Conquest: Prologues

by pretty-pegasus-wings

First published

It’s been a hundred years since the elements and their bearers disappeared, Equestria has changed lacking the harmony it once had. Chrysalis, after years of planning, is ready to set her plan of revenge in motion. It's time to gather the pieces.

It has been a hundred years since the elements and their bearers have disappeared leaving the land of Equestria in a state of disharmony. War has not consumed the land nor thrown into chaos that the princesses could not contain, but to say all is well would be a grave misconception. Crime is on the rise, darkness looms, pony society no longer hold the same values as they did years ago, the alicorn princesses can only fight so many battles at once alongside their other duties. And so they they watch on, helping where they can while waiting for something to turn the tides, to save the world from what it has become. Change was coming, but not the kind they wanted. Chrysalis, for years, has been scheming and preparing for her ultimate plan of revenge, one that could never fail even if it turns for the worst. Now is the time, everything is ready. All she needs are the players.


This story is a prologue going over some events before the audio project my friend and I are working on called Conquest is released; these stories focus on most of the main characters. Episode one will be released soon, so this was made to give more depth and insight into the world and characters before the main story begins. Because of this, there are certain details you may need to be informed about before reading, ones which could not be covered in the story and, hopefully, answer potential questions you may have. Some of these details couldn't be naturally written into the story and so, for the sake of not leaving the reader confused, here’s a quick few notes.

Conquest was written some time between seasons six and seven, certain details won’t be included or are changed to fit our own headcanon, what works with our story / what we like better, and anything that contradicts what we have that is introduced from now on may or may not be added (it could be added, but changed to fit our ideas). Here’s an example of what I mean: I hate how Tartarus is this one room or whatever with those mythical creatures and not a big prison with all these pillar islands harboring the most dangerous of criminals so guess what we changed that to? That isn’t to say it will play any part in this story, but knowing how Tartarus works is needed regardless because Tirek.

This means the whole thing with Cozy Glow never happened, the school probably didn’t happen and even if it did, would have no impact on the story whatsoever. Characters like Shining are well and dead, and Equestira Girls will have no part in this. As far as this world’s concerned, that mirror and world does not exist (Sunset Shimmer probably still existed since she originates from Equestria, same with the most likely dead sirens as what other option would Starswirl have had, not that it matters). Further more, we will not be taking much from comics except some ideas for backstories and the like, minor things if any as between my friend and I, we have not read enough to actually implement them and there are lots of un-explainable contradictions. And yes, the main six are dead, very, very dead; this will be heavily implied throughout. No resurrections, no time travel. Dead.

That is about all I can think of at the moment, if you have any questions, I will try to answer them or tell you to wait since it may come up in future episodes; dependent on spoilers and all. The last thing I want to do is ruin anything. Anyways, enjoy the story! I will be updating the description once the episode is released and putting out a blog for those interested.

Oh, and before I forget, Ilvaria and Griskal belong to my friend VChart920.

Stone Walls and Iron Bars

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Tap, tap, tap, tap tap. It echoed through the ambient silence of his prison. Hoof against the chipped stone floor. In another circumstance, this may be an irksome sound, yet here, it was a welcomed change. Between the heavy weight of emptiness around him and the huffs of his three headed guard, this was music. Tap, tap, tap, tap! Clank!

The drained centaur grasped through his bars and snatched the stone worked from the ground, rolling it around in the palm of his scrawny, rust colored hand. A nice size for once. To his right, he took a needle pointed shard and tapped away at his chip. It’s not an ideal activity, something he’d never take interest in had he not been forced into this state of boredom. At the least, crushing and tossing them made it worth the trouble by the end. These last hundred were different. With his first escape, he gained plenty of knowledge, enough to assist him upon a second attempt. Equestria had changed drastically since the time before his imprisonment. When he's able to escape again, he pondered what it would be like. Would some disaster have swept civilization away? Perhaps magic would evolve by a hundred-fold. That would be the best case which he doubted. Whatever happens, his newest plan will not fail.

Click, click. It rung in his ears, bits and pieces of stone gently danced upon the metal floor of his cage. The chip piece took shape as he tapped the pieces away. First a head, followed by a body, a mane. It's going better than the last, not that it mattered, he'll be crushing it soon enough. Sometimes, he'd throw them, but that blasted dog would always get on his case; as if a measly stone could do anything to the magically reinforced bars. Only a fool would place their adversary in a place they could worm out of. If only.

He leaned back a moment peering out at the landscape, as far as his eyes could reach, observing the many islands surrounding the area. Slowly, he ran his fingers through his stiff, white beard, going over the details all too familiar to him. The miles and miles this prison extended. It’s no surprise escapees would go mad trying to find the exit had they not been clever, and he was far from dim witted. If only he could watch one make an attempt, see them frantically search for an end when it's right there in front of them, if they knew what to do. How fun their struggle would be to watch as the dog ran after them, throwing them around like a chew toy. Would a little entertainment be too much to ask?

As if to answer him, the sky opened before him, a swirling green portal brought a new light to his world. Maybe I should have asked for that some time ago. He gave a snarky grin, eyes transfixed upon this new development. Out popped a sweetly wrapped gift which tumbled into place before him. Cute. Obviously, this wasn’t some normal gift. It could well be some trap or a test. At the same time, what did it matter? Left to waste away in this forsaken place, is there something worse than eternal damnation? He snatched it, quickly untying the bow and tore away the paper all while keeping a close eye out for that dog. Inside the plain, brown box was a letter and a lyre.

The centaur let out a gleeful chuckle. It seems I have a friend outside these walls. On cue, the three headed dog’s bounding echoed. His muscular black body charged at his cage, mouths snarling and barking with rage. With haste, he pulled out the lyre, turned over the letter and found exactly what he needed. Before the dog could get too close, his fingers gently strung the strings as the paper instructed. Music, real music. The dog’s pace slowed, heads bobbed lazily until his legs gave way. His massive body fell and skidded across the ground. Carefully, the centaur continued his song playing it till the beast snored. With the beast tamed, he placed the lyre upon the steel floor and flipped the letter back over.

Lord Tirek,

We’ve never met, but I’m sure you’ve heard of our kind at some point, not that my identity means much to you. By now, I assume you put the mutt to sleep. Once you are sure he will not be a problem, open the hatch on the handle of the instrument, there will be an object that will help you escape. When you’ve achieved your freedom, I request you come to these coordinates upon the moon turning full. That should give you plenty of time to find my location based on the instructions I have provided below. What I want from you, I will tell once we meet.

Until we meet,

The changeling queen? How fascinating. His curiosity was peaked, never would he have imagined he’d meet with that bug. What was it she tried to do before, crash a wedding? A murmur he heard while ducking through allies in Canterlot not too long after the supposed day. An interesting approach, but flawed in his mind. This was an intriguing opportunity he could not turn away. Carefully, he felt the handles of the lyre until his fingers ran over the slight groove of a hatch. He picked up his makeshift pick and pried open the compartment which revealed a glowing stone brimming with magic. Perfect. The centaur took the shard in his hands and focused its energy upon his bars. It let out a magnificent light smacking the field around his prison and breaking through like butter. Slowly, the bars melted, the smell punctured his nostrils, the smell of freedom.

