> When Did This Happen > by Natedogg2006 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Mad Dash and Prom Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Hurryuphurryuphurryuphurryuphurryuphurryuphurryuphurryuphurryup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Rainbow Dash was twitching and shifting impatiently while lined up with the rest of the soccer team. Coach Spitfire was going over final strategies and plans for their opening season game the next day. And while Rainbow had been eagerly awaiting this game for weeks, it was suddenly very far down on her priority list. If she didn't know how hard a task master the coach was, she would probably have booked it a long time ago already. 'Dang it. Since when did I start using expressions like task master.' She growled low, hoping her coach wouldn't hear it and decide the whole team needed to do another round of suicides. Rainbow knew exactly where her new vocabulary had come from, and it was the same reason she couldn't wait to get off this field. Luckily the coach hadn't noticed, and after a few more notes Rainbow didn't listen to because she'd already been drilling them into the whole team all week, Spitfire finally blew her whistle to signal the end of practice. Rainbow took off like a shot. She crossed the field in what was probably record time and kicked the door of the locker room open. She got into her locker quickly and ran for the showers. She was already half way done by the time the rest of the team started making there way in. She finished, toweled off in what she was sure was record time, and got into her street clothes so quickly she wasn't even sure she'd gotten them all on facing the right way. She ignored sarcastic questioning of why she was in such a hurry as she now ran past her teammates and kicked open the door that led to the gym and the rest of the school. And she kept running. 'Why did they say that!!?? Where did they even get that idea!!?? There is no way it's even remotely true... Right?' She wasn't sure how things had quite gotten to this point, but she was sure she knew where it had started. This all went back to two weeks before... At the prom. *** Rainbow Dash laughed as she danced. The prom was in full swing and the dance floor was full. Pinkie had dragged her out on the floor and had somehow managed to talk her into doing the most ridiculous dances they could think of to see how many people they could get to dance along. Being among the six most popular girls in school, their influence had been much greater then Dash had thought. They had already worked their way through the macarena, the bus driver, and were now leading nearly half the assembled students in a very overenthusiastic rendition of the sprinkler. The whole thing was completely outrageous, and so much fun. As Rainbow made a dramatic turn to the rest of the dancers to rally them all up some more she saw the huge crowd all enjoying themselves. After Pinkie and Dash had started the rest of her friends had joined in as well. All except one. Rarity was not in the group of people she now faced. Rainbow internally sighed as she danced her way over to Apple Jack who was dancing close by, way off beat. "Is she still being a drama queen?" Rainbow shouted over the music and commotion on the dance floor. "Sure is sugar cube," Apple Jack answered, letting the motion of her dance linger in one place longer then necessary to indicate a direction. Rainbow looked over to the closest table to the refreshments. Rarity hadn't moved much since the last time she'd seen her. She sat slumped over the table with a sour look on her face as she watched everyone else having fun. The only change was the number of empty punch cups that sat discarded in front of her. That had increased substantially. "We all told her that guy was a jerk didn't we? What's she still doing being a killjoy over him for?" "I think you answered that in yer' first question." Rainbow gave a questioning look. "Drama queen." The two friends shared a laugh. "I'm sure Pinkie'll get over there and get her out of that funk at some point." Rainbow said this as she went back to dancing crazily again. "Fraid' not RD. Pinkie already tried that before the sprinkler started. Dang near got her head bit off fer' her troubles." Rainbow Dash stopped mid-sprinkler, arms still in the air as she turned back to her friend. "Are you serious?" Rainbow asked in disbelief. "Unfortunately sugar cube." She kept dancing, but nodded her Stetson over to their puffy pink haired friend. And while she was still dancing and smiling, Rainbow could tell her hair was not quite as puffy as it usually was. Rainbows hands fell to her side as she turned away from the farm girl and to the dejected fashionista. "That isn't cool. It's one thing to be in a bad mood, but why is she taking it out on Pinkie." "Hey, if y'all wanna go ask her be my guest. Someone needs to talk some sense into her, might as well be someone with just as thick a skull as hers." "Screw you Miss apple buck season," Rainbow shot back. She wasn't sure if her retaliation was even heard as she had already started crossing the auditorium. Rainbow Dash was only a little angry as she started on her way across the crowded dance floor. Rarity had good reason to be in a bad mood, very good reason in fact. But she had been warned by all the girls, Pinkie included, so she had multiple reasons not to be taking this out on others. All the girls had been planning on going to the prom despite only one of them having been asked as of a week and a half before. Flash and Sunset had decided to go together, "for old times sake", but weren't taking it too seriously. It hadn't stopped the rest of them from poking fun at them ever since she had announced it to them. The rest of the girls had planned to come in plain clothes. Pinkie had described it as an anti-prom party at the prom, or at least that's what Rainbow had been able to decipher of her plan. Rarity's plans changed last Wednesday though. A popular boy by the name of Hoity Toity had made a flashy display of asking Rarity out during lunch. Full on declaring his intentions in front of the whole school and leaving her a rose so he could, "await her decision". After quickly apologising for not being able to take part in Pinkie's plan she had literally ran out of the lunchroom after him. In the next week Rarity had taken the time and effort to make her perfect prom fantasy come true. She handled every detail, down to designing and making both her dress and her dates complementing tux. And though Rarity was putting in all the effort, Hoity had apparently decided to be the gentleman and pay for everything. Rarity was ready to have the best night of her young life. There were just a few little problems with it that the girls just could not seem to get Rarity to acknowledge. Hoity-toity was arrogant. His display in the lunchroom was proof enough of that. Hoity-toity was judgemental. Rarity had had to redesign his tux, and subsequently her dress, three times before he was ok with it. And most obvious and damaging of all, Hoity-Toity was gay. See previous example for confirmation. The rest of the girls had tried all the subtle ways they could think of to try to get Rarity to figure all this out for herself. Nothing was getting past her fairy tale dream haze. Rainbow thought it was a little funny that the one who had come the closest was the one who cared the least, herself. During her second redesign Rarity had brought some of her new ideas into band practice with her to show off. Rainbow Dash had decided to make a comment to the effect of how great his new tux design was going to look thrown across the floor of his boyfriends bedroom. She didn't even really plan on saying it out loud. But Rainbow figured that her and Rarity were not the closest amongst their group of friends, thus she didn't feel too bad about hurting her feelings and telling her the hard truth. The rest of the group had gone silent. Rarity had stumbled and stuttered to try to respond for a minute before a moment of apprehension made the silent group hold their breath. She then just became indignant, stormed off, and refused to talk to Dash for two whole days. To Rainbow it was a win win situation. At this point Rainbow was nearing Rarity and her self imposed pity party, and thinking about all this had left her ready to really give her a piece of her mind. However now that she was close she saw the look on the other girls face and suddenly remembered what had gotten her to this point. Flash Sentry was the only one the girls knew with a vehicle large enough to transport all the prom crashers. So he and Sunset had graciously decided to offer them a ride despite it interfering with their "date". This had meant that all the girls had come with them to Rarity's so Sunset could pick up the dress Rarity had insisted on making for her. Flash had apparently managed to talk her out of a custom tux thankfully. This also meant that they were there when Hoity had come to pick up his date and tux. Rarity had gone the whole nine yards, giving him his tux first so he could be in the room for the big reveal of her dress. And it was a big reveal. His tux had been great, tailored as it was to match her dress. But her dress, even Rainbow had to admit, was like something out of some fairy tale. Rainbow did not know all the right words to describe it, but she figured elegant was a start. Form fitting on top before exploding into frills and lace at just above her knees. The majority of the dress was a pure white, and trimmed with just enough silver here and there to avoid looking gaudy. Rarity had also taken time on herself. Her makeup was flawless and her hair was tied up in an intricate style that must have taken her hours. Overall it gave Rainbow a thought she figured was mirrored by the blushing fashionista's date. ' Hey, if I were into chicks, I'd hit that.' Unfortunately, when the assembled girls had turned to see his reaction, they had found the spot where he had been empty. That's when they all noticed the sound of a car idling outside. When Rarity had suddenly bolted forward and nearly torn the drapes of the living room off to see into her front yard she found where her date had gone. He was standing in front of a very expensive looking limo Rarity had just been calling about the status of thirty minutes prior. His lips were locked with someone Rainbow recognized as one of Crystal Preps star athletes, point forward of the men's basketball team if she remembered correctly. It wasn't hard to figure out what had happened from there. Clearly Rarity had been tricked into planning someone else's perfect prom night, complete with his dream outfit. And since he had offered to pay for everything, it was all technically his to take. Rarity and the others had watched stunned as the two entered the limo and drove away, presumably to the Crystal prep prom going on this same night. The whole group had expected a full blown, Rarity brand freak out. But the rejected dress maker betrayed no emotion whatsoever. Despite most of the group, even Sunset and Flash, offering to cancel their prom plans, Rarity insisted that the night should go on. Rainbow figured it must be her generous nature, not wanting to ruin others good time because of her own misfortune. She was quiet the whole ride to the school, having to hitch a ride with the rest of the group now that her's was gone. And upon making it there she took the first seat she could find, let out a huff, and drank her first cup of punch. It was that image of her friend that Rainbow remembered as she finally arrived at her table. And that defeated expression she had earlier had only grown more pathetic since then. "You know," Rarity jolted. Apparently she hadn't noticed Rainbow approach. "I'm pretty sure no one's spiked the punch yet. So trying to drink away your problems with that stuff isn't going to work." Rainbow sat down next to her, reached over and took one of the three full cups in front of Rarity, and downed it in one shot. She made a face. "Ugh. And too bad to. I think a massive amount of booze is about all that could save this swill." Rarity gave Rainbow a glare in response to the new arrival having taken one of her drinks, but merely rolled her eyes and shot back one of her own. This was actually a little impressive to Rainbow. Thinking back she couldn't remember a time when Rarity had ever drank in any other way then taking dainty sips. "Well I'm afraid you're going to be left disappointed as well. Celestia and Luna already caught a senior trying to slip something in there." She said disinterestedly as she lifted and eyed her last cup. "No freaking way. I was totally joking about that. That really happened?" Rarity let out a low grunt, another gesture Rainbow noted wasn't very Rarity like. "Indeed. Then when she noticed the brand of vodka they had acquired, Luna offered to, 'properly dispose of it', and hasn't been back since." Rainbow looked over to the main door of the room where she knew the heads of the school should be standing vigilant against all incoming bad influences. Celestia wore a sour look to rival Rarity's. The vice principal was nowhere to be found. Rainbows head went back as she laughed hysterically at this news. She then leaned forward and pounded her fist against the table as she laughed more. "Yes well, I'm glad I could make your night that much better," Rarity said disinterestedly as she gave a contentious look down at the girl now struggling for breath while still laughing. "Now if you'll excuse me," she downed her last cup in one shot again, "it seems I'm due for more refreshments." Rainbow reached out to grab Rarity's arm to hold her in place while her laughter finally died down. "Nah, I think you've had enough." Rarity glared down at the hand holding her in place. Rainbow rolled her eyes and let go. "You're being bitter and I think the obvious total lack of any sugar in that punch bowl is only making things worse." Rarity's glare only changed location, now squarely focused on Dash herself. "Listen. I decided not to impede anyone elses great time. Therefore could you do me the same favor and not interrupt my miserable time?" "Sorry, but I'm just not as generous as you are. I'm loyalty, which means I look out for my friends. Even the one who more then sometimes drives me crazy with all their drama queen-ness." Rainbow leaned back in her chair and took on her usual laid back demeanor and gave the still glaring girl her signature cocky grin. "So tell me what I can do to get you out of your latest funk. And keep in mind I'm not as easy to chase off as Pinkie," Rainbow added as she saw Rarity's glare intensify. That actually had taken some air out of Rarity's sails as she pursed her lips in annoyance before snorting in irritation and turning away. Her voice was icy as she spoke. "This is not something you or any of the girls can help me with Rainbow Dash. There's only one thing that can possibly fix this, and I'm running out of chances." "Chances?" Rainbow emphasized the question, knowing she was getting somewhere. Rarity looked like she was going to try to keep up the level of frustration she'd been showing, but a full night of it was apparently getting to her. She let out a weakening sigh and turned back to her friend. Her voice was much lower as she continued, only just loud enough to be heard over the current music selection. "We're juniors now Rainbow. I've had great times in highschool, especially with you girls. Even the not so good parts only seem to have made the great bits all the more memorable." "I'll say," Rainbow cut in giving a slight laugh. "A semester of thinking we weren't friends anymore, then basically becoming superheros together. Awesome." This made the first smile Rainbow had seen all night cross Rarity's face. "Yes quite. It did wonders for our relationship as well. Before that I basically only tolerated your presence because you and Apple Jack were always so close. And I say that with confidence that you were much the same." Rainbow snickered as she replied. "If you and Shy weren't such girly frufru friends I would of never talked to you." They shared a genuine laugh. Rarity's face went more somber as she continued. "But even after all we've done, there's still things I want to experience before highschool is over." "Such aaaaaaas....?" "Romance obviously. I want to have the perfect prom night. The beautiful dress. The handsome gentleman escorting me. The cheesey pictures...." Rarity had been working herself up into a minor fit as her worries were finally released. But now she paused and took a deep breath to calm herself again. "But most of all, I wanted to dance. I wanted to show off and be the center of attention as I had fun with someone special. And I really wanted to slow dance the night away leaning against the strong chest of someone who cares about me." Rarity's eyes seemed to be looking at somewhere far off as she finished. "Rarity. That is like, super cheesey." Rarity's irritation came back at Rainbows response. But Rainbow noted, not nearly as bad. "I know," she replied with an indignant hiss. "But that doesn't mean I don't still want it. And I only have one more chance at it. And it would seem that our current level of fame within the school makes us all seem quite unapproachable." She now looked down at her empty paper cups. "I don't think it's going to happen for me. But I guess you wouldn't understand." Rainbow pondered this for a minute. This was all definitely out of her usual realm of expertise. And yet something nagged at her, something that told her that she knew exactly what to say next. "You're right. I don't understand at all. But not because I don't get romance or mushy stuff. I don't get it because I'm not a fan of just hoping stuff happens to me. And something that made you cool even back when I didn't like you was that you were always the same way." Rarity looked up and gave Rainbow a slight glare. "Rainbow dear. Fashion and athletics are far removed from matters of the heart. I can't just make someone love me and have the best night of my life." "Yeah, but sitting around and moping about it ain't gonna make it happen either. And besides that," Rainbow stood with a sense of purpose, "we both don't like being beaten. If you just sit here that jerk wins. So let's do this thing." Rarity was not prepared for it when Dash suddenly yanked her from her seat and started dragging her in the direction of the dance floor. "Rainbow? W, what are you doing?" "Starting your perfect prom night obviously." Rainbow wasn't sure how many songs or dances had passed so far. Currently Pinkie and the girls were leading over half the prom in the cabbage patch, and the sight of it was as horrifying as it should sound to Rainbow Dash. But right now she didn't care. She led Rarity right to the front of the dance party and started twisting her hips. "Come on Rares. Let's see those moves." Rarity blushed at the attention now firmly directed at her from all her fellow students. Clearly someone as refined as her wouldn't take part in such a ridiculous display. She turned her chin up at the idea. "Please Rainbow, you can't expect me to do something so uncouth." She made to walk back off the floor. Rainbow made an exaggerated twist of her hips and managed to gracefully cut her off. "Let's see it Rares, it doesn't work unless you get into it." With one more exaggerated twist she gave Rarity's hips a light bump with her own to push her back where they had started. Rarity gave her a slight glare out of frustration. "Rainbow dear. It's not the same thing. It doesn't count as a romantic moment if I'm not having fun with my date." Rainbow made an overly dramatic gasp even as she kept dancing away. "Rarity, how could you disregard me so easily." Rarity glared harder as she clearly had recognized Rainbow using her usual mocking Rarity voice. "Now work it. You can't be the center of attention if your date is out dancing you." She gave Rarity one last, slightly more forceful hip check. This left Rarity only two options. Either keep being a spoil sport, or use the off balance moment to play it off like she was going to start dancing anyway. Rainbow somehow knew which way she was going to go. With a huff Rarity gave her hips one small, half hearted twist. Rainbow motioned her back a much more enthusiastic one. Rarity rolled her eyes once more and matched Dash. They proceeded in that manner for the remainder of the current song. As the song ended Rainbow noticed Rarity smiling to herself just a little. "Well, I suppose that was fun for a bit. Thank you Rainbow." She was suddenly caught as she attempted to leave the floor between songs. "Oh no, you ain't getting off that easy." The next song started to play, a techno-ish remix of an old song Dash didn't know the name of. She looked over to Pinky. "What's it gonna be Pinks?" Those surrounding Pinkie suddenly took note that she was standing very stiff in the middle of the dance floor. Rarity suddenly moved over to the lively girl with concern. She went to place her hand on her forehead to check if she was alright. The moment she did Pinkie suddenly leaned forward quickly, bending stiffly at the waist with her arms held out at right angles. Rainbow saw Rarity's eyes go wide. "Oh no no no no no. I do not think so." She turned quickly, but found another arm bent at a perfect right angle blocking her path. "Rainbow no. I'm not doing it." "Does not compute," Rainbow said in a bad mechanical voice, her eyes as blank as she could make them. Once again she kept dancing in the way as Rarity tried more frantically to leave. Rainbow knew this was not a dance she knew well, thus she focused more on preventing Raritys escape. Eventually Rainbow noticed her give up. She stood with her arms crossed giving Rainbow a glare that could whilt roses. Rarity blew a strand of hair that had come loose at some point out of her eyes. "The dance itself is bad enough, but must you really do it so horribly as well?" Rainbow had to suppress a devious smile. This just became a game she knew how to win. She gave a stiff turn that left her forearms dangling and gave Rarity a dismissive look. In her own voice she scoffed. "I don't see you doing any better." Rarity only turned away indignantly. "I assure you Rainbow Dash. If I wanted to take part in such an undignified ritual I could do so much more competently." 