Journey To The Hidden Village

by Lonely Fanboy48

First published

Star Tracker goes on his first friendship journey along with Silverstream and Sandbar.

Even since Star Tracker attended to the School Of Friendship, he learned everything about personal space and showing his respect to everyone. But then one day, Princess Twilight assigned people to go to different locations to not only help, but make new friendships. Tracker, along with Sandbar and Silverstream made they're way to Starlight's Village to help out the ponies while also getting to know each other.

Thanks to Clean Karma for editing this fanfic.]

Journey Assignment

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Ever since Star Tracker became a student in Twilight’s school, things have been working out for him. He learn everything in his classes and he got better grades. Princess Twilight was impressed, and after the past month she sees Star Tracker as a better stallion then before. Especially since his issues are far behind him now. Soon Twilight had a great idea for all the students in school, she wants this friendship thing to be taken to the next level.

On Friday, when the students came in the hallway and to they’re first class of the day, Star Tracker went to Applejack’s classroom to learn more about cooking. He hadn’t done this yet so he thought it might be a good idea.

“Hello Applejack.” Star Tracker greeted Applejack. “I studied really hard for this cooking project.”

“Ah hope ya are because apple pies are always a specialty in the Apple Family.” She said with a paper listing the ingredients in her desk. Star gets to his own desk as ready for class to begin but just minutes before the bell rings, Princess Twilight turns on the speakers in all the classrooms.

“Attention students. I know you’re all in your classrooms, ready for the assignments but I made a assignment for all of you. Please go to the library room immediately.”

After hearing her announcement, everypony makes their way to the library, and so is Star Tracker.

As everypony took their seat, Princess Twilight came into the library with Spike by her holding papers of the assignments. “Today’s assignment will take up the entire day so all of you are excused from your other classes.” While she speaks, Spike hands out the papers to all of the students. “In said assignment I want groups of three to four people to team up. Your team is to go on a journey to different locations across ponyville and nearby villages. During this time I want you all to get to know each other. The destinations you’re going will involve helping the citizens in town, while also showing them friendship. Now this is the first time you’re all going on a journey so I gave all of you a map and the locations are harmless. Have a great day, and make new friends.” After the announcement, everyone left the library, each to get into their respective groups.

Star Tracker was assigned to go to Starlight’s Village and the group he’s in is with Sliverstream and Sandbar. He felt nervous since going on a journey feels difficult, especially since he needs to pack up supplies for his friends. Princess Twilight saw that Star Tracker was still in his seat, still thinking about the assignment.

“Star Tracker? Are you feeling alright?” She asked worriedly. This causes the bluish Stallito blush.

“Nothing really. I mean...having Sandbar and Silverstream is’s just the journey part that scares me.” His expression fell. Twilight knows where he’s coming from since this is the first time he’s gone on a journey.

“Star Tracker, please come here. I want to talk to you.” Star Tracker gets off his seat as asked and takes a step forward. He and Twilight continue their conversation, “Do you want to know why I made this last minute assignment? It’s because you have been great since you’ve attended. Your making such good grades, I think you should try to help out ponies outside of this school.”

“True but going on a journey is impossible. I know you and your friends have been on adventures before but it feels off when you have ponies like me go outside of this school.”

Twilight then put her hoof on his shoulder. “Like I said, it’s a harmless assignment, so no one will get hurt. And the journeys we went on were different, I don’t want everypony to get hurt otherwise this school will be shut before.”

Spike chims in the conversation to remind Tracker, “Starlight is in the fountain square where you’re friends at. She can and will tell you everything about the village itself.”

“Today is going to be great for you and also for Silverstream and Sandbar.” Twilight said. Tracker didn’t respond this time. He knew Twilight had everything under control. Instead, he waved with a smile on his face, leaving Twilight and Spike alone. “He’ll be fine.” Twilight looked at Spike smiling.

At fountain square, Star Tracker, Sandbar, and Sliverstream sit on a bench while listening to Starlight Glimmer go on about the village she used to run.

“Most of the ponies spend their time in the village since they became friends when everything was in..ahem...order. Now I suggest you bring snacks for yourself and when you meet the ponies, show them how much you can be helpful.” She hands out a list of ponies to Star Tracker.

