Justice Finally Served

by headless_rainbow

First published

Serial killer Dr. Quill murdered dozens of fillies and mares, paralyzing them and using them as they slowly die of thirst. He avoided capture, choosing unimportant targets, but then made the mistake of targeting Celestia's newest filly protege.

Infamous serial killer Dr. Quill has murdered dozens of fillies and mares, as well as some females of other species. He'll target anything with female parts, paralyzing them with poison and using their bodies like love dolls as they slowly die of thirst. He then throws them out and finds another toy to sate his wicked desires.

He avoided capture for a long time by moving from city to city and choosing unimportant targets that few would miss. But then he made the mistake of moving to Canterlot. Then he made the mistake of targeting Celestia's newest filly protege, Nightfall Gleam. He always expected to be caught eventually, and fully intended to laugh off his own execution, but will forever be sorry once Celestia's revenge is complete.

See my subscribestar for early access to fics and to help pay my bills so I can write more. Commission info here.

Contains: foalcon rape and snuff, karma, necrophilia, castration, gratuitous OC
Chapter 1: Potential Lost: alchemy, fear, imminent rape, imminent snuff, mind destruction, talking to strangers, unsupervised child
Chapter 2: Innocence Destroyed: bondage, choking on dick, cervix breaking, cunnilingus, filly sex toy, foalcon, it's best when you hear the pelvis crack, irrational belief that you will not regret this, mind destruction, oral, proper care and cleaning of fuck toys, rape, sadism, straight, vaginal
Chapter 3: Life Ended: bath toys, blood, breaking a toy, corpse toilet, cum guzzling, dehydration, foalcon, mind destroyed, necrophilia, rape, snuff, still not regretting it, straight, taking out the trash, tape gag, waterlogged corpse, vaginal, watersports
Chapter 4: Rage Ignited: anger issues, earning promotion, freshly used corpse, freshly used almost-corpse, implied rape, ironic disappointment at a lack of murder-rapists, gotcha, momentary Daybreaker, shape shifting
Chapter 5: Judgement Passed: cheap sex toys, following orders to the letter, fuck the law I'm Princess, hot nurse, imminent castration, implied sex changes, lying to the public, masturbation, non-spectacles, plans backfiring, promotions, tools of the trade, who needs pain-killers?
Chapter 6: Justice Served: annoying child, blinding, castration, cum eating, gore, justice, literal (for once) fleshlight, more gratuitous oc, painful erection, shaving, state-sanctioned torture, surgery without painkiller, unethical use of prescription medication

1. Potential Lost

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It was a great honor to go to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. It was a greater honor to become her personal protégé.

But it was also a huge lump of concentrated stress. Sometimes Nightfall Gleam wondered if being Celestia’s personal student was worth it. Just being a student there gave her incredible opportunities without the added responsibilities of the spotlight.

What made it harder was who she had to follow. Before Nightfall, Celestia's main student was Twilight Sparkle, who ended up becoming the Princess of Friendship. Could Nightfall live up to that? From meeting Twilight, she wasn't even sure it was something she wanted to live up to. As nice as she was, Twilight was clearly a bit nutty from the stress of Celestia's tutelage.

But Nightfall was determined to prove that she was worth it. She wouldn't become a Princess who could level a city, but she could still do great things. She had a responsibility to be someone other students looked up to. Because of that, making 100% on assignments wasn‘t enough. She had to really wow them with her results.

It was because of that well-meaning attitude she ended up where she did. When assigned a transformation potion, all Celestia expected was transforming into a cat or dog. Nightfall wanted to go for something more difficult: a fire-breathing dragon. Not even a changeling could pull off a dragon that breathed fire.

The problem arose because the idea, while possible in theory, required rare ingredients. The school store sold only the most common, so she went to other markets. There she found most others, but there was one no merchant in the reputable markets sold. The only place she heard of that might have it was ‘Charmed & Cursed Curios’ in one of the least reputable districts in Canterlot.

Others warned her to bring an adult, but she didn't see how that was necessary. It wasn't like this was the Everfree Forest where something might eat her. Besides, she wanted the potion to surprise everypony she knew. That and with her dark purple coat, deep blue mane, and dull green eyes, she wouldn't draw attention at night. The only bright part about her was the white and yellow wand on her flank, but a cloak could cover it.

To keep it a surprise though, she left late and got no better directions than the one merchant in the main marketplace gave her. It turned out they were awful directions, and she spent hours walking in circles. Two hours in with Luna's Moon high over her head, she decided it was time to ask directions. She'd need them now even to give up and go home.

But there weren't a lot of ponies out, and those looked intimidating. She hadn't thought this place would be dangerous, but maybe that was wrong. The first ponies she saw after deciding to ask for directions were an angry-looking elderly stallion with one eye, a frazzled mare that looked like she drank one too many recreational potions, and a pair of amorous stallions mounting either end of a third stallion inside an alleyway. None of those things screamed ‘ask me directions’ and the filly was too young to appreciate the latter.

Nightfall was close to crawling into a crevice somewhere to sleep so she could try again in the morning, but found someone less intimidating, or rather they found her. He startled her at first, approaching silently from behind and tapping her little bottom to get her attention, but after a brief freak-out, she calmed and nodded.

This unicorn stallion seemed decent enough. He had dark gray fur and dark red mane, so he didn't show up much in the dark. At least except for his pale blue eyes and a wide friendly smile that cut through the building tension inside her at being lost. His cutie mark was a simple quill which could have meant many occupations, but he seemed bright and friendly all the same.

"Are you lost, little one?" the stallion asked kindly. "I've seen you pass by here a few times tonight. It's not safe for any pony to wander around alone so late, much less a filly."

"Oh um, hellos," Nightfall smiled, feeling better already. "I was looking for Charmed & Cursed Curious, to get some Ignis Draconis flower for a school project."

"A school project?" the stallion tilted his head. "That's quite an advanced ingredient." He tapped his chin. "I don't think they're open, but you're in luck! I just so happened to buy a bundle the other day and have more than I need. Why don't I let you have some and then walk you home?"

"Oh really?" Nightfall sighed with relief. "Thank you, Mister... um..."

"Fox M. Quill," the stallion ruffled her mane in a good-natured manner. "You said school? Are you one of the fillies from Celestia's school? Hm... I don't normally go for... never mind. What's your name?"

"Nightfall Gleam," smiled Nightfall. "And thanks again Mister."

"Of course," Fox nodded. He looked around cautiously, perhaps as intimidated by the location as her, then turned to lead her towards another nearby alleyway. "I apologize that I live in such a shoddy place, but you won't have to be here that long."

"It's not so bad," Nightfall said, even though it was. She wanted to be polite since the colt was so nice to her.

The filly trotted along after him, then sped to a gallop when it was clear he wasn't slowing down his own trot for the short-legged foal behind him. He seemed in a hurry to get into his house, but perhaps he didn't want her in danger, or perhaps was unused to having to walk slow for a foal to keep up.

The dark alley didn't seem like a place where a house front would be, and indeed it wasn't. They were going in the back way. She paused when she realized there was no door here and he opened a window instead.

"Oh sorry, I should have mentioned," Fox said with an awkward chuckle. "I'm having trouble with the front door being stuck. I have someone scheduled to come fix it tomorrow but until then it's the window for us! Let me help you."

"Oh um, okay," Nightfall nodded, her innocent mind seeing no reason to believe he was up to anything. The state of things clearly embarrassed him.

Focused on the window as it opened with his magic, Nightfall didn't see the needle he had hidden in his mane. It floated over, jabbed into her neck with clinical precision, and injected her with an unknown substance. She squealed at the sting, but the squeal devolved into gurgles as her body went limp.

Fox pushed a hoof to her plot and shoved her into the window as he promised. She blushed even in her stunned condition as his brittle hoof rubbed against her tiny slit in the process before she tumbled into his home. She slumped on the floor and spasmed several times as she tried to stand before collapsing. The confused filly blinked and looked around to get her bearings.

The lights were off at first, and it got darker when he crawled in after her and latched the windows and blinds behind him. The soft glow of his magic across the room turned on the light switch and several magical torches ignited.

It looked like they'd entered the bedroom, though it was a peculiar one. She couldn't see all of it since how her head landed on the floor restricted her view, but the only furniture she saw was a rickety old bed and a long set of drawers opposite it. The drawers were about as high as the bed, but alchemy equipment covered them, from flasks to ingredient jars. It was unusual that there weren’t any other decorations or embellishments in the otherwise plain bedroom.

Nightfall's mind spun. She tried to speak, but only nonsense came out. Instead her brain cluttered further as she tried to think of why he was doing this. Why would a lone stallion drag a little filly into a dark alley, drug her, and then push her into his bedroom?

... oh Celestia no.

A chill flowed through her unrelated to her current numbness. One of the first things she'd learned at school was sex education. It might seem an odd thing to learn at magic school, but Celestia was very particular about it. She said she wanted her students to realize when some pervert might want to take advantage of them. Apparently it was something she had a problem with in the past and took extremely serious.

But it wasn't something Nightfall thought of, so it never occurred to her she shouldn't be going into a dark alley with a strange stallion. She felt colossally stupid for forgetting such a basic lesson, but the fear of what she now suspected would happen to her overshadowed that.

She rationalized to make herself feel at least a little better. He'd drugged her, which meant he wanted her to forget the experience so she couldn't turn him in. Which meant he didn't intend to kill her, right? She'd wake up tomorrow used but otherwise unharmed. Even if she didn't have her memories, she was certain she’d figure out what happened and go to Celestia for help.

She expected to fall unconsciousness quickly, but didn't. She hoped she would before he started anything perverse. Even if she might not remember it later, she wasn't keen on experiencing it to begin with.

"It's not much," Fox commented as if he hadn't just drugged a filly in preparation for foal rape. "I move around a lot. I moved to Canterlot a few weeks ago and will move again within a few weeks. So um, how old are you?"

As if she could answer. But he tugged her saddlebags off of her, shuffling around inside until he found her student id.

"Mmm, that's pretty young," he said as he locked the door to his room. "I don't go out of my way to bang fillies with single-digit ages, but I will not say no to a hole that tight either. Pussy is pussy, right?"

His kind voice faded as he spoke. It shifted from his fake kindness to a tone one might use when shown a plate full of their most delicious meal. That alone was terrifying, but she could only lay there limp and watch her tears puddle on the floor in front of her.

"I prefer adult mares," Fox commented, as if assuring her that he wasn't normally a foalaphile was supposed to make it better. "Especially pregnant mares because of their large tits. Then again, there's just something about cutting off a promising young life, all that potential shattered just to get off.”

Wait, cutting off a promising young life? Now she really wished she could scream, but all she managed was to look up at him. The angle let her see his sheath as it swelled beneath him, tip of his stallionhood emerging like a monster ready to feast on prey.

"I like to target no-names like immigrants or homeless mares," chuckled Fox, the good-natured tone returning. "But you're Celestia's student. According to your ID, her personal protégé, just like that hot slut that became Princess of Friendship or whatever-the-fuck. I've never murdered somepony that important before. While I shouldn't indulge... oh wow... I'm sure you understand. I can't not do this when you practically walk up and impale yourself on my dick."

Nightfall hyperventilated and her eyes shifted to the closed window. She summoned up all her energy trying to tug the window back open, but her horn only sparked pathetically and no more. Even if she wasn't drugged, a filly her age of any talent wasn't a match for a full grown unicorn without a magic surge. That wasn't happening with whatever he'd given her.

As she looked up from the floor, dizziness rained over her more, but she cut through it with her sharp mind, determined to focus. He said he'd hurt her, but she continued to rationalize why he wouldn't. Maybe he enjoyed frightening a little filly, and she'd still just forget this and wake up somewhere else.

Her eyes met his stallion parts again. It'd fully extended, throbbing at full hardness and ready to defile her innocence. Oh Celestia no, was this really happening?

"Do you know what rape is, little one?" Fox growled with lust. "You probably do, they teach pretty well in city schools, which is a pity because it makes fillies harder to victimize. Still, I bet you never expected it to happen to you. It always peeved me that fillies and mares in Equestria have the luxury of expecting to never be raped."

More tears of panic streamed down her face as she managed to open her muzzle, but her attempt at a scream came out as a squeak. It'd been adorable had it not been one of the last sounds the filly ever made. Desperate, she tried to cut through her fear and concentrate on her magic, but she couldn't even get a spark now.

"Look little one, you're not getting out of this," Fox's grin grew wicked, petting her mane mockingly. "You can try to scream all you want; it will just make you more delicious."

Nightfall stared up at him in fear as he held her head and forced her to look into his eyes. He purred as he drank in the fear on her face.

"Ever heard of 'The Killer Doctor'?" Fox asked before he ran his tongue up the side of her face to taste her tears. His shaft was touching the floor now, massive and intimidating to the tiny filly. "I guess you're not up on serial killers with your studies so probably not. I wish they'd call me Doctor Quill, but I guess that's the price I pay for being so good at it. No pony knows who I am. Just my method."

"What do you mean killer?" Fox added in a mocking rendition of her voice, moving her muzzle with his hooves as if puppeting her. "Oh noes! How is my super sexy death going to occur?"

"I use a very specific poison," Fox smirked and continued in his own voice. "Because I want to get credit for all my victims, but they still haven't figured out how many I've really killed because sometimes they don't find them or the creature isn't important enough to run a toxicology test on. Basically I infected you with a paralytic that destroys your higher brain function. You go limp and sink into a vegetable state as it destroys your mind, but remain conscious and unable to sleep. Afterward I'll use you as my personal fuck doll, but I won't feed you."