'Check and mate.' "I'd love to see you try." She finally let the devious smile reach her face. Rarity turned to face Dash again, her glare even harsher then previously. Rainbow could tell Rarity knew she was being played, but it didn't matter. "Oh it is on!" And with that Rarity promptly went rigid, and on the next appropriate musical cue launched into her own robotic rendition that put Dash, and most of the rest of the dance floor, to shame. Rainbow could only gape. She watched Rarity now dance circles around her like a pro, her own meager attempts on hold while the fashionista schooled her. The song came to an end and Rarity ended her moves with style. With her own version of a smug smirk she stepped over to Rainbow Dash and edged her mouth back into a closed position. "That really was fun Rainbow darling. Thanks so much." Rainbow finally came to her senses to speak. "Rarity, that was so awesome. How did you learn to do that?" Rarity made a smooth gesture of straightening the loose strand of hair. "You have no idea the things I do to keep on top of all the latest trends. Various emerging subcultures have made it appropriate for me to make more then a fleeting dalliance into many a hobby I would normally not consider." "Rares, I may not always understand what your saying, but it's always fun to hear you say it." Rainbow said this while joining in on the clapping that had started for the previously dower girl. Rainbow noticed her blushing at the attention, probably because of the reason why she was getting it. Another song started, and Rainbow noticed Pinkie give a momentary frown. The next song was not one for dancing like an idiot without a care in the world. Smooth harmonious notes meant to draw couples closer now started, and many of the romantically challenged people began leaving the floor. "It was fun while it lasted at least. Let's go Rainb..." Rainbow noticed how shocked Rarity seemed when she realized her exit from the dance floor was once again halted, this time by a hand holding hers. Rainbow smirked at the sudden confusion on her face, then at how it grew when she pulled her back and took her into a closed dancing position. On the next musical cue Rainbow led as Rarity struggled to keep pace with the dance while her mind tried to catch up with what was happening. "Rainbow, what on earth are you doing???" She finally got out as the music picked up slightly and Rainbow began spinning them around to the new pace with perfect timing. "You said slow dancing was part of your perfect prom night didn't you. So I'm dancing with you." The confused face Rainbow was starting to like maintained as Rarity responded. "Rainbow, that doesn't work if I don't have a date." "Really Rarity? Do I have to spell it out for ya'?" She made a quick move and brought Rarity in close for a brief moment. "I'm your date now. Now shut up and spin." Rainbow gave her a slight nudge and Rarity went into a flawless spin before being brought back in close. Rainbow had figured Rarity would be the type who had taken dance lessons, and it definitely showed in how well she followed even as the confused look remained. "I don't think this counts Rainbow Dash. Neither of us are even gay. You can't be my date." "It counts as far as not letting that jerk ruin your night. So quit thinking about it and just enjoy it." Rainbow watched as the confused look finally gave way to a smile. Her moves started becoming less trained and more natural. Rainbow actually noticed her leaning into her chest a little. "I guess it'll have to do. Though it's not my fantasy exactly. Your a little too short for me to rest my head against your chest." Though their heights were similar, Rainbow knew Rarity was wearing, and somehow dancing in, three inch hills. This put her a fair bit taller then Rainbow stood now. The sentiment only made Rainbow laugh. "Yeah well, if I'd known I'd of borrowed a pair of platforms or something." They were now dancing very naturally with each other. This finally prompted the question Rainbow knew was coming. "I must say though Rainbow Dash. I would not have expected you to be able to dance so well. No offense of course. But when and, more importantly, why did you learn how to dance?" "You have no idea the things I do to keep on top of all my athletics." She was using her Rarity voice again, drawing a half hearted glare from her dance partner. "Swing, ballroom, tap, and ballet. And if you tell anyone about the last two I will dance them on your grave." She gave a glare to match Rarity's previous one. "It improves my foot work and body control." "That's very impressive Rainbow. I have a new level of respect for you." The song finished soon after that, but Rainbow remembered losing track of how many more they stuck around to dance together. They took turns leading, and it became a sort of competition to see who could out dance the other. In the end Rainbows athletic endurance won out. Both were breathing hard when they finally made it back to the table were Rarity had wasted so much of her night. Rainbow Dash had had to help Rarity to get there as all the dancing in hills had taken its toll on her ankles. The last part of the night was the cheesey prom photos. The recent abandonment of hills as well as Rainbow borrowing pinkies rather tall boots made it so they could even do the most cheesey pose of Rainbow holding Rarity from behind. Rainbow even paid before they took their places, to properly complete Rarity's prom experience as she had explained. They were the last to get their pictures taken as the prom was ending. The other girls had to hurry them out of the school right after. As such the last thing Rainbow remembered properly about the night was standing somewhat awkwardly in the pose waiting for the camera man to take the shot. What she remembered the most was catching a smell she figured was some mix of Rarity's perfume and shampoo. If she had had to guess Rainbow would probably say it was some kind of mixture of vanilla and lilac. It was definitely a smell that seemed like it should smell like Rarity. And Rainbow could remember definitely not disliking it as she thought she felt Rarity press into her as the camera went off. > Tight Corners and Etiquette Lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gym and most of the athletic facilities were located on the older side of the school. Since they had all long since been brought up to modern standards, it meant they had been renovated and remodeled many times over. This was becoming a particular annoyance to Rainbow Dash as she tried to maintain speed as she worked her way through the labyrinth like jumble of halls that arbitrarily seperated the various departments. That annoyance grew as she rounded a particularly tight corner. She'd been using her hands to grip walls to the best of her abilities as she tried to manage the turns faster. This time however she became aware of how slick her hands still were after her shower in the locker room. She could still smell that borrowed bottle of body wash she would normally never use on herself coming off of her. It wasn't her style and she knew it. The question of why she had used it, why she had even taken the time to shower, came to her mind as the baby smooth skin of her fingers slipped off the wall mid turn. The sudden loss of sideways momentum combined with the speed she'd been moving made her slingshot away from the wall and away from her desired direction. This course change forced her momentum to carry her full body weight into a collision with the small Wondercolts statue that marked the entrance to the athletics departments. The impact hurt, but Rainbow didn't have much time to linger on it. She noticed with shock that the force of her impact had been enough to knock the obstacle off balance just enough. She jumped back to her feet and darted to the opposite side. With a grunt of effort she put her weight into it to force it back the other way. As it toppled back Rainbow breathed hard as she watched it rock back and forth before it started to settle back into position. This gave her another moment to think that she really didn't actually want right now. Though the tense moment had made her start to sweat again, the flowery smell remained. Her previous questions came back to her. She had wanted to hurry as much as she could. Why had she wasted so much time on a shower, or even getting out of her practice clothes. Heck, it would have probably been quicker to just skip going through the school at all and just book it clear around the campus. But as her breathing steadied and the statue stopped shaking she realized she was doing the same thing she was back on the field. She turned back to the hallway she'd been trying to navigate moments before, knowing she already knew the answer to those questions. 'I did it because she wouldn't have appreciated it if I didn't. And for some reason I care about that. She began running again. *** 'ow' 'ow' 'ow' 'ow' 'ow' 'ow' 'ow' 'ow' 'Dang it. I know Spitfires a hardass, but this is getting excessive even for her.' This is what Rainbow remembered thinking the Monday after prom weekend as she jogged to school. She was sore all over which was slowing her down. Combining that with having had such a hard time waking up meant she was going to have a hard time even being reasonably late to school at this point. "Rainbow darling." Rainbow turned to the road she was currently running beside. The car driving next to her was a Sedan Rarity's parents had handed down to her when she got her licence. Rarity was behind the wheel trying to still watch where she was going while flagging her friend down. She pulled over as Rainbow trotted to the edge of the street and next to the car. "Hey Rares. What are you doing around these parts." "This week is my donut week, remember?" Rarity indicated the box of donuts in the passenger seat Rainbow hadn't noticed until that moment. It was one of many rituals the girls had come up with to keep their friendship close. A guilty pleasure they shared together. "You seem to be running a little late. Could I interest you in a ride, and maybe first pick." She picked up the box and shook it enticingly. Rainbow Dash couldn't get in the car fast enough. "Oh you are speaking my language this morning Rares. Had to skip breakfast I was in such a hurry." Rarity placed the box on Rainbows lap with a smile as she started driving again. Rainbow remembered how much she had been salivating as she opened the box. "Oh yeah, you always make sure to get the good ones too," she said as she dug into a warm pastry that left cream on her chin and fingers. Rarity had apparently noticed out of the corner of her eye as Rainbow noticed her roll her eyes and open the middle console where she always kept napkins. Rainbow rolled her own eyes as she took one, hoping it would avoid Rarity nagging her about her manners. "I am curious though Rainbow dear, what has you running so late?" "Well I'm not running late anymore. If anything your gonna get us there way early." "Yes, I do like getting places early whenever possible. But that's not what I meant darling." "Yeah yeah," Rainbow said while swallowing another bite. "Spitfire found out the regulations on how much she can make us train off season aren't as strict as the ones for how much she can make us train during the season. So she decided to start calling extra preseason training. First one was yesterday, and she was kicking our butts. When I got home I just collapsed into bed and passed out. Slept through all three of my alarms, and Mom and Dad had already left for the day." She took another bite of her sweet treat before continuing. "So it's whatever, I was just gonna get there late," she finished while chewing her food. Rarity tisked at that but otherwise didn't react to her lack of decorum. "Well coach Spitfire certainly seems to be every bit the strict task master I've heard. I'm glad I have miss Fleetfoot, she tells us to play dodge ball and goes to her office to text. Fluttershy and I just do light cardio on the track during gym." Rainbow Dash gave a snort of laughter as she popped the last bite of her donut into her mouth. "Oh yeah, Fluttershys told me about that before. You two girly girls got it made with that. As I understand it, as long as there's a few dodge balls in the gym when she comes back out she doesn't question it. Maybe I need to transfer in, get you two on a stricter workout plan." Rarity betrayed no reaction to Rainbows jab at her. She replied in a casual manner. "That sounds like it would be a lovely time. But I dare say that your beloved coach wouldn't want to part with her star athlete." Rainbow gave a snort of laughter again. "Ha, beloved. 'You don't win championships if your team likes you'. She literally tells us that." "Oh my, you certainly do have your work cut out for you don't you?" "Oh yeah. My feet are killing me and I feel like garbage." She said it with a laugh as she licked the last bits of her donut off of her fingers. Rarity gave a small giggle at that, then Rainbow noticed her nose begin to twitch. The twitching grew to nose flaring sniffs while Dash pretended not to notice while sizing up her next pastry victim. Before she could decide Rarity spoke again. "Rainbow dear. Forgive me for asking but I feel I need a little clarification." She paused briefly as if she was waiting for Rainbow to give her some kind of go ahead, but proceeded nonetheless. "Your practice yesterday was so hard that you passed out immediately when you got home, and it made you wake up so late you didn't even get breakfast." This time Rainbow did actually give her a go ahead. A simple, "uh-huh", that was enough for Rarity. "So am I to assume you haven't showered at all during that time period?" "Like I said, I feel like garbage. Salty garbage." Rainbow emphasized this point by pulling at her lose fitting shirt in an effort to cool herself. This resulted in Rarity's expression souring noticably as Rainbow also finally started to notice a very certain smell start to become the dominant one in the car. Rarity had rolled Rainbows window up when she had gotten in, but it and the rest of the windows in the car were now lowered enough that no smell could stay in it for long. "This is very disappointing Rainbow Dash," she said as she stopped at the last stop sign before the school. "It's not a big deal Rares. I'm an athlete, sometimes we stink. It's just something that happens. I'll deal with it when I can." Rainbow was mildly offended by this, but for some reason she felt less inclined then usual to voice this at her friends somewhat condescending nature to anything uncooth. "I'm not disappointed at you Rainbow." Suddenly Rainbow was very confused. "I'm disappointed at myself." That confusion deepened as they began to drive again. "I really have been neglectful to you as a friend haven't I?" Rarity proceeded to drive right past the entrance to the main parking lot of the school. In her confusion Rainbow Dash felt the need to voice this observation. "Uhh, Rarity. You just missed the turn." "I did not actually. We have much to do and I'd say just enough time to do it. But we must be economical with our time." She proceeded to drive to the far side of the school and pull into the parking lot on the opposite side near the sports fields. Rainbow was still confused as Rarity found a spot right up front and close to a door of the gym. Rarity exited the car quickly. Quickly enough that Rainbow didn't really register her doing so in her confusion until the other girl was opening the door and pulling her out. Rainbow was really unsure what was going on, so she remembered her brain latching onto irrelevant things. "What about the donuts?" "Leave them here, we should have enough time to come get them. Now let's go." Rainbow then remembered being pulled out of the car and forced along by the suddenly very strong seeming fashionista. Rainbow Dash would probably never remember why she allowed it to happen, but she knew she would remember the rant Rarity then broke into as they went, if only for the surreal nature it gave to the situation. "Honestly Rainbow Dash, I'm not sure how I've let you go around neglecting personal hygiene like this. What kind of friend am I that I would allow you to treat yourself so poorly when I'm absolutely sure it's just mild ignorance that's to blame for it. Really, when I think of what all that caked on dirt and dried up sweat has been doing to your skin... Well I'm just furious with myself." "Rarity relax. I'm just a little smelly, it's not a big deal." Rarity had by this time forced them both through a door leading into the gym and was making a b-line to the girls locker room. "It is most certainly a big deal Rainbow Dash. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It's health is representative of the health of your entire body. You are an athlete, you should know that maintaining your body is much more then just a healthy diet and regular exercise. You must take care of it if you expect it to take care of you." By this time Rarity had brought them into the locker room. The area was large enough that there were separated areas for student athletes and for regular gym students. It was at the entrance to the student athletes lockers that Rarity finally stopped and directly addressed her. "So, I presume you have proper accouterments ready in your gym locker." "Accounter.... What?" Rarity rolled her eyes. "Shampoo, body wash, anything that might make you clean and more presentable." "... No?" "No?..." "Not really. No." Rainbow was finally coming back to reality and getting a better handle on the situation. "And why in the world not?" Rarity complained as she began to give Rainbow a nasty look. "Cause before soccer season starts gym really isn't a big deal to me. I don't really get sweaty enough to need a shower at all, much less more then just a rinse." Rarity was really scowling now. "As I said before, you should always take care of your skin. Your hair too." She was literally shaking her finger at Rainbow at this point. The finger went to her chin as she seemed to consider for a moment. "There's nothing for it then." She then quickly went to a locker near the back of the room and just a row down. She quickly entered a combination and opened it, retrieving a midsize bottle of something. "There we are." She said while handing it over to Rainbow. "What the heck is this?" "Hair and body wash in one. Not the best thing you can use, but it gets the job done and it does it quickly. Now get to it." Rarity once again started to push Rainbow along. Rainbow Dash was coherent enough by this time to hold her ground and didn't allow herself to be turned back in the direction of the gym showers. With a slight snap in her voice she finally addressed the situation she'd suddenly been thrust into. "Rarity! This is crazy. You're being crazy. I'm not just gonna go take a shower right before school starts like this for no reason." Rarity was not startled in the least by Rainbows sudden outburst. She confidently turned up her nose to dash before addressing her. "Rainbow dear, if you'd been paying attention to me at all these past few minutes then you'd know there is a very good reason for this. I am not being crazy, right now I'm being a better friend then I've been in the past." Her usual haughty tone changed to nearly a growl as she began to glare as she spoke. "Crazy is what you'll see if you don't get in there this instant." As Rarity shoved her in the direction of the shower again Rainbow let it happen. It was not fear of the dainty girl that motivated her, Rainbow was sure of that. But there was something about the way Rarity had spoken that had let Rainbow know there was little room for argument. Rarity was definitely tougher then Rainbow had ever given her credit for, and in a lot of ways. With a quick stop to her own gym locker to grab her towel Rainbow proceeded to the showers. *** Rainbow showered quickly. Probably even more quickly then she normally did after a game or for a practice, but not as quickly as her usual gym classes. Using the frufru product Rarity had provided had taken some time. However, as she was drying her hair and stepping out of the shower she had to admit to herself that she did find herself feeling more clean after a shower then she normally did. Rarity's cheap level girly stuff seemed to be better then even her own regular stuff at home. Rainbow kept running the towel through her hair, staggered by how soft it suddenly felt after getting all the grime out of it. Her skin even felt different as she felt the air from the locker room hit it. She had to admit to herself that she kind of liked how it felt. But as she automatically walked in the direction she knew her locker was in, she also decided she didn't have to admit that to Rarity. Smirking to herself just a little she finally looked up from the process of drying her hair. A set of glaring eyes met hers as she did. Rainbow gave a start and jumped back slightly. Another step, maybe two, and the two might have bumped heads. Rarity seemed unfazed by this and stood unmoving at Rainbows now confused expression. "Ummmmmm, Rares? What umm, what's up?" It was all Rainbow could think to say at the moment. Rarity's glare remained unmoving. "Really Rainbow Dash? Really?" Rainbow still could not figure out what was going on this time, so she just kept staring in question at the girl in front of her. Rarity's glare did not move, but one of the hands that were firmly planted on her hips came off. Said hand made a gesturing motion down the length of Rainbows body. Rainbow looked down to the towel that had now come to a rest covering her shoulders, and not much else. Still not sure what was going on, Rainbow just looked back up to the glaring eyes. "What?" Rarity suddenly looked away, exhaling dramatically and resting her head in the palm of her hand. "You really are hopeless aren't you." Rainbow was pretty sure that was not meant as a question, but she still didn't respond as she still didn't know what she was being accused of. Rarity faced her again, glare gone but disappointment still obvious. "Rainbow Dash, a proper lady does not walk around in such an improper state." Rarity was gesturing to Rainbows body again, and she finally made the connection. "Rarity, we're in a locker room. And I'm not a lady, I'm an athlete. This is just what we do." Rarity again seemed unfazed as her gaze shifted to a deadpan. "So you mean to tell me that every other member of your team, as well as all the other girls in all the gym classes you've ever attended, have all walked around as naked and unconcerned as you are right now?" "Yeah, of c....." Rainbow suddenly had to stop and think about that question. "Well, I guess not all...," She trailed off thinking again. "Well... I guess not out of the shower, but I mean... In front of their lockers, usually. Most of the time. I think?" Her argument was weak and she knew it, but she was having a hard time conceding this point. Rarity however already seemed to be claiming victory. With a smug smile she replied. "So just you then." Once again Rainbow did not think it seemed like a question. She didn't reply so Rarity continued. "A lady should never be ashamed of her body. But showing it off so freely is the mark of one who does not show it proper respect as well. Now if you would darling, please at least attempt to cover up." Rainbow gave a huff, but decided to comply. She lowered the towel down and secured it around her waist. Rarity's head tilted as she gave another glare. Rainbow gave a questioning look back. Rarity suddenly reached forward, unhitched the towel, and scooted it further up onto her back. She finished securing it under her armpits and above her chest. "This is the proper way to show humility without showing shame." Rainbow swatted the hands away the second the towel had been secured. With an exaggerated tone she responded. