> To Kill a Bug with Kindness > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > is often the Most Prudent Pesticide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis reclined in her Lazycolt chair, tittering to herself between spoonfuls of yogurt, as she watched the news. Even though it had only been two days since she’s released the fabricated video of Princess Celestia’s sexual escapades, the shit-show had been spectacular. Having produced and “leaked” a video of herself, disguised as Celestia, being railed out in a sleazy hotel by a pair of zebras, actually two of her fellow changelings, Chrysalis had planned the whole thing from the start. Of course, she’d expected it to be delightfully catastrophic, but she hadn’t anticipated the outright madness which ensued. In less than twenty four hours, the Princesses had all convened for a press conference to denounce the heinous act. Celestia had publicly condemned the incident and tearfully sworn that she’d had no part in it. Hell, they’d even passed legislation against any further attempts at character defamation. The alicorns, along with the changelings, dragons, hippogriffs, and yaks, had all signed the law for their respective nations. So, the Lewd Impersonations of Monarchical Persons statute was passed. Chrysalis wasn’t sure if they’d intended for their precious ordinance to become known as the L.I.M.P. law, but it was an endless source of amusement for her. As far as the public’s reaction to the salacious affair, the reviews were broadly mixed. Some were quite angry about the event, decrying the Princess of the Sun as a harlot and calling for her resignation; others supported her right to sexual expression, protesting that she had the right to bed whoever, or whatever, she wished. Regardless, everyone had an opinion on the matter, and it was the topic of hot debate among the masses. Needless to say, the changeling Queen’s plan had worked flawlessly. Between filming scenes, the changeling matriarch would often browse the public comments and news sites on her phone, gleefully noting the scathing remarks of ponies about their precious alabaster diarch. Unfortunately, her morning routine was cut short, as Chrysalis heard someone begin to frantically knock on her door. Setting her breakfast aside, the deposed changeling ruler stomped towards the entrance of her trailer. There wasn’t a shoot scheduled until that evening, so there’d better be a damn good excuse for someone to bother her. Throwing the door open, she was greeted by her timid assistant with a laptop tucked beneath one arm. Spot, as she’d come to call him, was a pegasus who practically worshiped the ground she walked on. He’d unquestioningly assisted with her ruthless character assassination of Celestia and was the only pony who she even remotely trusted. “What do you want?!” Chrysalis barked, her baleful gaze settling upon the meek stallion. The night robe she was wearing drifted open, exposing her onyx breasts and clean shaven snatch, but she didn’t care. She was, after all, the premier pornographic changeling entertainer in all of Equestria, and it wasn’t anything the pegasus hadn’t seen countless times before. Spot gulped, as he looked up at the glorious Queen. Steeling his resolve, he pushed her aside and scampered into her abode. Under normal circumstances, he’d never even consider doing something so rude, but the situation had taken a turn. Pulling his trusty laptop on her kitchen counter, he began booting up the device. Chrysalis’s surprise at the intrusion was quickly replaced with rage. Slamming the door closed, she plodded up behind the pegasus. Grabbing him by his dark brown mane with one hand, and by his wings with the other, she pulled the stallion backward. “I don’t know what the hell you’re thinking, but you had better have a damn good excuse for barging into my lair…” she hissed vehemently, wrenching his head back to leer at him with unfettered ire. It wasn’t until she noticed the lad’s cold sweat and look of panic that she realized something was terribly amiss. Spot was usually unquestionably docile and subservient, often times asking her for permission to excuse himself to the restroom to relieve himself or “relieve” himself, but the invasion of her privacy, and the look of dread on his face, spoke of dire circumstances. “I...I’m sorry!” the pegasus pleaded, single-mindedly pawing at his computer. Releasing the younger stallion, the Queen petulantly crossed her arms. “You have five minutes to explain