“You'll die of thirst in a few days,” He continued. “Assuming you can't live on the bit of cum I'll leave in your belly. Then I'll fuck your cooling corpse one more time for the road and toss your worthless wasted cadaver in the trash. And I want you to understand that. All your efforts to be the best as Celestia's student were WORTHLESS. When you leave this place, it will be in a trash bag. Chances are they ‘ll crush your rotting corpse into a landfill before anypony even finds you.”

She‘d feared being raped, but losing her virginity in such a humiliating manner wasn't the worst that would happen to her. When he told her it would destroy her mind that dropped her into an endless pit of despair. Her mind was her everything. To have it reduced to ash before dying of thirst, tossed out with the trash... she didn't even care about the rape. She just wanted to keep her mind!

"P-please," Nightfall stammered. It took an incredible effort to speak, and even he arched an eyebrow when she managed it. "Don't. I-I'll be... sex slave, can do anything... but keep mind... please..."

"Oh anything?" he smirked harder. "Are you sure? What if I asked you to help me lure in other mares and fillies? How about your classmates? Your family? Your teacher? Now THAT would be the kill of the century."

"No, I..." Nightfall's mind raced for an answer. There had to be an answer; she'd always been able to find an answer to the most difficult problems, but...

"Even if I had an antidote, I wouldn't give it to you, Fuck Toy," Fox said, his expression turning serious. "That was your name, right? Fuck Toy?"

She opened her muzzle again to speak, but couldn't get another word out. It was a miracle she got anything out, but there was nothing left afterward.

"You know, normally," Fox said, stroking his shaft with a telekinetic grip. "It'd be impossible to find out about you without drawing attention to myself. But for you, your name will be all over the paper when you're missing, even more if they find your well-fucked corpse. It'll have your parents names, the city they live in, it won't be hard to find out the rest. I'll hunt down and do this same thing to every female in your family, including the cunt that squeezed you out."

Nightfall's mind swam, too young to deal with anything close to this. She thought nothing scared her more than losing her mind, but her family experiencing the same? She twitched her head in a vague 'no' movement, but otherwise was helpless. All she could do was hope he meant the threat to scare her and nothing more.

"So then," he grinned and stroked her head again. "Think back on your life and how all your efforts will amount to getting some psychopath's cock off hard. It's time to start."

He moved to sit on his haunches in front of her, shaft throbbing and even with her eyes as he removed her cloak and tossed it aside. She felt like she needed to vomit as it came inches from her face, able to smell the musky scent of adult fuck flesh. She lacked the energy to even throw up though. He grasped her head as she stared, purring at the abject horror on her face.

She wanted to beg, but knew even if she could it was no use. This stallion was a psychopath; the more she begged the more he'd get off on it. There was nothing to do. So she choked on her sobs as she stared cross-eyed at the tip of his shaft, inches from defiling her throat.

2. Innocence Destroyed

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Nightfall wasn't sure how long she stared the pulsating cock down, anticipating her imminent ravishing. He enjoyed the expression of resolved dread in her eyes enough to take things slow.

Finally he tightened his grip on her head and yanked her forward. He jabbed his foul-smelling erection against her limp, open muzzle; her terror kept her from even trying to close it. He slammed in harder than expected, not caring for the foal's comfort, and forced past her tiny throat on the first shove. As he wrenched it open and pushed downward, the filly's neck swelled grotesquely with the girth of his shaft.

She choked hard on the lump of flesh, but couldn't pull away. As her vision blurred with tears, she tried to raise her hooves to push him away, but she only managed violent twitching in her front hooves. Maybe that was best; once she was dead, maybe he'd have no motive to continue to her family if she didn't give him a hard time.

He slammed her face until his belly collided with her nose, balls smacking against her chin as her saliva and tears streamed down the perverted sperm sacks. She tried hard to move her tongue out of the way to void his disgusting taste, but what little movement she managed only pleasured him.

"That's it, work that tongue," Fox groaned. "You sure you haven't done this before? You know, believe it or not, you'll get better at it by the time you die. Near the end your tongue instinctively laps at anything I put in your muzzle in a desperate attempt to get moisture. It's pretty hilarious.... and hot... aw yeah."

She wasn't sure if he believed that or if he was mocking her. She also wasn't sure if the dizziness she now felt was the drug or just the difficulty breathing with a cock violently rammed down her throat.

Though she tried to not think about what the drug did to her, it was hard not to. Her curious mind was a curse. Even as she awaited her own slow demise, her mind worked through equations and theories about how the potion he used to murder her must work. Maybe figuring it out was the biggest victory she could now achieve in her utterly wasted life.

It wasn't just figuring it out though. Keeping her mind busy was a defensive measure, trying to stave off the inevitable if this potion really caused full mind destruction. In this situation the best she could hope for was to still be herself when she died.

She thought of her family and how they‘d react. Even if she rationalized he wasn't likely to go after them, it would still affect them. How they would cry for her, their despair. She couldn't decide if she wanted someone to find her body afterward or not; which would be most devastating? Not knowing what happened to her or knowing she died like this?

"Sometimes I wonder what goes through a mare's mind," Fox panted, sensing the concentration in her sobbing eyes. "Knowing you'll die, feeling your mind slip away, knowing there's nothing you can do. Just the thought of what you're going through is enough to get me rock hard, not that I don't appreciate your deliciously underage throat."

His inability to shut up wasn't helping, and he spoke loud enough for her to hear him over the sloppy vomit-like sound of his shaft invading her throat. Finally she gave up her pointless attempts to move and just let her body fall limp. Her front hooves dangled and hind hooves folded into a sitting position as he used her head like a toy, but both still twitched as much as they had when she was trying. That just underscored how hopeless her situation had become.

Her throat burned as each thrust felt more forceful than the last, violent twitches wrecking her body with each impact. Worse though, she felt her mind burn with each passing second. She couldn't move her limbs any longer even if she wanted to, an exhausting numbness spreading through her starting at her extremities.

The thoughts about how the potion worked stuttered as she forgot the more complex concepts, having to strain to remember. Then the brief realization hit her that they weren't complex concepts, she was having to strain to remember simple concepts, things ponies with no magical training would have known. The ideas collapsed, and she strained just to hold on to the awareness of her surroundings. Even the stabbing pain raping her throat became a welcome reminder she was still a conscious being.

The more she faded, the more rapid the deterioration felt. A last burst of panic coursed through her as her life faded into a nightmare. She tried to flail and struggle but could no longer move properly, instead only pleasuring her rapist with a flurry of convulsions around his shaft. He moaned and laughed as he grinned down at her, knowing what must be going through her mind. Or what ceased to go through it.

Oh Celestia! She couldn't let this happen to her! Her mind was the thing that made her special! She couldn't allow...

Wait. What was she thinking again? Where was she and what creature was shoving something in her hole? WHO was she even?

Her convulsions died down to a dull twitch though her throat still instinctively swallowed each time he forced his shaft into it. He shivered and arched his back, her young throat milking him better the more she faded as her body went from futile rebellion to instinct.

"That's it!" groaned Fox, salivating onto his little captive. "That last look of abject terror in your eyes as you feel the last fragments of conscious thought fading! A little smarty pants becoming nothing more than my personal fuck doll. Or in your case more like my personal fleshlight; you're pretty small.... oh fuck here it cums."

As his shaft throbbed within and expelled its load, Nightfall no longer even understood what was happening. She felt warmth shooting down into her gut, automatically swallowing around the shaft as she guzzled the thick stallion seed. In her normal mind, she would have vomited, but now her body just took it down.

"Mmmph," Fox said as he pulled back. "Enjoy, slut. This is the only thing you'll be getting in your belly until you die."

He pulled back, forcing her muzzle wide to blast another spurt inside, watching the goo defect against the young ones gums, another spurt spraying across her face. Her wide, glazed eyes didn't even blink as seed rolled down over their bare surface, too dumb to recognize how it burned.

The foal barely perceived the movement as he dragged her to the bed by her head and tossed her limp body atop it. She rolled several times before coming to rest about the middle of the bed. He didn't pounce on her right away, instead she vaguely perceived the sound of shuffling from behind her as she faced away from him.

When he grasped at her hooves with his magic again, she let him shift her about without complaint. Too far gone to even wish she could flail, she stared upwards at the ceiling as he rolled her onto her back. He lifted her forelegs upwards and outwards, a rough metal cuff fitted around each. He yanked them apart, each tied to a post at the head of the bed. Her small body strained to hold itself together as the lengths of bondage were too short for such a tiny victim, stretching her out painfully.

Even with her full mental facilities, she'd have not understood why he was binding her. Perhaps it was just a fetish of his, but it was a small mercy that her numb body felt only a dull ache as her joints and muscles pulled at unnatural angles. Between her hind legs, he fitted a metal bar attached to each back hoof, holding her legs apart. That served some purpose at least since her limp limbs wanted to fold inward.

"The last few days of your pathetic life will be a blur," he purred, coming close so she could feel his breath against her virgin nethers. "My cock will be your entire existence, by the time you die you won't even remember a time before you were an inanimate sex toy."

Fox took it slow for a moment, just enjoying the foal's mindless suffering as she sprawled there like a perverse buffet. He ran his tongue over her slit, from end to end and circling around her tiny clit. The drug which had taken years and many dead mares to perfect, had a side effect of making the female sopping wet while simultaneously dulling her ability to feel pleasure. Even her soft young pussy, not yet meant to be touched, was drooling with fuck honey and ready for penetration.

"Delicious," he said between slow laps. "Being too young to appreciate what this is for doesn't keep it from being used, slut. Not that you could appreciate it either way now, which is good because sex toys aren't suppose to enjoy it."

Fox pressed his tongue deeper, sliding over her hymen, feeling it give to the pressure. He didn't break through it since that was a job for his rape pole, but enjoyed her last shred of dignity and innocence before it was time to defile it.

He circled around her clit with his tongue once more, then moved upwards to slurp at her tiny flat breasts. The spongy flesh gave to the pressure as he nudged them around, lapping at the nipples which had hardened because of the effects of the drug. His tongue continued to lap up her body, over her belly button and up her chest, feeling her slow shallow breaths. All the while, his shaft neared her purity like a tiger about to eviscerate its prey.

Though she barely knew what was happening or who she was, she felt the slimy warm tongue sliding over her body, tasting every inch. Even then she knew this was wrong, brain burning with humiliation and disgust. They were the last few emotions she could muster, tears still trickling from her eyes. When he got to her face, he licked them from her face, running his tongue over her open eye. The eye darted around in confusion, but no longer understood that it should blink to avoid the discomfort.

Even in her current condition, her body jerked when his tip touched her nethers. He grunted and rubbed a hoof over her body as he kissed her, exploring her tiny mouth and pushing her limp tongue around her muzzle as he stared in her wide, shocked eyes. He slid his length along her slit, wetting the underside with her profuse unnatural secretions, teasing her with the imminent invasion.

But even if she had been mature enough, she was beyond feeling pleasure from the contact. All she could do was acknowledge that some creature touched her with some part of its body and that it felt perverse. He rolled his eyes back and shivered at the warmth of filly puss as it touched him, but she only stared upward at the stallion using her.

The fleshy tip pulsed as it pressed against her, pushing her tight labia apart. They slowly stretched around his tip and he enjoyed her warmth as it oozed around him. He felt himself touch her virginity, enjoying how it stretched against him, then went for it. He grasped her hips in his magic to keep her steady and rammed forward

She may have been tight, but he had enough experience with unwilling cunts to have little difficulty. He angled perfectly as he shoved, popping her little cherry and letting her hot lips slide down his thick length. Her belly bulged with the girth of the adult shaft as he continued to sink into her, not stopping the stroke until he impacted the back of her shallow vagina.

It was a small mercy that her melting brain barely registered the jolt of pain as he raped away her innocence, now just a trickle of blood drooling down his balls as he forced his way deeper. He drew back and slammed into her cervix several more times before it gave, moaning louder at the tight womb entrance clenching his dick as he drove it all the way to the back. His belly smacked firmly against her own as he fully penetrated her, stretching the back wall of her immature womb.

The wicked doctor took long slow strokes to enjoy every inch of the overstretched pleasure furnace. He drooled onto her face, saliva puddling in her wide-open eyes as she stared upward. The only signs of life were the small convulsion that shivered through her body with each slam forward of his hips. Her breathing was shallow, barely noticeable, but he could feel her pulse through his shaft as he raped her.

“Guess that slut next door got a reprieve,” he grunted as he gradually increased his speed. “I was gonna do her next, but I saw you wandering around lost and... couldn't resist. I'll do her once you're all nice and used up, then it‘s best if I head out, right?” He chuckled. “Still, I want to stay for at least a few days after you're dead. Especially if your well-fucked corpse is found, I want to see what kind of sexy panic goes through the city. Not the smartest thing but... fuck I gotta get caught eventually, and getting killed by the Princess herself would ensure I go down in history. It's not like a goodie four-shoes like her will be willing to do enough that I actually regret it.”

He didn't seem to know how to stop talking. It barely mattered though, as during that little speech, his words meant less and less. As the little mind faded more, the sounds he made devolved into meaningless murmurs. The only thing Nightfall knew now was feeling the thick slab of flesh stretching her body with each stab, a numb tightness flowing through her with each shove.