“This is going to be awesome!” Sandbar shouted enthusiastically.

“Sandbar, it’s just an ordinary village in the middle of nowhere.” Tracker replied.

“Aw come on Tracker bro, lighten up!”

“Yes!” Silverstream lean close to Tracker. “I mean sure the place isn’t...incredible but they need our help. Maybe years later in the middle of nowhere we’ll become the middle of the rainforest if we help them on plants. That will make it the best journey in our lives!!”

“Wait...what?!” Star Tracker shouted in confusion.

“Okay Okay! Please break it up.” Starlight said, using her magic to pull Silverstream away from Tracker. “All you three are doing is helping the citizens on they’re daily work. Do your best and show them how great you all are when it comes to friendship.” Starlight finished and leaves them to their own devices.

“So, are we ready to go on a friendship Journey?” Sandbar asked.

“I guess.” Star Tracker commented doubtfully. Silverstream then half hugged half choked both of the ponies as she flew in the air to get to the village.

“Village citizens, here we come!”

Star Tracker sighed, as much as his friends are enjoying themselves, he’s still uncomfortable with this.

Teasing And Respecting Star Tracker

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Star Tracker and Sandbar walked on foot instead of flying their way to the village because of Silverstream. The excitable Hippogriff decided to become a sea pony during the trip and was splashing around in the river next to them. They walk through the forest intrepidly, each bit of distance causing the trees to disperse.

“Silverstream, I understand you love being a sea pony but do you really need to drop us off on foot?” Star Tracker asks disappointed.

“But Star Tracker,” Silverstream popped her head out of the water. “We should get to know each other so to save our excitement to the village ponies, we really need to show them the greatest friends we are!”

As much as Silverstream is trying to prove a point, it still didn’t made Star Tracker happy. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“What’s the matter dude?” Sandbar turned his head to Tracker. “Aren’t you excited about this new assignment? We get to go Starlight’s hometown.”

Star Tracker stops walking so he can focus on his thoughts. “No. I mean I need to make friends but the journey part...well. It’s harmless, but it’s still complicated.”

“What do you mean?” Silverstream asked.

“Going to a different location seems a little off. I’ve only been a student for weeks and I only made friends who came from Canterlot. Starlight’s old village just seems so...odd to me. I don’t really know how to explain.”

Sandbar walks up to him and tries to understand, “How is the village odd for you? That place was like, Starlight’s past and she wanted to move on since she became friends with Princess Twilight. And in my opinion, the ponies that live there remain there because they like being together in a place where it’s not in a city or town. More of rooroo area or something.”

“Rural.” Silverstream corrects, “But Sandbar has a point. They want to live their because it’s a better place for them. I think if we show them how helpful and friendly we can be, we’ll make more friends than we already have. That’s like...uh...a number higher than the current one. So what’s the real problem?”

Tracker is really speechless now, after hearing Silverstream’s question he blushed a little since he’s hiding his real secret about his reasonings going on this journey.

“Hey, are you blushing?” Silverstream leans in towards him to get a closer look. Tracker blushes harder due to possible revelation. “Ohhh I think I know who you’re thinking about. Princess Twilight by any chance?” Silverstream wraps her hoove around Tracker, finally seeing the secrets to his behavior..

“Ohh yeah... “ Sandbar smirked his classic smirk. “You got a kiss from protecting her from Iron Will and another when you expressed your feelings before you joining the School Of Friendship. That’s some colt charm you have there.”

“Okay it’s true!” Tracker shouted stressfully. “I just wanted to impress her to prove how much I changed.” He didn’t covered his face in embarrassment.

Sandbar and Silverstream faces morph to surprise at Tracker’s reaction. Now seeing how serious this was for him they decide to cheer him up. “Tracker, we’re sorry for messing with you. We were just having a bit of fun. Okay?” Sandbar confessed.

“And there’s something you need to know. I think you getting two kisses from a princess is pretty impressive. I mean come on, she wouldn’t do that for just anypony. Besides, this assignment was made to challenge us” Silverstream turned back into her hippogriff form as she spoke. “When it comes to us hippogriffs, we never get to go on a journey despite the wars we had in the past. Doing this activity is a once in a lifetime for me and I hope we do more of these in the future.”