Once an exit had been cut, he stepped out, took a deep breath and walked past his guard. The once ambient space now seemed open and unconstrained. No longer did the stone suffocate his being, nor would the mutts’ steps make him twinge with hate. My time has come.


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Hearts pounded, breaths raced, wings beat against the air with fierce determination. She drew closer, they could sense her; trees and bushes could only slow the force that rampaged through the thick, woody forest. The bat pony to the right looked to his partner, eyes fear stricken, he felt it too. Both saw the same look of mistakes made, far too much to count and no time to think. They had to get out of here towards civilization, it’s the only way. Howls rang out, each flinched at her wolves’ cries.

The one to the left took a sharp glance behind him. He swore he saw those dark shadows whip through the bramble. “Damn it all!” He pumped his wings harder.

“I don’t want to die!” The bat pony to the right pulled in his hooves and narrowed his eyes trying to prevent his tears from flowing.

“Keep your eyes on the prize, we're almost there!” As if trying to deny their confidence, that dreaded sound rang.

“It’s over… we’re going to die… we’re going to die!”

The one on the left bit his lip, fangs nearly piercing his skin. “Hey, come closer to me, I have an idea.”

Desperately, his friend glided over, eyes filled with tears. It happened in a split second. A shooting pain lit in the frightened bat pony’s side as his once friend slammed into his body. “AH!” He tucked his wings in as his body plummeted into the ground. It had to be done, he needed to get out alive. So close now, so close, he could see the end.

“GAH!” Teeth sunk into his wing, pain crippled his being. A massive weight dragged him to the ground with a crack, claws dug through the membrane of his wings. The hot breath of a fierce hunter panted against his neck, he could feel its teeth hovering over impatiently. If only… if only….

“Well done, my beautiful boys.” The voice of their pursuer trilled in his ears, her victorious steps drew near. “Bring the other over.” On her command, the shadowy wolf dragged his former partner next to him. His head turned upward, fear replaced with sheer hatred as his eyes stared into his. He didn’t think much of it, there was no point, not now. All he could recall were the events that led to this moment, moments one remembers before facing death. Cutting him from his thoughts was the sight of dark grey hooves. He kept his eyes at the ground, how could he dare look at her? How could he look knowing what waited for him was pain and suffering? “Does your cowardliness know no bounds? You would not give yourselves the dignity to stare me in the eye and face what you have reaped? The fact you got as far as you did is laughable.” Even at the end, she still coos them on, infuriating as this all is. Regretfully, he lifted his eyes, moving them upward to meet hers; a sharp purple that cut deep.

“My quee-” She slammed her hoof into his cheek.

“How dare you after what you have done.” He refused to whimper, to give any sound, however slight. “Though, I expected no less from you two. Did you think you could get far, that I could never catch you? Were the many stories of my hunt deaf against your ears?” She leaned her head between their ears. “You could have faced it like real stallions, yet here we are, exactly where you should be.”

“Please, let me go, I’ll tell you everything!” The bat pony now betrayed stretched his head out, eyes pleading.

“You had your chance hours ago.” She sneered, looking upon them with disgust. “If I truly cared about the details, I would have had it raked out of you, layer by layer, as the flesh on your backs was torn. I told you that was your moment of redemption, to mend any damage your actions caused for your kind. Be thankful they were only hurt, otherwise you would be rotting away in the dungeons, dying in the most painful way I could imagine.” Slowly, she removed the hoof from the traitorous pony’s face. “I will not give you another moment of leeway, but I will give both of you a gift, not knowing when you will die because when you get back, your eyes will be raked out and eardrums pierced until all you can hear is a deafening ring.” The betrayed bat pony simpered, burying his face into the hard earth as his body heaved. She sneered at him with disgust and turned to her dark, ethereal wolves. “Take them and follow.” Her wolves picked the two bat ponies in their mouths, each with the look of hopelessness plastered across their faces.

* * *

The journey back to the kingdom wasn’t too long nor was dealing with the prisoners now laying in their cells blinded and deaf. She made her way through the halls, hoof steps heavy yet head held high.

Only a little longer, she spoke repeatedly in her mind as she turned the corner and stood before the door. She straightened herself up, pushed back loose strands of purple and lavender hair and knocked on the door before poking her head inside the room. “Now is not a bad time, is it?” She looked to the group of bat ponies surrounding a bed in which a dark blue one lay, the poor mare had bruises and cuts that ran across her whole body, now treated. All those around her smiled warmly at the queen.

“No, please come in!” The stallion who held the bedridden mare’s hoof waved her over. His body also appeared beaten, but not nearly as much as the mare. Happily, the queen made her way, the others stepped aside so she could stand by the wounded mare.

Weakly, she lifted her head off the pillow. “It’s an honor to have you visit, my queen.”

“There is no need for formalities, call me Nira.” The mare gave a gentle smile as her head rested back on the pillow. “I heard there were no life-threatening injuries.”

“All thanks to you.” The stallion reached a hoof out to Nira’s, taking it firmly in his. “If you didn’t act as fast as you did… we would have… we would have….” His words choked out, small gaps of air spaced his phrases.

Nira grasped his hoof tightly as his grip lessened. “I am thankful I received word in time. If only I had known what they were up to….”

The mare slowly shook her head. “You couldn’t have known….”

“No, but I should have been more careful, ensured those I assigned would not turn. Those hunters are getting too brazen, bribing my guards.” She gritted her teeth.

“Will mommy come back with us soon?” The younger of the two piped up, stretching his neck out as if she could hear him from where he stood.

Nira moved her free hoof toward the young bat pony, stroking the top of his head comfortingly, careful to avoid the purple mark at the top of his forehead. “The doctors will let you know, but I am sure she will be back on her hooves in no time.” The little one smiled, the fear slowly melting away. “Is there anything more I can do for you?”

The concerned stallion firmly shook his head. “You’ve already done so much.” Before Nira could respond, there was a knock on the door. Peering in was a bat pony dressed in armor.

“My queen, a message has arrived.”

Nira glared at the guard with annoyance and frustration. “From who?”

“A queen by the name of Chrysalis.”

Her ears perked in attention. “Please excuse me.” Silently, she slipped out of the room and pulled the guard to a private section of the hallway. “What queen sent this message?”

“The messenger explained she is the queen of a race called changelings.” He pulled a letter from under his armor and gave it to her. Nira took it and flipped it over to find a seal. Clearly, a royal crest was displayed that appeared to have an insect inspired design. “He said her name was Queen Chrysalis.”

“Your dagger.” She held a hoof out. He took the dagger from his belt and gave it to her. With care as to not damage its contents, she slid its edge under the envelope’s flap and cut it open. She pulled the letter out and read it silently to herself. “How curious…. Seems I have been invited to a meeting.”

“Will you need an escort?”

Nira slipped the letter back in the envelope. “That will not be necessary, there will be more than myself there. I doubt she would want to pull anything in front of several leaders, at least, more are implied to be there. And if she did, I can take care of myself.” She gave him a confident grin and held the letter out to him. “Take this to my room.”