The increasing neural destruction dulled even her inner muscles. At first her little pussy suckled his dick much like any would whether or not its owner wanted it to. But gradually her inner spasms died and there was barely a twitch. Maybe some stallions preferred a spastic cunt, but not Fox. The whole purpose of his drug was that he loved fucking dead mares, but a dead mare didn't last long before she smelled. So he'd made a way to keep the meat fresh longer. That was all the genius student was now: fuck meat.

Fox wondered what great things she would have done. She might have saved thousands for all he knew. He hoped she would have at least because that meant he'd be responsible for thousands of deaths by snuffing her out. SO fucking hot.

Her eyes glazed as he continued thrusting, the lewd, audible suction of him plunging her filly puss filling the room. He smiled down at the vegetating mind, sliding his hooves over her body to enjoy the life that would give him so much pleasure as he used it up. He playfully pushed a hoof edge against her eye, pushing it around the socket to enjoy the lack of response. The last bit of her tears were drying up, no longer capable of crying, her brilliant mind reduced to a blank slate.

He shivered, increasing his motions as he felt pressure build from within. His front hooves lifted her rump upwards, pile driving her limp body against the bed. He panted as he bottomed out with each thrust, tip impacting the back of her womb and heavy balls spanking her perfect young plot.

He groaned as he reached his peak, knowing the scum living in the same apartment building wouldn't question his moaning. They wouldn't have questioned it even if a little filly sobbing had accompanied it. He clenched her tighter in his hooves, twisting her hips to get deeper. There was a sickening crack as her pelvis fractured from the strain, but her body didn't so much as twitch at the injury, her mind erased beyond her even noticing such things.

Even if he rarely indulged in underage pussy, he couldn't help but cum hard in the tight little flesh pit. He convulsed harder than she ever had and unloaded a flood of thick sperm into her womb. Her belly bulged as her womb swelled like a water balloon, overflowing around his cock. He yanked out, expelling the rest on her limp body, splattering thick seed along her soft fur.

For a moment, he flopped atop her, just enjoying the well-used filly that'd so stupidly donated her body to be used up and snuffed for his pleasure. He slid a hoof over her form, enjoying the stickiness for a moment, but as he came down from his fuck high, he didn't want her to be matted when he used her again the next morning.

Fox pulled himself off of her, unlatching her restraints one cuff at a time and leaving them hanging on the bed. He left for the kitchen, dragging the foal behind him by one hind leg, her other three hanging limply as she stared at nothing. Filling the sink with warm soapy water, he tossed her in as he would any other dirty dish or toy.

The thing he liked most about foals was that they were easy to clean between sessions. He scrubbed her down with a dish brush, getting the spunk out of her fur. Using the scrub brush he used for dirty cups, he shoved it into her well-used cunt and wrenched it around to clean out his spunk, leaving himself a fresh soapy hole for next time. He did the same to her muzzle, ramming the cleaning sponge right down her throat. The child stared even as it stretched out her neck, no longer showing any hint of a gag reflex.

Once he'd cleaned his new toy, he toweled her off and brushed her fur into a reasonable state as a filly might one of her dolls. He carried her back to the bedroom, then carried her into the bed itself. He yawned, satisfied with his day as he pulled down the bed covers and slipped beneath them.

Hugging his new toy against him, he drifted into a soft sleep. Nightfall lay there, hugged like a plush toy, wide awake. She'd be conscious until the moment she died, but would never comprehend her situation. Tomorrow morning he'd use her again, and again seven or eight times during the day between other experiments. He'd make sure he used her body well for what all mares should be used for, then toss her out like the dirty cum rag she was.

And atop all that, having snatched a prized pupil from the most powerful being in Equestria had been the ultimate power trip. He would definitely never regret this.

3. Life Ended

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Fox rarely went for young fillies, though he wouldn't argue that a tight hole thrilled his cock. That and the ruining something so pure and innocent was a definite thrill. But any mare would do, or female of any species. Aside from all the fillies and mares he'd killed this way, he'd done dragons, griffons, a hippogriff, and even a few non-sentient beasts when there wasn't another convenient target. Anything with a pussy to rape during and after her death was a valid target.

The single biggest turn on was intelligence though. The more brilliant of a mind he ruined, the better it was. It was his dream to bag a princess, but he'd never manage that, so Celestia's top pupil was the hottest pussy he'd ever get his rape on with. And he enjoyed every second. He fucked her over a dozen times a day, giving the brain dead brat twice as much use as what he normally gave a mare.

It'd been five days of the near constant use. It surprised Fox a filly of her age lasted this long, but she was on the edge. He'd watched a lot of mares die of thirst and he'd gotten good at telling when they were about to go. Chances are, the next time he came inside her sweet little pussy, it'd be an act of necrophilia rather than rape, not that there was much difference in her state.

Given it‘d be the last time pounding her pussy, he made it special. He carried her limp body into the bathroom with him and dropped her on the floor as he filled the bathtub with warm water. He dumped bubble bath into the tub, letting the suds pile up so he could have a nice soak-n-snuff with the filly. There was nothing like a freshly-murdered waterlogged corpse.

For now she was still alive, but just barely. Her eyes were wide open, but glazed over wasn't a good word for it with how dry they looked, faded white as if she'd long ago lost all ability to see. Her muzzle hung open, tongue dry, swollen, and yellowish in color from the dehydration. The only moisture on her pale face was a few drops of spunk that he'd missed wiping off after their last go an hour earlier.

Her breathing was rapid and shallow, as if her lungs could barely inflate. A mere touch on her body could feel the rapid thumping of her desperate heart. Her whole form was hot with fever, but not a drop of perspiration. From time to time her body would convulse, retching as if trying to vomit, but she'd long ago expelled anything left in her body.

While he'd kept her clean, her flesh was losing its elasticity as she dehydrated. Her pussy was still gaping wide from the last time he used her, looking as if he'd just yanked his shaft free even if it'd been an hour. He could still see the imprint of his hooves against her flanks and her belly was still distended from her last use, the shape of his shaft permanently etched into her flesh.

Fox loved a body's tendency to do that as it dried out, because it ensured if they found her body, there would be no doubt what had happened to her, to know she spent her last few days in life being defiled by his wicked cock.

As his shaft throbbed, Fox slipped into the tub and sank into the water, laying upon his back. He floated her over in his magic, sitting her in his lap as he did so and feeling his hooves over her lithe, emaciated body. He shivered, his dick pulsing with bliss as her body settled against him, watching the bathwater slosh up to her chest and the suds billow around her. This would be so hot; he never tired of watching an innocent life end.

A smile played across his face as he lowered her face towards the water. Even in her comatose state, she seemed to sense the steam from the warm water and her tongue reached towards it. Instead though he slid her muzzle over his throbbing erection that poked free above the water. Her tongue was dry, feeling more like cardboard than flesh, but her warm shallow breath still made him throb.

But his main interest was still her other hole, so he lifted her body back out of the water and looked at her gaping cunny. He floated a bottle of lubricant from the sink, turning her upside down and pushing the nozzle into her slit. He squeezed it to lubricate her interior, her body shivering at the cool burst of goo inside her, before setting the bottle aside. Using his telekinesis, he lathered up her insides with the slick lubrication it could no longer produce on its own. Her also retrieved duct tape from a nearby shelf, taping her muzzle shut to make sure she didn't get water from the tub on accident.

Her chafed inner tunnel felt more like lubricated latex against his shaft than an actual filly as he settled her back into his lap and prodded her with his tip. He shivered, moving his hooves back to her hips. Her let her upper body hang limp so she'd flop about as he pulled her downward onto his erection. She slid over him with a lewd moist sound, her limp body barely twitching at the renewed rape.

"Mmm, you know, I don't even remember your name," Fox sighed as he pulled her downward, taking it slow to enjoy her tense flesh sliding down his length. "Not that it matters. Fleshlights don't need names."

He let out a sigh as he moved her up and down on his shaft, ears perked and listening to the slurp of each thrust into her, the warm water of the tub sloshing about with the movements. Her body flopped about, forward and back like a rag doll as he used her. He leaned forward, licking at her taped muzzle and across her face. He could feel the twitch of her swollen tongue right through the tape gag as it spasmed with need at the mere touch of his moist saliva to her face.

As tempting as it was to blow his load in the hot dying little filly, he held it back. He could see her life was dangling by a single thread, ready to pass into oblivion at any moment, and he wanted his next orgasm to pump into her freshly-murdered corpse. He moaned as her body started to spasm, taking her last gasps as her body struggled to remain functional.

"That's it!" he encouraged despite her inability to comprehend anything. "Die with my throbbing cock inside your well-used underage cunt!"

Her body retched one more time, but still there was little left to spill. Her twitches increased to convulsions as her tiny heartbeat drew unsteady, echoing through her dry body. He slid a hoof to her chest, shivering himself and moaning as he felt it beat its last. Her nose flared as she took one last gasp before her convulsions died to a dull shiver and then stopped all together. A slow drool of blood replaced the breath flowing through her nostrils.

The intensity of murdering Princess Celestia's number one brat hit him so hard that he went off immediately. Such a bright little filly, now only a serial killer's statistic, flopped about still as he pummeled upwards into her, her belly swelling against with a new load of thick seed.

As intense as the orgasm was, he wasn't done with just that though. He excitedly sat up, flipping over to all fours and dropping her into the water. Now that she was dead, he immersed her beneath the water. He loosened the tape on her muzzle so the water that could have saved her flowed into her gaping dead maw. He didn't remove the tape completely because it was so sexy, but bubbles rose to the water's surface as her body filled.

Fox gripped her hips tighter than ever, water sloshing about as he rammed his hips as hard as he could. Cum spread out from her pussy from his last load, leaving swirls of white throughout the water, but he kept shoving. He groaned again as he punched her corpse in the back with a hoof, forcing the rest of the air from her lungs so she‘d fill with the water she'd so needed while alive. A swirl of red filled the water at her other end as cooling blood drooled form her muzzle.

His magic whisked the suds off the surface of the water so he could enjoy the sight of her wide-eyed death stare through the water. There was nothing so beautiful as a used-up female getting one last use before she was ready to throw out; even having just came he felt his muscles tense as another one rose from within him.

Fox moaned loudly as he let loose with all his desire, pounding the filly's cadaver with all his might before his own body convulsed. Only five minutes after the last, another orgasm tore through him and pumped into the gaping fuck hole of the filly. More red-streaked white flowed into the tub as she overflowed.

He yanked free, pulling her out of the water and turning her up like a soda to guzzle his own fluid from her corpse cunt. He let the mixture of his cum and her blood coat his gums as he savored the flavor, a few drops drizzling down his face. He gave one last groan as he ran his tongue inside, scooping out one last glob.

After that, he was done with her. He tossed her across the room the same as he would any other used up piece of trash. She landed perfectly in the trash can in the other corner of the bathroom, falling limp inside. She landed perfectly so that her dead-eyed stare looked right at him, and he grinned back at her as he finished his bath in the taint that now filled the tub.

A good fuck always made him have to piss, but after drying off he went to the trash instead of the toilet. He purred as he tugged the trash can containing the dead filly beneath him and relaxed. He looked between his front legs with a grin on hif face as he released. He watched his urine splatter all over the foal corpse, chuckling as he filled her open muzzle and watched it stream down her body. He drenched her already wet body with his piss before it trickled to a close.

When he was done using the piece of meat trash as a toilet, he grabbed the sack from the trash bin. He didn't bother giving her her own bag, just leaving her in there with food scraps and bathroom trash. He didn't even bother to tie it off, just dragging it behind him as he exited back into his bedroom.

He took one more moment to go to the saddlebags she'd had one when she got here. He'd noticed something before and wanted to do one last thing before tossing her out. It was an incredibly foalish thing, and he knew it, but it would be such a turn on to pull this on that prissy Princess.

Inside the filly's saddlebags was a thick book which he recognized. He'd read about these, and most of her top students got one. Inside were tons of letters she'd written to Celestia, and letters Celestia had written back to her. He'd greatly enjoyed reading them over the last few days, taking in all the progress he'd put to a stop just to have some intense orgasms.

He knew that anything he wrote in this book would go to a book that Celestia kept. No doubt over the last few days she'd been worried about why the little one hadn't wrote her, and probably had already looked for her. But Celestia couldn't trace this book unless something new was written in it. Celestia probably had Luna looking for the little one too, but of course Luna couldn't find the filly through her dreams when the drug hadn't allowed the little one to sleep all this time.

First, Fox got a camera from a nearby drawer. He opened up the trash, making sure that the filly was posed to get a good photo. He snapped the pic, getting the look of abject horror on her dead face and the cum and blood drooling from her well-used cunt. She really was beautiful like this, and the urine puddled in her wide opened eyes and muzzle only made her more so.

Next, he carried the bag, the book, and the photo with him as he teleported across the slum district where he lived. He teleported a dozen times in all to make the magic hard to trace, but ended in a favorite back alley. Glancing around to make sure no one was there, he went to work. He pressed the photo to the page of the book as it was his understanding that this would transport the photo to Celestia as well. Around it he wrote the following letter:

Dear Princess Celestia

Have fun masturbating to this, slut.

- Killer Doctor

That should get his name in the paper. Well, his alias at least. He tossed the book and the rest of her saddlebags in the dumpster, then teleported away to leave the trash there to be found. He'd spend a nice relaxing evening not regretting this before nabbing that mare next door.

4. Rage Ignited

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Celestia worried sick about her latest protégé. As soon as Nightfall failed to show up for class, Celestia knew something was wrong and had the guard searching the city. But after searching the campus and all the places that Nightfall seemed likely to go, she came up empty hooved.

