
by Same2

First published

Spoilers ahead:Princess Sparkle sends rainbow dash to earth the build a base for future battles, when she loses her voice and memory, a girl will have to help her regain them.

Ponytron is dying, Princess Sparkle decides the only way survive is to retreat from Ponytron and regroup, Rainbow dash is sent on this mission to a place called Earth, she is to build a base for the Autoponies. but a kulasepticon, disables dashes voice box, and with her memory disabled, a girl will have to help dash regain her thoughts, but how will the war play into this?

Set during 1987

Escaping Ponytron

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Explosions and weapon fire were flooding a dying planet.
"THEY BROKE INTO THE FRONT LINES" a purple alicorn yelled as she fired at the enemy.

"I LOST CONTACT WITH THE CAPITOL" a white and pink pony yelled as she pulled up her blaster and put her hoof on her commlink.

"THERES TO MANY OF THEM" A pony with glasses yelled as a rocket buzzed past him as it hit a red pony throwing him back

"STAND BACK" a Green pony yelled as he looked at the fallen solider. Then being thrown back by a missle hitting there side.

"FINISH THEM" someone yelled as the ponies see some Pegasus on a building firing at them. They were taken down by gunshot hitting each of them, a purple alicorn ran past the others with a blaster in hand. She jumped over the fire, landing into a roll and firing at a Changeling, she then turned her direction to a earth pony firing at them, then grabbing them and slamming them over her head.

"Wheres D-231?" The Alicorn says, as a little bit away from them, a blue car with a rainbow strip drifts around a corner, two miniguns come up as they fire at two changlings. It then jumps up a corner crashing into two Pegasus. It transforms and it lands on a Pegasus falling down, the Pegasus's hoof turns into a blaster as she kicks the decapitated head of the Pegasus into another one making it fall over, the Pegasus then ran over to the Alicorn.

"sorry im late caught a little traffic" the blue Pegasus said in a jokly voice.

"GET DOWN INCOMING" they heard as they look in the direction of the voice.

"Uh Twilight.." D-231 said as her face turned to a worried expression.

A Pony with white skin and blue hair, and shades landed on a box a little bit away. "KULASEPTICONS, ATTACK" the pony said in a robotic voice as a blue unicorn runs up and stops infront of them, A purple unicorn with a blaster for a hand aims there weapon at them. then a ton of Changelings and Pegasus fly over them.

"AUTOPONIES, FALL BACK" Twilight yelled as she started backing up and firing at them. "WE MUST REACH THE TOWER"

"Destroy the launch pad" the purple unicorn said as she pointed there blaster at them "Let none escape" the blue unicorn and a Pegasus with a color scheme of red, blue, and white. And another one with black, purple, and white, all three of them jumped off the edge, spinning and reemerging as triangle like jets as they flew to a tower.

"Ponytron has fallen. Get to the escape pods, there are other Autoponies across the Galaxy" Twilight said as other Autoponies, ran to the seats, as they sat down, orbs formed around them. "We must reach them if we are to survive"

"Twilight this is our home, we have to fight for it" D-231 said.

Jets flew over them as She began to say. "We will fight on, but we must find refuge first." Twilight said as she lifted her arm to project a hologram. "I found a planet thats well hidden, Earth. You will travel there, establish a base for us, once we find the others we will join you. You must protect the planet, if the Kulasepticons find it, our people are truly finished, now go" Twilight pointed as D-231 nodded as she ran to a escape pod. The three jets flew up the tower, they flew past it and transformed shortly after they flew higher, they fired missiles then transforming back into jets. the missiles circled the towers as it hit the center of the tower. the explosion caused a vibration. Twilight fell to one knee. She looked to D-231 as the pod was closing and about to take off. "Good luck soldier, ill buy you some time" she said as the pod took off.

Twilight yelled as she shot at a jet flying over her. She ran to the edge, then jumping off as the tower fell over. She landed on a jet as it flew by the tower.

D-231 looked down as she worried. The escape pod flew out of orbit of Ponytron.

A few soldiers are moving through a forest. when one of them steps on a left which he is pulled up by his foot, people in bushes pop up and shoot the others. a certain woman walked up to the guy in the trap, she took her mask off "Good job Jackson, thanks to your arrogance. your entire team got taken down" she said as she shoot the man again.

"okay stop, those things sting" Jackson says.

"alright" she said as she shot again. Jackson groans in pain "oh sorry that must have been something wrong with the gun" she says as she continue shooting him with the paintgun saying mocking remarks.

