' > Chapter 42: Informative Information [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Oh fuck.' Time slowed to a crawl, allowing me to let out a barrage punches into his body, each it with more power than the last, and moved out of the way. Resuming time, he crashed into the door behind me, and bounced back instantly with a high kick aimed at my head. Raising both of my arms to block it, he pulled back quickly and caught me off guard with a punch to the helmet, cracking the visor and sending me rolling to the opposite side of the room. Slamming into the wall, I swayed from the pain and looked back up. I tilted my head as he hit the wall and cracked a majority of the room, the very ground shaking from that attack. Taking advantage of his slight confusion and landed a powerful elbow into the side of his knee, earning a growl of pain from him. I went for another blow to push him back, but he caught it with his free hand and threw one of his own. I caught it, if not barely, and we struggled. He had the advantage, yet he dared me to break off first. Since we were both the same entity basically, we tried to overpower the other. Maneuvering his fist to the side, I deflected his attack into the wall while I used my now freed hand to flash his visor with a bright light and struck his ab plate with a palm strike. He staggered back, and I created an energy staff. I used the momentum of it being spawned to launch myself at him. Falling back to what I learned long ago, I hit his helmet with one end of the staff, following up with the other side. His helmet had bright white burn marks, and in an attempt to strike back he went for a palm strike himself. I blocked it with a side sweep of the arc staff and made for another strike to the head. It connected, and he was knocked back into the other wall. Spinning the electrically charged staff once into the air, I went for a bat swing to his head again. He caught it and pulled me in. Grabbing me by the throat, he lifted me up and slammed me into the ground, my armor creaking as his spare hand ripped off a piece of my chest armor. "Useless!" He said, watching me struggle against his grip. I raised my palm to his helmet and blasted him with an arc reactor, pushing him off of me, and I allowing me to roll away. Using the universal pull, I saw him flying towards me and I sidestepped, letting him hit the wall. As he passed me, he managed to not only grab me but pulled me along, using me as a cushion to ease his crash. His other knee dug into my ab plate, using his mass to send me further into the wall. Bringing up my hand for another blast, he slapped it aside and went for another blow, the beam from the blast burning a long scorch line across the wall and ceiling. Bringing in my elbow to counter his attack, we traded blows, his power diminishing faster than mine and his armor beginning to chip from hitting the re-enforced armor plating in my arms. He pulled back, shaking his hand from pain and watched me with a frustrated glare. Hoping off of the wall, I extended my right hand out and bending it slightly, along with bringing my left hand to my elbow, forming the base of the Wing Chun stance. "You remembered." He said, his voice distorted. "I never forgo-" He cut me off as he rushed me again, taking me by surprise. In his attempt to land a hit, I summoned a banana at his feet, and watched him slip on it and into my quickly incoming stomp. Kicking him away, I gave chase and reeled in my fist for a charged punch, my power leaking from my body and spiraling around my fist and giving a brighter light from the room itself, almost in an ethereal light. Hitting the ground, he sprung off almost flawlessly and saw my attack coming in quickly. He threw one as well, and our fist connected, my attack blinding both of us. A powerful wave of pressure, thermal heat, and raw power hit the room, causing the walls to crack and splinter along every surface. Both of us were sent back into the opposite walls. I didn't know what he had left, but I knew that I had to trap him to kep damage to a minimal. Crawling out of my second hole and standing, my body reacted on its own and bent backwards to avoid a spear flying through where my chest would be. I noticed that he was above me, and I had to slow time again to get out of the way of his downwards spiral into me. I shot a disk, but it pinged off of his spear. It looked much like my own, except that it was blood red instead of my natural light blue. "You're starting to piss me off!" He shouted, his power surging and expelling off of him erratically, his body seeming to crack and splinter along the armor and into his flesh. "Likewise, bitch!" I shot back, also pushing my power off to compete. There was a way I could get out of this, and I had an idea. I charged first, which he mirrored instantly. He swung and I dodged under, raising my fist as I tried to go for an uppercut to his jaw. He let it nearly connect, before bringing the butt of the spear to strike me into the helmet, nearly breaching the integrity of my protection. Being swatted away wasn't a part of my plan, but it only made for a better one. Quickly slamming my hand onto the ground, my shadow shot over to him and trapped him in my temporary prison. He simply imploded in a plume of smoke, and I noticed that there was something underground. Upon breaking the surface with a punch, he reared it back and launched it with the clear intent to kill. That is, if I didn't punt him like a football. He crashed into the wall and landed on the floor with a hard thwack. Then I shot him with all the disks in on my and set their energy output to maximum. I took a breather and looked at my evil version with both disgust and frustration. "I'm going to go now. Later fuck face." I grunted, walking off to the door. I reached to the now materialized handle and grabbed it, giving it a slight turn. "Do you know why Spar doesn't trust the Light Bearer?" He asked suddenly. I looked back at him, temped to just ignore him. "Why?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me in that instant and turned to glare down at him. "Let me go and I'll tell you." 'Obviously a trap.' "I don't know. You can easily break out of those disks, what makes you think that I'm just going to fall for that trap?" I countered. "Well, you do want to know, right?" Weighing my choices, I'd rather not continue fighting. But then again, he might not be lying as I also needed this information, but I wasn't sure if the risk was worth it. Letting go of the handle, I created another energy staff and had it ready in case he did something. "What're you going to do with that? Kill me if you don't like what you hear?" He asked. "Yes." "Makes sense." Deactivating the disks on his body, which I wasn't sure why he didn't do so himself, I watched him intently. He got up and looked at me. His aura began to start again, and I glared at him. "I knew that you were actually this stupid. But hey, I might as well tell you this since you won't be seeing much of the real world anyways." He said, giving a small laugh. I simply scoffed. "The Light Bearer, wants to kill the other Bearers. Which means, he wants to take over the entirety of the multiverse. I don't know what happened to your memory, but I'll show you all the other bearers he killed that Spar showed me with her vision." He explained. The room then turned dark, and I saw the supposed Light Bearer. The vision was frayed, but probably due to the room having taken the most damage since it felt like it connected directly to the vision. He was a human that wore armor similar to my own, or at least looked like it, but something seemed off almost instantly. He wore a mask that covered his face, had a slightly tanned skin tone, and had red hair and a right blue eye, and a green left eye. That was all the facial features I could see. He had a sword on his back that looked like a Katana, but it gave off a feeling of wrongness that I didn't like at all, almost uncanny. There was another person he was facing. It was a dark hooded figure that had a scythe in their pale white hands, and two dimly lit pupils that were under the dark hood. "Why have you faced me, Light Bearer. The laws of death must be obeyed, and by coming to my realm, you have willingly made yourself a target. You have precisely 28 seconds before they arrive and kill you, so make it quick and leave my domain." His eyes were cold and calculating, yet his stance was that of a madman. He looked like he had won yet was almost disheartened about it. "I've come for your element, Death Bearer." "You will find nothing save for the blade of my scythe embedded in your chest should you continue to threaten me, boy. I know why you're here. For your lost ones, am I correct?" Death said, the orbs becoming narrow. "I'm not here for that. I'm here for your element. Either give it to me, or you will find yourself trapped inside your own domain as a soul." "So, you have chosen to die. We shall find another Light Bearer, one that represents the Light in its truest sense, instead of the impure bastardization before me." Death said, raising his scythe and bringing the handle down, slamming it into the ground and raising several of the dead, which looked like large angels made of stone. "So be it." The Light Bearer said, unsheathing his Katana. It shone a brilliant white, a great contrast to the black handle with red lining. The room was illuminated, and the room showed a large graveyard. Before they could partake in battle, the surrounding place flickered to another scene, the walls crumbling slightly as it changed the landscape for the vision. It was in a sunny field. There was birds and critters running around. A great contrast from the previous realm. There was a wide variety of animals near each other, and in between it all, sat a woman. She had green skin and wore vines that hugged her figure beautifully. She seemed content, with her oak brown hair, and deep green eyes. "Life Bearer. You don't seem worried about my presence." Light Bearer said, materializing near her in a flash of white. "Call me Gaia. And I've been expecting you. If you must do what you should, then do it. I just want to be here with a while longer." She said, her voice reminding me of a mother. They were silent, no sound except for the light ambience of the forest around them. "Don't be shy, sit with me. I want to be near my wonderful creations, you included." She said, patting the ground near her. "..." Light didn't say anything and took a seat. They stayed like that for a while, Gaia enjoying Light's presence while Light just sat there. "..." "..." "It's time." Gaia let out a sigh. "..." "Are you sure this is the way you want to go? You can still turn back. I can return everyone you've lost for a bit, just for clarity in their deaths.." "..." "Just so you know, whatever befalls upon you, is what you deserve. Do you understand love?" She said, cupping his cheek lightly. He stared at her without emotion, his hand raising up and grabbing hers tightly. "I'll do what I have to, so the next ones won't suffer as well." Removing her hand, he got up and unsheathed his sword. "I take no pride in this, but this is the only way this can end without further conflict. I've lost them all, so you don't have to." He said, pointing it at her. "I, and forever will, love you, my creation. No matter how far you've strayed, you will find the rest you seek." He brought the sword up, and it flickered again. The whole room was dark, and everything was shifted back to normal. "Remember, I will be in here whenever you decide to need me." Past me said, walking up to me. I didn't let him get close as I swung my weapon. He seemed to have at least some common sense, as he jumped back. "Remember." He fully vanished, and I stood there. I was disturbed from how outlandish he was. How can someone even go so far as to kill several of their own kind? This didn't seem right, but I was sure I couldn't face him alone. What about the other elements? What about the Dark Bearer, Harmony Bearer, or even the last Bearer that was chosen, Spar? I think that's what I'm going to find out, whether it kills me or not. The door to the other side of the room opened, two stone walls retracting and revealing several weapons and gadgets. One in particular, was a Storage Unit. I walked over to the small device. Picking it up, I inspected it, using my helmets interface to scan it. There was a marking on it that was Morse code, and upon translating it only read two words. "Save Them." Shoving it into my pocket, I looked at the armor that was set on a table. All worn and battle crusted. Some chips in its paint, and quite a bit of dust in between the folds. Taking off my cracked helmet, I picked up the olden one that was attached to the suit. After brushing off some of the dust from the thin visor, I inspected it. Untouched by time, it looked like a Forerunner helmet. One of the warrior types, that is. It still looked functional, and I had the Idea to put it on. After cleaning the inside of the helmet first, that is. Via, imagination. Putting it on, it didn't seem to have the power needed to run it. So, I poured a small margin of my own into it through a port. It hummed to life immediately, and it began reading out signals I wasn't aware I could get. Thermal. Night vision. Scramble. Sentinel Vision. Promethean Vision. 