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Don't be getting handsie with me all of a sudden." Rarity rolled her eyes. "Please, I've literally taken every measurement on your body at least twice." The two finally shared a laugh as Rainbow stepped past Rarity and over to her locker. Rainbow didn't have much of a routine as far as getting ready for anything, but she got into it as a question came to her mind. "Hey Rares. What did you even come over here for? Thought you'd go meet up with the rest of the girls, or at least stay in the regular locker room." She looked over to the other girl, and for the first time realized she was holding Rainbows shirt. "I had a sudden thought and had to check it out." She now held the piece of clothing up. She grasped it by two fingers at the very edge while holding it away from herself as if it was dangerous. "Putting on dirty clothes almost negates the point of doing this whole thing. Please tell me this stinks only because it was on you and not because you wore it yesterday during practice." "Have a little faith in me Rarity. My practice clothes were covered in dirt and grass stains. Even I wouldn't go out looking that torn up." She said this while reaching for her stolen shirt. Rarity pulled it away just enough for her to miss, then immediately threw it so it landed over Rainbows head. "Well I suppose there's hope for you yet." Rainbow just rolled her eyes as she grabbed the shirt. Rainbow then thought better of her next actions. She turned away from Rarity and towards her locker before dropping her towel again and finished getting dressed. "Much better," Rarity praised. Rainbow rolled her eyes knowing Rarity would understand it even without seeing it. "But still, I'd like to find time to get you over to the fibers studio and get you into something clean." "Ha, yeah right. Like I'm going to let you play dress up on me. You ain't getting me into one of your fancy shmansey dresses that easily." "I happen to have dresses that even a tomboy like you would be able to stand wearing. And I also have things besides dresses as well. I'm sure I could find you an ensemble that you'd be ok with." "Yeah, still not gonna happen. The only one who can get me to do something that uncool would be Fluttershy." Rarity had wandered out of the student athletes locker room area but now poked her head around the corner to flash Rainbow a questioning look. "Don't ask. Freaking butterfly sanctuary." She grumbled the last part under her breath. That was apparently loud enough for Rarity. She gave a little giggle before retreating back around the corner. "I remember Fluttershy mentioning that actually. She said you going with her was one of the sweetest presents you've ever given her." Rainbow gave a growl. "Oh she's gonna pay for that." "Oh you shouldn't be so hesitant to show your softer side Rainbow dear." "I don't have a softer side!" Rainbow barked back through the locker room wall. She could hear giggling coming from the other side. "So I'd just have to become as good a friend to you as Fluttershy and I could dress you up as much as I want?" Rainbow Dash gave a legitimate laugh at that. "Yeah, good luck with that one Rares. You may annoy me less then you use to, but I've known Shy since kindergarten." Rarity once again poked her head around the corner to direct a pout at Rainbow. "So you really think there's no chance?" Rainbow was now fully dressed and closing her locker. She rolled her eyes as she began walking over to where Rarity waited. "Tell you what. If that ever happens I'll let you go to town on me, no restrictions." Rainbow said this while holding out her hand with the bottle from before in it. "Guess I'll accept that deal, hopeless as you seem to think it is." She looked down at the bottle but did not accept it back. Rainbow remembered noticing her look over to her other hand where she was unconsciously rubbing the much softened skin together. Rarity gave a knowing smile. "So how did you like it?" Rainbow stopped her fingers immediately. She raised the bottle to her eyes and made a show of examining it. She finally tilted it back in Rarities direction and gave an "eh". "Eh?..." "Eh." Rarity's smile became more smug. "Do forgive me, but I don't think someone would be smiling so much while drying their hair for something that was just 'eh'." Rainbow Dash just shrugged her shoulders and once again offered the other girl the bottle. Rarity's smile became a very fake scowl. "You know Rainbow dear, lieing is not very becoming of a lady. I dare say that if I am trying to be a better friend to you from now on I should take a firm stance to discourage such behaviour." Rainbow didn't betray any concern at the words, but she was intrigued by the girls persistence. "I'm afraid a lady that lies is not a lady that deserves more donuts." Rainbows traitorous stomach gave her up immediately. The loud growl that came from it was matched by one from her lips a moment later. "I can't remember my hair and skin ever feeling this nice. My clothes actually feel more comfortable. I honestly never realized how gross the stuff I've been using is." Despite her words she still held the bottle to the other girl. "Then keep it. It was my spare anyway. It's the least I can do after last week." Rainbow actually hadn't expected Rarity to be the first one to bring up the prom, but she figured it meant she was not likely taking any protests to the offer. With a quick trip to her locker to stow the bottle away she joined Rarity in the trip back to her car. The conversation during the trip betrayed no sign of the potentially awkward situation that had transpired between them. "I must say that this parking lot is a nice little hidden gem. I dare say the main parking lot is probably full by now, and I think we're actually closer to the lunch room from here. Why have you never told me of this little secret Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow just shrugged as Rarity retrieved the promised sugary prize from her car. "I don't drive to school so I wouldn't know or even think about it. And maybe I've just been a bad friend this whole time too." "Oh pshaw Rainbow darling. Though I feel like we should tell the girls about this. I dare say we might be able to find ourselves a nice little meeting spot over here for the mornings." She was now re-entering the school from a side entrance that Rainbow Dash was holding open for her. "Awe. But if you tell everyone it won't be a secret anymore." "Oh, so you'd like to keep this our little secret then?" "If it gives me first dibs on donuts when you bring them." The two shared a laugh as they entered the lunchroom through the back entrance still with a good number of minutes left before the first bell rang. Their tardiness as well as the circumstances of it were noticed by the group of girls they now approached. "Finally, donuts!!!!!" Pinkie exclaimed, dashing over to the pair to liberate the treats and place them between the rest of the eagerly waiting girls. Though they all dug in immediately there was one in the group who seemed much more interested in casting questioning glances to the pair that had entered together. "So, where exactly have the two of you been this whole time?" Apple Jack asked the question with a sly smile and more then a little implication in her voice. Rarity was oblivious to it, much to Rainbows regret. "Oh, I happened to notice Rainbow was running late this morning when I passed her on the road, so I decided to give her a ride." Rainbow was happy that her explanation ended there, the rest of the story would make the rest of this conversation much harder to deal with. "Oh really now? The way y'all were just strollin' in all casual like after your big date last week. If I didn't know better I'd think y'all were coming from the same place." She waggled her eyebrows at the pair. Rarity gasped in shock and indignation. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Apple Jack, just what is it you are attempting to imply?" Rainbow groaned. Rarity was setting her up and Apple Jack was just going to knock them down. "Oh nothin' really sugar cube. I just figured the two of ya' had such a good time at prom I woulda' thought y'alls wouldn't want the night to end there." By this time the whole group was sending the two girls sly glances while digging into their unhealthy breakfast. Rarity was now sputtering with indignation at this point. "Apple Jack, that sort of thinking is so uncooth. Even if there was even the slightest chance Rainbow and I were in some way... involved, a lady does not bring up or discuss such things." Her slightly frantic state was doing nothing to remove the smiles from the rest of the group. Rainbow Dash groaned as she sat down and grabbed her second donut from the box. "Rarity, just be quiet. You're only making this easier for her." Rarity's indignation was now directed towards Dash as her fit continued. "Rainbow Dash, I can't just stand by while she makes claims that should be perfectly clear are not true." "Did you seriously not expect this to happen after last week?" "Why would I expect anyone to be making such ridiculously untrue claims about the nature of our relationship?" Rainbow Dash cringed. Pinkie was the one who caught that one. "Ohhhhh, 'our relationship'," Pinkie said with enough implication to feel it drip from the words. Rarity made a noise like she was going to make another response. Rainbow knew it would be one that did them no favors so she responded first. "Have you learned nothing from watching me and AJ doing this over the years?" Rainbow asked in half serious exasperation while shaking her head in disappointment. "Oh Rarity. I really have neglected you as a friend haven't I?" Rarity became silent and after a moment gave Rainbow a smile to continue. "Let me teach you the proper etiquette for busting people's balls." "Umm, Rainbow dear. They don't specifically have... Umm, that is to say..." "Not important. First things first, it's useless to poke fun at Pinkie. She literally can't be embarrassed." "It's true," Pinkie chimed in, now wearing her second chosen donut on her nose. She then snaked her tongue out and gulped said donut down in one slurp. "Noted", Rarity said with a cringe. "Fluttershy does not participate in this particular game. Sunset is trying too hard to be a goodie two shoes and still doesn't understand human satire well enough to be a real threat. The only ones you have to worry about are me, obviously the biggest threat. And AJ." She gave her usual sparring buddy a smug look. "Luckily there are certain ways to get under her skin that always work." "Oh don't you dare Rainb..." "For example. Eh-hem. Apple Jack, the only way me and Rarity would be involved in any scenario involving 'staying over' with each other is if we were double teaming Big Macintosh." Both Rarity's and Apple Jack's faces went very red for very different reasons. "Rainbow Dash, I told ya' the next time ya' started in on this I was gonna tan yer' hide." Rainbow didn't miss a beat. "Oh, does the spanking thing run in the family? Because Mac's got some big... hands and I could totally get into that." She waggled her eyebrows in an overly exaggerated way. Apple Jack stood in anger, but the rest of the girls were now having a hard enough time stifling their laughter that Rainbow knew she couldn't justify her rage at that moment. Even Rarity was having trouble keeping her giggling to her usual daintiness. "See, now that I have her mad I just gotta keep poking the wound by turning everything around on her." She said this while changing from her usual snarky and sarcastic tone to sounding like some kind of generic Kung Fu master teaching a student. Her tone went snarky again as she continued. "Sorta like how I'd like Big Mac to turn me arou...." "You do not even think about touching my brother ya' hear." Obviously any cutting rebuttals to Rainbows teasing were long gone by this point. Rainbow raised her arms in apparent surrender. "Hey hey hey, no problem. I don't need to touch. But if your gonna make me work with those kind of restrictions then could you at least install bleachers at Sweet Apple Acres. Heck, if you did that and made him work shirtless I don't think you guys would actually have to harvest apples anymore." Rainbow now noticed Rarity laughing openly at Apple Jack's plight. Through her laughter she managed to take a jab of her own. "Better yet Rainbow dear. Perhaps I could gift him with some particularly tight fitting work clothing. I dare say I could probably pull it off so they'd tear off of him at the precise right momen.." "Enough." Apple Jack half shouted. She was mad, but Rainbow could tell she could take at least one more jab. She tried to convey as much with a glance to Rarity. Rarity's lips pursed tightly as she tried to suppress a goofy smile. "Rainbow dear?" She asked innocently as if nothing had been happening. "Yeah?" "Do you happen to know when Macintosh's birthday is?" With that Apple Jack smashed her fist into the table with a noticable slam. She stood glaring at the two girls with looks of barely contained laughter on their faces. She then swung her arm to smack the box of donuts to face her. She took her second one and began stomping from the lunchroom in defeat. Rainbow remembered Rarity laughing just as hard as she was as she left. Only the mildly disapproving stare of one of their remaining friends remained to be delt with. "That was a little too much you two," Sunset tried to tell them over their laughter. Rainbow could tell she was gearing for some kind of lecture but Rainbow was having way too much fun to let it happen. "Oh no. She totally started that one and deserves what she got." Sunset didn't seem impressed by that observation and was clearly about to launch into something when she was cut off by the first period bell. "Saved by the bell," Rainbow exclaimed as she shot Sunset a smug grin. "Guess this'll have to wait for another time." Rainbow looked down to the box of donuts. The last remaining hold out Rainbow happened to notice was Rarities favorite kind. The standing rule in the group on donut day was that starting bell made the box free game no matter who had had what. Rainbow noticed Pinkie literally crouching like a cat and ready to pounce on it. With the speed of a trained athlete she reached out and snagged it, causing Pinkie to fly past and smash into the next table with a sad, "awwweee" as she went. She turned to Rarity and offered the tasty treat as if it were a sword in some kind of ritual. "I present to you, your prize." She was using her generic Kung Fu master voice again. "May it forever stand as a symbol of your first victory in the war of words and innuendo." Rainbow remembered seeing Rarity take a dainty bite from the donut to hide her smirk. She remembered thinking that her and Rarity might actually make a good team under certain circumstances. She also remembered Rarity's smile being particularly infectious. She returned it as she turned away to head to her first class. It seemed like that day was going to be a pretty good one. > Mastering the Stairs and Rocking Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every school has it's rumors, some more extraordinary, some mundane. Canterlot High itself had no less then seven different stories about various hauntings caused by some student or some teacher supposedly going crazy some unknown number of years ago for constantly changing reasons. On the more mundane side there were always stories floating around about various things. What teachers talked about in the teachers lounge. Which teachers were secretly dating each other. Exactly what were the sloppy joes really made of. But of them all there was one that everyone figured was true, but no one had ever really taken the time to check out for sure. That rumor was that the school had once, many years ago, been an elementary school. There were various reasons why the students thought this might be true, and right now Rainbow Dash was experiencing the most annoying of them. The stairs in the school were frustratingly short. Rainbow herself could take them three or four at once and still not feel like she was making any progress. This led to there being way too many flights of stairs for a school that was only three stories tall. And of course Rainbow had to be going all the way up them. The place she was going just had to be all the way up and all the way on the opposite side of the school. 'This is stupid Rainbow Dash, why are you even doing this. You know whats really going on, you know she was wrong. ' And yet she kept going. Taking step after step, going higher and higher. 