yourself,” she growled, watching as the stallion began feverishly pulling up websites on various tabs of the computer’s browser. Turning the monitor to face Chrysalis, and closing a gallery of that insipid cam whore Crecent Cat 6969, Spot pressed the enter button. A P.O.V. style video started to play, showing off a lustful encounter with Celestia. Someone had uploaded it to a relatively obscure website about an hour ago, but it was already starting to generate a stir in the seedier parts of the web. He couldn’t be sure, but it sure as hell looked like a home movie of the snow white diarch and her protege, Twilight Sparkle, going at it like a pair of lust crazed animals. Judging from the changeling’s reaction, her jaw agape and eyes wide with shock, she had no knowledge of the recording. “What am I looking at,” Chrysalis muttered, studying the video. She sure as shit hadn’t done this, which meant one of two things. Either some other changeling was brazen enough to emulate her plot to smear the alicorn’s good name, or this was actually a candid clip of two alicorns fucking. A curious mix of emotions welled up within her. On one hand, she was proud that something as salacious as this would present itself in a timely manner; on the other, she was deeply suspicious about the event. One thing was certain, this couldn’t be a coincidence. “I...I’m not sure. Someone posted this about an hour ago, b...but it gets worse,” Spot stammered. Stopping the video, he brought his cursor to another tab. With trembling fingers, he began the next recording. “Please,” he sighed, looking up to his treasured Queen. “Please tell me this is fake,” he bleated, tears welling up in his eyes. The changeling matriarch was woefully unprepared for what she saw. The scene was shot in, what looked like, Princess Cadance’s bed chambers. As the camera panned, the Princess of Love and her husband could be seen, holding hands affectionately and adorned in regal finery. A small production crew busied themselves with sound equipment and at least two additional high definition cameras. Finally, the camera turned around to the one wielding it. To her horror, Chrysalis saw a shot of her face come into view. “I’m so excited to finally getting a chance to do this,” the doppelganger Queen demurely whispered. “Today, I’ll finally be able to apologize to Cadance and her husband for all of the terrible things I did to them,” she continued, smiling sheepishly. And just like that, the film began in earnest. ~ “We’re so glad you decided to visit, Chrysalis,” Shining Armor cheerfully proclaimed, marching up to sake the changeling’s hand. Dressed in a simple black dress, with jade accents, Chrysalis was quite fetching. Once he heard that the former Queen had come for a visit, he’d decided to wear his best crimson uniform, replete with golden medals and military accoutrements. “Oh, you don’t know what this means to us!” Cadanced chimed in, sauntering over to envelope the ex-villain in a hug. Although she’d put on a little weight after having Flurry, she still looked resplendent in her favorite sky blue gown. Her figure, having filled out slightly with motherhood, was as curvaceous as ever. Blushing a bit, Chrysalis returned their gestures in kind. “I just feel awful about the ordeal in Canterlot. I really hope you’ll accept the apology and my fealty to pony kind,” she whimpered, looking between the rulers of the Crystal Empire. “How could we not!” the pink alicorn rebutted, slowly reaching behind the changeling to unzip her dress. “You decided, of your own free will, to come and atone for nearly ruining our wedding,” she added, feeling the silken fabric begin to slip over her fingers. “Cadance is right,” the snow white unicorn said, as he started unbuttoning his shirt. “Honey,” Shining chirped, turning to his lover, “how about you show our guest to the bed and help make her comfortable.” Content with leaving Chrysalis’s back exposed, Cadance gently clasped the changeling’s hand in her own. “Of course Darling,” she cooed, guiding the former Queen to the mattress. Seating herself on the satin sheets, the alicorn softly pulled the changeling down beside herself. “Now, be a Dear and lay back for me,” Cadance purred. Nodding, and easing herself back, the Queen complied. She watched in awe, as the Princess reached up and began pulling at her dress. The fabric slipped down her frame, uncovering her obsidian colored breasts. Despite herself, she blushed, slightly embarrassed to be disrobed in front of the royal