10x zoom. Added Accuracy. Auto Correction. And more. I was surprised on how many abilities this thing had. It was more than what my current armor had, that's for sure. Looking at the armor, I wondered what kind of other things this thing had. But for now, I would have to store it in something to keep it from restricting my armor. Going through the settings, I looked for anything that could help me compact it easier. It had the shape of a human, so maybe I should leave this for my Human form. Once I found the compact option, there was a few of them. The first one was Nano-material. I normally had this for most of my armors. The next one was a sub-space storage that would be stored tightly against the user's body, and wouldn't come out unless they activated it. Another one was similar to the Star Lord helmet that is retractable to small locations set to the body with fingerprint recognition, and smallness. And the last one, since it was essentially hard light armor, was the ability to simply disappear and reappear. Possibly to a specific storage spot or portable pocket dimension. Pocket dimensions are kinda weird to me, since I wouldn't be too sure on how time works there and how much space would be needed. Power, I can supply, but I wasn't sure how much to begin with. I then tried to test the water with pocket dimensions. Should I go with the ocular ones like the Kamui, or something like a ball or device. SCP-106 came to mind, but that would be gross leaving all that mucus everywhere. It didn't work. I just erased the armor by accident. But hey, new helmet, right? Looking over to the rest of the items littered across the floor, most of them weren't salvageable. Meaning I came here for only a small amount of stuff. Luna's sword that I made was here too, but it was old and rusted, probably due to the dryness or humidity. I couldn't feel it since I was wearing a suit, but the same couldn't be said for the other stuff. Scrounging what I could, there was Luna's sword, a halberd that was lined with a rusty type of metal, a picture, when I cleaned, revealed a young Luna and what looked like me on my phone. There was also a hole in the wall, that when I pushed, crumbled. I probably should have left it there, because there was literately a small army's worth of weapons and armor, vehicles, and what looked like a control panel that was still active. "Well shit. Looks like I'll need a bigger bag." I said, realizing that I didn't have one. "Oh, right." I said, and materialized a red sack that had some rope to tie at the end. "Looks like Christmas came early." I chuckled. Using my magic, I levitated everything and shoved it into the sack. That included the vehicles first, then armor, and the weapons that were in their respective lockers. Now the control panel, I wasn't sure about. Walking up to it the three monitors that were lined up, each showed numbers and estimations. I wasn't sure about what, but it was enough to get my attention. It showed a diagram of the solar system. Equis, the sun, which was a lot smaller and the size of Earth's moon, and the moon. Which was half the size of Earth's. There were also some other planets too, but they were just labeled after the same ones from home, with the addition of 2, electric boogaloo. There was also a large beacon that had an Identification trailing just behind the moon, called Eternal Vision. There was also some other things too, like Online Status, Life Support, Diagnostics, Weapons Systems, Activated Cryogenic Pods, and Crew Members. But what had caught my attention was the numbers that was calculating trajectory. And if what I'm seeing is right, then it should land somewhere near the Badlands. 7.5 miles near some place called Apploosa in about two weeks. There was also more pings beyond the moon, and near Saturn, but they were called Cells, so I ignored them for now. This seemed to be self-regulated but I noticed that there was a breach in the hull near the Cryogenic storage chambers. The cause seemed to be something impacting the side of the ship with enough force to cause enough damage to break any fault lines and sink certain parts of the ship into the ocean. In an attempt to view the video logs, I went into the security footage. What I saw kinda scared me. Security Feed: Cryogenic Chambers There was a long line of tubes, each being able to hold about one average sized human per chamber. The room itself was large enough that dozens of people could be stored and there would still be room for more. In one of the chambers, was a human. That was me, peacefully sleeping frozen dreams and knowing nothing of the outside world. The Cryogenic Chambers were located on the lower part of the ship. Hiding in the underbelly of the hull and in the thickest part of the armored vessel. I highly doubted that anyone aside from Luna or Celestia could get to it, and I know Discord can't reach it. All seemed in order. The occasional creak of the empty ship that would echo throughout the empty halls, and the gentle hum of the ship being in a dull state of inactivity. Suddenly, the ship as a whole jerked violently, knocking off anything that wasn't bolted down and rattling doors in their place. The metal on the opposite side of where I was located warped and alarms were triggered, along with the sirens and emergency contingencies that would be enabled during a time like this. The wall continued to warp, bursting several of the empty cryo chambers before everything stopped. The security feed paneled over to a new sector, the exterior of the ship. From what was visible, there was a rather large meteor that had struck the side of the hangar. The ship was beginning to spin erratically, and the Trajectory Correction System was attempting to correct its course behind the moon to try and use its gravity to stabilize itself. Another contingency enacted, and the feed switched back over to the Cryogenic Chambers. Thawing from the frozen state, was an unconscious me that fell to the ground almost instantly, my body coughing and sputtering as the fluid inside was violently ejected from within. Several minutes passed, and another contingency enacted, my body seemed to glow slightly from something else pulling the strings. There were several items scattered around. Most of them something I could easily recognize. My backpack, a box that said "Fragile" labeled S.U. (Storage Unit), and something that I remember seeing on multiple occasions, but was for sure lost. A photograph. My body was surrounded by a bubble of energy, and so was the S.U. and backpack. The side of the wall lit up with red lights, and detonated the side of the hull, leaving me to be sucked out into the darkness of space, and flinging me towards the planet. The camera was then shifted back to the outside of the hull, where it showed me bouncing around in a bubble towards the planet, while the meteor was tossed into the ocean, where nobody would feel it besides the ones on the shore. Hopefully no one was able to see it. That was a few weeks ago, and the ship was now losing power, which means that it would be unable to follow the Moon's course as planned, and slowly fall towards the planet's natural gravitational pull. There were several flaming dots falling towards the planet, and I was one of them, and unconscious the whole time within my bubble. I figured that's how I came back, but how did I get up there in the first place? Why was there a ship trailing near the moon? Why was I in Cryogenic Stasis? I had several questions in my mind all firing at once, but I figured they'll be answered in due time. After I finished stuffing everything into my bag, I made one last check throughout the large room. Even though I wasn't going to let them anywhere near these weapons, I kind of wanted to keep them in case something happens. Maybe pull them out and be a bit irresponsible from time to time. Going over to the monitor one last time, I looked through the settings and tried to see if there was anything that was jamming the radio. Letting out a yawn, I looked at the red sack. It didn't really feel that heavy. It might've been due to the reason that I was abnormally strong, but hey, who am I to argue with that. For all I know, the sack could just be an extra special bag of carrying. Finally finding it, I noticed that the jammer was in the rooms themselves, and that the only way to turn them off was to break them. And upon going through the maps, it was the one just outside the first room where I fought my other self. The jammer had already taken damage but needed a more direct approach to disable. Plugging my armor into a port, I then transferred all the data into my suit. It took a while, so I figured I should rest for now. It read. I decided that it would be best if I ate something that'll keep me going. So I made some cooked meat and ate it. While it didn't compare to the salmon, it was enough to keep me satisfied. I never figured out if my pony body could handle meat, but maybe I can play with that later. I also created something to drink. A lemonade with a moderate amount of sugar. Once I finished, I gave my body a stretch, and looked at the download process. "Yo what the fuck!?" I shouted, appalled at the audacity. Going on a theory, I went off and destroyed the room that was blocking the signal. It was quick, as I just deleted it and stomped on the ashes it left behind. Going over to the monitors I saw that it was finished. What is this using, Internet Explorer? Java!? Pulling the device out of the port, it gave me live schematics with the trajectory and time of impact, along with other things that I will need to look into for further reference regarding the retrieval project. Hauling the red sack over my shoulder, I then made my way back with my group. It was no doubt it was night time, and that they had taken refugee in the olden castle. Stifling a yawn, I walked, but hummed a song on my way back. While I was making my way downtown, walking fast, I figured that I could go up through the crevice that I made when I fought Luna's corrupted self to not fight through the horde again. Flying up, I then took into account how much damage I had actually done to the forest, and sent a drone to explore the entirety of the damage. Heading over to the rest of the group, I checked their location, and saw that they were in a large room, with all of the other prisoners in there with them. Changing into my pony disguise, I walked into the building, and they welcomed me back. "Dear Franz!" Luna said, rushing me and tackling me into a hug. Dropping the bag with an audible crunch, I winced as I could only imagine what had broken before returning the affection back to Luna. "That's my name, what's up?" I asked, looking at her while she tried to bury her face in my chest, despite the armor not allowing her. "The prisoners have been dealt with and will be facing the harshest of punishments for attacking royalty! They shall rue the day they have come to Equestria for their greed!" She growled, anger in her voice. "Cool." "Permission to speak, sir." Thunderlane asked, concern etched in his tone. "Granted." "What happened to you?" He asked. Luna took notice to my battle worn armor. "Franz! What did thou come across to receive such damage to thou!? How powerful was the spell?" She asked, worry evident in her voice. "It's nothing. Mostly just some of the wildlife that got to me." I said, blaming the red dog things. A lie to be sure, but one that I would take in stride when I deal with it. Fuck you future me, it's your problem now. "If it was the wildlife, then they were pretty strong to be able to make those dents into your armor." Field Note said, walking up to me to look at my armor closer. "Yep. Say, are we heading back now? I think that we got everything we needed." I asked, looking at Luna. She looked at me with a look of disbelief. "And how will we be able to transport these prisoners? Perhaps a mass teleportation will suffice?" She said, throwing out an idea. "I suppose we could leave them here and I could wipe their memories. Not to mention we take what we can from them and teleport them back to their homelands." I offered, but Luna looked at me with a shocked look. "What?" I asked, not sure why they were giving me the looks they were. "Franz, as much as that makes sense, this is clearly unethical and morally wrong! Not to mention that this would be a misuse of one's time and status." She said, somewhat unnerved. "It was just a suggestion. I mean, I wouldn't want that either, but if we were to do that, then we wouldn't have the breach in secrecy in the operation. We would get what we needed, they would get to go home, wherever it was, without remembering what happened here except the fact that they completed their own mission. That's how I see a win-win situation. Both parties get what they needed, and we maintain the security of the mission." I explained. "While that would seem best for the situation, we simply cannot act as god for the better of Equestria. We are The Royal Family, not goddesses. 'But I am a god.' I said, before backing off of that statement. Maybe not going down that line of thought is better. Oh, wait, IDEA! "Or, hear me out, we take them into the dungeons for attacking a member of the Royal Family. Then we can hold a private court for their assault, and when it's all done and over, we give them a portion of their lost goods on grounds that they are to not speak of this incident. Yeah?" I offered. "That sounds... better. We shall send a letter to sister for more chariots and guards then." She said, looking over me again. "Alright. Sounds good." I replied. Looking over the group of prisoners, most of them were sleeping. Save for a few of them who looked at me with frightened stares. Turning away from them, I figured I could get some rest. But first, I was going to load something into my suit. Lighting up my horn, I pulled out the last Storage Unit and began downloading it's contents. It would take a while, but I would be able to read it once I wake up, or whenever I had time. Closing my eyes, I hoped that I could get some answers about the other entities. I had a few questions, but I didn't have to worry about them right now. Just needed to focus on this when we wake up. Feeling myself begin to drift off, I felt a presence lay next to me. Cracking open one of my eyes to take a gander, I saw Luna with me in her armor. Pulling off my helmet, hers folded back into it's capsule. "Tired?" I asked. She gave a light nod. "Yeah, me too." I pulled her close and passed out soon after. I wonder what the dream world would have to offer? Several memories played through my mind as I slept. Most of them nothing more than a blur as I wasn't looking for anything specific. I stopped at one certain one. My battle with Tirek. I didn't know why, but I always had a thing for fighting. Even if I wasn't one for it before I got this power. I was doing a mean job at keeping him at bay. Though I couldn't be sure why I was summoning a ton, or several tons, of lube and bananas at his legs. Poor bastard couldn't even stand to shoot an attack. Skipping this one, and chuckling a bit, I let myself float in the dream realm. I knew that Luna might be here soon, so I made the surrounding into a dojo with several training dummies around for practice. Walking up to the wooden dummy, I thought to how Ip man would fight, and practiced until either I got bored or summoned an opponent. The sound of wood clanking within it's loosened joints resonated throughout the room. My mind focused, and my movements calm. Mixing in a light kick, I pushed it off to the side a bit and followed with grab and brought it back. I thought about what was inside the Storage Unit. What, who, and where were the other Bearers? I know that Death and Life are gone, but what about Spar? Dark? Harmony? I knew where Discord was at, but I wasn't sure what would happen when I saw him. My movements were becoming more fluid. Then there's the other content inside the Unit. There's bound to be some information inside there about them. And if not, then I could run some tests to see if I could find them. My eyes closed, and my movements quickened. There's also that Light Bearer guy who's wanting to kill us. I didn't even know what he wanted, or if there was a time limit like The Eternal Vision. Did he want my Element? Was he just becoming rampant? Perhaps of old age? He was the Bearer of Light, so it was kind of ironic that he was corrupted. Loud clacking became more profound, along with the occasional thwack. I didn't want to leave my Element. I like it by now. Sure, it gets annoying, but I learned to control it after a while. I think that I had made my Element my own, but why did I need it? What was its purpose? Not knowing the answers was frustrating, but I couldn't