Each day that passed saw her worry increase until Celestia could barely perform her duties as Princess because of the distraction. It only got worse when several days passed without Luna being able to locate Nightfall in the dream realm, which meant she wasn't dreaming at all.

Celestia even tried spells to locate her, but that only confounded her more. She got no readings with even the most powerful spell, as if something was blocking her location or dulling her life signs. Yet it didn't read as non-existent either as if would if she'd been killed, just that it couldn't pinpoint her other than being in Canterlot.

Then one night Celetia awoke to the buzzing of a large book next to her; Nightfall's book. She'd gone to sleep early from the exhaustion of stress piled upon duty, so she wasn't sure how long it had been buzzing when she noticed. When she did though, she yanked the book over to her bed and opened it to the most recent page.

What she saw there left her breathless. A photo of Nightfall's corpse, emaciated as if having died from slow starvation or thirst. She'd been used repeatedly, her vagina gaping wide and oozing white fluid streaked with blood. Yellowish liquid drenched her body as she lay in a pile of trash. The shock of what she saw left her unable to function for several long moments, then her eyes shifted to the words beneath it:

Dear Princess Celestia

Have fun masturbating to this, slut.

- Killer Doctor

Celestia's ear-splitting scream of rage rattled the windows in her room. The royal guard outside burst in, prepared to defend her but terrified of what could make the princess scream like that.

"Your Majesty, what's....?" one guard said, but he trailed off quickly.

When she turned to look at him, he and the two guards behind him were taking a step back as if terrified. They couldn't see the book from there though, so why were they...?

Oh, it was her. She suddenly realized that the bed around her was smoldering, her mane having literally ignited from the rage of what she had seen. The princess took a deep breath to stabilize herself, her mane flowing into its previous form and the charred bed sheets cooling around her.

"P-princess?" stammered the guard. "W-what happened?"

None of the guard had ever seen her angry. The last time Celestia felt this kind of rage was before even their grandparents were born, but she had absolutely felt it. It was the reason she educated her students on the dangers that some rare ponies posed. She'd vowed to never lose a student to something like this again, and now she had.

Celestia didn't answer aloud, not wanting to frighten her royal guard more and knowing she was incapable of speaking in a reasonable tone. Instead she opened the book, turning it to where they could see it and holding it in front of them.

All her personal chamber guards knew Nightfall and adored the little one. Now as they beheld her fate, their muzzled dropped open, followed by looks ranging from confusion to disgust to rage. As other guards arrived, most turned away, a few rushing off to vomit at the sight.

"Come with me," Celestia's voice rattled the room when she spoke again.

Not as if they had a choice if they came. Her magic encompassed the guards that looked the least ill, taking them with her in a teleport. Now that she'd received a message through the book, it was easy to trace to where the message had been sent from.

They arrived in a darkened alley. The royal guards quickly got the idea, spreading out and searching the area. Celestia however immediately detected the magical residue of a teleport, only a few seconds old. She closed her eyes to concentrate on tracing it, ignoring the sound of a guard vomiting nearby that probably signified that Nightfall had been discovered.

The first was easy to trace, but led her to an open field just outside of Canterlot and to another teleport link. The second wasn't so easy, since they'd only relayed here and there was little signature left. Still, she was determined to follow it. Celestia pushed down her rage and concentrated again.

It was pointless though. The culprit knew she could do this and had teleported multiple times to provent it. Each relay was harder to trace, and each took longer to do. Whereas the first link took seconds to follow, it took an hour to get six deep, and by that time they had faded to the point not even she could follow further. Frustrated, she teleported back to the first alleyway.

As she appeared, she found several of the guards still here, though others had left, perhaps to search other nearby areas. The Canterlot police were also on the scene, and a serious-looking earth pony with a badge approached her before bowing. She recognized him as a chief at the local police district.

"Princess," he bowed as he came close. "Were you able to trace them?"

"No," said Celestia. The rage in her voice was still apparent.

He took a step back, and Celestia realized how angry she sounded. Though it could have just as well been from the heat once again boiling from her body. She took a deep breath to keep her aura from igniting again, but had already charred hoofprints into the pavement beneath her.

"I apologize," said Celestia. "What have you found?"

"We found the body," the chief replied. "We have ponies searching the area for clues. We were about to take her to the morgue for an autopsy but... we were trying to wait for you."

Celestia didn't have to be told where she was. She walked over to the large bin and looked down at the little filly. They had cast a preservation spell on her, but it only made her look less decent by ensuring the fluids drooling from her innocent form hadn't yet dried. It was horrifying, but Celestia took in every detail, a sort of self-punishment for allowing it to happen. She took off one shoe and stroked a hoof down the filly's cheek gently with a bare hoof, but the filly's face was frozen in the last look of stunned terror.

"He put her in the trash," Celestia growled between clenched teeth. She could have sworn something in her head creaked; she'd never been closer to snapping completely. "Just threw her out. Left here while you... " She shook her head and closed the little ones wide-open eyes with her magic.

"Ah um, Princess you shouldn't um..." the police pony said, then took another step back when she looked at him, looking far more cross at him than she intended. She wasn't capable of looking anything else. "Sorry..."

"it is not for you to be sorry," said Celestia darkly as she pulled her hoof away. "But trust me, I will make the one that should be sorry more so than he ever thought possible. What else do you know?"

"He dropped her and her things here," said the chief. "We are running tests on the... bodily fluids, but will only be able to track them that way if it is on file. And if this is who we think it is, they won't be."

"Who do you think it is?" Celestia asked, trying her best not to be intimidating to the hard-working officer.

"Well, your Majesty," sighed the officer, giving another short bow. Celestia tried hard not to be annoyed by his over-reverence of her. "There's a serial killer called 'The Killer Doctor' that this crime matches perfectly. Even if he hadn't signed the letter that, this is always the way he kills, poisoning a mare and letting her die of thirst as he... uses her."

"And why was I not informed of a serial killer in my own city?" Celestia's voice quivered with barely contained rage.

"W-well," stammered the officer. "He's never killed in Canterlot. He moves from city to city, usually small towns, and... honestly it's surprising he'd come here at all. Anyway, he never has more than a few victims in a city before moving on. He usually chooses victims that few will miss, this is really out of the blue from what I've read in the reports. He doesn't normally prey on foals either, we couldn't have anticipated that he'd target a filly like Nightfall."

"So because his targets weren't 'important' enough, he was not seen to before?" Celestia raised her voice enough that other officers in the area looked over.

"I-I didn't mean like that," said the officer, but it wasn't like it was even his fault if that was the case. Celestia would have to work on better data sharing between police in different cities.

"The bottom line is we have a limited time to find him before he moves on," said Celestia. "Have you found any evidence of where he resides?"

"Well there wasn't anything too defining when we scanned the trash bag," sighed the officer. "There were a few wrappers from street vendors though. They're the kind of vendors that cater mostly to local residents, so it's safe to assume they live nearby."

The killer's stupidity surprised Celestia, leaving such obvious clues. Then again, psychopaths were a strange lot; he might very well want to be caught. He might have even targeted her student with that specific purpose. Maybe he was looking for fame.

"What area?" asked Celestia.

"The district along seventh street in the southeast corner of the city," said the officer. "It's not exactly the most reputable place, we busted a dark magic ring there last month if you remember. Unfortunately there are a large amount of transients there, so it'll be harder than just narrowing down residents that haven't been in the area long."

"Then we'll go another route," said Celestia.

In a flash she disappeared again, leaving them to look for new clues. She had what she needed to find him though.

The officer said the killer only targeted those that few would miss. Then why did he target someone so important? And why did he move to a city of such prominence? That told Celestia two things. First, he was getting sloppy, perhaps even trying to get caught out of sheer boredom. Second, he found her student an attractive enough of a target to both take a risk and, according to the officer, go outside of his 'preferred' age range.

Together that told Celestia the best way to trap him. The bait would be an equal target that he would target for the thrill of taking down another of Celestia's students. Of course, Celestia would never endanger her actual students, but she'd learned a thing or two about shifting magic.

Either way: This killer would pay for what he'd done.


Shapeshifting was easier than it used to be. Now that the changelings were on friendly terms, there were a number that had been happy to allow research into their abilities, and progress on such spells had surged forward. It still took a powerful spell to pull it off, but that was no problem for Celestia.

No one liked Celestia being the bait, particularly not her sister, but this was personal for her. She couldn't leave this to chance because if someone else did this and was killed, she'd never forgive herself. Celestia already had enough in her past that she'd always blame herself for.

The chemical mixture the killer used had no known cure once it was administered, but it was something that could be countered in advanced. It wasn't difficult to formulate an effective vaccine for the chemical, which Celestia had injected into herself prior to leaving. Even if he jabbed her, it would have no effect. In fact, she looked forward to the look on his face when it didn't work.

Becoming a filly the same age might be suspicious and according to his profile he preferred older, anyway. Celestia had been over the list of known victims, and she'd also noted that the wicked stallion favored pregnant mares. So Celestia took the form of an older filly, young enough to be a student at Celestia's school but old enough to be pregnant. She gave herself a lanky body to accentuate a swollen belly and breasts, making the pretend pregnancy obvious to passerbys. If this wouldn't draw him out, nothing would.

Celestia chose bright colors that would be easy to see in the dark: a bright yellow coat and flame orange mane. She used a magic wand cutie mark and carried saddlebags with the emblem of her school on them. Hopefully this wouldn't be too overt; she may as well have put a flashing neon sign over her head that said 'try to kill me'.

After some digging and from the notes in Nightfall's saddlebags, Celestia had figured that Nightfall had been looking for a rare spell component that wasn't in the more reputable shops. Doing the same thing might be suspicious, so she put another swing on it.

She'd pretend to be another filly from the school that was out looking for where her friend Nightfall disappeared to. Since the murder hadn't been made public yet, it was believable that the students wouldn't know and one that figured out what she was looking for might search here.

Over the first few hours, a half-dozen ponies approached her as she wandered around aimlessly, asking what she needed. Most were very helpful. There was one that flirted with her, which she flirted back and even went home with him in hopes he was the culprit. But when she got there and 'changed her mind' about having sex with him, he let her go with only mild disappointment on his part. Obviously he wasn't the one she was looking for.

There was also an off-duty guard that insisted she escort Celestia everywhere she went. Celestia was certain the guard had heard about what happened and decided to patrol the area in her free time. She was finally forced to reveal her identity in order to keep the guard from chasing away potential suspects, but noted the guard's name, Astraea. They'd earned a promotion without knowing. Every guard should be so enthusiastic about protecting Equestria's subjects.

So she found herself standing back outside, disappointed that not a single pony had attempted to rape or murder her. Now there was a thought she didn't think she'd ever have.

Then finally he approached. Celestia knew as soon as she saw him. Not because he looked perverted, but because he looked completely civil and friendly in an area where even the nice ones were at least rough looking. She held in her anger until she was certain though and smiled at him in return when he approached.

"Hello there little miss," the stallion smiled. "I've seen you pass by a few times, like you're going in circles. Are you lost?"

"Well um, not exactly," Celestia stammered, giving a good approximation of a nervous teen. "It's just, one of my friends at Celestia's school went missing recently, and this morning I remembered that she'd mentioned going to this area to look for something for class. I've been looking for anyone that has seen her."

"Oh?" he smiled, his eyes flicking briefly to her swollen belly before looking back at her. "All alone? And you look pregnant? You might be the youngest pregnant mare I've ever met. How old are you?"

"I'm 14," Celestia blushed as she lied convincingly, quietening. "I-I'd rather not talk about the pregnancy, if that's okay. It's... not something I asked for. Anyway, the police didn't seem to believe me because I was the only one she told, and I didn't want to wait for them to come around so I came to look myself. Um, my name is Purity."

Celestia wiped a tear from her eye, and she could see the stallion forcing himself not to grin wider. She figured implying it to be a rape foal would get a pyschopath's juices flowing and make it harder to resist her. Even the name she gave was designed to tempt him; could a serial killer resist the irony of defiling a filly named Purity?

"Oh you poor dear," the stallion looked concerned. It seemed fake to Celestia, but it might have fooled many. "I'm Doctor Fox Quill. Why don't you describe her to me?"

"Her name is Nightfall Gleam," said Celestia, hope in her eyes. "She has a dark purple coat, blue mane, green eyes, with a white and yellow wand as a cutie mark. She's young, just got the mark. Have you seen her?"

"Hmm, I think so," Fox tapped his chin with a hoof. "You know I was taking pictures around town the other day and could swear there was a filly of that description in one. Want to come back and look through them with me to see if she's in one?"

"Oh yes!" Celestia's eyes brightened.

"Good then, let's go," he smiled.

He glanced at her belly again, seeming to focus on the swollen breasts before turning back around and trotting away. Celestia could swear she saw him lick his lips as he headed off, so she followed behind. Did she have the right one this time?

Fox led her back into an alleyway which itself was very suspicious. Was this where he led Nightfall? If so, Celestia cursed herself. If one of her students willingly walked into a dark alley with a stranger, Celestia hadn't taught them well enough how to avoid these situations. It was hard to get young foals to understand that dangers existed they'd never been exposed to.

"I'm afraid the front door is stuck," explained Fox. "We'll need to head in through this window."

He opened the window nearby, and slowly walked around behind her as if to let her go first. Celestia knew what was coming, but had to verify, so she stepped towards it. She intentionally looked away from him, giving him time to act.

It was a good thing that she'd had herself injected with a vaccine to the concoction, because no sooner was he out of her sight than she felt a sharp prick in her neck. He grasped her head, jabbing her with a needle and injecting the whole contents.