“Yes, ma’am!” He took the envelop and ran off leaving Nira to her thoughts. A queen calling me to some meeting… of all the beings in Equestria…. She smirked as she considered the offer. I cannot wait to find out why.

Queen of the Driders

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“Another?! That’s the third one this month!” The spider like pony nervously rubbed her purple hooves, arachnid legs tightly grasped a web wrapped pony unconscious and limp, as she sat her dark purple thorax onto her beautifully spun web.

“I’m afraid so, my queen.” Another stood before her, smaller in size.

Nervously, she spun her prey in the tips of her light blue spider legs, the pony half of her body scrunched up. “You don’t believe something is causing this do you? There haven’t been any signs of crimson worms or giant moles.”

He shook his head. “Not to my knowledge.”

“We can’t keep risking the workers’ lives, not until we figure out what’s causing these cave ins….” She looked to the ground before looking back to him. “What should I do?”

“I’m sure you can figure this out, unless you want to explain why you have no answers.”

The queen puffed her cheeks out slightly. “Why must you torture me, Griskal?” He shot a snarky grin at her. Once again, she spun her meal about, eyes darted around the room as she tried to find some solution. Never has she experienced a problem like this, her workers are always so careful when digging new tunnels. Could there be something above, perhaps the earth is weaker than they knew? Maybe she could send the workers with some extra muscle, have a way to better protect them from the rocks. Spells? Wouldn’t this prolong the issue? In that moment, she had an epiphany.

“Let’s inspect the areas first, see what’s causing them or if they’re merely accidents. Have horned driders nearby to cast spells in case of another cave in.” Why hadn’t she thought of this sooner, it was so obvious? Most likely because they’ve never had to inspect tunnels before with how efficient the diggers were.

Her dull coated assistant beamed at her proudly. “I will send the order shortly. As for our hunters, there have been no issues in finding food. The new region you found has more meaty prey than others previously explored.”

“Wonderful!” She turned her gaze to the meal still held tightly in her grasp. “As tasty as they are, the larger beasts will do better for feeding the colony. Not that’d I’d ever stop hunting them.” The queen licked her lips as she brought the pony into her hooves. To her surprise, the stallion stirred, eyes blinked open quickly widening at the sight of the creature before him. In the instant he realize the predicament he was in, the pony let out an ear piercing scream. Desperately, his body contorted and wiggled in a futile attempt to break from his web prison.

“Mmmm, I love how they squirm.” She readied her fangs and drove them deep into his flesh. It wasn’t long before the life drained from his eyes and his insides became liquid. The drider queen drank it hungrily soon leaving nothing more than a hallowed carcass of skin and hair.

“That is all to report for now. Is there anything I can do for you before I go, my queen?”

She wiped the residue from her lips. “Other than for you to get some rest once you’re done.”

His shoulders sagged as he glared at her. “Will you ever not request that?”

“Whenever you start taking better care of yourself.”

“Queen Ilvaria!” A cry echoed from the cavern outside her room. “There is an intruder!” The armor cladded drider stopped in the entrance of her room.

Ilvaria thrusted herself off her web, eyes filled with intent to kill. “Where?!” The drider waved to the two behind him as they dragged in a pony who had an insect like appearance, the hole ridden body thrown at her legs. “Interesting.” She walked around the creature, taking in its form from its black exoskeleton and thin, bug like wings. “And who might you be?”

“Queen Ilvaria!” The creature quickly got back onto her hooves and kept her body respectfully low. “I have come here on behalf of orders from my queen, Queen Chrysalis, to deliver this message to you.” She held out a letter to Ilvaria, still keeping her body and head close to the ground.

“A message?” Ilvaria took the letter in her magic and tore it open, pulling the letter out of the envelope and examined it. “Is this some sort of trick?”

“No ma’am. She wishes to have a calm, friendly meeting.”

She looked it over once more to be sure. “But why me? I don’t know anything of your kind.” Her eyes narrowed at the bug like pony through the strands of light purple mane. “How you know of us is even more suspicious.”

“My queen knows where to find the greatest and strongest beings in all of Equestira.” The meek creature squeaked as she fearfully moved her body closer to the floor.

Upon hearing this, Ilvaria’s body relaxed and straightened slightly. “The greatest?”

“She believes you to be an important asset to this meeting as were the others who were invited; it would be an honor if you agreed.” This would be difficult to response to, nothing sounded off, yet she was sure this wasn’t right.

“I will consider…. Take her back where you found her.” The guards dragged the changeling away

Griskal snickered once they had gone far enough away. “Clearly, she’s only trying to butter you up.”

“That was obvious, darling…. Can I ignore this? It wouldn’t be wise surely. Could I, should I?” She paced back and forth across the room, tapping her chin in worried thought. “I’ve never been invited to anything like this and I’ve only spoken to a few beyond the colony… so this must be a trap.”

“One you’d easily fall for.”

“Oh hush with your remarks! This is serious!” She offendedly placed her hooves on her hips.

Griskal let out a long sigh. “Why don’t you speak with him about it?”

Ilvaria let out a sharp gasp, her pacing came to a brisk halt. “Griskal, you’re a genius! If anyone would know what to do, it’d be my darling doctor. Thank you!” She took off into the winding halls of her colony, letter firmly held in her grasp.

“I fear to think how she would fair without me.”

Her Anniversary

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Through the chaotic rooms of the draconequus’ home, a hum rang as his long, slender body ducked in and out of the kitchen. “Some of these and, oh! We must have that!” He floated over a couple oddly colored doilies and napkins in the shapes of origami animals over to the table. The setting already prepared upon the uniquely shaped table had uneven plates, twisted tea cups, and other decorative items such as a vase with sneezing flower; the new additions complimented the insanity. “Now the hors d'oeuvre!”

With a flick of his claw, platters ran out of the kitchen carrying cookies, biscuits, all sorts of delicious tea time snacks. “And of course,” he snapped his claw and a curvy teapot dropped in bounding a few times before it settled “the tea!”

Triumphantly, he brushed his claw and paw together, resting them comfortably on his hips. “That should be everything!” He looked over his work proudly, the polka-dot table lively and full of excitement. Yet something was off, but what…. “Oh, that’s right!” He slapped his paw against his face. “The cucumber sandwiches!”

With another snap, the plate appeared filled to the brim with little sandwiches neatly arranged. “Perfect! Now, for the guest of honor!” Another snap with a flash of light and he was in the living room. “My dear, it is your time to shine!” Out from his “sleeve”, he pulled a roll of red carpet and draped it across the room. From behind his ear, he took out a trumpet and played a grand tune to announce her arrival. “This way!”

He lifted the picture frame from its mantle and bought it over to the side opposite him at the table. “I thought I’d try something new this year, what do you think? The sneezing flowers too much?” The draconequus smiled at the picture before him. “Of course not, how silly of me!” A moment of silence came between them as he looked over her image. A yellow pegasus with beautiful blueish green eyes and a soft pink mane that curled at the ends. Her smile had the warmth of the sun, presence like a soothing breeze.