couple. Looking up, she noticed Shining’s bare chest. She’d forgotten how remarkably handsome he was, with the snow white coat of cur covering his chiseled pecs and sculpted abs. “I know, he is rather fetching,” Cadance giggled, noting the changeling’s longing gaze. Together, the two mares watched the stallion’s impromptu strip tease, content to enjoy the moment before proceeding with one another. Undoing the button of his pants, Shining unzipped his trousers. Realizing that he was being watched, he turned his back to his wife and the the changeling. Gyrating his hips, he let the garment creep down his legs, leaving him wearing with only a pair of dark blue boxers. Casually wheeling back to face the women, he stroked the imprint of his package through the thin fabric. “I hope you ladies are ready for a good night,” he murmured, shooting the pair a wink, as he stepped forward. “Dear, we have to finish undressing our guest first,” the alicorn replied, returning her attention to the changeling at her side. Nodding, her husband flanked the Queen, lowering himself on Chrysalis’s opposite side. Together, the two started caressing their visitor, as they continued to steadily remove her dress. Unsure of how to react to the attention, Chrysalis simply looked between the Princess and the stallion. In mere moments, the dress was slipped from her body, quietly falling to the floor below. Now left nude, save for a pair of emerald panties, she sighed. The plump imprint of her marehood, dark and pronounced, could be seen through the sheer fabric of the undergarment. “So,” she muttered timidly, “what now?” “Why, we show you the power of love and forgiveness,” the alicorn sweetly responded, cupping one of the Queen’s bosoms with her hand. “Just get onto your hands and knees for us Dearest,” she continued, bringing her muzzle to the side of Chrysalis’s head and breathing hotly in her ear. Leisurely, the Queen rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself upward. As she rose, Cadance and Shining Armor re-positioned themselves. The Princess shuffled to Chrysalis’s head, while the stallion moved behind her. She gasped, as she felt the unicorn caress her rump. His fingers, thick and strong, sunk into the tender flesh of one cheek. As she went to look back at him, the alicorn delicately caressed her face. “Just enjoy it,” Cadance whispered. Reaching back and undoing the lace bindings of her dress, she let the gown fall from frame. Stark naked, save for a pearly garter belt and leggings, she knelt before the Queen’s face. Sliding one hand over her tits, down her belly, and to her crotch, she proceeded to massage her pump and rosy red nethers. Face to face with the Princess’s loins, the changeling’s heart fluttered. The sheer amount of endearment in the room was palpable and the parasitic equine was quite quickly succumbing to the effects of the passionate encounter. The volume of love and lust fogged her mind and excited her body. When she felt Shining peeling her panties over her supple rear, her marehood reflexively winked at him, eager to feast upon everything he had to offer. As the last article of clothing was removed from her, Cadance tenderly guided her face towards her crotch. She could see the Princess was more than a little excited, judging from the bead of nectar creeping down her inner thigh from her picturesque muff. The scent was indescribable, like a warm summer’s morning through a field of wildflowers, but she wanted more. Her lips parted, as her serpent-like tongue snaked towards the mare’s sex. “Would you look at that,” Shining chuckled to himself, admiring the glistening and inviting entrance before him. He wasn’t sure what to have expected, but he certainly hadn’t imagined her interior would be the alluring bright green color that it was. Beyond that, it resembled any other mare’s. Abandoning his underwear, the stallion idly stroked himself in preparation for what was to come. Grasping the changeling’s hip with one hand, he guided the tip of his shaft to her nethers, playfully gliding it up and down her slit and coating himself with her juices. “Mmmmm,” Chrysalis hummed, closing her eyes at the exquisite heat of the unicorn’s member, if only for a moment. Opening her fanged maw, she moved her head forward. Nearly engulfing Cadance’s crotch in her muzzle, she began to eagerly eat out the Princess. The flavor was exceptional, sweet and tangy, as it flowed over her palate. “My, she really is enthusiastic,” the alicorn breathed, running her fingers