“Also to us, you may look nervous, but on the inside you know you want to do whatever it takes to do the right thing.” Sandbar finished.

Star Tracker felt calm and learned something. The fact Sandbar and Silverstream were willing to help him in a respected way made Tracker feel better about the situation.

“Thanks guys, I didn’t know you could be serious.” he chuckled a bit and lowered his head slightly at the quip

Silverstream, giggling as well, put her hoof under Tracker’s chin so he’d look at her in the face. “Just because we make jokes doesn't mean every moment of time should be full of happiness. There are tons of emotions we have, and each one needs to experienced. The School Of Friendship reopened weeks ago so things have gotten way better for everyone.” Suddenly Silverstream has an idea. “As a matter of fact, if you meet somepony there who becomes a close enough friend you could bring them back to the school. That way, you can get to know him or her better, and you could impress Twilight.” Silverstream said the last bit with a wink and nudge.

Star Tracker smiled and blushed again. “You’re right! Silverstream you’re a genius.” He hugged her happily. The talk has gotten him looking forward to what they’re going to do at the village. Silverstream didn’t expect Tracker to hug her but went with it anyway.

“Ohh you!” She hugged back with her lifting him up in the air as she flew up in the air. “I hope we do well at the village.”

“We will.” Tracker responded.

“Hey! Are we going to walk or fly our way there?! Make up your mind!” Sandbar shouted as he’s still on the land.

Tracker and Silverstream laugh as they land on the ground. They get back to their journey to Starlight’s village with a bit more mirth in their steps. As for Star Tracker, he’s hoping he can make a friend who’s willing to join him in the School Of Friendship.

Village Of Friendship

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Star Tracker, Sandbar and Silverstream finally make it to Starlight’s Village as they can see it in the distance. “We’re here.” Star Tracker states.

“And we’re finally going to make some friends.” Sandbar added with a tone suggesting he was sick of traveling for so long.

“So what are we waiting for? Let’s meet them!” Silverstream cheered.

As they entered the village, ponies were making decorations, food, and tending to plants. They were happy and slightly surprised that the place was harmless and filled with helpful ponies.

“So what where you do you want to start?” Sandbar asked.

“Well, I see that there’s other’s who are cooking but I haven't got much experience in that area since of the announcement interrupted us. I did study but I have yet to make any food.” Star Tracker looked at the ground a little disappointed at his own inadequacy.

“Don’t worry, We’ll help you. After all, what are friends for. I happen to make a mean cucumber salad.” Silverstream said. Motioning to the different ponies around she said, “How about you go talk to someone and try to help him or her?”

This gives Tracker an idea. So far in school, he hadn’t yet done anything in Rainbow Dash’s classes. This could be a good opportunity. “Okay, I think I’ll look for someone who can fly.”

“Why? Is it because you don’t fly?” Sandbar asked.

“Yes because if I ever end up in a situation where height is a problem, my friend can help me.” He then saw a dark winged, white coated pegasi mare who’s helping Sugar Belle with her pies. “And I think I’ve found one.”

He and his friends went up to the two ponies by Sugar Belle’s home.

After noticing them Sugars eyes widened at Silverstreams appearance, “Who are you two and what are you? Another new species?” Sugar asked as she looked at Silverstream with interest.

Silverstream reacted accordingly. She immediately hugged Sugar Belle tightly. “Thank you for noticing!”

The other pony looked at Tracker and Sandbar in an awkward way.

“Yeah, she’s the really hyper excited type. Her name’s Silverstream” Sandbar explained.

“He’s Sandbar and I’m Star Tracker.” Tracker finished.

The pony was confused with the group that just arrived in the village. After all they never saw them before. “Why are you here?” She asked.

“We’re here because in our school, Princess Twilight’s assignment had us go on a journey to make friends in different places.”

“Wait!? You mean the Twilight? The same Twilight that is one of the Elements of Harmony? She asked in disbelief.

“Yes, and you should know that she’s a princess.” Sandbar retorted.

“Well that’s new. I didn’t know Twilight was running a school.”

“Yeah, It looks like a great place to be in.” Sugar Belle commented while she gets put down from Silverstream's hug.

“By the way, my name is Night Glider.” The pony finally said her name. “What woudl you like to help us with?” She asked.