"ALRIGHT I GET IT STOP!!!" Jackson yelled as spitfire laughed and cut him down. Spitfire laughed as he lifted him up. "uh whats that" he said as he looked up as it looked like something falling towards them. Spitfire looks up to late as the thing impacts the ground sending them all flying.

When she got back up she checked Jackson. "we need medical treatment, several injured. AND CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY YOU FIRED ON YOUR OWN MEN" Spitfire said in a almost yelling voice.

"that wasn't us" a man said through the walkie talkie.

"What?" Spitfire said as she looked at the thing that crashed in the forest. the thing opened up and a blue pony with rainbow hair stood up. her expression turned to stunned as the pony look at her. All of a sudden D-231 was under fire, she ran away. A military van pulled up beside Spitfire as she climbed in, "Chase that thing" she said as the van took off In chase of D-231. D-231 flipped her mask down as she scanned a Willy MB Jeep, she transformed and drove with the van behind her. someone on top of the van fired at the jeep, making D-231 transform and run into the woods, men on foot started chasing them.

D-231 ran out of the forest into a plane field, Spitfire looks out to see him running. "There, Get down there now and flush this thing out" she said on the walkie talkie, soldiers ran out of the trees and started firing at D-231, in a panic she ran into bushes clearing them and continuing running, she dodged fired and changed direction fast to get over the tree. The van was chasing her firing using a minigun on top of the van.

"target has been located ma'am" as her van fell behind the other one.

"LIGHT EM UP" she yelled as the van infront of her launched a missile at D-231, she dodged as it hit a tree, a sword shot out above her hoof as she chopped a tree in half to stop the vans. she ran infront of a mine, Spitfires can caught up. "its heading for the mines, Cut it off" she said as van hit D-231 before she could enter the mine. the vans surrounded the pony as she raised up.

"please, this must be a mistake" D-231 said as the others looked at her, spitfire starring in confusion."i mean you no harm"

"Alright everyone chill down now" she said as a fighter jet flew over them. "Who the heck called the air force?" she asked.

The plane flew around, unloading its missiles."thats not the air force." D-231 said with a stunned tone. the fighter jet came closer. "Run" she said as the jet fired its missiles. Exploding all of the cars and vans, all the soldiers. D-231 flew into a barn as it blew up. The fighter jet circled around again, D-231 got back up. The jet started to transform, the wings started to form into Pegasus wings, the head came up as the nose of the jet came down, she extended her arms. It was a light blue Pegasus with silver hair, she slammed D-231 into the side of the cliff.

"DID YOU THINK YOU COULD HIDE?!" the Pegasus yelled, only to be kicked in the face by D-23, she started to fly as D-231 mask came on. She picked up a log only to be knocked back the back of the hoof of the Pegasus. "NOW YOULL DIE SCREAMING" As the hoof of the Pegasus turned into a blaster. "AT YOUR FRI-" she couldn't finish before she was hit to her back, D-231 hoof's became a sword as she tried to stab the Pegasus only to fail as she would fly away. The Pegasus grabbed D-231 and slammed her into the cliff knocking her into the rocks as she flew up.

D-231 maneuvered to get on the Pegasus's back and stabbing her thrusters and the back of her wing. D-231 steered the Pegasus into the cliff's side, she grabbed the side of the cliff and did a backflip onto the ground. But she was being pushed back by fire. She almost fell over the cliff before the Pegasus grabbed her.

"Tell me where your friends are hiding" the Pegasus said with a shivering voice.

"ill never talk" D-231 said.

"is that so?" the Pegasus said as her hoof became a small knife like weapon. "then lets make it a fatal" she said as she drove the knife into her throat, swooshing around. The Pegasus pulled out the voice box and threw it on the ground. The Pegasus let go of D-231 off the cliff, D-231 knocked around the cliff before falling on her back. The jet noise became louder as it flew closer, then transforming. The Pegasus picked up D-231.

"D-231, as a member of the Autopony resistance, you are a traitor to Ponytron, and you are hear-by sentence to death" the Pegasus said. D-231 ripped off the top of the pony's hoof, she grabbed a missile and put into the chest of the Pegasus, she then jumped off of her, her hoof turned into a blaster and shoots the rocket blowing up the Pegasus. D-231 got back up, she looked at her hands as she got a warning, "MEMORY CELLS FAILING", she checked her neck as she limped forward. Spitfire woken up, looks at D-231 before passing out. She walked to a lake, she fell on her chest as she looked around. She looked around looking for veichles, her last sight Is a Volkswagen Bettle.