“You were so perfect….” Catching himself, he shook his head and puts his charming smile back on. “How about those cucumber sandwiches?! Your favorite recipe!” He lifted his claw floating a few to his plate. Gently, he took one in his paw, put out his pinkie, and tossed it into his mouth happily chomping away. “Lovely day today, the swirls are a perfect shade of orange! We should go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Watch the purple turn to blue, see if there are any straggling objects flying by to wish on like old times….” The draconequus eyes drifted away, nails burrowed into the wood.

With a sigh, he took the salt shaker off the table and bit into it in a melancholy fashion. “It hasn’t gotten easier, even after a hundred years. You’d most likely be miserable if you stayed. All your friends would be gone except for Twilight, the animals would grow old and wither away, over and over no matter which you took in. A purely, miserable, existence….” Again, he shook his head. “No matter! You’re still here in spirit! It’s better that way.” Despite his attempt, he couldn’t hide the pain in his voice, not while he stared at her.

The salt shaker flew past his left shoulder bursting into little white butterflies. “The other day, when I visited the sanctuary, I had a picnic with the caretaker; you would have been so proud. I made sure to keep the chaos at a comfortable level.” He placed his paw over his chest and raised his claw, swearing truth to his statement. “The animals are doing well, I helped to get them a few new additions since last year. Celestia helped with some of the funds for the upkeep… I wasn’t there to see her, but I was out taking care of some errands.” The tips of his eagle claw ran around the edge of his pate, scratching the outer rim.

“No matter how much I miss you, I kept our promise, to keep moving forward. Some days, it hurts, but… knowing you died the way you did…. No regrets, for all those you loved… that brings me some peace….” He clasped his paw over his mouth, taking in a few slow breaths, shoulders weighed downward as he took a moment. Soon enough, his paw moved away and his smile returned. “How about that sky? You should see it, such a perfect day out-” Neck wiggled in a wavy motion… that could only mean one thing. “I will be one moment!”

He snapped his claws and appeared a fair ways outside his home. “Where are you?” His eyes extended from his sockets like binoculars, searching the area for his target. “There….” A dark tone graced his words as he zipped at the dark flying creature invading his home, and on this precious day no less. Before the creature could realize it, her body was wrapped tightly in a stranglehold, the draconequus’ squeezed the helpless invader like a python.

“Gwah!” She cried, struggling against the crushing force, her exoskeleton crunched slightly under the force.

“What do we have here? One of her minions?” His lips pressed close to his victim’s ear, white goatee grazing her neck. “How nice of her to send me a new toy to play with.”

“Pl-Please sir! I’m not you ene-enemy! AH!”

Tighter his brown coated body and dragon like tail constricted, wanting nothing more than to drain the bug of its juices. “After your queen kidnapped my Fluttershy, why would I ever work with you?” His hissing, dark tone ran chills through her in shards. The draconequus’ tongue flickered against the edge of her ear like a deadly viper causing her to shake. He wiggled his claws into a comfortable position to run his nails against her face causing his prey to simper.

“I have a letter, from the queen herself!” A letter, for him? Strange, yet he was curious. Reluctantly, he loosened his grip leaving the insect like pony to gasp for air.

“Give it here.” The messenger slowly lifted her hoof pointing at the letter which floated aimlessly away.

Swiftly, he shot his claws out at the letter like an extendable arm and snatched it. As quick as he sent it out, he reeled it back, letter in tow. With little care, he tore it open and surveyed the letter. He hadn’t gotten far before bursting into laughter. “She wants me to attend some meeting?! What, will it be a dark circle of villains in hoods?!” He snapped his fingers and summoned a dark grey cloak around him, hood shrouding his face in darkness. “It’s been years since I brought this old thing out.” As he brought up his arms to survey the dusty old cloth, his nostrils wrinkled. It couldn’t be the cloak, could it? He brought his sleeve to his nose and sniffed. “Blegh! This needs to be washed!” The cloak disappeared in another flash of light.

“So, you will come?”

He defiantly crossed his arms. “Pfft! You didn’t think I would, did you?! I don’t care what she has to offer, there is no way I would ever assist her even if it meant saving my life.”


“Can you bring back the dead?” His voice turned cold once more, the messenger shivered at his words.

“No… but she said you’re not one to miss out on a good party.”

He raised a scruffy eyebrow. “A party?”

“She’s got something big planned and she knows you’d hate being left out of all the fun.” That queen, thinking she knows me so well… but she’s not wrong. No wonder I hate her so. His thoughts wandered as he tried to restrain that creeping interest.

“More importantly, she knows how you feel about the princesses, how you resent them.”

“As if she knows anything.” He turned up his nose, claws dug into his arms as it crept further.

“We lost a lot to them too, our home, many of our siblings, all because of their pupils. You want revenge, don’t you?”

“Revenge… what does that get you? Nothing but pain, that’s what.”

The changeling gritted her teeth. “Don’t look at it like that!” She spoke with fervor and passion, enough so to grab his attention. “This is your chance to right a wrong, to fix what’s broken!” The draconequus could give no response. “She knows you’re going to come no matter what and I know you are too, for the princesses or not.”

“Why do you care?” He looked back at the creature, stare firm.

“Because you’ve lost everything like us, that’s why….” She lit her horn and made a portal showing the world outside. The messenger left, the portal closed behind her. Once he was sure the creature had left, he dropped his arms, claw and paw placing themselves firmly on his hips.

“And here I thought I had prepared for all potential intruders.” He snapped his fingers and a massive bug zapper appeared, lighting the realm like a sun. Soon after, he teleported a pair of oversize sunglasses with purple beads adorning the edges of the frames. “Perfect!” The draconequus yelled over the sound of the deafening buzzing. Satisfied, he turned and went back home, walking in as if nothing was wrong. “Sorry to keep you waiting, had to deal with a little pest control. How about that sky?”

The Good Doctor

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Another night like any other, the same routine. Despite being different, they are always same. Disappointing. It has been five minutes since regaining consciousness and she is still screeching. “There is no point in screaming, none would be able to help you even if they could hear your cries. On second thought, please continue. A few extra bodies would be lovely.”

The distressed mare let out a few gasps. “Why are you doing this, why?!” She pulled at her restraints, arching her back as she strained only to slam it back onto the table.

“Does it matter so much?” He continued stirring the slightly purple mixture in the beaker warmed by a small flame, its contents bubbling and slowly turning to a sickly blue.

“I thought you loved me!”

“Tch! How could I?” His lips sneered at the thought. “Your voice is beyond grating and regardless of your efforts, that stench of alcohol and desperation is thickly ingrained in your coat. It’s no wonder he left you.” Tears ran faster against her cheeks. “Go ahead, make your last moments as irritating as possible; a fitting end I suppose.”

“You… you monster….”

He turned the flame off and carefully moved the beaker to the side. “Is that all?” His dark gaze looked back to her. “Please, as if no being of my association has not heard that word. If you are going to insult me, put some effort into it.” When looking at her face, he didn’t expect to see the fierce hatred in her scowl. Of course, it was to be expected, but to be so prominent alongside the fear. A devilish grin grew across his face as he adjusted the shimmering, sapphire broach against his chest. Finally, something interesting. The dark coated pony pulled his attention from his cluttered work table and sauntered over to the distressed mare. At the sight of his elongated fangs, the sinister gleam in his golden eyes, the mare twisted and squirmed.