"I'm going to enjoy raping out your rape foal, little filly," he whispered to her with a smirk and shoved her in through the window.

Rage burned within her, but Celestia controlled herself for the moment. The drug had no effect as had been promised by the doctor that gave her the antidote, but she let her body fall limp as if it had. After he shoved her roughly in through the window, he shut and locked it behind her, flicking on the light.

She got a good look at the room, likely the same room Nightfall had found herself in, though with one probable difference. There was the limp body of another victim laying on the bed. It was a green earth mare with yellow mane and aqua eyes, tied with limbs outstretched. Her eyes were glazed, obviously having been fed the drug, and both her muzzle and slit were freshly used as if he'd been using her just before he decided to step out and get Celestia.

The other mare looked weak, but not yet severely dehydrated. She'd live, but whether her mind would ever be fixed was another thing entirely. Celestia cursed herself again for not acting in time to save his next victim.

"I remember now!" Fox said as he walked to the bed, turning his back to Celestia. "I did see your friend a week ago. I did exactly what I'm going to do to you: I paralyzed her and raped her a dozen times a day for a week as she died of dehydration."

Then it was absolutely confirmed; there was no more need for a ruse. Celestia stood up and shifted back into her true form. However Fox was still turned away and kept talking without having seen this as of yet.

"But you'll be so much more fun," continued Fox. "Those plump pregnant breasts are going to be delicious to drain. And thanks to the drug, you'll miscarry that precious foal within a day. Sadly you won't be coherent enough to see it by then, but I promise to give your fresh abortion a good fucking before tossing it in the trash."

Celestia couldn't believe what she was hearing. She concentrated, signaling Luna and the royal guards that had been waiting to arrive. Only then did she speak.

"Gotcha," Celestia said almost playfully.

He froze, slowly turned, and stared in confusion.

"I'm afraid, Doctor Quill," Celestia said sternly. "The only one getting fucked here today is you."

Even as reckless as he'd been, Celestia expected him to panic or at least show some hint of fear at this realization. At the very least, it should have been awkward to realize that he just said all that in front of her.

Instead, he burst out laughing.

"What took you so long?" he laughed. "I expected to be caught after a few dozen, but you've let me get away with over 200! I guess your subjects don't matter until your own personal fuck toy gets used by somepony else!"

He didn't even stop laughing when Luna and the royal guards flashed into existence in the room. He just pointed at Luna and laughed harder.

"Oh and look it's the Moon slut!" he laughed. "I guess I'm going to be having some really vivid dreams from here on out, but jokes on you! I'm ironically a bit of a masochist!"

"Two hundred?" asked Celestia, too stunned by that alone to focus on anything else.

"Oh don't worry," Fox chuckled. "I kept track and will give you a full list. No point in hiding it now; I'm going down in history for this shit."

"What is the meaning of this?!" Luna cried out so loudly that it was a miracle the building didn't collapse. She turned to the royal guards. "Get this mare to the hospital immediately!"

One unicorn guard nodded, rushing to the mare on the bed and taking hold of her before teleporting himself and her away.

"Going down in history?" growled Celestia, her eyes locked on the maniac. "No, I don't think you will."

"Oh come on," Fox said even as another royal guard pinned him to the floor and clamped a horn restraint onto him. "Every pony is going to want to see this trial. It's not like you can just not give me one."

"Oh?" Celestia whispered darkly. "I 'have' to, do I?"

Celestia had many systems in place to be fair, so she supposed it was no wonder that he'd forget that she was still a Princess in Equestria's diarchy. Just because she never overrode the system didn't mean she couldn't or wouldn't in a particular situation.

But she said nothing more for the time being. She'd let him make a foal of himself by gloating, but he'd regret every giggle.

5. Judgement Passed

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Fox admitted it hadn't been quite as spectacular as he'd expected, but he knew it was coming. They'd taken him directly to the Canterlot dungeon for questioning, where he'd cooperated entirely and given them all the information they wanted, as well as a great deal they didn't. Murders, live pony testings, torture, the rape of females of all species alive and dead, everything. Now it was just a matter of awaiting trial.

This was a spectacle he couldn't wait for. It made him hard just thinking about how the little filly's family would be there all broken-hearted. He couldn't wait to see their crying faces as he described in detail how he fucked their daughter to death on the stand. Maybe the families of other victims would be there to stand witness as well. This would be so hot.

Sadly he couldn't masturbate to that thought since they'd bound his hooves due to that tendency. They'd muzzled him too after he refused to stop telling the mares that guarded him all of the things he wanted to do to them, even after no less than three of them kicked his flank. He'd noticed he'd been dealt with entirely by female soldiers thus far, probably an intentional jab by Celestia, but it just proved how much he got to her, and he loved that.

But it annoyed him that he didn't get to see the news stories about his capture. They'd even gone to the extent of delivering newspapers to his cell, but not one even mentioned it. He wondered if they hadn't reported it yet, because surely he'd be front page news when they did. It wasn't like they could go forever without telling anyone, but it was always a let down when he painstakingly flipped through the newspaper with his gagged muzzle searching for mention of something that was never there, and the guards always got a bit too pleased at watching him do that for no reason.

That morning when the next guard shift arrived though, there was one more than usual. Fox could tell it was a mare due to head shape, though her armor covered her cutie mark and most other features. He could see the earth mare had a light gray coat and a darker gray mane with a single white stripe down the middle. Her pure red eyes jumped out as if glowing ever so slightly in the dim light, though she held a more non-serious look than the disdain he got from most of the other guards. Or maybe it was a happy look? It was hard for him to tell.

But she did look familiar.

She had a wheelchair with her, which he assumed was for him. Was it finally time for him to make an appearance? Fox was gagged so all he could do was smirk at her, but she still didn't give him the pleasure of a reaction. She came to his cell door and looked him over with a distinct amusement.

"Here to bring him in, Astraea?" asked one of the other guards.

“Lieutenant Astraea now,” another guard corrected the first one.

"Yep! lucky me~" Astraea sang out.

Fox wondered if she was acting so happily on purpose. He motioned to his gag with his bound front hooves, but it wasn't removed. Instead his hoof bindings were tightened as a unicorn picked him up in her magic and Astraea opened the door for him to be carried out. He was placed in the wheelchair like some kind of invalid and strapped in so that he didn't tumble out.

Whatever. It was still time to make his grand court appearance, and they'd have to ungag him so he could smart off at some point.


When he arrived, he found that calling it 'grand' was pushing it. For one, he expected a larger crowd given how many victims he had. The number here might account for the families of the victims that were known, but he revealed a lot of the ones they missed during questioning, so shouldn't they show up as well? The ones that were there didn't even respond amusingly to his snide or creepy stares. One would think they'd be more uptight before they knew what punishment he was or wasn't getting.

Which he was sure would be a public execution. It was a strange thing to look forward to, but he couldn't wait to be given his last words. It wasn't like executions in Equestria were particularly painful or anything.

Celestia was at a podium, pretending to be a proper judge and overseeing things, but there was no lawyers to be seen. Granted he had waived his right to have one and already confessed, but even then they generally had a prosecutor present.

The only other prominent pony there was one standing next to Celestia for most of the event, looking uncomfortable. It was a rather pretty mare in her early twenties with a white coat and pink tail and mane done up in a bun. Given the nurse's hat and the cutie mark of a red cross with hearts surrounding it, he assumed she was a doctor much like him.

Well okay, not like him. Still, he had to say she looked rather delicious. Why was a nurse even here?

He expected a public spectacle, but there weren't even any reporters there. There were no witnesses, either, and he had hoped for some touching testimony from the families of the victims about their loss. That would have given him a raging boner for sure. The nurse didn't even testify, even though the only conceivable reason for her was to talk about the effects of his drug.

Honestly, the whole thing had an 'already decided' feel to it. They parked his wheelchair at a table but most ponies there didn't so much as look at him for the entire thing. The lack of attention was more than a little agitating.

They didn't even play a video of his confession, and he'd put so much effort into making it amusing for them to watch. It mostly just consisted of a rather long read of the crimes he committed. After a good half hours of listing off names and crimes, Astraea finally tugged his gag free, not giving any warning before yanking it off roughly. That was too bad, because it didn't give him a chance to lick her.

"Does the guilty party have anything to say before I announce sentencing?" Celestia asked, the first significant thing she'd said since it began.

"Yeah, which of these assholes are the family of that little rape toy I just snuffed?" Though intentionally offensive, Fox was actually curious.

"They are not here," Celestia answered, not letting his phrasing get to her. "Lieutenant Astraea, please show the guilty party a copy of this mornings newspaper."

Astraea did as she was told; they must have expected this question as there was a convenient newspaper on an easily reachable table nearby. The mare dropped it on the table in front of Fox, but didn't open it.

"About time it got reported on!" Fox snickered, then looked at Astraea. "You gonna open it, rape bait?"

"The Princess ordered me to show it to you," Astraea said with a soft smile. "So I showed it to you, she didn't ask me to open it, did she?"

Fox looked to Celestia in annoyance, but she didn't amend the order. So he rolled his eyes and carefully leaned down to grab the corner of the newspaper in his muzzle. At last all eyes were on him, but in the most annoying way possible as he flipped through the paper with his mouth like a dirty mud pony.

It was surprising that it wasn't on the front page, but even more that it wasn't in any of the other main sections. It wasn't even in the crime section.

"Are you fucking with me or something?" Fox finally asked Celestia. "Is it still not in here?"

"There is no danger of that ever occurring," Celestia answered in near-monotone. "But the article about my student's death is there."

He grumbled; this wasn't the impression he wanted to give to these families, but he really wanted to find the articles, so he tried flipping to the obituaries instead. Finally there he found it: "Princess Celestia's Protégé Nightfall Gleam Passes From Rare Illness".


He couldn't believe his eyes. This article didn't even mention him or a murder. It claimed that she got lost and passed out due to a neurological disorder caused by a rare allergic reaction. It said she died of thirst lying unconscious in a ditch.

"What's this?" Fox demanded. "This is stupid! This isn't what happened at all! They'll find out eventually anyway! I'm not going to keep my mouth shut about this at my execution. And I know you're required to give last words at an execution."

"Execution?" asked Astraea. "In such a hurry to die? Well sadly for you, it's the Princess's decision what happens to you."

Astraea wasn't wrong. Fox actually wanted an execution. Though there hadn't been one in ages, it was still on the books that there could be, and surely this would trigger it. And since the unchanged law still said executions had to be public, he'd get plenty of time to yammer on to a crowd, or at least that was the plan. He couldn't live forever, but he could go down in history books for something no one would forget.

"It is also my decision," said Celestia. "That you not be given the one thing you want the most: an audience, much less a public one. All here have agreed that the families who did not already know how their loved ones suffered will never be burdened with that knowledge. Now do you have anything else to say before I pass judgement?"

"You think I won't tell them?" laughed Fox. "Either I'll be executed, which is required to be public by law, or I won't be, in which case I WILL tell everyone."

"The only ones that will know," said Celestia. "Are those here, who have agreed to secrecy, and the court documents, which will probably rot before anypony reads them again because you confessed. Oh, and two others; you'll meet them later but I heavily doubt they'll be interested in assisting you. Regardless, there are no precedents being set that will need to be looked upon later. You made it quite easy to ensure you are forgotten."

"Just read the judgement!" Fox's annoyance increased, but he adopted the most smug look that he could still muster. He looked over the courtroom, making sure all those there saw his expression.

"Very well," Princess Celestia said. "I sentence you to behavioral modification."

"Wait, what?" Fox tilted his head, losing his smug expression due to what he heard, or didn't hear.

"Can the court reporter please read back my statement?" asked Celestia, as if she couldn't be troubled to say the brief judgement again.

"Very well," the mare typing away the report read, "I sentence you to behavioral modification."

"I didn't mean repeat it!" said Fox. "That's it? One sentence of a sentence? What does it even

"Do you know what behavior means, accused?" asked Celestia, leaning forward as if talking to a foal.

"Of course I do!" answered Fox.

"And do you know what modify means?" asked Celestia.

"Yes!" Fox rolled his eyes. "You're not sending me to that Friendship School your last pupil set up are you? Because if you do, I guarantee students and faculty will go missing."

"Then you understand what I said? Good," Celestia nodded, ignoring the rest of his statement. "Nurse Redheart, you will escort the accused to behavioral modification. Lieutenant Astraea? Please remain with Nurse Redheart as her guard and assist in any way she requests."

"Yes, Princess," Astraea nodded.

"Good," Celestia nodded. "I have an important tea party to attend with my sister, but do contact me when it is complete. I can spare at least a few minutes more for... whats-his-name, I'm sure."

"Oh, so this is what you're pulling," smirked Fox. "Pretending I'm not important? And what's the point of that? Once this all gets out, I'll get all the recognition I want and you'll just look stupid." He turned to the 'audience'. "You all must be peeved though, seeing me get off the hook with 'behavioral modification'. Maybe when I'm done with that, I'll pay you a visit just to dig in that I got off so easy."

The crowd mostly stared at him. Actually a few smirked back. That was odd. He expected them to go mad with that ruling, but they were all quite calm, like they knew something he didn't. Whatever. He'd get to laugh at them all at the end he was sure.

He turned to say something snide to Celestia instead, but she'd already teleported away. She really didn't want to deal with him. In fact, the audience was filtering out too, in the same manner one might leave a terrible theater performance before it was over. It was like a concentrated effort to make him feel unimportant.