just tell anyone. A powerful kick pushed the dummy away, but I grabbed it again and pulled it back deftly. Sure, Ditzy knew I was a Human, one with power that she wasn't aware of, but even then, I don't know my definable limit. Was it limitless? Infinite? I didn't know, but I didn't want to find out. It didn't seem infinite, almost like a muscle that grows with continuous use, and a damn powerful one at that. Standing on one leg, I was unknowingly beginning to break the dummy. It reformed as soon as pieces began flying off of it to keep up with my attacks. But how powerful were the others? Were they just as strong as me? Or were they stronger? I didn't have a clue, as I wasn't able to watch any of them fight each other. And how old were they? Surely at least older than me. My fists were pounding relentlessly into the wood, as the arms could no longer withstand the force of each blow as their reforming began to struggle to keep up. How long would I be able to live? Longer than Luna? Longer than Celestia? I didn't want to lose them. Or was there a limit? Surely there had to be a limit, or else there would be the same people that would create the same worlds over and over again. Could we create worlds? I wasn't sure, but it definitely seems possible. Reeling my fist back, I released the final blow, but stopped short. Opening my eyes, the dummy was in horrible condition, barely able to hold it's form after my barrage of strikes as it was starting to lean and sag. Sighing, I knew that I wouldn't be able to get these answers until I opened the Storage Unit. Or at least crack into some of it. "Thou have many thoughts going through your mind, do you?" Luna said, suddenly next to me. "Yeah. You could say so." "Doth thee, wish to talk about it?" She asked me. "I don't know if I should. On one hand, think I should do it by myself, and on the other, I want to tell you. But I'm not sure how you'll react to it." With a flick of a finger, the dummy broke apart and was sent flying into the wall. "Remember, thou can tell us anything. We won't judge you on your past mistakes." She said. "And what about you? I haven't heard anything of concern from you at all since I returned." I replied. "There is nothing to say! Thou art the perfect mate, and we wouldn't want any other stallion! There is nothing to complain about!" She exclaimed. "Are you sure?" I said flatly. "Quite. Although, thou can speak with us if thou feels overwhelmed. We certainly wouldn't mind as it is our duty to do so!" She exclaimed. I gave a light chuckle. In my human form, I was taller than her by a good margin. And probably the same size as Celestia if she didn't have a horn. "What is it? Do we say something humorous?" "You're just cute." She huffed at that, and made a pout. "We are The Princess of the Night. We are made to be the guardian and protector of the dream-realm, and thou thinks we are 'cute'?" She said, raising a hoof to her chest and flaring her wings a bit. "Yes." She glared at me. "Then we shall take this as a challenge and prove to thou that we are more than just 'cute', that we can be appealing to thou, more so than you're Human females. By starting the next morrow!" She cried. "Cool, cool. Say, how about we train a bit, yeah?" I asked, catching her attention. "Training? Art thee sure? Training in one's mind, especially in the dream-realm is taxing on the mind. How extreme will it be?" She asked. "Just a light spar, is all." I said. "Very well then, set the arena." She said. "We're already here." I said, looking around the room. "We are?" She asked, looking around. "Tis not very spacious. Perhaps we should make it bigger." She said, her horn lighting up. The ceiling began spinning, and the walls expanded. Almost like a sheet of paper getting bigger and more further away from us. "Cool." I said, surprised of the sudden transition. "You always say that." She said. Giving a snort, I walked over to the other side of the room. "So, how should we go about this? Energy attacks, like magic and stuff, sword fighting, or melee?" I asked. "We can clearly beat thou in melee and the blade, but I've yet to see you release actual powerful attacks from your core. Let alone your Human form." She asked. "So energy attacks?" "Yes, let us begin." "How much time do we have anyways?" I asked. "Ten minutes." She said, her horn lighting up. She tried and blast me with a thin beam of concentrated magic. I simply sidestepped so I wouldn't be hit. Looking at the wall behind me, I saw that it had gone clean through. "Do you have any bigger attacks?" I asked. "Perhaps." "Alright. My turn?" I asked. "Yes." Lifting my hand, I concentrated on something similar to hers. A magic blast. I also sprinkled a bit of my power into it, just for more bonus points. "Ready?" I asked. "Are we sparing, or showing each other our strength in power?" She deadpanned. "You wanted magic attacks, right?" I shot back. "Yes! But this isn't exactly a magical fight." 'Oh, I'll make it interesting.' Rang out through my head and the Dojo. I winced as I realized that I would have to watch what I think in my dreams. or this might get awkward real fast. "Dear Franz? What did thou mean by that?" She asked. "What?" "What did thou mean by-" "Ever!" I said, a smile spreading across my face at the pun. "Pardon?" She asked, not sure what I was doing. "Sorry, it was a stupid pun." I said, looking at my hand. Maybe I should let this attack go. It's been charging for a bit now. "Oh." "Think fast!" I called, and released my attack. In a blinding light, everything in Luna's direction was obliterated. The walls were gone, the floor was burnt to a crisp, and the only thing that survived was Luna wearing nothing. Her mane as frizzled, her fur poofy, and her coat giving off light static electricity. "You good?" I asked, approaching her. Her horn was glowing lightly. I reached to pet her, but was thrown into the wall via magic. "Never do that again!" She yelled at me, slamming her hoof into the ground, cracking it as her eyes flared to light with a bright white glow. "Okay!" I squeaked, clearly not sure who was more dominant. Third P.O.V. As everyone slept, excluding two of the guards who were conversing with one another, Luna's horn lit up slowly as she began her routine dream catering began it's second round. While the spell is nearly unnoticeable in the thousands of times, she has done this, her horn shone brighter, and Franz was thrown into a wall, breaking through with nearly enough force to go through another room. Everyone was awoken, and soon began to see what the cause was. Luna, on the other hoof, was still sleeping, as was Franz, who didn't seem to notice being thrown into another room. Although, there was a twinge in his leg, he didn't wake from his slumber. After the initial spook, everyone returned to sleep, with slightly more distance between them and the two Alicorns. Standing in a large white ethereal room, was the Light Bearer. His eyes focused on one particular spot. The door. He didn't move, nor flinch or even shift his legs. He just stood there, completely motionless. Blinking, he continued to stare at the same spot. He was waiting. Waiting very patiently. For the last one to arrive. The last one to save. He didn't care how long he would wait. He didn't care how much it would hurt. He didn't care why Imagination wasn't here yet. He would save him, and everything he would create. Breathing out, he stared. The door wouldn't move. It wasn't supposed to. But he would wait regardless. So he could fix everything that had happened. Whatever will happen. So they could be happy in the end. So he could finally rest. But for now, he would await patiently for the last victim of Spar. "I'll save you, Franz, through heaven and hell, through the binds this plane has, and through the darkness of the abyss, I will save you." He said, the only thing keeping him bound. "I'll save you all." > Chapter 43: SCP [REDACTED]. [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item#: SCP [REDACTED] Object Class: Keter Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: Due to the unknown whereabouts of SCP [REDACTED], said SCP is to be considered Neutralized until further notice by 0-5 Council. Note: SCP [REDACTED] is presumed to have been relocated to an alternate reality of unknown origin. SCP Personnel are still searching for possible leads relating to SCP [REDACTED]'s location. Description: SCP [REDACTED] is a early twenties male of a seemingly race-less human with abilities similar to that of SCP 343. SCP [REDACTED] was discovered when Agent Cadence was sent to investigate a town in the western coast regarding anomalous reports. Leading up to SCP [REDACTED] discovery, Agent Cadence was instructed to convince said SCP into Foundation custody in a three year recovery effort led by Agent Jonas Mann in Site-88 Note: Near the completion of the three year recovery effort, SCP [REDACTED] discovered that Agent Cadence was Foundation personnel, and lashed out, creating a 'Lifted Veil' Scenario along with a near XK Class Type Alpha scenario. Addendum [REDACTED] On recovery of items produced by SCP [REDACTED], said items are to be stored in Site-15 for study with the approval of 0-4 clearance level and above. Items list include: A [REDACTED] suit, capable of [REDACTED] and a self sustaining power source similar to an Arc reactor. A [REDACTED] suit, with similarities to that of the [REDACTED] franchise. A cluster of thermonuclear warheads with the acronym 'NOVA' on either side. Note: Upon disassembly, the suits were shown to contain an unidentifiable type of energy [DATA EXPUNGED] times stronger than that of nuclear power. How this energy exists without reaching criticality is unknown and binds the armor together. For list of Incident reports, see incident log SCP-[REDACTED] ... ... ... Incident Report Log 1-5 Incident Report [REDACTED]-1: SCP [REDACTED], formerly known as Franz to Agent Cadence, was informed of Foundation presence when Agent Cadence was completing the three year effort to relocate SCP [REDACTED] to a secure facility. SCP [REDACTED] lashed out, injuring Agent Cadence and killing three personnel that were sent to detain him. According to Agent Cadence's report, Agent [DATA EXPUNGED] moved in with sniper fire, intent on destroying SCP [REDACTED] and Agent [DATA EXPUNGED] engaged with hand to hand combat to eliminate SCP [REDACTED]. Agent [DATA EXPUNGED] whereabouts are unknown, but is considered KIA by SCP [REDACTED] Incident Report [REDACTED]-2: SCP [REDACTED] fled the scene of the crime and retreated into the Montanan forests, where a mutilated corpse of a bear was found. Security personnel located near the forest were dispatched to locate and terminate SCP [REDACTED] via overwhelming firepower. SCP [REDACTED] activated a thermonuclear warhead with power equivalent to the Tsar bomb in power in retaliation. All personnel within the vicinity were KIA and a 'Lifted Veil' class scenario was enacted. Incident Report [REDACTED]-3: Upon discovering a nearby military base, SCP [REDACTED] entered the base. There were no survivors, and the military outpost was destroyed. Reports showed several spikes of high energy output shortly before the base was destroyed. Incident Report REDACTED-4: SCP [REDACTED] located and killed an 0-5 council member by entering Site-88 via teleportation. All staff present were killed, and Site 88 was partially destroyed. Incident report [REDACTED]-5 SCP-343 disappeared from containment and was reported to engaged with SCP [REDACTED] in combat. The surrounding area (approximately 17 Kilometers) was destroyed via, power struggle with SCP 343 and SCP [REDACTED] SCP-343 was Terminated by SCP [REDACTED] upon recovery. End Log Interview between Dr.[REDACTED] and Agent Cadence. Dr.[REDACTED]: "Tell me, how did this end up this bad?" Agent Cadence: "What do you mean? The Bixbie caught onto us, and then went out of control. Simple as that." Dr.[REDACTED]: "We all know that it's never 'simple as that'. Go into detail regarding your mission." [ Agent Cadence lowers her head for a minute, seemingly in thought. ] Dr.[REDACTED]: "Agent Cadence, please go into-" [ Agent Cadence interrupts Dr.[REDACTED] ] Agent Cadence: "I'm thinking, okay!?" Dr.[REDACTED]: "Okay, whenever you're ready." [ Agent Cadence sits for a few more moments before continuing. ] Agent Cadence: "Alright, so... I was sent to investigate the small town of [DATA EXPUNGED] for small reports of anomalous activity synced with criminal activity, along with my team. I went to their hardware store and had my first run in with him." [ Agent Cadence pauses for a moment, before continuing. ] Agent Cadence: "I didn't think much of him. Just some guy who looked like he enjoyed the color blue too much. He didn't seem too interesting. Even talking to him seemed to intimidate him into being shy." Dr.[REDACTED]: "Could you please describe him?" Agent Cadence: "He looked like he was from the Latino community, but I wasn't sure. He spoke perfect English, and he seemed reasonable. Looked good too." Dr.[REDACTED]: "Anything else that stood out in that moment?" Agent Cadence: "Not really. I mean, his eyes did give off a little glow, but I think that might've been a trick of the eye or something. Looking back, I guess not." [ Agent Cadence fidgets in her seat, caressing the cast on her arm. ] Dr.[REDACTED]: "And after that?" Agent Cadence: "After that, I carried on with the investigation as usual. It wasn't a long after that I bumped into Franz again a few days later. I was getting lunch, and he was alone at the park where I decided to eat. He didn't seem to notice me, and that's around where I realized that he was a Bixbie." Dr.[REDACTED]: "Can you describe what he was doing?" Agent Cadence: "Yeah, he looked like he was trying to make some flowers. Crystal ones maybe, I wasn't sure how long he was aware of the ability, but he approached me soon after. I, for the sake of the investigation, elected to not notice his experimentation." Dr.[REDACTED]: "And?" Agent Cadence: "He gave them to me as a gift to try and ask me out. I'll admit, it was pretty sweet of him. Dr.[REDACTED]: "And you accepted the gift?" Agent Cadence: "Yep. I'll admit, I got attached to him while we were 'Dating'. Almost like I was really with him. I enjoyed it, for the most part up until the end. He was a fairly fun guy once you got to know him. Did you know that he really likes swee-" [ Dr. [REDACTED] Interrupts Agent Cadence. ] Dr.[REDACTED]: "Agent Cadence, for the sake of time, I believe that we should move onto the next set of questions." [ Agent Cadence seems annoyed at this point, but follows instructions. ] Agent Cadence: "Alright." Dr.[REDACTED]: "And of his family?" Agent Cadence: "They seemed normal for the most part. While the father was harsh and strict on his other siblings, Franz included, the didn't seem like much to create a Bixbie. And I'm fairly certain that if my partners didn't go out on a assumptions that they were also Bixbie's, then they wouldn't have reacted the way they did." [ Agent Cadence shows signs of agitation. ] Dr.