“I knew there was a reason I choose you.” He placed his front hooves upon the table and leaned his head close to her neck. “When I saw you across the bar, the fire in your eyes when I whispered delightful, sinful ideas.” She yanked her head as far away as she could from his lips. Gently, he caressed her neck, running his hoof along the back of her head soon holding it still. “Mmmm, I can still smell your lust even now. The dark, dangerous types turn you on?” Her heart pounded rapidly, breath sharp, perfect. “I suppose I should thank you for bringing me such pleasure.” In a sudden motion, he forced his hoof against her head, a painful thud echoed in the dark, stone lab. “You said I was a monster? Oh, my dear, my delicate flower….” He scraped his teeth along the edge of her ear. “When I am through, you will beg for a monster to come and take you.”

She let off a few more soft, yet sharp, cries. “Celestia... help me….”

The bat winged pony laughed. He removed his hoof from her head and went back to his work. “I will be sure to take this slow, there is no point in rushing our fun.” Excitedly, he grabbed a syringe filled with some mysterious, dark green substance, and flicked the needle’s tip before he returned to the mare. The needle hovered over her right flank in preparation for the injection. In the moment its sharp tip would have pieced her skin, the sound of hoofsteps echoed through the room. He stopped and moved his gaze to the dark stairwell across the room. It was brief, the hope which shone in the desperate mare’s eyes, and fleeted not long after.

“Sir, a message has arrived.” Peering from the darkness stood a bat pony, letter in his light grey hoof.

The purple coated pony let off a long sigh. “How important is this?”

“According to the messenger, urgent.”

“A customer, partner?”

“Queen.” He looked to him shocked and raised an eyebrow.


“The changeling’s, sir. Queen Chrysalis.”

“Her?! What in Equestria’s name is she contacting me for?! Honestly, I am surprised she knows me at all.” The dark pony couldn’t suppress his laughter as he spoke, the idea of that insect wanting to do business with him was too rich.

“According to Lady Ilvaria, a meeting.”

At those words, he took pause. Now this was curious. “And I presume she is here?”

“Would you like me to send her in?” Ilvaria, why would that failure of a ruler ask her? How did she come to think of us specifically? A seemingly unusual set of choices.

“You may as well....” He lazily hoof motioned at the well dressed bat pony.

“Right away, sir.” The grey bat pony returned to the room above and soon enough, the spider like pony rushed in, eyes filled with worry.

“Oh, Philter!” Ilvaria leaned against the stone archway, cheek firmly pressed into the stone as she stood there, confused beyond comprehension. “I was sent this letter by some queen of these changelings, whatever those are, and she wants to meet with me! What am I supposed to say?! Is it a trap, why does she want me, how does she know me, why a meeting, and Steward is taking too long to get my ice cream!”

Once he was sure she got everything out of her system, Philter calmly flew over to her, stroking her back comfortingly. “Shhh. There is no need to worry, it is only an invitation.”

“To a potential dinner where I’m the main course!”

“Come with me a moment.” He led Ilvaria over to the restrained mare’s side, leaving her there as he flew back to his work table and grabbed the prepared syringe. “I want you to take this.”

“Okay….” She took the syringe in her magic.

“Now jab it as hard as you can into her flank, right there. Focus all your anxiety and frustration into the motion.”

Ilvaria planned the course of her needle. “There?”

“Perfect.” She drew it back and thrust it straight into her flank. The mare shrieked with pain as the needle was rammed into her. Philter quickly plunged the liquid inside of her while the needle was still inside. “Better?”

“A little….”

“How about we have a nice, calm talk? You can enjoy your ice cream, we can work this situation out together.”

Ilvaria smiled lovingly at him. “I would love to, my darling hunter.”

* * *

“You got one, too?!” Ilvaria stared at him, eyes wide.

Philter gave a short nod, head rested upon his hooves in a thinking pose as he sat behind his desk. “I presume it will be the same as yours, but I will check when Steward returns.”

She paced about his office. “I can understand why she would send one to you… but why me? All I have is my colony, there’s nothing too special about me.”

“There is much worth to you, my dear arachnid.”

“You know what I mean.” She glared at him.

He smiled and leaned back in his chair. “To your credit, you have an army, a means of reproduction outside of natural breeding, your spider like forms and all that comes with it.”

“I’m sure she could have found anyone with those qualities.” She crossed her hooves disapprovingly.

“Yet she chose you and myself. Why? It can be assumed she is aware of my business at the least, though if she knew anything, she would have seen this as the waste of time it is.”

Ilvaria looked to him curiously. “And why would that be?”

“I would never willingly work with someone like her, and she is a failure.” Philter leaned forward against the desk. “Obviously, she is planning something beyond her and there is only one goal she would have, Equestria. Time and time again she has tried, miserably failing with each attempt. And now she believes that bringing together some force will change this.”

“How do you know? She didn’t mention anything of the sort.”

“There is no need. Based on the stories I hear now and again, she has yet to have any other focus since her first failure, searching all across for some pitiful solution. And why else bring together forces such as us and, presumably, others of our persuasion? Have us over for a friendly tea party?”

Steward entered the room, a giant bucket of ice cream carried onto of his right wing. “Your ice cream, Lady Ilvaria.”

“Finally!” She scooped it from his back and dug in. “Thank you, Steward.”

Philter held out his hoof. “The letter.” The bushy faced bat pony gave the letter to him. Gently, Philter tore it open the letter and looked it over. “Nothing too off from what you described.”

“So, what should we do?” He leaned back again, tilting his head upward as he tapped his hooves together. To go and see or stay back? It will most likely be a waste of time, these always are. He’s seen it time and time again, those who come to him for items to take on powerful leaders only to fail for one reason or another. Even so, this could be interesting assuming who else she brings in will be worth meeting.

Philter rested his hooves against his orange and dark orange striped vest. “Why not go and see? There is no harm in hearing her out.”

Ilvaria looked back to him in disbelief. “After calling her a failure?”

“I foresee potential failure, yes, but how fun would it be to see what she has planned? It is not as if we have to agree to anything and if there is something to gain, all the better. For all we know, I could be wrong. And imagine who we could meet, I could make a few new ‘friends’, perhaps a meal for you.”

The spider queen licked her lips. “You have a strong point my dear. Any ideas of whom she may ask?”

He went back to his thinking pose. “If she knows you and myself, it is safe to assume she is digging deep into the depth of Equestria’s darker side. How deep will she dare go is the question.” His eyes closed a moment, mind running through every option worth looking into from her position. “I could see her looking to those with magic or abilities that surpass or could subdue the alicorns while also being easy to reach. By that point, you may as well look beyond here, many threats to Equestria are not native born. Yet here we are. Thankfully, we have time to prepare. For now, we should read what we can about changelings, see if there is anything we can use.”

“Perhaps I can size up my prey, see how to enjoy any potential meals.”

“Do not excite yourself too much, it is not as if I have shelves dedicated to them.” As he went to stand, a shrill cry came from behind him. He leered back with a wide grin, eyes fixed on the bookshelf behind which a secret passageway could be seen. “It seems my patient is ready for step two.”