So he made a concentrated effort to be amused by it. He almost succeeded.

"And why is a nurse escorting me to punishment?" Fox asked Redheart instead, trying to sit straight but wobbling a bit. "Is this going to get kinky?"

"We're escorting you to..." a guard started.

"Please," interrupted Redheart. "Refrain from saying anything that might... lower his enthusiasm. But can we please get a teleport? I would... rather get this over with so I can get home. Never cared for this kind of duty."

"No march of shame?" chuckled Fox. "I want to see my adoring crowds!"

"Cute," Redheart sounded neutral about his humor. "Humor is often an effective way to playing off one's fear. I get that sometimes with patients when I give them a fatal diagnosis."

"I've fully accepted my 'diagnosis'," scoffed Fox.

"I tell you what," Redheart said. "Say that again when we're done."

"I will," Fox glared at her.

"Hey Steel?" Astraea said to a nearby unicorn guard. "You know where we're going, right? Want to give us a teleport."

"Yeah sure," the stallion guard nodded. "But don't expect me to stick around. That's the last thing I need to see."

An instant later they were somewhere else. This wasn't strange; Fox had become accustomed to this sort of treatment. They rarely walked anywhere, as if they were hiding him from the outside. Well they wouldn't be able to hide him for much longer.

Wait, what? Where in Tartarus was he?

It looked like a hospital room, possibly one meant for operations, but certainly not one given the best upkeep. The tile floor and walls seemed sterile and it was well-lit aside from one flickering light, but otherwise wasn't the quality one expected in Canterlot.

There was a single table for a patient to lie on during operations, but the padding was stiff and mostly missing, revealing much of the rough metal beneath. There was an empty tray for hospital tools next to it, with several drawers in a cabinet beneath it that could have held anything.

"Let's get you on the table and strap you in," instructed Redheart after Steel teleported away, leaving the two and Astraea behind for their business.

"Is there where I'm supposed to cooperate?" asked Fox, more dumbfounded than anything else at the location and directions. "Are you having a laugh trying to scare me?"

"I don't know, am I laughing?" asked Redheart. She wasn't; she was annoyingly calm in the situation. "You can wriggle if you want but it will only delay the inevitable."

He rolled his eyes as Redheart and Astraea hefted him from the wheelchair together onto the hard table. At first he didn't expect them to go so far with this scare attempt to strap him in, but once he was on the table, Astraea went to work. One at a time, Fox's limbs were unhitched from the prison straps and strapped securely to the sides of the table instead.

Astraea yanked on the straps as hard as she could, feeling as if she was cutting off circulation. He felt the tattered cloth dig at his ankles, but didn't give them the satisfaction of a complaint. Once done with that, Astraea removed his prison uniform, cutting it off of him with a knife so to remove it without having to unbind him.

"You cut off circulation," Redheart told Astraea with a somewhat motherly tone, moving around to loosen the leg straps ever so slightly.

"I'm not exactly a medical professional." Astraea shrugged.

"No, but you are a professional in the treatment of restrained criminals," Redheart reprimanded.

"Saw-we," Astraea said, sounding like a filly scolded by her mother but not actually sorry.

Fox couldn't comprehend a nurse having concern for someone like him, so he assumed it to be mocking concern. He had to assume that, because sincere concern was even more annoying to consider.

"This is stupid," Fox shook his head. "I deserve a real trial. What about all these precious laws you dumb fucks follow?"

"My understanding is that all laws have been followed," Redheart explained as a teacher would to an especially stupid foal. "You've already made a full confession, so no trial is necessary and Princess Celestia reserves the right to make a simple judgement. Honestly the fact that she took you to any sort of courtroom at all shows how very proper she is. Equestria is a principality after all. She doesn't technically have to follow even her own rules."

"Why should she waste taxpayer money on a full trial for an unimportant criminal anyway?" laughed Astraea.

"Unimportant?!" demanded Fox. "Oh come on, drop the act. I know what you're all trying to pull and it won't work. You have to know it's all going to come out in the end!"

"I appreciate you being here, but please stick to guarding, Astraea," said Redheart. "If this creature manages to pose a threat at least. And yes, criminal, you are unimportant. Princess Celestia knows you want attention. You want to go down in history for your deeds. So that is exactly what is not going to happen. There's no law against telling a kind lie to the family of the deceased so they will not suffer the trauma you were hoping to inflict upon them. Nor is there one against not advising how a criminal is punished or even that they exist. Now do you mind if I continue?"

Fox had nothing to say. He just stared at her. He'd never had a mare talk back to him in that way. Of course, they were usually the one tied up during these conversations.

"I'll take that as affirmative," Redheart nodded.

"This is stupid," Fox shook his head. "This isn't behavioral modification or whatever. Just drop the act and let me up!"

"I'm sorry," Redheart said calmly. "Do you feel your rights have been infringed? You're welcome to file a complaint after I complete my part of your modification."

"Where's the Princess?" Fox shouted. He refused to believe he was unimportant enough for her to have actually gone to tea time. "Or someone in charge!"

"I'm going to ask you to lower your voice," said Redheart. "I assure you that this hospital is abandoned and there is no one to hear you aside from those you see here. The Princess already explained that she is busy and I'm sure she had no desire to see this. Hating you doesn't make her a sadist."

Fox quieted down, if only because he had no idea what to say now. It didn't seem he'd succeed in agitating this annoying cunt anyway. It was infuriating; he wasn't used to being locked in a room with females and not be the one in control.

"Quiet now? Thank you," Redheart said. "We'll continue and I assure you I will follow all proper orders and procedures to the letter."

"You're just trying to intimidate me," Fox rolled his eyes. "It must really clog her shriveled old cunt to find someone she can't intimidate just by existing. Now unstrap me and get me to where I'm actually supposed to go."

"It's not my job to intimidate you, Mister Quill," said Redheart. "Nor do I particularly want to, but I suspect you will be when I do this."

Redheart opened the top drawer of the cabinet, which contained two large tools, each of which she placed atop the cabinet instead. The first looked almost like large pliers with a separate clamp and bladed portions. It had a ratchet on the handle to lock it in a closed position. The second were smaller pliers which had four prongs on the end in a square configuration. Next to that was placed a dish full of thick green rubber bands. Neither seemed top-of-the-line, and he could swear he saw a bit of rust forming about the handles.

"W-what are those?" Fox stammered.

"I'm sure you realize what they are," said Redheart. "Or at least what they are for. The first is an emasculator, which will be used to remove the testes, the second is an elastrator, which I've been directed to use for the removal of the penis."

"Still feel on top of the situation?" asked Astraea with the same smile she’d wore the whole fucking time.

Fox didn't answer, but Redheart was right. He hadn't remembered the names but it clicked what they were for, and what was about to happen, as soon as she put them on the table. But such things were only used when a stallion had medical conditions that required the removal. Surely not.

"I've been given very explicit instructions on what to do here," explained Redheart. "The first is discretion, but I'm used to that. I'm generally the one Princess Celestia calls in cases that require medical intervention, even if it's not typically this kind. I'm not from Canterlot, so I guess it's easier for me to take care of things here without being noticed."

"A-are you serious?" Fox stammered again.

"She did say you were alarmingly unintelligent for an alchemist," sighed Redheart, her tone that of a casual observation. "But luckily I haven't been ordered to explain everything because I can't afford enough giant crayons to spell it out for you. It's better if we just get on with it, don't you think? Learn from experience?"

"She can't order that!" Fox cried out. "That's not a legit punishment! For what I did I should be beheaded!"

"You really are strange," Redheart commented in the same way as she might point out an odd hat on a passerby. "You would rather die than live without your little penis? But let's ask the criminal expert. Astraea?"

"There's no mention of castration in the legal code," smirked Astraea. "But the rules for allowable behavioral modification are pretty open ended."

"But this isn't right!" Fox complained. "What I wanted was..."

"A public spectacle that you could get off on," Redheart finished for him; they had him figured out more than he'd assumed. "We've been over this. But instead you're going to be deprived of your most prized possession and live without it forever in a dark place, alone with no attention. Well... not alone technically, but it won't be the type of attention you desire."

She waited to see if Fox responded, but he only stared as he tried to think of anything to say. It was unlike him to be at a loss for words.

"If you're lucky," Redheart continued. "Nightfall's family will never know you existed, nor will almost everyone else. You'll be forgotten except for a few official court documents that will literally rot before somepony looks at them again. I certainly hope you listened this time because I won't go through that explanation again."

Fox stared at Redheart, mind still grinding for something smart to say, but came up with a blank slate. She casually washed her hooves with a sink in the corner before gloving up and putting on a mask, giving him time to respond, but his mind was dry. Redheart finished, passing a medical mask to Astraea to put on as well before she looked back at Fox.

"Nothing else?" Redheart asked. "Well, I don't suppose it matters if there is. Let's begin. Or prepare to begin at least." She sighed. "The Princess ordered that to increase sensitivity I am to... bring you to orgasm. With my own vagina, no less, that creates the most sensitivity for various magical reasons I'm sure you already know about."

"W-what?" Fox asked, but his mind immediately latched onto the opportunity to get something over on this bitch. "Yeah sure she ordered that. You just wanted to ride my fat cock. Well enjoy having a go at the dick that fucked that little foal to death!"

"Please," Redheart rolled her eyes, opening up the nearby drawer again. "As if I would let my vagina come anywhere near that... thing."

Redheart tugged an elongated hunk of floppy silicon from the drawer and moved between his legs with it. It took him a while to realize it was a fleshlight just because it was such an incredibly cheap one. Most such toys at least tried to look like a pussy, but this one was more or less a hole drilled in elongated plastic material. As she brought it to his tip, he realized it wasn't even particularly soft; he could have a more relaxing time with his own hooves.

"I thought she said to do it with your own pussy, slut," growled Fox. "So climb up and do what your precious princess told you to!"

"I bought this myself," said Redheart, her voice remaining even. "Thus it is a ‘pussy’ that I own, and fits the order. As this will be the last orgasm of your life, I suggest you to enjoy it as best as you could." she said as she lowered the toy towards him.

The dry toy would barely go over his tip even when she forced it down, so she pulled a bottle of clear fluid from the drawer as well. She popped the top off and poured it into the other end of the tube, and he felt the cool lubricant puddle against his tip within it. She worked it up and down, and he slowly pushed inside further. His shaft throbbed in appreciation at the pressure, but even if he got off, a cold tube was more frustrating than it was satisfying.

"Bitch," muttered Fox, but strained not to take his eyes off her. He didn't want to look as ashamed as he felt. Still, his face burned, so it was probably obvious. "I have never been this peeved..."

"This isn't normal lubricant," explained Redheart, ignoring the swear. "It will enhance your sensitivity to make up for the artificial nature of this masturbatory aid, and in the end you'll be even more sensitive than if I'd demeaned myself by personally sitting on it."

"Shouldn't you be desensitizing before this?" Fox asked. The question slipped out and betrayed his worry about what was going on.

"Now, now," Redheart looked at him seriously. "I'm a medical professional. You can trust me to do what's best for you. If it makes you feel better though, I absolutely will not 'get off' on your suffering. I know not getting off to suffering is a difficult concept for you to grasp."

"Desensitizing?" scoffed Astraea with a giggle. "Then you'd miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Few can say they've suffered as much as you will."

"Sadistic," Redheart rolled her eyes. "Just don't let me catch you masturbating over there. Or I'll reassign your gender just so I can castrate you too."

“Reassign my gender? Brings back memories.” commented Astraea quietly to herself.

It probably wasn't a serious threat, but everything Redheart did frightened to Fox. The fleshlight squished up and down his length, one end smacking his body with each long stroke. The lube did what she said, and it became difficult to hold back even though this cheap-ass toy would never get him off in a normal situation. He clenched his teeth, determine to hold it in as long as possible, because he knew that meant moving to the next step.

"You know, I always advise my patients," Redheart said with a kind, if bored, tone. Maybe she was serious, but he could only hear her as mocking. "You shouldn't try to delay vital medial procedures. Dragging it out will only make it less pleasant. But fine. I'll get some of my other tools ready while you grit your teeth."

Redheart continued moving the fleshlight over his length with one hoof, but with so little emotion she may as well have been scrubbing dishes clean. Her other front hoof she used to pull more out of the nearby drawers. She tugged out several surgical knives and what looked like magitech sheers. There was also a bottle of pills, but he doubted they were sedatives.

After moving out the tools, Redheart sighed in frustration, looking into the other end of the fleshlight with one eye as if examining a clogged pipe. As for him, his eyes were locked on all those sharp blades and tools near him on the table, hyperventilating at the thought of what they were prepared for. Even with the sensitizing gel and constant movement, he was having trouble keeping it up.

"You seem to be having trouble," Redheart observed. "Do you often experience difficulty maintaining an erection with consenting mares? You should have provided details like erectile dysfunction when asked about your medical history so we could prepare for this." She spoke like a mother scolding a colt for having too much pie.

"You really expect me to keep it up right now?!" Fox shrieked without meaning to, forgetting to hide his panic.

"Fine, we'll prepare more while we wait," Redheart's constant disappointment in his performance was starting to be the worst part of this. "Astraea? Could you come over here?"

6. Justice Served

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"Look I'm sorry okay?" Fox shook his head, unsure of what else to do. "Look, we don't have to go through with this, please, I'll go through whatever friendship shit Celestia wants okay? I won't even tell anyone about the stuff they didn't want the public to know!"