[REDACTED]: "Are you accusing your team of disobeying orders and terminating an innocent family? While they might not have been threatening, they could have been the ones to create SCP [REDACTED]. We can't be certain with the little amount of evidence that was available at the scene." [ Agent Cadence slams her fist onto the table. ] Agent Cadence: "Had they waited another ten fucking minutes they would have been identified as civilians! They disobeyed me and took matters into their own hands! Had they not done so Franz would be here right now and we wouldn't have this problem!" [ Dr.[REDACTED] looks at the clock on the wall. ] Dr.[REDACTED]: "I believe that will be all for now. We shall continue this interview another time." Agent Cadence: "Just like that? Do you honestly think that this will solve anything?! The public already knows about the anomalies. It'll only be a matter of time before they know about what this shit Foundation has done to innocent people! [ Agent gets up from her seat, and throws down her chair in the process. ] Dr.[REDACTED]: "Agent Cadence, I believe that temporary leave is in proper order. You've clearly been stressed with the entire ordeal." Agent Cadence: "How about you take that offer and stick it up your ass, Doctor. I'll calm myself how I feel like it!" [ Agent Cadence exits the room, leaving Dr.[REDACTED] alone. ] Dr.[REDACTED]: "I believe it would be best to apply class A amnesiacs to Agent Cadence and release her back into the general public. If not, termination is in order. Note: After the interview between Dr.[REDACTED] and Agent Cadence, Agent Cadence was apprehended and administered Class A amnesiacs and released back into the general public. A cover story was fabricated and she resides in the state of [DATA EXPUNGED] Footnote: Devices containing energy binding properties were discovered to contain small traces of the 'God Particle' while a majority of the atomic makeup of the unidentifiable energy is still being researched to this date. Testing with Devices is strictly prohibited and in doing so will result in immediate reprimand Media with SCP [REDACTED] are to be recovered and destroyed ASAP. > Chapter 44: Bonding With Luna [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke with a strange soreness in my body. I wasn't sure where the ache came from, or where I was either as I was in was different place from last night when I fell asleep next to Luna. Getting up, I discovered that it was still dark out, and that most of the guard was sleeping save for the two that were barely awake for the night shift. Shifting from my idle position, I felt small bits of stone fall off my armor with small clanking sounds as it hit the floor. Walking over to the hole I had recently found, I climbed through and unfolded my helmet, feeling the early morning air hit my frazzled face. Looking over the prisoners, they were all asleep in their bindings. Luna cast spells that allow them free movement but restrained them from doing rapid movements. Like throwing a punch. Looking over the two barely awake guards, I smiled. Their Bio-scanners show me that their in the process of going through another REM sleep cycle. Field Note was leaning into Rose, who in turn leaned back. Looking around, I decided to explore the castle a bit more. maybe I'll find something else of value that these Raiders haven't picked at already. Going down a random hallway, I began my small exploration. Ten Minutes Later Passing through where I thought the basement could be, I was on the lookout for things that could lead me towards an underground space. I wondered where my old room would have been, since this was technically my old home as well. Passing another door, which was broken down by one of the Raiders, I checked my Motion Tracker. The sun was going to rise in an hour or two, I presume. Celestia is fairly predictable with that star of hers. Passing yet another door, I stopped and walked backwards, a door that was closed and for some odd reason, had a magically protected lock on it. "That's weird." I said, rubbing a hoof over the surface. Giving a light push, it was in the process of rotting, but either magic or another factor kept it from being completely consumed. Looking at the door, I used my magic to pick at the lock, with some success. After a few minutes of cursing and nearly bashing the door down, I managed to get it open. Inside was a room furnished with some moldy couches and tables. There was a bookshelf too, which I walked up to. Picking up a book, I passed my headlight over the cover. Culture Of The Griffon: A Reference Guide, by Study Guide. Flipping through the book quickly, I skimmed it and read parts that I should be aware of. Though this might be outdated, I figured that I should never ask them to duel, as they seem to take that as a challenge for possible procreation. While they are prone to violence, I should end the fight as it might lead to accidental arousal for them if prolonged. Apparently it turns them on. Not too much, but just enough to make them flustered. Then again, this is a very outdated book, and should be taken with several grains of salt. Putting the book back, I got another and checked it out. War Tactics and Strategies, By Joe M. "Joe M.?" I said aloud. Opening the book, I closed it and threw it across the room with the might of God and sent it through the wall. "Fucking Hell!" I yelled, realizing that I got myself from over a thousand years ago. The book contained some hand with the thumb and index connecting, forming a circle, while the rest of the fingers were fanned outwards, forming the vague shape of a 'W' under the words Joe Mama. 'I honestly hate myself sometimes.' I thought, looking at the bookshelf. There were more books here, so I flipped through them fairly quickly. Mostly anatomy and stuff about magic. I didn't think that they were very important, but one couldn't be too sure. Maybe Twilight might like them, she seems like a nerd like that. After doing that, I looked back over the room. There was a table here, which actually served more like a place to shelf things, as there were small boxes here. Wooden boxes, that contained something that I was intent on finding out. Upon reaching the table, I noticed that the boxes had two drawers each, and that I couldn't open it no matter how much I pulled. While the box creaked, it did not give way. Thinking of something I remembered, I attached a disk to it, and switched it on. The energy immediately dissipated whatever spell it had keeping the mysterious insides of the drawer hidden. Actually, now that I actually paid more attention, there were more wooden boxes scattered around with the same spell. The Raiders probably tried to open one, and then threw them off to the side when they couldn't. Opening the top of the two sliding handles, I found a key. It looked like a modern key from Earth, but slightly rusted and worn. Putting that in my pockets, I opened the other sliding door. It was a letter. Although the text was mostly faded, I could just barely make out what it was trying to say. I hate you. I hate you so, to the point of breaking into thy room and destroying everything that which you've worked tirelessly to create. Why has't thou fallen for younger sister rather than I? We merely wanted to be a part of thou's herd, yet, the ideology of a different worlds culture is too far out of mine own concept. But we care not, for with our plan, we will carry out the most efficient way to rule a nation, to be perfect in the most sense. Thou has made a mistake for not choosing us first, but we are ill intent on being with thee. We will be with thee. It matters not about how the so called system will not accept it. I will do all in mine own power to make it just. We art doing this for us, to be together, to have heirs to the throne. I hate you, Dearest Franz, and so, I shall destroy your world in the most beautiful way possible and give you mine. Signed, Princess Celestia. It looks like they tried to erase their name in ink, though I might know who it was. I'll be sure to ask Luna who's writing style this was, just to be sure. Or I can have my armor scan and cross reference it, but that's just too much effort to find the creator of this odd hate letter. Looking over the room, I eyed the boxes. While there were many with the same spell, I presumed they were mostly empty to keep those less persistent away. And that I got lucky with this one. But then again, I couldn't be entirely sure, and there might be some valuable things in here that these guys were after. Moving onto the next box, I zapped it and opened it. There were only a few coins here. And they looked very old as well by the way it looked slightly rusted. Stuffing them into my soft case pocket, I continued doing this until I finished them. A couple were empty, but the rest had either coins, trinkets, or similar hate notes directed at my past self. In total, I found 36 coins, 14 rings, 9 hate notes, and 12 small pieces of jewelry. I'm not entirely sure who's they were, but I figured that I'd take them regardless. Just in case any of them held sentimental value. Checking the time, the sun was going to rise soon. Roughly ten minutes. Going back to the group, I gave the room one last look before taking my leave. Going the same way I came; I made it before any of them woke up. Except Luna, of course. I noticed that her horn was giving a light glow. Not knowing what she was doing, I walked up to her. Her ear followed me, and I had to keep myself from grabbing it. I figured that this was some sort of survival thing from evolution and left it at that. I gave the moon an off-chance glance, and saw that it was lowering, much to my surprise. I knew that they could move the sun and moon, now since I knew that the sun was smaller than Earth's sun, but still. Seeing it gave me a new sense of amazement. While I could also do it, I'd rather not throw them out of orbit. Moving towards Luna, I sat next to her. I took in how flawless her features were, almost like a portrait. Beautiful, and not overdone. The way her eyes glowed, the silky smoothness fur looked, the wavy hair that flowed in the windless air. It was breathtaking. Not to mention her baby blue eyes. How they bore into your own with intensity. Wait, she see's me! "Enjoying the view?" She said, smiling sweetly at me. Feeling my cheeks heat, I turned away and cleared my throat, nodding. "Yes, I was actually. She leaned onto me, wanting to share her body heat with me. I leaned in, my armor folding into their capsules for more skin-on-skin contact. Or was it fur on fur contact? We enjoyed each other's company until a sudden question came to mind. "Hey, why did I wake up in a different room? I remember being with near you last night?" I asked. She looked up at me, an eyebrow raised. "What doth thou mean?" Looking back at the hole in the wall, I thought back to last night. "I went to sleep next to you, then I woke up in the next room over. Not entirely sure what happened." I repeated, the dots starting to connect. She followed my gaze to the hole, and back to me a few times as something in her head must've clicked. She buried her head into my chest, somehow, as what sounded like worry was in her tone. "Worry not, Dear Franz. I, er, believe that we art the cause of this. Apologies." She said, peeking up at me from my chest. Remembering our dream, I put two and two together, and also made the connection. "Oh! Right. You threw me through a wall." I said, giving a light chuckle. Looking back to the group, they were all starting to wake up for the day. Either their internal alarms went off, or the armor did. "We should get ready for today. A transport wagon should be called in to make sure that we can take them all." I said. Getting up from my idle position, I felt Luna follow me. I noted that I was slightly taller than her now, which made hum in slight perplexation. How did I get taller? Do I grow depending on the amount of affection I get? Or is it that weird power I have evening the playing field? Sliding those thoughts back to oblivion, I focused on the task at hand. "Luna, you sent Celestia a letter saying we needed transport for the trip, right?" I asked her. "We believe so. Why?" "I need to take care of something." I said, thinking back to the room I found. "We are fairly certain that whatever thou art referring to can involve the both of us this time." She said, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "While on normal occasions, yes, it most definitely would, but considering that the radio jammer has been removed, I can give you a full video on what I found. Live feed and all." I said. She didn't seem very convinced. "Dear Franz, we are most definitely going with thou. The other chariots will be arriving withing the hour, and so will Shining Armor. Whatever it is that thou art going to deal with, can wait for the both of us until they arrive." She said, giving me a calm look. "That, and it is most certainly not a very wise idea to leave for what thou wants to do without proper care. Look what happened to thou's armor, for instance. T'was very worn from whatever spell thou faced!" She said, sounding like she really wanted to go with me. I didn't want her to go. Hell, I was just going to set some detonators and blow the place apart, but I figured that I could give her a flamethrower and have some bonding time with her. For old times' sake. "Alright, sure. But keep in mind, I'm in charge of this side Operation. Got it?" I said, giving her a firm stare. "Of course, Dear Franz." She said, giving me a smile and a light bow. 