'Stop that. That doesn't mean anything either.' She came to the last sets of stairs before she reached her desired floor. She stopped and realized how hard she was breathing. Even for an athlete like her those stairs could be draining, especially right after practice. She wiped a little moisture from her forehead and cringed. She then cringed harder at the fact that she had cringed. For the first time ever she questioned if she was going soft. She didn't usually care what other people thought of her. There were very few people who could get her to change anything about herself and even they had a hard time of it. And yet here she was, fanning herself and trying to make sure she wasn't too sweaty. She still had stairs to get up and a long hall to run, and yet she was more concerned with the state of how she got there then just getting there as quickly as possible right now. The most horrible thing about that was that that didn't sound horrible to her. She could slow down a little to do this right. She growled to herself before deciding to continue. She started taking the stairs just two at a time, and only at a mild jogging pace. It was slow going, and for some reason that was ok. So she kept going. Step after step. Higher and higher. *** Rainbow Dash was absentmindedly strumming away at the strings of her guitar. No sounds came from it as instead of an amplifier the instrument was plugged into a small device that was giving her a readout of what notes she was playing. She tweaked and tightened each cord in turn with little interest. This process was interrupted when the door to the band room swung open. Rainbow began looking up in irritation. "Finally!" She exclaimed, ready to start complaining to her friends about how late they were. However when she looked up she found only one figure standing in the door. Rarity stood there with the case containing her keytar slung over her shoulder. This was Friday, Rainbows favorite day of the school week. Not just because it was the last school day of the week, but also because it was band practice day. And she'd been looking forward to it since she'd missed out on it the previous week due to prom preparations. And yet it seemed like she was going to be denied it anyway if Rarity was the only other band mate present. She raised her hands in an exaggerated show of frustration. "Where the heck is everyone else?" "Sorry to say Rainbow dear, but it seems you'll have to take part in the most difficult task imaginable to you." Rainbow quirked an eyebrow at her in question as Rarity closed the door behind her and proceeded over to where her keytar setup was. "Your going to have to wait." "Wait!? I've already been waiting. What the heck am I waiting on?" "For the hazmat teams to give the all clear." Rainbows expression suddenly went to a confusing mixture of understanding and shock. "Oh no, it finally happened?" "Yes, it would seem that nobody heeded the advice that putting Pinkie Pie and Derpy in the same chemistry class was a very bad idea. That entire section of the school was closed off. I had to go up a floor to get here and you know what that's like." "Yeah, dang baby stairs. So I'm assuming because AJ, Shy, and Sunset were also in that class that they're gonna be late too?" "Unfortunately that appears to be the case darling," Rarity said nonchalantly as she unzipped her case and began pulling her instrument out. "For how long?" "They were setting up chemical showers when I happened across the scene." Rainbow suddenly found herself wishing she played the keyboard, if only because it would give her something to slam her head against that would add poignancy to the action. As it stood she could only hang her head in as aggressive a manner as she could while letting out a groan that made Rarity tisk at her. "Rainbow dear, that is very unbecoming of a lady." "Would you quit trying to lady me up." "I really don't think educating you about basic health and hygienic practices can really be called making you a true lady." She gave a slightly wicked smile at her friend. "At least not yet." Rainbow shot her a scowl back. Rarity had been teasing at Rainbow Dash like this for days now. Tuesday morning Rainbow had seen Rarity pulling her car around to the far side of the school where she had found her new secret spot the day before. She had decided to cut around the back of the school rather then go through the front when she noticed her doing so. It didn't add much to her run, but what it did add was the chance to take credit for introducing Rarity to this method. This had however led to a minor argument between the two, one Rainbow was proud to say she won. She managed to convince Rarity that she didn't need to take a shower after every athletic activity she did, such as jogging to school. Rainbows argument was mostly that she didn't have that much time in the day to be showering. After all, she was a serious athlete and she spent a lot of her time getting sweaty. Rarity had also said something about that many showers actually being bad for her skin too, somehow, Rainbow hadn't really paid attention, she had mostly just been stoked about winning the argument. That argument ended up not mattering in the long run, and Dash was glad that she decided to take the alternate entrance to meet up with Rarity before the rest of their friends again the next day. This was because when she showed up to the gym parking lot she found Rarity already there and seemingly waiting for her while leaning against her car. When Rainbow Dash approached she found herself catching what she initially thought was a pack of baby wipes. Upon further inspection they were actually some kind of hygienic wipes for women. 'When there's no time for a shower', the label had read, along with way too many fancy terms for her to wrap her head around. Rainbow had just given Rarity a look with as much ,'yeah right', in it as she could before lobbing the pack into the open car window next to Rarity. She was then hit in the face with a second pack which she only just managed to catch. This time she had actually vocalized a "really???" As she gave her a look. She stopped as she went to lob the second one into the window as Rarity was already leveling a third at her. "You really don't like taking no for an answer do you?" "Even less then you darling," was her response, flashing Rainbow a teasing look as she decided to toss the pack to her anyway. Rainbow grumbled as she shrugged her backpack off to slip them in. "You realize of course you can't make me use them." "Well I suppose I'll just have to start policing any offensive odors I encounter from now on. A few sprits of my very girly, very French, very designer perfume should do the trick." Rainbow had some ideas that if she were a guy at that moment then the teasing look Rarity was giving her would probably have left her catatonic. Rainbow had never seen bedroom eyes before, but she figured she had been looking at a good set of them at that moment. Rainbow sent back a glare that seemed to have all the affect of attempting to break down a fortress wall with hand fulls of sand. "You wouldn't." The teasing eyes only grew more intense as Rarity leaned forward and in a sultry tone responded, "you know perfectly well that I would." She then extended her arm and dropped yet another pack of the wipes into Rainbows bag next to the others. Rainbow could only groan. "How many of these did you actually buy?" "Enough," was the only reply as Rarity got into her car to get her own bag and lock it up. "Shall we darling." Rainbow remembered doing her best to hold a groan as long as possible as they entered the school. Rainbow had been remembering this with a huff as Rarity approached her after having set her keytar down. She jumped up, placing her guitar between them protectively. "Hey, back off fancy fumes." "Calm yourself Rainbow dear. I wouldn't waste my perfume unnecessarily," Rarity said dismissively. Then a playful smile came to her face. "How did your algebra class go yesterday by the way?" Rainbow glared. "That was totally uncalled for. I did not stink that bad yesterday." Rarity did not respond, only leaning forward as if to state her question again. "Ugh. Freaking Soarin told me I smelled nice," Rainbow exclaimed as she set her guitar down so she could throw her hands up in exasperation. "Oh, is that so?" Rarity responded, the look she was giving seemed like she was showing more interest then Rainbow thought was necessary. "Did he say anything else perchance?" Rainbow screwed her face up, both in disgust and trying to remember. "He also asked something about if I was doing something new with my hair. I don't know, things got drowned out when I punched him in the gut." "Oh ho. I figured this would happen, but I didn't expect it this quickly." "Expect what? What are you up to now miss super priss?" Rainbow launched the question at her like throwing knives. It didn't seem to affect Rarity at all. "Oh I love the new pet names you keep coming up with for me Rainbow darling. And I am not up to anything in particular, I simply allowed your natural feminine charms to come out. I knew it would start to get you noticed eventually." "What are you talking about? I'm Rainbow Dash, I get noticed all the time." "Oh not like that darling." Rarity was fluttering her eyelashes in a very suggestive way as Rainbow watched her. "....., Are you saying he was flirting with me?" Rainbow remembered the smile Rarity gave her just then filling her with an inexplicable urge to punch her pretty face. She resisted and instead directed that urge elsewhere. "Jeeze, now I wish I punched him really hard," she said while clenching the fist she planned on using. "Oh don't be like that Rainbow dear. I find it cute that gentleman is finally making a move. I dare say I've assumed he had an eye on you for some time." "No freaking body has their eye on me Rarity. That's just crazy." "It's not crazy darling." "Yes it is." "And what would you do if it weren't? What would you do if Soarin were to approach you tomorrow? Perhaps with a large bouquet of white roses?" Once again Rainbow remembered thinking that Rarity seemed way more interested in her answer then Rainbow thought she should. "You know, not everybody is as obsessed with lovey dovey junk as you. If he did that I'd probably just laugh at him." Rainbow was beginning to get tired of this conversation. She retook her seat and began strumming silently on her guitar once again. "That's so cruel Rainbow Dash. You would just disregard his feelings so completely? Whatever reason would you have to not acknowledge his affections?" Rainbow leveled a guitar pick at the girl who seemed to be going into dramatic lecture mode. "Hey. First of all, you are making a huge jump there. I seriously doubt guys are just gonna start throwing themselves at me just because I smell all frufru. Second of all, he's not my type." Rarity straightened up in her usual haughty manner to respond. "First of all, it's not just smelling more pleasant then you use to. Just a few days of proper self care and you glow like you never have before. It doesn't take much to realize how much appeal you've been hiding away from the world. Second of all," she suddenly got a smug look as she leaned forward again. "Just what would your type be might I ask?" "Don't have one." Rainbow said this while looking back down to her tuner and strumming another note. "Oh come now Rainbow. You must have thought about it at some point." Rainbow remembered being somewhat impressed by just how quickly Rarity could change gears. She was suddenly pouting, Rainbow presumed to try to annoy some kind of answer out of her. Rainbow was suddenly amused by the fact that Rarity annoyed her much less then she use to. "Not really. Not something I really think about." "Then what is it you think about in place of romance?" "Being awesome." Rainbow stood up, unplugging her tuner and plugging her guitar into the amp she had been sitting on. "Put it this way. Since no one is as awesome as me, I'm not interested in anyone. Until that changes I'm focusing on other stuff." "Like what?" "Like getting some practice in." She switched the amp on and struck a loud power cord. "You ready, because I'm done with this mushy stuff." Rainbow remembered it seeming like Rarity wanted to protest, but she ended up just rolling her eyes and picking up her keytar. "What are we playing? Until the other girls get here we are somewhat limited." "Let's just play." She flashed a cocky smile, "try to keep up." With that Rainbow endeavored to leave the conversation as far behind as possible. What followed was a not so structured series of power cords played rapidly and without much rhyme or reason. She let one linger much longer then necessary, letting it die slowly giving the other girl a chance to join in. In defiance of the aggressive rift given to her, Rarity seemed to decide to challenge it with a smooth and gentle melody. As she seemed to be getting into the tune she was making up on the spot she looked up to flash a smug look of defiance to Rainbow. Rainbow countered it by cutting in with her much heavier style. Rarity sent Rainbow a glare which she just met with an extended tongue. Rainbow kept playing as she watched the other girl turn the volume up on her instrument. What she played next was much more forceful then her previous attempt, but still nowhere near what Rainbow was hammering out. Once again Rainbow tried to drown her out. She was aware her own volume was already dangerously close to breaking school policy, so she just decided to play much faster, not leaving any place for Rarity to jump in. Rainbow was impressed when Rarity did managed to force her way into the jam. All it took was Rainbow momentarily readjusting her grip and Rarity was in again. Do to how quickly she had had to cut in her pace had picked up considerably, but she was still stubbornly sticking to the melody she had originally started. She didn't stop playing when Rainbow tried playing over her this time. Rainbows tune was considerably more chaotic, so much so that she didn't notice right away when her beat started matching up with Rarities more and more. Whatever it was turning into at that point was something that sounded good enough that she didn't mind. Rainbow noticed her foot start to tap to the beat they were making. She let herself start moving to it more and more as Rarity seemed to be noticing the harmony they had some how managed as well, her melody finally starting to change here and there in a pleasing way to Rainbows ear. Rainbow hadn't been sure how long they'd been playing, but despite how much she found herself enjoying it they both seemed to be finding a natural end to the tune. Both girls hit one last note, holding it and letting it die slowly. The room finally became silent. "WOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Rainbow Dash remembered that she definitely did not jump out of surprise. However even if she had it would have been reasonable. That had not come from either of the girls that were previously in the room. That had definitely been a Pinkie Pie brand 'woo'. Both girls turned to see their other four friends standing in the door. Rainbow was the first to react. "About dang time. Can we get started with practice for real now?" Apple Jack spoke up first. "Yeah, I don't see that happenin' sugarcube." She spread her hands to indicate what she was wearing. Rainbow remembered Rarity suddenly becoming very concerned at that moment. Apple Jack and the rest of them were all wearing the same thing, a sterile white suit just a few steps up from a hospital gown. "What in the world did they do to you all?" Rarity proceeded to pull Fluttershy, the closest of the girls to her, in close and turn her in various directions. She did not seem pleased. Sunset responded as Fluttershy blushed at the attention. "Whatever it was that Derpy and Pinky made, it at least didn't seem to have any negative affects on human anatomy. It did, however, seem to cling to any and all fabric material in a way that current science doesn't understand. Everyone's clothes were taken as samples and to see if they can find a way to decontaminate them." Some how Rainbow seemed to predict what happened next. She stepped forward as she noticed Rarity break away from examining the stand-in clothes on Fluttershy and managed to just barely catch the neck of the blouse she was wearing as the fashionista suddenly lunged for the party planner. "Pinkie how could you!!!" Rainbow figured the thin fabric was not enough to hold her back if what she'd been learning about Rarity was correct, but it seemed she didn't seem to want to cause more clothes related carnage. "This is absolutely the biggest crime against fashion since they made Apple Jack make a dress in home ec." "Hey," the response came from both Pinkie and Apple Jack, but it was Pinkie that continued. "I was just trying to create ubersugar. Derpy was the one who made it explode." "Yeah, the first time. Y'all did the other two," Apple Jack replied dryly. Pinkie's smile was so big it made a squeak. "Oh yeah, that was fun. Wouldn't it be cool if I could make sugar explode any time I wanted?" "No!!!!!" The response came from all the other girls, especially Rarity who took one more flailing lunge at the obliviously smiling girl. Rainbow gave the fabric a good tug to yank Rarity back next to her. She grabbed her around her shoulder to hold her in place. "So you're saying you guys aren't going to practice today?" Sunset answered. "Not a chance. This stuff hangs like sandpaper and in case you were wondering they did take our undies too." Rainbow cringed and tightened her grip as Rarity shot Pinkie a blazing glare. "You two are gonna practice though." Both girls looked to each other in confusion then back at Sunset. "What ever do you mean darling?" "That song you two were just doing. I wanna hear you develop it. I think it's our next big hit." The pair once again looked to each other in confusion. This time Rainbow realized her arm was still around Rarity's shoulder. She dropped it as she replied. "That wasn't really a song, we were just jamming out. I don't even think we could redo it if we tried." She looked over to Rarity who shrugged her shoulders. Looking back to the other girls they saw Pinkie already holding out her phone while a video of them started playing. How they hadn't noticed she had her phone or where she was keeping it was a question they both silently decided to never ask. Watching the video together though Rainbow found something out. Rainbow hadn't realized she had closed her eyes half way through the jam session. Apparently Rarity had too. They had both been getting into the music, and both had started moving to it as they played. Rainbow was curious to realize that they had ended up facing each other, just a foot or two apart before the video ended. She was also curious to realize that while viewing the video they had both moved in close. Glancing to the side she realized they were almost cheek to cheek. She pulled away with a groan. "So I'm stuck with just Rares today then. Ugh, fine. I just want to play." "Good." Sunset took Pinkie's phone and began clicking through menus. "But not here. They're closing the school to make sure nothing got in the ventilation system." She made one more click, and a few moments later Rainbow felt her phone buzz the same moment she heard Rarity's play a random pop song. "So where the heck are we supposed to go?" *** "Oh for the love of... Would you stop doing that Rares?" Although Rainbow Dash's parents were very supportive, her neighbors were not. After dealing with the active girls antics for years it had become extremely easy to get complaints in and around that neighborhood. Thus did Rainbow sit in the only square foot of Rarity's crafts room that the meticulous girl would permit at the time. Granted, this had come about because the first thing Rainbow had done upon entering the room was to plop down on what she thought was a bean bag chair. She was then shouted at for ten minutes about putting Rarity back a week on her crinoline petticoat. Rainbow still wasn't sure what it was, but she'd never forget the name with how high a shreek Rarity had made when she'd heard the crunch. Maybe that was why Rarity was being so unreasonable, at least in Rainbows opinion. The fashionista was glaring at her in an obvious gesture that she was giving up no ground at that moment. "I don't see what the problem is Rainbow. It is a genre that is currently under served in our current play list." "Yeah, there's a very good reason for that though," Rainbow said as she threw down the page of lyrics she'd been examining. "Love songs are soooooooo lame." She stood up and took a step towards the girl to match her glare. "And this is coming out as a duet. There is no way I'm doing a love song with you." "Oh would you get over yourself. It would be the two of us singing about love, not a love song between us. It's not weird." "A love song duet, between two straight girls. That alone is weird. But even if it wasn't there's still the fact that love songs are lame." Rarity turned away with a huff. "Ugh, you are so impossible Rainbow Dash. If something isn't 'cool' as you see it you just can't be open to anything about it." "What about you? If something isn't 'fancy', or 'chic', you don't want to hear about it either," Rainbow responded using the voice she used to mock Rarity. "Oh would you quit using that voice. I am very open to new ideas, much more then you. But I am not going to participate in a thinly vailed reskin of Awesome As I Wanna Be just because you want the heavier hand in the lyrics. If you would step out of your comfort zone for two seconds and really listen to the music you would notice it does have some similarities to a love ballad. A very sped up love ballad perhaps, but it's in there." "Yeah maybe to you", Rainbow said with a growl as she too turned away and went back to her spot. She picked up the lyrics and examined them again, shaking her head. "Seriously, I figured you'd be over all this lovey dovey stuff after what happened with that Hoity-Toity prick." "Oh please don't bring him up." The tone coming from Rarity was not what Rainbow had anticipated. It sounded almost bored, as opposed to either irritation or anger that she had figured. "I am more then over that whole fiasco." "Yeah, well these lyrics say something else." She gave Rarity a sly look. "Prove it." Rarity gave a look that said she very much didn't care for the challenge Rainbow was attempting to start. She nonetheless gave a flick of her hair and began speaking in a very casual tone. "Well, as you know I was recently fortunate enough to have some of my work featured in the gallery of a very influential figure in the fashion world." "You mean that Fancy Pants guy you wouldn't shut up about a few months back?" "Quite", Rarity said with a roll of her eyes. "Anyway, I reached out to him a few days ago. I sent him an image of the designs for dear Hoity's tuxedo and asked what a fair asking price for such an ensemble might be in his gallery... After explaining the circumstances of it's creation." "Ooooooohhhhhhh!" "Yes, I thought you might be impressed by that." Rainbow was now laughing into her hand and didn't notice the other girl taking out her phone. "You should have seen the look on his face when I presented him with the bill. Infact..." Rainbow suddenly felt her phone vibrate. She pulled it from her pocket and noticed a message from Rarity. Opening it she saw an image of Hoity Toity, his face frozen in shock and