through the Queen’s mane. The thrill of having a reformed villain, and the one who’d nearly ruined her life and jeopardized her marriage, servicing her was simply delightful. Cadance and Shining had, on rare occasion, shared their bed with a third; but they’d never been bold enough to attempt something as cathartic as this. When Cadance heard that Chrysalis had wanted to make amends to the two of them, she’d been deeply moved. But when the deposed Queen had asked to document the occasion, offering to send a film crew for the event, she’d been nearly beside herself with joy. If an evildoer as steadfast as Chrysalis could make amends, and record the ordeal for the good of the people, then no scoundrel was beyond redemption. Sensually, the stallion started applying pressure to the changeling’s snatch. No sooner had the blunt head of his tool penetrate her confines than he was drawn deeper, almost as if the black mare’s interior yearned for him. At first, Shining had been a bit hesitant to bed Chrysalis; not due to the carnal act, but because of the experience being videoed. His wife had staunchly defended the proposal, insisting that it would serve as a testament for all would-be villains and of the true power of love. All his concerns had waned, in the face of the two gorgeous women. Although he hated to admit it, he’d always found the changeling Queen curiously alluring, albeit in a shameful way. Now gripping the insect-like mare’s waist with both hands, the stallion slowly ground forward, driving more of himself into his partner. Affixed between the royal couple, Chrysalis gently rocked back and forth with each thrust. With each forward motion, her snout was driven into Cadance’s crotch, allowing her tongue to slip deeper into the alicorn’s canal and quest for the elusive g-spot within. Constricting herself around the stallion’s length with each attempted withdrawal, she pressed back to meet his strokes. Besides the physical sensations, the intoxicating effects of the amorous encounter were building, causing her to moan whorishly into the Princess’s nethers. Breathing heavily, Cadance leaned back and prized the wanton changeling from her loins. “Well Dear, are you ready?” she asked, lovingly looking to her husband. Having had a day’s notice to prepare, she’d concocted the perfect act for their guest. His motions slowing, Shining peered to his wife. “Sure am, Honey,” he sighed, hauling his length from the changeling below. With a wet pop, his tool freed itself, slinging a mixture of pre-cum and feminine fluids to the sheets. Draping himself over Chrysalis’s back, he pulled her upward, into a kneeling position. “W...what are you doing?” the Queen nervously sputtered. Not only had she found herself devoid of succulent stallion cock, but the abrupt movement left her rather anxious. After having nearly overthrown the Equestrian Empire on several occasions, she wouldn’t have been surprised if the two had some nefarious plan for her. Her fear, however, was quickly discarded, as Cadance crept forward and locked her in a deep kiss. Feeling the Princess’s tongue war with her own, caused her heart to skip a beat. Pulling back, and gazing deeply into Chrysalis’s eyes, Cadance smiled. “I have just the thing for you, so don’t you worry a bit,” she sweetly tutted, booping the Queen’s nose with a finger. Sliding her lower half under the changeling, and leaving the slightly taller mare straddling her waist, the alicorn laid back. Now supine below Chrysalis, Cadance splayed spread her legs. On queue, Shining lightly pressed the changeling down on top of his wife. The two mares, now pressed breast to breast and crotch to crotch, both looked towards the stallion. Cadance had plotted this from the start, but he wasn’t sure it was going to work. Nestling up between his wife’s legs, the unicorn sunk his shaft into her drooling entrance. As soon as Shining penetrated the Princess, a jolt of pure ecstasy shot through Chrysalis. Being sandwiched between the couple, one of one which being the embodiment of love itself, as they expressed their intimate feelings for one another, was world altering. Positioned as she was, she was at a nexus of passion, in every way imaginable. As a changeling, her body was steeped in the ponies’ unshakable devotion for one another, and the sensation was beyond words. To compare it to sex would be tantamount to heresy, so great was the overwhelming rush of pleasure and euphoric bliss. She squeaked, as something began teasing her nipples and