'Wait, did she just agree to what I said?' I pondered, not sure if I heard her right. "Okay, we'll leave when the chariots get here." I said, turning back to look at the sky for the crew. "Very well." She said, earning a smile from me. A few minutes later and the chariots were starting to arrive. I was actually impressed that they were here right at sunrise. I figured that they would get here a bit later, but it looks like they were ready beforehand. Spotting Shining Armor, both I and Luna went up to him as his chariot landed. "Shining Armor, we request an audience with thou." Luna said, wearing her trademark scowl. I thought that she was being a bit rude, but it might be an old habit from back in the day. Shining bowed as he addressed us. "Rise, we have much to discuss." She said, taking lead and ignoring everything I just said about me being in charge. Shining looked at me for approval and I just nodded and went after Luna, him behind me. Taking a glance at the incoming chariots, they were loading up the prisoners already. Probably shouldn't call them that, but they did get captured. Once we were away from the main group, Luna stopped and turned to face us. "Captain Shining Armor, what does thou know about our presence here?" Luna asked. He looked down for a moment to think. "Princess Celestia said that Prince Franz and you were sent here to retrieve several items that were of importance. She also mentioned that there might be trouble, so that's why I brought extra guards should the Raiders be difficult." "And what of our status?" She added. He looked a bit confused, but remembered. "To be sworn into secrecy. Nopony is to know of this Operation or the participants. I left my guards in the dark about the true nature of the mission." "Good. Now for the second thing." I said, stepping up. Luna stepped back to let me speak. "We will be leaving via teleportation to somewhere that needs our attention. Surely you understand, right?" I said, looking at him. "STS?" He asked. "Sworn To Secrecy." Luna repeated. "Okay, just take the prisoners to Canterlot and put them in the dungeon for now. We'll deal with them as soon as possible." I said, turning around and motioning for Luna to follow. "Of course, Your Highness." He said, going back to the main group. "Dear Franz, show us how big this problem is." She said, her voice taking on a less than princess like tone. "Don't say it like that, it sounds like the intro to a bad porn intro." I said, not thinking. "A what?" "Never mind." We made it to the room where I found the dogs. I created a pair of canisters that fit snugly to the sides of Luna, and my own sides. There was a slight problem with how it worked, mostly how awkward it would be for her to use it, but after some adjusting, it worked for the most part. The canisters were about the same size of a football, with near infinite about of fuel and two hosed that led to a trigger in her forearms. I made sure to have her activate her armor beforehand, so she wouldn't get singed by the possible back blast, and placed the exit nozzle where the flames would shoot out. There was the small problem that it would probably break after her stepping on it, so I made it collapsible to fit her hooves comfortably. After some quick testing, and a face full of accidental burning of myself, we got it to work. And for her protection from the dogs biting onto the canisters, I placed Vibranium puncture resistant plating that redirects kinetic energy into fuel, or a charged attack. And for me, I just turned back into my human form and put on a lot of precautions that would activate without me needing to activate them. It was a bit harder to do without my laptop, but I managed. "Ready?" I asked her. "That we are." She said, her features hidden behind her retractable mask, though I could tell that she was smiling. "Good." I said, looking back at the door and giving it a powerful kick. The door burst apart, and I quickly scanned the area for any of the dogs. "Hello?" "Adios!" I said and sprayed my flamethrower into the massive room. Hissing and screeching could be heard from the dogs, and I saw them rushing towards us even through the fire. I formed an energy sword and heard the crack of plasma in my hands. It jumped at me, and I swung it at the creature slicing and burning through faster than a plasma cutter through butter, and I holstered the energy sword at my hip. Something in my Motion Tracker went off, and a red blip appeared behind me. Not having enough time to react, I was only able to turn and see the dog leap at me. In an instant, a sword rammed it's way into the dog's head, and pinned it to the wall, where I followed with a generous spray of flame. Luna and I shared a nod, and continued to make our way through the den, burning and slicing through the enemy with extreme prejudice. I heard Luna yelp and I instantly turned to her. There was one that landed on her from above, and was clawing at her armor. It was holding up, glowing a bright purple color. Raising my hand, I shot the thing with a beam of energy and knocked it off of her and into the wall. It splattered and left a stain on the wall it hit. Turning out of instinct, I kicked the head off of a dog and sent it flying into a group, knocking some down in the process. "You alright?" I asked, going over to her. "We need to rid ourselves of these canisters. They interrupt our flight greatly!" She said, shooting a ball of fire to the group that I toppled over. One nearly got the jump on me, only to be stabbed into and ripped apart by four spider-like appendages. Placing my hand where the canister was at, I removed one and placed it on the ground, and worked on the second one. All while I worked, Luna used her magic to stab them from afar. Just how many of these fuckers were there?! Once I removed the second, an idea came to mind. "Luna, teleport out out of here, wait a minute, and then teleport me to you." I said, grinning. "What? No!" She said, looking at me. I caught a dog by its throat and cut it in half with a chop of my hand, watching it try to still claw at us, despite being not intact. "Look, it's a crazy idea, but it'll get them all. Trust me." I said, depolarizing my visor for her to see my face. She looked at me for a second, and sighed. "Fine, but do not jest with us." She said, swinging her swords around rapidly like a barrier. "Cool, ready?" I said. "One." Creating a sticky, I lobbed the plasma grenade at one that was on the ceiling, "Two." The dog seemed confused and began whimpering and clawing at its face to try and remove the explosive as it melted and burrowed itself into its face. "Three!" I shouted, hearing her teleport away, followed by the loud bang from the plasma. My armor pinged that there was a slight spike of radiation, but I ignored it. The swords disappeared, and I set a detonator on the ground. It seemed like the dogs knew what I was doing, as their demeanor went from aggressive, to straight berserk. Slowing time down, I set the timer for one minute, and walked around the room punching each dog with power infused chain punching to the head. Basically Za Wardo, but everywhere. I found one particular one that was larger than the rest, and this fucker was on the ceiling. Picking up a rock, I chucked it at him and watched the stone slow mid-air and nearly stop. Resuming time, all of their heads simultaneously imploded and I checked the time. Only about twenty seconds left. Looking up I saw that the big one was locked up and clinging onto the ceiling as it's body gave small spasms. Damn, that rocked his world. Ba dum ching Feeling a pulling sensation on my body, I felt the same warping sensation from the teleportation and in a flash of light, appeared next to Luna, who's horn was glowing. "Oh, hey, quick question, how far are we from where we teleported?" I asked, looking down at her slightly. "We teleported directly to the ground above. Why?" Panic set in, and we felt a rumbling. Grabbing her, I created a bubble shield and pulled her close. Making sure we were safe, I was going to up the power for the shield, when we were engulfed in a mixture of dirt and fire. I held onto her as tight as I could, not wanting to lose her to the explosion, but my grip failed me, and she was lost in the fire. I heard her screaming, and something inside me snapped. "NOOOOO!" I felt my power flare, but it felt different, almost flowing. Then blacked out. Franz, his eyes glowing bright white with a glare, stopped his descent and extended his arm to the ground. Green runes and lines formed at his wrist, and he turned his wrist inwards, watching the scene reform before it could happen. Luna wasn't hurt, the explosion was yet to happen, and Luna was still safe, unharmed. Franz moved Luna over to the opposite side where she would be safe, and the glow in his eyes faded, and time resumed, with him being teleported back to the underground, where he would resume like nothing happened. It would never happen. Only about twenty seconds left. Looking up I saw that the big one was locked up and clinging onto the ceiling as it's body gave small spasms. Damn, that rocked his world. Ba dum.... ching? Feeling a pulling sensation on my body, I felt the same warping sensation from the teleportation and in a flash of light, appeared next to Luna, who's horn was glowing. "Oh, hey, quick question, how far are we from where we teleported?" I asked, looking down at her slightly. "We teleported directly to the ground above. Why?" Panic set in, and we felt a rumbling. Grabbing her, I created a bubble shield and pulled her close. Making sure she was safe; I upped the amperage when an explosion erupted twenty meters away from us. The sheer force of it sent a shockwave out that cracked my shield, but it held firm. Looking at the size of the fire, I used my power to create a bubble shaped cloud that would create instant rain and biodegradable flame retardant. Soon, there were guards in the distance rushing over, and I quickly changed back into my disguise. "Your Highness! What happened?!" One of the guards asked, hovering in the air. "Simple weapon's test. I wanted to see what would happen." I said, lying about the whole ordeal. Something seemed off, but it wasn't a bad thing. I can't remember what happened though, but that's alright. "A weapons test?" Another asked. "Yep. Just strapped some explosives to a chair I found and upped the power a bit too much. Should be fine now." I said. "Art our prisoners ready for transportation?" Luna asked, distracting them from the big boom. "Yes Your Highness. They are ready for your command." He said, landing and folding his wings. "Then send them on their way. We have matters to attend to." I said, giving him a nod. He bowed and left, flying over the fire and back to the group. The fire had died by now, so we could see of there were any survivors in that den. I still didn't know who they were able to reproduce from there. But hey, they didn't need to eat, so it wasn't as hard to accept. "Dear Franz, what matters do we have to attend?" Luna asked, coming up next to me. "I wanted to visit Ditzy and bring them to the Castle for a bit. I'm sure that we can stop by, but if you have other things to do, don;t let me stop you." "Nay, the prisoners have departed back to Canterlot, and will be awaiting trial. As for us, we need not any royal matters to complete. So we shall accompany thou to our new herd member and bring her with us." "Okay. I think she'll be ready by tomorrow. I told her to be ready by Friday, so I think we should help her get ready." I said. "Doth thee not think that we should order the guards to help?" She asked, her head tilting slightly. "Yeah, if they want. I'm pretty sure we'll need some help. Or we could just go and magic everything to the train station." I chuckled, realizing we could do exactly that. "If thou insist, then we shall." "Correct." I looked back to the smoking fire as it was dead now. Just a lot of smoke that would need to be thrown out of orbit to not raise suspicion. Should I do that? Lighting my magic up, I grabbed the bubble and strained as I lifted it out to space. This was actually harder than it looked, and Luna helped me yeet this thing outta here by giving me a clear path to the void. "Why did thou not simply erase the smoke and bubble?" She asked. "Uhh, I dunno. Guess I didn't think of that." I said, looking over the large dome shaped hole in the ground. "Seems legit." "What?" I asked, looking at her. She simply looked at me. "Seems legit. Is this not something that thou would say?" "Yeah, but it sounds... weird coming from you. Not that it isn't bad, just, different. Hungry?" I inquired, not wanting to make it too weird. "We art feeling peckish. Are there any areas in Ponyville worth dining at?" She asked. I grinned. "There's a spot." After the whole situation was taken care of, I recovered what little armor I had that was destroyed. The armor I was wearing mostly 'ate' what was left that I didn't pick up initially. The Storage Unit I recovered was already finished with decryption, and all I had to do was open it. But right now, I was heading over to Ponyville with Luna and a few guards. Just Blossomforth and Crescent Rose. I asked Thunderlane if he could take the set Field Note had and put it in my room. He said yes, of course, and left with the armor in tow. I activated its tracker just in case something happened. Field Note was pretty happy she was able to wear the armor, and asked when she would be able to wear it again. I told her that I would let her know if I needed her. Then she ran off to find a notepad and scribble down some notes for something. Reminds me of Twilight, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was a distant relative. Speaking of Twilight, we were going over to check up on her supplies for her and the others mission to the dragon, as the smoke was becoming more and more visible with each hour that passes. Reminds me of India, of all places, and I can't remember why. Reaching the edge of town, we passed the spot where I woke up. I eyed the downed trees, and Luna happened noticed. "Is something wrong, Dear Franz?" She inquired, curiosity laced in her tone. "No, just remembering when I woke up." "The first time, or the second?" "Second." "Ah, very well. Doth thee remember anything specific?" "Sorta. I was just confused and scared since I had no idea where I was. Made a friend with a purple or violet bird, but that's it." "It seems as though thou have had some difficulty adapting, at first." "Yeah. It would seem so, but that's what we do, right? Adapt?" "That is what thou does best. Now that we noticed, what does thou's Cutie Mark mean?" "My Mark?" I asked, looking at my flank. The symbol was still there, glowing ever so slightly, but I didn't know what it was. "No idea." "Really? How could thou not know what thou's special talent is?" "Maybe it means that I'm skillful in many aspects? I know how to fight, play music, create things, sing, pretty much anything that I can think of, I can do to an extent." She was silent for a bit. She then leaned in and whispered in my ear. "What of bedroom activities?" I cleared my throat again, my face getting a light red flush as I looked away from her smirking face. "I'm not sure about that one." She laughed at that one, enjoying my pain. "Little experience?" "No, I have a bit. Just uh, bad memories about it." I said, making her lose her smile and look at me with shock. The guards, only paying slight interest, began listening more intently, as I noticed both of them had at least one ear focused on us. "What doth thou mean, by ' A bit'?" She asked, looking more interested now. I feel like I fucked up and wished that I could rewind time to get out of the situation. Maybe if I tried hard enough I could. "Well, as you know, I've gotten some experience regarding, uh, you know what, turn on your armor, we'll discuss this in the chat." I said, making my armor fold over my head and going into the chat with her. She was still looking at me with a slight frown before she activated her armor. I saw her connect to the Chatroom, and I entered soon after. "Okay, yes, I've had sex before, okay? And it was a long time ago and I don't even remember all of the other times I've done it. I'd call it a useless skill of you ask me. Or, something." "Dear Franz, we are not upset that thou has taken part of intercourse with another mare, we would just like to know who and when." I let out a sigh, and told her. "I did it with my old girlfriend Cadence. We... we did it in the heat of the moment, and