fear. Her laughter was renewed ten fold as she fell from her spot and began rolling on the floor. "Yes, I thought you might like that." "Like it? Rarity I freaking love you right now," Rainbow got out as she managed to sit up, still shaking in mirth. "Oh I am so posting this everywhere!" "Feel free. It was your victory as much as my own." "Really? How so?" "You really don't know how much of an affect you had on me at the prom. I thought about what you said and did the whole weekend. And I think taking part in your little game with dear Apple Jack was the final push I needed." "Ah, so the student has become the master." She decided to add to her ninja master voice by randomly flapping her lips a few extra seconds after she finished speaking. "All your character voices are just terrible Rainbow dear." Rainbow Dash suddenly slapped her hand over her chest as if she was shot. She made a dramatic gagging noise and fell to the ground, playing dead complete with a tongue lulling from her mouth. "And people claim I'm dramatic." "Can't hear you. I'm dead. You killed me." Rarity proceeded over to where Rainbow was splayed out. She could remember seeing a sly smirk come to her face while she attempted to keep her act convincing by not focusing on anything. She then saw her turn on her heel and flopped down, right on Rainbows chest. Rainbow remembered letting out a deep grunt as the girls weight impacted her ribs. "Ugh, get off." "Oh I'm sorry dear. I was under the impression you were dead and wouldn't mind." She flashed a challenging smile down to Rainbow. "You may not exactly be Fluttershy, but this is quite a comfy seat," she said while shaking her rear on the athletes meager chest. "Oh you are so dead." With how much roughhousing she usually did with Apple Jack it took little effort for her to take control of the situation. Rainbow noticed Rarity make an almost Fluttershy like, very cute squeak as Rainbow slipped out from under her and flipped her over. In seconds Rainbow was twisting Rarity all over the floor. "Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!!!" Rarity was screaming it almost as soon as Rainbow took control. It still wasn't quick enough to avoid ending in the situation she found herself in. Rainbow had managed to get herself on top of Rarity, legs on either side of her chest, hands pinned above her head. Rainbow leaned her face down, bringing it within inches of the already panting girls nose. "What? You wanna dish it out but you can't take it?" Though she was not in a very dignified position Rarity still tried to seem dignified. "Rainbow, I am a proper lady. A proper lady does not take part in such things." Rainbow pulled away just a little, but not enough to give Rarity any chance to escape. In a dismissive tone she responded. "Oh, well if you don't feel like wrestling, then I guess we should get back to work on the song." Rainbow began to get off of Rarity, but not in such a way that would allow her to escape. She then shifted herself around, and plopped herself down on Rarity's chest. "Guess we should start watching the video again." Rather then constantly reviewing the video on their phone, they had taken the time upon getting there to transfer the video to Rarity's laptop. The same laptop that happened to sit on the desk they had ended up right next to. Without letting Rarity up, Rainbow managed to reach up and hit play on the video still paused on the screen. Rarity squirmed. Then she squirmed some more. Rainbow noticed out of the corner of her eye that she was trying to see if she could see the screen from where she lay. She apparently could not. "Rainbow dear, are you going to let me up?" "Nah. Your almost as nice a seat as Shy probably is." She wiggled her own rear around on Rarity's more sizable chest causing her some discomfort. Rarity didn't show it as challenge flashed in her eyes. "Oh it is on." Rainbow hardly paid attention as she felt limbs flail around her and heard Rarity make a number of very unladylike noises. "Shhhh, I can't hear the video." Rainbow looked down, betraying no emotion at the plight of the girl below her. What she saw was Rarity now with her arms splayed out wide and struggling to breathe deeply against the weight on her chest. "Why... Can't... I... Move... You???" Rainbow let the video keep playing, but turned her attention elsewhere. Maintaining pressure, she turned herself around. She placed a socked foot on either side of Rarity's head and leaned in with a smug smile. "You may be a lot tougher then I always figured you were, but you still need a little technique if you wanna hang with me." Rarity was managing to maintain an indignant glare as she responded. "I was just wondering, how long exactly did you practice dance?" Rainbow tilted her head in question. "Why?" "Because it takes a fairly talented ballerina to contort themselves quite that much." She flashed a smile that Rainbow might have felt like punching if the girl was not so helplessly pinned beneath her. "Well I guess you really like being down there don't you." She spun herself back around to face the computer. She made a show of leaning back slightly and folding her arms behind her head in a relaxed manner. She snickered lightly as she heard and felt Rarity struggle below her more. It suddenly stopped and Rainbow heard the girls usual posh voice. "Oh Rainbow darling. What if I were to tell you that our dear friend Fluttershy let slip a certain secret of just where you might be ticklish." On reflex Rainbows arms clenched to her sides and she slid down to the floor, now leaning against Rarity. "I'd say Shy just earned herself a few crab claws the next time I see her." Rarity was now snickering. "Actually she said nothing of the sort. But now I know at least one exists." Rarity now sat herself up and scooted up next to Rainbow where she could watch the video from the floor as well. The smile from before was back, but for some reason still didn't seem as punchable as Rainbow felt it should. She felt like it made her want to do something to Rarity, she just wasn't sure what. Whatever it was, it seemed to make the process of watching the video of them again a little more tolerable. It was set to keep playing unless they actually stopped it, so they had heard it quite a few times already. On this playthrough she happened to notice Rarity tapping her foot along to it. This was probably because do to the limited space they had for viewing Rarity was now shoulder to shoulder with her. The tapping seemed to be making the music that much more infectious as she noticed her own foot start to tap along as well. 'Dangit'. Rainbow groaned as she fell back on the floor. She blindly grabbed at the area behind her looking for the previously discarded notebook. Finding it she turned it back to one of Rarity's attempts at creating lyrics for the song. Her foot continued to tap as she read the lyrics along with the music. "Ok fine." Rarity looked back in question, apparently just realizing Rainbow was no longer beside her. "Your lyrics do fit better." She allowed the arm that held the notebook above her head as she lay on the carpet to flop to the side limply. "But I still say it's not a love song." "Well, I suppose we could alter them a little." She too decided to lay back on the carpet, trapping Rainbows arm under her head in the process. "It shouldn't take too much effort to make lyrics about love into friendship. Not that we don't have plenty of songs about that already," she added with fake snark in her voice. "You know I was using that arm right?" Rainbow responded, gently tugging at the trapped appendage. "Well now I'm using it," Rarity replied as she reached around and took the notebook from the immobilized hand. "Let's see what we can do here." Rainbow watched with some boredom as Rarity pulled her mechanical pencil from the books spiral and started rewriting some of the lyrics. She had been wanting to do band stuff all week, but she preferred playing. This part could be kind of a drag to her. She was honestly surprised she hadn't called it a day long before. Rainbow remembered that they lay there like that for quite some time, music in the background as Rarity's painted nails danced intricate patterns before her. The affect was almost hypnotizing. The lyrics went through several tweaks as they argued them back and forth. She wasn't sure if it was because she was actually happy with the lyrics or if she was just tired of thinking about them, but she remembered when they finally finished. "So we'll take things... Step by step." Rarity sing-songed vaguely in the right key. "As we keep reaching... Higher and higher," Rainbow responded, sounding bored even to her own ears. The words still sounded a little too... flirty to her, but they sounded good. "And then we just repeat that part as the music fades." "I hate fade outs. Just end it there with some kind of musical flourish." Rainbow could tell Rarity was thinking about it by the way she now tapped the pencil on her chin. "Perhaps. We'll have to work on it when we actually play it." "You'll have to work on it maybe. Right now I'm about to put absolutely anything else on that computer." Rainbow didn't even have to look over to know Rarity was giving her an exaggerated pouty face. "And here I thought you really wanted to practice today." "Yeah, but we've basically been listening to the same song for over five hours." Rarity gave a start, then Rainbow felt her shift around as she got her phone from her pocket. "Goodness, I had no idea it was so late already." Rarity finally began standing up, shutting off the music and placing the notebook on the computers keyboard in the process. "Dear me, I'm sorry Rainbow. I've been a most ungracious host." "Don't worry about it Rares, it's not a big deal." She got the words out about half a second before a rumble in her stomach echoed through the room. Rarity smirked, Rainbow groaned. "I shall return. Feel free to get comfortable wherever you like." Rainbow sighed. "Here's fine." Rarity gave her a questioning look. "This spots nice and warm now, your carpet is pretty comfortable," she nodded towards Rarity's previous pillow. "And I wanna see if the feeling is ever gonna come back." Rainbow thought she noticed a little color come to Rarity's cheeks as she began leaving the room. "Back in a minute darling." Despite her initial resistance, Rainbow did actually find herself rising from the floor. She obviously needed a trip to the bathroom after being stuck in the same place for so long. She was just settling back into her spot when Rarity returned with two plates of food. "Mother and father did not wish to disturb us, but they did set aside some dinner for when we were ready." She set the plates on the floor in front of Rainbow before leaving the room again. She returned moments later with a pile of extra pillows. She propped a few behind Rainbows back to help her sit up, set up a few of her own, then went over to the computer. Rainbow was suddenly very aware of how short the skirt on Rarity's current outfit was. Bent over the computer fiddling with something she was treating Rainbow to a show of... Cats. Apparently Rarity did not make her own underwear, because what Rainbow was seeing was very generic, very cutesy, cat print underwear. Not exactly high class. Rainbow involuntarily let a snort of laughter escape her. Rarity turned around but Rainbow was sure all she saw was her disinterestedly looking at a mannequin beside her. "What?" Rainbow heard her ask. Rainbow turned back as if just barely hearing her. "What?" Rarity just shrugged and went back to what she was doing. Rainbow had to sneak one last peek. She couldn't figure how, but she found it very amusing. "There we are," Rarity said as she turned back around and began sitting next to Rainbow on the floor. Apparently she had been starting a streaming app. Rainbow noticed familiar opening credits start playing. "Shogun Assassination Murder Monk 12???!!!" "Yes, I think I remember you saying it was your favorite movie once a long time ago." "Totally, but I haven't seen it in forever." Rainbow was leaning forward and not paying attention to much, until she smelled something delicious. Looking down Rarity was holding a plate of food below her nose. "Oh you are the best Rares." Half an hour later, Rainbows belly was full and she was comfortably lulled out on a decent nest of pillows. With as much enthusiasm as she could muster in this state she was trying to explain the back story of the movie to Rarity. ".....,....., I'm afraid I still don't understand." Rainbow gave a light chuckle. "SAMM can be kind of an acquired taste. Maybe one of these days I'll have to bring over my collection and we can binge em'." Rarity laughed lightly. "That sounds lovely." If Rainbow was more awake she might have been able to hear the sarcasm she was sure must have been there. However the long day, good mood, and full belly were conspiring against her. She let out a yawn and a groan. "Ugh. I still have to walk home after this. I am way too comfortable for that to sound like any fun." "Don't worry about it. When I got you food I also called your parents. If you feel like it you have permission to stay the night. You just need to be back early enough for them to get you to practice." Rainbow raised her arms above her head slowly and she let out a tired "wooo. Slumber party." She noticed Rarity daintily laughing into her hand. Rainbow stuck her tongue out at her in response. She then pointed her finger back to the screen. "Oh, remember when I told you about Murder Monks murdered master. Check this part out." They continued to watch the movie for some time. There were a few things about the night she still didn't remember. She wasn't sure at what point in the movie she had succumbed and finally passed out. She wasn't sure when Rarity had done the same or why she didn't go to her own bed before she did. She didn't know why or when Rarity had apparently rolled over in her sleep and ended up with her arm draped over Rainbows chest. What she did remember was that when she randomly woke up in the middle of the night to find this out, she decided it was pretty comfortable. So she remembered deciding to reclose her eyes and go back to sleep. Maybe pressing herself a little closer, for warmth. > Losing Steam and Sharing Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash really didn't like being in the school after hours. Canterlot High was an open campus, so students could come and go as they pleased until pretty late hours. But once after school activities and clubs got done for the day it did tend to get very quiet. Further more, to save energy they always turned off all but every third light in the hallway. Adding to this quiet and dark back drop on this day was Rainbow's own footsteps. She normally wouldn't even pay it any attention, but even to her they seemed almost eerily loud and slow. She knew she was progressing at a jogging pace she would normally make fun of people for, and her foot falls sounded heavier as a result. She also knew that she was failing in convincing herself that the reason for this was a hard practice. Coach Spitfire definitely expected a lot from her athletes, but Rainbow knew that even she wouldn't work them to death the day before a game. Thus she could only grumble to herself as she noticed the lockers passing her at an even slower pace as the last barrier between her and her destination grew closer. 'Ok, so I'll admit things have changed between us. But that much has been obvious since the fall formal. There is absolutely NO way things have changed THAT much.' But because of the fact that she had slowed so much she was able to notice something, something that once again reminded her of recent events. And something that once again told her that she was trying to fool herself. Her light jogging pace was allowing both the shirt and skirt she was wearing to flutter pleasantly in the breeze. As they did so she felt the soft fabric glide gently over her skin. And while her skin was in better condition then it once might have been, that was not the only reason why they felt so comfortable. These were not her usual clothes, they weren't even her usual style. And yet she knew why she had these clothes. She knew why she was wearing them. And at least on some level, she knew what it meant. *** "Just a few more Rainbow darling, we're almost done." Both Rainbow Dash and Rarity were working in earnest. That made sense as this whole day had somewhat been planned in earnest. Spitfire was making it clear she intended to win a championship this season and it reflected in the amount of extra training Rainbow was getting prior to the season starting. Rainbow had lost her whole weekend to her already, and she was trying to get as many after school practices in as possible as well. Noticing this and assuming that during the season wasn't going to get any better, Pinkie had decided that a girls night was absolutely necessary. Rainbow Dash had not been opposed to the idea, she too knew that it might be a while before she got a chance to hang out with all her friends. The only problem was that her one day off seemed to be the busiest day for the rest of her friends. "Alright cool, I'll get started on the next one then." Rarity was apparently working on a line of highly embellished dresses. They were trying to save time by having Rainbow Dash follow Rarity's design and pin on the various ribbons, flowers, and gems so that Rarity could come behind and work her sewing magic. Rarity had managed to sell it to Rainbow as a sort of competition. She had to of course stay ahead of Rarity, but the better she pinned them on the faster Rarity could work as well. So she had to be both fast and accurate. Rainbow knew she was being manipulated, but she didn't care. A competition was a competition. And it turned out she was actually enjoying it. "I must say Rainbow dear, you certainly are a god send. I honestly was only planning on getting a few of these done in the time I had. You and your magic fingers just might give me the whole rest of the week off." Rainbow by this point had just finished her second set of flowers and was beginning work on the third as she noticed Rarity taking a second to check over their work on the previous dress. "No problem Rares. I mean, of all the girls it sounded like you had the biggest workload to get out of the way to make today work." While that statement actually didn't seem true to Rainbow, the rest of their friends did seem to believe it was the case. Rainbow had thought for sure her help would be the most needed by Apple Jack, simply because on any given day she was usually working harder then any of them. But when it was decided that they would all get their respective works done quickly so they could spend the rest of the day together, they all had seemed very sure that Rarity needed her help the most. But of course that didn't really matter at that moment. What mattered was seeing how much faster they could get done then everyone else so they could rub it in their faces. As such Rainbow was relieved to feel a warmth press in behind her once again. They had established a good rhythm by this point. Rainbow would work down so that Rarity could work above her as they went. The close proximity had taken surprisingly little time to get used to, minus one little thing. Scratch that, two rather generously sized things that were making their presence known once again. "Rares, your boobs are on my head again." "Well your just going to have to deal with it for a few moments as usual Rainbow." This had become somewhat routine at this point. As such Rainbow knew that Rarity hadn't even given a glance down when she had said it. Not wishing to break the current groove they were working in at this point Rainbow followed in kind and kept her eyes forward, even as Rarity finished her first set and Rainbow felt them press more into her as she moved down to the next one. Luckily Rainbow didn't have to worry about testing their elastic potential much further as she finished up the row she was working on. She slipped out from beneath her and gave a sigh of relief as she went over to a nearby table to grab the next set of gems she would need. Not that being in that position was necessarily that bad. Rainbow actually felt it was kind of amusing just how educational the experience seemed to be. Not that she was in any way moved by the experience, but Rainbow reasoned that if pressed she could finally at least come up with some kind of reasoning as to why boys always seemed so drawn to certain aspects of the female anatomy. Maybe it was like a stress ball sort of thing. The real problem with Rarity having to press herself against her so much was the heat. The room was hot. They were working hard which was making her hot. And more then anything, Rarity's body was hot. For some reason her whole body, especially those two rather generously sized things, seemed to be radiating heat. Rainbow gave a smirk as she got back to work on the next row. "You know Rarity, it's unbecoming of a lady to allow herself to become overly sweaty." Rarity did not look away from what she was doing, but Rainbow did notice a bit of color come to her cheeks. "Indeed it is Rainbow Dash. But what may I ask are you implying?" "Oh nothing, nothing. But you know, I still have an extra pack of those baby wipes in my backpack. You know, just in case any random person might need to borrow them." The color was pronounced enough now that Rainbow could notice it even out of the very corner of her eye as she worked. "They are not baby wipes Rainbow Dash. And a proper lady