“Well what do you need help with?” Tracker asked back smiling.

“I’m delivering slices of pies to everypony here.”

“Need a helping hoof?” Sandbar suggested.

“Sure, there's a lot of ponies waiting.”

“As Miss Pie would say: Okie Dokie Lokie.” Sandbar put some of the plates on his head as he gets to the other tables. Tracker however wants to get to know Night Glider better.

“So do you fly to places a lot?”

“Only when they need me, I don’t usually do justice work like Rainbow Dash does.”

“Do you want to do justice work?”

“What do you mean?” Night Glider raised her eyebrow.

“Well Rainbow told me that you stopped Starlight from taking you’re cutie mark and you few were way faster. Maybe Rainbow Dash can teach you.”

Glider liked the idea. She already did a great job on helping everypony get their cutie marks back, even Twilight and her friends. “I’ll think about it. When do you and your friends leave?”

“In about five hours, so we’ll be helping everyone for a awhile.” Tracker then takes some the cartens of pies and goes to the other ponies to hoof them out.

“He’s really nice when it comes to patience.” Sugar Belle stated.

“Well, of course. He even got two kisses from Princess Twilight.” Silverstream added.

“Really?” Both Glider and Belle asked surprised.

“Yep. He’s been through a lot before he became a student in Twilight’s school.”

“Wow. I’m impressed” Glider replied. “Hey let's talk in Belle’s house.” Silverstream obliged as she, Belle and Glider went inside. Night found herself still interested in Star Tracker. She giggles that he got kissed.

Meanwhile Tracker and Sandbar hand out the pies to everyone. Party Favor and Double Diamond are waiting at they’re table. They were also talking about the ideas to make people know who they are. Starlight’s village is not on the map of Equestria.

“Here you two go.” Sandbar said as he lies out the two pies to Diamond and Favor.

“Thank you.” Party replied.

“These pies are really great!” Diamond added.

“You’re welcome. Also I hear about something you two were going to find a way to put your village name on the map.” Tracker asked,

“Well we did have visitors from time from time but sometimes we want other creatures from other lands to come here to know us.” Diamond explained.

“Really.” Tracker said. Suddenly he got an idea. “Our other friend, Silverstream can fly to places to give them the names of where you live.”

“Oh my gosh! That’s a brilliant!” Favor cheered but he also didn’t know who the two visitors are. “Who are you two.”

“We’re both students from Twilight’s school of friendship.” Sandbar smirked.

“We were assigned to go on a journey to help everypony.” Tracker finished.

“Well it’s awesome that Twilight is running a school but I’m not sure if Silverstream can fly all the way to the places we’re hoping for. Mainly because we don’t have all the names in Equestria.” Diamond face fell in disappointment.

“Don’t worry, we studied the lands in Equestria and Silverstream loves to fly to new places. Trust me she’s hyper excited.” Tracker grinded.

“Really?” Favor said awkwardly. Just in time, Silverstream and the others came back to Tracker and Sandbar.

“Hey friends.” Silverstream walking up to them while also giving Tracker a smirk. He’s confused at the expression but ignores it for the time being.

“Silverstream, this is going to be the greatest day of your life.” Sandbar said. “Now we haven’t made any papers yet but when Diamond and Flavor are done,” Silverstream lowered her head so she can listen to Sandbar closely. Sandbar whispered into Silverstream’s ear to tell her about her job. Once Sandbar leans back, Silverstream is shaking in excitement with a big smile on her face.

“OHH!! MY!!! GOSH!!!” She scream at the top of her lungs, stareling everypony in the village. “I don’t think I can hold my excitement any longer.” She hugged both Diamond and Favor.

“See? I told you she’s hyper excited.” Tracker said.

“More like just hyper.” Diamond said. “Let’s go to my place.”

“Agreed!” Silverstream cheered. As they leave, Sandbar took the pie carton to give more pies to everyone.

“I’ll do the rest of the work, you can help someone else now.”

“Alright.” As Sandbar left, Tracker turned around and saw that Glider is smirking at him as well. “Ummm? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You know what I mean, Princesses favorite student.” She laughed which causes Tracker to blush like a strawberry.

“Your going to have to explain.” Sugar Belle stated.