"Now, now," assured Redheart. "There's no need to apologize to me for failing to maintain an erection. I'm your doctor, not your marefriend. That's a mare that dates you of her own volition, in case you aren't familiar with the concept. I know it might be hard for someone that never had one to understand."

First Redheart opened the bottle of pills. As she brought it closer, he could read the label: Aphrodite Touch. He recognized it as a prescription aphrodisiac. Her words were well chosen so that he'd definitely respond, because as soon as he opened his muzzle she poured no less than six pills into his muzzle.

Astraea didn't need to be told what to do when she came over. She grabbed his muzzle and held it shut as he gagged on the pills, forcing him to swallow the way one might force a dog to take medication. This whole time Redheart kept stroking him without so much as a moments hesitation.

"I'm sorry I killed that brat okay?!" Fox shrieked when he finally finished choking down the pills and Astraea released his muzzle. He felt tears welling up in his eyes. "Look, this is barbaric! Please!"

Even he recognized the irony in his words, and it wasn't like he was really sorry. But he'd reached the point where he recognized that this was the only chance of getting out of this. Some pretty major villains had been given a pass by apologizing after all. If he had a better singing voice, he'd probably have even tried a song.

"You really expect us to just forgive you?" Astraea arched one eyebrow as she stayed by the surgical table. With. That. Same. Fucking. Smile.

"Why not?" reasoned Fox. "I mean Discord and whats-her-face Glimmer got forgiven. I heard that bitch almost destroyed reality!"

"Do you really not comprehend the difference?" Redheart asked, calmly pouring more lubricant into the fleshlight, which slid down his moist length with more distracting coolness. She spoke as if fascinated by his mental state rather than making an actual argument against him.

"Let me explain the difference," Astraea chirped. "Discord didn't kill anypony, in fact he was really careful not to. Starlight didn't kill anypony on purpose, and none that stayed dead thanks to wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. But then there's villains like Tirek or Cozy Glow, that drained magic knowing that ponies would die because of it."

"Yes," sighed Redheart, momentarily more glum. "Hundreds died due to failures in magical equipment and medicine preservation. We even had structures fall through the clouds in the pegasi cities and some were unable to fly to save themselves. Entire cities would have fallen out of the sky within hours had it not been fixed."

"Exactly," explained Astraea. "Those villains knowingly took actions that killed ponies. And now they're in Tartarus, beyond forgiveness."

"So send me to fucking Tartarus!" Fox's voice quivered. "I mean you didn't scoop out their bits before sending them there, did you?"

"Their 'bits' weren't used as part of their crimes," Redheart stated. "They killed by not caring who died to fulfill their selfish goals, but you savored your murders like fine wine. DO you understand the difference?"

"No!" Fox answered honestly. "I really don't!"

"Do you think I want this?!" Redheart's efforts to remain medical floundered as a surge of emotion flooded into her voice. "Cutting someone open for what they've done is wrong, yes, I couldn't agree more. But so is raping and murdering a foal, so is killing pregnant mares ready to bring new life into the world. What you've done is BEYOND forgiveness, and that is why I am willing to follow orders that I would normally dismiss without question. The bottom like is that I cannot help you so for the love if my sanity, SHUT. UP!"

"OOOO! Should I gag him?" Astraea sounded more energetic.

"That would be appreciated, thank you," Redheart sighed. "He'll need something to bite down on anyway since I'm not allowed to use sedatives."

"W-what?" Fox had a lot to say, but the last bit about not having sedatives was definitely the thing that stood out.

Before he could protest further, Astraea pushed the ball gag he'd had on before back into his muzzle. He bit down on the rubber at just the thought of the whole thing. Holy crap, they were really going through with this.

"You know, I think he really doesn't understand why we're doing this," Redheart pondered after she took a deep breath to calm herself. "I wish I could study this. It's a pity I didn't get more time to open up that head and check inside... figuratively I mean."

"She means the upper head," specified Astraea, as if she thought Fox might have trouble telling his brains from his balls.

As much as he tried, the pills were starting to have their effects. He felt a surge of need push through him as his shaft throbbed harder than he'd ever felt it before. The amount of Touch he'd been given made him painfully hard, a toothache-like pain spreading upwards through him, yet he couldn't keep himself from tumbling towards orgasm.

Fox arched his back and groaned against the gag in not-bliss as his stinging climax pushed up through his clenched shaft. Redheart's face twitched with disgust, angling the fleshlight back away from her and clenching the other end shut to make sure none of his spunk splurted out and touched her. She waited patiently for his moans and squeaks to stop and his body to stop shivering as the tube was filled, then slowly pulled it back.

Squeezing the base as she pulled it free, she made sure nothing spilled onto her work area. He shivered again, the sensitivity of his bits dialed up to eleven now that he'd came, the lightest sensation driving his mind wild.

"Place this in the biohazard bin please," Redheart stated calmly as she hooved the fleshlight over to Astraea.

Astraea took it carefully, trying not to get gooey in the process, but then smirked slightly. She moved to Fox's head, tugging his gag free without warning. When he predictably opened his muzzle to bargain for his balls some more, Astraea pushed the toy hole he'd fucked to his muzzle. She squeezed it from end to end like a stubborn tube of toothpaste, squirting his own sperm along with two additional pills into his muzzle.

“Pill of immortality and pill of everlasting sanity, A gift from an ex-test subject,” whispered Astraea.

...test subject? No wonder why she looked so familiar! She was an early failed test subject from the Belltower for him to work on his poison! Fox looked at Astraea with newfound terror.

As he choked on the new knowledge and cum, she tossed the tube into the actual biohazard bin and pulled the gag into place again.He'd licked his own cum out of comatose or corpse cunt plenty of times, but it never tasted so nasty. The prison food must have done a number on him as the bitter flavor felt like gargling sewage. It took several swallowing attempts to keep it down.

"That was not the biohazard bin," commented Redheart with a hint of annoyance at the improvisation of her guard.

"Close enough," shrugged Astraea.

Redheart didn't care enough to get onto Astraea further. Instead poked Fox's still throbbing shaft lightly with a hoof, stroking down to his balls and cupping them. The touch sent another blast of shivers through his body as he arched his back, straining against his restraints and clenching his teeth around the gag to keep from moaning too loud.

"Please minimize your movements," Redheart requested. Her words were calm and medical. "It will reduce the possibility of mistakes. Astraea, please keep an eye on his face and tell me if he turns blue or appears to have trouble breathing."

"Gotcha" Astraea called out, half way back to the door of the room to guard there, but turned back around to stand next to Fox's head. "This is gonna be FUN! I can already tell."

"I apologize," Redheart said to Astraea mistaking her tone as sarcasm. "I know this isn't an easy job."

"Least I'm not a stallion," Astraea commented. "Well not anymore at least…"

Redheart flicked a latch on the bottom of the table, raising the upper half. She then went to the corner of the room, moving a high mirror over to the table and adjusting it above him. He realized with no small annoyance that she was positioning him so that he could get a good look at what was going on down there through the mirror. The nurse even moved to strap his head in such a way that he couldn't turn away.

He could try to look away or close his eyes, but a side effect of overdosing on the aphrodisiac appeared to be that he had trouble closing or moving his eyes. His vision fogged with his own tears as he screamed into the muzzle, wanting to be heard.

"He wants to beg more I think," Astraea said, sounding both amused and condescending. "How many of your victims begged? How did you respond, hmmm?"

"Is that irony or coincidence?" Redheart asked thoughtfully.

"Buck if I know," shrugged Astraea. "I'll call it justice finally served."

Even if he could beg, It was no use. Redheart just saw him as a part of a task she'd been told to perform. She was just too detached, more like a wood carver cutting on wood than a surgeon. It was so disturbing that anypony could do things like this and not experience any emotion at all from the act. Couldn't she at least have the decency to get off on his suffering?

First Redheart lifted the electric sheers from the table. She carefully lifted his balls with one hoof, showing neither disgust nor desire. She did however hold her breath as she took the sheers in her muzzle and began to carefully shave the fur from his groin.

The touch of the buzzing razor made him squeal the same as if she'd just dumped a bucket of ice on his balls. His restrained legs tried to kick wildly and shook the table in the process, but the nurse remained steady. She seemed used to working on convulsing bodies and somehow managed to continue the process even as his body struggled on its own.

"Please keep movements to a minimum," said Redheart, pulling away to take a breath. "I'd hate to nick you." As if that mattered when she was about to cut it off.

Fox twitched hard, a spurt of cum oozing from his tip from the vibrations of the razor. Redheart sighed the same way she might at a colt that spilled his juice, using a sterile cloth to wipe it away before continuing. It seemed to take forever from his point of view, but eventually she was done and wiped away the loose fur from the table. She then grabbed a safety razor from the drawn to give him a touch up and make sure the skin was smooth. It was debatable if she had to be so careful to keep something clean that was about to be hacked off anyway, but she was nothing if not meticulous in her steps.

"This is where I would normally apply anesthetic," Redheart stated, inclined to say the step even if ordered to skip it. "Again I do apologize, I'm told the concern is that the behavioral modification will not be as extreme if you are numb."

So that was what this was about. Torture was illegal, but behavioral modification wasn't, so they were stretching the definition. If he wasn't scared shitless, he might have stopped to admire how they raped the legal system to come to that conclusion.

Redheart took hold of his balls with both hooves, eyeing them like fruits at the grocery store. She squeezed them firmly as if to exactly identify the location of the testes inside his sack. Given her expression, she wasn't trying to squeeze too hard, but the drugs coursing through him made it feel like vice-grip.

He cried out and shuddered, but Redheart showed no new sign of being disturbed, not so much as an ear twitch. She did glance at Astraea, who got the idea and tightened the gag so that he couldn't cry out so fiercely.

"He's finally getting what he deserves but, seriously" Astraea commented. "What a drama queen... well not a queen yet."

"This is a castration, not a gender reassignment," Redheart calmly corrected her.

The nurse concentrated on tugging the loose flesh on the back of his ball sack. She pulled it tight, and if felt like if she tugged any harder it would rip off like wet paper. When his body arched and rump lifted off the table, she pulled it back down by the skin of his balls. He tried to cry out again, but was too muffled to make much of a racket now. All he could do was sob in panic.

"I've identified the median raphe and am going to make two incisions on either side along the lower scrotum," Redheart spoke aloud, concentrating on the procedure to keep her mind clear.

"I'd say to try not to sob like me when it was me on your table" Astraea muttered to Fox with glee. "But I guess you already are. How pathetic."

Fox tried to close his eyes, but they just wouldn't cooperate. He found himself staring at the mirror, and Redheart seemed careful not to block his view. He looked on in terrified interest, if for no other reason than to try to anticipate and not overreact to the inevitable agony. Somehow it felt like his pride was still important even though he'd really already tossed it away.

Redheart's eyes locked onto his balls like a sniper on her target, holding the blade between her teeth and holding his sack steady with her hooves. She motioned her tail for Astraea, and the guard reluctantly moved closer to the lower end of the bed. The soldier placed both hooves on his belly, pressing down harder than she needed to to hold him steady.

Unlike Redheart, Astraea looked down at his face with a sick smile as if to say 'Having fun?'. He wasn't sure, but so far it seemed surprisingly not ‘fun’. Fox didn't get a real trial, no spectacle, and the family of his most prominent victim would never know he existed. This wasn't what he expected at all. He didn't feel regret like a normal pony would, but he there was no small amount of rage boiling up beneath his terror at this unfairness.

He thought maybe he was at his limit, but the sting from the blade slicing into his scrotum somehow climbed on top of that mount of pain and taught him what real agony was. They probably couldn't have anticipated it being so severe, but his over-sensitive nerves made it feel like the single cut was a thousand angry hornets all stinging his balls at once.

Redheart's movements were precise and efficient, slicing through all layers of skin in a single pass. She cut the sack open, then proceeded to slice open each testicle in turn. He instinctively thrashed, but Astraea leaned in to hold him steady, tightening the straps around his legs to keep him from kicking as much. He could barely breathe with her leaning into him like that, but breathing hurt anyway.

"Good," Redheart said, more a compliment of her own skill than how he was acting about it. "I'm going to pop these out through the incision like squeezing a grape out of its skin."

Fox wished he was ungagged so he could scream at her to stop talking about it.

His squeals jumped in pitch before devolving in a fit of choking as Redheart's skilled hooves did just as she said, squeezing him so that his testicles slide free from his sack. Why was she doing this so properly? Why not just lop the damn thing off and be done with it? That probably would have been acceptable to Celestia, but this damned bitch nurse had to do everything by the book.

"I'm making an incision at the proximal end to make holding it easier," Redheart raised her voice to be heard above the screams. Even if her voice was even and face showed no emotion, he had trouble believing she wasn't enjoying his suffering just a little.

Redheart cut the other incision, and Fox did his best to remain still to try and make things no worse than they were. She stopped for a moment to wipe away the blood, though there was surprisingly little due to the surgical skill of her hooves and muzzle.

"I'm placing the bronchial clamp on the strand still connecting your testicles to your body," Redheart stated.

The pinch of the clamp shouldn't have been anything beneath what he'd already suffered, but somehow sent new waves of torture through him.

At this point, Fox was certain this whole thing was hurting much more than they thought it would. He supposed they'd never tested giving Touch to someone before surgery before, but he was certain that this level of pain wasn't natural even with what was occurring to him.

He tried to scream less when she picked up the emasculator from the table, but only because he was so exhausted. All he could do was shiver and stare at his brutally maimed stallionhood in the mirror. She moved the frightening tool to his sack.