often times we would do it in risky places like a backroom or closet, so I think. The only time I actually remember doing it was in a grassy field during a picnic. But even then, we would do it on our apartment. I don't want to remember her, the idea of her just generally puts me in a less than good mood." "YOU WHAT!" I heard through the chat. I flinched, but wondered why that didn't sound like Luna. Oh no. Oh god, oh fuck! It's general chat! Why was Twilight here! "Twilight! What the hell are you doing here!" "What am I doing here?! What are you doing with Cadence! I thought that you only wanted to be with Luna! That's my childhood babysitter!" She yelled angrily, or typed angrily. "Twilight Sparkle. We know that thou must be upset, but this entire conversation was supposed to be for only me and Franz." Luna said, trying to reason with her. "But Princess Luna, he's doing things to her! And behind your back too! Aren't you a little mad?!" "Twilight, this was well over a thousand years ago. I'm pretty sure that the Cadence you're referring to wasn't even alive back then." I said, noticing that we were almost in town. "Then who are you talking about!?" "Twilight, I do believe that this is none of thou's concern. We will be seeing thee soon enough." Luna said, leaving the chat soon after. "See you in a bit to sort this thing out." I said, also taking my leave and disconnecting from the general chat. Unfolding my helmet, Luna was still by my side, walking with me. "So, did that help?" She smiled and nodded. "Yes, t'was very informative. Thank you." "No problem." I said, looking into town. Everyone that was usually around was inside. Last time I was here, there was a market going. Don't they usually stay open for the majority of the week? The town was mostly empty, with a few ponies walking around with some sort of spring in their step. Jesus, they're way too happy for their own good. "So Luna, wanna go to the Cafe, or to the Library to sort out the problem?" "We would like to eat wherever thou see' fit." "Okay, to the Cafe!" I said, holding my hoof to the sky in a charging manner, before running away, confusing Luna and the guards. I stopped and looked back at them. They were just flying after me now. Changing my voice, I shouted at them. "L8er fuggers lololololololololololololol U can't cetch me in my Roflcopter. Lmao, soi soi soi soi soi!" I yelled, flaring my wings and flying into the air, matching the soi with each flap. I then began doing barrel rolls until I almost crashed into the ground several times and barely saving myself. And once into the side of a building, earning a scream from inside about the end of the world. "Dear Franz! What art thou doing?" "Trying to be funny!" I yelled in my normal voice. "Oh look, we're here." I said, noticing that the building that I crashed into was, coincidentally, the Cafe. "Prince Franz? What're you doing here?" I heard someone say. "Oh, what is the up, Rainbow?" I said, feeling the stupid running through my head. "You okay?" "You are a saucy boy." I said. "...What?" Rainbow said, not knowing what was happening. "Your egg salad, Rainbow Dash." I fell from my spot on the roof and landed on someone's floating utensil, presumably a fork. I yelped as I felt something trickle down my leg. "You stabbed him!" Rainbow cried, pointing a hoof at the random citizen that was trying to eat a salad. "Huh?! I stabbed... him." She said, trailing off as she realized exactly who she had stabbed as a fear-stricken face took hold. "GET THIS FUCKING THING OUT OF MY LEG!" I screamed, with Luna watching the whole ordeal play out. Once that whole thing settled, and the random mare being at a more reasonable level, we ate our lunch with Rainbow Dash. And the conversation was about as lively as a funeral, with Luna giving Rainbow an intense look. I couldn't even tell what was going through her head, or what kind of look that was, but I knew that I'll find out later. "While most of the time, that would be a good idea, I don't know why you need a suit of armor. I need a more viable reason other than, 'I want one to look cool'. That doesn't really leave a good impression on my part." I said, trying to eat my sandwich in peace. "I know that, I just figured that you could give me a little speed boost and make me go faster. I'm working on something that I need to go as fast as possible!" She said, practically out of her seat and leaning into her egg salad. "Can't you just ask Twilight to make you lighter or something? I'm pretty sure that the lighter you are, the faster and easier it is for you to gain speed. Not to mention the aerodynamics that will be added to the solution. I could be wrong, but hey, I'm not an aerodynamics wiz." "I've already asked her. She seems more interested in her own armor to even care at this point!" "I'm pretty sure that she's preparing for the mission you girls are going on tomorrow. Going up against a dragon is a pretty big challenge I assume. She probably has a bunch of fail-safes already in mind." I countered. "But why did you give her a suit? I think you're picking favorites." She said, taking a bite of her food with a smile. I simply gave a small laugh. "No, I pick certain ponies for the suits in the first place. If you somehow manage to convince me that you need one, then I'll make one. But until then, you need to find something that a suit will help you with, or if the situation calls for it." "How about when I'm doing stunts and I lose control? I always get hurt, and I need to have one of those things to keep me safe!" She said, practically standing on her covered hay pile. "Having protection doesn't always give satisfactory results. Some things are bound to happen, and there's no seeing into the future. If something were to break through the suit's integrity, then not only will the suit be breached, then there's the broken pieces and object that's stuck inside of you that'll probably lead to infection. I gave Twilight a suit to store all of her findings there until she needs to change the internal storage. Luna for Protection, and the Royal Guards for superior combat effectiveness while reducing the chance of injury. There are things that can't be seen, only foreshadowed. Until you find something that- hey!" I said, noticing that she was pretending to fall asleep. She gave a frustrated groan and looked back at me. "Franz, I know that you're cool, and I know that you like to be protecting others, but how is not giving me something to protect me going to protect me?" She asked, taking another bite. "It's philosophical. I learned the hard way that having protection doesn't always means being protected. Some things are entirely out of our control, and there's nothing we can do about it." I said, looking over at Luna, who was now watching me. "And sometimes, it turns out for the better." I finished, smiling at her. I heard a fake gag from Rainbow, which I just replied with an eye roll. "Rainbow, you look like a child doing that. I'm pretty sure that you'll find someone someday." I said, finishing off my sandwich. Looking over at Luna's plate, she had finished half of hers when I wasn't looking. She seemed slightly confused at me. What? "Franz, I've noticed that you hardly fly. Why's that?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. I swallowed what food I had in my mouth and thought about that. I had the ability to fly, yes, and apparently to walk on and manipulate clouds, but I've never actually done so. "I don't know, I've never actually gotten around to flying that much. Sure, there are occasions, but never actually had a desire to fly. Seems fun though." I said, giving my honest answer. She leaned in slightly. "How about I give you some flying lessons? I'm sure that you'll be able to fly as fast as I can in no time!" She declared, right in front of Luna. "Rainbow Dash, art thou willing to take on two students as well?" She asked, her face conveying neutrality. "Uh, yeah. I think I can train both of you. I'll just have to go through some exercises to know where you two are at with wing power." She said, not as enthusiastically as before, but agreeing none the less. "Huzzah! Then it is settled! We thank thee for assisting us, Rainbow Dash! We hope to see thou in the future for our lessons." She said, draping a wing over my back. I looked back at her. A hint of confusion in my eyes, but just went with it. Wouldn't want to jinx myself, right? "Okay. We'll see ya later Rainbow. When does it work best for you?" I asked. "Anytime during the weekends. I'm usually free those days." She said, nodding her head slightly as if to confirm. "Fantastic! We shall be seeing thou in week's time." Luna said, pulling a small bag of coins from somewhere and putting them on the counter. "Waiter!" She called, and soon came the dude. "Yes, Your Majesty?" He asked. "We would like to pay for our meal." She said, giving the bag to him. He took it and looked in the bag, doing the math throughly before leaving. Our guards were stationed near the table, and were finishing up food of their own. After we said our goodbyes, and an attempted hug from Rainbow which Luna didn't seem to enjoy, we left towards the library. I wondered how Twilight was getting used to the armor? "Dear Franz, we have noticed something off about Rainbow Dash's behavior. Did thou not see it as well?" Luna asked once we were away from her. "Kind of. She seemed real adamant on getting her own armor. I think that she ran into some bad ponies that want to hurt her. That, or she really want her own suit." I said. "Nay, in her behavior, not in her desires. Though tis possible for them to bleed into one other. Doth thou think she was a bit, forward?" I chuckled, materializing a book, opened it, then slammed it closed. "Like that's ever gonna happen." I said in Shrek's voice. "Franz, we art serious. I believe that she was showing signs of interest. The language of her body was very obvious. We would wish for there to not be as many herd members in our family so soon. We wish to maintain peace and order." "Didn't you say that you didn't care how many mare's I had in our herd?" I asked jokingly, but it felt like it came out as arrogant, the frown she gave me solidifying that feeling further. "We were being rhetorical." She muttered. "I was joking. Having you and Ditzy together is enough. And adding Celestia to the batch will kind of throw me off. I'm also not entirely used to the idea of polygamy. Wasn't very common at all where I'm from." I said, spotting the library close by. "While it shall take some time adjusting, thou will eventually grow accustomed to the culture of today." 'Ironic' We arrived on the front porch and gave it a couple of knocks. The door opened soon after and I saw Spike with some sort of maid's dress on. He saw me and Luna and froze. "Twilight! Come here, Princess Luna and Prince Franz are here!" He yelled, running back into the building. I looked at Luna, who was trying to hide her choked laughter with her hoof. "That was something." I said, looking back inside. I didn't get the chance before someone who I've never seen yet popped into view. "Prince Franz, Princess Luna! What an honor to have you both here today!" She said, bowing her head. She had a shade of grey for her coat, and purple and white striped hair. She was also a Unicorn and had a hairstyle similar to Twilight with a cutie mark of three purple stars. "Good evening. Thou must be?" Luna asked. "Velvet Sparkle! I'm Twilight's mother! And this is my husband, Night Light. He used to serve in the Royal Guard." She said, motioning to the one in question behind her. "Good evening, Your Majesties. I've heard nothing but great things from the two of you." He offered politely. He was a light shade of blue with a darker shade of his mane and tail. A Unicorn, by the looks of it, and he had the cutie mark of a Crescent moon with a star on it. "Hello, all." I said awkwardly. Little did I know that the next few hours would be quite embarrassing for both parties. I heard a soft thumping noise and looked at the stairs. There was Twilight was fully encased in her armor, helmet on, but minus the shields since she probably knew about its magic nullifying ability. "Princess Luna! Prince Franz! I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow!" She gasped, genuinely surprised by our arrival. "You were going to have a meeting with both Princess Luna and Prince Franz? Why didn't you tell us!?" Night Light said, probably thinking he was intruding. "I thought that they weren't coming until later!" In a matter of seconds, they started arguing about this, while Luna and I watched passively. "Does this usually occur?" Luna asked me, leaning in close. "I have no idea. Really hope not." Today was going to be longer than I anticipated. Fuuuuuuck. > Chapter 45: Winner, Winner, Preening Dinner! [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we watched them argue over us being here, we decided to wait until there was a lull in the shouting before we intervened. Going over to Spike, I asked him. "So, what's going on here exactly?" I asked, Luna barely keeping herself from laughing at the rather colorful insults they were throwing at one another. "Well, we were going to have lunch with Twilight's parents, but then guys showed up and kind of got them sidetracked. Not that I mind, keeps me from having to do chores for a bit." He said, dusting a book that had almost no dust. "And why are you wearing that?" I questioned. He looked at himself and his eyes widened before he sagged in defeat. "Aw man. She got me into this without me knowing." "It suits thee, at the very least." Luna said, trying her best to keep a stern look. She barely managed to keep her composure, I could see it. I let out a breath and looked back to them. They were still arguing, but on something else now. Quesadillas and Mexican dishes, much to my surprise. I didn't even know they had those here. "I think you can take it off. I'll make you something right now." I said, thinking of a tux that he could wear. In an instant, his maid outfit disappeared and he now sported a white tuxedo with a bow tie and pants. "Whoa, thanks Franz!" He said, checking himself out. Somehow, possibly out of sheer ignorance to the rules of physics, he pulled out a small mirror from behind his back and looked at himself. "Hey there, tough guy." He said to the mirror, laughing as he did so. I was more concerned of the fact that this kid, a normal dragon, pulled a mirror from probably his ass cheeks, and was now admiring himself. But, I shouldn't judge. I literately create armor thousands of years ahead of it's time via Imagination, so who am I to judge. I looked over to Luna and she smiled. "Should I break them up? They might start fighting any moment now." I whispered. "Nay, should things escalate between Twilight and her guardians, they are more than capable of settling this. And tis fun to watch them squabble among themselves." She said, smiling at them lightly. "Mmm, that's fun. Fighting with a dash of personal jabs. Why don't we ever fight?" I asked jokingly. "We would not like to see thou when your blood boils. Tis frightening to see. Should they see thy wrath, their only hope is their gods." She said. "Well, not to sound bragging or anything, but I had to fight my own god." I said, a look of slight remorse on my face. "And the Victor?" "Right here." I muttered, now self-conscious about doing what I did. After a while, they starting to settle down and finally make up. "If I were to argue with my parents, they would have beat my ass with a belt, regardless of my status." I whispered to Luna, who snorted and had to cover her face with a hoof. Huh, seems physical violence makes her laugh. "Your Majesty, we apologize for the scene we created. We just sometimes have no control over our children's actions." Velvet said, bowing her head slightly. "I understand your predicament. Sometime's children are hard to control." I said, only to realize how much of a mistake that was. Thankfully, they didn't seem to realize what I meant. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Siblings. I've had a few." I said. She made a face of understanding, and went back to the couch. "Your Highness, may I ask why you wished to speak with Twilight?" Night Light asked, eyeing me slightly. "There was a accidental miscommunication with our suits, which revealed information to Twilight that wasn't meant to be heard for except me and Luna. A private discussion, if you will." I explained without giving most of anything away. "Did it have anything to do with anypony in particular?" He asked. "Anyone in mind?" I asked him. "No, not really." He said, lying through his teeth. "Then we would appreciate if we were to have a discussion with Twilight. Surely you can spare a few minutes?" I said. "We wouldn't mind. Right Night Light?" 'Come on, leave!' "No, but we'll be on our way. We were just visiting our daughter before her dangerous mission." He said, watching me. "Okay. See you soon?" I asked, raising a hoof to him? "See you soon, Your Highness." He said, bumping his own with mine. He seemed a bit passive-aggressive, but I at least had the social normalcy to not bring it up. After that, they left once saying goodbye. Things they would normally say for departing and being safe. Once they left, Twilight looked over to us, and smiled sheepishly. "So, uh, what's up?" She asked, quite nervously. I looked at Luna, and she did the same. "First, we would like to know who you told about my love life." I asked. "Well, I can explain." 'Like that ever works.' I thought. "Please do." Luna asked for me. "Well, I was showing them the suit you gave me, and I noticed that you two were in the chat. So I thought it was a good idea to, join." "And what did you hear?" I asked. "At first, it sounded like you were having an affair on Luna with Cadence. So I may have assumed the worse and yelled at you with my parents in the room." I said nothing, indicating my disappointment. Luna decided to speak up. "Twilight, doth thou know what I hear about our Dearest Franz? All of the rumors I've been forced to turn a deaf ear from my many informants about what he has done to gain his position?" She asked, staring her down. She shook her head. "Name a few." I asked. "There is one that goes among the lines of borderline sexism. This one is that Franz has slept his way into power, and that he is the result of a one off chance with his mother, who abandoned him at a young age." 'Ouch. That's kinda fucked up.' "Another is that he is a mastermind of mind games, and that his motive is to take over the planet with his mental superiority." 'I mean, I like crossword puzzles every so often, but Jesus!' "And one of the most heinous, is that he is not equine, but a succubus that was sent to degrade pony life into mindless beasts. Surely thou knows where we art coming from?" 'not even close, but I guess.' "That's horrible! Why would somepony say something like that about him?!" She said, being offended for me. "I dunno. We're pretty weird, I guess. Who exactly did you hear this from?" I asked her. "From our source's, Prince Blueblood, but before thou became a mutual with him." Luna answered, lowering her head in anger. "Ah, that explains it. So, should I get them before they spread the news?" I asked. "Yes, we shall. Guards!" She called. In an instant, the Blossomforth and Crescent Rose appeared with a bow. "Locate and bring Twilight's parents back here as soon as possible. It's a matter of great urgency." I ordered them. They nodded and left. "Hopefully they aren't too far." I hoped. Three Hours Later "So, I think that they might be in Canterlot by now. So we're pretty much screwed." I said, looking at Luna who was sitting on the couch. She frowned at the guards, who were sweating, with Rose being pretty close to passing out if it weren't for the adrenaline. Jeez, I feel bad for them. "Then we shall intercept them before they reach the Canterlot gates! Let us go, Dear Franz! We have a couple to detain!" She shouted, seemingly thrilled for some reason. "You seem excited." I said. "Of course! Tis the thrill of the chase! Art thee not?" "Well, these are Twilight's parents, so I think that we should at least tell them to not. And can't you just teleport them here?" I asked. "Franz, do you know how teleporting works?" Twilight asked from the upstairs room, reappearing in a flash of purple light in front of me. I had to suppress the urge to lash out at her for doing that. "Kinda. I think I have the hang of it, but I seem to time travel whenever I do so. Normally later than I intend to." I answered. "That means you don't understand how to in the first place. Where did you teleport to?" She asked. "I teleported somewhere, don't ask me where, and then back into my bed a second later. Only it was actually a few hours later." "Yeah, to teleport, you should know where and when you would like to arrive. Depending on the situation, some ponies can accidentally get stuck in a different realm for what feels like a few seconds, but it's actually a few hours. Magic is a sensitive thing, and can easily go awry depending with each user's magical capabilities." "Ah, okay. That clears it up a bit." "And for teleporting other ponies, you need to have a connection with them to be able to reach them. This can be either a small trace of magic one can place, a soul bond, or to reach out to them and form a temporary connection with said pony. All in all, teleportation required a large sum of magic to do so, and more to use it properly." She said, looking a bit guilty at that last sentence. I wondered why, but forgot instantly. "Cool. So basically, I can do it, just not good?" I asked. Twilight looked at Luna, who in turn stared at her intensly. "While I suggest you practice a more accurate form, doing it how you're able to now might be good in dangerous and emergency situations." She said, waking a line of insulting and helping. It probably didn't help that Luna was here, and she would have told me straight up if she wasn't. "Okay. Well, I'll be seeing you soon then. Later Twilight." I said, raising a hoof to her for bumping. She gave a small pause before she mirrored me and clacked our hooves. "Goodbye!" She said, smiling profoundly. "Farewell, Twilight Sparkle. We shall see thou soon enough." "See ya, Spike." I said, noticing that he had passed out in the tux I made him. 'Huh.' I thought. Once we left, we went over to Ditzy's place. I figured that she could use the extra help getting ready, but I got kinda annoyed at who, or what, I saw there. There was several ponies here trying to get inside looks of Ditzy's home, snooping around and attempting to jingle the door open. An idea hit me, and I made myself turn invisible. I sent to Luna. She gained a interested smile. Running past them and into the house, I made sure that it was empty before I proceeded with my plan. I transformed into my Human form, and made myself look as menacing as possible. I created the illusion that I was in the Four tailed beast mode from Naruto, and looked at myself in the mirror. Sure enough, I looked terrifying. Lowering myself onto my hands, which was somewhat easy, I walked/crawled to the door, and opened it a bit. The 'Reporters', immediately took this chance to try and enter the dark house, only to find piercing, white eyes with a blood red body and tails. I think she'll scold me for a bit after this, but it's fine as long as these types of ponies leave her alone. They all screamed, and turned to run away. I grabbed one, and they tried to kick me off, but I dragged them into the house with me, her screams being quickly silenced as I shoved a wad of marshmallows into her mouth and threw her back outside. She gagged, spitting out the fluffy sweets before running away out of terror. Hopefully she doesn't choke. "Yep, she's traumatized." I said, reverting back to my equine disguise. Walking out, I smiled as they disappeared into the distance. Luna was there, looking at me with a smile. "Thou art most humorous, Dear Franz." "I try." I said, giving a shrug. Using my magic, I closed the door and locked it back up. I wonder why those reporter ponies were here? Did the figure out that me and Ditzy were a thing? I was worried that they were harassing her with questions, and that some would be a little too demanding. "We should head over to the post office." I said, my voice betraying what I wanted to express. Damn it! "Is that where she is stationed?" She asked, turning towards Town Hall. "Yes, she is." We made our way to the post office and found that my worries were true. There were so many of them! Literately, there was at least a dozen of them still trying to fit into Town Hall, and that place can fit a lot of ponies! "Luna, would you do the honors?" I asked her. "Of course." She said, clearing her throat. "CITIZENS, MAKE WAY FOR THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT, AND THE WARRIOR ALICORN! WE HATH AN APPOINTMENT!" She shouted. Jesus she can yell! The moment they heard her, they all stopped and bowed, some getting out of the building out of fear as I noticed their expressions of slight fear and anxiety. I tried to not think much of it, the general populace still not used to her just yet. "Thanks Luna. Let's head inside." I offered. "Yes. We shall have our appointment finished before dusk, Dearest Franz!" She said at a more reasonable shout this time. Her draped over my shoulder, and I mimicked the same. She gave the smallest tint of pink around her face before taking the lead. I ignored the looks that both the mares, and stallions gave us. Once inside, Mayer Mare greeted us. "Good evening, Your Highness'. How may I be of assistance with you today?" She asked, seemingly not phased much that the fact that we were here. Probably a little worried, but that all I could read from her. These ponies were quite expressive, and not when they want to be. "We would like an audience with D-" I cut her off, clearing my throat before she could say her name. "The postal service. We have something for them." I said, earning a huff from her. "Yes, well, with all of them? Or one specifically?" She asked, her face morphing into excitement. "That information is confidential, and we would like thee to show us where this 'postal office' is." Luna said, looking down at her. She slipped up in her language, but I couldn't blame her. Getting worked up can do that, but I haven't heard her say something like that before. "Right this way, Your Majesty's." She said, bowing and leading us to the Mail Service. Hopefully, she won't be able to hear us. We arrived quickly and I saw Ditzy in her uniform, sorting out papers that I would have had a hard time with, even with my powers. There were a few other ponies here as well, but it was Ditzy we wanted. "Everypony, their Royal Highness' are here! Stop what you are doing please!" Mayor Mare said in a sing song voice. They all stopped what they were doing and stood attentively. Ditzy, upon hearing the word 'Royal' froze up and gained the biggest smile when she saw me. I smiled back at her and looked at the rest of the room. There were four mares and three stallions, Ditzy included. One of them, however, I recognized as Silver Shot. I nodded to him. which he froze up and returned nervously with an awkward smile. "Princess Luna, Prince Franz, the floor is yours." Mayor Mare said. Luna looked confused and was about to ask something before I leaned close to her ear. "It's a figure of speech. We're not literately taking the floor." I whispered to her, to which she nodded, understanding. "Everypony, we're here today to select two ponies for a special trip to the Canterlot Castle with a free paid visit. This will last for this weekend and will include two extra passengers along your trip. We have gathered your names and will be randomly selected using this bucket of names." I said, materializing a bucket of mostly 'Ditzy' and 'Silver Shot' name tabs on them. I did this as to not draw as much attention to her and some on Silver Shot, which if I planned correctly, might possibly land him a job in the Royal Guard. If not, then it'll be something nice for him that he might need. His roommates as well. Maybe I can make my own team of guards. All of their faces lit up and Ditzy had a slight frown. Silver Shot seemed somewhat nervous. Ruffling the shreds of paper that were inside, I picked one of the pre-selected names. "And the first winner is, Ditzy!" I said, smiling at the obvious, yet foolproof ploy. Some of them looked a bit worried, and Ditzy was confused. Using my magic, I pulled another shred of paper, and it was her again. "And the last winner is..." Using the slightest of my power, I changed it to Silver Shot, which went entirely unnoticed by everyone but me. "Silver Shot!" I said, earning a surprised look from him, Luna, and Ditzy." "Pack your things, grab your friends and/or family, and meet us at the Train Station at 1700 hours military time, or at Five O' clock! See you then!" I said, moving away from the bucket as it dissipated in a flash of energy. I made it take a similar form of magic, with very little differences in their appearances. Everyone seemed entirely surprised by the ordeal. Mayor Mare, the mail staff, and Silver Shot. Ditzy tried to fake surprise, but it wasn't too convincing. Thankfully, her other colleagues weren't too keen on her, and more focused on losing. "Wait just a minute!" I heard someone say. 'Ah shit, what now!?' I saw a mare with a confused anger. She had a bronze coat with a rusty mane and tail and pale blue eyes, along with wings on her back. "Something doesn't make sense. Ditzy put in a notice for temporary leave a week ago, and all of a sudden, she won a trip to the Canterlot Castle! And rumor has it that you've been in her home several times. What are you getting at, Your Highness?