The purple coated drider leaned her body to his height. “What are you working on this time?”

“Testing a remedy, currently a work in progress. For her sake, this better be the one.”

“Or else?” She raised a curious, yet malicious brow, a sense of sensual excitement crept through her smile.

“Her body will scream for death.”

The Lion Council

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“Good afternoon, Nutmeg!” A chipper voice rung alongside the bell the door hit as he entered the store.

The mare standing behind the wooden counter perked up at the tone, a grand smile stretched across her face. “Parcel! I thought I wouldn’t be seeing you for another day!”

“Same here!” He casually strolled past the sweet smelling displays of freshly baked sweets, stopped and leaned against the pink and white counter between them. “But the guy back in Haylington didn’t need as much as usual, so my journey got cut short!”

“How lovely, gives you more time to relax back home. Sometimes I wonder if you ever rest.”

Parcel gave a slight chuckle. “Someone’s got to make these deliveries. Speaking of,” he dug into his saddle bag and pulled out a few boxes, “the batch of heart shaped sprinkles you ordered.” Nutmeg squealed with excitement as she took the box in her magic, swiftly tearing it open and admired the little containers inside. Each held piles of red and white heart shaped sprinkles, ready to top cupcakes or other frosted pastries. “I can’t wait to give these a go! They’ll be perfect for Hearts and Hooves day.”

“Hard to believe it’s nearly here.”

Nutmeg leaned closer to him, tapping a hoof on his nose playfully. “You wouldn’t happen to have some special somepony in mind, do you?”

“Oh uh, no one in particular. Most of the mares back home already have someone.”

“Aw, sorry to hear, sugar.”

The stallion waved dismissive hoof. “Don’t be! Doesn’t bother me none, means more chocolate for me.”

Nutmeg giggled, placing the tip of her hoof to her mouth. “You are such a silly pony.” She looked over to the array of sweets behind her and pulled a bag from below the counter, plopping a few cinnamon rolls inside. “For the trip home.”

“How much was it again, eighteen bits?” He dug around for his bit pouch.

“Oh, Parcel, you know better.” She shoved them in his bag and buckled it tight. “It’s a tip and I will hear nothing more.”

“Ah, all right, but I’m not going to stop trying.” The mare rolled her eyes. “Guess I’ll be seeing you in a couple weeks?”

“Sure thing! I’m going to need to restock on confectionery sugar soon.” He smiled and turned to the door. “And, Parcel, please be careful out there. I’ve heard there’s something strange walking around that forest, the one a couple miles from here. You may want to stay at the inn so you won’t get caught there so late.”

“There’s no need to worry, I’ve walked it enough times to do it blind.” He pushed the door open, the bell rung once again. “You better have a batch of your Dark Delights ready by the time I come back.” With those last words, the stallion took off back into town.

Nutmeg sighed, placing her head on her hoof as she looked out the window wearily. “Celestia have mercy on him.”

* * *

It’s a familiar beat, the one made by Parcel’s hooves as he strolled along the path, cart firmly hooked on his back. As he made across the dirt path, his rough, brown mane and tail bounced along. The words of his friend still clung in his head about the strange occurrence in the forest, only growing stronger the moment it came into sight. He guessed it was a bear or something else seen late at night, leading to a pony to mistake it for some other creature. Maybe it was some odd pony walking around wearing a weird hat. Idea after idea ran through his head as he past the time imaging all the silly things it could be. He knew they were known for making tales and claims of the oddities of this forest, it wasn’t anything new and every time, he made it through no problem. Parcel noticed how late it was getting, the sun about to set. It has been a long trip, but the next town should be coming along soon enough; he always made it before the inn closed off business for the night.

An odd, jittering rush ran through him, it was sudden and not one he liked. He knew full well this wasn’t some odd occurrence, no, it was a sixth sense and his told him something wasn’t right. There was never a moment where it was wrong, something he learned from an early age. Mind wandered and repeated those words again and again. Slowly, he came to a stop, taking a moment to observe his surroundings. Nothing, yet the tingling remained. Should he run, hide, stay where he is? It’s not as if he knows what’s out there or if something’s coming, what it wants, if it knew he stood there like a lamb waiting to be tackled by a hungry wolf. For now, making way for the inn is the best option. The moment he went to take that first step, he heard something. A cry, a pained cry. Most would hear and take off for the hills, his inner sense screamed for him to get out of there and fast. His legs refused to move, thoughts focused on the shriek. Could he leave, is it too late, would this be worth getting killed over?

No, he can’t leave that pony be, not if these rumors ended up being true. How could he live with himself if he went to get help only to find a dead body? Not wasting another minute, he kicked off his harness and took off deep into the woods. Deeper and deeper, the shade from the trees grew thicker. He didn’t have time for second thoughts, not now. There, a sound, pained groans. With a heroic leap, he bounded over the brushes and bramble coming upon a clearing. Laying in front of him was a massive bear, bleeding, a blade protruded from its chest. This must have been the strange sight the town was going on about. So someone must have came to – He couldn’t finish the thought as blades pointed themselves at his throat, standing around him… no… towering…. They aren’t ponies, but they use magic like them. In fact, their faces and hooves resemble the average pony, yet their manes are massive and beastly like a lion’s as well as their long tails. More importantly, he saw one standing behind them. A gash against her chest prominently shown through her coat, body hunched over in pain as she grasped at the wound.

“What are you?” His voice quivered as he crouched his body close to the ground.

One looked to his compatriots. “Take this pony to the king!” The king? His sight faded, a blunt pain rung against his head. That was all he remembered before collapsing.

* * *

It took a moment for him to come back to full consciousness. That dull pain remained as Parcel woke, instantly proving his initial thoughts of the altercation being some dream wrong. The moment all his sense returned, he wished they hadn’t. Chains attached to the buckles on his hooves, around him steel bars. Outside in what was presumably a stone room, more cages, each empty. Trapped. Held captive like an animal by beasts. Surely, they had to be. Those manes, their massive size. Speaking beasts who wished to eat him. There was a creek that echoed through this dark, cold room. On the other side of the room, a light breached and one of them stood there, horn lit with magic. His cage door opened, the magic latched another chain to the clamp around his neck, yanking him from his holding.

“Come on, now! Get up!” The voice boomed through his ears, sending a shock through his legs as he went to stand. Reluctantly, he walked out with this creature knowing wherever this beast was taking, it wouldn’t end well for him. Yet he didn’t, he couldn’t have foreseen what lay before him next. It was a massive auditorium. Surrounding and filling the benches were those same creatures. Some wore clothing, trinkets, some wearing none yet all having regal, well groomed manes. It was the one who sat in the middle of the top row that frightened him above all. He was far larger than the rest, eyes burrowed hatred into him. The one leading him stopped beside a platform. “Stand there.” Parcel did as he was asked. At the sight of this frightened pony, the room broke into murmurs and whispers.

One in the far-right section slammed his hoof against the ground. “I warned you it was too close to those ponies!”

“And what did you propose?” One on the left leaned his head toward him critically. “If I remember correctly, all you did was complain and complain.”

“Clearly I had reason! Now they’ll know where we are!”