marehood. Without having realized it, Shining Armor had wormed his hands under her tits to pinch and gingerly twist the supple buds of flesh. At the same time, Cadance had slipped a hand between their bodies to delicately massage her clit. The added physical stimulation left her to mewl and writhe like a harlot, desperate for more. Content with their positioning, the Princess dug her heels into her husband’s hips, pulling him to herself. “Come on Love, let’s show our guest a good time,” she groaned, relishing the feeling of the Shining’s cock as it filled her marehood. The stallion quietly complied, easing himself into her and giving her a moment to adjust. Even though they’d been married for some time, and after having birthed Flurry, she was still pleasantly tight. At his wife’s prompting, Shining began pistoning her cunt. The long and tender strokes gradually became harder and faster, as the minutes passed. All the while, he fondled Chrysalis’s tits, making sure to softly twist her, and Cadance’s, teats. The sound of the two mares, each moaning and panting in the amorous moment, was a symphony for his ears. Craning his face to the side of the changeling’s head, the stallion breathed hotly upon the Queen’s ear, as he nibbled upon it’s tender flesh. Cadance’s fingers quickly became slick with Chrysalis’s juices, while she skillfully pleasured the mare with her hand. Cheek to cheek with the changeling, the alicorn ever so slightly turned her head, allowing her to kiss along the Queen’s neck and towards her face. Bearing down on Shining’s stallionhood, she raised her hips with each plunge he delivered, allowing the ridged tip of his member to scrape against her g-spot. She could feel herself edging towards a climax, as her pleasure gradually increased. Chrysalis, never having experienced rapture of the magnitude being delivered, reached up. Wrapping her arms around the Princess’s neck and head, she angled Cadance’s face to her own. She wasn’t sure why she did it, but she was compelled to kiss the alicorn. As their lips met, her tongue wormed its way inside the alicorn’s maw. The physical sensation of being pleasured by the couple, in conjunction with the breathtaking exhilaration of feasting on their love, was rapidly pushing her to her limit. Grinding against the Princess’s hand, she moaned deeply into the mare’s mouth. Shining Armor winced, desperately trying to fend off his impending orgasm. No matter how many times he’d bedded the Princess, she was always amazing, almost as if her marehood was molded just for him. Cracking one eye open, he witnessed his wife sloppily making out with Chrysalis. The sight of the two mares, the tongues warring and faces slick with saliva, pushed him over the edge. As his weighty, alabaster balls retracted, preparing themselves to deliver their precious payload, his horn began to glow. His thrusts quickly lost any semblance of tempo, devolving to a frantic, jackhammering movement. A torrent of hot, virile seed rushed down the unicorn’s length, erupting deeply within the alicorn below, as he came. Feeling the first rush of hot cum bathe her interior, Cadance screamed into the changeling’s mouth. Her legs trembled, and her marehood quivered violently, as she came. Steamy jets of fem-cum gushed from her stuffed entrance, coating the stallion and the sheets of the bed. Her horn, much like her husband’s, ignited in pale blue sorcerous light. As the couple climaxed, their magic mingled, and at the heart of it all was the Queen. Caught in a maelstrom of tangible and emotional love, Chrysalis instantaneously climaxed. As her body convulsed and writhed, tears of joy streamed down her face. The power, the incalculable might of these ponies’ love, was unfathomable. Squirting her own juices onto Shining Armor’s abdomen and groin, she reciprocated the Princess’s howl of bliss. What felt like an eternity of heavenly torment passed in mere moments, leaving the three a panting heap. Drenched in sweat, and various other lascivious fluids, the trio fought to recover. Shining Armor was the first to move. Pulling his softening stallionhood from his wife, he took two steps and collapsed on the bed beside the queen. Looking over at her husband, Cadance reached for him, locking hands with the unicorn over the changeling’s chest. As intoxicated as she felt, Chrysalis managed to look between the two ponies. Wearily, she slipped one arm under each of them, pulling them to herself. “T...thank you so, so much,” Chrysalis wept, her emotions