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion. "What tis thy name?" Luna asked, her features growing more intense as she approached. "My name is Golden Justice, and I work for the Department of Justice here in Ponyville." She said, slowly losing her nerve. "And did thou not hear that Silver Shot also won the trip?" She questioned further. Golden Justice's resolve began to falter. Hopefully Luna can make this seem legit. "W-well, I didn't take that into account, it's just that Prince Franz has been spending a fair amount of time in her home, and several ponies are spreading rumors." She said, at a more calm tone. I decided to take a gander at her mark, and it was a Balanced Scales of Justice. Damn, what are the odds? "While we do spend time together, I don't doubt some ponies would think of that. But it's more of a... or is it something else? I don't know. She helped me, and I'm helping her. That, and the infinite number of timelines where I would be with her are nigh, there are also an infinite number of timelines where I would. I think it's all a matter of perspective. On one hoof, would you enjoy your life being constantly watched for all of your days? Or would you enjoy the peace in life that has been offered? Like I said, Infinite timelines, infinite possibilities, yadda yadda bing bong, the universe is a hologram, we're all going to expire like old milk, you're consciously blinking, and you can hear your thoughts when you're reading, you're smiling, and you lost the game." I said, earning a variety of confused looks. "What?" I asked, looking at them. "Your Highness, are you alright?" Asked one of the mail ponies. "Mint, why?" "No reason." "Regardless, art thou ready for your trip?" Luna asked, earning a nodding head, and a still one. "Very well, we shall be waiting at Ponyville's Train Station. We hope to see thy there." Luna said. I took the lead and walked outside with Luna following closely. Once outside, I noticed that all of the reporters and journalist ponies were gone. Thank God. No wait, thank Luna! "So, what do now, boss?" I asked Luna, looking at her. She gave me a friendly snort. "Your unique ways of speech are most amusing." She said, glancing around before she gave me a peck. I felt my face flush and returned it with my own kiss. "I believe we shall leave towards the station, correct? We must make hast with our new guests." She said, going down the road. "Correct." I said, trailing behind her. An idea hit me as we walked, and I remembered the thing Pegasi do with their loved ones. I might regret this later, but I was feeling bold. Glancing around for bystanders, I pulled Luna to an empty alley, her yelp of surprise cut off as I pressed my lips onto hers. We were very well hidden with the shade that was provided, but I threw up an illusion for no risks. I broke the kiss, and her face had an adorable pinkish tint around her face. "D-Dear Franz! What hath taken over thou?" She asked, breathing heavily. I could feel her heartbeat on my chest, and her breath brushing past my face. "I wanted to try something." I said, turning her over and eyeing her wings. Specifically the base. I think she got the idea, and went into an odd pose with her wings flared and her rear lifted, her legs spread more open for me. I wanted to make her feel the same things she's been doing to me all of this time. Teasing me and trying to get me to falter in front of others. But I had something different in mind. Not knowing what I was doing, I imagined all of the information about preening into my mind about Pegasi wings. Clarity hit, and my head swam from the sudden intake of info but it all snow seemed pretty simple actually. Start at the base and lick all the way until you've removed the loose feathers and grime from the day. Then I took in all of the information about the naughty parts of preening and their sensitivity, and deviously smiled inwardly while something grew under me. So lewd! Moving to her side, I started with a long lick at her wing's base, slowly making my way up and stopping where her Alula started, earning a cute yelp from her. "Dear Franz!?" She said, strangely out of breath. I may have forgotten about the magical energy pathways sensitivity. Guess I'll wing it. Pun not intended. "Thought you were getting the full course, did you?" I asked, lowering my voice to a husky growl. She shivered lightly from this, and her face reddened further to a nice shade of red. I continued with another lick with the same pattern to her other wing, and continued these motions until her wing was clean. I didn't know why, but doing this felt very relaxing, even if my tongue was feeling a bit numb. Maybe I should stop. Her wings twitched, and for some odd reason reminded me of a spasm. Not one of the bad ones, however. "De-Dear Franz, we are not a-able to continue li-ike this! Please. ~" She whimpered, basically lying on the cobblestone floor while I worked. "You want me to stop? Okay. Sorry about that, just figured I shoul-" I said, getting up from her, only to be pulled back via magic. "No, we, w-we crave thee. Please, let me service thou." She said, crawling underneath me. Whoa hey! My junk is there! Hopping out of the way, I rolled her over and gave a soft kiss on her forehead. She was underneath me, and fully exposed. I could do anything to her right now. I could take her innocence and give in to her desires. I was in total control. "You wanted to service me, right?" I asked, giving my voice a little extra for her. She nodded furiously, her horn nearly touching my nose a few times. "If you can go the whole day, resisting what's in between my legs, I'll have a surprise for you. A... Special surprise." I whispered in her ear, giving a light nibble. That spice was starting to return, and I knew that there was no escape from it this time. "A little something for the road." I said, pushing my lips to hers and letting her tongue explore. We wrestled with our mouths, our limbs starting to caress parts of each others body. Her hooves wrapped around my neck and my own caressed her flank, giving the occasional squeeze to keep her locked in this comfortable prison, which earned a stifled moan from her. I wanted some air, so I was the first to break the session. She seemed to disapprove but knew that she needed to breathe. "We h-ope that thou keep thy promise." She said, unconsciously grinding her crotch on mine. My dick wasn't out, right? I felt my head starting to spin a bit, but I nuzzled her, showering her with my affection. "No worries, I will." I panted, earning a more reddened face. "Let's go. I think we need to get there before five." I said, removing myself from on top of her, feeling her body heat disperse off of me. She was unnaturally warm, I'll say. Great for the winter. I felt something wet on one of my legs, and upon closer inspection, showed that it was a clear, musky, but sweet smelling aroma. I looked at the trail, only for my eyes to land on Luna's posterior, which had the same fluid slowly trailing down her legs. 'Oh.' Was my simple thought of realization. I helped clean Luna up and magicked away the dust and dirt from her coat. I let her clean herself of the "juice" and helped her calm down a bit. Once we had cleaned and everything, we went over to the train station and waited for Ditzy, Amethyst, Dinky, Silver Shot, and hopefully, Blossom and Nether Flame. I didn't really get a chance to interact with Nether Flame, but he seemed like an alright guy. 3rd P.O.V. Unbeknownst to both Luna and Franz, there was someone in the alleyway with them who saw the entire ordeal, someone who was there watching them. "Oooh, my stomach." They whined. The exoskeleton'ed black bug, also known as Changelings, was hiding out and set to track Prince Franz to find out anything that was out of the ordinary. "Uhuhuhuhuuuu!" They whined again, half laughting, half crying. Said Changeling was laying on the floor, with its stomach somehow slightly distended, despite not physically consuming anything. The Changeling passed out soon after to be able to process what it had 'eaten' passively whilst watching the two. I waited with Luna as the clock slowly, and painfully, made its way over to the five o' clock mark. We were just sitting inside where there were several ponies minding their own business, and occasionally giving us glances. They weren't one of worry and or concern, but they were giving us looks. One for sure was a look of terror. And Luna, well, she was still flustered from earlier with her eyes looking at me lovingly. I thought that I occasionally saw small hearts in them, but they seemed to disappear when I looked for too long. I slowly ate the small snack we were given, and our guards were by our side, after much confusion after losing us when we disappeared for that rather intimate encounter I had with her. We gave them an explanation that we took a shortcut when they weren't looking and seemed to buy it. At least, I hope so. Anyways, we were waiting for them, and it was close to 4:30, when we saw Ditzy, Amethyst, and Dinky all show up. Smiling, I felt somewhat better. The train was scheduled to leave at 5:10, so I think they were ready. Ditzy must be great at persuasion for getting them to join is on such short notice. I raised a hoof in the air to signal them over, which they noticed and quickly did. "Hey Ditzy, Hello Amethyst, Ohio, Dinky." I said, bowing to the small filly. She giggled at my attempt for humor. "Hi Franz! I thought we would be late, so I packed everything two days in advance so we could get here. We just had to make sure we had everything." She said, looking behind her as the guards came with some saddlebags of things they wouldn't need. "Oh good. So, what have you girls been up to?" I asked. All the while, Luna stuck in some sort of trance. "Well, I got a promotion to manager at the Hayburger. It was about time too, that stallion from Canterlot had no idea what he was doing." Amethyst said. "Oooh, sounds exciting." I said, congratulating her ascension in the restaurant. I knew how hard it was to manage a fast-food restaurant on Earth, especially during a rush hour. I hated the rush hour. "That's what I said! I knew that she would be able to do it! And I never had a doubt about it!" Ditzy said, smiling proudly. "Not really. I mean, the pay isn't much better, and my friends think that they can wiggle their way into favors with me. I think that they're upset that they didn't get the position and I did. Kinda stinks." She said, sounding somewhat conflicted. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I knew ponies that used to work in fast food restaurants. They got used to it, and I know that they're still a close-knit team." I offered, finishing off my snack in a single bite. Dinky hopped into the stool next to me, and leaned into my side, which took me by surprise as I didn't expect her to do that. I simply responded by draping a wing over her, pretending to be oblivious at her sudden invasion of privacy. I'll let her do it, she's a little one after all. And everyone else saw this. Well, almost everyone. Luna was still looking at me, but with a now more reasonable smile. "Franz, what's with Princess Luna? She's been looking at you like that for a while now." Amethyst asked, lowering her voice to try and whisper to me. "I think it was something I did earlier. I have no idea what though." I said, hiding what we did for Dinky's and Amethyst's sake. At this point, I looked over at Ditzy, and smiled at her, giving a sly wink. She got a bit confused, but seemed to have a naughty thought as she turned slightly red. Aww, I didn't know she had it in her! For a while, we talked about what was new. Though, the only new thing was Amethyst getting a promotion. A bit of office gossip from Ditzy, and a cute story about school from Dinky who was leaning into my side the whole time. If she kept that up, she might as well sit on my back and make me carry her. It wasn't until later that Silver Shot arrived with who I expected to come along. Blossom and Nether Flame. I signaled them down and they also came over. "Good evening, Your Highness." They said, almost in unison. "Hey all. Ready to skedadle?" I asked, looking at them for conformation. Thankfully, Luna had broken out of her trance about a minute ago and was now attentive. Jesus, she was really thinking. Getting nods of affirmation, we made our way to the docking port where our trains were stationed. Slowly, the guards that were with us helped move everything up to the Train, and we were set. All we had to do was wait until the conductor gave the green light. I raised my visor to check the time. It was close to 5:10, so there must be an issue of some sort. That thought was thrown out as soon as I felt the train suddenly shift forward, and begin it's pace on schedule. Looking back at the Station we were leaving, I thought about how Twilight would fare on her mission with the Dragon. The suit doesn't do well with high temperatures, but I think that she should be fine. Shields should hold out. Turning my head back to the inside of the cart, I saw Luna was walking towards me with a slight wobbly step as the train rocked lightly. "Not used to it?" I asked. We were given a private cart. Each group was, as they were specifically asked for by Luna when we arrived to the station. One for me and her, one for Ditzy, Amethyst, and Dinky, with two guards and Blossomforth, and one for Blossom, Silver Shot, and Nether Flame, with two guards and Crescent Rose. Which, in turn, left me with Luna. For an hour. With her in some form of heat. Yeah, it's gonna be hard for her, pun not intended. "Nay, can thou assist us?" She asked, a certain look in her eye. Smiling, I got up went over to her to help her to the table for her to sit. I looked outside, and it was starting to get dark. Time to follow through with my promise. "Thou taste salty." She said, once her breathing was under control I was too tired to talk, but made my body reset for another round should I have too. She must've taken my silence as shame and spoke up quickly. "Tis a good thing! We enjoy many things of the flavor!" She said, noticing my friend still attentive. "Still!? We knew that thou had endurance, but this is unheard of!" She said, eyeing it like a child would in a candy shop. I tried to not think of candy or kids and focused on her. "Well, my kind were endurance runners. We could outpace almost any animal with it." I said, feeling the sense of Post Nut Clarity hit me. I glanced out the window and saw that we were almost at the Canterlot Gates. "We can pick this up again tonight." I said, smiling at her. "That we shall." She responded, closing the distance for a kiss. I stopped her, and she looked a bit worried. "I would use mouthwash before doing that." I said, slightly grossed out. I mean, I may be an equal or more to a god, but still, I have standards! "Why would we do that?" She asked. "It's... gross." I said. She seemed to be lost, so I imagined everything away and explained to her why it was taboo to do what she tried to do. She seemed to understand for the most part. Didn't stop her from trying again just to bother me. "Ack!" I cried, her lips touching my face, her tongue trying to drag across my face. Luna! Not the face! I had a feeling I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight, not that it mattered, I don't think I even do need sleep.