“We couldn’t continue to let everyone starve, not while our grounds are so barren! It was time to expand!” A beast in a cloak snapped back at him.

“Regardless, we knew it to be a risk, more care should be taken in the future.” Another in the front nodded to herself.

One in the front raised a hoof. “I say we try east this time; the northern west is far too close.”

“We should explore the south further!” Another argued, causing the room to break out into squabbles of ancient voices calling ideas and questions.

Before the room could break into further chaos, the giant at the top slammed his hoof on the ground. “Silence!” The force of his voice shook the room. “We shall continue our discussion of hunting once the pony is dealt with.” Many nod and mumble in agreement, sending horror through the shaken pony once again. “It cannot be allowed to live now that it knows we exist. Give it a day, and an army would surely be at our gates, ready to finish what they started years ago.” The creature stood, eyes dug further into him. “Bring forth a blade.”

“No, please no!” Parcel looked frantically about the room. His eyes pleaded as an armor cladded lion beast stepped forward, his sword held out as the massive beast swooped to the ground level, taking the blade in his magic. The force of his presence sent the earth pony against the floor, scrambling back as far as the chains would let him. “I wouldn’t tell, promise!”

“Lies.” He lifts the blade above the pony. “Ponies never change.” Parcel heart beat faster and faster, practically hitting against his rib cage. “And I will not give you that leeway, not when we have come so far.” In a mere blink, the shimmering blade rammed through his chest, stopping his heart. All the pony could do was gasp, moan as pain surged through him; the world going dark once more.

Sweet Dreams and Nightmares too Real

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Wind flowed between the crest of their feathers, manes whipped in tandem, and the setting sun beyond the horizon covered the sky in brilliant, warm color. The world stood still as they flew, swooping under the motionless clouds and through their soft forms, their tuffs still as they left their beings. Peaceful, the only word in her mind as the white alicorn twirls through the air, carefree as a child. Years melted from her eyes, a bright glow surrounded each sister not from the sun still past the shadowed hills, but shining from their souls. Gold and silver. Each danced and laughed with glee before falling like leaves onto a mass of cloud, embracing their presence.

The youngest sister stretched out in a cat like manor. “Could there be a time more perfect than this?”

“If only all could be this way forever….” The older one sighed, wings laid at rest across their bed. At the mere hint of how they would soon return to their duties, the weight returned, briefly, and soon fleeting once her eyes took in the sights before her. So calm. No monsters, no thieves ransacking villages, issues never ending. Calm.

“We don’t have to move the sun nor moon, time can be still for eternity; none would mind.”

“Dear sister,” she slapped her wing against her little sister playfully “always trying to skip on your duties.”

Lazily, the young waved her hoof. “Please. One of these days, you will have to loosen up.”

“If only.” Not that she didn’t have a point. What was there to return to other than the tired madness the world had spiraled into over these last years? She could see hints of it if she squinted right even now. Below her the tired old stallion wearily going into his home seeing another field lacking in worthwhile crop. Over to the west, monsters setting out for prowl. This wasn’t a true life as still as it is, her little ponies temporarily halted, forced to rest in an unconscious state.

“It’s not hard, dearest sister. Simply let go of all your worries, your fears.”

“How can I?” She couldn’t possibly know, the eldest looked thoughtful at the cloud above her. For a thousand years, I had to hold both positions. Regardless of her return, I still held most of it until she learned how the political system worked in present the time. Even so, she has always been so loose, so free… it’s hard not to envy an outlook like hers. Yet one of us has to be responsible when the other can’t.

The youngest was silent for a moment. “Stop thinking of them.”

“You say it like it’s so simple.” The oldest laid her head against the cloud floor, looking across the gentle landscape. The future concerns weighed upon her more and more as she identified the ways her ponies would come to them.

“If that’s too hard….” The cloud beneath the white alicorn shifted and tightened, a creeping sense of danger lurked against the back of her neck.

A darkness covered her, the shadow moved around her throat. “Then face them.” She let off a sharp gasp, eyes wide with terror at the familiar, dark tone. She didn’t need to look to see who it was causing the disturbance, the nightmarish form standing over her with devilish delight. Wings black as night, eyes turquoise, mane shifting about like mist; the image of her flashed over and over.

“No… no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!” Again, it’s happening again. Dear Luna…. Quickly, the elder sister shuffled to the edge of the cloud, multicolored tail dangled off the edge.

“All you’ve done, all you will do, your mistakes are piling Celestia.” The screams, the horrible screams. Not again! She refused to look, keeping her ears covered, eyes sealed shut. “Face them!”

The magic of the nightmare alicorn turned her around to the flaming hell beneath, faces appeared from the flames. “Celestia, please! Help! Help!”

More and more appeared. “Make it stop, make it stop!”

And more. “She damned us… she damned us all!” All manic, never ceasing.

“It’s your fault, all your fault.” The clouds scrunched and contorted, the white and pink shifted to a blood red as fleshy hooves grasped out, beastly faces surrounded her.

“Die, die, die, die, die.” Chanting madly, they drag her into its core. Desperately, she flailed her legs, wings, yanking her head as they grab for it. Yet they drag and drag her deeper until she’s falling. Faster, faster. Mad laughter, uncanny faces, and the cries. They never stop, their cries, their cries, their cries!

“SISTER!” A voice echoed through the torment surrounding her.

“Luna?” In a flash of deep blue, a figure caught her and flew her out taking her far away and above the nightmare.

“You can’t escape!” The nightmare alicorn pointed a hoof their way, the still clouds shot out at them. In one swift motion, Luna summoned a force field protecting them from their sinister grasp.

Celestia grabbed her sister tightly, eyes wide. “Get me out of here, Luna. Please, get me out!”


“Now!” Luna lite her horn again and after a bright flash, Celestia opened her eyes, head leaped off the pillow. Deep breaths, deep breaths. It’s over…. Thank goodness it was only a mere nightmare…. She placed her face within her hooves, rubbing her eyes and forehead tiredly.

“Sister!” Luna barged into the room, Celestia jumped and squealed, pulling the covers close. “My apologies.”

“No, you’re fine….”

The dark blue alicorn gently walked over to her, sitting beside her troubled sister. “You should have stayed, we could have fought them together.”

Celestia pulled the covers closer, tightening her grip. “I can’t, not now….”

“They will only return.”

She heard the wise advice of her sister, yet was distracted, eyes still fixed on the wrinkles of her bed sheets. “That dream… it felt more than a nightmare….”

Luna gave a hefty sigh, looking to her sister with worry. “I felt the same, but it wasn’t a vision, it couldn’t.”

“A warning?” Both went silent, still.

A pained expression spread across Luna’s face. “Tia, I wouldn’t-”

“Goodness no!” Celestia waved her hooves frantically. “That will never happen, not while I’m here.” She brought her sister in for a soothing, warm hug. Luna gently pressed her head against her sister’s chest, closing her eyes a moment.

“I’m far more concerned for you, of that dream, what could be coming.”

Lacking any sense of worry or fear, Celestia gave her dearest sister a calm smile. “So long as I know your there guarding the dream realms, I have nothing to fear.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Luna pouted, giving her sister a hard glare.