"Thank you," said Redheart as if he stopped screaming of his own free will. "I'm facing the nuts of the emasculator up, nut to nut."

Astraea chuckled a bit at that wording, even if she looked ill at the whole process.

"Maturity please," Redheart reminded her assistant. "I'm placing the emasculator jaws around the cord."

The clamps latched around the testicles, but she took far too long lining it up precisely.

Damn it! Would she just cut it already! He would have rather had it removed with a hacksaw than this drawn out bullshit!

"I'm releasing the cord tension to improve the quality of the crush," Redheart advised. Did she HAVE to word it like that?

"Are you sure you're not saying funny things on purpose?" Astraea narrowed her eyes but didn't look back at Redheart.

"Quite sure, yes," Redheart said with a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

At the very least the next stab of pain meant that she'd finally cut it free, but it did feel like she'd literally crushed it prior to yanking it off. Well at least that part was... fuck! She still had the other one!

She didn't hurry. She very carefully lined the other up, and the longer this went on the slower it felt for everything. His hearing was going in and out, and he didn't catch everything said, and the tears pooling in his eyes saved him from seeing it clearly, but he definitely felt the next clamp and slice just as intensely.

He thought removing part of it would deaden the pain, but it didn't. It was like he had two ghost testicles being eternally crushed in his mind.

"Make sure he hasn't bitten his tongue or anything," ordered Redheart. "It would be embarrassing if he choked to death on his own blood."

"Nah, he's fine," Astraea said, tugged the gag about to make sure he wasn't bleeding between the clenched teeth. "This gag has had it though."

“So have I to be honest...” she muttered more to herself than to fox.

"If he vomits, remove the gag and tilt his head so he doesn't choke on that either," advised Redheart. "I'm slicing off the excess flesh since I'm supposed to completely remove it."

She trailed the blade around his sack, tugging the flesh tightly with her hooves as she pushed the blade through the flesh. At least she was able to work more quickly now that he was too tired to do more than struggle and whimper pathetically. The dragging of the blade through his sensitive flesh felt like she was gutting him though; everything was magnified to ridiculous level.

His body lurched, and Astraea must have thought he was going to vomit, because she loosened his gag and pushed his head to the side. He didn't, but that put his eyes facing where his testicles lay there on the table next to the bloody cloth. The glob of flesh that she sliced off from the rest of his sack made a sickening squish as it was casually placed next to it. The stallion couldn't take his eyes off it, but he didn't have the energy to vomit or scream.

Redheart squeezed out some ointment onto the wound where his balls had been. It may have helped stop bleeding an infection, but it definitely wasn't made to ease pain. His whole body stung like he'd been dropped into a pit full of vinegar soaked needles; every time he thought he knew every definition of torment, this bitch showed him another.

"Interesting that he's still hard," Redheart poked at his erect shaft again with a hoof as if to test it. "That must be quite an effective aphrodisiac. I think I'll prescribe it to my next date."

It was hard to tell if that was a joke with her dead-pan way of saying it. But the slight touch felt like she was stomping it as hard as she could.

"We don't normally remove the penis as well," continued Redheart. "But we've been ordered to do so. At the very least, this procedure isn't likely to hurt as much."

She placed the blood emasculator next to what was left of his balls and picked up the elastrator instead. Astraea pulled his head forward and tightened his gag again as she did so.

"Good, good," said Redheart as she picked up one of the green bands and slowly stretched it around the four prongs at the end of the device. "Her Majesty wanted you to specifically watch this part, so do keep your eyes forward. If you need to vomit or look away, I'll pause and wait for you to finish. I can be very patient, but again I suggest you not delay things more than necessary. You'll only be hurting yourself by dragging it out."

At this point, Fox didn't want it delayed either. He doubted he'd ever get a boner again without drugs even if she left it, and right now he wanted nothing more than to be done with this. He'd never been more humiliated in his entire life.

But Redheart was in no hurry, and he had to wonder if she'd been ordered to take this part as slow as possible. Or if she just wanted to take it slow for cruelty sake. At least he'd understand that, but she kept a neutral expression even as she took four attempts to get the band properly stretched over the device.

When she did get it stretched, she held it in her muzzle and brought it closer to his shaft. The cold metal touched the still throbbing flesh and sent further shivers through him, still as sensitive as ever. She moved the open band to his tip with unneeded carefulness, adjusting the jaws to close ever so slightly before sliding it over.

The adjustment allowed him to feel the band sliding down his slick member on all sides, otherwise she probably could have threaded it without touching him. Her eyes locked onto his own weak expression as if making sure that he didn't look away and she moved the tool gradually downward.

As with everything about the experience, each slight touch from band was torment. Yet he was too broken to even cry at this point. He wished he wasn't, since at least the tears would somewhat blur his vision. But no, he could see every inch of glistening pulsing flesh with crystal clarity, and didn't dare look away for fear that she'd prolong it even more.

Redheart finally fit the tool against his groin, bringing it snug against his flesh. The base pressed firmly against the wound where his balls had once been, sending another stabbing pain through him, but it barely made a difference in the ocean of torment where he currently drowned.

"I have to pull it tight enough to cut off all circulation," warned Redheart around the tool. More unnecessary speaking to drag things out. "As underwhelming as your stallionhood is, I'm sure it's capable of a geyser of blood that I don't want to clean up. "

Seeing that he wasn't capable of more than shivering, Astraea eased up on her holding of him, allowing him to take deeper breathes. She steadied his head, making sure he faced correctly, so easing up was less kind and more to make sure his vision was fully unobstructed.

Redheart's eyes locked onto his again and she began to release the handle so that the bands tightened around the very base of his shaft. He pleaded for her to hurry with his gaze, but she released the handle so slowly that sometimes he wondered if her jaw was moving at all.

His erection wobbled comically, but the feel of the band against his base was anything but. He felt it dig in slowly, at first merely snug, which might have been comfortable if he weren't drugged up enough for it to be otherwise. Slowly though it went from snug to digging into his flesh. The constriction intensified, squeezing one last bit of cum from his tip as it cut off all circulation, blood or otherwise.

Fox shivered harder as he watched his cock tied off at the base, looking not unlike a long balloon as it wobbled about. Redheart released the tool fully, pulling away its prongs one by one to leave him banded. She put the elastrator on the table and moved a hoof to massage her jaws a little bit. She'd really strained to release it as slowly as possible.

It didn't end there. She pulled the tool back and fitted it with a second band before repeating the process. She took it so just as slowly this time, mainly because he was not losing feeling in his shaft yet due to the pills. A second band was clenched tightly around his base, a fraction above the other, tying off his dick like a balloon, She could now cut between the two bands without spilling a great deal of blood.

He thought she'd slice it off right then and it'd be over, but she didn't. Instead she paused the procedure to go about cleaning up the operating table. She took time to rewash her hooves after massaging her jaw, taking even longer than the first time. She meticulously used sanitary clothes to clean the blood from around him, dabbing on disinfectant to his wound to ensure that it didn't get infected, adding another stinging pain for him in the process.

All of this he saw from the corner of his eye, since he was afraid to take his stare from his dying rod. If he did, she might find a way to extend things even longer. He watched as his swollen member turned slowly blue and purple then finally black from lack of circulation. He wondered if the rubber bands weren't enchanted somehow, because the whole thing looked outright gangrene, like a rotting salami. If he hadn't watched the whole process, he might not have believed that such a thing could ever have been his dick.

He whimpered, begging her to hurry her other duties to finish him off, but stopped when he realized that any response from him only slowed the nurse's progress. Even Astraea looked slightly impatient by the time Redheart finished and returned to the table, freshly gloved and masked and reaching for the surgical knife.

"Ungag him," Redheart sighed towards Astraea.

Astraea unlatched the gag, but had to tug hard to get it out. It took a moment for Fox to realize that was because he was clenching his teeth so hard. It took everything he had to unclench them. He said nothing as the gag was finally tugged free, only making the slightest hint of a whimper.

"Now," Redheart said. Her voice remained calm, but there was no way these words weren't meant vindictively, even if ordered to say them. "One more time. Say 'I'm so sorry.'."

He didn't want to, but he knew this cunt wouldn't let it end until he did. She seemed like the patient type, the type that would sit here staring at him for hours if he made her wait.

"I'm... sorry..." he forced the words out, barely able to form them.

"For what?" asked Redheart, her cold eyes remaining on him.

"For killing?" Fox wasn't sure what she wanted from him. "For everything!"

"Probably not," sighed Redheart. "But not to worry. You'll have a very long time for that regret to become sincere."

With that, she moved the blade to his dead dick. She pulled his length straight up with her hoof to keep it steady and the dragged the blade through his flesh. slicing off the layer of skin around the shaft. Her blade slit through first the skin then the inner fat, then the erectile tissues, then the nerves and urethra. With a few more slow cuts, the shaft was free from Fox’s body, leaving no traces of a dick behind save for the band.

The razor sharp blade sliced through like wet cardboard, and the sound wasn't any different than that. Separated, the nurse let go of the tied off shaft and let it gently smack onto fox’s stomach, then it rolled from his belly and smacked against the table.

It hurt less than he thought it would, either from numbness or just because his brain was already maxed out on agony. That only made it more disturbing though. He watched her pick up the dick in her mouth no differently than she did the toy before, tossing it to slap onto the surgical tray next to the rest of his former glory.

"We're done here, relatively," Redheart said as she pulled the tool away. "Thank Celestia that's over, but I think she does want another word with him before he's off my hooves."

"I'll fetch Her Majesty," sighed Astraea, seeming slightly disappointed that it was done as well. She tapped her helmet as if to activate a communication spell and spoke. "Princess? We're done here as you ordered."

Fox took a while to comprehend that the Princess was on her way. He was too busy staring down at the bloody nub where his favorite part had once been. The other band was still tightly tied around the tip, holding it in well so there was surprisingly little blood. He couldn't imagine that his next attempt at pissing was going to feel very good.

Redheart squeezed out more of the ointment onto the stub, and his whole body tensed up again as the stinging pain flowed through him again. Yet he didn't so much as twitch, far more used to it than he wished.

He did jerk though when Princess Celestia appeared into the room with a flash however. Redheart bowed low and then stood as Celestia nodded.

Fox thought he'd have something snide to say when he saw Celestia again. He had a hundred sarcastic remarks to spit at her, but nothing came out. His muzzle and mind were dry; all he could do was blush with shame as her eyes focused on the stub where his stallionhood used to be.

"Thank you for your service, Nurse Redheart," Celestia said to her first. "As always. I will make sure you are paid well for your discretion."

"It is my honor to serve, Princess," Redheart nodded again.

"And you," Celestia's horn glowed as she looked at Fox.

For a moment she didn't speak. His black shaft, laying limply on the table, was lifted with her magic, along with the scraps that were once his proud ball sack. She hovered them in front of his face for a moment before they ignited in her magic, burning up in front of him in a burst of energy.

The flesh was reduced to ashes in front of his wide eyes, and a swift gust of magic blew them into his face. He gasped as they stung at his eyes,some even managing to go into his mouth finally managing to close them only after the hot embers burned into his head. All he could do was scream as he felt heat sting into his eye sockets.

He wasn't sure how long he spat and yelled, but when he came to and opened them again, he could no longer see anything but the darkest blackness. He felt the blood oozing down his face and realized that he'd been blinded.

"Should I treat that, Princess?" Redheart asked with a small amount of nervousness in her voice.

"Yes," Celestia answered. "But only enough that he doesn't die."

Astraea let out a small chuckle.

"A-am I going back to my cell?" Fox panted, wanting nothing more than to curl up alone.

"No," Princess Celestia answered. "You will not bother my guards or my other prisoners any longer. The only one you'll be flirting with from here on is Cerberus and the beasts he guards. To everyone else, you may as well have never existed."


His vision never returned. He was masked in darkness now forever, but that felt like the least of his losses.

He was taken directly from the hospital room through a portal to a place that felt cold and damp like a leaky old basement. It smelled of untended beasts, groans and whimpers around him as he was marched through it. They led him by a leash, not slowing down when he tripped and fell, which was often in his current condition.

Then a very feminine voice whispered to him “It’s too bad really, I’d wish we have more time to catch up, I’d love to tell you how I went from being a slave on the brink of death in the deep pits of Belltower to an army lieutenant serving justice to BTS scum like you.”

Finally, he was tossed into a small cramp iron enclosure, and he heard the clang of rusty metal bars closing behind him.

"Tirek, Cozy," said Astraea as if she'd been in here before. Wait, was she putting him next to them? "Have fun with this one. I'd go into specifics about his crimes, but when you realize what we've done to him, it will probably be obvious. Have fun you two."

"Oh look," a deep, annoyed voice said, who he assumed was Tirek. He sounded like he was from the cage next to him. "Another pony." A word said as if it were the most disgusting thing imaginable. "So, brat, why don't you annoy this one and leave me alone for a few months."

"Sure neighbor!" a cutesy voice said from the other side. Fox assumed that was the pint-sized psychopath that had recently been dumped here. "Hey new guy, wanna be friends too?"

"I think the word 'guy' might be debatable from the angle I'm looking at," Tirek said, a smirk audible in his voice.

In the distance, Fox heard the portal close as Astraea left him alone with these two.

"Ew," Cozy's kindness faltered as she came to a realization. "Is THAT what you're in here for? We're definitely not taking you when we bust out."

"Sure, when we bust out," Tirek's eye roll was audible. "But now we have someone to torment, so it won't be completely uninteresting in here."

Oh dear Celestia, this was not going to be fun.