such as myself would never put herself in a position where she would need such a thing." Rarity was now finishing the previous row and was once again pressed against Rainbow as she worked above her. If anything Rainbow would have to say she had gotten even warmer by this point. "Whatever you say, space heater." Rarity actually did break her concentration for a brief moment to look down at Rainbow. Though Rainbow didn't look up she could tell she was glaring at her from above, probably from the wholes it felt like her eyes were burning into the top of her head. Rainbow only smirked as she kept working. "What? I thought you liked me giving you pet names." Rarity could only grumble as she went back to her work. Rainbow had in fact been doing her best to come up with a new nickname for her every time they saw each other ever since their impromptu sleepover the previous week. It seemed to be becoming a source of great embarrassment for Rarity, not only because more then a few of them were completely nonsensical, but because they had not gotten around to telling anyone why this practice had started. Thinking about it though, that had seemed to be becoming a running theme of their interactions as of late. It seemed like they kept ending up in positions with just the two of them lately, and as a result they'd already ended up with quite a number of inside jokes between them. Rarity herself seemed to be getting a kick out of asking Rainbow if she smelled anything while stroking her purse like a cartoon villain stroking a cat. Rainbow smiled to herself. Just how close her and Rarity had gotten in less then two weeks seemed crazy to her, and yet she didn't regret it. What she did regret at that moment was that it suddenly felt like she was wearing ear muffs in this heat. Right, she was still trying to stay ahead of Rarity, and Rarity wasn't going to stop just because she was getting distracted. She hastily pinned on her last gem and moved out from under Rarity before she died in what was probably every guys most ideal way. Rarity was only a couple gems behind her so Rainbow made her way over to the table again quickly. However when she got there she realized something was wrong. The dress plan was there, still outlining what was needed, but the next row of embellishments was not. "Umm Rares, where's the next set?" Rarity was already on the last one and managed to look away while her fingers kept moving. "Right there on the tab..." Her fingers stopped as she noticed nothing on the table where Rainbow Dash was indicating. "Oh dear." She looked back to finish the last one in the row before coming over. "Did we really work through my entire supply that quickly?" Rainbow could only shrug as she watched Rarity begin to count things off on her fingers. A second hand became involved and her smile grew bigger and bigger as she turned to examine the fairly long line of dresses they had finished. Trying to get some ideas of what was going on Rainbow went back to looking it the sketch of the dress they'd been working on. She was interrupted when something very warm plowed into her and wrapped her up tight. "Oh my goodness Rainbow Dash, this is so amazing. We got so much done." Rainbow was having an almost Pinkie like experience as she was sure she'd hear the sound of one of her ribs breaking at any moment. Rarity did release though, and when Rainbow turned she was treated to a very wide smile. "I could kiss you right now Rainbow. I can finish this order as early as tomorrow. I had planned on working on this through to next week." "We've only been working on this a couple hours. How was this going to take you a week?" Rarity blushed slightly at that question. "Well I suppose you do bring out the competitive side of me a little bit." Rainbow noticed Rarity flexing her fingers in what looked like an uncomfortable way. Rainbow took a step forward and grabbed her hand. Rarity made a cringe, but Rainbow eased her grip quickly enough that she didn't pull away. She then tentatively removed the sewing guards Rarity was wearing. Rainbow had questioned what they were for when they had started, then promptly zoned out at the explanation. But whatever they were meant to do they obviously hadn't done their job well. Her finger and thumb tips were red and looked like they might start swelling some time soon. "Ah geeze Rares. If you needed to stop you should have said something." Rainbow pulled her hand in closer to look at a few spots. "Did you get stabbed even through those things?" "It's not a big deal darling." Rainbow gave an incredulous look. Rarity rolled her eyes in return. "I'm a seamstress, I spend more time then I'd care to admit tending to the toll it takes on my fingers. Besides,..." She turned their hands, now exposing Rainbows fingers. They were covered in bandaids as makeshift sewing guards after she'd stabbed herself several times when they'd started. "... I couldn't let you sacrifice more then me for my projects now could I?" "That's totally different." Rainbow said, now rolling her eyes. "How so?" Rarity responded mockingly. "Because I'm an athlete. It's what we do. You know, no pain no gain." "It's not just athletes who say that you realize darling." Rainbow was only now realizing they were still holding hands, as Rarity began pulling their hands towards her face. Rainbow felt heat rise in her cheeks but managed to not let it show on her face as Rarity delicately pressed her lips on the tops of Rainbows fingers. "There you go. My mother's patented cure all to make everything feel better." Rainbow was oddly aware that Rarity didn't move her face away before speaking, and the sensation of her breath on her knuckles was sending goosebumps up her arm. Rarity finally pulled away and gave a genuine smile. "Now then, I believe we still have some time..." She stopped when she realized her hand was still being held in place. Rainbow flashed what she hoped was a smug smile at the confused face she'd come to like as Rarity turned back. She then turned her hand back to her and planted a small kiss on the delicate fingers. "There, all better for you too." They sat that way for a few moments. A few too many as they both seemed to conclude at the same moment. Their hands came apart quickly and they both turned away. "So, uh... You were saying?" "Yes. I believe we have some time to spare before we were going to meet up with the girls." "Yeah, like a whole half hour. Did you like, wanna see if we can go help one of them or something?" Rarity paused in a way Rainbow could tell meant she was thinking. "I don't think so. If we were to we'd probably just catch them as they were leaving anyway." "Yeah, that's probably true," Rainbow responded casually while turning back and finding Rarity doing the same. "And besides that, they all seemed like they didn't have that much to do." "Yes, probably a good thing so we could all spend time with you today. Honestly, if anything I'd have figured dear Apple Jack at least wouldn't have been able to make it." "Yeah, either her or Shy." Rarity gave her a questioning look. "It's the big day at the shelter. The big monthly cleaning when she gets to help all the animals in one day." Rainbow smiled thinking about how excited her oldest friend got at the idea of cleaning just because it involved animals. "Oh yes, it's so amusing how she gets so excited for it simply because it's for the animals." Rarity gave a smile as well. "I forgot that that was this week." She then placed a finger to her chin in thought. "Wait a moment, don't you usually assist her on this day?" "Yeah," Rainbow responded, turning away and focusing her attention on one of the dresses they had worked on. "Second Wednesday every month. Took her forever to actually ask for my help. I almost just started going on my own, but it was good for her to work up the courage to actually do it." "Soooooooo, what your saying is that you would normally be off helping dear Fluttershy, your oldest, dearest friend. But instead you are here, helping me." Rainbow was only half paying attention, actually finding the details of how Rarity had secured the different elements somehow fascinating. "Yeah, I guess you could look at it that way. She seemed to think you needed my help the most, and it's not like I mind helping you." Rainbow gave a small laugh at how crazy the words she was about to say should sound to her. "Surprisingly, I'd say I actually kinda had fun. I mean..." She suddenly paused as she turned back to the other girl. This was Rarity, not Pinky Pie, that much she was sure. And yet this seemed like a Pinkie Pie moment. Rarity hadn't moved, Rainbow was... somewhat sure of that. Yet she was now clutching to her chest a rather large pile of clothes. She was also smiling in a way that to Rainbow seemed like it should be painful, her eyes seeming so big they might start exploding with sparkles at any moment. "... Rares.....?" "Oh Rainbow darling!!!" The sappiness in her voice felt like it was pooling in Rainbows ears. Though she wasn't shouting, the amount of energy contained in her words made it feel like she was. "You really are such a dear friend!!!" Rainbows eyes went wide. She suddenly got a very bad feeling. A feeling that Rarity now held every piece of clothing she had that she thought would fit her more athletic frame. "..... Rarity?" Rainbow took a step back. "Yes Rainbow!" Rarity seemed to float forward. "Rarity," Rainbow took another step back. "Yes Rainbow," the pleasant singsong of her voice was almost haunting as Rarity seemed to advance on her much too quickly. "Rarity no," Rainbow managed to get out as she turned to escape. She felt surprisingly strong hands grip her shoulders. "No restrictions, Rainbow dear." Rainbow felt a shudder run through her whole body. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle. Sometimes." *** "So what's the update?" Rainbow groaned. Her every word was a groan right now. "Sunset has apparently exhausted all her own ideas on getting her bike to start. Apple Jack thinks she might be able to get it working, but that of course means she has to get there to do so. And she was already in the process of picking up Fluttershy and Pinkie." "Sooooo, eta?." Rainbow groaned again. "At least a couple hours I'm afraid." Rainbow groaned. Then she grumbled. Then she groaned some more. "I use quality makeup Rainbow dear. So no matter how much you keep scrunching up your face it will not crumble away." Yes makeup. Rainbow Dash was wearing makeup and she was at that point very dedicated to making sure everyone knew how she felt about it. "Seriously, how do you go around wearing this stuff every day. My skin feels... Thick. I'll admit it, I kinda like the way my skin feels now. And you did that, why would you want to undo it?" Rarity gave a slightly bashful smile. "Truth be told, I don't really wear that much makeup. And if I were to persuade you to wear makeup more regularly, you'd need even less." Rainbows eyes narrowed to slits in the deepest glare she'd ever given to anyone. "Are you telling me... That you put extra makeup on me just to see what you could get away with?" "I also brought makeup wipes for when you figured that out." Rarity then shifted into possibly the most innocent smile Rainbow had ever seen. Rainbow found it incredibly odd that that toothy grin that almost seemed out of place on that immaculately maintained face did actually seem to make her feel like taking it a little easier on her. Not that she needed to let her know that. "You have about three seconds to get this junk off my face before something bad happens to all these fancy clothes of yours. Rainbow reached out over the small table between them. She then gripped a cheap paper cup filled with soda on a tray on that table, and with a flick of her thumb popped the plastic top off it while glaring menacingly at the fashionista. "Now now Rainbow, don't go getting your stockings in a twist," Rarity said, now standing from her chair and coming around the table while reaching into her purse. "I shouldn't even be wearing stockings." "And please don't squint like that, you'll get crows feet." Rainbow kept glaring as she groaned. Rainbow didn't think she was that far out of line in saying that she shouldn't be wearing stockings. She had relented and given Rarity a once, ONCE, in a lifetime chance to dress her up. And Rarity had clearly gone overboard if the makeup thing was anything to go by. Especially since they were currently seated at the only clean table they could find at the mall food court. It wasn't just the makeup either. Rainbow was reminded of the uncomfortable situation she had just been put through as she was now being put through one as Rarity sat way too close to her as she carefully wiped her face with a damp cloth. Frills. Her top had frills. And they were running along a collar she felt was cut way too low for comfort. And Rainbow would never understand why fashion would make it ok for said top to have a right sleeve but not a left. Or for it to hang lower on the left then the right. The skirt was even more perplexing. It was actually longer then ones she'd usually wear. Long enough to give her the same uncomfortable feeling she had in a dress that she might trip over it at any point. And yet she still felt more exposed as it was slit right up to the waist on the right as well. That part had led to a minor argument. Rainbow had protested as it would have left her underwear showing ever so slightly. That was when Rarity had mentioned she had one last small, VERY small, addition to the outfit. Rainbow nearly called it off right there. She had even considered revealing that she knew very well that Rarity herself didn't even wear that sort of thing and doing it in the most embarrassing way possible just to get the last word in. She honestly didn't know why she didn't, probably just because she really wanted to hold onto that little gem for a rainy day. The final act had been her hair, and Rainbow had the same feeling she had right now. Rainbow felt like Rarity was taking way too much care in removing her makeup the same way she seemed to take way too much care styling her hair. Rainbow kept her hair short so she really didn't have to do anything with it. Rarity had somehow managed to style it in such a way that it honestly seemed longer, and it seemed to move along with the lines the clothes were creating. At least that's what Rarity had said it was suppose to do. Though the worst part of the whole thing was not something Rarity had necessarily done. Rainbow remembered the worst thing as Rarity added another cloth to the pile of discarded ones and then began fixing what makeup she had left. The worst part of it was something she had realized when Rarity was explaining the whole outfit to her while presenting it to her in the mirror. Something she swore she would never tell Rarity unless something Earth shattering happened. Rainbow Dash, more then kinda, liked the way she looked. "There we are, perfect as a picture. Turns out once we got rid of all that sweat and grime that you have such beautiful skin that doesn't need much work." "You know flattery only works when they care about being flattered." "Then would it work better if I told you your skin was awesome?" And there was that smile that Rainbow kept on feeling like she should want to punch. She then compounded it by reaching up and tapping Rainbows nose ever so lightly as she seemed to skip back to her seat. Rainbow could only grumble. "Even without the makeup, I still think this is way too much for hanging out at the mall." "That's why I decided to get dressed up as well. Can't have you hogging all the attention after all." Rarity's outfit was actually very close to Rainbows. Not having much time to prepare, she had just chosen another look from the same line. They were apparently complementing pieces, Rarity's designed to have lines that went opposite to hers and colors that would bring out each other. "Together we look absolutely fabulous." "That doesn't really address the whole looking out of place thing." "One of us looking this fabulous might be out of place, but the two of us. That makes a statement." "And just what is that statement?" That seemed to finally deflate Rarity just the tiniest bit. The perpetually happy face she'd had almost non-stop since dressing her up turned into a very fake, very deep pout, complete with a hanging lip. "You really are trying to do your best to spoil my mood aren't you?" Rainbows response was to very slowly push her tongue out from between her lips and let it hang there. Rarity flipped her hair in indignation. "Well too bad. I got to dress up the alpha tomboy herself," she flashed a very confident smile, "my new best friend Rainbow Dash, and I'm going to be excited about it." Rainbow stayed staring at Rarity with a complete blank face. However she was very aware that if she intended to keep it that way much longer the pressure on her tongue being exerted would have to increase to the point where it would tear through. But she still tried. But Rarity's smile was still so big and dumb and cute. ".....,.....,....., snort." And that one sound escaping was all it took. Rainbow now leaned forward and laughed uncontrollably. "Alpha... Freaking... Tomboy... Really????," She managed to get out between laughs. She managed to raise her head through her fits of laughter enough from time to time to see that big, dumb, cute, smile and each time that big, dumb, cute, smile seemed to get bigger. Rainbows face finally came to a rest on the table as she snickered herself out. When she looked back up the other girls face had changed significantly. The presumed bedroom eyes of Rarity that Rainbow had seen a surprising amount of recently suddenly caught her off guard. "I knew I'd get you eventually darling." The only thing Rainbow could think to do was smile dumbly for a minute. Only when Rarity seemed to purposefully distract herself by reaching over to grab some of Rainbows long forgotten fries did she finally come to her senses and hastily shift back to her usual laid back demeanor. It was another few moments before she managed a suitable response. "You can go ahead and think you got me all you want, still doesn't change the fact that we are way over dressed and are stuck here for two hours." "I wouldn't say we're stuck. Just because the rest of the girls haven't arrived yet doesn't mean the two of us can't have some fun." Rainbow allowed a little bit more of a smile to slip. "That's actually a little funny. Of all the girls, I was the least worried about not being able to spend time with you before the season started." Rarity's face fell. "How cruel Rainbow. Is it really so easy for you to say that you wouldn't miss spending time with me?" If Rainbow hadn't spent so much time with Rarity the past two weeks she might have actually been concerned that she had hurt her feelings. Luckily, Rainbow was taking full responsibility for twisting Rarity's sense of humor ever so slightly, and knew now that she was tougher then she seemed. "Don't even, Miss Poutsalot. You know what I'm talking about." That nickname seemed to catch her off guard. She let out a very unladylike snort of laughter before responding. "Yes I suppose I do. I'm afraid you'll tire of me soon if we continue to spend as much time alone as we have." She was now putting on a full show of dramatics, falling just short of a pretend faint, but probably only because she was already sitting. "So does that mean you wanna tell the rest of the girls about the gym parking lot?" Rarity straightened up quickly to actually consider the question. "I suppose we should at some point. But that many people using it would probably mean it wouldn't stay a secret very long." "Yeah, that might be a thing. But you can still feel free to help me out on my donut days again if you want." Rarity tittered lightly, most likely remembering the look of shock on Rainbows face she had insisted was there when she'd interrupted her pre-jog stretches just a few days prior. "Oh, is the dedicated athlete looking for more cheat days?" Rainbow just rolled her eyes at her. "Just say the word Rainbow darling. Any morning you feel like sleeping in I'd be more then happy to be your personal chauffeur." Rainbow gave a devious smile. "Only if you wear an actual chauffeur getup, the little hat and everything." "Oh. Well in that case, no." "God, you are so selfish." Both girls sat laughing lightly for a few moments. By this point Rainbow had almost completely forgotten she was dressed up like Rarity's personal doll and that she was trying to be upset about that. Almost, but for some reason she really wasn't that upset so it was hard to actually keep it up. It was Rainbow that recovered first. "Seriously though. Hanging out is one thing, actually deciding on something to do..." She let the question hang. "We are at the mall Rainbow dear. There's plenty to do." "Then you wanna go to the outdoors store with me?" "Oh that sounds dreadful. What about..." "No I don't want to go clothes shopping." Rarity stared for a few seconds. She then let out a very long, "oooooooh." "Yeah, we need tie breakers." Rarity took on a look that told Rainbow she was deeply considering something. "Huuuummmm. I guess that is a small problem. I suppose even if we are best friends now," she put odd emphasis on the statement and flashed another of those should be punchable smiles, "we still are very different people." She went back into the thinking face while Rainbow watched, taking the last sip of her now watery soda from the food they'd gotten when they first arrived. "But that doesn't mean we can't find a way to share the time we have together." "And how are we gonna do that?" "Perhaps," she said tapping her chin before a cocky smile came to her face, "we could play a little game." Rainbow felt her eyes light up. "Oh really. What did you have in mind?" "How about this?" She looked out across the small rotunda just outside the food court. "We choose some random person coming from the front of the mall," she pointed to the hallway leading to that area, "and try to decide on which side the store they are going to is." She then pointed to the other side, down the hall leading to the rest of the stores in the mall. Rainbow scrunched her face up in thought. It was a game that gave her no advantages unlike any physical contests they might have come up with. Rarity was playing it smart and trying to make sure she had the advantage. It was smart, it was devious, and it was kinda awesome. "Alright, I'm game. Who first?" Rarity looked around the area. "How about that young gentleman there?" Rarity had pointed out a kinda scrawny kid with glasses. "Looks like a nerd." Rainbow glanced down the hall. "Probably heading to the game store, so left." "Well considering his advanced case of acne, I'd hope he's going to the drugstore on the right for some kind of treatment." The boy was currently heading in their direction, and continued to do so. He proceeded into the food court and to the Chinese food counter. "Dang it. Still zip/zip I guess." "I suppose. Who next?" Rainbow narrowed her eyes scanning the crowd. She had to try to take the advantage while she could. "How about muscle head over there." "The large one in the tank top?" "Yeah. I'm guessing a guy that size needs to go pick up some extra protein powder. Drugstore right baby, let's do this" "I would hope he'd be going to get a proper shirt, but I know athletes can be kind of clueless on these sorts of things." She flashed Rainbow a smirk which Rainbow met with an extended tongue. "Therefore, I'll say the fitness store far left." No sooner did she get the words out then the guy stepped onto the escalator. On the second floor they would not be able to tell which way he went. "Drat. Although I think I had a fair chance of losing that one." Rainbow was only half paying attention to Rarity at that moment. She was busy glaring at the previous target. She was sure she had that one. She turned back to Rarity who was now eyeing her questioningly. "What?" "I've actually been wondering something Rainbow darling." Rainbow gave her a nod to continue. "Do you actually have some kind of a thing for Macintosh?" Rainbow was very taken aback by the question. She just stared at Rarity for a moment. She then noticed their previous target getting off the escalator out of the side of her eye. She actually looked over, then back to Rarity, then back up, then back to Rarity. She then laughed. "No. Ha. Most definitely not. I just know it gets on AJ's nerves real quick. Protective and junk. Bloom is gonna have a real hard time when she starts dating." Rarity kept the questioning stare but directed her eyes at the escalator. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I'm not into meatheads. Guys like that... I don't know. They look almost weird, like they got a lot of random bumps all over them. Kinda gross actually." Rarity seemed much more content with that answer. "Well at least I have a little more insight into what your type might be. Though between Sourin and Mac you've eliminated a fair range of the field." Rarity looked like she was struggling on a math problem. "Yeah, besides that there's at least three other good reasons in Mac's case. He's kinda boring to talk to, AJ obviously, and I think Shy has a thing for him." Rarity seemed very pleased by this information. "Really now???!!!" Rainbow smiled wickedly. "Hey, I gotta punish her loose lips at some point right." Rarity was obviously a million miles away right now thinking of girly things. Rainbow realized she had found her advantage. She quickly scanned the area while Rarity was distracted. She found her target. "How about that guy. I'm guessing the sports store on the right." Rarity was snapped back to reality. She noticed the guy Rainbow was talking about. Without much time to think she just responded. "Left then. Umm possibly the..." She had no time to answer as he made a sharp right and went straight into the sports store. "Yes," Rainbow cheered. Rarity pouted. "How did you know?" "That's George. He runs that store. So since I win why don't I introduce you to him." Rainbow was already standing and picking up their trays. "That's cheating Rainbow." "Nope, that's winning." She said this while reaching out her free hand to Rarity. "Shall we milady." She did this mostly so she could keep Rarity from running away, but surprisingly Rarity smiled and didn't resist as she took the offered hand. *** "I just don't see why anyone would want to wear camouflage for any reason. Even if they are out hunting." "Come on Rares, they had some pink camo in there. I thought you'd like it. Isn't it advent grand or something like that?" "Avant garde. And no. Being pink does not make something suddenly fashionable." "So that's a no on camping then?" "I can think of no reason I'd spend time out in nature of my own free will." Rainbow shrugged her shoulders as they left the outdoors store. "Oh well, at least I know what I'm getting you for your birthday." "Do not even think about it. Proper decorum would dictate I'd have to wear it at least once. Showers aren't hot enough to burn off that shame." Rainbow was readying a retort to that when a flash of light blinded her briefly. She then heard some very punchable laughter. "Delete it AJ." "No can do RD, this definitely needs ta' be documented proper like. Ain't no tellin' when were gonna see y'all dolled up like this again." Rainbow's groan was back. She looked over to where the flash had come from to see the rest of her friends had finally made it. She also noticed briefly that Apple Jack was still messing around on her phone, just as her own and what sounded like everyone else's went off. Rainbow groaned some more as she felt the girl at her side reach for her phone the same time she did. She also saw phones come out among the others. Pinkie chimed in. "D'waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Rainbow managed to time it that time, she was now sure Pinkie didn't need oxygen. Especially since she didn't seem to take a breath as she continued. "You two look soooooooo cute together." Rainbow rolled her eyes as she herself checked her own phone. It was probably the distraction from the picture she saw that made her feel like she could remember Fluttershy elbow Pinkie in the ribs for whatever reason. Rainbow was somewhat surprised when she realized that in the picture she had apparently at some point wrapped her arm over Rarity's shoulder. Looking to her side she was very surprised to realize it was still there. She began removing it casually as she looked over the picture more. Rainbow could admit, at least to herself, that she looked hot dressed like this. But despite the similarities between their outfits, Rarity managed to make the look so much more feminine. The contrast was so dramatic that if she didn't know herself who was in that picture, she might have believed it was some trendy couple. She of course would never say that out loud, this was already giving Apple Jack way too much ammo. "And deleted." She said this while saving it to her gallery, though she wasn't sure why. Pinkie let out a long "awwwwww." Fluttershy was still looking at her phone with a small smile. Apple Jack looked like she was readying some kind of joke. Luckily Sunset cut in. "Sorry about my bike. It took a while to load it into Apple Jack's truck. Looks like you two managed to have fun without us though." Ok, maybe not so lucky. Even she was giving Rainbow a funny look. Particularly the outfit she was wearing. Rainbow groaned more. "I guess you could say I lost a bet." "Don't be rude Rainbow darling," Rarity said while latching onto Rainbows arm. "I am most definitely claiming you." She then looked to the rest of their friends. "Because Rainbow and I are such intimate friends, she allowed me the privilege to work my magic on her." Rainbow could only cringe. "Seriously Rares, did you think AJ wasn't already going to have enough fun with this?" "Oh please Rainbow. She can't make fun if we own it." Rainbow Dash suddenly realized Rarity's hands had shifted down to her own. She was about to question this when Rarity wrenched her arm into the air. "Doesn't she look fabulous girls?" Rainbow gave Rarity a glare. The smile in it's way was impenetrable. Rainbow groaned again, but then struck a pose and dawned a cocky smile. She did a spin in Rarity's grip before stepping over and motioning for Rarity to do the same. She did not need much prompting. She did a spin with a flourish and took a bow, motioning for Rainbow to do the same. Rainbow did not. There was a loud Pinkie Pie brand "Woooooo!" as well as some applause, and not just from the four onlooking girls. They both took the praise in stride, though Rainbow still rolled her eyes. "Are we done here, or are you guys just gonna gawk at us like pervs for the rest of the night?" Rainbow shot the words at her friends, though her voice lost some sting when she realized Pinkie had her phone out and must have been filming the whole thing. "Oh yeah, I was looking at that while we were pulling in." Sunset again, taking out her phone again. "If we still wanted to see a movie tonight we'd probably have to go now." "What are you talking about? Looks like there's lots of showings of some good stuff." "Yeah, but we're not really going because we want to see a movie. We just wanna hang out with you. So we were actually thinking we could go see this dumb romcom." Sunset said this while scrolling down to a different listing that indeed did not have very many showings Rainbow made a face. "Why?" Pinkie chimed in next. "Because it looks like it might be super funny, but it's already been out for a super long time. So we'll be free to laugh and chat and laugh so much we could practically throw a party in there. A super dupper 'we're gonna miss you during soccer season Rainbow Dash but not really miss you miss you since we're still going to see you almost every day but still don't want you to forget all about us and also we might be trying to...," the next part of her rant was cut off as three hands went over her mouth. As usual, Pinkie wasn't deterred. "....., ....., ....., Party." She finally got out as there hands lifted. Rainbow didn't pay it much attention as she was considering. "I don't know. I mean, it does sound kinda cool, but I did kinda want to see the Daring Do movie." "Oh pish posh Rainbow," Rarity cut in now. "You've already seen it twice. And besides," Rarity was once again giving Rainbow a look that took her off guard as she leaned forward and fluttered her eyelashes at her. "I do believe it's my turn to pick." Rainbow snapped out of the look to turn back to the outdoors store they'd come from. She groaned. "Fine, romcom it is." Rainbow knew she had weird friends, but that night they seemed even weirder. They came up with an idea at the theater that would make it easier for them to chat. Instead of all sitting on one row, they sat between two so no one was too far apart. That left Sunset, Pinkie, and Fluttershy in the row behind Rainbow, Rarity, and Apple Jack. Pinkie also spent way too much time trying to get different people in the group to try to play something called 'the Pocky game' with twizzlers. And since Apple Jack really didn't care for watching movies, it wasn't weird for her to randomly nod off during them. It was weird that it happened before the end of the first act though. It was also weird that she kept managing to lean into Rainbows seat area. It got so bad that Rainbow gave up and was just leaning as far away from the potentially drooling farmer as possible, right into Rarity's personal space. And maybe the weirdness was contagious. She distinctly remembered something Rarity had recently said to her. 'Oh you shouldn't be so hesitant to show your softer side Rainbow dear.' For whatever reason she remembered this when she decided it would be much more comfortable, for both herself and Rarity, if she just casually placed her arm over Rarity's shoulder. It indeed was more comfortable. She didn't remember much of the movie, but she did remember the good time they had. All of them. > Coming to Terms and a Final Push > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash stood at the corner of the hall, breathing heavily like she'd just run a mile in under five minutes. In truth her body wasn't very tired at all, certainly not enough for her to have her hand pressed against the corner as she leaned against it. And yet she stood as if too tired to keep moving. She knew the real reason. Her target was finally in view. Down this short hall branched off the main one was a door. Inside was a fibers studio a certain fashion conscious young girl had petitioned for hard during her freshman year at Canterlot High. Rainbow remembered that time. And what she remembered was how annoying she thought Rarity was back then. And yet how hard she had fought had impressed Rainbow despite that. Rainbow groaned low. She could see shadows playing across the frosted glass window in the door so she couldn't be too loud. Once again her thoughts were on the fashionista just beyond that door. Although given the circumstances she supposed it was the logical thing for her to be thinking about. This was why she was here. This was the one she was here to see. This was the one she had a very important question to ask. And yet she still hesitated. 'Thisiscrazythisiscrazythisiscrazy... Right?' Rainbow groaned again, she was doing that a lot lately. Was that a sign? Were there others? Did she really have to ask to figure this out? .....Yeah probably. Her fists clenched. She was not use to being this unsure, or with trying to come up with excuses like this. But then again she'd never heard something quite that insane that some how made that much sense before. She slowed her breathing and finally pushed off the wall. There was only maybe another twenty feet to the door, but that was far enough for her to remember what had happened not more then a few hours ago. *** "Alright ladies, I want you all stretched out in ten minutes. Our first game is tomorrow and I want you to be able to do these drills in your sleep." Coach Spitfire blew her whistle with a piercing shreek. Dutifully, a large group of girls previously loosely hanging around just outside the locker room doors moved at a brisk pace to just behind the soccer fields goal. Knowing the routines by heart at this point the girls all started the sequence of stretches at their own pace. Even though the field wasn't going to be used for the game tomorrow being that it was an away game, it was being made ready for the season and the smells of the preparations were apparent. Rainbow Dash raised her arms high into the air, filling her lungs with as much of the familiar scents as she could. Exhaling slowly she began bending at the waist until she could look back behind herself through her own legs. And oddly enough there was actually something to see. Rainbow noticed that for some reason two of her closest friends were on their way to the field. She continued her routine, shifting her stretch to the left side, as Rarity and Fluttershy drew closer. She was shifting to the right as they finally got over to her. "Hey girls, what brings ya' all the way out here this late?" At that moment Rainbow noticed some out of place color on Rarity's cheeks that seemed odd. "You ok Rares?" Rarity tilted her head in question. "Why yes, why wouldn't I be?" She asked in genuine confusion. Rainbow shrugged as she stood up straight again, beginning a stretch that twisted her body to the side to address the girls from over her shoulder. "I don't know, you just looked a little..." She paused as she shifted the other way. "Eh, don't worry about it. I only got a few minutes, what's up?" It was Fluttershy that answered. "Oh, Rarity was just walking with me. I actually just realized I had to come ask you something." Rainbow shifted into her next stretch by way of telling her to continue. "I just somehow forgot where your game was going to be tomorrow. I'm sorry, I know it's your season opener and it means a lot to you." Fluttershy seemed to be going into one of her usual apology cycles, so Rainbow just cut her off with a chuckle. "No problem Shy. It's an away opener so no one's talking about it. It's Everfree high, so make sure to bring your seat cushion." The two friends shared a light laugh together as Rarity looked on in question. Fluttershy decided to clarify. "Oh sorry Rarity, it's just something that happened last year. The bleachers they have there were so uncomfortable that Rainbow actually had to help me walk out of the stadium even though she got kicked in the head during the game." Rarity suddenly had a stunned look on her face. "That actually wasn't what I was going to inquire about but," she looked down at Rainbow who was now sitting to stretch her legs in different ways. "Things like that really happen at your games?" "They do when you play as aggressive as I do," Rainbow remarked as she leaned her head back to look at them again. She remembered hoping she was going to have time to finish the conversation. "What were you going to ask?" A look of concern slowly vanished from Rarity's face as Rainbow leaned all the way back and lifted one leg from the ground and reached it the opposite way over her body. "I just wasn't aware Fluttershy was going to attend your game tomorrow. I didn't think she actually enjoyed soccer." Fluttershy's face became bashful as she looked away with a blush. "Well... Soccer is ok, but really I just go to support Rainbow." Rainbow laughed as she rolled her hips the opposite direction. "Yup, Fluttershy is my own personal cheering section. She hasn't missed a game since middle School." Rarity suddenly gave a smile that almost looked too big to Rainbow. By now she had finished her stretches and stood, shaking out her joints as she turned to see that smiling face. "That... Sounds absolutely wonderful. The two of you certainly are a model of friendship to live by." Rainbow and Fluttershy just exchanged a look as Rainbow rolled her eyes. Rainbow could almost find it cute how excited that news seemed to make her. "Might there be room for one more on your cheer squad Rainbow dear?" Rainbow Dash seemed to remember a slightly uncharacteristic smile cross Fluttershy's lips for a brief moment, but at the time she wasn't focused on that. She stepped up close to the fashionista with a smug and dismissive smile to counter the enthusiastic one presented to her. "I don't know. Fluttershy over here has gotten pretty good at cheering over the years. I'm not sure a rookie like you could manage. Do you really think you got what it takes to hang?" Rainbow was not sure just how teasing her smile ended up being, but it had apparently done the trick. Rarity's excited smile vanished quickly as she stood up straight and proper. With an extra haughty tone she responded. "Not only do I believe I can keep up, I believe I can add my own skills to the mix and turn your cheering section into one that will be envied by all." Rainbow responded with snark. "Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do? Embroider signs." Rarity's haughty tone remained as she continued. "That would be absolutely ridiculous Rainbow Dash." Though she was dismissive her hand had raised to her chin in thought. She snapped her fingers as an excited smile returned to her again. "But I think in the time I have I could probably manage to put together a Rainbow themed cheering outfit." "Oh, now that I gotta see. Miss refined incarnate herself shaking pompoms." "Do you honestly believe I couldn't pull it off?" Rainbow only now realized that as the challenge had grown between them they had been getting closer and closer. At this point their noses were nearly touching. With a laugh Rainbow finally stepped away. "Well in the end I guess it's up to the head of my cheering section." Rainbow turned back to look at Fluttershy. She thought she noticed her oldest friends face quickly shifting back to her usual timid smile. "What do you think Shy, is she worthy?" She seemed slightly above her usual baseline nervousness as she responded. "Umm well, I don't have any problem with it. It might be fun to have someone else to cheer with while you play." She smiled suspiciously wide, enough that it even looked like she was blushing a bit. Once again this seemed odd to Rainbow but she brushed it off as she turned back to her latest cheerleader. "Well, looks like you have the seal of approval. But you'd better come ready to..." A piercing whistle broke the moment as Rainbow instinctively began to backpedal in it's direction. "Dang it, gotta go. See you tomorrow." She vaguely heard farewells as she turned to jog towards her coach. *** "Alright, get water and take a breather. Fifteen minutes and we'll start working on defensive drills." Spitfire blew two short bursts from her whistle to signal break. Groups of girls started vaguely wandering in the direction of a few water coolers set up along the side of the field. Rainbow Dash kept her own water bottle which was next to one of the coolers. The day was unseasonably hot and for whatever reason Rainbow had been feeling like pushing herself harder that day. As such she was taking a particularly long drink when one of those