As if challenged, the elder sister tapped and pressed the tip of her sister’s nose, sticking her tongue out playfully. “And you call me the worry wart.”

The younger sister sneered in response, mouth curled into a smile. “I wasn’t the one to throw a fit when the entertainers failed to arrive during the Saddle Arabian’s visit.”

“May I remind you who had the night saving idea?”

“Yes, you, but I was the one who got it together while you went through deep breathing techniques.” It was true, she was the one who got together a new performance, yet I had to stay behind and distract them which wasn’t easy when you have a room full of impatient nobles. She could have said this, continue their back and forth as they sometimes do, but she is tired. The sun must be raised soon, there was a long list waiting for her by her bedside, and now some warning to decipher.

“All right, I give up.” Celestia stretched her hooves out and yawned in an exaggerated manner. As she moved her hooves back to the bed, she pulled Luna in a tight hug and planted both of them upon the soft mattress.

“Tia!” Luna squirmed and struggled against her sister’s iron grip.

“What?” She mocked back, attempting to hold back a snicker.

“I have no time for your silliness!”

“Silliness? What are you talking about? I'm only snuggling my dearest sister.”

“Don’t give me that!” The more Luna struggled, the tighter her sister held her. Maybe next time, she’ll think twice before dropping her guard after one of their little spats.

She yawned louder this time, snuggling further under the covers. “Good night, Luna.”

“Errr… you will pay for this….” Oh, will I? If there’s one thing she knew about her sister, it's how she will take any excuse to get away from work; though Celestia would be lying if she didn’t either. Luna eventually relaxed, closed her eyes in defeat as both sister’s drifted into sleep.

Rising Shadows

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One hundred years… that’s how long I’ve waited. The thought ran through her mind over and over as she read the pages of the ancient spell book floating before her. A hundred years of planning, waiting, patiently preparing. Many would have stopped once their main foes have past, other ceasing the moment they saw their enemy’s precious land crumbling before them. No, not I, not while they still live. She ran her hoof along the lines inscribed in a near forgotten language. The suffering their beloved ponies caused could never equal the pain I intend to give back.

“My queen.” The tiny voice reverberated in the cool, damp cave. Gently, the tall changeling craned her head back, eyes focused on the few who stared at her with concern. “The messages have been delivered.”

She grinned. “Excellent.”

One with a blueish tint stepped forward. “Are you sure this is a good idea? No-Not that we would ever question you!”

“My dear children.” She strolled over to them, a calm, motherly gaze in her emerald eyes. “I understand your worries, in fact, I have similar thoughts.”

“You didn’t meet with that spider queen! That look in her eyes….” The one with a green tint shivered. How simple it appeared to them, so straight forward.

“Exactly.” They stared at her with shock. “Imagine the looks on those ponies’ faces when they see armies straight out of their worst nightmares. To see villains thought long gone marching out from the horizon. And best of all, when we wave the princess’ battered bodies before them!” She let off an excited cackle, her subjects joined hesitantly as the idea sank in. “Once I bring these future allies together and convince them of my plan, Equestria will be ours! Starvation will never be seen and we shall build a greater hive than the last. Gone the days of running and hiding like cowards. We will be a strong colony again, this time, with leaders of all sorts by our side to secure our reign. You’ll see, my little grubs, this is the beginning of their END!” Her horn lit in a fiery green, the book in her magic glowed in unison. “I suggest you stand back.”

The changelings scampered away. Chrysalis took a few steps back and summoned a piece of chalk. With grace and skill, she drew several ancient symbols upon the ground, checking back to the image in the book every so often. “Give me his horn.” The one with an almost purple tint moved forward timidly, pulling a neatly wrapped curved object from her saddle bag. Eagerly, the queen snatched it in her magic and carefully unwrapped it revealing a broken red horn. She placed the piece within the center of the circle, her grin grew with malicious excitement.

In a violent motion, she blasted the chalk markings with her magic. Black flames rose, whipping about and taking form. Slowly, they crept around the horn, engulfing it in thick shadows. Swirling, twisting, grasping as they pull themselves upward and covering every inch, bringing the horn with them. From the end of the broken horn, a form took shape, moving towards the ground. What was once sharp, undefined shapes quickly became hooves, legs, a body, a head, and a fierce, raging mane. The form let out a sharp cry, the shadows faded revealing the details of his dark grey fur and striking red eyes, pupils slit like the edges of crystal.

As the shadows reverted, the new form collapsed onto the floor, gasping harshly as his hooves grasped at the rock beneath him. “The Empire….” He breathed heavily as his lungs stretched after years of rest, body strained to hold him as he pushed himself to a sitting position.

Chrysalis moved towards him. “Take it slow, it’s been some time since your defeat.”

“You… what are you? And where am I?” His voice strained and crackled as he spoke.

“My name is Chrysalis, I am the queen of the changelings and this is our home, for now.”

“Changelings….” He raised a hoof to his chin, a thoughtful look in his eyes. “Where have I heard of them...?”

“Aren’t you curious about the time or why I brought you here?”

The dark pony grinned fiendishly. “Clearly, you have some need for me, why else would you go through the trouble?” With one big push, he stood and walked over to her. “But the time, how long? Another thousand years?”

“At least a hundred.”

“Hmmm, and the Empire?”

“Still ruled by that pathetic alicorn.”

He sneered. “That damn princess…. No matter, she will be dealt with in time. As for you, what are you scheming?”

"I won’t spoil the details, but I have my sights set on Equestria and it will be the start.”

A devious glint showed in his eyes. “And the Empire?”

“How could I possibly ravage it without its true king?”

His lips pulled back revealing his sinister smile. “My bug like friend, you have my attention.”

“Save it for later, Sombra, you aren’t the only one invited to my takeover.”


Chrysalis moved over to the opening where the changelings huddled, staring in fear and scattering as Sombra drew near. “I have been waiting years for this, building and smoothing the perfect plan for conquest. Years of struggle, pain, with nothing but hatred to see us through; all to pay off tomorrow.” She stood before a massive city like complex within the depths of the cave. Holes, hives, changing passageways, and sickly green cocoons cover the area all while changeling buzzed about. “Until then, you should rest; you sound like death.”

Sombra chuckled. “It will pass in time, my body has been in stasis for many years.” The dark king took in the sights around him as they made their way around the hive, staring in awe at how it was so inconspicuous despite its size.

“You should have seen years ago before my kind was split.”

“Split? How so?”

She gave a short huff. “It’s not one of my greater moments….”

“Seeing how you managed this, I say whatever it was is no true reflection on your part. I was defeated twice over myself.”

“This time, we won’t.” She gave a determined snarl through the strand of greenish mane laying against her face. Failure can’t be an option, not now. Surely after this stunt, the princesses would never let her see the light of day, if they let her live at all.

“Sometimes, Chrysalis, we must fail to succeed as much as it may pain us. Take it and use it to your advantage.” He gave her a toothy grin. “Make them suffer greater than you.”

The charmed queen returned a pleased smile. “I like you already. Are you hungry? There’s much to explain about about these last hundred years and a meal would be the best way to discuss it.”

“A meal would be lovely, thank you.” They both made way through the winding path, disappearing into one of the maze-like openings which closed tightly behind them.