overtaking her. “Awwww. No need for that,” Cadance sighed, wiping the tears from the Chrysalis’s face. “We’re just glad that you could finally experience the true power of love,” she added, nuzzling the Queen’s neck. “You know you’re welcome any time, and I’m sure Thorax would love to see you,” Shining added, cuddling up to the changeling. “After all,” he chuckled, giving her a peck on the cheek, “it looks like there’s a new love bug in town.” Chrysalis simply nodded, giving each of them a kiss on the horn. “I should have never done what I did, but now I’ve seen the light. I love you ponies, and I couldn’t be happier to live the rest of my life as a wholesome, kindhearted paragon of affection,” she meekly professed, looking up to the camera with a broad, heartfelt smile. ~ “Please, tell me this is fake!!!” Spot frantically repeated, boldly shaking Chrysalis’s shoulder. He didn’t know what he’d do if his Queen had become some kindhearted, selfless creature. She was glorious because she was domineering and powerful. Chrysalis stared blankly at the screen, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, none of which were pleasant. Unbridled fury, revulsion, indignation, and a pinch of fear, raged within her. “I’m gonna throw up,” she flatly said, pushing herself away from the table. Her words prompted the pegasus to fetch a nearby trash can, leaving him to hold it by her side. Fortunately, after a few moments of dry heaving, most of the nausea passed. As soon as she felt her strength return, and head begin to clear, she did the only thing reasonable. Grabbing Spot by the collar of his knockoff brand polo shirt, she jacked the stallion against the wall. “Who…” she hissed, baring her fangs at the lad. “I...I don’t know!” the pegasus pleaded, squirming in her grasp. The erection struggling against his pants was more painful than being held aloft. “Then you will find out,” the changeling growled, bringing her snout to his fluffy, little ear, “or else.” Her words caused the stallion to jerk and writhe, his face contorting in a cornucopia of pleasurable expressions as he spontaneously ejaculated. Chrysalis had intended on scaring the shit out of him, but making him bust a nut was almost as good. Either way, it would cement his loyalty and remind him that she was the Queen bitch. Setting the pegasus down, she brushed off his shoulder and straightened his shirt. “C...can I use your bathroom?” Spot murmured, blushing heavily. The release was a double edged sword, relieving the pressure of his junk against his jeans, but coating his inner thigh in rapidly cooling spunk. Wholeheartedly ignoring the stallion’s request, Chrysalis was stricken with a notion. Spot was remarkably tech savvy and, even if he didn’t know who had sullied her good name with that filthy abomination of a video, he may well be able to find out who the culprit was. “Tell you what,” she purred, slipping a hand inside his pants and to his cum slick member, “if you can find out who’s responsible for that monstrosity, I’ll bed you.” Just like that, as soon as Chrysalis’s fingers grazed his semi-flaccid shaft, Spot came again. Whimpering like a buffoon, his knees gave out, leaving him to collapse to the floor. He wasn’t sure how, or where on Equestria to start looking, but he swore to himself that he’d find whoever was responsible for besmirching the name of his Empress. “Y...yes Ma’am,” he responded, grabbing the countertop as he struggled to his feet. “Good. Now, go,” the Queen commanded, waving him away. Obediently, and after retrieving his laptop, the pegasus scampered off. Trudging back to her room, she flopped on the mattress. It was only a matter of time until the fallout began to strike. The thought of dealing with cheerful ponies, pestering her with their sickening admiration and acceptance at her supposed reformation, was disgusting. To make matters worse, the video would possibly affect her income, seeing as how she’d fought to make a name for herself as the harsh, cruel mistress type of porn star. The video of “herself” was disquieting enough, but the recording of Twilight and Celestia raised a whole host of other questions. Chrysalis sure as hell hadn’t had a hand in it, which left her wondering who was responsible. Regardless of who, or what, had produced the recordings, one thing was certain; she was being sent a message. Though she wasn’t sure exactly what they were trying to tell her, she knew she only had one course of action. Find out whoever did it and make them pay...