groups of girls began talking near her. "Why does our opener have to be an away game? I was really hoping to show off for some people we actually know." "Yeah, it sucks. Everfree is a little too far to expect anyone going here to actually show up." This girl let out a heavy sigh. "And our new uniforms look so good too. I really wanted people to see them before they got all messed up." A third came and cut between them as Rainbow was considering the pros and cons of potentially water-logging herself before the second half of practice. "And just who are you two trying to impress, huh?" Rainbow had a brief thought in the back of her head that Rarity must really be rubbing off on her as she actually looked over to pay attention. The two girls she now noticed were Lily and Rose blushed as Flitter gave them a sly smile. "N, no one in particular," Lily replied while looking away. "Yeah... Just, you know, maybe someone. And it's not just that. It's just more fun to play when someo..., People are cheering for you. " Flitter reached out to pat both girls on the shoulders with exaggerated understanding. "I know. Not all of us can be lucky enough to get our own personal cheering sections." Their gazes darted over to Rainbow, looks of sarcastic scorn on each face. Figuring she knew where this was going Rainbow only smiled confidently and posed as she took a deceptively small drink from her bottle. Lily continued and broke the idea Rainbow had of what they were getting at. "Yeah, wouldn't it be nice to even have a certain special someone willing to come and support you wherever you go?" Rainbow set her water down and let out a scoff and a very deep roll of her eyes. "Really? That's what your going with? I honestly thought I was done dealing with this freshman year." Vaguely Rainbow noticed the threes looks become confused, but she continued. "I mean, it was a lot worse in middle School, but I honestly don't know where people ever got the idea in the first place that me and Shy were together. She's practically my sister." Rainbow suddenly stopped as the looks across from her had become that of udder bewilderment. "That's... not what we were talking about," Rose clarified. "..... What?" "Why would we think Fluttershy was your girlfriend?" All three girls made a face like they smelled something bad and laughed just a little. "Yeah, that would be just, really weird." Rainbow stared. "..... Soooooo?" "Your girlfriend Rarity." Flitter said it like she was explaining something really complicated to somebody who was really slow. Rainbow noticed herself blink a few times, though she remembered being reduced to automatic reactions for most things for an undetermined amount of time. Though as she noticed the looks being directed at her turn to concern she finally found a thought process to latch on to. Rainbow laughed boisterously as she doubled over. "Oh man, you guys almost got me there. That's a good one." She managed to just barely get this out through her heavy laughter. It started to taper off as she noticed the looks of bewilderment on her teammates faces had returned. "... So your saying you two aren't official yet?" Rose finally asked. "Of course they are. We just got all the stuff in from the prom photographer." Rainbow vaguely remembered Lily was on one of those random student committees that would handle stuff like that. "They were one of the best couples at the prom." "We didn't go to the prom together. Well we did, but not together together. The rest of the girls were there. I was just cheering her up." "I saw you two on a date at the mall just a few days ago." Rose again. "We were meeting the other girls. We were only together like that for like, a few hours." "Buuuuut... you were dressed up like you were on a date." Rainbow realized the tone of her voice had changed somewhat. For whatever reason it sounded like it was getting frantic. "It was... Kinda like I lost a bet, but not really. It was something I kinda promised her when we were..." She cut herself off before finishing that particular story. The looks directed at her were now a mixture of concern and confusion. Glances passed between the girls before Flitter looked back to Rainbow. "Fluttershy told me you two were working on a love ballad duet together." "Yeah, Sunset told us the same." "That!....., ....." Her word had come out particularly frantic sounding, enough that the girls leaned back a little. But she could not continue as the events of that day, and night, played through her head. She stood staring blankly, waiting for one of the girls to break and start laughing at whatever joke they were playing. That opportunity never came as a whistle sounded. Her teammates reflexes were still working as they turned to follow the sound, looking back briefly with faces that now only showed concern. Rainbow only watched, her body and mind not use to this level of confusion. "RAINBOW DASH, MOVE!!!!!" *** Rainbows fingers hovered over the handle to the door. Her breathing was quiet as she was now close enough she could hear pleasant humming from the other side. Rainbow could kind of, maybe, partially, at least sort of see how they had come to that conclusion. But it still was totally crazy. Rainbow shook her head hard as she noticed herself drifting off listening to the surprisingly soothing sound from the other side of the door. She could admit things had gotten... interesting between them. But she could say for sure that it hadn't gotten that... interesting. And besides that there was still one, unequivocal fact that proved just how crazy this whole thing was. Rarity was a girl, and so was Rainbow. And as far as she knew neither of them liked other girls. Rainbow herself could most definitely say she didn't, that was for sure. Rainbow took a deep breath as in her own mind she was starting to sound like she did earlier. She could be calm, all she had to do to confirm the truth was right in front of her. Push the handle. Right now. Her hand held as steady as a trained gunman. She internally groaned. 'Come on, you're Rainbow Dash. You don't hesitate.' Her hand still didn't move. Even with her resolve confirmed she was for some reason not finding the strength to move her own hand. "And perfect. Rainbow Dash is going to love this." Rainbow Dash vaguely noticed the edges of her own lips curling up at the muffled singsong voice just beyond the door. At that same moment she noticed her fingers resting on the door handle. And pushing. Holy. Freaking..... Cats. Rainbow froze when she realized what she was looking at. Especially when she realized that she was not just looking. And with that her resolve was shattered, because Rarity was hot, and Rainbow knew it. She luckily managed to pry her eyes away from the show just as the bent over girl looked back across her own body. "Oh Rainbow Dash. I was just thinking about you. I'm just putting the final touches on this little number, what do you think?" Rarity gave her hips a shake by way of apparently showing off the flutteryness of the rather short skirt. Rainbow was very aware that she did not manage to fully stand during the action until mid way through. Rainbow did manage to take in the outfit, what of it there was to take in. A simple skirt and a high cut tank top which combined to show a fair amount of alabaster skin of her midriff. Both were blue, close to her own complexion, with Rainbow patterned frills along the bottom of the skirt. Oh, and she had managed to make her own pompoms which she had been waving around this whole time, apparently. Rarity's enthusiasm seemed to fade as Rainbow realized her expression was probably staying fairly blank at that moment. "It looks great Rares," Rainbow quickly got out, suddenly realizing her mouth felt dry. Rarity didn't seem convinced as she stepped forward with concern. "Are you sure dear. You seem a little..." Rainbow cut her off. "Yeah Rarity. You look great in that and I'm fine. I just... have something I need to ask you. And it's gonna sound really crazy, but I want you to really think about it." Rarity seemed even more concerned, but nodded slowly for Rainbow to continue. "Rarity..., ..... Are we dating?" A breath was cut off as Rarity froze with a look of complete shock on her face. Rainbow realized she was breathing heavily again as she waited for some response. What came was expected, but unwanted. Rarity suddenly smiled and gave a coy laugh. "Oh dear Rainbow, you had me going there for a second. Who put you up to this one?" "It was something some of the girls from the team said. But not as a joke." Rarity looked concerned again as she detected no humor in the response. "Rarity please, think about it." Rarity once again gave a laugh hoping to once again brush it off as a joke, but she did put her hand to her chin which was what Rainbow had been hoping for. Rainbow had become close enough to her that she could see the thought process play out on her face. Disinterest slowly started leading into mild confusion, then much heavier confusion. Her head started to tilt as she thought harder, and harder still. Shock became heavier as her jaw seemed to slacken. It seemed to be unconscious, but her hand raised up as if reaching for Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow," the word came out as barely a croak, "are we dating?" "So you see it to?" Rarity's expression suddenly became much more intense as she actually turned to Rainbow, grabbing her by her shirt at her shoulders. "Rainbow Dash! How did this happen?! When did this happen!!!???" Her expression suddenly went blank and her voice croaked again as she rolled the fabric of the shirt between her fingers. "Is this one of the ones I made for you?" Rainbow nodded. Rarity released and stepped away, humming to herself in thought. "Ok, let's look at this rationally. It's not like we're actually dating. I mean, that's absurd. We're just... particularly close friends. Yes that's right. And that's only happened because we've been ending up alone together a lot lately. Yes. Right?" "Rarity?" Rarity looked over suddenly, her expression becoming frantic. "Did you roll over onto me in your sleep, or did you fall asleep like that." Rarity's expression fell a little. "It.. It was cold. It was cold and I didn't bring any blankets in. And I was afraid if I moved too much I'd wake you. And.. And..." "I woke up after the movie ended. And I think, I think I cuddled closer." Rarity had literally stopped with a finger in the air and her mouth open ready to start shouting. Said finger slowly retracted as the mouth closed. Rainbow now knew this was getting serious as Rarity suddenly raised her hands to her head and raked her fingers through her hair in frustration. She then hastily straightened the damage she had caused before responding. "Ok, ok, ok... We've gotten closer, and maybe you've... We've been a little, flirty. But..." After another pause her eyes lit up in some kind of epiphany. "Oh right. We're not gay. Neither of us is even attracted to girls." The laughing that followed bordered on manic. Unfortunately it was boisterous enough that it made two rather generously sized parts of her body shake in a way Rainbow suddenly noticed was very pleasing. Apparently Rarity noticed her wandering eyes. Her own gaze drifted down to her own body, and how much of it was showing. Her voice had lost the manic tone again, going almost somber. "When you came in, were you...?" Rainbow nodded her head with certainty. Rarity fiddled with the edges of her skirt. "... And was I...,..." "Shaking it like you wanted me to look?" Rarity paused, but nodded just slightly. "Oh yeah." A blush came to Rarity's cheeks, just enough to add to her still slightly frazzled hair and make her look extra cute. "And you, really think... I'm attractive?" Her voice was mostly even, but if she was trying to she couldn't keep the smallest bit of hope from creeping into her voice. "I don't think I could actually say I was into girls until that exact moment." The blush grew more intense. "You," Rainbow let out a shuddering breath as her gaze traced Rarity's current look again, "well, let's just say you're so hot you converted me in a second." Though the blush remained and the ghost of a smile could still be seen in her eyes, Rarity's face was blank as she seemed to loose strength in her legs. Gently she lowered herself to her knees before even that gave out and she was all the way down, sitting on her rear on the floor with her legs splayed to either side. Rainbow didn't have to resist the urge to look down, even she could feel how serious this moment was. Rarity looked up as Rainbow dropped to her knees in front of her. "I... I think I was checking you out while you were stretching. You have such a perfect athletic body, but I don't think I was looking for that reason." She paused for a moment, her gaze drifting over to a nearby desk. "All the designs I've been coming up with lately have had one very specific body type in mind. I have more then a few, extra, anatomically correct drawings of you I was going to be using for future designs. They're a little... A lot more detailed then they need to be." Both girls sat in silence for a while. It wasn't awkward, just a silence that felt like it needed to be there. Rainbow could tell Rarity's mind was doing the same thing hers had her whole trip up to this room. "Rainbow, is this real?" "I guess it is, but I'm just as stumped as you about what to do." "I know. I mean, what will people think about this?" "Apparently they already know." "I'm not talking about random gossips who read too much into things. What about our friends, people we care about?" Rarity's eyes opened as if suddenly realizing something. "Sunset drove her bike to school without a problem the very next day." Rainbows thoughts drifted to the same day. "It wasn't just a cleaning. They were setting up for the big adoption drive next week. Fluttershy must have been swamped at the shelter." "They know, and they're playing matchmaker with us." "I think Shy is masterminding it." Their eyes met and Rainbow could see that Rarity was blushing again. Her hair had also seemed to fall back into it's natural elegant style. Rainbow could tell her own cheeks were hot. "She really is such a good friend, isn't she?" "Yeah, the best. All of them really." Rarity's smile widened just a little. "Apple Jack is gonna make fun of us." "We're way to good together for that to matter." They shared a smile that only just bordered on devious. Rarity's blush deepened as some unknown thought passed through her mind. Her smile became bashful and she looked away from Rainbow. "Just so you know, this is going to take a little bit of time for me. This is a rather major change after all. I never thought it would ever happen for me like this. There are still some things about myself I think I need to come to terms with. You understand right..." Rarity was taken off guard as she turned back towards Rainbow. Rainbow knew Rarity was still doing the same thing she had done her whole trip here, she was trying to rationalize. But Rainbow already knew what she wanted, and she knew Rarity could be just as spontaneous as she was. That's why she knew it would be ok to lean forward, take Rarity's face in her hands, and kiss her hard. She hadn't expected the kiss to be very deep, or last nearly as long as it did, but neither girls lips seemed to want to relent. When they finally separated Rainbow was breathing heavily. Rarity's breath seemed to have caught in her throat, but as she finally took a breath it seemed shaky as it came out as her entire body let out a shudder. "That, was the single most romantic thing that's ever happened to me." Rarity seemed to literally swoon as her body became completely relaxed and she began to fall backward. Following completely chivalrous instincts, Rainbow followed her down, even catching the back of her head to ensure it didn't land too hard. In the process she ended up on top of the barely dressed girl, their faces nearly touching. For the first time in hours Rainbow felt her usual confidence returned. She gave a cocky smile with a lot more smolder then she would normally give. "Are you still coming to terms?" Rainbow felt an arm wrap around the back of her neck in a very unladylike way as the small distance was closed again. At that moment neither knew how long they had left until the school closed, but that thought was far from their minds. They might not have known how or when they had made it to this point, but they knew they wanted to see where it would go. > Final Chance and Romance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity resisted the urge to comb her hands through her hair. Her nerves were getting the better of her, but she had spent way too much time on her hair to mess it up. Again. She could be calm. She took a slow breath to ease her tension. She jumped slightly as the door bell rang, then laughed sheepishly to herself at her reaction. On the floor below her she heard heavy foot steps heading towards the front door. She positioned herself so that she could see downstairs without revealing herself. She saw her dad reach out and open the door below. Outside of it stood her somewhat nervous looking date. Rarity had initially wanted to be able to design their outfit as well, but she had to admit that there was something authentic about the rented tuxedo cliche. And, somewhat surprisingly, it did fit them well. Then Rarity heard what was pretty much her cue. They had been talking for a minute and now they stood in the hallway just below the stairs where Rarity could no longer see them. "I guess we'll just see if she's ready then." Rarity took one more look at herself in the hall mirror to make sure she was ready for about the three hundredth time as she heard it. "Rarity, your date is here to pick you up." With a deep breath she started walking. She descended the stairs as smoothly as possible, the affect it was having obvious on the faces below. She was only looking at one reaction though, and the look in her dates eyes let her know all her effort had been worth it. She just hoped they didn't drool on their rather handsome suit from their now hanging jaw. She got to the bottom of the stairs and gave an elegant turn to show the full outfit with a dramatic flourish. She then glided over to her date and gently moved their mouth back into a closed position before presenting her wrist expectantly. Reality seeming to come back into focus her date suddenly began struggling to open a small plastic package they'd been holding. A corsage of purple and white flowers emerged and was somewhat shakily placed around her wrist. Not that they needed to confirm, but her date managed to choke out through a dry sounding mouth, "you look so amazing." Upon holding out his hand Rarity's dad took the now empty container and exited the room. Seeing her chance, Rainbow Dash leaned in close to whisper. "How am I doing so far?" She was close enough that her lips lightly brushed Rarity's ear, sending a pleasant shiver through her. Rarity responded by pushing her away just a little. While they were dressed up in appearance, Rainbows shoes were really boots that gave her a good couple extra inches. Combined with the fact that Rarity was wearing flats that were perfect for dancing and it meant that Rarity had to stand up on her toes to reach her dates lips and plant a single sweet kiss on them. "You're doing wonderfully darling. And you look so good in this suit too by the way." She then pulled away and rested her head on her chest right about where she hoped it would be for most of the night. She could practically hear music already. Rainbow was now blushing, but managed to brush it off. With a chivalrous gesture she stepped away and bowed, using her grand gesture voice to announce, "well then milady, your chariot awaits." It was a somewhat recent voice she was still working on. It was growing on Rarity, but she'd never tell her that. Outside the drawn curtains next to the door Rarity could see Rainbows father's car. It may not be a limo, but Rarity knew that Rainbow had had no desire to get her license until just about a month ago. And for some reason it had become incredibly important. So the fact that her girlfriend was going to be driving her to prom more then made up for it. Rarity put out her hand to beckon her to rise. "Well then. Shall we?" Rainbow took the presented hand in her own and gently planted her lips to the dainty fingers. "We shall," she said as she began leading the way. "Wait right there young ladies." Both turned to see both Rarity's parents had joined them, her mom holding a camera. "Pictures!!!" Both girls blushed the whole time as she took way too many pictures in way too many poses. Her Dad had to suppress a laugh the whole time. When she had finished he stepped forward, having obvious trouble keeping his composure. "Just you remember, that's my little girl and I expect her to be treated with respect. Have her home by eleven, not a second later." He actually managed to get just enough protective dad into his voice. Rarity giggled just a little as the arm she was lightly holding suddenly tensed up as Rainbows posture became more rigid. "Yes sir," she managed to squeak out. "Now be nice father, I'm sure Rainbow will be a perfect gentleman." Whatever tension there was left was lost as the assembled party all let out a laugh. Rarity's dad himself opened the door for them as her mom suggestively told them to remember to be safe and have fun. As they exited Rarity decided to lean over and place a small kiss on Rainbows cheek. Her mother was quick on her camera and a flash lit them up briefly. "Perfect!"